J I 1 ':, 11 1 l| II k 1 '^ ""X ^ ft ^ 1 I t ¦ I ¦ . «-^l 4tI. t' ™ ' vi\ ji 1 1 i^» 1 « f ? , J 'Ufs ti'J'-! mm-M 1 i^»cPE.^ j.jlS'-'IrwirL,-. »t CONTENTS. Page. Some things of great Weight and Concernment to all . .1 A Question to the Professors of Christianity . . 21 Some Queries concerning Christ and his Appearances . 41 Some Propositions and Considerations concerning Church Worship 59 The sounding of Bowels towards thee, O England . 64 A Faithful Guidance to the Principle and Path of Truth . 66 Some Questions and Answers from the Tenth Chapter of John 72 To Such as are not satisfied with a Profession, without the true Life 78 Concerning applying the Promises . . 83 A Postscript concerning Deceit and being Deceived . 87 A Brief Account of my soul's travel towards the Holy Land 89 Some Things relating to Eeligion, proposed to the Eoyal Society . 97 Concerning the Ground of Certainty and Assurance in Eeligion 100 Of Tenderness of Spirit, and Persecution . .104 A Query concerning Separation . . 104 Concerning the Washing away of Sin from the Conscience . 106 Questions and Answers concerning the Church of the New Covenant 109 Some Queries to Professors who speak of high Attainments . 116 Ofthe Church in its pure, declining, and declined state, and recovery 119 The Way of Salvation in the Covenant of Life Opened . 142 Some Queries concerning the New Covenant . 155 An Exhortation to all People, especially the desolate and distressed 157 A visit of tender and upright Love to Professors who are sincere 161 A Brief Account of the ground of Certainty and Satisfaction, &c. . 174 A Question answered about the way of knowing the Motions, &c. 177 Somewhat touching the Gospel Eest, or Sabbath . . 185 Some Queries to such as Complain of want of Power to become, &c. 188 Postscript containing more Queries concerning the New Covenant 195 An Inquiry after Truth and Eighteousness, and after the People, &c. 199 Some Queries on the Fifty-fourth Chapter of Isaiah . 202 The Holy Truth and People Defended, in answer to a letter, &c. 207 The Ancient principle of Truth, or the Light within, asserted . 257 An appeal to God's witness in all Consciences . 280 Naked Truth, or truth nakedly Manifesting itself . . 297 Some Experiences added . . . 328 A Few Words concerning the true Christ, how certainly known . 362 A Few Words in Love and good-will to my native Country 364 The Flesh and Blood of Christ in the Mystery, and in the Outward 367 A Brief Account concerning the People called Quakers . 383 CONTENTS. A Few Words concerning the Way of Peace Postscript concerning the Sufferings of the People called Quakers An Exhortation to true Christianity . To the Jews Natural, and to the Jews Spiritual A Few Words to England, my native Country _ Three Queries upon three ver.qes ofthe Forty- sixth Psalm Concerning the true Church and Ministry under the Gospel Some Questions Answered concerning the Lamb's War Some Sensible, weighty Queries concerning some things very sweet, Postscript containing some Queries on Isaiah 1. 10. 11 The Everlasting Gospel and its blessed Effects Testified to Page. 389 393397401 423426 428 432 &c 441 450 453 LETTEES.To Nathaniel Stonar " Catharine Pordage " Catharine Pordage and another 471 484 459 464 492 468 536 553 554 556 557 474 483 491 477 479 487 493 495 498 500 522 502 " Widow Hemmings " Thomas and Ann Mudd " Colonel Kenrick " Elizabeth Stonar " My dear, suffering Friends in Scotland " His Brother Arthur " Sir William Armorer (so styled) " Lady Conway . " James Eeles " Dulcibella Laiton . . .504 " Thomas Walmsley . . • .506 " George Winkfield . . 507 " Sir William Drake (so styled) . . .509 " The Women's Meeting of Friends in the Truth at J. Mannock's 512 " those Persons that drink of the waters at Astrop Wells . 514 " One who sent a Message to him from Astrop Wells . 517 " The Women Friends that meet at Armscot in Worcestershire . 519 " 8, W. . . . 521 524 " M. Hiorns . . . .528 " Sarah Blgar . . . .530 " William Eolls . . . .531 " the Poor among Friends who are relieved by Charity, &c. 532 " Sarah Bond . . . .533 " My dear Friends in the Truth at Lewes . . 535 " E. Terry . . . .539 " A near Eelative . . . 541 " Eichard Eoberts . . . .543 " the Independents at Canterbury . . 544 " Francis Pordage .... 546 In reply to an Answer of J. H. to somewhat written on behalf of Truth 548 To Bridget Atley . . . .550 " Abraham Grimsden . . . 552 " Euth Palmer . . . .561 " Jo.seph Wright . . .566 SOME THINGS OF GREAT WEIGHT ANI) CONCERNMENT TO ALL, BRIEFLY OPENED AND HELD FORTH FROM A TRUE SEKSE AND UNDERSTANDING, FOR THE HEALING OF THE Kl¦I^"S AKD BREACHES, WHICH THE ENEMY or MANKIND HATH MADE IN MEN's SOULS. AS I. - Some Assertions concermng the Principle and Way of Life. II. Some further Directions to Christ, the Principle and Fountain ofiiFB. III. The End of Christ's Manifestation, his Salvation and whom he saves. IV. Three Questions answered, concerning Justification. V. Of the pure, constant, eternal, unchangeable Nature of God's Truth. Written in thc time of my confinement in Aylesbury, when Love was working in me, and the Life of God in me travailing and wrestling with the Lord for the solvation of others. Bt ISAAC PENINGTON. Vol. m.— 1 SOME THINGS OF GREAT WEIGHT &C. I. Some assertions concerning the pkincu'le and way OF LIFE. That it is a great and hard matter to come into a capacity of knowing and receiving the truth. It is no hard matter to take up any religion that a man finds in the world. To read scriptures, to believe what a man finds related there, according to his understanding of them ; yea, to believe that he hath the light and help of the Spirit in his reading and understanding; to apply himself also to practise and ob serve what he finds therein ref[uired; and to' aim at holi ness, &c. ; this is no hard matter; every man that is serious, and seeks religion of any kind but in the weight of a man'.s spirit, may go thus far. But all tlii.-* administers not the true capacity, but he that meets with it, must go further than thus. 2. That which gives the true capacity is a principle oi' life from God, and there alone and nowhere olse, can man meet with it and receive it. This principle i.^ tJie -seed of the kingdom, or heavenly leaven, with wliicli the mind ]uust be in some measure leavened, ere it can come into a true capacity of understanding and receiving the truth. And in this leaven must it abide and grow up, if it alnde and grow in the true knowledge, &c. ^'i. That from this principle, and in this princi[ilc, not only the true light aud knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and all spiritual things is given and received ; but also the true faith, the true love, the truc sanctification, the true .justifi cation, the true peace, the true joy, &c. And what of these is not received and held here, is not ofthe truth, but a gar ment of men's own forming, and not the covering of tl>e spirit. 4 THE WOBlvS OP 4. That the Spirit himself sows this principle, and is re ceived in this principle. And he that receives this princi ple, and is born of this principle, receives and is born ofthe Spirit; and he that receives it not, nor is born ofit, neither hath received nor is born of the Spirit; but is but in the imagination and self-conceit about the things of God, but is not in the truth as it is in Jesus. .'). That in this prhiciple the new covenant is made with the soul and entered into ; and he that receives this princi ple from the hand of God, receives life, and enters into the covenant of life, and Ixiels the pure fear, wherein God cleans eth the heart, and whereby he keeps the heart clean, and feels the laws of God daily writing there by the finger of God's Spirit, aud feels the power and sense of the Spirit to teach and cause obedience ; so that the yoke, which is hard to thc transgressing nature (alienated from the life and power), is easy (and as I may say natural) to him that is born ofthis nature. For boi)ig dead with Christ, and risen with Chri-st, and changed into the nature of Christ, by tlie principle which is of him, through the power and Spirit of Christ, which worketh therein ; he cau say as Christ did, when the Lord calls him to any thing; Lo, I come; it is my meat and drink, yea, ray great delight, to do thy will, O God ! yea, thy law is written in the midst of my bowels ! 6. Among those who are gathered into this principle, and abide in the sense, light, and life of this principle, there is great love and unity. They are of one mind, of one heart, of one soul, of one spirit, of one life, gathered into one demonstration of truth; and there is no jarring, no doubting, no dissenting, &c. All this is out, in the world, in the earthly wisdom, in the earthly professions and walk ings; but it is excluded the principle of truth, and them that are gathered into and abide therein. 7. That all that are not gathered into, nor walk nor live in this principle, they are yet in the darkness and error from the pure power of God, and stand and walk in slippery places ; and though their way may seem very right, and their estate and condition sure (as to God-wards) iu their own eyes ISAAC PENINGTON. ,r, and judgment, yet it is not really so; but they are but in a dream concerning the truth, not in the truth itself; which (how strange soever it may seem to them at present to be afiarmed coucerning them) yet they shall certainly feel it to be so, when the Lord by his powerful voice and bright appearance of his Spirit awakoth them. For many things go for truth now with men iu the dark, which will vanish like smoke before the light of the day; and then that only which is truth indeed shall have the glory and praise of be ing accounted so; and then what will become of those who have mistook about truth, and are not clothed with the purp wedding-garment (the spotless life and righteousness of the Son), but only wnth that which they have accounted so? 8. That to those that see in the light of this principle, the mountain of the Lord's house is discovered; and those that abide and grow up therein, they know and experience it established above all mountains, and exalted above all hills; all earthly knowledge, earthly religions, earthly ways, earthly worships, earthly spirits and minds, &c., in their greatest exaltations and glory, being far beneath it. And here the feast of fit things, and wines on the lees well re fined, even the fruit ofthe vine whicli gladdeth and refresh- eth the very heart of God, is fed on and partaken of by those that dwell here. For the Father, and the Son, and the Spirit is here revealed, in the holy house and taberna cles which are built here; and here they make their feast, bringing forth the riches of their nature, spirit, aud pre cious life, on which they feed with the soul, and give unto the soul favor and ability to feed with them ; in which food there is the life, strength, righteousness, aud joy of the kingdom given forth and received. 9. That in the heart which discovers iniquity, reproveth it, witnesseth against it, and striveth with the mind to turn it from it, and to wait for life and power from on high, that is this very principle. In that is the divine nature, even the nature of God's Spirit, which was always against sin, and ever will so be, and in all its appearances testifieth 1* j; THE WOEKS OF against it, and in love to the creature striveth with the creature to convince it of that in it which is contrary to God, and to draw it to that strength and divine virtu.: which stoppeth it, beateth it back, and worketh it out ot the mind and nature of the creature, as it can get entrance, and is hearkened aud subjected to. For there is no salva tion, but by the cross and yoke of our Lord Jesus Christ ; for in that is the power to crucify the affections and lusts, which lead into sin and death, and will not cease to tempt and lead aside, till the soul be gathered into unity with that, aud becoiue subject to that which is contrary to them. So that this is the main thing iu religion, even to know Christ revealed iu the soul as a standard against corruption, aud to be gathered under his banner, which is the cross, or that living principle in the heart which resisteth the cor rupt principle ; and he that is gathered liither, and cou- tiuuetii faithfully fighting here, shall receive mercy, he1[i, and strength from on high, in every time of need. 10. That the true and certain way of knowledge of the things of God, is iu the faith and obedience of this princi ple. It is not by reasoning and considering things iii thc mind (after the manner of men) that a man comes to know spiritual things; but they are spiritually revealed by God, after a spiritual mannei', to the believer, to the obeyer; and they are revealed to him in his believing, in his obeying, in his waiting, in his holy fearing, in his distrusting of him self, and feeling his own insufiiciency, either to attain them or retain them, but as the Lord God makes them manifest in him and preserves him inthe sense of them. "He that doth my will, shall kuow of my doctrine," saith Christ. This is the way. Wouldst thou know what God requires of thee, what this or that is which appears in this or that sort as truth, whether it be so, or no? Mind this principle in thee, mind the pure, the holy light, inward touches and loadings of this pure, divine principle; that will mako manifest to thee whatever is fit for thee in thy present state to know; and thou art not to desire more, but as a child to rest contented with that portion of knowledge and strength, ISAAC PENINGTON. ^ which the wise and tender Father judgeth fit for thee; and as thy state groweth capable of more, he will not ftxil to ad minister to thee. And what he giveth thee is good, sea sonable, and proper for thee, which thou mayest safely feed upon and enjoy in the sense and fear of him. But if thou press after what he w-ould not as yet have thee know, thou enterest into the will and wisdom of the flesh ; and there are the disputes, discontents, murmurings, and ill tempers and dispositions of the mind, which there will increase and gro\v upon thee to thy hurt. 11. That the mind that is gathered here will find great opposition, both within and without; insomuch as he shall not easily pass from out of the kingdom of darkness, into the kingdom of the dear Son, but through many trials, temptations, oppositions, and dangers many M^ays, for turn ing the back on the kingdom of darkness, by joining to the principle of life, in hearkeniug and subjecting to the light thereof; hereupon the powers of darkness both within and without bestir themselves to hinder the soul's progress, and to bring it back again into subjection under the will and wi-dom ofthe fle^h. t)h, how dotii the will and wisdom strive within a man's own bosom! What risings of the impure are felt against the pure! What secret and subtle reasonings to ensnare and entangle the mind! and if they cannot draw the soul back from the Lord and the living path, then they strive to vox, afiiict, aud torment it! There is none knows what is felt inwardly by the followers of the Lamb, but those that travel with him in the living path; they are often sensible of that they meet with in their travels, and how hard it is to abide in the path of salvation, insomuch as they under stand the truth of that saying: "If the righteous scarcely be saved." It is scarcely iiideed! so subtle, so strong, such a manj' holds, so many stratagems hath the subtle, twining, crooked, piercing leviathan, to ensnare, perplex, over-run, and entangle them with. And then outwardly, the same flesh, the same earthly spirit and wisdom, the same crooked, hellish will, is striving in men without also, to bear down 8 THE WOEKS or and subject th« pure principle in them who are born of God, to their devices and institutions, decrees, ways, cus toms, &c., which are of the will and wisdom of the flesh. So that, as the apostle said, through much tribulation is the n,- trance of the soul into the heavenly kingdom; and there is no avoiding the many tribulations, but by turning aside oiit of the Avay (which though thereby the flesh get ease for a time, it will be to the greater loss and sorrow in the end). For the spirit of the world, thc Avisdom of the world, the nature, religion, worship, and whole course ofthe world, is contrary to the way ofthe pure wisdom and Spirit of God, and useth it as its enemy, wherever it findeth it; and they that will not bow to the spirit, wisdom, and way of the world, must feel the force of its beastly claws. For is it not a beastly thing (even far beneath the nature of a man) to persecute that which is good; to hurt, reproach, and pursue the inno cent life ofthe Lamb? And yet this is that which the spir it of the world (which is not of God, but wise, aud seemingly just and righteous in another wisdom, nature, and principle j always hath done, still doth, and will do to the end. 12. That there is a glorious crown prepared for all those, who are gathered to the Lamb in this principle, and abide with him faithful therein to the end, hearins: his voice, bi'- lieving the detuonstration of his Spirit, obeying him in all his motions and I'equirings, undergoing every yoke, which is appointed by him to yoke down the fleshly nature and mind, and taking up every cross of every kind in meekness, patience, and fear. And there is not oidy a crown laid up for them at last, but the power of the Lord God is nigh un to them to work all in them, to bear them up through and over all, and to keep them to and in that principle, wherebv andwhereinto his tender mercy aud powerful arm gathered them. For as the power ofthe Lord began the work, — for there could never any heart be gathered from under tho power of darkness to the light which leads out of it, but by the power of the Lord; for the powers of darkness stand between, and would hold and keep their own, did not a greater power appear, and put forth itself for the soul ISAAC PENINGTON. q against them; — I say, as the power of the Lord began the work, so the same power alone is able to go on with it and perfect it; aud it will go on with it and perfect it upon the same terms it began, and no other. How were the terms at first, but on a giving up of the soul in the faith to the Lord, in the sense of his love and goodness and merey, touching, aud drawing, and making willing? And how is the standing, but in the same giving up still; in abidino- with the Lord, in hearkening to the voice of the Lord, in waiting for the wisdom and counsel of the Lord? But if any man draw back from this, if he despise the Spirit and his motions and counsels, and hearken to the voice of a contrary spirit, believing and following it, like the angels that fell, he departeth fijpm his place aud habitation, which he had in the drawings, life, and power of God, and is not to God what he was before, nor is God to him what he was before, but the Lord, who loved him before, and delighted in him to do him good, hath now no pleasure in him, he being turnetl from that which the Lord loveth, and in which he hath determined and appointed to choose, love, and own the children of men ; who, aS they are gathered thither, are his children ; as they that are gathered from thence, into a contrary principle, are the children of the wicked one. And now what is of man iu all this ? Where is the man that can boast before the Lord, who is thus saved? He hath all from a principle ; yea, he is gathered into, preserved in, and abideth in this principle by the power, goodness, and mercy of the Lord. The power begins the work in him, the power accompanies him ; the power carries him through, or he falls and miscarries. There is no man can stand any longer here, than he submits to and is upheld by the power, nor act nor suffer, but as the power acts in him and helps him to suffer. Let the man ,that boasteth, bring forth somewhat of his own, if he can, here. Is the will at anytime his own? Doth not he that is spiritual, and in the true sense, always find God to work in him to will, whenever he willeth rightly and holily? And if he 10 THE WOEKS OF caunot will of himself, can he do any thing of himself? Can he believe of himself, pray of himself, wait of himself, resist enemies and temptations of himself; nay, so much as give a look to the Lord at any time of himself? Indeed, in the grace of the Lord, and the principle of his life, there is sufficiency: and therein he that is joiued to the Lord, and become one Spirit with him, what cau he not do here? but that is, as he is new-made iu Christ, and as Christ aris eth, lives, and acts iu him: which he that is in the true sense and feeling will still acknowledge, not only in his words to men, but in his heart and spii'it before the Lord. II. Some further directions t® Christ, the principle and fountain of life, by way of question and answer. Quest. 1. What is Christ? Ans. He is the word of eternal life, who is appointed of the Father to give life, and who giveth life to them that re ceive him, and obey his go.spej. He is the Son of God, the wisdom of God, the power of God, thc righteousness of (xod, the Saviour and salvation of (Jod. The peace, the rest, the joy, the life of the soul. The King, the Priest, the Prophet, the Shepherd of the shoop. Tiie wav, the truth, the door, the vine, thc olive-tree, into which the liv ing are gathered and ingrafted. And he is also a hamniei-, au axe, a sword, a fire to the corrupt tree and fruit. Quest. 2. IIow is Christ known, received, aud obeved? Ans. As a seed; as the secd\)f life, as the soed''of tlic kingdom, as a. leaven, as salt; as a little small thing, ris ing up in the heart against all that is great and mi his ear against that which loves him, and Avarns him of his danger iu the dearness of love, aud in tenderness of boAvels towards him ? QUESTION TO THE PROFESSORS OF CHRISTIANITY, avhether THEV HAVE THE TRUE, LIVING. POWERFUL, SAVING KNOWLEDGE OF CHRIST, OR NO. SO.AIE QUERIES CONCERNING CllRIST, AND HIS APPEARANCT.S ; HIS TAKING UPO.N HIM OUR FLESH; AS ALSO CONCEUXING HIS FLESH AND BLOOD, AND OUR BEING FORMED THEREOF, AND FEEDING THEREON. AND AX IXCITATIOX TO PROFESSORS SERIOX'SLT TO C0N.S1DER, AVIIETHKR THUV OR AVE FAIL IX THE TKITE ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND OAVXINQ OF THE Christ avhich died at Jerusalem. LikcAvise some propositions and considerations concerning the nature of church-Avorships and or dinances since the death ofthe apostles, for the sake of tho simplicity, Avhichhath been long held captive therein. With the sounding of bowels toAA-ards thee, O England! Also a faithful guidance to the principle aud path of Truth. With some sensible, experimental Questions and Answers from the Tenth Chapter of John. Bt ISAAC PENINGTON, Prisoner in Aylesbury, who, by tlie counsel of the Lord, hath chosen rather to suffer affliction with the despised people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season. 2.3 P E E r A C E. "This is life eternal, that they might know thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ Avhom thou hast sent." Whom did the Father send? Did he not send the Son of his love? From AA'hence did he send him? Did he not send him out of his OAA'U bosom? Whither did he send him? Did he not send him into the Avorld, to take upon him a body, aud glorify the name ofthe Father, doing his Avill therein? He laid doAvn his glory, stripping himself of the form of God, and appearing in habit as a man, in their raiment, Avith their garment upon him; in Avhich, as a seiwant, the seed (the heir of all) served the Father. Aud now his AVork be ing as good as done, he looks back at the glory Avhich he had laid doAvn for the Father's sake, looking up to the Father for the restoring of it to him again. "I have glori fied thee on the earth," saith be, "I have finished the Avork Avhich thou gaA'cst me to do. Aud noAV, O Father, glorify thou mo with thine OAvn self, Avith the glory Avhich I had A\ith thee before thee world AA'as." John xvii. 4, 5. XoAV having sought and travelled (from my childhood) alter the true kiioAvledge of God, and of his Christ; and haviuii- boon satisfied Avith nothing else that ever I could meet with, and having at length (through thc tender mercy of the Lord, and guidance of his Spirit) met Avith this, and been satisfied thercAvith, finding it to be the eternal life, the truc food, the living poAver, the pure rest, thc joy and salvation of my soul, I caunot but testify it to those that lay out their money for that AA'hich is not bread, and their 1 ibor for that Avliich satisfieth not. 24 THE WOBKS OP We (some of us at least) laid out as much of our money as others, AA'ho noAV despise us, have done; and as much of our labor; aud (I may speak it iu the fear of the Lord, and iu true sense, Av'ithout boasting) some of us had as much of that Avhich they feed ou, and call bread, as they have uoav. Yet Avheu the Lord brought us to the true balance, we fouud it not to be bread, uor able to giA'e the soul true sat isfaction. The bread Avas not that Avhich Ave then called bread, but that AA'hich we overlooked, and Avist not what it Avas. But the eternal life which was hid with the Father, and is manifested in the Sou, and made known to the soul (as the Sou is manifested to it, and revealed in it), — that is bread indeed, that is meat Avhich perisheth not, but Avill en dure AA'hcn all literal aud outAvard kuoAvledge of God and Christ fiiils, and Avill fall short of satisfying that hunger of the soul, Avhich is after the substance itself. XoAV to draAV men's minds to a sense of truth, to a sense of that Avhich is the thing, that they might kuoAV the bread indeed, that they might kuow the Uving AA'aters, come to them, and drink thereof, and find Christ in them a Avell of water springing up to eternal life ; therefore Avas it iu my heart to give forth this question, aud the ensuing queries ; Avhich he that rightly ansAvers, must kuoAV the thing; aud he that doth not rightly knoAV the thing, by his inability to ausAver, may find that he doth not, and so may Avait upon God that he may receive the knoAvledge of it, aud come to it for the eternal life which it freely giveth. The JeAA's Avere puzzled Avith a literal kuoAvledge of the law aud prophets, and about the Messiah to come, according to their understandiug of the prophecies concerning him, aud so Avere kept from the true knoAvledge thereby. Most sorts of those that uoav profess Christ, are puzzled about a knowledge coucerniug the outward body, flesh, and blood of Christ, according as they apprehend the Scriptures to speak; aud so the veil is over their hearts likewise, and they caunot see tbe eternal life and substance, no more than the Jews, but by an outward and literal kuoAvledge are kept back from the thing, as tho Jcavs Avere. Xoav the ISAAC PENINGTON. or. breathing of my heart to the Lord is : To take away the veil oft all hearts that sincerely desire after truth, and to open the true eye in them, that they may see the desire and be- oved of their souls, aud may be led by him into the true ravel, out of self, towards the kingdom; yea, into the verv laud ofthe liA'ing, where the foQd of life is fed upon, where thc lu-mg springs flow, AA'here are A'ineyards which we planted not, aud dwelling-places Avhich we built not, where the fruit of tho Adne of God's planting (the Avine of the kingdom) is drunk of, even uoav in the kingdom, Avith the Father and Son iu the Spirit, Avho are One aud All there. The Lord give a sense and understandiug, that the ear of the needy, the afilicted in spirit, the mourners, the captives, the bowed-doAvn may hear, and may be drawn to touch that which hath the virtue in it, and Avhich effectually re- dcemeth those that wait upon it, from all that boAveth down and oppresseth. A QIJESTIOiT TO THE PROFESSORS OF CHRISTIANITY. The question is not, Avhether they knoAV what is said of Christ iu the Scriptures ; but whether they know it savingly, truly, livingly, powerfully. Yea, they may know what is said of him, and A'ct not kuoAv him of AA'hom those things are said. As it Avas Avith the Scribes and Pharisees; they knew Avhat Avas said of Christ in the law and prophets ; but thej' kucAv not himself, Avhen he appeared in that body of flesh. So men may uoav Icuoav what the apostles and the evangelists have said concerning his appearance iu a body of flesh (cou cerning his. birth, circumcision, baptism, preaching, doc trine, miracles, death, resurrection, ascension, intercession. Vol. IIL— 3 2(3 THE WOKKS OP &c.), and yet not knoAV him of Avhom these things are said. Yea, they may know what is said coucerniug the Word AA'hich AA"^as from the beginning, and yet not knoAV the Word, the poAver, the life itself Since the prevailing of the apostles' testimony, the Avay of the enemy hath not been directly to deny Christ, but to bring men into such a knowledge of Christ, as saves not. Aud as the enemy did oavu Christ, AA-heu he appeared iu that body of flesh, saying: "I knoAV thee Avho thou art, the Iloly One of God;" so he hath fouud it for his advantage, almost ever since, to oavu that appearance of his. So that this he doth not oppose, nor men's knoAA'ledge and under standing of scriptures, so as to confirm them iu this. But the saving knoAvlodge, the true kuoAvledgo, the living knoAA'l- edge, the poAvorful kuoAAdedge of truth, — that he ahvays op- poseth ; for that alone overturns and destroys his kingdom in man, anti brings man from out of his reach. XoAv there is a A'ast diflerence botAveon knoAviug the rela tions concerning a thing, aud knowing the thing related of. And there is also a groat deal of ditforeuce betAveen belieA'- iug the relations concerning a thing, aud believing in the thing AA'hieh is related of. Spiritual things caunot be savingly knoAvn, but in union Avith them, iu the receiving of them. A man cau never really know the Spirit of God, by all that cau be said eon- cerniug it, but he must first feel somcAA'hat of it, AA'hereby he maj' truly kuoAV it. So the peace, the joy, the life, the poAver, — they pass the understanding; aud a man can never rightly kuoAv them by reading, or comprehending ever so much concerning them; but by coming out of himself, and travelling thither Avhere they are given and made manifest, he may come into acquaiutauce Avith them. Aud if the peace Avhich Christ gives, the joy, the life, the poAver, cau not be thus knoAvn by literal descriptions; how cau he, AA'ho is the fulness of all, the fountain of them all, the treasury of all i)erfectiou, iu AA'hom are hid all thc riches and treasures of Avisdom aud kuoAvledge, — ^hoAv can he be knoAvn by outAvard and literal descriptions? ISAAC PENINGTON, 27 ^ XoAv AVC have travelled through these thinos. We knew formerly what yc kuow now; aud we also kuow now, AA'hat God hath giA-on us further; and Avhat our former knowledge was, aud Avhat our present kuoAvledge is. Aud this is'^it Avhich gives us satisfaction. Our knoAvlcdge is in a principle, Avheroin avc receive our capacity of knoAving, and Avherein tho Father (from Avhom the priuciple came) teacheth us. Aud this is his Avay of teaching us; by making us one with tho thing he teaeh'oth. Thus we learn Christ, by being born of him, by putting him on. Thus Ave kuOAv his righteousness, his lifo, his Avis dom, his poAvor, by receiving a proportion of them, Avhioh giveth au ability to di.soeru aud ackuoAvledgo thc fulness. And in this Ave receive the understanding ofthe Scriptures, aud knoAV the sood of the Avoman (AA'hich bruisoth thc sor- liout's head), by roceiviug thc seed, l>y fooling its groAvth iu us, aud its poAver OA'or thc onomy. Then avo knoAV the thing; likoAvise Ave kuoAV tho woman that brings forth thi.s seed after the Spirit, AA-hich is tlio Jerusalem above; and, avo know also, and singly ackuoAvledgo, the bringing forth of it outAvardly after the flesh. This seed avc kumv to bo the seed of Abraham, tho seed of David after thc flesh, and the sood of God after tho poAver of the endless life; and avc arc t.iught of God to giA-e tlu due honor to each; to the sood of God iu the first place, to the seed of David iu the second place. There Avas the seed that wrought the thing, Avhich seed AA'as the life ; and the sood in Avhich he Avrought it, Avhieh Avas formed into a vessel liko ours, but Avithout sin, iu which the pure Lamb appeared in the pure poAver of lifo, Avhich kept the vessel pure; aud so he (Avho AA-as to be the ¦first fruits) had the honor above all his brethren, being anointed Avith tho oil of gladness above his felloAvs. But Ave also are boru of the same seed. Ho is formed iu us; AVC arc formed of him; avc are as Avell of his flesh and Idood, as he was of ours. Aud by being thus formed, and feeling him groAv up in us, and receiving au understanding from iiim, and iu him, thus Ave con>e to kuoAv him, and to uudcrstaud thc words of scripture concerning him. By 28 THE WOEKS OP feeling and knoAving the Lamb in our vessels, we know also what was the Lamb in his A^essel. Thus we knoAV things in the certainty and demonstration of God's Spirit, even in the light AA'hich shines from him, and in the life AA'hich he begets ; aud we speak of things as they are, and as Ave feel them to be iu the true life, which. the Spirit of Christ hath begotten in us. And avo can trul}- . say concerning the Scriptures: that now avc believe, not so much because of the relation of things concerning Christ, AA'hich AA'e liaA'O found in them; but because avc have seen aud received fhe thing AA'hich the Scriptureie speak of, and find it to be the very thing indeed, the very Christ of God, the spotless one, the liA'ing garment of righteousness and salvation, AA'herein God findeth no fiiult, aud in Avhich the soul appears Avithout blame before him. And concerning this, can avo speak AVords of its nature, Avords of its A'irtue, Avords of its life, poAver, aud righteousness; which that Avhich is of the flesh cannot hoar, but that AA'hich is born of God naturally OAvneth and understandeth. Why so? Be cause it knoAveth the nature of the thing, and receiveth them in the saA'our thereof Can life deny lifo? Cau the birth of life deny that Avhich springs ont of the same Avomb ? Xo, no. The children AA'hich are born of Avisdom, do jus tify Avisdom in its several sprouting.s-forth aud appearances; but that AA-hich denies it is a birth after the letter, a birth atler the literal and outAvard knoAvledge of thingAS, a birth of the comprehending Avisdora; that indeed reproaoheth and blasphemeth the incomprehensible AA'isdora, iu its incom prehensible Avay.s, and Avonld restrain lifo to AA'hat thoy ap prehend, or can comprehend by the letter oonoerning it. And this may bo a groat evidence to professore, that they kuoAv not indeed Christ in his nature. Spirit, life, and poAver; because they speak not of him as poi>sons Avho fw] the thing, and speak from the present sense of it, and ac quaintance Avith it, but only as persons that bring forth a notion they have rooeivod into their understandings. Aud yet they fail therein also; for tlK>y speak not of Christ ac cording as the Scriptures hold him forth, cou»parod oua ISAAC PENINGTON. 29 Avith another, but as thoy havc grossly apprehended con cerning him from some scriptures, as the Joavs outAvard did. For the Scriptures speak not only of a body, but also of him that appeared in the body; nor only of bodily flesh, blood, aud bones, but also of such flesh aud bones, Avheroof Christ and his church consist. He is Christ (say the script ures) Avho is one Avith the Father, AA'ho came from tho Father, in AA'hom the Father Avas, and Avho Avas in tho Father; so said Jesus of himself (lifting up his eyes to heaven, and praying to the Father for his disciples, aud the children Avhom the Father had given him) more than once iu that seventeenth chapter of John. Yea, he is Christ, Avhom a man caunot see, but he must see the Father also; aud Avhom, AAdiosoever seeth the Father, seeth; avIio Avas before Abraham Avas ; AA'hom no man could knoAV AA'hence he Avas, ca'cu as no man can knoAv Avhence the Father is. Christ granted the Jcavs that they knew him, and AA'hence he Avas as to his body; and j'ct for all that, he AA'as the Christ Avho Avas to come, Avhom no man knew from Avhenco he AA'a.s. What Avas that, Christ called me, speaking to Philip? "Hast thou not kuoAvu me, Philip? Hast thou not seen mo?" What! dost thou know me after the flesh, after the body? Dost thou take that for me? IlaA'C I been so long Avith you, and do you kuoAv me no bettor than so? The body is from beloAV, the body is like one of yours (onl3- .sanctified by the Father, aud presen'cd Avithout sin); but I am the .same Spirit, life, and being Avith the Father. We are one substance, one pure poAver of life, aud Ave cannot be divided; but he that sees one, must needs see both; and he that knoA\'s one, must needs knoAv both. This is the Lamb of God AA'hich John bare AA'ituess of, Avhich he said Avas before him, John i. 15. Avhich the body Avas not. Xow friends, if you have this living spiritual knoAvledge, if ye hold it iu him that is true; then oavu and acknoAvledge it (as it is expressed in thc Scriptures, aud as God hath uoav brought it forth in his people), that ye may manifest your selves to that Avhich is of God, that ye are of him. There is au understanding and wisdom of man, and there is a 30 THE WORKS OF AAdtuess of God, Avhich Avituess giA'cs true judgment. Man (at best) judgeth but according as things appear to him from the Scriptures; but the Avitness judgeth of the things of God in the demonstration of the Spirit, according as they are felt and knoAvn to be in him. But if ye have not this knoAA'ledge, but have long laid out your money and labor for that Avhich is not bread, nor can yield the true satisfaction ; oh, come to the Avaters, and receive that Avhich is given freely, Avithout mouey aud with out price ! Oh, sell all for the pearl, for the knowledge AA'hich is of life, for the knoAA'ledge Avhich is life! "I am the AA'ay, the truth, aud the life," saith Christ; this is life otorual to knoAV. And Avait to fool the rock laid as a foundation in you, even the seed of God, the life of Christ, the Spirit of Christ revealed in you, and your souls boru of it, aud built upon it. Oh that ye could come out of your OAVU understandings, that ye might feel aud receive the lovo of my heart, and knoAv the travail of my boAvels for you; that ye might be born of the truth, and knoAv and re ceive it as it is in Jesus, aud as it is felt in the Spirit, aud its OAVU pure poAvor! jSToav a little further, to remove the scruples and preju dices out of the minds of such as sometimes have been touched Avith the poAver of trath, and have had the Avituess of God reached to in their hearts; but afterwards the enemy hath raised mists, and cast blocks iu their Avay, stirring up in them hard thoughts against us, as if Ave denied Avhat the Scriptures affirm in this thing, aud indeed (iu effect) that Christ AAdiich died at Jerusalem, aud set up a natural prin ciple AA'ithin, instead thereof: To remove this out of the minds of the honest-hearted (AA'ho iu the guidance of God might light ou this paper\ I shall open my heart nakedly herein. 1. We do OAAm that the Word of God (the only begotten of the Father) did take up a body of the flesh of the virgin Mary, AA'ho Avas of the seed of DaAid, according to the Scriptures, and did the Avill of the Father therein, in holv obedieuce unto him, both in life and death. ISAAC PENINGTON. 31 2. That he did ofter up the flesh and blood of that body (though not only so ; for he poured out his soul, he poured out his life) a sacrifice or offering for sin (do not, oh ! do not stumble at it; but rather wait ou the Lord to under stand it: for Ave speak in this matter AA'hat avo knoAA'), a sacrifice uuto the Father, and iu it tasted death for every man; and that it is upon consideration (and through God's acceptance ofthis sacrifice for sin) that the sins of bolicA'crs are pardoned, that God might be just, and the justifier of him Avhich belioA'cth in Jesus, or Avho is of the faith of Jesus. 3. What is attributed to that body, avc acknoAvledge and giA'e to that body iu its place, according as the Scripture attributeth it, AA'hich is through and because of that Avhicb dAvelt aud acted in it. But that Avhich sanctified and kept the body pure (and made all acceptable in him) Avas the life, holiness, and righteousness of the Spirit. And the same thing that kept his vessel pure, it is the same thiug that cleanseth us. The A'alue Avhich the uatural flesh and blood had, was from that; in its coming from that, iu its acting iu that, in its suffering through that : yea, indeed, that hath the virtue; that is it AA'hich is of an uuehaugoablo nature, AA'hich abideth for ever; AA'hich is pure, and maketh pure for ever; and it is impossible for a man to touch it, but he must feel cleansing by it. Xoav this living virtue and poAver man Avas shut out from by the fall ; but througli the true knoAvledge of the death of Christ, the Avay is made open for it agaiu, aud man brought to it to be bap tized, Avashed, cleansed, sanctified, fitted for, aud filled Avith life. So that this it is that doth the thing; this is it from Avhence Christ had his own flesh and blood (for Ave are taught, both by the Spirit, aud by the Scriptures, to distin guish between Christ's oavu flesh, and that of ours Avhich he took up aud made his); Avhich flesh and blood avo feed of in- the Spirit; AA'hich they cannot feed ou Avhich serve at the outward tabernacle; nor they neither Avhicli knoAv only the outAA'ard body; but they only that feed iu the Spirit. XoAV of this thing Ave might speak yet more eloariy aud plainly, could men hear our A\^ords. But if we havo spoken §2 THE WORKS OP to you earthly things (iu parables and figures), suitable to A'oiu" unde i-stau ding, aud ye believe not, hoAv shall yc be lieve, if AVC speak to you heavenly things; if we should tell you plainly of thc Father, iu Avhom is all the life of thc Son, aud all tlie virtue and sah'atiou that CA'er the Sou had from him? The Jcavs Avorc to loarn in tj'pos, figures, and shadoAA's, till Christ came. Aud after Christ came, he also taught them in roseudjlauces and sihiilitudes of things: aud the apostlcs Avruto and spake much to persons, as just com ing out of that state, iu a language suited to that state. I>ut he that eomos into the thing itself, and is taught there by tliO Spirit, after he i.s groAvu up and made capable, he is taught plainly the nature of the heaA'onh' things, and the words of the apo-stlos (coucerning the deep things of God), whicli arc niA'steriou.s to others, are manifest and plain to him. Yea^ the Lord so teacketh hira things, as Avords cannot ut ter; tliat i.s, he so knoweth the peace of God, the joy ofhis Spirit, the life and poAA'cr of the Lord Jesus Christ, his Avis dom, rightooiisuoss, and pure, precious AA'ays of sanctifying the heart, tho tender morcj-, faithfulness, aud rich love of the Father, &c. a.-* he eanuot utter to au\- man; nay, so as Le never l^aruod (nor could Icaru) from AA'ords about the things; but by thc sense and cvporience of the thing itself, tho Lord (iu Avhoui arc the depths of lifo, aud who giA-eth the i^oii.sc and under,-jtai!diiig of the deep things of the Spirit) opening them in him, aud mauifesting them to him. And indeed this is the right and excolleut ivay of knoAvledge, to come into the union, to como into the tiling itself; "to learn in the union, to see aud kiiOAV iu the thing. This is the Avay that the Lord teacheth all his children in the iicav coA^ouant, by the iuAvard life, by the pure light within, bv the iiiAvard donion.stnition of his Spirit, by the poAver and virtue ofthe truth itself, which it hath in him that is true. And he that is in the Son, hath some mea.sure of this life; and he that hath not some measure of this life, is not in tho Sou; but iu a talk aud wise kuoAvledge of things after the flesh, Avhieh Avill perish, and he Avith it, Avho abideth there. For no man can be saved, bat by coming into the ISAAC PENINGTON. 3,3 kuoAAdedge AAdiich is of a pure, eternal, living, saving nat ure. Cau an opinion AA'hich a man takes up concerning Christ from the Scriptures (and casting himself thoroupon) save him? For it is no more than au opinion or judgment unto a man, uuloss he be in the life and poAver of the thing itself. Then indeed it is truth to him, knoAvIedge in him, right knowledge ; otherAvise it is but knoAvlodgc falsely so called; knoAA'ledge AA-hich Avill not subdue his heart to truth, uor hath its seat there; but iu his head, making him Avise and able there to oppose truth, aud so bringing him into a stale of condemnation, Avrath, aud misery, beyond the heathen, and making him harder to be Avrought upon by the light aud poAver of the truth, than the vcry heathen. Therefore consider your Avays, 0 professors of Christianity ! aud do not despise tho hand AA'hich is stretched forth to you iu tho love of God, and iu the motion aud guidance of his Spirit, AA'ho condoseeuds to you exceedingly, that ho might roach to his oavu iu you, and scatter your approhoiisjoiis, imaginations, and conceivings about tho meanings of script ures (AAdiich arc as so many chains of do.ith and darkness upon you), that ye might come to him iu AA'hom is life, and Avho gives life freely to fdl avIio como to him. Oh, observe Avhatbara Avere in the Avay of tho Scribes and Pharisoos 1 They Avoidd not come to hira that thoy might have life ; nay, indeed, they could not, as tlioA- stood. There are greater bars iu your Ava}-; yea, it is harder for many of yon to come to hiin, than it Avas for them. My upright desire to the Lord for you is, that hoAA-ould remove the stumbling- blocks out of your Ava.A-, that he AA'Ould batter and knock doAvn the flesh "in you, that he Avould strip you of all your knoAvledgo of scriptures according to the flesh, that ye might be made by him capable of knoAving and receiving things aceordiiig to the Spirit, and then ye Avill knoAV hoAv to understand, honor, and make use of the letter also; but till then yo cannot but make use of it both ag-aiust your OAVU souls, and against Christ and his truth. And then for sotting up a natural principle, avo arc fur ther frora that than yo are aware. For wo were as shy of .34 THE WORKS OP this, aud jealous that it Avas a natural principle, as ye cau bo; and started from it, divers of us, till the Lord, by his eternal poAver, aud demonstration ofhis Spirit, reached our hearts, and shoAved us that it AA'as tho seed of thc kingdom (even the root of all the spiritual life, that either we our- solvcs formerlj', or ever any else received at any time), and gave us the sight of the things ofthe kingdom iu it, and at length Avrought that iu us, and for us, by it, Avhich never Avas Avrought in us before, and Avhich cau be Avrought by nothing else but tho poAver ofthe Spirit. Xoav having cer tainly felt aud kuoAvu the thing iu our oaa'u hearts, aud haA'lug also seen the snares aud nets Avhich the oiiemy laj's f(U' A'ou, Avhereby he keeps you from the true bread, aud from the Avatcr and Aviue of the kingdom (even as he kept us formerly), hoAv cau v/e liold our peace, but Avitness to you (iu the love and draAvings of the Spirit of thc Lord) of the truth, lifo, aud power Avhieh avo haA'c felt in Jesus, though yc become our enemies therefore? Xor do avc this to bring you to another opinion, or outAvard Avay (that is not our cud); but that ye might feel the thiug itself, aud kuoAV assuredly AA'hat is thc truth, iu that Avhich never Avas de ceived itself; nor ovcr deeoivod any ; nor Avill sufter any to bo docoiA'cd Avho are joined to it, aud abide in it. Oh ! Avliy ^should ye Avaudor iu the daric opinions aud uncertainties of the night? Avhy should yo not rather come to that AA'herein the light of thc day springs, and out of which it sliinos? Aud cau tho natural man (Avho hath his oyos) be deceived tibout the light of the natural day? Doth he not knoAv the light of the day, both from the lights, aud also from the darkness of the night? Ten thousand times more certain and imvardly satisfied is ho, Avho is boru of the spiritual day, brought forth iu tho light thereof, and AA'ho spirituallv ^;oo^l, lives, and Avalks therein. So that there is no doubt iii liiui Avho is grown up into thc thiug; but he hath tho assur ance of faith (which is far above the assurance of outAvard .souse or roasou), aud tho assurauee of understanding. Oh ! blessed is he who hath au eye to «oo, an oar to hear, a heart to under.staml, the thing.s Avhich God hath revealed bv his ISAAC PENINGTON. 35 Spirit in this our day, the living Avay Avhich he hath uoav made manifest, the principle of life that he hath raised out of the grave of death. But he that reproachetli and speak eth evil ofthis (that Avill neither enter in.himself, nor sufter othei-s), he is tar from receiving the blessing or blessedness ofthis seed; but groAveth up iu the Avrong nature and spirit, tho end AA'hereof is to be burned, Avith all that is in union Avith it, aud groAveth up from it. Therefore come out from that spirit; come out of that dark mind and nature, AA'hich never saAv, nor can see the trnth, but setteth up opinions and appearances of things instead of it; aud receive the anointing Avhicli is given Avith and in the seed, Avliich is I'aised in some, and A'isited iu many, iu this day of tho Lord's love aud tender mercv: to AA'hom the livinsr, tho sensible, the redeemed sing praises, aud ou Avhom they Avait, for the further mauifesting of his poAvor and glory iu them daih' more aud more. XoAA', friends, if ye Avill kuow aright, or believe aright, ye must kuoAvand believe iu him, aa'Iio Avas Avith thc Father before the Avorld AA'as; AAdio Avas the Saviour, the Jcsus, the Christ, from everlasting. For Avhat makes him so? Is it not his nature? Is it not thc poAver of sah-ation in him? His taking up a body made no alteration in him, added noth ing to him; only it AA'as uocossary that he should take it u[i, to fulfill the Avill in it, and to ofter it up a sacrifice in his OAVU life aud Spirit to tho Father. This Ave firmly believe; aud this also aa'o cannot but say further, that the A'irtue, tho value, the Avorth, the excellency of Avhat Avas done by him iu the body, Avas not of the bod^', but it Avas in him before time, iu time, aud Avill be after time, and for ever: yea, it is ho to Avhom the name Jesus and Christ did of right be long before he took up the body : and he only put forth in the body the saving virtue Avliich he had before, Avhich be longed to the nature, to the anointing in him, whether ever he had saved any with it or no. And this virtue, this lifo, this Spirit, this nature ofhis, is the food, the righteousness, the garment of life and salvation, Avhich he (through the death ofthe body) made aud prepared a living Avay for tho 3(3 THE WORKS OP soul to come to, to feed on, and be clothed Avith. I can hardly stop speaking of those things for your sakes, that through my Avords (or the AVords of AA'hom the Lord shall please) ye might come to feel that AAdiich is able to give you the holy understanding, aud might come to the true seuse aud experience of the truth itself, aud might see Avho hath blinded 3'ou, aud how he hath blinded you, and fed 3'ou Avith husks and dry food, instead of that Avhich hath the true living sap iu it. But Avhile ye see and judge iu that Avhich is Avroug, ye must needs judge amiss both of yourseh'es aud others, aud also ofthe truth itself, aud ofthe Avords spoken, either formerly or uoav, coucerning it, Avhereby ye expose and bring yourselves under the righteous judgment of the truth itself, even ofthe Sou, aud tho light ofhis day, Avhich hath power from the Father to judge all false appearaucos, deceits, aud deceivers. POSTSCRIPT. It hath pleased tho Lord, as he manifested his Christ gloriously before the apostasy, so to manifest him so again. For he Avas uot only born (iu tho flesh) of the virgin Mary ; but he Avas also born in the Spirit of the Avoman clothed Avith the Suu, AAdiich had the moou under her feet, and on her head a croAA'u of tAvolvo stars. She also brought forth the man-child, AAdio Avas to rule all nations Avith a rod of iron. Eev. xii. XoAv of this appearance and return of the Lord Jesus Christ, aud his fresh bringing forth of his life aud poAver iu his body, the church, there are many Avitnesses, who have seen, felt, and tasted thereof, with the eyes aud senses AA'hich are of God, aud of the uoav birth. Aud of this, in the love aud good-Avill of God, aud from the draAvings aud requirings of his Spirit, they bear Avitness to others, that they also might come to see the glory and brightness of his day, aud rejoice therein. For indeed it is a glorious day iuAvardly in Spirit, to those that are quickened aud ISAAC PENINGTON. 37 gathered to the living Shepherd and Bishop of the soul, by the eternal arm of his poAver. Aud happy is the eye that sees the things that they see, and the ear that hears Avhat they hear, and the heart Avhich understands the things Avhich God hath revealed in and uuto them by his Spirit." Glorious was the appearance of Christ in the flesh ; but there were blocks in the AA'ay of the Jews, that they could not knoAV, own, believe, and receive him. Aud glorious is the administration of his life iu Spirit, iu this day of his poAvor; but there are also blocks lying iu the Avay of them to Avhom it is sent, AA'hich cause them to stumble at it, and keep them both from letting it into them, and also from giving up to it. But blessed was he Avho AA'a, not offended in Christ then, aud blessed is 'ho AA'ho is not offended at him uoAA'. For he that is oft'ended at him, Avho is life, and gives life, stumbling at the present Avay of dispensation AA'hich God hath chosen to give it out by, hoAv shall he live ? This is the cause that so many poor hearts lie mourning aud grovelling on the earth, groaning because of their sins, feariug because of the strength of tho enemy, and the cor ruptions of their oaa'u hearts, AA'hich are continually ready to betray them into his hands; because they kuoAv uot him AA'ho ha'th stretched out hia arm, aud is come iu his power to doliA'er; but are prejudiced against the Avay Avherein he hath and doth deliver. Yea, they kuoAv uot his voice Avho calls, come unto me; I am the resurrectio7i and (he life. He thaf believeth in me, shall receive viy .strength; and thougli he ivcre ever so loeak, shall become as David: and though ever .so unclean, shall find the v:aiers thai spring from my well io cleanse him, and nourish him io life everlasting. Hoav tenderly did Christ visit the Jews in the days ofhis flesh ! IIow powerfully, and in the true authority of God, did he preach among them ! What mighty works did he shoAV ! Aud yet they could not believe. Why so ? The enemy had entered them with his temptations, had got somewhat into their minds of a contrary nature, to keep out thereby the sense, knowledge, aud acknowledgment of him. So that Avhen their hearts were even overcome with Vol. ni.— 4 38 THE WORKS OP his power, and sweet, precious doctrine, and ready to yield that this Avas he, this Avas the Christ indeed, then the eue my raised up some argument or other to prejudice them against him, that he might thereby beat them oft", and drive them back again from owning or receiving him. "This man is not of God," say some; "for he keepeth not the sabbath." He cannot be a prophet, say others, because "he is of Galilee, out of AA'hich no prophet aris eth." He "cannot" be Christ, saith a third sort, be cause "avc knoAVAvhence he is; but AA'lien Christ cometh, no man knoweth AAdience he is." He is not holy, strict, aud zealous according to the law, say others; but a loose person, "a man gluttonous, aud a Avine-bibber; a friend of publicans and sinners;" one who teacheth not his disciples to fast aud pray, as the Pharisees did theirs, and John, avIio Avas generally looked upon as a prophet, did his, but justi fieth them iu plucking the ears of corn ou the sabbath-day, and so thereby rather encouraging them to break. it, than strictly to observe and keep it according to God's law. He is a "blasphemer," say some (speaks most horrid blasphe my), "making himself equal Avith God." lie reproaoheth the most strict and zealous men that Ave haA^o, oa'ou our teachers, aud interpreters of the laAv and prophets, calling them "hypocrites, painted sepulchres, blind guides," &c., and pronounceth avoc upon Avoe against them. Aud those that are the children of Abraham he calls the children of the devil ; and saith: "He that committeth sin, is the serA'aut of sin; but if the Sou (moaning hiraself) make you free, ye shall be free indeed." And if avc avIU have life in us, avo must believe in hira, and eat his flesh, aud drink his blood. (Did ever Moses, or any of the prophets teach such doc trine?) Again he saith: "If a mau keep my saying, he shall never see death;" whereas Abraham aud the proph ets, who believed God, and kept his sayings, are all dead. This made them even conclude, he had a devil. John viii. 52. So how could they understand him Avhoji he said, he was "the good Shepherd, and the door," &c., aud "that all that ever came before him Avere thieves and robbers-" ISAAC PPNINGTON. 39 would they not look upon this as Avitnessing of himself, and endeavoring to set up himself? Aud Avhen he said: "Verily, verily, before Abraham was, I am;" were they not ready to stone him, for speaking a false and impossible thing, as it seemed to them; he'manifestly being not yet fifty years old? But suppose it to be true, that he was be- fore Abraham, how then could he bo the Messiah, who was to come of Abraham, and out ofthe loins of DaAud, accord ing to the Scriptures? And then for his miracles, having beforehand concluded that he Avas a -bad man, a sinner, a breaker of the sabbath, a blasphemer, a deceiver of the people, &c., hoAv easy Avas it for them to harden themselves against them, and to infer that he wrought not those things by fhe power of God, but by the aid and assistance of tho doA'il, to overthroAv the laAvs and ordinances of Moses, aud to set up himself aud his ucav doctrine by? Indeed many (and some seemingly strong and unausAverable) Avere the exceptions AAdiich the Avisdom aud understanding iu them (Avhich AA'as out of the life and poAver of truth) formed against Christ, Avhereby they justified themselves in their refusal ofhim, Avho Avas sealed aud sent of the Father, and so excluded themseh'es the kingdom, and the righteousness thereof. This is past, and they can condemn them uoav, who themselves are acting over agaiu the same thing in spirit. It pleaseth thc Lord thus to sufter things to be, still so to give forth the dispensations of his life, as they alono that are in some measure ofhis life can discern them. Aud the same spirit, under a new guise, still opposeth truth in its present appearance and dispensation, and stirreth men up to slight aud blaspheme that holy name and power, Avhich they that believe in arc saved aud sanctified by. Well, Avhat shall I say to you ? Oh that ye could discern spirits ! Oh that ye could see Avhat spirit ye are of, and AA'hom ye serve, iu opposing the present dispensation of life ! Oh that ye could sec hoAv ye read scriptures out of that Avhich wrote them, and bend them against that AA'hich wrote them, mak ing yourseh^es wise and strong in a wrong A\'isdom and 40 THE WOEKS OP knowledge against the Lord, and against his Christ, whom he hath set upon his holy hill of 2ion, and who appeareth there, though you see it not. For Zion is not now literal, or after the flesh (the day is come, the shadoAvs are gone) ; but Zion is the holy hill of God iu Spirit, upon which the heavenly Jerusalem was built, which is revealed, come down, and coming dowu from heaven, and many of the heavenly citizens dwell there already, and more are coming thither to dwell; for even from the east, west, north, and south, shall the gathering be, to sit AAdth Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, in the kingdom Avhich cannot be shaken ; Avhich kingdom Avas received by the Christians formerly before the apostasy, and is uoav received again, blessed be his uame who lives and reigns in poAver over all the spirits of darkness and deceit, maintaining his jmre life aud truth in the hearts ofhis children, in despite of them all. But why should you thus err iu heart from the pure truth ? Why should you not open to him that knocks iu his holy power, aud in the demonstrations of his Spirit to your conscience? Why should a subtle device of the de ceiver be let in and hugged by you, to cause you to thrust him back from your hearts Avho is the Word of eternal life, and with whom are the Avords of eternal life? The Lord God discover the deep deceits of the enemy to you, AA'here he captivateth your hearts and understandings, that it may not be ahvays said of you, as it was of the Jcavs: " He came uuto his own, aud his oavu received him not"! But to as many as received him, he gave power in the day of his flesh; and he giveth much more poAver to them that receive hira^ in spirit (in the day of his Spirit) to become the sous of God. And because they are sons, he poureth out abun dantly ofhis Spirit upon them; aud he that hath the Spirit hath the Son; and he that hath the Sou hath life: but he that hath not the Sou (but blasphemeth the appearance and hght of his Spirit) hath not life, but is yet iu that wisdom and knowledge Avhich is death, and Avhieh keeps him dead. XoAV the Lord of his tender mercy make you sensible of^ and pardon your opposing and resisting his truth; and also ISAAC PENINGTON. 41 cause the light of life to shine in your hearts, quickening and guiding you thereby out ofthe laud of death and dark ness, into the holy land of life; that all that sincerely breathe after truth may (through the faithful travel) come to sit doAvu, dAvell, and feed together iu it, in the one poAver, iu the one life, in the one Holy Spirit, Avhere is pure rest aud peace, perfect joy and satisfaction for ever more. Amen. SOME QUERIES concerning Christ, and his appearances; his taking upon iiim our f lesh : as also concerning llis elesii and blood, and our being formed thereof, and feeding thereon. Query 1. Whether there Avas uot a necessity of Christ's taking upon him our flesli, for the redemption of those that had sinned, aud the satisfaction of the justice oft'ended? Query 2. Whether the Father did not accordingly prepare a body for him, to do his aa'III in all things in; and particu larly to offer up to him the acceptable sacrifice for the sins ofthe Avhole Avorld? Query '3. Whether it Avas not necessary, in this respect also, that Christ should take upon him our flesh, that he might have experience of our temptations and infirmities, and become a merciful and faithful high-priest and inter cessor for us. Query 4. Wherein lay the A'alue and worth of his sacri fice, and of all he did? Did it lie chiefly in the thing done, or iu the life Avherein he did it, iu that he did it in the pure fiiith and obedience to the Father? He became obedient uuto death, even' the death of the cross; and he, through the eternal Spirit, oft'ered himself Avithout spot to God. Query 5. What Avas he, for Avhom the Father prepared a 42 THEWOEKSOP body, aud Avho took it up to do the will, and did the Avill iu it? Was he not the arm of God, the power of God, the Saviour and salvation of God, the Jesus and Christ of God? Query 6. To AA'hom do the names aud titles Jesus and Christ chiefly and in the first place belong? Do they be long to the body Avhich AA^as taken by him, or to him who took the body ? The body hath its nature and properties, and the eternal Word, or Sou of God (the pure, spotless Lamb, the fountain of innocency), its nature and properties. XoAV the query is, Avhich Avas the appointed Saviour of the Father? Which was tho anointed of the Father, chiefly, and in the first place? Whether the body prepared, or he for Avhom the body was prepared, to do the Avill, and offer up the acceptable sacrifice iu ? Query 7. Which is Christ's flesh aud blood which Ave are to partake of, whereof Ave are to be formed, Avhich Ave are to eat and drink, and which is meat and drink indeed, nour ishing to life everlasting? Is it the flesh and blood of the body, Avhich was prepared for, and taken by him, AA'herein he tabernacled and appeared? Or is it the flesh aud blood of him AA'ho took, tabernacled, and appeared in the body? For that Avhich he took upon him was our garment, even the flesh aud blood of our nature, which is of an earthly, perishing nature; but he is of au eternal nature, aud his flesh aud blood aud bones are of his nature. Xoav as the life aud nature AA'hich is begotten iu his is spiritual, so that AA'hich feeds, and is the nourishment of it, must needs be of a spiritual and eternal nature. Query 8. What is the bread which came doAvii from heaven? Is not the bread and the flesh all one ? Outwardly- visible flesh and blood Avas not in heaven, nor came doAvn from heaA^en; but the bread of life did come doAA'u froni heaven, which the heavenly birth feeds on and lives by. For that Avhich redeems, that AA'hich is Jesus (the Saviour), came doAvn from heaven, aud took upon him a body of flesh here ou earth, iu Avhich he manifested himself as King, Priest, aud Prophet, and did the Avork appointed him by the Father. John xA'ii. 1, &c. ISAAC PENINGTON. 43 Query 9. What was that -which saved people outAvardly frora their outAvard infirmities and diseases, Avhile Christ was ou earth iu that body? Was it the body, or the life, poAver, and Spirit ofthe Father Avithin the body, and mani fest through the body? And can anything less save in Avardly? Xoav that Avhich saves, that Avhich hath the virtue and poAver of salA'ation in it, — that the eye of faith is to fix upon, aud not to stick or stop in that through Avhich the life works it. Query 10. Who Avas he that humbled himself, that made himself of no reputation, that took upon him the form of a servant, and Avas made in the likeness of men, and found iu fashion, or habit, as a man ? Was it the body of flesh, or was it he that Avas glorified of the Father before the Avorld was? And Avho is to have the honor and oxaltatiou? At AA'hose name is every knee to bow? Is not the reAvard to him Avho laid doAvu his glory to take upon him the body of flesh, aud appear in it, that he might honor, glorify, aud fulfil the Avill ofhis Father? Query 11. Are not the children aud he of one? Arc not he aud they of the same stock? ("Both he that sauctifioth, aud they Avho are sanctified, are all of one." Hob. ii. 11.) Is it not from thence that he is not ashamed to call them brethren, even because he finds the nature. Spirit, and life of his Father in them? What makes a child to God? Is it not the being begotten of the Father, and born of the Spirit? Aud that Avhich is born ofthe Spirit is Spirit. Xoav mark: haA'e avo the denomination and relation Avith Christ from that Avhich is spiritual, and hath Christ himself tho name from or because of the body of flesh ? Xay, nay ; the name Christ Avas from the anointing Avhich Avas in the body, Avhich ran into aud filled the vessel. It is true, fhe body, in and by the union, partakes AA'ith him of his name; but the name belongs chiefly aud most properly to the treasure in the vessel. Query 12. What is it to put on Christ, or Avhat is the put ting ou of Christ? Is it tho putting ou of that body of flesh? Or°the putting ou a belief concerning him, according to 44 THE WORKS OF Avhat is said of him iu scripture ? Or is it not rather a put ting ou ofhis nature, his seed, his Spirit, his life., AvhercAvith the'^souls of those that are born from above are clothed, as thc body is Avith a garment? Query 13. Who Avas it that said, I am the resurrection aud the life? Was it not Christ? Aud Avhat did he say it concerning? Did he say it coucoruing the body, or did ho say it concoriiiiig the power aud virtue of the Father Avhich Avas iu tho body'? Did he not say it concerning that Avhich had the poAver of lifo iu it before it took up the body, aud had also the poAver of life AA-hile it Avas iu the body? yea, and could raise up not only other bodies, but that also after it had laid it doAvu? For after it Avas laid in the graA'O, he could raise it u[>, aud take it on agaiu, as avoU as he did at first, AA'hen it Avas first prepared. John x. 17, 18. Query 14. If I, or any one else, have felt the saA'ing arm of the Lord revealed iu us; if avo have felt a measure of the eanie life, poAA^er, and anointing revealed iu our a'OSscIs as Avas rcA'calod iu his, is it uot of the same nature? Is it uot the same thing? Is uot Christ the seed? Aud is uot this sood soAVii iu the heart? Xoav if this seed spring and groAV up iu me into a .spiritual shape aud form (though it bo but of a babe), is not Christ then formed iu mo? If I be iu- grafted into, and groAV up iu it, am I not ingrafted into Christ (the true olive-tree, the true vine), aud do I not grow up iu him? And is not this the same Christ that took upon him the body of flesh, aud oft'ered it Avithout the gates of Jerusalem? Is there auA' more than cue, or is there any other than he? Is Christ divided? Is there one Christ Avith in, and another Avithout? He that knoAveth the least meas ure ofthe thing, doth he not kuoAv the thiug iu some meas ure? Aud he that is iu the least measure of the thing, is he not iu the thing? Ho that knoweth the Son, doth henot kuow the Father? And he that kuoAvcth the Spirit, doth he not also knoAv tho Son? Aud ho that is in the Spirit, is he not in the Sou? For they are one nature and being. A man may Iuia'C nolious ofthe one, and not ofthe other; but their nature, their being, their life, their virtue, is insepar- ISAAC PENIN.,GTON. 45 able.^ And as Christ said concerning the Father, — that he was in the Father, and the Father in him ; and that he that saw him saw the Father; so may it not be as truly affirmed (in .the true sense and understanding of life) concerning Christ, that he is iu the Spirit, and the Spirit in hira; and that he that seeth the Spirit seeth hira; and he that seeth him seeth the Spirit? For he is the Spirit, according to that scripture, 2 Cor. iii. 17. "Xow the Lord is that Spirit; and where the Spirit ofthe Lord is, there is liberty." What to do? Why, to see and read Avithin the A-eil, and to behold the glory of the Lord, Avhich is revealed there ; Avhich they whom the veil Avas over formerly, or whom the veil is over uoAA^, have not liberty to do. Here is confusion and impos sibility to man's wisdom; that Christ should be all one AA'ith the Spirit; that Christ should send the Spirit in his uame, and also himself be the Spirit Avhom he sends. (This is a hard saying, AAdio can bear it?) And yet this confusion to mau is God's Avisdom, and precious in their eye Avho are taught of him. For it is one and the sarao Christ that Avas signified in types and shadows under the laAv, revealed in the fulness of time iu that prepared body, aud afterAvards in Spirit. Xoav after he Avas ascended, he received the Spirit so as he had not received him before; and so liaviug received the prom ise ofthe Father, he so dispouseth the Spirit to his brethren aud disciples, as it had' not been dispensed before. Indeed he comforted and refreshed his people under the law hy his Holy Spirit, AA'hich Avas their in.structor then, Keh. ix. 20. and taught thera the things of God under types, shadoAVs, and resemblances. ¦ When he came iu the bod}', he chose out disciples, Avhom he taught the things of the kingdom, and AA'as a refresher and comforter of thera therein. And Avas not this another comforter than those had under the laAV? Had the Jcavs before ever any such comforter, as Christ was to his disciples in his bodily presence ? Xoav AA'hen he ascends, he receives the Spirit from the Father, as the Father had promised him ; and having so received hira, he scuds hira to them for their comforter. And may uot 46 THE WOEKS OF this justly be .termed another comforter than Christ was iu his bodily presence? And yet is it not also the same Spirit of life, that had been with them in that body ? So that it is another in the Avay of administration, but the same in sub stance; CA'cn the Word which Avas from the beginning, the Spirit which Avas from everlasting; aud to everlasting there is no other. Xow as the Father sent the Son, and yet was Avith and iu the Sou, so the Son sending the Spirit, he also is with and in the Spirit. And as it is the Father's will, that the same honor be given to the Son as is giA^en to him ; so it is the Son's pleasure, that the same honor be given to his Spirit as is given to him. Yea, as he that Avill worship the Father, must Avorship the Son, must come to him iu the Sou, must appear before him in the Son, must reverence and kiss the Son; so he that Avill come to Christ, Avill worship hira, must corae to hira in the Spirit,, must boAV to him iu the Spirit. Yea, he that will knoAV and AA'orship Christ iu his fulness (in tho majesty of his glory, dominion, and power), must learn to bow at tho loAvest appearance of his light aud Spirit, even at the very feet of Jesus ; for that is the loAvest part of thc body. Query 1.5. Did uot the bridegroom go away, as to his ap pearance in fiosh, that he might come agaiu iu Spirit? Did uot the apostlcs, aa'Iio knoAv his appearance in flesh, aud his tabernacling among them, knoAV also afterwards his appear ance iu Spirit, and his tabernacling in thera? Aud AA'ere not their hearts filled AA'ith joy unspeakable, and full of glory, because of the presence of the bridegroom? Did they uot knoAv the man-child born and brought forth iu Spirit, as really as ever he Avas boru and brought forth in flesh? Yea, did thoy uot travail and help to bring him forth? Were there not many iu that day, aa'Iio could say concern ing the spiritual and iuAA'ard appearance of the bridegroom : We know that the Sou of God, the eternal life, the pure poAvor and Avisdom of the Father is corae? Did they not receive from him the understanding AA'hich he gives iu and by his coming? Yea, Avere they not in him that is true ISAAC PENINGTON. 47 even in Jcsus Christ the Son, AA-ho is the true God, and life eternal? 1 John v. 20. Had thoy not received the kingdom AAdiich could uot be shaken? And did they never see and converse Avith the King in the kingdom? Xaj-, did not he walk in them, and they iu him, aud he sup Avith them, and they Avith hira, iu the kingdom? Oh that yo could read in Spirit! Oh that ye did receive that measure of life from Christ, AA'hich the Father hath allotted you, that ye might road therein! but the letter, read out of the Spirit, darken- eth aud killeth. Query 16. What is the laA'cr of rogenoratiou, or the Avator AA'horCAvith the sotil is Avashod, and Avhereof a man is boru .ao-ain? Is it outAvard or iuAA'ard? Is it tho Avator Avhich ran out of the side of the uatural body, AA'hen it Avas pierced Avith a spear? Or the AA-ater AA'hich springs from the foun tain of life, the AA-ater AA'hich floAvethfrom the Spirit? What are the Avaters AAdiich corrupt, mud, aud defile the mind? Are they outAvard Avaters ? And Avhat are the Avaters AA'hioh purify aud cleanse it? Cau they be of a loAver nature than spiritual? What are thc Avators AA'hich ausAver the thirst of tho soul after life, after purity, after salvation; that refresh and o-lad the heart ofhim that drinketh thereof? Are they uot from the pure river, clear as crystal, AA'hich runs from the throne? Aud if the Avater Avhich cleanseth aud uour- isheth the soul be spiritual; cau thc fiesh aud blood (AAduch falleth uot short of the Avater in its virtues, properties, aud operations) be inferior to it iu nature aud kind? Query 17. CauoutAvard blood cleanse the conscience? Ye that are spiritual consider. Can outAvard Avater Avash the sold clean? Ye that have ever felt the blood of spriuk- lino- from the Lord upon your consciences, and your con sciences cleansed thereby; did ye ever feel it to be outAvard? It is one thing Avhat a man apprehends (iu the Avay of no tion) from the letter coucerniug the things of God, and another thing Avhat a man feels in Spirit. Quei-j' 18. Seeing the apostle speaks of purifying the heavenly things themselves, Heb. ix. 23. it would seriously be inquired into, and the Lord Avaited on, to kuow what 48 THE WOEKS OF nature these sacrifices must be of, Avhich cleanse the heav enly things? Whether they must not of necessity be heavenly ? If so, then Avhether Avas it the flesh and blood of the veil, or thc flesh and blood Avithin the veil ? Whether Avas it the flesh aud blood of the outAvard, earthly nature, or the fiesh aud blood of the inward, spiritual nature? Whether Avas it the flesh aud blood Avhich Christ took of the first Adam's nature, or the fiesh aud blood of the sccond, Adam's nature? Query 19. What is that, AA'herein they that are iu the Spirit, behold as in a glass, Avith open face, the glory of the Lord? Is it not Christ? And hoAv is Christ so? Is it not as hois made manifest in Spirit? Doth he knoAV ^ Christ aright, or believe in him aright, that kuoAveth him according to his bodily appearance (that cau relate, and firmly believe, Avhat he did therein), or ho that kuoAveth and believeth iu his Spirit aud poAA^er? Henceforth knoAV avo no mau after the flesh; no, not Christ, saith the apostle, thouo-h AVO have knoAvu him so. What meaneth that? The same thiug may be knoAvn several AA'ays : outAvardly, iuAvardly; according to the fle.sh, according to the Spirit. XoAA^, if ye arc ofthe Spirit, live in the Spirit; if yo live iu the Spirit, knoAV iu the Spirit the things of God after the Spirit, as tho Spirit reveals, as that AAdiich is born of God receives; aud uot as the wisdom, understanding, reason, aud flesh of man cau receive ; aud then ye Avill come into felloAvship Avith Christ, both iu his death aud resurrection, aud know indeed the resurrection both of the lifo aud of the body: AA'hich to knoAv, aud be able to acknoAAdedge iu Jesus, is very precious. Query 20. Hath uot Christ made us kings aud priests to God, even his Father? What is "it that is the kins aud priest in us? And if we be priests, must we not have somewhat to oft'er? Wliat have Ave to ofter? And Avhat makes our sacriflces savory and acceptable? Is it uot that of his Spirit, that of his life, which ia in them? Is it uot the faith, the loA'e, the obedience, AA'hich are all of him, Avherein they are offered? If Ave should give our bodies to ISAAC PENINGTON. 49 be burned (in the way of testifying to truth), Avithout this would they be accepted? If Ave give but a cup of cold wa ter iu this, is it not accepted? Xow, is the life, the faith, the obedience of the Son, the thing AA'hich is of value iu us? And was it not the same which was of A^alue in him? What did the Father require ofthe Sou, for satisfaction for Adam's disobedience? Was it not the obedieuce of the second Adam, Avhich Aveighed doAvn the transgression and disobedience of the first? Doth not this make all righteous (aa'Iio are of him, and found in his nature), as the transgressiou of the first made all un righteous? Rom. V. 19. Sacrifice aud oft'ering thou Avouldst not. Lo, I come to do thy Avill, 0 God ! (He taketh aAvay the first, that he may establish the second.) By the Avhich will Ave are sanctified, through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ ouce for all. Heb. x. 9. 10. What eaii h& plainer to that AA'hich hath truth's ear? So by truth mani fested in the heart, there is uothiug denied of what is said concerning Christ in scripture, but every thing OAvned, be lieved, and received in its proper place. Query 21. Who is the Captain of our salvation? Who is it that girdeth himself with might, riding on conquering and to conquer all the enemies of the soul? Is it iiot the Lamb? Is it not Christ? Is it not he Avhose name is called the Word of God? And yet Iioav can it be he? Is not he to sit at God's right baud, until his enemies be made his footstool? Query 22. What is the Avater and Spirit, Avhereof a man must be born again, or he caunot see the kingdom of God? Is it Christ's flesh aud blood, or no ? His flesh saAv no cor ruption; aud incorruptible flesh aud blood may enter the kingdom, though corruptible cannot. Query 23. What did all the types, veils, aud shadows under the law signify? Did they signify another veil ? Did they signify or shadow out that which AA'as outAvard? Or did they shadoAV out and signify that inward life, virtue, and saA'ing poAver, Avhich was the substance of all ? Query 24. Is not the substauce, the life, the anointing. Vol. HI.— 5 50 THE WOEKS OF called Christ, AvherCA-er it is found? Doth not the name belong to the whole body (and every member in the body) as Avell as to the head? Are they not all of one; yea, all one in the anointing? Was not this the great desire of his heart to the Father, that they all might be one, even as the Father and Christ were one. John xvii. 21, 23. And so being one in the same Spirit (one in the same life, one in the same divine nature, 2 Pet. i. 4. even partakers of God's holiness. Heb. xii. 10.), Christ is not ashamed to call them brethren, Heb. ii. 11. nor is the apo.stle ashamed to giA'o them the name Christ together Avith him. 1 Cor. xii. 12. The body is the same with the head; one and the same in nature; aud doth not the uame belong to the nature iu the AA'hole ? So that the name is not given to the A'cssel, but to the nature, to the heavenly treasure, to that which is of him in the vessel, to that Avhich the Lord from heaven be gets in his own image and likeness, of his own substance, of his OAVU seed, of his oavu Spirit and pure life. Query 25. What Avas that live coal from the altar, AA'here by the prophet Isaiah's iniquity Avas taken aAvay, and his sin purged? Isa, vi. 6, 7. Cau any thing purge aAvay sin, but the blood ofChrist? Query 26. What are the leaves of the tree of life, which are for the healing of the nations? Is not Christ the tree of life ? Is there any other tree of life besides hira ? Is there any other healer ? Aud what do those leaves of the tree of life heal the nations of? Do they uot heal thera of their sins, and of the sicknesses and distempers of their souls because of their sins? And have these leaves any of the blood of Christ in them, or no ? Query 27. Is not Christ the true vine, the true oliA-e-tree ; the living vine, the living olive-tree; the spiritual A'ine, the spiritual olive-tree; into Avhicli all the spiritually-living are ingrafted? As the Father is the husbandman; so is° not the Son the vine? And hath not this spiritual, this eternal A'ine in it juice and sap of an eternal nature? And is not this sap its blood? Query 28. Is there not a choice vine, to Avhieh the foal ISAAC PENINGTON. 51 aud ass's colt of the seed of Judah is tied? And are not the garments aud clothes of the true Jews washed in the Mune, and in the blood of the grapes of this vine? Gen. xlix. 11. Query 29. What is that Avhich tho earthly nature slays? And Avhat is the blood which the earthly nature shall dis close, aud the slain which it shall no more cover? Query 30. Yfhat are the robes Avhich are washed and made AAdnte iu the blood of the Lamb? And hoAV are they AA'ashed and made AA'hite therein ? Aud AA'hat is the blood (of what nature, earthly or spiritual?) Avherein they are AA'ashed and made white? Query 31. What is it to haA'e, or hoAv come aa'c to have, felloAvship Avith Christ in his death, and to suft'er and be crucified with him? Is it by having our natural bodies crucified ou the same Cross of Avood (or some such like one) as his body AA^as crucified on, or by having the fleshly nat ure crucified, subdued, and Avorn out of our souls, minds, spirits, &c., by the power of the Spirit? Rom. viii. 13. Xoav if the flesh Ave are to put oft' be of such a nature and kind; to wit, inwardly and spiritually corrupt; must not the flesh of Christ, which avo are to put on instead thereof, be of as deep, inward, and spiritual a nature ? What is the flesh whereof avc are to be uuGlothed, before avo can be clothed Avith Christ? is it outAvard or bodily? Aud Avhat is Christ's flesh we are to put on ? is that any more outward or bodily than that Avhich we are to put off? Query 32. Is uot the flesh and blood, Avhich they that have eternal life feed ou, and which nourisheth them up to life eternal (they continuing to feed thereou, aud not feed- ing afterAvards on strange flesh, aud strange blood),— I say, is uot this flesh and blood Spirit aud life? For that is it which profiteth. John vi. 63. Is it not the flesh and blood of the Word? Was not the Word made flesh? And did not the Word, who was made flesh, dwell and appear in a tabernacle of flesh, and cause the glory of his oavu divine flesh to shine through that earthly flesh? Oh! read and consider, that ye who have stumbled and murmured against 52 . THE WOEKS OF the truth may stumble or murmur no more, but noAV at length receive the pure and precious doctrine thereof (aud so come to witness the fulfilling of that promise, Isa. xxix. 18. — 24.) and praise him Avho giveth understanding. Query 38. Is not the true church flesh of Christ's flesh, aud bone of his bone? Is uot the false, or antichristian church, flesh of antichrist's flesh, and bone of antichrist's bone ? What is the flesh of the spiritual whore, Avhich is to be stripped naked and burnt with fire ? Shall ever the church which is of Christ's fle.sh be stripped naked and burnt with fire? Xay, doth not his fiesh make able to abide the devouring fire, aud to dwell AA'ith the everlastiug burnings ? Query 34. What is the pure milk of the word, which is milked out to the babes from the pure breast ? Aud what is the breast frora which it is milked out? Is it ofthe flesh of Christ, or no ? Query 35. Are not the wicked of the seed aud flesh of the serpent? Is not that the body of flesh, of sin, of death, Avhich is to be put oft'? And are not thoy Avho are rencAved in spirit, of the seed and flesh of Christ ? Is not that the body or garment of holiness, of righteousness, of life, AA'hich is to be put ou ? Query 36. Is it uot as necessary that the eternal word be made flesh iuAvardly, that so the children may feed on him, as it Avas for him to take ou hira au outAvard body of flesh, to suff'er and die for them, aud to fulfil all righteousness, both of the law of the letter, aud of the laAv of the Spirit in? Query 37. Is there not that Avhich spiritually is called Sodom aud Egypt ? Aud do not they Avhich dAvell there, in stead of eating Christ's flesh, and drinking his blood, put his flesh to pain, crucifying it in and to themselves, tram pling under foot the Son of God, and counting the blood of the covenaut an unholy thiug? Read the figure. Did not outAvard Israel suft'er in outward Egypt? Did not just Lot suft'er iu Sodom ? Doth uot the spiritual seed sufter in and ISAAC PENINGTON. 53 by spiritual Egypt? Doth not the flesh ofthe holy and just One suft'er in and by spiritual Sodom? ' Query 38. What is that Avhich the Gentile-Christians, Avho are not Jcavs iuAvard, circumcised in heart and spirit, Avho knoAV uot the iuAvard temple (the place of the true Jcavs' Avorship, Avhere they worship the Father in Spirit aud truth), but ouly Avorship iu the outAvard court, Avhich God hath cast oft", and left out ofhis measure, Rev. xi. 2. — I say, Avhat is that holy city which these Gentiles tread un der foot forty -tAvo months? Is it the church Avhich is of the flesh and bones ofChrist, or no? He that knoAveth the substance, the seed ofthe kingdom, tho birth of the Spirit, knoweth the flesh aud blood Avhich is of the seed. And this flesh is flesh indeed, this blood is blood indeed, ca'cii the flesh and blood ofthe seed's nature; but the other Avas but the flesh and blood of our nature, AA'hich he honored iu takiug upon him, in which he did the Avill, in AA'hich be offered up the acceptable sacrifice; but j'ct did uot give the honor from his oavu flesh and blood to it. For the flesh and blood of our nature Avas uot his oavu naturally, but ouly as he pleased to take it upon hira and make it his. But that whereof he formeth us, and which he giveth us to eat aud drink, is the flesh and blood of his OAVU nature ; aud this AA'as it Avherein was the virtue, aud Avherein is the virtue, life, and power for ever. Happy, oh happy is he AA'ho is of it, who is taken out of and formed of him (as Eve was of Adam), aud so becomes flesh of his flesh, and bone of his bone ! Then Avill he knoAv the mys tery of life, feed on the thing itself, and not stumble about appearances aud expressions, as those that are out of and from the thing itself do, through the darkness of their mind, and because of their ignorance of the thiug spoken of iu the Scriptures. 54 THE WOEKS OF An Incitation to Professors seriously to CONSIDER, WHETHER THEY OR AVE FAIL IN THE TRUE ACKNOAVL- EDGMENT and OWNING OF THE CHRIST AVHICH DIED AT Jerusalem. We Avho are commonly called Quakers, being a people Avhom the Lord hath gathered (out of the wanderings, out of the many professions, out of the several scattered estates and conditions, wherein his eye pitied us, and his love found us out) into a measure of the eternal rest; Avhere aa'C have found that life, that power, that manifestation of the eternal Spirit, and that redeeming virtue, which we never were be fore distinctly acquainted with ; — I say, having tasted of this, having known this, having felt this, and come to a real en joyment ofit, in some degree, in our several measures, we could not possibly conceal this treasure, but in bowels of love (and in the movings of the life and power of the Spirit) have been drawn to testify of it to them who are left be hind, grovelling under the burden of corruption, and crying out because of the sin and bondage from the powers of darkness, Avho have in a mist withheld their eyes tvom he- holding that living virtue, which is able to save (aud doth save, blessed be his uame !) therefrom. Xow this we have often found : That this our testimony hath not been received in the same Spirit and love wherein it hath gone forth; but the enemy, by his subtlety, hath raised up jealousies concerning us, and prejudices against us, as if we denied the Scriptures aud ordinances of God, aud that Christ that died at Jerusalem; professing him ouly in Avords (to win upon others by), but denying him in reality and substance. To clear this latter (for my heart is ouly at this present drawn out eou cerning that), we have solemnly professed, in the sight of the Lord God (AA'ho hath given us the kuoAvl- edge ofhis Son iu life and power), these tAvo things. First, That Ave do really in our hearts oavu that Christ, ISAAC PENINGTON. 55 who came in the fulness of time, in that prepared body, to do the Father's will (his coming into the world, doctrine, miracles, sufferings, death, resurrection, &c.) in plainness and simplicity of heart, according as it is expressed iu the letter of the Scriptures. Secondly, That we own no other Christ than that, uor hold forth no other thing for Christ, but him Avho then ap peared, and was made manifest in flesh, Xow it AA'ould be nakedly inquired into by professors, what is the reason that their jealousies still remain concern ing us, and why they are still so ready to cast this upon us. Certainly if they did know and oavu, the same thing Avith us (iu the Spirit, and in the power, iu the life, and in the love, which is of the truth), this prejudice and these hard thoughts could not remain. But if they themselves do not know Christ in the Spirit (but only according to a relation of the letter), no marvel though they miss both of the Spir it, and of the true intent aud meaning of the letter; aud likewise be liable to clash against the truth, as it is made manifest iu others. And indeed the Lord hath shown me in Spirit several times, that they themselves are guilty of that very charge (and that he will so implead them at his judgment-seat) Avhich they cast upon us, even of denying that Christ which died at Jerusalem to be the Christ. For he that OAvneth the Avords of scripture, as he apprehends or conceives them in the reasonings of his mind, and doth not wait to have them revealed in the Spirit, keeping out of his own reason ings and conceivings, and waiting patiently till the Lord open the thing in the Spirit, he setteth up hisown conceiv ings, or an image iu his mind, ofthe mind ofthe Spirit, but misseth of the thing itself, Avhich alone is knoAvu in the Spirit, by them who wait upon the Spirit, there to receive it, and are not hasty to set up their own reasonings aud im aginations coucerning the thing in the mean time, Xo man can in truth call Jesus the Lord, but by the Spirit. But any man that is any thing serious, and weighs the Scriptures iu the natural part, may so learn to acknowl- 5g THEWOEKSOP edge his coming into the AA'orld, and that he is Lord and King, &c., and may thus call him Lord, yea, and kindle a great heat in his affections towards him ; but all this (out of the life, out of the Spirit) is but man's image, AAdiich he forms iu his mind, iu his reading the Scriptures, and ob serving things therefrom. But the true calling Jesus Lord is from the feeling^of his eternal virtue in the Spirit, aud finding the Scriptures opened to hira by the Spirit, iu a principle Avhieh is above the reason, coniprehends the rea son, aud confounds aud brings it to nothing. Again; there is no true knoAvledge of Christ, no liA'ing knowledge, no saving kuoAvledge, no knoAA'ledge Avhich hath the eternal A'irtue in it, but that Avhieh is received and retained in a measure of light given by God to the creature, iu the faith Avhich is the gift, iu the grace Avliich is super natural and spiritual; Avhereas the reasoning part is but natural. And such as have receiA'cd the spiritual under standing kuoAV it to be distinct from the natural; aud avo experimentally find a very clear distinction, betAveen script ures searched out by the reasonings of the mind (aud so practices draAvii therefrom), aud scriptures opened by the Spirit, and felt iu the life. Xoav that professors generally haA'e uot recoiA'od their kuoAvledge of Christ from tho Spirit, or from scriptures opened iu the Spirit (and so kuoAV uot the thing, but oulj' such a relation of tho thing as man's reasoning part may drink in from the letter of the Scriptures), is manifest by this, in that they are not able in spirit and understanding to distinguhsh the thing itself from the garment AvhoreAvith it AViis clothed, though the Scriptures be very express therein. Speak of Christ according to a relation of the letter, there they cau say somewhat; but come to the substance, come to the spirit of tho thing, come to the thiug itself, there tlioy stutter aud stammer, aud shoAv plainly that thej- knoAv not Avhat it is. Xoav the Scriptures do expressly distinguish botAvoeu Christ aud the garment AA'hieh he wore; between him that came, and the body in AA'hich he came; betAveen thc sub- ISAAC PENINGTON. 57 stance which A;^'as veiled, and the veil which veiled it. "Lo ! I come; a body hast thou prepared me." There is plainly he, aud the body in which he came. There was tho outward vessel, aud the inward life. This we certainly knoAv, and can never call the bodily garment Christ, but that which ap peared and dAvelt in the body. Xoav if ye indeed knoAv the Christ of God, tell us plainly what that is which appeared in the body, — whether' that Avas not the Christ before it took up the body, after it took up the body, aud for ever. And then their confining of Christ to that bod}', plainly manifesteth that they want the kuoAAdedge of him iu Spirit. For Christ is the Son ofthe Father; he is the infinite eter nal Being, one Avith the Father, aud with the Spirit, and cannot be divided from either; cannot be auyAvhere Avhere they are not, nor cau be excluded from any place Avhero they are. He may take up a body, and appear in it; but cannot be confined to be noAA'here else but there; no not at the vei-y time AA'hile he is there. Christ, aa-IuIo ho Avas here on earth, yet Avas not excluded from being in heaven Avith the Father at the A'ery same time ; as he himself said concern ing himself, "The Sou of mau which is in heaven." John iii. 13. Xor Avas the Father excluded from being Avith him iu the body; but the Father Avas in him, aud he in the Father: AA'hereupon he said to Philip, "He that hath seen me hath seen the Father." What! did every one that saAv that body, see the Father also? Xay, not so; but he that saAV Christ, the Son of the living God, whom flesh and blood revealed not, but the Father only (Mat. xvi. 16, 17.), he saAv tho Fa ther also. O friends ! look to your knoAvledge of Christ, and to your faith and knowledge of the Scriptures, aud to your prayers also; for it is easy missing ofthe living substauce in all these, and meeting AAuth a shadoAv; vi'hich may please, aud make a great shoAV in the earthly part, in the natural under standing and affections, but satisfieth not the soul, or that Avhich is born after the Spirit, but still the cry goes out (AA'here the soul is awakened) after truth, substauce, life, 58 THE WOEKS OP virtue from God's Spirit in the spirit which it alone can feed upon. These four things foUoAving I am certain of; which he that cometh into the true light, shall infallibly experience them there. First, That nothing can save but the knowledge of Christ, even of that very Clirist, and no other, Avho took upon him the prepared body, and offered it up at Jerusalem . Secondly, That uo knoAvledge of Christ can save but fhe living knoAvledge. Xot a kuoAvledge of him after the letter (Avhich the carnal part may got much of, aud value itself much by), but a knowledge of him in the Spirit; AA'hich is oi\]y giA'en to that Avliich is begotten and born of the Spirit, aud oulj' retained by that Avhich abides and remains in the Spirit, and runs uot out into the fleshly reasonings, imag inings, and conceivings, about the things mentioned iu the Scriptures. Thirdly, That that mau Avho kuoAveth not Christ in Spir it, nor keepeth close to him in spirit; but (through dark ness aud misguidance of the spirit of deceit) calleth the shinings of his light (his reproofs, his checks for that which is eA'il, and his secret motions to that Avhich is good) natu ral; this man, though he seem to oavu Christ CA^er so much according to the letter, yet iu truth denies him. Fourthlj^, He that denies Christ, in his knockings aud A'isitations of him in his oavu heart, aud before men iu the truths Avhieh he holds forth bj^ his serA'-ants aud ministers of his Spirit, him Avill he deny before his Father in heaven. Oh! I beseech you do not trifle about these things (for they are exceeding Aveighty), lest ye perish from the Avay ! For missing of the Saviour, ye must ueeds also miss of the salvation. Oh that ye kucAv your state, as God knoAvs it to be, aud as it is certainly knoAvu and felt, in the measure of his life and Holy Spirit, by those Avhich God hath gathered thither, and Avhose eyes he hath opened, aud preserveth open there ! glory be to his uame therefor : yea, glory, glory, glory, and everlastiug praises be sung to him throughout all the holy laud; yea, in the very heights of Zion, by the ISAAC PENIN6T0N. gg souls of the redeemed, from henceforth and for evermore, amen : whose mercy, love, grace, wisdom, power, and rich goodness remaineth aud endureth for ever; by and in which the redeemed lived to his praise, who have overcome by the blood of the Lamb, whose blood they knoAv what it is, aud none else knoweth it, but they who feel the sprinkling and virtue of it. Lo ! this is our God, we have waited for him, and hoAv cau Ave but be glad, and rejoice in his salvation ! Oh ! let all that live by the breath of thy poAver, and drink of thy streams, sing praise unto thee, and exalt thy great aud Avonderful name for ever and ever! Some Propositions and Considerations CONCERNING THE XaTURE OF ClIURCH WORSHIPS AND ORDI NANCES SINCE THE DAYS OF THE ApOSTLES, FOR THE SAKE OF THE SIMPLICITY AVHICH HATH BEEN LONG HELD CAPTIVE THEREIN. He that would knoAv the true state of "the church, and ordinances thereof, must Avait upon God in fear and humil ity of heart, aa'Iio alone is able to give the true knoAvledge aud understanding of these things. Aud he that cometh to the Si^irit, AA^aiteth in the Spirit, and receiveth the true light from the Spirit, he shall be able to measure ages and gen erations past as with a span, and see clearly, iu that light, hoAV things were before the apostasy, how Avhile the church Avas in the Avilderness, and hoAv things shall be again after the apostasy, when the church cometh out of the Avilder ness. She herself is the same iu all ; but her state is dift'er- eut, according to the Avisdom aud good pleasure of him Avho variously disposeth of her. One Avhile she is clothed, ap pearing iu the beauty and glorious dress which the Lord had put upon her. Another Avhile she is stripped of her outward garments, and the harlot dressed thercAvith, and appearing therein. After which season she is adorned again as gloriously (if not more gloriously) than before; but Avhether ever she appears more in those garments eO THE WORKS OP wherein the harlot had been dressed, and wherein she had long appeared (even all the time of the apostasy), the Lord would be inquired of, aud AA'aited on to kuow. Xoav to help the tender and upright hearts toAvards the true sense of these things, the Propositions and Considerations follow ing are given forth, which he that sincerely Avaiteth on the Lord, from him may receive the true understanding and right acknoAvledgmeut of. 1. That upon the coming of Christ, and the change of that outAvard covenant, the distinction betAveen the outward tTew and Gentile fell, they becoming all one, as in relation to Christ; aud then another distinction arose in relation to the faith, belicA'crs becoming Jews now, and unbelievers Gentiles. 2. That those true and inward Jews had uot onfy the in Avard faith, the life, the power, the Spirit; but also a minis try, ordinances, and gifts of the Spirit relating to their present state. 3. That there Avas a time, after a long and sharp fight be tAveen the true ministers, Avho appeared in the true light and power of the true Spirit, and the false ministers, AA'ho also appeared as ministers of righteousness, and as in the poAver of the Spirit, but Avere uot such indeed, but instructed by Satan to transform themselves into a resemblance and likeness of ministers of righteousness : for though they said they were apostles, aud seemed so in appearance; yet their spirit, be ing tried, Avas found not to be the Spirit of the apostles : — I say, there Avas a time, when there Avas a division (or sepa ration) made, between the inward temple aud the outward court. 4. That Avhen this division was made, the outward court was given to the Gentiles; not any longer reserved by God for the true worshippers, who worship in Spirit aud truth ; but given to the unbelievers, the worshippers out of the true faith, the Avorshippers out ofthe Spirit, and out of the life. 5. That honceforAA'ard, since this separation, the believers, or true Jews, are not to be expected in the outward court, in the worship thereof, wherein theywere found before this ISAAC PENINGTON. 61 separation, but the unbelievers, the Gentiles, Avho have not the true nature, but at best but thc appearance of the Jew, are to be expected there, aud the true Joav is to be looked for and found more inward. 6. That, therefore, Avhich allureth to look for God there, and to wait for him iu the ways and worships of this time of the separatioti, is not the true Spirit (which rightly guid eth the simple heart to the place Avhere God appears, and where he is to be AA'aited for), but the AA'rong spirit, AA'ho, AA'hen he cannot stifle the simplicity, and hinder it from breathing and seeking after God, waits to draw aside and mislead it. 7. That the great Avay of that spirit's misguiding and misleading the honest heart, in its breathing and longing state, is uot by a direct takiug it oft' from seeking after God ; but rather by pointing it to a Avay to seek him in, AAdierein he once appeared and Avas cnjoj'ed, but is uoav AvithdraAvn from. 8. He that will keep close to God, and not be withdraAvu from him, must Avatch to his Spirit, and knoAv the leadings of it, else he will not folloAV the Lamb AAduthersoever he goes; but stay behind iu some observation or practice AA'hich the Lamb is gone out of; and so miss of his loader, and raeet, instead thereof, with another leader, oven the spirit of antichrist, AA'ho enters into the outAA'ard court, aud outAvard practices, so soon as CA'cr the Spirit of God hath left them. 9. That God's people, since his AA'ithdrawing iuAA-ard, and o-iving the outAvard court to the Gentiles, have been much deceived by the antichristian spirit, and led captive into Babylon; insomuch as God, Avheu he cometh to overthroAv antichrist, with the Babylon of his building, finds them there, and calls them out from thence. For the light groAv- ing Ioav, and the deceit great, and the spirit subtle; hoAv can the poor, Aveak, innocent babe espy that spirit, aud es cape his snares, AA^hen he tempts to those very paths and wavs of Avorship Avherein the saints had walked, and met Vol. ni.— 6 (i2 THE WORKS OF Avith God, before the Spirit of the Lord departed out of them, aud gave them up to the Gentiles? 10. That there is danger to the people of God of uot un derstanding his call out of Babylon, but abiding there, through the subtle eiitauglemeuts of tho false spirit, A\-ho l>ewitolieth Avith tho cup of fornication, to make Babylon appear as Zion, her doctrines as the truths of the gospel, liof ordinances and Avays of Avorship as tho true ordinances and Avays of Avorship. For the deceit is exceeding deep, and tho mystery of iniquity very great, folloAving the heart iluso Avhioh tho Lord is draAviiig to depart therefrom; and it tho Lord God is not sti'ong and A-igilaut, Avho judgeth tlio whoro, she Avould still keep her hold of the heart; and if tlio heart bo uot kept A'ory close to tho Lord in the judg- iriont, it caiiuot como out of Babylon, but aa'IU still be on- tauglod aud hold iu some part or other ofthe mystery of its dci'oit. 11. Such of tho people of God as do not Avait to undor- stiind aud rooeivo tho full call, and so do lurt foUoAV tho Lord }iorf'octly out of that city of abominations; but by hor subtleties, and iuAvard and outward Avitchcrafts, are hold captive tl.oroiii, and fouud iu any part thereof, aa-Iiou the L'.rd ouuioth to judge her; such must partake ofthe plagues ffota tho hand of the Lord^ Avho Avill not spare hor, nor tho s[iirits ofhis doare.st people Avho are found there, iu the day of llis A'isitatiou aud rigliteons judgments. Tliercforo como out of hor, como out of hor, 0 a'O that love your souls, and the x>urc preseiu-o and fresh light of God's couiitouaucol Yo that kuoAv Avhat it is to provoke him to jealousy, and fear tho iveight ofhis hand upon your spirits; yo that lovo tho holy land, the holy city, and tem ple of tho living God, oh! como out of that impure build ing, that fleshly building, those fioshly Avays and AA'orships, Avhi.-li that spirit adornoth, to mako them appear as if thoy ere spiritual. Oh! depart yc, depart ye, out of your uoav removes; for they are also polluted, and not your rest; but short of that Avhoroiu the rest, the peace, the presence, of the Lord of life is felt by others, and to bo fouud by vou. \\ ISAAC PENINGTON. 63 And consider this, if ever ye Avill come to tho holy city, AA'hich Avas once built iu the days of the apostles, but, since tho division of it from the outAvard court, hath been trod den doAvn, and trampled under the feet of the unbelievers, even Avhile thoy have been Avorshipping in thc outAvard court (which God ouce built and chose, but afterAvards AvithdrcAv his Spirit from, and gave up to the unbelievers), — I say, if ever you Avill come to this holy city, tho holy land Avherein it is built, and tho holy hill Avhereou it Avas founded, yo must pass through the Avilderness, be exercised iu the Avildcruoss, even till a'c are fitted for it; and uot strive to raise up a building yourselves iu the likeness of it; but Avait till God hath hoAvu and prepared tho stones by his Spirit, and then, by the skill of the Spirit, build up his Zion again. Therefore, in tho fear of the Lord, consider seriously, meekly, humbly, and brokenly, that the Lord may manifest your present state aud condition uuto j'ou, AA'hether ye havc not erred iu these things as Avell as others, and have not cause to repent of your forvA'ardness herein, aud to ackuoAvl- edge that your buildings have been raised iu the foi-AA'ard- ness of your oavu spirits, and iu tho confidence of your rea soning upon scripture Avords, without feeling the presence (guidance and hofy poAver) of God's Spirit raising up the foundation of mauj- generations, aud rearing his oaa'u pure house upon his oavu holy mountain. In the Lord's hand is the time aud season of building his OAVU house. David, though his desire was approved, yet might not build the outAvard temple in the time of his choice ; but God's time aud season was to be Avaited for, both for the first building, and for the rebuilding of it. There is likewise a season for the rebuikling of spiritual Zion, after the long captivity of it in mystery Babylon. Xoav he that is forward, building before the time and sea son ofthe Spirit, buildeth Avithout the Spirit, aud his build- ing is not ofthe Spirit, but ofthe nature of Babylon, Avliich is Avholly to be departed from, and left behind, in the soul's travel and progress towards Zion: and AA'hatever is of tho 64 THE WORKS OP nature of Babylon must at length fall with Babylon, in the day of her terrible judgment, if the Lord in meroy do not shake it, and cause it to fall before. Therefore, O all professors ! awake out of the flesh, and all fleshly reasonings, into the Spirit of life; and examine there both your iuAvard and outward buildings, that your loss be not groat, and your anguish unutterable, iu the day ofthe Lord, Avheu all those buildings, AA'hich are raised aud preserved iu the pure life and poAvei-, shall shine iu the beauty and glory of God's Spirit, and the greatest glor}' of flesh aud fleshly buildings fade aud Avither. The Sounding of Bowels toavards thee, 0 England! Early in the morning, on the 26th day of the Sixth month, 1660, this, in the freshness aud quick seuse of life, sprang up in my heart agaiu and again : O England, Eng land, England! hoAv good had it been for thee, that thou hadst knoAvu and Avalkod in the Avay of peace ! There is a AA'ay of peace for persons and. nations to knoAV aud Avalk iu ; but CA'ory person aud nation doth not knoAV aud walk in this wa^', but rather iu the Avay of trouble. Quest. What is the Ava}- of peace? Ans. It is the Avay of the pure Avisdora, the Avay of the light aud guidance of God's Spirit, from Avhora the creature came, aud by Avliora alone it cau be rightly ordered. Ho that Avaiteth ou him for counsel, he that subjeeteth to, aud Avalketh in, his counsel, he Avalketh iu the Avay of peace. Quest. What is the Avay of trouble? Aus. The AA'ay of man's oavu Avisdom and counsel. For a man or nation to do that Avhich is right iu their OAvn eyes. This is the Avay of man, Avhereby he thinks to establish himself, and put au end to his troubles; but ho eiTS therein, as in the end he still finds to his Avoe. Xoav, 0 England! consider; hast thou the guidance of God? Hath the light AA'hich hath guided thy steps been lighted by hira, or by his and thy soul's enemy? For there ISAAC PENINGTON. C.,.- is a spirit, of a contrary nature to God, near man, Avhloh lio suddenly taketh counsel of, Avhcn his heart is not acquaintc.j ^Avith, nor recoivoth counsel of, the Lord. And this coun sellor is the destroyer both of persons aud nations, leading' them in Avays of ruin and subversion, under au a[ipGaraiir(i of being the proper Avays of peace and settlement. It is true of nations as avoU as persons, that Avhat thoy soAv, that shall thoy also reap. God measureth out tlioir time unto them, and Avhen that is over, his time of judging aud ploaduig Avith thom comes. Aud Avoe is thou unto them Avho have acted in their oavu Avills aud Avisdoms, out of the pure counsel and fear of the Lord, Avhoreiu thoy should have stood and beou guided. It is a day of trouble aud distress. The Avoight of tho in iquity ofthis nation begins to be felt upon it. Oh, let ovor\ one search and boAv before the Lord, under his rightooii.- judgments! that there may be uo going ou iu that Avhich bringeth and will increase the judgmeiTt; but a turning toAvards that Avhich intoreodos, aud opens the springs of mercy. Taa'O things lie heavy ou this nation; to Avit, a running on iu transgressions of soA'oral kinds against the Lord (for getting his tender mercies, Avith the days of former distress), and an afilictiug others Avhoui he loA'os, and hath led, and is leading out of trauso-rcssion. Oh that thesc thino-s mii:-ht come to au end ! that the anger of the Lord might coast', and the Avays of his judgments aud pleading Avith this na tion be stopped; for avIio cau stand before him AAdiou he riseth up in eontrovcr.sy against thera? There is but one eye Avliich can rightly see the hand and judgments ofthe Lord; yea, it pleaseth the Lord so to man age them, that only the eye Avhich is of him may see them. ?»Ian must be taken in his Avisdom, aud caught iu thc snare of his own understanding. Ho that Avill see the things of God, the AA'ays of God, the counsels of God, tho lovo and sweetness of God (yea, the very judgments of God), must receive from him the eye that seeth them. Oh that men might feel after, aud come into, that Avherein they might be 66 THE WOEKS OF pitied, and spared by their Maker. Man must bow; that Avhich is of God in raau (Avhich hath long lain under oppres sion) must be exalted. It is the day of his power, and he will reign in it. Oh ! happy they that bow to his sceptre, and kiss the shinings of his light (even the sharpest rebukes of it iu their hearts), that they may turn from, and travel out of, the darkness (where is death, destruction, and misery, even in all the counsels and ways of it), and come iuto unity Avith that Avhich is pure, and live. Written in Aylesbury prison, 27th of Gth month, 1666. A FAITHFUL Guidance to the principle and path of Truth, WHEREIN eternal LiFE IS WITNESSED, BY THOSE WHO ARE BORN THEREOF, AND WALK THEREIN. There must be someAvhat let down from God into a man's heart, to change his heart, and redeem it to God, or he cannot be saved. He must receive a seed, be born of a new aud incorruptible seed, or he cannot be rencAved from his corrupt nature and state. He must be born of Avater and God's Spirit, or he cannot enter into God's kingdom. Xoav this is the true religion ; namely, to experience and be subject to that poAver which redeems to God; AA'hich breaks the poAver of the Avicked one in the heart, first east ing him out, aud then takiug possession of the vessel, and filling it Avith the holy treasure. Quest. But how may a man meet Avith such a thin a- as this? Ans. The scripture, Avhich gives a faithful testimony concerning the truth, saith, Christ, the Word of faith, which the apostles preached, is uigh. Insomuch as a man need not say: Who shall go up or doAvn to fetch it? But Avhat saith it? "The Avord is nigh thee, iu thy mouth, and in thy heart." This is that Avhieh reconciles to God, cutting down aud slaying the enmity by the power ofthe cross, and bringing up the seed. This is the adversary in the way of ISAAC PENINGTON. 67 the sinner, which he that maketh peace with shall be re mitted all his trespasses past, and fiud power and strength agaiust sin for the time to come, as he is gathered into, and brought forth in, his pure life and nature. Quest. But hoAV shall I knoAV and receive this? Ans. That in the lieart AA'hich is contrary to sin, AA'hich discoA'ereth sin, which witnesseth against sin, and is draw ing the mind from it, furnishiiig those with a uoav and holy ability, Avho Avait upon the Lord in it, — ^that, that is the thing, though iu ever so little a seed or low measure. Xoav he that minds this, hearkens to this, turns from what this, in its pure, unerring light, shoAvs to be evil, follows, in the Avill, strength, and ability Avhich is of this, Avhat this shoAvs to be good, he receives it; and waiting upon it, and becom ing daily subject to it, shall grow up in it, increase in the knowdedge of it, and acquaintance Avith it, and receiA'e of it daily more and more. And thus the man AA'hose Avay Avas vile, whose heart was naught, formed in wickedness, filled Avith corruption, daily bringing forth sin and fruits uuto death, shall find these (by the pure light, and holy in structions of life) daily purged out of him, and Christ formed iu him, aud the holy fruits of righteousness brought forth through his vessel, by the power and Spirit of Christ, to the glory of God the Father. Aud then being iu Christ, being in the principle of his life, and acting therein, here is peace in the soul, rest to it from its enemies and God's judgments, aud acceptance with the Father iu Avhat the soul thus is aud Avorks. But then the AA'orld AA'ill persecute and hate exceedingly; because this soul, aa'Iio thus submits to God, aud is thus changed by him, is not of the Avorid, but of the Father, AA'hieh begat it iu Christ, and formed it iu his imago aud likeness. LikcAvise in this light the eyes are opened to read the Scriptures, and to understand therein the conditions of tho people and saints of the Most High in former generations, aud how the wicked spirit wrought then, to oppose tho truth aud people of God, and to draw men into deceit. 68 The ¦\V0Eii:s op Yea, aud many other Avays the Scriptures are exceedlug sAvcet aud useful, being read in that AA'hich gives the true sense and uuderstauding of them. But let him that ouce putteth his hand to the ploAV (be ginning to feel somcAvhat of God, aud to subject unto it, and so to taste of the peace and purcnoss of it) never look back to the AA'orld, uor mind the temptations and opposi tions ho Avill meet Avith from that nature and spirit, either iu himself or others; for if he do, he Avill never be able to traA'cl on, but rather consult Avith flesh and blood, and so return back iuto Eg^'pt, aud lose the croAvn Avliich is laid up for those Avho pass ou through the Aviideruoss, through tho trials, through the tomptatious, through the AA'auts, through the various exorcises, to their journey's end. This is the path of life iu brief: happy is he aa'Iio feels the guider into it, aud faithfully folloAvs him thoroiu to tho end. There is another question springs up iu my heart, wliich is this; Quest. IIoAv may a mau come to have his sins AA'ashed away by tho blood of Christ? Ans. By coming iuto the light, and Avalkiug iu the light, Avhich. discovor.s tho blood, aud Avhoreiu alone it is .sprinkled by God, aud folt by tho soul, he may receive the cleansing Avhich is by it. This i.s according to the testiiiiouA' of script ure; as, 1 John i. 7. "If avo Avalk iu tho light, as he is iu the light, AVO have folloAA-ship one with auothor, and the blood of Jesus Christ, his Sou, eleauscth us from all sin." By the light the darkness is disi>cllod, aud in the light tho corru[)tiou and filth is Avashod aAvay by the blood, aud tho soul (mind aud cousoienee) cleansed from it. "This then is tho message that avo haA'o hoard of him, aud declare uuto you, that God is light, and iu him is no darkuoH.s at all." ver. 5. What thou? Why thou thoy that Avill kuoAV God, and walk Avith God, must by the virtue of his truth be turued from darkness to light, and from the poAvor of Satan unto God; as, Acts xxvi. 18. and in that light he shall meet Avith the Father, aud Avith his Sou Jesus ISAAC PENINGTON. 69 Christ and haA-e fellowship AA'ith thera, ver. 3. and shall bo washed (both with the water aud Avith the blood) and kept clean aud pure thereby in the sight of God. Quest. But how shall I come into the light, aud how may I AA-alk therein ? -^ Ans. Christ is tho light. He is the light of the world, the light of mon, the light of life. And thou needst uot sav lu thine heart: Who shall go up to heaven, or down into tho deep, for him? For he is near, iu thy raou^h, and iu thy heart. This is the Avord of fiiith, which thou art to 1)0- lievo in, love, and obey; that iu tho love, fiiith, and obedi euce thereof', thine heart may be circumcised, and thou mayest live. This is the gospel of our salvation, even this Christ, this Avord, this light, this life, Avhich redeems from sin, Avhich destroyeth the destroyer, aud setteth the soul free to serve aud live to the Lord. This was tho message the apostles had to deliA^er iu their day: as, Rom. x.'s. And this Avas iloses' message too, when ho spake conceru- ing the uoav covenaut. For Moses did uot only deliver tho old covenaut, but he also spake ooncorning the noAv, even another covenant tlian that of ^Mouut Ilorob. Deut. xxix. 1. And the Avord of this other ooA-enant Avas not the laAv Avrit ten in tables of stone; but the Avord nigh in the mouth aud heart, chap. xxx. 14. Obj. But that place speaks of doing (AA-hich is the voioo of the old covenant, do this aud live); but tho ucav covo- uant stands iu belieA-inor. Ans. The end of faith is obedience. Why do I belioA'e Christ, but that I may receiA'e tho hiAv of his Spirit, and AA-alk before him iu the noAvness of the obedience thereof? And ho that obeys is of the faith, and in the truth; and ho that obeys uot is out of it, is not in the poAver, not in the life, Avhioh brings forth the obedience, so out of the thing AA'hich redeems, and iu which the redemption is AAutnessed; but he that obeys, he that doth the avIII, — ^lie is iu tho righteousness, in the poAVor, iu tho lifo, from Avhioh the obe dience springs. And here the AA-ashiug and purifying of the soul is truly 70 THE WOEKS OP knoAvn aud witnessed. OutAA-ard sacrifices under the laAv Avere A'aiu as to cleansing tho soul; and an outward belief of AA'hat Christ did aud suft'ered effects not the thiug uoav. What then? The ucav creature dothj the pure faith doth ; the pure obedience doth. It did it formerly', it doth it still, aud nothing else cau do it. "Bring uo more vain oblations ; but AA'ash ye, make you clean; put aAvay the evil of j-our doings from before mine eyes; cease to do evil, learn to do well," &c. But hoAv should this be? Could they ever at tain this by the old coA'enant? Xay; but Moses had not only delivered them the old covenant, but also had directed them to the uoav, to the Word of faith, to the Word of life and poAver in the heart and mouth, through the obedience Avhereof they might Avash themselves (as Peter, even in the gospel times, speaketh. 1 Pot. i. 22.), put aAvay the evil of their doings; cease to" do evil, learn to do Avell, &c. And Avliat then? Wh}-, then they .should receive the cleansing through the blood ofthe Lamb; for then, though their sins Avero as scarlet, they should be as Avhitc as suoav; though they Avere red like crimson, thoy should be as avooI. Isa. i. 16, 17, 18. So Micah tells thom (aa-Iicu they asked Iioav they might come before God to please him): "He hath shoAA'ed thee, O man, Avhat is good; and AAdiat doth the Lord require of tlioo, but to do justly, and to lovo mercj', and to Avalk hum bly Avith God." ^lic. vi. 8, Where or hoAv doth God shoAV this to man? Had not Moses told that before; to Avit, by the Word uigh iu the mouth aud heart? There is somc AA'hat near man, even iu his mouth, Avhich divides his Avords one from another, shoAving hira (at some times, and aa'ouUI do it oftener if he heeded it) Avhich are bad Avords, aud which are good Avords. What is that that doth this? Tho game thing also is iu his heart, as a discerner of tho thoughts and intents thereof, shoAving him Avhen there is a good thought, desire, or intention iu his mind, and Avhen there is a bad or Avicked one. What is this ? Oh that men kneAv Avhat it is ! Oh that they could fear the Lord, and become subject to it, and they should know whflt it ia! ISAAC PENINGTON. 7I "Every man that Avill be sanctified, and inherit God's kingdom, must bo born of the Avill of God. He must denv his OAA'U Avill (as Christ did ; not my Avill, said he. Father, but thine be done), that must be crucified. He must suft'er iu the flesh, die to the flesh, and live iu and to the holy nat ure aud Spirit of God. Xoav thus a man comes to be born of the pure Avill ; to Avit, by hearing the Avord uigh in tho mouth and heart, aud becoming subject to it. This cuts doAvu his oavu avUI day by day, and brings up the Avill and nature of God iu him, through Avhicli he is changed and sanctified, and becomes a UOAV creature. For the old creature is made up of the old uuderstauding and Avill; but the ucav creature is made up of tho UOAV. "WhcroAvithal shall a young man cleanse his Avay? By takiug hoodaccordiugto thy Avord," said David. AVhat Avord Avas that ? AVas it the Avord of thc old covenant, or the Avord uigh iu the raouth and heart? Aud "thy AA'ord," .saith ho, "is a lantern to my foot, aud a light to my i)ath." AAHiat Avord AA'as that, thoAvord of tho first covenant, or the Avord ofthe second? "ThelaAV ofthe Lord is perfect, couA'ortiugtho soul."' AVhat laAV is that? "The testimony ofthe Lord is sure, mak- king Aviso the simple." AVhat testimony is that ? "The stat utes ofthe Lord are right, rejoicing tho heart." AA'hat stat utes are thoy ? (AA^ero not the statutes of the old covenant lieaA'y and burdeusorae?) "The commandment of the Lord is pure, oulightening the eyes." AVhat commandment is that? Yea, what is that Avhich is "sAA'cotor than the honey, aud the honey-comb," AA'hich OA'orcomos Avith SAVootnoss ? Oh that men could read I Oh that men could see thothing Avliich is pure, aud maketh pure; Avliich is rigliteons, aud maketh righteous! After mon have seen the thing, there is a great Avaj- to travel to it; but hoAV far are they oft", AA'ho do not so much as see it, but are in the darkness and projudices of that nature and spirit Avhich is contrary to it. Xoav if the Lord in his tender mercy and love to thy soul, bring thee to a sense of this thing, and thou begiuuest to fool this precious, searching AA'ord discovering any evil to 72 THE WOEKS OP thee, either in thy heart or ways, oh ! do not dispute, do not reason against it; but bless the discoverer, boAv to the Son, become obedient immediately, faithfully foUoAving the Lamb therein, lest he remoA-e his light frora thee, and suffer dark ness and the disputing Avisdora to OA'crtake thee. Christ is not of tho Avorld, and he leads out of the Avorld ; out of its A-anities, Avays, customs, fashions, &c. A man can not serve Christ and the Avorld. Can any man be born of the Father, be begotten by him out of the spirit of the world, and yet live in that, Avalk in that, Avhich is not of the Fa ther, but of the world ; Avhich came from the worldly part, is of the Avorldly part, nourisheth aud pleaseth the Avorldly part in man, but pleaseth not the Father? Cau that man Avho is uot of the Avorld, but of the Father, do any thing that upholdeth the lust of the flesh, the lust of tlie eyes, or the pride of life, either iu himself or others? Doth not the Spirit of the Lord, AA'here it is hearkened to, draw out of these, aud out of all things Avliich are of these? There fore consider avoU Avhat it Avill cost, and hoAV hard it is to folloAv Christ; that thou, who desirest to be the Lord's, may- . est receive help aud strength from him to be faithful, that in his strength thou raayest overcorao all that stands bo- tAveen thee and lifo, that so thou raayest receive the croAA'n, and inherit the kingdom Avhich is prepared for, aud given to, the faithful, Avho labor and fight not in A'aiu; but gain grouud and conquer (yea, at length become more than con querors) through the mercy, love, might, and poAver of the Lord. Some sensible experimental Questions and Answers from THE Tenth Chapter of John. Quest. 1. AVho is the good Shepherd of the sheep? Ans. The Avisdom, life, aud poAver of the Father (Avhich dwelleth in, aud is manifest through the Son) is the Shep herd. He that is the truth, the AA-ay, and the life, he also is the Shepherd and Bishop of the soul. ISAAC PENINGTON. 7g Quest. 2. Who are the sheep ? Ans. They that are born of this wisdom, gathered by this life, turned to this poAver, they are the sheep. They who are changed by him into his nature, they are of hira ; sheep ofhim, the Shepherd; lambs ofhim, the Lamb ; dovesof him, the Dove. Quest. 3. AVhat is the fold ofthe sheep? Ans. The Avisdom, life, and poAver of the Father, even the same that is the Shepherd. The Father's hand Avherewitk he covers them, AA'herein he encloseth thera, that is the fold. For it is the poAA'or, AA'isdom, and life of the Father, which gathereth the sheep; and he gathereth tlkem into his wis- dom, into his life ; and that is a Avail or fold about them. Obj. Is not the church the fold? Ans. This in the church, or the church iu this, is the fold ; but uot out of this. For there is uo safety or preservation among auy sort or gathering of people, but as they stand and abide iu this. And standing and abiding in this, they have authority aud poAver from the chief Bishop of the soul ,' but none out ofthis. Quest. 4. AVho is the door ? Aus. The Shepherd is the door also, Avho lets into the fold, and shuts out, at his pleasure; aud uoue can rightly enter but by him. Quest. 5. AA'hat are they that run before the poAver, or further than the poAver leads and guides thom? Ans. They are thieves and robbers, and they may destroy the life aud freshness in those that are not watchful ; but they eanuot help to save or build up, because they themselves are out of that, come out of that, and act out of that, Avhich alone can do it. Quest. 6. Hoav may the sheep be diseeriied from the goats,. and from such also as put ou the slieep's clotMug, hut are uot sheep in nature and spirit?' Aus. By their lambdike nature, by the raeekness aud in nocency in thera Avhich is of the Lamb, Avhich none can have but they that are of him ; for it is not to be fouud in raan's' uature, nor to be attained by his art. They also knoAV and Vol. m.— 7 74 THE WORKS OF hear the voice of tho Word nigh iu tho raouth aud heart, and folloAV the law of his Spirit, received from his mouth, Avhich none else but his sheep do, or can do; fortius is given by him, and it is given by hira only to his sheep. Quest. 7. AVhat doth Christ, the Shepherd (the eternal AVord, the wisdom, life, aud poAver of the Father), do for his sheep? Aus. He doth great things for them, Avliich Avho cau utter? But happy is he that feels aud knoA\'s thera. He gives them a new nature, a new spirit, a new heart, a ucav name, AA'hich none knoAveth but he that hath it; for it is Avritt&B on the Avhite stone, Avhich none else receives, nor none else ean read, but he that hath the eye Avhicli is of him, Avhat is written thereon. He giveth them eternal life ; he leadeth them into the pastures of life; he giA'cth them to drink of the waters of life. He putteth them forth out of the prison-house, out of the chains and fetters, out of the darkness, out of the bonds, and from under the burdens of the soul, into the pure light aud Uberty ofthe Spirit, AA'here tbey taste, kuoAA-, and enjoy of his freedom, aud dAvell with him, and rest Avith him, aud lie doAvn Avith him, and rise up Avith him, even in the same eternal life, spirit, and poAver, Avhereiu his dAvelling-place is. Aud all this they enjoy safely, hearkening to the voice of the Shepherd, aud turn ing from the voice of the stranger, Avhioh it is uatural to them to do. For being turned from man, bora of that Avhich is immortal, and keeping to that, that ear AAdiich is there re ceived Avill alone hearken to the A'oice of him who is im mortal! ; and tho voice of the stranger (avIio speaketh of hira self) is presently discerueoli aud turued from, hy hira that heareth AA'ith the true ear. The Lord God, Avho iss the spring and fountain of all good, inflame people Avith desires after the pure life, and hoily nature, Avhich is of and frora Christ the seed, his Son, and satisfy those desires Avhich are singly aud uprightly after him. ISAAC PENINGTON. TIIE COXCLUSIOX. Glorious Avas the estate ofthe church before the apostasy, for purity of doctriue, for holy order and discipliue, for love to God, one to another, and to all men (even of enemies), for faith iu God, for the presence aud poAA'er of his Spirit among them (insomuch as the unbeliever coming among them, might fiud his heart and state reached to, and be forced to confess aud report that God Avas in them of a truth), for singleness aud uprightness of heart, meekness aud innocency of spirit aud conversation, for zeal for God aud his truth, suft'ering the spoiling of their goods, impris- oumeuts, stripes, and many other Avaj's, both from the heathen, and also from the professing Joavs, Avho had been the church once. Oh! what shall I say concerning the beaut}' aud loveliness of that state? Ye that Avould knoAv it, oh ! Avait to feel it in that which gives the true sense of it. But over this glorious state came a dark, thick, corrupt uight, Avherein the kernel Avas lost, aud the shell defaced; AA'herein the house, Avhieh had been sAvept and garnished, became agaiu recovered and possessed by the Avicked spirit. And how great hath this darkness been ! Oh, Avlmt a kind of church hath appeared in the world, Avherein the spirit of enmity hath dAA-elt and acted in men, under the uame of Christianity I So that instead of loving and seeking the good of enemies, they are ready to i-end aud tear one an other for every little dift'erence, and Avill be lords over meu's faith, requiring meu to practise things iu religion befbre the Spirit ofthe Lord teacheth them so to do, Avhich the apostles did not. For though they had from God the express knowledge of what Avas truth, aud could certainly instruct and build up men therein, yet they were uot lords over men's faith; but if meu were otherwise minded than according to w-hat they knew and taught, they could wait aud bear with them, biddiug them A\-alk so far as they had attaiued, aud God, in his due time, Avould reveal the rest 76 THE WOEKS OP also. Oh that men were come to this spirit again ! then they would be Christians indeed, and then they might be known to be Christ's disciples, by their loving the brethren and felloAV-disciples. But without this love, men's religion is but a tinkling cymbal, making a noise and sound of somcAvhat, but not having the true nature or virtue of re ligion in it. "Xow will it not be a glorious day, Avheu the Spirit of the Lord cleanseth away this thick darkness, and causeth the light of his pure truth to arise and appear agaiu ? AAHiy, there is such a day to be, wherein tho true church, AA-hich Avas reproached and driven iuto the Avilderness, is to come out of the wilderness again, and her Avitnesses stand ou their feet agaiu, and her seed to spring up iu the pow-er of life, following the Lamb, who marcheth on fighting with the SAvord ofthe Spirit (the word ofhis mouth), conquering and to conquer thereby the corrupted antichristian -vA-orld, even as he did at first the corrupt heathenish Avorld. The Lord Avill purify his temple, aud cleanse the world by the plagues of his angels which he hath prepared, mak ing way for the beauty of his truth, aud the church of his gathering; wherein he will bring forth his righteousness, Avhereiu his poAver shall appear, AA-hereiu his presence shall be made manifest', wherein that Avhich shined before in tho pi'imitive church shall shine again in this new-reared build ing of his, insoraueh as raen shall be forced to say : This is the church of Christ indeed, God is here of a truth ; this is tho Gospel-.Jerusalem indeed, AA-hich is built upon the holy hill of Zion ; in Avhieh innocency, righteousness, truth, love, SAveetness, peaceableness, aud the gentle nature and Spirit of the Lamb lives and reigns; and the Lord bless thee, O habitation of justice, and mountain of holiness. Xow, of a truth this work is begun. The times of re freshment are come from the presence of the Lord. The Lord hath heard from heaven, pitying the cries ofhis seed, aud hath visited their souls, causing the light of Ufe (even the pure light of the everlasting covenant) to shin© upon their tabernacles. But Avhoever Avould kuoAv these thing's, ISAAC PENINGTON. 77 and partake of them, must come in at the door, by the guidance ofthe Spirit, through the light Avhich is Avithhim. Aud he that Avould enjoy the full Ught (even the shinings forth of the sun at n 0011-day) must begin with its glimraer- ings, even that in the heart Avhich discovereth and draAveth out of the corrupt state of the world towards the Father. Oh ! hear aud live. Do not dispute about it, but Avait to feel it; upon the feeling of it, despising the shame, aud taking up aud enduring the cross, and so bearing the re proach and suft'erings of Christ in thy age and generation. And as thou obeyest, thou shalt knoAV of its doctriue ; but out ofthe pure faith aud obedience, there is no true, sound, deep, rooted knoAvledge; but all of that kind must be parted Avith, for the knoAAdedge which is of the faith, and AA'hich is made manifest aud increased in the obedience; AA'hich knowledge is of a far more excellent kind aud nat ure, than that which thou art to part Avith for it. The Lord guide thy mind, aud stretch forth his hand to help thee, Avho, from the least touch of a pure nature and spirit, de sirest after the pure truth and Avay of eternal life. Amen. This testimony, here held forth, is faithful and true, and (I know) the witness of God in manj^ hearts Avill ausAver to it; and happy is he that maketh a right use of it. For, so doing, his soul Avill not fall short of the pure, liA'ing truth, nor set up auy thin^ else for truth Aidiich is not. 78 THE WOEKS OF to such as are not satisfied with a profession, avithout the true Life and Power, but have sincere De sires IN THEIR Hearts after the Lord himself, and a Willingness to be acquainted with his pure living Truth, and avith the Soul's TRUE Guide and Leader ; This Experience is in my Heart to express unto TOU, avhich we have all along witnessed in our Travels OUT OF THE DARK, CORRUPT LaND, INTO THE Land of Life and Purity. We have still found the wilier, the runner, the self-striver, the wise, co'mprehending part, &c., left behind; and the grace of God alone able to lead towards him, and the birth which is of and by grace still to obtain the mercy. And Christ is our life, aud in the union with his Spirit lies all our ability aud strength; and that knowledge of Christ, Avhich we witness to be life eternal, Ave did uot meet Avith Avhilst Ave thought to have it in the Scriptures, but it hath been all along revealed to us by God's Spirit; so that wo can truly say, flesh and blood did not reveal the Son to us, but the Father. Yet that which the Scriptures testify concerning Christ is exactly true according as it is there re lated, aud is so ackuoAvledged and really OAvned by us; though we obtain not our knoAAdedge of Christ by the let ter, but by receiving a principle of life from God ; and com ing into union Avith his Spirit, we came to the true knoAvl- edge aud OAA'-ning ofthe letter; Avhieh as it came from the life, so can it only be rightly read and understood in the life frora Avhieh it carae: so that he that is out of that, cau not but err concerning the letter, and raisjudge concerning the things of God; AA'hereas he that is guided bj-, and lives iu God's Spirit (receiving his knowledge there), cannot err concerning the Spirit, or concerning "the letter; but hath ISAAC PENINGTON. 79 that within him, which gives to him, and preserves him in, the true sense and understanding of both. Xow, friends, this is an excellent thing indeed, to come to, and be acquainted with, and receive that, which the Scriptures testify of; to Avit, to receive Christ, to feel union Avith him in his Spirit, to enter into the new and holy agree ment with God, into the everlasting covenant of life and peace, to feel the partition wall broken down, and the wall of salvation reared np, and the] defence which is thereby ; to find the law of God, the law of life, the law of the new creation, Avritten in the heart; the pure fear planted there by God, Avhich keepeth the mind and spirit from de parting from him; to have his Spirit put within, causing to walk in his ways, and to keep his statutes and judgments, and do them; and so to have union and fellowship with the Lord in that which is pure and living of him, in Christ the new and living way, which was before the fall, and leads the obedient out ofthe fall, even beyond Adam's state, into himself who never fell, in whom is no sin, nor erring, no, not for the wayfaring man, though a fool, Avho often erred and wandered before he came thither; but there the Fa ther's hand, even the hand of eternal power, is felt, which none ean pluck out of Oh ! that ye knew the infalUble Leader, and were turned from darkness to light (and did believe therein), and from the poAver of Satan unto God, that ye, through his Spirit, might undeniably Avitness the mysteries of his kingdom, and partake of and enjoy that which his love, grace, and mercy, plentifully distributes among his children that wait upon him in one Avay, under the holy ordering ofhis Spirit; which was long harped at andlongedafter by many of us; but avo eould never meet Avith it, till tho Loi^ in his mercy caused the Ught of his day to shine into our hearts, which chased away the darkness of the night, and made the things of the day manifest. Are ye of the house of Jacob ? Are ye of the right seed ? Are ye of the true breathers after God's holiness, after the life and righteousness of his Zion? Oh! then come ye, knoAv, acknoAvledge, receive, and wait to walk in the light of the 80 THE WOEKS OF Lord; aud do not join to that in you which is separated from, aud knoAveth not, the light of the Lord, but opposeth it. And, friends, I beseech you, take heed iu this point ; for he that denieth, refuseth, opposeth, speaketh evil, or thinketh hardly of any thing that is indeed of Christ, doth it to Christ himself, iu Christ's account (that is, Christ looketh upon it as if he had denied him, refused him, op posed him, spoke evil of him, &c.), and it Avill be so laid to his charge in the day of the Lord. And indeed such is my loA'e to you, aud such ray desire after 3'our eternal good aud Avelfare, that I Avould not have you stumble at the light and poAver of life, Avhich the Lord hath revealed aud stretched out (in this daj' of his mercy) to gather and saA^e Avith ; but feel the gathering bj' it from all that scattereth from the Lord, Avith the preservation Avhich is thereby, and the effect ing of that in j^our spirits Avhich it is able to eftect, as it comes to manifest itself unto you, and to put forth his strength in you. So Avait for the gathering unto the light (the Ught of the everlasting day of God), and into the power Avliich is able to redeem and defend the soul from all that is contrary to God. Aud Avhen ye are there, be diligent and faithful to the Lord: and feel (oh! daily AA-ait to feel from him) the unclothing of j'our spirits frora all their oavu un righteousness; yea, from all their oavu righteousness also (Avhich is but as filthy rags before the Lord, CA^en of the same nature Avith the unrighteousness), that ye may be clothed upon Avith the ucav and living garment, AAdierein there is neither spot nor wrinkle, nor auy such thing. For thoy that are of Christ, aud in Christ, do as really put ou the nature, the Spirit, the garment of the second Adam, as ever they did put oft" the old garment, nature, aud spirit. This is from one AAdio uprightly and singh- desireth your union Avith the Lord in his pure truth and holy anointing, and your disunion frora all that is contrary to him. Isaac Penington. ISAAC PENINGTON. 81 A Query added, with its Ansicer. ^ AVhat is the true confession of Christ, even that confes sion AAdiich ariseth from the knoAvledge Avhich is life eternal? Ans. Friends, I Avitness it to be this: A confession ofhis nature, a confession of his Spirit, a confession of his lifo, a confession of his poAver. To confess the present U\'ing ap pearance of Christ, that is to confess Christ. "Behold," saith he, "I stand at the door and knock." lie that heareth his voice, acknowdedgeth him, letteth him in, subjeeteth to his truth aud Holy Spirit, — he confesseth hira. But though a raau should acknoAvledge aud confess all that is recorded iu the Scriptures concerning hira ; yet if he knoAv not his knocks, so as to let hiin in, and become subject to his poAver, he doth not confess Christ as he ought to do, and as God requireth of hira. Oh that ye could learn thus to know Christ, and thus to confess him ! For until ye thus know him, ye cannot thus confess hira. And your knees must first boAv at his name, before your tongues cau rightly confess him, to the glory of God the Father ! For if ye aa'UI indeed glorify the Father, ye must boAv to the Sou, Avho is the Ught Avherein God dAvells, in the shinings Avhereof he appears to, and visits tho sons of men. And as the Son him self is spiritual ; so is the light wherewith he visits dark man. His law is spiritual, able to convert the soul of auy man in whose heart it is AA-ritten, aud to make Aviso (the most simple among men) uuto salvation. For the law of God, Avrit in the heart, is frora the covenant of life ; and delivers and preserves frora the laAv of sin and death, having tho light, poAver, and Spirit of Christ iu aud Avith it, from Avbom it comes.Xoav if ye Avill knoAV these things clearly, certainly, and infallibly ;"Avait to feel some touches, some draAvings, some convictions of God's Spirit upon your hearts. And then dispute not against them ; but immediately beoome subject, so far as the Ught and drawings of the Father incline and lead tbe mind ; and then ye shaU see Avhat he is that draws. 82 THE AVOKKS OP and of AA'hat nature his draAvings are. And if once ye come to feel the preciousness of his ointment; and to partake of it, receiving it and following it, it AA'ill bring you iuto the pure vii-ginity, Avhich loves and longs after the name that anoints Avith the pure living oil. Friends, I Avas ouce where ye uoav are; and in that day, I also (through error and mistake) called the light Avherewith Christ hath enlightened man, natural, as ye uoav do. But the Lord hath since shoAved me, that it Avas not the true birth of life in me Avhich so called it; and it is also mani fested to me in his Spirit of truth (Avhich deceives not), that it is not the true birth in you, AA-hich so judges of it. Oh that ye were boru of the Spirit, aud in it knew the names of the things from their .nature, and might be tanght of the Father to Avorship the Sou ! Avhich ye can never do, till ye come iuto the Son's light; aud that is the Son's light, even that AvhercAvith he hath enlightened raen, that they might believe iu the Father through him. The Scriptures (or auy Avords spoken or Avritten) are not the light itself, but testi monies concerning the Ught. Xow that AA-hich ye are to come into, and to dAvell and abide in, is the light itself; Avhich light Avas beftire any Avords that testify of it, aud is the substance of all the shadows, aud the end" of all the tes timonies concerning it. He is Alpha aud Omega, the Be ginning aud the End of the new creation of God. Oh that yo so knoAv him ! That from AA-hich the Scriptures carae, is the thing, the life, the Spirit, the poAvor itself; Avhich is able to Avrite in wardly, as Avell as outAvardly. And he that knoAvs the thiug, aud is led to the thiug by the inward writing (Avhich is the testimony of Jesus, the Spirit of prophecy) he by the testi mony of Jesus, by the Spirit of prophecy, is led to the Holy Power; Avhich he believing in, it prevails to save him out of the contrary spirit aud poAver. And this the Gentiles with out the laAV, the .Jcaa-s under the hnv, and the beUevers un der grace, had spiritually all one aud the same Avay and path cf life unto sab^atiou ; and God will be clear and just in judg- i-Hg thom all according thereunto, Avbo had all' some mani^ ISAAC PENINGTON. gg festation ofthe gospel aud power which saves, accordino- to the dispensation of the good pleasure of the free o-iver And men's perishing in the time of every dispensation, is not for Avant of light and power from God, but from men's withdrawing and apostatizing from the light and power which in every dispensation of life stretched forth its hand aud arm sufiiciently to gather and save. There is one thing more in my Heart unto You, at this Time, ivhich is Concerning applying the ProxMises. The promises of God are great aud precious, and give to partake of the divine nature those that Avait upon the Lord iu the faith aud obedieuce of his truth. Xoav there are es tates and conditions to Avhich they do belong; and there are estates aud conditions to AA-hich they do not belong ; aud if auy one apply any promise to himself, he uot being in that estate aud condition to AAdiich that promise belongs, he de ceives his soul, and sucks not iu the true SAA-eotness and comfort of the promise, but of his own imaginary appro- hensions coucerning the promise. There is a state of Avounding, of judging, of God's plead ing Avith the soul, because of sm and transgression. Xoav he that breaks audi Avound.^, he atone can bind up and heal; aud the Lord is to be Avaited upon in the Avay of his judg ments, until he see meet to bind up aud heal. Xoav tho Lord heals by the same Spirit and poAver AvhercAvith he AA-ouuds; but it is hard to lie under the judgment, to bear the indignation of the Lord, and so keep the Avouud (Avhich he makes) open, till he pour in the oil, and heal. For there is that near, Avhich AA-ill be oft'ering to heal before the season, and will be bringing in promises,, ansl applying promises, oth erAvise than the Spirit ofthe Lord iutendeth or appUeth them. Xoav this is diligently to be Avatched agaiust, that the hurt ofthe soul (judged and wounded by the Spirit ofthe Lord) be not healed slightly, and peace spoken to it (and au ex- 84 THE WOEKS OP pectation aud hope raised in it) AA-hich is not of the Lord. But this is the right way, even to give up to feel that which AA'ounds, and to receive the Avoundings of thy soul's friend, and lie low before him iu the Avouuded state, Avaiting upon him in the A\'ay of his judgments and righteous iudignation ; till the same that Avounded, speak peace. For the same is to speak peace, aud not auother; "I the Lord wound, and I heal; I kill, and I make alive." Judgment is mine, aud mercy is mine; and they both issue frora my lips. (See Isa. xii. 1.) So every one, that would uot be deceived about, nor misapply the promises, AA-ait to feel that iu you, Avliich loads iuto the condition to Avhich the promise belongs, aud to be led iuto aud kept iu the condition by it. And then, the same that leads into the condition, Avill apply the prom ise to him Avho is in the condition, the ear being open to him, hearkening to the Lord, Avaiting Avhat he Avill speak, Avho speaks peace to his people in his seasons; aud having the ear shut against the voice of the unrighteous troubler of the souls of God's heritage. Yea, he that applieth the promises to the soul (haA-iug brought it into the state to Avhich they belong), he also avUI lead aud bring unto the ful filling of the promises, even to the receiviug of the good things promised and Avaited for; so that the soul shall Avit ness the gospel to be a glorious state indeed; a state of lifo, a state of liberty, a state of poAver, a state of dominion, a state of holiness, a kingdom of righteousness aud peace, AA'hereiu there are everlasting mansions and dAvelUng-places iu Christ Jesus, for the seed ofthe righteous for evermore. The Lord God of everlasting mercy, life, pOAver, and rich goodness, cause thc light of his oavu Holy Spirit to shine iuto your hearts, guide you thereby into and iu the true Avay, even in the pure, living path (AA'hich Avas and is but one for ever) that ye may corae iuto the true possession, aud full enjoyment, aud infallible Avitnossing of these thing's. 23d of the Second mo.ith, 1608. ISAAC PENINGTON. 85 There is another Query of great Concernment, which springeth up in my Heart -towards you. Query. Is uot the Spirit, or anointing, the great gospel promise, and the great gospel ordinance ? Is uot he truth, and no lie, and the leader out of all lies and deceits into the truth, and the preserver of the mind and spirit therein? "Little children," said the same apostle, AA'ho had du-ected to the anointing, "keep yourselves from idols," Is there any possibility of being kept frora images and idols but by him ? Can any understand the things of the Spirit, or the Avords spoken by the Spirit concerning spiritual things, but by him ? Aud then, is not eveiy apprehension, that ye take up from the Scriptures concerning spiritual things, Avhich ye haA'C not from him, but comprehend and gather of your selves, au image, or conceiA-ing of your OAvn, concerning that thing, aud uot that true kuoAAdedge and understand ing of the thing which he alone can give? Oh that all the chambers of imagery Avere throAvn doAvn in you, and every idol of the heart and mind discovered to you, and broken down by the light and power of the Lord! that ye raight come to that Avhicli is pure and liA'ing, and by its purifying know the pure heart, the pure mind, the pure conscience, and offer up the pure, perfect ofteriug; not the lame, bUnd, imperfect, &c., which Avere not accepted, in the figure, un der the law, nor acceptable under the gospel. Mai. i. 11. 13. and chap. iii. 3. Friends, ye must know that which is pure from God, and ye must come into it (out of that Avhich is impure, iuto that Avhich is pure). Xow that ye may do so, ye must know the purifying; for nothing that is impure can enter into that AA-hich is pure. Yea, ye must become priests to God, and Avear the priest's garment, the pure garment, the liA-ing o-arment, the fine linen, without mixture of the wooUen. Ye must be born of the innocency, be clothed with the in nocency. The stony, hard, desperately wicked heart must be taken aAA'av, and the tender heart of flesh received, the Vol. IIL— 8 86 THE WOEKS OF mind renewed to God, the fear put within (AA'hich cleanseth and keepeth clean), the laAv Avritten Avithin, the Spirit ofthe Lord put in the iuAA'ard parts, and felt powerfully operating and changing there. Yea, and the inside must not only be clean, but the outside also ; for ye must be clothed AA'ith the Spirit, clothed Avith the Lamb's righteousness and holiness ; aud thus ye must appear before the Lord in his temple, AA'hich is the beauty of holiness, Avhose house holiness be comes for ever; where ye are ncA'cr to appear in your own filthy rags, but in the nature. Spirit, righteousness, and life of Christ. And thus ye are Avell pleasing to God, oa'cu iu that Avhich is of God; being born of that, formed of that, fouud iu that, appearing in that. But in his oavu, uo mau can be accepted; for it is determined of God, aud stands irreversible for ever, that iu his oavu (iu his oavu knoAvledge, in his OAVU faith, in his oavu obedieuco, iu his oavu right- oousuess, iu his oavu Avilling aud running, (fee.) shall no flesh for ever be justified in his sight; but only and alone in the nature. Spirit, life, righteousness, faith, obedience, and ho Uness ofhis Son. Therefore Avait for the seed, that ye may kuoAv the seed, feel the seed, the pure seed of life (the leaven of the heavenly kingdom), and may witness it arising and come iu you to do the Avill, aud you in it quickened and enabled to live to and serve the liAdug God. Aud when ye know this seed, ye kuow Christ; and when ye receive this seed, ye receive Christ; and if it Uve in you, Christ lives iu you ; and in it (beiug in it, aud abiding in it) are ye heirs of the Ufe, kingdom, and poAver, Avhich hath uo end; and shall daily feel the promises and blessings belonging to the seed, fioAving iu upon your spirits. But if ye content your selves with the kuoAvledge of Christ Avhich the errina: and apostatized spirit of man frora the life and power may gather out of the letter of the Scriptures, and feed thereon ; that wUl not nourish you up to eternal Ufe, but death aud sin, and the gates of hell Avill have poAver over you notAvith standing that; but if ye, through the Spirit, receive power over that Avhich is contrary to God, aud through him mor tify the deeds of the body, ye shall Uve. Therefore wait ISAAC PENINGTON. 87 for the manifestation of the pure power of the endless Ufe, Avdiich ia now dispensed from ou high (blessed be the uame ofthe living one! ), aud Avait to know and be joiued to that seed of life, wherein aud whereby it is dispensed, that ye may Avitness Christ's kingdom come to you, aud the reign of your spirits Avith him therein, over all that captivate'th from him, loadeth the soul, boAveth doAvu and oppresseth. A POSTSCRIPT Concerning Deceit and being Deceived. There is that Avliich deceives (Avhere it is hearkened to), and there is that Avhich is liable to be deceived by it. There is likcAvise that Avhieh deceiveth not; aud there is also that Avhich cannot be deceived. So likewise there is a pure fear and Avatchiug in the truth agaiust the deceit, lest by auy means it should enter and betray. As also there is a fear that is a snare (avIucIi the true faith preserves out of) where by mauy are entangled in the A-ery boAvels of deceit, even concerning those very things about Avhich they are afraid they should be deceived. This hath been experienced by those, AA'ho have been acquainted Avith the Lord's precious truth, and thereby are come to know and discern the Aviles and devices of Satan ; Avho often hath quenched Avhat the Lord hath kindled, by his stirring up a fear, lest it should not be of the Lord, but frora the spirit of deceit. It is true, that iu the apostasy from the Ufe aud Spirit of truth, deceit did generally prevail and overwhelm the minds of people. Aud so far as people are yet in the apos tasy (not being gathered and redeemed out of it, by the Spirit and power of the Lord), they are yet under deceit; though perhaps they little think so. Little did Ave think formerly (and little do they think now-, Avho are uoav in that state we Avere then in), that AA-hile avo so much feared being deceived, Ave were already deceived, being short of the life and povA-er of truth, whicli alone is able to make free and preserA-e from deceit. AVhen the Lord cometh to bring to 88 THE WOEKS OF the primitive light and principle, that he might perfectly deUver out of deceit ; what can the enemy do more advan tageously towards keeping his hold in the mind, and toAA'- ards keeping the mind in the deceits wherein he hath already entangled it, than to stir up and heighten a fear in it, lest the precious truth, which God maketh manifest to deliver the soul by,- should be deceit? And they that hearken to, and let in, the voice ofthe deceiver, must needs believe it to be so. And thus with them light 'coraeth to be called darkness, and darkness Ught. Yea, Avho is it, at this day, AA-ho escapeth this snare, of calling evil good, and good evil ? Surely none but he, Avhose soul is led into and Uves in the light and power of truth. For most men take up principles, according to their oaa-u or other men's understanding of the Scriptures, and judge according to those principles; aud so the. Spirit and light of the Lord judgeth not in them, but they themselA-es judge accordiug to an assumed knowledge. So that flesh is not silent, the man is not dead iu them and brought to nothing, but only lives in a higher region than he did before. Be fore, he lived in an apparent unrighteousness; uoav he lives in au imagined rightoousness aud faith; but not in the Son's righteousness, not in the Son's faith, not in the Sou's power, uot in the Son's dominion; but at best only in that which he apprehendeth and strongly imagiueth to be so. Oh ! happy is he, Avho is come through all his oavu imag inings aud conceivings about the things of God, and his own apprehensions about scriptures aud promises, and is come iuto the thing itself, into the Spirit of life (iuto the truth and into the power), and who Avalks with God therein, daily witnessing the redemption Avhich is of him, through his Son Jesus Christ, who is kuoAA-n and partook of in the pure, quickening Spirit, aud not otherwise. And he that is truly begotteu of God, and dAvells Avith him in the light Avhich is eternal, knoAvs that he is of God ; AA-hich others may strongly imagine they are, but none else can truly knoAv it, but may . easily err and be entangled in the deceits of the enemy about the new birth, and other weighty things, while they ISAAC PENINGTON. 89 are greatly afraid of being deceived by him, and so, through that fear, fly the pure truth, which frees from deceits, lest it should deceive them. A Brief Account of my Soul's Travel towards the Holy Land, aud hoAv at length it pleased the Lord to join my Heart to his pure, holy, living Truth; Avherein I have Avitnessed fhe Xoav Covenant, and Peace Avith the Lord therein. AVith a few AVords concerning the Avay of Knowing and Receiving the Truth : Avhich is uot done by Disputes aud Reasonings of the Mind about it; but iu Avaiting aright for the Demonstration aud Power of God's Spirit to open the Heart and Understanding, and by sub missive Obedieuce to it, even in its loAvest Appearances in the iiiAvard Parts. Aly heart from my childhood Avas pointed toAvards the Lord, AA'hom I feared and longed after from ray tender years ; Avhereiu I felt, that I could not be satisfied with (uor indeed seek after) the things of this perishing world, AA-hich natu rally pass away; but I desired true sense of, aud unity Avith, that AA'hich abideth for ever. There Avas somewhat indeed then still Avithin me (even the seed of eternity) which leaA'- ened and balanced my spirit almost continually ; but I kneAA- it not distinctly, so as to turn to it, and to give up to it, entirely and understandingly. In this temper of mind I ear nestly sought after the Lord, applying myself to hear ser mons, and read the best books I could meet Avith, but espe cially the Scriptures, which Avere very SAveet aud savory to me; yea, I very earnestly desired and pressed after the knowledge ofthe Scriptures, but was muchafraid of receiviug meu's interpretations of them, or of fastening any interpre tation upon them myself; but Avaited much, and prayed much, that from the Spirit of the Lord I might receive the true understanding of thera, and that he Avould chiefly en due me with that knoAvledge, Avhich I might feel sanctifying 90 THE WOEKS OF and saving. And indeed I did sensibly receive of his love, of his mercy, and of his grace, Avhich I felt still freely to move towards me, and at seasons when I was most filled with the sense of my own unworthiness, and had least ex pectations of the manifestation of them. But I was exceed ingly entangled about election and reprobation (having drunk in that doctrine, according as it was then held forth by the strictest of those that were termed Puritans, aud as then seemed to be very manifest and positive from Rom. ix. &c.), feariug lest, notwithstanding all my desires and seekings after the Lord, he might in his decree have passed me by; and I felt it would be bitter to me to bear his Avrath, and be separated frora his love for evermore; yet, if he had so decreed, it would be, and I should (notwithstanding these fair beginnings and hopes) fall away and perish at the last. In this great trouble and grief (which was much added to by not finding the Spirit of God so in me and with rae, as I had read and believed the former Christians had it), and in mourning over and grappling Avith secret corruptions aud temptations, I spent many years, and fell into great weak ness of body; aud often casting myself upon my bed,' did wring my hands and Aveep bitterly, begging earnestly ofthe Lord, daily, that I might be pitied by him, aud helped against my enemies, and be made comformable to the image of his Sou, by his oaa'ii reneAving power. And indeed at last (Avhen my nature Avas almost spent, aud the pit of de spair Avas even closing its mouth upon me) mercy sprang, and deliverance came, and the Lord my GodoAvned me, aud sealed his love unto me, and light sprang Avithin me, Avhich made not only the Scriptures, but the very outAvard creat- tures glorious in my eye, so that every thing was SAveet aud pleasant and lightsome round about me. But I soon felt, that this estate was too high and glorious for me, aud I Avas not able to abide in it, it so overcame my natural spirits; wherefore, blessing the name of the Lord for his great good ness to me, I prayed uuto him to take that from" me Avhich I was not able to bear, and to give me such a proportion of his light and presence, as Avas suitable to my present state, ISAAC PENINGTON. 91 and might fit me for his service. AVhereupou this Avas pres ently removed from rae ; yet a savor remained Avith me, wherein I had sweetness, and comfort, and refreshment for a long season. But my mind did not then knoAv hoAv to turn to and dAvell with that Avhich gave me the saA'or, nor rightly to read Avhat God did daily Avrite iu ray heart, which sufficiently manifested itself to be of him, by its living vir tue and- pure operation upon me; but I looked upon the Scriptures to be my rule, and so Avould Aveigh the iuAvard ap pearances of God to me by Avhat Avas outwardly Avritten, and durst uot receive any thing from God iramodiatelj-, as it sprang from the fountain, but ouly iu that mediate way. Herein did I limit the Holy One of Israel, aud exceedingly hurt my oavu soul, as I afterwards felt and came to under stand. Yet the Lord Avas tender to rae, and coudescended exceedingly, opening scriptures to me, freshly every day, teaching and instructing, warming and comforting my heart thereby; aud truly he did help me to pray, and to believe, aud to love him and his appearances in auy; yea, to love all the sous of men, and all his creatures, Avith a true love. But that in me which knew not the appearances of the Lord in my spirit, but Avould limit him to Avords of scriptures for merly Avritten, that proceeded yet further, and Avould be raising a fabric of knoAvlodge out of the scriptures, and gath ering a perfect rule (as I thought) oonoerning my heart, my words, my ways, my Avorship ; and according to Avhat I thus drank in (after this manner, from the Scriptures) I practised, and Avith much seriousness of spirit aud prayer to God fell^ a helping to buUd up an Independent congregation, Avhereiu the savor of life and thepresenoo of God was fresh AA'ith me, as I believe there are yet some alivo of that congregation can testify. This was my state, when I was smitten, broken, and dis tressed by the Lord, ooufonnded in my Avorship, confounded iu my knoAvledge, stripped of all in one day (which it is hard to utter) and Avas matter of amazement to all that beheld me. I lay open and naked to all that would inquire of me, and strive to search out what might be the cause the Lord 92 THE AVOEKS OF should deal so with me. They would at first be jealous that I had sinned and proA-oked him so to do; but AA-heu they had scanned things thoroughlj^ and I had opened my heart nakedly to them, I do not remember auy one that ever re tained that sense concerning me. My soul remerabereth the Avorraw-ood and gall, the exceeding bitterness of that state, and is still humbled iu me iu the remembrance ofit before the Lord. Oh, hoAV did I wish Avith Job, that I might come before him, and boAviugly plead AA'ith him; for indeed I had no sense of any guilt upon me, but Avas sick of love toAvards him, aud as one A'iolently rent from the bosom of his beloved! Oh, how gladly Avould I have met AA-ith death! For I Avas weary all the day long, aud afraid of the uight, aud Aveary also ofthe night-season, and afraid of the ensu ing da}-. I remember my grioA-ous and bitter mournings to the Lord ; how often did I say, 0 Lord, why hast thou for saken me? AVhy hast thou broken me to pieces? I had uo deUght but thee, uo desire after any but thee. My heart Avas bent Avholly to serve thee, and thou hast even fitted me (as appeared to mj^ sense) by many deep exercises and ex periences for th}' serA'ice ; Avhy dost thou make me thus miserable ? Sometimes I Avould cast mine eye upon a scrip ture, and my heart Avould even melt Avithin me ; at other times I would desire to pray to my God, as I had formerly done; but I found I kueAV him not, and I could not tell Uoav to pray, or iu auy wise to come near him, as I had formerly done. In this condition I Avandered up and doAvn from mountain to hill, from one sort to another, Avith a cry iu my spirit, Can ye tell ucavs of my beloved? AA^here doth he dwell? AVhere doth he appear? But their A^oices were still strange to me, aud I Avould retire sad aud oppressed, aud boAved doAvn iu spirit, frora them. Xoav surely, all serious, sober, seusible people, Avill be ready to inquire, how I came satisfyiugly to knoAv the Lord at length; or Avhether I do j'et certainly knoAv him, and am yet truly satisfied? Yes indeed, I am satisfied at my A-ei-y heart. Truly my ISAAC PENINGTON. 93 heart is united to him Avhom I longed after, in an everlast ing covenant of pure life and peace. AVell then, hoAv came this about? aviU some say. AVhy thus. The Lord opened my spirit, the Lord gaA-e me the certain aud sensible feeling of the pure seed, which had been with me from the beginning; the Loi-d caused his holy poAver to fall upon me, and gave me such an iuAvard demonstration and feeling of the seed of life, that I cried out iu my spirit: This is he, this is he; there is not another, there never was another. He ivas ahvays near me, though I knew him not (not so sensibly, not so distinctly, as uoav he Avas re vealed in me and to me by the Father); oh that I might now be joined to him, and he alone might live in me. And so in the Avilliugness Avhich God had wrought in me (in this day of his poAver to^^my soul), I gave up to be instructed, exercised, and led by him, in the waiting for and feeliug of his holj- seed, that all might be wrought out of me which could not live AA'ith the seed, but would be hindering the dAvelling and reigning of the seed in me, Avhile it remained and had poAver. And so I have gone through a sore travail, and fight of afflictions aud temptations, of many kinds; Avhere in the Lord hath been merciful to me in helping me, and preseiwiug the spark of life in rae, in the midst of many things which had befallen me, whose nature tended to quench and extinguish it. Xoav thus having met with the true Avay, and Avalked with the Lord therein, wherein daily certainty, yea, and full assurance of faith and of understanding is at length ob tained; I cannot be silent (true love and pure life stirring in me aud moving me) but am necessitated to testify of it to others; and this is it, to retire inwardly, aud Avait to feel somewhat of the Lord, somewhat of his Holy Spirit aud power, discovering and drawing from that AA'hich is contrary to him, aud iuto his holy nature aud heavenly image. And then, as the mind is joined to this, somoAvhat is received, some true life, some true light, some true discerning; which the creature not exceeding (but abiding iu the measure of) is safe ; but it is easy erring frora this, but hard abiding 94 THEWOEKSOP with it, and not going before its leadings. But he that feels life, and begins in life, doth ho not begin safely? And he that Avaits, aud fears, and goes on no further than his Cap tain goes before him, doth he not proceed safely? Yea, very safely, even till he cometh to be so settled and estab lished in the virtue, demonstration, and poAver of truth, as nothing can prevail to shake him. Xow, blessed be the Lord, there are many at this day, who can truly aud faith fully Avitness, that they have been brought by thc Lord to this state. Aud thus have avc learned of the Lord ; to Avit, not by the high, striving, aspiring mind, but by lying Ioav, and being contented with a little. If but a crumb of bread (yot if bread), if but a drop of Avater (yet if water), we have been contented Avith it, aud also thankful to the Lord for it; nor by thoughtfulness, and aviso searching tijid deep cou- rtidering with our oavu Avisdom and reason haA'e Ave obtained it; but iu the still, meek, aud humble Avaiting, have avo fouud that brought iuto the death, AA'hich is uot to know the mysteries of God's kingdom, aud that Avhieh is to live, made alive and increase in life. Therefore he that Avould truly Icuoav the Lord, let him take heed of his oavu reason and understanding. I tried this way A'ery far; for I considered most seriously aud up rightly; I prayed, I read the Scriptures, I earnestly desired to understand and find out whether that, which this people, called Quakers, testified of, Avas the only Avay aud truth of God (as they seemed to me but to x:iretend) ; but for all this prejudices multiplied upon me, aud strong reasonings against them, AA'hich appeared to me as uuansAA'erable. But when the Lord revealed his seed in me, and touched my heart therewith, Avhich admiuistered true life aud virtue to me, I presently felt them there the children of the Most High, and HO groAvn up iu his Ufe, power, and holy dominion (as the iuAvard eye, being opened by the Lord, sees) as droAV forth from me great reverence of lieart, and praises to the Lord, AA'ho had so appeared among meu in these latter days. And as God draAveth, iu any respect, oh, give up iu faithfulness to him! despise thc shame, take up the cross; for indeed it is ISAAC PENINGTON. 95 a Avay Avhicli is very cross to man, and which his Avisdom Avill exceedingly be ashamed of; but that must be denied and turued from, and the secret, sensible drawings of God's Spirit AA'aited for and given up to. Alind, people : He that Avill come into the ucav covenant, must come into the obe dience of it. The light of life, Avhicli God hath hid in the heart, is the coA'enant ; and from this covenant God doth not give knoAvledge to satisfy the vast, aspiring, compre hending wisdom of man ; but living kiioAvledge, to feed that AA'hich is quickened by him ; which knowledge is given in the obedience, and is very sweet and precious to the state of him that knoAA-s how to feed upon it. Yea truly, this is of a A'cry excellent, pure, precious nature, and a little of it AA-eighs down that great A'ast knoAvledge iu the comprehend ing part, Avhich the man's spirit and nature so much prizeth and presseth after. And truly, friends, I Avitness at this day a great dift'erence betAveen the sweetness of comprehending the knoAvledge of things, as expressed iu the Scriptures (this I fed much on formerly), and tasting the hidden life, the hidden Manna in the heart (which is my food uoav, blessed for ever be the Lord my God and Saviour). Oh that others had a true, certain, and sensible taste of the life, virtue, and goodness of the Lord, as it is revealed there ! Surely, it could not but kindle the true hunger, and infiame the true thirst; which can never be satisfied but by the true bread, and by water from the Uving fountain. This the Lord (in the tenderness ofhis love, and iu the riches ofhis grace aud mercy) hath brought us to ; and this Ave earnestly aud up rightly desire and endeavor, that others may be brought to also; that they may rightly (in the true sUence of the flesh, and in the pure stiUness of spirit) wait for, and in the Lord's due time receive, that which answers the desire ofthe awa kened mind and soul, and satisfies it with the true precious substance for evermore, amen. SOME THIXGS RELATING TO RELIGION, PROPOSED TO THE CONSIDERATION OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY, SO TERMED; TO A7IT, Concerning the right ground of certainty therein. Concerning tenderness of spirit, and persecution. A