Religious orders in the Anglican communion by Reginald Heber Weller ItmKp Id'djti YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY THE LIBRARY OF THE DIVINITY SCHOOL €t)e Hale ^tentorial Sermon 1300 By THE RT. REV. REGINALD HEBER WELLER, D.D., Bishop Coadjutor of Fond du Lac PUBLISHED FOR THE Western Theolpgical Seminary CHICAGO By THE YOUNG CHURCHMAN CO., MILWAUKEE. The Hale Memorial Sermon No. 4 Religious Orders in the Anglican Communion BY The Rt. Rev. Reginald Heber Weller, D.D., Bishop-Coadjutor of Fond du Lac Published for the WESTERN THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY CHICAGO By THE YOUNG CHURCHMAN CO. Milwaukee xxso W45" P PfflB 2. Order of the Holy Cross. 3. Community of the Resurrection. 1881 1892 Rev. J. O. S. Hunt ington. West Park, N. Y. Society of the Sa- 1so, cred Mission. 1Bad Rev. Charles Gore. Mirfield,' Yorkshire. Kelham/ Newark-on- Trent, Rev. Herbert Kelly, ^j.^. in South Province in East Africa. Wheee Working. England,India,S. Africa, Boston. West Park, N Y., 2 Sewanee, Tenn., Kent, Conn. England,S. Africa (2) England,S. Africa, E. Africa. Character oe Work. Missionary, Educa tional, Literary, Preaching Mis sions, Holding Re treats, etc. Retreats, Missions, Conferences, Edu cational, Literary- Pastoral, Evangelist ic, Missions, Edu cational, Literary. Theological College Work, Foreign Missionary Work, Home Mission Parishes. w MMi— i O i— i oagqO w uw 03 Society of the Di vine Compassion. Jan. 20, 1894 (Franciscan.) Plaistow. 1 England. Parochial Mission Work on Religious Lines, Handi crafts. 6. Anglican Congrega tion of the Strict Observance of the Holy Rule of St. Benedict (Order of St. Benedict). 1898 Three Houses : 1. Isle of Caldey Dom Aelred Carlyle „ ^°?ks)-Mallin„ (Present Ahhot nf *¦ V'?s.t Mailing (Present Abbot of Caldey). Abbey, Kent (Nuns). 3. Baltonsborough (Nuns). England. Contemplative Life under the Rule of St. Benedict (En closed). 1. Community of St. Mary the Virgin. 1848 COMMUNITIES OF WOMEN. Rev. Wm. John But ler (Dean of Lin- WantageT Berkshire 34 f nff5%, coin, and some- (Oxford Diocese) B>. Airica, time Vicar of (uxtorQ diocese). In(Jia- Wantage). Educational, Peni tentiary, Hospi tals, Orphanages, Mission Work of all kinds. 2. Society of the Holy and Undivided Trin ity. Dec. 23, 1849 Marian Rebecca Hughes. Community of St. John the Baptist. 1851 Canon Carter. 1881 (U.S.A.) Woodstock Road (Oxford). Clewer, England (Oxford). Affiliated House in the United States, 233 E. 17th St., New York City. Society of the All Saints Sisters of the Poor. 1851 1890 (U.S.A.) Rev. W. Upton Rich- St. Albans, England ards. (St. Albans). Affiliated House in the United States, Baltimore, Mary land. 5. Society of the Sis ters of St. Mar garet. [Continued on next pace.] 1855 Rev. John Neale. Mason East Grinstead (Chichester). Affiliated Houses : 1. St. Margaret's of Scotland (Aberdeen). 2. St. Saviour's Priory (Lon don). 40 15 30 Diocesan. England, India. New York, New Jersey, Oregon. England, Scotland, India,S. Africa. Baltimore, Philadelphia. England, Wales, India,S. Africa. 2 Scotland. 5 London. Intercessory Prayer, Instruction and Protection of Girls, Work among the Poor. Educational, Peni tentiary, Hospi tals, Orphanages, Houses of Rest, Church Embroid ery, Parochial Mission Work of all kinds. Work among the Poor, Charitable Institutions, In door Industries. Hospitals, Houses of Rest, Orphanages, Penitent iary Work, Education al, Parochial Mis sion Work of all kinds, Church Em broidery. > oMQ> aoa !z|mO Legal- Name. Society of tlie Sis ters of St. Margaret (Continued). 1873 (U.S.A.) Location, of Mother House. o y m BOH Where Working. Character of WoitK. 3. St. Margaret's Convent (Bos ton, Mass. (U. S. A.). 10 Montreal, Can ada, Boston, Mass., Newark, N. J., Jersey City, N. J. Cape May City, N: J. Philadelphia, Pa. 6' Bta^edmtJV i9r g^n July 2, 1855 Rev. A. D. Wagner, ^Chic^este^)'8"011 '1 England. Mary. v Cross. 9. Community of St. Peter the Apostle. beth Neale. ter). Rev. Canon John R , fWake- 1859 Sharp and Mrs. hi S„iJi\ y twaKe Sidney Lear. field). Educational, Peni tentiary, Paro chial Mission Work, Embroidery- 7. All Hallows' Com- -,„„ -, 1SF;fi Lavinia Crosse Ditchingham, Nor- „ munity. Jan. 1, ISob (Mother Lavinia). folk (Norwich). ° Parochial Mission England (7), Work, House of Yale, British Co- Mercy, Hospitals, Iumbia (1). Orphanages, Edu cational. c tn.f.„ „f +,,„ xi„i„ Rev. C. F. Lowder Hayward's Heath, 8. bisteis of the Holy gept_ 1857 and Misg Eliza_ Sussex (Chiches- 5 England. 6 England. Mission Work, Or phanages,. Conva lescent Homes. Educational, Peni tentiary, Paro chial Mission, Em broidery, Prison Visiting. w wt-lI— I Qi— i oa03O w wwM 10- £°£munlty of St June 29, 1861 Rosamira Lancaster. K'f^ N' W' (Lon- 20 Nursing, Houses of Rest, Laundry, England. Embroidery, Paro chial Mission Work. 11. Sisterhood of the 1Qro Rector of St. Luke's ot T„„:„ -vr:,,^,,,.! Good Shepherd. l8G3 Church, Baltimore. St LouIS- Missoun. Diocesan. Educational. 12. Community of St. Mary. Harriet Starr Can- Peekskill, New York 1S65 non (Mother Har- (Eastern Prov- riet). ince). Kenosha, Wisconsin (Western Prov ince^ Sewanee, Tennessee ( Southern Prov ince). Malvern Link (Worcester). Peekskill, New York, Long Island. 13" Ho^Nami °f *" ^'d^1"* Rev. Geo. Herbert. 14. Community of the Holy Rood. 15. Sisters of the Com munity of St. John the Evangelist. 16. Sisterhood of the Holy Child Jesus. 17. Community of St. Lawrence.' 18. St. Katharine of Egypt. 19. Community of the Epiphany. 20. Sisterhood of St. Mary and All Saints (Colored). 1865 1867 1871 1873 1874 1879 1880 1880 Mrs. Newcomer and North Ormesby, Mid- Mr. Redcar. dlesbrough (York) Rt. Rev. Abram 492 Herkimer St., Newkirk Little- Brooklyn, Long john. Island. Rt. Rev. Wm. Cros- 41 Elk St., Albany, well Doane. New York. Rev. E. A. Hillyard and Mrs. Ellen Belper (Southwell). Lee. Paulina Bozzi Gran- Normand House, ville. Fulham (London). V% J""nSOnf (L?£ Truro, Cornwall Primus of the Scotch Church). (Truro). Educational, Peni tentiary, Hospi tals, Children's Homes, Parochial Kenosha,Chicago,Davenport, Iowa. Missions. Rev. R. II. Paine. Baltimore, Md. o Sewanee,Memphis. 12 England.EDgland. Diocesan. 4 Diocesan. 2 England. 4 England. 6 Diocesan. Baltimore. Mission Work in every branch. Hospitals, Orphan ages, Parish Work, Church Embroid ery, Visiting Work house. Care of Institutions on the Church Charity Founda tion. Educational. Nursing, House of Rest, Parochial Mission Work. Prison and Rescue Work. Convalescent Homes, Church Needle work, Parochial Mission Work, Lending Library. Industrial School and Mission Work among their own race. hrl o o > Sz|Qod i— i o iz! 21. Legal Name. Sisterhood of Holy Nativity. the Sisterhood of St. John the Divine. 23. Sisterhood of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. 24. Society of St. Jo seph of Nazareth. 25. Society of Epiphany. the Founded. 1882 1884 18871892 1897 Founder. Location oe Mother House. o x & n < s Rt. Rev Chas. Chap- Fond du Lac wis. man Grafton. Mrs. S. H. B. Coome and Rev. C. P. Tbronto, Canada. Ford. House of the An- The present Rev. nunciation, 3740 Mother. Broadway, New York. Elizabeth, S.S.J.N. Bronxville, N. Y. Rt. Rev. Henry 3017 O St., Wash- Yates Satterlee. ington, D. C. "¦ SSHSSS«2£ ^ Aug. 6, 1898 ^M^her^T^'en^e, Hamilton Where Working. Character op Work. CO Lac, Fond du Wis., Providence, R. I., Oneida, Wis. (In dians). Portland, Maine. New York City. Milwaukee, Wis. Canada. Intercessory Prayer, Parochial Mission Work, Lending Li brary, Church Needlework, Con valescent Homes, House of Rest. Educational, Hospi tal, Homes for the Aged, Church Em broidery, Paro chial Mission Work. w„„ v„,ir n;+„ Homes for Crippled «te„™£S S; and Incurable Chil- Stamford, Conn. o^-en Transfiguration, Mary, C.T.). Bronxville. Diocesan. . Ohio, N. Carolina. Training and Teach ing Girls of good character. Educational. Homes for Children, Homes for Aged Women, Mission Work. o M od mO dww 27. Order of St Bene- g "Communities for Men," No. 6. diet. 28. Sisters of Bethany. Lloyd Sq., Penton- vile. W. C. (Lon don). 6 England. Hospitals, Training Girls for Service, General Parochial Work, Embroid ery. 29. Sisterhood of SS. Mary and John. 1868 Burlington Lane, Chiswick (Lon don). England. Nursing, Parochial Work. 30. Sisters of the Church. 31. Sisterhood of the Ascension. 32. Sisters of Charity. 33. Community of St. Michael and All Angels. 34. St. Thomas the Martyr. 35. Congregation of the Servants of Christ. 36. St. Denys. 1894 England, Randolph Gardens, r,,,.,. Canada, Kilburn, N. W. "JJ? India. (London). Australia,S. Africa. 21 Seymour St., Portman Sq., W. 7 England. (London). Knowle (Bristol). 1847 1897 14 England. BU(Elv)St EdmUndS 7 England. Rev. Canon Cham berlain. Oxford. 9 England. House of Prayer, England, Pleskey, Chelms-* 3 Foreign ford (St. Albans). Missions. Warminster, Wilts (Salisbury) 2 England. Educational, Peni tentiary, Orphan ages, Hospitals, Church Embroid ery, Parochial Mis sion Work. Educational, Paro chial Mission Work. Parochial Mission Work, Day Nurs ery, Convalescent Homes, Industrial Home, Orphan- Educational, Or phanages, Houses of Rest, Parochial Mission Work. Parochial Work, Em broidery, Indus trial Training, Ed ucational, Orphan- Nursing. Intercessory Prayer, Foreign Mission Work, Training Women for Mis sionaries. Training Women for Mission Work at Home and Abroad, Orphan ages, School for Girls. 1-3 wd Q K Qao ao Legal Name. 37. Scottish Society of Reparation. 1 S 1 0 38. Community of St. Andrew of Scot- 188u land. 39. Sisterhood of the 18r;9 Holy Communion. Dr. Muhlenberg. Location op Mother House. Bethany, Hardgate, Aberdeen. k u s a r, " « -"i 5 !s K O Where Working. Scotland. Joppa, Midlothian. 1 Scotland. 328 Sixth Ave., New N York York City. "ew xorK' Character of Work. Educational, Paro chial Mission Work, Home for Girls. Penitentiary Work. Parochial Work. Mission wdt-lI— I o M od02o Wdd .w GO -SzJ THE ANGLICAN COMMUNION 37 II. Comparison Between the Number of Anglican Sisters in the Sixteenth and in the Twentieth Centuries. The oft-repeated statement that there are more women in Religion in the Anglican Communion to-day than at the time of the "Suppression" under Henry VIII. is more than substantiated by the following tables. Canon Dixon probably treats the suppression of the monas teries more exhaustively than any other writer. The list of "nun- ' neries suppressed" given below has been carefully prepared from his history, and where the number of nuns is not stated by him a generous allowance has been made. It seems impossible to get an exact statement of the number of Sisters to-day, as many of our largest communities withhold this information, e. g., St. Mary's, Wantage, St. John Baptist, Sisters of the Church, All Saints, etc. ' However a sufficient num ber have replied in this particular to show that there are probably twice as many women in our Eeligious Houses now as there were under Henry VIII. 38 EELIGIOUS OEDEES. 1. 10.11.12. 17. 18.19. 20. 21. 22.23.24. 25.2IJ. 27.28. withheld withheld withheld withheld ANGLICAN SISTERHOODS AT PRESENT Name. No. St. Mary the Virgin Society of Holy and Undivided Trinity 24 Sisters St. John Baptist over 300 Society of All Saints Society of Sisters of St. Margaret 250 Community of B. V. M 32 All Hallows Community 50 Sisters of the Holy Cross 69 Community of St. Peter the Apostle 66 Community of St. Peter 103 Sisterhood of the Good' Shepherd Community of St. Mary over 100 Community of the Holy Name 89 Community of the Holy Rood 11 Sisterhood of St. John the Evangelist Sisterhood of the Holy Child Jesus 11 Community of St. Lawrence 10 St. Katharine of Egypt 18 Community of the Epiphany 30 Sisterhood of St. Mary and All Saints Sisterhood of the Holy Nativity 34 Sisterhood of St. John the Divine 34 Sisterhood Annunciation B. V. M 7 Society of St. Joseph of Nazareth Sisterhood of the Epiphany Community of the Transfiguration .' 12 Sisters of the Atonement Order of St. Benedict 40 withheld withheld 1,290 withheld (51 Monks and Sisters, not distin guished). NUNNERIES SUPPRESSED BY HENRY VIII. (Pages 14-199, Dixon, Vol. II.) 1538 Charteris 11 Brewood 5 Grace Dieu 16 Shouldham 7 Chicksand 18 Mailing 11 St. Helen's 10 (London.) Delapray 10 1539 Lacock 18 Stixwold 13 Polesworth 19 Buckland 12 Canonleigh 18 Shaftesbury 50 Welton 12 Polstow 12 Brusyard 9 Tarent 19 Aldgate 12 St. Mary's 20 (St. Albans.) St. Mary's 20 (Northampton.) Hevenings 13 Cotham 12 Irfurd 8 1539 Tosse 8 Elstow 22 Nuneaton 28 Burnham 9 St. Mary's 20 ( Winchester. ) Wherwell 20 Amesbury 35 Barking 25 Hampole 15 New Appleton 14 Whitby 20 Nesham 10 Kirkleigh 8 Arthington 8 Swiney 15 Nunkelling 12 St. Mary's 17 (York.) Walton 9 Godstow 50 Stodely 15 1540 St. Bartholomew's 10 Chester 20 Total 745 I wish to express my thanks to one of the Sisters of the Holy Nativity for indispensable assistance in collecting the facts and classifying them in the foregoing tables. Manufactured by GAYtORD BROS. Inc. Syracuse, N.Y. Stockton, Calif. YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 3 9002 02461 8457 ... •¦