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Cloth. 151 pages. $3.00 net. £ditfon Ximited XTo 340 Copies .4 //a '^ early' wills WESTCHESTER COUNTY NEW YORK Jfrom 1664 to 1784 A Careful Abstract of all Wills (nearly 800) Recorded in New York Surrogate's Office and at white plains, N. Y., from 1664 to 1784; also the Genealogy of "The Havilands" OF Westchester County and Descendants of Hon. James Graham (W Atkinson and Ackerley Families) Mftb Genealogical and Ibistorical motes BY WILLIAM S. PELLETREAU, A. M. EXHAUSTIVE INDEXES OF PERSONS AND LOCALITIES CONTAINING MORE THAN 3000 NAMES NEW YORK FRANCIS P. HARPER 1898 Copyright, 1858, BY FRANCIS P. HARPER. ^cj, i 0 'Si TO EDWARD FLOYD DE LANCEY, Esq., ONE OF THE FOUNDERS OF THE HUGUENOT SOCIETY OF AMERICA, AND DESCENDANT AND HONORED REPRESENTATIVE OF MANY FAMILIES FAMOUS IN THE ANNALS OF NEW YORK, THIS WORK IS RESPECTFULLY Dedicated. INTRODUCTION. The County of Westchester, from its advan tageous position and fertile soil, was always consid ered one of the most important portions of the Province of New York, and for many years before the English conquest was a source of bitter conten tion between the Dutch and their neighbors of the Colony of Connecticut. The very names of the regions are a lesson in history and geography. To the Dutch advancing from the west it was known as the " Oost Dorp" or the east village, while by the English coming from the east and extending their boundaries it was called the Westchester. To this place came new settlers not only from New England but from all parts of Long Island. This new class of inhabitants were all united in the desire to have Westchester considered a part of Connecticut. Among them were men from Southampton, L. L, who afterward becarne very prominent. One of these, Richard Mills, was one of the earliest settlers in that village, and was the first town clerk and schoolmaster. About 165 1 he left Southampton and settled in Newtown, but shortly after removed to Westchester. Here the schoolmaster found him-' viii Introduction. self in hot water. The whole region was debatable land, held and occupied by the Dutch and claimed by the EngHsh. He soon became one of the recog nized leaders of the English faction. Their machi nations against the Dutch government were so public and notorious that Peter Stuyvesant sent a band of soldiers and arrested the leaders of what he termed the " English thieves," and put them in prison in New Amsterdam, and among these was Richard Mills. Now there may be some philosophical enough to believe that " Stone walls do not a prison make, Nor iron bars a cage," but the schoolmaster was not one of them. A few weeks in this unpleasant position brought him to his senses, and he addressed a piteous letter to Peter Stuyvesant, or as he calls him " My Dear Lord Steveson " asking for release. But the individual called by the veracious Diedrich Knickerbocker " Peter the Headstrong " turned a deaf ear to the complaints of the schoolmaster, and he continued to languish. Soon after he wrote another letter to the " High Court at Manhattan " praying for relief, and stating that he had been tenderly brought up from his infancy, and that confinement in their prison would " perdite " (destroy or endanger) his life un less he were speedily released, and urging, as an additional inducement, his intention " to gro about Introduction. ix his affairs to Virginia " as soon as freed from prison. He was soon after released on condition of his agree ing to do nothing against the Dutch Government ; but the English accounts state that his sufferings caused his death, "which happened soon after." Such was the unhappy fate of the first town clerk of the oldest English town, and the first English schoolmaster in the Province of New York. In 1 710 Richard Mills of Cohansey, in New Jersey, speaks of himself in a deed as being " grand son, and sole heir at law of Mr. Richard Mills formerly of Westchester." It would be interesting to know if he has any descendants living. Another prominent citizen was Capt. William Barnes, who came from Southampton. He was a son of Joshua Barnes, a very early settler in that town, and from him and his nephew Joshua Barnes many families of that name are descended. Although after the conquest the original Dutch settlers were soon outnumbered by the English, yet there still remained a large population of that race, who clung to the ancient language and customs of their ancestors. This was especially true of the region embraced in the great manor of Phillipsburgh, which was owned by Fredrick Phillipse, the " rich man of New Amsterdam," and his descendants down to the end of the Revolution. The lands in this tract were held by tenants, mostly on life leases, and upon the death of the tenant the land and improve ments reverted to the Lord of the Manor, unless he X Introduction. saw fit to continue the heirs in possession. This is alluded to in many of the wills. The great manor of Cortlandt, the property of Stephen Van Cortlandt, was also divided into farms and held by tenants, but mostly on long leases. In other parts of the county, as in the town or Borough of Westchester, lands were held in fee simple, and this accounts for their large population. The region now embraced in Greenwich was always claimed as a part of the Province of New York, and the contest between the two colonies con cerning it lasted for years. To retain this tract and give nothing in return for it exercised all the shrewd ness and cunning for which the inhabitants of Con necticut have always been noted. As a final set tlement of the controversy, Connecticut gave in exchange a strip of land one mile, three-quarters, and twenty-seven rods wide, and sixty-eight miles long, extending from near the middle of the east line of Westchester County, to the line of Massachusetts. This tract was known as the " Oblong" or " Equiva lent Lands." It was sold to a number of capitalists, who divided it into square lots of 500 acres each. These lots were soon sold to actual settlers, who were attracted by the fact that they could buy their land in fee simple, and at the time of the Revolu tion there were more inhabitants on the "Oblong" in proportion to its extent, than in any of the great manors. In preparing the following abstracts of wills the writer has been actuated by a desire to omit Introduction. xi nothing that can throw any light on genealogy or real estate. The descriptions of parcels of land are given in the words of the will. As regards personal property the writer makes a distinction between articles of permanent and lasting value, and those that are transient and perishable. If a man left to his children or wife articles of silver ware, — as a tankard, a porringer, or spoons, or a Bible, or a sword, — the fact is carefully noted, as these articles may still be in existence, and treasured as valued heirlooms. But if he left to any of his heirs five pounds, a cow, or a feather bed, we conclude that the money is spent, the cow dead, and the bed worn out.. Such things are mentioned under the general name of " legacies." It has also been our object to omit nothing that can throw any light on the manners and customs of the time. The religious element in the wills is to be especially noticed : the testator leaves his body to the ground, and his soul to God who gave it, in full confidence that at the " Last Great Day" the former will be raised again by the " mighty power of God." We have no hesitation in express ing our opinion that the " Know all men by these presents," of the present time, is a very poor substi tute for the " In the Name of God, Amen," invari ably used in the ancient times. In the wills of Jews, the expression " In the year of our Lord " is omitted in deference to the wishes of the testator. Among the early Dutch residents, a funeral was xii Introduction. an occasion of enjoyment rather than of solemnity. Ardent spirits were freely dispensed to those attend ing, and a lavish entertainment was frequently provided. To the English population a pompous funeral was a thing greatly desired, and not unfre quently was a source of expense which weighed heavily upon the family. One of the most interest ing wills in this book is that of a Quaker who states that he has frequently " borne his testimony" against such things during his life and now " bears his last testimony." In early times the eldest son was supposed to be heir at law to all lands, and some especial legacy was very frequently left to him for the purpose of pre venting such a claim. Where the names of executors are omitted in these abstracts, it is in cases where their names already appear in the will. Where the witnesses are omitted it is when they are well-known persons whose names very frequently occur. William S. Pelletreau. Southampton, L. I. WILLS OF EARLY RESIDENTS OF WEST CHESTER CO., N. Y., 1664-1784. I. Thomas Pell. "In the Name of God, Amen." " Yt hath pleased ye all wise God, for many years to exercise me with much weakness of body, and having lately taken to himself my beloved wife Lucy " I make my nephew _/ohn Pell, living in Old England, the only son of my only brother yi?^^ Pell, Doctor of Divin ity, sole heir of all my lands and houses. Mentions "my brother's daughters." Leaves legacies to Abi gail wife of Daniel Burr, Francis French, Nathaniel French, Elizabeth White, Nathaniel White, " my ancient maid Katharine Ryster." " I give these poor men their debts, viz. Joseph Patten, James Evens, Tho. Bassett, Roger Percey." Makes Daniel Burr 2i.n6.John Banks, executors. Witnesses. Nathan Gould John Cabell Dated Sept. 21, 1669. Liber i. P. 39. 2 Wills of Early Residents of 2. William Palmer, Westchester. A petition of Joseph, Benjamin, Samuel, Obadiah, and Thomas Palmer, states that " it hath pleased God to take our father out of this life, by a sudden blow, without sickness, leaving no will, but stated that having but little estate he wished it to go to his wife Martha, as she was stricken in years." He had 20 acres of upland, and 16 of meadow. Witnesses. Consider Wood Prancis Peat April 26, 1670. Liber i. P. 55. 3. Jonathan Marsh, Westchester. Died intestate. His widow Anne, married Capt. John Piatt. Letters of administration granted to her. Aug. 6, 1672. Liber i. P. 96. 4. Roger Townsend, Westchester. Leaves all goods and chattels to wife Mary. " To my 3 sons, Mordecai, Thomas and John £\o each." I request Capt. W" Lawrence and Mr. Richard Cornwell to be overseers, and I give them all my Westchester Co., N. V., 1664-1 '^8 4. 3 tract of land I now live on which belongs to my Patent/ if they please to accept of it, and they are to pay to my 3 sons ;^20 each, within a month and a day after my decease." If they refuse to do this then it is to go to my 3 sons. Witnesses. Henry Taylor Robert Darkins Robert Rider Dated April 15, 1674. Proved April 15, 1675. Liber i. P. 167. 5. W"" Belts " Of the Yonkers Plantation." * "This i2thdayof the 12th month 1673." Leaves to wife Alice, house and barn and house lot, and \ of my land in the Plantation field ; (all of which are sit uated in the Yonkers Plantation), for life, then to go " to my son Samuel, who is also to have 4 acres of meadow by the home lot, also a home lot adjoining the home lot of good man Newmans in the Town of Westchester, and 6 acres of meadow by Samuel Bar- *The Yonkers Plantation was the south part of the Manor of Phil- lipsburg, west of Bronx River. These lands were held by lease. • Governor Richard Nicoll granted a patent to Roger Townsend, January 7, 1767, for "A certain parcel of land in the County of West chester, lying on the back side of Throckmorton's Neck, at the south east end thereof, commonly called the New Found Passage, containing 15 acres. Also a small neck near thereto adjoining, commonly called Horse Neck, being about the same quantity of land. " 4 Wills of Early Residents of rett's meadow, in the west meadow in the bounds of Westchester." To my son Hopestill Belts \ of my land in the Yonkers Plantation, and in the Planting field, and 8 acres of Fresh meadow lying to the westward of Long Neck in Westchester. To my son John Belts \ of lands in Yonkers Plantation, also 2 six acre lots of meadow in the west meadow of Westchester, one of which I bought of Cregier, and lyeth next to Consider Woods, the other is between the meadow of Edward Waters and the meadow oi Joseph Hunt of Westchester, and he is to have my house and orchard and 2 house lots next the orchard, and 1 1 acres of upland by the west meadow, and i acre and \ and 13 rods of meadow lying on the south end of Quimby s neck," all in Westchester. Mentions daughter Mehitabel Tippetts. Leaves to John Barrett, son of Samuel Barrett, 20 acres of upland, eastward upon the hill by Eastchester path, and is part of the Yonkers Plantation, also i\ acres of fresh meadow in the west meadow. Witnesses. Francis French John Barrett Proved Jan. 27, 1675. Liber i. P. 127. ' Quimby's Neck is probably the same tract mentioned in the first patent of Westchester, granted to John Quimby, John Ferris, and others, " Beginning at the west part of the land called Bronx land, adjoining Harlem river, and extending eastward to Annhooks neck." Westchester Co., N. Y. 1664-1^84. 5 6. George Tippetts. Died intestate, Sept. 29, 1675. Inventory made by Thomas Hunt, W"' Heyden and Edward Griffin. Mentions "Tract of land and meadow lately pur chased of Elias Doughty, with house, barn and or chard. Value ;i^ioo." Liber i. P. 135. 7. Louis Vittery of Yonkers Plantation. Intestate. Letters granted to wife Mehitabel, March 25, 1676. Liber i. P. 136. 8. Thomas Seabrook, Westchester. Died intestate Dec. 17, 1675. The deposition of John Clarke of Westchester, aged 29, states that "when there was an alarm of Indians, Being at Cas tle Hill last summer, loaded with ammunition, he was a sojourner in the house of Thomas Seabrook, and was commanded among others to go to Capt. Osburns house, and at his going away, he, the said Thomas Seabrooke, took his wife, (now present widow Seabrooke) by the hand in the door, as he was going out, and said Wife I am going out, I know not but I may be knocked on the head. If I never come again I give all that I have to thee, and further said to this 6 Wills of Early Residents of deponent, Pray take notice what I say." Sworn before m&John Pell, May 15, 1676. Deposition of Penelope Cook, aged about 50. That " Thomas Seabrook being some time last winter at Consider Woods, declared he was going over to Long Island, and said that whenever he did dye he would make his wife executor and give her all he had." Letters of Ad" granted to wife Mary, May 20, 1676. Liber i. P. 139. 9. David Osborn, Eastchester. Intestate. His wife y?<5z^ to be sold by executors. Makes " my honored father Thomas Pell, and my brother Philip " executors. Dec. 9, 1735. Proved Jan. 20, 173I. Liber 12. P, 362. 126. Henry Gillain, Westchester. Legacies to wife Hannah, son Henry. " My son in law Thomas Griggs and wife, and their 3 daugh ters Elizabeth, Hannah and Mary," "my son in law James Baxter and wife, and his 2 children George and Charles." Thomas Griggs' 2 sons, Thomas and John, "my grand daughter Mary Wison." Makes Thomas Griggs, John Pell and Nathaniel Underhill executors, and they are to sell all lands in Eastches ter, Westchester and Bedford. Dec. II, 1730. Proved Feb. 11, 173I. Liber 12. P. 378. 127. Robert Ryder, Eastchester. Intestate. Letters of Ad" granted to wife Anne April 9, 1736. 74 Wills of Early Residents of 1 28. W"" Kipp, Phillipsborough. Leaves property to brothers Benjamin and John, " my mother Mary Doughty," my sister Elizabeth Fish. Witnesses. Dorothy Hunt Edw. Griffin James Clement March 22, 1735. Proved April 23, 1736. Liber 12. P. 453. 1 29. Joseph Halstead, Westchester. " Whereas I have with Nathaniel Yeomans of Westchester entered into agreement with Madame Brett for the purchase of 300 acres of land of which I am to have 200, and pay therefor ^160 New York money," the executors are to take a deed for the same for my son Samuel. " I have given my son Richard a farm in Orange County." Leaves to son Ezekiel " my farm in New Rochelle I bought of Joseph Thorne." All other land to sons Samuel and Michael. Mentions " my daughter in law (step daughter) Deborah Upright, and her mother my late wife," my daughter Anne wife of Robert Ryder, Phebe wife of Robert Mervin, Westchester Co., N. Y., /664-/784. 75 Sarah wife of Samuel Townsend, Abiah Wife of Henry Gillian. Jan. 22, 1735. Proved Aug. 10, 1736. Liber 13. P. i. 1 30. Rebecca Baxter, Eastchester. Leaves daughter Keziah Glover use of dwelling house for life, then to son Thomas Baxter. Makes grand daughter Charity Stephenson Baxter, and son in law Underhill Barnes executors. July 21, 1732. Proved Dec. 22, 1736. 131. Phebe Pell, Pelham. Intestate. Letters of Ad" to Philip Pell, March 7. 1736. 132. John Eustace, Westchester. Intestate. Letters of Ad" to eldest brother Samuel, June 23, 1737. / 133. Samuel Brown, Northcastle. Intestate. Letters of Ad" to Joseph Carpenter, principal creditor, April 28, 1738. 76 Wills of Early Residents of 134. Joshua Leggett. Intestate. Letters of Ad" to brother John, and widow Abigail ]nne 30, 1738. 135. James Clements, Westchester. Intestate. Letters of Ad" to Rev. Thomas Stand ard Nov. I, 1738. 136. Poly carpus Nelson, Mamaroneck. Leaves to eldest son Mahur Shalal Hash Baz, 200 acres of land in the Patent of 9 Partners (Duchess Co.) To son Thomas the same. To son Elijah the house and lot where I live in Scarsdale bought oi Jonathan Miller. Also 100 acres in the 9 Part ners. To son Shadrach house and lands in Mama roneck, and meadow in Little neck. Mentions " my daughter Sybil wife of Isaac Gedney," " my wife Ruth," " my daughters Roxana, Gloriana, Esther, Ruth, and Mary," " my brother Thomas," " my brother in law John Gedney." Witnesses. John Holmes George Dow Samuel Purdy Oct. 3, 1737. Proved March 23, 1738. Westchester Co., N Y., 1664-/ 784. tj 137. Jeremiah Wood, " King Street, Westchester." " If my wife has a child, she is to have the use of my Plantation and house where I now dwell." Di rects meadows in Rye to be sold. Mentions sister Elizabeth, and " the children of my sister Jamison." Makes John Thomas ^"^ of Harison, and Joseph Sut ton of King Street executors. Witnesses. John Taylor John Kattz Charles Murray Oct. 24, 1738. Proved Nov. 16, 1738. Liber 13. P. 213. 138. Johanes Odell, Manor of Fordham. Mentions wife Hannah, sons John, Isaac, Abra ham, Jonathan and daughters Hannah and Altie, "my father John Odell," "my brother Michael Odell." Sept. 25, 1735. Proved July 27, 1738. Liber 12. P. 220. 78 Wills of Early Residents of 139. Justus Busch,^^ Westchester. Legacies to oldest son Justus, to oldest daughter Charity wife of W"' Smith, and to daughters Anne, Elizabeth wife of John Abrahamson, wife Anne, children Henry, Albertus, John, Bemardus, Isaac, Abraham. Executors are to sell real estate and i of a share in a copper mine in Connecticutt, Witnesses. Alex. Burne Henry Straing Tho. Howell June 24, 1737. Proved Dec. 4, 1738. Liber 13. P. 356. 140. Zachariah Angeoine, New Rochelle. Leaves house and homestead 14 acres, to son Daniel, for life, " then to his oldest son. If he die without issue then to my son John, and so to con- ^^ Justus Bosch was probably the son of Albertus Bosch, " sword cut ler," whose house was on the south side of Stone Street, New York, a little east of Broad Street. This name has been changed into " Bush," and some of the families of that name in Westches ter County are descended from him. Wm. Smith, who married Charity, the oldest daughter, was "merchant and mariner" in New York. His house was No. 136 Pearl Street, formerly the house of Justus Bosch. His second wife was Sarah, daughter of Rene Hett, and sister of the wife of Judge Wm. Smith. (See Smith Wills.) Jus tus Bosch was one of the eighteen Proprietors of Rye, 1737. See No. 172. Westchester Co., N. Y, / 664-/784. 79 tinue, from heir to heir forever, not allowing any sale ever to be made." Leaves to son Daniel 2 acres of meadow between Hornas Barrit's and the road that goes to Capt. Bayley s. Mentions daughters Marga ret Dow, Esther Mallet, "my grand daughter Rachel Ball," "my daughter Mary Ball." Makes son in law Isaac Dow and Amon Guion executors. Oct. 26, 1739. Proved Jan. 17, 1739, Old Style. Liber 12. P. 408. 141. Charles Vincent, Yonkers. Leaves to son Charles all right to the farm where I now live. Mentions wife Rachel, son John. April 4, 1 740. Proved May 13, 1740. 142. Isaac Vail, Westchester. Intestate. Letters of Ad" to son Thomas Vail May 13, 1740. 143. Robert Faringall, Westchester. Intestate. Letters of Ad" to wife Anne June 18, 1 740. 8o Wills of Early Residents of 144. Samuel Embree, Westchester. Mentions wife (not named), children Samuel, Jona than, John, Robert, Ruth, Mary, Deborah, Hannah, and grand sons Samuel Hunt, and Anthony Glean, and "their mothers Abigail and Sarah" "my brother in law Jonathan Rowland oi Hempstead." March 9, 1739. Proved June 23, 1740. 145. Nathaniel Bayley, Rye. Leaves to wife Leah " all the linnen yarn of my last years crop of Flax, and the last years wools, and i of all grain and Flax growing." Also my Dutch Bible and Dutch Testament. To oldest son Na thaniel 3 small lots of land in the rear of the lot where I live, one bought of Moses Galpin 3 acres, one of Thomas Minor, 6 acres, and one of Nicholas Humphrey 5 acres. Mentions sons Lewis, Nehemiah and Nathan. To son Lewis a lot below the Coun try road, bought of Nicholas Humphrey, joining James Hortons land, and my gun and swords. To son Nehemiah the lot bought of Thomas Miner and Sarah Murray, called Spring lot, joining Mamaro neck river, and a new beaver hat. Mentions daugh ters Jane wife of Joseph Harker, Abigail widow of Westchester Co., N. ¥., / 664-/ 78 4. 81 John Minthorne, Elizabeth wife of Caleb Hyatt, Ruth wife of Gideon Barritt, Leah and Keziah. Makes wife Leah and James Horton of Rye executors. June 2, 1740. Proved June 7, 1740. 146. John Sherwood, Rye. To oldest brother Joseph my boat and sails, anchors, etc. To brothers Samuel and Jonathait 200 acres of land near Goshen, which I had by deed from my brother Joseph. Mentions Daniel Sher wood son of my brother Andrew. Feb. 28, 1 73 1. Proved Aug. 1 8, 1 740. 147. Anthony Lispenard ^'' , Westchester. Intestate. Letters of Ad" to father, Anthony Lispenard^'', Oct. 31, 1740. 148. Isaac Holmes, Bedford. " Gentleman." Leaves to wife Deborah the use of " my now dwelling house, cellar and barn and house over the way or road." To son Nathaniel my house and all land on the south and east side of 82 Wills of Early Residents of the Country road, and all the land between Sheals brook and Samuel Miller s. To son Isaac all the land I bought of Ebenezer Holmes, and all the land I bought of Daniel Mead, and all the land on the plain on south side of Sheals brook, and all the land in the Old and Cohamoy Purchases, not yet laid out. To son Lewis the house and land on north side of Coun try Road, and land adjoining, and running south and west to Sheals further brook and a small piece of land between the Country road and Dunoms (Dun hams?) swamp. Mentions daughter Hannah. Witnesses. Robert Bostwick Zachariah Mills Eleazer Miller Dated June i6, 1740. Proved May 24, 1741. Liber 14. P. 59. 149. Benjamin Farrington,^'' Westchester. " Husbandman." Leaves all estate to wife Phebe, except the property left by my honored father Mat thew Farrington, late of Flushing, L. I. Mentions " my niece Mary Mullinex, daughter of my brother 3^ This family is descended from Edmund Farrington, who was one of the original settlers of Southampton, L. I., but afterward removed to Queens County. Westchester Co., N. Y., / 664-/ 78 4. 8 o in law Moses Mullinex" " my brother James," " all my brothers and sisters" (no names given). Witnesses. Joshua Hunt Joseph Palmer W" Foster Feb. I, 1737. Proved Jan. 3, 1741, Liber 14. P. 65. 150. W"" Baker, Eastchester. " Sadler." Directs " all my land and orchard and fresh meadow joining the road that goes up to Thomas Shute' s," and " my salt meadow at the Pines, and my smiths shop that stands below the hill before my house " to be sold by executors. Leaves to wife Hannah the use of house and lands not above men tioned, for life, then to sons Joseph and W"^, when of age. Mentions daughters Catharine Drake, and Eunice. Makes wife Hannah and " my brother y<9>^» Ward" executors. Feb. 21, 1740. Proved Aug. 21, 1741. Liber 19. P. loi. 151. Benjamin Drake, Eastchester. Provides for wife Mary. Leaves to son Benja min the house and land I bought oi Jonathan Odell, 84 Wills of Early Residents of and 3 acres of salt meadow lying at Hutchinson! s. Mentions sons and daughters (no names given). Makes wife Mary and his brother Jasper Drake executors. Witnesses. Samuel Sneden Solomon Dean John Auer Aug. 4, 1 74 1. Proved Oct. 22, 1741. Liber 14. P. 118. 152. John Joseph Moulinar, New Rochelle. " Minister of the Holy Evangille in New Rochelle." Leaves all estate to children John and Susanne Hel lene. Makes " my trusty friend W" Le Conte " and "my loving daughter Susanne Helene" executors. Witnesses. Isaac Coutant Isaac Guion J" Henry Chadeayre Dated Oct. i, 1741. Proved Oct. 13, 1741. Liber 14. P. 124. 153. John Hedger, West Farms. " Whereas after mine and my wife's decease, my farm will descend to my oldest son Benjamin Hedger, Westchester Co., N. Y, 1664- 1784. 85 I leave him in full for his share of my estate, and what does not descend to him from his uncle Benja min Gardiner,* my broad axe and adz, and augurs, my great coat and longest gun, and new sword." To son John my other gun and sword and saddle. Mentions wife Hannah, and daughter Rebecca Buck- bee. Leaves to brother Henry my best homespun coat and 2 vests. Mentions my 2 apprentices Thomas Cornwall and Gilbert Drew.\ Makes wife Hannah, and " kinsman David Hunt " executors. Dated Dec. 5, 1741. Proved Jan. 16, 174^. 154. John Tompkins, Westchester. Intestate. Letters of Ad"- to wife Abigail Oct. 15. 1741- 155. Abraham Emmons, Yonkers. Leaves to wife Abigail use of " house and home lot and 20 acres to the west of house, being part of that lot on the neck that Samuel Brown lives on." *See will of Benjamin Gardiner, No. 41. f Gilbert Drew, the apprentice, was father of Daniel Drew, the famous financier. 86 Wills of Early Residents of After her death, to son Thomas. Rest to sons Isaac and Stillwell. Witnesses. Roger Barton John Palmer Benjamin Barrett Jan. 31, 1738. Proved April 19, 1742. Liber 14. P. 206. 156. W"" Barnett, Westchester. " Innholder." Leaves to wife Elizabeth the use of house and lands, and "all the property she owned when I married her" and "| my stock of Strong Liquors and provisions." She is to have the use of the house, with " my natural and reputed son Ben jamin Barnett so long as they shall agree in love and friendship, of which my executors are to be judges." Leaves all lands to this son Benjamin. Witnesses. Ebenezer Haviland Ichabod Lewis Jeremiah Fowler March 7, 1741. Proved March 2, 174^. Liber 14. P. 217. Westchester Co., N. Y, 1664-/784. 87 1 5 7. Thomas Hunt, Westchester. Intestate. Letters of Ad" to wife Sarah, Feb. i, 1741. 158. Samuel Hunt, Harrisons. Leaves to wife Mary £so. Rest to son Samuel. Mentions " my brother Henry and my 6 sisters." Makes Samuel Treadwell, Thomas Franklin and Thomas Halstead executors. Witnesses. George Hodge Christopher Isabert W. Stringham Aug. 17, 1742. Proved Nov. 22, 1742. Liber 14. P. 300. 159. Edmund Griffin, Westchester. Mentions daughter Mary Disbrow, " my grand daughter Mary Barton" " my great grand son Ben jamin Barton," " my son in law Elisha Barton." Jan. 17, 1736. Proved Dec. i, 1742. 88 Wills of Early Residents of 1 60. Monmouth Purdy, Westchester. Intestate. Letters of Ad" to Jonathan Brown, Principal creditor, Dec. 15, 1742. 161. John Harmse, Westchester. " Wife Altie," " my grand children John Harmse Montross, Peter Montross, Jacob Montross and Harmse Montross!' Legacies to John Basby, Rachel wife of Jacob Bancker, and Margaret wife of Abra ham Acker. Dated Nov. 30, 1739. Proved Jan. 17, 174°. Liber 15. P. i. 162. Silvanus Palmer, ^^ Mamaroneck. Mentions wife Mary. Leaves to son Edward £^, " he having a deed for his portion already." To son Robert the house where he now lives. Executors at discretion to divide all lands, meadows and mills at Mamaroneck among sons Silvanus, John and Marma duke. Leaves to daughter Anne \ of lands in New Rochelle, and to daughter Susanah the other \. '° Silvanus Palmer was son of Samuel Palmer, who was the Proprie tor of Mangopsas Neck in Mamaroneck, and grandson of Wm. Palmer, who died in 1670. Westchester Co., N. Y., / 664-/ 78 4. 89 Makes wife Mary and Joseph Rodman of New Rochelle, and Richard Cornell ^'' executors. Witnesses. John Ray Thomas Gilchrist John Cuer Dated Nov. 24, 1741. Proved March 3, 1742. Liber 15. P. 31. 163. Samuel Banks, Northcastle. Leaves to wife Rebecca " the same household goods she brought with her." To son John all lands in the middle Patent in Northcastle. Mentions daughters Hannah Finch, Joanna, Mary Ann, Rosana and Susanna. Makes David Brundige and Aaron Fur- man executors. Witnesses. Benony Platt Joseph Tooker Jonathan Ogden Jan. 14, 1742. 1 64. Robert Palmer, Mam,aroneck. Wife Mary, " my mother Mary," " my sisters Mary and Charity." Directs " my estate and place in Rye to be sold the first day of next May." " My 90 Wills of Early Residents of 4 brothers Edward, Silvanus, John and Marma duke," " my 2 youngest sisters Anne and Susannah and my 2 oldest sisters Mary and Charity." May 3, 1743. Proved June 11, 1743. Liber 15. P. 52. (See No. 162.) 165. Thomas Barton, Rye. Leaves to eldest daughter Hannah, a tankard, marked A. V. H. and a platter marked A. V. H. Mentions wife Margaret, daughter Phebe, " my brothers W"" and Joseph." Makes " my honored father of Greenwich, Conn." and Gilbert Bloo^ner executors. Witnesses. John Odell Joseph Barton J" Dated Sept. 5, 1743. Proved Sept. 1 7, 1 743. Liber 15. P. 91. 166. Frederick Devoose ^'', Westchester. Leaves to son Abel 100 acres of land at New Rochelle. Mentions son Joseph. Leaves to daugh ter Judith " my French Psalm Book," " my 7 Westchester Co., N. Y, / 664-/ 784. 91 daughters" Rachel wife of Jacobus Dyckman, Su sanna wife of Andrew Nodine, Esther wife of Levi Vincent, Mary wife oi Joshua Bishop, (and her chil dren by her former husband Evert Brown, viz., Evert, David and Benjamin!) Leah widow of Nathaniel Bayley, Dinah widow of Concklin (and her chil dren by her former husband Lucas Tryan, viz., Leah wife of John O'Brien, Esther wife of Charles Vin cent, Elizabeth, Margaret and Susannah), Judith wife of Jacobus Barhite. Witnesses. Gerardus Wills James Collard Roger Barton Jan. 23, 1 741. Proved Dec. 28, 1743. 167. John Hart, Eastchester. " Tyler or Plasterer." Leaves all property to his son John, living at North Brewen, England. March 24, 1742. Proved Jan. 11, 1743. 1 68. Isaac Mercier, New Rochelle. Leaves to wife Susanna, " all houses, lands and all 92 Wills of Early Residents of that she shall find in the world, belonging to me." To eldest son Isaac £io. Son Daniel. Witnesses. Gregoire Gouqueam Jean Mognon Zachariah Angevine Dated March lo, 17^°. Proved Feb. 11, 1747. Liber 15. P. 165. 169. Rachel Vincent, Yonkers. " Widow." " Whereas my late husband made pro vision for my sons Charles and John, I do give to each of them a Spanish Dollar, or Piece of 8." Leaves legacies to daughters Rachel wife of Stephen Williams, Sarah wife of Benjamin Fow ler, and Hannah, and to grand daughter Mary Bertine. Witnesses. Jacob Ryder James Fabler Joseph Vail March 3, 1742. Proved May 13, 1744. 1 70. John MacFarlan, Scarsdale. Wife Jeannet, sons John, Robert, James, Joseph. Westchester Co., N. Y., 1664-/784. 93 Makes his wife and John King oi New Rochelle executors. Dated Dec. 27, 1742. Proved Aug. 13, 1744. 171. Moses Fowler, Eastchester. Leaves to son Stephen "the land I bought oi John Drake, and a piece adjoining, bought of Roger Bar ton, bounded east by road near Moses Hunt's land, south by Walter Briggs and running west to Bronx river, and along the river to Moses Hunt's land, and along his land to King's road, and along the road till it comes to a field called Jewells field, and along the same to land oi John Archer, and along his land to first bounds. And another tract bought of Isaac Taylor and Joseph Stanton, bounded east by land of John Fowler, and along his land to land of John Huestis, and along his land to land oi Joseph Sam- mon (Salmon f) and by his land to the King's road, and along that to land of John Fowler. And a piece of meadow at the Old meadow, and a piece of salt meadow near Sellick's land, bounded by meadow of Joseph Richardson, James Morgan, and the road. To son Elijah, the house where I now live, with barn and mill and land bounded west by King's road, and on other sides by meadow ground, given to son Solomon, and by the Great Ditch, and a piece of meadow before my door, and a field called 94 Wills of Early Residents of Jewells Field, bounded by King's road and road to Eastchester. Also a piece lying before Moses Hunt's door, being at the corner by the school house, and running with the road to Bronx river, and along the river to land given to my son Solonton. The exec utors are to sell the house and lot I bought of Abra ham, Hyatt, where my son in law Edward Barton lately lived. Mentions daughters Sarah, Elizabeth, Abigail, Marian7ie, Phebe and Charity. Makes " my hrother John Fowler oi Eastchester!' and Jonathan Archer executors. Witnesses. Moses Hunt Alex. Daniel Tho. Allen Dated Dec. 27, 1744. Proved Jan. 23, 174*. Liber 15. P. 317, 172. Anne Bush,^^ Rye. "Widow oi Justus Bush" (Bosch). Leaves prop erty to (Unildren John, Isaac, Justus, Elizabeth wife of John Abrahamson of Rye, "merchant," and Abra ham. Oct. 6, I 745. Proved Oct. 31, 1745. (See No. 139.) ^''This shows that the original name of " Bosch" had been perma nently changed to Bush as early as 1745. Westchester Co., N. ¥., / 664-/ 784. 95 1 73. Michael Halstead, Westchester. Leaves legacies to brother Samuel, " my trusty friend Isaac Willett," brother Richard, sister Abiah Gillan, to Phebe daughter of Robert Ryder, Mary Creed daughter of W"' Creed of Jamaica, L. I., Michael son of my brother Ezekiel, my brother Joseph. Oct. 29, 1745. Proved Dec. 27, 1745. 1 74. George Lane ^^^, West Farms. Leaves to wife Hannah the best room in house and use of lands. Legacies to daughter Hannah, and "the heirs of my daughter Willison." Leaves all lands to son Nathan. Witnesses. Benjamin Knoff Caleb Hyatt John Ray Feb. I, 174I. Proved Feb. 11, 174I. 175. Thomas We den, Rye. "Carpenter," Wife Jane,* son W'", daughters ¦* His wife Jane was daughter of Wm. Pinckney. See No. 177. 96 Wills of Early Residents of Mary and Elizabeth. Makes wife and " my brother in law W"" Pincom " (Pinkham f) executors. Witnesses. Anthony Field Nathan Field Thomas Star Treadwell Dated March ii, 1745. Proved May 15, 1746. 1 76. James Rinean, New Rochelle. Leaves to French Church £^. To James David " my New Testament and my Looking Glass." Legacies to son in law Stephen Renant, Peter Renant, John Coutant J"" '' snr named J aco," Magda len wife of Bemardus Rhinelander. Aug. 7, 1746. Proved Aug. 21, 1746. 177. W"" Pinckney ^^ , Eastchester. Leaves legacies to wife Sarah, " my honored father W" Pinckney!' W'" Weedon son of Thomas Weedon, my brother Israel and his daughter Rachel, Mary daughter of Philip Pinckney, my eldest sister Thamar wife of Joseph Concklin, my sister Jane Weedoti, my sister Mary wife oi John Hunt, my sis- Westchester Co., N Y, / 664-/ 784. 97 ter Jemima wife of Israel Honeywell, my sister Sarah. Nov. 15, 1745. Proved Jan. 24, 1746. 1 78. Josiah Hunt, Westchester. " Being far advanced in years." Leaves to son Jacob all lands adjoining to my homestead or Grove Farm, where I now dwell, which I bought from the Trustees of Westchester, with some other Divisions, about 60 acres, situate on Throgs neck, lying be tween the Grove Farm, the land of Thomas Baxter, John Hunt, and the highway from Westchester to the Ferrey. Legacies to " my 4 daughters Rachel Fowler, Rebecca Pell, Lydia Briggs and Tabitha." Executors are to sell all the lands on Throgs neck. Makes his son in law Walter Briggs and Anthony Bartow executors. Dated Oct. 31, 1743. Proved Feb. 14, 1746. Liber 16. P. 73. 1 79. Thomas Haight, Rye. Legacies to son James, when 21, Thomas, sister Hannah Haight. Makes " my brother David Hyatt oi Rye and Caleb Horton of White Plains" executors. July 14, 1746. Proved Aug. 9, 1 746. 98 Wills of Early Residents of 180. James Ferris, Westchester. Leaves to eldest son James 2!d lands. VJiie Anne, " my daughters Martha, Mercy, Elizabeth, Jane, and Mary wife of Caleb Pell!' " my son Benjamin!' Dated Aug. 16, 1746. Proved April 14, 1747. 181. Daniel Turner, Westchester. Mentions wife Phebe, " my sister Mercy Smith," " my sister Martha's son Caleb Horton!' " children of my sister Rebecca," " my nephew Joseph and Eleazar Gedney!' " my two brothers in law John Vail and Eleazar Gedney." March 28, 1744. Liber 16. P. 118. 182. Gilbert Fowler, Mamaroneck. Leaves to " Henry Fowler, youngest son of my brother Henry!' my land joining W"" Barker. I leave 20 acres to W"' Barker's son John. My land by John Griffings, I give to Gillet Budd, son of Underhill Budd. Legacy to "my brother y." Dated Jan. 2, 1752. Proved March 12, 1755. (See No. 235.) 248. fF" Pinckney, Westchester. Leaves to wife Ithamar use of land bought of Nicholas Dean and house on it where I now live. Legacies to sisters Ithamar wife oi Joseph Conkling, Jane wife of John Jones, Mary wife of John Hunt, Sarah wife of Caleb Hunt, Jemima wife of Israel Honeywell J'', " my grand daughter Mary, wife of Peter Vermilye." Dated Nov. 16, 1751. Proved March 6, 1755. 249. Benjamin Birdsall, Rye. Wife Elizabeth. Leaves to son Isaac all lands in Rye, " and all lands coming to me by right of sur vivorship as Patentee in the tract called the Oblong." Leaves to daughter Mary, wife of Anthony Trip, all rights in Lots 62 and 26, on Oblong. Witnesses. Owen Stringham John Coutant Stephen Prior Nov. 27, 1754. Proved May 14, 1755. 136 Wills of Early Residents of 250. Caleb Kniffin, Rye. Leaves to wiie Mary use of house. To son James the lot called Samuel Lane's lot, 19 acres, except 5 acres at the north end. To son John 10 acres on the Cross road, between Joseph Kniffin s land and Joshzia Brundage' s land. To son Caleb his house and lot after wife's decease. Mentions " my brother Amos " executor, daughters Anna, Sarah, Mary and Esther. April 7, 1755. Proved May 31, 1755. 251. fF"* Stringham, Rye. Wife Catharine. Leaves to son JF™ the house and lot. Mentions brothers and 3 daughters (not named). May 19, 1755. Proved July 28, 1755. 252. John Moroo, New Rochelle. Leaves property to son Daniel and daughter yfl« Probably son of David, son of Joseph, son of John, son of Joseph, who married Jane, daughter of John Budd, and settled in Rye, 1707. 148 Wills of Early Residents of 275. James Percutt J'', New Rochelle. Leaves to Jane De Milt £\^ when 18. To "brother Peter if living 5^ as my heir at law." Rest of estate to wife Mary. Mentions " my honored father James Percutt!' Makes wife and Michael Ojtazy executors. Witnesses. Obadiah Smith James Jay Gilbert Bloomer April 9, 1758. Proved April 28, 1758. Liber 21. P. 12. 2 76. Caleb Horton J'', Manor of Cortla7tdt. Leaves most of estate to son Caleb. Legacies to "my wife's sister Sarah Budd!' "my father's son Isaac!' " my father Caleb Horton." Witnesses. Elisha Covert John Gedney Henry Purdy April n, 1758. Proved May 2, 1758. Westchester Co., N. Y., /664-/784. 149 277. Joseph Griffin, Bedford. Executors to sell all lands in Bedford. Legacies to wife Phebe, sons Zebulon and Joseph, and daugh ter Hannah. Makes wife and Lewis McDonald executors. Witnesses. Ezekiel Halstead Israel Lyon W" Benit Sept. 3, 1757. Proved June 8, 1758. 278. Ezekiel Halstead, Rye. " Being greatly bruised by a late fall, and most apprehensive of its proving of fatal consequences." Leaves to wife Mary the choice of rooms in house. His son Joseph is to be provided for, "as he is a cripple." Leaves to son Ezekiel when 21, all houses and lands in Peningo neck, in Rye, which I bought of Timothy Knapp, " and the piece of salt meadow lying between Samuel Brown and Roger Purdy, adjoining to the burial place," with the upland. To son Philemon, when 21, " house and lands in Harri son s Purchase, which I bought of Bartholomew Sears and W'" Sewell Sears, on the west side of the road from Rye to White Plains, with the saw mill" 150 Wills of Early Residents of To son Micah when 21 my farm on the Manor of Cortlandt, about 500 acres with house. Legacies to daughters Sarah wife of Frederick Devoo, Abigail wife of Hackaliah Brown -^^ Mary Bishop, and Charity. Witnesses. Hackaliah Brown Abraham Theall John Smith Dated Oct. 29, 1757. Proved Dec. 3, 1757. 279. John Archer, Eastchester. Leaves to son Abraham " the house and farm in Eastchester at a place called Pond field, which I bought of Elisha Barton!' To " son John 5^, he having received his portion." Legacies to wife Eliz abeth, and grand son Jacob son of Jacob Archer. Makes son Abraham, John Townsend and Samuel Sneden executors. Witnesses. Edmund Ward Edward Barton John Valentine May 4, 1758. Proved May 26, 1758. Westchester Co., N, Y., /664-/784. 151 280. Sibell Thompson, New Rochelle. Leaves to " my nephew yi?,^^ Neufville, eldest son of my hroi!ner John deceased, 5® as heir at law." To sister Mary Neufville, all interest in houses and lands in New Rochelle. Legacy to sister Martha wife oi James De Bley March 6, 1758. Proved June 23, 1758. 281. Mer am Fowler. Leaves to brother Solomon Fowler J-xp. Legacies to Elizabeth Barton, Elizabeth Pell, Charity Beyeux, Phebe Ward (relationship not given). Makes Jona than Archer executor. Dated May 13, 1756. Proved July 5, 1758. 282. Richard Cornell, Scarsdale. Leaves to son Peter, " my riding horse given me by my father Richard Cornell deceased," and i of my lands in Scarsdale. Executors are to sell lands at Northcastle. Legacies to wife Mary, and grand daughter Mary Cornell. Makes son Peter and brother Benjamin Cornell executors. May 28, 1758. Proved Aug. 14, 1758. 152 Wills of Early Residents of 283. Ebenezer Burling, Eastchester, Directs all lands, meadows and mills to be sold. Mentions wife and children (no names given). Makes Richard and Caleb Lawrence executors. Witnesses. Thomas Wright Peter Delspaw Hannah Craig Sept. 18, 1758. Proved Oct. 13, 1758. 284. Cobus Brown. Leaves all property to his mother Catrin Brown, and to brothers Gerritt and Abraham, and sisters Hannah Brow7i, Effie Woolley, Mary Nodine and Elizabeth Corsa. May 8, 1758. Proved Nov. 7, 1758. 285. Thomas Hadden ^^^, Westchester. Leaves to son Thomas ;^20, and " my Dutch Car penter Plow." Leaves all real estate to daughter Arabella Hadden. Mentions sons Job and Bartholo mew, and daughter Keturah wife oi John Hedger, Dated Feb. n, 1752. Proved Nov. 8, i 758. Westchester Co., N. Y., / 664-/ 784. 153 286. Nathaniel Carpenter, Northcastle. Leaves to wife Abigail use of house and lands, until eldest son Willett is 14. Executors are to sell real estate then. Legacies to daughters Miriam, and Deborah. Makes brother in law Caleb Fowler and Caleb Lyon executors. Nov. 17, 1758. Proved Dec. 8, 1758. 287. Joseph Ashpendle, Pelham. Leaves property to mother Martha, brothers Thomas and fF"", and to " my brother Jonathans daughter." Makes " my friends Harmer Davids and W" Haddon " executors. April 19, 1758. Proved Dec. 11, 1758. 288. W'^ Le Conte, New Rochelle. " Advanced in years." Legacy to daughter Anne. To grand sons W'^ and Richard Bayley my gun and sword. Legacies to daughters Susannah " wife of her now husband JF" Bayley!' Maryanne wife of John Boyd, and Anna. Dated Oct. 9, 1758. Proved Dec. 13, 1758. 1 54 Wills of Early Residents of 289. Gabriel Dickson, Manor of Cortlandt. To son Gabriel /150. Legacies to daughters Rebecca, Lydia and Hannah. Makes his brother Joseph and Lewis McDonald executors. Mentions wife (no name given). May 15, 1758. Proved Dec. 21, 1758. 290. John Griffin, Bedford. Provides for wife Martha. Leaves to sons Ger- shom, Joseph, John, Russell and Gilbert all lands in Bedford. Makes wife and brother y(7j'^/,^ executors. July 7, 1757. Proved Dec. 22, 1758. 291. Anthony Lispenard ^^^ , New Rochelle. Leaves to daughter Abigail wiie oi Jacob Bley ker (Bleecker?) the house and land where I now live, being about 53 acres, about 20 acres whereof for merly belonged to the late Mr. Moulinar, and the other 33 acres and the 2 grist mills, where I now live, and \ the mill pond and dam, all in New Rochelle. And she is to pay to the executors ;^iooo. Legacies to sons Leonard and David, and to daugh ters Magdalen wife of Andrew Abramse, and Mary Westchester Co., N. Y, / 664-/ 784, 155 wife of W"" Rodman, Mentions grand children Mary, Elizabeth and Abigail, children of my late son Anthony, Makes sons Davidand Leonard executors. Witnesses. Gabriel Ludlow Gabriel G. Ludlow S. Johnson Aug. 16, 1755. Proved June 3, 1759, 292. John Hiatt, Phillipsburg, Leaves personal property to wife Rachel and daughters Jane, Mary and Elizabeth. After death of wife the improvements on farm are left to sons John, Arnold and Thomas, Witnesses. John Gerrittse Moses Van Nostrand Sept. 17, 1758. Dec. 26, 1758. 293. Peter Mills, Bedford. Leaves to mother Mary " use of house and land, so long as she remains my father's widow," then to my brothers David and Reuben. Legacies to sisters Deborah, Martha, Dorothy and Mary. 1 56 Wills of Early Residents of Makes Obadiah Holmes and Zachariah Mills executors. Dated May 17, 1758, Proved June 10, 1759. 294. Jacob Hunt, Throg's Neck, Leaves to wife Phebe ;i^200 and use of i^ of estate. To "Martha Youngs my wife's cousin, wife of Robert Youngs!' ;!f 100. Legacies to " my cousin Bathsheba wife oi John Thomas ^^!' Rest to "my only surviving daughter Philena." Mentions " my cousin Nathan, son of my brother Solomon Hunt!' and Catharine, Abigail and Anne daughters of Solo- mon Hunt. Makes James Graham of Morrisania, James Tucker of New York, Thomas Willetts, John Hunt and Anthony Bartow, executors. Dated June 17, 1757. Proved Jan. 9, 1759. 295. Thomas Hunt ^^^, Westchester. " Advanced in years." Leaves to eldest son 41 acres of salt meadow, bought of W" Lawre7ice, lying on the west side of Baretto creek, and a;^25 privi lege in the Sheep Pasture. To son Charles, 2 pieces of land bought of executors of Moses Fowler Nov. 14, 1745, lying at Long Reach in Eastchester, 100 acres. To son Elvin the rest of the real estate. Westchester Co., N. Y., / 664-/ 78 4. 157 Wife Mary is to have the use of house till my son Elvin is 21. Mentions "grand son Silvester, son of my son Stephen," and " Robert Hunt J'', son of my daughter Christina!' and "John Hunt-^'', son of my daughter Alethea and her husband y*?^;? Hunt," " my daughter Anna wife of John Leggett," " my daugh ter Helena wife oi Jonathan Odell," " daughter Mar tha wife oi James Tippett," and daughter Marianne. Makes wife Mazy executrix. Dated July 26, 1756. Proved July 15, 1758. 296. Solomon Ward, Salem. Wife Sarah. Leaves to sons Jonathan and Solo mon all lands at Salem and at Norwalk, Conn. To daughter Sarah £^0. Daughter Betty, £/\.o. Witnesses. Ezra Rundell Jacob Rundell Thaddeus Crane Dated May 19, 1758. Proved June 10, 1759. 297. Lewis Mondrowg, Mamaroneck. Leaves to iriend John Pritty all estate, " but if he does not return home from this present expedition 158 Wills of Early Residents of or campaign," then to Mary wife oi John Beyea who is to have ^5, and the rest to " the Poor of the Par- rish of Rye." April 22, 1758. Proved Jan. 31, 1759, 298. W"" Johnson, Manor of Cortlandt. Leaves to wife Elizabeth use of estate for life, then to her son Joseph Bates, and her 3 daughters Hannah Travis, Sarah Travis and Martha Travis. Makes wife Elizabeth, and her son in law Moses Travis executors. Leaves " to my lawful heir, whoever he or she may be, to me unknown at present," 5^ Nov. 30, 1758. Proved Feb. 13, 1759. 299, Caleb Hyatt, Westchester. Leaves to wife Sarah the use of estate for life, then f to his sons Gilbert, James, Marmaduke, Solo mon and Caleb, and \ to daughters A7ine, Phebe, Sarah, Abigail and A77tie. Makes his wife and Aaron Quimby executors. Dated Aug. 22, 1748. Proved March 19, 1759. Westchester Co., N Y, /664-/784. 159 300. Obadiah Hunt, Phillipsburg. Leaves all estate to wife Elizabeth. Legacies to sons Obadiah and Jonathan and daughter Elizabeth. No real estate mentioned. Witnesses. Nathaniel Appleby Susanna Bishop Stephen Prior Sept. 16, 1756. Proved April 2, 1759. 301. Joseph Carle, Northcastle. Leaves to wife Amy " the use of all that large lower dwelling room, known by the name of the Fore room, of the new house I lately bought of my brother Peter, in Phillipse Upper Patent, in Duchess Co." To son Thomas " Land in Duchess Co. when he comes of age which will be Feb. 10, 1764." Lega cies to daughters Millicent, Azny, Phebe, and to sons Joseph and Adonijah. Makes Capt. Anna7iias Rogers and John Bryan executors. Jan. 3, 1759. Proved May 24, 1759. 302. Joseph Rodman, New Rochelle. Leaves to wife Helena £2,^0, " a silver teapot, and all the goods she brought with her." " Whereas I i6o Wills of Early Residents of have already given to my son Sa77tuel the Plantation whereon he formerly lived in Flushi7ig, and another Plantation in Flushing on Little Neck Hills, both of which he hath sold for upward of ^2400, I mention this to show what estate I have already given to him." Leaves to his grand son Joseph Rodman son son of my son W'" deceased, "all my neck of land meadow and premises in New Rochelle; which I bought of Anthony Lispenard, where I now dwell," with houses, etc., and entails it " from generation to generation forever." Leaves to daughter Mary Hicks property in Pennsylvania. Leaves to daughter Anne Riche the use of a farm in New Rochelle, "\ of which I bought of Joseph Caston and the other \ of Philip Riche!' for life, then to her children. To daughter Sarah Bowne Jyxi. To daughter Debo rah Hicks ;^300. To daughter Elizabeth Lispenard " I have already given \ part of 2 grist mills, adjoin ing to the neck of land where I now live," also 2 lots of land in New Rochelle, bought of Isaac Seacord and Philip Riche, "and a negro wench valued at £^0." Legacies to grand sons Joseph, son of my son Samuel, and to Joseph son of my son W'". Exec utors are to sell house and lot in Pelham, lying between the land of Benjazzmt Bowne and the land of heirs of Isaac Cantizie, " which I bought of Philip Riche." Leaves rest of estate to son Sa7nuel, and to his 3 daughters Sarah Bowne, Deborah Hicks and Eliza beth Lispe7iard. Makes his brother Thomas Rodman Westchester Co., N. Y, / 664-/ 78 4, 161 of Flushing, his son Samuel and son in law David Lispenard, executors. Witnesses. Susanna Willett James Fowler John Bartow Dec. 12, 1758. Proved Sept. i, 1759. 303. Samuel Barrett, Bedford. " Being of a weakly habit of Body." Leaves per sonal property to wiie Jemima, and legacies to sons John, Abraham, Joseph and Samuel Leaves to son James i of lands, and to son the rest of estate, except legacy to daughter Mary. Witnesses. Moses Fountain Henry Leight Eneas Mason Dated March 15, 1759. Proved Sept. 13, 1759. 304. John Griffin, Mamaro7teck. " This first day of the 9th month called Septem ber," 1758. Leaves to wife Hannah, "the north west end of my now dwelling house, viz. the 3 lower rooms and the closet." To children John, Joseph, 1 62 Wills of Early Residents of Hannah, Jemima, Mary, Elizabeth, Sarah and Amy £2$ each. To 3 youngest daughters Phebe, Anne and Deborah ^^45 each. All rest of estate to son Joseph, Witnesses. Maker Nelson W" Griffin John Townsend Proved Sept. 13, 1759. Liber 21. P. 407. 305. Benj'amin Sutton, Northcastle, Wife Elena to have the use of farm till daughter Abigail is 13. Then it is to be sold. Leaves to son John £100, to son Benjamin £gs, and legacies to children Reuben, Charles, Joshua, Caleb, Rachel, Mary and Abigail. Mentions 2 married daughters (not named). Mentions my " son in law Stephe7i Farringto7i!' Witnesses. Benjamin Smith John Leverich Joshua Hutchings Sept. I, 1759. Proved Oct. 8, 1759. 306. David Kniffin, Rye. " Being enlisted as a soldier." Leaves son Shubal £^. To son Reuben " all land in Bedford New Westchester Co., N. Y., /664-/784. 163 Purchase, which Gabriel Worden now lives upon, 70 acres, with house." Legacies to daughters Appelone (Appolonia ?) and Mary. Makes " my friend Samuel Brown" executor, March 15, 1759. Proved Dec. 11, 1759. 307. Mary Griffin, Mamaroneck. "Widow." Leaves to son Benjamin "my Bible, and ye pike that was his father's." To son Henry my Colt, and silver tumbler. Legacies to children Henry, W"', Caleb, Deborah Sands, and Elizabeth Haddon. Mentions "my grand daughter Mary Haddon," " my son in law Job Haddon," " my grand son Gilbert Griffin." Oct. II, 1756. Proved Jan. 10, 1760. 308. Elizabeth Sands, Westchester. " By and with the advice and consent of my hus band Samuel Sands, and my trustee Elisha Barton ^'', I do make this my last Will and Testament." Leaves house and lot to her sister Keziah Glover, and her daughter Elizabeth Lynch and to the survivor of them. Leaves legacies to the following persons : " My niece Rebecca Barnes, and her sister Sarah, wife of Benjamin Palmer!' " my 3 sisters Miriam, Dorcas 164 Wills of Early Residents of and Abigail," " my 2 nieces Susannah De Lancey and Hannah Cleeve!' Elisha Barton ^^, Thomas and James, sons of Augustine Baxter, Charles Warner's wiie Jane, Dorcas and Samuel Perrian, W" Tippetts, Marcus son of Thomas Baxter, Ann daughter of Benjamin Palmer, Joseph Palmer, Michael son of Oliver Baxter, Bethsheba daughter of ThoTnas Pal mer, Keziah and Mary daughters of Oliver Baxter, Catharine daughter of Benja7nin Barker, Sarah daughter of Theophilus Wood, Elizabeth daughter of Edmund Tenney, Edmund Tenney's wife. "To Edmund Tenney, a pair of silver shoe buckles about 30^ price." George Bushe's wife, and her daughter Sarah Downing, Benjamin Bushe's wife, my brother Thomas Baxter, Phebe wife of Arnot Cannon, Eliza beth daughter of John Oakley, Elizabeth daughter of Cornelius Willett. Witnesses. Israel Honeywell ^='' Henry Charlich Thomas Allen, "schoolmaster" Dated June 4, 1759. Proved Jan. 15, 1760. Liber 21. P. 494. 309. Anthony Woodhouse, Phillipsburg. " Innholder." Leaves property to wife Charity, cousin Samuel Woodhouse, to daughter Sarah Lasey Westchester Co., N. Y, / 664-/ 78 4. 165 land in New Jersey. Makes wife and Samuel Wood- house and Benja77tin Knapp executors. April 24, 1 759. Proved Jan. 15, 1760. 310. Thomas Standard,*^ Westchester. " Rector of Westchester." " Being far advanced in years." Executors are to sell estate. Proceeds to " my nephews Thomas and George Standard, of Taunton and London, England," and to niece Mary "daughter of my hrother J a7nes" oi Taunton, and to W" son of sister Sarah, and to his sister Sarah wife of W"* Burridge, of Taunton, Eng. Makes friends JaTnes Barnard, Andrew Clements exec utors. Codicil May 5, 1758. Leaves /40 to W" Jesse of West Hatch near Taunton, Eng. Dated Feb. i, 1758. Proved Jan. 23, 1760. 311. George Dennis ^^^, Northcastle. Leaves to wife Deborah, the east end of my dwelling house with kitchen. Leaves all lands ** Rev. Thomas Standard was born at Taunton, Somersetshire, Eng land. He came to America and was missionary at Brookhaven, L. I., in 1725. He died at an advanced age, and is buried in St. Paul's Church, Westchester. 1 66 Wills of Early Residents of to sons Obadiah, Stephen, and Jesse, latter not yet twenty-one. Witnesses. Charity Woodhouse W" Gilchrist Anthony Woodhouse Dec. 30, 1759. Proved Feb. 19, 1760. 312. AdaTn Ireland, Northcastle. "Inn Holder." Leaves to son John "my gun, sword and belt or cartridge box." Mentions wife Martha, daughters Hannah Searles, and Mary, " my brother in law Caleb Fowler." Witnesses. Caleb Hyatt Daniel Totten John Harris Feb. 5, 1760. Proved March i, 1760. 313. Thomas Golding, Northcastle. Leaves to wife Mary the use of house and land "where I now dwell," for support of son Ephraim, he being a cripple and not able to support himself. To son John ^20. Executors are to sell other lands, the proceeds to be divided among sons Joseph, Ben- Westchester Co., N, Y, / 664-/ 784. 167 jamin Coles, and John, and they are to take care of their brother Ephraim. Mentions daughter Rosana wife of Edmond Green, Mary wife of Nehemiah Purdy, Rebecca wife of Archibald Carpenter, and Lucretia. Witnesses. W" BURTIS W" Daniel, "laborer" John Carhart, "scrivener" Dec. 24, 1759. Proved Feb. 19, 1760. 314. Coles Golding, Bedford. Leaves to wife Phebe use of house and land for 8 years to enable her to bring up the children, then to go to son Amos. Mentions "my mother" (not named), " my brother Ephraim," Israel son of Israel Lyon, John son of John Burger. Makes wife and Joshua and Israel Lyon executors. Witnesses. John Forman Elizabeth Burger Gould Fitzgerald, " scrivener " Dated Jan. 6, 1760. Proved March 28, 1760, Liber 23. P. n. (See No. 313.) 1 68 Wills of Early Residents of 315. Thomas Golding -^^ Northcastle, Leaves property to wife Margaret, and to "my only daughter Sisthe." Legacy to Amos Golding. Makes Coles Golding and W"" Ogden exec utors. Dated March 24, 1757. Proved April 7, 1 760. 316. Augustus Baxter, Westchester, Leaves to wife Sarah dwelling house and 3 acres of land " which I bought oi John Mullinex," lying in Throgs neck adjoining land of Joshua Hu7it, and assigns of Henry Barmore. The executors are to sell the estate when the children are 21. Mentions sons George, Thornas, James, Frederick and Augusti7ie. Leaves "to my reputed daughter Elizabeth" £12. Makes Daziiel Quimby and " my cousin Augustine Drake" executors. Witnesses. James Lewis Miles Oakley James Francis Dated March 24, 1760. Proved April 5, 1760. Westchester Co,, N. Y,, / 664-/ 78 4, 169 317, Hackaliah Theall, Rye. Provides for wife Mary. Leaves property to sons Gilbert and John. Legacies to daughters Sarah, Susannah and Mary. Witnesses. W" BOWNESS Abraham Theall, " mariner " April 6, 1760. Proved April 29, 1 760. 3 1 8. Jonathan Horton, Rye. Leaves legacies to wife Sarah, and daughters Johanah, wife of Thomas Robinson, and Sarah. Rest of property to sons Jonathan and Daniel. Makes his sons and Marcus Smith executors. Jan. 16, 1760. Proved April 29, 1760. 319. Gilbert Hunt, Westchester. Leaves to "my 2 hrothers Marmaduke and Solo- Tnon the use of my Grove Farm and lands at Throgs neck, for 12 years." My mother Sarah to have any room she wishes, and to be provided for. My sis ters Phebe, Sarah and Anne to have a home in the house and a maintainance. " They are to help to labour in doing the household work, and help to 170 Wills of Early Residents of milk, and take care of the dairy, according to their strength, in a reasonable manner." " My two other brothers, Isaac and Josiah, are also to have a home there, and to help carry on the business of the farm." At the expiration of 12 years all is to be sold at " Publick vendue," and divided among his brothers Isaac, Marmaduke, Solomon, Josiah, and sisters Ann Shotwell, Phebe, Sarah, and Amy. Leaves his "sil ver watch to Phebe Baxter, daughter of Deborah Baxter, my nurse." Makes his mother Sarah, and brothers Marmaduke and Solomon, and " my uncles Edmund Hallock and Samuel Hallock!' executors. Witnesses. John Bartow James Baxter, "laborer" Dated April 7, 1 760. Proved May 5, 1760. 320. Jacob Brown, Bedford. Leaves to brother Silas £iSo, and to brother Thomas and sister Phebe, each ;^i30, and ;^20 to Jeremiah Lounsbury. Makes Nehezniah Lounsbury and Thomas Brown executors. Witnesses. Stephen Hulse Sarah Lounsbury Peter Lockwood May 13, 1760. Proved June 2, 1760. Westchester Co,, N. Y,, / 664-/ 784. 171 321, John Hustis, Eastchester. " Farmer," Leaves to son Stephen ;^200, and pro vides for wife Elizabeth. Rest of estate to sons John and David. Witnesses, Ann Fowler Joseph Stanton David Barclay, "barber" Dated Jan. n, 1760. 322. James Wetmore*^, Rye. "Clerk." Leaves to wife Anna "the use of all the house, land, orchard and meadows which Samuel Lane sold to Raphael Jacobs, in Rye, and the Pasture lot adjoining which formerly belonged to Peter Brown, on the east side of the road leading to Har rison's Purchase," for life. Leaves to son Jaiites the privilege of shop and dam on Blind Brook for a fulling mill, also the wood and pasture lot, above the first stone fence, and to extend from Abraha77t Bru7t- dage's land south west, half the width of my land, bought of Joseph Haight, near Brundage' s house. ¦" Rev. James Wetmore was appointed minister in Rye in 1726, and died there May 15, 1760, having been pastor for thirty-four years. His daughter, Esther, married first, David Brown; second, Jesse Hunt, High Sheriff. Timothy was in later years Attorney General of New Brunswick. James settled in Rye, where his descendants yet remain. 1 72 Wills of Early Residents of To son Timothy, the house, land and improvements bought of Mr. Jacobs in Rye, and the land on the west side of the road, formerly Peter Brown's, also land on west side of Blind Brook, bought oi Joseph Haight. Leaves to daughter Alethea wife of Rev. Joseph LaTnson, and to Amy wife of Gilbert Bru7idage, " land at Bullock's meadow." To begin at the south east corner of Gilbert Brundage' s lot, bought of Henry Strong. Leaves to daughters Charity wife of Josiah Purdy, and Esther, the house, orchard, etc., after his wife's death. Rest of estate to sons Isaac and Timothy. Witnesses. Hackaliah Brown Roger Park Y Benjamin Brown J" May 6, 1759. Proved June 3, 1760. Liber 22. P. 137. 323. Amon Guion,* New Rochelle. " Blacksmith." Leaves personal property to wife Elizabeth, and son Amon, and daughters Elizabeth, and Susanah widow of Joh7i Landreau. Leaves to * He was son of Lewis Guion, who was born in France, 1654, and was prominent among the Huguenots. Westchester Co., N. Y, / 664-/ 784, 173 sons Elias, Benjamin and Esai, " the house and lot where I now live, 14 acres." Witnesses. John Angevine, "vintner" James Resley, " vintner " Robert Rolph Sept. 14, 1757. Proved June 7, 1 760. Liber 22. P. 141. 324. Ja7nes Per cut, New Rochelle, Provides for wife Elizabeth. Leaves to son Peter i of all lands after his wife's death, and to his daugh ter ya«^ the other h Makes his wife, and brother John, and cousin Joshua Solis executors. Witnesses. Gilbert Bloomer Peter Flandreau James Horton Dated April 25, 1758, Proved June 7, 1760. 325. Josiah Purdy, Rye, Directs all estate to be sold. Mentions daughters Sarah, Althea, Anna, and Esther. 1 74 Wills of Early Residents of Makes " my brother Samuel Purdy of White Plains " and Caleb Purdy of Rye executors. Dated May i6, 1760. Proved June 16, 1760. 326. Thomas Bishop, Eastchester. Leaves to wife Mary " all land where I now live." Leaves to daughter Martha Butler "the house in New York where she now lives." To grand children Bishop and Magdalen Hadley, " my other house in the Out Ward of New York!' Makes his wife and Gilbert Taylor executors. Jan. 16, 1759. Proved June n, 1760. 327. Henry Laight, Bedford. Leaves to wife Hannah personal property, and all rest of estate to sons Josiah, Henry, Laban, and Lazarus. Witnesses. Abraham Higgins John Higgins Gabriel Higgins Aug. 5, 1760. Proved Sept. 23, 1760. Westchester Co., N. Y., /664-/784. 175 328. Nathaniel Appleby. Leaves all estate to Nathan Appleby (no relation ship mentioned). Makes John Tompkins executor. Witnesses. John Tompkins Moses Tompkins James Huestis Dated May i, 1759. Proved Nov. 5, 1760. 329. Charles Morgan,^° Eastchester. Leaves to son James, a piece of land on the east side of White Plains road, bounded by lands of Edward and Stephen Ward. Also a piece on west side of said road, bounded north by Stephen Ward, west by John Pugsby, and south hy John Townsend. Leaves to son Charles 2 pieces of land, one on the east, and the other on the west side of White Plains road. The latter bounded south by meadow of Val entine Archer. Also a piece of salt meadow at Sellick's Landing. Legacies to wife Susannah, and daughters Abigail, Mary, Nancy, Philip and Susan nah. Makes Gilbert Hunt and Samuel Sneden executors. Feb. 9, 1760. Proved Oct. 25, 1760. ™ He was son of James, who was son of Charles Morgan of Flushing. He married Susanah Guion. 1 76 Wills of Early Residents of 330. Benjamin Haviland, Rye. Leaves to wife Charlotte personal property. Leaves to sons Benjamin, Roger, and Daniel, Lot No. 16=' on the Oblong, 450 acres. To sons Thomas, Solo mon, Isaac and John all lands in Rye. Mentions " my eldest daughter" (not named), "my other 3 daughters, Sophia, Elizabeth and Sarah." Makes his wife and brother Solomon, and brother in law Thomas Parks executors. Witnesses. James Haviland Ebenezer Haviland John Carhart May 21, 1759. Proved Jan. i, 1761. Liber 22. P. 382. 331. James Sutton, Manor of Cortlandt. " Innholder." Leaves legacies to daughters Mary, Jerusha, Joha7ia and Amy. To son Joseph, all lands. '• Lot No. 16 is in the town of South-East, Putnam County, N. Y. A branch of Croton River, called Quaker Brook, runs through it, and in the beautiful valley the two brothers Roger and Daniel settled, and it was known as "Haviland Hollow." The old Quaker meeting-house (now deserted) stands on land given by Daniel Haviland. He died "the Sth day of 2d month, 1832," aged 85 years, 9 months, 28 days. His wife Sophia died " 17th of 2d month, 1834," aged 85 years, 8 months, 14 days. They rest in the Quaker burying-ground adjoining the meet ing-house. A branch of this family removed to Greene County, N. Y., and have many descendants. Westchester Co., N. Y, / 664- 1784. 177 Makes wife Elizabeth, and "my brothers yi?^'^//^ and Ritchison Sutton" executors. May 8, 1 760. Proved Jan. 5, 1761. 332. John Miller ^^ Bedford. Wife Sarah. Leaves to son Gilbert, " one half of my land at a place called Cohomony, in Bedford, lying on each side of Mianus river." To son Jo /m the other half. To son Jtistus, " all lands at a place called Pine Brook." To son Elisha " his sup port on his apprenticeship with a Doctor," " and my right in the undivided lands in Bedford, that shall accrue to my Patentee Right." Also a lot of meadow at the rear of my home lot, by the home lot of Mr, Eliphalet Ball, to run to Mianus river. Also " my lands under the Clifts," and 4 acres of timber by Killburne's brook, running to land late of Isaac Holmes, deceased. To son Isaiah, my house and home lot, and my land on the Hills, over Mianus river. Legacy to daughter Susannah. Witnesses. Daniel Miller Walter Marrin Dated Aug. 26, 1760. Proved Nov. 4, 1760. 1 78 Wills of Early Residents of 333. Caleb Latting, Northcastle. Leaves property to his mother Mary, and to sis ters Freelove, Philena and Rosana. Makes Aaron Forman J'' and Samuel Wording, "blacksmith," executors. Witnesses. John Forman Nathaniel Wording Dated May 2, 1760. Proved Jan. 21, 1761. 334. John Turner, White Plains. Leaves to son John, a piece of land in the White Plains Purchase, on the north side of Peter Hat- fields. All other lands "to be sold at Publick vendue." Legacies to sons Daniel, Elisha, Nathan and Caleb. Mentions "Elizabeth wife of my son Caleb," " my daughters Sarah Hyatt and Sarah Charlick, and Mary Sawwood." Witnesses. John Bishop Elisha Horton David Horton Feb. 1 1, 1 761. Proved Feb. 24, 1761. Westchester Co., N. Y., / 664-/784. 179 335. Thomas Hadden, Scarsdale. Leaves to 2 negro slaves " the use of a house at the north end of my farm, adjoining the road," bounded west by brook, and north hy John Foster's land. Frees all his slaves, and the executors are " to take some care that they are learnt to read." All lands are to be sold by executors. Mentions wife (not named), sons John and Jo seph, "my brother John!' "my daughter Abigail Tompkins." Witnesses. Levi Devo James McWine John McCurd Feb. 19, 1 761. Proved March 4, 1761. 336. Joseph Lyon, Rye. Leaves to wife Sarah the use of houses, mills and tenements. Legacies to daughters Phebe wife of Samuel Miller, Amy wife of Godfred House, and Anne wife of Elisha Budd. To " grand son Joseph Miller son of my daughter Phebe!' the tract of land " I bought of his father Samuel Miller," lying above Westchester old road, in Rye, and he is to pay to his brother Lyon Miller ^10. After death of wife all 1 80 Wills of Early Residents of lands are left to his daughter Anne and her husband Elisha Budd. Mentions "grand sons Joseph, Elisha and Silvanus, children of my daughter Mary de ceased," "grand son Jonathan Budd." Oct. 10, 1752. Proved March 12, 1761, 337. Francis Doughty, Rye. Leaves to son John house and land. Legacy to daughter Elizabeth wife oi Jonathan Miller. May 6, 1756. Proved March 12, 1761. 338. Rachel Fowler, Eastchester. "Widow." Leaves to son Solo7non two thirds of real estate, including house, orchard, etc., and all the salt meadow at Hutchinsons. The other third to be sold. Mentions " my 3 daughters, Rachel Palmer, Hannah Butler, Abigail Fowler!' " my son Gilbert, and his son Philip." " In laying out the two thirds, Solomon is to have the wood land adjoining the road from Briggs' to Theophilus Bartow's." A codicil dated Jan. 3, 1761, states that her daugh ter Abigail is dead. Dated Nov. 30, 1 760. Proved March 21, 1761. Liber 22. P. 525. Westchester Co., N. Y, / 664-/784. 181 339. Nehemiah Palmer, Mamaroneck. Leaves to grand daughter Sarah Ferris, daughter of my son Aaron Palmer, deceased, ;^ 10. To daugh ter Mary £1^0, and my silver tankard and silver tumbler. To grand son Harrison Palmer ^600. " To my grand son Drake Palmer son of my daugh ter Mary 50 acres of land lying between New Rochelle line and the road that goes near his father's land, including the saw mill and house." Mentions grand sons Aaron, Nathan, Benjamin, Nathaztiel and Elisha Palmer, and grand daughters Sarah and Ja7te. Executors are to sell all other lands. Makes Edward Burling of Long Reach, Reuben Bloozner, W'" Merritt of Mamaroneck executors. Dated "this 13th day of the 7th month called July," 1760. Proved March 30, 1761. Liber 22. P. 564. 340. Isaac Birdsall, Rye. Leaves property to wife and children (not 7tamed). Makes Anthony Tripp and Samuel Barnes executors. Witnesses. Elizabeth Birdsall Levina King Thomas Star Tredwell Joseph Bloodgood Aug. 13, 1757. Proved April 2, 1761. 1 82 Wills of Early Residents of 341. Othniel Sands, ^^ Westchester. Legacies to wife Susannah, and 2 youngest daugh ters Susannah and Sarah, and to " my 4 grand chil dren, that is to John Forman s children and my son Caleb's child," and to " my son James child." And as for my part of the undivided land in the Old Pur chase in Oyster Bay, on Long Island, I give i to my son Caleb, and the rest to be divided among the rest. " My son Samuel is to be put to his brother Othniel to learn ye Taylor's Trade." Makes my brother James Sands and son Caleb executors. A codicil dated Sept. 3, 1757, mentions daughter Jerusha. Witnesses. Nicholas Williamson Wyant Williamson Aug. 19, 1757. Proved April 2, 1761. 342. Robert Yeamans, Westchester. Leaves legacies to Susanah Oakley, Drusilla Oakley, Elizabeth, daughter of Elisha Oakley, and to Joseph Underwood J''. Leaves " to the heir of Robert Yeamans, son of W^ Yeamans, 5^ and no " Son of James Sands of Sands Point. He married Susannah, daugh ter of Nicholas Lang of Oyster Bay. Westchester Co., N. Y., / 664-/ 784. 183 more." To my daughter Elizabeth Oakley ;^20. Rest of estate to Elisha, Robert, Elizabeth, Gilbert, Susannah and Drusilla Oakley, and to Elizabeth daughter of Elisha Oakley, and to Stephen and Nathaniel sons of Elisha Oakley, Makes " my brother John Yeamans, and son in law Elisha Oak ley!' executors. Witnesses. James Perry Joseph Smith Hester Yeamans March 18, 1761. Proved April 3, 1761. 343. Richard Blizzard, Eastchester. Leaves to his friend Thomas Butler of Eastchester all goods, etc., " and all the Prize money due to me on the Royal Hester, Snow of War, Jacob Romer commander." Witnesses. Jonathan Hazzard Joshua Bloomer Dated Dec. 8, 1757. Proved April 6, 1761. 344. Elisha Hyatt, White Plains. Leaves to wife Sarah household goods. The executors are to sell 50 acres of land at north end 184 Wills of Early Residents of of the land bought of Obadiah Purdy. Legacies to daughters Elizabeth, Mary and Sarah. Leaves to son Elisha all other lands, and he is to pay to his brother Nathaniel, when 21, ^200. Makes "my father Nathaniel Underhill!' and W"" Hooker Smith executors. Witnesses. John Travis Nathan Flint Nathaniel Wescot April 12, 1759. Proved April 20, 1761. 345. Timothy Concklin, Northcastle. Leaves wife Sarah use of estate. Leaves to " the eldest daughters of my sons John and Timothy all the effects which were of my first wife " (names of daughters not given). Rest of estate to sons Timo thy, John, Stephen and Natha7iiel. Mentions daugh ters (not named). A codicil mentions daughter Phila. Witnesses. Samuel Hadden Mary Tompkins Daniel Miller Feb. 28, 1758. Proved May 26, 1761. Westchester Co., N. Y., / 664-/ 78 4. 185 346. fF" Yeamans J'', Manor of Cortlandt. " Being a soldier of the Provincial forces." Leaves his house to his " honored father W'" Yeamans!' and legacies to his brothers Robert, Jacob and Absalom. Witnesses. Nathan Whiting Dennis Wortman May 16, 1758. Proved June 2, 1761. 347. George Tippett, Yonkers. Leaves personal estate to daughters Jane wife of Charles Wardner, and Phebe wife of George Had ley. To grand son George, " eldest son of my son George," my lot in Yonkers, 79 acres, adjoining land of Abigail Emmons and land oi John Vermillye, and the mill pond of James Vazi Cortlandt ; and he is to pay to his brother Henry £100, when 21. To Thomas son of my son George, a lot of land lying in the neck, 30 acres, beginning at the gate between my land and the land of Edward Meeks, and running south by the highway to a brook, then west by the brook, and then north to land of Edward Meeks. Mentions "my 2 surviving brothers." Leaves to " daughter Dorcas wife of Samuel Bryan " a lot of 10 acres beginning at the house, and thus running by 1 86 Wills of Early Residents of the kirck and road, to the cross fence. Leaves to son W*" the home lot beginning at the north east cor ner of orchard, then running west 68 rods, then south 60 rods, then east 70 rods, then north 60 rods, being 28 acres, with house. Leaves to grand sons Stephen and Gilbert, " sons of my son James," a lot of 28 acres, where my son James formerly lived, with house. Mentions "Jane daughter of my son Thomas," and Rachel her sister. Leaves all the rest of land in Yonkers neck to son W*" and grand sons Stephen and Gilbert. W'" is to have the west part of the south half and the east part of the north half, and W"' is to have 2I acres salt meadow where the Barrack stand- etli, and running south to the southmost point of the Great Meadow. Makes James Van Cortlandt ^^ , David Oakley and W'^ Wordner executors. Witnesses. Ambrose Jones Israel Honeywell Edward Meeks Dated May 3, 1761. Proved June 24, 1761. 348. Abraham Martlinghs, Phillipsburgh. " Blacksmith." Leaves personal property to wife Rachel, and " my 9 children " (not 7iamed). Makes Westchester Co., N. Y, / 664-/ 784. 187 his wife and sons Abraham and Hendrick ex ecutors. Witnesses. Jacob Dyckman Daniel Regnaw John Cockle Dated April i, 1760. Proved Sept. 3, 1761. 349. Monmouth Hart,^^ Rye. Leaves to wife Sarah, " the use ofthe house where I now dwell, except one room where my son James now dwells," also use of i of all lands in Budds neck, " and the profits in my right in Rye Ferry." Leaves to son Joseph " the land I bought of Thomas Merritt " lying in the White Plains, " and my sword and belt and Ivory headed cane." To son Monmotith " a lot in the White Plains, on the east and south side of the road, and adjoining on the east the land of Elijah Purdy, Daniel Ferris and Samuel Haight, also the right in Rye Ferry after death of wife. Also the sword he commonly wears." To son James all that my dwelling house and lands, and meadows thereto belonging. Leaves to daughter Sarah, a '^ The Hart family are descended from Edmund Hart, one of the early settlers in Flushing. In 1657 he, with other inhabitants of that town, issued a strenuous protest against the order of the Dutch Gov ernment forbidding them to entertain Quakers. For this he was im prisoned. His son, Jonathan Hart, came to Rye in 1685. He married Hannah Budd. 1 88 Wills of Early Residents of bond due from Mr. John Smith. Legacy to daugh ter Anna wife oi John Guion. Witnesses. Henry Griffin Joseph Coon June 22, 1759. Proved Sept. 26, 1761. 350. Stephen Reno, New Rochelle. Leaves to " dearly beloved daughters Magdalen Rynlander, Judea Bertine, and Jane Coutant " i of movable estate, and ^22 each. Rest of estate to sons Stephen, Peter and John. Witnesses. John Bryan James Flandreau SOVEING Balt July 7, 1761. Proved Oct. 6, 1761. 351. Henry Scott, Manor of Cortlandt. Leaves to wife Exanah £ 1 00. To daughter Sarah, wife of Silas Travis of White Plains, £2^0. To son Henry " my sword. Gun, and cartouch box." Rest of property to children Henry, John, Seby, A7ina, Westchester Co., N, Y, / 664-/ 784. 189 W"", James and Elijah. Makes Isaac Hatfield and Joseph Hadden, executors. Witnesses. James Perry Elisha Travis Moses Travis Dated Nov. 2, 1761. Proved Nov. 27, 1761. 352. Robert Di7igee, Manor of Cortlandt. Leaves to wife Sarah " all her Cloaths, and my best riding horse, a bed and furniture, and a chest called her chest, with all that is therein." Rest of estate to be sold. Legacies to sons David, and Elijah, and daughter Mary Merritt. Makes wife and Joseph STnith executors. Witnesses. Jacob Wright Anthony Loo Mary Loo Sept. 4, 1 76 1. Proved Nov. 9, 1761. 353. Andrew Gibb,^* Manor of Fordham. "Carpenter." "Whereas I have already given to my daughter Hannah, who married one Henry Du- "It is possible that the testator may have been the son of Andrew Gibb, who was prominent among the early settlers of Brookhaven. 190 Wills of Early Residents of senbury, about ;^25, my other daughter Mary, who lately married Isaac Courson, shall have goods to the value of ;^2 5." " My younger children, John, Pa tience and Sarah, are to be maintained till old enough to be bound out to trades." To eldest son Andrew £25- Dated Dec. 24, 1761. 354. W" Bowness, New Rochelle. " Doctor in Physick." Leaves to W"" Bowness, son of Isabel, now wife of Thomas Gladston, all his estate in America. Leaves to Elizabeth Gardner ;^20. "To my lovingiriends Johanes Bleecker and Samuel Sneden," £20 each, and makes them executors. Witnesses. James Secor Jemima Secor Susanah Tompkins Dated Jan. 25, 1762. Proved June 14, 1762. 355. Johanes Siffin, Phillipsburgh. Leaves to wife Leah, £60, and she is " to stay on my Improvements and reap the benefit." Mentions sons Jacobus, Peter, Henry, Abraham and W"", and Westchester Co., N. Y., /664-/784. 191 daughters Catrina Lambert, and Rachel. Makes John Enter and Hendrick Storm executors. Witnesses. Isaac Sie Jacobus Sie W" Davids Sept. 4, 1 761. Proved June 26, 1762. 356. Joshua Hunt ^'', Westchester. Leaves to wife Mercy £100, and a feather bed. Legacies to sons Caleb, Joshua, and Israel, and grand son Joshua Hunt, son oijohn deceased, and to daugh ters Miriatn Oakley, and Mary. Leaves rest of estate to son Enos, and makes him and Philip Pal mer executors. Witnesses. Philip Palmer W" Doty Miles Oakley, "weaver" Dated July 24, 1760. Proved March 25, 1762. 357. Mercy Hunt, Westchester. Leaves to daughter Elizabeth Fowler, the use of personal estate for life, then to daughter Mary Hunt. Mentions " my 3 sons Jeremiah, Pexall, and 192 Wills of Early Residents of Benjamin." Makes John Hitchcock ¦^''and Benjami7i Palmer executors. Dated May 23, 1762. Proved July 5, 1762. 358. Thomas Haviland, Rye. Leaves to wiie Jane the use of one half of farm in Harrison's Purchase, where I now live. To eldest son James all my lands in Harrison's Purchase with the farm where I now live after wife's decease, and the farm at Mamaroneck river which I bought of my vincle Jacob Haviland, and 3 acres of sedge on Men ursink Island, and i acre of sedge near Lyons mills, both in Rye, and which I bought of my uncle Jacob Haviland. All other lands at Menursink island to be sold, and proceeds given to my 2 daughters Sarah wife of Peter Cornwell, and Jane wife of Timothy Wetmore. Leaves to son Ebe7tezer £100. Makes eldest son James and " my cousin Samuel Haviland" executors. Dated May 27, 1762. Proved June 19, 1762. Liber 23. P. 457. 359. Gerardus Willse, Morrisania. " Carpenter." Leaves to wife Affice the use of estate, which is to be sold after her decease. Leaves to son Tezc7tis " my Great Bible, gun and sword." Leofacies to daughters Deborah Cro77nvell, A7171 Cal- Westchester Co., N. Y., /664-/784. 193 lore, Susannah Nivins, Margaret Michaels, and Mary, and to grand daughter Margaret Turner, and to Gerritt Garitson. Dated Jan. 19, 1759. Proved Aug. 31, 1762. 360. Abraham Miller, Northcastle. Leaves to wife Letitia " The best bed and blankets, sheets and bolster, and Pillows, and of all sorts sufficient to furnish a complete Bed, for her own proper use for ever." All estate real and per sonal to be sold for the support of wife and 5 chil dren, John, Moses, Jemima, Joanzta, Letitia. Witnesses. Gabriel Purdy James Miller Anthony Miller J" Jan. 24, 1763. • Proved Feb. 19, 1763. Liber 24. P. 10. 361. Benoni Platt, Northcastle. Leaves to wife Hannah " the use of east end of house and one third of the cellar." To son Benoni, the farm where I now live, about 250 acres, with house, etc. To son Jonathan "the farm I bought of Benjamin Sering, called the Brushy Ridge," 150 acres with house, and my possessions at the Great 194 Wills of Early Residents of Swamp. " My part of the saw mill is to be equally divided between Benoni and Jonathan so long as the saw mill stands, then the stream and dam are to be Benoni's." Mentions daughter Abigail, and grand daughter Hannah " who lives with me," " My grand daughter Abigail, daughter of Benoni." " To my son Jonathans eldest daughter £^, to buy her a gold chain and locket." Witnesses. Gershom Lockwood Abraham Hay John Rundle May 20, 1 76 1. Proved May 14, 1763. 362. Joseph Budd ^^^, Manor of Cortlandt. Provides for wife Ann. Leaves to eldest son Joseph ^10, and ;^30 " for the house he now dwell- eth in." Legacy to grand daughter Nancy Dusen bury, when 18. Makes sons Nicholas and Underhill, and John Strong executors. Mentions "John Gue of the Manor of Cortlandt." Witnesses. Amy Ketcham George Lane Solomon Lane Dated Sept. 18, 1761. Proved May 2, 1763. Westchester Co., N Y., / 664-/ 784. 195 363. Isaac Dolhagen. " Innholder." Directs a piece of salt meadow, bought of James Hunt, to be sold, and the " lower house and lot adjoining," and " the piece of salt meadow bought oi Joseph Palmer." His sons are to be put to trades when 14 years of age. (No names of children.) Makes wife Eunice and Joshua Pell executors. Witnesses. Thomas Butler Edmund Drake Joseph Drake Dated April 7, 1 763. Proved May 14, 1763. 364. Joshua Barnes,^^ Rye. Wife Sarah to have " the use of one of my houses where I now live." To oldest son John 5^ " over and above what I have given him by deed, dated " The ancestor of this branch of the Barnes family was Joshua Barnes, who was one of the earliest settlers in Southampton, L. I., and died there about 1690. He had a wife Amy and two sons, William and Samuel. His homestead was on the main street of Southampton, and is now owned by Wm. S. Pelletreau. Wm. Barnes removed to West chester shortly before June 11, 1685. Samuel Barnes remained in Southampton, and married Patience Williams, Nov. 9, 1676. He died about 1704, leaving a son Joshua, who sold his homestead to Captain Jechomiah Scott, March 22, 1706, and went to Jamaica, L. I., and from 196 Wills of Early Residents of March 17, 1745." To son 6a»2«^/" the piece of land where he hath built, and now lives, in Harrison's Purchase, bounded west by main road, south and east by Joh7t Thomas, north by Nathan Fields," 90 acres. Also " 20 acres, part of my Oblong Lot No, 19." Leaves to his grand sons Joshua and Samuel "sons of my eldest son Joshua deceased" Lot 19 on Oblong, except the 20 acres above mentioned. Legacies to " grand daughters. Patience wife of Abra- harn Gedney, and Mary daughter of my son Joshua deceased." To son Richard " all right of lands divided and undivided on the Island of Nassau " (Long Island). Legacies to daughters Elizabeth wife of Hicks Seaman, Patience wife of David Hal stead, Sarah wife oi Joshua Hatfield, and Mary wife of Isaac Birdsall. On June 16, 1763, " Having the above will read to me" he makes the following changes, and leaves to his grand daughters Mazy and Patience 40 acres of land in the Oblong Lot No. 19. Mary to have 22^^ and Patience lyi. At that time his "grand son Joshua had come of age and gone to sea." Witnesses. Thomas Halstead John Carhart Sept. 30, 1756. Proved Aug. 26, 1763. thence to Westchester County. He is probably the testator of the above will. For reference to his uncle. Captain Wm. Barnes, see No. 746. The " Oblong Lot No. 19" is in the town of Southeast, Putnam County, N. Y. Westchester Co., N. Y, / 664-/ 784. 197 365. rF" Leggett ^'^, Westchester. Leaves to wife Abigail £2,0, and " My Riding chair and chair horse, and all goods and chattels which she brought with her, and which did belong to her at the time when I married her." Leaves to son Abraham all real estate, houses and lands. Leaves to eldest son W'" ;^300. Legacies to daughters Mary, wife of Richard Lawrence, of Staten Island, Sarah Frasier, widow, (and her children W'", Sarah and Mary) and to Abraha7n, W"', Frances and Su sannah " children of my son John deceased." Witnesses. W" Stephenson Cornelius Willett John Bartow Dated Dec. 8, 1762. Proved May 21, 1763. Liber 24. P. 78. 366. John Hyatt, Manor of Cortlandt. Leaves to eldest son John " the farm he now liv- eth on, with an addition to it off the east end of my farm that I live on." To son Joshua " the farm I purchased of Andrew Barton." To son Silvanus "the farm I now live on," when he is 21. Legacies to daughters Elizabeth Stra7ig, Sarah, and Hannah. Provides for wife Sarah, and makes her and son 198 Wills of Early Residents of John, and Nathan Hyatt " of Manor of Cortlandt," executors. Witnesses. Ann Lane Benjamin Lord Joseph Strang April 22, 1760. Proved Aug. i, 1763. 367. John Holmes, Bedford. Leaves legacies to wife Jemima, son James and daughter Sarah. Leaves rest of personal estate to " my 5 daughters " Sarah, Rebecca, Lois, Eunice and Dorcas. Mentions " house " lot. Makes no disposi tion of real estate. Makes sons James and Stephen executors. Witnesses. John Miller Zebadiah Miller Justus Miller Dated Feb. 9, 1760. Proved June 8, 1763. 368. Adam Seaman, Rye. Leaves to " my five sons Adat/t, James, Israel, Richard and Samuel, all lands in New York, Con necticutt and elsewhere." Legacies to " my 4 Westchester Co., N. Y., / 664-/ 78 4. 199 daughters, Letitia wife oijohn Doughty, Jane, Han nah and Mary." Makes father in law James Pine and Richard Miller executors. May 25, 1757. Proved June 18, 1763. Liber 24. P. 136. 369. Wm. Leggett, Phillipsburg. Makes sons Elijah and Ezekiel executors, and gives them " my farm, with the consent of my Land lord." Leaves to sons W'", Isaac and John, and daughter Sarah £^0 when 21. Mentions "my father " (not named). Witnesses. Samuel Moore, "schoolmaster" Isaac Sherwood Sarah Eraser March 17, 1763. Proved June 25, 1763. 370. Moses Ward, Phillipsburg. Leaves to wife Sarah the use of his farm, and after her death it is to go " to fF" Veale, son of my brother in law John Veale." Leaves to wiie Sarah use of i the farm I have in partnership with Gilbert Ward, " until James Hill who now lives with me comes of age." " If he behaves well, and is kind to 200 Wills of Early Residents of her, he is to have the half ; but if he behave ill, and unkind, then she is to have it." Witnesses. John Bishop Ezekiel Vail W" Hooker Smith, "merchant" Dated Feb. 12, 1763. 371. A nne Budd, Manor of Cortlandt. "Widow oi Joseph Budd." Leaves legacies to eldest son Joseph, daughter Sarah, wife of John Gue of Duchess Co., sons Nicholas and Underhill, and grand daughter Nancy Dusinbury. Dated June 21, 1763. Proved Aug. 3, 1763. 372. John Ryder "of Turkeyhoe in Manor of Phillipsburg. " Leaves all estate to wife Bridget and son John. Legacy to grand daughter Bridget Bayley. Men tions "daughters" (not named). Witnesses. Edward Burling Joseph Sherwood Mary Buckaloe Aug. 14, 1752. Proved June 3, 1763. Westchester Co., N Y, / 664-/ 784. 201 373. Joseph Horton, White Plains. Leaves use of goods to wife Anne. To son Aza- riah, "my farm." Legacies to daughters Phebe, Patience and Hannah, " my hrother Ambrose Horton," Witnesses. Bartholomew Gedney Budd Carpenter Joshua Hatfield J" June 26, 1763. Proved Aug. 6, 1763. 374. John Crawford, Rye. " Farmer." Leaves use of personal property to wiie Sarah. To son John "my Great Bible. Also leaves him all real estate, if not sold to pay debts and legacies. Mentions daughters Susannah, Elizabeth, Mary and Phebe. Makes "Justice Charles Theall, and Mr. Maurice Smith of Rye" executors. Feb. 25, 1763. Proved Aug. 22, 1763. 375. Susannah Bishop, Manor of Phillipsburg. Leaves to son John " my Bible." Rest of prop erty to children Sarah Lyons, Susannah Ryder, 202 Wills of Early Residents of Jemima Styvers, Ann Wildby, Rebeca Drake, and Thomas, and grand dau^ter Jemima Lyons. June 12, 1763. Proved Sept. 10, 1763. 376. Dirck Storm, Manor of Phillipsburg. " My Improvements to be sold and divided among all my children " (not named). Makes wife Elizabeth and Hezekiah Seaman executors. Witnesses. Samuel Dean Hannah Van Tassell W" Davids, " farmer " Dec. 10, 1762. Proved Nov, 3, 1763, 377, Nathaniel Lane, Manor of Cortlandt. Leaves to wife Mary use of farm till son Nathan is 21. To son George, my farm in Phillipse Upper Patent, and 10 acres of my farm in Cortlandt Manor. Beginning at the north west corner and running south 50 rods to the Springs, and then east till it makes 10 Westchester Co., N. Y., / 664-/ 78 4. 203 acres square. To son Nathan the rest of my farm. Mentions "my 6 daughters" (not named). Witnesses. John Hyatt Samuel Haight Joseph Lane Oct. 15, 1763. 378. John Brown,^^ Northcastle. " Mill wright." Leaves to wife Elizabeth " the use of my Great room in my dwelling house." To son Benjamin "all my farm and buildings in North Castle." Legacies to son Asa, and daughter Zuriah. Witnesses. Nathaniel Brown Samuel Quimby, " farmer" Caleb Fowler Sept. I, 1760. Proved Jan. 13, 1764. 379. Richard Hutchings, Northcastle. Leaves to wife (not named) the use of house and lands for 5 years to bring up the children ; then, lands to be sold. Mentions sons Isaac, Jacob and John, *' The family of Brown are descended from Thomas Brown, Esq., of Rye, Sussex County, England, who emigrated to Concord, 1632. His sons were Thomas and Hackaliah, who settled in Rye. Thomas died in 1694; Hackaliah in 1700. 204 Wills of Early Residents of and daughter Sarah. " The sons when old enough, are to be put out to learn Trades or mysteries." Makes James Hunter and Zephaniah Birdsall executors. Witnesses. Peter Huggeford K. Kinicutt Caleb Huestis, "school master" Proved Feb. n, 1764. 380. Ephraim Waring, Bedford. Leaves to wife Grace house and lands. Leaves to "my loving cousin Benjami7t Waring^'' 5^ Witnesses. Abijah Scoville John Manyard, "yeoman" Dated March 19, 1763. Proved Feb. 25, 1764. 381. John Hall, Northcastle. Leaves personal property to wife Elizabeth, and sons Thomas, Abraham, Magnus, W"' and Isaac. Witnesses. Tideman Hall Sarah Barlow John Clapp Dated March 25, 1763. Proved April 25, 1764. Westchester Co., N. Y, / 664-/ 784. 205 382. W"' Matthews, Phillipsburg. "21'' of the 4th month called April." Leaves to son Henry "the Improvements I now live on." Legacies to wife Ruth, and children Annanias, Naomai, Rosana, Dia7ia, Johanah and Ruth. Proved May 2, 1 764. 383. Moses Hunt, Eastchester. Leaves to son Benjamin his house, land and fresh meadow, " which land lyeth to the Mile Square road, and Bronx river, and so far down the river, as to where there is a Great Bend, and a hollow in ye Bend, from thence east across to the fence that joins the road from White Plains to Kings Bridge, and so up by the river to the Mile Square road." Also i of my salt meadow at the Hammocks. To son Timo thy " all land south of the Great Bend in the river," and i the salt meadow. Legacies to sons Gilead and Reuben, and to daughters Mary Yeamans, Rebecca Gee, Sarah Oakley, Martha Tibbett, Vinnus Oakley, and Phebe Oakley. Mentions " my son W'" Oakley." Witnesses. John Sneden Stephen Sneden Samuel Sneden June 30, 1760. Proved May 21, 1764. 2o6 Wills of Early Residents of 384. Nathan Kniffen, Rye. Leaves to wife Deborah " the use of the Great room, and she is to have 12 bushels of bread corn (rye), 6 bushels of wheat and 6 bushels of Indian corn, each year.'' Leaves to son Amos 2 tracts of land, " one bounded west by his own land, south by Zephaniah Brown, north by the meadow of my son Nehemiah, east by Andrew and Gerritt Merritt, the other lying on the south side of my homestead, bounded east by the Post road, south by Henry Tay lor, west by Jonathan Kniffen, north by land of my son Nehemiah, and commonly known as Rodgers Lot." Leaves to son Nehemiah " my house and homestead, bounded east by Kings road, north by Jonathan Kniffen, south by land given to Amos Kniffen, west by Henry Taylor!' Also meadow bounded north by Kings road. Legacy to daughter Elizabeth, wife of Jonathan Carhart. To grand son Caleb Kniffen the house and land where his father Caleb lived, bounded east by a road leading down to the Saw Pit, west by a road leading into Kings street, and south by Jonathan Kniffen. Mentions son Nathan. Oct. 27, 1 76 1. Proved April 7, 1 764. Westchester Co., N. Y, / 664-/784. 207 385. Jeremiah Caniff, Phillipsburg. Leaves to son Richard the farm where I now live, and he is to pay to John Shute £10. Rest to sons John, Jonas and James, and daughters Ann Shute and Elizabeth Hunt. May II, 1763. Proved May 28, 1764. 386. Charity Haviland, Harrison' s Purchase. " Daughter of Benjamin Haviland deceased." Leaves to her brother Benjamin, 5^ as heir at law. Legacies to mother Elizabeth, and sisters Abigail Haight, Mary Stedwell, Sophia, Charlotte, Sarah, and to brother y<7^«. Witnesses. Roger Haviland Elizabeth Haviland George Harris, "school master" Dated March 22, 1763. Proved June 4, 1 764. 387. Stillwell Emmons, Yonkers. Directs all lands in Westchester, and Rights in the Sheep Pasture to be sold. Legacies to brother 2o8 Wills of Early Residents of Thomas and his daughter Sarah. When the latter is 21, " the land my father gave me is to be sold, and the money given to Fanny Emmons and Abraham Emmons." April 25, 1764. Proved July 16, 1764. 388. James Morgan, Eastchester. Leaves to son Caleb all lands and fresh meadow, lying on both sides of the road leading from East chester to John Pine's mill. Mentions son James, "my daughter in law Susannah Morga7z, and her daughter," " Caleb Morgan son of my son Caleb!' "James son of my son James." Leaves to " Charles, son of Charles Morgan, my lot of salt meadow at the Pines." June 4, 1764. Proved July 28, 1764. 389. John Runnels, Northcastle. Leaves to wife Hannah the best room in house. Executors are to sell all real estate. Mentions sons Robert, John, Joseph, Richeson, Sutto7i, and A7idrew, and daughter Margaret Purdy, " my grand son Rich- Westchester Co., N. Y., / 664-/784. 209 eson, son of my son Richeson." Makes son Robert and son in law Andrew'Purdy executors. June 14, 1764. Proved Oct. 2, 1 764. 390. Ebenezer Hutchins, Bedford. Legacies to wiie Johana and sons Richard, Daniel, Ebenezer, Smith, Gilbert, and JaTnes, and daughter Johana. Witnesses. Eliphalet Ball D" Peter Fleming John Wescot J" Dated Aug. 3, 1 764. 391. Ebenezer Jones, Yonkers. Provides for wife Martha, and leaves rest of prop erty to daughter Jean. Makes Thomas Valentine executor. Witnesses. Daniel Oakley John Christopher Ambrister James Hop Dated April 26, 1764. Proved Sept. 18, 1764. 2 ID Wills of Early Residents of 392. W" Foster, Manor of Cortlandt. Leaves all property to wife Abigail, and children Hannah, Thomas, W"", and John. Witnesses. Daniel Seaman John Drake Gilbert Ackerley, "farmer" Feb. 10, 1764. Proved Nov. 24, 1764. Liber 25. P, 7, 393, Higgenbotham Gregg, Mamaroneck. " Mariner," Leaves property to wife Elizabeth, Leaves to his brother W"" £10 "for Navigation Instruments." To James " Navigation Books and Instruments." April 13, 1764. Proved Oct, 29, 1764. 394. Peter Percutt," New Rochelle, Leaves to sister Jane Seacord all lands for life, and then to her children. To his mother Elizabeth £200, " He was a descendant of Peter Percutt, who was born in France, 1663. He was in New Rochelle in 1710, and had wife Catharine and children John, Andrew, Sarah, Judy, and Hester. The testator was probably a son of John Percutt. Westchester Co., N, Y., /664-/784. 211 mentions " my father in law Benjamin Seacord," " my uncle James Bonet," "my cousin John son oijohn Percutt," " my God child Peter Chatterton, when 21," "my cousin Abraham Seacord," "my sister Jane Seacord s children Elizabeth and Jane." Makes " my cousin Peter" and John Bo7iet executors. Dated July 30, 1764. Proved Dec, i, 1764, 395, Israel Pinck7iey, Eastchester. Executors are to sell all estate. Mentions wife (not named), son W"', and daughters Rachel wife of Jacob Post J^ and Isabel. Proved Feb. 18, 1765. 396. Deliverance Acker, Phillipsburg. Leaves to son Stephen " my new gun and sword." Mentions wife and children (not na7ned) and son John. Makes Wolfert Acker and Benjamin BrowTi executors. Dated Dec. 20, 1764. Proved Feb. 6, 1765. 397. Richardson Rumtels, Northcastle. All estate to be sold, and proceeds given to wife (not named) and sons Richardson, Jesse 2 1 2 Wills of Early Residents of and John. Makes brothers Robert and John ex ecutors. Dated Dec. i, 1764. Proved April 4, 1765. (See No. 389.) 398. Ephraim Raymond, Bedford. Leaves to wife Mary use of house and land dur ing widowhood, and 10 acres with meadow on the south side of the way. Legacies to sons Thaddeus and Ephraim. Leaves to son Ebenezer all land on the north side of the highway, where I now live, bounded east by Ephraim Raymond J^, north by Elias Seeley, west by Ebenezer RaymoTid. To son Samuel, " land on the south side of the highway against where I now live," bounded north and west by highways, south by Ephraim Raymond J'' and Joseph Cloke, east hy Joseph Cloke. Mentions daugh ter Ann Fairchild, and Mary Reade, and " my grand daughter Sarah that I brought up." Feb. 6, 1765. Proved April i, 1765. 399. James Collard, Morrisania. Leaves to wife (7iot TiaTned) use of estate. Leaves to son Jacob " my silver hiked sword and Pistols." Rest to " my 12 children " W'", Michael, James, Isaac, Westchester Co., N Y, / 664-/ 78 4. 213 John, Jacob, Mary, Jane, Keturah, Susannah, Rebecca and Margaret. Witnesses. John Lading YORST DE BE VoiS James De Graw Aug. 10, 1763. Proved April 29, 1765. 400. Catharine Barbaric, Ma7naroneck. " Widow." Leaves to step daughter Elizabeth Allene " my gold watch," and leaves to her and " niece Elizabeth, daughter of my hrother Andrew," all other property. Oct. 3, 1760. Proved Sept. 25, 1765. 401. Elizabeth Strang, Rye. " Widow of Henry Strang!' Leaves legacies to son Daniel and daughters Lavinia and Elizabeth, wife of Richard Van Dyck of New York and Ha7inah. Makes " my brother in law James Wood" executor. Witnesses. Roger Wood Elijah Budd John Carhart May 6, 1 764. Proved May 3, 1765, 214 Wills of Early Residents of 402. W"" Merritt, Mamaroneck. " My body to be buried in a solemn and Christian like manner, avoiding all the funeral ceremonies and corrupt customs of the world, particularly that un necessary, unsuitable custom, of handing strong liquor about amongst those who come together upon such a solemn occasion, by which those occasions which call for solemn meditation upon the awful subjects of eternity, are perverted and made sources of Worldly Pomp and gratification ; against which I have often borne my testimony while living and now bear my last testimony." Leaves to wife Mary the use of h of lands. The other \ to be sold and proceeds divided among my children (not named). Dated " the 4th Day of the 6th month called June " 1 762. Makes Edward BttrliTig of Long Reach and his son Edward Burling executors. Witnesses. Elizabeth Townsend Elizabeth Townsend -J" Ebenezer Haviland Proved March 8, 1 766, by the affirmation of Eliza beth Townsend, " being of the People called Quakers." 403. James Gedney, Rye. Leaves wife Phebe use of house. To son Solomon Westchester Co., N. Y, /664-/784. 215 all homestead lands and buildings. Legacies to sons Isaac, James, Caleb and Jonathan. Jan. 24, 1765. Proved March 18, 1766. 404. Patrick Carryl, Westchester. Leaves to wife Maria7ine and daughter Ann Tall- man " my small library of books." Makes wife and Whitehead Hicks ^"^, Hugh Gaine and Ebenezer Havi land executors. Dated July 4, 1765. Proved March 22, 1766. 405. fF" Willett J\^^ Rye. Leaves legacies to " my brother y?^;/ Thomas ^'^," " my sisters Margaret wife of David Jones ^"^ and Gloriana wife of Edward Stevenson ^^^, my brother Gilbert Colden!' Leaves rest of lands in Rye and in Ulster Co. to his father W'^ Willett. Nov. 28, 1755. Proved Dec. 30, 1765. 406. Thomas Kirkum, manor of Cortlandt. Leaves personal property to daughter Mary Slow, '' He was grandson of Hon. Thomas Willett, who was Judge of Queens Co., 1710-30. His sister Abigail married John Thomas, Esq. See will of Isaac Willett. 2i6 Wills of Early Residents of grandson ThoTnas Farrington, wife Esther, sons Thomas and Zebediah. Dated Nov. 2, 1761. Proved Oct. 29, 1 765. 407. John Tayler, Rye. Leaves to wife Sarah use of house and lands for life, then i to Henry Tayler eldest son of my eldest son He7iry, the other \ " to all my sons"(«^/ named). Makes wife and SaTnuel Bowne executors. March 28, 1766. Proved June 4, 1766. 408. Josiah Cook, Northcastle. "This 7th day of 9th month called September." Leaves all lands to sons James, Jacob, George and Isaac. Legacies to wife Rebecca, and daughters Rhoda, Elizabeth, Hannah, Martha and Deborah. Mentions " my cousin Tho7nas son of Henry Frank lin late of Greenwich." Proved June 4, 1766. 409. Joh7t Ged7iey, Scarsdale. Leaves to son Elijah all lands in Scarsdale. Use of household goods to wife Mary. Legacies to sons Bartholomew and John. Mentions daughters Westchester Co., N. Y, / 664-/ 784. 217 Mary, Martha, Ruth, Esther, and children of my daw^ter Anna, deceased, "my brother ycy^^." March 13, 1765. Proved Oct. n, 1766. 410. John Butler, Phillipsburg. Leaves personal property to wife Eleanor, and sons Henry and Robert. March 18, 1763. Proved July 10, 1765. 411. Isaac Bockhart, Phillipsburg. Leaves legacies to daughter Mary and wife Antie. Rest of property to children John and Rachel "which 1 had by my first wife." Makes brother John and brother in law Stephen Ecker executors. Witnesses. Jacob Conckling Garrit Crankheyt Wolfert Ecker Dated May 30, 1764. Proved Oct. 10, 1765. 412. George Jewell, Phillipsburg. Provides for wife Martha, and leaves legacy to 2 1 8 Wills of Early Residents of son Staats. Rest of property to sons fF", Abraham, Isaac, John. Nov. 17, 1759. 413. Mary Neufville, New Rochelle. Leaves legacies to nephew Jo h7i, eldest son of my brother John Neufville, deceased, John son of my sister Prudence Bonin, deceased, brother in law James De Bley, my sister Martha De Bley. July 25, 1758. Proved June 28, 1766. 414. Jonathan Archer,^'* Eastchester. Directs that " 20 acres of my land adjoining land of Timothy Hunt, which I bought of my son in law Stephen Fowler!' to be sold, and my son in law Stephen Fowler is to have all the rest of the land I bought of him, June 27, 1764. To son Ezekiel 2!^ other houses and lands. Legacy to son John, grand son Caleb Archer, and to daughter Abigail wife of Joshua Pell. Dated Sept. 26, 1 764. Proved Aug. 2, 1766. "¦' He was son of John Archer, the third son of John Archer, the sec ond Proprietor of the Manor of Fordham. His daughter Sarah married Stephen Fowler. Westchester Co., N. Y, / 664-/ 784, 219 415. Daniel Haines, Rye. Leaves legacies to grand daughter Esther Miller, and to wife (not named) and to daughter Rebecca Waring, Rest of estate to sons Gedney and David, when 21. Makes wife and brother James executors. Witnesses. Mathew Hunt W" Cochran Richard Budd, " school master " Oct. 27, 1765. Proved Sept. 29, 1766. 416. Anthony Hill, Manor of Cortlandt. Leaves personal property to wife Elizabeth, and daughters Elizabeth and Mary. Makes brother An drew Hill, and Joseph Wallis executors. May 26, 1766. Proved Aug. 25, 1766. 4 1 7. Thomas Carpenter, Harrison s Purchase. Leaves all property to sons Thomas and Isaac, and 2 20 Wills of Early Residents of to daughters Martha wife of Thomas Park and Freelove wife of Thomas Marsh. Witnesses. Gilbert Bloomer James Oakley Hezekiah Doolittle J" Dated Aug. 29, 1766. Proved Sept. 12, 1766. 418. Hercules Lent of Ryckes Patent. " Being blind and weak." Leaves to eldest son Jacob Lent £2^ " in consideration of his birth right. Also the farm he now lives on, 350 acres, lying in the southeast part of a tract of land granted to my father Ryck Abraha7nse Le7tt, and is commonly called Ryckes Patent, and by the Indian name Sackhoes." Leaves to son Hendrick Lent " the farm where I live, 350 acres in the southwest part," and \ of a piece of meadow in the Highlands in Orange Co. called John Rant's meadow. Also \ oi a piece of meadow in Duchess Co. on the north side of a cer tain hill called Anthony's Nose. Leaves to son AbrahaTn Lent, the farm where he lives, 350 acres, on the north side of the land devised to my son He7i- drick, and the other half of the meadow in Orange Co. and i the meadow in Duchess Co. Leaves " to my 4 grand children, children of my daughter Chris- Westchester Co., N. Y, / 664-/ 784. 221 Una, viz. Abraham, John, Lea, and Rachel Lamb, ^100. To daughter Elizabeth Lent £100. Leaves to daughter Rachel wiie of James Lamb all lands in Orange Co. known by the name of Stony PoiTit, and as much land on the north side of my land as will make the whole 382 acres." Leaves to daughter Catharine wife of Hendrick De Ronde 382 acres of land in Orange Co. bounded south by the North West Line, and Stony Point, and east by Hudson river, and north by land devised to daughter Rachel. Witnesses. Philip Ver Planck James Ver Planck Jacobus Kronkhuyt Abraham Kronkhuyt Dated April 10, 1765. Proved Nov. 13, 1766. 419. Joseph Osburn, SaleTn. Leaves to wife Rachel and daughter Mary the use of i the house, etc. Leaves to son Nathan the house and land after wife's decease, and the land on the plain, being the west part of my land adjoining Cortlandt Manor. Dated March 12, 1766. Proved Nov. 10, 1766. 222 Wills of Early Residents of 420. Moses Brundige, Northcastle. Directs estate to be sold and the proceeds to be paid to wife Mary, and children John, Jeremiah and Eunice. Makes " my lowing uncle Joshua Brundige oi Rye" executor. Sept. 9, 1766. Proved Nov. 3, 1 766. 421. Frederick Brown, Phillipsburg. " Farmer." " It is my will, with the permission of Col. Frederick Phillipse ^^^, the owner, that my wife Joanna should have the farm and the Improvements, and that at her death my son Evert should have the same, according to the custom and after the manner of holding farms in the Manor of Phillipsburg."^ Mentions sons John and Isaac, and daughters Eleanor, Rebecca, and Hannah. Dated Jan. 12, 1766. Proved Feb. 17, 1767. ""The leases for farms in the Manor of Phillipsburg were mostly "life leases," and on the death of the tenant the land and the "im provements " reverted to the landlord. After the Revolution the whole Manor was confiscated, and the various farms were sold at auc tion by the Commissioners of Forfeiture, and in most cases were pur chased by the tenants. Westchester Co., N. Y., / 664-/ 78 4. 223 422. Isaac Vermillie, Yonkers. "Advanced in years." Leaves to son John his dwelling house and meadows, etc. Mentions sons Isaac and Petrus, and daughters Altie Teller, Martie Teller, Sarah Valentine, Rebecca Dyckman, and Han nah Odell. Dated March i, 1748. Proved March 5, 1767. 423. Susana Nodine, Yonkers. Leaves property to daughters Judea Jacobs and Elizabeth Pinckney. " To my grandson Lewis son of my daughter Judea, my gun." " To son Peter my oyster rake." " My grand daughter Elizabeth daughter of my son Peter Nodine." Witnesses. Evert Bussing W" Betts Jan. 19, 1762. Proved Nov. 30, 1762. 424. Israel Honeywell, Westchester. Leaves to son Israel the rest of the farm in West chester, that I bought of Tunis and Philip Pell, also 224 Wills of Early Residents of my silver watch. Legacies to daughters Anne wife of Nathaniel Underhill, and Phebe. To wife Martha the use of house and movables. Leaves to son Gilliard all houses and lands in Westchester except as above. Mentions son Stephen and brother Richard. Witnesses. John Williams Nathaniel Underhill Stephen Williams Feb. I, 1743. Proved Dec. 7, 1762. 425. Joseph Reynolds, Northcastle. Leaves to brother John my part of the lot that lies joining to Mahanus meadows, 5 acres, with the right of 50 acres, that my brother y(3/^« and I bought of our honored father John Reynolds. Leaves rest of lands to brother Robert. Leaves to sister De borah ^20. Witnesses. John Ferris Benoni Platt W" Sutherland Jan. 15, 174^. Proved Oct. 9, 1762. Westchester Co., N. Y, / 664-/ 784. 225 426. W"" Hammond, Phillipsburg. Leaves to wife Esther use of Improvements. Leaves to son Jesse aiter wife's decease, all of his Improvements, and he is to take care of his brothers W'" and AbrahaTn " having not their naterall sences." Mentions " my father in law W"' Davids." Witnesses. David Davids Gilbert Horton Harman Davids Jan. 15, 1762. Proved Dec. 20, 1762. 427. Deliverance Concklin, Phillipsburg. " My wife Allea shall stay in my improvements and have control of all belonging to me. My son Matthew is to stay during good behavior. If he takes good care of my wife then he is to have all the improvements." Mentions daughter Deliverance wife oi Jacob Dyckman, my brother in law fF" Davids. Witnesses. Thomas Vibart Daniel Harman W" Davids June 18, 1762. Proved Dec. 20, 1762. 2 26 Wills of Early Residents of 428. Nathaniel Huson, Phillipsburg. " Being a soldier gowing up to gard the Frontaires, in the New York Ridgemint." Leaves to brother Thomas all estate real and personal." " If he should die before I make another will, then to go to my 2 sisters Abigail and Mary." Makes W"' Pugsby and Joseph ToTnpkins ^'' executors. Witnesses. Robert Graham Gilbert Drake W" Davids May 20, 1 761. Proved Jan. 29, 1763. 429. Henry Griffin, Rye. Leaves to wife Amy bed and bedding. Leaves to eldest son Benjamin ;^ioo " which may appear to be his by his uncle's will." Mentions son W"^ and daughters Jane and Ann. Makes wife and brothers BcTijamin and W'" executors. Witnesses. Margaret Hains Joseph Hains Maurice Smith Jan. 3, 1763. Proved Jan. 31, 1763. Westchester Co., N. Y., / 664-/ 78 4. 227 430. Sarah Palmer, Eastchester. "Widow." Leaves to son Jasper £1 when 21. All rest to son Joshua when 21. Makes my brother in law Joseph Drake and Edmund Ward executors. Mentions " my 3 sisters " (tioI named). Witnesses. W" Crawford Edward Fowler Joseph Drake June 5, 1762. Proved Feb. 15, 1763. Liber 22. P. 689. 431. Jonathan Lane, Manor of Cortlandt. Leaves to sons Gilbert and Isaac " my tenement farm which I now have in possession." Leaves to wife (not named) all movables, and she is to pay half the rent for farm. Leaves legacy to son Jona than y*". Witnesses. Ebenezer White John Field Nicholas Budd, " farmer " Sept. 22, 1769. Proved Nov. 4, 1769. Liber 27. P. 196. 2 28 Wills of Early Residents of 432. Caleb Hunt, Eastchester. Leaves to wife Sarah " all rights in the place we now live on, which was her father's Capt. W'" Pinck ney." To son Thomas i my land at City Island,^"- and to daughter Eleanor Williams the other half. Mentions John Hunt son of Capt. John Hunt, " my grand son Stephen Williams." Makes wife and Ben jamin Drake executors. March 3, 1769. Proved Dec. 12, 1769, 433. Stephen Hoyt, Bedford. Leaves to wife Martha " use of house and land, to bring up the children." All houses and lands to be sold when youngest child is 21. " The island called ' ' Great Minnief ord's Island " was a part of the Manor of Pelham, and was sold by John Pell to John Smith of Brook lyn, December ii, 1685. Itwas afterward owned by Amos Dodge, who sold it to Samuel Rodman, June 22, 1753, for ^^2300. He sold it to John Jones of Jamaica, June i, 1755. It was next owned by Joseph Palmer, who sold it to his brother Benjamin, June 19, 1761. The project of making the site for a new city was started in the fall of 1761. A map was made, and the whole island divided into 30 shares, and sold to various parties, of whom Caleb Hunt was one. The whole made 4500 house lots, each 25 x 100, besides two squares of 30 lots each for public buildings. The price paid for lots was ;,f 10. It took the name of " City Island," which it has ever since retained. Westchester Co., N. Y., /664-/784. 229 Mentions son Stephen and other children (not named). Makes Matthew Fountain executor. Witnesses. Nehemiah Lounsbury Joseph Owens Jeremiah Lounsbury, "farmer" Dated Feb. 7, 1770. Proved March 3, 1770. 434. Phebe Wilson, Rye. " Widow." Legacies to sons Jonathan, Andrew, Roger and Benjamin. Witnesses. Joseph Wilson John Purdy, "farmer" Jan. 26, 1770. Proved Feb. 2, 1770. 435. Caleb Horton, White Plains. Leaves to wife Hannah the use of house and 3 pieces of land, one where the house stands and one where my barn stands, and the other on the west side of the road opposite the barn. Executors are to sell land bought of James Wood, and the farm after death of wife. Mentions grand sons Caleb 230 Wills of Early Residents of Horton and Caleb Barker. Leaves legacies to daughters Sarah, Anne, Hannah, Jane and Eliza beth, and to sons Gilbert, Underhill, Isaac and Abra ham. " My son Underhill is gone from me, but if he returns he is to have an equal share." Makes James Horton ^^ and John Townsend executors. Dated March 26, 1770. Proved Aug. 29, 1770. 436. Hannah Griffin J'', Mamaroneck. Leaves to " my cousin John Griffin son of my brother yi?^;?, my house and land in Mamaroneck, ly ing between the lands of Robert Coles and the lands of the Palmers, which I bought of GideoTt Florence, 15 acres." To my cousin Sarah daughter of my sister Jemima Cooley deceased, yio. Mentions "the daughters of my sister Jemima Cooley deceased, daughters of my sister Mary wife of Thomas Veal, daughters of Elizabeth wife oi John Ferris, children of Sarah wife of Doughty Dole, daughters of Ann wife of James Hustis -^^ " my brothers John and Joseph." Aug. 10, 1770. Proved Aug. 31, 1770. Westchester Co., N. Y, / 664-/ 784. 231 437. Peter Vallade, New Rochelle. Leaves all estate to " my honored mother in law Mary Dyslean, now residing with me and my wife." Makes Lewis Pintard of New York ex ecutor. Witnesses. Elias Bowdinot John Ricketts James Spellem July 21, 1767. Proved Oct. 13, 1770. 438. Thomas Marsh, Harrison s Purchase. Leaves to wife Freelove use of personal property. To daughter Anne " all that part of my land in Har rison! s Purchase and Rye, beginning at the bounds be tween Thomas Carpenter and me, and running straight to the road that leads from Harrison s Purchase to Robert Bloomer's mill, then along the road to land of Thomas Lyon ^'', and along his land to land of Joseph Merritt -^^ and along his land to land of Stephen Sherwood, and then along land of Thomas Carpenter to beginning. This is left to her for life, then to my grand son Samuel Lyon, son of my daughter Anne." Leaves to grand daughter Sarah Lyon all the rest of lands with dwelling house. 232 Wills of Early Residents of Leaves to grand daughter Phebe Lyon ;^ioo. Makes George Harris executor. Witnesses. Ebenezer Haviland Gilbert Brundige Jotham Wright April 14, 1770. Proved Oct. 3, 1770. 439. Peter De Lancey, Westchester. Leaves to wife Elizabeth " use of dwelling house and lot in New York, now in occupation of Mr. Colden, Postmaster, and the other lots of ground adjoining in occupation of Mr. SchcTick and others.*'' The better to enable her to support and maintain my children till they are of age." Then they are to be sold, and my executors are to sell all houses, mills and lands in Westchester, and all proceeds are to go to children Stephen, JohTi, Peter, James, Oliver, Anne, Alice, Elizabeth, Susanna and Jane. Witnesses. Samuel Chambers Mills Hitchcock John Bartow Dated Aug. 20, 1760. '^ Peter De Lancey was son of Stephen De Lancey and Anne his wife, daughter of Stephen 'Van Cortlandt. Westchester Co., N. Y., 1 664-/78 4. 233 A codicil states that a son Warren De Lancey has been born since the above will was made, and he is to have an equal share. " And whereas since the making of this will, I have purchased sundry parcels of land " he leaves these to his children. Witnesses to codicil. Samuel Seabury Jeremiah Regan John Bartow Proved Oct. 24, 1770. Liber 27. P. 419. 440. Marlines May, Phillipsburg. Leaves to grandson Marlines son of Marlines Van Wart " my Dutch stove and my setting chair with two arms." Rest of property to his 4 children Elijah Storm, Mary Clements, Anna Van Wart and Marie Boys. Witnesses. John Bockhout Walter Hier W" Davids, " farmer " Dated Aug. 20, 1768. Proved Sept. 21, 1770. 441. Robert Reed, Yonkers. " Farmer." Provides for wife Jane. Leaves to son Isaac ;^ioo. Legacies to children Jacob, Archer, 234 Wills of Early Residents of John, Phebe, Elijah and Jane. Leaves to son Robert "my farm by the consent of my Land Lord." Makes wife Jane, son Robert and Abraham Odell executors. Not dated. Witnesses. Vincent Fowler Frederick Fowler Cornelius McCarthy Proved Sept. i8, 1770. 442. Joyakum Van Wart,^^ Phillipsburg. Leaves wife Rachel use of \ the farm. Legacies to grand daughters Christina Concklin, Catrine Van Wart daughter oi John Van Wart. Leaves rest of estate to sons Gerritt, John and Jacob, and to the children of his daughter Catrine who was the wife of Deliverance Concklin, and children of AbrahaTn Van Wart deceased, and to Mary wife of Daniel Martlinghs. Leaves to son John " the farm, with the consent of the Lord of the Manor." Witnesses. Glod Requa, " farmer " Samuel Hustis Jacob Van Wart June 21, 1770. Proved Sept. 18, 1770. " He was a descendant of Joachim 'Van Waert, who was living on the Manor of Phillipsburg in 1694. He was probably the grandfather of Isaac Van Wart, born Oct. 25, 1762, died May 23, 1828, and famous as one of the captors of Major Andr6. Westchester Co., N. Y, / 664-/ 7 8 4. 235 443, Thomas Lyons, Rye. Leaves to wife Martha use of dwelling house. To son Thomas " a lot of land Lying west of the street or road beginning at the south corner by Gilbert Miller's land, by a street, and running north to Tho7nas Howell's land, to my upper lot against my house, from thence east to King's street, and down said street to beginning. Also another piece east of my homestead, beginning at the southeast corner and running north along my homestead, until it comes to the corner of the lane, and from thence east to Byram river." To son Andrew " my house and homestead, including my house and the house he hath built, and running along Samuel Brown's land, and the land given to my son Thomas to Byram river." " Also a lot opposite to my house. Also all my lands lying between Samuel Browns land and Byram river, and running up the river by Joseph and Benjamin Wilson's land and Samuel Brown's land, about 60 or 70 acres." And 50 acres on east side of Byram river in Greenwich. My lands and meadows on Menursink island are to be sold. Mentions children of my daughter Phebe late wife of Samuel Wilson deceased. Children of my daughter Mary wife of Abraham Miller deceased, my daugh ter Abigail wife of Daniel Merritt, and Jemima wife oi JaTnes Seaman. Dated Nov. 5, 1770. Proved Dec. 13, 1770. 236 Wills of Early Residents of 444. Simon Outhouse, Westchester. Legacies to wife Anna, and daughters Hellitia, Leonar, Ann and Mary. Leaves to son Simon all lands and improvements I have a right to in North Castle, 55 acres, and a piece of wood land of 40 acres. Leaves son John 5^ Witnesses. Job Wright Daniel Miller June 8, 1761. Proved Dec. 14, 1770. 445. JoliTi Townsend, Mamaroneck. Property to be sold by executors. Mentions wife Elizabeth, daughter Elizabeth Pinckney, "my kins man Isaac Gedney blacksmith." Makes his brother George and Samuel Townsend executors. Mentions " Richard and John sons of my brother George!' Witnesses. George and Thomas Townsend April, 1767. Proved Jan. 25, 1771. 446. JoliTi PiTie, Eastchester. Leaves legacies to wife Jane, and daughters Phebe and Hannah. Rest of property to son James Westchester Co., N. Y, / 664-/ 784. 237 when 21. Makes yj^w Townsend and Peter Bennitt executors. Dated Dec. 23, 1770. Proved Feb. 4, 1771. 447. Isaac Gedney, MamaroTieck. Leaves to son Caleb the lot of land bought of Con rad Cover. To son Joshua " the lot he lives on called Hopper's Lot." To son Isaac the house where I now live and all other lands. Legacies to daughters Phebe, Miriam, Ann Horton, Mary Seacord. " I make Isaac Gedney, blacksmith, and his brother Caleb " executors. Witnesses. Caleb Purdy Job Hedden Caleb Purdy ^^ Feb. 16, 1 77 1. Proved March 26, 1771. 448. Thomas Hunt, Eastchester. Leaves all estate to his mother Sarah. Mentions Benjamin Hunt, Martha Vail, Freelove WilliaTns, Philip Palmer. Witnesses. Benjamin Drake Hannah Drake Daniel White Oct. 29, 1770. Proved Nov. 6, 1770. 238 Wills of Early Residents of 449. Susannah Mercier, New Rochelle. "Widow of Isaac Mercier — advanced in years." Leaves to grandson JaTnes Besley, eldest son of my son in law Oliver Besley, " all the rent he hath had in my house in New Rochelle, for some years past." Mentions grand daughters Ann, wife of Peter Flan dreau, Susanna wife of JohTt Gerrineau, my niece Mary Ann Ferris, and grand daughter Mary Besley. Executors are to sell all real estate. Mentions " my grand daughter Susannah Goodwin, Mary daughter of Oliver Besley, Mary Ami Boyd, Ann Flandreau, SusaTiah Garineau daughter of my son in law W"' Le Conte deceased. My son in law Oliver Besley!' and my friend Peter Flandreau executors. Witnesses. Jeremiah Mabie W" Adams Proved Jan. 14, 1771. 450. fF"* Anderson, Phillipsburg. Provides for wife Dorcas. Directs farm to be sold. Legacies to daughters Mary Acker- TTtaTi, Elizabeth BousmaTi, Dorcas STiiffin, and Westchester Co., N. Y, /664-/784. 239 grand son James Dean. Rest to sons W"" and Nathaniel. Witnesses. W" Field Thomas Champenais Caleb Huestis May 2, 1766. Proved Feb. 5, 1771, 451, Harman Yorckse, Phillipsburg. Leaves to son W"" and his children " the farm in Phillipsburg where I now live." Mentions " children of my son John," "children of my daughter Angeltie Jewell!' " child of my daughter Altie Martling," "children of my daughter Mary Dean," " my daugh ters Jane Hilliker and Margaret Van Wart, Eliza beth Champenais and Catharine Graviston," " my son in law Thomas Champenais," "son in law Thomas Dean!' May 7, 1 769. Proved June 19, 1771. 452. Magdalene Stouff e, New Rochelle. "Widow." Mentions nephews Theodore and Daniel Frezerut of Charleston, S. C, "my grand nephew Daniel Bourdeaux son of my nephew James 240 Wills of Early Residents of Bordeaux of Charleston, S. C." Makes James De Bley and Peter Vellada executors. Dated Aug. 8, 1768. Proved May 25, 1771. 453. Hendrick Van Tassel, Phillipsburg. Leaves to sons John and Hendrick all his Improve ments. Legacies to daughter Mary and grand daughter Baithy Stymers. Makes wife Balitie, Peter BoTit and Cornelius Van Tassel executors. Mentions having a claim to lands on Long Island. Witnesses. John Embers Thomas Buys Robert Graham March i, 1771. Proved April 3, 1771, 454, Henry Disbrow,^* Mamaroneck. Leaves to son Henry " my silver headed cane and Great Bible." Legacy to son John. Executors are to sell land bought of Nehemiah Palmer and salt meadow, " and the lot that lyeth between James Mott's land, and the house that was CoL Heathcote' s!' " He was a descendant of Peter Disbrow, one of the first proprietors of Rye in 1660. Henry Disbrow was born 1730. He married Elizabeth Pell. His son Henry was bom February 25, 1755, and died in 1825. Westchester Co., N. Y, / 664-/ 784. 241 Makes my cousin BenjaTnin Griffin, my cousin JohTt- Hadden and Isaac Gedney, blacksmith, executors. Witnesses. Ephraim Avery Isaac Kniffin Jan. 23, 1 771. 455. Joseph Post ^'' " of the Yonckers." Leaves to son Jacob ;^ioo. To son Abraham, a small tract of land in Rocklandin Orange Co. where he now lives. To son Anthony ^100. Leaves to sons Isaac and Peter " the farm where I now live." Mentions daughters Jemima and Margaret. To sors Martin £\OQ>. Mentions grand son " Martin Cre gier son of my daughter Ann Cregier!' April 2, 1 771. Proved May 23, 1771. 456. Benjamin Cour sen. Manor of Fordham. Directs estate to be sold. Leaves legacies to son Tunis, daughter Jane Lent, grand son BcTijamin son of my son John, and son Isaac. Witnesses. Tunis Michaelsen Henry Michaelsen Francis Godfrie Dated Oct. i, 1770. Proved Dec. 22, 1770. 242 Wills of Early Residents of 457. Benjamin Cornell, Scarsdale. Leaves to wife Abigail " my horse and chair, and my negro boy called Jupiter." Leaves to sons Stephen and Benjamin all lands. Legacies to daughters Hannah, Jane, Deborah, Anne, Phebe and Abigail. Mentions "my hrot!ner John Cornell!' Witnesses. Edward Burling Edward Burling J'' and Rebecca Burling, " of the People called Quakers." March 22, 1763. Proved Aug. 29, 1771, 458, Robert Weeks, Manor of Cortlandt. Leaves to wife JemiTna the use of all estate to enable her to bring up the children. Then all lands are to go to son Lewis. Legacies to 3 daughters Esther, Tamar us and Charity. Makes wife and Edward STTtith and Job Wright executors. Witnesses. Peter Rosie Reuben Stivers Moses Travis Dated July 3, 1771. Proved Aug. 10, 1771. Westchester Co., N. Y, / 664-/784. 243 459. Jabez Hull, Salem. Wife Mary. Leaves to sons Nathan and Isaac " the whole of my farm." Legacies to daughters Mary Wilcocks, Eunice Taylor, Sarah Rolwell. Witnesses. Jacob Hoit Ebenezer Wood Solomon Meade Dec. 7, 1767. Proved Oct. 11, 1771. 460. Lawrence Mahon, Rye. Leaves all property to daughter Rachel. Witnesses. Hannah Halliday Gilbert Miller John Carhart May I, 1771. Proved Nov. 3, 1771, 461, Philip Ver Planck, Manor of Cortlandt. "Gentleman." Leaves to ^dest son Jacobus Ver Planck, all that neck of land and meadow, on the east side of Hudson's river at the entering of the Highlands, just over against a certain place called 244 Wills of Early Residents of Haverstraw,^^ and is known by the Indian name of Menagh, with the tenements now possessed hy John Holmes and Albertus Van Tassel, containing about 900 acres. To him for life, then to his heirs. Also 5 farms in the Manor of Cortlandt, one being the northeast part of South Lot No. 2, now possessed by Joseph Fowler, 160 acres. And 2 farms leased to Daniel Horton, each 125 acres, and one leased to Lawrence Hoff, 300 acres, and one possessed by Emmett Clemens, 300 acres. Also 106 acres in pos session of Walter Dobbs, with grist mill, stream and mill dam. Also all right to the undivided lands in Manor of Cortlandt. Also my \ of Lot i, in Duch ess Co. on north side of Great Wappinger Creek. Also tV of 3 Lots in Rumbout's Patent, on the north side of the north line of the Patent of Adolph Phil lipse. Leaves to son Johanes, Front Lot No. 2 in the Manor of Cortlandt, joining Hudsons river, 932 acres, with a small slip of land on the west side of said lot by Hudsons river, bought of Mr. Husun. These to him for life, then to his heirs. Also a cer tain farm No. 6, being a part of Lot No. 4, and now leased to Josiah Ingersoll. Leaves to son Philip Lot 3 in Duchess Co. on south side of Wappingers creek, with Dock, storehouse and buildings, 540 acres. Also the farm in Duchess Co. where he lives, '* The tract of land known as 'Ver Planck's Point was a part of the Manor of Cortlandt, and was left by Stephanus Van Cortlandt to his oldest son Johanes. He left it to his daughter Gertrude, who married Philip Ver Planck, who was the son of Gulian Ver Planck and grand son of Abraham Jacobsen Ver Planck, the founder of the family. Westchester Co., N. Y, /664-/784. 245 with several parcels of land which did belong to my father Gulian, with mills and stream. Also farm No. 9 in the northwest corner of South Lot No. 2 in the Manor of Cortlandt, now leased by Benjamin Fields. Leaves to son Philip and 3 daughters Anne Mary, Gerty and Catharine, ^ of 3 Lots in Rum- bout Patent, which 3 Lots fell to the share of our grandfather Gulian Ver Planck. Leaves to his 3 daughters 5 farms in South Lot No. 2 in Manor of Cortlandt, one lying next to Croton river, 200 acres, now possessed by widow Sherwood, No. 2, 178 acres possessed by Henry Kears, No. 3 adjoining Croton river, 235 acres, leased by Michael Vredenbergh, No. 4, 300 acres possessed by Jacob Ryder, and No. n, 130 acres in possession of Walter Dobbs ^^. Also Lot No. 5 on south side of Croton river, 850 acres. Makes very liberal provision for his 3 daughters. Among the personal property are mentioned 19 slaves. Witnesses. Frans Lent Arent Lent Jacob Lent Johanes Lent Hendrick Lent Yan Montross Oct. 23, 1767. Proved Nov. 29, 1771. Liber 28. P. 140. 246 Wills of Early Residents of 462. Rebecca Hadley, Yonkers, To the children of my son Joseph deceased, " each a New English Testament." Legacies to children George, W'", Elizabeth wife of Thomas Lawrence, Rebecca wife of Nicholas Post deceased, and Mehita bel wife of Isaac Vermillie, " my grand son John son of my daughter Johana!' Makes W"" Nagel and W"' Dyckman executors. Witnesses. John Cregier Thomas Emmons Proved Dec. 9, 1771. 463. JohTi Barlyt ^'', New Rochelle. Leaves legacies to wife Judith, and children Andrew, Hester wife of Jacob CoTicklin, Judith late wife of Lawrence Acker, John, Abigail wife of Peter Allee, and Charity wife of George Cromwell. Witnesses. John Bleecker Marie de St. Croix Dec. 24, 1762. Proved Jan. 18, 1772. 464. Joseph Cornell, Scarsdale. "This 2ist day of nth month called November." Leaves to wife Phebe the use of house and land, also Westchester Co., N. Y, /664-/784. 247 the piece on the east side of road, between the lands of Peter Cornell and Benjamin Cornell. Leaves to son Joseph i oi my lands in the Government of New Hampshire. To son Ferris, all lands and buildings where I now live, and the piece on east side of road, and i of my lands in New Hampshire. Legacies to daughters Sarah, Phebe, Hannah, and Mary. Proved Dec. 30, 1771. 465. Timothy Hunt, Eastchester. Wife Sarah. Executors are to sell land that lyeth between ThoTnas Farrington s land and Jacob Ryder's, and adjoining the road and Bronx river. Leaves to sons Eliab, Timothy and Aaron all other lands. Mentions daughters Phebe and Eunice, son Moses. Makes "my 2 brothers in law David Oakley and Moses Drake " executors. Witnesses. Moses Fowler Jean Drake Dated Oct. 18, 1771. Proved Jan. 31, 1772. 466. Roger Park, Rye. Leaves to sons Roger and Thomas all lands in Harrison's Purchase bought of W" Fowler deceased. "Roger is to have his part next to land of James 248 Wills of Early Residents of Pine deceased, now Jonathan Brown's." Leaves to son Thomas 3 acres bought of Joseph Fowler deceased, where I now dwell, with houses, etc., and my salt meadow. Also my right in the Ferry from Rye to Oyster Bay, and my undivided lands in Rye, Mentions daughters Charlotte, Mary, Sophia, and Elizabeth. " £s are to be laid out in purchasing 5 Bibles of 20^ each, and given to my grandsons Jesse son of Roger, Roger son of ThoTnas, Roger Purdy, son of my daughter Mary, Roger HavilaTid son of my daughter Charlotte, and Park Brown son of my daughter Sophia." Leaves to son Thomas 30 acres in manor of Cortlandt, " My daughter Mary wife oi Joshua Purdy." June 1 1, 1768. Proved Feb. i, 1772. 467. Elven Hunt, Westchester. Executors are to sell all lands. Leaves to wife Euphemia y300. " I order my eldest son Thomas to be learned to Read to Write and to Cypher so far as the Rule of Three, and when 14 years old to be put to a trade." " My youngest son Elven!' " my nephew EIvcti son of my brother John, and his eldest hro'Cner John ^''." M2X<.es John Ferris, Daniel White, W'" HoTteywell executors. Proved March 18, 1772. Westchester Co., N. Y., / 664-/ 784. 249 468. Nicholas Dean, Yonkers. Wife Deborah. My son W'" " to have all my right to the farm I live on." Mentions children Solomon, Daniel, Phebe widow of Joseph Pell, Sai^ah wife of Samuel BarTtes, Charity wife of John ValeTi- tine, Mary wife of W"" Underhill, ATny wife of Elias Doughty, Rachel wife of Jonathan Ferris, Margaret wife of Joshua Gedney, and Stephen. Mentions Stephen, Samuel and Nicholas Thorn, sons of my daughter Anna deceased. Dated Feb. 8, 1772. Proved March 24, 1772. 469. Stephen Rich, Yonkers. Executors to sell estate and give the proceeds to wife Martha and children (not named). Makes his wife and brothers Abraham and Jacob executors. Witnesses. Robert Farrington Benjamin Farrington Dated Nov. 23, 1771. Proved April 6, 1772. 470. Mary Gedney, Scarsdale. "Widow oijohn Gedney." Leaves to son Elijah "the land of mine in his possession between his 250 Wills of Early Residents of farm and the White Plains line." Mentions "chil dren of my son John" and "my daughter Anna," both deceased. Mentions son Bartholomew, and " other children " (not named). Dated March 3, 1772. Proved April 7, 1772. 471. W"' B or don, Westchester. Legacies to daughter Ann, and sons Daniel and Peletiah. Rest to son fF". Makes Ezekiel and Nathaniel Hyatt executors. Dec. 31, 1771. Proved March 3, 1772. 472. Mary Pell, Pelham, "Widow." Leaves to son Caleb "my Great Bible." Legacies to children James, Elijah, Bath sheba, Euphemia, Philena, " my daughter Ann Van Kleek, and her daughter Mary Lawrence!' " my daughter Mercy Rodman, and her daughter Char lotte," " my grand daughter Mary daughter of my son Caleb!' " my grand son Caleb Haviland!' " my hrothers James and Joshua Ferris." Dated April 18, 1772. Proved May 30, 1772. Westchester Co., N. Y., / 664-/ 784. 251 473. Sibert Acker, Phillipsburg. Wife Eleas, sons W"" and Abraham, daughters Hannah and .£"/i?«.y, grand son John Acker, "Rachel daughter of my son John," " grand daughter Eleas and Mary daughter of my daughter Rachel, de ceased." Aug. 10, 1769. Proved May 25, 1772. 474. Joseph Budd, Manor of Cortlandt. Legacies to wife Elizabeth and children Joseph, Griffin, Elijah, Jerusha, Thamar, Atiu, Elizabeth. Witnesses. Priscilla Haviland Gilbert Haviland Joseph Strang July 2, 1 771. Proved July 8, 1772, 475, John Center, Westchester. Legacies to wife Elizabeth and son Henry. Leaves to daughter Mary Magdalen ^20, and the house and lot bought of David Hayes. Leaves to sons Henry 252 Wills of Early Residents of and Peter "the house and lot in which Hayman Levy lives, in Duke Street"** (New York). To daughter Lydia the house I bought of Dr. Patterson, To daughter Anna the house I bought oi Jacob Fos ter, Executors are to sell all lands in Westchester. Makes Humphrey Jones, merchant, and James Van Varick executors. Witnesses. Richard Elting Nicholas Jones Proved July 6, 1772. [This will was evidently made in New York, as the executors and witnesses were well-known residents of that city.— W. S. P.] 476. Joshua Purdy, White Plains. Leaves to wife Mary the use of house and land on east side of road. Leaves legacies to W"' ATider- son's 4 daughters and to " my daughters HaTiTiah and Judith!' Leaves all land on west side of road to sons Jonathan, Joseph, Elijah and Isaac. To son Elijah my land on the south side of road, below Caleb HartmaTis. Mentions " my grand son David, son of Elijah Purdy." Leaves to son Elijah «5 The house and lot in " Duke Street " are now No. 45 Stone Street, New York. Westchester Co., N. Y, / 664-/ 784. 253 land on east side of road, bounded east hy Joshua Barnes. Other lands to son Isaac. Witnesses. Anthony Dale Anne Hyatt Caleb Hyatt Jan. 13, 1771. Proved April 25, 1772. 477. Keziah Glover, Yonkers. " Widow." Legacies to grand daughter Elizabeth wife of Capt. John North, " my great grand son Peter, eldest son of my grand daughter Susanna Tippett." Makes Miles Oakley, weaver, executor. Dated Aug. 10, 1770. Proved June 18, 1772. 478. Anna WilliaTns, Westchester. " Daughter of Stephen Williams." Legacies to " my sister Sarah Williams!' " my daughters Effie and Elizabeth," " my mother Rachel Williams " Abigail daughter oijohn Williams J*". Dated April 27, 1772. Proved June 15, 1772. 254 Wills of Early Residents of 479. Moses Owen, White Plains. Leaves to son Moses, " the house where I live, and 100 acres adjoining, called the Homestead," also a piece of woodland in the Hills in White Plains, 15 acres, also land on Minifells Island com monly called the new City Island, containing 30 house lots, each 25 x 100, called the Spring Square." Legacies to wife Elizabeth, and Esther wife of John Jones, Sarah wife of Josiah Disbrow, and Mary wife of Nathaniel Adams, and Mary daughter of W" Ayscough. Thomas son of my son Cornell Owen, " a square of 30 house lots on Minifells Island, called the Square above the meadow." To Nathaniel Adams and Stephen another son of Cornell Owen " a Square of 30 house lots called the meadow Square." To JemiTna, daughter of Cornell Owen, 5 lots on the same Island, and 5 lots to Susamiah and Elizabeth, daughters of my daughter Esther Dobbins, and to Samuel, son of my daughter Mary, and Samuel, son of my daughter Sarah, 5 lots each. To wife Elizabeth 5 lots, " and one Water Square, 30 lots on the lower side of the Island." Dated July 3, 1772. 480. W"" Van Wart, Phillipsburg. Wife Catharine. My sons Joshua and W" "to have the Improvements on farm, with consent of Westchester Co., N. Y., / 664-/ 784. 255 Frederick Phillipse now Lord of the manor." Men tions " my 6 ch!ildren Jacob, W", Jacobus, Belitie wife of David Davids, Susanna wife of Wolfert Clopper, Catharine wife oi Jacobus Davids. Nov. 29, 1 771. Proved Aug. 4, 1 772. 481. Hannah Platt, Northcastle. "^idow oi Benoni Platt. (See No. 361.) Leaves legacies to children Benoni, Jonathan, Abigail, and to grand daughter Hannah, daughter of Abigail Witnesses. Samuel Banks James Banks Ann Banks March 8, 1764. Proved Feb. 25, 1767. 482. Thomas Farrington, Rye. Leaves to wife Keziah the use of best room in house, and of one third of lands. To son John 5^ Leaves to son Stephen my farm in Harrison's Purchase, 100 acres. Legacy to daughter Lydia. 256 Wills of Early Residents of Makes trusty and well beloved friends Thomas Vail and John Cromwell, executors. Witnesses. Elias Clapp John Clapp ¦^'' Dated 24th day of 3d month (March), 1761. Proved March 24, 1767. Liber 25. P. 572. 483. James Graham, Morrisania. Leaves " the messuage and tract of land in Mor risania, on which I now live, and 3 negro men, and 3 negro wenches, 2 cows, i pair of oxen, 4 horses, with all farming utensils and household furniture," to wife Arabella for life, then to be sold and pro ceeds divided among " all my children." Mentions sons Augustine, Lewis, Morris, and Charles. Witnesses. Samuel Seabury Abraham Leggett Jonathan Landon Dated March 13, 1767. Proved July 9, 1767. Liber 26. P. 13. 484. John Osburn, Salem, To wife Sarah use of i house and lands, and all the goods she brought to me. Leaves " to Patie7tce Westchester Co., N, Y,, / 664-/ 78 4. 257 the mother of my first children," ^3. Leaves all lands to sons John, Daniel, Ebenezer, Richard, and David, eldest son John to have a double share. Legacies to daughters Mary and Abigail. Makes Josiah Gilbert and Lewis McDonald executors. Witnesses. Ephraim Kellam John Holmes J" Lewis McDonald June 7, 1754. Proved May 23, 1767. 485. Ephraim Coley, Salem. Leaves to wife Lydia use of i house and lands. Leaves to son Daniel " all my house and lands in Salem!' Legacies to daughters Ruth and Sarah, when 21. Makes wife and Matthew Keeler of Ridge field, executors. Witnesses. Samuel Belden Nathan Osburn, "farmer" James Brown May 13, 1767. Proved May 29, 1767. 486. David Brundige, Northcastle. Leaves to wife (not named) the use of \ of lands in Northcastle west Patent. To son James the house 258 Wills of Early Residents of he now lives in and 45 acres joining y^,^» Ferris, on the east side of road that leads from Bedf or dt!nrou^ Northcastle, To son David, my house and tract of land on the same side of the road. Leaves to sons James and Daniel the land on the west side of road that leads to Sta7iwich, All the lands in the middle Patent, whereon Jacob Griffin and Daniel Seaman now live, to be sold by executors. Legacy to daughter Sarah, Makes wife and Aaron Forman executors. Witnesses. Joshua Ambler Stephen Seaman W" Horton Dated March 12, 1767. Proved Aug. 5, 1767. 487. Hannah Quimby, New Rochelle, Leaves legacies to hrother John Cornell, to daugh ter Mary Cornell, to grand son Quimby Co7-nell, when 21. Rest of property to " my 7 grandsons " Richard, James, John, W"*, Josiah, Daniel and Quimby CorTiell, Witnesses. James Coles James Fowler Magdalen Kelby Jan. 7, 1765. Proved July 24, 1767. Westchester Co., N. Y,, /664-/784. 259 488. Margaret Duther, Phillipsburg. " Widow." Legacies to sisters Altie and Rebecca. To son John, 2 gold rings. To W'" Duther " my late husband's apparel, gun and sword." Mary wife of Isaac Eckler. Mentions " my brothers and sis ters, Abraham, Isaac, Altie, and Rebecca." Mentions " my husband's brother W" and his sister's daugh ters Mary and Leah." Makes " My father in law John Duther, and my brother Wolfert Ecker" executors. Witnesses. Stephen Ecker ^'^ Daniel Hammon, "carpenter" John Ecker Dated Jan. 15, 1767. Proved June 23, 1767. 489. Peter Cornell, Scarsdale. Leaves to wife (not named) ^^252. lo^ " and the goods that remain of what her father gave her." Legacies to daughter Mary, and to sons Thomas, Richard and Ebenezer the rest of property. Makes my uncle Benjamin Cornell and Ja7nes Horton ^'' executors. Witnesses. John Flandreau Timothy Wetmore John Burling J" March 4, 1767. 26o Wills of Early Residents of Proved May 22, 1767, by affirmation of John Burling, " merchant of New York, one of the People called Quakers." 490. Nathan Kniffin, Northcastle. Leaves to wife Ann the use of estate for 4 years, then the executors are to sell it. Leaves to son ReubcTi y200, to son Henry ^200, to son Andrew yioo. Legacies to daughters ATin and SusaTiTiah, when 21. Makes wife Ann, Caleb Fowler and D^ David Dayton executors. Witnesses. Albert Ogden Daniel Mills Stephen Vorhis Jan. 15, 1765. Proved May 25, 1767. 491. Benjamin Brown ^^^, Rye. Makes his brothers Thomas and Hackaliah exec utors, with power to sell estate, and divide the pro ceeds among sons BcTijamin, Joseph, Daniel and W". Witnesses. Zachariah Brown J" John Hill Jonathan Carhart Jan. 4, 1755. Proved Oct. 3, 1767. Westchester Co., N. Y, / 664-/ 784. 261 492. Thomas Brown, Rye. Leaves to brother Benjamin £^^0, and legacies to nephew Benjamin Brown -^^ and to nephews Joseph, Samuel, W"', Hackaliah J'', David, Christopher, Nathan, Thomas, Jeremiah and Isaac Brown, and to sister Anna wife of Daniel Purdy ^"', and to nephews Nehemiah, Gilbert, Hackaliah and Zephaniah Brun dige. Also to nieces Sarah and Mary Brundige. Leaves all real estate to David Brown "son of my brother Hackaliah Brown." Witnesses. Jonathan Brown J^ "merchant" Joseph Brown Timothy Wetmore Jan. 5, 1762. Proved Dec. 31, 1766. 493. Charity Hains, Harrison's Purchase. " Widow." Leaves legacies to daughters Rebecca Cochran and Marcia, and to grand daughters Esther Miller and Charity Cochran, when 18. Also to sons Joseph Gedney Hains and Daniel Hains. Witnesses. James Hains -'''' Godfrey Hains, "schoolmaster" Feb. 3, 1767. Proved July n, 1767. 262 Wills of Early Residents of 494. Isaac Coutant, New Rochelle. Wife Catharine. Leaves to sons Jacob and Isaac all houses and lands. Legacies to daughters Cath arine, Esther, Susanna and Marian. Dec. 28, 1747. Proved Nov. 29, 1766. 495. Caleb Pell, Pelham. " Farmer." Leaves to son Caleb all my farm plantation and salt meadow in Eastchester, formerly to my brother Thomas Pell deceased, and whereon my son Caleb now lives. Reserving the land west of the fence and running across the farm from the Boston road to the land of Jonathan Archer, " of which I give the use for i year to my son James, and then to my son Caleb!' Leaves to son James " all the farm plantation and meadow, in the Manor of Pelham where I now live." Also all Improve ments and right in a farm in Phillips Upper Patent. Legacies to wife Mary, and to daughters Ann Law rence, Fila, Mary Rodman, Bathsheba and Euphemia. Also to son Elijah. Makes " my brothers in law John Ferris and James Ferris executors. Dated March 24, 1 768. Proved April 9, 1 768. Westchester Co., N. Y, /664-/784. 263 496. Samuel Gilbert, New Rochelle. Leaves all estate to mother Elizabeth. Witnesses. Joseph Anthony Elie Guion EsAiE Guion Oct. 9, 1758. Proved April 15, 1768. 497. Robert Travis, Manor of Cortlandt. Provides for wife Mary. Leaves to eldest son Mosse 5^ After death of wife all estate to be sold, and money divided among sons Moses, Joshua, Jere miah and Elisha. Legacies to grand daughters Mary and Phebe, daughters of my son DaTiiel deceased, and to grand daughters Sarah, Catharine and Mary Seacord. " My daughter Mary Thorp." Witnesses. Jonathan Smith Judith Raners Daniel Teed Proved Dec. 24, 1767. 498. James Briggs. " Of the Callor Barrack (Kalkbergh) manor of Cortlandt." Provides for wife Hannah. Legacies 264 Wills of Early Residents of to daughters Catharine Huestis and Margaret Hoit. Rest of estate to sons Gabriel and Jonathan. July 21, 1766. Proved March 21, 1768. 499. Joseph Hunt, Manor of Cortlandt. Leaves to daughter Susanna lo^ Leaves rest of estate to wife Levina for support of " my 6 children Gilbert, Levina, EuTiice, Jemima, Nancy and Joseph, till proper places be had to put them out to trades." Makes " my father in law Daniel Travis and brother in law Joshua Travis" executors. Jan. I, 1768. Proved June 28, 1768. 500. Cornelius MaTtdeville, Manor of Cortlandt. Makes his wife Rachel and his cousins Joshua Nelson and Daniel Birdsall executors. Leaves all estate to children David, Joht, NathaTi, Martha, AnTz and HaTiTiah. Witnesses. David Hanley Michael Horton Isaac June March 24, 1768. Proved May 30, 1 768. Westchester Co., N. Y., /664-/784. 265 501. Archibald McCollum, Rye. Leaves to sons John and Ellason " all my lot in Albany County on the east side of Hitdson's river, called the Township of Argyle, which was conveyed to me by Duncan Reid, Peter Middleton and others." Legacies to daughter Mary and grand son Samuel May 18, 1767. Proved Aug. 22, 1768. 502. Robert Flewelling, Northcastle. Leaves to wife Maphlet, " the house hold goods she brought to me when we were married," and yio per year. Leaves to oldest son Ezekiel 5'. Lega cies to sons Robert and Francis. Directs " all lands I am now possessed of in North Castle " to be sold. Legacies to daughters Phebe wife of Joseph Golding, Mary wife of Joseph Green, Elizabeth wife of Nicholas Outhouse, Abigail wife of Solomon Sear Is, Hannah wife of Benjamin Ogden, Jemima and Freelove. Proved July 15, 1768. 503. Richard Crabb, Manor of Cortlandt. Mentions wife (not named). " My two sons Henry and John may work on the farm, if they will maintain my wife and daughter Phebe. If not the farm is to be sold and the proceeds to be used for 266 Wills of Early Residents of their support." Makes Henry Crabb, John Meeks and Walter Wood executors Dated May 6, 1 768. Proved July 5, 1768. 504. John Fowler ^'^, Eastchester. Leaves to wife Elizabeth \ of movables, use of best room in house, etc. To son John yioo, " He having received his portion already." Leaves to son David " a piece of land on the west side of the road which goes from Eastchester to Mile Square." " Bounded at a certain rock in the road with a cross on it, thence across to the land of JonathaTt Archer, and by his land and the road to the said rock." " And another piece on the east side of the road where his house stands, beginning at the line between this land and the land I bought of Thomas Shute, and bounded by lands of Samuel STieden, Elijah Fowler and Jonathan Archer." Leaves to son ATidrew all that land formerly Thomas Shute' s, on the west side of the road to Mile Square, and bounded by lands of Jonathan Archer. Leaves to son Thomas all the rest of lands and meadows on both sides of the road, with the house. Leaves to son Joshua y 150. Lega cies to daughters Abigail Seacord, Jemima Williams, Elizabeth Crawford and Miriam Baker, and to grandson Solomon. Aug. 23, 1765. Proved Aug. 31, 1768. Westchester Co., N. Y, /664-/784. 267 505. Samuel Coe oi Oblong in Salem. " This 9th day of 5th month, 1760." Leaves arti cles of personal property to wife Jane. Directs estate to be sold. Mentions son John, and 3 daugh ters (tioI named). Makes David Palmer and Stephen Field executors. Witnesses. Gilbert Field Nehemiah Field of Duchess Co. and Samuel Field Proved Oct. 21, 1768. 506. JohTi Pugsley, Pelham. " Gentleman," " All my lands, tenements and meadows, in the Manor of Pelham, and all lands, tenements and meadows in the Borrough town of Westchester, commonly called the Cow Neck, and my right in the Sheep Pasture to be sold," Proceeds to c!n!ddren James, W'", Samuel, Stephen, Gilbert, Israel, John, David and Sarah Actey. Leg acy to daughter Phebe wife of Bartholomew Haddon. Legacies to Elizabeth Buzby, Elizabeth Taylor of White Plains, and Mary Weeks of HuntiTigton, L. I. "My daughter in law Elizabeth wife of Israel Pugsley." Witnesses. W" Adams Peter Bertain J" Thomas Wright Dated Dec. 20, 1768. 268 Wills of Early Residents of A codicil states that " to his great grief, his son John has for a long time past led a dissolute and idle life." No money is to be paid to him, but used for his benefit. Witnesses. Dr. Thomas Wright Sarah Wright Dec. 24, 1768. Proved Dec. 31, 1768. 507. John Brooks, Westchester. Leaves property to " my 3 grand children, Rebecca, Isaac and John Brooks, children of mj^ daughter y<3;;i^ Caspell." Legacy to daughter Mary Brooks. Rest to wife Nanne. Witnesses. Isaac Barnes Nathaniel Stanly Miriam Braine Sept. 21, 1767. Proved Jan. 3, 1769. 508. Hugh Hunter, Northcastle. Mentions wife (not named). Leaves to son Eli jah y200. Legacies to daughters Mary, Phebe, Sophia, and to " the children of my daughter Sophia." Westchester Co., N. Y, /664-/784. 269 Leaves to son Jeremiah all houses and lands in Northcastle. Witnesses, John Clapp J^ Benjamin Clapp, "merchant" Dated Aug. 18, 1763. Proved Jan. 4, 1769. 509. Sarah Lyon, Rye. " Widow oi Joseph Lyon." Legacies to daughters Phebe Miller and Amy Haines, and " to children of my daughter Anne Budd!' "my grand sons Joseph Merritt and SilvaTius Merritt." " My grand son Elisha Merritt died before his grand father, under age." Proved June 30, 1769. 510. fF"^ Dusinbury, Harrison's Purchase. " Thirty acres of land, which lyeth at the south east corner of my farm at Bedford, to be sold. Leaves use of property to wife Levina. To son Henry all my farm in Harrison's PuT^chase. Lega cies to cUnddren John, Stephen, W"\ Mary and Ruth. Leaves lands in Bedford to sons John and Stephen. Mentions sons Woolsey and Gilbert, and daughters 270 Wills of Early Residents of Dorcas and Hannah, and grand daughter Levina Fowler. Witnesses. Benjamin Ferris Joseph Fowler Samuel Hiatt Jan. 5, 1769. Proved Feb. 15, 1769. Liber 27. P. i. 511. Daniel Purdy, Rye. Leaves to wife Ann " the use of that part of my dwelling house called the Stone House." Leaves to sons Joshua and Hackaliah all lands in Rye on Budd's neck. Joshua is to have the Disbrow lot, west of the Country road, with the 60 acres I have given him a deed for, also on the west side of the road, and all my land above the Beaver Swamp, and \ of the Ogde7i lot, east of the Country road. Hackaliah is to have the piece of land where I live, east of the Country road, from Charles Theall' s land to the land of Joseph Lyons, and the lot I bought of Lounsbury east of the Country road, and the lot called Hart's Lot, on the west side of road. And whereas there is a convenient place on Titus river to build a mill, I leave it to my said sons with 40 acres of land adjoining. Leaves to daughter Elizabeth, widow of Thomas Carhart, the house where she lives Westchester Co., N. Y, / 664-/784. 271 in Harrisons. To daughter Abigail wife of David Haight, 4 acres of salt meadow on Little Neck. Witnesses. Alida Carhart Jane Carhart John Carhart May 15, 1761. Proved Feb. 14, 1769. 512. Daniel Smith, Bedford. Wife Mary, use of goods, etc. Rest to sons Daniel, Gabriel, Denton, Thomas, Caleb, Ward, Joh7i and James, and to daughters Hannah Gregory and Mary. May 26, 1768. Proved May 22, 1769. 513. Benjamin Kallam, of Old Pound Ridge. Mentions wife (not named), and children Be7i- jamin, Abraham, and Deborah, wife of Hezekiah Wood Witnesses. Robert Crawford, " laborer " John Crawford Elizabeth Crawford Dec. 6, 1766. Proved March 2, 1769. 272 Wills of Early Residents of 514. W'" Warner, Phillipsburg. Leaves to wife Dorothy the use of \ farm and Improvements, and to son John the other t. Leaves to son John " all my salt meadow on York Island." Leaves to son Montross, i of all my property in Miniford's Island, and to son Abraham the other \. Legacies to daughters Susannah, Ann, wife of W"' Betts ¦^'¦, Betsey and Dorothy. Dated March 15, 1769. Proved April 27, 1769. 515. John Gedney. Leaves all estate to daughters Sibyl, Martha Covert, Mary, Sarah, Elizabeth, and sons JoJiti and Bartholomew. Feb. 4, 1769. Proved March 28, 1769. 516. AbrahaTTt Valentine, Yonkers. Provides for wife Deborah. Legacies to daughters Susannah, AnTi, Sarah, Dorothy. Leaves to sons Gilbert and Abraham all real estate in East Chester. Witnesses. Elisha Barton J"* Anthony Archer, " weaver " Cornelius McCarty April 24, 1769. Proved June 3, 1769. Westchester Co., N. Y, / 664-/ 784. 273 517, Timothy Carpenter, Northcastle. Leaves use of personal property to wife Phebe. Leaves to son W'" " a piece of land lying on Bear Hole Plain, adjoining the highway that goes from Joseph Gold's to Birdsell's mill, then running west till it meets the south line of the old 100 acres, then west to the west branch of Byram river, then south to Gilbert Palmer's land, then east to above high way." Leaves to son Archelaus a piece of land lying at Bear Hole ; beginning at the bridge I made to go to my saw-mill ; then north along the highway, and then running west. Also a piece of land on the east side of the highway to my saw mill. Leaves to son Benjami7i all land in North Castle north of a line, " beginning at a tree near a hill called Brim stone Alley Hill, then running east to a tree at the south end of a Great Cleft of rocks, then south to a rock b)'' the saw mill pond." Rest of estate to son Timothy. Mentions daughter Phebe Forman. Witnesses. Richard Smith Benjamin Smith Deborah Smith July 21, 1763. Proved May 24, 1769. I " laborers " 2 74 Wills of Early Residents of 518. Lydia Coley, Salem. Mentions children Daniel, Ruth and Sarah, " my brother Matthew Keeler of Ridgefield." Witnesses. Elisha Miller, "surgeon" Ann Raymond Dated May 25, 1769. Proved July 5, 1769. 519. John Worden, Northcastle. The land joining the road that leads from the Middle Patent to my homestead to be sold. Pro vides for wife Mary. Mentions " my 2 eldest sons, and their younger brother" (not named), also "my daughter" (not named), Sept. 29, 1769. 520. John Hedger, West FarTns, Leaves to wife Keturah use of land till son Thomas is 21. Leaves to daughter Arabella silver plate, and to daughter Keturah " my large Bible." To son John yio per annum, and use of 4 acres of land near my dwelling house. Mentions daughters Margaret and Charity, " my daughter Margaret' s son named Thomas Edwards!' " my grand daughter Westchester Co., N. Y., / 664-/ 78 4. 275 Hannah Reade, daughter of Charity." " I reserve a piece of land for a burying place for me and my family, in my orchard, where my sister in law lies buried." Makes wife and Dr. Daniel White, and Isaac Williams executors. Dated June 5, 1769. Proved Aug. 7, 1 769. 521. Bartholomew Hadden, Westchester. Leaves all to wife Phebe, except legacies to brothers Thomas and Job. Oct. 20, 1769. Proved Nov. 27, 1769. 522. Hendrick Post, Phillipsburg. Leaves to wife (not named) the use of Improve ments and farm for life, then to son Abraham. Mentions sons Hendrick and John, and daughters Magdalen, Elizabeth, W", Rebecca. Makes wife and W'" Nagel executors. Dated July 5, 1769, Proved Nov, 22, 1769, 523, William Tippett, Yonkers. Executors are to sell 60 acres of land by the North river, bounded north by Frederick Van Cortlandt, 2 76 Wills of Early Residents of south by Samuel Berrian. Provides for wife Martha, and leaves legacies to daughters Abigail, Martha, Lavina, Jean, Dorcas, Philena wife of Ezekiel Ar thur, and Ann wife of Michael Ryett, Leaves to son W"^ all the rest of lands and salt meadow when 21. Witnesses. David Oakley ^^ John Van Arsdale Samuel Berrian Dated July 22, 1769. Proved Nov. 22, 1769. 524. Bartholomew Pettit, Phillipsburg, Leaves all estate to wife Mary. Makes W'" Ry der executor. Witnesses. John Smith Jacob Ryer Daniel Miller, " weaver " April 20, 1768. Proved Aug. 26, 1769. 525. SusaTinah Sutton.* " Of the West Patent of Northcastle." " Widow of Thomas Sutton, late of Greetiwich." Leaves lega- * First husband, Ogden. Westchester Co., N. Y, / 664-/784. 277 cies to Rachel wife of Thomas Purdy, and her 3 sons Gilbert, Stephen and Jesse, " my son fF"" Ogden," " my grand daughter Ann Birdsell." To Martha Ogden, Susanah Ogden, Susanah Newman, Hannah French, Mary OgdcTi, that was, daughter of my son Joht Ogden, "my daughter Susanah Wilso7t," "my grand son Joseph son of my son John Ogden." To " my grand son Jonathan son of my son Jonathan Ogden, my Great Bible." Proved Nov, 8, 1769, 526. Richardson Sutton, Manor of Cortlandt. Leaves to wife Elizabeth i of movables. Leaves to sons Moses and Daniel i88|^ acres of land in Manor of Cortlandt, with improvements, being the north part of my farm. To sons Robert, Samuel and Francis 2o8i acres, being the south part of my farm. Part of it is within the bounds of Bedford New Patent. Legacies to daughters Esther, Debo rah, Phebe, Mary, Jerusha, and Abigail, Witnesses. Ebenezer White Moses Quimby Stephen Farrington July 29, 1774. Proved Sept. 16, 1775. Liber 30. P. i. 278 Wills of Early Residents of 527. James Horton, Westchester. Directs all property to be sold, wife Sarah to have use of proceeds. Legacies to Amos Roberts, to James, " son of my brother W'"," " to Joseph Carpen ter my sister's son," "James Merritt my oldest sis ter's son," to "John Hosier-^'' my other sister's son." Makes "my cousin y^w^j' Horton ^^^ of Mamaroneck and Benjamin Haviland of New Rochelle," executors. Witnesses. Edmund Merritt Stephen Cornell Frederick De Voue Jan. 14, 1 771. Proved Feb. 12, 1775. 528. John Schoreman, New Rochelle, Executors to sell all personal property. Leaves to his 3 sisters Christina, Mary and Sophia, the use of house and land in New Rochelle, for life, then to be sold, and proceeds given to brothers y«<:(?^ and y?r^- miah. Mentions " my cousins Jacob SchoremaTi, and " my cousin Philip, eldest son of my brother Fred erick," "my cousin John." Leaves to JoJiti Win- row £1$. Legacy to Lewis son of Israel Pinckney. April 28, 1775. Proved Nov. 22, 1775. Westchester Co., N, Y,, / 664-/ 7 8 4. 279 529. Nathaniel Underhill,^'' Westchester. Leaves to wife Mary furniture and y25 per an num. To son Israel, all houses and lands in West chester or elsewhere, and a y25 privilege in the Sheep Pasture which I bought of W"* Foshe. Leaves to son Bartow £2,00. Mentions " Gilbert and Na thaniel, sons of my daughter Elizabeth Drake," " my grand daughters Elizabeth and Frances Drake',' " The children of my daughter Purdy." " My son Israel is to set apart a piece of land in the field called Hadden Field, for a burying ground for my self and family forever," 4 rods square. Legacies to " my daughter Mary, wife of Dr. Nicholas Bayley." " My son W"^," son Nathaniel, daughter Helena wife oi JaTnes Morgan, daughter Sarah Hyatt, Heirs of my son John. " My grand daughter Mary wiie of foJm Bugbee." Witnesses. Joseph Avery Samuel Embree Dorothy Underhill Dated Feb. 20, 1775. Proved Dec. i, 1775. Liber 33. P. 75. " He was son of Nathaniel, and grandson of Captain John Underhill. He was bom August ii, 1690; died November 27, 1775. He married Mary Honeywell. 28o Wills of Early Residents of 530. Abraham Hatfield, White Plains.* Leaves to wife Anne £^0, and furniture, etc., and " use of the house I live in, and the use of the land on the northwest side of the road, from the Court House in the White Plains, to New York. Legacies to daughters Lavinia, Alse, Mary and Margaret Crompton. To son Joseph "my silver shoe buckles, and my house 1 live in, and all lands on the north west side of road." Makes hrother Joshua and son Gilbert executors. Witnesses. Job Hadden Jonathan G. Graham Benedict Carpenter, " Quaker" Dated Nov. 20, 1775. 531. David Hunt, Westchester. "This 13th day of the 3"* month called March," 1772. To son David 5^ To son Stephanus " my History of Thomas Story." To son TJieopJiilus a piece of salt meadow on the south side of Byvanch's ditch, and a little Book called " Piety Promoted." To son Isaac \ my rights on Minifords Island, except 2 lots, and my desk and Bible. To my daughter Mary Field a new silver Tankard. To Mary, *This is one of the very few wills that commences without any religious formula. Westchester Co., N. Y, / 664-/ 7 8 4. 281 daughter of my son Josiah, 2 lots on Minifords Island. Legacy to " Eleanor, daughter of my son Aaron." Leaves to son Aaron all that my farm and meadow. Called Long Neck, in Westchester, and a ^25 right of Commonage, and i my right on Minifords Island, and my silver tankard. Mentions " Rebecca wife of my son Aaron." Witnesses. Joseph Causeton Daniel Quimby Josiah Quimby, Proved Dec. 18, 1775. I " Quakers " 532. Mary Elizabeth Gulot. " Late of New Rochelle, but now of Mamaroneck." "Advanced in age." Negro slaves "are to have one whole month to look for masters such as they like." Leaves to Mary, daughter of Peter Vasaro of ElizabetJitown, "all my silk clothes." "My cousin Susanah Vasaro." John Vasaro. Negro slaves to be " sold at private sale, and not at vandue." Dec. 20, 1775. Proved Jan. 29, 1776. 533. Daniel Knapp, Harrison's PurcJiase. Legacies to wife Anna, and daughter Mary. Mentions " TimotJiy and Gabriel sons of my brother 282 Wills of Early Residents of Gabriel Knapp." " Gabriel and Amy, children of my sister Syby." " My niece Syby wife of Peter DusJiire." " The daughter of my brother Amos." Makes " my nephew Caleb Carpenter of North Castle, and my relation Roger Purdy J'' of Harri sons " executors. Witnesses. James Meadows Roger Purdy Timothy Wetmore Dec. 21, 1775. Proved Feb. 2, 1776. 534. Joshua Van Wart, Phillipsburg, Leaves to wife Rachel horse and side saddle, and furniture, and she is to stay on my Improvements for life. Legacies to daughters Rachel, Catrina wife of John Van Wart, Christina, Mary and Susannah. Leaves to sons John and Daniel " all Improvements, with the consent of Frederick Phil lipse ^"' now Lord of the manor." Mentions son W". Sept. I, 1775. Proved Jan. 24, 1776. 535. Isaac Sie, PJiillipsburg. Wife Eva to have use of Improvements. Lega cies to sons Peter, James, Abraham, JoJiti and Westchester Co., N, Y, / 664-/ 784, 283 Isaac, and daughters (not named). Makes Johanes Yorckse and John Forshee executors. Witnesses. Gerritt Dyckman Samuel Dean Jan. 18, 1775. Proved June 24, 1776. 536. Frederick Schoreman, New Rochelle. Leaves to wife Jane use of house, etc., till son Frederick is 15. Leaves to sons Philip, John and W"' " all fast estate." Legacies to daughters Chris tian and Sarah. " My hrot!ner Jeremiah," March 16, 1775. Proved March 8, 1776. 537. David Horton, Mamaroneck, Provides for wife Anne and daughter Polly, Rest to sons Jonathan and Elijah, who " are to be put to trades when of suitable age." Makes wife and John Merritt executors. Witnesses. Robert Noxon Richard Snedeker ^'^ May 2, 1776. Proved May 6, 1776. 284 Wills of Early Residents of 538. Solomon Holmes, Bedford. " Farmer." All lands to be sold. Proceeds to wife Rachel, and daughter Rachel Mills. Legacies to Rebecca Mills and Dorothy Holmes. Makes Ebenezer Miller and Peter Fleming executors. Sept. I, 1774. Proved April 29, 1776. 539. Abraham Miller, Bedford. Wife Comfort. Leaves all lands to sons Joseph, Abraham and Isaac. Joseph is to have all the lands over the river on the north side of road. Also the lots where the houses stand, and \ of the wood land over the river, beginning by the corner of the land of Elijah Hunter. To son Abraham \ the Old Plain lot and the lot on north side of the road bounded by Thomas Forman, Andrew Mills, and the Gravely Path, and taking in a piece called Cranberry meadows. Also i of the Great meadow, and i the lot called Badoro Hill Lot. Isaac is to have i of the Old Plains lot, and all the land on the other side of the road, and I the lot called Badoro Hill, and a piece of land joining TJiomas Forma7i, by the road that leads to Joseph Clark's. A piece of land at a place called " Cows delight " is to be sold. Aug. 29, 1775. Proved April 30, 1776. Westchester Co,, N, Y, / 664-/ 784, 285 540. Joshua Cornell, NortJicastle. Leaves to wife Hannah the use of estate for 10 years, then to be sold. Mentions sons Samuel, Joshua and John, and daughters Charity, Sarah and Phebe. Makes brothers W'" and Jacob executors. Witnesses. Benjamin Smith John Clapp J" James Anderson Jan. 25, 1771. Proved June 10, 1776. 541. Gilbert Honeywell, Westchester. Leaves to wife Mercy use of lands till son Gilbert is 21, then to go to him. Also a ^50 right in the Sheep Pasture. Legacies to daughters Elizabeth and Mary. Mentions nephews TJieodorus, Avery, and Alpheus son of Joseph Avery. Mary wife of JosepJi Pell, Dated April 23, 1764. Codicil, dated April 7, 1775, states that a son James had been born, and he leaves him a piece of land bought of Bartholomew Hadden, and a piece bought oi JoJm Quimby, Proved May 4, 1776. 286 Wills of Early Residents of 542. John King, Phillipsburg, " Considering the advanced age, as well as the dangerous mallady I labor under." Leaves all property to wife (not named) and to children Levinus, John, Margaret, Abigail, Ann, Mary, Dated Dec. 31, 1764. Proved Feb. 17, 1776. 543. Marcus Moseman, Bedford. Leaves to wiie Mary £\oo and household goods. Leaves all lands to sons Marcus and Peter. Lega cies to daughters Mary wife of Samuel Barrett, SaraJi wiie of John Dingee, Rachel wife of Isaac Ganung, Naomai wife oi James Searles, and Margaret wife of Lot Searles. The sons Marcus and Peter are charged to be kind to their mother. Witnesses. Richard Searles Gershom Griffin Moses Higgins Nov. 27, 1773. Proved Jan. 4, 1774. 544. Jonathan Tyler, Bedford. Leaves to son Jonathan all carpenter's tools. To wife Margaret use of house and farm during widow hood. Legacy to daughter Abigail. Leaves to "Simeon, Mindwell, Mary and Jerusha, children of Westchester Co., N. Y,, / 664-/ 78 4, 287 my son Simeon late deceased, the farm where I now live after death of wife." Also all rights in the Patent called Forcanner (Falconer). To Hannah June, two pieces of land in Bedford " at a place called Cantito ; bounded west by Beaverdam river, east and north by the road, and including a house. Being part of the farm that Simeon Tyler died pos sessed of." Witnesses. James Holmes Phineas Lounsbury Sept. 10, 1772. Proved April 19, 1773. 545. Daniel Devoo, Westchester. Leaves all real estate to son John, Mentions sons David, Levi and Cornelius, and "my son John's wiie, Mary," " My large Psalm Book I give to the Rev. Mr. Shoemaker, minister of the Gospel at Harlem." Legacies to daughters Magdalen Odell, Mary Vre- denburgh, and Abigail Odell. Mentions my grand children Margaret Rudder and Margaret Mapes, and son in law Richard Odell. Witnesses. Henry Oblenus Edward Harris Robt. Gilmore, schoolmaster Oct. 27, 1773. Proved Nov. 8, 1773. 288 Wills of Early Residents of 546. John Williams, Westchester, Leaves to son John i of lands, and a lot of salt meadow on east side of the Great creek, which I bought of my brother Stephen, and i of my right in the Sheep Pasture. Leaves to son Isaac " my dwelling house, and the rest of my lands." Legacies to wife Mary, and daughters CJiarity, Phebe, BatJi- sheba and Aulcaa (Alced), Mentions grand children Sarah McChain, EstJier Guion, and John Briggs, " my sons in law JoJiti CorTiell, Peter Bussing and John Hunt." Dated Jan. 10, 1774. Proved March 3, 1774. 547. Joseph Frost, Manor of Cortlandt, Directs his south farm "called Bowcher farm" to be sold. Leaves to son WrigJit Frost " the west end of my house and 6 acres of meadow north of house." Leaves to sons MicJiael and Jacob "the east end of house, being the new house." Leaves " my north farm to my 3 sons MicJiael, WrigJit and Jacob." Legacies to daughters Elizabeth, HaTiTiah, Sarah, and Atitic wife of Benjamin Lewis, and to son Caleb. Westchester Co., N. Y., /664-/784. 289 Makes John Underhill son of Daniel Underhill of Oyster Bay, and sons Wright and Jacob executors. Witnesses. Robert Cock James Travis, son of James Joseph Strang Oct. 16, 1773. Proved Feb. 10, 1774. 548. Samuel Banks, Northcastle. Wife Deborah. Leaves to son James " all lands in the Society of Stanwich, Conn., during his natural life in this world, and ^210, and a large stock of creatures. All of which are already received from me." To my grand son James Banks " all houses and buildings in Northcastle, when 21." To grand son Samuel Banks all the lands at Stanwich, Conn., after his father's death. Mentions " my grand daughters Betty, Mary Ann, and Vashti." Makes wife and son James and Benjamin Hopkins exec utors. Witnesses. John Banks Deborah Banks Abraham Hubbard June 26, 1772. Proved Feb. 10, 1774. 290 Wills of Early Residents of 549. Isaac Miller, Bedford. Directs " a piece of land called the Long Swamp, bounded east by highway, west and south by Abra ham Canfield, and east by my own land, 10 acres," to be sold. Also " all that tract from Beaverdam river, running northerly and easterly of the highway, to land of Nathan Canfield J^!' to be sold. Leaves to wife Elizabeth use of house. Leaves to son JaTnes, after death of wife, the house and all lands in Bed ford. Legacies to " Samuel, James, David and Isaac, children of my daughter Anna," and " grand chil dren Thena and Phebe." April 12, 1774. Proved May n, 1774. 550. John Hunt ^'^, Westchester. Leaves to wife Mary the use of house, and all lands and salt meadows, on the west side of the road leading to WJiitestone Ferry, and 2 fields on the east side ofthe road adjoirnng John Hunt J^, and a piece of land lying between Benjamin Ferris and James Lewis' land, on Throggs neck, and y300. Leaves to son /F'" 2 lots of land and meadow called Shepherds Fields, on the east side of road leading to Whitestone Ferry, on Throggs neck. Leaves to daughter Tamar wife of Gilbert Pell all my lots Westchester Co., N. Y, /664-/784. 291 and buildings on Minifords Island. Leaves to son John, aiter wife's decease, the house and all other lands. Mentions " my grand sons John son of PJiilip Pahner, and John son of my son W"'!' " my sons in law Robert Hunt and Gilbert Pell." Dated Feb. 23, 1776. Proved June 17, 1777. Liber 30. P. 367. 551. John Leggett ^'', West Farms. Leaves to son John " the farm he now possesseth, and a piece of meadow on Planting Neck, near the Fox Hills, and a piece of meadow by Robert Hunt's meadow, and \ of a piece of meadow on Cow Neck between Nathaniel Haviland' s and Cornelius Hunt, and my silver tankard." To son Cornelius " the farm where I live, with the buildings, and a piece of meadow lying on the Causeway on the Neck, and a piece of meadow on the island adjacent to a piece of meadow late John Hedger s, and i the piece on Cow Neck and my meadow on the east side of Cow Neck, adjoining the Commons." Leaves to sons John and Cornelius " the use of the farm on Cow Neck, for 19 years, and then to go to my grand son Stephen, son of my son Isaac deceased." Legacies to daughters Eleanor wife of ThoTnas Lawrence, and Ruth. " My daughter in law Mary widow of my son Isaac." " Sarah daughter of my son Isaac." 292 Wills of Early Residents of " Children of my daughter Susannah Embree deceased." Witnesses. Zephaniah West Thomas Hedger Daniel White Dated June 8, 1777. Proved Aug. 28, 1777. 552. John Buckbee, Westchester. " Weaver." Directs executors to sell lands. Pro ceeds to go to wife Mary, and children SaraJi, Edmund, John and Mary. Witnesses. Thomas Embree Edmund Buckbee Daniel White Dated Oct. 25, 1777. Proved Nov. i, 1777. 553. JosJiua RicJi, YoTikers. Leaves to wife (not naTTied) £100. Son James is to have the use of the farm to bring up the children. Mentions children SaraJi, Nancy, ElizabctJi, Elijah, Westchester Co., N. Y, / 664-/784. 293 Michael, Jesse and Peggy. Makes wife and son James and /F"" Betts executors. Witnesses. Richard Archer Anthony Amler D" John Cregier Dated Aug. 10, 1773. Proved July 15, 1777. 554. John Yorkse, Phillipsburg. Leaves to "John, son of my brother Abraham, 5® and a new coat." Leaves to wife Ann " a trunk which is called hers, and the beds and bedding, like wise all her apparell." Leaves to brother Isaac " my farm which I have in the manor of PJiillipsburgJi. He is to take care of my mother during life, and my wife shall have liberty to stay there, she behaving herself as she ought to do." Mentions brothers Isaac and SolomoTi, " my mother Rachel Miller," " my sister Ann A user," " my kJmsman John Yorckse." Makes wife and Jacob Ryder executors. Witnesses. Daniel Miller Mary Miller Margaret Miller Dated July 8, 1772. Proved Nov. 16, 1772. Liber 28. P. 439. 294 Wills of Early Residents of 555. John Turner ^'', Manor of Cortlandt. " Farmer." Leaves to son Edmund 5^ To son John my land in Lot No. i, the south part, 202 acres. To wife (not named) £5 and use of house. To Sarah Charlick yi6. Legacies to "my grand daughter Mary Place, and her son Stephen Saw- wood." " My daughters Martha and Elizabeth." Dated Dec. n, 1772. 556. Oliver Besley, New Rochelle. "Gentleman." "Advanced in years." Leaves legacies to son James, daughter Mary, grand son Oliver, son of James, grand daughter Susanah and Elizabeth Goodwin, daughter of my daughter Susanah Goodwin. " My son Isaac." Dated Feb. i, 1764. Proved Nov. 18, 1772. 557. Abraham Ecker, Phillipsburg. Leaves to wiie Mar rittie a home and maintenance. Directs " all my real estate in Tappan in Orange Co. to be sold." Mentions sons Abraham and Wolfert. Leaves to son Isaac "my Dutch Bible." Daughters Rebecca "wife of Mr. For sure -^'¦," Altie wife of Westchester Co., N. Y., / 664-/784. 295 John Requa, " my grand son John Dutcher!' grand son AbrahaTn son of Abraham. Witnesses. Stephen Ecker John Ecker W" Davids Dated Dec. 4, 1771. Proved Dec. 31, 1772. 558. B arent Dutcher, Phillipsburg. Mentions son Isaac, daughters Rachel, Mary Mon- son, and CatJiarine Barnes. Makes James Ham mond and fF"' Dutcher executors. Witnesses. W" Paulding John Oakley, farmer Dated June 8, 1772. Proved Dec. 31, 1772. 559. Samuel Davenport, Northcastle. "Farmer." 'L.eaves to son Richard £\^o. To son TJiomas £\^o. Mentions "my 6 grand children Hannah, Richardson, W"', Isaac, Mary and John, children of my son John deceased," " my son Ga briel," my grand children " W"", Gabxdel, Jemima, Phebe and Amy, children of my son Samuel de ceased," " my grand son Thomas son of my son 296 Wills of Early Residents of Thomas," my daughter Elizabeth Per eel. Leaves rest of estate to my 3 sons Robert, Richardson and Thomas. Makes his son in law John Bullyea and Benjamin Kip executors. Witnesses. James Haight Joseph Sutton Caleb Fowler Dec. I, 1772. Proved Feb. 25, 1773. 560. Jacobus Kronkhuyt, Ryches Patent. Leaves to daughter Margaret, wife of John Lent, " 50 acres of land on the east part of my farm in Ryches Patent." To daughter HannaJi, wife of Peter MoTitroass, 50 acres west of the above, and bounded north and south by the bounds of my land. Leaves rest of lands to his only son James. Leaves legacies to wife Charity, and to grand daughter Ale lie Teller. Witnesses. Abraham Kronkhuyt Daniel Hatfield John Matroas Nathaniel Merritt Dated Jan. 7, 1771. Proved Feb. 10, 1773. Westchester Co., N. Y., / 664-/ 784. 297 561, Isaac Lounsbury, West Patent of Northcastle. Wife Sarah. Leaves to sons Isaac, John, Thomas and Robert, " all lands and tenements where I live and elsewhere," " As I have paid considerable sums of money, in settling my son Michael, in the Plantation where he lives," he is to pay a portion of my debts. Men tions daughters Hannah, Mary and Charity. Witnesses. Benjamin Smith Deborah Smith Deborah Smith the younger June 6, 1 770. Proved March 6, 1 773. 562. W-" Betts, Yonkers. Leaves to wife Rachel the house and all lands on that side of road, reserving to son William the privi lege of coming to the cider mill. To son W"' the land on the west side of road where his house stands. Mentions "my grand son fF" son of Michael Ryer." Witnesses. Henry Bussing John Curser John Williams J" Jan. 4, 1773. Proved Feb. n, 1773. 298 Wills of Early Residents of 563. John Percutt, New Rochelle. Wife Jane. Leaves to son John house and 50 acres of land, which is part of the land bought of John Marline. To son Paul 75 acres, bounded west by Hutchinson's river, north by Michael Honore, south by the road that leadeth from New Rochelle to upper part of Eastchester, east by my own land. To son Daniel my now dwelling house, orchard and 50 acres of land. Legacies to daughters Esther wife of David Guion, Magdalen, Frances, Ann and Mary. Makes son in law David Guion, and brother in law Jacob Schureman executors. Oct. 10, 1757. Proved March 24, 1773. 564. John Pell ^'^, Pelham. Leaves to " grand son Joseph, only son of my eldest son Thomas Pell, all lands and tenements on the manor of Pelham where I now live." Leaves to grand daughter Rebecca Tidd, " the use of some land to bring up her children." Legacies to son John, and to daughters Abigail Sutton and Phebe Dawson. Makes " my 2 sons John and Josiah, and my cousin Philip Pell" executors. Witnesses. Ezra Cornell Samuel Hitchcock Joseph Cox, "carpenter" Dated Feb. 19, 1779. Proved March i, 1779. Westchester Co., N. Y., /664-/784. 299 565. Hanness Coon, Rye. Leaves to son Josiah, " my Bible." To sons James and Richard " my great chair and brown coat." To grand daughter Elizabeth Rushton, " a little wheel, and a Testament." Makes sons Jacob and Jeremiah executors. Witnesses. Sarah Coon John Rushton Peter Rushton, " saddler " Dated Jan. n, 1773. Proved April 19, 1773. 566. John Oakley ^"', Westchester. Leaves to sons John and Stephen all real estate. Provides for wife Sarah. Legacies to son John and daughters Elizabeth and Mary. Mentions " my 3 unmarried daughters " (not named). Witnesses. Frederick Williams W" Doty John Hitchcock Dated May 19, 1773. Proved June 9, 1773. 300 Wills of Early Residents of 567. Elijah Gedney, Scarsdale. Executors are to sell all lands on the west side of road from White Plains to New York. Leaves to wife Sarah use of homestead. To son John all the lands on the east side of said road, where I now live, with the buildings. Makes wife and brother Bartholomew and Samuel Crawford executors. Witnesses. Absalom Gedney Joshua Barnes Benedict Carpenter Dated March 13, 1773. Proved April 27, 1773. 568. JoJm Odell Leaves to wife Keziah the use of farm. After her death the farm to be sold and proceeds divided among children John, JonatJian, Philip, Moses, StepheTi, Reuben, Benjamin, Esther, Elizabeth and Sarah. Witnesses. Isaac Lawrence Thomas Lawrence Solomon Dean, " weaver " March 29, 1773. Proved May 31, 1773. Westchester Co., N Y, / 664-/ 784. 301 569. Rebecca Palmer, Westchester. " Widow." " Advanced in years." Leaves lega cies to son John, and " grand daughters Rebecca, Esther and Rachel children of my son JohTi.'* Leaves to Sarah daughter of Joshua Pell, " a silver table spoon value 2 1^" Leaves to daughter Martha, wife of Benjamin Merrell, all my house and lots on Minifords island, which I bought of Enoch Hunt and Joseph Mullineux, for life, then to her daughter Mary. Mentions "Anne, daughter of BenjaTniTi Palmer." Makes sons Philip and Benjamin, and grand son Joshua Pell J'' executors. Witnesses. Samuel Gedney James Lewis Enoch Hunt Dated Oct. 18, 1771. 570. Robert Crooker, Rye. Leaves to son W'" all lands, mills, meadows and buildings in Rye, and he is to pay certain debts to "Jacobus Van Caswell executor of Mr. Tallman," and to Jo JiTi Butler. Executors are to sell all lands in Queens Co. Legacies to wife DinaJi, and daugh ters Anne, Sarah Burtis, and ElizabetJi Pettit. Makes son W'", and John Moffett and Timothy Titus of Wheatley executors. 302 Wills of Early Residents of A codicil states that his son in law, Aaron Burtis, had paid to Nathaniel Coles £<)0 " towards paying for my house and lands in Oyster Bay," and he is to be repaid. March 15, 1773. Proved May 24, 1773. Liber 29. P. 25. 571. John Flandreau, New Rochelle. Leaves to eldest brother James 5^ To brother Peter £10 " to purchase him a watch to remember me." Legacies to brothers Benjamin and Elias. " To my nephew Benjamin son of BenjaTTiin, all my wearing Troopers Clothes, with Pistols and Hol sters." Leaves to sister y^^z^ the use of house and land, to be sold after her death. Mentions " chil dren of my hrot!ner James," " the two children of my nephew James Jay." Witnesses. Gillead Bloomer Lewis Samuel Barnes May 18, 1773. Proved Jan. 18, 1774. 572. JohTi Concklin, Bedford. To wife Allada, use of estate to bring up the chil dren. Leaves to son John 5^ Legacy to daughter Westchester Co., N. Y, / 664-/784. 303 Sally. Mentions " my sons" (not named), and Jesse Lyon and NeJiemiah Gregory oi Bedford. Aug. 30, 1773. Proved Jan. 18, 1774. 573. John Crawford " oi Old Pound Ridge." Wife Jane. Leaves to son Robert 50 acres of land where he lives, and 10 acres in his possession. To son Archibald 57 acres, in his possession. To son John 40 acres on the north side of the north meadow, bounded west by road, north by Joseph Lockwood. Leaves to son James the rest of lands, and " he is to have my Bible, and he is to buy for each of my sons such a Great Bible as I now have." Legacies to daughters Ann and Mary. Makes wife, and Eleazar Schofield and Joseph Lockwood executors. Dated Dec. 15, 1770. Proved Dec. 13, 1773. 574. Israel Smith, Pound Ridge. Leaves to wife Deborah the use of i of estate. Executors to sell the rest. Proceeds to be paid to children Henry, John, David, Samuel, Abigail, Re- 304 Wills of Early Residents of becca, and Hannah. Makes his wife and brother Ebenezer Lockwood, executors. Witnesses. Benjamin Miller, surgeon Robert Crawford John Wood Feb. 3, 1770. Proved Feb. 17, 1774. 575. Isaac Willett, Westchester. Leaves to wife Margaret, for life, " all my neck of land or farm called Cornwalls Neck, where I live, then to be divided into 2 equal parts, the east part with buildings to go to his nephew Isaac Willett, excepting salt meadow at Black Rock." The west part to go to his nephew Lewis Graham. "And I think proper to declare that this last part was in tended for my nephew Gilbert Colden Willett ; but his grand father Governor ColdcTi (who I suppose is well able to make handsome provision for him) has treated me and my wife very unkindly, in removing my nephew Lewis Graham from the office of Sheriff of the county, which I resigned in his favor." " I have no children of my own." Leaves a home and maintainance to Annie AfcElwortJi till of age. Leaves to Nephew Lewis GraJiam, " that part of Cow neck in Westchester, in the possession of IcJia- bod Lewis, and on which he lives." Leaves a main- Westchester Co., N. Y, / 664-/ 784. 305 tainance to brother W'". To brother CorTielius the use of " the salt meadow at Black Rock, and all lands at Barren island or Flat lands in Queens Co." And as I have conveyed to Lewis GraJiatn a small farm in the Manor of Cortlandt, he is to pay y6oo. The lands in the Mohawk country, which were given to my wife by her father, and by her conveyed to me before marriage, are to be sold, and y500 are to be used for the support and education of TJioTTias McEl- worth. Mentions "my nephew Gilbert Willett." And I do particularly recommend to my nephews Isaac Willett and Lewis Graham, who have been both brought up in my Family, and are equal sharers in my fortune, to live together in Brotherly love, and Friendship ; and endeavor to promote each others interest and happiness." Makes brother Cornelius, Lewis Graham, and Richard Morris ^"', executors. Witnesses, Israel and Gillead Honeywell Samuel Davis Dated Jan. 30, 1770. Proved May 21, 1774. Liber 28. P. 115. 576. Rubine Hutchins, Westchester. "This ist day of 5th month, 1769." Leaves to Barsheba Smith "my best gown." Legacies to son Joshua, James son of Joshua Hutchins. To 3o6 Wills of Early Residents of Elihu son oijohn Griffin "my book called George Fox's Journal." Makes W"" Cornell and John Griffin executors. Proved April 6, 1774. 577, Abel Devoe, New Rochelle. Legacies to sons Abel, Frederick and Andrew, daughter Magdalen wife of Jeremiah Schureman, wife Magdalen. April 22, 1774, Proved July 29, 1774, 578, Thomas Hopkins, Northcastle. Leaves to son Thomas 40 acres of land, adjoining that land I gave him by deed and on the east end of my farm, by the land of Anthony Tripp. Bounded north and east by Charles Green, south by a creek. Leaves rest of houses and lands to son Daniel. Legacies to son Benjamin and daughters Margaret, Naomai and Anne. Witnesses. W" Worden Robert Feek David Dayton June 27, 1772. Proved May 3, 1774. Westchester Co., N. Y, / 664-/ 784. 307 579. Abel Hay t, Salem. Leaves use of estate to wife SaraJi for life, " then to John son of my brother Ezra, and Daniel son of my brother Daniel, and Walter son of my brother John, Asa son of my brother Nathan, Abel son of my brother Abraham, and Uriah son of my brother Abner." Mentions " Abigail, daughter of my sister Abigail, Elizabeth daughter of my sister Mary." Makes wife and George Budson of SaleTn executors. Witnesses. Ruth Bradley Amelia Bulkley Philip Bradley April 22, 1774. Proved Aug. 15, 1774. 580. Thomas Owen, Bedford. Wife Rachel. Leaves to son Thomas all the farm, when 21. Legacy to daughter Ruth. Execu tors are to sell "a tract of land in Westchester Co. running by land of Peter Jay, to land of John Parent, as by deed which I took from Augustus and Frederick Van Cortlandt!' June 29, 1774. Proved Aug. 3, 1774. 3o8 Wills of Early Residents of 581. W"" Dusinbury, of Bedford New Purchase. Mentions wife and two grand daughters, but no names given. Dated March 20, 1774. Proved July 13, 1774. 582. George Nichols, Bedford. Leaves all lands to daughters Sarah and Hannah. Makes wife Abigail and Ab"' Chittester executors. Witnesses. Jonathan Weeks Zephaniah Miller, " shoe maker " Sept. 12, 1774. Proved Oct. 3, 1774. 583. John Teller,^'^ of Teller's Neck in Manor of Cortlandt. Leaves son W'" y 5, " having already given him a trade and put him in the way of Business." Lega- «' The ancestor of this family was William Teller, who came from Holland, and was a merchant in Albany in 1662. His wife was Maria, widow and heiress of Paulus Schrick of New Amsterdam. He died 1698, leaving children Jacob, William of Teller's Point, Andrew, Johanes, Caspar, Elizabeth, Mary, and Jane. Of these, Andrew (or Andries) married Sophia, daughter of Olof Stevense Van Cortlandt. William married Rachel Kiersted, and had children John (or Johanes), the testator of above will, and other children. An affidavit among the Leisler papers states that Jacob Teller was thirty-seven years old in February, 1691, and "late commander of a ship." Westchester Co., N. Y., /664-/784. 309 cies to wife Alche, and to Catharine daughter of my son Peter. Rest of property to children Isaac, John, James, Luke, Ab'", Catharine Jozine, and Rachel wife of Luke Stoutenburgh of 9 Partners in Duchess Co. Witnesses. Isaac Vermillie Isaac Vermillie J" Thomas Allen, " schoolmaster " Dated Feb. 25, 1763. Proved Feb. 16, 1776. 584. Charles Warner, Yonkers. Leaves to son fF'" the farm and Improvements. Mentions wife (not named) and son Jesse, and daughters Jane wife of Cornelius Berrian, Eliza wife of JF'" Hadley, Phebe wife of Joseph Jadwin, and Dorcas wife of Moses Oakley. Dated Jan. 4, 1775. Proved June 19, 1775. 585. James Hunter, Phillipsburg. Leaves to wife Rosana use of household effects. To son W'" the Improvements on farm. Legacies to daughters Martha, Anne, Rosana, Elizabeth 3IO Wills of Early Residents of Pahner and Mary Freeland. Mentions sons John and Gilbert. Aug. 26, 1774. Proved April 10, 1775. 586. Daniel LaTie, Manor of Cortlandt. Directs that the rent for the farm, leased from Col. Henry Beekman, he paid. Leaves to son Hyatt Lane the north part of farm, and to son Stephen a part next south, and to son Joseph the south part next John Lyon's farm. Makes Joseph Lane of Duchess Co. and son Hyatt executors,, June 22, 1770. Proved March 8, 1775. 587. John Oblenus, Manor of Cortlandt. Leaves all lands to sons Dennis and John. Men tions wife Mary, son Henry, and daughter Deborah Low. Feb. I, 1774. Proved May 28, 1775. 588. Moses Powell, Northcastle. Wife Katharine. Leaves all lands and houses in NortJi Castle to his 8 sons John, NatJianiel, Moses, Obadiah, Edmund, James, Isaac and Samuel. Lega- Westchester Co., N, Y, / 664-/ 784. 311 cies to daughters Hannah Carpenter, Mary, Eliza beth, Ann Quimby, KatJiarine Hunt and Mary Gleason. July 7, 1774. Proved Nov. 5, 1774. 589. Silvanus Hyatt, Manor of Cortlandt. Leaves property to wife Abigail and children (not named). Makes David Frost and Nathaniel Hyatt executors. Feb. 3, 1775. Proved March 8, 1775. 590. Eles. Davenport, Northcastle. Legacies to daughters ElizabetJi wife of Thomas Pearsall, Rachel wife of JoJm Bullyea, grand son Thomas son of my son ThoTnas Davenport, W'", Isaac and Mary children of I'ny son John, deceased. June 6, 1773. Proved March 2, 1 775. 591. Hezekiah Roberts, Bedford. Leaves all to wife Sophia, and children Daniel, Eli, Hezekiah and Jerusha. Makes Capt. Stephen Baxter and Jonathan Miller-^" executors. April 3, 1775. Proved April 22, 1775. 3 1 2 Wills of Early Residents of 592. /F"* Landrine, New Rochelle. Leaves to wife Mary, and to daughter Mary, wife of Peter Renaured, the use of i the homestead, on the east side of the Great road leading to New Rochelle ¦ for life then to her children except her eldest son Peter, and he is to have the other i. Leaves to grand son fF" son of John, 14 acres of land on the west side of said road. Dated July 24, 1774. Proved Aug. i, 1774. 593. SaTnuel Dean, Yonkers. Wife Deborah. Executors are to sell my right in the farm where I live, left me by my father Nicholas Dean. Mentions brothers Daniel, Stephen, and W'", and sisters Phebe widow of Joseph Pell, Sarah wife of Samuel Barnes, CJiarity wife of John Valen tine, ATny wife of Elias Doty, Rachel wife of Joseph Ferris, and Peggy wife oi Joshua Gedney. Dated May 3, 1773. Proved May 28, 1775. 594. Thomas Hays, Salem, Leaves legacies to wife Ruth, and to daughters Ruth wife of Josiah Betts, Rachel wife of Eleazer Dobson and her daughter Betsey, and to Abigail Westchester Co., N, Y, / 664-/ 784. 313 daughter of my son Daniel, Rest to his 3 sons Thomas, Josiah and Thomas Allen Hays. Witnesses. Michael Abbot Benaijah Northrup W" Bashford May 23, 1775. Proved June 17, 1775. 595. David Halstead, Rye. Leaves to wife PaticTice the use of i of farm. Leaves to son Stephen h "the farm he now lives on in Cortlandt Manor," and to son Joshua the other i. Leaves to son Samuel the farm he lives on in said manor. To son David my farm in Harri son's Purchase. Leaves legacies to daughters Sarah Hatfield and Patience. Witnesses. Samuel Barnes Samuel Barnes J" Stephen Barnes Oct, I, 1772. Proved May 23, 1775. 596. Jonathan Concklin, Phillipsburg. Leaves to wife Eleanor the lot and buildings where I now live. If she remarries, then they are 3 14 Wills of Early Residents of to be sold with the consent of Frederick Phillipse ^'^, now Lord of the manor. Mentions sons Gilbert and Isaac and daughter Ally. Witnesses. Gerritt Kronkhuyt James Van Wart June 26, 1775. 597. Abel Devoue, New RocJielle. " My body to be buried in the burying ground which I have reserved for a burial place for my family, or for any of the Devoues of my relation, which I reserve for a burying place forever." Leaves to son BenjaTnin 60 acres in front, joining the road, with the buildings. The rest of the land joining to my brother Frederick, to be sold. Pro vides for wife Mary, and leaves legacies to son Daniel, grand son Samuel Baker, son Abel, and daughters Mary Landrine, Esther and Susanah. May 3, 1775. Proved Aug. 20, 1775. 598. Elizabeth Brown, Yonkers, Leaves to son Thomas the farm where I now live. Legacies to children John, JosepJi, Sarah Hyatt, Westchester Co., N. Y, / 664-/ 784, 315 Nanne Underhill, and Hannah Ferris. Makes son Thomas and Stephen Ward executors. Witnesses. Samuel Sneden Jerusha Bishop Noah Bishop Dated March 10, 1768. 599. Bartholomew Gedney, White Plains, Leaves to John Gedney, son of my brother John deceased, my gun, sword and cane. Legacies to Bartholomew, son of said John. To my nephew Bartholomew, son of James Haines. Provides for wife Margaret, and leaves all lands to nephew John, Makes wife and Capt. Absalom Gedney executors. Witnesses. Micah Townsend JocAMiAH Seaman John Falcar Dated March 18, 1775. Proved Sept. 26, 1775. Liber 29. P. 599. 600. David Hunt, West Farms, Leaves to sons James and Jacob all lands on Mini fords Island, in the manor of Pelham. Leaves to 3i6 Wills of Early Residents of wife Lydia use of personal estate. To son Alsop £io, to daughter Lydia y200. Witnesses. Cornelius Leggett Daniel White Dated Dec. 23, 1777. Proved Dec. 7, 1778. 601. John Crookston, Eastchester, Directs " house and lot in Eastchester, now pos sessed by Henry Marsh," to be sold. Legacies to Martha Brown, Leaves to grand son John Crooks- ton all other estate real and personal. If he die without issue then to George Briggs. Witnesses. Caleb Pell Ab" Fincher, " carpenter " John McNaughton Dated Feb. 10, 1779. Proved April 13, 1779. 602. Samuel Oakley. Son of JoJm Oakley of WestcJiester, aged 13. Chooses Isaac Willett as guardian. July 30, 1779. Westchester Co., N. Y., / 664-/ 784. 317 603. Charles Theal, Rye. Leaves to son Eleazor 20^ as heir at law. To son Charles 5^ " and my staff with an ivory head, which was my fathers." To son Thomas, all lands in Rye, being my home lot and 20 acres salt meadow, bought of SaTnuel Sniffen, and the lands I bought of JoJm Crawford, " Provided that the laws of the Con tinental Congress, or laws of Governor and Senate and General Assembly, do not bar him from possess ing them." If they do, then the property is to go to my son Charles. Legacies to daughters Sarah Brown, Ann Fowler and Abigail. Also to grand son Isaac Fowler, "my grand daughter JemiTna." Makes son in law Ezekiel Halstead and Capt. Joshua Purdy executors. Dated Sept. 17, 1778. Proved Nov. 25, 1780. 604. Samuel Rodman, Pelham. Leaves "to son Joseph \ of my Island called Hart island, lying in the Sound, before the manor of Pel ham," and y300. Leaves to sons W'" and Samuel " all that my neck of land and meadow where I live, with buildings, which I bought of Thomas Pell." Leaves to daughter Sarah Bleecker y300. To Mariam and Elizabeth daughters of Deborah Hicks, £^0. To grand daughter Sarah Bertine y 100 " and 3i8 Wills of Early Residents of a bond due me from Peter Bertine, and his sons Peter and John!' To grand son Peter Bertine y200. To Joshua Hunt J'' £s- To Richard Hicks " my square of land on Minnifords Island, whereon Deborah Baxter now lives." Rest of estate to sons W*", Samuel, Joseph and to Sarah Bleecker. Witnesses. James Pell Thomas Pell Elizabeth Pell Dated Sept. lo, 1779. Proved May 8, 1 780. Liber 32. P. 332. 605. Hackaliah Brown, Rye. Leaves to son Hackaliah "10 acres of my farm in Cortlandt Manor, in addition to what I have already given him." Leaves to son Christopher the rest of land in the Manor. To son David, all my part of the farm he and I bought of Daniel StraTig, and a tract I bought oi Robert Bloomer adjoiriing,hounded on Hog Pen Ridge road, Daniel Lewis' land, and Robert Bloomer' s land and Blind Brook, and 8 acres adjoining, which I bought of my brother BenjaTnin Brown, and my part of the house and lot he and I bought of the executors oi Josiah Purdy on the west side of the Country road. Also a piece of salt meadow I bought of Joseph Brundige and AbraJiam Westchester Co., N Y., / 664-/ 78 4. 319 Theal, and 2 acres of sedge meadow adjoining the same, and Caleb Purdy' s meadow. Leaves to sons Josiah and Isaac all my neck of land in Rye, between the mill creek and swamp, adjoining to, and being south of my brother Thomas Browns land and Jotham Brown's land. Also a lot called Mill ground, bounded north and east by Eze kiel Halstead, south by Jonathan Brown, west by Millstone road. Also my orchard and tract adjoin ing, bounded south by the great road, west by Eze kiel Halstead and Jonathan Brown, and thence crossing a way until it comes to other land oi Jona than Brown, then east and north by him to the creek, including a burying hill, so called, and a piece of salt meadow lying between this and Roger Park's meadow. Also a tract on Hog Pen Ridge, bought of Jonathan Kniffen, which was formerly Eleazar Brundige' s, lying between 2 roads, and the lands of Jonathan Kniffen and Benjamin Brown. Also all undivided rights in lands in Rye. Also a house and lot where I now live, and the lot or homestead my barn stands on, lying north of a highway, and bounded by Jonathan Brown -^'', Roger Park-''' and Thomas BrowTi. Legacies to " Gilbert and Levhia children of my son Nathan deceased." Dated April 6, 1765. Proved May 27, 1780. Liber 32. P. 347. 320 Wills of Early Residents of 606. Thomas Underhill, Rye Neck. Frees all his slaves, and leaves y5o for their sup port, and desires his executors to take particular care that this part of the will be fulfilled to the utmost of their power. Leaves to son Joseph £^ as heir at law. Rest of estate to wife Ann. Mentions son Samuel of Mamaroneck, and son in law James Mott of New York. Mentions children and grand children (not named). Witnesses. George Embree W" Gray Nathaniel Palmer Dated the i6th day of second month, 1776, Proved June 8, 1780, Liber 32, P, 378. 607, James Hains, Rye. "Advanced in years." Leaves to wife Mary the use of part of estate, executors to sell the rest. To son John £10 as a bar to all claim as heir at law. Mentions children JoJin, BartJioloTnew, ElijaJi, James, Thomas, NicJiolas, Margaret, EstJier, Westchester Co., N Y, /664-/784. 321 HelcTia. Mentions Elizabeth daughter of Hannah Kelley. Witnesses. Thomas Theal Josiah Burnell Gilbert Bloomer Sept. 14, 1774. Proved Sept. 25, 1780. 608. Mercy Honeywell, Westchester. Leaves to son Gilbert " my Great Bible." Lega cies to daughters Elizabeth Wright and Mary Pell, son JaTnes, sisters Elizabeth Pugsley, Martha Cause- ton, son in law Gillet Pell Witnesses. Stephen Baxter Daniel White Thomas Humphrey Dated May 28, 1780. Proved Sept. 25, 1780. 609. Abraham Purdy, Manor of Cortlandt. Leaves to son Elvan all lands and tenements. Legacies to daughters Jerusha, and FanTiy Drake. To Presbyterian Church of Hanover yso. Makes 32 2 Wills of Early Residents of son Elvan and Benjamin Haight of Cortlandt Manor executors. Witnesses. Obadiah Purdy John Strang Joseph Strang April 9, 1778. Proved May 20, 1778. Liber 33. P. 33. 610. Joseph Purdy, Westchester. Leaves to wife Mercy \ of estate in fee. Leaves to Presbyterian Church in Hanover \ of estate, " as a standing fund, for the Publick means of Grace." Rest of estate to his brothers Obadiah, Abraham and Jonathan. Makes wife Mercy, " my Revered Pastor SaTnuel Sackett," " my brother Abraham and my brother by marriage John Smith of Bedford" executors. Witnesses. Thomas Steel Peter Lasson Alexander Forman Dec. 6, 1769. June 24, 1778, 611, Joseph Wildey, Phillipsburg. " Farmer," Wife Ally. Leaves property to chil- Westchester Co., N. Y., / 664-/784. 323 dren Judith and Joseph. Makes " friends George Comb and James Hammond" executors, Oct. 7, 1776. Proved July 25, 1778. 612. Thomas Wildey, Phillipsburg. " Farmer." Wife Jude. Leaves to son Griffin " all my wearing apparel extra for his birth right." Leaves his farm to son Joseph. To son Jacob yioo. Legacies to children Caleb, Thomas, John, Sarah, Elizabeth Combes, Cornelia and Nancy Hammond. Makes his sons in law George Combes and Col. James Hammond executors. Dated Oct. 7, 1776. Proved July 5, 1778, 613. Israel Lockwood^'* Westchester. Leaves to cousin Hezekiah Lockwood \ his lands, and to cousins Reuben, David and Nathan, sons of Capt. Reuben Lockwood, the other \. Legacies to the daughters of Capt. Reuben Lockwood, viz., Lydia, Ann, Sarah, Rebecca, Jerusha, Elizabeth, Jemima " Probably son of Joseph, son of Jonathan Lockwood, who came to Pound Ridge in 1743. He was born in 1710. His brother. Captain Reuben Lockwood, was born in 1715. The term " cousins " in the will evidently means nephews. 324 Wills of Early Residents of Briggs, and " the wife of Gilbert Weed, and the wife of Hezekiah Lockwood." Mentions wife (not named). Witnesses. D"* Benjamin Miller, of Pound Ridge Joshua Ambler Blackleach Burritt Dated Dec. 16, 1778. 6 1 4. Joseph Scribner, Pound Ridge. Leaves to wife Mary use of all estate for life. After her decease, leaves i of lands to son Isaac, and the other \ to sons Joseph, Elias and Samuel. Legacies to daughters Mary Nash, Uncie Jones, Sarah Seeley, Johanah Meade. Makes son Isaac and Eleazar Lockwood ^"^ executors. Witnesses. Abner Osborn Brockwa Brown John Bellamy Jan. 13, 1770. Proved June 23, 1779. 615. ThoTnas SeamaTi, Northcastle. Directs all lands to be sold. Legacies to PJiebe daughter of Charity SeamaTi, and to " my 5 sisters Abigail Mozer, Mary LevericJi, PJtebe BruTidige, Westchester Co., N. Y, / 664-/784. 325 Charity Seaman, HannaJi Mozer." Makes John GriffiTi and Abel SmitJi executors. Witnesses. Horsman Mullinex Jeremiah Hunter John Williams Dec. 12, 1776. Proved April i, 1779. 616. Gertruyd Beekman. '° Widow of Henry BeekmaTi ^'^. " Advanced in age." Leaves to nephew Pierre VaTi CoTdlandt for life and then to his son Gilbert, " All that tract of land in the manor of Cortlandt, called Anthony's Nose, and known as Front Lot No. 10. And the 2 tracts of land which were conveyed to JaTnes De Lancey by ATidrew JohnsoTi and wife CatJiarine for my use, lying in the manor of Cortlandt adjoining Peekskill, being about 340 acres, as by release dated March 21, 1739. Also the north half of North Lot No. 3, and \ the meadows lying between the main land and Salisbury's Island. If Gilbert should die without issue, then to go to his brother Pierre, and ¦"^ She was daughter of Hon. Stephanus Van Cortlandt, and the lands mentioned descended to her from her father. She was born October 10, 1688; died 1777. The " house and lots adjoining Beekman's Slip" is where the United States Hotel now stands, at the west corner of Pearl and Fulton streets. New York. 326 Wills of Early Residents of if he die without issue, then to his brother Philip." Leaves to nephews PJiilip and W'" RicJeetts, sons of my nephew Stephen Van Cortlandt, South Lot No. 8, now in possession of W"" Jewell and others. Leaves to nephews Samuel, John and Philip sons of my brother Stephen VaTi Cortlandt, the south part of North Lot No. 3, and South Lot No. 8, near Bed ford, for life, then to Stephen Van Cortlandt, son of JoJm. Leaves " my \ of Salisbury's Island to the children of Andrew Johnson, late of PertJi Amboy, and to W'" Tyrrell." Leaves all other rights in Rumbout Patent, and in the manor of Cortlandt, \ to the sons of my brother Stephen, \ to nephew Pierre Van Cortlandt, and \ to Philip and W"* Ricketts Van Cortlandt. My houses and lots adjoin ing Beekman's Slip, and house and lot on Maiden Lane, are to be sold by executors. Legacies to sisters Cornelia Schuyler, Catharine Johnson, "my nieces Rebecca wife of Samuel Bayard, Margaret Cockroft, Margaret Gage and Margaret Watts. Makes nephews Pierre and John executors. Witnesses. Isaac Radcliff George Bull D" Isaac Kip Dated Feb. 20, 1776. Proved June 15, 1779. Westchester Co., N. Y, / 664-/ 784. 327 617. John BruTidige, West Patent of Northcastle. Provides for wife Elizabeth. Leaves to son John his possessions in Phillipse Upper Patent where Nehemiah Wood lives. To son James so much of the north part of my plantation, as with what I have given him will make 3. Leaves to son Marston \ and to son Jere. the rest. Legacies to grand son John Burcham, and to daughters Anne Wood, Eliza betJi Arnold, DeboraJi OgdcTi, Hannah Worden, Rhoda Forman, Phebe Niles, Charity Thorn, Free love Weeks. Makes son James and " my wife's hro^er James GrecTi " and Benjamin Smith executors. March 30, 1779. Proved May 26, 1779. 618. Nathaniel Hyatt ^'', Manor of Cortlandt. Wife Mary. Leaves estate to children Daniel, David, Israel, Milicent, Jane, Mary and Phebe. Witnesses. Ebenezer White Samuel Lawson Elijah Scott Dated Feb. 8, 1779. Proved Sept. 13, 1779. 328 Wills of Early Residents of 619. SaTTiuel Haviland, Harrisons. Leaves all to wife RacJiel, and makes her and brother in law W"' Miller executors. Witnesses. Joseph Palmer James Palmer Samuel Gilchrist Nov. 13, 1776. Oct. I, 1779. 620. Josiah Woolsey, WestcJiester. Provides for wife Mary. Rest of estate to sons Thomas, Stephen, W'", JosiaJi, and daughters Sarah and Mary. Makes wife and JosepJi Owcti executors. Witnesses. W* Croft Thomas Burrill Adam Van Riper Sept. 9, 1779. Proved Dec. 3, 1779. 621. JoJi7i Enters, PJiillipsburg. Leaves to wife Mary use of movables, etc. Westchester Co., N. Y., 1664-1784. 329 Leaves to John Foshed $400.* To SaTnuel Patdding $350. Makes iriend JoJiti Foshed executor. Witnesses. Peter See Ab" See Sept. 3, 1779. Proved Jan. 13, 1780. 622. Johanes Breeuer, PJiillipsburg. Leaves all Improvements to son Job. Legacies to children Peggy, Angeltie wife of JoJiti Sispen, Lena wife of Peter Mabie, Deliverance, Peter, Matthew and Jacob. Mentions W"" and John Your kse, Johanes and W'" Britt. June 19, 1778. Proved Jan. 13, 1780. 623. BenjaTnin Rockwell, Salem. Provides for wife Rebecca, and daughter Jane Hubbell. Legacy to " Stephen Comstock, son of my daughter Rebecca!' Leaves to son Benjamin the rest of his farm, having already given him part by * This is the first instance of dollars being mentioned. 330 Wills of Early Residents of deed. Mentions sons Nathan and Job. Makes John Brut en ^'' executor. Witnesses. Ebenezer Wood Andrew Meade Solomon Meade Aug. 20, 1778. Proved Feb. 25, 1780. 624. Hon. John Thomas.'''' " God's will be done, and this is the will of John Thomas ^^^ of Harrisons Purchase." " I leave to my wife and faithful partner Abigail ysoo." To sons John and Thomas all the house and lands where I now live, on the west side of Blind Brook. John is to have the north part. Leaves to daughters Sybil " He was son of Rev. John Thomas, who came to Hempstead, L. I., 1754. His son, Hon. John Thomas, was bom in 1705, and settled in Westchester County. He married Abigail, daughter of John Sands, February 19, 1729. He was first Judge of Westchester County, and member of Provincial Assembly. During the Revolution he was an exceedingly active patriot, and on that account was particularly obnox ious to the British. He was seized in his bed on the morning of March 22, 1777, carried to New York, and confined in the Provost, and died there on May 2 following. His remains were buried in Trinity church yard. His son John was High Sheriff of Westchester, 1776. His sec ond son. Major General Thomas Thomas, was a distinguished officer and member of the State Legislature. He married Katharine, daugh ter of Nicoll Floyd of Smithtown, L. I., and sister of Charles Floyd, who married his sister Margaret. General Thomas died May 29, 1824, aged seventy-nine. His wife died January 15, 1825, in her seventy- ninth year. Leaving no children, their estate went to the heir of his sister Charity, wife of James Ferris. Westchester Co., N. Y., 1664-1784. 331 wife of Abraham Theal yioo. To CJiarity wife of James Ferris y200, Margaret widow of Charles Floyd y200, Gloriana wife oi James Franklin ;^200, also " 2 lots on Bowery Lane drawn in Bayards Lot tery." My lands in NortJicastle near the White Plains to be sold. Makes son in law James Franklin executor. Witnesses. Abigail Thomas ^"^ Hannah Lawrence W" Miller Dated Jan. 28, 1775. Proved Sept. 11, 1780, Liber 33. P. 270. 625. Caleb Merritt, Northcastle. Leaves legacies to wife ElizabetJi, and daughters Mary, Esther, Hester, Elizabeth and Hannah. Leaves \ of his lands to son Silvanus, and the other f to be sold by executors. Makes son Caleb and Ben jamin Hill executors. Jan. 15, 1779. Proved Aug. 29, 1780, 626. Stephen Miller, Manor of Cortlandt. Leaves personal property to wife Mary, and to 332 Wills of Early Residents of sons Increase, Stephen, and Samuel, his farm. Men tions daughter Rebecca Miller. Witnesses. Abel Weeks Daniel Underhill John Rull July 14, 1780. Proved Aug. 29, 1 780. 627. Anthony Field,'''- Harrisons. Leaves to wife HaTinaJi " my Great Bible," and use of personal property. Directs land " on the north side of road that leads from Kings street to White Plains" to be sold. Leaves to sons TJioTnas, Samuel, AnthoTiy, W'", and daughter Sarah, " the farm where I live, on the east side of the road that leadeth from the Purchase meeting house to Rye." Dated this 21st day of 4th month called April, Proved Sept. 2 7, 1 780. 628. James Brewer, MaTior of CortlaTidt. Leaves property to wife HaTuiaJi, and to children '"' He was son of Benjamin, son of Anthony Field of Flushing, who came to Harrison's Purchase, 1725. He married Hannah, daughter of Wm. Burling, and has many descendants. Westchester Co., N. Y, /664-/784. 333 Sarah, Mary, Joseph, James and Daniel. Makes brother in law Elijah Lee executor. Witnesses. Justin Sherwood Joseph Ingersoll Joseph Lee J^ Nov. 20, 1780. Proved Dec. 7, 1780. 629. John Westcot, Bedford. Mentions wife RacJiel. Leaves to son John house and lands. Mentions daughters Martha, Ruth, DorotJiy, Mary and Deborah. Oct. 4, 1762. Proved Dec. 11, 1780. 630. Solomon Haines, Manor of CortlaTidt, Leaves "to the 4 children of my son DaTiiel, the place where his widow now lives." Mentions wife Eunice, and sons Joshua and Solomon, and 3 daugh ters (not named). May 10, 1780. Proved May 12, 1781. 631. John Mekeel, Manor of Cortlandt. Wife Anne. Sons Moses and W'", and daughter 334 Wills of Early Residents of Phebe. Makes Michael Mekeel and John Smith executors. Witnesses. D" Ebenezer White Isaac Palmer Nov. 30, 1780. Proved March 20, 1781. 632. Harmanus Gardeneer. Leaves all real estate to wife Antie and sons Harmanus and David. Mentions " my 7 daughters " (not naTned). April 14, 1 76 1. Proved Oct. 9, 1781. 633. Daniel Wright, Manor of Cortlandt, Leaves personal property to wife RacJiel. Directs " my land bought of George Booth whereon Na thaniel Underhill lives," to be sold. Leaves to his 7 daughters Sarah, Hannah, Esther, Famiy, Milli cent, Rachel and Phebe each y40. Leaves rest of lands to sons Daniel, Micaiah and James. Makes wife RacJiel and her brother StepJicTi Horto7i ex ecutors. Dated Feb. 8, 1777. Codicil dated March 3, 1781, mentions that his Westchester Co., N, Y, / 664-/ 784, 335 son Daniel has died and leaves y40 to his daughter Gloriana. Proved April 26, 1781. 634. Elisha Covert, Manor of Cortlandt. Leaves property to daughters Sarah, Mary, Phebe wife of Jesse Nelson, Elizabeth wife of W"'- Horton, Tamer wife of Peter Warren, Hannah wife oi John Teed, Sarah and Dorothy, Makes Jesse Nelson of Duchess Co. and Benjamin Field executors. Dated Sept. 23, 1779. Proved July 14, 1781. 634. Isaac Covert, Manor of Cortlandt, Leaves use of property to wife Mary. Legacies to Elizabeth Gennereux, Phebe Travis, widow. Leaves " the place where I now live " to wife Mary and " my 3 brothers AbrahaTn, Elisha and Luke!' The executors are not " to sell the negroes at Pub lick Auction, but sell them to as good masters as they can get." Dated May 4, 1780. Proved Aug. 8, 1781. 636. Josiah Gilbert, Salem. Leaves to children Nathan and Lois " each 50 acres of land east of the grist mill, and 9 acres east 336 Wills of Early Residents of of Ephraim Gilbert's and my home lot, 12 acres, and my lot east of the Great meadow, 2 acres, and my lot above the bridge, by the Great meadow, 14 acres, and the Great Hill east my house, 26 acres, and the land I had of Mathew Bouton, 7 acres, and 66 acres south of Nehemiah Stebbins!' Legacy to daughter Elizabeth Bouton, and her daughter Lois. Leaves lands in Connecticut " to all my sons, viz., NatJian, Abijah, Ephraim, Benaijah, and Jacob." Witnesses. Lieut. Jonathan Loder Lewis Stephens Solomon Meade Jan. 19, 1776. Proved March 25, 1782. 637. Peter Jay -^^«'." " Late of Rye, but now of Rumbout Precinct." Leaves to executors ysoo for the support of son Augustus and yi8oo for support of daughter Eve Munro, and then to go to her son Peter J. Munro. Rest of property to sons James, Peter, John and Frederick. His son Peter is to have " if he choose it my farm at Rye at its true value." '" He was the only son of Augustus Jay and Anna Maria his wife, daughter of Balthazar Bayard. He was born 1704, and married Mary, daughter of Jacobus Van Cortlandt and his wife Eva Phillipse. His son, John Jay, was the illustrious Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States and Governor of New York. Westchester Co., N. Y, / 664-/ 784, ^2i7 His son John is to have " the choice of farms in Bed ford at vendue." His son Frederick, " if he choose it, is to have the Lot and water Lot, on which he built a store house, on the south side of Dock street wharf, and opposite the house late in occupation of Evert Bancker, Bounded east by Augustus and Frederick Van Cortlandt, west by John W'" Vreden- burgh, and south by the river. As granted to me by the Mayor and Corporation of New York." Leaves the house and lot ocupied by Evert Bancker to his other children. Mentions Rev. Harry Munro, husband of his daughter Eve. Makes his sons executors. Witnesses. W" Van Wyck Theodore Van Wyck J" John Van Wyck Dated Jan. 28, 1778. A codicil dated June 22, 1780, directs that all the legacies be paid in Spanish milled dollars at 8^ each. Proved May 27, 1782. Liber 33. P. 489. 638. Ezekiel GriffiTi, Bedford New Purchase. Leaves to son Adam 100 acres of the south part of homestead, and his mother and sister Sarah are to live with him. Leaves the north part, 100 acres, to his other sons. Mentions children Mary, Ezekiel, 338 Wills of Early Residents of Elizabeth, John, Jacob, JosepJi, Ann, Adam, Hannah, Phebe and Sarah, and grand son John Williamson, Witnesses. W" Disbrow James Marshall Lot Searls Dec. lo, 1769. Proved July 24, 1782. 639. Henry Purdy, Manor of Cortlandt. Provides for daughters Anne, and Elizabeth wife of John Covert. Directs estate to be sold, and proceeds divided among sons fF", Samuel and Henry. Sept. 22, 1 78 1. Proved June 6, 1782. 640. John Brown, Pound Ridge. Leaves everything to wife Judith, and she is to pay to son John (a minor) y5. Witnesses. Ezekiel Osburn W" Tanaker Ebenezer Brown Dated April 12, 1782. Westchester Co., N. Y, /664-/784. 339 641. Richard Wolsey, Bedford. Makes Daniel Wolsey of New Paltz, and Jacob Griffin of Fishkill executors. Leaves to wife Sarah use of estate for life. After her death his eldest son Thomas is to have yio, and the rest to daughters Ruth, Sarah and Hannah. Witnesses. Justus Harris James Clark Betsey Clark Dated April 21, 1779. Proved Dec. 12, 1782. 642. James Wright, Bedford. Leaves to wife Amy use of house and lands. Leaves to son Jesse, subject to his mother's right, all my homestead farm with mills and other buildings. Leaves to " my 5 daughters Sarah, Mary, Ann, Phebe and Fanny " 140 acres of land which I bought of the trustees of the estate of Samuel Honeywell, and a piece of land bought of Thomas Nichols, 53 acres." Makes his wife Amy, Jacob Carpenter, Ben jamin Hall and Joseph Owens executors. Julys. 1775- Proved May 20, 1776. 340 Wills of Early Residents of 643. JoJm Leggett,'"' West Farms. Leaves to son Ebenezer " all the farm or Neck of land called and known by the name of Cow Neck, in Westchester, with all the meadows I have thereto belonging." To wife Mary the use of farm where I now live, lying in the West FarTns. Leaves mova ble estate to daughters ATiTia, Abigail, Mary, and MartJia. To son JoJm, after death of wife, " the farm where I now live, and all my salt meadows in the West Farms, and my silver tankard." Dated June 8, 1780. Proved Oct. 23, 1780. Liber 34. P. i. 644. Frances Van Cortlandt.''^ " Of the Little or Lower Yonckers." Leaves to daughters Auti Van Home and Eve WJiite, each ''¦' Son of John Leggett and grandson of John Leggett, the proprietor of the "Planting neck. ¦" She was the widow of Frederick Van Cortlandt and daughter of Peter Jay. She was born February 26, 1701, and died August 2, 1780. Their daughter Anne married, first, Nathaniel Marston; second, Augustus Van Home. The daughter Eve married Henry White. Westchester Co., N. Y, / 664-1 78 4. 341 ;^iooo. Rest of property to her 5 (UnAdr en James, Augustus, Frederick, Anne and Eve. Witnesses. Peletiah Howes John Cozine John Noble Dated March 2, 1771. Proved Dec. 8, 1780. Liber 34. P. 43. 645. Solomon Fowler, Eastchester. Leaves all estate to wife Sarah and daughter Rachel. Makes wife Sarah and brother in law Thomas Hunt executors. Dated April 28, 1763. Proved Dec. 18, 1780. 646. Daniel Devoo, Eastchester. Wife Letty. Leaves legacies to AbrahaTn and Daniel, " sons of my eldest son Daniel deceased." " I leave my half of the land formerly belonging to my father, and now belonging to my brother John and me, to my two sons Peter and Isaac." " My half of the tract known by the name of the Gore, now belonging to my brother John and me, and which we bought of Lewis Morris ^^'^, is to be sold to the highest bidder among my 3 sons John, Peter and Isaac." Leaves to daughter Laney " my Large 342 Wills of Early Residents of Dutch Bible," and legacies to daughters Rachel, Letty, Elizabeth and Margaret. Leaves to grand son W"' £s,o, " and he is to have 2 Quarters school ing." Mentions " my son in law Benjamin Archer." Witnesses. Jacob Collard John Byvanck Robert Gilmore Dated April 3, 1777. Proved March 12, 1781. 647. James Van Cortlandt.''^ " Late of the Yonkers, now of New York." Leaves to wife ElizabetJi the use of personal estate for life, then to his brothers and sisters, Augustus, Frederick, ATine wife of Augustus Va7i Home, and Eve wife of Henry White ^^^. Executors are to sell all houses and lands, " except my house lot and water lot, west of Broadway," which is not to be sold till after wife's decease. Witnesses. Benjamin Kissam Samuel Nicoll Philip Kearney Dated March 23, 1781. Proved April 9, 1781. Liber 34. P. 158. '"He was the eldest son of Frederick Van Cortlandt and Frances Jay. He was born March 3, 1726, and died without issue. Westchester Co., N. Y, / 664-/784. 343 648. Cornelius Willett, Westchester. " Gentleman." Leaves to wife Elizabeth the use of " my 2 farms and salt meadow," also certain slaves, and " my Clock worked chairs, large looking glass, a feather bed and curtains with bedstead and bedding, 6 large silver table spoons, a silver milk pot, and pepper box, and all the Pictures in my Parlour." Legacies to daughters Mary Graham, Rachel Havi land, Mary and Sarah. Leaves to grand son Wil lett Leaycroft a tract of land called Flatlands in Queens Co. Legacies to grand sons Cornelius Wil lett and James GrahaTn, and grand daughter ATnelia Ogilvie. Mentions " my daughter Rachel Haviland and her son Willett Leaycroft!' " My daughter Mary wife of Augustine Graham, and her eldest son Cor nelius Willett De Ranst!' " my grand son Edward Stevenson!' " my 2 grand daughters Amelia and Elizabeth Ogilvie." Makes wife, and daughter Mar tha, and " my nephew Isaac Willett," and Dr. Daniel White, and Theophilus Bartow, executors. Dated June 19, 1781. Proved June n, 1781. Liber 34. P. 244. 649. John Hitchcock, Westchester. Provides for wife (not named). Leaves to eldest son John yi2. To son Jeremiah all houses and 344 Wills of Early Residents of lands. Mentions sons Samuel and Miles, and daugh ters Mercy and Mary. Witnesses. David Oakley Joseph Reynolds Mary Buckie Dated , 1 780. Proved Aug. 14, 1781. 650. Joshua Pell ^'', Pelham. Leaves to son Joshua £^. To wife Phebe use of best room in house, and a suitable maintenance. Legacies to sons Philip, Benjamin, and Gilbert " who is now serving apprenticeship with Joseph Latham in New York." Leaves to sons Joshua and Edward a!d houses and lands, Joshua to have the south half. Edward is to have the north half, and the whole of a Hammock of meadow called the West Hammock. Leaves to son Joshua " my cane and Large Bible." Makes son Joshua, and " my trusty and loving son in law Joseph Latham of New York, shipwright," executors. Witnesses. Charles Vincent ^'^ Peter Odell Robert Rolfe March I, 1758. Proved Aug. 14, 1781. Westchester Co., N. Y, / 664-/ 7 84. 345 651. Basil Bartow,'''^ Westchester. To wife Clarina " all goods that are remaining which she brought with her, and was her own prop erty at, or before, our marriage, and the use of the room called the Parlour, and the chamber over it." To daughter Clarina, y8oo. To son Punderson Bartow, all lands, buildings and salt meadow I bought of Sarah Hunt and her son Gilbert, also " the lot of salt meadow called the Parsonage Lot," and the lot and buildings called Haddens Lot, bought of my brother John Bartow. Also a lot adjoining, bought of Duncan Reade, also a lot of wood land lying at the north part of the low Swamp, adjoining to my brother John, " and my i of i of 2 lots of up land and 2 water Lots at New York, which my brother John and I bought of the devisees of Abraham Van Home and the Corporation of New York. The water Lots were granted to my brother yi?.^^, and he released \ to me." " Also \ of my right on Mini fords Island, or the New City, so called, and i of a farm in the 9 Partners in Duchess Co. which we bought oi John Bugbee." Leaves to son Basil John Bartow all lands called the Homestead, with the buildings, except a piece " He was son of Rev. John Bartow, the first rector of St. Peter's Church, Westchester. He maried Clarina, daughter of Rev. Eben ezer Punderson. The lots purchased of devisees of Abraham Van Home are on the north side of Cherry Street, New York, east of Market Street. The "Sailors' Home" stands on them. The Water Lots are opposite, and are now Nos. 187, 189 Cherry Street. 346 Wills of Early Residents of of land in the field on the Hill adjoining the Old Orchard, 3 rods square, and staked out for a burying ground, for myself and children, and brothers and sisters, which I grant for a burying ground forever, with right of passing to and from the King's road, through the Old Orchard. Also my land and salt meadow called " below," and a lot of land called " Scabby Indian," Being all the lands and meadows devised to my brothers and myself by our father, and now vested in me by release from my brothers. Also y25 commonage in the Sheep Pasture of WestcJiester. Also the land called the Parsonage land, and the land I bought of John Oakley, and the lot of land and meadow called the Causeway Lot, adjoining the Great Creek, and the lot I bought of Hester Nicholl. Also i of i of the lots and water Lots in New York, and \ of the farm in the 9 Part ners, and i the lands on Minifords island or the New City. Leaves to St. Peter's Church in WestcJiester £SO, towards building a new Church or repairing the present one. " My earnest desire and request is that my wife and my executors take special care that my children be virtuously and religiously edu cated, and kept from associating with vain and idle company." Makes wife and brother JoJiti and nephew JoJm, son of TJieopJiilus Bartow, and Rev. Samuel Seabury executors. Dated Dec. 16, 1770. Proved Dec. 17, 1781. Liber 34. P. 447. Westchester Co., N. Y., /664-/784. 2>47 652. John Vermillie " of the Yonkers." " Farmer." Leaves to son AbrahaTn all my home stead lands, dwelling house and Improvements which I bought of W"' Betts, being 100 acres. Leaves to daughters Antie, Maritie, Sarah and Rebecca £2,^ each. Leaves to sons Joshua and Frederick 99^ acres of land, bought of Roger Barton, 65 acres bought of Samuel Betts, and 40 acres bought of Benjamin Betts. Leaves to his 3 sons a piece of salt meadow, bought of Nicholas Kortright, on Hudsons river. To son Joha7ies the land I bought of Antho7iy Basley. To grand sons Gerardus and David 231 acres bought of Benjamhi Betts. Pro vides for wife Maritie, and leaves legacy to grand son John son oi John Kartright. Dated June 11, 1776. Proved April 23, 1782. 653. Thomas Emmans. " Of the Little, or lower Yonkers." Leaves to daughter ElizabetJi, widow of JaTTies HcTiderson, y500. To son Abraham $1000. Legacies to daughters Frances wife of Isaac Green, and Sarah wife oi Joshua Vermillie. Dated Sept. 6, 1781. Proved April 29, 1782. 348 Wills of Early Residents of 654. Robert Coles, Mamaroneck. Leaves to son John 10 acres of land adjoining land of Reuben Bloomer's, on the west side of the road. To daughter Elizabeth the use of a room in the house for her and her child, and the use of a garden, and the privilege of making a hogshead of cider yearly, and the use of the oven to bake in. Legacies to daughters JemiTna, Sarah, Mary and Anne £2^ each. Mentions grand son James Secor. Leaves rest of estate to son Joseph. Mentions "my grand daughter Hannah, ElizabetJi s oldest daughter." Dated the ist day of nth month, 1776. Proved May 6, 1782. 655. Micell Odell, Westchester. " Being sick, but having my senses very well. Thank God." Leaves to wife Elizabeth the use of house and movables. Leaves rest of estate to his 3 sons John, Isaac and Henry. Mentions " my 2 daughters " (not Ttamed). Witnesses. Uriel Fountain Tho. McCarty Benjamin Fowler Proved Sept. 30, 1782. Liber 35. P. 174. Westchester Co., N. Y, 1664-178 4. 349 656. Joshua Vermillie, Westchester. Mentions wife (not named) and leaves her yi50 and furniture. The executors are " to use as much money as will buy her a decent suit of mourning." Leaves son Thomas when 21, yio, the lands and meadows which were left by our father to me and my brother Frederick, my half is to be sold by executors. Mentions " my 4 children Thomas, Isaac, Anna and Polly." Makes Abraham and Gilbert Valentine executors. Witnesses. Isaac Valentine John Vermillya D" John Cregier Dated Oct. 3, 1782. Proved Oct. 14, 1782, 657, Andrew Devoe, New Rochelle. Leaves legacies to nephew Daniel, to Mary daughter of Samuel Mose, Elizabeth daughter of James Willis, " my brother Abel's children," " my brother Frederick' s children," " my sister Magdalen Schurman's children," " my brother in law Jeremiah Schurman." Dec. 14, 1776. Proved Nov. 12, 1782. 350 Wills of Early Residents of 658. John George Tebil, Throg's Neck. Legacies to 3 daughters Catharine, Dorothy and Mary Magdalen, and son Jacob, Dated Oct. 16, 1782. Proved Feb. 24, 1783. 659. Solomon Huestis, Phillipsburg. Leaves to son Solomon a farm in Duchess Co. To sons Jesse and SaTnuel "the house and lot in Queen street (New York) near Mr. Kissick' s," and the farm where I live in Phillips manor. Mentions children Charles, Jonathan, Edward, Barsheba, Mary, Phebe, SaraJi and John, and wife Phebe. Witnesses. John Sleight John Vail Edward Vermillie Dated Sept. 6, 1782. Proved May 19, 1783. 660. DaTiiel Canfield, Salem. Executors are " to purchase a decent pair of grave stones, for myself and my son Daniel deceased, and a pair for my daughter Thankful Keeler, deceased. Also a decent pair of grave stones for my wife Westchester Co., N. Y, / 664-/ 7 8 4. 351 Mary, to be set up at her grave at her decease.'^ Leaves all estate to wife Mary. " Whereas I have sundry demands upon the person commonly called James Canfield, if he pays an obligation that Benja min Clapp has against me, I discharge him from all claims." Makes wife and Benjamin Smith of Ridge field, Conn., executors. Witnesses. Nathan Olmstead John Chapman James Olmstead Sept. 20, 1782. Proved April 18, 1783. Liber 36. P. 18. 661. Johanes Dutcher, Phillipsburg. Leaves to wife Rachel, " all movables and house hold goods she brought to me," and use of other personal property. Legacies to grand daughters Mary wife of Isaac Ecker, and Leah wife of JoJianes Buys. Also to grand children Minow (?) and John, children of W"" Dutcher, and to grand son John, son of John. " My son W"" to have all my Improve ments, with consent of my Landlord." Witnesses. Abraham Ecker Stephen Ecker John Jewell March 21, 1771. Proved Jan. 6, 1783. 352 Wills of Early Residents of 662. Susannah Gue, Manor of Cortlandt. Leaves legacies to son David, and to grand daughter Jane Gue, " daughter of my eldest son Daniel, deceased." Also to daughter Mary wife of josepJi Griffin. Makes Michael McKiel of the manor of Cortlandt, and David Stanly of Ryckes Patent executors. Witnesses. Nathaniel Merritt Amy Merritt Naomai White, " widow " Dated July n, 1772. Proved April 6, 1776. 663. James Pine, New Rochelle. Leaves to grand son James, son of James Pi7ie of Ry^, 5^ To grand son James, son of John of East chester, " all the lands I bought of Gillead Hunt, in Pelham, with house, mills," etc. Legacies to son Samuel " living in Kings street in Fairfield, Conn." To " my 2 daughters ElizabetJi Willis and Mary Bennett." " My grand daughters PJiebe and HaTinaJi, daughters of my son JoJm deceased." " My grand Westchester Co., N. Y., /664-/784. 353 daughters Elizabeth and Mary, daughters of my son Micah, of New York, mariner, deceased," Witnesses, Mary Willis Charity Peters George Youngs July 30, 1773, Proved July 5, 1783, 664, Mary Travis, Manor of Cortlandt. " Widow of Robert Travis." Legacies to grand daughters Mary and Phebe, "daughters of my son Daniel, deceased," " My 4 sons Jonathan, Moses, Jeremiah, and Elisha!' Mentions grand sons Jona than, son oi Jonathan, Daniel son oi Jeremiah, and Robert son of Elisha. Leaves to CatJiarine wife of Elias Smith 40^ To Mary, daughter of John Se- cord, \cf. " To W'" Lewis son of Daniel Lewis, so called," 40^ To "my daughter Mary £10!' Makes Benjamin Field executor. Oct. 14, 1774. Proved April i, 1783. 354 Wills of Early Residents of 665. Joseph Gedney, Phillipsburg. Provides for wife Martha and leaves all estate to eldest son Absalom. Witnesses. Reuben Arnold Gabriel Bloomer May I, 1782. Proved May 20, 1783. 666. JaTnes Meadows, Rye, "schoolmaster." Leaves to grand son fF"* Meadows Woodward, "my house and 19 acres of land and my large Clock." His father and mother W"" and ATnelia Woodward are to have the use of it during life. To grand son James Meadows Woodward, 50 acres of landhou^t oi Jacob Walters and TiTnothy Wetmore, and a y 100 bond, against James and Gilbert Horton. Leaves to grand daughter Lavina Anna Woodward £2)0. Leaves yio towards building a church at Rye. Leaves to W'" Meadows Woodward " my large silver spoon." To James Meadows Woodward " my little clock and watch and silver knee buckles and shoe buckles." To Lavina Woodward "my gold ring." Makes son in law W"' Woodward, "Mr. John Westchester Co., N Y., / 66 4-/ 78 4. 355 Woods attorney " and John Guion, blacksmith, ex ecutors. Witnesses. Rufus Carpenter, tailor David Guion Richard Smith Dated Oct. 4, 1778. Proved May 22, 1783. 667. Isaac Guion, New Rochelle. "Gentleman." Directs 23 acres of land in the West Division, adjoining land of Peter Flandreau, to be sold. Leaves to son Isaac, " all my salt meadow in Rodmans neck, and a silver porringer, marked L. G." To son Abraham yioo, a silver tankard, and his cane. To son John yioo. Lega cies to sons Peter and David, Leaves to daughter Dinah "my homestead lot of 20 acres, with build ings," while she remains single, then to be sold by executors. Also leaves her "my French Bible in two volumes." Legacies to daughter Hester, wife Peter Sicord, (and her 3 daughters Mary, Hester and Catharine!) and to daughter Mary widow oi JohTi Bonet, Mentions " my 5 sons Isaac, Abraham, John, 356 Wills of Early Residents of Peter and David." The will enumerates a very large collection of household wares, etc. Witnesses. Jean Angevine Benjamin Guion Jacobus Bleecker Dated Feb. 9, 1 769. Proved May 7, 1783. 668. JaTnes Hart, Rye Neck, Leaves to daughters Lavina, Charity, Elizabeth, Jean and Hester, \ of estate, and to sons James, Eli sha, and Jacob the other |. Mentions " brother in law JohTi Guion." Dated May i, 1781. Proved May 20, 1783. 669. Stephen Bush, Greenwich. Mentions son Stephen, and "Nathaniel Reynolds of Cortlandt Manor, my wife's father." Dated March 7, 1782, 670. Martha Lyon, Rye. Leaves to youngest hrother David £100. Lega cies to cousin Gabriel LyTich, to " Peter Hatfield, son of my sister ElizabetJi!' " MartJia Weeks, daughter of Westchester Co., N Y, / 664-/784. 357 my brother Robert," to Jemima SimmoTis, and to " the daughters of my sisters Mary Lynch and CatJi arine Purdy." Makes "my cousins Gabriel LyncJi and BartJiolomew GedTiey " executors. Dated June 2, 1773. Proved May 20, 1783. 671. Hendrick Lent, Manor of Cortlandt. Leaves to eldest daughter SaraJi i of estate, and the other i to youngest daughter Hannah. Leaves to " grand son HcTidrick, son of Hannah, my fowling piece." ''Peggy the widow of my son AbraJiam, is to have a home with my two daughters " " so long as they can agree." Makes " my iriend Johi Van Tas sel ^"^ " and Capt. James KroTikhyt executors. Witnesses. Thomas R. Stillwell Hendrick Tice John Bartow Dated Nov. 23, 1781. Proved July 1, 1783. 672. Andrew Merritt, Rye. His wife Mary is to have 30^ yearly from each of his sons Gilbert, Robert, and Nathaniel, and each of them is to furnish 3 bushels of wheat and I bushel of corn, and his " son Robert and 358 Wills of Early Residents of his wife Phebe are to take care of her when not able to take care of herself." Leaves to eldest son Andrew £1. To sons Gilbert and Nehe miah " all lands on the west side of Gracious street, so called, in Rye, bounded east by street, north and west by roads, west partly by Nehemiah Kniffin, south hy John Hawkins" Nehemiah to have the north half. Leaves to son Robert all lands on the east side of street, bounded north and east by Byram river. " Four rods square of ground, about the graves of my father and mother, and former wife Rachel, on the north part of my land left to son Robert, shall remain a burying place." Legacy to daughter Rachel wife of Gilbert Miller. Witnesses. Sophia Smith Samuel Brown June 2, 1780. Proved July 23, 1783. 673. JaTnes Ferris, Throg's Neck. Leaves to wife Charity the use of \ of farm on Throgs Neck. To daughters ATine, Abigail and Mary y300 each. To sons James and David all lands on Throgs Neck. Legacy to son George. Leaves to wife Charity y300 and all that is given to her by the will of her iather JoJm Thomas ^"'. Leaves to sons Thomas and Edward " a tract of land on Westchester Co., N. Y., / 664-/ 78 4, 359 Bashes hill, on the west side of Hudson river." Mentions daughters Ann, Abigail and Mercy, " my brother in law Thomas Thomas," Dated Feb. 4, 1780. Proved June n, 1783. (See No. 624.) 674. Ebenezer Brown, Rye. Leaves to son Ebenezer 20^ " in bar to all claims as heir at law." Directs all lands to be sold by executors. Mentions sister Elizabeth Brown, and grand daughters Sarah and Mary Brown and Dorothy Anderso7i. Makes Daniel Adee and Na thaniel Brow7i executors. Dated Jan. 3, 1783. Proved July 12, 1783. 675. Eleazar Gedney, Scarsdale. Leaves legacies to son Joseph, and daughters Elizabeth Hart, Mary Sands, and Martha Barnes. Mentions " my daughter Rebecca Hart's children, viz., James, Elisha, Jacob, Levina, Charity, Elizabeth, Jane and Esther." " My grand sons JosepJi Gedney Haines and David Haines." " The lands and tene ments where my son Jacob lived are to be enjoyed by his wife and children till his son Thomas is 21 ; then to be sold, and proceeds given to his 360 Wills of Early Residents of widow Mary and children Thomas, Jacob, Eleazar, Mary and Anne!' Makes " my son David, and sons in law Joseph Hart and JaTnes Hart " executors. Feb. 25, 1777. Proved June 30, 1783. 676. Samuel Crawford, Scarsdale. " Cooper." Executors are to sell " a piece of land opposite BcTiedict Carpenter's!' Leaves to wife Jane the use of farm and buildings till youngest son Samuel is 14. Leaves legacies to sons Elijah, John and Samuel "and child yet unborn." Legacies to daughters EstJier, Mary, RacJiel and Phebe. Makes Miles Oakley and JonathaTi Griffin Tompkins ex ecutors. Dated Feb. 13, 1776. Proved June 12, 1783. 677. BcTijamin Ferris, Westchester. Executors are to sell all houses and lands in West chester, except one lot of my homestead called the Robert lot, and a small lot called the mill house lot, and a place 4 rods square, where the burying place is. Also 10 acres of my west meadow on Throggs Neck, which I give to my wife Sarah, for life, and then to be sold. Legacy to daughter Elizabeth. Westchester Co., N, Y, / 664-/ 784. 361 Makes wife and "my brothers Uriah Field and Josiah Quimby" executors. Dated Nov. 25, 1777. Proved June 30, 1783. 678. Elias Clapp, Northcastle, Legacies to sons Henry and Joseph. Leaves to sons Benjamin and John all lands and meadows both in Northcastle and in Greenwich, Conn. Dec. 15, 1762. Proved June 30, 1783. 679. Matthias Valentine, YoTikers. Leaves to son ThoTnas " all my salt meadow, and all the profits of the farm I live on." Legacies to daw^ters Dorothy Warner and Jane Fowler. Men tions grand sons James and Elijah Valentine, and Gilbert and Absalom Valentine. Mentions grand daughters Ruth, Dorothy, Susana Ji, Anna, and Sarah. Makes sons Thomas and Gilbert executors. Jan. 12, 1780. Proved June 24, 1783. 680. George DuTican ^'', Northcastle. " Merchant." Directs that y200 be " laid out for a lot for my father and mother, for life, and then 362 Wills of Early Residents of to my sister Elizabeth Duncan." Leaves to brother Monspeson Duncan, y200. Legacies to brother MicJiael, and to sisters Fra7ices Byvanck, Anne Bar ton and Martha Lawrence. Witnesses. Thomas Simonton Thomas Stillwell Cornelius Cooper Proved April 15, 1783. 681. Joseph Theall, Rye. Leaves to wife Sarah \ of estate, and to son Joseph f. Mentions " my former wife," and children Mar garet, Susannah, Edward, Thomas and Anna. Feb. 15, 1783. Proved Aug. 6, 1 783. 682. Joshua Bishop, Phillipsburg. " Being far advanced in years." Makes his estate security for the maintenance of his wife Mary " in a decent, comfortable manner." Legacy to grand son EzeJeiel Bishop. Mentions " my wife's grand son Evert Brown." " My grand son SaTnuel Lawrence to have my farm, with the consent of my Landlord, Col. Phillipse." Leaves rest of estate to " grand children Margaret, James, Elijah, NathaTiiel, Thomas, Westchester Co., N. Y., /664-/784. 363 Elizabeth and Matthias Vallentine, children of my late daughter Isabel wife of Thomas Vallentine." Dated Aug. 23, 1775. Proved July 28, 1783. 683. Benjamin Farrington of Mile Square. Leaves to wife Susanah all household goods. Di rects " all lands to be sold when son Benjamin comes of age, which will be May, 1795." Leaves to daugh ters Sarah, Elizabeth and Jane £2$ each. Rest of estate to sons James, Joshua and Benjamin. Makes Thomas and Gilbert Vallentine executors. April 4, 1779. Proved Aug. 4, 1 783. 684. Isaac Guion J'', New Rochelle. Executors are to sell all lands in New Rochelle. Leaves to wife Mary " the use of the small house by the Post Road in New Rochelle, which I bought of Charles Telford, and after her death to be sold." Legacies to son Isaac and daughters Elete (?), wife of Joseph Purdy, Rachel wife of Thomas Rob erts, Mary wife oi James ColweU, Agnes and Esther. Rest of estate to sons ThoTnas and Frederick, the latter " being gone over sea." Makes wife and brothers Abraham and John executors. May 7, 1776. Proved April 28, 1783. 364 Wills of Early Residents of 685. Samuel Barnes, Rye. Leaves to wife Sarah " i of my estate in the Pur chase." Legacies to daughters DeboraJi Clapp and Jerusha Under Jiill. Leaves to son Joshua " 100 acres of land in Charlotte Precinct, Duchess Co., that I had of my son SaTnuel." Mentions sons Samuel, StepJien and John, and grand daughters PaticTice and Charity Underhill. Mentions money " in the hands of /F"' Dean executor of father Dean!' and Samuel Dean. Witnesses. Richard Barnes Soloman Haviland David Halstead Dated "the i6thdayof 8th month called August," 1782. Proved June 13, 1783. (See 708.) 686. Z?'' Samuel White,''^ WestcJiester. " Physician." Executors are to sell all estate (ex cept books and plate, which are given to his wife EupJiemia) when son DaTiiel is 21. Mentions son Theophilus, and daughter PJiebe, and brother Ebene zer WJiite, and brother in law Theodorus Bartow. Dated Sept. i, 1781. Proved Aug. 15, 1783. ''s Son of Rev. Sylvanus White, who was for fifty years pastor of the Presbyterian Church at Southampton, L. I. Westchester Co., N, Y, / 664-/ 78 4. 365 687. Christopher IsingJiart, Harrisons Purchase. " Blacksmith." Leaves to wife Sarah the use of \ of farm during life, then the whole to go to son Christopher. Legacies to daughters Charity Purdy, AnTi Hubbs and Sarah Lynch. Makes wife and son in law Joseph Purdy executors. April 5, 1773. Proved Sept. 17, 1783. 688. Caleb Oakley, Westchester. Leaves legacies to sons JohTi, Caleb and Miles, " my 2 grandsons, sons of my son BcTijamin de ceased," " my daughter ElizabetJi wife of Willett Dean." Mentions" my brothers Miles and Gilbert." Dated Sept. 29, 1781. Proved Aug. 14, 1783. 689. Nathaniel Underhill,'''^ Westchester. " Gentleman." Directs all houses and lands to be divided into two parts, and leaves i to Thomas McLeroth and i to Anthony Lispenard UnderJiill, "son of my brother Israel Underhill" Leaves to "my brother Bartow Underhill" ysoo, and to ¦" Son of Nathaniel (see No. 529). He was bom August 31, 1723. He married Ann, daughter of Israel Honeywell. He was the first lord mayor of Westchester. 366 Wills of Early Residents of Nathaniel, son of my brother John, y200." " To my sister Helen Morgan y200." Leaves legacies to sisters Mary Bayley, Gloriana Underhill, Sarah wife of Samuel Embree, Mary widow of John Bug bee, Amelia Wright daughter of Obadiah Purdy, Charity Dally wife of Joshua Hunt. To John and Benjamin, sons of John Underhill, my nephews Obadiah and JosepJi Purdy, my nephew Thomas McLeroth, Gilbert Drake, son of my sister Elizabeth Drake, Amy, daughter oi JoJm Underhill. Dated March 29, 1783. 690. Daniel Miller, Northcastle. Leaves to son Lewis y200. Legacies to wife Charity, son Daniel, and daughter Ann Miller. June 4, 1783. Proved Jan. 26, 1784. 691. JaTnes Oakley, White Plains. Leaves to son Miles Oakley, a tract of land bounded west by road, south by Miles Oakley. Leaves use of property to wife MiriaTn. Legacy to Phebe Halliday. Leaves rest of estate after wife's death to sons Miles and Isaac. Dated Sept. 13, 1776. Proved Jan. 7, 1784. Westchester Co., N, Y, / 664-/ 784, 367 692. Robert Bloomer, Rye. Leaves use of personal property to wife Elizabeth. Legacies to daughters Levina and Phebe, and to "my 6 sons Robert, Reuben, Isaac, Monmouth, Elisha and ATiderson!' Dated Sept. 29, 1776. Proved Dec. 23, 1783. 693. Jacob Griffen, White Plains. "The 9th day of 6th month, called June," 1777. Leaves to wife Sarah the use of houses and lands in White Plains and Harrison! s Purchase. After her decease the executors are to sell and divide proceeds among brothers Ezekiel and W"', and daughters Winifred Purdy, Catharine Barton, Sarah wife of Owen Stringham, and Joseph Griffin. Mentions Jacob Wildely, Anna wife of JaTnes Hammond, and ElizabetJi wife of George Combs, "they being the children of Thomas Wildely that he had by my daughter Sarah." Mentions Sarah wife of TJiomas Lynch, Juda wife of ThoTnas Wildely, and Stephen Mabie " who now lives with me." " My son in law John Bates." " My grand children W", Jacob and Henry Fowler, and their sister's 2 eldest children Benjamin and Stephen!' " The children of my brother Caleb, viz., Jacob, Henry and Benjamin." 368 Wills of Early Residents of " My son in law SaTnuel Purdy." " My son Samuel of PJiillipsburg." Proved Nov. 13, 1783. 694. Joseph Merritt, Rye. " Living in the street called Hog Pen Ridge." Leaves property to wife Ruth, daughter Anne, and sons Nathaniel, Daniel, Jotham, John and Lot. Makes Samuel Brown and Joseph Carpenter ex ecutors. April 6, 1782. Proved Nov. i, 1783. 695. Lewis McDonald, Bedford. Leaves to son Lewis 10 acres of land I bought of the executors of Israel Miller, also " my gun, sword, gold sleeve buttons, and watch." To daughter SaraJi, wife of Peter Fleming, £ 1 500, and my silver tankard and 6 large silver spoons. Leaves " to sons of my son Daniel, viz., James, Lewis and JosepJi y300 each," and to his daughters SaraJi and RacJiel yi50 each. Legacies to "the children of my son James, viz., James, Alexander, LauTicelot, Nancy and Sarah!' "My grand son Lewis Holmes!' "My grand daughter Catharine wife of Jesse Holly." "My grand daughter MaTy, daughter oi JoJm and Catharine Thomas." Rest of estate to sons DaTiiel, Westchester Co., N. Y, / 664-/ 7 8 4. 369 Lewis and James. Makes D'' Peter Fleming and Lewis McDonald executors. Aug. 13- 1777- Proved Oct. 23, 1783. 696. Andrew Abramse, New RocJielle. " Gentleman." Leaves all estate to wife Mag dalen and daughter Joanna. Mentions " my farm in New Rochelle " and " my house on Burnett street, near the Old Slip market." " My 2 houses fronting Wall street." Mentions Anthony and Jacob Abramse. " My brother Abraham AbraTTise." " My sister Francitie Bergen." " My brother Arnot Abramse." Executors may sell the 2 houses fronting Wall street. Dated Dec. 31, 1768. Proved Feb. 21, 1784. 697. Emily Haines, HarrisoTis. " Widow of Godfrey Haines!' Leaves legacies to son Gilbert and daughter Sarah ReddiTig, and to " my grand children Sarah and W'", children of W"' and Mary Ann Ayscough." " My daughter Mary AnTie Merritt, formerly Mary Anne Ayscough." Dated Nov. 22, 1782. Proved Feb. 3, 1784. 3 7o Wills of Early Residents of 698. JosepJi Carpenter, Manor of Cortlandt. Leaves to wife SaraJi " all my Improvements." Legacies to " nephew Joseph, son of John and Tamer Crane!' " My nephew Carpenter Lewis, son of Henry and Sarah Lewis." "Benjamin Car penter, son of Caleb and Amy Carpenter." Dated Dec. 30, 1775. Proved April 10, 1776. 699. James Travis, Manor of Cortlandt. " Farmer." Leaves property to wife Phebe, and children James, Susannah, Gilbert, Jesse, PJiebe and JoJm. Makes wife Phebe and Andrew Lamoreux executors. Dated Aug. 3, 1779. Proved March 6, 1784. 700. Nathan Vail, Eastchester. Provides for wife Susanah. Leaves to sons Phineas and NatJian " the homestead where I now dwell." Legacy to daughter Christian. Mentions "my hrother Joseph." Jan. 10, 1770. Westchester Co., N. Y., / 664-/784. 371 701. Ann Storm, Phillipsburg. " Widow of Thomas StorTTi." Legacies to " daugh ter Mary wife of Gerritt StorTn." " My 3 children John Sickles, Zacharias Sickles, and Mary Storm." Witnesses. Vandercliff Norwood George Warner March 13, 1784. 702. Job Wright, Manor of Cortlandt. " The 4th day of 5th month," 1783. Leaves small legacies to children W'", Rachel, Mary, Phebe, Sarah and Job. Rest of estate to wife Sarah. Proved March 10, 1784. 703. Robert Crawford, Old Pound Ridge. Leaves to wife Elizabeth the use of \ of lands. Leaves to 2 oldest sons John and Henderson a tract of 150 acres in Kayadorroseras Patent, Albany Co. When youngest child is of age all lands at Pound Ridge to be sold, and proceeds divided among children John, Henderson, StepJien, Robert, David, Martha, Ann, Jane and Abigail. Mentions " my daughter Martha, child of my first wife." 372 Wills of Early Residents of Makes " my wiie Elizabeth and my ia^Cner Archibald" executors. Witnesses. Henry Fames Joseph Robinson Isaac Scribner Oct. n, 1777. Proved May 27, 1784. (See No. 505.) 704. Hannah Brown, Harrisons. " Widow, being well stricken in years." Leaves to son Samuel " my Great Bible." Rest of prop erty to " my 4 daughters Hannah Purdy, Elizabeth Thorn, Eunice WHsoti and Rachel STiiffin." Men tions sons SaTnuel, Nehemiah, Roger and ATidrew. " My sons in law Caleb Purdy and Joseph Wilson" executors. Dated Feb. 21, 1781. Proved March 17, 1784. 705. SilvaTius Hyatt, WJiite PlaiTis. Leaves to wife EstJier " all my movables that she brought to me and my sorrel mare." Mentions one daughter (not naitied) and an expected child. June 1 1, I 779. Proved March i, 1784. Westchester Co., N Y, /664-/784. 373 706. Thomas Weekes, Northcastle. Leaves property to daughters Zipporah Baker, Phebe Dutcher and Freelove, " my 4 sons Thomas, Vail, Isaac and James." Makes wife Mary and son in law Jesse Baker executors. Witnesses. Ananias Birdsall Samuel Vail Gilbert Thorn Dated Sept. 2, 1783. Proved April 14, 1784. 707. W"" Ogden, Northcastle. "Farmer." Yrovidesior wiie MartJia. Leaves to oldest son W'" £^ as bar to all claims as heir at law. Leaves to sons Gilbert and Benjamin, " my upper farm which I bought of W'" Fowler and Joseph Sut ton, to be divided as follows : Beginning at the southeast corner by the land of Caleb Hyatt, then running north on the west side of the road that leadeth from Caleb Hyatt's to said Gilbert Ogden s house, a few yards west of a certain small bridge, then north to the land of Benjamin Carpenter, then west and north by his land to a white oak tree, then west to the highway that goes by John WrigJit' s, then south by said road to the road to Gilbert Ogden s house, then south by land oi Francis Wright 374 Wills of Early Residents of and Peter Totten, to the land of Henry Fowler, then east by his land and land of Caleb Wright to the highway." The above part to be Gilbert's and Ben jamin to have the rest. The saw mill to both. " I leave my lower farm to my sons Lewis, Joseph and Jonathan." Leaves to son in law Gilbert Purdy, " my leased farm in Cortlandt Manor, as by lease from Henry Beekman and wife Gertruyd, dated 1 761." Mentions "grand children John, Stephen, Jesse, Ezekiel, Gilbert and Smith, sons of my son W'"." Mentions daughters Martha wife of John Brundige ^^ Elizabeth wife of Gilbert Purdy, Amy wife of Ezekiel Flewelling. Leaves use of personal property to wife Martha. Witnesses. Samuel Cheeseman Caleb Hyatt Solomon Sarles Feb. 26, 1769. Proved April 1 7, 1 784. 708. Isaac Dean ^'', Phillipsburg. Directs "my Improvements to be sold for the best advantage for all my children," viz., Samuel, Isaac, John, Thomas, Gilbert, Mary wife of Jacob Stimets, Margaret wife of David Concklin, and Emy Westchester Co., N Y, / 664-/ 784. 375 wife of Glod Requa. Mentions money in hands of John Dean, Gilbert Dean and Isaac Dean. March 25, 1782. Proved April 12, 1784. (See 675.) 709. John Cornell, New Rochelle. Leaves to nephew Benjamin Haviland all houses and lands. Legacies to brother Joseph, and sister Rebecca Burling, and niece Mary wife of W'" Cor nell. Mentions " the children of my hrot!ner Richard, viz., Thomas, Richard, Haviland and Ebenezer!' Mentions " the children of my brother Benjamin, viz., Hannah wife oi John Burling^'", Jane, StepJuTi, Deborah wife of Willett Brown, Ann, Phebe, Abigail, and Benjamin." Makes " my nephews Ebenezer Haviland and Benjamin Haviland " executors. Witnesses, Thomas Baker, of Haverstraw Sarah Hunt Richard Carpenter Dated " 8th day of loth month," 1771, Proved April 23, 1784. 710. Joshua Hogincamp, Phillipsburg. Mentions wife Anna, son John and daughter Catharine. June 19, 1776. Proved April 23, 1784. 376 Wills of Early Residents of 711. Job Hadden, Harrisons. Leaves to son BcTijamin all lands in Harrisons Purchase and White Plains. To son Job " a dish that came from his grand father." Legacies to son Thomas and daughter Charity Purdy. Leaves to daughter Elizabeth Merritt " the brass Reflector that was her great grand mother's." Rest of estate to daughters Charity, Sarah, Elizabeth and Su sannah. Mentions "my brother in law Benjamin Griffin." Nov. 18, 1783. Proved April 23, 1784. 712. W"' Barker, Scarsdale, Leaves to wife Tamer the use of the east part of my land, from the road that leads to White PlaiTis, with the house. After death of wife, all estate to be sold, and proceeds divided among children ThoTnas, John, W"", Samuel, Sarah wife of JoJm TompkiTis, and Peter BuT'net's 6 oldest daughters, Jane, SusaTinah, Mary, Frances, SaraJi and Tamer, Witnesses. W" Dixon W" Davis Thomas Johnson Dec. 21, 1780. Westchester Co., N. Y, / 664-/ 784. ^77 713. Margaret Willett, Westchester. " Widow." " I will that my executors build a small vault near the place where my dear departed Hus band now lies buried, and my remains with his, be deposited there in a decent manner without much pomp or show." ysoo are to be paid to my nephew Lewis Graham for the education of ATiTia McU- worth. Legacies to Mary, Anna and Euphemia, " daughters of my brother in law W'" Willett." To " Gilbert son of my brother in law W'" Willett!' Leaves to nephew Isaac a silver tankard. To Augustine, Lewis, Moses, Charles, John, Isabella Landon and Arabella, children of my sister Graham, Dated Aug. i, 1776. Proved May 28, 1784. Liber 36. P. 635. 378 Wills of Early Residents of ABSTRACT OF WILLS AND GENEA LOGICAL NOTES, Recorded in Liber A and Liber B of Records, in the Register's Office in White Plains, Westchester County. 714. Phillip Galpin, Rye, " This is the last Will of me, Phillip Galpin." I leave to my dear and loving wife, Jane, 3 cows and the calves, 3 beds with furniture, half of my whome lot and orchyard, and all my housing ; during her widowhood, and then to return to my children. I leave to my son John one cow and calf, and 2 pewter platters, the best, and I leave to his older son my young horse. I give unto young John Galpi7i 3o^ and to the rest of his children 10^ each. I leave to my son Joseph one half the whome lot, when his time is out at the farm, and the little piece of meadow at the north end, and the middle part is to be divided between him and his mother, and brothers Moses and Jeremiah. I leave to my sons John and JosepJi all out lands, and to my sons Jere7niah and Moses, the other half of my whome lot, after my wife's death or marriage. Leaves to daughter Sarah £1, and to dau^ter Hannah IO^ " and to the rest of my daugh ters 5^ each." It is my will that Thomas Lyon ^'' and Westchester Co,, N Y,, / 664-/784. 379 Gershom Lockwood should be Overseers of this my will. Witnesses. Francis Brown Jacob Leerie March 27, 1684. Inventory of estate made by Thomas Merritt " the Constable of Rye!' and John Hoit and Caleb Hiatt. Attested heiore Joseph Horton, Justice of the Peace. The house and lot are valued at y6o. The whole estate, yi47. 715. Funis Veale, Widow oi John Veale, who died intestate, is made administratrix, and gives bonds with John Warford. Estate valued at y59. Nov. 20, 1684. 716. Nathaniel Tompkins^ Eastchester, " In the name of God, Amen. I Nathaniel Tompkins of Eastchester, make this my last will and Testament, being in perfect memory. Blessed be God." Makes his brother John and Nathaniel White and his wife Elizabeth, executors. His wife 80 Nathaniel Tompkins came from Fairfield, Conn., where he was living in 1649. He was probably a brother of John Tompkins, the ancestor of General Daniel D. Tompkins. Both settled in Eastchester, 1664. 380 Wills of Early Residents of is to have the use of \ of upland and meadow, and the use of both the houses, and home lot during widowhood. His only son Nathaniel is to have the use of the rest of estate. To " my 4 daughters Ann, Elizabeth, Mary and Rebecca!' £^0 each. Witnesses. Samuel Drake ^'^ Thomas Kirke ^'^ Dated Sept. 2, 1684. Proved Nov. 19, 1684. (He died Sept. 6, 1684.) Inventory. Values " home lot and all ye Housing," ySo, II acres of meadow y 33, "13 acres of upland already layed out and manured, and about 21 acres of upland undivided yi5," 2 oxen y8, 3 cows y9, " two 3 year olds " y5, " one Bay Horse lent to Mr. Gibbs £6," 20 sheep y8, 10 swine y5, " His wearing clothes y5," " His gun and sword yi, lo^" Taken by W"' Hadden, Phillip Pinckney, Samuel Drake ^'', Richard Shute. 7 1 7. Richard Osburne of Westchester. Makes over all his lands, etc., to Thomas Bedient of Woodbury, Conn., and Mordecay Bedie7it of West chester, " All said lands being formerly held and possessed by Mordecay Bedient, deceased, and Mary his wife, (afterwards called Mary Townsend) and Roger Townsend." Excepting a certain piece of land and meadow on Dormonds Island. And he is Westchester Co., N, Y, / 664-/ 784, 381 " to have a home and maintenance according to his Quality," and they are to keep for him a good horse, saddle and bridle, and he is to have two barrels of cider, yearly, and the use of one acre of land. They are to pay £^0 to Abigail, daughter of Thomas Bedient, and furnish 2 good cows to Elizabeth, daugh ter of said Richard Osburne. Dec. 4, 1684. 718. John Budd* of Rye, Gives to Judith Browne, " the daughter of my honored father, and the heir of hers, Joseph Ogden, a lot of land given by will of my father dated Oct. 15, 1669, on the east side of Ould Westchester Path, and on Stony Brook." July 10, 1683. 719. W'" Gray, Is appointed administrator of the estate of his brother Levy Grey deceased, June 3, 1684. House and home lot valued at y 12, a lot at Bronx £12, 720. Nicholas Bayard. Agent for Augustine HeT^mans,\ receives from Thomas Hunt, a mare and colt, and ox. In part * He was son of John Budd of Southold. (See 728, 733.) \ Nicolas Baird was his brother-in-law. 382 Wills of Early Residents of payment for the land which said Hermans sold to Thomas Hunt, lying upon the neck commonly called by the name of Spicers neck. According to the word of Samuel Edsall, Capt. Richard Morriss and Matthias Nicoll, arbitrators. Nov. 20, 1667. 721. Nicholas Bayley, Was son John, 1684. John Richbell died July 26, 1684. Ann Richbell had daughter Mary wife of James Mott. Samuel Drake had daughter Ruth, 1679. She seems to have been the wife of Loselan SlatJier. Matthew Barnes was living in Westchester in 1684. Joseph Boyell (Boyle) cooper, was married to Eleanor Rawson by John Palmer, Justice, Feb, 24, i68|. 722. John Pell of AnnJiookes Neck. Mortgages to John Smith of the town of Brook- land, " all that his Island, before the neck of land, called Ann Hookes neck, commonly called or known by the name of Mulberry Island, lately in possession Westchester Co,, N, Y., / 664-/ 78 4. 383 or occupation of fF" Pate and Robert Godfrey," with. all houses, etc. Price yioo, Dec. II, 1685, Liber i, P, 65. 723. Will of Capt. Richard Osburn. Makes his son John Osburn of Fairfield, Conn,, and Capt. John Pell executors. Leaves to his grand son Richard, son of David Osburne of Eastchester " all my land and meadow at a place commonly called Dormans Island in Westchester." Mentions "my children" (not named). Leaves legacies to "Bridget, wife of my nei^hor, Justice John Palmer, and her daughter Bridget." Leaves " to Joseph Lee Clerk of this County " 20*. Witnesses. Thomas Bedient Joseph Lee Dated Dec. 19, 1684. 724, Will of John Hoit, Rye. Leaves to wife Mary the use of movables and house, orchard and 4 acres of land below the orchard, and i acre of salt meadow by the Bridge. Leaves all lands to sons John and Simon. Legacies to daughters Mary Browne and Rachel Horton. 384 Wills of Early Residents of Makes Joshua and SaTnuel Hoit and John Bondig overseers of will. Witnesses. Walter Hoit, aged about 60 Thomas Betts ^^ aged 68 (Not dated.) Proved Nov. 7, 1784. Inventory values lands on west side of Blind Brook yi8o. 725. Will of Samuel Drake, Eastchester. " Aged and weake." Leaves property to wife Anne, and children John, Samuel, Mary and JosepJi. Mentions sons in law Joseph Jones and RicJiard Headly, and grand children Samuel and Robert Headly, Joseph, SaTnuel, Mary and Hannah JoTies. Legacy to Martha wife of Sailer, Rest of estate to son Joseph. Witnesses. John Tompkins Richard Shute May 10, 1686. Proved June 2, 1686. 726. Thomas Bedient. Sells land to Jasper SmitJi of Flushing, situated "on Betts neck," 1686. Westchester Co., N, Y, / 664-/ 784. 385 John Turner sells to Nathaniel Underhill lots at Oyster Bay, L. I. Jan. 8, i68|. 727. Matthew Pugsley, Was married to Mary daughter of Thomas Hunt, " in her father's house," by John Pell, Justice, Nov. 22, 1683. Their daughter Rebecca was born Sept. 7, 1686. SaTnuel Hitchcock married Mehitabel, widow of George Tippetts, previous to Oct. 18, 1684. John Archer married Sarah Odell Oct., 1686, 728, Will of Martha Hubbard. Mentions her sons Daniel Turner and JoJm Turner, and her son Edward Hubbard, and daugh ters Bersina Beverige, Abigail Hubbard and Mary Ferguson. Feb. 3, 1686. Proved March 14, 168*. John White, son of John White, whose widow married George Coppin, chooses Thomas Hunt as guardian. May 2, 1687. Francis Brown had wiie Judith, 1686. (See 718.) 386 Wills of Early Residents of 729. Henry Fowler ^'' of Mamaroneck. Gives to his son W"", now living at Flushing on Long Island, " my house and home lot," etc., Sept. 19, 1687. Henry Gardener had wife Elizabeth and son John, 1687. (See 735.) 730. Frederick Phillipse. Records his brand marke \F, 1687. John Jennings had wife Mary, 1686. fF" Squire of Eastchester had wife Barbara, who afterward married y.*' t-i.f «.* " '.ISft-'-S, —1' .._ mn%Mmkl,...^A.,l,.,..i. . , ' .. "5 4