>;^^.|V|, ^~1 /5Si4:__ C ll^ L /. I (_ Zl i^c- GENEALOGICAL SKETCHES OF THE DESCENDANTS Jolju binton of £gnn, 1648: AND OF SEVERAL ALLIED FAMILIES, NAMELY, THOSE BEARING THE NAMES OF ALDEN, ADAMS, ALLEN, BOYLSTON, FAXON, FRENCl^, HAYDEN, HOL- BROOK, MILLS, NILES, PENNIMAN, THAYER, WHITE, RICHARDSON, BALDWIN, AND GREEN. INTERSPERSED WITH NOTICES OF OTHER ANCIENT' FAMILIES. AN APPENDIX, CONTAINING A" HISTOEY OP THE BEAINTEEB lEON WORKS, AND OTHER HISTORICAL MATTER. BY JOHN ADAMS VINTON. BOSTON: PUBLISHED FOR THE AUTHOR, BY S. K. WHIPPLE AND COMPANY 161 Washington Street. 1858. Entered according to Act of Congresa, in the year 1858, by JOHN ADAMS VINTON, In the Clerk's OfHce of the District Conrt of the District of Massachusettl. YALE S/.'v; .C\" BOSTON: BBHRT W. DnTTON AND BON, PBINTERS, Transcript Building. PREFACE. " The sacred tie of Family, reaching bickward and forward, binds the generations of men together, and draws out the plaintive music of our being from the solemn alternation of cradle and grave."— Edward Everett. Among all the motives which operate on the human mind, few exert more influence than those drawn from history. If the intel lectual, social and moral condition of nations rich in historical recol lections be compared with that of a people chiefly or wholly destitute of them, the difference will be found to be vast and striking. The strength of England and the United States is fed continually by mem ories of Cressy and Agincourt — of Bunker Hill and Saratoga ; while long centuries of darkness and of bondage have enfeebled the Chinese and the Irish. What is thus true of nations, is true also oi families. There is not an intelligent, public-spirited, virtuous man, anywhere to be found, who can safely deny that his motives to virtue and patriotism are strongly reinforced by the consideration — if such were the fact — that his ancestors were brave and upright men. We believe with Webster, that " there is a moral and philosophical respect for our ancestors, which elevates the character, and improves the heart." Burke truly said, " Those only deserve to be remembered by posterity, who treasure up the history of their ancestors." A distinguished American clergy man, now living, has observed, " There are riches of moral power in such an ancestry as ours." The history of a nation being nothing else than the collective his tory of the families that compose that nation, it is easy to see that sufiicient reasons exist why families should have their histories written. They are thus connected with the great transactions of the past, and posterity are enabled to discover what their ancestors had to do with the successive portions of the nation's history. Considerations such as these induced the present writer, some years ago, to ascertain and gather up, with a view to preservatioi), what particulars he could touching those from whom he is descended. From childhood I have desired to know who my ancestors were, and what IV PREFACE. they did. I felt it to be an infelicity, and almost a disgrace, to know so little on the subject. I wanted to connect myself with the earliest and purest days of New England, and to know as definitely as I could what part those from whose loins I sprung had in colonizing these western shores. But where to obtain the information I knew not. During many years, I supposed it impossible to obtain it. By my aged grandfather, and his still more aged sister, I was conducted back to the early part of the last century ; but all beyond was darkness and uncertainty. About six years ago I was unexpectedly, I may say providentially, directed to authentic sources of information, which gave me, not indeed all the facts I wanted, but far more than I had dared to hope. I was enabled to connect myself with the first white settlers of this country, and to bind together in one nearly all who bear the Vinton name. Since that time my leisure hours have been given chiefly to the elucidation of this subject. I have spared no toil, or effort, or expense, in my power. I have made thorough and careful examination of all public and private records that promised to afford light on this matter, and have held correspondence with a great num ber of individuals in different and distant parts of the country. The result I here offer to my kindred, and to all who may feel an interest in researches of this nature. I undertook this investigation at first solely for my own satisfaction ; to supply a personal want long felt, without knowing how it could be met, — a want which I now sup pose to be common to men of thoughtful and inquisitive minds. But finding myself successful beyond my expectation, and rapidly becom ing acquainted with different branches of the family previously un known ; finding myself in a field of inquiry continually extending, and observing also that many others were interested in the same sub ject, — I was led to believe it my duty to proceed with the investigation, to collect all the facts within my reach, and to place them in the pos session of such as might desire the information. The reader will understand, therefore, that this volume was undertaken, and has been carried forward, amidst many difficulties, to its completion,under a solemn conviction of duty, both to the dead and to the living. To the Com piler, it did not seem right that the memory of the dead should perish in their graves ; and that they who had done and suffered so much for their posterity, should be forgotten on the earth. On the other hand, it did not seem right to withhold the information, obtained with so much pains-taking, from their surviving descendants. The writer is aware that some persons do not highly appreciate PREFACE. V researches of this nature. This want of appreciation may arise from some early prejudice. It may arise from a misconception of the whole matter. It may arise from too intense a contact of the mind with the Present, excluding almost wholly the influence of the Past, and even of the Future. It is surely no credit to any man to be reckless of that Past, from whose womb the Present has sprung, and without which the Present cannot be interpreted.* To exhibit the design of the present volume in the light in which it has been contemplated by the author, he begs leave to offer the follow ing considerations. The Reformation from Popery in the sixteenth century was, next to the propagation of Christianity in the apostolic age, the most remark able movement ever witnessed in our world. The human mind was stirred to its inmost depths ; ideas and habits, apparently the most firmly fixed, underwent a tota! revolution, and the whole face of society was changed. Of this great movement, the settlement of New Eng land by English Puritans was a direct and necessary result. Finding, after many years of trial and suffering, that they could not, in their native land, carry out the principles of the Reformation to their true issues, they came to the determination to transplant themselves, with all their interests and hopes, to the New World. They saw the Reformation, in fact, going backward, and the nation, under the sway of the weak and perfidious Stuarts, rapidly hastening towards Rome. The Puritans felt that all that was dear to them in their hope of salva tion, as well as all that was desirable in free civil institutions, was in the utmost peril, and that their duty to God, to themselves and to pos terity alike, called them to" go into the American wilderness. Here, on this virgin soil, they would have a fair field — a field almost illimit able — for the dissemination and growth of those great ideas which they had gathered from the word of God, and which they believed to be essential to the welfare of man, here and hereafter. Every successive age, every revolving year, has made more and more apparent the wise forethought, and the heaven-inspired piety, which guided them in these counsels. More and more evident, also, has it become, that the Supreme Ruler had great designs to accomplish by the colonization * The Rev. Samuel Miller, D. D., Professor in the Theological Seminary at Princeton, N. J., — a name held in the highest respect for wisdom, piely. learning and usefulness, — thus expressed his opinion, in a letter lo the compiler of the Foote Genealogy, dated Feb. 4, 1848, the writer being then in his 81st year : " I am ashamed, my dear sir, that the business of genealogy has, in times past, engaged so little of my attention ; and thai now, when I see so mucn of its real value, a great deal, truly inlereslmg to me, has irrecoverably gone." What multitudes have had occasion for a similar acknowledgment ! VI PREFACE. of New England, — designs commensurate with the entire globe, and far-reaching as eternity. The eyes of the world are now turned, with an eager, anxious look, and an interest altogether without parallel, to these western shores. While other nations are ruled by a stern despotism or an oppressive oligarchy, crushed under a heavy weight of taxation, and trembling with apprehensions of the future ; their resources wasted, their power declining, their population discontented, their governinsnts tottering, and some degree of civil order maintained only by the constant pres ence of a large armed force, — here is a people with a cheap yet efficient government, with a civil constitution in whose support all parties are unanimous, and advancing in population, in wealth, and in influence beyond all former example. The world is inquiring after the cause. The cause, under God, is to be found, unquestionably, in the personal character of the men and women who settled on this coast a little more than two hundred years ago. They were a people of singular wisdom and worth. Their character was formed, their institu- tions were founded, their policy proceeded, on the Bible. Theirs were an elevation of aim, a purity of purpose, a steadiness of resolve, a fortitude under trial, and, crowning all, a sense of responsibility to God, never — no, never — seen before. They left the green fields and pleasant towns of old England, not to improve their temporal condition, but to found on these then inhospitable shores an asylum for civil and religious liberty. They struggled with difficulties and dangers, they endured hardships and sufferings, of which the present generation have no adequate conception. Their character was formed in the school of adversity, and thus were they prepared, in the providence of God, for that noblest of all merely human achievements — the founding of a Christian Republic. To such an ancestry we owe, under God, all that is valuable iu the character, the institutions, and the destiny of the American people. The time is approaching, if it has not already come, when to be descended from the Puritan settlers of New England will be regarded as a truer nobility ihan has ever been derived from all the charters of Norman or of Gothic kings.* It is a nobility founded on virtue, — on virtue subjected to the severest trial, and never found wanting. We * John Quincy Adams said he would rather have one drop of Puritan blood in his veins than all the blood Ihat ever flowed in Ihe veins of kings and princes. " Sons and daughters of the I'llgrlms '." — we count it a loftier boast than to wear the bless ing of a hundred coats of arms, Who would not rather bear a name carved on one of those old grey stones, than the brightest on the scrolls of Norman heraldry ? PREFACE. vii have no need to prosecute fatiguing and expensive researches among the parchment rolls and parish registers of old England. In the words of an eminent living scholar,* " the only antiquity with which the sons of the Pilgrims can truly sympathize, begins with the emigration of the Puritans Our eariy history, though modern in date, has all the claims to our veneration that human virtue or divine favor can bestow." " The emigration of the first settlers of New England, contemplated in its causes, its circumstances, and its results, is the noblest and most touching incident in all history." To connect, then, the present age, as far as may be, with the gener ation that peopled New England, with what may truly be called its heroic age, is the design of this book. It will appear, as the reader proceeds in the volume, that the aim is far more extensive than to give a history of the Vinton family alone. The book is almost equally the history of nearly twenty other families, who have at different times allied themselves with the family of the writer.J The writer has a strong impression that the descendants of William Vinton,^ born at Lynn, 1652, son of John Vinton,' the original emi grant, may yet be found somewhere in the country. He has heard, once in a great while, a distant echo, which led him to think there might be such people ; but his efforts to find them have not been successful, at least not amounting to a certainty ; albeit he presumes the descend ants of David Vinton [314] to be of that branch of the original stock. If so, there may be others. The " Genealogical Sketches of Allied Families," do not profess to give a complete history of the families to which they severally relate. They are, as the name denotes, mere outlines ; and the main design is to enable many descendants of John Vinton, who are also descended from the families whom the " Sketches " embrace, to trace their pedigree in those families up to the settlement of the country. Their aim and scope is to be illustrative of the Vinton Genealogy and of each other. In the earlier generations, they are tolerably complete, so far as the means at the writer's command enabled him to make them ; and they may afford desirable aid to any who may hereafter undertake a history of those families. the first generation of New England people: — John Vinton of Lynn; John Alden of Dux- bury ; Henry Adams, Samuel Allen, William Ames, Samuel Bass, Gregory Baxter, John Hayden, William Savil, Richard Thayer, Rev. William Tompson, all of Bramtree ; Thomas Holbrook, and Ephraim Hunt of Weymouth ; George Alcock of Roxbury ; Thomas Gardner and John White of Brookline ; Edward Shepard of Cambridge; Thomas Boylslon of Wa- tertown ; William Paddy of Boston ; Joseph Hills and Thomas Gieen of Maiden. On his mother's side are the names of Giles, Bishop, Higginson, Jcnnison, Lindall, Marshall, Palfrey, Savage, Sheffield, Stearns, Symmes, Veren. Vlll PREFACE. More than one hundred pages of the "Vinton Memorial" (large size) had been printed, and the types distributed, when some gentle men, who were acquainted with the design of the writer and had seen proof sheets of the work, strongly advised to the issuing of a larger edition than had been contemplated and contracted for. This had now become impossible, without the renewed type-setting of the seven sheets already struck off. The only course which remained, if the advice were followed, was to make a concise abridgment of the first 288 pages of the book ; neglecting all the descendants of John Vin ton,' bearing other family names. Such an abridgment appears in the present volume, extending to the twentieth page and including Appendix F. on page 204. Though exceedingly condensed, it gives the quintessence of the larger work, but of course is deficient in the matter of detail and in the female branches. The first Index of this volume contains the Christian Names of 579 Vintons. The corre sponding Index of the larger volume contains 747 names. The excess (168 names) is made up for the most part of such names, borne by the younger members of the seventh and eighth generations, as it was not found convenient to exhibit in the abridgment. The " Sketches of Allied Families " are nearly identical in both volumes. The " History of the Braintree Iron Works," and several other articles contained in the Appendix of the larger work, are also contained in this volume. This department of composition, Family History, has within a few years become of sufficient importance to acquire a position and a value among the issues of the press, which it is not likely to lose. Since the writer turned his attention this way, several volumes of great intere.st to the antiquary, and even to the student of history, have made their appearance. Among these it is sufficient to refer to Dr. Bond's admi rable History of Watertown, as a work not to be soon surpassed, or even equalled, for comprehensiveness of plan, extent of research, thorough ness of investigation, or satisfaction obtained by the reader. Many other volumes of great value have made their appearance ; and others are expected to follow.* In this species of writing, there is no room for the graces of style, or the coruscations of genius ; but ample opportunity for the exercise * The Genealogical Register of Oct. 1867 contains a Catalogue of 124 Ameiican Geneal ogies, most of them printed within the last ten years; of which forty contain more than one hundred pages each; fifteen have more than two hundred pages each ; and six have four hun dred pages or more. In addition to these, is a List of 212 " Collections of Genealogies," /if which one. Dr. Bond's History of Watertown, conlains over one thousand pages, large Svo., with several superb engravings. PREFACE. IX of diligence, patience, and a sound judgment. Such works are ex ceedingly difficult of preparation, and meet with a slender reward. The unpractised can have no idea of the labor and the time which are required in works of this nature. The Compiler has devoted nearly all his leisure during the last six years, to the business of collect ing, arranging, and preparing the materials for this volume ; in writing it out in full, and in conducting it through the press. More than a year immediately preceding the present writing, has been chiefly devoted to this employment. The entire work has been written over three times. More than six hundred letters have been written and received in reference to the matters found on these pages. The records of twenty- five Towns and of several Churches have been carefully examined ; also the Probate Records and Registry of Deeds of at least five Coun ties. The Massachuseits Archives, and Muster Rolls of the Revolution, contained in more than thiee hundred ponderous folios, have been dili gently scrutinized. Recourse has been had to some of these sources of information in many repeated instances ; perhaps even to the tenth or twentieth time. A still greater number of Family Records have been examined, copied, and compared with other sources of information. A very large number of Town, Church, and Family Histories, existing in print, have been consulted. In many cases, it has not been easy to read, or understand, the Record. In regard to some points, there has been much obscurity, requiring no small amount of pains and of patience to elucidate. The materials were often scanty ; often too, being drawn from different sources, they needed much care in the arrangement. The work has been prosecuted under the inconvenience of weak eyes, imperfect health, and a purse almost empty ; with many interruptions, with little encouragement from others, and no expectation of pecuniary recompense. With very slender pecuniary resources, the writer has borne the whole burden of this work, and instead of gaining, expects to lose money by the printing, besides abandoning all claims for a compensation of his labor. He has denied himself and his family many comforts, that he might have the means of printing this book. ¦" Inserviens aliis consumer,"* has been his daily experience, almost through his whole life. It would have been clearly impracticable to have fortified every statement made in this volume with the authority by which it is sus tained. Many statements are made from a comparison of authorities, and to have quoted every voucher at every step, would have been tire- * " I destroy myself by my services to others." The supposed language of a candle. X PREFACE. some and perplexing. The writer must therefore beg his readers to believe that in every case he has used his best care and judgment to arrive at the truth. In many cases, however, he has referred to chapter and verse of the original Record ; so that the reader may verify the statement, if he chooses, and has the opportunity. Genealogists often proceed on probabilities; and base their state ments on inferences. The present writer has aimed to do so, only, where the inference was unavoidable. Where there was room to doubt, and the fact did not seem certain, he has usually, if not always, intimated that there was only a probability in the case. The writer has endeavored to state everything as it was ; and has aimed at making his statements as plain, clear, and free from ambiguity and error, as possible. Yet with the utmost care and pains-taking, a work of this nature and as extensive as this, will inevitably contain some mistakes. The number had assuredly been far less if the writer's calls for infor mation had been more carefully regarded. This work has been delayed much beyond the period assigned for its completion, by the preparation and insertion of the sketches of the Allied Families, particularly that of the descendants ofTHOMAS Green' of Maiden. In the last named Sketch the present writer was a co-laborer, through the whole extent, with his valued friend, Professor S. S. Greene of Providence. After most of the following pages had been printed, the author was led to make further inquiries into the origin of the name Vinton, and, by consequence, of the Vinton family. The ensuing quotations may throw some light on the subject. In the great "Collection de documents inedits sur I'histoire de France," is a work entitled "Archives administratives de la ville de Reims," 9 vols. 4°. In Vol. IL, part I., page 475, appear these words : " Reunion des chanoines de I'eglise de Reims en chapitre general, a Poccasion des griefs que le chapitre avait centre I'archeveque."* A note remarks — " Les difierents recommencerent bientot apres I'accord de decembre 1326."|: A long list follows of the " chanoines " who * " Meeting of the canons of the church of Rheims in general chapter, on account of the grievances which the chapter had against the archbishop.'' t " The disagreements recommenced soon after the reconciliation of Dec. 13i!6." PREFACE. XI were cited, among whom was " Petrus de Vintonne." The note ob serves, or rather the author quoted in the note — "On voit par tons ces noms que les chanoines de Reims etoient pour lors tons princes et grands seigneurs."* The author of the " Archives " is Pierre Varin. The following quotation is made from " Memoires sur la langue celtique," Vol. I. p. 386, of a work whose general title is " Dictionnaire de la langue celtique, par M. Bullet [Jean-Baptiste] professeur royal de Theologie." Besanjon, MDCCL. 3 vols.folio.f " Vinchester est I'ancienne Vintonia, grande ville situee dans une Isle formee par un partage de Pitching. Fw, riviere, Tonn, partage."§ " The Winton Domesday" is a survey of the lands belonging to King Edward the Confessor in Winchester, made on the oath of eighty- six burgesses in the time of Henry I. It consists of two parts or rec ords, both written on vellum. The first is entitled " A book of the King's lands, in Winchester, rendering Land-gable as they were used to render in the time of King Edward." The second record is " The Inquisition of the lands of Winchester, taken by command of Bishop Henry, 1148." It now belongs to the Society of Antiquaries, London. In Leland's Itinerary (written in the reign of Henry VIII.), Vol. VII., part II., 63 a, is this passage : " There is an anncient place of the Levels hard by the Churche [of Mynster village, near Oxford] : Mastar Vinton of Wadeley by Farington bathe it of the Kynge in Ferme." " The manor of Fenton-Gimps, or Venton-Gimps, belonged to an ancient family of that name, long ago extinct." This is in Cornwall, where also is a village called " Venton." [Lysons' Brittania, III. 301. Nicolson's History and Antiquities of the Counties of Westmoreland and Cumberland, says of the " manor of Winton," " Winton probably had its name from some remarkable battle fought there ; for win in the Saxon signifies battle, and to win is still in use to denote victory." We think, however, that the word is not derived from the Saxon. In Drake's (Francis) Eboracum, p. 566, it is said, that in anno 1250 Robert de Winton was Precentor of the Cathedral of York. Bridges' History and Antiquities of Northamptonshire, I., 454, says, " Robert de Winton was Prior of this house [St. Andrew's Priory] about 1255." In Hodgson's (John) History of Northumberland, Part III., Vol. II., p. * " We see, by all these names, that the canons of Rheims were for that period all princes and great lords." |; bullet was born at Besancon in 1699: d. 1775. He was author of " De apostolica Eeclesiae Gallicanae origine;" Besan9on, 1752, 12mo. "Histoire de I'etablissement du Christianisme," " L'existence de Dieu demontree par la metveilles de nature ; " Paris, 17()8, 2 vols. 12mo. § " Winchester is the ancient Vintonia, a large city situated on an island formed by ^, division [or branching] of the Itching. Fin, river, ITonn, division." xu PREFACE. 107, among the " Hujus autem rei testes" [" appropriatio ecclesise de Stamfordham priori et conventui de Hextildesham," dated anno gratise 1^45] are the names of " Roger de Wynton, capellanus," and " Thomas de Wyndon." Rev. Owen Manning's History and Antiquities of the County of Sur rey, mentions. Vol. III., 217, among the Abbots of Certesy, A. D. 1272, " Bartholomew de Winton." Also, p. 566, " in 1304, Rogerus de Wynton was Sub-prior of the Priory of St. Mary, in Southwark." In the same work, II. , 744, Nicholas de Wynton is mentioned. Thomas Wright, in his History and Antiquities of the County of Es sex, Vol. II., 301, says, " Talefrius de Wynton, or Winchester, died in 1332, holding a third part of the advowson of the church." In Hasted's History, &c. of Kent, Vol. I., 399, Queen Mary granted to Richard Sackville and Thomas Winton, among other premises, "all the manor of Cowden, at the extremity of this County, adjoining to Sussex." Same work, II., 205, mentions "Andrew' de Winton, Rector cf the Church of Ryersse." In Robert Cluttcrbuck's History and Antiquities of the County of Hertford, Vol. L, 190, "Ann Whitfield married John Winton, 23d September, 1722." In the " Magnus Rotulus Scaccarii," or Great Roll of the Exchequer, made in the 31st year of King Henry I. (ut videtur) mention is made twelve times of " Em' et Ansfr' ; Hug' ; Juliana fil' Ric' ; Rober- tus prior ;" all " de Winton " ; and these are distinct from the bishop, abbot, and abbess, who are many times mentioned. In the " Rotulus Cancellarii, de tertio anno regni regis Johannis," mention occurs of " Gilebertus, Hugo, de Winton," etc., separately from all official persons. In Vol. V. of the Rotuli Scotise, mention is made of " Ricardus de 'Wynton." Numerous other Wintons occur in other Rotuli, or Rolls. The whole mass of English books, comprised in the Bates donation, in the Boston City Library, so far as they have been received, have passed under our notice for the purpose already named ; including a rich collection of local histories, and publications of the Record Com mission, amounting to one hundred and fifty folios. In nearly every volume of this collection the name Winton occurs; the name Vinton, almost never. But as Winton and Vinton are certainly convertible names, — for proof of which, if proof were wanting, see the quotation from Bullet's Dictionary on a preceding page, — the frequent occur rence of Winton in these volumes is equally to our purpose. PREFACE. xiii In the index to Vol. I. of Camden's Britannia are the words—" Vin- toner," and " Vintons, what .?" 124. On page 124, are these words, referring to the Isle of Wight : " The whole island is divided into eleven parts, each having its Centoner or commander of one hundred men, and its Vintoner or commander of twenty ; as also great guns, scouts placed at the beacons on high grounds, and light horse or cou riers which give notice to the governor of everything that passes." This possible explanation of the name is introduced, because it comes from so great an authority as " Camden, most reverend head." [Ben Jonson.] " The British Strabo." [Gibbon.] Of course it derives the name from the French word vingt, twenty. The reader may be glad to have the following notice of Winton of Scotland : — " Wynton, or Winton, an ancient Scottish historical poet, was born probably during the reign of King David II., and died about 1420. His work is entitled " De Orygynale Chronykil of Scotland, be Andrew of Wyntown, Priour of Sanct Serfis Ynche in Loch Levyn ; now first published, with notes and a glossary, by David Macpherson." London, 1795, 2 vols. 8vo. Highly valuable as a history, it throws great light on Scottish transactions, such as is to be found nowhere else. As a poem, the versification is easy, and the style often animated ; and it has the further advantage of being written in the pure language of the country." [Watts' Bibliotheea Britannica. These several quotations establish the fact that the name Vinton is an ancient and an honored name. We find the name in France more than five hundred years ago, borne by a nobleman, who was also a canon of the church at Rheims, the place where, to give them greater dignity, the French kings were crowned.* We find the name in Scot land, not far from the same time, borne by a distinguished ecclesiastic and historical poet, as well as by a layman of distinction. We find the name also in England both as a family name, and a title of office ; and it appears to have an unquestionable connection with the ancient Vin- tonn, [Vintonia, latinized] or Winchester, for many centuries the metropolis of South Britain.^ In the last case, it seems plainly to have been derived from the ancient Celtic, or rather Keltic, the speech of the primitive possessors of Britain and Gaul. And the issue to which this investigation leads does not essentially differ from that to which we had previously been brought. The name is not of Norman, or Anglo- * When and only when, after performing prodigies of manly valor, Joan of Arc had pro cured the coronation of Charles VH., at Rheims. she thought her mission ended. ^ On some ancient maps this city appears as Vetita Belgarum. XIV PREFACE. Saxon, or Teutonic origin, but comes down to us in all probability from the race which, long previous to the conquest of Gaul and the invasion of Britain by Julius Cassar, possessed the western countries of Europe. This race, — which spread themselves from the Atlantic Ocean to the sources of the Danube, and from the Mediterranean to the northern extremity of Scotland, — the ancient Gauls or Kelts, in the third and fourth centuries before Christ, overran Italy, Greece and Asia Minor, and sacked Rome and Delphi.* They were, indeed, after a brave resistance, subdued by the Romans, and in after-times by the Teutonic nations ; but were by no means wholly exterminated. They survived many ages of hard bondage and oppression, and at length, under the ameliorating influence of Christianity, became amalgamated with their conquerors and rose to an equality with them. The Keltic language and race yet survive in Ireland, Wales and Cornwall, in the Highlands of Scotland, and in the west of France ; and that Vinton is a Keltic word cannot well be doubted, by any one who considers the quotation from Bullet's Dictionary, already given. The Compiler, when preparing for college, thirty-five years ago, was struck with the fact that the ancient name of the British Winchester is identical with his own, and this fact is abundantly corroborated by recent researches. " Surnames," observes Du Chesne, " were unknown in France before A. D. 987, when the lords began to assume the names of their de mesnes." Camden relates that " they were first taken up in England a little before the Norman conquest, under king Edward the Confes sor," i. e. about 1060. " But," he adds, " they were never fully estab lished among the common people till the time of Edward II.," 1307- 1327. For the manner in which they originated, see p. 27, note. In the second method there indicated, our family name may have been assumed. " Petrus de Vintonne," " Andrew of Wyntoun," &c. To the individuals, whose kind and efficient aid the Compiler has received in collecting the information embodied in this volume, he would take this opportunity to render his sincere and hearty acknowl edgments. Among these, he feels bound to mention Hon. Samuel F. Vinton of Washington City, Dea. David Vinton of Willington, Ct., George A. Vinton, Esq., of Southbridge, Jonathan D. Vinton of Ches terfield, Joshua and Ruth Vinton of Dudley, Mrs. Rachel R. Conklin * A body of this people settled in the heart of Asia Minor, and were the ancestors of those Galatians 10 whom Paul addressed one of his epistles. We have the great authority of Dr. Arnold for saying, that Kettce and Gatalce are only forms of the same name. PREFACE. XV of Lanesboro', Pa., Miss Rhoda M. Laraberton of Cornish, N. H., Miss Mary H. Tyrrell of Webster, N. Y. The Compiler would also express his thanks to the printers, Messrs. Henry W. Dutton & Son, and their intelligent foreman, Mr. H. R. Danforth, for the accurate, faithful, and tasteful manner in which the mechanical execution of the work has been accomplished. Reverence for one's ancestors is not only a natural instinct, but has ever been regarded as essential to a sound and virtuous character. The ancient Romans preserved with great care the effigies of their progenitors, and carried them in their funeral processions. With what power does Cicero appeal to this cherished sentiment in his most im passioned orations ! The historian Sallust informs us that the most illustrious men in the republic were excited to noble deeds by contemplating the achieve ments of their sires. [Bell. Jug, c. 4. The labors of the genealogist may be slighted by men intent mainly on the acquisition of wealth or the pursuit of pleasure ; but if George Washington, in the midst of his duties as President of the United States, in 1792, found time to collect and write out the Genealogy of his family ; if Benjaimin Franklin, when in England, undertook a jour ney for the express purpose of ascertaining his lineage and connections ; if both the elder and the younger Adams thought it worth while to trace back the history of their family even in the minutest particulars ; — the Compiler of the present volume may deem himself justified in the labor he has now brought to a close. He will be obliged to individuals who will supply any additional information, or correct any errors into which he has fallen. JOHN A. VINTON. South Bostojj, Feb. 5, 1858. xn EXPLANATIONS. EXPLANATIONS. The plan of this Book is simple. The families are arranged in the order of seniority in Iheir several generations, the original emigrant, himself, being considered the first. The generation of an individual is indicated by Ihe exponent or superior number above and at the end of his name. Thus, Hannah Green,^ middle of page 2, is shown by Ihe small fijjure 3 to belong lo the Ihird generation. This notation is used throughout the " Genea logical Sketches of Allied Families;" and the Compiler regrets that it was not used through out the volume. Previous to the year 1752, two methods of reckoning lime existed in Great Britain and her Colonies. According lo one of these methods the year began on the 25lh of March, February being the Iwellih monlh ; this was the civil or leg-al year. According to the other method the year began on the 1st of January, December being the twelfth month ; this was the historical year. In old records these two methods were frequently combined. Thus, Jan. 13, 1725-6 ; which means (hat the year was 1726 of the civil, but 1726 of the historical year. When in dales between January I and March 25 only one reckoning is used, a year is for Ihe most part to be added, to make the record conform to our present usages. In the following pages both of these methods are used; a practice which is called "double dating." This has been done lo prevent mistake; and with this explanation, it will be perfectly clear. The writer is of opinron thai whenever extracts are made from records previous lo 1752, containing dates between Jan. 1 and March 25, the " double date" should appear. Let the following fact be taken as an instance of the evil of omitting it. Artemas Simonds, Esq., the late accomplished and accurate City Registrar of Boston, informed a friend of the Compiler, thai in all the instances in Farmer's Genealogical Register of dales between Jan. 1 and March 25, taken from the Boston Records previous to 1752, tli£ year is printed two years in advance.' Mr. Simonds accounted for it in the following way. Mr. Farmer, being in very feeble health, employed persons to copy records for his work: the copyist added a year to the original date lo make it confoim to the New Slyle; and Mr. Farmer, not knowing this, added another year ! In the ensuing sketches there is a consecutive numbering from the original emigrant through the entire series of his recorded descendants. This numbering is on the left nand of the page, and stands before the name of each individual in the genealogical series. This mark f, following a consecutive number, and immediately before a person's name, denotes that the person will be subsequently noticed, and a further account of him given, in a distinct and subsequent paragraph. The place where this is done will be found by looking for Ihe consecutive number when it afterwards occurs in heavy type, like this [30], in the middle of a line, and occupying a line by itself See middle of page 6. When figures occur in brackets after a person's name, thus, b.zra Vinton [69], those figures enable the reader to find the individual in his place in the series as indicated by the consecutive numbering. When a woman's name occurs in this fashion, Mary (Hunt) Allen, middle of page 6, the reader will understand the name in parenthesis to be her original or maiden name, and ihe name following to be the name acquired by marriage. When deeds or probate records are referred to, thus, " Midd. Deeds, 16 : 595," the figures before the colon [:] denote the book, and the figures after the colon denote the /olio, where the deed or other instrument quoted may be found on record. Midd. stands for Middlesex ; Suff., Suffolk ; Wore, Worcester, &c. a. means "aged," and signifies thai such a year of a person's life had been completed. SS. means " in the year of one's life," [aetatis,] and signifies that the year of his life had not been completed at the person's death. E. g., Be. 74, in his 7-ilh year. b. signifies born; bap. baptized; m. married; d. died. dau. denotes daughter; unm. unmarried; ord. ordained. (?) indicates uncertainly in what immediately precedes. H. C. 1752, means that ihe person graduated at Harvard College in such a year. When a town is named without any specification of Slate, Massachusetts is to be under stood, unless the place be universally known, as Philadelphia or Providence. To find an individual recorded in this volume: Suppose it to be John Vinlon, who married Hannah Ripley. There are nearly forty John Vintons recorded in this book. This John was born in 1765. Find the name John among Ihe Christian names of the Vintons in Index I., preceded by 1765, the year of his birth, and followed by 120, his consecutive number. The number 120 will at once direct to page 8, where, line 13 from top, his name is found. By a similar process may his « ife be found by consulling Index II. You perceive that John Vinlon" [120] was the son of Capt. John Vinton,* above whoso name, at the beginning of that paragraph, (page 7) in the middle of the line, you find 43 in heavy type. This directs lo 42 in the consecutive numbering on the left hand of page 4, where you find that John Vinlon* was the son of Capl. Samuel Vinlon,' [15] b. in Maiden 1695 (page 2), who, you will see, was the son of John Vinlon' [3], son of the original emigrant. In like manner you may trace any one to the original emigrant. GENEALOGICAL SKETCHES. %\t f ititoE Jfamilg. The Vinton Family, there is much reason to think, came originally from France. From the nature of the case, positive proof of the fact was not to be expected ; but the evidence from tradition is clear and unequivocal. The compiler has always understood the origin of the family to be as has now been suggested. The compiler's grandfather, Josiah Vinton of Braintree, who was born in 1755, and was a man of intelligence and integrity, stated this as a fact to him, perhaps forty years ago, certainly as long since as June, 1823 ; at which date the statement was distinctly made, and recorded in the writer's Diary. He also made the statement to others, as they have since assured the writer. Mrs. Mehitable Clark, also, his sister, who was born in 1736 and lived till 1822, often made the same statement. She was more than twenty years contemporary with her grandfather Thomas Vinton ; and living-, in the same town, and seeing him almost daily during that whole time, must have derived the tradition from him ; and he, being the grandson of the original emi grant, whom he might perhaps remember, could not have made the statement on insufficient grounds. John Vinton of Lynn, the first of the name in this country, had a son Blaise, born, 1654. This is, unquestionably and distinctly, a French name. No Englishman would ever give this name to his child. The father of Blaise Vinton must have been a Frenchman. The tradition referred to receives striking corroboration from a similar tradition which, since I began to collect materials for this volume, I have found to exist in England. In May, 1 852, 1 addressed a letter of inquiry to Mr. James Vinton, Engraver, of London, whose name 1 found in a London Directory for 1851. Without informing him of the tradition already quoted, I requested of him any information he might have of the origin, history, and present state, of the Vinton Family in England. In his reply, dated Sept. 27, 1852, he informed me that he had received it from his father, that " his great-grandfather had said that the Family had fled from France in the evil hour of persecution. I always understood," he adds, " that the Family was naturalized in England about two centuries since ; and I think there can be no doubt that it is purely a French name." The Vinton Family must have left France long before the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes, 1685, which is the era of the principal French emigration to these shores; for John Vinton was already settled at Lynn, in 1648. The probability is that the Family fled from that fine country about the time of the siege of Rochelle, 1625, or perhaps not long after the Massacre of St. Barthol omew, 1572. They doubtless took refuge on the eastern shores of England, long enough to become familiar with the English language and customs ; and part of the family remained in that island, while John Vinton went forth with a body of English colonists to seek a habitation in the New World. 1 GENEALOGICAL SKETCHES. FIRST GENERATION. 1. JOHN VINTON was the ancestor of the Vinton Family in America. Our information respecting him is very limited. When or where he was born ; when or where he died ; what was his occupation, and position in society ; have not been, and probably never can be ascertained. As he was a young man in 1648, he may have been born not far from 1620. He probably came to this country some time previous to 1640, probably unmarried, and in a dependent condition. He was of Lynn, 1648-1662, and doubtless some years before and after. There is probable evidence that his family were not at Lynn after 1676 ; for soon after we find at least two of his children, John and Sarah, in the neighboring town of Maiden. The children of John Vinton, and of Ann his wife, all b. in Lynn, were — 2. Eleanor, b. May, 1648 ; m. Isaac Eamsdell of Lynn, July 12, 1666. 3. tJohn, b. March 2, 1650 ; m. Hannah Green of Maiden, Aug. 26, 1677- 4. William, b. last of April, 1652. 5. Blaise, b. April 22, 1654. A soldier in "Philip's War,'' 1675-6. Was stationed at Quaboag [Brookfield,] Jan., 1675-6. Probably did not outlive that sanguinary struggle. 6. Ann, b. April 4, 1656. 7. Elizabeth, b. Jan., 1657-8. 8. Sarah, b. Sept. 16, 1662; unm. in 1681. SECOND GENERATION. 3. JOHN VINTON, son of John Vinton of Lynn, b. March 2, 1650 ; m. Aug. 26, 1677, Hannah Green,^ b. Feb. 24, 1659-60, dau of Thomas^ and Rebecca (Hills) Green of Maiden. Thomas,^ her father, was son of Thomas Green,' sen., b. in England, (prob. in Leicester) as early as 1608 ; was of Maiden, 1653 ; selectman, 1658 ; d. Dec. 19, 1667. Rebecca Hills, mother of Hannah, was one of the eldest children of Joseph Hills, who was b. in England, 1602 ; from Maiden in Essex ; of Maiden, near Boston, from its incorporation in 1649, (and probably ten years previous) till about 1664; then of Newbury, where he d. Feb. 5, 1687-8, ffi. 86. See Appendix. John Vinton was a "forgeman" or blacksmith; resided in Maiden from 1676 till 1695, when he purchased 644 acres of land in the E. part of Woburn, near Stoneham line ; and 15 acres in Stoneham. From that time he resided in Woburn, with the exception of a short residence in Braintree, about 1709, till his death, which occurred, Nov. 13, 1727, a. 77. His widow Hannah sur vived him fourteen years ; resided in Braintree ; where she d. 1741, te. 82. Their children, all b. in Maiden, except the youngest, were — 9. tJohn, b. about 1680; m. 1, Abigail Richardson. 2, Abigail Converse. 3, Hannali Baldwin. 10. Hannah, b. Jan. 26, 1681-2; m. 1, Thomas Green,^ of Maiden, 2d son of Samuel,^ who was 5th son of Thomas Green,' senr. 2, Pool. 11. Rebecca, b. March 26, 1683 ; m. WiUiam Richardson of Woburn, Sept. 15 1703. fS. RiCHAKDSON, 39.] ' ' 12. tThomas, b. Jan. 31, 1686-7; m. Hannah Thayer of Braintree, Aug. 10 1708. [Thatek, 33.] 13. Mary, b. Aug. 20, 1689 ; d. in infancy. 14. Mary, b. Jan. 2, 1692-3; m. John French of Braintree, Feb. 19, 1711-12. [Feenoh, 18.] 15. tSamuel, b. May 3, 1695 ; m. Elizabeth French, sister of said John, March 22, 1720-1. [Fkench, 22.] 16. tAbiathar, b. in Woburn, May 10, 1700; m. Lydia Green of Maiden, April 30, 1723. THE VINTON FAMILY. THIRD GENERATION. JOHN VINTON, Esq., eldest son of John Vinton of Woburn, b. in Maiden about 1678 or 1680; m. 1, March 9, 1702-3, Abigail RicHARnsoN,^ b. Nov. 14, 1683, [S. Richardson, 42.] She d. June 21, 1720. 2, Nov. 29, 1720, Abigail Converse,* b. 1705, dau. of John and gr. dau. of Maj. James Con verse of Woburn, an officer of distinguished reputation in the Indian wars. 3, 1752, Hannah (Richardson) Baldwin, b. May 6, 1689, widow of Timothy Baldwin of Stoneham, and dau. of Nathaniel Richardson of Woburn. [E. Richardson, 29.] She was living in Stoneham, 1766. John Vinton, Esq., was a man of great ability, energy, and activity. He settled at first in Woburn ; we find him in Reading, 1705-6, but very near Wo burn line ; in 1709, again in Wob. ; then in Stoneham, from 1710 to 1738 ; and finally in Dudley, in the Co. of Worcester, from 1738 till his death in 1 760. He was the principal character in Stoneham ; and had a chief hand in its incorpora tion in 1725. Lieut, 1720 ; Captain, 1723 ; Justice of Peace, 1734 ; Selectman of Stoneham, 1726, and five following years ; Representative, 1734 ; the only representative the town had till 1806. Often moderator of town meetings ; often on important committees. Admitted to the church, March 24, 1734. Nov. 20, 1738, he sold his farm in Stoneham, containing 270 acres, situated on the east side of Spot Pond, near its outlet, to James Allen, merchant, of Boston, and two days after, puriihased of the same James Allen, a tract of land in Dudley, " containing 800 or 900 acres, more or less." The pur chase was in the western part of Dudley, and is now mostly included in the town of Southbridge. John Vinton, Esq., was selectman of Dudley, 1749. He d. 1760. His children were, by first wife — 17. Abigail, b. Dec. 28, 1704. 18. tJohn, b. June 26, 1706 ; m. Mary Parker of Reading, Sept. 14, 1731. 19. Hannah, b. March 9, 1707-8 ; m. Noah Eaton of Framingham, July 29, 1730. 20. Mary, b. Aug. 15, 1709. 21. Melatiah, b. Oct. 29, 1711 ; m. Sarah Upton of Stoneham, Dec. 14, 1732. He probably d. 1734, having had only Surah, bapt. Dec. 16, 1733. 22. tJoseph, b. July 24, 1714 ; m. Hannah Baldwinof Stoneham, Feb. 19, 1733-4. 23. Rebecca, b. March 15, 1716 ; m. Elijah Gore of Dudley, 1740. 24. tThomas, b. , 1717; m. Hannah Green of Stoneham, March 31, 1742, 25. tBenoni, b. June 12, 1720 ; m. Mary Green, her sister, April 29, 1742. Children by second wife — 26. tJoshua, b. Jan. 5, 1722-3; m. 1, Mary Pollev. 2, Mehitable Edmunds. 27. Phebe, b. May 24, 1724. 12. THOMAS VINTON, son of John Vinton of Woburn, b. Jan. 31, 1686-7; m. Aug. 10, 1708, Han.nah Thatkr,* b. Feb. 17, 1685-6, dau. of Nathaniel and Hannah (Hayden) Thayer of Braintree." [Thater, 33.] He rose from small beginnings to the possession of a considerable estate. Was a blacksmith, or " bloomer," by occupation; settled in Braintree in 1708 ; purchased the famous " Iron Works," Oct. 12, 1720, of Nathaniel Hubbard, son and heir of John Hubbard, merchant of Boston, who had owned them from ] 682 till his death in 1710. He carried on the manufacture of iron at the Iron Works till the dam was demolished in pursuance of a vote of the Town in 1736. From 1734, till his death, he owned more than two hundred acres of land in Braintree, of which seventy-five acres were in the "Iron Works" neighborhood. This land he left to his sons Thomas and Nathaniel at his death. He was received to full communion in the church, Oct. 17, 1714. He d. Jan. 18, 1757, ie. 70. His wife Hannah d. Nov. 14, 1762, se. 77. Their children, all b. in the present town of Braintree, were — 28. Hannah, b. Oct. 25, 1709 ; m. Benjamin Thayer, Nov. 8, 1728. [Thateb, 50.| 29. Dorcas, b. Jan. 7, 1711-12; m. Dea. Jam,es Penniman, 1728. [Penni- MAN, 57.] 4: GENEALOGICAL SKETCHES. 30. tThomas, j twins, b. Aug. I m. 1, Mehitable Allen. 2, Mary (Hunt) Allen. 31. Rachel, ( 22,1714; (m.Nehemiah Hayden, Aug. 3, 1732. [Hayden, 32. tNathaniel, b. April 14, 1716 ; m. Anne Green. 64.] 33. Anna, b. Sept. 7, 1718; m. John Burrell of Weymouth, May 15, 1740. 34. John, b. Nov. 19, 1720; d. of throat-ail, Feb. 5, 1737-8. 35. William, b. June 16, 1723 ; d. o{ throat-ail, Jan. 7, 1737-8. 15. Capt. SAMUEL VINTON, third son of John Vinton of Woburn, b. in Mai den, May 3, 1695 ; m. March 22, 1720-1, Elizabeth French,=* b. March 4, 1698-9. [French, 22.] He was a " bloomer," or blacksmith, though his principal employment was agriculture. He settled at first in Woburn, and bought most of his father's estate, April 14, 1720 ; but sold it to Jonathan Lawrence of Charlestown, in May, 1729, and in the summer of that year removed to the South Precinct of Braintree, now the town of Randolph. He lived there till his death, July 15, 1756, a. 61. His widow Elizabeth, d. March 31, 1770, a. 71. Their children were — 36. Samuel, b. in Woburn, Feb. 1, 1721-2 ; ran away when 17 years of age. 37. Elizabeth, b. in Wob., Dec. 8, 1723 ; m. 1, Peter Niles. 2, Joseph Mann. 38. tDavid, b. in Wob., March 17, 1725-6 ; m. Ruth Dorman, Nov. 19, 1747. 39. Rebecca, b. iu Wob., July 11, 1728 ; d. same day. 40. Rebecca, b. in Braintree, Aug. 15, 1729 ; m. Col. Seth Tnmer,Dec. 6, 1750. 41. Hannah, b. in Br., June 12, 1732; m. David Linfield, Aug. 24, 1749. 42. tJohn, b. in Br., Feb. 11, 1734-5; m. Hephzibah French, 1755. [French, 43. William, b. in iSr., 1737 ; d. in infancy. 62.] 44. William, b. in Br., Jan. 22, 1738-9 ; d. Feb. 6, 1741. 45. William, b. in Br., ; d. Feb. 7, 1747. 16. ABIATHAR VINTON, youngest child of John Vinton of Woburn, b. there, May 10, 1700; m. April 30, 1723, Ltdia Green,* dau. of Samuel and Elizabeth (Upham) Green of Maiden, afterwards of Leicester, and qne of the founders and principal men of the last-named town. Her father Samuel Green,3 was youngest son of Thomas Green," Jr., by his wife Rebecca, eldest dau. of Joseph Hills of Maiden and Newbury, and grandson of Thomas Green,' Sen., of Maiden, b. in England, about 1608. Therefore, Abiathar and wife were first cousins. Abiathar Vinton lived in Braintree a year or two ; had a child born there ; and then removed to Leicester, to which town his father-in- law and many other Maiden people had already removed. We find him in Leicester, 1726; he resided there till 1740, when he died intestate. His widow, Lydia, m. Samuel Stower of Leicester, Jan. 15, 1746. Children of Abiathar and Lydia Vinton — 46. Lydia, b. in Braintree, March 29, 1724 ; m. James Wilson of Leicester, March 15, 1748. 47. Hannah, b. in Leicester, May 2, 1726. 48. Taraar, b. do.. May 16, 1728; m. James Baldwin of Leicester, Jan. 22, 1756. 49. Elizabeth, b. in do.. May 31, 1730; m. 1, Seth Babbit of Leicester. 2, James Howard of Bridgewater. 50. tAbiathar, b. in do., Sept. 18, 1732; m. 1, Rhoda Wheelock. 2, Rachel Caswell. 3, Sarah Smith. 51. John, b. in do.. May 3, 1735. 52. Samuel, b. in do., about 1737 ; m. 1, Abigail Smith. 2, Sybil (Miller) Brewer. No children. Practising physician iu South Hadley ; d. May 30, 1801. FOURTH GENERATION. 18. JOHN VINTON, eldest son of John Vinton, Esq., of Stoneham, b. June 26, 1706; m. Sept. 14, 1731, Mart Parker, dau. of Ebenezer Parker of Reading. THE VINTON FAMILY. 5 He was taxed in Stoneham, 1726, 1727, and so on till his death. Sept. 27, 1730, he "owned the covenant, and was baptized." He d. intestate, June 14, 1733, a. 27. His widow Mary afterwards m. Brown. We find her living, 1751. The only child of John and Mary Vinton was — 53. tJohn, b. Aug. 9, 1732 ; m. 1, Sarah Swain, 1755. 2, Lydia Nichols, 1758. 22 JOSEPH VINTON, son of John Vinton, Esq., of Stoneham, b. there July 24, 1714; m. Feb. 19, 1733-4, Hannah Baldwin, b. Sept. 4, 1715, dau. of Timothy and Hannah (Richardson) Baldwin of Stoneham. [E. Richardson, 54.] Joseph Vinton's father [9] and his wife's mother were married in 17.52. He resided in Stoneham till 1736 ; for he was chosen fence-viewer in Stone ham, March 1, 1735-6. Not long after, (perhaps 1738,) he removed to Dud ley, where he d. in 1795. His children, all but Hannah, b. in Dudley, were — 54. Hannah, b. in Stoneham, July 15, 1734 ; m. Consider Jones of Dudley, 1758. 55. tPelatiah, b. in Dudley, Oct. 27, 1738 ; m. Zipporah Jackson of Dudley. 56. tRalph, b. Oct. 17, 1740; m. Phebe Holmes. 57. tJohn, b. Feb. 14, 1742 ; m. Dorothy Holmes of Woodstock, Ct., 1770. 58. Abigail, b. March 15, 1744 ; m. Jonathan Streeter of Chariton, May 4, 1761. 59. Sarah, b. June 27, 1745 ; seems to have d. young. 60. tTimothy, b.Feb. 14, 1749; m. Dolly Shumway of Thompson, Ct. 61. Jemima, b. Dec. 10, 1753 ; seems to have d. young. 62. Elizabeth, b. March 8, 1756 ; m. James Haskell of Dudley, June 3, 1784. 63. tJoseph, b. March 2, 1758 ; m. Mary AUard. 64. fWilliam, b. Aug. 5, 1760 ; m. 1, Thankful Coombs. 2, Dolly Sabin. 24. THOMAS VINTON, son of John Vinton, Esq., of Stoneham, b. there , 1717 ; m. March 31, 1742, Hannah Green, b. March 22, 1725, dau. of Isaac and Mary (Pratt) Green of Stoneham, and formerly of Maiden. Her father, Isaac Green, b. May 20, 1690, was son of Samuel and Mary Green of Maiden. Isaac was of Stoneham, 1735; selectman 1745, 1753, 1758; he d. Aug. 25, 1765; his wife Mary d. Aug. 6, 1760. Thomas Vinton, after a residence of perhaps a year or two in Dudley, (abt. 1742-3,) took up his abode in the east part of Stoneham, near Maiden line. His farm is now included in the town of Melrose. He d. March 22, 1763, se. 46. His widow Hannah survived him more than forty years ; and d. April 1, 1804, a. 79. Their children were — 65. tThomas, b. Sept. 17, 1742 ; m. Mary Green of Leicester, March 21, 1771. 66. Timothy, b. Dec. 3, 1744; never m. ; d. Dec. 29, 1836, a. 92. 67. Hannah, b. Sept. 5, 1747 ; m. Micah Waitt of Maiden, May 28, 1771. 68. Phebe, b. April 2, 1751 ; m. Israel Cook of Boston, April 8, 1773. 69. tEzra, b. Jan. 3, 1754 ; m. Sarah Green of Stoneham, 1777. 70. Mary, b. Jan. 28, 1757 ; m. William Emersbn of Maiden, Nov. 3, 1785, 71. Martha, b. Jan. 17, 1761 ; m. John Pratt of Maiden, March 21, 1782. 25. BENONI VINTON, son of John Vinton, Esq., of Stoneham, b. there, June 12, 1720; m. April 29, 1742, Mart Green, b. in Maiden, Sept. 12, 1721, dau. of Isaac and Mary Green of that place, and sister of Hannah Green, in the preceding paragraph. Ilis birth appears on Woburn town records as the birth of £en;amira Vinton ; but he was married, transacted business, lived and died, under the name of Benoni. He seems to have accompanied his father to Dudley in 1738, and dwelt there some years ; perhaps till 1745 ; then returned and took up his residence in Maiden, near Stoneham ; now Melrose. He d. intestate, Oct. 10, 1760, a. 40. His widow Mary m. for second husband, April 29, 1762, Ezra Green,* Esq., b. 1714, fourth son of Samuel^ and Martha Green of Maiden. Samuel,' b. 1679, was only son of John," and grandson of James Green,' who came from b GENEALOGICAL SKETCHES. England; freeman, 1647. Ezra Green, d. April 28, 1768. His widow m. 3, Dec 12, 1777, Samuel Wyman,* Esq., of Woburn, who d. June 14, 1787. Her fourth husband, m. 1792, was Joseph Lynde of Maiden, who d. July 4, 1798. Mrs. Mary Lynde, relict of Joseph, d. Dec. 21, 1806, a. 85. The children of Benoni and Mary Vinton were — 72. Mary, bapt. Feb. 6, 1743. 73. tJohn, b. , 1752; m. Mary Traill, Jan. 30, 1772. 74. Benoni, b. , 1754; m. Rebecca Dix, April 27, 1779. Removed to Frankfort, near XJtica, N. Y., about 1785. 26. JOSHUA VINTON, sixth and youngest son of John Vinton, Esq., of Stone ham, b. there Jan. 5, 1722-3 ; m. 1, Mart Pollet of Dudley : published April 6, 1751. 2, widow Mehitable Edmonds of Dudley, April 23, 1702. He accompanied his father to Dudley in 1738, and d. there, 1772, intestate. His widow Mehitable d. 1788. Children by first marriage — 75. Mary, b. Dec. 29, 1751 ; m. Jacob Chamberlain, Nov. 22, 1774. 76. Joshua, b. Sept. 5, 1753 ; d. Oct. 13, 1772. 77. Abigail, b. Oct. 13, 1755 ; m. Timothy Corbin, Oct. 20, 1774. Children by second marriage — 78. Jabez, b. Jan. 3. 1763 ; m. Ruth Putney, Dec. 22, 1784. They lived and d. in Sturbridge, and had Abigail, b. March 23, 1786 ; m. Calvin Marcy of Union, Ct. ; Lucretia, b. March 3, 1787, m. Timothy Vinton, [177.] 79. Susanna, b. Aug. 23, 1764. 80. Ebenezer, b. Jan. 3, 1766. 81. Patience, b. Sept. 27, 1767; m. Stephen Corbin, Sept. 26, 1786. 82. Lucretia, b. ; d. Nov. 27, 1772. 30. THOMAS VINTON, son of Thomas and Hannah Vinton of Braintree, b. there Aug. 22, 1714; m. 1. Jan. 15, 1735-6, Mehitable Allen, b. May 30, 1717, dau. of Joseph' and Abigail (Savil) Allen of Braintree. [Allen, 33.] She d. about 1760, a;. 44. 2, Sept. 18, 1762, Mart (Hunt) Allen, b. Aug. 16, 1717, widow of Capt. Thomas Allen, and dau. of Col. William Hunt of Brain tree. [Allen, 46. Holbrook, 47.] Her father and first husband were both prominent men in the town, and deacons in the church in the Middle Precinct. Thomas Vinton was a blacksmith, and possessed a good property ; having over one hundred acres of land left him by his father. He was admitted to the church, Oct. 31, 1756; and d. intestate, Feb. 28, 1776, se. 62. His widow Mary m. her third husband, Jan. 1, 1784, Hobart Clark of Brain tree, who d. April 4, 1808, a;. 87. She d. 1789, m. 72. The children of Thomas and Mehitable Vinton, b. in Braintree, were — 83. Mehitable, b. Nov. 29, 1736 ; m. John Clark of Randolph, 1774. 84 tThomas, b. June 2, 1739; m. Jemima Mills, May 28, 1761. [Mills, 49.] 85. Rhoda, b. Feb. 15, 1741-2 ; d. unm., 1780. 86. I John, b. March 1, 1743-4; m. Sarah Thayer, Oct. 19, 1765. [Thater, 84.] 87. Abigail, b. Feb. 18, 1745-6 ; m. June 15, 1765, Thomas Russell, b. 1724, a native of Scotland. They lived in East Bridgewater. 88. tWilliam, b. July 13, 1748 ; m. 1774, Susanna Robinson. 89. Joseph, b. Sept. 29, 1751 ; m. July 30, 1774, Ann Hill, b. 1747, of Bridge- water. They resided in Bridgewater a while ; then removed to Chester field, where he d. Feb. 9, 1826, a. 74. Had two daus. and one son ; the latter d. young, unm. 90. Josiah, b. Oct. 13, 1753; d. Oct. 22, 1753. 91. tJosiah, b. April 25, 1755 ; m. Anne Adams, Oct. 24, 1776. [Adams, 85.] 92. Betsey, b. Nov. 17, 1757 ; d. Oct. 8, 1762. 32 NATHANIEL VINTON, eon of Thomas and Hannah Vinton of Braintree, b. there April 14, 1716; m. Anne Green. Names and residence of her parents unknown, perhaps of Weymouth. THE VINTON FAMILY. 7 He was a blacksmith ; resided in Braintree till after 1760 ; resided in Wey mouth a short time ; was there 1765 ; removed about 1765, to New Braintree ; in 1777, removed to Chesterfield, the part since incorporated as Goshen. He d. in Chesterfield, Jan., 1804, a. 88. His children, all b. in Braintree, were— 93. Nathaniel, b. Feb. 24, 1739-40; d. May 17, 1741. 94. Hannah, b. Jan. 17, 1743-4 ; m. 1766, Asa Shaw, a native of Weymouth. They lived in Chesterfield and have had a numerous posterity. 95. Sarah, b. Dec. 20, 1747 ; m., 1766, Ezekiel White, a native of Weymouth. They lived in Westhampton, and have a numerous posterity. 96. Mary, b. about 1749; d. young. 97. Rachel, b. about 1751 ; d. young. 98. Anne, b. about 1753 ; m. Dan'l Corthrell, from Bridgewater, March 3, 1770. 99. Nathaniel, b. about 1755 ; m. 1781, Huldah Hecox of New Braintree. He d. a few months after, without issue. Served 3i yrs. in Continen'l Army. 100. , Samuel, b. about 1757 ; d. unm., 1779. 101. tAbiathar, b. Oct. 11, 1758 ; m. 1784, Sarah Paine of Westhampton. 102. tLevi, b. June 5, 1760; m. Jerusha Fenton. 103. Mary, b. about 1763; m. 1790, Charles Beswick of Chesterfield. Removed tb Western New York. She d. Sept. 9, 1822j He d. April 22, 1825. 38 DAVID VINTON, son of Capt. Samuel and Elizabeth Vinton of Braintree, b. in Woburn, March 17, 1725-6; m. Nov. 19, 1747, Ruth Dorman, b. 1726, dau. of Seth and Sarah (Thayer) Dorman. [Thater, 160.] He resided in Braintree, S. P., (now Randolph), till 1752, when he removed to Stoughton, an adjoining town. He was admitted to the Third church in Braintree, now First in Randolph, April 24, 1768. About 1780, he removed from Stoughton to Willington, Ct., where he and his wife spent the evening of their days. David Vinton d. 1791, a. 65. Ruth, his widow, d. about I8I0, a. 84. Their children were — 104. Mary, b. Oct. 27, 1748; m. John Hayward of Braintree, April 18, 1767. 105. Samuel, b. Oct. 9, 1750 ; d. Dec. 14, 1751. 106. Elizabeth, b. Feb. 27, 1752 ; m. James Niles, Aug. 23, 1771. [NilesJ 37.] The preceding b. in Braintree. The following in Stoughton — 107. tSamuel, b. Sept. 7, 1754; m. Hannah Allen, 1777. 108. tSeth, b. June 6, 1756; m. 1, Ruth Hatch. 2, Dorcas Rider. 3, Polly Rider. 109. tDavid, b. March 18, 1759 ; m. Persis Newton, March 10, 1778. 110. Ruth, b. Sept. 21, 1761 ; m. Oct. 18, 1779, Shadrach Thayer,« b. May 18, 1759, son of Noah,^ (b. Dec. 30, 1727), and Margaret Thayer, and grandson of Shadrach'' and Rachel (White) Thayer. [Thayer, 165.] Settled in Monson. 111. Sarah, b. July 6, 1763 ; m. Stephen Cross, and settled in Monson. 112. Naomi, b. March 17,1765; m. 1, Simeon Cumming.s, 1786. 2, Nathan Lillie, Oct. 20, 1808. Resided in Mansfield, Ct. She d. Aug. 1848. 113. William, b. Jan. 21, 1767; d. young, unm. 114. Azubah, b. April 1, 1 769 ; m. John Fuller, April 10, 1794. They lived in Willington, Ct. She d. in 1846. 115. Phebe, b. Feb. 3, 1772 ; m. Josiah Root, and removed to Ohio. 42. Capt. JOHN VINTON, son of Capt. Samuel and Elizabeth Vinton of Braintree, b. there, Feb. 11, 1734-5; m. about 1755, Hephzibah French,* b. 1734, dau. of Benjamin and Hephzibah (White) French of Braintree. [French, 62.] Capt. Vinton was a man of much note in the town where he lived. He was a shrewd, capable, energetic man, and exerted much influence. He resided in what is now called South Braintree, near Randolph line. Though not a lawyer, he was often consulted in legal affairs. He was much employed in the settlement of estates, and as guardian of fatherless children. He was an efficient magistrate and public officer. 8 GENEALOGICAL SKETCHES. He was Deputy Sheriflf in 1774. When hostilities with the mother country commenced in 1775, he took a decided stand against the British ministry. He commanded a company of "minute men," that marched upon the "Lexington Alarm." He raised among his townsmen a company of Light Infantry, con sisting of sixty-two men, who nearly all enlisted in one day, marched, at their head to Roxbury, and served till the close of the year. He d. much respected, Dec. 6, 1803, se. 69. His wife Hephzibah d. Feb. 17, 1809, a. 75. Their chddren, all b. in Braintree, were — 116. Sarah, b. Sept. 29, 1755 ; m. Moses Arnold, Dec. 12, 1773. 117. Rhoda, b. Feb. 28, 1757 ; ra. 1774, James Holbrook. [Holbrook, 100.] 118. Hephzibah, b. Sept. 20, 1758; m. Jacob Allen, March 27, 1777. [Allen, 81.] 119. Elizabeth, b. April 27, 1761 ; m. 1780, Jacob Hayden. [Hatden, 103.] 120. tJohn, b. Jan. 6, 1765 ; m. Hannah Ripley, 1784. 121. Rebecca, b. May 4, 1767; m. Jonathan Bowditch, Feb. 28, 1793. 122. Samuel, b. May 18, 1769 ; d. Dec. 8, 1786. 123. Eunice, b. May 14, 1771 ; m. Dec. 9, 1790, Moses French. [French, 83.] They were the parents of Hon. Benjamin Vinton French of Braintree. 124. Hannah, b. June 12, 1773 ; d. July 9, 1773. 125. Benjamin, b. Oct. 14, 1774; m. Sarah Webb of Quincy, May, 1802. He grad. H. C, 1795; studied medicine under Dr. Ephraim Wales of Randolph, [Faxon, 31,] ; surgeon's mate one year in the U. S. frigate Boston, during the quasi war with France, 1799 ; practising physician in Quincy, from 1801 till his death, May 11, 1813. Left two daughters, who d. unm., of consumption. 50. ABIATHAR VINTON, son of Abiathar and Lydia Vinton, b. in Leicester, Sept. 18, 1732 ; m. 1, Apr. 14, 1757, Rhoda Wheelock, of the " County Gore," i. e. of Charlton. 2, Rachel Caswell, b. about 1745, at Easton, or per another account, at Bridgewater. 3, in 1788, wid. Sarah Smith of Granby. He resided in Charlton several years ; his first four children were born there. About 1772, he removed to Granby. He was living in 1900. His children, all by second wife, were — 126. tAbiathar, b. May 20, 1764; m. Sarah Day, Dec. 22, 1791. 127. Tamar, b. July 30, 1766 ; m. 1, Asa Newton. 2, Jonas Belknap. 128. Simeon, b. Nov. 17, 1768; d. young. 129. Hannah, b. Jan. 25, 1771 ; m. Ichabod Damon, a native of Scituate. Feb. 7,1797. They resided in Chesterfield. The preceding were b. in Charlton. The following in Granby — 130. tSamuel, b. May 17, 1773 ; m. Florinda Hinckley, Jan. 27, 1811. 131. John, b. ; m. Emma Wares of Hartford, Ct. He resided in Plymouth, Wayne Co., Mich., and d. March, 1851. 132. Simeon, b. Feb. 25, 1776; m. Roxana Church, about 1801. 133. Rhoda, b. Sept. 4, 1778; m. Joseph Dickinson, April 7, 1803. They re sided iu Granby or S. Hadley. He d. Nov. 8, 1851. She is living. FIFTH GENERATION. 63. JOHN VINTON, only child of John and Mary (Parker) Vinton of Stone ham, b. Aug. 9, 17.32 ; m. 1, Sarah Swain of Woburn. April 10, 1755. 2, Ltdia Nichols of S. Reading, May 10, 1758. He lived in South Reading- was an innholder; and d. near the close of 1800. Children 134. Lydia, ( twins, b. March ) m. Thaddeus Richardson, Nov. 2, 1780. [S 135. Mary, ] 15, 1759 ; ) m. Wm. Wilson, S. Reading. [Rich'n, 127.1 136. Sarah, b. Aug. 10, 1761 ; m. Joseph Brooks of Woburn, Sept. 7, 1780. 137. tJohn,b. July 17, 1763; m. Mary Green, June 30, 1785. 138. tTimothy, b. Nov. 22, 1765 ; m. Brucy McLeod. THE VINTON FAMILY. 9 139. Rebecca, b. March 26, 1769 ; d. young. 140. Nathaniel, b. Jan. 4, 1772; d. young. 141. Elizabeth, b. July 12, 1774 ; m. Samuel Wiley of South Reading, 1794. 142. Hannah, b. Nov. 1, 1777; m. Samuel Stacey, formerly of Townsend. 55 PELATIAH VINTON, eldest son of Joseph and Hannah Vinton of Dud ley, b. Oct. 27, 1738 ; m. Zipporah Jackson of Dudley. Settled in Monson, and d. there, Dec. 25, 1798, a. 60. Children— 143. Polly, b. Aug. 21, 1760 ; m. Seth Shaw of Monson. Rem'd to Homer, N.Y. 144. Hannah, b. abt. 1762 ; m. Paul Blodget of Stafford, Ct., March, 1788. Re moved to Homer, N. Y. 145. Caleb, b. about 1764; m. Marcia Men'ick of Monson. He d. 1802. Children — Earl Dane, Almus Merrick, Marquis Munn, Roswell, Hirrace, Caleb, Rebecca. 146. Sarah, b. about 1766; m. Titus Stebbins, Sept. 16, 1790; removed to Homer, N. Y. 147. Calvin, b. Jan. 4, 1771 ; m. Rebecca Moulton of Monson. He d. April, 1816. Children — Maria, Hiram, William Henry, Betsey, Lucia, Sabra, Martha, Mary Ann. 56. ' RALPH VINTON, son of Joseph and Hannah Vinton of Dudley, b. Oct. 17,1740; m. Phebe Holmes. A wealthy farmer in Dudley, where he d. April 14, 1832, a. 92. Phebe, his wife, d. Feb. 6, 1828, a. 84. Children, all b. in Dudley — 148. Phebe, b. Oct. 30, 1766; m. Elijah Sabin, Feb. 6, 1794; removed to Hardwick, Vt. 149. Chloe, b. May 22, 1769; m. Joseph Barrett. Children — Nancy, m. Charles Bacon ; Rebecca, m. Capt. John Haskell ; Elmira, m. Joshua Corbin. 150. Bathsheba, b. June 15, 1791 ; m. Abram Haven. Children — Nancy, m. Asa, Warden; James, m. Sybil Bates; Betsey, m. Djer Davis. 151. Jemima, b. May 10, 1774; m. 1, Eleazar Putney. 2, Ezekiel Bobbins. 152. Polly, b. July 13, 1778; m. Winthrop Dyer ; they live in N. Blenheim, N.Y. 153. tCalvin, b. Sept. 22, 1782; m. 1, Sarah Corbin. 2, wid. Lydia Joslyn. 154. Rebecca, b. Feb. 22, 1785 ; m. Corbin Lyon, March 20, 1809. 57. JOHN VINTON, son of Joseph and Hannah Vinton of Dudley, b. Feb. 14, 1742; m. 1770, Dorotht Holmes of Woodstock, Ct. Resided in Dud ley, his native town, till after 1776 ; how much longer is unknown ; was a large landholder in Charlton, where he d. July, 1814, a. 72. Dorothy, his widow, d. Dec, 1834, a. 91. Children — 155. tJohri,* b. Feb., 1760; m. Susanna Manning, Jan., 1784. 156. Patty, b. about 1771 ; m. Jona. Prince, "Feb. 31, 1792 ;" remo. tovPenn. 157. Lyman, b. about 1773; m. Lois Leach of Sturbidge, 1794. He d. Aug., 1841, a. 68. Chil. — Sybil, Cjnthia, Caroline, Francis, Clementine, Louisa. 158. tJoshua, b. , 1774 ; m. Sally Dyer of Sturbridge, about 1794. 159. Huldah, b. ; m. Spalding Wheeler; removed to Western New York. 160. Phebe, b. ; d. young. 161. Susanna, b. , 1787 ; d. unm., Sept. 29, 1851, a. 64. 60. TIMOTHY VINTON, son of Joseph and Hannah Vinton of Dudley, b. Feb. 14, 1740; m. Dollt Shumwat of Thompson, Ct. Resided in Wood stock, Ct. Children — 162. Waldo, d. when about 23 vears of age. 163. Hosea, m. 1, Clementine Vinton, [157.] She d. Sept. 1, 1840. 2, Matilda Ammidon of Ashford, Ct. Children by first wife — Emetine, Nancy, Caroline, Addison. By second wife — John. 164. Lucy, m. Jephtha Bacon of Dudley. * By another mother, Mary Sabin. 10 GENEALOGICAL SKETCHES. 165. Harriet, m. John Phillips of Woodstock, Ct. Chil.— Mary Ann, William. 166. OtTin, b. March 16, 1804; m. Prudence HaSkell. Children— ^nn Eliza, Benjamin, Clarissa. 167. Elonci'a, d. when 16 years old. 168. Ira, m. Mary West, dau. of Charles West of Southbridge. 169. Lucretia, m. Prosper Bundy of Woodstock, Ct. 170. Larkin, d. at 8 years of age. 63. JOSEPH VINTON, son of Joseph and Hannah Vinton of Dudley, b. March 2, 1758 ; m. Mart Allard He was a prosperous farmer in Dudley, where he d. May 19, 1839. Children— 171. Abel, b. Aug. 30, 1784; m. Betsey Merrick of Monson. Lived in Monson ; moved to Ohio. 172. Polly,-b. Nov. 5, 1785 ; m. Abner Bacon, May 13, 1805. 173. Joseph, b. April 9, 1787 ; m. Polly Putney of Dudley, Dee. 6, 1810. Children— Z)am'd, b. 1811; Julia, h. 1814; Calista, b. 1817; Henry,]). 1820; Dwight, b. 1824 ; Abiel, b. 1826 ; Damon, b. 1829. 174. Fanny, b. Dec. 20, 1788; m. Zelotes Bowers of Dudley, April 8, 1807. 175. Nancy, b. June 10, 1790 ; m, Henry Haskell of Dudley, March 25, 1830. Children— Man/ A., b. Jan. 12, 1831 ; Lucretia,h. May 10, 1833 ; Elizor beth, b. March 25, 1837. 176. Lothrop, b. Dec. 12, 1791 ; m. Bathsheba Putney of Dudley, April 24, 1814. Children— Mrom, b. 1814; Caroline, h. 1816; Marcus, b. 1818; Fanny, h. 1820, d. 1821 ; Catharine, b. 1822; Louisa, b. 1824; Harriet, b. 1826 I Chhe, b. 1828; Seth Lothrop, b. 1829 ; George Edwin, b. 1831. 177. Timothy, b.'Oct. 10, 1793; m. Lucretia Vinton, 1820. ' [78.] He d. June 27, 1823, without issue. 178. Uriah, b. March 28, 1795 ; killed in a bam with a hay-knife, about 1809. 179. Baldwin, b. April 12, 1798 ; m. 1824, Lucretia Curtis of Dudley, b. Aug. 10, 1802. Reside in Woodstock, Ct. Children — Frederic Baldwin, b. 1825; Edward Channing, b. 1842. 180. Horace, b. ; lives, it is said, in Lowell. 181. Sally, b. ¦; m. Jefferson Putney, sou of Eleazar and Jemima. [151.] 64. WILLIAM VINTON, youngest son of Joseph and Hannah Vinton of Dud ley, b. Aug. 5, 1760 ; m. 1, Thankful Coombs of Dudley, May 31, 1781. 2, DoLLT Sabin. They lived in Dudley. Children by first marriage — 182. Tryphena, b. Aug. 6, 1782 ; unm. ; d. July 28, 1844, a. 62. 183. Thankful, b. May 23, 1786 ; m. Zebina Day of Sutton. No children. 184. William, b. Aug. 23, 1788 ; m. Tammy Putney of Dudley, Oct. 16, 1811. Resided in Dudley. Children — Hannah, b. 1812; Chestef, b. April 16, 1816 ; m. Mary B. Sayles ; Davis, b. July 22, 1820; m. Nancy Butter- worth ; Christopher, b. Oct. 4, 1827 ; m. Harriet Vinton, [176.] 185. Ezra, b. Feb. 23, 1791 ; m. Sally Sayles of Dudley, Jan. 25, 1816, who d. March 12, 1823. He d. May 11, 1840. Children— Jfe)-ct/, deceased; Silas; Sarah, m. Eli Nelson. 186. Ithamar, b. April 25, 1793 ; m. 1, Lucretia Webster. 2, Ann Twiss. Children by first wife — Mary, Lydia, dec'd. ; Philenia, Irene, deceased ; Willard; Jane. 187. Leonard, b. July 15, 1795 ; m. Adeline Sisson of Warwick, R. I. Children by second Aiarriage — 188. Rhoda, b. Oct. 16, 1799 ; m. Daniel Sayles of Dudley, Jan. 19, 1820. 189. Charles, b. March 16, 1802; m. Aurelia Morse. He d. in Dudley, Nov. 24, 1838. Children— i^rancjs M., b. June 20, 1831 ; m. Lucretia Haskell, [175.] Henry, b. Dec. 29, 1832 ; Sarah Ellen, b. Sept. 9, 1835 ; d. 1838. 190. Hannah, b. Feb. 22, 1805 ; d. young. 191. David, b. — , 1813; m. Mary Bacon of Dudley, 1834; d. without issue, 1848. 65. THOMAS VINTON, son of Thomas and Hannah Vinton of Stoneham, b. Sept. 17, 1742; m. March 21, 1771, Mart Green," b. 1748, dau. of Israel THE VINTON FAMILY. 11 Green of Leicester, the part now Spencer. Israel,^ was son of William Green,* one of the first settlers of Leicester. William,* was the eldest son of Williams and Elizabeth (Hills) Green of Maiden ; (Elizabeth Hills being dau. of Joseph Hills, Jr., 1 and grandson of Capt. William,^ third son of Thomas Green,' Sen., the original emigrant from England. Thomas Vinton d. in Stoneham, Feb. 16, 1828, a. 85. His wife Mary d. June 16, 1832, a. 84. Children— 192. Thomas, b. Jan. 6, 1772 ; never manied; d. Dec. 31, 1841, a. 70. 193. Mary, b. Oct. 2, 1773 ; never married; d. Feb. 15, 1791, n. 17. 69. EZRA VINTON, son of Thomas and Hannah Vinton of Stoneham, b. Jan. 3, 1754; m. 1777, Sarah Green, b. July 6, 1760, dau. of Capt. Josiah and Elizabeth Green of Stoneham. Josiah, b. March 5, 1735, was son of Josiah and Esther Green. Elizabeth his wife, b. April 17, 1734, was dau. of John and Sarah Green ; all of Stoneham. Ezra Vinton was a respectable farmer in the east part of Stoneham ; a sec tion now included in Melrose. He d. Nov. 11, 18I7, a. 63. His wid. Sarah d. Aug. 31, 1829, a. 69. Their children were— • 194. Sarah, b. Jan. 19, 1780 ; m. Reuben Richardson, Oct. 22, 1801. 195. Betsey, b. Nov. 5, 1781 ; m. Josiah.Richardson, May 24, 1801. 196. Mary, b. Oct. 6, 1783; m. Elijah Richardson, Nov. 13, 1804. 197. Ezra, b. March 17, 1786; m. 1, Hannah Ridgway. 2, Mary Briggs. 3, Sophia Chapman. He was a cooper in Charlestown from 1812 to 1834. Then removed to Lunenburg, and finally to Townsend, where he now resides. Children — Mary R., b. Nov. 15, 1807; m. John Larrabee; Ezra, and Hannah, d. young; Frances L., b. Nov. 12, 1813; m. Benja min B. Day; Daniel Hay, d. youiig; William, b. Nov. 22, 1821 ; m. Nancy Lamear, now in Illinois; George W. L., b. Dec. 25, 1823; m. Elizabeth Sales ; farmer in Illinois ; l/arriei Rebecca, b. 1826 ; Charles Henry, b. 1827; John, b. 1831 ; Sophia, b. 1834; d. young. 198. Isaac, b. Sept. 24, 1788; m. Mary Simonds, April 5, 1812. Resides in Melrose. Children — Isaac, b. April 4, 1813 ; m. Fanny A. Downing ; salesman in N. Y. ; Nathan A., b. June 2, 1816 ; m. Mary G. Brown ; shoemaker, in Melrose; Charles Austin, b. April 17, 1820; m. Eliza Badger; piano mak. Boston ; J/ary, b. July21, 1826; m. Jonas G.Brown. 199. Phebe, b. March 7, 1791 ; m. Joseph Lynde, April 28, 1814. 200. Hannah, b. July 17, 1793; m. David Curamings, Oct. 20, 1814. 201. John, b. Aug. 17, 1795 ; m. 1, Harriet Cox of Maiden. 2, Ann M. Marstou of Saco. He lived in Maiden ; removed to Saco, where he d. Jan. 6, 1854. Children by first vrik—John, b. 1818 ; m. Charlotte Pierce, 1840 ; lives in Maiden; James, b. 1820; Phebe Ann, b. 1824; Adeline, b. 1828. By second wife — Ernest Edward Marston, b. 1849 ; Cora Ellen, b. and d. 1851 ; Cora Allen, b. 1852. 202. Aaron, b. July 30, 1798; m. 1, 1819, Ruth Sprague of Maiden. 2, 1849, Charlotte Sprague of Stoneham. Children — Mary, b. 1823 ; Aaron, b. 1826; George Gray, b. 1829; Charlotte Adelaide, b. 1842. 203. Joseph, b. Oct. 13, 1801; m. 1821, Sukey Lynde of Stoneham, dau. of Stephen and Hannah. Children — Joseph Warren, b. 1822 ; Elbridge, b. 1824; Darius Stevens, b. 1826. This family removed to Indiana, 1845. 73. Lieut. JOHN VINTON, son of Benoni and Mary Vinton of Maiden, b. abt. 1752; m. Jan. 30, 1772, Mart Traill, dau. of John Traill, merchant, of Bos ton, and of Mary his wife. John Vinton was a lieutenant in the second Mass. Regiment of Continental troops in 1777. He d. at Maiden, Sept. 24, 1781, a. 29. His widow Mary lived till after 1830. Children— 204. Samuel Sprague, b. Dec. 2, .1772 ; d, Aug. 17, 1775. 205. John, b. Oct. 8, 1774; m. 1, Rebecca Cartwright. 2, Mary Connig, Nov. 16, 1809. 3, wid. Emily Whitmore, from Worcester, Jan. 22, 1829. He d. at Melrose, March 28, 1850. Children by first wife — Rebecca; John, b. 1799 ; m. Eusebia H. Fowle, and d. at Woburn, Nov. 13, 1848. 12 GENEALOGICAL SKETCHES. George, m. 1825, Eliza Carter; resides at Neponset. Children by second wife — Edward, salesman in Boston; Charles Augustus, b. 1823, confec tioner in Boston. 206. Mary, b. Oct. 22, 1777 ; m. William Putnam, April 2, 1797. 207. Nancy, b. March 24, 1780; d. young. 208. Betsey, b. Nov. 12, 1781 ; m. John Larrabee, Sept. 1801. 84. THOMAS VINTON, eldest son of Thomas and Mehitable Vmton of Braintree, b. June 2, 17.39; m. May 28, 1761, Jemima Mills, b. June 16, 1743, dau. of Rev. Jonathan and Jemima (Hayward) Mills. [Mills, 49.] He was a blacksmith ; lived in the " Iron Works" Neighborhood, Braintree. He d. Aug. 9, 1798, a. 59. His wid. Jemima d. in Boston, Nov. 18, 1816, a. 73. Their children were — 209. Thomas, b. Sept. 14, 1761 ; went privateering; d. unm. about 1787. 210. Jemima, b. Aug. 11, 1763; d. young. 211. Elizabeth, b. June 27, 1765 ; d. young. 212. Oliver Mills, b. May 25, 1769 ; d. young. 213. Sarah Mills, b. Nov. 20, 1770; d. young. 214. Olivet* Mills, b. Nov. 1, 1772; m. 1, 1796, Betsey Wild of Randolph. 2, Nancy Legge of Pawtucket, R. I. 3, Cynthia A. Hall of Plymouth. 4, Mary Fales of Walpole. Children by first wife — Betsey, b. 1797; m. Charles Spear; Thomas Xefferson, b. March 5, 1799, formerly confec tioner in Boston; George Washington, b. July 16, 1801, now confectioner in Boston ; Mary Jane, d. young ; Lemuel, d. young. Children by second wife — Oliver Mills, b. May 8, 1811, confectioner in Bangor ; WiUiam Henry, confectioner in Bangor ; Mary .Tane, m. James M. Adams dec'd ; Caroline Frances, m. Nath'l. Budd ; Nancy, d. young. Children by fourth wife — Ann Maria, b. 1832; Charles S., b. 1834; Harriet A., b. 1837 ; d. young. 215. Lemuel, b. Oct, 31, 1774; m. 1, in Boston, 1798, Elizabeth Wilton, who d. without issue. 2, in Providence, R. I., Dec, 1807, Marcy Owen Ma son, dau. of Aaron of Providence. Children by second marriage — Lemuel, b. 1808 ; m. Kezia Arnold ; lives in Providence ; Albert, b. 1810 ; d. at sea, 1834 ; Eliza Mason, b. 1812 ; m. 1835, Henry D. Sheldon, who d. 1837; Emmeline Owen, b. 1815, teacher in Boston; Amanda Sanford, b. 1817 ; m. James G. Thompson, 1852 ; William Sturgis, b. 1820 ; unm. in Providence ; Charlotte Stani ford, b 1822; m. Jeremiah A.Reynolds, 1848 ; Marcy Ann. b. 1824; d. 1830; Anna Parkman, b. 1827 ; m. Wm. A. Rea, 1852. 216. Edward, b. Sept. 11, 1776; d. young. 217. Jemima, b. Sept. 2, 1778 ; m. April 24, 1800, Gideon Thayer. [Tha'k, 29.] 218. Elizabeth, b. April 2, 1781 ; m. May 23, 1799, Obadiah Thayer. [Tha'r, 98.1 219. Edward Mills, b. July 3, 1783 ; m. Jan. 25, 1802, Thankful Joy of Cohas- set. He d. March 19, 1844. His wid. Thankful d. autumn, 1856. Children — Maria Joy, b. 1803; m. 1, Dexter L. Pierce. 2, David A. Holbrook; Edward Mills, b. 1804; m. Eliz. D. Kendall of Ashby ; d. 1829; Iram, b. Doc. 9, 1806; m. Theodora H. Penniman; lives in Braintree; Clarintha, b. 1809; m. Jona. Hunt; Adeline, b. 1811; m. Jos. H. Melius; Susan Joy, b. 1813; m. Elbridge G. Hunt; Thomas Jefferson, b. 1816, d. 1817; Thomas Jefferson, b. 1818; unm. 1853; Albert Smith,b. 1820; unm. 1853; Emdine Eliz., b. 1822; m. Henry B. Cowing ; Anna Frances, b. 1824 ; m. I. P. Fuller ; Sarah Eliz., b. 1826 ; m. Jona. Thayer; Mary, b. and d. 1828 ; Edw. Milk, b. 1830, unm. 220. Sarah, b. Jan. 31, 1786; m. Isaac Thomas, 1803 ; remov'd to Greene, Me. 86. JOHN VINTON, son of Thomas and Mehitable Vinton of Braintree, b. March 1, 1743-4; m. Oct. 19, 1765, Sarah Thater, b. Sept. 14, 1744. [Thater, 84.] He was a blacksmith, and lived in the north precinct of Braintree, now Quincy. He d. of small-pox, June 18, 1778, a. 34. His widow, who is said to have taught the alphabet to John Quincy Adams, d. Oct. 15, 1807, a. 63. Their children were— 221. Blisha,b. Mar. 19, 1767 ; d. of black vomit, Nassau, N.P., Sept., 1793, a. 26. THE VINTON FAMILY. 13 222. John, b. May 22, 1769 ; m. Elizabeth (Fessenden) Nichols of Boston. He was a mason in Boston, where he d. April 15, 1812. Children— /oAn, d. unm. Nov. 1825, a. 26; Benjamin Fessenden, num.; Mary Ann, m. 1834, Dexter Dana of Roxbury ; Sarah Barbara, m. Chas. F. Jones, coal dealer in Boston; Elisha, d. Dec, 1818, a. 11. 223. Josiah, b. Feb. 3, 1771 ; m. Elizabeth Horton, in N. C. Drowned in Chowan River, N. C, Sept., 1797; leaving one dau. Batlisheba; m. Bryant Overton. 224. Sarah, b. Oct. 1, 1772 ; m. John Ashton of Boston, 1792. 225. Susanna, b. Dec. 27, 1774 ; m. 1, Paul Thayer. 2, Amasa Clark. 226. Lois, b. April 15, 1777 ; d. in infancy. 227. Lois, b. July 28, 1778 ; m. Nedabiah Bent of Quincy, May 2, 1802. 88. WILLIAM VINTON, son of Thomas and Mehitable Vinton of Braintree, b. July 1.3, 1748 ; m. 1774, Susanna Robinson, b. Jan. 24, 1753, dau. of Joseph and Abigail (Keith) Robinson of East Bridgewater. He was by trade a tailor; settled in East Bridgewater, 1773 ; d. May 13, 1796. His wife, a gr. dau. of Gain Robinson, who came from Ireland about 1720, also gr. gr. gr. dau. of Rev. James Keith, a native of Scotland, and first minister of Bridgewater ; died Oct. 7, 1831, a. 69. Children— 228. William, b. Dec. 31, 1774 ; m. 1, 1797, Mary Alden, b. 1776, dau. of Na than Alden, Esq., of E. Bridgewater, by his first wife, Sarah Barrell. [Alden, 96.] 2, 1803, Abigail Otis, b. 1781 ; d. 1816, dau. of Dr. Josiah Otis,* of Bridgewater, a descendant from John Otis,' b. in Barn staple, Eng., 1581 ; freeman of Mass. Colony, 1636. 3, 1817, Clarissa Otis, a sister of second wife. Capt. Wm. Vinton d. Aug. 15, 1841, a. 66. His children were — Mary Alden, b. 1799 ; m. Ebenezer W. Tolman of Stoughton, 1820. Three infants, deceased. Clarissa Otis,b. 1807; m. Bailey Allen, 1827 ; Susanna, h. 1810 ; d. unm. 1836 ; Elizabeth, b. 1812 ; m. James S. Daggett; she d. 1850; William, b. 1818; unm. 1857 ; Jo siah, b. 1820 ; unm. 1857 ; both living at E. B. ; Alice, b. 1821 ; m. Alexis C. Miller, 1848; Joseph, b. 1823; m. Jane A. Keith, 1850. 229. Joseph, b. April 16, 1777 ; accidentally burned to death, 1778, 18 mo. old. 230. Edward, b. July 14, 1779 ; m. Feb. 1820, Lydia Porter, dau. of Ebenezer of Abington. Children — Lydia Loring, b. 1821 ; m. Theodore Trask of Quincy, 1840; Lucia, b. 1822; m. Charles H. Hardwick of Quincy, 1846; Abigail, b. 1826; unm. 1857; Edward, h. 1828; d. young; Caro line Augusta, b. 1832 ; m. Wm. Henry Chamberlain of E. Bridgewater; Susan Elizabeth, b. 1834 ; m. Wm. H. Chamberlain ; d. 1854 ; George Warren, b. 1836. 231. Abigail, b. March 1, 1783 ; m. Oct. 20, 1798, Ezra Alden, b. July 31, 1774, son of Jonathan Alden of E. Bridgewater. [Alden, 74.] Children — Edward Vinton, b. 1799; d. uum. 1822; WiUiam Vinton, b. 1809; m. Nancy A. Vinton, [363.] 91. JOSIAH VINTON, youngest son of Thomas and Mehitable Vinton of Braintree, b. April 25, 1755; m. Oct. 24, 1776, Anne Adams,^ b. Feb. 24, 1757. [Adams, 85.] He was by trade a gold and sdver smith ; afterwards engaged in traffic, and in agriculture. Selectman of Braintree about 1810. He d. Dec. 27, 1843, a. 88 years, 8 mos. His wife Anne, d. Dec. 18, 1851, m. 95. They lived together 67 years. Their children, all b. in Braintree, were — 232. tJosiah, b. July 27, 1777 ; m. 1, Betsey Snow Giles. 2, Lucy (How) Dennet. 233. tBoylston, b. Dec. 10, 1779 ; m. Lydia Thayer. [Thayee, 172.] 234. Thomas, b. Sept. 5, 1781 ; m. April 9, 1809, Elizabeth Kemble Oliver, b. in Boston, Aug. 3, 1 793, dau. of Rev. Daniel Oliver, formerly of Beverly. He was a merchant in Boston ; also in Philad., after 1817; removed to Marietta, Ohio, 1831, where he now resides. His wife d. March 25, 1835. Children — Sarah Oliver, b. Nov., 1810; m. Daniel P. Bosworth, 1833; d. Dec. 10, 1835; EUen Adams, b. Oct., 1816; d. Oct., 1819; Elizabeth Kemble, b. Nov., 1822; m. Rev. Joseph Dunn, Dec, 1850; Thomas Adams, b. June, 1824 ; m. Harriet Toothaker ; resides in Gallipolis. 235. Abel, b. Jan. 1, 1784 ; m. Aug. 17, 1806, Susan Cox, b. Nov. 8, 1785, dan. 14 GENEALOGICAL SKETCHES. of Josiah Cox of Portland. He was a merchant in Portland, Boston, and Philad., iu company with his brother Thomas, 27 years. Removed to Waterford, 0., near Mari:!tta, where his wifed. Sept. 22, 1854, se. 69. Now lives at Wayne, Henry Co., Iowa. Chil. — Charles Adams, b. May, 1807 ; lives in Philad. ; Henry, b. July, 1809 ; lives Buffalo ; Francis, b. July, 1811 ; lives Waterford, O. ; Frederic, b. Jan. 1815 ; d. soon ; Wil liam, b. Aug., 1816; Susan Greenleaf b. May, 1818 ; Sarah Greenleaf, b. July, 1820; Edwin, b. June, 1822; John Cox, b. Sept., 1827. 236. Nancy Adams, b. March 26, 1786 ; d. unm. Feb. 26, 1806. 237. Mehitable, b. July 12, 1788; d. Jan. 26, 1796. 238. Henry, b. June 26, 1790; d. Aug. 12, 1790. 239. Betsey, b. Sept. 4, 1791 ; m. Edward Pray, Oct. 14, 1827. Of Weymouth. 240. Elisha, b. March 8, 1794; m. 1, Caroline Cox, 1818; 2,Mary Gardner, 1835. Of Boston. Ch. by 1st w. — Emily Caroline, b. and d. 1819 ; Caroline Ann, b. 1820, unm. ; Elizabeth Harrod, b. 1823; d. 1838; Josiah Cox, b. 1825. 241. Mehitable, b. May 27, 1796 ; m. Rev. John C. Welsh, March 25, 1824. 242. Henry, b. July 2, 1798; d. May 13, 1799. 243. Mary, b. Aug. 6, 1800 ; resides at Braintree, itnm. 101. ABIATHAR VINTON, son of Nathaniel and Anne Vinton, b. in Brain tree, Oct. 11, 1758; removed with his father, 1765, to New Braintree; then in 1777, to Goshen, at that time a part of Chesterfield ; served in the " State troops" fifteen months from Nov. 1, 1777, to Feb. 9, 1779 ; m. in Goshen, 1784, Sarah Paine of Westhampton ; in 1836, being aged, went to reside with his son Lathrop in Ellicottville, Cattaraugus Co., N. Y., where he d. Jan. 22, 1850, ffi. 92. His wife Sarah d. about 1854. Children— 244. Cotton, b. April 19, 1786 ; m. Content Witherell of Chesterfield. 245. Nathaniel, b. Jan. 11, 1788 ; m. Asenath Knapp of Northampton. 246. William, b. Oct. 17, 1789 ; m. Anna Hawkins of Chesterfield, July 22, 1813. 247. Abiathar, b. Jan. 10, 1792 ; unm. ; d. at Chesterfield, Aug. 14, 1833, a. 41. 248. Lathrop, b. July 27, 1794; m. Achsah White, Dec. 11, 1816. 249. Jonathan, b. March 22, 1796 ; m. Caroline Stebbins of Chesterfield, Dec. 2, 1830. He d. July 28, 1834; leaving Jonathan Dwight, b. Aug., 1831; Ann Jane, b. Dec, 1832. 250. Harvey, b. Jan. 29, 1798 ; uum. ; d. 1820, iu Le Roy, Genesee Co., N. Y. 251. Sarah, b. March 21, 1800 ; m. Joel White of Chesterfield. 252. Relief, b. March 1, 1802; m. Joshua A. Barton of Northampton, 1820. 253. Doriis, b. Feb. 19, 1804 ; m. Priscilla Collier of Chesterfield, May 25, 1825. They removed to Ellicottville, N. Y., where he d. May 11, 1844, a. 40. 102. LEVI VINTON, son of Nathaniel and Anne Vinton, b. in Braintree, June 5, 1760; m. in Goshen, Jerusha Fenton, a native of Braintree. He served in Col. Henry Jackson's Regiment of " Continentals" three years, from Oct. I, 1777. Resided in Goshen till 1817, forty years ; then removed to Hartland, Niagara Co. N. Y., where he d. Sept. 20, 1820, a. 60. His wife Jerusha d. one week previous. Their children were — 254. Samuel, b. Feb. 22, 1788; m. Eliza Cornwell. Resided Hartland, N. Y ¦ d. Aug. 15, 1826. 255. Martha, b. Sept. 20, 1789; m. William Miller, of Huntington, Ms. • she d. Jan. 19, 1818. 256. Electa, b. Sept. 8, 1791 ; m. 1812, Jas. Shaw ; both living in Hartland, N.Y. 257. Lucinda,b. Feb. 22,1793; m. 1814, Arvin Nash, of PlaiDfield,Ms. ; d. Sept. 258. Laura, b. Sept. 23, 1797; unm. Resides in Huntington, Ms. [30,1835. 259. Orpha, b. Nov. 14, 1799 ; ra. Samuel Cole. Now in Lenawee Co., Mich. 260. Eunice, b. April 23, 1802; m. 1, Timothy F. Upton. 2, Dr. Hor.ario Co- nant, Maumee City, Ohio. 261, Jerusha, b. Oct. 11,1804; m. Seth Shaw, brother of James. Somerset, N.Y. 262. Hannah, b. Aug. 5, 1807 ; m. Harrington. Resides in Michigan. 263. Levi A., b. Oct. 10, 1810 ; unm. Was in California 1854. 107. SAMUEL VINTON, son of David and Ruth Vinton, b. in Stoughton, Sept. THE VINTON FAMILY. 15 7, 1754; m. 1777, Hannah Allen of Stoughton, b. Aug. 7, 1757. They went to Connecticut in 1782 ; settled in Stafford, Ct. ; afterwards removed to Onondaga Co., N. Y., where he d. After removing to N. Y. State, he m. a second wife, whose name is unknown. Children- 264. Ruth, ( twins, b. Mar. I m. Aaron L. Darrow of Boston. She is living in 265. Hannah, I 7,1779; j m. , somewhere in N.Y. State [Boston. 266. Samuel, b. July 7, 1781 ; m. Betsey Dodd of New Haven, 1805. 267. John, b. Nov. 1, 1783; m. ; removed to N.Y. State, and d. abt. 1812. 268. Relief, b. Dec 5, 1785 ; m. OUver Hyde of Stafford, Ct. Site d. Oct. 1, 1853. 269. Sarah, b. April 9, 1788 ; m. Orlando Fuller. She is a wid. in Wesleyville, 270. Elizabeth, b. March 28, 1790 ; d. young. [Pa 271. Daniel, b. Nov. 9, 1791 ; m. 1, . 2, . In Onondaga Co., N. Y., d. 1848. 108. SETH VINTON, son of David and Ruth Vinton, b. in Stoughton, June 6, 1756; m. 1, May 10, 1781, Ruth Hatch, who d. Dec. 25, 1783. 2, Dorcas Rider, Dec. 9, 1784; she d. Jan. 14, 1800. 3, Pollt Rider, July 2, 1801 ; she d. April 12, 1853, a. 83. About I78I, he settled in Willington, Ct. He d. at the house of his son Horace, in Rockville, town of Vernon, Ct., May 25, 1848, a. 92. Children, by first wife— 272. Hosea, b. Oct. 10, 1782; m. Elizabeth Weston, Oct., 1804. They are the parents of Rev. Justus Hatch Vinton, b. Feb. 17, 1806 ; m. Calista Hol- man, April 9, 1834 ; missionary lo Burmah ; and of Miranda, his sister, b. April 18, 1819 ; m. Rev. Norman Harris, also missionary to Burmah. By second wife — 273. William, b. Sept. 30, 1785 ; m. 1, May 5, 1819, Elizabeth Collins, who d. Sept. 24, 1820, without issue. 2, April 11, 1822, Esther Craudall of Tolland, Ct. He was killed Dec. 25, 1847, by a loaded cart passing over him. Children by second wife — WiUiam, b. Jan. 12, 1823; m. Eliz. A. Barber, Nov. 29, 1849; m. at the same 55. Abigail, b. 1721 ; m. Ebenezer Byram, Jr., Nov. 22, 1738. ) time. 56. tNathan, b. 1727 ; m. 1, Mary Hudson, 1750. 2, Lydia Richards, 1757. 57. tEzra, b. 1732 ; m. Rebecca Keith of Easton, 1756. 25. JOHN ALDEN,* son of Isaac and Mehetabel, b. 1694 ; m. 1, Hannah Kingman, dau. of Henry Kingman, 1727. She d. 1744. 2, Rebecca Night ingale, 1745. He lived in East Bridgewater, and d. 1762, a. about 67. Children by first wife — 58. John, ( twins, b. ) 59. James,! 1729; ) d. young. 60. Isaac, b. 1731 ; m. Martha Packard. 61. Jonathan, b. 1733. See below. 64. An infant son, b. 1740 ; d. soon. 62. Hannah, b. 1 736. 65. Abigail, b. 1742; d. young. 63. Adam, b. 1738; d. young. 66. Keziah, b. 1743. Children by second wife — 67. Rebecca, b. 1745; m. John Sprague. 68. John, b. 1747 ; went to AVarwick. 69. Esther, b. 1749; d. young. 70. James, b. 1751 ; went to Claremout, N. H. 71. Adam, b. 1754; went to Claremout, N. H. 72. Joseph, b. 1755 ; went to Claremont, N. H. 63. Benjamin, b. 1757; went to Claremont, N. H. Of the above children, Jonathan, b. 1733, [61,] m. 1766, Experience Wash burn, dau. of Cornelius. He d. 1825, a. 93. They were parents of— 74, Ezra, b. July 31, 1774; m. Abigail Vinton,' Oct. 20, 1798. [Vinton, 231.] 29 DANIEL ALDEN,* Esq., son of Dea. Joseph and Hannah, b. 1690; m. 1717, Abigail Shaw, b. about 1694, dau. of Joseph Shaw ; she d. 1755. Resided until 1750, or later, in Bridgewater ; then removed to StaflTord, Ct., where he d. 1767. Children — 75. Joseph, b. 1718 ; m. 1742, Susanna Packard, dau. of Solomon of Bridgewa'r. THE ALDEN FAMILY. 25 76. tDaniel, b. 1720; m. 1747, Jane Turner of Wevmouth. 7 6i. Abigail, b. 1722; m. 1742, Dea. Eleazar Whitman, son of Nicholas of Bridgewater. 77. Zephaniah, b. 1724; m. 1748, Hopestill Wade, dau. of Thomas of Bridge- water ; d. at Stafford, Ct., a. 80. 77i. Hannah, b. 1726; d. in infancy. 78. Hannah, b. 1727 ; m. Joshua i?lodget, at Stafford, Ct., and d. there, a. 70. 78i. Mehitabel, b. 1729. 79. Barnabas, b. 1732 ; d. at Ashfield, a. 60. 80. Ebenezer, b. 1734 ; d. at Stafford, Ct., a. 21. 81. Mary, b. 1737; m. 1764, Isaac FuUer of Bridgewater. 31. ELEAZAR ALDEN,* son of Dea. Joseph and Hannah Alden, b. 1694 ; m. 1720, Martha Shaw, dau. of Joseph, and a sister of Rev. John Shaw. They lived in South Bridgewater. She d. 1769, a. 69. He d. 1773, a. 79. Their children were — 82. Jonathan, b. June 22, 1721 ; ra. Experience Howard, dau. of Nathaniel of South Bridgewater. They settled in Greenwich, Mass. He d. 1805, a. 84. She d. Dec, 1809, a. 90. 83. Eleazar, b. Aug. 30, 1723 ; m. Sarah Whitman of East Bridgewater. He d. a. 80. Shed. a. 91. 84. Abraham, b. 1725 ; d. a. 2 years. 85. David, b. June 18, 1727; m. Lucy Thomas, dau. of Noah of Middleboro'. He went to Ashfield, and there d. a. 80. 86. Joshua, b. April 19, 1729; m. Mary (Carver) Alden, wid. of Seth Alden. He d. a. 80. 87. Caleb, b. 1731 ; d. a. 2 years. 88. Ezra, b. June 22, 1734; m. 1, Miriam Richardson of Stafford. 2, Sarah Harwood of Hardwick. A deacon in Greenwich, Ms. ; d. there, a. 84. 89. Timothy, b. Nov. 24, 1736; H. C, 1762; m. Saruh Weld, dau. of Rev. Habijah Weld of Attleborough. She d. 1796, a. 58. Ordained pastor, Yarmouth, Mass., Dec, 13, 1769 ; d. Nov. 13, 1828, a. 92, having been pastor 59 years. He was the father of Rev. Timothy,^ b. Aug. 28, 1771 ; H. C, 1794; ord. colleague with Rev. Samuel Haven, D.D., Portsmouth, N. H., Nov. 20, 1799 ; dismissed July 31, 1805 ; inaugurated President of Alleghany Coll., Meadville, Pa., July 28, 1817 ; resigned Nov. 11, 1831. The second Timothy had brothers — Isaiah, Martin, and Oliver ; sisters, Sarah Weld and Martha Shaw (Alden), b. Jan. 8, 1778; m. Capt. Jeremiah Taylor, a retired ship-master; settled in Hawley, Mass. They were parents of Rev. Oliver Alden Taylor, of Manchester, Mass. ; d. 1851 ; and Rev. Timothy Alden Taylor of Slatersville, R. I., and Rev. Jeremiah Taylor, late of Wenham, now of Wethersfield, Ct. 36. SAMUEL ALDEN,* son of Dea. Joseph and Hannah Alden ; b. 1705 ; ra. 1, 1728, Abiah Edson, dau. of Capt. Josiah Edson of Bridgewater. 2, 1752, Rebecca Washburn, dau. of Josiah Washburn. Settled at Titicut, in Mid dleboro' ; d. 1785, a. 80. Children— 90. Abiah, b. 1729 ; m. 1751, Seth Harris. 91. Mehitable, b. 1732; m. 1755, Joshua Packard. 91i. Sarah, b. 1734. 92. tSamuel, b. 1736; m. Williams. 93. Josiah, b. 1738; m. 1761, Bathsheba Jones of Raynham. Kud Elijah, 176Z ; Hazad, Josiah. 94. tSimeon, b. 1740; m. 1763, Mary Packard. 95. Silas, b. ; d. a 21. FIFTH GENERATION. 56. Dea. NATHAN ALDEN,' son of Capt. Ebenezer and Anna Alden, b. 1727 ; m. 1, 1750, Mart Hudson, dau. of Daniel Hudson. She d. 1755. 2, 26 GENEALOGICAL SKETCHES. 1757, his cousin Ltdia Richards, b. 1733, dau of Benjamin and Mehitable (Alden) Richards, [20.] She d. 1823, a. 90 yrs. 7 mos. Dea. Alden d. 1807, a. 80. His children were — 96. Nathan, Esq., (by first wife) b. 1751 ; m. 1, 1776, Sarah Barrell, b. 1754 ; d. 1816, a. 61, dau. of William, and sister of Maj. James Barrell, who m. Betsey Russell, dau. of Thos. and Abigail. [Vint., 87.] Children — 97. Marcus, 1782. 98. Isaac, 1786. 99. XwciHS, 1796; grad. Brown Univ., 1821 ; clergyman; studied Divinity at Andover ; missionary to Western States several years ; installed pastor at East Abington, Dec. 5, 1832, now at Newcastle, N. H. Also, Mary, 1776, m. Capt. Wm. Vinton. [Vinton, 228.] Lydia, 1779 ; Sarah, 1792. Sarah, the wife of Nathan Alden, Esq., d. 1816, and he m. 2, widow Joanna Soule, 1819. 100. Isaac, (by second wife) b. 1758; d. young. 57. EZRA ALDEN,5 son of Capt. Ebenezer and Anna (Keith) Alden, b. 1732 ; m. 1756, Rebecca Keith, dau. of Josiah Keith of Easton. After his death, she m. 1771, John Bisbee of Plainfield, and d. 1777, a. 41. Children — 101. An infant son, b. 1757. 102. Abigail, b. 1759; d. young. 103. Abigail, b. 1761; m. George Vining, 1778. 104. Isaac, b. 1763; m. 1781, Mary Russell, dau. of Thomas and Abigail. [Vinton, 529.] 105. Susanna, b. 1766 ; m. 1784, Jacob Allen. Settled iu Plainfield. 76. Dea. DANIEL ALDEN,= son of Daniel,* Esq., b. in Bridgewater, 1720 ; ni. 1747, Jane Turner, b. in Weymouth, March 30, 1725, dau. of Seth and Sarah (Shaw) Turner of Weymouth, and sister of Col. Seth Turner, who m. Rebecca Vinton. [Vinton, 40.] She d. at Lebanon, N. H., 1817, se. 93. He spent his days chiefly in Stafford, Ct. ; was a magistrate ; deacon in the chh., &.C. ; d. at Lebanon, 1790, a. 70. They had twelve children, of whom only the following arrived at adult age — 106. Sarah,^ b. ; m. Noah Davis ; lived iu Stafford, Ct. ; had 3 children. 107. Hannah,^ ( twins, b. I m. Moses Hibbard ; in Lebanon, N. H. ; had 2 chil. 108. Abigail,^ ( 1750; jm. 1, Jude Converse, 1772 ; had 8 children. 2, Aa ron Eaton, 1790; had 3 children. She d. 1814. 109. Daniel,* b. ; m. Sarah Alden, dau. of Dea. Ezra Alden, [88.] Had 12 children. Resided in Lebanon, N. H. 110. Ebenezer,* b. July 4, 1755; m. 1787, Sarah Bass, b. Jan 24, 1759, only dau. of Col. Jonathan and Susanna Bass of Randolph. [White, 117.] She d. 1832. He settled in Randolph, 1781 ; a good citizen, distinguish ed physician and eminent Christian; d. Oct. 16, 1806, a. 51, greatly lamented. Sarah, his widow, d. Dec. 2, 1833, a. 74. Children — 111. Ebenezer,'' b. March 17, 1788; grad. H. C., 1808; studied medicine at Hanover, N. H., and Philad., where he received the degree of M. D., in 1812; since then an eminent physician and distinguished philanthropist in Randolph. 112. Henry,'' b. June 7, 1791 ; grad. H. C, 1812; resided at Randolph; unm. ; d. suddenly, June 24, 1851. 113. Susanna,'' b. ; unra.; resides in Randolph. 114. Jesse,* b. 1762; m. Sarah Rice; had nine children; resided in Cornish, N. H. ; d. of spotted fever, 1813. 115. Samuel,* b. ; grad. Dart Coll., 1795 ; m. Abigail Willard, dau. of Rev. Jolm Willard, minister of Stafford, Ct., 1757-1807 ; sister of Rev. Mr. Willard of Lancaster, N. H., who d. 1827 ; had dau. Abigail. Druggist, Hanover, N. H. 116. Isaac,* b. 1770; m. Hannah Rice ; had six children; physician, Plainfield, N. H. ; d. 1845. 92. SAMUEL ALDEN,5 son of Samuel Alden,* of Titicut, b. 1735 ; m. Williams. Lived in Abingt'n, on the confines of N. Bridgew. He d. 1816, a. 8) . THE ADAMS FAMILY. 27 Children — 117. Daniel, m. 1786, Sarah Cary. 121. Williams, m. Linfield. 118. Silas, settled in Jay, Me. 122. Seth,m.l802,Harmony Southworth. 119. Joseph, " " 123. Hosea, m. 1817, Milly Edson. 120. Samuel, m. 1799, Sally Eord. 124. Hannah, m. 1798, James Cary. 94. SIMEON ALDEN,5 son of Samuel,* of Titicut, b. 1740; m. 1763, Mart Packard, b. 1739, dau. of Seth Packard of Bridgewater. Children— 134. Simeon, b. 1764; m. Rachel French. 135. Alpheus, b. 1765. 136. Silas, b. 1766; m. 1, Polly French, b. 1764, dau. of Thomas and Silence. [French, 75.] 2, Charlotte (French) Thayer, wid. of Ezra Thayer. 137. Solomon, b. 1767, m. Hannah Stone of Reading. He d. about 1814; had Hannah, m. 1, John Mansfield of Saugus ; 2, Joseph G. Goldthwait, form erly of Saugus, now of Boston. Joseph, formerly of Louisville, now Chicago; Betsey, ra. Dr. Solon Richardson of Reading; Solomon, of Boston, m. Betsey Wiley of S. Reading. David, m. 1, Lucinda Ken dall of Medford ; 2, Laura P. Daggett of Boston. Salesman in Boston. John, m. Betsey Fernald, a native of Kittery, Me. ; Grocer in Salem St., Boston. 138. Mary, b. 1769. 140. Jonathan, b. 1775. 142. Lot, b. 1781. 139. David, b. 1771. 141. Isaac, b. 1777. All of the above had families. Cljf %tim\B Jfmtlg of Jraintrtt In the Genealogical Sketch which follows, every person in the series may be considered as a native or resident of Braintree, unless the contrary be afBrmed or implied. It must not be supposed that Henry Adams is the ancestor of all who bear the name in this country. This is very far from being the fact. There was a John Adams at Plymouth in 1621, a Jeremy Adams at Cambridge in 1632, a WUliam Adams at Cambridge in 1635, a Ferdinando Adams at Dedham iii 1639, a Nathaniel Adams at Weymouth 1640, a Richard Adams at Weymouth 1642, Alexander Adams of Boston in 1648, Robert Adams of Newbury 1649, a Nathaniel Adams of Boston 1647, Charles Adams of Dover 1665, and nearly as many more in other places ; none of whom have left any trace of kindred with Henry or his eight sons. As late as 1680, persons of the name came over from England, who were not of this family. The name is very common in England, being found in every county in the kingdom. It is also very common in the United States. The name Adams is an abbreviation of AdanCs son ; as, Peters for Peter's son, Roberts for Robert's son, Richards for Richard's son, &c. This was a very common way of forming surnames.* It is now known that the famdy of Henry Adams of Braintree orginated in Wales, about six hundred years ago. The primitive name was Ap Adam, equivalent to Adam's son, or simply Adams, for which the Welch name was exchanged about 1450. Sir John Ap Adam was summoned to Parliament as * There were four principal methods in which surnames originated. 1. From some an cestor, as, John Johnson, &.C., so of old, " David the son of Jesse." 2. From the place of one's birth, residence or achievements, as Godfrey of Bouillon, Simon of Montfort, John of Gaunt, and so anciently, Scipio Africanus, &c. This was peculiar to persons of dis tinction and quality. 3. From one's trade or profession, as, ^miih. Carpenter, Farmer, Webster, &c. 4. From some personal attribute, as, hong. Short, Rich, Poor, Brown, White, &e. 28 GENEALOGICAL SKETCHES. a Baron of the Realm, from 1296 to 1307. See N. E. Geneal. Reg., Vol. vii., p. 39, (Jan. 1853.) I have freely borrowed from Thayer's " Family Memorial" where it suited my purpose ; but have availed myself of many other sources of information. FIRST GENERATION. 1. HENRY ADAMS came from England to this country in 1634. The in scription on the granite column erected to his memory by his descendant. President John Adams, states, that he came from Devonshire; What authority there was for this statement does not appear. President John Quincy Adams said, in 1846, to the present writer, that there was " very strong reason to believe that Henry Adams came from Braintree, in Essex ; and not from Devonshire, as had been stated by [the speaker's] father." The latter suppo sition [the Braintree origin] has, in the writer's opinion, the superior probability. There can be little doubt that some of the settlers of Braintree were from Braintree in Essex, and that the name was given to the settlement at Mount Wollaston out of respect to them. See Rev. Dr. Lunt's Centennial Discourses, delivered, Sept. 29, 1839. Forty acres of land at Mount Wollaston were granted by the Town of Bos ton, Feb. 24, 1639-40, to Henry Adams, for the ten persons in his family. Henry Adams d. at Braintree, Oct. 6, 1646, and was buried Oct. 8. In his will, proved June 8, 1647, he mentions his sons Samuel, Peter, John, Joseph, Edward, and dau. Ursula. Joseph and Edward are twice named, and in this order; whence it would appear that Edward was younger than Joseph; although Thayer's " Memorial" names Joseph last. Henry Adams's wife is mentioned in the will as living, but her name is not given. See abstract of will in Geneal. Reg., vol. vii., p. 35. There were other children of Henry Adams, and they may be arranged in the following order : all b. in England — 2. Henry, b. 1604; m. Elizabeth Paine, Nov. 17, 1643, dau. of Moses Paine. In 1650, he removed to Medfield, where he was town clerk, (as he had been in Braintree), and Representative, 1659, 1665, 1674, 1675. He was a Lieut, in "Philip's War," and was killed at his own door by the Indians, Feb. 21, 1675-6, a. 72. His wife was shot in Rev. Mr. Wilson's house the same night by the accidental discharge of a musket by one of our own people; of which injury she d. Feb. 29, 1675-6. Their sixth son was Henry f b. in Medfield, Nov. 19, 1657; m. April 15, 1684, Lydia Whitney. They had Thomas,* b. 1688, who was father of Thomas,^ b. 1725 ; d. July 13, 1811, a. 86, father of Hannah Adams,* the authoress of a " History of New England," and a " History of the Jews ;" and the first person interred iu Mount Auburn Cemetery. 3. Thomas, b. 1612; m. Mary . He was a Lieut; accompanied his brother Samuel to Concord and Chelmsford, where he lived till his death, Jtily 20, 1688, a. 76. He and his brotlier built mills on the present site of the city of Lowell. He was town clerk of Chelmsford, and Representative, 1673. His will is recorded Midd. Prob. 7: 101. He had seven children, of whom Jonatlian,^ Pdatiah,^ and Timothy,^ m. and had families. 4. Samuel, b. 1617 ; m. 1, Rebecca Graves of Charlestown; she d. Oct. 1664. 2, Esther Sparhawk of Cambridge, May 7, 1668. Ho was a captain ; freeman, 1643 ; lived a while iu Charlestown and Concord, but removed to Chelmsford, 1654, where he d. Jan. 24, 1688-9, se. 72. He had four teen children, several of whom d. young. Tliomas,^ his son, mariner, prob. sea captain ; d. in Barbadoes, March 19, 1686, a. 32. See his will, dated Feb. 28, 1683-4. [Suff. Prob,, 11: 2. 5. Jonathan, b. 1619 ; m. 1, Elizabeth . 2. Mary . He settbd in Medfield, where he d. abt. 1691, a. 71. Inventory, Feb. 15, 1691-2. [lb. 8: 216. THE ADAMS FAMILY. 29 6. Peter, b. 1622 ; m. Rachel . Settled in Medfield, whore he d. intestate, about 1690, a. 68. See Inventory (£234 2s. 6d.) taken Oct. 23, 1690. [Suff. Prob., 8 : 179.] His son Peter,^ b. July 20, 1653 ; lived in Med- way; was a physician. His son Samuel,^ b. April 2, 1671, was of Med field, a deacon. He had seven other children of whom four wore daus. 7. John, b. 1624; m. Ann . Some have supposed that he returned to England ; but of this there appears no evidence ; while there is evidence that he went from Braintree, (where he certainly was at the date of his father's will, 1646,j to Concord about 1650, where he and his brothers Thomas and Samuel bought lands. While there, they petitioned for a new town, which they obtained and called Chelmsford. They sold out their lands in Concord, 1654, to Samuel Stratton ; and while Thomas and Samuel Adams removed and settled on the present site of Lowell, John Adams, a millwright, went to that part of Cambridge, now known as West Cambridge, where he built a mill on the small stream which runs from Lexington to West Cambridge, and empties into Mystic Pond ; and there he spent tlie remainder of his life. His will is dated June 1, 1706. His children were Rebecca,^ Mary,^ b. Oct. 25, 1652; John,^ b. May 1, 1654, d. soon; John,^ b. 1655; Joseph,^ m. Margaret Eames, Feb. 21, 1687-8 ; and 3 others d. young. Joseph,^ was father of Capt. Daniel Adams,* of Lincoln, b. Jan. 3, 1690 ; m. Elizabeth Minot, April 23, 1715. He d. Feb. 9, 1780, a. 90. Their eldest son, Capt. Daniel,^ b. Oct. 15, 1720, was grandfather to Dr. Daniel Adams,' of Mont Vernon, N. H., the author of a valuable Arithmetic and other school books.* 8. tJoseph, b. 1626 ; m. Abigail Baxter, Nov. 26, 1650. Settled in Braintree. 9. Edward, b. 1630; m. Lydia . She d. March 3, 1675-6. Lived in Medfield; d. about 1715. His will, dated May 19, 1715, is recorded Suff. Prob., 19 : 225. He had fourteen children ; of whom eight became heads of families. 10. Ursula, named in father's will ; it does not appear whether she was married. The descendants of this family are exceedingly numerous. SECOND GENERATION. 8. JOSEPH ADAMS,^ seventh son of Henry Adams,i is stated on the column erected to the memory of the latter, to have been the only son of the family who remained in Braintree. He was b. in England, 1626, as appears from his grave stone, still in being, which informs us that he d. Dec. 6, 1694, a. 68. He was admitted freeman, 1653. It is also stated on the aforesaid coltiinn, that he was " an original proprietor in the township of Braintree." This is scarcely probable. He was a maltster, as was his father. Of Braintree, he was selectman for several years. His wife; m. Nov. 26, 1650, was Abigail Baxter, dau. of Gregory Baxter,]: by his wife Margaret Paddy, sister of Dea. William Paddy of Plymouth and Boston. She d. Aug. 27, 1692, a. 58. The will of Joseph Adams is recorded Suff. Prob. 13 : 264. Their children were— 11 tHannah,3 b. Nov. 13, 1652 ; m. April 10, 1672, Samuel Savill. 12 tJoseph 3 b. Dec 24, 1654 ; m. 1, Mary Chapin. 2, Hannah Bass. 3, Eli- 124. John,3 b. Jan. 12, 1655-6; d. Jan. 27, 1655-6. [zabeth . 13 Abio-ail,3 b. Feb. 27, 1658-9 ; m. John Bass.' 14 tJohn 3 ( twins, b. Dec. ) Boston; m. 1, Hannah Webb. 2, Han. Checkley. 15' Bethiah,3 \ 3, 166I ; ) m. John Webb of Braintree, May, 1680. He was a " miller," and occupied, perhaps owned the gristmill near the Cart Bridge and E. Braintree Railroad Depot. See Hayden, 11^ •For the facts given in relation 10 the eight sons of Henry Adiims of Braintree, I am in great part indebte.l to Lemuel Shatmck, jfsq., of Boston ; and wholly mdebled to him for aie account which is here given of his ancestor John Adams of West Cambridge. 1 It was Greffory Baxter-not John Baxter, as stated by Thayer. Gregory Baxter, the aniestor of, um^erous families, in his will, dated June 2, 165? (he d. Jan, 21, 'Sf -60,) .uen- iions his SOI. Joseph Adams, and wife, '¦ my dau." His wife IWargaret, d . Feb. 13, 1662-3 30 GENEALOGICAL SKETCHES. 15i. Mary ,3 b. Oct. 9, 1663 ; supposed to have d. young. 16. Samuol,3b. Sept. 6, 1665 ; supposed to have d. young. 17. Mary,3 b. Feb. 25, 1667-8; m. 1, Samuel Webb. 2, Dea. Samuel Bass,' often called "cooper," son of John and Ruth (Alden) Bass. [Alden, 14.] Shed. March 9, 1706, 18, tPeter,3 b. Feb. 7, 1669-70 ; m. Mary Webb, Feb. 12, 1695. 19. Jonathan,3b. Jan. 31, 1670-1. 20. Mehitable,3 bapt. Nov. 23, 1678; m. July 21, 1697, Thos. White.' [White. 28.] John Webb, Samuel Webb, Hannah Webb, and Mary Webb, who m. children of this family, were children of Christopher Webb of Braintree. Christopher Webb's will, dated April 14, 1694, proved June 28, 1694, is recorded Suff. Prob., 13 : 220. Hannah, John, and Samuel Bass, were children of John and Ruth Bass. [Alden, 13, 14, 17.] THIRD GENERATION. 11. HANNAH ADAMS,3 eldest dau. of Joseph and Abigail Adams, b. Nov. 13, 1652 ; m. April 10, 1672, Samuel Savil, son of William.* In his will, dated Dec. 13, 1700, (proved Jan. 16, 1700-1, recorded, Suff. Prob., 14 : 278), he mentions wife Hannah, eldest son Samuel, (under 21 ;) other children, John Savell, Hannah Cleverly, Abigail Savell, Bethiah, Sarah, and Mary Savell. His brethren Benjamin Savell, and Samuel Bass, " cooper," to be Executors. Children — 21. Hannah,* b. July 13, 1674 ; m. Cleverly. 22. Abigail,* b. Feb. 14, 1678 ; m. Joseph Allen,' Aug. 14, 1701. [Allen, 19.] 23. William,* and Deborah,* twins, b. Feb. 19, 1680; d. young. 24. Bethiah,* b. Oct. 17, 1681 ; m. Feb. 12, 1713, John Metcalf of Dedham, b. March 20, 1678. His second wife. His first wife m. April 29, 1701, was Mehitable Savel, dau. of John and Mehitable Savel, and cousin to the second wife. [See Geneal. Reg., vol. vi. pp. 175, 176. 25. Samuel,* b. about 1683 ; m. April 25, 1707, Mary French, b, 1684. [French, 17.] Chosen deacon of First Chh. in Braintree, April 21, 1727. 25a. John,* b. . 256. Sarah,* b. ; m. (2d. wife) Dec. 23, 1719, Josiah Hobart, b. Dec. 11, 1670, son of Caleb Hobart. 25c. Mary,* b. . 12. JOSEPH ADAMS,' eldest son of Joseph and Abigail Adams, b. Dec. 24, 1654; m. 1, Feb. 20, 1682, Mart Chapin, b. Aug. 27, 1662; d. June 14, 1687. 2, Hannah Bass, b. June 22, 1667, dau. of John,^ and Ruth (Alden) Bass. [Alden, 17.] She d. Oct?. 24, 1705. 3, Elizabeth , who died Feb. 14, 1739-40, a. 71. He was selectman of Braintree, 1698-9, also 1715- 16-17 ; and d. Feb. 12, 1736-7. Children, by first wife— 26. Mary,* b. Feb. 6, 1682-3 ; m. Ephraim Jones of Braintree, April 1, 1714. * WILLIAM SAVEL'S will is dated Feb. 18, 1668-9 ; recorded Suff. Prob., 6 ; 37. He must have d. sooa after, as his widow Sarah m. Thomas Faxon, Sept. 5, 1670. He men tions wife Sarah, sons John, Samuel, Benjamin, and William ; daughters Hannah Savil and Sarah Savil ^ his brother Samuel Bass. William and Sarah were under 21 years of age, and were evidently the second wife's children. Thomas Faxon, Sen., was appointed Exec utor. His son John Savil's will is dated Nov. 8, 1687; proved Feb. 2, 1690-1; men tions wife Mehitable, only son John and dau. Mehitable, [who m. John Meicalf, above, [24.] Thomas Meicalf soon after m. the widow, who was Ex., and in her behalf presented John Savil's will for Probate. [Suff. Prob., 8 : 29.] Benjamin Savil,' another son of William,' m. Lydia — — — ; and was living at the date of his brother Samuel's will, Dec. 13, 1700. See text. William Savil,^ youngest son of William' above, m. 1, Deborah Faxon. [Faxon 4.] 2, Experience . Will dated Jan. 31, 1699-1700, proved Mar. 7, 1699-1700, mentions wife Experience, eldest son William, sons Joseph and Benjamin, daus. Deborah and Judith all minors. [Suff. Prob., 14 : 142. ' THE ADAMS FAMILY. 31 27. Abigail,* b. Feb. 17, 1683-4; m. Seth Chapin of Mendon. Rev. Dr. Chapin, President of Columbian Coll., Washington, D. C., was her gr, grandson. By second wife — 28. Joseph,* b. June, 1688 ; H. C, 1710 ; ord. pastor at Newington, N. H., Nov. ^ 16, 1715, and remained pastor there over 66 years ; John Q. Adams re membered him as having visited his father's house ; d. May 26, 1784, se. 96. Had sons, Benjamin, Joseph, M. D., Ebenezer. Of this family is the inventor of the famous Adams Printing Press. 29. IJohn,* b. Feb. 8, 1690-1 ; m. Susanna Boylston of Brookline. 30. tSamuel,* b. Jan. 28, 1693-4 ; m. Oct. 6, 1720, Sarah Paine of Braintree. 31. Josiah,* b. Feb. 8, 1695-6; ra. Bethiah Thompson, Nov. 20, 1718. Dis missed to Chh. in Mendon, June 6, 1735. 32. Hannah,* b. Feb. 21, 1697-8 ; m. Benjamin Owen of Brain., Feb. 4, 1725. 33. Ruth,* b. Mar. 21, 1700 ; m. Rev. Nathan Webb of Uxbridge, Nov. 23, 1731. 34. Bethiah,* b. June 13, 1702 ; m. (his 2d. wife) Ebenezer Hunt of Weymouth, April 28, 1737. He was son of Col. Ephraim Hunt. See Holbrook. 35. tEbenezer,* b. Dec. 30, 1704; m. Anne Boylston of Brookline. By third wife — 36. Caleb,* b. May 2G, 1710 ; d. June 4, 1710. 14. Capt. JOHN ADAMS,' son of Joseph and Abigail Adams, b. Dec. 3, 1661 ; m. 1, Hannah Webb, dau. of Christopher Webb of Braintree. 2, Oct. 19, 1694, Hannah Checklet, dau. of Anthony Checkley, Esq. of Boston,* by wife Hannah Wheelwright, dau. of Rev. John, of Exeter. He followed the seas ; lived in Boston after 1687 ; was a merchant there ; d. intestate be fore Jan. 20, 1713, Children, by first wife— 37. Hannah,* b. in Braintree, Jan. 24, 1685; m. Aug. 1710, Samuel Holbrook. [Holbrook, 43.] 38. John,* b. in Braintree, Sept. 27, 1687. 39. Samuel,* b. iu Boston, May 6, 1689; m. April 21, 1713, Mary Fifleld, b. May 8, 1694, only dau. of Richard and Mary Fifield of Boston. He lived near the lower end of Summer St., Boston ; carried on an exten sive business, and acquired a large estate. He sustained many public offices ; represented Boston in the Legislature ; and was a staunch friend of popular rights. He d. March 8, 1747-8. He had twelve children, of whom only three lived beyond the period of infancy, two sons and a dau. One of the sons was SAMUEL,^ b. Sept. 16, 1722; m. 1, Oct. 17, 1749, Elizabeth Checkley, b. March 15, 1725, dau. of Rev. Samuel Checkley,j: pastor of the New South Church, Summer St,, Boston, who d, Dec. 1, 1769, a. 74, in the 51st year of his ministry. 2, Dec 6, 1764, Elizabeth Wells, b. Jan. 26, 1735-6, dau. of Francis Wells of Boston. Samuel Adams,^ the son, grad. H. C, 1740 ; proscribed (with John Hancock) by Gov. Gage, whom iu person and features, it is said, he remarkably re sembled ; one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence ; Lieut. Gov. of Mass., 1789 ; Gov., 1794-7 ; d. Oct. 2, 1803. A man of/ incor ruptible integrity ; suffered honorable poverty in his old age. By second wife — 40. Joseph,* ( twins, b. Dec. ) 41. Mary,* ( 20,1695; )m. Samuel Jones of Boston, May 12, 1715. *¦ Anthony was son of John Checkley of Boston, b. in England, 1609; freeman, 1648. For Checkley family, see Geneal. Reg., vol. ii. pp. 349-354 X Rev. Samuel Checkley, (anciently Chicheley), was son of Samuel Checkley, b. in Pres ton, Northamptonshire, Eng., Oct. 14, 1653; arrived in Boston, N. E., Aug. 3, 1670; m. Uary Scotiow, dau. of Joshua Scottow, one of the principal founders of tne Old South Chh. in Boston, founded 1669. Mr. Checkley, Sen., was Col. of the Boston Regiment, 1715. He was a Deacon of the Old South Chh. Selectman of Boston several years; d. Jan. 27 1739. We do not understand that there was any relationship between Samuel and Anthony Checkley. 32 GENEALOGICAL SKETCHES. 42. Thomas,* b. March 29, 1701. • 43. Abijah,* b. May 11, 1702; m. Deborah Cutler, 1725; d. 1768. Clerk of Faneuil Hall Market many vears. 18. Capt. PETER ADAMS,' son of Joseph and Abigail Adams, b. Feb. 7, 1669-70; m. Mary Webb, Feb. 12, 1695. Was Selectman of Braintree sev eral years. Chosen Deacon of First Church, Aug. 21, 1727. Chddren — 44. Mary,* b. Jan. 27, 1695-6. 45. Abigail,* b. Aug. 13, 1698. 46. Peter,* b. Aug. 13, 1700. 47. Hannah,* b. Oct. 12, 1702. 48. Esther,* b. Aug. 11, 1707. 49. Mehitable,* b. Nov. 25, 1708. 50. Jedidiah,* b. Jan. 21, 1711 ; H. C, 1733; ord. pastor, Stoughton, Feb. 19, 1746 ; m. May 19, 1746, Mary Marsh, dau. of Kev. Joseph Marsh, and gr. dau. of Rev. Moses Fiske, all of Braintree; d. at Stoughton, Feb. 25, 1799, a. 88. 51. Bethiah,* b. July 3, 1713 ; d. April 22, 1715. FOURTH GENERATION. 29. Dea. JOHN ADAMS,* son of Joseph and Hannah (Bass) Adams, b. Feb. 8, 1691 ; m. Nov. 23, 1734, Susannah Boylston,* dau. of Peter Boylston,' shop keeper, of Brookline. [Botlston, II.] He was Constable, 1728; Select man, 1734; chosen Deacon of First Church in Braintree, May 11, 1747; d. May 25, 1761, a. 70. Mrs. Susanna Adams d. April 17, 1797, a. 88. [Grave stones.] Their children were — 55. tJohn,5 b. Oct. 19, 1735; m. Abigail Smith of Weymouth, Feb. 24, 1764. 56. tPeter Boylston,^ b. Oct. 16, 1738; m. Mary Crosby, Aug. 20, 1768. 57. tElihu,5 b. May 29, 1741 ; m. Thankful White, Sept. 20, 1765. 30. SAMUEL ADAMS,* son of Joseph and Hannah (Bass) Adams, b. Jan. 28, 1694; m. Oct. 6, 1720, Sarah Paine, b. July 3, 1697, dau. of Dea. Moses Paine, who was son of Stephen and Hannah (Bass) Paine, and grandson of Moses, who d. June, 1643. Samuel Adams d. July 17, 1751, a. 57. Mrs. Sarah Adams d. June 23, 1777, a. 80. [Grave-stones.] Their children were — 58. Samuel,' b. June 15, 1723; m. Submit Crane, Jan. 10, 1767. 59. Sarah,5 b. March 4, 1726. 60. Mary ,5 b. April 4, 1728 ; d. July, 5, 1730. 61. Joseph,' b, Nov. 27, 1730, 62, Moses,' b. Jan. 31, 1733 ; ra, Mary . He d. Oct. 9, 1778, se. 46. 63. Aaron,' b. July 29, 1736 ; d. March 6, 1740. 64. Elijah,' b. March 16, 1738. 65. Nathaniel,' b. Jan. 19, 1745. 35. Capt. EBENEZER ADAMS,* son of Joseph and Hannah (Bass) Adams, b. Dec. 30, 1704; m. March 21, 1728-9, Anne Boylston, dau. of Peter Boylston of Brookline. [Boylston, 10.] He and his brother John m. sisters. Children — 66. Peter,' b. June 11, 1730; d. July 2, 1730. 67. Anne,' b. July 24, 1731 ; m. Hall. 68. tBoylston,' b. Feb. 28, 1734; m. Mary Allen, Sept. 28, 1754. [Allen, 70.] 69. tEbenezer,' b. "March 15, 1737 ; m. Mehitable Spear, Dec. 14, 1758. 70. Zabdiel,' b. Nov. 5, 1739 ; H. C, 1759; ord. pastor (successor of his father- in-law), Lunenburg, Sept. 5, 1764; m. June 5, 1765, Elizabeth Stearns, fourth dau. of Rev. David Stearns of Lunenburg. She d. Aug., 1800. They had eleven children, a Record of whom may be found in Bond's Hist, of Watertown, p. 547. He d. March 1, 1801, a. 62. 71. Micajah,' b. March 6, 1741 ; d. June 18, 1769. THE ADAMS FAMILY. 33 FIFTH "GENERATION. 55. Hon. JOHN ADAMS,' son of Dea. John and Susanna Adams, b. Oct. 19, 1735; H. C. 1755 ; m. Feb. 24, 1764, Abigail Smith, b. Nov. II, 1744, dau. of Rev. William Smith of Weymouth. She d. 1818, a. 74.* [Botlston, 3.] John Adams has been pronounced by eminent authority, " the very soul of the American Revolution." Increasing evidence is from year to year arising, that this statement is true. He was beyond doubt the guiding genius of the tune. The appointment of Washington to the chief command of the Patriot forces, and the adoption by Congress of the Declaration of Independence, were each the result of his eloquent addresses. » The matchless Orator," says Rufus Choate, " though none of his Orations have come down to us, yet we well know what they were." His history is that of his country. The chief negotiator of the Treaty of 1783; first ambassador to England after the Peace ; Vice-President of the United States under Washington ; the second President of the Republic ; he breathed his last, July 4, 1826, while the Boom ing cannon were celebrating the Fiftieth Anniversary of American Indepen dence. His children were — 72. Abigail,' b, July 14, 1765 ; m. Hon, William Smith of New York. She d, Aug, 15, 1813, Her dau, Louisa took care of the aged Ex-President in his last years. 73. 1 John Quincy,' b. July 11,1767; m. Louisa Catharine Johnson of Md. 74. Susanna,' b. Doc. 28, 1768. 75. Charies,' b. ; m. Sarah Smith of New York. 76. Thomas Boylston,' b. Sept. 15, 1772 ; m. Ann Harrod of Haveriiill. 56. PETER BOYLSTON ADAMS,' son of Dea. John and Susanna (Boylston) Adams, b. Oct. 16, 1738; m, Mary Crosby, Aug. 20, 1768. Children— 77. Mary,' b. March 4, 1769. 79. Ann,' b. April 19, 1773. 78. Boylston,' b. April 24, 1771. 80. Susanua,' b. Aug. 11, 1777. 57. ELIHU ADAMS,' son of Dea. John and Susanna Adams, b. May 29, 1741 ; m. Sept. 20, 1765, Thankful White, b. May 25, 1747, dau. of Joseph White. [White, 62.] They lived in Randolph. After his death, his widow m. Aaron Hobart, Esq., of Abington. Children of Elihu Adams — 81. John.' 82. Susanna.' 83. Elisha.' 68. BOYLSTON ADAMS,' son of Capt. Ebenezer and Anne (Boylston) Adams, b. Feb. 28, 1734, ; m. Sept. 28, 1754, Mart Allen, b. Sept. 12, 1737, eldest dau. of Dea. Thomas and Mary (Hunt) Allen. [Allen, 70.] He lived within the present town of Braintree. He and his wife " owned the covenant," or, in the indecorous language of the Church Record, " were received half-way to heaven," April 28, 1755 ; a record doubtless interpolated, and made since the " Halfway Covenant" was laid aside ; probably within the last forty years. Mr. Adams d. Dec, 1761, a. 27. [Grave-stone.] His children were — 84. Mary,' b, Feb. 9,1755; m. Feb. 10, 1772, Elkanah Thayer, b. 1746, son of Thomas and Lydia Thayer. [Thatek, 191.] They removed to Wil- * Her mother was Elizabeth Quincy,' b. 1722; d. Oct. 1, 1775; dau. of Col. John QtliNCY* of Braintree, b. 1689, who was one of the most distinguished public men of that period ; forty years Representative from Braintree in the General Court, and many years in succession Speaker of the House. Also member of Ihe Executive Council. To the North Precinct of Braintree, when it was set off as a distinct town in 1792, his name was given on the recommendation of Hon. Richard Cranch, the husband of his grand-dau. Mary Smith, sister of Mrs. Abigail Adams in the text, and who was requested to give a name to the town. His paternal estate, on which he resided all his life, became the properly of his grt. frandsnn Jons QoiNCV Adams,' who bore his name. Col. John Quincy' was son of )aniel,^ who was son of Edmund Quincy ,2 b. in England, 1627, who with his father ED MUND QUUNCY,' came from Eng. with Kev. John Cotton, in 1633, settled at Mount Wollaston, 1635, and d. soon after, a. 33. 34 GENEALOGICAL SKETCHES liamsburg, near Northampton, wher« the compiler visited them in May, 1823. ChMren— Mary, b. Dec. 16, 1773 ; Thomas Boylston, b. Feb. 26, 1776; d. April 10, 1776 ; Thomas Boylston, b. March 18, 1777; Elkanah, b. Sept. 6, 1781 ; Zabdiel, b. Dec. 31, 1783; Susanna, b. March 7, 1786 ; Eunice, b. July 12, 1788. AU b. in Brain. Mr. Thayer d. of a cancer. 85. Anne,' b. Feb. 24," 1757; m. Josiah Vinton, Oct. 27, 1776. [Vinton, 91.] 86. Elizabeth,' b.Feb. 8,1759; m. 1775, Oliver Newcomb of Quincy ; shed. 1778. 69. Dea. EBENEZER ADAMS,' son of Capt. Ebenezer and Anna Adams, b. March 15, 1737 ; m. Mehitable Spear, Dec. 14, 1758. Children — 87. Joseph,' b. Aug. 25, 1759. 92. Alice,' b. June 10, 1770. 88. Mehitable,' b. Dec. 21, 1760. 93. Thomas,' bapt. Aug. 2, 1772. 89. Ebenezer,' b. May 9, 1762. 94. Anne Boylston,' bapt. Nov. 23, 1774. 90. Josiah,' b. Oct. 17, 1763. 95. Elihu,' bapt. Sept. 24, 1777. 91. Zabdiel,' b. Dec 9, 1767. Zabdiel Adams,' Esq., [91,] the fifth of the above children — b. in Roxbury, very ftear Boston line, — m. Rachel Lyon, b. March 23, 1772, an only child. The eldest child of this marriage was — 96. Zabdiel Boylston Adams,'' M. D., grad. H. C, 1813, a distinguished physician of Boston. He d. in Boston, Jan. 25, 1855, a. 62. During his long medical practice of 32 years, he lost not a day by sickness. SIXTH GENERATION. 73 Hon. JOHN QUINCY ADAMS,' son of John and Abigail Adams, b. July 11, 1767; m. July 26, 1797, Louisa Catharine Johnson, b. Feb. 12, 1775, dau. of Joshua and Catharine (Nuth) Johnson of Maryland. She d. May 15, 1852, a. 77. [Grave-stone.] Mr. Adams accompanied his father to France, 1778, in the frigate Boston, commanded by the bold and intrepid Capt. Tucker of Bristol, (the part now Bremen), Maine ; H. C, 1787 ; appointed Professor of Rhetoric and Oratory Harv. Coll., 1806; minister to several European courts from 1794 to I8I7; principal negotiator of the Treaty of Peace, signed Dec. 24, 1814 ; first minis ter to England afler the peace of 1815, as his father had been after the peace of 1783; Secretary of State under Monroe, I8I7-1824: President of the United States, 1825-1829. He never bestowed an office on any person on the ground of personal friendship or because the person was a partizan of his, or had favored or was disposed to favor his election ; thus failing of re-election to the high office he filled with so much dignity ; but exhibiting a noble con trast to the selfish and mean tactics introduced by his successor, whose avowed maxim was, to " reward his friends and punish his enemies" ; and the banner of whose party bore the ominous legend — " To the victors belong the spoils;" a menace, alas ! too faithfully accomplished. Coming centuries will do ample justice to this illustrious statesman ; and the world will never forget his strug gles for freedom on the floor of Congress, often against appalling odds, and daily threatened with assassination. The very men who had labored for years to destroy his reputation and influence, and to hinder his efforts, were foremost to pronounce his eulogy, when the " old man eloquent" lay in the embrace of death. He fell in the midst of public duties, and d. at Washington, Feb. 23, 1848, £6. 81. " Whenever his country called for his labors in either hemisphere, or in any capacity, he never spared them in her cause. A son worthy of his father ; a citizen shedding glory on his country." [Monumental Inscription at Quincy.] His children were — 97. George Washington,'' H. C, 1821 ; a lawyer iu Boston ; Rep. Gen. Court. 98. John,' b. ; d. Oct. 23, 1834. [1826- 99. Charles Francis,' H. C, 1825 ; studied law ; m. Abigail Brown Brooks, b- April 25, 1808, youngest dau. of Hon. Peter Chardon Brooks of Boston ; resides on the paternal estate in Quincy ; a firm, able, eloquent friend of liberty ; has, among others, one son, 100. John Quincy,' appointed to read the "Declaration" in Boston on the coming 4th of July. THE ALLEN FAMILY. 35 %llm Jfamilg of graintnt There were many other families of Aliens in diflferent towns, in the early days of New England. It is not known whether they were related. There was a William Allen of Salem, 1627; there was an Edward Allen of Ipswich, who came from Scotland in 1636 ; Bozoun Allen came from Lynn, England, and settled at Hingham as early as 1638 ; James Allen was of Dedham, 1639 ; Matthew Allen was of Cambridge, 1632; Rev. Thomas Allen of Charlestown, came to New England, 1638 ; Samuel Allen of Northampton, 1666, was the an cestor of Rev. William Allen, D.D., late President of Bowdoin College ; and these constitute only about one-third of the original emigrants bearing this name. See Parmer. The ensuing sketch is mostly the result of original in vestigation. When the contrary is not apparent, Braintree is the place of birth or residence. FIRST GENERATION. 1. SAMUEL ALLEN,i came from England; freeman. May 6,1635; settled in Braintree. He m. 1, Anne , who d. Sept. 29, 1641. 2, Margaret . Bought house and lands at Braintree of John Webb, April 19, 1648. [Suff. Deeds, 1 : 90.] " Samuel Allen d. 6 mo., 1669." [Brain. Records.] His will is dated Aug. 2, 1669; proved Sept. 16, 1669; recorded Suflf. Prob., 6 : 27. Mentions wife Margaret, sons Samuel and James, son-in-law Josiah Standish, son-in-law Nathaniel Greenwood, dau. Abigail, son Joseph, not m. Wife Margaret and son Joseph, Ex'rs. Inventory dated Aug. 27, 1669 ; amount £228. I2s. 9d., including house, land, and orchard, £150. [Stdf. Prob., 5 : 165.] Children— 2. tSamuel,2 b. , 1632 ; m. 1658, Sarah Partridge. 3. Mary,'^ b. ; m. Jan. 24, 1655-6, Nathaniel Greenwood, son of Miles Greenwood of Boston. 4. Sarah,^ b March 30, 1639 ; m. Lieut. Josiah Standish, of E. Bridgewater and Duxbury, son of Miles Standish, a Pilgrim of the Mayflower. Josiah Standish also had a wife Mary, who d. at Duxburyt June 30, 1665. 5. James,'' b. . No account of him, except that he was living, 1669, at the date of his father's will. 6. Abigail,^ b. ; m. John Cary of Bridgewater, 1670. 7. tJoseph,2 b. May 15, 1650 ; m. 1, Ruth Leeds. 2, Rebecca . 3, Wid. Lydia Holbrook. SECOND GENERATION. 2. Deacon SAMUEL ALLEN,^ son of Samuel and Anne ; b. , 1632 ; m. about 1658, Sarah Partridge, b. 1639, dau. of George Partridge who was of Duxbury, 1636. Samuel Allen settled in Bridgewater as early as 1660; he was deacon of the church there. He was the second Town Clerk there ; he sustained this office from 1683, to 1702; and to him, says Mitchell, we are much indebted for the ftdness and perfection of the Records. He was Repre sentative, 1693 ; and was in many battles with the Indians in Philip's War. His will is dated 1703. He d. 1703, a. 71. Children— 8. Samuel,' b. 1660; m. 1685, his cousin Rebecca Cary, dau. of John Cary. 9. Essiel,' [Asahel, ?] b. 1663. See [6.J 36 GENEALOGICAL SKETCHES. 10. tMehitabel,' b. 16C5 ; m. 1685, Isaac Alden. [Alden, 10.] 11. Sarah,' b. 1667; m. 1, Jonathan Cary, prob. her cousin, who d. about 1695. 2, 1705, Benjamin Snow, 12, Bethiah,' b. 1669 ; ra. JohnPryor, 13, Nathaniel,' b. 1672; m. 1696, Bethiah Conant. 14. Ebenezer,' b. 1674; ra. 1698, Rebecca Scate. • 15. Josiah,' b. 1677 ; m. 1707, Mary Read. 16. Elisha,' b. 1679 ; m, 1701, Mehitabel Byram, 17, Nehemiah,' b, 1681 ; m. 1707, Sarah Wormel. Their eldest dau., 18. Alice,* m. 1, 1733, Arthur Latham; 2, 1739, Jonathan Allen* of Braintree, [40] her second cousin. [Mitchell's Hist, of Bridgewater. For descendants of this branch of the family, see Geneal. Reg., vol. x. 225. 7. Deacon JOSEPH ALLEN,' youngest son of Samuel,i b. at Braintree, May 15, 1650 ; m. 1, Jan. 30, 1670-1 , Ruth Leeds. Was she of Dorchester ? 2, Rebecca , who d. April 23, 1702. 3, Jan. 27, 1704-5, Ltdia Hol brook, widow of Samuel Holbrook of Weymouth. [Holbrook, 13.] His farm lay on the north side of Monatiquot River, not far from where the East - Braintree Railroad Depot now is. Some of his land was flowed by the Iron Works Pond, and he sold to John Hubbard, owner of the Iron Works, the privilege of flowing it, Dec. 26, 1682. [Suff". Deeds, 12 : 342. He was the first Deacon of the Church in the Middle Precinct, Braintree, organized, Sept. 10, 1707. He was Cornet of a Troop of Horse ; Assessor of Braintree, 1706; Town Treasurer, 1707; Selectman, 1707, 1714, 1715; Representative, 1715. He d. March 20, 1726-7, tetatis 77. His wife Lydia, who was a church member, 171 1, at Mr. Niles' settlement, and doubtless previously, survived him 18 years, (lying 1745. There is no will of his on record, nor any settlement of his estate. Mrs. Lydia Allen's will is dated April 2, 1745; proved June 11, 1745; re corded Suff". Prob., 37 : 207, She mentions her sons John Holbrook and Abiah Holbrook, dau. Elizabeth Wales, son William Hunt, dau. Hannah Dyer, grandsons Samuel and Joseph, sons of her son Samuel Holbrook ; grandson Nathaniel Wales, her dau. Sarah Hunt, deceased. Who was Hannah Dyer .' The children of Dea. Joseph Allen were, by first wife — 19. tJoseph,' b. Jan. 3, 1671-2 ; m. Abigail Savil, 1701. [Adams, 22.] 20. Abigail,' b. Feb. 28, 1673-4. 21. tSarauel,' b. Feb. 5, 1674-5; m. Abigail . 22. tBenjamin,' b. Oct. 31, 1679 ; m, Sarah Thompson, 1702. By second wife — 23. Rebecca,' b. Dec. 9, 1681 ; m. Dec. 14, 1727, Lieut. John Hunt of Braintree, son of Col. Ephraim Hunt of Weymouth. Prob. his second wife. 24. tJohn,' b. July 8, 1686 ; m. Sarah . 25. tMary,' b. March, 1687-8; m. Aug. 18, 1714, Thos. French. [French, 12.] Joseph, the eldest of these children, is recorded as the son of Joseph and Rebecca, which is doubtless a mistake for Joseph and Ruth.* *1 think it probable Ihat Micah Allen was the youngest son of this family; though his birth is not recoriled. Mary Allin, [25,] the wile of Thomas French, gave ihe name of Micah lo two of her children, and Micah called one of his by the name of Al>igail. Micah Allkn of Braintree, m. June 19, 1735, Marv White, b. Feb. 12, 1714, dau. of Dea. Thomas While of Weymniilli. [White, 102 ] He was atlmilled to Second Church in Braintree, 1733, and his wife 1735. 'I'hcy proh. movi'd away. Their children were — Micah, t twins, h. April ) barnabas. b. Dec. 14, 1744. Mary, ^ 22,17.36, $ Silas, b. April 3, 1747. Simeon, b. Oct. 6, 1740. Abigail, b. April 3, 1749. THE ALLEN FAMILY. 37 THIRD GENERATION. 19. JOSEPH ALLEN,' eldest son of Dea. Joseph, b. Jan. 3, 1671-2; a "joiner;" m. Aug. 14, 1701, Abigail Savil, b. Feb. 14, 1678, dau. of Samuel and Hannah (Adams) Savil of Braintree. [Adams, 22.] Samuel was son of William Savil, original emigrant, who d. 1669. See note under Adams, II. Joseph Allen d. April 16, 1727, four weeks after the death of his father. Dying intestate, his widow Abigail was appointed Adm'x., June 19, 1727. [Suff; Prob., 25 : 186.] Inventory, £695 2s. Id , then equivalent to about 850 dollars in silver. Children — 26. tJoseph,* b. May 18, 1702; m. Eunice Webb, June 80, 1725. 27. tAbijah,* b. Aug. 22, 1704; m. Joanna Bolter, June 3, 1725. 28. Abigail,* b. Nov. 8, 1706 ; m. Israel Hersey, March 16, 1726-7. 29. Jaraes,* b. July 12, 1708. 30. Bathsheba,* b. Aug. 1, 1710; m. Ebenezer Kilby of Boston, April 7, 1733. She was received to church in Middle Precinct, Braintree 17.38 31. Josiah,* b. March 31, 1713. 32. Elizabeth,* b. Nov. 13, 1714. 33. tMehitabel,* b. May 30, 1717 ; m. Thos. Vinton, Jan. 15, 1735-6. [Vin., 30.] 21. SAMUEL ALLEN,' son of Dea. Joseph and Ruth, b. Feb. 5, 1674-5, " wheelwright ;" m. Abigail — . He and his wife were church members at Mr. Niles' ordination, 1711. He was a Lieut, in the Train-bands ; Select man of Braintree, 1718-1721, and 1723-1725, seven years. He d. intestate. Aug. 25, 1725. His widow Abigail was appointed administratrix, Oct. 4, 1725. [Suff. Piob., 24: 105.] His Estate divided March 17, 1726-7. Children— 34. Samuel,* b. July 2, 1699 ; d. March 18, 1724-5. 35. Abigail,* b. Nov. 20, 1700; m. Isaac Doggett before 1727. She joined chh. in Middle Precinct, Braintree, 1729. 36. Rebecca,* b. Nov. 27, 1702; must have d. before the division of her father's estate in 1727. , 37. Hannah,* b. Sept. 25, 1704; m. 1723, Joseph Wales,* son of Nathaniel. [Faxon, 32.] 38. Ruth,* b. May 28, 1706; m. June 2, 1729, Ephraim Hunt,* youngest son of Col. Ephraim of Weymouth. [Holbrook, note.] 39. Mary,* b. Sept. 24, 1708. Living unm. 1727, at div. of her father's estate. 40. Jonathan,* b. Feb. 8, 1711-12; m. 1, 1739, his second cousin Alice* (Allen) Latham, dau. of Nehemiah Allen,' of Bridgewater, [18.] 2, 1742, Mary Latham, dau. of Capt. Chilton Latham of Bridgewater. He was a chh, member 1739, chosen deacon of chh. iu Mid. Precinct, Braintree, July 14, 1757, His son, 'Ray. Jonathan, ^,b. 1749; H. C, 1774; ord. pastor, Bradford, June 5, 1781 ; d. March 6, 1827, a. 78. 41. Esther, b. Sept. 27, 1713 ; ra. Sam'l Hayden, Jan. 12, 1737-8. [Hatd., 73.] 22 BENJAMIN ALLEN,' son of Deacon Joseph and Ruth, b. Oct. 31, 1679; "wheelwright;" m. Oct. 2, 1702, Sarah Thompson, b. Jan. 1, 1679- 80, youngest child of Samuel Thompson,* who was son of the excellent and Rev. William Tompson, (so his name was written,) one of the two first (colleague) ministers of Braintree. Rev. Mr. Tompson was ord. Nov. 16, 1639; d. Dec. 10, 1666, 8b. 68. Samuel Thompson and Sarah Shepard, the parents of Mrs. Allen, were m. April 25, 1656, by Mr. Brown of Watertown. Benjamin Allen united with the chh. in Mid. Precinct, 1715 ; his widow did the same, 1735. He was Selectman of Braintree, 1727, 1728, 1730. He was " killed, Oct. 2, 1733, by the wheel of a loaded cart going over his breast." * Dea. Samuel Tompson, d. June 13, 1695, a. 64. Elizabeth, his wife, d. Nov. 5, 1706, a 69. [Gravestones.] 4 38 GENEALOGICAL SKETCHES. [Brainttee Records.] His wife Sarah survived him. His property was divided to his wife and children. May 24, 1737. [Sufi^ Prob., 33 : 84.] Children— 42. Benjamin,* b. abt. 1704 ; m. Deborah Savil, Oct. 8, 1724. They were both received to chh. 1756. Had at least one child, Deborah, b. Mar. 2, 1724-5. 43. William,* b. April 3, 1706. Living 1737, at the division of his father's estate ; admitted to chh. Mid. Precinct, 1736. 44. Samuel,* b. July 2, 1707 ; must have d. bef. 1737, when sd. estate was divid. 45. Sarah,* b. April 15, 1709; m. Nov. 21, 1734, Benjamin Copeland,' b. Oct. 5, 1708, son of Wm. and Mary, and grandson of Lawrence Copeland of Braintree. They had in Braintree, one son Benjamin, b. June 7, 1736; then removed to Norton. 46. tThomas,* b. July 6, 1711 ; ra. June 17, 1736, Mary Hunt. [Holbrook, 47.] 47. Susanna,* b. May 20, 1713; m. Nov. 21, 1734, Samuel White. [White, 57.] No children. 48. Nathaniel,* b. Feb. 18, 1714-15; d. April 3, 1715. 49. Lydia,* b. Feb. 9, 1715-16. 50. Timothy,* b. May 1, 1718 ; d. Oct. 30, 1727. 51. Deborah,* b. Aug. 20, 1720; d. Aug. 28, 1720. 52. Rachel,* b. Sept. 16, 1721 ; d. Nov. 5, 1727. 53. Ebenezer,* b. Dec. 4, 1723 ; d. March 7, 1724. 24. JOHN ALLEN,' son of Dea. Joseph and Rebecca, b. July 8, 1686 ; m. Sarah . He lived in the S. Precinct (now Randolph) 1730. Children — 54. John,* b. May 19, 1711 ; m. Mary Busbuell, Dec. 20, 1739. 55. Isaac,* b. Oct 26, 1713 ; m. Deborah Hayward, Feb. 16, 1737-8. 56. Bethiah,* b. March 23, 1716; m. Jonathan Nash of Weymouth, Dec. 12, 57. Sarah,* b. March 4, 1718-19. [1734. FOURTH GENERATION. 26. JOSEPH ALLEN,* eldest son of Joseph and Abigail, b. May 18,1702; m. Eunice Webb, June 30, 1725. Dying in 1734, intestate, his widow Eunice was appointed adm'x., Nov. 12, 1734. [Suff. Prob., 30 : 205J She m. Nov. 18, 1735, Seth Bass, b. 1697, son of Samuel and Rebecca (Faxon) Bass, m. July 30, 1678. [Alden, note. Faxon, 5.] The children of Joseph and Eunice Allen were — 58. Joseph,' b. April 30, 1727 ; d. Aug. 6, 1727. 59. Eunice,^ b. Nov. 29, 1728 ; d. March 28, 1729. 60. Joseph,^ b. Jan. 2, 1730-1. His mother was appointed his guardian, Feb. 18, 1734-5 ; and no more children of this family are mentioned as put under guardians. Joseph Allen, in Sept. 1745, being 15 years old, chose Jonathan Webb of Braintree as his guardian. 27. ABIJAH ALLEN,* son of Joseph and Abigail, b. Aug. 22, 1704; m. Joanna Bolter, June 3, 1725. Prob. he d. before 1754. Children were — 61. tAbijah,^ b. , 1726 ; m. Ruth Penniman. [Penniman, 66.1 62. Abigail,^ b. Dec. 10, 1727. 64: Thotas,' ! '^"=' •'¦ J'^"- 15. 1729-20. 65. Joanna,' b. Jan. 24, 1731-2. 66. Elizabeth,' b. May 22, 1734. 67. Josiah,' b. Nov. 26, 1736. 68. Joseph,' b. Aug. 7, 1739. 46. Deacon THOMAS ALLEN,* son of Benjamin and Sarah, b. July 6, 1711 ; m. June 17, 1736, Mart Hunt, b. Aug. 16, 1717, dau. of Dea. William and Sarah (Holbrook) Hunt.* [Holbrook, 47.] * Her father and mother are both mentioned in the will of Lydia Allen, widow of Dea. Joseph, [7.] THE ALLEN FAMILY. 39 He was received to the church in Mid. Precinct, 1734 ; and his wife in 1735. He was chosen deacon, July 16, 17.57. Had a good property and a high reputation. Lived near E. Braintree R. R. Depot. " April 14, 1761 , buried Thomas Allen, a deacon in the church, captain in the military, and selectman in the town, generally revered, and greatly lamented." [Church Records.] His widow Mary m. Thomas Vinton, Sept. 18, 1762 ; his second wife. [Vinton, 30.] After his death, she m. (third husband) Hobart Clark, Jan. 1, 1784. The warrant for the division of his real estate was issued April 20, 1790, after the decease of his widow, who had a life-estate in it. [Suff. Prob., 89 : 138.] The children of Thomas and Mary Allen were— 70. tMoU' [Mary,] b. Sept. 12, 1737; m. Sept. 28, 1754, Boylstort Adams. [Adams, 68.] 71. Thomas,' b. Mar. 28, 1740. Settled in Maine. Liv. at division of estate, 1790. 72. tElizabeth,' b. July 23, 1742 ; m. 1, Samuel French, [French, 63.] 2, Robt. Hayden. [Hatden, 87.] 73. William,' b. June 2, 1744; d. June 7, 1744. 74. tWilliam,' b. May 28, 1746; ra. Deborah Clark. 75. tSarah,' b. Aug. 20, 1750 ; m. Zebah Hayden. [Hatden, 98.] 76. tJoseph,' b. Aug. 17, 1752; in. Mehitable Holbrook. [Holbrook, 101.] 77. Susanna,' b. Oct. 1, 1754; m. Goss. They had a dau. Mary. 78. Lydia,' b. Aug. 22, 1761 ; m. Jonathan Arnold, July 15, 1781. He was b. Jan. 4, 1756, son of Samuel,* son of Samuel,' son of Ephraim,^ son of Joseph.i T^i^y I'^'i ^ son Thomas.^ FIFTH GENERATION. 61. ABIJAH ALLEN,' son of Abijah and Joanna, b. , 1726 ; m. Rdth Penniman, b. Nov. 17, 1730, dau. of William and Ruth (Thayer) Penniman. [Penniman, 66,] She was living at the division of her father's real estate, May 4, 1780. Children- Si. t Jacob,' b. Dec. 23, 1754 ; m. Hephzibah Vinton. [Vinton, 11 8. J 82. Abigail,' b. March 18, 1757. 84. Lemuel,' b. July 11, 1767; m. 1, Polly Glover, Jan, 1,1788; 2, Nancy Allen,' dau, of Col. William, [88.] And probably others. 74. Col. WILLIAM ALLEN,' son of Thomas and Mary, b.May 28, 1746 ; m. Deborah Clark. Colonel in the militia. Lived where the East Braintree Depot now is, on the South Shore Railroad. Children — 85. Mary,' b. ; m. Asa Clark of Quincy, Feb. 7, 1790. 86. William,' m. Abigail Hayden of Braintree. 87. Joseph,' b. ; unm. 88. Nancy,' m. 1, Lemuel Allen, [84.] 2, Capt. John Millet of Salem. 89. Betsey,' m. Freeman Luce. 'Jhey lived iu Maine. 90. Deborah,' b. ; unm.; living, 1857. 91. tSarah,' b. Jan. 2, 1781 ; m. Abijah Allen, son of Jacob [81.] 92. Thomas,' b. ; m. Lucy Baker of Boston. Both are deceased. 93. Peter,' b. ; m. Sarah Gray. Both are living, 1857. 94. Susan,' b. ; m. David Welsh, brother of Rev. John C. Welsh. [Vin ton, 241 .] Both are deceased. 95. tEjinice,' b. ; m. Asaph Faxon. [Faxon, 91.] 76. Capt. JOSEPH ALLEN,' son of Thomas and Mary ; " hatter ;" b. Aug. 17, 1752 ; m. Feb. 6, 1777, Mehitable Holbrook, b. Aug. 12, 1755, dau. of David and Mary Holbrook of Braintree. [Holbrook, 101.] Capt. Allen lived in the " Iron Works" neighborhood, in the house next east of that owned and occupied the last 40 years by Rev. Jonas Perkins. 40 GENEALOGICAL SKETCHES. Mrs. Allen was discomposed in mind more than forty years. Her husband d. 1832, a. 80. She was buried Feb. 9, 1844, as. 89. Children— 96. Mehitable,' b. ; m. Thomas Allen Hayden. [Hatden, 126.] 97. Susan,' b. ; unm. ; d. in early life. 98. Lydia,' b. March 29, 1781 ; unm. ; living, 1857. 99. Joseph,' b. ; ra. Eliza Denton, Their dau. Eliza m. Horatio N. Faxon, [Faxon, 93. [ 100. Sybil,' b. ; m. Elisha Penniman. 101. Mary,' b. Oct. 22, 1786 ; m^ Ralph Arnold, son of Moses. [Vinton, 116.] 102. Ira,' b. ; unm. ; d. young. 103, Sophia,' b, ; unm, 104. Eliza,' b, ; d. in infancy. 105. Eliza,' b. ; ra. a Unitarian clergyraan — name not recollected. 106, Thomas Jefferson,' b, ; unm,; d. young. 107. Freeman,' b. itbt. 1800; m. Harriet Reed. Shoe merchant in Boston. Wealthy. %\i ^oglston Jfamilg. We had prepared a full account of this family ; but finding almost the same thing in Dr. Bond's admirable History of Watertown, we content ourselves with a less extended sketch, referring our readers to Dr. Bond's work for further informa tion. The basis of the following sketch is au article in the Geneal. Register, vol. vii., pp. 145-150, prepared by Mr. T. B. Wyman, Jr., and, with some painstaking, reduced to its present forra, with some additions, by the corapiler of this volume. P^IRST GENERATION. 1. THOMAS BOYLSTON, probably the ancestor of all of the name in this country, was b. in England, 1615. His father was Thomas Boylston, cloth- worker, who d. in England, 1648. Henry Boylston, his grandfather, was of Litchfield in Staffordshire, abt. 1575. He embarked for America in the Defence, at the age of 20. Settled at Watertown. Administration on his estate was granted to his widow Sarah, Oct. 4, 1653. His wid. Sarah m. March 12, 1655, John Chenery. She d. Sept. 14, 1704. The children of Thomas Boylston, were — 2. Ehzabeth,2 b. Sept, 21, 1640; m, John Fisher; issue, .Joshua, Daniel. 3. Sarah,2 b. Sept. 30, 1642 ; ra. Thomas Smith of Charlestown, a butcher. She d. there, Aug. 8, 1711, They were the parents of Capt. William Smith of Charlestown, b, 1677 ; d, 1730; m. Abigail Fowle, b. Aug. 7, 1679 ; d. 1760, a. 81. Those last were parents of Rev. William Smith, b. 1706 ; H. C, 1725 ; ord. pastor First Church in Weymouth, Dec, 1734 ; d. Sept. 17, 1783, a, 77; m, Elizabeth Quincy, b, 1722; d. 1775, and had by her Abigail, b. 1744 ; d. 1818, wife of JOHN ADAMS, second President of the United States. [Adams, 55.] 4. tThomas,^ b. Jan. 26, 1644-5 ; m. Mary Gardner, Dec. 13, 1665. SECOND GENERATION. 4. THOMAS BOYLSTON,^ son of Thomas^ of Watertown, b. Jan. 26, 1644- 5, (being 28 by oath in court, 1673); m. in Charlestown, Mart Gardner, b. April 9, 1648, dau. of Thomas Gardner of Muddy River. [Brookline.] She d July 8, 1722, a. 74. He was the earliest physician or chirurgeon in Brookline, called "Muddy River," and a part of Boston till 1705. He d. 1695, a. 50. His estate was ap praised at £560. 14s , Aug. 10, 1695. [Suff. Prob., 11 : 237.] THE BOYLSTON FAMILY. 41 His children were — 5. Edward,' b. ; of Boston, tailor; m. Mary Dasset, dau. of Jolm and Mary (Fowle) Dasset of Boston. Children— //annaA,* b. 1696; d, 1697; Edward,* bap. Nov. 27, 1698; Thomas,* bap. Jan. 26, 1701. 6. Richard,' b. 1670; of Charlestown, cordwainer; m. Mary Smith, b.Feb. 18, 1677-8; d. April 16, 1764, a. 8^. He d. April 25, 1752, a. 82. Children— J/ary,* b. Feb. 23, 1698-9; m. 1719, John Earic of Boston ; Ann,* b. Jan. 12, 1701 ; m. 1719, Stephen Hall, and d. July 3, 1734; Elizabeth,* bapt. Oct. 3, 1702; m, 1724, Capt. Nath'l Wyer; Sarah,* b. June 11, 1706; ra, 1724, Jonathan Call; she d. 1796, a. 90; fifteen children- Z)«d%,* b. July 22, 1708; d.in infancy; Anna,* bapt. 1710; m. 1735, Benjamin Brown ; Lydia,* bapt. May 24, 1713 ; d. Oct., 1713 ; Abigail,* bapt. June 25, 1715, m. Dr. Francis Moore; Lydia,* bapt. Jan. 31, 1719; d. March 31, 1719; Richard,* July 7, 1722; m. 1, Mary Abrahams, April 16, 1747 ; 2, Oct. 13, 1763, Parnell Foster, 8 children. 7. Abigail,' b. 1676 ; m. Ebenezer Brooks' of Medford, sou of Joshua^ and Hannah (Mason) Brooks, and gr. father of Gov. John Brooks. She d. May 23, 1756, a. 80. 8. Peter,' b. about 1678; of Brookline; shopkeeper in Boston, [see will] ; m. Ann White, dau. of Benjamin and Susanna White of Brookline.* A deed from all the brethren, &c., of Peter Boylston to him, of their shares in the homestead, 96 acres, dated May 2, 1713, is on record, Suff. Deeds, vol. 28. He d. Sept. 10, 1743. His will is dated Aug. 30, 1 743 ; proved Sept. 27, 1743. [Sufi'. Prob., 36 : 214.] His widow Ann's will is dated Mar. 13, 1754; proved Nov. 10, 1772. [lb., 72 : 97,] Children— 9. Benjamin* b. April 29, 1705; m. Nov. 30, 1727, Elizabeth Sumner, b. April 7, 1708, dau. of Edward and Elizabeth (Clap) Sumner. They both belonged to chh. in Brookline, Oct., 1729. Of Mendon, 1733. 10. ^ra,* b. Nov. 1,1706; m. Mar., 1728-9, Ebenezer Adams. [Adams,35.] 11. Susanna,* b. , 1708-9; ra. Nov. 23, 1734, his bro. John Adams. [Adams, 29.1 12. Mary,* b. Sept. 15, 1714; m, Sept. 5, 1740, Nathan Simpson, blksraith. 13. Elizabeth,* b. June 29, 1717 ; m. June 4, 1742, James Cunningliara. 14. Jerusha,* bapt. Feb. 8, 1719 ; m. Sept. 23, 1743, Joseph Veazie. 15. Sarah,* bapt. March 17, 1723 ; m. John Potter, brazier. 16. Sarah,' b. 1680 ; ra. Capt. Sarauel Brooks of Medford, son of Caleb,!^ and grandson of THOMAS BROOKS,' of Watertown, 1636 ; soon after of Concord ; the ancestor of the Brooks faraily. She d. Oct. 16, 1736, ae. 56. 17. Lucy,' b. ; m. March 10, 1703, Benj. Phillips of Charlestown. She d. Feb. 15, 1718. 18. Zabdiel,' b. 1679 ; m. in Boston, Jan. 18, 170.5-6, Jerusha Minot, b. Jan. 28, 1679, dau. of John,2 who was son of GEORGE MINOT,i of Dor chester, freeman, 1634. Her mother, Elizabeth Breck, was dau. of EDWARD BRECK,' of Dorchester. Zabdiel was an eminent physician in Boston, though much employed in his native town of Brookline, and through all the region. He was the earliest inoculcUor for small-pox in the British dominions. He lived to the age of 86, having survived aU his calumniators. For a more full account of this eminent man, see Allen's Biog. Diet., and Thacher's Am. Med. Biog. He d. March 1, 1766. His wife .lerusha d. April 15, 1764, a. 85. Their children were — * 1. JOHN WHITE," setded in Brookline, as early as 1666. His will is dated April 30, 1691 ; proved March 8, 1692; recorded Suff. Prob., 8 : 75. From the property left by his will, he appears to have been a man of wealth and distinction. His widow Frances d. Feb. 26, 169S-6. His children were — John,'' m. Elizabeth Bowles; Joseph;^ Benjamin," Mary,^ d. in Roxbury, May 26, 1669, a. abt. 17; Hannah,' adm. to chh. May 4, 1684; d. before her father. II. Benjamin White,^ d. in Brookline, Jan. 9, 1722-3. By wife Susanna he had Susanna, b. March 25, 1683 ; d. May 24, 1689; Ann, b. July 4, 1685, m. Peter Botlston ; A/an/, b. Aug. 27, 1688; Susanna, b. Dec. 12, 1690; Edward, b. July 10, 1693; Eliza beth, b. Jan. 8, 1695 6; Joanna, b. Nov. 4, 1701. Rev. John White,' b. 1677, was son of Joseph ;" he grad H. C, 1698 ; ord. pastor, Glou cester, April 21, 1703; d. Jan. 16, 1760, a. 8.1. He was an eminent minister in his day. His eldest dau. Lucy,* b. March 27, 1706, m. Rev. Joseph Moody of York, son of Rev. Samuel Moody, also of York ; both distinguished ministers. [Lemuel Shatluck, Esq. 42 GENEALOGICAL SKETCHES. 19, Zabdiel,* b. Feb. 10, 1706-7; H. C, 1724; unm. ; d. in England. 20. John,* b. March 23, 1708-9; unm.; lived in Bath, Eng.; wealthy; d. Jan. 17, 1795, aj. 86. Will dated Feb. 22, 1793 ; recorded SufF. Prob. Made large bequests to the orphans and indigent of Boston, devised in perpetuity to a corporate trust, evincing great foresight as well as benev olence in the testator. * 21. Elizabeth,* b. Dec. 29, 1710 ; d. young. 22. Jerusha,* b. Nov. 5, 1711 ; m. Oct. 28, 1731, Benjamin Fitch. 23. Mary,* b. 1713; unra. Will, June 3, 1796; SufF. Prob., 100: d, Mav, 1802, 24. i^/iomas,* b. July 30, 1715; m. Nov. 15, 1744, Mary Coles. Physician, of Boston. Will, July 26, 1749 ; proved May 29, 1750. No issue. 25. Elizabeth,* b. Jan. 4, 1716-17 ; m. Oct. 22, '47, Dr. Gillum Taylor of 26. Josi'aA,* b. July 11, 1720; d. young. [Boston. 27. Mary,' b. ; m. 1, Lane. Wid. Mary Lane sold her share of father's estate to brother Peter, 1713, It is supposed she m. 2, Hubbard ; 3, Dwight. 28. Rebecca,' b. in Roxbury, Sept. 15, 1685 ; m. May 25, 1708, William Abbot. He d. 1713. She d. Sept. 7, 1762, a. 76. 29. Dudley,' b. 1688; of Brookline ; m. Elizabeth Gardner. He d. April 18, 1748, se. 60. Children — Ann, m. Robert Williams of Boston; Mary, b. 1719 ; d. young ; Elizabeth, ra. 1756, Benj. Williams ; Dudley, d. Aug. 29, 1746, a. 26 ; Joshua, d. Nov., 1804, a. 79 ; Mary, d. Oct., 1815, a. 88 ; Richard, of Brookline, cordwainer, d. 1750; Caieb, b. 1730; living at South, 1796; Sarah, b. 1732; m. 1761, Samuel Davis; Susanna, b. 1734; m. 1757, Dea. Samuel Sumner; Edward, b. 1738, of Springfield, d. 1814, a. 77 ; Hannah, m. Beza Cashing. 30. Joanna,' b. ; m. July 5, 1714, James Lanman of Plymouth. 31. Thomas,' b. ; m. May 4, 1715, Sarah Morecock, who d. Feb., 1774. He was of Bo.stou; a saddler, and shopkeeper; d. 1739. Will dated March 28, and proved April 6, 1739. Children — 32. Nicholas,* b. March 13, 1716; lived in School St., Boston; owned a pew iu Brattle St. Chh. By his will, dated Aug. 1, (proved 30,) 1771, he endowed a Professorship in Harvard College. [Suff. Prob., 71. 33. Sarah,* b. Jan. 7, 1717 ; m. Edward Robinson, Sept. 23, 1743. 34. Anna,* b. Jan, 8, 1719. 35. Thomas,* b. Oct. 7, 1721 ; unm. ; merchant in Boston, until March 1776 ; after that of London; where he d. Dec. 30, 1798. Devised nearly all of his estate to the Town of Boston ; but the will, being restrained by various conditions and limitations, and being iu controversy more than twenty years between that tojsvn and the heirs at law, it is believed that nothing of importance ever came of it. 36. JWoTT/,* b. Feb. 19, 1722; ra. June 13, 1746, Benj. Hallowell. They had fourteen children, of whom only three seem to have been living at the date of their uncle Thomas Boylston's will, Nov. 12, 1798. One of these was Sir Benjamin Hallowell, admiral in the British Navy, having a sister Mary, widow of Judge Blmsley of Montreal. The other sur viving son, on the failure of male heirs of the family, took the name of Ward Nicholas Botlston.' He was b. in Boston, 1749 ; m. 1, Mary . 2, Alicia Darrow of Yarmouth, Eng. He went to England, 1775, at the end of a tour to sorae parts of Europe, Asia, and Africa ; continued in England till 1 800, when he returned to his native town and established his residence there. He resided successively, also, at Lon don, Roxbury, and Princeton ; formerly a merchant ; was a trustee, and also donor in his own right of much wealth. A liberal patron of medical science. Will, dated Feb. 5, 1828 ; recorded Norf. Prob., 50 : 490—516. He d. 1828, 86.78. Children— Nicholas,' d. in London, East India Co. service ; Thomas' ; John Lane,' b. , of Princeton, Ms. ; m. Sarah Brooks, b. 1791 ; parents of Ward Nicholas,' b. 1816, of Princeton, Mass. ; H. C. 1835 ; M. D. 1839. Thomas,' of Jamaica Plain ; Alicia,' b. 1822 ; Mary Hallowell,' b. 1825 ; Louisa Catharine Adams,' b. 1828. 37. Nathaniel,* b. March 21, 1724; of St. Christopher's, 1771. 38. Lucy,* b. Sept. 28, 1725 ; m. Timothy Rogers of Gloucester. 39. Rebecca,* b. Dec. 7, 1727; m. Aug. 13, 1773, Moses Gill, afterwards Lieut. Gov. of Massachusetts. THE FAXON FAMILY. 43 Note. It being thought desirable to have a market in the southern section of the town of Boston, an association for this purpose was formed in the winter of 1808-9. It was at first called the " South Market Association ;" but when the association re ceived corporate powers, the name had been changed to " Botlston Market Asso ciation." The act of incorporation was approved by the Governor, Feb. 27, 1809. The corner-stone of the edifice was laid May 23, 1809 ; the address on the occasion being pronounced by Hon. John Quincy Adams, the first President of the Association, who then resided in the near vicinity, viz., at the south corner of the streets now known as Boylston and Tremout Streets. It is presumed that the name for the market was selected by Mr. Adams, from the respect he entertained for the Boylston family, from which, in two distinct lines, he traced his descent. Ward Nicholas Boylston, after the name had been thus selected, gave the clock which stands in the tower of the market-house. Frora the imposition of the name on the market has arisen the naraes, Boylston Street, (previously Frog Lane,) Boylston Bank, &c. ¦ ij\t imm Jfaimlg of ^ramtree.* FIRST GENERATION. 1. THOMAS FAXON,! ancestor of the Faxon family in America. The name in early times was sometimes written Fackson and Faxson. I find very little respecting him. He took the freeman's oath. May 6, 1657. He was Representative of Braintree in 1669. In 1675 he is mentioned in his son Richard's will. But I find no will of this Thomas Faxon, nor administration on his estate, nor record of chddren born to him, nor does his first wife's name appear. His second wife, to whom he was married Sept. 5, 1670, was Sarah Savill, widow (second wife) of William Savill, to whom she was married Aug. 9, 1655. Her maiden name was Sarah Jarmill. Her will is dated Aug. 13, 1694; proved Nov. 25, 1697; recorded Suff. Prob., 11 : 373. She mentions her cousin Ruth Webb, wife of Peter Webb, and her " daughter-in- law, Lydia Savil, wife of Benjamin Savil of Brantrey." t^ee p. 30, note. Thomas Faxon died Nov. 23, 1680. His children were — 2. tThomas,^ b. prob. in England; m. Deborah Thayer,^ April 11, 1653. 3. tRichard,'' b. prob. in England ; m. Elizabeth . SECOND GENERATION. 2. THOMAS FAX0N,2 son of the preceding; b. prob. in Eng. ; ra. April 11, 1653, Deborah Thater. [Thater, 3.] He d. May 25, 1662. His wife Deborah d. May 31, 1662. Inventory of personal estate dated May 25, 1662, the very day of his death. Amount, £225. 17. 6. [Suff Prob., 4 : lOL Their children were — 4. Deborah,' b. May 28, 1654; m. William Savil,^ Jan. 1, 1679-80. [See p. 30, note.] He was in Capt. Johnson's company, employed against the Indians, Oct. 1675. [Mass. Archives.] 5. Rebecca,' b. June 25, 1657; m. Samuel Bass,' July 30, 1678. [See p. 23, note.] 6. Sarah,' b. Aug. 21, 1659 ; m. Joseph Weld' of Roxbury, Nov. 27, 1679, son of John, son of Rev. Thos. Rev. Thos. Weld was one of the ministers of Roxbury, a co-laborer with the Apostle Eliot in the pastoral office, and in a metrical version of the Book of Psalms. 7. tJoanna,' b. Sept. 20, 1661 ; m. Nathaniel Wales.' * From original investigation. Where the contrary is not implied, the place of birth or lesidence is Braintree. 44 GI^EALOGICAL SKETCHES. 3. RICHARD FAX0N,2 son of Thomas Faxon' ; prob. b. in England ; m. Elizabeth . He d. Dec. 20, 1674. Will (not dated) proved Jan. 29, 1674-5 ; recorded Suff. Prob., 6 : 78, mentions his father Thomas, wife Eliza beth, sons Josiah, Richard, Thomas, his daughters Mary, Sarah, Hannah, Abigail. After his death his widow Elizabeth m. Jan. 15, 1675-6, (his second wife) Caleb Hobart,' b. in England, son of Thomas'^ of Hingham, who was son of EDMUND HOBART,' the original emigrant. The issue of this marriage was Benjamin Hobart,* b. April 13, 1677. Caleb Hobart d. Sept. 4, 1711, a. 89. The children of Richard and Elizabeth Faxon were — 8. Elizabeth,' b. March 26, 1655; d. April 3, 1673. 9. Mary,' b. Sept. 2, 1656 ; d. Sept. 14, 1657. 10. Mary,' b. Dec. 19, 1657. Living unra. 1690, at date of her brother's Will. 11. Sarah,' b. Marcll 13, 1658-9. 12 tJosiah,' b. Sept. 8, 1660 ; m. Mehitable . 13. tThomas,' b. Aug. 2, 1662 ; m. Mary Blanchard. 14. Lydia,' ( twins, b. ) d. Aug. 2, 1663. [1664'?] 15. Hannah,' | Sept. 1, 1663, ) Living unm. 1690. 16. Ebenezer,' b. Dec. 15, 1664 ; d. March 27, 1665. 17. Richard,' b. June 21, 1666. 18. John,' b. April, 1667 ; d. April 12, 1668. 19. Joseph,' b. Aug. 26, 1669. 20. Abigail,' b. Sept. 18, 1670. Living unm. 1690. THIRD GENERATION. 7. JOANNA FAXON,' dau. of Thomas Faxon,^ in. Nathaniel Wales.' * He settled in Braintree about 1675. He bought twenty acres of the "Iron Works Land" of Thomas Savage, Sept. 6, 1681, which seems to imply a resi dence in " Monotoquod," or the present town of Braintree. He was Deacon in the original church of Braintree, and was ordained Ruling Elder in the same church, Feb. 27, 1700-1. He was the ancestor of prob. the greater part of the Wales Family in New England. Elder Wales d. March 23, 1718. His wife Joanna d. May II, 1704. The children of Nathaniel and Joanna (Faxon) Wales were — 21. Elizabeth,* b. Feb. 10, 1675-6. 22. Joanna,* b. April 18, 1679 ; d. April 25, 1679. 23. Sarah,* b. March 11, 1680; m. Nathaniel Thayer.* [Thater, 31,] 24. Nathaniel,* b. Dec. 29, 1681 ; m. Esther Ashley. Their dau. Esther,^ b. Dec. 17, 1717, m, James Thayer.' [Thater, 54.] 25. Joanna,* b. Dec. 19, 1683 ; d. Sept. 27, 1707, unm. 26. Elkanah,* b. Dec 1, 1685; m. Elizabeth Holbrook.* [Holbrook, 41.] She d. Feb. 27, 1763. He d. Dec. 12, 1763. Captain and deacon. 27. Deborah,* b. Oct. 16, 1687. 28. Thomas,* b. Oct. 6, 1689; d. Feb. 22, 1690. 29. Mary,* b. April 1, 1691 ; m. John Thayer,* April 8, 1714. [Thater, 148.] She died about 1720. 30. Samuel,* b. June 23, 1693. " NATHANIEL WALRS,' was of Dorchester, shipwright, one of the passengers with Rev, Richard Mather in the James from Bristol, 1635 ; [see Young's Chronicles for an account of the voyagej] freeman, Nov. 2, 1637. Had wife Isabel, who outlived him but two weeks; and children Timothy." John," and Nathaniel." Died Dec. 4, 1661, at Boston, whither he had removed in 1654, having made his will Jan. 20, 1660-1. [MS. work of Hon. James Savage. , Nathaniel Wales," son of the preceding, of Boston, shipcarpenter, b. in England. Will dated May 18, 1662, proved 27lh ; d. May 20, 1662, leaving Nathaniel? eldest son, (of age, 1670,) Samuel,^ Mary? and Jonathan? (the other three were minors, 1670.) perhaps killedtn "Philip's War." Suff. Deeds, 13 : 370. [Nathaniel W^a/es' m. Joanna Faxon in the text.] THE FAXON FAMILY. 45 31. Thomas,* b. April 19, 1695 ; m. Mary Belcher, Jan. 13, 1719. She d. Jan. 30, 1741. Lived in South Precinct, now Randolph ; Deacon, 1736, and before ; had, among other children — Atherton,^b. Feb. 11, 1720-1; of Randolph; ra. Dec. 4, 1744, Sarah Bel cher, b. Dec 12, 1729, who were parents of Jonathan.' They had also — Mary,^ b. Feb. 27, 1736; m. Daniel Bass.' [White, 118.] Deacon Thomas Wales had also by second wife— Ephraim,^ b. May 9, 1746; H. C, 1768; an eminent physician of Ran dolph, who ra. Beale, and by her was father of Thoraas Beaie Wales,' H. C. 1795, a successful and wealthy merchant of Boston, who d. June 15, 1853. 32. Joseph,* b. April 29, 1697 ; m. Hannah Allen.* [Allen, 37.] They had— Hannah,^ b. Feb. 10, 1724 ; ra. Nathaniel Paine, Joseph,^ b. March 22, 1726; m. Abigail Bass.' [White, 115.] Esther,^ b. Nov. 7, 1738; m. Joshua French,' son of John. [Vinton, 14.] Besides others, 33. John,* b. May 2.5, 1699; H. C, 1728; ord. first pastor at Raynham, Oci:., 1731 ; m. Nov. 8, 1733, Hazadiah Leonard,* b. about 1712, dau. of Dea. Samuel' of Raynham, (b. Feb. 1, 1673-4) who was son of Thomas,'^ and grandson of James Leonard,' one of the founders of the iron manufacture in America. Rev. John Wales* d. Feb. 23, 1765, se. 66, in the 34th year of his ministry. He was a man of talents and piety. " In public prayer his performances were eminent, and on some occasions almost unequalled." His son, Rev. Samuel Wales,^ D. D. grad. Yale College, 1767; was Professor of Divinity in that Institution; and d. 1794. His [Rev. John's] dau. Prudence,^ b. Sept. 12, 1736, d. April 11, 1815, S3. 79, m. Rev. Perez Fobes, LL.D., b. Sept. 21, 1742, d. Feb. 23, 1812, ord. pastor, Raynhara, Nov. 19, 1766, successor of his father-in-law. 34. Rachel,* b. Oct. 15, 1701; m. Nov. 12, 1719, Capt. Ebenezer Thayer.* [Thater, 151.] 35. Atherton,* b. March 8, 1704; H. C, 1726; ra. 1730, Mary Niles,* dau. of Rev, Sarauel, [Niles, 31,] Settled in the ministry over the Second Church iu Marshfield, He d. Nov, 29, 1795, astatis 92. 12. JOSIAH FAXON,' son of Richard and Elizabeth; b. Sept. 8, 1660; m. Me hitable . They seem to have lived within the present town of Braintree, as they were members of the Church in the Second Precinct, 1711, at the set tlement of Rev. Samuel Niles. He was selectman, 1722. Appears to have been a man of property for those days, and a man of moral worth. He d. 1731, intestate. His widow Mehitable was appointed adm'x. Inventory, Real Estate, £1049. 10. Personal Estate, £100. 6. [But at this time an ounce of silver was worth nineteen shillings of the Province Bdls.] Mrs. Mehitable Faxon d. March 1, 1753. Their children were — 36. tJosiah,* b. May 23, 1690; m. Deborah Thayer,* Jan. 13, 1717-18. [That er, 27.] 37. tThoraas,* b. Feb. 8, 1691-2 ; m. Ruth Webb, May 22, 1716. 38. Lydia,* b. Nov. 30, 1695; m. Benjamin Richards, Nov. 20, 1722. 39. Mehitable,* b. June 14, 1698; m. Ebenezer Whitmarsh of Abington, April 3, 1733. 40. tEdward,* b. May 6, 1700; m. Hannah . 41. Elizabeth,* b. April 7, 1702; ra. Benjamin Hayden,' May 12, 1722. [Hat den, 31.] 42. tEIiashib,* b. March 10, 1704; m. Elizabeth . 43. Sarah,* b. June 3, 1706 ; m. Joseph Thayer,* Dec. 16, 1725. [Thater, 164.] 13. THOMAS FAXON,' son of Richard and Elizabeth ; b. Aug. 2, 1662 ; m. Mart Blanchard, b. Dec. 1, 1662, dau. of Nathaniel and Susanna (Bates) Blanchard of Weymouth.* He " d. of small pox, 1690, when bound on the Ex- * Nathaniel Blanchard was formerly of Charlestown. 46 GENEALOGICAL SKETCHES. pedition to Canada, and was buried at Weymouth." [Braintree Records.] The small pox broke out in the fleet, before it 'left our shores, and was fatal to many. [Thater, 133.] " Upon the 9th day of Aug., 1690, there went out afloat, soldiers to Canada, and the small pox was aboard," &c. Poor Faxon was only 28. His will is dated Aug. 4, 1690;* proved Nov. 13, 1691^ recorded Suff. Prob., 8 : 60. Inventory, £385. 13. Besides his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Hub bard, [Hobart,] he mentions his mother [in-law] Mrs. Susanna Bass, [second wife of Deacon Thomas Bass, m. 1680 ; Thomas Bass was son of Deacon Samuel Bass, who came from England, see p. 23 note,] his aunt Fisher, his sisters, Mary Faxon, Hannah Faxon, Abigail Faxon, and his brother Josiah, &c. He also mentions his two only children, viz. — 44. fRichard,* b. Sept. 4, 1686 ; m. Anna Bracket, Dec 29, 1709. 45. Mary,'! b. , 1688; m. Joseph Deane, May 7, 1707. FOURTH GENERATION. 36. JOSIAH FAXON,* son of Josiah' and Mehitable ; b. May 23, 1690 ; m. Jan. 13, 1717-18, Deborah Thater,* bap. April, 1697, dau. of Richard' and Re becca. [Thater, 27.] She was admitted to the church in the Middle Pre cinct of Braintree, 1719. Their children were — 46. Josiah,' b. Oct. 1, 1718. 47. Deborah,' b. Jan. 11, 1719-20. 48. Obadiah,' j b. March 10, I Lived in Boston. A mason. Died about 1748. 49. Ebenezer,'! 1724-5, ) 50. Isaiah,' b. March 24, 1727. Died Jan. 8, 1 732-3. " Choked with a bean." 51. Rebecca,' b. Nov, 24, 1728, 52. Lydia,' b. March 25, 1731 ; published to William Harmon, May 29, 1756. 53. Abigail,' b. May 5, 1733. Died July 23, 1733. 54. Isaiah,' b. Aug. 2, 1734. 55. Abigail,' b. March 19, 1736-7. 37. THOMAS FAXON,* son of Josiah' and Mehitable ; b. Feb. 8, 1691-2; m. Ruth Webb, May 22, 1716. He d. March 21, 1729-30. His wife survived hint). Their children were — 56. Ruth,' b. April 3, 1717 ; m. Aaron Hayward, Oct. 28, 1735. 57. Amy,' b. Feb. 11, 1718-19; d. March 19, 1729-30. 58. Hannah,' b. July 24, 1721 ; m. Samuel Sever of Dorchester, April 29, 1739. 59. Priscilla,' b. April 13, 1723 ; admitted to church in Middle Precinct, 1744. 60. tThomas,' b. Feb. 19, 1724-5; m. 1, Elizabeth Hobart, Sept. 22, 1746; 2, Anna Clark of Danvers, Sept. 14, 1752. By second wife he had Anna, b. Oct. 14, 1762, and probably others. 61. Christopher,' b. Nov. 29, 1727. The fourth child in the above series is recorded on the Braintree Record of Births as Ruth ; but it appears from the Suffolk Probate Records (31 : 258) that her true name was Priscilla. It also appears from the Prob. Records (29: 122) that Ruth, the eldest dau. was living, Oct. 1, 1731, when, being, as the Record says, fifteen years old, she chose John Adams (father of President Adams) for her guardian. To increase the number of clerical blunders, Ruth, the mother of the above children, is several times called Ruth, and once called Priscilla. 40. EDWARD FAXON,* son of Josiah and Mehitable; b. May 6,' 1700; was received to full communion in the church of the Middle Precinct of Braintree in * He says, " being prest out in the service of the country in the Expedition against the French and Indians towards Canada," THE FAXON FAMILY. 47 1738. I find no further notice of him save the following: — "Hannah Faxon, wife of Edward, died March, 174- [prob. 1749] aged 27." I presume he had a son Edward,^ who m. Zeruiah Thayer,' June 16, 1770. 42. ELIASHIB FAXON,* son of Josiah and Mehitable ; b. March 10, 1704 ; m. Elizabeth . Was received to communion in the church of the Middle Precinct, 1738; his wife having been received in 1728. Their chddren were — 62. Elisha,' b. Nov. 10, 1727 ; settled in East Bridgewater, where he prob. m. Allen. His children were — Capt. Elisha^ of Halifax, Samuel,^ Allen,^ Benjamin,^ and William.^ Samuel' m. Priscilla Thomas, 1783. Benjamin' ra- Ruth Bryant of Halifax, and lived and died in Boston. 63. tElijah,' b. Nov. 24, 1731 ; m. Beulah Wild of Braintree. 44. Capt. RICHARD FAXON,* only son of Thomas' and Mary; b.Sept. 4, 1686. Losing his father at four years of age, John Rogers of Weymouth and Deacon Thomas Bass of Braintree were appointed his guardians, March 13, 1700-1. He m. Anna or Hannah Brackett, Dec. 29, 1709, who was b. July 18, 1687. The names Anna and Hannah were at that time regarded equivalent to each other ; and Richard Faxon, in recording as town-clerk the name of his wife, uses them both, saying, " Anna or Hannah." He was chosen town-clerk, March 7, 1736, and continued in that office seventeen years. He was also captain in the militia, justice of the peace, &c. Was received in full commu nion in the church, Middle Precinct, 1725. His wife was received, 1714. He d. about May, 1768.* Their children were — 71. Thomas,' b. Oct 29, 1710; was living, 1776; m. Joanna . Had Bathsheba, b. March 3, 1762. 72. Mary,' b. March 8, 1712-13 ; m. Nathaniel Thayer,' April 3, 1735. [That er, 75.] 73. Abigail,' b. Julv 26, 1715; m. Caleb Thayer,' brother of ditto. [Thater, 78.] 74. Richard,' b. Nov. 2, 1718; m. . Admitted to church, 1761. He d. about 1772, and James Faxon was appointed administrator. 75. James,' b. Nov. 7, 1720 ; captain. Resided in present town of Braintree. Was a man of note. He lived till about 1797 ; m. 1, Relief Thayer,' b. March 11, 1723, dau. of Nathaniel* and Relief Thayer. [Thater, 81.] She d. about 1774, very suddenly, on her way to meeting. He m. 2, Mary Denton, Aug. 19, 1775. His children by first wife were — James,^ m. Mary Field ; lived in Quincy ; Dea. Richard,^ of Boston, famous for making good axes ; Eleb,^ of Roxbury ; Caleb,^ of Quincy ; Nathan iel^; Rlioda^; Marif ; Eunice,^ m. James Gridley of Boston, blacksmith; Relief,<^ m. Caleb French,' July 9, 1784. [French, 78.] James' and Mary (Field) Faxon were parents of Nathaniel,' b. Feb. 17, 1777, m. Eunice Bass,' dau. of Seth Bass' of Quincy, who (Seth) was bap. March 8, 1761, son of Sarauel Bass,' b, Nov, 3, 1737, who was son of Seth Bass* by his wife Eunice (Webb) Allen,]: [Allen, 26.] 76. Sarah,' b. April 12, 1724. Died unm., Nov. 2, 1748. 77. Anna,' b. June 3, 1726. Never married. Died in 1776. Her brother Thomas was administrator. 78. Azariah,' b. March 23, 1731-2; m Dorcas Penniman,' dau. of James. [Vinton, 29.] • 1768, May 27. Richard Faxon of Braintree, gent., having died intestate, Elisha Niles of Braintree was appointed Executor. Jonathan Bass and James Faxon were sureties. [SuB'. Prob., 67 : 10. , . , t Nathaniel Faxon,' last mentioned, came to Boston, Aug., 1800, and began business (or him.self in that city, March 12, 1801, in the manufacture and sale of boots and shoes, at the corner ot Merchants' Row and Market Square. Many thousands have noticed the sign of the Great Boot, erected over his store-door, about 1812, replaced by a still larger boot, erected at his subsequent place of business, 63 North Market Street, immediately after the erection of the Quincy Market, and the building of the stores on North and South Market Streets, thirty years ago. Mr. Faxon is still living, but has retired from business, which is still pursued at the long-accustomed and well-known stand by his sons, under the firm of Francis E. Faxon & Co. 48 GENEALOGICAL SKETCHES. FIP''TH GENERATION. 63. ELIJAH FAXON,' son of Eliashib and Elizabeth ; b. Nov. 24, 1731; m. Beclah Wilo. Settled in Hanson, which was then the west part of Pembroke. Farmer. After his death his widow Beulah returned to Braintree, her native town, and d., prob. in the summer of 1 777. She encouraged all three of her sons to take up arms in defence of their country, and carried on the farm in their absence. Children— 82. tAsaph,' b. Aug, 7, 1753 ; m, Rachel Wild, dau. of Micah Wild. 83. Elijah,' b. about 1755 ; unra. Was wounded in the battle of Bemis Heights, Sept., 1777, and died next day. •> 84, Barnabas,' b, about 1757; unm.; a seafaring raan; went privateering in the Revolution; d. soon after the close of the war. 85. Betsey,' [or Elizabeth,] b. ; m. May 9, 1780, Jonathan Thayer,' b. April 10, 1761, son of Capt. Jonathan' and Dorcas (Hayden) 'Thayer. ['Thater, 165.] They removed to Windsor, Vt. ; afterwards to Am herst, N. H. Their dau. Beulah,'' b. Nov. 22, 1789 ; ra. David Hol brook,' son of James. [Vinton, 117.] 85.J, Ruth,' b. at Pembroke, Oct. 29, 1752;* ra. John Locke of Whately, March 12, 1774. She d. Oct. 15, 1819, a. 67. [Locke Genealogy. SIXTH GENERATION. 82 ASAPH FAXON,' son of Elijah, b. in Hanson, Aug. 7, 1753; m. Rachel Wild, b. 1761, dau. of Micah Wild of Braintree. Was a Blacksmith. Some time subsequent to 1790, he purchased the house and blacksmith shop, with land thereto belonging, which had been previously owned and occupied by Thomas Vinton, [Vinton, 149,] in the "Iron Works Neighborhood, in Brain tree ;" and resided there till his death, Feb. 27, 1821, aetatis 68.. Mrs. Rachel Faxon d. 1850, a. 89. Children, b. in Braintree — 86. Elijah,' b. about 1781 ; m. Betsey Webb, dau. of Thomas Webb of Wey mouth. They have Elizabeth,^ m. Charles Hobart, son of Abraham ; Rachel Ann,^ a teacher at the West. 87. Beulah Wild,' b. May 21, 1783 ; m. Moses Arnold,' son of Moses. [Vin- 88. Asaph,' d. in infancy. [ton, 116.] 89. Barnabas,' d. in infancy. 90. Betsey,' b. ; m. Alexander White,' b. Jan. 12, 1781, son of Alexander and Dorcas (Thayer) White. [White, 82.] 91. tAsaph,' b. June 4, 1788 ; m. Eunice Allen,' dau. of Col. WiUiam Allen.' [Allen, 95.] 92. Rachel,' b. about 1792 ; m. John G. Wood, innholder, of Dorchester. SEVENTH GENERATION. 91. Capt. ASAPH FAXON,' son of Asaph and Rachel, b. June 4, 1788; m. Eunice Allen.' [Alle.n, 95.] Their children were — 93. Horatio Nelson,' b. Nov. 3, 1808 ; m. 1, Eliza Denton Allen,' dau. of Joseph' and Eliza (Denton) Allen, and gr. dau. of Capt. Joseph Allen.' [Allen, 99.] 2, Phebe Glover. 94. tBetscy Wild,' b. April 22, 1811 ; ra. Judah Loring. [Thater, 91.] 95. Susan Deborah,' b. Dec. 1, 1813 ; unm. ; lives with her sister, Mrs. Lorine, at Medford. , ^ 96. Asaph Allen,' b. June 29, 1816 ; m. Mercy Manson of Scituate. Resides in Lawrence, in the Territory of Kanzas. [tion. 97. Rachel Wild,' b. Sept. 17, 1818 ; Rev. Henry Voso, of the Univ. denomina- * Whether this Ruth Faxon' were a dau. of Elijah Faxon,' or of some other, is uncertain. The probability is iu favor of this supposition ; but if so, there is perhaps an error in dates. THE FRENCH FAMILY. 49 98. Barnabas P.,' b. July 14, 1821 ; m. Eliza Field of Quincy. He is deceased 99. tEunice Allen,' b. Nov. 16, 1823; ra. Jonathan Oldhara. 100. William T.,8 b. Nov. 12, 1826 ; m. Harriet Cook. They live in Scituate. EIGHTH GENERATION. 94. BETSEY WILD FAXON,' dau. of Capt. Asaph and Eunice (Allen) Faxon of Braintree, b. April 22, 1811 ; m. Dec. 3, 1835, Judah Loring, b. at Dux bury, April 15, 1809, son of James Loring, originally of Braintree, who m. Mary Freeman of Duxbury. [Thater, 91.] Judah Loring resides in Medford ; is a master shipjoiner ; has acquired by diligence and enterprise a fair estate ; deacon of the (orthodox) second church in Medford ; has been and is now, 1857, Selectman, Justice of the Peace, &c. He is a descendant from the Pil grim John Alden, of the seventh generation. See note under Thateb, 91. Their children, all b. at Medford, are— 101. Freeman Allen,' b. May 19, 1837. \ 102. Mary James,' b. Nov. 23, 1838. 103. Arthur Green,' b. Sept. 29, 1844. 99. EUNICE ALLEN FAXON,' dau. of Capt. Asaph and Eunice (Allen) Faxon, b. Nov. 16, 1823 ; m., May 10, 1?44. Jonathan Oldham, b. in Scituate, May 13, 1823, son of Joseph and Grace (Tilden) Oldham of Scituate. They reside in Medford, which town he has represented in the Legislature. Their children are — ¦ 104. Eunice Allen,' b. April 7, 1845 ; d. Aug., 1855. 105. Clara,' b. July 1, 1847. 106. Loring,' b. June 1, 1851. 107. Eunice A.,' b. Feb, 8, 1855, For the Oldham Pedigree, see Brooks' History of Medford. %\t ^xtm\ Jfamilg of ^raiiitot. Besides John French, the progenitor of the following family, there was a Stephen French of Weymouth, freeman, 1634, whose will, dated March 17, 1678-9, was proved July 29, 1679. [Suff. Prob., 6 : 302.] There was also a Jacob French of Weymouth, freeman, 1652, perhaps son of Stephen. There was a Thomas French of Boston, freeman, 1632 ; a John French of Cambridge, freeman, 1644; a WiUiam French, his brother, freeman, 1636, of Cambridge, and afterwards of Billerica ; a John D-ench of Ipswich, 1648 ; and an Edward French of Ipswich, 1636, who probably removed to Salisbury, and was a pro prietor there, 1640. Perhaps there were others. The basis of the following sketch is Thayer's " Family Memorial ;" but the whole arrangement is different, errors have been corrected, and many facts have been added from other and original sources. Where no town is mentioned as the birth-place or residence of an individual, Braintree may be understood. FIRST GENERATION. 1. JOHN FRENCH,' horn in England about 1612; admitted freeman May 29, 1644 ; resided a short time in Dorchester. We find him in Braintree, 1640, 50 GENEALOGICAL SKETCHES. whence we infer that all of the following chifdren were born in Braintree. Forty acres of land at Mount Wollaston were granted Feb. 24, 1639-40, by the town of Boston to John French of Monoticott, for five persons in his family.* It would hence appear that he dwelt in what is now North Braintree, and the land granted him must have been in that locality, though said to be at Mount Wollaston, a term then covering the whole of Braintree. He d. Aug. 6, 1692, a. abt. 80. I find no will of his, or administration on his estate. His wife Grace d. Feb. 28, I680-], a. 59. [Grave stone.] ' Their chil. were— 2. tJohn,- b. Feb. 28, 1641 ; ra. Experience Thayer.' 3. Thoraas,2 b. July 10, 1643 ; d. Oct. 28, 1656. 4. tDependence,2 b. March 7, 1648-9; m. 1, Mary Marsh. 2, Rebecca . 5. Temperance," b. March 30, 1651 ; ra. about 1682, John Bowditch. She d. Aug. 12, 1720. Their dau. Jfarw' ; m. Thoraas White. [White, 28.] 6. William,2 b. March 31, 1653; m. Rachel Twells,t 1689. He d. Feb. 22, 1691. One son, William.^ 7. Elizabeth," b. Sept. 29, 1655. 8. tThomas," b. March 10, 1657-8; m. Elizabeth . 9. tSarauel," b. Feb. 22, 1659-60; ra. Anna Marsh, sister of Mary, [4.] SECOND GENERATION. 2. JOHN FRENCH," soh of John' and Grace French, b. Feb. 28, 1641 ; m. Experience Thater.' [Thater, 132.] She d. Sept. -29, 1719, a. 61. Their children were — 10. John,' b. Sept. 20, 1686 ; d. young. 11. Anna,' b. Jan. 15, 1687-8. 12. tThomas,' b. June 23, 1690 ; m. Mary Allen.' [Allen, 25.J 13. Grace,' b. Feb. 22, 1691-2. 14. Deborah,' b. Aug. 2, 1694. 15. William,' b. Jan. 16, 1695-6. 16. John,' b. April 16, 1699. Of Mendon. 4. DEPENDENCE FRENCH," son of John' and Grace French, b. March 7, 1648-9; m. I, Mart Marsh, dau. of Alex. Marsh.§ 2, Rebecca . Children — By first wife — 17. Mary,' b. March 30, 1684; m. April 25, 1707, Sarauel Savil, son of Samuel and Hannah (Adams) Savil. [Adams, 25.] Deacon of First Chh., iu Braintree. By second wife — 18. t.John,' b. Mar. 10, 1688-9 ; m, Feb. 19, 1711-12, Mary Vinton.' [Vin., 14. 19. tDependeuce,' b. Apr. 15, 1691 ; m. July 10, 1718, Anna Thayer.* [That. 28. 20. tRebecca,' b. May 13, 1694; m. May 26, 1715, John Thayer.* [Thater, 24. 21. David,' ( twins, b. March ) 22. tElizabeth,'! 4,1698-9; ) m. Capt. Sarauel Vinton.' [Vinton, 15. J * Drake's History of Boston, p. 250, note. X Probably dau. of " Lieut. Robert Tweld, who erected the South Church at Boston, and d. March 9, 1696-7, a. 77, or thereabouts " [Braintree Records,] Robert "Twelves, car penter, was of Braintree, 1674; had wife Martha, 1690. The name is now written Tuells, or simply 2\elt. § Lieut. Alexander Marsh of Braintree, "yeoman," d, March 7, 1697-3, a. abt. 70. In his will, dated March 19, 1696-7, he mentions wife Bathshua, daus. Rachel and Phebe Marsh, son-in-law Samuel French and Anna his wife, "my daughter," son in-law Depen dence French, son-in-law Samuel Bass, gr. dau. Mary French, son John Marsh, a minor, dau. Mary French, [Suff. Piob., 8 : 133,] Alexander Marsh's first wife Mary was dau, of Gregory and Catharine Belcher. Gregory Belcher and Alexander Marsh bought the '¦ Iron Works" ot Thomas Savage in 1670, with two hundred acres of land, but did not keep it long. [Suff. Deeds, 9 : 141.] THE FRENCH FAMILY. 51 8. THOMAS FRENCH," son of John' and Grace French, b. March 10, 1657-8 ; m. Elizabeth . She was a member of the Second Church in Braintree, at Mr. Niles's ordination, I7II. She d. Dec. 23, 1718. Mr. French d. Sept. 22, 1717. Children— 23. Elizabeth,' b.Dec 16, 1696 ; ra. Edward Dorr, Nov. 9, 1720. 24. Thomas,' b. Aug. 5, 1698; m. 1, Rebecca . 2, Mary Owen, Nov. 5, 1723. 25. tMoses,' b. Feb. 16, 1699-1700; m. Esther Thayer.* [Thatek, 168.] 26. Jonathan,' b. June 20, 1702; m. Rebecca . 27. Rachel,' b. March 26, 1704 ; m. Eleazar Thayer,* April 28, 1730, [That'r, 28, Sarauel,' b. Sept., 1706. [157. 29. Abijah,' b. May 25, 1709 ; ra. Joanna ; settled in Mendon. 30. Ebenezer,' b. Sept. 9, 1711; m. Mary Fuller of Stoughton. Settled in 31. Sarah,' b. Feb. 16, 1713-14. [Milton. 32. Seth,' b. Oct. 25, 1716 ; ra. Patience Stevens, Feb. 7, 1745. She d. April 1, 1754; "having not lain down in bed, nor stood up without help, for above three years, by reason of sores." [Braintree Records. 9. SAMUEL FRENCH," son of John' and Grace French, b. Feb. 22, 1659- 60 ; m. Anna Marsh, dau. of Lieut. Alexander Marsh. See note under page 50. She d. Feb. 4, 1711-12. Mr. French was an original member of the Second Church in Braintree, gathered 1707 ; and d. Oct. 13, 1718. Children — 33. Samuel,' b. Nov. 17, 1680; d. young, 34. Samuel,' b. Sept. 13, 1688; d. Jan. 11, 1770; supposed unmarried. 35. Hannah,' b. Jan. 15, 1689-90. 36. Mary,' b. Sept. 20, 1691. 37. tAlexander,' b. Dec. 13, 1695 ; ra. 1, Mary Wliite,* [White, 45.] 2, Re becca Staples. 38. tJosiah,' b. March 20, 1699-1700; ra. Mary French,* dau. of John and Mary. [Vinton, 14.] He d. Nov., 1760. 39. Nathaniel,' b. April 1, 1702; m. Susanna Blanchard, Aug. 17, 1725. He d. Sept. 24, 1791. 'Their grandson Adonijah,' son ot Nehemiah,* m. Eliza beth Linfield, dau. of David. [Vinton, 41.] 40. tBenjamin,' b. ; m. Sept. 17, 1730, Hephzibah White.* [White, 55.] THIRD GENERATION. 12. THOMAS FRENCH,' son of John" and Experience French, b. June 23, 1690 ; m. Aug. 18, 1714, Mart Allen,' b. March, 16S7-8, dau. of Deacon Joseph Allen." [Allen, 25.] Mr. and Mrs. French were admitted to Second Church, in Braintree, 1724. Children— 41. Joseph,* b. July 21, 1716. 42. David,* b. May I, 1718; m. Mehitable . 43. Micah,* b. Nov. 3, 1720 ; d. March 27, 1722. 44. tThoraas,* bapt., 1723; m. Silence Wild. 45. Sarauel,* b. Oct. 23, 1724. 46. Micah,* b. Sept. 9, 1726; m. Ruth . Of Stoughton. 19. DEPENDENCE FRENCH,' son of Dependence" and Rebecca French, b. April 15, 1691; m. July 10, 1718, Anna Thater,* bapt. Nov. 14, 1697, dau. of Richard' and Rebecca Thayer. [Thateb, 28.] Mr! French was admitted to Second Chh. in Braintree, 1719, and his wife, 1721. Children — 47. Rebecca,* b. May 1, 1721 ; m. Clement Crane, 1742. 48. Gideon,* b. Sept. 11, 1726 ; ra. Elizabeth ; he d. March 22, 1794. 49. Anna,* b. Oct. 18, 1728. 50. Elizabeth,* b. Oct. 27, 1730. 52 GENEALOGICAL SKETCHES. 25. MOSES FREMCH,' son of Thomas" and Elizabeth French, b. Feb. 16, 1699-1700; m. Dec. 24, 1730, Esther Thater,* b. July 24, 1705, dau. of Ephraim' and Sarah Thayer. [Thater, 168.] She united with the Second Church in 1727, before marriage; Mr. French united with it 1738. He d. Sept. 19, 1768, a. 68. His widow Esther survived him 32 years, and d. Dec. 13, 1800' te. 96. A most worthy family. Children- Si. tMoses,* b. Sept. 16, 1731 ; m. Elizabeth Hobart, Aug. 11, 1756. 52, tElisha,* b. Jan. 12, 1733-4; ra.Mary Luddcn, 53, tEsther,* b, Dec. 21, 1735 ; m. Richard Thayer.' [Thateb, 59.] 54. Sarah,* b. Jan. 15, 1737-8. 55. tJonathan,* b. Jan. 19, 1739-40; m. Abigail Richards, Aug. 26, 1773. .56. Deliverance,* b. Nov. 7, 1742; m. April 6, 1775, Rev. Nathanael Emmons, D.D., h. at East Haddam, Ct., May 1, 1745; grad. Yale Coll., 1767; ord, pastor, Franklin, April 21, 1773; pastor there 54 years, till 1827, without a colleague ; an eminent divine and metaphysician ; d. at Franklin, Sept. 23, 1840, a. 95 yrs. 4 mo. 22 ds. Mrs. Deliverance Em mons d. June 22, 1778. He afterwards m. a dau. of Rev. Chester Williams of Hadley, who was step-dan. of Rev. Sarauel Hopkins. 37. ALEXANDER FRENCH,' son of Samuel" and Anna French, b. Dec. 13, 1695; m. 1, June 6, 1723, Mart White,* b. Aug. 21, 1703, dau. of Thomas' and Mehitable White. [White, 45.] She was admitted to Second Chh. in Braintree, 1730, and d. in chddbirth. May 30, 1732. 2, Rebecca Staples, May 14, 1734. His chddren by first wife were — 57. Alexander,* b. Feb. 28, 1723-4 ; m. Susanna Crane. Their son Danid^ m. Rebecca Thayer.' 58. Samuel,* b. Sept. 5, 1725 ; m. Mary . 59. Isaac,* b, Nov, 13, 1729, [35 : 16-18. 60, Benoni,* b. May 30, 1732; d. June 2, 1732. For reason of name, see Gen. 40. BENJAMIN FRENCH,' son of Samuel" and Anna French; m. Sept. 17, 1730, Hephzibah White, b. March 28, 1709, dau. of Dea. Samuel' and Deborah White. [White, 55.] She was admitted to Second Chh. in Brain tree, 1734. After Mr. French's death, she m. June 12, I7flD, Rev. Jonathan Mills,* formerly of Bellingham. [Mills, 25.] Chddren of Benjamin and Hephzibah French — 61. Benjamin,* bapt., 1735; m. Judith Baxter, May 26, [1759.?] He was iu Capt. Vinton's corapany, 1775, See p, 60, note. His dau. Judith,^ b. April 5, 1762; m. Ahaz' French. 62. tHephzibah,* bapt. 1735; m. 1755, Capt. John Vinton.* [Vinton, 42.] 63. Samuel,* b. March 3, 1737; m. Elizabeth Allen.' [Allen, 72. [ They had Cfa\y Elizabeth,^ b. Nov. 8, 1761 ; d. unra., Oct., 1825, a. 64,* 64. Adam',* b. Feb. 6, 1741-2 ; d, Jan, 29, 1761. 65, Paul,4 bapt, 1744, 66, Sarah,* bapt, 1746, FOURTH GENERATION. 44. THOMAS FRENCH,* son of Thomas' and Mary (Allen) French; bapt. 1723; m. Silence VVilo of Braintree. Children — * To this Samuel French,'' his grandfather Dea. Samuel While^ conveyed, Feb, 21, 1756, his dwelling-house and six acres of land adjacent, in consideration of " ihe service done him [thegiantor] the last nine ye.irs ;" said land was hounded IN, on the counlry Road, there measuring 19 rods, Ii. on Thomas Vinton's land, W. on the grantor's own land, lunn'iiig S. far cnougTi to make up six acres, wiih all ihe buildings Ihcreon. [This doubtless includes ihe house previously occupied by the grantor; and is probahly the esiate, a few rods E. of Kev. Mr. Perkins' house, occupied many years by Capt. Joseph Allen,' [Allln 76 j who was a younger brother of the grantee's wile.] Suff, Deeds, 89 : 143, ' THE FRENCH FAMILY. 53 67. Silence,' b. Aug. 22, 1750. 70. Sarah,' b. Feb. 20, 1755. 68. Thomas,' b. Marcll 28, 1751. 71. Timothy,' b. Feb. 9, 1757. 69. Joseph,' b. Oct. 2, 1753. 72. Susanna,' b. Aug. 30, 1758. 73. Jothara,' b. Sept 23, 1760. 74. Luther,' b. Mar. 21, 1762; m. Hannah French,' abt. 1782. 75. Polly,' b. 1764 ; m. Silas Alden.' [Alden, 136.] 76. Calvin,' b. ; d. young. 77. William,' b. Jan. 28, 1770. 61. Dea. MOSES FRENCH,* eldest son of Moses' and Esther (Thayer) French, b. Sept. 16, 1731; m. Aug. 11, 1756, Elizabeth Hobart, b. May 1, 1739, dau. of Caleb and Elizabeth (HoUis) Hobart. He and his wife were admitted to the Second Chh. in Braintree, 1757; of this church he was afl;erwards chosen deacon, and served in this capacity many years. He was a man of intelligence, capacity, and worth ; an eminent surveyor ; and much employed in public business, and the settlement of estates. He d. Jan. 19, 1807, a. 75. Mrs. Elizabeth French d. Dec. 25, 1822, te. 84. Their children were— 78. Caleb,' b. Dec. 15, 1757; deputy sheriff; ra. Relief Faxon,' July 9, 1784 ; [Faxon, 75,] d. July 15, 1823, without issue. 79. Zenas,' b. April 15, 1760; ra. 1, Relief Thayer. 2, Ruth White,' b. AprU 12, 1769, dau. of Joseph. [White, 60.] Lived in Randolph, black- sraith. He d, Dec, 22, 1838, se. 79. 80. Sylvanus,' b. June 6, 1763; m. 1, Hannah Thayer,' Oct. 19, 1786, dau. of Abraham.' [Thater, 79.] 2, Azubah Penniman,' April 28, 1791. 81. Abijah,' b. Sept, 11, 1766 ; m. 1, Sarah Clark, Nov. 11, 1790. 2, Sarah Bil lings. They resided in Boston ; he d. Jan. 18, 1811, a. 44, His daus, Elizabeth,^ b. March 15, 1793, and Catharine,'^ b. July 29, 1798; m. George W. Thayer.' His dau. Caroline,^ b. July 29, 1798, [twin sister ;] m. Benjamin V. French.' [Vinton, 123.] 82. Twins, b. ; d. in infancy. 83. Moses,' b. Oct. 29, 1769 ; m. Eunice Vinton,' Dec 9, 1790, [Vinton, 123.] 84. Jonathan,' b. April 29, 1772; m. Ann Weld of Boston. Lived iu Boston. 85. Asa,' b. April 16, 1775; ra. Mehitable Hollis, dau. of Capt. Thomas HoUis. [Holbrook, 134.] She d. Aug. 22, 1819. He d. abt. 1853, Their dau. Mehitable,^ b. June 22, 1806 ; ra. Capt. Samuel Denton Hayden'; some years town clerk of Braintree, who transcribed the Braintree Records by vote of said town, about 1843. [Hatden, 125. J 86, Charles,' b. April 24, 1778; m. Sally Lush. Their dau. Catharine Lamb,^ b. Jan. 23, 1816; m. Sept. 19, 1832, her cousin Charles French,' son of Moses, [83.] [Vinton, 123.] 87. Elizabeth,' b. May 13, 1780. 52. ELISHA FRENCH,* son of Moses' and Esther (Thayer) French ; b. Jan. 12, 1733-4 ; m. Mart Ludden, b. May 4, 1737, dau. of John and Mary (Thayer) Ludden. [Thateb, 53.] She d. June 20, 1805. He d. Oct. 19, 1818. Chddren— 88. Esther,' b. Feb. 10, 1757 ; d. Aug. 3, 1760. 89. Esther,' b. Nov. 3, 1761 ; m. Samuel White Thayer,' b. June 4, 1757, son of Uriah,' and grandson of Shadrach* and Rachel (White) 'Thayer, all of Braintree. [Thater, 165.1 Samuel W.' and Esther (French) Thayer were parents of Dr. Elisha Thayer,'' b. Sept. 15, 1785, compiler of Thayer's "Family Memorial." 90. Anna,' b. Aug. 7, 1763; m. 1, David Thayer. 2, Dea. Eliphalet Packard. 91. Elisha,' b. Nov. 5, 1768; major in the militia; m. 1, Susanna Hayden,' May 16, 1794. [Hatden, 121.] She d. Aug. 12, 1818. 2, Mary Noyes of Boston. He d. Aug. 4, 1826. 55. Rev. JONATHAN FRENCH,* son of Moses' and Esther (Thayer) French, b. in Braintree, Jan. 19, 1739, O. S., [equivalent to Jan. 30, 1740, N. S.;] m. Aug. 26, 1773, Abigail Richards, b. Nov. 17, 1742, eldest dau. of Dr. Ben jamin and Abigail (Thayer) Richards of Weymouth. [Thaier, 173.] Mrs. 5 54 GENEALOGICAL SKETCHES. Richards was the fourteenth and youngest child of that remarkable couple, Ephraim and Sarah Thayer. Mr. French grad. H. C, 1771 ; was ord. pastor of South Church in Andover, Sept. 22, 1772. He was a clergyman of great excellence of character ; an earnest, instructive, impressive preacher. He was strongly attached to the faith and practice of the Puritan fathers of New England. He was much esteemed by the churches as a wise and judicious counsellor, and his name is fragrant to this day. He d. July 28, 1809. Mrs. French d. Aug. 28, 1821. Their chddren were — 92. Sarah,' b. Nov. 18, 1774; d. Nov. 25, 1774. 93. Abigail,' b. May 29, 1776 ; ra. May 9, 1797, Rev. Samuel Steams,' b. April 8, 1770, son of Rev. Josiah Steams' of Epping, N. H. [For lineage, see Bond's Hist, of Watertown.] H. C, 1794; studied Divinity with Rev. Mr. French of Andover, afterwards his father-in-law ; ord. pastor, Bedford, Mass., April 27, 1796; d. pastor there Dec. 26, 1834, greatly respected. Their children were — 1. Infant, b. Aug. 18, 1798 ; d. Nov. 2, 1798. 2. Abigail French,b. Jan. 7, 1800, ra. JonasMunroeof Bedf. ; d. Jan., 1833. 3. Rev. Samuel Horatio, b. Sept. 12, 1801 ; H. C, 1823; ord. pastor Old South Church, Boston, Ofct. 16, 1834 ; d. at Paris, France, July 15, 1837. Preached only three sermons after ordination. His brief ministry gave promise of much eminence and usefulness, had it not been cut short by untimely failure of health. See memoir of him published. 4. Sarah Caroline, b. April 15, 1803; m. Rev. Forrest Jeflerds, b. in Wells, Me., 1794 ; successively pastor at Epping, N. H., Middleton, Mass., and Barriugton, R. I. Now city missionary in Boston. 5. Rev. William Augustus, D.D., b. March 17, 1805 ; H. C, 1827 ; studied Divinity at Andover; m. Jan. 10, 1832, Rebecca Alden Frazier, a descendant of the Pilgrim John Alden ; ord. pastor Cambridgeport, 1832 ; now President of Amherst College. 6. Mary Holyoke, b. Nov. 14, 1806 ; unra. 7. Rey. Jonatlian French, b. Sept. 4, 1808; H. C, 1830; D.D. Nassau Hall, 1850 ; m, 1, Joanna Chaplin of Cambridgeport. 2, Anna Prentiss of Portland, Me. Pastor formerly at Newburyport ; now at Newark, N.J. 8. Elizabeth W., b. July 29, 1810 ; ra. Dea. Charles James of Medford. 9. Josiah Atherton, b. Sept. 1, 1812; H. C, ; unra; the very efficient and highly approved Principal of the Lawrence (Grammar) School, South Boston. 10. Charlotte Esther, b. Sept. 17, 1814; m. Rev. Jonathan Leavitt, b. in Cornish, N. H., Oct. 21, 1800 ; grad. Amh. Coll. 1825; ord. evangelist at Pomfret, Vt., Sept., 1828 ; installed pastor at Bedford, successor to his father-in-law, Mr. Stearns, Jan. 11, 1837 ; now and for many years pastor at Providence, R. I. Mrs. Leavitt d. Feb. 27, 1850. 11, Ann Catharine, b. Oct, 10, 1816; unm, .12. Ebenezer Sperry, b. Dec. 23, 1819; H. C, 1841 ; m. Aug. 23, 1854, Ellen A. Kuhn, dau. of John Kuhn of Boston. Principal of the State Normal School, formerly at Newton, now at Framingham. 94. Jonathan,' b. Aug, 16, 1778; H, C, 1798; ord, pastor. North Hampton, N. H., Nov. 18, 1801 ; m. Dec. 4, 1804, Rebecca Farrar, dau. of Dea. Samuel Farrar of Lincoln, and sister of Sam'l Farrar, Esq., of Andover. [For Farrar Family, see Geneal. Reg., vol. vi. p. 327.1 He received the degree of D.D. frora Dart. Coll,, 1851 ; preached his half-century serm,, Nov, 18, 1851, from Gen, 48 : 21, Received a colleague in the person of Rev, John Dinsmore, Nov. 18, 1852, when Dr. French retired from the active duties of his office, having in an uncommon degree the respect and confidence of the whole community. 95. Mary Holyoke,' b. Aug. 6, 1781 ; ra. Rev. Ebenezer Peck Sperry, b. at New Haven, Ct., June 3, 1785; grad. Midd. Coll., 1808; studied Divinity at Andover; ord. pastor, Dunstable, N. H,, Nov, 3, 1813; dismissed April, 1819; inst, Wenham, Mass,, March 19, 1820; dismissed about 1836 ; afterwards chaplain of the City Institutions at South Boston ; d. suddenly in Ohio, about 1853. 96. Sarah,' b. Dec 13, 1784; d, April 2, 1788. THE HAYDEN FAMILY. 55 %\t gagkn Jfamilg of Jramtm.* There was also a James Hayden of Charlestown, freeman, 1637, and a William Hayden of Windsor, Ct., 1640. FIRST GENERATION. 1. JOHN HAYDEN,' — sometimes, perhaps then commonly, spelled Heiden, as in his will. Freeman, May 14, 1634. Of Dorchester, 1634. Of Brain tree, 1640. The second entry in the Town Record of Births, is of his son Jonathan. Will dated Oct. 31, 1678 ; proved July 26, 1684 ; recorded Suff. Prob., 6 : 483. Mentions wife Susanna, sons Ebenezer, Joseph, John, Nehe miah, and Jonathan, the children of his deceased son Samuel, and dau. Hannah. Appoints his wife Susanna, with Samuel Thompson and j'oseph Penniman, Executors. His widow Susanna, was living 1695. His children were — 2. tJohn," b. , 1635 ; m. Hannah Ames, April 6, 1660. 3. Joseph," b. . Living as above, 1678. 4. tSamuel," b. ; m. Hannah Thayer," 1664. [Thatek, 6.] 5. tJonathau," b. May 19, 1640; m. Elizabeth Ladd, April 20, 1669. 6. Hannah," b. April 7, 1642. Living as above, 1678. 7. tEbenezer," b. Sept. 12, 1645 ; m. Hannah . 8. tNehemiah," b. Feb. 14, 1647-8 ; m. Hannah Neale. 8^. Williara," (perhaps ;) b. ; m. Hannah ; had Susanna,^ b. Sept. 23, 1666. He d. before 1678. SECOND GENERATION. 2. JOHN HAYDEN," son of John,' above ; b. 1635, prob. in Dorchester ; m. by Gov. Endicot, April 6, 1660, to Hannah Ames," b. May 12, 1641, dau. of WILLIAM AMES,' and Hannah his wife of Braintree. Mr. Ames d. Jan. 1, 1653-4.| John Hayden was a member of the church in Braintree, Middle Precinct, at the settlement of Rev. Samuel Niles, 1711. His wife Hannah d. of small-pox, July 3, 1689. He d. May 29, 1718, a. 83. His will is dated May 25, 1718 ; proved, June 23, 1718 ; recorded, Suff. Prob., 21 : 22. Mentions son Joseph, to whom he gives the homestead ; and sons John and Josiah, with daus. Hannah Thayer, Elizabeth Pray, Lydia Vinton, and Abigail Thayer ; to these six he gives only five shillings each. All the endeavors of the compiler, during several years, to discover who was the husband of Lydia Vinton, have proved ineffectual. See p. 21. The children of John and Hannah Hayden, all b. in Braintree, were — 9. fHannah,' b. Jan. 3, 1660-1 ; ra. Nath'l Thayer,' May 27, 1679. [Tha'r., 12.] 10, Sarah,' b. July 7, 1662. 11. tElizabeth,' b. about 1663 ; m. Ephraira Pray, 1680. 12. John,' b. ; m. Elizabeth ; she d. Nov. 7, 1694. 13. Josiah,' b. June 19, 1669. 14. Lydia,' b. ; m. Vinton. 15,. tJoseph,' b. ; m. Elizabeth . 16. tAbigail,' b. ; m. Cornelius Thayer,' abt. 1694. [Thater, 13.] Richard Hayden d. in Braintree, Oct. 25, 1701. [Marshall's Diary.] Who was he .' * From original investigation. Braintree may be understood as the place of residence, where the contrary is not implied. t William Ames' of Braintree was son of Richard Ames of Bruton or Burton, Somerset shire, Eng. [Farmer, 56 GENEALOGICAL SKETCHES. 4. SAMUEL HAYDEN," son of John' and Susanna, b. previous to 1640 ; m. Hannah Thater," 1664. [Thater, 6.] The Braintree Record of the mar riage is Oct. 28, 1664. The Boston Record is May 28, 1661. Both are copies of an original Record. He was of the " Suffolk Troop" of horse, and im pressed with four other Braintree men* to serve against the Indians, as per Return, dated Dec. 3, 1675. [Mass. Archives.] Was he in the " Great Swamp Fight," Dec. 19, 1675.' He died intestate, 1676; may it not have been from wound, or fatigue, or exposure, in that terrible war ? Inventory taken Oct. 26, 1676 ; amount, £156. 13s. 4d. Hannah, his widow, was appointed adm'x., Oct. 31, 1676. [Suff. Prob., 12 : 111. Their chddren were — 17. Samuel,' b. Aug. 6, 1665; d. Aug. 27, 1665. 18. Sarah,' b. March 27, 1667. 19. A daughter,' b. March 10, 1670-1. Probably died same day. 5. JONATHAN HAYDEN," son of John' and Susanna, b. in Braintree, May 19, 1640; m. Elizabeth Ladd, April 20, 1669. He spent his life in Braintree ; was there, certainly, in 1694. Jonathan Hayden of Brantrey and Elizabeth his wife, convey about 100 acres, part of it woodland, in the south part of Brantrey, to their son Samuel, March 20, 1716-17. [Suffolk Deeds, 31 : 139.] His will dated May 13, 1718; proved June 5, 1718; recorded Suff. Prob., 21:4; mentions wife Elizabeth, son Samuel, daughters Margaret Belcher, Emy Webb, Sarah James, grandchdd Anne, then living with the testator. His children were — 20. Margaret,' b. May 11, 1670 ; m. Belcher. 21, Amy,' b. Sept, 16, 1672 ; m. Webb. 22. Jonathan,' b. Feb. 17, 1674-5. 23. tSamuel,' b. June 17, 1677 ; m. his cousin Mary Hayden,' [29.] 24. Sarah,' b. ; m. Jaraes. 24i. Elizabeth,' b. ; d. Oct. 7, 1700. 7. EBENEZER HAYDEN," son of John' and Susanna, b. Sept. 12, 1645; m. Hannah . We incline to the opinion that Ebenezer Hayden spent most of his life in Braintree. Sept. 15, 1715, Ebenezer Hayden, yeoman, and Anna his wife, of Brantrey, mortgage to the trustees of the £50,000 emitted by the General Court in Oct., 1714, for £50 in bills of credit, 20 acres of land in Brantrey. Redeemed, Jan. 1, 1717-18. [Suff. Deeds, 30 : 32. Ebenezer Hayden of Milton, having lately died, administration on his estate was granted, April 7, 1718, to Anna Hayden of Braintree, [no doubt his widow] and William Hayden of Boston, [who might be his son.] He had a house and land in Boston. [Suff. Prob., 20 : 181, 183.] This last quotation seems to correspond with the Braintree Town Record, which aflirms that Ebenezer Hayden died Feb. 13, 1717-18. Ebenezer Hayden of Boston, was admitted freeman. May 15, 1690. This was doubtless our Ebenezer, b. 1645, who had a house in Boston, as above. He was one of the five Braintree men " pressed out of the Suffolk Troop" of horse, Dec, 1675. See foregoing article. His chddren, as far as recorded in Braintree, were — 25. Ebenezer,' b. April 13, 1679. 26. Ruth,' b. Nov. 19, 1681. 25i. William,' b. ; m. Sarah Hobart, Dec. 26, 1726. 8. NEHEMIAH HAYDEN," son of John' and Susanna, b. Feb. 14, 1647-8 ; m. Hannah Neale, dau. of Henry Neale* of Braintree. He was of Braintree ; a wealthy and influential man in that town. Selectman from 1706 to 1716, * Whose names were Joseph Penniman, Martin Sanders, Joseph Crosby, Eben. Haydeo. X See note to Penniman. THE HAYDEN FAMILY. 57 10 years. Was often placed on important committees at town meetings. He and his wife Hannah were members of the church in Braintree, Middle Precinct, at Mr. Niles's ordination, 1711. His will is dated Jan. 6, 1717-18; proved Feb. 28, 1717-18; recorded Suffi Prob., 20 : 143. He d. Jan. 12, 1717-18, ffi. 70. His wife Hannah survived him. Their children were — 27. tNehemiah,' b. May 16, 1680; m. 1, Mary . 2, Lydia . 28. Hannah,' b. July 16, 1681 ; m. Stevens. 29. tMary,' b. ; m. her cousin Samuel Hayden,' [23.] 30. tSamuel,' b. ; m. Priscilla . 31. tBenjamin,' b. Feb. 22, 1685-6 ; m. Elizabeth Faxon.* [Faxon, 41.] 32. Rachel,' b. ; m. Sara'l Paine.* [Penniman, 36.] She d. Oct. 3, 1739. 33. John,' b. ; ra. wid. Margaret (Curtis) Thayer. [Thater, 22.] 34. tEbenezer,' b. ; m. Mary Hollis, Nov. 30, 1719. 35. tJonathan,' b. ; m. Sarah Copeland, Dec. 22, 1719. All the above children are mentioned in the will as then living, except Mary, whose husband Samuel Hayden, " my son-in-law," is mentioned. THIRD GENERATION. 11. ELIZABETH HAYDEN,' dau. of John" and Hannah, b. about 1663 ; m. Ephraim Prat, 1680. He was son of John and Joanna Pray of Braintree.* Ephraim Pray in several deeds is called " Collier." He lived " in Brantrey in that part called Monaticutt, adjacent to the Mill Pond." [Not far from the "Ironworks," and on the north side of the Mill Pond.) Sold his dwelling house thus located and half an acre of land to John WebbJ of Braintree, mil ler, Feb. 7, 1705-6. Mrs. Elizabeth Pray was living at the date of her father's will, 1718. Their children were — 36. Ephraim,* b. June 14, 1681. § 37. John,* b. Aug. 28, 1683. 38. Elizabeth,* b. Sept. 27, 1685. 39. Hannah,* b. June 2, 1687. 40. Ruth,* b. March 28, 1689. 41. Samuel,* b. May 14, 1692. 42. Joseph,* b. Jan. 14, 1695; m. Lydia White,' Dec. 5, 1715. [White, 13.] 43. Marv,* b. Sept. 17, 1697. 44. Sarah,* b. Jan. 16, 1700. 15. JOSEPH HAYDEN,' son of John" and Hannah, b. about 1672; m. Eliza beth . Resided in Braintree. Inherited most of his father's property. The children of Joseph and Elizabeth were — 45. Mary,* b. April 9, 1697 ; ra. Nathaniel Hewes, Dec. 17, 1717. 46. Joseph,* b. May 4, 1699. 47. Moses,* b. Nov. 7, 1700. 48. Ruth,* b. Feb. 16, 1705. 49. Elkanah,* b. June 4, 1707. 50. Elizabeth,* b. May 10, 1709; m. William Tant, Nov. 8, 1732. 51. John,* b.Dec 21, 1711. 52. Hannah,* b. Jan. 19, 1714-15 ; m. Williara Gilkey, July 7, 1731. 53. Daniel,* ( twins, b. April /m. Rachel Hayden? [90?] 54. tBenjamin,* \ 19, 1717 ;|| ) m. Mary . 23. SAMUEL HAYDEN,' son of Jonathan' and Elizabeth, b. June 17, 1677; m. his cousin Mart Hatden,' [29.] She seems to have d. Nov. 10, 1717. " Her little one d. soon after, and was buried with her." [Braintree Records. * John Pray m. Joanna Dowman, May, 1657. The Real and Personal Estate of John Pray was divided July 20, 1699, to his children Ephraim Pray, Samuel Pray, Joseph Pray, Hannah Bell, Dorothy Furbush. t John Webb m Bethiah Adams.' [Adams, 15.] S There was an Ephraim Pray in Berkley, 1715, and onwards. Ij According to another Record 1720. 58 GENEALOGICAL SKETCHES. 1721-2, Feb. 21. Samuel Hayden, Sen., of Braintree, conveys land to his brother-in-law Jonathan Hayden. No wife is mentioned. [Suff. Deeds, 38 : 15.] Clement Hayden, adm'r. of estate of his father, Samuel Hayden, pre sents his acc't. Nov. 23, 1753. The children of Samuel and Mary were — 55. tSamuel,* b. Jan. 17, 1703 ; m, Elizabeth Russ, Dec. 25, 1725, 56, Jerusha,* b. Feb, 6, 1704; m, 1724, Isaac Merritt' of Scituate, b. 1702, son of Henry," son of Henry,' who settled at Scituate as early as 1626, and d, 1653. Isaac' reraoved from Scituate to Charlton about 1736. [Deane. 57. Mary,* b. April 1, 1705; d. Feb. 7, 1719-20. 58. tJonathan,* b. March 18, 1706 ; m. Sarah Hobart, June 29, 1727. 59. tClement,* b. Oct. 14, 1707 ; m. Hannah Hogin, Oct. 31, 1734. 60. Richard,* b. Aug. 1, 1710. 61. Elizabeth,* b. March 10, 1715 ; d. Nov. 17, 1715. 62. Job,* b. June 28, 1716; d. Nov., 1717. 27. NEHEMIAH HAYDEN,' eldest son of Nehemiah" and Hannah, b. May 16, 1680 ; m. 1, Mart . 2, Ltdia . His will is dated Oct. 24, 1747 ; proved March 7, 174S-9 ; recorded Suff. Prob., 42 : 1 16. Called in his will " gentleman ;" " Lieut." in the Inventory of his Personal Estate, which amounts to £573. lis. Appoints as his executors, James Penniman and Samuel Niles, Jun. His children were — by first wife — 63. Mary,* b. Sept. 1, 1707 ; ra. Jonathan Dyer, April 27, 1727. 64. tNehemiah,* b. April 16, 1 709 ; ra. Rachel Vinton,* Aug. 3, 1 732. [Vin., 31 .] 65. tElijah,* b. ; ra. Priscilla Thayer,* July 11, 1732. [Thateb, 171.] 66. Daniel,* b. ; m. Hannah Tower, Nov. 11, 1736. 67. Zechariah,* b. . Non compos mentis. ) Called by their father in his 68. Lydia,* b. . " " " ) will (1747) "helpless children." 69. Dorcas,* b. ; m. Capt. Jonathan Thayer,' after Oct., 1747, [Thatek, 165,] Mrs, Dorcas 'Thayer joined Second Church in Braintree, 1758. 70. Jaraes,* b. . By his second wife — 71. Ruth,* b. , 1740. Zechariah and Lydia " being helpless in a great degree and not able to manage for themselves," the legacies intended for them, and "the whole government of those two helpless children," are committed to the care of his Executors ; and if the Executors should remove, the same care was to devolve on the Selectmen of the Town of Braintree. 30. SAMUEL HAYDEN,' son of Nehemiah" and Hannah, b. about 1683: m. Priscilla . They lived in what ig now Randolph. She united with the Church in Braintree, Middle Precinct, 1733. Their children were — 72. " Sam'l Hayden's child, b. Oct. 1, 1711, d. Oct. 6, 171 1." [Marshall's Diary. 73. Sarauel,* b, Jan. 20,1715-16; ra. Esther Allen,* Jan. 12, 1737-8. [Al len, 41.]* 74. Amy,* b. Aug. 26, 1717. Died "latter end of Sept., 1717." [Brain. Rec. 75. Christopher,* b. Feb, 18, 1719, 76, tRichard,* b, Jan. 22, 1720-1 ; m, Mary , 77. Jeremiah,* b. Dec. 29, 1722. 78. Nehemiah,* b. Jan. 3, 1724-5. 79. Nathaniel,* b.Feb. 21, 1725-6. 80. William,* b. Oct. 5, 1727. * 1755, Samuel Hayden of Brainlree, yeoman, for £40 current money, sells to James Penniman, gent, of Braintree, SO acies of Woodland in Brainlree, S, Precinct, bounded 3, on Dorchester line. No wife signs the deed, [.•^uff. Deeds, 88 : 190, Peter Dyer, b, Feb 4, 1711, son of John and Hannah, m. Dorothy Hayden, Oct. 16, 1740. Who was Dorothy's father ? THE HAYDEN FAMILY. 59 31. BENJAMIN HAYDEN,' son of Nehemiah" and Hannah, b. Feb. 22, 1685-6 ; m. Elizabeth Faxon,* dau. of Josiah, May 12, 1722. [Faxon, 41.] He d. 1738, intestate. His widow Ehzabeth was appointed adm'x., Sept. 26, 1738. Children— 81. Benjamin,* b. Aug. 21, 1724; d. May 14, 1738. 82. Neheraiah,* b, Jan, 5, 1725-6; d, Jan. 10, 1746-7. 83. Elizabeth,* b. , 1727. 84. Charies,* b. Dec. 6, 1730. 85. Ruth,* b. Sept. 4, 1732 ; d. Aug. 12, 1739. 86. Josiah,* b. May 15, 1734, Went in youth to N, Bridgewater to reside ; in 1763, m. Silence Howard of that place; major in Revol. War, after wards colonel, &c Col. Josiah Hayden removed to Winslow, Me., and d. 1814, a. 80. They had Charles,^ b. 1764; Josiah,^ Daniel.,^ Silemfe,^ Mehitable,^ Damaris,^ Elizabeth,^ and Mary.^ [Mitchell's Bridgewater. 87. tRobert,* b. Jan. 7, 1735-6; m. Elizabeth (Allen) French. [Allen, 72. 88. Thomas,* b. July 12, 1738; d. in childhood. [French, 63.] Of the above children, Nehemiah is recorded as the son of Benjamin and Rachel, by mistake. The record of his death correctly calls him son of Benj. and Elizabeth. Of Charles, Josiah, and Robert, Capt. Richard Faxon was appointed guardian in 1748. Perhaps their mother had been guardian, and was lately deceased. 34. EBENEZER HAYDEN,' son of Nehemiah" and Hannah, b. about 1692; m. Mart Hollis, Nov. 30, 1719. They united with the chh.. Mid. Precinct, 1733. Their children were — 89. tMary,* b. June 9, 1722; m. David Holbrook,' Nov. 19, 1741. [Holb., 83.] 90. Rachel,* b. Dec. 22, 1724; m. John Tower, June 25, 1741. [¦?] 91. fHannah,* b. Oct. 8, 1727; m. Ichabod Holbrook,' brother of David. [Holbrook, 84.] 92. Ebenezer,* b. Dec. 3, 1730 ; d. in infancy. 93. Ebenezer,* b.Dec 26, 1732. 35. JONATHAN HAYDEN,' youngest son of Nehemiah" and Hannah, b. about 1695 ; m. Dec. 22, 1719, Sarah Copeland,' b. Dec. 23, 1700, dau. of Thomas," gr. dau. of LAWRENCE' COPELAND. She united with the chh., 1721. Jan. 29, 1724-5, Jonathan Hayden of Brantrey, and Sarah his wife, convey land to his brother Ebenezer Hayden of Brantrey ; also to his brother Benjamin Hayden. Their children were — 94. Sarah,* b. Oct. 25, 1721 ; m. Ashley Curtis of Stoughton, Mar. 16, 1738-9. 95. Hannah,* b. Dec. 4, 1724; m. Jonathan Porter, Sept. 14, 1742. 96. Jonathan,* b. Dec 4, 1726. FOURTH GENERATION, 54. BENJAMIN HAYDEN,* son of Joseph' and Elizabeth, b. Aprd 19, 1717, or April 19, 1720, for both dates are given on the Town Record, his birth be ing recorded twice ; m. Mart . He and his wife connected themselves wiih the church in the Middle Precinct, 1748, probably being recently married. He was a major in the inUitia, &c. Their children were — 97. Mary,' b. ; m. Nathaniel Wales, Dec 4, 1778. 98. tZebah,' b. ; m. Sarah Allen.' [Allen, 75.] 99. Eli,' b. Aug. 26, 1752; m. Feb. 6, 1789. Chariotte Soper, dau. of Major Edmund Soper of Braintree. Removed to Windsor, Vt., about 1808. 100. Benjamin,' b. about 1759. Col. of militia; m. Miriam White,' b. Aug. 8, 1762, dau. of James White of Weymouth. [White, 100.] He was a trader in Braintree, but afterwards removed to Boston, where he d. 60 GENEALOGICAL SKETCHES. May 9, 1828, a. 69, in consequence of injuries received from the falling _ in of the floor of the Methodist Meeting House in North Bennet Street, at the ceremony of laying the corner-stone. Many other people fell at the same time, and he had both legs broken. His widow d. in Cincinnati, O, May 12, 1833, a. 71, having gone thither to live with her children. They had seven children, all of whom are deceased, and only one of their de scendants remains, a grand-dau. in Cincinnati. 101. Thoraas,' b. . 102. Ruth,' b. March 19, 1762. 55. SAMUEL HAYDEN,* eldest son of Samuel' and Mary, b. Jan. 17, 1703; m. Elizabeth Russ, Dec. 25, 1725.* Their child— 103. Jacob,' b. June 16, 1727. Prob. he had a son Jaco6,' who m. Elizabeth Vinton.' [Vinton, 119.] 58. JONATHAN HAYDEN,* son of Samuel' and Mary, b. March 18, 1706; m. Sarah Hobart, June 29, 1727. She united with Second Church in Braintree, 1733.* Children— 104. Sarah,' b. Nov. 9, 1727 ; m. William Trask, Nov. 3, 1743. He d. before 1746. She was adra. to Second Chh., 1746, as widow Sarah Trask. 105. Jonathan,' b. March 27, 1730. 59. CLEMENT HAYDEN,* son of Samuel' and Mary, b. Oct. 14, 1707; m. Oct. 31, 1734, Hannah Hogin, b. July 7, 1715, dau. of Daniel and Mary Hogin of Braintree. Chddren — 106. Elisha,' b. April 25, 1735. 107. Clement,' b. Aug. 5, 1738; m. Hannah Blanchard, Nov. 26, 1762. 107^. Hannah,' [perhaps], b. ; m. Elijah Thayer,' May 18, 1765. [That er, 72.] 108. Richard,' b. Nov. 7, 1741. 109. Mary,' b. Feb. 15, 1743. ^ 65. ELIJAH HAYDEN,* son of Nehemiah' and Mary, b. about 1710; m. July 11, 1732, Priscilla Thater,* b. March 7, 1710, dau. of Ephraim' and Sarah Thayer. [Thater, 171.] "rhey lived in the North Precinct of Brain tree, now Quincy. He d. intestate, 1735. His widow Priscilla was appointed adm'x., Feb. 4, 1734-5. [Suff. Prob. 32 : 39.] She m. as second husband Joseph Ford, about 1739. Her third husband was William Spear, 1781. She d. abt. 1795. The children of Elijah and Priscilla Hayden were — 110. Elijah,' b. March 22, 1733 ; ra. Mary Faxon. They settled iu Boston, and had Elijah,^ Mary,^ Lot,^ Elihu,' James,' Esther.' 111. tEnoch,' b. March 24, 1734 ; m. Amy Thayer. 76. RICHARD HAYDEN,* son of Samuel' and Priscilla, b. Jan. 22, 1720-1 ; m. Mart . Their children were — 112. Amiuadab,' b. Aug. 26, 1746; m. Susanna Thayer.' (Thater, 193.1 She d. previous to Jan., 1780. They had Samuel,' and Thomas.' Sam'l Hayden,' b. about 1778, m. Silence Hollis, dau. of Thomas Hollis of Braintree. [Holbrook, 136.] They were the parents of Louisa,' who m. James Bliss of Boston. Samuel Hayden' was a mason ; lived in Boston many years. 113. Cozbi,' b. Nov. 26, 1749. 114. Asenath,' b. Nov. 1, 1751. 115, Ziba,' [Zebah], b Jan. 22, 1754. 116. Cyrus,' b. June 13, 1756. Ill: Mdly,' } twins, b. Aug. 28, 1759. 119. Lewis,' b. Feb. 6, 176.3. * Samuel and Jonathan Hayden probably died or moved away before 1763, leaving Clement, a younger son, to be admr. that year on their fathei Samuel Hayden's estate. THE HAYDEN FAMILY. 61 87. ROBERT HAYDEN,* Esq., son of Benjamin and Eliz., b. Jan. 7, 1735-6; m. Elizabeth (Allen) French,' widow of Samuel French,* [French, 63,] and dau. of Dea. Thomas Allen.* [Allen, 72.] . He and his wife were mem bers of the church (now Dr. Storrs' in Braintree.) He was a Justice of the Peace, and a most worthy man. He d. 1822, a. 87. His wife d. 1820, a. 78. Their children were — 120. Mary,' b. March 21, 1765 ; m. Elijah Hayward of Bridgewater. 121. Susanna,' b. May 3, 1767; m. Maj. Elisha French,' May 16, 1794. She d. Aug. 12, 1818. [French, 91.] 122. Robert,' b. Jan. 29, 1769; m. Huldah Cleveriy, who d. June 26, 1851, a. 76. Robert Hayden d. Sept. 28, 1853, a. 85. His son Charles Denton,' b. March 7, 1805, m. Rebecca T. Arnold.' His dau. Sarah Capron,' b. , 1811, ra. Barnabas F. Arnold.'' 123. Charies,' b. Sept. 19, 1770; m. Nancy Williams, dau. of Rev. Siraeon Williams of South Weymouth. Lived in Easton. 124. Priscilla,' b. July 10, 1772; m. Thomas HoUis, son of Capt. Thomas Hollis. [Holbrook, 132.] She d. May, 1855. 125. Samuel,' b. Dec. 2, 1774 ; m. 1, Nov. 13, 1800, Sarah Denton, b. April 7, 1783, dau. of Ebenezer Denton, sister of William Denton of Boston. She d. Nov. 2, 1811. 2, Rachel Hollis, dau. of Capt. Thomas Hollis. [Holbrook, 135.] By his first wife, he had Samuel Denton,' who m. Mehitable French,' b. June 22, 1806, dau. of Asa and Mehitable (Hollis) French. [French, 85.] 126. Thomas Allen,' b. Feb. 10, 1777 ; m. Mehitable Allen,' dau. of Capt. Joseph.' [Allen, 96.] Their dau. Elizabeth F.,' m. Barnabas F. Ar nold.' 127. Mehitable,' b. July 1, 1779 ; m. John Hobart,' June 26, 1806. 128. Josiah,' b. May 31, 1781 ; ra. 1, Eliza Stonehouse Evens. She was drowned iu a vessel that was wrecked in 1807, on her passage to Port land, where they then resided, a. 21. She had an infant with her who shared the same' fate. 2, Dorcas Tobey of Portland. She d. Nov. 26, 1854, a. 65. For a time lived in Boston ; also iu Portland. He d. Sept. 1, 1856, a,. 75. By second wife had — 129. Josiah Evans.' 130. Mary Eliza,' m. Charles Stuart Evans. They live in Boston. FIFTH GENERATION. 98. ZEBAH HAYDEN,' son of Major Benjamin* and Mary, b. about 1750 ; m. Sarah Allen,' b. Aug. 20, 1750, dau. of Dea. Thomas* and Mary Allen. [Allen, 75.] He d. in the summer of 1784, as would appear from the appoint ment of Capt. John Vinton, Aug. 17, 1784, to be adm'r on his estate. It is said in the Probate Record that the deceased left a widow and four children; but we afterwards find five ; whence it appears that a chUd was born after the father's death. Children — 131. Sarah,' b. about 1772. 132. Abigail,' b. abt. 1774. 133. Zebah,' b. abt. 1777 ; m. Sarah Oliver, eldest dau. of Rev. Daniel Oliver. Her sister Elizabeth m. Thomas Vinton.' [Vinton, 234.] 134. Asa,' b. abt. 1780. 135. Persia,' [Persis] b. , 1784. Caleb French,' [French, 78,] was appointed guardian to all this family of children, Aug. II, 1789. [Suff. Prob., 88 : 175. 111. ENOCH HAYDEN,' son of Elijah and Priscilla, b. March 24, 1734 ; m. about 1755, Amt Thater. They both united with the church in Middle 62 GENEALOGICAL SKETCHES. Precinct, 1756. He was a sergeant in Capt. Vinton's company of Volunteers, 1775. "Their children were — 136. Enoch,' b. Feb, 23, 1756. Lost his sight by small pox, and wag blind many years ; unm. Died 1831. 137. Priscilla,' b. April 27, 1757. , 138. Caleb,' b. May 15, 1759 ; m. Bathsheba Howard. Lived in Quincy, after wards iu Chelmsford. Their eldest son, Elijah,'' was the father of Elbridge G.' who m. Elizabeth Holbrook.' 139. Amy,' b. Feb. 19, 1761. 140. Nathaniel,' b. July 11, 1763 ; m. Alice Peakes. Settled at South Boston. 141. Elijah,' b. . 142. Abel,' b. ; m. Lydia Niles. Settled at Quincy. 143. Elisha,' b. ; m. Rebecca Finney. e ^dbrook Jfamilg. We had prepared a sketch of this Family, from original sources, some time previous to the appearance of Rev. Abner Morse's account of the Holbrooks, in his " Genealogical Register of the Descendants of the Early Planters of Sherborn, Holliston, and Medway." We have availed ourselves of his labors to render the following sketch more complete ; have corrected a few errors into which he had fallen, and made further additions. Mr. Morse, who is a descendant of this .family, derives all the Holbrooks of this country from one stock. He finds Thomas Holbrooke' in Weymouth in 1640, and thinks he had a brother John,' who came over with him. The evi dence is wholly circumstantial and presumptive, resting mainly on similarity of nanies. The descendants of this supposed John' early removed from Wey mouth to Dorchester, Roxbury, and Sherborn. They are now found in re moter parts of New England. All the Holbrooks, with which this volume has any concern, are derived from Thomas Holbrook.' FIRST GENERATION. THOMAS HOLBROOKE'— for such was the primitive spelling— came from England with his fainily, and settled in the northern part of Weymouth, on the tide-water, a locality which has long borne the name of " Old Spain." His name is first found in 1640, immediately afler the earliest preserved records begin. But he could not then be a new coiner. There is reason to think that he was one of the company who arrived in 1624, with Mr. Barnard as their minister, from Weymouth in Dorsetshire ; and gave this name to the place pre viously known as Wessagusset. These colonists " were," says Prince, " an other sort of people than the former;" by the former, he means Weston's people who were there before them. They probably had a church embodied before they came, as the records speik of a new organization, Jan. 30, 1638. Mr. Barnard continued to preach in Weymouth about eleven years. That town was incorporated Sept. 2, 1635. Rev. Samuel Newman, educated at Oxford, came to New England in 1639, and settled that year in Weymouth. He, and a majority of his church, removed from Weymouth to Rehoboth in 1643. Among the names of the first proprie tors of Rehoboth, we find those of Thomas and John Holbrook ; also of Ephraim Hunt. For some reason, now unknown, they did not remove ; but forfeited their lots by not taking possession of them, as appears by the following extract from Rehoboth Records : '' The lO"" of the 11"> mo. 1644, [answering to Jan. 10, 1644-5] at a meeting of the townsmen [selectmen] it was agreed that all those THE HOLBROOK FAMILY. 63 that are underwritten have forfeited their lots for not fencing, or not removing their families, according to a former order made 24"> 8'" mo. '[Oct.] 1643 ; therefore we do enter upon them, for and in behalf of the town, to be disposed of as the town shall think meet." Among the eighteen names which follow, are those of Thomas Holbrook, John Holbrook, and Ephraim Hunt. [Bliss's History of Rehoboth, pp. 29, 30. Thomas Holbrook was a man of some note ; as appears from his being chosen "townsman" [nearly equivalent to selectman] in 1641, '45, '46, '51, '52, '54. His will is dated Dec. 31, 1668; proved, April 24, 1677; recorded, Suff. Prob., 6:201. He calls himself " of Weymouth ;" mentions his wife Jane, eldest son John, other sons Thomas and William, daughters Anne Rennolds, Elizabeth Hatch, and Jane Drake. Of his grandchildren, John, the eldest, has his sword, Peter his gun, William his musket. Son John is appointed Execu tor. Rebecca Burrell, Thomas White, and William Chard are witnesses. William Chard was town-clerk of Weymouth many years, and schoolmaster. His name is attached, as witness, to many legal writings. The children of Thomas Holbrook were — 2. tJohn," b. 1617; m. 1, Sarah ; 2, Elizabeth ; 3, Wid. Mary Loring. 3. tThoraas," b. ; m. Joanna . 4. tWilliam," b. ; ra. Elizabeth Pitts. 5. Anne," ra. Reynolds. 6. Elizabeth," ra. 1650, Walter Hatch, son of William Hatch of Scituate. They have posterity in Marshfield. 7. Jane," m. Drake ; perhaps Joseph Drake. SECOND GENERATION. 2. Capt. JOHN HOLBROOK," son of Thomas'; born in England, 1617; "died Nov. 23, 1699, aged about 82 years." [Grave-stone.] He had three wives: 1, Sarah , [French.'] who d. Jan. 14, 1643-4. 2, Elizabeth , dau. of widow Elizabeth Stream, who was second wife of John Otis of Weymouth. She d. June 25, 1688, a. 64. 3, Widow Mart Loring, He resided at " Old Spain," in the north part of Weymouth. His purpose of removing to Rehoboth, in 1643, was not carried into effect, for some reason now unknown. [See preceding paragraph.] He was freeman 1640, at the age of 23; selectman, 1648, at the age of 31 ; representative, 1651, '64, '69, '71, '72, '73. He was an active officer in " Philip's War." He arrived at Concord, June 22, 1676, with a company of thirty men from Old Norfolk, a county then embracing the territory north of the Merrimack, most of which was afterwards wrested from Massachusetts and. given to New Hampshire. His wUl is dated July 12, 1699 j proved Dec. 14, 1699; recorded Suff. Prob., 14: HI. It is very long, and disposes of much property, chiefly real estate. From this document, it is very evident that he was a man of much wealth for those days. He speaks of having houses and lands, not only in Weymouth, but also in Scituate, " in Brantrey, adjoining Weymouth line ;"* also a house in Boston. He makes many bequests in money. He gives legacies to a large number of his descendants. His wife Mary has £50. His son John, who has a wife Abigail, and six daus. and a son John, grandson of the testator. Speaks of his son Samuel as deceased ; but bestows handsome legacies on his " daughter-in-law, Lydia Holbrook, widow of my son Samuel, for bringing up the children of my said son Samuel." These children, were three daughters, Elizabeth, Mary, Sarah, and four sons, Samuel, John, Joseph, and Abia, all * Capt. John Holbrook owned the eastern part (perhaps 600 acres) of the tract of 3000 acres of land in Braintree, granted b^' the town of Boston, Jan. 1644, to the " Company of Undertakers for the Iron W(>rks;" and taken for debt by Capt. Thomas Savage of Boston on execution, in 1653. The remainder was sold in 1682 to John Hubbard. 64 GENEALOGICAL SKETCHES. minors, and grandchildren of the testator. Mentions his gr. dau. Elizabeth, wife of James Smith, and a gr. dau. Abigail Porter; who, being introduced in connection with his son John, were evidently that son's daughters. He speaks of land that was formerly his father Thomas Holbrook's. Sonin-law, Simon Whitmarsh; gr. son Simon Whitmarsh; and, (in immediate connection) gr. daus. Ruth Darby and Mary Jackson. Daughter Hannah Pierce ; gr. son Azrikam Pierce ; Ephraim Pierce, Jr., [also grandson of the testator, the name immediately following Azrikam, and having the same legacy, fifteen pounds ;] gr. dau. Rachel Peck, [in this connection we take her to be sister to Eph. and Azrikam Pierce.] Grandson Joseph Nash ; gr. dau. Elizabeth Nash ; [their parents being dead are not mentioned.] Grandsons Benjamin Ludden, John Ludden, Joseph Ludden, all minors; gr. son James Ludden, who was also gr. son of James Ludden; gr. dau. Eunice Ludden, under eighteen years of age. Grandsons Joseph Edson Josiah Edson, gr. dau. Experience Edson, all minors. Gives the homestead to his son Ichabod Holbrook, who has a wife Sarah, and children Abiezer, David, and Elisha. [The children and grand-chddren are thus all provided for, and in their order.] He calls Stephen French his brother. Gives his friend Ephraim Hunt,* Esq., who is one of the Executors. £5; the other two Executors being the testator's sons John and Ichabod. The wit nesses were John Pratt, Ephraim Burrell, Joseph Drake. The last-named might be the husband of his sister Jane. [7.] ¦The children of Capt. John Holbrook were — 8. tJohn,3 ra. Abigail Pierce. * ENOCH HUNT' was of Titenden, in the parish of Lee, about two miles from Wen dover, in Buckinghamshire, 35 miles W. N. W. from London. He and his eldest son Ephraim Hunt,^ blacksmith, came to New England, and settled in Weymouth. Knoch Hunt' soon returned to England ; but his son Ephraim" remained in Weymouth ; married, and had several sons ; d. Feb. 1687, or about that lime. His eldest son, Thomas Hunt,^ blacksmith, was of Boston, 1682 and 1688, The facts just stated are testified to in a deposition by Jonas Humphrey, a. 68, and Robert Randall, a. 80, of Weymouth, sworn to before E. Andres, June 2, 1688. They say that they themselves lived some time in Wendover, County of Bucks, England, and were acquainted there wiih Enoch Hunt,' and his son Fpbraim," and had known Thomas.^ son of the latter, from his childhood. [Jonas Humphrey* caine to Dorchester about 1633, with his elder brother James,2 b. in England, 1608, and their father JONAS.' Jonas' was a tanner ; had been constable in Wendover, England ; freeman, 1640 James* continued in Dorchester; Jonas* came to Weymouth. [Geneal. Reg , Oct. 1854; also, Oct. 1851, Ebbet Hunt, widow of Ephraim Hunt,* black>milh, of Weymouth, deceased, made her will April 23, 1708; proved Jan. 2, 1711-12; recorded Suff. Prob , 17 : 363, Mentions son William Hunt of Martha's Vineyard, son Joseph of Milton, (with whom she had lived many years past.) his sons Joseph and Alexander Hunt, his daus. Margaret, Martha, and Jane; also her grandson William, son of William. Ephraim Hunt,^ son of Ephraim,' m. Joanna Alcock.^ dau. nf Dr. John Alcock* of Rox bury, (H. C, 1646 ; d. 1667, a. 42,) who was son of GEORGE ALCOCK,' freeman, May 16, 1631. Ephraim Hunt,3 Jr., carpenter, and Joanna, his wife, were of Weymouth, and sold land in that town, Jan, 25, 1683-4. [Suff. Deeds, 13 : 303.1 He was also of ihat place till his death in 1713, as appears by sundry deeds on record. An adjustment of differences respecting " common, waste, and undivided lands in Brainlree," was made Feb. 1, 1708-9, between a committee of the town of Boston, and Ephraim Hunt, Esq., John Wilson, Esq. and John Baxter, a committee in behalf of Ihe town of Braintree. Tu explain this, we state that Ephraim Hunt, though a resident in Weymouth, had purchased some of the '¦ Boston Common Lands," in the eastern and southern part of the present town of Braintree, and the controversy may have been respecting boundaries. His land, which we afterwards find in the possession of his sons William,^ and F.benezer,^ and grandson Enoch,^ bounded on that afierwards owned by Thomas Vinton.' It was south and east of Ihe estate owned by Thomas White.* and which he left lo his sons Thomas,^ Samuel,' and Joseph ' Ephraim Hum' was a caplain in the ill-starred expedition to Canada in 1690 For 'his services in that expedition, the territory now comprised in Ashfield, Franklin County, was f ranted to him, and conveyed to his heirs in 1736 , settled by a few families, 1742 ; incorp, 764; previously called Hvntstoum. He was a colonel in 1706, and was employed at Groton and vicinity in the war against the Indians, 1706-7, Col. Ephraim Hunt d. intestate, 1713, leaving widow Joanna, and eldest son Samuel,* and sons John,< William,* Ebenezer,* Thomas,* Peter,* and Ephraim*; also, daus. Elizabeth,* Sarah,* and Mercy.* His dau. Joanna had been married and died ; her husband's name not THE HOLBROOK FAMILY. 65 9. A daughter,' m. Simon Whitmarsh. She d. before 1699. Her children were Simon; Ruth, m. Darby; Mary, m. Edmund Jackson of Abington. 10. Abiezer,3 d. 1672 ; prob. uum. ; inventory of his estate, Dec. 17, 1672 ; his father administrator. 11. Hannah,3 m. Ephraim Pierce, son of Capt. Michael Pierce, who fell at Re hoboth. Children, Azrikam, Ephraim ; Rachel, m. Peck. 12. Grace,3 m. Joseph Nash, mariner, of Boston. He was of Boston, June, 1687, when he gave a deed of land. He and his wife d. before 1699. They had Joseph, who was of Scituate, Jan. 7, 1698-9, when he sold to John Souther of Boston, part of a dwelling-house iu Boston, near North Battery. At that time he had a sister Elizaheth Nash of Weymouth ; and seems to have had a brother John of Boston. [Suff. Deeds, 24 : 47-49. 13. tSamuel,' b. perhaps about 1654; m. 1, Mary ; 2, Lydia . 14. Lois,' j twins, b. ) prob. d. young. 15. Eunice,' ( May 12, 1658, ) m. Benjamin Ludden, son of James Ludden. Children, Eunice, Benjamin, John, James, Joseph.* 16. Experience,' b. May 23, 1661 ; m. Joseph Edson, son of Dea. Samuel Edson of Bridgewater. Children, Joseph, Josiah, b. 1682, Experience. Mrs. Ed son, d. 1685. [See Mitchell's History of Bridgewater. 17. tichabod,' b. May 20, 1662 ; m. Sarah Turner,' dau. of Johu^ of Scituate. 3. THOMAS HOLBRGOK,2,son of Thomas Holbrook,' b. in England, prob. about 1620, m. Joanna . According to Mr. Morse, he resided suc cessively at Scituate, Weymouth, and Braintree ; bought land in Braintree, 1653, 1662, 1663 ; and last resided near the house occupied for fitly years or more by the late Minot Thayer, Esq. in East Braintree, north of Monatiquot River, and near Weymouth landing. He was a man of property ; but not in the same degree as his brother John. He d. July 22, 1697. In his will, dated July 25, 1695 ; proved, A'lag. 19, 1697 ; recorded, Suif. Prob., II : 326, he calls himself " of Brantrey ;" mentions wife Jone [Joanna,] eldest son Thomas, son Peter, daughters Mary Coleborne, and Susanna Willet, and son-in-law Uriah Clark; gives his son Peter "all that estate of lands and meadows in Mendon, formerly purchased of my brother William Holbrook." Appoints his friend, Nathaniel Wales of Braintry [Faxon, 7] and his cousin [nephew] Samuel appearing. His real esiate was appraised at £2298, March 1, 1719, the currency being then almost fifty per cent, discount. [Suff. Prob., 21 ; 328. His son, Lieut. John Hunt* of Braintree, m. Rebecca Allen, Dec. 14, 1727. [Allen, 23.] Will dated Nov. 6, 1761 ; proved Jan 1, 1762. Mentions wife Rebecca, children, Samuel, George, John, Andrew, and Rebecca. [Suff. Prob , 60 : 1. His son. Col. William Hunt* of Braintree. m. Sarah Holbrook.* [47.] His son Capt. Ebenezer* of Weymouth, m. (2d wife,) Bethiah Adams, April 28, 1737. [Adams, 34.] His will, dated Sept. 26, 1761 ; proved Oct. 30, 1761; recorded, Suff. Prob., 59: 185; mentions wife Bethiah, sons Micah, Enoch, Samuel, Ebenezer, Eber, dau. Mary Holbrook, gr. dau. Lucramah Silvester, dau. Ruth Bates, dau. Bethiah Hunt. His son, Peter Hunt* o( Weymouth, d. 1759. Will dated March 10, 1756 ; proved, July 5, 1759, meniions wife Abigail, and only dau. Abigail Beals ; gives nearly all his property to his wife. [Suff Prob., 54 : 266 His youngest son, Ephraim,* a, 19, chose his brother John of Braintree, yeoman, guar dian, Oct. 24, 1726. [Suff Prob., 25 : 54.] He m, Ruth Allen,* June 2, 1729. [Allen, 38.] * Benjamin Ludden d. in the summer or autumn of 1690 ; a soldier in that ill-faled expe dition lo Canada, under command of Sir William Phipps. His will is dated July 15, 1690 ; proved Jan. 28, 1690-1 ; recorded Suff, Prob., 8 : 27, The following extract from it may show the spirit of those times. " Being called fourth," he says, •' as a souldier in this time of great distress for to fio;hl the Lord's Battells against the bloody enemies of the church and people of God in New England, namely, those Antichristian and bloudy ffrench, together with their bloody martherous and salvage Indians ; and considering whether I may Return again with my life to see my parents, wife, and relations, commiting my soul lo God that gave it, through the precious blood of Jesus Christ my Redeemer, and my Body to the dust from whence it came, Hopeing that both soul and Body shall be raysed up by the power of my dear Redeemer, and m^et together at the day of Resurrection, where I shall Enjoy the blessed presence of Jesus Christ, saints and angels, and that to all JBtemity," &.c. 66 GENEALOGICAL SKETCHES. Holbrook [13] of Weymouth, Executors. March 26, 1696, Samuel Holbrook having deceased, he requests Joseph Allen of Braintry to act in his stead. [Allen, 7.] John Holbrook, Samuel Allen, Joseph Allen, witnesses. His children were — 18. tThomas,' b. ; m. 1, Deborah Damon.2 2, Mary White.' 19. Mary,' b. ; m. Colburn, perhaps Joseph Colbnrn of Dedham, whose will, dated April 17, 1718, mentions wife Mary. [Suff. Prob., 21 : 20. 20. John,' b. at Braintree, Oct. 15, 1653 ; unm. ; d. Dec. 25, 1678. 21. tPeter,' b. at Braintree, Aug. 5, 1655; m. 1, Alice ; 2, Elizabeth Pool. 22. Joanna,' b. at Braintree, Oct. 30, 1656; prob. m. Uriah Clark, and d. bef. 1695, 23. Joseph,' b. at Braintree, April 10, 1660 ; d. young. 24. Susanna,' b. ; m. Andrew Willett of Boston, Mar. 6, 1693-4. 4. Capt. WILLIAM HOLBROOK,* son of Thomas,' b. ; m. previous to 1655, Elizabeth Pitts, who d. his widow in Scituate, 1701.* He was freeman 1647 ; of Weymouth 1655-1662, and probably most, or all, of his previous life. In 1660, he bought land in Conihasset [Cohasset] then part of Scituate, but did not settle upon it. He had an allotment of land in Mendon, 1662, and must have settled there that year or the next.| Was doubtless there till " Philip's War," 1675, when Mendon was destroyed by the savages. He then returned to Weymouth ; sold his land in Mendon to his brother Thomas and nephew Peter ; and afterwards resided at Scituate. He was Captain and Deacon. He died 1699. His children were — 25. William,' b. at Weymouth, Jan. 20, 1657-8 ; m. Margaret Fairbank at Sher born. He d. at Mendon, 1714, a. 56. His Will, dated Nov. 15, 1714 ; proved Dec. 16 following; reed. Suff. Prob., 18 : 204; gives his Negro man. Prince, to the testator's wife, for four years, but at the end of four years he is to be free. Negro maid, Moll, and some other chattels, " kine," &c., are to be sold and converted into money. In the Inventory, Moll is valued at £35, about 86 silver dollars. Eour years' service of Prince are valued at £20, about 50 dollars. He was wealthy, and hav ing no children, he left most of his property to his nephew William,* only son of his brother Cornelius. 26. Cornelius,' b. at Weymouth, Nov. 19, 1662; m. 1, Margery . 2, Expe rience . Settled at South Weymouth ; d. 1742, a. 80. Had seven daughters, and one son, 27. William,* who has a numerous posterity in Weymouth, Abington, &c. 28. Samuel,' b. at Mendon ; d. 1719. 29. John,'b. at Mendon; d. 1721. 30. Millicent,' b. ; m. 1, Sprague. 2, Peck. 31. Persis,' b. ; m. John Earrow of Hingham, 1696. 32. Experience,' b. ; m. 1, Albee. 2, Hyde. THIRD GENERATION. 8. JOHN HOLBROOK,' eldest son of Capt. John Holbrook,^ of Weymouth, m. Abigail Pierce, dau. of the brave Capt. Michael Pierce, who fell at Reho- both,§ very near Pawtucket Falls, in a desperate battle with the Indians, on Sunday, March 26, 1676. He settled in Scituate, on a farm bequeathed to him by his father. His chddren were — * William Holbrook of Weymouth was, in 1655, administrator of the estate of Elizabeth Pitts, whom he calls " mother," and for the expense of whose sickness he charges in his ac count. Dr. John Alcock of Roxbury attended her. X Several other families from Brainlree and Weymouth, settled in Mendon at thai lime. % See Bliss's History of Rehoboth, THE HOLBROOK FAMILY. 67 33. Thomas,* b. iu Weymouth, Jan. 15, 1671-2 ; d. before 1699. 34. Elizabeth,* b. in Scituate, Eeb 2, 1672-3 ; m. James Smith. 35. Abigail,* b. in Scituate, May 11, 1675 ; m. Porter. 36. Experience,* b. Eeb. 22, 1677. 37. Hannah,* b. Jan. 11, 1678-9 ; m. 1700, Josiah Turner' of Scituate, son of Thomas,* and gr. son of HUMPHREY.i 38. Sarah,* b. July 11, 1680. 39. Deborah,* b. Aug. 22, 1683 ; m. 1703-4, Joseph Briggs of Scituate. [Dean's Scituate. 40. John,* b. Nov. 19, 1686 ; m. Sarah Chittenden, May 3, 1709. They had ten children, of whom Johnf the eldest, removed to Maine, and most of the others settled at Eastham and Wellfleet. All, save Thomas, were living in 1699. 13. SAMUEL HOLBROOK,' son of Capt. John Holbrook,* of Weymouth; b. there probably about 1654 ; m. I, Mary . 2, LvniA . He lived in Weymouth ; admitted freeman Oct. 12, 1681 ; was a " house- wright," also a " husbandman." He d. intestate, in 1695, between July 25, the date of his uncle Thomas' Will, of which he was appointed Executor, and Oct. 3, when an Inventory of his own estate was taken. [Sutf. Prob., II : 168, 326.] His widow Lydia was administratrix. His real estate was divided July 11, 1711. WUliam Pratt, Ephraim Burrell, and Thomas White, being ap praisers. His widow Lydia m. Jan. 27, 1704-5, Dea. Joseph Allen of Braintree, [Al len, 7,] and d. 1745. Her Will is dated April 2, 1745, and proved 11th June following. [Suif. Prob. 37 : 267. We suppose that Samuel Holbrook was twice married ; and that by his first wife Mary, he had Persis, b. Oct. 11, 1675. Such a birth appears on Wey mouth records, and there is no account of another Samuel, who could be the father. His admission as freeman 1681, indicates full maturity at that time. We have no reason to suppose him much younger than Dea. Joseph Allen, who m. his widow, though she may have been considerably younger than either. The children of Samuel and Lydia Holbrook were — 41. Elizabeth,* b. Sept. 30, 1684; m. about 1708, Elkanah Wales* of Braintree. [Faxon, 26.] He and his wife were church members, 1715. He was Captain, and Deacon of Second Church in Braintree. 42. Mary,* b. Nov. 18, 1686 ; d. after 1699, date of gr. father's Will, and before 1711, date of settlement of father's estate. 43. Samuel,* b. Eeb. 19, 1688-9 ; m. Aug. 1710, Hannah Adams,* [Adams, 37.] Settled in Boston; cordwainer; d. intestate 1721. Had 44, Samuel,^ and 45, Joseph,^ who were probably unmarried. 46. tJohn,* b. April 29, 1690; m. Sarah . 47. Sarah,* b. probably 1692 ; m. 1713, Col. William Hunt,* son of Col. Ephraim Hunt,' of Weymouth. He and his wife were admitted to church in Middle Precinct, Braintree, 1715 ; of which church he was chosen Dea con, Oct. 13, 1742. He lived in Bast Braintree, a Uttle east perhaps of where Caleb Stetson now lives. He owned land on both sides of the " Country Road." Thomas Vinton's land bounded his ou the West. He was a man of great respectability ; Colonel of the Regiment, &c. Was living 1756. , His dau. Mjr!/,^ m. 1, Thomas Allen. [Allen, 46.] 2, Thomas Vinton. [Vinton, 30.] 3, Hobart Clark; and d. 1789. 48. Joseph,* b. June 26, 1694 ; d. after 1699, and before 1711. See [42.] 49, Abiah,* b, 1695 ; m. Mary Settled in Boston, where he had half a house given him by his gr. father. Had 50, John,' b. Jan. 30, 1724-5 ; also 51, Abiah i^ 52, Elisha;' 53, Samnel;^ 54, Mary;' 55, Elizabeth;' m. Eeb. 1759, John Adams, Jr.. of Boston. 55i. Hannah,* b. ; m. ^ Dyer. She is mentioned by her mother, Mrs. Lydia Allen, (formerly wife of Samuel Holbrook^) iu her will; see [Allen, 7 :] which is all we know of her. She may possibly have been the oldest of this family. 68 GENEALOGICAL SKETCHES. 17. ICHABOD HOLBROOK,' son of Capt. John Holbrook^ of Weymouth, b. May 20, 1662; m. Harah Turner, b July 25, 166.5, dau. of Johtf and Ann James) Turner of Scituite, and gr. dau. of HUMPHREY TURNER,^ also of Scituate, the original emigrant. He inherited the homestead of his father, at Old Spain, in Weymouth. She d. a widow, Dec. 20, 1739. Their children were — - 56. Abiezer,* b. May 7, 1689; m. April 23, 1715, Euth Vinson of Weymouth, who d. Oct. 8, 1751. They had nine children. He d. Feb. 17, 1761. 57. tDavid,* b. Sept, 1690; m, 1716, Mary Pittee of Braintree. 58. Sarah,* b. Jan. 13, 1694; d. Oct. 10, 1725. [Boston. 59. Elisha,* b. about 1697. Was to have half his gr. father's house and land in 60. John,* b. Nov. 28, 1699; m. Jan. 6, 1725-6, Sarah Hunt of Braintree, (sup posed) dau, of Col. Ephraim' of Weymouth. He was a deacon in Wey mouth. They had 61, John,' b. 1730;* 62, Jirah,' b. 1737 ; 63, Nathaniel,' b. 1741 ; who had families; besides daughters. 18. THOMAS HOLBROOK,' eldest son of Thomas^ and Joanna of Braintree, b. about 1646 ; m. 1, 1666, Deborah Damon,^ b. 1645, dau. of JOHN DAMON> of Scituate, who settled there before 1633; was a soldier in "Philip's War," and d. 1677. [Deane's Scituate] 2, Mart White,' dau. of Thomas^ and Mary (Pratt) White of Braintree. She was probably twenty-five years younger than himself, which may account for his having chddren so late in life. He seems to have inherited the homestead in Braintree ; which was on the north side of Monatiquot River, near the tide- water; which he left to his eldest son Thomas,* and which after the death of Thomas,* came into the possession of the Thayer famdy. He " d. the aged, and was buried Dec. 20, 1728." His widow Mary " was buried, Feb. 14, 1737-8." His Will is dated Oct. 16, 1728; proved Jan. 9, 1728-9; recorded Suff. Prob., 27 : 8. He speaks of himself as " now aged and weak ; " mentions wife Mary, son Thomas, daughters Hannah Holbrook, and Mary Copeland, and grandson Seth Copeland ; and appoints wife Mary executrix. There can be no doubt that the chddren, just mentioned, were the chddren of the Thomas Holbrook,' whose name stands at the head of this paragraph. Mr. Morse, however, presuming that they could not be the chddren of a man so far ad vanced in life, makes them his grandchildren, and interpolates a Thomas Hol brook* as their father. The chddren, below named, appear, notwithstanding, on Braintree records, as the children of Thomas and Mary Holbrook ; and the Will decides that they were the children of Thomas,' though he was old enough to be their grandfather. Children — 64. Thomas,* b. March 13, 1692-3; m. 1718, Ruth Ford of Weymouth. They had. Sirah,' bap. Oct. 1738. Thomas* was a "yeoman;" admitted to Second Church in Braintree, March 26, 1721 ; was possessor of land on the north side of Monatiquot River, 1737 ; [Suff. Deeds, 54 : 121,] d. intestate 1763. "Ebenezer Thayer, Jr., of Braintree, Gent.," [Thater, 178,] being appointed administrator, March 18, 1763, with Silas Hunt and Elisha Niles as sureties. [Suff. Prob,, 61 : 230,] Soon after, this property, which was probably incumbered, by some means came into the possession of the Thayer faraily, Minot Thayer, Esq., was yolingest son of the administrator last mentioned ; he owned the estate ; erected * John Holbrook,5 b. June 7, 1730 ; m. Sybil Lane of Hingham, 1760. They had John,« b. July 10, 1761, of Brattleboro', Vt., long and extensively engaged there in the publication and sale of books ; by wife Sally Knowlton of Newfane, (m,'Nov. 30, 1786.) he had Rev. John Calvin Holbrook,' b. Jan. 7, 1808, formerly of the Krm of Richardson, Lord & Hol brook, booksellers and publisher.?, Boston ; ord pastor, 1843, in Dubuque, Iowa, where he has labored with distinguished reputation and success to the present lime, except two vears, 1854-5 in Chicago. • f j , THE HOLBROOK FAMILY. 69 a three-story house upon it ; resided there nearly or quite half a century ; and died there Deo. 14, 1856. 65. Mary,* b. Oct. 20, 1700 ; m. Dec. 12, 1722, Seth Copeland,' b. Jan. 22, 1698, son of John,2 and Euth Copeland, and grandson of LAWEENCEi and Lydia, all of Braintree.* Seth Copeland,* son of Seth and Mary, was b. June 19, 1723. The second wife of Seth Copeland,' was Abigail White,* b. Feb, 23, 1706-7. [White, 46,] 66. Hannah,* b. Nov. 20, 1702; m. Nov. 18,1731, Nathaniel Belcher of Braintree. 67. Susanna,* b. ; d. Feb. 23, 1712-13. 68. Samuel,* b. April 29, 1711 ; probably buried Sept. 2, 1728. 69. Abigail,* b. Sept. 8, 1715; d. young. So far as appears from records, the male line of this branch of the family soon became extinct. 21. Dea. PETER HOLBROOK,' son of Thomas^ and Joanna Holbrook of Braintree; b. there Aug. 7, 1655; m. I, Alice , who d. April 29, 1705. 2, Elizabeth Pool, who, after his decease, ra. Robert Ware of Wrentham, and d. 1724. He lived in Mendon, and d. there in 1712, a. 57. In his will, dated Jan. 16, 1711-12 ; proved May 29, 1712 ; recorded Suff. Prob., 17 : 464, he speaks of his wife, without giving hor name ; also of eldest son, John, sons Peter, Jo seph, Silvanus, Richard, Eliphalet, William, Samuel, of whom the last four were under age ; also of daus. Joanna and Mary. The testator says that his father left him land in Braintry ; and his uncle William, deceased, sold him land in Mendon. All the sons, above enumerated, resided in Mendon, and in Bellingham, which was taken from Mendon. All had families, and from them have sprung a numerous posterity in that vicinity and elsewhere. [See Mr. Morse's book, already referred to. 70. John Holbrook,* eldest son of Dea. Peter,' had Luke,^ b. March 20, 1724, who was father of Dr. Amos Holbrook,^ an eminent physician of Mil ton, (d. June 17, 1842, a. 88,) whose dau. Clarissa,' m. Dr. Henry Gard ner, who by her had Henkt Joseph Gardner, b. at Dorchester, June 14, 1818, a merchant of Boston, and since Jan. 1855, Governor of Massachusetts, FOURTH GENERATION. 46. Dea. JOHN HOLBROOK,* son of Samuel' and Lydia, b. in Weymouth, April 29, 1690 ; m. Sarah . He settled in Braintree; was admitted with his wife to full communion with the Second Church in that town, 1715 ; of which he was chosen deacon, Oct. 13, 1742, at the same time with his brother- in-law. Col. William Hunt, [47.] He served in that office with " good accept ance " nearly twenty years. He was selectman 1731, 1736, and probably afterwards. " Died Jan. 28, 1762, in his 72d year." His will is dated Feb. 24, 1761 ; proved Aprd 12, 1762 ; recorded Suff. Prob., 60 : 133. His widow Sarah, and sons John and Samuel, were appointed executors. Estate ap praised at £131. His chddren were — 71. tJohn,5 b. Dec. 20, 1715 ; m. Mary Hunt,5 June 7, 1741. 72. Sarah,5 b, Oct, 5, 1718; d. May 5, 1720. 73. Samuel,5 b. July 15, 1720 ; d, Aug, 19, 1730, 74. Joseph,5 b. April 14, 1722; d. Aug. 29, 1730. 75. Sarah,5 b. March 4, 1724 ; m. 1744, Josiah White* of Boston. [White, 37.] They both d. 1776, only six weeks apart. Their dau. Abigail,' b. Sept. 14, 1749, m. Maj. Jeremiah Niles.^ [Niles, 49,] 76. Mary,5 b. March 5, 1725-6 ; d. Aug. 11, 1730. * Lawrence Copeland' d. Dec. 30, 1699, a. 100. [Grave stone in Quincj-. 6 70 GENEALOGICAL SKETCHES. 77. Timothy ,5 b. May 12, 1728 ; published to Hannah White, Feb. 1, 1753. Re sided in Lebanon, Ct.; was there at the date of his father's will, 1761. 78. Elizabeth,^ b. July 2, 1730; m. Samuel Ward, 1752. Had Samuel, Sarah, Elizabeth. 79. Samuel.s b, July 4, 1732 ; m, 1, . 2, Elizabeth Niles,5 dau. of Hon. Samuel Niles,* [Niles, 46.] He was captain in the militia, 1776. Some years after, he removed to Lebanon, Ct., where he was a deacon. 80. Mary,5 b. May 28, 1734 ; m. Josiah Lincoln of Hingham. 81. Hannah,5 b. April 11, 1736 ; d. May 15, 1736. 82. Lucy,5 b. Nov. 28, 1739 ; unm. 1761. 57. DAVID HOLBROOK,* son of Ichabod' and Sarah (Turner) Holbrook of Weymouth; b. there, Sept. 1690; m. 1716, Mart Pittee of Braintree, and settled in that town. " The wife of David Holbrook, whde apparently in per fect health, fell suddenly out of her chair, and died without speaking a word, Sept. 24, 1756." [Braintree Church Records. From the fact that his son David was called "jun.," so lately as 1766, it would seem that the father lived till that time. Children — 83. tDavid,5 b. June 26, 1717; m. Mary Hayden.* [Hatden, 89.] 84. tIchabod,5 b, March 12, 1719 ; m. Hannah Hayden.* [Hatden, 91.] 85. tNehemiah,^ b. May 16, 1722 ; m. Christian Thayer.' [Thater, 40.] 86. Mary,' b. Nov. 21, 1726 ; m. Zebah Howard. Resided in Randolph. 87. Ruth,' bap. Dec. 13, 1730 ; m. probably, Tower of Randolph. FIP^TH GENERATION. 71. Dea. JOHN HOLBROOK,' son of Dea. John* and Sarah Holbrook, b. in Braintree, Dec. 20, 1715 ; m. June 7. 1741, Mary Hcnt,5 dau. of Capt. Eben ezer,* and gr. dau. of Col. Ephraim Hunt,' all of Weymouth. He resided in Braintree ; member of Second Church there, 1736 ; his wife, ditto, 1745; chosen deacon of the same, Feb. 8, 1761. Chddren — 88. Joseph,' b. Oct. 30, 1741 ; d. Feb. 22, 1741-2. 89. Hannah,^ b. March 20, 1742 ; m. Urban Bates of Weymouth. 90. tJohn,' b. June 20, 1745 ; m. Anna Wild, Aug. 30, 1766. 91. Betsey,« b. Feb. 15, 1747-8; d. in childhood. 92. Sarah,6 b. , 1749 ; d. unm. 93. Mary,^ b. , 1753 ; m. Capt. James Pratt of Weymouth ; his 2d wife. 83 DAVID HOLBROOK,' son of David** and Mary (Pittee) Holbrook, b. in Braintree, June 26, 1717 ; m. Nov. 19, 1741, Mart Hatden,* b. June 9, 1722, dau. of Ebenezer and Mary, [Hatden, 89.1 They resided in Braintree. He was admitted to the Second Church there, Jan. 2, 1757. He d. March 11, 1782, k. 65. His widow Mary survived him 27 years, and d. March 5, 1809, w. 88. Mr. Morse says this was a second wife, who before her marriage to him was widow Mart Jones. Children — 94. Mary,' b. Dec. 25, 1742; m. Abiezer Packard. 95. Hannah,' b. May 31, 1744 ; m. Shepard. 96. Sarah,' b. Jan. 11, 1746; m. 1765, Maj. Stephen Penniman,' son of James. [Vinton, 29.] 97. tDavid,' b. Feb. 1, 1747-8 ; m. 1791, Mehitable Soper. 98. tLydia,' b. Dec. 21, 1749 ; m. Capt. Thomas Hollis. 99. Jonathan,' b. Nov. 1, 1751 ; m. Esther Hollis. Resided in Braintree ; had only Esther.'' 100. James,' b. Sept. 25, 1753 ; m. 1774, Rhoda Vinton.' [Vinton, 117.] 101. Mehitable,' b. Aug. 12, 1755 ; m. 1777, Capt. Joseph Allen.' [Allen, 76.] THE HOLBROOK FAMILY. 71 102. Ruth,' bap. Oct. 16, 1757 ; d. in infancv. 103. Ruth,', b. Nov. 5, 1759 ; d. unm. 104. Moses,' b. Oct. 29, 1761 ; d. unm. 105. Caleb,' b. Oct. 2, 1764; d. unm. 1790. 84. ICHABOD HOLBROOK,' son of David* and Mary (Pittee) Holbrook, b. in Braintree, March 12, 1719; m. Hannah Hatden,* b. Oct. 8, 1727, sister of his brother David's wife. [Hatden, 91.] He and his wife became members of Second Church in Braintree in 1758. He d. intestate in the winter of 1787-8 ; his son Ichabod being appointed administrator on his estate, March 4, 1788. Chddren — 106. Hannah,' b. Oct. 19, 1746 ; d. in infancy. 107. Ichabod,'b. May 26, 1748; m. Elizabeth Niles,' dau. of Peter.* [Niles, 43.] 108. Ebenezer,' b. March 25, 1750; d. joung. 109. Hannah,' b. Dec. 5, 1751 ; m. 1770, Gideon Stetson.' They resided in Randolph. 110. tThomas,' b. Oct. 7, 1754 ; m. Sarah Tower. HI. Mary,' b. Sept. 24, 1756. 112. Nathaniel,' b. Oct. 7, 1758; m. Ruth Mann,' b. 1756, half sister to Eliza beth Niles, [107] and dau. of Joseph Mann. 113. Abel,' b. Oct. 9, 1761 ; m. Betsey . They had— Calvin,'' m. Susan French.' WiUiam,'' m. Ehoda Stetson.' Mehitable,'' b. May 24, 1802 ; m. John Arnold,' Abel,'' and perhaps others. 1 14. Ebenezer,' b. Oct. 5, 1763 ; m. Elizabeth Hayden, Aug. 20, 1783. Children— Zadok,'' Ebenezer,'' Elizaheth,'' Charlotte,'' Olive.'' 85. NFJIEMIAH HOLBROOK,' son of David and Mary (Pittee) Holbrook, b. in Braintree, May 16, 1722; m. May 10, 1744, Christian Thater,' b. April 12, 1726, dau. of Moses* and Christian (Aspinwall) Thayer. [Thater, 40.] He lived in Braintree ; was a " husbandman ;" and d. intestate, April 4, 1752. His widow m. 1753, John French,* b. Dec. 25, 1714, son of John' and Mary (Vinton) French. [Vinton, 14.1 His second wife. The children of Nehemiah and Christian Holbrook, were — 115. Nehemiah,' b. May 6, 1745; m. May 25, 1765, Elizabeth Hobart,' dau. of Caleb Hobart and gr. dau. of John and Mary French. [Vinton, 14.] 116. William,' b. April 2, 1747 ; m. Melatiah Swan. Eesided in Stoughton. 117. Elizabeth,' b. Dec. 25, 1749 ; d. unm. To these three children, upon their mother's second marriage, Dea. James Penniman [Vinton, 29] was appointed guardian, March 6, 1753. SIXTH GENERATION. 90. Col. JOHN HOLBROOK,' son of Dea. John' and Mary Holbrook, b. in Braintree, June 20, 1745 ; m. Aug. 30, 1766, Anna Wild, b. Aug. 1749, only child of Jonathan and Anna (Thayer) Wild, and step-dau. of Elisha Niles, Esq., all of Braintree. [Thater, 57. Niles, 33.] She was a member of the Rev. Dr. Storrs' Church in Braintree, at his ordination, 1811. He resided in South Braintree, in a house still standing, and not lees than one hundred and forty years old, the residence of his grandfather, Dea. John Holbrook.* He d. Oct. 13, 1802, a. 57. His children were— 118. Anna,''b. ; m. 1790, Caleb Thayer,' son of Isaac' and Abigail. [That- 119. John,' b. ; d. unmarried. er, 120.] 120 Susanna,' b. ; m. 1, Caleb Holbrook,' son of Nehemiah, [115.] 2, Seth Turner, son of Col. Seth. [Vinton, 40.] 72 GENEALOGICAL SKETCHES. 121. Elisha,' b. Aug. 21, 1775; m. 1793, Sarah Thayer, b. Sept. 24, 1776. He inherited the homestead ; was deacon of the church in Randolph ; was living in 1855; and tatber ot Elisha Niles Holbrook,' an extensive and prosperous manufacturer of shoes. 122 Mary' [^ • i ] m. 1797, (2d wife,) Caleb Thayer,' her sister Anna's ." twins, 0. husband. 123. Joseph,' ) ¦'^fy-o .^' I m. Euth Linfield, dau. of Dea. William Linfield, and [ ' ' J sis.of Nancy, who m, Dr, Jona, Wild. 124. Sarah,' b. ; m. Samuel Dyer of Eandolph, 125. Abiah,' b. Jan, 17, 1785 ; m. Mary Thayer. Resides in Braintree. 19 child, 126, Charlotte,' b, ; m, James Adams of Milton. 127. Clarissa,' b. ; m. Barnabas Lothrop of Eandolph. 97. DAVID HOLBROOK,' son of David' and Mary Holbrook, b. in Braintree, Feb. ], 1747-8 ; m. Nov. 30, 1791, Mehitable Soper, dau. of Maj. Edmund Soper of Braintree. He d. Nov. 16, 1818, te. 71. She d. not far from 1846. Children — 128. Edmund Soper,' b. Oct. 25, 1793 ; never married. [ton. 129. Henry J.,' (formerly Jesse,) b. April 11, 1795; m. Frances Seabury of Taun- 130. Martha,' b. Dec. 11, 1796; m. Adams of Quincy. She d. Jan. 1, 1824. 131. Mehitable,' b. Jan. 25, 1799; idiotic; d. unm. 98 LYDIA HOLBROOK,' dau. of David' and Mary Holbrook, b. in Braintree, Dec. 21, 1749 ; m. Capt. Thomas Hollis of Braintree. Children — 132. Thomas,' m. Priscilla Hayden.' [Hatden, 124.] 133. Lydia,' m. James French.' 134. Mehitable,' b. Aug. 11, 1779; m. Asa French,' Esq. [French, 85.] She d. Aug. 22, 1819. He d. about 1853. 135. Eachel,' m. Samuel Hayden,' son of Robert. [Hayden, 125.] 136, Silence,' m, Samuel Hayden,' son of Amiuadab, [Hatden, 112.] He d. about 1853. 137. David,' m. 1, Sept. 7, 1803, Polly Denton, b. March 30, 1785, dau. of Eb enezer Denton of Braintree. She d. Sept. 18, 1847. 2, . He was chosen deacon of the First Church (Eev. Dr. Storrs',) in Braintree, Sept. 1, 1814. 138. Mary,' b. ; m. White. 139. Euth,' b. ; m. Heard. 140. Caleb,' b. ; m. Susan French. 110. THOMAS HOLBROOK,' son of Ichabod' and Hannah Holbrook, b. in Braintree, Oct. 7, 1754 ; m. Sarah Tower. He served in Capt. John Vinton's company, in the operations before Boston, 1775. They resided in the south part of Braintree. Their children were — 141. Thomas,' m. Clark, and removed to Maine. 142. John,' m, Sarah Billings of Canterbury, N. H. They were the parents of Rev. ,Tohn Holbrook,' b. in Canton, Mass,, Dec, 9, 1799 ; m, Nancy Hill, (pub, Nov. 28, 1833) dau. of James Hill of Stoneham. Formerly a Baptist minister. Resided some years in Stoneham ; now resides in Boston. 143, Abiezer,' b, ; m, Anna Taunt. 144. Isaac,' b. ; d. unm. 145, Azubah,' b. ; m, John Littlefield. 146. Hannah,' b. ; m, Nehemiah Hayden,' grandson of Nehemiah.* [Vin ton, 31,] 147. Sarah,' b. ; d. unm, 148, Rebecca,' b. ; m. WiUiam Hollis. 149. Polly,' b. ; living; num. THE MILLS FAMILY. 73 %\t 5tHIs Jfamilg of ^raintwt* FIRST GENERATION. 1. JOHN MILLS,! b. in England ; came probably in the fleet with Winthrop, June, 1630; admitted freeman, March 6, 1632; resided about ten years in Boston; then removed to Braintree, of which town he was clerk, 1653. Forty-four acres of land at Mount Wollaston were granted, Feb. 24, 1639-40, by the town of Boston to John Mills, for six persons in his family. His wife's name was Susanna — , b. 1595 ; she d. Dec. 10, 1675, a. 80. John Mills and his wife Susanna were recommended, Dec. 5, 1641, by the Church in Boston to the Church in Braintree. They lived in what is now the town of Quincy. He died in the spring or summer of 1678. His will is dated Jan. 12, 1677-8; proved, Sept. 10, 1678; recorded, Suff. Prob. 6 : 255. He speaks of being " now fallen into years ;" and if we may judge from the language of ardent piety used in the introduction, he was an eminently good man. He mentions his son John, and his daughters Mary Hawkins and Susanna Dawes. He recommends to his son John to bring up one of Ats sons to the work of the ministry; "which was," he says, "the em ployment of my predecessors to the third, if not fourth generation." Inventory dated July 13, 1678 ; amount, £211. 7. Richard Brackett and Edmund Quin cy, appraisers. His children were — 2. Susanna,^ prob. b. in England, ni. William Dawes. William Dawes, in a deposition, dated 1683, calls himself 64 years old, and says that he and his wife Susanna had lived in Boston from 1652 to that time. 3. Joy,' (dau.) ) They were baptized Oct. 1630, being the first baptisms 4. Recompense,' (dau.) J on record in the First Church in Boston. 5. tJohn,2 bap. June 3, 1632 ; m. Elizabeth Shove, April 26, 1653. 6. Jonathan,' bap. Aug. 30, 1635. 7. James,' bap. June 3, 1638. 8. Mary,' b. about 1640 ; m. James Hawkins. John Marshall, in his Diary, calls him "uncle," and says he d. [in Boston] Jan. 6, 1709-10, a. almost 56. There was a James Mdls who lived on Nahant in 1695, its first permanent inhabitant [Lewis' History of Lynn. SECOND GENERATION. 5. JOHN MILLS,' son of the preceding ; bap. June 3, 1632 ; m. by Mr. Bel lingham,! April 26, 1653, to Elizabeth Shove, b. about 1631. She was doubtless the sister of Rev. George Shove of Taunton.§ She d. Aug. 18, 1711. * From original investigation. t In those limes, and until nearly the close of that century, marriages were solemnized only by civil magistrales. 'I'he first marriages that were solemnized by clergymen, so far as appears from Braintree Records, were in 1701. § Kev. George Shove was the third minister of Taunton; his predecessors being Rev. William Hooke, from 1637 oi 1638. to 1640; and Rev. Nicholas Street from 1641 lo 1668. Mr. Shove was ordained pastor, Nov. 15, 1665, in Taunton, where he lived and labored till the day of his death, April 21, 1687. Not much is said of his piety, orminislerial talents, or want of either ; but it appears that he was largely engagea in secular transactions, and acquired considerable wealth. [Emery's Ministry of Taunton. Of Mr. Shove's birth-place or parentage, nothing is certainly known. He has been represented as a native of Dorchester; bul this is not probable, as the name Shme does not appear on the records of that town. There was a widow Margery Shove of Rowley, A Margery Shove died at Ihe house of Rev, George Shove at Taunton, ivho was probably his mother ; it could not have been his wife. 74 GENEALOGICAL SKETCHES. "My aunt, Mrs. Elizabeth Mills, d. Aug. 18, 1711, a. about 80; a precious saint." [ikarshall's Diary.] Braintree Town Records correspond as to the date, and say she was about 81. He was a " husbandman ;" lived in Braintree ; d. Feb. 27, 1694-5, a. 62. Administration on his estate was granted April 3, 1695, to his son John Mills, blacksmith. Inventory, Nov. 7, 1695. Amount, £114. 1. 10. Appraisers, Martin Sanders, Samuel Penniman. [Suff. Prob., 13:287, 343] Children— 9. Elizabeth,' b. July 1, 1654. 10. Sarah,' b. June 7, 1656. 11. tJohn,' b. April 13, 1660 ; m. Hannah . 12. tJonathan,' b. Sept. 9, 1662; m. Mary Sheffield, June, 1686. 13. Edward,' b. June 29, 1665 ; H. C. 1685 ; living m 1732. 14. Susanna,' b. Feb. 12, 1667-8 ; d. Aug. 7, 1669. [Birth in one place record ed "Joanna." 15. Mary,' b. April 1, 1670 ; m. Daniel Willard, Jan, 4, 1692-3. 16. tNathaniel,' b. April 22, 1672 ; m. 1, Mary Spear ; 2, Anne . 17. Susanna,' b. Sept. 23, 1675 ; m. Dec, 10, 1707, Dea. Jonathan Hayward, b. Jan. 17, 1667-8, son of Jona. and Sarah (Thayer) Hayward. His second wife. His first wife, m. Feb. 12, 1692, was Hannah Hobart, b. Dec. 11, 1668, dau. of Caleb. Mr. Hayward was admitted to Second Church (the present First Church,) in Braintree, 1714; chosen deacon; and d. July 13, 1757, se. 90. His father was Jonathan Hayward, d. Nov. 21, 1690, a. 49. [Grave-stone. THIRD GENERATION. 11. Captain JOHN MILLS,' son of the preceding; b. April 13, 1660; m. Hannah . He lived in that section of Old Braintree, which still bears the name ; then called " Monatiquod."* He was a blacksmith by trade ; is called " gentleman" in 1721. He was a man of integrity and worth ; of intel ligence, capacity, and influence. He was Selectman, 1708, 1709, 1714; Representative, 1709, '10, '12, '18, '21. He was often placed on important committees. He d. Feb. 9, 1722. (Some error in the record.) His wdl is dated March 18, 1721-2 ; proved, April 28, 1722 ; recorded, Suff. Prob., 22 : 256. The pre amble is expressed in the language of elevated piety. He mentions wife Hannah, daughters Hannah Wilson, Elizabeth Mills, Sarah Neale, son Jona than (then in college,) son John, gr. daus. Susanna Wilson, Mary Wdson, Hannah Wilson. Wife Hannah and son John, Executors. His widow was living, 1735, at the date of her son John's will. Chddren — 18. Hannah,* b. Feb. 2, 1688-9; m. Roger Wilson ; had, Susanna, Mary, Hannah. 19. Elizabeth,* b. July 13, 1690 ; unm. 1735, at date of her bro. John's will. 20. John,* b. Oct. 12, 1692 ; d. in infancy. 21. John,* b. Jan. 1693-4; prob. unm. as no wife or children are alluded to in his will. Will dated March 15, 1734-5; proved, March 18, 1768; re corded, Suff. Prob., 66: 183. " Saddler." Gives property to his mother, three sisters, and brother. Rev. Jonathan. 22. Mary,* b. March 18, 1696-7 ; d. before 1722, as not ment. in father's will. 23. Sarah,* b. Sept. 8, 1698; m. 1, March 9, 1720, Joseph Neale,' gr. son of Henrv Neale; 2, Oct. 18, 1763, Capt. Ebenezer Thayer.* [Thater, 151 "1 She d. Nov. 20, 1800, a. 102. * The petition for ihe division of the town into two precincts, dated October 28, 1707, prayed ihat the line of division might be that which already separated the two mililaiy companies in Braintree ; Col. I'Mmund Quincy's company in the north, containing seventy-two families, and Capt. John Mills' company in the soulh, consisting of seventy- one families. The town voled, Nov. 3, 1708, that ihere should be two distinct precincts or societies lor the worship of God, The Soulh Precinct included the piescnl towns of Brain tree and Randolph, from this lime till March 13, 1726-7, when Ihe third or "new South Pre cinct" was set ofir ; incorporated as the town of Randolph, March 9, 1793, There were scarcely any inhabitants in Randolph till about 1712, THE MILLS FAMILY. 75 24. Jonathan,* b. Oct. 29, 1699 ; d. July 13, 1700. 25. tJonathan,* b. March 2, 1702-3; in. 1, Jemima Hayward. 2, Hephzibah (White) French. 12. JONATHAN MILLS,' brother of the preceding; b. Sept. 9, 1662, per Braintree Record; but Nov. 21, 1662, per Boston Record; ra. about June, 1686, Mart Sheffield,' b. June 26, 1663, dau. of Edmund and Sarah Shef field of Braintree. He d. about July, 1688. His widow Mary m. May 12, 1690, John Mar shall' of Braintree, a mason, and the writer of a Diary, stdl preserved in the Library of the Massachusetts Historical Society.* The only child of Jonathan and Mary Mills was — 26. Jonathan,* b. March 27, 1687 ; d. July, 1688. 16. NATHANIEL MILLS,' brother of the preceding; b. Aprd 22, 1672; m. 1, Jan. 3, 1703-4, Mart Spear, who d. March 18, 1717-18. 2, Anne , who d. Aug. 20, 1726. They resided in Braintree. His chddren, by first wife, were — 27. Nathaniel,* b. 1704; d. Sept. 10, 1706, 28. Mary,* b. Aug. 29, 1706. 29. Susanna,* b. July 23, 1708 ; m. Beniamin Pray, Jan. 31, 1733-4. 30. Nathaniel,* b. March 30, 1711. 31, Elizabeth,* b. Aug. 7, 1713 ; m. Daniel White,* June 12, 1737. [White, 67.] Had one child, Elizabeth,' b. Dec. 2, 1738. 32. Shove,* b. Feb. 28, 1716-17. By second wife — 33. Edward,* b. Dec. 1719 ; d. in infancy. 34. Edward,* b. April 20, 1721. 35. Benjamin,* b. ; d. July 28, 1724. FOURTH GENERATION. 25. Rev. JONATHAN MILLS,* youngest son of Captain John Mdls,' b. in Braintree, March 2, 1702-3; ni. 1, Nov. 30, 1727, Jemima Hatward, perhaps his cousin, dau. of his aunt Susanna.' [17] 2, June 12, 1760, Hephzibah (White) French, b. March 28, 1709, dau. of Dea. Samuel White' of Brain tree, and widow of Benjamin French.' [White, 55. French, 40.] She was the mother of Capt. John Vinton's wife. [Vinton, 42.] She became a member of Second Church in Braintree, 1734. Mr. Mdls grad. H. C. 1723 ; ordained pastor Bellingham, 1727 ; dismissed, 1737 ; lived in Boston many years ; installed pastor of Second Church in Harwich; d. at Provincetown, May 21, 1773, a. 70. The Congregational Church in Bellingham, of which he was pastor, has long been extinct. For the past eighty years, no Congregational meetings have been statedly held in that place. Fifty acres of land, laid out May 22, 1725, near the meeting-house, were given by the town of Bellingham to Mr. Mills, as the first minister settled in * John Marshall,' b. in Boston, Ocl, 2, 1664, was son of John* and Rmh Marshall of lhal place, and probably grandson of Johnt a„d Sarah Marshall, also of Boslon, By his wife Mary, (dau. of Edmund Sheffield^ m. as above,May 12, 1690,he had 4 sons and 4 daughters, of whom half died in infancy. The surviving son, Josiah,* b. Nov. 28, 1700, was the father of Zerubbabel,' who, by wife Elizabeth Soper, had Mary Soper Marshall,' b. in Boston, Aug, 9, 1756, m, Thomas Giles, June 22, 1780. These last were parents of Betsey Snow Giles, mother of the compiler of this volume. [ViNTON, 232.] 76 GENEALOGICAL SKETCHES. that place. This, with other land in Bellingham, he sold, Dec. 5, 1739, to Josiah Sumner of Milton. [Suff. Deeds, 59 : 99. Among the children of Rev. Jonathan and Jemima Mills (whether there were others, we know not) were — 49. Jemima,' b. June 16, 1743; m. Thomas Vinton,' May 28, 1761. [Vinton, 84.] 50. Hannah,' b. , m. Capt. William Sturgis of Barnstable ; parents of William Sturgis, Esq,, of Boston, formerly of the house of Bryant & Sturgis, now a capitalist of this city. %\t 9i^js Jfamilg of §raym. The following sketch is made out from personal researches in the Braintree Records, with some aid derived from other sources, particularly from the MS. Records of Rev. Samuel Niles of Braintree, as copied, in part, by Rev. Abner Morse of Sherborn. The original MS. is now in Abington, in the keeping of Rev. Mr. Niles'' gr. grand daughters. [47.] FIRST GENERATION. 1. JOHN NILES' is believed to be the ancestor of all persons bearing the name in this country. It is said that he was from Wales. He was b. about 1603 ; came to New England ; was of Dorchester, 1634; of Braintree, 1639 ; freeman, May 26, 1647. His wife, the mother of six sons and a daughter, whoso names appear on Braintree Records, was Jane ; she d. May 15, 1654. Whether he was ever married again is not quite certain ; but I find the following in Mar shall's Diary: "Old goodwife Ndes died Jan. 31, 1702-3." The wife of neither of the sons would thus be spoken of, when not over the age of sixty. It seems quite probable, then, that John Niles, the emigrant, had a second wife ; that her name was Hannah ; that she was the mother of Isaac, below ; [9] and that she d. as above, Jan. 31, 1702-3. " Old John Niles, aged about 91 years, died Feb. 8, 1693-4." [Braintree Records. "The children of John and Jane Niles were — 2. Hannah,' b. Feb. 16, 1636-7. Perhaps m. Cowing.* 3. John,' b. March 4, 1638-9. 4. tJoseph,' b. Aug. 15, 1640; m. Mary Micall, Nov. 2, 1662. 5. tNathaniel,' b. Aug. 16, 1642 ; m. Sarah Sands of Block Island. 6. tSamuel,' b. May 12, 1644 ; m. widow Mary Belcher, April 20, 1680. 7. {increase,' b. Dec. 16, 1646 ; m. Mary Purchas, Dec. 4, 1677. 8. Benjamin,' b. March 12, 1650-1. 9. "Isaac Niles, sou of John and Hannah, born 2. 2. [April 2,] 1658." [Brain tree Records.] It has been regarded as uncertain whether this Isaac were the son of John,' or of John' by a second wife. But the above quotation from Marshall's Diary, together with the fact that no other child of John and Hannah appears ou Braintree Records, strongly in cline the compiler to give this child, Isaac, to " Old John Niles," by Hannah, a second wife ; making seven sons in all. Isaac d. Jan. 30, 1659-60. Of John Niles,' and of Benjamin,' sons of " Old John," we have no further knowledge. • Rev. Samuel Niles' " aunt Cowin" was the fifth person interred in the cemetery at Braintree. THE NILES FAMILY. 77 SECOND GENERATION. 4. JOSEPH NILES,' son of " Old John Niles," b. in Braintree, Aug. 15, 1640 ; m. Mary Micall, Nov. 2, 1662. Their children were— 10. Hannah,' b. Feb. 15, 1663-4. 11. Joseph,' b. Sept. 21, 1666. 12. Mary,' b. Jan. 8, 1668-9. 13. tJohn,' b. ; m. Catharine ¦ 14. tBenjamin,' b. Jan. 2, 1674-5 ; m. 1, Ruth Scant. 2, Lydia Secomb, 5. Capt. NATHANIEL NILES,' son of " Old John Niles," b. at Braintree, Aug. 16, 1642; m. Sarah Sands, dau. of James Sands of Block Island.* He seems to have resided for a time at Dorchester, and to have removed thence to Block Island some time previous to 1673 ; removed to South Kings ton, R. I. ;]: and finally came back and d. in Braintree, Dec. 22. 1727, in the 86th year of his age. Rev. Samuel Ndes, his son, says he was 87 ; but the Braintree Town Record is consistent with itself, in giving his age as I have now quoted it. How many children Capt. Nathiniel Niles had, and what were their names, we are not informed, and are sure only of the following — 15. Jeremiah.' 16. tSamuel,' b. on Block Island, May 1, 1674 ; of whom see the sequel. 17. Nathaniel,' dwelt at S. Kingston, R. L, father of Sarah,* m. 1739, Hon, Samuel Niles. [30] 6. SAMUEL NILES,' son of John Niles,! b. in Braintree, May 12, 1644 ; m. to widow Mart Belcher, April 20, 1680, by Gov. Bradstreet. He resided in Braintree ; was a Lieut. 1697. His children were — IS. Sarah,' h. Jan. 1680-1. 19. Hannah,' b. 1682. 20. Samuel,' b. June 15,1686; m. Mercy Sacan, [Secomb?] Nov. 18,1708. Tythingman iu Braintree, 1732. One of the daughters m. Pierce, d. and was buried in the " upper part of this Precinct," [now Randolph,] Sept. 5, 1724. 7. INCREASE NILES,' son of John Ndes,' b. in Braintree, Dec. 16, 1646 ; m. Mart Purchas, Dec. 4, 1677. Resided in Braintree ; was in Capt. John son's company employed against the Indians, Oct. 1675. He d. Sept. 1, 1693. His children were — 21. tJohn,' b. Oct. 10, 1678; m. Margaret . 214, Increase,' b, March 9, 1680, * Sands Niles, third son of Hon. Samuel Niles* [48] " was so named as his father and mother were both the natural descendants from my grandfather. James Sands, the only per son of that name that I know of, that came from Old to New England. He m. the eldest daughter of John Walker and Sarah Walker, his only wife. This Walker was one of the eighteen men that made the first English settlement on Rhode Island. My grandfather and giandmother Sands left four sons, viz.; 1. John, 2. James, 3, Samuel, and 4. Edward or Edmund: and Iwo daughters, viz. : 5. Sarah, and 6, Mary. Sarah was my mother that my father Nathaniel Niles married ; and my son Samuel m. my brother Nathaniel's daugh ter. Ill memory of the family, therefore, the child was named Sands, being of the fifth generation, including my grandfather." [MS. of Rev. Samuel Niles of Brainlree. In Mr. Niles' " Indian Wars" he tells us of his grandfather Bands living on Block Island, and it appears that he lived there from about 1638, when Mrs. Ann Hutchinson, who had been obliged to leave Massachusetts a short time before, engaged him lo build a house for her at East Chester, N. Y., till afler 1689. He d. , a. 72. % Where the " Great Swamp Fighl" took place, Dec. 19, 1675. 78 GENEALOGICAL SKETCHES. 22. Ebenezer,' b. ; m. Sarah Littlefield, July 28, 1715. Ho d. May 12, 1752,* She was a widow in 1757 ; m. Noah Playward, about 1760. 22i Mary,' b. ; m. Benjamin Clark, Aug. 17,1719. Shed. May 17, 1752. THIRD GENERATION. 13. JOHN NILES,' son of Joseph' and Mary Niles ; b. in Braintree, about 1671 ; m. Catharine . He resided in Braintree, South Precinct, [now Randolph] ; is called " Car penter John Niles" on the Records ; called " John Niles, the elder," and " John Niles, sen.," in the MS. of Rev. Samuel Niles, to distinguish him from his cousin John, son of Increase Ndes. [21.] He was a member of the Second Church in Braintree at the ordination of his cousin. Rev. Samuel Ndes, 1711. The children of John and Catharine Ndes, all b. in Braintree, were — 23. Hannah,* b. Feb. 14, 1696-7. 24. Susanna,* b. Jan. 18, 1698-9 ; m. William Badcock of Milton. 24J. Joseph,* b. May 1, 1700; m. Anne Cornish of Braintree, July 15, 1731. 25. Sarah,* I twins, j m. Benjamin Spear, July 20, 1722. 25J. Deborah,* ) b. Sept. 20, 1702, ) m. Deering Spear, July 20, 1722, She d. March 10, 1725. 26. tJohn,* b. June 29, 1706; m. May 30, 1729, his second cousin, Hannah Niles.* [36.] 264. Jane,* b. Oct. 4, 1710. 27. Catharine,* b. Oct. 10, 1712; m. Edward Jones, Sept. 5, 1734. 27i. Abigail,* b. July 7, 1714. 14. BENJAMIN NILES,' son of Joseph' and Mary Ndes, b. in Braintree, Jan. 2, 1674-5; m. I, Ruth Scant, May 19, 1698. 2, Ltdia Seacum, [Secomb] Jan. 17, 1715-16. She was buried in the burying-ground which about that time was laid out in the north part of the present town of Randolph ; being the second person interred there. Benjamin Niles was a member of the Second Church in Braintree, at the settlement of his cousin Rev. Samuel Niles, in I7I1. He d. Feb., 1724-5, and was buried in the aforesaid burying- ground, Feb. 27, 1724-5. We have account of only the following children of Benjamin Niles — 28. David,* (by first wife,) b. Oct. 20, 1700; m. Dec. 20, 1720, Hannah Sekin. 28i. Rebecca,* (by second wife,) bapt. Oct. 24, 1714. [Secomb?] 16. Rev. SAMUEL NILES,' son of Capt. Nathaniel' and Sarah (Sands) Niles, b.on Block Island, May 1, 1673 ;t m. 1, May 29, 1701, Elizabeth Thacher, b. March 7, 1682-3, dau. of Rev. Peter Thacher of Milton, [b. 1651 ; H. C, 1671 ; d. Dec. 17, 1727,] who was son of Rev. Thomas Thacher, b. in Old Sarum, Eng., 1620 ; settled at Weymouth ; first pastor of the Old South Chh., Boston, where he was installed Feb. 16, 1670 ; d. Oct. 15, I678.§ Mrs. Niles " The will of Ebenezer Niles,' dated Aug. 29, 1729, [Suff' Prob., 46 : 120] gives his wife Sarah a room iu his house, and the income of one third of his hind, while she bears his name. All the rest of his estate he gives lo Ebenezer Hayward, son of Benjamin Hayward, a minor, then living with him X According lo his grave-stone, he was b. May 1, 1674. In hi.i •* Indian Wars," he says he was born on Block Island, and feelingly describes the depredations commiued by ihe French privateers, in 1689, in his youth, while he resided ihere. The slalemcnt, therefore, made in the Am. Quar. Regislcr for Aug 1835, that he was b. in Braintree, is unfounded. & Mrs. Elizabeth Niles's mother was Theodora Oxenbridge, dau. of It,ev. John Oxen- bridge, b. in Daventry, Eng., 1609; educated at Oxford; inst. pastor of First Church in Boston, April 10, 1670; d. Dec. 28, 1674, a. 65, Mr..i. Niles on her death-bed '-earnestly commended to her mournful consort, Mrs. Ann Coddington, as the [future] mother of her children, and wife of her husband." " Her memory is dear, and her example for piety above most." [MS. of Rev. Samuel Niles. THE NILES FAMILY. 79 d. in chdd-bed, Feb. 10, 1715-16, m. 33 ; buried I3th ; was the first person in terred in the Old Cemetery in the present town of Braintree, opposite Dr. Storrs' meeting-house. [Grave-stone. 2. Nov. 22, 1716, Ann Coddinston, dau. of Hon. Nathaniel Coddington of Newport, R. I., by his wife Susanna Hutchinson of Boston. They were m. by Gov. Samuel Cranston of R. I.* She d. Oct. 25, 1732, se. 55. 3. Dec. 22, 1737, Elizabeth (Adams) Whiting, b. Feb. 23, 1680-1, wid. of Rev. Samuel Whiting, pastor at Windham, Ct., to whom she was m. Sept. 4, 1696, and who d. 1725. She was dau. of Rev. William and Alice (Brad ford) Adams of Dedham. Her father grad. H. C, 167] ; ord. pastor First Church, Dedham, Dec. 3, 1673; d. Aug. 17, 1685. Her mother was dau. of Major William, who was son of Gov. William Bradford of Plymouth.! Mrs. Niles d. 1760, a. 80. Mr. Niles in his youth, and particularly in 1689, lived with his aged grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sands, on Block Island, and took care of them. He was taken by the crew of a French privateer, in a descent made by them on that Island in July of that year, but escaped. In consequence of the ravages committed by them on the property of his relatives, he was, as he says, kept from school six years ; so that he was 22 when he entered college ; and was the first student who entered college from Rhode Island. He grad. H. C, 1699 ; studied divinity, probably, with his father-in-law. Rev. Mr. Thacher of Milton ; began to preach at Kingston, R. I., then the residence of his father, in 1702 ; removed thence with his family to Braintree in 1710 ; was ordained pastor of the Second Church [now First] in Braintree, May 2.3, 1711 ; the pastor elect preaching on the occasion, as was then the custom, from Romans, 15 : 30. " Strive together with me in your prayers to God for me."§ His ministry was a long, an active, and a useful one. According to a Record which he kept, he administered the ordinance of Ihe Lord's Supper 301 times ; baptized about 1200 persons ; and received 312 to full communion in his church. He continued to preach, wdthout a colleague, till the last Sab bath of his life; and died on his birth-day, May 1, 1762, a. 88. The sermon at his funeral was delivered by Rev. William Smith of Weymouth, [grand father of J. Q,. Adams,] from 1 Sam., 25 : I. " And Samuel died." He d. " in the firm belief of the great doctrines of grace, which he had faithfully preach ed, and publicly defended." [Grave-stone. He took the degree of Master of Arts in 1759, at Harvard College, sixty years after he first graduated. He was a man of much talent, and strength, and worth of character. President John Adams, though differing from him in many points of his religious belief, characterized him as " an honest, virtuous, and pious man." His publications were — " Tristitise Ecclesiarum ; A Brief and Sorrowful Account of the present state of the Churches in New Eng land," 1745 ; " Vindication of Divers Important Doctrines, against the mis- * Mr Niles " was accompanied to the wedding by Rev. Nathaniel Eelk, [his class-mate, H C, 1699; of Scituate ;j)aslor there 46 years, I704r-I750 ; d Aug. 25, 1760, a. 72,] and Mr. Samuel Fiske [son of Rev. Moses Fiske of First Chh. Brainlree; H. C, 1708; pastor in Salem from 1718 to 1745; d. April 10, 1770, a. 81 ;] who, wiih sundry gentlemen, all nc- compaiiied us home, where we found my much honored father, Rev. Mr. Thacher of Millon, wiih many olhers, (on our arrival] Nov. 30, 1716 " (MS. of Rev. Samuel Niles. X " We came home [from the wedding] attended with gentlemen and friends ; and a great number met us at my house ; and with her came her son Nathan Whiting, who was received from Iho church in Windliani to the church in Brainlree, Jan. 8, 1737-8." [Ihid. § " Rev. Joseph Belcher of Dedham, proceeded with the church in my admission, being then dismissed from the Church of Christ in Milton, where I had stood related for divers years, viz. twelve years and aboul four months. Rev, Peter Thacher of Millon, [his father- in-law,] gave the Charge ; Rev John Danforth of Dorchester, the Right Hand of Fellow ship; Rev, Peter Thac-her of Milioii, Rev, Mr. Belcher, and Rev, Peter Thacher* of Wey mouth, laid on hands." [MS. of Kev. Samuel Niles.] It was customary at thai period for ministers lo be admitted members of the churches, previously' to assuming the pastoral office over Ihem. * 5^on of Thomas Thacher of Boston, He was pastor at Weymouth, 1707-1718; of New North Church, Boston, 1723-1739. 80 GENEALOGICAL SKETCHES. representations contained in a late printed discourse of Rev. Lemuel Bryant" [of Quincy,] 8vo., 1752 ; " Scripture Doctrine of Original Sin, in answer to Taylor," 8vo., 1757 ; 320 pages. Besides these works, Mr. Niles composed, near the close of his life, or in 1760, a History of the Wars in New England with the French and Indians. This was prepared for the press, but no printer would undertake the publication. The MS. sliimbered in an old trunk, and was long supposed, by some who had known of its existence, to be irrecover ably lost. It was found at length, about seventy years atterwards, in a box of papers, bequeathed by Rev. Dr. Freeman, of Boston, to the Massachusetts Historical Kociety, and was printed in the sixth volume, third series, of their collections. It is now ninety-five years since he died ; and the pastorates of two ministers, his successors. Rev. Ezra Weld, [ord. Nov. 17, 1762,] and Rev. Richard Salter Storrs, [ord. July 3, 1811,] have filled up nearly the whole of this long period.* Mr. Ndes' children were, by first wife — 29. Elizabeth,* b. in Kingston, B. L, May 16, 1706 ; m. Nov. 10, 1723, Joshua Hayward of the South Precinct in Braintree, [now Randolph.] Child.: Elizabeth, bapt. Jan. 31, 1724-5 ; Sarah, bapt. Oct. 15, 1727 ; Eunice, b. Sept. 16, 1731 ; Joshua, b. and d. Dec, 1733; Mary, b. Dec. 31, 1735. Mrs. Hayward was living at date of her father's will, 1762. 29i. Sarah,* b. iu Kingston, R. L, May 20, 1708; m. Dec. 9, 1725, Benjamin Hunt. Shed. Oct. 22, 1738. Children— 4nna, b. Nov. 14,1726; m. Lemuel Thayer; James, b. Aug. 26, 1728 ; d. April 6, 1729 ; Elizabeth, b. July 20, 1730 ; two still-born infants, 1732 and 1734-5 ; Benjamin, b. Oct. 17, 1738. 30. tSamuel,* b. in Braintree, May 14, 1711 ; m. his cousin Sarah Niles,* Dec. 20, 1739. 31. Mary,* b. May 27, 1713; m.Nov. 5, 1730, Rev. Atherton Wales,* [Faxon, 35,] pastor of Second Chh., Marshfield. She was living at the date of her father's will, 1762. 32. Nathaniel,* b. Feb. 2, 1715-16; d. March 8, 1731. By second wife — 324. Elisha,* b. Jan. 8, 1717-18; bapt. at Newport, March 9, 1717-18; d. Jan. 11, 1718-19. [57.] 33. Elisha,* ( twins, b. July ) m. Anna (Thayer) Wild, Dec. 7, '52.1 [Tha'r, 34. Susanna,*; 30,1719; )m. H[on. Eben'r Thayer,' Apr. 1746. [lb. 178.] 21. JOHN NILES,' son of Increase' and Mary Niles, b. in Braintree, Oct. 10, 1678 ; m. Margaret . He lived in the upper or South Precinct of Braintree, now Randolph; was a worthy citizen and one of the principal characters there ; Selectman of Braintree, 1732 ; was commonly called " Cooper John Niles," and on the Records and in the Rev. Mr. Niles's MS., appears as " John Niles, Junior," to distinguish him from his cousin John Niles, son of Joseph, [13.] He is the " John Niles, 2d," in the list of mem bers of the Second Church in 1711. Printed by vote of the Church, 1830. John Niles, his wife, two sons, his brother and sister, six persons in all, and all heads of families, fell victims, in the compass of ten days, to a " mortal fever which at that time prevailed in several of our towns." [MS. of Rev. Samuel Niles. These persons were all buried near together, and small granite head-stones, rudely carved, still mark the place of their sepulture. Some of the inscriptions * Rev. Mr. Niles in his will, dated April 29, 1762, recorded Suff'. Prob., 60 : 186, disposes of considerable properly, and along with it of three negro slaves. The will divides the slaves among the sons, and makes no provision for their liberty. X Elisha Niles,* j-oungest son of Rev. Samuel.' grad. H.C., 1739; was a magistrate, and resided many years in Brainlree, certainly till 1768, when he was adm'r of Richard Faxon's esiate ; afterwards moved away, probably about 1774. He has no children on record. THE NILES FAMILY. 81 are still legible. They stand in a row, in the old burying-ground in Randolph, south of the north gate, and near the wall. The Town Record, as copied about 1843, under authority of the town, places this remarkable series of deaths in May, 1751. Rev. Samuel Niles places it in May, 1752. The latter must be the correct date, inasmuch as the Inventory of John Niles's Estate is dated July 10, 1752. [Suff. Prob., 48 : 88. John Niles d. May 7, 1752, ae. 74. Margaret Niles, his wife, d. May 10, 1752. His brother Ebenezer d. May 12. His son Peter d. May 14. His son Nathan d. May 15. His sister Mary, wife of Benjamin Clark, d. May 17, 1752. All within ten days ! Where can a parallel be found .' The children of John and Margaret Niles were — 35. Increase,* b. Feb. 5, 1703-4; m. Hannah Thayer, Dec. 14, 1730. 36. tHannah,* b. Sept. 19, 1705 ; m. her second cousin, John Niles,* [26.] 37. tJohn,* b. March 17, 1708; m. 1, Dorothy Reynolds of Middleboro'. 2, Ex perience . 38. Nathan,* b. March 17, 1710; m. ; d. as above. May 15, 1752. 39. Daniel,* b. Oct. 12, 1712. 40. Bethiah,* b. April 2, 1715. 41. Sarah,* b. May 31, 1717 ; m. ,Tohn Hawes, Nov. 6, 1744. 42. Lydia,* b. Dec. 18, 1719; m. Jona. Richards of Braintree, April 22, 1741. 43. Peter,* b. March 27, 1722 ; m. Elizabeth Vinton.* [Vinton, 37,] see above. FOURTH GENERATION. 26. JOHN NILES,* son of John and Catharine Niles, b. in Braintree, June 29, 1706; m. May 30, 1729, his second cousin, Hannah Niles,* [36,] b. Sept. 19, 1705, dau. of John and Margaret. They lived in Braintree, South Pre cinct. His will, dated March 12, 1757, gives wife Hannah the use of dwelling- house, household goods, and ten acres of land during her life. No children are mentioned except his son Nathaniel, who, " soldier," was appointed adm'r May 3, 1757. [Suff. Prob., 52 : 429, 145. The only child of John and Hannah Niles was — 44. Nathaniel,' bapt. 1735; m. Mary Clark, July 24, 1755. He lived in Ran dolph; was a "soldier" in 1757; a Lieut, in Revol. War; d. Nov. 1, 1817, a. 82. 30. Hon. SAMUEL NILES,* son of Rev. Samuel Niles, b. in Braintree, May 14, 1711 ; bapt. May 27, 1711, the first person (of twelve hundred) baptized by his father ; m. Dec. 20, 1739, his cousin Sarah Niles,* b. May, 1711, very near his own age, dau. of his uncle Nathaniel, [17.] He grad. H. C., 1731 ; and at his death was probably the oldest living alumnus of that Institution. " On leaving college, he did not study a profes sion, but engaged for a time in agricultural pursuits. His talents, intelligence, good sense, and integrity, soon brought him into public notice. Several years, he represented his native town in the General Court. He was a Judge of the Court of Common Pleas for the County of Suffolk, then including Norfolk ; and after the Province had thrown off the power of the mother country, he was one of the twenty-eight councillors, who, before the State Constitution was formed, exercised the Executive power of Government." [Hobart's Hist. of Abington. Towards the close of his life, he with his wife went to Lebanon, Ct., into the famdy of his son Jeremiah, where he d. April 30, 1804, a. 93. His wife Sarah also d. at Lebanon, Feb. 22, 1802, a. 90 years and almost 9 mos. He recorded her death with a steady hand ; adding — " She was my loving and tender wife." 82 GENEALOGICAL SKETCHES. Their children were — 45. Nathaniel,' b. 1740; bapt. July 14, 1744;* grad. Nassau Hall, 1766; m. 1, . 2. Elizabeth Watson, dau. of Judge William Watson of Ply mouth. They had either a son or grandson, William Watson Niles, grad. Dart. Coll., 1820; studied Divinity at Andover; ord. deacon Episc. Chh. Philad., April 13, 1834. Hon. Nathaniel Niles was at first designed for the ministry, but was never ordained. He was a powerful preacher, and a man of superior talents. At length, he turned his at tention to secular pursuits ; though still delighting in theological discus sions, and associating much with ministers. He was one of the first settlers of West Fairlee, Vermont, where sever.^l families from Braintree also settled. He honorably sustained many public offices; was Judge of the Supreme Court of Vermont, Lieut. Gov. of that State, and Repre sentative in Congress. He d. at West Fairlee, Vt., 1828, a. 88. He was a Trustee of Dartmouth College from 1793 till 1820. Prof. Samuel Gilman Brown, (son of President Brown,) in an address before the Alumni of that Institution at their First Triennial meeting, July 25, 1855, drew the following spirited sketch of this eminent man — " A fol lower of Jeff'erson in politics, yet practically rather conservative; a follower of Calvin in theology, yet apparently sometimes verging towards his opponents, — an acute metaphysician, a little inclined to the opposite side, — half author iu conjunction with Dr. Burton, [of Thetford, Vt.] of the " Taste-scheme," so called, j-et walking independently, and not pre cisely agreeing with his sharp-minded friend, — a great reader, keeping up remarkably with the progress of science, and renewing in his old age his knowledge of Latin, — a shrewd judge, and an indefatigable opponent." 46. Elizabeth,' b. about 1742; m. Dea. Samuel Holbrook,' his second wife. [Holbrook, 79.] He was deacon at Lebanon, Ct., where he resided. No children. 47. Samuel,' b. Dec. 14, 1744; bapt. March 10, 1744-5; m. Mary Dodge, dau. of Rev. Ezekiel Dodge, pastor of Abington, 1750-1770. He grad. Nassau Hall, 1769; commenced the study of theology with Mr. Dodge, (who had fitted him for college;) but in consequence of the declining health of the latter, he was induced to complete his theological course under the training of that eminent divine, Rev. Joseph Bellamy of Bethlem, Ct. He was licensed to preach by an association of ministers at Middleboro', Nov. 7, 1770; ord. pastor, Abington, Sept. 25, 1771, as successor to his teacher and father-in-law. Rev. Mr. Dodge. He con tinued in the faithful and acceptable discharge of the duties of the pas toral office in that place, having a high reputation both at home and abroad, during forty years. Ho was prostrated with a severe paralytic affection, Nov., 1811, which was a, source of much suffering till his death, Jan. 16, 1814, £e. 70. He is said to have been in youth uncom monly gay and thoughtless, and fond of practical jokes, sometimes to the inconvenience of others. In his last year in coUege, after a season of pungent conviction, he was " translated into the kingdom of God's dear Son." He possessed a vigorous intellect, a clear mind, and a sound judg ment ; an able metaphysician, an impressive preacher, a wise counsellor, and a peace-maker. His children were — Mary Dodgt'; Sarah.,' m. Jacob Dyer of Abington ; Clarissa' ; Elizabeth' ; Mdtitable' ; Samuel' ; Laura' ; all b. bet. 1775 and 1794. Most of his children were never m. 48. Sands,' bapt. Aug. 4, 1751 ; see note under [5] ; m. about 1780, Anna Lud den, b. Feb. 23, 1748, dau. of Benjamin and Esther (Capcn) Ludden, and gr, dau. of John and Ruth (Thayer) Capon all of Brain. [Thay'r., 167.] They resided in West Fairlee, Vt. He d. Oct., 1823. Children— Samuel,' Benjamin,' Saruis.' 49. Jeremiah,' b. ; was a farmer ; major in the militia ; removed to Lebanon, Ct. ; m. Nov, 3, 1770, Abigail White,' b. Sept. 14, 1749, dau. of Josiah* and Sarah (Holbrook) White of Boston. [White, 37.] Had one son Henry,' who resided at Buffalo. 37. JOHN NILES,* son of John and Margaret Niles, b. in Braintree, March • Hon. Samuel Niles was admitted lo his father's church the laUer part of 1742. THE PENNIMAN FAMILY. 83 17, 1708 ; m. 1, Dorothy Retnolds of Middleboro'. 2, Experience . He d. before March 30, 1759, when his chddren received guardians by appoint ment of court. His children by first wife— A dau., name unknown; m. Abiathar French,* son of John and Mary. [Vinton, 14.] Also, Keziah,' John,' Ebenezer,' these were above 14 years of age in 1759 ; Jud^,' [Judith] James,' under 14 years of age, at that time. Children by second wife,— Peter,' Experience,' Dorcas,' under 14 years of age in 1759. James,' (son by first wife,) b. April 2, 1747, m. Elizabeth Vinton.' [Vin ton, 106.] Experience,' (dau. by second wife,) m. David White. [White, 61.] mmmm Jfamife of Iraintm. FIRST GENERATION. 1. JAMES PENNIMAN,! b. in England, came probably in the Lion, 1631, with John Winthrop, Jr. Admitted freeman, March 6, 1631-2; of Boston at first ; of Braintree, 1639. Wife, Ltdia . He d. Dec. 26, 1664. His will is dated Dec. 18, 1664 ; proved Jan. 31, 1664-5 ; recorded Suff. Prob., I : 443. Mentions his oldest son James, son Joseph, youngest son Samuel. He says, "God hath blessed me with many children." His son James " had been educated into such a way of living, as he is having already had a portion." Most of the children, he says, were young. Inventory, Jan. 31, 16(54-5, including dwelling house, £45 ; barn and stable, old house and orchard, £70 ; thirty acres of land near the Mill-Pond, £70 ; fifteen acres near Knight's Neck, [Quincy,] £30; eighteen acres "nigh Weymouth fferry," £55, etc. Total, £505. 3s. Sworn to in court by Lydia Penniman, widow of James. [Suff. Prob., 4 : 207. The children of James and Lydia Penniman were — 2. tJames,' bapt. March 26, 1633; m. Mary Cross, May 10, 1659. 3. Lydia,' bapt. Feb. 22, 1634-5. 4. tJohn,' bapt. Jan. 15, 1636-7 ; m. Hannah Billings, Feb. 24, 1664-5. 5. tJoseph,' b. Aug. 1, 1639 ; m. 1, Waiting Robinson. 2, Wid. Sarah (Bass) 6. Sarai,' [Sarah] b. May 6, 1641. [Stone. 7. tSamuel,' b. Nov. 14, 1645 ; m. Elizabeth Parmenter, Jan. 6, 1673-4. 8. Hannah,' b. May 26, 1648. 9. Abigail,' b. Dec. 27, 1651 ; m. Samuel Neale, son of Henry, April 18, 1678.* 10. iMary,' b. Sept. 29, 1653; m. Samuel Paine, April 4, 1678. SECOND GENERATION. 2. JAMES PENNIMAN,' eldest son of the preceding, bapt. March 26, 1633 ; m. Marv Cross, May 10, 1659. Resided in Boston ; was a " felt-maker." Was a member of the Artillery Company, 1673. From the language used in his father's will, we are led to infer that he was an educated man ; but his name does not appear among the alumni of Harvard College. ' HENRY NEALE,' of Braintree, (now Quincy,) b. in Eng., 1607; d. Oct. 16, 1678, [1688, see Will,] a. 71, had two wives and twenty-one children. [Grave-stone. J He may have been brother of John Neale of Salem, freeman. May 18, 1612, 12 acres of land at Ml. Wollaston were granted Feb. 24, 1639-40, by the town of Boston, lo Henry Neale, for three persons in his family. His will, dated Aug, 11, 1688 ; proved Feb. 27, 1690-1 ; recorded Soft'. Prob., 8 : 35, mentions wife Hannah, sons Samuel, Joseph, Benjamin ; daus. Abigail Stoll, Hannah Haiden, wife of Nehemiah, son Henry; daus. Sarah Mansfield, Mary Thayer, Ruth Thayer, Deborah, Lydia, Rebecca, Rachel, Elizabeth, Joanna. 84 GENEALOGICAL SKETCHES. Children — 11. tJaraes,' b. Sept. 27, 1661 ; m. Thomasin Marion. 12. Mary,' b. Sept. 17, 1668. 13. Joseph,' b. Oct. 8, 1674. 4. JOHN PENNIMAN,' second son of James' and Lydia, bapt. Jan. 15, 1636-7 ; m. Feb. 24, 1664-5, Hannah Billing'?,' dau. of Roger Billings' of Dorchester, who was freeman, 1643. She d. Feb. 9, 1678. John Penniman was admitted freeman, I67I. The children of John and Hannah Penniman were — 14. James,' b. Feb. 7, 1665-6; d. March, 1678. 15. John,' b. Feb. 23, 1667-8 ; d. in childhood. 16. Joseph,' b. March 15, 1670-1 ; d. Jan. 28, 1706. 17. Samuel,' b. June 18, 1672. 18. Jonathan,' b. April 5, 1674, 19. Hannah,' b. Jan. 23, 1675-6; d. March, 1678. 20. John,' b. Jan. 5, 1677-8 ; d. in Braintree, Dec. 21, 1717. The town of Braintree "voted, Nov. 28, 1 710, that twelve pounds be raised for John Penniman of Swanzey, provided that the town be forever cleared of him." A Bond, given Oct., 1711, to the town by Samuel Penniman, for his, (John's) maintenance, calls John Penniman of Swanzey his brother. Were Samuel and John Penniman, now mentioned, brothers of this family ? But there was a Samuel Penniman, who d. Oct. 1, 1700 ; and this would seem to be the Samuel above recorded, [17.] Was the Samuel who signed the bond, the Samuel who m. Ellen Paine, [29,] and had he a brother John of Swanzey ? 5. Deacon JOSEPH PENNIMAN,' son of James' and Lydia, b. Aug. 1, 1639; m. Waiting Robinson, dau. of William Robinson* of Dorchester. She d. Aug. 21, 1690. 2, May 10, 1693, Sarah (Bass) Stone, widow of Dea. John Stone' of Watertown.t and dau. of Dea. SAMUEL BASS' of Braintree.§ He lived in Braintree ; was a member of the " Suffolk Troop" of horse, and with four other Braintree men was impressed from that troop to serve against the Indians, as per Return dated Dec. 3, 1675. See Hatden [4.] He was executor of John Hayden's will, 1684. He d. Nov. 5, 1705, a. 66. His wife survived him many years, and was living in Sept., 1739, not far from 100 years of age. His will is dated July 11, 1705 ; proved Nov. 22, 1705 ; recorded Suff. Prob., 16 : 73. He mentions wife Sarah, sons Moses and James, dau. Deborah White, dau.-in-law Rebecca Stone, son-in-law John Sanders, and his brother Samuel, deceased. Children of Dea. Joseph and Waiting Penniman — 21. Joseph,' b. Feb. 20, 1670 ;|| d. Jan. 22, 1690-1, of a fever soon after he came from Canada, he being one of the soldiers." [Braintree Records. 22. Moses,' b. March 15, 1670-1 ; d. in childhood. 23. Mary,' b. about 1674; m. John Sanders' of Dorchester.^" * It has been supposed that this William Robinson was a son or grandson of Rev John Robinson of Leyden. Bnl no evidence has been found to substantiate the conjecture, and the probabilities are against it. We understand that Rev. Edward Uoblnson, D.D., aullioi of the Biblical Researches in Palestine, who is a descendant of William Robinson of Dor chester, has examined the subject, and decides against the supposition. t Dea. John Stone, b, in Watertown, Aug: 15, 1635, was son of Dea. Simon Stone, by wife Joan, He d. early in 1691. [See Bond's Hist, of Walertown. 6 Dea. Samuel Bass' was deacon of First Chh. in Braintree more than fifty years. [j Joseph' is called on Braintree Records the " son of Joseph and Mary ;" but his grave stone more correctly makes him son of Joseph and Wailing The Braintree Records, or their transcriber, have fallen into several grievous errors with regard to Ihis family. [See James [26.] Tliey place the births of Joseph and Moses both in the same year, 1670, and only three weeks asunder ! and the youngest child James 1 13 vears later ! IT By Suff, Deeds, 30 : 155, (May 11, 1716,) it appears that "this John Sanders was heir- at-law of Robert Sanders, one of the early proprietors of Dorchester. MARTIN SAND ERS," one of the early settlers of Braintree, lefl at his death in 1658. two sons John and Martin, and two sons-in-law, Francis Eliot and Robert Parmenter. The husband of Mary Penniman may have been his grandson. THE PENNIMAN FAMILY. 85 24. tMoses,' b. Feb. 14, 1677-8 ; m. Mary 25. Deborah,' b. Feb. 27, 1679-80 ; m. Dea. Samuel White.' [White, 30.] 26. tJames,' b. Feb. 11, 1783, [no doubt 1683] ; m. Abigail Thayer.* [Tha., 147.J 7. Lieut. SAMUEL PENNIMAN,' son of James' and Lydia, b. Nov. 14, 1645 ; m. Jan. 6, 1673-4, Elizabeth Parmenter, dau. of Robert and Leah Parmenter, and gr. dau. of Martin Sanders,' who (Martin) d. July, 1658. Robert Parmenter was a deacon of the First chh. in Braintree. He was admitted freeman, 1678 ; by occupation " cord winder ;" lieutenant ; appraiser of Thomas Faxon's estate, Aprd 26, 1694 ; of estate of John Mdls, Nov. 7, 1695. He d. intestate, Jan. 16, 1704-5. Joseph Penniman and Joseph Parmenter, adm'rs, Feb. 2, 1704-5. [Suff. Prob., 15 : 478.] Children— 27. Elizabeth,' b. Jan., 1674-5 ; ra. Joshua Morse of Medfield, Nov. 8, 1699. 28. Samuel,' b. March 15, 1675-6; d. in infancy. 29. tSamuel,' b. Nov. 5, 1677 ; m. Ellen Paine, May 14, 1707. 30. Josiah,' b. Nov. 21, 1678; d. Nov. 29, 1678. 31. Hannah,' b. Feb. 12, 1682-3. 32. Jonathan,' b. Feb. 17, 1685-6. 33. James,' b. March 29, 1695. 10. MARY PENNIMAN,' dau. of James' and Lydia, b. Sept. 29, 1653 ; m. April 4, 1678, Samuel Paine,' b. June 10, 1654, second son of Stephen' and Hannah (Bass) Paine of Braintree, and grandson of MOSES PAINE,' who d. June, 1643. He was a member of the Second Church in Braintree, at Mr. Niles's settlement in 1711 ; lived in South Precinct [now Randolph] ; and d. Dec. 10, 1739, k. 86. Chddren— 34. Mary,* b. Oct. 27, 1680. [Fourth Generation of Painbs.] 35. Lydia,* b. Jan. 6, 1681-2; m. Joseph Sawin of Braintree, S. P., Dec. 17, 1714. She was adm. to Second Church, 1713. They were prob. parents of Capt. Eliphalet Sawin. 36. Samuel,* b. Nov. 26, 1684; m. Rachel Hayden.' [Hatden, 32.] They had, 37. Hannah,' b. Feb. 8, 1729-30, mother of John Vinton, ("reputed son of John Vinton,") to whom Samuel Paine* gave two acres of land by deed,March 1,1754. [Suff". Deeds, 85 : 172.] Sam'l* had other children. 38. Hannah,* b. Feb. 1, 1686-7. 39. Joseph,* b. Aug. 3, 1689 ; m. Sarah Powell, March 28, 1717 ; she was adm. to Second Chh., 1725. 40. Mehitable,* b. Dec. 8, 1693 ; adm. to Second Church, 1713. 41. Benjamin,* b. Dec. 28, 1696. THIRD GENERATION. 11. JAMES PENNIMAN,' son of James' and Mary Penniman of Boston, b. Sept. 27, 1661; ra. Thomasin Marion, dau. of John Marion. [Merriam?] See Suff. Deeds, 28 : 135, 136. In the place just quoted, James Penniman is called " surgeon," and he and his wife are said to have owned land on Sum mer Street, Boston, which is represented as far up towards the South End. "This land was divided, Aug. 17, 1714, between Jaraes Penniman* and his sister, Mary Peck. James' and his wife Thomasin being at that time both deceased. Chddren — 42. Mary,* b. Aug. 18, 1684; m. Samuel Peck. Resided in Boston. 43. James,* b. Dec. 11, 1686 ; m. Mary : . They had Jonathan, b. Dec. 3, 1720 ; d. Oct. 10, 1721. Resided in Boston. 24. MOSES PENNIMAN,' son of Dea. Joseph' and Waiting Penniman of Braintree, b. Feb. 14, 1677-8 ; m. Mart . His will is dated July 19, 1718 ; proved Aug. 28, 1718 ; recorded Suff. Prob., 21 : 44. Mentions wife Mary, youngest chUd Moses, son Joseph to be brought up at college ; several daughters, names not given. He d. July 29, 1718, a. about 42. [Grave-stone.] His interment in the N. Precinct indicates that he resided there. [Quincy.] 7 86 GENEALOGICAL SKETCHES. Chddren — 44. Mary,* b. June 20, 1699 ; m. Eleazar Fisher, Nov. 19, 1724. 45. Joseph,* b. about 1702; grad. H. C, 1723; not marked as clergyman on catalogue. 46. Elizabeth,* b. July 3, 1705. 47. Sarah,* b. Jan. 24, 1708-9 ; d. unm., March 21, 1729-30. 48. Eleanor,* b. May 15, 1712.* 49. Moses,* b. June 1, 1715. 26. JAMES PENNIMAN,' son of Dea. Joseph' and Waiting Penniman of Braintree, b. Feb. II, 1683; m. July 12, 1705, Abigail Thater,* b. July 13, 1685. [Thater, 147.] She was adm. to Second Church in Braintree, 1720. He d. Nov. 30, 1724. I find no Will or settlement of estate. Children— 56. tWilliam,* b. July 7, 1706 ; m. Oct. 16, 1729, Ruth Thayer.* [Thater, 158.] 57. James,* b. Dec. 1, 1708 ; m. 1728, Dorcas Vinton. [Vinton, 29.] 58. Abigail,* b. ; m. June 17, 1725, Thomas White.* [White, 43.] Probably there were other children, as — 59. Mary,* b. ; m. June 20, 1726, Joseph Green, prob. son of Joseph of Weymouth. 60. Hannah,* b. ; m. Feb. 18, 1729-30, William Spear. 29. SAMUEL PENNIMAN,' son of Lieut. Samuel' and Elizabeth of Brain tree, b. Nov. 5, 1677; m. May 14, 1707, Ellen Paine,* b. Oct. 12, 1684, dau. of Stephen,' (b. March 8, 1652,) and Ellen (Veazie) Paine, and gr. dau. of Stephen,' who was son of Moses Paine,' the original emigrant. Ellen Paine's father was brother of Samuel,' who m. Mary Penniman,' [10.] Samuel Paine of Braintree, husbandman, having d. intestate, Jan. 29, 1717- 18, his widow Ellen was appointed adm'x, June 9, 1718. [Sufi. Prob., 21 : 6.] Children — 61. Hannah,* b. Aug. 11, 1708; m. Stephen Cleverly, Jan. 25, 1727-8. 62. Samuel,* b. Feb. 24, 1710; m. Mehitable Ruggles, Feb. 9, 1732-3. His will, dated Nov. 24, 1760 ; proved Dec. 9, 1768 ; mentions wife Mehita ble, sons John, Samuel, and Ebenezer, daus. Susanna, Abigail, and 63. Bethiah,* b. March 17, 1712. [Mary. 64. Eleanor,* b. Jan. 1, 1714-15. 65. Abiel,* b. April 5, 1718 ; d. April 2, 1726. FOURTH GENERATION. 56. WILLIAM PENNIMAN,* son of James' and Abigad Penniman of Brain tree, b. July 7, 1706 ; m. Oct. 16, 1729, his mother's cousin Ruth Thater,* b. June 26, 1707. [Thater, 158.] She was admitted to Second Church in Braintree, 1731. Eleven of his chddren shared in the division of his real estate, May 4, 1780. [Suff. Prob., 79 : 256.] Chddren— 66. Ruth,' b. Nov. 17, 1730 ; m. Abijah Allen.' [Allen, 61.] 67. William,' b. Jan. 19, 1731-2; m. Sarah Wild, published Oct. 18, 1755. They had Amasa, m. Eunice Soper ; Barzillai, m. Mary French ; Elijah, m. ; Josiah, m. . 68. Ebenezer,' b. Feb. 28, 1732-3 ; living 1780; see above. 69. Ezra,' b. ; living 1780; seeabove. 70. Pelatiah,' b. Aug. 2, 1736; living 1780. 71. Joseph,' b. Oct. 5, 1737; H. C, 1765 ; ord. pastor, Bedford, May 22, 1771; dism. Nov. 1, 1793; removed to Harvard, and there d. Eccentric in 72. Meshech,' b. ; living 1780; see above. [character. 73. Abigail,' b. Feb. 24, 1742; m. Hollis ; living 1780. 74. Elihu,' b. ; living 1780. 75. Bethuel,' b. ; living 1780. 76. Susanna,' b. ; m. Samuel French, June 14, 1789. * She, or else her cousin Eleanor, [64,] m. Richard Collier of Boston, March 10, 1736. Note. The preceding sketch is made out from original investigation. THE THAYER FAMILY. 87 C|e imager Jfamilg of ^raintm. The following is chiefly, but not wholly, derived from Thayer's " Famdy Memorial," printed 1835, a valuable and much consulted work, but faulty in arrangement. I have corrected some mistakes, and supplied some omissions. Where notice is not given to the contrary, the person wdl be understood to belong to Braintree. I have not undertaken to give an account of the entire Thayer famdy, but only of those more nearly connected with the design of this volume. FIRST GENERATION. There were two original settlers in Braintree, of the name of Thayer, Richard and Thomas. Whether they were related to each other is not known. Not improbably they were brothers. We begin with the Family of Richard Thayer. RICHARD THAYER' came from England, where some of his chddren were undoubtedly bom. Freeman, 1640. Settled in Braintree not far from that date. In 1641, he purchased a tract of land of Josias Wampatuck, sachem of the Indians, who lived on Neponset River, near Stjuantum, who claimed the land as far as Marshfield. This Josias was a minor in 1641, according to the English usage, his father Chicatabut having died in 1633 ; hence the remonstrance of the town of Braintree against this transaction. In 1682 Richard Thayer sent a petition to the king in favor of his claim under this deed. [Mass. Archives, 3, 34.] Richard d. in Braintree, Aug. 27, 1695. His children were — 1. Cornelius,' was of Weymouth; he d. in 1663.* 2. tRichard,' m. Dorothy Pray, sister of John Pray of Braintree, Dec. 24, 1651. 3. tDeborah,' m. Thomas Faxon' of Braintree, April 11, 1653. [Faxon, 2.] 4. Jael.' 5. Sarah,' m. Jonathan Hayward, May 3, 1663 ; or else, m. Samuel Davis, in Boston, July 20, 1651. [Boston Records. 6. tHannah,' m. Samuel Hayden,' 1664. [Hatden, 4.] 7. Zachariah,' d. at Braintree, July 29, 1693, probably unmarried. His brother Richard was administrator on his estate, Aug. 7, 1693. [Suff. Prob., 13 : 106. 8. tNathaniel,' m. Deborah , about 1670. 9. Abigail,' b. about 1661 ; d. Aug. 6, 1727, a. 66, unmarried. SECOND GENERATION. 2. RICHARD THAYER,' son of the preceding ; b. prob. in England ; m. DoROTHT Prat, Dec. 24, 1651. He was of Braintree. He was in Capt. Johnson's company, Oct. 1675, employed against the Indians.| (Possibly it was his son Richard.') He d. Dec. 4, 1705. So Thayer's Fam. Mem. But this date belongs to his son Richard [11.] His wife d. Dec. II, 1705. * " Administration on estate of Cornelius Thair, late of Weymouth, was granted, June, 1663, to Richard and Zacharias Thaier, his brethren, in behalf of themselves and the rest of his brethren and sisters, giving security," &c. [Sufl. Prob., 4 : 143. X In the Metssachusetts Archives is the following list of twelve Braintree men, in Capt. Johnson's company, Ocl. 1675 :— Ebenezer Owen, Richard Thayer, Henry Batllett, Samuel Bass, Martin Saunders, Thomas Copeland, William Sables, [Savil] Francis Nash, James Atkins, "Thomas Holbrook, Increase Niles, Jonathan Pitcher. 88 GENEALOGICAL SKETCHES. Their chddren were — 10. Dorothy,' b. Aug. 30, 1653. 11. tRichard,' b. Aug. 31, 1655 ; m. Rebecca Micall. 12. tNathaniel,' b. Jan. 1, 1657-8; m. Hannah Hayden.' 13. tCornelius,' b. Sept. 18, 1670; m. Abigail Hayden.' 8. NATHANIEL THAYER,' brother of the preceding; m. Deborah , about 1670. Of Boston. Admitted freeman. May 15, 1690. Their children were — 14. Natbaniel.'b. Aug. 28, 1671.* 15. Zachariah,' b. May 29, 1683. 16. Cornelius,' b. Nov. 14, 1684. 17. John,' b. April 2, 1687 ; d. young. 18. John,' b. July 2, 1688. 19. Ebenezer,' b. Feb. I, 1689 ; m. Lydia Copeland, 1719. 20. Deborah,' b. Oct. 14, 1691. Of the above. Rev. Ebenezer Thayer,' [19] H. C, 1708, was ord. pastor Second Church, Roxbury, Nov. 26, 1712. Cornelius' [16] had a son JVathan- lel,* b. 1710, who by wife Ruth Eliot, sister of Rev. Andrew Eliot, D. D. of Boston, was father of Rev. Ebenezer Thayer,' b. July, 1734 ; H. C, 1753; m. Martha Cotton, dau. of Rev. John Cotton of Newton ; ord. pastor, Hampton, N. H., and d. Sept. 6, 1792. His second son was Rev. Mdhanid Thayer,' D. D., b. July 11, 1769; H. C, 1789; ord. pastor, Lancaster, Oct. 9, 1793. THIRD GENERATION. 11. RICHARD THAYER,' son of Richard' and Dorothy, b. Aug. 31, 1655 ; m. Rebecca Micall, July 16, 1679. She was b. Jan. 22, 1658-9. Of Brain. He d. Sept. 11, 1729. [Such is the stateraent in Thayer's Fam. Mem. But I find in Suff. Prob., 16 : 94, the Inventory of the estate of Richard Thayer of Brantrey, £440. 15s., exhibited by Rebecca Thayer and Benjamin Thayer, adm'rs, Dec. 24, 1705. Children— 21. Rebecca,* b. Aug. 16, 1680; m. Thomas Bolter of Weymouth, Feb. 12, 22. tBenjamin,* b. Oct. 6, 1683 ; m. Margaret Curtis. [1701-2. 23. tRichard,* b. Jan. 26, 1684-5; m. 1, Mary White.* 2, Sarah Ford. 3, Lydia Pray. 24. tJohn,* b. Jan. 12, 1687-8; m. Rebecca French.' [French, 20.] 25. Mary,* b. Feb., 1688-9; m. June 15, 1718, WilKaKi Copeland,' sou of William,' gr. son of Lawrence,' grandson also oF John' and Ruth Bass. [Alden, 18.] 26. James,* b. Nov. 16, 1691. 27. tDeborah,* bapt. April 11, 1697 ; m. Josiah Faxon.* [Fakon, 36.] 28. tAnna,* bapt. Nov. 14, 1697 ; m. Dependence French.' [French, 19.] 29. Gideon,* b. July 26, 1700; m. Hannah Hollis, June 3, 1723. Had a son Gideon,' b. 1732, whose son Gideon,' m. Jemima Vinton,' 1800. [Vin- 30. Obadiah,* b. May 1, 1703 ; d. April 5, 1721. [ton, 217.] 12. NATHANIEL THAYER,' son of Richard' and Dorothy, b. Jan. 1, 1657- 8; m. Hannah Hatden,' May 27, 1679. [Hatden, 9.] He lived in what is now called South Braintree, about a raile South of the S. Braintree meeting house on the road to East Randolph ; was a man of property, and respecta- * Nathaniel Thayer,' [14] in his will, daled May 15, 1703, calls Col, Penn Townsend his uncle, and makes him aaminlstralor. Penn Townsend, son of William Townsend, was b. in Boston, Dec. 20, 1651 ; d. there, Aug. 21, 1727, ae. 76. A worthy citizen, member of the Council for the Province, and Judge of the Superior Court for Suffolk. His dau. m. Rev, Ebenezer Thayer of Roxbury. William Townsend left wid. Hannah, who d. before 1700, THE THAYER FAMILY. 89 bility ; a " house-wright." Died intestate, March 28, 1726. Four, if not five, generations of Thayers have been born on that spot ; which continued in the occupancy of his descendants tUl a few years ago, when it was sold by Col. Sylvanus Thayer,' son of Natlianiel,^ [122.] Chddren— 31. tNathaniel,* b. abt. 1680; m. 1, Sarah Wales.* [Fax., 23.] 2, Relief Hyde. 32. Richard,* b. abt. 1683; m. May 18, 1708, Susanna White.* [White, U.] Removed to West Bridgewater. 33. tHannah,* b. Feb. 17, 1685-6; m. Thomas Vinton.' [Vinton, 12.] 34. Zachariah,* b. March 16, 1687 ; m. Feb. 4, 1717-18, Elizabeth Curtis. 35. Ruth,* b. July 17, 1689. 36. Dorothy,* m. Joseph Ludden, Jan. 9, 1717. [Holbrook, 15.] 37. Lydia.* 38. Daniel,* m. Elizabeth Thompson, June 2, 1719. He d. — , a. abt. 104 yrs. 13. CORNELIUS THAYER,' son of Richard and Dorothy; b. Sept. 18, 1670 ; m. Abigail Hatden,' about 1694. [Hatden, 16.] Selectman of Braintree, 1722. Mrs. AbigaU Thayer d. Jan. 1, 1731. Chddren— 39. Cornelius,* b. abt. 1695; m. Rachel Spear, July 19, 1717. 40. Moses,* b. abt. 1698; m. Christian Aspinwall, Aug. 6, 1723. He was buried in Randolph, Sept. 4, 1727. Their dau. Christian,' b. April 12, 1726, m. Nehemiah Holbrook,' 1744. [Holbrook, 85.] 41. Gideon,* b. March 1, 1700. 42. David,* b. abt. 1702; m. Dorothy Blanchard, Dec. 17, 1724. 43. Ezekiel,* b. abt. 1704 ; m. Nov. 1, 1725, Mehitable White.* [White, 44.] 44. Eliakim,* b. abt. 1706 ; m. Aug. 12, 1729, Deborah Hersey of Milton. One of their sons, Solomon,' b. Sept. 23, 1744, m. Alethea Hayden,' dau. of Nehemiah.* [Hatden, 64.] 45. Hezekiah,* b. abt. 1708; m. Nov. 3, 1729, Christian (Aspinwall) Thayer, wid. of his brother Moses, [40.] 46. Jeremiah,* b. ; d. Nov. 9, 1711. 47. Abigail,* b. ; d. Jan. 11, 1712. [others. 48. Jeremiah,* b. Aug. 20, 1716; m. Joanna . Had Patt/,' /eremaft,' and FOURTH GENERATION. 22 BENJAMIN THAYER,* son of Richard' and Rebecca, b. Oct. 6, 1683 ; m. Margaret Cortis, Aug. 17, 1704. She was adm. to 2d Chh. in Braintree, 1713. He d. May 4, 1712. After his death she m. John Hayden,' Feb. 26, 1712-13. [Hatden, 33.] The children of Benjamin Thayer were— 49. Margaret,' b. June 26, 1705 ; m. Amos Stetson,* May 9, 1728. 50. Benjamin,' b. Feb. 23, 1707-8; m. Hannah Vinton.* [Vinton, 28.] 51. Zebulon,' b. Aug. 29, 1711 ; m. 1, 1728, Mary . 2, 1746, Sarah . 23. Lieut. RICHARD THAYER,* son of Richard' and Rebecca, b. Jan. 26, 1684-5 ; m. Feb. 6, 1710-11, Mart White,* b. Sept. 12, 1690, dau. of Samuel' and Anna White of Weymouth. [White, 12.] She was adm. to Second Church, Braintree, 1719. He had been adra. to same, 1714. 2, Sarah Ford, who d. Feb. 14, 1742. 3, Ltdia Prat. He was blind many years. His chddren were, by first wife — 52. tisaiah,' b. Nov. 5, 1711 ; m. Sarah White, dau. of Benjamin, Sept. 17, 1741. 53. Mary,' b. Sept. 26, 1713 ; m. John Ludden, Oct. 25, 1733. Their dau. Mary,' b. May 4, 1737 ; m. Elisha French.* [French, 52.] 54. tJames.' b. Oct. 4, 1716 ; m. Esther Wales.' [Faxon, 24.] 55. Gideon,' b. Jan. 16, 1718; m. Rachel . Resided in Boston. Their dau. Rachel,' m. Ebenezer Thayer,' [196.] 56. Obadiah,' b. Dec. 26, 1720 ; d. in childhood. 90 GENEALOGICAL SKETCHES. 57. Anna,' b. Jan. 31, 1722; m. 1, Jonathan Wild. They had only Anna, b. Aug., 1749, the wife of Col. John Holbrook.' [Holbrook, 90.] 2, Elisha Niles,* son of Rev. Samuel. [Niles, 33.] 58. Obadiah,' b. March 29, 1724; m. Joanna . Had six children in Braintree ; then moved to Boston. By his second wife— 59. tRichard,' b. March 18, 1731 ; m. Esther French,* dau. of Moses' andEsther^ [French, 53.] 60. Sarah,' bapt. 1733. Never married. An invalid from childhood. 61. Ruth,' b. Aug. 1, 1734 ; m. Capt. Silas Wild, b. March 8, 1736 ; he d. Sept. 30, 1807. She d. Dec. 29, 1793. They had Sarah, b. Feb. 23, 1758 ; Jonathan, Dec. 4, 1759 ; Paul and Silas, twins, b. Jan. 13, 1762. 62. tJerusha,' b. Jan. 18, 1736-7; m. 1755, Randall Wild. 24. JOHN THAYER,* son of Richard' and Rebecca, b. Jan. 12, 1687-8 ; m. May 26, 1715, Rebecca French,' dau. of Dependence French.' [French, 20.] He d. Feb. 9, 1768. She d. Oct. 30, 1762. Chddren— 63. John,' b. Feb. 18, 1715-6 ; d. April 15, 1716. 64. John,' b. July 27, 1717; m. Abigail . He d. Sept. 10, 1745. 65. Benjamin,' b. Jan. 11, 1719-20; m. 1, Ruth Capen, Jan. 17, 1741, dau. of John and Ruth (Thayer) Capen. [Thatee, 167.1 2, Bethiah Thayer,' dau. of Naphtali and Bathsheba. [ " 169.] 66. Obadiah,' b. Dec. 31, 1721. Lived in South Weymouth. 67. tMicah,' b. Oct. 31, 1723; m. Mehitable French,* Jan. 14, 1748. 68. Richard,' b. Dec. 15, 1725 ; d. Jan. 30, 1725-6. 69. Richard,' b. Jan. 26, 1726-7 ; m. Susanna (RandalH) Their son Richard,' b. Sept. 13, 1757 ; m. Sally Turner,' dau. of Seth. [Vinton, 40.] 70. Abiah,' b. June 25, 1729; m. Elizabeth . 71. Simeon,' b. May 22, 1732 ; m. Martha Blanchard of Weymouth. 72. Elijah,' b. July 16, 1736 ; m. 1, Hannah Hayden, May 18, 1765. [Hatden, 107i.] 2, Eleanor Thayer,' [83.] 31. NATHANIEL THAYER,* son of Nathaniel' and Hannah ; b. abt. 1680 ; m. 1, Jan. 25, 1704-5, Sarah Wales,* dau. of Elder Nathaniel Wales.' [Faxon, 23.] 2, Jan. 13, 1708-9, Relief Htde. 3, Sarah . He was a man of note and consideration in town ; was often called " the Governor ;" lived in what is now South Braintree. Mr. Thayer d. Jan. 3, 1752. His will, dated Dec. 3, 1751, mentions wife Sarah. His children were, by first wife — 73. Sarah,' bapt. April 1, 1705; m. William Linfield. 74. Joanna,' bapt. Aug. 18, 1706; m. William Cheney. By second wife — 75. tNathaniel,' b. Oct. 7, 1709 ; m. Mary Faxon,' dau. of Richard. [Fax. 72.] 76. Elizabeth,' b. Sept. 11, 1711 ; m. Feb. 28, 1734, Capt. Theophilus Curtis of Stoughton. They had three sons, Theophilus, Jesse, Moses; and three daus. Eunice, Elizabeth, Relief. Eunice m. Maj. Edmund Soper. 77. Josiah,' b. Nov. 30, 1713; m. 1, April 20, 1743, Mary Veazie. 2, Rebecca Hunt, July 3,1762. 78. tCaleb,' b. Feb. 10, 1716 ; m. Abigail Faxon,' dau. of Richard. [Fax., 73.1 79. Abraham,' b. , 1717 ; m. Sarah Hunt. He d. June 4, 1794. They had Elizabeth,' b. July 28, 1753, who was second wife of "Cornet" Solomon Thayer,' [172.] These had Jechonias,' b. July 24, 1786, now of Brain tree. Abraham' and Sarah Thayer also had Isaac,' b. May 9, 1742, who m. Abigail Thayer,' [120.] Ahraltam,' b. April 30, 1757 ; m. Lydia Thayer,' [165.] Hannah,' m. Sylvanus French.' [French, 80.] 80. Hannah,' b- Dec. 2, 1720; d. young. 81. Relief,' b. March 11, 1723; m. Capt. James Faxon.' [Faxon, 75.] 82. Lydia,' bapt. 1726 ; d. young. THE THAYER FAMILY. 91 FIFTH GENERATION. 52. ISAIAH THAYER,' eldest son of Lieut. Richard* and Mary, b. Nov. 5, 1711 ; m. Sept. 17, 1741, Sarah White, b. March 18, 1709, dau. of Benjarain and Mary White. Their chddren were — 83. Eleanor,' b. Nov. 15, 1742; m. May 11, 1790, Elijah Thayer,' [72,] 84, Sarah,' b. Sept. 14, 1744 ; m. Oct. 19, 1765, John Vinton.' [Vinton, 86.] 85. Lois,' bapt. 1748. 86. Eliphaz,' b. March 14, 1762 ; m. Deliverance Thayer,' dau. of James* and Deborah, [172.] 64. JAMES THAYER,' son of Lieut. Richard* and Mary, b. Oct. 4, 1716 ; m. Esther Wales,' b. Dec. 17, 1717, dau. of Nathaniel* and Esther (Ash ley) Wales. [Faxon, 24.] Their children were — 87. Nathaniel Wales,' b. Aug. 21, 1748. 88. Esther,' b. May 21, 1750. 89. James,' b. July 15, 1753. 90. Barnabas,' b. March 13, 1755. 91. Mary,' b. March 29, 1757; m. abt. 1779, Lieut. Daniel Loring of Braintree.* He d. July 27, 1831. She d. 1834. Children— James, b. June 18, 1780 ; Judah, m. Elizabeth Nash ; Nathaniel Wales, m. Joanna Bowditch, dau. of William of Braintree ; settled iu Braintree ; Barnabas Thayer, b. 1790; m. Elizabeth Jane Head ; shopkeeper in Boston; d. about 1830; no children; Mary, num., £s'25, 1727, 1728, 1731, 1735, 1736. A most worthy, substantial man. He lived THE WHITE FAMILY. 103 either on the spot where Rev. Jonas Perkins now lives, or rather a few rods east of it, and east of the small rivulet which there crosses the road. He had 21 acres of land under improvement, and 160 acres of pasture and woodland. His brother Thomas lived next to him on the east, probably very near where Henry J. Holbrook's house now is. He d. intestate, Nov. 4, 1756, a. 80. His son Samuel was appointed admin istrator, Nov. 12, 1756. Inventory, Nov. 26, 1756 ; Real and Personal, £734. 1 6. 4. Supplementary Inventory, £1 ] 0. 16 : in all, £845. 1 2. 4. The currency then being at par. [Suff. Prob., 52 : 3, 425.] Real estate divided among the heirs, Dec. 21, 1757. [Ibid., 55 : 118. Children by first marriage, all b. in Braintree — 52. Deborah,* b. April 5, 1703; m. Feb. 17, 1725-6, Ebenezer Copeland,' b Feb. 16, 1697-8, son of William,' (b. 1656) son of LAWRENCE COPELAND,' all of Braintree. The mother of Ebenezer Copeland was Mary,' dau. of John and Ruth (Alden) Bass. [Alden, 18.] 53. fHannah,* b. Dec. 11, 1704; m. Dea. Samuel Bass.* 54. Samuel,* b. Dec. 4, 1706 ; d. in childhood. 55. Hephzibah,* b. March 28, 1709; m. 1, Sept. 17, 1730, Benjamin French.' [French, 40.] 2, June 12, 1760, Rev. Jonathan Mills.* [Mills, 25.] 56. Samuel,* b. July 22, 1710; d. in infancy. 57. Samuel,* b. Aug. 26, 1712; m. Nov.- 21, 1734, Susanna Allen.* [Allen, 47.] He d. about 1766, leaving no children. WUl dated Sept. 1, 1762 ¦ proved, April 4, 1766. [Suff. Prob., 65 : 75. 31. JOSEPH WHITE,' son of Thomas' and Mary White of Braintree; m. Dec. 6, 1704, Sarah Bavlet, prob. of Weymouth. He lived in Braintree, and d. there, 1740 ; administration on his estate being granted Nov. II of that year. Children — 58. Joseph,* b. Oct. 1, 1706; m. March 21, 1734, Ruth Nash, who d. Aug, 21, 1 767, a. 53. He lived in the easterly part of Randolph, where he d. Jan. 28, 1795, se. 89. Children— 59. jRmJA,' b. July 15, 1738; m. 1760, Adam Kingman. Removed to Worthington. 60. Joseph,' b. Nov. 22, 1742 ; m. June 16, 1766, Ruth Porter, dau. of Joseph Porter of Randolph. Shed. March, 1830. Hed. JulylS, 1816. He was justice of peace; selectman many years; rep resentative, &c. His dau. Ruth,' b. April 12, 1769, m. Zenas French.' [French, 79.] 61. David,' b. May 19, 1745 ; m. 1, Relief Thayer. 2, Experience Niles.' [Niles, 37.] 62. Thankful,' b. May 25, 1747 ; m. Elihu Adams.' [Adams, 57.] 63. Mary',' b. Aug. 1, 1751 ; m. Dea. William Linfield. Their dau. Nancy was first wife of Dr. Jonathan Wild, now of Braintree. 64. Benjamin,* b. March 18, 1709; d. Oct. 3, 1715. 65. John,* b. Feb. 28, 1710; of Randolph; captain; m. Ruth Thayer, dau. of David. [Thatek, 42.] His son Solomon, b. March 18, 1760, m. (2d wife,) Rhoda Braman. They were parents of Rev. Charles White, D. D., now President of Wabash College. After Solomon's death, his widow Rhoda m. Rev. Asa Burton, D, D,, Thetford, Vt. 66. Sarah,* b. Feb. 17, 1712 ; d. Oct. 7, 1715. 67. Daniel,* b. April 18, 1714 ; m. 1, June 12, 1737, Elizabeth Mills. [Mills, 31.] One child, Elizabeth, b. 1738. 2, Dec. 25, 1740, Mary Shaw. 3, Jan. 17, 1744, Betsey Orcutt. One child, Daniel, b. 1750. 68. Benjamin,* b. July 7, 1716 ; m. Mercy Thayer, b. Nov. 1, 1725, dau. of Gideon and Hannah (Hollis) Thayer. [Thater, 29.] He d. 1757. 69. David,* b. Aug. 12, 1719. 70. Sarah,* b. Jan. 12, 1720-1. 71. Hannah,* b. Jan. 28, 1723-4. 72. Mary,* b. June 11, 1727. 104 GENEALOGICAL SKETCHES. 32. EBENEZER WHITE,^ youngest son of Thomas' and Mary White of Braintree ; b. there, 1683 ; m. Ltdia , who d. Jan. 27, 1755, a. 68. He lived in East Braintree, S. E. of the " Iron Works :" his land bounded on Thomas Vinton's land in 1756. He d. July 10, 1770, a. 87. His will is dated Aug. 9, 1759 ; proved, Aug. 10, 1770 ; recorded, Suff. Prob., 69 : 114. Children — 73. Lydia,* b. Sept. 2, 1710 ; m. Pratt. 74. Elizabeth,* b. April 20, 1713; m. July 2, 1730, Jonathan Green. She was not living at the date of her father's will, but had left a son, Jonathan. 75. Ebenezer,* b. July 16, 1714; m. Mercy Kingman; lived in East Braintree, near Weymouth. 76. William,* b. Sept. 1, 1716 ; d. iu infancy. 77. William,* b. Feb. 8, 1717-18; m. 1740, Sarah Turner of Weymouth. He d. March 15, 1772. 78. Anne,* b. May 28, 1720 ; m. Nash. 79. Thomas,* b. Sept. 15, 1731 ; m. Deborah Nash, Aug. 23, 1753 ; captain of a military company ordered to Dorchester Neck [South Boston] in March, 1776. Father of 80. Thomas,' who went to Baltimore. 81. Deborah,' b, March 4, 1756; m, Sept. 17, 1777, .lohn Hobart.' 82. Alexander,' b. ; m. Dorcas Thayer,' about 1778. [Thater, 165.] Their son Alexander,' b. Jan. 12, 1781, m. 1, Betsey Faxon.' [Faxon, 90.] 2, Tirzah TutbU. 83. Silence,' b. ; unmarried. 84. Solomon,' b. ; m. Loud. 85. Elihu,' b. ; m. Loud; captain; lived in East Brain tree, the house S. E. of Caleb Stetson's, and where his children now live ; father of Elliot Loud,' Elihu,' Hervey,' Solomon,' (non compos, deceased,) Naaman Loud,' Harriet,' Sarah,' Deb orah,' Catharine' ; eight of thera still living, and all unmarried. 35. Dea. THOMAS WHITE,' son of Capt. Ebenezer' and Hannah White of Weymouth; b. there, Aug. 19, 1673; m. I, 1700, Mart White, baptized Nov. 11, 1677, dau. of James and Sarah (Baker) White of Dorchester.* She d. in chdd-birth, Nov. 3, 1716, a. 41. 2, Sept. 15, 1740, Silence (Torret) French, widow of Samuel French of Abington. He resided in Weymouth, on the place previously owned and occupied by his uncle, Capt. Samuel White,' and there d. Aprd 28, 1752, se. 79. He was distinguished in civil and military life ; and many years deacon of the church. Children — 86. Nathaniel,* b. Sept. 4, 1701 ; H. C, 1725 ; physician in South Weymouth; eminent in his profession; m. 1, April 27, 1726, Sarah Lovell, who d. May 15, 1733. 2, April 15, 1742, (Widow?) Ruth Holbrook, who d. May, 1752, a. 37. 3, July 1, 1755, Widow Lydia [or Abigail'?] Keith, He d, Nov. 23, 1758, a. 57. S7. Jonathan,* b. Oct. 21, 1702; m. Jan. 1, 1731-2, Hannah Lovell, sister to Sarah, already mentioned. Settled in Weymouth, near Fore River, but about 1745, removed to Lebanon, Ct. 88. John,* b. Sept, 25, 1704; m. 1, Jan. 23, 1734-5, Hannah Dyer, who d. in childbirth. May 4, 1736. 2, May 24, 1739, Rachel Loring, dau. of Dea. John Loring of Hull; she d. July 16, 1752. In 1743, he removed to North Yarmouth, Me., where he was a deacon, and where he d. Nov. 1, 1747. • James White was son of Edward White, who came from England ; he m. Sarah Baker, Feb. 12, 1664-5. James While d. Nov. 11, 1713 ; his wife Sarah d. Oct. 13, 1688. See iheir family in Geneal Re^., vol, v,, p, 467. THE WHITE FAMILY. ' 105 89. Thomas,* b. May 5, 1707; m. Nov. 30, 1738, Sarah Loring, b. Dec. 25, 1714, also dau. of Dea. John Loring of Hull. She d. July 28, 1761, a. 47. 90. Ebenezer,* b. Dec. 21, 1709 ; H. C, 1733; ord. pastor, Danbury, Ct., Mar. 10, 1736; dismissed March, 1764; d. Sept. 11, 1769, on. 60; ra. 1, Mary Moss, dau. of Rev. Joseph Moss of Derby, Ct. She d. Aug. 5, 1746. 2, Jan. 14, 1747, Mary French, dau. of Samuel French and his step-mother Silence (Torrey) French. She d. Aug, 24, 1807. 91. James,* b. Nov. 5, 1712; m. April 16, 1748, Miriam Kingman, b. Oct. 2, 1729, dau. of John and Hannah (Tirrell) Kingman of Weymouth. She d. of apoplexy, Dec. 29, 1791, a. 62. He lived in Weymouth, on Fore Rtver, in the house built by his uncle Joseph, [37,] and now occupied by the widow of his son Major John White. He was a Captain ; held several town offices ; was a Representative in the Legislature, &c. He left a large estate, at his death, March 1, 1793, a. 80. His will, dated Feb. 16, 1793, makes liberal bequests to his six daughters ; but leaves to his only son John, the largest portion of his estate. Children — 92. Hannah,' b. Oct. 10, 1749 ; d. Nov. 20, 1751. 93. Mary,' b. Feb. 20, 1751 ; m. Nathan Voso. 94. Hannah,' b. June 12, 1753; d. June 26, 1753. 95. Hannah,' b. Oct. 25, 1754; m. Lemuel Adams of Milton. 96. Silence,' b. Dec. 4, 1756; ra. Jonathan Swift of Milton. 97. John,' b. March 6, 1759; m. Nancy Babcock of Milton, April 29, 1791, and lived in the mansion house of his father. He died suddenly of apoplexy, Nov. 7, 1816, se. 58. Children- James, b. Aug. 12, 1793; m. . Ann, b, June 14, 1795 ; m. Josiah Vose of Boston. Susanna, [ . , ] m. Hon. Christopher Columbus J Xv fi I Webb of Weymouth, Nov. 23, 1817. George, ] ,-„¦„' (ra. Dunn of Bellows Falls, [ ^^^^' J Vt. Hed. Julv 4, 1831. Mai-ia, b. June 27, 1800; m. Col. Eo'yal Turner of Ean dolph, son of Seth,' son of Seth,' [Vinton, 40,] HaiTiet, b, March 19, 1805; m. Benjamin C, Harris, July 18, 1829. 98, Susanna,' b. March 16, 1761 ; d. April 1, 1761. 99 Sarah ' { twins, b. ') m. Hon. D.aniel Baxter,' of Boston, a ' ^ Aug. 8, > native of Quincy. [3.1 100. Miriam,' ( 1762; ) ra. Col. Benj. Hayden.' [Hayden, 100.] 101. Deborah,' b. July 17, 1765; m. 1, her cousin, Dea, Caleb Hay ward, son of Capt, John and Silence (White) Hayward. He d. May 21, 1800, a. 48. 2, Dea. John White of Concord, Jan. 19, 1807. He d. Jan. 9, 1830, a;. 80. 102. Mary,* b. Feb. 12, 1714; m. June 19, 1735, Micah Allen of Braintree. See p. 36, note. 103. Silence,* b. Nov. 3, 1716 ; m. Jan. 22, 1738, Capt. John Hayward, b. Dec. 19, 1713, son of Samuel Hayward. He lived in Braintree, and d. Sept. 14, 1773, a. 60. Grandfather of Dr. Lemuel Hayward of Boston, and of Chief Justice Shaw. She d. Oct. 5, 1789, a. 73. 36. Dea. SAMUEL WHITE,' son of Capt. Ebenezer' and Hannah White of Weymouth, b. there, 1676; ra. Anna Pratt, b. Sept. 14, 1682, dau. of Matthew and Sarah Pratt. She d. Sept. 14, 1757, a. 75. He lived in South Weymouth; shoemaker; was chosen deacon of the church there, Feb. 17, 1726; d. intestate and insolvent, Aug. 18, 1760, a. 84. Chddren— 104. Ebenezer,* b. Feb. 22, 1700 ; m. March 21, 1733, Anna Short, who d. Feb. 20, 1803, a, 90, 105. Elisha,* b. June 16, 1701 ; d. July 1, 1702. 106. Matthew,* b. April 17, 1704; m. Aug. 9, 1727, Martha Vinson. Chosen deacon of chh. in S. Weyraouth, Nov., 1743. 107. Samuel,* b. May 4, 1706 ; settled in Ashford, Ct. 108. Elisha,* b. ; m. Nov, 23, 1738, Silence Whitman. Removed aw.ay. 109, Jeremiah,* b, March 7, 1712; m. 1, 1740, Hannah Canterbury, 2, 1767, Sarah Thayer, 3, 1771, widow Esther Kingman. His dau. Sarah,' b. Feb. 25, 1768; m. Feb. 21, 1789, David Loud, a Revol. pensioner, d. 1855. 106 GENEALOGICAL SKETCHES. 110. Anna,* b. Jan. 16, 1715; m, David Garnett, Aug. 6, 1752. 111. Nehemiah,* b. ; m. Aug. 21, 1736, Ruth King. 112. Ezeldel,* b. Jan. 1, 1722-3 ; m. March 18, 1743, Abigail Blanchard. They settled in Weymouth, but at length removed to Chesterfield, Hampshire Co. Children— A5i^at7,' b. Jan. 21, 1744 ; Ezekiel,' b. June 8, 1748 ; m. June 30, 1766, Sarah Vinton,' dau. of Nathaniel Vinton.* [Vin., 95.] Mary,' b. Mar. 28, 1750. Silence,' b. Aug. 1, 1751 ; m. 1771, John Shaw ; David,' b. Feb. 25, 1753; Nehemiah,'-b. Oct. 19, 1754; Noah,' b. Oct. 22, 1756; Sarah,' b. Feb. 25, 1759; m. Feb. 14, 1784, Asa French of Williamsburg, Ms. She d. May 9, 1849, a. 90. Ebenezer,' b. April 1, 1761. All prob. b. in Weymouth. FOURTH GENERATION. 53. HANNAH WHITE,* dau. of Dea. Samuel and Deborah White of Brain tree, b. there Dec, II, 1704; m. Dec. 4, 1723, Samuel Bass,* b. July 26, 1700, son of Dea. Samuel Bass,' "cooper," [Adams, 17,] and grandson of John' and Ruth' (Alden) Bass ; gr. grandson, therefore, of Dea. Samuel Bass' of Braintree, and of the Pilgrim JOHN ALDEN.' Samuel Bass* settled in the new South Precinct of Braintree, now Ran dolph ; was a farmer ; chosen deacon of the church there in 1733. His wife Hannah d. June 6, 1743 ; and he m. Jerusha Webb, Jan. 10,1744. Deacon Sarauel Bass,* d. Aprd 3, 1768. Children of Samuel and Hannah (White) Bass — 114. Hannah,' b. Aug. 18, 1725; m. Sept. 25, 1744, Dea. Jonathan Wild of Randolph. 115. Abigail,' b. Feb. 1, 1728 ; m. Joseph Wales.' [Faxon, 32.] 116. Samuel,' b. Aug. 5, 1731 ; d. March 12, 1738. 117. Jonathan,' b. Nov. 14, 1733 ; m, Dec, 24, 1756, Susanna Belcher, b, April 30, 1736, dau. of Samuel Belcher. She d. Nov. 7, 1777, a;. 41. He resided in East Randolph ; had a farm there ; much engaged in mercan tile pursuits ; much respected ; colonel in the militia ; d. of cancer of the face. May 12, 1790. Children — Samuel,' b. May 15, 1757 ; H. C, 1782 ; m. Sarah Lawrence, dau. of Rev. John Lawrence of Lincoln. See Hist, of Lawrence Familt. Had several children, the eldest of whom, Jonathan,' grad. H. C, 1804 ; resides in Braintree, Vt. Sarah,' b. Jan. 24, 1759 ; m. Dr. Ebenezer Alden,' an eminent physi cian of Randolph, b. July 4, 1755; d. of typhus fever, Oct, 16, 1806. [Alden, 110.] Mrs. Alden d. Dec. 2, 1833, se. 74. Their children — a. Ebenezer,' b. March 17, 1788; H. C, 1808; physician in Randolph; [Alden, 111] ; m. April 14, 1818, Ann Kimball, dau. of Capt. Edmund Kimball of Newburyport. Children — Ebenezer,' b. Aug. 10, 1819; m. April 4, 1848, M. Louiza Dyer, dau. of Christopher Dyer of Abington ; settled in the ministry at Marshfield, Ms. Mary Kimball,' b. April 27, 1822; Edmund Kimball,' b. April 11, 1825; grad. Amh. Coll., 1844; a clergyman; Henry Augustus,' b. Aug. 8, 1826; Sarah Boss,' b. May 21, 1828; Anne KimbaU,' b. Aug. 15, 1833. b. Henry Bass,' b. June 7, 1791 ; unm. ; farmer; resides ou the homestead ; has been town clerk, selectman, representative, c. Susanna,' b. Sept. 7, 1793, unm. [&c. 118. Daniel,' b. Mav 9, 1736; m. Mary Wales,' dau. of Dea. Thomas Wale?. [Faxon, 31.] 119. Infant,' b. Sept. 11, 1740; d. Sept. 22, 1740. FAMILY OF EZEKIEL RICHARDSON. 107 esankitts of ^itM '§u\mhm of Mokrn. There were other Richardsons in the First Generation of New England people, besides those who settled in Woburn. We find John Richardson, a proprietor in Watertown, 1636-7. George Richardson, aged 30, embarked at London, April, 1635, in the Susan Ellen ; and was a proprietor in Watertown, 1642. Amos Richardson, and his wife Mary, were of Boston, 1657. Edward Richardson, b. in England, I6I9, was of Newbury, 1649. Wdliam Richard son was of Newbury, 1655 ; d. 1658. It has been suggested that the Richardson faraily is of Danish origin, and that they came from the North of England ; because there are people of that name in Newcastle-upon-Tyne. But there are Richardsons in other parts of the kingdom ; and the compiler, in looking over the Suffolk Probate Records, has found persons of the name who came from the South of England. Edward Johnson, one of the founders of Wobmrn, was from the County of Kent ; why not his associates ? The name Richardson seems to bespeak not a Saxon, but a Norman origin. There were four brothers, Ezekiel, Samuel, Thoraas, and James Richardson, of whom Ezekiel, the eldest, is said to have come over in the fleet with Win throp, which arrived June, 1630. The other brothers may have come then, or four or five years later. "They were men of the middling class in life ; men of strong minds and hearts ; men of discretion and piety. James settled in Chelmsford ; the other three brothers removed from Charlestown to Woburn in Feb. 1640-1, and were among the earliest settlers of that place. They settled, as tradition reports, in the present town of Winchester, a little north and east of the village, on a road which from them received the name of " Richardson Row ;" a name it still bears. Ezekiel Richardson was admitted freeman. May 18, 1631 ; was a man of note; one of the first board of selectmen in Charlestown; constable, appointed by the court, 1633, then an office of much responsibility. He was deputy to the General Court, 1635. He and his wife Susanna were members of the First Church in Boston, which was originally gathered at Charlestown, July 30, 1630 ; and were dismissed, with thirty-three others, from that church, Oct. 14, 1632, in order to the founding of a new church at Charlestown. 'This new church was gathered at Charlestown, Nov. 2, 1632, and is the present First Church in that place. Ezekiel, Samuel, and Thomas Richardson were three of the seven original members of the church at Woburn, the twenty-third church gathered in the Massachusetts colony. When a new church was to be formed, it was the practice to designate seven men of erainent piety and sound judgment to be the " seven pillars" of the new structure ; so they were called, in allusion to Prov. 9 : I. They were to constitute the nucleus of the church ; and theirs was the responsible duty of deciding what other members should be added. It was also their duty to lay out the new town, which was to be formed in con nection with the new church, and make all needful arrangements for the same. The seven commissioners appointed by Charlestown for the establishment of a new church and town at "Charlestown Village," afterwards called Woburn, were Edward Johnson, Edward Convers, John Mousall, Win. Learned, Ezekiel Richardson, Samuel Richardson, Thomas Richardson. The fact that the three brothers Richardson were appointed on so important a service, is conclusive proof of the confidence reposed by their fellow-christians in their wisdom and integrity. The church in Woburn was formed " on the I4th day of the 6th moneth, 1642," i. e. Aug. 24, 1642, N. S. In ten years, the nuraber of its raembers had increased to seventy-four ; of which, says Johnson, " the greater part, according to their own confession, were converted by the preaching of the Word in NewEngland." — Wonder- Working Providence, a volume written by Capt. Edward Johnson, an original member of the church in Woburn, and town clerk there for thirty years, tdl his death, Aprd 23, 1672. 108 GENEALOGICAL SKETCHES. FIRST OENERATION. 1. EZEKIEL RICHARDSON,' lived on the " Shattuck place," in Winchester, half a mde north of the village, on the plain; a locality included, tdl about the year 1850, in the town of Woburn. He was selectman of Woburn, 1644-5-6. He d. at Woburn, Oct. 21, 1647. His will, dated July 20, 1647 ; proved June I, 1648, appoints wife Susanna and eldest son Theophdus, executors. Gives to son Josias 30 pounds when arriving at the age of 21. Gives 30 pounds to son James, and the like sum to dau. Phebe. Discharges all demands between his brother Samuel Richardson and himself Gives Thomas Richard son, son of his brother Thomas, ten shdlings. Overseers of the will, Edward Convers and John Mousall, [the two deacons of the chh. in Woburn.] Inven tory taken Nov. 18, 1647 ; amt. £183. 16s. 6d. Chddren— 2. tPhebe,' bapt. Boston, June 3, 1632 ; m. Dea. Henry Baldwin, Nov. 1, 1649. 3. tTheophilus,' bapt. Chariestown, Dec. 22, 1633 ; m. Mary Champney. 4. Josiah,' bapt. Charlestown, Nov. 7, 1635; m. June 6,! 1659, Remembrance Underwood, dau. of William. He was of Chelmsford; freeman, 1674. Has numerous descendants. 5. John,' bapt. Charlestown, July 21, 1638; d. Jan. 7, 1642-3. 6. Jonathan,' bapt. Charlestown, Feb. 5, 1640; d. young. 7. James,' bapt. Charlestown, July 11, 1641. 8. Ruth,' b. in Woburn, Aug. 23, 1643 ; d. Sept. 7, 1643. SECOND GENERATION. 2. PHEBE RICHARDSON,' dau. of Ezekiel' and Susanna; bapt. as above; m. Nov. I, 1649, Dea. Henrt Baldwin.' He came frora Devonshire ; settled in Woburn; freeman, 1652; selectman, 1681; chosen deacon, 1686; d. Feb. 14, 1697-8. Will dated Feb. 9, 1697-8. Ancestor of the Baldwins of New England, a highly respectable family. Children — 9. Susanna,'' b. Aug. 30, 1650; d. Sept. 28, 1651. 10. Susanna,'^ b. July 25, 1652. 11. Phebe,' b. Sept. 7, 1654; m. Samuel Richardson.' [S. Richardson, 6.] 12. John,' b. Oct. 28, 1656. 13. Daniel,' b. March 15, 1659-60; m. Jan. 6, 1684-5, Hannah Richardson.' [S. Richardson, 17.] Lived in Woburn. He d. Jan. 24, 1718-19, £6. 59. They had thirteen children, of whom at least four d. young. Their son Daniel, b. Dec. 16, 1695, was slain by the Indians near Dun stable, N. H., Sept. 5, 1724. 14. tTimothy,' b. May 27, 1661 ; m. Elizabeth . 15. Mary,' b. July 19, 1663; d. Jan. 8, 1663-4. 16. tHenry,' b. Nov. 15, 1664 ; ra. Abigail Fisk, May 4, 1692. 17. Abigail,'' b. Aug. 20, 1667. 18. Ruth," b. July 31,1670. 19. Benjamin," b. Jan. 20, 1672-3; m. Hannah . He d. April 28, 1736. She d. Sept. 28, 1736. 3. THEOPHILUS RICHARDSON,' eldest son of Ezekiel' and Susanna, bapt. Dec. 22, 1633 ; m. May 2, 1654, Mart Champney, dau. of John Champ ney of Cambridge. He resided in Woburn ; and d. Dec. 28, 1674, a. 41. His widow Mary seems to have m. Joseph Pierce, June 24, 1681. Chddren of Theophilus Richardson — 20. tEzekiel,' b. Oct. 28, 1655 ; ra. Elizabeth Swan, July 27, 1687. 21. Mary,' b. Jan. 15, 1657-8; m. John Brooks, Feb. 25, 1683-4. They lived 22. Sarah,' b. April 23, 1660, [in Woburn. 23. Abigail,' b. Oct. 21, 1662 ; m. John Bateman, June 30, 1681 ; lived in Wob. 24. Hannah,' b. April 6, 1665. 25. tJohn,' b. Jan. 16, 1667-8 ; m. Deborah . 25^ Hester,' b. June 2.5, 1670. 26. Ruth,' b. Aug. 31, 1673 ; m. Williara Russell of Salera Village, [Danvers,] Jan. 20, 1703-4. 27. Bridget,' (probably); b. 1674 ; m. Stephen Richardson. [S. Richardson, 21.J FAMILY OF EZEKIEL RICHARDSON. 109 SECOND GENERATION OF BALDWINS. 14. TIMOTHY BALDWIN,' son of Dea. Henry' and Phebe' (Richardson) Baldwin, b. May 27, 1661 ; m. Elizabeth . Taxed in Stoneham, 1726-7; d. there, March 11,1734. How long he had resided there, is not known to the compiler. He was moderator of the first town meeting ever. held in Stoneham, Dec. 24, 1725. He was one of the first board of select men in Stoneham, and much employed in town business. The births of his children are recorded in Woburn, as follows — 28. Elizabeth,' b. May 29, 1688 ; d. April 4, 1691. 29. tTimothy,' b. Nov. 20, 1689; m. Hannah Richardson.' [T. Richardson, 30. Ralph,' b. June 28, 1691. [24. 31. Hannah,' b. Sept. 6, 1692; d. same day. 16. HENRY BALDWIN,' son of Dea. Henry' and Phebe' (Richardson) Baldwin, b. Nov. 15, 1664 ; m. May 4, 1692, Abigail Fisk, dau. of David and Seaborn (Wilson) Fisk of Woburn, afterwards of Lexington. They lived in Woburn. Children — 32. tHenry,' b. Jan. 12, 1692-3 ; m. Mary Richardson.* [S. Richardson, 71.] 33. tDavid,' b. April 9, 1696 ; m. Abigail Jennison of Sudbury. 34. Isaac,' b. Feb. 20, 1699-1700 ; m. Abigail Flagg of Woburn. One of their sons, Isaac,* was mortally wounded at the battle of Bunker Hill, and d. opposite the house of Col. Royal, in Medford. 35, Abigail,' b. Feb. 13, 1701-2; d. Sept. 4, 1704. 36. James,' b. July 11, 1705; d. June 12, 1709. 37. Abigail,' b. Nov. 19, 1707 ; m. Converse. 38. tJaraes,' b. Oct. 19, 1710; m. Ruth Richardson.* [S. Richardson, 80.] 39. Samuel,' b. Aug. 31, 1717; m. 1, Jones of Weston. Childrnn— Samuel, Lydia. Elizabeth. 2, Deming of Boston. Child — Mary. 3, Rebecca Cotton of Newton. THIRD GENERATION OF RICHARDSONS. 20. EZEKIEL RICHARDSON,' eldest son of Theophdus' and Mary, b. Oct. 28, 1655 ; m. Elizabeth Swan of Cambridge, July 27, 1687. They lived in Woburn. Children — 40. Theophilus,* b. July 4, 1688; d. Aug. 3, 1688. 41. Elizabeth,* b. Oct. 20, 1689. 42. tTheophilus,* b. Jan. 7, 1691-2 ; m. Ruth Swan. 43. tEzekiel,* b, April 22, 1694; m, Lydia , He d. March 13, 1734. Had 44. Abigail,* b. Jan. 15, 1696-7. [Theophilus,' b. Jan. 26, 1718-19. 45. Aaron,* b. Dec. 16, 1701 ; m. Bethiah 25 JOHN RICHARDSON,' son of Theophdus' and Mary, b. Jan. 16, 1667- 8 ; known on the records as John third; m. I, Deborah , who d. Feb. 12, 1703-4. 2, Lydia . 3, Eunice , who d. July 21, 1738. He d. Oct. 29, 1749, a. 81. Chddren by first wife— 46. Mary,* b. Aug. 10, 1689. 47. John,* b. Dec. 29, 1692 ; m. Abigail . Had Caleb,' Gershom,' Abi gail,' Ezra,' .Lasher,' Deborah,' Abijah,' between 1712 and 1731. He d. Nov. 15, 1745. m. Deborah,* b. March 8, 1694-5; ra. John Kendall, March 28, 1718. 48. Sarah,* b. March 12, 1697-8 ; d. Feb. 20, 1703-4. 49. Josiah,* b. Feb. 14, 1699-1700. 50. tNathan,* b. June 24, 1701 ; m. 1, Esther . 2, Tabitha Kendall. 50i. Eunice,* b. Jan. 3, 1703-4. 110 GENEALOGICAL SKETCHES. 51. Lydia,* by second wife, b. Dec. 26, 1705. 514. Joanna,* by third wife, b. Nov. 22, 1707. 52. Hezekiah,* by do., b. Oct 19, 1709. 52i. Eunice,* by do., b. Dec. 28, 1711. THIRD GENERATION OF BALDWINS. 29. TIMOTHY BALDWIN,' son of Timothy' and Elizabeth, b. in Woburn, Nov. 20, 1689; m. Hannah Richardson,' b. May 6, 1689, dau. of Nathaniel,' and gr. dau. of Thomas Richardson,' one of the original settlers of Woburn. [T. Richardson, 24.] Timothy Baldwin' and his father both resided in Stoneham, at least after the incorporation of that town, 1725, and spent the remainder of their days there ; selectman, 1733. He was received to full communion by the church there, Oct. 28, 1750 ; and d. Dec. 3, of the same year, se. 62. Hannah, his wife, was admitted to the same church. Nov. 1, 1730. After Mr. Baldwin's death, she m. about AprU, 1752, John Vinton, Esq., [Vinton, 9,] of Dudley, formerly of Stoneham; and after his death in 1760, returned to Stoneham, where she was living in 1766. In Nov., 1763, she was living in the family of her grandson Timothy Matthews, son of Joseph and Elizabeth (Baldwin) Matthews. The children of Timothy and Hannah Baldwin were — 53. Ralph,* b. March 6, 1714; d. in Stoneham, May 1, 1731. 54. Hannah,* b. Sept. 4, 1715; m. Joseph Vinton, Feb. 19, 1734. [ViN., 22.] 55. Elizabeth,* b. Nov. 9, 1717 ; d. Nov. 25, 1717. 56. Elizabeth,* b. April 9, 1723 ; m. Nov. 10, 1741, Joseph Matthews of Wob., who was of Stoneham, 1752, and afterwards. Their sou Timothy' m. Sarah Brown of Stoneham, Nov. 14, 1763. 57. Timothy,* b. .June 23, 1727; d. Feb. 19, 1727-8. 58. Timothy,* b. May 19, 1729 ; d. April 1, 1742. 32. HENRY BALDWIN,' eldest son of Henry' and Abigad, b. in Woburn, Jan. 12, 1692-3; m. May 7, 1717, Mart Richardson,* b. Jan. 10, 1694-5, dau. of Joseph' and Mary Richardson of Woburn. [S. Richardson, 71.] After Mr. Baldwin's death, his widow Mary m. Jones of Shrewsbury, and d. Oct., 1798, a. 105. Chddren of Henry and Mary Baldwin — 59. Henry,* b. Feb. 27, 1717-18; m. Abigail Butler of Pelham, N. H. They settled in Shrewsbury, and had Mary,' b. Dee. 22, 1743, m. April 7, 1763, Capt. Elisha Ward of Petersham; also, Henry,' Nathan,' Thad deus,' Eliphalet,' Kezia,' Abigail,' Relief,' Lucretia.' 60. Nathan,* b. May 18, 1720; lived in Worcester; m. 1, Sarah Oakes, and had Sarah,' m. Johnson ; Abigail.' 2, Lydia Oakes ; and bad Lydia;' Mary.' 61. Mary,* b. Jan. 4, 1722-3; m. Rev. Abner Bayley of Salem, [N. H. ?] Children — Mary,' m. 1, William White of Plaistow. 2, Dea. Moses Webster of Haverhill. She d. Nov. 7, 1823. Elizaheth,' m. Henry Little of Salem, [N. H. ?] Lamnia,' m. Rev. William Kelly of Warner, N. H., parents of John Kelly, Esq., of Exeter, N. H. 33 Capt. DAVID BALDWIN,' son of Henry' and Abigad, b. in Woburn, Aprd 9, 1696; m. Abigail Jennison,* b. in Sudbury, Dec, 1702, eldest dau. of Hon. Wdliam Jennison.'* He lived in Sudbury. Children — * Hon. William Jennison,' b. April 17, 1676, lived some years in yudbury, on a farm given him by his father. Afierwards he removed lo Worcester, and was Judge of the Common Pleas ; and d. Sept. 19, 1744. He was son of Samuel' and Judith (Macomber) Jennison of Walertown, and grandson of Robert Jenison,' of Watertown, 1637; ad-. milled freeman, 164'5. FAMILY OF EZEKIEL RICHARDSON. Ill 62. William,'! H. C, 1748; of Sudbm-y; a deacon and magistrate; m. Jane Cook, dau. of Rev. William Cook of Sudbury. 63. Samuel,* H. C, 1752; m. Cushing; ord. pastor, Hanover, Mass., Dec. 1, 1756 ; dismissed March 8, 1780. 64. Abigail,* m. Curtis of Sudbury ; their dau. m. Rev. Jonathan Barnes of Hillsboro', N. H. 65, Lydia,* m, Hon. Oliver Prescott of Groton, a physician in very large prac tice ; Judge of Probate ; Brigadier-General before the Revolution, and 1768-1781 ; afterwards Major-General. He was also a member of the Board of War, and of the Supreme Executive Council of Mass. Ho was brother of Col. William Prescott, who commanded iu the redoubt on Bunker Hill, June 17, 1775 ; being third son (sixth child) of Hon. Benjamin and Abigail (Oliver) Prescott, while Col. William was their second son, fourth child. Lucy, sixth child of Hon. Oliver and Lydia (Baldwin) Prescott, m. Hon. Timothy Bigelow of Medford ; and their eldest dau. Katharine, m. Hon. Abbott Lawrence. 66. Elizabeth,* m. Evans, and removed to Nova Scotia. 67. Mary,* m. Capt. Samuel Jackson of Newton ; b. Mar. 6, 1739. No children. 38 JAMES BALDWIN,' son of Henry' and Abigad, b. in Woburn, Oct. 19, 1710; m. May 29, 1739, Ruth Richardson,* b. June 17, 1713, dau. of Joseph and Mary Richardson of Woburn. [S. Richardson, SO.] They resided in Woburn. Children — 68. Cyrus,* b. Nov. 5, 1740 ; ra. Ruth Wilson of Bedford, and d. without issue. 69. Beuel,* b. May 9, 1742 ; d. Feb. 21, 1745-6, a. 3. 70, Loamrai,* b. Jan. 10, 1744-5; m. 1, Mary Fowle of Woburn, July 9, 1772. Children — Cyrus,' Benjamin Franklin,' Loammi,' b. May 16, 1780, James F.,' Mary.' 2, Margery Fowle of Wobm-n, May 26, 1791. Children — Clarissa,' George R.' He was Lieut. Col. of Gerrish's Regiraent at the battle of Bunker Hill, in which, however, only a sraall part of that regiraent participated ; distinguished as a scholar and philosopher ; re ceived the honorary degree of A. M., frora H. C, in 1785 ; was A. A. S. ; the projector of the Middlesex Canal ; the friend and correspondent of Count llumford. The celebrated and delicious " Baldwin Apple" received its designation in reference to him ; au interesting account of the circumstance is given in Brooks' History of Medford, pp. 19, 20. His sou Loammi,' H. C, 1800, was the distinguished Civil Engineer, who built the Dry Docks at Charlestown and Norfolk for the United States Government ; and m. a sister of Samuel Williams, an eminent American banker in London forty years ago. 70i. Reuel,* b. ; m. Oct. 4, 1769, Keziah Wyman ; d. about the time of Lexington Battle. Children — Reuel,' James,' Ruth,' Josiah.' FOURTH GENERATION OF RICHARDSONS. THEOPHILUS RICHARDSON,* son of Ezekiel' and Elizabeth, b. in Woburn, Jan. 7, 1691-2; m. Rdth Swan in Watertown, April 24,1711. Lived in Woburn. After his death, it would seem that his widow Ruth ra. Aprd 6, 1726, Ebenezer Parker of Stoneham. Children of Theophdus and Ruth Richardson — 42. 71. Martha,' b. Feb. 4, 1711-12. 72. Ruth,' b. Sept. 1, 1714. 73. Edward,' b. March 17, 1715-16. 74. Richard, b. Nov. 9, 1719. 75. Moses, b. April 8, 1722. 50. Dea. NATHAN RICHARDSON,* son of John' and Deborah, b. in Wob. June 24, 1701 ; m. 1, Esther , who d. Nov. 10, 1727, a. 27. 2, July 3, 1729, Tabitha Kendall,' b. Jan. 22, 1706-7, youngest chdd of Samuel' and 112 GENEALOGICAL SKETCHES. Mary (Locke) Kendad of Wob., and gr. dau. of Francis Kendall' and of Dea. Wdliam Locke,' who both came from England. She d. Nov. 25, 1739, ee. 33. 3, Lydia , who d. May 17, 1776, a. 84. ? [Grave-stone.] He lived in Wob. ; chosen deacon Aprd 22, 1761, and d. Oct. 31, 1775, a. 74. Children— 76. Nathan,' (by first wife,) b. April 21, 1725. 77. Esther,' do. do. b. Aug. 6, 1727. 78. Tabitha,' (by second wife,) b. . 79. John,' do. do. b. Feb. 5, 1731-2. 80. Amos, do. do. b. Nov, 6, 1733. 81, Jotham, do. do. b. Oct. 23, 1735. 82. Marj', do. do. b. Sept. 7, 1737. JesaitkntB of Samuel |lttIjarbson d Wmhmn, The descendants of Samuel Richardson are exceedingly numerous. The corapder has the names of a much larger number than can be admitted into this sketch ; which he would be glad to print in a volume by themselves, were suitable encouragement afforded. The birth and residence of every person here registered, may be taken to have been in Woburn, unless the contrary be said or implied. FIRST GENERATION. 1. SAMUEL RICHARDSON,' was b. in England, prob. not far from 1610. He may have come over with his brother Ezekiel in 1630 ; or some years afterwards. He and his brother Thomas were admitted members of the chh. in Charlestown, Feb. 18, 1637-8; and, as a consequence, were both admitted freemen of the colony, May 2, 1638. He, and his brothers Ezekiel and Thomas, removed from Charlestown to Woburn early in the spring of 1641 , and with Capt. Edward Johnson and others commenced the settlement of that town, as related in the preceding sketch. Samuel Richardson lived, as tradi tion reports, on the estate now owned and occupied by his descendant, Dea. Luther Richardson,' and previously by his father Thomas Richardson,' [146.] The other brothers, Ezekiel and Thomas, lived in the neighborhood. The locality was, and stiU is, known as Richardson's Row ; it is now within the limits of Winchester. He was selectman of Woburn, 1644-5-6-9-51. His wife was Joanna . He d. intestate. Mar. 23, 1658. Inventory taken March 29, 1658. His widow Joanna and eldest son John were appointed administrators. [Midd. Prob., I : 142.] Lieut. John Wyman of Wob., was appointed guardian of his sons John and Joseph, June 25. 1658. Joanna Richardson, widow of Samuel, died 1666. Her will is dated June 20 of that year, and is on record, Midd. Prob., 4 : 122. It does not appear when her will was proved ; nor is the inventory dated. She gives her real estate to her eldest son John, and sons Joseph, Samuel, and Stephen ; and gives her clothing to her daughter Elizabeth. Mentions Mary Mousall as her daughter. The children of Samuel and Joanna Richardson were — ¦ 2, Mary,' bapt. Feb. 25, 1637-8 ; m. prob. Thomas Mousall,' son of John.' 3, tJohn,' bapt, Nov. 12, 1639; m. 1, Elizabeth Bacon. 2, Mary Pierson. 3, Margaret Willing. The preceding b. in Charlestown; the remainder in Woburn. 4. Hannah,' b. March 8, 1641-2 ; d. April 8, 1642. FAMILY OF SAMUEL RICHARDSON. 113 5. tJoseph,' b. July 27, 1643 ;* m. Hannah Green, Nov. 5, 1666. 6. tSamuel,' b. May 22, 1646 ; m, 1, Martha . 2, Hannah Kingsley, etc, 7. tStophen,' b. Aug. 15, 1649 ; m. Abigail Wyman, Jan. 2, 1674-5. 8. Thomas,-' b. Dec. 31, 1651 ; d. Sept. 27, 1657. 9. Elizabeth,^ b. ; living 1666, at the date of mother's will. SECOND GENERATION. 3. Lieut. JOHN RICHARDSON,' eldest son of Samuel' and Joanna, b. in Charlestown, J639; m. 1, Oct. 22, 1658, Elizabeth Bacon, b. Jan. 4, 1641- 2, dau. of Michael Bacon of Woburn.J 2, at Cambridge, Oct. 28, 1672, Mary Pierson, perhaps dau. of Bartholomew. 3, June 25, 1689, Margaret Willing, who d. Oct. 28, 1726. He lived in Wob. ; was admitted freeman, May 8, 1678; was a "yeoman;'' d. intestate, Jan. 1, 1696-7. Chddren by first wife — 10. tJohn,' b. Jan. 24, 1660-1 ; m. Susanna Fisk, Oct, 22, 1680. 11. Joseph,' b. Jan. 3, 1666-7 ; d. Feb. 13, 1697-8. Children by second wife — 12. tPierson,' b. Sept. 22, 1673; m. Mary Perrin, April 17, 1695. 13. tJacob,' b, Feb, 15, 1675-6; m. Hannah Converse, Nov. 9, 1697. 14. William,' b. June 29, 1678 ; d. Aug. 1, 1678. Children by third wife — 15. Willing,' b. Oct. 5, 1692; d. March 14, 1704. 16. Job,' b. April 30, 1696 ; m. March 31, 1718, Sar.th Clcvel.ind, b. March 5, 1692, dau. of Aaron and Dorcas (Wilson) Cleveland of Woburn. Children— Margaret,* b. Jan. 22, 1718-19; Willing,* b. Jan, 31, 1720-1 ; Ann,* h. Jan. 31, 1723-4; Dorcas,* b. March 14, 1728-9. 5. JOSEPH RICHARDSON,' second son of Samuel' and Joanna, b. in Woburn, July 27, 1643; m. Nov. 5, 16C6, Hannah Green, b. Feb. 7, 1646-7, dau. of Thomas and Elizabeth Green of Maiden. [Green, .] Joseph Richardson was adm. freeman. May 15, 1672, and was one of Major Apple- ton's soldiers. Dec, 1675, in the war with Philip. He d. March 5, 1717-18. His will is dated June 24, 1717; proved April 22, 1718: recorded Midd. Prob., 15: 14.3. He provides very carefully and liberally for his " well- beloved wife Hannah ;" and among other things, that his son "Joseph shall find her a horse, and keep the same for her use, and a raan or himself to ride before her on Sabbath-days, or where she shall have occasion to go, all during her natural life, if she remains my widow." He also mentions his five children, as follows. His widow Hannah d. May 20, I72I. Chddren — 17. Hannah,' b. Oct. 21, 1667 ; m. Jan. 6, 1684-5, Daniel Baldwin.' [E. Rich ardson, 13.] 18. Mary,' b. March 22, 1668-9 ; m. 1, Oct. 2, 1688, Capt. James Fowle, b. Mar. 4, 1667, son of James. He d. March 19, 1714, a. 47. 2, Samuel Walker. She d. Oct. 23, 1748, a. 81. 19. Elizabeth,' b. June 28, 1670; m. 1, April 12, 1692, Capt. John Coggin, b. Sept. 19, 1677, son of John and Sarah (Dawes) Craggen, as the name was written prior to 1692. He d. Feb. 16, 1724-5, "a.' 50." 2, Feb. 4, 1739-40, Jacob Wyman, b. about 1665, youngest son of Lieut. John Wy man,' one of the first settlers of Woburn. His first wife was Elizabeth Richardson, [24.] Jacob Wyman d. March 31, 1742, a. 77. 20. tJoseph,' b. May 19, 1672 ; m. Mary . 21. tStephen,' b. Feb. 7, 1673-4; m. Bridget Richardson, 1695. * The Middlesex Co. Records erroneously give this dale to John." X Michael Bacon was selectman of Woburn, 1659-1665-6-8-70. 114 GENEALOGICAL SKETCHES. 6. SAMUEL RICHARDSON,' third son of Samuel' and Joanna, b. May 22, 1646 ; ra. 1, Marth^ . She d. in chddbirth, Dec. 20, 1673. 2, Sept. 30, 1674, Hannah Kingsley, perhaps dau. of Samuel of Bdlerica. She was slain, with her only chdd, only a week old, by the Indians, Aprd 10, 1676. A party of savages, in a hostile incursion into Woburn, came to the house of Samuel Richardson, where they found his wife and part of his family.* 3, Nov. 7, 1676, Phebe Baldwin,' b. Sept. 7, 16.54. [E. Richardson, II.] She d. Oct. 20, 1679, a 25. 4, Sept. 8, 1680, Sarah Howard, of Maiden, born 1655, sister of Nathaniel Howard, who (Nathaniel) died in 1693; she' survived her husband, and d. Oct. 14, 1717, a. 62. He d. Aprd 29, 1712, te. 66. His wdl is dated Feb. 23, 1709-10; proved May 19, 1712; recorded Midd. Prob., 13 : 68. He mentions wife Sarah, eldest son Samuel, dau. Eli zabeth Wyraan, wife of Jacob Wyman, son Zachariah, dau. Sarah Richardson, dau. Hannah Pratt, sons Ebenezer, Eleazar, David, Thomas, and Jonathan ; the last being a minor. He speaks of his brother Stephen, and of John Vin ton, their land as bordering on his own ; of Joseph Richardson, Jr., also, and Stephen Richardson, Jr., as his cousins, i. e. nephews. His children were, by first wife — 22. tSamuel,' ( twins, b. Nov. ) m. Susanna Richardson,* [51.] 23. Thomas,'! 5,1670; ) slain by the Indians, April 10, 1676. 24. Elizabeth,' b. about 1672 ; m. Nov. 23, 1687, Jacob Wyman,' b. abt. 1665, youngest son of Lieut. John Wyman.' She d. Nov. 21, 1739. His second wife, m. Feb. 4, 1739-40, was her cousin Elizabeth, wid. of Capt. John Coggin, and dau. of Joseph and Hannah Richardson, [19.] He d. March 31, 1742. 25. Martha,' b. Dec. 20, 1673; d. in infancy. By second wife — 26. Hannah,' b. April, 1676; slain by the Indians, April 10, 1676. By third wife — 27. Zachariah,' b. Nov. 21, 1677; m. Feb. 14, 1699-1700, Mehitable Perrin. He d. Nov. 23, 1748. By fourth wife — 28. Thomas,' b. Aug. 18, 1681 ; d. Sept. 9, 1681. 29. Sarah,' b. Aug. 20, 1682 ; living unm. at the date of father's will, 1710. 30. Thomas,' b. Sept. 25, 1684; m. in Watertown, Sept. 29, 1713, Rebecca Wyman,' b. Nov. 11, 1693, eldest dau of Samuel' and Rebecca (John son) Wyman, and gr. dau. of Francis Wyman,' otic of the early settlers of Woburn. He was in "Lovewell's Fight," May 8, 1725, and was one of the few who escaped unhurt. He d. Jan. 12, 1774. ic. 90. His wife Rebecca d, April 11, 1771, £e. 78. 31. Ebenezer,' b. March 15, 1686-7. 32. Infant son, b. Aug. 17, 1689; i. same day. 33. Hannah,' b. Aug. 11, 1690; m. Pratt. 34. Eleazar,' b, Feb, 10, 1692-3 ; d, April 17, 1753. 35. Jonathan,' b. July 16, 1696; m. abt. 1720, Abigail Wyman,' b, Feb. 5, 1695, sister of Rebecca, who m, Thomas Richardson,' [.30,] Her sisters Esther and Lydia m. the brothers Reuben and Oliver Richardson,' [75, 76.] He d. July 16, 1759, a. 63. 36. David,' b. April 14, 1700; blacksmith; settled in Newton; m. 1, May 21, 1724, Esther Ward,* dau. of Edward,' of Newton. She d. in child bed, Feb. 26, 1725-6. 2, Oct. 19, 1726, her cousin. Remember Ward,* dau. of Jonathan,' who was brother of Edward Ward ;' they were sons of John Ward,' of Newton, and grandsons of William Ward,' of Sud bury. She d. Aug., 1760, tu. 55. 3, Abigail Holden, who d. Aug. 5, 1777, u. 54. He d. 1770, a;. 71. [Jackson's Hist, of Newton, pp. 397-8. ^ Rev. John Cotton of Plymoulh, in a letter dated ''Plimouth, April 19, 1676," says. " April 12, one woman and two children were killed at Wooburne." The original letter i.s" iu the Library of the Mass, Hist. Soc. See Bliss's Hist, of Rehoboth, p, 101, for a copy. The Woburn records give the names and dpte as in the text. FAMILY OF SAMUEL RICHARDSON. 115 7. STEPHEN RICHARDSON,' fourth son of Samuel' and Joanna, b. Aug. 15, 1649; m. in Billerica, Jan. 2, 1674-5, Abigail Wyman, b. about 1659, dau. of Francis' and Abigail (Read) Wyman of Woburn.* He resided in Woburn; freeman, 1690; d. March 23, 1717-18, Hannah (Gardner) Parker of Wob. Living in 1855. 173. Joshua,' ( 1777; ) killed instantly, July 14,1807, by the falling of Maj. Jeremiah Clap's house-frarae in Woburn, which he, with several others, were in the process of raising. Samuel Wright, a. 27, son of Dea. Josiah Wright,' and grandson of Dea. John Wright,* [146,] was also in stantly killed. John Lyman d. next day, and Nathan Parker d. July 19, of injuries received at the same time. From 30 to 40 persons were more or less injured. 118. REUBEN RICHARDSON,' son of Reuben* and Esther, b. in Woburn, Dec. 22, 1731 ; m. March 3, 17,57, Jerusha Kendall, b. Feb. 13, 1734-5, dau. of Samuel and Elizabeth of Woburn. He was a blacksmith and farmer. Lived in Stoneham from early childhood till 1766 ; afterwards resided in Wob. till his death, Nov. 16, 1818, a. 87. Children, all b. in Stoneham— 174. Jerusha,' b. March 31, 1759 ; m. 1779, Paul Upton of Wilmington. 175. Elizabeth,' b. May 157T761 ; m. June 12, 1781, Zadok Wyraan,' of Wob., b. Aug. 10, 1760, son of Nathan and Rebecca (Russell) Wyman. He d. about 1840. She d. Feb. 7, 1847, a. 86. 176. Susanna,' b. Nov. 1, 1763 ; m. Feb. 17, 1785, Jesse Wyman,' b. June 23, 1764, son of Jesse* and Esther, son of Zebadiah,' son of Benjamin,' son of Francis.' He d. Jan. 21, 1807. She d. Jan. 17, 1829. Their dau. Mary, b. April 12, 1793 ; m. Jason Richardson, [164.1 177. Mary,' b. ; m. Dec. 1, 1803, Calvin Brooks of Woburn, afterwards of Sterling. He finally came back to Woburn and died there, June 3, 1855, a. 84. 178. Esther,' b. Jan. 4, 1766 ; m. Oct. 3, 1786, Joseph Wheeler Beers of Wob. 122 GENEALOGICAL SKETCHES. 119. RUTH RICHARDSON,' dau. of Reuben and Esther, had by Johk Gerry — his 2d wife ; he was son of John and Elizabeth (Wyman) Gerry — 181. Benjamin, b. Sept. 1, 1767; m. 1, Persis Danforth of South Reading. 2, Betsey Parker of Danvers. He d. about 1847, a. 80. 182. John, b. Sept. 25, 1771 ; m. 1, Elizabeth Morgan. 2, Hannah Rowe. They lived in New York city. 120. ABEL RICHARDSON,' son of Reuben* and Esther, b. in Stoneham, Oct. 23, 1736 ; m. Nov. 26, 1761, Mary Thompson,' b. May 24, 1741, dau. of Samuel* and Ruth (Wright) Thompson, sister of Daniel Thompson, one of the two Woburn men who were killed by the British, on the I9th April, 1775. See p. 1 17, note. He was a soldier in the " Old French War," I756-I760, in the neighbor hood of Lake George ; also a soldier of the Revolution. He resided in Wo burn, within the present limits of Winchester. He d. May 27, 1831, te. 96. His widow, Mary, d. Jan. 16, 1832, a. 91. When very aged, his hair, which had been of a silvery white, began to assume a degree of color. Children — 183. Abel,' b. Aug. 25, 1762 ; d, young, 184. Mary,' b. Aug. 18, 1764; never married; had large experience as a nm^e. Living in 1855. 185. Abel,' b. Jan. 26, 1767 ; m. Lucy Childs. She d. at Wob. July 8, 1829, a. 56. 186. Ruby,' b. June 11, 1769; ra. .lonathan Wyman, Feb. 21, 1788. She was living 1852. 187. Lydia,' b April 3, 1771 ; m. Wilkins of Lyndeboro', N. H. 188. Reuben,' b. Mar. 10, 1 773 ; m. , dau. of Jaraes Tufts, innkeeper, Medf. 189. Isaac,' b. Feb. 25, 1776; ra. Betsey Hard of Charlestown. 190. Enochj' b. Nov. 17, 1779; m. of Lyndeboro', N. H. Living there 1855. 122. ELIJAH RICHARDSON,' son of Reuben* and Esther, b. in Stoneham, May 4, I74I; m. 1773, Ruth Gould, b. Oct. 17, 1753, dau. of Daniel and Ruth of Stoneham. He was by trade a cooper, but was chiefly occupied with agriculture. Lived in Stoneham, in the house now owned and occupied by Micah Williams. His wife Ruth d. Sept. I81I, a. ^8. He d. May 20, 1833, a. 91. Children— 191. Susanna,' b. June 14, 1775; m. Jesse Richardson. 192. Elijah,' b. May 20, 1779 ; m. Mary Vinton. [Vinton, 196.] 193. Ruth,' b. April 16, 1787 ; m. April 7, 1814, Benj. Woods of Woburn. 125. Dea. JOSIAH RICHARDSON.' son of Reuben* and Esther, b. in Stone ham, Nov. 8, 1747; m. April 11, 1776, Jerusha Brooks, b. July 13, 1757, dau. of Benjamin and Susanna (Kendall) Brooks of Woburn. Her father, Benjamin, b. April 14, 1717, was son of Jabez and Hephzibah Brooks, and was killed by the falling of a tree, Jan. 6, 1769, m. 52. Josiah Richardson resided in Woburn. Was chosen deacon of the church there, Jan. 28, 1789. He d. Dec. 38, 1795, a. 48. His widow, Jerusha, m. Dec. 9, 1806, Ebenezer Wade of Woburn, and died Sept. 17, 1842, a. 8.5. Children — 194. Jerusha,' b. May 4, 1777 ; d. Aug. 27, 1778. 195. Josiah,' b.May 8, 1780; ra.June 26, 1804, Hannah Brooks, b. June 30, 1781, youngest child of Nathaniel and Esther (Wyraan) Brooks of Woburn. 196. Benjamin Brooks,' b. Aug. 11, 1783 ; m. 1, May 21, 1807, Sally Bond Da vis, b. March 9, 1786, dau. of Nathaniel Davis of Woburn. 2, Jan. 3, 1822, Abigail Cushing of Haverhill, b. Oct. 3, 1779. 197. Lemuel,' b. Sept, 2, 1785; m, April 11, 1811, Nancy Richardson,' b. March 17, 1790, dau. of Abel' and Anna (Tufts) Richardson, and gr. dau. of Nathan,' b. 1725. [E. Richardson, 76.] 198. Amastt,' b. May 30, 1790 ; d. at 4 years old. 199. Clarissa,' b. Oct. 12, 1794 ; m, John Levering of Deering, N, H,, a native of Woburn, FAMILY OF THOMAS RICHARDSON. 123 128. Lieut. CHARLES RICHARDSON,' youngest son of Reuben* and Esther, b. in Stoneham, Feb. 17, 1756; m. June 26, 1777, Anna Bruce,' b. Jhu. 27, 1759, dau. of George and Mary (Holt) Bruce of Woburn. George,* her father, was b. May 18, 1733, son of John' and Rose Bruce. John Bruce,' was son of John,' and grandson of George Bruce,' (a Scotsman,) and Elizabeth Clark (dau. of William Clark) of Woburn, who were m. in Wob., Dec. 30, 1659. They lived in Stoneham, Woburn, and Salem. He d. at over 80 years of age. Children, b. in Stoneham, were— 200. Charles,' b. Aug. 30, 1778; m. March 11, 1801, Sarah Mansfield of Stone ham. She is deceased. He was living in Salem, March, 1853. Chil dren — Jonas,'' b. May 1, 1802; d. of consumption at Mobile, Sept. 10, 1830. Charles Mansfield,'' b. Jan. 17, 1807 ; m. April 16, 1835, Caroline Mansfield Tracy. He is a hardware merchant in Salem. No children. 201. Anna,' b. March 24, 1781 ; m. Williara Poole of Danvers. 202. Sally,' b. May 28, 1790 ; ra. Upton of Danvers. 203. Jones,' b. March 29, 1792 ; d. of scarlatina, Feb. 16, 1796. Addendum. — After 73. Joseph,* b. Nov. 8, 1699, add — m. Susanna , who d. in childbed. Mar. 7, 1725-6, "a. abt. 29." They had James,' b. Mar. 1, 1723-4 ; Seth,' and Susanna,' twins, b. Mar. 6, 1725-6. He d. Dec. 7, 1725. Jesaitbants of %\mm ^it^arbsoit of Moburii. The birth and residence of every person here registered, may be taken to have been at Woburn, unless the contrary appears from the context. FIRST GENERATION. THOMAS RICHARDSON' appears to have been younger than Samuel, and with him may have emigrated to America some four or five years later than Ezekiel, the eldest brother. Thomas, with his brother Samuel, was ad mitted to the church in Charlestown, Feb. 18, 1637-8; also admitted freeman, May 2, 1638. Thomas, with Samuel and Ezekiel, assisted in the foundation of the church and town of Woburn, 1642. See Ezekiel Richardson. Thomas d. at Woburn, Aug. 28, I65I. The name of his wife was Mary. After his death she m. Michael Bacon, sen., (his second wife,) Oct. 26, 165,5. She d. May 19, 1670 ; and he m. for third wife, Mary Noyes, Nov. 28, 1670. Michael Bacon d. July 4, 1688. The children of Thomas Richardson were — 1. Mary,2 bap. at Charlestown, Nov. 17, 1638. 2. Sarah,' bap. at Charlestown, Nov. 22, 1640; ra. Michael Bacon, jr., March 22, 1660. They had Mary, b. March 1, 1661. Sarah, b. Aug. 24, 1663. Abigail, h. March 1, 1666. 3. tisaac,' b. at Woburn, May 14, 1643 ; m. Deborah Fuller, June 19, 1667. 4. Thomas,' b. Oct. 4, 1645 ; settled in Billerica, 1667 ; d. Fob. 25, 1721, having many descendants. 44. Ruth,' b. April 14, 1647. 5. Phebe,' b. Jan. 24, 1648-9. 6. tNathaniel,' b. Jan. 2, 1650-1 ; m. Mary . SECOND OENERATION. 3. ISAAC RICHARDSON,' son of Thomas,' b. May 14, 1643; m. Deborah Puller, June 19, 1667. He lived in Woburn, his native place, and d. there April 2, 1689. In his Will, dated Feb. 28, 1688-9, (Midd. Prob. 7 : II,) he mentions wife Deborah, son Jonathan, then under 21 years of age, sons Ed- 124 GENEALOGICAL SKETCHES. ward, Joseph, Benjamin and David, all minors ; daughters Mary and Elizabeth. David and Edward are called " my two youngest sons." Samuel and Stephen Richardson sign as witnesses. Children — 7. Jonathan,' b.Dec. 12, 1669. He was of Providence 1 709, " late rf Woburn." In 1719, he was "of Mendon," then in Suffolk Co., and had a sonlsaac.* 8. Deborah,' b. Jan. 22, 1671-2. 9. Joseph,' 10. Benjamin,' twins, born June 25, 1674. Lived in Woburn, 1709; taxed in Stone ham, non-resident, for real estate, 1726-7. ra. Lydia . Lived in Woburn, 1709; taxed in Stoneham, non-resident, for real estate, 1726-7. Had Benjamin,* who was "Jr.," 1726. Lydia,* b. Nov. 28, 1710. He d. 1728, intestate. His widow Lydia and eldest son Benj. were appointed adra'rs, Jan. 6, 1728-9. [Midd. Prob. 18, 414. 11. Marcy,' b. Oct. 27, 1676 ; d. May 13, 1678. 12. David,' b. Feb. 4, 1678-9. 13. Phebe,' b. Feb. 14, 1680-1, Though not mentioned in her father's Will, seems to have ra. Joseph Rice of Reading, May 20, 1703. 14. Mary,' b. July 14, 1683. 15. Elizabeth,' b. Nov. 8, 1685. 16. Edward,' b. Feb. 2, 1687-8. 6. NATHANIEL RICHARDSON,' youngest son of Thomas,' b. Jan. 2, 1650-1 ; m. Mary . He was freeman 1690; was "of Capt. Prentiss' troop" of horse, and wounded in the " Great Swamp Fight," Dec. 19, 1675 ; d. Dec. 4, 1714; his wid. Mary, d. Dec. 32, 1719. Their children were— 17. tNathaniel,' b. Aug. 27, 1673 ; m. Abigail Read, Sept. 18, 1694. 18. tJaraes,' b. Feb. 26, 1675-6 ; ra. 1, Rebecca Eaton. 2, Elizabeth Arnold. 19. Mary,' b. March 10, 1679-80; m. 1, May 5, 1696, Thomas Wyman,' b. April 1, 1671, son of Francis.' 2, Aug. 17, 1733, Josiah Winn. She d. June 7, 1743, a. 63. 20. tJoshua, b. June 3, 1681 ; m. Hannah . 21. Martha,' b. , 1683. 22. John,' b. Jan. 25, 1684-5. 23. Thomas,' b. April 15, 1687. 24. Hannah,'b. May6, 1689; m. 1, Timothy Baldwin.' [E. Richardson, 29. J 2, John Vinton, Esq., of Dudley, 1752. [Vinton. 9.] 25. Samuel,' b. Sept. 24, 1691 ; m. Sarah . Had Margaret,* h. May 25, 1714 ; Samuel.,* b. July 16, 1716 ; Sarah,* b. June 1, 1719. 26. tPhineas,' b. Feb. 1693-4; m. 1, Mary Arnold. 2, Rebecca Fowle. 27. Phebe,' b. March 4, 1695-6 ; m. Oct. 31, 1716, David Wyman,' b. April 14; 1693, son of Jacob' and Elizabeth (Richardson) Wyman, [S. Richard son, 24] and grandson of Lieut. John Wyman.' She d. Nov. 24, 1750, a. 54. 28. Amos,' b. Aug. 10, 1698 ; m. Abigail ; had Amos,* b. Dec. 3, 1721. 29. Benjamin,' b. Aug. 27, 1700 ; d. Sept. 5, 1700. THIRD GENERATION. 17. NATHANIEL RICHARDSON,' son of Nathaniel' and Mary, b. Aug. 27, 1673 ; m. Sept. 18, 1694, Abigail Read, dau. of Israel Read of Woburn. Children — 30. Abigail,* b. Dec. 25, 1695. 31. Elizabeth,* b. 1697; d. Oct. 10, 1698. 32. Rebecca,* b. Aug, 14, 1699. 33. Nathaniel,* ( twins, b. March I seems to have settled in Leicester abt. 1722. 34. Rachel,* ( 20,1702; J d. Sept. 19, 1702. 3.5. Benjamin,* b. Feb, 29, 1703-4 ; m. Judith . Had Isaac,' b. April 18, 1733. .Judith,' b. Aug. i,n31. Joe/,' b, July 3, 1740 ; m. Oct. 20, 1768, 36. Israel,* b. Aug. 16, 1710. [Susanna Richardson. FAMILY OF THOMAS RICHARDSON. 125 18. Capt. JAMES RICHARDSON,' son of Nathaniel' and Mary, b. Feb. 26 1675-6 ; m. I, Rebecca Eaton, 1698 ; who d. 1699, without issue. 2, Eliz abeth Arnold, Dec. 22, 1699. Capt. James Richardson was employed against the Indians in Maine, and d. Mar. 23, 1722, a. 44. His wid. Elizabeth d. Nov. 3, 1744. ? Children— 37. James,* b. Nov. 28, 1700 ; d. in infancy. 38. James,* b. March 14, 1703-4 ; m. Sept. 24, 1728, Sarah Fowle. Had James,' b. Dec. 25, 1729 ; m. Hannah Reed, Feb. 12, 1749-50. William,' b. May 6, 1731. Sarah,' b. Dec, 12, 1732 ; m. 1754, Ephraim Wyman.* 39. Josiah,* b. May 16, 1706. 394. Catherine,* b. ; d. April 5, 1714. 40. Rebecca,* b. July 14, 1710; m. March 2, 1730, Sarauel Locke,'* b. Aug. 24, 1702, son of Lieut. Ebenezer,' and grandson of Dea. William Locke.' He inherited, through his father, the homestead of his grandfather, William Locke, on the road to Lexington, li ras. W. of Woburn village. There he kept tavern several years. In Dec., 1741, he sold this farm to Samuel Wyman, 3d, and raoved to Lancaster, where he became a large landholder.t He died April 13, 1775, a. 72, and his widow m. Dec. 27, 1775, Col. Joseph Wilder, and d. Sept. 10, 1789, a. 79. [Locke Geneal. 41. Catharine,* b. Feb. 6, 1714-15 ; ra. Joshua Sawyer, Feb. 3, 1736-7. 42. Nathaniel,* b. Feb. 6, 1716. 43. Mary,< b. Jan. 26, 1719. Isaac Richardson* m. July 2, 1728, Eliz. Richardson : had 8 children. Whether he were of the preceding or following family, does not appear. 20. JOSHUA RICHARDSON,' son of Nathaniel' and Mary. b. June 3, I68I ; m. Hannah . He d. Nov. 5, 1749, " a. 78." Children— 44. Hannah,* b. Jan. 8, 1706-7. Did she m. Benj. Belknap, May 19, 1726 ? 45. Mary,* b. March 13, 1709-10; m. Thomas Carter, May 21, 1728. 46. Martha,* b. May 18, 1714 ; had illegitimate son Thomas by Eleazar Wyman.' 47. Joshua,* b. Oct, 18, 1716; m. 1, July 11, 1739, Eunice Jennison, b.Feb, 1721-2, youngest dau. of Samuel' and Mary (Stearns) Jennison, of Watertown. She d. in childbed, April 13, 1748, a, 26. 2, Abigail Car ter, who outlived him, and d. at Salem, about 1795. Children by first wife— Lucy,' b. July 21, 1740 ;.d. Dec. 27, 1741. Nathaniel,' b. March 20, 1742; ra. in Middleton, Sept. 1771, Eunice Putnara, b. March 29, 1751, dau. of David Putnam of Danvers. Nathaniel, d. Jan. 25, 1796. Eunice d. his widow at Salem, Nov. 28, 1846, a. 95 y. 7 mo. 27 days. Nathaniel Richardson' was a merchant and tanner in Salem. Other children of Joshua,* were — Lucy,' b. Nov. 13, 1743 ; Joshua' ; Israel,' b. March 29,1748; d. April 20, 1748. His children by second marriage were — Josiah,' Abigail,' Israel,' Asa,' Polly,' Eunice,' Alford.' 26. PHINEAS RICHARDSON,' son of Nathaniel' and Mary, b. Feb. 1693-4 ; m. I, Mary Arnold, Oct. 30, 1716. 2, May 9, 1728, Rebecca Fowle. Children — By first wife — By second wife — 48. Mary,* b. March 7, 1717-8. 51. J.ames,* b. April 30, 1729. 49. Thomas,* b. Oct. 30, 1721. 52. William,* b. Feb. 27, 1731. 50. James,* b. April 19, 1724 ; d. July 53. Dorothy,* b. March 31, 1733. 7, 1724. 54. Phincas,* b. Jan- 9, 1735; m. Feb. 27, 1759, Hannah Richardson. [S. Richardson, 138.] ™ According to the printed Woburn Records, Elizabeth Richardson m. Samuel Locke, March 2, 1730. X William Locke,* b. Aug. 23, 1748, youngest son of I^amuel' and Rebecca (Richardson) Locke, m Mary Fowle, at Lancnster, June 18, 1772, and by her had Josiah,' h. at Lancas ter, Oct. I, 1780; m. Susanna Patlerson, Oct 12, 1806; removed lo Blonmfield, Me,, and there had Mary, b, Aug. 8, 1807, and Ann, b. Jan, 10, 1811, who were successively wives of Rev. George Whilefield Hathaway of that place. 126 GENEALOGICAL SKETCHES. Jwcrabants of iljomas §xm\[t'] of Pakn. The following sketch has been prepared by Samuel S. Greene, Professor of Mathematics and Civil Engineering in Brown University, Providence. Con siderable aid has been rendered him by the compiler of the other portions of this volume ; especially in those parts of the sketch which relate to the Greens of Stoneham, Reading, and the vicinity. There were many other families of the name of Green, or Greene, among the first settlers of New England. Bartholomew Green, whose wife was Elizabeth, came to America about 1630; and settled in Cambridge with his children, Samuel, Nathaniel, and Phebe. His son Samuel had a family of nineteen children. Two of the sons of this Samuel were printers, as were many of their descendants. Samuel Green, a printer, and a descendant of this family, was residing in Hartford, Ct., in 1855. Rev. Henry Green, first min ister of Reading, resided some time in Watertown ; freeman, 1640 ; ord. at Reading, Nov. 5, 1645 ; d. Oct. II, 1648. He is spoken of as "the father of Reading:" incorporated 1644. John Greene, of Salem, went to Providence 16.36, afterwards to Warwick, and is the ancestor of Gen. Nathaniel Greene, a distinguished commander of the Revolution. John G.ieene, a ruling elder of the church in Charlestown was born in London; came to this country 1632, and died May 22, 1658. His Will, dated the previous April, mentions wife Joane, sons John and Jacob, and dau. Mary Greene ; also Elizabeth Greene, Jacob's wife, and Jacob's two sons, Jacob and John. Joseph Green, and Elizabeth his wife, were of Weymouth, 1653. Nathaniel Green, Cambridge, was freeman 1645. Percival Green and Ellen his wife came to this country in 1635, each at the age of 33, and settled in Cambridge. They had a son John, b. June, 1636, who, Oct. 20, 1656, m. Ruth, dau. of Edward Mitchelson. Felt finds in Ipswich a Henry Green, 1642, and a Thomas Greene, 1648. Thomas Greene came from London in the Paull, Leonard Belts, master, bound to Virginia, July 6, 1635. Thomas Green came May 28, 1636, in the ship Speedwell, Joseph Chap- pell, master, from London. Thomas Greene lived in Roxbury in 1648. Probably one of these was the ancestor of the family included in the follow ing sketch. William Green, b. in Devonshire, Eng., Oct. 16, 1591 ; m. Hannah Ken dall ; settled in Woburn, where he died Jan. 7, 16.53-4. He had Hannah, b. Feb. 7, 1646-7; John, b. Oct. 11. 1649; IVitliam, b. Oct. 22, 1651. Three families of the name of Green were resident in Maiden, at its incor poration in 1649. James Green, freeman 1647, had wife Elizabeth and a son John, who is known in the records as "John Green of the Hill," and who d. in 1709, leaving wife Mary, and only son Samuel. From these is descended James D. Green, Esq., who was mayor of Cambridge in 1853. Besides the Thomas Green, whose descendants are, many of them, included in the following sketch, there was another Thomas Green, whose Will, dated Feb. 35, 1673-4, and proved 16th June following, we find on record, Midd. Prob., 4 : 110. His first wife, Margaret, d. June 22, 1667. He m. his second wife, Elizabeth Webb, Aug. 19, 1667, and mentions her in his Will, together with his children, Thomas, Mary, John, Ephraim, and Elizabeth, the last two of whom were under 31 years of age. This testator is stated in the Probate Records to have d. May 25, 1674. His eldest son, Thomas, b. April I, 16.53; in. March 23, 1675, Mary Weeks ; is called " Col. ;" d. April 28, 1694, eb. 42. His widow m. a Gage. His son Thomas removed to Bradford ; was there 1699. Ephraim Green, son of the aforesaid testator, d. Nov. 28, 1694, proba- THE GREEN FAMILY. 127 bly unmarried. Of John Green, b. Jan. 26, 1658-9, brother of Ephraim, we have no further account. FIRST GENERATION. 1. THOMAS GREEN[E]* was born in England, probably abt. 1606. There are reasons for supposing that he came from Leicestershire, but no proof of the fact. The time of his arrival in this country is also uncertain. The first record in which his name appears, so as to identify him, is 1653, when his youngest daughter, Dorcas, was born. Yet he doubtless came many years be fore, probably 1635 or 1636. We are inclined to the opinion that he lived either in Ipswich or Roxbury till 1649 or 1650, andthen removed to Maiden. He certainly lived in Maiden as early as Oct. 38, 1651, when his wife Elizabeth, and dau., bearing the same name, signed a petition to the General Court.]: He had a farm of 63 acres in the north part of Maiden, in that part which is now the town of Melrose. A part of his farm remains to this day in the pos session of his descendants. He was selectman of Maiden in 1658, and was several times on the grand jury of the County of Middlesex. As there were two other Thomas Greens in the town, he is known on the records as Thomas Green, senior ; his son being junior, and the other Thomas left without any suffix. He m. 1, Elizabeth , who was doubtless the mother of all his child ren, and who d. Aug. 22, 1658. 2, Frances Cook, Sept. 5, 1659. She was then the widow of Richard Cook, who d. October 14, 1658 ; and had previously been the widow of Isaac Wheeler. She was b. in 1608, and had children by both her lormer husbands. He d. Dec. 19, 1667. His Will, dated Nov. 12, 1667; proved Jan. 15, 1667-8; recorded Midd. Prob., 5 : 297, mentions no wife, but makes bequests to his " eldest son " Thomas, sons John, William, Henry, Samuel, and daugh ters Elizabeth, Mary, Hannah, Martha, and Dorcas. Sons William and Henry were appointed executors. John Waite, John Lynde, witnesses. Inventory, Jan. 10, 1667-8 ; amount, £364. The children of Thomas Green, were — 2. Elizabeth,' prob. b. in England abt. 1628, one of the signers of the petition to Gen. Court iu 1651. Nothing further is known of her. 3. tThomas,' prob. b. in England abt. 1630 ; ra. Rebecca Hills abt. 1653. 4. t.John,'^ b. (prob. in Eng.) 1632 ; ra. Sarah Wheeler, Dec. 18, 1660. 5. Mary,' prob. b. in Eng. abt. 1633 ; m. before 1656, Capt. John Waite, a prominent citizen ; selectman 1658, 1678, 1679 and four following years ; representative 1666-1684. 6. tWilliam,' b. , 1635 ; ra. 1, Elizabeth Wheeler. 2, Isabel Blood. 7. tlleury,' b. , 1638; m. Esther Hasse, Jan. 11, 1671-2. 8. tSamuel,' b. March, 1645 ; m. 1, Mary Cook, 1666. 2, Susanna . 9. Hannah,' b. about 1647 ; m. Joseph Richardson, of Woburn, Nov. 5, 1666. [S. Richardson, 5.] (There is no authority for the date of her birth as given on p. 113,) She d. May 20, 1721, 10. Martha,' b. about 1650. 11. Dorcas,' b. in Maiden, May 1, 1653 ; m. Jan. 11, 1671-2, Jaraes Barrett,' of Maiden, b. April 6, 1644. She d. 1682. James d. 1694. Their child ren, intermarrying with the Sargents, &c., have nuraerous descendants. Some of the above were doubtless born in England ; how many is unknown. * In many, perhaps most of the earliest recoids, the name was spelled wiih ihe final e. Bul ihe great majorily of Iho descendants of Thomas Greene' have nol used the final vowel ; which will therefore be omilied, except in recording the families descended from Ebenezer Greene of Belcherlovvn, and one or two others, by whom it was assumed about 1825, in the belief that it coiiformed lo the ancient orthography. X This petition was signed by 36 females of Maiden, praying the General Court lo excuse some errors and (ailings of Rev, Marmaduke Matthews, first minister of Maiden, who had fallen under the censure of that honorable body. Three Elizabelh Greens were among the signer^; the Ihird being wife of James Green.' See Inlroductory paragraphs of this sketch. [Bi-Cenlcnnial Book ol Maiden, p 140. 128 GENEALOGICAL SKETCHES. SECOND GENERATIOt^. 3. THOMAS GREEN,' son of the preceding; prob. b. in Eng. about 1630: in. abt. 1653, Rebecca Hills,' dau. of JOSEPH HILLS,' then of Maiden, afterwards of Newbury, by his first wife, Rose Dunster, sister of President Dunster.* He resided in Maiden, was a farmer, and was admitted freeman May 31, 1670. He d. Feb. 13, I67I-2, having made his Will on the day of his death; which Will, proved April 2, 1672, and recrrded Midd. Prob., 4:116, gives to wife Rebecca the third part of his estate ; the remainder to be equally divided among his children Rebecca, Hannah, Thomas, and Samuel, who were then all under age. Wife Rebecca, Ex*. Plis brother John Green and brother Wayte, overseers. Inventory, £164. 10; dated March 8, 1671-2. His widow, Rebecca, d. June 6, 1674. The children of Thomas and Rebecca (Hills) Green, were — 12. Rebecca,' b. 1654; m. 1674, Thomas Newell of Lynn. He was appointed administrator, "in behalf of his wife and the other children," of the estate of the widow Rebecca Green, his wife's mother, March 4, 1674-5. Jo seph Hills of Newbury, conveyed, Nov. 9, 1674, to the aforesaid Thomas Newell and Rebecca his wife, two parcels of land, containing ten acres, and " sometimes in the occupation of Thomas Green ; " in consideration of payments to be made to Hannah (sister of the grantee's wife) and to Samuel (her brother) when they should become of age. Furthermore, Samuel Green, last mentioned, was to be " brought up " by the said Newell. In this deed, Joseph Hills calls himself " father of Rebecca, the wife of Thomas Green, late of Maulden." [Midd. Deeds, 8 : 543-4-5.] The same land was conveyed, April 24, 1690, by the said 'Thomas New ell "of Maiden," to the said Samuel Green. [Midd. Deeds, 12 : 449. [ Mrs. Rebecca Newell d. May 25, 1726, aj, 73, [Gravestone in Maiden,] 13. Thomas,' b. Feb. 1655-6; d. April 15, 1674. As he is mentioned in his father's Will, but not in the settleraent of his father's estate, 1675, nor in the Will of his grandfather, Joseph Hills, 1687, while Rebecca, Hannah, and Sarauel are mentioned, he must have died before those latter trans actions. 14. Hannah,' b. Oct. 16, 1658 ; d. March 25, 1659, 15, Hannah,' b. Feb, 24, 1659-60; m. Aug. 26, 1677, John Vinton' of Maiden, afterwards of Woburn. [Vinton, 3. J The ancestor of a very numer ous posterity, viz., of nearly all registered in the Vinton Memorial. She is mentioned in the Will of Joseph Hills, 1687, as his grand dau. Hannah Vinton. 16. tSamuel,' b. Oct. 5, 1670 ; in. Elizabeth Upham about 1692. 4. Dea. JOHN GREEN,' son of Thomas Green,' b. (prob. in England) 1632; m. in Maiden, Dec. 18, 1660, Sarah Wheeler, b. June, 1643, dau. of Isaac Wheeler, whose wife Frances afterwards m. Richard Cook, and after that m. John Green's father, Tho ras Green, sen. He was a respectable and influential citizen of Maiden ; freeman, Oct. 24, 1668 ; captain of a military company, and for many years deacon of the church. He was selectman nineteen years between 1678 and I70I, and represented the town in the General Court 1692-3-4-6. He d. Oct. 16, 1707, a. 75. [Gravestone.] This proves that he was b. in 1632. His Will is dated the previous day, Oct. 15, 1707; proved Nov. 10, 1707 ; recorded Midd. Prob., II : 177. After making bequests to wife Sarah, dau. Sarah Sprague, and gr. dau. Mehitable Sprague, (then under 18) he gives the rest of his estate to his son John, who is made executor. * Rebecca Hills signed, 1651, the pelilion referred lo on page 39.5, note. Her first child was b. 1554. She must have been married lu ihe interval. THE GREEN FAMILY. 129 His widow, Sarah, d. Dec. 1, 1717, a. 74 y. 6 mo. [Gravestone.] Whence it appears that she was b. May or June 1643. Their children were — 17. Sarah,' b. Sept. 1662 ; d. young. 18. Mary,' b. Dec. 1668 ; prob. d. young ; not mentioned in father's Will. 19. John,' b. April 1670 ; d. young. 20. tJohn,' b. March 21, 1673-4 ; ra. his cousin Mary Green. [39.1 21. Sarah,' b. Jan. 14, 1676-7 ; m. Samuel Sprague ; had dau. Mehitable, b. 1694. 6. Capt. WILLIAM GREEN,' third son of Thomas Green, sen., b. in 1635, as appears from his age at several times when he gave testimony, and from his age as marked on his gravestone. He m. 1, Elizabeth Wheeler, dau. of Isaac Wheeler, and sister of his brother John's wife.* They were m. by Capt. Marshall, Sept. 13, 1659, according to Midd. Records; but March 13, 1659-60, according to Maiden Records ; both being copies of a perished orig inal. After the death of Elizabeth, he m. 2, Feb. 6, 1694-5, Isabel Blood, b. 1652, widow of James Blood of Concord, and formerly widow of David Wy man' of Woburn, to whom she was m. April 27, 1675, and by whom she had two children, David,' and Isabel,' the last being b. July 5, 1677. Her maiden name was Isabel Farmer, from Ansley in England. She survived her third husband, Capt. Green, more than thirty years, dying March 3, 1736-7, a. 85. He was made freeman Oct. 24, 1668; was a farmer; member of the church in Maiden ; captain of a military company ; selectman 1678, 1683, 1703. He owned one half of the farm in Maiden, which had been owned by his father Thomas Green, and sold it to his brother Samuel, Oct. 1670 ; the other half being owned by his brother Henry. [Midd. Deeds, 4 : 50.] His brother John owned land on the north of it. He d. Dec. 30, 1705, a. 70. [Gravestone.] His Will, dated Dec. 14, 1705; proved Jan. 21, 1705-6: recorded Midd. Prob., II : 84; leaves his personal property in part to wife Isabel, grandsons William Green, Benjamin Green, Nathaniel Green, all three under 21 years of age; and dau. Sarah Webb ; the real estate and part of the personal being left to sons Isaac and John Green, who are made joint executors. The children of Williara and Elizabeth Green, were — 22. tWilliam,' b. 1661 ; ra. about 1682, Elizabeth Hills. 23. tisaac,' b. ; m. Sarah . 24. John,' b. Oct. 1667 ; seems to have d. young. 25. Elizabeth,' b. Nov. 1668 ; prob. d. early; not mentioned in father's Will. 26. Sarah,' b. May 11, 1671 ; ra. Webb. 27. tJohn,' b. about 1672; ra. 1699, Isabel Wyman. 7. Lieut. HENRY GREEN,' fourth son of Thomas Green, sen., b. 1638, probably in this country. His age is deduced frora his gravestone, and from his testimony in court. He m. Jan. 11, 1671-2, Esther Hasse, b. 1649 or 1650, a name notloiown at present, unless it be changed to Hussey or Hersey. He resided in Maiden, where he was selectman thirteen years between 1682 and I7I4 ; r-epresentative 1689, 1694, 1703, 1704. He has a numerous posterity. He d. Sept. 19, I7I7, " a. 78 years and 8 mos." [Gravestone. His Will is dated Jan. 23, 1704-5; proved Sept. 30, I7I7; recorded Midd. Prob., 14 : 559. He leaves property to wife Esther ; to son Henry, who has land of the testator in possession in Charlestown ; to son Joseph, son Daniel (gives him land in Charlestown [prob. what is now Stoneham] and elsewhere) ; son Jacob, (who has the homestead) ; dau. Esther Flagg, and two other daus., * Richard Cook lefl property by Will, Sepl 25, 1658, lo Elizabelh and Sarah Wheeler his wife's daughters by her first husband, Isaac Wheeler; ihese must be the same. 1.30 GENEALOGICAL SKETCHES. Dorcas and Lydia. His four sons, Henry, Joseph, Daniel and Jacob, are exec, notwithstanding that Jacob is under age. Witnesses, William Green [6], Jona than Green [40], Samuel Sprague. His widow Esther survived him thirty years. The latter part of her life was spent in Stoneham, probably with her son Daniel. She d. there, Feb. 26, 1747-8, a. 98. [Gravestone.] Her Will, dated May 22, 1740 ; proved July 13, 1748; recorded Midd. Prob., 35 : 344; gives wearing apparel to her three daus., Esther Flagg, Dorcas Wiley, and Lydia Lynde ; divides her estate to son Henry Green and his children ; dau. Esther Flagg and her children ; son Joseph Green's children ; son Daniel Green and his children ; dau. Dorcas Wyle [Wiley] and her children; dau. Lydia Lynde and her children; and son Jacob Green's children. Also mentions four grand daus., Dorothy Brown, Cath arine Haskal [Haskell], Jemima Bigbe [Bixby], and Miriam Green. Son Daniel Green, and son-in-law Thomas Lynde, exrs. Witnesses, John Green, Jonas Green, John Clark. The children of Henry and Esther Green were — 28. tHenry,' b. Jan. 24, 1672-3 ; m. Hannah Flagg of Woburn, Jan. 9, 1695-6. 29. Esthe'r,' b. Sept, 1674 ; ra, Eleazer Flagg of Woburn, Jan. 17, 1694-5, He was b, Aug, 1, 1670, son of Gershora Flagg and brother of the above. 30. tJoseph,' b. Oct. 1678; ra. Hannah Green,' dau. of John,' son of Jaraes.' 31. tDaniel,' b. 1681 ; ra. Mary Bucknam, Dec. 29, 1708. 32. Dorcas,' b. about 1683; m. Wiley. 33. Lydia,' b. Aug. 11, 1685; m. Thomas Lynde,* son of Capt. John Lynde,' son of Ensign Thomas Lynde,' (b. in Eng. about 1616 ; d. Oct. 15, 1693,) who was son of Dea. THOMAS LYNDE,' b. in Eng. Jan. 1593-4; freeman 1635 ; d. at Charlestown, his residence, Dec. 30, 1671, a,. 77. Mrs. Lydia Lynde d. Oct. 19, 1755. Thomas and Lydia had Thomas,' b. 1711 ; Jonathan,' b. 1714 ; .7aco6,' b. 1716; Lydia,' b. 1723. 34. t Jacob,' b. May 6, 1689 ; m, July 8, 17 13, Dorothy Lynde,* dau. of Capt. John.' 8. SAMUEL GREEN,' youngest son of Thomas Green,' b. March, 1045. The date of his birth is inferred from his age as marked on his gravestone. He m. I, 1666, Mary Cook, dau. of Richard Cook, second husband of Fran ces, whose third husband was Thomas Green, sen., father of our Samuel.' She d. Nov. 24, 1715. 2, Susanna , who survived him. He has a numerous posterity. He re-ided in Maiden; and appears as "Samuel Green, sen.," on the records, to distinguish him from three other Samuel Greens, then in Maiden, viz. : his son Samuel, his nephew Samuel [16], and his son-in-law Samuel,' son of John,' son of James,' of another fimily. In Oct. 1670, he purchased of his brother William, one half of his father's farm, and from that time occupied " the old mansion house." Bought the ol her half of his brother Henry, June 13 1684. [Midd. Deeds, 4 : 50, and 9 : 141. He d. Oct. 31, 1724, a. 79 years, 7 months. [Gravestone.] His Will is dated Jan. 3, 1721-3; proved Nov. 13, 1724 ; recorded Midd. Prob., 17 : 168. He mentions wife Susanna ; gives to his six sons, Samuel, Thomas, William, Jon athan, David, and Isaac, after paying some small legacies, all his estate, real and personal, in equal proportions. His three daus., Mary, Martha, Elizabeth, having " had their proportions already," are each to receive only five shillings. The six sons are appointed exrs. Witnesses, John Green, Jacob Green, John Green, jr. By an instrument dated April 11, 1716, "John Green and Mary Green his wife, Samuel Green and Martha Green his wife, David Gould and Elizabeth Gould his wife, all sons in-law and daughters of Samuel Green, sen., relinquish to their brothers Samuel, Thomas, William, Jonathan, David and Isaac Green, all sons of Samuel Green, sen.," &c. The children of Samuel and Mary Green were — 35. tSamuel,' b. Jan. 1667-8 ; m. Mary Wheeler, May 4, 1694. 36. tThomas,' b. , 1669 ; ra. May 10, 1698, Hannah Vinton. [Vinton, 10.] THE GREEN FAMILY. 131 37. John,' b. April 1, 1672 ; prob. d. early; not mentioned in father's Will or elsewhere after date of bir:h. 38. tWilliam,' b. Aug. 1674 ; m. May 29, 1707, Elizabeth Farmer. 39. Mary,' b. about 1677 ; m. her cousin John Green.' [20.] 40. tJonathan,' b. Feb. 2, 1679-80; ni. Lydia Bucknam, Nov. 15, 1715. 41 . tMartha,' b. , 1683 ; m. Samuel Green,' of another family. See above. 42. tDavid,' b. , 1685; ra. Martha Pratt, Doc. 10, 1713. 43. Elizabeth,' b. Nov. 16, 1687 ; m. David Gould, about 1715. They resided in Stoneham ; were there at and before the incorporation of the town, 1725. She d. April 18, 1753, x. 64. [Gravestone,] Mr. Gould died Aprils, 1760, ffi. 69. [Ibid.] Their son Jacob, b. 1726, was father of Jacob Gould, b. March 30, 1754, murdered for raoney, by persons un known, in his own house, at Stoneham, Nov. 26, 1819, te. 66. 44. tisaac,' b. May 20, 1690 ; m. Mary Pratt, May 2, 1717. THIRD GENERATION. 16. Capt. SAMUEL GREEN,' (Thomas," Thomas,^]* son of Thomas' and Re becca (Hills) Green of Maiden ; b. Oct. 5, 1670; m. Elizabeth Upham, sup posed to be a daughter of Dea. Phineas Upham,' (b. 1658 ; d. 1730, a. 62,) eldest son of Lieut. Phineas Upham,' who was severely wounded in the storm ing of the Narragansett fort, Dec. 19, 1675 ; of which wound he d. Oct. fol lowing. The last was son of Dea. JOHN UPHAM,' b. in Eng. 1597 ; came to Weymouth about 1635; removed to Maiden a few years afterwards; select man of Maiden I65I, and subsequently ; d. Feb. 25, 1681, a. 84. He is mentioned in the Will (dated Sept. 14, 1687: Suff. Prob., 10 : 241,) of his grandfather Joseph Hills of Newbury, (formerly of Maiden,) together with his sister Hannah Vinton. That he married Elizabeth Upham is ceitain from an original deed to him from Joseph Lynde of Maiden, dated Jan. 14, I70I-2, now in the possession of his descendant, William N. Green of Wor cester, which thus distinguishes him from other Samuel Greens, " that Samuel Green which married Elizabeth Upham." He resided in Maiden till about 1717, when he removed with his family to Leicester, of which town he was one of the original founders. That tow^nship »as granted by the General Court, Feb. 10, 1713-14, and Capt. Green was one of the committee (with Col. William Dudley of Roxbury and olhers) ap pointed by the proprietors to settle it. He owned three lots of forty acres each, and two of thirty acres each, in said town. [Midd. Deeds, 29 : 329.] He was a very influential man in all the atfairs of the new settlement. That part of the town, occupied by him and his relatives, who soon afterwards moved from Maiden, is now called Greenville, in honor of him. It is a village in the south part of Leicester, about a mile north of South Leicester R. R. Depot. He d. Jan. 2, 1735-6. His Will, dated Maiden, April 18, 1717,— just before removing to Leicester ; proved Feb. 5, 1735-6 ; recorded Wore. Piob., men tions wife Elizabeth, son Thomas, (who has the real estate, except that one-half of the real and personal is for his mother's use during her life,) and six daus., as below. Mrs. Elizabeth Green d. in Leicester, probably in 1761. Children — 45. Elizabeth,* b. April 4, 1693 ; m. Thomas Richardson in Maiden. 46. Rebecca,* b. April 4, 1695; m, Samuel Baldwin. 47. Ruth,* b. ; ni. Joshua Nichols. 48. tThomas,* b. , 1699 ; in. Martha Lynde, in Maiden, Jan, 13, 1725-6. * A formula similar to this will be hereafter used in Ibis sketch, to indicate the pedigree of the individual afler whose name it occurs. In the present instance, it reminds the reader Ihat Capt. Samuel Green was a son of Thomas,' who was son of Thomas,' the original emigrant. 132 GENEALOGICAL SKETCHES. 49. Lydia,* b. ; ra. 1, her cousin, Abiathar Vinton, in Maiden, April 30, 1723. [Vinton, 16.] They lived in Braintree a year or two after mar riage ; soon after settled in Leicester, where Abiathar Vinton d. in 1740. His widow, Lydia, m. 2, Jan. 15, 1746, Sara'l Stowerof Leicester, a native of Maiden. Abiathar and Lydia Vinton were gr. grandparents of Hon. Samuel Finley Vinton, b. in South Hadley, Sept. 25, 1792 ; graduated Wms. Coll. 1814; many years an erainent lawyer in Gallipolis, Ohio; 22 years raember of Congress from that State. See a full genealogy of Lydia Vinton's descendants in the Vinton Memorial. 50. " Barsheby,"* [Bathsheba] b. ; m. Elisha Nevins. 51. 'Abigail,* b. ; m. Henry King. 52. "Any,"* [Anna,] b. ; m. Ebenezer Lamb. The Maiden Records make Nos. 45, 46, to be twins, b. April 4, 1695, which was probably the fact. The County Records at E. Cambridge give them as above. 20. JOHN GREEN,' (John,^ Thomas,^) only surviving son of Dea. John and Sarah (Wheeler) Green; b. in Maiden, March 21, 1673-4; m. (it is believed) his cousin, Mary Green,' [39] dau. of Samuel.' They were m. by Rev. Mr. Wigglesworih, Feb. 23, 1697-8.* He resided in Maiden, of which town he was selectman, 1722, 1733. He d. intestate, Nov. 28, 1747, a. 74. [Gravestone.] His son John was appointed admr., April II, 1748. Inventory, May 9, 1748; amount, £2570, old tenor; a currency now depreciated to one-sixth its par value. [Midd. Prob., 25 : 194.] His children were— 53. tJohn,* b. Nov. 25, 1698 ; m. Jan. 1721, Phebe Bucknam. He d. March 10, 54. Jacob,* b. Oct. 20, 1700; m. ; d. before 1749. [1757. 55. Mary,* b. June 9, 1703 ; m. Sweetser. 56. Caleb,* b. Dec. 8, 1706 ; d. March 7, 1737-8. 57. Elizabeth,* b. Dec. 22, 1709 ; d. May 9, 1738. 22 WILLIAM GRBEN,' {William," Thomas,^) eldest son of Capt. William' and Elizabeth (Wheeler) Green, was b. in Maiden, 1661. This we learn from his deposition, Feb. 15, 1685-6, where he affirms himself to be "aged about 24 years." He m. about 1682, Elizabeth Hills,' b. 1661, dau. of Joseph Hills,' jun., and gr. dau. of JOSEPH HILLS,' sen., who d. at Newbury, Feb. 5, 1687-8, £6. 86. This is ascertained from a deed given Nov. 12, 1685, by Jo seph Hills, to his gr. dau. Elizabeth Green, wife of William Green, jr., of Mai den, and dau. of the grantor's son Joseph Hills, of a parcel of land in Maiden. He lived in Maiden ; and d. March 21, 1690-1. [Midd. Prob. Records.] There is a tradition in the family that he was killed at Dunstable, [now Nashua I by the Indians. This is not improbable; but no record has been found to confirm it. His widow Elizabeth m. Aug. 25, 1691, Capt. John Lynde,' son of Thomas Lynde.' See [33.] This marriage is proved not only by the record of it in Maiden, but by the Midd. Prob. Records.]; By Elizabeth, his second wife, « John Green m. Mary Green, Feb. 23, 1097-8, So much is certain, for it is expressly staled on .Maiden Records. That the parlies were cousins, is equally certain. Bul there was another cousin John Green,' [27] who may possibly have been the husband of Mary Green in the text. The probabilities are greatly in favor of the statement in ihe texl ; and the compiler, afler much consideration, has determined on the statement made above. 11 John [¦ j j s He resided in Stoneham ; was constable there 1741. He inherited from his father that part of the homestead which was situated on the west side of the road leading from Maiden to Reading; which included land once belonging to THOMAS GREEN.i the ancestor of the whole family. He d. in Stoneham, Jan. 30, 1774, a. 74. [Gravestone.] His Will, dated Oct. 18, 1770 ; proved Feb. 23, 1774 ; recorded Midd. Prob., 55 : 143 ; makes provision for wife Jerusha, but leaves estate to son John, then under 21 years of age. To dau. Elizabeth Green he gives 5s., " she had so much already ;" to dau. Jerusha Green, under 18, he gives £33. 6. 8. Mentions also gr. daus. Sarah Polly, Susanna Polly. Witnesses, Jonathan Green, [117] Thomas Vinton, Timothy Vinton. Inventory, Feb. 22, 1774 ; amount real and personal, £540. 5. 5. ; included land in east part of Stoneham, on the road from Maiden to Reading, and ad joining land of widow Hannah Vinton, [142] Thomas Vinton her son, and Dea. Joseph Green [80.] His children were, by first marriage — 174. Sarah,' b. Dec. 4, 1727 ; m. Pollard. They had Sarah, Susanna. 175. Phebe,5 b. May 16, 1731 ; d. April 22, 1741. 176. Elizabeth,' b, April 17, 1734; m. 1756, Josiah Green,^ [185.J 177. Martha,s b. May 26, 1739; d. April 15, 1741. By second marriage — 178. John,' b. about 1758; never married; inherited the homestead, where he lived with his mother and half-sister, Mary Norwood, till the death of the former, Oct, 1805; the latter dying soon after. Subsequently William Green [393] and wife lived in his house and took care of him ; to whom at his death he left the house and farm. Ho d. abt. 1842, a. abt. 84. 179. Jerusha,' b. , 1760; d. Sept. 5, 1775, se. 15. [Gravestone. 66. JONAS GREEN,-! (John,' William," Thomas,') brother of the preceding, b. in Stoneham, April 14, 1713 ; m. June 2, 1743, Mart Hat of Stoneham, probably sister of Capt. Peter Hay, who m. his sister Isabel Green. He resided in Maiden, probably in the part now Melrose, and near his brother John of Stoneham ; was a man of note in the town, being selectman every year from 1761 to 1771, inclusive — eleven years. His mother Isabel mentions him in her Will, Feb. 19, 1762. His children were — 180. Jonas,' b. July 20, 1747. He was a witness of the Will of Josiah Green'' [83] in 1774. 181. Mary,' b. Oct. 3, 1756. Her mother having died, her father was appointed her guardian, Aug. 4, 1772, doubtless in reference to property left by her grandfather Hay. 80. Dea. JOSEPH GREEN,* (Joseph,^ Henry," Thomas,'') eldest son of Dea. Joseph' and Hannah Green of Maiden ; b. there Oct. 26, 1701 ; m. abt. 1726, Ruth . 146 GENEALOGICAL SKETCHES. He resided in Maiden till about 1735, when he reraoved to Stoneham, an adjoining town, where his sister Joanna Dexter, his brother Josiah, and raany others of his kindred were already settled. He lived in the east part of that town. His farm included a considerable extent east and west of where the Stoneham Depot now is. He was selectman of Stoneham 1747, 1749, and 1754-5-8. He was chosen deacon 1747, and accepted the office July 12, 1747. He sold about half of his farm, April 16, 1 770, to Thomas Vinton of Stoneham. [Vinton 65.] Seven years afterwards, viz., April 15, 1777, the other half of the farm, then owned by his son Joseph, and a pew in the meet ing-house, was sold to Ezra Vinton, brother of Thomas. [Vinton, 69 .] In the interval between these sales, Dea. Joseph Green removed to Chelsea ; vre know not the exact time, but as he was in Stoneham, and chosen on a com mittee at town meeting, Oct. II, 1773, it raust have been after this date. Mrs. Ruth Green, his wife, d. in Stoneham, Nov. 3, 1770, a. 63. [Gravestone.] Dea. Joseph Green probably died previous to April 15, 1777; the "Jr.," be fore used, being then omitted from his son's name. Their children were — 182. Hannah,' b. ; m. Samuel Grecn^ of Maiden. [208.] 183. tJoseph,^ b. ; m. Martha Sprague of Chelsea, 1757. 184. Lydia,' b. April 21, 1737 ; m. Nathan Lynde of Maiden, Dec. 1759. They had Nathan, William, who settled at Gardner, and Joseph, who m. Han nah Waitt, and succeeded to his father's ample farm. We find no others on record. 83. JOSIAH GREEN,* (Joseph,^ Henry," Thomas,') brother of the preceding, b. in Maiden, Sept. 25, 1709; m. May 16, 1734, Esther Thompson, b. March 16, I7I6; dau. of Joshua and Martha Thompson of Woburn. Soon after marriage he settled in Stoneham, of which town he was constable 1742, and selectman I750-I-2-3-6-9, 1763-4, 1772. He d. April, 1774. His Will, dated April 4, 1774 ; proved May 3, 1774 ; recorded Midd. Prob., 55 : 260 ; mentions no wife, and no daus. Speaks of " my two sons," Josiah and Stephen, clearly implying that the testator had no others. To son Josiah he bequeaths most of his estate. Witnesses, Jonas Green, jr. [180] Isaac Green, [143] David Green, [134.] The children of Josiah and Esther Green were — 185. tJosiah,' b. March 5, 1735; m. 1, 1756, Elizabeth Green, [176.] 2, 1799, Sarah Skinner. 186. Stephen,' b. Aug. 19, 1738 ; m. 1, Deborah Oakes of Maiden; published Sept. 15, 1759. 2, Sarah . He lived in Maiden; d. 1784. His inventory (amount .£91. 18. 8) was taken Nov. 23, 1784. Widow Sarah, admx. March 31, 1786, his real estate was divided to widow Sarah and son Stephen, a minor. [Midd. Prob., 67 : 190 and 69 : 8. 86. JABEZ GREEN,* (Joseph,' Henry," Thomas,') brother of the preceding, b. in Maiden, Sept. 8, 1718; ra. Mart . He lived in Stoneham from about the time of his marriage till about 1750, when he removed to Leicester. Further information respecting him is want ing, except that he and Mary had the following children — Born in Stoneham — 187. Jabez,5 b. June 13, 1743 ; m. Lucy Kent in Leicester, Aug. 9, 1764. 188. Nathan,' b. March 25, 1746 ; d. young. 189, Mary,' b, Jan, 7, 1748-9. Born in Leicester — 190. Nathan,' b. Dec. 27, 1752. 191. Joseph,' b. Dec. 30, 1754. 192. Stephen,' b. Aug. 7, 1757. 193. Elizabeth,^ b. March 8, 1762. 194. Hannah,' b. Dec. 28, 1764. 195. Abel,' b. Sept. 1767. THE GREEN FAMILY. 147 92. DANIEL GREEN," (Daniel,' Henry," Thomas,') only son of Dea. Daniel' and Mary Green of Stoneham ; b. Jan. 22, 1721-2 ; [per gravestone] ra April 5, 1743, Rebecca Bucknam, b. 1734, dau. of Edward and Rebecca Bucknam of stoneham, and gr. dau. of Joses and Judith Bucknam of Maiden. For the connection of Judith Bucknam with the Green family, see pp. 133, 138, 141. He lived in Stoneham, and d. there Oct. 36, 1745, "a. 23 years, 9 m". & 4 d^" [Gravestone.] His widow Rebecca was appointed admx., Jan. 6, 1745-6 ; and her account charges the estate with the expense for " lying-in of a posthumous child," the only son of the deceased. The widow Rebecca m. Nov. 13, 1749, Capt. Jonathan Green, [1 17.] The only child of Daniel and Rebecca Green was 196. tDaniel,' b. March 7, 1745-6 ; m. I, Huldah Brown, 1765. 2, Sarah Had ley, 1769. 3, Sarah Reed, 1786. 99. Rev. JACOB GREEN,* (Jacob,' Henry," Thomas,') cliest son of Jacob' and Dorothy Green of Maiden, b. in that town, "Jan. 22, 1721-2, about two of the clock in the morning, being Monday ;" [Jacob Green's " Writing Book ; "] m. I, " Wednesday," June 14, 1747, Anna Strong of Brookhaven, Long Island, who d. Nov. 25, 1756. 2, Oct. 19, 1757, Elizabeth Pierson, dau. of Rev. John Pierson, of Woodbridge, N. J. Losing his father in his second year, he removed, when a child, with his step-father to Killingly, Ct. He " went to learning, Dec. 16, 1738 ;" entered Harvard College in July, 1740, and devoted himself assiduously to study. On graduating in July, 1744, he taught school in Sutton, till Aug. 1745, and then, at the solicitation of Whitefield, consented to go to the Orphan House in Geor gia. Having accompanied that celebrated preacher as far as Elizabethtown, he was there released from his engagement, and, by the advice of Rev. Jona than Dickinson of that place, he put himself under the care of the Presbytery of New York. He was licensed to preach in Sept. 1845, and on the 29th of that month, preached at Hanover, N. J., his first sermon. Receiving, not long after, a call to settle in Hanover, he was ordained there in Nov. 1746. He remained there as pastor more than forty-three years. While actively discharging the duties of pastor, he found it necessary, in order to support a large family, to engage in the practice of medicine ; which he pursued for thirty years. His talents and virtues soon brought him into public notice. He was elected a member of the first Board of Trustees of the Colleg-e of New Jersey, under the second charter, obtained from Gov. Belcher in 1748. Rev. Samuel Davies having declined the Presidency of the College, (though he accepted it the fol lowing year,) Mr. Green was, in the autumn of 1758, elected Vice-President, and for a few months was at the head of the Institution. Of the College he was ever a warra and efficient friend. On the breaking out of the war of Independence, he was active in the cause of his country. He was elected to the Provincial Congress ; and was chair man of the Committee which drafted the State Constitution. He published a series of articles, signed Eumenes, against a paper currency, for which he was much abused. He published several sermons ; and, as an active, devout man, did much to enstamp on the community a high moral and religious character. He died of influenza, after a short illness. May 24, 1790. In the church-yard at Hanover, N. J., a monument was erected, upon which is the following inscription : — " Under this stone are deposited the remains of the Rev. Jacob Green, A. M., first pastor of the Hanover church, who died 34 May, A. D. 1790, aged 68 years, of which 44 were spent in the gospel ministry. He was a man of temper even, firm, and resolute ; of affections temperate, steady, and benevo lent ; of genius solid, inquisitive, and penetrating ; of industry active, and 148 GENEALOGICAL SKETCHES. unwearied ; of learning various, and accurate ; of manners simple, and re served ; of piety humble, enlightened, fervent, and eminent. As a preacher, he was instructive, plain, searching, practical ; as a pastor, watchful, laborious, ever intent on some plan for the glory of God, and the salvation of his flock ; and, by the divine blessing, happily and eminently successful." Some account of his life, with extracts from his diary, may be found in the tenth volume of the Christian Advocate, a religious magazine published in Phil adelphia from 1832 to 1834. His children, all b. in Hanover, N. J., were— By first marriage — 197. Ann,' b. Sept, 12, 1748. 198. Abigail,^ b. March 27, 1750. 199. Dorothv,' b. March 18, 1752. 200. Joseph,' b. Nov. 21, 1754. By second marriage — 201. Elizabeth,' b. Sept. 17, 1758 ; m. Rev, Ebenezer Bradford, b. in Canterbury, Ct. 1746; ord, evangelist, July, 1775, by the Presbytery of New York; installed pastor, Rowley, Mass., Aug. 4, 1782; d, Jan. 3, 1801, a. 55. The present surrogate of New York city is their grandson. 202. Benoni,' b. March 11, 1760; d. May 13, 1760. 203. Pierson,' b. Jan. 29, 1761. 204. tAshbel,' b. July 6, 1762 ; m. 1, Elizabeth Stockton of N. J. 2, Christiana Anderson of Pa. 205. Calvin,' b. July 25, 1765. 206. Kesurah,' b. March 7, 1767. 207, John Wickliffe,' b. Dec. 18, 1769 ; d. near Princeton, N. J., about March, 1814. 103. SAMUEL GREEN,* (Samuel,' Samuel," Thomas,') son of Samuel' and Mary Green of Maiden ; b. there about 1702 ; m. about 1728, Lois Sprague of Chelsea. He resided in Maiden, where he d. in 1782, a. about 80. His Will, dated March 20, 1779 ; proved Nov. 6, 1782 ; recorded Midd. Prob., 63 : 279 ; mentions wife Lois, eldest son Sarauel, sons Phinehas and James, grandchildren Mary Upham, liois Upham, Hannah Upham, Amos Up ham, Elizabeth Upham, " children of my dau. Mary Upham, deceased." The children of Samuel and Lois Green, b. in Maiden, were — 208. tSamuel,' b, Aprilis, 1729; m, 1, Hannah Green,' [182.] 2, Mary Lanman. 209. tPhinchas,' b. May 14, 1731 ; m. 1, Elizabeth Lynde. 2, Elizabeth Sargent. 210. Lois,' b. July 2, 1734 ; d. Jan. 1, 1736-7. 211. Lois,' b. Oct. 27, 1737 ; d. July 2, 1751. 212. James,' b. Feb. 12, 1743-3 ; never m. ; d. abt. 1813, a. 70, in Maiden. 213. Mary,' b. June 27, 1746 ; m. Amos Upham of IMalden. They had Mary, Lois, Hannah, Amos, Elizabeth. (See Will above.) 108. THOMAS GREEN,* (Thomas,' Samuel," Thomas,') eldest son of Thomas' and Hannah (Vinton) Green of Maiden ; b. there, Dec. 9, 1702 ; m. Mart Green,* b. Jan. 17, 1709-10, dau. of Dea. Daniel Green' of Stoneham. [89.] He settled in Reading as early as 1727, and probably immediately after marriage. He d. in 1753, se. 51. His Will, dated Feb. 7, 1753; proved March 12, 1753 ; recorded Midd. Prob., 26 : 299 ; gives to wife Mary his household stuff, &c., and the improvement of the west end of his dwelling-house, " ex cepting after the decease of Mr. John Pool of Reading, my honored mother Hannah Pool should and do improve the west end of said dwelling-house ; then my will is that my wife shall have the improvement of the east chamber and west garret in said dwelling-house," &c. Son Thomas Green, who is exec utor, is to have " all my buildings and lands in Reading, Maiden, and Stone ham, except as before excepted ; and all my money, bonds, and notes ; and the use of land in Holden, County of Worcester." Son Daniel Green has ten shillings: [his grandfather Daniel Green' [31] intending to make him his heir.] THE GREEN FAMILY. 149 Son Amos Green is to have 80 acres of land in Holden, when he comes of age. Son Nathan Green is to have 139 acres in Holden, when he comes of age. Mentions daus. Mary Smith, Hannah Green, Sarah Green. Witnesses, Jonathan Evans, David Green, jr., [134] Jonathan Green, [117.] His widow Mary m. (his second wife) Timothy Wright of Stoneham, pub lished Oct. 22, 1756. "There were no children by this marriage. She d. June 20, 1787, a. 78. [Gravestone. The children of Thomas and Mary Green, b. in Reading, were — 214. Mary,' b. Dee. 2, 1728 ; m. about 1752, Ebenezer Smith of Reading. 215. tThomas,' b. May 9, 1731 ; m. Lydia . 216. tDaniel,' b. July 8, 1733; m. 1, Ruth Oakes, 1760. 2, Joanna Gerry, 1801. 217. Hannah,' b. Nov. 20, 1735 ; m, Swain of South Reading. 218. Sarah,' b. Nov. 14, 1738; d. young. 219. Amos,' b. May 16, 1740; a "joiner," went to Amherst, N. H. ; had Amos,' and Nathan.' 220. Nathan,' b. July 6, 1743 ; d. in infancy. 221. Sarah,' b. Oct. 3, 1745; m. 1768, Isaac Smith, 3d, of Reading; published Oct. 4, 1768. 222. Nathan,' b. Nov. 27, 1748 ; unm. ; lived in Mont Vernon, N. H.; a miser ; left a large property to his relatives. [The six families immediately foUowing, having been received out of time, are here inserted out oi place.] 69. HENRY GREEN,* (Henry,' Henry," Thomas,') son of Henry' and Hannah (Flagg) Green ; b. in Stoneham,* Sept. 21, 1696 ; m. JuniTH . They resided in Killingly, Ct., where the children, whose names follow, were born to them — 223. Sarah,' b. Nov. 30, 1725. 224. Mary,' b. March 20, 1728-9. 225. Esther,' b. July 12, 1731. 226. tHezekiah,' b. Oct. 13, 1733 ; m. Alice . 227. tJohn,' b. May 12, 1736 ; m. Abilene . 228. Abigail,' b. April 20, 1738. 72. SETH GREEN,* (Henry,' Henry," Thomas,') brother of the preceding; b. in Stoneham, March 6, I699-I700 ; m. Dorotht . They resided in Kil lingly, Ct, and there had the following children — 229. Dorothy,' b. Aug. 15, 1731. 2.30. Nathan,' b. Sept. 1, 1733. 231. Hannah,' b. June 2, 1738. 232. Leah,' b. May 6, 1741. 233. Jonathan,' b. Sept. 9, 1743. 234. James,' b. Sept. 1, 1745. 235. Seth,' b. May 9, 1746. 236. Elizabeth,' b. Nov. 28, 1748. 75. TIMOTHY GREEN,* (Hemy,' Hemy? Thomas,') brother of the preceding ; b. in Stoneham, May 7, 1706 ; ra. I, Oct. 37, 1743, Phebe Atwell of Thomp son, Ct. They were then both of Thompson. Mrs. Phebe Green d. June 14, 1751. 2, Dec. 25, I75I, Anne Grover of Thompson, Ct. The children of Timothy and Phebe Green were— 237. David,' b. ; d. May 17, 1751. 238. Flagg,' b. June 30, 1747. 239. Joseph,' b. May 10, 1749 ; d. May 28, 1751. The reader will note the three deaths in this family within a month. The names and dates are found on the Killingly records ; but the family seem to have resided in Thompson, formerly a part of Killingly. * Stoneham was a part of Charlestown till 1725. 11 150 GENEALOGICAL SKETCHES. 77. PHINEHAS GREEN,* (Henry,' Henry," Thomas,') brother of the preced ing ; b. in Stoneham, Sept. 10, 1710 ; m. Elizabeth . They had in Killingly, Ct, the following children— 240. Thankful,' b. June 5, 1740. 241. Elizabeth,' b. Aug. 29, 1742. 242. Sabra,' (dau.) b. July 24, 1746. 78. AMOS GREEN,* (Henry,' Henry," TAomas,') brother of the preceding; b. in Stoneham, Dec. 30, 1712; m. Ltdia They resided in Killingly, Ct, where they had the following children — 243. Lucy,' b. Jan. 17, 1743-4. 244. Hannah,' b. May 22, 1745. 245. Amos,' b. Julv 19, 1746. 246. Henry,' b. Feb, 6, 1747-8. 247. Lydia,' b. Jan. 25, 1749-50. 248. Jacob,' b. June 4, 1751. 101. BENJAMIN GREEN,* (Jacob,' Henry," Thomas,') b. in Maiden, Feb. 21, 1723-4 ; m. Douglas of Hanover, N. J. He was a posthumous son of Jacob Green,' and twin brother of Joseph,* who probably d. in Killingly, Ct, in May, 1744. He was brought up by his step father, John Barrett of Killingly, Ct, and accompanied his brother, Rev. Jacob Green,* to Hanover, N. J., in 1746. His children, b. in Hanover, N. J., were — 249. Wickliffe,' b. ; d. in the revolutionary service. 250. tJoseph,' b. ; m. 1, Elizabeth Brittain. 2, Ann Frazier. 251. tJacob,' b. ; m. Mary Cook, 252. tBenjamin,' b. ; m, Sally Ely. 253. Hannah,' b. ; m. Horton Magie of New York city ; and d. there a few years since, leaving several children. 254. Lucretia,' b. ; m. (second wife,) Dr. Abram Halsey of Fishkill, N, Y. She d. at her brother Jacob's house, and was buried in Hanover, N. J. 114. WILLIAM GREEN," (William,' Samuel," Thomas,') son of William' and Elizabeth Green of Reading; b. in Maiden, May 17, 1715 ; m. June 17, 1736, Sdsanna Gould, b. Aug. 14, I7I4, dau. of Lieut Daniel and Susanna Gould of Stoneham.* He lived in the south part of Reading, near Stoneham line. He and his son William' petitioned, 1768, to be annexed to Stoneham, and that town voted " willingly to receive them." Yet it failed of being done. He died in the autumn of 1772, se. 58. His Will, dated Sept 23, 1772 ; proved, Dec. 1, 1772 ; recorded, Midd. Prob., 54 : 25; makes provision for wife Susanna, son William, and dau. Susanna Townsend ; and gives homestead to son Aaron, who is not yet 31 years of age. Witnesses, Jonathan Green, [117] Thoraas Green, [215] Jeremiah Bryant. His widow Susanna's Will, dated May 14, 1776 ; proved, Sept. 7, 1790 ; recorded, Midd. Prob, 73 : 513; mentions sons William and Aaron, and dau. Susanna Townsend. The children of William and Susanna Green, were — 255. tWilliam,' b. Oct 21, 1737 ; m. 1, ; 2, Joanna Hadley, 1800. 256. Susanna,' b. Oct 4, 1739; d. in infancy. 257. Susanna,' b. June 12, 1743 ; m. Townsend. Living, 1776. 258. tAaron,' b. Nov. 30, 1754; m. 1, Hay; 2, Sarah Green. [490.] * There were two Daniel Goulds in Stoneham at this lime ; Daniel, b. 1682, called on the records "Deacon" Daniel and Daniel "Sen,;" (d. 1761, a, 79,) The other Daniel, born 1688, called " Lieut." and " Jun." (d. 1788, a. 100), The latter was father of Susanna, wife of William Green* in the text. THE GREEN FAMILY. 151 117. Capt JONATHAN GREEN,* (Jonathan,' Samuel," Thomas,') only son of Jonathan Green' of Stoneham ; b. prob. in Maiden, Nov. 33, 1719 ; m. I, Jan. 22, 1744-5, Sarah Godld, b. July 8, I7I9, dau. of Lieut Daniel and Susanna Gould of Stoneham, and sister of William Green's wife, in the preceding par agraph. She d. in childbed, Feb. 25, 1745-6, "a. 26 years, 7 mo,, 18 ds." [Gravestone.] 2, Nov. 13, 1749, Rebecca (Bdcknam) Green, b. 1724, dau. of Edward and Rebecca Bucknam, and widow of Daniel Green, [92] all of Stoneham. [For proof, see Midd. Prob., 44 : 15.] She d. July 20, 1786, se. 63. [Gravestone.] The Prob. Records erroneously affirm that she d. July 21, 1788. [Midd. Prob., 71 : 391. He was captain of a military company, and a leading man in Stoneham for many years ; and the affairs of that town appear to have been managed very much under his direction. He was town clerk and town treasurer from March, 1748, to March, 1769, except one year, [1759]; also, from March, 1789, till his death, except two years, [1792, 1793] ; being twenty-five years in all. He was selectman twenty years, between 1752 and 1795. He was a member of the Convention assembled in Boston, Jan. 1788, to ratify the Constitution of the United States. ' About 1772, he removed to Chelsea; resided there some years, perhaps ten or more ; then removed back to Stoneham, where he d. Aug. 25, 1795. His gravestone bears the following inscription : " Erected In Memory of Capt. Jonathan Green, who died August 25, 1795, aged 75 years, 9 months, and I day. It is with regret we here part with a loving friend, and valuable member of society, one who in his domestic station was lov'd and Reverenced, and in his more public life gained the general applause. One who serv'd the Town in the most important offices for many years, even to the close of life, to the universal satisfaction of those who appointed him. The adjacent Towns have reason likewise to join with Us in Lamenting the loss of so useful a Man." His Will, dated July 18, 1795; Midd. Prob., 80 : 440; is very long, occu pying sixteen folio pages. This great length is due, not so much to the amount of property the testator had to bestow, although this was considerable — 215 acres — as to the minuteness of the directions he wished to give, touching his bequests. The boundaries of the several parcels of land devised to his grandchildren, are given with uncoramon particularity. Various articles of personal property are also minutely described. He even gives particular directions about the size of his gravestone. His children, all b. in Stoneham, were — by first wife — 259. tJonathan,' b. Feb. 20, 1745-6 ; m. his cousin Dorcas Hay, 1769. By second wife — 260. Rebecca,' b. Oct 4, 1750 ; d. Oct. 5, 1750. 261. Infant, b. Nov. 9, 1751 ; d. same day. 262. Infant son, b. Oct, 16, 1753 ; d, satne day. 263, Rebecca,' b, April 10, 1755; m. Capt. Peter Hay of Stoneham; published, Oct, 9, 1773; d, July 17, 1843, a. 88 y. 3 m". 7 ds. [Gravestone. 264. Sarah,' b. Jan. 11, 1758; m. Oct 3, 1776, Dr. Asaph Fletcher, b. June 28, 1746, son of William Fletcher of Westford. At the age of 22, he com menced the practice of medicine in his native town of Westford ; and pursued this profession with signal usefulness and success, till compelled by old age to relinquish it. He was baptized and united with the Baptist church in Leicester, May 15, 1768. He was a member of the Conven tion for framing the Constitution of Massachusetts, 1780. He removed from Westford to Cavendish, Vt., in 1787. He was a member of the Convention to revise the Constitution of Vermont. He was frequently a member of the Legislature ; some years a judge of the County Court ; and some years a member of the Council, [or Senate.] Elector of Pres ident and Vice President, in 1816. Some time president of the Medical Society of his county, and delivered lectures before that body. He also 152 GENEALOGICAL SKETCHES. held many other offices. He d. Jan. 5, 1840, a. 93, having "lived long and lived well." Mrs. Sarah Fletcher d. Aug. 1836, se. 78. They had Sarah, b. Aug. 22, 1778 ; m. Salmon Dutton, Esq., of Cavendish, Vt Asaph, b. Jan. 26, 1780 ; m, Sarah Wlieeler. They resided in Woodstock, Vt She d. 1847. Salome, b. 1783 ; m. Feb. 7, 1805, Dr. Luther Fletcher, a physician, who d. at Granville, N. Y., April 6, 1841. She resides at Cavendish, Vt. Rebecca, b. March 10, 1785 ; m, Asa Fletcher, son of Josiah, and brother of Luther, just mentioned, by same ceremony as her sister. Of Ludlow, Vt. Richard, b. Jan. 8, 1788; grad. D. C. 1806; read law with Daniel Web ster; commenced practice of law, 1809, at Salisbury, N. H. Removed to Boston. Representative in Congress from Boston District. Some years judge of Supreme Court of Massachusetts. Now resides in Boston. Addison, b. Aug. 25, 1790; m. 1, Maria Ingalls, Jan. 21, 1819; 2, Mary Ingalls. Merchant in Cavendish; d. Jan. 8, 1832. Alpheus, b. July 17, 1793; m. Adeline E. Hatch, Nov. 8, 1822; practised medicine at Cavendish; d. May, 1839. Horace, b. Oct. 28, 1796 ; m. Haniet May, March 12, 1823. Practised law at Cavendish several years ; now pastor of Baptist chh., Townsend, Vt. Ryland, b. Feb. 18, 1799; m. Mary Ann May, June 11, 1829. Occupies the old homestead, on which he was born, in Cavendish. Now, 1857, Governor of the State of Vermont. [Chiefly from the Fletcher Geneal ogy, a short corapend of the descendants of Robert Fletcher of Concord , 1637 ; containing, pp. 24. 265. fJesse,' b. May 20, 1767 ; m. Sarah Bucknam, Dec. 14, 1786. 134. Capt. DAVID GREEN,* (David,' Samuel," Thomas,') only son of David Green' of Reading ; b. in Maiden, Aug. 20, 1714 ; m. Ruth , who d. Aug. II, 1755. He lived in Reading, near Stoneham line. In 1766, he petitioned to be an nexed to Stoneham ; which town voted, March 3, 1766, that they " would glad ly receive him." It was not however accomplished. He d. 1781. His Will, dated May 31, 1778 ; proved Sept. 5, 1781 ; and re corded Mid(^ Prob., 61 : 146 ; mentions son David Green of Amherst, N. H., (and gives hira land in Amherst ;) dau. Ruth Upham of Amherst, N. H.; grand son David Green of Amherst, N. H., and Miss Lois Coleman, (probably his housekeeper,) for whom he makes a liberal annual provision of corn, rye, but ter, pork, wood, wool, money, &c., " to continue till she shall marry, and no longer." All the rest of his real and personal estate he gives to sons John Green and Isaac Green. His children were — 266. David,' b. July 2, 1737 ; d. Sept 20, 1738. 207. David,' b. Feb. 20, 1740-1 ; lived in Amherst N. H.; had 268. David.' 269, Ruth,' b. Nov, 1, 1744 ; m. Upham ; lived in Amherst, N. H. 270. John,' b. May 5, 1747; m. (published, Feb. 16, 1771,) Abigail GeiTy. b. April 2, 1749, dau. of David and Kezia Gerry of Stoneham. They had 271. Abigail,' b. June 8, 1772. 272. Isaac,' b. ; m. 1, Lois ; 2, Mary , He had — By first wife Lois— 273. Isaac,' b. Aug. 22, 1772. 274. Asa,' b. March 2, 1777 ; d. in infancy. 275. Asa,' b. Aug. 9, 1779. By second wife Mary — 276. David,' b. Oct. 1, 1781. FIP^TH GENERATION. 145. Dea. SAMUEL GREEN,' (Tliomas,* Samuel,' Thomas," Thomas,') eldest son of Rev. Thoraas Green of Leicester ; b. in Leicester, 1726 ; m. I , Jan. 28, 1753, Zeviah Dana of Ashford, Ct, who was b. 1733, and d. May 2.5, 1797, a. 64. 2, Widow Kisk of Sturbridge, who d. July 2, 1810. Dea. Samuel Green d. in the autumn (Oct. ?) of 1810, a. 84. THE GREEN FAMILY. 153 He lived in Leicester ; was a most worthy man ; a deacon more than 50 years of the Baptist church, of which his father was pastor. After the dismission of the Rev. Dr. Foster, [151] his father's successor, the church was destitute of a pastor several years. During this period, he devoted himself with much ability, energy and piety to the interests of the church, which under his labors continued to prosper. His death was greatly lamented. His children, b. in Leicester, were — 277 — 279. Three infants, d. soon, names unknown. 280. tSamuel,' b. Nov. 22, 1757 ; m. Hannah liinney, 1779. 281. Elijah,' b. May 3, 1760 ; d. in the service of his country, in camp at Rox bury, Dec. 25, 1776, (1775?) a. 16. 147. ISAAC GREEN,' (Thomas,* Samuel,' Thomas," Thomas,') brother of pre ceding ; b. in Leicester, ; m. Sarah Howe. They had two daughters — 282. Sarah.' 283. Mary.' 148. THOMAS GREEN,' (Thomas,* Samuel,' Thomas," Thomas,') brother of the preceding; b. in Leicester, 1733; m. I, Hannah Fosof Woodstock, Ct* 2, Anna Hovet of Sutton, b. 1744, d. Aug. 1807, a. 63. He lived in Leicester ; was a farmer ; received his share of his father's estate, for which he gave receipt, Dec. 14, 1773. His children were — 284. tElias,' b. Jan. 25, 1756 ;'m. 1, Mary Scott 1782. 2, Mary (Willpughby) 285. tThomas,' b. , 1757 ; m. Mary Jacobs. [Young. 286. tisaac,' b. March 11, 1759; m. Ann Barrett Jan. 1792. 287. tAbiathar,' b. March 4, 1760 ; m. 1, Zilpha Jones, 1792. 2, Betsey Elliot 288. Asa,' b. ; m. Patty Scott. [1818. 289. Hannah,' b. ; m. Howard Putnam. 280. tJohn,' ( twins, ) m. . 291. Rebecca,' | b. ; ( 292. tDaniel,' b. Nov. 9, 1778; m. Elizabeth Emerson, .Jan. 13, 1814. 293. Patty,' b. ; d. at the age of 7. 149. Dr. JOHN GREEN,' (Thomas,* Samuel,' Thomas," TViomas,') brother of the preceding; b. at Leicester, Aug. 14, 1736; m. I, Mart Osgood of Worces ter, who was b. Aug. 31, 1740, and d. Sept 5, 1761. 2, Mart Ruggles, b. at Sandwich, Cape Cod, 1740, dau. of Brig. Gen. Timothy Ruggles of Sandwich, afterwards of Hardwick. She d. at Worcester, June 16, 1814. He studied medicine with his father. Rev. Thoraas Green of Leicester, who was also a physician ; and entered on the practice of the "healing art," in Worcester early in life. He was a successful physician ; having adopted the practice of watching over his patient like a nurse, and remaining day and night, if the case required it, till the disease was removed. He was the grand father of the justly celebrated Dr. John Green, noiv living in Worcester. He d. at Worcester, Oct. 29, 1799, a. 63. His children, all, it is believed, b. in Worcester, were — by first marriage — 294. John,' b. April 1, 1758; d. Sept. 20, 1761. 295. Mary,' b. Nov. 27, 175- ; d. Feb. 15, 1759. 296. tThomas,' b. .Tan. 3, 1761 ; m. Salome Barstow of Sutton, Oct. 8, 1782. By second marriage — 297. tJohn,' b. March 18, 1763 ; m. Nancy Barber of Worcester. 298. tTimothy,' b. .Ian. 9, 1765 ; m. Mary Martin of Providence, R. I. ¦'Thomas Green, Jr., was published to Hannah Bugbee, Nov, 16, 1755. [Leicester Rec ords.] Whether this were the same person ^^ ith Hannah Fo.'j in the text, the compiler has no means of determining. He has it from correspondence lhal Thomas Green's first wife was Hannah Fox. If she were widow Bugbee, and her maiden name Fox, the discrepancy is reconciled. 154 GENEALOGICAL SKETCHES. 299. tSamuel,' b. May 10, 1767 ; m. 1, widow Tillinghast; 2, Waring. 300. Elijah Dix,' b. July 4, 1769 ; never married ; grad. Bro. Univ. 1792 ; studied medicine, and practised at Charleston, S. C; where he d. Sept. 21, 1795. 301. Mary,' b. April 30, 1772 ; unm. ; d. at the house of her brother Samuel in Columbia, S. C, Sept. 24, 1824. 302. Elizabeth,' b. July 31, 1774; unm.; resided chiefly in New York city, in the family of her brother Timothy ; a woman of great energy of character ; a sincere and devoted Christian of the Baptist denomination. She d. at Green Hill, Worcester, Feb. 3, 1854, se. 80. Her memory is cherished by a large circle of friends, who loved her for her manv christian virtues. 303. tAVilliam Elijah,' b. Jan. 31, 1777; m. 1, Abigail Nelson; 2, Lucy Merri am ; 3, Julia Plimpton ; 4, Elizabeth D. Collins. 304. Meltiah,' b. July 28, 1779 ; unm.; d. Dec. 1809, of yellow fever, at the island of St. Bartholomew, West Indies. He was engaged in mercantile pursuits ; lived on the island of Jamaica, leaving there an estate still un settled. 305. Bourne,' b. Dec. 15, 1781 ; unm.; d. Aug. 1806, lost at sea. Was engaged in the pursuits of commerce. 306. Isaac,' b. Sept 4, 1784; unm.; d. Sept. 9, 1807. At the time of his death he was a member of the Sophomore class in Columbia College, New York city. 150. SOLOMON GREEN,' (Thomas,* Samuel,' Thomas," Thomas,') brother of the preceding ; b. in Leicester, ; ni. 1764, Elizabeth Page ; published Dec. II, 1763. Their children were— 307. Timothy,', 308. Solomon,'. 309. John,'. 310. Ai-chelaus,'. 311. Lynde,'. 312. tisaae,' b. May 25, 1778; m, Rebecca Gay Harridon, Jan, 1808. 313. Mary,' b. . 314. Serena,' b. 1782 ; d. at 15. 162. WILLIAM GREEN,' (William,* William,' William," Thomas,') son of Wi\- liam Green of Leicester; b. in Maiden, July 6, 1716; m. 1737, Rebecca Tucker of Milton ; published Sept. 25, 1737. He resided in South Leicester, in or near the present village of Greenville ; was a farmer ; received by deed from his father, dated Sept. 6, 1754, a portion of the paternal homestead. [Wore. Deeds, 36 : 461.] Was collector of taxes in Leicester, 1744. His children, all b. in Leicester, were — 315. Joel,' b. Sept. 9, 1738 ; m. Chloe , abt. 1761. They had— 316. Joel,'' b. July 17, 1762. 317. Chloe,'' b. July 5, 1764. 318. Seth,'' b.May 3, 1167. 319. William,' b. Feb. 25, 1742. 320. Jonathan,' b. Oct, 27, 1744; m, Dorcas Ellis, Sept. 3, 1767, 321. Ira,6b, Nov. 29, 1746. 322. Rebecca,' b. April 14, 1749. 323, Asenath,' b. Dec. 31, 1750. 324. Jesse,' b. Oct. 25, 1752. 325. Olive,' b. July 19, 1754. 326. Jeruah,' b. May 2, 1756. 327. Jehiel,' b. Dec. 9, 1758. 163. ISRAEL GREEN,' (William,* William,' William," Thomas,') hroihei of the preceding; b. in Leicester, April 10, 172- [1720?] m. March 9, 1742, Mart Holden, dau. of Capt. Holden of Worcester. After residing at Leicester sorae years, he removed to Petersham, where he was at Its incorporation in 1754. Thence he removed to Hubbardston, where he lived at its incorporation in 1767. He was a prominent citizen, serving the THE GREEN FAMILY. 155 town as moderator, selectman, assessor, constable, and in various other capaci ties. He d. in Hubbardston,* in 1790 or 1792, a. abt 70, or 72. His children were — 328, Lucy,' b, Nov. 29, 1743, 329. Mary,' b. May 19, 1745 ; m. March 21, 1771, Thomas Vinton of Stoneham. [ViNTON", 65,] Shed, in Stoneham, June 16, 1832, a, 84. [Gravestone. 330. Dolly,' b. March 5, 1747. She is presumed to be the Polly or Molly Green who d. unm. at an advanced age in Hubbardston, June 6, 1826. [Hub bardston Records. The foregoing b. in Leicester ; the following in Petersham — 331. James,' b. abt. 1750. He was Major of the "minute men,'' at the breaking out of the Revolution ; and received a wound at the battle of Bunker Hill, June 17, 1775, of which he d. not long afterward. 332. Nathan,' b. about 1752 ; served his country in the revolutionary struggle ; was, it is said, at the battle of Bunker Hill ; and fell, as is believed, at the battle of Monmouth, June 26, 1778. He was promoted to a Lieu tenancy before his death. 333. tZeeb,' b. Nov. 11, 1754 ; m. abt 1779, Sarah Cowee of Westminster. 334. Lucas,' b. 1757 ; was at the battles of Lexington and Bunker Hill. As the Americans, after expending all their ammunition, were escaping from their defences, he was shot by the enemy through the body, and d. in his brother Zeeb's arms, at the early age of eighteen. 165. NAHUM GREEN,' (William,* William,' William," Thomas,') brother of the preceding; b. in Leicester, April 10, 1729; m. 1750, Dorcas Sanger of Woodstock, Ct. ; published Oct. 21, 1750. He, like his elder brother Williara, was a farmer, and lived in South Lei cester, in or near the present village of Greenville. By a deed from his father, dated Sept 6, 1754 ; recorded Wore. Deeds, 39 : 10, he obtained a part of the homestead, bounded partly on another portion of the homestead conveyed to " my son William Green, jun." His children were — 335. Mary,' b. Aug. 10; 1751. 336. Uzziah,' b. May 1, 1753. 337. Irijah,' b. March 1, 1756. 338. Mercy,' b. Jan. 24, 1758. 339. Jeraiah,' b. May 9, 1760. 340. Amasa,' b. Jan. 27, 1762. 341. Pamela,' b, March 3, 1764. 342. Jared,' b. Oct. 6, 1765. 343. Zerviah,' b. July 10, 1769. 344. Nahum,' b. April 13, 1770. 170. Rev. NATHANIEL GREEN,' (JVathaniel,* William,' William," Thomas,') eldest son of Capt. Nathaniel Green* of Leicester ; b. in " Charlestown-End," (incorp. Dec. 17, 1725, as Stoneham,) April 16, I72I, " it being Sabbath day ;" m. about 1748, Tabitha Prentice. He resided during many years in Leicester, where all his children were born. He removed at length to Charlton, where he d. March 21, I79I, " aged 70 years wanting one month." He was a Baptist clergyman, and an acceptable preacher for his time. He labored in Leicester, Spencer, Charlton, c nd other towns in that vicinity. For a time he supplied a vacant church in Boston. He was noted for firmness and decision of character ; was an earnest christian, a plain, evangelical preacher, and was greatly beloved by a large circle, whose spiritual wants had been supplied by his ministrations. He was a strenuous assertor of religious liberty, and did much towards bringing about that change of public sentiment which, within the memory of many living, resulted in the entire separation of church and state. His diary, now in the possession of his descendants, shows that the * Another account says, " he moved away," about 1787. 156 GENEALOGICAL SKETCHES. churches where he preached were greatly benefited, under God, by his faith ful labors. He was ordained to the work of the ministry by a council convened in Spencer, Oct 12, 1763 ; he being then in the 43d year of his age. He owned a farm in the north part of Charlton, which he left by Will to his family. His Will is dated Feb. II, 1791; proved April 5, 1791; recorded Wore. Prob., 21 : 258. He gives wife Tabitha one-half of his dwelling-house, a garden, one cow, two sheep, one-third of his real estate, " and the whole of my movea bles ;" directs his funeral charges and just debts to be paid out of the remain der of his real estate ; which with this deduction, and a further deduction to " my son Ebenezer Green for his trouble and care in taking care of me in my advanced age," he leaves to his children, Lemuel, Nathaniel, John, Rufus, Ebenezer, Lydia Wheelock, Mary Green, and Chloe Green ; each dau. to have half so ranch as a son, and each son an equal share. Appoints his sons Na thaniel and Ebenezer, exrs. His children were — 345. tLemuel,'b. Sept. 18,1749; m. Sarah May, 1770. 346. Susanna,' b. Aug. 23, 1751 ; nnm. ; d. in Charlton, Sept. 19, 1782, a. 31. 347. Tabitha,' b. Sept 18, 1753; unm. ; d. in Charlton, May 10, 1790, a;. 37. 348. tNathaniel,' b. July 7, 1755 ; m. Esther Bunn. 349. Lydia,' b. Jan. 7, 1758 ; m. Jan. 22, 1784, Peter Wheelock of Charlton. They removed to Marshfield, Vt., where she d. April 12, 1812, a. 54. Their children were — Jera, Eli, Ruth, Lucinda. Both the sons m. and had families. Eli had three sons, Merrill, Wellington, Lucius A. and a dau. Melora. Lucius A. grad. at Brown Univ. 1852 ; is now an excel lent teacher in Providence, R. I. 350. tJohn,' b. April 20, 1760; m. Sarah Morey, May 2, 1781. 351. tBufus,' b. April 10, 1762; m. Keziah Eddy, Dec. 19, 1786. 352. Mary,' b. June 11, 1764 ; unm. ; d. in Belchertown, Sept. 12, 1796, a. 32. 353. Chloe,' b. May 16, 1766 ; m. Adams Wheelock of Chariton. They had Lucy, now living in Charlton. Chloe d. in Charlton, Dec. 8, 1828, a. 62. 354. tEbenezer,' b. April 29, 1769; m. Sybil Hitchcock, May 1, 1796. 172. PHINEHAS GREEN,' (JVathaniel,* WUlia.m,' William," Thomas,') brother of the preceding ; born in Leicester, July 10, 1728, " it being Wensday ; " mar. Judith . He was a teacher of penmanship, and for the times wrote a good hand, as appears from specimens now in possession of the compiler. He served in the revolutionary struggle. He d. in Leicester, Feb. 22, 1776, a. 47 years, 7 mos. His wife Judith d. Feb. 26, 1772. Their children, b. in Leicester, were — 355. John,' b. April 12, 1759 ; d. iu Ohio, without issue. 356. Pliny,' b. May 17, 1761. 357. Silas,' b. Oct. 27, 1762. 358. Judith,' b. Jan. 14, 1765 ; d. in Leicester without issue. 359. Phebe,' b. Oct. 5, 1766. 360. Daniel,' b. March 12, 1768. 361. Mary,' b. Jan. 21, 1770. 173. BENJAMIN GREEN,' (JVathaniel,* William,' William," Thomas,') brother of the preceding; b. in Leicester, May 21, 1731; m. Dec. 10, 1754, Luct Marsters; who was b. in Manchester, July 34, 1737; and d. in Spencer, Oct 13, 1778, a. 41. He lived in Spencer, which was taken off from Leicester, in 1753; was a farmer, and a most worthy man. He d. in Woodstock, Vt., May 5, 1818, a. 87. His children, all b. in Leicester, were — 362. tBenjamin,' b. Dec. 26, 1755 ; m. Martha Watson, June 16, 1785. 363. Lucy,' b. Nov. 28, 1757. 364. tAsa,' b. July 27, 1761 ; m. 365. Elizabeth,' b. Oct. 12, 1763. 366. Ohve,' b. March 12, 1766. 367. Hannah,' b. Aug. 7, 1768. 368. Lydia,' b. Sept. 1, 1770. THE GREEN FAMILY. 157 183. JOSEPH GREEN,' (Joseph,* Joseph,' Henry," TAomas,i)sonof Dea. Joseph* and Ruth Green of Stoneham; b. not far frora 1730; m. 1757, Martha Sprague of Chelsea ; published Aug. 26, 1757. He resided in the east part of Stoneham, one or two furlongs west of where the Stoneham R. R. Station now is. About 1770, he reraoved to North Chelsea ; and by a deed dated April 15, 1777, Joseph Green and Martha his wife, then of Chelsea but previously of Stoneham, sold their farm, a pew in the meeting house, &c., for £253 lawful raonev, to Ezra Vinton of Stoneham. [Midd. Deeds, 79 : 336. The children of Joseph and Martha Green, b. in Stoneham, were — 369. tJoseph,' b. Nov. 21, 1758; m. Susanna Pratt of Medford. 370. Martha,' b. Nov. 3, 1761 ; m. Samuel Low. No children. 371. Benjamin,' b. March 21, 1763; m. Abigail Pratt. Had 372. Benjamin'' ; 373. AbigaiP ; 374. WiUiam'' ; 375. .John.'' Noneof whom were married. 376. tJames,' b. Sept. 20, 1766 ; m. Joanna Pratt. 377. Lydia,' b. Oct. 22, 1769 ; m. WiUiam Pratt of Chelsea. Born in Chelsea — 378. Samuel,' b. Feb. 18, 1771 ; never married. 379. Stephen,' b. Oct. 29, 1776; never married. 380. Hannah,' b. July 16, 1779 ; m. Amos Lyon. No children. 185. Capt. JOSIAH GREEN,' (Josiah,* Joseph,' Henry," Thomas,') son of Josiah* and Esther (Thompson) Green of Stoneham ; b. there, March 5, 1735 ; ra. 1756, Elizabeth Green,' b. April 17, 1734, dau. of John* and Sarah Green of Stoneham. [176.] They were published Oct. 23, 1756. Having borne him eight children, she d. Oct. 27, 1798, ae. 65. He then, at the age of 64, m. 2, Aug. 23, 1799, Sarah Skinner, a woraan 23 years of age, and 42 years younger than himself When he married her, he told her that his first wife had borne him eight children, and he should expect her to do the same. She fully met his expectation. He lived in the east part of Stoneham, on the county road from Stoneham to Lynn, about three quarters of a mile west of where the railroad station now is. He was constable 1770; selectman, I78I-6-7-I79I-2. He d. July 30, 1814, se. 80. His widow Sarah m. Moses Johnson, June 26, I8I9, and by him had three more children, viz. : Moses, h. Oct. 5, 18I9 ; JVancy, b. June 22, I82I ; and Maiy, b. Oct 10, 1823 ; m. Dec. 1846, Jonathan Green,' of Stoneham. His widow, Sarah, is still living in Stoneham. The children of Capt. Josiah Green, all b. in Stoneham, were — By first marriage — 381. Esther,' b. Nov. 15, 1757 ; m. Samuel Call of Chelsea ; published Sept. 28' 1776. They lived in Stoneham from near the time of man-iage till 1794) and perhaps longer. Afterwards they lived in Maiden. He was a revo lutionary soldier. They had only one child, a dau., and she never mar ried. Mrs. Esther Call d. May 12, 1853, se. 96. For some years before her death, she was the most aged person in Maiden. 382. Sarah,' b. July 6, 1760 ; m. 1777, Ezra Vinton ; published Dec. 28, 1776. [Vinton, 69.] She was an excellent woman. Her husband d. Nov. 11, 1817, a. 63. She d. his widow, Aug. 31, 1829, a. 69. 383. Elizabeth,' b. Sept. 8, 1762; m. abt. 1784, Josiah Convers of Stoneham, afterwards of Danvers; published Oct 25, 1783. She d. abt. 1848, a. 86. 384. Martha,' b. April 6, 1765 ; m. 1782, Jeremiah Green' of S. Reading. [426.] They were published Aug. 22, 1782. He d. 1840. She d. Sept. 1854, 385. tJosiah,' b. Feb. 24, 1768 ; m. Susanna Bucknam, Nov. 19, 1789. [se. 90. 386. Mary,' b. Nov. 25, 1771 ; d. Feb. 1775. 387. Joshua,' b. Jan. 6, 1774 ; d. young. 388. Mary,' b. Nov. 21, 1776; m. May 27, 1798, John Bucknam, b. Dec. 29, 1764, sou of John and Anna, and brother of Susanna, just mentioned. He d. Oct. 10, 1831, se. 67. She is still living, 1857, in Stoneham, and is the only one of this first family of Josiah Green' now aliye. 158 GENEALOGICAL SKETCHES. By second marriage — 389. Sarah,'b. Julv 5, 1800; d. Aug. 1810. , ,j 390. Joshua,' b. Jan. 1802; m. 1, Oct. 29, 1826, Rebecca Hosmer, b. 1807, dau. of Elijah and Rebecca (Green) Hosmer, [495] and step-dau. of Peter Green.' [494,] She d, April 5, 1834, a, 27. 2, Martha Goldsmith. 391 Abigail,' b. April 21, 1803 ; m. April 8, 1830, Daniel Bryant of Stoneham. 392'. Susanna,' b. April 27, 1806 ; d. unm. Oct. 28, 1831. A chh. member. 393. Caleb,' b. , 1807 ; d. when six weeks old. 394. Prudence,' b. June 9, 1808 ; m. Alvah Cushing, a native of Vermont. They lived sixteen years in Boston ; are now living in Groton. 395. Sarah,' b. April 19, 1811 ; m. April 28, 1830, Benjamin Franklin Richard son of Stoneham, b. April 1, 1807, son of Jesse and Susanna. 396. Rebecca,' b. July 23, 1813 ; unm. Now living in Groton. All of this last family, except Nos. 389, 392, 393, are now living, 1857.* 196. DANIEL GREEN,' (Daniel,* Daniel,' Henry," Thomas,') only and posthu- raous son of Daniel Green* of Stoneham, by his wife Rebecca, dau. of Edward and Rebecca Bucknam. He was b. in Stoneham, March 7, 1745-6, and was brought up under the eye of Capt. Jonathan Green, [117] who ra. his raother. He m. I, Jan. 1765, his cousin, Huldah Brown, b. May 10, 1745, dau. of Abiel and Sarah (Green) Brown, and gr. dau. of Elder Daniel Green,' all of Stoneham. [91.] Mrs. Huldah Green d. Feb. 28, 1769. He m. 2, Nov. 9, 1769, Sarah Hadlet, b. Nov. 1746, dau. of John and Sarah (Williams) Had ley of Stoneham. 3, July 13, 1786, Sarah Reed of Stoneham. He was a blacksmith ; and though his father d. before he was born, he was known all his life as " Daniel Green, jun." to distinguish hira from another Daniel Green in Stoneham, [216.] He d. intestate in the spring of 1788 ; his estate being inventoried April 21, 1788 ; and Capt. Jonathan Green, his step father, being admr. [Midd. Prob. 71 : 46.] Children by first wife — 397. Daniel,' b. Sept 7, 1766 ; unm. ; of small capacity; d. in the poor house. 398. John,' b. Oct. 23, 1768; unm,; non-compos; a town pauper from 1792, if not previously; d, in the poor house, Dec. 25, 1833. By third wife — 399. Sarah,'b. Feb. 6, 1787. 204. Rev. ASHBEL GREEN,' D. D., LL.D., (Jaeol,* Jacob,' Henry," Thomas,') son of Rev. Jacob Green,* of Hanover, N. J. ; b. at that place July 6, 1762 ; m. 1, Elizabeth Stockton of New Jersey. 2. Christiana Anderson of Pennsylvania. He served at the a^e of sixteen in the revolutionary army ; and grad. at the College of New Jersey in 1783. Of this institution he was iramediately made a tutor, and was in 1785 placed in the chair of Natural Philosophy. In 1787, he was ordained pastor of the Second Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia, where he remained till I8I2. In 1792, he was with Bishop White elected chaplain of Congress ; and the two were reelected every year till 1800, when the seat of government was removed to Washington. In 1813, he was elected President of New Jersey College, which important post he resigned in 1822. He edited the Christian Advocate, a monthly religious periodical, for over two years. * A most remarkable family! Where can a parallel be found? Eight children born afler the father had passed his sixty fifth year ! Rebecca, the youngest, b. in her father's 79lh year I Some twelve or more of his great-grandchildren older than some of his child ren ! Three daus. named Sarah, two living at the same time ! On the 27lh April, 18U6, Josiah Green' had a dau, Susanna, a gr. dau. Paulina Bucknam, and a gr, grandchild, all born on the same day I The same accoucheur. Dr. Hart of Soulh Reading, and the same women attended in all three of the cases ! I ! This is reported on good authority. THE GREEN FAMILY. 159 A Latin inscription (from the pen of Rev. Samuel Miller, D.D.) upon a mon ument to his memory erected at Princeton, N. J., adds the following : " He resigned the Presidency, and devoted the rest of his life to fhe study of the sacred Scriptures, to preaching the gospel, and to the management of the coniraon concerns of the church of God. After a long and most useful life, he iQ®io^ P '" ¦^®^"^' "-^ Philadelphia, on the nineteenth day of May, A. D., 1848, in the eighty-sixth year of his age. What was mortal, was, on the 23d day of the same month, by many friends, grieving, but not without most blessed hopes, deposited in this tomb. Gifted with very raany mental endowments, and with fluent and graceful eloquence, he always possessed great and salutary influence in the General Assembly and other councils of the Church. He was a man of sincere and distinguished piety; a citizen zealous for the public wel fare ; and a patron of literature and science. On account of the distinguished virtues of this venerable man, and his most faithful and useful services to the College of New Jersey, the trustees have caused this monument to be erected." His Atitobiography was published by the Carters, of New York, 1848. His children were — by first marriage — 400. Robert Stockton,' b. July 30, 1787 ; grad. N. J. Coll. Sept. 1805 ; studied law, and practised in Philadelphia ; d. at Boston, Sept. 28, 1813. Never maiTied. 401. Jacob,' b. , 1790; grad. at Univ. of Pa.: studied law; professor of Chemistry and Natursil Philosophy at New Jersey Coll. ; became profes sor of Chemistry, iu 1822, in Jetfcrson Medical College, at Philadelphia; d. Feb. 1842. See Encyclopedia Britannica, Am. Ed., by Prof, Veth- ake. He m, Anna E. McCulloch. They had 402. Isabella,'' 403. EtHabeth.'' 404. tJames Sproat' b. , 1792 ; m. Isabella McCulloch. By second marriage — 405. Ashbel,' b. 1811 (?) grad. at N. J. Coll. ; m. 1835 (¦?) Mary Joline of Prince ton, N. J. They have one child, 406. Mary.'' He studied law, and was prosecuting attorney iu Philadelphia for many years. Eemoved 1846 to Texas ; practised law there ; was President of the Texan University ; now resides at Pas Chretien ; generally called Pass Christian, Miss., on the Gulf of Mexico. 208. SAMUEL GREEN,' (Samuel,* Samuel,' Samuel," Thomas,') eldest son of Samuel Green* of Maiden ; b. there April 15, 1739 ; m. 1, about 1753, Hannah Green,' [183] dau. of Dea. Joseph' and Ruth Green of Stoneham. They were published Dec. I, 1753. It is said that she d. of convulsions, occasioned by hearing the cannon at the time of some military operation ; perhaps the battle of Bunker Hill. Not long after, he m. 2, Mart Lanman of Cambridge. He saw her, when she was visiting, or it may be sojourning, at the house of Joseph Lynde of Maiden; and though much older, made proposals to her, and married her.* It is stated that she was of a highly respectable family. He lived in Maiden, of which town he appears to have been selectman, 1758, I76I, 1762. The part of Maiden where he lived, is now the town of Melrose. It is said he never used glasses. He d. about 1820, a. 91. He had no children by his first wife. By second wife, he had — 407. Samuel,' b. ; m. 1, Sarah Sprague. She d. March 17, 1809, a. 27. [Gravestone.] 2, Anna Sprague. They were sisters, and daus. of Phinehas Sprague of Maiden. 408. tJames Lanman,' b. ; m. Susan Fowle of M''oburn. 409. Peter,' b, ; unm. ; d. about 30 years of age. * These statements were made to the compiler by a grand-dau. of Mary (Lanman) Green, and as they wear an aspect of probability, he ventures to insert them. It is well known lhal during the occupation of Cambridge by the American army, many of the inhabitants were obliged to retire to other towns 160 GENEALOGICAL SKETCHES. 410. Mary,' b. ; m. 1, Putnam Dawes of Boston. 2, John Lynde of Melrose, then part of Maiden. 411. Hannah,' b. ; m. Thomas Carter of Maiden. 412. Elizabeth,' b. ; m. John Hughes Halping, a native of New Haven. He lived many years in Boston. She d. April 27, 1850. They have a dau, Emily, m. David Hay Burnham; who with her husband is now living in Stoneham. 209. PHINEHAS GREEN,' (Samuel,* Samuel,' Samuel," Thomas,') brother of the preceding; b. in Maiden, May 14, 1731 ; ra. 1, Jan. 31, 1755, Elizabeth Lynde, dau. of Nathan Lynde of Maiden. She d. Feb. 9, 1757, a. 27 y. 2 rao. [Gravestone.] 2, 1760, Elizabeth Sargent of Maiden. He lived in Mai den. His children were — by first marriage — 413. Lois,' b. Nov. 6, 1755 ; never married. By second marriage — 414. Elizabeth,' b. Nov. 23, 1760; m. Nathaniel Stowers of Chelsea. 415. Abigail, b. ; m. John Connery of Maiden. 416. Mary,' b. , 1765 ; m. June 30, 1785, John Vinton of South Reading. [ViNTON, 137.] Hed. Aug. 22, 1821, a. 58. She d. Aug. 1, 1834, a. 69. 417. Samuel,' j twins, ) ; d. about ten years old. 418. tPhinehas, \ b. ) ; m. Mehitable Hart of Lynnfield. 419. James,' b. , 1769 ; m. Charlotte Jenks of Dover, N. H. He d. July 4, 1796, se. 28. [Gravestone. 42Q, Ezra,' b. ; m. Susan Wade of Maiden. 421. Joseph,' b. ; m. Mary Harnden of Maiden. 422. Lydia,' b. ; m. July 8, 1834, William Emerson of Maiden (now Melrose.) [Vinton, 70.] His third wife. 215. THOMAS GREEN,' (Thomas,* Thomas,' Samuel," Thomas,') eldest son of Thomas' and Mary Green of Reading ; b. there. May 9, I73I ; m. 1754, Ly dia . He resided in Reading ; was executor of his father's Will, and inherited all his father's " buildings and lands in Reading, Maiden and Stoneham," with some reservations ; likewise all his father's money, bonds and notes ; also land in Holden, Co. of Worcester. His children were — 423. Lydia,' b. July 28, 1755. 424. Mary,' b. March 27, 1757 ; m. William Deadmau of Stoneham ; published 425. Thomas,' b. Dec. 16, 1759. [Feb, 6, 1783, 426. Jeremiah,' b. Junel, 1762; m, 1782, Martha Green' of Stoneham, [384.] His Will is dated Dec, 5, 1836 ; proved Aug. 18, 1840 ; recorded Midd, Prob. 182 : 593. He left a very handsome estate, part of which was left him by his uncle Nathan,' [222] to wife Martha, "my three sons, Jere miah, Thomas, iind Aaron," and daus. Patty Hawks, Phebe Bayard [Baird], Keturah Wiley, Eliza Stone, Ursula Hampden, [Harnden 1] Polly Cushing, and to the children of his dau. Nelly Woodward, de ceased, and of his dau. Pluma Robertson, deceased. 427. Hannah,' b. Nov. 17, 1764. 428. Judith,' b. April 15, 1769. 216. Dea. DANIEL GREEN,' (Thomas,* Thomas,' Samuel," Thomas,') brother of the preceding; b. in Reading, July 8, 1733; m. I, 1760, Ruth Oakes of Medford ; published June 6, 1760. 2, April 16, I80I, widow Joanna (Oakes) Gerry, b. I76I. Her maiden name was Oakes, and she was niece of the first wife ; she ra. I78I, Reuben Gerry, b. Nov. 17, 1760, and 1788, his brother Dan iel, b. Nov. 3, 1769, sons of David and Keziah Gerry of Stonebara.* She d. Sept 27, 1839, a. 78. [Gravestone. * See Vinton Memorial, p. 131, note. THE GREEN FAMILY. 161 He inherited from his grandfather. Elder Daniel Green,' [31] in 1759, the homestead of the latter, in Stoneham, amounting to a handsome property, in cluding land formerly owned by Henry Green.' [28.] Hence Thomas,' his father, gave him by Will only ten shillings. His grandson, Daniel Green,^ [754] states that he bought the farms of Isaac' [143] and John Green,' [144] in South Reading, bordering on Stoneham, where the village of Greenwood now is, when those brothers removed to the " District of Maine ; " probably about 1785. He lived in Stoneham from about the time of his first marriage, till the time just indicated, 1785. During that time he was an active business man, and an influential citizen in that town. He was chosen deacon of the church, 1774 ; was selectman of Stoneham, 1769, 1773-.5-7-9-1 781-1782 ; town treas urer, 1775-6-7-9-1780-1. About 1785, he seems to have made the purchase from Isaac and John Green, and to have gone to occupy it. We know, from Stoneham records, that about that tirae he removed from Stoneham to South Reading— jiist over the line. In Dec. 1788, he petitioned to be annexed to Stoneham. At first that town consented, but at the next town meeting, in Jan. 1789, recalled the vote and had it erased from their records ! The record of his second marriage says, " Dea. Daniel Green of Reading ;" whence it appears that he was living in Reading in 1801. He continued there the re mainder of his life. The locality has within a few years received the narae of Greenwood, we suppose from respect to him and his family. The' Boston and Maine Railroad now passes through tlie place, and the cars stop many times a day at the "Greenwood Railroad Station." It is close upon the borders of Stone ham ; and some of the Stoneham people are accommodated by it. The home stead was inherited by Charles Green,' [436] the deacon's youngest son by first marriage; and he now occupies it. He was, however, buried in Stoneham, where he had lived so long. He d. April 38, 1818, a. 86. [Gravestone.] His grandson, Daniel Green,'' says, that the plate on his coffin stated his age as 84, which is nearer the truth. His children were — by first wife — 429. tDaniel,' b. Sept. 20, 1761; m. 1, Sarah Evans, 1783. 2, Mary Evans, 1807. 3, Elizabeth (Evans) Ash, 1838 ; all sisters. 430. tNathan,' b. March 31, 1765 ; m. Betsey Orr of Charlestown. 431. tReuben,' b. March 14, 1767 ; m. Newell of Lynnfield. 432. Ruth,' b. April 15, 1769; m. Dec. 1814, (second wife,) Thomas Green of Stoneham. He d. Oct. 4, 1842, te. 85. [Gravestone.] He was not of this family. For his parentage, see Vinton Memorial, p. 221, note. By his first wife, Anna Knight, m. 1780, he was the father of Rev. Sam uel Green, b. iu Stoneham, March 3, 1792; H, C, 1816; ord. pastor, Reading, Sept. 20, 1820; installed pastor Essex St Chh., Boston, Mar. 26, 1823; d. Nov. 6, 1834. Thomas and Anna Green were also parents of Rev. David Greene, b. Nov. 15, 1797; T. C. 1821; chosen secretary A. B. C. F. Missions, Oct. 3, 1828; resigned Sept. 12, 1848; now retired from the ministry on a farm in Windsor, Vt. Mrs. Ruth Green d. Aug. 8, 1845, a. 76. 433. Abigail,' b. June 18, 1771 ; m. 1792, Nathan Simonds of Stoneham; pub lished Feb. 10, 1792. He d. July 30, 1795, a. 28. [Gravestone.] Their dau. Mary m. Capt. Isaac Vinton, April 5, 1812. [Vinton, 198.] Mrs. Simonds is still living, 1857, in Melrose. 434. Rhoda,' b. ; m. Thaddeus Perry, who d. Aug. 14, 1833, a. 66. [Grave stone.] They had Nathan, Benjamin M., Ruth, Rhoda, Daniel, etc., of Stoneham. She d. a widow of 24 years, in Stoneham, Aug. 6, 1857. 435. Mary,' b. ; m. about 1800, Samuel Larrabee. 436. Charles,' b. , 1785 ; m. Mary Green,' dau. of Aaron Green' of South Reading. [487.] He inherited and now owns the homestead in Green wood, South Reading. By second wife — 437. Isaac,' b. . 162 GENEALOGICAL SKETCHtS. 226. ^ ^ . HEZEKIAH GREEN,' (Hemij,* Henry,' Henry," Thomas,') son of Henry and Judith Green of Killingly, Ct ; b. there Oct 13, 1733 ; ra. Alice -. They resided in Killingly, Ct., where the following children were born to them — 438. Esther,' b. Sept. 20, 1756. 439. Joseph,' b. Feb. 10, 1759. 440. Noah,' b. Aug. 20, 1761. 441. Henry,' b, Aug, 8, 1762, 442, Hezekiah,' b. Aug. 23, 1764. 443. Sarah,' b. Nov, 28, 1766; d, young. 444. Sarah,' b. Oct. 24, 1772. 445. Alice,' b, Dec. 1777. 227. JOHN GREEN,' (Henrij,* Henry,' Henry," Thomas,') brother of the preced ing; b. in Killingly, Ct, May 13, 1736; ra. Abilene . They resided in Killingly, Ct., and had there the following children— 446. Abigail,' b. Oct. 18, 1759. 447. Ephraim,' b. July 27, 1764 ; d. young. 448. Benjamin,' b. March 11, 1766. 449. Mary,' b. Jan. 23, 1768. 450. Bradley,' b. Nov. 28, 1769. 451. Ephraim,' b. June 14, 1775. 250. JOSEPH GREEN,' (Benjamin,* Jacob,' Henry," Thomas,') son of Benjarain Green of Hanover, N. J. ; m. I, Elizabeth Brittain of Elizabethtown, N. J. She d. without issue. 2, Ann Frazier. He lived and died in Hanover, N. J. ; was an elder in the Presbyterian church, and was greatly respected. His children have all removed to various parts of the country. His children by second wife were — 452. Abby,' b. ; m. John Dean. 453. Julia,' b. ; d. unm. 454. Cornelia,' b. ; m. Daniel Dean. 455. Phebe,' b. ; ra. Crcsgrove of Ohio. 456. Mary,' b. ; m. Crosgrove of Ohio ; brother of the preceding, 457. Milton,' b. ; unm. 458. Mahlon,' b. ; m. and resided in New York city. 459. Mark,' b. ; m. and resided in New York city, or in Jersey city. 460. Cilletta,' b. ; m. Whitefield Price. 461. Adriana,' b. ; m. Rev. Mr. Bryant, who went as missionary to St. Jo- 462. George," b. ; d. young. [sephs. 251, JACOB GREEN,' (Benjamin,' Henry,' Jacob," 77(oma«,') brother of the pre ceding ; m. Mary Cook. They lived and died in Troy, N. J., near the village of Parsippany, on a river of that name. Their four sons are living there now. Their children were— 463. Robert Allen,' b. ; m. ; "has no son." 464. Benjamin Bradford,' b. ; m. ; has Joseph,'' George,'' Chester.'' 465. John Cook,' b. ; unm. 466. Archibald Douglas,' b. . 467. Maria Lucretia,' b. ; d. young. 468. Ann Maria,' b. ; m. Isaac Johnson. She d. leaving one son, Jctcob C. 252. BENJAMIN GREEN,' (Benjamin,* Jacob,' Henry", Thomas,') brother of the preceding ; m. Sally Ely. He lived on the old homestead near Whip- pany, Morris Co., N. J., or midway between Whippany and Hanover, N. J. ; THE GREEN FAMILY. 163 and d. there of yellow fever at the time of its prevalence in New York city (1798 ?) His children, who have settled in various places, were — 469. Lucy,' b. ; m. Caleb Perry. 470. John,' b. ; m. , and has a dau, living, 471. Eliza,' b. ; m. Stephen Parett 472. William,' b, ; m, ; lives in Savannah, Ga. ; has a family. 473. Albert'' b. ; unm. 474. Susan,' b. ; m. Ritter. 255 Capt WILLIAM GREEN,' (William,* William,' Samuel," Thomas,') eldest son of Wilhanr' and Susanna Green of Reading ; b. there Oct. 21, 1737 ; m. 1, — • 2, July 3, 1800, Joanna Hadley of Medford, b. 1750. His father left him property, but not the homestead. He resided in Read ing, near Stoneham line. Petitioned in 1768 to be annexed to Stoneham, but it wag not done. He was, it is said, a revolutionary soldier. At the time of his second marriage, the records speak of him as " of Reading ;" but he d. in Stoneham, April 5, 1803, a. 66. His widow Joanna d. there, June 27, I8I1, a. 61. His children, all by first wife, were — 475. Susanna,' b. 1763 ; m. about 1787, Phinehas Wiley, (son of Eli) of Stone ham. He d. Nov. 21, 1831, a. 70. She d. Aug. 3, 1841, a. 78. [Grave stones.] They were parents of il/aiT/, b. about 1788; m. Feb. 2, 1804, Reuben Locke of Stoneham; William, b. 1790, d. 1831; Elizabeth, h. 1792 ; Rebecca, b. 1796 ; Caleb, b. March 20, 1798, now living iu Stone ham; Sophia, h. 1799, d. 1824; Harriet, b. 1804, d. 1825. 476. tWilliam,' b. 1765; m. 1, Pool of Reading. 2, Abigail Green' of Stoneham, Nov. 21, 1811. [489.] 477. James,' b. ; m. Rebecca Cox, dau. of Unite and Hannah (Sprague) Cox of Maiden. No children. 478. Caleb,' b. ; ra. Rowe of Lynnfield. She d. about 1854. He lives in South Reading, near Lynnfield. 479. Elizabeth,' b. ; m. John Sweetser of South Reading. Their dau. Elizabeth, m. Daniel Green/ b. 1784, now of Stoneham. [754.] 480. Sarah,' b. ; m. 1, June 12, 1788, Ebenezer Bryant, b. Sept. 7, 1758, son of Joseph (not Col. Joseph) Bryant of Stoneham. 2, May 5, 1812, Jaraes Putney, of Wentwortli, N. H. 481. Rebecca,' b. ; m. Collins, and went to Maine. 482. Mehitabel,' b. ; m. ¦ Shillaber of S."ilem. 483. Mary,' b. ; m. Dea. John Perkins of Lynnfield. He d. July 18, 1857. 258. AARON GREEN,' (William,* William,' Samuel,^ Thomas,') brother of the preceding ; b. in Reading, Nov. 30, 1754 ; m. I, Hayes, or more prob ably Hat. 2, Feb 19, 1818, Sarah Green,' b. May 17, 1772, dau. of Jona than' and Dorcas (Hay) Green of Stoneham. [490.] He lived in South Reading; d. sorae years since. His widow Sarah apw owns the "old John Green place," in the present town of Melrose, two fur longs, perhaps, east of the Stonebara R. R. Station. This place once be longed to THOMAS GREEN,' the original emigrant as we learn from an expression* contained in the Will of John Green' of Stoneham, b. 1672; d. 1736. [27.] It may have been situated, formerly, in Maiden; but formuch raore than a century was in the extreme east part of Stoneham, from which in 1853, it was detached, and annexed to the present town of Melrose. This property descended from Juhn Green' to his son John Green,' [63] and from him to his only son John Green,' [178] who was a bachelor. Before the death of the latter, he devised it to 'William Green,' or, more truly, to his wife, Abigail Green,'' [476, 489] who lived with him many years, and took care of him in his old age, till the very end. Mrs. Abigail Green, at her deatli, Nov. * John Green' says, 1736, " il was my grandfalher's ;" we assume lhal he meant his grandfather Green. 164 GENEALOGICAL SKETCHES. 6, 1848, left the same property to her sister, Sarah,' widow of Aaron Green,' whose name stands at the head of this article ; to descend at her death to her only dau. Abigail,'' wife of Edmund B. Southwick. It will be hers soon, but for two hundred years past, we suppose it has remained in the hands of the Green Family. Mr. and Mrs. Southwick now occupy the place. The children of Aaron Green, all by first wife, were — 484. Sarah,' b. ; m. Capt. Lowell Fowler of Stoneham. She d. before Jan. 12, 1804; since then he m. Anna Green, b. Oct 28, 1782, dau. of Thomas and Anna (Knight) Green of Stoneham. This 'Phomas Green was not of this family. See [432,] and Vinton Memorial, p. 221, note. 485. Susanna,' b. ; m. Benjamin Emerson of South Reading. 486. Elizabeth,' b. March 26, 1785 ; ra. Jan. 1804, Capt. John Waitt of South Beading; b. Aug. 21, 1777, son of Micah and Hannah (Vinton) Waitt of Maiden. She d. July 9, 18.55, a. 70. He d. May 6, 1851, se. 74. See Vinton Memorial, [419.] 487. Mary,' b. ; m. Charles Green,' b. 1785. [436.] 488. Rebecca," b. ; ra. Charles Waitt, b. June 22, 1795, son of Micah and Phebe (Howard) Waitt, and nephew of Capt. John above. See Vinton Memorial, [1142.] 259. JONATHAN GREEN,' (Jonathan,* Jonaihan,' Samud," Thomas,') only son of Capt. Jonathan' and Sarah (Gould) Green of Stoneham ; b. there, Feb. 20, 1745-6 ; m. May 9, 1769, his cousin Dorcas Hay, b. Oct. 19, 1744, dau. of Peter and Dorcas (Gould) Hay of Stoneham.* He lived in Stoneham, in the eastern part. His father at his death, in 1795, devised 95 acres of land, not to Jonathan,' but to the children of the latter, Abigail,' Sarah,' Jonathan,' Peter.' He d. March 1, 1820, a. 74. His widow, Dorcas, d. Sept. 3, 1833, m. 89. Their children were — 489. Abigail,' b. Oct 13, 1770; m. Nov. 21, 1811, (second wife,) William Green.' [476.] Their only child, Abigail,'' m. Oct. 10, 1843, Edmund B. Southwick ; this couple now occupy " the old John Green place." 490. Sarah,' b. May 17, 1772; m. Feb. 19, 1818, Aaron Green' [258] of South Reading. She is still living. 491. Jonathan,' b. Nov. 5, 1775; d. Nov. 9, 1775. 492. tJonathan,' b. Aug. 3, 1777 ; m. June 15, 1817, Susan Upham of Melrose. 493. Dorcas,' b. June 26, 1780 ; d. March 21, 1781. 494. tPeter,' b. April 12, 1783 ; m. 1, Rebecca (Green) Hosmer, 1812. 2, Lydia Sargent, 1827. 3, Elizabeth (Waitt) Shute, 1842. 265. JESSE GREEN,' (Jonathan,* Jonathan,' Samuel,'^ Thomas,') brother of the preceding; b. in Stoneham, May 20, 1767; m. Dec. 14, 1786, his cousin, Sarah Bocknam, b. July 24, 1763, dau. of Ebenezer and Mary (Hay) Buck nam of Stoneham. Ebenezer Bucknam was brother to Jesse's mother; they we* children of Dea. Edward Bucknam. He lived in Stonebara, northeast of Spot Pond, on the old road to Medford. His father, Capt. Jonathan Green,' left by Will, 1795, to the two children of our Jesse,' 120 acres of land ; not, however, of the best quality. Jesse d. Jan. 30, 1799, ae. 32. His widow, Sarah, survived him nearly 38 years, and d. of cancer in utero, Oct. 6, 1836, a. 73. Their children were — 495. Rebecca,' b. Sept. 22, 1787 ; m. 1, May 22, 1806, Elijah Hosmer of Stone ham, who d. March 24, 1810. Their dau. Rebecca, b. 1807, ra. Capt. Joshua Green,' b. Jan. 1802, son of Capt. Josiah Green.' ' [390.] 2, July 30, 1812, her cousin, Peter Green.' [494.] 496. Jesse,' b. June 18. 1789; ra. Dec. 7, 1837, Philenia Richardson, b. Aug. 1, 1812, dau. of Oliver and Mary Richardson. No children. * His wife's mother, Dorcas Gould, b.Nov. 16,1716, was sister of Sarah Gould, mother of Jonaihan Green,' in the text, Mrs. Dorcas (Gould) Hay, widow of Peter Hay, d. May 26, 1813, " a. 96 y. 6 mo. 10 ds." [Gravestone. THE GREEN FAMILY. 165 SIXTH OENERATION. Hitherto we have kept up, as far as the records permitted, some knowledge of nearly every family. Hereafter, from the emigration of families, and the consequent lack of records, many families will disappear. 280. SAMUEL GREEN,' (Samuel,' Thomas,* Samud,' Thomas," Thomas,') only surviving son of Dea. Samuel and Zeviah (Dana) Green of Leicester; b. there, Nov. 22, 1757 ; m. April 15, 1779, Hannah Kinney of Sutton, b. Oct 8, 1753 ; who d. at Leicester, Dec. 22, 1845, " a. 92 y. 2 mo. 14 days." He resided at Leicester, on the old homestead of his grandfather. Rev. Thomas' [48] ; but becoming reduced in property, he reraoved to Pembroke, N. Y. ; at what time we are not informed. He and his wife were eminently pious. He d. at Pem broke, N. Y., Feb. 2, 1832, "a. 74 y. 2 mo. II da." His widow Hannah re turned to Leicester ; lived with her son-in-law, John King, Esq., and d. as above. Children — 497. Elijah,? b. May 28, 1780; d. Jan. 1, [2— K.] 1796.* 498. Anderson Dana,'' b. Jan. 1, [9— K] 1782; d. Oct. 16, 1784. 499. Lucretia,'' b. July 22, [19— K.J 1783; ra. Daniel [David— K.] Fairbanks ; d.in 1820, [Jan. 1821— K.]; was buried at Woodstock, Ct., ["leaving one child,"— K.] Mr. Fairbanks d, in Grafton, the summer of 1857. They had three children, who are now living ; two of them in Grafton, Mass. 600. Sophia,'' b. May 26, 1785 ; m. John King of Leicester, b, Sept. 29, 1776, who is now living there at an advanced age, an intelligent and upright man. She was an excellent woman; d, Feb. 4, 1854, having had six children, one of whom, Maria, the wife of Artemas Knowlton, now lives in East Douglas, Mass., and has furnished much of the information here given of her grandfather Green's family. 501. Samuel,'' b. Feb. 9, 1787, [1788— K.] ; d. Feb. 1787, [1788— K.l 502. tSamuel Dana," b. Feb. 7, 1788, [1790— K.] ; m. Susan Gibbs of Prov., R. I. 503. tWilliam Kinney,' b. Jan. 9, 1790, [1792— K.]; m. Betsey Kimball of Woodstock, Ct. 504. Hadassah Esther,' b. March 1, 1792, [Hadassah Eliza, b. March 9, 1794-K.]; m. 1810, Asa Mann of Leicester; removed to the vicinity of St. Catha rine's, Canada West, where she d. Feb. 4, 1826, leaving three children. Her husband also d. at the same place. 505. Patty,' b. May 13, 1794 [1796— K.] ; d. Oct 9, 1800. 506. Hannah,' b. June 2, 1796 [1798— K.] ; d. Oct 18, 1800. Of the above ten children, only Nos. 503 and 503, are now living ; and of the deceased, all except 499 and 504 d. in Leicester, and were interred in the cemetery near the Baptist Church in South Leicester. All of the children, who lived to adult years, were, it is believed, truly religious. 284. ELI AS GREEN,' (Thomas,' Thomas,* Samuel,' Thomas," Thomas,'') eldest son of Thomas' and Hannah Green of Leicester; b. there, Jan. 25, 1756 ; m. 1, Nov. 1782, Mart Scott of Leicester, b. Sept. 13, 1764 ; she d. Oct. 27, 1805. 2, March 23, 1806, widow Mary (Willoughbt) Yoong, b. Feb. 25, 1764, dau. of John Willoughby of Goshen, Ct. He was enrolled as a " minute man " in 1775 ; at the age of 19, assisted in the contest at Lexington ; was, it is said, at the battle of Bunker Hill ; was present at the surrender of Burgoyne ; was orderly sergeant at West Point at the time of Arnold's treason ; was at the surrender of Cornwallis ; and indeed, * The dales which follow, in this family, have been obtained from two sources, and there are discrepancies between them. Not knowing which dales are correct, we give Ihem both ; the discrepant date, followed by the letter K, being placed in brackets, thus [2 — K.] Some of the names, also, are variously given ; and are here exhibited in the like manner. 12 166 GENEALOGICAL SKETCHES. it would appear, served his country, at intervals, through the war of the Revo lution. After the virtual conclusion of the contest at Yorktown, he rettirned to Leicester, bought a farm, and married as above. In 1796, he sold his prop erty in Leicester, and removed to Cambridge, Vt, where he d. March 21, 1841, a. 85. His wife d. Aug. 21, 1840, a. 76. His children were— By first wife, b. in Leicester — 507. Tamison,' (dau.) b. Oct. 27, 1784 ; d. April 16, 1808. 508. Sylvanus,' b. April 6, 1787 ; d. Jan. 23, 1809. By second wife, b. in Cambridge, Vt. — 509. Maria,' b. March 20, 1807; m. April 2, 1829, Giles Addison Barber, b. Oct. 4, 1803. Their children have been — Elias Green, b. Jan. 14, 1830 ; d. Dec. 13, 1832. Augustus Hamilton, b. Aug. 24, 1831 ; drowned April 22, 1856. Joel Allen, b. March 2, 1834; now living; U. S. deputy surveyor. George Washington, b. Aug. 1, 1838 ; d. March 28, 1839. Amherst Willoughby, b. July 4, 1841 ; living in Cambridge, Vt. 285 Dr. THOMAS GREEN,^ (Thomas,' Thomas,* Samuel,' Thomas," Thomas,') brother of the preceding; b. in Leicester, May, 1757; m. Mart Jacobs, b. 1762. He served his country in the struggle for independence, but the details have not reached us. He became a physician ; settled in Ward (now Auburn) Mass., near Worcester ; and d. March 25, 1812, a. 55. His widow survived him more than thirty years ; and d. March 9, 1843, a. 81. Their children were — 510. tJohn,'b. May 30, 1778; m. Polly Richardson. He d. May 29, 1803, a. 25. 511. Polly,' b. Jan. 4, 1780; d. Aug. 4, 1790. 512. Sally,' b. Jan. 30, 1784; m. Calvin Stone. 513. Mary,' b. Oct. 6, 1791 ; d. Dec. 2, 1813, a. 22. 514. Nancy,' b. Jan. 9, 1794 ; d. Feb. 19, 1814, a. 20. 515. Thomas Porter,' b. Feb. 26, 1801 ; d. March 3, 1814, a. 13. 286. Dr. ISAAC GREEN,' (Thomas,' Thomas,* Samuel,' Thomas," Thomas,') brother of the preceding ; b. in Leicester, March II, 1759 ; m. in Boston, Jan. 1792, Ann Barrett, b. in Boston, Jan. 4, 1774, dau. of Hon. Samuel and Elizabeth (Salisbury) Barrett. He also served his country during the revolutionary contest ; and removed to Windsor, Vt, in 1788. He and his wife are both deceased. Their children, all b. in Windsor, Vt, were — 516. Samuel Barrett' b. Dec. 1792; d. Feb. 9, 1793. 517. Elizabeth Salisbury,' b. May 17, 1794; d. Feb. 18, 1812. 518. Charlotte Eloisa,' b. May 17, 1796 ; m. Aug. 4, 1818, Robert Temple. She lives, a widow, in Rutland, Vt. 519. tGeorge Barrett,' b. April 14, 1798 ; m. 1, Mary Hatch Jones. 2, , dau. of Hon. Charles Baxter of Sharon, Vt. Physician at Windsor, Vt. 520. Harriet Sophia,' b. Feb. 1801 ; d. July 31, 1802. 521. tCharles Gustavus,' b. Sept 1, 1803 ; m. Susan Bigelow, 1831. 522. Caroline Frances,' b. Sept. 21, 1811 ; m. July 31, 1832, Moses M. Strong, attorney-at-law. They reside in Milwaukie, "Wis. 287. ABIATHAR GREEN,' (Thomas,' Thomas,* Samuel,' Thomas," Thomas,') brother of the preceding ; b. in Leicester, March 4, 1760 ; in. 1, in 1792, Zil pah Jones of Fairfield, Me. She d. Jan. 27, 1815. 2, in I8I8, Betsey Elliot, a widow, who d. in 1823. He, also, like his three elder brothers, took part in the momentous struggle for independence ; though, from his youth at the tirae, he is likely to have served for a shorter period, and near the close. THE GREEN FAMILY. 167 Some time after the war, he settled in Farmington, Me., a fine agricultural township on the Sandy River, and then in a new region. He was a farmer : d. May 4, 1831, a. 71. Children, all by first wife, and all b. in Farmington— 523. Sarah,' b. April 13, 1794 ; ra. Jan. 1, 1812, Asa Learned of Farmington, Me. She had ten children ; and d. Jan. 12, 1848. 524. Thomas,' b. May 9, 1796 ; m, , June 1, 1844, in Strong, Me, Chil.— 525, John,'b. 1845. 526. Isaac,' b. 1846. Thomas now lives at Flagstaff, Maine. 527. John J.,' b. April 26, 1798; m. 1, Dec. 15, 1833, Mary Russell, of Far mington, Me. She d. June 12, 1839, leaving one child. 528. Mary P.,' b. July 23, 1836; ra. Sylvester Brown. Mr. Green ra, 2, Martha Pike,.TuIv 1, 1857, He now lives in Strong, Me. 529, Ephraim J,,' b, Aug. 13, 1801 ; m. May 1, 1828, Abby C. Ellsworth of Strong, Me. Children — 530. Abiathar,' b. April 27, 1829 ; m. in Evansville, Wisconsin, July 3, 1856, Hannah A. Winans of Ohio. They have one son, Francis Byron.' 531. Augusta,' b. April 11, 1835. 5.32. William E.,' b. Nov. 14, 1836. 533. Isaac,' b. Sept. 12, 1805 ; unm. 292 Dr. DANIEL GREEN,* (Thomas,' Thomas,* Samuel,' Thomas," Thomas,') brother of the preceding; b. in Leicester, Nov. 9, 1778; m. Jan. 13, 1814, Elizabeth Emerson. He is a practising physician in Ward, (now Auburn) near Worcester. His children are — 539. Ralph E.,' j twins, b. Sept, | m. July 30, 1845, Sarah C. Dutton of Lebanon 540. John,' I 22,1815, ) d. Oct 18, 1815. [Ct He is a practising phys. 541. Nancy,' b. Feb. 7, 1817. 542. tThomas Porter,' b. April 11, 1818 ; m. April 5, 1843, Rebecca Earned of Thompson, Ct. 543. Mary,' b. Jan. 5, 1820; m. June 19, 1850, Joseph F. Hitchcock of Warren. 544. tisaac,' b. Dec. 19, 1821 ; m. Susan Orcutt of Scituate. [Mass. 545. Alice M.,' b. March 2, 1824; m. Sept. 7, 1846, Nathan Daniels of Leices ter. He d. Sept. 21, 1849, a. 32. 546. Hannah,' b. Dec. 8, 1825. 296. Rev. THOMAS GREEN,' (John,' Thomas,* Samuel,' Thomas," Thomas,') son of Dr. John' and Mary Green of Worcester ; b. there, June 3, 1761 ; m. I, Oct 8, 1782, Salome Babstow of Sutton, whod. Nov. 29, 1799, a. 40. 2, Oct. 5, 1800, Hannah Delano, a widow, of Woolwich, Me. He was a Baptist minister of very considerable note, and was settled in North Yarmouth, Me., where he d. May 29, I8I4, a. 53. He studied with Rev. Joseph Avery of Holden, who was pastor of the Congregational Chh. there from 1774 till 1824, fifty years. He also studied medicine with his father, and thus like his grandfather [48] was physician for both soul and body. He received the honorary degree of A. M., from Brown Univ. in 1798. For further information we would refer our readers to an obituary notice of him in the Columbian Centinel, a semi-weekly newspaper printed in Boston, under date of June 11, 1814. His children were — by first wife — 547. John,' b. July 5, 1783 ; m. Abigail Field of Yarmouth, Me. He was a phy sician; and was drowned April 28, 1812, 33.29. His children were — 548. Matilda T.' 549. Mary Elizabeth.' 550. Lucy Ann.' 551. Mary Osgood,' b. Nov. 13, 1786 ; m. Elijah Stearns. She d. Aug. 29, 1849„ a. 63. 552. Rebecca Hammond,' b. Feb. 23, 1788 ; m. Jesse Jewett. Three children.. 553. Salome,' b. Jan. 22, 1790 ; d. Jan. 24, 1790. 168 GENEALOGICAL SKETCHES. 554. Salome,' b. July 30, 1792 ; d. Oct. 3, 1792. 555. Thomas,' b. Sept 6, 1793; ra. Mary Louisa Hutchinson of N. Y. They had two sons. He d. Dec. 24, 1826, a. 33. 556. Salome Barstow,' b. Oct. 28, 1796; m. George Hobbs of Eastport, Me. They had Maria A. and George T. 557. tElijah Dix,' b. March 22, 1799 ; m. Hannah C. Hayden of Eastport, Me. By second wife — 558. Samuel Stimson,' b. Jan. 22, 1802; d. unm. July 20, 1849. 559. Jane Robinson,' b. Dec, 5, 1804; m. James Tolman of Bath, Me. No children. He d. 1853. 297 Dr. JOHN GREEN,' (John,' Thomas,* Samuel,' Thomas,^ Thomas,') half- brother of the preceding ; b. in Worcester, March 18, 1763 ; m. Nanct Bar ber of Worcester. He was an eminent physician, having inherited the skill of his father and grandfather. A man of industrious habits, patient, persevering ; in his man ners, urbane and obliging ; in his judgments, discriminating, and always relia ble ; a man of great powers of observation ; he had an extensive practice in Worcester and the surrounding region. He combined with accurate practice as a physician, rare skill as a surgeon. He d. Aug. 11, 1808, a. 45, worn out by hard service in his profession, and greatly lamented at his decease. His widow Nancy survived him many years. Their children were — :560. tJohn,' b. April 19, 1784; m. Dolly Curtis of Worcester. .561. Eunice,' b. April 29, 1786 ; m. Leonard Burbank, who grad. Brown Univ., 1807; now living; four children. .'562. Mary,' b. March 14, 1788 ; unm. ; d. Sept. 16, 1817. .563. Nancy,' b. Aug. 28, 1790; m. Dr. Benjamin F. Heywood of Worcester, who grad. Dart. Coll., 1812. They had Benjamin, H. C. 1840 ; M. D. at Philad., 1843; Caroline; Frederic, Dart. Coll. 1845; M. D. at Philad., 3848 ; d. 1855, at San Miguel, Central America; John Green, b. May 24, 3828 ; d. Feb. 10, 1833. Mrs. Heywood d. Aug. 4, 1836, a. 46. He m. her sister Elizabeth, for second wife. 564. Samuel,'' b. March 21, 1792 ; d. Aug. 24, 1796. 565. Sarah,'' b, Aug. 22, 1794; d. Aug. 23, 1796. 566. Samuel B./ b. April 11, 1797 ; d. July 20, 1822. 567. tFrederic Walliam,' b. Jan. 19, 1800 ; m. Sarah Briggs of Columbia, S. C. 568. tJames,' b. Dec. 23, 1802; m. Elizabeth Swett of Dedham. 569. tMeltiah Bourne,' b. July 16, 1806 ; m. Mary Stone Ward. 570. Elizabeth R.,'' b. Sept. 26, 1808; m. Dr. Benjamin F. Heywood of Wor cester, husband of her sister Nancy. They now reside in Worcester, and have had — Nathaniel Moore, d. 1839; Nancy Green; John Green; Mary Elizabeth; George, b. March 8, 1848; d. Aug. 26, 1848. 298. TIMOTHY GRESEN,' Esq. {John,' Thomas,* Samuel,' Thomas,^ Thomas,') brother of the preceding; b. in Worcester, Jan. 9, 1765; m. Mary Martin of Providence, R. I. He grad. Brown Univ. 1786; studied law ; practised at Worcester, and afterwards in New York city. He was lost at sea, Dec. 1813, on his return from Charleston, S. C, te. 49. His widow survived him many years. She re- sided in New York city and d. there. Their children were — 571. Joseph Martin,' b. ; d. a. 10. 572. Mary E.' b ; d. unm. 573. Martha Lynde,' b. ; m. Rev. Mr. Mitchell of South Carolina. She survived her husband several years. She d. in Worcester, leaving two sons and two daughters. 574. Martin,' b. ; d. a. 5.J years. 575. Caroline,' b. '; m. John W. Mitchell, a lawyer, of South Carolina; lives in New York city ; has several children. THE GREEN FAMILY. 169 576. Elizabeth E,' b. ; unra. ; now living. 577, tTimothy Ruggles,' b. in New York city, March 16, 1806 ; m. Cornelia Elizabeth Arnold, Oct. 20, 1835. 578. Martin,' b. ; d. young. 299. SAMUEL GREEN,' (John,' Thomas,* Samuel,' Thomas," Thomas,') brother of the preceding ; b. in Worcester, May 10, 1767 ; m. 1, widow Tillinghast. 2, Waring of Columbia, S. C. He was a druggist and apothecary ; was postmaster of Columbia many years ; left, at his death, March 18, 1837, ae. 70, a large landed estate. His children, by first wife, were — 579. Robert,' b. in Columbia, S. C. ; m. Elizabeth Fleming of that place. He studied medicine ; and d. without issue. 580. Samuel,' b. ; m. Earle ; had one son, 581. George Washington,' now living. Samuel is deceased ; his widow m. . 303. WILLIAM ELIJAH GREEN,' (John,' Thomas,* Samuel,' Thomas," Thos.,') brother of the preceding ; b. in Worcester, Jan. 31, 1777; m. I, Abigail Nel son, dau. of Josiah Nelson of Milford. 2, Luct Merriam, dau. of Dea. Joseph Merriam of Grafton. 3, Jolia Plimpton, dau. of Oliver Plimpton, Esq., of a section of Sturbridge, now included in Southbridge. 4, Elizabeth D. Col lins, a widow. He is still living, with fourth wife, in Worcester. He was at first called William ; after the death of his brother Elijah, he assumed the middle name. He grad. Brown Univer. 1798; studied law with Judge Bangs of Worcester ; commenced practice in Grafton ; afterwards prac tised law many years in Worcester. His children have been — by first marriage — 582. tWilliam Nelson,' b. in Milford, Feb. 23, 1804; m. Sarah Munroe Staples. By second marriage — 583. Lucy Merriam,' b. in Grafton, Nov. 12, 1810 ; unm. ; now resides in New York City ; in connection with her sister Mary, is teacher and proprietor of a Young Ladies' Seminary, No. 1, Fifth Avenue, New York ; a suc cessful and distinguished teacher. By third marriage — 584. Mary Ruggles,' b. in Worcester, June 29, 1814; unm. ; resides in New York City ; joint proprietor and teacher of Young Ladies' Seminary, in con nection with her sister Lucy M. Green. 585. Julia Elizabeth,' b. in Worcester, Feb. 2, 1 816 ; unm. ; teacher in Worcester. 586. Lydia Plimpton,' b. in Worcester, Aug. 4, 1817 ; d. Aug. 27, 1818. 587. John Plimpton,' b. in Worcester, Jan. 19, 1819; studied medicine; practised in New York City a short time ; went to Whampoa, China, and remained five years ; now resides at Copiapo, Chili, S. A. 588. Andrew Haswell,' b. in Worcester, Oct. 6, 1820; studied law; attorney-at- law in New York City ; President of N. York City Board of Education, 1856-7. 589. Samuel Fiske,' b. in Worcester, Oct. 10, 1822; studied medicine; practised in Worcester a short time ; now a missionary physician in the service of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, at Batti- cotta. Island of Ceylon. 590, Lydia Plimpton,' b. iu Worcester, March 18, 1824 ; unm. ; now living at " Green Hill," Worcester. 591. Oliver Bourne,' b. in Worcester, Jan. 1, 1826; m. Aug. 28, 1855, Louisa Pomeroy, of Stanstead, Canada East. A civil engineer. Has one daugh, 592. Martin,' b. in Worcester, April 24, 1828 ; civil engineer; res. at Chicago, 111. 170 GENEALOGICAL SKETCHES. 312 ISAAC GREEN,' (Solomon,' Thomas,* Samuel,' Thomas," Thomas,') young est son of Solomon Green'; b. May 25, 1778; m. Jan. 1808, Rebecca Gat HARRinoN of Taunton; who d. Dec. 27, 1852. He lived in Providence, R. I., the greater part of his life ; now resides with his eon Soloraon in Rehoboth, Mass. His children are — 593. John Harridon,' b. iu Boston, March 19, 1811 ; m. Feb. 3, 1833, Haniet C. Potter of Providence, dau. of Jabez J. Potter. He lives in Providence ; by occupation a wheelwright. No children. 594. Sarah Ann,' b, in Providence, ; ra, Edwin Potter, son of Jabez. She is now living ; has three children ; husband deranged. 595. Rebecca,' b. in Providence ; m. William Burke of Providence. She is now living in Cranston, R. I. ; has three children. 596. tSolpraon,' b. in Providence, Dec. 22, 1819; m. Nancy B. Manchester of Newport, R. I. 333. ZEEB GREEN,' (Israel,' William,* William,' William," Thomas,') son of Israel Green' of Hubbardston; b. in Petersham, Nov. II, 1754 ; m. abt. 1779, Sarah Cowee, b. in Westminster, Oct 12, 1759, dau. of James (or John ; uncertain which) Cowee of the latter place. He removed to Winchendon, where he was at the breaking out of hostilities in 1775. He and his brothers belonged to the '¦ minute men " of Worcester Co. The four brothers joined the army at Cambridge, and, it is stated, were all in the battle of Bunker Hill, which proved fatal to two of them, James the eldest, and Lucas the youngest. Zeeb was also at the battles of White Plains, Bennington, and Saratoga ; was with Washington in the campaign in New Jersey; and was the only one of these brothers who survived the revolu tion. About 1781, he removed to the western part of Vermont, and settled in Chittenden, in the county of Rutland, where he resided till 1811 ; he then re moved to Brandon, where he d. July 1, 1821, ae. 67. His widow Sarah d. at Pittsford, Vt, March 24, 1840, se. 81. Their children were— 597. tJoel,' b. in Westminster, Mass., July 30, 1780; m. 1, Lucy Horton. 2, Eleutheria D. Fay. 598. Sarah,' b. in Chittenden, Vt., Aug. 1, 1782 ; m. William Manly. They had four children. She d. Nov. 28, 1834. 599. Mary,' b. June 17, 1785 ; m, Jacob Walton, Thev had six children. 600. Reuel,' b. Nov. 8, 1790; d. Feb. 29, 1804. 601. Rhoda,' b. May 1, 1795 : ra. Dr. I. W. Hale, of Brandon, Vt. They had four children. She d. July 21, 1829. 602. Almond,' 603. Orange,' twins, b. July 26, 1797. studied medicine with Dr. Pierson of Westminster, Mass.; commenced practice in 1822, at Brandon, Vt. ; removed to Whitehall, N. Y., where he ac quired a high reputation as a physician, and an extensive practice. He m. Jerusha Lawrence of Mass., gr. dau. of Col. Prescott of revolutionary memory. He d. Oct. 16, 1830, without issue. m. July 24, 1823, Nancy Thurston, dau. of Harmon Thurston of Westminster, Mass. He becarae a merchant ; removed to Milledgeville, Ga., where he d. Dec. 31, 183.5, leaving one son — 604. Orange II.,' b. in Westminster, Mass., Jan. 20, 1835, who grad. at the New York Med. Coll. in 1857, and is now a physician in New York city. 605. Laura,' b. May 5, 1800; m. Thoraas Damon of Westminster, Mass. She d. Nov. 5. 1831, leaving two sons ; one still living. 606. tllorace,' b. Dec, 24, 1802; ra, 1, Oct, 20, 1829, Mary Sigourney Butler. 2, Oct. 27, 1841, Harriette S. Douglas of Waterford, N. Y. 345. LEMUEL GREEN,' (JVatlianid,' JVathaniel,* William,' William," Thomas,') eldest eon of Rev. Nathaniel Green' of Leicester and Charlton; b. in Leicester, THE GREEN FAMILY. 171 Sept. 18, 1749; m. by his father in October, 1770, (possibly 1769) to Sarah May ; who was b. Sept. 1752, and d. June, 1834, ie. 72. He was an honest, christian man ; a soldier of the revolution; was wounded at the battle of Bunker Hill. He lived in Spencer, on a farm of fifty acres, about a mile and a half north of where the Charlton R. R. station now is, on the Western Railroad. He d. Jan. 21, 1818, le. 69. His children, all b. in Spencer, were as follows — 607, 608. Twins, d. in infancy. 609. Polly,' b. Jail. 23, 1772; m. in Spencer, John Brown; removed to Ohio; had five children, one of whom d. young ; the others are now living in Ohio, where their mother died. 610. Esther,' b. Oct. 26, 1774; m. in Spencer, April 17, 1800, Joseph Bennett. Lived in Belchertown, where they had four sons and five daughters. She is still, 1857, living in Belchertown ; a widow in her 83d year. 611. tEzra,' b. Oct. 8, 1776; m. Oct. 21, 1805, Sally Proctor of Ohio. 612. Anna,' b. Jan. 9, 1778; m. in Ohio, Joab Hoisington, a native of Windsor, Vt. They had seven sons and two daus. She d. April 8, 1849. 613. William,' b. Oct. 13, 1780 ; went to Ohio about 1812, and there m. Deborah Rice, from Brookfield, Mass. They had one daughter. Not long after her birth, he went down the Ohio on some business, and has never been heard from to this day. The dau., whose narae has not been reported to us, m., Mortimer G. Hibbard. They have ten children. 614. Sally,' b. Sept. 19, 1782; m. 1, in Spencer, Arthur Bennett Oct. 1801 ; re moved to Ohio, and had five sons and two daus. Her husband d. and she m. iu Ohio, 2, Conner; 3, Smith. She is still living in Ohio, a widow. One of her sous was a deaf mute, educated at the Asylum, in Columbus, 0. A daughter m. Governor Griner of New Mexico. 615. Betsey,' b. Feb. 23, 1784 ; d. when 18 mos. old. 616. Elijah,' b. Dec. 10, 1786; m. Chloe Wood of Brookfield. He d. leaving one son, , and a dau. Asenath.' 617. Betsey,' b. June 22, 1788 ; unm. Was an excellent school teacher, and an excellent lady. She d. June, 1823, a. 35. 618. tJames,' b. April, 1791 ; m. 1, Naorai Mcintosh. 2, Anna Livermore. 619. tWillard More,' b. May, 1796 ; m. 1817, Patty Wood, sister of Elijah's wife. 348. NATHANIEL GREEN,' (JVathaniel,' JVathaniel,* William,' WUliam, Thomas,') brother of the preceding ; b. in Leicester, July 7, 1755 ; m. Esther Bdnn. He removed to Madison, N. Y., where he was killed by a horse, Jan. 17, 1798, as. 43. His children were — 620. Arnold,' 621. E,sther.' 622. Charlotte.' 623. Polly.' 350. Rev. JOHN GREEN,' (JVathaniel,' JVathaniel,* WUliam,' William," Thomas,') brother of the preceding ; b. in Leicester, April 20, 1760 ; m. May 17, 1781, Sarah Moret of Charlton. Married by his father. Elder Nathaniel Green. After living in Charlton a few years, he removed, about 1784, to Cole- rain, then a new town, in the county of Franklin, Mass. He was an excellent man; a preacher of the Baptist denomination. He d. July 19, 1800, a. 40. His widow Sarah m. 2, Rev. Mr. Haskell, also a Baptist preacher; and 3, a Mr. Adams, whom she survived many years. She d. in Charlemont, adjoining Colerain, at the house of her son, Nathaniel Green,' July 3, 1851, over ninety years of age ; a bright example of the sustaining power of Christianity under the weight of years. 624. Miriam.' 625. Francis.' 626. Sandford.' 627. Deliverance.' 172 GENEALOGICAL SKETCHES. The children of Rev. John and Sarah Green were— (the flrst b. in Charlton, the remaining ones in Colerain) — 628. Relief,' b. Sept. 23, 1783; m. Micajah Carroll. Both living in Charlemont in 1850. 629. Betsey,' b. May 10, 1785 ; d. Dec. 16, 1810. 630. Sarah,' b. May 22, 1786 ; d. date unknown. 631. James,' b. April 14, 1788 ; d. date unknown. 632. Polly,' b. March 2, 1789 ; m. Silas Beckwith; d. date unknown. 633. Lydia,' b. March 1, 1791 ; m. James Briggs ; d. in Troy, N. Y. 634. John,' b. May 11, 1793 ; d. Tuesday, June 17, 1806 ; the " next day after the Great Eclipse in 1806." 635. Pamela,' b. April 14, 1795 ; m. Joseph Beckwith. 636. Nathaniel,' b. July 13, 1797 ; m. Nov. 10, 1822, Vashti Upton, dau. of Jo siah and Sally Upton of Charlemont. He is a farmer. They reside in Charlemont, and have a dau. who m. 1842, Robinson Warner of Charle- 637. Calista,' b. Oct 1799; d. date unknown. [mont. 638. David,' b. Nov. 1800 ; d. date unknown. 351. RUFUS GREEN,' (JVathaniel,' JVathaniel,* William,' William," Thomas,') brother of the preceding ; b. in Leicester, April 10, 1762 ; m. in Charlton, Dec. 19, 1786, Kezia Edbt of Brookfield. Married by his father. About 1796, they removed from Charlton, to Calais, Vt, where they lived many years. He was a man of unyielding integrity, and great moral worth ; a christian not in name and profession merely, but in life and in heart. He bore the misfortunes of a long life with meekness and patience, and died with a firm reliance on the grace of God, and in hope of a blessed imraortality. He d. Aug. 28, 1844, a. 82, in Madison, N. J., where he had been living some years with his" son. Dr. Henry Prentiss Green.' His children were — 639. Jonathan Eddy,' b. Sept. 14, 1786; m. Pettengill. Removed to Terre Haute, Indiana; d. there in 1842. Children — 640. Niles Burke.' 641 . Lucetta.' Both living in Terre Haute, la. 642. Ormsby,' b. May 17, 1788; m. ; removed to Indiana, and died in Attica, iu that State. Children — 643. Prescott.' 644. Conant' 645. Alonzo.' 646. Rufus,' b. Nov. 20, 1789 ; m. ; d. in Madison, N. J., iu 1838. Chil dren— 647. Caroline.' 648. Tullius.' 649. Hannibal.' 650. Adelia.' 651. Kezia,' b. July 2, 1791 ; m. ; removed to N. Y. State, where she died. 652. Clara,' b. Feb. 2. 1795 ; unm. ; d. in Calais, Vt. The foregoing were b. in Charlton, Mass., the following in Calais, Vt. — 653. David,' b. Jan. 15, 1797 ; m. in New York city, Margaret Winans. He re moved to New York city in 1823 ; was a practising physician there ; had an extensive and successful practice ; enjoyed the confidence of a large circle ; was a man of great kindness of heart ; took great interest in the welfare of the young. His death, which took place, Oct. 18, 1856, was greatly and widely lamented. He had two children — 654. John Winans,' b. Nov. 25, 1829; studied medicine, of which he commenced the practice in New York in 1851 ; m. Nov. 1856, Carrie Ellison, dau. of Charles F. and Henrietta Morton. Now living cor. of 7th Avenue and 13th Street, New York. 655. Julia Adelaide,' h. Dec. 16, 1834 ; d. July, 1836. 656. tHenry Prentiss,' b. Dec. 1, 1798; m. Joanna Crowell, 1829. 657. Daniel,' b. . 658. Jared Livingston,' b. Nov. 23, 1803; ra. Pamela Woodward. He is a preacher of the Christ-ian denomination ; a worthy and excellent man ; now living iu Bradford, Vt. Children — 659. Hden.' 660. Livingston.' 661. Clara.' 662. Lucetta,' b. May 15, 1805 ; d. in Calais, Vt., 1836. 663. Calista,' b. March 2, 1807 ; unm. ; d. in Calais, Vt., in 1824. 664. Roxellana,' b. . THE GREEN FAMILY. 173 354. EBENEZER GREENE,' (JVathaniel,' JVathaniel,* William,' William," Thomas,') brother of the preceding, b. in Leicester, April 29, 1769; m. May 1, 1796, Sybil Hitchcock, b. in Brimfield, Feb. 2, 1774 ; but then resident in Monson. Immediately after raarriage, he removed to Belchertown, and settled upon a large farm in the southwest part of the town. He was educated chiefly at Leicester Academy ; and for his time was well educated. For many years he was accustomed to teach school, and was known in all that vicinity as " Master Green." He was noted for the exactness and clearness of his methods of teaching. He was fond of antiquarian research, and preserved with scrupulous care all the old family papers which had descended to him. Having had the care of his parents in their declining years, and being the executor of his father's Will, many of the old family papers fell into his hands. These have been of great service to the compiler in furnishing materials for this sketch. He took an active part in building up the Baptist Church and Society in Belchertown. He was raany years clerk of the church. He expended much time, labor, and money, in the erection of the first Baptist meeting-house in that town. He was an intelligent, earnest, christian raan ; and died honored and respected by all who knew him. He d. Jan. 13, 1848, a. 78 y. 8 mo. 14 days. Mrs. Sybil Green, not less honored and respected than her husband, d. in Springfield, Nov. 4, 1854, a. 80 y. 9 mo. 2 days. She was buried beside her husband in the Old Cemetery in Belchertown, near Granby line. They lived together over fifty years. Their children, all b. in Belchertown, were — 665. Hannah,' b. July 20, 1797; unra.; d. June 22, 1825. A most excellent 666. Marilla,' b. June 29, 1799 ; d. July 12, 1802. [christian. 667. tJohn,' b. June 17, 1801 . m. Mary Thompson, Aug. 2, 1830. 668, 669. Twin daus., b. Dec. 8, 1802 ; d. Dec. 11 and 12, 1802. 670. tWilliam,' b. June 27, 1805; m. Harriet Gavit, May, 1835. 671 . Gerould,' b. Feb. 14, 1808 ; d. May 1, 1826, in the triumphs of christian faith. 672. tSamuel Stillraan,' b. May 3, 1810 ; m. 1, Edna Amelia Bartlett 1839. 2, Mary Adeline Bailey, 1854. 673. fRufus,' b. May 22, 1812; ra. 1, Clarissa M. Sprague, 1839. 2, Cynthia Sprague, her sister, 1842. 674. tEdwin,' b. May 4, 1815 ; m. Susan Maria Bronson, 1839. 675. Mary Hitchcock,' b. June 5, 1818 ; unm. ; now living with her brother Sam uel in Providence, B. I. 362. BENJAMIN GREEN,' ( Benjamin,' J^Tathanid,* William,' William," Thomas,') eldest son of Benjamin Green' of Spencer; b. in Leicester, Dec. 26, 1755; m. June 16, 1785, Martha Watson, b. June 18, 1763, dau. of Oliver and Eliza beth Watson of Spencer ; which, till 1753, was the west part of Leicester. He resided in Leicester and Spencer, and d. in the latter place, Nov. 27, 1835, ffi. 80. Mrs. Martha Green d. May 25, 1847, se. 84. Their children, all b. in Spencer, were — 676. Betsey,' b. April 28, 1786; m. Feb. 20, 1820, Daniel Owen of Adams, Washington Co., Ohio. She d. there Sept. 29, 1827, leaving one child. 677. tClark E.,' b. Feb. 20, 1788 ; m. Susanna Gray, Nov. 20, 1817. 678. Lucy,' b. Nov. 10, 1789; m. Sept. 20, 1810, Josiah Hobbs of Sturbridge. In that town she d. Nov. 8, 1823. She had one child. 679. Hannah,' b. April 17, 1792 ; m. April 20, 1819, Asaph Webber of Holland. She has two children. 680. Oliver,' b. Feb. 20, 1794 ; m. Jan. 21, 1821, Charlotte Davis of Adams, Ohio. She d. , leaving one child, 681, tOtis,' b, Feb. 7, 1796 ; m. Martha Wilson, Feb. 24, 1835. 682. tDavid,' b. Dec. 27, 1797 ; m. 1, Augusta Brown, Aug. 28, 1823. 2, 683. Martha,' b. March 11, 1801 ; m. Thomas B. Clai'k of Spencer. 174 GENEALOGICAL SKETCHES. 684. Mary,' b. Dec. 8, 1802; ra. Benjamin 'White of Phillipston; where she d. July 30, 1840, leaving one child. 685. Eveline,' b. June 9, 1805; m. Joshua Vinton of Southbridge, b. Oct 11, 1807. [Vinton 353.] She d. Nov. 15, 1833, leaving one child, Har rison Andros, b. July, 1833. 364. Rev. ASA GREEN,' (Benjamin,' JVathaniel,* William,' William? Thomas,') brother of the preceding; b. in Leicester, July 27, I76I ; m. . He was a Baptist preacher ; a good man. He removed to Woodstock, Vt., and thence to Bridgewater, Vt, an adjoining town ; where he d. Sept. 6, 1842. His children were — 686. Ephraim.' 689. Benjamin.' 687. Asa.' 690. Elias.' 688. Oliver.' 691. A daughter.' 369. JOSEPH GREEN,' (Joseph,' Joseph,* Joseph,' Henry," Thomas,') eldest son of Joseph' and Martha (Sprague) Green of Stoneham and Chelsea; b. in Stone ham, Nov. 21, 1758 ; ra. Susanna Pratt, b. 1759, dau. of John and Elizabeth (Brooks) Pratt of Medford. He was a farmer in North Chelsea, where he d. Oct. 4, 1825, eb. 67. His widow, Susanna, d. July 23, 1843, a. 84. Their children, b. in Chelsea, were — 692. Elizabeth,' b. June 26, 1780; d. Nov. 5, 1844. 693. Susanna,' b. Dec. 10, 1782 ; ra. Peter Holt. Their children were— John, Eliza, Justin E., Susan. 694. Joseph,' b. June 6, 1784; m. Phebe Holt, sister of Peter Holt, just men tioned. He d. Jan. 1847, £e. 63. No children. 695. Sarah,' b. Dec. 14, 1785 ; never m. ; d. Aug. 17, 1852, SB. 67. 696. Martha,' b. March 10, 1788; d. Aug. 7, 1790. 697. John,' b. Jan. 17, 1790 ; m. Phebe 'Tucker of Andover. He is a farmer, and lives in North Chelsea. Has had nine oliildren, viz. : 698. Lydia.' 701. Joseph.' 704. Charles.' 699. Asa.' 702. Leonard.' 705. Stephen Albert.' 700. Sarah.' 703. Martha.' 706. Alpheus.' 707. Martha,' b. Dec. 15, 1791 ; m. Araos Pierce of Westford. Children — Amos, Sarah, Martha, Thomas, Nathan, Andrew Jackson. 708. Anna,' b. Aug. 24, 1794; d. Feb. 20, 1798. 709. Thomas,' b. Aug. 16, 1796 ; d. Feb. 27, 1798. 710. Anna,' b. Jan. 1, 1799; ra. May 26, 1822, Richard Brackett of Boston, a native of Quincy. Their children were — Ann Elizabeth, m. Aug. 31, 1846, William Smith of Boston, of the firm of Wright, Priest & Co., merchants. He d. of smallpox in Boston, Feb. 28, 1850. Children — Sarah Ann, b. Feb, 16, 1848, George WiUiam, b. Feb. 23, d. March 12, 1850. Susan Green. ¦ Eugenia. Georgiana, m. Oct. 23, 1853, Henry Richmond' Danforth, printer, of Boston, son of Jarvis and Susan Keith (Williams) Danforth of Taunton, Children — Eugene Henrv, b, Dec, 10, 1854. Willie Brackett, b. March 31, 1857. Charlotte. 711. Thomas,' b. Oct. 16, 1800; m. Sarah Todd of Maiden. Three children. 712. Levi,' b. Jan. 9, 1804; ra. Sarah Davis. He d. Dec. 30, 1851, a. 48. 376. JAMES GREEN,' (Joseph,' Joseph,* Joseph,' Henry," Thomas,') brother of the preceding ; b. in Stoneham, Sept 20, 1766 ; m. Joanna Pratt. He was a farmer ; lived in Chelsea. His children, b. in Chelsea, were — THE GREEN FAMILY. 175 713. James,' b. ; m. Rachel Stowers. They had— 714. Anna Augusta.' 716. Georqe Edward.' 715. James.' 717. William Henry.' 718. Joanna,' b. ; m. Simon Blanchard. They had two children, who died young. She is deceased. 719. Thomas,' b. ; m. Sarah MitcheU. Children— 720. Georgiana.' 722. Henrietta.' 721. Charlotte.' 723. Tliomas.' 724. Susan,' b. ; m. Edward Smith. 725. Sarauel,' b. ; d. early. 726. Benjamin,' b. ; m. Sarah Stowers. No chit Ho is iu California. 385. Capt. JOSIAH GREEN," (Josiah,' Josiah,* Joseph,' Henry," Thomas,') eldest son of Capt. Josiah' and Elizabeth Green of Stoneham ; b. there, Feb. 24, 1768 : in. Nov. 19, 1789, Susanna Bucknam, b. April 5, 1769, dau. of John and Anna (Wright) Bucknara of Stoneham.'* He was an active, enterprising man ; a farmer ; and removed from Stoneham to Salisbury, N. H., probably between 1800 and 1810. He d. there in 1846. His wife d. about 1850. Their children were— 727. Josiah,' b. May 28, 1790 ; m. Sweetser, dau. of Paul Sweetser of S. 728. Joshua,' b. Nov. 1, 1791 ; d. of a burn, Jan. 8, 1797. (Reading 729. Susanna,' b. Aug. 15, 1793: ra. Garland. 730. Hersehel,'b. Dec. 7, 1795. 731. Roxolana,'b. May 8, 1798; m. Pettengill. 732. Joshua,' b. Aug. 7, 1800. The preceding were b. in Stoneham ; the following may have been b. in Salisbury — 733. Nancy,' b. ; m. Bailey. 734. Emily,' b. ; m. Martin. 404. Hon.l AMES SVROATGREE^,'(Ashbd,' Jacob,* Jacob,' Henry," Thomas,') son of Rev. Ashbel Green, D.D., of Philadelphia; b. there 1792; m. Isabella McCulloch. He graduated at Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pa. ; studied law ; was admit ted to the bar of New Jersey in 1818; was a raember of the Legislature of New Jersey for ten or twelve years successively. He was United States District Attorney for New Jersey under the administrations of Jackson, Van Buren, Harrison and Tyler. Was nominated by President Tyler as Secretary of the Treasury in 1843. Is now Professor of Jurisprudence in the College of New Jersey ; and resides at Princeton. Children — 735. tAshbel,' b. ; m. Louisa Walker. 736. tJames S.' b. ; m. Frances Winchester. 767. Anna,' b. ; m. William Mactier. 738. Isabella,' b. ; m. John H. Janeway. 739. Robert Stockton,' b. . The above are all now living, 1857. 408. JAMES LANMAN GREEN,' (Samuel,' Samuel,* Samuel,' Samuel,' Thomas,') son of Samuel' and Mary (Lanman) Green of Maiden : b. there about 1778 ? m. Susan Fowle of Woburn. He lived in Maiden, and d. there about 1836. His children were — * John Bucknam was b. in Stoneham, Aug. 19, 1730 (d. Aug. 2, 1,808, a. 78) son of Edward and Rebecca. Edward, his father, was b. in Maiden, March 22, 1692, son of Joses and Judith Bucknam. Anna Wright, wife of John Bucknam, was b. Dec. 5, 1733, dau. of Timothy and Mary Wright. 176 GENEALOGICAL SKETCHES. 740. Susan,' b. ; m. 1829, Vincent Rowe, b. July 22, 1802, son of William A. and Susanna Howe of Stoneham. Published Nov. 1, 1829. He d. 1856. 741. Hannah,' b. ; m. Levi D. Smith of Stoneham. She d. about 1850. 742! James Artemas,' b. July 12, 1817; m. Hannah Brown Stevens, dau. of Darius and Hannah (Lynde) Stevens of Stoneham, and gr. dau. of Rev. John H. Stevens of that place. He is a trader in Stoneham. 743. Horace,' b. , 1819 ; d. at Stoneham, July 23, 1836, a. 17. 418. PHINEHAS GREEN,' (Phinehas,' Samuel,* Samuel,' Samuel," Thomas,') son of Phinehas Green' of Maiden ; b. there about 1767 ; in. Mehitable Hart, dau. of John Hart of Lynnfield. He and his wife are still living, July 1857, in Reading, on the old Andover Turnpike, the last house as you proceed towards Boston. Children — 744. Nancy,' b. Sept. 27, 1789 ; m. Edward Emerson of Maiden. 745. Eben,' b. April 8, 1791 ; unm. ; d. April 7, 183- a. about 40. 746. Samuel,' b. Nov. 6, 1792 ; d. young; a. 21 mos. 747. Sarah,' b. May 2, 1795 ; m. Ezekiel Oliver of Reading. 748. Charlotte,' b. Dec. 10, 1796 ; d. young. 749. Charlotte,' b. Feb. 6, 1799 ; m. Samuel Sprague of Melrose. 750. John,' b. May 20, 1801 ; d. a, about 14, 751. tPhinehas,' b. Aug. 20, 1803 ; m. Clarissa Williams of Saugus. 752. James,' b. May 20, 1805 ; d. a. 11. 753. Lowell,' b. April 9, 1808 ; m. 1, Pamela Scarlet. 2, . 429. Capt DANIEL GREEN,' (Daniel,' Thomas,* Thomas,' Samuel," Thomas,') eldest son of Dea. Daniel' and Ruth Green of Stoneham ; b. in that town Sept 20, 1761 ; m. 1, Sarah Evans of Wobnrn; published May 10, 1783. She d. of a cancer. May 8, 1806, a. 42. [Gravestone.] 2, April 30, 1807, Mart Evans, sister of the first wife. She d. Sept. 9, 1837, a. 65. [Gravestone.] 3, Aug. 2, 1838, Elizabeth (Evans) Ash, widow of Samuel H. Ash of Bos ton (m. to hira Dec. 1, 1803) and sister of the two forraer wives. He lived in the east part of Stoneham, of which town he was selectman 1796, 1800, and perhaps afterwards ; captain in the militia. He d. Jan. 5, 1842, se. 80. [Gravestoiie.) His children, all b. in Stoneham, were — ^by first wife — 754. tDaniel,' b. Aug. 3, 1784 ; m. Nov. 3, 1811, Elizabeth Sweetser. 755. Ezra,' b. March 27, 1786 ; m. 1, Chloe Kingman, May 17, 1821. 2, Mary . 756. tHenry,' b. March 22, 1792; m. 1, Betsey Sturtevant. 2, Abigail Gerry. 757. Samuel,' b. Jan. 25, 1796. 758. Sarah,' b. Aug. 3, 1800 ; ra. April 30, 1818, Heman Sturtevant of S. Read ing, brother of Betsey, just mentioned. By second wife — 759. Mary Elizabeth,' b. Oct 2, 1808; ra. Nov. 30, 1826, her cousin Nafhan Perry of Medford, son of Thaddeus and Rhoda (Green) Perry. [434.] 760. Benjarain Franklin,' b.Nov. 14, 1811; m. Martha Ann Young, Dec. 26, 1833. They had— 761. Maiy Elizabeth,' b. Nov. 23, 1837. 762. Oren Augustus,' b.May li,18il. 430. NATHAN GREEN,' (Daniel,' Thomas,* Thomas,' Samud," Thomas,') brother of the preceding; b. in Stoneham, March 31, 1765; ra. Betset Orr of Charlestown. Both are now deceased. He lived some years in Stoneham ; where he was tythingman 1790, and col lector of taxes same year. Afterwards he lived in South Reading, near Stone ham line, where is now the village of Greenwood. His children, who seem to have been b. in S. Reading, were — THE GREEN FAMILY. 177 763. Betsey,' b. ; unm. ; living in 1857. 764. Nathan,' b. ; m. May 18, 1815, Susan Rowe, b. April 13, 1793, dau. of William A. and Susanna Rowe of Stoneham. [740.] They had — 765. Susan,' b. ; unm,; d. in insane Iiospital ¦? [ham. 766. Pamela,' b. ; m. May 6, 1838, George Bucknam of Stone- 767. George,' b. ; m. Nov, 2, 1846, Mary Jane Buck, b, Nov, 19, 1825, dau, of Capt, Joseph and Sally Buck of Stoneham. 768. Oliver,' b. ; ra. Susanna Richardson, dau. of Joseph of Woburn. 769. .Jane,' b. ; m. Adams ; both living in Worcester 1857. 770. Rebecca,' b. ; m. Sept. 1, 1818, William Rowe of Stoneham, brother of Susan above. He d. March 13, 1826, from drinking poison, through mistake. 771. Belinda,' b. ; m. Drake. 431. REUBEN GREEN,' (Daniel,' Thomas,* Thomas,' Samuel," Thomas,') brother of the preceding ; b. in Stoneham, March 14, 1767 ; m. Newell, of Lynnfield. They lived in South Reading, near Stoneham line ; at the locality now called Greenwood. Their children were — 772. Abner,' b. ; m. Sept 13, 1829, Hannah Clark, frora Bradford, Vt., then resident in Stoneham. 773. Reuben,' b. ; ra. Winn, dau. of Col. Winn of South Reading. 774. Huldah,' b. ; m. Boardman ; lived in S. Reading. 775. Sarah,' b. ; m. Reuben Gerry, b. Nov. 11, 1791, son of Capt. David and Sarah (Richardson) Gerry of Stoneham. They were published. Sept 28, 1816. She d. Dec. 1832. He d. in Alton, III., 1840. 776. Harriet,' b. ; m. Brown of S. Reading. 777. Elbridge,' b. ; m. Howard, dau. of Amos Howard of Maiden. 778. Lot,' b. ; unm. ; was a dwarf and deformed. 476. WILLIAM GREEN,« (William,' William,* William,' Samuel," Thomas,') eldest son of Capt. William Green' of Reading : b. there 1765 ; m. 1, Pool of Reading. 2, Nov. 21, 1811, Abigail Green,' b. Oct 13, 1770, eldest dau. of Jonathan' and Dorcas (Hay) Green of Stoneham. [489.] He and his second wife lived with and took care of John Green,' [178] on the farm once owned by THOMAS GREEN.' John Green,' at his death, left the property to Mrs. Abigail Green,' just named. Both are now deceased. His children were — by first wife — 779. William,' b. ; ra. of Peru (Mass. or Vt ^) Has lived in Peru, also iu Ohio ; has a large faraily. 780. Mary,' b. ; m. May 10, 1818, Joseph Hill of Woburn, son of James Hill of Stoneham, and twin brother of John Hill, a prosperous shoe man ufacturer of the latter place. 781. Aaron,' b. ; m.Nov. 1, 1827, Nancy Lynde of Maiden. He lives in Melrose, a short distance east of the Stoneham Railroad Station. By second wife — 782. Abigail,' b. ; m. Edmund B. Southwick, Oct. 10, 1843. They occupy and will soon own the " Old John Green Place," which belonged, two hundred years ago, to the ancestor of the whole family, THOMAS GREEN.i 492. JONATHAN GREEN,' (Jonathan,' Jonathan,* Jonathan,' Samud," Thomas,') son of Jonathan' and Dorcas (Hay) Green of Stoneham ; b. there Aug. 3, 1777 ; m. June 15, I8I7, Susanna Upham of Maiden, the part incorporated, in 1851, as Melrose. He lived in the east part of Stoneham ; and "d. of exhaustion from insanity, Oct 8, 1841, a. 64." [Stoneham Records.] His insanity is represented as 178 GENEALOGICAL SKETCHES. having been of the most furious kind ; rendering the strictest confinement necessary. His children were — 783 .Jonathan,' ( twins, b. Jan. 1 m. Mary Johnson ;* published Dec. 5, 1846. 784. Susanna,' ) 13, 1820 ; ( 785. Sarah Attn,' b. Nov. 2, 1821. 786. Dorcas Hay,' b. Jan. 15, 1824. 787. James Swan Howard,' b. July 28, 1826. 494. PETER GREEN,' (Jonathan,' Jonathan,* Jonathan,' Samuel," Thomas,') brother of the preceding ; b. in Stoneham, April 12, 1783; in. 1, July 30, 1812, his cousin Rebecca (Green) Hosmer, b. Sept 23, 1787, dau. of Jesse Green and widow of Elijah Hosmer. [495.] She d. April 23, 1823, a. 35 y. 7 mos. [Gravestone.] 2, May 10, 1827, Ltoia Sargent of Maiden, who d. without issue, Dec. 23, 1840, ffi. 59. [Gravestone.] 3, June 28, 1842, Elizabeth (Waitt) Shute, b. Dec. 22, 1800 ; dau. of James and Elizabeth Waitt of Maiden ; she had been the widow, successively, of Granville Jeffts and Timo thy Shute. Mr. and Mrs. Green are worthy people; they live in the east part of Stone ham, on " Green Lane." They are merabers of the 'Congregational Church in that place. He has been for years deprived of sight. His children, all b. in Stoneham, have been — by first wife — 788. Peter,' b. June 1, 1813 ; m. Sept. 24, 1835, Sally (Lynde) Gerry, b. May 24, 1803, dau. of Stephen and Sally Lynde, and widow of Arad Gerry, all of Stoneham. Arad Gerry d. March 23, 1833. a. 29. 789. Elijah Hosraer,' b. Feb. 21, 1816 ; m. 1845, Eliza (Grover) Tuttle of Lynn. Published May 3, 1845. She was b. 1823, at Troy, N, H., dau. of Ste phen Grover, jr., and widow of Tuttle. He d. 185-. 790. Jesse,' b. Feb. 6, 1818; m. Feb. 6, 1856, his brother Elijah's widow— her third raarriage. 791. Cordelia,' b. April 19, 1820 ; unra. ; lives with her father. No children by second wife. Children by third wife — 792. Sarah Elizabeth,' b. March 24, 1843. 793. Levi Wakefield,' b. April 2, 1846. SEVENTH GENERATION. 502. SAMUEL DANA GREENE,' Esq., (Samuel,' Samuel,' Thomas,* Samud,' Thomas," Thomas,') son of Samuel' and Hannah Green; b. at Leicester, in the house where his father, his grandfather, Dea. Samuel,' and his gr. grandfather, Rev. Thomas Green,4 had lived, Feb. 7, 1788; m. March 29, 1810, Susan GiBBs, of Providence, R. I., b. Sept 26, 1786. He entered Brown University in 1806, but left during his senior year, with out taking his degree. From I8I9 to 1822, was captain of an independent company of riflemen. Has been justice of the peace in Hampden and Middle sex Counties. Now resides at Cambridgeport ; but transacts business in Bos ton. A merchant by occupation. Has been a raeraber of an evangelical church since 1822. Children — 794. William Cahoone,' b. Jan, 4, 1811 ; d, in infancy, 795. Ann Maria,' b. Aug. 4, 1812; m. July 2.3, 1835, William Dana, and has two children. Now living in Boston. * Mary Johnson, b. Ocl. 10, 1823 ; was the third and youngest child of Moses and Sarah Johnson of Stoneham. Her mother, Sarah Skinner, had been the young and fruilful wife of Capt, Josiah Green,' [185,] THE GREEN FAMILY. 179 796. Susan Gibbs,' b. July 2, 1815 ; m. 1, Sept. 23, 1848, John Umsted of New York. 2, Charles Rust of Araherst, Mass. 797. Francis,' b. April 4, 1818 ; d. in infancy. 798. Samuel Gardner,' b. Oct. 21, 1819 ; ra. 1, 1840, Charlotte Clampit of Up per Canada, who d. Feb. 1855. 2, Oct. 4, 1856, Mrs. Martha Jordan of Portland, Me. Children by first raarriage — 799. Gardner,' b. Nov. 14, 1841 ; d. 1842. 800. Susan,' b. April 13, 1843 ; d. 1843. 801. George Augustus,' b. July 23, 1844. 802. Mary Jane,' b. Juno 10, 1846. 803. Adeline Gibbs,' b. June 27, 1848. 804. Charles Dana,' b. April 1, 1850. 805. Caroline Etfrida,' b. Nov. 24, 1852. 806. William Orson,' b. Feb. 24, 1855. By second marriage — 807. Isabella,' b. 1857. 808. Elizabeth Gardner,' b. Oct. 12, 1821 ; d. in 1823. 809. Charies Augustus,' b. April 19, 1824; ra. April 18, 1855, Helen Hubbard of Philadelphia, He is now a practising physician in Philad. 810. George Kinney,' b. May 23, 1826 ; d. Dec. 1829. 811. William Cahoone,' b, Oct, 8, 1828; ra. Oct. 8, 1856, Virginia Croll of Phil adelphia. He is a lawyer in Fall River. One child — 812. Virginia,' b. 1857. 503. WILLIAM KINNEY GREENE,' (Samuel,' Samuel,' Thomas,* Samuel,' Thomas," Thomas,') brother of the preceding; b. in Leicester, Jan. 9, 1790; m. Dec. 10, I8I2, Betsey Kimball, dau. of Dea. Jedidiah Kimball of Wood stock, Ct. He is a manufacturer ; and resides in Amsterdara, N. Y. His children are — 813. Almeria,' b. Sept. 12, 1813; m. by Rev. Daniel Stewart May 1, 1839, to Lyman Bennet, formerly of Hampton, Ct. Their children are — Hairiet Elizabeth, b. in Fishkill, N. Y., June 1, 1840 ; d. Oct. 15, 1856. Hannah Kinney, b. in Amsterdam, N. Y., July 24, 1842. Jane Greene, b. Deo. 24, 1843. Fidelia, b. April 6, 1847. Anna FuUer, b. May 1, 1854. 814. William Kimball,' b. July 18, 1816 ; m. by Rev. Mr. Stevenson, Dec. 22, 1838, to Jane M. Priest. Their children are — 815. Elijah Priest,' b. May 22, 1843. 816. Henni Eckford,' b. April 10, 1849. 817. Harriet Newell,' b. July 18, 1818; ra. Sept. 20, 1849, Nicholas Anthony Wiraple. They have no offspring. 818. Samuel Dana,' b. July 6, 1822 ; m. Sept. 12, 1846, Marietta Willoughby, who was b. March 10, 1829. They have— 819. William Willoughby,' b. Oct. 13, 1848. 820. Henry Eckford,' b. April 12, 1827 ; unm.; now in California. 821. Andrew Harding,' b.May 23, 1829; m. Sept 12, 1849, Mary Elizabeth Davis, b. Nov. 6, 1829. He d. Dec. 21, 1856. His children, b. in Am sterdam, N. Y., are — 822. Elizabeth Anna,' b. April 23, 1850. 823. Charles Davis,' b. March 7, 1852. 824. Carrie Emily,' b. April 13, 1854. 510. JOHN GREEN,' {Thomas,' Thomas,' Thomas,* Samuel,' Thomas," Thomas,') eldest son of Dr. Thomas Green' of Auburn, Mass. ; b. there, May 30, 1778 ; m. PoLLT Richardson. He d. May 29, 1803, a. 25, lacking one day, leaving one son. 825. Charles,' b. ; m. Ammeti Tinkham. Their children have been- 826. Susan Caroline,' b. Nov. 1824 ; m. Richard B. Taylor. They had Charles Orlando, d. young. Mrs. Taylor d. a few years since. 180 GENEALOGICAL SKETCHES. 827. Sarah Ann,' b. June, 1826 ; ra. William Wardwell. No chil. 828. Mary Elizabeth,' b. Nov. 1828 ; m. Joseph Hilson. 829. John P.,' b. ; d. not many years ago. 519 Dr. GEORGE BARRETT GREEN,' (feaac,' Thomas,' Thomas,* Samuel,' Thomas," Thomas,') son of Dr. Isaac Green' of Windsor, Vt. ; b. there April 14, 1798 ; m. 1. Nov. 9, 1829, Mary Hatch Jones, dau. of Darius and Elizabeth Borradell (Hatch) Jones. She d. Aug. 3, 1840. 2, Jan. 3, 1854, , dau. of Charles Baxter, Esq., of Sharon, 'Vt He is a prosperous physician in Windsor, Vt. His children, all b. in Wind sor, Vt, and by first wife, are — 830. Ann Elizabeth,' b. Aug, 28, 1830. 831. Isaac,' b.May 13, 1832 ; m. Sept. 22, 1853, Frances Elizabeth Hatch, dau. of Maj. Joseph D. and Frances Spooner (Forbes) Hatch. He is now a successful merchant in Redwing, Minnesota. 832. Charlotte Eloisa,' b. Jan. 30, 1834. 833. Ellen Shepherd,' b. March 13, 1836. 834. Mary Harriet^ b. Feb. 20, 1838. 521, Dr. CHARLES GUSTAVUS GREENE,'' (Isaac,^ Thomas,' Thomas,* Sam uel,' Thomas," Thomas,') brother of the preceding ; b. in Windsor, Vt, Sept. 1, 1803 ; m. Nov. 7, 1831, Susan Bigelow, dau. of Hon. Abijah Bigelow of Worcester. He studied medicine ; came to Boston in 1826 ; practised medicine there ; returned to Windsor, Vt., in 1830; removed to Boston in 1844, where he is now settled as an apothecary. No. 823 Washington Street, house No. 821. Children, both b. in Windsor — 835. Charies,' b. Sept. 7, 1833 ; d. same day. 836. Elizabeth,' b. Aug. 18, 1837 ; resides with her parents. 542. THOMAS PORTER GREEN,' (Daniel,' Thomas,' Thomas,* Samuel,' Thomas," Thomas,') son of Dr. Daniel Green' of Auburn, Mass. ; b. there April II, 1818; m. April 5, 1843, Rebecca Larned of Thompson, Ct Their children are — 837. Mary Lamed.' 838. Daniel.' 839. George.' 840. Williara Ralph.' 841. Elizabeth.' 544. ISAAC GREEN,' (Daniel,' Thomas,' Thomas,* Samuel,' Thomas," Thomas',) brother of the preceding; b. m Auburn, Mass., Dec. 19, 1821; m. Susan Orcutt of Scituate, Mass. They are still living, 1857. Children— 842. Susan Elizabeth,' b. . 843. Alice Maria,' b. ; d. 1853 or 1854. 557. ELIJAH DIX GREEN,' (Thomas,' John,' Thomas,* Samuel' Thomas," Thomas,') son of Rev. Thomas Green' of North Yarmouth, Me. ; b. March 22, 1799; m. Hannah C. Hayden of Eastport, Me. Their children are— 844. Mary Hayden,' b. ; m. Frederic A. Pike, a lawyer. They reside in Calais, Me. She is the talented and accomplished author of " Ida Mat." 845. Eraeline Cariton,' b. , 846. Emma Sophia,' b. . 847. Kate Jewett,' b . 848. Sarah Brooks,' b. . 849. Thomas,' b. . THE GREEN FAMILY. 181 560. Dr. JOHN GREEN,' (John,' John,' Thomas,* Samuel,' Thomas," Thomas,') eldest son of Dr. John' and Nancy (Barber) Green of Worcester; b. there April 19, 1784 ; m. Dollt Curtis, dau. of David Curtis, of Worcester. She deceased without issue. He grad. at Brown Univ. 1804; and like his father, grandfather, and great grandfather, chose the profession of medicine ; pursuing it for more than forty years with the highest reputation and with eminent success. He received a thorough literary and professional training ; but his skill in the " healing art " was to a remarkable degree the result of observation and experience. He dis cerned disease with almost intuitive perception, and in rare and extraordinary cases was successful in his treatment. As a physician and surgeon he has had few superiors, and not many equals. He is still living in Worcester ; acknowledged to be at the head of his profession in central Massachusetts. From that profession he has retired with an ample fortune. He will leave a name held in grateful remembrance throughout the large circle of his practice. In 1854, he was elected Vice President of the Medical Convention of the United States, then holding its sessions at St. Louis, Missouri. He has no children. 567. FREDERIC WILLIAM GREEN,' (John,' John,' Thomas,* Samuel,' Thomas," Thomas,') brother of the preceding ; b. in Worcester, Jan. 19, 1800 ; m. July 31, 1828, Sakah Briggs of Columbia, S. C. He is still living in Columbia, S. C. ; is a druggist and apothecary. His, children, all b. in Columbia, have been — 850. John,' b. May 17, 1829. 851. Samuel,' b. May 21, 1831. 852. Frederic William,' b. April 13, 1833; d. Aug. 14, 1852. 853. James,' b. April 15, 1835. 854. Mary Catharine,' b. Feb. 8, 1837 ; d. Aug. 2, 1838. 855. Meltiah Bourne,' b. Dec. 17, 1838. 856, Mary Ann,' b. July 1, 1840. 857. William Briggs,' b. Oct. 14, 1842. 858. Sarah,' b. Feb. 1, 1844. 859. George Burbank,' b. Sept. 6, 1847. 860. Heywood,' b. July 30, 1849. 861. Frank,' b. July 9, 1851. 862. Elizabeth,' b. June 20, 1853. 56S. JAMES GREEN,' (John,' John,' Thomas,* Samwd,' Thomas," Thomas,') brother of the preceding ; b. in Worcester, Dec. 23, 1802 ; m. May 1, 1833, Elizabeth Swett, dau. of Samuel Swett of Dedham. He is an apothecary in Worcester. His children have been — 863. James,' b. Feb. 15, 1834 ; d. Feb. 17, 1834. 864. John,' b. April 2, 1835 ; grad. H. C. 1855 ; member of the Lawrence Scien tific School, at Cambridge, chemical department, 1856. 865. Samuel Swett* b. Feb. 20, 1837 ; mow, 1857, member of Harvard College. 866. Elizabeth Sprague,' b. April 19, 1839. 867. James,' b. March 2, 1841. 569. MELTIAH BOURNE GREEN,' (John,' John,' Thomas,* Samuel,' Thomas,^ Thomas,') brother of the preceding; b. in Worcester, July 16, 1806; in. Mart Stone Ward, dau. of Artemas Ward of Worcester. He is an apothecary ; now living ; and has had children, as follows : — 868. Meltiah Bourne,' b. Aug. 27, 1838; d. Aug. 29, 1838. 869. Mary Caroline,' b. Dec. 13, 1839; d. Aug. 13, 1840. 870. Meltiah Bourne,' b. Jan. 3, 1843. 13 182 GENEALOGICAL SKETCHES. 577. TIMOTHY RUGGLES GREEN,' (Timothy,' John,' Thomas,* Samuel,' Thomas," Thomas,') son of Timothy' and Mary Green ; b. in New York city, March 16, 1806; m. Oct 20, 1835, Cornelia Elizabeth Arnold, dau. of Samuel G. Arnold of Providence, R. I. He was a grad. of Columbia College ; studied law ; and practised law in the city of New York. As a man of business, he was punctual, careful and exact. He was a member of the Amity Street Baptist Church, and Superintendent of its Sabbath School. In the benevolent institutions of the country, he took a lively interest. He was President of the Young Men's Bible Society ; an ac tive member of the Am. Tract Society, Am. Sunday School Union, etc. He was a Trustee of Brown University. A beautiful tribute is paid to his memory, in a discourse by Rev. William R. Williams, pastor of the Amity St Baptist Church.* He d. on his birthday, March 16, 1840, a. 34. His widow is still living in Providence ; a lady greatly esteemed for her high intellectual endowments and moral worth. Their children are — 871. Arnold,' b. Feb. 27, 1838; now, 1857, a member of the senior class in Brown University, Providence. 872. Frances Mary,' b. May 20, 1840. 682. Hon. WILLIAM NELSON GREEN,' (William E.,' John,' Thomas,* Samuel,' Thomas," Thomas,') b. in Milford, Feb. 23, 1804 ; m. Feb. 23, 1839, Sarah Munroe Staples, a widow, whose maiden name was Ball, of North- borough. He studied law; was admitted to the bar at Worcester in 1827; was ap pointed Judge of the Police Court of the city of Worcester in 1848 ; now living in Worcester. Children, b. in Worcester — 873. William Nelson,' b. Jan. 10, 1843. .874. Timothy Ruggles,' b. June 22, 1844. 875. John,' " ( twins, b. ) d. Sept. 14, 1845. 876. Thomas,' j July 28, 1845; J d. Aug. 18, 1845. 877. Lucy Nelson,' b. Oct 29, 1846; d. Aug. 16, 1847. 596. SOLOMON GREEN,' (Isaac,' Solomon,' Thomas,* Samuel,' Thomas," 'Thomas,'') son of Isaac' and Rebecca Green ; b. in Providence, R. I., Dec. 22, 1819; m. Jan. 15, 1843, Nanct B. Manchester of Newport, R. I. He is by occupation a moulder for iron castings ; lives in Rehoboth, Mass. : and is a member of a Baptist church. His children have been — 878. Anna Jane,' b. Nov. 28, 1843 ; d. July 17, 1849. 879. Sarah Augusta,' b. Aug. 1, 1846. 880. Laura Staples,' b. April, 1851. 881. Lewis Herbert,' b. June, 1853 ; d. July, 1854. 697. Dr. JOEL GREEN,' (Zeeb,' Israel,' WiUiam,* William,' William," Thomas,') eldest son of Zeeb Green' of Chittenden, Vt. ; b. in Westminster, Mass., July 30, 1780 ; m. 1, Luct Horton, dau. of Judge Hirara Horton of Brandon, Vt She d. 1819. 2, Eleutheria D. Fav, adopted dau. of Col. Josiah Dunham, of Windsor, Vt He studied medicine, and was a practising physician some years in Brandon, Vt. In 1818 or 1819, he removed to Rutland, in the same state and county, where he practised medicine nearly thirty years. He was distinguished throughout the state as an eminent physician ; received the degree of M. D. * Williams' Miscellanies, p. 148. THE GREEN FAMILY. 183 from Midd. Coll. in 1832; was several years a member of the Vermont Legis lature; and was universally esteemed for his integrity and ability. He d. Nov. 20, 1849. = J' ;- His children were, by first wife, and b. in Brandon, Vt — 882. Rolla Alonzo,' b. about 1810. He went to the South, and d. in Alabama 883. Lucy Columbia,' b. ; d. in infancy. [about 1850. 884. Lucy Columbia,' b. ; m. Cephas C. Alvord of Rutland, Vt. 885. Nancy Elizabeth,' m. Rev. Mr. Tenney,and lives in Texas. By second wife, and b. in Rutland, Vt. — 886. Charlotte,' m. Young, a planter of Alabama. 887. Josiah Dunham' ; now a physician in Northampton, Mass. 888. Mary'; m. B. W. Burt, and" lives at Castleton, Vt. 889. George E.' ; removed to Texas ; d. 1856. The Bible, containing the record of this family, was carried away to Texas ; hence the dates are not furnished. 606. Dr. HORACE GREEN,' (Zeeb,' Israel,' William,* William,' WUliam," Thomas,') brother of the preceding ; b. in Chittenden, Rutland Co., Vt, Dec. 24, 1802; m. 1, Oct 20, 1839, Mart Sigoornet Butler, dau. of James Davie Butler of Rutland, Vt She d. Aug. 17, 1833. 3, Oct 37, 1841, Har riet Sheldon Douglas, dau. of I. H. Douglas of Waterford, N. Y. He studied medicine in Rutland, Vt, and in that place commenced practice as a physician in 1834. After five years' practice in Vermont, he went to Philadelphia,Jittended two full courses of lectures, and grad. at the Univ. of Penn. Returning to Rutland, he practised five years more as a physician there ; and in 1834, received the degree of M. D. from Midd. Coll. After this he removed to New York city ; spent two years there in general practice ; and then, going to Paris, availed himself of the opportunities afforded by the lec tures and hospitals of that celebrated metropolis. After his return to this country, he was the first to bring before the medical profession, in a paper read to the New York Surgical Society, the method and value of topical medication for diseases of the air passages ; a practice of which, we believe, there is now no dispute he was the originator. Since that tirae, he has acquired a high and extensive reputation, both as a physician and as a medical writer. His practice as a physician is supposed to be scarcely less extensive or lucrative than that of any other in the city. For many years he has been engaged as a lecturer. From 1840 to 1843, he occupied a professor's chair in the Medical College in Castleton, Vt. In 1846, he published a work on his favorite theme, the " Topical Medication of Diseases of the Air Passages." In 1849, he pub lished a volume on the " Treatment of Croup by Topical Application;" and, in 1852, one "On the Polypi of the Larynx and CEdemaof the Glottis." In 1850, he united with several distinguished medical gentlemen in founding the New York Medical College ; in which he took the chair of the Theory and Practice ; and was elected to the Presidency, both of the Faculty and of the Trustees. In 1854, he, with his colleagues in the college, started the Ameri can Medical Monthly ; with the editorial conduct of which journal, he is stOl connected. His children have been — By flrst raarriage, and b. in Rutland, Vt. — 890. Anna Sophia,' b. April 27, 1832. By second marriage, and b. in New York — 891. Sarah Douglas,' b. Nov. 19, 1842. 892. Harriet Sheldon,' b. Aug. 27, 1844. 893. Catharine Douglas,' b. July 5, 1846 ; d. July 7, 1847. 894. Horace Douglas,' b. Jan. 1, 1848. 895. Henry Loomis,' b. March 16, 1849. 184: GENEALOGICAL SKETCHES. 896. Mary Walton,' b. Nov. 7, 1850; d. Feb. 6, 1854. 897. John Douglas,' b. June 4, 1852; d. Aug. 11, 1853. 898. George Walton,' b. May 9, 1854. 899. Edmund,' b. Feb. 26, 1856 ; d. Sept 17, 1856. 900. Lucia Butler,' b. March 25, 1857. 611. EZRA GREEN,' (Lemuel,' JVathaniel,' JVathaniel,* William,' William,'' Thomas,') eldest son of Lemuel' and Sarah (May) Green; b. in Spencer, Oct 8, 1776; m. Oct 21, 1805, Sallt Proctor, dau. of Jacob Proctor of Barlow, Washington Co., Ohio. He removed to Ohio previous to his marriage. He d. Sept. 21, 1822, ae. 46. His wife d. Nov. 25, I8I9. Their children were— 901. An infant son, b. Jan. 1, 1807 ; d. very soon after. 902. Sarah May,' b. Dec. 20, 1809 ; d. Feb. 26, 1833. 903. Elizabeth G.' b. Nov. 13, 1811; m. Oct. 1849, Isaac Ingraham Warren. They have David Proctor, Josiah H. 904. Stephen Washington,' b. about 1813 ; m, Sept. 1, 1836, Lucy Green of Watertown, 'Washington Co., Ohio. Children — 905. Mary Elizabeth,' b. Dec. 23, 1837 ; d. Jan. 30, 1840. 906. Ezra,' b. Dec. 28, 1839. 907. John Henry,' b. March 18, 1842. 908. Lucien Proctor,' b. July 10, 1844. 909. Sarah Louisa,' b. Feb. 19, 1847. 910. Emma Augusta,' b. June 29, 1849. 911. Maria Lucy,' b. Feb. 14, 1852. 912. William L.,' b. Oct 18, 1854, 913. Fekn-a May,' b. Dec. 28, 1856. [Flora ">] 618. JAMES GREEN,' (Lemuel,' JVathaniel,' JVathaniel,* WUliam,' WUliam,^ TTwmas,') brother of the preceding; b. in Spencer, April, 1791 ; m. I, Naomi McIntosh, who d. in 1823, very suddenly. 2, June, 1825, Anna Livermore of Spencer. He lived in Spencer, and d. July 9, 1828, a. 37. A few months after his death, his wife gave birth to a daughter, and d. about three weeks afterwards. His children by second wife, were — 914. John,' b. June 5, 1826 ; m. Harriet G. Ide, dau. of Marcellus and Martha Ide of Providence, R. I. He is a mechanic. His children, b. in Wor cester, are — III: S^s'} twins, b. March 16, 1855. 917. Charles Silmner,' b. May 15, 1857. 918. Ann Eliza,' b. Sept. 8, 1828; m. Francis Wallace of Brookfield; and d. July 8, 1852, without issue. 619. WILLARD MORE GREEN,' (Lemuel,' JVathaniel,' JVathaniel,* miliam,' William," Thomas,') brother of the preceding ; b. in Spencer, May, 1796 ; m. 1817, Pattt Wood, of Brookfleld, sister of Chloe, his brother Elijah's wife. He removed to Ohio, where he d. Oct. 27, 1830, a. 34. After his death, his widow ra. Harvey Goble. She d. March 7, 1853. The children of Willard M. and Patty Green were — 919 — 921. One son, two daus., d. in infancy. 922. Louisa,' b. Sept. 26, 1818 ; m. Elijah Wood ; has had three sons, now liv ing, and three daus., one of whom is dead. 923. Mary Ann,' b. April 1, 1821 ; m. James Wood ; has had seven children, of whom one son and two daus. are now living. 924. Clarinda,' b. Juno 14, 1823; m. Isaiah Peterson. They have three sons and one daughter. THE GREEN FAMILY. 185 666. Dr. HENRY PRENTISS GREEN,' (fiu/U«,' JVathaniel,' JVathaniel,* Wil liam,' William," Thomas,') son of Rufus' and Keziah Green of Calais, Vt. ; b* there, Dec. 1, 1798 ; m. Aug. 15, 1829, Joanna Crowell, b. in Newark, N. J., April 12, 1803, dau. of David Crowell of Chatham, N. J. She d. in Madi son, N. J., April 20, 1851. He studied medicine in Madison, N. J., Chatham, N. J., and New York city. Commenced practice, April, 1826, in New Vernon, Morris Co., N. J. ; removed in 1828 to Madison, N. J., where he now resides. He is a skilful and suc cessful physician ; a gentleman of unblemished moral and religious character. As a citizen and a man, he is an honor to the nuraerous family to which he belongs. His children have been — 925. Mary Augusta,' b. Oct. 10, 1831 ; m. July, 1855, David B. Greene, son of Rev. David Greene of 'Windsor, Vt. [432.] They res. in Madison, N. J. 926. Everett Wilmer,' b. Oct. 5, 1834 ; unm. Studied law, and is now practising it in New York city. 927. Clara Lucetta,' b. Dec. 25, 1836 ; d. May 13, 1842. 928. Lansing Page,' b. Nov. 18, 1838 ; d. Feb. 25, 1840. 929. Lansing Beach,' b. June 28, 1841 ; d. Dec. 9, 1844. 930. Alice Linden,' b. Feb. 13, 1846. 667. Rev. JOHN GREENE,'' (Ebenezer,' JVathaniel,' JVathaniel,* William,' William," Thomas,') eldest son of Ebenezer' and Sybil (Hitchcock) Greene of Belcher town ; b. there, June 17, I80I ; ra. Aug. 2, 1830, Mary "Thompson of Belch ertown, b. Dec. 1, 1800. He grad. 1830, at the Hamilton Literary and Theological Seminary, N. Y. ; now Madison University. He was soon after ordained as pastor of the Baptist Church in Leicester, gathered in 1736, by Rev. Thomas Green [48] ; where he remained for a series of years an efficient and successful minister. He now resides in Westfield, Mass. His children have been — 931. An infant, b. Aug. 21, 1831 ; d. same day. 932. John Wayland,' b. in Leicester, Nov. 12, 1832 ; d. of croup, April 12, 1833. 933. William JBoardman,' b. in Leicester, Feb. 16, 1835 ; grad. at the Westfield Normal School in 1856 ; now living in Westfield. 934. Mary Marilla,' b. in Leicester, Sept. 22, 1837 ; grad. at the Westfield Nor mal School in 1857 ; now living in Westfield. 935. Timothy Gilbert' b. in Shutesbury, Sept 23, 1841 ; d. Sept. 19, 1842. 936. Harriet Annette,' b. in Shutesbury, Jan. 23, 1845. 670. WILLIAM GREENE,' (Ebenezer,' JVathaniel,' JValhanid,* William,' William," Thomas,') brother of the preceding ; b. in Belchertown, June 27, 1805 ; m. May 5, 1835, Harriet Gavit, of Norwich, Ct, who was b. Aug. 19, 1808. He is a farmer. After living some time in Chicopee, (then a part of Spring field,) he occupied the homestead in Belchertown many years. In 1854, he removed thence to North Andover ; where he now resides. His children have been — b. in Springfield — 937. William Spencer,' b. April 1, 1836; d. Nov. 13, 1837. 938. George Herbert,' b. July 1, 1837; preparing for college in the Punchard Free School, Andover. 939. Arthur Maurice,' b. Feb. 19, 1839. Born in Belchertown — 940. Charles Warren,' b. Aug. 17, 1840. 941. Anne Maria,' b. Jan. 27, 1842. 942. Edward Worthington,' b. Sept. 4, 1843. 943. Harriet Louisa,' b. Aug. 16, 1845. 186 GENEALOGICAL SKETCHES. 672. S/SMUEL STILLMAN GREENE,' (Ebenezer,' JVathaniel,' JVathaniel, WUl'am,' William," Thomas,') brother of the preceding ; b. in Belchertown May 3, 1810; named after Rev. Dr. Samuel Stillraan of Boston; ra. 1, Aug. 29, 1839, Edna Amelia Bartlett, dau. of Stephen and Hannah Bartlett of Woicester, who was b. in Webster, Oct 21, 1816, and d. April 24, 1851, se. 35. 2, Aug. 10, 1854, Mary Adeline Bailey of Salem, b. Sept 12, 1825, dau. of Ebenezer and Adeline Bailey of Boston. Her father was some time Principal of a High School for Young Ladies, and author of a work on Algebra. He was fitted for college at Leicester, 1832-3 ; grad. Brown Univer. 1837 ; Assistant Teacher in Worcester Academy, 1837; Principal 1839; Superintend ent of Public Schools in Springfield, 1840 ; Assistant in English High School, Boston, 1842 ; Agent of Mass. Board of Education, 1849 ; Superintendent of Public Schools in Providence, R. I., 1851 ; Professor of Mathematics and Civil Engineering in Brown University, 1855. Published " Greene's Analysis of Sentences," 1848; "Greene's First Lessojis in English Grammar," 1849. Now President of Rhode Island State Institute ; also President of the Baptist Sab bath School Convention of Rhode Island. Children by first wife — 944. Frank Bartlett' b. in Worcester, March 18, 1851. By second wife — 945. Percival Bailey,' b. in Providence, May 24, 1855. 946. Alice,' b. in Providence, Nov. 2, 1857. 673. RUFUS GREENE,' (Ebenezer,' JVathaniel,' JVathaniel,* William,' William,* Thomas,') brother of the preceding; b. in Belchertown, May 22, I8I2; m. 1, July 4, 1839, Clarissa M. Sprague of Leicester, b. Dec. 8, 1816 ; d. in Lei cester, Aug. 29, 1841, SB. 25. 2, Aug. 1842, Ctkthia Sprague, b. in Lei cester, July 31, 1818, sister of the former wife. She d. in Chicopee, July 7, 1851, ae. 33. Rufus Greene d. in Chicopee, Mass., April 5, 1853, as. 41 ;" an upright, faithful, christian man. His children were — by first wife — 947. Eliza C.,' b. May 22, 1841 ; d. Aug. 1841. By second wife — 948. Francis Wayland,' b. June 1, 1846; resides with his uncle William in N. 949. Edwin Merrill,' b. Nov. 28, 1850 ; d. Sept. 8, 1851. [Andover. 674. EDWIN GREENE,"! (Ebenezer,' JVathaniel,' JVathaniel,* William,' William,^ Thomas,') brother of the preceding ; b. in Belchertown, May 4, 1815 ; m. Nov. 1839, Susan Maria Bronson of SuflSeld, Ct He was appointed Assistant in the English Department of Worcester Acad emy, 1839; Organist and Conductor of the Choir in the Second Baptist Chh. in Hartford, 1846; Teacher of Vocal and Instrumental Music in the Judson Institute, Marion, Alabama, 1850; d. at the place last named, Sept 2, 1850. His widow, having returned to New England, m. Ira M. BuUens of Chicopee. Edwin Greene left one child — 950. Edna Annette,' b. in Suffield, Ct., Oct. 1840 ; now living with her mother in Chicopee. 677. CLARK E. GREEN,' (Benjamin,' Benjamin,' JVathaniel,* WUliam,' Wil liam,^ Thomas,') eldest son of Benjamin' and Martha (Watson) Green of Spen cer ; b. there, Feb. 20, 1788 ; m. Nov. 20, 1817, Susanna Gray of Stole, Washington Co., Pa. He removed to Brookfield, Morgan Co., Ohio, where he d. Nov. 12, 1850, 88. 63. His widow is still living. Their children were — THE GREEN FAMILY. 187 951. Benjamin,' b. Feb. 18, 1819 ; m. ; d. Nov. 12, 1845. 952. Lucy,s b. Dec. 13, 1820. 953. Oliver W.,' b. Aug. 14, 1822. 954. Eliza,' b. Sept. 22, 1824. 955. Edwin,' b. May 16, 1827. 956. Sarah,' b. Sept 25, 1834. 681. OTIS GREEN,' (Benjamin,' Benjamin,' JVathaniel,* William,' William," Thomas,') brother of the preceding ; b. in Spencer, Feb. 7, 1796 ; m. Feb. 24, 1835, Martha Wilson, dau. of Nathaniel and Abigail Wilson of Spencer. He is a thriving farmer ; resides in the south part of Spencer, about one and a half miles north of Charlton Railroad Station ; and has contributed nearly all in these sketches that pertains to the descendants of Benjamin Green,' [173] besides other valuable information. His children are — 957. Alonzo W.,' b. March 2, 1836. 958. Maria E.,' b. July 27, 1839. 682. DAVID GREEN,' (Benjamin,' Benjamin,' JVathaniel,* William,' WUliam," Thomas,') brother of the preceding; b. in Spencer, Dec. 27, 1797 ; m. I, Aug. 28, 1823, Augusta Brown, dau. of Abijah Brown of Charlton. 2, . He now resides in Ohio. His children are — by first wife — 959. Edward,' b. Oct. 5, 1824. By second wife — 960. David,' ), . , t\ io.