¦^¦'»^i^j UNCLE SAM AT HOME BY HAROLD BRYDGES. ?,v A^ NEW YORK HENEY HOLT AND COMPANY 1888 COPIKIGHT, 188S, BY HENEY HOLT & CO. CAS 3&0 DEtJMMOND & Ned", TROW'8 ElectroPjpers, printinqand bookbinding company New York. new york. CONTENTS. PAOB CHAPTER I. Where He Lives 7 CHAPTER II. Uncle Sam's Boys 18 CHAPTER III. ^The Family Girls; with a Disquisition on the American Bonnet 35 CHAPTER rV". Patricians and Plebeians 49 CHAPTER V. The Anglomaniac; with a Note on the Functions OF THE Dude 61 CHAPTER VI. A Commentary on the Gospel of Relaxation . . 71 CHAPTER VII. Social Atavism; or, Old Things under a New Name 86 CHAPTER VIII. Cities and Social Sets 109 1 6 CONTENTS. CHAPTER IX. PAGE A Modern Race of Cyclops 123 CHAPTER X. On Things in General 140 CHAPTER XI. The Profession of Politics; with a Story of a Dog 160 CHAPTER XII. Rbcipeocity in Crimestals 177 CHAPTER XIII. Uncle Sam's Superiority 190 CHAPTER XIV. Uncle Sam's Weakness 197 CHAPTER XV. Star-spangled Britons— and Some Others . . 315 CHAPTER XVI. A Fresh Loos at "Manifest Destiny" . , . 230 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. CHAPTER I. WHEEB HE LIVES. minister a take-down. " Map me no maps, su-; my head is a map— a map of the whole world. " — Fielding. "VE heard that you have a fence round England to keep people from falling overboard during the night," said one of Uncle Sam's boys to me, with that exasperating deliberation with which the family is wont to ad- I had been dilating on the gran deurs of the British Empire, "whose morning drum beat, following the sun and keeping company with the hours, circles the earth in one continuous and unbroken strain of martial airs," whose argosies crowd every port, and whose flag, unfurled in a hundred lands, is every where the symbol of constitutional liberty. As I swelled with patriotic pride, this was the pin with which the representative of the biggest nation on earth pricked me. It is anomalous that in caricatures Uncle Sam is in variably represented as lean and gaunt, while John Bull appears as a stout, burly giant. For Sam delights in bulk. He is nothing if he is not big. The biggest waterfall and the greatest showman on earth are his ; O UNCLE SAM A T HOME. and great is his delight therein. He is proud to have had the greatest fires, and the biggest swindles. The greatest war, the longest railroad, the highest statue, the largest rivers, the biggest herds of swine, the highest tarifE and the biggest piles of grain — all are classified under one head. Bulk is the measure of superiority ; and as Uncle Sam has the biggest things in creation, he has no superior. Of course he has the biggest continent. There is no falling overboard there. Hear, ye peoples of the diminu tive states of Europe! hear a native orator descant on its wondrous size and beauty! "The gi'andest empires of the whole world, of ancient or of modern. limes, sink to petty provinces beside its vast dimensions. The whole possessions of Rome, when her golden eagles spread their wings victorious from the burning sands of Africa to the mist- clad hills of Caledonia, fell short of the im mensity of our new - world do main. Russia, vastest of modem sovereignties, could be lost in our half hemisphere, beyond the power of all the detectives in Christendom to find her. Prance, land of Napoleon, at the tread of whose legions but little more than a half-century ago all Em-ope trembled as if taken with a Wabash valley ague, would scarcely overlap the single ten-itory of Dakota; while Great Britain, whose morning drum-beat sounds around the globe, would hardly make a fly-speck on the face of Texas or California. Do other lands boast of their great rivers? We could take up all their Niles and Thameses, their yellow Tibers, castled Rhines and beautiful blue Danubes, by their little ends, and empty them into our majestic Mississippis and Missouris, Amazons, Saskatche- wans and De la Platas, without making rise enough to lift an In- WHERE RE LIVES. 9 diana flat-boat ofE a sandbar. Do they brag of their seas and lakes? We could spill all their puny Caspians and Azovs, their Dead Seas, Nyanzas and Maggiores, into our mighty Superiors, Michigans, Eries and Ontarios, and scarce produce a ripple on their pebbled brims to wash avcay the eighteen-inch 'footprints on the sands of time ' left by the fairy-like slipper of a St. Louis or Chicago girl. Do they prate of their romantic scenery? We have a thou sand jewel-like lakes that would make all their vaunted Comos, Genevas and Killarueys hide their faces in a veil of friendly fog. The thunder of our Niagara drowns out the feeble murmur of all their cataracts, while the awful crags and canyons of our Yo- semite and Yellowstone, the prismatic glitter and dash of our St. Anthonys and Miunehahas, and the lonely grandeur of our hori zon-fenced prairies, boundless oceans of billovry verdure, dwarf to insipidity the most famous scenes of Switzerland and Italy, eclipse the wonders and glories of the Ai'abian Nights, and defy all the skill of poet's pen and artist's pencil to depict the veriest atom of their sublimity and their loveliness. Do they prattle about their ^tnas and Vesuviuses? With our noses turning somersets of ineffable contempt clear over our heads, we thunder forth our Cotopaxis, Popocatapetls, Chimborazos and a score of other jawbreakers whose very names alone are too huge for common tongues — (I am aware that some of the specimens of national pro- digiousness that I have mentioned do not just exactly belong to us yet; but they belong to our next-door neighbors who are not as strong as we are, and to our gloriously expansive Yankee spirit, where or what is the difference?) Do other lands and nations talk of their mines of jewels and gold? We answer with the exhaustloss bonanzas of California, Colorado, Dakota and New Mexico, where mountains of gold and silver ore challenge the skies, and where the ceaseless thunder of the world's greatest bullion mills resounds in the yet warm lair of the Rocky Mountain grizzly bear. Do they rave of the harvest fields of Germany and Britain, and the vine-clad hills of France? We show them half a hemisphere with soils and climates as varied as the tastes of men, and with capaci ties for production as boundless as the needs of men; yielding everything cereal, vegetable, animal, textile and mineral, agricul tural, horticultural, geological, zoological, pomological, piscatorial and ornithological, ovine, bovine, capricornine, equine and asinine— 10 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. (the last including most of our alleged statesmen) — that all the wants of all the races, tribes, kindreds and tongues of earth can ever re quire. The sun in heaven, in all its grand rounds since ' the. evening and the morning were the first day,' never looked down upon a more magnificent domain — a fresh and glorious half -world, grand in all its proportions and endlessly diversified, rich and gorgeous in all its adornments, resting like a vast emerald breast pin upon the bosom of the four great oceans. It is the broadest land ever given to any people, the grandest and most beautiful, the most varied in its productions, and the most unlimited in its capabilities and its future." And responsive to this burst of true Yankee eloquence, the peoples of the earth are flying in their thousands to seize on all this ungarnered wealth. The gaunt N"ew Englander, the long-headed Scotchman, the progna thous Irishman, the fat-paunched Briton, the sanguine Spaniard, the patient Chinee, the heavy- footed Dutchman, with a brace of Cherokees are all pic tured rush- Ling wildly westward, to gaze on the Star of Empire which is fast becoming an American "institootion." A story is told of a number of Americans who, dining together in Paris, were dissatisfied with the patriotic toast as usually given—" The United States, bounded on the north by Canada, on the south by the Gulf of Mexico, on the east by the great Atlantic, and on the west by the broad Pacific." As an amendment one of them suggested "The United States, bounded on the north by the JSTorth Pole, on the south by the Antarctic Ocean, on the east by the Gulf Stream, and on the west WHERE HE LIVES. 11 by the illimitable ocean." Even that did not satisfy one of the party — a gentleman from Duluth. Said he grandiloquently, " I propose as toast The United States, bounded on the north by the aurora borealis, on the south by infinite space, on the east by the precession of the equinoxes, and on the west by the day of judgment." The toast was drunk with an enthusiasm that rolled across the Atlantic, and spread over the broad face of Uncle Sam like a genial grin. He does like big things, does this avuncular relative! Exaggeration aside, the American continent is not only a marvel of immensity, but of wealth and beauty. None but habitual travellers and those who have lived long in America can form any conception of its size, and the majority of Americans are ignorant of its vast min eral treasures and its magnificent scenery. The single State of Texas is as large as England, France and Ger many combined. Into California, England and three other European kingdoms could be placed side by side and not overlap. Colorado, which in England is hardly known except in connection with the Colorado beetle, has nevertheless an area of 104,000 square miles — ^nearly twice the area of Turkey, which has cost Eu rope so many millions of treasure and hundreds of thousands of men slain. New Mexico, Dakota, Arizona and Montana are almost terrce incognitm in Europe; and yet they have a total area of 531,000 square miles, which gives an average larger than Austria, and a total equal to Great" Britain and Ireland, France, Italy, Por tugal, Greece, Denmark, Belgium and Holland. The distances between cities on this vast continent seem incredible when placed in juxtaposition with European distances. The journey from New York to 12 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. San Francisco, for example, is three times as long as that from London to Gibraltar — is, indeed, five hundred miles greater than from England to Quebec. Eome is as near to London as Chicago is to Boston. Madeira is 170 miles nearer to Portsmouth than New Orleans is to New York; while Jerusalem is nearer to Kensington Gardens than Salt Lake City is to Boston Common. Buda-Pesth, Warsaw, Stockholm, are not quite as far from the British metropolis as Milwaukee is from Al bany; and Madrid is 150 miles nearer. The Londoner is separated from St. Petersburg by a less distance than is the Philadelphian from Kansas City; and he might go to Cairo, and thence by Tunis and Algiers to Moroc co, without traversing a distance as great as that from the Hudson to the Sacramento. General Sherman re cently stated that the northern line of defences during the civil war exceeded five thousand miles. This would make a line as great as one drawn from London across the channel to Paris and Vienna, through Constanti nople, Asia Minor and Persia to Afghanistan, on through the Punjab and away down central India nearly to Madras. Look up your geography, friend! You will hardly understand such a statement without a map. I once heard Mr. Lav/rence Barrett say that he had crossed the Continent in three days and a half. For long runs without stoppage and good time the trip is unparalleled in the history of railway travel. The average run per day was equal to the distance between London and Naples. From New York to Pittsburgh, 444 miles, across the Allegheny Mountains, and round curves that would appal a Frenchman, there was not a single stoppage. Passing one station on the 3300 miles of line, the train was five minutes behind time; at other WHERE HE LIVES. 13 places twenty seconds was the greatest deviation from schedule time. A single engine conveyed the train 800 miles! And all this was across mountains of such height and down grades so steep that travellers break fast in the Sierras with twenty feet of snow around them; four hours later they find wheat four inches high; and the next day see pear and peach trees in bloom. The great extent of American waterways is well illus trated by the following extract from a speech of Henry Clay, one of a past generation of great statesmen and orators of the New World: " ' Sir,' said the custom-house officer at Leghorn, ' your papers are forged ! There is no such place in the world ! Your vessel must be confiscated ! ' The trem bling captain laid before the officer a map of the United States, directed him to the Gulf of Mexico, pointing out the mouth of the Mississippi, led him a thousand miles up it to the mouth of the Ohio, and thence another thousand to Pittsburgh. ' There, sir, is the port whence my vessel cleared out.' The astonished officer, before he saw the map, would as soon have believed that this ship had been navigated from the moon." In early days, before the railways extended their arms of steel into every corner of the land, the voyage men tioned by Henry Clay was a common one ; and many a good ship has sailed twice two thousand miles before reaching salt water. Nowadays ships for inland navi gation are not generally constructed for ocean-sailing ; and freight is transhipped at sea-ports into sea-going vessels. But thirty years ago ships which had crossed the Atlantic sailed through the great lakes, and dis charged their cargoes a thousand miles inland. And in a few yea,rs great ships will pass through the deep canal 14 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. which is to join Lake Erie to the Ohio, and thence by the Mississippi into the Gulf of Mexico — a total sailing on fresh water of over five thousand miles. The river banks east of the Rocky Mountains are said to exceed 80,000 miles, counting no stream less than a hundred miles in length ; while the whole of Europe has but 34,000 miles. The Mississippi system alone affords 35,000 miles of navigation ! Distance, as such, has lost all meaning in America. The New Yorker does not say it is 1130 miles to Bur lington, Iowa, but 30 hours ; not 913 miles to Chicago, but 24 hours. This circumstance is very striking to a European, who is constantly puzzled when asking dis tances by being told "six hours," or "only a day," When Uncle Sam visits Europe he retains for a time the same mode of reckoning distances, and after achiev ing the nine hundred miles between London and Eome as he would the trip to Chicago, perhaps congratulates himself that he has " done" the Continent. A few such trips, however, teach him that Eouen, Paris, Geneva, Genoa, Venice and Florence, with all their wealth of as sociation and historic interest, lie on the route ; and then he takes a more leisurely course. Distance is now not even reckoned by the hours required to traverse it : it is simply ignored. And this is why the American on the Continent impresses other travellers as affectedly de spising European distances. At home he thinks nothing of several days' journey. He has probably crossed more than once to the Pacific — equal to a trip from England to the Gold Coast. It is only ninety hours to Denver — not two thousand miles, remember. So great is Uncle Sam's indifference to distance, that he is beginning to regard Japan as a mere suburb of America, as he has long regarded Cuba and Brazil. WHERE HE LIVES. 15 Herbert Spencer says that the Veddahs of Ceylon, a. wild tribe without religion or any social bonds, are so simple and honest that when theft was described to them they did not understand it. " Why should a man take what is not his?" they asked with a bland inno cence that implied little contact with Christian Euro peans. Uncle Sam is equally at a loss to understand the kleptomania which European nations display in respect of other people's territory. The international skurry for annexation which is ever going on, in the Pacific, in Africa, and in Indo- China, is totally incom prehensible to Uncle Sam. Cuba, Mexico, Panama, the Sandwich Islands, have all offered tempting baits in vain. Says he, " Our farm is already too big for fencing stuff;" and with a shrug he leaves the struggle to Britons, Germans and Frenchmen. What a blessed thing it is to know when one has enough! The mother- country might here learn something from her child. Uncle Sam has at home the biggest store of minerals that Nature ever lavished on m.an. His coal field is as large as Great Britain and France combined, and con stitutes about three fourths of the world's supply. Yet he used last year only two thirds as much as John Bull did. John is getting behind in some things, but he keeps ahead in this. In Nevada a gold and silver mine has been yielding a king's ransom every year since 1860. And some years it would have been a more important king than any I know of — except, perhaps, the late Victor Emmanuel — who would have been worth so great a ransom. In 1876, for instance, this Comstock lode yielded £2,600,000 of gold and over £4,000,000 of sil ver! A single copper mine near Lake Superior has twice produced nearly ten thousand tons of ingot copper 16 UNCLE SAM AT EOME. in one year. The ore is so rich in that region that masses of almost pure metal are found in all sizes up to several tons. The Indians made weap ons of it without smelt ing. Iron is found in every State, and it is worked in twenty-two ! Yet here, again, England keeps ahead, pro: ducing in 1885 nearly twice as much as America. But Uncle Sam is "hurrying up," as he says. He has nearly doubled his yearly product since 1871; and he is offering wagers to the world to beat every competitor before 1890. " And the rocks poured me out rivers of oil," says our father's brother Samuel, quoting Scripture, as is his wont when talking '• manifest destiny." The rocks of Pennsylvania pour out seventy thousand barrels of oil every day ! The oil is pumped in pipes from the wells to the seaboard, a distance of three hundred miles. Then Nature, as if she could not do enough for our transatlantic uncle, has given him wells of natural gas — gas distilled in the bowels of the earth, and rushing to the surface with a pressure of nine hundred pounds to the square inch, so that engines are some'imes worked by direct pressure. At one well near Pitts- bwrgh the daily yield of gas is thirty million cubic feet — enough to supply half London or the whole of Paris. Seven such wells would supply the whole of the United Kingdom. Shades of Watt and Humphry Davy ! Would that we had such wonders in our own little island ! We would show the world that our manufac tures, so advantaged, needed no " protection" — no WHERE HE LIVES. 17 coddling legislation. But Uncle Sam is weak, and re quires the baby's walking- chair which he has had so long, and which has grown with his growth. Without it he thinks he would fall. Maybe he would, poor gentleman ! Crutches are not calculated to develop stout legs. Such is Uncle Sam's home — such the goodly heritage that has fallen to our father's brother. When George the Madman threatened, and the Hanoverian lion howled. Uncle Sam stood on Bunker Hill, boldly de- livering himself of homilies on the rights of men by musket and reaping-hook. At Lexington he fought the battle of Britons in England. He deserved something good. He has got it; and we rejoice with him in his good fortune. 18 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. CHAPTEE IL UNCLE SAM'S BOTS. "Traffic's thy god, and thy god confound thee."— lV«io» of Athens. T Christmastide, in the year 1620, a babe was born into the family of nations, destined to preach peace and good- will to men in a new voice. No flourish of trumpets sounded its advent; no glittering ceremonial marked its coming. Its cradle was as rude as that which sixteen hundred years be fore held the Babe who first preached peace, personal liberty, and the identity of human interests the world over. On the 22d of December, 1620, the Mayjloioer, a ship of 180 tons burden, landed her living cargo on the deso late shores of Massachusetts. Weary and worn with a long voyage, anxious about the future, impeded with sickly women and children, the Puritan pilgrims bravely stepped into a new and unknown world, trustful in God, and full of faith in themselves. Looking back through the mists of two centuries and a half, we cannot realize the desolation of their position. In the midst of a nor thern winter, infinitely more severe than anything ex perienced in England, surrounded by savages of un- UNCLE SAM'S BOTS. 19 known character, and with nothing before them but the gaunt bare trees of the forest and the reach of sandy shore, along which the wind swept with dirge-like wail ing, their condition almost makes us weep. To us the picture is a glorified one, as we look down the grooves of time at the handful of men, standing with bare heads that wintry day, offering to the All-father thanks for safe arrival and for liberty to worship Him in their own way. Surely had " God sifted a whole nation that He might send grain over into this wilderness." It is these brave and hardy sons of liberty who have given backbone to the American character. From them is derived the "grit," the energy, the enterprise of the American character. The spirit which was un daunted in presence of the wilderness, the savage, and wild beast during that northern winter, has come down to descendants, and has even, permeated the whole American people, diverse as is their origin as individ uals. A typical example of American endurance and courage — a credit to his British ancestry — is Stanley, "the man who found Livingstone." Another noble type — a worthy follower of Franklin and Eoss — is Lieu tenant Greely, commander of the ill-fated expedition to the Arctic regions. In Commander Schley's book we get a narrative, simple and pathetic, which recalls Liv ingstone's struggle with death, alone in Central African swamps, kneeling in prayer at his camp-bed: "Lieutenant Greely was the first man in the desolate camp at Cape' Sabine to hear the steam-whistle of the Thetis. He told his companions that he had heard a steamer's whistle, but ihey thought it was only the roaring of the wind. Sergeant Long went out of the tent, but speedily returned with the remark that there was nothing in sight. Lieutenant Greely settled himself in 20 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. his sleeping-bag, but was aroused not long afterward when Lieu tenant Colwell cut down the tent. 'Greely, is this you?' the. gallant rescuer asked. 'Yes,' said Greely in a faint, broken voice, hesitating and shuffling with his words. ' Yes — seven of us loft — here we are— dying — like men. Did what I came to do — beat the best record.' Then he fell back exhausted. Lieutenant Greely, dying like a man, but proud of his exploit, and conscious that he had beaten the best record, is a noble type of American grit." In the attack upon Vicksburg it was needful to trans port troops through the bristling batteries of that Gib raltar of the Mississippi. The regular crews of the transport steamers refused the hazardous service ; and General Grant called for volunteers. So eagerly did the soldiers respond that the commander had to cast lots among the crowds who offered themselves; and one Illi nois boy, who had drawn the coveted privilege of expos ing his life, was offered a hundred dollars in greenbacks for his chance. He refused the money, and held his post. These are the men who, in two hundred and fifty years, have subjugated a continent, cleared its forests, pierced its mountains, bridged its rivers, and built a network of railways and canals to aid communication between their thousand wealthy cities. And proud should England be to claim them as her children. It is a noble progeny. Pity that the mother and child do not understand each other better. But admirable as is American grit, it is one of those good things of which we can have too much. It devel oped during the severest struggle with nature that man has ever undertaken. The original struggle has long since ceased, and now men are wrestling with each other. UNCLE SAM'S BOYS. 21 I know of several great traders and corporations who have deliberately tried to crush out every one whose business competes with their own; and two brothers in New York, both wealthy, revile each other publicly: they are business rivals! So fierce is the competition, so in tense the pressure, that it is no uncommon thing to see a young man's hair tinged with gray. I know one whose hair was slightly silvered before he was old enough to have a beard. Yet there is no need for all this commer cial wrestling. Everybody who can and will work is well off. Poverty is unknown except among those who are so shiftless that they would be poor and miserable in Para dise. The root of the evil is the desire of personal ag grandizement. Every man's efforts are directed to his own well-being or that of his own family. Selfishness is supreme. As Dudley Warner aptly puts it, all are "actively engaged in acquiring each other's property;" and the sight is not an edifying one. If half the men tal effort and energy spent in trying to circumvent com mercial rivals were bestowed on public affairs. Uncle Sam would not only have the most perfect form of gov ernment, but the best working political system in the world. And no one knows better than he the difference between these two. Genuine Yankees such as are portrayed on the stage and in comic journals are growing scarce. Most persons have never seen one, and believe that the quaint angular figures, drawling nasal tones, and odd conceits ascribed to them are the products of the brains of novelists and playwrights. Nevertheless they do exist, and a writer in Harper's Bazar lately described one whom he met at Santiago de Cuba. The city is a very strange one. The houses and shops are so built that the walls can be 22 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. almost entirely thrown open, while the interiors have courts that are unroofed and unobstructed to the sky. The money of the country is strange, and nothing about the city is familiar to an American. The Yankee had just landed when he spoke as follows: "Some- haow I can't tell when I'm indoors and when I'm aout. I've got a room, or somethin', in a hotel here, and I've been into it, quandarying araound, but I could not tell when I was in the parlor or when I was in the kitchen or back yard, so I'm standiti' aout here in the park not to make any mistake. I started daown the street a minute ago, but I got afraid I might make a mistake and git arrested for bein' found in somebody's back parlor. I've got a lot of the money of the place, but I can't make heads nor tails of it. I took some of it back whar I got it, and passed it over the same coun ter — so I reckon it's genuine. I could write the history of the place already. All I need is the dates. It was evidently built the year after the flood; it's been shook down by an earthquake, burned up by a volcano, re settled, and left just as "twas found. The whole coun try is best whar it's been let alone. Wherever the people have touched it they've made a mess of it." I myself have met one or two specimens of the old Jonathan type, and I have envied them their powers of expression. For originality of metaphor, quaint phrases, rough eloquence, and a manner at once ludicrous and dignified, they are incomparable. One of them speak ing of a disrespectful hotel-clerk — a type now happily extinct — said " he oughter be sot straddle on an iceberg and shot through with a streak of lightning!" I gave this delicious morsel to a stolid Yankee from the land of wooden nutmegs, expecting at least a smile. But UNCLE SAM'S BOTS 23 never a ripple crossed his face as he slowly drawled: "Eather rough on the clerk." Another Yankee fresh from the country and surprised to find a homely dish in a Washington hotel, exclaimed as he sank his fork into a chicken croquette: " Gosh! hash!" If brevity is the soul of wit, the American is the funniest man alive! In England the term Yankee is thought to be slightly disparaging — an idea which we probably got from Con federate sympathizers during the war. Another mistake we make is to apply the name to all Americans. The people of the Southern States call all Northerners, both east and west, " Yankees," but they disclaim the name themselves. The people of the Western States call only those living in the Eastern States, or east of the Hudson Eiver, " Yankees," and these are the only people who acknowledge the name, and always so de scribe themselves. A southern planter having business in Boston, asked his daughter what kind of present he should bring her back. " Oh, a Yankee dude '11 do!" she replied with a laugh. In these days of national self-glorification it may not be out of place to recall the origin of the name Yankee. When the Pilgrim Fathers landed on Plymouth Eock the friendly Indians asked of what people they were, to which they replied, " English." But the red man could not pronounce the word, and " Yengeese" was as near as he could get to it. The transition from Yengeese to Yankees was easy. So that the proudest name of the proudest section of the American people is only a vari ation of "English"! The ideal American is tall and gaunt, with promi nent features, high cheek-bones, and bright sparkling 24 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. eyes. The ideal Englishman is one with ruddy round face, rotund figure, and a genial smile of contentment at things as they are — at least at home. It is not difficult to see how these ideals have arisen. The gaunt, ner vous type of Englishman in whom the Celt predominates — Prof. Tyndall is a perfect example — is the one whose enterprise and restlessness have often taken him from home and planted him in a transatlantic environment. The ruddy sanguine Saxon is he who remains at home, a contented honest old Tory, satisfied with his condition as yeoman or squire, and too rooted to his beloved land to think of migration. But the one is as much an Eng lish type as the other, though our national peculiarities result from a union of the two characters. It is the sanguine temperament that gives stability to our insti tutions and solidity to our works. It is the quality that makes ours " A land of old and just renown. Where freedom slowly broadens down From precedent to precedent." And it is from the nervous type that the American de rives his dominant characteristics — the restlessness and discontent which prompt search for new and better methods, as of old they gave rise to political and reli gious dissent. This type of Briton is the same the world over; but because it is more common in America, we have got into the habit of speaking of energy and enterprise as traits peculiarly American. Yet English men have lost none of those qualities which gave to the world the steam-engine, the railway, the steamboat, the telegraph; that first lighted our streets and homes with gas; that created new breeds of horses and cattle; that taught the world gravitation and evolutioli; that in- UNCLE SAM'S BOYS. 25 vented Bessemer steel, the steam printing-machine, the spinning-jenny, and power loom; that originated clearing houses, insurance systems, Lloyds, and the penny-post; that discovered the circulation of the blood, and the value of vaccination; that gave the world trial by jury, and habeas corpus acts; and under Cromwell led the na tions to democracy and free institutions. Englishmen are still great in enterprise and energy. They have made railways for all Europe, and are now doing the same for Mexico and China. They make roads in South America, and harbours in Siam. Their superabundant energy runs over into foreign investments to the extent of six hun dred millions sterling. And to energy and enterprise, they add a quality that is none the less admirable — ^thorough ness. It is this which gives to English work, whether in the Andes or in Fiji, that solidity so eloquent of per manence, which has become a national characteristic. The greeting that Uncle Sam gives you is not of that clammy solemnity which the French say comes from our damp climate, and which gives you a forlorn feeling that you are only a unit among a thousand millions — a mere speck in the universe. He takes your hand in a hearty grip, calls you by name, and inquires after your health with a tenderness approaching anxiety, and so encour ages you in the belief that your existence is a matter of interest outside your own family. Sam's friendliness and familiarity make you "feel good," as he himself says. It is not the least admirable trait in his character. For there is no earthly reason why two particles of humanity which chance has brought together for a mo ment, should spend that moment in revolving around each other without contact, each solicitous about the 26 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. Whence and Whither of the other. That they find themselves in the same corner of the universe ought to be a sufficient basis of sympathy. Our common human ity is the ground on which Sam says "Come on!" and John says "Keep off!" The expression "common humanity" here reminds me of that very common humanity on the Pacific coast, the heathen Chinee. And I would add in the most em phatic way, that it is not Uncle Sam who in this case says " Keep off!" It is that product of our British civil ization, the Irish emigrant, whose vote has a value to the professional politician not easily stated in words. Keameyism is the local name of the An ti- Chinee move ment. The ingenuity which Uncle Sam's boys display in "acquiring each other's property," shows itself in many curious forms. In advertising, inge nuity rises to the level of genius. Never for a moment is the tourist al lowed to forget that he has a liver, or a stomach, or chilblains. The very rocks proclaim the value of Skunk's Seaweed Bitters, and Hygeia Water. At Niagara, while your attention is divided between the mighty flood and a pestering hackman, the moss-cov ered bank at your feet invites you to try Blank's Little Liver Pills or Smudge's Kidney Invigorator. Every fence as you dart along the railroad or glide down the river extols the virtues of Gargle Oil. Even Liberty herself has been in danger; for an enterprising quack offered to build UNCLE SAM'S BOTS. 27 the pedestal in consideration of the privilege of paint ing the Statue with his advertisements. But even Yankee enterprise refused to sanction the desecration. A summer excursionist lately wrote to the Chicago Cur rent that in looking over the side of his canoe, he espied a snapping-turtle at the bottom of the lake, and on its horny back was painted the adver tisement "Gents' Eeady-made Cloth ing marked down Low." The annexed cu riosities are from advertisements of western graziers' cattle-brands. Here is another curiosity: BEAUTY FADES, like Broadway $5 suits. Cameron sells all-wool ones for $5. 202 Flatbush ave. C-^OME YE WHO LABOR and are heavy laden and get a J complete suit at Cameron's for $2.50. CLEOPATRA'S HISTORICAL beauty is nothing compared to Cameron's $20 nobby all-wool check suits for $8. 202 Flatbush ave., Brooklyn. pop DEAD'S indestructible $8 corduroy suits are just the thing for country romping, $3 to $4. D GIVE to the poor and you lend to the Lord. Diagonal pants, 50c. ; wool ones, $1, at Cameron's. JONAH'S PREDICAMENT in the whale was nothing com pared to the feelings of clothiers who pass Drop Dead's and see the business he's doing now. KING HUMBERT works from 6 a.m. to 12 p.m. Cameron never sleeps, studying how to give customers $2 for $1. 302 Flatbush ave. , Brooklyn. 28 UNCLE SAM AT HOME M ONEY is the root of all evil; 98c. of the root will buy a de sirable $2.50 child's suit at Drop Dead's. o VER the hills to the poor-house is the way Broadway cloth iers lead. Cameron leads to prosperity. )ALMA HOUSE, 92 Bowery— 50 men wanted; rooms 25c. per night; all modern improvements. P UT MONEY IN THY PURSE and get a $60 satin-lined suit for $20 from Drop Dead, Brooklyn. PYRAMIDS OF EGYPT are commonplace to the all-wool youths' suits at Drop Dead's for $2.50. WHAT'S THE MATTER with your hands? It's the dye from a New York $5 suit. Why, I got one from Drop Dead for $3.50, and it don't fade like that." In the windows of city bar-rooms the eye of tlie stranger is frequently caught by the announcement " Free Hot Lunch, all day." If he enters he will prob ably be invited to take a bowl of soup pr chowder — soup made of fish or clams — while temptingly displayed along the counter are bread and cheese, ham, sardines, pickles, corned beef, perhaps pickled oysters. I have seen twenty different dishes so displayed, including the costly caviar; and the guest is at liberty to help himself to any or all. This is another kind of advertisement. The San Francisco free lunch is really a first-class repast; and is in great favor. I have seen it stated that the free lunches served in the saloons of New York cost nearly twelve million dollars a year. It would be inter esting to know how the estimate was obtained. Here is an example of American ingenuity in another line, copied from a Pittsburgh paper: "Dalton, Ga., Jan. 1. — Edward Pickens and Jennie Allen eloped on Wednesday night. They had no license, and the bride was under age, but these dilBculties were surmounted by the UNCLE SAM'S BOTS. 29 pastor, Silas Jasper, who had been requested to perform the cere mony. At his suggestion the party went to a point where the counties of Gilmer, Gordon and Murray join, and with each party standing in a different county and the preacher astraddle of a county line the ceremony was performed. The question now is which county has jurisdiction of the case." I read a short time ago in a Florida paper of a local judge who, being arrested and locked up while intoxi cated, called for pen and paper when he got sober, and issued a writ of habeas corpus directing the sheriff of the county to bring the body of himself before himself as a judge; and on the perplexed officer's refusal to obey the mandate, fined him for contempt of court. If the sheriff had had the usual humour of Uncle Sam's boys, he would have refused to pay the fine, so that he might commit himself in default to his own prison. In this way he might have amused his district by a judicial complication as ' funny as that which Gilbert's Lord Chancellor outlined in lulanlh". This ingenious judge reminds me of another judge who "got badly left" by an ingenious negro. The fol lowing is the story, told in the quaint language of one of the actors: " As we got into South Carolina we were joined by a judge from Pittsburgh. I forget just what court he was judge of, but he had been travelling South for his health, and had just figured up that he had paid out twenty-five dollars in fees to waiters, and was mad all the way through. He vowed by his baldness that he wouldn't pay out another red cent, and we encouraged him as hard as we could. When we went up to the hotel the landlord gave us a big room with three beds in it. A big negi-o brought the trunks up, and when he was ready to go the judge called to him and began: ' Colored person, stand up ! Now I want to say to you that I shall expect prompt service without fees. You have brought up my trunk; that's all right— it was your business to. I shall want 30 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. water, and I may want a fire, and I shall probably ask you to go of errands, but if you even look fees at me I'll throw you out of the window! ' We were there two days, and the waiter was vigi lant, humble and willing ; but as we made ready to depart the morning of the third, in comes a constable with a warrant to arrest the judge for threats of personal violence. It had been sworn out before a justice ten miles away, and the complainant was the first negro waiter. It took the two of us to hold the judge down on his back during his paroxysm, and when he had cooled off a little the negro slipped into the room and said: ' White man, stand up! Now I want to say to you dat a five-dollar bill will settle dis yer case jist as I feel now, but if you goes to callin' names, or puUin' hair, or kickin', I'll stick fur twenty five dollars! Dat justice am my own brudder, and he's jist achin' to send some white man ter jail fur six months!' We sat on the judge again for about twenty minutes, at the end of which time he handed over the amount and was pronounced sane." When Matthew Arnold first visited America, to shed on Uncle Sam a benign effulgence of sweetness and light, his hyper sensitive soul was often vexed by the Philistinism which is inevitably associated with great material de velopment. Here is a bill of fare which is said to have caused the sage so much pain "on board" a Western train: CHICAGO & ALTON R. R. train lunch. Bill of Fare. " Tho' we eat little flesh and drink no wine. Yet, let's be merry; we'll have tea and toast. Custards for supper and endless host Of sandwiches and jellies and mince pies And other such ladylike luxuries. — Shelley. Coffee, with Cream, . 10c. " Coffee which makeR the politician wise, And see ihro' all things with his half-shut eyes."— Pope. UNCLE SAM'S BOYS. 31 Rolls, 10c. " Hot or cold, white or brown, but all as sweet And dainty as you'd surely wish to meet." Ham Sandwich, . . lOc. " An essay, a taste of heaven below."— Wa/!ei-. ToNQtrm Sakdwioh, lOc. " Tlie deligiit of old and youug."— Swift, An Echo. Pie, lOc. " Who'll dare deny the truth: there's poetry in pie V "— Long feUow. Milk, per Glass, 5c. " He drank of the milk foaming fresh from the cow."— T. D. English. " Serenely full, the epicure would say, ' Fate cannot harm me, I have lunched to-day ' " — SydTiey Smith. Hard-working and ingenious boys are the sons of Uncle Sam. Less work and more play is what they want: not so ingenious but more ingenuous, they would make better citizens and happier fathers and husbands. It is a trait of undeveloped races that they are incapable of prolonged effort, especially when the reward is remote. In America men seem to have been overdeveloped, and to have gone to the opposite extreme. Their applica tion is unceasing. The savage works only when the reward is visible and immediate: the American works even after he has secured the object of his labour. It is unfortunate that it is not the custom s in America, as it is in England, for '^ •'^^> ^ a business man to retire after attain- '.^ ing a competency. This would make l(^ room for other men, and reduce com- ^t",iy i petition. But in America if a man makes a fortune in one business, he often goes into something else, and aims at success in that. Americans are beginning to regard mere commercial success as the standard of a man's value to his country, forgetful 32 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. that under conditions of such keen competition as now prevail one man's success often means another man's failure. There is still a good deal of quiet satire indulged in by Uncle Sam's boys when they speak to an Englishman about the Eevolution. At the Centennial Exhibition the occasion lent itself to this kind of humour, and, with out abating their characteristic politeness and hospital ity, the Americans made it slightly uncomfortable for some Englishmen who remain sensitive on the subject of British prestige. I have just been reminded of this by re-reading in Fischel's English Constitution that, despite the king's intention, the war was brought to a close by " a resolution of the Commons, March 4, 1783, declaring that 'all those who should advise the con tinuance of the American war were to be treated as enemies to the king and country.' " I quote this ancient item to help to rectify the confusion which still exists in the minds of some of Uncle Sam's boys concerning the popularity of this war. At the completion of the Statue of Liberty there was a good deal of talk about the brotherhood of men in general and republicans in particular; and some very acute Yankees exemplified, as their grandfathers had done before them, that it is easy for Uncle Sam to mistake French Anglophobia for love of t-he abstractions — liberty, fraternity and , equality. The mistake is excusable, for -'"— • the French constantly make it them selves. At the time when Franklin was being feted in Paris, and Lafayette was fighting the battles of en slaved Americans, the condition of Frenchmen living UNCLE SAM'S BOTS. 33 under Frenchmen was infinitely more degraded than that of the Boston men who threw the tea overboard. The Bastile still stood, the symbol of despotism; and the sound of the cheers that greeted the American rep resentatives passed through its barred windows to the unjudged captives within. Outside the city, peasants dared not weed their crops for fear of disturbing the young partridges; while limitations were imposed upon the use of manures, lest the flavour of the game killed and eaten by nobles should be injuriously affected. A hundred and fifty years after Cromwell, French workers were forced into the marshes at night, to beat the frogs into silence, because the lady of the seigneur- was ill; and the great lord sold to the wretched peasant permis sion to crush his handful of wheat between two stones! If charity begins at home, what a golden opportunity was missed by Lafayette and the other young noblemen of France, when they undertook to vindicate the rights of man against hereditary despotism on American soil instead of in their own loved land! The Americans were lately told that they ought to be for ever truly grateful that they are essentially British. This is like sapng that an orange ought to be for ever truly grateful that it is not essentially a cocoanut. Of course Americans are of English stock; but no one is to thank for that any more than any one is to thank that we are not all Chinese or Bosjemans. No one could have made it differently. If the Americans had not been of English origin, they would not have been Americans. Their country might have been filled with Mexicans, Greasers, French half-breeds, but not with Americans, — Yankees, as we call them, with all the high qualities which the name connotes — the inherited love 3 34 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. of freedom, energy, enterprise and ability of the Eng lish, intensified by a new environment. Contrast the devout, sturdy, independent Puritans with the first colonists from Spain and France, whose only legacy to America is a degenerate race of half-breeds. Compare Quaker Penn's treatment of the Indians with the treat ment which has exterminated the ancient Mexicans and Peruvians, and destroyed their hign civilization. The difference in character shown by the contrast is the difference between the grandsons of Englishmen in the United States and the men who might have occupied their place. And it is this difference that has made America. To be grateful that New York and San Fran cisco are not the squalid camps of French and Spanish half-breeds, is like being thankful that the laws of gravitation are as they are, and that men, wheiT they slip, fall down and do not fall up, into infinite space! THE FAMILY GIRLS. 3£ CHAPTER in. THE tAMILT GIRLS, WITH A DISQUISITION ON THE AMEEICAN BONNET. " Thou living ray of intellectual fire."— Falconer. S Boston City is the un disputed hub of the universe, so the Boston girl is the unquestioned centre of every female virtue, attraction and accomplishment. This sounds like an axiom, and it is one. The Boston girl shines in the social firmament as Venus in summer skies. Her brilliancy gives a shadow to everything it falls upon. Other stars, even those of first magnitude, wax faint and dim when she sheds her pure white light on mankind. America has much to be thankful for, but for nothing so much as for the Boston girl. The Boston girl is as peculiar to the Hub as is Bun ker Hill or Beacon Street. She is the product of an intellectual atmosphere so rare that ordinary girls wilt and wither in it, and become strong-minded female suffragists with corkscrew curls and goloshes. She 36 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. is the brightest and prettiest creature that ever bathed in the sunlight of knowledge. She is a very humming bird in beauty, a dove in gentleness, an owl in wisdom, A very humming-bird in beauty. and a swallow in physical motion. She is — ^but let me specify: All studies, from ecclesiastical history to the theory and practice of the banjo, come within her range. Equally expert at composing a bonnet or a sonnet, she is likewise at ease when discoursing on the morals of the ancient Huns or the domestic habits of the Bosjemans. Biology, Psychology, Sociology come to her as naturally as Huyler's candy and coquetry to other girls. In- the giddy whirl of the dance she will look up into your face with a soul-entrancing gaze that is peculiarly THE FAMILT GIRLS. 37 Bostonian, and whisper: "What do you regard as the real bases of Schopenhauer's ethics?" You softly con vey to her the desired information; while the fragrant odours from her breastplate of flowers float up and make you feel that Mahomet was inspired when he made houris in green silk the attraction to Paradise. "What do you consider the best test of the authenticity of a Mexican chalchihuitls f" Again you respond; and so throughout the dance. Under the charm of the Boston girl the waltz becomes an intellectual exercise, and the polka the intercommunion of sympathetic souls. Lest the reader should think my faint eulogy of the Boston girl overdone praise, I beg to quote the testi mony of an observant writer who says: " I sat between a couple of them the other night at that same symphony concert, and came home in a sort of daze as to how any two creatures could know so much about so many things and carry it all off so easily under that graceful garb of simplicity and unaffectedness which fits the Boston girl as if it were made to order. They knew the special style of every man in the orchestra, from the leader, Listemann, to dear, departed Lichtenburg, of happy memory; they could tell if the oboe fell a sixteenth part of a half-tone from the pitch, or if the furthest kettledrum was snared an infinitesimal atom too tightly. When the andantino of a Tschaikowsky concerto was fainting away in a strain of delicious sweetness that you or I would as soon think of analyzing as an echo from Paradise, it reminded one of 'that staccato study of Rubenstein;' when the andante confuoeo began it recalled to the other something of Brahms. They discussed the relative merits of the Lang school and the rival clique with a discriminating justice that would not have shamed Solomon; they gossiped in German and translated the French song on the programme; they spoke of one woman's back hair as ' a study,' and another woman's bonnet as ' a daisy,' so that they were human after all. 38 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. They knew the genealogy of every one in the hall, which is an other essentially Boston accomplishment; and I found out in the pauses for intermission and breath that they hammered brass work, wrote essays, painted in oil, read Wagner's music at sight, went to the theatre every other evening, kept up an intimate acquaintance with five hundred friends, and had their own ideas on the subject of housekeeping. And yet, I give you my word of honor, they looked as pretty and as artless and as quiet as if they had not two thoughts in their two heads; and, although they whispered a great deal, they managed to do it without disturbing any one but myself, who rather enjoyed it. For, thank Heaven, their voices were free from the usual American shrillness. You think, perhaps, that I have been sketching an isolated type? My dear friend, my style is as plenty as peas on the Fourth of July." Yet withal, the Boston girl is so modest of her intel- y lectuality that she has been known to put paper covers on her Balzac, Lessing or Kant, in the originals, and ostentatiously label them "Called Back"! When the telephone joined Chicago to New York, the first words that passed along the wire were: " Is it true that Chicago girls have big feet ?" A pause. Then, sad and low came the answer: "Alas, it is!" And so it is, if journalists' statements, reiterated a thousand times a week, are to be trusted. But journal ists' statements are not to be trusted — in America. Newspaper writers there have been classified by one of themselves into liars on space, and liars on salary. As a matter of fact, Chicago girls have not big feet. Neither have the girls of St. Louis, though every liar THE FAMILT GIRLS. 39 on space and time from Babylon to Yazoo City says they have. The reader P^'^ will remember that even — ' that spread-eagle orator quoted in the first chap ter could not resist the temptation to allude to "the eighteen-inch ' footprints on the sands of time ' left by the fairy like slipper of a St. Louis or Chicago girl." Gentle reader, this is an exaggeration. The fairy- slipper incases a fairy foot, and that supports a fairy form. For all American girls, whether Bostonians, Chicagoans or St. Louisians, hailing from the Monu mental City or from Oshkosh, are bright, pretty and graceful, without pedal deformity or abnormal digits. I have sometimes thought that American men are unable to appreciate the glorious girls of the Republic. Engrossed in business pursuits, ever engaged in the mad race which has for prize the omnipotent greenback, the average American man is intellectually the inferior of the average American woman. Of course he is quick and clever at his business. That is as needful to his survival as fleetness is to a deer which lives where beasts of prey abound. But in the gentle arts which make up the brightness of life, the American man is generally inferior to his sister or his wife. She can chat with you about anything, from the exorbitant charges of the English tailor in New York to the evidences of the nebular hypothesis; and this with a 40 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. piquancy that is irresistibly attractive to a Briton. At the Tower of London a small cannon is shown which was taken at Bunker Hill. A party of Americans were looking at the gun while a sergeant related its history. " Yes," said a lady, "you've got the cannon, but I guess we've got the hill." As a patriotic epigram this would be hard to beat even by a Boston girl. The brother or husband will " talk shop " if you understand it, or express a strong opinion on the last unnavigable addi- tiortto thfi_American_nayy. But in art, music, litera ture, he is conspicuously deficient. This is probably a reason why journalists delight to ridicule the Boston girl: male readers buy the paper and laugh at the absurd intellectuality of women. As these same women are to be the mothers of future American men, we may confi dently hope that the next generation will not despise mental activity in females, and may even encourage it in men. President Cleveland's sister, contemplating some such ideal, exclaims: "What a world of enjoyment and improvement would spring up! How Athenian would Yankee life become! A Socrates at every doorway, an Aspasia — ¦ without Aspasia's reproach — at every tea-urn, full of discourse that -vfould exclude the weary pettiness of thoughtless talk." Notice that Aspasia is here the ideal — not Xantippe. The virago, indeed, has little scope for development in a land where a divorce can be promptly obtained, without scandal or publicity, for incompatibility of temper, or "for such other causes as the court in its discretion may deem sufficient." THE FAMILT GIRLS. 41 So much has been said of the Boston girl that the reader may not unnaturally conclude that the Hub is not only the centre of female intellectuality, but the periphCTy as well. This, however, is not the case. Men tal activity is filling the gap in women's lives made by the commercial engrossment of men; and this extends from Massachusetts to California; Indeed, as one moves westward, one finds men's mania for dollars ever growing more frantic. It is an admirable trait in American women which leads them to fill lonely hours with worthy pursuits. Indianapolis is thought of by English people as being in the backwoods, far from civilization. Even by eastern Americans it is looked down upon, and the inhabitants slightingly spoken of as Hoosiers. Here are the heads of a few sub jects discussed in the session of 1885-1886 at the In dianapolis Woman's Club: Our Southern Stories and Story tellers, by May Louise Ship; A Symposium on the Puritans — In Literature, by Elizabeth Cleland; In Politics, by Arabella C. Peelle; In Social Life, by Janet Douglass Moores; — John Milton, by Margaret V. Marshall; A Study of Paradise Lost, by Elbizaeth Kicholson; Conversation on the man Milton as shown in his Works, led by Catharine Merrill; Sir Christopher Wren and his Monument, by Marga- retta Elder; The Cartoons of Raphael (illustrated), by Harriet McI. Poster; Cavalier Songs* (illustrated), by Nannie I. New comer; Conversation on the Women of the Time — The Queen; the Princess; the Court Beauty; the Brave Wife; the Good Daughter; the Literary Woman; — The Stuarts as Authors, by Martha H, Bond ; The Royal Society, by Flora McDonald Ketcham; Conversation on Literary Patronage, led by Sarah Wallace ; Wit and Wisdom of Fuller, by Eliza G. Wiley; Jeremy Taylor, by Amanda W. Wright ; " The Country Par son," by Kate K. Winters; Nature and Poetry, by Jennie T. Hendricks; The Decay of the Drama, by Eliza C. Bell; Con- 42 UNCLE SAM AT EOME. versation on Histrionic Art, led by Marie Louise Bright; Victor Hugo, by May Wright Sewall; Conversation, led by Helen B. Holman; " Comus Crowned," by Julia D. Butler; The Regicides and their Fate, by Mary Harrison McKee; Conversation on Super stition Now and Then, led by Mary Stewart Carey; Scottish Bards and Ballads, by Mary A. E. Woollen; Celtic Element in English Literature, by Ellen F. Thompson ; Conversation on National Characteristics of Wit; John Dryden, by Harriet Noble; Conversation on Consistence in Change, led by Mary E. N. Carey; George Elliot, by Mary A. McGregory; Conversation on Ano nymity, led by Hannah G. Chapman. De Tocqueville, speaking of Americans, said: "If I were asked to what cause I think the singular pros perity and growing power of this people should be attributed, I should answer, 'To the superiority of their women.'" The personal relations of men and women in America are in many respects unique. The sex is awarded great liberty from the earliest age, and this induces an inde pendent bearing which is in attractive contrast with the timid, unreliant manner often seen in Europe. As a result, the men seem more chivalrous than those of any other nation — for chivalry is compatible only where the sex is allowed great freedom. A woman may travel alone from Maine to Mexico, not simply without moles tation, but everywhere receiving acts of kindness from her male fellow-travellers. If she gets into a crowded street-car, S9me man invariably offers her his seat, while he rides for the rest of the way hanging on to the roof- straps, and bumping against the knees of the seated passengers at every curve and stoppage. The American excels as an indulgent husband — so I have been told by THE FAMILT GIRLS. 43 English girls who have married Uncle Sam's boys. American women themselves are not unappreciative of the high quality of American husbands, though many silly girls are found willing to marry some European fitznoo- dle with a title. " Let me see, dear, what is Clara's fiance baron of ?" asks the proud prospective mother- in-law of a title. "Bar ren of funds!" growls paterfamilias, who had to supply the dot. This dot, by the way, becomes an object of in terest even to the gov ernments of some Euro pean countries. If an American girl is unfor tunate enough to fall in love with the uniform of a German or French officer, she must furnish a dot of ten or fifteen thousand dollars before she can marry it. And while she is doing this under the immediate di rection of the European Minister of War, her family and home -sur roundings in America become objects of dip lomatic interest to the Minister of Foreign Affairs. If the dot is forthcoming, and if investigation of the sup pliant's family and personal history has revealed nothing It becomes hers. 44 UNCLE SAM AT EOME. to make her unworthy of the high honour she aspires to, the uniform is brought out, and after an appropriate ceremony it becomes hers. If she or her English cousin marries a Frenchman of any degree, she is liable to re pudiation after a while — except she notifies her mar riage to a French consul or some other government official of authority. These are facts which it would be well for the publishers of Baedecker and Murray to put into their guide-books. They are much more important to American girls than the circumference of the tower at Pisa or the height of the Trocadero. A couple of years ago a professor in Vassar College stated that the number of pupils in the institution was little more than half what it was in 1875. " The trou ble is," said he, "that Vassar has become a thing to poke fun at. Half the jokes about girls are put upon Vassar students. Their doings are ridiculed, exagger ated, falsified, and the very name of , Vassar is a synonym for feminine foolishness. The consequence is that girls are beginning to dislike to go there. I would not be surprised if the college were closed in five years. The newspaper paragraphists will have done it." I cannot believe that a result so deplorable could have such a trivial and absurd cause. That a great institution, celebrated through out the world, could be closed by the gibes of a needy penny-a-liner is as incredible as that a Cunarder should founder by collision with a jelly-fish. Amongst some things by which Uncle Sam's girls l':\ i'«-=- A graceful pose. THE FAMILT GIRLS 45 show their good sense is a corsage which allows free play to the lungs. Wasp-waists, the pride of many Eng lish girls, are conspicuously absent in America. The result is a graceful pose and easy carriage altogether in compatible with tight-lacing. In this particular Fashion would do well to cross the Atlantic eastward, instead of to the west as she usually does. Curiously enough, an American manufacturer. advertises "Her Majesty's Cor sets." What are they? But the English girl displays better sense in her choice of boots. Broad soles and flat heels are in favour with most of the daughters of Albion; while American girls -often affect the French chaussiire, with high curved heels placed near the middle of the sole, and as little like the human foot as a dress maker's model is like the Venus de' Medici. ^_ Still this fashion is rapidly giving way to the English style. Two or three years ago an .^merican girl with comfortable-looking boots was a rare sight; and the improvement has already manifested itself in the increased exercise which Uncle Sam's girls now take. In several of the extensive valleys of California, where the climate is equable and moist, there is rapidly develop ing a race which in appearance is an exact counterpart of the English people. Ruddy complexions and ample forms give the people the appearance of having lately arrived from Kent or Sussex. If Uncle Sam's girls generally added the fresh clear complexion of an Eng- 46 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. lish girl to their numerous other charms, there would be a stampede of men from Europe for wives. Only two things would then be wanting to make her at once fit for Paradise: a pair of wings and a softer voice. The Boston girl often has a voice of un-American sweet ness. Her sisters in other towns invariably speak in such loud tones, that it takes a Briton a long time to get acclimatized. Those who have been taught that American women are tall and gaunt, like the, schoolmistress of amateur theatricals, will be surprised to find how many fine buxom matronly women there are in eastern cities. In deed, Americans themselves are expressing surprise at the change — ^for such it is. A few years ago, I am told, American matrons looked as ill-fed as some of the care worn business men look now; but at present they suffei" no lack of that healthy adipose tissue which gives ampli tude to the figure and geniality to the face. As the struggle with nature— or rather with each other — becomes less keen, we may expect similar changes in the physique of American men. The jolliest among them have already acquired a pleasing rotundity of figure. May their shadows never grow less! As a bonnet is to the female mind the physical expres sion of every happy emotion, the embodiment of all poetry and beauty, the crystallized result of ages of sen timent, and the highest product of feminine ingenuity, I have left all mention of it to the last as the boy leaves the most savory morsel of his dinner — "that he may have a good taste in his mouth." Though a description of a bonnet is more difficult to write than the descrip tion of a battle, or an essay on Dolichocephalic Crania THE AMERICAN BONNET. 47 and their owners, it is clear that any chapter on Uncle Sam's girls would be incomplete without some notice of their bonnets. For the American bonnet is of a very unusual kind. In the first place it is bigger than its European prototype. As the English hare has acquired great size, strength and fieetness since its transportation to Australia, so the European bonnet has advanced to per fection in America, There it has reached the acme of size and of elaboration of parts. It rises from the curl-crowned brow in majestic height, a fitting cap ital to so glorious a column. But its greatness is not with out inconveniences. " Madam, if you would kindly remove your hat, I should be able to see the stage," remarks a The acme of size. gentleman at the theatre to a young lady who is in front of him. No reply. " Madam, I cannot see anything at all on the stage." No reply. " Madam, if you don't remove your hat, you'll be sorry." Still no reply. The gentleman deliberately puts on his own hat — a heinous offence in any room where ladies are. "Take off that hat, take off that hat!" immediately resounds through the theatre. The young lady, in great con fusion, instantly removes her bonnet, and the gentle- 48 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. man behind her settles down complacently to enjoy the play. Not only does the American bonnet excel in size: its shape is as varied as the feats of a contortionist. Spiral, circular, triangular, quadrangular, orbicular, cunei form, fusiform, dendriform, curviform, polygonal, mul tilateral, elliptical, vaulted, hooked, conchoidal, heart- shaped, bell-shaped, pear-shaped, oblique, flat — every form to which there's a name, and many forms to which there are none, does this mystifying head-gear assume. Ribbons, flowers and feathers are arranged over, round and un der it in labyrinthic disorder. To a man it appears as confused as a sermon in a strange tongue; to a woman as coherent and orderly as the same sermon to a na- y \^ ¦ tive. It is like one At a Bonnet Show. of those mysterics which, while puzzling half the world, the other half calls an "ism," and then thinks it knows all about it! PATRICIANS AND PLEBEIANS. 4£ CHAPTEE IV. PATRICIANS AND PLEBEIANS, " My shield is Or, sir, and the arms I bear Three mushrooms rampant ; motto. Here we are." Thorold Rogers. HE Republic of America is a vast hive of industry. Every honest man in the community is en gaged in some gainful occupa tion. Such idlers as exist are of a very different type from those who in Europe eat up so large a share of the produce of the workers. The difference has been well indicated by an American lady, who was commiserated on the ab sence of an aristocratic class, " who have no occupation and go about from place to place enjoying themselves, you know!" "Oh," said she, "we have such persons, but in America they are called tramps." Uncle Sam has the biggest farm and workshop in the world. His farm comprised in 1880, 837,628 square miles — an area greater than the United Kingdom, Prance, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Holland and Bel gium collectively. This mighty farm is divided amongst four million of Uncle Sam's boys, giving an average of 134 acres to each. Its value is estimated at two billion 4 50 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. The American Aristocracy (None other genuine). sterling. Its yearly produce is worth £1,106,370,000, His grain-field, exclusive of cotton, tobacco and the like, is greater than the whole of Spain, or half as large - again as England, Ireland and Scot land. His hay-field covers an area as large as Portugal and Belgium; while he gathers cotton from plantations as large as Holland. How little some of the kingdoms of Europe seem in the light of such a contrast! His potato-fields, sugar-brakes and tobacco- plantations would hide many of the old-world monarchies beyond the power of their kings to find them again. A great landowner is Uncle Sam ! Mulhall says that the farmers of Red River, Minne sota, can send their grain for VZd. a bushel to New York, or 15fl to Liverpool (say 4700 miles); while the citizens of Athens pay ZQd. a bushel from Marathon, a distance of only 15 miles.* The full importance of this fact is seen only when placed by the side of another, also borrowed from Mulhall: Nearly one third of the grain of the world is grown in America! Truly the world would go ahungered without America. Malthus did not take the Republic into account when he made his famous calculations. * Balance sheet of the World, page 14. PATRICIANS AND PLEBEIANS. 51 With live-stock, too, the national farm is supplied in proportion to its great size. For every sheep, cow or horse in the United Kingdom Uncle Sam has ten. His twelve and a half million horses would make a double procession from America to Egypt. If his 48 million mules and asses, oxen and cows, joined the ranks, the procession would be equal to the journey from London to Sydney, thence across the Pacific to Valpa raiso, and through South America to Rio. If the proces sion were augmented by his 45 million sheep and 57 million pigs, the ends would overlap after twice putting " a girdle round the earth." Uncle Sam's workshop is on an equally gigantic scale. Sixty millions of people live within the limits of the United States, and a big workshop is required to keep them all supplied with boots, clothes, houses, furniture, railways, and all the"other essentials to nineteenth-cen tury happiness. England was the workshop of the world a few years ago, and headed the nations as a manufacturer. This honourable position she has had to resign to her precocious child. It is difficult to compare the relative positions of the two countries in this par ticular, because the American returns include as manu factures the products of the corn-mill, the slaughter house, and the forest. But the estimates of British manufactures as recorded in 1883 are nearly three hun dred million sterling less than those of Uncle Sam in 1880. The number of workers in the census year was more than seventeen and a quarter millions, or 34 -es per cent of the whole population. That is, one person in every three, including women and children, was at some gainful work. ¦ In America many kinds of work are open to women 52 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. .--^- which are closed to their sisters in Europe. The half- million women-workers in 1880 included nearly three thousand barbers, three hundred journalists, seventy - five lawyers, two thousand four hundred physi cians, one hundred and sixty-five preachers, and over three thou sand printers. There are many signal-women and female detec tives, and at least one female Mis sissippi pilot. But our dainty country bar-maids, and those mag nificent creatures who with queenly dignity minister to thirsty Lon doners, are equally unknown in America. Uncle Sam regards this form of female servitude as degrading as the field-work of French and German women. When we remember that a century ago, the American continent was practically a terra incognita with the exception of a narrow strip along the Atlantic coast, the change seems almost miraculous. Who can estimate the work that has been required to change the wilder ness into a populous continent, dotted over with cities, covered with a plexus of railways and canals, and dis playing in every part the evidences of man's activity? The vast shipments of grain and cattle, the endless columns of statistics of manufactures, give no adequate idea of American industry. For this we must follow the progress of the country from its condition of savage wildness to its present advanced position as a leader of nations. In the building of great cities where forests PATRICIANS AND PLEBEIANS. 63 lately stood, in the growth of farms where a few years ago wild beasts and wilder men engaged in a fierce struggle for existence, in the development of perfect political institutions, cemented in blood, and made strong and enduring by prolonged effort — such are the things which bear the most eloquent testimony to Ameri can industry. The American colonies had an industrial origin; they fought for industrial freedom; by industry they grew into a great nation; their consolidation was effected by labour, not by militancy. Work, not war, has ever been their watchword. By this have they at tained a prosperity which the warlike nations of the Old World will strive for in vain, until their young men ex change the musket for the hammer, and drill in the workshop and forge instead of in camps and barrack yards. Every European nation has passed through a stage in which it was held that war was the only honourable calling, and that work of every form was degrading. Our Norse forefathers, from whom we have inherited many of the traits that have given the choicest parts of the world to our English race, believed so thoroughly that fighting was man's proper business and that work was fit only for slaves and women, that they conceived heaven as a place where their time was to be passed in daily battles with magical healing of wounds, and hell a place for women and workers. And we see the in fluence of these and kindred sentiments in the contempt that has grown around many once-excellent words. " Villain," " churl," " boor," and " clown " were once the simple designation of peasants; and equivalents of two, " Kerl" and "Bauer," have survived dishonour in 54 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. Germany. " Clodhopper " and " groundling " further testify to the degradation of that form of labour which was not personal; while the elevation of " knight " and *¦' esquire " show how much more honourable were menial services — those performed by the moins ne. And not only was labour despised: learning too was put under a ban, and "crafty" and "cunning," once meaning skilful and knowing, now connote deceit and strategy. Even yet the business of war is held in highest esteem in Europe; and though there are many estimable men who cannot understand the pride with which Voltaire's Frenchman declared, " Mon metier est de tuer, et d'etre tue," it is still to soldiers that public monuments are pftenest erected. We continue moreover to invoke the divine anger on the Queen's enemies with the same Norse ferocity with which we invite the Lord to smite his own enemies " on the hinder parts." There is surely a good deal of the old ferocity in the modern North man's religion. A London journal recently offered a prize for the best list of the twelve greatest living men. Nearly eighteen thousand voters considered General Wolseley greater than John Bright or Prof. Huxley! Surely we deserve the charge of eccentricity which other nations make against us. And the really greatest living man — the man who will leave the deepest per sonal impress on his age, who will live longest in the hearts and minds of men of all nations, who has helped mankind the furthest onward, is not named at all— did not receive a thousand votes! And while Herbert Spencer is thus ignored, Bismarck receives 32,245 votes, Moltke 13,968, and Churchill 13,117 ! ! A curious commentary on social gradations is sug- PATRICIANS AND PLEBEIANS 55 gested by Roget's Thesaurus, where " flunkey, jockey, cad, swineherd" are given as correlatives of "emperor, king, majesty," etc. "Scullion, charwoman, gyp," are stated as the opposites of "empress, queen, prin cess," etc. As the list proceeds with " hireling, para site, mercenary, puppet," as correlatives of "duke, doge, seignior," one cannot help thinking that those who acquiesce in such a classification deserve it. But I suppose most people will here claim to belong to " the middle class," which Roget leaves comfortably vague. A friend, who I fear is more dogmatic than accurate, says that the patrician " Howard " is derived from "hog-ward"! If true, here's confusion for the Buggs! But how consoling to the mass of plebeians, who are derived from conditions of like humility! That a despised Saxon swineherd should be the forefather of a Howard of Effingham, while the product of a long line of kings may be a libertine Stuart or an imbecile George, is certainly encouraging to the plebs. I wonder if any "old aristocrat," such as Thackeray describes in his Book of Snobs, "swelling with pride, the descendant of illustrious Norman robbers, whose blood has been pure for centuries, and who looks down upon common Englishmen as a free-bom American does on a nigger" — I wonder if such a one ever had the curiosity to calculate how many ancestors he had, say six hundred years ago. If he did, the result must have astonished him. Everybody knows that we each have four grandparents, eight great-grandparents, sixteen great-great-grandparents, and so on for a few genera- .tions; but few probably have ascertained that this ratio taken back twenty-five generations gives each of us one hundred and thirtv-three million ancestors — ^a rather 56 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. startling result in view of the fact that twenty-five generations ago the entire population of England was probably not more than three million. Of course the calculation is fanciful, but not more so than the notions of blue blood and pure descent prevailing in aristocratic circles. At this day the blue blood of those who " came over with the Conqueror " must be millions of times diluted, and fortunate its possessors that it is so. It is common to find in American novels such expres sions as "great families," "best society," "long de scended;" and we hear of the " exclusiveness " of the "fastidious American aristocracy," "who think as much of their positions as the haughtiest veille noMesse in Europe." "A patrician crush" is according to one writer the synonym of what another calls "a toney gathering." These crushes and gatherings have, how ever, little of the aristocratic element in their com position. They are for the most part but fashionable circles in which prevails the milliner's estimate of life. It is into this society that the young lady makes her , .ji^ "deb-bew," — as de- vS" . lutiB startlingly pro nounced in America. In no other English- speaking community do the people stickle so for the titles " gentleman " and "lady." I was told by my Irish-Ameri can laundress that "the lady what did the clear-starchin' got twelve dollars a week." And I Her " Deb-bew." PATRICIANS AND PLEBEIANS. 57 have heard of a cabman who asked: "Are you the man as wants a gentleman to drive him to the depot?" During an investigation concerning the Cambridge (Mass.) workhouse, one of the witnesses spoke of the "ladies' cell." And a newspaper reporter, writing of a funeral, had occasion to say how the " corpse of the dead lady " looked. The plebeian who by dint of hard work has accumu lated wealth, often aspires to patrician distinctions. Tiffany of New York is said to have a pattern book of crests, from which the embryo nobleman may choose a scutcheon emblematic either of his business or of some less worthy characteristic. A shirtmaker of Connecticut, having made a fortune by an improved cutting machine, announced his intention of getting a coat-of-arms. An unappreciative commoner asked him if the design would be a shirt, rampant. "No," he gravely replied; "it will be a shirt pendant and a washerwoman rampant." This was possibly suggested by the attitude of the washerwomen who called upon the President to de mand that the towels of the Treasury Department should be " laundried " by native talent and not by Chinamen. A successful dustman adopt ing a crest chose the motto Fidelis ad nrnam, which by a very free translation was made to read, " Faithful to the Ashes." Byron said that families with long pedigrees are very much like growing potatoes: the best part of them is in \the ground. This is one of those truths which are so self-evident after you have heard them, that you wonder you never thought of them before. In no country is this dictum so true as in America. The children of the 58 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. successful merchant or manufacturer expect to begin life where their fathers ended. They are brought up extravagantly, in full knowledge of their fathers' wealth, and with no incentive to effort. But in a society which has no idlers these young men soon tire of their own com pany, and longing for a new sensation, enter busi.ness. There they have to compete with men who are working their way up, and in doing so have developed traits which the rich man's son sadly lacks. He " gets left," as the American phrase well describes a defeat, and pretty soon he proves the truth of the Byronic simile. A good story is told of an old senator from Kentucky, a lover of those old-fashioned virtues that went along with " Jeffersonian simplicity," who delighted in snub bing the dude of his day. Meeting one of these one day in the street, he was accosted with "How d'y do. Sen ator? I called on you yesterday." " Yes, I got your card. By the way, what jvas that horse's head on it for, and the letters?" The youth laughed airily. " The head, judge, is my crest — the steed which some of my ancestors rode to battle ; and the letters E. P. mean en personne — I left the card myself." " Oh! I see," dryly replied the judge. A day or two later they met again. "I got your card, judge, this morning. But what do those extraor dinary figures on it mean?" '^Oh! the mule is »?,«/ crest. I sell mules in Kentucky; and the letters S. B. A. D. mean that the card was sent by a darky." I think it could be proved, if data were obtainable, that those who have the most right to these emblems of PATRICIANS AND PLEBEIANS. 59 nobility are least mindful of them. In his thoughtful little book entitled " Old World Questions and New World Answers," Mr. Daniel Pidgeon relates that at Great Barrington, Connecticut, he was hospitably en tertained by a widow, the mother of a female compositor, whose ancestral chart included William the Conqueror, Matilda of Scotland, Alfred the Great, Henry I. of England, Lewis the Fair, Charles the Bald of France, and Charlemagne and Hildegarde of Swabia, his wife. Remember, these are from the genealogy of a working- woman who still lives in an obscure town in New Eng land. Mr. Pidgeon says: "The fervent desire of every New Englander is to trace his lineage to one among the handful of God-fearing and courageous men who first colonized America, and rarely seeks to lengthen his pedigree by research in England, content if he has sprung from the virtuous fathers of his own country." A desire of this kind is in the highest degree praise worthy: it does not express itself in those ostentatious crests and emblazonments that seem to proclaim their owner better than his fellows. Armorial bearings were originally the signs which warriors placed on their shields or habits, in order to be distinguished from enemies in battle. A genuine coat-of-arms, therefore, implies descent from some old-time barbarian. By negative evidence, the families with out crests descend from the herd of re tainers, or from the masses of workers. It is a curious survival of the barbaric instinct which causes men to prefer (where they have the choice, as in America) a descent from some feudal tyrant and murderer, as all those 60 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. fellows were, rather than an ascent from an honest swineherd or serf. If in these days it is nobler to suffer wrong than to be an evil-doer, surely it must be more honourable to have had a wronged and suffering an cestor, than a barbarous tyrant, practising on his trem bling dependents his horrible droit de seigneur and the like. THE ANGLOMANIAC. 61 CHAPTER V. THE anglomaniac; with a note on the functions OF the dude. " Thou damned antipodes to common-sense!" — Rochester. F the visitor to New York will walk down Fifth Avenue any fine Sun day morning after church-time, he will see a crowd of fashion ably-dressed young men standing under the portico of the Wind sor Hotel, sucking wooden tooth picks, and watching the people as they come from church. Others may be seen at the windows of a certain club in Fifth Avenue which has often been mistaken for a boys' school. These young men are dudes, the American variety of the London masher. They belong to that large class which scoffers call Anglomaniacs. They do not live at the Windsor Hotel; they merely get their toothpicks there, and once in a while patronize the hotel bootblack, just to give countenance to their loafing in the halls and on the porch. It was probably the sight of some such exquisite that evoked from Puller the trite remark : " Nature generally hangs out a sign of simplicity in the face of a fool." 62 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. The Dude is the Anglomaniac par excellence. He has the cockney drawl which actors in America affect when representing an Englishman; and though he does not drop his h's in the traditional British style, he walks with the Piccadilly swing or the Pall Mall glide, whichever hap pens to be the passing masher fashion. He takes his father's cuff, and wears it as a collar; and putting a pane of glass in his eye, ogles with true masher-stare the ladies who pass him in the street. The Pall Mall glide. ^.^ ^^j^^^.^ ^^^ imported, as are also his gloves and his hat. He affects the society of such scions of British nobility as are attainable; and boasts of his acquaintance with the Earl of Rottenville and The " Masher-stare." Lord Gumboyle. Every change of gait, attire or occu pation of the masher is quickly imitated by the dude. Life, the American Punch, has made many a laugh at the dude's expense. According to this journal, the THE ANGLOMANIAC. 63 dude's representative in London not long since sent to his club-friend a cablegram which read: " Dust-carts are all the style. Get one, and tell the dear boys." Forthwith dust-carts became the rage in New York. The office of chief scavenger was besieged by a crowd of young men wearing loose trowsers and single eye-glasses, demanding corporation dust-carts. The com missioner could not supply more than half the required number; but those of the disappointed dudes who could afford it bought private dust-carts and harnessed them to high-stepping horses, and had a tiger on the back of the cart with folded arms in the regulation Hyde Park style. The poorer dude bought a wheelbarrow and shovel, or a dust-pan and brushes/ Life says the craze was at its height when consterna tion was produced in the ranks of the gilded youth by another cablegram: " Mistake of telegrapher. Dog-carts fashionable, not dust-carts. Great laughter in Lon don." With amusing seriousness. Life adds that Fifth Avenue was then free of the dude for a month. A philosophical contemplation of the dude, in the plenitude of his powers of 64 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. dispersion, fills one with admiration at the economy of nature. Nothing is allowed to run to waste — not even a dude. His place in nature, like that of the mosquito, is unperceived by the common mind; but the philoso pher sees that both dude and mosquito fulfil important functions. The mosquito nourishes itself at the expense of others: the dude nourishes others at the expense of himself. He is the rich man's son, who distributes his father's wealth, and ssts it circulating in a health-giving current throughout society in general but amongst pub licans and sinners in particular. The dude is a pro vision of nature against the prolonged accumulation of great wealth in families. Owing to this bland-looking type, there is hardly a great fortune in the United States which has passed as a whole beyond the second genera tion. " In America," says an observant writer, " there are but three generations from shirt-sleeves to shirt sleeves." While the dude does his appointed work so well, there is no danger of an Aristocracy of the Dollar in America. A territorial class such as we have in England is impossible where free laws allow wealth to pass from the hands of the idle and luxurious into the hands of the industrious and frugal. Let us respect the dude, then. Though he appears a noodle whose only soul is that supplied by his tailor, his mission is of great importance to society, and he fulfils his task far better than might be expected from his vacant looks. The dude is really a benefactor to his race. All glory to the dude! The dude's sister has no specific name.* She is sim ply an Anglomaniac; though in her, as befits her su- * " Dudine" has been coined since this was written. THE ANGLOMANIAC. 65 perior nature, the malady is not so acute. She wisely refuses to make a martyr of herself to acquire an Eng lish waist; and she i declines to corrupt her native American speech by a mongrel cockney. She thinks as an American, and talks as an American — though I have heard of her breaking i an engagement be cause her lover called trowsers "pants." Only does she dress as an Englishwoman. He called trowsers ' And this is really not a bad thing to do. American ladies are tempted by their bright climate into showi- ness, and a little English corrective, in the shape of sombre colours and less ornamentation, will do good rather than harm. But the styles which Eng lish tailors impose on a credulous wo mankind are often appallingly ugly. Here is a sample taken bodily from an English tailor's advertisement in a New York paper. What curious ideas will Americans have of English girls if this deformity is to be considered a fair sample! Nothing illustrates so well the absurdity of Anglomania in America as the fact that an English tailor should find it profitable to adver tise such caricatures. And the prices this audacious 5 An English girl ! 66 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. A Du pure-blooded parents often shows a low- ^^' breed taint. The litter of a high-bred lop-eared rabbit often contains an ani mal possessing the appearance and character of a remote wild progenitor. The new-born ass sometimes shows the zebra-markings of a distant ancestor, and horses are sometimes born with three toes. In plants, too, the same tendency is observed: peaches sometimes appear on a nectarine-tree. Men and women, too, revert to ancestral types. We all know some one who is the im age of his grandfather, and not a bit like his father. And ancestral character, as well as appearance, is apt thus to break out in later generations. Some men, in deed, seem to inherit with great directness the instincts and desires of some ancestor who lived among the cave men in a paleolithic age, while others, with some traits adapted to nineteenth-century civilization, are ever ready to drop into the habits and feelings of that hairy ancestor who lived in tree -tops, ages before the cave men. SOCIAL ATAVISM. 87 This reversion to ancestral types Mr. Darwin called atavism. Societies as well as individuals sometimes display a retrograde tendency. Laws and customs which they have outgrown, and which are no longer fitted to their advanced condition, grow up afresh, just as the canine teeth of men occasionally acquire the prominence of fangs. In America the highest social development the world has ever seen is accompanied by the most con spicuous examples of social atavism. And let me here explain what I mean by the highest social development. I do not claim for America the highest development of literature, music, or the fine arts. Such a claim would be absurd. Neither do I claim for it the greatest diversity of social elements; for I believe the differentiation of parts has proceeded to a greater extent in England or even France than in America. The highest social development here meant is that im plied by the term " industrial," which has been so often used to characterize the Republic. The lowest forms of society are those simple com munities in which all men are equal; just as the lowest forms of animal life are those of which the parts are alike. A chicken with its great diversity of parts — bone, muscle, nerve, claws and horny beak — is more highly evolved than the Qgg, with its simple division into yolk and white. So is it with societies. Progress begins when men cease to be equal — when the best, bravest, or most cunning become leaders. It continues as these leaders acquire power to coerce the other mem bers into united action. And when at last we reach a point at which men have lost all individuality and have become merely parts of a complex machine, directed by 88 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. one mind, we get a perfect example of the militant society. Germany and Russia are the nearest of modern societies to this type. To see that such a condition is essential to the existence of the society at some stages of its growth, we have only to imagine what would happen to Germany if the condition in which Tacitus found it could be suddenly renewed. The great empire would be split into multitudinous fragments, none larger than an American township. These fragments, corresponding to the old tribid divisions, would be further subdivided into clans, and these again into families; and the mem bers of the families, owning but partial allegiance to the patriarchal head, would act as their idiosyncrasies prompted them. It is absurd to ask if such a Germany could withstand for a moment the onslaught of a united France. Forty-six million Germans with forty-six mil lion notions as to the relative merits of the chassepot or mitrailleuse, would be wiped out of existence while dis cussing means of defence. But forty-six million Ger mans with only one opinion, can certainly defend them selves successfully against thirty-eight million French men with opinions as numerous and varied as their political parties. This greater unity of mind and pur pose is a factor which will tell in favour of the Father land in the next war. But this type of society is not a final one. When a nation has acquired the right to live unmolested, its progress begins to take a new course. The individual gradually regains his individuality; for now his person and property are less frequently taken for the defence of the State. The society now advances from militancy towards industrialism; from socialism to individualism. England is advancing along this line; and owing to her SOCIAL ATAVISM. 89 immunity from invasion, she is in the van of European progress. America is the only nation which has reached a stage in which industrialism predominates over mili tancy. England annually spends about sixty-three mil lions sterling on war, and debts incurred by war, while her civil charges are less than twenty millions. America spends but ten millions on war preparations; while her civil and pension lists amount to over seventy millions. Her police army of twenty-five thousand men is scarcely to be reckoned a sign of militancy. And this is what is meant by assigning to America the first place among nations. The absence of rank is another sign of America's superiority. A concomitant of declining militancy is the transfer of power from the ruler to the people; and if this process goes far, the ruler falls into the ranks again, and equality results. An illustration is at hand. The Czar of Russia lately killed an officer who put his hand to his breast as if to draw a revolver. Under a military regime there is no tribunal to judge and punish this man who kills another in misapprehension of his purpose. But under an industrial regime the President of the United States or the Prince of Wales would be tried even for assault, and punished equally with any other citizen if found guilty. With decreasing demands upon the individual come decreased restraints upon his actions. No longer re quired to repel invaders, he is at liberty to move about at will, to make contracts with other men, to engage in manufactures, to buy and to sell; and under the perfect industrial regime, he is subject to no restrictions except those imposed by the equal freedom of others. And thus is reached the political ideal of equal rights. 90 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. If such an industrial community suddenly begins to make elaborate preparation for war, it reverts to an ancestral form. If it establishes ranks, or grades of men, its return to a less perfect type is none the less marked. If it deprives individuals of that liberty of action which is limited only by the equal rights of all, its atavism is again conspicuous. The reader will now see what is meant when it is said that in America the highest social development the world has eyer seen, is accompanied by the most marked examples of social atavism. And now let us look at these examples — political, social and personal. When English writers on political economy wish to illustrate in the clearest way the mischievous effects of governmental interference with commerce, they go back several centuries to quote the usury laws. In every part of America the usury laws are operative just as they were in Moses' time or in the time of the Stuarts. And can their absurdity be better marked than by the fact that different States have different rates of legal in terest, ranging from five to ten per cent? Congress recently undertook to regulate commerce be tween States. It was thought by sapient legislators that managers of railways and steamboat companies did not know their business; so they passed the Interstate Commerce Bill, which among other things fixed the charges of railway companies and other carriers. The act has operated mischievously in numerous unforeseen ways. It is oppressive to theatrical companies; it is. ruining some branches of trade with Canada; it has crippled many forms of business, and produced com plications of the most unexpected character. Many of SOCIAL ATAVISM. 91 its clauses cannot be enforced, and it is a complete vindi cation of the saying that restrictions will not " stay put." The prophet runs little risk of being discredited when he predicts that this meddling piece of legislation will have to be annulled. In April, 1887, over one hundred persons were arrested in New York for Sunday trading. Policemen in plain clothes went about the city, tempting people to break the old Sabbatarian laws which had almost become a dead letter. Some persons were arrested for shaving policemen; some for selling them liquor; some for selling them such essentials to Sabbath cleanliness and comfort as a handkerchief; and one poor old woman was locked up for being persuaded to sell a lamp-shade! For be it known that in the Republic a disguised policeman may incite to wrong, and then arrest the wrong-doer without the formality of a warrant ! And by a curious course of reasoning, the one who incites to the wrong, and in its commission acts as accomplice, is rewarded rather than punished! This method of assisting crime, by treachery, deceit and other detestable means, is the way in which the law tries to keep the Sabbath day holy ! In several States men are prohibited from buying alcoholic beverages at any time. A man who wants brandy, say for his sick wife, must go to a magistrate, and swear an affidavit that he does not intend to drink it himself, before he is permitted to buy a stated small quantity at the druggist's. This is to train men to self- control and temperance! A spirited foreign policy moulded after that of 92 UNCLE SAM AT EOME. Beaconsfield, is a clear case of retrogression in the peace ful industrial republic; but the United States has its Jingo party, headed by a candidate for the Presidency. If this enterprising leader should ever be elected, we shall have our list of examples of atavism greatly prolonged. In the county of Columbia, Pennsylvania, a young man recently brought an action against his mother to recover damages for the loss of a dog, which he claimed she bewitched, so that it ran in a circle until it died of exhaustion. Shades of Cotton Mather and Judge Jeffries, are ye not happy again! The trial showed that there is an almost general belief in witchcraft, charms and magic spells among the farm population in these localities, and that there are many old women who are regularly consulted by young and old, and in whose arts and supernatural powers they put faith. About a year ago, at Mount Morris, Michigan, a whole family of sixteen persons went crazy over the belief that their premises were bewitched, and began cutting nicks in the ears of their pigs and cows to let the devil out. In Danbury, Connecticut, at the same time they were curing long-standing rheumatism by the charms of black snakes. Every day, advertisements worded as below appear in newspapers throughout America. These are from a single day's issue of the Neio York World : " At her parlors, 63 4th ave., between 9th and 10th sts.-, Mrs. Dr. Hill can be consulted on all affaks of life, being a celebrated business clairvoyant, astrologist and palmist, who has a reputation throughout the world for her accurate and truthful readings of the past, present and future; removes evil influences and family estrangements; unites the separated and causes speedy marriage; brings success to the unsuccessful, and tells when to make profit- SOCIAL ATAVISM. 93 able investments; consultations $1; also tells full name and shows picture of the one you will marry, for $1 ; strangers from other cities will save time and disappointment by calling on this genuine clairvoyant before going elsewhere; life reading and picture by mail on receipt of $1; lock of hair, full name and date of birth." "Arrived from Europe. — Mme. De Varney,thc world renowned, highly celebrated clairvoyant; seventh daughter; born with veil and second sight; while in a trance will truthfully reveal every hidden mystery in life; removes troubles, evil influences; settles lovers' quarrels, brings separated together, causes speedy and happy marriages, and tells if the one you love is true or false; advice given to gentlemen on business, and to young men what is best adapted for speedy riches; if you have been disappointed by others, judge not all alike. All in search of truth and satisfaction, call at 413 6th ave.; calls received Sundays." "Mme. Zingara, gypsy, 289 6th ave., cor. 18th St. It is well known throughout the world that gypsies are only reliable; removes evil infiuonces, causes love, marriages; advises in busi ness, law, contracts, wills, divorces, absent friends, health; lucky charms free; seen on Sunday." "Zibola, clairvoyant, will read your destiny, good or bad; withholds nothing; if in trouble, call at once; seen Sunday, 239 8th ave., near 22d St.; fee, 50c." "Attention!— Consultation on business, lawsuits, absent friends, deaths, separations, date of marriage, everything revealed; no equal; fee moderate; satisfaction or no pay. Mrs. Pierce, cele brated clairvoyant, 457 3d ave., near 31st St." "Mme. Bennett, celebrated clairvoyant and palmist, consults on all matters. 74 3d ave., near 11th St., one flight; hours, 9 to 9." "Mrs. Arnold, reliable trance medium; satisfaction guaranteed. 137 West 23d St." " Dr. Laroche, French trance clairvoyant, asking no questions, gives the names of his sitters, ladies their married and maiden names; reunites the loved who are separated; tells whom and when you are to marry; advises in business, law, contracts, wills, divorces, absent friends, health, etc. ; 9 to 9. 177 3d ave., above 16th." "Edith, colored clairvoyant; great secret discovered; private advice given. 216 West 28th st." 94 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. " Lady Stanley, only true, gifted, rhost wonderful English ¦palmist, reveals past and future; satisfaction, no pay. 366 3d ave., near 27th st." Her ladyship must find the Republic a palmy place after England, where she and her craft must hide in holes and corners with the constant fear of arrest. For at home the Government kindly protects us from witches and wizards, as it used to protect us from Quakers. At the time of writing I am constantly hearing of a man in New York who is telling fortunes by palmistry, and getting scores of otherwise intelligent people to cross his hand with a ten-dollar bill. But here I ought to be silent; for this clever personage, who is being received into good society, is an Englishman. And is there not an English guide-book to palmistry "dedi cated by permission to Her Serene Highness Princess Victoria Mary of Teck "I 0 land of anomalies! The whipping-post survives in the south, and is about to be revived in Pennsylvania. Though England has not abolished this remnant of the mediaeval torture- chamber, the retrogression is none the less marked in Pennsylvania — the Quaker State. Centuries of judicial torture have not taught us that men cannot be whipped into a high morality. The rod which produces venge ful feelings and a surly temper in the schoolboy is not more soothing when laid across the back of a mani Judicial methods will have to be very much reformed when men better understand men's natures. Here is a suggestive newspaper item concerning this mode of torture: "Wilmington, Del., Nov. 21, 1885.— A large crowd, includ ing seven amateur photographers with cameras, attended the SOCIAL ATAVISM. 95 whipping at New Castle to-day. William Turner (colored), for larceny of a watch, took five lashes; Alexander R. Fields, charged with larceny, ten lashes; and John Manlove and William H. Morris, colored burglars, stood an hour in the pillory and received twenty lashes each." It reminds one of the Parisian photographers who, with the most improved instantaneous arrangements, were present at the public execution by shooting of the bishops, and the communists. The ages clasp hands! Civilization reaches across the gulf of time, and receives a sympathetic handshake from the grizzly spectre of barbarism. We can imagine with what satisfaction these amateur photographers would have exposed a plate on Attila's pyramid of skulls, or the burning of Latimer, or Nero's living torches; and we are justified in supposing that if they felt any sorrow at all, it would only be because the flames were not actinic. These are the men who can leap across the dead centuries into an earlier age: who display the zebra-markings of remote ancestors! In a land that claims to be the freest in the world, it seems an anomaly that you may not cross the road at some parts of Central Park. You are " positively " forbidden to do so, lest you be knocked down by a passing vehicle; and if you persist you will probably be taken to jail by a policeman whose powers of arrest are limited only by his physical strength. This is nearly as funny as a cricket-match in France I once heard of: a. gendarme stood by the bowler, and cautioned him not to send swift balls, because they would hurt the batter if they struck him! And I have heard some timid people plead that football ought to be forbidden by law, as a dan gerous game. It would hardly be more absurd to de- 96 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. mand that shin-pads be provided for the players by government and paid for out of the taxes. This prohibition from crossing a carriage track, is curiously incongruous in a country where locomotives dash through towns and over level crossings with little or no warning. Writing of this, Mr. Archibald Forbes says: "The American theory, bluntly put, is that since it may be presumed a man has a greater interest in keeping alive than any one else has in his doing so, the onus of self-preservation primarily rests on himself. The Australian theory, on the other hand, is that it is the duty of the State by every possible precaution and enactment to take care that the citizen be protected from his own carelessness. As in England so in Australia, every railroad is fenced, and every level crossing protected assiduously by gates." Here is a strange confusion of ideas! Mr. Forbes has completely inverted the positions. A person has either a right to pass along a public street or he has not. [The proposi tion seems absurd — out of America.] If he has, he ought to be allowed to do so without the danger of being knocked down and killed by a locomotive. If he has not, he should be excluded from the street. Surely no reasonable being will contend that the English and Australian methods are not better than those of America. In American towns you sometimes hear a bell, a sudden rush, and before you know what is the matter, a train dashes through the street you are about to cross. And how about level crossings ? Here is no question of "his own carelessness." No care will prevent accidents. Horses will take fright, people will stumble, or be hard of hearing, or blind. That some Americans do not live up to what Mr. Forbes calls the American theory is SOCIAL ATAVISM. 97 proved by the frequent protests which find their way into newspapers. " During the past year The World has chronicled the death of at least one person a day at railroad crossings in New Jersey. In consideration for killing this number the railroad companies have paid a sum wholly inadequate to the loss— probably not over twenty- five thousand dollars altogether. . . . The effect is apparent. Grade crossings— an abomination in an age of progress— exist without number. Gates are few, far between, and generally cumbersome and rotten. Trains dash across the crowded streets of Newark, Jersey City, Camden, Elizabeth and New Brunswick with little if any diminution of speed. Human life is placed at a discount. These facts are well known. Instances are too numerous to re quire specification, and yet nothing is done to check this daily slaughter. This is a cold and unfeeling earth upon which we live, but there is no reason why the railroads should have the whole of it." Indianapolis has been called the City of Concentric Circles, because of the many railway girdles which sur round it. Every approach to the city is cut up with level crossings. Some friends of mine who live just outside the city, have to send the children across these railway tracks to school. When they are safely over, the children telephone home that they are still alive. Between a compulsory law requiring attendance at school and half a dozen railway crossings forbidding it, the American parent is sometimes in a pitiful dilemma. In towns the danger is increased by the frequency of tram-lines, for which a railway track may be easily mistaken. Indeed they are practically the same, and are called by the same name — railroads. In many towns the train goes right through the streets, sometimes — as at Syracuse — behind a tram-car, and running so near the 7 98 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. sidewalks that you might toss a coin into a fruit-shop and receive your purchase through the car window. A bill was not long since introduced into the Georgia legislature (as a jest, it is said) to impose an annual tax of $2.50 on bachelors. It was considered such an out rage, that the member who introduced it was challenged by an editor to a duel. There are scores of bills intro duced into the State legislatures more outrageous than this: so many, indeed, that there would be initiated a state of private war if every foolish bill-maker were challenged to a duel. Even at this late day we find legislators so ignorant of higtory, as to attempt to fix prices by enactment. The rates for telephones, the price of gas, the dividends of corporations, are thus fixed in New York State. There, too, a compulsory Saturday half -holiday has been legalized; an attempt has been made to erect free Turkish baths supported by taxation; a law has been passed against catching trout less than six inches long, so that you have to take a foot rule with you when you go a fishing; a bill has been introduced to build grain elevators to be operated by the State; and, as if to make the As sembly at Albany seem ludicrous as well as ignorant, a leader of the legis lature has just had passed a bill mak ing it a misdemeanor to feed or har bour sparrows ! Why don't these sages make it penal to feed and harbour Legislates drafting mosquitocs, or to havc the small-pox? a bill, ° -^Yeii mg^y p^gjj exclaim, " What fools these mortals be !" They look to the law for protection; but what is to protect them against the law ? It has been frequently noted that men will act col- SOCIAL ATAVISM. 99 lectively in a manner which each, as an individual, would consider foolish or despicable. Not long since I saw the students of Columbia College — a set of well-bred young gentlemen — march, at night, through the streets of New York wearing night-shirts over their clothes. They were celebrating the anniversary of their college. But there was unquestionably not an individual among them who would have walked down Fifth Avenue alone in his night-shirt. When a man makes a fool of himself, he likes to have company. It must be an allied reason that allows so much folly to crystallize into laws. Many obsolete offences are preserved in America. These, as survivals, are not examples of atavism; but they are of the same nature, and are too interesting not to be mentioned here. At Washington, Pennsylvania, a man was recently tried and found guilty of barratry. The newspaper re port defines this strange offence : " It seems that the defendant has for years made himself prom inent as a mischief-maker, and the practice has become so fre quent that the good citizens of the neighborhood deemed it neces sary to sit down on him." Here is another legal curiosity : EA VESDR OPPING. PhiI/ADBLPHIA, July 8. — Assistant District Attorney Kinsey sent into the Grand Jury to-day an indictment in the following word«: "That Louisa Ehrline on the 21st of June, 1886, and on each and every day thence continually until the day of the finding of this indictment, was and is a common eavesdropper, and on each and all of said days and times did listen about the houses and 100 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. under the windows and eaves of the houses of the citizens then and there dwelling, bearing tattle and repeating the same in the hearing of other persons, to the common nuisance of the citizens of this Commonwealth and against the peace and dignity of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania." The grand jury returned a true bill. Scolds are still amenable to law in Pennsylvania: " Philadelphia, Oct. 23 [1886] {SpeeiaT).— On the evidence of fifteen people at the Central Station this afternoon Mrs. A. Clauden and Mrs. Kate Lee were held in $600 bail for being common scolds. The testimony showed that the women were fighting all day and half the night, and made the lives of their neighbors miserable." Actions at law are often instituted to' recover damages for alienating a wife's or husband's affections ! And I once read of a woman who sought to recover five thou sand dollars damages, because her husband, an expert swimmer, was drowned while bathing from the defend ant's pavilion ! A short time ago two young girls in Connecticut hav ing been seen at a roller-skating rink in defiance of their mother's orders, and being afraid to return home, took train to New York. The sweetheart of one of them telegraphed to the New York police and had them ai'rested, and held until he came to take them home. Here is a wondrous power given to an individual. A person may telegraph, in an assumed name if he likes, to some distant town, and cause the arrest of anybody he wishes to annoy ! A lunatic with a mania for having people arrested might create some curious complications under this system of primitive officialism. In America arrests seem to be the panacea for every evil. Is a per- SOCIAL ATAVISM. 101 son a gambler and likely to impoverish his family; his wife has him arrested. Is a lover backward in fulfilling his promise; his sweetheart has him arrested. Does a woman suspect her husband of an inten tion to elope; she has him arrested. Is a man rude to a policeman, or does the policeman think him so; he is arrested. I have seen in Chicago a driver taken from his cart and lodged in jail for telling a policeman to go to Sheol; and in New York a gentleman was recently arrested because his horse ran away with him, and after throwing him, knocked down a road- mender. And when arrested what be- ^^^ comes of all these people ? Well, the a moral prophy- gambler is made to promise to mend his ways or make provision for his family; the lover must show cause for his delay, or else marry the girl, often on the spot; the suspected husband has to declare his faithfulness; the man who had the temerity to brave a policeman is cautioned or " sent up," as seems best suited to his degree of offence. As a curious bit of romance and an illustration of grandmotherly republi canism, I quote the following from a New York paper. Similar cases can be found any day. AUGUST MUST MARRY. A YOXJNa GEHMAN DETAINED IN THE TOMBS UNTIL HE AND CHRISTINA ABE MABEIED. When Christina Swan and August Morio eloped from Hamburg together three months ago they came to this city with the inten tion of marrying at once. August took his sweetheart to the home of his brother, in First street, and not having sufficient money to 102 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. enable him to support her he requested that she wait a few weeks. Christina secured a situation as a domestic and August remained at the home of his brother, Henry. The latter being quite poor and August being an experienced carpenter, August managed to assist his brother in maintaining his household and supporting a remarkably pretty wife. The wife recognized August's genius and admired him, while the newly arrived brother fell desperately in love with Henry's wife. He forgot all about his sweetheart, Christina, and she, discovering how matters stood, applied at Castle Garden for assistance in compelling August to keep his promise to her and marry her. August was arrested on Christina's complaint and lodged in Ludlow Street Jail. Promising to marry her he was released, but he failed to keep his promise, and ridding himself of the girl he induced Henry and his wife to move to No. 37 First street, a. few blocks from their former residence. Christina, after vainly endeavoring to find her lover, again applied at Castle Garden, and Detective Groden was detailed to find the recreant lover. Testerday he arrested August just as he was entering his brother's home in First street, and was taken to the Tombs Court, where he promised to marry Christina to-day. " I would have married her before," said August, " but my sister-in-law induced me not to do so." " And he won't marry her now," screamed Henry's wife, who was present. " He loves me, and I won't have him marrying a woman he does not love. He is mine." "But you are married," interposed Justice White. " It don't make any difference," screamed the excited woman. " August is too good a m.an to marry his Swan woman, and my husband and I want him with us." Christina was not present in the Court, and for fear August would again try to escape from her. Justice White held Morio until to day, when he will see that the couple are m.arried. August is only eighteen years old, but is an experienced workman. His brother is a shoemaker, and business being dull he finds it hard to support his wife without August's assistance. August, married at eighteen against his will, by the magistrate of a republic, may rub his eyes and fancy hir- . SOCIAL ATAVISM. 103 self back in Germany, under an even more paternal regime than he knew there. When we read of Fred erick the Great going about Berlin, berating the apple- women who did not knit as they sat at their stalls, or flogging other idlers with his cane, we may admire the energy and watchfulness of the old man without admit ting the divine right of kings to administer personal chastisement at discretion. So, too, we may admire the official benevolence that would ease the heartache of Christina, or save from potential harm the gambler's wife, without admitting the right of republics to arrest people ad libitum. It is common to place witnesses under arrest in free America; and a judge in New Jersey as sures me that the thief who steals my watch may be bailed out of jail, while I am held in durance vile as a witness against him ! * The American's motto is " hurry up;" he applies it to every transaction of his life. He skips half the mar riage-service, and leaves out the long prayers at funerals. In his legal affairs he is equally quick. It is handier when you have your man, be he witness or offender, to clap him into jail than to go through the trouble of taking his name and address, and serving at his house a magistrate's summons. Such things may do for an old effete monarchy; but in the new republic things have * ' ' We have frequently called attention to the inconsistency of the law which allows a person charged with crime to remain at large and locks up in prison an innocent witness to the offence. Not long ago a man who was arrested for assaulting a woman he was alleged to have enticed into his house was liberated on bail, while his victim was held a close prisoner in the House of De tention until the trial took place." — The New Torh World, June 21, 1887 104 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. to "hurry up," and individual rights often get jostled in the rush. Remember, America is five hours be hind England, and men have to put in all they know to make up those five hours. A New Yorker who gets a splash of oil on his hat when passing under the elevated railway simply runs into the nearest hatter's and buys a new tile. An Englishman would spend several weeks waiting about the law courts, and pay two or three pounds in lawyer's fees, in order to make the railway company pay for the damaged hat. As a rule the Englishman is phlegmatic and cold blooded; but if the incident described in the following extract had happened in Berkeley Square or Porchester Terrace, there would have been a small revolution : " A small regiment of Italian laborers, with picks and shovels on their shoulders, marched noiselessly into Thirty-fourth street, between Fifth and Sixth avenues, just as darkness was setting in on Wednesday. A moment later the aristocratic quiet of the street was broken by the sharp contact of steel picks with Belgian blocks. Toil-hardened hands rapidly piled the blocks into long heaps on the south sidewalk, and mounds of dirt looking like miniature mountain ranges sprang up in the street. One by one the doors of the fine houses in the street were opened, and floods of light streamed out with indignant citizens, who demanded from the foreman of the laborers what authority he had for digging up the street. The foreman showed a permit from the Department of Public Works, and introduced the indignant citizens to In spector Mconey. The permit allowed the Thirty-fourth Street Railroad Construction Company to lay tracks in Thirty-fourth street. The road got the consent of the Board of Aldermen several months ago. The indignant citizens denounced the work as an outrage, and hurried around among their friends and neighbors asking and making .suggestions as to what they ought to do. They finally concluded that, as the courts were closed then, they would have to wait. So they all went to their homes and tried to SOCIAL ATAVISM. 105 sleep. They were unable to do this, however, as, in addition to the sound of picks and shovels and the clatter of Belgian blocks, they heard the buzz of the cross-cut saw going through joists and sleepers and the jangle of steel rails on the stones. At midnight the noise ceased, and the laborers shouldered their implements and marched away. " In this instance the residents took such a vigorous course that the rails were taken up and the road is still clear. But in the case of Forty-second Street the people were powerless to prevent the laying of the tracks; and the jingle of the carbells now sounds night and day through this once-fashionable street. Such occasional awakenings are good for the New Yorkers. They serve to divert their attention from business to local politics, and remind them of the class of men they are governed by. They serve also to show the true character of the political fetish from which, by some kind of Mumbo- Jumboism, they expect to get " the greatest happiness of the greatest number." The history of social progress is the history of the emancipation from tyranny. In America and in Eng land, the individual has freed himself from the tyranny of nobles, kings and other species of despots; but he is now being enslaved by a new oppressor — the will of the majority. The old Grecian theory that the individual has no rights against the State has been rehabilitated by modern politicians; and in the two foremost coun tries of the world, the proposition has acquired the reputation of an axiom. "The greatest good of the greatest number" is an admirable thing to legislate for; but when every man differs from every other man as to what really is the greatest good, and as to what really is 106 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. the best means of achieving it, the crystallization of opinions into laws is apt to display irregularities, causing flaws, fractures and failures of all kinds. There never was a time when political theorizing was carried to such an extreme as at present, nor a time when more good and thoughtful men were working out what they think is the political salvation of the race. But unity of opinion amongst these workers does not exist. There is no common political creed. All are dissenters — except in one particular, and here all are agreed. Socialists, anarchists, communists, land-nationalizationists, protec tionists — all agree that the individual has no rights against the State. And in conformity with this belief, law-makers are at work in parliament, in congress, and State legislature, creating greater happiness for greater numbers by depriving the units of the power of mak ing themselves happy in their own fashion. In short, there is being created a type of citizen wholly without self-dependence — one who lacks initiative, and who constantly expects govern ment to do things that ought to be done by himself. Human nature is plastic and Legislator modelling a citizen, lends itself readily to legis lative moulding. It is a questionable kindness of the law-maker, however, to fashion the citizen after the model of a mendicant. The affectionate cruelty of governmental methods re- SOCIAL ATAVISM. 107 minds one of Isaac Walton's funny directions for fishing with frogs. Says he: " Thus use your frog: put your hook, I mean the arm ing wire, through his mouth, and out at his gills, and then with a fine needle and silk sew the upper part of his leg with only one stitch to the arming wire of your hook, or tie the frog's leg above the upper joint to the armed wire; and in so doing, use him as though you, loved Mm" ! The modern legislator is the angler. Lovingly, gently, firmly he takes the citizen for bait, passes a hook through his gills, sews him up with a fine needle and the prettiest colored silk, or ties his hands to his feet with red tape, and affectionately dangling him into the stream of human perplexities, waits for the greatest happiness of the greatest number. Atavism? Atavism is much too good a name for it! There is much laudation of direct methods nowa days. If you see an evil, go for it! Go for it by the shortest cut! In Felkin's Uganda there is a fanny story of a direct method: " We went one day," says he, " to pay a visit to a [Soudanese] officer, and to our surprise found him lying on a bed with his head hanging over the end of it, having a small paper funnel stuck into one nostril, and at the same time chewing something. On our asking the meaning of this extraordinary proceeding, he replied that he was suffering from headache, and wished to grease his brain, so was pouring oil down the funnel into his nose, under the impression that it would find its way into the skull; and he said, pointing to his temple, 'You see, if I chew at the same time, it makes the brain work, so that it will be more quickly greased.' " * * ii. 160. 108 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. This is the kind of pathology legislators practise when Society's head aches. To alleviate pain in the body politic this is the order of intelligence used, the quality of scientific knowledge displayed. And yet, forsooth, men speak of the government as they speak of Wisdom, Jus tice, or any other abstraction, forgetting that "the Government" is but Some-of-us elected to serve All- of-us. So completely are men dominated by this gov ernment superstition that one rarely hears condemnation of a stupid meddlesome law; they accept it as natural and inevitable, as they would bad crops or a tornado. A man who had legislatures at his beck and call is re puted to have said : " The public be damned!" It is nearly time for the public to reverse this saying on the government both in England and America, even with a rumbling double-bass accompaniment from anarchists and nihilists. CITIES AND SOCIAL SETS. 109 CHAPTER VIII. cities ajtd social sets. " In men this blunder still you find. All think their little set mankind." Hannah Moke. HO was the first man ? " asked a teacher of his class. "George Washing ton !"prompt- ly replied a bright-eyedboy; adding in an under tone the oft- quoted lines —"First in peace, first in war, and first in the hearts of his coun trymen!" "But did you never hear of Adam?" queried the surprised teacher. " Oh yes, hut he was a foreigner." Concerning national institutions — and George Wash ington is one — the American people display complete unanimity of feeling. This bright boy's answer is one 110 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. that might have been given in any schoolhouse between Kennebunkport in Maine and Kewaskum in Wisconsin. On the general excellence of the United States as a na tion, or of America as a continent, no difference of opin ion exists from the Atlantic to the Pacific, or, as our friend of the Paris dinner-party would say, from the Au rora Borealis in the north to the precession of the equi noxes in the south. Indeed it is only by a supreme effort that politicians can get up any difference of opinion on questions of national policy. Parties like our conserva tives and liberals with strong dividing lines, are unknown in America; the nearest approach to them being the tariff- reform party, generally identified with the democrats, and the iron-bound protectionists, led by a few promi nent republicans. Except on this question, Americans are unanimous that as a nation they have nothing to de sire, nothing to amend, modify or reform. As a result nobody takes any interest in the doings of Congress — except in the periodical discussions of the silver ques tion and the tariff. The governmental machine is per fect and automatic; and so it is allowed to run along without the constant jolting and frequent stoppages of older machines with their intricate equipment of cabi nets, executives, oppositions and the like. But with perfect unanimity about things national there goes complete dissent about things civic. The rivalries of cities are carried to a ludicrous extreme. The Philadelphian has nothing favourable to say of the Bostonian; and both agree that no good can come from Gotham. While Chicago hates St. Louis with a hatred that is qualified only by the pride of having sur passed her, she is willing to agree with her quondam rival in despising Detroit or Milwaukee. Minneapolis and St. Paul, originally situated a dozen miles apart. CITIES AND SOCIAL SETS 11 1 now mingle their suburbs, and hate each other worse than Sparta detested Athens. Each charges the other with copying into the census names from tombstones, and duplicating living citizens, so as to appear greater than its rival; and it is averred that young men living in either city marry by preference girls belonging to the rival city, so as to decrease its population by one! These towns will awake some morning to find them selves wards of a greater city than either has yet dreamed of. This rivalry takes a strong hold of journalists, and newspapers are made spicy with quips and quirks about neighbouring cities. In a list of recipes to keep cool with a ninety-nine thermometer given in Life, two are jokes aimed at rival cities. One way to keep cool is to "talk to a Boston girl;" another is to "go to Philadel phia." Bostonians say that people often die in Phila delphia of sheer inanition — the place is so dull; and it is asserted that strangers visiting the Quaker City and going into society are literally bored to death. Philadel- phians retort with stories about the Boston girl, or re late how cows coming homewith dreary windings, laid out Boston streets, and gave them that crook edness which is so re freshing after life in cities built in geomet ric figures. "Bute you will admit that! our city is at least; well laid out," said a Philadelphia girl at Bar Harbor, playing " weiiiaid out." her last trump in a game with one of the elect from Bos- 112 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. ton. "Well laid out? Oh yes; but Boston would be better laid out if it were only half as dead !" and she calmly wrote " Hub " on the sands. It really seems that Philadelphia always gets the worst of these contests; and the result is that she is more subject to attack than any other city. This was neatly expressed by a young lady from Cincinnati with whom I was talking at Washing ton. I was saying that Philadelphia was a city of homes, not of apartment-houses: "it spread over a far greater area than New York with less than half the inhabitants." " That's because it has been so much sat upon," promptly replied the fair Cincinnatian. I once innocently asked a lady from Detroit what sort of a place was Kalamazoo. "Oh," said she, with ineffable scorn, "Kalamazoo is a little one-horse place where they raise celery and have a lunatic asylum." The imputation of large feet to Chi cago and St. Louis girls by other cities is another out come of this rivalry; but this, the girls of St. Louis pro test, is "carrying a joke to extremities." I lately read in an Eastern journal that railway conductors now an nounce the arrival of the train by crying "Chicago! twenty minutes for divorce!" But Chicago rarely "gets left" in this kind of banter. A stranger visiting the Garden City went to the theatre, and thinking he would get a better seat if the clerk in the box-office knew that he represented a great community, said: "I come from Boston." "Boston!" repeated the clerk as though he imperfectly remenibered the name; "is not that the place where they spell ' culture ' with a big C and ' God ' with a little g?" Americans cry "Chestnuts!" when they hear the be ginning of an old story. Englishmen wait to the end, and then with a smile say: "I always liked that story." CITIES AND SOCIAL SETS. 113 It is hard to say which is the more discouraging; but I am willing to risk both in the hope of occasionally giv ing a new form to an old joke or telling an old story to a new hearer. Much has been written by English excursionists to the United States in deprecation of the custom of nam ing towns after historic places in the old world. If the excursionists stayed long enough they would outgrow this feeling. Babylon on Long Island has the pleasant- est of memories for me; and I know some excellent men of whom I am agreeably reminded by the names of their homes at Syracuse, Utica and Goshen. The index to stations in an American railway-guide is one of the fun niest bits of reading — after Johnson's dictionary — that a picnic party ever indulged in. Mixed up with names such as Nazareth, Jericho, Rome, Carthage, are Indian names such as Koshkonong, Ty-Ty, Wahkiakum, Sno homish, or Klikatat. Then there are samples of native ingenuity like Hookium, Nenolepops, Lick-skillet, Hog- eye, Shirttail Bend, Puppytown, Squitch Gulch, Toenail Lake, and an infinity of Smithopolises, Jonesopolises, or Robinsonvilles! At our picnic " Manly Junction'' raised the sugges tion that it be changed to " Gentlemanly Junction" — as sounding better; while the name of a California town recalled a story which the lady who told it said was a very naughty one. It was of a man, who having asked a demure-looking girl, a small boy and a sad-eyed clergyman, "What town is this?" concluded from their answers that the whole population was vulgar, rude, and addicted to profanity. The town was Yuba Dam. Nineveh, Athens, Corinth, Memphis, Cairo, are repre sented on the American continent, some by " little one- 8 114 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. horse places" as my Detroit friend would say; some by towns surpassing in size and wealth their historic proto types. One would naturally think that the association ht such names with little dingy towns of unpainted wooden houses and plastic roads, would deprive Ameri cans of that mingled reverence and awe which old places and historic names inspire in us. But no such effect is seen in Americans abroad. Indeed their delight in his toric places is greater than that of those who live sur rounded by the evidences of past ages and generations of men. An American after visiting London usually knows more of the haunts of Johnson, Goldsmith, Dickens and other writers whom he has known since boyhood, than does the native Londoner, to whom Fleet Street is peopled with active business rivals rather than with the spirits of departed authors. American cities usually have some nickname, derived from their most striking peculiarities. Brooklyn — called after Breukelen, a little village near Utrecht — is the City of Churches. Gotham is an old nickname for New York which is sinking into forgetfulness. In old files of newspapers I have seen many a laugh at the Gothamites. Still " I ween that more fools pass through Gotham than remain in it," for it is a delightful city. Washington, laid out on paper as an immense city, remains the City of Magnificent Distances, though it is rapidly fulfilling the great expectations entertained of it. Chicago is prettily called the Garden City; but it has a rival for this name in the toy city built on Long Island by Stewart the millionaire haberdasher. Boston, besides being the Hub of the Universe, disputes with Edinburgh the name of Modern Athens. Mushroomopolis is the awkward-sounding cognomination which Kansas City CITIES AND SOCIAL SETS 115 has earned by its rapid growth. Cincinnati is called by residents Queen City. Non-residents and scoffers used to call it Porkopolis; but Chicago has deprived it of its claim to this as first pig-sticking city in America. Du luth while it was a city mainly on paper and laid out in the backwoods, became the " Zenith City of the Un- salted Seas," and its growth from almost nothing to thirty thousand in fifteen years justifies some such appellation. The rivalries of Italian cities in medieeval times have rarely given origin to a more romantic story than that of Duluth's contest with its quondam rival Supferior, concerning the canal across Minnesota Point. The Northern Pacific Railway made Duluth its lake termi nus, but soon experienced inconvenience because it had no harbour save the shallow upper end of the Bay of Superior. Fearing that the railway people would move their terminus, the citizens of Duluth decided to make a canal across the narrow sandspit of Minnesota Point, so as to connect their harbour directly with the lake. But the town of Superior, which occupied a position at the mouth of the bay, alleged that the waters of the St. Louis River would leave their natural channel through the bay and fiow out through the canal, if it were made, leaving their town high and dry; and they made such representations to the government that an injunction was granted forbidding the canal. The lawyers had to go for their injunction to Topeka, Kansas, where the United States Circuit Court was sitting. The news was telegraphed to enterprising Duluth, and while the papers were speeding northward in the train, the canal was commenced. Every man, woman, and child in Duluth who could handle a spade or shovel, or beg, borrow or 116 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. steal a bucket or basket, flocked down to the point, and dug, scratched, burrowed at the canal until it was finished. Before the lawyers reached the Zenith City of the Unsalted Seas, the citizens and their wives and children were celebrating the accomplishment of their great work. The result predicted by Superior followed: a strong current set out through the canal, and the old entrance to the bay shallowed three feet in the next gale. Rivalry between the two towns has now ceased. Superior belies her name and remains the village she has been for a quarter of a century. Duluth is great and prosperous. Wharves and grain - elevators are springing up on her sandy point; and a busy com mercial centre has leaped into existence. A dozen short lines centre there already, and six great railways will soon be pouring into Duluth, the vast commercial drain age of the great northwest. Bravo, Duluth! The society of each town is not homogeneous. There are strata in republican society just as there are in aristocratic communities. But a man is not born into a rank, and taught by the catechism to remain there : to do his duty in that state of life to which it has pleased God to call him. In America, he passes up and down, though with some limi tations. His position is often regulated by his balance at the bank. At other times the nature of his business indicates his social peg-hole. The society of Cin cinnati, for example, was found by a Bostonian to be divided into Stick-'ems and Stuck-'ems. The former class consisted of those who still stick pigs; the latter CITIES AND SOCIAL SETS 117 was made up of those who have stuck 'em, but who stick 'em no longer: retired pork-packers — not butchers — and their children. Similarly in Pittsburgh, I was told by a resident that one's father must own a blast-fur nace to secure one's admission to the ultra-fashionable set. The grade immediately beneath this, I was told, was formed by those whose fathers had ceased to work in shirt-sleeves. It was a Pittsburgher, by the way, who said that in America there are only three genera tions from shirt-sleeves to shirt-sleeves. In Washington the society is mainly political, and the grades are there formed by ministers, senators and congressmen. Except among the ladies there is little attention paid to rules of precedence. American men have no time for such nonsense. In Philadelphia a few old Quaker families who do not go much into society, monopolize the glamour that ancient birth confers. For the rest, the society is commercial, the strata being those common in England, of which the most conspicuous are the "re tail" and the " wholesale." New York is a cosmopoli tan city. Indeed Chicagoans deny that it is American. An Irishman landing there cries, "Be dad! it's fur all the wurrld loike Corrk!" A German exclaims, Ganz wie Berlin; the Chicagoan bluntly asks: " What's the next train for the United States?" The society of New York may not be representative of American society in general; but it is very enjoyable. After London, New York! After New York, the Del — I mean Boston! In the Empire City the social strata are not horizontal and superposed, but vertical and side by side. There are many " sets," but it would be difficult to indicate the highest. Perhaps the one which is all-powerful in Boston and which is pretty large in New York, should 118 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. be named first, the intellectual set. The nucleus of this is formed by the Nineteenth Century Club, a society of some hundred and fifty members of both sexes, before whom every conceivable subject from Christian dogma to Free Love is discussed without fastidiousness and yet with sensibility. It is a curious amalgam of fashion iand intellect. Its meetings take the form of social recep tions held until lately at the house of the president in Gramercy Park, now at the art-galleries in Madison Square. Writers of repute from other cities and mem bers of the club read papers or make speeches on all conceivable topics, while the members and their friends to the number of about five hundred sit around on camp- chairs in all the glory of swallow-tails and decollete dresses. Here in tellectual gems vie in brilliancy with diamond bracelets, and shapely necks and heaving bosoms divide your atten tion with glowing thoughts and well- turned phrases. It is a heavenly com bination! The club has no constitution. Its motto, "Prove Discussing the lecture. ^11 things; hold fast that which is good," indicates the width of its hearth. Round it in friendly converse, gather Catholic priests. Unitarian and Baptist ministers. Free-thinkers, Agnos tics, Positivists, Socialists, Cremationists, and thinkers CITIES AND SOCIAL SETS. 119 of everj possible type, but always of good calibre. It is indeed n microcosm of the world — except that grumblers are excluded. I never heard of any similar society in which envy, hatred, malice and all uncharitableness were so conspicuously absent. Neither are there any of those little jealousies which make up the irritants of life. Round this centre of light, gyrate smaller social systems, with all their attendant orbs and satellites, spreading far across space — from Madison Square to Harlem and Hoboken — and dotting the intellectual firmament with an infinitude of lesser lights. Next should be mentioned the Knickerbockers — the descendants of the Dutch squatters of New Amsterdam before the British took it and called it New York. These are hardly to be called a set. Though proud of their lineage they are not at all exclusive, and may be found in every circle. Their old Dutch names have rarely been anglicized, as is often the case with French and German names, and in the New York directory may be found such jaw-dislocators as have been strung together in the following rhyme: a Dutcli squatter. ¦ Where be the Dutchmen of the olden time. Who saw our ancient city in its prime? The Vander Voots, Van Rippers, and Dycks; The Vanderheydens, Slingerlands, Ten Eycks; The Knickerbockers, Lansings, and Van Burens, Van Dams, Van Winkles, Stuy vesants. Van Kewrens; 120 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. The Hoffmans, Rosbooms, Hogebooms and Schroders, Van Valkenburghs, and Stoutenburghs and Schneiders, Van Sohaacks, Van Vechtens, Visschers, and Van Wies, Van Tromps, Van Schoonhovens, and Vanderzees, Van Zandts, Van Clarcoms, Schuylers, Van Schellynes, Douws, Hooglands, Waldrons, Vanderburghs, and Pruyns. De Witts, Hochstrasses, Bontecous, Van Uiesons, Van Gaasbecks, Grosbecks, Bensons, Van and Hiesons: Where are they all, those men of sounding name. Of pipe, knee-breeches and round- bellied frame?" The authors and artists of New York have their clubs, but they form no set. Their periodical meetings are merry gatherings of the free-and-easy kind; and here one may learn that great men can drop their dignity, and revel in lager beer and chipped beef like ordinary mortals. The Century Club is the Athenaeum of America. It has a very stately look after the Author's Club. The Lotus corresponds nearest to our Savage. The brightest of Bohemians make this their resting- place. One hears in New York of a small set of ultra-fashion ables, who are said to be so exclusive that it is only by reading the social items in the Home Journal or the World that one can know what is going on in it.. This set consists of the few to whom wealth has survived descent through two generations. I have met several members of this circle. There is nothing remarkable to report about them. They incline to ape the British aristocracy; and of this their exclusiveness is quoted as a sign. Some members of this set were, a few years ago, publicly rebuked by the director of the opera for loud talking during the performance. It takes more than three generations for some natures to get accustomed to wealth. CITIES AND SOCIAL SETS 121 This reminds one of the great change which has taken place in American manners since Mrs. Trollope's day. Mrs. Trollope wrote her impressions of America fifty years ago, and, joined with some exaggeration, told so many unpleasant truths that her name in Ameri can mouths has not yet recovered its naturally sweet savour. One of the truths she told was that at the theatres of certain western cities, men were in the habit of taking off their coats during the performance, and sitting on the front of the boxes with their backs to the people. In consequence of this criticism, the manners of theatre-goers were much improved; and it became usual for the audience to cry "Trollope! Trollope!" at any man who took his coat off during the performance, sat on the edge of the box with his back to the people, or otherwise publicly misbehaved himself. In the news papers of fifty years ago I have several times read of this cry of " Trollope! Trollope!" Nowadays Americans are much more careful to avoid little rudenesses than Englishmen. Indeed, the positions are reversed on the wandering Briton, who can invariably be known by his remaining covered in places where Americans always remove their hats. It may not be amiss, and is certainly not superfluous, to tell English men who intend to visit America that it is the custom to remove the hat in any building where ladies are. This applies especially to an elevator, and the passages and halls of a hotel. Another much-needed hint to Englishmen abroad is, " Don't grumble very much — aloud!" I once saw a party of Englishmen, directors of a Canadian Railway, enter the dining-room of the Windsor Hotel with a greater clatter than the advent of a great Bashaw. They loudly insisted on having a par- 122 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. ticular table, though told that it was reserved for a family that had lived in the hotel for many years; and when they finally did get seated, nothing appeared to give them satisfaction. A man who will grumble at the table of the Windsor Hotel will complain about the fit of the heavenly halo, or say that his cloud-throne in Paradise is damp! A MODERN RACE OF CTCLOPS. 123 CHAPTER IX. A MODEEN EACE OP CTCLOPS. Cyclops, " an insolent lawless race" — "giants with only one eye." — Webstek. HEN Herbert Spencer was in Ame rica, his experience of journalists reminded him of a witticism of the poet Heine: "When a woman writes a novel, she has one eye on the paper and the other on some man — except the Countess Hahn- Hahn, who has only one eye." In American journals everything is treated in connection with the doings of individuals. The leader-writer, dis cussing some question of state, has one eye on the gov ernmental department, and the other on the person who presides over the department. If he has only one eye, he fixes it on the person. It was such a one-eyed journalist who, a week or two after the inauguration of President Cleveland, expressed his indignation in the Galveston News because a salute was fired at Fortress Monroe " in honor of Mr. Chester Arthur, a New York attorney." The small invasions of personal liberty to which one is often subject in the freedom-loving Republic take a specially aggressive form when conducted by jour- 124 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. nalists. A citizen is practically without rights when confronted by a reporter. If his daughter or his wife elopes, if his house takes fire, if the bank breaks with his savings, or his son absconds to Canada with the property of trustful clients, the interviewer, who has the effrontery of a brass sign and the persistence of a Nasmyth hammer, stands before the victim note-book in hand ere he has time to estimate his misfortune. Like the holy inquisitors of mediaeval times, this child of freedom scruples not to torture his victim, worming out his secrets, and quietly menacing him with unnamed terrors until he is ready to cry : O God, defend me! how am I beset— What kind of catechising call j'ou this? Nothing is so grateful to the interviewer as scandal. He thrives in it like eels in mud. He revels and rolls in it until it covers him like a coating of slime, obscuring every vestige of the man. He often infiicts cruelty to see his victim writhe, that he may turn an honest penny by describing the agony he causes. In pursuit of newsy items he adds to persistence a quality which in nobler walks of life would be called courage: it is the courage of the flea that fears not to breakfast on the lip of a lion. If he is kicked down the front steps he crawls back by the area window and cross-examines the cook. I know of a case where he got into a house by a back window and refused to leave until his coat-tails had been covered with foot-marks. Every man's house is his castle; but the sheriff, the plague, and the interviewer have rights of entry that will not brook denial. English readers lately learnt something about inter- A MODERN RACE OF CTCLOPS. 125 viewing from a controversy between Mr. Russell Lowell and Mr. Julian Hawthorne. In America the incident induced a discussion of this form of social aggression which has not been without its good results. The Na tion probably stands at the head of American journalism, for the integrity as well as ability with which it is con ducted. Here is its contribution to the discussion: " The Boston Herald says that the assertion that there is 'a very large body' of newspaper men who would be guilty of Haw thorne's offence may be true of New York, but not of Boston, where ' any newspaper man who did what Mr. Lowell says Mr. Hawthorne did to him would lose his place and stand a poor chance of getting another.' The Springfield Republican goes further, and says the number of new.sipapcr men anywhere who would commit Hawthorne's offence is not large, but small. There is no use in continuing or carrying on a controversy on a point which in the nature of things cannot be decided. But we will say this, that in long experience of the newspaper press we have known of scores, if not hundreds, of most shameful and cruel violations of confidence and intrusions on privacy committed by newspaper men, and have never heard of one which led to the dismissal of the offender, if it was one which promoted ' sales,' or, in other words, brought money into the counting room. Small lies or out rages, which have no particular pecuniary value, are sometimes followed by punishment, but it is a well-known fact that managers are very apt to stand by, to the last extremity, a liar whose lies feed the popular appetite for amusement. This is not a pleasant thing to say about ' our profession,' but it is as true as gospel. As a matter of fact, some of the most highly paid newspaper men are notorious liars, perverters, and inventors." It is one of the tokens of a free country that your sixteen-year-old daughter may go out to post a letter, and come back in ten minutes to tell you that she has just married your errand-boy or your footman. While you are tearing your hair and committing free institu- 126 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. tions to Sheol, a bit of pasteboard is thrust in your hand announcing the interviewer. You then get another lesson in freedom. Your domestic suffering is claimed by the nation, which wants to gossip over your calam ity. Here is an example extracted from the Neiu York Triiune for March 24, 1885. I omit the name of the sufferer, who was one of the best-known men in New York: " The bride's father was found in his apartments at No. Broadway. ' Mr. ,' said the reporter, ' to morrow's issue of Tlie Iribune will contain — ' ' I know,' interrupted Mr. , ' a notice of my daughter's marriage. Suppress it— suppress it if possible! ' The reporter explained that such things cannot be suppressed, and Mr. continued: ' I suppose you want to know all about it, but, I implore you, make as little of a sensation out of the affair as the facts will allow. I have always tried to appear honorably before the public, and now this comes upon me with the sudden ness of a thunderbolt. You can't imagine what a blow the mar riage has been to me,' continued he in a voice from which the tears were not far distant. ' I know that my position will remain the same, but I can't bear that my daughter should destroy her happiness by a single rash step like this. The whole story, how ever, is simple, and has really no sensational elements. My daughter made the acquaintance of this young man in this city. He didn't dare to pay his attentions openly, for he knew how I would have regarded them. He met her out of my house and they got married. I can't give you any further particulars. I know absolutely nothing about the young man, but I'm doing all I can to find out about him. That's my present occupation. The marri.age service was performed by a clergyman regularly ordained, and I never knew of the matter untU the other day.' " Here is an interviewer's horror extracted from the PhiladeliJhia Press, which like the IVibune is a first- A MODERN RACE OF CTCLOPS. 127 class paper, judged by the American standard. I omit the victim's name, which the journalist had not the heart to conceal: " As they were entering the hearing-room [of the police station] the Sergeant said: 'There is a case for you,' pointing to a woman who was speaking to the turnkey. She was a sad speci men of a dissipated woman. Ragged, filthy and half drunk, she stood, asking for a lodging, without any shawl to protect her emaciated form, or hood to cover her unkempt gray locks that fell down her back. 'You would hardly believe,' whispered the Sergeant, 'that fifteen years ago that creature was a beautiful young woman, well educated, the daughter of wealthy parents moving in the best society in Chicago.' The reporter looked incredulous. 'Well, she was,' replied the Sergeant. 'Her father, whose name was W — ^, was one of the richest men in that city, and lost all he had, along with his life, in the great fire. Just a few weeks previously, however, his daughter, our visitor here, was married to a man named R . He only wanted her money, and deserted her at the discovery of her father's loss.' The turnkey was heard gruffly to answer ' Yes,' and pointed to the stairway. As she turned around she showed a face wrinkled and grimy, with eyes half closed from drunken stupidity. Grasp ing the front of her dress that dragged on tie floor, she swayed toward the door. 'Mrs. R ,' said the reporter, politely, as she was about to pass. At the sound of the name she suddenly turned, her face losing its despair, and stood like a statue, staring at the speaker like one in a dream. Finally recovering herself, she gTasped the reporter's arm convulsively, and looking up in his face appealingly, said in a husky voice: ' Who — who are you? Do you know me? ' She turned her head and murmured: ' O God, that I should come to this!' ' I am very, very sorry, indeed, to see you here. How did it happen? ' 128 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. The tears gathered in her eyes and she began to sob violently. ' Oh, I could not help it,' she said, shaking her head. ' When my husband deserted me so cruelly after my father's death, I tried to live respectably, but I couldn't find work, and I had learned to drink before my father died. My only hope now is in the grave.' With her face buried in her hands and the tears trickling through her fingers, she slowly walked toward the stairway and disappeared, as though anxious to hide her misery. ' We often have people among our lodgers who've seen better days,' commented the Sergeant. ' We get used to them. That poor creature to-morrow will be about the low saloons trying to raise enough to buy a glass of rum.' " I am aware that a stranger's denunciation of this system will occasion some resentment in America, especially among journalists. But I trust I have shown myself sufficiently in sympathy with what is admirable in the Republic to excuse condemnation of what is cleariy a lapse from higher to lower forms. In Russia every family is under government surveillance; in the Republic of America every person is liable to forms of espionage far more objectionable. And this is both de manded and conceded as a right to the press. " The reporter explained that such things cannot be sup pressed"! And why not? The sanctity of home, the feelings of the wretched parents, the future happiness even of the foolish couple — are all to be subordinated to an unworthy craving for gossip? It is a saying in America that personal rights must give way to public comfort; but surely the public amusement is not in cluded. Then by what right, republican. Christian or other, does a reporter interview the occupant of a prison-cell? A MODERN RACE OF CTCLOPS. 129 Has a drunkard no rights? Is he (or she, alas! in this case) to be exhibited to needy penny-a-liners as stock in trade? If this wretched in terviewer must live — and I see no need for it — is it the duty of public officials to cater to him? But the sub ject is too nauseating. That such things happen without exciting surprise or protest is ample proof, if other proofs were not abundant, that Americans lack that respect for the rights of others which ought to go along with insistence on their own. But perhaps the interview in jail is one of those dis mal little fictions with which American editors some times beguile their readers. The Neio York Herald once startled the city by reporting the escape of the wild animals from Central Park. The horrible scenes that ensued were described: nurses were killed, children de voured or torn in pieces, and the people about the park were afraid to move out. Many did not read to the end of the report; those who did found the statement that it was all a dream or something of the kind! President Cleveland lately said: "I don't think that there ever was a time when newspaper lying was so general and so mean as at present, and thei-e never was a country under the sun where it flourished as it does in this. The falsehoods daily spread before the people in our newspapers, while they are proofs of the mental ingenuity of those engaged in newspaper work, are insults to the American love for decency and fair play of which we boast." 9 130 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. Speaking of this indictment, the Triiune, a rabidly partisan newspaper, capable of ascribing a tornado in. Texas or a collision of ferry-boats to democratic jobbery, makes the following very suggestive comment: " As the President is generally credited with sincerity and good intentions, it is evident that his acrid strictures upon the American press are designed to serve some useful purpose. We take it that his criticisms are meant largely for the benefit of the democratic press, which aided in electing him in a campaign of reckless and malevolent defamation unparalleled in the political ann.T,ls of the country. His opponent was attacked month after month as no statesman in American public life had ever been assailed before. Mr. Blaine's correspondence was monstrously perverted, his pri vate business transactions were ransacked with malign purpose, and the sanctity of his home wantonly invaded. From beginning to end it was a campaign of malignant defamation on the part of the democratic press." But "from beginning to end it was a campaign of malignant defamation on the part of the republican press "as well, and of malignant defamation the Tribune was not altogether innocent. Indeed then, as ever since, this otherwise able journal has shown a pitiful lack of dignity in its criticisms of the democratic party. Its unreasoning malevolence must inevitably discredit its own party in the minds of all lovers of fair play. It will scarcely be credited in England that fictitious interviews are published by reputable newspapers, in which f uU names are given. While I write, such a fab rication concerning the inventor Edison is going the rounds of the press, having already appeared in dailies published in Washington, Philadelphia and New York. The article is extravagant and absurd to the last degree. A MODERN RACE OF CTCLOPS. 131 being founded on an old hoax which I am informed ap peared as an April-fool joke nine years ago. I have found in a California paper an amusing report of a menagerie catastrophe, evidently prompted by the Herald's horror. It is a good example of a kind of hu mour which Uncle Sam has made his own, and worth quoting: "Cooper and Bailey's menagerie, which will open in this city shortly, was the scene of a terrifying occurrence, while exhibiting at Marysville recently. It seems that some mischievous youngster in the audience inserted a piece of tobacco in a peanut given by him to the largest of the sixteen elephants attached to the show. The enraged creature uttered the singular half-human cry peculiar to its species when aroused, and hurled the boy with great force through the roof of the tent, breaking every bone in his body, and an almost new humming-top in his pocket. Bursting the ten-inch chain that secured its foot like a bit of tvsine, the furious mam moth seized the clown, and in a second had crushed hini into a shapeless pulp and old conundrums. The elephant's companions now became excited, and charged upon the audience, which was wildly applauding the clown's just fate, little thinking what was in store for itself. In a twinkling the ring-master had been dis posed of, and the first four rows of spectators had become a mass of writhing victims. The ring ran with gore, and the wild shrieks and roars of the other animals lent additional horror to the terri ble scene. Presently, several cages were upset in the mfilee, and the lions and tigers took part in the awful fray. The hippopot amus bit off the sheriff's head. A frightful contest occurred between the grizzly bear and one of the largest elephants. The latter was underneath, and in his struggles rolled over and smashed flat a' whole half -priced Sunday-school. The rhinoce ros paid exclusive attention to the deadhead seats, and at one time was noticed with two editors and a politician on the same horn. The camels and zebras tore round the ring, uttering ter rific cries, above which could be faintly heard the agonizing cries of the County Recorder, who was being skinned alive by a couple of gorillas on top of the centre pole. In course of time the car- 132 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. nage was quelled, and the animals and curiosities secured, with the exception of a cormorant, that will go practising law in the spring, if not detected in time. The remains of the Mayor and six Councilmen were sent home in the golden chariot (cost $40,000 to build), preceded by the band (seventy-four first class- soloists). The unrecognized dead were buried in a trench two hundred feet long. The animals are now secured by chains weighing four pounds to the link, and iron bars two feet thick. Owing to the colossal expense attendant upon this mammoth exhibition of the century, the price of admission has been reduced to fifty cents, chil dren under ten half price." In the picturesque American neology, a "deadhead" means a person with a free pass. Sensational titles to reports are the delight of the American editor. A leading Chicago paper paid a large salary to an alliterative genius who did nothing but concoct head-lines.- This fellow once had to give a heading to the description of an execution; and next morning subscribers were startled on opening their pa- 7<., pers to see in large capitals the words "Jerked to Jesus." This is a fact, however shocking it may be. Another heading to a similar account which I have seen is " Leaped into Eternity." This was the description of a public hanging in a field near Savannah on June 26, 1885. The reporter ended his description with these words: "The widow of the murdered man occupied a seat on the scaffold, and witnessed her husband's assas sin take his leap into eternity." It is not easy to think of the American press as a seri ous institution. What it looks like to a native it is hard to say; but to a stranger it appears a gigantic farce, un derstood as such by both writers and readers. Every body in America reads the newspapers; nobody seems to believe them. Indeed it is often asked in a quizzical A MODERN RACE OF CTCLOPS. 133 way: "Is it true, or did you read it in a newspaper?" For nearly a week after the presidential election, republican newspapers, led by the Tribune, solemnly assured read ers that Mr. Blaine had been elected. Rarely is the love of truth allowed to spoil a fine sentence. In this particular the American journalist is like Carlyle: if his nicely-rounded period happens to exaggerate the facts, so -much the worse for the facts. If you read that " the awful holocaust leaped with lurid hands to lick the em blazoned clouds that caught the irradiant glare and hurled it into the abysmal spaces beyond the paling star," you may be certain, without reading another line, that a cow- barn, worth three hundred dollars, has been burnt down. When General Scott, the conqueror of Mexico, visited his native village in Pennsylvania, his entrance into the place was thus described by the local e'ditor: " The gallant hero, seated in a chariot, led the van. The rosy morn besprinkled the oriental clouds with effulgent glory, and the gorgeous sun, at last issuing like a warrior from his repose, walked up the sky, gilding the vast expanse of ether, and throwing his broad and splendid rays upon a line of one-horse wagons and carts filled with individuals principally from our village." I have already quoted the saying of a newspaper man to the effect that all American journalists are liars — either liars on space or liars on salary. This statement coming from a journalist must also be untrue. And here is a dilemma I will leave to the newspapers. But Thomas Jefferson writing in 1807 shows that the com plaint of President Cleveland is an old one. Says he: " Nothing can now be believed which is seen in a newspaper. Truth itself becomes suspicious by being put in that polluted vehi cle. The real extent of this misinformation is known only to 134 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. those who are in situations to confront facts within their know! edge with the lies of the day. I really look with commiseration upon the great body of my fellow-citizens who, reading newspa pers, live and die in the belief that they have known something of what has been passing in their time; whereas the accounts they have read in newspapers are just as true a history of any other period of the world as of the present, except that the real names of the day are affixed to their fables. I will add that the man who never looks into a newspaper is better informed than he who reads them, inasmuch as he who knows nothing is nearer the truth than he whose mind is filled with falsehood and errors. He who reads nothing will still learn the great facts, and the details are all false." What Englishmen esteem as dignity is a quality rarely found in American newspapers. Sensational news-items have a prominence unknown in the average English newspaper. Of course I except the Pall Mall Gazette, which has discredited us in many ways. Dur ing General Grant's illness bulletins appeared by the column twice a day. These columns were made up of the most trivial matters. The Post one day an nounced that "at 6:35 a servant raised the blind and opened the window to let in fresh air. Half an hour later the window was closed and the blind lowered." Even the best New York papers have a funny column like the English country weekly; and in their items of domestic news they compare with the Penny Budget or the Police News. Murders, elopements, scandal of all kinds, occupy the front pages of even the most reputa ble journals. In England we confine our scandal-mon- gering to the doings of dukes, princes and lords — and Heaven knows we have more than enough, even thus limited; but in America, as the Nation complains, "no body is too low to have his quarrels, sufferings or in trigues set forth at length; and the papers teem with 'spicy' reports of the elopements of bartenders and ser-; A MODERN RACE OF CTCLOPS. 135 vant-girls, the scandals of unknown families, and the divorce suits of people whom nobody ever heard of." The New York Herald in its Sunday edition of Feb ruary 7, 1886, contained four columns cabled from Eu rope. Three columns of this was the description of a duel between two French journalists, and the other de tailed the horrors of a French execution! Of course there is a demand for this kind of read ing. Servant-girls and labourers have money to spend on newspapers; and where these are conducted solely on business principles, that is money-making principles, editors must cater to all. Then there are hundreds of hysterical women-readers of whose tastes one knows nothing, until some interesting murderer like Guiteau or Maxwell has his cell piled up with letters and gifts of flowers and fruit. An anarchist condemned to death for murder is wooed and won by an heiress. In Eng land if such a class of maniacs exists, it does not betray its presence by showering favours on murderers. The nearest resemblance I remember was that of the crowd of women who lavished dainties and flowers on Jumbo. •And even about this there was probably a good deal of "Barnum." A stranger sometimes has his attention caught by an attractive head-line, and beginning to read gets half-way down the column before he finds he is reading a quack advertisement. Readers who are used to journalistic tricks look first at the foot of the article. There is a story of a clergyman who was so used to scrutinize the last line of everything he read, that from sheer habit he glanced at the end of the Sunday morning's lesson before reading it in church. If one were to judge by the newspapers, he would 136 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. conclude that the American people are the most un healthy in the world. Cures for the ills that flesh is heir to, and many others that are acquired without ancestral aid, are advertised in every sheet. America appears to be the paradise of quacks. A character in the old play Nice Valor says: " Never ill, man, until I hear of baseness; And then I sicken." The local politics of America probably keep the people in ill-health. Before I came to America a friend who had lived there jocularly advised me to go into politics and get rich. "But," said I, " one has to be a citizen to be able to take office; and it takes five years to be naturalized." " Then turn quack doctor for five years. That pays nearly as well!" In bygone days a man who had failed at everything else, bought a birch-rod and became schoolmaster: in America he turns quack and the press helps him to fame and fortune. Early last year the Tribune appeared with a detailed" account of the excision by electricity of a tumour at the back of the mouth. The next day it had nearly a column under the following cheerful headings: " Ex ploring the Intestines: A Serious Wound skilfully treated: A remarkable operation at Chambers St. Hospital: The patient cured." This edifying article began: " The abdominal cavity of man has always been aivoided by surgeons" — ' and by writers in family news papers,' might have been added. In such cases the patient's name and address, age, occupation, are given, together with particulars of his family, whether he or A MODERN RACE OF CTCLOPS. 137 any of his uncles and aunts have been divorced, im prisoned, elected to a public office, or suffered any other degradation, together with such additional details as may interest the cooks, chambermaids and male riff-raff who subscribe to the paper. If, as it is said, there is always a soul of truth in things false, there must be a soul of truth in the Ameri can press. It is, however, unobtrusive, as is the nature of souls: it does not advertise itself in large caps, like the more carnal part of itself. For this reason it often remains concealed from those who do not know where to seek it. The original thought and writing found in American newspapers are of the highest order. The lack of protection to native authors forces men of the highest ability into journalism. With an international copyright law we might get more good books from America, but Americans at home would miss the clear thought and strong virility of style of many leader- writers. The Sunday newspapers abound with articles of great literary merit. Indeed they are more like our reviews than newspapers; but it is a poor com pliment to the authors to mix such excellent work with scandalous personalities and blood-curdling crime-pic tures. The Tribune has several very able writers on its staff; but their efforts are weakened by a puerile re vision, which gives to every editorial the character of an indictment of the Cleveland administration. An article on the cultivation of sorghum may end with a lament that the business is unprofitable owing to the color of the democratic president's hair. The Sun, which aims at brevity, is a carefully written paper. Its financial articles are greatly esteemed. It is somewhat Anglopho- 138 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. bist. The World affords a wonderful example of what energy and enterprise can do to make a paper suc cessful. It built the pedestal to the Statue of Liberty, and was in large measure instrumental in securing the conviction of the dishonest board of aldermen in New York. It has a well-managed detective bureau, and has done much to ferret out criminals of all degrees. It is sensational, which is one cause of its marvellous success; but its boldness and persistency in attacking corruption in high places more than compensate for this. At this moment its big guns are directed against the corrupt Commissioners of Castle Garden. The Times is among the best of New York morning papers. It is well edited, contains fewer horrors than usual, and its origi nal articles are of the highest order. I may add that it is a leading free-trade advocate. On this account the judgment of an Englishman will be said by protectionists to be biassed. The evening papers the Post and A d- vertiser rank very high. The Advertiser's business columns are specially valuable; while the Post excels in its leaders and leaderettes. The Nation I have put at the head of the American press. It is a weekly publica tion devoted to the purification of politics and the advancement of free-trade principles. Its original artir cles are thoughtful, independent and vigorous. It is conducted in a dignified spirit; and its influence for good is unimpaired by personalities and harmful news items. The Citizen, is a publication with the same aims. The Critic is a weekly review devoted to literature and art. It is ably conducted, and it includes in its list of contributors the brightest names of American literature., Comic papers are generally bright and clever, though they seem to be at some disadvantage because every A MODERN RACE OF CYCLOPS. 139 newspaper has its column of fun, and even serious matters are often treated humorously. This is the way in which an editor announces the birth of a son: ' ' The angel of dawn laid at the threshold of Editor P. A. Bar rett this morning a rosebud culled from the garden of the gods, as a reward for the energy and enterprise which have given Scranton a first-class daily. Mother and child are doing well." Of bright, sparkling descriptions the American is a far better writer than the English reporter. In sub editing too, in the display of news and its judicious distribution through the paper, I think the American excels. In the leaders there is little difference of merit. The Englishman is the more dignified, and his style is in keeping with the grave subjects usually treated edito rially. The American likes " snap;" and this liking gives a* precision and a crispness to his leaders, and a bright semi-humorous sparkle to his reports. It would be an improvement if some of the American brightness could be made to illumine our heavy verbatim reports at home. It would be like the bright crisp sunbeam of a winter's day falling athwart a London fog. 140 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. CHAPTER X. ON THIlfGS IN GENEEAL. ' Great Empire of the West, The dearest and the best. Made up of all the rest." Ab. Coles. :w ^HICH of these roads leads to Skunk Hollow?" asked a pedestrian of a darky who stood at the junction of two mud-puddles. " Bot' on 'em, boss !" ' ' And which is the best.?'' queried the traveller. " Dunno," replied the sable youth. " Why, don't you live about here?" "Ya-as." "Then how is it you don't know?" "'Cos whichebber ob de roads you take, you'll be sorry you didn't take de udder one!" And that is the kind of feeling the traveller has all over America. When Mr. Freeman visited Uncle Sam, he told him to mend his ways. But this would be a woik of generations, and, with a ubiquitous railway ON THINGS IN GENERAL. 141 system, almost a work of supererogation. An idea of the character of American country-roads may be had from the fact that it is not uncommon to go over them with a plough as a preparatory measure to repairing them, and sometimes the repairing gets no further. Not only are the country-roads of America bad enough to justify the death penalty on a road-surveyor in Eng land; but the pavements of cities are execrable. New York, which is by far the best taxed city in the world, has worse pavements than a German village. The road is full of inequalities in which the mud accumulates, to be splashed by horses and carriages over the clothes of pedestrians. Then crossings — there are no crossing- sweepers in America— are formed by huge monoliths, with large gaps worn between; and occasionally the un wary finds his foot slipping from tne polished stone into eight inches of slush. The sidewalks are often raised a foot above the roadway, so that at every crossing one has to step that distance up and down, and a miscalculation of the height may result in a fall into the gutter. Further dangers await the pedestrian as he walks along. He presently stumbles over a portion of the pavement which is raised two or four inches above the rest, or kicks his pet corn against the raised covering of a trap door. If it has been raining and freezing simultaneously, as often happens in winter, he may find his feet shoot suddenly skywards, and before he realizes the meaning of the movement, his head strikes an iron cellar door, which instead of being flush with the pavement is placed at a convenient angle for involuntary gymnastics. Undeterred by these diversions, the unsophisticated stranger proceeds, until his progress is arrested, say on Broadway, by the end of a cart which projects across 142 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. the flags and occupies such portion of them as is not already covered by the boxes and bales which have just been taken from it. Silently rejoicing in the briskness of trade, he makes a detour into the mruddy road and round the horses' heads, soon to be stopped again, this time by the scaf folding of a new building, which occupies the whole of the sidewalk. Possibly he here has the option of Incident during a stroll. walking round the obstacle by the road, or over it, by means of a wooden platform reached by five or six badly-built steps. If the pedes trian is a philosopher, and as good-tempered as all Americans are under small discomforts, he will cheer fully recognize in his walk an emblem of life with its perplexities and discomforts alternating with short periods of ease. He will also recognize and profit by the intellectual stimulus of such a walk: for one cannot surmount even trivial difficulties without the exercise of some ingenuity and intelligence. If, however, our traveller is an Englishman, with his ever-ready faculty of fault-finding, or an old gentleman with weak knees, or an old lady with poor eyesight, philosophy and good nature will point to the ubiquitous tram-car. Taking perhaps the only vacant seat, our traveller soon finds that Americans are not deterred by considerations of personal or impersonal comfort from entering a car already full. If one hails a cab, he will probably be ON THINGS IN GENERAL. 143 jolted stiff, and charged a dollar for a five-minute drive. Comfort in travelling in an American city is mainly a matter of chance. If few people are moving in the same direction, transport is rapid, cheap and comfort able. If one ventures into a street-car or on the ele vated railway at the beginning or end of business hours, he finds a crowd of people wedged together on each seat, and a third crowd hanging on to the roof-straps, and convivially rubbing knees with those who are seated; but every individual amongst them as good-natured and contented as a boy on a toboggan-slide. Many tram-cars in America are run without conduc tor. You place your five cents in a box with glass sides, near the driver. If you are a stranger to the custom and keep your nickel in your hand awaiting the collector, the driver fixes his American-eagle eye upon you, raps at the window, and tells you to " hurry up there." Everybody rides in street-cars. The pave ments are too bad to walk on with comfort, and if they were better the American's time is worth more than the twopence- halfpenny charged for riding. A common midnight apparition in Fifth Avenue is the machine street-sweeper. The scene in the moon like brightness of the electric lamps is very weird. Pedestrians run into the nearest doorway, if a side street is not available. Then with artillery clatter come three or four machines, marching almost abreast. The dry dust rises in circling clouds above the horses' heads, re mains suspended in mid-air until the sweepers are past, and falls again on the pavement like the gentle dew from heaven. The doorways then give up their living, who proceed along the silent streets, literally making tracks homewards. 144 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. Ash-barrels contribute much to the variety of a walk through an American city. These are placed in front of houses; and when the wind is not blowing, the stranger may amuse himself and add to his stock of knowledge by reading the queer advertisements that are pasted over them. If, however, a strong wind is blowing, literary diversions are out of the question, for one's eyes are busy shedding tears and washing out the dust which rises from every barrel like a pillar of cloud. One of the numerous traditions that cluster round the memory of George Washington, is to the effect that he once threw a dollar from Mount Vernon across the Potomac; and another tradition which is acquiring the character of an historic truth, is that Senator Evarts remarked on this that "a dollar went further in those days than at present." Truly a dollar does not go far at present — not further than an English shilling, and not as far as an Italian franc. The poet who characterized Amer ica as the dearest land knew whereof he wrote. It is a J? II^K^P^ ^^^^ °^ inflated prices and artificial values. American productions are sold in England at half the price demanded in America. Among my papers I find the following extract from a newspaper, which well describes the facts in New York. I regret that I have neglected to notice the title of the book from which it is evidently a quotation: " Incomes are large, expenditures keep pace, not on the old scale to which English society clings, but with a recklessness quite characteristic of the buoyancy of the American temperament. ON THINGS IN GENERAL. 145 Men seem to compete in expenditure as in trade, and New York has become the most expensive city in the world. A modest house for a small family in a respectable locality cannot be had for less than £400 to £500. In the enoimous ' flat ' houses which are rapidly going up all over the upper part of the city, an apartment of seven or eight rooms, in nowise luxurious, costs £200 to £400 [say rather £400 to £1000], and in less eligible localities, and most moderate in pretension and accommodation, rarely less than £100. At a well-known commercial restaurant a lunch off the joint, with a pint of cider and a cup of black coffee, costs 6s. , and is not nearly equal to the half-crown lunch of a London restaurant. The beef that is sent from here to England and sold at M. to IM. a pound costs in New York twice that. The style of living which in London costs £1000 a year, here will cost £2000. The large profits are met by proportionate expenses. A man grows reckless of the dollars. At the hotels you not only pay enormous bills, but the greed of the attendants [who are rarely native Americans] makes it impossible to get decent service without continually tipping them, and not in the modest way one does in England. There is no charge made for service, but if you want your lunch served quickly and well you must fee the waiter when you give the order. He marks every habitue; who tips him and who does not; and the tips are on tho American scale— anything less than a ' quarter ' (a shilling) is contemptible, and the true American will never consent to be contemptible, even in the eyes of a waiter. He will at all costs avoitl the reputation of meanness, and has little inclination to distinguish between meanness and economy, and, being always in a hurry to get back to business, says that he loses more than a shilling by the delay which the waiter imposes on him. At the hotel the guest who does not fee in advance soon finds the zeal of the waiters fall off. You pay a boot-black a dime (5d), and so on to the end of the list. And there are no suburbs to cheapen life. The Hudson River blocks one side with its uncertain winter navigation; and Brooklyn, across the East River, is as dear as New York (?), as a furnished flat of several moderate rooms there costs £25 a month. Everybody is so intent on his getting on that he does not stop to think that this system of enormous profits for everybody eats up 10 146 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. all his surplus gains; and a man who gets £500 a year here is no more comfortable than a London clerk at £250. There is the chance of a great hit, and he believes in his luck. The devotion to business is certainly phenomenal. If it is wise ^nd healthful the future will tell better than to-day. " The difference in cost of living to workingmen, how ever, is not so great. I have obtained from a Scotch foreman in America a comparison of prices of food, clothing, fuel, and of rent, paid by workingmen in Pittsburgh and an ordinary Scotch town. This shows that in food the American workman has the advantage of 26 per cent, and in fuel 64 per cent. In rent the Scotchman has the advantage of 91 per cent, and in clothing 34 per cent. Altogether the Scotchman has a considerable gain. He gets for seventeen shillings and sixpence what the American buys for twenty-four shillings and tenpence. The arrangements of a good American hotel or a first-class residence are far in advance of anything seen in the old world. Hot and cold water is found in every room, and often the electric light. Electric bells lead everywhere. Nearly all private householders have such electric communication with a telegraph office, that one ring will immediately bring an errand-boy, two a police man, three an ambulance and doctor, four a fire-engine, and so on. All over the country private houses are furnished with telephones, and I have heard ladies say they would as soon be without a cook as without the telephone. In England the development of this system of communication has been hindered by the govern ment, which had a monopoly of telegraphs, and it was held by the courts that the telephone was a telegraph. In this instance we have a clear proof of the injury ON THINGS IN GENERAL. 147 which a government may cause by not minding its own business. In America private enterprise enables citizens to send money by telegraph and cable — a convenience denied to Englishmen at home. In some cities steam is supplied to houses, as gas and water are; and in Pitts burgh natural gas is furnished to householders ad libi tum for what they previously paid for coal. At Lock- port, power is supplied to factories by over-head cables at so much per horse-power. Speaking-tubes connect with the kitchen even in small houses; and a hoist brings up the dinner piping hot with no tumbling up stairs and smashing of dishes. Even in the "far west" these little aids to comfortable living are generally found; though one may there occasionally discover bits of Charles Dickens's America. A newly-imported Scotchman, used to the simple fare of the Highlands, displayed great astonishment at the sight of an American table. " Look, Jock, mon!" he cried to a compatriot, "'taties for bre'kfast!" Sandy might have exclaimed at many other things on Uncle Sam's breakfast - table. According to Mulhall, our avuncular relative eats more than anybody else. He certainly 'cooks more, but he wastes so much that I fancy Mulhall's figures are misleading. Dr. Primrose said that the superfluous trappings of the rich were more than enough to clothe the poor. The waste of Uncle Sam would feed the hungry poor of any other nation. The culinary art has attained a high development in America. Delmonico's has long held the palm against all Paris for good cooking; and the Hoffman House, noted from China to Peru as the most sumptuous res taurant and bar-room in the world, is now running its 148 UNCLE- SAM AT HOME. neighbour a hard race for precedence. Nature, having dealt lavishly with Uncle Sam in so many ways, has capped her bounty by giv ing him the best food and the greatest variety of it. Indeed it is claimed that Chesapeake Bay is the gastronomic centre of the universe. Everything that can be grown in Europe, The National Bird-with Cranberry from OrangeS tO OatS, ®^"''®- Uncle Sam cultivates on his own farm, and it is as superior to foreign products as home-grown things proverbially are. In tropical Florida he raises tropical fruits. In Maine, in Wis consin, he grows oats that make even Scotch mouths water. His Texas cattle now go to form much of the roast beef of Old England; and his Massachusetts cheeses are sold at the antipodes as Stilton, Cheddah, Roquefort or Gruyere, according to the taste of the pur chaser. Salmon literally crowd his rivers, so that some times horses cannot ford them; and these he puts into cans and sends them by the ton to Europe, Asia, Africa; and his California peaches and apricots go with the salmon. American mutton is decidedly inferior to Scotch, Welsh, or even Australian; but that is a small drawback in the land of the terrapin, the canvas-back duck, that delectable anomaly the soft-shell crab, and the blue-point oyster. The annual production of the last- named succulent amounts to nearly twelve billion. New York alone consumes 810 million, an average of 660 per inhabitant. In winter, blue-points, invitingly lying on a sparkling bed of crushed ice, form the "grace be- ON THINGS IN GENERAL. 149 fore meat" at most American dinners. In summer, people ask a blessing by means of clams. I find that the prejudice against midsummer oysters is very old. Butler in Dreyet's Dry Dinner, dated 1599, says: "It is unseasonable and unwholesome, in all months that have not an r in their name, to eat an oyster." It is curious that clams are not eaten in England. They form a de licious appetizer before the soup; and clam chowder is a more epicurean dish than green turtle. River and coast steamboats in America have been appropriately called floating palaces. In all kinds of unlikely places one finds rich woodwork, owing to the great variety and cheapness of timber; but in steam boats carpentry seems to have reached the dignity of a fine art. Then, in a clear bright climate where weather- changes are predicted with greater certainty than the rise and fall of stocks, there is no difficulty in keeping everything clean and bright. The difference between the dirty tug which takes passengers to their Cunarder at Liverpool and the beautiful steamer which used to transfer them to the Barge Office in New York, is as great and of the same character as that between a Galway peasant on his native heath and the statesman he becomes in America. A like difference is observed in the barges and other freight-boats of both countries. Those of England are black, dirty and often misshapen; those of America are bright, clean and usually as grace ful as a private yacht. Charles Dickens's first impres sion of America was that everything had been newly washed. He was mistaken: it had never been allowed to get dirty. The extensive use of anthracite coal keeps many American cities clean and free from smoke. In Wales 150 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. there is an extensive bed of smokeless anthracite which would supply London for a century or more; but it would seem that the owners of the dirty, cheerful, bituminous coal have the market and are likely to keep it. Two and a half millions of people are clustered in and around New York; yet the air is as pure, and the skies as bright a blue, as in Italy. From the tops of the highest buildings, or from the great Statue of Liberty, one has a view of miles of buildings on one side, and a panorama of the beautiful harbour on the other, free from smoke and dirt. It is just the view to make the New Yorker glad, the Chicagoan envious, and the Briton proud; for was it not the last who first saw the capabilities of this beautiful site? The love of the beautiful in nature is so recent an addition to the faculties of man that one may almost say it is a product of modern civilization. A primrose on a mossy bank was never anything more than a prim rose until our grandfathers' day. Yet the products of past generations of men invariably appeal more to our aesthetic sense than do the works of the present age. Here is an anomaly. And again, how is it that the stolid Swiss, who remains unmoved amid his grandiose sur roundings, evolved the graceful chalet, while the more highly-developed American never created anything finer than a log-house? The utilitarian spirit seems to have killed even the aspiration for the beautiful which gener ations ago had begun to manifest itself in -New England. At Yonkers a man reputed to be worth sixty thousand dollars a year utilizes the lawn of his hired house for raising hay. And who has seen the glories of the Hud son without being shocked by the hideousness of such places as Peekskill? It is hardly an exaggeration to say ON THINGS IN GENERAL. 151 that, out of the old settled districts, there is nothing rural in America. The country is unkempt. Snake- fences, rocks degraded by quack advertisements, un painted wooden houses, garbage piles at the doors — such ar^ the tokens of rural life in America. As a native has well phrased it, "there is a great deal of land, but viery little country." And then the country railway stations! Who shall describe their unqualified hideous ness, their chilling desolation, their unwelcoming empti ness? Often their ugliness has carefully been made worse. On the Erie Railway at a small station just outside Jersey City, an old locomotive tender has been deprived of its wheels and labelled with letters a foot long "Garbage Box." Prof. Fiske, writing on the advantages of infancy, shows that the development of man to his highest form is dependent upon the training made possible by prolonged infancy, and that the false notions, super stitions and mistakes of the child are really useful ele ments in its growth to adult life. The same has been said of a nation. Indeed it is now a commonplace that societies are organisms, and subject like them to laws of growth and development. But America had no infancy. In three generations it sprang from the posi tion of a province into the foremost rank of nations. Accordingly we find in American life an absence of what Carlyle called "the rich invigoratioii of crude be liefs and superstitions;" and the same great grumbler unwittingly excused many of the crudities he blamed when in his luminous language he said the American was " orphaned of the solemn inspiration of antiquity." The author of The Biglow Papers expresses in touching- language the same thought: 152 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. " O strange New World, that yet wast never young. Whose youth from thee by g'ripin' want was wrung. Brown ioundlin' o' the woods, whose baby bed Was prowled round by the Injun's cracklin' tread. An' who grew'st strong thru' shifts, an' wants an' pains. Nursed by stern men with empires in their brains!" We often hear that Uncle Sam inherited from- the old nations much of his material greatness; but on the other hand he seems to have lost by his deprivation of infancy much of that vague quality which has been styled. " sweetness and light," and which includes a love of the beautiful. America is but a vast workshop and kitchen- garden. Its fioor is littered with the debris of indus trial activity. To complain of its unsesthetic character is perhaps like grumbling because the floor of an iron- foundry is not carpeted. A general sweeping and clean ing up would be premature, leading only to waste of trouble, for the floor would soon be encumbered again. There has been no time for this; but it is coming. Already, the offices of Uncle Sam are models of com fort, and even of beauty. Perhaps his cities, streets and country lanes will soon follow. Between fifty and sixty years ago the Americans in troduced into their country the locomotive. They had been watching with interest the experiments of Stephen son in England, and no sooner was success achieved than they adopted the crude idea and began to develop it. It would be hard to say which nation has since made the greater advance in railway construction and manage ment. Both England and America have left the rest of the world behind; how far behind one can only realize on seeing some of the primitive " puffing billies" of France ON THINGS IN GENERAL. 153 and ether Continental nations. But they have advanced along divergent lines; so that comparison is not easy. For comfort in travelling the palm must undoubtedly be awarded the nation that invented the sleeping- and drawing-room cars; and that at an early date ceased to build railway carriages after the design of the old stage coach. Here, in an American's rejoinder to an English man's unfavourable criticism of transatlantic methods, we have a terse description of the way Uncle Sam travels: " We take first-class tickets that cost us l^d. (3 cents) a mUe. A porter meets us at the entrance and takes our valise. We enter a car in which there are a number of comfortable arm-chairs. These chairs swing around, so that we can face the windows, the passengers, or one another. If we wish to be exclusive we take a compartment — for two, four or six, as we please. But as I enjoy plenty of air I choose the main body of the car. At my elbow I find an electric bell, in answer to which comes a negro waiter who is ready to bring you anything — from a telegraph blank to a lunch. The floor is well carpeted and each chair has a big foot stool. There is a smoking-room at one end of the car fitted up in leather, as well as the usual convenience of wash-basin, soap, towel, lavatory, etc. A little table can be fitted at your seat which can serve you as lunch- or card-table. The car stewards make tea, coffee and chocolate. On short distances many neighbors are apt to be on the same car, and a drawing-room is the best counterpart of it."In England we are locked up in a narrow compart ment with eight or nine other people, all wedged to gether on two seats, and half of us with our backs to the engine. We have no arm-chairs, no waiters to bring us lunch, no lavatory accommodation — nothing in fact to relieve the tediousness of the journey or the discom fort of our crowded position. If we get hungry, we run into the refreshment-room of some station for a sand- 154 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. wich, or buy a lunch-basket and use our knees for a table — the other passengers looking on with that British stolidity which foreigners so often mistake for some thing worse. As for lavatory accommodation on a train, the majority of the English people have never heard of such a thing! They are not supposed to require such accommodation while travelling — or if by chance they do, they wait till the train stops! We are a very long way behind America in comfortable travelling. East of Chicago the speed of trains compares not un favourably with that of the best trains in England. On short local lines, too, the comparison holds good; and the slow and wearisome trains of, say, the Lan cashire & Yorkshire or the Southeastern have their parallels in America. Artemus Ward is accredited with a good story in this connection: When the conductor was punching his ticket— which he does about every tenth mile — Artemus remarked: "Does this railroad company allow passengers to give it advice if they do so in a respectful manner?" The conductor replied in gruff tones that he guessed so. " Well," Artemus went on, " it occurred to me that it would be well to detach the cow-catcher from the front of the engine and hitch it to the rear of the train. For you see we are not liable to overtake a cow, but what's to prevent a cow strolling into this car and biting a passenger?" Passengers are in the habit of placing their railway tickets conspicuously on the front of their hats, so that the conductor may take and punch them to his heart's content without disturbance. I once saw the passen gers in a West Shore train curiously classified by the conductor: those going beyond Albany had a plain red card thrust into the ribbon of their hats or pinned to their ON THINGS IN GENERAL. 155 shawls, and those stopping at Albany were labelled with a white ticket. On some Western lines the conductor gives you in place of your coupon a coloured ticket, on which is printed your destination with a list of inter vening stations and distances, and the direction, "Keep this ticket visible." You accordingly wear it in your hat, and the conductor knows where you are going at a glance. Americans are always amused on their first journey from Liverpool to London at our slow-and-easy ways. That the train should pull up just outside the station, while men go from carriage to carriage collecting tickets, is as great a surprise to them as the Continental conductor is to Englishmen when he clambers along the rushing train and suddenly appears at the window with a cry of Billets, messieurs 1 The American system of checking luggage — or bag gage, as Uncle Sam prefers to call it — is excellent. You tell the hotel clerk you are going to Kansas City on the eight o'clock train. Presently he gives you a number of brass checks, each representing a package, and tells you that your luggage has been taken to the station. At the station you walk to your seat in the train, which has been engaged by the same Genius of the Ring, the hotel clerk. In three or four days, as you are approach ing Kansas City, a boy walks through the train jing ling a number of brass checks on straps ; and to him you entrust your checks and say where you want your luggage sent. Shortly after you get to the hotel, your trunks are brought upstairs, and then you see them for the first time since leaving New York. You have travelled fifteen hundred miles without a disquiet ing thought concerning the "impedimenta," as the Roman appropriately called his luggage. An American, 156 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. habituated to this system and travelling in Europe, often thinks he has slipped back into Roman times. A story is told of an American travelling in England who required the guard's constant reassurance that his trunk was all right. At every station he put his head out of the win dow, and cried, " Conductor, is my trunk all right ?" " Yessir, it's in the back van," blandly replied the guard each time. But presently the guard grew tired of the ever-recurring question, and the answer "yessir" came shorter and took more the character of a hiss. " Is my trunk all right ?" asked the American for the thirteenth time. The guard drew himself up in front of the win dow, and fiercely regarding the anxious Yankee, replied, "If God had made you an elephant instead of an ass, you'd have been able to take care of your own trunk." With characteristic good-humour, the American told the story against himself. Americans in England are always greatly entertained by our tavern signs. Our green dragons, blue lions, white harts, pig and whistles, cock and bottles, bull and mouths, are a source of constant interest and amusement to them. And of course they are less attentive to the entertaining signs and notices to be found all over their own country. Yet these are often more curious than the quasi-heraldic devices of our country inns. A no tice in a New England card-room informs patrons that " The proprietor will do all the swearing, getting drunk, and vulgar talking for the establishment." In the Cambria County court-house at Ebensburg, Pennsylva nia, a notice artistically displayed and printed in black and gold runs as follows : " If you expect to rate (ex pectorate) as a gentleman, you will use the spittoons and not the fioor. You will also refrain from defacing ON THINGS IN GENERAL. 157 this fine building in any way. Compliance with this gentle reminder may avert legal penalties." Here is another eloquent and firm admonition to good behaviour. It is in a printing-office in New York: GENTLElIEISr AEE POLITELY EBQUESTED NOT TO YELL IN THIS Office. I have heard of the following suggestive sign placed near the till in business houses : "The Lord helps those that help themselves; but the Lord help those that help themselves here !" In Broadway a tradesman's sign reads Jonas Blank Pants Exclusively. This does not mean that Jonas suffers from chronic asthma : it means that he sells nothing but trowsers. Under the Grand Union Hotel at Saratoga the sign of 3, "tonsorial parlor and capillary studio" reads thus: "Any colored hair bleached blond in an hour." At the Philadelphia swimming-bath a notice is displayed indicating the hours set apart for " Ladies and Misses," and " Gents and Masters." An "omnifarious store" is a common sight " out west ;" and I have seen this all- inclusive sign supplemented by another : " Groceries, tripe, pigs' feet, saurkraut, hot coffee, birch beer ;" and by the door were boots, tin pails, trowsers, a clock, goloshes, petroleum barrels, empty biscuit tins and a, milk-can. The most startling sign I have ever seen is 168 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. the one common on the rocks of Broadway, the fine road that runs along the Hudson from New York to Albany. It is terse and resonant. It seems that after some religious fanatic had painted on the rocks such ex hortations as " You must repent or go to hell," some other lunatic erased the first four words, and the remainder is left to cheer the weary wayfarer as he trudges from New York. The school-girl who figures in English as she is Taught was mistaken when she said " Climate lasts all the time, and weather only a few days." In America it is just the other way about. Indeed it is probably a mistake to talk about the American climate at all. One might as well speak of the stratum of the earth's crust. There are innumerable climates in America, and some times they are all operative at once. The people of Cali fornia boast about the number of distinct climates found within the limits of their State. They need not. There are just as many to be found in any other State. In New York, for instance, they had 95° degrees one day, and a snow-storm the next. At Greeley, fifty miles north of Denver, the mercury dropped from 50° to 2° in little more than an hour. In Denver itself it fell thirty de grees in eight minutes. At Yuma in Southern Califor nia it is hot enough to give probability to the story of a soldier who, after dying there, found himself obliged to return to earth for his blanket. And it was not to heaven that he had gone ! In Minnesota they have one hundred and sixty cli mates, ranging anywhere from fifty-five degrees below zero to a hundred and five above. The trouble is that one never knows one day at which end of the barometer the climate is going to be the next day. It is interest- ON THINGS IN GENERAL. 159 ing to watch it leap up and down the mercury-tube, but it is trying to the complexion. There is one kind of American climate that is worthy of special notice. It comes in the late fall, in the win ter and early spring. It fills people with electricity so that they are constantly going off in little explosions, and giving shocks instead of handshakes to their friends. When this particular dry, cold climate is operative, it is possible, after shuffling across a woollen carpet, to light the gas by touching the burner with the finger. There is a quick snap, a stinging shock, a little blue spark, and presto ! the gas is alight. A newspaper — tissue paper or a silk handkerchief is better — briskly rubbed against a mirror, will adhere to it and crackle if torn away. I have had writing-paper cling to my hand, like tissue paper to amber, or stick to the window-cur tains when thrown against them. This is a very wonder ful kind of climate, and brings such a fiow of spirits as to make one certain that Mr. Mallock never was in such a meteorological environment : else he would never have asked his lugubrious question. One Englishman who experienced the exhilaration of this climate exclaimed, " I see why you Americans do not drink champagne : you breathe it." But they drink champagne aU the same ! 160 UNCLE SAM AT HOME.' CHAPTER XL THE PEOFESSION OF POLITICS. A DOG. WITH A STOEY OF "The Public! Why, the Public's nothing better than a great baby!"— Chalmers. S Colonel IngersoU was one day standing on the deck of a steamer, he was accosted by a solemn-look ing man, dressed in black and bearing other evidences of a relig ious profession. "Sir," said the divine, in a loud voice so as to at tract the attention of other pas sengers, " I understand that if you had directed the Creation, you would have ordered things differ ently." The Colonel, after vain ly trying to evade the man, was obliged to reply that he might have made some such remark. "Then," said the cleric with a smile at the on-lookers, "will you tell these friends in what particular you would have made things different?" " Certainly, sir ; I'd have made good health catching instead of disease." " Eh ?" ejaculated the astonished ecclesiastic. "And," continued Col. IngersoU, "I THE PROFESSION OF POLITICS. 161 would have visited on the third and fourth generations, the virtues of the mothers instead of the sins of the fa thers !" Robert IngersoU is not the only man who would have ordered things differently at the Creation. Most people the world over would have left out lawyers. Uncle Sam would have stopped the creative process just before it reached professional politicians. Though other improve ments would have been made or suggested by some of Uncle Sam's boys, yet in every part of the Republic unanimity would have prevailed in this matter of leav ing the professional politician uncreated. If he, with his "boss," had had to spend eternity in excursions through space as a nebulous cloud or as a fortuitous cluster of soulless atoms. Uncle Sam would not have relented : he would probably but have coined another verb, and said, " Let them excurt !" A member of this unnecessary profession, while criticising an opponent, has furnished an example of what is known in the American neology as a " complete give-away ;" that is, he inadvertently let us into the secret of his class. " Gentlemen," said he, " there is a theory, pretty well substantiated by facts, that a death and a birth always occur simultaneously, and that the spirit of the dead man enters the body of the new-bom child. I have very carefully investigated the record of my opponent, and I find that when he was born nobody died." A soul indeed would be but a cumbersome appendage to the professional politician. All that he wants is a slight foreign accent — a brogue is preferable — and a willingness to enter political life as soon as he gets his luggage — if he have any — through the custom-house. 11 162 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. Such a one, redolent of patriotism and whi^key, was ac costed on his arrival at Castle Garden, and asked to which party he belonged. "With grave Aspect he rose, and in his rising seemed A pillar of state; deep on his front engraven Deliberation sat, and public care; And princely counsel in his face yet shone. Majestic though in ruin." "Is it parthy ye mane?" A pillar of state. said he ; " O'ch, Oi'm agin the gover'mint !" And so he was. So are they all, until they get into the gover'mint themselves. Even then they are not at rest. They remind one of their compatriots in our own council-chamber. They recall the countryman's description of his new dog. Said he: " The fust night I locked him in, and oh ! he jist howled and tore 'round that kitchen like all possessed, and in the mornin' I see he had gnawed a hole pretty near through the door, tryin' to get out. So I thought if he would ruther stay out than in, I was willin', and the next night I locked him out. And all night long that .dog run 'round the house, and howled and whined and scratched and made a tarnal fuss, and in the mornin' I'm darned ef he hedn't gnawed a hole a'most through the door frum the outside, tryin' to git in, and I says to myself : ' You cussed fool ! wun't nuthin' satisfy you ? ' So the third night I left the kitchen door wide open. THE PROFESSION OF POLITICS. 163 so's he could please himself 'bout stayin' in er stayin' out, and dern me ef that dog didn't set right in the doorway all night and howl about nuthin' !" " Wun't nuthin' satisfy you ?" Americans have been known to regret that they were not born in Ireland, so that they might have something to say about the management of their great land. But the average native republican has no time for politics. As Bill Nye says : " He seems to be so busy paying his taxes all the time that he has very little time to mingle in the giddy whirl of the alien. That is why," he adds, "we are always in a hurry. That is the reason we have to throw our meals into ourselves with a dull thud, and hardly have time to maintain a warm personal friend ship with our families." A negro was sauntering along the street with the happy deliberateness of his race, when a policeman brusquely shouted, " Get out of the way, you nigger: here 164 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. come the representatives." " De representatibs ! who's dey ?" " The Representatives of the People, you blun der-head !" "Ump!" re sponded the darky with in effable scorn; "de represen tatibs ob de people ! Fse de people derselves !" There is nothing so grave that it cannot be made to look funny if refiected by a convex mirror. Rousseau was present at the death-bed of a woman in whom the death-rattle was heard with the giggle excited by "I'sede people derselves!" her own joke. There is an uncanny mingling of the death-rattle and giggle in American politics : a good deal of facial distortion to get fun out of solemnity. The only condemnation reserved for many kinds of wrong-do ing in America is a laugh. The degradation of State and municipal politics is, for the most part, but a theme for the funny column of the news paper. Men who fix their gaze intently on the clown's view of life, are apt to mistake the leer of a skull for a grin of merriment. Patriotism, which Dr. John son defined as "the last refuge of a scoundrel," is mainly a sentiment for banquet toasts. THE PROFESSION OF POLITICS. 165 and odes to the star-spangled banner. The ship of state is manned by a crew of self-seeking politicians, who see in patriotism their opportunity, and in Canada their refuge. So long as she keeps afloat, the owners of the ship are content to let her drift, while they devote themselves to paddling little cock-boats of their own. Only when the ship gets upon the rocks, as she did twenty-five years ago, are cock-boats and private life buoys thrown aside. Then, indeed, the nation can rise as one man, with Spartan patriotism and Spartan hero ism. Nothing so well indicates the strength of the federal system as that it should have survived disrup tion during half a century of political corruption. If the federal government had been corrupt — say as bad as the governments of States and large cities, it would per haps not have survived disruption. A Texan lawyer recently produced in a court of that State a petition addressed to the County Judge, signed by a large number of the most respectable and intelli gent people of the place, asking that a leading and greatly esteemed citizen should be summarily hanged. Not one of the signers knew what he teas signing. The petition was got up to illustrate the worthlessness of such documents. It also illustrates the off-hand way in which citizens perform such public duties as they under take. We are often called upon to admire institutions which invest every man with the rights and privileges of citi zenship — ^the right to vote. We have imaginative pic tures of " The freeman casting with unpurchased hand The vote that shakes the turrets of the land." 166 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. Yet we read in the New York Independent that nearly half a million registered voters in New York State neglected in 1880 to exercise their high prerogative. This means that one citizen in every three so little ad mired these institutions of equality, that he failed in his first duty of citizenship. First duty, did I say? There I am wrong ; for the first duty is to register, and here the failures cannot be counted. The small school-girl who recently defined the Constitution as " that part of the book at the end which nobody reads" wrote better than she knew. There are in the various New England States some legal antiquities called Blue Laws which are a good deal laughed at nowadays. One of these laws of Massachusetts reads : " It is ordered, that whosoever of the Freemen does not appear at elections in person or by proxy, he shall be for such neglect amerced to the treasury, ten shillings." This law might do good if revived. The New American party in California de mands some such compulsion. But to force a man by legal enactment to exercise a privilege is nearly as il logical as Carlyle's notion that men have a right to be forced to work. New York has just learned an old truth in a new form; her board of aldermen, her " Collective Wisdom," her "government," is simply a band of rogues. The news papers are full of righteous indignation; and truths long suppressed or ignored are published in large capi tals. Yet there is little excitement except among jour nalists and the gang itself. There is no popular demon stration, such as I read of at Salford, where a defraud ing official has just been discovered. Let me quote a few paragraphs from the New York papers. With the present indrift of radical legislation to manhood suf- THE PROFESSION OF POLITICS. 167 frage and paid politicians in England, such lessons as we can draw from the experience of America are es pecially valuable. We may also get a glimpse of the working of the political machine, the Caucus, which has been introduced among ourselves. [New York Times.'] Dr. Crosby makes a certain broad analysis of the 250,000 voters of the city. Of these he says 60,000 are made up of " the idle, the ignorant, and the criminal," who cast their votes at the beck of a " little knot of unprincipled idlers" into whose hands " our want of care and watchfulness for our city has thrown the whole management of its government." Thirty thousand more "who could do much to offset this foul vote" do not take the trouble to be registered and to vote. " They have no conscience regarding their duty to the city that protects them and in which they pros per." The great bulk of the remaining 160,000 voters " humbly, unresistingly follow the lead of the political party to which they belong, which party is managed by the wretched stuff found in the first 60,000." Perhaps out of the whole mass of 250,000, he adds, " we may count 20,000 as casting independent votes for good men and receiving the maledictions of the party organs for doing so." . . . The very condition of the public mind which has produced the state of things under which good men groan, and against which they protest, is the chief difficulty in the way of applying the ob vious remedy. . If these people of New York have not cared enough about their public interests to guard against official incom petency, dishonesty and corruption, or to check it in its begin nings, will they exert themselves to eradicate it now? Are they alive to the evils of the saloons which thrive by their patronage or their tolerance, and do they care much to "squelch" the nuisance? The primary evil exists, we fear, in a low standard of honor even among the great mass of the most intelligent citizens, in a blunted moral sense and indifference to abuses that should excite indigna tion, in the utter absence of a pervading public sentiment which may be successfully wrought upon to bring about reform. 168 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. [New Torh Advertiser.] This city is robbeLl, plundered, oppressed and atrociously mis governed by its worst elements ; thieves and " fences" and cor rupt bargainers become city officers or city legislators ; rascals with money buy from rascals in office whatever they want of privilege ; and all because better men, led astiay by political zeal, make bargains and " deals" and coalitions at election time. [New Tork Post.] There will be no surprise in this community to learn that one of our Aldermen was a regular receiver of stolen good.s — an ac complice, indeed, with a notorious band of thieves. What else can we expect when we choose our Aldermen from liquor stores and gambling dens? .Jaehne was a silent partner in a liquor store before he went into the jewelry business. He is a fair sample of the morality of our average Aldermen. So long as we make the liquor business a training school for local statesmen, we must ex pect to get this kind of Aldermen. The wonder of it is that we allow such a board to remain in existence. That we should not only allow it, but should actually put in their hands the power of selling for their own private advantage railway franchises worth millions of dollars, is not merely-a wonder, but a disgrace. Gotham is not the only misgoverned city in the United States. The Advertiser says : New York only furnishes the most flagrant illustration of a sys tem which has already become established in all of our large cities. The Boston Record has just done a good piece of journalistic work by looking up the occupations of all the members of the Demo cratic ward and city committee, which dictates the Democratic nominations for city offices, which nominations are ratified at the polls. The committee consists of 279 members, and of the whole number seventy-eight, or considerably more than one quarter, are engaged in the liquor business, while fifty-eight are office-holders who secured their places through subserviency to this interest. Together these two classes constitute within four of a majority of THE PROFESSION OF POLITICS. 169 the body, and as their personal interest in politics insures their at tendance upon meetings in much larger proportion than other classes of the membership (among whom, by the way, are seven teen men whose names could not be found in the directory), it is obvious that they can control its action all the time. The impu dence of the liquor element in Boston is shown by the fact that since a law was passed prohibiting the granting of licenses to saloons within 400 feet of a school-house, it has forced the aban donment of more than one school-house in order to jjrevent the closing of saloons in the neighborhood which were run by poli ticians. " The citizen who wants to control his own actions, and to have his country honestly governed, is in a strange dilemma. If he pays his legislators a salary, his coun cil-chambers are soon overrun with unsuccessful business men, idle young lawyers, and half-educated failures of all descriptions, who cheat and pilfer him until he. is dis tracted. If, on the other hand, he does not pay his legis lators, he is overrun by men who have made a fortune in business and now enter politics to carry out some theory of government evolved in the counting-house; and by these his constitution is ever being patched up and tinkered, or his actions controlled, until he is swathed in red tape, like an Indian papoose. It is possible of course that the system of paying legislators would work better in England than it has worked in America, because with us the pursuit of wealth is not carried to so great an ex treme. Perhaps our best men, men whose positions place them above a bribe, would still enter political life; but it is certain that the salary would attract many who are not so happily placed. And this would be a calamity we should not calmly invite. Honest men will soon quit a profession which entices rogues. The ad vocates of paid legislatures should examine the system 170 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. in America before trying to establish it among our selves. The professional politician here described is not the one who occupies the presidential chair or sits in the senate. Things are not so bad as that. Despite the insinuation of a prominent English journalist, " If by a surprise of fortune, the President happens to be a gen tleman," the First Magistrate of the Republic is gener ally a man of honor and education ; while not a few have belonged to that class of nature's noblemen who rank above "gentlemen." The professional politician here meant is the City Alderman or State Representative, but more frequently the political boss — the man who creates the President and makes senators. Every im portant official is nominated in a convention of politi cians, who are usually without office themselves, and his name is placed by them on the voting ticket used . by elec tors at the ballot. Though any elector may make out his own ticket, and vote for himself as mayor of his own city, he knows full well that no candidate stands Eaw material, the least chance of election unless nom inated in the usual way and joined to the party ticket. Hence electors, rather than throw their votes away, pre fer to choose the least objectionable of the nominees of the bummers, as these caucus-leaders are named, but as the proverb has it, " there's little choice in rotten apples." These are the men who really make the gov ernment. Their power, however, is on the wane, es pecially in federal politics ; but in the governments of States and cities they have a power almost incredible. THE PROFESSION OF POLITICS. Ill 1 can name several cities where as many as forty thou sand votes have been controlled by men with such names as Jerry Mulroy, Barney Biglin, Buck Brady, John Kelly, Boss Mc Laughlin and Johnny O'Brien. But even the great federal Congress which is sometimes held up as a pattern for us to copy, is hardly worthy the encomiums which have been so freely lavished upon it. A body of men who are so blind to the neces sities of their native literature, and so ob livious of the just claims of foreign writ ers, as to refuse an international copyright law, barely command our respect, much less veneration. A Col lective Wisdom that mistakes what is gainful to a few capitalists for what is profitable to a whole na tion, does not appeal with overpowering eloquence to our admiration. Then what shall be said of its recent pension bill ? There was hardly a newspaper in the country, republican or democrat, that did not sup port the President's veto of this pernicious measure, which was passed in the House by a vote of 180 to 76, and in the Senate without a roll-call. Amid such a chorus of approval as followed the President's act. ^f Finished product. 172 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. one was fain to ask, " Whom and what does Congress represent ?" and to sympathize with the answer, as given in The Epoch: "Certainly not the public sen timent which finds expression in the majority of repu table newspapers, and evidently not the sound common- sense of the American people, which has been appealed to with apparent effect by the President's veto message." The fact is that Congress, recently called the "most au gust body in the world," finds itself ungracefully stick ing on the horns of a dilemma. The tariff system has called into existence interests which are powerful enough to make or unmake any party. On the other hand, the revenue accruing to government vastly exceeds its legiti mate expenditure. To curtail the income they must meddle with the tariff ; but that would not be tolerated by the protectionist party. So nothing remains but to increase the expenditure — somehow. A pension bill including in its benign operations even deserters and rogues, is one way out of the difficulty. Another is the building of a navy, which under the control of some "Jingo" statesman of the future, or in command of some enterprising admiral, may lead the Republic into a war which will effectually remove the difficulty of the surplus. In this way there may be reached an equilib rium, which, however, will not be rest. It must not be supposed that the American's apathy to politics is never thrown off. A stranger arriving in the midst of a presidential campaign, would think that every, citizen and candidate for citizenship had gone wild on the subject of politics. Electors and non-elec tors parade the streets in their thousands, night after night, grotesquely garbed and carrying torches, march- THE PROFESSION OF POLITICS. 173 ing in military step along the uneven and often muddy pavement, cheering, yelling, singing. Rockets shoot across the sky with hoarse shrieks, or lodge in some chimney-stack, unpleasantly suggesting the snort of the fire-engine, which sometimes comes in as a sequel to these demonstrations. I have seen a torchlight proces sion of this character eight miles long. Then who shall describe the intense interest of the party "managers" when their candidate is nominated ? Who shall tell of the quiet dignity of the nominating convention, the sachem-like gravity of its members, and the silent solemnity with which its decision is received ? Here is the choice finale of a four-column description of Mr. Blaine's nomination, in the Herald, June 7, 1884: "Then pandemonium had its own. Barnum's stuffed eagles, owls, ' My Country, 'Tis of Thee,' cheers, shouts, ' Yankee Doodle,' rebel yells, cornets, drums, hats, canes, ' See the Con quering Hero Comes,' umbrellas, sheaves of wheat, the infernal din of Henderson's gavel, the deep booms of outside cannon, re sponded to by the hurrahs on the inside — a half-hour of utter con fusion and incessant uproar — tliat's what happened, occurred and proceeded." After nomination, the candidate becomes public prop erty. Every paragraphist has the right to recall every thing that the aspirant for public honour has done and left undone; and to render it spicy and palatable to the public maw by condiments of exaggeration, scandal, lies and bad jokes. Mr. Blaine in his eloquent eulogy of President Garfield speaks of the " five full months of vituperation — a prolonged agony of trial to a sensitive man, a constant and cruel draft upon the powers of moral endurance" which follow nomination to the presi dency. The American litany ought to be made to 174 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. meet exigencies of public life by an additional clause: From public fame and defame, from scoffers, paragra phists and liars generally. Good Lord deliver us. After election come other kinds of torture. In the Metropolitan Museum at New York there is a plaster cast of Lincoln's hand. Near it is a notice drawing at tention to the fact that the thumb is swollen "from con gratulatory handshaking" I This handshaking ceremo ny has to be gone through at frequent public receptions, when thousands of citizens step in and, ranging them selves in a long row, pass before the Chief Magistrate to shake hands with him. Then so "cabined, cribbed, confined " is the presidential office, that Mr. Cleveland, soon after his election, found it needful to deny a rumour that he had been fishing on Sunday, which in some States is a punishable offence. Then come applications for office as thick as locusts. Some of these get into the papers, or are concocted in the newspaper office. The Arkansaw Traveller is au thority for the following caustic letter to the President from the late postmaster at May Bloom, Arkansas: "I don't kere nothin' for the money that's in this office. A dollar an' a half a year ain't no more to me than 75 cents is to you, but I don't want to be fooled with. Shortly airter you tuck your seat a man wanted to bet me that you wouldn't be in office mor'n a year till you would make some big mistake. I bet him a cow. Airter I got your notice tellin' me to git out, I driv the cow over to the feller's house, an' told him he had won her. You not only cut a man's pride, but you break him up in bus'ness. I believe you take pleasure in makin' a feller feel bad, an' I don't believe you're much uv a Democrat nohow." The subscription recently started for a monument to General Grant recalls a similar subscription raised twenty years ago. Some twenty thousand dollars were THE PROFESSION OF POLITICS 175 collected soon after Lincoln's death for a monument to him. The sum was invested in government bonds and placed in the Treasury. In March, 1885, the Tribune announced that there remained but fifteen hundred dol lars of it; the rest had been spent in salaries and designs for the monument. The monument itself had never been begun ! Does this disorder imply a failure of republican insti tutions ? By no means. The government of America was manufactured. It did not gi-ow as governments normally grow. The period of the Revolution was one of active political speculation. Rousseau had just for mulated his ideal society founded on the equal rights of individuals; and the world was everywhere busy with similar problems. The leaders of the Revolution were prepared by the thought of the day to recognize the republican form as the ideal government; and the pecu liar inter-relation of the colonies made a federal repub lic the only form of union possible. Still, it was an ideal form, and required for its harmonious working an ideal humanity. The ideal humanity has of course been wanting; and that is why the federal republic has taken a form which was not contemplated at the outset. In other words, as men could not be moulded into harmony with their perfect institutions, the institutions had to adapt themselves to the imperfect natures of men. The political structure raised by Washington and the great men who surrounded him was a marvellous piece of architecture ; but its designers never dreamed that mil lions of aliens would crowd its halls and corridors, oust ing and crushing the native American to the wall. When the constitution was framed, contingencies were 176 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. undreamt of which have since become dominant politi cal factors. The founders of the Republic, though they builded better than they knew, never contemplated the boss system, under which voters are led by thousands to the poll, there to vote as directed. They nevei* dreamed of dangers to liberty arising from the German vote, the Irish vote, the liquor vote, a Senate of million aires, or the evil influence of millions of illiterate aliens. But grave as these dangers seem, and baneful as is their' outcome, one is reassured by the confidence of the Americans themselves. It is easy to mistake for a mountain the black cloud of corruption that overhangs the Republic as if threatening liberty with ruin and death ; but the real mountain, concealed by the cloud, is the character of the American people — cold, impas sive, but affluent in strength. The epidemic of dollar- hunting will not last forever. Men are gradually learn ing that money is not an end : that it is but an aid to the purchase of satisfactions ; and they will presently realize that a pure government, a high standard of pub lic life, an honest, unselfish public spirit, give to society a moral tone more satisfying to its members than any thing that can be purchased by dollars, be they never so abundant. BECIPROCITT OF CRIMINALS. 177 CHAPTER XII. EECIPEOCITY IN CEIMINALS. " One of the Seven was won't to say: that Laws were like cob webs, where the small files were caught, and the great ones break through. " — Bacon. MARYLAND divine was passing through the streets of Balti more one Sunday morning a few months ago, when his atten tion was attracted by a group of boys play ing baseball. Accost ing them, he asked why they were not at Sunday-school. "The superintendent has gone to Canada, sir." "Canada?" he repeated with a puzzled look. "Yes, sir; he was a bank manager." The minister resumed his walk with saddened mien as he thought, "Nineteen centuries of Christianity have not made men honest." Defaulting bank managers who are also Sunday-school superintendents are not peculiar to America: they have been heard of in pious Scotland. What is peculiar to America is the premium put upon peculation by public 13 178 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. indifference, and by the facility with which legal pun ishment may be avoided. The journey from New York to Montreal is to an American hardly greater than the run from London to Brighton to an Englishman. Im agine the demoralization which would result if London thieves of all grades, from pickpockets to absconding cashiers, were guaranteed immunity from punishment by a little trip to the seaside. That is exactly the con dition of affairs in America. Thieves and other crim inals who love not " the gladsome light of jurisprudence" find a safe haven and congenial fellowship in Canada; and in Montreal there is fast forming a social set of ultra-exclusiveness, composed of every type of uncon victed criminal. Extradition treaties are like Bacon's cobweb, allowing the great files to break through. Every legal mancsuvre has been tried to secure the pun ishment of the rogues who are living at Montreal in luxury on the proceeds of their villany; but counter- measures have always balked justice, and hordes of thieves and swindlers are still at large. Whenever a criminal of greater audacity than usual crosses the frontier with his carpet-bag well lined with plunder, the republican press sends lip a wail of indig nation and despair. The Canadian authorities are de nounced for the legal laxity that promotes such dishon esty in a neighbouring gtate. This is doubtless a right view to take; but in the absence of voluntary aid by Canada, ought not the federal government to try to secure some remedy itself? Untrammelled by red-tape- ism, men outside the sacred temple of the government think they see an easy remedy. Uncle Sam pleading with Canada for the criminals she is sheltering beneath the union jack, does not present a dignified figure; nor RECIPROCITT OF CRIMINALS 179 does Canada appear to greater advantage. It is curious that in matters which are outside the province of govern ment, people have great faith in its efficacy, and con stantly appeal to it ; but here, in a case where govern ment alone can do anything, people content themselves with reproaching the colonists, and leave the real remedy untried. I emphasize the fact that Canada offers a ready asy lum to criminals from the United States, because a great many people in England regard the Republic as mainly V" the producer of dynamiters and the protector of English thieves and forgers. It is well to know that there is 180 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. complete reciprocity in criminals between Britain and America. One of the most difficult problems that await the coming American is the reconciliation of religion and morality, or, in default of this, the construction of a code of practical ethics, capable of standing without the prop of a religious sanction, and fitted to modern society. Supernatural religion has lost its hold on the minds of a large and increasing class of people. This is admitted even by the religionists, who often speak of the atheistic tendencies of the age. Supernaturalism is giving way to Rationalism. In America, the process has advanced a long way — even further than in Germany, for there the movement, though general among the cultured, does not extend to the mass of the people as it does in America. The writings of Spencer, Darwin, Huxley, Tyndall, Fiske, Wallace, Haeckel, and the lesser pro phets of the new faith, are in the homes and minds of the people. They are working important changes in men's estimate of life and its purposes — changes which are not always beneficial to the individual affected. Re ligion and morality have been made so interdependent by ecclesiastics in the past, that many people think they are identical; and when such people throw their religion overboard, their morality generally goes with it. It is not the new faith that should be blamed for this: it is the old one, which taught, not that morality was a good thing in itself, but that the goodness lay in obeying a commandment. Most men now realize that there are crimes undreamt of by Moses, and unnamed in the Decalogue, more heinous than that of coveting a neigh bour's ass. The American morality, not yet evolved in its RECIPROCITT OF CRIMINALS 181 completeness, will probably teach in simple phraseology that " it pays to be good, therefore be good" ! The age we live in is responsible for many forms of crime unknown to previous ages. The Irish-American dynamiter, for instance, who periodically frightens the women and children of Eng land by breaking windows and getting himself sen tenced to penal servitude for life, is a product of ninteenth-century civilization equally with the penny post, railways and a free press. These are the days when the impurities of the social organism are working out, often by means of open sores. The corruption of centuries of class-government has come to a head; and we are witnessing changes akin to those wrought out by the French Revolution. It is indeed but a sort of French revolution, adapted to our own age, and modified by small doses of constitutionalism. We may not realize it, but the age we live in is fraught with peril to creeds substantial as well as to "creeds outworn." Movements are now being set up which will roll on into distant ages. Political methods, social forms, religious beliefs — all are being attacked, and some will surely go down before the onslaught. And the base of operations against European systems is often in America. There the descendants of Russian serfs, Scotch crofters, Polish refugees, evicted Irish peasants, deserting German con scripts, and other victims of old-world tyranny, are liv ing and working for their own good and no longer for the aggrandizement of superposed classes. They are doing more. They are carrying an active propaganda into their own country — amongst their old friends and relatives who still suffer under unequal laws in opprobrious poverty — ^for in Europe poverty is opprobrious. These are the 183 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. men in whom ages of repression are bursting into a re action which threatens ruin to all government, good and bad. It is not in Americar that " vows to break the tyrant's yoke Expire in Bacchanalian song and smoke." The ¦power and extent of the dynamite conspiracy, how ever, are overrated by Englishmen. Americans recog nize in Rossa a mere windbag, who gets the contribu tions of unthinking Irishmen and servant-girls by blus ter, and spends them on the same — himself, namely. They laugh at the tirades of the British press whenever a dynamite explosion breaks a window or throws down a fence. Rossa, who is reputed to be of mild dis position and is celebrated by comic journals for his charity, is really but an impudent fraud. The majority of his kin in America disown him; and some of the strongest denunciations of his policy have come from Irishmen, When Mrs. Dudley shot him in ^ New York, a great laugh crossed the face of the Republic. He did not then pose as a martyr, but as a buffoon. Here is an example of the ridicule in which Uncle Sam in dulged: " Oh, I am a bloody old dynamitard 1 Sing biff ! bing ! flzzety-bang ! The hand grenade and the big petard I'm fixing to fling in the queen's front yard; Sing ho to the lad from Skibberdedang Who'll demolish the queen's dominionsi RECIPROCITT OF CRIMINALS 183 Nitro-glycerine is my daily drink! Sing smash! crash! lickety-slash! And the daintiest food is powder, I think; I can chew up a cartridge without a wink, Blue vitriol I use to season my hash, For my appetite's like my opinions. Ah, here comes a girl with a little gun; Sing help! murder! call the police! Whatever I've done was always in fun, And rather than flght I'd always run. Sing ho to the lovely paths of peace. And blest be the queen and her minions.'' It is a mistake to suppose that the Irish in America are all worthless as citizens of the Republic, or Fenians in their relation to England. With their patriotism for Ireland there generally lurks an affection for the great Empire of which their own little Emerald is but a part: a part, though, that has contributed far beyond its pro portion to make the Empire great. Not only has Ire land given us Wellingtons and Wolseleys; she has always furnished the stalwart backbone of the rank and file of our army. Individually, the Irishman is the most generous, lov able, hot-blooded good-for-nothing. Full of bright ness and mirth, a hospitality that inquires not the na tionality of the recipient, and a love of kin and the " ould counthry" that nothing can quench, ages of mis- government have not marred him beyond recovery. Here is testimony to his credit : The remittances by Irish settlers in the United States to friends in Ireland be tween 1851 and 1887 amounted to twenty-four and a half million sterling. In 1881 more than a million and a half sterling was thus sent — an average of nearly 184 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. five shillings to every man, woman and child in Ire land ! More than fifty years ago the following protest against pauper and criminal immigration appeared in the Nciv England Magazine (vii. p. 499 [1834]): "The drones that 'Europe breeds in her decay' are shaken from her lap upon the blooming bosom of our own delightful land. The sluices of a polluted emigration from the old world are freely opened to us, and the defecated dregs of centuries are drained off. Heaven knows that we would not exclude from the blessings of our free government, and our generous soil, the hon est and the industrious of other climes, simply because they may be poor or unfortunate. We would fling wide our portals, and bid them enter. It is a proud title for a country, that of the Asylum of the Oppressed. As Americans we glory in it. But we do most decidedly protest against having the nation converted into one vast lazar-house, for the reception of the sturdy beggars, the contented paupers, and all the mauvais sujets of England and Ireland, who may be shifted upon us by fat capitalists, better able than we to bear the incumbrance. Unless the evil be checked, it will distend itself until it press like a horrid incubus upon the energies of our high-minded native population." England and Ireland have not been the only offenders. I once read in an old American newspaper that an Aus trian ship of war had just arrived, and in an imposing manner landed a cargo of paupers and criminals at New York! Perhaps it is these "dregs of the effete mon archies" who are now returning to Canada and Europe as defaulting bank presidents, Polish anarchists, Rus sian conspirators, and Irish dynamiters. If so, here is poetic justice ! At any rate, it is certain that American prisons and workhouses are largely filled by foreigners. The census of 1880 showed that, while the foreign-born RECIPROCITT OF CRIMINALS 185 were only thirteen per cent of the entire population, they furnished nineteen per cent of the convicts in peniten tiaries, and forty-three per cent of the inmates of work houses and houses of correction. The immigrant seems to control the liquor traffic of America. In 1880, of the traders and dealers in liquors and wines sixty-three per cent were foreign-born, and of the brewers and maltsters seventy-five per cent, while a large proportion of the remainder were of foreign parentage. Of saloon-keep ers about sixty per cent were foreign-born, while many of the remaining forty per cent were of foreign extraction. The anarchists who so often enliven the public prints by what reporters love to call " Communistic blood and thunder" are mostly foreigners. America is not only the paradise to which the shades of dead socialists go; it is also the happy hunting-ground of living communists. It is they who are at the bottom of the troubles that so often set capital and labor in antagonism. At Detroit Polish strikers were amenable only to the exhortations of their native priest. In the Connellsville coke regions Hungarian labor-troubles were unmanageable because the rioters did not understand English. The Chicago anarchists who threw the bomb among the policemen were foreigners with only one exception; and at a so cialists' meeting in New York at which the wife of one of the condemned anarchists spoke, the audience did not understand enough English to take off their hats in presence of a lady as she bade them. Foreigners form the nuclei of the secret societies which exist in every American town. Chicago alone is said to contain more than twenty thousand men pledged to the destruction of "monopolies," which in the socialists' vocabulary means the destruction of society. 186 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. Herr Most, who was imprisoned in England for incen diary writing in the Freiheit, is a conspicuous character among transatlantic socialists. Not long ago there was a free fight at a socialists' meeting in New York, and Most received a good drubbing from some left wing of his party. This fanatical German has given a definition of a revolutionist, which is instructive reading: " The revolutionist," says he, " has no personal interests, con cerns, feelings or inclinations; no property, not even a name. In the depths of his nature, in words and deeds alike, he has. fully broken with the civil order, with customs, morals and usages. He is the irreconcilable enemy of the world; and if he continues to live, it is only to destroy it with the greater certainty. " There is a thoroughness about this which is truly ad mirable. There is no hair-splitting here, no half- spoken theories, no equivocal metaphors or algebraic signs. When we get a statement like this, we know ex actly what we are dealing with. And its horrible can dor is not made more comforting when we hear from Prof. Mezzeroff, of the International Dynamiters College, that he will continue to teach the manufacture of the deadliest explosives " until every workingman in Europe and America knows how to use them against autocratic government and grasping monopolies." This gentle Russian says: " I have the receipt for forty-two explosives iu a burglar-proof safe, and if I should die, they will be published to the world in order that all may know how to deliver themselves from (yiants and those who wrong them. I can take tea and similar articles .of food from the family table and make explosives with them moie powerful than Italian gunpowder, the strongest gunpowder there is." RECIPROCITT OF CRIMINALS 187 And with a bland simplicity that is almost endearing, he issues the following invitation to the free-born citi zens of the Republic. " If we want to kill each other, let us do it on business princi ples. Gunpowder kills at the rate of 1,200 miles a minute, dyna mite at 200,000. If you use my explosive you can defend yom-- sclf against the armies of the world." One sometimes hears that these men are gentle and kind to their families: that they love the prattle of children; and that they often display a benevolence that belies their professed hatred of society. It may be true. They certainly display a bland innocence in their pub lished writings. To think that society, emerging from barbarism after untold struggles towards the light, can be thrown back into chaos by a small group of half-edu cated, half-sane theorists, is childlike indeed. I do not share the apprehensions of some writers, who see noth ing but evil ahead. We should welcome these theorists as tending to good rather than harm. Their wild utter ances often indicate real grievances; and amid their rav ings one may occasionally hear a new argument. But there is no real danger. It is contrary to the nature of things that increasing knowledge should tend to the disinte gration of human society. The progress of knowledge is indissolubly bound up with the progress of mankind. Socialism, anarchy, and all the other ulcers which are spotting the body politic are unquestionable indications of ill-health; but they are not proofs of a moribund condition. That these extreme ideas prevail is a proof that the present industrial and political systems are not in harmony with the human nature living under them. Until harmony is reached — until equilibrium is estab- 188 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. lished, there will continue this and similar forms of motion among the. parts. But even the optimist must admit that an oversight is being made in educational methods. While we are surrounded by new conditions, education continues in its ancient rut. Boys and girls in every city and ham let are wasting precious hours conjugating verbs and making declensions, while their fathers in the workshop are listening to the revolutionary theories of German and Russian exiles, whose notions of society are utterly incongruous in a republic. It is of ever-growing im portance that education should fortify the mind against those crude theories of society which have been fostered in the malarias of European despotism. But Uncle Sam gets better stuff from Europe than the paupers, criminals and anarchists complained of. He annually gets hundreds of thousands of brawny im migrants who become honest and thriftful citizens, and who, entering his workshops or settling on the western lands, are aiding in the formation of the greatest nation the world has yet seen. Of the 169,000 cotton opera tives enumerated in the census, only 94,000 are native Americans. In the woollen industry the foreign workers number 35,000 to 53,000 natives; in iron-works the proportion is 53,000 foreigners to 73,000 natives; in glass-works, 7000 foreigners to 13,000 natives; in carpet-mills, 8000 foreigners to 9000 natives; in screw- works, 460 foreigners to 990 natives.* * These are " protected " industries, and the foreign element is thus seen to have a disproportionate share in the alleged bene fits of the tariff. RECIPROCITT OF CRIMINALS. 189 The immigrants who landed in the United States in the year 1883 numbered 788,993; and in the five years ending 1884 the number exceeded three millions. And there are millions more waiting to come. Bismarck says the German people have now but one desire — money enough to carry them to America. It has been esti mated that the cost of rearing and educating a man is £300. Accepting this valuation, and also the estimate of the immigration commissioners that each immigrant brings into the country an average of £30, we find that Uncle Sam has here a source of wealth richer than the mines of Golconda or Peru. During the last six years he has received from Europe a free gift valued at six thousand million dollars ! Surely this will content him! It is a magnificent set-off to the few hundred good-for- nothings who have been foisted upon him. 190 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. CHAPTER XIII. TJNCLE SAM'S SUPEEIOEITY. " I earn that I get, get that I wear; owe no man hate; envy no man's happiness; glad of other men's good." — As Tou lAke It. I HE title of this chapter recalls a story of Sam Echols, traditions of whom still lin ger around his native city, Atlanta. Sam was endowed with great ability, but his towering self-conceit exceeded all his other natural gifts. His opinion of him self may be dimly comprehended when stated in his own words. One day, when he was read ing law, he laid his book aside, and turning to a fellow- student said: "When I think of the strength and wide range of my mental faculties, and the variety and ex tent of my attainments, I stand back and look upon myself in utter amazement. So far as I can see, I am complete. I can think of nothing that is wanting. I would not give a snap of my finger to add to my present stock of knowledge one more fact or one more accom plishment!" When rebuked for his overweening vanity, Sam calmly replied that he was not conceited; he was simply conscious of his own phenomenal powers and acquirements. Our avuncular relative is similarly un conscious of self-conceit; but he is equally sure of his own greatness. UNCLE SAM'S SUPERIORITY 191 I have frequently asked Americans in what particu lar they considered their country in advance of the rest of the world. Invariably the first and only indication, named in an off-hand way, has been " Yankee inven tiveness." Lately there have been several attempts to identify national greatness with statistics of bacon and flour-barrels. "Republican institutions" is often as signed by those who forget that Rome, with its igno rance of personal rights, was a republic. France, too, with her conscriptions and meddling wars with savages, is a republic, though imperialism is dominant in all her institutions. And was it not in the American Republic that slavery longest survived among civilized nations? Not republican institutions, therefore ; though it would be bad for America to be without them. The federal system of government is without doubt the source and promise of all true greatness in America. It is difficult for Europeans to realize this. Indeed few Americans fully appreciate its importance. To them it is very like the law of gravitation, ever operative, rarely felt. The federal principle is a political law of gravitation, keeping forty-seven units in mutual contact and interdependence. An illustration may help to a conception of its impor tance. Imagine all the states of Europe, from Turkey to Den mark, united under a common government, appointed by manhood suffrage among the people of every nation. Imagine further an independence of these nations in re spect of internal affairs, as complete as that they now enjoy. Such are the United States of America. Forty- seven States and Territories, so large that the average is more than twice the size of Portugal, existing in peace ful union and unanimity of feeling on federal matters. 192 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. while each in regard to its own affairs is as independent as Sweden is of Spain — this is surely the most wonder ful political aggregation the world has ever seen. Within these forty-seven States and Territories there exists perfect freedom of trade. Over distances exceed ing that from Europe through Central Asia to India, the products of any State are transported without inspection or tariff. Varying in their soil and climate as greatly as any portion of Europe differs from the rest, these States have all the advantages that would accrue to the old world if all fiscal barriers were swept away, along with the remnants of feudalism maintained by them. The internal commerce of America has called into ex istence 135,000 miles of railway to supplement its vast river- ways and lake communications. The amount of merchandise passed annually over these railways, fresh water seas and rivers, dwarfs into insignificance the six teen million tons of exchanges which foreign ships effect between America and the old world. The freight annu ally carried by rail alone exceeds three hundred million tons; and the gross earnings of the railway companies amount to one hundred and sixty million sterling. Fully seventy-five per cent of this merchandise is for home consumption. Then besides this enormous railway transportation, coast and river steamers move more than double the tonnage of foreign exchanges. Commerce is the simple exchange of commodities, and so long as these get into the hands of the consumer it matters little whether they come from Tartary, Tim- buctoo or Maine. It is rather the quantity and quality of an article, and not the place of its growth or manu facture, that most concern the person using it; and that American consumers have quantity is shown by UNCLE SAM'S SUPERIORITY. 193 the fact that the internal commerce of the United States divided amongst the population averages seven tons per head, against six tons in Britain, although a greater proportion of the latter is for export. The merchan dise sent from New York to San Francisco is, so far as distance can make it foreign, as foreign as that sent from Liverpool to Philadelphia; and exchanges between Bal timore and Chicago have as foreign a character as those between London and Genoa. America presents, indeed, the greatest example of free trade the world has ever seen. It is also the most beneficent; for without this free trade there could be no Union. In presence of this achievement, it is not difficult to believe that Tenny son's ideal may be realized, and that we shall yet attain to the "Parliament of man, the Federation of the world" ! If there be perfection in political institutions, it is the federal system. Who can limit the capabilities of man under such a system — especially if it become universal? What increased happiness to humanity, what a cessation from drudgery, what a glorious ending to class-hatred, would result if by some magician's wand Europe could be federalized on the American plan, and men's natures simultaneously made fit for the change ! That were a Utopia indeed! The workers of Europe, besides maintaining prolific royalties, aristocracies, and numerous parasites whose sole functions are sleep, digestion and procreation, also maintain in unproductive labour several millions of sol diers. Add to this incalculable tax, the cost of prepara tion for war, and payments on war debts, and we have a faint idea of the burdens under which European in dustry competes with that of America, whos6 army is one tenth smaller than that of the toy-kingdom of Roumania! 13 194 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. The struggle for existence has begun afresh. This time it is a struggle between large civilized nations, not small hordes of savages. Not brutal strength is here the test, but ingenuity, intellect, and economical methods and institutions. It is a simple question of arithmetic as to which will survive, unless the policies of the war like nations of Europe undergo a change. The struggle is industrial, not military; and the serried ranks of European bayonets and Krupp guns will avail as little against an industrial war as they would against hunger or disease. This Confederation of Peace is the great sign-manual of America's superiority. Her ingenuity in potato- peeling machines and the like is as unimportant in this light as are the antiquated and useless sword-buttons on the lappet of a philosopher's coat, considered as adjuncts to his intellectuality. In presence of this great verity, which gives to Uncle Sam's face the glow of Sinai, dudes, Anglomaniacs, trivial signs of social atavism, journalistic eccentricities, all sink into insigni ficance. As Lowell sings: " These are the mountain-summits for our bards. Which stretch far upward into heaven itself. And give such wide- spread and exulting view Of hope, and faith, and onward destiny That shrunk Parnassus to a molehill dwindles." The great fact stands prominently forth like Ameri ca's colossus of Liberty enlightening the world, that the peoples of many states, united in bonds of peace, are working together for the elevation of man into some thing better than a butcher of his fellows, something nobler than the cringeing subject of a king, something UNCLE SAM'S SUPERIORITY. 195 greater than the feeding-machine of aristocratic idlers — A MAN ! Well may humanitarians throw up their hats and cry Vive la Republique ! But all this in the present year of grace is excessively Utopian. We Englishmen have yet to acquire the right to live undisturbed by neighbours, before we can disband our armies, scuttle our navies, and settle down to the propagation of Quaker tenets and free-trade principles. So long as our next-door neighbour carries a revolver in his belt with the avowed intention of shooting us the first time he finds us unarmed, we should be foolhardy to go abroad with nothing more formidable than a Bible precept or a quotation from Longfellow. I am proud to believe that the earth would not have been half so de sirable a place to live upon, but for England's contribu tions to our comfort; and I further believe that if Eng,- land were blotted out of existence to-morrow, the world of the future would be much the worse for it. On purely humanitarian principles, therefore, it is permis sible to advocate the preservation of our beloved little island. Let us be sure, therefore, that our navy continue the best, and our army the bravest; and let us resist the tendency which prevails among some very good people, to trot the British lion around in a lamb's skin. The much- derided song that gave the Jingo party its name ex presses a sentiment that most Britons feel. "We don't want to fight;" but we should be unwise to allow the rest of the rhyme to lose its truthfulness. It is a worthy thing to have high motives; and I am 196 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. glad that our army and navy have such a plausible justi fication as that of the future welfare of mankind. But behind the humanitarian is the Englishman, who, if other reasons fail, would see England exist for her, own dear sake. After living in many lands, I know that I have a warm corner of my heart kept sacred to the universal brotherhood of man; but the heart itself is English to the core, and never yet failed to give a little flutter at the sight of a union-jack. We ourselves are talking a great deal of federation nowadays — federation of that mighty empire which covers a fifth part of the globe, of which the mother- country is but one-seventieth portion, and which is at least three times larger than the great land of Uncle Sam. Sixty-five territories and islands in every part of the globe, containing an aggregate of nine million square miles, and over three hundred million inhabitants — such is the British empire, in which that of Rome in her palmiest days would be but a province. To form a confederation of this! 'twere a consummation devoutly to be wished. There are objectors in plenty. Let them enumerate the difficulties to be overcome. For my part, I admire the intrepid spirit and broad views of the promoters, and wish them Godspeed ! Already among the English-speaking peoples of the world there is a federation of thought and sentiment, an alliance of mu tual appreciation, and a community of good-will that are ever binding the parts together perhaps more firmly than legislative bonds could do. As Senator Evarts says : " Nothing is provincial any more and nothing central. English people are everywhere surrounding the world with their speech, their laws, their literature, their affections. Wherever a man speaks English to English hearers, he is and speaks at home." UNCLE SAM'S WEAKNESS 197 CHAPTER XIV. UNCLE SAm'S weakness. " No great genius was ever without some mixture of madness." Abistotle. f HILE in the South in the early sum mer of this year, I saw a group of negro boys engaged in a suggestive sport. They had caught a bullfrog, and had fastened fireflies all over him. The frog, not understanding the new lights that were breaking upon him, hopped about in utter frenzy ; and the more wildly he jumped the greater was the delight of his tormentors. Many of Uncle Sam's boys are at present fastening fireflies to the bullfrog Protection, and great are its shifts to escape the illuminations put upon it. Let us join the sport for a few minutes. It is capital fun to watch the huge reptile dance around as the fireflies shed a gentle radiance over his back, re vealing that this at least is not the toad that wears a precious jewel in its head. To say anything against protection at this time of day will seem to many like slaying the dead lion. But the lion is not dead : he is only old and feeble. So let us trot him out, and try to hit him in a new place. Even if we don't hurt him badly, we can amuse our- 198 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. selves by tweaking his tail as some western senators are fond of doing with that of the British lion. If we adopt the American workman's estimate of himself, we shall have to qualify the ideas we have got of his ability from abstracts of Uncle Sam's balance- sheet lately published. Instead of being the energetic, active workman we have pictured him, he is a poor listless fellow, who is devoid of energy and lacks the enterprise and skill of even the "pauper labourer" of Europe. Thus recast in the native mould, our ideas of the American workman are vastly different from what they were. Let us look for a moment at this native estimate which is to effect such a modification of our own. The natural wealth of America has already been spoken of in these pages. Its thousands of miles of coal, its mountains of iron-ore, its masses of pure cop per, and mammoth veins of gold and silver, its rivers of oil and wells of natural gas — all these have been men tioned with some envy, as have also the fertile lands which yield corn in an abundance that justifies its use as fuel. What an industrial paradise is Pennsylvania ! Coal, worth sixteen shillings a ton in England, I have seen used as ballast for railroads or thrown irfto heaps as worthless. The deepest mine in the coke region is only three hundred feet deep ; while the surface of the land yields forty bushels of wheat to the acre. Coke of the best quality sells for less than six shillings a ton. Coal is barely worth transportation — except away from the gas belt. At Lebanon, near Harrisburg, there is a mountain of iron-ore which requires no mining. Cars are run to the side of the mountain and the ore is shov- UNCLE SAM'S WEAKNESS. 199 elled in. Similar mountains are being discovered at the head of Lake Superior. Gas-wells dot the country in such profusion that half the gas is allowed to run to waste, or is consumed in the profitless illumination of the night. Oil flows in streams from scores of wells in the same district. Now look at Europe. England is the leading manu facturing country. Much of her ore is brought from Spain ; her cotton comes from America, Egypt or India ; nearly two thirds of her wool consumption — one fourth the clip of the world — is imported from Australia and South Africa. Of gold and silver she has none ; of copper little in comparison with America. Her coal is brought up from as great a depth as ^500 feet, and is twelve times as costly as that which served Pittsburgh as fuel before the discovery of natural gas. She has no rock-oil, no natural gas. To these natural disad vantages are added the artificial burdens of army and navy and the ever-growing royalties and aristocracies. The British workman is not only disadvantaged in his material conditions, but also by his feudal limitations. Since 1850, dukes, marquises, earls and their relatives and friends are estimated to have taken over a hundred million sterling from the earnings of the working men of Engjaid. The labourer's thrift is their profusion. Taught by his church catechism from the earliest age " to order himself lowly and reverently to all his bet ters ; and to do his duty in that state of life to which it shall please God to call him," the British workman rarely displays that enterprise and energy, that seeking after new and better methods, which are connoted by the phrase '¦ independence of character," and which are among the most admirable traits of the American. 200 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. In the rest of Europe industry is even more cramped and injured. Everywhere the man whom Americans call " the pauper labourer," works with artificial disad vantages superposed on natural ones. When with great effort he has delved into the earth for ore and brought it to the surface in scanty quantities, some prince or lordly parasite pounces upon his gains like an eagle on the booty of the fish-hawk. After he has converted the residue into iron, another pounce is made, and his labour is seized, perhaps to fashion a musket or a sword. Finally the labourer himself is pitchforked into a livery, forced to take the musket and kill other work ing men at command. Stated baldly, these are the in dustrial conditions of America and Europe contrasted. If, as the American woi-kman contends, protection is absolutely necessary to his survival in this kind of a contest, in Heaven's name let him perish as a lazy shiftless fellow, who only encumbers the earth and ought to give place to any who can do better, be he heathen Chinee or "nigger"! As a matter of fact, however, the American workman is neither lazy nor shiftless. His energy and enterprise are unlimited. He is a sober and steady workman. Mr. Pullman, who has dealt with hundreds of thou sands of workers in his time, says he does not remem ber to have ever seen a native American workman in a state of intoxication. Another large employer with whom I am acquainted adds similar testimony. With these qualities the American workman joins an inde pendent spirit which, once infused into the democracies of Europe, would promptly ring the knell of royal dy nasties and aristocracies. I have heard it said that the American workman asks for bread, with a cigar in UNCLE SAM'S WEAKNESS. 201 his mouth. Possibly he does ; I never heard one ask for bread, though I can testify to the cigar : it is not a good one. But his manliness is such that no royal or aristocratic idler would be allowed to feed at the ex pense of his starving family. Why then is there any need for protection ? There is no need for it. One reason why the protectionists are so strong in America is because so many people are incapable of comprehending large truths. The ability to form large conceptions of space does not necessarily include the power of apprehending great truths. The fallacy associated with the balance of trade is far be yond the comprehension of millions of people at the present day. It is only a hundred years since this fal lacy was universally held to be a self-evident truth. Relatively to economic science, the majority of man kind are still in the middle ages. Another reason is that while the agricultural interests are dispersed over the continent, manufacturing interests are concen trated in rings, combinations and political clubs. Few wheat-growers of Minnesota recognize any community of interest with the tobacco-planters and cotton-growers of the South ; but the iron- manufacturers are wise enough to recognize a menace to their own monopoly in an attack on the cotton or woollen industry. An old . Scotchwoman was once taken by her husband to see the wonders of the microscope. When she saw animalculse monsters engaged in deadly combat with each other, she arose in great trepidation and cried, "Come awa', John!" "Sit still, woman, and see the show," said John. "See the show, mon! What wud come o' us if the awfu' like things should brak out o' the water ?" Uncle Sam looking at free-trade monsters 202 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. through a microscope, occasionally starts back affrighted, and eiclaims with pallid face. " What would come o' us if the awfu' like pauper labourer should brak loose upon us ?" If any one wants to know the exact quality of the in telligence arrayed on the protectionist's side, he should write to the American Iron and Steel Association, Phil adelphia, for their pamphlet of stories illustrating the evils that will befall the Republic if the pauper labourer of Europe is turned loose upon the defenceless Ameri can workman. I have not kept the title of the publica tion, but Mr. Swank will remember it from my descrip tion. An American once remarked to me as I watched the customs-inspector turn over the contents of my port manteau, " Our great nation doesn't show to advantage when it's mussing [i.e., making a mess of] a man's shirt- fronts." " That's nothing," I replied, with some show of Yankee indifference ; " last Christmas some friends in Germany sent me a little book as Weihnachtsgruss ; it was stopped in the post-office, opened, assessed at a dollar and a half, and taxed ; and I received a notice as 'importer of books' to call personally and pay thirty- five cents. So I had to go down-town specially to get that book, climb up to the fourth story of the post- office, apply for the book, sign for it, and pay for it. Then your great nation gave me my property." My friend then told a story which was published in the New York Times of a German immigrant who landed in 1885 with a coat which he had bought in 1879. He afterwards lent the coat to his brother for use on a voy age to Europe ; and when he applied to the United States Treasury to be allowed to receive back his coat UNCLE SAM'S WEAKNESS 203 without paying duty, the government officials decided that, while the law allowed a man to wear the coat across the boundary of the United States, it could not be ad mitted free if sent by itself. So the garment was ap praised, taxed fifty per cent on its value, and after infi nite trouble and the payment of numerous charges, fees and dues, the German reacquired his coat. I was afterwards witness of a worse example of gov ernmental interference with private rights. At Venice last summ^ I accompanied an American lady to a fur niture shop to buy a large tapestried chair. I bargained and paid for it. It cost three hundred francs ; and this amount appeared on the receipted bill. The chair was consigned to an agent in New York ; and the receipted bill was likewise sent to him. While the owner of the chair was still in Europe, the custom-house appraiser had the presumption to raise the valuation of the chair to 350 francs, and to add a penalty of sixteen dollars for wilful misstatement of its value ! Vainly was it pointed out by the agent that the receipt corresponded with the shipper's invoice. The chair was taxed on the increased amount, and a further sum of sixteen dollars exacted as penalty. When the owner returned to America, she demanded restitution of the unjust fine ; and received a reply from the Collector of Customs that, as the application had not been made within the period prescribed by law, there was no remedy ! At the time of the Revolution we read that the Americans were a nation of smugglers, and John Han cock was a chief of smugglers. History repeats itself. Few Americans to- day visit Europe without returning well laden with dutiable articles. On the hottest August days one may see ladies land in seal-skins, and 204 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. men in top-coats, new clothes, and with their pockets full of gloves. And why should we blame them ? The whole tarifE system is a swindle ; and citizens land ing with their pockets full of European purchases are / only evading what the common-sense of every one tells him is a swindle. If anything can justify evasion of the law, it is surely the degrading shifts adopted by Congress to get rid of the surplus without touching the tariff. The tariff makes prices so high, that it is a common saying in America that one can save the cost of the passage to and from Europe by buying a few suits of clothes or a Redfern gown while there. And not only do they save on cost : the clothes in Europe are of better quality. There is a duty of forty-six per cent on raw wool. The clip of the United States reaches three hundred and twenty million pounds, but the people could consume double that quantity. The result is that much cotton is mixed with the wool, and the resulting cloth is of inferior quality. I have heard it said that free-traders have all the ar guments, and protectionists most of the facts. Yes; but what sort of facts ? Here is a protectionist fact, vouched for by no less an authority than Mr. Rowland Hazard of Rhode Island : In the United States from 1867 to 187?, while the duty on wool was at its maxi mum (45 to 55 per cent), the number of sheep fell from 39,385,386 [Mulhall says 43,300,000] to 35,804,- 200. During the next four years, 1877-81, under a lower tariff the number rose to 45,016,324. And for whom was this industry " protected"? The mass of the poor who paid an augmented price for their clothes? By no means. The persons benefited were the rich squatters of the West who own vast flocks of sheep. A UNCLE SAM'S WEAKNESS 205 single squatter at Albuquerque, New Mexico, had 500,000 sheep — one seventieth of the whole ! Protec tion, is it ? Well may the American poet exclaim : " Let us speak plain : there is more force in names Than most men dream of ; and a lie may keep Its throne a whole age longer, if it skulk Behind the form of some fair seeming name." One may say of the protectionist's " fact" as a friend of mine says of a lawj^er, that it is like an old gun, apt to go off at the wrong end. In the same parlance, we may add that protection itself has a strong recoil; and hurts the shoulder of him who fires it. Here is one way in which the recoil hurts Uncle Sam: American exports to Europe, consisting mainly of bread=tuffs, cotton and beef, have to pay an augmented freight often amount ing to a hundred per cent, because ships must return to America either wholly or partially in ballast. Unless, therefore, an article will bear an artificially raised rate of carriage, it cannot be exported. The cost of navigat ing an empty or only partially-laden ship across the Atlantic is the amount of what is really an export duty paid by every cargo of American produce sent to Eu rope. It is also the amount of what is practically a bounty paid by Europe to India, Egypt and Australia on cotton, wheat and beef exported by them — a bounty which is rapidly raising up strong rivals to Uncle Sam in the provision markets of Europe. Can this be a factor in the decrease of cotton exports from 350 mil lion dollars to 314 million during the last five years; of the decrease of exports of breadstuffs from 360 million to 125 million; of the decrease of exports of meat and 206 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. provisions from 130 million to 90 million in the same period? The total exports of agricultural products have fallen from 730 million dollars in 1881 to 484 million dollars in 1886. This, meseems, is a rather Jiurtful recoil; and it strikes the most numerous of Uncle Sam's workers — the agriculturists, who are really three to one compared with the manufacturers. And while the exports of agricultural produce, thus reduced, amount to between four and five hundred million dollars a year, there is not a manufactured article ex cept uncoloured cotton cloths (nine million), oil-cake (seven million) and refined sugar (eleven million) ex ported to the amount of five million dollars! These are facts — protectionist facts! Only one workman in twenty, or five per cent of the labouring population of the United States, is engaged in protected industries; yet, according to Sir Lyon Play- fair, in the last twenty-one years the people of America have paid two hundred and forty million sterling in the extra prices of home products. That two hundred and forty millionaire manufacturers have been produced is a questionable gain to the mass of the people. A comparison has been made in this chapter between the conditions under which industry in Europe is com peting with industry in America. With this com parison in mind, let us look at another fact or two. The protection accorded to the cotton-manufacturer amounts to over forty per cent; yet, the pauper labourer contrives to send back to the land of cotton-plantations and the birth-place of the cotton-gin thirty million dollars' worth of cotton manufactures per annum. In spite of the duty of thirty-five per cent, iron and steel manufactures to the amount of thirty-four million dollars UNCLE SAM'S WEAKNESS. 207 are every year sent across the Atlantic to the land of iron mountains and natural gas. Silk manufactures protected by an ad valorem duty of nearly fifty per cent cannot compete with Europe; and nearly thirty million dollars' worth are imported. Sugar pays seventy-three per cent; and yet the amount imported is enough to give to every man, woman and child in the Republic about forty-three pounds of foreign sugar every year. And what about the woollen industry, which is protected by a duty of sixty per cent? No less than forty-five million dollars' worth of wool and woollen goods are im ported every year. Plate glass paying the outrageous duty of 148.80 per cent is imported to the amount of half a million dollars a year! How are these for pro tectionist's facts — especially when taken in connection with that other fact that, with only two or three ex ceptions, not an American manufacture is exported to the value of" a million sterling! All this seems very anomalous, but it is easily ex plained. Let the explanation be in the words of Mr. Joseph Chamberlain, M.P., who, during his business career, was a manufacturer of screws. As reported in the London Standard, Mr. Chamberlain said: " At that time the Americans put a duty of 100 per cent on screws, and in spite of that his firm sent these articles to America in large quanrities. The result was that the American manufac turers came over here and said : ' We are making 100 per cent on capital; if you continue to send screws to America we shall, of course, be obliged to reduce our prices. That will shut you out, but it will reduce cur profits, which will not be good for either of us. Let us, therefore, make a bargain ; we will pay you so much a year to sit still and not send a screw to America.' Well, they did it, and his firm received a handsome income for years from the American manufacturers, protected, as they were, by the folly 208 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. and stupidity of protectionist legislation, to sit still, and not send screws to America." The last census stated that the screw-makers of the United States numbered 1361; of these, only 990 were native Americans. Admitting all that protectionists claim, it seems a high price that is paid for the "protec. tion" of these 990 men. A barbe dejol on ap2Jrend d raser ! Facts! why, facts bristle all around us. They start up like the followers of Roderick Dhu from every bush and stone. The protectionist who calls for facts is like Cadmus sowing his dragon's teeth; but the crop of armed men is doubly and trebly iron-clad, so that they cannot even destroy themselves. Here is a fact for the protectionists at home: wages in free-trade England are from thirty to sixty per cent higher than in protected France and Germany; yet English manufactures in immense quantities go all over these countries. The periodical depressions and the panics which are so destructive of credit in America are mainly due to protection. An unnatural competition is set up amongst manufacturers which results in great over-production. Then come failures, and large stocks of goods are forced on the markets, reducing prices and causing more failures. Production then stops for a time, the public meanwhile getting cheap supplies and absorbing the surplus. The small capitalists having been ruined and forced out of competition, all goes well again for a time. There comes a "boom;" capital circulates, competition grows active; and soon the usual results of over-pro duction ensue. And so in unvarying round — boom, depression, panic; panic, depression, boom. UNCLE SAM'S WEAKNESS. 209 There is an amazing amount of buncombe talked by politicians on this subject. In the presidential cam paign of 1884 the Republican party tried to make the tariff question the issue of the contest; and it was asserted that the ever-increasing agitation for tariff re form had been brought about by English emissaries. This indeed became one of the rallying cries; and in the Republican processions banners announced that " Brit ish gold won't wash in this crowd"! The democrats were forced to try to checkmate the movement, and for a time their paraders marched in time to the cry, " No — no — no free trade !" It is always a sale piece of buncombe for a political candidate to denounce "British emis saries" who come to advocate free trade and the ruin of the helpless American workman! It has been said that England ought not to complain: for America buys more of her than of any other nation. Granted: but she does not buy of us for love! If she could get what she wanted in other markets, she would do so. But here arises the inevitable tu quoqice. England buys of America more than double what she sells to her: she buys 350 million dollars' worth, while France and Germany combined only buy 100 million dollars' worth. Indeed England is a better customer of Uncle Sam — I might say Farmer Sam — than the rest of the world put together. And be it remarked, in answer to our alleged ingratitude, that England is the only great nation from whom Uncle Sam does not buy more than he sells. If he were to "reciprocate" with us as he does with France or Germany, instead of buying 154 million dol lars' worth of our products as he now does, he would have to buy from 400 millions to 450 millions' worth. Of course he buys from our colonies and India; but 14 210 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. he manages to sell enough to them to make a fair balance. "What things are dutiable?" I heard a European passenger ask as he made the usual declaration before the customs officer. "Everything," was the reply. And "that is so." From his cradle to his grave the American is paying duties. As a baby he is swathed in taxed muslin. His little nose is wiped with a taxed handkerchief. His porridge is made from corn grown under the stimulus of taxed fertilizers, and he eats it with a taxed spoon out of a taxed feeding- cup. The wheels of his baby-carriage are tired with hoops that have paid a duty of 2^ cents a pound. When he escapes from the taxed apron-string of his nurse, and finds shelter in the tax-supported school, his boots, his satchel, his clothes, his books, have all contributed their quota to the embarrassing surplus, or else helped to build up some mammoth fortune for a protected capi talist. The buttons on his trowsers and the bristles in his tooth-brush can be found in the tariff list. He is lulled to sleep with opiates that have paid a dollar a pound; and wakened by clocks that tick to the tune of twenty-five and thirty pei" cent. His toys are placed un der an embargo of thirty-five per cent, and the fire cracker with which he celebrates the Glorious Fourth costs him one hundred per cent beyond its value. The plums UNCLE SAM'S WEAKNESS. 211 and prunes in his pudding have paid one per cent a pound to the Treasury; and if he is luxurious enough for raisins he pays two cents a pound. If he has a taste for shelled almonds he must pay seven and a half cents a pound duty, though — subtle discrimination worthy of legislators ! — ^he may buy unshelled almonds by paying only five cents for the privilege. As he merges into adolescence, the American pays twenty-five per cent tax on his jewellery and fifty per cent on his gloves. The letter-paper and the lace handkerchief which he sends to his lady-love bear a similar relation to the national ex chequer. His tobacco is taxed, and even free soap is denied him. Well may his hair turn gray before he is thirty! Well may he be gaunt and careworn, giving outsiders the idea that he has not enough to eat ! Of course under sucli a system of government coddling on the one hand and government interference on the other, there is nothing incongruous in a petition like the following from an " infant industry." According to the Leavenworth (Kansas) Standard it was sent by the boot blacks of Leavenworth to the Mayor and Council: "We, the undersigned bootblacks, who by our industry sup port ourselves and contribute to the support of the families of our parents, respectfully request your honorable body to levy a li cense tax on bootblacks of $2 per annum, thusly protecting us in our endeavors to obtain an honest living, and stop the encroach ment of the Chinese bootblacks, who are reducing the price below five cents a shine. We believe that the imposition of this tax ex emplifies the principles of jirotection to American industry. It would protect us in our honest labor. Your favorable considera tion of our position would forever tie us to a government of the people." The last sentence has an ironical ring. The sight of a crowd of " protected " bootblacks tied to the govern- 212 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. ment -to the grandmotherly apron-string, so lo speak — would be an inspir ing sight to a patri ot of the political- boss stamp. And the queue might acquire that ele ment of variety which always lends a grace to the pic turesque, if the apron-string were passed on to the washerwomen who protested to the President against the Treasury towels being sent to the Chinese laundry! A century ago the commerce of the world seemed to be passing under the star-spangled banner. In twenty years American shipping increased fivefold; and by 1820 "the Yankee clippers" had gained such reputa tion that Grantham says people used to go to Liverpool to see them. In 1826, when the decadence began, 92 "o per cent of the foreign carrying trade of the United States was done by American vessels. Yet in sixty years, by the operation of laws fitted to the time of Henry the Eighth, " we have reduced ourselves," says Mr. Edward Atkinson, "from the position of a dreaded maritime people to a position of comparative insignificance upon the sea. At the end of a century of vigorous life and effort we remain but a province, unable to keep our own flag at the mast-head of any fleet of modern vessels." UNCLE SAM'S WEAKNESS. 213 Only thirty years ago three fourths of the carrying trade of America was on native bottom. Now little more than one seventh is so carried. Of the nine and a quarter million tons increase in the American foreign trade. Great Britain has managed to secure nearly six million tons. Of every eleven steam-vessels carrying grain from New York in 1883, seven displayed the Union Jack, but none the Stars and Stripes. Of every eighty-three sailing-vessels laden with grain which left the same harbour, only one was American. In 1856 the tonnage of American vessels entered from foreign ports constituted 75 per cent of the total tonnage. In 1868 it had fallen to 35 per cent; in 1882 to 15 "5 per cent, and it remains this year about the same! Yet we read in Niles' Register for 1830: "No interest in the United States has been so severely protected as the shipping. The ' American system ' fully commenced with it in 1789, by discriminatory duties on imports and tonnage. On a vessel of 200 tons, laden with 150 hhds. of sugar, for example, the protection amounted to more than seven hundred dollars, enough to pay the ivhole wages incident to a West India voyage!" These are protectionist facts, not free-trade argu ments. To protect the iron, timber and other interests, the tariff raised the price of all ship-building material. Then, to foster a native seafaring population, other re strictive acts were passed, obliging American ship-own ers to engage crews in America, where labour is thirty to fifty per cent dearer than in Europe. Thus the prime cost of a ship was artificially raised; then the cost of navigating it was unnaturally increased. Such a ship, of course, could not compete with those of England, which cost only half as much to build and navigate; 214 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. ¦IKe. AmericarxPreigj. CArryin<$Tra,c5^v SmolKered f Jo dea^lK '^ by j^ R-oIedivefi'lsi^fiTsQ ^Pff^'JituM and the last American line of steamers to Europe passed under the Union Jack about two years ago. So died the American foreign carrying trade ! Despite all this muddle, the result of government meddle, we occasionally hear a heart-rending ap peal to the Political Fetish for relief. It is almost incredible that in pres ence of these destruct ive effects of government al interference with com merce, men still bow down before their Jugger naut! Here is an exam ple from a newspaper: " Shall England build' our vessels and carry our commerce while our business languishes, our mines are darkened, our fur naces are cold, our mills idle and our workmen crying for bread ? No, no! Let us make our own iron and steel, build and man our own ships, and strive to regain a commanding position in the ocean commerce of the world, for soon the United States will be able lo export iron and steel to all the nations of the earth. I'hen we shall need a national merchant-marine to float our metals to the ocean markets of the world. Let the people cry from Maine to the Golden Gate for this national industrial necessity — the im provement of our merchant-marine by the help of the govern ment." Why, the government has been helping it all the time — has helped it out of existence! Truly, compared with this Political Superstition, the Voodooism of Southern negroes is positive philosophy, and the credulity of a Neapolitan woman godlike reason. STAR-SPANGLED BRITONS. 211 CHAPTER XV. STAR-SPANGLED BEITONS — AND SOME OTHEES. " For he himself has said it. And it's greatly to his credit. That he is an Englishman!" Modern Classic. T^^HE Englishman abroad is prover bially a grumbler. Even at home fault- fijiding is his habitual hu mour. Petty annoyances which other people are prone to pass over in si lence, incite him to anger and letters to the press. Americans gauge everything by the question, "Does it pay?" and rarely think it worth the worry and vexa tion to resist trifling aggressions. Thus Englishmen in America do not show to advantage. They have more to grumble about than at home; and they exercise their prerogative regardless of the bad impression which their avowed discontent may make. To this hypercriti cal attitude must be ascribed much of that discour tesy which Americans think of as British ingratitude. Everywhere in the United States one hears of English- 216 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. men who, while enjoying the hospitality of the country, did nothing but complain. Perhaps the offender supple mented his ill-grace by publishing the adverse opinions formed during a brief visit, emphasizing the things which displeased him, while lacking in due apprecia tion of the good things he found. I have before me the published comments of " a disillusioned Britisher," who spent a few weeks in what he calls a corner of the country. He travelled from Montreal to Baltimore! An American who had the temerity to pen an ill-natured attack on the British Empire after journeying from London to Canterbury would be rightly written down an ass, even by his own countrymen. This disillusioned Britisher betrays his animus when he tells us that for a w^hole hour he travelled watch in hand, counting the times the door of the railway-car was left open. And would you believe it, he got up to shut the door one hun dred and twenty-six times in the hour — more than twice a minute! Heroic Briton! What sufferings were thine! And the glory of it! But is this the stuff that makes our race great, or is it that which makes our greatness little? If this disillusioned Britisher had travelled further, he might have learnt that the term Britisher is rarely heard in America; and that " the variety of railway gauges" does not as he alleges "necessitate constant changes of carriages," since there are about one hundred thousand miles of track of uni form gauge. There are more things he would have learnt had he stayed a few days longer. He might have acquired some of that good-nature which permits Americans to regard with equanimity even such gross misrepresentations of their country as his ungracious report. STAR-SPANGLED BRITONS. 217 It is no libel on one's own countrymen to say that when abroad they are very eccentric. It is without doubt a high distinction to be an Englishman — to feel that the awe-struck foreigner is enviously thinking of the glorious inheritance which has descended to his grotesquely-attired person. But the grand traditions of the race, the "glory of the empire," the dignity of the Mother of Nations, are not enhanced by a swagger that would provoke the derision of a street urchin if dis played in the Strand. " You take up a great deal of room," was the remonstrance of an American to a blustering Briton at a railway station. "I am accus tomed to take up a great deal of room in my own country," was the reply. " There can't be much room left for others, then," smiled the Yankee. Sometimes, however, we go to the opposite extreme ; as instance the English lecturer — a man of high position at home — who, having received an encouraging reply to his query, "How much flattery can the Americans stand?" pro ceeded forthwith to disgust his friends and amuse his audiences by insincere and servile adulation. I lately saw a letter which this gentleman had written to a newspaper, saying he had married an American lady and that he was about to become a naturalized citizen! To become a renegade is a queer way of flattering a patriotic people. Shrewdness, which is so marked a characteristic of Americans, does not desert its possessor in presence of a flatterer. When Archdeacon Farrar, at the Westminster Abbey services, closed his eloquent tribute to General Grant with a eulogy of the American people, a trans atlantic cousin was heard to say: " I'll lay odds he's 218 ¦ UNCLE SAM AT HOME. reckoning on a lecturing tour on the other side." And the guess turned out correct. The peripatetic Briton who has visited America has left there innumerable stories of lost h's. In a serial which appeared in Lippincott's Magazine, an earl is said to have delivered himself of the following: " It wasn't the 'unting that 'urt the 'orses, but the 'ammer, 'ammer, 'ammer oh the 'ard 'ighroad!" This w^as pos sibly the gentleman I heard about at Montreal. A clerk at the Windsor Hotel there saw an Englishman opening doors on the hall floor in apparent search of something. "What are you looking for?" he asked. "I want an 'oister," said the, son of Albion. "An oyster! You'll find plenty in the dining-room." " No, no," said the traveller with an impatient gesture; " I want to go upstairs by the 'oister." "Oh, you want the elevator?" "Yes, the helevator!" There is more reason for the American belief that every Englishman drops his h's, than there is in the British tradition that all Americans speak through the nose, and use " tarnation" for an emphasis. The Eng lish of Americans is quite as good as that spoken at home; and the local differences are not nearly so great. The dialect of Lancashire, for example, has no parallel in America. Amongst the cultured, great attention is paid to purity of speech, and though the accent is strange to English ears and the intonation monotonous, the grammar is generally faultless — if one except the very common solecism "it don't." Apropos of in tonation, an American lady once told me she used to think that the English people she met displayed much affectation in their speech; and when she went to Eng land she thought she had come to a nation of actors STAR-SPANGLED BRITONS. 219 and actresses. And here we get the most important difference between our speech and the Americans': it is rather a difference of intonation than of language. To Americans the modulations of our voice are varied and musical; and I have frequently heard expressions of admiration when they have heard a soft-voiced English woman. If Anglomaniacs were not so absurd in other respects, it would be a beneficial change if their imita tion of the English voice could become common. English writers on American affairs are rarely in favour on the other side, partly because of their igno rance of American subjects, partly because they are often unfair. They are unfair from prejudice, and their ignorance is sometimes due to the same cause, though occasionally one falls into blunders because things change so quickly in America. There is one English review that causes much mirth, and occasionally a little anger, by its mistakes. " Many of its accounts of what has happened or is going to happen," says a New York journalist, "' are based, like General Choke's mode of proving that the Queen lives in the Tower of London, on notions of what ought naturally to happen." That there is ground for the American's assertion seems probable when we remember that a man of Mr. Matthew Arnold's standing ventured to write a little work, as he says, "on what I thought civilization in the United St-dtes might probably belike." A similar explanation miffht account for the curious fancies of a writer who lately discovered that "Aristocracy is not only legal in the United States, but it has been deliberately estab lished in the constitution." According to this gentle man, who announced his discovery in the Nineteenth Century Review, the antagonism between the Com- 220 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. mons and the Lords in England is paralleled by a contest between the American Senate and the House of Representatives, the former body constituting a menace to democracy as great as the hereditary English chamber. This is extremely funny. The writer can hardly be an American, though he dates from Chicago. If he is, he is probably indulging in that form of Yankee humour of which Englishmen rarely see the point. One hears a great deal in England about the injustices authors suffer through the absence of an international copyright law with America. But American authors suffer from English pirates, too, though one hears little of this form of criminal reciprocity. Indeed our own countrymen are the greatest offenders. Like King John, they set fire to the house they rob! What I mean will be seen from the following statement by the author of "Ben Hur" — General Lew Wallace, late U. S. minis ter to Turkey: "I found on reaching London about ten months ago," said General Wallace, " that my novel of ' Ben Hur ' was advertised by Messrs. F. Warne & Co. as from their presses. They also ad vertise themselves as agents of The Century Company of this city, and I find by looking at the magazine that they are so recognized by the publishers here. Of course I knew I had no legal rights in England, but I was naturally curious to know something of the style in which the book was reproduced in England, the character of the house printing it and something about the success which it had met with abroad. So I called at their place and asked a clerk if he had a novel called ' Ben Hur.' He handed me a copy, price two shillings, and I paid him for it. I asked several ques tions which led naturally to the inquiry as to what sale the Eng lish edition had met with. The clerk told me that they had sold 2000 copies in the past fortnight, a thousand a week. That was flattering, and I told him I was glad to hear it as I was the au thor. 'Indeed!' he exclaimed; and at the same moment he reached out and took back the volume he had sold me. He then STAR-SPANGLED BRITONS. 221 asked me if I would not remain where I was for a moment. He disappeared and returned in a moment without my book, but with a request that I would see the principals of the house. I was very glad to do so, and going into the private office I met two gentle men who were introduced to me as members of the firm. My bought copy of my stolen book lay on the table, and I took it up in the course of the conversation which followed and glanced at it occasionally as we talked. At first the conversation was pleas ant enough, but glancing at the title-page I found that the sub-title had been changed from ' A Tale of the Christ ' to ' The Days of Christ.' That was annoying, and I asked who had authorized the change. The rep'y was that the publishers had done it to avoid hurting the sensibilities of religious readers in England. In other words, they had appropriated my property and had changed it to suit their own views of what its language and tone should be. ' Have you made any other of these unauthorized changes ? ' I asked. 'Well, wc have omitted two of the tales told by one of the characters,' answered the speaker of the firm. You can im agine I was getting warmed up by this time and I spoke rather strongly. But the next discovery enraged me beyond measure. They had actually written up and inserted a preface to the novel. No, not a publisher's preface. It was without signature of any sort, and to the ordinary reader must have read as if by the author. I had written no preface whatever. I demanded to know of them what they proposed to do in the way of remunerating me for tak ing and for altering my book. They promised to give the matter due consideration. That was ten months ago, and I have never heard from them. I suppose they are taking plenty of time for what they call 'due consideration.' The house is not a very im portant one outside of the fact that they are London agents of a reputable American company." This is but a mild sort of criminality compared with some other cases known to me. A friend of mine wrote a book of reference for children, which had a large sale in America. Presently it appeared in England, "edited by the Reverend Sir George W. Cox, Bart., M.A.," but without any mention of the author. The "editing" 222 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. consisted in adding an article on an abstruse subject in technical phraseology, and wholly unfit for children. Later the plates passed into the hands of another pub lisher, who brought out a new edition. This time it was not even "edited" by the Reverend Sir George W. Cox, Bart., M.A. : it ivas by him! An American novel was not long since adapted to English readers by the substitution of the Queen for the President, and of the Thames for the Connecticut! There is a thoroughness about everything we English do! Americans often return from Europe surprised and chagrined at the ignorance of Englishmen concerning things American. On one occasion when I crossed there was a young fellow on board who had been an auction eer's clerk in London, and was going to settle in Minne sota. He was of average intelligence; but he was in duced by some Americans to get out his gun before reaching Sandy Hook, that he might have a shot at the buffaloes which he was told would be seen browsing on the seaweed of Brighton Beach. And a young woman going out on the same steamer to be married, declared that she would not speak to her lover if he came to meet her at the barge office dressed, as she was told all Brooklynites dress at home, in red fianijel shirt, and slouch hat, trow sers tucked into top-boots, and pistols showing prominently at the belt. At this game of gulling the Englishman some times gets even with his tormentor. It ABrookiynitei jg not long sincc & Yankee victim was heard of inquiring the way to Abraham's Bosom, to which an Englishman had recommended him as the STAR-SPANGLED BRITONS 223 best club in London. Poor Harriet Martineau had many a hoax poured into her ear-trumpet, and some of them came out again in her book about America. And I fancy Henry Irving must have been victimized during his first trip. He wrote in the Fortnightly Review : " In matter of duration [of theatrical performances], the audi ence is not to be trified with or imposed on. I have heard of a case in a city of Colorado where the manager of a travelling com pany, on the last night of an engagement, in order to catch a through train, hurried the ordinary performance of his play into an hour and a half. When next the company were coming to the city they were met en route, some fifty miles out, by the sheriff, who warned them to pass on by some other way, as their coming was awaited by a large section of the able-bodied male population armed with shot guns. The company did not, I am informed, on that occasion visit the city." Every autumn brings its crop of stories of English men's insatiable appetite for "gammon," exaggerated of course into that rhodomontade which is so important an element of American humour, but having, in many instances, a kernel of fact. It is not many years since an English novelist described a buffalo-hunt near Boston; and an English encyclopedia published not very long ago, had no knowledge of America's mineral deposits. Some years ago a young journalist with ambitions above his fellows, asked me to recommend him a special sub ject of study which was little known in England. I named "America;" and I was gratified that my advice was followed. He made a prolonged tour in America, and now in England he is making a successful career as a thoughtful and accurate writer on transatlan tic affairs. It was he, by the way, who advised the im migrant who aspired to wealth to take up with a quack medicine until he had been long enough in the country 224 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. to make politics his profession. This happy conjune> tion of two very striking aspects of American life, proves the efficiency of his studies of men and things in the Republic! English mistakes about America are made the more absurd by the fact that our cousins are almost as famil iar with England as are its inhabitants. Newspapers devote nearly as much space to British public affairs as to their own. Most educated Americans have travelled in Europe; and everybody is familiar with recent Eng lish literature. The most popular plays are English, and many actors and actresses have been educated with us. But we are still dominated by the insular spirit — the patriotic bias, as sociologists call it. It is said that people born in Beacon Street, Boston, are regenerate in the next world without being born again. At the bot tom of the Briton's heart, there is some such faith in the saving grace of his own nationality. That is why we are always giving "points" to the nations — charging them a good round fee for the advice if accepted, and bom barding their cities or making naval dem onstrations against them if rejected. I see that certain school-boards in Eng land are now feeding children as well as paying their school- fees. The next thing will be to send STAR-SPANGLED BRITONS. 225 them on foreign travels, thus utilizing the navy, and rubbing off that accumulation of hereditary conceit which causes the children of Albion to think, like the children of Israel, that the universe was created especially for their benefit, and that all Cosmos revolves round their little speck of earth. The provincial spirit is found a fortiori in some Scotchmen. I have seen a letter from the editor of a Scottish paper published in New York, blaming a Scotchman for speaking of the inhabitants of Great Britain as Englishmen: he wanted them called Britons, forgetful that the population of Scotland is little greater than that of Lancashire, and not so great as that of London. The Scotchman is a power in America. He is found everywhere — except in politics, which he leaves to his brother Celt from Ireland. Wherever found Sandy is usually at the head of things. It is predicted that he will be found at the top of the north pole when that is discovered. He is certainly at the top of the north pole of many a great manufacturing concern in America. It does not take long to make a good American out of a Scotchman — if he is caught young. Dearly as he loves the land of brown heath and shaggy wood, he rarely wants to return to it. Dr. Johnson said that the prettiest sight in all Scotland was the road out of it. At the Burns dinner in New York, I heard many vari ations of this sentiment mixed with fervent love of the old country. One canny speaker referred to the tradition of the Scotchman's private ark at the Deluge, and hoped that his hearers had long since burnt this ark so that they could not get back to their beloved land — unless it be, said he, to mak' a visit. Our countrymen from 15 226 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. "ayont the Tweed" have made a splendid record in America. They have furnished much of the stuff that has made America great. Look at the array of Scotch names prominent in mercantile and financial circles of New York: Mackay, Morton, Murray, Mills, Grant, Stuart, Kennedy, Carnegie, Paton, Irvin, Henderson, Donald, Cameron, Ferguson, Macdonald, Reid, King, Maitland, Wallace, and a score of others. And all over the country similar lists could be found. The predominance of English names in America is striking to one who has been impressed by the statistics of German and Scandinavian immigration. In a group of a score of native Americans, I counted the other day eighteen of distinct British origin; and one of the others was probably English. A book before me consisting of papers by seventeen writers — Harper's First Century of the Republic — does not contain a name that is positively un-English. Lists of Congressmen and Senators show a like preponderance; and there is hardly an honoured name in American history that is not English. The rotunda at Washington is full of statues of great Ameri cans, every one of British stock. All the presidents and vice-presidents have been English — except perhaps Van Buren, and his first name was Martin. The long list of past judges of the Supreme Court contains but one foreign name. Mr. Bancroft estimates that during the first fifteen years of colonization, 21,300 persons, or 4000 families, arrived in New England. In 1840 the descendants of these, he estimates, amounted to four million — nearly one fourth of the whole population. Continuing the calculation, there would be at least eight million descendants of the earliest Puritan emi grants in 1870, and twelve million in 1885. Thus one STAR-SPANGLED BRITONS. 227 person in every five in America is probably descended from the English who migrated to New England dur ing the first fifteen years of colonization. This ratio would be greatly increased if we could estimate the numbers descended from the later colonists. Ger man and other alien immigration is only of recent origin; and even now British immigrants are the most numerous. With few exceptions, relatively to their numbers, the American people are of pure Eng lish ancestry. They are in fact but star-spangled Brit ons. The exceptions are easily discovered. Even they, however, have been anglicized. German surnames have often English prefixes; and in many instances the name is translated. A German translator once said he had " overset" (iibersetzt) the English. Many foreign names have been so overset, that their original form is no longer recognizable. Not in name only, but in nature, does the foreign element quickly become anglicized. The English language, literature and history are the joint heritage of the children of German immigrants and the descendants of the Puritans; and under their infiuence and that of the common school, the plastic youthful mind is soon moulded into harmony with its English environment. When America broke away from the mother-country and started out for itself, its political loyalty was destroyed; but there has survived a higher sentiment — a loyalty to race traditions. As Englishmen at home are proud of the achievements of Englishmen beyond sea, so our trans atlantic kindred share the greatness ''^^.-- of our own branch of the race. They 228 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. love, of course, their own land best, just as we do; but after America, England. Americans share our pride in Shakspere, Milton, and that galaxy of poets and writers which has made our common language a richer storehouse than the tongues of any people, ancient or modern. Even in the nursery, the young American is soothed by an English lullaby, or charmed by the rhymes and stories of our own infancy. They sing to him a " Song o' Sixpence" — not of twelve cents; and Fe-fo-fum even in California smells "the blood of an Englishman" in preference to that of a Bostonian. The melody of their national anthem "My Country, 'tis of Thee" — is that of our own " God Save the Queen;" and " The Red, White and Blue" — is as familiar to Uncle Sam as it is to ourselves. Dear Dibdin's " Tom Bow ling," heard in the Navy Yard at Annapolis or Wash ington, sounds as well as at Spithead or in the harbour at Malta. "Although his body's under hatches, his soul has gone aloft!" — gone aloft from many a ship with the Stars and Stripes at half-mast. Even at Cam^ bridge they have a great seat of learning; and Yale and Harvard universities — light blue and da,rk blue^ have their annual boat-race on the Thames. America is in truth New England. The history of old England is the history of Americans to within recent times. The halls and castles that moulder in the damp of England, live in pristine grandeur in transatlantic memories. Their names are revered and saved from oblivion by adoption. Our towns, where the pilgrim forefathers first drew breath, are kept green in the memory by transplantation of names. Boston or St. Biddulph's town in Lincolnshire, is still the acorn-hamlet it was two hundred and fifty years ago ; Boston, Massachu- STAR-SPANGLED BRITONS. 229 setts, its offspring, has become a city of world-wide renown, and a centre of intellectual activity which has made it the Alexandria of the New World. The name of Pendleton in the Blue Mountains of Oregon has doubtless a home-like ring to some wanderer from the banks of the Irwell. May the affection which crystal lizes into forms so beautiful ever endure! May every loving thought borne on western breezes to " the old country," meet another on its way to some kinsman across the sea! May the community of blood, language, traditions and literature, be strengthened by a com munity of interests, which will bind mother and child more closely together than can political bonds ! Per haps in the future, which gives such bright promise to the Greater Britain that has grown up beyond sea. Child and Mother-land shall stand together as of old — not in feudal dependency, but as leading states in the Federa tion of the World. 230 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. CHAPTER XVI. A FEESH LOOK AT MANIFEST DESTINY. " The future of the world belongs to us, to us who are of the same blood and language, if we are true to ourselves and to our opportunities, not of conquest or aggression, but of commercial development and beneficent influence." — Gladstone. ^HE brilliant future of the Ameri can nation has probably furnished a text for more patriotic speeches than have ever been made out side the Republic. On this glow ing topic the Fourth of July orator, ever since the Declaration of Independence, has annually got "inebriated with the exuberance of his own verbosity" and his country's resplendence. Here is an example which for patriotic braggadocio, is probably unparalleled even in America it self. It is a strain of exultation from distant Dakota: " Where is all this gigantic growth and development to end? Will not the close of our century see all North America, from Behring's Strait to the Isthmus of Panama, under one glorious free government and tri-colored flag? Will not the mystical fig ures 'A.D. 1900 ' find us all, Canadians, United Statians, Mexi cans, Guatemalans, and Nicaraguans, brethren and friends and fellow-citizens, marching beneath the starry banner of the free and the brave, to a grand common destiny of illimitable wealth and power and renown? Then shall Columbia's proud pet eagle (which is being so numerously and diversifiedly squeezed until he squawks to-day), perched upon the loftiest pinnacle-crag of the MANIFEST DESTINY. 231 royal-ore-ribbed Rocky Mountains, spread his cloud-bathed wings from the multifloral rainbows and frost wrought splendors of the Aurora-Boreal ic realms, to where the billowed sunshine of Hondu- rian gulfs chants its ceaseless anthem to shores of everlasting green and gold, and trumpet forth in universe-reverberating tones his ' Cock-a-doodle-Yankee-doodle-doo ' of exultation and defiance to all the world and the rest of mankind. Earth's two greatest oceans, three thousand miles apart, shall roll up in thimdering oratorio their echo of the high and glad refrain; the mightiest gulf and grandest lakes in all creation shall join the chant; river after river, huge, rolling floods, shall couspire to swell the giant pseans; Superior's waves, old Mississippi's torrent, Niagara's misty thunders, shall roar it far and wide; the hurricane crashing through ten thousand mountain gorges, from the Alleghanies to the Cordilleras, from the Adirondacks to the Sierras, shall chime it; the raging blizzards, hurling six-inch hailstones on sky-bounded Nebraskan plains, shall whistle and rattle it; the catamount shall shriek it, the prairie-wolf shall howl it, the lone owlet hoot it, and the grizzly bear shall growl it; and the burden of it all shall be* 'America for Americans! One country, one fiag, zwei lager, from Greenland's icy mountains to Daken's golden strands! E pluribus umim, now, henceforth and forevermore, world without end — amen!' " This fervid Yankee obviously mistakes bulk for great ness. Emerson somewhere says that the true test of civilization is not the census, nor the size of cities, nor the crops, but the kind of man the country produces. Judged by this standard a large part of the superficial area of the Republic, including the western home of the orator just quoted, has hardly made such startling pro gress as to justify a universal Lobgesang'. To many western territories which surpass in area the most civilized countries of the old world. Bishop Heber's description of Ceylon and the Ceylonese might be aptly applied. Stripped of its bombast there is, however, much in 232 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. the national progress of which America may justly feel proud. In material wealth and population her advance is marvellous. Ten years of progress in America equal twenty years in England, and half a century in some other parts of Europe. The wealth of the United States has quadrupled in less than thirty years, and multiplied sixteen-fold in the memory of persons living. As Mulhall shows in his "Balance-sheet of the World," the increase of Uncle Sam's wealth since 1850 would suffice to buy up the German empire, with its farms, cities, banks, shipping, manufactures, Krupp guns and millions of conscripts. The annual accumulation has been 165 million sterling; and therefore each decade adds more to the wealth of the United States than the capital value of Italy or Spain! Each year witnesses the birth of towns which in less than a decade surpass in size, wealth and material comforts many old-world cities whose names are found on every page of history. Geneva is only half the size of Milwaukee; Cleveland is as large as Genoa; Duluth, a fifteen -year- old city, exceeds Mecca or Jerusalem in population; Venice is not as big as De troit, and Rome is only half the size of Chicago. Though many persons may consider such comparisons fanciful and absurd, it is probable that these young flourishing cities of America are destined to exercise as great an in fluence on the history of the world, as any of the ancient cities have done. Their power as cities may not be so great; their influence may be but that of cooperating units; but they are units of a magnificent Whole, which is working out a revolution in political and industrial methods more comprehensive than anything that has preceded it in time. Any forecast concerning America which goes further MANIFEST DESTINY. 233 forward than ten or twenty years must seem chimerical to many people. How would John Adams or Benjamin Franklin or George Washington have received a pro phecy which gave a full and clear account of the United States in the year 1887: the population swollen to twelve times the number they knew; the mile-a-minute trains that would cross the then unexplored continent in a few days; the material wealth greater than all the world had seen before; the six days' sail to Europe in mammoth steamships of palatial luxury; the British House of Lords rising to honour the American minister; and a funeral oration on an ex-president within sound of Andre's monument in Westminster Abbey! The condition of America in the year 1987 would appear equally visionary if described to us to-day. Let us not look so far ahead. The population of America has repeatedly doubled itself in twenty-five years. The census of 1880, how ever, showed that the population was several millions short of being double that of 1855, or four times that of 1830. Probably it will never again double itself in so short a time. Taking thirty years or even more as the period required, it is safe to say that during the lives of persons now living, the Republic will count two hun dred million citizens. Even with this enormous popula tion, America will be five times less densely peopled than the United Kingdom is now. If ever America becomes as thickly peopled as England, the population will number 1,785,000,000! It is unquestionably the " manifest destiny" of Ameri ca to leave all the nations of the world far behind. She has already a greater population than any European nation except Russia; and no people increase so rapidly. 234 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. France has taken one hundred and sixty years to double her population, and now she appears to be declining. Great Britain multiplies faster than any other European people; yet she has taken seventy years to double her number — nearly three times as long as America. In half a century, indeed, America has added to her num bers more than the present population of Great Britain, of France, or of Austria! Equally marvellous has been her progress in manufac tures. In ten years the aggregate of industries rose thirty-five per cent. The actual increase, as stated by Mulhall, was 535 million sterling, against 337 million of Great Britain. In 1870, American-made steel was less than one fourth the quantity made in Germany, and less than half that made in France. Ten years later — only ten years — she made more than France, Germany, Austria and Belgium combined! Progress is a word which fails to express such an expansion! The manu factures of America now exceed in value those of any other nation — even of England, which has hitherto led the world. In agriculture, of course, she is without a rival. And our own branch of the English race — what are its industrial achievements? In manufactures we still lead the old world in a way that admits of no compari son. Our textile industries have trebled in value in fifty years, and our yearly product is two sevenths of the world's output. Our cotton industry has trebled in thirty years; and while our product is double that of the United States, it is nearly four times as great as that of any other country, and is more than one third of the product of the world. The spindles of the United Kingdom are nearly half the total of the world. Of MANIFEST DESTINY. 235 steel we make as much as all the rest of Europe put to gether; and half as much again of iron. More than one third of the commerce of the world is ours. In forty-five years it bounded from 95 million sterling to 570 milHon sterling. We have acquired more than half the carrying trade of the world; and five ships in ten the world over fly the union jack. Our tonnage nearly doubled between 1870 and 1880; and between 1876 and 1885, the increased tonnage of British steamships was two million tons — an addition equal to twice the entire tonnage of the French mercantile navy, after including such small fry as fishing-smacks, pilot-boats, and vessels lying ashore! During the present century the English in America have added to their territory more than three million square miles — twice the area of our Indian Empire, which supports a population of 350 million. The Eng lish at home have done more. They have taken posses sion of all the choicest parts of the world; so that other nations, ambitious to found colonies, have now to take jungles and swamps in the torrid zone. The British Empire contains nine million square miles — one fifth of the habitable globe. Every nationality under the sun is represented in this mighty Empire; yet there is no where a single English-speaking community under for eign rule. These sixty-five dependencies have for the most part their own governments elected by the people. Each is therefore a stronghold of democracy. In New Zealand even the native Maoris vote, and they have elected five of their race to the House of Representatives. Stated briefly, the English race is in possession of one third of the habitable world; under its rule lives one fourth of the human race; its governments are everywhere con trolled by the people — for even the government of India 236 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. is subordinate to the democracy at home. In brief, our race is supreme in industry, in trade, in agriculture. It is by far the most numerous of civilized races; it is also the wealthiest; and what is more important, the richest in character. It is dominant in the thought of mankind; in political methods it is greatly in advance of other peoples. In everything which makes a people great, the supremacy of the English race is the most prominent fact of this age. It is in no spirit of vain-glory that I reiterate these tokens of English greatness; although I consider them a cause for legitimate pride. It is of implications that I would speak. These facts are pregnant with a mean ing which every year's growth of America and England makes clearer. They indicate the ultimate predomi nance of the English race, with the corollary that our language will be the speech of the world. "Will be," say I? It is already. Not long ago the native representatives of China and Japan, during negotiations at Tientsin concerning the affairs of Corea, conducted their discussions in the English tongue.* Already English is the native language of a hundred million people — five times as many as at the beginning of this century.. At present our language is spoken by nearly two sevenths of the civilized world. In 1801 thirteen Europeans in every hundred spoke English, while about twenty spoke French, which was of all Euro pean languages the most used. Now there are but * Since writing this an American friend from China assures me that at this conference, the contribution of the Japanese representa tive to the discussion was the single expression My hop pa^ciflc. The hope for peace concealed in the phrase is decidedly encourag ing. May every extension of our language be accompanied by a hop pacific! MANIFEST DESTINY. 237 thirteen French in every hundred to more than twenty- seven English. At the close of the civil war in America — which has so far lost its bitterness that it has come to be spoken of simply as "the late unpleasantness" — Napoleon was in Mexico. He was there, as he himself said, to assure by means of French soldiers "the preponderance of France over the Latin races, and to augment the influ ence of these races in America." As soon as Uncle Sam had put his house in order, he hinted to Napoleon that Mexico was part of America, and came within the oper ation of that law formulated by Monroe. The French took the hint and left. Mexico has a share in the mani fest destiny of the Republic which a keener man than Napoleon recognized. Thirty-five years ago Lucan Ala- man, the Mexican statesman and historian, left on record the pathetic prophecy that the future greatness of his country would "not be for the races which now inhabit it." Since then the destiny of Mexico has be come more manifest. Her rich valleys and mines have tempted southwards thousands of rich Americans, who are developing the latent powers of the country. It will not be long before Mexico drops into the starry group of States. From Mexico it is only a step to Cen tral America, where there will soon be a ship railway of primary importance to the Republic. America's au thority has already been asserted and acknowledged in Panama. The manifest destiny of the Republic cer tainly includes Mexico and Central America. Then, still looking south, it seems impossible that the vast re gions included in the name of South America can re main in the possession of the emasculated Europeans 238 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. and Latinized half-breeds who now live there. Eng land already has a foothold there; great possibilities lie in the future. Americans say of an unreasonable man that he wants the earth. Without consciously wanting it, it seems probaible that the English race will get it. There is only one continent left for other nations to wrangle over; and even of this we have picked out for ourselves the choicest bits. The northern boundary of the British possessions in South Africa now almost reaches the Zambesi. It is barely a generation since this river was practically unknown. Here let me quote a paragraph from Prof. Fiske's little book on American Political Ideas. It is especial ly interesting to our branch of the English race, as ex pressing the belief of an American in our common "manifest destiny." "The work which the English race began when it colonized North America is destined to go on until every land on the earth's surface that is not already the seat of an old civilization shall become English in its lan guage, in its political habits and traditions, and to a predominant extent in the blood of its people. The day is at hand -when four fifths of the human race tvill trace its pedigree to English forefathers, as four fifths of the white people in the United States trace their pedigree to-day. The race thus spread over both hemispheres, and from the rising to the setting sun, will not fail to keep that sovereignty of the sea and that commercial supremacy which it began to acquire when England first stretched its arm across the Atlantic to the shores of Virginia and Massachusetts. The language spoken by these great communities will not be sundered into dia lects like the language of the ancient Romans, but per- MANIFEST DESTINY. 239 petual intercommunication and the universal habit of reading and writing will preserve its integrity; and the world's business will be transacted by English-speaking people to so great an extent, that whatever language any man may have learned in his infancy, he will find it necessary sooner or later to express his thoughts in English. And in this way it is by no means improba ble that, as Grimm the German and Candolle the Frenchman long since' foretold, the language of Shake speare may ultimately become the language of mankind." Returning to our Arithmancy, let us look at shadows cast by some events which are not so remote. The most conspicuous augury is that American industry, free from the most oppressive burdens which feudalism has bequeathed to other nations, will outstrip European industry just as America is outdistancing everything else European. Then in sheer self-defence, the warlike nations of the Old World will have to drop militancy as a pastime too expensive when starving for food. Perhaps the burden of hereditary privilege will be dropped at the same time. The first king was only a leader in war : with cessation of war, royalty becomes not only useless, but detrimental as a profitless burden on industry. America is fast becoming the market-garden and provision store-house of Europe. Her shipments of food are already indispensable to the Old World ; and Europe's dependence on the RepubKc will increase. Europe must give something in exchange for cargoes of wheat, beef, pork, etc. What will she give when America not only becomes self-sufficing, but sends her cheap manufactures into the neutral markets of the 240 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. world ? Already her exports are 31 per cent in excess of imports. This problem will get more difficult of solution as it grows old. America, favoured by great natural resources, and untrammelled by military taxa tion or service, free from war debts and from the bur den of royalty and large classes of non-producers, will soon undersell the products of Europe in every market. This is the way in which the Western Republic will join the European concert. Her entry will pro duce greater changes in governmental theory and methods than the advent of a political Wagner or a Ber lioz. It may be visionary to speculate how the other musicians will receive such an advent. To me only one result seems possible : Europe will have to send her sons home from the barrack and camp, that in the forge and workshop they may take part in a struggle keener than that of Waterloo. The contest will be in dustrial. Shuttles, picks and hammers will be the weapons. The victory, like that of military encounters, will be survival to the fittest ; but the fittest here is the one possessing the most efficient and economical indus trial system. It is a doubtful question, however, whether the peo ples of Europe will be content to wait until the indus trial contest between themselves and America becomes so keen as that described. To the most unobservant person it must be growing clear that destructive forces of unparalleled magnitude are rapidly accumulating under the political systems of Europe: If the process continues, there must ere long come a crash that will hurl the last remnants of feudalism from the world. Russian Nihilism, like a horrible catacomb of skulls and MANIFEST DESTINY. 241 dead men's bones, forms a subterranean system which undermines the empire ; and the eyes of the world are turned, half in hope, in daily expectation of the crash. Germany, with her hordes of socialists and hundreds of thousands of discontented conscripts, is hardly more stable in her political foundations than her northern neighbour. France is perpetually simmering with ex citement, and no prediction can say on which side she will next boil over, perhaps bringing about the universal ebullition that has been so long preparing. In Spain plots are rife to overthrow the monarchy and establish a republic. In Austria a demand has arisen for a ZoUverein with Germany, which statesmen oppose. England has armies of hungry men parading the streets, demanding work ; agitations for the abolition of the lords are becoming more vehement and more frequent ; the demands of royalty are received with growing sul- lenness ; and in Ireland we have a province almost in rebellion. Turkey is toppling over, and threatens soon to fall "bag and baggage" out of Europe. Everywhere is unrest. Mil lions of armed men cannot prevent dis content among people who are begin ning to learn that every honest man is politically as good as any other man. " The divine right of kings to govern wrong" is being confronted by the di vine right of the people to govern themselves. The divinity that did hedge a king, now hedges him in. The knell of kings and nobles was rung a hundred years ago by the cracked bell which now hangs mute in the old Liberty Hall at Philadelphia ; and its reverberations have not ceased 16 ' Letthere be Light ! 242 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. to be heard in Europe. Did Victor Hugo not speak aright when he said, " It is the third gate of Barbarism. — ^the monarchical gate — which is closing at this moment. The Nineteenth Century hears it rolling on its hinges." Some time ago a democratic paean in an English newspaper was flashed across the Atlantic, to show the sympathizing Republic how sentiment is tending to complete democracy in the old country. The occasion was the quiet return to private life of the late President of the United States, and the inauguration of his suc cessor. Here is a ringing verse from the paean: " Hear this, ye kings with your tawdry crowns, ye dukes and earls with your tinsel coronets, ye Lords of the Bedchamber and Gold Sticks in Waiting with your salaries drawn from the hard- earned wages and slender resources of the thrifty poor — salaries paid to you for no service productive of good to the public, but only for playing the flunky and the fool! Is it not time, O patient English democracy, for us to open our eyes and take counsel of our wiser children ? The money wasted over the pomp and pageantry of courts is spent in bolstering up the pretensions of rank and birth. Would it not be better spent in feeding the poor and teaching the ignorant?" Every European who works for his bread, and by his labour contributes to Exit earl I maintain the hereditary drones of his nation, will sympathize in heart with this outburst. He may doubt whether the present be an opportune moment for throwing off the incubus; but it is clear to him as noonday, if he is keeping pace with the age, that a tremendous change is needful and imminent. The labourers of Europe are terribly overtasked; and in com petition with the industrial system of the Western Re public, the pressure is soon to become insupportable. A FRESH LOOK AT MANIFEST DESTINY. 243 There is one aspect of this question of special interest to Englishmen — an aspect often overlooked by royalists and republicans at home and abroad. " The men who make kings are not subjects," said the French chamber of Louis Philippe. So too we Englishmen, who can end the monarchy in three hours by repealing the Act of Settle ment, cannot logically be classed as subjects. If any one is a subject in England, it is surely the monarch, who is subject to the will of the people. Even the President of the Republic cannot be displaced by the people as promptly as can our own monarch. John Bright, "England's greatest Commoner and America's staunchest friend," whose name is revered in every home on both sides of the Atlantic, lately said: " I am satisfied that if it were possible for England and France and Germany and Austria and Russia and Italy to abolish the tariffs and let commerce flow freely, it would be beyond the possibility of King or Queen or Czar or Kaiser or Statesmen of any rank to bring those nations to war." If the industrial capacities of Europe are tried in competition with America to the extent expected, free trade will become absolutely imperative. The federa tion of the nations of Europe will then follow as " the night the day" — or more correctly, as the day the night. Come, happy day! Mankind has suffered long and silently. Let feudalism follow slavery! Though this end may be too remote to have any im mediate interest for the passing generation, those who believe in the ultimate triumph of democracy over privi lege and legalized wrong, who cherish the thought that industrialism is destined to conquer militancy, that feu dalism must ultimately give way to f ederaHsm, can rejoice 244 UNCLE SAM AT HOME. that the tendenciea of the age are towards the emancipa tion of the race, once and forever. To hasten on this change is America's "manifest destiny" — maybe, by such prosaic means as underselling Europe in the world's markets. Her statue of Liberty enlightening the World is more than a gigantic toy: it is the symbol of her mission to mankind. She has a nobler function among nations than the invention of labour-saving machines or caterer of provisions. She stands a living example to the suffering democracies of the old world. Liberty is enlightening the World. Attempts to ar rest its influence will be as vain as Canute's imperious command to the tide. Those who believe in the everlasting principle of was Lighti" Progress may hear without dismay the trumpet-blast " That shakes old systems with a thunder-fit. The time is ripe, and rotten ripe, for change; Then let it come: I have no dread of what Is called for by the instinct of mankind." THE END. A F0ET.N^IGHT IN HeAVEN: AN UNCONVENTIONAL ROMANCE. By Habold Bbydges. l2ino, Cloth, $1.25. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. "An instructive picture." — Saturday Review, London. " Those who have a wish to be amused should read it.''— Queen, London. "A clever and entertaining book."— Scotsman, Edinburgh. " Very ingenious and a,mnsmg."— Manchester Examiner. " A very unique worlt." — Glasgow Herald, " A book perfectly original in every way, and we can compliment the author upon the clever manner in whicli he has handled some of the most dilHcult problems of the present day." — Irish Times, Dublin. A " rattling socio-political romance." — New Tork Twines. "His lecture on mundane affairs is a clever, concise statement of con spicuous political and social difttculties." — The Evening Post, New York. "He speaks in a brilliant, happy tone of common-sense, mixed with humor and sarcasm, on questions of the day, local politics, anarchism, labor troubles, science and art." — Book Chat, Boston. "It is equally clever and biting in its sarcasm. Its humor, though verg ing sometimes upon the extravagant, is keen and genuine; and the book shows careful thought and a deep understanding of the themes that form its staple, and which it treats with such grotesque imaginings. The hero of the story is one Captain Grizzle, who is possessed of a second self, which wanders spiritually from planet to planet and notes the various social systems of the universe. There is a delightful mingling of the sublime and the ridiculous, of lofty thought and the commonplace in his experiences; and the quiet, grim wit' that seasons the whole is indescribably diverting. The subject to which it is all devoted was never set forth more clearly or more impressively, despite the comical aspects in which it is presented."— Boston Gazette. " A clever brochure which shows what might become of us all if the Henry Georges and other fanatics could have their way and the government should regulate every aifair of the people. It is only by such a reductio ad absurdum that the mooney theories of our modern half -educated speculators in social matters can be properly dealt v/ith."Sartford Courant. "There is a good deal in this little book that will bear careful pondering by serious persons, notwithstanding its sensational title and unconventional treatment. Through the clear atmosphere of the upper region is professedly observed this lower world with its follies, insincerities, extravagances, social and political conventionalities and injustice, and the view is con fessedly a startling one. The author looks at facts without flinching, and reports what he sees in ai original style. Clear insight, good-humored satire, shai-p criticism, and vigorous and pdngent statement mark the volume, which is one way of directing public attention to very serious matters." — The Churchman, New York. "Who is Harold Brydges? Any one who reads the decidedly unconven tional romance with the striking title, 'A Fortnight in Heaven,* will aslc this question again and again. But Harold Brydges is, at any rate, an unusually clever Englishman, with a notable style, flashing forth on every page of his fantastic story brilliants on brilliants of the keenest sarcasm, the sanest wisdom, the most bewitching humor. . . . The book is one long, brilliantly sarcastic reditctio ad cibswdurn of the argument for government interference in aB the relations of life, and a consequent plea in this novel fashion for certain things which would undoubtedly tend towards the long- sought golden age of peace. . . . For swelling and tumultuous, yet restrained, expression of sarcasm and irony, there is nothing in recent literature that excels the speech on ' Earth as Seen from Heaven ' and the sermon on 'Humanity's Golden Age,' in this volume. Here are jewels strung on golden cords and waving under the sunlight in a Grecian wind. To be suie^ there is more head than heart in the book. It must be read in a critical spirit, and with alertness of intellect. But it is alive with suggestion and rich with illustration, and is one of those rare volumes that will be perused at a single sitting. And then will arise the question, Who is Harold Brydges?"— Sosiore Advertiser, Heitoy Holt & Co., New Yobk. 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