A I YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY WHO'S WHO IN AMERICA A Biographical Dictionary of Notable Living Men and Women of the United States. Established, 1899, by Albert Nelson Marquis. Full cloth. Price, $3.50. The price will be $4.00 per copy afterJanuary 1, 1908. This publication aims to give a brief, crisp, personal sketch of every living man and woman in the United States whose position or achievements make his or her personality of general interest, and tells, just the things every intelligent person wants to know about those who are most conspicuous in every walk of life. A valuable feature of the book will be found in the appended addresses. No other work has ever attempted the laborious task of finding and furnishing the addresses of leading Americans in all parts of the world. Thus, the book possesses not only the best attributes of a Biographical Dictionary, but is also a handy Directory of those living people of the United States in whom almost everybody is interested. "Who's Who in America" is thoroughly revised, brought down and reissued biennially. No one who aims to keep abreast of the times can afford to be without a copy at his elbow constantly. It contains over 16,000 names and over 2,000 pages. The vol ume is compact and of convenient size for carrying in the satchel. "Who's Who in America," has proved one of the most useful and sat isfactory of our desk reference books the past year.— IV. T. Harris. XT. 8. Commissioner of Education. I constantly use the work and constantly recommend it to others. It is worth many times the price to any busy man.— Col. Thomae Wentworth Higginton, Author, Boston, Mass. This book is indispensable to every reader of newspapers, to every library, -"¦¦--' ' -Chic' and to every man and woman who reads or writes. — Chicago Tribune. The most useful book, next to a good English Dictionary, that it has been my fortune to see. It is a marvel of condensation and convenience.— Dr. W J McGee, Ethnologist, Washington, D. C. One of the most, probably the most, indispensable of reference books of its kind ever published. We welcome the new revised and enlarged edition which has just been published.— Public Opinion. Sent post paid to any address upon receipt of price. A. N. MARQUIS & COMPANY, CHICAGO 324=326 DEARBORN STREET The Book of Minnesotans A Biographical Dictionary of Leading Living Men of the State of Minnesota EDITED BY ALBERT NELSON MARQUIS CHICAGO A. N. MARQUIS & COMPANY 1907 315084 Copyright, 1907, by Albert Nelson Marquis. Fk05 FOREWORD. The Book of Minnesotans is the result of a conscientious effort to collect into a single volume of handy dimensions, condensed, accurate, authentic life-sketches of the men of Minnesota who have attained to places of distinctive creditability in the State. The aim has been to in clude all those living men whose worth and work count for most in Minnesota today; the leaders and prominent factors in all public movements and important private enterprises; the controlling and in fluential representatives in business, financial, industrial, religious, educational, literary and other interests of useful and worthy character. In a word, the subjects of this book are the living men whose past en deavors or present activities have contributed to the progressive achievements and influences of the state. The book is modeled on the plan of "Who's Who in America," a world-famous publication, recognized as the highest authority on per sonal data pertaining to nationally notable living Americans, but is con fined to Minnesota, and contains more personal information about leading men of the state than can be found in any other publication. It is intended to be a book of easy reference for the business office and the home library, convenient for use at any moment. It furnishes as complete a compendium and epitome of personal data in regard to those identified with the best movements and interests of Minnesota as it has been possible to procure by patient care, experienced methods and large outlay of money. It is probable that worthy names have been omitted, but such omis sions have not been wilfully made by the publishers, and almost every instance of the kind is due to neglect or refusal on the part of the person whose name is missing, to furnish the information requisite for biographical mention. All who were considered eligible were 5 b THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS solicited in a respectful way to furnish data. The majority, so re quested, responded freely to the request and thanks are hereby exten ded for their courtesy. Such difference in the relative length of the biographical sketches presented in this volume as may be found is not often the result of editorial discrimination. In most instances the sketches which may be regarded as too short have been unduly curtailed because of the in completeness of the data furnished for the paragraph. Speaking generally, however, the biographical notices combine completeness with brevity, embodying all the salient facts in a succinct narration. Accuracy has been most carefully and earnestly sought. Not only have the facts been procured, wherever possible, from first hands, but the completed sketches have been submitted for correction and verifi cation, giving to each the force of autobiographical sanction, with very few exceptions. Not a single sketch has been paid for or inserted on account of any financial consideration whatever and all are free from eulogy, and presented in a form that experience has shown to be most satisfactory for ready reference. The man of business, especially, will find' The Book of Minnesotans helpful in many ways. It is in a special degree a work of reference con cerning the men who represent the business interests of Minnesota. The question often arises, when mention is made of some person : "Who is he and what does he do 1 " In the fewest words possible, this book aims to answer those questions and, in addition, to present the main facts in the business record of every person mentioned. The book will give the business man a closer insight into the larger business interests^ of the state and place him in closer touch with the men who are in control of business affairs. - To the press of the state, and the whole country, this volume pre sents features of easily recognized value. Here the newspaper mar will find many facts of present interest and by the use of the boolj many errors resulting from hasty picking up of details from unre THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS 7 liable sources may, in a large measure, be avoided. This is quite as important a matter to the individual as to the newspaper, for who would not wish, when he becomes the subject of newspaper notice or comment, to be correctly represented, and thus avoid becoming the subject of ridicule or misconception. The Book of Minnesotans will also be a constant and fruitful source of profit and pleasure in the home library. Often in home conversation the name of some person comes up in such a way as to raise an inquiry or difference of opinion as to his native state, his school or college, his status as to marriage, parentage, business connections, or his past or present civic or other honors or achievements. Such questions, for lack of reliable means of reference, have usually remained unanswered; but with The Book of Minnesotans in the home library, the ready, reliable and satisfactory solution of such problems will be always accessible. Any person who looks through this work intelligently will be amply rewarded for his time. To the thoughtful student of men and affairs who lingers over its pages, the volume presents a marvelous record of ' individual achievement and makes plain why Minnesota has attained the enviable position she holds today. It is the present purpose of the publishers' to make such periodical revision of The Book of Minnesotans as may seem to be called for by demands of those who find it useful. With this purpose in view the publishers will be glad to receive suggestions of improvement and expansion for use in subsequent editions. The Book of Minnesotans ABBOTT, Amos Wilson, surgeon; born at Ahmednuggur, India, Jan. 6, 1S44; son of Amos and Anstice (Wilson) Abbott; educated at Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass., Dartmouth College and College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York; married at Delhi, N. Y., Aug. 19, 1880, to Miss Helen G. Wright. Served in Union Army in Civil War as member of Company C, 16th New Hampshire Vol. Inf. Engaged in practice of sur gery since 1869. Member American Medical Association, Minnesota State Medical Association, Minnesota Acad emy of Medicine, Hennepin County Medical Society. Surgeon in chief Dr. Abbott's Private Hospital. Address: 21 South 10th St., Minneapolis. ABBOTT, Claude Upton, physician; born at Upton, Me., June 19, 1876; son of Enoch and Louisa (Ford) Abbott; educated at Lewiston Grammar School, graduating June 16, 1892; Hebron Academy, Hebron, Me., graduating, •June 23, 1897; Medical Department Uni versity of Minnesota, degree of M.D., June 2, 1904; interne at St. Mary's Hospital, Duluth, 1904-05. Unmarried. ¦Republican. Member St. Louis County "Medical Society, Minnesota State and American Medical associations. Mem ber Knights of Pythias, Modern Wood men of America, United Order of For esters. Address: Aurora, Minn. ABBOTT, Elmer's., merchant; born at Milton, Wis., 1859; educated in public schools; married Lillian L. Palmerlee. Moved to Dodge Co., Minn., 1863, and to Dodge Center, 1874; began in dry goods and clothing business, 1887. Also president Dodge Center Elevator Co. Address: Dodge' Center, Minn. ABBOTT, Everton Judson, physician and surgeon; born at Milan, -Erie Coun ty, O., Oct. 19, 1S49; son of Benjamin W. and Lorena (Judson) Abbott; grad uate Western Reserve College, A.B. 1873; Medical Department Western Re serve University, M.D., 1875; Charity Hospital, Cleveland, O., 1876. Married at St. Paul, 1881, to Jeanie R. Steele. Came to St. Paul, 1876, and engaged in practice of medicine. Professor of clinical medicine in the University of Minnesota; surgeon to St. Joseph's Hospital; physician to City and County Hospital. Member Minnesota State Medical Association, Ramsey County Medical Society. Office: 395 Endicott Arcade. Residence: 425 Dayton Av., St. Paul. ABBOTT, Howard Strickland, law yer; born at Farmington, Minn., Sept. 15, 1864; son of Rev. Abiel H. and Mary Ellen (Strickland) Abbott; grad uated from University of Minnesota, degree of B.L., 1885; married at Ra cine, Wis., 1898, to Mary L. Johnson. Assistant general solicitor Minneapolis & St. Louis and "Soo" railways, 1887- 90; secretary Wisconsin, Minnesota & Pacific Ry., 1887-90; attorney, Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry., 1890-97; spe cial master in chancery, Union Pacific Ry. receiverships, 1897-1901; master in chancery, U. S. Circuit Court, Minne sota, from 1898. Lecturer on public and private corporations and civil law at College of Law, University of Minne sota. Author: Cases Public Corpora tions (1 vol.); Private Corporations (1 vol.); Notes, Authorities and Deduc tions on Corporations (1 vol.); Munici pal Corporations (3 vols.). While at college was managing editor of college papers, The Ariel and Junior Annual; secretary and treasurer Athletic Asso ciation. Director and member execu tive committee, Minneapolis Trust Co. Episcopalian; member vestry, St. Mark's Church, Minneapolis, and Board of Trustees, Diocese of Minnesota. Member of the American Bar Associa tion, Minnesota State Bar Association, Delta Kappa Epsilon. Clubs: Minne apolis, Minikahda, Lafayette. Office: Federal Bldg. Residence: 900 Sixth St., S. F.., Minneapolis. ABBOTT, Howard T., lawyer; born at Washington, D. C, Feb. 11, 1867; son of Asa T. Abbott (U. S. Army) and Fannie B. (Cross) Abbott; educated at army schools, 1873-79; public high schools, Minneapolis, Minn., 1879-86; University of Minnesota, 1886-89; Uni versity of Michigan, 1889-90, graduating from the latter, LL. B., 1890. Has been in practice of law in Duluth since 1890. Republican. Episcopalian. Member American and Minnesota State Bar as sociations. Member Masonic order, Chi Psi fraternity. Married at Duluth, Minn., Nov. 20, 1895, to Gertrude P. Markel. Recreations: Golf, hunting and fishing. Office: 405-406 Lonsdale Bldg. Residence: 2219 East Superior St., Duluth. 10 THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS ABBOTT, BusseU Bigelow, clergy man; born at Brookville, Ind., Aug. 8, 1823; son of Joseph Jackson and Mary (Osborn) Abbott; graduate University of Indiana, degree of A.B., 1847; degree of A.M., same university, 1850; D.D., Galesville University, 1884. Married, 1st, 1847, Eliza Baugh (deceased) ; 2nd, 1861, Sophronia Leech (died, March, 1879); 3rd, 1881, Marietta Hunter. Was principal Whitewater Presbyterian Academy, St. Paul Female Seminary. Ordained Presbyterian Minister, 1857; pastor at Brookville, Ind., 7 years; Knightstown, Ind., 2 years; Albert Lea, Minn., 15 years; founder and was presi dent Albert Lea College, 1884-1903. Moderator Synod of Minnesota; six times member General Assembly. Au thor: Books of the Bible; History of Winona Presbytery; also many ad dresses and sermons. Address: Albert Lea, Minn. ABBOTT, Thomas Alden, sash and doors; born in Syracuse, N. Y., June 16, 1847; son of Henry Green and Mary (Babcock) Abbott; educated in public schools of Utica, N. Y., and at Ham ilton College, Clinton, N. Y., class of 1870; married, Sept. 25, 1883, to Emma Van Nostrand. Engaged in jobbing and manufacturing sash, doors, etc., since 1881, and since Incorporation of the Abbott Mfg. Co., St. Paul, has been jts president. President St. Paul Humane Society. Member Alpha Delta Phi fra ternity. Club: Commercial. Office: 294 East 6th St. Residence: 487 Ashland Av., St. Paul. ABBOTT, William D., lawyer; born at Clinton Falls, Minn., July 13, 1859; son of Asa J. and Mary H. (Piper) Abbott; educated at 'Pillsbury Academy, Owatonna, Minn.; Carleton College, Northfield; read law in office of Sawyer & Sawyer, Owatonna, and was admitted to the bar, 1884. Married in Rice Co., Minn., 1886, to Miss Lorena M. Adams. Began practice of law at Waseca, 1885; has been engaged in practice at Winona since 1892; member of the law firm of Brown, Abbott & Somsen since 1900. Member Minnesota State and Winona County Bar associations. Republican. County attorney Waseca Co., 1888-90. Protestant. Member Masonic order, Knights of Pythias. Clubs: Minne-O- Wah (president), Arlington. Recrea tions: Camera, launching, fishing. Ad dress : Winona, Minn. ABEL, Otto Walter, selling agent; born at Milwaukee, Wis., July 25, 1882; son of Ferdinand T. and Madeline (Buchs) Abel, both of German birth; ed ucated in public schools of Milwaukee for eight years and later in correspondence schools; unmarried. Began business career in July, 1897, as clerk for the Pfister & Vogel Leather Co., tanners and curriers, of Milwaukee (established, 1845), and has continued with that firm ever since; worked up gradually, and in 1902 became the local representative of the company in Milwaukee, and in No vember, 1904, was promoted to the posi tion of manager of their St. Paul branch, in which he continues. Member of the Modern Samaritans. Club: Com mercial. Office: 23 Davidson Blk., St. Paul. Residence: White Bear Lake, Minn. ABELES, David C, clothing; born in Germany, April 19, 1855; son of Jacob and Rosa (Baum) Abeles; educated in public schools; married at Chicago, Feb. 6, 1895, Annie Guthmann. Came to America, 1870; was salesman, clerk and in business for himself in Penn Yan, N. Y., until 1885; in mercantile business in Duluth, Minn., 1885-87, and at St. Cloud since 1887; now as D. C. Abeles & Co. Republican. Member Masonic order, I. O. O. F., B. P. O. E. Club: Commer cial. Address: St. Cloud, Minn. ABERLE, Daniel, whosesale liquors; born at Mannheim, Germany, Dec. 15, 1848; son of Lazarus and Karoline (Maier) Aberle; graduated from high school, Mannheim, Germany; married at New York City, July 7, 1878, to Miss Amelia Stern. Engaged in wholesale liquor business since 1878, incorporating the business, 1904, as Daniel Aberle & Sons, of which he is president. Park Commissioner of St. Paul since 1901. Executive member and ex-treasurer of Democratic State Central Committee; delegate to National Democratic Con vention, St. Louis, 1904; candidate for presidential elector on the Democratic ticket, 1900. Israelite; member, trustee* and ex-president of the Mount Zion He brew Congregation. Clubs: Standard, Commercial. Office: 129 East 3rd St., St. Paul. Residence: 560 Portland Av., St. Paul. ABERNETHY, Herbert Alonzo, law yer; born at Des Moines, Iowa, Dec. 25, 1875; son of Col. Alonzo and Louise (Eaton) Abernethy; graduate' University of Chicago, A.B., 1899, University of Iowa, LL.B., 1901; unmarried. Ad mitted to bar in Iowa, 1901; removed to St. Paul, 1902, where he has since been engaged in practice of law. Clubs: Commercial, White Bear Yacht. Office: 406 National German American Bank Bldg. Residence: 636 Ashland Av., St. Paul. ABRAHAM, Albert, clothier; born at Minersville, Pa., Sept. 23, 1857; son of Emanuel and Clara (Schloss) A., edu cated in public schools of Minersville. Began in clothing and men's furnish ing business, 1881; located in Superior, Wis., and went into business for him self, 1889, continuing at Superior, until 1903; removed to Minneapolis and has been at the head of the Oak Hall Cloth ing Co., since 1903. Ex-member Su perior (Wis.) Board of Education for 10 years, and ex-president of the Board. Mason. Married at Philadelphia, Pa., 1882, to Miss Selinda Keyser. Club: THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS 11 Commercial. Recreation: Fishing. Office: 331 W. Superior St. Residence: 1426 E. 1st St., Duluth. ABRAHAM, Henry; born at Miners ville, Pa., Nov. 16, 1859; son of Emanuel and Clara (Schloss) Abraham; educated in Minersville public scho'ols. Began business in store at Minersville, later traveling on road five years for New York house; was located at Superior, Wis., 1889-1904; removed to Duluth, and has been secretary and treasurer of the Oak Hall Clothing Co., since spring of 1904. Member B. P. O. E. Married at Duluth, 1891, to Miss Carrie Hofheimer. Club: Commercial. Office: 331-335 W. Superior St. Residence: 1430 E. 1st St., Duluth. ADAMS, Arthur S., physician; born in Lorrain Co., O., Feb. 10, 1850; son of William H. and Oeta B. (Strong) Adams; graduate Medical Department Wooster University, Cleveland, O., de gree of M.D., 1875; married at Cleveland, 1884, to Miss Annette Ford. Engaged in practice of medicine at Cleveland. 1875- 84, and at Rochester since 1884. Former ly health officer, Rochester, and coroner Olmsted Co. Member Olmsted County and Southern Minnesota Medical So cieties, American and Minnesota State Medical associations. Member Masonic order. Recreation: Study of physical sciences. Address: Rochester, Minn. ADAMS, Bertram Sage, physician; born at Racine, Wis., 1875; son of H. K. Adams; educated at Minnesota State University. Has been in practice of medicine at Hibbing since 1901. Pro prietor of Adams Hospital and one of the owners of Nashwauk Hospital. Re publican. Presbyterian. Member St. Louis County Medical Society and Min nesota State and American Medical as sociations. Member Nu Sigma Nu fra ternity. Married at Minneapolis, 1902, to Miss Vide Brugger. Club: Algon quin. Address: Hibbing, Minn. ADAMS, Charles Edward, lawyer; born at Boston, Mass., Oct. 1, 1867; son of Isaac M. and Emeline (Twitchell) Adams; educated at Princeton Univer sity, one year; University of Minnesota, five years, graduating, degree of A.B., 1896, degree of LL.B., 1900. Has been engaged in practice of law at Duluth since 1900. Congregationalist. Married at Minneapolis, 1902, to Miss Grace Ten- nant. Clubs: Commercial, Duluth Boat, Y. M.. C. A. Office: Torry Bldg. Resi dence: 1029 E. 2nd St., Duluth. ADAMS, David A., real estate and loans; born in County of Norfolk, Eng land, Feb. 26, 1838; son of George and Elizabeth (Goodman) Adams; educated in public and private schools, Down- ham, England. Arrived in New York from England, Nov. 20, 1854; came to Minnesota, June 3, 1855, and resided at Faribault until July, 1857; has been lo cated at Hutfchinson, Minn., since 1857, and is one of the successful pioneers of the state; entered real estate and loan business, 1866, in which he has since continued. Also president Bank of Hutchinson. Member 1st Regt. Minn. Vol. Inf. during the Great Rebellion. Has held office of justice of the peace ever since he was 21 years of age, ex cept when in the army; member Min nesota Legislature, 1872-73; member State Board of Equalization for two years; member High School Board for many years and now president. Episco palian. Mason. Married at Hutchinson, Minn., May 24, 1868, to Miss Anna M. Durrant. Five children have been the result of the union — two sons and three daughters. Was one of four citizens who guaranteed cost of right-of-way and depot grounds as inducement for H. & D. Ry. to extend branch to Hutchinson; owner of highly improved farm near Hutchinson, one of the finest private residences in the state and large owner of city property. Address: Hutchinson, Minn. ADAMS, Elmer Ellsworth, editor and business man; born, Waterbury, Vt., Dec. 31, 1861; son of Daniel K. and Olive Ann Hale; educated at Morrisville (Vt.) Academy and University of Minnesota, graduating from latter, 1884. Has been engaged in newspaper business since leaving college and is now editor of the Fergus Falls Journal. President Fergus Printing Co., Northwestern Building As sociation, Otter Tail Loan Association; vice president Wright Investment Co.; secretary Red River Milling Co.; direc tor First National Bank, Fergus Falls. Supervisor federal census fifth Minne sota District, 1890, and Seventh district, 1900; member Board of Regents Univer sity of Minnesota for 8 years; member Minnesota State Legislature, session of 1905. Republican; chairman Republican State congressional committee, 1896- 1900. Congregationalist. Member Chi Psi fraternity. Married at Rochester, Minn., 1890, to Miss Fanny Cowles. Clubs: Chippewa, Swan Lake. Address: Fergus Falls, Minn. ADAMS, John Charles, physician; born at Ennis Killen, Ireland, March 10, 1831; attended primary school in Ireland; educated in academy, Clarks ville, Tenn., and was under instruction of classical tutor for one year; gradu ated from Medical Department, Univer sity of Louisiana (now Tulane Medical College), New Orleans, La., degree of M.D., 1857. Served in Civil War as as sistant surgeon 30th Miss. Regt., 1861- 65; rector Episcopal Church, Lake City, Minn., 1868-71; engaged in practice of medicine and surgery at Lake Citv. Minn, since 1 872. Independent in poli tics. Episcopalian. Member Minnesota State Medical Association, Wabasha County Me,dical Society. Address: Lake City, Minn. ADAMS, W. T., physician; born at Lee, N. Y., Aug. 7, 1849; son of Samuel and Mary Ann (Lawrence) Adams; edu- 12 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS cated in district schools; High School, Utica, N. Y., 1863-65; preparatory de partment, Carleton College, Northfield, Minn., 1870-71; Rush Medical College, Chicago, 1872-75, graduating, degree of M.D., February, 1875; post graduate course, New York Polyclinic, 1892. Has been actively engaged in practice of medicine since February, 1875. Pro prietor Elgin Hospital; promoter, presi dent and director Elgin Telephone Co. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associations, Wabasha and Olm sted County Medical societies, Southern Minnesota Medical Association. Was the first to promote exchange and long distance telephone service in vicinity of Elgin and to organize rural telephone service; organized Elgin Telephone, 1896; incorporated, 1898; was its first president. Married at Plainview, Minn., 1875, to Miss Nellie Gibbs, daughter of the late Dr. F. C. Gibbs; two sons, C. C. and F. W. Adams, owning drug store at Dodge Center, Minn., as Adams Phar macy. Address: Elgin, Minn. ADELSHEIM, Smile, jeweler; born in Alsace, France, Feb. 25, 1854; son of Judas and Leah (Klein) Adelsheim; educated in common schools in Alsace. Came to America, 1871, and located at Harrisburg, Pa., later removing to Cedar Rapids, Iowa, where he was associated with ¦ his brother in business; took up residence in Minneapolis, in 1880, since which time has been connected with S. Jacobs & Co., manufacturing and retail jewelers and silversmiths. Republican. Jewish faith. Member Jewelers' Alli ance of the United States. Member Mod ern Woodmen of America, B'nai B'rith. Married at Minneapolis, Minn., 1884, to Miss Etta Jacobs. Office: 518-520 Nicollet Av. Residence: 2310 Colfax Av., S., Minneapolis. ADLER, Oscar Henry, clothing; born in Milwaukee, Wis., July 12, 1865; son of Theo. C. Adler and Henrietta (Phil lips) Adler; married at Rochester, Minn., 1885, to Miss Gusta Zeirrath. Was a resident of Rochester, 1866-94; began as clerk in clothing business at Rochester, 1882; came to Red Wing in 1894, established in business under firm name of Adler & Schacht, which in July, 1904, was changed to Adler, Schacht &. Co., clothiers and furnishers, of which he is senior member. Member English Lutheran Church, Merchants' Associa tion. Recreations: Boating, fishing. Ad dress: Red Wing, Minn. ADSIT, Charles W., merchant; born on a farm in Steele Co., Minn., Feb. 11, 1863; son of Charles and Jeanette (Woodruff) Adsit; educated at Pillsbury Academy, Owatonna; married in Steele Co., March 2, 1886, to Miss Sarah Rich ards. Engaged for 15 years in con tracting and building business; a resi dent of Owatonna since 1887; member ,of firm of Adsit Brothers, boots and shoes. Republican. Member Knights of Pythias. Club: Commercial. Address: Owaton na, Minn. ADSIT, John W., hotel proprietor; born in Steele Co., Minn., Dec. 12, 1869; son of Charles and Jeanette (Wood ruff) Adsit; educated in public schools of Steele Co., and at Pillsbury Acad emy, Owatonna; married at Owatonna, Sept. 29, 1897, to Miss F. L. Morehouse. Entered boot and shoe business in Owa tonna, with brothers, 1897, continuing until August, 1905; member of the firm of Morehouse & Adsit, proprietors of hotel, The Owatonna; also co-partner firm of Adsit Brothers. Member Knights of Pythias, I. O. O. F. Club: Com mercial. Address: Owatonna, Minn. ADSIT, William B., merchant; born in Steele Co., Minn., March 21, 1865; son of Charles and Jeanette (Woodruff) Ad sit; educated in public schools of Steele Co. and Owatonna; married at Owaton na, Dec. 7, 1892, to Miss Jennie Meehan. Engaged in farming until 1897 and since that time has been a member of the firm of Adsit Brothers, dealers in boots and shoes. Republican. Member Knights of Pythias, A. O. U. W., Yeomen. Ad dress: Owatonna, Minn. AHERN, John J., life insurance; born at Cork, Ireland, March 12, 1871; son of John and Catharine (Daly) Ahern; edu cated in the National schools of Ire land. Came to St. Paul, Minn., 1891; clerk in insurance office, St. Paul, 1891- 97; has held the position of manager of the Massachusetts Mutual Life Insur ance Co., Minneapolis, since 1897; re moving his residence to Minneapolis in 1900. Served five years in Minnesota National Guard. Democrat. Roman Catholic. Member Knights of Columbus. Married at St. Paul, April 23, 1900, Virginia C. Dufrene. Club: Commer cial (St. Paul). Office: 603 Bank of Commerce Bldg. Residence: 1516 W. 27th St., Minneapolis, Minn. AHLIN, Andrew P., celery grower; born at Vestergothland, Sweden, Dec. 19, 1852; son of Andrew and Johanna (Veg) Ahlin; attended public shools 6 months. Came to America, Sept. 1,. 1864, and has lived in Minnesota since 1865. Began active career as black smith, continuing 8 years, until 1871;. entered brick yard and was connected with brick making 1871-1900; has been engaged in growing celery as Ahlin Brothers since 1900. Also member of general merchandise firm of Olson Bros. & Ahlin since March 20, 1901. Lutheran. Married at Carver, Minn., Sept. 6, 1905, Caroline B. Clarkson. Club: Commer cial. Address: Carver, Minn. AHBSNS, Henry, sash, doors and blinds; born in Germany, Oct. 3, 1833; son of Henry and Mary (Ehler) Ahrens; educated in public schools of Germany; married at Winona, Minn., 1861 to Miss Johanna Guenther. Carpenter by trade; came to America, 1854, and located at Watertown, Wis.; removed to Winona, THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS 13 1856, where he has since remained and been in business for more than 40 years; junior member of Schroth & Ahrens Co., manufacturers of sash, doors and blinds. Independent in politics. Member I. O. O. F., A. O. U. W. Address: Winona, Minn. AITOCT, George Briggs, state inspec tor high schools; born in Nicollet Co., Minn., June 15, 1856; son of John F. and Mary (Briggs) Aiton; graduated from St. Peter (Minn.) High School, 1875; University of Minnesota, degree of A.B., 1881, A.M., 1887; was a student, University of Leipsic, 1884-85. Taught district schools, 1874-76; superintendent of schools, Zumbrota, Minn., 1881-82; Owatonna, 1882-84; Austin, 1885-86; principal East Side High School, Min neapolis, 1886-93; has been state inspec tor of High Schools since 1893. Mem ber N. E. A. (president department sec ondary education, 1897); president North Central Association of Colleges and Sec ondary Schools, 1901. Republican. Edi tor: Carlyle's Burns; Macaulay's Ad dison, Milton and Johnson; Scott's Marmion; Scott's Lady ofr the Lake; Dicken's Cricket on the Hearth. Com piler: The Descriptive Speller. Mar ried at Rochester, Minn., 1884, Miss Mabel Niles. Club: Six O' Clock. Ad dress: 1601 University Av., S. E., Min neapolis. AKELY, Healey C, lumber merchant; born at Stowe, Vt., March 16, 1836; edu cated in common schools. Began active career as a farmer, later became a sur veyor and entered profession of law. Enlisted in Civil War as private in 2nd Mich. Cav., 1863, and was mustered out as adjutant of regiment, 1865. Was in lumber manufacturing business at Grand Haven, Mich., 1872-87; located in Minneapolis, 1887; now president H. C. Akely Lumber Co.; vice president Itasca Lumber Co. Was mayor of Grand Haven two terms; collector of customs, district of Michigan, 1866-81. Club: Minneapolis. Married, 1st, at Water- bury, Vt., 1859, to Miss Anna Murray (now deceased); 2nd, at Grand Haven, Mich., 1869, to Hettie E. Smith. Office: Lumber Exchange. Residence: 2300 Park Av., Minneapolis. ALBEE, William Edson, abstracts of title, lawyer; born in Winnebago County, 111., Aug. 7, 1855; son of Edson Potter and Fidelia (Blake) Albee; edu cated in Chicago public schools to 1870, St. Charles (111.) High School to 1873, Bryant & Stratton Business College, Chicago, 1879, Law Department, Univer sity of Minnesota, 1900-04, DL.B., LL.M.; married, Cortland, N. Y., Oct. 29. 1886, Louise N. Peck. Employed in Jevne's Grocery, Chicago, 1880-82; in ab stracts of title, Minneapolis, 1882-86, under firm name of Merrill & Albee, then under name of Albee & Cooley, 1886-92; since 1892 as Albee Astract Co., of which he is president and proprietor, the com pany making abstracts of titles of real estate in Hennepin Co. Admitted to Minnesota Bar, June, 1903. Secretary Redwood Copper Mining Co. Republi can. Congregationalist. Member Phi Delta Phi fraternity. Recreations: Field sports, as golf, tennis, etc. Clubs: Commercial, Roosevelt, Gai'field. Office: 608 Phoenix Bldg., Minneapolis. Resi dence: Excelsior, Minn. (Summer). ALBERT, Charles Stanley, lawyer; born at Williamsport, Pa., July 10, 1872; son of Allen D. and Sarah Ann (Faber) Albert; graduated from Wash ington High School, 1890; Columbian Law School (now George Washington University), degrees, LL.B., 1892, LL.M., 1893; University of Minnesota, Law School, degree of LL.B., 1894; unmar ried. Studied law with firm of Worth- ington & Heald, Washington, D. C, until 1893; came to Minneapolis, October, 1893, and filled position of law clerk in office of Benton, Roberts & Brown, until May, 1897, when formed partnership with W. E. Dodge, which was dissolved, January, 1900, upon removal of partner to St. Paul; has been in partnership with Rome G. Brown, since January, 1900, and engaged principally as attor ney for corporations, including Great Northern Railway Co., and other rail ways. Gold Democrat. Member Min neapolis, Hennepin County Minnesota State and American Bar associations. Member Phi Delta Phi fraternity. Clubs: Minneapolis, Minikahda, Lafayette, Au tomobile. Office: 1006 Guaranty Bldg. Residence: 47 N. 15th St., Minneapolis. ALBERT, John H., clergyman; born at Osceola, Pa.; son of Daniel and Barbara (Kephart) Albert; graduate Western College, la., 1875; Yale Theological Seminary, 1883. Congregationalist. Be gan ministry at Green Mountain, la., 1882; has since been in charge of Con gregational Churches at Stillwater, Minn., Sedalia, Mo., and Faribault, Minn. Address: Faribault, Minn. ALBEBTVS, Frank G., clothier; born at Owatonna, Minn., Feb. 14, 1881; son of C. F. Albertus; educated in high school, Owatonna, and Pillsbury Military Academy. Began as clerk in a store at Worthington, Minn., Oct. 21, 1898, later taking up his residence in Jackson where he continued for three years; at 21 years of age he became manager of the Al bertus Clothing Co., which position he now holds. Member Masonic order. Mar ried at Jackson, Aug. 24, 1894, to Miss Mina Matteson. Address: Jackson, Minn. ALBRECHT, Charles "P., wholesale dealer in leather, findings, etc.; born in Duchy of Brunswick, Germany, June 30, 1857; son of John Henry and Wilhel- mina Albrecht; educated in Gymnasium, Germany. Engaged in general merchan dise and grain business in Verden and Bremen, Germany, 1875; served in 1878 in the army, at Hamburg, Germany, and from 1879 to 1881 was again in dry 14 THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS goods and grain business; came to America and located in St. Helena, Calif., engaging in wine business, 1881; removed to Tappan, N. D., and became a farmer and live stock raiser, 1883; es tablished his home in Minneapolis and filled position of bookkeeper for John D. Kaestner, dealer in shoe findings, 1889-92; was city salesman, Shackford & Hume, 1892-97; has been junior member of the firm of Hume & Albrecht, whole sale dealers in leather and findings, since 1897. Republican. Lutheran. Married at Jamestown, N. D., Oct. 1, 1889, to Miss Pauline De Suze. Club: Commer cial. Recreations: Literature and music. Office: 25 3rd St., N. Resi dence: 902 2nd Av., S., Minneapolis. ALBRECHT, Edward H., merchant; born at New Ulm, Minn., Jan. 6, 1865; son of Carl L. and Henrietta (Dannheim) Albrecht; educated in public schools and' in business department of the German- English College, Galena, 111., graduating June, 1887. Began in mercantile busi ness at Morgan, Minn., with Henry E. Grabow, March, 1890; sold out interest to partner, 1895; started in same line of business with brother, April, 1895; dis solved partnership Jan. 1, 1900, taking the dry goods, groceries, shoes, ladies' furnishings and crockery business and now conducting same under name of E. H. Albrecht; also partner in firms of Al brecht & Grabow, Albrecht Brothers and Albrecht & Gluth, the latter being a branch store at Lone Tree, Minn. Mem- bei A. O. U. W., I. O. O. F, M. W. A. and M. B. A. Married at Morgan, Minn., Jan. 21, 1897, to Miss Antonnetta Meyer. Address: Morgan, Minn. ALDENDERFER, William P., coal sales agent; born at Dakota, 111., Aug. 22, 1872; son of Isaac and Catherine (Voght) Aldenderfer; educated in publie schools; married at South Chicago, 111., Nov. 10, 1895, to Janie A. Robinson. Be gan business career as clerk in general store and after a few years studied tele graphy, and in 1891 entered the employ of the New York, Chicago & St. Louis Ry. Co., at Chicago, remaining until June, 1894, when he became clerk for the Lehigh Valley Coal Co., at Chicago. later becoming cashier; transferred to the St. Paul office as chief clerk, Janu ary, 1903, and on May 1, 1906, was ap pointed to present position as North western sales agent for the company. Member Knights of Pythias, Royal League. Recreations: Fishing, hunting, baseball. Office: Endicott Bldg. Resi dence: 655 St. Anthony Av., St. Paul. ALDRICH, Alanson George, physician; born at Adams, Mass., March 19, 1856; son of John Rexford and Lois Ann (Randall) Aldrich; educated in public schools and under private tutelage; Med ical Department, University of Vermont; College of Physicians and Surgeons, Baltimore, Md., graduating from the latter, degree of M.D., March 4, 1879; post graduate courses Illinois Chari table Eye and Ear Infirmary, Chicago, 1887; New York Post Graduate Medical School and Hospital, 1888-89; Post Graduate Medical School and Charity Hospital, Chicago, 1891; also student at London, Paris, Vienna, etc. Began prac tice of medicine, 1879, at West Cumming- ton, Mass., later at Adams, Mass., lo cating at Anoka, Minn., 1883; eye, ear, nose and throat specialist. Member Min nesota State Medical Association; U. S. pension examining surgeon since 1893. Mason (32nd degree), Knight Templar, Shriner. Married, April, 1883, to Miss Flora L. Southard of Westford, N. Y. (now associated with him in practice), a graduate, 1887, of the Minnesota Col lege Hospital, now the College of Medi cine and Surgery. Address: Anoka, Minn. ALDRICH, Luther Richard, hotel keeper, born at Northbridge, Mass., Sept. 9, 1832; son of Richard and Mary C. (Dunn) Aldrich; educated in common schools. Came to Minnesota, 1878; mem ber of the firm of Aldrich Bros., pro prietors of the Aldrich House; also president of the First National Bank, Benson. Ex-mayor of Benson. Demo crat. Mason. Club: Commercial. Recreation: Fishing. Address: Benson, Minn. ALEXANDER, Charles Lewis, lawyer, real estate; born at Kasson, Minn., Jan. 3, 1879; son of Charles J. and Amelia M. (Niles) Alexander; educated in dis trict school; Kasson High School, gradu ating, 1897; University of Minnesota, graduating, degree of A.B., 1902; Col lege of Law, University of Minnesota, graduating, degree of LL.B., 1903. Born and reared on farm; located at Pelican Rapids and engaged in practice of law, June, 1903, also in real estate. Treas urer Pelican Telephone Co. Republi can; elected to State Legislature, Nov ember, 1906. Methodist. Member Alpha Tau Omega fraternity, K. of P., /A. O. U. W., D. of H., M. W. A. Married at Fergus Falls, Minn., Jan. 2, 1907, Leah G. Cockroft. Address: Pelican Rapids, Minn. ALEXANDER, Egbert Eugene, mer chant; born at Camden, N. Y„ Jan. 5, 1873; son of Egbert W. and Carrie M. (Abbott) Alexander; educated in public schools of Camden. Began active career by learning jeweler's trade, continuing for 7 years; was proprietor of a general store in New York state for 4 years; became connected with F. W. Woolworth & Co. stores, in 1898; came to Minne-? apolis for the company, from Brooklyn,!; N. Y, in 1904. Republican. Member Masonic order. Married at Troy, N. Y , 1898, to Miss Addie M. Pike. Office: 509' Nicollet Av. Residence-: 715 Douglas Av., Minneapolis. ALEXANDER, Fred A., lawyer; borni'-' at Kasson, Minn., Jan. 8, 1881; son of Charles J. and Amelia (Niles) Alex ander; educated at Kasson High School,, graduating, June 5, 1900; Steinman'sJ THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS 15 Business College, Dixon, 111.; University of Minnesota, and College of Law, same university, degree of LL.B., June 3, 1904. Unmarried. Began practice at New Ulm, Aug. 15, 1904 and was ap pointed city attorney; removed to Owa tonna, Sept. 1, 1905, since which time he has been member of law firm of Lit tleton & Alexander. Also court com missioner since January, 1907. Member Knight of Pythias, Alpha Tau Omega fraternity. Address: Owatonna, Minn. ALGER, Edmund Whitney, physician and surgeon; born at Minneapolis, Minn., July 13, 1877; son of Isaac Daniel and Ellen Josephine (Whitney) Alger; graduated from East Side High School, Minneapolis, 1894; University of Minne sota, degree of B.S., 1898; Medical Col lege of the university, degree of M.D., 1902. Unmarried. Began practice of medicine in Minneapolis, June 10, 1902. Member St. Anthony Medical Club, Min neapolis Medical Club, Hennepin County Medical Society, American Medical As sociation. Member Psi Upsilon frater nity. City Club: Commercial (St. An thony). Office: St. Anthony Falls Bank, 328 Central Av. Residence: 1227 University Av., S. E., Minneapolis. ALLEN, Alvaren, retired; born at Morristown, N. Y., Sept. 25, 1822; son of Aaron and Eliza (Gould) Allen; edu cated in common schools. Removed to Wisconsin with his parents, 1837, and spent 5 years upon a farm; went to Mil waukee, Wis., and was employed as a clerk until 1850; came to Minnesota early in 1851, and entered into livery .business at St. Anthony, purchased the stage and mail routes operated by Pat terson, Benson & Ward, 1856, and engaged in handling stage lines; became a railroad contractor in 1869 and in 1891 purchased the Mer chants Hotel, operating it about 18 years. Was second mayor of St. An thony; member of city council of St. Paul for 8 years; was father of the paid fire department of St. Paul. Married at Kenosha, Wis., Jan. 15, 1851, to Miss Louisa Chase Sowles. Address: Mer chants Hotel, St. Paul. ALLEN, Arthur West, physician; born at Austin, Minn., Oct. 10, 1862; son of Dr. Orlenzer and Esther Almeda (Coon) Allen; educated at Milton College, Mil ton, Wis.; Rush Medical College, Uni versity of Chicago, degree of M.D., 1885. Began practice of Medicine, Feb. 17, 1885; surgeon St. Olaf's Hospital, Chi cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. ; ex- surgeon major 2nd Regt., M. N. G. Mem ber American and Minnesota State Medical associations. Republican. Ma son, Knight Templar; member of B. P. O. E„ Eagles, Knights of Pythias. Mar ried at Austin, Minn., Sept. 14, 1905, to Miss Nellie C. Sutherland. Club: Pro gressive League. Address: Austin, Minn. ALLEN, Henry Glassbrook, wholesale grocer; born at St. Paul, Minn., April 18, 1872; son of John Henry and Mar garet Alice (Glassbrook) Allen; edu cated at St. Mary's Catholic School, St. Paul; Franklin public school, St. Paul, 1887;, St. Paul High School, 1888; Uni versity of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Ind., 1889-91. Married at Stillwater, Minn., 1899, to Miss Ruth Hall. En gaged in wholesale grocery business since 1891, beginning as city collector of Allen, Moore & Co.; became assistant bookkeeper, 1892-93; member of J. H. Allen & Co., successors, 1895, and was traveling credit man of the firm of which, on incorporation, Jan. 1, 1904, be came vice president, and on death of his father, April, 1904, became president of the company. Roman Catholic. Member Jobbers' Union. Clubs: Minnesota, Commercial. Office: Broadway and 6th St. Residence: Virginia & Laurel Avs., St. Paul. ALLEN, Herbert Warren, born at Whitehall, N. Y., Nov. 25, 1865; son of Henry M. and Josephine C. (Warren) Allen; came to Minnesota 1878; educated in Minneapolis public schools, Minneapolis Academy and one year in University of Minnesota; mar ried at Minneapolis, Minn., Sept. 23, 1888, to Miss Julia V. Sheehy. Was connected with the Standard Oil Co., in the Northwest until 1896; has been identified with the American Adjustment Co., commercial adjustments and col lections, since 1896. Republican. Mem ber I. O. O. F., Knights of Pythias, B. P. O. E. Clubs: Commercial, Nushka. Office: 620 Manhattan Bldg. Residence: 899 Grand Av., St. Paul. ALLEN, Hugh NeUl, lawyer; born Neillsville, Wis., April 13, 1873; son of William C. and Sarah (Carr) Allen; graduated from Central High School, Minneapolis, 1894, University of Min nesota, degrees of B.S., 1898, B.L., 1900; unmarried. Engaged In practice of law in Minneapolis since 1900. Deputy county auditor of Hennepin County since 1900. Republican; secretary Sec ond Ward Republican Club; secretary Hennepin County Republican Conven tion, 1906; also secretary Republican Congressional Campaign Committee. Member Phi Delta Theta, B. P. O. E. Clubs: Commercial, St. Anthony. Recre ations: Hunting and fishing. Office: Court House. Residence: 514 Eighth Av., S. E., Minneapolis. ALLEN, William W., lawyer; born at Shelbyville, 111., April 3, 1864; son of Henry H. and Mary J. (Gollogher) Allen; graduated from Illinois Wesleyan College, Bloomington, 111., degree of B.S., 1887, and took post-graduate course, degree of M.S., 1888; graduated from Chicago College of Law, degree of LL.B., 1888. Unmarried. Practiced law at Chicago, 1889-91; since 1891, in St. Paul, and since 1897, in partnership with L. A. Straight (with whom at tended college and law school) under firm name of Allen & Straight. Assist- 16 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS ant corporation counsel, Chicago, 1889- 90. Republican. Congregationalist. Member Minnesota State Bar Associa tion, Phi Delta Phi fraternity, Royal Arcanum. Recreations: Golf, hunting, sailing. Clubs: Commercial, Roosevelt. Office: 1006 Pioneer Press Bldg. Resi dence: 82 Central Terrace, St. Paul. ALLYN, George W., general merchan dise; born in Columbus Co., Wis., Feb. 22, 1855; son of William G. and Laura A. (Williams) Allyn; common school education. Came to Minnesota with parents, 1855; was clerk in store of Phelps & Allyn, Eagle Lake, two years; built first store in Madison Lake, 1884. and is now in business under title of Allyn Brothers. Married in Marshall Co., Minn., 1877, to Miss Sarah C. Cum mins. Address: Madison Lake, Minn. ALLYN, William H., merchant; born in Columbia Co., Wis., Jan. 27, 1851; son of William G. and Laura A. (Wil liams) Allyn; educated at the State Normal School, Mankato, Minn., graduat ing with the class of 1873. Taught school in Waseca Co., Minn., 1873-76; was in , hardware business at Eagle Lake, 1876-77, and in general store, same place, until 1887; associated with the Babcock Transfer Co., St. Paul, 1877-90; is now member of the firm of Allyn Brothers. Member Modern Wood men of America. Married at Waterville, Minn., 1877, Calista B. Cummins. Ad dress: Madison Lake, Minn. ALNESS, Arne Larsen, banker; born in Norway, 1845; educated in public and private schools and Commercial College; came to St. Paul, 1869, and engaged in mercantile business. Organized the Scandinavian American Bank, 1887, of which has since been president. Was a member of the Charter Convention of St. Paul; trustee Luther Hospital. Clubs: Minnesota, Norden. Office: Scandinavian Am. Bank. Residence: 463 Ashland Ay., St. Paul. ALWOBTH, Marshall H., real estate and manufacturing; born in New York State, 1846; educated in district schools of Genesee Co., N. Y. Came to the lake region soon after the close of the Civil War and has been closely identi fied with its development; was in timber and lumber business at Saginaw, Mich., for 18 years; has been a resident of Duluth, since 1882, and an extensive dealer in pine, mineral and farm lands ever since that time. President Consoli dated Abstract Co.; also president Union Match Co. Married at Saginaw, June 13, 1878, to Miss Nellie La Veigne. Mason (Scottish rite). Clubs: Kitchi Gammi, Commercial. Recreations: Out of door diversions. Office: Al worth Blldg. Residence: 192.8 E. 1st St., Duluth. AMBBOSE, John B. W., civil engineer ; born, Watertown, Wis., June 13, 1877; son of M. C. and Lydia (Bushell) Am brose; graduated from Berlin High School, 1896, and University of Minne sota, 1902; married, Minneapolis, Feb. 21, 1906, Alphield Nyborg. Has engaged in civil engineering since 1900; now fills the position of assistant engineer Minneapolis & St. Louis Ry. Member Delta Upsilon fraternity. Clubs: Com mercial, Minneapolis Engineers. Recre ation: Hunting. Office: 113b Guaranty Bldg. Residence: 817 Beaconr St., Min neapolis. AMES, Charles Wilberforce, law book publisher; born at Minneapolis, Minn., June 30, 1855; son of Charles Gordon and Sarah Jane (Daniels) Ames; edu cated in Albany, (N. Y.) Boys' Academy; California public school; Minneapolis High School; Cornell University, gra duating from the latter, degree of B. Litt., 1878. Married at Philadelphia, Fa., 1883 to Mary Lesley. Learned printer's trade in office of San Jose (Calif.) Mercury, 1869-71; engaged in railroad engineering in Minnesota, 1872-74; employed by Pennsylvania R. R., 1S73, and on Pennsylvania State Geological Survey, 1877-78; assisted father, editing Christian Register, Bos ton, 1879-80; connected with Geo. H. Ellis, publisher, 1881; became associated on its incorporation, 1882, with West Publishing Co., publishers of law books, St. Paul, as manager, becoming secre tary, 1899, and since 1903 has been vice- president and general manager. Direc tor First National Bank, Northwestern Trust Co., and of Amherst H. Wilder Charity Corporation, St. Paul;, also of American Law Book Co., New York. Independent in politics. Unitarian.. Director St. Paul Public Library, and of American Unitarian Association (Boston); trustee of Unity Church. Clubs: Minnesota, Town and Country, Informal, White Bear Yacht (St. Paul); Century, City (New York). Office; 44 W. 3rd St. Residence: 501 Grand'Av., St. Paul. AMSDEN, Charles Moselle, president Minneapolis Northern Elevator Co.; born in Boone Co., 111., April 12, 1849; son of N. C. and Sarah (Hulbert) Amsden; educated in public schools of Dubuque, Ia. Engaged in general merchandise business at Lemars, la., 1873; was con nected with Singer Manufacturing Co., Louisville, Ky., 1874-79; came to Min neapolis and began in grain business, 1879. President Minneapolis Northern Elevator Co., since 1901, operating 100 line elevators in North Dakota and Minnesota; also director Swedish Ameri can National Bank and Fillsbury-Wash- burn Flour Mills Co. Republican. Con gregationalist. Member Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce, Duluth Board of ' Trade. Unmarried. Clubs: Minne apolis, Minikahda, Lafayette. Office >y Guaranty Bldg. Residence: 1339 Vimfe PI., Minneapolis. I AMUNDSON, Christopher, merchant,; born in Norway, 1835; son of AmunM and Kari Christophersen; educated iifi THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 17 public schools of Norway and U. S. Came to U. S., 1849, and settled with parents in Vernon Co., Wis.; moved to St. Paul, 1853; began in general merchan dise business at Winona, 1863; moved to St. Peter, 1867, and has been in same line of business since. Member of State Board of Correction and Charities 12 years, board of education 20 years, library board. Member of the State Legislature, 1879-81. Republican. Luth eran. Mason. Address: St. Peter, Minn. ANDEBSCH, Charles, born in Austria, April 4, 1865; son of Charles and Thelka Andersch; educated in public schools. Came to America, 1880, and located in Ohio; removed to Minneapolis. 1883, and was connected with hide and fur house, 1883-90; member firm of Andersch Brothers, since 1890. Inde pendent in politics. Married in Wiscon sin, 1887, to Miss Mary Pankraz. Of fice: 411-415 Main St., S. E. Residence: S13 7th St., S. E., Minneapolis. ANDERSON, Alfred J., wholesale produce dealer; born in Goodhue Co., Minn., Sept. 6, 1871; son of Andreas and Beata (Johnson) Anderson; edu cated in public schools of Wastedo, Goodhue Co. Began active career as a carpenter; came to Minneapolis in 1895 and entered wholesale produce business under title of Nelson & Anderson, in which he has since successfully con tinued. Republican. Member Swedish Mission Church and Minneapolis Pro duce Exchange. Married at Minneapolis, 1901, to Miss Mary Anderson. Recrea tions: Traveling and boating. Office: 23 Central Market. Residence: 2508 22nd St. S., Minneapolis. ANDEBSON, Andrew A., born in Faribault Co., Minn., Nov. 21, 1878; son of Amund and Carrie Anderson; edu cated in public schools of Madelia. Has been president of the Anderson Land Co., Inc., since Feb., 1903; also president Scandinavian Colonization Co., Ltd. Mar ried at Madelia, Minn., Sept. 2, 1903, to Miss Petra Pederson. Address: Will- mar, Minn. ANDEBSON, Arthur C, banker; born at Bethel, Vt, Dec. 2, 1859; son of Francis W and Mary (Wyman)- Ander son; educated in public and high schools of Springfield, Mass., and in Springfield Collegiate Institution. Began active career as clerk in private banking house of his father. (F. W. Anderson & Co.); came to St. Paul, 1883, and was instru mental in the establishment of the St. Paul National Bank, passing through various offices in the bank until he was elected president and chief executive officer of the institution in 1902, hold ing the position until the bank was consolidated with the Capitol National Bank in 1906. Has also been vice- president of the Twin City Telephone Co., Member American and Minnesota Bapkers associations. Republican. Con gregationalist. Club: Commercial. Resi dence: 1969 Marshall Av., Merriam Park, St. Paul. ANDEBSON, Bernhart JSt., State Sena tor; born at Manchester, Minn., May 2, 1861; son of Andrew and Jorgene (Ol son) Anderson; educated in private school. Raised on a farm. Filled posi tion of town assessor for 5 years; presi dent Farmers Mutual Insurance Co., of Manchester, 1893; secretary same com pany, 1894-99; also in general merchan dise business, 1895-97; county treasurer, 1899-1907; elected State Senator, Nov., 1906. Republican. Norwegian Lutheran. Member Modern Woodmen of America, A. O. U. W., Sons of Norway. Married at Manchester, Minn., June 28, 1885, to Miss Emma Stensand. Address: Albert Lea, Minn. ANDEBSON, C. M., banking; born in Winnesheik Co., Ia., Jan. 14, 1855; son of John A. and Martha M. (Axdall) Anderson; educated in public schools of Iowa and Minnesota; married at Fort William, Ont., Jan. 26, 1887, to Delphine Fregean. Came to Minnesota, 1870; lived on a farm until 1876; was register of deeds Lac qui Parle Co., elected county treasurer, 1878; located in Dawson, 1884, and entered real estate and hardware business; commenced banking, 1889, and was in banking business at Lime Springs, la., for three years as owner of Bank of Lime Springs; removed to Preston, Minn., 1902, and organized the First National Bank of Preston of which he has since been cashier and director. Also presi dent Ostrander State Bank; director Citizens -.Bank, Ossian, Ia. Address: Preston, Minn. ANDEBSON, D. Ole, merchant; born at Dalarne, Sweden, Feb. 8, 1853; son of Andrew Olson and Elizabeth (Benzto- dotter) Anderson; came to America, 1867, and located in Minnesota; educated in public and high schools of Sweden and Minnesota. Raised on a farm; began in mercantile business as clerk and has been in firm of Goldberg & Anderson Co., of which he is secretary and treasurer, since Sept. 26, 1876. Also vice president First National Bank, Cambridge Starch Co.; director Cam bridge Milling Co. Lutheran. Married at Cambridge, July 21, 1889, to Hannah M. Englund. Address: Cambridge, Minn. ANDEBSON, ELIAS L., treasurer Crown Iron Works Co.; born at Dassell Minn., July 1, 1869; son of Peter and Carrie Anderson; raised on farm; came to Minneapolis, 1886, and was educated in public schools of Dassell and Minnea polis, at Minneapolis Academy and at Archibald Business College. Began active career as bookkeeper Crown Iron Works . Co., structural and ornamental iron works, 1889; has been treasurer of the company since 1897. Director Bethel Academy and College Association, 18 THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS Minneapolis. Republican. Baptist. Trustee of the First Swedish Baptist Church. Member Builders and Traders' Exchange. Married at Minneapolis, June 25, 1901, to Miss Rose Hawkins. Recreations: Hunting and fishing. Clubs: St. Anthony, Commercial. Of fice: 113 2nd Av., S. E. Residence: 2102 Hennepin Av., Minneapolis. ANDEBSON, John D., physician; born in Victoria Co., Ont., Can., June 29, 1855; son of John and Janet (McLaren) An derson; educated in public schools of Ontario, Oakwood High School, graduat ing 1872; taught school several years and was student in Trinity Medical School, Medical Department Toronto University, Trinity College and College of Physicians and Surgeons, graduating from all these institutions in 1879; went to Edinburgh, Scotland, and graduated from the Royal College of Physicians standing at the head of his class with a record of 100 per cent in both oral and clinical examinations. Has engaged in practice in Minneapolis since Jan., 1883. Member British Medical Associa tion, Minnesota State Medical Associa tion, Hennepin County Medical Society. Republican. Presbyterian. Married at Minneapolis, Jan., 1896, to Miss Jessie C. MacGregor, a graduate of the Uni versity of Minnesota. Recreations: Automobiling, traveling, farming and fishing. Office: Syndicate Block, Minne apolis. Residence: Inglebrae, Medicine Lake, Minn. ANDEBSON, John B., wholesale fruits and produce; born in Sweden, April 8, 1859; son of Nelson and Jennie Ander son; educated in schools of Sweden. Learned the -trade of wagon maker in Sweden; came to America in 1881 and followed trade in Minneapolis, 1881-86; engaged in flour and feed business, 1886; has been identified with wholesale fruit and produce business since 1896 and has been junior member of the firm of Nor- beck &. Anderson since 1902. Republi can. Swedish Lutheran. Member Min neapolis Produce Exchange. Member A. O. U. W., Swedish Brothers. Married at Minneapolis, Nov. 2, 1882, to Miss Augusta Gustafson. Recreations: Hunt ing and fishing. Office: 24 Central Market. Residence: 2441 10th Av., S., Minneapolis. ANDEBSON, John, Victor, physician; born in Sweden, March 20, 1860; son of John and Lovisa (Wall) Anderson; came to America with parents, 1861; educated in public schools of La Crosse, Wis.; Galesville University, Galesville, Wis.; Rush Medical College, Chicago, 111., graduating, degree of M.D., 1886; post graduate course at Chicago. Unmarried. Began practice of medicine at La Crosse, 1886; located in Kenyon, Minn., same year remaining there, 1886-90; has been engaged in practice at Red Wing since 1890; medical director Minnesota Scandi navian Relief Association; city health officer, Red Wing, 1890-94. Secretary Goodhue. County Medical Society, mem ber Minnesota State Medical Association. Director First National Bank, Red Wing. Republican. Member Masonic order, A. O. U. W. Club: Commercial. Address: Red Wing, Minn. ANDEBSON, Joseph L., hardware and farm machinery; born at Chandlers Val ley, Warren Co., Pa., Oct. 4, 1865f edu cated in public schools of Pennsylvania; married at Vasa, Minn., 1891, to Miss Augusta E. Anderson. Came to Red Wing, 1884, and began business career as employe of H. S. Rich & Co., hard ware; began for himself, 1896, as junior member of the firm of S'wanson & Ander son, in which he has since continued. Republican. Methodist. Member Modern Woodmen of America. Recreation: Fish ing. Address: Red Wing, Minn. ANDEBSON, Josiah M., vice president and general manager Minneapolis Bed ding Co.; born at Eden Prairie, Minn., March 4, 1863; son of Robert and Mary J. (Hill) Anderson; educated at Uni versity of Minnesota, class of 1888: married at Minneapolis, Minn., Sept. 26, 1887, to Miss Mary J. Dyer. Came to Minneapolis, 1882; began business career with Metropolitan Music Co., of which he became president, selling out his in terest, 1904; has been vice president and general manager Minneapolis Bedding Co., since 1904. Also treasurer Smith Bedding Co. Member State Executive Committee and director of Central Asso ciation of Minneapolis, Y. M. C. A.; mem ber Board of Directors Northwestern Bible Institute. Congregationalist. Re publican; appointed by Gov. Clough to represent the state at Omaha Exposition, 1899. Member Phi Delta Theta fra ternity. Clubs: Commercial, Congrega tional. Office: Division St. and 5th Av., S. E. Residence: 929 8th St., S. E., Min neapolis. ANDBE, Henry Cammille, born at Potosi, Wis., March 4, 1864; son of John B. Andre; came to Minnesota, 1868. Lived on farm in Todd Co., 1868-90; has been engaged in real estate business at Long Prairie, since 1892; manager Todd County Abstract Co. Unmarried. Ad dress: Long Prairie, Minn. ANDREWS, Arthur Chase, grain; born at Oberlin, O., Aug. 21, 1854; son of Edward W. and Delia E. (Fenn) An drews; educated in public schools of Oberlin, graduating from the Oberlin High School, 1872; attended Oberlin Col lege, three years, concluding with .lunior year, 1875. Came to Minnesota, 1875; engaged in lumber and farm im plement business at Glyndon, as An drews Bros., 1878, the firm becoming Andrews Brothers & Hampson, lumber and hardware, with brafiches at jkda and Halstad ; removed to Fargo, N ' D (then Dakota Ty.), 1884, and dissolved partnership, 1886, retaining Halr,tad business; built elevator at Halstad, L889 and sold out lumber and hardware b{asi- ness, 189t; has been in Minneapolis?' in THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS 19 elevator business since 1891. Member of firm of Andrews & Gage, organized, 1893, owning, leasing and operating country elevators and lessees of the old N. P. Elevator Co.'s country elevators; also director International Elevator Co., Winnipeg. Republican. Congregational ist. Married at Otto, N. Y„ 1880, Miss Mary Minerva Hunt. Clubs: Minikahda, Minneapolis. Office: Chamber of Com merce Bldg. Residence: 245 Clifton Av., Minneapolis. ANDREWS, Christopher Columbus, forestry commissioner; born at Hills borough Upper Village, N. H., Oct. 27, 1829; son of Luther and Nabby (Beard) Andrews; educated in public school, Hillsborough, Francestown (N. H.) Academy, and Law School of Harvard University; married at Central City, Colo., Dec, 1868, to Mary Baxter (now deceased). Served in Civil War as cap tain .3rd Regt. Minn. Vol. Inf., 1861; lieut. col., 1862; col. same regt, 1863; brig, genl., Jan., 1864; major genl., by brevet, March, 1865; United States Min ister to Sweden, 1869-77; consul general at Rio de Janeiro, 1882-85; since 1895, forestry commissioner of Minnesota. Author: History of Mobile Campaign; Brazil, Its Conditions and Prospects. Office: State Capitol, St. Paul. Resi dence: 833 Goodrich Av., St. Paul. ANDBEWS, Harry H., exporter of flour and bran; born at Somerville, Mass., Jan. 10, 1872; son of William G. and Lou Jane (Currier) Andrews; edu cated in public schools. Began active career as a boy with the firm of Barton & Co., Manchester; entered service of John A. Andrews & Co., wholesale grocers, Boston, and became traveling salesman; came to Minneapolis, 1892, and is now head of the firm of Andrews & Co., shippers and exporters of flour and bran. Congregationalist. Member Chamber of Commerce. Married at Minneapolis, 1902, to Miss Alice R. Hunt. Recreation: Automobiling. Of fice: 431-433 Guaranty Loan Bldg. Residence: 416 5th Av., S. E., Minneapo lis. ANDBEWS, James Currier, traffic manager Pillsbury Washburn Flour Mills; born, Concord, N. H., Oct. 6, 1867; son of William G. and Lucinda J. (Currier) Andrews; attended public schools, Boston, Mass., Manchester, (N. H. ) High school, graduating, 1885, and spent one year at Marietta College, Marietta, O.; married at Manchester, 1895, to Miss Harriet L. Blake. Left rollege to take position with Pillsbury Milling Co., Oct. 1888, starting as office boy and working through various de partments until appointed traffic mana ger, 1900, a position he now holds. Was one of the original stock holders of the Despatch Laundry Co., of which he is now secretary, treasurer and director, whose stock has increased nearly five times in value since 1899; also a ma jority stock holder and president of the Brunswick Hotel Co., Was member Co. I, M. N. G. 1889 to 1896, private, corporal, sergeant and lieutenant, when he was appointed adjutant, 1st regiment, resigning 1898. Republican. Member B. P. O. E. Clubs: Commercial, Minika hda (Mpls.); Traffic Club (N. Y. City). Recreations: Out doors sports. Office: 301 Metropolitan Life Bldg. Residence: 504 5th St S. E., Minneapolis. ANDBEWS, John P., nurseryman; born on a farm in Grant Co., Wis., Dec. 16, 1846; son of Daniel and Almira (Bacon) Andrews; came to Minnesota, 1864; educated in public schools of Fari bault; married at Milwaukee, Wis., Dec. 16, 1873, to Miss Elizabeth Howard. Began in nursery business, 1868, and has been in business on his own account since 1872; senior member Andrews Nursery Co., raising a general line of hardy nursery stock for the Northwest. Republican. Congregationalist. Member Modern Woodmen of America. Address: Faribault, Minn. ANDBEWS, John Wesley, physician; born at Russellville, 111., April 6, 1849; son of John R. and Delilah (Armstrong) Andrews; graduate St. Peter (Minn.) High School, 1S68; Mankato State Nor mal School, 1870; University of Michi gan, 1876; Rush Medical College, M.D., 1877; one year post graduate work in Europe; one year post graduate work New York, Philadelphia and Chicago. Taught school, 1870-75; practiced medi cine three years after graduating from Rush Medical College and has been in continuous practice since graduating from Bellevue Medical College, 1880, ex cept when engaged in post graduate studies. Member firm of Andrews & Holbrook, physicians and surgeons. Member Blue Earth County and Ameri can Medical societies, (ex-president state society), Western Surgical and Gyne cological Society. Director First Na tional Bank, Citizens Fire Association. Member Masonic order, Chapter and Commandery; B. P. O. E. Methodist. Republican. Ex-alderman Mankato; vice president city council, 1895; twice chair man Blue Earth County Republican Committee; twice delegate Minnesota State Republican Convention. Elected Mayor of Mankato, April 2, 1907, by the largest majority given any candidate in 20 years. Married at Marshall, Minn., 1878, Miss Jennie French. Clubs: Social Science, Commercial. Address: Man kato, Minn. ANDBEWS, Sewall Du Bois, whole sale drugs; born Owatonna, Minn., Jan. 30, 1874; son of Lorin and Delia Hall (Munson) Andrews; educated in Minne apolis public schools, Minneapolis Aca demy, Cornell Daw School, LL.B., 1895 and University of Minnesota, LL.M., 1896; married Oct. 8, 1903, to Miss Lilla S. Finch. Practiced law at Minneapolis, 1896-1904; since May, 1904, in whole sale drug business as secretary and treasurer of the Kennedy-Andrews Drug 20 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS Co. Republican. Member Phi Delta Phi, Chi Psi fraternities. Clubs: Minneapo lis, Minikahda. Office: 106 Washington Av., N. Residence: 15 W. 24th St., Minneapolis. ANDBEWS, William Ellsworth, secre tary and manager Drake Marble & Tile Co.; born near Dayton, O, Jan., 1867; came to Minnesota, 1881; educated in public schools of Minnesota. Has been a resident of St. Paul since 1887 and has been identified with the marble and tile business ever since the beginning of his active career; secretary and manager of the Drake Marble & Tile Co., since its incorporation, 1892. Club: Commercial. Office: 62-66 E. 3rd St., St. Paul. ANGEL, Benjamin Arthur, breeder of thoroughbred stock; born at Rockton, Wis., Nov. 3, 1878; son of John and Elizabeth (Bahr) Angel; educated in public schools of La Porte City, Iowa, 1883-91; La Porte High School, 1891-93; course in horticulture at Galesburg, 111., under private instructor, 1893-95; Knox College, Galesburg, 1896-99. Married at Rock Island, 111., 1898, to Miss Evelyn Overlander. Began as breeder of live stock at Bristow, la., 1901; now located on South Lawn Farm, Clarkfield, Minn., breeding Poland China hogs and Short horn cattle. Prohibitionist Methodist. Address: Clarkfield, Minn. ANNEKE, Percy S., born at Mil waukee, Wis., Aug. 20, 1850; son of Fritz and Matilda F. (Gicsler) Anneke; educated in public and high schools of Milwaukee and at Zurich, Switzerland. Began business career in connection with bank at Milwaukee, continuing until 1877; was identified with Schlitz Brewing Co., Milwaukee, as bookkeeper, 1877-85; came to Duluth and became associated with A. Fitger & Co., as part ner and upon incorporation, Jan. 1, 1904, became secretary and treasurer Fitger Brewing Co. Member Duluth Charter Commission; ex-member Duluth Library Board. Republican. Unitarian. Married at Milwaukee, Wis., 1885, to Miss Lydia S. Spaeter. Clubs: Kitchi Gammi, Com mercial, Duluth Yacht, Duluth Boat. Office: 528-540 E. Superior St. Resi dence: 523 E. 2nd St., Duluth. ABCHEB, George Alfred, manufac turer of linseed oil; born at Dayton, O., Sept. 29, 1850; son of William S. and Sarah J. (Mixer) Archer; educated in public schools of Dayton; married at Mobile, Ala., Feb. 19, 1884, to Har riet H. Cunningham; children: son, Shreve Archer; daughter, Lou Ella Archer. Began business career at Day ton, in manufacture of linseed oil, with firm of Clegg, Wood & Co. (established, 1844, by his father), name of firm be coming Wood, Archer & Co., of which he was a partner; removed to Yankton, S D., 1884, and built a linseed oil mill, which he operated under name of Archer & Co.; located in St. Paul, 188S, and continued operations under same name until 1899, when the mill was sold to American Linseed Cc, of which he was Northwestern manager for 5 years; has been vice president of the Archer-Dan iels Linseed Co. since 1904 (represents the third generation of his family in manufacture of linseed oil). Office: Min neapolis. Residence: White Bear Lake, Minn. ABCTANDEB, Jonn W., lawyer; born in Stockholm, Sweden, 1849; graduate Royal University of Norway, 1867; associated with the Norwegian poet, Bjornson, in newspaper enterprises and came into conflict with government; be came a political exile and came to the United States; was connected with Norwegian papers in Chicago and New York, 1870-74, also studying law; re moved to Minnesota, 1874, and was ad mitted to the bar; devoted his attention for 10 years to practice in Western Minnesota, at Willmar; appointed dis trict attorney by Gov. Pillsbury and afterwards elected to the office; was a member of the commission which drew up the present penal code of Minnesota.' In Minneapolis since 1886; now general solicitor Twin City Rapid Transit Co. Writer of magazine articles;' author of a handbook of the laws of Minnesota and translator of Ibsen's "The Master Builder." Married May 17, 1887, Miss Marathina Anderson. Recreation: Trav els in Alaska. Office: Suite 913 N. Y. Life Bldg. Residence: 2811 Stevens Av., Minneapolis. ABCTANDEB, Ludvig, lawyer; born at Skien, Norway, Jan. 3, 1863; graduate University of Kristiania, Norway, degree of B.A., 1881. Came to America, 1881; studied law and taught common school until 1885; was editor of the Willmar Argus, Willmar, Minn., 1885; admitted to the Minnesota bar, Sept. 1885; estab lished law office in Minneapolis, Jan., 1886. Married at Minneapolis, April 21, 1903, to Mrs. Dolly Miller. Office: 730 Temple Court. Residence: 2407 Irving Av., S., Minneapolis. ABMATAGE, Arthur W., fire insur ance; born in Quebec, Can., Nov. 26, 1863; son of Jabez and Ann (Trenholm) Armatage; educated in public schools of Quebec and at St. Francis' College. Came to Minneapolis in 1886 and has been engaged in the fire insurance busi ness since 1887; treasurer of the Min neapolis Insurance Agency; also presi dent of the Thorpe Brothers and Arma tage Agency, Minneapolis. Republican. Methodist. Mason (32nd degree), Shriner. Married at Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. 18, 1890, to Miss Maude A. Dunsmoor. Clubs: Commercial (director for 6 years), Elks. Office: New York Life Bldg. Residence: 4600 Fremont Av., S., Minneapolis. ARMITAGE, Blmer E., clothing; born at Glidden, la., May 26, 1871; educated in public schools of Glidden. B^.gan THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS 21 active career as clerk in clothing store, at Glidden, la., was in charge of cloth ing stock at Clarksville, la., 1891-95; with Dew Bros., Waseca, Minn., 1896-99; has been at Waterville, Minn., since 1899 and is managing partner Leuthold Cloth ing Co. Married at Waseca, Minn., July, 1901, to Miss Lena F. Bailey. Address: Waterville, Minn. ABMITAGE, Thomas Leger Firth, physician; born in County Down, Ireland, Nov. 22, 1860; son of Thomas and Agnes (Shaw) Armitage; educated in Dundalk Grammar School, County Louth, Ireland; Leamy School, Limerick, and by private tutors; at Trinity College, Dublin, 2 years; Royal University, Ireland, 2 years; Queen's College, Belfast, 3 years; Medico-Chirurgical College, Philadelphia, Pa., 1 year, 1892. Stood 12th best in public examination at Philadelphia in 1892, out of over 230 M.D.'s. Began practice of medicine, 1891, in America. Served with medical staff in the British Soudan Campaign, 1885-87, and won medal and bar and Khedive's bronze star. Located in Princeton, Minn., 1898; . president and treasurer Minnesota Rural Telephone Co.; owner Princeton Drug Store. Episcopalian. Member American Medical Association, American Health Association, American Association for Advancement of Science; secretary U S. Pension Examining Board, etc. Mason; member I. O. O. F., Knights of Pythias, Good Samaritans. Married at Pittsburg, Pa., June, 1898, to Margaret Helly. Address: Princeton, Minn. ABMSON, James G., mayor of Stillwa ter; born at Thornton, Ont, Can., July 8, 1859; son of James and Jane (Par ker) Armson; educated in public schools of Canada and at Manitoba College, Man.; married at Stillwater, Minn., Sept. 11, 1894, Anna Krenz. Came to Stillwater, 1884, and entered employ of Isaac Staples, continuing until 1896; en gaged in mercantile business as Welsh & Armson, 1896, later buying out part ner's interest and conducting the busi ness until 1900, when he sold out and has since been engaged in real estate and insurance. Held the office of sur veyor general of logs and lumber, 1st lumber district, under Gov. John A. Johnson, for four years; secretary Washington Co. Building & Loan Asso ciation, and Washington Co. Agricultural Society. Identified for many years with State Retail Grocers' and General Mer chants' Association. Member of execu tive committee of Minnesota Tax League and Minnesota Municipal and Commer cial League. Democrat. Elected mayor of Stillwater, 1898, and has been re elected at each succeeding election for ten years. Delegate to Democratic Na tional Convention, St. Louis, 1904. Mem ber B. P. O. E. (delegate to grand lodge, Denver, 1906), and many other fraternal organizations. Address: Stillwater, Minn. ABMSTBONG, Charles Henry, survey or and civil engineer; born at Pleasant Valley, Minn., June 4, 1872; son of Ed ward G. and Sadie Armstrong; moved with parents to Yankton, S. D., 1874, returned to Pleasant Valley, 1876, and located at High Forest, 1880; was stu dent in public schools until 1891; as sisted in surveying state line between N. and S. Dakota, under C. H. Bates, and engaged in subdivision of govern ment lands in S. Dakota until 1899; was appointed U. S. deputy surveyor, 1898; engaged in surveys of govern ment land in Minnesota, 1900-06. City engineer City of Rochester, Minn., 1904- 05; county surveyor Olmsted Co., 1902- 08. Member Minnesota Surveyors and Engineers Society; Mason; member A. O. U. W., M. W. A., R. A. Married at Stewartville, Minn., 1902, to Miss Anora Byrne. Address: Rochester, Minn. ABMSTBONG, De Witt Clinton, bank ing; born at Milan, O., Nov. 25, 1868; son of De Witt Clinton and Frances M. Armstrong; educated in public schools of Erie, Pa.; married at Albert Lea, Minn., 1893, to Anna E. Hibbs. Began in banking business as messenger First National Bank, Erie, Fa., 1881; came to Albert Lea, as teller for the Freeborn County Bank, 1883, and became manager of the bank; has been cashier and di rector of the Albert Lea State Bank since 1902. Treasurer Peoples' Building & Loan Association; assistant treasurer Albert Lea College; treasurer Freeborn Co. Agricultural Society. Ex-city alder man. Republican. Presbyterian. Mem ber U. C. T. of America. Club: Commer cial. Recreations: Launching and hunt ing. Address: Albert Lea, Minn. ABMSTBONG, Harry R., secretary Na tional Iron Co.; born at Port Washing ton, O., Aug. 23, 1856; son of William and Polly (Cline) Armstrong; educated in public schools of Port Washington. Began active career in railroad business in Ohio, and in employ of Denver & Rio Grande Ry., Colorado; came to Du luth, 1882, and was in service of North ern Pacific Ry., as assistant yardmaster until 1888. In 1897 was one of the organizers and incorporators of the Na tional Iron Co., engineers, founders and machinists, of which he is secretary; also president West End Building & Loan Association; director Duluth Builders' Exchange. Alderman, City of Duluth, 1884-88; chief deputy sheriff, St. Louis Co., 1888-94; chief of police, City of Duluth, under Mayor Lewis, 1894-96. Republican. Mason (32nd de gree), Knight Templar, Shriner. Mar ried at Minneapolis, 1880, to Miss Kath erine Randall. Club: Commercial. Office: Cor. 50th Av. W. and Ramsey St. Resi dence: 1516 E. 2nd St., Duluth. ABMSTBONG, James Douglas, lawyer; born at St. Paul, Minn., April 8, 1866; son of George W. and Jane Caroline (Coleman) Armstrong; graduate St. Paul High School, 1885; attended Uni versity of Minnesota 1% years; grad uate Law Department University of Michigan, 1889; married at Englewood, N. J., Nov. 6, 1894, to Mary E. Bricker- 22 THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS hoff. Entered practice of law, 1889; was assistant general solicitor St. Paul and Duluth Railroad Co., 1890-95; member of firm of Hadley and Armstrong, gen eral solicitors St. Paul and Duluth Rail road Co., attorneys for St Paul Union Depot Co., 1895-1900; member of the firm of Armstrong and Begg, 1902-1903. Member Ramsey Co. Bar (president, 1905), Minnesota State and American Bar associations; member Charter Com mission, City of St. Paul. Lecturer and instructor St. Paul College of Law. Clubs: Minnesota, Town and Country. Office: 805 New York Life Bldg. Resi dence: 506 Grand Av., St. Paul. ABMSTBONG, John Milton, physician; born at St. Paul, Minn., April 10, 1875; son of George W. and Jane Caroline (Coleman) Armstrong; educated in pub lic and high schools, St. Paul, University of Minnesota and College of Medicine and Surgery, University of Minnesota, graduating 1901; unmarried. Began practice of medicine at St. Paul, 1901. Member of the surgical staff City and County Hospital; instructor College of Medicine and Surgery University of Minnesota. Member Ramsey County Medical Society and Minnesota State Medical Association. Member Chi Psi and Nu Sigma Nu fraternities. Office: Lowry Bldg. Residence: The Angus, St. Paul. ABMSTBONG, Moses Kimball, banker, author; born at Milan, O., Sept. 19, 1832; educated Huron Institute and Western Reserve College; went to Min nesota, 1856, and held local offices there; moved to Yankton, Dak.; published first Democratic newspaper in the territory; served ten years in territorial house and senate; was speaker house and president senate; delegate in Congress, 1871-5; Democrat; president Old Bank of St. James, Minn. Married, 1872, to Martha Bordeno. Author: Early His tory of Dakota Territory, 1866; Empire Builders of the West, 1901 (for which two states have named counties to per petuate his memory). Address: St. James, Minn. ARMSTRONG, Thornton, treasurer Powers Mercantile Co.; born at New Brunswick, Can., Nov. 6, 1847; came to Minneapolis, Minn., 1894; treasurer Pow ers Mercantile Co. since May, 1894. Club: Commercial. Office: 5th St. and 1st Av., S. Residence: Berkeley Hotel, Minneap olis. ARONSON, Harris, wholesale -milli- -nery; born in Prussia, July 3, 1859; son of Abraham C. and Yetta (Kahn) Aron son; educated in public school, Dubuque, Iowa, to 1871; married at Hazel Green, Wis., 1880, to Miss Bertha Riesner. Began business career as clerk in dry goods store at Dubuque, Iowa, Sept. i, 1876, continuing until August, 1878; then assisted in store opened by brother, Louis Aronson, at Cedar Rapids, Iowa; represented A. S. Gage & Co., Chicago, on road, 1880-81; conducted retail gro cery store at Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 1882- 84; sold out and traveled for Schnadig Bros. & Co., Chicago, wholesale boots and shoes, 1885-86; in retail dry goods for self at Tama, la., 1S87-90; came to St. Paul, 1891, and represented J. Rothschild & Co., wholesale millinery, on the road, until Nov. 1, 1904, when he became partner in present firm of Aronson & Shubach, wholesale millinery jobbers. Also has farming interests in Minnesota and N. Dakota. Hebrew re ligion. Member Knights of Pythias, Odd Fellows, Modern Woodmen of America and National Union. Recreation: Music. Office: 205-207 East 4th St. Residence: 1088 Larel Av., St. Paul. ABVESBN, Arve, farmer; born in Norway, Nov. 6, 1858; son of Ole and Ellen T. (Hansen) Arvesen; attended academy at Fredrichstad, Norway, from 8 to 14 yt-iars of age; graduated from Navigation School, 1875; was a student in a private business school, Maldon, Essex Co., England, 1882. Came to Minnesota in 1883 and began farming in Kittson Co. Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Kittson Co. Was captain of a freight vessel before coming to America. Republican. Mem ber United Lutheran Church. Married at Crookston, Minn., Dec. 16, 1898, Miss ' Esther Olsen. Address: Donaldson, Minn. ASKEW, Thomas Archer, merchant; - born at Savannah, Ga., Feb. 7, 1859; son of Thomas Archer and Emma (Jaudon) Askew; educated in public schools, Sa vannah, and at business college, Pough- keepsie, N. Y. Began active career, 1879, in auditing department Central Railroad of Georgia, at Savannah, re tiring from railroad business, 1889, as chief clerk general freight and passen ger department. Came to Minnesota, 1889. Member firm of F. J. Cornwell & Co., retail department store. Presi dent village council of Plainview. Mar ried at Waynesboro, Ga., 1888, to Miss Emma Shewmake. Club: Commercial. Recreation: Fishing. Address: Plain- view, Minn. ATHEBTON, Irving Eugene, agent Great Northern Express Co.; born St South Hadley, Mass., Jan. 22, 1848; son of Cornelius and Josephine (Treat) Ath- erton; graduated from high school of Janesville, Wis., -and Milton College, Milton, Wis. Began in the express business at 18 years of age, and has been continuously in the service of the American Express and. Great Northern Express Company since 1866; has filled various positions in the service as mes senger, agent and asistant superintend ent, now agent Great Northern Express Co., at St. Paul. Member Masonic Or der, Knight Templar. Married at St. Paul, Minn., July 26, 1887, to Mary R. Leonard. Office: 333 Jackson St. Resi dence: 116 Summit Av., St. Paul. ATKINSON, Elmer E., women's and children's outfitter; born at Waterloo, THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS 23 la., March 28, 1866; son of Thomas and Anna M. (Holloway) Atkinson; edu cated in private schools, DeWitt, Iowa. Began in outfitting business for self in Cleveland, O., 1891-96; came to Minne apolis, 1896, and established the wo men's and children's outfitting firm of E. E. Atkinson & Co., of which he has since continued as its head. Republican. Mason (32°). Married at Clinton, la., 1888, to Miss Minnie F. Morey. Club: Commercial. Office: Cor. 7th St. and Nicollet Av. Residence: 2836 Park Av., Minneapolis. ATWOOD, Clarence Leon, banker; born at Buffalo Heart Grove, 111., Aug. 11, 1859; son of Hon. Edwin H. and Augusta (Allen) Atwood; moved with parents to Maine Prairie, Stearns Co., Minn., in 1860; educated in district school at Maine Prairie, St. Cloud High School and St. Cloud State Normal School, 187 8-80, graduating from the lat ter in 1880. Worked on farm except when attending school, until 1880; was principal of school at Melrose, Minn., 1882-85; studied law with McKelvy & Bruckhart; entered partnership with Hon. D. E. Myers on mortgage loan business, 1887; bought out partner, in 18S9, and continued business under his own- name until 1902, when he organized the Security State Bank, which has been highly successful and of which he is president and director. For several years vice president Merchants' National Bank and director of First National Bank. Is largely interested in lands in Central Minnesota (owning many im proved farms and a large amount of St. Cloud real estate), and is recognized as one of the leading business men of Central Minnesota. Ex-president of the St. Cloud City Council, of which he has been a member, representing the First Ward, since 1892; member Finance Com mittee and chairman of Water Works Committee, having bought water works for city, procured a fine quality of arte sian water, operating the works two years at large saving to city. Repub lican. Unitarian. Mason; member B. P. O. E., K T., M. W.. A., Royal Arca num and Court of Honor. Married at Owatonna, Minn., Sept. 17, 1890, to Miss Mary E. Crandall. Club: Commercial (director). Recreation: Automobiling. Address: St. Cloud, Minn. ATWOOD, Ebenezer, teas, coffees and spices; born at Chicago, 111., Nov. 25, 1879; son of Charles and Sophia E. At wood; educated in public schools of Chicago. Entered tea and coffee busi ness, 1895; came to Minneapolis, 1903, and is identified with the firm of At wood & Holstad (incorporated),- import ers and roasters of teas, coffees and spices. Member U. C. T., Minneapolis Lodge No. 63. Unmarried. Club: Com mercial. Recreations: Hunting, fishing, driving and all outdoor sports. Office: 127 N. 6th St. and 601-609 2nd Av., N. Residence: 2442 Grand Av., Minneapolis. ATWOOD, Fred B., glass, mirrors, paints and oils; born at Newaygo, Mich., June 2, 1871; son of C. F. and Ruth A. (Barnes) Atwood; educated in public schools of Newaygo and at Grand Rap ids Business University. Came to Min neapolis, 1897; has been associated with Forman, Ford & Co. since 1898. Repub lican. Methodist. Office: 116 S. Wash ington Av. Residence: 1317 4th Av., S., Minneapolis. ATWOOD, George H., lumber and manufacturing; born at Waterville, Me., 1861; son of Judson Atwood; educated in common schools and at Maine Wes leyan Seminary. Was connected with Cutter & Saridge Lumber Co., Grand Haven, Mich., 1878-81, and Ottawa (Mich.) Iron Works, 1881-82; manager Milaca Lumber Co., Anoka, Minn., 1882- 84; has been engaged in various lines of business at Stillwater since 1884. President and treasurer Atwood & Jones Manufacturing Co.; secretary and gen eral manager Atwood Lumber Co.; di rector First National Bank. Address: Stillwater, Minn. ATWOOD, Herbert J., grain commis sion; born at Northwood, la., Aug. 4, 1866; son of Gardner H. and Martha (Dunning) Atwood; educated in public schools of Northwood and two years at Cornell College, Mt. Vernon, Ia. Began active career, 1888, as city salesman for Eckert, Williams & Co., wholesale flour, feed and grain, Duluth; engaged in flour and feed business, 1892-95; consolidated with Eckert, Williams & Co., 1895, buy ing out Eckert and Williams' interest 1898; president Atwood-Larson Co. since 1895. Member I. O. O. F. Married, at Duluth, 1898, to Miss May Chesser. Club: Commercial. Office: 513 Bd. of Trade Bldg. Residence: 2116 E. 3rd St., Du luth. ATWOOD, Joseph Foster, merchant; born at Chicago, 111., Jan. 6, 1873; son of Charles and Sophia E. Atwood; edu cated in public schools, Malone, Frank lin Co., N. Y. Began in tea and coffee business at Chicago, 111., 1891; came to Minneapolis, 1901, and is senior member of the firm of Atwood & Holstad, im porters and roasters of teas, coffees and spices, established 1900, and incorporated 1904. Married, at St. Paul, 1899, to Miss Ruby Teasdale. Club: Commercial. Recreations: Hunting and fishing. Office: 601-609 2nd- Av., N., and 127 N. 6th St. Residence: 2442 Grand Av., Minneap olis. AUERBACH, Maurice, capitalist; born in Prussia, Feb. 5, 1835; educated in his native town, Salzkotten; learned dry goods business in Prussia. Came to America, 1857, and located in St. Paul; entered employ of dry goods firm of D. J. Justice, and in three years be came partner; organized wholesale dry goods firm of J. L. Forepaugh & Co. Ex-president Merchants' National Bank of St. Paul, St. Paul Title and Trust Co. and Union Bank of St. Paul. Mar- 24 THE BOOK OP MINNESOTAJSL ried, at St. Paul, to Miss Matilda W. Rice. Clubs: Commercial and Minne sota. Office: 508 N. Y. Life Bldg. Resi dence: 388 Summit Av., St. Paul. AURNESS, Peter Andreas, physician and surgeon; born in Norway, April 5, 1860; son of Ole Johan A. and Anna (Peterson) Aurness; graduated from public schools, Norway, also from Aales- und's Latin College, 1S78, Holans' Latin College, Christiana, and from the Med ical Department University of Minne sota, 1892; married, at Minneapolis, 1893, to Ida Cirkler. Came to America 1887 and began practicing medicine 1892. Democrat. Member Minnesota Academy of Science, Minnesota State and American Medical associations. Member I. O. F., Sons of Herman, M. K. O. T., Sons of Norway, Society of Fine Arts. Club: Odin. Office: 420 Syndicate Arcade. Residence: 1937 Paris Av., Minneapolis. AUSTIN, Charles D., lawyer; born at Belgrade, Me., April 26, 1856; son of David and Betsey (Farnham) Austin; educated in common schools and at Wes leyan College; married at Lisbon, N. D., Jan. 25, 1888, to Adelaide J. Van Vleck. Began practice of law Dec, 1882. Engaged in the profession for 11 years at Lisbon, N. D. ; removed to Minne apolis, June 1, 1893, and formed part nership with Judge Bailey, and upon his death with Judge James O. Pierce; now alone. Former member board of education and mayor, Lisbon, N. D., and member of council, Territorial Legislature, Dak. Ty. Republican. Presbyterian. Mem ber Minnesota State Bar Association. Mason. Office: 616-617 New York Life Bldg. Residence: 3245 3rd Av., S., Min neapolis. AUSTIN, Joseph, lawyer; born at Garden City, Minn., 1876; son of Orville H. and Laurette (Earl) Austin; edu cated in public schools of Good Thunder, Mankato High School and College of Law, University of Minnesota, gradua ting, LL.B., 1902; member of law firm of Austin and Austin, organized 1905. Republican. Elected to State Legisla ture from 49th district, Nov., 1906, term extending to Jan., 1909. Address: Chis- holm, Minn. AUSTIN, Zed H., consulting actuary; born in Callaway County, Mo., Jan. 9, 1863; educated m public schools of Mis souri and at Kirksville (Mo.) Normal College. In 1880 entered upon teaching as a profession and continued for 9 years. In 1889 he engaged in the in surance business, making insurance law and mathematics of insurance a spe cialty. Active in state and national politics from 1891-1901; appointed Dep uty Commissioner of Insurance by Gov ernor John Dind in 1899, serving two years. Married at Minneapolis, Minn., July 3, 1902, to Miss Anna L. Eger. Organized the North American Life As sociation in 1905, of which is president; he has gained a wide reputation as con sulting actuary and life insurance spe cialist. Director North American Cas ualty Company. Democrat. Member of the Christian Church. Club: Minneap1 olis Commercial. Recreation: Floricul ture. Office: 614-615 N. Y. Life Bldg. Residence: 3333 Second Av., S., Minne apolis. AVEBY, Carlos, born at Minooka, 111., Jan. 25, 1868; educated in public schools. Married. Editor and publisher Hutchin son Leader since 1896. Appointed by Gov. Johnson as member State Game and Fish Commission, Jan., 1906, and is . its executive agent. Democrat. Ad dress: Hutchinson, Minn. B BABCOCK, Charles Herbert, land com missioner, Great Northern Railway Co., and St. Paul, Minneapolis and Manitoba Railway Co.; born Minneapolis, Minn., Sept. 21, 1862; educated in Minneapolis public and Central High schools; mar ried at Cranford, N. J., 1889, to Miss Florence L. Holdridge. Worked on farm during school vacations; studied for the bar in Minneapolis, in the office of Judge Isaac Atwater and with the law firm of Atwater & Hill; admitted to bar April 18, 1885. Practiced law as member law firm of Babcock & Garrigues, Minneap olis, until Sept. 5, 1893, when was ap pointed assistant land commissioner Great Northern and St. Paul, Minneap olis and Manitoba Railway companies; was made land commissioner of same roads, Jan. 1, 1902. Office: General Office Great Northern Ry., St. Paul. Res idence: Wayzeta, Minn. BABCOCK, Charles W., quarryman and banker; born in Kasota, Minn., July 12, 1856; son of Joseph W. and Mary E. (Moulton) Babcock; educated in com mon schools of Minnesota, and one win ter at business college, LaCrosse, Wis. Began active career as clerk in railroad office and continued six years, also be- ¦ came telegraph operator, and one year with American Express Co. Entered stone quarrying business in 1881, and is now proprietor of the Kasota Stone Quarries and Cut Stone Works. Presi dent First State Bank, Kasota; vice president Nicollet County Bank, St. Pe ter; director Mankato State Bank, Man kato, Minn. Married at Mankato, 1883 to Miss Marion Stark. Address: Kasota, Minn. BABCOCK, John Justin, civil engi neer; born at Palmyra, Wis., April 7, 1856; son of De Witt and Mary (Olds) Babcock; educated in public schools of Palmyra; Milton College, Milton, Wis.; University of Wisconsin, civil engineer ing. Entered profession of civil engi neer, 1876; member government engineer service, Mississippi river improvements, 1881-87; with engineering department Great Northern Railway, 1888-95; js THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS 25 now consulting engineer; elected county surveyor Jackson Co., Minn., 1896, and still continues in that office. Member Minnesota State Engineers' Society. Married at Sumner, Wis., Nov. 6, 1879, to Miss Isabel Hemphill. Address: Jack son, Minn. BACH, Beynold H., musical instru ments; born in Marion, Olmsted Co., Minn., April 12, ,1868; educated in local public schools. Lived upon a farm until 23 years of age; entered employ of Sin ger Manufacturing Co., at Rochester, Minn., as salesman, 1891; was trans ferred by same company to Owatonna, 1891, and placed in charge of office; added pianos, organs and musical mer chandise to stock. Established branch store at Faribault, Minn., Nov., 1905. Elected alderman, 1900, mayor, 1902. Member Board of Trade (director). Mar ried, Owatonna, Nov. 15, 1894, Jessie N. Newsalt Club: Commercial. Address: Owatonna, Minn. BACKUS, Edward Wellington, manu facturer, merchant; born at Jamestown, N. Y., Dec. 1, 1860; son of Abel and Anna (Anderson) Backus; educated in public schools of Red Wing and Feather- stone, Minn., 1879, 1880, 1882, and in University of Minnesota; married, at Minneapolis, to Elizabeth Horr. Worked^ on a farm in Goodhue Co., Minn., from age of 8 to 18, attending school win ters; worked also while at univer sity. In 1882, started in small lumber business for Lee & McCulloch; bought out McCulloch, 1883, and Lee, 1885, and started firm of E. W. Backus & Co.; incorporated E. W. Backus Lum ber Co., 1894, and in 1899 changed to present style of Backus-Brooks Com pany, of which he is president. Also president International Lumber Co., Keewater Lumber Co. (Ontario), Kooch iching Company, First National Bank (International Falls), Columbia- Gold Mining Co.; director Northwestern Na tional Bank (Minneapolis), Minnesota & International Ry. Co., Rainy River Lum ber Co. Republican (Roosevelt elector, 1904). Clubs: Minneapolis, Minikahda, LaFayette. Recreations: Golf, automo- biling, athletics; lover of horses. Office: Andrus Bldg. Residence: 75 Oak Grove St., Minneapolis. BACKUS, George J., lumber and coop erage stock; born at Jamestown, N. Y., Feb. 23, 1858; son of Abel and Ann C. (Anderson) Backus; came to Minnesota with parents, 1862; educated in public schools of Red Wing and Featherstone, to 1876; University of Minnesota, grad uating degree of B.S., 1882 (worked his own way through university). Entered business career as bill clerk Gull River Lumber Co., 1883; was book-keeper Lee & Backus, 1885; engaged in fuel busi ness, 1886-89; salesman for E. W. Backus Lumber Co., 1889-96; proprietor George J. Backus Lumber Co., 1897-1904; organized Dumas-Backus Lumber Co. and Backus-Judd Lumber Cooperage Co., 1904. President Backus-Judd Lumber & Cooperage Co.; secretary and treasurer Dumas-Backus Lumber Co. Mason. Mar ried at Minneapolis, Feb. 14, 1894, to Miss Catherine R. Fallis. Club: Com mercial. Office: Lumber Exchange. Resi dence: 610 I3th Av., S. E., Minneapolis. BACON, Knoz, physician; born at Niles, Mich., Oct. 1, 1864; son of Dr. Cyrus, Jr., and Arabella (Knox) Bacon; educated in high school of Niles, Mich.; graduated from Medical Department University of Minnesota, M.D., 1894; married at St. Paul, 1897, to Minerva Emerson; in practice in St. Paul since 1894. Member Ramsey County Medical Society, Minnesota State Medical Asso ciation, Nu Sigma Nu fraternity. Office: Lowry Bldg. Residence: 1118 Summit Av., St. Paul. BACON, Lyle Cholwell, physician; born at Niles, Mich., Feb. 26, 1866; son of Cyrus (asst. U. S. A. surgeon) and Arabella (Knox) Bacon; graduated from Niles High School, 1884, and University of Michigan, M.D., 1890; married, at Niles, Mich., 1891, to Alice Kay. Mem ber American and Minnesota State Med ical associations, Ramsey County Med ical Society, Minnesota Academy of Med icine. Office: Lowry Bldg. Residence: 737 Fairmont Av., St. Paul. BACON, Willis Colbe, merchant; born at Deerfield, N. Y., Sept. 30,, 1852; son of Leonard and Rebecca Fennel (Bul lock) Bacon; educated in district school, New York state, and public school, Hes- per and Decorah, la.; worked on a farm until 1881; engaged in grocery business with brother, at Mabel, Minn., 1881, and since that time has conducted business under different names, as Ba con Brothers, Bacon Brothers & Elles- tad, Bacon and Skallerund, Bacon & Erickson, W. C. Bacon & Co. (drugs, at Canton, Minn.), and again as senior member of the firm of Bacon & Erick son. Ex-postmaster of Mabel. Repub lican. Member Methodist Episcopal Church. Member I, O. O. F. and Daugh ters of Rebecca. Married, at Hesper, Minn., 1880, to Miss Irene Thomas. Ad dress: Mabel, Minn. BADE, Fred Frank, county auditor; born at Wabasha, Minn., July 2, 1871; son of Louis and Sophia (Haase) Bade; educated at Dr. Martin Luther College, New Ulm, and at Lake City (Minn.) High School, graduating from the latter, June 8, 1893. Began active career as school teacher, 1893, continuing until 1902; county auditor Wabasha Co., 1903- 07; entered mercantile and real estate business in Lake City, Minn. Director Divelle Telephone Co. Republican. Luth eran. Married, at Wabasha, Minn., Sept. 1, 1903, to Miss Mabel Johnson. Ad dress: Wabasha, Minn. BADGER, Walter Lewis, real estate; born at Fond du Lac, Wis., May 27, 1868; son of George A. and Harriet E. (Hastings) Badger; educated in pub- 26 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS lie schools of Fond du Lac, Wis., and Minneapolis, Minn. Came to Minnesota with parents, 1878; commenced active career in real estate office; started on own account, 1886; was connected with Corser & Co., as special partner, 1890; withdrew, 1893, and organized the Wal ter L. Badger Agency, of which is presi dent. Republican. Congregationalist. Member Real Estate Board, Royal Ar canum. Married at Keokuk, la., 1890, to Miss Anna Dawson. Clubs: Minneapolis, Commercial. Office: Oneida Bldg. Resi dence: 1834 Girard Av., S., Minneapolis. BAEB, Gottlieb, general merchandise; born in Carver Co., Minn., Oct. 12, 1859; educated in district schools in Carver Co. and at C. C. Curtis' Business Col lege, Minneapolis. Moved from Carver Co. to Otter Tail Co., Minn., in 1879, and the year following began mercan tile career in small store at Dora, with father; held position of postmaster at Dora until 1891, when sold out and lo cated at Frazee; entered general mer cantile business as Baer Brothers, the Arm being incorporated, 1906, as Baer Brothers Co., of which is secretary. Married at Carver, Minn., Oct. 26, 1886, to Miss Genevieve Jacobs. Address: Frazee, Minn. BAEUERLEN, Carl A., hardware; born at Goeppingen, Wuertemberg, Ger many, Feb. 1, 1868; son of Frederick and Marie (Beck) Baeuerlen; educated in the Realschule, Germany; married at Winona, Minn., 1892, to Miss Bertha Klippel. Came to America, 1885, and located at Winona; entered hardware business as clerk and became proprietor of same establishment in 1900, operating it under firm name of C. A. Baeuerlen until its incorporation, Jan. 1, 1904, as the C. A. Baeuerlen Hardware Co., of which he has since been president. Mem ber Board of Trade, Mason (32°), Shrin- er. Club: Arlington. Recreation: Fish ing. Address: Winona, Minn. BAGLEY, Cassius H., jeweler; born at Tipton, la., Sept. 9, 1869; son of Arvin B. and Nancy (Chambers) Bagley; educated in public and high schools of Tipton. Began active career by learning jeweler's trade, at Glencoe, Minn. Came to Duluth, 1887, and associated with T. D. Day in the jewelry business; became partner in 1894; at death of T. D. Day, organized F. D. Day & Co., of which he became president and gen'l manager. Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner. Married at Chicago, 111., 1895, to Miss Minnie Church. Clubs: Commercial, Northland Country, Duluth Yacht. Rec reation: Golf. Office: 315 W. Superior St. Residence: 1929 E. Superior St., Duluth. BAGLEY, George Colt, grain eleva tors; born at Stewartstown, N. H., March 1, 1851; son of Dudley Selden and Martha H. (Allis) Bagley; educated in public schools of Milwaukee, Wis. En tered grain business in Wisconsin, 1875; has been a resident of Minnesota since June, 1885. President Atlantic Elevator Co., George C. Bagley Elevator Co., Roy al Elevator Co., Homestead Elevator Co.; member of firm of Wallon, Case & Co.; director First National Bank. Winona Fire Insurance Co. .Member Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce, New York Stock Exchange, Duluth Board of Trade, Chicago Board of Trade. Married at Plymouth, Wis., Nov. 29, 1876, to Miss Cornelia E. Meade. Clubs: Minne apolis, Minikahda, Lafayette. Office: Chamber of Commerce. Residence: 2645 Park Av., Minneapolis. BAILEB, Charles H., auditor Waseca Co.; born at Pine Grove, Pa., 1861; son of Stephen and Caroline (Crites) Bailer; educated in high school, Catawissa, Pa., and at Coleman's Business College, New ark, N. J.; came to Minnesota, 1884; married at Janesville, Minn., 1888, to Emma L. Farnum. Engaged in general merchandise business until 1900, since which time he has been county auditor of Waseca Co. Republican. Congrega tionalist. Member I. O. .O. F., A. O. U. W., M. W. A. Address: Waseca, Minn. BAILEY, Everett H., banker; born at Jamestown, N. Y., April 10, 1850; son of Francis P. and Caroline (Pier) Bailey; educated at Erie Academy, Erie, Pa., 1862-66; Antioch College, Yellow Springs, Ohio, 1867-70. Married, June 2, 1874, to Jeannette L. Jones, of To ledo. Ohio. Began business career in 1870; clerk with First National Bank of St. Paul, 1871, and same year entered the newly organized Second National Bank of Winona, Minn., as clerk, subse quently becoming its cashier until Jan., 1873; entered First National Bank of St. Paul, as receiving teller, subsequently became paying teller and in May, 1880, was elected cashier, and in January, 1897, elected vice president of the bank, and ¦ in 1907 elected president. Also, since its organization in February, 1903, president Northwestern Trust Company of St Paul. Republican. Unitarian. Member Society of Colonial Wars in Minnesota, Minnesota Historical Society. Clubs: Minnesota, Commercial. Office: 4th and Jackson Sts. Residence: 459 Holly Av., St. Paul. BAILEY, William D., lawyer; native of Grinnell, la.; son of James F. and Cornelia (Doolittle) Bailey; educated in public schools of Grinnell, Iowa College, and at Yale University, Daw School, 1893. Came to Duluth and entered upon practice of law, 1894, in which he has ever since been actively engaged; was member of law firm of Washburn & Bailey, 1899-1904, firm becoming Wash burn, Bailey & Mitchell, 1904, and has so remained to the present time. Re publican. Member Minnesota State Bar Association. Married- at Duluth, 1901, to Miss Ora Gridley. Clubs: Kitchi Gammi, Commercial, Duluth Yacht, Du luth Boat. Office: Lonsdale Bldg. Resi dence: 1007 E. 2nd St., Duluth. THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS 27 BAIRD, George Frederick, furniture and funeral directing; born at Austin, Minn., Dec. 25, 1859; son of George and Charlotte E. (Brown) Baird; educated in Austin High School and at Faddis Busi ness College, St. Paul. Married at Northville, S. Dak., 1888, to Miss Elva Stanton. Began active career in fruit and cigar store, Austin, at age of 20; was engaged in general merchandise business in South Dakota, 1881-88; re turned to Austin and became member of the Austin Furniture Co., 1889; has been manager and owner since 1903, re tail furniture, wall paper, carpets and funeral directing. Republican. Member Masonic order, B. P. O. B., I. O. O. F., A. O. U. W., Modern Woodmen of America, Royal Arcanum. Club: Pro gressive League. Recreations: Fishing, hunting, automobiling. Address: Aus tin, Minn. BAIBD, John B., railway official; born at Woodlawn, Md., June 21, 1855; son of Joseph and Jane (Braden) Baird; edu cated in high schools. Began active ca reer in 1876 as clerk in the general office of the Pennsylvania Rd., at Phila delphia; became clerk to general mana ger Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Ry.; rate clerk general freight office Northern Pacific Rd. ; was assist ant general freight agent of the reor ganized railway, up to May 1, 1903; has been general freight agent same road since May 1, 1903. Married at White water, Wis., 1885, to Miss Etta Reding- ton. Clubs: Minnesota, Transportation, Commercial. Office: Broadway, Cor. 4th St. Residence: 707 Marshall Av., St. Paul. BAKEB, Amos L., physician; born at New Sharon, Me., Dec. 6, 1852; son of G. and Harriet (Stowers) Baker; edu cated at Normal School, Farmington, Me., 1876; Maine Central Institute (col lege preparatory), Pittsfield, Me., 1881; Rush Medical College, Chicago, gradua ting degree of M.D., 1887; New York Polyclinic, 1897; Electro Therapeutics (Chicago), 1905. Member Minnesota State Medical Association, Southern Minnesota Medical Society, Olmsted- Dodge County Medical Society. Mem ber American Medical Association, Ma sonic order, I. O. O. F. Married at Win- terport, Me., Feb., 1887, to Miss Dula E. Atwood. Address: Kasson, Minn. BAKEB, Byron G., general agent J. I. Case Threshing Machine Co.; born at Madison, Wis., 1875; son of Waterman S. and Nellie J. (Choate) Baker; edu cated in public schools of Racine,. Wis. Began active career as traveling sales man in Iowa, for the Advance Thresher Co., 1895; resigned to become general agent J. I. Case Threshing Machine Co., at Spokane, Wash., Jan. I, 1899; was transferred to Portland, Ore., Sept., 1901, and has been general agent at Minneap olis since Oct., 1902. Treasurer Motor Service Co. Married at Racine, Wis., June, 1899, to Miss Helen V. Dutton. Recreations: Hunting and mechanical investigations. Office: 7th Av. and Washington. Residence: 1810 Hum boldt Av., S., Minneapolis. BAKEB, George, judge, Kittson Co.; born at Visby, Gotland, Sweden, Dec. 3, 1861; son of George Anton and Hanna Caroline (Nordahl) Baker; educated for 8 years in private school at Calmar, Sweden, and was in High School, at Visby, 1875-80. Came to Big Rapids, Mich., 1882; located at Hallock, Minn., 1890; was deputy sheriff of Kittson Co., 1891-95, inclusive; deputy clerk district court, same county, 1896-1904; elected judge of probate court, Nov., 1904, and re-elected without opposition, Nov. 1906, for term of two years. Republican. Lutheran. Member I. O. F., A. O. U. W., Yeomen of America, I. O. G. T. Married at Hallock, Minn, Dec. 4, 1894, to Miss Mary Wiberg. Address: Hallock, Minn. BAKEB, John B., house furnishing goods; born in Ireland, Dec. 3, 1857; son of John and Elizabeth (Reynolds) Baker; educated in national schools of Ireland. Married at Winona, Minn., 1898, to Miss Louise Burke. Came to America, 1887, and located in St. Paul; removed to Superior, and started firm of Baker &' Stack, 1891, which continued until 1895; came to Winona, and established firm of John R. Baker & Co., Jan., 1896. Also director Merchants' Bank. Member Board of Trade. Catholic. Member Knights of Columbus, Modern Samari tans. Address: Winona, Minn. BAKEB, Ole O., hardware; born in Norway, Aug. 28, 1845; son of Ole C. and Anna (Knudson) Baker; educated in Norway. Married at Rochester, Minn., 1874, to Miss Lena Olsen. Came to America, 1867, and settled in Rochester; was connected! with various hardware firms for many years; assisted in or ganization of firm of Baker & Hanson, May, 1891, and has continued to the present time. Republican. Member A. O. U. W. Address: Rochester, Minn. BAKKE, Dyre B., banker; born in Stange Prestegjela Hedemarken, Nor way, Dec. 6, 1854; son of Berthel Lar son and Eline (Dyresen) Bakke; at tended common schools 8 years and pri vate school two years. Came to America in 1881; was engaged as Norwegian teacher in Otter Tail Co., two years; managed a farm and a country store in Newf olden, Marshall Co., 1887-1901; filled positions of school clerk, town clerk and county commissioner for the last 10 years of the period; in real es tate business at Thief River Falls, 1901- 03; organized the Citizens' State Bank, July 3, 1903, of which was president; sold out in May, 1906, and soon after organized the Peoples' State Bank. Ex- alderman and ex-mayor of Thief River Falls. Republican. Member Evangel ical Lutheran Church. Mason. Married at Christiania, Norway, Feb. 27, 1879, Bredene Johansen. Address: Thief Riv er Falls, Minn. 2S THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS BAKKO, Edyrard O.; born at Holden, Minn., May 25, 1870; son of Ole J. and Margaret K. (Finseth) Bakko; educated in public schools and at School of Phar macy. Was raised on a farm; began active career at 17 years of age, selling farm implements for 7 years; entered drug business and was connected for 7 years with A. P. Brobeck & Co., at the close of time named, purchasing the interest of Brobeck & Co., and continu ing the business under title of E. O. Bakko. Republican. Lutheran. Married at Minneapolis, Minn., Sept. 3, 1903, to Miss Emma Marie Sands. Address: Kenyon, Minn. BALDWIN, Mark, dairy products; born at Perry, 111., Jan. 22, 1872; son of George W. and Sarah (Mason) Bald win; educated at Whipple Academy, Jacksonville, 111. ; Yale University, grad uating, degree of A.B., 1896. Began act ive career as teacher of mathematics, Duluth Central High School, continuing 3 896-1902; has been secretary of The Bridgeman & Russell Co. since 1902. Married at Jacksonville, 111., 1899, to Miss Margaret O. Black. Club: Com mercial. Office: 16 W. 1st St. Resi dence: 1009 E. 2nd St., Duluth. BALLABD, Henry Richardson, agent Merchants' Dispatch; born at Toledo, Ohio, Nov. 7, 1859; son of James and Phebe (Rowland) Ballard; educated in Toledo public schools. Began in service of the Merchants' Dispatch Transporta tion Co. at Toledo, April 1, 1875; re moved to Sioux City, Iowa, as agent, June 15, 1891, where he remained until Jan. 1, 1903; has been agent in charge St. Paul, Minneapolis and the North west since 1903. Member B. P. O. E. Republican. Club: Commercial. Office: 154 E. 5th St. Residence: 1154 Portland Av., St. Paul. BALLOBD, John C, lumberman; born at Davenport, la., June 14, 1870; son of E. S. and Frances C. (Webb) Ballord; educated in public schools in Davenport. Began active career at 20 years of age with the Cloquet Lumber Co., 1890, con tinuing until winter of 1898; was con nected with the Crookston Lumber Co., 1898-1900; associated with Thief River Falls Lumber Co., 1900-1903; now vice president of the Wallace Ballord Lum ber Co., also president Ballard-Trimble Lumber Co. Mason. Married at Daven port, la., 1898, to Miss Marie Adams. Club: Minikahda. Recreations: Hunt ing and fishing. Office: Lumber Ex change. Residence: 2202 Bryant Av., Minneapolis. BALZER, Jacob J., teacher and preacher; born in Southern Russia, Oct. 14, 1860; son of Jacob and Susana (Ediger) Balzer; educated in public schools and academy at Gnadenfield, S. R. ; came to America, 1877; attended German College and Iowa Wesleyan Uni versity, Mt. Pleasant, Ia. Lived on farm for 9 years, teaching school and directing musical clubs during winter; elected member of Board of Home Mis sions, Mennonite Church, 1890, and has been acting secretary since; estab lished a private school at Mountain Lake, 1897, of which he is director. Member of mercantile firm of Balzer, Hiebert & Co. Married at Mountain Lake, May 4, 1884, to Susie Franz. Ad dress: Mountain Lake, Minn. BALZEB, John M., president The Ec lectic Business College; born at Barry, Pike Co., 111., June 3, 1869; son of Val entine and Cynthia Elen (Farnsworth) Balzer; educated in public schools, Pike Co., and at Dixon College, 111. Began active career as a farmer, became a blacksmith and later a teacher; came to Minneapolis, Minn., 1894, and taught one year at the Minneapolis Normal School and Business Institute, then or ganized Minnesota Normal School and Business College, of which he was vice president for seven years; founded The Eclectic Business College, 1901. Inde pendent in politics. Baptist. Member Modern Woodmen of America. Married at Franklin Grove, 111., 1896, to Miss Artie Dell Orner. Office: 225 5th St. Residence: 1970 Sheridan Av., S., Minne apolis. BANCROFT, George L., president Stillwater Hardware Co.; born at Wo- burn; Mass., Feb. 23, 1869; son of George D. and Amelia A. (Campbell) Bancroft; educated in public schools of Woburn and at University of Wisconsin. Married at Milwaukee, Wis., June 30, 1890, to Mary B. Gaughan. Began busi ness career in employ of Kelly, Maus & Co., wholesale hardware, Chicago, con tinuing, 1888-93; came to Stillwater, 1893, and was secretary of the Still water Hardware Co. until 1904, since which time he has been president of the company. Republican. Member B. P. O. E. Club: White Bear Yacht. Recre ations: Sailing, hunting and fishing. Address: Stillwater, Minn. BANGEBTEB, Benedict, Jr., register of deeds; born in Brown Co., Minn., Jan. 30, 1860; son of Benedict and Maria (Sahli) Bangerter; educated in publie schools. Married at Mankato, Jan. 29, i 887, to Anna K Roos. Began career as a shoemaker; was bookkeeper and clerk in hardware business for 18 years; register of deeds Blue Earth Co. since Nov., 1896. Director First National Bank. Ex-member Board of Education. Republican. Member B. P. O. E., M. W. A., Sons of Hermann. Address: Man kato, Minn. BANNON, George, department store; born in Queens County, Ireland, June 27, 1843; son of Joseph and Anne (Fitz- patrick) Bannon; educated in parochial schools of Ireland. Came to America. 1882; established merchandise business in Indianapolis, 1883; came to St. Paul, 1886, and in company with his brother, William, started the department store under title of Bannon & Company, which has become one of the largest estab- THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 29 lishments of the kind in the North west, with branches in other cities and towns. Episcopalian. Member Royal Arcanum. Married at Boston, Mass., to Miss K. M. Warren of Dublin, Ireland. Recreations: Hunting, fishing and ath letics. Office: 72-80 E. 7th St. Residence: 793 Osceola Av., St. Paul. BANNON, William, department store; born at Abbeyleix, Queens Co., Ireland. Came to America, 1886; engaged in merchandising in company with brother, George, in St. Paul, and established de partment store under title of Bannon & Co. Member Royal Arcanum. Mar ried at St. Paul to Miss Clara Frances Hawk of Canton, O. Club: Commercial. Office: 72 East 7th St. and 413-415 Min nesota St. Residence: 1009 Summit Av., St. Paul. BABBEB, Edwin Boswell, president Barber Milling Co.; born at Benson, Vt., Nov. 22, 1852; son of Daniel R. and Ellen L. (Bottom) Barber; came to Minnesota, with parents, April 18, 1856; was educated in public schools of Minne apolis and at University of Minnesota. Has been continuously identified with the flour milling business since May 1, 1871, associating with his father, D. R. and brother-in-law (both now deceased). Is president and treasurer of the Bar ber Milling Co., which was organized, 1859, and incorporated, 1896; he became a member of the firm of Gardner & Barber, 1871, the title being changed to D. R. Barber & Co., 1876, and so re maining until 1896, since which time it has been the Barber Milling Co., one of the widely known merchant milling corporations of the Northwest. Repub lican. Presbyterian. Member Minneap olis Chamber of Commerce. Married at Minneapolis, Oct. 1, 1873, to Miss Hat- tie S. Sidle. Clubs: Minneapolis, Mini- kahda, Lafayette, Automobile. Office: Flour Exchange Bldg. Residence: 2313 Park Av., Minneapolis. BABBEB, John Phineas, physician; born at Bardstown, Ky., Oct. 27, 1857; educated at Cecilian College, Ky., grad uating, June, 1878, and in Medical De partment, University of Louisville, de gree of M.D., 1886; physician to St. Joseph's Orphanage; visiting physician to St. Mary's Hospital. Roman Catholic. Member Hennepin County Medical So ciety, American Medical Association. Married at- Minneapolis, May 16, 1893, to Miss Alice Walsh. Office: 1525 E. Franklin Av. Residence:" 940 15th Av., S., Minneapolis. BABCK, Gustavus W., physician; born in Sweden, May 10, 1832; son of Gustavus and Frederika (Dindquist) Barck; medical education received at universities in Sweden and in attend ance at Harvard University. Came to America, 1850, and practiced at Boston, Mass., 3 years; at Galesburg, 111.; in the Rocky Mountains; acting assistant surgeon in the Union Army at the time of the Civil War; at Albert Lea since 1865. Health officer Albert Lea since 1894; president examining board for U. S. pensions. Member Freeborn Coun ty Medical Society, Minnesota State and American Medical associations. Demo crat. Episcopalian. Mason,- Knight Templar. Address: Albert Lea, Minn. BABDWELL, Winfield W., lawyer; born at Excelsior, Hennepin Co., Minn., July 18, 1867; son of William E. and Arminta (Hamblet) Bardwell; educated in Excelsior graded school, Excelsior Academy, and at University of Minne sota, class of 1890, degrees of LL.B. and L.M. Has been engaged in practice of law at Minneapolis since June, 1890. Secretary Prince Construction Co.; also secretary Hennepin County Bar Asso ciation. Member Minnesota State Leg islature, sessions 1903-05; chairman Hennepin County delegation, 1905. Mem ber executive committee Minneapolis Bar Association, also American and Minne sota State Bar associations. Republican. Congregationalist. Mason. Member Royal Arcanum, Theta Delta Chi and Delta Chi fraternities. Married at Minneapolis, Minn., Feb. 24, 1892, to Miss Edith Champlin. Clubs: Commer cial. Whist. Recreations: Hunting and ski running. Office: Minn. Loan and Trust Bldg. Residence: 3625 Pleasant • Av., Minneapolis. BABKEB, Henry Freeman, lawyer; born at Naples, Me., May 8, 1850; son of John and Catherine (Larrabee) Bar ker; educated in common schools, at North Bridgton Academy and West- brook Seminary, Me.; Law School, Al bany, N. Y., graduating degree of LL.B., 1875. Taught in public schools portion of time, 1867-77; began practice of law at Ellsworth, Me., 1875; came to Minne sota, 1876, and located at Princeton, where he taught school one year; settled in Cambridge, Minn., 1878, where he has since engaged in practice of law. Edi tor and proprietor Isanti Co. Press, 1880-82 and 1903 to Dec, 1905; president Cambridge Starch Co., Cambridge Mill ing Co. County attorney Isanti Co., 14 years; member school board, Cambridge, 20 years; State Senator, 45th district of Minnesota, since 1899. Republican. Member Minnesota State and American Bar associations. Member I. O. O. F, Sons of American Revolution (four great grandfathers served in Revolu tionary War). Married at Princeton, Minn., Nov., 1879, to Miss Margaret C. Byers. Recreations: Travel, likes to hunt and fish. Address: Cambridge, Minn. BARLOW, Frank W., druggist; born in Genesee Co., N. Y., Nov. 19, 1852; son of Andrew and Anna (Schmutz) Barlow; came to Minnesota with parents, 1857; educated in public schools of Albert Lea. Married, 1875, to Emma F. Pres cott. Began business career as clerk in the first drug store in Freeborn Co. early in the '70s; entered firm of Wedge, 30 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS Jenson & Co., 1884, the title now being Barlow & Spicer. Second vice president Albert Lea State Bank; director First National Bank. Member State Pharma ceutical Association. Was county treas urer of Freeborn Co. for three terms. Independent in politics. Member Ma sonic order, Knights Templar, Shrine. Recreations: Driving and hunting. Ad dress: Albert Lea, Minn. BABNABD, Harry Augustus, furni ture manufacturer; born at Minneapolis, Feb. 10, 1863; son of Thomas G. and Elvira E. (Hayes) Barnard; educated in public schools of Minneapolis. Has been engaged with the same house in furniture manufacturing business, now the Barnard-Cope Manufacturing Co., ever since entering active career, 1881, and has been president and treasurer since August, 1906. Vice president Moore Carving Machine Co. Republican. Universalist. Member A. O. U. W. Club: St. Anthony Commercial. Recreations: Boating and outdoor sports. Office: Cor. 4th St. and 2nd Av., N. E. Resi dence: 722 10th Av., S. E., Minneapolis. BABNARD, Robert Oliver, treasurer Chicago Great Western Ry. ; born at St. Paul, Minn., June S, 1871; son of Charles P. and Emma (Byxbee) Bar nard; educated in public schools, St. Paul, 1877-86; married at St. Paul, Minn., 1894, to Lillian Belle Humphrey. Began railway service in 1886 as clerk in employ of Chicago, St. Paul, Minne apolis & Omaha Ry. ; afterward clerk with Wisconsin Central Ry., and in 1887 entered employ of Minnesota & Northwestern Ry. (now Chicago Great Western Ry.) as clerk in paymaster's office; appointed paymaster, 1894, and re mained in that position until 1902, when he was elected treasurer of the com pany. Also director Iowa Townsite Co. Methodist. Recreation: Reading. Office: Metropolitan Opera House Bldg. Resi dence: 844 Marshall Av., St. Paul. BABNDT, William- Oliver, wholesale lumber; born at Philadelphia, Pa., April 15, 1863; son of John and Caroline Barndt; educated in Philadelphia, Pa., public schools; married at St. Paul, Minn., Sept. 15, 18S6, to Miss L. L. Rahner. Began active business career with Laird, Norton & Co., 1880-85, be coming manager of retail yard; came to St. Paul, Minn., 1886; in service of Bohn Manufacturing Co., 18S6-91; trav eling salesman Shevlin Carpenter Co., 1891-1900; organized firm of W. O. Barndt Lumber Co., wholesalers and manufacturers of -lumber, Jan. 1, 1900. of which has ever since been president; president Stolle-Barndt Lumber Co., Tri poli, Wis. Member K P., U. C. T. of America, Modern Woodmen of America. Club: Commercial (St. Paul). Recrea tions: Fishing and hunting. Office: Lumber Exchange, Minneapolis. Resi dence: 1166 Dayton Av., St. Paul. BARNES, George Samuel, Jr., grain commission; born at Oronoco, Minn., Dec. 3, 1867; son of George S. and Marie (Paige) Barnes; educated at Carleton College, Northfield, Minn. Has been identified with grain business ever since entering active career, 1888; was first connected with the grain commission firm of George S. Barnes & Co., founded by his father in 1881; made his home in Duluth, 1896-1905; has been in charge at Minneapolis since 1905, under title of George S. Barnes, Jr. Republican. Congregationalist. Member Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce. Married in Kansas, 1892, to Miss Julia Crancer. Office: Chamber of Commerce. Resi dence: 1904 Park Av., Minneapolis. BABNES, Isaac Albert, lawyer; born at New Bedford, Mass., Sept. 7, 1852; son of Isaac and Emily (Weston) Barnes; educated in public and private schools and graduated from Albany Law School, Albany, N. Y., degree of LL.B., 1877; admitted to the bar from law office of Barney & Knowlton, New Bedford, Mass. Married at Faribault, Minn., Sept. 7, 1886, to Miss Lizzie J. Wilson. Began practice of law in Boston; came to Minnesota, 1882, and located in Min neapolis. Republican. Congregational ist. Club: Commercial. Office: 816 N. Y. Life Bldg. Residence: Minneapolis. BABNES, Henry A., banker; born at Geneseo, 111., May 19, 1864; son of Wil liam L. and Elizabeth Barnes; educated at Knox College, Galesburg, 111. Came to Minnesota, 1885, locating at Alex andria, where Barnes Brothers estab lished the Douglas County Bank; re moved to Minneapolis, 1889. Vice presi dent Minnesota Title Insurance & Trust Co.; president First National Bank, Mc- Henry, N. D., First State Bank, Dawson, N. D. Married at Alexandria, Minn., 1891, to Miss Gertrude J. Jenkins. Club: Minikahda. Recreation: Golf. Office: Oneida Blk. Residence: 1812 Emerson Av., S., Minneapolis. BARNES, Joseph U., banker; born on farm near Geneseo, 111., March 8, 1858; son of William L. and Betsey B. (Mil ler) Barnes, direct descendants of first settlers of East Hampton, N. Y., in 1649; of English extraction; worked on farm in boyhood and attended district school; later three months at high school in Geneseo, 111., and afterward attended commercial college two win ters at Davenport, la., graduating there; married, Geneseo, 111., Dec. 24, 1880, Mary L. Upson. Left farm at 21, and began life for self as clerk in small country bank at $15 per month; filled every office in bank from errand boy to president before was 28 years old, and at 30 years was president of a large trust company; since 1888 president Minnesota Title Insurance and Trust Co. Organized Douglas Countv Bank at Alexandria, Minn., was formerly its president and is now its vice president Leading organizer and largest stock holder in the First National Bank of Elbow Lake, Minn., also large investor THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS . 31 in Minneapolis real estate. Member Real Estate Board, Bankers' Association. Re publican. Methodist. Mason (32°). Recreations: Farming on farm at Lake Minnetonka; also hunting. Club: Com mercial. Office: Oneida Bldg. Resi dence: 2312 Blaisdell Av., Minneapolis. BARNET, Jacob, lessee and manager of parks and amusements; born Pitts burgh, Pa., July 15, 1874; son of Hyman D. and Isabelle Barnet; educated in pub lic schools and Duff's Business College, Pittsburgh; married, at Minneapolis, Minn., June 6, 1899, to Annie Grace Green; three children. Since 1895, en gaged in leasing and operating refresh ment and amusement privileges at the parks; began at Como Park, St. Paul, 1895-98, later at Wildwood Park, White Bear Lake, 1898-1900; lessee and man ager at Como Park for term 1901-09, and at Minnehaha Falls Park, Minne apolis, 1903-5. Also as Jacob Barnet Amusement Co., of which is president and treasurer; has lease of and oper ates refreshments and amusements at Phalen Park, St. Paul. Member Wood men of the World, I. O. O. F. Lodge. Club: Commercial. (Member City De velopment Committee and Convention Committee, 1906). Office: Como and Phalen Parks. Residence: 1018 Van Slyke Av., St. Paul. BARNEY, Frank H., fire insurance; born at Minneapolis, Oct. 3, 1871; son of V. G. and M. L. (Hadwen) Barney; ¦ graduated University of Minnesota, de gree of B.S., 1894. Entered fire insur ance business, 1894; has been state agent for Hanover Fire Insurance Co. of New York, since 1897, for Minne sota and Wisconsin. Republican. Mar ried at Minneapolis, 1899, to Miss Ruth Cole. Office: New York Life Bldg. Residence: 2425 S. Aldrich Av., Minne apolis. BABNEY, Fred E., real estate, loans, fire insurance; born at Swanton, Vt., Oct. 10, 1859; son of V. G. and Maria L. (Hadwen) Barney; attended public schools in Swanton, Minneapolis, Minn., and Charles City, la.; married at Charles City, la., Sept. 17, 1885, to Mary Case. Connected with abstract and loan business, Charles City, 1878-81; filled position in Commercial Bank, Minneapo lis, 1881-88, the last 3 years acting as assistant cashier; has been handling real estate, loans and fire insurance upon own account since 1888. President of East Side State Bank; Secretary Merriman- Barrows Co. Member board of county commissioners of Hennepin County, 1900-1904, chairman of the board, 1903- 04. Republican. Mason, Scottish Rite and Mystic Shrine. Clubs: Commercial, St. Anthony; Commercial, Minneapolis; Whist. Recreation: Whist. Office: 207 Central Av. Residence: 915 4th St., S. E., Minneapolis. BABNS, Chancy Bufus, editorial writer on St. Paul Pioneer Press since June, 1896 ; born near Syracuse, N. Y., March 6, 1841; son of Henry and Diantha M. (Stanton) Barns. Moved with parents to Detroit, Mich., 1849; educated in pub lic schools of Syracuse and Detroit and at the printer's "case." On editorial staff Detroit Tribune, 1859-63. Clerk in general land office, Washington, 1S61-2. In brick business at Milwaukee, Wis., 1863-65; in printing and publishing busi ness at St. Louis, Mo., 1866-1896. Es tablished there, 1866, The Baptist Record, now The Central Baptist. Com piled, 1876, The Commonwealth of Mis souri, and has contributed in prose and verse to numerous publications. Mar ried at Milwaukee, Wis., Dec. 21, 1864. to Mrs. Lora A. Harris (Fowle). Recrea tion: Gardening. Residence: 1894 Rondo St., Merriam Park, St. Paul. BARNUM, John T., trunks; born at Rochester, N. Y., March 5, 1857; son of John Thompson and Julia A. (Culver) Barnum; educated at Rensselaer Poly technic Institute, Troy, N. Y. Engaged in stationery business at Rochester, N. Y., in beginning of active career; came to Minneapolis, 1880, and established in trunk manufacturing business, incor porating,- 1905, as the Barnum Trunk Co., of which he is president. Repub lican. Baptist. Married at Rochester, N. Y., June, 1881, to Miss Emma B. Paine. Club: Commercial. Office: 715 Nicollet Av. Residence: 1610 3rd Av., S., Minneapolis. BABBOWS, Fred Goodsell, banker; born at Faribault, Minn., Oct. 19, 1859; son of Avery T. and Mary (Goodsell) Barrows; educated in public schools of Northfield, Minn., and at Carleton Col lege, Northfield, graduating, B.S., June, 1883. Began in banking business, 1884, and at the present time holds the following offices: President First Na tional Bank, Henning, Fergus Falls Telephone Co., Red River Milling Co.; vice president First National Bank, Fer gus Falls, Red Deer Lumber Co. and North West Land Co. (Winnipeg, Can.) ; vice president and treasurer Congress Candy Co., Grand Forks. Also owner Barrows Deposit and Loan Bank, Fergus Falls. Republican. Married at Glen- coe, Minn., 1885, Miss Josephine Gilbert. Club: Minneapolis (Minneapolis). Ad dress: Fergus Falls, Minn. BABBOWS, Morton, lawyer; born at Reading, Mass., June 14, 1856; son of Rev. William (D.D.) and Elizabeth (Cate) Barrows; educated at Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass., and Harvard College, graduating at the latter, de gree of A.B., 1880; studied law in the office of Harrison, Hines & Miller, at Indianapolis, Ind., 1881-82; graduated from Boston University Law School, LL.B., 1883. Admitted to the bar in Boston, 1883, and came to St. Paul, Minn., October of same year. Lecturer Law of Torts and member of the faculty of the St. Paul College of Law. Mem- 32 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS ber of Ramsey County, Minnesota State and American Bar associations. Author: Barrows on Negligence. Married at St. Paul, Nov. 11, 1885, to Ada C. Noble. Recreations: Hunting, fishing, garden ing and golf. Office: Globe Bldg. Resi dence: 912 Lincoln Av., St. Paul. BABTA, Ferdinand, lawyer; born at Union, Vernon Co., Wis., Sept. 8, 1857; son of Joseph M. and Mary (Hollak) Barta; educated in grammar and high school, La Crosse, Wis., graduating from latter, 1879. Admitted to the prac tice of law at La Crosse, 1882; removed to St. Paul, Minn., May, 1883; where he has ever since been actively engaged in the practice of the profession. Re publican. Member Minnesota State Legislature, 1895-97. Member American and Minnesota State Bar associations. Mason. Married at St. Paul, 1888, to Miss Lena Brings. Office: Court Blk. Residence: 178 Goodrich Av., St. Paul. BARTHE, Arthur Clement, wholesale grocer; born at Westfield, Mass., Feb. 3, 1875; son of Clement and Martha (Allen) Barthe; educated in Westfield public schools and in 'Law Department, University of Minnesota. Came to Min nesota, 1889, and was connected with the Flour City National Bank,' Minne apolis, until 1893; associated with Security Bank of Minnesota, Minneapo lis, 2 years; located in Duluth, fall of 1894, has been president Barthe-Martin Co., since the organization of the com pany in April, 1905. Independent in politics. Congregationalist. Mason. Married at Duluth, 1905, to Miss Belle Smith. Club: Commercial. Office; 102- 104 W. Michigan St. Residence: 1809 Jefferson St., Duluth. BABTHELEMY, Edward N., register of deeds; born at Portland, Ore., April 17, 1870; son of J. P. and Sarah Bar- thelemy (maiden name also Barthel- emy); came to Minnesota, 1871; educated at Sauk Center (Minn.) Academy, 1893- 96. Held office of judge of probate, Ben ton Co.. 1900-04; has been register of deeds, Benton Co., since 1904. Also proprietor Benton County Abstract Co. Located at Foley, Minn. Married at Lewiston, Mont, 1906, Miss Lizzie Par ent, of Foley. Address: Foley, Minn. BARTHOLOMEW, Charles L., ("Bart") cartoonist; born at Chariton, la., Feb. 10, 1869; son of Col. O. A. and Mary (Smith) Bartholomew; graduate Iowa State College, Ames, la., decree of B.S., 1888; married at Monticello, la., June 17, 1890, to Ella L. Henderson. Began newspaper work in Minneapolis 3 888 and has been reporter, editor, car toonist; now on staff of Minneapolis Journal. Office: Minneapolis Journal. Residence: 623 E. 18th St., Minneapolis. BABTLESON, Charles John, lawyer; born at Macomb, 111., April 3, 1844; son of Charles Mahelm and Mary Ann (Airey) Bartleson; educated in public schools of Macomb, 111., and at the old McDonough College, Macomb, the Civil War interfering with school training. Enlisted in Co. H, 2nd 111. Vol. Cav., Aug. 2, 1861, and continued until Aug. 11, 1864. Was admitted to the bar by Supreme Court of Illinois, Feb. 22, 1867; began practice of law at Aledo, 111., April, 1867; located in Minneapolis, May, 1872. Member G. A. R. Married at Aledo, 111., May 9, 1871, Harriet N. Wright. Club: Minneapolis. Office: New York Life Bldg. Residence: 1200 Chestnut Av., Minneapolis. BABTLETT, Elmer Dwinnell, vice- president Park Region Land Co.; born in Oneida County, New York, Jan. 29, 1846; son of F. H. and Sarah (Kilburn) Bartlett; educated in common schools and in Chatfield Academy, 1861-64; graduated from Eastman Business Col lege, Chicago, 1866. Married at Fill more, Minn., 1866, to Alice G. Hof£. Children: Claribel, Mae, Maud, Clayton, Hazel and Beulah. Began business career 1870, as hardware merchant, at Florenceville, Iowa; located at Wykoff, Minn., 1873, engaging in the lumber, grain and manufacturing business; dis continued lumber and machinery, 1896, and confined himself solely to the grain business on the Southern Minnesota R. R. until 1900. Since May, 1901, vice- president of the Park Region Land Co., dealers in lands and city real estate. Republican. Spiritualist. Mason. Recrea tions: Billiards at club, fishing, etc. - Club: Commercial. Office: Endicott Bldg. Residence: 853 Hastings Av., St Paul. BARTON, Edgar B., surgeon and physician; born at So. Bridgton, Me., May 26, 1872; son of James H. and Laura E. (Chaplin) Barton; educated in public schools of Portland, Me., and Minneapolis, Minn.; University of Min nesota, College of Medicine and Sur gery, graduating, degree of M.D., 1901. Has been engaged in practice of medi cine at Frazee since 1901. President Frazee Drug Co. Surgeon Northern Pacific Ry. Co. and Nichols-Chisolrii Lumber Co. Ex-president Village Coun cil, Frazee; secretary Board of Health; assistant county physician, deputy coroner. Member Clay-Becker County Medical Society, Minnesota State and American Medical associations. Repub lican. Married at Wadena, Minn., Nov. 13, 1901, to Miss Mabel Parker; two children: James Parker, born, Aug. 21, 1902, and Edgar R., Jr., born April 26, 1906. Address: Frazee, Minn. BABTON, Elijah, lawyer; born in Pennsylvania, May 25, 1855; educated in public schools of Pennsylvania; State Normal School, Shippensburg, Pa.; University of Michigan, graduating from Law Department, degree of LL. B., 1883; Professor of Medical Juris prudence, Medical Department Hamline University. Member National Law Com- THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 33 mittee, Modern Woodmen of America. Married, 1884, to Miss Ella L. Austin. Club: Commercial. Recreation: Fish ing. Office: Oneida Blk. Residence: Minneapolis. (Summer residence, Mound, Minn.) BABTON, George B., physician; born in Westmoreland Co., Pa., April 20, 1853; son of Baltzer E. and Nancy Jane (Chilcott) Barton; graduate Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, Pa., de gree of M.D., 1880. Began practice of medicine at Shellsburg, Pa., April, 1880; located in Minneapolis, 1892. Dean of Medical Department Hamline Univer sity and professor of gynecology; gynecologist to St. Barnabas, the Swed ish and Minneapolis City hospitals. Member Western Surgical and Gynecolo gical Society, Hennepin County Medical Society, Minnesota State and American Medical associations. Democrat. Mem ber Chi Rho Sigma, Foresters. Club: Minneapolis. Office: Andrus Bldg. Residence: 4047 Park Blvd., Minneapo lis. BABTON, Humphrey, lawyer; born in Pennsylvania, May 6, 1857; son of Balt zer Enoch and Nancy (Chilcott) Bar ton; educated in public schools and state Normal School. Read law in office of John Cessna, Bedford, Pa., and was admitted to the bar, February, 1885; practiced law a short time in the East; has been actively engaged in practice of the profession in St. Paul since 1885. Democrat. Married in Ohio, ,1885, to Miss Lillian Rupp. Club: Commercial. Recreation: Boating. Office: N. Y. Life Bldg. Residence: 650 Goodrich Av.. St. Paul. BASFOBD, Harry Miller, newspaper publisher; born at Austin, Minn., Feb. 13, 1878; son of Henry O. and Mary E. (Miller) Basford; graduate Austin High School, 1896; married at Denver, Colo., May 18, 1902, to Miss Minnie Mangin. Was connected with business and edi torial departments Austin Daily Regis ter, 1896-1901; in newspaper work on Denver (Colo.) papers, and estimate man, Smith, Brooks & Co., there, 1901; estimate man with D. S. Taylor Print ing Co., St. Louis, 1903, and press agent Department of Liberal Arts, World's Fair, 1904; returned to Austin and with father formed the Basford Co., publish ers of Austin Register; firm name was changed to The Basford-Bingham Co., 1906, of which he is secretary and treas urer. Member B. P. O. E. Address: Austin, Minn. BASS, Frederic Herbert, civil engi neer, educator; born at Hyde Park, Mass., 1875; son of George Walton and Elizabeth (Bellamy) Bass; educated in Hyde Park public schools and at Massa chusetts Institute of Technology, gradu ating, degree of B.S., 1901; married, 1903, to Lillian Leggett. Began active career as assistant engineer with U. S. Light House engineer, Boston, 1894; member engineering corps, Metropoli tan Water Works of Massachusetts, 1896-99 and 1901; instructor in civil en gineering, University of Minnesota, 1901-04; assistant professor, same, since 1904. Has acted as engineer for various sanitary and hydraulic projects since 1901; engineer Minnesota State Board of Health since 1906; assistant engineer with Hering & Fuller, New York, 1906. Member Minneapolis Engineers' Club, Society for Promotion of Engineering Education, Sigma Xi fraternity. Office: University of Minnesota. Residence: 116 Beacon St., S. E., Minneapolis. BASS, George Wills, physician; born at Underhill, Vt, Oct. 13, 1858; son of Josiah and Mary Ann (Whitcomb) Bass; educated at Barre Academy, Barre, Vt., i877; Essex Classical Institute, Essex, Vt., 1878; University of Vermont Medi cal . Department; degree of M.D., July, 1881 (head of the class) ; post gradu ate course, New York, 1884. Began prac tice of medicine, 1881; actively engaged in practice in Minneapolis. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associations, Hennepin County Medical Society (ex-secretary and vice presi dent). Republican. Congregationalist. Scottish Rite Mason (32°); member I. O. O. F. Married, at Jericho, Vt, Oct. 4, 1887, to Miss Nellie L. Castle. Office: 929 20th Av., N. Residence: 1529 Bryant Av., N., Minneapolis. BASSETT, Elford S., lawyer; born at Vinton, la., 1854; son of Henry and Minerva (Lines) Bassett; came to Min nesota, 1855; educated in public schools at Faribault; married at Minneapolis, June 11, 1901, to Julia A. Purdy. Read law in office of Gordon E. Cole (attorney general of Minnesota during Civil War). and was admitted to the bar at Fari bault, 1879. Republican. Member Ma sonic order, Knight Templar, Shriner. Address: Faribault, Minn. BASSETT, Joel Bean, retired manu facturer; born Wolfboro, N. H., March 14, 1817; son of Daniel and Abagail (Bean) Bassett; educated in private school and Brewster Academy, working on farm in summer until 21 years of age and teaching school in winter; one of the pioneers of Minneapolis where he settled in 1850; married, 1853, Amelia B. Carpenter. Engaged in lumber busi ness in Maine previous to coming to the Northwest; began lumber business, Minnesota, 1855; organized the J. B. Bassett Dumber Co., 1859, and continued to act as its president until 1895; or ganized and directed the Mississippi & R. R. Boom Co.; former president Colum bia Flour Mills; former vice president Northwestern Milling Co. Retired from active business in 1896. Was a member of the Minnesota Territorial Legisla ture; engaged in Indian service and made the treaty at Washington, D. C, for the purchase of the White Earth Indian Reservation, moved the Indians 34 THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS thereon, built houses, grist mill and plowed a large acreage of land for them. Former president Minneapolis Lumber Assn., and member city council. Office: Lumber Exchange Bldg. Residence: 30 Grove St., Minneapolis. BASSFORD, Edward P., Jr., banker and broker; born at St. Paul, Minn., Oct. 14, 1870; son of Edward P. and Hannah Bassford; educated in public schools of St. Paul and at Notre Dame University, South Bend, Ind.; married at St. Paul, 1905, to Miss Mabel Hartzel. Has been a resident of St. Paul all his life and has been in banking and brokerage busi ness ever since the beginning of his active career; member of Henderson, Bassford & Co., bankers and brokers, organized, July, 1905. Member Chicago Board of Trade. Mason. Club: Com mercial. Office: Germania Life Bldg. Residence: 455. Inglehart St., St. Paul. BATCHELDEB, George Washington, lawyer; born in Danville, Caledonia Co., Vt, Feb. 18, 1826; son of John and Alice (Kettredge) Batchelder; graduated from University of Vermont, Aug. 6, 1851, degrees of A.B. and A.M., 1854. Was one of the pioneers of Minnesota, hav ing settled at Faribault in 1855 — the year the town was founded. State Sena tor, Minnesota, 1871-72; mayor of City of Faribault, 1880-81. Married at Calu met, Wis., July 12, 1858, to Kate Eliza beth Davis. Address: Faribault, Minn. BATCHELLER, Oliver T., physician; born at West Day, N. Y., ,Aug. 31, 1872; educated in common schools and at Uni versity of Minnesota. Came to Minne sota, 1885; in practice since June, 1899. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associations, Upper Mississippi Medical Society. Addres: Brainerd, Minn. BATES, William Jones, sheriff St. Louis Co.; born at Waitsfield, Vt, April 18, 1859; son of John and Chloe A. (Bartlett) Bates; educated in public schools of Chippewa Co., Wis. Began active career in lumber business, at Chippewa Falls, Minn.; located in Du luth, 1884, continuing in lumber busi ness, looking up timber lands in North ern Minnesota; became Deputy sheriff of St. Louis Co., 1889, continuing until 1905; was elected sheriff of St. Louis Co., and assumed office Jan. 1, 1905. Republican. Mason (32°); Knight Temp lar, Shriner; member Royal League, Modern Samaritans, I. O. Foresters, K. O. T. M., Eagles. Married at Duluth, 1894, to Miss Gertrude Hyland. Club: Commercial. Recreations: Hunting and roaming in the woods. Office: Court House. Residence: 602 E. 3rd St., Du luth, Minn. BAUMBACH, Frederick von, collector of internal revenue; born at Hesse Cas- sel, Germany, Aug. 30, 1838; son of Louis and Wilhemina (von Schenck) von Baumbach; educated by private tutor and in public schools at Elyria, O., and attended business college at Milwaukee, Wis.; married at Milwaukee, Nov., 1863, to Miss Sarah Decker. En listed in Civil War as private Co. C, 5th Wis. Vols., June 1, 1861; became 1st lieut in that company; commissioned captain Company B, 35th Wisconsin Vol unteers, Dec. 11, 1863; promoted to major, Oct. 24, 1865; mustered out, March 15, 1866. Located at Alexandria, Minn., after the war, and since 1884 has been partner in firm of Baumbach & Halvorsen, druggists. Was county audi tor, Douglas Co., Minn., 1872-79; secre tary of State of Minnesota, 1880-87; county auditor, 1889-97; U. S. Collector of Internal Revenue since May, 1898. Mason; member Odd Fellows, Loyal Legion, G. A. R.. Club: Commercial. Office: 5th and Wabasha, St. Paul. Residence: Alexandria, Minn. BAXTER, John T., lawyer; born at Berlin, Wis., Oct. 15, 1862; son of Thomas and Susannah (Lewis) Baxter; graduated from Williams College, de gree of A.B., 1S87. Has been engaged in practice of law since 1890; general counsel Northwestern National Life In surance Co., of Minneapolis. Member Minneapolis, Minnesota State and American Bar associations. Secretary Minneapolis Bar Association, 1892-1905. Married at Minneapolis, 1891, to Miss Gertrude Hooker. Clubs: Commercial, Six O'Clock. Recreation: Horseback riding. Office: 1105 Nicollet Av. Resi dence: 4601 Fremont Av., S., Minne apolis. BAYLEY, Edmund William, physi cian; born at Boston, Mass., Dec. 2, 1875: son of Thomas Moore and Mary (Foley) Bayley; educated in Minneapolis (Minn.) parochial and public schools, Iowa Normal Institute, College of Phy sicians and Surgeons, medical depart ment Kansas City University, graduat ing, 1898. Began practice of medicine, March 29, 1898. Has taken an active interest in military affairs and is now major and surgeon, 1st Brigade, M. N G., having formerly served as Commis sary of Subsistence with rank of cap tain; now coroner of Brown County. President Medico-Chirurgical Society, member of Brown and Redwood County Medical Society, Association of Military Surgeons of the United States. Demo crat. Roman Catholic. Member Knights of Columbus, Catholic Order of Forest ers, Elks. Married at Kansas City, Mo., Jan. 10, 1897, to Miss Estelle Mae Go-Bell. Clubs: Game Protective As sociation, Surgical Gun Club of Roches ter. Address: Sleepy Eye, Minn. BAYNE, Alexander Y., bridge con tractor; born at Russellville, O., Feb. 28, 1855; son of Thomas and Eliza (McMil- len) Bayne; educated in public schools of Atchison Co., Mo., and in high school at Riverton, la.; married at Minneapo lis, Minn., Feb. 3, 1898, to Alice B. Thomas. Taught school in Iowa, 1876- THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 35 80; traveling salesman for bridge com pany, 1880-86; proprietor A. Y. Bayne & Co., bridge contractors, 1887-90; was partner in the Gillette-Herzog Co., of Minneapolis, as manager highway bridge department, 1890-1900; acted as man ager highway bridge department of the American Bridge Co., at Minneapolis, 1900-1903; has been in business inde pendently since 1903, as A. Y. Bayne & Co., doing general bridge contracting, and jobbing sales agent for the Ameri can Bridge Co., in la., Minn., N. D., S. D., Mont, Western Wisconsin and Northern Michigan. President Queen of the West Mines Co. Republican. Mem ber Masonic orders, United Commercial Travelers. Club: Commercial. Recrea tion: Golf. Office: Commercial Bldg. Residence: 1775 Fremont Av., S., Min neapolis. BAZILLE, Edmund W., jurist; born at St. Paul, Minn.; son of Charles (pio neer of 1843 who erected first frame building and first flour mill of St. Paul) and Annie Jane (Perret) Bazille; edu cated in common schools and at busi ness college.- Read law in office of Judge W. D. Cornish and was admitted to the bar, 1880. Was deputy clerk district court and chief clerk in ab stract office; elected abstract clerk of Ramsey Co., 1894; judge of probate, Ramsey Co., since 1898. Republican. President Junior Pioneer Association. Member B. P. O. E., K. C, I. O. O. F., Woodmen of the World, Union Fran- eaise, M. W. A., I. O. F. Married at St. Paul, Feb. 15, 1882, to Miss Clara M. Gravel. Clubs: Commercial, St. Paul Rod and Gun. Recreations: Fish ing and hunting. Office: Court House. Residence: 605 Carroll St., St. Paul. BEACH, Frank Morrison, banking; born at Lyle, Minn., May 21, 1866; son of John and Catherine M. (Morrison) Beach; educated in public schools and Omaha Business College; married at Omaha, Neb., Sept. 28, 1897, to Zetta B. Churchill. With U. S. National Bank, Omaha, 1885-1901; organized First Na tional Bank, Lyle, Minn., and later, Bank of Rose Creek, Rose Creek, Minn., of which was president until 1905; now cashier First National Bank, Lyle; secre tary and treasurer Lyle Corrugated Cul vert Co. Mayor of Lyle three terms. Republican. Mason. Recreations: Driv ing, hunting and fishing. Address: Lyle, Minn. BEACH, George W., stone quarrying; born, Dubuque, la., 1861; son of James and Caroline (Wilson) Beach; educated in public school, Dubuque. Began active career at soap factory at Dubuque, con tinuing for three years; came to St. Paul for one year in same occupation but returned to Dubuque for two years more;, was in charge of plant of Min nesota Soap Co. at Minneapolis four years and transferred to same com pany's plant at St. Paul, being president of company for three years previous to retiring from the business in 1900; associated with Kettle River Quarries Co., as treasurer since 1906. Republi can. Congregationalist. Married, Law rence, Mass., 1888, Cora McDuffel. Club: Commercial. Recreations: Amateur photography, automobiling. Office: Se curity Bank Bldg. Residence: 1500 Hermon St., Minneapolis. BEACH, William A., physician; born at Ionia, Mich., Oct. 20, 1868; son of Benager H. and Clarinda (Weston) Beach; educated in public schools of Minneapolis, Minn.; University of Min nesota, degree of B.S., 1890; University of Minnesota College of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery, degree of M.D., 1893. Married at Mankato, Dec. 10, 1902, to Miss. Gertrude Corp. Practiced medicine in St. Paul, 1893-97; has been engaged in practice at Mankato since 1S97. Member Board of State Medical Examiners for 3 years; now member Board of Education, Mankato. Homeo path. Republican. Methodist. Member Blue Earth County Medical Society, Minnesota State Homeopathic Institute. Member Masonic order, B. P. O. E., Royal Arcanum, K. O. T. M. Address: Mankato, Minn. BEAN, Francis A., president New Prague Flouring Mill Co., New Prague, Minn. BEABD, Harington, art dealer; born in England, July 1, 1860; son of Richard and Anne (Olding) Beard; educated at home; married at Chicago, 111., 1886, to Grace Hempstead Hyde. Came to America, 1870, and lived in Chicago until 1886; since then in Minneapolis. Started business, 1877, in stationery, Chicago, firm of Beard Bros., afterward Beard & Kimball; partnership dissolved; soon after organized The Beard Art and Stationery Co., of which is president; bought out Wales & Co., and later I. E. Burt & Co., associated on the co-opera tive plan with The Dayton Dry Goods Co., 1904, starting and since maintain ing the Beard art galleries. School lec turer on fine art subjects. Republican. Congregationalist Office: Dayton Bldg. Residence: "Sunnyside," Washburn Park, Minneapolis. BEABD, Bichard Olding, physician; born at Middlesex, England, Dec' 20, 1856; son of Richard and Anne (Old ing) Beard; attended Camden House Academy, England; came to America, 1870; graduated from Northwestern University Medical School, Chicago, III., 1882. Has been actively engaged in practice of medicine at Minneapolis, since 1883. President, Minnesota Acad emy of Medicine. Member Minnesota State and American Medical associa tions, American Public Health Associa tion. Independent in politics. Married at Minneapolis, 1903, to Mrs. Theresa V. Harrison. Club: Commercial. Recrea- 36 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS tions: Gardening and farming. Office: Pillsbury Bldg. Residence: The Vir ginia, Minneapolis. BEARMAN, Abraham Nathaniel, com mission merchant; born at Scranton, Pa., Dec. 8, 1872; son of Moses M. and Libbie (Cronin) Bearman; educated in graded schools, Scranton, Pa.; German English High School and Bryant & Stratton Academy, St. Joseph, Mo.; Minnesota State University, graduating, June, 1902. Married at Minneapolis, 1903, to Miss Etta Zieve. Has been in wholesale fruit commission business since March 15, 1905. Member Masonic order, Shrine; B. P. O. E., I. O. O. F. Clubs: Commercial, Garfield. Office: 218 N. 6th St. Residence: 65 N. Lyn- dale Av., Minneapolis. BEABDSLEY, Benjamin F., life and casualty insurance; born in St. Joseph County, Indiana, June 10, 1860; son of Elijah Hubbell and Matilda (Lemon) Beardsley; educated at high school, Buchanan, Mich.; married at Jefferson, Ohio, Feb., 1889, to Amelia Phoebe Simonds. Removed from Michigan to Minnesota in 1880; identified with the agricultural implement business for eleven years, and with insurance since that time; removed to St. Paul in 1894; was secretary of the St. Paul Chamber of Commerce, 1901-04; Northwestern Secretary for National Irrigation As sociation, 1902-06; member of several National, State and City associations for improvement of commercial and social conditions. Agent Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Co. and Employers' Lia bility Assurance Corporation of London, England. Republican. Episcopalian. Clubs: Commercial, Church Club of Diocese of Minnesota. Office: Endicott Bldg. Residence: 706 Dayton Av., St. Paul. BEABDSLEE, George L., secretary and treasurer Phillips-Bell Shoe Co.; born at Buffalo, N. Y., Oct. 1, 1848; son of George W. and Laura H. (Hoyt) Bardslee; educated at Flushing Insti tute, Long Island, N. Y. Was engaged for 27 years in the manufacture and sale of boots and shoes; has been located in Duluth since Aug. 13, 1905; secretary and treasurer of the Phillips-Bell. Shoe Co. Club: Commercial. Office: 8-10 E. Mich. St. Residence: 5 Chester Terrace, Duluth. BEATY, James H., physician; born in Wabasha Co., Minn., Jan. 26, 1870; son of John J. and Mary Frances (Snow- den) Beaty; graduate College of Homeo pathic Medicine and Surgery, Univer sity of Minnesota, degree of M.D., 1895; married at Lake City, Minn., to Ellen Belle Carruth. Local medical ex aminer for State Institution for Tuber culosis. Member American and Minne sota State Medical associations, Stearns- Benton County Medical Society, Minne sota State Homeopathic Institute. Epis copalian. Member Masonic order, Mod ern Woodmen of America, Woodmen of the World, Modern Samaritans. Ad dress: St. Cloud, Minn. BEAUDBY, Alfred, merchant; born at Montreal, Canada, June 1, 1860; son of Damase and Engele (Trudel) Beaudry; educated at Archambault's Commercial College, Montreal. Came to Minnesota, 1878. Has been in general merchandise business at Dayton, Minn., since 1888. Roman Catholic. Member I. O. O. F, Osse Lodge, No. 206. Married at Day ton, Minn., 1881, to Miss Matilda Gel- inas. Address: Dayton, Minn. BECKHOEFEB, Charles, lawyer; born at Woodbury, Pa., Jan. 1, 1864; son of A. L. and Rebecca (Goldschmidt) Bech- hoefer; attended publie school, Altoona, Pa., graduating from the high school, June, 1883; University of Michigan Law Department, graduating, June, 1885. Came to St. Paul, March 1, 1887, and entered upon the practice of law. Mar ried at Hollidaysburgh, Pa., April 28, 1892, to Helen Goldman. Filled the office of United States Commissioner, June, 1899, to Dec, 1905. Club: Com mercial. Office: Nat. Ger. Am. Bank Bldg. Residence: 847 Ashland Av., St. Paul. BECKEB, Henry George, paper manu facturer; born at Utica, N. Y., Nov. 22, 1860; son of Charles and Anna (Wold- man) Becker; educated in public schools, Little Falls, N. Y., and at Appleton, Wis. Began learning trade of shoe maker at age of 16 and worked at the trade for 8 years; entered employ of Appleton Furnace Co., Appleton, Wis., as bookkeeper, Nov., 1885, continuing until March, 1888; was acting manager Appleton Gas Light Co., March to Nov., 1888, resigning to engage in retail boot and shoe business at Milwaukee, Wis.; retired from boot and shoe business, 3 895, and became connected with L. Lindauer, Kaukauna, Wis., later becom ing associated with him in the organiza tion of The Lindauer Pulp Co., as sec retary and treasurer of same. Secretary and director Itasca Paper Co.; secretary and director Grand Rapids Water Power & Boom Co. Alderman city council Kaukauna, Wis., 1899-1900; village trus tee, Grand Rapids, Minn., 1903-06. Re publican. Married at Minneapolis, Minn., Sept., 1903, Sarah Webb. Ad dress: Grand Rapids, Minn. BECKLEY, Frederick Lee, physician; born at Paynesville, Minn., 1871; son of Michael B. and Kate (Hoover) Beckley; educated in Paynesville High School, Hamline University and University of Minnesota, graduating, 1897; married at Lake City, Minn., 1901, to Myrtle Durell. Has been in practice of medicine since 1897. Republican. Methodist. Office: Cor. Prior and St. Anthony Avs Resi dence: 1840 Marshall Av., St. Paul. BECKMAN, Charles, shoe manufac turer; born at Hamburg, Germany, THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 37 1857; son of John and Margueritte (Reitman) Beckman; educated in Ger many; married at Red Wing, Minn., 1900, to Miss Frances Warner. Came to America, 1S73, and located at Red Wing; has been identified with shoe business as retailer, manufacturer or jobber ever since he first entered his business career, and has been president and treasurer of the Red Wing Shoe Co., since 1905. Episcopalian. Mason. Club: Commercial. Address: Red Wing, Minn. BEDE, J. Adam, congressman; born on farm in Lorain Co., O., 1856; educated in public schools of Ohio; married. Learned printer's trade, taught school and worked as reporter on newspapers West and South. Was originally a Re publican, but supported Cleveland, 1888 and 1892; was U. S. marshal, district Minnesota, but resigned within a year; returned to Republican party on finan cial issue, 1896, and campaigned in sev eral states, 1896, 1898 and 1900. Has been member of Congress, 8th Minne sota district since 1903. Address: Pine City, Minn. BEDFOBD, Salathiel B., grain, bank ing; born at Eldredsville, Pa., Oct. 10, 1857; son of Jonas and Lydia (Moly- neux) Bedford; educated in public schools; married at Worthington, Minn., 1S80, to Miss Alida Dettmering. Was registered pharmacist, 1878-88; engaged in general merchandise business, 1880- 94; has been identified with banking principally since 1894. President Bed ford & Co.; cashier Rushmore State Bank; secretary Christensen Grain Co. Republican. Mayor Rushmore 8 years; member board of county commissioners 4 years; now State Senator, present term extending to Jan., 1909. Address: Rush- more, Minn. BEEBE, Warren Loring, physician; born at Belpre, O., March 16, 1848; son of William and Elizabeth (Rathbone) Beebe; educated in Marietta, O., public schools, and Marietta College, degree of A.M., 1870. Ex-president Minnesota State Medical Association. Member Stearns County Medical Society and Minnesota State and American Medical associations. Member Masonic order, I. O. O. F., Knights of Pythias, B. P. O. E. Married at Marietta, O., Dec, 1876, Maria T. Harte. Address: St. Cloud, Minn. BEGG, William R., lawyer, general rolicitor Great Northern Ry. ; born at Spartanburg, S. C, Feb. 12, 1869; son of James and Mary (Shackleford) Begg; graduate of Yale University, degree of A.B., 1893; University of Minnesota, Col lege of Law, degree of LL.B., 1895. Was identified with railway service as law clerk general solicitor's, office, Great Northern Ry., 1895-99; engaged in gen eral practice of law in St. Paul, 1899- 1903; attorney for Great Northern Ry., 1903-04; was assistant general so licitor of the same road, 1904-1907; now general solicitor. Married at Hart ford, Conn., April 21, 1897, to Miss Louise Spencer. Clubs: Minnesota, Town and Country. Recreations: Fish ing and gardening. Office: 3rd, n. w. cor. Broadway. Residence: 421 Laurel Av., St. Paul. BEHNKE, A. P., tea, coffee, etc.; born in Prussia, Germany, Oct. 12, 1849; son of Charles and Wilhelmina (Buege) Behnke; came to America with his par ents, 1856, and located in Milwaukee, Wis.; educated in public schools of Milwaukee. Began actice career in gen eral store at Cedarburg, Wis.; came to St. Paul, 1882, and entered retail tea and coffee business, passing through various changes until the firm became McCormick, Behnke & Co., 1891, and A. F. Behnke & Co., Jan., 1905. Married at Kenosha, Wis., 1875, to Miss Alice Leonard. Office: 233 E. 4th St. Resi dence: 25 Summit Av., St. Paul. BEIN, Nels C, merchant; born in Norway, Oct. 7, 1874. At 12 years of age came with widowed mother and younger brother to America; attended public schools at St. James, Minn., 1886- 91, and graduated from Curtiss Com mercial College, Minneapolis, 1893, and from Minneapolis Academy, 1896: un married. Became a member of the firm of J. K. Sonnesyn & Co., in 1900; also director of the Twin City Oil Co., of Minneapolis. Address: St. James, Minn. BELDEN, Clarendon Dwight, owner and publisher Mower County Transcript; born near Providence, R. I., May 3, 1848; son of Stanton and Antoinette Percival (Manchester) Belden; educated at Fruit Hill Classical Institute (the school of which his father was princi pal) ; graduate of Lyons University Grammar School, Providence, R. I., 1864; Brown University, degree of A.B., 1868, degree of M.A., same university, in course. Married at Austin, Minn., June 27, 1877, to Mrs. Francelia L. Crandall, one daughter, Antoinette Grif fith Belden. Taught school for three years after leaving university and then entered the Crozer Theological Sem inary, Upland, Pa., graduating, 1874; was ordained to the Baptist ministry and located as pastor at Austin, Minn., same year; resigned to accept office of superintendent of schools of Mower Co., Jan., 1882 and continued as superin tendent of schools 9 years. Was for one year, 1891-2, in charge of Baptist church at Windom; became associate editor Mower County Transcript, 1892, pur chased half interest, 1S93, and in Dec, 1898, became sole owner. Was one of organizers and became general manager Austin Co-operative Creamery Associa tion, 1893; formerly president of Min nesota County Superintendents' Associa tion, clerk Austin Board of Education, member executive committee National 3S THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS Editorial Association, vice president Na tional Creamery Buttermakers' Associa tion. Member Delta Upsilon and Phi Beta Kappa fraternities, Masonic order, Knights of Pythias. Recreations: Gar dening and traveling. Address: Austin, Minn. BELDEN, George Kimball, contract ing engineer; born at Lyndon, Vt, March 25, 1870; son of Henry C. and Carrie (Kimball) Belden; educated in Minneapolis High School, University of Minnesota, graduating, degree of B S., 1892, and graduating also from the law school of the university, degree of LL.B., 1897; married at Minneapolis, 1906, to Miss Edith H. Knight. Began as a contracting engineer in 1902, and is a member of the firm of W. I. Gray & Co., contracting engineers; vice presi dent Esterly-Hoppin Co., which is en gaged in a general insurance business. Republican. Methodist. Member of the Masonic fraternity and Chi Psi, Phi Delta Phi fraternities. Clubs: Minne apolis, Minikahda, Roosevelt. Office: 704 5th St., S. Residence: 803 4th Av., S., Minneapolis. BELKNAP, Austin L., fire insurance; born at Northfield, Vt., May 12, 1859; son of Lorenzo and Betsey (Austin) Belknap; educated in graded and high school of Northfield; married at Minne apolis, Minn., June 26, 1890, to Helen Corser. Has been engaged in the fire insurance business since 1878; came to Minnesota, 1882, and is now president of the Corser-Belknap Agency, organized in 1893 and conducting a general fire insurance business; also since 1905, vice president of Minneapolis Insurance Agency. Was for five years a member of Vermont National Guard. Member Sons of the American Revolution, Min nesota Society of New York, Minneapo lis Society of Fine Arts. Clubs: Min neapolis, Minikahda, Lafayette. Recrea tions: Golf, automobiling, hunting. Office: New York Life Bldg. Resi dence: 1974 Kenwood Parkway, Min neapolis. BELL, Daniel L., lime and cement; born at St. Paul, Minn., Oct. 3, 1863; son of John and Hannah (Fitzgerald) Bell; educated at Christian Brothers College, St. Paul; unmarried. Began business career in employ of father and in 1886 succeeded to the business of John Bell & Sons; since 1890 in same line (lime, cement and building ma terials) under own name. Democrat. Catholic. Knight of Columbus. Club: Commercial. Office: 270 Jackson St. Residence: 917 Lincoln Av., St. Paul. BELL, David C, president David C. Bell Investment Co. Office: Security Bank Bldg., Minneapolis. BELL, James Stroud, flour miller; born in Philadelphia, Pa., June 30, 1847; son of Samuel and Elizabeth (Faust) Bell; educated in public school and Cen tral High School, Philadelphia; married at Philadelphia, Jan. 8, 1873, to Sallie Montgomery Ford. Began business life as clerk with father in firm of W. & S. Bell, Philadelphia, 1864; admitted to firm of Samuel Bell & Son, 1868; with drew from firm in 1888, and removed to Minneapolis; partner in firm of Wash burn, Martin & Co., 1888-89; president since 1889 of Washburn-Crosby Co., manufacturing flour at Minneapolis, Buffalo, N. Y., Louisville, Ky., Great Falls, Mont., and Kalispell, Mont., larg est milling concern in U. S., and larger flour output than any other company in the world. Also vice president St. An thony & Dakota Elevator Co., Barnum Grain Co.; president Royal Milling Co.; director for many years of Northwest ern National Bank, Minneapolis. Repub lican (Stalwart). Presbyerian. Clubs: Minneapolis, Minikahda, Lafayette. Offipe: Washburn-Crosby Co. Residence: 2215 Park Ave., Minneapolis. BELL, John Edson, banker; born at Brownville, N. Y., Oct. 10, 1834; son of John and Sarah (Cooper) Bell; educated in district schools of Allegany Co., N. Y. Began as clerk in general merchan dise store in Jefferson Co.; was one year in business at Dexter, N. Y.; came west and located in Minneapolis, 1857, engag ing in sale of dry goods and carpets, 1857-68; was buyer in New York City for wholesale dry goods firm of St. Paul, 1868-70; returned to Minneapolis and or ganized Hennepin County Savings Bank, with Judge Jones, and has been presi dent of the bank since 1890; also direc tor Minnesota Loan & Trust Co. Re publican. Congregationalist. President Minneapolis Athenaeum since 1880; president Hennepin County Pioneers' Association since 1904. Member Minne sota Bankers' Association. Married at Faribault, Minn., 1898, to Miss Emily Ruth Harris. Office: Hennepin County Savings Bank, Minneapolis. Residence: Excelsior, Minn. BELL, William Dodson, editor; born in Monroe Co., Wis., Oct. 18, 1866, son of Richard and Elizabeth A. (Palmer) Bell; educated in public schools of Sparta, Wis., and Brookings Co., S. D.; South Dakota Agricultural College, Brookings, S. D., graduating, degree of B.S., 1891; post graduate course, same school, 1895-96. Taught school for 2 years after leaving college; started newspaper at Ashton, S. D., 1894; pur chased Herald at Slayton, Minn., 1897; bought St. James Journal, 1905, and removed to St. James; entered into par tnership with W. M. Barrett under title of St. James Printing Co., March, 1906. Member Masonic order, Modern Wood men of America, Brotherhood of Ameri can Yeomen. Married at Estelline, S. p., 1891 to Miss Eva I. Robinson. Ad dress: St. James, Minn. BEMENT, Robert Bunker Coleman, merchant, civil engineer; born North- THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS 39 umberland, Saratoga county, N. Y., July 3, 1848; son of William and Catherine Bacon (Lewis) Bement; educated in New York University, New York, in class of 1868, and Rensselaer Polytech nic Institute, Troy, N. Y., graduating, C.E., 1869; married, Troy, N. Y., 1872 Mary Elizabeth Tracy. Assistant resi dent and chief assistant engineer for Burlington & Missouri River R. R. Co. in Nebraska, 1869-71; chief engineer Chicago, Dubuque & Minnesota, Chicago, Clinton & Dubuque and Iowa Pacific Railroads, at Dubuque, Iowa, 1871-75; chief engineer Troy & Boston R. R. Co., Troy, N. Y., 1876-79; manufacturer at Buffalo, N. Y., 1880-83; merchant, Bos ton, Mass., 1883-86; civil and hydraulic engineer and contracting engineer, St. Paul, Minn., 1887-98; major of engineers, U. S. Volunteers, 1898-99, Manila, P. I.; president .Board of Water Commission ers, City of St. Paul, 1892-98; now presi dent Robinson & Cary Co., jobbers and manufacturers' agents in railway mill and factory supplies, engines, boilers, etc.; treasurer Mercantile Warehousing Co.; president Southern States Pine Products Co., of Savannah, Ga. Repub lican. Episcopalian. Member Amer ican Society of Civil Engineers, Boston Society of Civil Engineers. Clubs: Min nesota, Town and Country (St. Paul); University (New York City). Office: 4th and Wacouta Sts. Residence: 27 Sum- mitt Court, St. Paul. BENDEB, Adelbert Henry, banking; born at Alpha, la., Aug. 27, 1872; son of Henry A. and Juliette (Stone) Bender; educated in public schools and at Breckenridge and Valders schools, Decorah, la., up to 1890. Began active career as assistant cashier Bank of Waucoma, la., 1890, continuing until 1895; was soliciting agent Farmers' In surance Co. of Cedar Rapids, la., 1895- 99; came to Minnesota, 1899, and in company with W. H. Stone, started Bank of Glenville, of which is cashier. Married at Waucoma, la., 1895, to Miss Viola B. Clark. Address: Glenville, Minn. BENECKE, Ernest Gustav, selling agent for bottles; born Konigsberg, Germany, 1870; son of Gustav and Louise (Drabner) Benecke; educated in Realschule, Konigsberg, Germany, 10 years; married, Oct. 2, 1895, Deota von Borries. Came to U. S. in 1885. Since 1895 has been connected with the Il linois Glass Company and the United States Bottlers' Supply Co., and since 1900 has been manager for the St. Paul branch of those companies. Member B. P. O. E., United Commercial Travel ers. Recreations: Boating and fishing. Club: Commercial. Office: 286 Jack son St., St. Paul. Residence: White Bear, Minn. BENEDICT, Clifford L., lawyer; born in Winnebago Co., Wis., Oct. 31, 1862; son of Thomas J. and Harriet L. Bene dict; educated in country school until about 21, and Normal School, Mankato, 6 months; married at Mankato, June 29, 1892, to Miss Mabel O. Goodell. Studied law, was admitted to the bar and began practice at Mankato, July 1, 1889. County Attorney, Blue Earth Co., 1893- 97; State Senator, 1899-1903 (elected without opposition from any party) ; postmaster at Mankato, from Oct., 1902, to March, 18, 1907, when he resigned to attend to law practice. Director Man kato Malting Co. Republican. Member Masonic order, I. O. O. F., Royal Ar canum, Modern Woodmen of America, A. O. U. W., Modern Samaritans, K. of P., Elks. Club: Commercial. Address: Mankato, Minn. BENHAM, Charles Merton, born at Lenox, Ashtabula Co., O., Jan. 20, 1855; son of Allen Hiram and Sybil Marinda (Brown) Benham; educated in public schools of Cleveland, O., and St. Peter, Minn., and at Butler University Law School, Indianapolis, Ind.; married at St. Peter, Minn., 1877, to Emma J. Rog ers. Steward's clerk, St. Peter (Minn.) Hospital for the Insane, 1876-81; since 1881 with Northwestern Fuel Co., as bookkeeper, 1881-84, traveling sales man, 1884-89, chief bookkeeper, 1889-92, secretary since 1892. Presbyterian. Mason. Club: Commercial. Office: Pio neer Press Bldg. Residence: 2023 Mar shall Av., St. Paul. BENJAMIN, Arthur Edwin, surgeon; born at Hutchinson, Minn., Dec. 19, 1868; son of Dr. John and Elizabeth (Garner) Benjamin; graduated from Hutchinson High School, 1887, and Col lege of Medicine and Surgery, Univer sity of Minnesota, degree of M.D., 1892; post-graduate studies in Philadelphia, New York and London. Married at Minneapolis, Jan. 1, 1900, to Blanche Grimshaw. Practicing medicine and surgery from 1892. Instructor in gyne cology, College of Medicine and Sur gery, University of Minnesota; gyne cologist to St. Barnabas, Swedish and City hospitals. Member American Medical Association, Western Surgical and Gynecological Society, Minnesota State Medical Society, Minnesota Acad emy of Medicine and local medical so cieties. Contributor to medical journals. Recreations: Hunting, fishing. Clubs: Minneapolis Commercial, Minneapolis Medical. Office: Pillsbury Bldg. Resi dence: 2222 Blaisdel Av., Minneapolis. BENNETT, Carl Kent, banking; born at Owatonna, Minn., Oct. 6, 1868; son of Leonard Loomis and Arabella (Brown) Bennett; educated in public schools and Pillsbury Academy, Owaton na, graduating, 1886; Harvard College, graduating, 1890. Married at Owaton na, Nov. 21, 1898, to Miss Lydia H. Norwood. Began business caree*r with National Farmers' Bank, Owatonna, 1890, and is now vice president; also president Sperry Manufacturing Co.; 40 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS treasurer Washington Tool Co., Journal- Chronicle Co.; member of firm of L. L. Bennett & Sons. Republican. Member common council City of Owatonna for 6 years; member public library board for nine years (secretary and presi dent). Baptist. Member Minnesota So ciety Sons of American Revolution. Ad dress: Owatonna, Minn. BENNETT, Charles A., editor and publisher; born at Baltimore, Md., July 21, 1845; son of John P. and Maria (Parsons) Bennett; educated in printing- office. Came to Minnesota, 1856; began in printing business at Chatfield, Minn., May, 1860; enlisted, Dec, 1862, in Min nesota Mounted Rangers, and served one vear; then enlisted in Brackett's Bat talion, Minn. Cavalry, and served two and one-half years; has been owner, editor and publisher of the Granite Falls Journal since Oct. 1, 1879. Republican. First presidential postmaster of Granite Falls, appointed by President Arthur; member board of education (ex-presi dent) ; member Library board. Member I. O. O. F. Married, 1887, to Maggie Lee, who died in 1872; married again in Washington, D. C, 1875, to Rhoda A. Kibbey. Address: Granite Falls, Minn. BENNETT, Guy Brown, banking; born at Owatonna, Minn., Oct. 27, 1871; son of Leonard Loomis and Arabella Fidelia (Brown) Bennett; educated in Owatonna High School, graduating, 1889; Harvard College, graduating, de gree of A.B., 1893. Married at Owaton na, June 3, 1900, to Miss Winifred Fay Niles. Began active career in Na tional Farmers' Bank, Sept. 1, 1893, and is now cashier. Also treas urer Sperry Manufacturing Co. ; member of firm of L. L. Bennett & Sons. For three years company bugler Co. E, 3rd Regt, M. N. G.; member of school board, Owatonna. Republican. Univer salist. Club: Commercial. Recreation: Yachting. Address: Owatonna, Minn. BENNETT, Jay Morgan, wholesale jeweler; born at Grand Rapids, Mich., 1867; son of Joseph W. and Hattie E. (Charles) Bennett; educated in public schools, Minneapolis, Minn. Has been engaged in jewelry business ever since he began active career; for 15 years con nected with the Reed-Bennett Co., the last 9 years as proprietor. Republican. Married at Minneapolis, 1892, to Miss Carrie Reed. Club: Commercial. Office: Lumber Exchange, Minneapolis. Resi dence: Sprink Park, Minn. BENNETT, Leonard Loomis, banker; born at Plainfield, 111., Oct. 7, 1839; son of Robert and Sally Loomis (Kent) Bennett; educated in public schools; Wauconda Academy; Rush Medical Col lege, Chicago, 111., graduating, degree of M.D., 1862. Married at Richmond, 111., May 25, 1863, to Miss Arabella Fidelia Brown. Came to Owatonna, 1864; prac ticed medicine, 1864-74; organized the Farmers' National Bank, 1873, was its president from time of organization and is president of its successor, The Na tional Farmers' Bank. Republican. Universalist. Mason. Address: Owa tonna, Minn. BENNETT, William John, manager Remington Typewriter Co., St. Paul; born at Wolverhampton, Eng., 1859; son of Philip and Sarah (Keeneri) Bennett; came to America when 9 years of age; educated in Ogdensburg public schools, Ogdensburg, N. Y., and in Christian Brothers High School, Ogdensburg. Has been in employ of Remington Type writer Co., for 20 years past, beginning at the factory as aligner; transferred to St. Paul, 1892, as foreman of repair department; manager St. Paul office since 1904. Member Royal Arcanum. Married at Ogdensburg, N. Y., March, 1882, to Christy Ann Harley. Club': Commercial. Recreations: Automobil- ing, driving. Office: 94 East 4th St. Residence: 1059 St. Clair St.. St. Paul. BENSEN, John N., real estate and loans; born in Hanover, Germany, June 23, 1850; son of Claus Henry and Anna (Schade) Bensen; educated in schools of Hanover; came to America, 1870; married at St. Cloud, Minn., Aug. 13, 1883, to Elizabeth O. Metzroth. Worked as grocery clerk at Brooklyn, N. Y., 1870-71 and was two years, in St. Paul in same line of business; located in St. Cloud, 1873, and established in grocery business, continuing until 1903 when he disposed of his interest; member of firm of Wright and Bensen, real estate and loans, since 1904. Director First National Bank since 1882. Re publican. Alderman, 1891-93; mayor of St. Cloud, 1904 and 1905. Episcopalian. Member Masonic order, B. P. O. E. Club: Commercial. Recreations: Hunt ing and fishing. Address: St. Cloud, Minn. BENSON, Henry N., lawyer; born at Norseland, Nicollet Co., Minn., 1872; educated in common schools of Nicollet Co., at Gustavus Adolphus College, St. Peter, Minn., graduating, degree of B.A., 1893, and Law School, Minnesota State University, graduating 1895, and ad mitted to bar same year. City attorney of St. Peter since 1898. Director Gus tavus Adolphus College, 1902-08; trea surer, 1903-06. Married in Michigan, 1904, Miss Lillian M. Marchant Ad dress: St. Peter, Minn. BENSON, John Wesley, merchant, banker; born at Dixmont, Me., March 15, 1849; son of Rev. John and Margaret G. (Moore) Benson; educated in public schools. Came to Minnesota, 1852; lived upon a farm until 23 years of age; entered retail general merchandise business, Sept. 1, 1872, under title of J. W. Benson & Co., the business now being limited to farm lands. Also in terested in manufacturing, banking and . THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 41 other lines. President Benson-Cabot Co., Benson Grain Co., Sontag Lumber Co First National Bank (Heron Lake), First National Bank, Westbrook; trea surer and secretary Western Implement Co. Member A O. U. W„ M. B A Married in Rice Co.,. March, 1876, Miss Hattie M. Cabot. Address: Heron Lake Minn. BENTLEY, Charles Denis, insurance, etc., .born at Niles, Mich., Jan. 19, 1855; son of Charles Foard and Mary Frances (Stow) Bentley; educated at Niles High School until 1873 and graduated from Ann Arbor (Mich.) High School, 1876; married at Ann Arbor, Mich., June 2, 1887, to Mary Day Ferdon. Came to St. Paul in August, 1878, and began business career as dry goods clerk; in 1880 became assistant manager in no tions department; traveling salesman of clothing, 1883-86; in railroad general offices, 1886-90; manager Old Colony Co operative Bank, Providence, R. I., 1894- 96; member Bentley & Kenna, real estate, etc., since 1896; secretary St. Paul & Texas Oil Co. Member St Paul Chamber of Commerce. Republican. Member M. E. Church; trustee St. Paul Bethel Association; chairman executive committee Children's Home Society. Member Royal Arcanum. Clubs: St. Paul Choral, Roosevelt Republican, Com mercial. Office: Century Bldg. Resi dence: 751 Laurel Av., St. Paul. BENTON, Charles William, educator; born at Tolland, Conn., 1852; son of William Austin Benton; preparatory education at National College, Beyrout, Syria, 1864-69; graduate Yale Univer sity, degree of B.A., 1874; degrees of A.M., same university; degree Litt. D., Western University of Pennsylvania, 1897. Married at Fergus Falls, Minn., May 29, 1899, to Miss Elma C. Hixson. Lived at Beyrout, Syria, from age of 2 to 17; linguist; has been professor of modern languages, University of Min nesota, since 1880. Editor Easy French Plays: For School Use. Author: Golden Ages of Literature; Dante. Contributor to Minnesota magazines. Office: Uni versity of Minnesota. Residence: 516 9th Av., S. E., Minneapolis. BENZ, George, distiller and wholesale liquor dealer; born at Osthofen, Ger many, April 23, 1838; educated in public school eight years and private school two years in Germany; married at St. Paul, Minn., April 23, 1861, to Rosa Voehringer. Came to United States, 1854, and was for two years located in Chicago; since 1856 at St. Paul; opened United States Billiard Hall and .Restaurant, 1862, and sold it in 1865, to engage in present business with F. A. Renz, who later sold his interest to Major J. C. Becht, firm being Benz & Becht until Becht's death, 1878; after that it was George Benz, alone, 1878-81, George Benz & Co., 1881-87; since then George Benz & Sons, of which he is president, the other directors being his sons; company has offices- at St. Paul, Minneapolis and Louisville, Ky., and a distillery at Eminence, Ky., separately organized as the Eminence Distillery Co., of which he is president. Mason; member Sons of Herrmann. Was mem ber of Legislature of Minnesota several terms, also of St. Paul School Board Clubs: Minnesota, Commercial. Office- 409-417 Jackson St. Residence: 5 Sher burne Av., St. Paul. BENZ, George G., distiller and whole sale liquor dealer; born at St. Paul, Feb. 3, 1862; son of George and Rosa (Voehringer) Benz; educated in St. Paul public schools, Fresenius' Private Labor atory, Wiesbaden, Germany, and Uni versity of Zurich, Switzerland, graduat ing degree of Ph.D., 1882; married at St Paul, 1894, to Miss Josephine Hamm. In 1883 was employed as chemist for Charles Cooper & Co., of Newark; later in same capacity with W. H. Schieffelin & Co. of New York; in fall of 1884, joined father in business of George Benz & Sons, distillers and wholesale liquor dealers, of which is now vice president; also since its incorporation vice presi dent of the Eminence Distillery Co., of Eminence, Ky. Mason, Elk. Club: Minnesota. Office: 409-17 Jackson St. Residence: 668 Cable Av., St. Paul. BENZ, Herman L., distiller and whole sale liquor dealer; born at St. Paul, June 3, 1866; son of George and Rosa (Voehringer) Benz; educated in public schools of St. Paul; unmarried. En gaged since 1881 in present business and now secretary of George Benz & Sons, distillers and wholesale liquor dealers, St. Paul and Minneapolis, also havin office at Louisville, Ky., and distillery a.t Eminence, Ky., conducted as the Eminence Distillery Co., of which he is a director. Mason; member B. P. O. E. Clubs: Town and Country, Minne sota, Commercial. Office: 409 Jackson St. Residence: 5 Sherburne Av., St. Paul. BEBG, C. M., banking; born in Nor way, April 10, 1873; came to United States in 1888, and located with parents on farm in Minnesota; educated in com mon schools and at Mcintosh (Minn.) High School. Began active career as clerk in general store, 1893; became traveling salesman, continuing until 1901; entered banking business, fall of 1901, and is vice president and director First National Bank of Mcintosh. Re publican. Member Board of Education. Mcintosh High School. Married at Mc intosh, Nov. 18, 1896, to Miss Bertha Bjorgo. Address: Mcintosh, Minn. BEBGQUIST, Karl Emil, physician; born at St. Peter, Minn., Dec. 24, 1874; educated in common schools of Minne sota and Iowa; North Side High School, Minneapolis, graduating, 1894, as vale dictorian, winning gold medal; spent two 42 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS years in attendance upon Medical De partment, University of Minnesota; graduated from College of Physicians and Surgeons, Minneapolis, M.D., CM., June 10, 1897. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associations, Crow River and Wright County Medical societies. Republican. Lutheran. Mar ried at Minneapolis, Minn., Dec. 21, 1904, Miss Borghild Torkelson of Henning, Minn. Address: Cokato, Minn. BERKEY, Peter, retired capitalist; born in Somerset Co., Pa., Sept. 14, 1822; educated principally in the school of experience. Began active career as driver on Pennsylvania Canal, at 14 years of age, continuing for 4 years; became captain of a fast packet on the canal and later was identified with staging from Pittsburg to Clarion, Pa.; married in Pennsylvania, June 13, 1853, to Miss Anna E. Porter. Came to St. Paul, June 27, 1853, and has been con tinuously identified with the advance ment of the city since that time; was member of the firm of Nicols & Berkey, hardware, closing out his interest, 1860; served as refugee agent by appointment of Gov. Ramsey, at the time of the Indian outbreak, 1862, and was chair man of the committee to adjudicate claims; resumed hardware business as Nicols, Dean & Co., until 1868; assisted, 1865, in organizing the St. Paul Fire & Marine Insurance Co., of which was vice-president for 31 years. Built St. Paul, Stillwater & Taylor Falls Railroad, 1872, and acted as president of the company until consolidation with the Chicago & Northwestern; organized the St. Paul National Bank, 1883, and was its president for 10 years; assisted in organization of the Second National Bank arid banks in St. Peter and Still water, Minn. Ex-member city council; ex-chairman board of county commis sioners, representative State Legislature, 1872. Congregationalist. Office: Ger mania Life Bldg. Residence: 153 W. College Av., St. Paul. BERRY, Prank A., banker; born near Syracuse, N. Y., Nov. 5, 1840; son of Zara and Sophia (Hillebert) Berry; edu cated in public schools of Onondago Co., N. Y.; married at Auburn, N. Y., 1876, to Miss Charity Howland. Came to Faribault, 1866, from Borodino, N. Y., where he was engaged in general merchandise business; entered lumber business at Faribault, 1867, becoming connected with foundry later, and for 30 years bank director. Now president Citizens National Bank; is part owner of W. F. Winter & Co., Ltd., foundry, also extensive land owner. Republican. Congregationalist. Club: Commercial. Recreations: Farming and driving. Ad dress: Faribault, Minn. BEBBY, Fred S., lumber; born at Mora, 111., Nov. 27, 1863; son of Charles G. and Margaretta A. (Tay lor) Berry; educated in public schools of St. Paul. Began active career as office boy of C. J. Monfort & Co., was connected with auditor's office of the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Ry., for 18 months; entered employ of John Martin & Co., as book keeper, 1882; became partner, 1884; secretary and treasurer, 1887-1905; now president. Married at Cleveland, O., Sept. 12, 1888, to Miss Minnie E. Need ham. Club: Commercial. Office: 217 Como Av. Residence: 2337 Carter Av., St. Paul. BERTHOLD, Jacob L., physician; born at York, Pa., Nov. 20, 1859; educated in public schools of York; Pennsylvania State Normal School, 1872-75; Medical Department University of Maryland, graduating, degree of M.D., 1886. Came to Minnesota, 1886. Member Minnesota State Medical Association and Park Region Medical Society. Member Per- ham Board of Education since 1900. Re publican. Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner. Married at Hanover, Pa., to Miss Johanna A. Stick. Address: Per- ham, Minn. BERTILRUD, Syver G., county audi tor; born in Norway, Nov. 7, 1865; son of Gulbrand Baardson and Kjersti I. ' (Sorlie) Bertilrud; educated in common schools at Hedalen, Valders. Raised by poor parents on small farm; assisted in support of family while growing up; came to America, 1885, and began as laborer at Portland, N.. D., continuing until 1889; settled on a homestead in Roseau Co., Minn., 1889, later Kittson Co., and engaged in farming; elected assessor for town of Dieter, 1892-93, treasurer, 1894, and assessor, 1897; ap pointed by Gov. Nelson as a member of the first county board of Roseau Co., 1895; elected judge of probate, Roseau Co., Nov., 1897, and re-elected, 1900; deputy county auditor, 1903-05; elected county auditor Nov., 1904, and re-elected Nov., 1906. Republican (formerly Populist.) Member Modern Woodmen of America. Unmarried. Address: Roseau, Minn. BERTRAND, E. Peter, farmer, banker; born at Oberauven, Luxemburg, Europe, Oct. 13, 1838; son of Jacob and Maria (Fiedler) Bertrand; village school edu cation. Came to America, March, 1856, and first stopped at Chicago, 111; worked on farm, in brickyard and in blacksmith shop; family coming from Europe, March, 1857; moved to Scott Co.. Minn.; went to St. Paul, June, 1857, and worked 18 months for Winslow House at 7 corners; then went to St. Louis and worked in hotels, for Ameri can Express Company in cabin, kitchen and as pastryman on steamboats, on Missouri, lower Mississippi and Illinois rivers. Enlisted in Company H, 2nd Rgt Mo. Vols., April 22, 1861, 3 months service, and was honorably discharged July 31, 1861. Came home by request of parents, worked on farm, and taught THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 43 school in winter; was elected captain of militia, 1863; worked on farm and taught school in Jackson Co., Ia., 1864, and drove ice wagon in Dubuque, 1865; returned home, sold out family holdings and whole family moved to Sioux Reser vation, Brown Co., working large farm in concert; was member of the House of Representatives from Brown Co., in State Legislature in 1877 and 1879; was partner general store, Sleepy Eye, 1881- 90; served as county auditor, Brown Co., 1885-90; judge of probate, 1893-94; again county auditor, 1895-96; visited Europe, summers of 1882 and 1897; owned hard ware and implement store, 1899-1903; organized Farmers and Merchants State Bank, 1904, and was its president for 2 years; now vice-president. Married at New Ulm, 1874, to Miss Anna Kioes. Address: Sleepy Eye, Minn. BEBTBAND, George Emile, architect; born Superior, Wis., July 22, 1859; son of A. G. and Marie (Landry) Bertrand; public school education. Has bean en gaged in profession as architect since 1881; spent several years in offices of leading architects, Minneapolis, Minn., and Boston, Mass., locating permanently in Minneapolis, in 1886; mefnber of the firm of Bertrand and Chamberlin since 1896. Director State Institution for Savings. Republican. Member Minne sota Chapter American Institute of Architects. Mason. Married at Boston, Mass., 1888, to Lillian E. Stoddard. Club: Commercial. Office: Bank of Commerce Bldg. Residence: 2006 Queen Av., S., Minneapolis. BERTSCH, Frank, manufacturer; born in Wurtemberg, Germany, Oct. 9, 1864; son of Joseph F. and Ann Bertsch; edu cated in public schools of Germany. Came to America, 1882; began at Du buque, la., in manufacture of furniture, 18S2; went to Chicago and continued in same line, 1882-92; located in Minne apolis, 1892, and has been a member of the Grau-Curtis Company, makers of upholstered furniture, since the organi zation of the company in 1901. Married at Chicago, 111., Nov. 13, 1885, to Miss' Rosina Schrank. Club: East Side Com mercial. Recreations: Literature and music. Office: 613 1st Av., N. E. Resi dence: 1081 12th Av., S. E., Minneapolis. BESSEB, George, wholesale commis sion; born at Palmyra, N. Y., Nov. 28, 1852; son of William and Bridget (Drummond) Besser; educated in public schools of Wisconsin. Began active career as telegraph operator Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry., and was located at Oconomowoc, Wis., 1870, and Kasota, Minn., 1872; agent, same road, at Windom, Minn., 1875; came to Min neapolis, 1887, and has been successfully engaged in wholesale meat business since 1888. Democrat. Member Minne apolis Produce Exchange, Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce. Married at Oconomowoc, Wis., 1872, to Miss Emma Bell. Recreation: Traveling. Office: 31-32 Central Market. Residence: Cor. 10th St. and 4th Av., S., Minneapolis. BESSESEN, Alfred Nicholas, physi cian; born in Freeborn Co., Minn., Jan. 18, 1870; son of John and Julia (Ander son) Bessesen; graduate Rush Medical College, M.D., 1893. Demonstrator of anatomy, Hamline University, College of Physicians and Surgeons, 1894-96; professor of histology to 1898. Finan cial secretary board of trustees United Church Hospital Association. Republi can. Lutheran. Member Hennepin County .Medical Society and American and Minnesota State Medical associa tions. Mason. Member American Athle tic Association. Married at Chicago, 111., Aug. 6, 1895, Miss Florence Emma Hol land. Clubs: Commercial, North Side Commercial. Office: Medical Blk. Re sidence: 1301 Emerson Av., N, Minne apolis. BESSESEN, Nelson Daniel, lawyer; born at Albert Lea, Minn., June 27, 1874; son of John and Delia (Anderson) Bessesen; attended grade schools and graduated from Albert Lea High School, 1893; spent 3 years in academic depart ment University of Minnesota, graduat ing from the law school of the Uni- viersity, degree of LL.B., 1902; married at Minneapolis, Minn., April 21, 1897, to Jennie L. Dailey. Engaged in thea trical business two years, then became identified with the Powers Mercantile Co., in charge of legal and collection department; has been engaged in active practice of law since June, 1902. Mem ber of Hennepin County and Minnesota State Bar associations. Republican. Lutheran. Member Phi Gamma Delta. Clubs: Commercial, Amateur Athletic. Recreations: All out-door athletic- sports. Office: 250 Temple Court. Resi dence: 1307 Emerson Av., N., Minneapo lis. BESSESEN, William Aaron, physician; born in Freeborn Co., Minn., Feb. 27, 1880; son of John and Delia (Vehem) Bessesen; educated in public schools of Albert Lea; University of Minnesota, graduating, degree of A.B., 1902; North western University Medical School, Chi cago, degree of M.D., 1905, A.M., same university, 1905. Unmarried. Was house physician St. John's Hospital, Fargo, N. D., and house surgeon St. Mary's Hospital, Rochester, Minn. Republican. Lutheran. Address: Albert Lea, Minn. BESTOB, George Wilber, manufac turer; born at Peoria, 111., Aug. 19, 1865; son of George Law and Ella Wilber Bestor; graduated from University of Minnesota, College of Law, degree of LL.B., 1901; married at Minneapolis, June 5, 1900, to Nelle P. Hale. Removed to Minneapolis from Illinois in 1887; held various clerical positions in grain, real estate and manufacturing; attorney Minneapolis Trust Co., 1903-06; organized 44 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS the Minnesota Sandstone Co., 1895, which was succeeded in 1900 by the Kettle River Quarries Co., of which he is presi dent, and which he is engaged in direct ing. Also vice-president Kilgore-Peteler Co., Sandstone Land Co., and American Locomotive Equipment Co. Republican. Recreation: Farming. Clubs: Minne apolis, Commercial, Lafayette. Office: Security Bank Bldg., Minneapolis. Resi dence: Crystal Bay, Lake Minnetonka, Minn. BETCHEB, Charles A., president Charles Betcher Lumber Co.; born at Red Wing, Minn., Aug. 25, 1862; son of Charles and Margaret (Gowthrop) Betcher; educated in Red Wing public schools, at Red Wing Seminary and at The Shattuck School, Faribault, Minn., graduating, 1880. Began business career in hardware store in Red Wing, 1881; employed in lumber office, 1884; manager of the Heavy Hardware Wholesale Co., Minneapolis, 1884-89; secretary and treasurer Charles Betcher Lumber Co., (established 1859, incorporated, 1889) Red Wing, 1889-1904; president and treasurer same company, since 1904. Also president Charles Betcher Land & Loan Co., Red Wing Brick Co.; vice president Red Wing Hat Manufacturing Co.; director Red Wing Boat Co., Good hue County National Bank; treasurer Red Wing Malting Co. Captain Co. G., M. N. G, 1889-91; member City Council, 1891-92; member board of City Audi torium, 1904-06; member board of City Cemetery, 1906. Independent Democrat. Episcopalian (member of vestry). Presi dent Red Wing Manufacturers' Associa tion. Married at Minneapolis, Minn., Feb. 12, 18S5, to Miss Carry B. Eddy. Club: Commercial (ex-president). Re creations: Fishing, hunting, automobil- ing, boating and out door exercises generally. Address: Red Wing, Minn. BETTINGEN, Charles A., treasurer Western Supply Co.; born at St. Paul, Minn., Jan. 16, 1864; son' of Anthony and Margaret (Gardiner) Bettingen; educated in public schools of Faribault, Minn. Began active career in employ of Crippen & Upson, St. Paul; went to Larimore, N. D., 1882, and became man ager of the Larimore Rolling Mills of which his father was proprietor; came to St. Paul, 1889, and engaged in sale of plumbers, steam and gas fitters' sup plies and was elected treasurer Western Supply Co., also credit man of the company. Republican. Scottish Rite Mason, Shriner. Married at Syracuse. N. Y., 1890, to Mrs. I. V. Hier. Recrea tion: Good horses. Office: 348 Wacouta St. Residence: The Angus, St. Paul. BEVIS, Philemon, general secretary Y. M. C. A.; born in Cass Co., III., April 26, 1865; son of Henry and Sarah J. (Stout) Bevis; attended University of Illinois, 1885-88. Entered Y. M. C. A. work at Dixon, 111., 1890; came to Duluth, 1901, and has been general secretary Y. M. C. A. at Duluth since June 1, 1901. Married at Urbana, 111., Dec. 24, 1889, to Miss Leura B. Palmer. Club: Commercial. Office: Y. M. C. A. Central Dept., 18 E. Superior St. Residence: 1115 E. 1st St., Duluth. BICKNELL, William C, lawyer; born in St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., June 28, 1855; son of Carlos B. and Louise (Carpenter) Bicknell; educated in public schools, St. Lawrence Co., until 16; graduate Pottsdam State Normal School N. Y., 1880; graduate Law Department, University of Michigan, degree of LL.B., June, 1885. Came to Minnesota, 1885, and located at Morris, 1886; was county superintendent of schools, Stevens Co., two terms; county attorney, 1895-1907; now member State Legislature, repre senting 57th district. Republican. Mason H2°). Married at Red Wing, Minn., June 27, 1888, to Miss Nellie M. Finney. Address: Morris, Minn. BIDLEMAN, John H., saddlery and leather broker; born at Dayton, O., Aug. 3, 1841; son of John and Evalyn B. (Phelps) Bidleman; educated in public schools of Dayton. Began career in the wholesale shoe and leather business at Dayton, O., at the age of 16; after the war engaged in business with father, wholesale shoes and leather; traveled for Topf, Long & Co., Evansville, Ind., 1868-1874; manager and buyer Jacob Straus & Co., wholesale saddlery, St. Louis, Mo., 1874-1887'; vice president Konantz Saddlery Co., St. Paul, Minn., 1888-1905. Served in Civil War, 4th In dependent Ohio Cav. and other commands for 2% years. Republican. Episco palian. Member of Legion of Honor, A. O. U. W., Western Travelers' Associa tion. Clubs: Minnesota, Commercial. Office: Gilfillan Bldg. Residence: 555 Ashland Av., St. Paul. BIEBBAUEB, Albert G., president Wm. Bierbauer Brewing Co.; born at Mankato, Minn., Sept. 13, 1859; son of William and Louisa Bierbauer; educated in public schools of Mankato; married at Mankato, 1894, to Miss Lillie E. Heidel. Has been connected with brew ing business established by his father, ever since he was a lad and has been president of the Wm. Bierbauer Brewing Co., since July, 1905. Member B. P. 0. E., Sons of Hermann. Club: Commer cial. Address: Mankato, Minn. BIEBBAUEB, Oscar, maltster; born in Erie, Pa., Sept. 22, 1855; son of Jacob and Bertha (Dornberg) Bierbauer; edu cated in Mankato public schools; widower. Came to -Minnesota with parents, Oct., 1856; engaged in re-dis- tilling and rectifying liquors, in Mil waukee, Wis., for 10 years; returned to Mankato, 1881, and was in Old Pio neer Mills, for 5 years; register of deeds Blue Earth Co., 1887-97; has been presi dent and treasurer of the Mankato Malt ing Co., since its establishment, 1902. THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS 45 Also president Mankato Brick Co. Presi dent Board of Education 6 years; mem ber Library Board. Republican. Mem ber Masonic order, Knight Templar, I. O. O. F., A. O. U. W., B. P. O. E. Club: Commercial. Address: Mankato, Minn. BIGELOW, Charles Henry, Jr., whole sale hardware, Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Co.; born at St. Paul, Minn., June 4, 1866; son of Charles Henry and Alida Wood (Lyman) Bigelow; educated at St. Paul High School and Williams College, Mass., graduating class of 1887. Vice president Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Co., wholesale hardware. Married at St. Paul, Jan., 1896, to Miss Florence Fair- child, (now deceased). Presbyterian. Member Chi Psi. Clubs: Minnesota, Commercial, Town and Country. Recre ation: Fishing. Office: Jackson and 2nd Sts. Residence: 415 Laurel Av., St. Paul. BIGELOW, Charles Henry, president St. Paul Fire & Marine Insurance Co.; born at Easton, N. Y., June 4, 1835; son of Anson and Eliza (Moores) Bigelow; educated in district schools of New York and at Academy, Cambridge, N. Y. ; mar ried in Ohio, 1859, to Miss Alida W. Lyman. Began active career in lumber business which he followed for 40 years; came to St. Paul, 1864, and entered Are insurance business, 1871; present posi tion since 1876. Also director Mer chants National Bank; trustee Minne sota Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Re publican. Presbyterian. Clubs: Minne sota, Town and Country. Recreation: Automobiling. Office: Cor. 3rd and Jackson St. Residence: 181 College Av. St. Paul. BIGELOW, Edward E., physician; born at Akron, O., July 1, 1841; son of Thomas Sumner and Clarissa L. (War ner) Bigelow; received literary educa tion at Lake Mills, Wis.; graduate Uni versity of Michigan, Medical Depart ment, degree of M.D., 1867,; post gradu ate course, same university, 1906. Mar ried at Manchester, Mich., July 5, 1877, to Miss Ella A. Eeles. Served as ser geant in Civil War, Co. D, 29th Wis. Regt., 1862-63; began practice of medi cine in Washtenaw Co., Mich., 1867; in practice at Owatonna since Oct., 1877. Served 16 years as member U. S. Board of Pension Examiners, at Owatonna. Republican. Congregationalist. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associations, Steele County Medical So ciety. Member Masonic order, Knights Templar; James A. Goodwin Post, G. A. R. Club: Commercial. Address: Owa tonna, Minn. BIGELOW, Frederic Russell, vice president St. Paul Fire and Marine In surance Co.; born at St. Paul, Minn., March 31, 1870; son of Charles H. and Alida (Lyman) Bigelow; educated in public schools of St. Paul and at Wil liams College (Mass.) graduating from latter in class of 1891. Began in the insurance business, 1891, with St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Co. Married at Richmond, Can., Oct. 15, 1903, to Harriet Alice Fraser. Member Chi Psi fraternity. Clubs: Minnesota, Town and Country, White Bear Yacht, (St. Paul); University (New York). Recrea tions: All out door sports. Office: 3rd and Jackson Sts. Residence: 416 Laurel Av., St. Paul. BILLSON, William W., lawyer; born at Springfield, 111., June 7, 1847; son of Thomas and Hester (Watson) Billson; educated in High School of Springfield, graduating, 1864. Republican. Member Minnesota State Senate, 1872 and 18S3; was United States Attorney for Minne sota, 1873-81. Baptist. Married at Port land, Me., 1872, to Miss Alice L Har ford. Office: Lonsdale Bldg. Resi dence: 1531 E. 1st St., Duluth. BILLSTEIN, William, president Co lumbia Clothing Co.; born at Plymouth, O., June 10, 1866; son of M. and Hannah (Spear) Billstein; educated in public schools of Plymouth and at Bryant & Stratton's Business College, Chicago, 111.; unmarried. After attending business college, entered employ of the Kuh- Nathan-Fischer Co., for 2 years; was at Davenport, la., for 3. years, with retail house; clothing business in Nebraska City, Neb., 1886; came to Superior, Wis., and organized firm of Nathan & Bill stein, 1890; organized Columbia Clothing Co., at Duluth, June, 1905, also member Nathan & Billstein (Columbia Clothing Co.), Superior, Wis.; secretary Why Clothing Co., Davenport, Ia. Member B. P. O. E. Club: Kitchi Nadji Country (Superior, Wis.) Recreations: Fishing, hunting and other outdoor sports. Of fice: 301 W. Superior St. Residence: St. Louis Hotel, Duluth; summer resi dence, Solon Springs, Wis. BINGENHEIMEB, Gustave Adolph, vice president and secretary Diamond Iron Works; born at Minneapolis, Minn., March 15, 1867; son of Jacob and Mar garet (Schneider) Bingenheimer; edu cated in public schools of Minneapolis, 1874-83. Began active career in employ of E. P. Sweet, druggist, 1884; has been in drug business and other lines of busi ness for self since 1887. Vice president and secretary Diamond Iron Works, vice president Bingenheimer Mercantile Co.; secretary Diamond Mill Co. Mem ber Co. B, 1st Regt., M. N. G., 1891-96. Republican. York and Scottish Rite Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner. Married at Minneapolis, Jan. 16, 1895, to Miss Geneva Smith. Club: Commercial. Recreation: Automobiling. Office: 1728 2nd St., N. Residence: 816 16th Av., N., Minneapolis. BIORNSTAD, Gisle, physician; born at Christiania, Norway, March 19, 1867; son of Ole and Maren Biornstad; came to America, 1886, and located in Minne- 46 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS sota; graduate Royal University, Chris tiana, Norway, degree of A.M., 1887; College of Medicine and Surgery, Uni versity of Minnesota, M.D., 1893; post graduate courses in Paris, Berlin, Ham burg and Christiania. Married at Min neapolis, Minn., 1903, to Miss Martha Nesheim. In practice at Albert Lea since 1905. Member Masonic order, Knights Templar, Shrine, I. O. O. F. Address: Albert Lea, Minn. BIRKETT, Henry, banker; born at Ottawa, Ont, Can., July 4, 184S; son of Miles and Elizabeth (Wren) Birkett; educated in public schools of Ottawa. In jewelry business at Owatonna, Minn., 1870-88; U. S. special land agent for state of Nebraska, 1888-89; removed to Austin, Minn., cashier of Austin Na tional Bank, 1889-91; alderman at large and president of council, Austin, Minn., 1901-02; in mercantile business in Aus tin, 1891-1904; organized Mahnomen Na tional Bank, 1904, of which he is presi dent. Alderman and president of coun cil, Owatonna, for 9 years; mayor, 1883- 84; chairman 1st district congressional committee, 1886. Republican. York and Scottish Rite Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner (grand commander of Minne sota 1885-86). Married at Owatonna, Minn., Jan. 14, 1873, to Miss Claudia M. Abbott. Recreation: Fishing. Address: Mahnomen, Minn. BISHOP, Judson Wade, capitalist; born at Evansville, N. Y., June 24, 1831; son of Rev. John F. and Elena (Brown) Bishop; educated at Fredonia and Union academies, Belleville, N. Y. Began act ive career as clerk and bookkeeper; studied civil engineering; was assistant " engineer Grand Trunk Ry., 1853; later was engineer in Minnesota; surveyor, at Chatfield, Minn.; published the Chatfield Democrat, 1859-61; served in Civil War, captain 2nd Minn. Regt., 1861, to brevet brigadier general of volunteers, 1865, operating in the West; built and oper ated railroads in Minnesota after the war; now retired from active business. Date commander Minnesota Commandery Loyal Legion, U. S. Office: 228 Endicott Bldg. Residence: 193 MacKubin St., St. Paul. BISSELL, William George, railway claim agent; born at Plymouth, Eng land, Feb. 17, 1867; son of Alfred and Mary Jane (Davis) Bissell; educated in public schools, Stonehouse, England, un til 1877; then in Greenwich Royal Hos pital School, London, 1880. Married at Minneapolis, Minn., Feb. 28, 1905, to An nie A. Hanson. Came to U. S. in 1889; entered service of the Minneapolis Street Railway Co., 1892, as special agent, and later became consecutively claim agent and adjuster for the Minneapolis Street Railway Co. and the Twin City Rapid Transit Co. of Minneapolis, until 1904; entered service of Great Northern Rail way Co., April 1, 1904, and has remained with that company ever since, being as sistant claim agent, until Sept. 1, 1904, and since then claim agent for the com pany. Republican. Member Independ ent Order of Odd Fellows. Recreations: Driving, fishing. Club: Commercial. Office: Great Northern Bldg. Residence: 501 Penn Av., N, Minneapolis. BIXBY, Tarns, president Red Wing Printing Co.; born at Staunton, Va., Dec. 2, 1856; son of Bradford W. and Susan Jane Bixby; came to Minnesota with parents, fall of 1857; educated at parish school, Red Wing, until 13. Has had a practical business experience, be ginning early in life, and embracing that of news agent, hotel keeper, baker, broker, miller and editor and publisher of the Red Wing Republican, printed by the Red Wing Printing Co., of which he has been president for many years. Also president Simmons Milling Co., Pierre, S. D., Water, Light and Power Co.; vice president West Duluth Light and Water Co. For the last seven years has been one of the U. S. commissioners for the Five Civilized Indian Tribes. Republican. Ex-secretary Republican League of Minnesota; ex-secretary and ex-chairman Republican State Central Committee; ex-secretary Railroad and Warehouse Commission. Was private secretary to .Governors Merriam, Nelson and Clough. Married, April 27, 1886, Miss Clara Mues. Address: Red Wing, Minn., also Muscogee, I. T. BJELLAND, Adolph O., physician; born at Albert Lea, Minn., June 8, 1870; son of Martin Olson and Ingeborg (Ham mer) Bjelland; educated in public schools of Albert Lea and at University of Minne sota, Academic and Medical Departments, degree of M.D., 1896; married at Al bert Lea, Dec. 9, 1897, Miss Henrietta Yates. Began practice of medicine at National Soldiers' Home, Dayton, 0 , June, 1896; in practice at Mankato since 1897. County physician Blue Earth Co., 2 years. President Minnesota Valley Medical Society; member American, Minnesota State and Blue Earth County Medical associations. Member B. P. 0. E., Modern Samaritans, A. O. U. W., Equitable Fraternal Union, K. O. T. M. Address: Mankato, Minn. BJOBNEBY, Peter C, physician; born at Arkdale, Wis., July 31, 1870; edu cated in public schools of Grafton, N. D.; St. Olaf College, Northfield, Minn., graduating, degree of B.A., 1894; at tended College of Medicine and Surgery, University of Minnesota, 1895-96; grad uate College of Physicians and Surgeons, Hamline University, degree of M.D., 1897, and Chicago Polyclinic, Chicago, 111., 1901. Coroner Clearwater Co., Minn., 1905-06. Register of deeds, Clear water Co., 1903-04. Member Royal Neighbors, Maccabees, M. B. A. Unmar ried. Address: Bagley, Minn. BLACK, Henry Theodore, managing editor St. Paul Dispatch; born at Wheel- THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 47 ing, W. Va., Feb. 25, 1858; son of Thomas Gerald and Emilie Lovely (Woods) Black; educated in graded and high schools until 14, and made spe cialty of languages and sciences, under tuition, until 20, of George O. Black, brother, who was a special writer and reviewer for Popular Science Monthly. Served as a boy in 1st W. Va. Militia, during railway riots of 1877, at Sir John's Run and Martinsburg. First oc cupation, editorial writer Wheeling Reg ister, 1880; became city editor, 1881, and continued until Jan., 1885, when he came to St. Paul and Minneapolis as mana ging editor St. Paul Globe, published in both cities; became city editor St. Paul Dispatch, Aug. 1, 1893, and has been managing editor, same paper, since 1894. Director United States Railway Supply Co. Scottish Rite Mason. Married at Bethany, W. Va., June 7, 1883, to Miss Julia M. Purvis of Louisiana. Clubs: Minnesota, Town and Country, Commer cial (director). Recreations: Billiards and golf. Office: Dispatch Office. Resi dence: 716 Goodrich Av., St. Paul. BLACKMER, Herman, lawyer; born at Amherst, O., Jan. 3, 1850; son of Franklin and Minervia Blackmer; came to Minnesota, 1857; educated at Ober lin, O. ; read law under Justice John A. Lovely and graduate from Law De partment, University of Wisconsin, de gree of LL.B., 1873; married at Albert Lea, 1904, to Miss Ella Huyck; was justice of police court for 20 years; has been judge of probate since i884. Mem ber Minnesota State Bar Association. Republican. Member Masonic order, I. O. O. F. Club: Commercial. Address: Albert Lea, Minn. BLACKWELL, Charles E., lumber; born at Waukesha, Wis., Nov. 15, 1849; educated in public schools of Waukesha. Has been identified with lumber inter ests for more than 30 years, in Dakota, Kansas and Minnesota; came to Minne apolis, 1894; now occupies position of manager of Gull River Lumber Co. Ma son. Married at Delavan, Wis., 1873, to Miss Carrie Ross. Recreations: Fishing and hunting. Office: Lumber Exchange Bldg. Residence: 1775 Hennepin Av., Minneapolis. BLAIB, Arthur B., president Winona Seed Co.; born at Fletcher, Vt., June 1, 1848; son of Elias Blair, Jr., and Mary Ann (Smith) Blair; educated in public schools of Fletcher, 1855-64; married at Winona, Minn., 1874, to Miss Belle M. Sheardown. Came to Minne sota, 1869, and engaged in merchandise and grain dealing, at Eyota, 1869-83; traveled as superintendent of grain ele vators, for G. W. Van Dusen & Co. and H. J. O'Neill, 1884-96; has been in seed business as president and treasurer of the Winona Seed Co., incorporated, wholesale and retail jobbers, since 1897. Republican. Member Masonic order; member Board of Trade and Business Men's Association. Address: Winona, Minn. BLAIB, Burr D., lawyer; born in Wi nona Co., Minn., 1858; son of George W. and Melissa (Deuel) Blair; educated in public schools, Ann Arbor (Mich.) High School, University of. Michigan; married at Winona, Minn., March 2, 1898, to "Miss Clara Gerdtzen. Taught school in Minnesota several terms; was librarian of Public Library, Albany, N. Y.; began practice of law in Albany, N. Y., 1889; returned to Winona, 1890, and has ever since been actively en gaged in practice there. Member Wi nona County Bar Association, Winona Board of Education and Public Library Board. • Recreations: Outdoor diversions. Address: Winona, Minn. BLAIR, Harry E., maltster; born at Millersburg, O.,- Jan. 8, 1862; son of Thomas H. and Mary E. (Hill) Blair; educated in public schools of Peoria, 111.; married at Mt. Carmel, 111., 1886, to Miss Mary E. Berry. Began active career as employe in National Bank of Illinois, Chicago; entered the malting business at Chicago, with the Fred F. Bullen Malting Co., afterwards the American Malting Co.; came to Red Wing, Minn., 1900, and to Winona, 1904, where he built and started the plant of the Winona Malting Co., of which he has been treasurer and manager since the beginning, 1905. Also vice president Minnesota Malting Co., Red Wing; di rector Merchants' Bank, Winona. Mem ber Winona Board of Trade. Republican. Member Masonic order. Club: -Arling ton. Address: Winona, Minn. BLAISDELL, Albert Morton, whole sale flour and feed; born at Bradford, N. H, March 7, 1874; son of John and Josephine (Harwood) Blaisdell; educated at Colby Academy, New London, N. H.; Brown University, Providence, R. I.; Clark University, Worcester, Mass. Lo cated in Minneapolis, 1901; has been secretary of the Blaisdell Milling Co., since its incorporation, Feb., 1904. Re publican. Member Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce. Married at Sutton, N. H., 1904, to Miss Eva Lavinia Brown of Concord, N. H. Office: Metropolitan Life Ins. Bldg. Residence: 216 3rd Av., S. E., Minneapolis. BLAKELY, Amherst Willoughby, edi tor and publisher The Post and Record, Rochester; born at Newark, N. Y., July 26, 1842; son of David and Salina (An derson) Blakely; educated in public schools of Syracuse, N. Y., East Berk shire, Vt, and Chicago, 111.; married at Rochester, Minn., 1864, to Miss Amelia Walker. Learned the printing trade at Rochester, Minn.; became chief clerk Commissary Department, Arkansas, 1864-65; engaged in newspaper work in Chicago, 1868; returned to Rochester, 1872, purchased the Central Record, later acquired the Federal Union and somewhat later the Rochester Post, con- 48 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS solidating them under the name of the Post and Record, in 1898. The firm of A. W. Blakely & Son was established in 1881 and incorporated April 10, 1907, as the Blakely Printing Co., of which he is president. Republican. Postmaster at Rochester, 1893. Episcopalian. Mem ber A. O. U. W. Recreations: Billiards, music and reading. Address: Rochester, Minn. BLAKELY, Clarence Willoughby, pub lisher; born in Davenport, la., Jan. 14, 1867; son of Amherst Willoughby and Amelia (Walker) Blakely; came to Min nesota with parents, 1872; educated in common schools and one year in State Normal School, Bridgewater, Mass.; married at Rochester, Minn., Aug. 9, 1900, to Frances Mae Crouch. Business manager A. W. Blakely & Son, estab lished at Rochester, 1881, incorporated as the Blakely Printing Co., April 10, 1907, of which he is vice president, printers and publishers of daily and weekly newspapers, the Post and Rec ord. Republican. Alderman; member board of directors Rochester Public Li brary. Episcopalian. Member Knights of Pythias, A. O. U. W., B. P. O: E. Club: Commercial. Address: Rochester, Minn. BLANCHETT, M. C, hotel proprietor and real estate dealer; born at St. George, 111., March 8, 1863; son of Fred erick C. and Matilda (Surpernaut) Blan- chett; attended public schools in Good- land, Ind., and St. George's College, St. George, 111. Entered hotel business at Clark, S. D., in 1887; removed to Anoka, Minn., Dec, 1889; located permanently at Elk River, in May, 1901. Now owner of Blanchett hotels at Anoka (built 1896), Elk River (purchased 1901) and Zimmerman (built 1902). Member of the Mule Shoe Bar Percheron Horse Co. President Business Men's Association and Athletic Association, both of Elk River. Member B. P. O. E., Dodge No. 44, Minneapolis. Married at Raymont, S. D., Feb. 9, 1885, to Miss Mary Frances Carroll. Address: Elk River, Minn. BLISS, William Herbert, flour manu facturer; born at Westmoreland, N. Y., Sept. 22, 1856; son of George W. and Orpha A. (Green) Bliss; educated in public schools of Toledo, O. Lived in Toledo, O., from age of 8 to 18; began active career in wholesale saddlery hardware house, removed to Nashville, Tenn., 1874, and engaged with his father in wholesale lumber business as G. W. and W. H. Bliss; came to Duluth, 1901, and became identified with Gregory, Cook & Co., proprietors of Commander Mills, as secretary; is now secretary and treasurer of the company, re-in corporated, May 15, 1906, as Gregory, Bliss & Co. Republican. Presbyterian. Scottish Rite Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner; member Hoo Hoo. Married at Nashville, Tenn., Jan. 22, 1884, to Miss Ida M. Freeman. Club: Commercial. Recreations: Boating and curling. Office: Bd. of Trade Bldg. Residence: Cor. 27 th St. and Park Point, Duluth. BLODGETT, Alson, Sr., president Wis consin Lumber Co.; born at Alexander, N. Y., May 3, 1830; educated in public schools at Alexander; married in New York state, 1855, to Mary A. Cook. Be gan active career in wholesale paint and varnish business, New York city, 1850, continuing for 4 years; came to Rice County, Minn., 1856, and farmed until 1876; founded the Wisconsin Lumber Co., 1876, which now operates 8 retail yards in Southern Minnesota. Repub lican. Episcopalian. Address: Fari bault, Minn. BLODGETT, Alson, Jr., lumber; born at Faribault, Minn., Jan. 11, 1860; son of Alson and Mary A. (Cook) Blodgett; educated in public schools of Faribault and The Shattuck School; married at Faribault, July 11, 1889, to Miss Frances Sheffield. Has been connected since the beginning of his active career with the Wisconsin Lumber Co., founded by his father, and has been secretary and treas urer of the company since its incorpo ration, 1892. Director Security Bank. Ex-president Faribault School Board. Republican. Episcopalian. Clubs: Com mercial, Travelers. Recreations: Boat ing, fishing and driving. Address: Fari bault, Minn. BLODGETT, Elijah Haskell, retired capitalist; born at Weathersfield, Vt, Feb. 16, 1832; son of Ashley and Orill (Haskell) Blodgett; educated in com mon schools of Vermont. Worked at house carpentering in different places in Vermont, 1848-52; engaged in pattern making at Windsor, Vt, 1852-66; re moved to Red Wing, Minn., 1866, and became member of the grain commission firm of T. B. Sheldon & Co., continuing 1866-02. Was president Red Wing Sewer Pipe Co. until 1902, since then vice presi dent and director; also director Union Stoneware Co.; stockholder Bank of Pierce, Simmons & Co. Member city council 4 years; held office of mayor of the City of Red Wing, 1899-1901. Uni versalist Married at Hartland, Vt, Sept. 17, 1855, to Miss Sarah Porter Sturtevant Club: Commercial. Rec reations: Camping and horseback rid ing. Address: Red Wing, Minn. BLODGETT, Fred S., manufacturer; born at Anoka, Minn., Dec. 8, 1862; son of Harvey F. and Emily (Silsby) Blod gett; educated in public schools of St. Paul. Began active career as member of Osgood & Blodgett Manufacturing Co., 1883, and is now treasurer of the company. Married, Nov. 30, 1886, Miss Fannie West. Office: Duluth Av., near E. 7th. Residence: 330 W. 3rd St., St. Paul. BLODGETT, William E., lumber; born at Faribault, Minn., Aug. 16, 1857; son of Alson and Mary A. (Cook) Blodgett; THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 49 educated at The Shattuck School, Fari bault; married at Faribault, 1885, to Miss Harriet Wilson. Has been con nected with the Wisconsin Lumber Co. since 1880 and has been vice president of the company since its incorporation, 1892. Director Citizens' National Bank. Formerly steward of the State Institute for Deaf and Dumb. Republican. Con gregationalist. Recreations: Automobil ing and yachting. Address: Faribault, Minn. BLOOD, Thomas L., painter's mate rials; born at Nashville, Tenn., 1856; reared and educated at New York City arid abroad; married at St. Paul, Minn., Nov. 11, 1882, Miss Clara B. Stone. Came to Minnesota, 1879, and was as sociated with George C. Stone in the real estate business, 1879-81; engaged in the commission business at St. Paul, as member of the firm of Hubbard & Blood, several years; in 1894, with W. H. Min- gaye, purchased the Northwestern paint Works (T. D. Blood & Co.), of whieh he is president. Clubs: Minnesota, Town and Country. Office: 413-415 Wa- couta St. Residence: 442 Summit Av., St. Paul. BLOSSOM, George Foster, flour mill ing; born at Oswego, N. Y., April 15, 1861; son of William E. Blossom; edu cated in public schools of Oswego. Came to Minnesota, 1881, and entered employ of Christian Brothers & Co., merchant millers, the firm becoming George C. Christian & Co., 1894, of which he is manager. Treasurer Kenwood Ice Co. Charter member Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce. Mason. Married at Min neapolis, 1884, to Miss Alice Williams. Office: Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Residence: 2002 Lake of the Isles Blvd., Minneapolis. BLUMB, Charles P., clergyman; born in Jordan, Minn., Oct. 2, 1860; son of Ernest A. and Sophia C. (Festing) Blume; raised on farm near Jordan, Minn.; educated in district school; Ger man Catholic parochial school and city public schools, Jordan; Iowa Wesleyan University and German College, Mt. Pleasant, la., graduating from the uni versity, degree of B.S., June, 1882; de gree of M.S., same university, 1885. Mar ried at Highland, 111., April 22, 1884, to Miss Bertha E. Fiegenbaum. Four years presiding elder St. Paul district, of the Northern German Conference; held ap pointments 2 years in Stillwater, 7 in St. Paul, 7 in Minneapolis, and since 1898, in Winona. Recreations: Outdoor diversions. Address: Winona, Minn. BOARDMAN, Henry A., crockery; born at Philadelphia, Pa., Jan., 1843; son of Henry A. Boardman; educated in private schools of Philadelphia and at Princeton University, class of 1864; married at Worcester, Mass., 1894, to Miss Cornelia D. Marshall. Came to St. Paul, 1871; president and treasurer of the Wemott-Howard Co., since Jan., 1905. Presbyterian. Club: Commercial. Office: 385 Jackson St. Residence: 1336 River Blvd., St. Paul. BOCXMAN, Marcus Olaus, president and professor theology, Seminary of United Norwegian Lutheran Church since 1893; born at Langesund, Norway, Jan. 9, 1849; son of Frederick and Nico- line (Bodom) Bockman; graduated from Christiania University, Norway, 1867 (passed examen philosophicum, 1868); theological department, 1875 (D.D., Muhlenberg College, Pennsylvania, 1900); married, 1st, 1875, Leonharda Holby (died 1888); 2d, 1896, Inga Holby. Ordained, Christiania, 1875; Lutheran pastor Goodhue Co., Minn., 1875-86; pro fessor theology, Luthersk Presteskole, Northfield, Minn., 1886-90; at Augsburg Seminary, Minneapolis, 1890-3; one of editors Lutherske Vidnesbyrd, church paper of anti-Missourian Brotherhood. Address: St. Anthony Park, Minn. BODIN, Gustaf, manager Augustana Book Concern, St. Paul; born in Swe den, Feb. 4, 1844; son of Swven and Breta Bodin; graduate of technical school in Sweden. Came to America, 1868, and located in Minnesota; lived in Wright Co., 1880-91, and was county treasurer, 1884 to Dec. 31, 1890; has been identified with the Augustana Book Concern, publishers of Swedish books and literature, since 1891, and is now manager of that organization; also treasurer of Bethesda Hospital since 1893. Treasurer of the Swedish Luth eran Conference for 7 years. Repub lican. Member Swedish Lutheran Church. Married at St. Paul, 1873, to Miss Jo hanna Johnson. Office: 213 E. 7th St. Residence: 676 Rivoli St., St Paul. BOEHM, John C, physician; born at Wien, Austria, June 12, 1860;_ son of Johann and Barbara Boehto. Came to America early in life and was educated at public schools, N. Eall Claire, Wis., Minnesota State Normal School, St. Cloud, Minn., graduating, 1887; Univer sity of Minnesota, one year, and. three years in Medical Department of the University, graduating, 1893; Interne at City and County Hospital, St. Paul, June 1, 1893, to July 2, 1894. Secretary and member U. S. pension examining board, at St. Cloud; member and chairman Alumni Advisory Committee to Board of Regents of University of Minnesota. Republican. Roman Catholic. Member Stearns-Benton County Medical Society, Crow River Valley Medical Society and Minnesota State and American Medical associations. Member B. P. O. E., Lodge No. 516. Married at St. Paul, Nov. 28, 1896, Miss Mittie A. Adamson. Club: Commercial. Address: St. Cloud, Minn. BOEHMKE, Gustave, grain and live stock; born in Benton Co., Ia., March 28, 1876; son of Emil and Anna (Wei- ben) Boehmke; attended country school until 16 years of age, and spent one 50 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS year at Lemars (Ia.) Normal School. Engaged in farming until 1904; was connected with The Minnesota & West ern Grain Co., as buyer, from Aug. 15, 1904, until May 1, 1905; became mem ber of firm of Boehmke & Jacobsen, May 1, 1905, and bought the L. H. Baker elevator, Holland. Republican. Married at Remsen, la., Oct. 25, 1899, to Miss Anna Breiholz. Club: Commercial. Rec reation: Hunting. Address: Holland, Minn. BOEN, Haider E., editor; born in Norway, Jan. 2, 1851; came with two brothers to Mower Co., Minn., 1868; ed ucated in public schools; located in Ot ter Tail Co., 1871; taught in public schools, farmed and held local offices; was register of deeds, 1888-92; mem ber of Congress, Peoples party, 1892-4. Secretary Otter Tail County Alliance, 1884-91, and for three years correspond ing secretary State Farmers Alliance; originator of the idea of the state build ing a twine factory at Stillwater Prison and was one of the leaders in securing its accomplishment. Advocate of public ownership of utilities. Editor and pro prietor of the Fergus Globe, since 1895. Address: Fergus Falls, Minn. BOHANNON, Eugene William, educa tor; born at Boonville, Ind., Oct. 13, 1865; son of G. W. and Elizabeth (Wil der) Bohannon; graduated from State Normal School, Terre Haute, Ind., 1887; graduated from the Indiana University, Bloomington, Ind., 1890 (A.M., 1892); was for three years scholar and fellow at Clark University, Worcester, Mass., 1895-98. Began teaching in 1887 and filled position of principal of schools, Brownsburg, Ind., 1887-88; principal schools, Plainfield, Ind., 1889-91; prin cipal High School, Pekin, 111., 1892; was superintendent of schools, Rensselaer, Ind., 1892-95; head of department of psychology and pedagogy, State Normal School, Mankato, Minn., 1898-1901; has been president State Normal School, Du luth, since 1901. Member Knights of Pythias, Phi Gamma Delta. Married at Mankato, A^>ril 18, 1901, Miss Mary Agnes Carney. Clubs: Kitchi Gammi, Commercial. Office: State Normal School. Residence: 2323 E. 5th St., Duluth, Minn. BOLAND, William H., register of deeds; born at Minneapolis, Minn., Aug. 15, 1868; son of Patrick and Winifred (Glcason) Boland; educated in private schools and at Notre Dame University, graduating from Commercial course of the university in 1888; unmarried. Has been register of deeds, Big Stone Co., since Jan. 5, 1903; also director Irish- American Bank, Minneapolis, Columbia National Bank, Minneapolis, and Big Stone County Bank, Graceville, Minn. Roman Catholic. Member Catholic Or der of Foresters, Ancient Order of Hi bernians, and Eagles. Address: Orton- ville, Minn. BOLEY, Edward H., furniture and un dertaking; born in Iowa Co., Wis., Feb. 17, 1867; attended Dodgeville (Wis.) High School three years, and graduated from Northern Indiana Normal School, 1892. Entered mercantile business and was member of drug firm of Boley & Smith, 1899-1902; member of firm of Erickson, Hellekson & Co., 1903-06; now member of firm of Smith & Boley, gen eral merchandise, Hallerite, Can., and Boley & Nordin, retail furniture, carpets and undertaking, Wheaton, Minn. Mayor Village of Wheaton, 1897-98; coroner Traverse Co., since 1898. Republican. Lutheran. Member Masonic order (in cluding Chapter), I. O. O. F. Married at St. Paul, Minn., 1891, to Edith Bodin. Club: Commercial. Adress: Wheaton, Minn. BOLLES, David William, physician; born at Afton, Minn., Jan. 11, 1860; son of George W. and Mary (Sauntry) Bolles; educated in public schools, at St. Croix Valley Academy and at Rush Medical College, Chicago, graduating, 1884. Has practiced medicine continuously at Brownton, Minn., since 1884, and is largely interested in several important business enterprises; owner of half in terest in Brownton Telephone Co. Di rector First State Bank of Brownton. Democrat. Member Minnesota State Medical Association, McLeod County Medical Society. Mason. Married ' at Charlotte, Mich., June 17, 1885, Caro line C. Brackett. Recreations: Hunting and fishing. Address: Brownton, Minn. BOMBEBGEB, Franklin J., physician; born at Bethel, Fa., Feb. 18, 1866; son of Elias and Ellen (Snyder) Bomberger; educated in public schools; at Keystone State Normal School, Kutztown, Pa., ]8S5; Palatinate College, B.Sc, 1886; graduated from Medical Department University of Minnesota, 1902. Member Blue Earth County Medical Society and Minnesota State and American Medical associations. Mason. Married at Elk River, Minn., Aug. 5, 1896, Clara Frye. Address: Mapleton, Minn. BOND, Jonathan Danford, asst. supt. of public schools; born in Fayette Coun ty, Pa., Feb. 24, 1846; son of Jonathan and Mary (French) Bond; educated in Wisconsin public schools, academy, bus iness college and Milton College, gradu ating from latter, as B.S., 1872 (M.S., 1875); married at St. Paul, Minn., Dec. 18, 1874, to Mattie C. Bunker. Began teaching in 1872; holds life certificate as teacher in Wisconsin and Minnesota; was special teacher and supervisor, prin cipal of Madison School, St. Paul, and appointed to present position as assist ant superintendent of schools, St. Paul. 1888. Member Minnesota Educational Association (was five years secretary and one year its president). Member I. O. O. F. Club: Commercial. Office: Court House. Residence: ^39 St. An thony Av., St. Paul. THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS 51 BOND, Joseph P., physician; born in Bond Co., 111., 1862; son of John and Julia (Casteen) Bond; graduate Rush Medical College, Chicago, degree of M.D., 1885; married, 1896, Harriet Riley. Be gan practice in Southwestern Colo., 1885, later practicing in Denver; has been located in Wabasha since 1899. Member Minnesota State Medical Association, Wabasha County Medical Society. Re publican. Mason; member of Knights of Pythias. Recreation: Fishing. Ad dress: Wabasha, Minn. BONHAM, Walter G., lawyer; born in Cumberland Co., N. J., Oct. 1, 1854; son of George and Sarah (Glaspey) Bonham; educated at academy, Shiloh, N. J., and college at Milton, Wis. Read law in office of B. F. Latta, Dodge Center; admitted to practice of law at Mantor- ville, Minn., 1881; in practice at Dodge Center, Tower and Eveleth until 1901, when he located in Duluth. County comrriissioner of St. Louis Co., 1888- 1904; judge of probate court, 1901-02. Was city attorney of Tower and Eveleth and filled positions of commissioner for U. S. circuit court and member school board, Tower. Republican. Married in Wisconsin, March, 1885, to Miss Alice Lamb. Club: Commercial. Office: 1st Nat'l Bank Bldg. Residence: 4601 Lon don Rd., Duluth. BOOSTBOM, Charles Russell, presi dent Southern Minnesota Normal Col lege; born Oneida, Ills., March 1, 1864; son of George and Aurelia (Madison) Boostrom; educated at Western Nor mal College, 1883; Northern Illinois Normal School, 1891; Valparaiso (Ind.) University, 1897. Filled position of principal of schools, Rio, 111., 1891-93; was principal of schools, Wataga, 111., 1893-96; assisted in organization of the Southern Minnesota Normal College, 1897; vice president of the college, 1897- 1900, and president since 1900, the in stitution being the largest private school of the kind in Minnesota and enrolling 1,000 students annually. President busi ness college section of the Minnesota Educational Association, 1903-06. Mar ried at Victoria, 111., June 21, 1893, to Alpha Harpman. Address: Austin, Minn. BOOTH, Wilbur Franklin, lawyer; born at Seymour, Conn., Aug. 22, 1861; son of Rev. Albert and Louisa (Trist ram) Booth; graduated Cheshire Acad emy, Conn., 1880; Yale College, 1884; Yale Law School, 1888. Unmarried. Be gan practice of law, 1889; member of the firm of Tryon & Booth since 1901. Clubs: Minneapolis, Minikahda, Town and Country. Office: Oneida Blk. Resi dence: Harvard Chambers, Minneapolis. BOBAAS, Julius, superintendent of schools; born in Goodhue Co., Minn., Dec. 7, 1871; son of Johannes and Ellen (Storsve) Boraas; attended academic de partment Red Wing Seminary, 1886-90, University of Minnesota, 1891-95, grad uating as valedictorian, degree of B.D. 1895, M.L., 1898. Was teacher at Red Wing Seminary, 1895-99; has been coun ty superintendent of schools, Goodhue Co., since 1899. Married at Kenyon, Minn., 1897, Miss Julia Rygh. Address: Red Wing, Minn. BOBDEWICH, Henry, U. S. consul general, Christiania, Norway; born in Norway, Jan. 19, 1844; son of John P. and Leonharde (Linkhausen) Bordewich; educated in high school and commer cial college, Bergen, Norway; came to America, 1864; married Miss Bergitte Anderson. Served in the federal navy, in the Mississippi squadron during the last part of the Civil War; located in Minnesota after the war; was county auditor Yellow Medicine Co., Minn., for 14 years; postmaster at Granite Falls, 4 years; candidate for state treasurer of Minnesota, 1884, but was defeated. Republican. Appointed consul to Chris tiania, 1897, and consul general, 1900. Member Masonic order. Recreations: Sailing and reading. Official address: American Consulate, Christiania, Nor way. Home address: Granite Falls, Minn. BOBLANG, Botolf J., president Farm ers' State Bank of Kenyon; born at Ytre Sogn, Norway, July 18, 1842; son of John M. Borlang and Randi B. Fiom; came to America with parents, 1854; educated in public schools of Dune Co., Wis., and at Northwestern Commercial College, Madison, graduating, 1865. Lo cated in Red Wing, Minn., 1862, and clerked in general store for 4 years; started general store at Norway, Minn., May, 1867, continuing for 24 years, also being postmaster at Norway for same period: organized private bank at Ken yon, Minn., 1891, which was incorporated under title of Farmers' State Bank of Kenyon, Dec. 4, 1905, of which he is president. Republican. Member United Norwegian Lutheran Church of America. Married at Norway, Minn., 1868, to Miss Syneva H. Lowe. Club: Corn Club of Kenyon. Address: Kenyon, Minn. BOBNCAMP, Edward, clergyman; born at Le Sueur, Minn., Nov. 7, 1868; son of Henry J. and Madeline (Schurch) Borncamp; educated at Carleton Prepar atory School, Northfield, Minn.; Uni versity of Minnesota, graduating, de gree of A.B., 1893; Yale Theological School, 1893-94; Harvard University, 1894-96; Cambridge (Mass.) Episcopal Theological School, graduating, degree of B.D., 1896. Married at Stillwater, Minn., 1895, to Miss Eva Foster. Epis copalian. Began ministry at Duxbury, Mass., 18 months, 1896-97; was assist ant minister Trinity Church, Boston, for 6 years; has been rector at St. Paul's Church, Winona, since 1903. Repub lican. Mason (32°); member B. P. O. E., Phi Kappa Psi fraternity. Club: Meadow Brook. Address: Winona, Minn. 52 THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS BOSS, Andrew, educator; born in Wa basha Co., Minn., June 3, 1867f son of Andrew and Janet (Nisbet) Boss; edu cated in common school until 1884; Ag ricultural High School, 1889-91, gradua ting," 1891; special work in College of Agriculture, University of Minnesota. Married at Hyde Park, Minn., Dec. 15, 1891, to Miss Evalena La Mont. Was farm superintendent University Farm, 1891-94; assistant in agriculture, Uni versity Experiment Station, 1894-1903; associate professor of agriculture, 1903- 05; professor of agriculture and animal husbandry since 1905. Vice president State Farmers' Club; secretary Minne sota Live Stock Breeders' Association, etc. Republican. Congregationalist. Member of the Grange. Club: North Park Improvement League. Office: Ag ricultural College, St. Anthony Park, Minn. Residence: 1443 Raymond Av., St. Anthony Park, Minn. BOSWOBTH, William B., farmer; born at Elyria, O., Sept. 23, 1861; son of Daniel and Ann Eliza (Nevins) Bos- worth; educated in country school, and in graded school at LeRoy, Minn. Has been engaged in various lines of busi ness, beginning in 1884, when he had charge of a skating rink and an opera house, the latter of which he now owns. Began contracting in partnership with his brother, 1886, moving and raising houses, etc.; started feed and livery stable, closing out in 1903; has done job work, built capstan ditches, now farms and is selling road machinery; also auctioneer. Director Norman Coun ty Telephone Co. Member Brotherhood. of American Yeomen. Married at Minne apolis, March 16, 1899, Miss Mary D. Jordanl. Address: Ada, Minn. BOUCK, I. W.( general merchant; born at Independence, la., Feb. 22, 1855; son of J. S. and Elizabeth (Elliott) Bouck; ed ucated in common schools and at Iowa State Agricultural College. Began act ive career in general merchandise busi ness, Sept., 1879, and in addition to a large establishment at Royalton, has a po tato house, and is interested in farming. Now serving third term as member Min nesota State Legislature; also president Royalton School Board for ten years. Republican. Member I. O. O. F., A. O. U. W., Knights of Pythias, B. P. O. E. Married at Dale, la., Dec. 24, 1879, to Miss Mary A. Lonsdale. Address: Roy alton, Minn. BOUCK, John, county treasurer; born at Independence, la., Oct. 27, 1861; son of John S. and Elizabeth D. (Elliott) Bouck; educated in public schools at Independence. Raised on farm and re mained there until 28 years of age; lo cated at Royalton, Minn., in fall of 1879, serving four years with C. W. & I. W. Bouck, in general store and grain ele vator and as deputy postmaster; fol lowed mercantile business for four years, in Walker, Minn.; moved to Ake- ley in the spring of 1898, bought hotel and meat market which he still owns. Has been county treasurer of Hubbard County two years. Republican. Mem ber I. O. O. F. Married at Spooner, Wis., Jan. 18, 1892, to Miss Celia E. Burk. Residence: Park Rapids, Minn. BOUBQUIN, Lucien E., banker; born at New Hartford, la., July 6, 1866. Ad dress: Taopi, Minn. BOUSFIELD, Edward Franklin, manu facturer of wooden tubs, pails and packages; born at Kirtland, Lake Co., O., Sept. 4, 1849; son of John and Sarah (Featherstone) Bousfield; edu cated in public schools of Cleveland, O., and Oberlin (Ohio) College; mar ried, at Cleveland, O., Dec. 24, 1872, to Delia Weed. Began business life as shipping clerk for Bousfield & Poole, Cleveland, O., 1867-72; bookkeeper and stockholder Ohio Woodenware Co., Cleve land, 1872-75; member of firm of Bous field & Co., Bay City, Mich., 1875-81; president of Bousfield & Co., incorpo rated, 1881-82; president of Bousfield & Co., 1884-87; member of firm of Bous field Woodenware Co., 1890-1902, and since its incorporation, 1902, president of the company, manufacturers of tub and pail packages of wood. Republican. Clubs: Minneapolis and St. Anthony Commercial. Office: 2600 Marshall St., N. E. Residence: 19 S. 13th St., Minne apolis. BOUSTEAD, James T., president Elec tric Machinery Co.; born at Brighton, Eng., March 19, 1859; son of James and Ann (Mewett) Boustead; educated at private school at Brighton. Came to America, 1871, and located in Minnesota, 1881 ; was superintendent Minnesota, Brush Electric Co. until 1892; organized the Electric Machinery Co., 1892, incor porated, 1902, of which is president. Member American Institute of Electrical Engineers. Mason. Married at Minne apolis, 1885, Miss Hannah Symons. Office: 13th and 14th Avs., N. E., Polk to Tyler. Residence: 3329 Calhoun Blvd., Minneapolis. BOUTELL, P. D.; born in Vermont, 1837; educated in common schools. Be gan active career in leather business in Massachusetts; came to Minneapolis, ]871, and founded furniture house now conducted by his sons. Member Park Board for 6 years. Clubs: Commercial, Elks, Whist, etc. Residence: 1924 Ken wood Parkway, Minneapolis.^ BOUTELL, Walter D., furniture mer chant; born at Shrewsbury, Mass., Nov. 28, 1864; son of P. D. and M. C. (Wel lington) Boutell; came to Minneapolis, 1871, and was educated in the public schools of this city. Began in the furni ture business, 1876, as a member of the firm of Boutell Brothers, said to be the largest house, hotel and club furnishers nishers in northwest, the business hav ing been founded by his father in 1871. THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS 53 Republican. Member of the Elks, Inde pendent Order of Foresters, Royal Ar canum. Clubs: Minneapolis, Commer cial. Office: Cor. 1st Av. and S. 5th St. Residence: 1903 Kenwood Park, Minne apolis. BOUTELL, William Theodore, house furnisher; born at Shrewsbury, Mass., 1865; son of Paul Dean and Maria Clarke (Wellington) Boutell; removed to Minneapolis at age of 6; educated in Jefferson School, Central High School and Archibald's Business College; mar ried at Waltham, Mass., 1902, to Char lotte Avilda Gibbs. Has been engaged in furniture business for himself at Minneapolis since 1885; member firm of Boutell Bros. Also second vice presi dent Borey State Lumber Co. Member Royal Arcanum. Clubs: Commercial, Minneapolis Athletic Association. Office: Cor. 1st Av., S., and 5th St. Residence: 1961 Kenwood Parkway, Minneapolis. BOWEN, Edwin Daniel, grain ship ping; born at Perry, N. Y., 1828; son of Daniel and Irena (Foster) Bowen; came to Wisconsin early in life and was educated at Perry, N. Y., and Delavan, Wis. Has been in the grain business since the beginning of his active ca reer, more than 35 years ago, commenc ing at Madison, Wis.; removed to Min neapolis, 1881, and is at the head of the grain firm of E. B. Bowen & Co. Served as sergeant Co. B., 42nd Wisconsin Vols., War of the Rebellion, in the Army of the West, under General Sherman. Republican. Baptist. Member Rawlins Post, G. A. R. Married in Wisconsin, 1861, to Miss Margaret Swanton. Office: Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Residence: 2618 3rd Av., S., Minneapolis. BOWEN, Edwin D., Jr., grain commis sion; born at LaCrosse, Wis., Nov. 26, 1872; son of Edwin D. and Margaret (Swanton) Bowen; educated in public schools of Minneapolis. Came to Minne apolis, 1881; began in grain business with his father in 1891; junior member of the firm of E. D. Bowen & Co., since 1902. Married at Minneapolis, Jan. 4, 1898, to Miss Florence Phelps. Repub lican. Baptist. Member Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce. Club: Minne- tonka Boat. Recreations: Boating and fishing. Office: Chamber of Commerce. Residence: 3216 Irving Av., S., Minne apolis. BOWEBS, John H., lawyer; born at Rockport, Ind., June 7, 1851; son of John R. and Phebe (Hewins) Bowers; educated in common schools, at Univer sity of Illinois for three years. Taught school several years; studied law in office of Man & Calhoun, Danville, 111. Admitted to the bar in Illinois, Jan., 1878, and moved to Minnesota and was admitted to the bar in Minnesota, in June of the same year; has resided in Redwood Falls since 1878, in active practice of the profession. Has been city attorney and member of the board of education of Redwood Falls many years; was judge of probate court, Red wood Co., 1879-85; ex-member of Illi nois National Guard, holding office of 1st lieutenant during last year of serv ice. Republican. Methodist. Member Masonic order, Chapter. Married at Redwood Falls, Minn., June 30, 1881, Miss Florence J. Chapman. Address: Redwood Falls, Minn. BOWES, John E., clergyman; born in Grey Co., Ont, Can., Oct. 29, 1874; son of James and Elizabeth (Garbutt) Bowes; educated in public schools; To ronto University (classical); Garrett Biblical Institute, Northwestern Univer sity, Evanston, 111., and Chicago Univer sity. Married at Winnebago City, Minn., June 10, 1903, to Miss Nora Howatt Methodist. Began ministry in 1894, at Toronto, Ont., and has been in charge of M. E. churches in Grey Co., Can.; at Alma City, Minn.; Burnham Church, Chicago, 111.; Blue Earth, Minn.; and has been pastor of Methodist Church at Faribault since 1906. Member Masonic order. Club: Euterpean. Recreations: Outing vacations. Address: Faribault, Minn. BOWLBY, Charles Byard, clothing; born in Nova Scotia, Nov. 19, 1853; re moved to Boston with his parents at 8 years of age; educated in public schools of Boston. Began active career at age of 14, as errand boy for the Oak Hall Clothing Store, becoming salesman; went to Chicago, 111., and entered the Putnam Clothing House as manager and buyer for the boys and childrens' de partment, 1874; was buyer and manager of Willoughby, Hill & Co., clothiers, 1877-93; came to St. Paul, 1893, as senior proprietor of the Boston Clothing House, and is now president of the com pany. Member Chamber of Commerce. Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner; member Royal Arcanum, A. O. U. W., Knights of Honor, B. P. O. E. Married at Maiden, Mass., 1873, to Miss Elma G. Sargent. Club: Commercial. Office: S. E. Cor. 6th and Robert Sts. Residence: 42 S. St. Albans St., St. Paul. BOWMAN, Bradley Clayton, secretary and general manager S. H. Bowman Lumber Co.; born in Frederick Co., Md., Aug. 4, 1859; son of William H. and Mary Ann Bowman; educated in pub lic schools of Maryland. Moved from Maryland to Iowa, 1880, and has been located in Minneapolis since 1898; con nected with S. H. Bowman Lumber Co. since its organization, in 1880, and is its secretary and general manager; also vice president Bowman-Hicks Lumber Co., Kansas City, Kan., and other corpo rations and banks; director First Na tional Bank, Odebolt, Iowa. Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner. Married at Unionville, Md., Aug. 13, 1878, to Miss Elizabeth Hyder. Clubs: Commercial, Lafayette, Minkahda, Automobile, New 54 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS Illinois Athletic (Chibago). Office: Lum ber Exchange. Residence: Plaza Hotel, Minneapolis. BOWMAN, Samuel H., manufacturer and merchant; born in Frederick Co., Md., Oct. 31, 1853; son of William H. and Mary A. Bowman; educated in pub lic schools of Maryland; graduated from the Eastman Business College, Pough- keepsie, N. Y. Began active career in general merchandise business in Mary land, continuing in Pennsylvania and Ohio; became first identified with lum ber business as clerk for a lumber firm in Nebraska; started in retail lumber yard for self in Iowa, 1879; removed general office to Minneapolis, in 1891, still retaining line yards in Iowa and other states; for years has been oper ating saw mills extensively in Washing ton, British Columbia and the pine re gions of the South. President of the S. H. Bowman Lumber Co., also presi dent of a number of other large lumber manufacturing corporations and inter ested in various banking institutions; director National Bank of Commerce, Minneapolis. Republican. Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner. Married at Cleveland, O., July, 1883, to Miss Annie L. Stevens.. Clubs: Minneapolis, Lafay ette, Minikahda. Recreations: Golf, au tomobiling, hunting; fond of good- horses. Office: Lumber Exchange. Resi dence: 2110 Park Av., Minneapolis. BOWMAN, Theophilus, native of Chester Co., Pa.; son of Harrison and Alice (Burt) Bowman; educated in pub lic and private schools up to 17 years of age; married in Minnesota, Sept. 4, 1883, to Miss Adele Parks. Began act ive career by learning milling business, continuing 3 years; came to Wisconsin, 1856, and removed to Faribault, Minn., March, 1857, where he operated a saw mill and flouring mill, later operating a saw mill at Hastings; farmed in Goodhue Co., until 1879, when he en gaged in dealing in farm machinery at Northfield; was in mercantile business at Fisher, 1882-91; has made his home in Merriam Park since 1891, devoting his attention to his farm and mercantile interests. Republican; formerly mem ber State Legislature from Goodhue Co. Residence: 2018 Carroll St., Merriam Park, St. Paul. BOXBUD, Christian H., dry goods merchant; born in Norway, Aug. 17, 1845; son of Halvor J. and Martha Maria Boxrud; educated in country schools and at business college in Chris tiania, Norway. Came to America and located in Minnesota, summer of 1864; married at Red Wing, 1876, to Miss Nic- olina J. Aim (deceased, 1906). Began on farm and worked in woods and saw mills of Goodhue Co.; entered mercan tile business as clerk in general store of C. Claussen & Co.; has been success fully engaged in business for himself as senior member of Boxrud Bros., dry goods, carpets and millinery, since 1877. Republican. Member Red Wing Board of Public Works since 1905. Member Merchants' Association. Club: Commer cial. Address: Red Wing, Minn. BOXBUD, Bichard H., dry goods mer chant; born in Norway, Sept. 12, 1851; son of Halvor J. and Martha Maria Box rud; came to Minnesota, 1864; educated in public schools in Goodhue Co., Minn.; married at Owatonna, Minn., 1880, to Miss Jennie J. Toedt. Began in farm ing in Minnesota, later becoming clerk in general store, and in 1877 assisted in organization of the firm of Boxrud Bros., dry goods, carpets and millinery, with which he has ever since been ac tively identified. Republican. Member Board of Fire Commissioners of Red Wing ever since its Organization. Luth eran. Club: Commercial. Recreation: Hunting. Address: Red Wing, Minn. BOYD, Harlow James, physician; born in Chautauqua Co., N. Y., July 30, 1852; son of Hollis M. and Minerva (Moore) Boyd; educated in Alexandria (Minn.) high school, Columbus Medical College and Chicago Post-Graduate School, 1900- 1902. After graduating from medical college, settled in Watts Flats, Chau tauqua Co., N. Y., for 5 years; removed to Alexandria, Minn., 1886. Democrat. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associations. Mason (32°), Shriner; member I. O. O. F., Knights of Pythias, Maccabees. Married at Jamestown, N. Y., May 6, 1881, to Lil lian I. Rexford. Address: Alexandria, Minn. BBAASCH, William Frederick, physi cian; born at Lyons, la., July 6, 1878; son of John and Albertine (Classen) Braasch; educated in Minneapolis public schools to 1896; University of Minne sota, graduating, degree of B.S., 1900; College of Medicine and Surgery, Uni versity of Minnesota, M.D., 1903. Un married. Now assistant city physician, City of Minneapolis (appointed, 1905); clinical assistant University of Minne sota, College of Medicine and Surgery; pathologist Minneapolis City Hospital, 1903-04. Member Minneapolis Medical Club, Hennepin County Medical Society, American Medical Association. Member Delta Upsilon, and Alpha Kappa Kappa fraternities. Club: North Side Commer cial, Roosevelt. Office: Andrus Bldg. Residence: 1627 Fremont Av., N. Minne apolis. BBABEC, Frank Joseph, physician; born at. Watertown, Minn.; son of P. Brabec; educated in public schools of Hutchinson; University of Minnesota, graduating, degree of B.S., 1890; Col lege of Medicine and Surgery, Univer sity of Minnesota, graduating, degree of M.D., 1893; post-graduate work at St. Joseph's Hospital, St. Paul, and Asbury Hospital, Minneapolis; also had advan tage of surgical training in office of THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 55 Dr. C. A. Wheaton, St. Paul. Has been engaged in practice (principally sur gery) at Per ham. Democrat. Mason; member Knights of Pythias, A. O. U, W. Address: Perham, Minn. BRACKEN, Henry Martyn, physician; born at Noblestown, Pa., Feb. 27, 1854; son of Dr. William C. and Electa (Al- vord) Bracken; received classical edu cation at Eldersridge Academy; grad uate College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, degree of M.D., 1877; licentiate Royal College of Sur geons, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1879. Mar ried at Rockaway, N. J., Feb. 13, 1884, to Emily M. L. Robinson. Has been professor of materia medica and thera peutics College of Medicine and Surgery, University of Minnesota, since 1888; secretary, and executive officer, Minne sota State Board of Health, since Jan., 1897. Author: Infection and Disinfec tion and various papers on sanitary sub jects. Office: Capitol Bldg., St. Paul. Residence: 1010 4th St., S. E., Minne apolis. BBACKETT, William Proctor, grain merchant; born at Orono, Me., Feb. 24, 1857; son of H. H. and Mary Scott (Felton) Brackett; educated in Minne apolis public schools and Minnesota State University; married at Owatonna, Minn., May 4, 1880, to Hatty B. Bryant. Came to Minnesota, 1858. Has been en gaged in the business of handling grain since 1878, and is now secretary and treasurer of the Sheffield Elevator Co. Member A. O. U. W., Maccabees. Office: Chamber of Commerce. Residence: 3345 2nd Av., S., Minneapolis. BBADFOBD, John McCartney, lawyer; born in Milton Township, Dodge Co., Minn., May 8, 1875; son of John N. and Elizabeth (McCartney) Bradford; edu cated in public schools, Redwood Falls, Minn., 1 year; Minneapolis, 8 years; Minneapolis High' School, 4 years; Uni versity of Minnesota (academic), 2 years, (law), 3 years, degree of LL.B., 1897; worked way through schools and university. Married at Minneapolis, Aug. 15, 1900, to Jane E. Pomeroy. Prac ticed law in Minneapolis three years, since 1900 in St. Paul; partner in law firm of Morphy, Ewing & Bradford. Vice president and director Midland Sup ply Co., wholesale machinery; British Mortgage Co., loans. Member Minnesota Bar Association. Republican. Presby terian. Member Sigma Chi fraternity. Mason. Recreations: Riding, driving, gardening, cabinet work. Clubs: Com mercial, Minnesota Boat. Office: Man hattan Bldg. Residence: 132 Cambridge Av., St. Paul. BBADISH, John Hill, banking; born at Springfield, 111., Feb. 13, 1880; son of Walter H. and Mary (Hill) Bradish; educated in public schools of Springfield; unmarried. Came to Minnesota, 1899; began active career in employ of First National Bank, Crookston, Minn., con tinuing 1899-1902; was connected with S. C. Bradford Land & Improvement Co., Crookston, Jan. 1, 1902, to Sept., 1903; became assistant cashier First National Bank of Hallock, Minn., Sept 4, 1903; has been cashier of the bank since March 31, 1906. Also secretary Hallock Build ing and Loan Association; manager Hallock Abstract Co. Address: Hallock, Minn. BBADLEY, Charles Herbert, physi cian; born in Green Co., 111., Nov. 16, 1865; son of George Martin and Harriet (Williamson) Bradley; came to Minne sota in childhood; attended St. Peter (Minn.) High 'School, 2 years, and Ham line University, 1 year; graduated from Northwestern University Medical School, 1890. Interne at Mercy Hospital, Chi cago, one year, 1890-91; assistant physi cian Illinois Eastern Hospital, Kanka kee, 111., 1891-97. Attending physician City Hospital, Minneapolis. Member Hennepin County Medical Society (sec retary and treasurer), Minnesota State and American Medical associations. Ma son. Married at Mankato, Minn., 1898, to Miss Carrie L. Brooks. Office: Ma sonic Temple. Residence: ;.2fi09 4th Av., S., Minneapolis. BRADLEY, Dennis Howard, real es tate, insurance and loans; born in Ire land, 1870; son of Dennis and Elizabeth (Howard) Bradley; came to United States in childhood; educated in the public schools of Lawrence, Mass. Mar ried, 1st, Josephine McManus; 2nd, at St. Paul, 1904, to Theresa Stotz; chil dren: Mary, Claire, Howard and Albert. Engaged in real estate, insurance and loan business in St. Paul from 1890, and since 1891 manager of the Kendrick Bldg., 27 East 7th St., Bradley Bldg., 17-19 East 5th St., and the Pittsburgh Building. Secretary Minnesota Ceramic Co., also secretary Golden Opportunity Mining Co.; treasurer Kendrick Chem ical Co. Member Endowment Rank (military), Knights of Pythias, and of Elks Lodge, No. 59, St. Paul. Club: Commercial. Office: Kendrick Bldg. Residence: 564 Canada St., St. Paul. BBADLEY, Edward Luther, president Duluth Log Co.; born at Bay City, Mich., Jan. 22, 1860; son of Henry M. and Mary E. (Cook) Bradley; educated in public schools of Bay City. Began active career at age of 18, with his brother, C. H. Bradley, shipping lumber, and has continued in lumber business since 1878; came to Duluth, April, 1882, as member of firm of Bradley, Hanford Dumber Co.; sold out interest-, 1888, and continued in business alone until or ganization of the Duluth Dog Co., 1898, of which he is president and treasurer; also president and treasurer Duluth Ce dar Co.; director Zenith City Telephone Co., People's Telephone Co., of Superior, Wis. Republican. Methodist. Married at Marine City, Mich., Dec. 3, 1879, to 56 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS Miss Ducretia A. Pringle. Club: Com mercial. Recreations: Brook trout fish ing and shooting. Office: Palladio Bldg. Residence: 2229 E. 1st St., Duluth. BBADLEY, George L., produce com mission; born in Vermont, Nov. 1, 1837; engaged in general merchandise business in Vermont, 1863-1873; was identified with manufacture of crackers at St. Johnsbury, Vt, 1873-1885; came to Min neapolis in 1885, and has been the head of the G. L. Bradley Co., produce com mission merchants, since 1894. Member Minneapolis Produce Exchange. Married in Sheffield, Vt., 1867, to Miss Jane M. Morgan. Recreation: Fishing. Office: 21-22 Central Market. Residence: 10 E. 14th St., Minneapolis. BBADLEY, Thomas Pringle, lumber and cedar; born at Bay City, Mich., May 13, 1881; son of Edwin L. and Lu- cretia A. .(Pringle) Bradley; educated in public and high schools of Duluth, Minn. Has been a resident of Duluth since 1883; began active career as in spector, with A. E. Wilson & Co., ship pers of lumber, 1897, later being con nected with Merrill & Ring Co.; has been secretary and general manager of the Duluth Dog Co., since 1903, whole sale dealers and producers, with mills at Hawthorne, Wis., and Aitkin, Minn.; also secretary and genera] manager Du luth Cedar Co.," organized in 1906. Re publican. Mason. Knight Templar, Shriner. Married at Duluth, Aug. 10, 1904, to Miss Emma Black. Clubs: Com mercial, Duluth Boat, Duluth Yacht. Recreations: Cricket, hunting and fish ing. Office: Palladio Bldg. Residence: 211 E. 3rd St., Duluth. BBADSTBEET, John Scott, native of Rowley, Mass.; son of M. Bradford and Susanne M. (Scott) Bradstreet; gradu ate Putnam Academy, Newburyport, Mass.; unmarried. Began active career in office of Gorham Co., Providence, R. I.; came to Minneapolis, 1874, and en tered into partnership with E. J. Phelps, later with Gorham and Dexter Thurber, of Providence, R. I., under name of Bradstreet-Thurber Co.; now president John S. Bradstreet Co. Clubs: Minneap olis, Minikahda, Town and Country, Na tional Arts (New York), Asiatic (Don- don). Office: 327 S. 7th St. Residence: The Plaza, Minneapolis. BBAINABD, Charles E., auditor Free born Co.; born at Binghamton, N. Y., March 23, 1854; son of James E. and Elmira (Farrington) Brainard; educated in high school, Spring Green, Wis.; mar ried at Rock Falls, la., 1883, to Eliza beth Brown. Engaged in railroad work. 1872-76; im milling business until 1888, and in meat market and dry goods store until elected city clerk, 1900, continuing until 1907; county auditor since Jan., 1907. Was city treasurer 1901-02. Re publican. Member Masonic order, Knights Templar; Knights of Pythias, M. W. A. Club: Commercial. Address: j^ibert Dea, Minn. BBANAE, Anton P., county treasurer; born in Norway, Oct. 13, 1865; son of Paul P. and Karl (Karlsrud) Braanaa; came to Minnesota, June, 1882; edu cated in public schools of Norway; schools of Pope Co., Minn., 1884-85; Willmar Seminary, 1885-89, graduating, June, 1889; University of Minnesota, 1890-91. Began teaching school in Pope Co., 1887, and continued, except when attending school, until Dec, 1900. Has held office of county treasurer Pope Co., since Jan. 7, 1901, has been re-elected at each succeeding election. Republican. Three times assessor of Rolling Forks Township, for four years justice of the peace, three years as school clerk, dele gate for eight years to judicial con gressional and state conventions. Luth eran. Married in Pope Co., Oct. 16, 1901, to Miss Clara Olava Rosten. Clubs: Commercial, Norden. Address: Glen- wood, Minn. BBAND, William Algernon, physician; born at Blooming Grove, Minn., Feb. 25, 1876; son of Charles and Anna Mary (Burry) Brand. Graduated from high school at Millbank, S. D., 1899, and from Medical Department of the University of Minnesota, 1903. Secretary of the board of education, Redwood Falls. Republi can; health officer of Redwood Co.; dis trict examiner for State Sanitarium for Consumptives. Member and secretary Brown-Redwood County Medical Society and Minnesota State and American Med ical associations and Redwood Falls Business Men's Association. Member Knights of Pythias and Nu Sigma Nu Medical fraternity. Married at Man kato, Minn., June 29, 1904, to Irene Marguerite Ross. Address: Redwood Falls, Minn. BBANDENBUBG, Frederick D., phy sician; born at Pittston, Pa., Feb. 26, 1862; son of Frank and Elizabeth (Lutz) Brandenburg; graduate Wyoming Semi nary, Kingston, Pa., June, 1879; Lafay ette College, Easton, Pa., degree of A.B., June, 1884, A.M., June, 1887; post grad uate -course N. Y. Polyclinic, 1886; house surgeon Woman's Hospital, N. Y., 1890-91. Married at Mankato, Minn., Dec 14, 1887, to Miss Bertha E. Swan. Professor of gynecology Western Re serve University, Cleveland, O., 1892-95; gynecologist, Lakeside, Charity, City and German hospitals, Cleveland, 1892-95; returned to Minnesota and since 1895 has been surgeon to Immanuel and St. Joseph's hospitals, Mankato. Member Blue Earth County Medical Society, Minnesota State and American Medical associations; fellow American Academy of Medicine. Member Masonic order, Knights of Pythias, I. O. O. F. Recre ation: Music. Address: Mankato, Minn. BBAND VOLD, Oliver I., banker; born at Dalton, Otter Tail Co., Minn., Jan, THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 57 25, 1877; son of Knute H. and Bertha Brandvold; educated in public schools at Dalton, Concordia College, Moorhead, Minn., and later attended county sum mer schools. Began active career as school teacher; engaged in mercantile business, 1898-1903; has been cashier Bank of Dalton since Aug. 1, 1903. Treasurer Dalton Co-operative Ware house Co.; secretary Dalton Co-operative Creamery Co. Presbyterian. Lutheran. Member Modern Woodmen of America. Married at Fergus Falls, April 23, 1898, Miss Mathilda Weiby. Address : Dalton, Minn. BBANT, Jabez A., fire insurance, spe cialist in rating and inspection; born at Berlin, Pa.; son of John J. and Eliza beth (Akins)' Brant; educated in public and private schools of Pennsylvania and Maryland. Raised on a farm; began active career as a school teacher; en tered fire insurance business at Pleas ant Hill, Mo., 1870; continued in local field work at Ottawa, Kan.; removed to Dubuque, la., Jan., 1884, and con ducted a rating and inspection bureau in Northeastern Iowa for companies inter ested; removed to Milwaukee, Wis., at request of commission of the Western Union, continuing in special capacity, 1893; located in Minneapolis, same year, in similar work. Secretary and treas urer of the Minneapolis Underwriters' Association; also manager and inspec tor of the Minneapolis Fire Insurance Inspection Office. Republican. Presby terian. Member National Fire Protec tion Association, Fire Underwriters' As sociation of the Northwest. Scottish Rite Mason (32°), Knight Templar. Mar ried at Carthage, Mo., May 26, 1892, Miss Minnie J. Clothier. Club: Com mercial. Recreation: Travel. Office: New York Life Bldg. Residence: 12 East 15th St., Minneapolis. BBANTON, Berton J., physician; born, Willmar, Minn., Sept. 20, 1883; son of J. Franklin and Alice A. (Thomp son) Branton; educated in local public schools and graduated from the medical college of the University of Minnesota, 1905. Married at Minneapolis, July 11, 1906, Miss Alice A. Brown. Presby terian. Member American and Minne sota State Medical associations and Kandiyohi-Swift County Medical Society. Member Modern Woodmen of America, A. O. U. W., and Theta Delta Chi and Alpha Kappa Kappa. Address: At water, Minn. BBAY, Charles William, physician; born at Young America, Minn., Sept. 7, 1868; son of Ebenezer and Angie (Noyes) Bray; educated in public schools of Young America; University of Minnesota, College of Diterature and Arts, degree of A.B., .1891; University of Minnesota, College of Medicine and Surgery, degree of M.D., 189J. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associations, St. Louis County Medical Society. Married at Minneapolis, 1899, to Miss Mary E. Bassett. Address: Biwabik, Minn. BBECKE, Ole E., passenger agency; born in Wineshick Co., Ia., March 25, 1861; son of Andrew and Anna (Hop- perstad) Brecke; educated at Luther College, Decorah, la.; and studied one 3'ear at University of Minnesota. Do- cater at Minneapolis after leaving col lege, 1881, and became connected with passenger business in which he has ever since continued. Since 1896 has been Northwestern passenger agent of American, Atlantic Transport, Dominion, Holland America, Red Star and White Star steamship lines and also of the tourist firm of Thomas Cook & Son. Republican. Lutheran. Married at Minneapolis, Minn., 1888, to Miss Seri- anna Tollefson. Office: 121-123 So. 3rd St. Residence: 2020 Park Av., Minne apolis. BREEN, Thomas M., quarryman; born at Richmond, Va., 1861; son of Matthias and Elizabeth (Howard) Breen; educated at St. John's College, Collegeville, Minn.; married at St. Cloud, 18S2, to Rachel Eastwood. At the age of 17 entered employ of the firm of Breen & Young, stone quarriers, and continued with its successor, Mat. Breen (his father) ; in 1893, three years after his father's death, the business was in corporated as the Breen Stone Co., quar riers and dealers in cut stone, of which he has since been president. Democrat. Catholic Member B. P. O. E., Knights of Columbus, Independent Order of Foresters, Woodmen of the World. Recreation: Hunting. Club: Commer cial. Office: Germania Life Bldg. Resi dence: 711 Marshall Av., St. Paul. BBEMEB, Adolf, vice president and manager Jacob Schmidt Brewing Co.; born in Germany, July 24, 1869; son of Edward and Matilda Bremer; edu cated in public schools and gymnasium, Germany. Came to America, 1886, and located in Minnesota; was formerly in sporting goods business; became con nected with the Jacob Schmidt Brew ing Co., in 1888, and has been vice president of the company since its in corporation in 1901. Interested in North Western Trust Co., American Natl. Bank, National German American Bank. Member A. O. U. D., Sons of Hermann. Married at St. Paul, 1896, to Miss Mary Schmidt. Recreations: Hunting and fishing. Office: 882 W. 7th St. Resi dence: 855 W. 7th St., St. Paul. BBEMEB, Otto, city treasurer of St. Paul; born at Seesen, Germany, Oct. 22, 1867; son of Edward and Matilda (Maeder) Bremer; educated in common schools of Germany and university pre paratory school, graduating from the latter. Was in banking business in Germany for three years; came to America, 1886, and located in St. Paul; entered employ of Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk 58 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS & Co., wholesale hardware, continuing 6 months; was connected with the Na tional German American Bank, 1887- 1900, becoming chief clerk and resigning to enter upon duties of city treasurer, which position he still holds. Director American National Bank, interested in North Western Trust Co. and Western German American Bank. Secretary and treasurer Schmidt Brewing Co. Member B. P. O. E., Knights of Pythias. Unmar ried. Club: Commercial and Minne sota. Office: Court House. Residence: 738 E. 4th St., St. Paul. BRETT, George E., dry goods; born at Strong, Me., 1846; son of Cyrus H. and Mary (Hunter) Brett; educated in public schools of Strong and Dewiston Academy; married, 1874, to Miss Lizzie E. Maxfield of St Paul. Came to Winona, Minn., 1863, and engaged in dry goods business there until 1865, and in Faribault, 1865-68; has been a resident of Mankato since 1868; president and manager of the Geo. E. Brett Co.; vice- president Mankato Savings Bank. Re publican. Presbyterian. Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner, member Knights of Pythias, B. P. O. E. Address: Man kato, Minn. BREWER, Frank A., lumber manu facturer and dealer in timber lands; born in Oakland Co., Mich., Nov. 28, 1854; son of Addison P. and Sarah S. (Graves) Brewer; educated in schools of Saginaw, Mich. Began active career in employ of Sage & McGraw, sealing logs on Cass River, winter of 1873-74, continuing for four winters; entered business of logging and looking up tim bered lands until he began lumber man ufacturing at Duluth, 6 years later. President Duncan & Brewer Lumber Co., established as the Duncan-Brewer Co., 1880 (now incorporated), manufac turing lumber from 1880-1903 and deal ers in timbered lands of Southern and Western States since 1898. Married at Saginaw, Mich., Sept. 26, 1877, to Miss Jennie Duncan. Office: Mesaba Blk. Residence: 2215 E. Superior St., Du luth. BBICK, Simon P., clerk of district court; born in Waterloo Co., Ont, April 5, 1862; son of Peter and Katie (Kaiser) Brick; educated in common schools. Came to Minnesota, 1876; has held the office of clerk of district court since 1899. Democrat. Roman Catholic. Member Knights of Columbus,' Modern Woodmen of America, C. O. F. Married at St. Cloud, Minn., Feb. 7, 1888, to Miss Susie Leiser. Address: Little Falls, Minn. BRIDGMAN, George H., president Hamline University; born, Ontario, Can., Aug. 2, 1841; son of John P. - Bridgman; graduated from Victoria University, Coburg, Ontario, Can., A.B., 1864; (A.M., 1867, D.D., 1878, and DD.D., 1900, Syracuse University) ; married, Brantford, Ont., June, 1873, Mary B. El liott, of Brantford. On leaving school became pastor of Methodist Episcopal Church in Toronto and other cities of Ontario, 1864-73; president Genesee Weslevan Seminary, Lima, N. Y., 1873- 83; president Hamline University since 1883. Member of the first charter com mission of St. Paul. Methodist; dele gate to the General Conferences of the M. E. Church since 1888. Mason. Club: Commercial (member Board of Direc tors). Residence: Hewitt Av., St. Paul. BBIDGEMAN, Henry, dairy products; born at London, Ont., June 25, 1861; son of Robert and Jane (Guest) Bridge- man; educated in public schools of On tario and at Cleveland, O. Removed to Cleveland, O., at 10 years of age; came to Duluth in spring of 1882; became identified with wholesale trade in dairy products first, as Henry Bridgeman, sec ond as Bridgeman' & Russell (1892), third, as The Bridgeman & Russell Co., of which he is president. Married at Harrisville, Mich., Sept., 1887, to Miss Charlotte Nevin. Mason. Club: Com mercial. Office: 16 W. 1st St. Resi dence: 231 E. 5th St., Duluth. BBIGGS, Asa Gilbert, lawyer; born at Arcadia, Wis., Dec. 20, 1862; son of Isaac A. and Elizabeth Briggs; edu cated in country schools and graded school at Arcadia, Wis.; took scientific course at University of Wisconsin, grad uating June, 1885, and from Daw De partment same university, degree of LL.B., 1887. Married at St. Paul, Oct. 21, 1891, to Jessica Pierce. Admitted to the bar in June, 1887; connected with St. Paul Title and Trust Co., as examiner, 1887; in general practice of law, 1887- 1901; since June 15, 1901, general at torney Chicago Great Western Railway Co. Republican. Member American Bar Association and Minnesota State Bar Association. Member Phi Delta Theta fraternity. Member A. F. and A. M. Clubs: Minnesota, Commercial. Office: Metropolitan Opera House Bldg. Residence: 793 Fairmount Av., St. Paul. BBIGGS, William Edward, banker; born at Wyoming, Iowa, Oct. 30, 1858; son of Moore and Huldah Briggs; edu cated in public schools at Wyoming, Iowa, until 1876; at Cornell College, Mt. Vernon, Iowa, 1876-77, Iowa Business College. Des Moines, 1879; married at Wyoming, Iowa, 1889, to Elva Calkins. Engaged in banking business since 1888; now cashier and director Stock Yards Nat. Bank, South St. Paul; president Stockmen's State Bank, Evearts, S. D. ; director Dakota Nat. Bank of Dickinson, N. Dak. Republican. Member Masonic order. Club: Commercial. Office: South St. Paul. Residence: . 760 Fair- mount Av., St. Paul. BRIGHT, Alfred Harris, lawyer; born in Jefferson Co., N. Y., Oct. 29, 1850; son of Thomas and Jane (Crittenden) Bright; graduated from University of THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 59 Wisconsin, 1874, and from law depart ment, same university, 1876. Was ad mitted to the bar, 1876; located in Min neapolis, 1891; was general solicitor Milwaukee & Northern R. R., 1888- 1891; has been general solicitor, Min neapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Ry., since Jan. 1, 1891. Married at Evanston, 111., Sept. 15, 1887, to Miss Emily Haskell. Club: Commercial. Recreation: Travel. Office: Soo Line Bldg. Residence: 1004 Mt. Curve Av., Minneapolis. BBILL, Hascal R., jurist; born at Phillipsburg, Province of Quebec, Can ada, August 10, 1846; son of Thomas R. and Sarah (Sager) Brill; educated in common schools of Canada and Minne sota, Hamline University, 1862-66, Uni versity of Michigan, 1866-67 (LL.D., Hamline University) ; married at Niag ara Falls, N. Y., 1872, to Cora A. Gray. Removed to Minnesota, 1859, and lived on farm; taught school; came to St. Paul, Dec, 1867; studied law and was admitted to bar, 1870; practiced law with Stanford Newel under firm name of Newel & Brill; judge of probate court of Ramsey Co., Minn., 1873-74; judge of Common Pleas Court of Ramsey Co., 1875- 76; judge of District Court of 2nd Judi cial District of Minnesota since 1876, elected and reelected by both parties. Has done some literary work in way of addresses, lectures, etc. Republican. Member M. E. Church. Office: Court House, St. Paul. Residence: 471 Laurel Av., St. Paul. BBITTS, Charles A., banking; born in Dane Co., Wis., Sept. 24, 1857; son of E. M. and Rhoda D. (Corbin) Britts; educated in public schools of Osage, Ia. Engaged in flour milling business with his father at Osage, la., and Verndale, Minn., for 7 years; has been cashier of The St. Louis County Bank since its organization, 1887. Republican. Member Modern Woodmen of America, K. O. T. M. Married at Boston, Mass., 1886, to Miss M. Belle Evans. Office: 1901 W. Superior St. Residence: 2201 E. Su perior St., Duluth, Minn. BBOBEBG, Peter, banker and mer chant; born in Sweden, Dec. 17, 1854; son of D. P. and Christina Broberg; common school education. Entered mer cantile business in 1877 as a member of the firm of Swenson & Broberg, re tailers of general merchandise, in which business he has continued' to the pres ent time; also engaged in banking and is president of the State Bank of New London. Married at New London, Dec. 31,, 1878, to Miss Christina Darson. Ad dress: New London, Minn. BBONSON, David, lumber, merchan dise and tow boat line; born at Anson, Me., March 19, 1834; educated in the common schools. One of the pioneers of Minnesota; came to Stillwater as bookkeeper for Hersey, Staples & Co., Sept. 25, 1855; started in general store business at Stillwater, under title of D. Bronson & Co., 1859; formed partnership with Edward A. Folsom in 1866, which continued until spring of 1906, under firm name of Bronson & Folsom, later incorporating under names of the Bron- son-Folsom Co., and the Bronson-Fol- som Towing Co. Has been a director of the Lumberman's National Bank of Stillwater since its incorporation, 1872; filled position of vice president of the bank for the last 6 years; elected presi dent of the bank, Jan. 1, 1907. Presi dent East Side Lumber Co., Bronson- Folsom Towing Co. Member Masonic order. Married at Stillwater, Minn., Jan. 1, 1861, to Miss Ianthe Davis. Ad dress: Stillwater, Minn. BBONSON, Boscoe Hersey, banker; born at Stillwater, Minn., Jan. 25, 1863; son of David and Ianthe (Davis) Bron son; educated in public schools of Still water, at The Shattuck School, Fari bault; married at Stillwater, 1884, to Gabrielle Swain. Began in employ of First National Bank as office boy, 1880, advancing to 2nd vice president, Nov. 9, 1897, and vice president since Jan. 3, 1900. Treasurer St. Croix Valley Sav ings Bank; president Western Shoe Co.; director Stillwater Water Co., Bank of Valley City, N. Dak. Republican. Mem ber State Board of Prison Managers under Gov. Van Sant Member Masonic order, B. P. O. E. Recreations: Aqua tics, automobiling. Address: Stillwater, Minn. BBOOKS, Anson Strong, lumber and finance; born Redfield, Oswego Co., N. Y., Sept. 6, 1852; son of Sheldon and Jeanette (Ranney) Brooks; village school education; married, McGregor, la., July 24, 1876, Georgia L. Andros. Came to Minnesota with parents who settled on a farm in Winona Co., in 1856; was telegraph operator, 1868-72; assisted in forming the co-partnership of Brooks Brothers, 1873, to handle grain, the firm owning 35 country ele vators when that branch of its busi ness was sold out in 1897. Member firm of Brooks Brothers; treasurer Brooks- Scanlon Lumber Co.; secretary Brooks- Scanlon Co.; vice-president Scanlon- Gipsin Lumber Co.; president Brooks Elevator Co.; secretary Kentwood & Eastern Ry. ; 2nd vice-president Minne sota and Northern Wisconsin Ry. ; di rector National Bank of Commerce. Re publican. Mason.. Clubs: Minneapolis, Minikahda, Automobile. Recreations: Automobiling and golf. Office: Security Bldg. Residence: 2445 Park Av., Min neapolis. BBOOKS, Charles B., secretary and treasurer Marshall H. Coolidge Co., cedar products; born at Albion, N. Y., Aug. 9, 1857; son of Merritt and Sarah L. (Baker) Brooks; educated in public schools of Buffalo, N. Y. Began active career as clerk in the wholesale hard ware house of Pratt & Co., Buffalo, N. 60 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS Y., 1872; became bookkeeper of the com pany, 1886; mSved to St. Paul and be came connected with the Coolidge Fuel & Supply Co., 1887, the title being later changed to Marshall H. Coolidge Co., also vice-president Coolidge-Schussler Co., and the Edminster Mercantile Co. Mason. Married at Buffalo, N. Y., Sept. 14, 1880, Annie J. Marshall. Club: Com mercial. Recreations: Hunting, golf. Office: Guaranty Bldg. Residence: 2309 Girard Av., S., Minneapolis. BROOKS, Edmund De Witt, book seller and importer; born at Red Wing, Minn., May 2, 1866; son of E. W. and Harriet E. (Patterson) Brooks; edu cated in public schools of Red Wing until 1881; at preparatory school, Tabor College, Tabor, la., 1881-84; Tabor Col lege, 1884-88, graduating, 1888, degree of B.A. Was traveling salesman for McLaughlin, Sheldon & Co., Owatonna, 1888-89; connected with Security Bank, Minneapolis, 18S9-1901; has been in re tail book business since 1901, making a specialty of securing rare books in Europe during annual trips abroad. Club: Commercial. Recreation: For eign travel. Office: 605 1st Av., S. Residence: 1779 James Av., S., Min neapolis. BBOOKS, Prank C, jurist; born at Taunton, Mass., Jan. 12, 1853; son of Oscar M. and Anna Brooks; married at Janesville, Wis., 1879, to Ella R. Noyes (now deceased). Resided in Cuyahoga Co., O., 1859-72, and Janesville, Wis., until 1S81; admitted to the bar 1878; practiced three years at Eau Claire, Wis., located in Minneapolis, 1884; has been judge 4th judicial district since 1898. Democrat. Unitarian. Address: 432 Ridgewood Av., Minneapolis. BBOOKS, Jabez, professor Greek, University of Minnesota, since 1869; born in England, Sept. 18, 1823; son of David and Ann Brooks; educated private school in England until coming to America with parents, 1840; Rock River Seminary, Mount Morris, 111., 1844-7; graduated Wesleyan University., Conn., 1850 (A.M., same; D.D., Dawrence Uni versity, Wis.); married, Watertown, Wis., Sept. 6, 1854, Ruby B. Pease. Prin cipal Watertown Seminary, Wisconsin, 1850; principal preparatory department Hamline University, Red Wing, Minn., 1854-7; president, same, 1861-9. Member Normal and Agricultural State Boards, Minnesota, 2 terms each; delegate Meth odist General Conference, 1864; presi dent Minnesota Educational Association, 1868; Methodist. (For books and papers see, "Who's Who in America.") Ad dress: 1708 Laurel Av., Minneapolis, Minn. BBOOKS, Walter Freeman, civil en gineer; born at Rutland, Mass., April 17, 1861; son of Daniel W. and Katherine (Riley) Brooks; came to Minnesota, 1866; educated in public schools of Min nesota and at Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, Mass., graduating, degree of B.S., 1886. Engaged in railway con struction, Minnesota, Pacific coast states and Mexico; also mining and ir rigation engineering on Pacific coast. Has been engaged in private engineering practice since 1893; county surveyor of Blue Earth Co., since 1897. Republican. Presbyterian. Mason. Married at Ripon, Wis., Nov. 26, 1896, to Miss Mar garet Dimbert. Recreation: Driving. Address: Mankato, Minn. BBOOKS, William F., lumber; born at Battle Creek, Mich., March 1, 1863; son of Frederick W. and Annie (Oakley) Brooks; educated in Minneapolis public schools; graduate Minneapolis High School and Institute of Technology, Worcester, Mass., degree of B.S., 1884. Entered employ of Minneapolis Mill Co., as assistant engineer, 1886; became connected with firm of Nelson, Tenney & Co., lumber, 1887; was made treasurer of the company, 1888; treasurer of the E. W. Backus Lumber Co., 1897; has been treasurer Backus-Brooks Co., suc cessor to E. W. Backus Lumber Co., since 1900; also vice-president Kooch iching Co., Rainy River Lumber Co., First National Bank, International Falls, Minn., Keewatin Lumber Co. Republi can. Married at Minneapolis, 1887, to Miss Caroline Langdon. Clubs: Min neapolis, Minikahda, Lafayette, Automo bile. Recreations: Golf, automobiling. Office: Andrus Bldg. Residence: 1829 Stevens Av., Minneapolis. BROOM, John, manager manufactur ing department Wyman, Partridge & Co.; born at London, Ontario, Feb. 24, 1845; son of William and Nancy (Kipp) Broom; educated in the common and public schools in Vienna, Ont; married, at Minneapolis, Minn., June 4, 1872, to Maria L. Cooley. Came to Minnesota 1869; became connected with Wyman & Mullen; now manager of the manufac turing department of Wyman, Partridge and Co., large dealers in dry goods and notions and manufacturers of "Flour City" furnishing goods. Clubs: Min neapolis, Bryn Mawr Golf. Office: Cor. 1st Av., North, and 4th St. Residence: 3111 2nd Av., S., Minneapolis. BBOUGHTON, William W., railway official; born Oct. 20, 1858. Began active career as ticket agent of the Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific Ry., at Springfield, 111., 1875; was clerk at Bluffs, 111., and at Springfield, 1876-81; agent Minne apolis & St. Louis Ry., at East Minne apolis, 1881-83; agent St. Paul & Duluth Rd., East Minneapolis, 1883-85; general agent at Minneapolis, 1885-90; assistant general freight agent, 1890-93; general freight agent, 1893-1900; was assistant general freight agent Northern Pacific Ry., at St. Paul, 1900-1902; traffic man ager Eastern Ry. of Minnesota, Jan. 11, to June, 1902; general freight agent Eastern Division Great Northern Ry. and Montana Central Ry., 1903-05; has THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 61 been general traffic manager Great Northern Ry., since March 15, 1905. Club: Commercial. Office: 3rd, N. W. Cor. Broadway. Residence: 608 Grand Av., St. Paul. BBOUN, Andrew George Thomas, banker; born at Edinburgh, Scotland, Dec. 1, 1866; son of Archibald and Made line (Meikle) Broun; was student in Edinburgh Collegiate School; came to America, 1884;. was admitted to the bar, 1889, and practiced law in Sherburn, Minn.; started private bank under title of Bank of Sherburn, 1890, organizing under state banking laws, 1899. President Bank of Sherburn; director State Bank of Ceylon. Mem ber Martin County Bar Association. Re publican. Episcopalian. Mason, Knight Templar, I. O. O. F., Knights of Pythias, M. W. A., A. O. U. W. Married at Fair mont, Minn, 1890, to Miss Lucy E. Wol- laston. Address: Sherburn, Minn. BBOWEB, Ripley B., lawyer; born in Todd Co., Minn., May 22, 1869; son of Jacob V. and Armina E. (Shava) Brow- er; educated in public schools; State Normal School; College of Law, Univer sity of Minnesota, graduating, degree of LL.B., 1891. Married at St. Paul, Minn., Dee. 11, 1901, to Jennie F. Hanson. Practiced law as member of firm of Bruckart & Brower, 1891-95; was alone, 1895-1900; member law firm of Stewart & Brown since 1900.' Republican. State Senator, 1899 to 1907. Member Minne sota State Bar Association. Mason; member K. of P., Modern Woodmen of America, A. O. U. W., B. P. O. E., Delta Kappa Epsilon and Phi Delta Kappa fraternities. Club: Commercial. Ad dress: St. Cloud, Minn. BROWN, Alfred Gilbert, manufac turer of fibre; born near Mantorville, Minn., Aug. 16, 1864; son of Alfred and Mary E. (Gilbert) Brown; educated in common schools of Kasson, Minn., and Egan, S. D., and studied two years at South Dakota Agricultural College, Brookings, S. D. Went to live upon farm near Egan, S. D., at age of 16, managing same 1884-1890; purchased a tow mill, 1890, and increasing the num ber of mills, engaged in wholesale man ufacture of tow for upholstering and cordage purposes; was largely instru mental in organization of the Union Fibre Co., established 1900, of whieh he is secretary and manager. Republican. Congregationalist. Member Masonic or der. Married; 1st, in Moody Co., S. D., 1886, Marion Smith (died Aug. 1888); 2nd, at SWanton, O., Nov. 18, 1891, to Miss Lena M. Lewis. Recreations: Driv ing, reading. Address: Winona, Minn. BBOWN, Benjamin P., born at Strong's Prairie, Wis., April 29, 1858; son of Russell G. and Mary A. (Free- land) Brown; common school education. In commission business, Minneapolis, 1881-83; lumber, Wis., 1884-85; con tractor and builder, Minneapolis, 1886- 87. Took up homestead in unorganized county of Beltrami, Minn., 1888 and was one of the pioneers of Clearwater Co. Now U. S. commissioner and court com missioner. Republican. Congregation alist. Member I. O. O. F., M. W. A. Address: Bagley, Minn BBOWN, Calvin Luther, jurist; born at Goshen, N. H., April 26, 1854; son of John H. Brown; married at Willmar, Minn., Sept. 1, 1879, to Miss Annette Marlow. Was elected judge of the Supreme Court of Minnesota, Nov., 1898, and reelected 1904. Residence: Morris, Minn. BBOWN, Clarence Archie, secretary The St. Anthony & Dakota Elevator Co.; born at Elmira, N. Y., Jan. 9, 1860; son of Comfort Simmons and Huldah Selina (Hopkins) Brown; educated in Elmira public schools and Elmira Free Academy, graduating, June, 1876; mar ried at Sioux City, la., April 25, 1882, to Ellen Beulah Andrews. Was engaged as bookkeeper for Brown & Roy, whole sale and retail agricultural implements, Elmira, 1877-79; traveling salesman for Cooper, Wells & Co., manufacturers of hosiery, St. Joseph, Mich., 1880; was bookkeeper for E. C. Palmer & Co., wholesale grocers, Sioux City, la., 1881; member of firm of Cummings, Smith & Co., wholesale boots and shoes, Sioux City and Minneapolis, Minn., 1882-83; dealer in real estate, Minneapolis, 1884, and bookkeeper for G. W. Van Dosen & Co., grain dealers, 1885-87; began as bookkeeper with the St. Anthony & Dakota Elevator Co., 1888, and was elected secretary and di rector, 1892, which position he now holds. Served one year each in N. G. N. Y. and M. N. G. Independent in poli tics. Baptist. Member Chamber of Commerce of Minneapolis. Member of the Sons of the American Revolution. Clubs: Minikahda, Trinity Men's, Min neapolis, Curling. Recreations: Golf, tennis and curling. Office: Chamber of Commerce. Residence: 2020 Second Av., S., Minneapolis. BBOWN, Claude Sturtevant, deputy State auditor; born at Rockford, 111., Feb. 19, 1872; son of Arthur P. and Josephine A. (Warner) Brown; educated in common schools of De Mars, la., and the Breck School, Wilder, Minn.; mar ried at St. Paul, Minn., Oct. 18, 1899, Miss Irene A. Iverson. Clerk in office of city clerk, St. Paul, 1896-1902; clerk in land department of the State audi tor's office, 1892, chief clerk land de partment, 1904, and deputy State auditor since Nov. 20, 1906. Republican. Ad dress: 893 Dayton Av., St. Paul. BBOWN, Edward A., grain merchant; born at Winneconne, Wis., Oct. 15, 1856; son of Waldo W. and Susan M. (Apple- ton) Brown; educated in public schools of Winneconne; married at Ash Creek, Minn., 1884, to Jennie E. Olds. Began dealing in grain at Ash Creek, Minn., Tfiiii mjuss. ur snu.ensmawi:&i.ya 1884; head of the grain commission firm of E. A. Brown & Co., Minneapolis, es tablished 1887; owns and operates farm of 1,000 acres in Rock Co., Minn. Also president German State Bank (Ells worth), Luverne Telephone Co.; vice president First National Bank (Lu verne), Luverne Automobile Co. Repub lican. Member Masonic order, Modern Woodmen of America. Club: Commer cial (Minneapolis). Recreation: Auto mobiling. Address: Luverne, Minn. BBOWN, Edward Josiah, physician; born at Burke, Vt, Jan. 14, 1851; son of Dr. Ira and Emily (Clark) Brown; graduate of Kimball Union Academy, Meriden, N. H, 1870; Dartmouth Col lege, 1874; Dartmouth Medical College, 1878; post graduate studies, University City of New York, 1878-79; College of Physicians and Surgeons, N. Y., 1888- 89; University of Berlin, Germany, 1889. Has engaged in practice of medicine in Minneapolis since 1882. Oculist and aurist since 1889. Member Hennepin County Medical Society (president, 1888), Minnesota State and American Medical associations, Minnesota Academy of Sciences. Independent Democrat. Congregationalist. Married at Minne apolis, April 23, 1900, to Miss Mary Peck Fullerton. Office: Syndicate Blk. Residence: 3027 Pleasant Av., Minne apolis. BROWN, Edward LeBoy, grain; born at Red Wing, Minn., April 19, 1870; son of William P. and Sarah B. Brown; edu cated at The Shattuck School, Faribault, Minn. Came to Minneapolis, from Red Wing, in 1886, and entered the grain business in which he has since been continuously engaged. Member of the grain commission firm of Lake, Brown & Tracy, organized 1906. Member Min neapolis Chamber of Commerce, Chicago Board of Trade, Chicago Mining and Stock Exchange, St. Louis Merchants' Exchange, New York Produce Exchange. Married at Chicago, June 27, 1900, to Miss Bertha A. Hopper. Club: Automo bile. Recreation: Automobiling. Office: Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Residence: 1760 Hennepin Av., Minneapolis. BBOWN, Ernest Clement, banking; born in Brooklyn, N. Y., 1858; son of M. P. and Helen E. Brown; educated in schools of New York City and at Mur ray Hill Institute, N. Y.; married in New York June 1, 1881, to Miss Alice L. Keefer. Was with the Leather Man ufacturers' National Bank, New York City, 1878-82; came to Minneapolis, 1882; with First National Bank, 1882- 94, and with Union National Bank, 1894- 95; cashier Nicollet National Bank, 1896-1901, when the latter consolidated with the First National Bank, since which time he has been assistant cashier First National Bank. Club: Commercial. Office: First National Bank. Residence: 2811 2nd Av., S., Minneapolis. BROWN, Frederick P., banking; born at Koppervig, Norway, Aug. 12, 1838; son of Johan Nordahl Brun and Anna (Salvesen) Brun; educated in private schools and by private tutors. Was a sailor in early life; came to America. 1854, and located at Madison. Wis.: re-1 moved to Minnesota, 1861; was elected register of deeds, Faribault Co., Nov., 1872, and held the office 14 years; was elected secretary of state of Minnesota, 1890, and reelected, 1892. Now -vice president Blue Earth State Bank, Blue Earth, Minn. Republican. Member State Board of Equalization. Member Norwegian Lutheran Church. Married in Goodhue Co., Minn., 1862, to Miss Lina Larsen. Address: Blue Earth, Minn. BBOWN, Frederick V., judge; born in Washtenaw Co., Mich., March 8, 1862; son of Orestus S. and Evalyn (Bortle) Brown; educated in common schools, Shakopee, Minn., and one year Hamline University. Admitted to the bar at Shakopee, June, 1885; entered into part nership with Hon. H. J. Peck; removed to Minneapolis, 1889, and formed part nership with George W. Buffington, firm of Brown & Buffington; was in partner ship with Hon. W. A. Kerr, which con tinued from 1901 to Oct., 1905; was en gaged in general practice but business consisted largely of insurance practice. Judge of district court, Hennepin Co., appointed Oct 1, 1905, and elected to same office for term of six years, Nov., 1906. Democrat. Unitarian. Mason;. member B. P. O. E. Married at Pres cott, Wis., Nov. 11, 1886, to Misa Esther A. Bailey. Clubs: Minneapolis, Com mercial. Recreations: Hunting and fishing. Office: Court House. Resi dence: 2117 Kenwood Parkway, Minne apolis. BROWN, George H., manager Armour & Co., St. Paul; born in Gloucestershire, Eng., March' 2, 1855; son of Thomas H. and Harriet (Cook) Brown; educated in England. Came to America, 1876, and has been a resident of St. Paul since 1881; has been identified with the meat business for more than 30 years; was formerly with Swift & Co., but for 25 years of the time has been connected with Armour & Co., and has been man ager for that company at St. Paul since 1900. Married at Sarnia, Ont., Can., 1880, to Miss Alma H. Reynolds. Office: 339 E. 5th St. Residence: 975 St. Clair St., St. Paul. BROWN, Giles W., grain elevators and milling; born at Rome, N. Y., Feb. 18, 1858; son of Giles K. and Lavina (Possom) Brown; educated at Rome Academy, Rome, N. Y. Commenced busi ness career, merchandising, at Texar- kana, Tex., 1878; later went to Cleve land, O., and engaged in same line; en tered grain and milling business at Sioux City, la., 1890; came to Minne apolis, 1901; president and treasurer of the Minnesota & Iowa Elevator Co., di- THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 63 rector Great Western Cereal Co., Chi cago. Married at Minneapolis, Minn., Nov. 29, 1901, to Miss Mabel E. George. Office: Chamber of Commerce, Minne apolis. Residence: Minnetonka Beach, Minn. BBOWN, Henry P., lumberman and live stock raiser; born at East Bald win, Me., Oct. 10, 1837; son of Cyrus S. and Mary (Burnham) Brown; educated in the district school, Fryeburg Acad emy and Limrick Academy, Me.; mar ried at Saco, Me., July 19, 1865, to Susan Fairfield. Came to Minnesota, in 1860, began business career as a lumberman and was for many years one of the large and successful lumber operators of the Northwest, a business from which he has almost retired. President Union National Bank, "American National Shorthorn Breeders' Association; owner Browndale Farm (established, 1873); member executive committee North American Telegraph Co. Owner of large Iron ore properties on Mesaba Range, and lessee of a large number of mines to U. S. Steel Company. Republican (Harrison elector). Club: Commer cial. Recreations: Farming and live stock breeding. Office: 1014 New York Life Bldg. Residence: 326 7th St., S., Minneapolis. BBOWN, James A., lawyer, capital ist; native of Chautauqua Co., N. Y.; educated in academy at Forestville, N. Y., and at Hamilton College, Clinton, N. Y., graduating, degree of A.B., A.M., 1879. Began active career as a school teacher and was principal of academy, Oxford, N. Y., 1879-83 and at Sherman, N. Y., 1873-76. Came to Minnesota, 1884; entered profession of law, 1886 and is now member of the firm of Par sons & Brown, Fergus Falls. Also president First National Bank, Deer Creek, Fergus Packing Co., and exten sively interested in manufacturing en terprises, lumber and lands, in United States and Canada. Republican. Epis copalian (life trustee Church Founda tion of Diocese of Minnesota). President Fergus Falls Park Board. Mason (32°). Married at Oxford, N. Y., 1881, to Miss Mai Mygatt, daughter of Hon. Henry R. Mygatt. Club: Chippewa. Address: Fergus Falls, Minn. BBOWN, John A., county auditor; born in Scotland, Aug. 8, 1841; came to America, 1856, and located at West Salem, La Crosse Co., Wisconsin; edu cated in the common schools. Enlisted in the Union Army at the time of the Great Rebellion, as member of Co. B, 2d Wis., Cav., s'erving nearly 4 years and participating in many of the lead ing battles of the war. After laying his uniform aside, he settled down to farm life, in Cottonwood Co., Minn., 150 miles southwest of St. Paul; was elected county auditor in 1900 and assumed the position, Jan. 1, 1901, still continuing in that office. Mason; member of the G. A. R. Married at Windom, Minn., Oct. 23, 1880, Miss Edith C. Allen. Address: Windom, Minn. BBOWN, Le Boy, physician; born in Nankin, Wayne Co., Mich., Feb. 24, 1855; son of Reuben J. and Betsey Ann (Kingsley) Brown; educated in the com mon schools of Michigan; Northville High School, 1875-76; Michigan State Normal School, 1877-78, graduating, 1878; University of Michigan, 1882-85, M.D., 1885. Married at Ann Arbor, Mich., 1887, to Mina Allen. Worked on father's farm, attending school winters, till nearly 21; taught and attended school and college for nearly ten years following; began practice of medicine in California, 1885; came to Minnesota and settled in St. Paul, 1886. Surgeon to Nose and Throat Department of St. Paul Free Dispensary, since 1898. Member Ramsey County Medical Society, Minne sota State Medical Association; hon orary member Southwest Minnesota Medical Society. Republican. Presby terian. Mason, Odd Fellow; member Yeomen, Modern Brotherhood, Minneso ta Society Sons of the American Revo lution. Office: Pittsburgh Bldg. Res idence: 934 Clark St., St. Paul. BBOWN, Leslie Leonard,, lawyer; born at Dakota; Minn., 1859; son of Nathan Brown; educated at Galesville University, Galesville, Wis., and Uni versity of Wisconsin, graduating, de gree of B.A., 1882, married at Galesville, 1888, to Miss Dulu Gilliland. Was ad mitted to the bar at Winona, 1884, and has been engaged in practice in Winona ever since; senior member of the law firm of Brown, Abbott & Somsen since 1900. Member American, Minnesota State and Winona County Bar associa tions. Democrat. Mayor of Winona, 1902-04; member school board, 1899-91. Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner; member Knights of Pythias, B. P. O. E. Clubs: Arlington, Meadow Brook, Phil harmonic. Recreation: Fishing. Ad dress: Winona, Minn. BBOWN, Lewis Dunham, druggist; born at Browntown, Pa., April 12, 1866; son of Clark M. and Mary Jane (Wood- field) Brown; educated in common schools; Susquehanna Collegiate Insti tute, Towanda, Pa.; Minnesota Institute of Pharmacy, Minneapolis, Minn. Reared on farm; has been engaged in pharma ceutical business since Jan. 1, 1888. Member Masonic order, B. P. O. E., Knights of Pythias, I. O. O. F. Club: Commercial. Address: Little Falls, Minn. BBOWN, Minot James, milling; born at Owatonna, Minn., March 14, 1877; son of James and Mary (Madden) Brown; graduated from Owatonna High School, 1895, and from University of Minnesota, degree of B.S., 1899; unmarried. In employ of Imperial Elevator Co., Min neapolis, 1899-03; manager Hastings Milling Co., Owatonna, since 1903; also 64 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS secretary and treasurer of the Pride Ele vator Co. First lieut, Co I, 2nd Inf., M. N. G. Republican. Presbyterian. Member Masonic order, Phi Gamma Delta fraternity. Club: Commercial. Recreation: Horseback riding. Address: Owatonna, Minn. BBOWN, Philip E., jurist; born in Wisconsin, June 19, 1856; educated at University of Wisconsin; Albany Law School, Albany, N.. Y., graduating, de gree of LL.B., 1881. Began practice of law in Wisconsin, 1881; district judge, 13th district of Minnesota, since 1890. Also president First National Bank of Hills; director First National Bank of Luverne, Farmers' National Bank of Luverne, all of Minnesota. Married at Blanchard, la., 1882, Miss Ella Ford. Address: Luverne, Minn. BBOWN, Boland Graeme, railway offi cial; born in New York City, June 9, 1865; son of Roland and Ellen (Corn- stock) Brown; educated in graded and high schools; married. Entered service of Minneapolis & St. Louis Road, 1881, passing through various positions to district general freight agent; resigned and was for three months secretary of the Wells Flour Milling Co.; returned to railway service, 1902, as assistant gen eral freight agent of the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Ry. Clubs: Minne apolis, Commercial (Minneapolis), Min nesota (St. Paul). Office: Guaranty Loan Bldg. Residence: 2832 Portland Av., Minneapolis. BBOWN, Borne G., lawyer; born in Montpelier, Vermont, June 15, 1862; son of Andrew C. and Lucia A. (Green) Brown; graduated from Montpelier (Vt.) High School, 1879, Harvard Uni versity, degree of A.B., magna cum laude, 1884; married, Marshfield, Vt, May 25, 1888, Mary Lee Hollister. Ad mitted to bar in Vermont, Oct. 24, 1887, in Minnesota, Feb., 1888, member law firm of Benton, Roberts & Brown, 1888- 95, practicing alone, 1895-1900; since 1900 in association with Charles S. Al bert. Also vice president and director Minnesota Tribune Co.; director St. Cloud Water Power Co., and Crookston Water Works, Power and Light Co. At torney for Minneapolis Water Power Companies, Great Northern Railway Co., and other corporations. Member Executive Committee of American Bar Association; president of Minnesota State Bar Association; president Ver mont Association of Minnesota, presi dent Minnesota Harvard Club; president Associated Harvard Clubs of the United States. Republican. Unitarian. Clubs: Minneapolis, Minikahda; also Harvard (New York). Office: Guaranty Bldg. Residence: 1918 Queen Av., S., Min neapolis. BBOWN, Theodore W., secretary and treasurer St. Paul White Lead & Oil Co.; born at Faribault, Minn., 1861; son of Orville and Caroline (Condit) Brown; educated in public schools of Mankato. Became connected with the St. Paul White Lead & Oil Co., 1884; has been its secretary and treasurer since 1895. Married at St. Paul, Minn., 1900, to Mrs. Lillian A. Sweney. Club: Com mercial. Office; N. E. Cor. Water & Starkey Sts., St. Paul. Residence: White Bear, Minn. BBOWN, Wilson Chamberlain, real es tate, lands and banking; born at East Wilton, Me., May 14, 1447; son of Charles Turner and Susan (Dascomb) Brown; educated in public schools of East Wilton and North Wayne, Me., Lowell, Mass., and St. Peter, Minn. Came to Minnesota, 1860; entered U. S. land office at St. Peter, April, 1864, as chief clerk, continuing until 1869; re signed in spring of 1869, to engage in real estate business and to practice as land attorney; appointed chief clerk land department, Winona & St. Peter Ry., Aug., 1869, and removed to Winona; be came chief clerk of The Winona & St. Peter Land Co., upon its organization, 1876, advancing to position of general land agent for the company and since Jan., 1906, has been its land commis sioner and a director. Also president First National Bank of Lamberton, Minn.; director Citizens' State Bank of Westbrook, Minn. Member Masonic or der, Royal Arcanum. Married at St. Peter, Sept. 21, 1869, to Miss Mary Alice Dunning. Recreation: Horticulture. Address: St. Paul, Minn. BROWNSON, Ralph, manufacturer; born in St. Lawrence County, N. Y., Aug. 24, 1850; son of Nathaniel and Abigail (Brown) Brownson; educated in country schools; married at Prairie du Chien, Wis., Sept., 1870, to Miss Theresa M. Fox. In 1894 established present firm of R. Brownson & Co., manufac turers of horse collar machinery, of which is president. Office: 867 Conway St. Residence: 387 Maple St., St. Paul. BBUBAKER, Evans E., physician and surgeon; born in Fulton Co., O., Jan. 1, 1852; son of Henry and Eva (Miller) Brubaker; educated in Wauseon (O.) High School; Ohio Wesleyan University, 1870-71; Ohio College of Physicians and Surgeons, Aug., 1876; Starling Medical College. Columbus, O., 1877-78, gradua ting, from the latter, March, 1878. Prac ticed medicine at Ridgeville Corner, O., 1878-84; came to Minnesota, 1884, and was surgeon for Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry., for 17 years. Member Rice County Medical Society, Minnesota State Medical Association (ex-chairman obstetrical section one year), Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Surgeons Assn. and American Assn. of Ry. Sur geons. Republican. Treasurer North- field School Board for 3 years. Married at Mt. Gilead, O., May 7, 1874, Carrie L. Hammell. Club. Men's. Recreation: Fishing. Address: Northfield, Minn. THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 65 BBUCE, George A., general master mechanic Eastern District Great North ern Ry.; born at Ashburnham, Mass., June 21, 1864; son of Samuel and Jane (Wilson) Bruce; common school educa tion. Entered railway service in 1877, as locomotive fireman Michigan Central Rd., continuing for two and a half years; was locomotive engineer same road for 10 months; locomotive engi neer and division master' mechanic Great Northern Ry., to Dec. 25, 1903; has been general master mechanic East ern "" district same road, since Nov. 1, 1903. Member Northwestern Railway Club. Mason. Married at Winchendon, Mass., Aug. 18, 1880, to Miss Luetta Nutting. Recreations: Hunting and fishing. Office: 3rd and Broadway. Residence: 362 Dale St., St. Paul. BBUCE, William J., lumber; born at Waterbury, Vt, Aug. 4, 1860; son of Horace M. and Esther (Mellen) Bruce; educated at Waterbury High School and Barre Academy, Vt. Engaged in whole sale lumber manufacturing at Stowe, Vt, for 5 years; moved to Charles City, la., and entered retail lumber business, 1891; started retail lumber yard at Pringhar, la., continuing 1893-98; was in lumber business at Sibley, la., 5 years and at Sioux City, one year, lo cating in Minneapolis, 1904, as vice president and general manager the Bruce-Edgerton Lumber Co.; also vice president of the Fidelity Lumber Co. Republican. Congregationalist. Married at Waterbury, Vt, 1883, to Miss Grace L. Pickett. Club: Commercial. Office: Lumber Exchange. Residence: 3017 Calhoun Blvd., Minneapolis. BRUCHHOLZ, August P., president Northern Machinery Co.; born in New York City, April 18, 1855; educated in public schools of New York -City. Has been identified with R. Hoe & Co., print ing presses, New York, ever since 1878; came to Minneapolis, 1883; began in ma chinery supply business, Jan., 1883, the title being changed to Northern Ma chinery Co., 1895; firm incorporated, 1902. Married at Minneapolis, Oct. 5, 1880, to Miss Theresa Van Anda. Recrea tions: Y. M. C. A. gymnasium, boating. Office: 213-217 S. 3rd St. Residence: £555 Bryant Av., S., Minneapolis. BBUBNEB, Theodore, lawyer; born at Recklinghausen, Westphalia, Germany. April 11, 1856; son of Bernhard and Anna (Fischer) Bruener; came to America, 1874; educated in public schools of Germany, and Law Depart ment, University of Michigan, graduat ing, degree of LL.B., 1879; married at St. Francis, Wis., 1880, to Miss Mary Kuntz. Located in St. Cloud in prac tice of law, 1879; city clerk, 1880-84; county attorney Stearns Co., 1884-87; judge of probate, 1887-95; register U. S. Land Office, 1895-99; in practice of law since 1879. Democrat. Address: St. Cloud, Minn. BBUSLETTEN, Christian L., mer chant; born in Norway, Sept. 2, 1853; son of Lars A. and Ingri H. Brusletten; educated in common schools and gradu ated from the Northwestern Business College, Madison, Wis., 1879. Began in mercantile business, 1879, now con ducted under title of C. L. Brusletten & Co.; postmaster at Kenyon from 1887-93; representative in the State Legislature in 1907-1909. President Citizens' State Bank; stockholder Farm ers' State Bank of Nerstrand, Minn.; di rector Farmers' State Bank of Wana- mingo. Treasurer Board of Education, Kenyon. Republican. Lutheran. Mar ried, 1st, at Kenyon, Minn., June 13, 1880, to Miss Liv. Dora O. Gunhus, (died, August 18, 1882); married, 2nd, at Chicago, 111., June 3, 1887, to Miss Agnes Bowers, of Primrose, Wis. Ad dress: Kenyon, Minn. BBUSSE, Hendrik, newspaper man; born at Grand Rapids, Mich., Sept. 28, 1867; son of Gerritt and Maria (Kemp- ers) Brusse; educated in public schools of Grand Rapids, Mich.; married at To ledo, Ohio, May 9, 1899, to Lamoille Til- linghast. Reporter on various Grand Rapids newspapers until 1894, then be came reporter on the Toledo Blade and, 1896-97, managing editor Toledo Com mercial. Joined The Associated Press as assistant correspondent in the De troit (Mich.) office in 1900; advanced to an editorial position in the general office in Chicago, 1902, and appointed corre spondent in charge of the Northwest, with headquarters in St. Paul in 1903. Mason. Office: Dispatch Bldg. Resi dence: 62 S. St. Albans St., St. Paul. BRYAN, Fred C, coal; born at Ra leigh, N. C, May 3, 1864; son of Hon. Henry R. and Mary (Norcott) Bryan; educated at Bingham Military School, University of North Carolina, and East man Business College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Began in railway service, 1883, with Atlantic & North Carolina R. R. at Newberne, N. C, continuing until 1886 joint agent of Associated Railways of the Virginias and Carolinas at Ra leigh, N. C, 1886-88; chief clerk in gen eral freight and passenger department, Seaboard Air Dine, Portsmouth, Va., 1888-90; assistant general freight and passenger agent same road, until Dec. 15, 1892; general Western freight agent, Norfolk & Western R. R., Chicago, until July, 1903; division freight agent same road, Columbus, Ohio, until May, 1905; has since been vice president St. Paul & Western Coal Co., and vice president of the Boston Coal, Wharf and Dock Co., since May, 1905. Clubs: Minnesota, Town, Country (St. Paul); Calumet (Chicago); Columbus (Columbus, O.). Office: Germania Dife Bldg. Residence: 494 Ashland Av., St. Paul. BBYANT, Fred Stewart, casualty in surance; born in Erie, Pa., March 20, 1859; son of James Spencer and Sarah 66 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS Ellen (Stewart) Bryant; educated in Erie (Pa.) High School; married at St. Paul, Minn., June 28, 1888, to Shirley E. MacManus. Located in St. Paul, 1878; assistant general N. W. freight agent Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry., 1881-87; president St. Paul Apart ment House Co., since 1888; Northwest ern manager Maryland Casualty Co. since 1902. Republican; delegate to Na tional Republican Convention, 1896; state secretary Minnesota Republican League, 1900-1906. Episcopalian. Mem ber Society of Colonial Wars, Sons of the Revolution. Office: Pioneer Press Bldg. Residence: 433 Portland Av., St. Paul. BBYANT, B. F., M. D., druggist. Ad dress: St. Cloud, Minn. BUCK, Cassius M., president State Bank of Annandale; born at Greenwood, Minn., June 19, 1859; son of William P. and Margaret (Cramer) Buck; edu cated in schools of Watertown, and Howard Lake Minn., until 12. Began active career as clerk in general store, continuing for 6 years; engaged in buy ing horses in Indiana and Iowa, for sale in Minnesota, 1879-82; purchased hard ware store of Smith Bros. & Co., fall 1882, Howard Lake, Minn., which he successfully conducted for 9 years; en tered banking and became part owner of Bank of Howard Lake, 1885; presi dent Bank of Dassel, 1889, and State Bank of Annandale, 1893; was principal organizer of Security Bank, Faribault, in 1894, and was for a number of years its cashier; has been president of State Bank of Annandale since its organiza tion; organized Kingston State Bank in 1906 and is president of same. Also an extensive land owner. Republican. Elected to State Senate from Rice Co. in fall of 1902; served 1903 and 1905; declined to be candidate for second term. Married at Salem, O., May 9, 1894, to Miss Sarah E. Tolerton. Address: Fari bault, Minn. BUCK, Dennis, president Midland Ma chinery Co.; born in Dodge Co., Minn., March 16, 1865; son of Louis and Eliza beth (Briggs) Buck; educated in public schools of Dodge Co. Was raised on farm and continued there until 21 years of age; came to Minneapolis, 1887, and was connected with the Link Belt Supply Co., as salesman until 1901; organized Midland Machinery Co., 1902, manufacturers and dealers in elevator, flour and saw mill machinery and sup plies, and is president and treasurer of the company. Republican. Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner. Married at Minneapolis, Dec. 26, 1895, to Miss Dora Thompson. Recreations: Hunting and fishing. Office: 412 S. 3rd St. Resi dence: 2106 Lyndale Av., N., Minne apolis. BUCK, Edwin L., president Hill City Land, Loan and Lumber Co.; born at Pontiac, 111., March 1, 1865; son of Henry W. and Sarah Ann (Hiles) Buck; attended public schools and graduated from Normal school, Garden Grove, la.; married at Minneapolis, Minn., Dec. 15, 1900, to Henrietta Coakley. Learned the printing business; founded at Po mona, Cala., the Pomona Index, 1883; founded the San Jacinto Register, San Jacinto, Cala., 1884; founded the Mon rovia Planet, Monrovia, Cala., 1886; founded the Colony of Fairview, Cala., 1886; was president of the Santa Ana, Fairview & Pacific R. R., 1887; also vice president of the Monrovia Street Car Co.; removed to Minneapolis, Minn., 1896, and is now president of the Hill City Land, Loan & Lumber Co. Bought 25,000 acres of Minnesota wild land, in 1900, and successfully colonized it with settlers. Club: Commercial (Minne apolis). Recreations: Hunting and fishing. Office: Phoenix Bldg., Minne apolis. Residence: Hill City, Minn., and Concord Hotel, Minneapolis. BUCK, Harry Lee, lawyer; born at Winona, Minn., June 21, -1861; son of Cornelius Fellows and Nancy Jane (Robinson) Buck; educated in State Normal School, high school and Law Department, University of Wisconsin. Admitted to bar 1882; has been en gaged in practice of law at Winona, Minn., since 1883; member of the law firm of Fitzpatrick &¦ Buck, established, 1901. Democrat Municipal judge, City of Winona; judge of probate for 10 years; formerly city attorney, special judge Municipal Court, member and president school board. Vice president State Humane Society; vice president State Initiative and Referendum League; ex-president Winona Humane Society. Was chairman Democratic State Com mittee, 1902-04; delegate at large Demo cratic National Convention, St. Louis, 1904. Unitarian. Director State Nor mal School at Winona. Member U. A. O. D., A. O. U. W., Knights of Pythias, M. W. A. Married at Winona, 1887, to Miss Ida Carpenter Club: Arlington. Recreations: Outdoor diversions. Ad dress: Winona, Minn. BUCKHAM, Thomas S., judge; born at Chelsea, Vt, Jan. 7, 1836; son of Rev. James and Margaret (Barmby) Buck- ham; educated in" public schools of Vermont; graduate University of Ver* mont, degree of A.B., 1855; degree of A.M., and DL.D., 1895, same university. Came to Minnesota, Sept. 1855, and lo cated in Faribault; was member of law firm of Batchelder & Buckham, 1855-78; has filled the office of judge of district court, 5th judicial district, since 1878. Was county superintendent of schools, Rice Co., for 6 years; also county attor ney, mayor of Faribault, member of Slate Senate. Republican. Congrega tionalist. Married at New York City, Nov. 25, 1876, to Miss Anna M. Mallary. Address: Faribault, Minn. THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 67 BUCXMAN, C. B., congressman; born in Bucks Co., Pa., 1851; son of William and Jane E. Buckman; educated in pub lic schools; came to Minnesota, 1872; married at Buckman, Minn., 1876, to Miss Emma C. Harvey. Engaged in farming and lumbering until 1901. Re publican. Member Minnesota Legisla ture, 1881; member State Senate for 12 years; member Congress, 6th Minnesota district, since 1903. Address: Little Falls, Minn. BUDD, Charles Henry, attorney, banker; born at Cambria, N. Y., March 21, 1848; son of Andrew and Mary (Pen- oyar) Budd; educated at Genesee Wes leyan Seminary, Lima, N. Y., 1866-67; studied law with firm of Lamont & Ells worth, Lockport, N. Y., and in Law De partment, University of Michigan, grad uating, degree of LL.B., 1872. Judge of probate, Chippewa Co., 1873; county at torney, 1874-75; McKinley elector, 1896. Entered banking, 1875, and is member private banking firm of Budd & Moyer and president of the Chippewa County Bank; treasurer Board of Education, Montevideo. Republican. Methodist. Member I. O. O. F. (dept. G. M. Grand Lodge, Minn.). Married at Montevideo, Minn., 1889, Miss Nellie C. Moyer. Club: Commercial. Recreation: Fishing. Ad dress: Montevideo, Minn. BUDD, George E., lawyer; born at Lockport, N. Y., June 7, 1864; son of Andrew S. and Mary M. (Penoyer) Budd; educated in common schools, Lock- port Union Schools and University of Michigan, graduating, LL.B., 1885. Mar ried at St. Paul, Sept. 1, 1897, to Hattie C. Shepstone. Vice president of the Gor man Electric Co. Republican. Metho dist. Office: Gilfillan Blk. 'Residence:' 1765 W. Minnehaha St., St. Paul. BUDD, Joseph Danly, physician; born at Lancaster, Grant Co., Wis., May 5, 1848; son of Daniel H. and Eliza M. (Rich) Budd; educated at Dawrence University, Appleton, Wis., degree of M.S., 1872, St. Paul Medical Col lege, degree of M.D., Chicago Polyclinic post graduate course. Served as private in Co. H, 50th Wis., Vol. Inf., at time of Civil War. Chief Surgeon Duluth & Iron Range Railroad Co., since 1889; proprietor Budd Hospital, Two Habors, Minn.; county physician Dake County, 18 years; coroner 10 years. Representa tive 51st legislative district, Minnesota, 1903. Republican. Member Interna tional Association Railway Surgeons, American and Minnesota State Medical associations. Mason (32°), • Knight Templar, Shriner; member B. P. O. E. Club: Commercial (Duluth). Address: Two Harbors, Minn. BUDLONG, Jay Scott, clergyman; born at North Scituate, R. I., July 20, 1869; son of Samuel N. and Ellen F. (Greene) Budlong; educated in public schools; special course University of S. Dak.; theology at Seabury Divinity School, Faribault, Minn. Married at Worcester, Mass., 1892, to Frances L. Van Hoosear. Ordained to the ministry of the Episcopal Church, 1899; has been in charge of parishes at Vermillion, S. D., Seattle, Wash., Faribault, Minn., Portland, Ore., and has been rector of Christ Church, Austin, since April, 1905. Member Masonic order, I. O. O. F., A. O. U. W., B. P. O. E. Address: Austin, Minn. BUENGEB, Theodore, educator; born at Chicago, 111., April 29, 1860; son of Theodore E. and Martha (Loeber) Buenger (ancestors of father and mother were clergymen for several hundred years in Saxony) ; educated in German- Lutheran Immanuel's parochial school, Chicago, 1866-73; Concordia College, Ft. Wayne, Ind., 1873-79; Concordia Theological Seminary, St. Louis, Mo., 1879-82. Filled position of minister of the gospel for 25 settlements, North western part Wisconsin, 1882-84; was pastor congregation Cook Co., 111., for 8 years; removed to St. Paul, Minn., and when Concordia College was founded by the Missouri Synod, was elected presi dent, which position he still holds; also professor religion and Latin. Republi can. Evangelical Lutheran Church. Married at St. Louis, Mo., April 8, 1885, to Ottilie Meier. Address: Concordia College, St. Paul. BULLEN, Francis W., physician; born at Mason, Mich., 1869; son of George W. and Lodema A. (Wright) Bullen; educated at Mason High School; Michi gan Agricultural College; Rush Medical College, Chicago, graduating, degree of M.D., 1896. Interne Cook Co. Hospital, Chicago. 1896-97. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associations. Director Miners' National Bank, Eve leth, Minn. Mason (32°), Knight Temp lar; member Knights of Pythias. Mar ried at Litchfield, Minn., 1904, to Miss Maude Betts. Address: Eveleth, Minn. BULLIS, Harry Levi, lawyer; born in Freeborn Co., Minn., Sept 9, 1866; son of Adams H. and Ellen L. (Pierce) Bul- lis; graduated from Winnebago City High School, 1886, and from the Union College of Law, Chicago, 111., 1888. Lieut. M. N. G., for 15 years; lieut and battalion adjutant 12th Minn. Vol. Inf., Spanish- American War; judge of probate court 1889-1900 and county at torney Faribault Co., 1903-1907. Mem ber Masonic order. Woodmen, United Workmen of America, and M. B. A. Married at Winnebago City, 1889, to Miss Carrie T. Hesselgrave. Address: Blue Earth, Minn. BULLIS, John Jay, life insurance; born at Wolfe Island, Ontario, Canada, July 9, 1869; son of John and Eliza beth (Davis) Bullis; educated in local schools of Ontario and Manitoba, and Minnesota School of Business, Minne apolis; married at Minneapolis, Minn., Nov. 1, 1894, to Celestia A. Chamber- 68 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS lain. Began in life insurance business Sept. 15, 1894, as cashier of the New England Mutual Life Insurance Co., con tinuing until 1898; was solicitor for the John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Co., until April 1, 1905; since then gen eral agent for latter company at St. Paul. Republican. Baptist. Was as sistant secretary of Y. M. C. A. at Min neapolis for three years before entering life insurance business. Master of Hen nepin Lodge No. 4, A. F and A. M. Club: Commercial. Office: 300-306 Globe Bldg. Residence: 1301 Raymond Av., St. Paul. BUNN, Charles Wilson, lawyer; born at Galesville, Wis., May 21, 1855; son of Hon. Romanzo and Sarah (Furdy) Bunn; educated at Sparta (Wis.) public schools and University of Wisconsin, graduating, degree of B.S., 1874; married at La Crosse, Wis., Aug. 9, 1877, Mary Anderson. Be gan practice of law at La Crosse, Wis., 1876; removed to St. Paul, 1885; since Sept. 1, 1896, general counsel Northern Pacific Ry. Co. Republican. Clubs: University (New York); Chicago (Chi cago); Minnesota (St. Paul). Office: Northern Pacific Ry. Bldg. Residence: 549 Portland Av., St. Paul. BUNN, George L., judge district court of second district; born at Sparta, Wis., June 25, 1865; son of Hon. Ro manzo and Sarah (Purdy) Bunn; edu cated in Sparta (Wis.) public schools to 1879; preparatory department of Uni versity of Wisconsin, .1879-80; Univer sity of Wisconsin, graduating, A.B., 1885; College of Law of same, LL.B., 1888. Widower. Practiced law in St. Paul, Sept. 1888, to Jan. 2, 1897, when was appointed to fill vacancy in office of judge of the district court of sec ond district of Minnesota; elected to same office for six years in Nov., 1898, and reelected in Nov., 1904. Since April, 1904, president and dean of St. Paul College of Law. Recreations: Fly fishing and whist Clubs: Minnesota, Commercial, Town and Country. Office: Court House. Residence: Minnesota Club, St. Paul. BUNNELL, Milie, journalist; born at Goodrich, Mich., Dec. 4, 1861; son of Miron and Viola (Mathewson) Bunnell; graduated from Ann Arbor High School, 1878 and entered University of Michi gan, class of 1882; married at St. Ig- naee, Mich., Oct. 9, 1889, to Miss Eliza beth Birney Cook. Began in newspaper business at Bay City, Mich., 1878; founded Duluth Herald, 1883, and con ducted it until 1889, when he moved to Kansas City and became managing edi tor of Kansas City Globe; was political editor Kansas City Times with head quarters in Topeka, Kas., until in 1897 he returned to Duluth; purchased inter est in News-Tribune, 1899, and assumed management. Vice president and gen eral manager Duluth News-Tribune Co. Republican. Clubs: Kitchi Gammi, Northland Country, Commercial, Duluth Boat, Duluth Yacht. Office: News- Tribune. Residence: 2017 E. Superior St., Duluth. BUBCH, Edward Parris, consulting engineer; born at Menomonie, Wis., August, 1870; son of Newell and Susan (Parris) Burch; graduated from Men omonie High School, 1887, and from University of Minnesota, as electrical engineer, 1892; completed post graduate course, 1894; married at Minneapolis, 1897, Harriet Jackson. Chief electrical- engineer of the Twin City Rapid Transit Co., 1892-1900. Member American In stitute of Electrical Engineers (chair man local section) ; president Engineers' Club of Minneapolis; member Northwest Railway Club. Member M. N. G., 1887- 90. Republican. Baptist. Member Masonic order and Phi Gamma Delta fraternity (director). Club: Commer cial. Recreation: Gardening. Office: Guaranty Bldg. Residence: 1729 James Av., S., Minneapolis. BURCHARD, John Ely, president Burchard-Hulburt Investment Co., in corporated; born at Clinton, Oneida County, N. Y., 1865; son of Hon. H. M. Burchard; graduated from Winona (Minn.) High School, 1882; student three years in Political Science and Literary Department, University of Michigan; married at Urbana, Ohio, September, 1889, Miss Mary Corwin Hitt. After leaving college was admitted to bar; owner and editor Soo Democrat, Sault Ste Marie, Mich., collector customs, Cleveland's second term; one of editors of Winona (Minn.) Daily Herald, 1893; resumed practice of law in 1893, and was a member of the firm of Seward & Burchard, Marshall, Minn., until 1900, when he removed to St. Paul, becoming president and attorney of several cor porations having offices there. Now president of the Burchard-Hulburt In vestment Company, farm lands and mortgages, Southwest Land & Qrchard Co., Elk Valley Land & Colonization Co., The Lyon Land Co., and director in several other companies and banks. Was city attorney three years, and .mayor three terms, Marshall, Minn. Member American Bar Association, Min nesota State Bar Association, Sons of American Revolution. Appointed - on Governor's staff, 1907, with rank of colonel. Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner; member B. P. O. E., and K. of P. Clubs: Commercial and Minnesota. Office: Manhattan Bldg. Residence: 675 Goodrich Av., St. Paul. BURDETT, Frank Fred, grain and lumber merchant; born in Worcester, Mass., July 23, 1850; educated in com mon schools and at La Crosse (Wis.) Business College. Farmed in Nobles Co., Minn.; moved to Edgerton, and started a store, 1881; sold out store business on account of ill health, and THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 69 returned to farm, 1890; entered grain business at Edgerton, Chandler and Hatfield, 1894; also general merchandise at Edgerton, which closed out 1898. Republican. Congregationalist. Mem ber Edgerton (Minn.) Lodge, A. F. and A. M., No. 235. Married, Rushmore, Nobles Co., Minn., April 15, 1875, to Miss Alice Lytton. Business address: Chandler, Minn. Residence: Edgerton, Minn. BUBDICK, Leon D., clergyman; born at Lincklaen, Chenango Co., N. Y., May 9, 1867; graduated from Alfred Univer sity, Alfred, N. Y., degree of Ph.B., 1892, Ph.M. and B.D., 1S93, same uni versity. Took post graduate work at Union Theological Seminary, and resi dent Ph.D. work at Columbia Univer sity, 1901-02. Was ordained to the gospel ministry at Welton, la., Sept. 5, 1897; has been pastor of Seventh Day Baptist Churches in Iowa, New Jersey and New York states. Now principal Metcalf School and pastor Seventh Day Baptist Church. Married Aug. 9, 1887, to Rev. Experience Fitz Randolph, A.M., D.B., of West Virginia: Recreations: Bookbinding, gardening and fishing. Ad dress: New Auburn, Minn. BURGESS, John, managing editor Minneapolis Daily News; born at Alma, Wis., Feb. 12, 1878; son of John and Rachel (Evans) Burgess; educated at Winona (Minn.) High School and Uni versity of Minnesota, College of Daw. Began active career as reporter St. Paul Daily News, March 1, 1900; occupied - positions, upon the paper, consecutively, of telegraph editor, city editor and news editor; has been managing editor Minneapolis Daily News, since Sept., 1903; also secretary and director Daily News Co. Presbyterian. Member Sig ma Chi fraternity. Married at Winona, Minn., June IS, 1904, to Miss Stanley Grafton. Clubs: Commercial, Press. Recreations: Handball and rowing (shells). Office: 6th St., Cor. 2nd Av., S. Residence: 1409 Stevens Av., Min neapolis. BUBGESS, Thomas Clawson, born at New York City, Oct. 2, 1853; son of Thomas and Mary (McNie) Burgess; graduated from high school, Portland, Me., 1852. Entered railway service as clerk in freight department of Grand Trunk Ry., at Portland, Me., 1871; was clerk same road at Mechanic Falls, Me., 1872-74, and at Danville Junction, Me., 1874-79; agent same road and Maine Central, same place, 1879-82; agent Great Eastern lines, at Portland, 1882-83, and agent same lines at Minneapolis, 1883- 92; commercial agent Chicago & Grand Trunk Ry. at Minneapolis, 1892-97; commercial agent Grand Trunk Ry. at Minneapolis, since 1897. Club: Com mercial. Office: Metropolitan Life Bldg. Residence: 1402 Nicolet Av., Minneapo lis. BUBKE, Thomas J., wholesale grocer; born at Hopkinton, Mass., Aug. 6, 1860; son of Patrick E. and Margaret (Walsh) Burke; educated in public schools of Medway, Mass. Came to Minnesota, 1877; began active career in general merchandise business at Stillwater, Minn., continuing for 6 years; was con nected with J. H. Allen & Co., St. Paul, as traveling salesman for 14 years; filled position of manager Solway Mer cantile Co., Solway, Minn., for 7 years; has been vice president Gowan-Peyton- Twohy Co., wholesale grocers, since April 1, 1906. Catholic. Director Sol way Mercantile Co. Member B. P. O. E., A. O. H., Knights of Columbus, U. C. T. of America. Married at Hudson, Wis., Sept. 4, 1905, to Miss Helen Krappel. Recreations: Hunting and baseball. Office: Foot of 5th Av., W. Residence: 1024 E. 2nd St., Duluth. BUBXHABD, William B., sporting goods; born at Galena, 111., Jan. 29, 1870; son of William R. and Afra (Pfund) Burkhard; came to St. Paul with parents, 1872; educated in public schools of St. Paul. Began active career in 1890 with the William R. Burkhard Co., the same house with which he is now connected; was admitted to the firm, 1898, and succeeded his father as manager, after the death of the latter, 1905, the firm having been established, 1855, and being the oldest sporting goods house in the Northwest. Republican. Member House of Hope Church. Un married. Club: Commercial. Recrea tions: Hunting, fishing and all outdoor sports. Office: 319 Robert St. Resi dence: 172 Hoffman Av., St. Paul. BURKHOLDER, Joseph Brinsley, lumberman; born at Sturgeon, Mo., Feb ruary 25, 1864; son of John Dickerson and Mary Jane (Wisdom) Burkholder; educated in public schools of Moberly, Mo., and at high school, Hannibal, Mo. Established Burkholder Lumber Com pany, Jan. 1, 1903, of which is president and owner. Republican. Member Knights of Pythias and Hoo Hoo. Of fice: Lumber Exchange. Residence: 3249 Humboldt, S., Minneapolis. BUBMEISTEB, August C, born at Hille, Germany, April 9, 1861; son of Frederick C. and Marie Burmeister; educated in Germany; came to America, 1877 and began to learn milling business at Irving, N. Y., 1878. Owner Redwood Falls Milling Co., Redwood Falls Elec tric Light Plant; superintendent Red wood Falls Water Works; president First National Bank, Redwood Falls. Married at Madison, Wis., 1887, to Miss .Lillian Hooper. Address: Redwood Falls, Minn. BUBNHAM, George S., clerk of dis trict court Mower Co.; born in Dodge Co., Wis., May 29, 1854; son of Miles and- Caroline (Johnson) Burnham; edu cated in public schools; married at Blooming Prairie, Minn., 1878, to 70 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS Marion D. Gleason. Came to Minnesota, 1871, and was telegraph operator and in banking and other -lines of business at Blooming Prairie; located in Austin, 1885, and for 18 years was locomotive machinist Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry.; elected clerk of district court, Nov., 1906. Formerly cashier Bank of J. C. Brainerd & Co., for about 5 years, Blooming Prairie, also treasurer and recorder of the village. Republican. Member Masonic order, K. O. T. M., A. O. U. W., B. P. O. E. Recreations: Hunting and reading. Address: Austin, Minn. BURNAF, Willard Lathrop, physician; born at Dover, N. H, Jan. 28, 1874; son of Col. W. A. and Mary E. (Mathews) Burnap; graduate of Clear Dake (la.) High School, 1892; attended Highland Park Normal School, 1892-93; graduate University of Minnesota, de gree of B.S., 1897; principal Lake City (Minn.) High School, 1897-98; graduate Rush Medical College, Chicago, 111., degree of M.D., 1901. In practice at Pelican Rapids since. 1901. Congrega tionalist. Member K. of P., A. O. U. W. Member Ottertail County and Park Re gion Medical societies, Minnesota State and American Medical associations. Mar ried at Minneapolis, Minn., June 25, 1901, Miss Mary A. Merrill. Clubs: Tennis Association (president), Commercial. Address: Pelican Rapids, Minn. BURNETT, William J., hides, furs, etc.; born near Pittsburg, Pa., Oct. 25, 1842; son of Virgil Justus and Harriet S. (Compton) Burnett; educated in public schools of Terre Haute, Ind. Began in fur, hides and leather business at Charleston, 111., as proprietor of store, continuing 1860-63; entered partnership with brother as Burnett Brothers, at Mattoon, 111., 1865; was at Cairo, 111., in same line of business, and later at Champaign, 111.; traveled for Chicago firms, and was proprietor Dakota Hide & Fur Co., Huron, S. D.; has been located in Minneapolis as proprietor and mana ger Northwestern Hide & Fur Co., since 1890. Republican. Congregationalist. Member A. O. U. W. Married at Huron, S. D., 1888, to Miss Alida, S. Suits. Club: East Side Commercial. Recreations: Fishing and boating. Of fice: 200-204 1st St., N. Residence: 1405 Como Av., S. E., Minneapolis. BURNS, Chris, county commissioner; Cass Co., 5th dist.; born in Ireland, Dec. 25, 1848; son of Michael and Kate Burns; educated in common schools and in Christian Brothers schools, Ireland. Came to America, 1868;. has been en gaged in lumber business in Minnesota for 35 years and has made a success of it; also jobber and contractor since 1876. Secretary and treasurer Bera Townsite Co. Has been county commissioner Cass Co., since 1902. Republican. Roman Catholic. Member Masonic order. Married at Grand Rapids, Minn., 1872, to Miss Winnine, of Grand Rapids. Club: Commercial. Address: Cass Lake, Minn. BUBB, Melbourne C, manufacturer; born in Louisiana, March 4, 1838; 'son of Piatt and Frances E. (Danforth) Burr; educated in public schools of Rising Sun and New Albany, Ind., and at Pittsfield, Mass. -Learned furniture business in Indiana; came to Minnesota, 1856, and engaged in furniture trade at Owatonna; removed to Minneapolis, 1865, and was connected with the D. M. Gilmore Furniture Co.; entered manufac ture of wooden specialties (with which has been identified for more than 50 years). Commenced present business in 1880, and is president of the M. C. Burr Manufacturing Co. Republican. Con gregationalist. Member Sons of Ameri can Revolution. Married at Washing ton, D. O, 1882, to Miss Alice Caine. Recreation: Travel. Office: Power Bldg., Nicollet Island. Residence: 615 E. 19th St., Minneapolis. BURR, Stiles W., lawyer; born, Mt. Vernon, O, Nov. 13, 1868; son of Walter T. and Clara (Martin) Burr; educated in public schools of St. Paul, Minn., and University of Minnesota, graduating from latter, LL.B., 1891, LL.M., 1892. Practiced law at St. Paul since 1891. Married at St. Paul 1897, to Jane Hum- bird. Club: Minnesota. Office: 407-11 Nat. German Am. Bank Bldg. Resi dence: 943 Summit Av., St. Paul. BURTNESS, Olans E., banker; born at Wilmington, Minn., April 28, 1872; educated at Decorah Institute, Decorah, Ia. Member firm of Eide & Burtness, general merchandise, 1896-1900. Was town clerk, Wilmington Township, 1896- 1900; elected county treasurer of Houston Co., 1900, which position he still holds; elected vice president First National Bank of Caledonia, 1905, and has been president since 1906. Married at Da Crosse, Wis., Oct. 26, 1896, to Miss Clara Kinstad. Address: Cale donia, Minn. BUBTON, Hazen James, clothing manufacturer; born at Boston, Mass., July 14, 1847; son of Hazen James, Sr., and Harriet Lincoln (Smith) Burton; educated at Dwight School, Boston, until 1860, English High Sehool, Boston, 1860-63, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, special courses, 1863-67; married at Southboro, Mass., 1870, to Alice G. Cotton Whitney. Started busi ness career, 1867, with C. W. Freeland & Co., Boston, clothing manufacturers; removed to Minneapolis, 1880; in 1882 established the Plymouth Clothing House, manufacturers, jobbers and re tailers of wearing apparel for men, women and children, of which is presi dent. Also president Deephaven Holding Co., and Mandan Land and Improvement Co. President of Village of Deephaven, Hennepin County, Minn., since its in corporation in 1900. Republican. Uni- THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 71 tarian. Recreations: Yachting, golf, tennis and other outdoor sports. Of fice: The Plymouth Clothing House, Minneapolis. Residence: Deephaven, Minn. BUBTON, Munson, born at Da Crosse, Wis., Dec. 8, 1869; son of Samuel Seward and Mary Ann (Munson) Burton; edu cated one year at Williston Seminary, East Hampton, Mass. ; Andover Academy, Andover, Mass., graduating, 1888; Wil liams College, Williamstown, Mass., graduating, degree of A.B., 1892. Mar ried at Da Crosse, Wis., Feb. 1, 1893, to Miss Isabella Katharine McDonald. Has been vice president of the Mankato Mills Co., manufacturers of hosiery, since Jan. 1, 1902. Member B. P. O. E., and Chi Psi fraternity. Club: Elks. Address: Mankato, Minn. BUBTON, Oscar Augustus, physician; born at St. Albans Bay, Vt, April 10, 1870; son of .Carlos C. and Demira S. (Barstow) Burton; educated at Coe Col lege, Cedar Rapids, la., 1891-92; Carleton College, Northfield, Minn., 1892-93; Col lege of Physicians and Surgeons (Co lumbia) New York, 1894-97; attended Rush Medical College, Chicago, 111., 1897-98, graduating, 1898. Presbyterian. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associations, Freeborn .County Medical Society, American Association of Railway Surgeons, Society of Ex- Internes of St. Duke's Hospital, Chicago. Member Phi Rho Sigma fraternity. Began practice of medicine at Chicago, 1898, removing to Albert Lea, 1900. Married at Albert Lea, Minn., April 20, 1904, Alice E. Hibbs. Recreations: Hunting and fishing. Office: 121 West Clark St. Residence: 304 N. Washing ton St., Albert Lea, Minn. BUSCH, Fred J., wholesale grocer; born in St Louis, Mo., March 12, 1863; son of Anton J. and Frances (Schuette) Busch; educated in public schools of Mankato; married at Mankato, 1892, to Miss Josephine Hellesheim. Secretary and treasurer A. J. Busch Co. Democrat. Roman Catholic. Address: Mankato, Minn. BUSH, Avery K., farmer, seed expert; born at Oakham, Mass.," April 17, 1851; son of Harvey F. and Ellen A. (Elsey) Bush; came to Minnesota, from Wor cester Co., Mass., Dec. 4, 1855, and located on a farm in Olmsted Co., which he now owns; educated in district schools of Minnesota and at Carleton College, Northfield, Minn.; married at Chatfield, Minn., to Miss Ida C. Bibbins. Now connected with Northrup, King & Co., seedsmen, Minneapolis, as special seed expert. Republican. Served three terms as member Minnesota Degislature, 1899-1903; also has been " member of school board, town board and board of county commissioners. Congregational ist. Recreation: Farming. Office: 26- I? H,ennepin Av. Residence: 1119 6th bt, S. E., Minneapolis. BUSHEY, Milo Emery, physician; born at Bryan O., July 4, 1855; son of Andrew M. and Mary J. (Crum) Bushey; edu cated at Valparaiso, (Ind.) Normal School, 1878-81; College of Physicians. and Surgeons, St. Louis, Mo., MD 1892- post graduate course, Chicago Polyclinic School, 1897. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associations. Vice president Farmers and Merchants btate Bank. Democrat. Member Ma sonic Order Woodmen of the World, United Workmen of America. Married Pn£Le wR??ae' Mili?" June- 1887' to Miss Rose M Horn.- Recreation: Horticul ture. Address: Arlington, Minn. BUSHNELL, John B., farm imple ments; born at Jamestown, Pa., Dec 29 1841; son of E. A. and Sarah A. (Stree- ter) Bushnell; attended district school, high school and academy, Ohio and Wis consin; married at Horicon, Wis., Sept 29, 1868, to Mary A. Butterfield. Served in Civil War, 29th Wis. Inf., 1862-65- learned machinist's trade and owned and ??l«a^d machine shop, at Horicon, 1866-72; superintendent and director S£m ,lniPlement factory, Fond du Dae, Wis 1872-82; came to Minneapolis, and conducted business as jobber of farm machinery, 1882-87; was director, secre tary and assistant treasurer Minneapolis Threshing Machine Co., 1887-1900; direc tor and treasurer Minneapolis Implement Co., from time of its organization, 1901 and now president of that company. Republican. Congregationalist. Member Masonic Order, John A. Rawlins Post, G. A. R Office: 314 N. 1st St. Resi dence: Minneapolis. BUSHNELL, John Edward, clergy man; born at Old Saybrook, Conn., Oct. 21, 1858; son of John Frederick and Emma Palmer (Caulkins) Bushnell; edu cated at Seabury Institute, Old Say brook; Morgan School, Clinton, Conn., 1876; Yale College, 1880; Yale Theologi cal Seminary, 1883; Hooker fellow Yale Theological Seminary, for special criti cal study, 1884; degree of D.D., New York University, 1898. Pastor Congre gational Church, Fairfield, Conn., 1884- 88; Presbyterian Church, Rye, N. Y., 1888-94; Phillips Presbyterian and Madi son Av. churches, New York City, 1894- 1900; pastor Westminster Church, Min neapolis, since 1901. Married at Brook lyn, N. Y., June, 1887, to Miss Florence Ellsworth. Address: 1817 Vine PI Minneapolis. BUSWELL, Prank W., lumber manu facturer; born at Whitewater, Minn., July 3, 1857; son of Michael W. and' Martha C. (Skinner) Buswell; educated in public schools of Whitewater and Winona, Minn. Began business career as farmer and carpenter; entered lum ber business at Minneiska. Minn., 1882; 72 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS came to St. Paul and Minnesapolis, 1885, and was connected, with Brooks Brothers, lumber, and later Jefferson & Kasson; began in lumber business for self in 1897, incorporating Sept. 1, 1905, as the Buswell Lumber & Manufactur ing Co., of which he is president and treasurer. Republican. Presbyterian. Married in Winona Co., Minn., 1883, to Miss Harriet E. Williams. Recreation: Traveling for diversion. Office: Lum ber Exchange Bldg., Minneapolis. Resi dence: 441 Lyndhurst Av., St. Paul. BUTCHABT, James Andrew, hotel manager; born at Quebec, P. Q., Can., Sept., 1844; son of Andrew and Mary A. (Marshall) Butchart; educated in schools of Quebec. Began active career in the lumber and saw mill business, Province of Quebec, continuing for 20 years; came to Duluth, Nov., 1886, and was connected with Merchants' Hotel for 5 years; has been identified with St. Louis Hotel for 15 years and has been presi dent of the St. Louis Hotel Co., since 1903. Republican. Episcopalian. Mar ried at Quebec, P. Q., 1869, to Miss Mary H. Lay. Club: Commercial. Office and residence: St. Louis Hotel, Duluth. BUTLEB, Alford Augustus, clergy man; born in Portland, Me., Sept. 23, 1845; son of Alford and Caroline Ilsley (Partridge) Butler; educated in public and private schools, Port land, Me.; Griswold College, Daven port, la., M.A., and theological graduate, same, 1873; (D.D., Seabury Divinity School, Faribault, Minn., 1902); unmar ried. Ordered deacon, 1873, ordained priest, 1874, in P. E. Church; assistant Grace Cathedral, Davenport, la., 1873; rector Grace Church, Cedar Rapids, la., 1873-7, Trinity Church, Bay City, Mich., 1877-84, Church of the Epiphany, New York, 1884-91, Christ Church, Red Wing, Minn., 1891-4; warden and professor homiletics, liturgies and religious peda gogy, Seabury Divinity School since 1894. While in New York assisted Bishop Satterlee in organizing the Paro chial Mission Society of the U. S., and became secretary of- its executive com mittee. Assisted Dr. Wm. R. Hunting ton in starting first Deaconess School in Episcopal Church and for 1 year was in its faculty. Was associated with Bishop Greer in the 42d St. Rescue Mission, out of which has grown St. Bartholomew's House. (For books and papers see "Who's Who in America.") Address: Faribault, Minn. BUTLER, Burridge Davenal, pub lisher; born at Louisville, Ky., Feb. 5, 1868; son of Rev. Thomas D. and Marie (Radcliffe) Butler; educated in grammar school; married Ina Hamilton Busey. Has been engaged in newspaper business since 1885; was with the Grand Rapids Democrat, 1886-94; with advertising de partment Majestic Range Co., St. Louis, 1894-96; advertising manager Scripps- McRae League, 1896-99; founded the Omaha Daily News, 1899, St. Paul Daily News, 1900, Minneapolis News, 1903; associated in ownership and manage ment of the Clover Leaf Newspapers. President Minneapolis Daily News; vice president Omaha Daily News; director St. Paul Daily News, and Des Moines Daily News. Member Christian (Dis ciples) Church. Mason. Clubs: Minne apolis, Commercial, Minikahda, Bryn Mawr. Recreations: Golf, hunting, fishing and motoring. Address: Min neapolis Daily News, Minneapolis. BUTLER, Fierce, lawyer; botn in Dakota Co., Minn., March 17, 1866; son of Patrick and Mary A. Butler; gradu ated from Carleton College, 1887, after wards studying law in St. Paul; married, Aug. 25, 1891, to Annie M. Cronin. Was assistant county attorney of Ramsey County, 1891-93; county attorney, 1893- 97; engaged in general law practice, 1897-99 in firm of How & Butler; gen eral attorney Chicago, St. Paul, Minne apolis & Omaha Ry., 1900-1905; member of law firm of How, Butler & Mitchell; member board of directors of the St. Paul public library. Democrat. Presi dent Ramsey Co. Bar Association. Club: Minnesota. Office: Fire and Marine Bldg. Residence: 1347 Summit St., St. Paul. BUTTEBFIELD, Howard Augustus, ' wholesale farm machinery; born at Ft. Wayne, Ind., July 22, 1860; son of Cor-. nelius Augustus and Sophia Melissa (Jenkins) Butterfield; educated in the common schools and at Rochester (Minn.) Seminary; married at Minneapo lis, June 12, 1895 to Gertrude F. Blake. Reared on farm in Viola, Olmsted County, Minn.; deputy county auditor at Rochester, Minn., for three years; commenced keeping books for the Phelps Well & Wind Mill Co., April 1, 1889; made manager of the company in fall of 1891; bought out the company, Dec. 30, 1893, and combined with Dean & Co., wholesale farm machinery, vehicles, etc., Jan. 1, 1894, of which is depart ment manager and member board of directors. Republican. Methodist Club: Commercial. Office: 404 Washington Av., N. Residence: 1800 Humboldt Av., S., Minneapolis. BUTTS, Fayette C, general agent, John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Boston, Mass.; born at Phoenix, N. Y., Nov. 18, 1856; son of Chester H. and Lottie (Romer) Butts; educated in academy at Phoenix, N. Y. Married in New York, 1879, to Miss Genevieve Warner. Engaged in the business of merchant milling in Minnesota and other states of the northwest; has been con nected with life insurance business since 1897, and is now general agent, for the John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Co., of Boston, Mass. Member Minne apolis Life Underwriters' Association. Scottish Rite, Mason (32°), Shriner. Recreations: Hunting and fishing. Of- THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 73 fice: Globe Bldg. Residence: 2805 Fremont Av., S., Minneapolis. BUXTON, Edward T., banker, manu facturer; born at Warsaw, N. Y., April 20, 1854; son of Timothy Howe and Julian (Clark) Buxton; educated in Warsaw High School and The Law- renceville School, Lawrenceville, N. J. Married 1st, Oct. - 1, 1885, to Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Samuel Blanchard Chase of Chicago. Mrs. Buxton died January 1st 1894; married 2nd, April 5, 1899, Lucinda, daughter of Charles Seymour Lee of Chicago. Began career as eriiploye in Bank of Warsaw, Warsaw, N. Y., continuing for several years; started bank at Castleton, N. D., and two years later sold out and entered employ of L. & C. H. Bull, bankers, Quincy, 111., remaining two years; pur chased controlling interest in First Na tional Bank, Wabasha, Minn., and be came its vice president; acquired con trolling interest in the Bank of Com merce, Superior, Wis., and became its president; resigned presidency of Bank of Commerce, Superior, on account of extensive interests elsewhere, remain ing with the bank as vice president. Was one of the organizers and has been treasurer of the Red Cliff Lumber Co., Duluth, since its organization, 1897; one of the organizers and for two years vice president of F. A. Patrick & Co., wholesale dry goods, Duluth; formerly vice president, now director, Webster Manufacturing Co., Superior, Wis. ; stockholder and director in a number of mercantile companies. Republican. Presbyterian. Clubs: Kitchi Gammi, Northland Country. Recreations: Automobiling, horseback riding, driving; fishing and the pleasures of country life at his summer home, Nebaju Lodge Deerwood, Crow Wing Co., Minn. Of fice: 39th Av., W. Residence: 2626 Greysolon Rd., Duluth. BYBNES, William Joseph, physician and surgeon; born, Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. 5, 1859; son of William and Cathar ine (Campbell) Byrnes; educated in com mon schools, St. John's College, Col- legeville, Minn., and University of Michigan, graduating degree of M.D., 1882; married at Chicago, 111., Feb. 4, 1887, Josephine Armstrong. Began prac tice of medicine at Minneapolis upon leaving college, 1882; was county phy sician, Hennepin County, 1887-88; county coroner, 1891-92; city physician, city of Minneapolis, 1899-1900. Supervising medical examiner of Royal Arcanum for Minnesota, N. and S. Dakota and Mon tana; professor of the principles of clinical surgery, Hamline University Medical Department. Member Hennepin County Medical Society and Minnesota, American Medical and Western Surgical Associations. Democrat. Member Royal Arcanum, A. O. U. W. and B. P. O. E. Office: Masonic Temple. Residence: 1701 Western Av., Minneapolis. c CAD WELL, Chester H., banker; born at Fairmont, Minn., Sept. 14, 1869; son of A. D. and Alta D. (Chubb) Cadwell. Resided at Fairmont until 1888; worked as bookkeeper at Sioux Falls, S. D, until 1891; assistant cashier Citizens State Bank, Waseca, Minn., 1892-99; came to Chokio, 1900, and conducted private bank which, in 1901, became the First National Bank of Chokio, of which he is president. Mason. Address: Chokio, Minn. CADY, Charles W., physician; born at Saratoga Springs, N. Y., Sept. 17, 1846; son of Edgar and Emily A. (Hines) Cady; educated in public schools, Hackett's Seminary, Lake City, Minn.; Preparatory Department, University of Chicago; Bennett Medical College, Chi cago, M.D., 1877. Eclectic. Republican. Baptist. Member Houston-Fillmore County Medical Society and Minnesota State and American Medical associa tions. Member I. O. O. F. Married, Manchester, la., Oct. 25, 1892, Mary A. Hiscock. Address: Mabel, Minn. CAINE, Arthur Tubal, physician; born at St. Paul, Minn., May 24, 1875; son of Dr. William Harris and Mary Helen (Ten Eyck) Caine; educated at Still water (Minn.) High School; University of Minnesota, 1892-95; Medical Depart ment University of Minnesota, degree of M.D., 1899; house physician City Hos pital, St. Paul, 1898-99. Practiced medi cine at Dake Preston, S. D., in .1899; has been located at Anoka, since 1901. Now coroner and health officer, Anoka Co. Member 1st Regt, M. N. G., for 5 years. Mason; member Knights of Pythias. Married at Stillwater, Minn., July 10, 1901, to Miss Bertha E. John son. Club: Commercial. Recreations: Automobiling and hunting. Address: Anoka, Minn. CAINE, Charles Edward, physician; born at Spencer Brook, Minn., May 25, 1868; son of Thomas H. and Anna E. (Tuttle) Caine; attended public schools of Minnesota and New York and gradu ated from the Medical Department, University of Minnesota, June, 1896; married. Member American and Minne sota State Medical associations, Crow River Valley Medical Society, West Central Minnesota Medical Society. Coroner of Stevens county; surgeon, Great Northern R. R. ; city physician and health officer, City of Morris. Ad dress: Morris, Minn. CAIBNS, Charles Sumner, lawyer; born in Muskingum Co., O., July 4, 1856; son of Robert and Mary A. (Haynes) Cairns; educated in common schools; Muskingum College, New Concord, O., graduating, degree of A. B., 1876; Daw Department, University of Michigan, graduating, degree of LL.B., 1882. Has been engaged in practice of law in Min- 74 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS neapolis since 1883. Member American and Minnesota State Bar associations. Republican. Was supervisor U. S. cen sus, 5th congressional district, Minn., appointed by President McKinley, 1900. Ex-member Minnesota Legislature. Mem ber Sons of American Revolution. Pres byterian. Married at Decatur, 111., Oct. 30, 1884, to Miss Frances Shellabarger. Clubs: Commercial, Westminster. Rec reations: Literature and outing. Office: 701 Loan and Trust Bldg. Residence: 1410 Yale Place, Minneapolis. CALDERWOOD, Willis Greenleaf, pro hibitionist; born on farm in Dodge Co., Wis., July 25, 1866; son of John and Emily B. (Greenleaf) Calderwood; grad uate Wesleyan Methodist Seminary, Minn., 1886; married at Wasioja, Minn., 1892, to Alice M. Cox. Was teacher in public and private schools, 1887-93; secretary Prohibition National Commit tee; secretary Minnesota Prohibition Committee since 1898; active in' Metho dist Church; president Minnesota Civic Reform Association. Author: Manual of Politics. Recreations: Cabinet work and gardening. Office: Sykes Blk. Resi dence: 986 15th Av., S. E., Minneapolis. CALDWELL, Guy Lowell, lawyer; born at Fayette, Iowa, July 8, 1875; son of J. P. and Sidney E. (Simms) Caldwell; graduated from Farmingtori High School, 1894; Hamline University, St. Paul, B.A., 1898; Law Department, University of Minnesota, LL.B., 1901. Married at Herman, Minn., Sept. 30, 1903, to Lois C. Swartout Engaged in practice of law in Western Minnesota, 1901-03; since then in St. Paul. At- ¦ torney American Surety Co. Member Ramsey County and Minnesota State Bar associations. Republican. Methodist. Member Delta Sigma Rho fraternity, M. W. A., A. O. U. W., etc. Recreations: Hunting and fishing. Clubs: Commer cial, Roosevelt (vice president). Office: 412-413 New York Life Bldg. Residence: 683 Simpson Av., St. Paul. CALHOUN, John Franklin, broker; born in Licking Co., O., April 28, 1854; son of David and Caroline Calhoun; re moved with parents to Mercer Co., Ill , when a child; educated in country school. Began active career at 13 as "devil" in printing office; was later em ployed in carpenter shop, clerk in cloth ing store and dry goods store 8 years and then engaged in mercantile busi ness on his own account; came to Min neapolis, 1881, and engaged in real es tate business. Married at Galesburg, 111., Jan. 20, 1879. Mason (33°). Clubs: Minneapolis, Commercial. Office: 500 Oneida Blk. Residence: 1900 S. Dupont -Av., Minneapolis. CALL, Henry Lindsay, secretary and general manager Goodridge-Call Dumber Co.; born at Chicago, HI., Sept. 24, 1874; son of Frank J. and Nellie E. (Lindsay) Call; educated in public schools at Bis marck, N. D. With the Union Dumber Co. until it was merged with i.ne Dakota Dumber Co., in the fall of 1905, into the Goodridge-Call Lumber Co., of which he is secretary and general manager. Formerly member Co. A, 1st Regt, N. D. N. G. Republican. Mason. Married at Grand Forks, N. D., Feb. 1, 1898, to Miss Maud M. Parker. Club: Commer cial. Office: Security Bank Bldg. Resi dence: 2628 Humboldt Av., S., Minne apolis. CALLAGHAN, Charles Elwin, lawyer, postmaster; born in New York State, May 20, 1863; son of Charles A. and Catherine (Loughlen) Callaghan; came to Minnesota with parents, 1865; edu cated in public schools of Olmsted Co. and Rochester, and at Darling's Busi ness College, Rochester; married at Ra cine, Minn., 1S90, to Miss Clara B. San born. Reared on a farm; read law in the office of Hon. H. A. Eckholdt and was admitted to the bar, 1889; began practice in Rochester; 'member of law firm of Callaghan & Granger since Jan., 1898. Republican. City attorney of Rochester for 6 years. Postmaster of Rochester since 1898. Universalist. Member Minnesota State Bar Associa tion. Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner; member Knights of Pythias, A. O. U. W., M. W. A., Sons of Veterans. Club: Com mercial. Recreations: Reading and traveling. Address: Rochester, Minn. CALLAWAY, William Bodger, railway official; born at Toronto, Ont, Aug. 31, 1852; educated in public schools. Be gan in railway service as agent of the Grand Trunk Ry., at Craig's Road, Que bec, 1870; was agent Great Western Ry. of Canada, 1873-75; purser of Beatty Line of steamers at Sarnia, Ont, 1875- 77; general agent same company at To ronto, 1877-78; passenger agent of Canada Southern Ry. at Toledo, O., April to Nov., 1878; passenger agent Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific Ry. at St. Louis, Mo-, 1878-80; district agent Canadian Pacific Ry. at Toronto, 1882-95; has been gen eral passenger agent Minneapolis, St. Paul and Sault Ste. Marie Ry. at Minne apolis, since 1895. Office: 317 2nd Av., S., Minneapolis. CALLENDEB, Sherman W., wholesale fruits; born at St. Paul, Minn., Jan. 7, 1867; son of John W. and Ruth A. (Baker) Callender; attended common schools and graduated from business college at 18 years of age; mar ried. Chicago, 111., Jan. 3, 1897, Effie M. Hamburg. Began business career in a wholesale fruit house and continued for 8 years; worked one year for Armour & Co., at the stock yards office, Chicago, and on Feb. 1, 1900, established The Callender-Vanderhoof Co., Minneapolis, of which he is president and general manager. Member of Royal Arcanum. Recreation: Traveling. Office: 113-116 6th St., N. Residence: 60 Highland Av., Minneapolis. CAMMACK, Edward A., president Crescent Creamery Co.; born in Chicago, THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 75 111., -Jan. 20, 1855; son of John and Sarah (Moody) Cammack; educated in, grammar and high schools of Chicago. Began active career in employ of Hoyt & Co., Chicago; removed to Rochester, Minn., 1878, and established creamery; removed his headquarters to St. Paul, .1884, and is president and. general man ager of the Crescent Creamery Co. Re publican. Congregationalist. Member Board of Trade, Jobbers' Union. Mar ried at Chicago, 1888, to Miss Susan Anne Hinchliff. Club: Commercial. Office: 80-90 E. 3rd St. Residence: 601 Goodrich Av., St. Paul. CAMP, James L., surgeon; born at Dixon, 111., Dec. 8, 1855; son of J. L. and Mary A. (Cockett) Camp; educated in Dixon High School; Knox Academy, Galesburg, 111.; Cornell University; Rush Medical College, graduating, de gree of M.D., 1878. Began practice of medicine at Dixon, 111.; was physician at Standing Rock Indian Agency, 1882- 83; surgeon and manager Lumberman's Hospital, Brainerd, 1893-1901; surgeon M. & I. R. R. and Cross Lakes R. R.; member advisory board State Tubercu losis Hospital, Zeta Psi fraternity. Ad dress: Brainerd, Minn. CAMPBELL, Alexander S., milling. Has been engaged in the milling busi ness since 1885; purchased, with others, the Austin mill, in 1891, sole owner since 1895. Vice president Citizens' Na tional Bank. Republican. Member State Senate, 1st district. Address: Austin, Minn. CAMPBELL, Benjamin, railway offi cial; born at Liberty, Ind., June 10, 1858. Telegraph operator Cairo & Vin cennes Ry., 1876; was successively op erator, station agent, traveling freight agent, and general agent, Minneapolis, St. Paul and Sioux City Ry. (now Chi cago, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha Ry.), to 1884; general agent Union Pa cific Ry. at Portland, Ore., 1884-86; gen eral freight agent Oregon Railway & Navigation, Co., 1886-94; traffic manager same road (now Oregon Road & Navi gation Co.), 1894-3901; assistant traffic director Southern and Union Pacific Sys tems, at Chicago, 1902-05; has been 4th vice president Great Northern Ry. since Jan., 1905. Office: 3rd St., N. W. Cor. Broadway. Residence: Hotel Aberdeen, St. Paul. CAMPBELL, Ernest Wells, lawyer; native of Litchfield, Minn.; son of O. H. and Isadore (Creath) Campbell; grad uate of Litchfield High School, 1891; Yale Law School, degree of LL.B., 1893; same school, degree of M.L., 1894. In practice of law since June 15, 1896. Served as 1st sergt. and 2nd lieut. Co. C, 15th Minn. U. S. Vol. Inf. in Spanish- American War. Has been county attor ney Meeker Co., since Jan. 1, 1903. Re publican. Presbyterian. Referee in bank ruptcy, U. S. dist. court, since 1899. City attorney for Litchfield, 1900 and 1901. Married at Minneapolis, Minn,, March 7, 1900, to Miss Marion R. Rora- back. Address: Litchfield, Minn. CAMPBELL, Hugh D., lumber and pine lands; born at Dunvegan, Glen garry Co., Ont, Canada, June 15. 1857; son of Donald and Catherine (Dewar) Campbell; educated in Dunvegan com mon schools and at Belleville Business College, Ont, graduating, 1879. Entered the lumber business immediately after leaving school and has engaged in it ever since. Manager at Stillwater, Minn., beginning 1885, of the Hershey Lumber Co., with headquarters in Mus catine, Ia. (now director and general manager of the company) ; director and treasurer of the Eclipse Saw Mill Co.; secretary, treasurer and director of the Sieppel Timber Co. Married at Alma, Wis., Nov. 24, 1887, to Miss Minnie W. Irvine. Address: Stillwater, Minn. CAMPBELL, Robert Allen, physician, specialist; born at Detroit, Mich., Dec. 27, 1868; son of George G.- S. and Mary Jane (Anscomb) Campbell; graduated from College of Medicine and Surgery, University of Minnesota, 1896. Has been • actively engaged in practice of medicine since 1896, making a specialty of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Was assistant city physician City of Minne apolis, 1899-1901. Member Minneapolis Medical Club, Hennepin County Medical Society, Minnesota State Medical Asso ciation. Member Nu Sigma Nu frater nity. Married at Minneapolis, Minn., 1896, to Miss Mary Servia McKusick. Recreation: Fishing. Office: Andrus Bldg. Residence: 2517 Dupont Av., S., Minneapolis. CAMPBELL, Wallace, banker; born at Waverly, Tiogo Co., N. Y., Sept. 8, 1863; son of S. C. and Mary Aurelia (Farwell) Campbell; graduate Hamilton College, A.B., 1883, Columbia College Daw School, LL.B., 1884; married at Chicago, 111., 1886, to Miss Minnie V. Adams. Practiced law in Minneapolis, in firm of Stryker & Campbell, 1886-91; became vice president of bank of Hill Sons & Co., 1891-98; vice president North western National Life Ins. Co., 1898-1903; vice president Minnesota Title Insurance and Trust Co., 1893-1905; since 1901 president of the People's Bank of Minne apolis. Republican; stumped State in 1888 for Harrison and for Gov. W. R. Merriam. Recreations: Driving, riding, fishing. Clubs: Minneapolis, Commercial, Island Fishing and Hunting, Miltona, Automobile. Office: People's Bank. Residence: 407 Oak Grove St., Minneap olis. CANBY, William, real estate; born at Baltimore, Md., 1859; son of William and Emily (Baily) Canby; graduate Swarthmore College, Pa., 1881. Married at Cleveland, CJune 3, 1889, to Miss May Wright. Began active career at Balti more, With his father, who was a mem ber of the firm of Canby, Gilpin & Co., 76 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS wholesale druggists; came to St. Paul, 1886, and entered real estate business as Canby and Mannen, later Canby & Gathcart, then alone, and since 1899, Canby & Meier, real estate, mortgage loans, etc. Member Real Estate Ex change. Club: Commercial. Recrea tions: Hunting and fishing. Office: Mc- Clure Bldg. Residence: 735 Lincoln Av., St. Paul. CANFIELD, Edwin H., lawyer; born at Westfield, Wis., Dec. 27, 1855; son of James F. and Mary E. (Holmes) Can- field; came to Minnesota, 1866; edu cated in country schools, Rochester (Minn.) High School, and by private in struction; taught school several years and then read law in office of Charles C. Willson, Esq., Rochester; was ad mitted to the bar, 1881. Married at Elgin, Minn., March 15, 1877, to Miss Carrie A. Hills. Began practice of law at Luverne; county attorney of Rock Co. for 14 years; secretary school board 6 years, and member public library board. Elected to State Senate Nov., 1906, term ending, Jan., 1911. Repub lican. Unitarian. Recreation: Walking. Address: Luverne, Minn. CANFIELD, * Harry Lee, clergyman ; born at South Newbury, O., Feb. 2, 1860; son of Rev. Dr. Henry Lovell and Lepha (Johnson) Canfield; educated in public schools of Ohio; Buchtel College, Akron, O.; Bethany College, Bethany, W. Va.; theological course at Tufts College, Med- ford, Mass. Universalist. Began pas toral work at Stryker, O., 1886, and has had charge of pastorates in Ohio, Maine, Vermont and Minnesota, coming to Owa tonna, March, 1906, to assume pastorate of Universalist Church. Was general secretary of the Young Peoples' Chris tian Union of the Universalist Church and in association with Mrs. Canfield was editor of the official organ, Boston, Mass. Now secretary Universalist Con vention of Minnesota. Prohibitionist. Member National Union. Married at Akron, O., Jan. 1, 1891, to Miss Mary Grace Webb. Address: Owatonna, Minn. CANNON, George Joseph, lawyer; born at Warnersville, Wis., May 23, 1872; son of James and Eliza (Noonan) Can non; educated in rural school, Howard Co., Iowa, one term in Catholic parochial school, Cresco, Iowa; graduated from College of St. Thomas (St. Paul), 1894, from St. Paul College of Law (night school), 1903; married at St. Paul, Nov. 25, 1902, to Mary J. Egan. Taught country school in Montana, winter of 1895; city collector for Hennessy Mercantile Co., Butte, Mont., 1895-96; guide in Yellow stone National Park, summer of 1896; principal of ward school, Anaconda, Mont., 1896-1900; returned to St. Paul, June, 1900, and managed publication of Northwestern Chronicle until July, 1902, and manager The Adams-Cannon Co., publishers, 1902-03; admitted to bar, 1903; member of law firm of Cannon & Cannon, St. Paul, Sept., 1903, to Sept., 1905; since practiced alone at Crookston, Minn. Catholic. Member Knights of Co lumbus, B. P. O. E., and A. O. U. W. Recreations: Hunting and fishing. Ad dress: Crookston, Minn. CANNON, Harry, physician; born Werner, Wis., June 6, 1872; son of James and Eliza (Noonan) Cannon; educated at Cedar Valley Seminary, Osage, la.; J. D. Hess Business College, St. Paul; Medical Department Washington Uni versity, St. Louis, graduating, degree of M.D., May, 1904. Unmarried. Began business career as chief clerk of the State Board of Land Commissioners, Helena, Mont, 1895-99; teacher city schools, Anaconda, Mont, 1899-1900; in terne St. Louis Mullanphy Hospital, St. Louis, Mo., June, 1903, to June, 1904; interne St. Joseph Hospital, St. Paul, Minn., June, 1904, to June, 1905. Be gan practice of medicine, 1904. Demo crat. Roman Catholic. Member Ramsey County Medical Society, Minnesota State and American Medical associations. Member B. P. O. E., Knights of Colum bus, A. O. H., A. O. U. W., Foresters. Recreations: Hunting and fishing. Ad dress: 822 East 7th St., St. Paul. CANT, William Alexander, jurist; born at Westfield, Wis., Dec. 23, 1863; son of John and Jessie (Cameron) Cant; edu cated in common schools, Marquette Co., Wis.; Minnesota State Normal School, St. Cloud, Minn.; University of Michi gan, Law Department. Removed to Du luth and engaged in practice of law, April, 1886; was elected to Minnesota State Legislature, 1894; elected city at torney of Duluth, 1895; elected judge of district court, Nov., 1896, and reelected, Nov., 1902, still continuing in that po sition. Republican. Recreation: Farm ing. Residence: 413 4th St., E., Duluth, Minn. CANTY, Thomas,' lawyer; born in Lon don, Eng., April 25, 1854; son of Jere miah and Anna C. Canty; came to Amer ica early in life and attended common schools in Michigan, Wisconsin and Iowa; unmarried. Taught school from 16 to 23 years of age; began practice of law in Minneapolis, 1881; although a Democrat, was elected judge of dis trict court in district ordinarily 10,000 Republican majority and served three years; elected judge supreme court, 1890, and served 6 years. Offered posi tion of judge Supreme Court of Philip pine Islands, 1901, by President McKin ley, but declined. Office: Guaranty Loan Bldg. Residence: West Hotel, Minneap olis. CAFFELEN, Frederick William, con sulting civil and hydraulic engineer; born at Drammen, Norway, Oct. 21, 1857; son of Diederick and Wilhelmine (Jahn) " Cappelen; graduated from high school, Fredrickstad, Norway, 1873, from tech nical and mining school, Oerebro, Swe den, 1876, and from "the Royal Polytech- THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 77 nicum, Dresden, Germany, 1880. Was assistant engineer Norwegian Coast Sur vey, 1876; assistant engineer railway construction, Saxony, 1878; assistant en gineer office and field, Northern Pacific Ry., 1880-86; bridge engineer and as sistant city engineer, city of Minneap olis, Minn., 1886-92; city engineer, Min neapolis, 1892-99; consulting engineer, doing work in different parts of the Northwest, from Chicago to the Pacific Coast, since 1899. Member American So ciety of Civil Engineers, American Wa ter Works Association, American Society of Municipal Improvements, Engineers Club, Dresden, Saxony. Member Voting Machine Commission, State of Minne sota, under appointment by Gov. John A. Johnson, for 4 years. Married at New York City, Sept. 15, 1883, to Felici- tas Wessel. Member Masonic order; B. P. O. E. Clubs: Commercial, Odin. Office: Globe Bldg. Residence: 2129 Gi- rard Av., S., Minneapolis. CABDIGAN, Charles T., real estate, etc.; born at Ogdensburg, N. Y., July 26, 1851; son of James C. and Catherine (Turner) Cardigan; educated in the pub lic schools of Ogdensburg and night schools of Boston, Mass.; married at Boston, Mass., July 6, 1885, to Millie A. McLean. Began active business career as real estate agent, June, 1895, in St. Paul; in the real estate, loan and in surance business since 1896, and a mem ber of the firm of Truax & Cardigan since 1905. Secretary-treasurer Forest Cemetery Association. Baptist. Mem ber I. O. O. F. Office: Pioneer Press Bldg. Residence: 1554 Payne Av., St. Paul. CABEY, Prank Leighton, grain com mission; born at Blooming Prairie, Minn., April 4, 1867; son of Joseph C. and Harriet L. (Leighton) Carey; edu cated at Pillsbury Academy, Owatonna, Minn. Began active career as clerk and bookkeeper, continuing with various firms for 7 years; engaged in grain commission business in Duluth, 1892- 1902; became identified with grain com mission firm of William Dalrymple Co., 1892, and removed to Minneapolis, since which time he has been secretary, treas urer and manager of the company. In dependent in politics. Methodist. Mem ber Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce. Mason. Married at Minneapolis, 1893, to Miss Mary Whittich. Recreations: Hunt ing and outdoor sports. Office: Cham ber of Commerce BJdg. Residence: 2713 Colfax Av., S., Minneapolis. CABHABT, Clark H., sheriff of Cook County; born at Wilberham, Mass., Nov. 14, 1873; son of Joseph and Ida B. (Clark) Carhart; educated in graded and high schools, Greencastle, Ind., and State Normal School, St. Cloud. Was register of deeds, Cook Co., Minn., 1897-1905; clerk of district court, Cook Co., 1903-04; has been U. S. commissioner since 1900, and sheriff Cook Co. since Jan. 1, 1905. Secretary Cook County Manufacturing Co. Republican. Mason (32°); member Knights of Pythias, B. P. O. E., Macca bees, Modern Woodmen of America. Married at Duluth, Minn., Jan. 30, 1901, to Miss Carrie E. Mayhew. Recreations: Driving and fishing. Address: Grand Marais, Minn. CABLE, Frank Austin, newspaper writer; born at Spencerport, N. Y., July 21, 1851; son of John and Catherine Melissa (Spencer) Carle; educated at University of Wisconsin and University of Michigan, graduating from the lat ter, degree of B.S., 1874. For 30 years a writer upon public questions for the press; served newspaper apprenticeship at Indianapolis, Ind., during presidential campaign of 1876; became connected with Pioneer Press, St. Paul, 1877; man aging editor same, 1880-89; went to Pa cific Coast on account of health and was managing editor and editorial writ er, Portland Oregonian, 1889-97; in charge editorial writing, New York Com mercial Advertiser (now The Globe), 1897-1901; has been writing editorials of the Minneapolis Tribune, since 1901. Republican. Clubs: Minneapolis, Com mercial, Minikahda, Century (New York). Office: Minneapolis Tribune. Residence: 18 N. 13th St., Minneapolis. CABLING, Henry, portrait artist; born at Manchester, Eng., Aug. 31, 1856; educated in art at Royal Academy, Liv erpool, S. Kensington, London; Ecole De Beaux Arts, Paris. Came to America, 1869, and located in Minnesota, 1889. Paints in oils, pastels, crayon and water colors, from life sittings or photographs. Married at New York City, 1878, to Miss Delia Rvan. Recreation: Painting. Studios: 50 E. 6th St. Residence: 990 Flandrau St., St. Paul. CABLSON, Aaron, manufacturer; born in Sweden, Jan. 28, 1857; son of Carl and Mary Carlson; educated in schools in Sweden. Came to Minneapolis, Minn., from Sweden, 1882; followed the car penter's trade until 1891, when he started in his own name as manufac turer of sash, doors and hardwood fin- is'h, the business having shown gratify ing development up to the present time. Director St. Anthony Falls Bank. Mem ber Mission (Swedish) Church; trustee Swedish Mission Covenant of America. Married at Minneapolis, 1886, to Miss Minnie Darson. Club: Commercial (St. Anthony). Office: 15th and Central Av. Residence: 2309 B St., Minneapolis. CABLSON, Carl Robert, general su perintendent lumber and coal depart ments Imperial Elevator Co.; born in Sweden, Aug. 27, 1877; son of Peter J. and Hilma (Darson) Carlson; edu cated in public schools of Minneapolis, Minn.; married at Minneapolis, Oct. 18. 1898, to Sadie D. Hessey. Was assistant manager of the Taylor Coal Co. for 6 years previous to Aug. 12, 1899, when he became connected with the Imperial Elevator Co., of which he is general 78 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS superintendent of the lumber and coal departments; also secretary of the Im perial Lumber Co., and of the Prairie Lumber Co., dealers in lumber, with re tail yards in Minnesota, N. and S. Da kota. Congregationalist. Club: Commer cial. Office: New Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Residence: 2723 N. Girard Av., Minneapolis. CARLSON, John, merchant; born in Finland, May 5, 1862. Began active ca reer as clerk for Westfall Brothers, con tinuing 8 years; was in partnership with H. W. Linneman two years; is now conducting business in his own name. Presbyterian. Member of the Ma sonic order, M. W. of A., Royal Ar canum. Address: Brainerd, Minn. CARLSTON; Emil Fredolph, grain screenings; born in Minnesota, June 12, 1866; son of Andrew P. and Eva (Lar son) Carlston; educated in common schools in Swift Co., Minn. Raised on a Minnesota farm; began active career as clerk in grocery store at Grand Forks, N. D., 1880; was clerk in hard ware store, Sauk Centre, Minn., 1884; clerk in general store at Devils Lake, N. D., and Benson, Minn., 1886-88; coun try peddler, 1890; engaged in insurance and machinery business, 1891; traveling salesman, 1892; in flour and feed busi ness, St. Paul, 1893; located in Minne apolis, 1898, and became manager of screenings department and later vice president and secretary of the W. P. Devereux Co.. a position he now holds; also vice president Devereux Elevator Co. Was candidate for Minnesota State Senate, St. Paul, 1894. Republican. Mar ried at Long Prairie, Minn., Aug. f. 1892, to Anna Cooper. Office: Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Residence: 1719 9th Av., S., Minneapolis. CARMAN, William Brainerd, lawyer; born at Detroit, Mich., March 1, 1882; son of J. B. Carman; educated in De troit high school and at the University of Minnesota. Began practice of law at Detroit, June 1, 1904, in company with C. M. Johnston; severed connec tion with firm, March 1, 1906, and since that time has been in general practice for himself; also secretary-treasurer of the Carman Drug Co.; director First National Bank, Detroit. Republican; al derman City of Detroit. Married at Fargo, Nov. 16, 1904, to Miss Frances P. Fritzsche. Club: Commercial (treas urer). Address: Detroit, Minn. CABNAHAN, Franklin Gregory, treas urer Federal Elevator Co.; born at Springfield, 111., Jan. 8, 1872; son of Rev. David F. and Sarah A. (Dobbin) Carnahan; graduated from University of Illinois, degree of B.A., 1892; mar ried at Winona, Minn., Dec. 18, 1903, to Harriet Horton. Admitted to bar in Illinois, 1896; practiced law at Cham paign, 111., until June, 1903; admitted to Minnesota Bar, 1903. Since June 15, 1903, treasurer of the Federal Elevator Co., Minneapolis, operating a line of country grain elevators. Member of the Illinois State Bar Association, Sigma Chi fraternity. Republican. Clubs: Min neapolis, Minikahda, Golf and Minneap olis Amateur Athletic Association. Office: Chamber of Commerce. Residence: 2017 S. Bryant Av., Minneapolis. CABFENTEB, Charles A., clothier; born at Faribault, Minn., March 1, 1882; son of Thomas and Emma (Nash) Car penter; educated in public schools of Faribault and at The Shattuck School; married at Milwaukee, Wis., Sept. 2, 1885, to Miss Anna Kneeland. Has been associated with clothing firm of Carpenter & Smith since 1879, and mem ber of the firm since 1898. Democrat. Episcopalian. Club: Commercial. Rec reations: Boating and fishing. Address: Faribault, Minn. CARPENTER, Chester H., lumber; born at Frankfort - Station, 111., Oct., 1860; son of Josiah and Frances (Hera- don) Carpenter; educated in public schools. Began active career as school teacher, in Iowa; entered lumber busi ness, 1891, at Fredericksburg, la.; lo cated in Minneapolis, 1898, and is secre tary and treasurer W. I. Carpenter Dum ber Co., Carpenter-Deckert Lumber Co. Eclipse Mill Co. (Everett, Wash.), and Park Rapids Lumber Co. Scottish Rite Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner; member M. B. and M. W. A. Unmar ried. Club: Commercial. Office: 2400 Washington Av., N. Residence: 2110 Girard Av., S., Minneapolis. CABPENTEB, Clarence P., editor, lawyer; born at Eastford, Conn., Feb. 4, 1853; son of Fredus C. and Mary A. (Gilbert) Carpenter; came to Minnesota with parents, 1855; educated in district schools. Worked at printing trade from age of 16 to 21; established Farming- ton (Minn.) Tribune, 1884, disposing of it, 1892; admitted to the bar, 1890; bought Northfield Independent, Jan. 11, 1895, of which he has since been editor and publisher; also in fire and tornado insurance business since 1905; assistant clerk Minnesota House of Representa tives, 1887, and chief clerk, 1889; one of the temporary secretaries First Peo ples' Party National Convention, held at Omaha, Neb.; now municipal judge, Northfield. Independent in politics. Methodist. Member I. O. O. F., A. O. U. W. Married at Farmington, Minn., July 28. 1885, to Miss Lulu M. McEl- rath. Address: Northfield, Minn. CABFENTEB, George Celoftus, mer chant; born in Columbia Co., Wis., March 22, 1855; son of Amasa A. and Ophelia C. Carpenter; educated in pub lic schools of Wyocena, Wis., and at Wayland College, Beaver Dam, Wis.; married at Buffalo, Minn., Nov. 27, 1890, to Mary E. Jones. Came to Minnesota, July 7, 1875; has been engaged in lum ber business as senior member of Car penter & Burrows, since 1887, and in THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 79 dry goods and clothing business since 1897. Republican. Was in U. S. rail way mail service, 1883-87; sheriff of Wright Co., 1892-96; chairman Repub lican County Committee for 6 years. Member I. O. O. F, A. O. U. W., Knights of Pythias. Address: Buffalo, Minn. CABFENTEB, Grant Stephen, physi cian; born at Loyd, Wis., March 25, 1870; son of Stephen Van Ranselar and Jane E. (Burdick) Carpenter; graduated from Sextonville, Wis., high school, 1891, Windom Institute, Montevideo, Minn., 3-896; attended Rush Medical College and graduated from Medical Department of Hamline University, cum laude, M.D., CM., June, 1901. Taught school for three years after graduating from high school and one year after graduating from Windom Institute. Republican. Congregationalist. Member Camp Re lease, Minnesota State and American Medical associations. Member Canby Lodge No. 147, A. F. & A. M., and M. W. A. Married at Dawson, Minn., April 10, 1905, to Miss Lenora Moulton. Rec reation: Tennis. Address: Porter, Minn. CABFENTEB, Henry L., building ma terial and wholesale jewelry; a native of Minneapolis, Minn. Has been active ly engaged in business in Minneapolis since leaving school. Vice president of the Union Railway Storage Co., dealers in building materials; also vice presi dent of the Minneapolis Jewelry Manu facturing Co., wholesale jewelers. Re publican. Member Minneapolis Chamber of Oommerce, Builders' Exchange. Un married. Clubs: Minneapolis, Minikah da. Recreations: Automobiling and golf. Office: Security Bank Bldg. Resi dence: 1900 Park Av., Minneapolis. CABFENTEB, William I., lumber; born at Frankfort, 111., May 9, 1862; son of Josiah and Frances M. (Heradon) Carpenter; educated in public schools of Frankfort, 111., and Sumner, Ia. Be gan active career in retail lumber busi ness in Fredericksburg, la., 1890; has been engaged in lumber business in Minneapolis since 1892; president W. I. Carpenter Lumber Co. Republican. Ma son (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner. Married in Iowa, 1889, to Miss Myrtle H. Houghton. Club: Commercial. Office: Lumber Exchange Bldg. Residence: 2201 Girard Av., S., Minneapolis. CABB, W. H., wholesale meats and commission; born in Ontario, Can., May 8, 1846; son of William and Isabella Carr; educated in common schools of Ontario. Came to Minnesota, Aug., 1873; began in meat and produce business under his own name, Nov. 7, 1874. Re publican. Methodist. Member Minne apolis Produce Exchange. Member I. O. O. F., Royal Arcanum. Married at Rock- ford, 111., 1878, to Miss Martha H. Blake. Club: North Side Commercial. Office: 33 Central Market. Residence: 1525 Du- pont Av., -N., Minneapolis. CABBOLL, Bobert Emmet, manager Duluth Lumber Co.; born on a farm in Cottonwood Co., Minn., Sept. 24, 1873; son of Charles H. and Mary (Feran) Carroll; educated in public schools of LaCrosse, Wis. Began active career when a boy, in employ of the Lovejoy Bros. &. Co., manufacturers sash, doors and blinds, LaCrosse, Wis; came to Du luth 1904 and became connected with the Duluth Lumber Co., operating lum ber yard and planing mill, wholesale and retail, first as manager of the yards and since Dec. 1, 1905, as general man ager. Catholic. Member M. W. A. Mar ried at LaCrosse, Wis., 1895, to Miss Anna Hurtak. Recreations: Fishing and hunting. Office: 364 Garfield Av. Resi dence: 722 Garfield Av., Duluth. CARTER, George M., vice president and treasurer C. F. Blanke Tea and Coffee Company of Minnesota; born at Wilmington, O., Oct. 16, 1850; son of Cyrus E. and Susannah (Nickerson) Car ter; educated in the common schools of Clinton County, O., and at Martinsville High School; married at New England, Athens Co., O., 1870, Lydia A. Patterson. Engaged in railroading from 1870 to 1890; in laundry business from 1890 to 1905; in January, 1906, joined in the organization of the Minnesota branch of the C. F. Blanke Tea and Coffee Com pany, the members of this company being C. F. Blanke, St. Louis, Mo.; E. B. Piepho, Cincinnati, O.; F. S. Pratt, George M. Carter and W. S. Sutherland, Minneapolis. Member of the Christian Church. Mason. Office: 116 Second St., • N. Residence: 1015 Maxy Place, Minne apolis. CARTER, O. P., grain commission; born at Glenville, N. Y., 1846; son of John and Ann Carter; came to Wiscon sin early in life and was educated in public schools of Wisconsin, and at Beloit College and Milton College, Wis consin. Began active career as trav eling salesman for cotton and jute firm and traveled extensively in the East for 8 years; located in St. Paul, 1874, and was in seed business, 1874-76; has been continuously engaged in grain com mission business at Minneapolis since 1876; president State Elevator Co.; sen ior member Carter, Sammis & Co. Re publican. Member Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce, Duluth Board of Trade. Married at Minneapolis, 1877, to Miss Mary Alice Wheeler. Recreations: Out ing vacations. Office: Chamber of Com merce Bldg. Residence: 525 River Road, S. E., Minneapolis. CABTEB, Wesley, buggies; born at North Bridgton, Me., July 7, 1839; son of Henry and Hannah (Cochran) Carter; educated in district schools; married. Began in business in Minneapolis, 1857; came to St. Cloud, 1859, entered wagon shop and worked at trade and farmed for 20 years; built the St. Cloud City Mill, 1882, continuing until 1893; now in buggy business. Democrat. Member 80 THE BOOK OF MUMNJSSOTANS^ Masonic order, B. P. O. E. Club: Com mercial. Address: St. Cloud, Minn. CABY, Herbert Elwood, physician; born at Spenceport, N. Y., Sept. 15, 1855; educated at University of Michigan, graduating, degree of B.A., 1877; De partment of Medicine and Surgery, Uni versity of Michigan, degree of M.D., 1882. Practiced medicine at Ontonagon, Mich., 1882-86; took postgraduate work in New York City, 1886-87; has been in practice in Minneapolis, since 1887. Member Hennepin County Medical So ciety. Mason. Married at LaCrosse, Wis., 1897, to Miss Mary L. Cameron. Office: Masonic Temple. Residence: 1601 Park Av., Minneapolis. CASE, Christopher Francis, publisher; born at S. Manchester, Conn., Nov. 1, 1839; son of Ashbel Wesley and Eleanor (Holister) Case; attended Beloit (Wis.) College, one year, 1863; University of Michigan, three years, concluding 1868. Served as private in 40th Wis. Vol. Inf., at the time of the Civil War; came to Minnesota, Dec, 1874, and entered pub lishing business at Marshall; was re ceiver U. S. land office at Marshall for 5 years; now senior member of the firm of C. F. Case & Son, printers and pub lishers of the Lyon County Reporter. Republican. Member G. A. R. Married in Iowa, Nov. 6, 1869, to Miss Fannie Waller. Address: Marshall, Minn. CASE, Lyman P., born at Hartford, O., April 5, 1844; came from Ohio with a team and located in Chatfield, May, "1855; educated in common schools. Has been engaged in farming for 50 years and is now chairman of county com missioners of Olmsted Co. Served as town supervisor of the town of Orion; was for six years member of the board of county commissioners of Olmsted Co. and for five years chairman of the board; chairman State Association of County Commissioners for four years. Republican. Mason. Married in Steele Co., Sept. 16, 1879, Addie L. Sheldon. Address: Chatfield, Minn. CASE, Omar Hassan, surveyor and civil engineer; born at Pittsfield, Mass., Aug. 10, 1842; son of Timothy Shalor and Sophia (Saunders) Case; educated in Pittsfield High School. Served in Civil War, 1861-65, 7th Regt, Minn. Vols.; commissioned as 2nd lieut. Be gan as a surveyor, Aug., 1867; was U. S. deputy surveyor, Northern district Arizona Ty., 1872-76; county surveyor Fillmore Co., 1878-80; resident engineer, Northern Pacific Ry., Yellowstone divi sion, 1882; resident engineer Kansas & Arkansas Valley Ry., 1887-88, and Re- mona & Western Ry., 1889-90; U. S. deputy surveyor, Minnesota, 1890-92; en gineer in charge of power companies and other engineering works, 1903 to date. Chief engineer of the Minnesota & Iowa Electric Ry. Married at Preston, Minn., May 31, 1873, to Miss Elma Hicks. Ad dress: Fountain, Minn. CASE, Walter Luman, lawyer; born at Wilson, N. Y., April 23, 1863; edu cated at Mount Union College, O., and at Wilson Collegiate Institute, gradua ting, 1884. Began active career as prin cipal of schools, Lewiston, N. Y. ; en tered practice of law at Saginaw, Mich., 3 891; removed to Duluth, 1894, and pub lished the Duluth Daily Law Bulletin for 4 years. Has been located at Clo- quet since 1897; was city attorney of Cloquet for 5 years; elected member State Legislature, 52nd district, Nov. 6, 1906, term extending to Jan. 1, 1909. Director Northwestern State Bank. Re publican. Married at Saginaw, Mich., 1892, to Miss Evelyn A. West. Club: Commercial. Address: Cloquet, Minn. CASEY, John Martin, lawyer; born at St. Paul, Minn., Feb. 20, 1860; son of John and Ellen (Donovan) Casey; edu cated at St. John's University, Stearns Co., Minn., degree of M.A., June 24, 1884; University of Minnesota, degree of LL.B., June 4, 1891. In practice at Waverly, Minn., since June 15, 1891. Roman Catholic. Married at Waverly, Feb. 10, 1892, to Miss Elizabeth M. Berkner. Address: Waverly, Minn. CASHMAN, Michael B., vice president Clinton Falls Nursery Co.; born in Steele Co., Minn., Dec. 9, 1875; son of Edward and Mary (Welch) Cashman; educated in public schools of Owatonna and at Pillsbury Academy, Owatonna; married at Owatonna, Jan. 7, 1905, to Miss Mary P. Quinn. Raised on a farm in Steele Co.; began business career as nursery salesman for his brother, Thomas, 1898; became secretary of the company at the time of its incorpora tion, as the Clinton Falls Nursery Co., 1901, and has been vice president of the company since its re-incorporation, 1906. Democrat. Roman Catholic. Member Knights of Columbus, A. O. H., U. C. T. of America. Club: Commercial: Recre ations: Hunting and fishing. Address: Owatonna, Minn. -CASHMAN, Thomas E., president and manager Clinton Falls Nursery & Green house Co.; born in Steele Co., near Owa tonna, Minn.; son of Edward and Mary (Welch) Cashman; educated in country schools and at sisters' convent, Owa tonna. Began active career without any capital as canvasser for sale of nursery stock, 1892; entered nursery business for himself on a small scale, at Owa tonna, March 17, 1898; incorporated the business as the Clinton Falls Nursery & Greenhouse Co., 1901, capital, $50,000, and increased capitalization to $150,000, in 1905; president and manager of the company. Also director Security State Bank, Owatonna. Democrat. Was mem ber Owatonna School Board two terms and mayor of Owatonna two terms; elected State Senator Nov. 6, 1906, term extending to Jan., 1911. Roman Cath olic. Member Knights of Columbus, C. O. F, A. O. H. Clubs: Commercial (Owatonna), Commercial (St. Paul). THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 81 Married at Owatonna, Sept. 14, 1897, to Miss Margaret J. Daughlin. Address: Owatonna, Minn. CASS, Louis Stephen, railway official; born in Vernon Co., Wis., May 6, 1865; son of Stephen F. and Martha Jane (Wilcox) Cass; educated in district and high schools; Iowa State Normal School, Cedar Falls, la.; business college, La Crosse, Wis. Married at Sumner, la., Dec, 24, 1885, to Miss Lilla E. Emmons. Entered railway service as brakeman, 1885, and has served in various positions on different railways; built 1896, and was president and general manager, Wa terloo, Cedar Falls & Northern Ry., 1896- 1905, president since 1905; assistant to general manager Chicago and Great Western Ry., May to Sept., 1905, and third vice president since Sept., 1905. Director Bank of Sumner, Ia. Served in I. N. G. for 5 years. Mason (32°), Knights Templar, Shriner; member B. P. O. E., Knights of Pythias. Clubs: Minnesota, Transportation. Office: Met. Opera House. Residence: 15 Sherburne Av., St. Paul. CASSEDAY, George Albertus, civil en gineer; born at Rochester, Minn., Jan. 3, 1873; son of John James and Emma Josephine (Stafford) Casseday; gradu ated Rochester public schools, 1891; University of Minnesota, C.E , 1895; married at Rochester, Dec. 27, 1899, to Mabel L. Cresap. Connected with the bridge department of the engineering department of the Great Northern Rail way since 1895; bridge engineer since 1905. Office: General Office Great Northern Ry. Residence: 315 Macku- bin St., St. Paul. CASTLE, Gustavus A., wholesale fruits and produce; 'born at Westford, Vt, Oct. 13, 1851; son of John M. and Lucy (McClellan) Castle; educated in public schools of Westford. Lived upon a farm in Vermont until 21 years of age; removed to Manchester, la., 1873, and followed farming, later engaging in creamery business; came to Minneapolis and began as a wholesale fruit and produce dealer, 1886, in which he has been highly successful. President Min neapolis Produce Exchange, 1904-05. Re publican. Married at Westford, Vt, 1879„ to Miss Betsy D. Irish: Recrea,- tions: Hunting and fishing. Office: 14 Central Market. Residence: 3012 Pills bury Av., Minneapolis. CASTLE, Henry Anson, lawyer and journalist; born near Quincy, III., Aug. 22, 1841; son of Timothy Hunt and Julia (Boyd) Castle (both natives of Vermont) ; educated in seminary at Quincy, 111.; graduated from McKendree College, Lebanon, 111., degree of AM.; married at Quincy, 111., April 18, 1865, to Margaret Jaquess; one son, Charles W. (graduated at West Point, 1894, and is now captain 3uth Infantry, U. S. A.) and four daughters. S.erved private and sergeant major 73d Illinois Vols., 1862- 63; captain 137th Illinois Vols., 1864; practiced law at Quincy, 111., 1865-66; removed to St. Paul, Minn., 1866; editor and publisher St. Paul Daily Dispatch, 1876-85; adjutant general of Minnesota 1875-76; member Minnesota Degislature, 1873; postmaster of St. Paul, 1892-96; auditor of Post Office Department, Washington, D. C, 1897-1903; counsel for U. S. Postal Commission, 1907. Re publican. Past Department Commander, G. A. R., and Commander of Doyal Le gion. Presbyterian. Member Minnesota Historical Society, National Geographic Society, Sons of American Revolution, etc. Was president St. Paul Chamber of Commerce, 1893. Author of "The Army Mule, and Other War Sketches." Con tributor to magazines, on postal sub jects. Club: Commercial. Address: 589 Summit Av., St. Paul. CASWELL, Arthur A., county auditor; born at Anoka, Minn., Sept. 30, 1867; son of Albert J. and Martha A. (Hay- den) Caswell; graduated from Anoka High School, 1886. Was engaged in newspaper work, 1886-1902; has been auditor of Anoka Co., since Jan. 2, 1905. Was 1st lieut Co. M, 14th Minn. U. S. Vols., war with Spain; now 1st lieut. Co. B, 3rd Regt., M. N. G. Republican. Member Masonic order, Knights of Pythias, Royal Arcanum, A. O. U. W., Spanish American War Veterans. Mar ried at Anoka, Minn., Aug. 22, 1891, to Miss Alice M. McLeod. Recreations: Shooting and fishing. Address: Anoka, Minn. CATES, Abraham Barker, physician; born at East Vassalboro, Me., May 12, 1854; son of Charles Bunker and Mar garet (Barker) Cates; graduate Coburn Classical Instiute, Waterville, Me., 1870; Colby College, Waterville, Me., degree of A.B., 1874, A.M., 1877; Harvard Med ical School, degree of M.D., 1880; post graduate course, Universities of Berlin and Vienna, 1880-81. Professor of ob stetrics in what is now the College of Medicine and Surgery, University of Minnesota, since 1881; obstetrician to Northwestern Hospital; obstetrician and pediatrician to Bethany Home, Minneap olis. City physician, Minneapolis, 1883- 84. Member Minnesota Academy of Med icine, Hennepin County Medical Society, Minnesota State and American Medical associations. Married at Jewett Mills, Wis., June 19, 1899, to Miss Abby W. Jewett. Office: Pillsbury Bldg. Resi dence: 2824 Park Av., Minneapolis. CATHCABT, Alexander, real estate; born at St. Paul, Minn., June 30, 1865; son of Alexander H. and Rebecca (Mar shall) Cathoart; educated in The Shat- tuck School, Faribault, Minn.; married at Cleveland, O., Jan. 7, 1890, to Mabel W. Adams. Began in real estate busi ness at St. Paul, Feb. 1, 1886; senidr partner of the firm of Cathcart, Price & Co. Member Real Estate Exchange. Clubs: Minnesota, Town and Country. 82 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS Office: Nat. G. A. Bank Bldg. Resi dence: 631 Goodrich Av., St. Paul. CATHEBWOOD, Samuel D., lawyer; born in Freeborn Co., Minn., Nov. 12, 1859; son of William M. and Elizabeth (Lowry) Catherwood; educated in pub lic schools of Austin and at University of Minnesota, class of 1883; married at Austin, 1894, to Gertrude Sherwood. Studied law, was admitted to the bar, 1888, and has since been engaged in practice at Austin. County attorney Mower. Co., for three terms. Member Minnesota State and American Bar as sociations. Roosevelt Republican. Club: Progressive League. Address: Austin, Minn. CATLIN, Frederick M., lawyer; born at Erie, Pa., 1859;- son of Henry Catlin; was graduated from Cornell University, degree of A.B., 1882; admitted to the bar in Pennsylvania, 1884, and began practice in St. Paul the same year. Con nected with M. N. G. for 14 years; ad jutant 15th Regt., Minn. Vols., during Spanish-American War. Member Minne sota State Historical Society, Society of Colonial Wars, B. P. O. E., St. Paul Charter Convention. Married at St. Paul, Aug. 4, 1898, to Miss Bertha Cros- man. Club: Minnesota. Office: Man hattan Bldg. Residence: 30 The Marl borough, St. Paul. CATLIN, John Jefferson, physician; born at Delano, Minn., Sept. 9, 1880; son of Dr. T. J. Catlin; educated at Delano High School, graduating June, 1897; local and personal editor Gazette, De lano, to Sept., 1899; attended University of Minnesota, College of Medicine and Surgery, graduating, degree of M.D., June, 1903; interne Northern Pacific Hospital, Missoula, Mont, until June, 1904. Began practice of medicine in Delano; has been in practice at Buffalo, Minn., since June, 1905. Member Amer ican and Minnesota State Medical asso ciations, Wright County Medical Society (secretary). Mason; member M. W. A. Married at Alden, Minn., Oct., 1905, to Miss Edith A. Larkin. Club: Commer cial. Recreations: Hunting, horseback riding, baseball. Address: Buffalo, Minn. CAVANAUGH, Dennis, hardware, etc.; born at St. Thomas, Ont, Can., Dec. 3, 1838; son of George and Elizabeth (Moulton) Cavanaugh; educated in Can ada; came to Faribault, 1856; enlisted in Union Army and was captain Co. C, 10th Minn. Vol. Inf., 1864-65; unmarried. Engaged in flour milling and grain busi ness, 1865-71; began in hardware and farm machinery as Earing & Cavanaugh, 1871; name of the firm Cavanaugh & Frink since 1879. County commissioner of Rice Co. for 3 years and alderman of Faribault for 20 years. Democrat. Catholic Member Knights of Colum bus, C. O. F. Club : Commercial. Ad dress: Faribault, Minn. CHADBOUBN, Charles Nathaniel, in surance, etc.; born at Columbus, Wis., Aug. 10, 1859; son of Charles H. and Henrietta T. Chadbourn; attended pub lic schools Rochester, Minn., and spent one year at Oberlin College preparatory school; married at Chicago, 111., Feb. 26, 1895, to Bessie Morse. Was assistant cashier Rochester (Minn.) National Bank, 1880-84; cashier George Van Du- sen & Co., grain, Minneapolis, Minn., 1884-90; became partner of father (C. H.) and brother (R. W.) in real estate and financial brokerage business, Minne apolis, and continued, 1890-93; now vice president of the Chadbourn Finance Co., which owns and operates the Hotel Ven- dome; director Gorham Braden Co., in surance and real estate; member mana ging committee Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra Association. Republican. Clubs: Commercial, Six O'clock. Recre ations: Sailing and automobiling. Office: 17 S. 4th St. Residence: 2933 Park Av., Minneapolis. CHAFFEE, Gibson Allen, manager Plumbing and Steam Fitting Supplies Co.; born at Hastings, Minn., Jan. 31, 1866; son of Sylvester A. and Plantina O. (Pitcher) Chaffee; educated in publie schools of Mansfield, O. Came to St. Paul from Mansfield, O., in 1884, and entered plumbing supply house of Wil son & Rogers, afterwards, Rogers, Wil lis & Co., Roger & Ordway and Crane & Ordway Co., 'becoming assistant man ager of latter company; located in Min neapolis, in 1897, to assume present position as manager of the Plumbing & Steam Fitting Supplies Co., succes sor to the Minneapolis branch of The Crane Co., of Chicago,- 111. Director Globe Iron Works, Menomonie, Wis. Re publican. Methodist. Member M. W. A , Modern Samaritans. Married at High Forest, Minn., 1888, to Miss Liz zie C. Rockwell. Club: Commercial. Recreation: Farming. Office: 212-214 1st St., N, Minneapolis. Residence: 1942 Carroll St., Merriam Park, Minn. CHALMERS, Charles Henry, elec trical engineer; born at Ontario, Can. (American citizen born abroad), March 18, 1870; son of Gabriel and Mary (Morris) Chalmers; came to Minnesota, March 18, 1878; educated in Lake City High School, graduating, 1890; Univer sity of Minnesota, degree of B E.E., 1894; degree of E.E., same university, 1896. Entered profession as electrical engineer, 1894; vice president Electric Machinery Co. Democrat. Baptist. Mem ber American Institute of Electrical En gineers. Mason. Married at St. Paul, Dec. 5, 1894, to Miss Dillian Hatch. Clubs: City Engineer's (St. Anthony), Commercial. Office: Electric Machinery Co. Residence: 523 7th St., S. E., Min neapolis. CHAMBEBLAIN, Francis Asbury, president Security Bank of Minnesota; born at Bangor, Me., April 20, 1855; son of James T. and Caroline (Emery) Cham- THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 83 berlain; came to Red Wing, Minn., 1857; educated in Red Wing schools, Hamline University, and two years at University of Minnesota; married, 1883, to Frances T. Fass. Entered busi ness life as collector in the Merchants National Bank; went into the Security Bank soon after it was founded, and has remained with it ever since; also director Hennepin County Bank, North western Life Insurance Co., Minnesota Loan and Trust Co. Mason. Clubs: Minneapolis, Commercial. Office: Se curity Bank. Residence: 1758 Hen nepin Av., Minneapolis. CHAMBEBLAIN, Harlow H., presi dent Boyd Transfer & Storage Co.; born at Chippewa Fails, Wis., July 19, 1863; son of Hamlin T. and Mary A. (Towne) Chamberlain; graduated from the Min neapolis High School, 1864; unmarried. Connected with the circulating depart ment of the Minneapolis Journal, 1878- 1905, during most of the time owning and' controlling a large part of the circu lation; sold out his interest to publish ers of the paper, March, 1905; president of the Boyd Transfer & Storage Co., since Nov., 1892, this company being owners of one of the most complete modern storage and transfer plants in the country (built 1905), also being large wholesalers of sugar. Independ ent in politics. Baptist. Recreation: Working for the church. Office: 46 S. 3rd St. Residence: 3100 1st Av., S., Minneapolis. CHAMBEBLAIN, Leon T., assistant general counsel Northern Pacific Ry. ; born at Clyde, N. Y., April 3, 1862; son of Philander T. and Mary (Tuttle) Chamberlain; student University of Minnesota, class of 1884; graduate St. Louis Law School, degree of LL.B., 1885. Began practice of law at St. Paul, 1887; was corporation attorney City of St. Paul, 1893-95; became con nected with Northern Pacific Rd., May 23, 1895, as assistant counsel to receiv ers and is now assistant general coun sel to the reorganized company, the Northern Pacific Ry. Republican. Ma son; member Chi Psi fraternity. Mar ried at Hastings, Minn., Sept. 30, 1886, to Miss Elizabeth Tozer. Club: Min nesota. Recreations: Hunting, garden ing, fine horses. Office: Broadway, cor. 4th St. Residence: 1001 Ashland Av., St. Paul. CHAMBEBS, C. L., physician; born at Freeport, 111., 1858; came to Minnesota with his parents at age of 9 years and was educated in public schools of Kas son until 1875; Carleton College, North- field, Minn., graduating, degrees of B.S. and A.B., 1881; honorary degree M.A., same college, 1896; Rush Medical Col lege, Chicago, graduating, degree of M.D., 1883. Practiced medicine at Be- loit, Wis., and Canby, Minn.; later lo cating at Kasson. Member Minnesota State Medical Association. Member Ma sonic order. Address: Kasson, Minn. CHAMBEBS, Winslow Clarke, physi cian; born at Owatonna, Minn., March 8, 1877; graduate of Owatonna High School, 1895; University of Minnesota, degree of B.S., 1900; College of Medi cine and Surgery, University of Minne sota, degree of M.D., 1905. Physician at Minnesota State Prison, Stillwater, 1905-06. Member Minnesota State Medi cal Association, Steele County Medical Society, Phi Gamma Delta and Nu Sig ma Nu fraternities. Republican. Recrea tions: All outdoor athletic sports. Ad dress: Owatonna, Minri. CHAMPLIN, Ezra T., farmer; born at Ferrisburgh, Vt., April 2, 1839; son of Benjamin W. and Phebe (Griffin) Champlin; educated in public schools; married at Charlotte, Vt., to Miss Flor ence Eliza Langdon. Came to Minne sota, I860; served four years in Civil War, 1861-65, in 3rd Regt. Minn. Vol. Inf., 2nd. Lieut. Co. G., 1st Lieut. Co. D. ; brevetted Capt. by President John son for gallant and meritorious services in Mobile campaign; staff officer two years; engaged in farming at Vernon Center, Minn., since 1868. Democrat. Member State Legislature, 1875, 1887, 1891 (speaker House of Representa tives); Chairman Democratic State Con vention, 1896; appointed member State Board of Equalization, 1905, and is now chairman. Member Knights of Pythias. Address: Vernon Center, Minn. CHAMPLIN, George Wallace, lawyer; born at Vernon Center, Minn., July 16, 1869; son of Ezra Thomas and Florence Eliza (Dangdon) Champlin; educated in high school, Garden City, Minn., Normal School and business college, Mankato, Minn., and in law department of the University of Minnesota, graduating, 1898; unmarried. Docated in Benson, 1899, for the practice of law. Served as county attorney of Swift Co., for four years. Member Masonic Order, Knights of Pythias, O. E. S., B. P. O. E. Ad dress: Benson, Minn. CHANCE, Walter S., special agent U. S. treasury; born at Canton, O., June 26, 1854; son of Peter and Ellen (Scott) Chance; educated in public schools and by study of law; married at Canton, O., Sept. 17, 1885, to Miss Ella B. Wise. Admitted to the bar in Ohio and prac ticed law at Canton, O., 1875-80; entered service of U. S. government, 1880; be came special agent of. the U. S. treas ury, 1889, and was located in Philadel phia, Pa., and Washington, D. C, pre vious to coming to St. Paul. Office: Cus tom House. Residence: 35 Clarence Av., Minneapolis. CHANEY, Lucian West, educator; born at Heuvelton, N. Y., June 26, 1857; son of Rev. D. W. and Happy T. (Kin ney) Chaney; graduate Carleton College, Northfield, Minn., degree of A.B., 1878; degrees of B.S., 1879, and M.S., 1882, same college. Married at Red Wing, Minn., June 20, 1882, to Miss Mary E. 84 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS Hill. Has been instructor and pro fessor biology Carleton College, since 1882. Studied in Woods Holl Labora tory, 1895; explored in Rocky Mount ains, Mont, 1895, 1903, 1905, visiting several glaciers for first time, one now bearing name of Chaney glacier. Mem ber American Association for the Ad vancement of Science, Minnesota Botani cal Society; member Minnesota Academy of Science; delegate from Minnesota Geographical Society to 8 th Interna tional Geographic Congress. Contributor to periodicals. Recreations: Geological and zoological collecting, mountain climbing. Address: Northfield, Minn. CHAPMAN, Edward Thomas, bonds and commercial paper; born at Dubuque, la., Oct. 16, 1873; son of Joseph anu Catherine (Cassidy) Chapman; educated in public schools, Dubuque, to 1887; in public schools, Minneapolis, Minn., until 1890; graduated from High School, Painesville, O., 1891. Began active career as chief clerk Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co., Lake & Rail Terminals, Fairport Harbor, O., 1891, continuing until 1905; has been a member of the firm of Eugene M. Stevens & Co., of Minneapolis, dealers in investment bonds and commercial paper, since Feb. 14, 1906. Married at Painesville, • O., Julj', 1896, to Miss Leita Grace Hickok. Republican. Episcopalian. Office: N. W. National Bank Bldg. Residence: 1964 Kenwood Parkway, Minneapolis. CHAPMAN, Joseph, banker; born Du buque, Iowa, Oct. 17, 1871; son of Jo seph and Katharine C. (Cassiday) Chap man; educated in Dubuque public schools, Central High School, Minne apolis; College of Law, University of Minnesota; married at Eau Claire, Dec, 1896, to Elizabeth G. Mayhew. En gaged in banking business, beginning as a boy, Aug. 1, 1888; now cashier and director Northwestern National Bank of Minneapolis. Secretary of Minnesota Bankers' Association, 1899-1906. Mem ber Phi Delta Phi fraternity. Club: Minneapolis. Recreations: Golf and football. Office: Northwestern Na tional Bank. Residence: 2111 Girard Av., S., Minneapolis. CHAPMAN, Ozias Stephen, physician and surgeon; born at Niagara Falls, N. Y., March 11, 1839; son of Gardner S. and Amanda (Judd) Chapman; gradu ate Medical College of Ohio, Cincinnati, O., degree of M.D., 1865. Entered mili tary service as hospital steward, U. S. A., Oct., 1862. Local surgeon, N. P. B. A., since 1882. Independent Republi can. Congregationalist. Member G. A. R. Member Hennepin County Medical Society, Minnesota State and American Medical associations. Married at Platts- burg, N. Y., June 18, 1873, to Miss Ade laide C. Heyworth. Address: 1121-1123 4th Av., S., Minneapolis. CHAPMAN, Will E., physician; born at Hill, N. H., Feb. 9, 1857; son of John W. and Charlotte (Taplin) Chapman; edu cated at New Hampton Academy, N. H., and Medical Department, University of Vermont, graduating, degree of M.D., 1879. Came to Minnesota, 1879, and began practice of medicine at North Branch; has been located at Litchfield since 1883. Member American and Min nesota State Medical associations, Crow River Valley Medical Society. Republi can. Baptist. Member I. O. O. F. Mar ried at Forest City, Minn., 1882, to Miss Georgia A. Kimball. Recreation: Hunt ing. Address: Litchfield, Minn. CHAPMAN, William Wallace, coal; born in Tama Co., Ia., April 5, 1865; son of Samuel D. and Mary (Rheinber- ger) Chapman; educated in public schools of Tama Co. Began active career as cashier for C. S. Lee, grain, etc., 1880; entered coal business, 1890, and traveled for ll years in coal trade; manager for Ohio Coal Co., St. Paul, 1902-04; has been in charge of city business, Minneapolis, of the Youghio- gheny & Lehigh Coal Co., since June, 1904. Was 1st lieut. Co. E, 3rd Regt., M. N. G., retiring July, 1900. Mason; member U. C. T. of America; A. O. U. W. Married at Kansas City, Mo., May 3.6, 1888, to Miss Anna Gray David. Club: Commercial. Office: 320 1st Av., S. Residence: 3141 Calhoun Blvd., Minneapolis. CHASE, Albert Gardner, manager Northwestern Telephone Exchange Co.; born at Oneota, Minn., March 16, 1876; son of Kelsey D. and Isabella (Gard ner) Chase; graduate Pennsylvania Mili tary College, Chester, Pa., degree of C.E., and in College of Law, University of Minnesota; married at Faribault, Minn., Dec 3, 1903, to Miss Katherine Gardner. Has been a resident of Fari bault since 1887; became manager Tri State Telephone Co., and has been man ager Northwestern Telephone Co., at Faribault, since Sept., 1906. Also di rector Chase State Bank; secretary and treasurer Dundas Rural Telephone Co. Major 2nd Regt, M. N. G., since 1898. Member Delia Kappa Epsilon frater nity. Republican. Congregationalist. Mason; member Modern Samaritans, Royal Arcanum, F. O. E. Club: Com mercial, Golf, Gun. Recreations: Golf, hunting and fishing. Address: Fari bault, Minn. CHASE, Jesse Adelbert, hardware; born at Ogden, N. Y., Nov. 23, 1864; son of Adelbert E. and Modesta (Weare) Chase; educated in public schools of New York and Brockport (N. Y. ) Nor mal School; married at Minneapolis, 1888, to Alberta F. Clemence. Was in the office of Janney, Semple & Co., Min neapolis, Minn., 1884-85; secretary Y.TJT. C. A., Minneapolis Branch, and Fari bault, Minn., 1886-87; was identified with Edmund T. Sykes, water works con struction, 1887-92; secretary Water, Light and Power Co., St. Cloud, Minn., 1893-98; has been secretary W. K. Mori- THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 85 son & Co., hardware dealers since 1899. Republican. Episcopalian. Mason and Shriner. Club: Commercial. Office: 247-249 Nicollet Av. Residence: 726 East 16th St., Minneapolis. CHASE, Kelsey D., banker; born in Cattaraugus Co., N. Y., Dec. 1, 1841; son of Stillman and Wealthy A. (Kel sey) Chase; educated in schools of Cat taraugus Co.; married at Homer, N. Y., Feb. 18, 1868, to Isabel E. Gardner. Came to Minnesota, 1860, and located in Rochester; enlisted in Co. K, 2nd Minn. Vol.. Inf., and served until July, 1865; resided for a number of years at Owa tonna, Duluth and Crookston; has been a resident of Faribault since Aug., 1887; was organizer, builder and presi dent of the Duluth, Mesabe & Northern R. R., 1890-93; in banking business since 1880, and is president of the Chase State Bank, Faribault, established, 1905. Mayor of Faribault, 1900. Re publican. Mason (32°). 'Clubs: Com mercial, Golf. Address: Faribault, Minn. CHASE, William P., banking; born at West Union, Minn., Oct. 25, 1869; son of Esadore F. and Cynthia (Pixley) Chase; educated in public schools of West Union until 1890 and at Sauk Cen ter High School, graduating, 1893. Taught school winter of 1893-94; acted as agent for elevator company, West Union, 1894-98; was bookkeeper First National Bank, Sauk Center, 1899-1905; has been cashier and director First State Bank of Felton since 1905. Repub lican. Methodist. Member I. O. O. F., -Maccabees. Married at Sauk Center, Sept., 1899, to Miss Susie M. Warren. Address: Felton, Minn. CHATFIELD, Edward Crane, lawyer; born at Sharon Centre, O., Oct. 24, 1849; son of William and Ruth Ann (Crane) Chatfield; graduate University of Min nesota, degree of B.S., 1874; Law School, Iowa City, la., degree of LL.B., class of 1877. Member Minneapolis City Coun cil, 1898-1906. inclusive; president Art Commission, City of Minneapolis, since 1903. Universalist. Member Chi Psi. Married at Minneapolis, May 13, 1884, to Miss Carrie Eastman Secombe. Club: Minneapolis. Recreations: Nature studies. Office: Boston Blk. Resi dence: 613 Fulton St., Minneapolis. CHEADLE, Henry W., city clerk, Du luth; born in Meigs Co., O., Feb. 19, 1865; son of Henry C. and Emily (Keyes) Cheadle; educated in public schools of Blue Earth, Minn., and at Carleton College, Northfield, Minn. Be gan active career as school teacher in Jackson Co., Minn., continuing one year; came to Duluth and engaged in real es tate business, 1886-92; explored on Missabe Iron Range, 1892-93; was re ceiver's clerk, U. S. Dand office, 1893- 94; deputy city clerk, Duluth, 1894-98; has been city clerk of Duluth, since March, 1898. Democrat. Mason (32 Shriner; member B. P. O. E„ Modern Samaritans, I. O. F. Married at Du luth, 1891, to Miss Margaret Holliday. Club: Commercial. Office: City Hall. Residence: 1011 E. 3rd St., Duluth. CHILDS, Clarence H., lawyer; born at Tipton, la., Aug. 19, 1858; son of Eugene and Caroline (.Scarborough) Childs; edu cated at Fort Dodge High School, 1876; University of Michigan, graduating de gree of Ph.B., 1882. Engaged in prac tice of law since 1884. Examiner of titles under the Torrens Land Act, since 3 901; vice president of The State Insti tution for Savings. Member Delta Up- silon. Married at Brooklyn, N. Y., Jan. 5, 1889, to Miss Sarah H. Henshaw. Club: Minnikahda. Recreations: Hunt ing, golf. Office: New York Dife Bldg. Residence: 1925 Queen Av., S., Minne apolis. CHILGBEN, Gustave Arthur, physi cian; born in Nicollet Co., Minn., Aug. 2, 1865; son of M. P. and Mary S. Chil- gren; graduated from St. Peter High School, 1884, and University of Minne sota and from Medical Department University of Minnesota, 1892. Assist ant physician St. Peter (Minn.) State Hospital, 1893-95, and assistant superin tendent, 1895-98. Assistant medical superintendent, S. Dakota Hospital for Insane, 1898-99. Has been at Sauk Rapids since 1900. President Stearns- Benton Co. Medical Society; member Minnesota State and American Medical associations, American Medico-Psycho logical Association. Member Delta Tau Delta fraternity. Married at Yankton, S. D., 1899, to Miss Lucy Wood Dewey. Address: Sauk Rapids, Minn. CHILTON, Edwin Young, physician; born at Burksville, Ky., Aug. 25, 1849; son of Joshua L. and Martha Ellen (Freeman) Chilton; educated in public schools; Bedford (Ind.) Academy, 1869- 70; studied medicine at Albany, Ky., 1870-72; graduate Miami Medical Col lege, Cincinnati, O., 1874. Practiced medicine at Albany, Ky., 1874-80; in practice at Howard Lake, Minn., since 3880. Member high school board 21 years and reelected for three years more; State Senator, 1899-1903. Repub lican. Christian. Associate member Minnesota Academy of Medicine; mem ber Minnesota State Medical Association (1st vice president), Wright County Medical Society (ex-president), Crow River Valley Medical Society. Member M. B. A., M. W. A. Married at Albany, Ky., 1875, to Miss Laura J. Huddleston. Address: Howard Lake, Minn. CHITTENDEN, Edwin Sedgwick, law yer; born at Rensselaerville, Albany Co., N. Y„ Jan. 1, 1843; son of Orville H. and Nancy (Cowles) Chittenden; educated in public schools of Rensselaer ville and Durham, N. Y.; Albany Acad emy, West Durham Seminary, Parma Institute, and University of Rochester, N. Y., graduating, A.B., 1865, (Phi Beta 86 THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS Kappa) with honors of each year. Mar ried at Rensselaerville, N. Y., Sept. 28, 1870, to Minerva E. Moore (died 1898). Admitted to bar at Albany, N. Y., Dec. 5, 1867; came to St. Paul, Oct., 1869, and has ever since been engaged there in practice of law and in the real, es tate business; was partner in law firm of Officer & Chittenden, 1870-73; since then has had no partner. Served as private in Co. H, 54th Regt, N. G., State of N. Y. Vol., 1864; member of three different companies in M. N. G., 1872-74, 1875-76, and 1880-83, from the last of which has grown the present National Guard of Minnesota. Presi dent Minnesota National Guard Veteran Association. Was clerk of Assembly Judicial Committee, N. Y. State Legis- lature, 1865-67, assistant solicitor De partment of State, Washington, D. O, 1867-69. Conservative Republican; ac tive, uniformed member St. Paul (orig inal) Roosevelt Club. Member Aclfer Post, G. A. R.; Minnesota Society Sons of American Revolution, Minnesota So ciety of Colonial Wars, New York So ciety Mayflower Descendants, Delta Up- silon fraternity. Recreation: Bicycling. Club: Commercial (vice president, 1894, later director and active on its committees since). Office: Pioneer Press Bldg. Residence: The Angus, St. Paul. CHOATE, Augustus B., lawyer; born in Ohio, Aug. 3. 1853; son of Isaiah M. and Minerva (Bell) Choate; educated in country district school, Kedron, Fill more Co., Minn.; high school, Spring Valley, Minn.; State Normal School, Winona, graduating, Aug. 8, 1878; Union College of Law, Chicago, 111., graduat ing, 1883. Was raised on a farm and taught school in winters, 1875-80; com menced practice of law, 1883; located office in Minneapolis, 1886; senior mem ber of law firm of Choate & Merrill, 1891-98; has practiced alone since 1898. Member Minneapolis Bar Library As sociation (president, 1903-04); also presi dent Alumni Association, Winona Nor mal School. Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner. Married at Minneapolis, March, 1904, to Miss Grace Elizabeth Gray. Club: Commercial (St. Anthony). Recreations: Wheeling and bowling. Office: Temple Court. Residence: 429 Church St., S. E., Minneapolis. CHOATE, Hannibal, merchant; born at Carthage, N. Y., April 28, 1835; son of Amos and Betsey (Raymer) Choate; educated in public schools and at acad emy, at Carthage. Began in dry goods business, 1852; came to Minnesota, 1861; has been at the head of the wholesale and retail dry goods Arm of H. Choate & Co., since 1861. President First Na tional Bank, Elgin, Minn.; trustee Winona Savings Bank, Woodlawn Cem etery Association, Winona. Republi can. Episcopalian. Married at Winona, Minn., 1889, to Mrs. Harriet R. Doneven (nee Stewart). Clubs: Arlington, Mer chants (New York). Recreations: Trav eling and driving. Address: Winona, Minn. CHBISTENSEN, Christian S., miller; born in Norway, June 26, 1855; son of Permillie (Knudson) Christensen; at tended the common schools in Norway, came to America, August 20, 1870, and completed education in high school at Waseca, Minn. Began in the milling business in Madelia, 1892, and has since been continuously connected with that business. Vice president First National Bank. Member village council and school board. Republican. Dutheran. Member Masonic order, I. O. O. F„ Mod ern Woodmen of America. Married at Waseca, Minn., Jan. 13, 1878, to Miss Nancy A. Willock. Address: Madelia, Minn. CHBISTENSEN, Hans, importer and manufacturer; born at Schleswig, Ger many, Nov. 3, 1865. Came to Minne sota, 1883, and has been actively en gaged in business in Duluth since 1885. President Christensen- Mendenhall-Grah- am Co., established, May, 1896, import ers and jobbers of men's furnishing goods, etc. Republican. Mason. Clubs: Kitchi Gammi, Commercial. Office: 514- 516 W. 1st St. Residence: 1919 E. 2nd St., Duluth. CHBISTENSEN, Henry O., judge; born in Olmsted Co., Minn., July 13, 1872; son of John and Bergitte (Mad- sen) Christensen; educated in public schools of Olmsted Co. and Rochester; Dixon College, Dixon, 111.; Daw Depart ment, Drake University, Des Moines, la., graduating, degree of LL.B., 1900. Unmarried. Began practice of law at Rochester, 1901; judge of probate since Nov., 1902. Democrat. Member I. O. O. F. Recreation: Fishing. Address: Rochester, Minn. CHBISTENSEN, Oscar P., lawyer; born at St. Paul, Minn., June 29, 1876; son of John and Johanna (Milberg) Christensen; educated in public schools, University of Minnesota, St. Paul Col lege of Law, LL.B., 1902. Member Ram sey County Bar Association. Member State Legislature. Republican. Metho dist. Member Masonic order, M. W. A., Red Men, Modern Samaritans. Unmar ried. Office: 634 Globe Bldg. Resi dence: 156 W. Winifred St., St. Paul. CHBISTENSEN, Peter Christian, nur seryman; born in Denmark, June 30, 1874; educated in public schools of Den mark. Came to America, 1889; has been a resident of Minnesota, since 1895; proprietor Amber Lake Nursery. Mar ried at East Chain Lake, 1907, Miss Cena Dahl. Address: Fairmont, Minn. CHRISTIAN, Edward M., secretary Minneapolis Insurance Agency; born at Lake .Geneva, Wis., 1853; son of John and Catharine A. (Bonesteel) Christian; educated in public and high school, Lake Geneva. Came to Minneapolis in 1869, and began active career as clerk in a grocery store, continuing in flour and THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 87 feed store and drug store, until enter ing insurance business, 1874. Married, in Minneapolis, 1881, to Miss Elsie M. Goodwin. Office: New York Life Bldg. Residence: 2440 Nicollet Av., Minne apolis. CHRISTIAN, George Henry, manufac turer; born at Wetumpka, Ala., 1839; son of John and Susan (Weeks) Chris tian; educated in private school at Wil mington, N. C. Came with his father to Wisconsin and located on farm, 1850; was clerk in shoe store of uncle at Al bany, N. Y., in New York City as clerk in office of Continental Insurance Co., and in flour and grain commission busi ness, Chicago, 111., until 1865. Came to Minneapolis, 1865, as flour buyer; was associated with Gov. Washburn in mill ing business, formulating and perfect ing processes for milling flour and ob tained patent on invention for purifying . middlings; member of Arm of Chris tian, Tomlinson & Co., merchant mil lers, 1869, firm being George H. Chris tian & Co., 1870-75; sold out interest in flour business to brothers, 1875. Or ganizer of the Hardwood Manufacturing Co., manufacturers of bags and bar rels, of which is now president; vice president Minneapolis Paper Co.; mem ber of firm of George C. Christian & Co., merchant millers. Episcopalian. Married at Minneapolis, to Miss Leonora Hall. Office: 103-115 3rd Av., S. Resi dence: 404 S. 8th St., Minneapolis. CHRISTIAN, Llewellyn, merchant miller; born in Wetumpka Co., Ala., June io, 1841; son of John and Susan (Weeks) Christian; educated in High School, Chicago, and at Cooper Insti tute, N. Y. One of the widely known milling men of the Northwest; was member of the firm of George H. Chris tian & Co., which operated the Wash burn A. and B. Mills, later changed to J. A. Christian & Co., operating these mills until May 2, 1878, when the Wash burn Mill exploded. Member of firm of J. A. Christian & Co., wliich operated the Pettit Mill, and member Christian Brothers Mill Co., whiclt built and operated the Crown Roller Mill, both mills being sold to the Northwestern Consolidated Mill Co., in 1893; head of the firm of L. Christian & Co., estab lished 1893, flour manufacturers; also president Northern Grain Co. Episco palian. Member Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce. Married at Minneapolis, Sept. 28, 1896, to Mrs. Sarah B. Cole. Clubs: Minikahda, Commercial. Recrea tion: Golf. Office: Chamber of Com merce. Residence: 428 8th St. S., Min neapolis. CHRISTIE, George Balph, physician; born at Berlin, Wis., Jan. 21, 1858; son of Andrew and Margaret (Laing) Chris tie; graduated from High School, Ber lin, 1876; Rush Medical College, Chicago, degree of M.D., 1882. Member Ameri can and Minnesota State Medical asso ciations, Upper Mississippi Valley Medi cal Society. President Bank of Long Prairie;, vice president Bank of Eagle Bend, Minn. Married at Milwaukee, Wis., Sept. 1, 1887, to Miss Susan L. West. Address: Long Prairie, Minn. CHRISTIE, James William, treasurer Northwestern Telephone Exchange Co.; born at Plymouth, Mass., April 12, 1863; educated in Plymouth public schools. Began business career with R. Warner & Co., wholesale dealers in woodenware, Boston, Mass.; came to Minneapolis, 1884, and entered telephone service in which he has been engaged ever since; treasurer Northwestern Telephone Ex change Co., since July, 1906; also treas urer Minnesota Central Telephone Co., Willmar Telephone Co., director and treasurer Albert Lea Telephone Co.; as sistant treasurer Mesaba Telephone Co. Republican. Married at Minneapolis, Minn., April, 1885, to Miss Carrie R. Johnson. Club: Commercial. Office: Telephone Bldg. Residence: 3210 2nd Av., S., Minneapolis. CHRISTIE, William, agricultural im plements; born in Franklin Co., Vt., March 24, 1844; son of Adam J. and Mary (O'Hara) Christie; educated in public schools of Wisconsin; came to Minnesota, 1864; married at Austin, 1871, to Margaret Reynolds. Farmed, 1864-99; located in Austin, 1898, and es tablished implement firm of Wm. Chris tie & Son. Was member board of county commissioners, Freeborn Co., 6 years; member State Legislature two years; assessor Freeborn Co., 20 years; has been member board of county commis sioners of Mower Co., since 1904 and chairman of the board since 1905. Re publican. Catholic. Address: Austin, Minn. CHRISTISON, James Trent, physi cian; born at Southampton, England, Oct. 21, 1865; son of James and Isa bella (Smith) Christison; educated in public school and Collegiate Institute, Ingersoll, Ont, Can.; Department of Medicine, University of Michigan, 1887- 89 ; Long Island' College Hospital, N. Y„ M.D., 1890, and University of Minnesota, M.D., 1901. Unmarried. Professor of diseases of children, Department of Medicine, University of Minnesota. Mem ber Minnesota Academy of Medicine, Minnesota State Medical Association, Ramsey County Medical Society, Ameri can Medical Association, Nu Sigma Nu fraternity. Mason and Shriner; member B. P. O. E. Clubs: Minnesota, White Bear Yacht. Office: Endicott Arcade. Residence: 682 Dayton Av., St. Paul. CHBISTOFFEBSON, Arthur, lawyer; born at De Pere, Brown County, Wis., Jan. 14, 1878; son of Hans and Bertha (Hanson) Christofferson; graduated from Hudson (Wis.) High School, 1895; College of Law, University of Minne sota, degree of LL.B., 1901. Married at River Falls, Wis., Nov. 25, 1902, to Lulu 88 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS B. Fortune. Was in the employ of the Northern Pacific Railway Land Depart ment for six years, first as office boy, then as stenographer, then as sales clerk. Since admission to bar, -1901, practicing law alone, specializing in real property and corporation law. Also vice president and director of The Nason- Christofferson Company, a corporation devoting its energies to Northwestern farm lands. Republican. Congregation alist. Member Zeta Psi and Delta Chi, law fraternities, Royal Arch Mason. Clubs: Commercial, Roosevelt Republi can, Norden, Minnesota Boat. Office: Endicott Bldg. Residence: 1800 Carroll St., St. Paul. CHBISTOFHEBSON, Conrad H., law yer; born at Albert Lea, Minn., Dec. 29, 1875; educated at Albert Dea High School; graduating, 1893; University of Minnesota, B.A., 1898. Has been en gaged in practice since 1903. County attorney of Rock Co., since 1904. Mar ried at Luverne, Minn., Aug. 15, 1901, to Miss Effie Jacobsen. Address: Lu verne, Minn. CHUBCH, Charles Gilman, farm lands; born Jencho, Vt, Dec 20, 1854; son of Otis B. and Jane E. Church; graduated Vermont Methodist Semi nary, 1874, and from University of Ver mont, A.B., 1878; married at Burling ton, Vt., Sept. 1, 1880, to Carolyn J. Bishop. Came to Minnesota, 1896; ad mitted to the bar, 1880; established and edited the Watertown (S. Dak.) Daily Courier, 1882-86; cashier Sioux Bank ing Co., Watertown, 1886-90; cashier Watertown,' S. D., National Bank, 1890- 94; dealer in farm lands and mortgages since 1890. Club: Commercial. Recrea tion: Automobiling. Office: 812 Guar anty Loan Bldg., Minneapolis. Resi dence: Minnetonka Beach, Minn. CHUTE, Fredick Butterfield, lawyer and real estate dealer; born, Minneapo lis, Minn., Dec. 21, 1872; son of Samuel Hewes and Helen Editha Amelia (Day) Chute; graduate University of Minne sota College of Law, degrees of LL.B., 1895, LL.M., 1896; unmarried. Member law firm of L. P. and F. B. Chute; vice president and secretary Chute Realty Co.. secretary Chute Brothers Co. Mem ber Board of Education, Minneapolis. Member M. N. G., 1898-99. Republican. Roman Catholic. Clubs: Commercial (Minneapolis), Commercial (St. An thony), Minikahda, Minnetonka Yacht, Roosevelt. Member Sons of the Ameri can Revolution. Recreations: Boating, yachting and lake pleasures. Office: 7 University Av„ N. E. Residence: 1024 University Av., S. E., Minneapolis. CHUTE, Louis Prince, law and real estate; born in Minneapolis, Minn., Oct. 17, 1868; son of Samuel H. and Helen E. A. (Day) Chute; educated by private tutor, in business college and at Uni versity of Notre Dame, Ind., degrees of A.B. and LL.B.; degree of LL.M., Col lege of Law, University of Minnesota, 1893. Entered the practice of law in 1895; member of the law firm of L. P. dad F. B. Chute. First vice president and treasurer Chute Realty Co., treas urer Chute Brothers Co., vice president Samuel H. Chute Co.; treasurer St. An thony Improvement Co. Republican. Roman Catholic. Clubs: Commercial (Minneapolis), Commercial (St. An thony), Minnetonka Yacht and Minne- i tonka Boat. Recreation: Yachting. Office: 7-9 University Av., N. E. Resi dence: 1024 University Av., S. E., Min neapolis. CHUTE, Samuel Hewes, real estate; born at Columbus, O., Uec. 6, 1830; son of Rev. James and Martha Hewes (Clapp) Chute; educated in common schools, Fort Wayne, Ind., Wabash Col lege, Crawfordsville, Ind., and gradu ated in medicine, College of Ohio, Cin cinnati, O., Feb., 1852; married at St. Anthony, Minn., May 5, 1858, to Helen E. A. Day. Began practice of medicine in Portland, Ore., and Yreka, Cala. Pio neer of St. Anthony, 1857; agent and director St. Anthony Falls Water Power Co., 1S68-S1 (sold to J. J. Hill, 1880); president Mississippi & Rum River Boom Co., 1879-86; member firm of Chute Bros., real estate, until death of his brother, Richard, Aug. 1, 1893; now president The Chute Brothers Co. Super vision of poor, St. Anthony, 1858; alder man, city treasurer, one of founders of public school system and member board of education, 1861-64 (ex-president), also member board, 1878; member park commission, March, 1883-85. Republi can. Presbyterian. Office: 7 Univer sity Av., N. Residence: 1024 Univer sity Av., S. E., Minneapolis. CHUTE, William Young, real estate; born at Minneapolis, Minn., Sept. 13, 1863; son of Richard and Mary Eliza (Young) Chute; educated in the Univer sity of Minnesota and School of Tech nology, Boston, Mass.; began in real es tate business, 1894; president Chute Realty Co., carrying on general opera tions in real estate. Republican. Clubs: Minneapolis, Commercial, Minikahda, Automobile (all of Minneapolis); Town and Country (St. Paul); St. Anthony Commercial. Office: Phoenix Bldg. Residence: Minneapolis Club, Minne apolis. CIBXLEB, Alexander A., physician; born at St. Paul, Minn., Jan. 1, 1865; son of Herman and Johanna (Henn) Cirkler; attended University of Frei burg, Germany, 1885-86; University of Heidelberg, 1886-87; University of Munich, 1887-88; University of Berlin, 1888-93. Completed the state medical examination of Germany, 1893; passed the M.D. examination at Berlin, 1893. Unmarried. Member Minnesota State Medical Association, Hennepin County Medical Society. Club: Commercial. Office: Syndicate Arcade. Residence: 1937 Park Av., Minneapolis. THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 89 CLAGUE, John James, retired army officer; born in England, May 14, 1840; came to Minnesota early in 1857; edu cated at Hamline University, at Red Wing, Minn., the only institution of higher learning then in Minnesota, En listed in 6th Minn. Vol. Inf., June, 1862, was promoted to captain of vols., Aug., 1864, and mustered out Feb., 1866. Appointed 2nd lieut. inf., in regular army, March 7, 1867, and besides serving as captain and colonel of volunteers, has served in every grade of command in regular army from 2nd lieutenant to colonel and assistant commissary gen eral of subsistence. Upon request, was placed on retired list, April 1, 1901, on account of ill health, title of colonel. Served at all important points in the United States and also during recon struction period, in North and South Carolina, Georgia and Louisiana. Mar ried, Nov., 1869, to Elizabeth Thorn ton, who died in London, Eng., 1900; only child Mrs. O. H. Ball, St. Louis, Mo. Recreations: The literary life, with occasional travel. Residence: (during summer) West Hotel, Minne apolis. CLANCY, Albert Worthington, repre sentative of American Book Co.; born in Jefferson County, O., Jan. 27, 1849; educated in high school of Mechanics- burg, O., and at the National Nqrmal School, Lebanon, O. Taught school in Ohio and Indiana about 13 years, fol lowed by 6 years as superintendent of the county schools of Delaware Co., with headquarters at Muncie, Indiana; became connected with the school book business in 1880 with A. S. Barnes & Co., Chicago, 111., and in 1890 with its successor, the American Book Co., of Chicago; since 1904 has been represen tative of the American Book Co. in the Twin Cities of Minnesota. Republican. Methodist. Member Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias. Married, 1887, to Rechelle Henderson, of Minneapolis, Minn. Clubs: Commercial (Minneapo lis), Commercial (St Paul). Recreation: Literature. Office: Globe Bldg. Resi dence: 2516 Humboldt Av., S., Min neapolis. CLAPP, Moses Edwin, United States Senator, lawyer; born at Delphi, Ind., 1851; reared and educated in Wiscon sin; graduate Wise Law School, 1873; married, 1874, to Miss Hattie Allen. Was admitted to the bar, 1873; attor ney of St. Croix Co., Wis., 1878; prac ticed law in Fergus Falls, Minn., 1881- 91; removed to St. Paul, 1891. Repub lican. Was attorney general of Min nesota, three terms, 1887-93; candidate for Republican nomination for gover nor, 1896; was elected to U. S. senate, Jan. 19, 1901, to succeed the late Sena- . tor C. K. Davis; reelected, 1905, pres ent term expiring March 3, 1911. Ad dress: 610 Manhattan Blk., St. Paul. CLAFF, Newel H., lawyer; born at Waitsfield, Vt, Jan. 27, 1850; son of Rufus H. and Maria S. (Woodruff) Clapp; educated in public schools of Wisconsin; married at Hudson, Wis., July 3, 1872, to Sarah E. Jones. Read law with H. A. Wilson, Hudson, Wis; admitted to bar, Nov. 18, 1871; began practice, 1873, at Hudson, where he con tinued until Oct., 1881; then removed to Stillwater, Minn., and became a mem ber of present firm of Clapp & Macart ney, practicing at Stillwater until May, 1893, when the firm removed to St. Paul. Member American and Minnesota State Bar associations. Mason and Knight Templar. Clubs: Minnesota, Commercial. Office: National German American Bank Bldg. Residence: 524 Portland Av., St. Paul. CLAPPEB, John S., wholesale ve hicles and farm implements; born at Paris, Mo., Feb. 1, 1869; son of James F. and Mary (Anderson) Clapper; edu cated in public and high schools of Paris. Lived on farm until 22 years of age; became connected with retail vehicle and implement business and started on road for Wm. Koenig & Co., St. Louis, harvesting machinery, 1896; engaged with Milwaukee Harvester Co., traveling out of St. Louis, 1899; trans ferred by the company to Des Moines, la., as manager Des Moines branch, 1901; assumed management of branch in Des Moines upon consolidation of the Racine Wagon & Carriage Co., and the Sattley Manufacturing Co., Aug. 1, 1903; has been in Minneapolis since March, 1904, as manager, secretary, treasurer and director of the company at that point. Mason, Knight Templar; member B. P. O. E. Club: Bryn Mawr. Recreations: Shooting and golf. Office: 312 N. 1st St. Residence: 1358 Nicollet Av., Minneapolis. CLABE, Peter, clergyman; born in Shropshire, England, 1850; son of Peter and Eliza (Reese) Clare; came to America, 1872; educated at Mt. Union College, O., and Garrett's Biblical In stitute, Evanston, 111.; married at Plain- view, Minn., 1878, to Miss Inez L. Eddy. Member Methodist Episcopal Church. Has held pastorates as follows, since 1878: Luverne and Fergus Falls, Minn.; Bismarck, N. D.; Winnebago City, Minn.; Simpson and Dake St. churches, Minneapolis; Hamline University Church; presiding elder Mankato dis trict, 1900-06; in charge of Centenary Methodist Church, Mankato, since fall of 1906. Prohibitionist Address: Man kato, Minn. CLABK, Arthur Hyatt, physician; born in New York City, March 10, 1847; son of Thomas M. and Cornelia Augusta (Baylis) Clark; educated in private and public schools, Brooklyn, N. Y., and graduated in medicine from Col lege of Physicians and Surgeons, Colum bia University, 1877. Went to Val paraiso, Chili, 1869; taught school, acted as cashier for Daly & Manahan for a year or more, after which went 90 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS to Peru, S. A., in employ of Henry Meiggs and was connected with rail road work there for several years; re turned to Brooklyn and after gradua ting in medicine, practiced in Brooklyn, N. Y., also in Illinois and Wisconsin, locating in Minnesota, 1890. Postmaster, Osceola Mills, Wis., 1884-88; pension ex aminer (secretary of board), since 1894; health officer of village of Worthing- ton, since 1895 local surgeon Burling ton, Cedar Rapids and Northern Rail road and later Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway, since 1893. Presby terian. Member Southwestern Minne sota Medical Association (ex-president), Minnesota State Medical Association, International Association of Railway Surgeons. Member Knights of Pythias, M. W. A., A. O. U. W. Married at Crown Point, Ind., to Magdelin A. Feld- man. Address: Worthington, Minn. CLARK, Charles W., real estate; born at Baraboo, Wis., Sept. 24, 1853; son of William F. and Mary B. Clark; edu cated in public schools and St. Paul Business College, graduating, 1871; mar ried, 1st, at St. Paul, Dec. 8, 1885, to Emma D. Day (now deceased) ; 2nd, at Chicago, Aug., 1893, to Miss Lucy Lar- com Spalding. Bookkeeper until 1883 and since that time in real estate busi ness. City recorder, South St Paul, 1897-1905. Republican. Congregational ist. Member I. O. O. F., Rebekahs, Mod ern Woodmen of America, A. O. U. W., Sons of American Revolution. Office: Syndicate, S. St. Paul. Residence; Con cord St., near Bryant Av., South Park, S. St. Paul. CLABK, Coleman N., physician; born in Ashtabula Co., O., Feb. 28, 1839; son of E. B. and Phebe (Way) Clark of Roma, Ashtabula Co., O. ; attended school at Kingsville and Orwell acad emies, Ashtabula Co., and graduated from Buffalo Medical University, Buf falo, N. Y., Feb., 1865; married at Winona, Minn., 1868, to Miss Rhoda V. Heyden. Has been engaged in the prac tice of medicine for more than 40 years, first in Ashtabula Co., O, but for the last 41 years at St. Charles, Minn., still being in active practice of the profes sion. Republican (voted twice for Lin coln). Member Winona County Medical Society and Minnesota State Medical Association. Member Masonic order since 1864, I. O. O. F., M. W. A. Ad dress: St. Charles, Minn. CLABK, Daniel Malichi, merchant; born at Albany, N. Y., Nov. 7, 1852; son of Malichi and Jane (Welsh) Clark; came to Minnesota early in life and was educated in the public schools at Hast ings. Began in mercantile business in 3 878 and is now at the head of the firm of D. M. Clark & Co., general outfitters and undertakers. Vice president of the Mulroony, Ryan, Clark Commission Co., St. Paul. Democrat. Roman Catholic. Member Knights of Columbus, Ancient Order of Hibernians, B. P. O. E. Mar ried at Winona, Minn., 1889, to Miss Rose Fasching. Address: Brainerd, Minn. CLABK, Frederick John,- Northwest ern editor "Northwestern Miller;" born in McHenry Co., 111., July 22, 1857; son of Geo. Milo and Ducretia (Ball) Clark; educated in common schools; married at Minneapolis, Minn., May 8, 1884, Jean- nette Glessner. Was the first employe of the Northwestern Miller, with which he has been continuously associated since 1874 and vice president and di rector of the publication, a trade paper devoted to milling, flour, grain and kindred subjects. Was the first person to conceive and collect for publication the statistics of flour output of milling centers; first to collect and publish spe cial information for cooperage trade; since 1881, editing "Coopers Chips," a department of the Northwestern Mil ler and widely known as editor Minne apolis and Northwestern department of that publication, the specialty of the department being the collection and preparation of reliable original informa tion regarding flour production and wheat consumption. Director and vice president of 'The Bellman." Republi can (ex-secretary Republican Congres sional Committee). Clubs: Minneapo lis, Press (director). Secretary and treasurer, "The Millers' Club," Minne apolis. Office: 118 6th St., S. Resi dence: 703 8th St., S. E., Minneapolis. CLABK, George Everett, physician; born at Napoleon, O., March 25, 1852; son of Gilbert and Emma (Taft) Clark; educated at Adrian (Mich.) High School; Kalamazoo (Mich.) College, graduating, degree of Ph.B.; Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago, degree of M.D., 1880. Married at Putney, Vt, Dec, 1880, to Ella Bacon. Practiced medicine at Lima, O., 1880-84; has been engaged in practice at Stillwater since 1884. Mem ber Minnesota State Board of Medical Examiners, 1891-93; resigned, 1893, to accept position as professor theory and practice College of Homeopathic Medi cine and Surgery, University of Minne sota, which position he resigned, 1905. Member Minnesota State Institute of Homeopathy. Republican. Baptist. Member Knights of Pythias, Royal Ar canum, A. O. U. W., I. O. F. Recrea tion: Literature. Address: Stillwater, Minn. CLABX, Herbert John, manufacturer; born at St. Cloud, Minn., Aug. 15, 1866; son of John R. and Annette M. (French) Clark; attended Minneapolis public schools, Minneapolis Academy and Cur tis Business College; married at Du luth, Minn., Sept. 29, 1888, to Lillian B. Averill. Began as a boy, with his fa ther in the business of manufacturing wooden packing boxes and woodenware and has continued in that occupation under the original title of The J. R. Clark Co., since 1878; assumed charge of the business, on retirement of his THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 91 father, 1888, and is president and di rector of the company. Organized The F. E. Satterlee Co., dealers in machinery and supplies, 1898, and was president of the company until he withdrew, in 1901; organied the Clark Dumber Co, Nov. 1, 1906, of which is president. Served for 7 years as member Co. B, M. N. G., resigning as 2nd lieut. Re publican. Mason, Shriner; member B. P. O. E. and A. O. U. W. Clubs: Com mercial, Lafayette. Recreations: Hunt ing, fishing, automobiling Office: Aid- rich and 2nd Av., N. Residence: 2408 Colfax Av., S., Minneapolis. CLABK, Homer Pierce, treasurer West Publishing Co.; born at Boston, Mass., July 6, 1868; son of Charles Henry and Martha (Pierce) Clark; came to St. Paul with parents, 1873; educated in St. Paul High School, graduating, 1887; College of Law, University of Minne sota, graduating, degree of LL.B., 1894. Began active career in wholesale and jobbing business, 1887; has been iden tified with the West Publishing Co., publishers of law books, since 1892, and has been treasurer of the company since 1901. Also vice president Ameri can Law Book Co., 60 Wall St., N. Y.; president Inland Lake Yacht Associa tion; member American and Minnesota State Bar associations. Unmarried. Clubs: Minnesota, Town and Country, Nushka Curling, White Bear Yacht. Office: 52 W. 3d St. Residerice: 467 Holly Av., St. Paul. CLABK, Horace Pierce, treasurer West Publishing Co.; born at Boston, Mass., July 6, 1868; son of Charles Henry and Martha (Pierce) Clark; came to St Paul with parents, 1873; edu cated in St. Paul High School, graduat ing, 1887; College of Law, University of Minnesota, graduating, degree of LL.B., 1894. Began active career in wholesale and jobbing business, 1887; has been identified with the West Pub lishing So., publishers of law books, siice 1892. Also vice president Ameri can Law Book Co., 60 Wall St., N. Y.; director H. L. Collins Co. President Inland Lake Yacht Association; member American and Minnesota State Bar as sociations. Unmarried. Clubs: Minne sota, Commercial, Town and Country, Nushka Curling, White Bear Yacht, German. Office: 52 W. 3rd St. Resi dence: 467 Holly Av., St. Paul. CLABK, Howard Shoemaker, physi cian; born at Auburn, N. Y., Oct. 2, 1873; son of S. C. and Mary Shoemaker; graduate Austin (Minn.) High School; University of Minnesota, degree of B.S., 1895; University of Minnesota, College of Medicine and Surgery, degree of M.D., 1897; course at Ppst Graduate School, Chicago; house surgeon, Asbury Hospital, Minneapolis, 1897-98; engaged in general practice, 1897-1903; eye, ear, nose and throat specialist exclusively since 1903. Member Minnesota State Medical Association, McLeod County Medical Society. Member Masonic or der, M. W. A., Sigma Chi fraternity. Married at Minneapolis, Minn., 1902, to Miss Gertrude Clarke. Address: Glen- coe, Minn. CLABK, James T., railway official; born at Auburn, N. Y., Nov. 20, 1852; son of William and Sarah (McMaster) Clark; educated in Springfield, 111., pub lic schools. Began actice career as messenger boy in general agent's office Illinois Central Rd., at St. Louis, 1870; clerk general passenger department, general superintendent and general manager's offices, Chicago & Northwest ern Ry., 1873-80; general agent same road, at Omaha and Council Bluffs, 1880-83; assistant traffic manager Chi cago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Ry., Jan. 15, to Nov., 1883; assistant general freight agent, same road, Nov., 1883, to Dec, 1884; general freight agent 1884-1896; general traffic manager, 1896-99; second vice president in charge of traffic, June 5, 1899, to present time, jurisdiction extending over operating and construction departments, since March 9, 1903. Married at Chicago, 1880, to Miss Fannie Arnold. Recrea tions: Golf and fishing. Clubs: Min nesota, Town and Country, White Bear Yacht (St. Paul); Minneapolis, Mini kahda (Mpls.); Omaha (Omaha). Office: Rosabel, N. W. Cor. 4th St. Residence: 702 Fairmount Av., St. Paul. CLARK, Kenneth, banker; born at Fort Plain, N. Y., 1847; son of William and Anna Maria (Neukerck) Clark; graduate Union College, Schenectady, N. Y., class of '69. Came to St. Paul, 1870; is president Merchants' National Bank of St. Paul, St. Paul Bethel, St. Paul Cattle Loan Co., Superior Light & Water Co., Superior Wis.; vice presi dent St. Paul Gas Co.; trustee North western Trust Co., State Savings Bank, St. Paul; director Wis., Minn. & Pacific R. R., American Exchange Bank, Du luth, American Dight & Traction Co., New York. Member Doyal Legion, So ciety of Colonial Wars. Presbyterian. Office: Merchants' National Bank. Residence: 403 Portland Av., St. Paul. CLARK, Lucius F., banker; born at Cavendish, Vt., May 13, 1864; son of Walter J. and Jennie C. (Rice) Clark; educated at Leland & Gray Seminary, Townshend, Vt. Began business career as clerk in general store of S. D. Wins low, Townshend, Vt, 1879; came to Montevideo, Minn., 1881, and became identified with general store of Stone and Anderson; bookkeeper Citizens' Bank of Montevideo, 1883, and later, assistant cashier; manager Lac qui Parle Co. Bank, Madison, Minn., for 10 years; bought controlling interest in Belling ham State Bank, Bellingham, Minn., 1897, of which he is president; also president and manager Bellingham Tele phone Co. Republican. Congregation- 92 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS alist. Married at Minneapolis, Minn., Feb., 1900, to Miss Lois Reed. Recrea tion: Traveling. Address: Belling ham, Minn. CLABK, Thomas Chalmers, physician; born at Quincy, Mass., April 22, 1853; son of Rev. Nelson and Elizabeth (Gil- man) Clark; educated in public schools of Massachusetts and at Bristol Acad emy, Taunton, Mass., graduating, 18/0; married in New York City, June, 1882, to Miss Sarah A. Stephens. Came to Stillwater, Minn., 1870, and engaged in teaching, 1870-77; began study of medi cine under Dr. W. H. Pratt, Stillwater, and served as hospital steward at the state prison, graduating from Rush Medical College, Chicago, as valedictor ian of class of 1881, degree of M.D. Has been engaged in practice at Still water since April, 1881. Member Ameri can and Minnesota State Medical as sociations, Washington County Medical Society, Association of Military Sur geons of the United States. For 20 years actively identified with M. N. G. Major and surgeon 12th Minn. Vol. Inf. Spanish-American War. Republican. Presbyterian. Member Masonic order (president Minnesota Masonic Veteran Association). Secretary Board of Pen sion Examiners. Examiner for nearly all of the old line insurance companies and several fraternal organizations. Ad dress: Stillwater, Minn. CLABK, William True, lumber mer chant; born at Strong, Me., Sept. 1, 1830; son of Richard and Hannah (True) Clark; educated in the common schools and in academy at Farmington, Me. Came to Minnesota, May 10, 1857; fol lowed contracting and building for 12 years; was manager for lumber firms until Sept., 1892, when he bought out the stock of Coleman Bridgman, his employer, and organized the Clark Lum ber Company, retail dealers in lumber and all kinds of building material, in which business he is still engaged. Mem ber of board of education, St. Cloud, 14 years. Republican. Congregationalist. Married at Strong, Me., March 4, 1857, Caroline M. McCleary. Address: St. Cloud, Minn. CLABKE, Albert Edson, lawyer; born at Waukesha, Wis., Oct. 6, 1847; son of Benjamin Edson and Angeline (Camp bell) Clarke; educated at Elkhorn, Wis. Admitted to the bar, 3 868, located in Minneapolis, 1889, and has devoted his attention largely to railway cor poration practice. Was attorney for Iowa divisions of the Minneapolis & St. Louis Ry., 1881-89; general solicitor and counsel for receiver, 1889-94; gen eral solicitor and attorney, for same company, 1894 to Sept. 1, 1905. Mar ried at Trempealeau, Wis., Dec. 31, 1871, to Harriet Celia Noyes. Recrea tion: Travel. Office: Minn. Loan & Trust Bldg. Residence: 15 Hampshires Arms, Minneapolis. CLABKE, Andrew Dwight, banking; born at Darlington, Canada, Sept. 26, 1842; son of Jasper A. and Laura (Sumner) Clark; educated in district school of Byron, Wis.; married at Byron, Wis., Feb. 22, 1864, to Mary J. Phelps. Lived on farm until 23; began business career in 1869 as real estate dealer and surveyor, and entered banking, 1882. President Algona State Bank of Algona, Iowa, since 1890; Swea City State Bank, Iowa, since 1892; First National Bank of New Salem, N. Dak., since 1902; Minnesota National Bank of Minneapo lis. Established, 1891, A. D. Clarke & Co. land office, St. Paul, of which he is president. Republican; presidential elector 10th " district, Iowa. Mason. Club: Commercial (St. Paul). Office: Endicott Bldg., St. Paul. CLABKE, Charles Elihu, management of estates, etc.; born at Great Bend, Jefferson Co., N. Y., Sept. 13, 1856; son of Hon. Charles Ezra, member of Con gress, and Hannah (Tuttle) Clarke; educated in Watertown public schools, Hungerford Collegiate Institute, Kel- sey's Preparatory School, Clinton, N. Y., and three years' study in law office at Watertown. Removed to St. Paul, 1882, and has been senior member of the firm of Clarke & Fletcher, real es tate, fire insurance and loans, since 1887; executor, since 1890, of the Henry Hale estate, for a term of 25 years. Married at Watertown, N. Y., Aug. 19, 1881, to Miss Charlotte M. Rogers. Club: Commercial. Recreations : Fishing, driving and outdoor sports. Office: 303 Jackson St. Residence: 536 Portland Av., St. Paul. CLABKE, Hopewell, mine owner and operator; born at Williamsport, Pa., March 10, 1854; son of Hopewell and Mary A. (Strebeigh) Clarke; educated in the public schools of Williamsport, and one year at Dickinson Seminary; mar ried at Nisbet, Pa., Nov. 18, 1884, to Rosette, daughter of Thomas Cline of Nisbet. Began active business career, 1871, in engineering department of Pennsylvania Railroad, continuing one year; followed various pursuits until he came to Minnesota, 1880; engaged in engineering work for several railroads until 1883; in May, 1883, became land examiner for Northern Pacific Ry. ; ap pointed chief clerk of land department, same road, in 1887; resigned, Dec, 1888, to become land commissioner of St. Paul & Duluth R. R., until April, 1899, since which time he has been engaged in operating and developing mining properties. Member American Institute of Mining Engineers. Mason (32°) Knight Templar, Shriner. Clubs: Com mercial, Minnesota, Town and Country. Office and residence: 775 Portland Av., St. Paul. CLABKE, Orville Howard, fire insur ance; born at Ottawa, Q., Aug. 28, 1850; son of Miles P. and Mary Elizabeth (Crowell) Clarke; came to Minnesota THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 93 1855; attended military post school at Fort Ridgely, Minn., until 1862, gradu ated from High School, Ottawa, O., 1865. Engaged in mercantile business with Harrison Simmons until 1874; moved to Winona and there filled position of deputy register of deeds, Winona Co., 6 years and City Clerk, Winona, for 6 years; located in Duluth, 1894, and has "been engaged in fire insurance business continuously since that time. President of the Clarke-Hepworth Co., incorpor ated Jan. 1, 1905, conducting fire, marine and liability insurance representing 25 fire insurance companies and being the largest agency of the kind in the North west and also handling pine and mineral lands on a large scale. Was attached as post drummer to Co. I, 9th Minn. Vol. Inf., at Fort Ridgely. Conservative Democrat. Episcopalian. Member Masonic order, Blue Lodge, Chapter and Commandery. Married at Winona, Feb. 15, 1882, to Miss Katharine A. Bavin. Club: Commercial. Recreations: Shoot ing, fishing, curling. Office: 416 W. Su perior St Residence: 330 13th Av., E., Duluth, Minn. CLABKSON, Worrell, coal; born at Wilmington, Del., Feb. 12, 1870; son of J. B. and Helen E. (Worrell) Clark- son; educated in public schools; married at Duluth, Minn., 1893, to Sara W. Bowne. Came to Duluth in 1888 engag ing in the real estate business, later forming the firm of Clarkson & Co., handling coal in addition to the real estate business; chief clerk of the St. Paul branch of the Lehigh Valley Coal Co., 1894; became partner in the firm of Shotwell & Co., brokers, 1901-03; in 1903 engaged in wholesale coal busi ness for self and continued until May 1, 1905, when the business was in corporated as The Clarkson Coal and Dock Co., of which he is president. Was 1st lieut. Co. G, 3rd Inf., M. N. G., Duluth; later formed company E, 3rd Inf., M. N. G., at St. Paul, of which was captain for several years. Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner. . Clubs: Min nesota, Town and Country, Commercial. Office: Pioneer Press Bldg. Residence: 703 Fairmont, St. Paul. CLAUSEN, Albert Christian, secretary -R. R. and Warehouse Commission of Minnesota; born at Charlestown, Mass., May 6, 1849; educated in public schools and Charlestown High School, graduat ing from latter, June, 1869. Removed to St. Paul, 1873, and was connected with freight and passenger departments St. Paul & Pacific Ry., at Minneapolis, 1873-74; engaged in grain business 1875- 1901. Appointed under new grain and warehouse law, as first chief deputy grain inspector, at Minneapolis, June 15, 1885; chief inspector of grain of State of Minnesota, August 1, 1889, resigning July 1, 1899. Assisted in organization of Minnesota grain department in 1885 and took prominent part in securing subsequent legislation.' Has held posi tion of secretary R. R. and Warehouse Commission since Sept. 16, 1901. Was editor and half owner Benson (Minn.) Times, 1875-78. Republican (active.) Mason; member Blue Lodge, Chapter, Masonic Veterans' Association and Royal Arcanum. Married at Charles town, Mass., 1873, to Miss Margaret H. Munro. Recreations: All outdoor athletic sports. Office: State Capitol. Residence: 1900 Rondo St., St. Paul. CLAUSIN, Silas Henry, wholesale jeweler; born at Toledo, O., Nov. 20, 1851; son of Fred G. and Mary A. (Smith) Clausin; moved to Iowa with parents and was educated in public schools of Ohio and at Clinton, Ia. Be gan in retail jewelry business at Deni- son, la., in 1876, continuing until 1885; located in Minneapolis, 1885, and in 1886 established the wholesale jewelry firm of S. H. Clausin & Co. Republican. Mason (32°). Club: Automobile. Rec reation: Automobiling. Office: 252- 254 Hennepin Av. Residence: 3025 Knox Av., Minneapolis. CLAUSSEN, Oscar, civil and electri cal engineer; born at Terre Haute, Ind., Dec. 2, 1860; son of Augustus and Marie (Kreutzfeld) Claussen; attended Gymnasium, Weisbaden, Germany, and Zurich, Switzerland, 1870-78; Polytech nic School, Zurich, 1878-82, graduating as C.E. After returning to America, filled following positions: Draughtsman Keystone Bridge Co., Pittsburg, Pa., 1883-85; assistant engineer, St. Paul & Northern Pacific Ry., 1885-86; six months travel in Europe, 1886; assistant engineer, Chicago, Ills., 1886-87; bridge engineer in charge of designing and construction of new bridges, Chicago Great Western Ry. at St. Paul, Minn., 1887-89; assistant engineer in city engineer's, office, St. Paul, 1889-90; engi neer Northwest General Electric Co., St. Paul, 1890-93; consulting and contract ing engineer 1893-99; city engineer and commissioner public works, St. Paul, 1899-1902; consulting engineer since 1902. 'Member of the firm of Claussen, Burch & Pillsbury, organized Jan. 1, 1906. President St. Paul Engineers' Society; member American Society of Civil Engineers. Married at St. Paul, 1891, to Miss Martha Willius. Member B. P. O. E. Club: Commercial. Office: National German American Bank. Resi dence: 525 Daurel Av., St. Paul. CLAY, Edward M., physician; born in Olmsted Co., Minn., March 2, 1866; educated in common schools at Oronoco, Minn., and at College of Physicians and Surgeons, Minneapolis, Minn., graduat ing, 1893. Has been coroner of Ren ville Co., Minn., for 5 years. Surgeon Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Co. Republican. Member Camp Release Medical Society and Minnesota State and American Medical associations. Member Masonic order, I. O. O. F., M. W. A., A. O. U. W. Married at Ren ville, Minn., 1893, to Miss Belle C. Ben- 94 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS son. Club: Commercial. Recreations: Hunting, fishing. Address: Renville, Minn. CLAYTON, Fred C, merchant; born at Berlin, Wis., Jan. 29, 1865; son of George W. and Mary V. (Tattler) Clayton; educated in high school of Dudington, Mich. Entered drug . and grocery business at St. Lawrence, S. D., in company with O. A. Fanckboner, 1888; moved to Frazee, Minn., 1900, bought interest of Kronschnabel in Kronschna- bel-Smith Co., and acted as manager and secretary, 1900-1906; reorganized the firm as Smith-Clayton Co., Jan. 1, 1906, of which he is manager and secretary. Was secretary Giant Grip Horse Shoe Co., Duluth, Minn., 1902-05. President school board, Frazee, 1905-07. Republi can. Member Masonic order, Modern Woodmen of America, A. O. U. W., Yeomen of America, Degree of Honor. Married at St. Lawrence, S. D„ Nov. 18, 1891, to Miss Minnie V. Wood. Address: Frazee, Minn. CLEABY, James Mathew, Roman Catholic priest; born at Boston, Mass., Sept. 8, 1849; son of Thomas and Julia Cleary; came to Northwest with parents early in life and was educated in public schools, Walworth Co., Wis., St. Francis Seminary and College, Milwaukee, Wis., and at St. Lawrence College, Calvary, Wis. Entered the priesthood, July 8, 1872; widely known public lecturer, under auspices of the Chicago Lyceum Bureau. Prominent in temperance work; for many years president of the Catho lic Total Abstinence Union of America; vice president Anti-Saloon League of America; president Minneapolis Home Protection League. Member Catholic Knights of Wisconsin, Catholic Order of Foresters, Knights of Columbus. Club: Commercial. Office and residence: 319 13th Av., S., Minneapolis. CLEGHOBN, John D., investments. Has been a resident . of Minneapolis since 1886. Vice president Savings Bank of Minneapolis. Office: 302 Guaranty Bldg. Residence: 2402 W. 42nd St., Minneapolis. CLELAND, Alexander M., general passenger agent Northern Pacific Rail way; born at Alliance, Ohio, Nov. 22, 1862; son of John S. and Agnes (Mc intosh) Cleland; educated in public schools of Alliance and Cleveland, O.; married at Chicago, Feb. 16, 1887, to Helen E. Goff, Entered the service of the Cleveland & Pittsburgh Railway, Dec. 1, 1879, at Alliance, O., as clerk; went to Chicago as assistant ticket agent, Union Passenger Station, Sept. 15, 1881; assistant 'city ticket agent Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry., Aug. 1, 1886, until June 1, i889; out of railway service until May 1, 1891, when he began with Northern Pacific Railway as assistant city ticket agent St. Paul until April 30, 1892, then in general passenger department as ticket clerk; chief clerk, Nov. 1, 1896, to Feb. 15, 1901; assistant general passenger and ticket agent until April 15, 1904; since then general passenger agent. Presby terian. Club: Minnesota. Office: General Passenger Department, N. P. Ry., St Paul. CLELAND, John Irvine, clergyman; born in Copiah Co., Miss., June 11, 1864; son of Thomas Horace and Sallie Rosanna (Ray) Cleland; graduate Cen tral University, Richmond, Ky., degree of B.A., 1886; degree of M.A., same university, 1890; partial course, Greek, Latin, Sanskrit, Johns Hopkins Univer sity; degree of B.D., McCormick Theo logical Seminary, 1901. Presbyterian. Began ministry at Silver Creek, N. Y., Feb. 27, 1902; has been located at Winona since Nov. 27, 1904. Was presi dent Presbyterian College of South Carolina, 1891-94; president Arkansas College, 1895-97. Member Sigma Chi fraternity. Married at Dittle Rock, Ark., March 10, 1896, to Miss Mabel Tillman Goodwin. Address: Winona, Minn. CLEMENT, Charles P., railway offi cial; born at Kenosha, Wis., Aug. 10, 1844; began active career as night opera tor Racine & Mississippi and Chicago & Northwestern Rys., at Clinton Junc tion, Wis., 1864; was telegraph operator at Winona, Minn., 1865-66; train dis patcher Winona & St. Peter R. R., 1866- 70; local treasurer, etc., same road, 1870-74; secretary and chief clerk Southern Minnesota division Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry., 1874-85; secretary and chief clerk Iowa & Min nesota Division, same road, 1885-86; car accountant, stationer and claim agent Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Ry., 1886-90; general storekeeper, 1890- 92, and secretary and treasurer,- same road, since 1892. Office: Soo offices, 2nd Av., S., Minneapolis. CLEMENT, Henry, born at Sauk City. Wis., Feb. 29, 1869; son of Florian and Christine (Vonwald) Clement; educated in public schools of Sauk City and at business college, Milwaukee, Wis. Was connected for 8 years with J. & E. B. Friend, lace importers, Milwaukee, Wis.; in employ of Goldberg & Co., Milwaukee, 7 years, becoming audit man for the house; located in St. Paul, 1900, and established firm of Clement, Dranger & Co., wholesale importers and dealers in laces, embroideries, etc. Member B. P. O. E., Credit Men's Association, Jobbers' Union. Married at Wausau, Wis., 1895, to Miss Ida Muller. Club: Commercial. Office: 371 Sibley St. Residence: 958 Portland Av., St. Paul. CLEMENT, Lucian O., physician; born at Waseca, Minn., Sept. 28, 1875; gradu ate University of Minnesota, degree of B.S., 1899; College of Medicine and Surgery, same university, degree of M. D., 1902; post graduate course New York Polyclinic School, 1906. Married at Waseca, Minn., 1904, to Miss Adelaide THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS 95 J. Cleghorn. Address: Lamberton, Minn. CLEBIHEW, Alexander E., manufac turer and wholesale dealer; born in New York City. Came to Minneapolis, July 1, 1884; vice president Forman, Ford & Co., wholesale dealers in glass, mirrors, paints and oils; also vic» president Northern Linseed Oil Co., manufacturers, of linseed oil. Office: 116 S. Washing ton Av. Residence: 2305 Park Av., Minneapolis. CLEVELAND, Hiram Edward, physi cian; born in Wabasha Co., Minn., Feb. 15, 1875; educated in Wabasha High School, 3 years at Minnesota State Nor mal School, Winona; one year at Carle ton College, Northfield; graduating from Minnesota State University, degree of M.D., 1901. Married at Osakis, 1902, to Miss Elvia M. Shake. Republican. Member Otter Tail District Medical So ciety and Minnesota State Medical Asso ciation. Mason. Club: Commercial. Address: Osakis, Minn. CLIFF, Frank L., lawyer; born in Wabasha Co., Minn., March 20, 1859; educated in high school, Eau Claire, Wis., and University of Wisconsin. Admitted to the bar in the spring of 1882, and has been engaged in general practice of law at Ortonville, Minn., since 1883. Served three years as prosecuting attorney of Big Stone Co.; now serving third term as member of Minnesota State Board of Examiners in Law. President of the Consolidated Granite Co. Address: Ortonville, Minn. CLIFFOBD, Frank P., physician; born at Cannon Falls, Minn., in 1863; edu cated at Cannon Falls High School and State University of Iowa, graduating from the latter, 1885. Born on a farm; began practice of medicine at Le Sueur Center, Minn., 1885; located in West Concord, 1891. Senior member of the drug firm of Clifford & McCarthy, es tablished 1892. Democrat. Member Dodge County Medical Society, Minne sota State Medical Association. Mem ber I. O. O. F., M. W. A., B. A. Y., Royal Neighbors. Now serving third term as mayor of West Concord. Married at Chase, Kas., 1894, to Miss Lillian Doran. Address: West Concord, Minn. COAB, Charles Henry, telephone engi neer; born at Minneapolis, Minn., April 22, 1880; son of James and Lydia (Cole) Coar; common school education; married at Minneapolis, Feb. 18, 1904, to Miss Hazel Butler. Has been connected with various electrical and telephone com panies throughout the United States since 1899. President Telephone Appli ance Co.; general superintendent North ern Telephone Co. Member Minnesota State Board of Electrical Examiners. Contributor to technical press. Recrea tions: Hunting and fishing. Office: Minot, North Dak. Residence: 2100 E. 29th St., Minneapolis. COBB, B. E., wholesale produce; born at Peabody, Mass., April 12, 1862; son of S. M. and Elizabeth K. C. Cobb; edu cated in public schools. Came to Min nesota, 1883, and entered produce com mission business at St. Paul in which he has since been engaged. Member St. Paul Produce Exchange, Board of Trade. Married at St. Paul, 1897, to Miss Jessie Turner. Republican. Mason (32°); member B. P. O. E. Club: Commercial. Office: 2-14 E. 3rd St. Residence: 115 Western Av., St. Paul. COBB, Sheridan Grant, physician and surgeon; born at Cascade, Minn., Aug. 14, 1862; son of Ephraim Drake and Mary (Stevens) Cobb; educated in dis trict school, Cascade, Minn., Rochester (Minn.) public schools, Niles' Academy, Rochester, Minn.; studied medicine with Dr. Paul H. Denninger of Faribault, Minn.; graduated from Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago, 1884; post graduate courses at New York Poly clinic, 1894, Chicago Clinical School, 189S, Vienna General Hospital, 1900. Married at Dover, Minn., June 30, 1886, to E. Melicent Cutter. Engaged in practice of medicine and surgery from 1884; founded, 1902, and is chief of staff and attending surgeon, Cobb Hospital, St. Paul. Clinical surgeon College of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery, University of Minnesota; sur geon for Great Northern Ry. Co., North ern Pacific Ry. Co., Wisconsin Central Ry. Co., Chicago Great Western Ry. Co., Minneapolis & St. Douis Ry. Co., Chi cago, Burlington & Quincy R. R. Co., Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Ry. Co., Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. Co., Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Ry. Co., and Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste Marie Ry. Co. at the Min nesota Transfer. Formerly attending surgeon to Children's Home Society of Minnesota. Member of the National, State and City Societies of Homeopa thic physicians and surgeons. Republi can. Universalist. Member of all Masonic bodies (both rites), Masonic Veterans Association, Eastern Star; Knights of Pythias. Office: 366 Prior Av. Residence: 1852 Marshall Av., St. Paul. COBB, Willis P., physician and sur geon; born at Dimington, Me., June 14, 1847; son of Joel and Abigail E. (O'Brion) Cobb; educated at University of Wisconsin, graduating June, 1870, degree of Ph.B.; Chicago Medical Col lege, graduating, degree of M.D., March 10, 1874. Has been actively engaged in practice of medicine since July 13, 1874. President Lyle Telephone Co.; director The H. M. Zoller Development Co., Cuba. Ex-president and treasurer Mitchell County Medical Society, la.; ex-president Mower County Medical So ciety, Minn.; president board of educa tion and ex-mayor Dyle, Minn.; medical examiner life insurance companies and local surgeon Illinois Central Ry., for 96 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 25 years past. Republican. Congrega tionalist. Member American and Min nesota State Medical associations, Mower County Medical Society, Austin, Flint and Cedar Valley Medical Society. Mason; member Knights of Pythias, M. W. A. Married at Rutland, Wis., April 30, 1871, Miss Abbie C. Mason. Address: Lyle, Minn. COCHRAN, George Connor, journalist; born at Natchez, Miss., Nov. 11, 1836; son of Alfred and Eliza (Dunbar) Coch ran; educated in private schools of Mis sissippi! New Jersey and New York; New York University, 1851-54; honorary degree of LL.D., conferred by Central University, Ky., 1878. Married at Chi cago, 111., 1865, to Miss Dida Stuart Hunter, daughter of Nathaniel D. Hunter of Louisville, Ky. Came to St. Paul, 1855, and engaged in real estate and occasional press work; was in mercantile business in Chicago, 1862-71; removed to Louisville, Ky., 1871, where he was on editorial staffs Morning and Evening Ledger, Louisville Commercial (editor Fort Wayne, Ind., Gazette, 1874) and Louisville Courier-Journal, on the latter 10 years, filling successively positions of city editor, managing editor, associ ate editor and Associated Press agent; was associate editor Chicago Current, 1884; located again in St. Paul, close of 1884, and was member editorial staff Pioneer Press, also serving awhile as managing editor St. Paul Dispatch; re turned to Minneapolis, 1889, as associate editor Minneapolis Evening Journal, con tinuing for 16 years, until 1905, when he went to North Carolina on account of impaired health, but not being bene fited returned to Minneapolis where he has since resided, doing occasional press work. Episcopalian. (Vestryman Geth- semane Episcopal Church, Minneapolis, for several years.) Address: 2224 Emerson Av., S., Minneapolis. COCKE Y, William Paul, manufacturer ; born in Frederic, Md., July 21, 1858; son of Sebastian Graff and Mary Eliza beth (Sprigg) Cockey; educated under private tutor, then in public schools of Frederic and at Frederic Academy, now Frederic College; married at New Hamp ton, la., March, 1S90, to Mary E. Morgan. Deft home at 22 years of age and be came a clerk in National Bank of Illi nois, Chicago; after a short time ac cepted position as traveling salesman for the Bannard-Lyman Co., wholesale sugars, coffees and teas; after retire ment of the firm from business, engaged with the W. H. Colvin Co., importers of coffees and teas, representing them and Hard & Rand of N. Y., on joint account, at St. Paul, Minn. Organized the Portland Stone Co., as first business on his own account, of which was presi dent; bought out the Eureka Stone Co., and afterwards organized the Warehouse & Builders Supply Co., of Superior, Wis., where he entered into the manufacture of lime and other building materials and salt. The Warehouse & Builders Supply Co., was succeeded by the Su perior Manufacturing Co., of Minneapo lis, Minn., which engages in the manu facture of lime, staves and heading, at Superior, Wis., of which he is president. Also president Contractors Machinery Co.; president of the Crystal Lake Salt Co., whieh fnanufactures salt at Marine City, Mich., and president of the Balti more Investment Co., Minneapolis, deal ing in bonds and other securities. Was member of the Carroll Guards, Md., which took an active part in the rail road troubles of 1876. Episcopalian. Clubs: Minneapolis, Minikahda, South ern. Recreations: Hunting and Ashing. Office: 209 Hennepin Av. Residence: Cor. Clifton & Vine PI., Minneapolis. COE, William T., lawyer; born at Riverside, la., May 18, 3870; son of Sylvester and Anne (Rowlands) Coe; educated in country district school; Iowa City Academy; Minneapolis Acad emy, graduating, 1890; graduate Univer sity of Minnesota, degree of B.S., 1894; Law Department, same, 1896. Member of Richard & Coe, since Jan. 1, 1907; Secretary Globe Securities Co. First lieut. and regimental Q. M., 15th Minn. Vol. Inf., Spanish-American War, 1898- 99; member Minnesota Legislature, 1897- 99. Republican. Congregationalist. Member American Economic Association. Mason; member I. O. O. F. Married at Iowa Falls, la., Sept. 29, 1898, to Miss Annabel Collins. Club: Commercial. Recreations: Hunting and Ashing. Of- Ace: New York Life Bldg. Residence: 3000 N. Girard Av., Minneapolis. COFFEY, Daniel S., educator; born at Lenoir, N. C, May 20, 1866; son of Drury D. and Harriet E. (Collett) Cof fey; educated in graded schools and academies of North Carolina and Ken tucky. Entered commercial college work, 1887; had charge of the commer cial department, State A. & M. College, Lexington, Ky., for 2 years; came to St. Paul to take charge of the Hess Business College, Sept., 1891, and has been its proprietor since 1900. Married at Brooklyn, N. Y., July, 1906, to Miss Daisy Skadden. Democrat. Presbyter ian. Club: Commercial. Recreations: Fishing and hunting. Office Nat. Germ. Am. Bank Bldg. Residence: The Buck ingham, St. Paul. COFFEY, George Agustus, secretary and manager St. Paul Trunk and Bag Company; born in Milwaukee, Wis.. Aug. 28, 1875; son of Michael J. and Catherine (Sullivan) Coffey; educated in St. Pat rick's School, Milwaukee, St. Mary's College, St. Mary's, Kansas, and at Mar quette College, Milwaukee, from the latter of which he graduated with degree of A.B., in 1896. Became secretary and manager of the St. Paul Trunk & Bag Company, manufacturers and jobbers of trunks, bags and suit cases. Married, at Milwaukee, Wis., Feb. 15, 1905, to Rose Agnes Moore. Democrat. Roman THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS 97 Catholic. Member of the Knights of Columbus. Recreation: Outdoor sports. Office: 365 Jackson St. Residence: 398 Fuller St., St. Paul. COFFIN, Edgar S., secretary Coffin's Box and Lumber Co.; born at Jackson, Me., Dec. 25, 1858; son of Harry M. and Sarah J. (Ferguson) Coffin; came to Minnesota, 1867, and was educated in Minneapolis public schools. Was con nected with the Monitor Plow Works for 10 years; has been secretary of Coffin's Box and Dumber Co., since its organization, 1884; also secretary and treasurer Northwestern Foundry Co.; treasurer Brunswick Hotel Co. Repub lican. Unmarried. Office: Nicollet Is land. Residence: 726 E. 17th St., Min neapolis. COKEFAIB, Charles Coit, promoter; born at Bloomfield, N. J., April 3, 1848; son of Isaac Moore and Catharine Coke- fair; public school education and two years at Pennington Seminary, Pen nington, N. J. Was actively engaged in developing iron mines and slate quarries at Bangor, Pa., and forming companies to operate them, 1874-99; dealer in investment securities, com mercial paper, etc., in the Wall street district of N. Y., in 1899; came to Duluth with son, F. A. Cokefair, civil and hydraulic engineer; promoted, or ganized and financed the Great Northern Power Co., to develop the St. Louis River Rapids, the company having a capital of $10,000,000, and an authorized bond issue of $10,000,000. His son as chief engineer designed the improve ments which contemplate the develop ment of some 200,000 hydro-electric horse power. Secured property and rights for 60,000 hydro-electric power on Mississippi river 25 miles above Minneapolis. President and general manager Great Northern Development Co., Duluth and Mississippi River Elec tric Power Co., Minneapolis; director Great Northern Power Co., Duluth, Ban gor Royal Slate Co., Easton, Pa. Mem ber American Institute Electrical Engi neers. Married at Hope, N. J., Sept. 30, 1868, to Miss Elsie J. Albertson. Clubs: Kitchi Gammi, Northern Country, Com mercial, Duluth Boat, Duluth Yacht. Office: Providence Bldg. Residence: 2131 E. Superior St., Duluth. COKEFAIB, Francis Albertson, civil engineer; born at Madison, N. J., Nov. 26, 1868; son of Charles C. and Elsie J. (Albertson) Cokefair; graduated from Columbia University, School of Mines, class of 1894; unmarried. Was engaged professionally by Panama Canal and Railway Co., and in other engineering work, office at 66 Broadway, N. Y. City, 1894-98; has been chief engineer and director Great Northern Power Co., of Duluth, since 1899, designing and con structing 200,000 horse power hydro electric plant on the St. Louis River, now nearing completion; also director, vice president and chief consulting engi neer Great Northern Development Co., Duluth. Member American Society of Civil Engineers, American Society of Electrical Engineers, Lake Superior Mining Institute. Clubs: Kitchi Gammi, Commercial, Northland Country, Duluth Yacht, Duluth Boat. Office: Providence Bldg. Residence: 2131 E. Superior St., Duluth. COLBUBN, Serenus Milo, architect; born at Ansonia, Conn., Oct. 12, 1871; son of Richard R. and Letitia (Terry) Colburn; public school education. Came to the Northwest in 1886 from Ansonia, Conn., and located in Minneapolis; began as draughtsman in office of James C. Plant, continuing 5 years, later filling position of head draughtsman in several offices; has been junior member of the firm of Kees & Colburn, architects, since 1898, the firm having designed the fol lowing buildings: Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce, Northwestern Nat. Bank, Powers Bldg., Donaldson's Glass Block, Deere & Webber Bldg., and buildings of the Advance Thresher Co., J. I. Case Threshing Mach. Co., Great North. Im plement Co., Emmerson & Newton, Bement, Darling & Co., and many large residences. Member American Institute of Architects. Married in Minnesota, 1899, to Miss Harriet E. Whitcomb. Recreation: Automobiling. Clubs: Com mercial, Automobile. Office: , Kasota Bldg. Residence: 2913 Park Av., Min neapolis. COLE, Haydn S., lawyer; born at Newark Valley, Tioga Co., N. Y., Oct. 12, 1861; son of William Cole (physi cian) and Bessie R. (Watson) Cole; graduate U. S. Military Academy, West Point, N. Y., 1885; married at St. Louis, Mo., April 27, 1887, to Mary Mense. Came to St. Paul, Minn., 1888, as mem ber of the staff of General Ruger, later on staff of General Merritt; chief engi neer officer Department of Dakota, 1888- 92; retired from active military service, 1892, having studied law while upon staff duty, and upon leaving the. army was admitted to the bar. Became a member of the law firm of Stevens, O'Brien, Cole & Albrecht; continued in active practice until 1903, when, upon organization of the Northwestern Trust Co., he became vice president and coun sel for that company; also director St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Co. Clubs: Minnesota, White Bear Yacht. Office: Endicott Arcade. Residence: 618 Dayton Av., St. Paul. COLE, Herman Burgess, physician; born near Buffalo, N. Y., Sept. 6, 1872; son of Nelson W. and Josephine V. (Blackmar) Cole; educated in High School of Hamburg, N. Y., and at Uni versity of Buffalo, graduating from Medical Department of the university, degree of M.D., May, 1896. Has been engaged in practice of medicine at Franklin, Minn., since 1897. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associations, Camp Release District 98 THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS Medical Society. Ex-mayor of Franklin- Married at Buffalo, N. Y., 1896, to Miss Ella M. McCue. Address: Franklin, Minn. COLE, Thomas P., mining; born in Keeweenaw Co., Mich., 1862; son of Thomas and Elizabeth A. (Jeffrey) Cole; self educated. On account of death of father from accident in mine, he was obliged to go to work at 8 years of age to assist in support of family; began active work in and around the Phoenix and Cliff Mines, Mich.; became brake- man on Hecla & Torch Lake R. R., 1877; took position in office of Calumet & Hecla Mining Co., 1884; chief clerk and cashier at Chapin Mine, 1886; manager mines at Negaunee, Mich., 1889; was one of the factors in final settlement of the Amalgamated-Heinze legal warfare in Montana, 1904. President Oliver Iron Mining Co., Minnesota Iron Co., Chandler Iron Co., and largely identified with many other important mining enterprises. Married at Calumet, Mich., June 3, 1890, to Miss Elcey Hoatson, of Calumet, Mich. Recreations: Golf ing and snow shoeing. Office: Wolvin Bldg. Residence: 1701 East First St., Duluth. COLLEB, Julius A., lawyer; born at Shakopee, Minn., Feb. 22, 1859; son of George F. and Sophia (Tuenemann) Col- ler; public school education. Was ad mitted to Minnesota bar, 1889; clerk of district court, Scott Co., Minn., 1882-91; city clerk, Shakopee, 1881-91; county attorney Scott Co., 1891-95; member Minnesota State Senate since 1899. Secretary and director Shakopee Mort gage Loan and Investment Co.; director First National Bank (Shakopee), Peo ple's State Bank (Jordan), State Bank (New Market), Minn. Member Minne sota State Bar Association, Universal Congress Lawyers and Jurists, St. Louis, 1904. Roman Catholic. Demo crat Address: Shakopee, Minn. COLLINS, Howard L., president of the H. D. Collins Co.; born at Lake Citv, Minn., May 3, 1864; son of George H. and Caroline A. (Eells) Collins; edu cated in the Lake City (Minn.) public schools and served apprenticeship in the printing office of the Lake City Sentinel; removed to St. Paul and was connected with the Brown, Tracy & Sperry Co , until 1886, when Baker, Collins & Co., was organized, which continued until 1891, when Mr. Baker retired and the present style of H. L. Collins Co., was assumed, of which he has since been president. Since 1900 the firm has been manufacturers of all kinds of colored labels, exclusively. Married, 1888, to Leonia Mitchell, of Zumbrota, Minn. Mason. Congregationalist. Club: Com mercial. Recreations: Sailing and other aquatic sports. Office: 61 East 10th St. Residence: 129 N. Chatsworth St., St. Paul. COLLINS, Loren Warren, lawyer, born at Lowell, Mass., Aug. 7, 1838; son of Charles P. of Vermont and Abigail C. (Libby) Collins, of New Hampshire; educated in common schools of Massa chusetts. Removed to Minnesota, 1854; served three years in 7th Minn. Inf., War of the Rebellion, brevetted cap tain. Admitted to bar, May, 1865; county attorney, Stearns Co., 10 years; member Minnesota Legislature, 1881-3; judge 7th judicial district, 1883-87; associate justice supreme court, 1887 to April 1, 1904, when resigned. Director and vice president First National Bank, St. Cloud, Minn. Republican. Unitarian. Member Society of Colonial Wars, Sons of the American Revolution, Doyal Legion, G. A. R. Mason; member B. P. O. E„ Red Men. Married at Berlin, Wis., Sept. 4, 1878, to Ella M. Stewart (now deceased). Club: Commercial (St. Paul and Minneapolis). Office: New York Life Bldg. Residence: 1103 4th St., S. E„ Minneapolis. COLLINS, Paul Valorous, publisher Northwestern Agriculturist; born Cam den, Preble County, O., July 22, 1860; son of Samuel and Abagail Jane (Pat- ton) Collins; graduated from Dayton, Ohio, High School, 1879. Became a re porter for the Dayton (Ohio) Democrat, August, 1880; Cincinnati Commercial Gazette, January 1, 1882; went to Paris, France, 1885, as correspondent New York Tribune, Boston Globe, etc.; returned to America, 1886, and bought St. Peter (Minn.) Tribune; in 1888 bought a Swedish farm paper and in 1893 sold it and acquired the Northwestern Agricul turist; later changed to a semi-monthly, and still later to a weekly, which now has the largest circulation of any farm journal in the Northwest, of which is principal owner. Married at St. Peter, Minn., June 20, 1889, to Mary Graves Rhoads. President P. V. Collins Pub lishing Company, publishers of the Northwestern Agriculturist. President National Agricultural Press League, 1900; president National Editorial Asso- ' ciation at time of its annual meeting at the St. Louis Exposition. 1904, the largest editorial convention ever held in America, and vice president World's Press Congress there. Republican. Pres byterian. Clubs: Minneapolis, Commer cial, Westminster, Minneapolis Society of Fine Arts. Ex-member Rambler's Club, Paris. Recreations: Travel and study of art, having in earlier life studied art in the Art Student's League, New York, and in the galleries of Europe. Office: 525 7th St., S. Resi dence: 710 6th Av., S., Minneapolis. COLLINS, William, coal; born, at Clarence. Iowa, Oct. 2, 1869; son of John and Margaret (Shannon) Collins; educated in public schools; married at Duluth, Minn., 1895, to Marie R. Faw- cett Started in coal business as office boy for Crescent Coal Co., What Cheer, Iowa, Jan., 3 885, and remained five years; removed to St. Paul, 1890, where he was cashier for the Silver Creek & THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS 99 Morris Coal Co.; later traveled for Philadelphia & Reading Coal & Iron Co., and Pennsylvania & Ohio Fuel Co., then with the Ohio Coal Co., several years, as resident manager at Minneapolis, be coming general sales agent and vice president; resigned, Jan. 1, 1905, and started the William Collins Coal Co., which was merged, June 1, 1905, with the M. A. Hanna Coal Co., of which he is vice president. Republican. Catholic. Clubs: Minnesota, Commercial, Amateur Athletic. Office: Pioneer Press Bldg. Residence: 501 Ashland Av., St. Paul. COLWELL, Thomas Henry, printer and publisher; born at Montreal, Can., May 22, 1869; son of Rev. Henry James and Margaret (Green) Colwell, both born in England; educated in common schools of Ontario, Minneapolis Academy, and University of Minnesota, class of 1895, through sophomore year; married at Minneapolis, June 24, 1896, to Hattie Hortense Felton. Began as printer, 1883; came to Minneapolis, 1886; held "cases" on Minneapolis Morning Tribune while getting education, also with Min neapolis Journal; since 1893 manager and treasurer The University Press; di rector The H. W. Wilson Company. Re publican. Congregationalist. Interested in young people's religious work, both local and international. Member Minne sota Beta Phi Kappa Psi Society. Club: Minneapolis Commercial. Recreation: Tennis. Office: 1401 University Av., S. E. Residence: St. Louis Park, Minneap olis. COMFOBT, Francis V., lawyer; born at Mineral Point, -Wis., Aug. 7, 1853; son of Amzi W. and Eliza (Vanornum) Comfort; educated in common and high schools, Portage, Wis., and read law with Judge Hollis R. Murdock, at Still water, Minn. Learned trade of turner and machinist before 21 years of age; began study of law and also followed civil engineering for two years; was a member of firm of Murdock and Com fort, in insurance business; since 1897 has been alone in the law business. Has been a resident of Stillwater since Aug. 30, 1872, and filled office of city attorney of Stillwater for two years. Republican. Vice president Washington County Bar Association, member Minne sota and American Bar associations. Member Sons of American Revolution. Married at Stillwater, Minn., Sept. 20, 1883, to Miss Elise T. Hebenstreet Ad dress: Stillwater, Minn. COMSTOCK, A. H., vice president Mar shall-Wells Hardware Co. Address: Du luth. COMSTOCX, Solomon G., lawyer; born at Argyle, Me., May 9, 1842; son of James Madison and Douisa M. (Gilman) Comstock; educated in common schools, at Hampden Academy, Me., and at Wes leyan Seminary; married at Fargo, N. Dak., May 27, 1874, to Sarah Ball. Was admitted to bar, 1871; county attorney Clay Co., Minn., 1872-78; member Min nesota House of Representatives, 1875- 82, State Senate, 1882-88; member Con gress, 5th Minnesota district, 1889-91. Now member State Normal School Board and regent University of Minnesota. Ad dress: Moorhead, Minn. COMSTOCK, Willard Lee, lawyer, judge of municipal court; born in Man kato, Minn., Nov. 24, 1861; son of Mar shall T. and Sarah E. (Patten) Com stock; graduate Mankato High School, 1879; State Normal School, post grad uate course, 1879-81. Married at Fargo, N. D., Nov. 26, 1890, to Miss Phila L. Fletcher. Taught school 6 years, stud ied law 5 years and began practice at Mankato, May, 1890; now judge of Mu nicipal Court, Mankato. Councilor Amer ican Institute of Civics. Ten years in M. N. G., as captain Co. F, 2nd Regt; member 28th Legislature of Minnesota and 6 years on Board of Education, Mankato. Democrat. Past grand regent of Minnesota and member supreme coun cil Royal Arcanum; member grand lodge of Minnesota, A. O. U. W. ; member Knights of Pythias, Modern Woodmen, Modern Samaritans, E. F. U. Address: Mankato, Minn. CONE, Robert D., real estate and mortgage loans; born at Lowville, Lew is Co., N. Y., Jan. 29, 1854; son of Rob ert Sephas and Mary (Pratt) Cone; ed ucated in public schools of New York City; married in New York City, July 5, 1882, to Catharine Allen. Entered business in the employ of Roosevelt & Son, plate glass, 94 Maiden Lane, N. Y., 1870, continuing until the firm retired from business at that place; was with B. W. Merriam & Co., manufacturers of mirrors, 577 Broadway, N. Y., until Nov. 1, 1883; came to Minneapolis, Minn., and established in business as R. D. Cone & Co., real estate and city mortgages, Nov. 1, 1883, in which has since continued. Republican. Presbyte rian. Club: Commercial. Recreation: . Yachting. Office: 517 Metropolitan Life Bldg. Residence: 3116 1st Av., S., Minneapolis. CONGDON, Chester A., lawyer; born at Rochester, N. Y., June 12, 1853; son of Sylvester L. and Laura J. (Adgate) Congdon; educated at Elmira (N. Y.) Academy; Ovid Seminary, 1869-70; Sy racuse University, 1871-75, graduating, degree of A.B., 1875. Admitted to the bar of the state of New York, Oct., 1877; in practice in Minnesota since 1880; junior member of the law firm of Billson & Congdon, since 1892. Vice president American Exchange Bank. Re publican. Member Phi Beta Kappa, Psi Upsilon, Theta Nu Epsilon fraternities. Married at Syracuse, N. Y., Sept. 29, 3 881, to ' Clara H. Bannister. Clubs: Kitchi Gammi, Minnesota (St. Paul); University (Chicago); Duquesne (Pitts burg). Office: 511 Lonsdale Bldg. Resi dence: 1509 E. Superior St., Duluth. 100 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS CONGEB, Charles Leslie, banking; born in Eau Claire, Wis., Jan. 17, 1869; son of William and Susan (Wright) Conger; educated in public schools of Northwood, Ia. Began active career as assistant cashier Citizens' Bank of Mc intosh, Minn., Sept., 1891; has been cashier of the bank, since 1898. Presi dent village council of Mcintosh; elected for the fifth time, March 12, 1907; vil lage treasurer, 3 years. Democrat. Mem ber Knights of Pythias, Modern Wood men of America, B. P. O. E. Married Miss Deona Halvorson, at Litchfield, Minn., June 28, 1897; she died at Mc intosh, Minn., Sept. 14, 1902; buried at Northwood, Ia. Married, 2nd, at Albert Lea, Minn., Dec. 8, 1903, to Miss Douise A. Heiser. Has one son, William Dloyd Conger, born at Mcintosh, Minn., Sept. 5, 1900. Address: Mcintosh, Minn. CONKEY, Charles De Witt, physician, specialist; born at Pontotoc, Miss., Dec. 1, 1856; removed to Wisconsin early in life and was educated in common schools, Appleton, Wis.; Dawrence Uni versity, Appleton; Rush Medical Col lege, Chicago, degree of M.D., 1882; post graduate work at New York Post Grad uate School, New York City. Began practice in 1882 at Larimore, N. D., con tinuing for 8 years; in Superior, Wis., about 15 years; came to Duluth, June, 1905. Since 1890, confined practice to diseases of eye and ear. Member Amer ican Medical Association, St. Louis County Medical Society, Chicago Oph- thalmological Society, American Acad emy of Ophthalmology and Oto-Laryn- gology. Presbyterian. Mason. Married at Larimore, N. D., 1885, to Mary E. Taylor. Office: Providence Bldg., Du luth, Minn. Residence: 1721 John Av., Superior, Wis. CONKLIN, J. Frank, real estate in vestments; born at Newburgh, N. Y., Aug. 14, 1852; son of J. Ostron and Rebecca (Purdy) Conklin; educated at Newburgh Institute; married at Marl boro, N. Y., Sept., 1878, to Lizzie A. Mer ritt. In business at Jacksonville, Fla., later at New York City; came to Minne apolis in 1881, as assistant manager of Academy of Music; later was manager Grand Opera House, until 1896, also sec retary and general manager of Arcade Investment Co.; now president J. F. Conklin & Zonne., organized, 1899; general manager Minneapolis Syndicate. Republican. Presbyterian. Clubs: Min neapolis, Lafayette. Office: Temple Court, Minneapolis. Residence: Crystal Bay, Lake Minnetonka, Minn. CONLEY, Alonzo Theodore, physician; born in Jefferson Co., N. Y., Dec. 6, 1867; son of Lewis and Betsey (Hutchins) Conley; graduate Cedar Valley Semi nary, Osage, la., 1871; graduate Col lege of Medicine, State University of Iowa, degree of M.D., 1874. Has been engaged in practice of medicine in Can non Falls, Minn., for 30 years. Inde pendent in politics. Congregationalist. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associations, Minnesota Valley and Goodhue County Medical societies. Club: Commercial. Address: Cannon Falls, Minn. CONLEY, Frederick Victor, secretary Conley Camera Co.; born in Fillmore Co., Minn., July 3, 1871; son of Thomas J. and Diana E. (Huston) Conley; educated in common schools; married, June 7, 1899, to Miss Jessie G. Lawrence. Be gan active career in jewelry business, continuing for 7 years; assisted in or ganization of the Conley Camera Co., manufacturers of cameras and photo graphic plates, Jan. 1, 1898. Member Masonic order, M. W. A. Address: Roch ester, Minn. CONLEY, Hiram E., physician; born at Palo, la., July 11, 1855; son of Lewis and Betsey (Hutchins) Conley; raised on a farm; graduated from College of Med icine, State University of Iowa, degree of M.D., March 5, 1884. Member Amer ican and Minnesota State Medical asso ciations, Goodhue County Medical So ciety. Mason; member A. O. U. W., Modern Woodmen of America, Modern Samaritans, R. N. A. Married at Can non Falls, Minn., Sept. 28, 1885, to Miss Sarah D. Dibble. Club: Commercial. Ad dress: Cannon Falls, Minn. CONLEY, John Thomas, railway offi cial; born Nov. 1, 1862. Began active career, 1877, at La Crosse, Wis., as tick et clerk, and became operator Chicago, Clinton, Dubuque & Minnesota Ry. ; was cashier freight station, 1879-81; assist ant to division freight agent, 1881-87; traveling freight agent, 1887-89; divi sion freight and passenger agent, 1889- 91; assistant general passenger agent and commercial agent at St. Paul, 1891- 1902; has been assistant general freight agent at Minneapolis since May, 1902; has been with Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry., from beginning of his ca- . reer. Married at St. Paul, 1898, to Miss Grace Hawkins Flower. Clubs: Minne apolis, Commercial. Office: Guaranty Bldg. Residence: 1776 Humboldt Av., S., Minneapolis. CONLEY, Kerry, president and treas urer The Conley Camera Co.; born in Fillmore Co., Minn., 1866; son of Thom as J. and Diana E. (Huston) Conley; educated in common schools; Darling's Business College, Rochester, Minn.; Ophthalmic College and Hospital, Chi cago, III., graduating, June, 1895. Mar ried at Spring Valley, Minn., 1887, to Miss Sadie I. Dodge. Started in shoe business at Spring Valley, 1887; en tered jewelry business, 1889, and optical business, 1897; in company with brother invented a magazine camera, 1898, and the "Silent Shutters," 1903, which have been sold all over the world; moved factory to Rochester, 1904, and incorpo rated the Conley Camera Co., 1899, of which he is president and treasurer, THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 101 later enlarging operations, so now the company manufactures a complete line of folding cameras, photographic sup plies, etc. Republican. Served as city treasurer, Spring Valley, and as member of school board. President Common Council City of Rochester. Baptist. Ma son, Knight Templar; member M. W. A., Equitable Fraternal Union; member Merchants' Association. Recreations: Au tomobiling, hunting and fishing. Ad dress: Rochester, Minn. CONN, George Chester, railway offi cial; born Woburn, Mass., July 1, 1867; son of George H. and Mary E. (Nich ols) Conn; educated in graded and high schools of Woburn. Commenced rail way service as clerk, Boston and Low ell Rd., 1884, since which he has been as follows: clerk Boston & Maine Rd.; traveling freight agent Pennsylvania Rd. ; contracting agent Canadian Pacific Despatch; commercial agent at Minne apolis, Minn., Flint & Pere Marquette R. R. ; assistant general freight agent at Milwaukee, Wis., Pere Marquette R. R. ; now general freight agent Minne apolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Ry. Congregationalist. Married, West Med- way, Mass., May 2, 1893, Harriet E. Deans. Office: 317 2nd Av., S. Resi dence: 2528 3rd Av., S., Minneapolis. CONNIFF, William H., manufacturer; born at Buffalo, N. Y., Oct. 19, 1845; son of T. H. and S. A. (McSpadden) Con- niff; came to the Northwest early in life and was educated in common schools of Minnesota. Manufacturer of sus penders under title of the North Star Suspender Co., since 1899. Was a mem ber of the Minnesota Militia during the Indian uprising, 1862; served in 14th 111. Cav., Army of the West, concluding years of Civil War, 1864-65. Republican. Mason; member G. A. R. Married in Canada, 1867, to Miss H. M, Hughson. Office: 100-106 N. 2nd St. Residence: Majestic Hotel, Minneapolis. CONNOLLY, Thomas P., shoe manu facturer; born in Ireland, Dec. 11, 1841; son of Jeremiah and Margaret (Ryan) Connolly; came to. America with parents when a child; educated in schools of New York; married at St. Paul, Minn., 1887, to Mary Morrison. Began active career in making shoes and worked in New York City, Chicago and St. Paul; located in Stillwater and for 13 years was superintendent of shoe department in State Prison; was one of the or ganizers of the Connolly Shoe Co., 1905, and has since been manager of its man ufacturing department. Member B. P. O. E., Knights of Columbus. Address: Stillwater, Minn. CONSTANS, William, capitalist; born in Alsace Lorraine (at that time be longing to France), June 12, 1829; son of Christian and Catherine (Becker) Constans; educated in common schools of Alsace Lorraine. Came to America, 1847, and clerked in hardware store of New Orleans, La., later becoming con nected with a toy store in Cincinnati, O. ; located in St. Paul, 1850, and en gaged in receiving, storing, and forward ing business, the firm becoming Con stans & Burbank, forwarding and com mission; was for a number of years in wholesale grocery business and also in terested extensively in handling brew ers' supplies; closed out his business interests, 1890, and retired from active operations. Trustee State Savings Bank. Democrat. Married in Wisconsin, April 13, 1867, to Miss Bertha Van Franken- burg. Recreations: Walking and driv ing. Office: Manhattan Bldg. Resi dence: 465 Summit Av., St. Paul. COOK, Abraham, skirt manufacturer; born in Prussia, Germany, Feb. 15, 1848; son of Joseph and Esther Cook; edu cated in Germany; married in London, England, March 15, 1872, to Anna L. Levy. Started in business in New York City as manufacturing furrier; moved to Milwaukee, Wis., 1881, where he was connected with Hansen's Empire Fur Factory; came to Minneapolis, 1889, es tablishing a ladies' custom tailoring house, later becoming a wholesale manu facturer of ladies' skirts, under title of the Cook Skirt Manufacturing Company. Member K. O. T. M., Knights of Honor, S. O. B. Office: 228-234 East 4th St. Residence: 925 Marshall Av., St. Paul. COOK, Henry Wireman, physician; born in Baltimore, Md., Nov. 8, 1877; graduate Johns Hopkins University, de grees of A.B., 1898, M.D., 1902; house officer Johns Hopkins Hospital, 1902-03; resident physician Thomas Wilson Sani tarium for Sick Children, Md., 1903; resident physician Memorial Hospital, Va., 1904. Medical referee Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York; medical director of Northwestern National Life Insurance Co. Democrat. Episcopalian. Member Hennepin County Medical So ciety and Minnesota and American Med ical associations. National Association for Prevention of Tuberculosis, Ameri can Association of Medical Examiners (ex- vice president). Member Delta Phi. Club: Lafayette. Office: Western Na tional Life Bldg. Residence: Plaza Ho tel, Minneapolis. COOK, Jamieson H., grain commis sion; born in Ohio, 1858; son of Sam uel H. and Harriet (Donseth) Jamieson. Was engaged in general merchandising and lumber business previous to becom ing junior member Gregory, Cook & Co., grain commission, merchants, founded, 1885. Member Duluth Board of Trade. Office: 701 Bd. of Trade Bldg. Resi dence: 2327 E. 1st St., Duluth. COOKE, Elbridge Clinton, lawyer; born in Illinois, 1854; son of Joseph Clark and Amy (Wade) Cooke; grad uated from Norwich Academy, Norwich, Conn., 1873; Yale University, degree of B.A., 1877. Entered practice of law at Norwich, Conn., 1879; city attorney, 102 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS Norwich, 1881-83; moved to Bismarck, N. D. (then Dakota Territory), and prac ticed law, 1883-86; established Northern Pacific Bank at Mandan and acted as its president 1883-86; located in Minne apolis, Oct., 1886. Member legal firm of Flannery & Cooke, established, 1884. President Minneapolis Trust Co.; treas urer and director North American Tele graph Co., director Northwestern Na tional Bank of Minneapolis. Married at Norwich, Conn., 1883, to Miss Isabella Boise Turner. Clubs: Minneapolis, Min ikahda, Yale (New York), Hokamde, Gun, Long Meadow Gun, Lafayette (Lake Minnetonka). Recreations: Hunt ing and fishing. Office: New York Life Bldg., Minneapolis. Residence: Way- zata. Lake Minnetonka, Minn. COOKE, Lytle Osman, civil engineer; born in Prince William Co., Va., July 25, 1855; son of Garrett Albertson and Mary (Mackey) Cooke; came to Minne sota with parents, 1856; educated in public schools and at Carleton College, Northfield, Minn., and academy, Minne apolis. Began as civil engineer, 1884; has held offices of county surveyor, Wa basha Co., register of deeds, member of State Legislature two terms and mem ber State Senate two terms. Republican. Married at Lake City, Minn., Nov., 1895, to Miss Margaret Junkin. Address: Kellogg, Minn. COOLEY, Edward R-, wholesale com mission merchant; born at Cuba, N. Y., Oct. 31, 1859; son of Barnes and Jane (Tefft) Cooley; educated in public schools of Warren, 111. Began active career in grocery business, at Warren, 111., continuing until 1884; came to Minneapolis, 1884, and became identified with S. G. Palmer & Co., wholesale com mission merchants; has been treasurer of the company since 1902. Republican. Member Minneapolis Produce Exchange. Member Masonic order. Married at War ren, 111., 3 891, to Miss Nelle E. Bald win. Recreations: Hunting and fishing. Office: 228-230 6th St., N. Residence: 3249 1st Av., S., Minneapolis. COOLEY, Edwin W., physician; born at Landaff, N. H., 1859; son of Alonzo and Emiline (Wallace) Cooley; educated at New Hampton Academy, N. H.; Ben nett Medical College, Chicago, gradua ting, degree of M.D., 1887. Came . to Minnesota, 1881; in practice at Bloom ing Prairie since 1887. Member State Eclectic Medical Society. Director Farmers and Merchants' Bank. Baptist. Democrat. Unmarried. Address: Bloom ing Prairie, Minn. COOLEY, George Washington, civil engineer; born, New York City, Jan. 17, 1845; educated in common and private schools; professional education in the field; married, Minneapolis, 1872, Lida N. Grimshaw. Assistant engineer St. Paul & Pacific R. R., 1864-66. Began business on own account at Minneapolis, 1866, continuing until 1898; engaged in highway construction exclusively since 1898. Assistant engineer Northern Pa cific R. R., 1870, Minneapolis & St. Louis Ry., 1883-84; county surveyor of Hennepin County, 1873-74 and 1899- 1906; resigned . as county surveyor of Hennepin County, Jan. 15, 1906, and elected State engineer and secretary State Highway Commission; alderman from Sth Ward, Minneapolis, 1884-88. Member American Society of Civil En gineers, Minneapolis Society Civil En gineers (past president), Surveyors' Association of Minnesota. Fast presi dent Hennepin County Good Roads Association; president State Good Roads Association, 1900-06. Republican. Mem ber of all .Masonic bodies; Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias. Clubs: Commer cial, Automobile (Minneapolis) ; Com mercial (St. Paul). Office: State Capitol, St. Paul. Residence: 3026 Lyndale Av., S., Minneapolis. COOLEY Jerome Eugene, real estate; born at Hume, N. 'Y., Oct. 26, 1844; son of Alfred and Nancy (Kingsley) Cooley; educated in common schools of Alle gheny Co., N. Y. Came to Minnesota, 1865, and has been a resident of Duluth since 1873; engaged in lumber busi ness, .1873-83; fish, 1883; brick, 1888; has been senior member of the firm of Cooley & Underbill, real estate, etc., since 1891. Was city assessor of Du luth, 1885-93; member of the State Board of Equalization, 1886-1905. Re publican. Methodist. Member Masonic Historical Society, Historical and Li brary Association of Duluth. Mason (33°). Married at Minneapolis, Minn., 1871, to Miss Ella M. Barrows. Club: Commercial. Office: Exchange Bldg. Residence: 313 E. 4th St., Duluth. COOLEY, William F., banking; born at Manchester, la., Dec. 31, 1863; edu cated in Manchester High School. Be gan in banking business, 1882, cashier of the Stevens County State Bank and is now member of Wells, Pearce & Co., dealers in grain. Mayor of Morris. Ad dress: Morris, Minn. COOLIDGE, Marshall Harvey, manu facturer and contractor; born at Doty- ville, Wis., July 27, 1860; son of John H. and Elizabeth (Coleman) Coolidge; attended school, 1868-1878, in Dotyville, Plymouth and Fond du Dae, Wis.; mar ried at Milwaukee, Wis., June 25, 1883, to Jennie A. Holmes. Gained first busi ness experience as clerk in a store at St. Cloud, Wis., 1878-80; was treasurer and manager Coolidge Dumber Co., Coo lidge, Wis., 1880-86; director of the Downing Manufacturing Co. and Coo lidge Fuel and Supply Co., 1886-91, since which time he has held a (lumber of im portant positions in manufacturing and other enterprises. President Marshall H. Coolidge Co., Coolidge-Schussler Co., Downing Manufacturing Co.; vice presi dent and director H. B. Waite Lumber Co.; director People's Bank. President THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 103 Northwestern Cedarmen's Association and ex-president (1896-1902) of the Northwestern Hardwood Lumbermen's Association. Episcopalian. Mason (32°), Odd Fellow. Club: Minneapolis. Recre ations: Fishing and shooting. Office: Metropolitan Blk. Residence: 1906 Ken wood- Parkway, Minneapolis. COON, Galen B., real estate; born at Rutland, Wis., Aug. 25, 1856; son of H. L. and Sarah Coon; came to Northfield, Minn., with parents, 1859; educated at Carleton College, Northfield, Minn.; Law Department University of Wiscon sin, graduating, degree of LL?B., 1880; married at Northfield, Minn., 1875, to Miss Jennie S. Bush. Began practice of law at Northfield, 1880, and continued until 1891, also becoming identified with real estate and other lines of business; removed to St. Paul, 1900. President Minnesota Land and Stock Association; vice president and treasurer Prairie River Lumber Co.; sales manager Lyon Land Co. City clerk, Northfield, 1882-84. Member Masonic order, I. O. O. F., K of P., I. O. R., B. P. O. E. Office: Ger mania Life Bldg., St Paul. Residence: Northfield, Minn. COON, William P., physician; born at Eau Claire, Wis., Sept. 20, 1875; edu cated in public schools of Eau Claire; Wayland Academy, Beaver Dam, Wis.; Minneapolis Academy, Minneapolis, Minn.; graddate University of Minne sota, College of Medicine and Surgery, degree of M.D., June, 1903; interne As bury Methodist Hospital, Minneapolis, 1903-04. Member American and Minne sota State Medical associations, Blue Earth County Medical Society. Married at Downers Grove, 111., Aug. 2, 1905, to Miss May R. Prescott. Address: Ely- sian, Minn. COOPEB, Barclay, contractor and builder; born at Cooperville, Lancaster Co., Pa., Oct. 23, 1842; son of Milton and Zillah (Preston) Cooper; educated in High School, Minneapolis, Minn.; married at Elyria, O., Sept. 14, 1869, to Addie B. Bassett. Came to Minneapolis in 1857; began early in life in the build ing trade, but advancement was inter rupted by the Civil War; was in the auartermaster's department, Tennessee, and took part in battles of Johnsonville and Nashville, 1864; entered business in Minneapolis at the close of the war, under name of Cooper Bros. & Co.; es tablished business for self, 1873, and has planned and built many of the sub stantial buildings of the city, among which may be named the Minneapolis Plow Works, the' Major Bigelow resi dence, Metropolitan Theatre, the George McMullen residence, Curtis Court, and many of the large and handsome flats. Member of the Universalist Church and Citizens' Alliance. Club: Commercial. Recreation: Books. Office: 1114 Yale Place. Residence: 1100 Hawthdrri Av., Minneapolis. COOPEB, Charles Hermance, educa tor; born at La Crosse, Wis., June 16, 1855; son of James Morrison and Anna (Hermance) Cooper; graduate Dart mouth College, degree of A.B., 1877; de gree of A.M., same college, 1880. Was principal Hitchcock Free Academy, Brimfleld, Mass., 1879-82; instructor in Greek and history, Dartmouth College, 1882-83; professor of history and po litical science, Carleton College, North- field, Minn., 1883-98; has been president of State Normal School, Mankato, since Jan. 1, 1899. Married at Woburn, Mass., 1883. Address: Mankato, Minn. COOPEB, Charles Paine, manager Creamery Package Manufacturing Co.; born at Detroit, Mich., Jan. 10, 1868; son of P. D. and Emeline R. (Sylvester) Cooper; educated in public schools of Cleveland, O., and Beaver Dam, Wis., and at Wayland Academy, Beaver Dam. ¦Married at Redwood Falls, Minn., 1899, to Juliet Brooks. Manager of the Cream ery Package Manufacturing Co., since 3 902. Club: Commercial. Office: 318 3rd St., N. Residence: 4124 Sheridan Av., S., Minneapolis. COOPEB, Clyde Milton, banking; born at Schoolcraft, Mich., July 18, 1874; son of Jesse W. and Jennie (Griffith) Coop er; educated in district schools of Dodge Co., Minn. Began active career as telegraph operator, 1893, continuing until 1897; deputy register of deeds, Dodge Co., Minn., 1897-1903; cashier First National Bank since 1903; also clerk of district court, Dodge Co., 1904- 07. Republican. Married at Mantorville, Minn., Nov. 18, 1905, to Miss Alice Se- bring. "Address: Dodge Center, Minn. COOPEB, Jason W., wholesale grocer; born near Plattsburg, N. Y., Oct. 7, 1843; son of Ezra and Maria (Johnson) Coop er; educated in district schools; mar ried at St. Paul, 1875, Sarah H. Dougan. Was in his father's employ until Civil War; joined the Army of the Potomac in 1861 and seryed with official rank for two years in the Third Army Corps. After the war engaged in the lumber business for two years; came to St. Paul, 1864, and traveled for wholesale grocery house; entered firm of Griggs & Howes in 1889, the style then chang ing to Griggs, Cooper & Co., and since the incorporation of the business in 1900 has been 2nd vice president of the company, wholesale grocers. Also di rector of the American National Bank. Republican. Presbyterian (elder). Ma son. Clubs: Commercial (director), Min nesota, Town and Country. Office: 3rd St. and Broadway, St. Paul. CORLISS, Eben E., lawyer; born at Fayston, Ont., Can., Sept. 1, 1841; son of Timothy E. and Elvira (Hutchins) Corliss. Came to Minnesota, May, 1856; served four years in Civil War as mem ber of Co. A, Second Minn. Inf. Has practiced law at Fergus Falls for 36 years; member State Degislature, 1872; 104 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS has been county attorney of Otter Tail Co. for 10 years; member of the State Board of Capitol Commissioners since 1893. Republican. Member Masonic or der, G. A. R. Married at St. Charles, Minn., Nov. 19, 1864, to Elizabeth Tuck er. Address: Fergus Falls, Minn. CORNING, John Wheeler Leavitt, manufacturer of brick; born at Brook lyn, N. Y., Nov. 22, 1844; son of Ed ward and Catherine M. (Austin) Cor ning; educated in public and private schools; married at Brooklyn, N. Y., 1869, to Mary E. Rogers. Began busi ness career in flour and feed business, Hartford, Conn., 5 years; then book keeper one year in New York City; came to St. Paul, 1868; was with Noyes Bros. & Cutler for nearly twenty years, then started to manufacture fireprpofing material until 1895, when he joined in organizing present firm of Greiner & Corning. Member Builders' Exchange. Republican. Member School Board four years and Common Council four years. Congregationalist. Mason. Club: Com mercial. Office: Germania Life Bldg. Residence: 481 Dayton Av., St. Paul. COBNWELL, Leon L., cashier Citi zens' Bank, Pine Island; born at New Haven, Olmsted Co., Minn., Oct. 12, 1872; son of Thomas and Clarissa Cornwell; educated in public schools of Olmsted Co. and at Carleton College, Northfield, Minn. Engaged in school teaching for several years, and was superintendent of schools previous to being elected cashier of the Citizens' Bank of Pine Island, Nov. 1, 1903. Secretary Com mercial Club; member board of educa tion of Pine Island. Mason. Married at Byron, Minn., Aug. 28, 1895, to Miss Mat- tie Sinclair. Address: Pine Island, Minn. COBSEB, Elwood Spencer, real estate; born in Monroe Co., N. Y., Oct. 3, 1835; son of Caleb Burbank and Henrietta Laura (Spencer) Corser; attended coun try school and academic course Gene see Wesleyan Seminary, Lima, N. Y., 1852-55. Served during the Civil War, 1861-64, in Company B, 93rd Regt., N. Y. Infantry, 1st sergt. to 1st lieut. In business in New Orleans Co., N. Y., 1864-67, and at Buffalo, N. Y., until 1871. when he located in Minneapolis. Presi dent Corser Investment Co. Republican until 1896, since that date a radical Democrat. Unitarian. Member Minne sota State Historical Society, Sons of the American Revolution, Society of Colonial Wars, G. A. R., Minnesota Com mandery Loyal Legion. Married, 1st, at Ogden, N. Y., Oct. 18, 1861, to Mary Roycraft; 2nd, at Minneapolis, May 17, 1905, to Katharine Bremer Raines. Club: Minikahda. Office: New York Life Bldg. Residence: 615 James Av., N., Minneapolis. COBY, Henry W., lawyer; born at Cooperstown, N. Y., Oct. 26, 1845; son of Holder and Edna (Grace) Cory; graduated from Tuft's College, Mass., degree of A.B., 1867; and is member The ta Delta Chi and Coffee Pot fraternities. Has been engaged in practice of law since Dec, 1871. Was judge of Munici pal Court, St. Paul, Minn., 9 years, 1884- 95. Democrat. Universalist. Member B. P. O. E., W. A. O. D. Club: Com mercial. Recreations: All outdoor ath letic sports. Office: Germania Dife Bldg., St. Paul. Residence: The Buck ingham, St. Paul. Summer residence: St. Paul Park, Minn. COSGBAVE, Charles A., investment broker; born at Kenosha, Wis., Oct 13, 1848. Began active career as telegraph operator in the general office of the Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry., 1864; tele graph operator Northwestern Telegraph Co., at Watertown, Wis., 1865; assistant train dispatcher general office Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry., Nov., 1865- 70; train dispatcher and superintendent of telegraph, West Wisconsin Ry., at Eau Claire, Wis., 1870-72; train dis patcher Racine & Southwestern division Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry., 1872-80; trainmaster, same division, 1880-83; assistant superintendent, 1883- 86; superintendent Prairie du Chien di vision, March 1 to Aug. 1, 1888; superin tendent Iowa & Dakota Division, 1888- 1900; assistant general superintendent same road, at Minneapolis, Feb. 1, 1900, to June 1, 1902; retired from railway service, June 1, 1902. Club: Commercial. Office: Loan & Trust Bldg. Residence: 2104 Girard Av., Minneapolis. COSGBOVE, Carson Nesbitt, mer chant, agriculturist, breeder of Here- fords; born at WestAeld, N. Y., Nov. 22, 1852; son of Robert and Grace (Shaw) Cosgrove; married at Roscoe, 111., May 13, 1874, to Miss Elizabeth E. Bradley. Came to Wabasha, Minn., 1871; moved to Le Sueur in 1872, where he has since been engaged in business. Vice presi dent The Cosgrove Co., Inc., retailers of hardware and farm machinery and breeders and dealers in pure bred live stock, organized, 1876; director Minne sota Canning Co., Inc., Le Sueur Cream ery Co., Massingham & Cosgrove Co., Inc., Mandan, N. D. Republican. Mayor of De Sueur, 1895-99; member board of control State Public School, Owa tonna, since 1896; member board of managers Minnesota State Agricultural Society since 1887, and president of the board since 1901; member board of ad ministration, Minnesota State Farmers' Institute, since 1902; president National Association of Fair Managers, 1902-06: for 8 years director American Hereford Association; for several years president Le Sueur Agricultural Societv. Presby terian. Member A. O. U. W., Modern Woodmen of America, Le Sueur Business Men's League. Address: Le Sueur, Minn. COSGBOVE, John B. S., hardware; born in Down County, Ireland, March 29, 1851; son of Robert and Grace THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS 105 (Shaw) Cosgrove; came to America, 1852; educated in district and graded schools, Westfield, N. Y. Came to Min nesota, 1880; began in mercantile busi ness, 1880, and is* president of the Cos grove Co., established, 1876, and incor porated, i900. Married at Moorehead- ville, Pa., Oct. 28, 1875, to Miss- Sarah E. Curtis. Address: Le Sueur, Minn. COSTELLO, John, merchant and banker; born at Wheeling, W. Va., June 15, 1855; son of Michael and Bridget (McDonough) Costello; educated in dis trict school, Wabasha Co., Minn., 1861- 70; St. John's College, Prairie du Chien, Wis., 1876-78, graduating from commer cial course, June, 1878. Lived on farm, 1855-76; taught school, 1878-83; en gaged in mercantile business at Wa basha, 1883-88; county treasurer Wa basha Co., 1888-94; connected with mer cantile business at Kellogg,' June 13, 1894, to the present time. President John Costello & Co.; cashier Bank of Kellogg. Second" Lieut. Co. E., 2nd Regt, M. N. G., Nov., 1889-93. Democrat (member Democratic State Central Committee, 1900, to the present time). Roman Catholic. Member M. W. A., Modern Samaritans, Knights of Colum bus, A. O. H., Royal Neighbors. Mar ried at Wabasha, Minn., Oct. 6, 1894, to Miss Carrie Hager. Address: Kellogg, Minn. COSTELLO, Thomas Francis, con tractor and builder of grain elevators and warehouses; born at Franklin, Mass., June 6, 1856; son of Thomas and Mary Costello; self educated. Began early in active life as a builder and has had extensive experience in construction of grain elevators and warehouses in Minnesota and the Dakotas; began as an independent contractor, 1899, and is now head of the Arm of T. F. Costello & Co. Democrat. Member I. O. O. F., B. P. O. E., M. W. A. Married at Alex andria, Minn., to Miss Hattie M. James. Office: 412 S. 3rd St. Residence: 2519 Dupont Av., N., Minneapolis. COTTEB, Joseph B., bishop Roman Catholic Church; born at Diverpool, Eng., Nov. 19, 1844; came to America, 1850; attended school in St. Paul, Minn., and at St. Vincent's College, Pa.; pur sued theological studies at St. John's University, Collegeville, Minn. Ordained priest, 1871; was pastor St. Thomas Church, Winona, Minn., 1871-90; conse crated first bishop, See of Winona, Dec. 27, 1889. Earnest advocate of total abstinence; was for three terms presi dent Catholic Total Abstinence Union of America. Lectured on behalf of the C. T. A. U. through most of the states east of the Mississippi river, 1886-7. Recreation: Walking. Address: Winona, Minn. COTTON, Charles Edgar, cashier The People's Bank of Minneapolis; born, Meadville, Pa., April 30, 1860; son of Austin D. and Alice M. (Marshall) Cot ton; educated in public schools in Franklin, Pa.; married at Minneapolis, Minn., Oct. 30, 1895, to Miss Martha M. Miller. Was clerk In Bank of Duke Centre, Pa., 1877-81; went to Colorado and filled position of teller of The Bank of Southern Colorado, Trinidad, 1881- 83; moved to Texas and acted as teller Dallas National Bank, Dallas, Tex., 1883-86; came to Minneapolis, Minn., and accepted position of assistant cash ier The People's Bank of Minneapolis which he filled, 1886-88; has occupied office of cashier of that bank since 1888; also a member of the board of di rectors. Presbyterian. Club: Minne- apolis Automobile. Recreations: Auto mobiling, fishing, hunting and garden ing. Office: 14 Washington Av., S. Residence: 15 E. 34th St., Minneapolis. COTTON, Joseph Bell, attorney; born at Albion, Indiana, Jan. 6, 1865; son of John Cotton, of New England ancestry; educated in public schools of Albion; Michigan Agricultural and Mechanical College, Lansing, Mich., graduating, 1886, degree of B.S.; studied law in office of Hon. Edwin Willits and admitted to practice in supreme court of Michigan, June, 1888. Located at Duluth, 1888; for many years was the legal represen tative of the John D. Rockefeller min ing and transportation interests in the Northwest; since Dec. 1, 1901, general solicitor of Duluth & Iron Range Rail road Co. (Duluth) ; Missabe & Northern Railway Co., Oliver Iron Mining Co., and Minnesota Iron Co. (subsidiary cos. of the U. S. Steel Corporation; 2nd vice president and general solicitor of North Butte Mining Co. (copper). Served one term as member Minnesota State Legis lature (1893). Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner; member Order Red Cross of Constantine; B. P. O. E., Phi Delta Theta fraternity. Married at Du luth, Jan. 4, 1900, to Miss Douise Hub- bell. Clubs: Kitchi Gammi, Commer cial, Boat, Northland Country (Duluth) ; Commercial (West Superior) ; Minne sota (St. Paul); Athletic Association (Chicago) ; Minnesota Society (New York). Office: Wolvin Bldg. Resi dence: 1617 E. 1st St., Duluth. COTTRELL, Charles E., manufacturer and farmer; born, at Scott, Courtland Co., N. Y., May 27, 1848; son of Saund ers and Mary (Small) Cottrell; educated through experience in the civil war and at a technical school which he entered after the close of the war. Enlisted first at the age of 14 to assist in repel ling the invasion of Jonn Morgan in the North, and second, at the age of 15 in 7th Indiana Cavalry, serving 32 months under Generals Grierson, Custer and other cavalry leaders; mustered out, March, 1866. Came to Minnesota, 1887, and ertered the manufacturing business 106 THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS same year. President and treasurer Minneapolis Cooperage Co., established, 1887, by himself, for the manufacture of flour barrels and incorporated, 1890; president and treasurer Aetna Machine & Iron Works, organized 1902, for the purpose of making special machinery for manufacture of barrels; owner Man dan Lake Stock Farm, on the upper Mis souri river in North Dakota, for stock raising and farming on a large scale. Office: 2507 Hiawatha Av. Residence: 1905 Pittsburg Av., Minneapolis. COUGHLAN, Thomas R., quarry man; born at New Brunswick, Can., 1845; son of Daniel and Margaret (Reagan) Coughlan; educated in Canadian schools; married at Reshegauche, N. B., 1875, to Miss Winifred J. Chesser. Learned stone cutting trade; came to Minne sota, 1886, and has been engaged in quarrying, contracting and dealing in lime and other building materials since 1887, under title of T. R. Coughlan Co. Director Citizens' National Bank; mem ber Board of Education since 1893. Democrat. Catholic. Member A. O. H., A. O. U. W., Knights of Columbus. Ad dress: Mankato, Minn. COUNTRYMAN, Ambrose D., lawyer; born at Fine, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., Feb. 8, 1850; son of Peter F. and Eliza beth E. (Gleason) Countryman; raised on a farm; came to Minnesota, 1855; educated in public schools; University of Minnesota; Law Department, Wash ington University, St. Louis, graduat ing, degree of LL.B., 1874 (earned money for expenses at college by teach ing school). Began, practice of law at Minneapolis, Minn., 1874; removed to Swift Co., 1878, where he has since en gaged in practice of the profession. Judge of probate, Swift Co., 1881-89; assistant secretary Minnesota State Senate, 1897-1905; member Board of Education, Appleton, Minn., since 1884. Republican. Episcopalian. Member Masonic orders, Shrine; grand master Masonic order, Minnesota, 1902-1903. Member Minnesota Society Sons of American Revolution. Married at Hast ings, Minn., 1874, to Miss Jennie Bes- wick. Recreation: Fishing. Address: Appleton, Minn. COUFEB, John Clinton, merchant; born at Morristown, N. Y., Jan. 24, 1830; son of Joseph and Elizabeth (Brown) Couper; educated in common schools and at Ogdensburg (N. Y.) Academy. Came to Minnesota, 1855; enlisted in the Union Army, 1862, as member of Co. F, 8th Minn. Inf., advancing to sergeant and orderly sergeant, and was dis charged, 1865. Engaged in mercantile business March 1, 1886, as senior mem ber of the firm of J. C. & F. J. Couper, dealers in groceries, crockery, glassware and lamps, and has so continued to the present time. Member State Legisla ture of Minnesota, from Dakota county, 1862; judge of Municipal Court, City of Northfield, 1895-1906. Republican. Congregationalist. Member G. A. R. (past commander of J. L. Heywood Post, No. 83, Dept. of Minn., and past junior vice commander of Department of Minnesota). Married at Morristown, N. Y., Jan. 1, 1855, to Miss Harriet Johnson. Six children lived to mature age: Dr. J. E. Couper, who died at Blue Earth, Minn., Aug. 20, 1906; Prof. Geo. B. Couper, of Bozeman, Montana; Fennimore J. Couper, Charles S. Couper, Mrs. Evaline Couper Miller and Mrs. . Hattie Couper, of Northfield, Minn. Ad dress: Northfield, Minn. COURTNEY, Walter, chief surgeon Eastern Division Northern racific Ry.; born in Lambton Co., Ontario, Canada, Sept. 18, 1855; son of Angus and Janet (McCash) Courtney; educated in public schools of Ontario, Strathroy Collegiate Institute, Medical Department Univer sity of Michigan, graduating, 1883 (spe cial post graduate work at various places and times). Has been in medical practice since 1883; chief surgeon East ern Division Northern Pacific Ry., since 1888. Member American Medical Asso ciation, International Association of Railway Surgeons, Minnesota Academy of Medicine, Minnesota State Medical Society (ex-president); honorary mem ber N. Dakota State Medical Society; president Upper Mississippi Medical So ciety. Married at St. Clair, Mich., 1885, Hildegarde von Jasmund. Address: Brainerd, Minn. COUSINS, John Watson, brigadier Salvation Army; born, Sleightomdale, Yorkshire, Eng., Feb. 7, 1861; son of John and Annie (Watson) Cousins; at tended Gillamoor (public) School, grad uate Salvation Army International Training College, Dondon, 1883; came to Canada, 1886; married at Denver, Colo., Sept. 13, 1894, Captain Martha J. Car penter. Has devoted entire time since leaving college to work for Salvation Army; was appointed to command of Northwest Province, comprising Minne sota, N. Dakota, Wisconsin and North Michigan, with headquarters in Minne apolis, Minn., July 1, 1905. Office: Bos ton Block. Residence: 3148 So. Colfax Av., Minneapolis. COB, Albert Jeffrey, physician; born at Trempealeau, Wis., March 2, 1862; son of James and Minerva Jane (Cook) Cox; educated at Gale College, Gales ville, Wis., graduated 1882; Rush Medi cal College, Chicago, 111., graduated, 1886; post graduate West Side Hospital, Chicago, 1896. Has engaged in practice of medicine since 1886; in retail drug business since 1891; also officer in land companies and vice president and di rector of the First National Bank, Tyler. Republican. Congregationalist. Member THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 107 Lyon-Lincoln County Medical Society and Minnesota State and American Medical associations. Member Knights of Pythias, A. O. U. W., Degree of Hon or, M. W. A. Married at Tyler, June 23, 1887, to Miss Mary Jane Bigham. Clubs: Commercial, Shakespeare. Ad dress: Tyler, Minn. CBABB, John Clayton, real estate and loans; born in Olmsted Co., Minn., May 1, 1860; son of James and Lucinda (Thompson) Crabb; educated in common schools and at State Normal School. Be gan teaching school at 21 years of age and taught common and graded schools for 10 years; engaged in mercantile busi ness, at Byron, Olmsted Co., 1892; elected clerk of district court, Olmsted Co., Jan. 1895, continuing until Jan., 1907; in real estate and loan business under title of Rochester Land and Loan Co. (organized, 1906) since Jan., 1907. President Rochester Y. M. C. A. Re publican; chairman Republican County Central Committee for 12 years. Metho dist (steward). Mason; member Knights of Pythias (Chancellor Commander), I. O. O. F., A. O. U. W. Married in Olm sted Co., Aug. 15, 1890, to Miss Alice M. Hannon. Address: Rochester, Minn. CBAFTS, Leo Melville, physician, neurologist; born at Minneapolis, Minn., Oct. 3, 1863; son of Major Amasa and Mary J. (Henry) Crafts; educated in public and high schools, Minneapolis; University of Minnesota, degree of B.L., 1886; Harvard Medical School, 1890 (en titled by ranks to honorary A.M., but withheld by Harvard on ground that University of Minnesota academic de gree did not equal Harvard's). House physician Boston City Hospital, 1899-91, with diploma for same, 1891. Professor of nervous diseases Hamline University Medical School, since 1893; dean of faculty, 1897-1903, and instrumental in securing new plant new grounds and new equipment for the institution; on the staff of four hospitals of Minneapo lis. President Minnesota State Sunday School Association, 1893-96, and member of its board since 1893; president Min neapolis Sunday School Officials' Asso ciation, 1895-1906, and 1902-03; member board of directors Minnesota National Park and Forestry Association, 1899, and secretary general executive committee of all organizations combined for a na tional park and reserve in the State; treasurer Western Society for Suppres sion of Vice (Minnesota branch), 1895; member general committee of the fiftieth anniversary celebration of the founding of Minneapolis, June 1, 1905; member committee on health and comfort, G. A. R. encampment 1906; president Native Sons of Minnesota, 1906. Member-Ameri can and Minnesota State Medical as sociations (chairman nerve section lat ter, 1899), Hennepin County Medical So ciety, Harvard Medical and Boston City Hospital Alumni associations. Formerly member American Academy Political and Social Science, American Academy of Medicine. Author of a number of ar ticles for professional magazines, and writer upon Sunday School topics. Mar ried at Minneapolis, 1901, to Amelia I. Burgess. Club: Commercial. Recrea tions: Formerly football, baseball and track work; best all-around athlete in college, 1885; now, vacation outings in the wilderness. Office: Masonfc Temple. Residence: 610 5th St., S. E., Minne apolis. CBAIG, Daniel, vice president and secretary Western Supply Co.; born in Scotland, 1850; son of Andrews and Margaret (Guthrie) Craig; educated in public schools of Scotland; married at Kansas City, Mo., 1902, to Miss Victoria Hoyt. . Came to America, 1873, locating in New York City where he was en gaged in dry goods business until 1890; has been member Western Supply Co. since 1890. Republican. Presbyterian. Recreation: Automobiling. Office: 348- 350 Waeouta St. Residence: 657 Grand Av., St. Paul. CBAIG, George P., court commission er; born at Salem, Mass., July 14, 1855; son of George B. and Sophia (Wilson) Craig; educated in the common schools in Massachusetts and New Hampshire, 1859-67; came to Minnesota in 1867; married at Alexandria, Minn., March 14, 1891, to Miss Addie M. Richards. Ap pointed deputy register of deeds and deputy clerk of district court, Douglas Co., Jan. 1, 1897, and elected court com missioner, Jan. 1, 1905. Republican. Methodist Member A. O. U. W., M. B. A. and M. N. R. Address: Alexandria, Minn. CBAIG, John Guthrie, department store; born in Ayrshire, Scotland, May 8, 1848; son of Andrew and Margaret (Campbell) Craig; educated in Ayrshire. Began active career in grocery business, in Glasgow, Scotland, continuing for 4 years; came to America and engaged in farming in New York state; became connected with Singer Manufacturing Company's factories at Elizabethport, N. J., and was at Chicago, III., for same company. Docated in Minneapolis, 1884, and entered dry goods business, starting for self in 1885; has been member of the firm of Craig, Lunde & Craig, since 1899. Served in Volunteer Artillery, Glasgow, Scotland, and as member Co. I, M. N. G. Independent in politics. Congregationalist. Married at Minne apolis, 1891, to Miss Edith Robideaux. Club: East side Commercial. Recrea tions: Boating and fishing. Office: 305- 311 Central Av. Residence: 323 5th St., S. E., Minneapolis. CBAIG, Robert O., physician; born at New York, June 8, 1834; educated at Ogdensburg (N. Y.) Academy; Univer sity of Michigan; Albany (N. Y.) Medi- 108 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS cal College, graduating, degree of M.D., 1855. Was assistant surgeon U. S. A., ,1856; surgeon 10th N. Y. Vol. Inf., Civil War; came to Minnesota and located at Janesville, Minn., 1866; member State Senate, sessions of 1883, 1885, and 1890, 1893. President Waseca Co. Bank; vice president Cannon Valley Telephone Co. Democrat. Widower. Address: Janes ville, Minn. CRANDALL, Lathan Augustus, clergyman; born at Plymouth, N. Y., Sept. 20, 1850; son of Rev. J. M. and Lucy A. (Sisson) Crandall; educated at Whitestown (N. Y.) Seminary, 1871; Pennsylvania State College; graduate Hillsdale (Mich.) College, degree of A.B., 1873;, degrees of AM., 1874, D.D., 1889, same college; graduate Rochester (N. Y.) Theological Seminary, degree of B.D., 1881; ordained to Baptist ministry, 1881. Married at Racine, Wis., Dec. 8, 1892, to Miss Nellie L. Hart. Pastor Memorial Baptist Church, Chicago, 1892- 1904; Trinity Baptist Church, Minneapo lis, since 1904. Member executive com mittee Baptist Educational Society, Board of Trustees Divinity School Uni versity of Chicago; Chairman American Committee on Baptist World Congress. Author: A Calm View of Christian Science. Address: 1915 Colfax Av., S., Minneapolis. CBANDALL, Boy Lewis, stock broker; born at Adrian, Mich., Oct. 20, 1882; son of C. T. and Frances E. (Grinnell) Crandall; educated in public schools of Duluth, Minn., and at University of Minnesota. Began active carer as min ing engineer is employ of the Oliver Mining Co., Duluth, 1902-04; located in Minneapolis, and has been senior mem ber of the firm of Crandall, Pierce & Co., brokers, since spring of 1904. Treasurer Minneapolis & Mexico Gold Dredging Co. Member Delta Sigma Nu and Delta Tau Delta fraternities. Un married. Club: Roosevelt. -Office: Guar anty Bldg. Residence: Swinford Flats, Minneapolis. CBANE, Archibald A., banking; born at Austin, Minn., July 1, 1866; son of Caleb C. and Emily (Warner) Crane; educated in public schools at Austin and Anoka, Minn. Entered banking business at Anoka, as clerk in An oka National Bank, 1883; came to Minneapolis, 1887, as assistant cashier Flour City National Bank and was elected cashier of the bank, 1893; be came assistant cashier National Bank of Commerce, 1895, and was appointed cashier, in 1900; treasurer The Ameri can Bankers' Association. Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner. Married at Minneapolis, 1890, to Fannie S. Stevens. Clubs: Minneapolis, Commercial, Mini kahda. Office: National Bank of Com merce. Residence: 24 W. Grant St.,) Minneapolis. CBANE, Frank Irving, lumber and banking; born at Sharon Centre, Medina Co., O., Sept. 26, 1848; son of William A. and Laura (Chatfield) Crane; edu cated in public schools and at business college. Farmed until 23 years of age; acted as civil engineer for 2 years; en tered lumber business in 1873, at 25 years of age; began in banking, 1885. President Austin National Bank; has made large investments in real estate, lands and commercial and industrial en terprises. Republican. Mayor of Austin three terms, beginning 1896; president, Austin Library Board since its organiza tion, 1902. Member Merchants' Assoc iation. Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner. Married at Bainbridge, O., March 4, 1880, to Miss Sylvia E. Petti- bone. Club: Progressive League. Ad dress: Austin, Minn. CBANGLE, Benjamin Carroll, secre tary and manager Federal Elevator Co.; born at St. Louis, Mo., Aug. 27, 1871; son of John and Eunice (Carroll) Crangle; attended high school, St. Louis, and graduated from manual training de partment of Washington University; unmarried. Was engaged with his fa ther in the flour milling business at St. Louis, 1888-91; came to Minnesota and was bookkeeper First National Bank, Winona, 1891-93; was with the Missouri Car & Foundry Co., St. Louis, about one year; returned to Minnesota and was in the employ of the Lamberton Elevator Co., Winona, until Feb., 1898; pros pected for mines in Canadian North West and Alaska, Feb., 1898, to Jan., 1900; employed as traveling superin tendent of the Marfield Elevator Co., Winona, Feb., 1900, to June, 1903; sec retary, manager and director, Federal Elevator Co., Minneapolis, doing an ex tensive grain elevator and commission business, since June 15, 1903. Conser vative Republican. Presbyterian. Club: Minneapolis Whist. Recreations: Hunt ing and Ashing. Office: Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Residence: 315 Oak Grove St., Minneapolis. CBANGLE, Charles P., secretary Western Elevator Co.; born at St. Louis, Mo., Aug. 3, 1873; son of John and Eunice (Carroll) Crangle; educated at Washington University, St. Louis, Mo.; married at Winona, Minn., 1898, to Miss Belle Horton. Began active career in the Old Anchor Milling Co., flour manu facturing, St. Louis, with his father; came to Winona, 1894, and was con nected with the Morfield Elevator Co., until 1901, when the company was merged into the Western Elevator Co. Republican. Member Masonic order. Clubs: Arlington, Meadow Brook. Rec reations: Golf and other outdoor diver sions. Address: Winona, Minn. CBASSWELLER, Arthur Hallifax, lawyer; born in London, Eng., July 25, THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 109 1858; son of Christopher and Sarah (Hallifax) Crassweller; came to Canada with parents, 1869, and to the United States, .1885; educated in private school in England, at Goderich (Can.) High School, and. in business college, Toronto, Can.; married at Duluth, Minn., 1891, to Miss Nellie Seaton. Came to Duluth, 18S7, read law in office of William W. Billson and was admitted to the bar, 1888; began practice for himself in 1890, as member of the firm of Baldwin & Crassweller; was in practice for three years alone, and since 1897, has been in partnership with brother as Crass weller & Crassweller. Was city attor ney of Lakeside before it became part of Duluth; assistant city attorney Du luth, 1893. Director and attorney for American Exchange Bank. Clubs: Com mercial, Duluth Boat. Office: Exchange Bldg. Residence: 4230 E. Superior St., Duluth. CBASSWELLEB, Frank, lawyer; born in London, Eng., Jan. 4, 1856; son of Christopher and Sarah (Hallifax) Crass weller; came to Canada, 1869, and to the United States, 1888; educated in private schools in England and in Nor mal School, Toronto, Can.; married at Huron, Ont, Can., 1885, to Miss Alison M. Douglas. Was admitted to the bar in Duluth, 1889, and has been a member of the law firm of Crassweller & Crass weller since 1897. Member Minnesota State Bar Association. Democrat. Mem ber City Council, 1877-1900 (president of council, 1899); member Public Dibrary Board. Presbyterian. Member I. O. F., Modern Samaritans. President Commer cial Club; member Duluth Curling, Du luth Yacht and Duluth Boat clubs. Office: Exchange Bldg. Residence: 4701 Cooke St., Duluth. CRAVENS, Fay, editor; born at Princeton, Minn., Nov. 20, 1873; son of William J. and Ducinda (McFadden) Cravens; educated in public and high school, Princeton; married at Milaca, Minn., 1894, to Miss Amanda Plude. Was born, raised and educated in Mille Lacs Co.; came to Milaca, 1894, and bought the Mille Lacs County Times which he has since conducted. Member Knights of Pythias. Address: Milaca, Minn. CBAWFOBD, Charles X., business manager; born at Minerva, O., April 9, 1869; son of James M. and Ellen Craw ford; educated in public schools and agricultural college, S. Dak. Engaged in farming, photography and live stock business, S. Dak., 1880-1900; in business in Princeton, Minn., 1900-04; manager Perfection Artificial Limb Co., Minneap olis, since May, 1904. Member W. O. W. Married, S. Dak., Jan., 1900, Miss Alice Friel. Office: 221 2nd Av., S. Resi dence: 917 Central Av., N. E., Minneap olis. CBAWFOBD, Frank Earl, editor; born at Parkersburg, W. Va., 1870; son of William H. and Cornelia Earl (Chapin) Crawford; educated in public schools of Bay City, Mich., and at Marietta Col lege, Marietta, O., graduating, degree of Ph.B., 1890. Came to Minnesota after leaving college, 1890, and entered news paper business at Duluth; has been edi tor St. Paul Daily News since 1900. Un married. Office: Daily News. Resi dence: 277 Selby Av., St. Paul. CBAWFOBD, William, clerk of dis trict court; born in Scotland, March, 1868; son of David and Janet Hannah Crawford; educated in public schools in England and Scotland and at Hutche- son's Grammar School, Glasgow; un married. Was with Thompson & Gray, ship owners, first as clerk and later as cashier, 1885-91; came to the United States, 1891, and since that time con nected with the Lakefield Standard. Clerk of the district court since Jan. 1, 1903. Republican. Member B. P. O. E., Knights of Pythias, I. O. O. F. Ad dress: Jackson, Minn. CBAY, Lorin, jurist; born in Clinton Co., N. Y., Oct. 19, 1844; son of Delevan and Charlotte (Chappel) Cray; academic education. Came to Minnesota in the pioneer days and enlisted in the 9th Minn. Vol. Inf., at the time of the War of the Rebellion, serving from Aug. 17, 1862, to Aug. 24, 1865; wounded in the battle of Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 15, 1864. Studied law after the war and was admitted to the bar, 1875; local attorney for Chicago, St. Paul, Minne apolis & Omaha Ry., for 20 years and for Chicago & Northwestern Ry., 10 years. District judge, Nov., 1898. Presi dent of the National Citizens' Bank of Mankato. Ex-president Mankato School Board. Married at Mankato, Minn., 1892, to Miss Lulu Murphy. Address: Mankato, Minn. CBESSY, Franklin Judson, physi cian; born at Greenfield, Mass., July 5, 1849; son of Francis and Lovina (Churchil) Cressy; educated in grammar and high schools, Rochester, Minn.; Medical Department, University of Michigan, 1876; College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk, la., graduating, degree of M.D., 1877; post graduate work, Rush Medical College, Chicago, 111., 1884.-85. Has been engaged in prac tice of medicine since Feb., 1877. Docal surgeon Great Northern Ry. ; coroner Yellow Medicine Co.; was city health officer for 8 years. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associa tion, Camp Release Medical Society. Director Yellow Medicine Co. Bank. Re publican. Member Masonic order. Mar ried at Howard Lake, Minn., 1878, to Miss Fannie M. Taylor. Address: Gran ite Falls, Minn. 110 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS CBEWE, John Eginton, physician; born in Hoboken, N. J., July 22, 1872; early education in common schools at Grand Forks, N. D., and University of N. Dakota; medical education at Uni versity of Minnesota. Served 16 months as interne at Minneapolis City Hospi tal, 1897; removed to Rochester, 1902; president Board of Health, Rochester. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associations, Southern Minne sota Medical Association, Olmsted County Medical and Surgical Society; vice president Minnesota Anti-Tubercu losis League. Mason. Married at Rochester, Minn., Oct. 19, 1898, Elsie van Campen. Club: Surgeons', of Roch ester (secretary and treasurer). Recrea tion: Collecting fungi. Address: Roch ester, Minn. CBOCKEB, Augustus Luther, real es tate; born at Paris, Me., May 4, 1850; graduate Bowdoin College; married at Princeton, Me., Jan. 3, 1883, to Miss Clara Peabody. Engaged in construction and management of steel works, 1877- 80; came to Minneapolis, 1880; now senior member firm of Crocker & Crow- ell. Was originator and first secretary of the Business Men's Union, 1890; president Board of Trade, 1893-97; first president Northwestern Business Fed eration, 1895; chairman executive com mittee International Deep Water Ways Association, 1895, Recreations: Boating and fishing. Address: 2517 Blaisdel Av., Minneapolis. CBOMB, John, banker; born in Scot land, Feb. 27, 1843; educated in Scot land. Came to America, June, 1869, and located in Minnesota; appointed by Gov. Austin as chairman board of county commissioners to organize Becker Co., 1871; was auditor of the county, 1873-84; register U. S. land office, at Crookston, 1881-85; has been engaged in banking at Crookston since Nov. 4, 1881. President Merchants' National Bank. Republican. Member Masonic order, B. P. O. E. Address: Crookston, Minn. CBOOKS, John Stearns, lawyer; born at Detroit, Mich., July 10, 1876; son of Samuel Stearns and Amelia M. (Coryell) Crooks; removed with family, from De troit to St. Paul, 1883; educated in St. Paul public schools and ^studied law in the offices of Kueffner & Fauntleroy and later with Clapp & Macartney; grad uated from Law Department, University of Minnesota, 1898. Member Ramsey County Bar Association. Presbyterian. Married. 1899, to Grace W. White of St. Paul. Club: St. Paul Commercial. Recreations: Boating and outdoor ath letics. Office: New York Life Bldg. Residence: 654 Laurel Av., St. Paul. CBOSBY, Francis M., jurist; born at Wilmington, Vt, Nov. 13, 1830; son of Eliel and Thankful (Allen) Crosby; educated in common schools and acad emy; married at Cherry Valley, N. Y., Oct. 23, 1872, Miss Helen S. Bates. Member Vermont Legislature, 1855-6; located at Hastings, Minn., 1858; elected judge of probate, Dakota Co., 1860, and has been judge of the 1st judicial dis trict since 1872. Republican. Address: Hastings, Minn. CBOSBY, George Howard, general mining; born at Hastings, Minn., July 24, 1865; son of Charles Whitmarsh and Almira G. (Smith) Crosby; educated in common and parish schools, Hastings. Began active career as clerk in art store, continuing, 1887-89; engaged in art business, 1890-91; identified with real estate and mining, 1891-1905; has been engaged in general mining enter prises, since 1905. President Globe In vestment Co., Charlotte Mining Co.; vice president Zeno Iron Co.; secretary and treasurer, Sullivan Copper Development Co.; general manager Copper Queen Min ing & Smelting Co. Also holds office of Imperial Good Samaritan Modern Samaritans. Member Modern Samari tans, Knights of Maccabees, B. P. O. E„ Modern Woodmen, Royal League. Mar ried at Duluth, 1899, to Miss Charlotte V. Stultz. Clubs: Kitchi Gammi, Com mercial, Northland Country, Duluth Yacht, Duluth Boat, Duluth Curling. Recreations: Outdoor exercises. Office: Donsdale Bldg. Residence: 2029 E. Su perior St., Duluth. CBOSBY, John Abbott, physician; born at New Buffalo, Mich., Dec. 10, 1854; son of Hale E. and Mary (Cham berlain) Crosby; educated in public schools, Olivet College, degree of B.S., 1878, Harvard Medical College, degree of M.D., 1882; married at Big Rapids, Mich., June 25, 1884, to Adelaide R. Upton. Came to Minnesota, 1883, and began practice of medicine at Minne apolis. Independent in politics. Con gregationalist. Member Hennepin County Medical Society, Minnesota State and American Medical associations. Office and residence: 3018 Dyndale Av., S., Minneapolis. CBOSBY, Oliver, president American Hoist and Derrick Co.; born at Dexter, Me., Jan. 29, 1856; son of Hon. Josiah and Mary B. (Foss) Crosby; graduated as mechanical engineer from University of Maine; married at St. Paul, Minn., 1878, to Miss Elizabeth I. Wood. Began business, 1882, with small machine shop at 459 Robert Street, with four men; , had blacksmith shop, foundry and ma chine shop in 1886, when he moved shops to West. St. Paul and built the Crosby Block, on S. Robert St. Built large lo comotive crane for Mare Island Navy Yard, 1895; contracted, 1897, for U. S. mortar carriages for Ordnance Depart ment, and increased size of plant. In ventor and patentee of the Crosby Wire Rope Clip, the American Log Loader, THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 111 American Railroad Ditcher, American Locomotive Crane and many minor de vices connected with engine and derrick business — twenty patents in all; em ploys 550 men and has trade in every State of Union; in South America, Nor way, Japan, Hawaii, Porto Rico, etc. President American Hoist and Derrick Co., West Side Power, Heat and Light Co., Los Angeles Land and Water Co. Mason, Knight Templar and Shriner. Recreations: Gardening, Automobiling and working with tools. Clubs: Minne sota, Commercial, Town and Country. Office: 63 S. Robert St. Residence: 804 Lincoln Av., St. Paul. CBOSBY, Wilson Gardner, lawyer; born at Edgartown, Mass., Jan. 16, 1861; son of Shipley Wilson and Elizabeth (Coffin) .Crosby; graduate Brown Uni versity, degree of A.B., 1883; student at Harvard Law School, 1887-1889; mar ried, 1st, 1890, Mary Eleanor Jackson (died, 1891); 2nd, at Washington, D. C, 1898, to Miss La Burtte Shepard. Was admitted to the bar, 1889, and has prac ticed in Duluth since. Attorney for Du luth Board of Education since 1898, and for St. Louis County, in civil matters, 1901-07. Member Minnesota State and American Bar associations. Scottish Rite Mason. Clubs: Kitchi Gammi, Northland Country, Commercial. Office: 604 1st National Bank Bldg. Residence: 2107 E. 1st Street, Duluth. CROSS, Willard Bergen, wholesale dry goods; born at Batavia, N. Y., May 20, 1861; son of Willard Nelson and Francis A. (Bergen) Cross; educated at high school, Auburn, N. Y. Came to the Upper Lakes country, 1882; began active career at Marquette, Mich., as bookkeeper for C. H. Call & Co., wholesale hard ware, continuing 5 years; was treasurer Iron Bay Co., manufacturers of iron machinery, which moved plant from Marquette to Duluth in 1890; one of in corporators of Sagar Drug Co. (whole sale), and secretary of the company until 1900; began as secretary with F. A. Patrick & Co., wholesale dry goods, in 1900 (organized and incorporated same year) of which has been treasurer since Aug. 7, 1906. Director Cumberland Cranberry Co., F. A. Patrick Building Co. Member N. Y. N. G., at Auburn, N. Y. ; city treasurer Marquette, Mich., 1885. Club: Commercial. Office: 5th Av., W. and Commerce St. Residence: 218 5th Av., E., Duluth. CBOWE, John, physician and surgeon; born at Peterboro, Ont, Can., Nov. 17, 1868; son of Charles and Margaret Jane (Hall) Crowe; educated at Peterboro Collegiate Institute, . Peterboro, Ont., Can., and University of Michigan. Has been engaged in practice of medicine since June 21, 1901. Married at Salem, Ind., Oct. 26, 1904, to Miss Elizabeth Belle Tucker. Health officer, Virginia, Minn., 1903-05; deputy coroner St. Louis Co., since 1904. Surgeon New York State Steele Co., Mayas Iron Co. Mem ber American and Minnesota State Medi cal associations, St. Louis County Medi cal Society. Medical examiner Modern Woodmen of America, Royal League, Modern Samaritans, Ladies of the Mac cabees, etc. Republican. Episcopalian. Clubs: Virginia, Algonquin (Hibbing). Address: Virginia, Minn. CBOWLEY, John P., secretary and treasurer St. Paul Gas Light Co.; born Mendota, Minn., Jan. 13, 1862; son of Philip and Catherine (O'Shaughnessy) Crowley; attended public schools of Mendota and West St. Paul, Minn.; took course of instruction under father and mother, who were both teachers (father was county superintendent of schools of Dakota County, Minn., for 8 years) ; also completed course in Faddis Com mercial College; married, St. Paul, Minn., Jan. 21, 1905, Mary E. Grathwol. Served apprenticeship as job printer with Ramalay & Cunningham, 1876-80; compositor on St. Paul Dispatch, 1880; assistant bookkeeper, 1880-83, chief bookkeeper, 1883-86, to Breuer & Rhodes and Rhodes & Morton, wholesale iron and heavy hardware; bookkeeper and cashier, 1887-98, secretary since April, 1898, treasurer since Oct., 1900, of Edi son Electric Light and Power Co., of St. Paul; appointed chief clerk, Oct. 1, 1898, secretary since Jan. 16, 1899, and treasurer since April 19, 1900, of St. Paul Gas Light Co. Member American Gas Institute. Club: Commercial. Office: N. W. Cor. 6th and Jackson Sts. Residence: 921 Goodrich Av., St. Paul, Minn. CBUZEN, W. E., banking; born at Waverly, Minn., Nov., 1872; son of J. W. and Hannah Cruzen; educated at Macalester College, St. Paul, Minn. En tered the banking business in 1900 and is now cashier of the Bank of Becker. Married at Minneapolis, Minn., Sept. 10, 1901, to Miss Eva L. Kimberly. Ad dress: Becker, Minn. CULLUM, Marcus B., mayor of Du luth; born at Laurel, Ind., Dec. 3, 1856; son of Richard Henry and Mary (Con- well) Cullum; educated in public schools; private school, Boston, Mass.; Alfred University, New York. Began career as a dentist in 1875 and has. been practicing in Duluth since 1888. Now serving second term as mayor, Duluth, term expiring March, 1908. Member Minnesota State Dental Society, Minnesota State Dental Board, Minnesota Semi-Centennial Com mission. Married at Winona, Minn., 1894, to Miss Jane Adams. Clubs: Com mercial, Kitchi Gammi, Northland Country. Recreations: Fishing and hunting. Office: New Jersey Bldg. Residence: 2020 E. 2nd St., Duluth. 112 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS CUMMINGS, D. S., physician; born in Otsego Co., N. Y., Nov. 17, 1850; edu cated in common schools, The Shattuck School, Faribault, Minn., University of Michigan, graduating, degree of M.D., from latter, 1876; graduate Chicago Medical College, department of North western University. Began the practice of iriedicine at Waseca, Minn., in 1876. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associations, American Associa tion of Railway Surgeons. Member Ma sonic orders. Married at Waseca, 1897, to Miss Martha E. Ward. Address: Waseca, Minn. CUMMINGS, Samuel, fruit and produce; born at Bunker Hill, 111., Nov. 23, 1855; son of J. W. and Frances M. (Hutchinson) Cummings; educated in public schools of Illinois and at St Paul and Zumbrota, Minn. First came to St. Paul, 1873, and has been a resident of that city since 1880; for a number of years traveling salesman for wholesale dry goods firm of St. Paul; has been at the head of Samuel Cummings Co. since 1882, and its president and treasurer since- incorporation, 1904. Member St. Paul Produce Exchange, St. Paul Board of Trade. Married at St Paul, Jan. 7, 1886, to Miss Phoebe Emery. Republi can. Congregationalist. Office: 103 E. 3rd St. Residence: 699 Hague Av., St. Paul. CUBBAN, George Bobert, physician; born near Cannon Falls, Minn., July 1, 1863; son of Charles C. and Rebecca (Clark) Curran; educated in Hastings (Minn.) High School; Carleton College, Northfield, Minn., degree of B.S., 1887 (M.S., 1905); University of Michigan, M.D., 1892; post graduate courses at Harvard, 1900 and 1905, also one year in Vienna, Hamburg, Brunswick, Paris and London, 1902. Married at Minne apolis, Minn., 1892, to Miss Katherine E. Manson. Began practice at Worth- ington, Minn., 1892; located in Mankato, 1903; surgeon to St. Joseph's and the Immanuel hospitals and Chicago & Northwestern Ry. Co. Surgeon 2nd Regt, M. N. G. (lieut). Was coroner Nobles Co. and member board of edu cation, Worthington. Member Blue Earth County, Southwestern Minnesota and Minnesota Valley Medical societies, Minnesota State and American Medical associations. Republican. Congregation alist. ¦ Member B. P. O. E., A. F. & A. M. Club: Commercial. Address: Mankato, Minn. CURRIER, Frederick M., confection ery; born in Boston, Mass., 1852; edu cated in Boston public schools. Came to Minnesota and began in confection ery business. Member of firm of Rosenberg & Currier, manufacturing and wholesale confectioners. Also director First National Bank, mayor of Mankato 2 years; member State Legislature, 1890-91. Presbyterian. Address: Man kato, Minn. CUBBIEB, Frederick Wilbur, glass; born at Tomah, Wis., Aug. 30, 1872; son of Frank and Ella (Abbott) Currier; educated in Minneapolis public schools; graduate University of Minnesota, Col lege of Law, degree of LL.B., 1893. En tered service of Pittsburg Plate Glass Co , in 1886, and has been its Northwest ern manager since 1899. Republican. Mason. Clubs: Commercial, Minikahda, Amateur Athletic Association. Recrea tions: All classes of athletic exercises. Office: 500-516 S. 3rd St. Residence: 2019 Kenwood Parkway, Minneapolis. CUBBY, Howard Montreville, railway official; born in Ogle Co., 111., Jan. 6, 1861; son of James D. and Dodema (Kirk) Curry; educated in the public schools of Freeport, 111. Began career in the mechanical department of the Northern Pacific Ry. Co., at Brainerd, Minn., April 8, 1880, and has been con tinuously with the road in the follow ing positions: Shop and engine man un til 1891, when he was appointed road foreman of engines, with headquarters at Brainerd; master mechanic, Dakota and Yellowstone divisions, with head quarters at Fargo, N. D., Nov. 1, 1901; transferred to St. Paul, Minnesota divi sion, as master mechanic, headquarters, Staples, Minn., Dec. 1, 1902; appointed general master mechanic, territory east of Billings, Mont, Feb. 26, 1905. Mem ber American Master Mechanics' Asso ciation. Mason, Knight Templar, Shrin er. Office: General Office Northern Pa cific Ry. Residence: 1005 Hague Av., St. Paul. CUBTIS, Henry Russell, manufactur ing stationer and printer; born at Rock Island, 111., Nov. 1, 1858; son of Col. Henry and Lucy Reed (Osborn) Curtis; educated in public schools of Rock Island, 111.; Allen's English and Classic al School, West Newton, Mass.; Woburn (Mass.) Academy; Massachusetts Insti tute of Technology, Boston; United States Military Academy, West Point, N. Y. Married at Perth Amboy, N. J., 1883, to Margaret Elizabeth Parker. En gaged since 1882 in stationery and printing business, incorporated, 1886, since which time he has been president of the Curtis Printing Co. Club: Com mercial. Office: 355 Minnesota St. Resi dence: The Angus, St. Paul. CUSHING, Luther S., real estate and investments; born at Boston, Mass., 1857; son of George A. and Lucia W. (Mitchell) Cushing; educated in public and private schools in New York; mar ried at Boston, Mass., 1902, to Marie W. Wiesinger. Came west to Council Bluffs, Iowa, twenty-five years ago and became bookkeeper in notion store; three years later returned to Boston and took up land and mortgage business; came THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS 113 to St. Paul, 1886, and took up present line, being agent for a number of large corporations, trustees and private prop erty owners. Director of the Minneap olis General Electric Co.; general man ager of the Boston and Northwest Real Estate Co. President Business League. Member of Society Colonial Wars, also the Sons of the Revolution and life member Minnesota Historical Society. Clubs: Minnesota, Commercial, Town and Country, White Bear Yacht, Minne apolis (Minneapolis) City Club (New York). Recreations: Aquatic sports. Office: Endicott Bldg. Residence: 123 Nina Av., St. Paul. CUTLER, Dwight Gilbert, salt, etc.; born at Amherst, Mass. Has been a resident of Duluth since 1880; became identified with salt, lime and cement business, 18S3, and is president and treasurer of the wholesale firm of D. G. Cutler & Co. Office: Providence Bldg. Residence: 231 W. 3rd St., Duluth. CUTLEB, Edward Hutchins, wholesale druggist; born at Boston, Mass., May 3, 1848; son of William Jonathan and Lucia (Washburn) Cutler; educated in N.. Minneapolis. public schools, fitting for Harvard Uni versity until 15 years of age, when, on account of ill health of his brother, came with him to Minnesota in fall of 1863, and spent four years on a farm a few miles from St. Paul; studied under private tutors and made extended trip to Europe; married at Boston, June 13, 1872, to Lucy Carter Dunbar. Became employe of house of Noyes Brothers, 1870, and on April 1, 1871, was taken in as partner and firm name was changed to Noyes Brothers & Cutler, wholesale jobbing and manufacturing druggists — • the oldest and largest in its line in the Northwest. Director First National Bank of St. Paul. Served three years in the National Guard. Treasurer St. Paul Society of the New Jerusalem Church. Member Minnesota Historical Society, Society of Colonial Wars, Society Sons of the Revolution. Clubs: Minnesota Boat (one of the original members), Minnesota, Town and Country. Office: 396-408 Sibley St., cor. 6th St. Resi dence: 360 Summit Av., St. Paul. CUTLEB, William Washburn, lawyer; born at St. Paul, Minn., March 22, 1873; son of Edward H. and Lucy C. (Dun bar) Cutler; attended St. Paul public schools, Harvard College, A.B., 1894, Har vard Law School, LL.B., 1897. Was ad mitted to the bar in Minnesota, 1898, and since that time has practiced law in St. Paul. Member Phi Beta Kappa and Delta Upsilon fraternities. Married at Newton, Mass., Oct. 29, 1900, to Martha Carter. Clubs: Minnesota, Har vard. Office: Pioneer Press Bldg. Resi dence: 993 Goodrich Av., St. Paul. CUTTING, Frank H., special judge of municipal court; born at Kalamazoo, Mich., Sept. 12, 1862; son of William B. and Mary A. (Ranney) Cutting; edu cated at Vermont Academy, Saxton's River, Vt; University of Michigan, Daw Department, graduating, degree of LL.B., 1885. Admitted to the bar in St. Paul, 1885; located in Duluth, and be gan active practice of law, 1886; was elected special judge of municipal court Duluth, March, 1905, a position he now hol'ds. Democrat. Member I. O. O. F., Scottish Clan, B. P. O. E. Married at Duluth, 1896, to Miss Amalia Darcher. Office: City Hall. Residence: Duluth. CUTTS, Anson B., railway official; born at Lillington, N. C, Oct. 23, 1866; son of Addison D. and Deborah A. (Bai ley) Cutts; educated at Chatham Acad emy, Savannah, Ga., and Middle Georgia Military College, Milledgeville, Ga. ; married at Minneapolis, Minn., June 5, 1895, to Edna B. Stokes. Entered rail way service Sept. 1, 1884, as clerk in the ticket and auditing department Chi cago & Alton Ry., and has continued in railway service consecutively as fol lows: chief rate clerk auditor's office Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Ry., 1887-90; chief rate clerk general passenger department Great Northern Ry., 1890-92; chief clerk general ticket and passenger department Minneapolis & St. Louis Rd., 1892-94; general pas senger and ticket agent same road, Jan. 1, 1894, to the present time; also gen eral ticket and passenger agent Iowa Central Ry. President Aitkin Farm Co. Clubs: Minikahda, Bryn Mawr, Lafay ette. Recreation: Golf. Office: Metro politan Bldg. Residence: 1941 Irving Av., S., Minneapolis. D CVAB, Charles Henry, telepho'ne engi neer; born at Minneapolis, Minn., April 22, 1880; son of James and Lydia (Cole) Cvar; common school education; mar ried at Minneapolis, FeD. 18, 1904, to Miss Hazel Butler. Has been connected with various electrical and telephone companies throughout the United States since 1899; president Telephone Ap pliance Co.; general superintendent Northern Telephone Co.; member Min nesota State Board of Electrical Exami ners. Contributor to technical press. Office: Minot, N. Dak. Residence: 2100 E. 29th St., Minneapolis. DAFOE, Charles E., railway official; born at Aultsville, Ont, Can., Nov. 5, 1859; son of Erastus and Elizabeth Da- foe; educated in public schools of Can ada. Began active career in service of Grand Trunk Ry., 1873, holding positions of operator, agent and ticket clerk, up to 1883; was operator Great Northern 114 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS Ry., at Minneapolis, 1883-84; clerk to trainmaster Minneapolis & St. Louis Rd., 1884-86; train dispatcher, same road, 1S86-90, and chief train dispatcher, 1890- 97; trainmaster, 1897-1900; trainmaster Chicago Great Western Ry., at St. Paul, 1900-01; superintendent W. M. & P. di vision at Red Wing, Dec, 1901; super intendent Northwest division, same road, at St. Paul, since Dec. 1, 1902. Married at Belleville, Ont, 1887, to Miss Effie M. Hudgins. Club: Commercial. Office: Met. Opera Bldg. Residence: 255 Sum mit PI., St Paul. DAGGETT, George Henry, grain; born in Newburyport, Mass., 1861; son of Daniel Curtiss and Mary Elizabeth (Brown) Daggett; educated in public schools and by private instruction. Was in employ of Bacon & Everingham and Everingham & Co., 1879-82; was with Charles Ray & Co. and Rumsey & Buell, 1882-85; Rosenbaum Bros., 1885-89; came to Minnesota and was connected with The Van Dusen-Harrington Co., 1889-92; has been at the head of the grain firm of George H. Daggett & Co., since 1892, establishing house in Chi cago, 1898. Member Minneapolis and Baltimore chambers of commerce, Chi cago and Duluth boards of trade, St. Douis Merchants' Exchange. Was lieu tenant Wis. Nat'l Guard. Republican. Universalist. Member executive council Sons of the Revolution, executive coun cil Minnesota Commandery, Doya.1 Le gion, by inheritance; deputy governor Society of Colonial Wars. Lecturer, upon invitation, before patriotic socie ties. Mason (33°). Married at Milwau kee, Wis., 1885, to Miss Mary Bedoes Hughes. Clubs: Lafayette, Town and Country, Minnesota, Automobile, Com mercial. Office: Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Residence: 40 Groveland Terrace, Minneapolis. DAHL, Amund, banker; born in Nor way, Sept. 12, 1859; came to America, and located in Lake City, Minn. ; educated" in public schools of Lake City and Pepin Co., Wis. Has been presi dent of Renville Co. State Bank since 1903; post master of Bird Island, 1902- 06. Married at Bird Island, 1896, to Miss Cora B. Donahue. Address: Bird Island, Minn. DAHL, Gerhard A., physician; born at Dell, Minn., June 23, 1872; son of Torger H. and Mathia (Theige) Dahl; educated in public chools; at Luther College, Decorah, la., graduating, degree of A.B., 1893; Hahnemann Medical College, Chi cago, graduating, degree of M.D., 1897; married at Mankato, Minn., 1903, to Miss Alma Hanson. Born and reared on a farm; has been engaged in practice at Mankato, since 1897. Homeopathist. Vice president Blue Earth County Med ical Society, Minnesota State Homeo pathic Institute. Republican. Dutheran. Member A. O. U. W., Royal Arcanum, M. B. A. Address: Mankato, Minn. DAHLEM, Albert Julius, merchant; born at Stuttgart, Wurtemberg, Ger many, March 1, 1844; son of Christian and Wilhelmine Dahlem (nee Wahmer). Self-educated. Came to America, 1853, and served three years in Co. D, 10th II. S. Inf., sergeant, 1865-68, witnessing closing scenes of the Great Rebellion in Virginia and two years' frontier service in Dakota. Began mercantile career in retail tobacco business, at Sauk Centre, Minn., 1868, continuing for 10 years; entered general merchandise business and now owns and operates two stores in Sauk Centre, covering general lines of dry goods and groceries. Republican. Lutheran. Member G. A. R. Married at Sauk Centre, Minn., March 18, 1869, to Miss Caroline Rien. Recreation: Liter ature. Address: Sauk Centre, Minn. DAHLEN, Henry S., county auditor; born in Becker County, Minn., Feb. 25, 3.874; educated in public schools and completed commercial course at Fargo College, Fargo, N. D., 1896. Was elected county auditor of Becker Co., fall of 1904, and assumed office Jan. 3, 1905. Republican. Member Lutheran Church. Married at Audubon, Minn., June 12, 1900, to Miss M. Lydia Elfsater, of Westby, Wis. Club: Commercial. Ad dress: Detroit, Minn. DAHN, Herman J., grocer; born in Prussia, Germany, Nov. 20, 1858; came to America, 1866, his parents locating at Watertown, Wis., where he was edu cated in the public schools. Began act ive career in Minneapolis as clerk in grocery store, continuing from 1875-81; in grocery business under his own name since 1881. Director Germania Bank; president for 8 years past of the Retail Grocers' Association of Minneapolis; treasurer Retail Merchants' Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Former vice president Minnesota Retail Grocers and General Merchants' Association; member Board of Park Commissioners for 6 years. Democrat. Lutheran. Member Masonic order, I. O. O. F, A. O. U. W., Royal League. Married at Minneapolis, March 24, 1882, to Miss Emma R. Landwehr. Club: North Side Commercial. Recrea tion: Traveling. Office: 512-514 Ply mouth Av. Residence: 1609 Dupont Av., DAIGNEAU, F. Emerson, physician; born at Hubbardton, Vt., Oct. 1, 1862; son of John G and Henrietta (Dikeman) Daigneau; educated in public schools and Newton Academy, Shoreham, Vt. ; St. Hyacinth Seminary, St. Hyacinth, P. Q., Can.; University of Vermont, degree of M.D., 1886. Married at Portland, Me., 1888, to Alice Merrick. Began practice at Somersworth, N. H., 1886; removed to St. Paul, Minn., 1887, and practiced there for 5 years; has been in practice in Austin since July, 1892. Member THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 115 Mower County Medical Society, Minne sota State and American Medical asso ciations. Director Austin Public Li brary. Republican. Member Royal Ar canum, A. O. U. W. Club: Progressive League. Address: Austin, Minn. DALE, O. G., banking; born in Nor way, Feb. 7, 1861; came to America with parents, 1869, and to Minnesota, 1870; graduated from State Normal School, Mankato, Minn., advanced course, 1886. Engaged in teaching school, 1880-86; was county superin tendent of schools, Lac qui Parle Co., 1887-89; county auditor Lac qui Parle Co., 1889-1897; cashier Lac qui Parle County Bank, 1896-98; has been identi fied with real estate and loan business since 1898, under title of Dale & Has- lerud; State Senator since Jan., 1903; also has been cashier of Madison State Bank since Jan. 1, 1905. Republican. Married, Sept., 1892, to Miss Anna Peter son. Address: Madison, Minn. DALZELL, John A., lawyer; born at Waddington, N. Y., Oct. 14, 1861; son of Andrew and Isabel Dalzell; educated at State Normal School, Pottsdam, N. Y.; Hamilton College, Clinton, N. Y., grad uating, degree of A.B., 1884. Began practice at Waddington, N. Y., 1886; came to Minnesota, 1890, and has been engaged in practice at Morton since March, 1898. Republican. Member State Legislature, term extending to Jan., 1909. Married at Minneapolis, April 24, 1901, to Miss Evelyn McConnell. Ad dress: Morton, Minn. DAMFIEB, Charles Edward, physi cian; born at Waterloo, P. Q., Can., Jan. 5, 1854; son of Edward and Charlotte M. (Parmelee) Dampier; educated in common schools; Elgin (111.) Academy; Medical Department University of Mich igan, graduating, degree of M.D., 1878. Came to Minnesota, 1856; to Steele Co., 1861; Dakota Co., 1875; at Northfield until 1878. Began practice at Dell Rap ids, S. D., 1878; has been engaged in practice in Crookston since March 11, 1879. Health officer, Crookston. Local surgeon of Great Northern Ry., 20 years, and of Northern Pacific Ry., since 1890. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associations, Red River Valley Medical Society (ex-president). Mason, Knight Templar (commander Constan tine Commandery No. 20), Shriner; member B. P. O. E., A. O. U. W., M. W. A. Club: Territorial Pioneers. Rec reation: Tennis. Address: Crookston, Minn. DANA, Charles S., clerk of district court; born at Belvidere, 111., Sept. 25, 1851; son of Charles and Sally A. (Law rence) Dana; came to Minnesota with parents, 1856; educated in public schools of Goodhue Co.; married at Belvidere, 111., 1883, to Miss Lida Pilcher. Book keeper by profession, and engaged in it for 10 years; has been a resident of Red Wing since 1881; taught school in Goodhue Co.; deputy auditor of Good hue Co., 1887-1906; has been clerk of district court since Jan. 1, 1907. Re publican. Methodist. Member I. O. O. F., Royal Arcanum. Recreation: Reading. Address: Red Wing, Minn. DANIEL, Roderick Evans, insurance agent and adjuster of fire losses; born at Llangeitho, Wales, Great Britain, May, 1844; son of Evan and Mary (Evans) Daniel; educated in common schools and commercial school, Racine, Wis.; married, 1st, at Berlin, Wis., June 27, 1867, to Mary E. Lewis (died Dec. 1, 1887); 2nd, at Berlin, Wis., June 11, 1890, to Jeannette M. Jones. Immigrated from Wales and landed at Racine, Wis., 1848; lived on farm until 1859; black smith, Racine, 1859-62; served in Civil War in 22d Wis. Vol. Inf., 1862-65; went to commercial college and taught pen manship and bookkeeping, 1865; tele graph operator and station agent, Springfield, Wis.; employed in office of register of deeds at Oshkosh, Wis., and soon started as life insurance agent, then fire insurance for several com panies; in 1878, appointed by President Hayes as deputy collector of internal revenue for eleven counties in Wiscon sin; resigned, 1879, to accept a position to travel five States as special agent and adjuster for fire insurance com panies; now engaged as general adjuster of losses, also general agent for the Northwestern National Life Insurance Co., Minneapolis. Independent in poli tics. Club: Commercial. Office: Phoenix Bldg. Residence: 2418 W. 22nd St., Minneapolis. DANIELS, Franc Burchard, superin tendent American Express Co.; born at Cayuga, N. Y., May 8, 1848; son of John Horton and Frances Louise (Pom- eroy) Daniels; educated in high school, Grand Rapids, Mich., and Hamilton Col lege, Clinton, N. Y., graduating, 1871; married at Minneapolis, Minn., Oct. 6, 1886, to Florence D. Farrington. Has been connected with the American Ex press Co. since 1873; has been super intendent at St. Paul and Minneapolis since 1893. Republican. Presbyterian. Club: Commercial. Office: Davidson Blk., St. Paul. Residence: 2112 Ken wood Parkway, Minneapolis. DANIELS, John W., manufacturer; born, Piqua, O., 1857; son of Theo. L. and Catharine J. (O'Ferrall) Daniels; graduated from public schools, Piqua; married. Has engaged in linseed oil business since 1879, in connection with companies in Piqua; was director Amer ican Linseed Co., and manager of their plant at Buffalo, N. Y., 1898; built the plant of the Daniels Linseed Co., at Cleveland, O., and sold to Sherwin-Wil liams Co., 1902. Now president and di- 116 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS rector of the Archer-Daniels Linseed Co., Minneapolis, Minn; vice president and director Piqua Hosiery Co., and di rector Piqua Am. Bank. Republican. Episcopalian. Clubs: Minneapolis (Min neapolis); Minnesota (St. Paul); Piqua (Piqua, O.); Town and Country (St. Paul). Business address: P. O. Box 128, Minneapolis. Residence: Delwood, White Bear Lake, Minn. DANIELSON, Charles, general mer chant; born at Ottumwa, la., Jan. 1, 1867; educated in public schools of Cannon Falls, Minn. Began active ca reer as clerk in dry goods store, contin uing until 23; bought out Mr. West- man's interest in store and formed the firm of J. Danielson & Son; engaged in furniture business 32 years; disposed of dry goods business, 1903, and is now one of the partners in firm, which was organized in 1905, Mrs. G. Westman hav ing bought out estate of J. Danielson, the name of the firm then becoming C. Danielson Furniture Co., furniture, un dertaking and pianos; also a State li censed embalmer. Married at Cannon Falls, Minn., 1891, to Miss E. J. West- man. Address: Cannon Falls, Minn. DANNER, John J., president Twin City Iron & Wire Works; born at Cin cinnati, O., Feb. 22, 1860; son of John and Margaret Danner; came to Minne sota, 1868, and was educated in country schools of Dakota Co.; married in Da kota Co., May, 1884; to Miss Elizabeth Schindelderker. Raised on a farm; lo cated in St. Paul, 1881, and engaged as contracting carpenter until 1886; was identified with grocery business, 1886-95; established the Twin City Iron & Wire Works, 1895, incorporated, Jan. 1, 1901, and continues as president of the com pany. Republican. Lutheran. Member Builders and Traders' Exchange. Office: 106 E. 5th St. Residence: 664 Hall Av., St. Paul. DANZ, Frank, Jr., musical conductor; born in New York City, May' 11, 1851; son of Frank and Helen (Siebert) Danz; educated in parochial schools of New York City and at Manhattan College, graduating, 1864; musical education, New York City; married at St. Paul, 1871, to Miss Susan Hoffman. Began teaching music, 1867; was with Thomas Orchestra, New York City, 12 years, Philharmonic Society, N. Y., 13 years, Damrosch Concert Co., 7 years, and Mapleson Opera Co.; came to St. Paul, 1883, and has for 24 years been a leader in music in the northwest and for same length of time has been leader Metro politan Opera House Band, Minneapolis; also conductor Military Band and San- gerfests and teacher of violin. Member B. P. O. E., Druids, St. Peter's Society. Office and residence: 161 W. 6th St., St. Paul. DANZ, Jacob, 2nd, retired; born in New York City, 1852; son of Frank and Helen (Siebert) Danz; educated in schools of New York City and 3 years at Manhattan College, New York City; married, 1st, at St. Paul, Louise Esch (now deceased); 2nd, at St. Paul, to Miss Krank. Came to St. Paul, 1870; was trombonist and baritonist of the Great Western Band, for 20 years; was one of the organizers and superintendent of the Home & Danz Co., which was in business for 20 years, and then sold out to the American Can Co., of New. York. Democrat; was vice president Minnesota Game and Fish Commission under Gov. Lynn. Member B. P. O. E., Junior Pio neers. Residence: 924 Hague Av., St. Paul. DABBY, Benjamin Edwin, newspaper publisher; born at St. Eleanors, Prince Edward Island, Canada, Feb. 18, 1848; son of Edwin and Amelia (Williams) Darby. Began as a poor country boy; educated in district schools, grammar school, normal school and Prince of Wales College. Taught school at St. Eleanors, and other places in Canada, 1867-71; principal public schools, Zum- brota, Minn., 1871-72; principal public schools, Pine Island, Minn., 1872-73; principal public schools, Kasson, 1873- 74; has been publisher and proprietor of The People's Press, Owatonna, Minn., since Sept. 1, 1874. Director and secre tary Owatonna Public Dibrary for 6 years; director City Hospital, 1903-06, and served as secretary for three years, member Owatonna City Charter Commis sion, 1905-06; ex-secretary Owatonna Are department and ex-member board of education. Mason. Married at Char- lottetown. Prince Edward Island, Aug. 17, 1874, to Miss Annie Kate Barnard. Address: Owatonna, Minn. DABE, Arthur N., state expert print er; born in Onondago Co., N. Y., May 25, 1850; son of Alfred and Mary M. Dare; educated in common schools; married at 'Elk River, Minn., Miss Su san M. Albee. Came to Minnesota, 1867; 'editor Star News since 1875; member Minnesota Legislature, 1895-99 (speaker of the House, 1899). Has been state expert printer since May 1, 1903. Re publican. Mason (32°), Shriner; mem ber B. P. O. E. Address: Elk River, Minn. DABELIUS, August Benson, lawyer; born in Sweden, July 3, 1859; son of Andrew and Anna Darelius; came to America and located in Minnesota, Sept., 1873; educated in public schools, study ing for the bar in Law Department Uni versity of Michigan, graduating, degree of LL.B., 1899. In practice at Minneap olis since July, 1899. Was elected mem ber of House of Representatives, Minne sota State Legislature, 1901. Democrat. Married at Minneapolis, May 29, 1894, THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS 117 to Miss Tillie Hanson. Club: Odin. Office: New York Life Bldg. Residence: '609 11th Av., S., Minneapolis. DABBOW, Daniel C, physician; born at Neenah, Wis., Jan. 4, 1850; son of Daniel C. and Isabella (Murray) Dar- row; graduated from Rush Medical Col lege, Chicago, 111., degree of M.D., 1884. Owner and manager Darrow Hospital, Moorhead. Republican. Congregational ist. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associations, Clay-Becker County Medical Society. Member I. O. O. F. Married at Neenah, Wis., Jan. 4, 1872, to Miss Alice M. Stowe. Club: Commercial. Address: Moorhead, Minn. DABT, Charles Henry, merchant; born at Forest City, Minn., Feb. 5, 1862; son of W. H. and Calista (Willis) Dart; ed ucated in public schools. Has been en gaged in mercantile business since April, 1880; president Meeker County Abstract & Loan Co. Democrat. Member M. N. G. for 6 years; ex-president town council of Ditchfield; ex-mayor Litchfield; ex- county treasurer of Meeker Co.; . for 8 vears Minnesota State Senator. Married at Litchfield, Minn., Dec. 25, 1883, to Miss Nellie M. Lockwood. Address: Litchfield, Minn. DAUBNEY, James Walter, banker; born at Taylor's Falls, Minn., July 30, 1859; son of Wilson and Lucy A. (Whittemore) Daubney; common school education. Was county auditor of Win- nesheik Co., Iowa, for 7 years; entered banking and is president First National Bank, Lakefield, Minn., and First State Bank, Okabena, Minn. Member Masonic order, I. O. O. F., K. P., B. P. O. E. Married at Decorah, la., March 4, 1884, to Miss Clara E. Pike. Club: Commer cial (Minneapolis). Address': Lakefield, Minn. d'AUTBEMONT, Charles, Jr., lawyer, copper miner; born at Angelica, N. Y., Jan. 2, 1851; son of Charles and Sarah (Collins) d'Au tremont; educated at academy, Lausanne, Switzerland; Cor nell University; Columbia College; Col lege of New York. Married at Elmira, N. Y., 1880, to Miss Hattie Hart. Came to Minnesota, 1882; was engaged in practice .of law, 1876-96; has devoted his attention to copper mining sinpe 1896. County attorney St. Louis Co., Minn., 1884-86; mayor City of Duluth, 1892-94. Democrat. Clubs: Kitchi Gam mi, Commercial, Duluth Boat, Duluth Yacht, Duluth Curling and Northland Country. Recreations: Shooting, fishing and traveling. Office: 714 Torrey Bldg. Residence: 1401 E. 1st St., Duluth. DAVIDSON, Alexander R., banker; born in Glencoe, Ont., July 10, 1855; son of William and Christina (McRae) Davidson; educated in public schools of Glencoe, 1863-70; college, London, Ont, 1870-74; married at Little Falls, Minn., 1892, to Miss Laura M. Tanner. Lo cated in Wisconsin, 1874; studied teleg raphy and became station agent and op erator G. B. & M. Ry. in Wisconsin, and Chicago & Northwestern Ry. in Minne sota; represented Warder, Bushnell & Glessner Co., as general agent at Sioux City, la., and Winona, Minn., and as special agent at Chicago, 111. Began banking at Little Falls, Minn., estab lishing the First National Bank, 1889, and was its cashier until Jan. 1, 1907, when he was made president. Also president First National Bank, Atkin, Bank of Pierz, Bank of Randall; direc tor First National Bank, Hubbing, First National Bank, Virginia, First National Bank, Ely, Bank of Hutchinson, Citi zen's National Bank, Wahpeton, N. D., Member Saskatchawan Valley Land Co., Ltd., Saskatchawan Valley & Manitoba Land Co., Ltd. (both companies handling agricultural lands exclusively), Colum bia River Lumber Co., Ltd., Davidson & McRae, Ltd., pine lands, mills, insur ance, farm loans, etc. Owner of 56 im proved farms in Minnesota. Republican. Member Masonic order, Blue Lodge Chapter, Commandery, Shrine. Clubs: Minnesota (St. Paul); Manitoba (Win nipeg, Can.). Address: Little Falls, Minn. DAVIES, Joseph, county superintend ent of schools; born in Watonwan Co., Minn., Sept. 27, 1867; graduate of Man kato State Normal School, class of 1896. Has been county superintendent of schools, Watonwan County, since Jan. 1, 1899. Republican. Mason. Married at Claremont, Minn., June 28, 1905, to Miss Margaret Cumberland. Address: St: James, Minn. DAVIS, Charles Russell, congressman, lawyer; born at Pittsfield, 111., Sept. 17, 1849; came to Le Sueur, Minn., 1853; graduate St. Peter High School, 1865; took private instruction for two years; was at business college, 1867-68; stud ied law in office of Judge Alfred Wal- lin, now chief justice N. Dakota. Mar ried at Chicago, 111., 1874, to Miss Emma Haven. Admitted to bar, March 6, 1872; was county attorney Nicollet Co., 10 years; city clerk xand city attorney, St. Peter, 18 years; member Minnesota Deg- islature, 1888; State Senator, 1890; mem ber of Congress, 3rd Minn, district, since 1903. Republican. Address: St. Peter, Minn. DAVIS, Christopher L., superintend ent schools of Steele Co.; born in Steele Co., Jan. 7, 1875; son of Robert and Mary (Christenson) Davis; educated in Owatonna High School; married at Owa tonna, 1901, to Miss Ida Suddendorf. Farmed in summer and taught school in winter for '9 years; county superintend ent of schools since Nov., 1904. Demo crat. Episcopalian. Member Minnesota Educational Association. Member Ma- 118 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS sonic order, M. W. A., Yeomen. Address: Owatonna, Minn. DAVIS, Delivan B., assistant manager La Crosse Implement Co.; born in War ren Co., Pa., Dec. 4, 1856; son of Samuel C. and Emily J. Davis; educated in pub lic schools and seminary. Began active career in Martin Co., Minn., as farmer, continuing in Martin and Dodge counties until 1892; was travelling salesman for La Crosse Implement Co., 1892-1901; came to Minneapolis, 1901, as assistant manager, the position he now holds. Re publican. Congregationalist. Married in Dodge Co., Minn., 1878, to Miss Ella Stanton. Office: 322 3rd Av., N. Resi dence: 3107 2nd Av., S., Minneapolis. DAVIS, Frank A., paymaster Great Northern Ry. ; born at Copley, O., June 23, 1844; son of Harvey and Clarissa Davis; educated in common school. Be gan railway career at Hudson, O., as switchman Cleveland & Pittsburgh, and Cleveland, Akron & Columbus Rys., Oct. 1, 1867; was clerk. in ticket and freight office at Hudson, 1869-74; clerk in audi tor's office, Mt. Vernon, O., same road, 1874-81; paymaster same road, 1881-82; clerk in auditor's office Great Northern Ry., at St. Paul, 1882-92; has been pay master same road since 1892. Married at Alliance, O., 1869, to Miss Hattie R. Nighman. Office: 3rd, N. W. Cor. Broad way. Residence: 731 E. 3rd St., St. Paul. DAVIS, Frederick Upham, physician; born at Faribault, Minn., Dec. 19, 1875; son of Rev. Geo. H. (D.D.) and Alice (Upham) Davis; educated in public schools of Boise, Idaho, and Brainerd, Minn.; University of Minnesota, degrees of B.S., 1898, M.D., 1902. Married at Mankato, Minn., Nov. 28, 1904, to Brna M. Lossow. Was 1st sergt. Co. D, 15th Minn. Vol. Inf., Spanish-American War; practiced medicine at St. Clair, Minn., 1902-06; in practice at Faribault since 1906. Member Rice County Medical So ciety, Minnesota Valley, Minnesota State and American Medical associations. Re publican. Episcopalian. Member Ma sonic order, M. W. A, I. O. F., R. N. A.; Phi Kappa Psi, Nu Sigma Nu. Address: Faribault, Minn. DAVIS, George William, clergyman; born at Rochester, England, Aug. 3, 1858; son of George and Ann (Spence- laugh) Davis; came to America, 1884; graduate Victoria University, Manches ter, Eng.; Yale University, New Haven, Conn., degree of Ph.D.; studied theology at Rochester (N. Y.) Theological Semi nary and Auburn (N. Y.) Theological Seminary; Macalester College; St. Paul, Minn., honorary degree of DD. Presby terian. Began ministry in England, 1881; came to America and occupied pastorates at Huron, N. Y„ and New Preston, Conn.; in charge of the First Presbyterian Church, Mankato, since 1901. Club: Social Science. Address: Mankato, Minn. DAVIS, Harry De Los, banking; born at Elk River, Minn., Jan. 7, 1871; son of George and Helen Melissa (Couillard) Davis; common school education. Began active career as clerk in the People's Bank, March 2, 1887; assistant cashier since 1893, and director since 1904. Re publican. Methodist. Married at Minne apolis, Sept. 15, 1906, to Miss Susan L. Clement. Recreation: Automobiling. Office: People's Bank of Minneapolis. Residence: "2721 Chicago Av., Minneap olis. DAVIS, Levi M., lawyer; born in Jack son Co., Ind., June 22, 1861; son of Samuel and Polly (Hughes) Davis; edu cated in public schools of Indiana and High School of Sauk Center, Minn. Has been engaged in practice of law at Long Prairie since 1883. Democrat. Appointed county attorney, Todd Co.. Nov., 1883; elected county attorney, 1904, and re elected, 1906; delegate to National Dem ocratic Convention at Kansas City, 1900, and alternate, St. Douis Convention, 1904. Member Masonic order, I. O. O. F., A. O. U. W., Modern Woodmen of America, Maccabees, Yeomen, Rebeccas, Royal Neighbors, Degree of Honor. Mar ried at Browerville, Minn., Sept., 1888, to Miss Minnie E. Hurlbut. Recrea tions: Hunting and fishing. Address: Long Prairie, Minn. DAVIS, Luther Alvin, physician; born at Harrisville, Pa., June 19, 1878; grad uated from Howard Lake High School, 1895; attended Macalester College and graduated from University of Minnesota, degree of M.D., 1901. Began practice of medicine, 1901. Democrat. Member of Park Region Medical Society, and Minnesota State and American Medical associations. Mason; member M. W. A. Married at Howard Lake, Minn., 1902, to Miss Maie Staples. Recreations: Hunting and fishing. Address: Dalton, Minn. DAVIS, Marvin H., agricultural imple ments; born in Chautauqua Co., N. Y., July 17, 1853; son of Samuel C. and Emma (Hamlin) Davis; came to Minne sota, 1872; completed education at Groveland Seminary, Minn. Entered sale of agricultural implements in Dodge Co., Minn., Sept., 1875, and has since been engaged in that line of business; began with La Crosse Implement Co., as traveling salesman, 1883; secretary and treasurer of the company, at Minne apolis, since 1901. Republican. Pres byterian. Married in S. Dakota, 1887, to Miss May E. Russell. Club: Com mercial. Recreations: Farming and raising fancy stock. Office: 316-330 -3rd Av., N. Residence: 3446 1st Av., S., Minneapolis. DAVIS, Robert S., banking; born at Augusta, Me., May 19, 1855; son of THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS 119 James S. and Emily (Sawtelle) Davis; came to Stillwater with parents, 1856, and was educated in the public schools; married at Stillwater, 1878, to Mira E. Brown. Began in banking business, 1877, with Lumbermen's National Bank, and was appointed cashier in 1884. Cash ier First National Bank, Stillwater, since 1898; treasurer Stillwater Water Co. Commissioned officer Co. K, M. N. G., for 3 years. Presbyterian. Member Masonic order, I. O. O. F., B. P. O* E., etc. Recreations: Hunting and fishing. Address: Stillwater, Minn. DAVIS, Spencer E., president and treasurer of Monitor Drill Company; born at Cazenovia, N. Y., 1841; son of Edmund and Ada (Curtis) Davis; edu cated in district school. His father was a farmer; began active career handling teams in the lumber woods; worked in rake factory and melodeon factory, at Syracuse, N. Y. ; clerked in hotel and spent a year as cattle drover (in early days called "drovers"). Enlisted in 114th Regt, N. Y. Vols., and passed through three years' service; partici pated in eight battles; life saved by .army and navy dictionary; five balls through clothing — not a scratch. At the close of the war, engaged in the grocery business for himself; sold out and moved to Wisconsin in 1866; engaged as shipping clerk and buyer for Van Bunt & Barber Manufacturing Co., three years; was baggageman Chicago, Mil waukee & St. Paul Ry. ; was superin tendent of blast furnace two years, and in 1872 resigned to engage in manu facturing agricultural implements at Horicon, vVis., moving factory to Minne apolis in 1S91. Has never missed a pay day in 35 years, 1872-1907. Through various changes the Monitor Drill Com pany, of which he is president and treasurer, acquired its present name, in 1902; also secretary and treasurer Cot tonwood Live Stock Co.; president and treasurer The Davis Rice Company. Re publican. Christian Scientist. Mason, Odd Fellow, Elk; member G. A. R. Club: Commercial. Recreations: Shooting and brook trout fishing. (Thirteen his lucky number: He left home at 13 years; en listed in Union Army on the 13th of August; began in manufacturing busi ness, 13th of June, with $1,300 capital.) Residence: 2104 Kenwood Parkway, Min neapolis. DAVIS, Wallace H., real estate, etc.; born at Kankakee, 111., Oct. 27, 1871; son of Alanson E. and Frances (Dean) Davis; came to Minneapolis, 1879; edu cated in Minneapolis public schools, Amherst College, degree of B.S., 1893; Harvard Law School, degree of LL.B., 1896. Unmarried. Admitted to Minne sota bar, 1898; vice president and coun sel for David P. Jones & Co., real es tate, etc. Republican. Presbyterian. Clubs: Six O'Clock, Roosevelt, Delta Kappa Epsilon. Recreations: All out door athletic sports. Office: 111 S. 4th St. Residence: 65 S. 11th St., Minne apolis. DAY, Eugene Harry, lumber; born at Minneapolis, Minn., May 26, 1867; son of John W. and Lavinia (Gray) Day; educated in Minneapolis public schools, Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass., and studied law at Universities of Wiscon sin and Minnesota; married at Minne apolis, June 24, 1896, to Mabel Con- key. Began business career, 1884, with J. W. Day & Co., manufacturers of lum ber, as scaler, was later salesman and in 1902, went into lumber business for self. Republican: Club: Commercial. Office: 511 S. 3rd St. Residence: 2729 Portland Av., Minneapolis. DAY, Frank A., editor and publisher; born in Green Co., Wis., Sept. 30, 1853; son of J. G. and Betsey W. Day; com mon school education. Has been a resi dent of Minnesota since 1874; president Sentinel Publishing' Co., publishers of Fairmont Sentinel, daily and weekly, es tablished by himself, 1874. Also private secretary to Governor Johnson since 1904. Democrat. Member of the State Senate, 12 years, House of Representa tives, 2 years; Chairman Democratic State Central Committee, 1904-06. Ma son; member I. O. O. F., M. W. A., A. O. U. W., Royal Arcanum. Married in 1884, to Miss Lucia A Howland. Recrea tion: Billiards. Office: State Capitol. Residence: Merriam Park, St Paul. DAY, Harwood Galusha, editor and publisher Freeborn County Standard; born at Jericho, Vt., July 15, 1844; son of Jonas Galusha and Betsey Washburn (Stroud) Day; educated in common and select schools of Attica, Wis., and Evansville (Wis.) Seminary; read law in office of Judge James Knowlton, Chicago, 111., completing course in law office at Webster City, la., and there was admitted to the bar, May 18, 1868. Engaged in practice of law at Esther- ville, la., 1868-78 and at Danesboro, Minn., 1878-83; has been at the head of The Standard Printing Co., Albert Lea, since 1883, publishers of Freeborn County Standard, established 1857. Also president Board of Park Commissioners; vice President Albert Lea Building and Loan Association. Enlisted as private in Civil War; detailed as clerk in as sistant quartermaster's department (post Q. M.), Army of the Cumberland, 1863-4; member House, Iowa Legisla ture, 1870-71; county attorney Emmet Co., Ia., 10 years; now member Minne sota Democratic State Central Com mittee and secretary Democratic County Committee, Freeborn Co. Inde pendent Democrat. Agnostic. Member Minnesota Editorial Association. Mason. Married at Blue Earth, Minn., May 22, 120 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 1871, to Miss Mary Howland. Club: Commercial. Address: Albert Lea, Minn. DAY, John S., surveyor and civil en gineer; born in Guelph, Ontario, Can ada, June, 1843; son of John Watson and Elizabeth (Elworthy) Day; educated in the public schools in Ontario and at Rockwood Academy, Rockwood, Ont, Canada. Left home in 1868 and went with the first missionaries (Methodists) to Winnipeg and the Saskatchawan; re turned as far as Minneapolis, Minn., in 1869 and located there; followed stair building until about 1879, when he set tled on a farm in Kandiyohi Co.; was elected county surveyor, Jan., 1902, which position he now occupies; also civil engineer in municipal and county public works, notably the Hawk Creek ditch system in Kandiyohi and Chippe wa counties and the Willmar ditch and sewer. Member Minnesota Surveyors' and Engineers' Society. Married, 1st, at Fergus, Ont, 1868, to Maggie Buchan (now deceased) ; 2nd, at Monticello, Minn., 1886, to Eda P. Perkins. Ad dress: Willmar, Minn. DAY, L. F., railway official; born in De Witt County, Illinois, April 4, 1858; son of George Allen and Mary (Hodges) Day; educated in public schools; mar ried at St. Douis, Nov. 7, 1894, to Maria Hopkins. Engaged in railway service since 1885; now president and director Minnesota, Dakota & Pacific Railway Co.; Iowa, Central and Western Ry. Co.; Ry. Transfer Co. of Minneapolis; vice president and director Minneapolis & St. Louis R. R. Co., Iowa Central Ry. Co.; Des Moines & Fort Dodge Ry. Co.; director Minnesota Transfer Ry., Se curity Bank of Minnesota. Clubs: Minneapolis, Commercial, Bryn Mawr, Minikahda, Lafayette (Minneapolis) ; Minnesota (St. Paul); Tennessee (Mem phis, Tenn.). Office: Metropolitan Bldg. Residence: 1225 Harmon Place, Minne apolis. DAYTON, David Draper, merchant; born at Geneva, N. Y., June 13, 1880; son of George p. Dayton; graduate high school, Worthington, Minn., 1897, and Princeton University, 1902; married at Minneapolis, Minn., Dec. 17, 1903, to Louise Winchell. Treasurer and gen eral manager of the Dayton Dry Goods Co.; secretary Minnesota Loan and In vestment Company. Presbyterian. Clubs: Commercial, Roosevelt, Garfield, West minster. Secretary and treasurer of the Princeton Alumni Association of the North West. Office: 7th & Nicollet Av. Residence: 2020 Blaisdell Av., Minne apolis. DEAN, Arthur J., agricultural imple ments; born at St. Paul, Dec. 14, 1871; educated in Minneapolis public schools. Began active career as clerk in the Minneapolis branch of Deere & Co., agri cultural implements, continuing until 1893 when his father organized the firm of Dean & Co., as wholesalers and job bers of agricultural implements and ve hicles, of which he is vice president. Methodist. Married at Minneapolis, May, 1894, to Cora P. Steele. Club: Commercial. Office: 404 Washington Av., N. Residence: 311 E. 16th St.; Minneapolis. DEAN, Melburn L., cashier Midway Bank; born at Bloomington, Minn., Nov. 2, 1880; son of Robert E. and Zilah (Tuckey) Dean; raised on a farm; edu cated in public schools and at State Agricultural College of Minnesota, grad uating, 1903. Began business career as carpet salesman in the store of W. Mc Veigh, St. Anthony Park, continuing, 1903-05; entered Midway Bank as ac countant and has been cashier since Dec. 1, 1905. Office: N. W. Fur. Ex pos. Bldg. Residence: 954 E. Bayless Av., St. Paul. DEAN, William Blake, merchant; born at Pittsburg, Pa, September 26, 1838; son of William and Aurelia (But ler) Dean; educated in public schools of Pittsburgh and Bolman's Academy, West Chester, Pa.; married at St. Paul, Minn., Oct. 18, 1860, to Mary C. Nicols; children: Caroline (Mrs. Frank S. Haupt), Aurelia (Mrs. Stephen D. de Forest), Alice (Mrs. John N. Jackson), William J., Georgie (Mrs. Chas. D. Clark), Sidney B., Helen. Established in wholesale iron and heavy hardware busi ness in St. Paul, in 1860, in firm of Nic ols & Dean, now the corporation of Nic ols, Dean & Gregg, in which he is a director. Also director in Great Northern Railway Co., Sec ond National Bank of St, Paul, State Savings Bank of St. Paul, Northwestern Trust Co., St. Paul Fire and Marine In surance Co., Oakland Cemetery. Trustee of the McCormick Theological Seminary, Chicago. Republican. Presbyterian. Member at times of Board of Fire Com missioners, Water Commissioners, Edu cation and Public Library. Member Minnesota State Senate, 1891-5. Presi dential elector on Blaine & Logan ticket, 1881. Member of Monetary Commission appointed by Indianapolis Convention. Clubs: Minnesota, Town and Country, Commercial. Office: 8th, Sibley and Tem perance Sts. Residence: 353 Summit Av., St. Paul. DEAN, William John, hardware mer chant; born at St. Paul, Minn., Sept. 11, 1869; son of William Blake and Mary (Nichols) Dean; educated in public schools of St. Paul and The Hill School, Pottstown, Pa.; married at St Paul June 19, 1894, to Laura C. Winter. En tered employ of Nichols & Dean, whole sale heavy hardware, Oct 17, 1887, as office boy; became a member of the firm in 1894, and when the partnership was THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 121 changed to a corporation, May 1, 1906, under name of Nichols, Dean & Gregg, was elected as secretary and treasurer of the company; also vice president Faeth Iron Co., Kansas City, Mo. Re publican. Presbyterian. Clubs: Min nesota, Nushka, White Bear Yacht. Office: 8th, Sibley and Temperance Sts. Residence: 514 Grand Av., St. Paul. DEABTH, Elmer Henry, general in surance and loans; born at Sangeville, Me., June 6, 1859; son of Henry L. and Mary B. (Drake) Dearth; educated in the high school at Dexter, Me., and at Foxcroft Academy, Foxcroft, Me., 1875-1879;- married at Le Sueur, Minn., June 26, 1889, to Nellie G. Doran. Taught school, 1879-1880; employed on Bangor Daily Whig and Courier, Ban gor, Me., 1880-1882; manager and editor Henderson Independent, Henderson, Minn., 1884-86; proprietor and editor Le Sueur News, Le Sueur, Minn., 1887-1891; deputy insurance commissioners of Minnesota, 1889-92; special agent for the Northwestern Equitable Life Insurance Co., of N. Y., 1892-97; insurance com missioner of Minn., 1897-99 and 1901- 1905; President National Association of Insurance Commissioners, 1899; member of the firm of Hughson & Dearth, since March, 1905, fire, marine and accident insurance and loans. Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner; member B. P. O. E., K. P. Republican. Congregation alist. Club: St. Paul Commercial (char ter member). Recreation: Fishing. Office: Pioneer Press Bldg. Residence: 528 Day ton Av.. St. Paul. DECKEB, Calvin Decker, purchasing agent University of Minnesota; born, Austin, Minn., Aug. 18, 1858; son of Jacob S. and Mary (Smith) Decker; at tended public schools of Austin and Carleton College, Northfield, Minn., graduating, degree of B.S., 1886; married at Austin, Minn., April 4, 1888, to Hen rietta Barnes. Was secretary Y. M. C. A., Sioux Falls, S. D., 1887-89; principal of schools, Herman, Minn., 1889-93; su perintendent city schools, Le Sueur, Minn., 1893-96; engaged in hardware business as Decker Brothers, Austin, Minn., 1896-1905; has been purchasing agent University of Minnesota since July 1, 1905. Address: University of Minne sota, Minneapolis. DECKEB, Edward Williams, banker; born at Austin, Minn., Aug. 24, 1869; son of Jacob S. and May Ann H. (Smith) Decker; born and brought up on farm; graduated .from Austin (Minn.) High School, 1887; married at Minneapolis, Feb. 24, 1892, to Susie May Spaulding. Entered Northwestern National Bank, Minneapolis, Sept. 5, 1887, as messenger; advanced to various positions; elected, Sept. 13, 1895, assistant cashier of the Metropolitan Bank of Minneapolis, and Dec. 8, 1896, elected cashier, same bank; elected cashier of Northwestern National Bank, Dec. 8, 1900, and on July 1, 1903, elected to present position as vice presi dent and general manager, same bank, of which is also a director. Director Northwestern National Life Ins. Co. Congregationalist. Director Young Men's Christian Association, trustee Windom Institute. Recreations: Hunt ing, fishing and automobiling. Mason. Clubs: Minneapolis, Commercial. Office: Northwestern National Bank. Residence: 1414 Harmon Place, Minneapolis. DECKER, Wilbur F., banking; born at Bowdoinham, Me., Nov. 7, 1856; son of James A. and Seraphina (Park) Decker; graduate University of Maine, 1878; married at Minneapolis, 1885, to Mary Elise Lyall. Came to Minnesota to take position as instructor in engineering de partment of University of Minnesota; resigned after a few years' service; en gaged in banking since July, 1903; now vice president St. Anthony Falls Bank, and director Northwestern Elevator Co. Republican; member Park Commission. Congregationalist. Member Minneapolis Society of Fine Arts, Minnesota Acad emy of Sciences, Minnesota Historical Society, Sons of American Revolution. Clubs: Commercial, Automobile. Office: Andrus Bldg. Residence: 525 Tenth Av., S. E., Minneapolis. DE HAVEN, Eugene P., wholesale paper jobber; born in Indiana, Dec. 16, 1869; son of John Doster and Lemarian (Rinker) De Haven; attended district schools of Cass Co., Ind.; graduated from American Normal College, Dogans- port, Ind., and from Cedar Rapids Busi ness College, Cedar Rapids, Ia. Began active career as bookkeeper at a saw mill in Missouri, 1888; came to Minne apolis, Jan. 1, 1889, and in September of the same year entered service of James H. Bishop & Co., wholesale paper dealers; now vice president McClellan Paper Co. Member U. T. C. of America. Married at Minneapolis, Sept. 26, 1894, to Miss Clara Wilson Tice. Club: Com mercial. Recreations: Traveling and fishing. Office: 245-249 1st Av., N. Residence: 2435 Pillsbury Av., Min neapolis. De La BABBE, William, civil engi neer; born at Vienna, Austria, April 15, 1849; son of Carl and Josephine de la Barre; educated at the Vienna (Austria) Polytechnic College. Came to the United States, 1865; resident of Philadel phia, Pa., 1865-78, acting as civil engi neer during greater part of that period; came to Minneapolis, 1878, and followed profession of civil engineering; has been connected with Minneapolis Mill Co., and St. Anthony Falls Water Power Co., since 1880. Engineer, agent and treasurer Minneapolis Mill Co. and St. Anthony Falls Water Power Co., incor porated, 1856. Director Pillsbury-Wash- burn Flour Mills Co. Republican. Mem- 122 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS ber American Society of Civil Engi neers, German Engineers' Society, of Germany. Married at Philadelphia, Pa., 1870, to Miss Louise Merian. Club: Commercial. Office: 508 1st St., S. Residence: 2525 Park Av., Minneapolis. DE LAITTBE, John, president Farm ers' and Mechanics' Savings Bank; born at Ellsworth, Me.. March 5, 1832; son of Charles and Rosalie L. (Desisles) de Laittre; educated in the common schools; married at Conway, N. H., July IS, 1865, to Miss Clara T. Eastman. Be gan active career in the cod fishery business. Went to California, 1852; en gaged in mining and lumbering; was one of party of eight white men whp first saw what has been called the 8th wonder of the world — the Washingtonia Giganteas of California; came to Min neapolis 1S65, and engaged in woolen and flour manufacturing business until 1869; entered into the manufacture of lumber under firm name of Eastman, Bovey, De Laittre Lumber Co., which was in corporated later as the Bovey-De Laittre Lumber Co., of which he is president. President Nicollet National Bank, 1884- 88, and is now president of the Farmers' and Mechanics' Savings Bank. Republi can. Elected mayor of St. Paul, 1877; appointed by Gov. J. S. Pillsbury state prison inspector, continuing for 7 years (reappointed by Governors Pillsbury and Hubbard). Office: Farmers' & Me chanics' Savings Bank. Residence: 24 Grove St., Minneapolis. DE LAITTRE, Karl, wholesale grocer and lumber merchant; born at Minne apolis, June 23, 1874; son of John and Clara T. (Eastman) De Laittre; edu cated in Minneapolis public and high schools; Harvard University, graduat ing, degree of A.B., 1897. Has been actively engaged in business in Minne apolis since leaving college; president North Fork Lumber Co.; secretary Green & De Laittre Company, importers and wholesale grocers. Republican. Repre sentative 38th district to State Legis lature, 1905. Clubs: Commercial, Min neapolis and Roosevelt. Office: 18-22 3rd St., N. Residence: 24 Grove PL, Minneapolis. DE LONG, George Palmer, lumber man; born in Saratoga County, N. Y., Jan., 1853; son of Zophar I. and Cath erine (Scott) De Long; educated in schools of New York State; married, March 3, 1877, to Cynthia D., daughter of J. V. Hawxhurst, of Eau Claire, Wis. Came West, 1872, to Eau Claire, Wis., where he was bookkeeper with Ingram, Kennedy & Co., lumber manufacturers; engaged in retail lumber business at Lansing, Iowa, 1877-78, as George P. De Long & Co., continuing at Zumbrota, Minn., 1878-83, then merged business in to the Wabasha Lumber Co., of which he was secretary until 1882, residing at Wabasha, Minn.; .then for 11 years was secretary Hudson Sawmill Co., of Hud son, Wis., until 1899; was with C. L. Chamberlain, established firm of De Long & Chamberlain, purchasing saw mill, planing mill and store of Nicker- son & Co., at Nickerson, Minn., continu ing until 1905, when he joined in organ izing the Stanton-De Long Lumber Co., of St. Paul, of which he is vice presi dent and secretary. Also president East ern Minnesota Lumber Co., Anoka, Minn.; vice president Bank of Hudson, of Hudson, Wis.; president of Oregon Timber Co., Oregon, and stockholder in Ingram-Day Lumber Co., of Lyman, Miss. Mason. Club: Commercial. Office: Manhattan Bldg., St. Paul. Resi dence: Nickerson, Minn. DE LONG, Scott Hawxhurst, lumber man; born at Zumbrota, Minn., June 3, 1883; son of George Palmer and Cynthia (Hawxhurst) De Long; graduated from Hudson (Wis.) High School and two years at University of Minnesota, tak ing course in mechanical engineering; unmarried. Left school and entered office of the Eddy Sash & Door Co., of Minneapolis, Minn., of which he soon after became treasurer; also stockhold er and treasurer of the Stanton-De Long Lumber' Co., of St. Paul. Member Phi Kappa Psi fraternity, of University of Minnesota. Office: 125-131 2nd St., N. E. Residence: 1229 7th St., S. E., Min neapolis. DENEGRE, James Denis, lawyer; born at New Orleans, La., May 5, 1868; son of William O. and Antoinette T. (Morgan) Denegre; educated at Phillips Exeter Academy, 1881-85; Princeton Uni versity, 1885-89, A.B., June, 1889, A.M., 1892; Law School, University of Minne sota, 1889-92, LL.B., 1891, LL.M., 1892. Unmarried. Began practice of law, Jan. 3, 1892. Member of Ramsey County, Minnesota State and American Bar as sociations. Republican. Episcopalian. Mason; member W. O. W. Clubs: Min nesota, Minnesota Boat. Office: Gilfillan Blk. Residence: 307 W. 6th St., St. Paul. DENNIS, Warren Arthur, physician; born at Sharon, Wis., December 5, 1869; son of Jesse and Annie Dennis; edu cated in public schools of Sharon, grad uating from high school, 1885; Univer sity of Wisconsin, 1887-91, degree of B.L. ; College of Medicine and Surgery, University of Minnesota, 1893-96, M.D. Interne St. Luke's Hospital, 1905-06, City and County Hospital, St. Paul, 1896-97; post graduate work at Johns Hopkins, Baltimore and Vienna, Austria. Entered upon practice of medicine at St. Paul, 1S96. Surgeon 35th Minn. Vol. Inf., at the time of the war with Spain. Mem ber Minnesota Academy of Medicine, Ramsey County Medical Society, Minne sota State and American Medical as- THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS 123 sociations. Unmarried. Office: Lowry Arcade. Residence: The Angus, St. Paul. DENNIS, W. Yale, president Yale Realty Co.; born Norwalk, Huron Co., Ohio, Jan. 10, 1868; son of Lloyd B. and Celestina (Yale) Dennis; educated in public schools and Norwalk High school, graduating with class of 1886; married, Norwalk, Ohio, May 1, 1890, Edith Woodward. Entered service of Motive Department Wheeling & Lake Erie Ry., Sept. 19, 1886, as locomotive fireman; promoted to engineer Dec. 6, 1889; re signed position March ZS, 1898, and came to Minneapolis to asume manage ment of seven-twelfths the estate of Washington Yale, left to mother, broth er, sister, and himself, thus being forced into real estate business; organized the Yale Realty Co. and Yale Land Co., of both of which he is president, and the Dennis-Mitchell Co., of which he is president and treasurer, through which companies he conducts business in real estate, farm lands, and the manage ment of office, mercantile and apartment buildings. Served eight years in O. N. G., in Co. G, 5th and 16th Regts. Inde pendent in politics. Royal Arch Mason, Knight Teiriplar and Shriner; member Royal Arcanum, Brotherhood of Locomo tive Engineers. Recreations: Automo biling, fishing. Club: Commercial. Office: 206 S. 4th St. Residence: 2002 Pillsbury Av., Minneapolis. DENSMOBE, Benjamin, Iron works; born in Orleans Co., N. Y., 1831; son of Orrin and Elizabeth (Fowle) Densmore; educated at Beloit College, Wis. ; mar ried at Cazenovia, N. Y., 1866, to Miss Sarah Greenland. Lived on a farm near Janesville, Wis., 1847-55; came to Red Wing, Minn., 1855, and learned trade of foundryman and machinist; served in War of the Rebellion, 1861-65, as mem ber of 3rd Minn. Vol. Inf. and as cap tain of the 4th U. S. Heavy Artillery (colored) ; returned to Red Wing at close of war and assisted in founding the Red Wing Iron Works, which have been in operation since 1866. Repub lican. Episcopalian. Address: Red Wing, Minn. DEBBY, George W. W. McClellan, major engineer corps, U. S. A.; born at sea; son of Captain George H. Derby, (U. S. A.); entered U. S. Military Acad emy from Missouri, July 1, 1874; ap pointed 2nd lieut. of engineers, June 14, 1878; became 1st lieut. Jan. 2, 1881; capt Dec. 1, 1887. Has been identified with river and harbor improvement work; was chief engineer, 5th Army Corps, Spanish-American War, campaign of Santiago. Member American Society of Civil Engineers. Residence: 213 S. Avon St., St. Paul. DESMOND, Michael Ambrose, physi cian; born at Rushford, Minn., Jan. 15, 1878; son of Michael Joseph and Kath erine (Wimsey) Desmond; graduate Rushford High School; College of Phy sicians and Surgeons, Chicago, graduat ing, degree of M.D., 1903. Has been engaged in practice of medicine at Ake- ley, Minn., since July 1, 1906. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associations, Upper Mississippi Medical Society. Unmarried. Address: Akeley, Minn. DETWEILER, Herbert B., Secretary and manager The Ron-Fernandez Cigar Co.; born at Doon, Ont, Can., Sept 21, 1882; son of Joseph S. and Nancy A. (Bricker) Detweiler; educated in public schools of Wolverton, Ont. Began ac tive career as bookkeeper, Toronto, Can., later residing for three years in London, Ont; came to Duluth, 1902, and became connected as bookkeeper with The Ron-Fernandez Cigar Co., manufac turers of high grade cigars, 1903; has been secretary and manager of the com pany, since Jan. 1, 1904. Secretary Minnesota Cigar Box Co.; president and treasurer Independent Cigar Co. Luth eran. Mason. Married at Duluth, June 1, 1904, to Miss Catherine Michael. Recreations: Athletics. Office: 102-104 W. Mich. St. Residence: 1825 Greyso- lon Rd., Duluth. DEUTSCH, Henry, lawyer; born at Minneapolis, Aug. 28, 1874; son of Jacob and Malchen Amelia (Valfer) Deutsch; graduate Law College, University of Minnesota, degree of LL.B., 1894; Law College, Yale University, degree of LL.M., magna cum laude, 1895. Was admitted to Minnesota bar, 1895. Re publican. Christian Scientist. Delegate to the Universal Congress of Lawyers and Jurists, St. Louis, 1904; 3d vice president Commercial Law League of America; member American and Min nesota Bar associations. Mason (32°), K. C. C. H., Scottish Rite Bodies, Shriner; member B. P. O. E., Royal Ar canum, W. O. W., Maccabees. Married at Philadelphia, 1898, to Miss Grace A. Levi. Club: Commercial (director). Office: New York Life Bldg. Residence: 2705 Fremont Av., S., Minneapolis. DEVEB, Charles S., law, real estate; born at Mabee, Ohio, 1869; son of Frank lin and Margaret (Slavens) Dever; edu cated at Ohio Wesleyan University, 1886-87; Denver University, 1888-89; University of Minnesota, graduating, 1892; Law Department University of Minnesota, graduating, 1893. From the commencement of his active career has been in business alone. Held office of city justice, 1895-96. Club: Commercial. Office: 537 Andrus Bldg. Residence: Minneapolis. DEVEBEUX, W. P., grain dealer; born at Oneida, N. Y., March 16, 1858; son of Patrick J. and Mary (McQuade) Devereux; educated in public schools 124 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS and graduated from Oneida High School, 1S76; married at St. Paul, Minn., 1895, to Annette E., daughter of James and Mary King. Partner Markham & Dever eux, 1882-85, and W. P. Devereux & Co., 1885-90, in grocery and produce business, Oneida, N. Y.; partner in Ken nedy & Devereux, grain dealers, St. Paul, 1890-92; since 1892 president W. P. Devereux Co. and Devereux Elevator Co. Roman Catholic. Served three years in 35th Separate Co., National Guard, State of New York. Clubs: Min neapolis, Gommercial, Automobile, Twin City Gun, Minnetonka Yacht, Artichoke Lake Gun. Office: Chamber of Com merce. Residence: 2215 Bryant Av., S., Minneapolis. DEVLIN, Edward H., clergyman; born in Kenosha Co., Wis., March 9, 1856; son of Peter and Mary (Blaney) Devlin; educated at St. Thomas College, St. Paul, Minn., and American College, Rome, Italy. Ordained priest of the Roman Catholic Church at Rome, 1895; began ministry in charge of church at New Richland, Minn., Dec, 1895; has been pastor of the Church of St. Augus tine, Austin, since June, 1896. Member CO. F. Address: Austin, Minn. DE WITT, Charles E., furniture; born at New York City, July 12, 1857; son of James R. and Alletta E. .(Hedges) De Witt; educated at Hamilton College, Clinton, N. Y. Began active career in banking business; located in Dtiluth, from Mbntrose, Pa., 1882; connected for a number of years with American Ex change Bank; was secretary and treas urer of the L. W. Leithhead Drug Co., 1898-1905; senior partner and president De Witt-Seitz Co. Republican. Presby terian. Married at Duluth, Oct. 14, 1897, to Miss Ellen M. Hubbard. Clubs: Commercial, Kitchi Gammi. Office: 16- 18 E. Michigan St. Residence: 931 E. 1st St., Duluth, Minn. DEVITT, Thomas E., postmaster; born at Clinton, Mass., Sept. 30, 1852; son of Anthony and Sara (Mullin) De- vitt; came to Minnesota with parents in 1855; attended country school, Dakota Co. Reared on a farm; began at 20 to learn the carpenter's trade which he followed for 20 years; was appointed postmaster at Rosemont in 1893, and still continues in that position. Married at Rosemont, Feb. 26, 1878, to Miss Ellen Hyland. Address: Rosemont, Minn. DE WOLF, Daniel French, grain mer chant; born at Bridgeport, Oneida Co.', N. Y., Jan. 22, 1863; son of Henry Hunt ington and Melissa E. (French) De Wolf; educated in public schools of In dianapolis, Ind.; married at Indian apolis, Drc 25th, 1885, to Jessica Whit- ridge. Came to Minnesota and began business career with the firm of J. A. Closser & Co., 1884; treasurer W. P. Devereux & Co.. wholesale grain, since 1902. Member Chamber of Commerce. Office: Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Minneapolis. Residence: 654 Hague Av., St. Paul. DEUEL, Harry James, real estate; born at Hartford, Ohio, Aug. 17, 1860; son of James H. and Nancy L. (Emer son) Deuel; educated in public schools of Union County, Iowa, and Afton (Iowa) High School; married at Afton, Iowa, Oct. 10, 1883, to Myrtle L. Mouser. Began business career as telegraph operator Burlington Ry., 1878, continu ing until 1882; was clerk in Bank of Creston, Creston, Iowa, 1882-84; with Lombard Investment Co., 1884-93; as manager at Larned, Kansas, 1885-88, and manager for Minnesota and Wis consin, at St. Paul, 1888-93; since 1893 in business with Freedrick L. Bayard, at St. Paul, in firm of Bayard & Deuel, real estate and financial agents. Repub lican. Club: St. Paul Chess and Whist. Office: Pioneer Press Bldg. Residence: 909 Iglehart St., St. Paul. DICK, Philip, retail clothing; born in Germany, 1847; son of Wilhelm and Elizabeth (Kraus) Dick; educated in public schools of Germany; came to America, 1866, and to Minnesota, 1870; married at Mankato, Minn., 1870, to Louise Hoefer. Clerked in clothing store 4 years before locating in St. Peter, in 1870; has been engaged in re tail clothing business since 1870. County commissioner 2 years, member school board and library board and is now in his tenth term as mayor of St. Peter. Republican. Member Masonic order, I. O. O. F. Address: St. Peter Minn. DICKEBMAN, Charles Kent, secre tary and treasurer Dickerman Invest ment Co. ; born at Decorah, la., Sept. 23, 1877; son of Charles E. and Eliza beth Kent (Greene) Dickerman; came to St. Paul with parents, 1887; educated in St. Paul High School and University of Minnesota. Began active career at Duluth, in employ of Hurd Refrigerator Co., and is now secretary and treasurer of the Dickerman Investment Co. Her- publican. Member Episcopal Church. Married at Minneapolis, 1902, to Miss Mabel Stone. Club: Commercial. Recrea tions: Tennis, rowing, etc. Office: New York Life Bldg. Residence: 1092 Laurel Av., St. Paul. DICKEY, Alfred Emil, lawyer; born at Crawfordsville, Ind., June 15, 1873; son of Alfred Dickey; educated in pub lic schools, Crawfordsville, Ind., and Jamestown, N. D., Stanford University, De Pauw University, degree of A.B., from latter, 1894, Indiana Law School, degree of LL.B., 1896.- Engaged in prac tice of law at Indianapolis 1896-1903; - editor Forum, 1899-1901; vice president Wells & Dickey Co., investments, bank ers, farm lands, etc., Jamestown, N. D.; THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 125 1901-1905, holding same position, at Minneapolis, since 1905; and also advi sory counsel for the company. Repub lican. Scottish Rite Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner; member Phi Kappa Psi, Delta Chi and Phi Beta Kappa. Mar ried at Noblesville, Ind., 1902, to Miss June Clarke. Clubs: Minneapolis, La fayette, University (Indiana). Recrea tion: Travel. Office: Security Bank Bldg. Residence: Plaza Hotel, Minne apolis. DICKEY, Courtland Nay, printing and book binding; born in Jefferson Co., Ind., Jan. 1, 1855; son of Joel and Mary R. (Meek) Dickey; educated in graded schools at Madison, Ind.; unmarried. Began business career Jan., 1878, at Marysville, Calif. Came to Minnesota, 1883; was clerk of district court, Hen nepin Co., 1893-1905; secretary and treasurer of Crawford-Dickey Co., since April, 1905. Republican. Member Ma sonic order, Knights of Pythias, B. P. O. E. Club: Commercial. Office: 500-511 2nd Av., S. Residence: 2400 Park Av., Minneapolis. DICKEY, Joel Mark, lawyer; born at Hanover, Ind., Nov. 28, 1864; son of Joel and Sarah (Arbuckle) Dickey; edu cated in public schools of Madison, Ind.; public and high schools of Marysville, Calif.; Buchtel College, Akron, O.; Col lege of Law, University of Minnesota, graduating, degree of LL.B., 1895. Mar ried at Minneapolis, June 1, 1892, to Miss Bessie B. Sparks. Began in prac tice of law at St. Paul, June, 1895, in U. S. attorney's office, and has been as sistant U. S. attorney since Oct., 1895. Republican. Universalist. Member Ma sonic order. Recreations: Outing vaca tions and fishing. Office: P. O. Bldg. Residence: 530 Ashland Av., St. Paul. DICKINSON, Charles Henry, mer chant; born at Attica, N. Y„ Sept. 6, 1868; son of Samuel R. and Nettie C. (Rowley) Dickinson; educated at high school, Sharon, Wis., 1885. Began active career as a pharmacist with Dr. D. G. Morris, Sharon, 1888; with Mr. R. J. Sarasy, Grand Rapids, Minn., 1894; phar macist for Itasca Mercantile Co., Grand Rapids, 1895; general manager Itasca Mercantile Co., since 1902. Secretary Public Library Board. Married at Shar on, Wis., 1895, to Miss Annette V. Dan iels. Club: Commercial (secretary). Ad dress: Grand Rapids, Minn. DICKINSON, Horace Danforth, jurist; born at Ogdensburg, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y.; July 25, 1866; son of William and Margaret Jane (Thompson) Dickinson; came to Minnesota as a boy and was educated in the district school, Minne apolis public schools and College of Law, Minnesota State University, de gree of LL.B.; married in New York City, April 28, 1898, to Marian E. Rice. Entered law profession, 1890; was as sistant city attorney of Minneapolis, 1897-1901; judge of the municipal court, 1901-05; became judge of the district court, 1905, a position he now holds. Member of Hennepin County, Minnesota State and American Bar associations. Republican. Member Masonic Order, Phi Kappa Psi fraternity. Club: Com mercial. Recreations: Outdoor sports. Office: Court House. Residence: 22 W. Grant St., Minneapolis. DICKINSON, Justin Levi, clothing; born at Syracuse, N. Y., March 3, 1860; son, of Luther F. and Cornelia E. (Par sons) Dickinson; came to Minnesota in 1870; educated in public schools of Ex celsior, Minn. Lived in Excelsior until 1885; was engaged in clothing business in Minneapolis, 1885-95; has been with the Model Clothing House Co., since 1902 and is secretary of the company. Republican. Methodist. Member Ma sonic order, M. W. A., A. O. U. W. Mar ried at Excelsior, 1882, to Miss Eliza Waite. Office: 305 Nicollet Av. Resi dence: 2411 Pleasant Av., Minneapolis. DICKMAN, Jacob H., banking busi ness; born in South Russia, April 11, 1874; son of Henry and Elizabeth (Nickel) Dickman; educated in public schools and private German schools. Came to America, 1875; entered bank ing business, Nov. 21, 1893; now cashier State Bank of Mountain Lake; presi dent State Bank of Darfur, Northroad Milling Co.; secretary and treasurer North Star Telephone Co. Republican. Mennonite. Married at Mountain Lake, Minn., Jan. 18, 1904, to Miss Kathryn Janzen. Recreations: Fishing and other outdoor sports. Address: Mountain Lake, Minn. DICKMAN, Lester A., physician; born at Westgate, la., Feb. 2, 1877; educated in public schools of Westgate; Western College, Toledo, la., 1894-97; University of Minnesota, College of Medicine and Surgery, graduating, degree of M.D., 1901. Practiced at Holland, Minn., 1901- 05; has been located at Lismore since June 1, 1905. Member Minnesota State Medical Association, Nobles County and Southwest Minnesota Medical societies. Republican. Married at Holland, Minn., Dec. 23, 1902, to Miss Stella Minet Ad dress: Lismore, Minn. DICKSON, Frederick Newberry; law yer: born at Northfield, Minn., May 15, 3 863; son of John N. and Mary (Mason) Dickson; graduated at Carlton College, Northfield, degree of B.A., June, 1885; be gan practice of law at St. Paul, 1886. Member of Ramsey County and Minne sota State Bar associations. Makes a specialty of real estate law. Married at Chicago, 111., June 1, 1899, to Alice M. Strong. Recreations: Fishing and La crosse. Club: Commercial. Office: Globe Bldg. Residence: 530 Portland Av., St. Paul. 126 THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS DICKSON, Walter E., banking; born in Brown Co., Minn., June 12, 1880; son of James and Francis (Patterson) Dick son; educated in country schools and at Springfield (Minn.) High School. Taught school three terms; began in banking business, April 1, 1899; cashier and di rector State Bank of Parkers Prairie. Married. Address: Parkers Prairie, Minn. DIETZE, John, president Park Brew ing Co.; born in Cleveland, O, 1855; edu cated in public schools. For a number of years was employed in wholesale grocery business in Chicago; came to Winona, 1882; assisted in organizing the Park Brewing Co., 1903, and has since been president of the company. Was alderman for 4 years; member board of park commissioners. Member B. P. O. E., I. O. O. F., Druids. Clubs: Arling ton, Chicago Athletic (Chicago). Recrea tion: Automobiling. Address: Winona, Minn. DIGHT, John Henry, banking; born in Canada; educated in public schools. Has been engaged in banking since the be ginning of his entire business career and has been cashier of the First Na tional Bank of Duluth, since 1889. Ma son. Married. Clubs: Kitchi Gammi, Commercial. Office: First Nat. Bank of Duluth. Residence: 2109 E. Superior St., Duluth. DILL, Franklin, lawyer; born, Todd Co., Minn., Oct. 19, 1875; educated in high school, Long Prairie, Minn.; Ham line University, St. Paul, degree of Ph.B. ; Department of Law, Georgetown University, Washington, D. C, graduat ing, 1905; married at Kellyville, Tex., June 13, 1906, to Miss Della Shackel ford. Began practice of law, as mem ber of the firm of Stevens, Drill, Downey & Drill, which continues. Republican. Methodist. Club: Commercial. Recrea tion: Baseball. Office: 610-611 New York Life Bldg. Residence: 159 Mina Av., St. Paul. DILLE, John Ichabod, lawyer; born at Huntington, Ind., Nov. 18, 1857; son of Ichabod and Rebecca (Havens) Dille; graduate of University of Indiana, 1877; married at Huntington, Ind., 1877, to Miss Mary J. Mohn. Engaged in prac tice of law at Huntington until 1889; was attorney for the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Ry., for Oklahoma and Indian Ty., 1891-98; assistant attorney for same company for Iowa, So. Dakota and Minnesota, 1898-1905; has been gen eral attorney for the Minneapolis & St. Louis, Iowa Central and the Des Moines & Fort Dodge Ry. companies, with headquarters at Minneapolis, since Sept. 1, 1905. Dean Highland Park Law School, Des Moines, la., 1898-1902, in clusive. Member of Knights of Pythias (past grand chancellor and past supreme representative). Clubs: Minikahda and Bryn Mawr, Golf, Country Club (Des Moines). Recreation: Golf. Office: Guaranty Bldg. Residence: 321 Clifton Av., Minneapolis. DIMMITT, Prank W., physician; born at Cambridge, 111., Aug. 25, 1859; son of Dr. James P. and Nancy L. (Whitenack) Dimmitt; educated in high school of Clinton, Mo., at University of Missouri and Rush Medical College, Chicago, graduating, 1881; post graduate Medical School, Chicago. Has been engaged in the practice of medicine since 1881; at Red Wing since 1893. Baptist. Mem ber Goodhue County Medical Society and American and Minnesota State Medical associations. Member 9th International Medical Congress, 1887. Member I. O. O. F. Married, at Red Wing, 1899, to Miss Jennie E. Sterling. Address: Red Wing, Minn. DINEHABT, Clarence Christopher, State treasurer; born at Chicago, 111 , April 3, 1877; son of Christopher Ezra and Flora Eleanor (Dennison) Dinehart; came to Minnesota with parents, 1884; educated in high school, Slay ton; Cen tral High School, Minneapolis, 1894-95; graduate University of Minnesota, de gree of B.S., 1899; Harvard Law School, degree of LL.B., 1905. Unmarried. Was elected assistant cashier State Bank of Slay ton, 1899, and continued until 1902; elected Mayor of Slayton, spring of 1902, but resigned in the fall to attend law school; returned to Slay- ton, spring of 1905 to re-enter banking business but became a candidate for State treasurer, to which office he was elected, Nov. 6, 1906, entering office, Jan. 7, 1907, at age of 29. Also treas urer Dinehart & Week Security Co., Inc.; president First National Bank, Ro lette, N. D. ; director Towner County Land and Investment Co., Inc.; con nected with First National Bank, Bis- bee, N. D., and First National Bank, Egeland, N. D. Republican. Member Masonic order, B. P. O. E., M. W. A., Delta Upsilon fraternity Clubs: Com mercial and Roosevelt (St. Paul). Office: State Capitol, St. Paul. Residence: Slayton, Minn. DINWOODIE, William, physician; born at Manchester England, Oct. 1, 1854; son of James and Mary A. (Cross) Dinwoodie; educated in grammar school, Dumfriesshire, Scotland and at Jeffer son Medical College, Philadelphia, grad uating, degree of M.D., 1877; married at St. Paul, 1886, to Pauline Schwartz. Practiced medicine at New Bedford, Mass., 1877-82; since 1882, in St. Paul, Minn. Member Minnesota State Medical Association, Ramsey County Medical Society. President Dayton's Bluff Build ing Co. Republican. Presbyterian. Member Ancient Landmark Lodge, A. F. & A. M., Minnesota Chapter, No. 1, R. A. M., and Damascus Commandery, No, THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 127 1, K. T., Osman Temple, Mystic Shrine; also I. O. O. F., M. W. A., W. O. W. B. A. Y., etc Club: Dayton's Bluff Commercial (president). Office: 823 East 7th St. Residence: 771 East 7th St., St. Paul. DISEN, Charles P., physician; born at Christiania, Norway, Feb. 1, 1861; son of Conrad C. and Sophie Amalie (Bader) Disen; graduated as a physician at Rush Medical College, Chicago. Began prac tice of medicine Feb. 17, 1886; demon strator of anatomy and instructor in operative surgery Hamline University; member Luther Deaconess' Hospital staff; also member Norwegian Medical Club, Hennepin County Medical Society and American Medical Association. Mar ried at Chicago, 111., Aug. 15, 1885, to Hanna Syversen. Office and Residence: 2600 E. 22nd St., Minneapolis. DITTENHOFEB, Jacob, merchant; born at Cleveland, O., Oct. 19, 1845; son of Samuel and Fannie (Berg) Ditten hofer; educated in public schools of Cleveland, O.; married at Cleveland, 1875, to Miss Bettie Elsinger. Began active career in dry goods business in Cleveland; came to St. Paul, Sept., 1886, and assisted in organizing the firm of W. H. Elsinger & Co., known as The Golden Rule, of which he has been sec retary and treasurer since time of in corporation. Also director National German American Bank, Sharood Shoe Corporation. Republican. Jewish re ligion. Member St. Paul Public Library Board, Business Men's League, B. P. O. E. Clubs: Minnesota Commercial. Office: 7th and 8th, Robert and Minn. Sts. Resi dence: 705 Summit Av., St. Paul. DITTENHOFEB, Samuel William, merchant (department store) ; born Cleveland, Ohio, 1877; son of Jacob and Bettie (Elsinger) Dittenhofer; educated at St. Paul public and high school, and graduated, 1895, from Shattuck Military Academy, Faribault Minn.; married at St. Paul, Minn., 1905, to Miss Madeline Lang. Entered the Golden Rule (de partment store) as salesman, in 1895; became member of the firm in 1899, and since its incorporation, Sept. 2, 1905, as The Golden Rule Department Store, has been vice president and general manager of the company. Recreation: Automobiling. Clubs: Minnesota, Com mercial. Office: 95 East 7th St. Resi dence: 809 Summit Av., St. Paul. DIX, George Frederick, clerk of Municipal Court; born at Boston, Mass., Oct. 27, 1859; son of Stephen A. and Louise A. (Woodman) Dix; graduated from the Rice Grammar School, Boston, and Roxbury Latin School; married at Detroit, Minn., June 15, 1882, to Ella A. Dunning. Began business career as clerk at the White Earth Indian Agency, 1882; moved to St. Paul, 1886, and was employed in the wholesale grocery house of Seabury & Co., until appointed clerk of the Municipal Court, 1902. Served three terms as assemblyman in Com mon Council of St. Paul, 1896-1902. Re publican. Congregationalist. Member Masonic orders. Clubs: Commercial, West Side. Recreations: Tennis, bowl ing and baseball. Office: Court House. Residence: 409 Hall Av., St. Paul. DIXON, William . Boyden, passenger agent; born at St. Paul, Minn., Feb. 5, 1873; son of W. H. Dixon; educated in St. Paul publie schools; married at St. Paul, 1895, to Miss Jennie Begg. Began active career as messenger in railway office, 1888; Northwestern passenger agent, Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry., since June 1, 1902. Member Loyal Legion (by inheritance), Royal Ar-. canum. Clubs: Commercial, Transpor tation. Office: 365 Robert St. Residence: 896 Hague Av., St. Paul. DOBBIN, James, rector The Shattuck School; born at Salem, N. Y., June 29, 1838; son of Joseph and Martha S. Dob bin; graduate Union College, Schenec tady, N. Y., 1859; theological course at Seabury Divinity School, Faribault, Minn.; ordered deacon, P. E. Church, 1867; priest, 1868; degree of D.D. Trinity College, Hartford, Conn., 1888. Married, 1st, at Argyle, N. Y., Dec. 20, 1860, to Fannie L. Leigh (now deceased) ; 2nd, at Faribault, April 9, 1874, to Elizabeth L. Ames. Was .principal academy,. Ar gyle, N. Y., 1860-61, and at Greenwich, N. Y., 1861-64; appointed rector The Shattuck School, 1867. Address: Fari bault, Minn. DOBLE, William C, manufacturer and jobber of clothing; born at Superior, Wis., July 4, 1859; son of Carlisle and Ella E. Doble; came to St. Paul with parents, 1861; educated in public schools of St. Paul. Was upon the road as wholesale dry goods salesman for 27 years, and represented consecutively Auerbach, Finch, Culbertson & Co., Din- deke, Warner & Schurmeier and Wyman, Partridge & Co.; has been member of Weil, Doble & Co., manufacturers and jobbers of clothing, since Dec, 1904. Democrat. Member B. P. O. E. Unmar ried. Club: Commercial. Office: 342 Jackson St. Residence: 97 Kent St., St. Paul. DOBNEB, Leonard J., lawyer; born in Wabasha Co., Minn., Feb. 16, 1862; son of John and Louisa (Kearns) Dobner; educated in public schools; Lake City High School, graduating, 1880; Hamline University, graduating, degree of LL.B., 1884; admitted to the bar, 1886. Mar ried at Fergus Falls, Minn., Sept. 18, 1888, to Miss Eunice Allen. Has been actively engaged in practice of law since 1886. Member St. Paul City Council; also member Board of Education. Recreations: Tennis and bowling. Office: 128 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS Court Block. Residence: 663 Simpson Av., St. Paul. DODDS, George William, editor; born, Yarm, Yorkshire, England, Aug. 5, 1865; son of John and Katherine (Ruddock) Dodds; educated in common schools and by private instruction; married, Dar lington, England, May 15, 1888, Kate E. Lynes. Began work at age of 14, as clerk on North Eastern Railway, Dar lington, England; later took position in business department . of the Northern Echo, daily newspaper at Darlington, England, and within a few months was transferred to the editorial department. Came to United States, 1888, settling at St. Paul, where has since been identi fied with the daily press; one of editors St. Paul Dispatch since 1894. Repub lican. Episcopalian. Recreations: Yachting, tennis, fishing. Club: Com mercial. Office: Dispatch, St. Paul. Residence: 235 Arundel St., St. Paul. DODGE, Willis Edward, lawyer; born at Lowell, Vt., May II, 1857; son of William Baxter and Harriet (Baldwin) Dodge; educated in public schools, and at, St. Johnsburg Academy; read law under Hon. W. W. Grout and Hon. F. W. Baldwin, and was admitted to the Vermont bar Sept., 1880; married at Vinton, la., March 27, 1882, to Miss Hattie M. Crist. Docated at Fargo, N. D., 1880, iater removing to Jamestown, N. D., where he acted as attorney for Northern Pacific Ry., until 1887; re turned to Fargo and was attorney for St. Paul, Minneapolis & Manitoba Ry. Co. for Dakota until 1892; has been lo cated in Minneapolis since Aug., 1892; member law firm of Dodge & Sutton. Republican. Club: Minneapolis. Recrea tions: Hunting and fishing. Office: Kasota Bldg. Residence: 1717 Stevens Av., Minneapolis. DOEBB, Henry, wholesale cigar mer chant; born at Milwaukee, Wis., Sept. 15, 1853; son of Valentine and Caroline Doerr; educated in Milwaukee High School; married, La Crosse, Wis., Jan. 24, 1882, Sarah L. Scharpf. Entered the cigar business, 1873, and later be came a member of the firm of Winecke & Doerr, wholesale cigar dealers, now being sole proprietor of the business con ducted under the firm name; secre tary .and treasurer of the Salzer Lum ber Co.; president Minneapolis Flow Works; director of the German Ameri can National Bank . Member of the Ma sonic order. Clubs: Minneapolis, Com mercial, Minikahda, Lafayette. Office: 414 Nicollet Av. Residence: 327 Oak Grove, Minneapolis. DONAHOWBB, Fred A., banker; born in Chester Co., Pa., 1830; son of Jacob and Catherine (Fritz) Donahower; com mon school education; married at St. Peter, Minn., 1860, to Ellen Magner. Began active career as salesman in gen eral merchandise store in Pennsylvania, 1852; went to Indianapolis, Ind., and was with mercantile house one year; removed to St. Paul and for 3 years was connected with a private bank; lo cated in St. Peter, 1S56, and became member of firm of Edgerton, Smith & Donahower, private bankers, the title becoming Edgerton & Donahower in 1871; organized First National Bank, 1871, was its cashier, 1871-89, and has been its president since 1889. Ex-mem ber school board and ex-county com missioner. Republican. Episcopalian. Recreation: Hunting prairie chickens. Address: St. Peter, Minn. DONAHOWBB, Harry L., wholesale paper; born at St. Peter, Minn., 1874; son of Frederick A. and Ellen (Magner) Donahower; educated in public schools of St. Peter; academic department and College of Law, State University of Minnesota, graduating, degree of LL.B., 1896. Unmarried. Admitted to prac tice of law, 1896; was connected with the legal department of the Northern Pacific Ry. Co. until Feb. 1, 1907; is now vice president, treasurer and part owner, F. G. Leslie Co., established 1903. Repub lican. Clubs: Town and Country. Office: 252 East 4th St. Residence: The Marlborough, St. Paul. DONALDSON, Lawrence S., president L. S. Donaldson & Co., Glass Block. De partment Store; born in Scotland, 1858; son of John and Mary Donaldson; edu cated in public schools in Scotland. Came to America, 1878; made his home in Providence, R. I., for two years; re moved to St. Paul, Minn., 1880, and became connected with Auerbach, Finch & Van Slyck, dry goods, continuing until 1882; formed partnership with brother, William, under title of William Donaldson & Co., and established depart ment store in Minneapolis, 1884, in which has since continued, and is presi dent and treasurer (William, deceased, 1899). Married, Feb. 19, 1901, to Isabel McDonald. Roman Catholic Independ ent in politics. ' Clubs: Commercial, Minneapolis. Office: Glass Block, 6th and Nicollet. Residence: 21 S. 13th St., Minneapolis. DONNELLY, Stanislaus J., lawyer; born at Dakota, Minn., Aug. 26, 1861; son of the late Hon. Ignatius and Kath arine (McCaffrey) Donnelly; educated in public schools, Georgetown College, Washington, D. C. and St. John's Col lege, Stevens Co., Minn.; studied law in offices of O'Brien, Eller & O'Brien and was admitted to the Minn, bar, Oct., 1885; married, 1887, to Jennie, daugh ter of Dillon O'Brien, of St. Paul. Clerk of the judiciary committee of the House of Representatives, 1887, and of the Senate, 1891; was assistant to Hon. Moses E. Clapp, attorney, general of Minnesota, 1887-91; was assistant county THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 129 attorney of Ramsey Co., 1891-6, and since then has been engaged in private practice, now being a member of the law firm of O'Brien, Donnelly & Hag gard. Member Knights of Columbus. Catholic. Clubs: St. Paul Commercial. Recreation: Hunting. Office: Globe Bldg. Residence: 808 Laurel Av., St. Paul. DONOVAN, James E., clergyman; came to America, 1884; has been pastor Church of St. Theodore, Albert Lea, since 1887. Address: Albert Lea, Minn. DOOLEY, Matthew Joseph, transfer business; born at Portland, Me., Aug. 21, 1864; son of John and Winnifred Dooley; educated in public schools of Portland. Began active career as clerk in the local freight office of the St. Paul, Minneapolis and Manitoba Ry., now the Great Northern Ry., at Minne apolis, 1883; has been superintendent Minnesota Transfer Ry. Co. since June, 1902; also president Minnesota Transfer Joint Car Inspection Association. Mar ried at Minneapolis, Jan. 28, 1890, to Miss Emily E. Sebastian. Office: Uni versity Av., nr. Cleveland Av. Resi dence: 2298 Priscilla St., St. Paul. DOBAN, Frank, clergyman; born at Chatham, 111., March 3Q, 1856; son of James E. and Katherine Doran; attended district school in McLean Co., 111., and was student for several terriis at Illi nois Wesleyan University, Bloomington, 111.; honorary degree of D.D., Hamline University, 1901. Married at Hudson, 111., June 28, 1877, to Miss Edwina Brainerd. Began as minister of Metho dist Episcopal Church, in Central Illi nois Conference, 1877; in charge at Moorhead, Minn., for 2 years, Central Park Methodist Church, St. Paul, 4 years, at Rochester, Minn., 10 years; presiding elder of Marshall district until located in Winona, 1905. Mason. Recrea tions: Walking, camping. Address: Winona, Minn. DOBAN, Frank B., fuel; born in Ken dall Co., 111., May 1, 1839; son of S. B. and Mercy (Wilson) Doran; educated in district schools and at Clark Seminary, Aurora, 111. Enlisted in Co. I, 52nd 111. Inf., Sept. 1, 1861, and served 10 months in Civil War; discharged on account of disability, but was captured by Con federates while attempting to reach his brother who was ill in the Union Army in the South; held as civilian prisoner of war until March 4, 1865; married at Woodstock, 111., Sept. 28, 1865, to Electa M. Gilbert. Engaged in farming and stock raising in Illinois until 1881, when he came to St. Paul, and has since been in coal and fuel business. Mem ber of St. Paul Assembly, 1892-94; mayor of the City of St. Paul, 1896-98. Re publican; ex-president Chamber of Com merce. Mason and member G. A. R. Office: 4th & Market Sts. Residence: 201 E. Congress St., St. Paul. DOBAN, James, broker; born in Ohio, Jan. 11, 1856; son of Michael and Ellen (Brady) Doran; educated at St. John's College, Prairie du Chien, Wis.; mar ried in New York, 1901, to Miss Rose Kolb. Came to Minnesota with parents when a child; became connected with banking early in his business career and was cashier Bank of Le Sueur, Le Sueur, Minn., for 4 years; removed to St. Paul, 1877, and has been identified with brokerage business in St. Paul ever since 1879, when he became con nected with M. Doran & Co., continuing until 1900, has be^n at the head of the firm of James Doran & Co., stocks, bonds, grain and provisions, since 1901. Member Chicago Board of Trade. Club: Minnesota. Office: 335-337 Robert St. Residence: 745 Lincoln Av., St. Paul. DOBAN, Michael, banker and broker; born in County Meath, Ireland, Nov. 1, 1829; son of James and Bridget (Mc- Guire) Doran. Came to America, 1850; located on a tract of government land in Le Sueur Co., Minn., 1856; was elected county treasurer Le Sueur Co., and served, 1862-70; engaged in banking and grain business in Le Sueur under title of Snow & Doran, 1870, the firm becoming Doran & Smith and so con tinuing until 1891. Came to St. Paul, 1877, and entered banking and broker age business. Democrat. Ex-member of State Senate. Delegate to every na tional Democratic Convention but one from 1864-1896; ex-chairman Democratic State Central Committee, ex-member National Democratic Committee. Mar ried, 1st, in Ohio, May 1, 1855, to Ellen Brady (deceased, 1862); 2nd, in Le Sueur Co., Minn., to Miss Catharine J. O'Grady. Club: Minnesota. Office: Germania Life Ins. Bldg. Residence: 528 Dayton Av., St. Paul. DORE, Maurice J., wholesale produce; born in County Limerick, Ireland, Feb. 6, 1866; son of John and Ella (Quirk) Dore; educated in parochial schools of Ireland. Came to America, 1884 and located in St. Paul; was connected with W. A. Quackenboss, dealer in produce, 1884-93; was one of the organizers of Dore-Redpath Co., wholesale dealers in fruits, vegetables and produce, 1893, in corporated, 1901, and is secretary and treasurer of the company. Member St. Paul Produce Exchange, St. Paul Board of Trade. Democrat. Roman Catholic Member Knights of Columbus. Married at St. Paul, April 10, 1894, to Miss Mary O'Connell. Recreations: Hunting and fishing. Office: 111-113 E. 3rd St. Resi dence: 1005 Ashland Av., St. Paul. DOBSEY, William A., manufacturer and dealer, born at Huntington, Pa., 1865; son of Robert A. and Annie W. Dorsey; came to Minnesota with par- 130 THB BOOK OP MINNESOTANS ents, 1868; educated in public schools of St. Paul. Began active career in fur business, with Gordon & Ferguson, St. Paul; entered service of house with which he has since been identified, in 1884, and became partner under title of McKibbin, Driscoll & Dorsey, 1894. Mar ried at Toledo, O., 1895 to Miss Grace M. Weston. Republican. Presbyterian. Club: Commercial. Office: Cor. 5th and Broadway. Residence: 459 Portland Av., St. Paul. DOTY, Paul, gas and electricity; born at Hoboken, N. J.; son of William H. H. and Anna (Langevin) Doty; graduated from Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, 1888; married at Chicago, 111., 1892, to Theodosia Stiles. Engaged with The United Gas Improvement Co., Philadelphia, Pa., 1888-95; vice president and general manager Consolidated Gas Co. of N. J., 1895-98; secretary and gen eral manager Grand Rapids Gas Light Co., 1898-1901, Detroit City Gas Co., 1901-03; vice president and general man ager Denver Gas and Electric Co., 1903- 4; since 1904 vice president, general manager and director St. Paul Gas Light Co. and Edison Electric Light and Power Co., etc. President Michigan Gas As sociation, 1902, Western Gas Associa tion, 1906, McMillan's Gas Co's Associa tion, 1903, 1904, McMillan's Electric Co's Association, 1904-1905. Member Am. Soc. of Mech. Eng., Am. Gas Inst., etc. Re publican. Episcopalian. Deputy Governor General Society of Mayflower Descend ants; member Society of Colonial Wars. Clubs: Minnesota, Town and Country. Office: St. Paul Gas Light Co. Resi dence: 286 Laurel Av., St. Paul. DOUD, Charles O, secretary and treasurer Doud, Sons & Co.; born in Jefferson Co., N. Y., 1822; son of Elisha and Myrie Doud; educated in New York state and Michigan; married in Illinois, 1846, to Miss Maria Devoe. Came to Chicago, 111., 1841, and later located in Kenwood Co., 111., and engaged in farming; removed to Winona, 1874, where he has since been engaged in coop erage business; secretary and treas urer Doud, Sons & Co., manufacturers of barrel stock, organized, 1862, incor porated, 1887. Republican. Congrega tionalist. Recreation: Driving. Ad dress: Winona, Minn. DOUD, Boscoe T., president Doud, Sons & Co., slack cooperage; born in Jefferson Co., N. Y., Sept. 22, 1835; son of Chauncey and Sarah (Comstock) Doud; educated in public schools of Will Co., 111. Married, 1st, 1863, Iowa D. Batcheller, (now deceased); 2nd, at Winona, Minn., 1876, to Miss Jessie E. Muir. Came west to Illinois with his parents early in life; has engaged in lumber and cooperage business ever since the beginning of his active career and has resided at Winona since the close of the Civil War. President and manager Doud Sons & Co., incorporated, 1SS7, operating two mills in Wisconsin for producing cooperage stock. Former member Winona school board. Republi can. Congregationalist. Mason, Knight Templar; member U. C. T. of America. Club: Arlington. Recreations: Launch ing, bowling. Address: Winona, Minn. DOUGLASS, Hait W., grain; born near Streator, 111., 1866; son of Abiga M. and Jenette (Lathrop) Douglass; educated in district school and Streator High School; married in Illinois, Oct. 21, 1891, to Margaret Mclntyre. Has been engaged in the grain trade of Minneapolis since 1894. Office: 218 Flour Exchange. Residence: 2701 Dupont Av., Minneapo- . lis. DOUGLAS, Wallace Barton, lawyer; born at Leyden, New York, Sept. 21, 1852; son of Asahel M. and Alma E. (Miller) Douglas; educated in public schools; Cazenovia (N. Y.) Seminary one year; law department University of Michigan, graduating LL.B,, 1875. Married at Channahon, 111., 1881, to Miss Ella M. Smith. Admitted to bar 1875; began practice at Chicago in 1875. Re moved to Moorehead, .Minn., in 1883, and resided there 16 years. City attor ney of Moorhead, Minn., five years; county attorney of Clay County, six years; attorney general of Minnesota three terms (5 years); justice of Su preme Court of Minnesota, one year; now practicing law at St. Paul. Re publican. Recreation: Hunting, both large and small game. Office: New York Life Bldg. Residence: 2245 Knapp St., St. Paul. DOVEBY, Thomas, editor; born in Norway, May 17, 1866; came to America, 3 874; educated in common schools of Manitowoc Co., Wis. Has been engaged in publishing newspapers and job print ing ever since he entered active career; was publisher of Barron County Shield, Barron, Wis., 1893-1905; has been pro prietor of the Worthington Advance, Worthington, Minn., since Aug. 26, 1905. Republican. Lutheran. Member Masonic order, M. W. A., A. O. U. W. Married in Barron Co., Wis., 1889, to Miss E. A. Babcock. Club: Comriiercial. Address: Worthington, Minn. DOW, James J., superintendent School for the Blind; born at Midnapore, India, Feb. 15, 1848 (father and mother mis sionaries of Free Baptist Church, 1843- 48); son of James C. and Hannah G. (Bacon) Dow; educated in public schools of Connecticut and Maine and at Carle ton College, Northfield, Minn., graduat ing, degree of A.B., 1874; degrees of A.M. 1878, and L.H.D., 1899, same col lege; married at Montieello, Minn., Dec. 25, 1874, to Miss Myra A. Brown. Was superintendent City Schools, Austin, Minn., 1874-75; has been superintendent THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS 131 Minnesota State School for the Blind since 1875. Enlisted in Co. F, 2nd Me. Cav., Nov., 1863, and served as private in Department of the Gulf until dis charged, Nov., 1865, a period of two years. Republican. Congregationalist. Member National Educational Associa tion. Member Masonic order, Royal Arch, Knight Templar, Shrine; G. A. R., Sons of American Revolution. Club: Traveler's. Recreation: Fishing. Ad dress: Faribault, Minn. DOW, Louis P., stationer and printer; born at St. Paul, Minn., Feb. 8, 1877; son of John B. and Elizabeth D. (Mc- Cullough) Dow; educated at Cretin High School, St. Paul; married at St. Paul, Jan. 26, 1904, to Minnette P. Kolb. Entered employment of American Type Foundry as errand boy in 1890; ad vanced to city desk, 1891, and became city salesman, 1893; left firm in 1898 and enlisted in 13th Minn. Vol.; served as corporal eighteen months Spanish- American War and in Philippines, and returned to St. Paul in 1899. Entered firm of Harmon & Dow as partner. 1899, incorporated, 1902, becoming president of corporation; purchased Mr. Harmon's interest, 1904, and became president of Louis F. Dow Co., bank stationers, printers, lithographers and engravers. Roman Catholic. Member Elks, K P., Knights of Columbus, Maccabees, So ciety of the Army of the Philippines. Recreation: Automobiling. Clubs: Com mercial, , Automobile. Office: 336-340 Minnesota St. Residence: 957 Selby Av., St. Paui. DO WLING, Michael John, banker ; born at Huntington, Mass., Feb. 17, 1866; son of John Jerome and Honora (Barry) Dowling; educated in public schools, and at Carleton College, Northfield, Minn.; married at Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 2, 1895, to Miss Jennie Leonora Bordewich. Came to Minnesota early in life; has dealt in real estate since 1897. President Olivia State Bank of Olivia, Minn. Re publican. Secretary National Republi can League, 1895-97; special commis sioner to Philippine Islands, 1900; mem ber Minnesota Legislature 1900-02; speaker House of Representatives, 1900 and 190L Recreations: Horseback rid ing and automobiling. Address: Olivia, Minn. DOWNEY, John Florin, educator; born at Hiramsburg, O., Jan. 10, 1846; son of Thomas and Mary Ann (Scott) Dow ney; graduate Hillsdale College, degree of B.S., 1870, M.S., 1873, A.M. 1877; University of Michigan, graduate work, 1871-1872; State College of Pennsyl vania, degree of C.E., 1877; attended lec tures in mathematics, Universities of Edinburgh and Gottingen, 1901-02. Served in 11th Mich. Inf., War of the Rebellion, Jan., 1864, to Oct., 1865. Was instructor Hillsdale College, 1870-71; principal of schools, Cassopolis, Mich., 1871-72; professor of mathematics, State College of Pennsylvania, 1873-80; pro fessor mathematics University of Min nesota since 1880, and now dean of the College of Science, Literature and the Arts. Popular and scientific lecturer. Member American Math. Soc, G. A. R. Author: Elements of Differentiation and Integration; Higher Algebra. Mar ried at Mound City, Mo., Jan. 2, 1896, to Miss Margaret E. Downey. Recrea tions: Literature and travel in Europe and America. Address: State Univer sity. Residence: 825 5th St., S. E„ Minneapolis. DOWNS, Bertram B., president St. Paul Electric Co.; born at Warren, Ohio, April 26, 1866; son of Wilson and Eliza beth (Hardman) Downs; graduated from Warren (Ohio) High School, 1884; mar ried, 1st, at Chicago, 1896, to Miss Jennie King; 2nd, at St. Paul, July 11, 1904, to Miss Emma Reed Meader. Served as deputy clerk of courts, War ren, Trumbull Co., O., 1885-86; abstract clerk, court records, for Potter, Cobb & Meikle, Omaha, Neb., 1887; chief clerk Missouri River Commission, Omaha, Neb., 1889-93; salesman of electrical sup plies, 1894-1900; since 1900 president and manager of St. Paul Electric Co., also president Electric Manufacturing Co. Club: Commercial. Office: 316 Robert St. Residence: 1925 Marshall Av., St. Paul. DBAKE, Harry Trevor, president Na tional Live Stock Insurance Co.; born at Xenia, Ohio, Oct. 27, 1857; son of Hon. Elias Franklin and Caroline Matilda (McClurg) Drake; graduated from St. Paul High School, 1877, and attended University of Rochester, N. Y.; married at St. Paul, Oct. 27, 1882, to Emma Bigelow. Engaged in jobbing business in hats, caps and furs, in St. Paul, 1882-90; in logging business on the St. Croix River, 1890-96; since 1893 president of the National Dive Stock Insurance Co.; also president Franklin Investment Co., Clovis Fruit Co., The Drake Co.; secretary and treasurer Drake Realty Co.; director St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Co. Republican. Baptist. Clubs: Minnesota, White Bear Yacht. Office: Drake Blk. Residence: 435 Portland Av., St. Paul. DBAKE, Henry Canby, president and treasurer Drake Marble & Tile Co.; born at Xenia, O., Oct. 2, 1851; son of Henry Edwin and Mary E. (Canby) Drake; educated at Urbana University, Urbana, O., and at Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y.; married at St. Paul, Minn., June 2, 1887, to Miss Jennie K. Turnbull. Began active career as reporter New York Tribune and New York Evening Mail, 1870, continuing 1874; member of the firm of Baker, Drake & Co., grain commission, New York, 1874-76; member 132 THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS J. H. Drake & Co., Chicago (Board of Trade), 1876-79; member firm of Drake Bros., cold storage, St. Paul, 1881-83; correspondent and in charge of col lateral, National German American Bank, 1884-87; president St. Paul Mantel & Desk Co., 1887-92; incorporated as the Drake Marble & Tile Co., manufacturers and contractors marble, mosaics and mantels, 1892. Republican. Baptist. Member Masonic order, Royal Arcanum (Past Regent) Zeta Psi fraternity. Recreations: Hunting and fishing. Of fice: 64-66 E. 3d St. Residence: 437 Dayton Av., St. Paul. DBAKE, Montgomery Elmer, register of deeds; born near Hudson, Mich., July 31, 1869; son of Alonzo H. and Laura A. (Thorn) Drake; educated at Hudson High School. Taught school in Michi gan and S. Dakota and engaged in grain buying at Minneota, Minn. Has been register of deeds, Lyon Co., Minn., since Sept. 16, 1903. Director Farmers and Merchants National Bank, Minneota Minn. Republican. Methodist. Mason. Married at Hudson, Mich., 1892, to Miss Hattie L. Masters. Address: Marshall, Minn. DBAKE, William H., lawyer; born at Damascus, Pa., Sept. 9, 1853; son of L. and Mary (Young) Drake. Came to Minnesota, 1877; located in Wells, Faribault Co., Jan., 1885; has been a resident of Blue Earth since Feb., 1889. Court commissioner of Faribault Co., also justice of the peace, Blue Earth. Republican. Presbyterian. Unmarried. Address: Blue Earth, Minn. DBANGEB, Harry, dry goods merch ant and banker; born London. Ont, June 1, 1866; son of John Dranger; graduated from Earlham College, Richmond, Ind., and from Archibald's Business College, Minneapolis, Minn. Since 3 900 member of firm of Clement, ¦ Dranger & Co., wholesale importers of laces and em broideries, lace curtains and dry goods specialties. President First National Bank of Braham, Minn., First State Bank of Eagle Bend, Minn., Garfield State Bank of Garfield, Minn., Goldfield Constitution Gold Mining Co., of Gold- field, Nev. ; vice president Farmer's Implement Co., of Eagle Bend, Minn.; director Braham Land and Improvement Co., of Braham, Minn. Member B. P. O. E., K. P., I. O. O. F. Recreation: Traveling for business and pleasure. Club: Commercial. Office: 371-373 Sibley St. Residence: 669 Grand Av., St. Paul. DBAFER, Prank E., railway auditor; born at Jackson, O., son of William C. and Harriet C. (Cavett) Draper; edu cated in common and high schools of Portsmouth, Ohio. Began railway ser vice at age of 18, with the Marietta & Cincinnati Ry. at Portsmouth, O. ; moved west when 21, and was employed two years with Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Ry., and four years with Kan sas City, Fort Scott & Memphis R. R.; came to St. Paul, 1889, and for seven teen years has been with the Great Ndrthern Railway. Member Royal Ar canum. Office: 3rd and Rosabell Sts. Residence: 227 Dayton Av., St. Paul. DREDGE, Homer Percy, born in Blue Earth Co., Minn., Aug. 3, 1870; son of T. H. and Margaret (McMillan) Dredge; educated in public schools, at Mankato State Normal School, graduating, 1893, and at Rush Medical College, Chicago, receiving degree of M.D., 1896. Prac ticed in Janesville, Minn., 10 months; at Belview, six and a fourth years, and has been located in general practice at Sandstone, since Sept 15, 1903. Coroner Redwood Co., three years; health officer Belview and Sandstone 8 years. Republican. Member Chisago- Pine County Medical Society, Minnesota State and American Medical associa tions; honorary member Minnesota Val ley Medical Society. Mason and Odd Fellow; member M. W. A., A. O. U. W., R. N. A., M. B. A., D. of H. Married at Duluth, Minn., Jan. 22, 1898, to Elma H. Freeman. Address: Sandstone, Minn. DBEHMEB, David, sales manager Deere & Webber Co.; born at Desplaines, 111., Oct. 2, 1863; son of Peter and Elizabeth (Trier) Drehmer; educated in the district school, Henry Co., Ills., and in the Geneseo public schools, Geneseo, 111. Lived upon a farm until 16 years of age when entered the employ of a retail implement dealer, continuing for 7 years, until 1886; elected manager and treasurer Geneseo Stove Co., and held the position two years, resigning on account of ill health; came to Min neapolis, Minn., 1898, and became con nected with the firm of Deere & Co., now Deere & Webber Co., carrying a full line of farm machinery; has been in the service of the company 18 years, traveling for 13 years in southern Min nesota and during the past 5 years has held the position of sales manager, for the company. Married at Cincinnati, O., May 3 5, 1894, to Carrie J. Herrlinger. Republican. Member Masonic order, I. O. O. F. Club: Commercial. Office: 800 Washington Av. Residence: 1915 1st Av., S., Minneapolis. DBESSEB, Hermon Lamott, chief engi neer Duluth, Missabe & Northern Ry. Co.; born in Alleghany Co., N. Y., Jan. 24, 1851; son of Joel and Belinda A. (Button) Dresser; educated in common schools and at Angelica Academy, N. Y. ; married at Jefferson, la., Oct., 1872, to- Phoebe Rhodes. Spent early life on a farm; began railroad career in 1880, serving, consecutively, as chairman, rodman and instrument man for 5 years, in railroad survey in Iowa; was division THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS 133 engineer in charge of construction of railroads in Iowa and northwestern Missouri until 1890, when he came to Duluth as resident engineer in charge of construction of the Duluth & Winni peg Road; became acting chief engineer, Sept., 1890; assistant chief engineer Duluth, Missabe & Northern Ry. Co., Nov., 1892, and has been chief engineer, same road, since Aug. 17, 1899; also director same road. Republican. Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner. Clubs: Com mercial, Duluth Yacht. Office: Wolvin Bldg. Residence: 16 S. 19th Av., E., Duluth. DRESSER, Josiah Mitchell, grand secretary United Commercial Travelers of America; born at Bangor, Me., Sept. 21, 1870; son of Mark William and Lavinia Augusta (Mitchell) Dresser (both of early New England stock, from England and Scotland) ; educated at Osceola, Wis., graduating from Osceola High School, 1884, and attended Dwight School, Boston, Mass., 1885. Began ac tive career as office boy in employ of Craig, Larkin & Smith, wholesale crockery merchants, St. Paul, Nov. 16, 1885; was promoted to position of col lector, Nov. 11, 1887, and became city salesman, Jan. 1889; continued, without intermission when the house discon tinued business, 1893, as city salesman for Ogden, Merrill & Greer, remaining with latter firm until May, 1901, when he resigned to devote his entire time to the United Commercial Travelers. Grand Secretary U. C. T. of Minnesota, Da- kotas, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Al berta, since May 28, 1898; secretary and treasurer local organization at St. Paul, since March, 1895; also editor Crescent and Grip. Engaged in real estate in own property. Member B. P. O. E., K. P. Married at St. Paul, Jan., 1897, to Miss Jane Sophia Hinkins. Clubs: Com mercial, Roosevelt. Office: Endicott Bldg. Residence: 780 Cedar St., St Paul. DREW, Arthur Z., educator, banker; born at Thornton's Ferry, N. H., Sept. 28, 1860; son of George and Eliza B. (Jones) Drew; educated in public school, Thornton's Ferry, N. H., McGaw Normal Institute, Reed's Ferry, N. H., and Hamline University, St. Paul, Minn., A.B., 1886, A.M.. 1889; married, Winona, Minn., Oct. 19, 1887, Josephine M. Stowers. Instructor in Datin and Eng lish, 1886, assistant professor of mathe matics, 1890, professor of mathematics, 1899, and since, Hamline University. Established, 1892, and since, president Bank of Hamline, St. Paul; established, 3 896, and since then president First Bank of Grantsburg, Wis.; established, 3 904, and since president, Midway Bank, St. Paul; also president State Bank of St. Paul from 1906, and vice president Citizens Saving's Bank, St. Paul, from 1906. Member M. E. Church. Office: 737 N. Snelling Av. Residence: 1647 Hewitt Av., St. Paul. DBEW, Charles M., lawyer; born at St. Johnsbury, Vt., 1868; came to Min nesota in boyhood; graduated from Min neapolis High School, . 1887; Wesleyan University, Middleton, Conn., degree of Ph.B., 1892; Law School, University of Minnesota, degree of LL.B., 1894. Un married. Has been in practice of law in Minneapolis since entering the pro fession, 1894. Member Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Nu Theta, Electic, Phi Delta Phi fraternities. Clubs: Commercial and Roosevelt. Recreations: Sailing and golfing. Office: New York Life Bldg. Residence: 1406 7th Av„ N., Minneapolis. DBEW, Charles Wayland, physician and chemist; born at Burlington, Vt., Jan. 18, 1858; son of Homer C. and Lorinda (Roby) Drew; graduated from University of Vermont, 1877; degree of Ph.B., and from Medical Department of same university, in 1880, as M.D.; mar ried at Brattleboro, Vt, Sept., 1884, to Annan Reed Kellogg. Came to Minne sota, 1881; was professor of chemistry, Minnesota Hospital College, 1881-88; filled office of city physician of Minne apolis, 1884; chemist of State Dairy and Food Department, 1886-92; has been director of Minnesota Institute of Pharmacy from 1886 to the present time. Professor of chemistry and toxi cology Medical Department of Hamline University, 1898-1903. Present occupa tion, physician, chemist and teacher. Republican. Episcopalian. Member of American Chemical Society. Mason and Shriner. Member B. P. O. E. Clubs: Commercial, Elks. Office: Century Bldg. Residence: 2012 Bryant Av., S., Minne apolis. DBEW, Edward Albert, clothing merchant; born at Concord, N. H., Sept. 13, 1860; son of George Winslow and Amanda (Webster) Drew; educated in public schools at Concord. Came to Minneapolis in 1880 and began active career in mercantile business March 1, 1880; treasurer of The Plymouth Cloth ing House. Re'publican. Unitarian. Member Masonic order, B. P. O. E. Married at Duluth, Minn., Sept. 15, 1891, to Miss Maud Atherton Shumway. Club: Commercial (St Paul). Office: Ply mouth Clothing House, Minneapolis. Residence: 1914 Ingiehart St., Merriam Park, Minn. DBEW, John G., railway official; born at Hammondsport, N. Y., Feb. 12, 1864; son of John M. and Hannah G. Drew; educated in public schools, St. ' Joseph, Mo. Began active career as station clerk, St. Joseph & Western R. R., now St. Joseph & Grand Island Rd., Seneca, Kas., Jan. 18, 1881; and was auditor same road, 1892-1899; assistant comp troller Great Northern Ry., 1899-1902; has been comptroller same road since 134 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS Jan. 1, 1902. Married at St. Joseph, Mo., March 19, 1890, to Miss Ella M. Reader. Mason. Clubs:. Minnesotas, Transportation. Office: 3rd, N. W. Cor. Broadway. Residence: 720 Good rich Av., St. Paul. DBEWBY, Arthur W., brewer and bottler; born at St. Paul, Minn., March 2, 1863; son of Edward and Eliza (Starkey) Drewry; attended Washing ton, Franklin and Lincoln public schools, 1870-83; unmarried. Since leaving school in 1883 has been qonnected with the business of Drewry & Sons, brewers and bottlers of ale, porter, stout and beer, soda and mineral water, ciders and jobbers of bar glassware supplies, of which he is now secretary and treasurer. Member K. P., B. P. O. E. Clubs: Commercial, East Side Commercial. Recreation: Travel. Office: 704 Payne Av. Residence: 710 Payne Av., St. Paul. DBISCOLL, Arthur B., wholesale hats, furs, etc.; born at St. Paul, Nov. 22, IS 62; son of Frederick and Anna L. (Brown) Driscoll; educated at Jefferson (public) school and Prof. F. A. Fogg's private school, St. Paul, and Hopkins' Grammar School, New Haven, Conn.; married at St. Paul, 1885, to Helen E. Gotzian. Employed as clerk in carpet department of Auerbach, Finch & Cul- bertson, 1883-84; clerk in paper and stationery department of Pioneer F'ress Co., St. Paul,' 1884, until Jan. 1, 1887, when he entered business as member of firm of McKibbin & Co., who were succeeded, Jan., 1891, by present firm of McKibbin, Driscoll & Dorsey. Mem ber of board of directors of C. Gotzian & Co., shoe manufacturers. President St. Paul Y. M. C. A. Clubs: Minnesota, Town and Country, Commercial, In formal, White Bear Yacht. Office: Broadway and Fifth St. Residence: 312 Summit Av., St. Paul. DBISCOLL, Walter John, business manager St. Paul Dispatch; born in St. Paul, May 14, 1868; son of Frederick and Anna (Brown) Driscoll; educated in public schools of St. Paul and at Hopkins Grammar School, New Haven, Conn.; married at Milwaukee, Wis., 1898, to Miss Harriet Fisk Bridges. Began active career as office boy of The Pioneer Press, 1883, advancing through various ppsitions until 1904, when he retired to become business manager of the St. Paul Dispatch, which position he now holds; also secretary Dispatch Printing Co. Republican. Presbyterian. Clubs: Minnesota, Commercial, White Bear Yacht, Nushka Curling, Junior Pioneers. Recreations: Curling, sailing, fishing. Office: Dispatch Bldg. Resi dence: 645 Goodrich Av., St. Paul. DBOSKY, Prank Michael, merchant; born in Germany, Oct. 24, 1877; came to Minnesota early in life and was edu cated in private school at Winona. Spent three years in a printing office; was clerk for P. M. Medved, 1896, and for Barney Burton, 1896-1901; entered retail merchandise business in Eagle Bend, on own account, in 1901, as junior member of the firm of McCormick, Drosky & Co., continuing until 1906; removed to Brainerd, where he has been engaged under his own name since Nov. 12, 1906, in clothing business. Roman Catholic. Member I. O. O. F. Married at Eagle Bend, Jan. 9, 1906, to Miss Christena Patrick. Recreation: Baseball. Address: Brainerd, Minn. DU BOIS, Julian A., physician; born at Aztalan, Wis., Jan. 8, 1856; educated in public schools of Lake Mills, Wis.; University of Wisconsin; Rush Medical College, Chicago, 111., graduating, degree of M.D., 1879. Married at Lake Mills, Wis., 1881, to Miss Laura R. Faville. Surgeon Great Northern and Northern Pacific railways. Vice president Na tional Bank of Sauk Centre. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associations. Democrat. Candidate of Democratic party for Congress, 6th Minn. Dist, 1902; twice mayor Sauk Centre; now member Board of Trustees State Deaf and Dumb and Blind asy lums. Club: Commercial. Recreation: Books. Address: Sauk Centre, Minn. DUGAN, Bollo Carlton, physician; born at Eyota, Minn., Feb. 12, 1865; son of E. S. and Calistia (Griffis) Dugan; educated in Eyota High School; Univer sity of Minnesota, College of Medicine and Surgery, graduating, degree of M.D , 1890. Surgeon Eyota Hospital; health officer, Eyota. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associations, Olmsted County Medical Society, Ameri can Association Railway Surgeons. Re publican. Mason. Married at Dover, Minn., Feb. 20, 1892, to Miss Isabelle Styles. Address: Eyota, Minn. DULANY, George William, Jr., lum berman; born at Fort Scott, Kas., July 11, 1877; son of G. W. and Fannie (Wil liams) Dulany; educated in public schools of Hannibal, Mo., Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass., and Yale Uni versity, degree of Ph.B., 1898; married at Evanston, 111., 1901, to Katharine M. McDonnell. Member of a family of lumbermen who have been engaged in the lumber business along the Missis sippi River for sixty years; grew up in business; now vice president and treasurer of the Eclipse Lumber Co., and the Menz Lumber . Co.; 2nd vice president of the Leech Lake and North western Railway. Served as able sea man in U. S. Navy during Spanish- American War; now 2nd lieutenant Bat tery B, First Artillery, M. N. G. Mem ber Chi Phi fraternity, Sons of Ameri can Revolution; 32° Mason and Shriner. Recreation: Automobiling. Clubs: Mini kahda, Lafayette, Commercial, Roose- THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 135 veit, Chicago Athletic Assn. Office: Lumber Exchange. Residence: 1801 Mt. Curve Av., Minneapolis. DUN A WAY, Horace, civil engineer; born at Ottawa, 111., May 15, 1863; son of J. N. and Martha (Doolittle) Dun- away. Educated at Ottawa, 111., gradu ating from high school in June, 1885; attended University of Illinois, Sept., 1885," to June, 1889, graduating with edgree of B.S. Came to St. Paul, July, 1899. Unmarried. Member National Ge ographic Society. Clubs: Commercial, Civil Engineers (St. Louis). Office: U. S. Engineer Office. Residence: 494 Ash land Av., St. Paul. DUNCAN, William T., physician; born at Granby, Can., Jan. 6, 1856; educated in Granby public schools; Medical De partment, McGill University, graduating degree of M.D., March, 1882; house surgeon, Montreal General Hospital, until March, 1883. Has been engaged in practice of medicine since 1882. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associations, Park Region Medi cal Society. Originator and vice presi dent Duncan's Hair Tonic Co. Coroner Otter Tail Co., 1892-1904; local surgeon Northern Pacific Ry. Alderman Fergus Falls, 1880-90. Democrat. Congrega tionalist. Member Masonic order, K. P., A. O. U. W., Maccabees, Royal Arcanum. Married at Rutland, Vt., July 28, 1886, to Miss Eva G. Herrick. Clubs: Chip pewa, Gun. Recreations: Hunting and outdoor exercises (formerly umpire baseball, Northern League). Address: Fergus Falls, Minn. DUNLOP, Andrew Gordon, manufac turer; born at Schuyler Falls, N. Y., Dec. 18, 1846; son of Robert and Jane (Gordon) Dunlop; attended common and select schools at Schuyler Falls and spent one term at Keesville, (N. Y.) Academy. Worked on a farm, and in factories; taught district school one term; enlisted in Co. I, 1st N. Y. Engi neers at time of Civil War and was de tailed on detached duty where he con tinued until discharged from service, May 19, 1865; after returning home was employed in country store until June, 1872, when he removed to Minneapolis, Minn.; engaged with the Monitor Plow Works as traveling salesman and spent 14 years upon the road; became a direc tor in the company and was elected sec retary and treasurer in 1886; since Nov. 13, 1890, has been manager and treasurer of the Minneapolis Plow Works. Epis copalian. Trustee St. Barnabas Hospi tal, Seabury Mission. Married, Litch field, Minn., March 13, 1880, Hattie Bell Simons. Republican. Club: Commer cial. Recreation: Books. Office: 34th Av., S. and 27th St. Residence: 3212 Portland Av., Minneapolis. DUNLOP, George Crawford, clergy man; born at Carlton, Minn., July 3, 1874; graduate St. Paul High School, 1893; Minnesota State University, de grees of B.A., M.A., 1897; graduate Gen eral Theological Seminary, New York City, 1902. Began in Episcopal ministry at Wells, Minn., 1902; has been rector Episcopal Church at St Peter since 1904. Married. Address: St. Peter, Minn. DUNN, Howard H., lawyer; born at Jackson, Minn., Oct. 29, 1867; son of James W. and Elizabeth M. (Seeley) Dunn; educated in public schools of Jackson; read law under Thomas J. Knox of Jackson; married at Jackson, Oct., 1894, to Miss Eva Nicholas. Prac ticed law at Jackson, 1890-92 and at Fairmont, 1892-98; in practice at Albert Lea since 1898; member of Lovely & Dunn since Oct. 1, 1905. City attorney Fairmont, two terms; State senator Martin Co., one term; mayor of Albert Lea, two terms. Member Freeborn County Bar Association. Republican. Mason, Knight Templar. Club: Com mercial. Address: Albert Lea, Minn. DUNN, John B., physician; born at Winona, Minn., Feb. 27, 1859; son of James and Mary (O'Hara) Dunn; gradu ate Rush Medical College, Chicago, de gree of M.D., 1883; married at Minnea polis, Minn., June 10, 1885, to Mary M. O'Brien. Practiced medicine at Shako pee, Minn.; 1883-92; studied under Dr. Nicholas Senn, 1892-93; practiced at St. Cloud since 1893. Member Minnesota State Medical Association, Minnesota Valley and Stearns and Benton County Medical societies. City health officer. Catholic. Member B. P. O. E. Recrea tions: Hunting and golf. Address: St. Cloud, Minn. DUNN, John Turnacliffe, physician; born at Waseca, Minn., March 13, 1879; son of James M. and Matilda (Turna cliffe) Dunn; educated at Waseca High School, graduating, 1900, and in Uni versity of Minnesota Medical Depart ment, receiving degree of M.D., 1904. Has been engaged in practice of medi cine at Wykoff, Minn., since 1904. Mem ber American and Minnesota State Medicab associations. Married at Min neapolis, Minn., Oct. 1902, to Miss Lilian Sherman Shute. Address: Wykoff, Minn. DUNN, Robert Campbell, editor and publisher Princeton Union; born in Ire land, Feb. 14, 1855; son of Robert and Jane (Campbell) Dunn; educated in national schools until 14. Was appreri- tice for 5 years to a Londonderry merch ant who proved such a hard task master that at the close of 6 months the young apprentice escaped and came to an uncle in Wisconsin; learned the printer's trade at St. Louis, Mo.; removed to Princeton, Minn., 1876, and began publi cation of the Princeton Union of which he has ever since been editor and pub- 136 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS Usher. Republican. Was town clerk of Princeton, 1878-89; county attorney Mille Lacs Co., 1884-88; member Minne sota Legislature, 1889-93; State auditor, 1895-1903, 8 years. Republican; candi date for governor, 1904, but owing to dissentions and a bolt in' the party was defeated by 7,000 votes. . Married at Spencer Brook, Minn., Feb. 14, 1887, to Miss Lydia McKenzie. Address: Prince ton, Minn. DUNN, Robert B., private banker; born in Philadelphia, Pa., April 25, 1863; son of Charles B. and Margaret H. Dunn; father member of firm of Dunn Bros., bankers, New York and Phila delphia; educated in private schools of Philadelphia and Haverford College, Haverford, Pa.; married at Philadelphia, 1886, to Miss Mary E. George. Came to St. Paul in 1888 and engaged in pri vate banking; vice president St. Paul Title and Trust Co., and Union Bank until these institutions retired from business; then vice president North western Trust Co., resigning Jan. 1, 1906, to engage in other business; receiver of the Commercial Light and Power Co. of Duluth and subsequently treasurer of the General Electric Co., of Duluth, until plant was sold April, 1906; was also for eight years receiver for the water company of West Duluth and sold the plant to the city. Director Superior Light and Power Co., of Su perior, Wis.; president Interstate Trac tion Co. of Duluth. Began present busi ness (private banking, mortgages and loans) Jan. 1, 1901. Democrat. Clubs: Minnesota, Kitchi Gammi (Duluth) ; Northland Golf. Recreations: Fishing and automobiling. Office: State Sav ings Bank Bldg. Residence: 597 Sum mit Av., St. Paul. DUNNAVAN, George H., wholesale produce; born in Steuben Co., Ind., Jan. 8, 3 863; son of George W. and Margaret (Hathaway) Dunnavan; educated in public and high schools of Steuben Co.; married at Fremont, Ind., Nov. 21, 1886. to Miss Kate McCuin. Began active career as a school teacher, later enter ing commercial life as furniture dealer in Fremont, Ind., after which he entered produce business as buyer of apples; came to St. Paul, Jan., 1889; was em ployed as cashier and bookkeeper by Arm of Hoxsie & Jagger, and by J. B. Hoxsie, whom he succeeded, 1895. Mem ber Board of Trade, St. Paul Produce Exchange (treasurer). Republican. Of fice: 83 East 3rd St. Residence: 670 Laurel Av., St. Paul. BUNNELL, Mark Boothby, lawyer; born at Buxton, Me., June 28, 1864; son of ex-Congressman M. H. Dunnell of Minnesota; graduate Pillsbury Academy, Owatonna, Minn., 1882; graduate Uni versity of Rochester, degree of A.B., 1886; unmarried. Was principal Fari bault, (Minn.) High School, 1886-87, admitted to Minnesota bar, 1888; U. S. deputy consul-general, Shanghai, China, 1889-92. Author: Minnesota Trial Book; . Minnesota Pleading; Minnesota Practice; Minnesota Tax Law, Editor Revised; Laws, Minnesota, 1905; appointed byi supreme court of Minnesota, 1904, to' prepare official digest of its decisions,' writer of articles on relation of U. S. with China. Address: Owatonna, Minn. DUNSMOOR, Frederick Alanson, sur geon; born at Richfield, Minn., May 28, 1853; son of James A. and Almira (Mosher) Dunsmoor; educated in public schools', University of Minnesota; Belle vue Medical College, New York City, degree of M.D., 1S75. Has been actively engaged in practice in Minneapolis since 1875, devoting his chief attention to surgery and gynecology; for many years surgeon to hospitals and railway, mill ing, accident and insurance companies; also prominently identified with organi zation of hospitals and medical depart ments of institutions of learning; pro fessor of operative and clinical surgery, medical department State University; surgeon to Swedish Hospital, St. Mary's Hospital, St. Barnabas Hospital and Asbury Methodist Hospital; gynecologist to City Hospital, University Free Dis pensary and Minneapolis Free Dispen sary. Member American Medical Asso ciation, Minnesota State Medical Asso ciation (ex-president), Tri-State Medical Association, Hennepin County Medical Society, National Association of Rail way Surgeons, Minnesota Academy of Medicine, Society of Physicians and Surgeons of Minneapolis, Western Surgi cal and Gynecological Association, Inter national Medical Congress, Nu Sigma Nu fraternity, etc. Methodist. Mason; member Druids. Married at Minneapo lis, Sept. 5, 1876, to Miss Elizabeth Emma Billings, daughter of the late surgeon, Geo. F. Turner, U. S. A. Club: Minneapolis (charter member). Office: Andrus Bldg. Residence: 1413 Harmon PI., Minneapolis; summer residence: Kenjockety, Lake Minnetonka, Minn. DUNWOODY, William Hood, banker and flour manufacturer; born Chester Co., Pa., March 14, 1841; son of James and Hannah (Hood) Dunwoody; educated in Philadelphia. Began active career by working in grain and flour store of his uncle in Philadelphia, 1859; entered same business a few years later on own account as a member of the Arm of Dunwoody & Robertson; came to Min neapolis, Sept., 1869, as a buyer of flour for Eastern houses; became a member of the Arm of Tiffany, Dunwoody & Co., operating Arctic Flour Mills and also of H. Darrow & Co., operating Union Flour Mill, 1871; organized the Millers' Association and became its manager and general agent. Was the first to intro- THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 137 duce new process for milling wheat and also the first to engage in exportation of Minneapolis flour direct to Europe, at solicitation of Governor Washburn, Nov., 1877; one of the organizers and member of firm of Washburn, Crosby & Co., operating the Washburn Mills, com mencing business Feb. 1, 1879, the firm later introducing the roller process of making flour, into its plants. President Northwestern National Bank, St. An thony & Dakota Elevator Co., and the Barnum Grain Co.; vice president St. Anthony Elevator Co., the Washburn- Crosby Co.; director Minneapolis Trust Co. Member of Committee of 100 to meet Prince Henry of Prussia, 1902. Republican. Presbyterian. Member Min neapolis Chamber of Commerce, and New York Chamber of Commerce. Mar ried at Philadelphia, Pa., Kate L. Patton. Clubs: Minneapolis (Minneapolis) ; Min nesota (St. Paul) ; Metropolitan (New York). Office: Chamber of Commerce. Residence: 52 S 10th St., Minneapolis. DUBXEE, George M., manager Minne sota Moline Plow Co.; born at Cherokee, la., Oct., 1871; son of Charles A. and Mary A. (Ryan) Durkee; educated in Cherokee High School. Was connected with the McCormick H. M. Co., at Coun cil Bluffs, la., 1893-98; filled position of traveling agent in Northwestern Iowa for Moline Plow Co., 1898-1901; came to Minneapolis as manager of the Minne sota Moline Plow Co., Nov. 15, 1901, which position he now holds. Democrat. Presbyterian. Mason. Married at Coun cil Bluffs, la., June 15, 1894, to Miss Jessie F. Colby. Club: Commercial. Recreations: Hunting and fishing. Of fice: 401-407 3rd St., N. Residence: 2506 Blaisdell Av., Minneapolis. DUBMENT, Edmund S., lawyer; born in Brown Co., Ind., March 19, I860; son of Rev. George W. and Henrietta (Hog- gatt) Durment; student School of Mines and Metallurgy, Rolla, Mo., and Drury College, Springfield, Mo.; graduated Law Department, Columbian (now George Washington University), Washington, D. C, 1884; married at St. Paul, Sept. 22, 1887, to Rose Smith. Began career as U. S. pension examiner in Kentucky, 1884-85; admitted to the Minn, bar, 1885; located in St. Paul and has since been engaged in general practice; now member of the law firm of Durment & Moore. Ex-member Minn. State Board of Correction and Charities. Member Minn. State and American Bar associa tions. Republican. Clubs: Commercial, Minnesota. Office: Germania Life Bldg. Residence: 611 Holly Av., St Paul. DUBST, William Arthur, loans; born at Monroe, Wis., 1870; educated in pub lic schools of Monroe. Came to Minne sota, 1887, and has been connected since 1888 with the Minnesota Loan & Trust Co., of which he is secretary. Republi can. Member Masonic order. Married at Monroe Wis., 1893, to Miss Clara J. West. Club: Commercial. Office: 311- 313 Nicollet Av. Residence: 3133 Cal houn Blvd., Minneapolis. BUTTON, Charles Elvan, physician; born in Delaware Co., Ia., June 22, 1862; son of George H. and Elizabeth (Elli son) Dutton; graduate College of Medi cine and Surgery, University of Minne sota, degree of M.D., 1889. Acting assistant surgeon U. S. Army, 1889-1900; assistant surgeon and surgeon M. N. G., for 11 years; assistant surgeon with rank of captain, 14th Minn. Vol. Regt., Spanish-American War. Member Ameri can and Minnesota State Medical asso ciations, Hennepin County Medical So ciety. Scottish Rite Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner; member B. P. O. E. Married at Kansas City, Mo.. Sept., 1903, to Miss Flora Blanche Bur roughs. Clubs: Commercial, Elks, Automobile. Recreations: Hunting, shooting, automobiling. Office 602 Nicol let Av. Residence: 2833 Fremont Av., S., Minneapolis. DUKBUBY, P. A., lawyer; born at Har mony, Minn., April 11, 1862; son of Richard and Miranda Mary (Barnes) Duxbury; educated at high school, Pres ton, Minn. Taught school, in Minnesota, 1883-34; studied law and was admitted to bar by Supreme Court of Minnesota, 1895. Republican. Member Minnesota State Bar Association. Mason. Married at O'Neill, Neb., 1884, to Miss Susan A. Addison. Address: Caledonia, Minn. DWELLE, Gad Merrill, merchant, farmer, war veteran; born at Onondag Hollow, N. Y., March 13, 1835; common school education. Enlisted in 2nd. U. S. Sharpshooters, Dec. 17, 1861, which was attached to 1st Minn., Regt. as Co. D. ; served through the Peninsula campaign under Gen. McClellan; wounded and taken prisoner at Antietam; commis sioned 2nd lieut. 3rd Minn. Battery, Feb. 4, 1863; joined the expedition com manded by Gen. H. H. Sibley against the hostile Indians; returned to frontier in Oct., and was detailed to accompany Gov. Ramsey as commissioner to meet with Chippewa Indians for purchase of lands in Northern Minnesota; joined Gen. Sully's expedition against the In dians in summer of 1864, pursued them across the Missouri river, through the bad lands into Motana. Engaged in a third expedition to Devil's Dake, in 1865, under Col. Thomas, and -was mustered out of service. Feb., 1866. Now mem ber Dwelle Telephone Co. Married to Julia Patton. Address: Lake City, Minn. DWIGHT, Charles C, merchant miller; born at Vershire, Vt., Aug. 21, 1856; son of .Henry C. and Eunice (Colton) Dwight; educated at Barre, Vt, and Cambridge, Mass.; married at Cam- 138 THB BOOK OF MINNESOTANS bridge, March 2, 1880, to Miss Eunice Harvey. Came to Minnesota, 1876, and engaged in general store business and cattle buying at Winnebago City; lo cated in Albert Lea, 3 880, and was iden tified with general merchandise until 1888; has been in milling business since 1888, and is president and manager of the Albert Lea Milling Co. Also direc tor and member executive committee of the Mill Owners Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Republican. Club. Commercial. Address: Albert Lea, Minn. DWINNELL, William Stanley, lawyer; born at Lodi, Wis., Dec. 25, 1862; son of John Bliss and Maria (Stanley) Dwinnell; educated in public schools of Lodi and at University of Wisconsin. Began practice of law, June, 1886; was assistant and reporter supreme court, Wisconsin, 1886-88, district attorney Jackson Co., Wis., 1888-89; member Min nesota Legislature, 1899-1900. President Fraser River Tannery, Ltd., Edmonton Lumber Co.; treasurer Urban Invest ment Co., St. Paul. Married at Madison, Wis., April 24, 1889, to Miss Virginia Ingman. Clubs: Minneapolis, Mini kahda, Commercial (vice chairman af fairs committee 1905-06). Member Psi Upsilon fraternity. Recreation: Auto mobiling. Office: New York Life Bldg. Residence: 410 Groveland Av., Minne apolis. DYKMAN, Howard, banker; born at Cold Spring, N. Y., Oct. 12, 1869; son of E. P. and Anna Dykman; public school education. Has been identified with banking business in Minnesota and N. Dakota, since 1887, beginning busi ness career with First National Bank, Breckenridge, Minn. Cashier and direc tor East Side State Bank, Minneapolis, since Oct. 8, 1906; also connected with a number of banks in North Dakota and Minnesota. Member Board of Directors State Normal School, Minnesota. Re publican. Member State Bankers' Asso ciation. Member Masonic order, K. P. Married at Fergus Falls, Minn., 1904, to Miss Annie M. Olsen. Clubs: Com mercial, St. Anthony Falls. Recreations: Hunting and fishing. Office: 301 Cen tral Av. Residence: 406 11th Av., S. E., Minneapolis. E EABL, Robert Oscar, surgeon; born at Elon, Allamakee Co., Ia., Aug. 27, 1872; son of Peter O. and Hannah (An derson) Earl; removed from Iowa to Minneapolis, with family, in 1882; edu cated in public schools of Iowa and Min neapolis and University of Minnesota, graduating from the Medical Depart ment of the University, degree of M.D., 3 896; married at St. Paul, Minn., June 1, 1900, to Clara Swanstrom, of St. Paul. Has been in active practice since 1896; now surgeon to the Bethesda Hospital, president and surgeon of Mounds Park Sanitarium, and commissioner of State Hospital for Crippled and Deformed Children since 1905. President and Di rector Scandinavian Savings Bank; di rector East St. Paul State Bank. Mem ber American and Minnesota State Med ical associations, Ramsey County Medi cal Society. Member St. Paul Park Board. Member Montgomery Lodge, A. F. & A. M. Baptist. Republican. Club: Norden. Address: 883 Payne Av., St. Paul. Sum mer residence: Cor. Forrest and Phalen and Como Avs. _ EASTMAN, Alvah, editor Journal- Press, St. Cloud, Minn.; born at Lovell Centre, Me., Aug. 22, 1858; son of Isaac and Kate (Page) Eastman; educated in public schools in Maine, and at acade mies at North Bridgton and Fryeburg, Me. Learned the printer's trade in the office of the Oxford Democrat, Paris Hill, Me., 1875-78; attended school two years; came to Anoka, Minn., 1880, and conducted Anoka Herald for three years, and then purchased it; sold the Herald, 1891, and organized the Journal-Press Co. (of which is president), St. Cloud, and established The Journal-Press, a daily newspaper of which he has been editor since Sept., 1892. Republican. Presidential elector Minnesota, 1888; member Minnesota Legislature, 1889; spe cial agent U. S. revenue department, 1889-92; receiver U, S. land office, St. Cloud, 1898-1907; president State Nor mal School Board. Unitarian. Married at Anoka, Minn., Sept. 5, 1883, Miss Alice M. Eastman. Recreation: Fish ing. Address: St. Cloud, Minn. EASTON, William Edwards, senior editor and publisher . Stillwater Ga zette; born in Mesopotamia, O., Dec. 27, 1850; son of Augustus B. and Julia (Burke) Easton; common school educa tion. Came to Stillwater with his par ents, Aug. 7, 1857, and has since made his home there; commenced learning the printer's trade when a small boy in the office of the Messenger, where his father was employed. Began publi cation of the Stillwater Gazette, with his father, Aug., 1870; was admitted to partnership, 1876, the firm being Easton & Masterman since March 14, 1896. Mem ber Masonic order, Knights of Pythias, Royal Arcanum, B. P. O. E. Married at Stillwater, Dec 19, 1878, to Miss Josephine A. McGowan. Address: Still water, Minn. EATON, Burt W., lawyer; born at Gerry, N. Y., Sept. 29, 1854; son of Lyman L. and Corana (Martin) Eaton; came to Minnesota with parents, 1855; educated in public schools of Rochester; married at Medford, Minn., Jan. 15, 1896, to Miss Ella B. Butler. Studied law, was admitted to the bar, 1879, and has been engaged in practice at Rochester THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS 139 ever since. Has held offices of city re corder, county attorney, mayor, and member board of directors City Library. Now president Rochester Water Co., and Rochester Gas Co.; vice president and director First National Bank. Democrat. Member Masonic order. Club: Commer cial. Recreations: Hunting and fishing. Address: Rochester, Minn. EATON, Guy Arthur, postmaster, Du luth; born at Red Oak, la., Oct. 27, 1871; son of Webster and Frances (Ames) Eaton; educated in public schools of Dincoln, Neb., St. Cloud, Minn., and at Clavenack College, on Hud son River, N. Y., course in civil engi neering, 1889. Had extensive experience as government surveyor in North Woods on Missabe and Vermillion Ranges and in Rainy Lake Country; assisted in building Guatamala Railroad in Central America; has been a resident of Duluth since 1899, and has occupied position of postmaster, Duluth, since July 15, 1906. Member firm of Eaton Brothers, mining and timber, organized 1898; vice presi dent Incas Iron Co.; secretary Minne sota Timber Land Co., Manitou Co. (min ing). Commander Minnesota Naval Mi litia since 1903. Republican. Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner; mem ber Knights of Constantine, B. P. O. E., Knights of Pythias, W. W. A., I. O. F. Married at Monticello, Minn., 1898, to Miss Jessie Burton. Clubs: Commer cial, Duluth Boat; Kitchi Nadji (Supe rior, Wis.) Recreations: Yachting, boat ing, automobiling. Office: Federal Bldg. Residence: 120 15th Av., E., Duluth. EATON, William Justus, produce mer chant; born at Andover, Conn., April 15, 1847; graduate classical course, Iowa College, Grinnell, la., degree of A.M., 3 871. Began active career in railway construction, with his father, 1871, con tinuing until 1874; entered produce busi ness at Grinnell, la., as member of the firm of Eaton & Craver, 1874, continuing until 1881; removed to Rochester, Minn., 1881, and established the firm of Eaton /t Walker, which after one year became the W. J. Eaton Egg Co. Married at Mt. Pleasant, la., 1876, to Miss Jennie Swan. Address: Rochester, Minn. EBEL, William Edward, wholesale milliner; born, St. Paul, Minn., July 27, 1866; son of Charles L. and Mathilda (Tramm) Ebel; educated in the St. Paul public and high schools; married at St. Paul, Minn., 1895, to Elizabeth H. Bantz. Started in business at St. Paul as stock boy with the firm of J. Roth schild & Co.; became city salesman and in 1897 traveling salesman for the same firm. Associated with P. C. Lundt as senior partner of the firm of P. C. Lundt & Company, Sept. 1, 1904, wholesale mil liners and manufacturers of ladies' hats. Office: 175-177 East 4th St. Residence: 246 Fuller St., St. Paul. EBEBHABD, Charles C, county aud itor; born at Mound Prairie, Minn., Oct. 25, 1861; son of J. A. and Ann J. Eber hard; attended Houston (Minn.) schools and Winona State Normal School. En tered U. S. railway mail service, April 9, 1887, and resigned July 1, 1898; was elected county auditor of Houston Co., Nov., 1898, and has continued in that position since Jan. 1, 1899. Interested in farming, real estate and life insurance. Republican. Member Masonic order, I. O. O. F.. A. O. U. W., W. O. W., I. O. F. Married at La Crosse, Wis., July 13, 1887, to Miss May L. Mason. Recreations: Hunting, fishing, driving. Address: Caledonia, Minn. EBERHART, Alpha Le Bue, ¦ pork packing; born at Albion, la., Aug. 5, 1867; son of Jeremiah S._ and Emma M. (May) Eberhart; educated in public schools; married at Chicago, 111., 1899, to Miss Lena Lowenstein. Began busi ness career in employ of wholesale dry goods house 5 years; was traveling salesman and later with Swift & Co., Chicago and St. Paul; has been secre tary and director George A. Hormel & Co., pork packers and dealers in pork products, since 1901. Republican. Con gregationalist. Member U. C. T. of A. Club: Progressive League. Address: Austin, Mass. ECKHOLDT, Walter Augustus, regis ter of deeds; born at Rochester, Minn., Aug. 24, 1873; son of H. A. and Adeline V. (Lane) Eckholdt; educated in public schools of Rochester, and in College of Law, University of Minnesota, gradua ting, degree of LL.B., 1896; married at Rochester, 1897, to Miss Caroline Hub bard. Began practice of law in Roches ter; entered general merchandise busi ness, 1898, and continued until fall of 1906 when he was elected register of deeds of Olmsted Co., term extending to Jan., 1909. Republican. Baptist. Member Knights of Pythias, M. W. A., Royal Arcanum, Court of Honor, Sons of Norway. Address: Rochester, Minn. ECKMANN, Albert. M., banker; born at Stavanger, Norway, Sept. 23, 1864; son of Capt. Carsten and Malene (Johnson) Eckmann; educated at Stavanger High School. Came to America, 1885; has been cashier State Bank, Hendrum, Minn., since 1898; also president State Bank, Georgetown First State Bank of Winger, Minn., Citizens' State Bank, Am brose, N. D.; vice president Williams County State Bank, Crosby, N. D. Mem ber Masonic order, Knights of Pythias, I. O. F. Married at Minneapolis, July 12, 1906, to Miss Helen B. Blachley. Club: Odin. Address: Hendrum, Minn. ECKSTEIN, Andrew J., druggist; born in Germany, Sept. 9, 1861; son of John and Magdalena (Keim) Eckstein; came to Minnesota when a child; entered the country school at 7 years of age, and 140 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS the State Normal School at 14, gradua ting, 1877. Began active career as a school teacher, continuing for two years; entered pharmacy of Dr. Waschcke and worked for him 10 years, purchasing the business June 8, 1889. Took special course in pharmacy, 1888, and passed Minnesota Board of Pharmacy examina tion, 1889; also took special course and received diploma in optometry. Presi dent of the State Bank, New Ulm, since Jan., 1906, and of the New Ulm Plate Glass Association since its organization, 1898; director Minnesota Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Co., St. Paul, and the Security Mutual Fire Insurance Co., Chatfield, Minn. Resigned from M. N. G. (honorable discharge) June 18, 1892, 10 years' service medal received Feb. 5, 1894; captain and commissary of sub sistence, May 25, 1903; captain and in spector small arms practice, Dec. 31, 1903; 15 years' service medal, May 29, 1906. Has been a member of the Board of Public Works, New Ulm, for over 20 years and its president for over 12 years; ex-president New Ulm Building and Loan Association and its treasurer for 5 years. Democrat; county commission er of Brown Co., since 1900, and chair man of the board; member State Con ferences of Correction and Charities and now its president; also president State Association of County Commissioners. Member American and Minnesota State Pharmaceutical ^associations. Member Catholic Order of Foresters (state vipe- chief ranger), Knights of ColumDus (Warden). Married at Minnesota Lake, June 3, 1883, to Miss Christine Pietrus. Address: New Ulm, Minn. EDDY, Henry Turner, educator; born at Stoughton, Mass., June 9, 1844; son of Rev. Henry and Sarah Hayward (Tor- rey) Eddy; graduated from Yale Uni versity, degree of A.B., 1867; Sheffield Scientific School, degree of Ph.B., 186S (A.M., Yale, 1870; C.E., 1870; Ph.D., 1872, Cornell; LL.D., Center College, 1892); studied at Berlin, 1879; Paris, 1880. Was instructor field work, Shef field Scientific School, 1867-68; instruc tor Latin and mathematics, University of Tennessee, 1868-69; assistant profes sor mathematics and civil engineering Cornell University, 1869-73; adjunct pro fessor mathematics, Princeton, 1873-74; professor mathematics astronomy and civil engineering, University of Cincin nati, 1874-90; dean academic faculty, 1874-77 and 1884-89; acting president and president-elect, 1890, same univer sity; president Rose Polytechnic Insti tute, Terre Haute, Ind., 1891-94; has been professor of engineering and me chanics. University of Minnesota, since 3 894; dean of the Graduate School, Uni versity of Minnesota, since 1905. Mem ber American Philosophical Society, A.A.A.S. (vice president for mathemat ics and physics, 1884), American Mathe matical Society, American Physical So ciety, Society for Promotion of Engi neering Education (president, 1896), Phi Beta Kappa and Sigma Xi college fra ternities. Author: Analytical Geometry; Researches in Graphical Statics; Ther modynamics Maximum Stresses under Concentrated Loads, etc; also numerous scientific and technical papers. Married at New Haven, Conn., Jan. 4, 1870, Miss Sebella Elizabeth Taylor. Address: Uni versity of Minnesota. Residence: 916 6th St., S. E., Minneapolis. EDEN, Edward H., railway commer cial agent; born at Fort Erie, Ont., Can., Oct. 2, 1868; son of William and Jane (Magee) Eden; educated in public schools of Fort Erie. Came to Minne sota, 1892; filled position of traffic man ager of Marshall-Wells Hardware Co., Duluth, 1892-97; agent of Lackawanna Fast Freight Line at Duluth and St. Paul, 1897-1902; has been commercial agent of Delaware, Lackawanna & West ern R. R. Co. and Lake lines at Minne apolis, since 1901. Republican. Episco palian. Married at Minneapolis, 1905, to Miss Sue M. Wold. Recreation: Boating. Office: 924 Guaranty Bldg. Residence: 315 W. 15th St., Minneapolis. EDGAB, William C, journalist; born at La Crosse, Wis., Dec. 21, 1856; son of Joseph C. and Lucy (Dorey) Edgar; educated in public schools of St. Louis, Mo., leaving school at 17 years of age. Was connected with St. Louis business houses, 1874-81; removed to Minneap olis, 1882, and has been business mana ger Northwestern Miller (flour milling journal) since 1884, and its editor since 1886; in 1906 began publication of The Bellman, a weekly journal, of which he is editor; president The Miller Publish ing Co., and The Bellman Co. Contrib utor to periodicals; author of Story of a Grain of Wheat and several pamphlets (Appleton). Independent in politics. Episcopalian. Member American Social Science Association (New York), Amer ican Free Trade League (Boston), Na tional Municipal League (Philadelphia), and member executive committee Vot ers' League (Minneapolis). Married at St. Louis, 1883, to Anne Randolph Page Robinson. Clubs: Minneapolis, Minikah da, Lafayette, St. Louis (St.' Louis). Office: 118 S. 6th St. Residence: 66 Groveland Terrace, Minneapolis. EDGEBTON, George B., lawyer; born at Mantorville, Minn., June 11, 1857. Admitted to bar, June, 1880; began practice at Kasson, Dodge County, Minn. ; has been in practice at St. Paul since April 1, 1890. Was county attorney of Dodge County, Minn., two years; assist ant U. S. attorney of Minnesota three years, and assistant attorney general of Minnesota six years. Republican. Epis copalian. Member Minnesota State and St. Paul Bar associations. Mason. Mem- THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 141 ber Sons of American Revolution. Office: National German American Bank Bldg. Residence: 828 Lincoln Av., St. Paul. EDSALL, Samuel Cook, P. E. bishop of Minnesota; born at Dixon, 111., March 4, 1860; son of James K. and Caroline Florella (More) Edsall; educated at Ra cine College, receiving degree of A.M., 1888 (D.D., Illinois College, 1898; S.T.D., Western Theological Seminary, 1900); admitted to the bar, March 23, 1882; studied in Western Theological Semi nary, graduating, May 30, 1889; ordered deacon, Dec. 23, 1888; ordained priest, June 2, 1889. Founded St. Peter's Mis sion, Chicago, 111., May 29, 1887; re mained in charge of same as lay reader until ordination; rector St. Peter's Church, Chicago, 111., 1889-99; mission ary bishop of N. Dak., Jan. 25, 1899, to Dec. 4, 1901; was elected bishop of Minnesota June 6, 1901, and con secrated by House of Bishops, Oct. 3, 1901. State chaplain Society Colonial Wars. Mason (32°), Knight Templar. Married at Aurora, 111., April 11, 1883, to Miss Grace Harmon. Club: Minikahda. Recreation: Tennis. Ad dress: 2642 Portland Av., Minneapolis. EDSON, William D., lawyer; born at Warwarsing, N. Y., Oct. 16, 1849; son of Darwin N. and Hannah (Bliss) Ed son; educated in common schools and at Unadilla Academy, N. Y.; married at Lawrence, N. Y., 1875, to Miss Matilda Allen. Read law in Unadilla, and was admitted to the bar at Albany, N. Y., 1871; practiced in Unadilla for several years; came to Duluth, 1891, and en gaged in practice until elected to the bench, 1895; since retirement from the bench has engaged in securing and de veloping mining properties; owner of mineral lands on the Cuyuna Iron Range and elsewhere. Was judge of Municipal Court, Duluth, 1895-03. Re publican. Presbyterian. Member Amer ican Bar Association. Member Knights of Pythias, Modern Samaritans. Presi dent Duluth Bethel Society; director Y. M. C. A. Recreation: Fishing. Office: Torrey Bldg. Residence: 507 E. 5th St.. Duluth. EDWABDS, Benjamin K., lumberman; born at Topeka, Kan., April 7, 1880; son of William C. and Nettie E. Ed wards; educated in St. Paul High School, business college and Minnesota State University; unmarried. Entered father's business in 1901; now operating in lumber and coffee lands. Owner Sal- vadora Coffee Co., Edwards and Ogden Pole and Piling Co.; director and vice president Kansas Lumber Co.; director Edwards and Westmacott Lumber Co.; secretary Minnesota and Nicaragua Cof fee Co. and Edwards Lumber Co. Ma son. Club: Commercial. Office: Man hattan Bldg. Residence: 1325 Summit Av., St. Paul. EDWABDS, Clement S., editor; born in New York City, March 4, 1869; came to Minnesota, 1881; educated in public schools of Albert Lea, Hillsdale College, Mich., Parker's College, Winnebago City, Minn., St. Michael's Academy, New Brunswick, Can.; married at Albert Lea, Minn., 1894, to Miss Harriet Gillrup. Studied law in office of Judge John A. Lovely, ex-justice supreme court; was admitted to the bar and was partner of Judge Lovely for several years; capt. Co. I, 3 2th Minn. Vol. Inf., during Span ish-American war; city attorney of Al bert Lea until 1905, when he ceased practice of law; editor The Times En terprise, weekly newspaper, of which he became part owner in 1905. Was major on staff of Gov. Lind. Republican. Epis copalian. Member Masonic order, Knights Templar, K P. President Commercial Club. Address: Albert Lea, Minn. EDWABDS, Hugh B., produce dealer; born at Manchester, Wis., July 1, 1866; son of Peter and Sarah (Roberts) Ed wards; educated in public schools of Wisconsin. Engaged in farming in Wis consin until 22 years of age; came to Minneapolis, 1888, and filled position of bookkeeper in several business houses; began in general produce business for himself, 1897, and is head of the firm of H. R. Edwards & Co. Republican. Presbyterian. Member Minneapolis Pro duce Exchange. Member Royal League, A. O. U. W. Married at Sparta, Wis., Sept. 27, 1904, to Miss Margaret Rob erts. Recreation: Traveling. Office: 27 Central Market. Residence: 2724 Gar field Av., Minneapolis. EDWARDS, John Milton, physician; born .at Mankato, Minn., Jan. 25, 1874; son of John J. and Margaret (Richards) Edwards; educated in public schools; State Normal School; University of Illi nois; College of Physicians and Sur geons, Chicago, degree of M.D., 1899; post graduate course at Post Graduate Hospital, N. Y., 1901-03. Has been in practice of medicine since April 20, 1899; member of firm of Curran, Edwards, Holmon & Schmitt, physicians and sur geons. Commissioner of health, Man kato, since 1902. Presbyterian. Member American and Minnesota State Medical Assns. Member B. P. O. E. (exalted ruler),' K. P., F. O. E., A. O. U. W. Mar ried at Mankato, Dec. 5, 1906, to Miss Clara E. Gerlich. Clubs: Elks, Commer cial. Recreation: Traveling. Address: Mankato, Minn. EDWARDS, Maurice Dwight, clergy man; born at Pittsburgh, Pa., April 29, 1847; son of Richard and Catherine Pond (May) Edwards; educated in private school, Pittsburgh; public schools, Du buque, la.; Hamilton College, New* York, graduating, degree of B.A., 1870; honor ary degree of D.D., same college, 1892. Began in ministry at Dayton Av. Pres- 142 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS byterian Church, St. Paul, Minn., July 1, 1874, and has so continued ever since, this being his first and only charge. Stated clerk of the Synod of Minnesota since 1885. Republican. Member Alpha Delta Phi and Phi Beta Kappa fraterni ties, Sons of American Revolution (chap lain). Married at St. Paul, Oct. 3, 1877, to Miss Annie Louise Deane. Club: Commercial. Recreations: Hunting and fishing. Church: Dayton Av. Presbyte rian. Residence: 423 Laurel, St. Paul, Minn. EDWABDS, William Chalmers, lum ber merchant; born at Virgil, N. Y., Aug. 23, 1846; son of Rufus and Har riet O. (Hart) Edwards; educated in common schools and at Cortland (N. Y. ) Academy; married at Tully, N. Y., May 20, 1874, to Phinetta E. Johnson, of New Haven, Conn. Went to Chicago, 1866, and began business career in a lumber yard; later became superintendent of a saw mill on Grand River, Mich.; opened retail lumber yard at New Windsor, 111., where he remained until 1870, when he went to Kansas and became interested in the lumber business there and in Nebraska; was actively associated with upbuilding and improvement of Hutchin son, Sterling, Kinsley and other Kansas cities and Edwards Co., Kan., was named in his honor in 1874. Came from To peka, Kan., to St. Paul in 1883; presi dent and treasurer Edwards-Bradford Lumber Co.; president Kansas Lumber Co., Edwards Lumber Co. and other com panies. Was instrumental in founding and erecting Edwards Hall of Macales ter College, 1904. Mason, Elk. Club: St. Paul Commercial. Recreation: Litera ture. Office: Manhattan Bldg. Resi dence: 1325 Summit Av., St. Paul. EDWARDS, William Rufus, lumber; born at Hutchinson, Kan., July 24, 1875; son of William Chalmers and Phinetta E. (Johnson) Edwards; came to St. Paul with family, 1883; educated in pub lic school and Macalester College, St. Paul; unmarried. Began business ca reer, 1893, in his father's lumber in terests; now president and director of The Edwards & Westmacott Lumber Co.; treasurer The Kansas Lumber Co.; director The Lindas Lumber Co. and other companies. Mason (32° Scot tish Rite), Shriner; member B. P. O. E. Republican. Clubs: St. Paul Commer cial. Automobile. Recreation: Automo biling. Office: Manhattan Bldg. Resi dence: 1325 Summit Av., St. Paul. EGAN, James Emmitt, civil engineer and surveyor; born at Madison, Wis., Oct. 11, 1859; son of N. P. Egan and Ella Smith Egan; educated in public schools at the Wisconsin State Univer sity; married at Minneapolis, 1894, to Miss C. B. Boyle. Began profession as civil engineer in 1880 and now owns and operates one of the largest and oldest engineering offices in the city of Minne apolis, established in 1872. Was pub lisher of the late city atlas and Ailed the office of county surveyor of Henne pin County, 1891-92. Clubs: Commer cial, Automobile, Engineers (Minneap- lis). Office: Oneida Blk. Residence: 730 E. 24th St., Minneapolis. EGELSTON, Alvord C, lawyer; born at Ilion,.N. Y., Sept. 28, 1860; son of Artemus and Asenath L. (Alvord) Egel- ston; graduated from Union College, Schenectady, N. Y., degree of A.B., 1885. After leaving college came west as far as Chicago, where he had charge of a suburban school, 1885-86; came to Min neapolis, Sept. 1, 1886; admitted to the bar, 1887, and has since that time been in practice of the profession. Member American Bar Association. Presbyterian. Married at Fonda, N. Y., June 30, 1902, to Elizabeth Dockstader. Club: Com mercial. Recreations: All outdoor ath letic sports. Office: New York Life Bldg. Residence: 3240 Portland Av., Minneapolis. EGGLESTON, Walter A., mortgage loans, real estate, rentals; born at Win- terset, la., Nov. 16, 1865; has been a resident of Minneapolis since 1866; edu cated in public schools of Minneapolis and at Carleton College, Northfield, Minn. Began business career as an em ployee of the David C. Bell Investment Co., 1886, and has occupied the position of vice president and secretary of the company since 1889. Republican. Mem ber Real Estate Board, Phi Kappa Psi fraternity. Married at Minneapolis, Sept. 4, 1889, to Miss Alice A. Adams. Clubs: Minneapolis, Commercial. Recre ations: Hunting and fishing. Office: Se curity Bank Bldg. Residence: 1777 Du- pont Av., S., Minneapolis. EHEBHABT, A. O., lawyer, lieutenant governor of Minnesota; born in Dixon Co., Neb., where he was engaged as a cowboy, farm hand and farmer until he was nearly 21 years of age; entered Gustavus Adolphus College, St. Peter, Minn., in the spring of 1891, and took the academic, collegiate and elective studies, in four years and three months. graduating as valedictorian of his class, 1S95; studied law in the office of Judge Lorin Gray, Mankato, was admitted to the bar, 1898, and has since been en gaged in practice at Mankato. Repub lican. Elected State senator, 11th dis trict, Nov., 1902; elected lieutenant gov ernor, on Republican ticket, Nov., 1906. Address: Mankato, Minn. EHBENSTBOM, Nils Gustaf, farmer; born in Gotland, Sweden, Oct. 28, 1862; son of Rev. Johan Ludvig and Elizabeth (Olson) Ehrenstrom; common school and college education, in Wisby, Swe den, 1875-81; came to the United States, June 6, 1882. Clerk of the district court of Kittson Co., Minn., 1895-1907. Demo- THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 143 erat Member I. O. of G. T., I. O. F. Married at Hallock, Minn., June 6, 1891, to Miss. Elise Johnson. Owns and oper ates 400 acre farm in Kittson Co. Ad dress: Siggestad, Minn. EICHLER, Charles Edward, mill feed; born at Martinsburg, W. Va., Dec 17, 1859; son of Charles C. F. and Elizabeth (Frey) Eichler; educated in public schools of Baltimore, Md., and at Rock Hill College, Md. Began active career in wholesale and retail flour and feed busi ness, under title of Eichler & Son, at Baltimore, Md., continuing 1877-87; re moved to Minneapolis, 1887; has been engaged as shipper mill feed since 1892. Member Minneapolis Chamber of Com merce. Mason (32°), Knight Templar; member B. P. O. E. Unmarried. Clubs: Minneapolis, Minikahda, Athletic (Chi cago). Recreations: Driving and horses. Office: Guaranty Bldg. Residence: The Hampshire Arms, Minneapolis. EICKMANN, Peter, brewing; born in Scott Co., Minn., Sept. 18, 1862; son of Henry and Francis (Wonsch) Eickmann; educated in common schools. Began act ive career in mercantile business at Glencoe, 1883; manufacturer of cigars, 1886-96; entered brewing business, 1896, incorporating as the Glencoe Brewing Co., 1901, of which he is president and director. Village treasurer of Glencoe, 1895-96; moved from village to town ship, 1896, and was elected treasurer of township, 1906. Democrat. Roman Cath olic. Member Catholic Order of D. K. K. U. V. of Glencoe, Minn. Married in Scott Co., Minn., Aug. 19, 1884, Miss Annie Wolf. Club: Commercial. Ad dress: Glencoe, Minn. EKDAHL, Charles, merchant, farmer and postmaster; born in Sweden, Sept. 22, 1829. Fought in the Union Army, Civil War, as private in Co. G, 4th Minn. Vol. Inf., enlisting Sept. 4, 1864; participated in the battle of Altoona, Ga., and in Sherman's march to the sea Has been a farmer since 1854, a store keeper since 1887, and for 19 years has been postmaster of Otisville. Member State Legislature, 1875. Married in Swe den, June, 1854, Stina Gustafson. Ad dress: Otisville, Minn. EKHOLM, Fred Victor, manufacturing furrier; born in Kanabeck County, Minn., Feb. 7, 1877; son of Andrew F. and Anna Charlotte (Sandell) Ekholm; educated, in public schools; unmarried. Left school at 16; in 1897 started as apprentice with Mr. E. Sundkvist in the fur business; became general foreman and in 1905 was admitted to partnership in the firm of E. Sundkvist & Co., man ufacturing retail furriers. Clubs: Nor- den, Commercial. Office: 237 E. 7th St. Residence: 721 Arcade St., St. Paul. EKLE, Albert B., proprietor Mankato Marble Works; born in Norway, April 11, 1851; son of Rasmus K. and Carrie Ekle; came to America, 1869; educated in schools of Norway and Illinois; mar ried at Mankato, Minn., 1877, to Miss Annie Vangen. Learned trade of marble and granite cutter in Chicago; came to Mankato, 1S71, and has been in business for himself, granite and marble works and monuments, since 1877. Republican. Lutheran. Address: Mankato, Minn. ELDBEDGE, Frank A., maple syrup; born at Buffalo, N. Y., Feb. 12, 1856; son of Deloss and Georgianna (Beaiipre) Eldredge; educated in public schools of Buffalo; admitted to the bar at Roches ter, N. Y., 1877. Came to St. Paul and engaged in practice, 1878-80; in law practice and mercantile business in Dakota Ty., 1880-89; returned to St. Paul and became identified with the Towle Maple Syrup Co., of which he is secre tary; also vice president and director of the Metal Screen and Manufacturing Co. Member Jobbers' Union, Northwest ern Manufacturers' Association (direc tor). Was member Dakota Territorial Legislature, 1886. Married at St. Paul, Oct., 1901, to Miss Nora G. Towle. Office: Chicago and Custer Sts. Residence: 777 Grand Av., St. Paul. ELPOBD, Albert Sydney, life insur ance; born in Mitchell, Perth County, Ontario, June 15, 1867; son of Jonathan and Maria (Tilley) Elford; educated in common schools of Olmsted County, Minn.; married at Grand Forks, N. Dak., Sept., 1904, to Ethel Mae Canniff. Began teaching common school in Olmsted Co., Minn., Nov., 1885; principal Pleasant Grove Schools, 1887-88; superintendent of public schools, Stephen, Marshall Co., Minn. Engaged with New York Dife In surance Co. since 1890, beginning as so licitor in Northern Minnesota; general agent for N. Dak., 1892-1901, building business up from $200,000 to over $10,- 000,000; appointed agency director at Grand Forks, N. Dak., 1901, and in Feb., 1904, appointed supervisor of agencies at St. Paul for New York Life Insurance Co., for N. Dakota, S. Dakota, Minnesota and Western Canada. Republican. Meth odist. Member B. P. O. E. Clubs: Com mercial, Minnesota. Recreations: Golf and driving. Office: Care New York Dife Ins. Co. Residence: 976 Lincoln Av., St. Paul. ELIEL, Julius C, president Eliel-Jer- man Drug Co. Office: 1st Av., N., and 3rd Sts., Minneapolis. Residence: Min netonka Beach, Minn. ELITHOBP, Danforth, wholesale oys ters, fish and canned goods; born near Ogdensburg, N. Y., June 29, 1854; son of Louis and Elizabeth Cynthiana (Kir- by) Elithorp; educated in public schools of Clinton Junction, Wis. Began active career in express business at Milwau kee, Wis.; entered employ of Pride & Carhart, wholesale oysters, etc., Milwau kee,- 1876; removed to Chicago, and was 144 THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS associated with J. F. Pride as manager of Piatt Co., packers of canned goods and wholesale dealers in oysters and fish; has been located in Minneapolis, manager Piatt Co., since 1886. Repub lican. Married at Minneapolis, Jan., 1905, to Miss Mary E. Marson. Club: Commercial. Recreations: Fishing and baseball. Office: 500-502 2nd Av., N. Residence: 3424 Irving Av., S., Minne apolis. ELLERTSON, Even E., machinery; born in Fillmore Co., Minn., Jan. 25, 1859; son of Ellert and Karens (Stens- gaard) Ellertson; educated at State Normal School, Winona, Minn.; married at Kindred, N. Dak., Nov. 27, 1883, to Julia Husebye. Previous to coming to Minnesota was engaged for a number of years in the livery and sales stable busi ness at Mayville, N. D. ; president Rus sell Grader Manufacturing Co., organ ized March 1, 1906, for the purpose of manufacturing road building and ditch ing machinery. Office: 2429 University Av.. S. E. Residence: 211 Bacon St., S. E., Minneapolis. ELLIOTT, Charles Burke, justice Su preme Court of Minnesota; born in Mor gan Co., O., Jan. 6, 1861; son of Edward and Angeline Elliott; educated at' Ma rietta College, Marietta, O., State Uni versity of Iowa, degree of LL.B., 1881, LL.D., 1895; University of Minnesota, Ph.D., 1888; Marietta College, honorary LL.D., 1904. Married at Muscatine, la., May 13, 1884, to Edith Winslow. En gaged in practice of law in Minneapolis, Minn., 1884 to 1889; judge municipal court of Minneapolis, 1890-1894; judge district court, 4th judicial district (Min neapolis), 1894-1905; associate justice of Supreme Court Minnesota, Oct. 1, 1905, to Jan. 1, 1912. Professor corporation and international law, University of Minnesota, 1890 to 1898. Declined offer of position of chief justice of Supreme Court of Philippines. Author: Law of Private Corporations (3rd edition, 1890); Law of Public Corporations; Law of In surance (3rd edition, 1902); Minnesota Practice on Appeal; The United States and the Northeastern Fisheries (1888), and numerous public addresses and ar ticles in American and foreign reviews. Republican. Member American Bar As sociation, Minnesota State Bar Associa tion, International Law Association, American Society of International Law, International Society of Comparative Jurisprudence and Public Law (Berlin). Member Phi Beta Kappa and Delta Chi fraternities. Clubs: Commercial (Min neapolis). Recreations: Golf, fishing and yachting. Official address: State Capitol. Residence: 1003 Eighth St., S. E., Minneapolis. ELLIOTT, Cyrus, editor and publisher Olmsted County Democrat; born in Franklin Co., Pa., March 21, 1839; son of Benjamin and Nancy (Zook) Elliott; educated in public schools of Canton, 111. Was in mercantile business for 10 years previous to entering the publish ing business in Warren Co., 111., 1875; came to Minnesota, 1885; established the Olmsted County Democrat, at Rochester, May, 1886, and Rochester Daily Bulletin, June, 1891, both now in successful opera tion under charge of C. Elliott & Son, printers and publishers. Presbyterian. Member A. O. U. W. Address: Roches ter, Minn. ELLIOTT, Dixon S., general manager Great Northern Express Co.; born at Kewanee, 111., Jan. 15, 1864; son of George Dixon and Adeline (McCormick) Elliott; educated in public schools of Kewanee, 111.; married at Sioux City, Iowa, May 20, 1891, to Katie B. Hills. Entered service of American Express Co., at Kewanee, 111., 1879, and continued in service of that company at various points until July 1, 1893, when he was appointed superintendent of the Great Northern Express Co., at St. Paul; ap pointed auditor, same company, July 1, 1896, and remained in that position until appointed, Aug. 1, 1901, to present posi tion as general manager of the com pany. Club: Minnesota. Office: Great Northern Railway Bldg. Residence: 438 Portland Av., St. Paul. ELLIOTT, Ezra P., wood and coal; born at Coventry, N. Y., June 8, 1841; son of Nathan and Clarissa Elliott; pub lic school education. Worked in factories in Massachusetts and the East until 30 years of age; located on a ranch in Kan sas, 1871; came to Minneapolis, 1881, and was traveling salesman for the North Star Shoe Co., until 1891; en tered coal business as manager retail department Pioneer Fuel Co., 1891; be came manager St. Paul & Western Coal Co., 1901; has been senior member of the Elliott & Skellet Fuel Co., since 1905. Was member Co. F, 53rd Mass. Vols., 1862, Dept. of the Gulf. Repub lican. Universalist. Member John A. Rawlins Post, G. A. R. Married in New York State, 1867, to Miss Lottie S. Van DeMark. Recreation: Fishing. Office: 9 S. 4th St. Residence: 65 S. 11th St., Minneapolis, and Lake Minnetonka, Minn. ELLIOTT, Hiram R., meat packer; born at Farmington, Minn., Oct. 6, 1864; son of Luther P. and Lettice (Riddle) Elliott; educated in common schools and ' at Curtiss Business College, Minneapolis, Minn. Began active career in service of the Minnesota Transfer Ry. Co., in charge of stock yards, continuing 6 months; was in employ of C. L. Haas Commission Co., live stock dealers, at Minnesota Transfer, remaining for two years; came to Duluth, 1886, to take charge of plant of J. B. Sutphen & Co., wholesale dressed meats, and continued THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS 145 with that firm 6 years; then devoted entire attention to business of T. E. Halford & Co. (of which firm he had been a member for some time), until 1898; has been engaged in pork and meat packing business under title of Elliott & Co., since 1898, W. Mendenhall being admitted to partnership in 1899. Member Masonic order (Blue Dodge and Chapter.) Unmarried. Club: Commer cial. Office: Foot of 37th Av., W. Resi dence: Duluth, Minn. ELLIOTT, Howard, railway official; born in New York City, Dec. 6, 1860; son of Charles Wyllys and Mary (White) Elliott; educated at Cambridge (Mass.) High School; Lawrence Scientific School, Harvard University, graduating, degree of C.E., 1881. Served for a time as rodman engineering corps Chicago, Bur lington & Quincy Ry., 1880; clerk in office of president St. Louis, Keokuk & Northwestern Ry., Oct., 1881, to Jan. 1, 1882; clerk in assistant treasurer's office, same road, at Keokuk, la., Jan. 1 to Sept. 15, 1882; auditor and assistant treasurer Chicago, Burlington & Kansas City Ry. and St. Louis, Keokuk & North western Rd., at Keokuk, 1882-87; gen eral freight and passenger agent same roads, at same place, 1887-91; general freight agent same roads and Hannibal & St. Joseph & Kansas City, St. Joseph and Council Bluffs roads, 1891-96; gen eral manager, same roads, 1896-1902; second vice president Chicago, Burling ton & Quincy Ry., 1902-1903; has been president Northern Pacific, Washington & Columbia River and Minnesota and International railways since Oct. 21, 1903. Member American Society of Civil Engineers, Missouri Historical So ciety. Married at St.- Louis, Oct. 12, 1892, to Miss Janet January. Clubs: Minnesota and Town and Country (St. Paul); Chicago (Chicago); St. Louis, St. Louis Country, Commercial (St. Louis) ; Metropolitan, Lawyers (New York). Office: Broadway, cor. 4th St. Residence: 302 Summit Av., St. Paul. ELLIOTT, John D., wholesale lumber; born at Holly, Mich., 1873; son of Mar cus and Arvilla Emily (Seely) Elliott; graduate of Holly High School, class of '89. Has been engaged in the lumber business since 1889; manager and di rector of the Empire Lumber Co. of Pittsburg, Pa., at Duluth, since 1903. Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner. Mar ried at Marinette, Wis., 1901, to Miss Alice Staten. Club: Commercial. Office: 308 Lyceum Bldg. Residence: 230 16th Av., Duluth. ELLIS, Myron Nelson, dry goods; born at Clayton, N. Y., Dec. 18, 1855; son of Joseph F. and Sallie M. (Bald win) Ellis; educated in public schools of Rosedale, Wis., and Byron, Minn. En tered general mercantile business at Byron, as junior member of the firm of Cutting & Ellis; became member of the firm of Ellis & Vroman, Kasson, Minn., 1894; was identified with The Fair, at Riverside, Calif., 1898; has been member of firm of Duthold & Ellis, dry goods, Kasson, Minn., since May, 1900. Repub lican. Methodist. Member A. F. & A. M., I. O. O. F., M. W. A., Yeomen. Mar ried at Milbank, S. Dak., Jan. 25, 1883, to Ella O. Whitcomb. Address: Kasson, Minn. ELLIS, Thomas H., member firm of Ellis & Perkins; born at Paola, Kan., Dec. 1, 1872; son of Thomas H. and Mary B. (King) Ellis; educated in pub lic schools of St. Louis, Mo.; married at Troy, Mo., Jan. 6, 1895, to Anna Stew art. Began, 1885, in the grain business, in which continued until 1900; accepted position with Liquid Carbonic Co. at Chicago, was transferred to their Kan sas City office, in 1901, and to Minne apolis office, April 1, 1902, of which was manager until his resignation, Nov. 15, 1906, when organized the firm of Ellis & Perkins, specialists to the soda water trade. Member U. C. T. of America. Mason. Recreations: Sailing, fishing and automobiling. Office: 217 1st Av., N. Residence: 2432 Dupont Av., S., Min neapolis. ELLSWOBTH, Franklin Powler, law yer; born at St. James, Minn., July 10, 1879; son of Clinton and Louise M. Ells worth; educated in graded and high schools, St. James, 1897, and University of Minnesota, graduating with degree of LL.B., 1901. Enlisted in 12th Minn. Vol. Inf., Spanish-American War. Elected county attorney, Watonwan Co., 1904; reelected, 1906. Republican. Member State Bar Association. Member Masonic fraternity, Knights of Pythias, A. O. U. W., Modern Woodmen of America. Has a growing reputation in Southern Min nesota as a public speaker. Married at St. Paul, July 27, 1902, L. Mae Bader. Address: St. James, Minn. ELMEB, James Potter, railway offi cial; born at Bridgeton, N. J., Dec. 7, 1857; completed school training in West Jersey Academy, 1876; married at St. Paul, 1887, to Miss Katharine Gilman. Entered service of the Chicago Gre.at Western Ry, 1897, and has continued with the road as follows: city passen ger and ticket agent, St. Paul, Minn., 1897-98; general agent passenger de partment, 1898-1901; general passenger agent since April 1, 1901. Member Ma sonic order (32°), Shriner; B. P. O. E. Clubs: Minnesota, Town and Country, White Bear Yacht (St. Paul); Chicago Athletic (Chicago). Office: Metropolitan Opera Blk. Residence: The Angus, St. Paul. ELMQUIST, Charles Emil, lawyer; born at Osceola, Wis., Jan. 1, 1873; son of John G. and Martha (Johnson) Elmquist; attended common schools at 146 THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS St. Croix Falls, Wis., and University of Minnesota, graduating from the legal department of the University, 1898. Engaged in practice of law since June 1898, at Rush City, Chisago Co.; county attorney for 6 years past and now hold ing that office. Republican. Married at Rush City, Minn., June 28, 1899, to Miss Charlotte C. Gemmel. Address: Rush City, Minn. ELSINGER, Joseph (The Golden Rule) ; born in Jackson, Mich., May 12, 1847; son of Max and Regina Elsinger; educated in public schools of Cleveland. Engaged in wholesale notions, toys and furnishings, Cleveland, 1860-86; came to St. Paul, 1886, and was one of the found ers of The Golden Rule department store, with his brother, William H. El singer, who died Oct., 1905, firm being originally known as William H. Elsin ger & Co., but incorporated as William H. Elsinger Co., of which he has been president since Jan., 1906. Republican. Jewish religion. Married at Cleveland, 1884, to Mary Sehelkman. Club: Com mercial. Office: 95 East 7th St. Resi dence: 985 Summit Av., St. Paul. ELSTON, Charles W., president St. Louis County Bank; born at Xenia, 111., Aug. 5, 1861. Has been engaged in bank ing business since 1887. Office: 1901 W. Superior St. Residence: 1609 E. Supe rior St., Duluth. ELWELL, George H., furniture; born at Minneapolis, Minn., Nov. 26, 1856; educated in public schools and at Carle ton College. Has been identified with the Minneapolis Furniture Co. since 1882, and has been president and treas urer of the company since its incorpora tion, 1882. Married at Appleton, Minn., Sept. 27, 1882, to Miss Belle Horn. Re publican. Congregationalist. Clubs : East Side Commercial, West Side Com mercial. Recreations: Automobiling and hunting. Office: 9th St. and 5th Av., S. E. Residence: 907 7th St., S. E., Minne apolis. ELWELL, James T., real estate; born in Ramsey Co., Minn., near Minneapolis, July 2, 1855; son of Talmadge and Mar garet (Miller) Elwell; educated in graded school of Cottage Grove, Minn., and at Carleton College, Northfield, Minn. Began active career, i870, as man ufacturer of spring beds and as invent or; secured four patents upon spring beds which proved highly successful, the Minneapolis Furniture Co., and the Min neapolis Bedding Co., being results of these patents; sold out manufacturing business, 1882, and has since devoted his attention to real estate, laying out and improving additions to city, good roads. tree planting, etc.; built 55 houses; in 1882, in Elwell's Addition. Republican. State senator 39th district. Congrega tionalist. Married at Minneapolis, 1882, to Miss Lizzie A. Alden. Clubs: Com mercial, St. Anthony Falls Commercial. Congregational. Real Estate Board. Member State Good Roads Association. Office: Andrus Bldg. Residence: 945 14th Ave., S. E., Minneapolis. ELWOOD, Lester B., real estate and mortgage loans; born at Rochester, N. Y., Oct. 19, 1856; son of E. B. and Mary (Griswold) Elwood; educated in public schools and Seminary of Oneida, N. Y. Came to Minnesota, May, 1875, and has been continuously connected with Corser & Co. (now the Corser Investment Co.) since 1875; vice president of the com pany since its incorporation, 1893; also vice president of the Minnesota Coal & Supply Co. Member Minnesota State Board of Equalization, by appointment of Governor Johnson. Democrat. Mem ber Plymouth Church. Married at Mon- ticello, Minn., 1891, to Miss Deda Mealey. Clubs: Minneapolis (member board of governors), Minikahda, Commercial. Rec reations: Hunting, fishing and golf. Office: New York Dife Bldg. Residence: 400 Ridge wood Av., Minneapolis. EMEBSON, Carroll Colby, produce merchant banker; born at Hanover, N. H., Feb. 4, 1850; son of M. C. and Sarah (Freeman) Emerson; educated in schools at Hanover, N. H. Came to St. Paul, 1888; proprietor of C. C. Emerson. & Co.; president Northern Savings Bank; director American Nat. Bank. Member Board of Trade, Produce Exchange, Na tional League of Commission Merchants, Western Fruit Jobbers' Association. Odd Fellow. Republican. Congregationalist. Club: Commercial. Office: 85 East 3rd St. Residence: 916 Cherokee Av., St. Paul. ENGBEBG, Hans, banker; born at Helsingland, Sweden, July 10, 1853; came to America, 1869, and located in Wisconsin; worked for board and at tended public school at Osceola, Wis. Engaged in retail commercial business in company with Mathias Smith, 1874- 75, and with Engberg Brothers & Co., 1875-78; was auditor of Isanti Co., 1879- 89; cashier Isanti County Bank, Cam bridge, Minn., 1892-1904; has been presi dent of the First National Bank, Cam bridge, since Nov. 1, 1904. Address: Cambridge, Minn. ENGBEBG, John, register of deeds; born in Sweden, Sept. 6, 1858; son of Olof and Sara C. (Forsberg) Engberg; educated in the public schools of Swe den. Came to Minnesota, 1882; register of deeds, Isanti Co., since Jan. 6, 1903. Married at Minneapolis, Minn., April 7, 1886, to MiS3 Hilda M. Johnson. Ad dress: Cambridge, Minn. ENGE, Nels, grain elevators and com mission; born in Norway, Feb. 26, 1858; came to America, 1872; educated in pub lic schools of Norway and Iowa. Re moved to Minnesota, 1881; began in THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS 147 grain business at Atwater, where he was in milling business for 10 years; now president Nels Enge Grain Co. (incor porated), wholesale grain, and operating country elevators; also president Saw yer Independent Elevator Co.; secretary and treasurer Hastings Electric Light & Water Power Co. Married at Howard Lake, Minn., April 11, 1882, to Miss Nan cy McGuire. Office: Chamber of Com merce Bldg. Residence: 2220 Emerson Av., S.. Minneapolis. ENGEBBETSON, Iver Martin, bank ing; born at Ben Wade, Minn., March 11, 1877; son of Peder and Anna (Ron- ning) Engebretson; educated in district schools of Pope Co., Minn., and state high schools of Glenwood, Alexandria and St. Cloud. Unmarried. Began in banking business Oct., 1899 and is cashier of Bank of Lowry; director and treasurer Lowry Telephone Co.; director Lowry Hardware, Furniture and Ma chine Co., Northwestern Mortgage Se curity Co. of Fargo. Was first sergt. Co.' M, 13th Minn. Vol. Inf., Spanish- American war and in the Philippines; treasurer village of Lowry; ex-president village council. Member Norwegian Lu theran Synod, M. W. A, Court of Honor. Address: Lowry, Minn. ENGEL, Frank A., merchant; born at Vermillion, Minn., Oct. 29, 1870; son of Franz and Margaretha Siebenaler; edu cated in public schools and one term at University of Minnesota. Worked on his father's farm until 20 years of age; clerked in clothing store for one year, bought half interest in same, 1901, and sold out, 1904; bought out J. Rhodes, 1895, dealer in implements, coal, etc., and increased business until he suf fered heavy loss by fire, 1899; rebuilt and still continues. Republican. Cath olic. Member I. O. F. Married at Hast ings, Jan. 19, 1897, to Miss Eleanor C. Bender. Club: Commercial. Address: Hastings, Minn. ENGEL, Jacob Christian Herman, register U. S. land office; born at Indian apolis, Ind., Dec. 30, 1864; son of John M. and Mary D. (Brommer) En- gel; parents moved to Anoka, Minn., 1873; educated in public schools of Anoka. Began active career as clerk in grocery store at Anoka, 1879, continuing until 1883; engaged in grocery business on his own account, 1883-88; read law in office of Hammons & Hammons, Anoka, 1888-89; admitted to the bar, 1889, and was actively engaged in practice of law at Anoka until 1906; has occupied of fice of register U. S. land office, at Duluth, since March, 1906. Was judge of probate, Anoka, eight years; mem ber Anoka Board of Education nine years (president four years). Repub lican. Member Minnesota State Bar Association. Married at Minneapolis, June 29, 1898, to Miss Maud Thomp son. Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner. Club: Commercial. Office: Federal Bldg. Residence: 203 S. 17th Av,, E., Duluth. ENGEL, Peter, abbot St. John's Ab bey, Order of St. Benedict; born at St. Nicholas, Wis,, Feb. 3, 1856; son of Jacob and Margaret Engel; educated at St. Michael, Minn.; St. John's University, Cellegeville, Minn., graduating, degree of Ph.D., 1879; took orders and entered order of St. Benedict and became a mitred abbot with title of Right Rever end. Address: St. John's Abbey, Col- legeville, Minn. ENGEB, Ludwig L., real estate and lands; born at Biri, Norway, Jan. 24, 1868; son of Lars and Helene Enger; came to America, 1882, and has made his home in Minneapolis since that time; began active career as clerk in grocery store, continuing two and a half years; started furniture business with brother, under title of N. L. Enger & Co., 1885; sold out furniture business, 1890, and was connected with Hove, Wold & Co., furniture, 1892-93; was with The S. E. Olsen Company, department store, as clerk, 1894-97; filled position of manager furniture and stove departments, same firm, 1897-1902; now in real estate busi ness under title of The L. L. Enger Co., handling lands at International Falls, Minn., and Fort Francis, Ontario. Presi dent International Falls Realty Co. Democrat. Lutheran. Married at Min neapolis, Nov. 30, 1905, to Miss Minnie Hanson. Club: Odin. Recreations: AU outdoor athletic sports. Office: Tem ple Court. Residence: 308 16th Av., S., Minneapolis. ENGESSEB, Edward, brewer; born at St. Peter, Minn., Oct. 7, 1860; son of Matthew and Rosina (Oker) Engesser; educated in public schools of St. Peter; married at St. Peter, April 27, 1886, to Mary Brand. Learned brewing business in his father's plant, and in 1882 be came a partner of the firm, now the En gesser Brewing Co., of which he is junior partner. Democrat. Member I. O. O. F., Sons of Herman, Red Men. Recrea tions: Hunting and fishing. Address: St. Peter, Minn. ENGESSEB, Joseph, brewer; born in Cincinnati, Ohio, Feb. 24, 1855; son of Matthew and Rosina (Oker) Engesser; came to St. Peter, Minn., with parents, 1857; educated in public schools of St. Peter; married at St. Peter, Nov. 27, 1883, to Anna Klein. Began in brew ing business with his father and is now senior member of the firm of Engesser Brewing Co. Democrat. Catholic. Mem ber C. O. F, Red Men. Recreations- Travel, reading. Address: St. Peter, Minn. , ENSIGN, Josiah D., jurist; born in Erie Co., N. Y.; educated in common 148 THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS and academical schools of Ashtabula Co., O.; studied law and was admitted to the bar in Northern Ohio, 1857. Was elected clerk of county court, Ashtabula Co., O., 1857; commenced practice of law in 1863; located in Minnesota, 1869, and in Duluth, Feb., 1870; elected county at torney St. Louis Co., fall of 1871; en gaged in practice of law alone until 1873; was in partnership with Hon. O. P. Stearns as Ensign & Stearns from 1873 until the junior partner was ap pointed to the bench, Jan, 1875; was member of firm of Ensign & Cash, 1876, which became Ensign, Cash & Williams, 1886. Has been district judge since April, 1889. Republican. Office: Court House. Residence: 504 E. 2nd St., Duluth, Minn. EBICKSON, Andrew S., merchant; born in Finland, Jan. 8, 1866; son of Sacharias and Susanna Erickson; came to America when six years of age; at tended country schools until seventeen. Began active career in 1883 as clerk in a store; became a clothing salesman and later head of clothing department in a Minneapolis store; entered general mer chandise business for himself, at Frank lin, in 1898, and is now president of the Franklin Mercantile Co., and vice presi dent of the State Bank of Franklin. Unmarried. Address: Franklin, Minn. EBICKSON, Emil William, secretary and manager Sheffield Mill & Elevator Co.; born at Dassel, Minn., Aug. 24, 1872; son of Erick and Carrie (Peterson) Erickson; educated in public schools. Was assistant postmaster of Dassel, Minn., three years; was identified with Bank of Howard Lake, Minn., assistant cashier, also acting postmaster of Howard Lake; entered merchant milling and elevator . business at Faribault, Minn., Dec, 1896; came to Minneapolis, 3 903, and has been secretary and mana ger Sheffield Mill & Elevator Co., since its organization, Feb. 5, 1906. Mason. Unmarried. Office: Chamber of Com merce Bldg. Residence: 24 S. 13th St., Minneapolis. ERICKSON, Erich, Hugo, manufacturer artificial limbs; born in Sweden, Sept. 9, 1869; son of John and Christina Erick son; educated in public schools of Sweden. Came to the United States at the age of seventeen and located in Minneapolis. Lost his right leg in rail road accident, 1891, and' invented his own artificial limb which he patented and thus laid the foundation of his busi ness. President and manager E. H. Erickson Artificial Limb Co., which was organized, 1894, and incorporated, 1896. Independent in politics. Married at St. Paul, 1890, to Miss Mary Lundin. Office: 32 Washington Av., North: Residence: 2600 3rd Av., S., Minneapolis. EBICKSON, Frank Herbert, clothier; born in Red Wing, Minn., March 12, 1874; son of Nels and Johanna B. (John son) Erickson; educated in public schools of Red Wing and at business college; married at Mazeppa, Minn., Nov. 9, 1904, to Miss Millie D. Helmeke. Began ac tive career in employ of Adler & Schacht, in 1894; admitted to partnership in 1904, when Arm name was changed to Adler, Schacht & Co. Also has land in terests in N. Dakota. Member M. N. G. for seven years, corporal Co. G, and Q. M. sergt. ; served in Philippine Cam paign as member 13th Minn. Vols. Re publican. English Lutheran. Member ¦ I. O. F., Spanish war veterans, Mer chants' Association. Club: Commercial. Address: Red Wing, Minn. ERICKSON, John Leon, banker; born at Dalsland, Sweden, Nov. 1, 1858; son of Olof and Christina (Anderson) Erick son; educated in public schools, of Can non Falls, Minn., 1868-73. Began active career in hardware store at fourteen years of age and continued for six years; engaged in furniture business for him self for two years and was in lumber business 8 years; entered banking and real estate business, 1892, in which he still continues. President First National Bank, Clinton, Cannon Falls Dry Goods Co.; vice president Farmers and Mer chants National Bank, Cannon Falls; treasurer Clinton Elevator Co. President village council 6 years; village treasurer, 3 years. Republican. Married at Can non Falls, Minn., 1885, to Miss Carrie Swenson. Recreations: Fishing and hunting. Address: Clinton, Minn. ERICKSON, Oscar, banker; born at Norkoping, Sweden, Oct. 20, 1854; son of Peter and Christina (Loby) Erick son; attended public schools of Sweden until fourteen years of age; came to America, 1869. Lived on a farm at Burnstown, Brown Co., until spring of 1885; engaged in farm implement busi ness at Springfield, 1885-1901; organized State Bank of Comfrey, Nov. 1st, 1899, and has been its president since. Mayor of Springfield three terms; assessor and justice of the peace. Treasurer Com frey Telephone Co.; president village council for past three years. Lutheran. Member Masonic order, A. O. U. W. Married at New Ulm, Minn., Aug. 1, 1878, to Miss Tillda Olson of Leaven worth, Minn. Address: Comfrey, Minn. ERICKSON, Theodore August, county superintendent- of schools; born at Alexandria, Minn., Sept. 2, 1871; gradu ate Alexandria High School, 1891; en tered University of Minnesota, 1897, and studied two years, returning and receiving degree of A.B., 1904; special work in University of Nebraska and Gustavus Adolphus College, St. Peter, Minn. Began teaching school, 1892, was professor Scandinavian, Wesleyan University, Lincoln, Neb., 1899-1900 (re signed on account of death of father); THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 149 superintendent of schools, Douglas Co., Minn., since Jan., 1905. Republican. Married at Alexandria, Minn., 1905, to Miss Mable Charlotte Anderson. Ad dress: Alexandria, Minn. EBICSON, Charles W., clothier; born at Motala, Sweden, Sept. 2.7, 1860; son of William and Augusta (Engman) Eric- son; came to Duluth, 1873, and was educated in common schools of Sweden and at Duluth High School. Began ac tive career as clerk in clothing store of W. G. Willis and after six years as clerk, bought the store; has been con ducting business under own name since 1886. Member of City Civil Service Board by appointment of Mayor Cullum in 1905. Republican. Congregationalist. Member Modern Samaritans, B. P. O. E. Married at Duluth, 1886, to Miss Amelia H. Acker. Club: Commercial. Office: 219 W. Superior St. Residence: 1001 E. 3rd St., Duluth. EBICSON, George E., lawyer; born at Red Wing, Minn., Oct. 11, 1874; son of John F. and Mary J. (Helsing) Eric- son; graduate Red Wing High School, June, 1894; studied law with Hon. Al bert Johnson of Red Wing. Began prac tice of law at Red Wing, Jan. 28, 1898; removed to Argyle, Sept. 11, 1899; has been engaged in practice at Beaudette since June, 1906. Republican. Police judge Red Wing, 1897-99; member Re publican Congressional Committee, 9th district, for five years. Served six years as member Co. G, 1st Regt., M. N. G.; one year as member Co. F, 4th M. N. G. Member Masonic order, K. P., M. W. A. Married at Wheaton, Minn., Feb. 20, 1901, to Miss Dily A. Erickson. Club: Commercial. Address: Beaudette, Minn. EBICSON, William Matthews, law yer; born at Red Wing, Minn., July 15, 1880; son of John F. and J. Marie (Helsing) Ericson; graduate Red Wing High School, Jan. 2, 1900; studied law in office of Hon. Frank M. Wilson, Red Wing, and was admitted to the bar in Jan., 1906, six out of sixteen candidates being admitted; unmarried. Was agent for the Minneapolis Journal at Red Wing, 1898-1900; appointed notary pub lic, Dec. 7, 1901; reporter and editorial writer. Red Wing Printing Co., 1904-06; elected county attorney Goodhue Co., Nov. 6, 1906, term ending Jan., 1909; junior member law firm of Wilson & Ericson since March 1, 1906. Also sec retary and treasurer North Star Adver tising Co. Republican. Lutheran. Member Goodhue County Bar Associa tion, American Society of Curio Collec tors, Red Wing High School Aulmni Association, Red Wing Historical Society, Red Wing Civic League. Mem ber I. O. O. F., I. O. R. M. (past sachem and secretary), I. O. F., K. P. (past chan- celor), Modern Samaritans, A. O. U. W., B. P. O. E. Clubs: Commercial, Floradora (treasurer). Recreations: Fishing, hunting, football, billiards. Address: Red Wing, Minn. EBMATINGEB, Joseph Jacob, lawyer; born at Utica, N. Y., July 31, 1876; son of John Jacob and Mary (Nelbach) Er- matinger; educated in public schools of Rochester, N. Y. ; University of Roches ter, 1896-99; University of Minnesota, Law Department, graduating, degree of LL.B., 1902. Unmarried. Engaged in practice of law, alone from 1902 until Jan., 1906, when he joined Henry J. Frundt in present law firm of Ermat- inger & Frundt. Republican. Member and secretary Charter Commission. Member of Ramsey County, Minnesota State and American Bar associations. Clubs: Roosevelt, Lincoln,. Member of Knights of Columbus, Catholic Foresters of America. Office: N. Y. Life Bldg. Residence: 594 Thomas St., St. Paul. EBNST, Henry, educator; born at Anspach-Uringen, Germany, May 17, 1842; son of John and Katharine (Hen- riol) Ernst; attended school at Ans pach-Uringen, 1848-50; academic educa tion at Frankfort, Germany, and Ft. Wayne, Ind., 1856-62; graduated from Concordia Seminary, St. Louis; degree of D.D. Capitol University, Columbus, O. Entered Lutheran University, 1865; member Missouri synod until 1881; sy nod of Ohio, 1881-84; has been president and professor of theology, Lutheran Seminary, St. Paul, since Jan. 5, 1885. Married at Whitewater, Wis., Feb. 23, 1868, to Miss Albertine Krahn. Resi dence: 925 York St., St. Paul. EBNSTEB, Henry James, cashier Bank of Nelson; born at Marcus, la., Feb. 24, 1881; son of John and Kate (Umhoefer) Ernster; educated in public schools at Convent of Marcus, and at Agricultural College, Brookings, S. D. Left school at seventeen years of age and worked in printing office at Marcus, one year; spent three years farming, near Brook ings, S. D. ; engaged in undertaking business in Los Angeles, Cal., one year; joined banking firm of J. Ernster & Sons, Canton, Minn., 1903, and since Feb. 9, 1906, has been cashier of the Bank of Nelson. Secretary Nelson Telephone Co. Married. Club: Com mercial (Nelson). Recreations: Auto mobiling, fishing, gardening, driving. Address: Nelson, Minn. EBNSTEB, John P., banking; born at Marcus, la., Jan. 26, 1879; son of John and Kate (Umhoefer) Ernster; graduate St. John's University, Collegeville, Minn., degrees of A.B., and A.M., 1897 and 1898; attended S. Dakota School of Agriculture, Brookings, S. D. Married at Ossian, la., Nov. 15, 1904, to, Miss Sophie Barthelme. Came to Callaway, Minn., 1905, and engaged in banking and other lines of business. President and manager Callaway Telephone Co., 150 THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS Park Region Loan and Investment Co.; cashier Farmers and Merchants Bank; director McClelland & Co., editor Callo way Boomer; secretary Commercial Club, all of Callaway; also second vice president Bank of Nelson. Republican. Club: Commercial. Address: Calla way, Minn. EBBETT, Frank J., secretary Minne sota Mutual Fire Insurance Co.;- born at Waterville, Minn., Sept. 21, 1862; son of Thomas L. and Ruth (Wing) Errett; early life spent on farm near Moorhead, Minn.; educated in country schools of Claly County, Minn., high school at Moorhead, Minn., and at Hamline Uni versity, 1882-83; married, Nov. 27, 1890, to Flora J. Trumbull. Studied law in office of Briggs & Elders, 1883-85, Moor head, Minn., and in 1885 took full charge of their insurance department; has con tinued in insurance business ever since; in Jan., 1887, with John P. Jacobson established insurance and real estate firm of F. J. Errett & Co., which lasted until Feb. 1, 1893, when he withdrew to travel in the Dakotas and Minnesota as special agent for the Fire Associa tion Insurance Co., of Philadelphia; continued until July 1, 1902, when he organized the Western Land and Mort gage Co., with L. F. Hubbard and E. De F. Barnett, to sell lands and handle mortgages in Minnesota and the Dakotas; left that company May 1, 1905, and traveled as State fire insurance agent for the Queen City Fire Insurance Co. of. Sioux Falls, until Dec. 15, 1905, when he was elected to present position as director and secretary of the Min nesota Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Re publican. Congregationalist. Recrea tions: All out door athletic sports. Of fice: Lumber Exchange, Minneapolis. Residence: 587 Marshall Av., St. Paul. EBTZ, Conrad J., wholesale produce and fruits; born in Carver Co., Minn., Dec. 3, 1866; son of Mathias and Bar bara Ertz; collegiate education, at Prairie du Chien, Wis. Has been a resi dent of St. Paul since 1883; in wholesale produce and fruit business since 1888. Married at Caledonia, Minn., Jan 13, 1891, to Miss Marian Longueville. Roman Catholic. Member St. Paul Produce Ex change, St. Paul Board of Trade. Office: 30-34 E. 3rd St. Residence: 965 Fair mont Av., St. Paul. EBTZ, Henry A., wholesale produce; born in Carver Co., Minn., June 13, 1865; son of Mathias and Barbara Ertz; edu cated in schools of Carver Co. and at St' John's University, Collegeville, Minn. Has been a resident of St. Paul since 1884; entered produce commission busi ness, 1896. Member St. Paul Produce Exchange, Board of Trade. Married. Office: 24 E. 3rd St. Residence: 218 Rondo St., St. Paul. EBVIN, Harry Clay, flour milling; born at Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 27, 1860; son of Alexander and Elizabeth (Mc- Bride) Ervin; educated in Central High School, Philadelphia, 1876. Began busi ness career as flour salesman, 1881, con tinuing until 1887; was office manager Tileston Milling Co., 1887-95; general manager same company, 1895-1902; pur chased City Mills, St. Cloud, Sept., 1902, and has since operated same. Secre tary St. Cloud Library Board, Golf Club, 6th district Good Roads Association; director Board of Education, St. Cloud. Republican. Presbyterian. Married at Philadelphia, Pa., April 25, 1883, Miss Mary Sappington. Clubs: Commercial (St. Cloud), Commercial (Minneapolis). Recreations: Golf and automobiling. Address: St. Cloud, Minn. ESPY, Major John, lawyer; born in Luzerne County, Pa., Sept. 21, 1842; son of James and Mary A. (Miller) Espy; educated in schools in Pennsylvania; served in Civil War in 1st Iowa regi ment; graduated from Albany (N. Y) Law School, LL.B., 1866; married at Wilkes Barre, Pa., March 23, 1868, to Martha M. Wood. Was in active law practice at Wilkes Barre, Pa., 1866-78; practiced in St. Paul from 1879-89. Was director of Wilkes Barre- Water Co., Kingston and Wilkes Barre, and Wilkes Barre and Coalville Street Railway companies; was ten years assistant adjutant general of the National Guard of Pennsylvania and took active part in its organization and preparation of its military code. Member banking firm of J. B. Wood & Co. ; settled in. St. Paul, December, 1879; has erected several business blocks in St. Paul; retired from active business; spends winters in South. Republican; formerly secretary Repub lican State Central Committee of Min nesota. Episcopalian. Mason; member G. A. R. and Knights of Honor. Direc tor Chamber- of Commerce. Member of the Council Minnesota Historical So ciety. Club: Commercial. Office: 75 W. 7th St., St. Paul. Residence: The Apollo, 61 S. St. Albans St., St. Paul. ESTEBLY, Frank Curtis, insurance; born Whitewater, Wis., Sept. 21, 1873; son of Hon. George and Kate (Haines) Esterly; graduated from Whitewater High School, 1892, entered University of Minnesota, 1892; student Columbia University (Law Department), Wash ington, D. C, 1897,-1899, DD.B., 1899; University of Minn. (Law Department), 1901-02, LL.M., 1902; married, at Harris- burg, Pa., Sept. 20, 1905, to Stella Re- gina Peterson. With Fletcher, March & Co., insurance, Minneapolis, 1893-97; in employ of U. S. Government in Washing ton, D. C, and San Juan, Porto Rico, 1898-1901; now president Esterly-Hop- pin Co., insurance specialties, establish ed, 1896, incorporated, 1906. Republican. THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 151 Presbyterian. Member Chi Psi, Phi Delta Phi, Theta Nu Epsilon fraternities. Clubs: Commercial, Roosevelt (secre tary, 1902-06), Minikahda. Office: Met ropolitan Dife Bldg. Residence: Curtis Court, Minneapolis. ESTEBLY, Robert Ernest, secretary Northwestern National Life Insurance Co.; born at Columbiana, O., July 29, 1868; son of David and Sue E. (Beard) Esterly; graduate Columbiana High School, 1885; student at University of Wooster, Wooster, O.; graduate Cornell University, degree of Ph.B., 1889; grad uate University of Minnesota, Law De partment, degree of LL.B., 1894. Be gan in practice of law, at Minneapolis, 1894; member of the law firm of Drew & Esterly, 1899-1903; assistant general manager Northwestern National Life Insurance Co., June, 1905, to Feb., 1906; secretary same company, since Feb. 12, 1906. Republican. Presbyterian. Mason, Knight Templar. Member Phi Delta Theta, Phi Delta Phi, Theta Nu Epsi lon. Married at Wooster, O., 1898, to Miss Blanche C. Curry. Office: Nicol let Av. and 11th St. Residence: 1932 Aldrich Av., S., Minneapolis. ESTLUND, Charles J., surveyor, pub lisher; born in Sweden, July 24, 1876; came to America and attended North ern Indiana Normal School, Valparaiso, Ind., one year; Gustavus Adolphus Col lege, St. Peter, Minn., 2 years; Univer sity of Minnesota, one year. Unmarried. Taught school, acted as bookkeeper 7 years and was assistant postmaster at Kennedy, Minn. Now county surveyor of Kittson Co.; owner and editor of the Kennedy Star. Democrat. Member I. O. O. F., Yeomen, I. O. G. T. Recrea tions: Athletics. Address, Kennedy, Minn. EUSTIS, Charles Buckminster, merch ant jeweler; born at Dixfield, Me.; son of Charles Lyman and Deborah Jane (Barker) Eustis; educated in public schools and at the Edward Little In stitute, Auburn, Me. Learned watch making and jewelry trade at'Lewiston; worked at the trade temporarily at Hartford, Conn.; came to Minneapolis and in company with his twin brother, George B., established the jewerly firm of Eustis Brothers, 1872. Republican. Universalist. Mason (32°), Shriner. Married at Cincinnati, O., 1896, to Miss Charlotte Duhme. Club: Minneapolis. Recreation: Yachting, (ex-commodore Minnetonka Yacht Club). Office: 712 Nicollet Av. Residence: 1368 Spruce PL, .Minneapolis. EUSTIS, George B., jeweler; born at Dixfield, Me.; son of Charles Lyman and Deborah Jane (Barker) Eustis; educated at Edward Little Institute, Auburn, Me. Began active career in jeweler's shop at Lewiston, Me., learning the trade and later working at the trade in Hartford, Conn.; came to Minneapolis, Minn., 1872, since which time he has been a mem ber of the jewerly firm of Eustis Broth ers. Republican. Universalist. Mem ber B. P. O. E. Club: Minneapolis. Office: 712 Nicollet Av. Residence: 1388 Spruce PL, Minneapolis. EUSTIS, Warren C, physician; born at Kingfield, Maine, June 3, 1846; came to Minnesota, 1854; graduated from the University of Minnesota, June, 1873, re ceiving degree of B.A., and from Bellvue Hospital Medical College, New York, in 1877. Has engaged in practice of medi cine since Feb. 1877. Married at Farm- ington, Minn., July 12, 1888, to Miss El len Marie Nelson. Address: Owatonna, Minn. EUSTIS, William H., lawyer; born at Oxbow, N. Y., July 17, 1845; son of Tobias and Mary (Marwick) Eustis; graduated Wesleyan University, Middle- town, Conn., 1873, and Columbia Law School, N. Y. City, 1874. Began practice of law at Saratoga Springs, N. Y., in partnership with John R. Putnam, con tinuing for six years. Returned from visit to Europe, 1881, and located in Minneapolis, October of same year, re suming practice of law. Was director Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Ry., the Masonic Temple Association; one of the originators, directors and sec retary of the North American Telegraph Co. Republican. Elected mayor of Minneapolis, 1892; delegate Republican National Convention, 1892; Republican candidate for governor, 1898; special U. S. commissioner to Hawaiian Islands, 1902. Methodist. Unmarried. Club: Commercial. Office. Corn Exchange. Residence: 9 S. 6th St., Minneapolis. EVA, Hubert Victor, secretary Duluth Commercial Club; born at Cornwall, Eng., Aug. 8, 1869; son of James Richard and Addison Edmunds (La Nyon) Eva; early education in public and private schools, completing at Hart College, Cornwall. Came to Duluth, 1885, and engaged in retail drug business, 1885-87; was in real estate business, 1887-89; oc cupied position of secretary Silbersteln & Bondy Co., wholesale and retail dry goods, 1889-1903; has been secretary Duluth Commercial Club since May 16, 1903. Treasurer Minnesota State Drainage League; director and secretary, Calumet and Sonora Mining Co. En listed in M. N. G., April, 1889; captain Co. A, 3rd Regt, 1896-1901; Capt. Co. A, 14th Minn. Vol. Inf., Spanish-Ameri can War; major 3rd infantry, June 12, 1901, still in service. Republican. Episcopalian. Mason (32°), Shriner. Married at Duluth, 1896, to Miss Laura Forbes. Clubs: Commercial, Duluth Boat, Duluth Yacht. Recreations: Boat ing and yachting. Office: 418-420 W. Superior St. Residence: 2135 Wood land Av., Duluth. 152 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS EVANS, Bainbridge H, merchant; born at Winchester, Ky., Feb. 26, 1850, son of Marcus C. and Nannie J. (Christy) Evans; educated in country school and college at North Middletown, Ky. ; married at Leavenworth, Kan., March 21, 1875, to Josephine Daly. Was engaged in mining business for five years and the boot and shoe business for four years prior to 1875; since that year continuously engaged in the mer cantile business; since 1879 partner in Arm of Schuneman & Evans, wholesale and retail general merchandise. Clubs: Minnesota, Commercial, Town and Coun try. Office: Sixth and Wabasha Sts. Residence: 533 Summit Av., St. Paul. EVANS, Frank, manager Gopher Fish Co.; born at Yale, Mich., April 23, 1874; son of Benjamin and Evalina (O'Dell) Evans; educated at Yale (Mich.) High School and Detroit Busi ness University. Began active career as school teacher, at Gladwin, Mich., con tinuing, 1892-99; became connected with Wolverine Fish Co., Detroit, Mich., 1900; has been manager of the Gopher Fish Co., St. Paul, since 1901. Married at Omaha, Neb., Aug. 22, 1904, to Miss Elizabeth Dwyer. Republican. Club: Dayton's Bluff Commercial. Recrea tions: All outdoor sports. Office: 276 Jackson St. Residence: 386 Marie Av., St. Paul. EVANS, George Lamont, judge of probate; born at Berlin, Wis., June 15, 1857; son of George and Jane (McKitt- rick) Evans; educated in common schools of Berlin, Wis. Register of deeds, Redwood Co., 1882-97; judge ol probate since Jan., 1901. Republican. Episcopalian. Married at Redwood Falls, April 26, 1886, to Miss Margaret E. Clark. Recreations: Hunting and fishing. Address: pedwood Falls, Minn. EVANSON, Christen, banker; born at Sigdal, Norway, Aug. 15, 1850. Came to America, 1867, and settled at Spring Grove, Minn.; worked on farm and at tended school in winter; moved to St. Peter, Minn., 1871, and engaged in busi ness until 1880; located in Madelia,, 1883, and followed mercantile business and farming; entered banking, in 1892. Now president of the State Bank of Madelia; also interested in real estate and lands. Married at St. Peter, Minn., Feb. 26, 1873, to Miss Mary Rost. Ad dress: Madelia, Minn. EVEREST, George Allen, wholesale grocer; born at Naples, N. Y., April 12, 1846; son of George T. and Olive Char lotte Allen; educated in public and pri vate schools of New York. Began busi ness career, 1864, in employ of J. Rog ers & Co., iron manufacturers, Black- brook, N. Y., continuing until 1887; came to Duluth and accepted position as cash ier for the Wells-Stone Mercantile Co.; was one of the organizers of the Wright- Clarkson Mercantile Co., 1896, importers and wholesale grocers, of which he has been treasurer since the beginning. Re publican. Presbyterian. Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner; member B. P. O. E., Modern Samaritans. Club: Com mercial. Recreation: Driving. Office: 332 W. Michigan St. Residence: 4840 London Road, Duluth. EVERETT, Edward A., flour manu facturer; born at Arena, Wis., Feb. 20, 1867; son of William and Amelia (Ad dison) Everett; educated in High School, Waseca, Minn. Began in flour manu facturing business, 1882; member of the Arm of Everett, Aughenbaugh & Co., 1876, the present firm succeeding in 1888. Plant and buildings at Waseca destroyed by fire, Feb. 1, 1891; new plant in operation, Sept. 1, 1891; again des troyed by fire, Aug. 27, 1896; new plant in operation, March 1, 1897. Plant of Dunwoody & Corson at New Richland, Minn., bought Sept. 1, 1893; Claro Mills, Lakeville, Minn., built, 1905; plant of Hubbard Milling Co., Mankato, Minn., purchased 1906; officer in a number of enterprises in other states. Mason, Knight Templar. Married at Waseca, Minn., Sept. 2, 1900, to Miss Antoinette M. Miller. Recreations: Shooting and fishing. Address: Waseca, Minn. EVERETT, Guy William, merchant miller; born at Waseca, Minn., Sept. 28th, 1875; son of William and Amelia (Addison) Everett; educated in Waseca High School; Cogswell Polytechnic Col lege, San Francisco, Cal., graduating, 1893. Has been engaged in merchant milling business at Waseca, Minn., since 1893, and is member of the firm of Everett, Aughenbaugh & Co. Member Masonic order, K. P. Married at Waseca, June 15, 1898, to Miss Esther M. Lewis. Address: Waseca, Minn. EWEBT, Paul A., lawyer; born at La Crosse Co., Wis., June 14, 1870; moved with parents to Pipestone, Minn., 1883; educated in public schools of Pipestone; Macalester College, St. Paul (B.A.); College of Law, University of Minnesota (LL.B.), 1896; married at St. Paul, Nov. 3, 1897, to Miss Sidney Thompson. Prac ticed law at Pipestone, 1896-1903; assist ant attorney general State of Minnesota, 1904; appointed assistant U. S. attorney for district of Minnesota, 1905, which position he now holds. Republican. Presbyterian. Member of K. P. Club: Commercial. Office: Federal Bldg. Residence: St. Paul and White Bear Lake, Minn. EWING, Arthur W., lawyer; born in Chautauqua Co., N. Y., Nov. 4, 1866; educated at Ellington Academy, Elling ton, N. Y., graduated 1883; studied law in office of J. V. C. Karnes, Kansas City. Mo., 1886-90; admitted to bar at Kan sas City, 1890. Removed to St. Paul, THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 153 Minn., Feb., 1890 and formed partner ship with brother, Frank H. Ewing, in practice of law as Ewing & Ewing, firm became Morphy, Ewing, Gilbert & Ew ing, Sept., 1892; retired from partner ship, Sept. 1, 1896, and removed to Daw son, Minn., where he has been in practice of law alone since Oct. 20, 1896. Presi dent and treasurer Town & Country Telephone Co.; secretary Riverside Im provement Co. Member American and Minnesota State Bar associations. Mason; member B. P. O. E., Royal Ar canum. Married at Dawson, Nov. 4, 1902, to Miss Anne G. Grande. Club: Commercial. Address: Dawson, Minn. EWING, Frank H, lawyer; born in Cattaraugus Co., N. Y., 1856; son of Henry and Augusta Loraine (Willis) Ewing. Studied law and was admitted to the bar, at Buffalo, N. Y., 1880; be gan practice at Stillwater, Minn., 1881; came to St. Paul, 1888, and has since been engaged in practice in that city; member law firm of Morphy, Ewing & Bradford. Married, St. Paul, Sept. 1, 1898, to Miss Julia Spates. Member American and Minnesota State Bar association. Club: Commercial. Recreations: Fish ing and boating. Office: Manhattan Bldg. Residence: 800 Hague Av., St. Paul. F FADDEN, Walter B., creamery and wholesale dairy products; born at New Auburn, Minn., Jan. 10, 1875. Engaged in butter making at Plato and New Au burn, Minn., 1896-1900; commenced in creamery business, 1900, and has made Minneapolis his headquarters since 1903; operates creameries under own name at Milaca, Ronneby, Montrose and Herman, Minn. Member Minneapolis Produce Exchange; Modern Woodmen of America. Married at New Auburn, Minn., July 18, 1896, 'to Miss Edith M. Osgood. Recreations: Hunting and fishing. Office: 123 N. 6th St. Resi dence: 622 East 24th St., Minneapolis. FAGBE, Theodore Peterson, editor and merchant; born in Mitchell Co., Ia., Dec. 30, 1869; son of Nels Peterson and Ingeborg (Svendson) Fagre; educated in common schools, Cedar Valley Seminary, Osage, la.; St. Ansgar Seminary, St. Ansgar, la., graduating, 1893; special course at University of Minnesota, 1894- 96. Clerked in country store, acted as postmaster and taught school, Mitchell Co., Ia., removed to Blooming Prairie, Minn., 1897, and bought the Blooming Prairie Times, of which he is editor and manager; became partner in firm of M. Strate & Co., general merchandise, Feb., 1898, and is manager and partner of its successor The Cash Company; also vice president Peterson Printing Co., Minneapolis, since Sept., 1905. Post master of Blooming Prairie. Republican. Lutheran. Married at Rock Creek, la., May 15, 189S, to Miss Anna Karine Maakestad. Recreations: Fishing, row ing and driving. Address: Blooming Prairie, Minn. FAHEY, Edward Wilbrod, physician; born at Kingston, Ont, Nov. 18, 1878; son of Edward and Elizabeth (McLaugh lin) Fahey; educated in Kingston public schools, Kingston Collegiate Institute and Queen's Medical College, Kingston. Came to Minnesota, 1904; began practice of medicine in May, 1901. Roman Catho lic. Member of St. Louis County Medi cal Society and Minnesota State and American Medical asociations. Member Knights of Columbus. Married at Roch ester, N. Y., 1904, to Miss Katherine G. Joyce. Recreations: Outdoor sports. Office: New Jersey Bldg. Residence: 710 E. 4th St., Duluth, Minn. FAHEY, John Joseph, lawyer; born in Sibley Co., Minn., Oct. 2, 1877; son of Michael and Elizabeth (Conway) Fahey; graduate Henderson High School, June, 1894; University of Minnesota, degree of A.B., 1902; student in College of Law, University of Minnesota. Was superin tendent and principal of public schols, Barnesville, Minn., 1902-04; has been en gaged in practice of law since Aug. 18, 1904. Married at Green Isle, Minn., Oct. 13, 1903, to Miss Mary Anna Schram. Republican. Roman Catholic. Address: Norwood, Minn. FAHNESTOCK, Halleck Paige, fuel; born at Gettysburg, Pa., Nov. 14, 1861; son of Edward G. and Louise (Tate) Fahnestock; educated at Pennsylvania College and Preparatory School, Gettys burg, Pa.; married, at Watertown, S. Dak., June 30, 1891, t'o Carrie D. Stevens. Studied at the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, 1881-83; in drug business at Watertown, S. Dak., 1884-90; with Sioux Banking Co., Watertown, S. Dak., 1890-93; traveled for Youghiogheny & Lehigh Coal Co., 1SS3-1900; St. Paul manager for same company, 1900-02; manager for Northwestern Fuel Co. since 1902. Republican. English Lu theran. Mason. Clubs: Commercial, Amateur Athletic. Office: 346 Robert St. Residence: 629 Grand Av., St. Paul. FAIBCHILD, Edward Eugene, bank ing; born at Stockbridge, Mass., Jan. 16, 1840; educated in the public schools; married in Berkshire Co., Mass., 1866, to Miss Josephine Clary. Began active career as clerk in his brother's store, at Canandaigua, N. Y. Enlisted, 1862, in Civil War. 126th N. Y. Vol. Inf.; was captured by confederates at Harper's Ferry, paroled and went into parole camp at Chicago; exchanged, was at Gettysburg and later with Army of the Potomac; became commissioned officer; performed guard duty on Rio Grande river in Texas and was mustered out of 154 THB BOOK OP MINNESOTANS the army in 1866. Came to Minnesota, 1871, and engaged as builder and later in banking, assisting in organizing the First National Bank of Kasson, 1874, of which he was cashier until the ex piration of its charter in 1894; then assisted in the organization of the Na tional Bank of Kasson, of which he has since ' been cashier. For many years, member Kasson school board. Presby terian. • Active Sunday School worker. Address: Kasson, Minn. FAIRCHILD, Egbert Nelson, assistant manager Pillsbury - Washburn Flour Mills Co.; born at New York City, Sept. 28, 1868; son of Egbert H. and Mary (Seymour) Fairchild; educated in public schools. Came to Minnesota in 1882; be gan in flour business as office boy with Charles A. Pillsbury & Co. (now the Pillsbury-Washburn Flour Mills Co., Ltd.) and was gradually promoted until he is now assistant manager of the com pany, the largest flour milling corpora tion in the world; also president Sioux Paving Brick Co. and the Lower Brick Co., both of Sioux City, Ia. Republican. Episcopalian. Member Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce. Married at Buf falo, N. Y., Oct. 4, 1893, to Miss Ger trude Kenney. Clubs: Minneapolis, Min ikahda. Recreations: All outdoor sports. Office: Guaranty Loan Bldg. Resi dence: 3408 Calhoun Av., Minneapolis. FAIRCHILD, Frank, general agent Mutual Transit Co.; born in New York City, May 9, 1877; son of Egbert H. and Mary (Seymour) Fairchild; came to Min nesota, 1881; educated in public schools of Minneapolis. Began active career in Are insurance business, 1893; with freight department, Erie Railway, Min neapolis, until 1902, when he became connected with the Mutual Transit Co., which operates a line of freight steam boats on the great lakes between Duluth and Buffalo, and intermediate points. Episcopalian. Married at Wabasha, Minn., Dec. 1898, to Miss Bessey Ten ney. Member Royal League. Recrea tion: Athletics. Office: Guaranty Bldg. Residence: 3302 Columbus Av., Min neapolis. FAIRCHILD, Henry Shields, real estate; born in Warren Co., O., Aug. 18, 1826; son of Lewis and Elizabeth (Day) Fairchild; educated at academy, Leb anon, O., and at Waynesville, Warren Co., O. ; married, near Jackson, Miss., June 16, 1857, to Elizabeth Clayland. After leaving school taught in Warren Co.; went to Brandon, Miss., and en tered mercantile business at age of 21; came to St. Paul, July, 1859, and opened a real estate office and has since that time been intimately identified with the real estate business and through his public spirit has been instrumental in forwarding many important public im provements. Was one of the promoters of the bridge across the river at Fort Snelling; assisted in appraising grounds for the State Capitol, effecting a reduc tion of $256,000 from figures originally proposed; was one of the foremost in securing site of the present State Fair Grounds, in recognition of which he was a made a life member of the State Agricultural Society, and is now a mem ber of the Executive Council of the State Historical Society. Member of the St. Paul Real Estate Exchange. Rec reation: Travel. Office: Court Blk. Residence: 303 Nelson Av., St. Paul. FAIRCHILD, Herbert Everett, banker; born at Galena, 111., Dec. 17, 1861; son of S. M. Fairchild; educated in high school, Fort Dodge, Iowa; married, Chi cago, 1887, Della Wilson. Began busi ness career in 1880 in drug business; left that business in 1885 for real estate and fire insurance; since 1888 in banking; president State Institution for Savings, and director of the Minnesota National Bank. Republican. Mason and Shriner. Recreations: Hunting, fishing. -Club: Minneapolis Commercial. Office: 517 First Av., South. Residence: 143 East 25th St., Minneapolis. FAIBCLOUGH, George Herbert, organ ist; born at Hamilton, Ont., Can., Jan., 1869; educated in public and high schools of Hamilton, graduating from High School at age of 17, after which he took a partial course at Toronto University, leaving university at 21 to accept a flattering musical position. Began play ing organ at 11; organist St. Mark's Episcopal Church, Hamilton, at 18, while attending public schools; organist Church of the Redeemer, Toronto, at 17; organist and choirmaster All Saints' Episcopal Church, Toronto, at 18, while attending Toronto University; musical director Dadies College, Brantford, at 21. Went to Europe at 23 and spent three years under instruction of leading teach ers of Berlin, Paris and Dondon; grad uate Royal High School, Berlin. Re turned to America and was head of musical department college at Kalama zoo, Mich., and organist and choirmas ter St. Luke's Episcopal Church, 1895- 99; came to St. Paul Jan. 1, 1900, and is organist and choirmaster Church of St. John the Evangelist and also organ ist and director Mount Zion Hebrew Temple. Teacher of organ and piano; conductor St. Paul Choral Club; widely known for his successful organ recitals. Married at Grand Rapids, Mich, 1897, to Miss Maude Freeman. Office: Rauden- bush Bldg. Residence: 95 Mackubin St., St. Paul. PALCONEB, James Wilson, bag manu facturer; born, Kirriemuir, Scotland, Dec. 14, 1861; public school and com mercial education at Dundee until 1879, when he came to United States; mar ried at Minneapolis, 1892, to Jessie B. THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS 155 Milliman. Bookkeeper for Keith Bros., Chicago, 1880-81; bookkeeper and sales man, W. R. Morison & Co., bag manu facturers, Chicago, 1881-88; came to Minneapolis and acepted position as assistant manager Harwood Manufac turing Co., 1888, of which has been vice president and manager since 1890, man ufacturers of flour barrels and bags, and grain bags. Clubs': Minneapolis, Mini kahda. Office: 101 Third Av., South. Residence: 2950 Park Av., Minneapolis, FANDEL, Prank, merchant; born in Germany, Jan. 10, 1859; son of John B. and Elizabeth (Mesenburg) Fandel; came to Minnesota, 1871; educated in schools of Luxemburg and St. Paul; married, 1st, Katherine Schafer; 2nd, Margaret Marshall. Was in employ of B. F. Zahn, St. Paul, 1871-74, and continued with same firm in branch store at St. Cloud, until 1883; has been engaged in dry goods and carpet busi ness for himself since 1883. Catholic. Democrat. Member Knights of Colum bus, A. O. U. W. Club: Commercial. C. O. F., M. U. G. (German.) Address: St. Cloud, Minn. FANNING, John Thomas, civil engi neer; born at Norwich, Conn., Dec. 31, 1837; son of John Howard and Elizabeth (Pridde) Fanning; educated in academy and normal school. Studied architec ture and civil engineering; served during Civil War, advancing from lieut. to lieut. -col.; identified with planning and construction water works and water power. Was consulting engineer, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Manitoba R. R., and Great Northern Ry. and vice presi dent Minneapolis Union Ry. Ex-director American Society of Civil Engineers; ex-president American Water Works Association; fellow A.A A.S. Author: A Treatise on Hydraulic and Water Supply Engineering. Married at Nor wich, Conn., June 14, 1865, to Miss M. Louise Bensley. Office: Kasota Bldg. Residence: Hotel Waverly, Minneapolis. PABMEB, Edward C, lawyer; born at Savage, Minn., Sept. 19, 1876; educated in Madelia High School; University of Nebraska; University of Minnesota; College of Law, graduating, degree of LL.B., 1897. City attorney of Madelia for seven years. Republican. Unmar ried: Address: Madelia, Minn. FABMEB, Fred L., secretary Scott 'Graff Lumber Co.; born at Denver, Colo., July 14, 1877; son of Charles H. and E. Theresa (Wait) Farmer; educated in Duluth pub'ic schools and Central High School. Began business career in office of the Imperial Mill Co., Duluth, 1897; was connected with the H. Foehler G-ain Commission Co.. 1899: associated with Zenith Furnace Co., Duluth, 1902; has been secretary of the Scott-Graff Lumber Co., since May 1, 1903. Served in M. N. G., for three years; corporal Co. A., 14th Minn. Vols., Spanish-Ameri can War. Republican. Mason; member B. P. O. E. Married at Duluth, 1903, to Miss Bertha E. Stahlbusch. Clubs: Com mercial, Duluth Boat. Office: 2401 W. Mich. St. Residence: 623 E. 5th St, Duluth. FABMEB, John C, surgeon; born at Spring Valley, Minn., Sept. 11, 1871; son of John Q. and Susan C. (Sharp) Farmer; graduate Spring Valley High School, 1890; special course University of Minnesota, 1891; graduate College of Medicine and Surgery, University of Minnesota, degree of M.D., 1895; mar ried at Wykoff, Minn., Sept. 28, 1895, to Miss Lillis S. Egleston. Began practice of medicine June, 1895, at White Bear Lake, Minn., continuing until Aug., 1897; moved to Minneapolis, Sept., 1897, and continued in practice there until Feb., 1900; has been engaged in practice at McKinley since Feb., 1900. Surgeon Mc Kinley Hospital; local surgeon Duluth & Iron Range Ry. ; surgeon to Hobart Iron Company's mines, etc. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associations, St. Douis County Medical Society. Republican. Member Tau Deu- teron and Theta Delta Chi fraternities. Club: Commercial (Virginia, Minn.). Address: McKinley, Minn. FABNHAM, William H., secretary and treasurer Pioneer Press Company; born at Buffalo, N. Y., Jan. 22, 1865; son of Horatio Nelson, Jr., and Maria D. (Shields) Farnham; educated in com mon and high schools of St. Paul, 1871- 83; married, at St. Paul, Nov. 17, 1896, to Kate D. Wright. Employed in whole sale grocery business in various posi tions, 1886-87; clerk Board of Public Works, St. Paul, 1887-91; clerk National German American Bank, 1891-95; mem ber Wright & Farnham, insurance and mortgage loans, 1895-97; auditor for lumber companies, 1897-1900; became connected with Pioneer Press Company in 1900 and since 1904 has been its secretary and treasurer. Republican. Episcopalian. Club: Commercial. Recre ation: Tennis. Office: N. "E. Cor. 4th & Robert Sts. Residence: 546 Ashland Av., St. Paul. FARNSWORTH, Sumner Amasa, edu cator; born at Bristol, Kenosha Co., Wis., Nov. 26, 1852; son of Joel and Mary (Fairbanks) Farnsworth; received pre liminary education in public schools of River Falls, Wis., afterwards attending the State Normal School at River Falls, graduating, 1896, taking a special course in pedagogy in the University of Min nesota. Began, teaching at 18 years o£ age and has since followed the profes sion except for a period of two years with mercantile firm in Red River Val ley. Was superintendent schools River Falls, 1875-76; Brainerd, Minn., 1877-79; Crookston, Minn., 18S0-81; Ada, Minn., 156 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 1884-85, and in Sept., 1886, appointed principal of Cleveland School, St. Paul, a position he has since held. Married, Glyndon, Minn., Oct. 20, 1879, Eliza Gross. Member United States Geo graphical Society, National Educational Association, Minnesota Educational As sociation (ex-president, ex-chairman legislative committee and for 7 years general secretary), St. Paul Teachers' Association and now president of the Principals' Club of St. Paul. Mason, Scottish Rite; member I. O. O. F. (past grand master of Minnesota). Clubs: St. Paul, East Side Commercial. Office: Jenks St. and Walsh Av. Residence: 926 Burr St., St. Paul. FARRINGTON, Luther Humphrey, grocer; born at Chicago, 111., Nov. 28, 1867; son of Samuel P. and Harriet L. (McKay) Farrington; educated in pri vate schools, Chicago. Came to Minne apolis, 1884, and began as clerk with Harrison & Farrington, wholesale gro cers; became member of the firm, 1894, and has been secretary of its successor, the Winston, Harper, Fisher Co., since 1901. Republican. Presbyterian. Mar ried at Minneapolis, 1889, to Miss Katherine S. French. Clubs: Minne apolis, Minikahda. Recreations: Auto mobiling, sailing, hunting. Office: 4th St. & 2nd Av., N. Residence: 2100 Stevens Av., Minneapolis. FARRINGTON, Ray G., lawyer; born at McGregor, la., April 30, 1872; son of Theodore and Libbie (Prevey) Farring ton; graduated from McGregor High School, June 27, 1889; taught school in Iowa, S. Dakota and Montana until 1893; attended Northern Indiana Law School, 1893-94; came to Minnesota, 1894, and passed state bar examination, Jan., 1896. Has been engaged in practice at Orton ville, Minn., since Jan., 1896. Was county attorney Big Stone Co., 1899- 1903; city attorney, Ortonville, 1905; now State senator, 56th district, present term extending to Jan., 1911. Democrat (radical). Member I. O. O. F., M. W. A. Married at Litchfield, Minn., Nov. 5, 1902, to Mrs. Louise Bassinger. Recre ations: Hunting and fishing. Address: Ortonville, Minn. FARRINGTON, Robert I., railway of ficial; born at Providence, R. I., Sept. 5, 1861; son of Preston M. and Caroline (Thayer) Farrington; educated at Provi dence, R. I. Entered service of the Northern Pacific Rd., as clerk in audi tor's office, 1882, continuing until 1883; was cashier in freight office of same road, at Brainerd, Minn., Jan. to Nov. 1883; chief clerk at Tacoma station, 1883-84; clerk in office auditor of re ceipts, 1SS4-85; treasurer for receivers Cairo division Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific Rd., 18S5-88; was with general auditor Illinois Central Rd., Feb. to Aug. 1888; chief of disbursement division, accounting department St. Paul, Minne apolis & Manitoba Ry., 1888-89; auditor disbursements Great Northern Ry., 1889- 94; assistant comptroller, May to Aug. 1. 1894; comptroller, 1894-1902; has been 2nd vice president Great Northern Ry., since Jan. 1, 1902. President Great Northern Express Co. Married at Brook- lvn, N. Y., Dec. 1, 1885, to Miss Caroline B. Burger. Office: 3rd N. W. Cor. Broadway. Residence: 460 Portland Av., St. Paul. FAWCETT, Charles E., physician; born at Marion, Minn., 1869; son of John H. and Emily J. (Wooldridge) Fawcett; educated in public schools of Marion and at Medical School, North western University, graduating, degree of M.D., 1893. Has been engaged in practice of medicine at Stewartville, Minn., since 1893. Married at Marion, Minn., 1894, to Miss Myrta A. Phelps. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associations, Olmsted County Medical Society. Address: Stewart ville, Minn. FAWKES, Leslie H., automobile deal er; born, Maroa, 111., Dee. 18, 1871. Began business career as a traveling salesman; came to Minneapolis, 1896, and engaged in the bicycle and automobile business; organized the Fawkes Auto Co., 1905, in which he still continues. Republican. Club': Minneapolis Auto. Office: 111 S. 6th St. Residence: 3355 Calhoun Blvdi, Minneapolis. FAYRAM, Frederick, publisher; born at Rotherham, Yorkshire, Eng., April 3. 1852; son of Amos and Martha (Blackmore) Fayram; educated in public schools and at Hamilton, Canada. Learned cabinet making trade; entered employ of Detroit (Mich.) Free Press, 1875; became business manager, 1887; resigned, 1894. Came to Minnesota, Jan., 1895, and associated himself with Lucian Swift in the purchase of "The Housekeeper," of which he has since been secretary, treasurer and general manager. President Philharmonic Club since 1897; prime mover in organiza tion of Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra and now one of its managing commit tee; largely instrumental in bringing about the erection of the Minneapolis Auditorium. Married at Mt. Vernon, O., 1892, to Carrie J. Young. Clubs: Min neapolis, Commercial, Six O'clock, Min neapolis Athletic, Minnetonka Yacht. Recreations: Sailing, automobiling and outdoor sports. Office: 801-811 So. 4th St., Minneapolis. Residence: Deep haven, Lake Minnetonka, Minn. FEELY, Patrick H., grain, etc.; born in Massachusetts, March 6, 1858; son of John Feely; came to Minnesota, 1S61; educated in common schools. Begun active career as a farmer; has been engaged in business at Farmington ever THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 157 since 1880; head of the firm of P. H. Feely & Son, since 1893. Address: Farmington, Minn. FEENEY, William Edward, banker; born at Blooming Prairie, Steele Co., Minn., Feb. 25, 1866. Began in banking business June, 1896 and is president of the Maple Lake State Bank; also presi dent of the Northern Investment & Loan Co. Married. Address: Maple Lake, Minn. FELLOWS, Charles Sumner, real estate and warehousing; born at Bangor, Me., May 18, 1838; son of Samuel and Susan (Jordan) Fellows; educated in public schools at Bangor; unmarried. Began business career 1861; came to Minnesota 1888; assistant secretary and director of the Twin City Trading Co., which is engaged in handling real estate and in warehousing. Republican. Con gregationalist. Member American Asso ciation for the Advancement of Science, American Microscopical Society, Royal Microscopical Society of London, Eng., Boston Society of Natural History, New England Historic Genealogical Society, Society of Founders and Patriots, New York. Mason, York and Scottish Rite. Clubs: Commercial (Minneapolis); Com mercial (St. Paul); Commercial (St. Anthony). Office: Chamber of Com merce Bldg. Residence: 1813 Vine Place, Minneapolis. FENWICK, John L., teacher piano, voice and theory; born at Seeham Har bor, Eng., in 1869; scholastic education in public schools and by private instruc tion in England and at Genoa, Italy; graduate Conservatory of Music, St. Cuthbertson, Eng., later studying under leading teachers in England and under an Italian governess, a pupil of Lam- perti, in Genoa. Came to Nova Scotia, 1888, and to Winnipeg in time to take part in the Riel rebellion; spent a year among the Sioux Indians near Fort Francis, after which he returned to Winnipeg and resumed profession of music as director of voice culture in All Saints' Church, later taking charge of musical training of students of St. John's College. Came to St. Paul in 1890, and established himself as one of the most successful teachers and musi cal conductors of the Northwest. Epis copalian. Member Modern Samaritans, Sons of St. George, Sons of England. Club: Empire of Minnesota. Recrea tions: Walking, canoeing, horseback riding. Office: Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Residence: 800 Selby Av., St. Paul. FERGUSON, Edwin M., vice president Knudsen-Ferguson Fruit Co.; born in Oakland Co., Mich., April 2, 1867; son of Andrew and Mary C. (Day) Fergu son; educated in public schools of Oak land Co., and Eau Claire, Wis. Began active carper as supply clerk with rail road construction company, ' operating in different parts of the West; entered fruit commission business at Duluth, 1906, and is secretary and vice president of the Knudsen-Ferguson Fruit Co., wholesale dealers and jobbers in foreign and domestic fruits, vegetables, etc. President Western Fruit Jobbers Asso ciation. Republican. Methodist. Mem ber Masonic order, B. P. O. E. Married at Duluth, 1902, to Miss Luella Wood. Club: Commercial (director and ex- president). Office: 218-220 W. Mich. St. Residence: 216 East 3rd St., Duluth. FEBGUSON, James A., Northern man ager Pittsburg Coal Co.; born in New Brunswick, Can., Oct. 29, 1857; son of Robert and Isabel (Willis) Ferguson; educated in district and superior schools, Gloucester Co., N. B„ and Varley Gram mar School, St. John, N. B. Began active career as confidential clerk of I. & F. Burpee & Co., iron and shipping business, St. John, continuing until 1881; became identified with mill machinery manufacturing company of Minneapolis, Minn., which later went out of business; entered fuel business and came to Duluth, 1891, as representative of the Pioneer Fuel Co., of which is vice president; also Northern manager Pitts burg Coal Co. of Minnesota. Served in Co. I, 1st Regt., M. N. G., 1881-86. Presbyterian. ' Member Knights of Pythias, Modern Woodmen of America. Married at Minneapolis, 1888, to Miss Miriam Gill. Clubs: Kitchi Gammi, Commercial. Recreations: Fishing, hunting and outdoor life. Office: 306 W. Superior St. Residence: Glen Avon, Duluth. FEBGUSON, James B., physician and surgeon; born in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada, Jan. 21, 1840; son of James and Margaret (Sharp) Ferguson; edu cated in Peterborough grammar school and Jefferson Medical College, Phila delphia, receiving diploma from the lat ter, March 10, 1866. Served 3 years as a hospital steward in the 6th N. Y. Vol. Cav., during the War of the Re bellion and later 3 years in the U. S. A. in similar position; was acting assist ant surgeon in the U. S. Army from Sept. 13, 1870, to Nov. 30, 1891; has filled position of contract surgeon, U. S. Army, since June 5, 1898, at present on duty on U. S. Transport Dix, sailing between Seattle, Wash., and Manila, P. I. Member of Renville County Medical Society, Minnesota State and American Medical associations, Association of Military Surgeons of the United States and Alumni Association of Jefferson Medical College. Married at Coopers- town, N. Y., Sept. 22, 1874, to Edna Grace Cory. Address (home) : Olivia, Minn. FEBGUSON, John Frank, treasurer Coffin's Box and Lumber Co.; born at Unity, Me., March 28, 1857; son of John 158 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS G. and Lides B. (Vickery) Ferguson; educated in public schools. Was raised on a farm and engaged in farming in Maine during earlier years of his active career; came West in 1876, locating in Minneapolis; was engaged in retail lum ber business at Canton, S. D., for several years; began in manufacturing and lumber business 25 years ago and is treasurer of Coffin's Box and Lumber Co. (founded 1884), large manufacturers of boxes and baskets; vice president Northwestern Foundry Co.; director 1st National Bank of Canton, S. D. Repub lican. Mason; member Knights of Pythias. Married at Canton, S. D., 1888, to Miss Marcia E. Treat. Office: Nicol let Island. Residence: 2059 Bryant Av., S., Minneapolis. FEBGUSON, Sam T., manufacturer; born at Dixmont, Me., Dec. 29, 1835; son of Ivory and Abagail (Goodhue) Ferguson; educated in district schools, Hamden Academy, Hamden, Me., and at University of Wisconsin, 1857. Came to Minnesota, May, 1856, and began business in St. Anthony, as contractor and builder, 1857; moved to Minneapolis, 1860, and engaged in plow manufactur ing until 1882; has been identified with Coffin's Box and Lumber Co., since its organization, 1883, and is president of the company; also president of the Northwestern Foundry, established, 1874, incorporated, 1902. Republican. Scottish Rite Mason. Married at Red wood City, Calif., 1886, to Miss Clara Murch. Office: 312 10th Av., S. Resi dence: 1202 4th St., S. E., Minneapolis. FEBBEE, George P., physician; born at Canton, Pa., April 8, 1865; son of John W. and Diana J. (Elliott) Ferree; graduate State Normal School, Blooms- burg, Pa., 1882, Allegheny College, 1885, Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, 1892. Director Boylan Carlock Bank. Now Mayor of Paynesville. Republican. Methodist Member Stearns-Benton Medical Society, American Medical As sociation. Married at Grant Park, 111., 1895, to Miss Nellie C. Bennett. Ad dress: Paynesville, Minn. FEBTIG, Harry Goodman, mill feed; born, Millerstown, Pa., Nov. 1, 1863; son of Hiram and Ella (Williamson) Fertig; educated in public schools in Milwaukee, Wis. Began in the mill feed business at 17 years of age, in employ of Chapin & Co., wholesale mill feeds, Milwaukee, and continued, 1880-86; came to Minne apolis and started the firm of Chapin & Fertig, a branch of the Milwaukee concern, operating 1886-98; dissolved partnership, Sept. 1, 1898, and since that time has been wholesale jobber under title of H. G. Fertig & Co. Married at Minneapolis, Sept. 1, 1887, to Bessie A. Emery. Clubs: Commercial, Minneapo lis, Minikahda. Office: Metropolitan Life Bldg. Residence: 2008 Aldrich Av., S., Minneapolis. FETTER, Norman, lawyer; born at Fountain City, Wis., May 1, 1864; son of Ferdinand and Dorothea Fetter; edu cated in public schools of Alma, Wis.; graduated from College of Law, Univer sity of Wisconsin, degree LL.B., 1889. Began practice of law, 1889; has been member Charter Commission City of St. Paul since 1898; member State Board of Arbitration and Conciliation. Credit manager Lindeke, Warner & Sons. Author: Handbook of Equity Juris prudence; Law of Carriers of Passen gers. Married at Alma, Wis., Oct. 2, 1899, to Miss Isabel Lees. Club: Com mercial. Recreations: Literature and whist. Office: 4th and Sibley. Resi dence: 695 Fairmount Av., St. Paul. PEYBEBGEB, Harrison Earl, lawyer; born at Featherstone, Minn., Jan. 10, 1867; son of William and Margaret Feyberger; educated in common schools; University of Minnesota, 1886-90; Law School, University of Minnesota, gradu ating, degree of LL.B., 1892. Began practice of law, 1892; was member of law firm of Feyberger & Feyberger, 1892-93; firm of Child & Feyberger, 1894-96; has practiced alone since 1896. Member Minnesota State Legislature, 1902-04. Republican. Universalist. Un married. Club: Commercial. Office: 905-906 New York Life Bldg. Residence: Hampshire Arms, Minneapolis. FIELD, Edwin Dewey, real estate and mortgage loans; born in Montpelier, Vt, June 25, 1858; son of Cornelius A. and Maria (Dewey) Field; educated at Nor wich and St. Johnsbury, Vt, academies and at Dartmouth College, graduating, degree of B.S., 1880. Began active career in employ of John Morrell Co., Ltd., Ottumwa, la., and Canton, 111., 1881-82; bookkeeper Rockford National Bank, Rockford, 111., 1882-85; came to Duluth, fall of 1885, and engaged as bookkeeper with Griffiths, Marshall & Co., 1885-86,- also establishing real estaie and insurance agency which is now con ducted as E. D. Field Company. Treasurer Board of Fire Underwriters, Duluth (operating salvage corps sys tem) ; director and treasurer Duluth Realty Investment Association; director The New Duluth Co., real estate, and the Western Debenture and Realty Co., of Minneapolis, Minn. Republican. Con gregationalist. Member Beta Theta Pi fraternity. Clubs: Duluth Boat, Duluth Curling, Commercial. Office: Exchange Bldg. Residence: 1227 East 3rd St., Duluth. FIELD, John Ireland Howe, dry goods; born at Golden Bridge, N. Y., Nov. 22, 1868; son of Elbert and Lydia (Howe) Field; educated at Clinton Liberal In stitute. Has been identified with dry goods business ever since the beginning of his career in 1886; secretary 1901-06, since then, president Field, Schlick & THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 159 Co., dry goods. Married at St. Paul, Minn., 1893, to Miss Carolyn S. Field. Clubs: Minnesota, Town and Country, Commercial. Office: Field, Schlick & Co. Residence: 389 Portland Av., St. Paul. FIFIELD, James C, attorney and business manager; born at Cedar Falls, la., Feb. 3, 1862; son of L. B., and Emily J. (Walworth) Fifield; educated at Phil lips Academy, Andover, Mass., and at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md., class of 1887, degree of B.A. Read law and attended Maryland Law School, while at Baltimore, continuing in office of Judge John M. Shaw, Minneapolis; admitted to b.ar, 1.891, and was in prac tice in Minneapolis until 1901. Member law firm of Fifield, Fletcher, Larimore & Fifield; also Fifield & Fifield, real estate and loans, and Turner's National Clearing House Committee; secretary and general manager of the Tabasco Plantation Co. Unmarried. Republican. Office: Andrus Bldg., Minneapolis. FIFIELD, Walter V., lawyer; born at Dubuque, la., Feb. 25, 1856; son of L. B. and Emily J. (Walworth) Fifield; edu cated in public schools of Dubuque and at Iowa College, Grinnell, Ia. Admitted to the bar at Geneva, Neb., 1876; has been engaged in practice of law and in real estate business and other enter prises, in Minneapolis, since 1890. Mem ber law firm of Fifield, Fletcher, Lari more & Fifield, organized, 1894; member real estate' and insurance firm of Fifield & Fifield; treasurer Tabasco Plantation Co. Republican. Congregationalist. Member Commercial Law League of America. Married at Fairmont, Neb., Aug., 1878, to Miss Annie M. Richard son. Club: Commercial. Office: Andrus Bldg. Residence: 715 Douglas Av., Minneapolis. PILLEBBOWN, Jonas W., fruits; born at Roxbury, Mass., Aug. 12, 1850; son of Jonas and Mary (Goddard) Fille- brown; married at Quincy, 111., April 27, 1881, to Miss Harriet E. Coxe. Came to St. Paul from Roxbury, 1883. Mem ber Produce Exchange, Board of Trade. Mason. Club: Commercial. Office: 114 E. 3rd St. Residence: 786 Lincoln Av., St. Paul. FILLMORE, Albert E., clergyman; born in Dakota Co., Minn., Feb. 5, 1864; son of Daniel J. and Harriet Fillmore; educated in public schools of Minneapo lis; University of Minnesota, degree of A.B., 1888; Seabury Divinity School, Faribault, Minn., degree of B.D., 1891. Married at St. Paul, 1895, to Miss Alice Bryant. Episcopalian. Began ministry, 1892, and has filled position of pastor at following churches: St. James Epis copal, St. Paul; St. Paul Church, Vermil lion, S. D.; Madison, S. D.; St. Peter's Church, Duluth; again at St. Paul's, Vermillion; since Nov., 1905, in charge of St. John's Episcopal Church, Mankato. Republican. Member Masonic order, B. P. O. E. Club: Social Science. Ad dress: Mankato, Minn. FINCH, Dudley B.,' capitalist; born at Delaware, Ohio, Nov. 9, 1852; educated in public schools of Ohio and graduated from Mt. Vernon, (O.) High School; came to St. Paul, 1861. Married, 1878, Mary Dexter, of Hudson, Wis. Assisted in organizing the firm of Albrechtj Lanpher & Finch and its successor Lanpher, Finch & Skinner; president until 1906, and is now director of French, Finch & Henry, wholesale dealers in boots, shoes and rubber goods, and is interested in other mercantile and financial enterprises: Clubs: Min nesota, Commercial. Office: 225 East 4th St. Residence: 579 Summit Av., St. Paul. FINCH, Fred Everett, bank cashier; born at Fayette, la., Jan. 10, 1870; son of Gilbert B. and Jane (Ash) Finch; educated in Upper Iowa University, Fayette, graduating, degree of B.S., June, 1894. Became cashier of Bank of Waucoma, Waucoma, la., Sept. 1, 1900, continuing until Oct. 1, 1901; removed to Minnesota and has been cashier Bank of Fountain, Fountain, Minn., since Oct. 1, 1901. Engaged in school work 6 years, three years as principal Waucoma schools and three years as superintend ent City Schools, Fayette, Ia. Republi can. Methodist. Member Masonic order. Married at Waucoma, Nov. 25, 1896, to Miss Maud A. House. Address: Foun tain, Minn. FINCH, George B., wholesale dry goods; born at Delaware, O., Sept. 24, 1839; son of Sherman and Eliza (Shep herd) Finch; educated in public schools. At 13 years of age began as clerk in dry goods store; became connected with E. L. Baldwin & Co., dry goods, Cleveland, O., and continued for 8 years; was in general merchandise business at Bellevue, O., as Woodworth, Finch & Green, until 1863; came to St. Paul, 1863, and entered into partnership with J. L. Forepaugh and Maurice Auerbach under title of J. L. Forepaugh & Co., wholesale dry goods. The firm has since passed through a number of changes and is now Finch, Young & McConville, of which he is senior mem ber, wholesale dealers dry §oods, no tions, carpets and upholstery and manu facturers of ladies and gentlemen's fur nishings, one of the largest houses of the kind in the Northwest. President Minnesota State Agricultural Society, 1878; first president St. Paul Jobbers' Union; president of first Winter Carni val and Ice Palace; charter member St. Paul Chamber of Commerce. Mar ried, 1st, at Bellevue, O., August 11, 1862, to Miss Nellie T. Chapman; 2d, at Bellevue, O., to Mary G. Chapman. 160 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS Clubs: Commercial, Minnesota, Town and Country. Office: N. W. Cor. 4th and Sibley Sts. Residence: 245 Summit Av., St. Paul. FINCH, Sherman, second vice presi dent Finch, Van Slyck & McConville; born at Mt. Vernon, O., Jan. 1860; son of Sherman E. and Mary (Thurston) Finch; came to Minnesota with parents, 1861; educated in public schools of St. Paul; married at Stillwater, Minn., 1886, to Miss Jane A. Hersey. Entered whole sale dry goods business, 1876, with the house with which he is now connected; was admitted to the firm, 1901, and has been second vice president since Jan. 1, 1907. Clubs: Minnesota, Town and Country. Recreation: Golf. Office: Cor. Sibley and 4th St. Residence: 467 Portland Av., St. Paul. FINDEISEN, William, farm imple ments; born in Wurtemberg, Germany, April 18, 1857; reared on farm and had common school education. Came to America, Oct., 1871; learned blacksmith trade at Decorah, la., and in spring of 1888, established a blacksmith shop at Red Lake Falls, Minn.; added farm im plements in spring of 1892; sold out blacksmith and wagon shop in 1900 and has since confined himself to the imple ment business. Has been member city council and school board. Member I. O. O. F., M. W. A. Address: Red Lake Falls, Minn. FINDLEY, Thomas Maskell, clergy man; born at West Mahonnig, Pa., Sept. 29, 1847; graduate Monmouth College, 111., degree of A.B., 1874, A.M., 1877; graduate Princeton Theologieal Semi nary, 1879. Married at Chicago, Sept 11, 1883, to Miss Lou Gregory. Was pastor Presbyterian Church, Indianola, la., 1880-83; president University of S. Dak., Pierre, 1883-85; pastor Ninth Church, St. Paul, Second Church, Duluth, and has been pastor at large, St. Cloud Presbytery, since 1898; was moderator of Synod of Minnesota, 1894-5. Address: Spicer, Minn. FINEHOUT, John William, lawyer; born at St. Paul, Minn., Aug. 2, 1873; son of Henry and Catherine A. (Cowan) Finehout; graduated from St. Paul pub lic school, 1887, from Shattuck Military College, Faribault, Minn., 1891, and from University of Minnesota Night Law School, degree of LL.B., 1897; married, Oct. 29, 1902, Miss Helen Rea. Upon graduation from Shattuck Military Col lege, 1891, became messenger for comp troller in general offices of Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Ry. Co.; promoted to transfer clerk and expense clerk in local freight office, same road, 1892; clerk, 1893, and later chief clerk, pay roll department Great Northern Ry. until 1S95, going to Minneapolis at night to attend law school. Entered law of fice of C. D. & Thomas D. O'Brien, 1895; admitted to bar and in 1897, appointed chief clerk of legal department, City of St. Paul; assistant corporation counsel, 1898, resigning to serve in Spanish- American war; appointed prosecuting at torney City of St. Paul, Sept., 1899; re signed 1902, to become candidate for judge of Municipal Court, of which has since been presiding judge. Served in M. N. G. ten years as corporal, sergeant, sergeant-major, adjutant, lieutenant and quarter-master; was captain Co. B, and senior captain 15th Minn. Vol. Inf. dur ing Spanish-American war, from June, 1898, until regiment was mustered out at Augusta, Ga., in April, 1899. Republi can. Recreations: Base ball, lawn ten nis, canoeing, boating, fishing, and hunt ing. Clubs: Commercial, East Side Commercial (director), Roosevelt, Lin coln (past president). Office: Court House. Residence: 595 Olive St., St. Paul. FINK, Charley L., hardware and furni ture"; native of Freeborn Co., Minn.; son of Fred and Fredericka (Weiser) Fink. Began in mercantile business at Albert Lea; now senior member of the Arm ot Fink & Lindeman, Bricelyn; also dealer in and manufacturer of brick and tile. Married Feb. 13, 1901, Miss Kate Yost. Lutheran. Address: Bricelyn, Minn. FINNEY, Albert Carlyle, lawyer; born in Brown County, Ohio, May 12, 1863; son of Jonathan and Agnes L. (Bevans) Finney; educated in common schools and graduated from Carleton, College, Northfield, Minn., degree of A.B., 1887; unmarried. Admitted to bar 1889, and has since been engaged in practice at Minneapolis, and identiAed with much important litigation; assistant city at torney of Minneapolis since Jan., 1903. Republican. Member Phi Kappa Psi fraternity and Minneapolis Lodge No. 44, B. P. O. E. Recreation: Tennis. Club: Minneapolis Commercial. Office: City Attorney's Office, City Hall. Resi dence: 4004 Queen Av., S., Minneapolis. FISCH, Mathias S., merchant; born at Dubuque, la., Oct. 5, 1863; son of Theodore and Eva (Manders) Fisch; educated in country schools until 16 years of age. Entered mercantile busi ness, May 10, 1866, and is owner of de partment store, at Austin, Minn., and general store, Minnesota Lake; also vice president and director First National Bank, Minnesota Lake. Democrat; ex- postmaster, ex-city clerk and city treasurer, member city council 6 years and member school board, during resi dence at Minnesota Dake. Member B. P. O. E., Knights of Columbus, C. O. F. Married at Caledonia, Minn., Feb. 10, 1886, to Miss Mary Dauwen. Address- Austin, Minn. THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 161 PISCHEB, Albert, wholesale rubber goods; born in St. Paul, May 26, 1860; son of Louis and Emiline (Regelsberger) Fischer; educated in public and high schools of St. Paul. Organized the present corporation, the St. Paul Rubber Co., 1884, and since 1895 has been its president, the company being manufac turers and jobbers of rubber goods of all descriptions. Also vice president of the Colorado Rubber Co., of Denver, Colo. Catholic. Member B. P. O. E. Clubs: Minnesota, Commercial. Office: 220 E. 3rd St. Residence: 454 Moore Bldg., St. Paul. FISCHER, Henry P., physician; born at Formosa, Ont., Can., March 12, 1870; graduate St. Jerome's College, Berlin, Ont, Can., degree of B.A., June, 1891; graduate Detroit College of Medicine, degree of M.D., April, 1894. Has been engaged in practice of medicine at Shakopee, Minn., since April, 1894. Mar ried at Berlin, Ont, May, 1895, to Miss Minnie Huck. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associations, Scott-Carver County Medical Society. Address: Shakopee, Minn. FISCHER, Otto Ferdinand, physician; born at De Sueur, Minn., Aug. 21, 1872; son of Rev. Ferdinand and Lina (Uhl) Fischer (daughter of Dr. M. Uhl) ; gradu ate classical course Northfield (Minn.)- High School, 1893; graduate College of Medicine and Surgery, University of Minnesota, degree of M.D., 1897. Was house physician Asbury Methodist Hos pital and St. Mary's Hospital, Minne apolis, 1896-97. Began practice'of medi cine at Hancock, Mich., 1897; has been engaged in practice at Houston, Minn., since 1898. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associations, Houston-Fillmore County Medical So ciety. Member M. W. A. Unmarried. Recreations: Lawn tennis and driving. Address: Houston, Minn. FISH, Daniel, lawyer; born at Cherry Valley, 111., Jan. 31, 1848; son of Daniel and Parmelia (Adams) Fish; public school education. Enlisted as private in Co. G, 45th 111. Inf., Jan. 4, 1864; mustered out July 12, 1865; adjutant general G. A. R., 1887-88; assistant adjutant general Minnesota G. A. R., 1886; judge advocate, 1889. Removed to Iowa at close of war; admitted to the bar, April 19, 1871, and located in Delano, Minn., same year; established and edited Delano Eagle, 1872; was pro bate judge of Wright Co., Minn., 1876-77 and 1879; removed to Minneapolis, 1880; alternate delegate National Republican Convention, 1880; was first attorney of the City Park Commission, 1883-87; also attorney State Park Commission. Has been attorney of Court House and City Hall Commission since 1887; was coun sel and trust officer, Minnesota Title In surance and Trust Co., 1889-94; appointed court receiver of Northern Trust Co., 1897; commissioned to revise and codify the general laws of Minnesota, since 1901, and chairman of the commission since March, 1904; reported to legislative session of 1905, a body of laws condens ing legislation of nearly 40 years into about one-seventh of the original bulk, which was adopted with amendment and went into effect, March 1, 1906. Member American and Minnesota State Bar asso ciations. Delegate Universal Congress of Dawyers and Jurists, St Louis, 1904. Republican. Author: Lincoln Biblio graphy. Married at Garna Vilo, la., Aug. 21, 1873, to Miss Elizabeth M. Porter. Recreation: Literature. Office: New York Life Bldg. Residence: 2301 3rd Av., S., Minneapolis. PISHER, Edwin J., treasurer Winston, Harper, Fisher Co., wholesale grocers; born at Hamilton, Ont., -Can., Sept. 23, 1860; son of Ira J. and Sarah (Greene) Fisher; educated in public and high schools of Ontario. Was in foundry business in Kincardine, Ont; came to Minneapolis, 1884, and was in real estate business, 1884-85; became connected in 1885 with the house with which he is now associated; entered the firm as a member, 1893; has been treasurer of the company since its incorporation, 1903. Republican. Methodist. Married in Canada, 1887, to Miss Isabel Ruettell. Clubs: Commercial, Minikahda, Lafay ette. Recreation: Golf. Office: Cor. 4th St. and 2nd Av., N. Residence: 305 Oak Grove St., Minneapolis. FISHER, Elmer E., harness and sad dlery; born at Boston, Mass., Dec 11, 1862; son of Freeman A. and Marion W. (Wallace) Fisher; educated in public schools of Chicago, 111. Moved to Chi cago with parents, 1863; came to Min neapolis, 1879, and became connected with the house of which he is now an officer, 1883; has been president Dodson, Fisher, Brockmann Co., manufacturers of harness and saddlery, since 1894. Re publican. Baptist. Married at Minne apolis, 1883, to Miss Carrie B. Whit- tier. Club: Commercial. Office: 15-19 N. 1st Av. Residence: 2613 2nd Av., S., Minneapolis. FISHER, George Alvan, general man ager Fisher Paper Box Co.; born at Rut land, Mass., June 21, 1866; son of Alvan Bennett and Julia (Heywood) Fisher; attended common and high school, Rut land; married at Minneapolis, Minn., Sept. 2, 1896, to Anna Ditera. Entered hardware store at 16 years as clerk, continuing two years; worked in paper box factory, 1885-90; formed partner ship with Frank Heywood, as Frank Heywood & Co., paper box manufac turers, which continued 1890-93; organ ized Fisher Paper Box Co. of Minneap olis, April 1, 1893, manufacturers and wholesale dealers in paper boxes, incor- 162 THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS porated, 1900, of which he is president and treasurer. Republican. Member I. O. O. F. Recreations: Fishing and driv ing. Office: 221 1st St., N. Residence: 2019 Hamline Av., S. E., Minneapolis. FISHEB, Harry W., mining capitalist; born in Iowa, 1878; son of Henry A. and Hester A. (White) Fisher; edu cated in Cornell College, University of Wisconsin, Michigan School of Mines, University of Minnesota; married at Superior, Wis., 1902, to Miss Ethel Pat- tison. Operated sheep ranch in Wyo ming, 1900-01; inspector of mines at Ely, Minn., 1902; has been a member of Martin, Pattison & Co., mining capi talists, since 1903; also member Mc- Calla-Ross Co., Chicago. Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner; member Sigma Nu fraternity. Club: Kitchi Gammi. Recreations: Hunting and fishing. Office: First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Residence: 707 E. 1st St., Duluth. FISK, De Witt Henry, lawyer; born in McKean Co., Pa., June 27, 1851; son of Samuel W. and Mary (Webb) Fisk; educated in public schools of New Rich mond, Wis., 1865-71 and Northfield and Carleton College, Northfield, Minn., to 1876; studied law in office of Hon. Frank P. Chapman, New Richmond, Wis., and in his own office; admitted to the bar, 1881. Began practice of law, at Ada, Minn.; was the first county at torney of Norman Co.; went to Wash ington Ty., 1888, and resided at Cheney until June, 1898, practicing in City of Spokane; returned to Minnesota and lo cated at Fosston, Oct., 1898; in practice at Bemidji, since April, 1900. Republi can: Member Masonic order, Modern Samaritans. Married at Red Wing, Minn., Feb., 1879, to Miss Adda C. Ashel- man. Address: Bemidji, Minn. FISK, Frank H., surveyor; born at Dublin, N. H., March 28, 1859; son of Asa and Priscilla (Ranstead) Fisk; graduate of Dartmouth College, degree of C.E., 1875; married in Freeborn Co., Minn., 1880, to Miss Mary" D. Thurston. Was principal of schools of Forest City, la., and LeRoy, Minn., for 15 years, at the same time following civil engineer ing; was civil engineer for Northern Pacific and Minneapolis & St. Louis railways; has been county surveyor Freeborn Co. since Jan., 1895. Drainage engineer in Freeborn, Faribault and Worth counties, Minn., and Winnebago Co., Ia. Member Minnesota Surveyors and Civil Engineers' Association. Re publican. Member B. P. O. E. Recrea tions: Billiards, whist, chess and check ers. Address: Albert Lea, Minn. FITCH, John Bussell, banker; born at Potsdam, N. Y., March 29, 1847; edu cated in public schools at Potsdam. Be came connected with general store at Walnut Grove, Minn., 1873; traveling salesman for Coykendahl Brothers, Min neapolis, 1881; house salesman for Wy man, Partridge & Co., 1906, successors to Coykendahl Brothers. Entered bank ing business, 1905; president Garvin State Bank, Garvin Farmers' Independ ent Elevator Co.; vice president Tracy State Bank. Member Masonic order. Married at Winona, Minn., Dec. 16, 1862, to Miss Josephine Rice. Club: Commer cial (Tracy). Address: Tracy, Minn. FITCH, Sherman K., business manager; born at Walton, N. Y., Dec. 10, 1868; son of Dyman N. and Elizabeth (Green) Fitch; educated in public schools of New York; married in Pennsylvania, 1895, to Miss Myrtle C. Messenger. Be gan active career in grocery business, in Kansas City, Mo., continuing until 1889; entered service of Armour Pack ing Co., at Kansas City, and trans ferred to Ashland, Wis., where he was manager for the company, 1892-1906; has been Northwestern manager for same company at St. Paul since 1906. Also secretary and treasurer Ruddrick Farm Land Co., Ashland, Wis. Mem ber Masonic order. Office: 319-323 E. 5th St. Residence: 1935 Iglehart Av., St. Paul. FITZGEBALD, Michael W., public official; born at Chateaugay, N. Y., Aug. 31, 1855; son of Patrick and Elizabeth (Scanlon) Fitzgerald; came to St. Paul, 1869; educated in public school and St. Paul Business College; taught school in Ramsey Co. one term; studied law and was admitted to Minnesota bar, 1876. Was bookkeeper and credit man for B. R. L. Hardenbergh & Co., wholesale leather dealers, several years. Repub lican; ex-chairman city and county cen tral committees; chief deputy clerk of district court, 1895-1901; elected regis ter of deeds of Ramsey Co., 1900, and since 1901 has also been register of titles. Club: Commercial. Office: Court House. Residence: 403 Eichenwald St., St. Paul. FITZPATRICK, Hugh J., superintend ent of schools; born in Richland Co., Wis., Nov. 5, 1860; son of John and Mary (Bryne) Fitzpatrick; educated in common schools, Hillsboro High School and Grove Lake Academy. Came to Min nesota, 1882; taught school three. years; was in merchandise business at Jordan, Minn., 1885-89; farming, 1889-94; coun ty superintendent of schools of Scott Co., since Nov., 1893. Address: Jor dan, Minn. FITZPATRICK, Patrick, lawyer; born at Galena, 111., March 17, 1851; son of James and Mary (McDonald) Fitzpat rick; came to Minnesota, Sept, 1861; educated in public schools of Winona Co.; State Normal School, Winona; Uni versity of Minnesota. Reared on a farm in Fillmore Co.; taught school for two years; read law; was admitted to the bar, 1881. Has been State senator, 2nd THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 163 district, since 1898; was county attor ney, Winona Co., for ten years. Mem ber of law firm of Fitzpatrick & Buck. Member Minnesota State and Winona County Bar associations. Democrat. Ro man Catholic Member Knights of Co lumbus, A. O. U. W. Address: Winona, Minn. FITZPATRICK, Thomas, carpenter and builder; born in Ireland, Jan. 13, 1833; son of James Fitzpatrick; came to U. S. in infancy; educated in schools of Philadelphia and Pittsburg, Pa.; mar ried, Dubuque, Iowa, Sept. 9, 1857, Miss Costello; children: Mark, John, Thos. C. and Elizabeth. Began business as a carpenter in Pittsburg, Pa., in spring of 1848; went to Dubuque, Iowa, in 1856, and thence to St. Paul in 1857, and has ever since been engaged in business there as carpenter and builder, firm be ing Thomas Fitzpatrick & Son, contrac tors, since 1890. Trustee in State Sav ings Bank from its organization, and now estimates values of property for the bank as a basis for loans. Catholic. Republican. Office: 17 West 9th St Residence: 273 Dayton Av., St. Paul. FITZSIMMONS, Charles T., wholesale fruit and produce commission; born at Sparta, Wis., Nov. 8, 1863; son of Wil liam and Mary (Scantelton) ' Fitzsim- mons; educated in public schools of Sparta. Began active career in flour mill at Sparta; entered commission busi ness as employe of George W. Martin & Co., St. Paul, continuing for two years; came to Duluth and started for self under title of Fitzsimmons, Warfleld & Co., 1889; . Arm name was changed to Fitzsimmons Derrig Co., and has been Fitzsimmons-Palmer Co., since Jan. 1, 1906; has been president of the company since 1892; also director and treasurer Ron-Fernandez Cigar Co. Was member Duluth Board of Fire Commissioners, for 3 years. Member Duluth Produce Exchange. Republican. Episcopalian. Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner; member Modern Samaritans. Married at Duluth, 1893, to Miss Charlotte Hunter. Club: Commercial. Recreations: Fish ing and spending winters at the coast. Office: 122-124 W. Mich. St. Residence: 1431 E. 1st St., Duluth. FJELSTAD, Carl A., physician; born in Fillmore Co., Minn., Jan. 14, 1872; educated in public schools of Montevi deo, Minn.; St. Olof College, NorthAeld, Minn.; University of Minnesota. Began practice of medicine at Willmar, Minn., June, 1892; has been engaged in prac tice at Glenwood since 1895. County coroner of Pope County for 6 years; lo cal surgeon "Soo Dine" and Northern Pacific Ry. Member American and Min nesota State Medical associations, Pope County Medical Society. Congregational ist. Married at Ottawa, Minn., June 14, 1893, to Miss Carrie Franklin. Address: Glenwood, Minn. FLAHERTY, Stephen A., judge of dis trict court; born at Sheboygan, Wis., April 11, 1855; educated at Lawrence University, Appleton, Wis., and at Uni versity of Minnesota. Was admitted to the bar, 1882; began practice of law at Morris, Minn.; county attorney of Stevens Co., 1887-95; has been judge of district court, 16th judicial district, since Jan., 1901. Married at Morris, 1884, to Miss Nellie M. Sheridan. Address: Mor ris, Minn. FLANDBAU, Charles Macomb, author; born at St. Paul, Minn., Dec. 9, 1871; son of Charles Eugene and Rebecca Blair (McClure) Flandrau; graduate Harvard University, 1895. Unmarried. Author: Harvard Episodes, The Diary of a Freshman. Address: 385 Pleasant Av., St. Paul. FLANNEBY, George P., lawyer; born on farm in Marquette Co., Wis., Feb. 12, 1852; son of Michael and Katharine (Flynn) Flannery; educated in common schools; Faribault High School; The Shattuck School, Faribault; studied law in office of Batchelder & Buckham and was admitted to the bar, 1873. Mar ried at Faribault, Oct. 13, 1876, to Miss Alice Green. Removed to Bismarck, Dak., 1874, where he engaged in prac tice of law; was appointed attorney for Northern Pacific Ry. ; assistant district attorney for Dakota, 1875-77; city at torney of Bismarck for 3 successive terms; represented Bismarck in making bid for permanent location of state cap itol, 1883, and was successful; filled office of attorney for 6th judicial dis trict, also president Bar Association 6th district; president Bismarck Board of Education, county attorney Burleigh Co. Removed to Minneapolis, June, 1887; senoir member law firm of Flannery & Cooke. Republican. Recreations: Hunt ing and fishing. Office: N. Y. Dife Bldg. Residence: 2416 Blaisdell Av., Minneap olis. Summer residence: Lake Sylva, Minn. FLATHEB, John Joseph, educator; born at Philadelphia, Pa., June 9, 1862; son of Henry Flather; graduate Shef field Scientific School, Yale University, degree of Ph.B., 1885; degree of M.M.R., Cornell, 1890. Was for several years superintendent machine shops and me chanical engineer; instructor in mechan ical engineering, Purdue University, Ind., 1891-98; has been professor mechanical engineering, University of Minnesota, since 1898. Fellow A.A.A.S. (vice presi dent); member American Society of Me chanical Engineers, American Institute of Electrical Engineers, Society for Pro motion of Engineering Education (vice president), Northwest Railway Club (vice president). Author: Treatise on Steam Boilers; Rope Driving; Dynamo meters, and the Measurement of Power; also contributor to scientific periodicals. 164 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS Married at Stamford, Conn., 1890, to Miss Harriet F. Lum. Office: Univer sity of Minnesota. Residence: 1103 4th St., S. E., Minneapolis. FLATLAND, James S., secretary and manager Red Wing Linseed Mills; born in Waushara Co., Wis., Sept. 27, 1863; son of Andrews S. and Martha (Hun- dere) Flatland; came to Minnesota with parents, 1S65; educated at Luther Col lege, Decorah, la.; married at Zumbrota, Minn., 1895, to Miss Jennie Person. Be gan active career in mercantile business at Zumbrota, continuing until 1890, when he came to Red Wing, but returned to Zumbrota, 1900, as assistant cashier First State Bank; took up his residence a second time in Red Wing, 1903, when he was made secretary and manager of the Red Wing Linseed Mills. Member Milwaukee Chamber of Commerce. Re publican. Lutheran. Member Masonic order, Knights of Pythias, Modern Sa maritans. Club: Commercial. Recrea tion: Boating. Address: Red Wing, Minn. FLECK, Herbert Valentine, iron and steel broker; born at Belfast, Ireland, May 3, 1879; son of Adam Charles and Mary (Brown) Fleck; came to America with parents in 1888; educated in Bel fast, public schools of Minneapolis, Minn., and in academy. Began active career as employe in wholesale hard ware business, Minneapolis, continuing until 1900; head of firm of H. V. Fleck & Co., iron, steel and mill agents and commission brokers, which has been in existence for 6 years. Connected with Fleck Manufacturing Co. Republican. Presbyterian. Unmarried. Club: Com mercial. Office: Lumber Exchange Bldg. Residence: 3118 Pillsbury Av., Minneap olis. FLECKENSTEIN, Louis, brewer; born at Faribault, Minn., Jan. 2, 1866; son of Godfrey and Maria M. (Volz) Fleck- enstein; educated in public schools of Faribault; married at Hudson, Wis., March 25, 1891, to Miss Anna Sitze. Began active career as stenographer and bookkeeper, Singer Manufacturing Co., continuing for 8 years; has been in brewing business since July, 1896. Re publican. Episcopalian. Address: Fari bault, Minn. FLECKENSTEIN, William M., brew er; born in Faribault, Minn., March 11, 1868; son of Ernst and Sophia Flecken- stein; educated in public schools of Faribault; married at Owatonna, Minn., 1897, to Miss Margaret Ganser. Has been connected with the brewing busi ness established by his father ever since the beginning of his active career; mem ber of the E. Fleckenstein Brewing Co., brewers, bottlers and manufacturers of carbonated beverages. Recreation: Fish ing. Address: Faribault, Minn. FLEMING, Calvin A., lawyer; born in Blue Earth Co., Minn., Nov. 7, 1858, son of Albert and Priscilla (Moon) Fleming; educated in district schools and at University of Minnesota, grad uating, degree of LL.B., 1891; married at Lake Crystal, Minn., Oct., 1881, to Miss Georgia A. Reed. Engaged in mer chandise business at Buford and later at Crystal Lake, Minn.; in practice of law since 1891. President and manager of the Dana Warehouse at Midway. Was postmaster at Buford, under President Cleveland for 4 years. Democrat. Ad dress: 1431 Thomas St., St. Paul. FLEMING, William A., lawyer; born at Dickinson Center, N. Y., Dec. 27. 1848; son of Patrick and Rachel (Shaw) Flem ing; educated in public schools and at Lawrence ville (N. Y.) Academy; began teaching school at 17 and continued most of the time for 10 years; studied law, graduating from Albany Law School, degree of LL.B., 1878. Came to Min nesota, 1882, and began practice of law. Was superintendent of schools, Crow Wing Co., for 5 years; municipal judge, Brainered, 4 years; city attorney, county attorney, twice elected member Min nesota Legislature. Republican. Mem ber Knights of Pythias, I. O. R. M., B. P. O. E. Married at Peoria, 111., 1888, to Miss Florence O. Foster. Address: Brainerd, Minn. FLETCHEB, Henry Erskine, retired; born, Lyndon, Vt., July 31, 1843; son of Joel and Zerviah Townsend (Meigs) Fletcher; attended St. Johnsbury (Vt.) Academy and entered Dartmouth Col lege, 1861, but did not complete the course on account of ill health. Suc ceeded father in wholesale flour and grain business at St. Johnsbury, at his death, Feb., 1875, and continued the busi ness for about 10 years; came to Minne apolis, Minn., and engaged in the flour milling business, Jan., 1880, under firm name of Sidle, .Fletcher, Holmes & Co., retiring from the business in 1887; en gaged in wholesale lumber business, 1880, under style of Fletcher Brothers, and retired from that business about 1888. Director Chicago Great Western Ry. Co. Was vice president of the Mer chants' National Bank at St. Johnsbury from the time of its organization, 1875, until moving to Minnesota; director Minneapolis, St. Paul and Sault Ste. Marie Ry., from time of its organiza tion until about 1890. Married, Newport, Vt, Dec. 18, 1866, Rebecca Ann Smith. Clubs: Minneapolis, Commercial, Dafay- ette. Office: Andrus Bldg. Residence: 1026 2nd Av., S., Minneapolis. FLETCHEB, Loren, ex-congressman, manufacturer; born at Mt. Vernon, Me., April 10, 1883; educated in public schools and Maine Wesleyan Seminary; removed to Bangor, 1853, and was clerk for a mercantile and lumber company. Re moved to Minneapolis, 1856; has since been engaged in mercantile and manu facturing pursuits there, largely as man- THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS 165 ufacturer of lumber and flour. Elected to State Legislature 8 terms, beginning 1872; for 3 terms was speaker. Member Congress, 1893-1903 and 1905-7, 5th Minn, district. Republican. Address: Minneapolis, Minn. FLETCHEB, Paris, real estate; born at Bridgeport, Vt, July 7, 1863; son of Albert A. "and Delia (Murray) Fletcher; educated in common schools and at Pennsylvania Military Academy, Ches ter, Fa., graduating, degree of C.E., 1882; married at St. Paul, Minn., June 19, 1889, to Miss Carolyn Gates. Came to Minnesota from Montana, 1887, and located in St. Paul, entering into part nership with Charles E. Clarke, under title of Clarke & Fletcher, dealers in real estate, in which has ever since continued. Director Capitol National Bank. Republican. Member Sons of the Revolution, Society of Colonial Wars. Clubs: Minnesota, White Bear Yacht. Office: 303 Jackson St., St. Paul. Resi dence: DellwGod, Minn. FLINGLEB, Jacob, Jr., wholesale fruits, Aour, etc.; born at Manitowoc, Wis., March 2, 1868; son of Jacob and Augusta Fliegler; educated in public schools of Manitowoc, Wis.; University of Wisconsin, Department of Law, grad uating, degree of LL.B., 1893; has been a resident of St. Paul, since Jan. 1, 1895; member of the firm of Jacob Flieg ler. Member St. Paul Produce Exchange, St. Paul Board of Trade. Office: 97 E. 3rd St. Residence: 68 Wilkin St., St. Paul. FLFTTIE, Jean A., lawyer; born in Norway, July 4, 1866; son of Johannes and Anna (Afdem) Flittie; came to Minnesota with parents, 1869; educated at Mankato Normal School, graduating, 1888, and in Law Department, Univer sity of Minnesota, degree of LL.B., 1892; marri,ed at Mankato, Sept. 27, 1898, to Elizabeth F. Keysor. Has been engaged in practice of law at Mankato since 1892; referee in bankruptcy for 9 years. Di rector National Bank of Commerce. Lutheran. Member Masonic order, I. O. O. F., B. P. O. E., M. W. A. Recreations: Fishing and gardening. Address: Man kato, Minn. FLOWEB, Ward Zephon, physician; born at Chicago, 111, May 23, 1861; son of Hiram Don and Mary R. (Perry) Flower; educated at Northern Illinois College, Fulton, 111., and College of Phy sicians and Surgeons, Chicago, 111. Be gan practice of medicine, 1887, and has been located at Gibbon, Minn., since 1894. Director Nicollet County Tele phone and Telegraph Co. Democrat. Member Camp Release Medical Society, Minnesota State and American Medical associations. Member Knights of Py thias, Modern Woodmen of America. Married at St. Paul, Minn., 1890, to Miss Minnie P. Perry. Address: Gibbon, Minn. FLOWEBS, H. H., merchant; born at Cleveland, Minn., Sept. 11, 1865; son of William A. and Margaret (Jones) Flow ers; educated in district school; St Paul High School; Fayette Normal Mu sic and Business College, Fayette, O., graduating from commercial course, 1886. Began active career in 1889, can vassing for a sulky plow, and became proprietor of a general merchandise es tablishment. Married at Cleveland, Minn., Aug. 29, 1889, to Miss Mary E. Diller. Address: Cleveland, Minn. FLYNN, John E., implements, etc.; born at Trenton, N. J., Jan. 13, 1872; son of Philip and Margaret (Tighe) Flynn; came to Minnesota, 1880; edu cated at St. Mary's .Parochial School, Trenton, and in public schools of Mur ray Co., Minn.; married at Avoca, Minn., Nov. 20, 1900, to Miss Estella Farrell. Engaged in business for himself, oper-. ating grain elevator, 1896-97; in farm implement and retail coal business, 1898- 3904; devoted time exclusively to Flynn Bros. Dand Co., sale of lands, 1904-06, and is now general manager of the com pany; purchased implement business at Avoca, June, 1906, which he now owns; also interested in farm lands. Catholic. Member A. O. H., M. W. A. Address: Avoca, Minn. FOGG, Frederic A., vice president Northwestern Trust Co.; born in Port land, Me.; graduated at Bowdoin Col lege, 1869; married at St. Paul, Minn., 3 880, to Miss Louise Miller. Came to Minnesota, 1870; taught in public schools of St. Paul and later conducted a college preparatory school on his own account; superintendent of Ramsey County schools, 1878, retiring from edu cational work to devote his attention to private interests. President of Board of Education of St. Paul, 1885. Is now vice president Northwestern Trust Co.; president of several farm land compa nies; director St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Co.; member board of direc tors of St. Paul Public Library. Club: Minnesota. Recreations: Traveling and reading. Office: Merchants' National Bank Bldg. Residence: 285 Summit Av., St. Paul. FOLEY, Michael H., railroad contrac tor; native of Lanark Co., Ont., Can.; educated in public schools in Canada. Came to Minnesota, 1882, and began in contracting, same year, with headquar ters in St. Paul. Treasurer Foley Broth ers, railroad contractors, Foley Brothers & Kelly, wholesale grocers; member Foley Brothers, Larson & Co., railroad contractors; director Foley Bean Lum ber Co., Foley, Lock & Larson, whole sale grocers, Winnipeg. Catholic. Mar ried at Prescott, Can., 1886, to Miss Helena White. Clubs: Minnesota, Town and Country. Office: Gilfillan Blk. Resi dence: 1203 Summit Av., St. Paul. 166 THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS FOLEY, Timothy, railroad contractor; born in Lanark County, Ont, Can., 1848; son of John and Hannah (O'Brien) Fo ley; educated in common schools; mar ried in Lanark Co., 1870, to Mary Guth rie. At age of -20, with brother, started in the saw-mill and lumber business in Canada; came to St. Paul, 1879, and or ganized the firm of Foley Bros., general railroad contractors, of which he is president. Also, since 1896, president Foley Bros. & Kelly, wholesale grocers; president of Foley-Bean Lumber Co., Malaca, Minn., since 1896, and since 1902, president of Foley, Lock & Larson, Winnipeg, Man. Catholic. Clubs: Min nesota, Town and Country. Office: Gil- fillan Bldg. Residence: 544 Summit Av., St. Paul. FOLSOM, Simeon Pearl, lawyer; born at Ascot, Canada East, Dec. 27, 1819; son of Jeremiah and Octavia (Howe) Folsom (citizens of United States tem porarily sojourning in Canada) ; edu cated in common schools of New Hamp shire and Maine, and at Maine Wesleyan Seminary, graduating, June, 1837. Taught school, was in employ of Kennebec Driv ing Co., 1837-38, and student of law, 1837-39; took an active part in inter national disturbance over boundary line between Maine and New Brunswick; came to Fort Atkinson, la., 1840, and was clerk in sutler's store for 2 years; was sheriff and county surveyor Craw ford Co., Wis.; resumed study of law and was admitted to the bar, at Prairie du Chien, 1844. Served as volunteer at time of Mexican War, in protecting Northwestern settlements against In dians. Came to St. Paul July 25, 1847, and in earlier days was hotel keeper, Indian trader, real estate dealer, poli tician, assistant secretary territorial council, county surveyor of Ramsey Co., 1st city surveyor of St. Paul (1854). Member of abstract firm, and member St. Paul school board. Enlisted in three vears' service in Civil War, Aug. 9, 1862, as member Co. H, 7th Minn. Vol. Inf., serving in campaigns against the In dians in Minnesota and in Army of the Tennessee, becoming engineer at division headquarters. Returned to Minnesota at the close of the war and was identified with engineering departments St. Paul & Pacific and Lake Superior & Wiscon sin railways, and in securing rights of way for other lines in Northwest, 1865- 1878; attorney St. Paul Water Co., 1879-82, and on board of water commis sioners until 1891. Has been connected with general solicitor's office, Great Northern Railway Co., since 1890, and is still retained as counsel for the com pany. Office: 3rd, N. W. Cor. Broad way. Residence: 521 Whitall St., St. Paul. FOL WELL, William Watts, educator; born at Romulus, N. Y., Feb. 14, 1833; graduate Hobart College, N. Y., 1857; degree of LL.D., same college, 1880; married at Buffalo, N. Y., March 13, 1869, to Sarah Hubbard Heywood. Was teacher of languages, Ovid Academy, N. Y., 1857-58; adjunct professor of mathe matics, Hobart College, 1858-60; student in Berlin, 1860-61; enlisted in army and was in 50th N. Y.; 1st lieut. to major and brevet lieut. col., 1862-65; engaged in business in Ohio, 1865-69; professor in Kenyon College, Gambier, O., 1869; president University of Minnesota, 1869- 84; Minnesota Centennial Commissioner, 1876; has been professor of political science, University of Minnesota, since 1875; president Minneapolis Society of Fine Arts, 1882-92; member Board of Park Commissioners, Minneapolis, since 1889, and president, 1894-1901; was act ing president American Economic Asso ciation, 1892; chairman State Board of Correction and Charities, 1895-1901; president Minneapolis Improvement League, 1902-05. Author of numerous addresses and papers. Address: 1020 5th St., S. E., Minneapolis. FOOSHE, Fuller W., insurance; born at Coronaca, S. C, Jan. 29, 1875; son of James D. and Mary (Fuller) Fooshe; educated in county schools, one year at Wofford College, Spartanburg, S. O, and one year at C. C. Calhoun's Business College, Lexington, Ky.; married at Memphis, Tenn., Aug. 22, 1901, to Marie Gorham. Reared on farm; entered in surance business at Mt. Sterling, Ky., with the Sun Life Insurance Co., of Louisville, remaining until Feb. 12, 1900; with Prudential Insurance Co., at Ma rion, Ind., until July, 1901; since then superintendent at St. Paul for same company. Member B. P. O. E., Masons, Knights of Pythias. Clubs: Commer cial, Roosevelt. Office: Ryan Annex. Residence: 218 N. Chatsworth St., St. Paul. FOOT, Frederick Warner, lawyer, in surance; born at Red Wing, Minn., Feb. 11, 1872; son of Silas B. and Lorana (Park) Foot; educated in public schools Red Wing; The Shattuck School, Fari bault, 1888; Minnesota State University, 1890-93; Law Department Minnesota State University, 1893-95; admitted to the ' bar, June, 1895. Served appren ticeship in the law, in law offices of C. D, and Thomas D. O'Brien, St. Paul; practiced law in St. Paul 6 years; re moved to Red Wing on account of prop erty interests of family there, 1903; took on insurance, 1904, and now represents 3 5 fire insurance companies, two liabil ity insurance companies and one surety company. Director Red Wing Butter & Egg Co. Served 5 years, 2nd lieut, Co. G, 1st Inf., M. N. G. Roman Catholic. Member Sigma Chi fraternity. Recrea tions: Fishing, automobiling, tennis and outdoor exercises generally. Address: Red Wing, Minn. THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 167 FOOT, Jesse, county treasurer of Ramsey Co., Minn.; born in Susque hanna Co., Pa., Aug. 14, 1873; son of Leslie and Mary Cecilia (Harper) Foot; came to St. Paul, with family, 1880; educated in public schools, St. Paul; married, 1st, 1893 (wife died, April 23, 1903); 2nd, April 9, 1905, Mrs. George Seibert Began business career in jew elry business. Elected county treasurer of Ramsey County, Nov. 8, 1904; re elected, Nov. 6, 1906. Member Knights of Pythias, Eagles, Loyal Americans, Sons of Hermann, Royal Arcanum, Mac cabees, K. P., and Modern Samaritans. Office: Court House. Residence: 774 Dayton Av., St. Paul. FOOT, Silas B., manufacturer and jobber; born at New Milford, Pa., Nov. 3 7, 1833; son of BelusH. and Betsey (Hawley) Foot; educated in country school; widower. Came to Minnesota, 1857, and established in clothing and furnishings business; sold out in 1858 and bought a boot and shoe making es tablishment, which was conducted as Foot & Sweeney and then as Foot & Sterling, which continued about twenty years, then changed to Foot, Johnson & Co., and since 1898 the style of the firm at Red Wing has been S. B. Foot & Co., of which is president. Since 1881 in manufacturing and jobbing shoe busi ness at St. Paul, as Foot, Schulze & Co., and since its incorporation, 1903, has been president of the company. Episcopalian. Mason, Knight Templar and Shriner. Clubs: Minnesota, Church. Office: 3rd and Wacouta Sts., St. Paul. Residence: Red Wing, Minn. FOOTE, Henry Gould, president H. G. Foote Dumber Co.; born at Danbury, Conn., May 22, 1874; son of David Thompson and Mary Alice (Gould) Foote; educated in schools at Bridge port, Conn., and Boston, Mass. Began in lumber business, 1898; president and general manager H. G. Foote Lumber Co., organized Sept. 1, 1906, as whole sale and retail dealers in lumber, lime, cement, plaster, coal, wood and building material. Member Gamma Delta Psi fraternity. Mason; member I. O. O. F., Knights of Maccabees. Married at Min neapolis, Jan. 8, 1902, to Miss Jessie M. Queal. Club: Commercial. Recreation: Automobiling. Office: 2528 University Av., S. E. Residence: 2704 Park Av., Minneapolis. FOBBES, Charles A., civil engineer; born near Council Bluffs, Iowa, 1857; son of Charles F. H. and Harriet (Mc- Leod) Forbes; educated in public schools in Canada and Upper Canada College; married, 1884, to Arabella O'Neill; four children: Robert, Charles, Katherine and Laura. Father was locating railway en gineer and was head of the party that established first railway line across the State of Iowa; with father returned, 1860, to Canada; after leaving school was employed in mill construction, .1876- 1879; rodman and leveler on what is now Canadian Pacific Ry., 1879-81; came to St. Paul, 1881; was employed by Northern Pacific Railway three years, 1881-84; settled down near St. Paul, where he has maintained an engineer's office ever since. County surveyor of Dakota County for past 18 years, and for about same period, city engineer of West St. Paul. Member St. Paul So ciety of Civil Engineers; member State Surveyors and Engineers' Society. As county surveyor has completely over turned old methods of building country roads and introduced a new system which is being widely copied in other counties. Member W. O. W. Recrea tions: Farming and water color sketch ing. Club: Commercial. Office: Court Blk. Residence: Dodd Road, St. Paul. FOBBES, Harvey James; physician; born at Chickasaw, la., 1880; son of J. C. and Lena (Bartsch) Forbes; gradu ated from New Hampton High School, Iowa, 1899, and College of Physicians and Surgeons, University of Illinois, de gree of M.D., 1903; unmarried. Located at Winnebago, Minn., in general prac tice of medicine, since 1903. Member Blue Earth Valley Medical Society, Min nesota State and American Medical as sociations. Member I. O. O. F., A. 6. U. W. and Alpha Kappa Kappa frater nity. Club: Business Men's. Address: Winnebago, Minn. FOBBES, Melvin J., president Consol idated Elevator Co.; born at Bridge- water, Mass., Dec. 31, 1848; son of An drew J. and Betsey (Fuller) Forbes; ed ucated in public schools of Bridgewater and Bridgewater Academy. Began ac tive career in book and stationery busi ness at Boston, Mass.; came to Du luth, 1870, and engaged in same line of business until 1874; was identified with grain commission business, 1874- 89; retired, 1889-93; has been president and general manager Consolidated Ele vator Co., since incorporation of the company in 1894. Independent in poli tics. Episcopalian. Scottish Rite Ma son (30°), Knight Templar. Married at Duluth, Jan. 6, 1885, to Miss Ida M. Ravmond. Clubs: Kitchi Gammi, Com- ¦ mercial, Duluth Boat, Duluth Curling, Northland Country. Office: Board of Trade Bldg. Residence: 530 E. 2nd St., Duluth. FOBCE, Edwin Arthur, bonds and in surance; born at Lawrence, Kan., Nov. 9, 1872; son of Arthur W. and Jennie M. Force; educated at Slayton High School and University of Minnesota; married at Minneapolis, 1894, to Miss Florence Truesdell. Came to Minneap olis, 1882; deputy county auditor of Hennepin Co., 1904 to 1906; now mem ber of the firm of Wilson & Force, bonds and insurance. Republican. Member Royal Arcanum, M. W. A., Modern Sa maritans. Club: Commercial. Office: 168 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS New York Life Bldg. Residence: 214 E. 16th St., Minneapolis. FORD, Charles P., manufacturer; born at Lowell, Mass., Oct. 25, 1855; son of Charles and Hannah T. (Hopkins) Ford; educated in public schools; Bry ant and Stratton's Commercial College, Boston; Worcester Institute of Technol ogy, Worcester, Mass. Began active ca reer in Dudley Mills, Newton, Mass., 1875; became general manager of the mills, 1884, and continued in that posi tion until 1895; came to Minnesota, 1901, as superintendent of Mankato Mills Co.; established Midland Knit Goods Co., Mankato, Dec, 1904, jobbers of knit goods, of which he is general manager. Republican. Member A. O. U. W., B. P. O. E. Married at Newton, Mass., 1882, to Miss Lillian Standish. Club: Commercial. Address: Mankato, Minn. FORD, Frank E., insurance agent and adjuster; born in New York State, Jan. 17, 1862; college and law educa tion. Has been identified with The Travelers' Insurance Co. for 17 years; came to St. Paul from New York in 1890, and is state agent and adjuster for the company for Minnesota, N. and S. Dakota. Married at St. Paul, 1892, to Miss Margaret Elliott. Clubs: Min nesota, Town and Country, Lafayette, Commercial. Office: Pioneer Press Bldg. Residence: 5 Crocus PL, St. Paul. FOREPAUGH, Joseph Louis, railway official; born, July 27, 1873; graduate Sheffield Scientific School, Yale Univer sity, 1896. Entered railway service Aug. 5, 1896, as clerk to auditor of disburse ments Great Northern Ry., at St. Paul; was timekeeper and material clerk East ern Railway of Minnesota, at West Su perior, Wis., 1897-98; assistant to road- master Cascade division Great Northern Ry., at Everett, Wash., June to Aug. 1, 1898; special clerk Montana Central Railway, at Great Falls, 1898-99; chief clerk to assistant general superinten dent same road, March to August 18, 1899; chief clerk to general superinten dent Great Northern Railway at St. Paul, 1899-1900; assistant division super intendent same road, at Grand Forks, N. D., 1900-1902; has been division su perintendent same road at Breckenridge, Minn, since Aug. 1, 1902. Address: Breckenridge, Min. FORMAN, Frank W., merchant and manufacturer; born, Oneida, N. Y., Nov. 21, 1835; son of Jonathan M. and Mar tha (Burleson) Forman ; educated in public schools New York State. Con ducted general merchandise business in Le Roy, N. Y., for 29 years; came to Minneapolis, Minn., 1883, and assisted in organization of the firm of Forman, Ford & Co., wholesale dealers in paints, etc., of which he is president; also presi dent Northern Linseed Oil Co. Demo crat. Episcopalian. Married, Lenox, N. T., 1857, Miss Mary J. Bridge. Recrea tion: Traveling abroad for pleasure. Office: 116-120 Washington Av., S. Re sidence: 2303 Park Av., Minneapolis. FORSTER, Edwin James, insurance; born, St. Joseph, Mo., Dec. 4, 1867; son of Walter Edwin and Anna (Copley) Forster; educated in public schools and at Alexander Academy, Healdsburg, CaL, 1874-80. During school days in Cali fornia was in spare time employed in the office of Wells, Fargo & Co., Western Union Telegraph Co., and as local car rier of San Francisco newspapers; came to Minneapolis, 1881; was cash boy and stock clerk in the "Boston One Price Clothing Store," in the old Academy of Music; bookkeeper for furniture, gro cery and wholesale commission houses, 3882-89; began Are insurance business in office of Pliny Bartlett & Co., 1889, and since that time, except for a period with the H. N. Leighton Co., contractors, and as associate manager of Guaranty Safe Deposit Vaults, has been associated with J. F. Conklin & Zonne Co., as sec retary and manager of insurance de partment. Republican. Episcopalian. Mason (33°), Knight Templar, Shriner. President Masonic Library Association of Minneapolis. Married, Sept. 27, 1891, to Emily Winnifred Hyland. 'Club: Commercial. Recreations: Farm life during summer; driving. Office: Temple Court. Residence: 2204 S. Colfax Av., Minneapolis. FORTIER, George M., physician and surgeon; born at St. David, P. Q., Can., . April 15, 1857; attended Nicollet Col lege, P. Q., Can., 1870-74; Sulpicians College, Montreal, 1874-77; College of Physicians and Surgeons, Montreal (affiliated with University of Victoria, Cobourg, Ont.), degrees of M.D., C.M., 1881. Located in Little Falls, 1883; surgeon to St. Raphael Hospital; U. S. pension examiner for eight years under President Cleveland; has been health officer of Little Falls since 1891; county coroner since 1894 and is now city phy sician. Member American and Minne sota State Medical associations, Upper Mississippi Medical Society. Member B. P. O. E., Knights of Columbus. Mar ried at Little Falls, Sept. 10, 1883, to Miss Petronilla R. Vasaly. Address: Little Falls, Minn. FOSNES, Christopher, lawyer; born in Norway, July 2, 1862; son of A. M. and Bertha (Sherdahl) Fosnes; educated at State Normal School, Winona; studied law at Winona and was admitted to the bar, 1884. Engaged in practice of law at Montevideo since 1884; member of Minnesota Legislature, 1897-99; city at torney of Montevideo for 15 years. President and director Citizens Tele phone Exchange. Married at Montevideo, to Miss Sarah M. Arneson. Address: Montevideo, Minn. FOSNES, Martin Christopher, post- office inspector in charge; born near Bergen, Norway, March 26, 1851; son THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 169 of Amund and Bertha (Sherdahl) Fos- nes; educated in common schols; mar ried at Des Moines, Iowa, 1891, to Edith M. Gould. Came to America, and direct ly to Winona County, Minn., with parents and family, in 1867; followed farming for some time, afterwards Secretary to Senator Windom; became special examiner U. S. pension office un til 1891; postoffice inspector since 1891; promoted to inspector in charge of a division in 1899. Director general of Posts of Cuba, 1900-1902, two years, following the postal scandals in the is land; reorganized the postal service of Cuba; since 1902 postoffice inspector in charge of St. Paul Division; comprising Minnesota and the Dakotas. Clubs: Commercial, Norden. Office: Govern ment Bldg. Residence: The Marl borough, St. Paul. FOSS, James F. B., retired banker; born, Biddeford, Me., March 17, 1848; son of James and. Frances Foss; educat ed in the common schools, High School, New Redford, and Bucksport Seminary, Bucksport, Me.; unmarried. Began in banking business, 1872; elected cashier of bank, Boston, Mass., 1875, the young est man ever elected bank cashier in Boston up to that time; came to Min neapolis, Minn., 1883, and established the Nicollet National Bank, 1884; re tired from banking business, 1901. En gaged with Minnesota Tribune Co., as director and treasurer, 1905; trustee Minnesota Mutual Life Insurance Co. Served in United States Navy in Civil War, 1862-64; rear admiral, commanding National Association of Naval Veterans, U. S. of A., 1899. Republican. Protest ant Episcopal church. Member G. A. R., National Association of Naval Veterans U. S. of A., B. P. O. E. Club: Min neapolis. Office: Minneapolis Tribune. Residence: 323 10th St. S., Minneap olis. FOSSEEN, Manley L., lawyer; born at Leland, 111., Dec. 10, 1869; son of Os- man and Isabelle Fosseen; educated in common schools, Minneapolis Academy, College of Daw, University of Minne sota, degree of DD.B., 1895. Has been engaged in practice of law at Minne apolis since Oct., 1895. Republican. Member State Degislature, 1903-1907 and elected State senator, Nov., 1906, for term ending 1911. Member Masonic order, A. O. U. W., M. W. A. Married at Minneapolis, Sept. 15, 1897, to Miss Carrie S. Jorgens. Office: Temple Court. Residence: 2920 Bloomington Av., Minneapolis. FOSTEB, Charles, auditor; born at Hector, Minn., Sept. 17, 1878; educated in high school. Hector. Began active career as school teacher, 1897, continuing until Dec, 1901; filled position of clerk in store, Jan., 1902, to Jan. 1903; was deputy treasurer of Hubbard County, Jan., 1903, to Jan., 1905; auditor of Hubbard County, 1905-07. Married at Hubbard, 1900, to Miss Ella D. Wilkins. Address: Park Rapids, Minn. FOSTEB, Charles Edmons, warehouse manager; born at Bangor, Me., Aug. 1, 1856; son of W. A. and H. A. (Spear) Foster. Was engaged for a number of years in the west as buyer for whole sale commission lines; came to Min neapolis, 1896, and is manager of the Realty Company, fire proof storage and U. S. bonded warehouses. Republican. Member Ancient Order of United Work men. Office: 100-112 1st Av., N. Resi dence: 3900 Dyndale Av., N., Minne apolis. FOSTEB, Harrison Gardner, lumber merchant; born Wabasha, Minn., March S. 1866; son of Addison Gardner Foster (U. S. Senator from Washington, 1899- 1905) and Martha Ann (Wetherbee) Foster; educated in public schools, St. Paul, Minn., Hopkins Grammar School, New Haven, Conn., and Yale University; married, Lexington, Ky., June 26, 1889, Elizabeth Dunster Gibson. Connected with lumber business since 1889; was in partnership with George W. Hastings as Foster & Hastings, at Tacoma, Wash., wholesale lumber and shingles, March, 3 891-93 (death of Mr. Hastings causing an end to the partnership) ; continued in business as H. G. Foster, 1893-98; west ern manager and assistant secretary of the Coast Lumber Co., 1898-1901; in Chicago, 111., as Eastern representative of the St. Paul and Taeoma Lumber Co. (stockholder in the company), 1901- 03; has filled same position with office in Minneapolis, Minn., since 1903. Mem ber John D. Gruber Co., Minneapolis. Member C Co., M. N. G., 1885. Repub lican; active in polities in state of Wash ington, 1S91-3901, and delegate to county and State conventions during that period. Congregationalist. Member Masonic order, Elks, Sons of the American Rev olution, Concatenated Order of Hoo Hoos. Clubs: Minnesota and Town and Country (St. Paul); Minneapolis and Lafayette (Minneapolis); Union (Ta coma). Recreations: Hunting, golf and out door sports. Office: Lumber Ex change Bldg., Minneapolis. Residence: 297 Laurel Av., St. Paul. Summer Resi dence: Lake Minnetonka. FOSTEB, Norman W., physician; born at Fulton, N. Y., Aug. 3, 1874; son of James Alvah and Cornelia (Earl) Fos ter; educated in public schools of Ful ton; St. Lawrence University, Canton, N. Y. ; Medical Department Syracuse University, graduating, 1898. Married at St Paul, Minn., to Miss Ella Keenan. Member Masonic order, O. E. S., M. W. A., Modern Samaritans, K. O. T. M. Office: 896 Payne Av Residence: 677 Sims St., St. Paul. FOSTER, Robert Owen, pianos and organs; born at Minneapolis, Minn., Dec 7, 1859; son of Andrew J. and Mary W. 170 THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS Foster; educated in public schools at Minneapolis. Began on his own account in sale of pianos and organs in 1877; was member of Arm of Foster Brothers & Whitcomb, 1881, which later became Foster & Waldo; senior partner of the Arm of Foster & Waldo, since 1890. Married at Minneapolis, Sept. 26, 1906, lo Miss Mamie Keidel. Clubs: Com mercial, Minneapolis, Minikahda. Rec reations: Fishing and all outdoor athletic sports. Office: 5th St. and Nic ollet Av. Residence: 1678 Hennepin Av., Minneapolis. FOULKE, William, lawyer; born in Morgan Co., O.; son of William and Eliza (Walker) Foulke; educated in public schools and at Mount Pleasant Academy, (O.) and Westtown Academy, Chester Co., Pa.; studied law in winter and worked on farm in summer. Was admitted to the bar in Ohio, 1868, and engaged in practice at McConnelsville, O., 1868-83, serving two terms as prosecuting attorney of Morgan Co., and was mayor and municipal judge of Malta, O.; has been engaged in practice of law in St. Paul since 1883. Congre- gationlist. Member Masonic order, I. O. O. F. Married in Morgan Co., O., 1866, to Miss Margaret J. Dewees. Office: Germania Life Bldg. Residence: 558 Lincoln Av., St. Paul. FOWLER, Charles Bollin, lawyer; born at Jordan, Minn., Sept. 17, 1869; son of Rollin D. and Jane (Varner) Fowler; educated in public schools, Uni versity of Minnesota, and Law College of the University of Minnesota, grad uating degree of LL.B., June, 1892. Be gan practice of law, 1892; junior mem ber of the law Arm of Kerr & Fowler, since 1905. Republican. Mason; mem ber B. P. O. E. Married at Tiffin, O., Nov. 5, 1895, to Miss Carrie Blair Jones. . Clubs: Minneapolis, .Minikahda, Com mercial. Recreations: Fishing and golf. Office: Minn. Loan and Trust Bldg. Residence: 521 Forest Av., Minneapolis. FOWLEB, Frank, manufacturer of building materials; born at New Bruns wick, Can., Nov., 1844; came to Minne sota, 1865; married at Chicago, 111., Nov., 1868. Has been engaged in manufacture of lime, cement, brick and stone since 1886 and is member of the firm of Fow ler & Pay. Vice president Mankato State Bank. Mason. Club: Commer cial. Address: Mankato, Minn. FOWLEB, John E., treasurer St. Paul Rubber Co.; born in Ontario, Can., Dec. 27, 1876; son of James and Isabella (Kirkup) Fowler; came to St. Paul with parents at 11 years of age and was educated in public schools, St. Paul, and at Macalester College. Filled position of bookkeeper in Minnesota Savings Bank 3 years; entered service of St. Paul Rubber Co., as bookkeeper and has been treasurer of the company' since 1903. Republican. Presbyterian. Mem ber Masonic order, Chapter. Married at St. Paul, 1903, to Miss Josephine Dick son, of Montreal. Office: 220-226 E. 3d St. Residence: 299 West Sixth St., St. Paul. FBANK, Charles, cigar manufacturer; born at Breslau, Germany, Nov. 5, 1836; son of Myer and Henrietta Frank; edu cated in public schools of Germany. Came to America, 1860; located in New York for 12 years, worked as cigar packer and for 10 years as foreman; removed to Minnesota, Oct. 20, 1882, and since that time has engaged as manu facturer of cigars; senior member of the firm of Frank & Kahn, Winona, es tablished, 1888. Jewish religion. Mar ried at New York City, Oct., 1871, to Miss Rose Klatcher. Member Philhar monic society. Member Board of Trade, B'nai B'rith. Address: Winona, Minn. FBANKEL, Louis Budolph, lawyer; born at St. Paul, Aug. 7, 1875; son of Max and Josephine (Newman) Frankel; educated in St. Paul graded schools, 1881-89; graduated St. Paul High School, 1893; University of Minnesota, 1897, College of Law, same, LL.B., 1899. Mar ried at St. Paul, 1906, to Clara Plechner. Admitted to bar, 1899, and has since been engaged in general practice of law; appointed assitant corporation at torney, city of St. Paul, 1902, and still serving as such. Member Democratic State Central Committee of Minnesota. Member Ramsey County Bar Associa tion, Minnesdta State Bar Association, American Bar Association. Member Delta Chi fraternity, A. F. and A. M., A. O. U. W. Clubs: Commercial, Min nesota Boat, St. Paul Rod and Gun. Office: Natl. German Am. Bank Bldg. Residence: 936 Ashland Av., St. Paul. FBANKFOBTEB, George Bell, educa tor; born at Potter, O., April 22, 1860; son of Andrew and Elizabeth (Clunk) Frankforter graduate University of Nebraska, degree of A.B., 1886; degree of A.M., same university, 1888; com pleted chemical course in Berg Academy, Berlin, and received degree of Ph.D., University of Berlin, 1893. Married at Minneapolis, 1898, to Miss Mary Spald ing Carter. Has been dean School of Chemistry and director chemical labora tory, University of Minnesota, since 1893; U. S. mint commissioner, 1900. Author numerous papers on chemical topics. Recreations: Music and manual training. Office: University of Minne sota. Residence: 525 River Road, S. E„ Minneapolis. FRASER, Thomas, lawyer; born in Dover Township, Olmsted Co., Minn , Nov. 1, 1866; son of John and Mary A. (Carslile) Fraser; educated in common schools and at State High School, St. Charles, Minn. Began practice of law at Rochester, March 26, 1902, and has already gained a large lacol and state THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 171 patronage. Served as county surveyor of Olmsted Co., 4 years, and city en gineer of Rochester, previous to enter ing the legal profession. Elected judge of probate court and served for four years; also county attorney, resigning to devote attention to private practice. Senior member law firm Fraser & Fraser, organized in June, 1900; presi dent Rochester Soap Co.; director Rochester Publishing Co. ' Republican. Presbyterian. Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Scottish and York Rite. Mar ried at Milwaukee, Wis., 1893 to Miss Lillian Boelter. Club: Commercial. Recreation:: Hunting and fishing. Ad dress: Rochester, Minn. FBEDEBICKSON, John, real estate; born in Norway, Sept. 9, 1846; son of Frederick Olson and Marie O. (Kullung- stad) Frederickson; educated in common schools of Norway and by private in struction in English language. Came to Lakefield, Sept., 1879, at the time the town was started; was agent for C. L. Coleman Lumber Co., 1879-86;. engaged in retail farm implement business, sell ing out to Gage Brothers, 1900; has been in real estate business since Jan., 1901, and at different times interested in gen eral merchandise and hardware business at Lakefield, Wilder, Wilmont and Brownsdale, Minn. Director Jackson Co. State Bank, Lakefield. Has held public offices at Lakefield for more than 20 years. Member A. O. U. W. Mar ried at Windom, Minn., April 10, 1873, to Miss Karen S. Foslie. Address: Lakefield, Minn. PBEEMAN, Andrew H-, county audi tor; born at Vermland, Sweden, Aug. 19, 1855; attended public schools in Sweden; came to America, June 4, 1873, and located in Minnesota, continuing education in public schools of Duluth, Gustavus Adolphus College, St. Peter, and Curtis Business College, Minnea polis. Supported himself while attend ing school by working at carpenter's trade during summer months; clerked for C. Amunson, general merchandise, St. Peter, 1885-98; conducted grocery store on own account, 1898-1902; elected county auditor of Nichollet Co., 1902, which position he still holds. Republi can; chairman organization of Nicollet Co., 1898-02. Lutheran. Member Modern Woodmen of America. Married at St. Peter, Minn., July 23, 1881, to Miss Minnie Asp. Club: Commercial. Address: St. Peter. Minn. FBEEMAN, George W., president C. Gotzian & Co.; born at St. Ives, Eng., May 24, 1845; came to America with his parents, 1853, and lived for 2 years in Cleveland, O.; removed to St. Paul, 1855. Filled position of clerk in boot and shoe store until 1860; became traveling sales man for Conrad Gotzian manufacturer of boots and shoes, 1866; advanced to partnership in the house, 1872, and has been president and general manager of the incorporated company since 1887. Ex-president Board of Fire Commis sioners. Scottish Rite Mason (32°), Shriner. Office: 242-280 E. 5th St. Residence: 506 Summit Av., St. Paul, Minn. FBEEMAN, Gust E., register of deeds Goodhue Co.; born at Red Wing, Minn., Sept. 11, 1872; son of Nels and Betsy (Johnson) Freeman; educated in public schools of Red Wing; married at Red Wing, July 6, 1899, to Miss Anna M. Youngquist. Began business career in 1887 in employ of the Minnesota Stone ware Co., by learning trade of stone ware making, and continued with the company 17 years, until close of 1904; elected register of deeds Goodhue Co., Nov., 1904, and reelected Nov., 1906, present term extending to Jan., 1909. Republican. Member I. O. O. F., Modern Woodmen of America, A. O. U. W., I. O. R. M., Scandinavian Benevolent So ciety. Recreation: Gardening. Ad dress: Red Wing, Minn. FREEMAN, John McDonough, lawyer; born at Ticonderoga, N. Y., Dec. 5, 1870; son of George and Mary Freeman; educated in high school at Hector, Minn., and in Law Department of the Min nesota State University. Came to Min nesota when 12 years of age; lived with parents upon farm until 19; taught school in winter and worked on a farm in summer for 3 years; read law for two years in office of R. T. Daly, Renville, Minn.; became connected with office of U. S. Surveyor General, St. Paul, Feb., 1896, resigning, Aug., 1898, having in the meantime taken night law course at University of Minnesota. Has been in practice of law at Olivia, since Aug , 1898. » Vice president and director of Olivia State Bank. Democrat. Married. at Stillwater, Minn., Aug. 31, 1899, to Cora M. Gould of Stillwater. Address: Olivia, Minn. FBEEMIBE, Wellington Arthur, grain commission; born in Fillmore Co., Minn., April 8, 1860; son of David B. and Mar tha (Zelie) Freemire; educated in public schools of Iowa and New York. Entered grain business in Iowa, 1879; became identified with Pillsbury & Hulbert Ele vator Co., 1882, later with the St. An thony & Dakota Elevator Co.; was with Woodward & Co., grain commission, previous to beginning for self as mem ber of the firm of J. K. Elliott & Co., 1892, passing through changes of W. A. Freemire & Co., Freemire & Swan, 1895, and since 1904, Freemire, Remund & Co. Republican. Methodist. Member Min neapolis Chamber of Commerce, Duluth Board of Trade. Mason. Married in Iowa, 1884, to Miss Carrie Millard. Of fice: Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Re sidence: 3248 Portland Av., Minneapolis. PBEIMUTH, Ignatz, department store; native of Austria, born, -856; educated 172 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS in schools of Austria and New York City. Has been identified with dry goods business for 30 years; resident of Du luth since 1883, at which time he es tablished in business under his own name. Married in Pennsylvania, 1879, to Miss Pauline Sattler. Club: Com mercial. Office: 2-12 W. Superior St. Residence: 1306, E. 2nd St., Duluth, Minn. FBELIGH, Edgar O'Brian, physician; born at Ottawa, Can., Feb. 23, 1857; son of John and Anna (O'Brian) Freligh; educated in public schools of Montreal and at Bishop's College (now McGill University), Montreal, graduating, M.D., CM., 1886 married at Montreal, 1886, to Nina B. Rennie. Has been engaged in practice in Stillwater since 1886; coroner Washington Co. for 12 years. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associations, Washington County Medi cal Society (ex-president). Member Knights of Pythias, W. O. W., Macca bees, Royal Arcanum, National Frater nal Union of America. Recreations: Hunting arid fishing. Address: Still water, Minn. FRENCH, Andrew, farmer; born in Green Lake Co., Wis., Dec. 10, 1859; son of Daniel R. and Emily P. (Pond) French; came to Minnesota with parents, June, 1864; educated in common schools; married at Plainview, Minn., March 5, 1885, to Miss Adelia Struble. Taught in public schools of Wabasha Co., for 9 years; has engaged in farming since the beginning of his active career. Mem ber State Board of Equalization, 3rd dis trict; representative State Legislature, 1891-3; Democratic nominee for Con gress, 1st Minn. Dist, 1906. Address: Plainview, Minn. FRENCH, Charles Ellis, miller and grain merchant; born at Wilmington, N. C, 1847; son of George R. and Sarah C. (Weeks) French; educated in private schools of Wilmington and University of North Carolina; married at St Paul, Minn., Sept. 12, 1889, to Miss Anna War ner. Gained his first business experi ence in the office of his father, a whole sale shoe dealer in Wilmington; came to Minneapolis, 1880, and has since been associated with flour milling and grain business. Member of the firm of L. Christian & Co.; secretary of the North ern Grain Co. Clubs: Minikahda, Min netonka Yacht. Office: Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Residence: 428 8th St., S., Minneapolis. FRENCH, Edwin John, physician; born at Plainview, Minn., Jan. 22, 1875; educated in public schools to 1891; stu dent in State Normal School, Winona, for three years, to 1895; College of Medi cine and Surgery, University of Minne sota, graduating degree of M.D., 1900. Has been engaged in practice at Plain- view since 1900. Member Minnesota State Medical Association. Southern Minnesota Medical Society. Married at , Mahtomedi, Minn., 1902, to Miss Ada M. Johnson. Address: Plainview, Minn. FRENCH, George A., telephone mana ger; born at New Haven, Conn., Nov. 23, 1867; son of Horace D. and Jane (McMoran) French; educated in public schools of New Haven. Began active career in employment of The Peck Broth ers & Co., manufacturers of plumbers' supplies, New Haven, Conn., continuing for 13 years; was for 7 years with Southern New England Telephone Co., as manager of the Hartford district; came to Duluth, Feb. 1, 1906, as super intendent Duluth, Mesaba and Douglas County (Wis.) Telephone companies (three separate corporations) which of fice he now holds. Treasurer and mem ber First Division Naval Militia, C. N. G. for three years. Republican. Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner. Mar ried at Syracuse, N. Y., March 7, 1900, to Miss Katherine Erhard. Club: Com mercial. Recreations: Fishing and hunting. Office: 218 W. 1st St. Resi dence: Buffalo Flats, Duluth. FRENCH, HAYDEN, clerk district court; born at Mackford, Wis., Oct. 29, 1853; son of Daniel R. and Emily P. (Pond) French; educated in country schools and at high school, Plainview, Minn. Followed farming in Wisconsin and Wabasha Co., Minn., until Spring of 1878, and in Big Stone Co., Minn., until Jan., 1887; has been clerk of dis trict court of Big Stone Co. since begin ning of 1887. Republican. Member Ma sonic order, Chapter, Commandery, O. E. S.; Knights of Pythias. Married at Plainview, Minn., Dec. 27, 1876, to Miss Alice Struble. Club: Commercial. Rec reation: Music. Address: Ortonville, Minn. FBENCH, Lafayette, lawyer; born in Lorain Co., O., Nov. 19, 1848; son of William and, Mary, (Boynton) French; educated at Qberlin and Hiram colleges, O. ; married at Austin, Minn., Dec. 9, 1877, to Mary V. Richards. Studied law, was admitted to the bar at Austin, Minn., Jan., 1872, and has been engaged in practice since that time. Ex-mayor of Austin and ex-county attorney of Mower Co. Member American and Min nesota State Bar associations. Director Austin Gas Co., Alliance Fire Insurance Co. Member Masonic order, Knights Templar, B. P. O. E., K. P. Recreations: Walking, reading and occasional excur sions into the country. Address: Aus tin, Minn. FBIEDMAN, Charles, merchant tailor; born in Russia, 1879; son of Solomon and Rose Friedman; educated in tailor ing from eleven years of age, serving apprenticeship in old country; learned ladies' as well as men's tailoring; un married. Came to United States at age of 12; started in business for self, Feb. 15, 3 898, at age of 19, with $92 capital; THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 173 now member of Friedman Bros. Mem ber Twin City Custom Cutters' Asso ciation. Office: 356 St. Peter St. Resi dence: 515 Capitol BouL, St. Paul. FRIEDRICH, Charles E., wholesale grocer; born at Red Wing, Minn., June 1, 1862; son of John M. and Anna C. (Kempe) Friedrich; educated in public schools of Red Wing; married at Red Wing, 1894, to Miss Catherine A. Wolff. Began in grocery business at Red Wing, with Friedrich & Hack, was next C. E. Friedrich & Co., and since 1894 has been president and general manager of Fried rich & Kempe Co., Inc., wholesale groc ers, the business having been originally established by his father in 1855. Also director and treasurer Red Wing Shoe Co.; director Red Wing Advertising Co. Member National and Minnesota Whole sale Grocers associations. Democrat. Member city council 6 years. Episco palian. Mason. Club: Commercial. Recreation: Brook trout fishing. Ad dress: Red Wing, Minn. FBIEND, Andrew, millwright and engineer; born at Etna, Me., Oct. 1, 1834; son of Kitredge and Mary (Gat- chell) Friend; educated in country schools. Moved to Wisconsin, 1855, and worked as milldright at Pine River and Monticello; came to Minne sota, 1857, working as millwright and in setting engines and boilers. Married at Garden City, Minn., Oct. 13, 1860, to Mrs. Elizabeth Gates (now deceased). In company with T. G. Quayle, built flouring mill at Garden City, 1869, Mr. Quayle operating the mill; built flour and saw mills in many parts of the state and on Jan. 21, 1878, bought out partner's interest in mill at Garden City; lost warehouse by flood in spring of 1881, and lost dam of a mill in Garden City, later; now operating mill in com pany with E. W. Gates. Address: Garden City, Minn. FRIEND, Charles, Jr., harness and saddlery; born at St. Paul, Aug. 30, 1857; educated in German Catholic paro chial school, St. Paul public schools, St. Paul Business College. Began active career when 16 years of age in harness and saddlery establishment of his father and is now at the head of the firm of Charles Friend & Son. Member Junior Pioneer Association, Knights of Colum bus, St. Peter's German Benevolent As sociation, Board of Control German Or phan Asylum. Married, first, at St. Paul to Annie Metzer (died, March 15, 1898); second, June 5, 1900, to Miss Mary T. Schermann of St. Paul. Office: 343- 345 Jackson St. Residence: 248 Car roll St., St. Paul. FBIEND, Philip H., clothing and men's furnishings; born in Chicago, 111., Feb. 25, 1859; son of Abranam and Fan nie (Strauss) Friend; educated in pub lic schools of Chicago; married at Chi cago, 1888, to Amy Rau. Engaged in clothing business in Clarinda, la., three and a half years; has been in same line of business in Austin since 1887. Republi can. Member Masonic order. Knights of Pythias. Club: Progressive League. Address: Austin, Minn. FBINK, Edward L., hardware; born in Southern Wisconsin, Jan. 17, 1854; son of Frederick W. and Julie E. (Beach) Frink; came to Minnesota with parents, 1856; educated in public schools and The Shattuck School, Faribault; married at La Crosse, Wis., March 28, 1888, to Miss Ida Kellogg. Has been in hardware and farm implement business since 1879. Club: Commercial. Rec reation: Hunting and fishing. Address: Faribault, Minn. FBITSCHE, Louis Albert, 'physician; born at Lafayette, Nicollet Co., Minn., May 28, 1862; son of Frederick and Louise (Lillie) Fritshe; educated in high school at St. Peter, Minn., Medical Department University of Michigan, graduating June 30, 1887; Medical De partment Frederick Wilhelm University, Berlin, March 31, 1890. Began practice of medicine June 30, 1887. Surgeon to St. Alexander's Hospital; medical exam iner and director of Commercial Men's Health Association; ex-president State Board of Medical Examiners, ex-pension medical examiner and ex-health officer. President Brown County Bank; vice pre sident New Ulm Roller Mill Co., New Ulm Feed & Cereal Mill Co.; director Morton Merchant Milling Co., etc Mem ber American and Minnesota State Medi cal associations and Brown County Med ical Society. Married. Club: Dacotah. Address: New Ulm, Minn. FRITZ, Michael D., printer and pub lisher; born at Milan, O., April 8, 1868; son of Daniel Fritz; educated a* Cort land, O.; married at Elyria, O., 1890, to Miss Cora J. Dunbar. Learned printing trade at Elyria, O., removed to Castle- wood, S. Dak., 1888, and established the Castlewood Republican; disposed of his interests, 1890, located in Mankato and assumed charge of the mechanical de partment of the Free Press, later be coming foreman of the job department; purchased one third interest in the Free Press Printing Co., 1902, and was elected treasurer; since 1905 has been secretary and manager of the company. Republi can. Baptist. Member Masonic order, K. of P., B. P. O. E., A. O. U. W., Royal Arcanum. Address: Mankato, Minn. FBOST, Edward S., physician; born at St. John, N. B., April 11, 1843; son nf William B. and Emma (Spurr) Frost; attended University of New Brunswick, Frederickton, N. B., 1862-63; University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, graduat ing, 1868; post graduate course, Ecole de Medecin, Paris, 1868-70. Began prac tice of medicine in New York City, 1870; has been engaged in practice in Minnesota since July, 1871. President 174 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS Board of Pensioner Examiners. Repub lican. Episcopalian. Married. Address: Willmar, Minn. FBOST, Newton B., real estate; born at St. Paul, Minn., Oct. 14, 1858; son of Jonathan and Mary (Robinson; Frost; educated in public schools of St. Paul; married St. Paul, 1884,' to Ella C. Adams. Began business career in the retail grocery trade, 1878, continuing until 1884 when he entered the real estate business as the head of firm of Newton R. Frost & Co. President St. Paul Developing Co.; vice president Real Estate Exchange. Prohibitionist. Pres byterian. Clubs: Commercial, Minneso ta. Office: Germania Dife Bldg. Resi dence: 1853 Marshall Av., St. Paul. FBY, Christian, hotel proprietor, phy sician; born, Grove, Alleghany Co., N. Y., Jan. 16, 1851; son of John and Margaret (Smith) Fry; educated in district school, Grove, N. Y., and one term at academy, Nunda, N. Y.; when 20 years of age be gan study of medicine at University of Louisville, Ky., graduating, M.D., 1874; married at Indianapolis, Ind., May 9, 1880, Marie T. Zuelz. Practiced' medi cine in Perry County, Ind., six years, and in 1880 started drug store at In dianapolis, conducting it until 1883; re moved to St. Paul, 1883, and engaged in retail drug business until 1888; in 1888, with Mr. Zuelz (father-in-law) bought Merchants' Hotel and conducted it until 1893; then from Aug. 30, 1893, to July 1, 1904, with Mr. Zuelz conducted Hotel Ryan as proprietors; now retired. Re publican. Mason; Elk. Recreations: Billiards, fishing. Club: CommerciaL Residence: -1035 Summit Av., St. Paul. FBY, William W., lawyer; born at Libertyville, la., Jan. 7, 1871; son of Jacob C. and Isabella (Anderson) Fry; graduate Parson's College, Fairfield, la., 1895; studied law and was admitted to the bar in Iowa. 1898. Began practice of law at Fairfield and continued, 1898- 1901; came to St. Paul early in 1901, and for a short time was a member of the staff of the West Publishing Co., resuming law practice, July, 1901, in partnership with John S. Crooks; has been practicing alone' since 1904. Of fice: N. Y. Life Bldg. Residence: 262 Summit Place, St. Paul. FBYBEBGEB, Harrison Earl, lawyer; born at Featherstone, Minn., Jan. 10, 1867; son of William and Margaret (Burroughs) Fryberger; educated in com mon schools; University of Minnesota, 1886-90; College of Law, University of Minnesota, graduating, degree of LL.B., 1892. Began practice of law, 1892; was member of law firm of Fryberger & Fryberger, 1892-93; firm of Child & Fryberger, 1894-96; has practiced alone since 3 896. Member Minnesota State Legislature, 1902-04. Republican. Uni versalist. Unmarried. Club: Commer ciaL Office.: New York Life Bldg. Res- dence: Hampshire Arms, Minneapolis. FBYE, Joseph Paul, real estate; born at Franklin, Wis., April 16, 1858; son of Pierre and Angelina (Misgen) Frye; educated in private schools at Franklin and Kenosha, Wis., up to 16 years of age; married, Baltimore, Md., 1888, to Miss Nannie A. Roche. Came to St. Paul, 1883, and was member of the dry goods firm of Whitman, Frye & Co.; organized firm of Meyer, Whitman & Frye, which engaged in dry goods busi ness at Hastings, Minn., beginning, 1887; has been identified with all branches of i real estate and fire insurance business in St. Paul; member of the firm of Frye & Jenkins, since 1887. Office: Globe Bldg. Residence: 442 Summit Av., St. Paul. FULLEB, Charles Isaac, real estate; born at Greenfield, Mass., Aug. 16, 1860; son of Charles I. and Helen M. Fuller; graduated from Greenfield High School, i879; unmarried. Came to Minnesota, 1884, and entered real estate business, 1885; engaged in real estate, loan and fire insurance business in Minneapolis under own name since 1886. Member Minneapolis Real Etate Board. Repub lican. Congregationalist. Member board of directors Y. M. C. A. Club: Commer cial. Recreation: Hunting. Office: Phoenix Bldg. Residence: 2612 Port land Av., Minneapolis. FULLEB, Harvey B., manufacturer; born at Youngstown, O., May 26, 1845; son of Harvey C. and Susanna (Grier- son) Fuller; removed with family to Jacksonville, HI., and was educated in publie schools of Jacksonville and at Illinois College. Began business career in employ of firm connected with the iron industry, Chicago; was in carriage supply business for himself in Chicago, 1880-87; came to St. Paul and has en gaged in manufacture of wet and dry paste and .wall cleaners, since 1887. Unitarian. Married at Chicago, 111., 1871, to Miss Ellen Kirk. Office: 186 W. 3d St. Residence: 758 Lincoln Av., St. Paul. FULLEBTON, William Sommerville, physician and surgeon; born at Annap olis, Nova Scotia, Sept. 18 1857; son of James Strachan and Asenath (Bishop) Fullerton; educated in local public schools and county academy; graduated from Provincial Normal School, Truro, N. S., 1875; Dalhousie University, Hali fax, N. S., 1878; student Halifax Medi cal College, 1879-80; graduate Bellevue Hospital Medical College (New York), degree of M.D., 1882. Licensed upon ex amination to practice in Nova Scotia. Married, Bear River, Nova Scotia, May 31, 1883, Ida L. Moore. Has practiced medicine in Minnesota since July, 1883, with exception of three years, 1884-87, in Wisconsin; moved back to St. Paul, Minn., 1887. Member and secretary THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 175 Minnesota State Board of Medical Ex aminers. Chairman of council, Minne sota State Medical Association; member American Medical Association, Ramsey County Medical Society. Office: Centui-y Bldg., 5th and Cedar Sts. Residence: 327 Maple St., St. Paul. PUNK, William Albert, lawyer; born in La Salle Co., 111., Feb. 25, 1854; son of Abraham and Margaret (Hutchinson) Funk; common and high school educa tion. Raised on farm until 18 years of age; taught school and attended school until admitted to the bar, Sept., 1875; practiced law at Ode'll and Streator, 111., until March, 1887, and at Lakefield, Minn., 1887-95; has been actively en gaged in practice at Mankato since fall of 1895. Director and attorney for Mankato Citizens Telephone Co. since its organization. Republican. Was alder man, Streator, 111., 1880-82; mayor, Dake- field, 1888, clerk of school board, 8 years, and village attorney, 1889-95; county at torney, Jackson Co., 1891-95 (resigned); member executive committee of Republi can State Central Committee, Minn., 1900, and president Republican Club, Mankato, 1900. Presbyterian (elder and trustee). Member I. O. O. F., M. W. A., Knights of Pythias, B. P. O. E Married at Streator, 111., Oct. 29, 1879, to Miss Nellie Douglas. Clubs: Commercial, Social Science. Recreations: Hunting, fishing, gardening, using carpenter's tools. Address: Mankato, Minn. FUBBEB, Pred N., lawyer, resident assistant secretary American Surety Company, of New York; born at Detroit, Minn., Dec. 17, 1882; educated in public schools of Detroit; University of Min nesota, College of Daw, graduating, de gree of LL.B., 1904, degree of M.L., same college, 1905. Has been actively engaged in practice of law since June, 1904; also resident assistant secretary American Surety Co., since Dec, 1903. Republican. Member Alumni Association University of Minnesota, and of the Law Alumni School. University of Minnesota. Un married. Recreations: All outdoor athletic sports. Office: Minn. Loan and Trust Co. Bldg. Residence: 1910 Haw thorn Av., Minneapolis. PUBLONG, John J., born in Tipperary, Ireland, Feb. 2, 1849; son of William and Sarah Furlong; came to America with his parents at age of 3 years; rear ed on a farm in Mower Co., Minn.; edu cated in common schools and Austin High School; .married, May 25, 1881, to Miss Agnes Ryan. Has made farming his business, succeeding to his father's farm near Austin. President Mower County Agricultural Society, Mower County Farmers' Fire and Lightning Mu tual Insurance Co. Democrat. Former member Minnesota Legislature. For many years active worker iri Farmers' Alliance, director State Agriculture So ciety (superintendent dairy department and superintendent of agriculture) ; was member Board of World's Fair Mana gers. Address: Austin, Minn. G GABLE, Justus L., business manager; born at West Salem, O., March 9, 1868; son of Daniel and Harriet (Harbaugh) Gable; educated in public schools; pre paratory department of Baldwin Univer sity, Berea, O. ; academic department, same school; University of Michigan, degree of LL.B. Eng'aged in drug busi ness at West Salem, O., 1879-83; travel ing collector for D. M. Osborne & Co., 1883-85; with Nichols & Shepard Co, since March, 1885; first as traveling rep resentative for Minnesota, S. and N. Dak., later establishing branch house in Minneapolis of which he is manager: Member Masonic order, Scottish Rite, Shrine; U. C. T. of A. Married, at Chambersburg, Pa., June 4, 1889, to Mollie S. Allison. Club: Commercial. Office: 218-222 Washington Av., N. Residence: 15 Seymour Av., Minnea polis. GAFFNEY, Joseph J., register of deeds; born in Goodhue Co., Minn., May 12, 1876; son of Michael C. Gaffney; came to Stevens Co., 1878; educated in public schools of Morris, and at Min nesota School of Business, Minneapolis, 1897. Worker on farm and attended school until 1895; was in employ of the Olsen-Gates-Healy Co., general mer chandise, Morris, for two years; with S. J. Stebbins & Co., 1898-1900; deputy county auditor Stevens Co., 1901-02; bookkeeper Stone-Stebbins Co., Han cock, 1903; cashier Morris City Mills, Dec, 1903, continuing until he assumed office of register of deeds, Stevens Co., 1905. Member M. W. A., C. of H., K. O. T. M. and Foresters. Married, at Morris, Minn., Aug. 20, 1901, to Miss Mary Fin- negan. Address: Morris, Minn. GAGE, James Edward, grain; born at Waterloo, N. Y., April 7, 1849; son of John and Eleanor (Probasco) Gage; edu cated in grammar school; married at North Pepin, Wis., Jan. 1, 1871, to Eliza beth Collier. , Entered the grain business at Kellogg, Minn., 1871, as grain buyer. Member of the firm of Andrews & Gage, carrying on a grain elevator and com mission business, since 1893. Unitarian. Office: Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Residence: 2305 S. Aldrich St., Min neapolis. GAIL, Frederick William, lawyer; born at East Aurora, N. Y., Jan. 17, 1860; son of Sherman B. and Julia A. (Knowl- ton) Gail; educated in public schools of Corry, Pa., graduating from Corry High School, 1877. After leaving school spent three years teaching and newspaper re porting; began study of law in office of Roger Sherman, Titusville, in Spring of 176 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 1881; learned stenography, came to. Stillwater and was appointed court re porter 1st judicial district, Oct., 1882; admitted to bar, Nov., 1884. Republican. Methodist. Member Minnesota Bar As- - sociation, Masonic order, Knights of Pythias, Sons of American Revolution. Married, 1st, at Corry, Pa., April 10, 1884, to M. Elizabeth Fuller (died 1886); 2nd, at Stillwater, Oct. 29, 1889, to Miss Mary E. Smith. Address: Still water, Minn. GALBBAITH, John Patrick, lawyer; born in Sauk Co., Wis., Sept. 9, 1865; son of Andrew and Marsella (Fox) Gal- braith; attended public schools, Wiscon sin, until 1880, private school, Albion, Neb., and University of Minnesota, graduating from the law department of the university, June 1, 1891, degree of M.L. 1892; unmarried. Engaged in the general practice of law at St. Paul, Minn., 1891-93; at Grand Forks, N. D., 1902; attorney for Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Co., wholesale hardware, etc., St. Paul, since 1902. Secretary Bowman Manu facturing Co., established 1906, for the manufacture of tinware. Member of N. Dakota State Legislature, 1901, 6th dis trict, Grand Forks Co. Democrat. Roman Catholic. Member Minnesota Bar Association, Knights of Columbus, B. P. O. E. Club: Commercial. Recrea tions: Driving, hunting, fishing, auto mobiling. Office: Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Co. Residence: 877 Goodrich Av., St. Paul. GALE, Amory Frank, mortgage loans and insurance; born in Mass., March 3, 1848; son of Amory and Caroline (God- dard) Gale; came to Minneapolis, Oct., 1857; educated in Minneapolis High School. Engaged in dry goods business, 10 years; was associated with Gale & Co., insurance, 20 years; in same line of business 6 years under firm name of The Gale Agency; member firm of Thayer & Gale, since 1900. Ex-alderman 5th ward; ex-director National Bank of Commerce. Baptist; trustee Pillsbury Academy, Baptist City Union, Baptist State Convention, Baptist Educational Society. Republican. Married, 1st, 1872, to Abby A. Huntington; 2nd, 1905, to Katherine Kidder. Club: Commercial. Office: New York Life Bldg. Residence: 1620 3rd Av., S., Minneapolis. GALLAGHEB, Peter Joseph, clergy man; born in County Mayo, Ireland, Sept. 7, 1854; son of Peter and Bridget (Reagan) Gallagher; came to Minnesota, 1866; educated at St. John's University, Collegeville, Minn., and at Grand Semi nary, Montreal, Can. Entered the priest hood of the Roman Catholic Church at Montreal, 1877;. was assistant at St. Paul's Cathedral, St. Paul, rector St. Michael's Church, St. Paul, and has been rector at St. Thomas Cathedral, Winona, since the establishment of the diocese of Winona, 1889. Member Catholic Knights of America, Knights of Colum bus. Recreation: Walking. Address: Winona, Minn. GAMBLE, Boss Alexander, wholesale fruit merchant; born at Lemond, Minn., May 22, 1867; son of William and Ma tilda (Robinson) Gamble; attended Owa tonna (Minn.) High School; married at Owatonna, Sept. 18, 1894, to Marguerite Farmer. Engaged in the fruit business, 1891, and in 1893 assisted in the organi zation of the Gamble-Robinson Commis sion Co., of which he is president, the company being organized for the pur pose of handling, by wholesale, fruits (dried and canned), produce and vege tables, and now handling over 2,000 cars annually; also president Gamble-Robin son Fruit Co., St. Paul, Minn.; vice pres ident of the Gamble-Robinson Fruit Produce Co., Mankato, Minn., vice president Gamble-Bobinson Co., Roches ter, Minn., and vice president Gamble- Robinson Fruit Co., Aberdeen, S. D. Member and director Minneapolis Pro duce Exchange. Member Board of Trade (St. Paul), National Deague of Commission Merchants U. S., Western Fruit Jobbers Assn. Member of the Congregational Church. Republican. Recreations: Fishing and boating. Club: Congregational. Office: 222 6th St., N. Residence: 2644 Nicollet Av., Minnea polis. Gammell, Henry W., physician; born in Massachusetts, 1858; son of W. E. and E. S. (Barrows) Gammell; educated in public school of Massachusetts, under private tutor and in medical depart ments of University of Michigan, and Northwestern University, Chicago, 111., graduating, degree of M.D., 1887. Began practice at Lac qui Parle, Minn., 1887; is now manager of Dr. Gammell's private hospital, at Madison. Member Ameri can and Minnesota State Medical asso ciations, district Medical Society, Na tional Association of Charities and Cor rections. Republican. Member I. O. O. F. Married in Minnesota, 1889, to Miss Annie Borandale. Address: Madison, Minn. GANSEB, Peter, brewer; born in Germany, 1836; came to America in early boyhood and was reared and edu cated in Wisconsin; married at Owa tonna, 1870, to Miss Mary Knight. Lo cated in Owatonna and started the Owa tonna Brewery, 1865, of which he has since been proprietor; ex-mayor and ex- alderman of Owatonna. Democrat. Ad dress: Owatonna, Minn. GABDNEB, Charles W., railway of ficial; born at Rushville, N. Y., Feb. 17, 1861 ; son of Harvey R. and Marietta Mills (Gardner); educated at St. Paul, Minn. Entered railway service as office boy and messenger in general freight agent's office, St. Paul & Pacific R. R. at St. Paul, Aug., 1878, advancing to sta tionery and car service clerk; clerk Red THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 177 Line Fast Freight, same city, 1879-80; clerk and stenographer Minnesota Pool lines, 1880-83; secretary same lines at Chicago, 1883-84; general agent. North western Traffic Association at Minneap olis, 1S84-86; auditor Minneapolis & Pacific Ry. (now Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Ry.), 1886-87; audi tor Minneapolis, Sault Ste. Marie & At lantic Ry. and its successor, the Minne apolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Ry., since July 1, 1887. Married at Minneap olis, April, 1882, to Miss Helen M. Con nolly. Club: Commercial (president). Office: 317 2nd Av., S. Residence: 1900 Dupont Av., S., Minneapolis. GABDNEB, Herbert B., hardware, born, Moscow, Livingston Co., N. Y., Aug. 25, 1854; son of William H. and Lodema (Taylor) Gardner; educated in common schools at Moscow and at State Normal School, Geneseo. Began active career as clerk in a retail hardware store, in Iowa, 1872; began traveling in southern Iowa, 1877; came to Minneap olis and established the Gardner Hard ware Co., 1884, of which he is president and general manager. President and treasurer Gardner Timber and Land Co., Seattle, Wash.; vice president Minneap olis Logging Co., Seattle. Republican. Presbyterian. Member Builders and Traders' Exchange. Married at Yonk- ers, N. Y., June, 1881, to Sophia G. Mc- Laury. Club: Commercial. Office: 304- 306 Hennepin Av. Residence: 2522 Gar field Av., Minneapolis. Garvin, Herbert Charles, milling; born at Fond du Lac, Wis., April 23, 1862; son of Benjamin and Adaline A (Kimball) Garvin (both natives of New Hampshire) ; educated in public schools, Fond du Lac and Oshkosh, Wis., and at business college, Oshkosh. Began active career as messenger Chicago & Northwestern Ry., Oshkosh, Wis., 1877; was telegraph operator same road, 1879- 81 ; railway station agent, Tracy, Minn., 1881-83; traveling freight and passen ger agent, Watertown, S. D., and Wi nona, Minn., 1885-92; general agent traffic department, Chicago & North western lines in Minnesota, S. and N. Dak., 1892-99. Went into the milling business, Feb., 1899, as secretary and manager of the Bay State Milling Co. Director First National Bank, Winona, etc. Mason. Married at Aberdeen, S. D., Jan. 3, 1895, to Miss Louise Dana, of New Bedford, Mass. Clubs: Arling ton, Union League (Chicago) ; Minneap olis (Minneapolis). Recreations: Rid ing, driving and traveling. Address: Winona, Minn. GASKELL, Joseph, railway service; born at Manchester, Eng.; came to America, 1865. Entered railway service Nov., 1869; was paymaster Rockford, Rock Island & St. Louis Ry., up to 1872; went to Europe and was transfer agent, same road, at Frankfort, Ger many, 1872-73; assistant general freight agent Peoria & Rock Island Ry., 1875- 77; treasurer Rock Island & Peoria Ry., 1877-82; secretary and treasurer Minneapolis & St. Louis Ry., 1882-94; has been secretary and assistant treas urer Minneapolis & St. Louis Rd., since Nov., 1894, and from April, 1902, to present time, assistant secretary and assistant treasurer of the Iowa Central Ry. Office: Guaranty Bldg., Minneap olis. GASSEB, Matthew Michael, grocer; born in Germany, April 6, 1859; son of John Casper Gasser; came to America, 1866; educated in public schools and at Bayless Commercial College, Du buque, Ia. Began active career as gro cer's' clerk, Dubuque, 1876; engaged in grocery business in St. Paul, Minn., 1882, and sold out, 1887; has been en gaged in similar business as M. M. Gasser Co., at Duluth, since 1888; also proprietor lunch room. Republican. Was captain Co. K, 4 th Regt, I. N. G.; assistant commissary general with rank of colonel on staff of Gov. Van Sant, 1900-04; has been commissary general, rank of brigadier general, on staff of Gov. John A. Johnson, since 1905. Unitarian. York and Scottish Rite Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner. Married at Duluth, Nov. 3, 3 903, to Miss Edith Isabella Carson. Club: Commercial. Recreation: Auto mobiling. Office: 209-11 W. Superior St. Residence: La Ferbe Flats, Du luth. GATES, Ezra W., milling; born at Waukau, Wis., Jan. 9, 1851; son of John and Elizabeth J. (Talbot) Gates; came to Minnesota with parents, July, 1857; attended common schools of Gar* den City; graduate of Barley's Busi ness College, Dubuque, Ia. Married at Grove Lake, Minn., May 17, 1877, to Miss Lula Stimson. Has been a resi dent of Garden City nearly 50 years; member of the firm of Friend & Gates, flour and feed mill and grain elevator and head miller of the Arm, organized Feb. 1, 1882. Republican. Member Minnesota Legislature. Member Chris tian Church, Knights of Pythias, B. P. O. E. Address: Garden City, Minn. GATES, Frank J., manager Austin Gas Co.; born at Amboy, 111., Nov. 12, 3 864; son of Joseph S. and Frances Jf (Ammerman) Gates; educated in pub lic schools of Mason City, 111.; mar ried in Davidson Co., S. Dak., 1888, to Miss Bertha E. Dean. Engaged for 20 years in contracting and building in South Dakota, Illinois and Iowa; be came connected with .the Austin Gas Co., 1901, and has been its manager, secretary, treasurer and director since 1907. Director Hampton Gas Co., Hampton, Ia. Republican. Member I. O. O. F. Address: Austin, Minn. GATES, George L., physician; born at Harwington, Conn., Dec. 4, 1837; son 178 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS of Grose and Phebe (Bolles) Gates; ed ucated in public schools; Cortland Academy, Cortland, N. Y.; Medical De partment, University of Philadelphia, graduating, degree of M.D., 1869. Came to Winona Co., Minn., with his parents, and located on a farm, 1855; enlisted in Co. A, 2nd Minn. Vol. Inf., 1861; served for three years in Army of the Cumberland, in Tennessee, Georgia and Kentucky, and was mustered out, 1864; returned to Minnesota; practiced medi cine at Cortland, N. Y., 1869-72 and at Caledonia, Minn., 1872-80; has been lo cated in Winona since 1880. Member U. S. pension examining board since 1892. Member American and Southern Minnesota Medical associations, Winona County Medical Society. Republican. Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner; member John Ball Post, No. 115, G. A. R. Club: Arlington. Recreation: Trav eling. Address: Winona, Minn. GATES, Horace Butler, hardware; born at Syracuse, N. Y., May 10, 1856; son of William G. and Mary E. Gates; educated in public and high schools of St. Paul; married at St. Paul, 1882, to Jessie A. Hackett. First employed in St. Paul banks and in 1878 became cashier of Meeker County Bank, Litch field, Minn., and after seven years there became connected, 1885, with the Hack ett, Walther, Gates Hardware Co., of which he has been president since 1903. Also vice president St. Paul National Bank. Republican. Clubs: Minnesota, Commercial. Office: 280 East 4th St. Residence: The Ashland, St. Paul. GATES, Joseph A., physician; born in Olmsted Co.. Minn., Sept. 11, 1870; son of E. J. and Jane (Waldron) Gates; graduate Rochester (Minn.) High School; College of Medicine & Surgery, University of Minnesota, degree of M.D., 1895. Director State Bank of Kenyon, Farmers' State Bank of Wan- amingo, Farmers' State Bank of Ner- strand and owner of Kenyon Telephone Exchange. Republican. Mayor of Ken yon, 1900; member Kenyon school board 9 years; member State Degisla- ture, Goodhue Co., 1905-09. Mason. Married at Rochester, Minn., June 10, 1896, to Miss Jennie Clark. Club: Com mercial. Address: Kenyon, Minn. GEDDES, Thomas Timothy, merchant; born at Frankfort, III., Sept. 9, 1860; son of George and Sarah D. (Shaffer) Geddes; educated in Anoka High School. Began active career at age of 14 as worker in saw mill; entered dry goods store Jan. 1, 1877, and continued until Jan. 1, 1884, when he started in busi ness for himself, selling clothing, hats and shoes; lost all in Are. Aug. 15, 1884, but reopened, Aug. 25, and has continued in same line. Married at Dakota, Minn., Aug. 25, 1886, Emma Louise Dick. Address: Anoka, Minn. GEE, George Elliott, grain; born, Rock County, Wis., Jan. 1, 1857; son of Daniel and Emily M. (Gilbert) Gee; ed ucated in village school at New Lisbon. Wis. Was reared upon a farm, learned telegraphy, peddled medicine, and later ran a general store in Vernon Co., Wis., Anally turning attention to the grain business; went to North Dakota as grain buyer, in 1883, and came to Minneapolis, 1884; was admitted to membership in the Chamber of Com merce, 1885. President G. E. Gee Grain Co.; secretary North American Gold Placers Co. Married at Minneapolis. Minn., 1892, to Mary E. Callom. Office: Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Residence: 517 S. 10th St., Minneapolis. GEERY, William Beckwith, vice pres. Capital Nat'l Bank; born at Medina, O., Aug. 23, 1867; son of Joseph Mc Clelland and Mary (Beckwith) Geery; educated at Ripon (Wis.) High School and Ripon College. Began in banking business in 1885, as messenger in First National Bank, Ripon, Wis., remaining 5 years; in 1890 entered St. Paul Na tional Bank, St. Paul, Minn., as paying teller; advanced to assistant cashier, and in 1902 appointed cashier; when bank was merged into the Capital Na tional Bank, Oct. 1, 1906, he became vice president of the latter. Congregation alist. Republican. Clubs: Minnesota, Town and Country, Commercial, Roose velt Office: Fifth and Robert Sts. Resi dence: 550 Summit Av., St. Paul. GENS, Louis Charles, manager Na tional Aniline and Chemical Co., Minne apolis; born at Milwaukee, Wis., April 5, 1876; son of Charles Gens; public school and college education. Began active career in the employ of Stone & Ware Co., of Milwaukee, 1896, which firm 3 years later consolidated with the Schoellkopf, Hartford & Hanna Co., with warehouses and offices in the principal cities. In Aug., 1905, assumed charge of branch which they established at Minneapolis and has been resident man ager at Minneapolis of the National Aniline & Chemical Co., since Jan. 1. 1906, when the firm divided its manu facturing from its selling department. Married at Milwaukee, Dec. 22, 1903, to Miss Eva May Laing. Office: 114 2nd St., N. Residence: 908 2nd Av., S., Minneapolis. GEOBGE, Frederick Hedenberg, vice president W. S. Nott Co.; born at Min eral Point, Wis., Feb. 22, 1863; son of Henry P. and Matilda (Hedenberg) George; educated in public schools of Chicago, 111. Began active career, 1876, as clerk in retail boot and shoe store, Chicago; came to Minneapolis, Feb., 1882, and entered service of W. S. Nott Company, manufacturers of oak leather belting, as clerk; has been vice presi dent of the company since 1888; also president Union Roofing and Manufac turing Co.; vice president Decarie Man ufacturing Co., Nott Fire Engine Co. Republican. Member B. F. O. E. Mar- THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 179 ried, at Minneapolis, 1896, to Miss Mary McBean. Clubs: Minneapolis, Mini kahda. Office: 200 1st Av., S. Resi dence: 2109 Blaisdell Av., Minneapolis. GEBBEB, James J., sheet metal works; born at Plymouth, Wis., Dec. 13, 1860; son of William and Minnie (Friday) Garber; educated in public schools at Rhine, Wis. Learned trade of sheet metal worker at Milwaukee, Wis., 1876-79; came to Minneapolis in 1879 and worked at trade until he be gan business on his own account; has been in business for himself under his own name, since 1888, as manufacturer of Minneapolis "V" elevator cups and Beall wheat steamer, making a specialty of mill and elevator spouting. Repub lican. Congregationalist. Mason (32°), Knight Templar (Scottish Rite), Shrin er; also member Royal Arcanum, B. P., O. E. Married at Lansing, la., 1885, to Miss Alice O. Whiting. Club: Long Meadow Gun. Recreations: Hunting and outdoor diversions. Office: 128 6th Av., S. , Residence: 3140 Lyndale Av., S., Minneapolis. GEBBEB, William A., sheriff Ramsey Co.; born at St. Paul, Minn., Dec. 14, 1868; son of Frederick and Frederica (Bunde") Gerber; educated in German Lutheran Trinity School, St. Paul, 1875- 82; married at St. Paul, June 11, 1900, to Miss Minna Roenish. Began active career with W. G. Strickland, insur ance, 1882, continuing two years; en gaged in dry goods business as clerk in his father's store and continued, 1884- 89; was connected with Finch, Young & McConville, wholesale dry goods, 1889-92, and manager of his father's business until 1896; entered retail dry goods business for himself, 1896, and still continues. Republican. Was elected sheriff of Ramsey Co., Nov., 1906. Luth eran. Clubs: Roosevelt, McKinley and Lincoln. Office: Court House. Resi dence: County Jail, St. Paul. GEBHABD, Franklin C, railway offi cial, etc.; born at Delaware, O., March 1, 1852; son of Dr. M. Gerhard; edu cated in public schools of Delaware. Was druggist in Ohio until 1874; in re- tall lumber business at Delaware, O., 1874-81; with Pray Mfg. Co., Minneap olis, 1881-83; with J. B. Bassett Lum ber Co., 1883-96, and Mississippi & Rum River, Boom Co., 1896-98; now with Itaska Lumber Co., of which is treas urer and general manager; also gen eral manager Minneapolis & Rainy River Ry. Co. (incorporated 3904); sec retary and treasurer Deer River Lum ber Co. Married at Columbus, O., to Miss Mary Louise Downer. Club: Min neapolis. Office: 28th Av., N., and 1st St., Minneapolis. Residence: Tonka Bay, Dake Minnetonka, Minn. GBBLACH, Bernard, milling and man ufacturing; born in St. Paul, Minn., Aug. 2, 1860; son of George and Anna Maria (Fux) Gerlach; educated in pa rochial and public schools of St. Paul; married at Red Wing, Minn., April 29, 1884, to Miss Frances M. McCue. Began active career in employ of Jacob Main- zer (law and abstract office), St. Paul, May, 1875; removed to Red Wing, March, 1879, and engaged in getting up set of abstract of title books until Jan. 1, 1880; entered lumber department of Red Wing Mills as bookkeeper, remain ing there until fall of 1882; became bookkeeper of the LaGrange Mills, 1882, was elected secretary and treasurer, at time of incorporation, June, 1885, and has been manager of the mills since July, 1891, the mills now having a daily capacity of 1,600 barrels. Also director Goodhue County National Bank, Red Wing Cigar Manufacturing Co., Red Wing Brick Co., Red Wing Hat Manu facturing Co. Independent Democrat. Roman Catholic. Club: Commercial. Recreation: Fishing. Address: Red Wing, Minn. GEBLACH, William, army officer, re tired; born Schotten, Germany, Nov. 15, 1835; son of George and Amelia (Um ber) Gerlach; educated in public and private schools, real and gewerbeschule, Darmstadt, Germany; came to America, 1851, and enlisted in U. S. Army, Feb. 26, 1856, advancing through various grades of the service until retired from active duty on account of age limita tion, as major of Infantry, Nov. 15, 1899; promoted lieutenant colonel, act of Congress, April 23, 1904, for service during War of Rebellion. Married at Fort Kearney, Neb., March 9, 1862, to Elizabeth Sanders. Served in Florida, 1856-57; in Kansas, Nebraska and Da kota during the War of the Rebellion; in Dakota, Kansas, New Mexico, Douis- iana, Montana and Minnesota, up to time of Spanish-American War; in com mand at Fort Snelling, Minn., April to September, 1898, and Jan. to Nov., 1899, until near date of retirement. On duty at the present time, under Congression al Act of March 2, 1903, with Minnesota National Guard. Lutheran. Member G. A. R. and Loyal Legion; honorary member German Kriegerverein, Minne apolis, Minn. Office: Adjutant Gener al's office, State Capitol, St. Paul. Resi dence: 1009 Morgan Av., N., Minneap olis. GEBLICHEB, Herman P.; born at Winona, Minn., April 10, 1862; son of Andrew and Susan (Oech) Gerlicher; educated in public schools of Winona County and at Iowa Wesleyan Univer sity, Mt. Pleasant, la.; married at Wi nona, 1886, to Miss Sophia Staack. Be gan career in lumber business, 1882; now in manufacture and sale of patent medicines, and has been president of the Dr. Koch Vegetable Tea Co., since Jan. 16, 1907. Member Masonic order, M. W. of A. Address: Winona, Minn.' GEBMO, Thomas, lawyer; born at Medo, Blue Earth Co., Minn., May 2, 180 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 1870; son of Styrk and Ellen (Rogne) Germo; educated in common schools, Mankato Normal School, Rochester Business College, Rochester, Minn., University of Minnesota, graduating from Law Department, June, 1900. Worked while getting education. Taught school in Minnesota and N. Dakota, 1887-89; performed stenographic and general office work, 1891-95; began prac tice of law at Red Lake Falls, Sept. 1, 1900; member of the law firm of Germo & Mclntyre, 1900-1902; member of the law firm of Germo & Farley, since 1905. County attorney of Red Lake Co., Minn., since Jan. 1, 1905. Republican. Mem ber American Bar Association, Alumni University of Minnesota, Red Lake Falls Study Club. Member Knights of Pyth ias, Modern Woodmen of America, I. O. O. F. Married at Red Lake Falls, Sept. 18, 1903, to Eleanor Findeisen. Club: Commercial (Red Lake Falls). Recrea tion: Tennis. Address: Red Lake Falls, Minn. GEBNES, Bernard A., manager of The Fashion, ready to wear clothing for women; born in Delaware Co., N. Y., June 27, 1856; son of Charles M. and Mary (Lebote) Gernes; came to Minne sota with parents, 1858, and was edu cated in public schools of Winona; mar ried at Winona, Oct., 3 881, to Miss Min nie Artz. Began in dry goods business in Winona, 1874, the name of the firm being, first, Gernes & Sherer. then Gernes & Kirch, and later B. A. Gernes; was connected in Minneapolis with the wholesale dry goods house of Wyman, Partridge & Co., and with H. Shoate & Co., Winona, and Bailey & Bailey, Wi nona, as manager of cloak department of the latter house, 1900-1906; has been manager of The Fashion, Winona, since Jan., 1906. Catholic. Member Knights of Columbus, Yeomen of Arnerica, St. Joseph's Society, Philharmonic Society. Club: Arlington. Recreations: Music, theatre, driving. Address: Winona, Minn. GEYEBMAN, Peter T., physician: born at Shakopee, Minn., Aug. 23, 3 874; graduate College of Physicians and Sur geons, University of Minnesota, degree of M.D., 1899; interne at the City and County Hospital, St. Paul, Minn., one year, 1899-1900; post graduate course at General Hospital, Vienna, Austria, 1902, one year. Began practice of medi cine at Worthington, Minn., 1900. Mem ber Southwestern Minnesota Medical Society, Minnesota State Medical Asso ciation. Unmarried. Address: Worth ington, Minn. GHEEN, Edward Hickman, rear-ad miral, U. S. N, retired; born, Delaware Co., Pa., Dec. 11, 1846; son of Edward and Phebe (Hickman) Gheen; married, Oct. 17, 1883, Florence, daughter Delos A. and Mary Edgerton Monfort. Grad uate U. S. Naval Academy, 1867; pro moted ensign, Dec. 18, 1868; master, March 21, 1870; lieutenant March 21, 1871; commander, March 28, 1898; cap tain, June 14, 1902; retired at his own request (after forty years' service), as rear-admiral, Dec 1, 1902. Flagship "Delaware," Asiatic Station, Oct. 10, 1867, to Nov. 28, 1870; signal duty, Washington, March 15 to July 1, 1871; flagship "Lancaster," South Atlantic Station, April 17, 1872, to July 16, 1875; LL S. R. S. "Potomac," Philadelphia, Aug. 17, 1875, to Dec. 14, 1876; "Al liance," European Station, Jan. 3, 1877, to Dec. 17, 1879; navy yard, Philadel phia, April 22, 1880, to May 30, 1881; torpedo instruction, Newport, R. I., June 1 to Sept 5, 1881; flagship "Tennessee," Dec. 16, 1881, to Sept. 17, 18S3; Naval Academy, Sept. 24, 1883, to June 17, 1887; "Yantic," North Atlantic Station, July 1, 1887, to July 1, 1890; steel in spection, Pittsburgh and Thurlow, Pa., Oct. 6, 1890, to May 9, 1891; branch Hydrographic Office, Philadelphia, May 9, 1881, to May 31, 1892; Navy Yard, Philadelphia, April 1, 1893, to Sept. 17, 1894; "Minneapolis," North Atlantic and European Stations, Dec. 13, 1894, to Oct. 27, 1896; Hydrographic Office, "Washing ton, Jan. 5, 1897, to June 20, 1898; com manding "Frolic," June 23 to Sept. 27, 1898; Hydrographic Office, Washington. Sept. 27, 1898, to June 18, 1899; com manding "Marietta," Asiatic Station, June 20, 1899, to April 29, 1901; "Pet rel," May 4 to Sept. 7, 1901; inspector 3 1th Light House District, Detroit, Feb. 12, 1902, to Sept. 15, 1902; naval recruiting rendezvous, Chicago, Sept. 19 1902, to Feb. 24, 1903. Address: 282 Dayton Av., St. Paul. GIBBON, Luther L., physician; born at Norwood, N. Y., March 29, 1875; son of Alfred Henry and Mary Jane (Gant) Gibbon; came to Minnesota, 1882; edu cated in public schools of Minneapolis: Minneapolis Academy; University of Minnesota, College of Medicine and Sur gery, graduating, degree of M.D., 1896. In practice at Lowny since Nov. 8, 3 897. Unmarried. Address: Lowny, Minn GIBEAU, Samuel, banking, etc.; born at Chebanse, 111., April 3, 1867; son of Israel and Elmire (Lerige) Gibeau; ed ucated in public schools of Chicago, 111., and at St. Boniface College, Mani toba; married at Lambert, Minn.. Jan. 9, 1893, to Miss Alexine Le Blanc. Moved to Chicago, 1871, to St. Boni face, Man., 1875, and to Minnesota, 1882; worked as steam engineer from age of 35 until 1890; entered general merchandise business at Lambert, Minn., and continued, 3890-99; elected register of deeds, Red Lake Co., 1899, sold out mercantile business and was twice re elected to the office; has recently de voted attention principally to banking and abstract business. Vice president Bank of Red Lake Falls; director Mer chants' State Bank, Red Lake Falls; now secretary Sortedahl Land, Loan & THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 181 Abstract Co.; partner A. L. Roy & Co., fuel. Postmaster Lambert, Minn., 1890- 99; town clerk, 1887-99; register of deeds, Red Lake Co., 1899-1905. Repub lican. Roman Catholic. Member W. M. A., Modern Brotherhood of America (head of local lodge). Recreations: Fishing and hunting, mechanical and scientific pursuits. Address: Red Lake Falls, Minn. GIDDINGS, Arthur E., jurist; born at Anoka, Minn., Oct. 2, 1867; son of Dr. A. W. and Mary (Simons) Gid- dings; educated in public schools of Anoka; Anoka High School, graduating, 1885; University of Minnesota, gradua ting, degree of B.A., 1889; College of Law, University of Minnesota, gradua ting, degree of LL.B., 1892. Began practice of law at Anoka, 1892; was city attorney two terms, county attor ney, county of Anoka, two terms; elected judge of district court 18th ju dicial district, 1898, and has been on the bench ever since. Married, 1892, to Miss Sibyl Baker. Address: Anoka, Minn. GIEBE, Eric O., physician and sur geon; born at Deerfield, Wis., April 10, 1868; son of Ole N. and Inger (Himle) Giere; educated at Luther College, De corah, Iowa, Sept., 1885, to Jan., 1887; St. Olaf College, Northfield, Minn., 3 887- 88 (left before graduating) ; received de gree of M.D. from College of Medicine and Surgery, University of Minnesota, June 2, 1892. Local surgeon Minneap olis & St. Louis Ry.; physician and surgeon to Ebenezer Hospital; exam ining physician for old line and mutual life insurance* companies. Member of firm of Giere & Thrane, physicians and surgeons, since Jan. 1, 1900. lumber Minnesota State Medical Examining Board, 1903-06. Republican. Lutheran. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associations, Camp Release Medical Society. Married at Northfield, Minn., April 10, 1895, to Miss Louise Williamson. Address: Madison, Minn. GIFFEBT, John Butherford, inventor, secretary Clyde Iron Works; born at Hudson, N. Y., March 19, 1869; son of John M. and Sarah (Carnahan) Gif- fert; educated at Hamilton College, N. Y.; Williams College, Mass., gradua ting, 1890; New York University Law School, graduating, degree of LL.B., 1892. Practiced law in New York and at Duluth until 1901; became interested in the Clyde Iron Works, first as de signer and later as secretary, and has devoted entire time to the company since Jan., 1905; inventor Giffert Log Roller, etc. Married at Hudson. N. Y., 1896, to Miss Gertrude Y. Magoun. Clubs: Kitchi Gammi, Commercial. Office: 302-308 Lake Av., S. Residence: 15 E. 3rd St., Duluth. GILBERT, Cass, architect; born at Zanesville, O., Nov. 24, 1859; son of Samuel A. and Elizabeth Fulton (Whee ler) Gilbert; educated in public schools of Zanesville, and St. Paul, Minn., and at Massachusetts Institute of Technol ogy. Began professional career, Sept., 1876; has been practicing under his own name since Jan., 1883. Architect of the New State Capitol, St. Paul; Essex County Court House, Newark, N. J.; Agricultural Bldg. Trans-Mississippi Exposition, Omaha; Brazer Bldg., Bos ton; Broadway-Chambers Bldg., and "West St." Bldg., New York Custom House, New York; Art Bldgs. and Fes tival Hall, Louisiana Purchase Expo sition, and one of the architects new Union Club Bldg., New York. Member National Jury of Fine Arts, World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago; mem ber jury on selection of design for New York Public Library, 1897; member Na tional Jury for Architecture, Paris Ex position, 1900; member jury for selec tion of design for reconstruction of West Point Military Academy. One of the founders Architectural League, New York; Fellow American Institute of Architects, Associate National Academy of Design, hon. cor. member Royal Inst. British Architects, S. A. R. Married at Milwaukee, Wis., Nov. 29, 1897, to Miss Julia T. Finch. Clubs: Minnesota (St. Paul); Cosmos (Washington); Century, Union, Dawyers and Metropolitan (New York); Rockaway Hunting (Lawrence). Offices: Endicott Bldg., St. Paul; 11 East 24th St., New York City. Resi dence: 45 E. 78th St., New York City. GILBERT, Frederick Lee, president Red Cliff Lumber Co.; born at Albany, N. Y., Jan. 3, 1853; son of Prosper Lee and Mary Rockwell (Olmstead) Gilbert; educated at Albany Academy, Albany, N. Y., Cornell University, graduating, degree of C.E., 1871. Began active ca reer as civil engineer, continuing 1871- 73; entered lumber business on own account as operator in lumber lands in Michigan and Minnesota, 1875. Has been a resident of Minnesota since 1893; organized the Red Cliff Lumber Co., 1896, to operate in Red Cliff Indian res ervation, mills at Duluth, Minn., and Red Cliff, Wis., of which is president; also president North Shore Lumber Co., Beaver Bay Lumber Co., Cook County Lumber Co., and Lake County Lumber Co. Independent in politics. Episco palian. Member Masonic order and Alpha Delta Phi fraternity. Married at Bay City, Mich., Nov. 7, 1877, to Miss Elizabeth B. Jennison. Clubs: Kitchi Gammi, Northern Country, Duluth Yacht, Duluth Boat; Union Deague (Chi cago); Metropolitan (New York City). Recreations: Golf, fishing and hunting. Office: 39th Av., W. Residence: 1201 London Rd., Duluth. GILBEBT, Frederick W., railway offi cial; born at Bennington, Vt.. 1854; son of Wm. B. and Mary C. (Hubbell) Gil bert; educated at Cornell University. Entered service Erie Railway, 1873, in 182 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS engineering and maintenance of way department, continuing until 1881; was engineer in charge of shop construction Northern Pacific Rd., at Brainerd, Minn., 1881-83; engineer and manager North ern Pacific Terminal Co., at Portland, Ore., 1883-85; superintendent Rocky Mountain division Northern Pacific Rd , 1885-88; superintendent Coeur d'Alene division, same road, and its successor the Northern Pacific Ry., 1888 to 1890; division superintendent Idaho division, 1890-1903; assistant general superin tendent at Livingston, Mont, Jan. to April, 1903; has been general superin tendent Northern Pacific Ry. since April, 1903. Married at De Ruyter, N. Y., 1873, to Miss A. E. Sutton. Recrea tions: Music, fishing. Office: Broad way, Cor. 4th St. Residence: 223 Arun del St., St. Paul. GILBERT, Philip, lawyer; born at Coldwater, Mich., Oct. 29, 1860; son of Col. Henry C. and Harriet (Champion) Gilbert; educated in high school, Cold- water, Mich., and Law Department of University of Michigan; married at Anoka, Minn., June 1, 1889, to Alcetta Tinkham. Admitted to bar of Michigan, 3.885; came to St. Paul, 1886, and en tered into partnership with E. H. Mor phy, as Morphy & Gilbert. In 1892 firm became Morphy, Ewing, Gilbert & Ew ing, and subsequently Morphy, Ewing & Gilbert, until Dec, 1899; then prac ticed alone until 1902, when with Jesse E. Greenman formed present firm of Gilbert & Greenman. Member of Ram sey County State and American Bar as sociations. Chairman of School Board and president Library Board, White Bear. Member Commercial Law League of America. Member Loyal Legion, Royal Arcanum. Club: Commercial. Office: National German American Bank Bldg., St. Paul. Residence: White Bear Lake, Minn. GILES, Harry Marshall, manager fire insurance companies; born at Rockford, 111., Feb. 15, 1874; son of Marshall S. and Florence M. (Webster) Giles; edu cated in public schools of Waukegan, 111., and at Lake Forest College, Lake Forest, 111. Began in insurance busi ness with the Millers' National Insur ance Co., at Chicago, 111., 1894: came to Minneapolis as inspector for the com pany, 1901; was made Northwestern manager, 1903, also of Michigan and Ohio Millers' Mutual Fire Insurance companies; agent Central Manufactur ers' Mutual Fire Insurance Co. and Mill ers' Mutual Fire Insurance Association. Served in U. S. Navy as member Illi nois Naval Reserve and was on U. S. S. Oregon at battle of Santiago. Inde pendent in politics. Episcopalian. Mar ried at Covington, Ky., 1904, to Miss Edith M. Orr. Club: Commercial. Rec reation: Hunting. Office: Corn Ex change Bldg. Residence: 910 2nd Av., S., Minneapolis. GILFILLAN, John B., lawyer; born at Barnet, Vt, Feb. 11, 1835; common school and academic education. Came to St. Anthony, Minn., 1855; studied law and was admitted to the bar, 1860; served as city attorney of St. Anthony four terms and county attorney of Hen nepin county four terms; State senator, 1876-85; member of Congress, 1885-87; regent University of Minnesota, 1881- 89. Republican. President First Na tional Bank, 1903-05, and since 1905 chairman board of directors. Presented 550,000 to University of Minnesota, 1901, as a trust fund to be used in aid of deserving students. Clubs: Minneap olis Society of Fine Arts, Minneapolis Club, LaFayette. Office: 721 Metropol itan Life Bldg. Residence: 222 Clifton Av., Minneapolis. GILKINSON, Andrew Jackson, physi cian; born in Wayne Co., W. Va., March 23, 1863; son of Andrew W. and Ma tilda Jane (Caylor) Gilkinson; came to Minnesota Oct 8, 1882; graduate St. Cloud Normal School, June, 1888; Col lege of Medicine and Surgery, University of Minnesota, degree of M.D., 1893. Member Park Region Medical Society, Minnesota State and American Medical associations. Democrat. Protestant. Mason; member I. O. O. F., Modern Woodmen of America, K. O. T. M. Mar ried at Fair Haven, Minn., Jan. 30, 1894, to Miss Grace I. Bliler. Address: Osa kis, Minn. GILLAM, Charles W., grain, seeds and lands; born at Omro, Wis., April 10, 1861; son of Samuel S. and Abigail C. (Clark) Gillam; came to Minnesota with parents, 1871; educated in publie schools of Windom. Began business career at Windom, Minn., by starting a small flour and feed store, Oct. 1, 1881, to which he added farm implements, in 1884; began buying wheat at Windom for G. W. Van Dusen & Co., and later for Peavey & Co., also continuing in farm imple ment business; built elevator at Win dom, 1887, which he sold in 1894, later operating several elevators on the "Omaha" line; also has made invest ments in lands of Cottonwood Co. Vice president Windom National Bank. Mayor of Windom three years. Member I. O. O. F., Royal Arcanum. Married at Wal tham, Minn., 3 890, to Miss Helen Hunt. Club: Commercial (Minneapolis). Ad dress: Windom, Minn. GILLE, Henry John, electrical and gas engineer; born in Washington Coun ty, Minnesota, May 19, 1870; son of Peter and Elizabeth Gille; educated in public schools of Washington County and Curtiss College, completing course, June,- 1889; married in Washington County, Minn., Oct. 5, 1892. Dinnie L. Garbe. Employed in storehouse, 1889, and factory, 1890, of Columbia Electric Co., St. Paul; assistant purchasing agent, 1891, purchasing agent, 1892, Northwestern Thomson-Houston Elec- THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 183 trie Co.; assistant manager supply de partment General Electric Co., Chicago, 1894; electrical engineer Washburn & Moen Manufacturing Co., St. Paul, 1895; manager Electrical Department St. Paul Gas Light Co., 1898, general su perintendent, 1901, and from 1906, man ager commercial department St. Paul Gas Light Co. and Edison Electric Light and Power Co. Patentee of improve ment in system of electrical distribu tion, lamp cap for electric signs, and electric signs. Member American In stitute of Electrical Engineers, Illumi nating Engineering Society, American Gas Institute (formerly the Western Gas Association) and Ohio Gas Light As sociation. Mason (32°), Scottish Rite, Shriner; member Royal Arcanum. Rec reations: Photography, gardening, fish ing. Club: Commercial. Office: St. Paul Gas Light Co. Residence: 1900 Feronia Av., St. Paul. GILLEN, Hugh Herbert, lawyer; born at Hudson, Wis., July 4, 1862; son of M. M. and Ellen (Campbell) Gillen; at tended State Normal School, River Falls, Wis., 3 years; graduate Northern Indiana Normal School, Valparaiso, Ind., degree of A.M., 1884. Began practice of law at Stillwater, Minn., March 26, 1889. Served 4 years as city attorney, Stillwater; at present judge of munici pal court. Served full term as member National Guard in two states, Wisconsin and Minnesota. Democrat. Married at Stillwater, Minn., June 14, 1892, to Miss Nellie F. Long. Club: Commercial. Recreation: Driving. Address: Still water, Minn. GILLESPIE, George Iselin, shoe deal er; born at Oak Grove, Anoka Co., Minn., Aug. 2, 1863; son of George C. and Margaret (Henry) Gillespie; edu cated in Anoka High School, and Cur tiss Business College, Minneapolis, graduating, from the latter, June, 1883. Taught school for three years; was in retail cigar trade for several years and entered the retail shoe business, March ' 7, 1898, as member of the firm of Gil lespie & McManus, now owning two shoe stores, in Anoka and Winona. Sec retary and treasurer of the Carnegie Library, Anoka. Republican. Baptist. Married at Hudson, la., Sept. 12, 1887, to Miss Emma Shaffner. Business ad dress: Anoka or Winona. Residence: Anoka, Minn. ' GILLETTE, Ralph Perkins, secretary Minneapolis Steel & Machinery Co.; born at Niles, Mich., June 13, 1880; son of Lewis S. and Louisa (Perkins) Gil lette; educated in East Minneapolis High School and University of Minne sota, A.B., 1902. Has been secretary Minneapolis Steel & Machinery Co., and manager mechanical sales since Au gust, 1902. Clubs: Minneapolis, Com merciaL Minikahda. Recreation: Auto mobiling. Office: 2854 Minnehaha Av. Residence: 2842 Irving Av., S., Minne apolis. GILLIAM, Warren B., general agent American Guaranty Co.; born at Du buque, la., March 27, 1873; son of Thos. F. and Elizabeth (Shields) Gilliam; ed ucated in the common and high schools of Dubuque; married at Des Moines, la., Oct. 17, 1900, to Louise A. Butler. After leaving high school was in em ploy of G. B. Grosvenor & Co., Dubuque, for four years; then for 10 years was Northwestern manager for J. C. Blair Co., paper manufacturers, Huntington, Penn.; has ever since been connected with the American Guaranty Co., of Chicago, 111., and is now a member of the firm of Morgan & Gilliam, general agents for that company in the North west. Former member of "Governor's Greys" of Iowa (Co. A, 1st Regt, I. N. G). Episcopalian. Mason (member Summit Lodge, No. 163, and Summit Chapter, No. 45, St. Paul). Offices: N. Y. Life Bldg., St. Paul; Andrus Bldg., Min neapolis. Residence: Merriam Park, Minn. GILLBUP, Victor, real estate; born in Denmark, May 29, 1840; widower. Came to America, 1862; served in 1st N. Y. Vols., engineer corps, 1862-65; was clerk in store, at Watertown, Wis., until 1868; located in Albert Dea and continued as clerk until he began in general merchandise business for him self at Glenville; was elected county register of deeds, 1884; removed to Albert Lea, served two terms and has since been engaged in real estate and insurance business. Former mayor of Albert Lea; ex-alderman and ex-presi dent of city council. President Albert Lea Building and Loan Association; vice president Albert Lea State Bank. Republican. Episcopalian. Member Ma sonic order, G. A. R. Club: Commer cial. Address: Albert Lea, Minn. GILMAN, Andrew Newton, dealer in bonds; born at Northfield, Washington Co., Vt., May 30, 1824; son of Andrew and Amy (Brown) Gilman; educated in country school; married at Lewiston, N. Y., June 7, 1852, to Agnes E. Boughton. Engaged in farming, 1839-41; taught country school, 3 841-42; clerk in county clerk's office, Niagara Co., N. Y., 1843- 48; manager general store, Lockport, N Y., 1848-52; deputy collector of customs, District of Niagara, N. Y., 1854-61; agent Oil Creek Railway, Corry, Pa., 1860-63; engaged in oil business in Pennsylvania, 1864-74; in oil business at Bothwell, Ont, where was known as "Yankee Speculator," from 1875-80; in commission business, Buffalo, N. Y.. 1883; came to St. Paul, and was in real estate and mortgage loan business, 1884- 87; in 1887 founded business of Gilman & Co. at St. Paul, dealers in bonds. Office: Germania Life Bldg. Residence: 835 Holly Av., St. Paul. GILMAN, J. E., county superintendent of schools; born at Lawrenceville, P. Q., Can., Sept. 14, 1857; son of Dudley and 184 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS R. Rebecca (Davis) Gilman; educated in seminary at Wasioja, Minn., and Univer sity of Minnesota, degree of A.B., 1887. Was principal of schools at Buffalo, Minn., 1887-88; Glenwood, three years, 1888-90; superintendent public schools, Winnebago, Minn., 1891-1900; county su perintendent, Faribault Co., since Jan., 1, 1900. President board of directors Win nebago City B. & L. Association. Repub lican. Presbyterian (ruling elder). Ma son, R. A. M. (high priest for 11 years past) ; member Modern Woodmen of America, I. O. O. F. Married at Con cord, Minn., Nov. 24, 1886,, to Mary L. Woods. Address: Winnebago, Minn. GILMAN, Victor, C, bonds; born at Suspension Bridge (now Niagara Falls), N. Y., March 28, 1857; son of Andrew N. and Agnes Elizabeth (Boughton) Gil man; attended village school one year, but practically self-educated; married at Maysville, Ky., Jan.. 31, 1882, Julia Lee Chenoweth. Began business career at 13 years of age, checking wheat in country elevator, 1870; learned broom making and worked at trade in Lewis- ton, N. Y., 1871-73; entered employ of Sidney Shepard & Co., Buffalo, N. Y., 1874, and became confidential clerk, 1879; moved to St. Paul, 1883, as member of firm of Glenny & Gilman (crockery) ; entered bond business, 1887, and is mem ber firm of Gilman & Co., bond dealers. Democrat. Club: Commercial. Office: Germania Life Bldg. Residence: 835 Holly Av., St. Paul. GILPIN, Simon Ward, educator; born at Newfoundland, Pa., Nov. 20, 1872; son of Simon Allen and Sarah Ann (Croft) Gilpin; graduate Mansfield State Normal School, Mansfield, Pa., 1892, Bucknell University, 1898; married at Minneapolis, Dec. 23, 1901, to Elizabeth M. Crawshaw. Principal schools New foundland, Pa., 1892-94; superintendent schools, Virginia, Minn., 1901-04; county superintendent, St. Louis Co. since 1904. Address: Virginia, Minn. GILBUTH, William O., banking; born in Scotland, 1868; son of James and Helen (Osier) Gilruth; graduated from Webster's Seminary, Kirriemuir, Scot land, at age of 16, and removed with parents to Rockford, 111. Came to Min nesota, 1882; taught school in Yellow Medicine Co. for five years; engaged in mercantile business until 1895. Studied law three years at Lake Benton; en tered banking, 1895, and was cashier First National Bank, Tracy, for three years; now cashier Lincoln County State Bank, established 1901; also treasurer Farmers' Independent Elevator Co. Re publican. Member Masonic order, Knights of Pythias. Married at Tracy, Minn., 1898, to Miss I. Marie Johnson. Recreation: Automobiling. Address: Ivanhoe, Minn. GIMMESTAD, Andrew O., president State Bank of Belview; born in Nord- fjord, Norway, Aug. 5, 1865; son of Ole M. and Eli C. (Mardal) Gimmestad; came to Minnesota, 1876, and was edu cated in common schools of Redwood Co., Minn.; Windom Institute, Monte video, 1889-90; Beeman's Actual Busi ness College, Red Wing, 1890-91. Lived on a farm until 1889; sold farm land, clerked in store, bought wheat, wrote in surance and engaged in sale of farrii machinery at Belview, Minn., until 1893; engaged in real estate, farm loans and insurance until May 26, 1906, when he entered banking business; is now president and cashier State Bank of Bel view; president Belview Creamery Asso ciation; manager Gimmestad Land and Loan Agency; treasurer Farmers' Grain and Fuel Co.; director Redwood County Rural Telephone Co.; member Belview Mercantile Co. Was justice of the peace for town of Kintire, Redwood Co., 1892- 1904; town clerk, 1894-1903; justice of the peace, village of Belview, 1893-99; member village council, 1894-96; presi dent of council, 1896-97 and 1900-01 (4 years) ; treasurer Belview public school since 1895; treasurer village of Belview since 1906. Republican. Lutheran. Mar ried in Redwood Co., 1892, to Miss Annie B. Hegdal. Club: Commercial (treas urer). Address: Belview, Minn. / GJEBSET, Oluf, lawyer; born at _Romsdalen, Norway, 1858; came 'to "America, 1871; educated in public schools in Norway and Swift Co., Minn.; Minnesota State University, graduating from Law Department, 1892. Admitted to the bar at St. Paul and began prac tice of law at Montevideo, Minn., 1892, where he has since resided. Clerk in general merchandise store, 1878-84; as sociated with Strong & Miller, Minne apolis, and became traveling auditor for their, line of grain elevators, 1884-89. Has been three times elected county at torney of Chippewa Co. Republican. Unmarried. Club: Commercial. Address: Montevideo, Minn. GJEBTSEN, Henry J., lawyer; born, Norway, Oct. 8, 1861; son of Herman J. and Albertina B. (Wulf) Gjertsen; educated in Central High School, Minne apolis, Minn., at Hauge's Seminary, Red Wing, Minn., and studied law in office of Lang & Mulleneaux, Minneapolis; married at Red Wing, 1883, to Miss Gretchen Goebel. Practicing attorney at Minneapolis since 1883; member of the law firm of Gjertsen & Lund. President of the Pacific Coast & Norway Packing Co., which is engaged in the canning of salmon, lumbering business and general merchandise at Petersburg, S. E. Alaska. Chief adjutant general on the govern or's staff 4 years; member Minneapolis first charter commission, appointed in 1897. State senator, 1902-1907. Repub lican. Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner. Member B. P. O. E. Clubs: Minneapolis, Odin. Recreations: Books, outings. Office: New York Life Bldg. Residence: 2526 Elliott Av., Minneapolis. THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 185 GLASS, James E., lumber; born at Shelbyville, Ky., Aug., 17, 1847; son of Samuel and Sarah (White) Glass. En tered the lumber business at Shelbyville, 1873; came to the Northwest, 1882, and was located in Duluth, 1882-84; made his headquarters in St. Paul, 1884-89, permanently establishing himself in Minneapolis, in 1889. Has been presi dent of the Park Rapids Lumber Co. since 1900; also treasurer Western Lum ber Co. Republican. Presbyterian. Mar ried in Kentucky, 1869, to Miss Josie Malone. Club: Commercial. Office: Lum ber Exchange Bldg. Residence: 2625 Park Av., Minneapolis. GLEASON, Eugene Watson, farmer; born at Wetherfleld, N. Y., 1845; son of Watson and Louisa (Barber) Gleason; educated in common schools until 15 years of age; graduated from Doolittle Institute at 18; taught school in New York state until 27 years of age; came to Minnesota, 1873, and continued teach ing school for two years. Began farm ing at Shellrock, and made a success of it; rented his farms and retired from active work at 60 years of age. Presi dent of the Glenville Dairy Association; has been chairman of the board of coun ty commissioners of Freeborn Co. for 10 years, and now holds the position; chairman of legislative committee of county commissioners of Minnesota. Re publican. Mason. Married at Oakland, Minn., 1873, to Miss Mary E. Brady. Address: Glenville, Minn. GLEASON, Mathew E., hardware and furniture; born at Ripton, Vt, Nov. 26, 1865; son of Michael and Mary (Wal lace) Gleason; dame to Michigan with parents early in life and was educated in common schools of Michigamme, Mieh. Began active career at 15 as bookkeeper for his father, at Republic, Mich.; was manager general merchan dise store, Gleason & Hickey, at Cham pion, Mich., 1885-87; member firm of M. Gleason & Son, Republic, for 3 years; manager stores at Amasa and Doretto, Mich., for M. Gleason & Son, 1892-97; in hardware and furniture business at Ely, Minn., since Feb. 1, 1897, and in hardware business at Eveleth, since 1903. Mayor City of Ely, 1901-03; treas urer school district, 1905-08; chief fire department, Ely, 1897-1907. Independ ent Republican. Catholic Member B. P. O. E., Modern Woodmen of America, Eagles. Married at Marinette, Wis., Nov. 6, 1895, to Miss Josephine McDer- mott. Club: Ely. Recreation: Baseball. Address: Ely, Minn. GLESSNEB, Frank, furniture and un dertaking; born at Marietta, O.. March 4, 1847; son of William and Abbie Gless- ner; came to Minneapolis, 1854, and was educated in public schools of Minneap olis. Began in furniture and undertak ing business with his father, 1881; has been member firm of Glessner & Wash burn since 3 886. LTniversalist. Mar ried at Minneapolis, March 17, 1,881, to Miss Mary E. Crocker. Office: 313-321 Central Av. Residence: 701 8th St., S. E., Minneapolis. GLOVER, Newton L., lawyer; born at Vernon Prairie, la., June 7, 1867; son of Jonah and Elizabeth (Mack) Glover; educated in public schools at Farming- ton, la.; Keokuk Normal School, grad uating from the latter; Law School. University of Minnesota, degree of LL.B., 1895; taught school in Missouri, 1884-85, and was telegraph operator, claim clerk, at Omaha freight depot, stenographer for Jackson & Lancaster, Minneapolis, Minn., and acted as court reporter. Located at Windom to engage in practice, June, 1895; county attorney Cottonwood Co., 1905-06. Republican. Mason; member I. O. O. F. Married at Minneapolis, Nov. 13, 1899, to Miss Alyda Alden. Address: Windom, Minn. GLUEK, Charles, vice president Gluek Brewing Co.; born at Minneapolis, Minn., June 6, 1860; son of Gottlieb and Caroline (Foell) Gluek; educated in public schools of Minneapolis. Has been engaged ever since leaving school, 1880, in brewing business established by his father, in 1857; vice president of the company, which was incorporated in 1894' as one of the established institu tions of Minneapolis. Also vice presi dent German-American Bank. Demo crat. Member Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce. Member B. P. O. E„ Knights of Pythias, A. O. U. W. Club: Com mercial. Recreations: Hunting, Ashing and automobiling. Office: 20th Av. and Marshall St., N. E. Residence: 1908 Marshall St., Minneapolis. GLUEK, John G., secretary and treas urer Gluek Brewing Co.; born at Minne apolis, Minn., May 11, 1868; son of Gottlieb and Caroline (Foell) Gluek; educated in public schools of Minneap olis. Has been identified with brewing business established by his father, since leaving school, 1887; has been secretary and treasurer of the company since the time of its incorporation, 1894. Inde pendent in politics. Member B P. O. E., Knights of Pythias, A. O. U. W. Mar ried at Minneapolis, April 24, 1896, to Miss Minnie Mueller. Club: Commer cial. Recreations: Fishing and boating. Office: 20th Av. and Marshall St., N. E. Residence: 2447 Bryant Av., S., Minne apolis. GLUEK, Louis, president Gluek Brew ing Co.; born at St. Anthony, Minneap olis, Sept. 21, 1858; son of Gottlieb and Caroline (Foell) Gluek; educated in public schools of Minneapolis. Has been identified with the brewing business from his youth, his father having been his instructor; now president of the Gluek Brewing Co., which was estab lished in 1857. Married at Minneapolis, 3 893, to Miss Laura I. Giesmann. Dem ocrat. Lutheran. Member I. O. O. F„ 186 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS B. P. O. E., Knights of Honor. Club: St. Anthony CommerciaL Recreations: Farming and fishing. Office: 20th Av. & Marshall St. Residence: 2002 Mar shall St., Minneapolis. GMEINEB, John, R. C. clergyman; born near Baernau, Bavaria, Dec. 5, 1847; son of Sebastian and Caroline (Fritsch) Gmeiner; came to Milwaukee, Wis., with his parents, 1849; entered St. Francis Seminary, 1859; ordained priest, 1870. Was editor Columbia, Mil waukee, over 3 years; professor St. Francis Seminary, Milwaukee, and St. Thomas Seminary, St. Paul, 7 years; has been rector St. Raphael Church, Spring field, Minn., since 1902. Delivered ad dress at World's Parliament of Reli gions, 1893, on the Primitive and Pros pective Religious Unity of Mankind. Author: Modern Scientific Views and Christian Doctrine Compared; The Spir its of Darkness and Their Manifesta tions on Earth; Emmanuel: the Savior of the World, Mediaeval and Modern Cosmology. Recreations: Gardening and photographing, especially making and coloring stereopticon slides for lectures. Address: Springfield, Minn. GODFBEY, Percy Downing, lawyer; born at Hampton, N. H., March 12", 1871; son of Jacob T. and Nettie H. (Down ing) Godfrey; educated in public schools, high school and at Hampton Academy, graduating, 1887; came to St. Paul, 1887, entered study of law under Judge A. C. Hickman, later attending College of Law, University of Minnesota, grad uating, degree of LL.B., 1892. Has been actively engaged in practice of law since March 12, 1892, first as junior member of the firm of Otis & Godfrey, but more recently as a member of the firm of Godfrey & Molander. Commis sioner U. S. Court of Claims, St. Paul. Member St. Paul and the Minnesota State Bar associations. Park commis sioner of city of St. Paul two years. Congregationalist. Member Masonic or der, I. O. O. F., Knights of Pythias, B. P. O. E. Married at St. Paul, June 30, 1892, to Miss Minnie R. Lawton; two sons. Recreations: Yachting, bil- ilarrls and baseball. Office: N. Y. Life Bldg. Residence: 133 E. Congress St., St. Paul. GOEMANFOTT, K., real estate; born in The Netherlands, July 24, I860; son of R. A. Pott and Etta Goeman; edu cated in public schools; came to Amer ica, April 24, 18S4, and to Minnesota, Nov. 2, 1885; married at Renville, Minn., April 2, 1887, to Miss H. C. Haan. Has been engaged in real estate business since June 1, 1887; also engaged in hardware business at Renville, 1893-96, and in general merchandise business at Raymond, 1904-06 (store and contents destroyed by fire Sept. 15, 1906). Mem ber I. O. O. F., K. O. T. M., M. W. A. Address: Raymond, Minn. GOEBTZ, Henry P., lumber; born at Gnadenfeld, South Russia, Feb. 29, 1860; son of Peter and Petronella (Franz) Goertz; attended rural schools in Rus sia; came to America at 15 and at tended public schools of Mt. Lake, Minn., until 18 years of age. Began active ca reer in general mercantile business, 1881, adding lumber yard and grain ele vator; organized Bank of Mt. Lake, 1889, now First National Bank, of which he was cashier for a number of years; retired from elevator business and en tered into partnership in retail lumber and building materials, 1891, which still continues. Vice president First State Bank of Mt. Lake. President Board of Education, Mt. Lake, for past 18 years, formerly treasurer. President board of trustees Mennonite Church, Sunday School superintendent, secretary and treasurer Mennonite Aid Society, secre tary County Sunday School Association, chairman S. S. organization for Minn., Neb. and S. D. ; secretary church con ference states named and N. D. ; mem ber board of trustees Mennonite Book Concern, Berne, Ind.; vice president Mennonite Hospital, Mt. Lake, Minn. Republican. Married at Mt. Lake, June 20, 3 876, to Miss Elisabeth Hiebert. Ad dress: Mt. Lake, Minn. GOETZ, J. Julius, judge of probate; born in Zachasberg, province of Posen, Germany, June 3, 1844; son of M. John and Minnie (Borsack) Goetz; educated in public schools and by home study. Learned trade of making stone china at Kolman, Germany; came to America, June 20, 1868; clerked in general store in Wisconsin; came to Minnesota, Dec. 1879, and continued as clerk in general store; entered dry goods business at Fairmont, in partnership with R. Cun ningham, 1889, title being changed to Goetz & Co., 1892, and to Goetz & True, 1894; elected to office of judge of pro bate, Martin Co., 1898. Republican. Congregationalist. Member I. O. O. F., A. O. U. W., D. of H. Married at Man chester, Wis., Jan. 1, 1874, to Miss Min nie W. Heidel. Address: Fairmont, Minn. GOETZE, Otto C. J., register of deeds; born at Carver, Minn., Jan. 29, 1874; son of Christopher A. and Christiana Goetze; educated in graded and high schools, Carver, 1881-93. Clerked in his father's general store at Carver until 1895; entered general merchandise busi ness with brother at Belview, Minn.; sold out in 1900 and was made assistant cashier State Bank of Belview; register of deeds of Redwood Co., since Jan. 1, 1903. Republican. Presbyterian. Mason, chapter, Knight Templar; mem ber Knights of Pythias. Modern Wood men of America, A. O. LT. W. Married at Belview, Minn., Oct. 9, 189S, to Miss Nellie Thompson. Clubs: Commercial. Baraca Bible Class. Recreations: Boat ing, hunting, riding and driving. Ad dress: Redwood Falls, Minn. THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 187 GOLD, Charles S., manufacturer; born at Northfield, Vt., Feb. 26, 1844; son of Sherman and Eunice (Adams) Gold. Began business career at the age of 17 in general store at Northfield, Vt., con tinuing until he came to Minneapolis, Minn., 1867; was with George W. Hale & Co., dry goods, 1867-90 (now J. W. Thomas & Co.), and was general manager, 1880-90; has been identified with knitting business since 1890; treasurer of the Northwestern Knitting Co. Married at Minneapolis, Sept. 1, 1870, to Miss Libbie I. Brackett. Club: Commercial. Recreations: Horse back riding and driving. Office: 718 Western Av. Residence: 1920 Hennepin Av., Minneapolis. GOLD, Prank S., wholesale notions; born at Minneapolis, Minn., July 23, 1873; son of Charles S. and Elizabeth (Brackett) Gold; educated in public schools of Minneapolis. Has been in mercantile business since beginning of his active career, 1891; was with Wil son Brothers, furnishing goods, Wyman, Partridge & Co., and Harrison Hapwood & Cross, previous to entering wholesale notion business, 1901, as Frank S Gold Co., of which he is treasurer. Repub lican. Universalist. Married at Min neapolis, 1900, to Miss Nellie E. Atwood. Club: Automobile. Office: 312-314 1st Av., N. Residence: 2202 Pleasant Av., Minneapolis. GOLD, William Henry, banker; born at Davis, 111., March 20, '1865; son of Aaron and Ellen (Cahoon) Gold; edu cated in common schools at Davis; began active career as telegraph operator, 1883; became owner of retail lumber yard, 1887; owner of Ave lumber yards, 3893; engaged in banking (one bank) 1895; at the present time interested in twelve banks, the Gold-Stabeck Land and Credit Co., of which he is treasurer, being the parent institution. President Gold-Stabeck State Bank, Redwood Falls, Citizens State Bank, Wabasso, Minn., State Bank of Vesta, Vesta, Minn.; director First National Bank, Ren ville, Minn., First National Bank, Ray mond, Minn., First National Bank, Antler, N. D., First National Bank, Kramer, N. D , Bottineau County Bank, Bottineau, N. D., Maxbass Security Bank, Maxbass, N. D., Nekoma State Bank, Nekoma, N. D., Devil's Lake State Bank, Devil's Dake, N. D., Marietta State Bank, Marietta, Minn. Republican. Methodist (treasurer Minnesota Confpr- ence Claimants Fund Association of the Methodist Church). President Minne sota State Sunday School Union. Mason. Married at Granite Falls. M-inn., May 15, ¦1889, to Miss J. Winifred Bennett. Club: Commercial. Address: Redwood Falls, Minn. GOOD, Simon Lehman, manager Grib- ben Lumber Co.; born, Highspire. Pa., Feb. 1, 1849; son of Christian and Cath arine (Noll) Good; educated in public schools of Lebanon, Lebanon County, Pa., 1861-67, Lebanon Valley College, 1868; married, St. Paul, May 24, 1876, Lizzie Gunther. Worked during vaca tions from school, 1863-69, in woolen mill for brother, Martin Good, at High- spire, Pa.; in retail grocery, 1870, for S. F. Breneman. St. Paul, Minn.; clerk in lumber office of John S. Prince, St. Paul, 1871-82; since 1882, manager and director Gribben Lumber Co. Made trip to Centennial Exposition and eastern cities, 1876 and 1906; was in Javers Lake Cyclone, 1890; went to Europe, 1895, as delegate of Independent Order of Foresters. Member Court Ramsey, No. 1154, St. Paul, I. O. F. Republican. Methodist. Clubs: Dayton's Bluff (treas urer), Commercial. Office: 194 East 7th St. Residence: 753 Cypress St., St. Paul. GOODELL, George Arthur, general superintendent Chicago Great Western Railway; born at Knoxville, 111., Aug. 13, 1855; son of Nathan and Mary (Stevens) Goodell; public school edu cation; married, 1st, at Waterloo, la., Oct. 12, 1881, to Miss Ardelle G. Whit- aker; 2nd, at Cedar Rapids, la., Jan. 26, 1899, to Miss Anne S. Dutton. Entered railway service, June, 1869, as messen ger boy for the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy R. R., advancing to positions of telegraph operator, station agent and train dispatcher; ticket agent of the Toledo, Peoria and Warsaw Ry., Bur lington, la., 1876-1877; in service of Burlington, Cedar Rapids and Northern Railway, 1877-1902, and became super intendent of the road. Since March 1, 1902, general superintendent Chicago Great Western Ry. Mason. Clubs: Minnesota, Commercial, Town and Coun try, White Bear Yacht. Office: Great Western Bldg. Residence: 442 Summit Av., St. Paul. GOODING, Arthur Clair, banking; born at Rochester, Minn., June 20, 1871; son of Alphonso and Harriet (Lacey) Gooding; graduated from Rochester high school, 1888, and also attended Oberlin and Carleton colleges. Entered Union National Bank, Rochester, as messenger, Nov. 2, 1888, serving as bookkeeper and assistant cashier; casli- ier since Feb. 22, 1899; also director and treasurer Rochester Building & Loan Association; director and secre tary John A. Cole Milling Co., and Ma sonic Temple Association. School com- missioner-at-large since 1904 and clerk of board of education; member of the public library board since 1903. Repub lican. Mason, Knight Templar. " Mar ried at Rochester, Minn., Oct. 9, 1895, to Miss Frances Day Faitoute. Ad dress: Rochester, Minn. GOODKIND, Benjamin L., president Mannheimer Bros.; born at Adrian, Mich., July 19, 1855; son of Louis and Mina (Mannheimer) Goodkind; educated in public and private schools; in the Haven School, Chicago; Dyrenfurth's Business College. Married in New York 188 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS City, Feb. 26, 1888, to Miss Addie Rau. Came to St. Paul, April 18, 1871, and on May 2, 1871, entered as clerk in the retail dry goods store of Goodkind & Mannheimer; in 1873 the firm changed to Mannheimer Bros., of which he be came a partner in 1882; when, in 1903, the firm was incorporated, he was elected vice president, and on death of Robert Mannheimer, in 1903, became president. Director American National Bank. Mason (Royal Arch) ; member B.- P. O. E. Clubs: Minnesota, Town and Country, Commercial (St. Paul); Chicago Fishing and Hunting (Chicago, 111.). Recreations: Fishing and hunt ing. Office: N. W. Cor. 6th and Robert Sts. Residence: 45 St Albans St., St. Paul. GOODKIND, Leo, vice president Mannheimer Bros., St. Paul; born at Chicago. 111., Dec. 29, 1868; son of Louis and Mina (Mannheimer) Goodkind; came to Minnesota with parents, 1871; edu cated in public schools of St. Paul; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston; University of Minnesota, grad uating, degree of A.B., 1892. Has been engaged in dry goods business since 1895; vice president Mannheimer Broth ers, dealers in dry goods, etc., since the incorporation of the company. Member Delta Upsilon fraternity. Unmarried. Office: 6th and Robert Sts. Residence: 215 Nelson Av., St. Paul. GOODKIND, William L., secretary and treasurer Mannheimer Bros., St. Paul; born in Chicago, III., June 13, 1859; son of Louis and Mina (Mann heimer) Goodkind; came to Minnesota with parents, 1871; educated in public and high schools of St. Paul. Has been engaged in mercantile business since beginning of his active career, and has been secretary and treasurer Mannhei mer Bros, since incorporation of the company. Member I. O" B. B. Married at Rock Island, 111., Jan. 7, 1900, to Mrs. Tillie Sternberg (nee RosenAeld). Office: 6th and Robert Sts. Residence: 43 S. St. Albans St., St. Paul. GOODMAN, Allen Daniel., flour mill ing; born at Milmore, O., Jan. 1, 1861; son of Daniel and Minerva (Mills) Good man; educated at High School, Waseca, Minn., and University of Minnesota. Be gan active career in lumber business, at Waseca, continuing for IS years, also came to Duluth in 3900 and built flour mill, whieh has 700 barrels daily ca pacity (the only flour mill in Duluth); secretary and treasurer Duluth Univer sal Mill Co., established, 1900; also vice president Dumas-Backus Lumber Co. Member Duluth Board of Trade Re publican. Congregationalist. Mason, Knight Templar. Married at Madison, Wis., 1S86, to Miss Blanche Swain. Clubs: Commercial, Duluth Boat. Office: Board of ' Trade Bldg. Residence: 1118 E. 1st St.. Duluth. GOODBICH, C. G., vice president Twin City Rapid Transit Co.; born at Ox ford, O.. March 12, 1856; son of Dr. Calvin G. Goodrich. Came to Minneap olis, 1868; began active career in wheat commission business; has been identi fied with rapid transit system since 1877. Clubs: Minneapolis, Minikahda, Elks. Office: Hennepin Av., S. E., Cor. 14th St. Residence: 1815 Vine PL, Min neapolis. GOODBICH, George Danforth, county superintendent of schools; born at Ed- dington, Me.. Nov. 4, 1852; son of Moses and Nancy (Downs) Goodrich; educated in common schools; Anoka (Minn.) High School; special courses at sum mer schools; graduate American Insti tute of Phrenology, New York City. Reared on farm; began teaching school at 23; county superintendent 'of schools, Anoka Co., Minn., for 18 years. Repub lican. Universalist Married at Anoka May 1, 1879, to Miss Mary E. Molloy. A.ddress: Anoka, Minn. GOODBICH, James A., lawyer; born • at Pittsfield, Mass., May 25,, 1825; son of Daniel H. and Mahala (Newton) Goodrich. Studied law and was ad mitted to the bar, 1878; court commis sioner, 1890-06. Methodist. Married. Address: Jackson, Minn. GOODRIDGE, Irving R., lumber; born at Eden, Me., May 19, 1862; son of Uriah and Hannah (Emery) Goodridge; educated in public schools. Came to Minneapolis, 1882, and has since been engaged in the lumber business; secre tary Carpenter Lamb Co., lumber man ufacturers; treasurer Goodridge-Call Lumber Co.; secretary and treasurer Central Lumber Co. Republican. Mar ried at Lockport, N. Y., 1894, to Miss Gertrude Hilger. Office: Security Bank Bldg. Residence: 1517 Stevens Av., Minneapolis. GORDON, Charles P., dry goods; born at Sudbury, Mass., 1847; educated at Genesee Seminary, Lima, N. Y. Began active career as clerk in dry goods store, Albion, N. Y., where he remained 7 years; was traveling salesman for Sibley, Lindsay & Curr, for 5 years, and floor manager, same firm, for sev eral years; started in dry goods busi ness for himself at Williamsport, Pa., 1878; sold out and came to Minneapolis, 1886, and organized the Minneapolis Dry Goods Co., with Eastern stockhold ers, to carry on a department store business, which was incorporated under the laws of New Jersey, and of which he is president. Republican. Metho dist. Club: Commercial. Office: 501-11 Nicollet Av. Residence: 1801 Fremont Av., S., Minneapolis. GORDON, Charles W., vice president Gordon & Ferguson, manufacturers of hats, caps, gloves and furs; director First National Bank; Northwestern Trust Co. Office: 4th and Broadway. Residence: 378 Summit Av., St. Paul. GORDON, George Jacob, physician; born at Neustadt, Kowno, Russia, April THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 189 15, 1874; as a youth attended public school in Russia, later as a student in the North Side High School, Minneap olis, Minn., and graduated from Jeffer son Medical College, Philadelphia, Pa., April, 1900. Commenced the prac tice of medicine at Minneapolis and is now instructor in therapeutics and ob stetrics in the Medical Department of Hamline University. Member Henne pin County Medical Society, Minnesota State and American Medical associa tions. Jewish religion. Married, Minne apolis, Feb. 16, 1902, Sophie Weinberg. Member A. O. LT. W., Modern Wood men and Woodmen of the World. Office: Masonic Temple. Residence: 815 E. 18th St., Minneapolis. GORDON, Richards, wholesale hats; born in Ireland, Nov. 27, 1829; came to America in infancy with parents. Reared and educated in New York City; located in St. Paul, 1854; engaged in banking and wholesale grocery business until 1866, and in wholesale and retail drug business until 1870; began in wholesale hat business as Richards Gor don, 1871; has been member of Gordon & Ferguson since 1873. Formerly presi dent St. Paul Musical Society and for 25 years leader choir of St. Paul's Epis copal Church. Office: Lower 4th St., S. W. Cor. Broadway. Residence: 378 Summit Av., St. Paul. GORES, Frank E., investments; born at New Trier, Minn., Dee. 15, 1866; son of Francis and Margaretha (Wolf) Gores; attended St. Mary Sisters School, public school and St. John's University, Collegeville, Minn. Began active ca reer in general merchandise store con ducted by his father, remaining in this position, 1891-97; engaged in grocery business on his own account, later de voting attention to investments of cap ital. Chairman of the board of county commissioners of Wadena Co. Demo crat (chairman of the Democratic coun ty committee of Wadena Co., and mem ber of State Democratic Central Com- ' mittee). Catholic. Member C. O. of F. Married at New Trier, 1887, to Miss Veronika Ewertz. Club: Commercial. Address: Wadena, Minn. GORHAM, George I., general agent Are insurance; born at Pittsford, Vt, Oct. 4, 1860; son of James T. and Ade laide N. (Ives) Gorham ; educated at Black River Academy, Ludlow, Vt. Be gan active career in marble quarries of Senator Proctor, Rutland, Vt, continu ing, 1878-80; came to Stillwater, Minn., and filled position' of clerk in flour milling co., 1880-82; was in wood and coal .business, 1882-89, and began in in surance, 1886; has been connected with Northwestern Department of the Cam den (N. J.) Fire Insurance Association, since Feb. 1, 1904; now general agent of the association for Minnesota, Wis consin and Northern peninsula of Michi gan, also holding similar position with County Fire Ins. Co., of Philadelphia and Capital Fire Ins. Co., of N. H., and traveling insurance adjuster for com panies named; also assistant secretary North Western Fire & Marine Insur ance Co., of Minneapolis. Republican. Methodist. Member Minneapolis Fire ¦Underwriters' Association, Minnesota Association of Fire Insurance Agents. Married at Hudson, Wis., June, 1886, to Miss Clara A. Boyden. Recreation: Literature. Office: 13-15 North 4th St. Residence: 1779 Knox Av., S., Minne apolis. GOSS, John, lumberman; born at St. George, N. B., Can., April 8, 1834; son of Peter and Mary (Oliver) Goss. Came to Minnesota, 1855, first to Stillwater, and later to St. Anthony, where he worked in a saw mill; in 1857 entered the lumbering business for himself; member of firm of John Goss & Son. President Anoka State Bank since 1899. Republican. Baptist. Trustee of the Anoka Baptist Church. Member Mason ic order. Married at St. George, N. B., 1855, to Miss Irene Davis. Address: Anoka, Minn. GOSS, Michael Nathaniel, invest ments; born at Lancaster, Pa., Jan. 9, 1859; educated in common schools, with two years in graded school at Sterling, 111., and private lessons; married at St Paul, 1882, to Jessie L. Snow. Em ployed as railway conductor from 19 to 30 years of age; in manufacturing busi ness, 1889-93; deputy sheriff of Ram sey County, 1893-96; chief of police of St. Paul, 1896-1900; since 1900 engaged in investment business. Republican. Protestant. Mason (32°), Shriner; member Knights of Pythias, B. P. O. E., O. R. C. Clubs: Commercial, West Side (president). Office: Globe Bldg. Residence: 100 W. Winifred St., St. Paul. GOSSLEE, Gilbert Leslie, physician; born at Hazelton, Mich., Feb. 16, 1877; son of A. F. and Mary (Mason) Gosslee. Came to Minnesota, 1891, studied medi cine and was graduated from College of Physicians and Surgeons, Hamline Uni versity, degrees of M.D., CM., 1903. Served one year in the City and County Hospital of St. Paul, 1903-04; has been engaged in practice of medicine at Wa- basso since 3 904. Member Masonic or der, I. O. O. F., M. W. A., Phi Rho Sig ma fraternity. Address: Wabasso, Minn. GOTTSCHALL, Louis A., merchant; born at Syracuse, N. Y., Dec. 12, 1857; son of I. and C. Gottschall; removed to Milwaukee, Wis., with parents and was educated in public schools of Mil waukee. Began in dry goods business at Milwaukee; was engaged in same line of business at Stillwater, Minn., 1880-1905; junior member Sternberg & Gottschall Co. (The White House) since July 5, 1906, wholesale men's furnish ings, etc. Republican. Jewish religion. Member Masonic order, B. P. O. E. Mar ried at St. Paul, 1884, Miss Josephine 190 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS Albenberg. Office: 7th & Cedar Sts. Residence: 535 Selby Av., St. Paul. GOTZIAN, Paul Harris, business man; born, St. Paul, Minn., June 19, 1866; son of Conrad and Caroline (Busse) Got zian; educated in public schools of St. Paul, Shattuck Military Academy, Fari bault, Minn., and Phillips Exeter Acad emy, Exeter, N. H.; married, St. Paul, Minn., Jan. 2, 1890, Emmaline Nelson Beebee. In 1886 entered the office of C. Gotzian & Co., manufacturers and wholesale dealers in boots and shoes, and afterward was employed in the stock, later becoming secretary, treas urer and credit man of the house until resignation in July, 1905; for a time attended to personal affairs, but at present secretary and treasurer of the Western Debenture & Realty Company, 509-510 and 511 Andrus Building, Min neapolis, State Savings Bank Building, St. Paul, Manhattan Building, Duluth. Entered service of the U. S. during the Spanish-American War, in July, 1898, as major of the 15th Minn. Vol. Inf.; later promoted to lieut. col., and mus tered out with the regiment, March 27, 1899; served four years on the staff of Gov. S. R. Van Sant, as aide-de-camp, with rank of colonel. Mason (32°) ; member B. P. O. E., No. 59, and Junior Pioneers of St. Paul. Clubs: Town and Country, Commercial, White Bear Yacht. Recreations: Yachting, hunting, (ishing, etc. Residence: 11 Summit Court, St. Paul. GOULD, Charles D., attorney at law; born at Garland, Warren Co., Pa., June 4, 1867; son of Theodore L. and Louise D. Gould; graduated from high school. Spring Valley, Minn., 1886; entered Academic Department University of Minnesota, and graduated from the Law Department of the University, 1891. Married at Minneapolis, Minn., 1897, to Viola L. Cauvet. Republican. Congre gationalist. Member Masonic order, Psi Upsilon. Office: Security Bank Bldg. Residence: 1601 Hawthorne Av., Minne apolis. GOULD, Martin, general agent Acme Harvesting Machine, Co. ; born at Michi gan City, Ind., Sept. 10, 1855; son of Zebina and Mary (Rees) Gould; edu cated in public schools of Michigan City. Began active career as messenger for the First National Bank, Michigan City, 1876; entered service of McCormick Harvesting Machine Co., as bookkeeper, etc.. at Omaha, Neb., 1878; was book keeper Lumberman's Bank, Michigan City, Ind., 1882; became traveling man for J. J. Case Threshing Machine Co., 1884; was paying teller United States National Bank, Omaha, 1886; cashier bank, David City, Neb., 1888-90; en gaged in insurance business, 1890-98; was on the road for the McCormick Harvesting Machine Co., 1898-1903; has been connected with the Acme Harvest ing Machine Co., at Peoria, 111., and Minneapolis since 1903, holding position of general agent since Jan. 1, 1905. Re publican. Episcopalian. Married at Michigan City, Ind., July, 1882, to Miss Julia Hall. Recreation: Books. Office: 240 7th Av. Residence: 208 5th Av., S. E.. Minneapolis. GO WAN, Andrew, wholesale grocer; born in New Brunswick, Canada, April 15, 1849; son of George and Mary A. (McGrath) Gowan; came to Minnesota early in life and attended district school, Washington Co., about four win ters. Was employed as woodsman at common work for 14 years, up to 1880; filled position of superintendent of log ging for Nelson Lumber Co., at Coquet, Minn., 1880-96; occupied similar posi tion with the Northern Lumber Co., 1896-98; was engaged in timber and lumber business and railroad contract ing, at Duluth, in connection with the Duluth Dogging" & Contracting Co., and the Twohy-Killeen Co., 1898 to Feb., 1906. President Gowan-Payton-Twohy Co., wholesale grocers, organized Sept. 1, 1901; treasurer and director Roy Iron Co.; director American Exchange Bank. Member A. Gowan & Co., lumber. Presi dent of village council and chairman of county commissioners in Carlton Co., Minn. Democrat Roman Catholic. Member Knights of Columbus. Married at Stillwater, Minn., Oct 30, 1878, to Miss Mary Bergin. Clubs: Commer cial, Duluth Boat, Duluth Yacht. Office: Foot of 5th Av., W. Residence: 1010 2nd St., E„ Duluth. GRACE, Edward, general secretary Y. M. C. A.; born at St. Clair, Mich., Feb. 21, 1861; son of William and Catherine (Van Wriper) Grace; graduate of St. Clair High School; studied law, 1879- 81, admitted to the bar, 1882. Secre tary United States Electric Co., Denver, Colo., 1884-86;' manager St. James Hotel Co., Denver, 1887-88; manager Hotel Broadway, Denver, 1889-92; general sec retary Y. M. C. A., St. Paul, Minn., since July 1, 1893. Club: Commercial. Mar ried at Denver, Colo., March 8, 1887, to Miss Minnie V. Arnett. Recreation: Gardening. Office: Y. M. C. A. Resi dence: 897 Fairmount Av., St. Paul. GBAF, Emil, banker; born in Switzer land, March 22, 1839; son of John J. and Margaretha Graf; education limited to three years in public schools of Swit zerland when 6 to 9 years of age; came to America, 1849; was self-taught in English. Reached St. Douis, Mo., April, 1849, at 10 years of age; came to Still water, Minn., June, 1850, arid is one of the oldest living pioneers of Minnesota. Located on U. S. land 4 miles north of Stillwater, Minn.; engaged in garden ing and dairying until 1859; removed to Marine Mills, Minn., and entered brew ing business; enlisted as private in Co. B. 1st Minn. Vol. Inf., and was in serv ice three years, from April 29, 1861, to 1864; returned from war and reentered brewing business, continuing until 1869; engaged in general merchandise busi- THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 191 ness, 1869-79; farmed on homestead in Nobles Co., 1879-1900;, has resided in Linsmore since 1900. President State Bank of Linsmore; was director Ex change Bank of Adrian; originator and secretary of Wilmont Mutual Fire In surance Co., founded 1895, as a farm ers' mutual insurance company. Re publican. Member I. O. O. F., G. A. R. Married at Philadelphia, Pa, May 6, 3S64, to Miss B'redericka Zeh. Address: Lismore, Minn. GBAHAM, Christopher, physician ; born in Cortland County, N. Y., April, 1856; graduate University of Minne sota, B.S., 1887; University of Pennsyl vania, Veterinary Department, 1892, Med ical Department, 1894. Member of firm of Mayo, Graham & Co. Married at Rochester, Minn., 1899, to Miss Elizabeth Blanche Brackenridge. Address: Roch ester, Minn. GBAHAM, David, physician; born in Lambton Co., Ont., Can., Feb. 20, 1859; son of Joseph and Fannie (Armstrong) Graham; educated in public schools of Ontario, and Detroit College of Medi cine, Detroit Mich., graduating, degree of M.D., 1893. Has been actively en gaged in practice of medicine in Duluth since 1893. Member Minnesota Legisla ture, 1903-4. Member St. Louis County Medical Society, Minnesota State and American Medical associations. Republi can. York and Scottish Rite Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner. Married at Detroit, Mich., 1883, to Miss Fannie Mc- Calpine. Club: Commercial. Recrea tion: Hunting. Office: 301-303 Central Av. Residence: 3 24 56th Av., W., W. Duluth. GRAHAM, John G., merchant, retired; born at Claremont, N. H., March 23, 1841; son of Alexander and Betsy (Gil- more) Graham; educated in common schools and two terms in high school. Engaged in general merchandise busi ness at Garden City, 1867-70; removed to Good Thunder and opened a general merchandise store and hotel, 1870, which he conducted until Oct. 23, 1904, when he sold out and retired from active business, retaining the postoffice. Presi dent State Bank of Good Thunder since 1892: owner stock farm, Blue Earth Co. Served three years in 3rd Regt., N. H. Vol. Inf., during Civil War. Republican. Episcopalian. Member Masonic order, G. A. R. Married at Acworth, N. H., Feb. 10, 1868, to Miss Loretta C. Bar nard. Address: Good Thunder, Minn. GBAHAM, John McMillan, merchant and manufacturer; born at Braddock, Pa., Nov. 8, 1872; son of Dr. David M. and Alice J. (Fortney) Graham; edu cated in Minneapolis High School; un married. Began active career in news paper and job printing business; en tered firm of Christensen, Mendenhall & Graham, manufacturers and jobbers of men's furnishing goods, May 1, 1896, the firm incorporating as the Christen- sen-Mendenhall-Graham Co., July 1, 1905, of which he is vice president. Ma son; member B. P. O. E. Club: Com mercial. Office: 514-516 W. 1st St. Residence: 217 2nd Av., W., Duluth. GBAHAM, Levin Collier, gas engi neer; born at Salisbury, Md., June 8. 1862; son of Samuel A. and Louisa (Collier) Graham; educated at public schools at Salisbury, and at Drexel In stitute, Philadelphia. Was manager Merchantville (N. J.) Gas & Electric Light Co., 1894-97; connected with the Philadelphia Gas Works, 1898-1905; came to Winona, 1905, as general man ager Winona Gas, Light and Coke Co. Married in Philadelphia, 1890, to Miss Mary Young. Member Franklin Insti tute, Philadelphia, Royal Arcanum. Club : Arlington. Address: Winona, Minn. GRAHAM, Robert, physician; born at Shetland, Ont, Can., Feb. 22, 1865; son of Joseph and Fannie (Armstrong) Gra ham; educated at Wards ville High School; Strathroy College Institute; De troit College of Medicine, degree of M.D., May 4, 1893; post graduate course at Chicago Post Graduate Medical School. Has been actively engaged in practice of medicine at Duluth since 1893. Member Minnesota State Medical Association, St. Dquis County Medical Society, Inter-Urban Academy of Medi cine. Republican. Mason. Member B. P. O. E. Married at Duluth, Minn., June 28, 1899, to Miss Augusta Oppel. Club: Commercial. Office: New Jersey Bldg. Residence: 220 3rd Av., East, Duluth. GRAHAM, William Joseph, vice presi dent and actuary Northwestern National Life Insurance Co.; born in Jefferson Co.. Ky., 1876; son of Capt. William Thompson and Anna (MacDonald) Gra ham; under graduate St. Xavier College, Louisville, Ky., and post graduate St. Francis Xavier College, New York City, degree of M.A. Began active career as actuary Sun Life Insurance Co. o-f America, 1895, continuing until 1902; was actuary on staff of Metropolitan Life Insurance Co., 1902-1905; actuary in charge examination, New York Life Insurance Co. (commissioned by West ern states), 1905-06; vice president ac tuary and director Northwestern Na tional Life Insurance Co., 1906 to pres ent time; consulting actuary American School of Insurance. Member Interna tional Congress Arts and Sciences, St. Louis, Mo., 1904; member International Congress Mathematicians, Heidelberg, Germany, 1904; member International Congress of Actuaries, Berlin, Germany, 1906; member International Congress Medical Directors, Berlin, 1906. Fellow Actuarial Society of America; member American Mathematical Society, Ameri can Statistical Association, American Society for Advancement of Science, National Geographical Society, etc. Un married. Office: Nicollet Av. and 11th St. Residence: West Hotel, Minneap olis. 192 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS GRANGES, Charles T., physician; born in Rochester, Minn., July 30, 1870; son of Abner and Douise (Topliff) Granger; educated at Hahnemann Med ical College, Chicago, 111., and Univer sity of Iowa, graduating, degree of M.D., 1892; married at Minneapolis, Minn., 1898, to Miss Catherine Cornelie. In practice at Rochester since 1892; member firm of Drs. Granger & Joyce. President Olmsted County Medical So ciety, Southern Minnesota Medical So ciety, Minnesota State and American Medical associations. Republican. May or of Rochester, 1903; president of city council two terms; member city library board. Methodist. Address: Rochester, Minn. GRANGES, George W., lawyer; born in Olmsted Co., Minn., April 5, 1869; son of Abner and S. Louisa (Topliff) Granger; educated in country schools and Rochester (Minn.) High School, graduating, June 3, 1886. Studied law in office of Burt W. Eaton, Rochester, and has engaged in practice at Roches ter since June 6, 1890; member law firm of Callaghan & Granger. Was county ' attorney Olmsted Co., 1893-99. Republican. Universalist. Member Min nesota State Bar Association. Member Masonic order, Knights of Pythias, A. O. U. W. Married, 1st, at Rochester, Minn., 1896, to Miss Ophelia Cook; 2nd, at Quincy, Minn., 1900, to Dr. Gertrude Booker. Recreation: Automobiling. Ad dress: Rochester, Minn. GBANNIS, Henry James, lawyer; born at High Forest, Minn., June 18, 1865; son of Charles L. and Rose A. (Rogers) Grannis; graduate of University of Minnesota, degree of A.B., 1886; grad uate of Department of Law, University of Michigan, degree of LL.B., 1888. Ad mitted to practice in State of Minne sota, in fall of 1888; was located at Faribault, 1888-90; removed to Duluth, fall of 1890; has a general real estate, mining and corporation practice and has given special attention during recent years to water right litigation. Ad mitted to practice in U. S. Supreme Court, 1896. Member Minnesota State Bar Association. Mason (32°). Married at Faribault, Minn., 1890, to Miss Laura Hingson. Club: Commercial. Office: 1st National Bank Bldg. Residence: 4729 McCullough St., Duluth. GBANT, George Johnstone, building contractor; born, Pictou, Nova Scotia, Jan. 10, 1841; son of George and Katie (Matheson) Grant; common school edu cation. Became a carpenter's apprentice at 18 years of age and after a few years attained position of master builder; erected an extensive iron and steel man ufacturing plant at Londonderry, Nova Scotia; engaged as contractor on Cana dian Pacific Ry., 1878-80; came to St. Paul, 1880, and is one of the most wide ly known building contractors of the Northwest. Among the notable St. Paul buildings erected by him are the Pio neer Press Bldg., the Farwell, Ozmun & Kirk structure and some of the most beautiful private residences of the city. Presbyterian. Married at New Bruns wick, Canada, 1868, Teresa Thompson. Club: Commercial. Office: 709 New York Life Bldg. Residence: 462 Holly Av., St. Paul. GBANT, Lewis , Addison, lawyer, sol dier; born in Bennington Co., Vt., Jan. 17, 1829; son of James and Elizabeth (Wyman) Grant; educated at Townsend and Chester, Vt. Was admitted to the bar at Woodstock, Vt., 1855, and at Boston, July, same year. Taught school in Vermont, New Jersey and Massachu setts, 1848-53. Began practice of law at Bellows Falls, Vt, 1855; enlisted in U. S. Vol. Army, Aug. 15, 1861, and was appointed major 5th Vt. Inf.; promoted to lieut. col., Sept. 25, 1861; brig, gen eral, April 27, 1864; major general by brevet, to date from Oct. 19, 1864 (bat tle of Cedar Creek) ; honorably dis charged Aug. 24, 1865. Appointed lieut. col. 36th Inf., U. S. A„ July, 1866, but declined; was assistant secretary of war, 1890-93. Republican. Married, 1st, at Harvard, Mass., S. Augusta Hart- well (died Jan. 27, 1859); 2nd, at Hart- land, Vt, Sept. 9, 1863, Mary Helen Pierce. Office: Bank of Commerce Bldg, Residence: 209 Groveland Av., Minneap olis. GBAU, John, furniture; born at Bal timore, Md., Sept. 1, 1857; son of George and Elizabeth (Roth) Grau. Came to Minnesota, 1883; secretary and treas urer of the Grau-Curtis Company, mak ers of upholstered furniture. Married at Baltimore, Md., Sept. 29, 1878. Office: 613-615 1st Av., N. E. Residence: 517 8th Av., S. E., Minneapolis. GBAUFMAN, Fred L., wholesale fruits; born in Germany, Oct. 31, 1863; son of John and Mary (Rambat) Graup- man; came to America with parents, 1874; educated in district schools of McLeod Co., Minn., and in public schools of St. Paul. Entered commission busi ness at St. Paul with the B. • Presley Co., 1881, and has continued with same company. Member Board of Trade, Job bers* LTnion, Credit Men's Association. Twin City Jobbers' Union. Member I. O. O. F., Rebekah degree, Sons of Her mann. Married at St. Paul, 1890, to Miss Eliza Droese. Club: Commercial Office: 102 E. 3rd St. Residence: 52.T Carroll St., St. Paul. GBAVELLE, Joseph Maria Arthur, physician; born in Maskinouge, Quebec, Can., May 20, 1869; son of J. Alexander and Emelia (Boucher) Gravelle; edu cated in common schools, Jacques Car- tier Normal School and St. Therese Seminary, Montreal, graduating, A.B., 1887; School of Medicine and Surgery, Victoria, receiving the degrees of M.D., CM., 1892. Came to Minnesota Sept., 1902. Married, Jan. 27, 1900, to Wilhel- mina Sittig. Member Ramsey County Medical Society, Minnesota State and THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 193 American Medical associations; College of Physicians and Surgeons, P. Q., Can. Medical examiner Woodmen of the World. Roman Catholic. Member Royal League, Loyal Americans, U. S. C. I., C. O. H., M. AV. W., I. O. O. F, Knights of Pythias. Office: 27 East 7th St. Residence: 850 Sims St., St. Paul. GRAVES, Albert L., probation offi cer; born at La Have, Lunenburg Co., N. S., March 22, 1852; educated in pri vate schools and academies of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick; married at Summerside, P. E. I., Dec. 29, 1872, to Miss Eliza McEwen. Learned printing business in office of the Journal, Sum merside, P. E. I., continuing for 3 years, after which became one of the editors and proprietors of the paper; removed to Manitoba and resumed newspaper business; came to St. Paul, 1880; be gan publication of the St. Paul Times, 1886, disposing of same, 1890; became assistant secretary State Senate, 1891; began publication of the Broad Axe, 1891, and continued until 1902; was dep uty state labor commissioner, 1893-94; has been chief probation officer of Ram sey Co. since 1902. Office: City Hall. Residence: 646 Cherokee Av., St. Paul. GRAVES, William P., Western mana ger of The Middlesex Banking Co.; born at Bristol, Vt, Feb. 16, 1850; son of Rev. William Plummer and Mary Unity (Fletcher) Graves; educated at Illinois Wesleyan University, Bloomington, 111., and at Wesleyan University, Middle- town, Conn.; married at St. Paul,, May 5, 1884, to Belle Hitchcock. Held chair of ancient languages and literature. Up per Iowa University, Fayette, Iowa, 1871-1873; pro tem. professor of Eng lish language and literature, Illinois Wesleyan University, 1874-75; practiced law at Indianapolis, Ind., 1875-80; since Feb., 1880, with the Middlesex Banking Co., of Middletown, Conn., in the mana ging ' capacity, with an . associate until 1896; since then alone, as western man ager. President Graves and Vinton Cot ton Company, Memphis, Tenn. Repub lican. Member People's Church, St. Paul. Member Psi Upsilon fraternity. Clubs: Minnesota, Town and Country (St. Paul) ; Tennessee, New Memphis Jockey (Memphis, Tenn.). Office: Pioneer Press Bldg. Residence: 779 Summit Av., St. Paul. GBAY, Archibald Douglas, lawyer; born in Chenango Co., N. Y., Nov. 13, 1845; son of Alonzo G. and Lucy Ann (Murch) Gray; came with parents to Fillmore Co., Minn., at age of 9; raised on a farm and attended country school: was for two years a student at Upper Iowa University, Fayette, la.; began early studying law, and when not em- ploved on the farm or teaching school; was clerk of Fillmore Co., 1877-91; ad- milted to the bar, 1881, and engaged in practice at Preston, in partnership with R. E. Thompson, as Gray and Thomp son. Republican. Presidential elector, 1892, and delegate to Republican Nation al Convention, 1896. Ex-county commis sioner. Married in Fillmore Co., 1868, to Miss Emma W. Seelye. Address: Preston, Minn. GBAY, Clyde Edward, physician; born at Champaign, 111., April 18, 1879; came lo Minnesota, 1884; graduate Minneap olis graded schools and East Side High School (1899); College of Medicine and Surgery, University of Minnesota, grad uating, degree of M.D., 1903. Served as assistant city physician of Minneap olis, spring of 1903; interne St. Barna bas Hospital, Minneapolis, receiving di ploma, June, 1904; practiced medicine at Kellogg, Minn., until spring of 1906; has engaged in practice at Rush City since March, 1906. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associa tions, Wabasha County Medical Society. Married at Minneapolis, June, 1904, to Miss Helen Moody. Address: Rush City, Minn. GBAY, Frank D., physician and sur geon; born at Lisbon, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., April 4, 1870; son of R. J. and Elizabeth A. (Porteus) Gray; educated at Ogdensburg Free Academy, Ogdens burg, N. Y., University of Michigan and Northwestern University, Chicago, de gree of M.D., 1899; unmarried. Ap pointed house doctor, St. Joseph's Hos pital, 1899; began practice of medi cine at Vesta, 1900; started a hospital at Vesta, 1902, of which he is manager. President Farmers' Grain & Fuel Co.; director Vesta Creamery Association. Republican. Presbyterian. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associations, and Brown-Redwood Coun ty Medical Society. Mason. Recreation. Automobiling. Address: Vesta, Minn. GBAY, George A., merchant; born at China, Me., Oct. 28, 1866; son of Charles H. and Melinda (Ward) Gray; educated at academy at Oak Grove Seminary, Vassaboro, Me. Began active career as bookkeeper, at Portland, continuing for two years; came to Duluth, 1888, and was connected with I. Freimuth, dry goods, 1888-1900. President and one of the organizers of the Gray-Tallant Co., established, 1900, and incorporated, 1901. Republican. Congregationalist. Member Modern Samaritans. Married at Portland, Me., 1905, to Miss Margaret Blockwell. Club: Commercial. Recre ations: Athletic and outdoor sports. Office: 117-119 W. Superior St. Resi dence: Hunters Park, Duluth. GBAY, James, journalist; has been mayor of Minneapolis; now editorial writer for the Minneapolis Journal. Ad dress: Journal Office, Minneapolis, Minn. GBAY, William Irving, contracting engineer; born in Wabasha Co., Minn., March 4, 1865; son of Alexander (a native of Scotland) and Mary (Dingwall) Gray; educated at Dake City (Minn.) High School; University of Minnesota, graduating, degree of B.E.E., 1892, and 194 THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS M.E.E., 1895. Began active career as a contracting electrical engineer; was in partnership with A. H. Savage, and bought out partner's interest, 1899, now W. I. Gray & Co., contracting, electrical, steam and water works engineers; sup plied mechanical equipment of new State Capitol at St. Paul, at price of $350,000, and extensive modern systems for elec tric lighting plants and steam and wa ter works in Northwest. Electrical en gineer Mankato Dight, Heat and Elec tric Power Co. President State Board of Electricity. Mason (Scottish Rite) ; member Knights of Pythias, Theta Delta Chi fraternity. Married at Plainview, Minn., 1899, to Miss Isabelle Wenona Wells. Club: Commercial. Office: 704-706 S. 5th St. Residence: 1619 Park Av., Minneapolis. Summer residence at Manitou Junction, Minn. GBEAVES, Frank William, wholesale merchant; born at Lisle, N. Y., March 26, 1864; son of George Turner and Susan (Pease) Greaves; received educa tion in district and normal school; married at Minneapolis, 1884, to Miss Leila Agnes Teel. Has been engaged in business in Minneapolis, Minn., since Feb. 4, 1885, as Frank W. Greaves & Co., wholesale tailors' trimmings, of which is principal owner. Member B. P. O. E. Club: Commercial. Recrea tion: Automobiling. Office: 38 S. 3rd St. Residence: 1821 Humboldt Av., S., Minneapolis. GBEAVES, William, physician; born at Perth, Can., Nov. 17, 1842; son of William and Hannah (Eyre) Greaves; educated at Hamline University; Medi cal Department, University of Michigan, graduating, M.D., 1870; post graduate course in College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, 1892, and 1897. Married at Stanton, Minn., Oct. 25, 1871, to Miss Mary Stanton. Member Amer ican Medical Association, Rice County Medical Society. Republican. Metho dist. Address: Northfield, Minn. GBEELY, Otto Ethan, insurance; born at Bangor, Me., May 24, 1853; son of William Q. and Amanda (Gowen) Gree- ly; educated in the public schools of Minneapolis, Minn., and University of Minnesota. Started in fire insurance business as clerk in the office of Gale & Company, Minneapolis, 1873; partner, 1878; began work as special agent and adjuster, 1878; since 1884 with Phenix Insurance Co. of Brooklyn, N. Y., and now special agent of that company for Minnesota, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and Western Ontario and gen eral adjuster for above named terri tory and N. Dak. President Minnesota and Dakota Fire Underwriters' Associa tion (Minneapolis), 1898-1899; president Fire Underwriters' Association of the Northwest (Chicago), 1900. Republican. Episcopalian. Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner. Married at Minneapolis, Minn., June 6, 1905, to Ida Fallis Harris. Clubs: Minneapolis, St. Anthony Commercial. Office: Phoenix Bldg. Residence: 615 Ninth Av., S. E., Minneapolis. GBEEN, Casper, milling and farming; born at New Elgin, 111., April 26, 1855; came to St. George, Minn., with par ents at 2 years of age; lived upon farm until 1890, when he began in the milling business at Gibbon, Minn.; sold out milling interest and built a mill at Buf falo Lake, under firm name of Green & Dahme; again disposed of mill and built a mill at Morgan, in 1897, which he has since been conducting; also en gaged in farming in Minnesota and S. Dak. Married at St. George, Minn , June 1, 1880, to Miss B. Be'ibl. Address: Morgan, Minn. GBEEN, Charles, mayor of Owatonna; born at Pittsford, Vt, May 28, 1853; son of Harvey and Sophia (Seager) Green; educated in public schools of F'ittsford, and Steele Co., Minn.; mar ried, 1st, Mary Layman (now deceased) ; 2nd, at Owatonna, Sept. 1, 1895, to Car rie D. Pratt. Began active career In livery business at Owatonna; was chief of police, Owatonna, 1889-95; entered farming, but returned to Owatonna ana resumed livery and bus line business as member firm of Jefferson, Green & Twiford, which still continues; has been mayor of Owatonna since 1905. Address: Owatonna, Minn. GBEEN, Charles Arthur, wholesale groceries; born at Versailles, 111., Sept. 3, 1876;' son of Thomas H. and Julia A. Green; educated in common and high schools Sioux City, la., Leland Stanford Jr. University, Palo Alto, Calif., class of 1900. Bfgan business career as clerk with Tolerton & Stetson Co., wholesale grocers, Sioux City, la.: came to Minne apolis, 1901, and assisted in organizing Green & Delaittre Co., wholesale gro cers, of which is treasurer. Republican. Member Phi Kappa Psi fraternity. Un married. Clubs: Commercial, Roosevelt, Battery, Riding. Office: 18-22 3rd St., N. Residence: 2106 Aldrich Av., S., Minneapolis. GBEEN, James J., editor; born in Lancaster Co., Pa., Jan. 29, 1830; son of James and Sarah < Batten) Green: educated in common schools of Ohio. Began to learn printing trade at Spring field, O., 1847; engaged in printing and publishing business in Ohio; came to Minnesota, 1856, began in newspaper business, 1857, and has been almost continuously engaged in the business since that time; now publisher of the New Ulm News. Enlisted in army, 1862, and was mustered out, 1863; was quar termaster sergeant, Minnesota Mounted Rangers, under Gen. H. H. Sibley. Dem ocrat Episcopalian. Member A. O. IL W. Married. Address: New Ulm, Minn GBEEN, John A., lawyer; born at Marlboro, Mass., Dec. 10, 1873; son of Maurice and Margaret Green; attended common schools and later carried on THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 195 course of study at home; student at University of Minnesota, 1893-94; grad uate College of Law, same university (attending both schools at same time), receiving the degree of LL.B., 1894, and entered law office of James Manahan, St. Paul, 1890, continuing until 1895; was office attorney for R. G. Dun & Co., Minneapolis, 1895, and engaged in prac tice for himself, 1896-97; traveling at torney for Deering Harvester Co., 1897- 1900; returned to Graceville, Jan. 1, 1900. Unmarried. Independent Demo crat. Member American and Minnesota Bar associations. Member M. W. A., Court of Honor, Royal Neighbors. Club: Commercial. Recreations: Athlectlc sports, Address: Graceville, Minn. GBEEN, John Edward, lawyer; born at Winnebago Indian Agency (now St. Clair), Minn., Dec. 4, 1865; son of John and Marv (Hall) Green; educated in High School, Rushford, Minn., gradua ting, June, 1886; Northern Indiana Nor mal School, Valparaiso, Ind., gradua ting, degree of B.S., Aug. 8, 1888; Uni versity of Minnesota, College of Law, graduating, degree of LL.B., June 6, 1896. Taught school 5 years. Began practice of law at Carlton, July, 1896; county superintendent of schools, Carl ton Co., 4 years; county attorney of Carlton Co., 1900-06. Republican. Pres byterian. Member Masonic order, I. O. O. F., M. W. A. Married at Superior, Wis, Sept. 4, 1890, to Miss Sara A. Watkins. Recreations: Fishing and hunting. Address :_ Carlton, Minn. GBEEN, Samuel B., educator; born at Chelsea, Mass., Sept. 15, 1859; son of Thomas and Anna E. Green; graduate Massachusetts Agricultural College, de gree of B.S., 3 879; has made special study of horticulture and forestry. Married at Wellesley Hills, Mass., 3 887, to Miss Alice C. Hazelton. Has been professor of horticulture and forestry, University of Minnesota, since 1888, Associate editor Farm and Fireside since 1888; secretary Minnesota Horti cultural Society, 1890; president Minne sota Horticultural Society, 1907. Vis ited Europe and studied forestry and horticulture in Germany, Denmark, Hol land, Belgium, France and England, 1900. Author: Amateur Fruit Growing; Vegetable Gardening; Forestry in Min nesota; Principles of American Fores try; also University bulletins on agri cultural and forestry topics. Address: St. Anthony Park, Minn. GBEEN, T. H., president Green & De- Laittre Company; born at Lynchburg, O., Oct. 27, 1849; son of Israel C. and Rachel (Moorman) Green; educated in public schools of Clinton Co., O., and at Eastman National Business College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Began active ca reer as bookkeeper and cashier In a country store at Versailles, 111., con tinuing in same capacity with H L. Spencer Co., wholesale grocers, Oska- loosa, la.; was secretary and treasurer, Tolerton & Stetson Co., wholesale gro cers, Sioux City, la., Sept. 1, 1885, to Jan. 22, 1901; has been president Green & DeDaittre Company, importers and wholesale grocers, Minneapolis (of which he was one of the organizers), since the establishment of the company, July 1, 1901; also president Northwest ern Jobbers' Credit Bureau, St. Paul, and director Knapp & Spencer Co., Sioux City, Ia. Republican. . Member Society of Friends. Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner. Married at Versailles, 111., Sept. 3, 1873, to Miss Julia A. Casteen. Club: Commercial. Office: 18-22 3rd St., N. Residence: 2106 Aldrich Av., S., Minneapolis. GBEENE, Charles Lyman, physician; born at Gray, Me., Sept. 21, 1862; son of Dr. William Warren and Elizabeth (Lawrence) Greene; educated at Uni versity of Michigan; University of Min nesota (graduating, M.D., 1890); took post-graduate work in hospitals of Har vard, Johns Hopkins and London and in Paris, Berne and Heidelberg. Interne in St. Joseph's and City Hospital, St. Paul, Minn. Married at St. Paul, Oct. 6, 1886, to Miss Jessie Rice. Professor of the theory and practice of medicine in the Medical Department, University of Minnesota, since 1891; formerly med ical director, Minnesota Dife Insurance Co., 1892-1904; ex-president National Association of Life Insurance Exami ners. Member of the State Board of Health. At present time attending phy sician St. Luke's Hospital, the City and County Hospital and the St. Paul Free Dispensary, also trustee St. Luke's Hos pital. Author: Medical Examination of Life Insurance and its Associated Clini cal Methods ; A Manual of Medical Diag nosis, etc. Member Association of American Physicians, American Associa tion for the Advancement of Science, American Medical Association, Minne sota State Medical Association (ex-pres ident), Ramsey County Medical Society, etc. Recreations: Foreign travel, hunt ing, golf and curling. Office: 150 Low ry Arcade. Residence: 415 Summit Av.. St. Paul. GREENE, Leroy O., real estate; born at Lancaster, N. Y., July 11, 1850; son of Pardon H. and Margaret R. (Miner) Greene; public school education; mar ried at Albert Lea, 1874, to Miss Clara A. Ruble. Came to Minnesota, 1861; in real estate business in Albert Lea since 1881; also manager Home Metal lic Refrigerator Co. Mayor of Albert Lea, 1905, to April, 1907. Republican. Address: Albert Lea, Minn. GBEENE, Oscar Curtis, railway offi cial; born at Mogadore, O., Feb. 21, 1842; son of Barnebas B. and Nancy Caldwell (Vallandigham) Greene; edu cated in Ohio public schools and Hiram (Ohio) College; married at St. Paul, July 26, 1880, to Jennie Goodrich Schef- fer. Began business career as telegraph operator with "Bee Line" railroad, Belle- 196 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS fontaine, O., 1861-63; in service of Northwestern Telegraph Co., 1864-66; superintendent of telegraph, St. Paul & Pacific R. R., 1866-72; superintendent of telegraph, Northern Pacific Railway since 1872. Member Association of Railway Telegraph superintendents. Office: General Office Northern Pacific Ry. Residence: 477 Holly Av., St. Paul. GBEENING, Charles P., banker, farm er; born in Worcester, England, Jan. 20, 1845; son of John and Maria (Kelly) Greening (both natives of Worcester) ; came to America with parents early in life and was educated in country schools at Mazo Manie, Wis.; married at Le Roy, Minn., Dec. 18, 1869, to Miss Clara E. Caswell, a graduate of Winona State Normal School. Began learning the tin smith trade, at 14; enlisted from the tin shop in the Civil War, as private in Co. A, 11th Wis. Vol. Inf., serving until the close of the war; resumed work in tin shop, Aug., 1865, at Mazo Manie, Wis.; removed to Le Roy, Minn.. April 1867 and worked at trade one year; on account of failing health, he left the shop, clerked in hotel and work ed on a farm; located at Grand Meadow and engaged in hardware and tinsmith business, starting a small bank of ex change in conjunction, Sept., 1871, and has ever since continued in banking business. President Exchange State Bank; general manager Home Telephone Co.; treasurer school district No. 77 since 1876. Republican. Member Min nesota Legislature, 1876-77. Member Masonic order, Blue Lodge, Chapter and Commandery; Booth Post, G. A. R. (¦quartermaster since 1886). Club: Business Men's Association: Recrea tions: Bicycle riding, fishing and hunt ing. Address: Grand Meadow, Minn. GREENMAN, Fay William, lawyer; born in Austin, Minn., May 21, 1878; son of John M. and Elizabeth (Sturde- vant) Greenman (one child, Elizabeth Malin); educated at Austin High School, graduating, 1896; University of Minne sota, College of Law, graduating, degree of LL.B., 1899. Has been actively en gaged in practice of law since Oct. 12, 1899; admitted to practice in Minne sota State and U: S. courts. Member Minnesota State and American Bar asso- siations. Republican. Methodist. Mem ber Modern Woodmen of America, Royal Arcanum. Married at Austin, Minn., Dec. 25, 1899, to Miss Florence L. Burn ham. Recreations: Hunting, tennis, amateur photography. Address: Austin, Minn. GREENMAN, Jesse E., lawyer; born at Savannah, 111., July 3, 1861; son of Curtis S. and Mary Greenman; ed ucated in public schools at Tis- kilwa, 111., and Kearney, Neb., Archi bald's Business College, Minneapolis, and private tutors; studied law in office of Jackson & Pond, Minneapolis; married at St. Paul, 1892, to Miss Estelle M. Thompson. Engaged in lumbering and mining in Black Hills, S. Dak., 1876-84; after coming to Minneapolis, was two years with Jackson & Pond, lawyers; assistant credit man, Wyman, Mullin & Co., 1885-88; same position with Pow ers Dry Goods Co., St. Paul, 1889; in charge Law Department, R. G. Dun & Co., 1890-96; credit man for Guiterman Bros., 1896-98; back to R. G. Dun & Co., 1898-1902; since 1902 with firm of Gilbert & Greenman. Mason; member B. P. O. E. Office: Nat. Ger. Am. Bank ¦ Bldg. Residence: 565 Portland Av., St. Paul. GBEENMAN, John M., lawyer; born at Hornellsville, N. Y., April 15, 1837; son of Henry G. and Mary B. (Maxson) Greenman; educated in common schools and at Alfred University, Alfred, N. Y. Minnesota pioneer; began practice of law at Dover, Minn., 1858, and has been continuously in practice of the profes sion since that time and at Austin since 1870. County commissioner Olmsted Co., 1860; county attorney Mower Co., 1880-84; judge of probate Mower Co., since 1903. Member Minnesota Bar As sociation. Methodist. Married at Dover, Olmsted Co., Minn., 1858, to Miss Eliza beth Sturdivant. Mason, B. P. O. E., M. W. A. Recreations: Fishing, read ing. Address: Austin, Minn. GREENO, Ernest E., banking; born at Kentville. N. S., Can., Sept. 4, 1846; son of John H. and Sarah (Dodge) Greeno; came to Minnesota with parents, 1870; educated in public schools of North Warren, Minn. Engaged in farming, 1885-89; was in grocery business, 1889-96; in livery business, 1896-1900; county com missioner Todd Co., 1896-1904; in real estate business, 1900-1903; has been en gaged in banking since 1903. Was presi dent Citizens State Bank, and since Jan. 29, 1907, has been cashier City National Bank. Republican. Protestant. Mem ber I. O. O. F., A. O. U. W. (Encamp ment and Canton), M. W. A., M. S., F. O. E. Married at Staples, Minn., Oct. 7, 1901, to Miss Addie Dower. Club: Commercial. Address: Staples, Minn. GBEGERSEN, Anton Harald, mer chant; born at Copenhagen, Denmark, Sept. 13, 1865; son of Hans and Chris tine Gregersen; educated in Latin schools of Copenhagen. Came to Amer ica, 1882, and located in Minnesota; worked in general merchandise store, 1882-87; was in offices of C. Gotzian & Co., wholesale dealers and manufactur ers of boots, shoes and rubber goods, 1887-93; was bookkeeper and credit man of H. C. Burbank & Co., St. Paul, 1893- 99; has been senior member of the firm of A. H. Gregersen & Co , dealers In general merchandise, Alexandria, since Jan., 1899. President, Commercial Club, Alexandria. Married at St. Paul, Minn., 1894, to Miss Eliza Gottschammer. Ad dress: Alexandria, Minn. GREGG, Jesse A., wholesale iron, steel and heavy hardware; born at Mor- THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 197 gantown, Va., March 14, 1853; son of Cephas and Mary (Newton) Gregg; re moved to Decorah, la., at 11 years of age; educated in common schools. Rear ed on a farm; came to St. Paul, 1872, and began business career in employ of Nicols & Dean, and has since been iden tified with that establishment, represent ing the house on the road for 10 years; partner, under title of Nicols, Dean & Gregg, since May 1, 1901, and vice presi dent of the firm. Republican. Trustee Dayton Av. Presbyterian Church. Mem ber Sons of American Revolution (vice president), A. O. U. W. Married at Decorah, la., 1882, to Miss Ella Bradish. Clubs: Commercial (ex-president), Min nesota, Lafayette, Town and Country. Recreation: Automobiling. Offices: 8th and Sibley Sts. Residence: 483 Ashland Av., St. Paul. GBEGG, Oren C, farmer, breeder; born at Enosburgh, Vt., Nov. 2, 1845; son of Oren and Clarinda (Comstock) Gregg; educated in common schools, academic and collegiate institute, Ver mont and New York; married at Pitts burgh, N. Y., May, 1867, to Miss Char lotte I. Carter. Came to Minnesota, 1865; was county auditor of Lyon Co., for. 10 years; has been superintendent of farmers' institutes in Minnesota for twenty years and is now acting in that capacity; also breeder of dairy cattle. Methodist. Address: Lynd, Minn. GBEGOBY, Frank L., coal and iron; born on farm in Piatt Co., Ind., Dec. 31, 1858; son of Albert G. and Martha M. (Linnell) Gregory; educated in common school, Bement, 111., and high school, Indianapolis; married at Indianap olis, June 8, 1883, to Mary A. Coburn. Served with Indianapolis, Bloomington & Western Ry. Co. at Indianapolis as clefk in auditor's office, traveling audi tor and later freight agent, 1876-87; in retail coal business at Omaha, Neb., 1887-93; sold out to accept position with Philadelphia & Reading Co., Oct. 1, 1893, as agent at Omaha; transfer red, May 1, 1899, to St. Paul, where he has continued; also secretary F. L. Bosworth & Co., wholesale silverware, Minneapolis. F'resbyterian. Member Royal Arcanum. Club: Commercial. Office: Grand Opera House Bldg. Resi dence: 657 Dayton Av., St. Paul. GBEGOBY, George W., real estate; born at Pittsfield, Mass., Feb. 22, 1842; son of Alfred S. and Rhoda C. (Gallup) Gregory; educated in public schools; married at Racine, Wis., 1873, to Miss Mary J. Weed. Came to Winona, 1857; in drug business for 6 years, and in crockery and glassware business for 30 years; has been in real estate and in surance business since 1900. Member Winona Candy Co.; secretary Winona Board of Trade (ex-president). Repub lican. Congregationalist. Ex-alderman. Recreations: Launching, quoits. Ad dress: Winona, Minn. GBEGOBY, Joel Ernest, lawyer; born, Polo, 111., Nov. 2, 1872; son of William S. and Helen E. (Carll) Gregory; edu cated in public schools and high school, St. Paul, graduated, 1892; University of Minnesota, B.S., 1896; Law Department, University of Minnesota, DL.B., 1898; unmarried. Began practice of law in St. Paul, Jan. 1, 1899. Member Minne sota State Legislature, 33rd session, 1903. Member I. O. O. F., Woodmen of the World, Maccabees. Club: Day ton's Bluff Commercial. Office: Man hattan Bldg. Residence: 877 Phalen Av., St. Paul. GBEGOBY, Walter, manager Advance Thresher Co., Minneapolis, Minn.; born in Kalamazoo, Mich., Feb. 25, 1841; son of Milton K. and Hannah C. (Cook) Gre gory; educated at Battle Creek and Al bion, Mich. At the age of twenty en listed in army at Battle Creek, Mich., Aug. 20, 1861, as member of the regi ment, Merrill Horse; served as non commissioned officer; later commissioned 1st lieut. of regiment, Merrill Horse, by Govenor W. P. Hall of Missouri; honorably discharged at close of war, Sept. 9, 1865, at Nashville, Tenn. Re turned to Battle Creek and engaged in business and farming, and as traveling salesman for the Walter A. Wood Har vesting Machine Co. in foreign countries, mostly in South America; drove and operated the first harvesting machine that ever cut any grain in the Argen tine Republic, Nov. 22, 1877. Entered service of the Advance Thresher Co. as manager of their branch office at Min neapolis, Minn., Oct. 15, 1885; has made a number of trips abroad in the interest of the Advance Thresher Co., especially to Romania, Russia and the Argentine Republic. Republican. Universalist. Member of the Masonic order, B. P. O. E., A. O. U. W., U. C. T., Rollins Post, G. A. R. Married at Battle Creek, Mich., May 30, 1867, to Miss Ducy A. Lewis. Club: Commecial (director since its organization.) Office: 700 3rd St., S. Residence: 1612 1st Av., S., Minne apolis, Minn. GBEGOBY, William Daniel, grain, lumber and mills; born at Maumee, O., March 22, 1855; son of Daniel Dawrence and Ann P. Gregory; educated in Maumee public schools and Central Ohio Conference Seminary, Maumee; married, at Minneapolis, 1889, to Nellie Sowle. Entered business with his father, as miller, at Maumee and Toledo, O., 1872; associated with the milling Arm of Fallis & Linton, Toledo, 1876; engaged in lum ber business in Tennessee, 1880; in busi ness in Texas with his father, 1883; en tered grain commission business in Min neapolis, Minn., in company with S. S. Linton, formerly of Fallis & Linton, Toledo, O., 1884; the death of Mr. Lin ton requiring change in firm, W. J. Jen- nison became a member in 1897 and the firm has since been known as Gregory, Jennison & Co., one of large organi- 198 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS zations of the Northwest. President Gregory, Bliss & Co., Gregory, Carter & Co., Midway Elevator Co.; vice president and secretary, Powers Elevator Co., Duluth Universal Milling Co.; member firm of Gregory, Cook & Co. Member Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce, Du luth Board of Trade, Chicago Board of Trade. Republican. Congregationalist. Member Masonic , order, Commercial Travelers of America, A. O. U. W. Clubs: Commercial, Lafayette, Minikahda. Of fice: Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Resi dence: 2733 Park Ave., Minneapolis. GBEINEB, Frederick, brick and tile manufacturer; born at Chaska, Minn., Dec. 25, 1855; educated in public schools of Chaska and St. Paul, Minn.; Moravian Academy, Chaska, graduating, June, 1872. Taught school 1872-73; deputy register of deeds, Carver Co., Minn., 1873-76; telegraph operator and station agent, Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry., at Chaska, 1876-92. Has been en gaged in manufacture of brick and tile from 1882 to present time, the firm be ing Greiner & Corning, with factory at Chaska and office in St. Paul; also en gaged in fire insurance business since 1900. President Chaska Canning Co.; director Carver County Sugar Co. and Carver County State Bank. Member Chaska Board of Education; mayor of Chaska, 1892-98; member State Board of Equalization, 1900-04. Republican (member congressional committee, 3rd district). Mason; member I. O. O. F. Married at Chaska, Dec. 28, 1887, to Miss Magdalene E. Salter. Address: Chaska, Minn. GRIBBEN, James Perry, lumber; born at Mt. Vernon, O., April 7, 1845; son of Samuel White and Elizabeth Mathews (Morgan) Gribben; graduate Mt. Vernon High School. Came to St. Paul, 1867, and has since been in lum ber business; president Gribben Lumber Co., since 1893. Office: 194 E. 7th St. Residence: 1373 Summit Av., St. Paul. GRIFFIN, George Wortham, Minne sota manager for Samuel Cupples Wood enware Co.; born, Madison, Rockingham 'Co., N. O, April 4, 1865; son of George Washington and Eleanor (Bailey) Grif fin; educated in Southwestern Baptist University, Jackson, Tenn.; married, St Paul, Minn., Oct. 25, 1905, Mary Alice Davis. Assistant sergeant-at-arms, Ten nessee House of Representatives, 1883- 84; sergeant-at-arms, Tennessee Senate, 1885-86; assistant clerk, Tennessee Sen ate, 1887-88. Travelling representative Wills Stationery Co., of Memphis, Tenn., July, 1887, to Jan. 1, 1889; travelling representative of Western Paper Bag Co., of Batavia, 111., Jan., 1889 to Dec. 16, 1892; Minnesota and Dakota rep resentative of Samuel Cupples Wooden ware Co., of St. Louis, Mo., since Jan., 1893; now their St. Paul and Minneapolis manager. Clubs: Minnesota, Commer cial. Office: 242 East 3rd St. Resi dence: 625 Grand Av., St. Paul. GRIFFIN, John H., insurance; born at Little Falls, N. Y., March 24, 1864; educated in public schools and academy; came to Minnesota, 1881; married at Rochester, Minn., 1897, to Mary Irene Willson. In fire insurance business since 1887; secretary and treasurer of the Consolidated F. & M. Insur ance Co., since 1897; also director First National Bank, Albert Lea Brick & Tile Co., Hayward (Minn.) State Bank Independent in politics. Club: Com mercial. Mason. Address: Albert Lea, Minn. GRIFFITH, Clarence Dewey, banker; born at Saranac Lake, N. Y., Dec. 20, 1853; son of Franklin and Parmelia (Moore) Griffith; educated In common and high schools, Appleton, Wis.; mar ried at Appleton, 1876, to Miss Carrie A. Bennett. Entered banking business at Sleepy Eye, Minn., Aug. 1, 1882, and is now president of the following banks: First National Bank, Sleepy Eye; First National Bank, Montevideo; State Bank of Echo; State Bank, Wheaton, all of Minnesota. Address: Sleepy Eye, Minn. GRIFFITH, Henry Lee, wholesale canned salt and smoked fish; born in Minneapolis, March 27, 1882; son of J. M. and Carrie S. (Sharp) Griffith; edu cated at Minneapolis Central High School and in Law Department Uni versity of Minnesota; unmarried. Be gan business career upon leaving col lege, May 18, 1902, with the Kildall Fish Co., of which company he is sec retary. Office: 200 Washington Av., N. Residence: 2220 Hennepin Av., Minne apolis. GRIGGS, Chauncy Milton, first vice president Griggs, Cooper & Co.; born at St. Paul, Feb. 19, 1860; son of Col. Chauncy W. and Martha A. (Gallup) Griggs; educated in public and high schools of St. Paul; and Yale College, degree of B.A., 1883; married at Pitts burgh, Pa., Oct., 1885, to Mary Chaffee Wells. After leaving college returned to St. Paul and became connected with the firm of Yanz, Griggs & Howes, wholesale and manufacturing grocers, which in 1884 was changed to Griggs & Howes, and in 1889 to the present style of Griggs, Cooper & Co., and since its incorporation in 1900 has been first vice president of the company. Con gregationalist. Member State Agricul tural Society. Recreations: Amateur Athletics. Clubs: Minnesota, White Bear Yacht. Office: 3rd St. and Broad way. Residence: 365 Summit Av., St. Paul. Summer residence: Manitou Is land, White Bear Lake, Minn. GBIGGS, Franklin H., lawyer; born at Faribault, Minn., April 6, 1872; son of George and Alice G. (Smith) Griggs; educated in public schools of St. Paul; Williams College, graduating, degree of A.R., 1893; studied law in office of Young & Lightner, St. Paul, and Uni versity of Minnesota, Law Department, THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS 199 degree of LL.B., post graduate course, same university, degree of LL.M., 1895. Was connected with the West Publish- . ing Co., as editorial writer, 1894-98; De- gan practice of law, 1898, as member of firm of Hunt,. Prendergast & Griggs; appointed second assistant corporation counsel, St. Paul, June, 1898; first as sistant corporation counsel, 1899; re signed June, 1902, and entered into partnership with George C. Squires, which was dissolved August, 1903. Be came special assistant to attorney gen eral, 1903, and in 1904, special counsel to public examiner, both appointments in connection with investigation school lands and railroad earnings, State audi tor's office. Member firm of Douglas & Griggs. Married at St. Paul, April 26, 1899, to Miss Douise Dyer. Office: N. Y. Life Bldg. Residence: 26 Floral St., St. Paul GBIGGS, John Williams, wholesale grocer; born at Boston, Mass, Dec 13, 1854; son of John Williams and Paulina A. (Dike) Griggs; came to Minnesota, 1863; educated in public schools of Massachusetts and Minnesota. Made his home in Chicago, '111., 1870-75; began in retail grocery business in St. Paul, 1875, and is now president of Griggs & Co.; president of St. Paul Health Deague, St. Paul Anti-Compulsion Vaccination Society. Club: Commercial. Office: 190-192 E. 3rd St. Residence: 817 Burr St., St. Paul. GBIGGS, Theodore Wright, grocer; born at St. Paul, Sept. 3, 1872; son of Col. Chauncy W. and Martha A. (Gal lup) Gripps; educated in public schools, St. Paul; Carleton College, Northfield, Minn.; Washington College, Tacoma, Wash., graduating, 1890; Dwight's School, New York, one term; Sheffield Scientific School, Yale LTniversity, class of 1895. On July 15, 1895, entered whole sale grocery business in firm of Griggs, Cooper & Co., and on its incorporation in 1900 became secretary' of the com pany. First lieut. Co. L, 15th M. N. G.; served as aid on staff of General Gobin in Spanish-American War, 1898. Con gregationalist. Member Cloister Society of Yale, New Haven, Conn.; St. Paul Choral Club, St. Paul Symphony Club, Travelers' Protective Association. Clubs: Commercial, Minnesota (member House Committee), Town and Country. Office: 3rd and Broadway, St. Paul. Residence: Grand Av., St. Paul. GRIMES, Henry Burton, physician; born at Mansfield, O., Sept. 8, 1877; son of Charles Loomis and Mary A. (Miller) Grimes; educated in public schools and high school,. Moline, 111., graduating, 1895; Medical department, LTniversity of Michigan, graduating, degree of M.D., 1903. Came to Minnesota, June, 1903; interne at St. Mary's Hospital, Roches ter, June, 1903, to July 1, 1904; engaged in practice at Dake Crystal, 1904, in partnership with Dr. Williams until April, 1906; alone since. Member Minnesota State Medical Association, Blue Earth County and Minnesota Val ley Medical societies; also Nu Sigma Nu fraternity. Married at Garden City, Minn., Oct. 19, 1906, to Miss Mary Piper. Address: Lake Crystal, Minn. GBIMES, Michael, hotel man; born in Ireland, Sept. 6, 1836; son of Michael and Ellen (Daugherty) Grimes; came to America, 1837; educated in common schools of Susquehanna Co., F'enn. Came to Minnesota, 1852; began in hotel business at Windom, Minn., 1872; now proprietor Hotel Chapman, Heron Lake. Democrat. Roman' Catholic. Member A. O. U. W. Married at Jessen- land, 1858, to Nancy Rarerty. Address: Heron Lake, Minn. GRIMMER, Harvey Wesley, govern or's executive clerk State of Minnesota; born, Sauk Rapids, Minn., Dec. 25, 1869; son of William and Janet (Murchie) Grimmer; educated in public schools of Sauk Rapids. Began business experi ence as printer; was city editor St. Cloud Journal-Press 11 years; political editor of St. Paul Globe two years; exec utive clerk State of Minnesota since October, 1905; secretary State Drainage Board; Clerk State Board of Pardons. Unmarried. Mason (Sauk Rapids Lodge) ; member B. P. O. E. (St. Cloud Lodge), Knight of Pythias (Okoda Lodge, St. Paul). Office: State Capitol, St. Paul. Residence: The Willard; St. Paul. GBIMSHAW, William H., U. S. mar shal; born at Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 6, 1853; son of R. E. and Mary P. (Nichol son) Grimshaw; came to Minnesota with parents, and located in Minne apolis, 1856; was educated in public and high schools of Minneapolis; married at Ionia, Mich, July 25, 1879, to Mrs. Marion C. Bliss. Studied architecture and followed the profession of architect, 1869-99; U. S. marshal, district of Min nesota, since March, 1899. Republican. Member Minnesota Degislature, 1883, Office: Federal Bldg., St. Paul. Resi dence: 2616 Park Av., Minneapolis. GRIMSRUD, Christian, shoe dealer; born, Drammen, Norway, Sept. 5, 1864; son of Andrew P. Grimsrud; educated in graded schools of Terrace and Alex andria, Minn.; married at Grand Forks, N. D., Jan. 1, 1886, to Severine Hamborg. Started in retail shoe business, 1882, as salesman for Yerxa Brothers, Fargo, N. D ; in 1891 became buyer and mana ger of shoe department for W. H. El singer & Co., St. Paul, Minn.; in 1898, buyer and manager, shoe department of "Hillman's," Chicago; since Jan. 2, 1901, president, manager and director The Grimsrud Shoe Co., Minneapolis. Direc tor Swedish American National Bank. Member English Lutheran Church. Recreations: Driving and automobil ing. Office: 27-29 3rd St., N. Resi dence: 1726 Irving Av., S., Minneapolis, Minn. 200 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS GBINAGEB, Kaavel K., merchant; born in Norway, 1863; son of Knut H. and Kjerste P. Grinager; educated in public schools of Norway. Came to America, 1882; has been in mercantile business at Fergus Falls since March 23, 1896, and is proprietor of department store. Married at St. Paul, Minn., Sept. 11, 1889, to Miss Isabell A. Martin. Ad dress: Fergus Falls, Minn. GBINDELAND, Andrew, jurist; born in Winnesheik Co., Ia., Nov. 20, 1856; son of Ingebrigt and Lucy (Hatlestad) Grindeland; educated at Decorah Insti tute, Decorah, la., 1874-77; Collegiate Department Iowa State University, 1878- 81; Lew Department, same university, 1881-82, graduating degree of LL.B., June, 1882. Came to Minnesota and practiced law at Warren, from July, 1882, to April 1, 1903. Married at High- landville, la:, Oct. 5, 1882, to Ingrid Forde. Judge of district court (by ap pointment), April 1, 1903, to Jan. 1, 3905; elected, 1904, for term of 6 years, no opposition. Judge of probate, Mar shall Co., 1889-90; State senator, 63rd district, 1899-1903; member State Nor mal School Board, 1895-99. President Warren Commercial Club; director State Bank of Warren, Warren Hospital Asso ciation, Grand Forks College. Repub lican. Lutheran. Address: Warren, Minn. GBINNELL, Wendell B., physician; born at Fredonia, Wis.; son of William E. and Margaret (Burrell) Grinnell; educated in public schools of Fredonia; Oshkosh (Wis.) Normal School, two years; taught school 4 years in Ozankee Co.; took special course at Oshkosh Nor mal School, 1895-96; Milwaukee Medical College, 1896-98; College of Physicians and Surgeons, Chicago, graduating, de gree of M.D., 1900; post graduate course West Side Post Graduate Hospital, Chi cago, and Chicago Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat College. Has been located at Preston, Minn., since July 4, 1901; makes specialty of surgical and eye, ear, nose and throat cases. Coroner Fillmore Co. since 1902; U. S. pension examining surgeon since 1904. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associa tion; Houston-Fillmore County Medical Society. Mason; member I. O. O. F. Unmarried. Recreation: Traveling. Ad dress: Preston, Minn. GRINNELL, William E., commission merchant; born at Beansville, Ontario, Can., Jan. 28, 1837; son of Hermon S. and Harriet A. (Pier) Grinnell; educa ted in public schools of Beansville and Jordan, Ont. Came to the United States, 1854; engaged in mining and other lines of business in Colorado, 1860-77; located in Minneapolis, 1877, and engaged in railroad and grain business, 1877-83; in fruit and produce commission busi ness since that time; is senior member of the firm of Grinnell, Collins & Co. Was register of deeds, at Breck inridge, Summit Co., Col. Republican. Prebyterian. Member Minneapolis Produce Exchange (charter member); formerly member Chamber of Com merce. Mason (32°); member A. O. U. W. Married in Colorado, 1873, to Miss Elizabeth Lennox. Recreation: Travel ing. Office: 212-214 6th St., N. Resi dence: 2504 Portland Av., Minneapolis. GBINOLS, Clinton D., born in Anoka Co., Minn., June 24, 1860; son of Ben jamin and Isabella (Cooper) Grinds; educated in public schols, graduating from State Normal School, St. Cloud, 1879; married at Fair Haven, Minn., Jan., 1883, to Elizabeth Ross. Taught school for 2 years; engaged in business with his father at Fair Haven, Minn., 1882-92; represented D. M. Osborne & Co., harvesting machinery, 1892-94; en gaged in sale of farm implements at St. Cloud since 1894. President The Grin- ols Co., The Retail Implement Dealers Mutual Fire Ins. Co.; director Merchants National Bank. Postmaster of St. Cloud since 1906. Republican. Mem ber Masonic order, Elks. Club: Com mercial. Address: St. Cloud, Minn. GRISWOLD, Albert W., wholesale fruits and produce; born at Enfield, Conn.; son of Allen and Harriet T. Griswold; came to Minneapolis, 1869; was educated in public schools of Con necticut and Minnesota. Was raised on a farm and engaged in farming until 20 years of age; entered produce busi ness at Minneapolis, 1881, and organized wholesale fruit and produce firm of A. W. Griswold & Co., in 1895, of which he is the head. Republican. Baptist. Member Minneapolis Produce Exchange. Married at Minneapolis, 1886, to Miss Lida F. Blakeney. Recreations: Hunt ing and fishing. Office: 15-20 City Market. Residence: 2704 Harriet Av., Minneapolis. GRISWOLD, Francis E., physician; born at Grand Rapids, Wis., March 21, 1874; son of James and C. (Anderson) Griswold; educated at high school, Cum berland, Wis.; College of Medicine and Surgery, University of Minneapolis, graduating, degree of M.D., 1897; prac tice of medicine at Hoffman since May, 1898. Mason. Married at Elk River, Minn., June, 1899, to Miss Myra Water man. Address: Hoffman, Minn. GBODE, John S., president Board of Public Works, St. Paul; born in Hesse- Darmstadt, Germany, Sept. 22, 1845; son of John and Anna Judith (Juenger) Grode; brought to U. S. when six months old; reared on farm in Washington County, Wis.; educated in public schools, 1852-56, and afterward in private schools, and studied bookkeeping under an older brother; married at St. Paul, 1875, to May Josephine Plein. Entered railroad service when 18 years old as trackman; came to Minnesota, 1866, and entered service of the Winona & St. Peter R. R. as section foreman; came to Pt Paul, 1868, and entered service of THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 201 Minnesota Valley R. R., and was pro moted from time to time until he resigned as roadmaster of Blue Earth Branch Divi sion, 1883; was in commission business a few years; in 1894 opened office as fire insurance and steamship ticket agent, etc.; sold out to partner, George W. Stenger, 1905. Democrat; deputy county treasurer of Ramsey County, 1889-94; member Board of Public Works since March, 1901 (now president). Catholic Member Catholic Order of Foresters, Knights of Columbus, St. Clemens Society, St. Peter Society, Good Shepherds. Musical director Arion Singing Society, 1879-1905 (except about five years) ; since 1890 conductor of choir of Catholic Assumption Church, St. Paul. Office: Board of Public Works. Residence: 227 Iglehart St., St. Paul. GBONBEBG, Herman J., druggist; born in Germany, Oct. 3, 1863; son of S. and Johanna Gronberg; came to America with parents, 1870. Has been engaged in drug business since 1887. Proprietor f firm of H. J. Gronberg, drugs. Address: Hoffman, Minn. GBONDAHL, Jens Kristian, news paper manager and editor; born at Eids- vold, Norway, Dec. 3, 1869; son of Lars and Inger Margrete (Julsrud) Grondahl; came to America, 1881; educated in Nor way; in public schools of Red Wing, Minn.; Red Wing Seminary, graduating, 1887; attended University of Minnesota. Unmarried. Has been engaged in news paper work at Red Wing, Minn., since 1891; elected to State Legislature, 1894, and served three terms, declining re- nomination. Republican. Ex-president Minnesota Republican Editorial Asso ciation. Writer of poems, sketches and songs including "While We Are Fight ing for Cuba." Member: Red Wing Manu facturers' Association, Red Wing Mer chant's' Association. Club: Commercial. Recreation: Mortor-boating. Address: Red Wing, Minn. GBOSS, Francis Anthony, banker; born in Hennepin County, Minnesota, Aug. 10, 1870; son pf Matthias and Mary M. (Lenzen) Gross; educated in public and parochial schools of- Minneapolis and St. John's University, Collegeville, Minn.; married, October 9, 1893, to Miss Ida Katherine Buerfening. Began busi ness career in father's grocery store, and later was hall master of the Min neapolis Work House; entered the Ger man American Bank of Minneapolis, July, 1889, as messenger, and advanced to present position as president of the bank. Roman Catholic. Member Cath olic Knights of America, Sons of Min nesota, Elks, Royal Arcanum. Recrea tions: Bowling, gardening. Club: North Side Commercial. Office: Ger man American Bank. Residence: Fre mont Av., N., Minneapolis. GBOVE, Julius O., lawyer; born at Barsness, Pope Co., Minn., May 23, 1872; son of Olaus Oleson and Ragnhild (Gil- bertson) Grove; graduate St. Cloud State Normal School, 1897; University of Minnesota, degree of LL.B., 1901. Reared on farm; began as school teacher in country, at 16 years of age. Has been in practice of law at Glenwood since spring of 1901; county attorney of Pope County since Jan. 1, 1903. Re publican. Lutheran. Member M. W. A. Married at Glenwood, Minn., Sept. 14, 1901, to Miss Jennie Dalager. Address: Glenwood, Minn. GBUESEN, Jacob, jeweler; born in Rhine Province, Germany, March 15, 1860; son of Carl F. and Elizabeth (Kappellen) Gruesen; collegiate educa tion, Coblenz, Germany. Began to learn jeweler's trade in old country, 1874, and at the expiration of 4 years' ap prenticeship proved his skill by execut ing a master piece of workmanship, a feat that had not been performed by an apprentice for twenty years; came to America, 1886, and located in Duluth; has been in jewelry business for him self since 1895. Independent in politics. Catholic. Member Knights of Columbus, I. O. F., C. O. F., K. O. T. Maccabees, A. O. U. W., Royal Arcanum Mar ried at Duluth, 1888, to Miss Katharine Wambach. Club: CommerciaL Recre- tions: Penchant for raising dogs and poultry. Office: 129 W. Superior St. Residence: 1416 Jefferson St., Duluth. GBUNOW, Hanns Ernst Edward, Im perial German consul; born in Berlin, Germany, Sept. 21, 1865; graduated from Leibnitz Gymnasium, Berlin, 1886; studied -law at Universities of Lausanne (Switzerland) and Berlin, graduating from latter May, 1889; was connected with various tribunals, 1889-93; passed examination as judge, 1893; married at Lausanne, Switzerland, January 19, 1894, to Miss La Combe; children: Werner and Edward. Held judicial position in minor court and Court of Appeals in Berlin, 1893-95; entered the foreign of fice, April, 1895; became vice-consul, 1897, and later acting consul in Samoa; in 1900 became acting consul general at Sydney, Australia; in Foreign Office at Berlin, 1902-03; first vice-consul and acting consul general at Constantinople, Turkey, 1903-04; arrived in St. F'aul, Sept. 14, 1904, having been appointed to the first German consulate established there, being Imperial German Consul for the States of Minnesota, N. Dak. and S. Dak. President Deutche Gesellschaft von St. Paul-Minneapolis. Club: Min nesota. Office: N. Y. Life Bldg. Resi dence: 719 Portland Av., St. Paul. GRYTTBNHOLM, Karl E., physician; born in Norway, Dec. 7, 1862; educated at Royal University, Norway, A.M., 1883, Ph.D., 1884, M.D., 1891; Royal Military Academy, Norway, regular army officer, 1885; Imperial University, Berlin, M.D., 1901. Began practice of medicine, 1891. Came to Minnesota, 1895. Surgeon of 202 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS the Chicago Great Western Ry. Mem ber Royal Medical Society, Norway; Chirurgical Institute, Germany. Mar ried in Norway, Feb. 23, 1892, to Miss Mathilde Tonnesen. Address: Zum brota, Minn. GUGISBEBG, Henry, banking; born in Will Co., 111., Oct. 12, 1854; son of Gottleib and Mary Ann Gugisberg. Be gan in banking business, 1892, and is now president State Bank of Gibbon. Address. Gibbon, Minn. GUGLEB, Julius Heinrich, president Gugler Electric Manufacturing Co.; born at Milwaukee, Wis., 1876; came to Minne sota 1885; educated in public schools, Minneapolis, Minn.; began in electrical line and from 1895-1898 engaged in electrical contracting, when he organ ized and incorporated the Gugler Elec tric Manufacturing Co., of which he is president, general agents for the Sprague Electric Co., and the General Electric Co., also extensive manufacturers of electrical supplies. Associate member American Institute of Electrical En gineers. Republican. Married at Min neapolis, 1901, to Miss Emelie Schiek. Member Masonic order. Office: 223 5th St., S. Residence: 2624 Garfield Av., Minneapolis. GUFFEBMAN, Leo A., manufacturer and jobber; born at Cincinnati, Ohio. Sept. 22, 1862; son of Alexander and Lena (Stern) Guiterman; graduated from Cincinnati schools; married at Philadelphia, Feb., 1896, to Clara Louise Elson; engaged in the men's furnishing goods business, 1883, and president of Guiterman Brothers since 1897. Clubs: Minnesota, Commercial. Office: 362 Sibley Av. Residence: 986 Summit Av., St. Paul. GULBBANDSON, Hans, hardware and agricultural implements; born in Nor way, Oct. 9, 1844; son of Endre and Marit (Hanson) Gulbrandson; came to America, 1852, and located in Minne sota, 1856; educated in public schools of Minnesota and Wisconsin; married at Albert Lea, 1878, to Miss Olavia E. Nel son. Lived on farm in Freeborn Co., until 1870, was employed in hardware store at Austin, 1868-9; then he came to Albert Lea and established himself in business as Gulbrandson Bros., whole sale and retail hardware dealers; in 1900 firm became the Gulbrandson Hardware Co., of which he has since been the head. Republican. Lutheran. Club: Commercial. Address: Albert Lea, Minn. GULDEN, John L., manager Inter state Telegraph and Telephone Co.; born at Chisago, Minn., Aug. 9, 1858; son of John P. and Louise (Guinter) Gulden; self-educated; married at Aus tin, Minn., 1891, to Miss Kate Coyle. Engaged in boot and shoe business un til 1887, when he located in Austin; was traveling salesman for Gund Brew ing Co., La Crosse, Wis., for 18 years; manager Interstate Telegraph and Tele phone Co. since March 15, 1905. Director Austin Weed Exterminator Co. Was member city council for 4 terms; now member Austin Water, Light and Power Commission. Catholic. Member B. P. O. E.. Yeomen, A. O. U. W. Recreation: Hunting. Address: Austin, Minn GUNDEBSON, Martin Theodore, mill ing; born in Wisconsin, March 16, 1856; son of Thor and Kjesten Gunderson; came to Minnesota with parents, 1857; educated in public schools. Learned milling trade at Cannon Falls, working there, 1876-83; removed to Kenyon and entered into partnership in milling busi ness, 1883; purchased interest of part ners and since has been owner Kenyon Flour Mills; also proprietor Electric Light Plant of Kenyon. Director Citi zens' State Bank, Farmers' State Bank and for 12 years member Board of Edu cation, Kenyon. Republican. Methodist. Married at Cannon Falls, Minn., July 2, 1881, to Miss Ella D. Mattson. Club: Commercial. Address: Kenyon, Minn. GUNDEBSON, Oscar, farm imple ments; born at Clermont, la., Oct. 28, 1864; educated at Augsburg Seminary, Minneapolis, 1880-82. Began dealing in farm implements in 1898. Married at Clermont, Iowa, May 4, 1885, to Miss Anne O. Dien. Address: Brown's Val ley, Minn. GUNZ, A. N., physician; born at Aus tin, Minn., Jan. 6, 1879; son of Herman and Fanny (Deller) Gunz; graduate Austin High School, 1897; University of Minnesota, College of Pharmacy, 1899; University of Minnesota, College of Medicine and Surgery, M.D., 1904. In practice of medicine at Center City since June, 1904. Licensed as pharma cist in Minnesota and Wisconsin; to practice medicine in Minnesota and Wis consin and Illinois. Hospital steward 12th Minn. Vol. Inf., Spanish-American War. Member American and Minne sota State Medical associations, Chisago- Pine County Medical Society. Mason; member M. W. A. Unmarried. Address: Center City, Minn. GUTGESELL, Cornelius J., ladies' clothing; born at La Crosse, Wis., Dec. 10, 1857; son of Frank and Ellen (Wash ington) Gutgesell; graduate of public schools and commercial college, La Crosse. Began business career in em ploy of Sweet, Dempster & Co., Chi cago; came to Minneapolis and was iden tified with the Plymouth Clothing House for 17 years, being made secretary of the company; established the "Outer Garment Shop for Women;" in St. Paul, March, 1905, for sale of cloaks, suits, waists and furs, which has proven highly successful. Mason; member Chapter, Council, Commandery and Shrine. Republican. Episcopalian. Married at Minneapolis, Minn., 1885, to Miss Amy Stimson. Club: Commercial. Recreations: Reading, music and out THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS 203 door diversions. Office: 114-116 E. 6th St. Residence: 623 Grand Av. GUTBIDGE, Arthur William, secre tary Associated Charities; born in Leeds County Ont, Can., August 4, 1856; son of Robert and Mary (Fox) Gutridge; edu cated in country schools, high school, collegiate institute and normal school, Ont., unmarried. After graduation taught school in Perth and Lindsay, Ont.; went to N. Dak., 1882; took up land and did conveyancing for two years; settled in St. Paul, 1886; taught school several years; edited newspaper one year; since 1895 general secretary (the executive officer) of the Associated Charities. Formerly president County Teachers' Association; president State Catholic Temperance Union three terms; presi dent State Conference Charities and Correction, 1905; section chairman Na tional Conference Charities and Correc tion, 1906; member State and National Societies for the Prevention of Tubercu losis; contributor to magazines on social questions. Catholic. Club: Com mercial. Office: Baltimore Bldg. Resi dence:' 379 Eighth St., St. Paul. GUTTERSEN, Gilbert, banker; born in Minnesota, May 13, 1859; son of Egil and Magla Guttersen; educated in com mon schools to 1882; Mankato State Nor mal School, three years, 1882-84. Taught school, 1884-89; married at Mankato, Minn., June 4, 1889, to Miss Alma Pet- tersen; engrossing clerk Minnesota House of Representatives, 1889; post master, Butternut P.O., 1889-93; also farmer and merchant until 1893; special agent Rural Free Delivery, Feb. 15, 1900, to March 31, 1906. President and direc tor First National Bank, since 1901. Republican. Member Minnesota House of Representatives, 1893, 1895 and 1899. Mason; member K. of P., I. O. O. F., B. P. O. E. Address: Dake Crystal, Minn GYDE, Edward N., manufacturer; born at Fremont, O., Feb. 26, 1848; edu cated in the public schools. Began in the manufacture of flour barrel stock at Elliston, Ottawa Co., O., in 1872, and has continued in the same business to the present time; moved to Saginaw, Mich., in 1882, and to Aitkin, Minn., in 1895. Member of Masonic Order. Club: Commercial. Address: Aitkin, Minn. H HAAS, Quincy J., president J. Quincy Haas & Co., fire insurance; born at Mil waukee, Wis., Nov. 6, 1855; .son of Charles Frederick and Catherine (Hauser) Haas; educated in public schools of Fond du Lac, Wis.; married at Fond du Lac, 1882, to Miss Emma Markert. Entered fire insurance busi ness at Fond du Lac, 1876; came to St. Paul, 1881, and organized firm of J. Quincy Haas & Co., general fire insur ance agents, of which he has been the head since the beginning. Member St. Paul Underwriters Association, North western Insurance Asociation of Chi cago. Member I. O. O. F. Clubs: Com mercial, Mozart. Recreations: Gym nastics (has been member of gynasium societies for 42 years). Office: N Y Life Bldg. Residence: 1890 Marshall Av., St. Paul. HAAS, John L., banker; born in St. Paul, Minn., April 20, 1877; son of Henry G. and Jennie E. (Cramsie) Haas; educated in public and high schools of St. Paul; married at St. Paul, May 7, 1902, to Miss Clara M. Broderick. Be gan active career in employ of St. Paul branch of J. B. Inderieden Co., Chicago, dealers in California products; became messenger State Bank of St. Paul, ad vanced to position of teller, elected cashier, 1900, and vice president since 1905. Also treasurer Citizens Savings Bank; secretary Haas Bros., Inc., whole sale and retail meat packers. Member Twin City, Minnesota and American Bankers associations. Democrat. Roman Catholic. Member Knights of Colum bus, Sons of Hermann, I. O. F. Recrea tions: Hunting and driving. Office: 755 Wabasha St. Residence: 300 Nel son Av., St. Paul. HACKING, Frank Henry, physician; born at Listowel, Ont, Can., Feb. 5, 1872; son of Joseph Henry and Mary C. (Cormie) Hacking; educated in public school and collegiate department, Win nipeg, Man., schools; Rush Medical Col lege, Chicago, 111., graduating degree of M.D., May, 1899; Chicago Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat College, 1905. Instruc tor in chemistry Rush Medical College, ¦ May, 1899, to Nov., 1900; assistant sur geon Norwegian Deaconess' Hospital, Aug., 1899 to Nov., 1900; practiced medi cine at Wood Lake, Minn., 1900-01; practiced at Granite Falls with Dr. N. H. Schjelderup, as Schjelderup & Hack ing, 1901-05; has practiced at Granite Falls alone since Sept., 1905. County physician Yellow Medicine Co. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associations, Yellow Medicine County Medical Society, College of Physicians and Surgeons, B. C. Republican. Baptist. Member K. O. T. M., M. W. A. "Married at Chicago, 111., June 27, 1900, to Miss Anna Malina Olaison. Club: Commercial. Recreation: Hunting. Address: Gran ite Falls. Minn. HACKNEY, Joseph M., farm lands; born at Antrim, Minn., July 8, 1874; son of William and Catherine (Bradley) Hackney; graduated from Hamilne Uni versity, 1899, and from Daw Department University of Minnesota; married at St. Paul, 1902, to Miss Jennie E. Hill. Sec retary and general manager Hackney Land Co.; director Law Manufacturing Co.; stockholder in various companies. Served as member St. Paul City Council. Republican. Elected State senator, 37th 204 THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS District, 1906. Club: CommerciaL Office: Pioneer Press Bldg. Residence: 1523 Hewitt Av., St. Paul. HACKNEY, Leslie S., farm lands; born at Edwardsburg, Canada, Sept. 17, 1859; son of William and Catherine (Bradley) Hackney; educated in public schools; married, at St. James, Minn., Dec. 1, 1887, to Lillian Rolf. Early life spent on farm; engaged in machinery business about 1896, and in 1899; in 1901 organized the Hackney-Boynton Land Co. Also president Hackney Land Co., and of the Law Manufacturing Co. Re publican. Odd Fellow, United Work man. Club: Commercial. Office: Pioneer Press Bldg. Residence: 1619 Wesley Av., St. Paul. HACKNEY, Willian Lindsey, real es tate; born in Watonwan Co., Minn., April 16, 1869; son of William and Catherine (Bradley) Hackney; educated in public schools; married in Watonwan Co., Nov., 1891, to Mettie G. Tackels. Reared on farm; followed the black smith trade for twelve years; engaged in the real estate and land business since 1898, and since Nov., 1904, vice president of the Hackney Land Co. Re publican. Member Christian Church. Office: Pioneer Press Bldg. Residence: 1632 Capital Av., St. Paul. HADDEN, George Reuben, electrotyp ing; born at Port Byron, N. Y., Nov. 11, 1862; son of Reuben and Adah Eliza (Osborn) Hadden; educated at Port By ron Free School and Academy and at Rochester Business University, Roches ter, N. Y. Apprenticed in electrotyping at Rochester, 1883; was employed as electrotyper in office of Rural Home Co., Rochester, 1883-85; was with W. J. Perry &. Co., Minneapolis, 1886 and 1890-92; with Benton, Waldo & Co., Milwaukee, Wis., 1887-89; Detroit Free Press Co., Detroit, Mich., 1893-95; with American Type Foundry, 1895-1901. Started in electrotyping business for self as the Hadden Electrotyping Com pany, at 246 Hennepin Av., Minneapolis, Feb., 1901; moved to 801 S. 4th St., Jan. 3, 1902, becoming electrotyper for peri odicals and magazines of the highest class and employing 7 to 10 men, using the newest, largest and most powerful moulding press and plater in the North west Prohibitionist. Congregational ist. Member Royal Arcanum. Married at Ypsilanti, Mich., June 22, 1887, to Miss Maggie E. Post. Office: 801 S. 4th St. Residence: 2942 Queen Av., N., Minneapolis. HADLEY, Emerson, lawyer; born at Marion, Mass., 1857; son of Andrew J. and Louisa (Brett) Hadley; educated at Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass., 1874-76; Harvard College, 1877-81; Col umbia College Law School, 1882-84. Be gan practice of law, 1884; has been assistant general counsel Northern Pacific Ry. Co., since 1900. Married at Marion, Miss., Sept. 15, 1887, to Miss Mary M. Luce. Clubs: Minnesota, Town and Country. Office: Broadway, corner 4th St. Residence: 123 Far rington Av., St. Paul. HAGE, Emil G., bank cashier; born in Watonwan Co., Minn., March 14, 1878; son of Siver and Ingri (Serumgard) Hage; educated in Madelia High School, Madelia, Minn.; unmarried. Began active career in employ of S. Hage Lumber Co., Sept. 15, 1896, continuing until Oct. 22, 1901, when he was elected cashier of the Bank of Hanska, the bank being in corporated July, 1906, as Security State Bank of Hanska. Also treasurer Hanska Telephone Co., and Hage Lumber Co. Republican. Presbyterian. Member Masonic order. Recreations: Shooting, fishing and boating. Address: Hanska, Minn. HAGE, George Simon, lumber; born at Madelia, Minn., June 14, 1874; son of Siver and Ingri (Serumgard) Hage; educated at Madelia High School and one year at University of Minnesota. Is identified with lumber business estab-. lished by his father; secretary and treasurer S. Hage Lumber Co., Inc. Married at La Crosse, Wis., May 3, 1899, to Miss Hanna Borresen. Address: Madelia, Minn. HAGE, Nels O., real estate; born in Sweden, Sept. 14, 1867; educated in public schools and a course in the North western Business College, St. Paul; un married. Engaged in real estate busi ness at present location in August, 1900, being the pioneer real estate man in that section of the city, and now covers a general business in real estate, farm lands, fire insurance, loans and rentals, also steamship agent. Member St. Paul Real Estate Exchange. Odd Fellow; member Modern Woodmen of America. Club: East Side CommerciaL Address: 876-878 Payne Av., St. Paul. HAGEN, John William Muncey, bank ing; born at Franklin, Wis., May 17, 1877; son of Hon. Henry and May Ellen (Quinn) Hagen; educated in high school, Ironwood, Mich., graduating, 1897; Du luth Business University, graduating, May, 1898. Began active career as gen eral accountant, continuing, 1898-1904; has been cashier Bank of Kelliher since 1904. Town clerk and village recorder Kelliher two terms. Republican. Cath olic Married at Superior, Wis., Sept., 1903, to Miss Anna Helen Hermann. Address: Kelliher, Minn. HAGERTY, Joseph, register of deeds; born in Rice Co., Minn., May 24, 1872; educated in district schools of Rice Co., and at .Faribault Business College; un married. Began active career in mer cantile business and became buyer and head salesman for the firm of T. W. Sheehy & ' Co., Montgomery, Minn., bankers and dealers in general mer chandise and furniture, which position he held for 8 years; for 5 years a part ner of the firm of Lepeska & Hagerty, THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS 205 general merchandise, Montgomery; was receiver and trustee for Farmers & Merchants Bank, Montgomery. Has held office of register of deeds, Le Sueur Co., since Jan. 2, 1905. Address: Le Sueur Center, Minn. HAGERTY, William B., wholesale paper; born in Ireland, 1831; came "to U. S., Aug. 19, 1900. Engaged in real estate and loan business previous to coming to Minneapolis, as vice president of the John Leslie Paper Co. Methodist. Married at Cork, Ireland, 1874, to Miss Elizabeth M. McBride. Office: 301-303 5th St., S. Residence: 2623 Irving Av., S., Minneapolis. HAGGABD, David Avery, lawyer; cashier state insurance commissioner; born at Winchester, 111., June 9, 1870; son of Dr. James R. and Frances Helen (Avery) Haggard; removed to Nebraska with parents, 1883; graduate University of Nebraska, degree of B.S., 1891, and Law Department, same university, degree of LL.B., 1893; married at Lincoln, Neb., Aug. 21, 1901, to Miss Anna Broady. Began practice of law in Lincoln, Neb., where he continued until 1897 when he came to St. Paul, and was connected with the editorial department of the West Publishing Co. for 4 years; re sumed practice of law in St. Paul, 1901; instructor St. Paul College of Law. Member Ramsey County Bar Associa tion. Congregationalist. Office: State Capitol, St. Paul. Residence: Bald Eagle Lake, Minn. HAGGABD, George Delancy, physi cian; born at Dodge Center, Minn., Jan. 19, 1857; son of David M. and Mary A. (Smith) Haggard; educated in high school, Eau Claire, Wis.; Oskaloosa Christian College, Oskaloosa, la., grad uating, degree of B.S., 1880; College of Medicine and Surgery, University of Minnesota, degree of M.D., 1893. Was employed as journeyman machinist, 1880-90; in medical practice since 1893; for 4 years, assistant to city physician, Minneapolis. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associations, Hennepin County Medical Society, Min neapolis Medical Club. Instructor in medicine, University of Minnesota; act ing executive of American Scientific Ex periment Station. Married at Oska loosa, la., 1880, to Miss Lucina Headlee. Address: 2400 Chicago Av., Minne apolis. HAHN, Henry, printing; born at Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Feb. 25, 1858; son of Louis L. and Catherine (Meyer) Hahn; educated in public schools of Poughkeepsie and Eastman Business College; married at Minneapolis, 1888, to Miss Lillie E. Miller. Learned printer's trade in the office of the Duchess Farmer (Poughkeepsie), 1875; came to Minnesota and entered upon position of foreman of the Northern Miller, 1881, now mechanical superin tendent and director of same paper; started in business under firm name of Hahn & Harmon, printers, 1896; firm incorporated 1904. Mason, Knight Templar. Club: CommerciaL Office: 522 2nd Av., So. Residence: 2421 So. Bryant Av., Minneapolis. HAINES, Fred Sumner, president Rochester Telephone Co.; born at Somersworth, N. H., Sept. 23, 1860; son of John Sherburn and Theodate (Nowell) Haines; educated at Somersworth High School, Exeter, N. H., graduating, 1881, and Harvard University, graduating, degree of A.B., 1885. Came to Minne sota, 1885 and engaged in the banking business until 1889; went to Elmira, N. Y., and was connected with a bank there for one year; conducted a bank at Mantorville, Minn., 1890-93; returned to Rochester and became identified with telephone interests in 1894; elected president and general manager of the Rochester Telephone Co., July 6, 1896, a position he still holds. Republican. Episcopalian. Member Masonic order, Knights of Pythias. Married at Roches ter, Feb. 14, 1889, to Miss Carrie W. Faitoute.- Club: Commercial. Recrea tions: Fishing and hunting. Address: Rochester, Minn. HALBERT, Clarence Wells, lawyer; born at Binghamton, N. Y., Aug. 31, 1874; son of Edwin G. and Nancy Melvina (Tyler) Halbert; graduate St. Paul High School, 1891; Yale College, A.B., 1895; Yale Law School, LL.B., 1897. Unmarried. In 1898 returned to St. Paul and entered law office of Davis, Kellogg & Severance. After passing bar examination, 1898, became clerk for Hadley & Armstrong; in 1900 began practice for himself, and in 1903 joined Hugh T. Halbert in present firm of Halbert & Halbert, attorneys. Repub lican. Secretary St. Paul College of Law of which he was one of the founders; instructor in partnership and agency. Member Ramsey County, Min nesota and American Bar associations. Club: Town and Country; city tennis champion of St. Paul, 1906. Office: Dispatch Bldg. Residence: 19 Floral Av., St. Paul. HALBEBT, Hugh Tyler, lawyer; born at Binghamton, N. Y., Jan. 16. 1873; son of Edwin G. and Nancy Melvina (Tyler) Halbert; graduated from St. Paul High School, 1891; Yale College, B.A., 1895; Yale Daw School, LL.B., 1897. Unmarried. Admitted to Minne sota bar in May, 1898; entered law office of Munn & Thygreson, Feb., 1898, and remained until 1902, when with brother, Clarence W., formed present law firm of Halbert & Halbert. Member Ramsey County, Minnesota State and American Bar associations. Republican. President Roosevelt Republican Club, 1904-06. Director and secretary Citi zens' League. Preshyterian. Clubs: Town and Country, Minnesota Boat. President St. Paul -City Tennis Associa- 206 THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS tion, ex-president state association. Of fice: Dispatch Bldg. Residence: 19 Floral St., St. Paul. HALDEMAN, John E., county super intendent of schools; born at Richmond, 111., July 9, 1871; son of Jeremiah and Rowena C. (Powers) Haldeman; came to Minnesota, 1885; educated at Monte video High School and at Windom In stitute, Montevideo, graduating, 1904. Began teaching school in Chippewa Co., 1890; was county superintendent schools of Chippewa Co., 1905-07. Married at Rosewood, Minn., Aug. 20, 1900, to Miss Almeda J. Norman. Republican. Metho dist Member A. O. U. W. Address: Montevideo, Minn. HALDEN, Odin, county auditor; born at Trondhjen, Norway, May 6, 1862; son of Ole and Carrie (Buaas) Halden; educated in public and high schools, Norway. Came to America and located in Willmar, Minn., 1881, where he at tended school; removed to Duluth, 1882, and engaged in grocery business; filled position of deputy county auditor, 1888- 94; elected county auditor St. Louis Co., 1894, and has been reelected every two years since that time. Republican. Norwegian Lutheran. Member B. P. O. E., Knights of Pythias, Modern Samari tans, M. W. A. Married in New York, 1899, to Miss Bereth Hage. Clubs: Commercial, Duluth Gun. Recreations: Hunting, fishing and outdoor recrea tions. Office: Court House. Residence: 901 East 6th St., Duluth. HALE, Jerrie P., agricultural imple ments; native of Sandwich, 111.; son of Appleton and Ellen R. (Perham) Hale; came to Minnesota, 1874, and was edu cated in public schools, at Owatonna, and in business college, Minneapolis, Began active career in employ of United States Express Co., became secretary and manager American Warehouse Co., and J. P. Hale Carriage Repository until merged into Bement-Darling Co., July 1, 1901, of which is secretary and man ager; also treasurer and manager Ken wood Ice Co., since April, 1906. Re publican. Congregationalist Married at Milwaukee, Wis., 1885, to Miss Min nie Heise. Office: 616-620 3rd St., S. Residence: 2100 Oliver Av., Minneapo lis. HALE, William Dinsmore, post master of Minneapolis, soldier; born at Norridgewock, Me., Aug. 16, 1836; son of Eusebius and Philena (Dinsmore) Hale; academic education at Foxcroft, Me., and Long Island, N. Y.; married, 1st, 1864, Sarah Baker (deceased, 1868); 2nd, at Minneapolis, Minn., 1870, to Miss Flora A. Hammond. Came to Minnesota, 1856; traveled throughout the West and located permanently at Cannon Falls, Minn., 1859, engaging in farming; was elected enrolling clerk Minnesota state senate, session of 1861. Enlisted in army at outbreak of Civil War and was made sergeant of Co. E, 3rd Minn. Inf., later, sergeant major and served in Kentucky and Tennessee against Gen. Forrest; was taken prisoner and parolled; returned to Minnesota and joined Gen. Sibley's command against the Indians in summer of 1862. Returned to Tennessee with regiment Jan., 1863, and participated in Vicksburg and Little Rock campaigns; was appointed adjutant and, later major 4th Regt. U. S. Artillery (col ored), served in Kentucky, Tennessee and Arkansas, and was mustered out Feb. 1866. Cultivated a cotton plantation near Pine Bluff, Ark.; in Jan., 1867, was made agent of the Freedmen's Bureau; came to Minneapolis, Sept., 1867, and entered office of Minneapolis Central Railway; became clerk and bookkeeper for W. D. Washburn & Co., 1867; agent Minneapolis Mill Co., 1872; partner with W. D. Washburn, 1874; incorporated as Washburn Milling Co., of which he was manager, 1879; also secretary, treasurer and director Minne apolis & Duluth Ry. and director Min neapolis & St. Louis Ry., 1875-81; has been secretary Northwestern Consoli dated Milling Co., since 1895. Post master of Minneapolis under Presidents Harrison and Roosevelt and reappointed Dec. 1, 1906. Recreation: Yachting. Clubs: Lafayette, Lake Minnetonka. Office: Post Office. Residence: 1825 3rd Av., S., Minneapolis. HALE, William Edward, lawyer; born at Wheeling, W. Va., May 11, 1845; son of Isaiah Byron Burr and Mary E. (Covey) Hale; educated in common schools. Came with his parents to Wisconsin and located in Plainview, Minn., 1860; enlisted in Civil War fall of 1861 and after three years of service returned to Minnesota and pursued a course of three years' study at Hamline University; studied law in office of Judge Wilder, Red Wing, and was ad mitted to the bar at St. Paul, 1869; married at Grand Rapids, Mich., 1870. to Miss Ella C. Sutherland. Began practice of law at Buffalo, Minn., and served as county attorney of Wright Co., one term; removed to Minneapolis, 1872; county attorney Hennepin Co., 1878-82. Republican. Methodist. Clubs: Minneapolis, CommerciaL Recreations : Hunting and fishing. Office: Met. Life Bldg. Residence: 1602 Laurel Av., Minneapolis. HALL, Albert H., lawyer; born at Alexandria, O., July 11, 1858; son of Dr. Devi and Lucinda (Mitchell) Hall; educated in public schools of Ohio, to 1873; came to Minnesota and was student in high school, Austin, 1875; University of Minnesota, 1880; graduate Columbian University Law School, Washington, D. C, degree of LL.B., 1883. Has been in continuous practice of law at Minneapolis, since 1884, and has engaged in trial- of some 1,500 contested cases; senior member of the THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS 207 law firm of Hall & Kolliner, since 1900. Republican. Clerk U. S. Treasury, Washington, D. C, 1881-83; has been assistant city attorney, Minneapolis and special assistant county attorney, Hen nepin Co.; was candidate Republican nomination, 5th congressional district, 1904, receiving 8,500 votes. Methodist. Member American Bar Association. Mason; member of Knights of Pythias, A. O. U. W., W. O. W., B. P. O. E., Royal League, Columbian Knights, and Chi Psi and Phi Delta Phi fraternities. Married at Minneapolis, Sept. 12, 1883, to Miss Nellie J. Pearson. Club: Com mercial. Recreations: Driving and gen eral literature. Office: New York Dife Bldg. Residence: 2030 Queen Av., S., Minneapolis. HALL, Arthur Dillwyn, teacher; born, Providence, R. I., July 22, 1861; son of J. Hacker and Anna F. (Hoag) Hall; was graduated from Moses Brown School, Providence, 1881, (A. B. Haver ford College, 1884; A.M., University of Minnesota, 1894); married at Minneapo lis, 1901, to Miss Jennie M. Briggs. Engaged in teaching since 1884; founder and owner of the Minneapolis Classical School, established 1894. Republican. Quaker. Member Royal Arcanum. Recreations: Hunting, fishing and camp ing. Office and Residence: 1228 4th St., S. E., Minneapolis. HALL, Christopher Webber, educator; born, Wardsboro, Vt, Feb. 28, 1845; son of Lewis and Louisa (Wilder) Hall; attended district school and Leland and Gray Seminary, Townshend, Vt. ; Ches ter Academy, Chester, Vt.; Middlebury College, Middlebury, Vt., graduating, 1871, and honor man, M.A., 1873; studied in University of Leipsic, 1875-77. On leaving college became principal of Glens Falls Academy, Glens Falls, N. Y., 1871-72; principal Mankato, (Minn.) High School, 1872-73; superintendent City Schools, Owatonna, Minn., 1873-75; instructor, University of Minnesota, 1878-80; professor in the university, since 1880; dean of the College of Engi neering, Metallurgy and Mechanic Arts, 1892-97. Author: History of Univer sity of Minnesota; Geography of Min nesota, etc. Fellow Geological Society of America, and Association of American Geographers; member A. A. A. S., Min nesota Academy of Science; Geographi cal Society of Minnesota (president). Republican. Congregationalist. Mem ber Masonic order, Scottish Rite, Shrine. Married 1st, 1875, Nellie A. Dunnell; 2nd, 1883, Sophia L. Haight Club: Commercial. Office: Pillsbury Hall, University of Minnesota. Residence: 803 University Av., S. E., Minneapolis. HALL, Lee, real estate and mortgage loans; born at New Orleans, La., July 24, 1863; son of O. E. and Emily (Mudge) Hall; educated in public schools, at The Shattuck School, Faribault, Minn.; married at St. Paul, June 1, 1884, to Alice St. Germain. In employ of Samuel Cupples Wood and Willow Ware Co., St. Louis, 1878-83; with their St. Paul branch (Colbert, Hill & Co.) 1883-86; in charge of finances and office of Draper & Co., St. Paul, 1886-91; since July 1, 1891, in business for self. Ex- secretary and director Real Estate Ex change of St. Paul. Republican. Served term as member of M. N. G., St. Douis. Episcopalian. Mason (32°), Scottish Rite; member Royal Arcanum. Club: CommerciaL Office: Pioneer Press Bldg. Residence: 991 St. Clair St., St. Paul. HALL, Osee Matson, lawyer; born at Conneaut, O., Sept. 10, 1847; son of Charles and Emeline (Matson) Hall; educated at Williams College, Mass.; came to Minnesota, 1869; read law in offices of Wilder & Williston, Red Wing, and was admitted to the bar, 1872, married at Waterloo, N. Y., 1873, to Miss Elizabeth Magee. Member Good hue County Bar Association. Secretary Red Wing Gas, Light & Power Co.; vice president Red Wing Stoneware Co.; director Bank of Pierce, Simmons & Co. Democrat. Member State Senate, 1885; member Congress, 3rd congressional district, 1890-94. Episcopalian. Mason. Club: Commercial. Recreation. Liter ature. Address: Red Wing, Minn. HALL, William S., manufacturer of machinery; born at Bury, England, Jan. 6, 1844. Came to America, Sept., 1869, locating in Philadelphia, Pa., until 1871, when he returned to England; came second time to the United States, 1873, making headquarters at Hudson, Wis., where he entered employ of the West Wisconsin Ry. ; settled in Minneapolis, 1878, and entered business of machinist; works destroyed by fire in spring of 1881, but were immediately rebuilt and sold out in 1884; entered business again, 1887, under name of Eagle Iron Works of which he is sole proprietor, maintain ing a general machine shop and manu facturing mill and elevator machinery of every description. Married at Ac- crington, England, 1868, to Miss Alice Singleton. Member Masonic order. Recreations: Travel, literature and music. Office: 5th Av., S., and 2nd St. Residence: 1905 15th Av., S., Min neapolis. HALL, Willis E., general agent United States Express Co.; born at Milwaukee, Wis., June 24, 1860; son of Benjamin W. and Livina Y. (Teed) Hall; educated in public schools and academy, Milwau kee and Racine, Wis.; married at Ra cine, 1883, to Miss Margaret M. Blow. Entered express business as employee of American Express Co., in Wisconsin, 1878; became identified with the U. S. Express Co., in 1886, and advanced through various positions until 1902, when he came to St. Paul from Racine as general agent of the company. Episcopalian. Member Knights of 208 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS Pythias, B. P. O. E., Royal Arcanum, National Union, E. F. U. Recreations: Fishing and other outdoor sports. Of fice: 101 E. 5th St. Residence: 279 Selby Av., St. Paul. HALLAM, Oscar, jurist; born at Lin den, Wis., Oct. 19, 1865; son of Joseph and Mary (Wood) Hallam; attended country district school, Dodge ville (Wis.) High School, and was graduated from the University of Wisconsin, A.B., 1887, and from the College of Law of same, LL.B., 1889; married at St. Paul, Minn., July 27, 1892, to Edith L. Lott Admitted to the bar, 1889, and engaged in practice until elected judge of the district court of the second judicial district of Minnesota for term beginning Jan. 1, 1905, and expiring Dec. 31, 1910. Member of local, State and American Bar associations; instructor St. Paul College of Law. Republican. Congrega tionalist. Mason, Odd Fellow. Clubs: Minnesota, Commercial. Office: Court House. Residence: 743 Goodrich Av., St. Paul. HALLBERG, George Elwyn, real estate; born at Stillwater, Minn., Aug. 18, 1871; educated in high school and at Minneapolis Academy, graduating from the latter in 1892; unmarried. En tered office of secretary of State as recording clerk, Jan., 1895, and became assistant secretary of State; resigned, 1901, to lay out and promote the town of Warroad, Minn. Secretary and treasurer Warroad Townsite Co.; presi dent Perkins-Thomas Printing Co., St. Paul; proprietor of Hallberg's Addition to Warroad, etc. Republican. Mason. Member B. P. O. E. Clubs: Commer cial (St. Paul); Commercial (Warroad); Seattle Athletic (Seattle, Wash.). Ad dress : Warroad, Minn. HALLER, Axel, judge of probate, Goodhue Co.; born in Sweden, Dec. 11, 1858; son of Andrew and Kary (Bengt- son) Haller; came to America and settled in Minnesota, 1867; educated in public schools and at Red Wing Semi nary; married at Red Wing, Dec, 1882, to Miss Inger Oltum. Taught school at Wanamingo, Goodhue Co., for 10 years; was secretary of Cherry Grove, Wanamingo & Mineola Fire Insurance Co., for 10 years; filled position of assistant cashier First State Bank, Zum brota; elected probate judge of Goodhue Co., Nov., 1894, and has been reelected at each succeeding election. Studied law and was admitted to the bar, 1902. Director Bank of Pierce, Simmons & Co., Red Wing Advertising Co. Republican. Lutheran. Member Goodhue County Bar Association, A. O. U. W., Modern Wood men of America. Address: Red Wing, Minn. HALLET, Ferdinand Alexander, grain commission; born at Faribault, Minn., Sept. IS, 1867; son of Hubert and Frances (Lieb) Hallet; educated in public schools in Faribault and at The Shattuck Military Academy. Came to Minneapolis, 1899, having spent the previous ten years in St. Paul, where he was connected with Armour & Co., and the Cudahy Packing Co.; senior member of Hallett & Co. Independent in politics. Catholic. Married at St. Paul, 1898, to Miss Katherine Kenkel. Office: Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Residence: 2231 W. 31st St., Minneapo lis. HALLOCK, Leavitt Homan, clergy man; born at Plainfleld, Mass., Aug. 15, 1842; son of Leavitt and Elizabeth P. Hallock; graduate Williston Seminary, Easthampton, Mass., 1859; Amherst College, 1863; Hartford Theological Seminary, 1866; degree of D.D., Whit man College, Wash., 1893; corporate member A.B.C.F.M., since 1893; member two international councils Congrega tional Church, meeting respectively at London and Boston, 1891 and 1899. Ordained and installed as pastor at Berlin, Conn., July 18, 1867; pastor, West Winsted, Conn., 1873, removing after 10 years to Williston Church, Portland, Me., and later to Waterville, Me.; installed as pastor First Church, Tacoma, Wash., 1892; preacher and lecturer at Mills College, for young ladies of California, until 1898, when he became pastor Plymouth Congrega tional Church, Minneapolis, where he still remains. Member Tacoma Academy of Science. Married, 1st, at Brooklyn, N. Y., to Martha B. Butler, who died, 1873; 2nd, at Portland, Me., Oct. 3, 1888, to Miss Ellen M. Webster. Clubs: Berkeley (California), Six O'clock. Recreations: Vacation trip to Hawaii, cycling tours in Europe, etc. Church: Plymouth Church. Residence: The Con cord, 65 11th St., S., Minneapolis. HALLOWELL, William Penrose, coal dealer; born in Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 30, 1863; son of William P. and Eliza beth C. (Davis) Hallowell; educated at Cheltenham (Pa.) Academy, Friends' Central School, Philadelphia, and Swarthmore (Pa.) College; left college, 1883, and moved from Philadelphia to Minneapolis, .Sept., 1883; married at Minneapolis, June 5, 1888, to Agnes Har- denburgh. Engaged as clerk, with Northwestern National Bank and with D. Morrison & Co., merchant millers, 1883-88; clerk Northwestern Fuel Co., partner in firm of H. W. Armstrong & Co., (coal) resident managers Youghi- ogheny & Lehigh Coal Co., 1888-1902; secretary May 1, 1902, vice president and treasurer July 18, 1904, Holmes & MacCaughey Co., coal; since June 1, 1905, vice president and treasurer Holmes and Hallowell Co., wholesale and retail coal, with offices in Minneapo lis and St. Paul. Served in Company I, 1st Regt. State of Minnesota, 1883-88. Republican. Clubs: Minneapolis, Mini kahda, Lafayette. Office: 204 So. Fourth St. Residence: 2302 First Av., S., Minneapolis. THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 209 HALSTED, Andrew Jacob, editor and publisher; born at Bridgeport, O., Aug. 23, 1850; son of Uriah W., and Mary J. (Grubb) Halsted; educated in common schools of Bridgeport; practical printer by trade. Widower; married, 1st, at Wheeling, W. Va., Aug. 23, 1875, to Miss Annie M. Zane, who died May 19, 1876; 2nd, at Don, O., Oct., 1886, to Miss Louise Smith, who died at Brainerd, Minn., Jan. 10, 1902. Was city editor Wheeling Daily Intelligencer for 9 years; established Wheeling Evening Journal, 1879; came to Minnesota, April, 1884, purchasing The Brainerd Tribune, which he has ever since published. Re publican. Has been prominent in poli tics in northern Minnesota for more than 20 years; was four times elected mayor of City of Brainerd, 1894-06; chairman Republican County Central Committee for several years and presi dent Republican Club. Now president State Editorial Association. Episco palian. Member Masonic order, Knights Templar, Shrine; B. P. O. E., Eagles, I. O. R. M., A. O. U. W., Knights of Maccabees. Club: Commercial. Ad dress: Brainerd, Minn. HAMBLIN, Charles Henry, managing editor and business manager The Min neapolis Tribune; born in London, Eng., Sept. 13, 1859; son of Edward Town- send and Helen (Lilley) Hamblin; edu cated at King's School, Peterborough, England, and Bristol Grammar school; married at Milwaukee, Wis., Nov. 19, 1888, to Miss Nellie O'Connell. Came to. America, 1882; was reporter on Times, Grand Rapids, Mich., 1882-83; city editor same paper, 1883-84; assist ant city editor Telegram, Grand Rapids, 1884-87; press agent for Jacob Litt, 1888; came to Minneapolis, Minn., 1889; reporter on Star (later Tribune-Star and now Evening Tribune), 1889-90; manag ing editor Evening Tribune, 1891-92; managing editor of both until 1902, when was elected secretary Minnesota Tribune Co., and business manager and managing editor of The Minneapolis Tribune, which positions he now holds. Mason. Clubs: Minneapolis, Commer cial, Automobile. Office: The Minne apolis Tribune. Residence: 2001 S. Aldrich Av., Minneapolis. HAMLIN, Conde, vice president and general manager Pioneer Press Co.; born at Schenectady, N. Y., 1863; son of D. H. and Katherine (Conde) .Hamlin; graduate high school, Winona, Minn., 1879; Union College, Schenectady, N. Y., degree of A.B., 1883 (A.M., 1886); Law School University of Wisconsin, LL.B., 1887; admitted to practice law in State and Federal courts, 1887. Began in newspaper business, 1888; was city edi- itor and managing editor Pioneer Press. Member State Board Corrections and Charities, 1897-98; president St Paul Commercial Club, 1897-99; president Minnesota Board of World's Fair Com missioners, 1903-04. Republican (chair man Minnesota Republican State Cen tral Committee, 1904-05). Office: The Pioneer Press\ Residence: 24 S. St. Albans St., St. Paul. HAMM, William, brewer; born at St. Paul, Minn., Sept. 26, 1858; son of Theodore and Louisa Hamm; educated in public schools of St. Paul. Began active career under his father in the brewing business founded by Theodore Hamm, 1863; became vice president and secretary of the company upon its in corporation, 1894, and has been its president and treasurer since the death of his father, 1903. Member Board of Park Commissioners. Was one of the leaders in completion of the Auditorium project and has been identified with many public enterprises. Married in October, 1893, to Miss Marie Scheffer. Office: 681 E. Minnehaha St., cor. Greenbrier Av. Residence: 671 Cable Av., St. Paul. HAMMOND, James Gurley, lands; born at Ottumwa, Iowa, Sept. 23, 1854; son of W. H. and Eliza (Baker) Ham mond; educated in public school, Ot tumwa, Iowa, until 1871, Iowa Wesleyan University, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, 1871-73; married at New Sharon, Iowa, Dec: 6, 1877, to Clara R. Graham. Member of firm of Kramer & Hammond, merchants, New Sharon, Iowa, 1878-86; Kramer & Hammond, bankers, 1886-95; incorpo rated as New Sharon State Bank, of which he is president; also president Dakota-Manitoba Land Co., and Mexico Land Co.; vice president Bear River Land Co.; secretary Economy Coal Co.; member of firm of Hammond & Dodson. Republican. Club. CommerciaL Office: Endicott Bldg. Residence: 327 Prior Av., St. Paul. HAMMOND, Winfield S., lawyer, con gressman; born at Southborough, Mass., Nov. 17, 1863; son of John W. and Ellen (Harding) Hammond; educated in public schools, Southborough, Peters' High School, Southborough, graduating 1880, and at Dartmouth College, graduating, degree of A.B., 1884; unmarried. Ad mitted to practice law in Minnesota, Nov. 5, 1891; has been located in St. James and practicing his profession alone since 1895. Director Security State Bank of St. James. County at torney, Watonwan Co., three terms; member of Minnesota State Normal School Board since 1899. Democrat (candidate for Congress, 2nd district, 1892); elected to Congress, 2nd district, 1906. Member Minnesota State Bar Association, Sons of the Revolution. Address:" St. James, Minn. HAMBE, Lars O., county treasurer; born in Norway, Aug. 9, 1841; came to America, at age of 19 years in 1860. Was postmaster at Windom, one and one-half years; register of deeds, Fill more Co., 1873-85; has been treasurer of Fillmore Co., for 15 years. Address: Preston, Minn. 210 THB BOOK OF MINNESOTANS HANDY, Bay D., cartoonist; born at Minneapolis, Minn., Aug." 21, 1877; son of DeWitt C. and Nellie (Seamans) Handy; educated in public schools of Minneapolis; married at Excelsior, Minn., Sept. 2, 1902, to Vera E. Mason. Began career with Minneapolis Tribune, 1897-1901; cartoonist on Duluth News Tribune since 1901, and manager The News Tribune Engraving plant. Has published four books of cartoons, 1904- 07. Republican. Member B. P. O. E. Recreations: Hunting and Ashing. Of fice: The News Tribune. Residence: 1831 E. Superior St., Duluth. HANFT, Hugo O., jurist; born, St. Peter, Minn., Dec. 16, 1871; son of Oscar H. and Anna (Engelke) Hanft; educated in grammar school and high school at New Ulm, Minn., German- American Teachers' Seminary, Milwau kee, Wis., Daw Department University of Minnesota, LL.B., 1896, (LL.M. 1897); married in Putnam Co., illinois, June 16, 1900, to Laura H. Holly. Principal of Peru, 111., High School, four years; served with 13th Minn. Vol. Inf., in the Philippines, entering as private and discharged as battalion adjutant. Ad mitted to bar, 1896; assistant county attorney of Ramsey County, from 1900 until elected in May, 1906, to present office as judge of the Municipal Court of St Paul. Democrat. Member of various German Societies in St. Paul. Office: Court House. Residence: The Willard, St. Paul. HANKINSON, Herbert L., grain and commission; born in Minneapolis, April 10, 1872; son of Richard H. and Sarah E. (Martin) Hankinson; educated in public schools of Minneapolis and at The Shattuck School, Faribault, Minn. Began active career with his father, at Hankinson, N. D., in farming and general merchandise business; was in service of the Soo Line as traveling passenger agent, 1893-96; entered grain business, 1896, as The Hankinson-Ireys Co., of which he is president. Republi can. Presbyterian. Member Minneapo lis Chamber of Commerce, Duluth Board of Trade. Scottish Rite Mason. Mar ried at Minneapolis, 1895, to Miss Carrie B. Wagner. Office: Chamber of Com merce. Residence: 2714 Park Av., Min neapolis. HANLEY, Martin Franklin, lawyer; born at St. Louis, Mo., Jan. 30, 1859; son of Martin Franklin and Cyrene Clemens (Walton) Hanley; educated in St. Louis High School, 1877, Washing ton University and St. Louis Law School, degree of LL.B., 1879. Entered practice of law, 1880; has been in general prac tice of law in Minneapolis since 1884. Independent in politics. Member Min nesota and American Bar associations. Married at Rock Island, 111., May 14, 1895, to Miss Emeline Buford. Recrea tions: Hunting and Ashing. Office: Oneida Bldg, Residence: 2411 Blais dell Av., Minneapolis. HANNA, William A., farmer, banker; born at Lisbon, N. Y., March 8, 1849. President First National Bank, Maple- ton. Address: Mapleton, Minn. HANNAFOBD, Jule M., 2nd vice president Northern Pacific Ry., and president Northern Express Co.; born at Claremont, N. H., Nov. 19, 1850; son of Eli R. and Paulina A. (Jewett) Hannaford; educated in the common schools of Vt. Entered railway service, June, 1866, as clerk in general freight office Vermont Central R. R. at St. Albans, Vt.; came to Northern Pacific Ry., May 17, 1872, as chief clerk in the general freight office and has since been continuously in the service of that road as follows: assistant general freight and passenger agent, 1879-81; general freight agent, eastern division, 1881-83; assistant superintendent freight traffic, 1883-84; general freight agent, main line and branches, 1884-86; traffic manager, 1886-1890; general traffic mana ger, 1890-1899; also general traffic man ager Wisconsin Central lines, 1890-1893; third vice president Northern Pacific Ry., 1899-1902; second vice president since 1902; also now president North ern Pacific Express Co. Director Mer chants' National Bank, Northwestern Trust Co.; trustee State Savings Bank; president, Northern Express Co. Club: Minnesota. Office: General Office North ern Fac. Ry. Residence: 405 Portland Av., St. Paul. HANNAH, Adam, banker; native of Scotland; educated in public schools of Scotland. Came to America, 1881; en gaged in banking business since 1885; treasurer The Savings Bank of Minne apolis. Democrat. Presbyterian. Mar ried at Crieff, Scotland, 1888, to Miss Ellen Miller. Club: Commercial. Office: 200 4th St., S., Minneapolis. Residence: Thornton Lodge, South Shore, Harriet Lake, Minn. HANSEN, Christian O., manufacturer; born in Norway, 1848; son of Hans O. and Andrea Hansen; educated in Chris tiania, Norway. Has been in wood working manufacture since beginning his active career, 45 years ago; came to America, 1880, and located in Minneap olis; was one of the organizers of the Joannin-Hansen Company, 1882, manu facturers of sash, doors, etc. Member Minneapolis Builders and Traders' Ex change. Member Knights of Pythias. Married at Minneapolis, 1905, to Miss Louisa Stromme. Recreations: Sailing and fishing. Office: 2308 N. 2nd St. Residence: 2314 Washington Av., N., Minneapolis. HANSEN, Marius, physician; born at Nakskov, Denmark, Aug. 12, 1871; son of Nicolai and Mariane Hansen; came to Minnesota, 1891; graduate Menomi nee (Mich.) High School, 1890; Univer- THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 211 sity of Minnesota, College of Medicine and Surgery, graduating, degree of M.D., 1894. Has been engaged in practice of medicine at Hendrum, Minn., since 1894. Married at Kewaunee, Wis., 1896, to Miss Florence Froney. Member Amer ican and Minnesota State Medical as sociations. Mason. Address: Hendrum, Minn. HANSON, Hans C, gas machines; born in Denmark, Sept. 5, 1870; son of Rasmus and Margaret (Christiansen) Hanson; educated in Denmark; came to America and located in Albert Lea, 1887; married at Albert Lea, 1900, to Miss Lena Nelson. Blacksmith by trade; began manufacture of gas ma chines for lighting, 1897, and is presi dent American Gas Machine Co. Pro hibitionist. Baptist. Club: Commer ciaL Address: Albert Lea, Minn. HANSON, Harry M., banking; born at Forest City, la., June 17, 1872; son of William O. and Jennie (Anderson) Hanson; educated in Forest City (la.) High School; Cornell College, Mt. Ver non, la.; Curtiss Commercial College, Minneapolis. Unmarried. Began in banking business at Forest City, la., 1892; came to Minnesota, 1899; now cashier First National Bank, Hanley Falls. Also secretary W. M. & P. Land & Townsite Co. Republican. Elected member State Legislature, Nov., 1906, term extending to Jan., 1909. Royal Arch Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner. Recreation: Travel. Address: Hanley Falls, Minn. HANSON, John B., railway official; born at Somerville, Mass., Dec, 1853; son of John B. and Clarissa (Pierce) Hanson; educated at public schools of Somerville. Removed to St. Paul, Minn., from the East, 1870, and began active career as clerk in wholesale notion store; en tered auditing department St. Paul and Pacific Ry., 1876; became connected with St. Paul, Minneapolis & Manitoba Rd., and later with the Great Northern Ry. ; came to Duluth, 1892, as general freight and passenger agent and auditor Du luth, Missabe & Northern Ry., in which position he still continues. Member Modern Woodmen of America. Club: Commercial. Office: Wolvin Bldg. Resi dence: 1621 E. 3rd St., Duluth. HANSON, Martin A., general mer chant; born at Caledonia, Minn., Sept. 20, 1868; son of James A. and Dorthia (Nilson) Hanson (both of Norway); ed ucated in Caledonia schools and at the LaCrosse (Wis.) Business College, grad uating from the latter. Entered general merchandizing at the age of 16 years, and has followed the same line of busi ness ever since. Secretary and manager of Nilson, Hanson & Co., Incorporated, organized in 1895, retail dealers in gen eral merchandise, in Morris, Minn.; also member of J. A. Hanson & Son, cloth iers, Forest City, Iowa. Republican. Methodist. Member Knights of Pythias, M. W. of A., A. O. U. W., Mystic Toilers, I. O. O. F., Rebeckas, Degree of Honor, Royal Neighbors. Married at Heron Lake, Minn., Jan. 17, 1893, to Miss R. M. Behrenfeldt Address: Morris, Minn. HANSON, Martin G., principal Red Wing Evangelical Lutheran Seminary; born in Goodhue Co., Minn., July 11, 1859; son of Ostin and Maria (Chris- tofferson) Hanson; graduate Red Wing Evangelical Seminary, academic and theological, 1884; married at Rising Sun, Wis., 1886, to Miss Caroline Runice. Began in ministry of the Norwegian Lutheran Church, at St. Paul, Minn., where he continued as pastor for 8 years; was pastor at Grand Forks, N. D., for 7 years; has been principal Red Wing Evangelical Seminary, since 1898. Was vice president of Hauges Norwe gian Evangelical Lutheran Seminary for 5 years, arid has been president of same for six successive years; was for sev eral terms and is now president of the Home Mission Board; member Board of Foreign Missions for past 6 years; was director of Red Wing Seminary in 1885 and its- president, 1886-7. Address Red Wing, Minn. HANSON, Ole G., hardware merchant; born in Norway, Sept. 1, 1856; son of Gilbert and Olielia Hanson; came to Minnesota, 1876; educated in Norway and Olmsted Co., Minn.; married at Rochester, 1880, to Miss Marie Nelson. Began active career as clerk and book keeper for the firm of Stebbins & Co., Rochester, 1878; assisted in organizing the retail hardware firm of Baker & Hanson, May, 1891, and has ever since been identified with the hardware busi ness. Republican. Alderman 6 years; president of city council one year. Luth eran. Member Masonic order, Knight Templar, B. P. O. E., Knights of Pyth ias, Modern Woodmen of America, A. O. U. W. Club: Commercial (charter mem ber). Address: Rochester, Minn. HANSON, Peder Bertram, druggist; born in Bergen, Norway, Oct. 31, 1865; son of Peder and Bertha (Olson) Han son; came to America, April, 1882, and to Minnesota, July, 1882; graduate of Hans Tanks School, Norway, 1881; Chi cago College of Pharmacy, degree of Ph.G., 1886. Began active career in drug store at Sauk Center, Minn., Sept., 1882; member of the firm of Hanson & Emer son, since Feb., 1892, retail dealers in drugs, etc. Congregationalist. Member Knights of Pythias, I. O. O. F. Address : Sauk Center, Minn. HANSON, Peter G., groceries and meats; born, New York City, March 20, 1856; son of Albert G. and Caroline (Nelson) Hanson; educated in public schools at Southport, Conn. Began act ive career as farmer at Southport, con tinuing until 21 years of age; removed to Minneapolis, 1877, clerked in store 212 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS. for 6 months and has since been in grocery and meat business. President Retail Merchants' Mutual Fire Insur ance Co. Member National Association of Retail Grocers (president 2 years); Minnesota Retail Grocers Association (president 7 years) ; Minneapolis Re tail Grocers' Association (president 2 years); also member Modern Woodmen. Republican. Methodist. Married at Min neapolis, 1880, to Miss Belle M. Plum mer. Club: Commercial. Office: 514-516 2nd Av., S. Residence: 193 3 Stevens Av., Minneapolis. HABBAUGH, Fred P., machinery; born at Crestline. O.. Feb. 26. 1870: son of George and Eva (Gross) Harbaugh: educated in public schools of Indianap olis, Milwaukee and St. Paul; unmar ried. Began as shipping clerk for Rus sell & Co., agricultural implements, St. Paul, 1889; organized the F. P. Har baugh Co., 1903, of whieh he is presi dent and treasurer. Republican. Mem ber Council of White Bear Lake, Minn. Recreations: Fishing, roaming through the woods. Clubs: Commercial, Roose velt Republican. Office: 331 East 3rd St., St. Paul. Residence: White Bear Lake, Minn. HABD, Addison Davis, physician; born at Fall River, Wis., Jan. 23, 1854; son of Hansen and Lucinda (Davis) Hard; educated at State Normal School, Bloomington, 111., 1870-72; University of Michigan, Department of Medicine and Surgery, graduating, degree of M.D., 1883; Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, 1883-84, degree of M.D., 1884; Minnesota Institute of Pharmacy, degree of Ph.G.. 1902. Began practice of medicine 1883. Republican. Baptist. Member Montgom ery County Medical Society, Minnesota State Medical Association.- Member I. O. O. F. Married at Ambia, Ind., 1893, to Miss Fannie I. Pierce. Recreation: Au tomobiling. Address: Marshall, Minn. HABDCASTLE, William Bodwell, manager American Linseed Co.; born in Clay Center, Kas., Jan. 6, 1875; son of Arthur S. and Ellen (Pierce) Hard- castle; educated in public schools and one year at University of Colorado. Be gan active career iri employ of Conti nental Oil Co., at Pueblo, Colo., con tinuing, 1896-1902; was auditor Amer ican Linseed Co., New York, 1902-1905; has been manager for the company at Minneapolis, since Nov. 1, 1905. Mem ber Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce. Unmarried. Office: Chamber of Com merce Bldg. Residence: 303 E. 15th St, Minneapolis. HABDENBEBGH, Charles Morgan, president National Milling Co. ; born at New Brunswick, N. J., Jan. 4, 1833; completed education at Trinity College, New Haven, Conn. Began active career by learning trade of shipwright; in ship chandlery, in Chicago, 111., 1863; removed to Minneapolis, 1863, and started Minnesota Iron Works, continu ing until 1879; built the Crown Roller Mill, 1879, operated by Christian Broth ers' Milling Co., until 1891; sold out interest in company and organized, 1891, with son, Frederick E., the National Milling Co., manufacturers of highest grade of spring wheat flour, of which is president. Former alderman Minne apolis. Republican. Episcopalian. Mem ber Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce. Married at Hartford, Conn., 1859, to Miss Mary Lee. Office: 505 S. 1st St., Minne apolis. Residence: Wayzata, Lake Min netonka, Minn. HABDENBEBGH, Frederick Eugene, secretary and treasurer National Mill ing Co.; born at Minneapolis, Minn., June 20, 1865; son of Charles M. and Mary (Lee) Hardenbergh; educated in public and high schools of Minneapolis. Began business career as employe of Christian Brothers' Milling Co., remain ing with them until the business was acquired, 1891, by the Northwestern Consolidated Milling Co.; assisted his father, Charles M., in organizing the widely known National Milling Co., in 1891, of which has been secretary and treasurer since its inception. Independ ent in politics. Christian Scientist Mem ber Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce. Married at Minneapolis, Minn., 1891, -to Miss Louise Degas. Office: 525 S. 1st St. Residence: 1017 Logan Av., S., Min neapolis. HABDENBEBGH, William Adams, leather and saddlery; born at Cleve land, O., March 9, 1862; son of P. R. L. and Charlotte E. (Adams) Hardenbergh; educated at Brayton Preparatory School, Painesville, O., and University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Ind.; married at St. Paul, Minn., Nov. 11, 1886, to Ella G. Stone. Came to St. Paul, 1877, and began business career in 1879 in the firm of P. R. L. Hardenbergh & Co.. and since its incorporation, 190'4, has been its president; director Capital National Bank. Member St. Paul Police Commis sion and Minnesota State Board of Equalization. President Wholesale Sad dlery Association of the United States, 1896-1898. Democrat. Catholic. Clubs: Minnesota, Town and Country, White Bear Yacht. Office: 235-239 Eighth St, St. Paul. Residence: White Bear Lake, Minn. HARDY, John C, secretary St. Paul Lake Ice Co.; born at St. Paul. Minn., lj°°: son of Nicholas and Elizabeth (bhmdler) Hardy; educated in public schools and at St. John's University, Cpllegeville, Minn. Spent 6 years in sheriffs office and then began in the ice business, with which his father has been identified for nearly 50 years; sec retary and treasurer St. Paul Lake Ice Co., his father being president and man ager of the company. For 15 years member M. N. G.; colonel upon mili tary staff of Gov. Johnson; member THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 213 State Senate, sessions 1903, 1905 and 1907, term ending 1909. Democrat. Cath olic. Member A. O. U. W., Knights of Columbus. Married at St. Paul, 1891, to Miss Catherine I. Roche. Recreations: Fishing and hunting. Office: Globe Bldg. Residence: 228 Pleasant Av., St. Paul. HARGREAVES, Fred Wells, lawyer; born at Newark, N. J., Nov. 13, 1867; son of Henry and Mary (Bouton) Har- greaves; educated in public schools, Wappingers Falls, N. Y. ; Hudson River Institute, Claverack; Cornell Univer sity, Ithaca, graduating, degree of B.S., 1889; College of Law, Cornell Univer sity, degree of LL.B., 1891. Admitted to New York bar, Sept., 1891; to Min nesota bar, 1894. Began practice of law in New York City, 1891; removed to Duluth, June, 1894; senior member Arm of Hargreaves & Cook (Joseph W.) from Jan. 1, 1903, to Jan. 1, 1906; has been practicing alone since Jan. 1, 1906. Re publican. Member Minnesota Bar Asso ciation. Member Beta Delta (C. U.) Chapter of Beta Theta Pi. Married at Ithaca, N. Y., Dec. 24, 1891, to Sara Williams Cook. Clubs: Northland Coun try, Curling. Recreations: Golf and curling. Office: Torrey Bldg. Residence: 513 E. 3rd St.," Duluth. HARM, Frederick Henry, jeweler, op tician; born in Le Sueur County, Minne sota, March, 26, 1867; son of H. F. and Josephine (Smith) Harm; educated in district school; married at Chicago, 111., Oct. 20, 1892, to Miss E. W. Thompson. Continuously engaged in jewelry and op tical business since Sept. 11, 1885. Served five years in First Regiment National Guard, State of Minnesota. Republican; candidate for city treasurer, 1906, but defeated. Presbyterian. Mason; mem ber Odd Fellows, Royal Arcanum, Mac cabees, A. O. U. W., Woodmen. Club: Commercial. Office: 387 Robert St. and 109 East 7th St Residence: 644 St. Peter St., St. Paul. HABMON, William Phelps, printing; born at Princeton, Wis., March 31, 1865; son of Hiram Holmes and Luanna (Phelps) Harmon; educated in public schools. Learned the printer's trade, be ginning 1879; began in business for self, under firm name of Harmon & Moe, 1887; was publisher of the Princeton Republic, Princeton, Wis., for two years, 1894-96; entered into partnership with Henry Hahn, as general printers, Min neapolis, incorporating, 1904, as the Hahn & Harmon Co., of which is secre tary and treasurer; also treasurer Min neapolis Book Concern. Member Ma sonic order, Chapter, Commandery, Shrine, Royal Arcanum. Married at Minneapolis, 1890, to Miss Edna Mary Clark. Club: Commercial. Recreations: Outdoor sports, fishing, sailing. Office: 524 2nd Av., S. Residence: 1905 Penn Av., S., Minneapolis. HABBIES, William Henry, lawyer; born in Montgomery Co., O.,. Jan. 15, 1843; graduate Law Department, Uni versity of Michigan, 1868. Enlisted as private in Co. B, 2nd Wis. Vol. Inf., April 18, 1861; advanced through grades to Ist lieut. of company and was com missioned captain Co. F, 3rd U. S. Vols., Dec. 21, 1864. Was wounded through left lung at Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862; honorably discharged, April 17, 1886. Be gan practice of law in Houston Co., Minn., May 6, 1868; now member law firm of Harries & Dorival. Democrat. County attorney Houston Co., two terms; member 52nd Congress from 1st dis trict; ex-president board of education and ex-president village council, Caledo nia; member Board of Trustees Minne sota Soldiers' Home, 1903-13. Member G. A. R.; commander-in-chief Depart ment of Minnesota, 1901; junior vice commander Loyal Legion, Commandery of State of Minnesota. Member Amer ican and Minnesota Bar associations, Masonic order, Knight Templar, Mason ic Veteran Association. Widower. Rec reations: Hunting, fishing, horses. Ad dress: Caledonia, Minn. HARRINGTON, Charles Medbury, grain; born at New Berlin, N. Y., July 11, 1855; son of Daniel and Elizabeth (Medbury) Harrington; educated at New Berlin Academy, 1871. Learned telegraphy upon leaving school and se cured position with G. W. Van Dusen, at Rochester, Minn., as telegraph opera tor and bookkeeper, continuing for 3 years; removed to Albany, N. Y., and was in employ of Mather Brothers, wholesale grocers, for 6 years; located again in Minnesota, entering grain busi ness with Mr. Van Dusen; has resided in Minneapolis since 1883. President The Van Dusen-Harrington Co., National El evator Co., Crescent Elevator Co.; viee president Interstate Grain Co., Pioneer Steel Elevator Co.; secretary and treas urer Star Elevator Co., G. W. Van Dusen & Co.; director Home Grain Co., St. An thony Elevator Co. Ex-president Minne apolis Chamber of Commerce. Repub lican. Episcopalian. Married at New Berlin, N. Y., Sept. 12, 1877, to Miss Grace Ross. Clubs: Minneapolis (ex- president), Minikahda, Commercial (first president), Lafayette. Recreations: Horses, automobiling. Office: Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Residence: 2540 Park Av., Minneapolis. HARRINGTON, Curtis Byman, law yer, investment broker; born at New Richmond, Wis., April 29, 1876; son of George M. and Effie M. (Lyman) Har rington; educated in Hayward High School, graduating, 1895; Curtiss Busi ness College, graduating, 1897; North western University; Law Department LTniversity of Minnesota, graduating, de gree of LL.B., 1904; admitted to bar of Minnesota, 1904. Earned way while at tending high school, business college and university, teaching school four years while attending high school. Married at 214 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS Minneapolis, 1903, to Miss Mary E. Willis. After leaving school assisted in organizing the law firm of Wyvell & Harrington, .also acting as president of the Snow-Church Co.; incorporated firm of Wyvell-Harrington Co., 1903, real es tate, insurance, mortgages, loans and investments, of which he is secretary and treasurer; director Swan-Eagle Min ing and Tunnel Co. Member Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity. Club: Com mercial. Office: Andrus Bldg. Residence: 3145 Park Av., Minneapolis. HARRINGTON, Guy P., mining engi neer; born at Brownton, Minn., April 24, 1883; son of L. P. and Mary (Gros- hong) Harrington; educated at Hutchin son High School and University of Min nesota, graduating June, 1906, with de gree of E.M.; unmarried. Teacher in public schools of McLeod Co., Minn., two years; was engineer Chicago, Mil waukee & St. Paul Ry., of Montana; county surveyor of McLeod Co., one term. Republican. Member Sigma Xi Society, University of Minnesota. Ad dress: Hutchinson, Minn. HARRINGTON, Hiram Augustus, register of deeds; born in Anoka, Aug. 19, 1861; son of H. A. and Susan Eliza beth (Sanborn) Hafrington; educated in Anoka public schools and business col lege; married, 1st, at Anoka, July, 1890, to Miss Alia N. Hitchcock (now de ceased); 2nd, at Anoka, to Miss Bessie F. Webber. Began active career at work in saw mill and continued for a number of years on the river and in the woods; in Oregon, 1889; returned to Minnesota and was assessor and po lice officer at Anoka for 5 years; regis ter of deeds Anoka Co. since Jan., 1905. Member Co. B, M. N. G., 1890-96; mem ber A. O. U. W., I. O. O. F. Club: Com merciaL Address: Anoka, Minn. HABBINGTON, William Edmond', banker; born at Hutchinson, Minn., July 2, 1860; son of Lewis and Ellen Myra (Fendergast) Harrington; graduate of Hutchinson High School, 1878; Univer sity of Minnesota, 1881; University of Michigan, Law Department, 1883. Un married. Entered banking business, 1886, and is now president of the Citi zens' Bank, Hutchinson; also president Hutchinson Telephone Exchange Co. Member State Legislature, 1903-07. Ad dress: Hutchinson, Minn. HABBINGTON, Zina G., physician, banker; born at Londonderry, Vt., Aug. 20, 1830; son of Emery and Calysta (Goodell) Harrington; educated at West River Academy, Bennington Seminary and Albany Medical School, graduating, M.D., 1857; married, Oct. 20, 1874, to Julia E. Robbins. Began practice at Chester, Vt. ; removed to Mankato, Minn., 1871; has been president Mankato State Bank since 1903. Ex-president Minnesota Valley Medical Association, Address: Mankato, Minn. HABBIS, Harold, lawyer; born in Pierce County, Wis., Nov. 21, 1857; son of Gilbert and Anna (Gunderson) Har ris; brought up on farm; educated in country schools in Pierce Co., Wis.; River Falls (Wis.) Normal School, grad uating, 1882; University of Wisconsin, graduating, B.Sc, 1886, LL.B., 1889. Married at West Bend, Wis., 1890, to Jennie Salter. Taught several terms of country school after graduation from normal school, and after graduation from University, 1886, was principal of Unity (Wis.) High School two years, reading law during that period. Ad mitted to bar Oct. 1, 1889, and has since then practiced law in St. Paul, with spe cialty in real estate law. Secretary and director Park Region Land Co.; director Wisconsin Blue Grass Land Co.; vice president and director Polk Co. Improve ment Co.; secretary and director Truant Gold and Silver Mining Co. Member American, Minnesota State and Ram sey County Bar associations. Democrat. Unitarian. Member Odd Fellows, Mod ern Woodmen of America. Recreations: Hunting, fishing. Club: Commercial. Office: National German- American Bank Bldg. Residence: 731 Osceola Av., St. Paul. HABBIS, Philip S., retired; born at Harrisburg, Pa., Oct. 4, 1834; educated at Harrisburg; married to Miss Cecelia S. Stephenson, of Maryland. Began act ive career in Harrisburg, in merchan dising business; came to St. Paul, 1867; became private secretary of William L. Banning, 1868; president Lake Superior & Mississippi Railroad Co., now the St. Paul & Duluth division of the Northern Pacific Ry. ; was land commissioner of the road, 1870-80; made exhibit of Min nesota products, at fair of the American Institute, N. Y., 1872, demonstrating that gravity of Minnesota apples is 30 per cent greater than Southern grown apples, and securing first prize at the fair; was secretary and treasurer St. Paul & Duluth Railroad Co., 1881-90, at the close of which time he resigned on account of ill health, and has since been an extensive traveler in various parts of America. Republican. Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner. Resi dence: 117 W. College Av., St. Paul. HABBIS, Samuel Arthur, banker; born at Goshen, Ind., Oct. 25, 1847; son of Thomas G. and Marcia M. Harris; educated at Goshen and in the East; married at Minneapolis, 1872, to Miss Anna S. Stewart. Came to ' Minneapolis, 1868; became assistant cashier of the Northwestern National Bank, 3 879, and became president thereof in 1887, retir ing in 1890 to go into other business; became president of the National Bank of Commerce, 1891, a position he now holds. Clubs: Minneapolis and Commer cial. Office: Bank of Commerce Bldg Minneapolis. THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 215 HARRIS, W. L., president New Eng land Furniture and Carpet Co. Has been in business in Minneapolis since 1887; ex-president Minneapolis Retailers' As sociation; member Minneapolis Business Men's Association. Clubs: Minneapolis, Commercial, Minnetonka Yacht. Office: 1st Av. S., bet. 5th and 6th Sts. Resi dence: 1982 Kenwood Parkway, Minne apolis. HARRIS, Walter Stewart, banking; born at Minneapolis, Feb. 3, 1874; son of S. A. and Anna (Stewart) Harris; educated at Lawrenceville (N. J.) school, 1893, Princeton University, 1897 (A.B.), and Columbia Law School. Began busi ness career with the F. H. Peavey Grain Co., continuing, 1898-99; has been as sistant cashier and director National Bank of Commerce, 1899, to the present time. Republican. Presbyterian. Mar ried at Minneapolis, 1899, to Miss Jean- nette Brewer. Clubs: Commercial, La fayette. Office: National Bank of Com merce. Residence: 2449 Pillsbury Av., Minneapolis. HARBISON, Alexander M., lawyer; born in Venang® Co., Pa., Nov. 5, 1847 son of Charles and Catherine E. (De Witt) Harrison; educated in district school and local academy; graduate Fredonia Academy, Chautauqua Co., N. Y., 1868; graduate Law Department University of Michigan, degree of LL.B., 3.870. Began practice of law at Charles City, la., where he continued 16 years; has been engaged in practice in Minne apolis since 1886. Republican. Married at Silver Creek, N. Y., Aug. 13, 1873, to Miss Lizzie O. Chapin. Club: Minneap olis. Office: Security Bldg. Residence: 4946 39th Av., S., Minneapolis. HABBISON, Elmer Elsworth, physi cian; born at Freeborn, Minn., March 20, 1866; educated at High School, New Richland, Minn., 1885-88; Minnesota State Normal School, 1888-92, gradua ting, 1892; Medical Department of Uni versity of Minnesota, degree of M.D., 1897. Began practice of medicine, May 3, 1897. Coroner of Dodge Co., for three terms; director AVest Concord Telephone Co. Member Minnesota State Medical Association. Member Masonic order, Odd Fellows. Married at Janesville, Minn., 1893, to Miss Myrtle E. David son. Address: West Concord, Minn. HABBISON, Perry, banker; born at Minneapolis, Minn., Oct. 11, 1862; son of Hugh Galbraith and Irene Amelia (Robinson) Harrison; educated in Min neapolis public schools and Northwest ern University Preparatory School; mar ried at Hokendauqua, Pa., 1887, to Miss Miriam Thomas! Engaged in banking business since 1878. Vice president Se curity Bank of Minnesota. Served seven and a half years in the First Regiment, M. N. G., resigning as lieut. col., 1887. Republican. Clubs: Minneapolis, Long Meadow Gun, Lafayette (Lake Minne tonka). Office: Security Bank of Min nesota. Residence: 67 So. Twelfth St., Minneapolis. HABBISON, Robert, dry goods mer chant; born in County Armagh, Ireland, Feb. 26, 1853; son of Francis and Anna (Graham) Harrison; educated in pri vate schools; came to America, 1872; married at Omaha, Neb., 1882, to Mary L. McNamara. Was in employ of Mor ton, Bliss & Co., bankers, New York City, 1872-74; salesman Frederick Loe- ser & Co., dry goods, Brooklyn, 1874- 76, and in employ of James McCreery & Co., New York City, until 1879; buyer and manager retail store of Tootle, Maul & Co., Omaha, Neb., 1877-83; was for 3 months connected with Mannhei mer & Co., St. Paul, Minn., and in busi ness for himself at Fergus Falls, in partnership with Thomas Beare, under title of Harrison & Beare, 1883, the firm removing to St. Paul, 1888, where he continued until 1891, when the firm was dissolved; has been in dry goods busi ness in his own name in St. Cloud since 1891. Republican. Episcopalian. Mem ber B. P. O. E., Royal Arcanum, M. W. A., I. O. O. F. Recreation: Literature. Address: St. Cloud, Minn. HABBISON, William H., court com missioner; born in Wayne Co., N. Y., Jan. 26, 1840; son of Urial E. and Sarah A. (Saxton) Harrison; educated at Man- lius Square, N. Y., and at academy, Joliet, 111. Was mustered into Co. I, 3rd Wis. Inf., May 6, 1861; honorably discharged at Winchester, Va. Court commissioner Aitkin Co., Minn., and vil lage justice of Aitkin. Republican. Methodist. Member Masonic order, I. O. O. F., G. A. R. (commander). Widower. Club: Commercial. Ad dress: Aitkin, Minn. HABT, Alfred Benjamin, physician; born in Steele Co., Minn., Dec. 7, 1868; son of Andrew J. and Artemesia L. (Crandell) Hart; educated in graded and Central High schools, Minneapolis; The Shattuck School, Faribault, Minn., grad uating, 1890; University of Minnesota, College of Pharmacy, Phm.D., 1894; College of Physicians and Surgeons, University of Minnesota, M.D., 1903. Began practice June, 1903. Episcopalian. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associations, Houston and Fill more County Medical Society. Married at Minneapolis, Nov. 2, 1898, Alice S. Sandberg. Address: Canton, Minn. HABT, H. Elmer, merchant; born at Batavia, Minn., Sept. 1, 1873; son of James and Sarah E. (Barnes) Hart; ed ucated in public schools of Long Prairie, Minn. Entered merchandise business Nov., 1897; president of the firm of James Hart & Sons, retail dealers in general merchandise and wholesale deal ers in produce. Married at Minneapolis, Minn., March 7, 1897, to Miss Lottie E. Sherman. Member Christian Church; 216 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS I. O. O. F. Recreations: Hunting and fishing. Address: Browerville, Minn. HABT, Thomas Walden, county treas urer Blue Earth Co.; born at Decorah, la., Nov. 19, 1863; son of James A. and Rosembnd (Price) Hart; educated in public and private schools. Came to Mankato, 1883, and began in retail gro cery trade, 1884, continuing until 1888; traveling salesman until 1892, when he entered retail boot and shoe business; county treasurer since Jan. 1, 1905. Re publican. Baptist. Member Masonic or der, Knights of Pythias, B. P. O. E. Married at Mankato, Oct. 15, 1887, to Miss Stelle F'almer. Club: Commercial. Address: Mankato, Minn. HARTENSTEIN, Herman L., chemist, metallurgist; born at Wheeling, W. Va., Oct. 18, 1864; son of Herman and Louisa (Weidebusch) Hartenstein; educated in common schools. Married at Bellaire, O, 1886, to Miss Anna E. Stewart. Be gan career in - employment of Bellaire (Ohio) Steel & Nail Co. continuing for 7 years; went to Chicago and for sev eral years experimented with electric furnaces, until he finally completed a furnace now used by the American Car- bolite Co., which he organized at Con stantine, Mich., May, 1904, for the man ufacture of carbide; another plant has been completed at Duluth, buildings of which cover 9 acres, said to be the largest plant of its kind in the world. President and manager American Car- bolite Co., also chairman executive com mittee. Republican. Mayor of Constan tine, Mich., 1905; reelected by accla mation, 1906. Protestant. Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner. Office: 301 S. Central Av., Duluth. Residence: Con stantine, Mich. HARTIGAN, John Aloisius, actuary; born at Ticonderoga, N. Y., April 28, 1865; son of Patrick W. and Bridget (Quigg) Hartigan; educated in public schools of Shoreham, Vt, Newton Acad emy, Shoreman, Vt., and Montreal (Can ada) College; married at St. Paul, June 26, 1894, to Elizabeth J. Northrup. Prin cipal high schools, Winooski, Vt., 1884- 90; professor of higher mathematics at College of St. Thomas and St. Paul Sem inary, 1890-05; since 1905 actuary State insurance department, at State Capitol of Minnesota. Democrat. Roman Cath olic Secretary Columbian Catholic Sum mer School. Member Royal Arcanum Knights of Columbus. Club: Catholic (New York City). Office: State Capitol. Residence: 2049 Carroll St., St. Paul. HARTIN, Charles George, president of the C. G. Hartin Coal Co.; born at Canterbury, New Brunswick, Canada, March 15, 1864; son of Rev. Thomas and Mary Eileen Hartin; educated in public school in Canterbury, New Bruns wick; married at St. Paul, Minn., June 12, 1900, Grace S., daughter of Judge W. H. Sanborn. Manager of Pioneer Fuel Co., in St. Paul, for 14 years prior to May 1, 1903, when he became presi dent of the Ohio Coal Company of St. Paul; resigned from that position Sept. 1. 1905, to enter the coal business under the name of C. G. Hartin Coal Co., wholesale and retail coal and wood, of which he is president. Mason (Chapter); member B. P. O. E. Clubs: Minnesota, Commercial. Recreations: Fishing and baseball. Office: 114 East 4th St. Resi dence: 305 Dayton St., St. Paul. HARTLEY, Charles Edwin, sheriff of Chippewa Co.; born at New Albany, Ind., Nov. 16, 1S67; son of Absalom and Kathrine (Sarles) Hartley; educated in public schools of Floyd Co., Ind. Came to Montevideo, Minn., 1889, and established himself by working on farm; taught school, acted as insurance agent,' etc., until 1894; engaged in wheat rais ing, 1894-99; occupied office of city mar shal of Montevideo, 4 years, 1899-1902; has been sheriff of Chippewa Co., since Jan., 1903. Democrat. ^ Methodist. Mem ber Masonic order, I. O. O. F. Married at Montevideo, March 28, 1894, to Nancy Lucas. Club: CommerciaL Address: Montevideo, Minn. HABTMAN, Alexander William, pres ident Duluth Edison Electric Co.; born at Shakopee, Minn., 1864; son of Charles and Anna (Youngblood) Hartman; edu cated in public schools of Duluth. En tered railway service and became gen eral agent Northern Pacific Ry., 1888; re signed position with railway to take charge of electric company; was chief promoter of bill passed by State Legis lature giving Duluth authority to build the Aerial Bridge. President Duluth Edison Electric Co., which supplies eleo- tric lighting to the city; treasurer Inter-State Traction Co.; president Northern Shoe Co. Independent Repub lican. Roman Catholic. Married at Chi cago, 111., 1899, to Miss Katherine Cha pin. Clubs: Kitchi Gammi, Northland Country, Commefcial, Duluth Boat, Du luth Yacht. Recreations: Golf, fishing. Office: 216 W. Superior St. Residence: 1124 E. Superior St., Duluth. HABTMAN, Robert E., president Charles Weinhagen & Co., paper boxes; born at Milwaukee, Wis., Dec. 5, 1857; son of Emil E. Hartman; educated in public schools and business college. Be gan active career in manufacture of paper boxes at Milwaukee, 1872; con ducted business on his own account, 1884-86; came to St. Paul, 1886, asso ciated with Charles Weinhagen, and or ganized the house of which he is now president, incorporated, 1903, large man ufacturers of paper boxes and folding boxes. Also president Duluth Paper Box Co. Independent in politics. Club: Com mercial. Married at New Ulm, Minn., 1905, to Miss Bertha Behnke. Recrea tions: Outdoor diversions. Office: 480- 484 Jackson St. Residence: 804 Holly Av., St. Paul. THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 217 HABTWICK, Ole, lawyer; born in Christiansand, Norway, April 2, 1857; educated in common schools in Norway and had 30 days' experience in common schools in America. Came to America, 1873: worked on farm in Illinois, 1874- 79; herded cattle in Yellow Medicine Co., Minn., summer and fall of 1879; clerked in general store at Minneota, Minn., 1879-83; spent one year at Canby as clerk in store and filled office of vil lage marshal for one year; clerked in law office of John P. Arnott two years; was village recorder, Canby; elected clerk of district court, 1886, and county attorney Yellow Medicine Co., 1892, 1902, 1904 and 1906. Married at Canby, Minn., Dec. 10. 1885, to Miss Caroline Tolles. Club: Commercial (president). Recre ation: Bicycling. Address: Granite Falls, Minn. HASKAMF, Herman Joseph, banking and farm lands; born at Cincinnati, O., Oct. 16, 1858; son of Joseph and Agnes (Borgerding) Haskamp; educated in a log school house at New Munich, Minn., 1864-71, and at St. John's University, 1871-72. Began active career as clerk in store of William Bohmer, New Munich, Minn., July 2, 1872; entered general store of father as clerk, Melrose, Minn., Aug. 15, 1873; began general merchan dise business on own account, Oct. 10, 1882, also buying wheat. Entered the banking business, Jan. 15, 1886, in com pany with Joseph Kroker and Henry Bergerding, at Melrose, Minn., as Bank of Melrose, also handling lumber under title of Melrose Lumber Co.; started Bank of Brownville, at Brownville, Minn., with Harry Bergerding, July 15, 1890, also lumber yard at that point; started Bank of North America, at Mel rose, Minn., Bank of Dresden, Dres den, N. D., and First National Bank of Northwood, Northwood, N. D., disposing of these three banks; organized Bank of America, Bisbee, N. D., and Great Western Bank, Osnabrock, N. D. Presi dent Stearns County Bank, St. Cloud. Minn., since July 1, 3 902; also presi dent German American Land Co., Ltd , and Great Northern Lumber Co., Ltd. (Humbolt, Saskatchawan), Muenster Supply Co., Ltd. (Muenster, Saskatcha wan), Haskamp-Thien Land Co., Has- kamp-Thien Co., and Bank of America (Bisbee, N. D.), Great Western Bank (Osnabrock, N. D.), Edmore Mercantile Co. (Edmore, N. D.). Also owner of tim ber limits in British Columbia, Can. Roman Catholic. Married at Melrose, Minn., Oct. 10, 1882, to Anna C. Bohmer, daughter of William Bohmer. Recrea tion: Traveling. Address.: St. Cloud, Minn. HASLEBUD, Peter K., farm .loans and real estate; born in Numedal, Norway, Aug. 7, 1857; son of Knud P. and Amb- jorg H. (Hvamen) Haslerud; came to America and located at Peterson, Minn., 1879; attended public school in winter for three years, at Peterson and Orton ville, Minn.; married at Madison, Minn., Aug. 5, 1903, to Miss Josephine Femrite. Taught one term of school, 1883; acted as clerk in auditor's office Lac qui Parle Co., 1883-84; was deputy auditor, 1884- 87; county treasurer, 1889-99; presi- . dent Farmers' State Bank, 1899-1902. Has been engaged in making farm loans and in real estate business at Madison, as Dale & Haslerud, since 1898; super intendent farm loan agencies, Northern Minnesota and N. Dak., of George W. Wishard & Co., Minneapolis, since 1901. Also president Madison State Bank. Re publican. Ex-chairman Republican Cen tral Committee, Lac qui Parle Co. Ad dress: Crookston, Minn. HASSMAN, Benjamin Bichard, bank ing; born in McLeod Co., Minn., Sept. 29, 1878; son of Fred and Caroline (Malchow) Hassman; graduate Hutch inson (Minn.) High School, June, 1900; student in College of Medicine and Sur gery, University of Minnesota, 1900-01. Lived on farm with parents until 1897; began at Aitkin, as bookkeeper of bank, and has been cashier and director First National Bank since its organization, 1902. Also member Farm Horse Co., organized 1904. Mayor village of Ait kin: member school board. Republican. Protestant. Member Masonic order, I. O. O. F., M. W. A. Married at Aitkin, Sept. 10, 1902, to Miss Barbara Foley. Club: Commercial. Recreations: Hunt ing, fishing and camping. Address: Ait kin, Minn. HASSON, Charles Edgar, business manager; born at Mt. Carmel, Ind., April 27, 1851; son of James and Mary (Fosdick) Hasson; educated in public schools of Indianapolis; married at In dianapolis, June 18, 1873, to Miss Alice Ohr. Began active career in hat and clothing business, at Indianapolis; re moved to Cincinnati, O., 1876, and be came vice president and general mana ger Mabley Carew Co.; came to St. Paul, 3.898, where he has since been gen eral manager of Browning, King & Co. Republican. Presbyterian. Member Re tailers' Association. Clubs: Minnesota, Commercial. Recreation: Driving. Office: 7th and Robert Sts. Residence: 649 Grand Av., St. Paul. HASTINGS, William Bacon, cider and vinegar manufacturer; born at Ogdens burg, N. Y., Aug. 1, 1857; son of John W. and Fanny A. (Bacon) Hastings; educated in private school at Ogdens burg and high school, Cambridge, Mass. ; married at St. Paul, Minn., 1900, to Sarah M. Barrett. Began business ca reer in his father's dry goods store, and after his father's death, in 1884, continued it for three years; went to Chicago and engaged in wholesale ale business for two years, then became traveling salesman for Barrett & Bar rett; nine months later, when the cor poration of Barrett & Barrett of St. 218 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS Paul was organized, became its secre tary and manager; in 1902 acquired en tire interests, and has since been presi dent and treasurer of the company, manufacturers of cider and vinegar and dealers in glassware supplies. Presby terian. Mason and Knight Templar. Recreations: Fishing and hunting. Office: 244 East 4th St. Residence: 298 Nelson Av., St. Paul. HATCH, Theodore L., physician; born at Whitney's Point, N Y., June 20, 1848; son of Squire N. and Betsey Maria (Lewis) Hatch; educated at Point Bluff Academy, Point Bluff, Wis. Began prac tice of medicine, 1871, and is now lo cated at Owatonna. Member Steele Coun ty Medical Society, Southern Minnesota, Minnesota State and American Medical associations. Married at Galesburg, Mich., Sept. 23, 1884, to Miss Grace M. Illick. Address: Owatonna, Minn. HATCHEB, William Harrison, state military storekeeper; born at St. Peter, Minn., Oct. 29, 1868; son of Edmund Dallas and Naomi (Walker) Hatcher; educated in public schools of St. Peter and Minneapolis. Was apprenticed to printing trade at age of 14 and contin uously followed that line for 20 years; quartermaster sergeant Co. F, 13th Regt., Minn. Vol. Inf., during Spanish- American War; has been State military storekeeper, at St. Paul, since Jan. 15, 1905. From June 15 to Sept. 1, on duty at National Grand Camp grounds, at Lake City, Minn. Democrat. Methodist. Member Camp Patterson, Army of the Philippines. Unmarried. Recreation: Pishing. Office: State Capitol, St. Paul. Residence: 74 S. 11th St., Minneapolis. HATHAWAY, William L., district pas senger agent; born at Pepperell, Mass., March 4, 1855; son of Arthur and Mary A. (Bartholomew.) Hathaway; educated in public schools Boston and Somer ville, Mass.; married at Somerville, May 7, 1879 to Miss Anna D. Watson. Book keeper for C. J. Barry, Charlestown, Mass., 1871-72; salesman for Moore, Smith & Co., Boston, 1873-78; was clerk Boston & Maine Ry., Boston, 1879-81; clerk in construction department North ern Pacific Ry., 1882; clerk St. Paul, Minneapolis & Mesaba Ry., 1883; ticket agent Minneapolis & St. Louis Ry., 1884- 1903; ticket agent Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Ry., 1903; district passenger agent same road since 1904. Mason and Odd Fellow. Office: 322 Nicollet Av. Residence: 2404 Garfield Av., Minne apolis. HAUGAN, Otto M., physician; born May 7, 1868; lived on S. Dakoto farm until 15 years of age; graduate Red Wing Seminary, 1887; graduate Univer sity of Minnesota, degree of AB, 1896; graduate Northwestern University Medi cal School, degree of M.D., 1902. Was county superintendent of schools, Otter Tail Co., 1895-98. Has been engaged in practice of medicine at Fergus Falls since 1902; coroner of Otter Tail Co. since 1904. Member American and Min nesota State Medical associations, Park Region Medical Society (secretary). Ad dress: Fergus Falls, Minn. HAUGEN, Christian G., sheriff of Aitkin Co.; born in Norway, Feb. 1, 1857; educated in common schools of Norway. Came to America, 1874, and to Minnesota three years later, locating in Fillmore Co. in 1878; learned trade of carpenter and worked at it for a num ber of years; was chief of police Aitkin, 1898-1902; was elected sheriff of Aitkin Co., Nov., 1902, and has been reelected at each succeeding election. Member I. O. O. F., Modern Woodmen of Amer ica. Married at Aitkin, Minn., 1893, to Miss Carrie Erickson. Club: Commer cial. Address: Aitkin, Minn. HAUSEB, Henry, lumber and hard ware; born at Milwaukee, Wis., June 29, 1859; son of Jacob Hauser; has been a resident of Minnesota since 1863. Entered lumber and hardware business at Fairfax, Minn., 1882. Now president Hauser Lumber Co. (incorporated), deal ers in lumber, hardware and furniture, successors to Hauser & Rieke (Fairfax), Hauser & Parsons (Franklin), Hauser & Tester (Gibbon), all of Minnesota; vice president Minneapolis Cedar & Lumber Co.; treasurer Minnesota Retail Hardware Mutual Fire Co. Member A, O. U. W., M. B. A. Married at Sleepy Eye, Minn., Nov., 1883, to Miss Anna C. Marti. Address: Franklin, Minn. HAVEN, George Henry, banker; born in Windsor Co., Vt, Sept. 10, 1841; son of Augustus and Barbara Baldwin (Hall) Haven; educated in grammar schools of Boston, 1850-53; English High School, Boston, 1853-55; Chatfield (Minn.) Academy, 1858-59. Entered general merchandise business at Chatfield, Feb., 1863, succeeding his father; con ducted the business until 1888, when he purchased the Root River Bank at Chat field (established by J. C. Easton, 1856); had charge of bank as private establish ment until June 20, 1905, when it was incorporated as the First State Bank of Chatfield, of which he is president. Republican. Presbyterian. Married at Chatfield, Minn., Aug. 25, 1874, to Miss Anna Gilbert Johnson. Address: Chat field, Minn. HAVEN, John M., banker; born at Silver Creek, Minn., Sept. 19, 1857; son of Hon. John O. and Lucy (Vienna) Haven; attended public schools at Cham paign, 111., Big Lake and Monticello, Minn , but was in a large degree edu cated by his father who had a wide reputation as an educator. Began ac tive career as a farmer; studied law at 26 years of age but gave it up to engage in general mercantile business; at 31 added the grain business; at 35 founded the State Bank of Anoka, re entered mercantile business, later devot- THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 219 ing attention to farms and real estate. President and director Sherburne County State Bank, Big Lake; German-Ameri can State Bank, St. Michael Sta.; Se curity State Bank of Monticello, State Bank of Maple Plain, State Bank of Watertown, State Bank of Long Lake, State Bank of Waverly, State Bank of Ogilvie, State Bank of Mayer, State Bank of Foley, Bank of Becker, First State Bank of Stcwartville, also Sher burne Co., Rural Telephone Co. Mem ber Minnesota Legislature, 1889; ap pointed by governor as member State Board of Equalization, 1899; has never sought office. Serving second term as member executive council Minnesota Bankers' Association; organized group system in 6th district. Republican. Scottish Rite Mason, Shriner. Married at Silver Creek, Minn., 1879, to Miss Rebecca L. Ferguson. Recreations: Automobiling and travel. Address: Big Lake, Minn. HAVILL, Oliver H., banker; born in Ontario, Can., Jan. 29, 1859; son of William J. and Cordelia (Root) Havill; educated in district school, Chautauqua, N. Y. ; married at St. Paul, Minn., Jan. 27, 1894, to Millie H. Berthiaume. Was reporter on Daily Leader, Bloomington, 111., until 1879; came to Minnesota as a farmer; manager Kindred farm, Valley Citv, N. Dak., 1882-85; civil engineer, Brainerd, Minn., 1885-88; established Bank of Royalton, 1888; one of the or ganizers of the Merchants National Bank, St. Cloud, 1892, and has since been its president; treasurer Western Granite Co. Republican. Member B. P. O. E., Knights of Pythias. Club: Commercial (president) ; Commercial (Minneapolis). Recreations: Automo biling, golf. Address: St. Cloud, Minn. HA WES, Charles O., merchant; born at Magnolia, Wis., Nov. 25, 1852; son of Philo and Malvina A. Hawes; came to Minnesota, with parents, 1853; edu cated in common schools of Minnesota. Began in mercantile business, 1875; member of the firm of Hawes & Hong, general merchandise, since 1887. Also postmaster, Luverne, for 13 years. Mem ber Masonic order, Knights Templar. Address: Luverne, Minn. HAWKINS, Edward Palestine, physi cian; born in Hancock Co., 111., Aug. 9, 1863; son of William R. and Julia Ann (Wright) Hawkins; resident of Minne sota since 1865; graduate Medical De partment, University of Michigan, de gree of M.D., July 1, 1897. Has been engaged in practice of medicine at Montrose, Minn., since Oct. 19, 1897; Surgeon to Montrose Hospital. Member American Medical Association. Director Wright Go. Telephone Co. Married at Battle Creek, Mich., Jan. 15, 1889, to Vesta D. Miller. Address: Montrose, Minn. HAWLEY, Harvey, register of deeds, Nobles Co.; born at Hammond, Wis., May 5, 1863; son of William C. and Hannah M. (Moulton) Hawley; educated in public schools. Began actice career as telegraph operator and was in serv ice of Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis 6 Omaha, and Northern Pacific railways, 1880-96; was editor and publisher of the Advance, Worthington, Minn., 1896- 1905; register of deeds, Nobles Co., since Jan. 1, 1905. Married at Hastings, Minn., Aug. 14, 1905, to Miss Ottelie S. Brockmyer. Republican. Presbyterian. Member Masonic order, M. W. A., A. O. LT. W., Maccabees. Address: Worth ington, Minn. HAWLEY, Newton P., banker; born at Springdale, Ia„ Nov. 28, 1859; son of N. J. and Delia (Canfield) Hawley; attended common and high schools at Tipton, la.; Iowa College, Grinnell, la., graduating, 1879, degree of A.B., degree of A.M., 1882, from same institution; admitted to practice of law by Henne pin Co., District Court, Minn., 1884. Began practice of law in Minneapolis, 1884 and was successively member of law firms of Hahn & Hawley; Hahn Belden & Hawley; Belden, Hawley & Jamison. Ceased to practice law, 1906; has been treasurer (managing officer), secretary and trustee of the Farmers and Mechanics Savings Bank of Minne apolis, since Jan. 1, 1906. Trustee Iowa College, Grinnell, la. Member Charter Commission, City of Minneapolis, 1898; member of Charter Commission again; 1906; member Board of Education, Min neapolis, 1899-1905. Republican. Con gregationalist. Member American Acad emy of Political and Social Science. Married, at Minneapolis, Sept. 5, 1884, to Miss Ellen M. Field. Clubs: Commer cial, Minikahda, Six O'clock. Office: 115 S. 4th St. Residence: 1419 Harmon Place, Minneapolis. HAYCBAFT, Julius Everette, lawyer; born in Blue Earth Co., Minn., Aug. 26, 1871; educated in public schools; Curtiss Business College, Minneapolis, 1889-90; read law in office of Judge Cooley, Madelia, Minn.; admitted to the bar, 1898. Has been engaged in practice of law at Madelia, since Oct. 7, 1898. Director First National Bank. Madelia Telephone Co. Postmaster of Madelia since March 1, 1899. Republican. Mem ber American and Minnesota Bar asso ciations. Mason; member Sons of Vet erans. Married. Address: Madelia, Minn. HAYDEN, Osceola C, clothing and men's furnishings; born in Black Hawk Co., Ia., March 25, 1852; son of Osman M. and Eleanor (Sisson) Hayden; edu cated in public schools and at Grinnell College, Grinnell, la.; married in Iowa, 1874, to Miss Lottie Burnham. Lived on a farm until 1889; was member of firm of Gage, Hayden & Co., clothiers, 1889-1903; has been president and man ager O. C. Hayden & Co., since 1903. Democrat. Member Masonic order, 220 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS Modern Woodmen of America. Club: Commercial. Address: Albert Lea, Minn. HAYES, Alfred S., clerk of district court, Freeborn Co., born at Rondout, N. Y., Jan. 22, 1852; son of James Hazard and Cornelia (Warner) Hayes; educated in public schools of Lone Rock, Wis.; married at Spring Green, Wis., 1873, to Miss Sarah McNamer. Reared on a farm in Wisconsin; was traveling salesman for agricultural house, and depot agent Chicago, Mil waukee & St. Paul Ry., at Richland Center, Wis.; came to Albert Lea, 1884, and filled position of billing clerk Min neapolis & St. Louis and Burlington, Cedar Rapids and Northern Railways for 7 years. Was city treasurer Albert Lea, 3 years; elected clerk of district court, 1901 and reelected, 1904. Re publican. Presbyterian. Royal Arch Mason; member Royal Arcanum, Mystic Toilers. Club: Commercial. Recrea tions: Hunting and fishing. Address: Albert Lea, Minn. HAYFORD, George Warren, electrical supplies; born at Boston, 'Mass., Oct. 27, 1854; son of Warren and Abby Hay ford; educated in public schools of Boston and at Boston University. Came to Minne sota, 1896; secretary and treasurer of the Electrical Engineering Co., whole sale and retail dealers in electrical supplies. Office: 21 N. 6th St. Resi dence: 1735 Clifton PL, Minneapolis. HAYNES, Arthur Edwin, educator; born at Van Buren, N. Y., May 23, 1849; son of Horace and Adaline Haynes; graduate Hillsdale College, degree of B.S., 1875; degrees of M.S., M.Ph., S CD., later same college; post graduate studies, summers, at Michigan, Harvard and Cornell universities. Married at Allen, Mich., June 24, 1875, Miss May Hewitt. Instructor in mathematics and physics, Hillsdale College, 1875; acting professor, same, 1876; professor same, 1877-90; oc cupied same chairs in Michigan Mining School, 1890-93; assistant professor mathematics, College of Engineering, University of Minnesota, 1893-96; pro fessor of mathematics, 1896-1901; has been professor of engineering mathema tics, College of Engineering, same uni versity, since 1901. Member American Association for the Advancement of Science, Society for Promotion of En gineering Education. Is chairman State Y. M. C. A. and has been member exec utive committee since 1898. President college section, Minnesota Educational Association, 1905. Contributor to en gineering journals. Prohibitionist Of fice: University of Minnesota. Resi dence: 703 River Parkway, S. E, Min neapolis. HAYNES, Benja. Hubert, physician; born at Morris, 111., April 4, 1874; son of C. I. and Louisa (Crisler) Haynes; edu cated in public schools, 1880-92, in high school at Estherville, la., 1892-96, at Medical College, University of Illinois, graduating, 1902; spent 4 months after graduating in medicine, at St. Mary's of Nazareth Hospital, Chicago, as externe. Located in St. James, Minn., in 1902; pays special attention to work on the eye. Methodist. Member Watonwan County Medical Society, Minnesota State and American Medical associations. Member Royal Arcanum, Modern Wood men of America, Modern Brotherhood and Equitable Fraternal Union. Mar ried at Estherville, la., June 25, 1903, to Miss Mabel A. Jewell. Address: St. James, Minn. HAYS, Ambrose, county superintend ent of schools; born in Le Sueur Co.; Minn., Dec. 21, 1873; son of S. and Margaret (Todd) Hays; educated in pub lic schools of Le Sueur Center until 1890; Northwestern Christian College, 1891-92; graduate Mankato Normal School, 1898; University of Minnesota. Taught district school, 1896-97; princi pal schools of Cleveland, 1898-99; Le Sueur Center, 1899-1901; assistant high school teacher, Waterville, 1901-02; has been county superintendent of schools, Le Sueur Co., since 1902. Republican. Methodist. Member Minnesota and Le Sueur County Educational associations. Address: Le Sueur Center, Minn. HAYWABD, Daniel S.; born at Bar ring, Me., April 28, 1854; son of Josiah E. and Mary S. (Gray) Hay ward; came to Minnesota with parents, 1857; edu cated at The Shattuck School, Faribault, and at University of Minnesota. Farm ed 110 acres, spring of 1863, at age of 14; father took charge of hotel April 13, 1863, and the family has been in hotel business ever since. Took charge of Union Mills latter part of 60's; was manager for 12 years; engaged in buy ing wheat; has been financially inter ested in Southern California since 1895, dredging and dry ranching. Republi can. Member B. P. O. E., Red Men, Foresters., Married; 2nd, at St. Cloud, to Martha Paddock. Address: St. Cloud, Minn.; Riverside, Cal. (winter). HEAD, George Douglas, physician, specialist; born at Elgin, Minn., Sept. 10, 1870; son of Newell S. and Mary E. (Douglas) Head; educated in Fargo (N. Dak.) High School, graduating, 1888; LTniversity of Minnesota, degree of B.S., 1892, M.D., 1895; post graduate work at Johns Hopkins University Medical School, 1898 and 1901, and at Vienna, Austria, 1903. Specialist in internal medicine; professor of clinical medicine and chief of medical clinic, University of Minnesota; President of Alumni Asso ciation of Medical Department of the University. Member Minnesota State and American Medical associations, Min nesota Academy of medicine. Member Delta Tau Delta and Nu Sigma Nu col lege fraternities. Married, at Minne apolis, Oct. 26, 1898, to Miss Sarah Belle THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 221 Parry. Office: Andrus Bldg. Resi dence: 55 Dell Place, Minneapolis. HEAD, Henry Clay, banking and mill ing; born at Hooksett, N. H., Jan. 8, 1850; son of Samuel and Rhoda (Will iams) Head; educated at Pinkerton Academy, Derry, N. H. ; Blanchard Acad emy, Pembroke, N. H. ; graduate of Manchester (N. H.) High School. Came to Minnesota, 1878; engaged in sale of general merchandise and in lumbering at Princeton, 1880-94; has been identi fied with banking and milling at Battle Lake since 1900. Cashier Otter Tail County Bank; secretary and manager Battle Lake Flour Mills, manufacturers of fancy flour and mill feed. Republi can. Member Minnesota Legislature, 1897-98; postmaster Princeton, 4 years; city clerk, 8 years; court commissioner Mille Lacs Co., 8 years. Member Masonic order, Blue Lodge, Chapter, Council, Commandery, Knights of Pythias, I. O. O. F. and Encampment. Married at Princeton, Minn., 1882, to Miss Margaret Rines. Club: Commercial (Minneapo lis). Address: Battle Lake, Minn. HEALY, Charles E., wholesale pro duce; born at Halifax, N. S., Feb. 27, 1870; son of T. P. and Annie (Jefferson) Healy; came to Minnesota, 1881; edu cated in public schools of Minneapolis. Began active career in the employ of S. H. Hall & Co., produce commission; entered business for self as junior part ner of the wholesale produce commis sion firm of H. E. Thomas & Co., 1896, which has been succeeded by C. E. Healy & Co. Republican. Episcopalian. Mem ber Minneapolis Produce Exchange. Married at Sault Ste. Marie, 1905, to Miss Nettie M. Old. Club: Commercial. Recreations: Travel, hunting and fish ing. Office: 125 N. 6th St. Residence: 3303 Columbus Av., Minneapolis. HEALY, Frank, lawyer; born in On- ondago Co., N. Y., Dec. 27, 1854; son of Thomas and Mary (Kelly) Healy; edu cated in district school; Preston graded schools; University of Minnesota, grad uating, degree of A. B., 1882; Law De partment, State University of Michi gan, degree of LL.B., 1884. Began prac tice of law at Minneapolis, 1884; city at torney of Minneapolis since Jan. 1, 1897. Member Phi Upsilon and Phi Delta Phi. Married at Minneapolis, 1889, to Miss Marie D. Henry. Club: Commercial. Office: City Hall. Resi dence: 1114 4th St., S. E., Minneapolis. HEABD, Robert Hale, general agent Chicago Great Western Ry.; born at St. Paul, Minn., Sept. 23, 1873; son of Isaac V. D. and Augusta (Hale) Heard; educated ' in public schools and high school, St. Paul 1878-91; married at St. Paul, Dec. 27, 1904, to Madeline Boles Fox. Clerk in department store, St. Paul, Sept. 1, 1891, to May 1, 1892; salesman electrical supplies, 1892-93; clerk Chi cago Great Western Ry. 1893-97, since which time holding following positions on same road; traveling agent with headquarters at St. Paul Minn., 1897- 1902; division freight and passenger agent, headquarters at Red Wing, Minn., 1902-1904; general agent Minneapolis, Minn., since Aug. 1, 1904. Club: Com mercial. Recreations: Hunting, fishing and other outdoor sports. Office: 430 Nicollet Av. Residence: 1613 Clinton Av., Minneapolis. HEARDING, John H., general super intendent Oliver Iron Mining Co., born at Houghton, Mich., Feb. 3, 1865; son of William H. and Sarah J. Hearding; edu cated in Milwaukee (Wis.) High School and one year as cadet at West Point Military Academy. Began as time keeper at the Norrie Mine, Ironwood, Mich.; master mechanic Metropolitan Iron & Land Co., 1887-1894; superin tendent Lake Superior Iron Co., 1894, and is now general superintendent of the Oliver Iron Mining Co. Member U. S. Mining Institute. Presidential elec tor, 1904. Mason. Address: Eveleth, Minn. HEATH, Henry M., general agent Wells, Fargo & Co., and Western Ex press Co.; born at Beaver Dam, Wis., Jan. 9, 1855; son of John H. and Vir ginia Heath; came to Minnesota, 1865; graduate Hastings High School, 1873; married at St. Paul, 1883, to Miss Agnes PI. Brash. Began active career under his father, in American Express office, Hastings, Minn., 1873; was next em ployed by the company as driver and in transferring at Winona under S. N. Knight; messenger between St. Paul and Stillwater and Mankato and Wells, later agent at Hastings; was messenger U. S. Express Co. and cashier at St. Paul; filled positions of money and on hand clerk American Express Co., chief clerk in office of assistant superintend ent and route agent; went to Wells, Fargo & Co., as clerk in Minneapolis office, 1897, next was made route agent and since Oct., 1906, has been general agent Wells, Fargo & Co., and the West ern Express Go. at St. Paul. Presby terian. Member Masonic order. Club: Transportation. Office: 334 Jackson St., St. Paul. Residence: 325 Ontario St., S. E., Minneapolis. HEATWOLE, Joel Frescott, born at Waterford, Ind., Aug. 22, 1856; son of Henry and Barbara Kalb Heatwole; educated in public schools; married at St. Margerets, London, England, Dec. 4, 3 890, to Mrs. G. D. Archibald. Learned printing trade; came to Minnesota, 1882; member 54th and 57th congreses, in clusive. Recreation: Fishing. Ad dress: Northfield, Minn. HEDBEBG, Albert G., banking; born at Brandon, Minn., March 22, 1885; son of John P. and Sophie (Craft) Hedberg; educated in public schools, Kensington, Minn.; high schools, Alexandria and El- 222 THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS bow Lake, Gustavus Adolphus College, School of Commerce, graduating, degree of Bachelor of Commerce, 1903. Un married. Entered employ of Bank of Warroad as bookkeeper, 1903, the bank being incorporated, May 1, 1904, as State Bank of Warroad; was made assistant cashier at time of incorporation and since March 22 (21st birthday), has been cashier of the bank. Republican. Luth eran. Address: Warroad. Minn. HEDBEBG, John P., banker; born in Sweden, May 3, 1853; came to America May 10, 1869, and to Minnesota fall of same year; educated in public schools of Sweden and Minneapolis, Minn. Started in lumber business for himself at Brandon, Minn., under title of J. P. Hedberg & Co., 1882; engaged in lumber, hardware and furniture business at Kensington, 1887; sold out in a few years and began in insurance, loans and collections, later going into furniture and undertaking business under title of Hedberg & Johnson; started private bank at Warroad, in connection with others, 1903, organizing as state bank, May 17, 1904. President State Bank of Warroad, Security State Bank of Beau dette. Republican. Member Masonic order, Knights of Pythias, A. O. U. W., M. W. A. Address: Warroad, Minn. HEEBMANCE, Edgar Laing, clergy man; born at White Plains, N. Y., July 14, 1876; son of Edgar L. and Agnes (Woolsey) Heermance; educated at Hop- kin's Grammar School, New Haven, Conn.; Yale LTniversity, degrees of B.A., 1897, M.A., 1899, B.D., 1901. Unmarried. Congregationalist. Has been pastor of First Congregational Church, Mantato, since 1902. Democrat. Clubs: Commer cial. Social Science. Address: Man kato, Minn. HEFFELFINGEB, Christopher B., president North Star Shoe Co.; born in Cumberland Co., Pa., 1834; son of William and Margaret (Biestle) Heffelfinger; educated in publie and district schools of Shippensburg, Fa., and vicinity. En listed, April 1, 1861, in 1st Minn. Vol. Inf. under President Lincoln's call for three month's volunteers; reenlisted May 3, for 3 years; mustered out at Ft. Snelling, May 1, 1864; served in Co. D, sergeant, 1st and 2nd lieutenant and captain; participated in all the battles of the Army of the Potomac, 1861-64; served in 1st regt Minn. Heavy Artil lery as major, March to Oct., 1865, at Chattanooga, Tenn. Entered retail shoe business, Minneapolis, 1866, as Walker & Heffelfinger; firm dissolved, 1870; con tinued in business as C. B. Heffelfinger. Organized the North Star Shoe Co., 18 73, and served as business manager for 12 years; has been president of the com pany since 1885. Republican. Presby terian. Member Masonic Chapter Loyal Legion of America, John S. Rawlin's Post, G. A. R. Member Minneapolis City Council, 1867-70. Married, at Shippensburg, Pa., 1862, to Miss Mary Ellen Totter. Office: 424-430 1st Av., N. Residence: 1828 3rd Av., S., Minne apolis. HEFFELFINGEB, Frank T., grain; born in Minneapolis, 1869; educated in public schools and at Exeter Academy, N. H. Began active career with the North State Shoe Co., 1889; has been member of the firm of F. H. Peavey & Co., since 1898. Clubs: Minikahda, Commercial, Automobile. Office: 312 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Residence: 2205 Park Av., Minneapolis. HEPFBON, Martin, contractor and builder; born in New York City, April 2, 1858; son of Patrick and Margaret (O'Brien) Heffron; came to Minnesota with parents 1864; educated in public schools of Olmsted Co., and Rochester; married at Rochester, Nov. 14, 1899, to Miss Margaret McElligott Lived on farm until 1881; has been en gaged in the contracting and build ing business in Rochester since 1881. Mayor of Rochester, 1905-07. Ro man Catholic. Member A. O. U. W., Knights of Pythias, A. O. H., Knights of Columbus, Modern Samaritans. Clubs: Commercial. Address: Rochester, Minn. HEPFBON, Patrick Bichard, Very Rev., president The St. Paul Seminary; born in New York City, June 1, 1860; son of Patrick and Margaret (O'Brien) Heffron; attended primary school, New York City; public school, Ripon, Wis.; high school, Mantorville, Minn.; busi ness college and law school, Rochester, Minn.; St. John's College, Minn., Mas ter of Accounts, 1878; Grand Seminary, Montreal, Can., 6 years, D.D., 1883; Min- nerva University S.T.D., and D.D., 1889; Rome University, D.C.L. (Doctor of Laws, 1889). Ordained to the priesthood, Dec. 22, 1884, after which he spent two years on the European Continent, mostly in Rome. Upon returning home he suc ceeded the Rt. Rev. John Shanley, bis hop of Fargo, as pastor of the Cathed ral; became vice rector of The St. Paul Seminary, a corporation for the edu cation of candidates for the Catholic priesthood, 1896, and Nov. 22, 1897, was made president of the seminary. Ad dress: St. Paul Seminary, St. Paul. HEGEMANN, Theodore, clergyman ; born at Buer, Germany, Dec. 6, 1859; son of Herman and Christina (Koop- mann) Hegemann; came to America, Feb. 9, 1877; educated in schools of Europe and America. Roman Catholic. Principal of St. Peter's and St. Paul's School, Mankato, since Sept. 13, 1905. Address: Mankato, Minn. HEGENEB, Bichard H., barbers' sup plies; born at Bernstern, Germany, March 20, 1858; son of Anton and Louise (Bohr) Hegener; educated in public schools at Watertown, Wis. Be gan business career, 1879. Republican. THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS 223 Mason. Office: 207 Nicollet Av. Resi dence: 3217 Calhoun Blvd., Minne apolis. HEGGE, Christian A., physician and surgeon; born in Norway, April 23, 1866; son of Andreas F. and Nicolina (Hasli) Hegge; came to America, 1888; educated in Norway; University of Illi nois, Medical Department, degree of M.D., 1893; post-graduate courses at Chicago Clinical School and Chicago Polyclinic. Married at Minneapolis, Minn., 1895, to Isabel Dallager. Spent one year as interne City Hospital, Min neapolis; has been engaged in practice at Austin since 1894, making specialty of surgery, genito-urinary and skin diseases; surgeon to St. Olaf Hospital; ex-county physician Mower Co. ; mem ber American and Minnesota State Med ical associations, Mower County Medi cal Society (ex-secretary). Lutheran. Member Masonic order, "Chapter, K. O. T. M. Address: Austin, Minn. HEGGE, Olav H., physician and sur geon; born in Norway, March 20, 1872; educated in public and high schools and at Aars and Vos College, Christiania, Norway, (A.B.); University of Minne sota and University of Illinois (M.D.). Began practice of medicine 1894, at Aus tin, Mower Co., Minn.; member of the firm of Drs. Hegge & Hegge; county physician, Mower Co., and city physi cian, Austin; surgeon to the St. Olav Hospital, Austin, which he was chiefly instrumental in founding. Republican. Lutheran. Member Mower County Med ical Society and Minnesota State and American Medical associations. Mar ried at Austin, 1898, Miss Stella L. Johnson, only daughter of Hon. Sey mour Johnson. Recreations: Fishing, rowing and sailing, skieing, skating and horseback riding. Office: 331 N. Main St. Residence: 811 High St., Austin, Minn. HEGNA, Amund, clerk of District Court; born in Norway, Aug. 31, 1856; son of Halvor A. and Margarete (Amund- son) Hegna; came to America, 1886; has been clerk of district court since Jan. 1, 1896. Also assistant cashier Madison State Bank. Republican. Mem ber Masonic order. Address: Madison, Minn. HEGNES, Nels Sigward, banker; born in Rice Co., Minn., Nov. 11, 1878; son of Henry N. and Eliza Hegnes; educated in public schools of Rice Co. until 1895; business college, Minneapolis, and North ern Illinois Business College, Dixon, 111., graduating degree of B. Accts., 1899. Began active career as clerk in State Bank of Thompson, la., continuing, 1899-01; organized First National Bank, Argyle, Minn., 1901, and acted as its cashier for 5 years; elected president of the bank, 1906, and now holds that office. Republican. Member I. O. O. F, B. P. O. E. Married at Litchfield, Minn., 1905, to Miss Eva B. Edson. Ad dress: Argyle, Minn. HEIDEL, William Edward, lumber; born at Lake Crystal, Minn., Feb. 7, 1872; son of Frank and Wilhelmina (Teske) Heidel; educated in public schools of Lake Crystal and Nicollet, Minn., and at Gustavus Adolphus Col lege, St. Peter, Minn.; married at Boise, Idaho, Sept. 25, 1906, to Miss Helen Nevins. Began with the Standard Lum ber Co., at St. Peter, Minn., 1894; came to Winona, Sept., 1902, and has been treasurer of the company since 1903. Mason. Club: Artington. Recreations: Hunting and fishing. Address: Winona, Minn. HEIMABK, Jacob H., physician; born in Yellow Medicine Co., Minn., May 11, 1877; son of Halvor E. and Cecelia (Storebo) Heimark; educated in public schools until 1896; St. Olaf College, Northfield, Minn.; College of Physicians and Surgeons, Hamline University, graduating, degrees of M.D., C.M., June, 1903; Chicago Polyclinic and Post Graduate School, 1905. Elected County coroner Norman Co., 1906. Member Minnesota West Central Medical Society, Minnesota State and American Medical associations. Republican. Married at Litchfield, Minn., Sept. 30, 1903, to Miss Cordelia Thompson. Address: Gary, Minn. HEIMABK, Knut Olai E., physician; born in Yellow Medicine Co., Minn., Oct. 14, 1873; son of Bndre O. and Sarah (Langeland) Heimark; educated in local public schools until 16 years of age; St. Olaf College, 3 years, graduate of academy of college; University of Minnesota, 1894-96; Hamline University, 1896-99, graduate College of Physicians and Surgeons, degree of M.D., 1899. Has been engaged in practice of medicine at Hawley since June, 1899. Married at Moorhead, Minn., Aug. 25, 3 900, to Miss Anna Rebecka Peterson. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associations, Clay-Becker County Medi cal Society. President Village Council, 1906-07, and health officer, 1900-09, Hawley. Republican. Lutheran. Ad dress: Hawley, Minn. HEIMICK, John B., secretary Union , Match Co.; born at East Saginaw, Mich., Nov. 16, 1872; son of Peter and Mary (Rank) Heimick; educated in public schools of East Saginaw. Be gan active career as messenger, advanc ing to position of paying teller, East Saginaw National Bank, and continuing for 5 years; was identified with E. H. Pearson, lumber, 6 months, the Globe National Bank, Chicago, one year, and the Soper Lumber Co. one year; became connected with several grain and lum ber companies and operated in the woods, also in British Columbia, min ing, for three years; returned to Wis consin and resumed lumber business. 224 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS Came to Duluth and became identified with Union Match Co., 1903, as secre tary. Was member Co. I, 1st Reg., I. N. G., 1892-93; chairman board of county commissioners, Gates Co., Wis., 1902. Republican. Congregationalist. Mason, Knight Templar. Married at Milwaukee, Wis., July 17, 1899, to Miss Helen Dun ham. Club: Commercial. Office: 51st Av. and Gosnold St., West Duluth. Resi dence: 232 14th St., E., Duluth. HEINE, George Winfield, farming; born at Reading, . Pa., Nov. 13, 1857; son of George Washington and Mary Ann (Ege) Heine; educated in district school and academy. Came to Minnesota, 1885; has since been engaged in farming In Fillmore Co. President board of direc tors Farmers' Store, Spring Valley. Republican. German Reformed Church. Member Modern Woodmen of America. Married in Fillmore Co., Minn., April, 1886, to Laura A. Mawer. Address: Spring Valley, Minn. HEINBICHS, Herman, president and treasurer Duluth Corrugating & Roof ing Co.; born at Manitowoc, Wis., 1864; son of Peter and Rosalie (Eckhardt) Heinrichs; educated in public schools of Wisconsin. Began active career as clerk in general merchandise store; was in employ of Morley Brothers, hardware, Saginaw, Mich., two years; occupied position of general manager and director Menominee ^ Hardware Co., 18 years; went to Green Bay, Wis., and organized the Morley-Murphy Hardware Co., of which was treasurer and general mana ger; resigned from active management account of health but is still a mem ber; organized the Dudley Tool Co., Menominee, Mich., and was president and general manager; resigned at the close of one year, retaining interest. Came to Duluth and has been president and treasurer of the Duluth Corrugating and Roofing Co., manufacturers of cor rugating and roofing materials, since Oct. 1, 1906. Member B. P. O. E., Bro therhood of American Yeomen. Mar ried at Wausau, Wis., 1886, to Miss Margaret Woessner. Office: 126-132 E. Michigan Av., W. Duluth. Residence: 122 12th Av., E„ Duluth. HEINS, C. A., banker; born at Beaver Falls, Minn., Oct. 22, 1873; son of Peter W. and Margaret J. (Paterson) Heins; educated in public schools of Olivia up to 1890; student in preparatory depart ment Hamline University, 1890-95; Cur tis Business College, Minneapolis, 1896. In charge of his father's estate since 1902. President People's Bank; presi dent and manager Olivia Canning Co.; member of Heins & Byers, Olivia, and Heins & Co., Renville, both hardware. First lieutenant Co. A, M. N. G., of which he has been a member since June, 1896; Q. M. sergeant Minn. Vols. during Spanish-American War. Metho dist. Mason. Married at Hamline, Minn., 1900, to Miss Verna M. Cole. Address: Olivia, Minn. HEINTZ, Philip G., pharmacist; born at Winona, Minn., Nov. 5, 1863; son of Philip and Anna (Schmidt) Heintz; educated in public schools of Rochester, Minn. Has been a resident of Roches ter since 1879; member retail drug firm of Weber & Heintz; president Laaek Drug Co., Mankato; director Union Na tional Bank, Rochester. Mason, Knight Templar. Married at Kasson, Minn., 1891, to Miss Anna Leuthold. Club: Commercial. Address: Rochester, Minn. HEISE, William Frederick Carl, phy sician and surgeon; born at Fountain City, Wis., Oct. 1, 1875; son of William and Augusta (Falkenberg) Heise; edu cated at Alma (Wis.) High School, graduating, June 19, 1891; La Crosse (Wis.) High School, graduating, June 23, 1893; Rush Medical College, Chicago, 111., graduating, degree of M.D., Feb. 1, 1899; resident physician and surgeon Presbyterian Hospital, Chicago, Aug. 1, 1897, to Feb. 1, 1899. Instructor in surgery at Rush Medical College, 1898- 99; surgeon in charge Champion Iron Company's hospital, Beacon, Mich., 1899; has been engaged in private practice at Winona, Minn., since July 1, 1899. County physician Winona Co., since March 7, 1903. Medical director Winona Mutual Benefit Association. President Winona County Medical Society; mem ber Southern Minnesota Medical Society, Minnesota State and American Medical associations, Chicago Medical Society. Democrat. Dutheran. Married at Winona, Feb. 5, 1902, to Miss Adele Von Rohr. Clubs: Arlington, Philhar monic Society. Address: Winona, Minn. HELGESON, Jens O., court commis sioner; born in Norway, July 6, 1840; educated in common schools. Began active career in Norway as bookkeeper, continuing for 9 years; came to Amer ica, 1867, locating at Dansing, la., when he was employed as clerk in retail store; removed to Rock Co., Minn., 1871; elected clerk of district court, 1874, and moved to Luverne, continuing as clerk of district court until 1890; was justice of the peace, Luverne, 2 terms; has been court commissioner since 1892. Director Farmers' National Bank. LTnmar-ried. Address: Luverne, Minn. HELLAND, John W., physician; born at Black Earth, Wis., Feb. 13, 1878; attended Northwest Division High School, Chicago, 111., and Mount Horeb Academy, Mount Horeb, Wis., graduat ing, 1896; College of Medicine and Sur gery, University of Minnesota, graduat ing, degree of M.D., 1905. Has engaged in practice of medicine at Mavnard, Minn., since 1905. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associa tions. Camp Release District Medical THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 225 Society. Unmarried. Address: May- nard, Minn. HELLEKSON, Ole H., lumber and hardware; born in Iowa Co., Wis., Jan. 13, 1858; son of Hellek and Julia (Lofts- gaarden) Hellekson; raised on a farm; attended in common schools and took commercial course in college. Came to Minnesota, 1885 and became clerk in store, becoming manager, 1886, and later partner in firm of Erickson & Hellek son. Republican. Lutheran. Married at Blooming F'rairie, Minn., Feb. 24, 1887, to Miss Lena Olson Dakken. Ad dress: Wheaton, Minn. HELLEB, Aaron H., clothing manu facturer; born in Philadelphia, Pa., May 9, 1857; son of L. Henry and Bertha Heller; educated in public schools of Philadelphia. Came west to Chippewa Falls, Wis., 1871, and engaged for a number of years in real estate business, tax titles and as dealer in lumbermen's supplies; located in Minneapolis and Jan., 1900, became junior member of the firm of Robitshek, Frank & Heller, also member of firm of Glickman & Heller, of Milwaukee, Wis. Republican. Member Reformed Hebrew Church. Member I. O. O. F., Sons of Hermann. Married at Chippewa Falls, Wis., 1890, to Miss Estella Hofheimer. Office: 23-25 4th St., N. Residence: 2012 Aldrich Av., S., Minneapolis. HELLEB, Bernard, wholesale liquors; born in Philadelphia, Feb. 27, 1854; educated in public schools of Philadel phia. - Came to Wisconsin, in 1870, and began active career in general mer chandise business, continuing, 1870-88; entered wholesale liquor trade at Duluth, 1888, removing to Minneapolis, April, 1900; president and treasurer B. Heller Liquor Co. Married at Norfolk, Va., April 23, 1878, to Miss Ida Hoff- heimer. Office: 110-112 2nd Av., N. Residence: 1908 Portland Av., Minne apolis. HELM, H. S., milling. Began career in the milling business and has been a resident of Minneapolis since 1897; treasurer and general manager Russell- Miller Milling Co. Office: Security Bank Bldg. Residence: 327 S. 10th St., Minneapolis. HELM, James L., deputy clerk su preme court; born at Altmar, N. Y., July 4, 1835; son of George and Catherine (Wolfe) Helm; educated in common schools of New York and Toronto (Can.) Normal School. Began active career as school teacher and continued in New York and Michigan; engaged in mer cantile business in Michigan; came to Lanesboro, Minn., 1876; removing to Luverne, 1877, where he was superin tendent of schools and also was in mer cantile business; was. made assistant secretary Minnesota Senate, 1885; has been deputy clerk of the supreme court of Minnesota since Jan. 1, 1887. Also president of H. M. Smyth Printing Co. Republican. Congregationalist. Mason. Married at Luverne, Minn., 1895, to Amelia McMichael. Club: Commercial. Recreations: Hunting and fishing. Office: State Capitol, St. Paul. Resi dence: High wood, Minn. HEMENWAY, David A., merchant; born at Brockville, Ont., Jan. 1, 1859; son of Almond and Mary (Row) Hemen- way; educated in public schools of Al gonquin, Ont. Came to Minnesota, 1887; entered mercantile business at Le Sueur, 1891; manager D. A. Hemenway & Co., retail general merchandise. Baptist. Married at Renfrew, Ont, 1885, to Miss Annie Dougall. Address: Le Sueur, Minn. HEMSTEAD, Werner, physician; born at Dubuque, la., April 19, 1860; son of Charles and Rosamundi (Grobe) Hem- stead; educated in public schools in Iowa and Nebraska, 1876-79; Iowa Wes leyan University and German College, Mt. Pleasant, la., 1879-80; Missouri Medical College, St. Louis, 1880-82; Omaha Medical College, graduating, de gree of M.D., 1882. Was demonstrator of anatomy, Omaha Medical College, 3 882; surgeon Northern Pacific Ry. Sanitarium, Brainerd, Minn., 1882-87. Member Upper Minnesota and Minne sota State Medical associations. Presi dent Northern Pacific Bank, 1900-95; treasurer Brainerd Grocery Co., 1900- 05; now secretary and treasurer Brain erd Brewing Co. Democrat. Alderman 3 terms, mayor 3 years, secretary board of education one term; member Minne sota Legislature, 1891-92 and 1901-02. Married at Brainerd, Sept. 26, 1894, to Miss Marguerite Johnson. Club: Com mercial (President, 1970). Address: Brainerd, Minn. HENDEBSON, William Lincoln, ban ker and broker; born at Little Rock, Ark., Feb. 10, 1870; son of E. E. and Mary (Campbell) Henderson; educated in public schools of Arkansas and Min nesota; married at St. Paul, Minn., 1897, to Miss Anna Ryan. Has been a resi dent of St. Paul since 1881; was con nected with the banking Arm of M. Doran & Co., 1884-1905; member of the Arm of Henderson, Bassford & Co., bank ers and brokers, since its organization, July 1, 1905. Member Chicago Board of Trade. Member Royal Arcanum, B. P. O. E. Club: Commercial. Recrea tion. Automobiling. Office: Germania . Life Ins. Bldg. Residence: 956 Hayne Av., St. Paul. HENDBICKS, John Albert, lawyer; born at Lakeville, Minn., Dec. 14, 1865; son of Hendrick and Anna Hendricks; educated in public schools; Archibald's Business College, Minneapolis, Minn., 1884; Minneapolis Academy; University of Minnesota, College of Law, graduat ing, degree of LL.B., 1893. Paid his expenses at various educational institu- 226 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS tions by working on farm and acting as insurance solicitor, traveling salesman and school teacher. Has been actively engaged in practice of law since 1893. Also proprietor Hendricks Land & Loan Co. Republican. Lutheran. Married at Willmar, Minn., Dec. 30, 1S97, to Miss Berthine Marie Bakke. Recrea tions: Fishing and hunting. Address: Fosston, Minn. HENDBICKS, John W., grocer; born in Cascade Township, Steele Co., Minn., Sept. 29, 1858; son of John and Julia Hendricks; educated in .public schools of Rochester; married in Oliver Co., N. Dak., 1887, to Miss Nancy Smith. En gaged in live stock raising for 7 years, in Oliver Co., N. Dak., returned to Rochester, 1891, and has ever since been farming; also senior partner of the re tail grocery firm of Hendricks & Olson, organized, April, 1903. Democrat. Was county treasurer of Oliver Co., N. Dak., and county commissioner same county. Methodist. Member Ancient Order of United Workmen. Recreation: Read ing. Address: Rochester, Minn. HENNINGEB, Louis Le Boy, physi cian; born at Eddyville, la., Dec. 27, 1874; son of Louis and Nancy (Noe) Henninger; graduate Medical Depart ment, Iowa University, M.D., 1902; un married. Began practice at Portsmouth, la., 1902; has been in practice at Blue Earth since Dec, 1903. Member Masonic order, A. O. U. W., Yeomen of America. Address: Blue Earth, Minn. HENNINGEB, Theodore, real estate and insurance; born at Tauberbischof- sheim, Baden, Germany, Sept. 11, 1840; son of Adam and Margaretha (Mitt- nacht) Henniger; came to America, landing in New York City, Aug. 14, 1850; educated in the public schools in Germany as a boy and at Buffalo, N. Y., and Cincinnati, O. Entered the trade of printing at Indianapolis, Ind., in Feb., 1854; from early life had studied music, vocal and instrumental, and in Aug., 1861, enlisted in the Union Army as a member of the regimental band, 11th Ind. Vol. Inf., Col. Dewis Wallace commanding; participated in the battles of Fort Henry, Fort Donelson and Shiloh. Married at Indianapolis, Ind., Oct. 11, 1865, to Bertha Kuester. Came to St. Paul, Minn., Oct., 1867, and en tered the real estate business, July, 1886, and insurance business, Feb. 1895. Member of St. Paul's German United Church. Member St. Paul Musi cians' Protective Union, G. A. R., Union Veteran's Union, and Order of Sons of Hermann. Recreations: Music and travel. Office: Manhattan Bldg. Resi dence: 371 N. Smith Av., St. Paul. HENNINGSEN, Christian, lawyer; born at Giels Toft, Schleswig, Germany, July 1, 1847; son of N. C. and Caroline C. (Lorentzen) Henningsen; came to America, 1868; educated in parochial schools and by private tutors; followed farming until 1863; engaged as miller and millwright, until 1868 and as jew eler and watchmaker until 1896, when he entered College of Law, University of Minnesota, 1897, graduating, B.L., 1900, title of M.L., 1901; unmarried. Admitted to the practice of law in 1900, «ince which time lie has been located at Stillwater. . Republican. Lutheran. Rec reations: Boating and reading. Address: Stillwater, Minn. HENBIKSEN, Jens Chr., merchant, banker; born in Denmark, Oct. 12, 1845; son of Henrik Jensen and Johanna Marie Christensen; educated in com mon schools. In marine service of Denmark, 1867; came to Anierica, 1873, and engaged in making flour bar rels for 14 years; began in retail general merchandise at Tyler, Minn., 1888, and still continues; also president of the First State Bank and the Tyler Build ing & Loan Association. Lutheran. Member A. O. U. W. Married in Den mark, Dec. 21, 1877, to Miss Christine Nielsen. Club: Commercial. Address: Tyler, Minn. HENRY, Frank H., merchant; born at St. Paul, Minn., Feb. 25, 1871; son of Constantine and Barbara (Cech) Henry; educated in public schools, graduating from the St. Paul High School, 1888. Began active career in the employ of Foot, Schulze & Co., wholesale boots and shoes, continuing with the firm 17 years, part of the time as traveling salesman; became connected with French, Finch & Henry, extensive job bers and wholesale dealers in shoes and rubber goods, Dec, 1904, and is vice president of the firm. Club: Commer cial. Office: 225-231 E. 4th St. Resi dence: 296 Bates Av., St. Paul. HENBY, Joseph C, wholesale hard ware; born at Lockerbie, Scotland, July 2, 1856; son of George Henry and Jane (Jackson) Henry; educated in parochial school, Lockerbie, Scotland; married at Madison, Wis., Sept., 1883, to Margaret Sutherland; came to United States in 1878; went to Madison, Wis., and en tered employ of Frank & Ramsey, hard ware merchants; moved to St. Paul in 1880 and accepted position with Strong, Hackett & Co., which was succeeded by the C. W. Hackett Hardware Co., and on its incorporation as the Hackett, Wal ther, Gates Hardware Co., became asist- ant treasurer, and, since 1902, its secre tary. Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner (Knight Commander Court of Honor). Recreations: Fishing and shooting. Office: 280 East 4th St., St. Paul. Residence: 1895 Iglehart St., St. Paul. HENSEL, Eugene A., physician; born in Berlin, Germany, Oct. 9, 1867; son of Henry and Paulina (Metzner) Hensel; came to America in youth and was educated in schools of Alexandria, Minn., THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 227 1879-88; attended Rush Medical College, Chicago, graduating, degree of M.D., 1895; post graduate work, Post Graduate School, 1902. Coroner Douglass Co., Minn., 1898-02 and 1904-06. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associations, Park Region District and Douglas County Medical societies. Re publican. Episcopalian. Member Ma sonic order, I. O. O. F., Knights of Pythias, F. O. E., A. O. U. W., Yeomen of America, Eagles. Member Alexandria Business Men's Association. Married at Alexandria,- 1898, to Miss Kate B. Plummer. Address: Alexandria, Minn. HENSLIN, Aaron Edgar, physician; born in Racine, Minn., June 20, 1865; educated in Racine public schools, Spring Valley High School, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk, la., M.D., 1891, Chicago Polyclinic and Milwaukee Medical College, degrees of M.D., 1891 and CM., 1895. Treasurer Le Roy Telephone Co. Member Ameri can and Minnesota State Medical asso ciations, Mower County Medical Society, Austin-Flint-Cedar Valley Medical So ciety. Member I. O. O. F. Address: Le Roy, Minn. HEBING, Henry H., physician; born in Greene Co., O., Oct. 30, 1842; son of Jacob and Mary (Steel) Hering. Gradu ate Beaver High School, 1859; was a medical student at breaking out of the Civil War; enlisted in U. S. Army, Oct., 1861, served 3 years and 3 months; adjutant of post, Camp Chase, Columbus, O., 1st Lieut, Capt. Co. E„ 74th Regt, O. Vol. Inf., resigned commission, 1864. l'3ntered sophmore class, Miami Univer sity, Oxford, O., Sept., 1868, graduat ing Miami Medical College, degree of M.D., Mar., 1873; began practice of medi cine at Xenia, O., 1873. Was coroner, Greene Co., O., 4 years; physician to Soldiers and Sailors Orphans Home, Xenia, O., and health officer of city, 4 years. Married; came to Minnesota, 1876. Republican. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associa tions, Blue Earth County and Minne sota Valley Medical societies. Mason; member Knights of Pythias, Modern Woodmen of America. Address: Lake Crystal, Minn. HEBNLUND, John W., manufacturer; born in Sweden, May 25, 1855; came to America, 1867, and located in Minne sota; educated in public schools of Min neapolis and at University of Minnesota. Has been connected with iron works , since beginning of his active career, 1878; secretary and general manager Crown Iron Works Co., operating foun dry and machine shop and extensive manufacturers of structural and orna mental iron work. Married at Minne apolis, May 20, 1891, to Miss Minnie Olson. Recreations: Motoring, hunting and out door diversions. Club: Com mercial. Office: 113-115 2nd Av., S. E, Residence: 1526 Adams St., N. E., Min neapolis. HEBBIAN, William J., brewing; born at New Ulm, Minn., Feb. 13, 1875; son of Peter and Lina (Nagei) Herrian; graduated New Ulm High School, 1891; married at New Ulm, June 18, 1903, to Marie S. Schneider. Was cashier Eagle Rolling Mill Co., 1891-94; clerk Chicago & Northwestern Ry., 1894-98; secretary John Hauensten Brewing Co., since 1898. Member Knights of Pythias, New Ulm Turner's Club. Recreations: Fishing and hunting. Address: New Ulm, Minn. HEBBICK, Edwin Winslow, real estate and loans; born, Sheridan, Chau tauqua Co., N. Y., June 13, 1837; son of Alfred N. and Caroline (Ambler) Herrick; attended public schools in Sheridan, academy in Augusta, finishing at Fredonia Academy, N. Y., 1853. Be gan active career as clerk in a general store, Richmond, O., continuing, 1854-59; clerk in wholesale and retail store, Cleveland, O., 1860; partner Herrick Brothers (Wm. W. & E. W.), general store, Ashtabula, O.; 1860-68; partners removed to Minneapolis, Minn., 1868; dealers in city real estate, farm and timber lands, until death of Wm. W., 1894. when Edwin W.. continued the business. Former director Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Ry., Merch ants National Bank; treasurer Arcade Investment Co., Minneapolis, 1891-1901; member firm of Herrick Brothers & Lowry, who built Temple Court and made other improvements. Prominent worker in Board of Trade and Business Men's Union of the earlier days. Direc tor Minneapolis Society of Fine Arts since 1891 (president, 1898-1901). Re publican. Universalist (trustee of church of the Redeemer for many years past). Married at Westfield, N. Y., 1861, to Juliett C. Durand, (deceased 1880). Clubs: Minneapolis, Minikahda. Office: Temple Court. Residence: 35 S. 8th St., Minneapolis. HEBBMANN, Max Hugo, furrier; born Leipzig, Germany, Feb. 6, 1859; son of Frederick Ed. and Sophie M. (Richter) Herrmann; educated in Volkschule and Realschule, Leipzig; came to United States, 1877; married, St. Paul, Minn., Sept. 30, 1891, Sophia M. Erd. Entered employ of Albrecht, Lanpher & Finch, wholesale furs, 1879, and worked with wholesale firm of A. O. Bailey & Co., and for Albrecht Bros, (retail), until March 11, 1884, when he established for self in present business as a retailer of fine furs. Store and Office: 64 East 7th St. Residence: 186 McBoal St., St. Paul. HEBTIG, Wendell, lawyer; born in Fayette Co.. Pa., Aug. 13, 1868; son of Ulysses and Emily P. (Litman) Hertig; educated in public schools of Fayette Co., Pa.; Pennsylvania State Normal School; University of Minnesota, College 228 THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS of Law, graduating, degree of LL.B., 1895. Removed to Minnesota from Pennsylvania, 1S87; cashier Standard Bank of Minneapolis, 1892-95; has been in practice of law since 1895. President Investors Security Co.; director The Peoples' Bank of Minneapolis. Repub lican. Elected alderman 5th Ward, Minneapolis, 1905. York and Scottish Rite Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner; member B. P. O. E. Unmarried. Clubs: Commercial, Roosevelt, Mini kahda. Recreations: Fishing and golf. Office: New York Life Bldg. Resi dence: 714 E. 14th St., Minneapolis. HESSELGBAVE, Sherman Sedgwick, physician and surgeon; born in Sibley County, Minn., July 18, 1872; son of Robert V. and Amanda (Livingston) Hesselgrave; educated in public schools of St. Paul; high school of St. Paul, graduating, 1891; Medical Department LTniversity of Minnesota, graduating, degree of M.D., 1894. Married at St. Paul, June 1, 1897, to Marie E. Greget Deputy Coroner Ramsey County, 1896- 1900. Republican. Protestant. Mem ber of Ramsey County Medical Society, Minnesota State and American Medical associations. Mason. Member Nu Sigma Nu fraternity. Club: Commer cial. Recreation: Automobiling. Of fice: Endicott Arcade. Residence: 1009 Lincoln Av., St. Paul. HEWITT, Charles Nathaniel, physi cian; born at Vergennes, Vt., June 3, 1835; graduate Hobart College, N. Y., degree of B.A., 1856; graduate Albany . Medical College, degree of M.D., 1857; honorary degrees of A.M., 1859, and LL.D., from Hobart College. Married at Red Wing, Minn., April 22, 1869, to Miss Helen Robinson Hawley. Prac- , ticed medicine at Geneva, N. Y., 1857-61; served in U. S. Army, 1861-65, as. assistant surgeon and surgeon 50th N. Y. Regt., to surgeon-in-chief, engineer brigade, Army of the Potomac. Located after war, at Red Wing, Minn. Has been professor of public health, Univer sity of Minnesota since 1873; secretary and executive officer Minnesota State Board of Health, 1872-97: director Min nesota Vaccine Station since 1889. Ex- president Minnesota State Medical Asso ciation, and of the American Public Health Association; member Societe d' Hygiene, Paris, Society Medical Officers of Health, England. Epidemiological Society of London, etc. Recreations: At 73 years of age, library, labratory and travel. Address: Red "Wing, Minn. HIBBS, David B. P., banker; born in Bucks Co., Pa., Oct. 7, 1838; son of Jacob and Sarah L. (Woostall) Hibbs; educated in public schools, Millersville (Pa.) Normal School and Attleboro Academy; married in Bucks Co., 1865, to Miss Anna C. Vandegrift. Engaged in farming in Pennsylvania; came to Minnesota, 1872; studied law and was admitted to the bar, 1873, continuing in practice in Albert Lea for 30 years; was president Albert Lea National Bank until 1892; has been president Albert Lea State Bank since 1902. Served as 1st lieut, Co. F., 104th Pa. Vols., Army of the Potomac and Dept. of the South, 1861-64. Democrat. Episcopalian. Mem ber G. A. R. (commander Post No. 5). Loyal Legion. Recreation: Reading. Address: Albert Lea, Minn. HICKMAN, Adam Clark, professor College of Law, University of Minne sota; born in Columbiana Co., O., April 30, 1837; son of Jeremiah and Mary (Martin) Hickman; educated at Rich mond College, O., 1857-58; Allegheny Col lege, Meadville, Pa., 1860-62, graduating June. 1862, degree of AB. (A.M. and LL.D,, from same college since that time) ; Ohio State and Union Daw Col lege, graduating, 1863, degree of LL.B. Began practice of law, at Akron, O, continuing for one year; located at Owatonna, Minn., where was in active practice of the profession 23 years and was judge probate court, 1869-1872; moved to St. Paul and continued in practice for 9 years; professor of plead ing and practice, College of Law, Uni versity of Minnesota, since Sept., 1896. Was for four years state senator, Steele Co., Minn.; for one year, presi dent board of aldermen and acting mayor of City of St. Paul. Mason. Member Phi Kappa Psi, Phi Beta Kappa fraternities. Married at Owatonna, Minn., Nov. 9, 1875, to Miss Ella B. Peck. Office: University of Minnesota. Resi dence: 1229 S. E. 7th St., Minneapolis. HICKS, Frank, lawyer; born at La peer, Mich., Dec. 28, 1853; son of Stephen S. and Louise (Walter) Hicks; educated in Lapeer High School and at Bryant & Stratton's Business College, Detroit, Mich. Began active career as clerk in mercantile business; admitted to bar 1S89; removed to Duluth, Nov. 1890, and became associated with law firm of Draper, Davis & Hollister, con tinuing for 13 years, being a member of the firm greater part of the time; entered into partnership in law business with Henry J. Grannis, 1903; has been practicing alone since 1904. Was cir cuit court stenographer 6th judicial district of Michigan, 1880-90. Republi can. Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner. Married, at Lapeer, Mich., Dec. 2, 1880, Myrtie M. Hicks. Clubs: Commercial, Duluth Boat. Office: First National Bank Bldg. Residence: 3330 Park Point, Duluth. HICKS, Henry George, lawyer; born at Varysburgh, N. Y., Jan. 26, 1838; son of George A. and Sophia ' (Hall) Hicks; educated in common schools of New York and Pennsylvania and at preparatory department of Oberlin Col lege, O., entering the college, Aug. 14, 1860. Education was interrupted by the Civil War; enlisted in the Union Army and served as adjutant 2nd 111. Cav., THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 229 and 71st and 93rd 111. Inf., nearly three years iii all. Came to Minnesota April, 1865, and has been engaged in practice of law at Minneapolis since April 15, 1874. Republican. Sheriff of Hennepin Co., 1867-71; six times a member of Minnesota Legislature; judge of the 4th district court 8 years. Member of law firm of Hicks & Carleton, established, 1874. Unitarian. Married. Office: N. Y. Life Bldg. Residence: Hampshire Arms, Minneapolis. HIEDLOFP, Adolph G., physician; born at Mankato, Minn., Feb. 13, 1878; son of William F. and Ottilie E. (Iker) Hiedloff; educated in public and high schools of Mankato, graduating, 1897; taught school one year; graduate College of Medicine and Surgery, University of Minnesota, degree of M.D., 1902;, interne City and County Hospital, St". Paul, 1902-3; secretary Blue Earth County and Minnesota Valley Medical societies; member Minnesota State Medical Asso ciation. Republican. Protestant. Mem ber Royal Arcanum, Modern Woodmen of America. Club: Social Science. Ad dress: Mankato, Minn. HIELD, Willard James, general man ager; born at Janesville, Wis., May 19, 1863; son of George and Mary H. (Rhods) Hield; educated in graded and high schools of Janesville; married at Minneapolis, Minn., Dec. 24, 1885, to Miss Ena P. Freeman. Began active career in the employ of Basset & Ech- lin, jobbers in saddlery and hardware, Janesville; came to Minneapolis, Minn., 1887, and entered service of the street railway company, first in the office of the company and after the strike of 1889, was made superintendent of the Minneapolis, Dyndale & Minnetonka Ry., later absorbed by the Street Railway Company; was appointed superintendent of the street railway system of Minne apolis, July, 1891, was advanced to posi tion of manager a few months later, and has been general manager of the consolidated system since the spring of 1892. Club: Commercial. Office: Hen nepin Av. and 11th St. .Residence: 1674 Hennepin Av., Minneapolis. HIGBEE, Chester Goss, physician and surgeon; born in Wyoming Co., N. Y., Aug. 5, 1835; son of Enos J. Higbee and Lucy M. (Patch) Higbee; educated in the common schools of New York and several academies in Wisconsin. En gaged in teaching school in 1856-61. Mar ried at Minneapolis, 1876, to Miss Isabel A. Davis. Served in Union Army, 1861- 65, enlisting as private and advancing to captain, 12th Wis. Inf. Came to Minnesota, 1866, and has been in prac tice of medicine since 1866. Republican. Unitarian. Member American and State Institute of Homeopathy. Mason (32°); member G. A. R., Loyal Legion, (Com mander JStinnesota State Commandery). Office: Dispatch Bldg. Residence: The Seville Flats, St. Paul. HIGBEE, Boscoe B., dealer in mining properties; born Arcadia, Wis., April 18, 1878; son of Edward C. and Ella M. (Ba con) Higbee; educated in public schools of LaCrosse, Wis., until 1893, and in bus iness college one year; married at St. Paul, Dec. 27, 1905, to Miss Celia M. Walker. Farmed for short time; went to Chicago and engaged in advertising writing until the Spanish-American War. Served as chief clerk of the U. S. Provisional Ambulance Co., with rank of acting hospital steward in Porto Rico until 1899; since then under own name as dealer in iron, lead, zinc, coal, gold and silver lands. Director of a number of mining companies. Mason. Club: Commercial (on member ship committee), Roosevelt. Recreations: Boating, driving. Office: .Germania Life Bldg. Residence: The Gibson, St. Paul. HIGGINS, Curran W., physician; born in Wisconsin, Sept. 16, 1849; son of Elijah and N. Lovinia Higgins; edu cated in common schools and Groveland Seminary, Dodge Co., Minn.; University of Minnesota, 1872-74; Hahnemann Medi cal College, Chicago, 111. Has been engaged in practice of medicine since 1876. Member Masonic order, Ancient Order of United Workmen, Modern Woodmen of America. Club: Commer cial. Office: 620% Nicollet Av. Resi dence: 2128 Dupont Av., N., Minne apolis. HIGGINS, Frederick E., wagon manu facturer; born at Skowhegan, Me., May 23, 1865; son of Henry C. and Eliza P. (Thurston) Higgins; came to Winona with his parents, 1870, and was educated in public schools of Winona; married at Winona, 1889, to Miss May Pierce. Began active career in 1881, in the shops of the Winona Wagon Co., and has been treasurer of the company since 1892. Republican. Now president board of municipal works of Winona; ex-alder man 2nd ward. Methodist. Mason (32°), Shriner. Clubs: Arlington, Meadow Brook. Address: Winona, Minn. HIGGINS, John Henry, physician; born at Milwaukee, Wis., Jan. 3, 1879; son of Michael and Margaret (Clarson) Higgins; moved to Minneapolis, Minn, with parents when two years of age; attended Peabody and Jackson public schools, Minneapolis, graduated from South Side High School, Minneapolis, 1898, and from Medical Department, University of Minnesota, 1903; unmar ried. In practice at Rockford since 1903. Member Wright County Medical Society (president), Minnesota State and American Medical associations. Ad dress: Rockford, Minn. HILL, Arthur Lyman, physician; born at Lodi, Wis., Dec 10, 1870; son of William H. and Mary A. (Carncross) Hill; graduate Fairmont, (Minn.) High School, 1891; graduate College of Medi cine and Surgery, University of Min- 230 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS nesota, degree of M.D., 1896. Has been engaged in practice at Monticello, since July 4, 1896. Member Wright County Medical Society, Minnesota State and American Medical associations. Con gregationalist. Member I. O. O. F., M. W. A. Married at Fairmont, Aug. 12, 1897, to Miss E. D. Snow. Address: Monticello, Minn. HILL, Henry L., real estate; born at Richmond, Ind., Sept. 26, 1856; son of Benjamin and Sarah (Hoover) Hill; educated in public schools of Richmond. Farmed in Indiana, until 30 years of age; came to Minneapolis, 1886, and engaged in real estate business; has been member of the Arm of Hill & Garwood, since 1899. Democrat. Mar ried at Richmond, Ind., 1889, to Miss Cora Garwood. Recreation: Travel. Office: Metropolitan Life Bldg. Resi dence: 3325 Calhoun Blvd., Minneapolis. HILL, Horace M., vice president Janney, Semple, Hill & Co.; born at Carthage, Ind., Nov. 3, 1861; son of Allen and Ann R. (White) Hill; edu cated in public schools of Minneapolis; married at Minneapolis, Aug. 11, 1886, to Miss Mary B. Whitmore. Began business in Minneapolis as bookkeeper for D. M. Gilmore & Co., later Ailing similar position with the firm of Young, Patterson & Co., became connected with Janney, Brooks & Eastman, shelf and general hardware, 1879, the firm be coming Janney, Semple & Co., 1884; was admitted to partnership, 1888, and is vice president of the company which was reincorporated as Jannev, Semple, Hill Co., Jan. 1, 1898. Also director First National Bank. Independent in politics. Presbyterian. Clubs: Minne apolis, Minnetonka Yacht, Lafayette. Office: 20-36 2nd St., S. Residence: 415 Oak Grove St., Minneapolis. HILL, James J., chairman board of directors Great Northern Ry. ; born near Guelph, Ont, Cah., Sept. 16, 1838; Scotch-Irish descent; educated at Rock wood Academy. Left farm to enter business in Minnesota; was in steam boat offices in St. Paul, 1856-65; became agent of the Northwestern Packet Co., 1865; entered fuel and transportation business on own account and was head of Hill, Griggs & Co., 1869-75; estab lished Red River Transportation Co., 1870, the first to open communication between St. Paul and Winnipeg; or ganized the Northwestern Fuel Co., 1875, selling out his- interest, 1878. Organized syndicate which secured control of St. Paul & Pacific R. R. and reorganized the system as the St. Paul, Minneapolis & Manitoba Ry. Co., and was its general manager, 1879-82, vice president, 1882- 83, and president 1883, the road becom ing part of the Great Northern system, 1890. Builder of the Great Northern Ry., from Lake Superior to Puget Sound, with branches and with steamship con nection with China and 'Japan, 1883-93; president Great Northern System, 1893- 1907; chief promoter and president Northern Securities Co. Married, St. Paul, Mary Mehegan. Donated $500,000 toward establishing Roman Catholic Theological Seminary at St. Paul. Office: Great Northern Ry. Bldg. Residence: 240 Summit Av., St. Paul. HILL, James N., railway official; born at St. Paul, Minn.; son of James J. and Mary (Mehegan) Hill. Has been in railway service since beginning of his career; has been first vice president Great Northern Ry., since 1902; also president Montana Central Ry., and vice president Willmar & Sioux Falls Ry. Office: Great Northern Ry. Bldg. Resi dence: 240 Summit Av., St. Paul. HILL, Leon L., lumber merchant; born at Fayette, la., Oct. 25, 1873; son of James K. and Ella (Davis) Hill; educated in public schools in Mason City, Ia. Began in lumber business at 16 years of age, with the John Paul Lumber Co., Mason City, la., continu ing from 1888 to 1897; has been secre tary of the Page & Hill Co., producers and merchants of cedar posts and poles, since 1897, locating in Minneapolis, 1-901. Member Masonic order, Knights Pythias. Married at Nora Springs, la., 1897, to Miss Elenore Buckmann. Office: Lum ber Exchange Bldg. Residence: 4410 Thomas Av., S., Minneapolis. HZLLMAN, Charles G., wholesale commission; born in Washington Co., Wis., Aug. 20, 1849; son of Ernest and Anna R. (Tischer) Hillman; educated in public schools. Lived on farm until 20 years of age; removed to St. Paul. 1869; was connected with hotel and later in restaurant business until 1879; president of Hillman Brothers Co., or ganized in 1879 and incorporated, 1903, wholesale commission merchants and large dealers in fruits, vegetables, game and dairy and farm products. Socialist. Unitarian. Member Minneapolis Pro duce Exchange, National League of Commission Merchants of the U. S. Member Theosophical Society, Health League. Recreation: Farming. Office: 204 N. 6th St. Residence: 90 11th St., S., Minneapolis. HILLSTBOM, Charles E., real estate; born at Grenna, Sweden, Jan. 30, 1859; son of A. F. and Anna Britta Hillstrom; educated in the common schools Univer sity of Grenna and University of Knox ville, 111.; married at St. Paul, June 24, 1889, to Miss Mathilda Larson. Came to United States, 1881, first settling in Brooklyn, N. Y.; arrived in St. Paul in 1886 and was for a number of years designer and foreman for the J. G. Earhuff Organ and Piano Company of N. St. Paul; was with Wallblom Furni ture and Carpet Co., in charge of collec tions, for three years; in March, 1900, entered the real estate business. Presi- THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 231 dent and founder First Ward Improve ment Association; was health officer of N. St. Paul for four years and deputy state oil inspector for two years under Governor Van Sant Republican. Mem ber Christian Church and Swedish Brothers Society. Club: East Side Commercial. Office: 977 Payne Av. Residence: 1278 Edgerton St., St Paul. HILSCHEB, John Fremont, lawyer; born at Bethlehem, Ind., Jan. 23, 1857; son of Joseph S. and Louise (Woland) Hilscher; educated in common schools; Lincoln University, Lincoln, 111., 1877-78; Knox College,, Galesburg, 111., 1879-80; read law and admitted to bar by su preme Court of Illinois, 1882. Married at Lincoln, 111., 1883, to Hetta Anderson. In practice of law at Lincoln, 1882; re moved, 1885, to Willmar, Minn., where practiced until removal in 1894 to St. Paul, where he has since continued. Vice president Froelich Manufacturing Co.; director Iowa-Michigan Land Co. Republican; delegate to National Re publican Convention, 1888. Presbyterian. Mason; member Royal Arcanum, A. O. U. W., Knights of Pythias, (grand chancellor for Minnesota, 1894-95, su preme representative, 1896-1900, since then member of the supreme tribunal). Club: CommerciaL Office: New York Life Bldg. Residence: 1917 Feronia Av., St. Paul. HILSDALE, William O. P., merchant, banker; born at Trondhjem, Norway, April 2, 1851; son of Peder Rodde and Randi (Havdahl) Hilsdale; educated schools of Melhuus, Norway. Came to America, 1870; has been a resident of Minnesota, since 1876; entered retail business in clothing, boots and shoes, under his own name, at Sauk Centre, 1881, continuing to the present time; also vice president First National Bank of Sauk Centre; director First National Bank of Glenwood; senior partner Hils dale & Sullivan. Democrat. Post master Sauk Centre during President Cleveland's administration. Mason; member I. O. O. F., A. O. U. W. Mar ried at Minneapolis, March 8, 1882, to Gyda R. Norderhus. Club: Odin. Ad dress: Sauk Centre, Minn. HILTON, Charles A., clergyman; born at South Parsonsfield, Me., July 22, 1845 son of George and Abigail F. (Ricker) Hilton; educated in public and private schools of native town; Bates College, Dewiston, Me.; Hillsdale College, Hills dale, Mich. Served in Civil War, 27th Maine Vols., for 9 months; in 6th Mass. Vols.. 100 days; in 12th Mass. Light Artillery until close of the war, nearly two years in all. Entered ministry of the Freewill Baptist Church, April, 1868; first charge was at Ross Corner, Me., 1868. United with the Congregational Church, 1893; pastor of the first Congre gational Church, Randolph, Mass , 1893- 1903. Came to Minneapolis, Nov. 1, 1903, as pastor of the Fremont Congregational Church. Married at Frankfort, HI., April 21, 1872, to Miss Sarah A. Car penter. Address: 3113 Fremont Av., N., Minneapolis. HILTON, Clifford L., lawyer; born at Kenyon, Minn., Dec. 8, 1866; son of Addison and Harriet E. (Bullis) Hilton; graduated from Fergus Falls, (Minn.) High School, 1884, University of Wis consin, College of Law, 1888. Began practice in 1888; was city attorney of Fergus Falls, two years; for past 9 years has been county attorney of Otter Tail Co. Member Co. F, 3rd Regt, M. N. G., for 8 years, retiring with rank of captain, 1894. Republican. Presbyterian. Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner; member Knights of Pythias, M. W. A., Royal Arcanum. Married at Chicago, 111., Sept. 23, 1890, to Miss Frances C. Moll. Club: Chippewa. Recreations: Fishing, general outings. Address: Fergus Falls, Minn. HINDLEY, George, clergyman, lec turer; born in Ontario, Can., Nov. 27, 1852; son of William and Elizabeth (Ingham) Hindley; graduate theological department Oberlin College, 1875; (D.D., 1899, LL.D., 1900); married at Avoca, la., July 15, 1880, to Miss Stella Pearl. Congregational minister; founded Weep ing Water Academy, Neb.; for 5 years president of Ridgeviile College; popular lecturer and superintendent of several chautauquas; newspaper correspondent; writer of short stories; not in regular charge of church for several years. Recreations: Fishing and hunting. Ad dress: Elk River, Minn. HINDS, Charles Gilbert, lawyer; born at Shakopee, Minn., Aug. 31, 1866; son of Henry and Mary (Woodworth) Hinds; educated in Shakopee High School, University of Minnesota, 1883- 85, Law Department, University of Michigan, receiving degree of LL B., class of 1887. Began practice of law Aug. 31, 1887, at Shakopee. Married at Shakopee, Sept. 25, 1888, to Miss Maude Plumstead. Address: Shakopee, Minn. HINE, Robert Clark, lawyer; born at Stamford, Conn., June 6, 1860; son of Charles Sutton and Jane (Van Norden) Hine; graduated from Yale College, B.A., 1881, Columbia Law School, LL.B., 1883; married at St. Paul, Minn., June 18, 1891, to Mary Evelyn Bidleman. Ad mitted to bar 1883, and engaged in practice of law until 1898; he was judge of the municipal court of the City of St Paul, 1898-1906. Republican. Member of Masonic order, Shrine, Knights of Pythias, Royal Arcanum, Sons of Herman. Clubs: Commercial, Minnesota, Nushka. Office: Court House. Residence: Hotel Aberdeen, St. Paul. HINKLEY, Bay Benjamin, banker, farmer, manufacturer; born at Clermont, la., July 24, 1860; son of Benjamin H. and Emma C. (Bryant) Hinkley; edu cated in public schools of Clermont, 232 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS Lansing (Mich.) High School, Oberlin College, Oberlin, O. Was traveling salesman for Lansing (Mich.) cracker factory at age of 16; publisher of Clermont (Ia.) Independent, at 19; c< m- menced practice of law in Iowa, 1811; came to Minnesota and organized Rock County Bank, Luverne, 1882, becoming cashier, and later, president; admitted to Minnesota bar, 1885; always inter ested in mechanics, and has acquired some note as an inventor. Farming and stock growing has also occupied his attention and he is at the present time directing operations on about 2,000 acres of productive land of Minnesota. Presi dent Rock County Bank, Luverne; vice president Enterprise Telephone Co., Ed gerton; proprietor Luverne Brick & Tile Works; vice president First National Bank, Howard, S: D. Married at Cler mont, la., 1882, to Miss Mary Bulah Harrington. Address: Luverne, Minn. HIBSCHFIELD, Adolph, physician ; born in province of Kowno, Russia, Jan. 17, 1864; attended the classical Gymnas ium of Kowno and Minsk, Russia; came to America, 1883; graduated from Col lege of Medicine and Surgery, Univer sity of Minnesota, 1893. Member Amer ican and Minnesota State Medical asso ciations, Hennepin County Medical So ciety. Member Modern Woodmen of America, B'nai B'rith. Club: North Side Commercial. Office: 1225 Wash ington Av., N Residence: 1319 Lyn- dale Av., N, Minneapolis. HIRSCHMAN, Hugo, millinery; born at Hamburg, Germany, Feb. 4, 1877; son of Isadore and Bertha Hirschman; came to America, 1882; educated in public schools of New York City and St. Paul, and at University of Minne sota; married at St. Paul, June 14 1904, to Miss Selma Rothschild. Began business career in department store, , Duluth, Minn.; returned to St. Paul, 1901, entered firm of J. Rothschild & Co., wholesale milliners, as general manager, and was elected secretary and treasurer, upon incorporation of the company, Jan. 1, 1907. Office: 228-232 E. 4th St. Residence: 948 Hague Av., St. Paul. HIRSCHY, Charles C, merchant, banker; born at Wabasha, Minn., March 20, 1859; son of Samuel and Margaret Hirschy; educated at Wabasha High School; married at Lake City, Minn., 1894, to Carrie C. Benson., Has been in mercantile business since 1882, and is managing partner of firm of S. Hirschey & Son. President First Na tional Bank since 1891. Republican. Mayor of Wabasha, two terms. Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner. Address: Wabasha, Minn. HIRSH, George, clothier; born in Ba varia, Germany, March 19, 1856; son of Isaiah and Rosa (Stern) Hirsh; edu cated in Germany; came to America, 1873; married at Neenah, Wis., 1895, to Miss Eva Billstein. In New York State, 1873-80; then in Chicago for 4 years; at Council Grove, Kas., in the clothing business, 1884-87, and since 1887 has been engaged in sale of clothing and in tailoring and shoe business at Austin, Minn. Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner. Address: Austin, Minn. HITZKEB, John, member State Leg islature; born in Austria, Nov. 14, 1855; son of Albert and Johanna Hitzker; educated in Austria; married at Wi nona, Minn., Jan. 8, 1880, to Miss Anna N. Schneider. Came to America, 1877, &nd located in Winona; barber by trade; started in business for self, 1881, and owns a barber shop and also con ducts a wholesale and retail cigar busi ness, etc Democrat. Member Minne sota Legislature, 2nd dist, elected Nov. 6, 1906, term extending to Jan. 1, 1909. Roman Catholic. Member B. P. O. E., M. W. A., St. Joseph's Society. Clubs: Arlington, Philharmonic. Member Board of Trade. Recreations: Reading, walk ing. Address: Winona, Minn. HIXSON, Robert Bruce, physician; born at Burlington, la., April 1, 1874; son of Avery Wilson and Martha Brown (Long) Hixson; graduate High School, Herman, Minn., June, 1892; Curtis Busi ness College, St. Paul, 1894; College of Physicians and Surgeons, Chicago, III., graduating, degree of M.D., May, 1900. Has been in practice at Cambridge, Minn., since Dec. 2, 1900. County physi cian and coroner Isanti Co.; surgeon Great Northern Ry. ; chairman board of health and member school board. Mem ber American and Minnesota State Med ical associations, Central Minnesota Medical Society. Republican. Mason. Member Knights of Pythias. Married at Cambridge, Sept. 6, 1905, to Miss Minerva C. Barker. Club: CommerciaL Address: Cambridge, Minn. HJEBMSTAD, Carl P., banking and manufacturing; born in Norway, May 4, 1S65; son of Lars H. and Beathe N. (Elstad) Hjermstad; educated in pri vate and high school, Norway. Was clerk and manager general store, Nor way, 1880-84; came to America, Aug., 1884, and located in Minnesota; filled position of bookkeeper grain elevator T. K. Simmons & Son, Red Wing, 1884-88; bookkeeper in Bank of Pierce, Simmons & Co., Red Wing, 1888-97; was manager Red Wing Gas & Electric Co., 1897-99; cashier Goodhue County National iBank, 1899-1906; has been vice president and manager of the bank since June 1, 1906. Also secretary, treasurer and trustee Goodhue County Savings Bank, Red Wing Boat Manufacturing Co.; treasur er Red Wing Brick Co.; trustee and treasurer Red Wing Lutheran Ladies' Seminary. Democrat. Lutheran. Mem ber Manufacturers' Association. Married at Red Wing, Jan. 16, 1889, to Miss Sigrid Ness. Club: Commercial. Recrea- THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 233 tions: Launching, fishing and hunting. Address: Red Wing, Minn. HJEBMSTAD, Hans L., merchant; born in Norway, June 4, 1861; son of Lars H. and Beathe N. (Elstad) Hjerm- stad; educated in private schools and at business college, in Norway. Came to America Aug. 28, 1880, and located in Minnesota. Owner H. L. Hjermstad & Co., dealers in grocery and crockery, wholesale and retail, Red Wing, founded Jan. 28, 1888, and maintaining branch stores at Frontenac and Claybank. Also director Red Wing Boat Manufacturing Co.; secretary Red Wing Hospital As sociation, Lutheran Ladies' Seminary. Republican. Lutheran. Married at Aus tin, Minn., Dec. 2, 1897, to Miss Ida Dagmar Olson. Club: Commercial. Rec reations: Outdoor sports, hunting, fish ing, launching and skieing. Address: Red Wing, Minn. HOAG, William Bicketson, educator; born at Sumner, Minn., Feb. 25, 1859; son of- Milton John and Catharine Ever- itt Hoag; graduate Rochester (Minn.) High School, 1878; graduate University of Minnesota, degree of B.C.E., 1884; de gree of M.C.E., same university, 1888. Married at Minneapolis, Minn., 1885, to Miss Annie L. Lawrence. Has been pro fessor of civil engineering, University of Minnesota, since 1885; acting assist ant U. S. coast and geodetic survey, state topographer in charge of state triangulation; member jury of award Paris Exposition, 1900; member jury of award World's Columbian Exposition, 1893; same, St. Louis Exposition, 1903; member and engineer state drainage commission since 1897; resident hydro- grapher U. S. Geological Survey, 1902; ex-president Surveyors and Engineers' Society of Minnesota, Engineers' Club, Minneapolis, Minnesota Good Roads As sociation. Member Phi Beta Kappa, Sig ma Xi, Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternities, Minnesota State Engineers Society, etc. Republican. Conducted "Good. Roads" column in Minneapolis Times from 1896 to 1902, and has contributed numerous papers to engineering publications. Office: University of Minnesota. Resi dence: 1320 7th St., S. E., Minneapolis. HOARD, Enos Henry, real estate; born at Mansfield, Pa., Sept. 21, 1847; son of Joseph S. and Laura M. (Robbins) Hoard; educated in public schools of Mansfield; married at Winona, Minn., Oct. 20, 1874, to Miss Emma Stuart. Entered into partnership with Charles A. Tenney. iu fall of 1871, at Winona, Minn., and continued with him in the photographic and art supply business Until he sold out, 1879, and removed to Red Wing, Minn., entering the firm of J. S. Hoard & Son, real estate and loans; left that firm, 1900, and entered firm of Jefferson & Hoard, St. Paul. Republican. Presbyterian. Club: Com mercial. Office: National Ger. -Am. Bank Bldg. Residence: Red Wing, Minn. HOARD, Hiram Eugene, editor and publisher; born at Stockbridge, N. Y., March 14, 1843; son of Rev. William Bradford and Sarah Catherine (White) Hoard; educated in district and select schools, Stockbridge; Augusta Academy, Augusta, N. Y.; Oneida Seminary, Oneida, N. Y. ; Cazenovia ' Seminary, Cazenovia, N. Y. Married at Mauston, Wis., Dec. 25, 1872, to Miss Ellanora Temple. Taught district school in New York and New Jersev; moved to Columbus, Wis., 1866, and engaged in nursery business; taught school at Fall River, Wis., 1867-68; principal Mauston, graded schools, 1868-73; moved to Tawas City, Mich., 1873, and bought and pub lished the Iosco County Gazette until 1882, also in book and stationery busi ness; moved to Montevideo, Minn., 1882, and bought and has since published The Montevideo Deader. County Clerk Iosco Co., Mich., 4 years; state senator, Min nesota, 1886-90; chief of customs divi sion under commissioner of customs, Treasury department, Washington, 1890- 93; introduced bill into State Senate providing for establishment of farmers' institutes and was first president board of management of State Farmers' In stitutes. Was secretary and superin tendent Minnesota State Agricultural Society, 1887-88; now member State Normal Board. Democrat. Member Ma sonic order, I. O. O. F. Address: Monte- " video, Minn. HOBE, Engebreth H., lumber and lands, Norwegian Consul; born in Nor way, Feb. 27, 1860; educated in schools in Norway and in Copen hagen, Denmark; married in Copen hagen, 1886, to Johanne A. Muller. Came to Minnesota, 1883; since 1889 engaged under style of E. H. Hobe Lumber Co., in wholesaling and manufacture of lum ber; also president of the Orness Ess- wein Company and Luther Hospital. Formerly colonel on staff of the gov ernor of Minnesota. Consul of Norway since 1893. Clubs: Minnesota, Commer cial, Norden. Office: New York Life Bldg., St. Paul. Residence: Bald Eagle Lake, Minn. HOBEBT, Arthur W., superintendent ancl secretary Lakewood Cemetery; born Ottawa, 111., Aug. 14, 1858; son of Ed ward Sisson and Mary Elizabeth (Phil lips) Hobert; educated in public schools of Ottawa; married at Chicago, 111., Oct. 9, 1883, to Bessie Berry. Studied den tistry and practiced the profession in Illinois for 5 years, but gave it up on account of ill health; came to Minne apolis, Minn., 1885, entering employ of the Park Board, where he remained four years; he then turned his attention to cemeteries, built Hillside Cemetery, Minneapolis, and acted as its superin tendent until taking charge of Lakewood Cemetery, March 15, 1891, of which he is superintendent and secretary. En gages largely in landscape architecture, 234 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS having planned cemeteries at Portland, Maine, Lafayette, Ind., Kalispel, Mont., and many small cities in Minnesota and Iowa, and having charge of the land scape work for the T. C. Rapid Transit Co. at Lake Minnetonka and other points. Recreation: Landscape work. Office: 3600 Hennepin Av. Residence: 1412 W. 36th St., Minneapolis. HOCH, Reiner, president Duluth Brew ing and Malting Co.; born at Colong on the Rhine, Germany, Oct. 18, 1851; son of William and Mary (Badenhauer) Hoch; came to America, 1852; educated in public schools, Waukesha Co., Wis. Began brewing white beer at Milwau kee, Wis., in partnership with Carl Meeske, in 1872; sold out the business and removed to Marquette, Mich., and began there, brewing lager beer, in 1878; has been located in Duluth since 1896 as president and general manager of Du luth Brewing and Malting Co.; vice president Upper Peninsula Brewing Co., Marquette, Mich. Married at Sheboygan, Wis., May 14, 1878, to Miss Matilda Geele. Office: 29th Av., W., and Helm St. Residence: 2831 Helm St., Duluth, Minn. HODGE, Henry Franklin, president and treasurer National Brass and Metal Co.; born at Eau Claire, Wis., March 18, 1861; son of O. F. and Elvira (War ner) Hodge; educated in public schools of Dubuque, Ia. Dearned trade of brass moulder in Dubuque, where he worked for several firms until 1891; came to Minneapolis and organized the National Brass and Metal Co., as manufacturers and wholesale dealers in plumbers' brass goods and plumbing supplies, of which he is president and treasurer. Was color sergeant Co. K, 4th regiment, I. N. G. Independent In politics. Christian Scientist. Member Masonic order, Knights of Pythias, I. O. O. F. Married at Dubuque, la., 1882, to Miss Louisa L. Witty. Office: 246-258 3rd Av., S. Residence: 3032 3rd Av., S., Minneap olis. HODGIN, Edwin Stanton, clergyman; born at Vermillion, Dak. Ter., Jan. 15, 1868; son of Daniel W. and Tamer Jane (Dawson) Hodgin; educated in private school; University of South Dakota, de gree of B.S., 1893; Meadville Theolog ical School, graduating, 1898; Harvard University, 1901; University of Chicago, 1902. Unitarian. Was minister of Unity Church, Humboldt, la., for 5 years, be ginning, 1898; minister First Unitarian Church, Helena, Mont, 3 years, begin ning 1903; has been minister First Uni tarian Church, Minneapolis, since Jan. 1, 1906. Mason. Recreations: Bicycle riding, travel, mountain climbing, pho tography. Address: 803 Mary Place, Minneapolis. HODGKINSON, Joseph George, physi cian; .born in Ontario, Can., June 3, 1845; son of Philip and Elizabeth (Springall) Hodgkinson; educated in Canada, where he began the study of medicine, continuing the study in med ical colleges of Detroit, Mich., and con cluding in St. Paul Medical College, from which he was graduated, degree of M.D., 1886; married at Taylors Falls, Minn., 1884, to Miss Sadie Cummings. Began practice of medicine at Battle Lake and later was engaged in practice at Tay lors Falls. He acted as superintendent of the St. Paul City Hospital for two years; has been actively engaged in practice at South St. Paul since 1895. Member of Ramsey County Medical So ciety and Minnesota State Medical So ciety. Republican. Office and residence: South St. Paul, Dakota Co., Minn. HODGMAN, William Wade, railway supplies; born at St. Louis, Mo., May 12, 1862; son of Charles and Eliza (Wade) Hodgman; educated in St. Louis High School; married at Minneapolis, 1898, to Adele Linton. Began business career in St. Louis as a clerk with the Simmons Hardware Company, and later in various occupations until 1887, when came to St. Paul and started for self as a broker in railway supplies. Pres byterian. Clubs: Minnesota, Commer cial. Lafayette. Office: Endicott Bldg., St. Paul. Residence: 2500 Chicago Av., Minneapolis. HOEFER, Max, merchant; born in Luxemburg, Germany, 1847; son of An drew and Josephine (Kips) Hoefer; edu cated in Paris, France; came to America, 1864; married at Mankato, Minn., 1877, to Theresa Kraus. Served three years in 19th U. S. Inf., Civil War; came to St Peter, 1872; was clerk, traveling man, member retail shoe firm and, since 1893, has been in shoe business for him self. Republican. Lutheran. Member school board. Member Masonic order, A. O. U. W., Sons of Herman, G. A. R. Recreation: Music. Address: St. Peter, Minn. HOERR, Ferdinand Julian, cold stor age; born at Mankato, Minn., July 7, 1865; son of John William and Mar garet (Schaefer) Hoerr; educated in public schools, high school and Jesuit College. Began active career as clerk in bank, continuing, 1882-90; member of firm of Clements & Hoerr, cold stor age, 1890-97; -has been in cold storage business since 1897. Served 5 years as member M. N. G. Democrat. Unmarried. Recreations: Horses, gardening. Ad dress: Mankato, Minn. HOFF, Peder Andreas, physician and surgeon; born in St. Paul, Minn., Sept. 5, 1874; son of Christopher and Chris tine (Anderson) Hoff; educated in pub lic schools and Central High School, St. Paul; Medical Department Univer sity of Minnesota, graduating, degree of M.D., June, 1900; post-graduate course, Harvard University, 1901. Unmarried. Instructor in medicine In the University THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS 235 of Minnesota since 1902. Member Ram sey County Medical Society and Minne sota State and American Medical asso ciations. Member of the Masonic order. Club: Commercial. Office: Lowry Ar cade. Residence: 213 Aurora Av., St. Paul. HOFFABD, Nels A., county auditor; born at Sigdal, Norway, June 27, 1867; came to America, 1888; educated in Norway and at Crookston Business Col lege, 1891-92. Engaged in farm work, 1888-93; was assistant cashier Bank of Fisher, Fisher, Minn., 1893-94; deputy auditor Polk Co., 1895-1903; has been auditor of the county since Jan. 1, 1903. Married at Dalton, Minn., June 10, 1905, to Miss Olga Hoff. Address: Crookston, Minn. HOFFMAN, A. Lincoln, merchant; born at Berlin, Ontario, Can., Jan. 24, 1857; son of Leopold and Sarah Sher man (Thornton) Hoffman. Came with parents to Glencoe, Minn., at age of 6 months, his father keeping a trading post and also operating a frontier farm; family removed to Boston, Mass., after the Sioux outbreak, 1863; educated in schools of Boston and Randolph, Mass. Was engaged in furniture, clothing and furnishing goods business, with his father in Boston, 1878 (three stores); returned to Minnesota, 1879, and was in shoe business in Minneapolis, 1879- 80; engaged in farming near Sauk Center until 1884; has resided at Brai nerd since 1884. Proprietor A. L. Hoff man & Co., hardware and house furnish ing goods, sporting goods, etc., founded 1884; president Minneapolis Consoli dated Mines Co., General Mercantile and Investment Co.; director and secretary Shakespeare Gold Mining Co. Justice of the peace, 1881-83; special municipal judge and various other public offices; also secretary and treasurer Board of Trade for a number of years. Congre gationalist Member I. O. O. F., Subor dinate lodge, Grand Encampment, Re- bekah and Canton; B. P. O. E., Modern Samaritans, Modern Woodmen of Amer ican (state consul); major 2nd bat talion P. M. of Minn. Married at Brock ton, Mass., 1878, to Miss Nettie Stewart Randall. Clubs: Commercial, Gull Lake. Address: Brainerd, Minn. HOFFMAN, Charles Frederick Augus tus, optician; born at Pittsburg, Pa., June 6, 1855; son of Dr. John Frederick and Dorothea (Hassenstein) Hoffman; educated in graded and high schools, Chicago; Christian Brothers College, Chicago; Rush Medical College, Chicago, graduating, June, 1871. Began active career in employ of Louis Boerlin, opti cian, Chicago; entered business for self at Minneapolis, Oct. 10, 1881. Refractionist University of Minnesota eye clinic. Member American Association of Opti cians, Minnesota Fine Arts Association. Mason (32°), and member Chapter, Council and Shrine. Married at Chicago, 111., March 10, 1878, to Miss Mary Emelia Mueller. Clubs: Commercial, Amateur Photographic. Recreations: Hunting and fishing. Office: 624 Nicollet Av. Resi dence: 2441 Girard Av., S., Minneapolis. HOFFMAN, John P., real estate and mining properties; born at Legonier, Ind., Oct. 27, 1858; son of Ignatius H. and Sarah E. (McKiney) Hoffman; educated in schools of Wisconsin; mar ried at Hudson, Wis., 1888, to Miss An nie Krueger. Was engaged successively in the lumber, jewelry and insurance business in Wisconsin; justice of the peace in Vilas Co., Wis., 1896-8; has been engaged since 1900, at Duluth, in handling real estate, loans, insurance farm, pine and mineral lands and min ing stocks. Secretary Goldfields Link Mining Co. Member Duluth Real Estate Exchange. Republican. Member Modern Woodmen of America, Modern Samari tans, Royal League. Recreations: Hunt ing and fishing. Office: Manhattan Bldg. Residence: 922 E. 7th St., Duluth. HOFFMAN, Louis G., men's clothing; born at Port Dover, Ont, Can., Feb. 12, 1858; son of Ludwig and Chris tina (Bilger) Hoffman; educated in pub lic and high schools, Fort Dover, and at University of Toronto; married at Northeast, Pa., Feb. 3, 1887, to Miss Carrie L. Bort. Began business career in general store at Fort Dover, after wards assisting his father for 5 years in the furniture business; removed to Illinois, stopping for a few years in Chicago and Streator; located in St. Paul, 1882, and for 5 years was mana ger T. A. Bartlett Clothing Store; spent 3 years as assistant manager Brown ing, King & Co., and then established business of his own. Republican (can didate for mayor, 1906). Presbyterian. Scottish Rite Mason (32°), Shriner (po tentate Osman Temple); member Knight of Pythias. Office: 400 Robert St. Residence: 937 Lincoln Av., St. Paul. HOGAN, Edward D., railway official; born at Greenville, O., April 2, 1860; son of Thomas and Elizabeth (Mourn ing) Hogan. Brakeman Chicago, Bur lington & Quincy Ry., in 111., 1878; en tered service of Minneapolis and St. Louis road, 1883; removed to Minne apolis as conductor same road, 1887; filled position of trainmaster for 3 years and has been superintendent of the road since Nov., 1905. Republican. Married at St. Paul, Aug., 1898, to Miss Hilda Somers. Office: Guaranty Loan Bldg. Residence: 1500 2nd Av., S., Minneap olis. HOGELAND, Albert H., railway offi cial; born at Southampton, Pa., Jan. 10, 1858; son of John and Keziah D. Hoge- land; graduated from Lafayette Col lege, Easton, Pa., degree of C.E., 1877. Entered service of St. Paul & Pacific R. R., as rodman and leveler, 1879; was 236 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS leveler on survey for railway between St. Paul and Chicago, 1879-80; leveler, transitman and topographer on loca tion Yellowstone and Rocky Mountain divisions Northern Pacific Rd., 1880-82; assistant engineer on construction Boze- rnan Tunnel, same road, 1882-84; assist ant engineer on construction in N. Dak., St. Paul, Minneapolis & Manitoba Ry., 1884; assistant engineer on construction Wisconsin division Northern Pacific Rd., 1884-85; has been in service St. Paul, Minneapolis & Manitoba Ry. and its suc cessor, the Great Northern Ry., since 1885, successively, as assistant engi neer construction and maintenance in Minnesota, N. and S. Dakota and Mon tana, 1885-90; engineer maintenance of way Eastern district, 1890-96; resident engineer, same, district, 1896-1902; as sistant chief engineer, 1902-03; has been chief engineer Great Northern Ry. since Feb. 10, 1903. Married at Newtown, Pa., Jan. 10, 1889, to Miss Elizabeth T. Trego. Office: 3rd, N. W. Cor. Broad way. Residence: 813 Goodrich Av., St. Paul. HOGLUND, Carl O., brick and stone contractor; born in Sweden, May 9, 1866. Came to America, 1887; began in the contracting business at Fertile, Minn., 1896; member of firm of Hog- lund Bros., Crookston. Married at Fer tile, Minn., Dec. 8, 1903, to Miss Eva Sophia Lundin. Address: Crookston, Minn. HOIDALE, Andrew D., physician and surgeon; born in Norway, Feb. 3. 1877; son of Andrew and Dorothea (Lund) Hoidale; came to Minnesota, 1879; grad uated from Dawson (Minn.) High School, 1899, and from the College of Medi cine, University of Minnesota, 1904. Married at Kansas City, Mo., Dec, 1905, to Miss Pauline Madeira. Member Amer ican Medical Association and Lyon-Lin- ooln County Medical Society. President Tracy Board of Health. Member B. P. O. E., I. O. O. F., M. W. A., A. O. U. W., D. of H„ Sons of Norway. Clubs: Gopher, Commercial. Recreations: Ten nis and music. Address: Tracy, Minn. HOIT, Edward Everett, physician: born in Auburn, Me., Sept. 3, 1854; grad uated from University of Michigan, 1878, and from Rush Medical College, 1885. Has been engaged in practice of medi cine since 1880 and has been located in Detroit since 1881. Member Minne sota State Medical Association, Clay- Becker County Medical Society. Repub lican. Address: Detroit, Minn. HOLBBOOK, Franklin G., grain; born at Philadelphia, Pa., Aug. 26, 3 859; son of Benjamin F. and Prudence (God- shall) Holbrook; educated in the com mon schools -up to 14. Began active career in the employ of a coal and iron firm at Philadelphia, continuing for 8 years, and becoming general bookkeeper for the company; came to Minneapolis, 1882, and was bookkeeper and cashier J. I. Case Plow Co., 1882-86; ' elected city comptroller, 1886, and held the office for two years; was in grain business, 1889-91; secretary to Mayor P. B. Win ston, 1891-92; postmaster of Minneapo lis, 1894-98, being appointed by President Cleveland; is now engaged in grain business in his own name. Member Chamber of Commerce. Married at Min neapolis, Minn., 1886, to Miss Amanda E. Cooley. Office: Chamber of Com merce, Minneapolis. HOLBBOOK, John Snell, physician; born at Arkansaw, Wis., 1873; son of Willard F. and May (Ames) FLolbrook: graduated from University of Minne sota, College of Medicine and Surgery, receiving degree of M.D., 1896. Spent one year as resident physician, St. Mary's Hospital, Minneapolis; has been located in Mankato since beginning prac tice of medicine. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associations, Minnesota Valley and Blue Earth Coun ty Medical societies. Married at North- field, 1900, to Miss Mary E. Whiting. Address: Mankato, Minn. HOLCOMBE, Edwin Russell, lawyer; born at Galena, 111., Oct. 24, 1857* son of Edwin Van Buren and Sarah Adele (Soulard) Holcombe; attended Normal School and graduated from St. Paul High School, 1876; unmarried. Admitted to the bar, April, 1881, and has since that time been in general practice, making a specialty of real estate and commer cial law; senior member of the firm of Holcombe & O'Reilly, 1889-94, but for 12 years has been alone. Member of Minnesota State and Ramsey County Bar associations. Roman Catholic. Member Junior Pioneer Association. Recreation: Bicycling. Office: Pioneer Press Bldg. Residence: 736 Marshall Av., St. Paul. HOLDEN, Samuel C, treasurer of Lake Co.; born at Charleston, Me., May 29, 1839; son of Amasa and Adeline E. (Cobb) Holden; academic education at Charleston. Came to Minnesota, 1871; has been treasurer of Lake Co. since Jan. 7, 1903. Member Masonic order. Married to Rachel Dunning. Address: Two Harbors, Minn. HOLDRIDGE, George Andrews, physi cian; born in Spencer, N. Y., March 31, 1879; graduated from New York Uni versity and Bellevue' Hospital Medical College in 1901. In practice since 1901 at Foley, Minn. Address: Foley, Minn. HOLEN, J. O., grocer; born at Vaage, Norway, Jan. 26, 1852; son of Oscar and Augodt Holen; graduate of college at Vaage; came to America, 1871. Be gan active career as clerk in general store at Byron, Minn., 1873, and has been at head of firm of J. O. Holen & Co., Stillwater, Minn., since 1882. Member City Council, Stillwater, 6 years. Republican. Dutheran. Married at Byron, Minn., 1876, to Miss Ragnhild Mo. Address: Stillwater, Minn. THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 237 HOLGATE, William A., treasurer St. Louis County; born at Scranton, Pa., April 6, 1854; son of Silas G. and Eliza beth (Hodgson) Holgate; educated in public schools; in Wyoming Seminary, and at Commercial College, Kingston, Pa. Learned manufacture of brush han dles; entered business near Scranton, Pa., on his own account, 1875; estab lished large brush handle factory at Kane, Pa., in partnership with brother, 1884, now operating as Holgate Broth ers Co., with 225 employes; disposed of interest in the business, 1888, and came to Duluth, where he engaged in real es tate and land business until in 1902 he was appointed a member of the Board of Public Works, Duluth, of which six months later he was elected president; in 1904 resigned to become candidate for office of county treasurer, and was elected in fall of that year and re elected in 1906. Congregationalist. Ma son (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner; member Knights of Pythias. Club: Com mercial. Recreation: Fishing." Office: Court House. Residence: 813 E. 1st St., Duluth. HOLIEN, Knut H., banker; born at Warsaw, Minn., July 14, 1859; son of H. K. and Marit E. Holien; educated in Northfield High School, 2 years; St. Olaf College, 3 years; Carleton College, 2 years. Married, 1st, in Goodhue Co., Minn., March 1, 1881, to Ingebor Ber- thia Tasa (now deceased) ; 2nd, in Ren ville Co., Dec. 4, 1893, to Maria Viken. Began in private banking business, Oct. 1, 1897; owner Bank of Maynard. Re publican. Member Republican County Central Committee, Chippewa Co.; jus tice of the peace 25 years; recorder Sacred Heart, 5 years; Maynard, 5 years; village treasurer, Maynard, 2 years; engrossing clerk, House of Rep resentatives, 1889. Lutheran. Member Masonic order, Modern Woodmen of America. Club: Commercial (secretary). Address: Maynard, Minn. HOLLIDAY, Ellery Channing, real es tate; born in Indiana, Aug. 10, 1849; son of Courtland Cook and Lucinda (Blackmore) Holliday; educated under private tutor and at Asbury University, Greencastle, Ind., for three years, leav ing college to enter army; married at Minneapolis, Minn., Dec. 30, 1874, to Lilla A. Wilson. Enlisted in Co. F, 133rd Ind. Vols., May, 1864; served for four months and reenlisted in Co. I, 11th Ind. Vols., Feb., 1865, serving until close of Civil War. Came to Minneapolis, 1873, and began in real estate business, 1885. Now vice president Western Realty and Investment Co.; president Assets Buy ing Co.; manager of the Mutual Real Estate & Loan Association. Member G. A. R. Club: Commercial. Office: Temple Court. Residence: 2017 Grand Av., Min neapolis. HOLMAN, Carl J., physician; born at Albert Lea, Minn., Oct. 25, 1869; son of Iver J. and Kyersten (Knudson) Holman; educated in Granite Falls High School; Rush Medical College, Chicago, 111., degree of M.D., 3 899; post graduate courses in Chicago as house physician Norwegian Hospital, one year, and house physician, Chicago Polyclinic, one year. Married at Mankato, Minn., March 13, 1901, to Miss Madge Timmer- man. Began practice at St. Clair, Minn., 1901, and has been located at Mankato since 1902. County physician Blue Earth County, 1905-06. Member Blue Earth County and Minnesota Valley Medical societies, Minnesota State and American Medical associations. Lutheran. Repub lican. Member B. P. O. E., I. O. O. F., A. O. U. W., M. W. of America. Ad dress: Mankato, Minn. HOLMAN, Oscar Eugene, lawyer; born at Allentown, Pa., April 12, 1853; son of Charles L. and Marie (Groman) Holman; graduated from Muhlenberg College, Allentown, Pa., A.B., 1874; A.M., 1877; married at Ballietville, Pa., Sept., 1878, to Annie Balliet Practiced law in Allentown Pa., 1876-84; at St. Paul since March, 1884. Corporation at torney of St. Paul, March, 1889, to March, 1891; president Board of School Inspection since June, 1902. Episcopa lian. Member I. O. O. F., Knights of Pythias. Club: Commercial. Office: Globe Bldg. Residence: 557 Marshall Av., St. Paul. HOLMBEBG, Nathaniel J., farmer; born at Renville, July 24, 1878; edu cated in district schools; Renville (Minn.) public schools; School of Ag riculture, University of Minnesota, graduating, 1902. Unmarried. Proprietor Highland Farm; president Farmers' Consolidated "Telephone Co. Elected member State Legislature, Nov., 1906. Address: Renville, Minn. HOLMEN, Ole O., county auditor Murr ray Co.; born in Norway, Dec. 21, 1864; came to America, July 3, 1871, and to Minnesota, June, 1880; educated in com mon schools and at Augsburg Seminary, Minneapolis. Has been county auditor of Murray Co. since Jan. 1, 1903. Re publican. Member State Legislature. Mason; member I. O. O. F., Knights of Pythias, Modern Woodmen of America. Unmarried. Address: Slayton, Minn. HOLMES, Anton W., creamery and produce commission; born in Goodhue Co., Minn., Dec. 6, 1864; son of An drew and Anna F. Holmes; educated at Cannon Falls High School, Minn., and at Gustavus Adolphus College, St. Pe ter, Minn. Raised on a farm; taught school in Goodhue Co., after leaving college; entered produce commission business at Tacoma, Wash., 1S90; re turned to St. Paul, 1896, and assisted in organizing the firm of Miller & Holmes, dealers in butter, cheese, eggs and poultry, of which he is a member, also manager of the firm. Member St. Paul 238 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS Produce Exchange, Board of Trade. Mar ried at Cannon Falls, Minn., June 21, 1899, to Miss Marie L. Anderson. Inde pendent in politics. Lutheran. Club: Norden. Recreations: All outdoor sports. Office: 18-22 E. 3rd St. Residence: 944 Laurel Av., St. Paul. HOLMES, Joseph L., fuel; born in Guernsey Co., O., July 4, 1865; son of Albert and Mary (Lippencott) Holmes; educated in public schools and at Uni versity of Wooster, Wooster, O. Has been engaged in fuel business since 1883; assistant treasurer Pittsburgh Coal Co. Republican. Married at Minne apolis, Minn., Oct. 25, 1900, to Miss Ruth S. Smith. Office: 206 S. 4th St. Resi dence: 3732 Park Av., Minneapolis. HOLMES, Marcellus Griffin, superin tendent Rochester Water Co.; born at Lomira, Wis., Feb. 27, 1851; son of Frank and Mary J. (Griffin) Holmes; came to Minnesota with parents, Oct., 1857; educated in common schools of Olmstead Co. and at Rochester, Minn. Began active career in connection with water works, at Rochester, 1870; en gaged with Northern Pacific Ry., in charge of water service, 1882, continu ing until Oct., 1893; was foreman wa ter works construction, Fairbanks, Morse & Co., St. Paul, 1894-1903; has been superintendent Rochester Water Works since May, 1903. Republican. Married at Rochester, Nov. 29, 1876, to Miss Kate E. Bachelder. Club: Com mercial. Recreations: Fishing, garden ing. Address: Rochester, Minn. HOLST, C. Frederick, physician; born in Minnesota, 1874; educated at Hague Seminary, Red Wing, College of Medi cine and Surgery, University of Minne sota, graduating, degree of M.D., 1901. Unmarried. Began practice of medicine at Hendricks, Minn.; has been located at Little Falls since Sept. 1, 1903. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associations, Upper Mississippi Medical Society. Member Knights of Pythias, Modern Woodmen of America, Brother hood of American Yeomanry. Address: Little Falls, Minn. HOLT, Adolph L., merchant; born at Carver, Minn., April 28, 1872; son of John and Katharine Holt; educated in district schools of Carver Co., Minn., 1877-87; St. Ansgar's Academy, East Union, Minn., 1889; Minnesota School of Agriculture, St. Anthony Park, 1893- 94. Taught school in Carver Co., 1895- 97; began in general merchandise busi ness in partnership with Alfred J. Wick- lund, as Holt & Wicklund, May 1, 1898. Republican. Lutheran. Member M. W. A. Married at Carver, Sept. 25, 1898, to Miss Adeline F. Brink. Address: Bing ham Lake, Minn. HOLT, Andrew, jurist; born at East Union, Minn., May 20, 1855; son of John and Catharine (Larson) Holt; ed ucated at St. Ansgar's Academy, now Gustavus Adolphus College, St. Feter, Minn., and University of Minnesota, graduating, degree of LL.B., 1880: mar ried at Minneapolis, Oct. 1, 1885, to Miss Hilda C. Turnquist. Admitted to practice law, 1881; was afterward mem ber firms of Ueland, Shores & Holt and Ueland & Holt; appointed judge of mu nicipal court, Jan., 1894; was elected and served in the position until Nov., 1904, when elected judge of district court, term expiring Jan., 1911. Luth eran. Recreation: Fishing. Office: Court House. Residence: 2542 Chicago Av., Minneapolis. HOLT, Charles A., banker; born in Carver Co., Minn., Sept. 16, 1862; son of John and Katrina Holt; graduate College of Law, University of Minne sota, degree of LL.B., 1890; married at North Branch, Minn., 1898, to Miss Julia A. Freberg. Engaged in practice of law at Duluth, 1890-94; came to North' Branch, 1894, and resumed prac tice; was elected judge of probate Chi sago Co., 1900, and removed to Center City, the county seat; resigned office and returned to North Branch, Nov. 2, 1905, as president Merchants' State Bank. Address: North Branch, Minn. HOLTE, Halvor, physician; born at Stavanger, Norway, July 11, 1857; son of Halvor H. and Turi (Selland) Holte; came to America, June, 1873, and to Minnesota, in August of that year; edu cated in public schools of Fillmore Co.: Augsburg Seminary, Minneapolis, 1883- 84 (one year); St. Olaf College, North- field, Minn., 1886-90; College of Medi cine and Surgery, University of Minne sota, graduating, degree of M.D., July, 1893. Has been engaged in practice at Crookston since 1893. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associa tions, Red River Valley Medical Society. Lutheran. Address: Crookston, Minn. HOLTEN, John, general merchandise; born in Norway, Sept. 18, 1849; came ,to America, 1872; entered mercantile business at Fertile, Minn., 1887; senior member of the firm of Holten & Carl son, established, 1897, dealers in re tail general merchandise, hardware and farm implements; member of Minnesota Legislature, 1907-09. Married at Clith- eral, Minn., July 3, 1892, to Miss Elene Hoff. Address: Fertile, Minn. HOMME, Gjermaund O., sheriff Yel low Medicine Co.; born in Norway, Oct. 28, 1857; son of Ole G. and Garo (Khulsdatter) Homme; married in Yel low Medicine Co., 1879, to Sarah Hal- vorsen. Sheriff of Yellow Medicine Co., since 1900. Republican. Lutheran. Mem ber Modern Woodmen of America, Bank ers Union of the World. Club: Com mercial. Address: Granite Falls, Minn. HONG, John P., merchant; born in Norway, 1859; graduated from college, 1879. Member of firm of Hawes & Hong, established in 1887 at Lawrence, Mille THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS 239 Lacs Co. Chairman board of county commissioners, 1904-06; member of vil lage council, 1902. Mason, Shriner. Club: Commercial. Address: Luvern, Minn. HOOD, Charles Howard, insurance; born at Chester, Pa., July 14, 1860; son of George and Martha A. (Bell) Hood. Educated at Pennsylvania Military Col lege and Minneapolis High School; was chief clerk of the Minnesota Millers' Association, 1881-85; filled position of general manager Mandan Elevator Co., and Mandan Mill Co., Mandan, N. Dak., 1885-88; acted as vice president and manager Davenport Mills Co., 1888-90; member of the firm of McDonald, Hood & Penny, general agents for the Fidel ity Casualty Co., organized 1891, but since retirement of M. McDonald, carry ing on same business, under title of Hood & Penny, now general agents Ocean Accident & Guarantee Corp, Ltd. Re publican. Married at Minneapolis, Feb. 9, 1898, to Emma Allen. Clubs: Minne apolis, Minikahda, Long Meadow Gun (Minneapolis), Lotus (New York). Rec reations: Golf, horseback riding. Office: Phoenix Bldg. Residence: 410 Clifton Av., Minneapolis. HOOPES, Samuel E., proprietor New National Hotel; born at West Chester, Pa., 1858; son of David' R. and Susanna E. (Maris) Hoopes; educated in Oska loosa, la., public schools and college. Came to Minneapolis', in 1883, and en tered hotel business in the old Windsor House, Minneapolis, later spending three years in St. Paul at the Clifton and Colonnade; has been in charge of the well known National Hotel, Minneapolis, since 1891. Member Minneapolis Hotel Men's Association (vice president), Northwestern Hotel Men's Association. Republican. Mason (32°), Knight Tem plar, Shriner. Member B. P. O. E. Mar ried at Minneapolis, Minn., 1887, to Miss Mary E. Rosenberger. Office and resi dence: National Hotel, Minneapolis. HOOPES, Townsend W., real estate; born in Pennsylvania, Oct. 30, 1857; son of Benjamin and Elizabeth (Walter) Hoopes; educated at Westtown Boarding School, Pennsylvania, Pa. Came to Du luth, 1881, and has been identified with real estate and insurance business since 1888; junior member of the firm of Mendenhall & Hoopes. Republican. Mem ber Society of Friends. Married at Du luth, June 11, 1885, to Miss Mayme Harvey. Clubs: Kitchi Gammi, Com mercial, Northland Country,, Duluth Boat. Office: First Nat. Bk. Bldg. Resi dence: 2206 Woodland Av., Duluth. HOPE, Henry Chancellor, railway offi cial; born at Rockford, 111., 1850; son of W. H. and Ellen (Blaine) Hope; ed ucated in public schools of Rockford, 111., and Wisconsin; widower. Began as telegraph operator in 1870, later be coming train dispatcher, and since 1880, superintendent of telegraph and signals Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha Railway Co. President American District Telegraph Co. of Minnesota, 1S89-1899; ex-president of the Railway Telegraph Superintendents' Association of the United States; president Rail way Signal Association, U. S., 1903; ex- president Old Time Telegraphers' , and Historical Association. Republican. Scot tish Rite Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Knight of Red Cross of Constantine and Shriner. Club: Minnesota. Office: Gen'l Office, Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Ry. Residence: 809 Lincoln Av., St Paul. HOPFENSPIBGEB, Joseph William, hardware and farm implements; born at Mayville, Wis., Oct. 24, 1869; son of Charles and Carrie (Oberberger) Hop- fenspirger; educated in public schools. Began in implement business, 1891, and continued for 5 years, when he formed a partnership which lasted three years; has been engaged in business in part nership with brother in law, since 1901. Married at Morgan, Sept. 22, 1894, to Lena B. Schoffmann. Club: Commercial. Address: Morgan, Minn. HOPKINS, Louis J., lumber; born at Parkman, O., Nov. 14, 1863; son of Wil liam E. and Margaret (Pool) Hopkins; educated in the common schools. Junior member of the firm of Swallow & Hop kins, organized 1887, for manufacture of lumber and mining of iron ores. Mem ber Library Board, and charter com mittee of the City of Duluth ever since the city charter was enacted. Married at New Haven, Conn., 1893, to Miss Mary E. Smith. Clubs: Kitchi Gammi, Northland, Boat (Duluth), Yacht (Du luth), Golf (St. Augustine), Yacht (St. Augustine), Skokie (Chicago). Office: Exchange Bldg. Residence: 1602 E. 1st St., Duluth. HOBMEL, George A., pork and pro visions; born at Buffalo, N. Y., Dec 4, 1860; son of John G. and Susan (Decker) Hormel; educated in public schools of Toledo, O. Left school in 11th year to work in sheep skin tan nery for his father; went to Chicago, III., and worked in packing house mar ket, 1876, returning home in a year, and worked in Wabash shops; again went to Chicago and reentered packing busi ness. Became traveling agent of J. N. Du Bois, Kansas City, purchasing hides, wool, etc.; next engaged with Oberne, Hosick & Co., same line of business, traveling out of Des Moines, la., and continued over 7 years, when he re signed and entered retail meat business, under title of Friedrich & Hormel; dis solved partnership, 1892, and began un der title of George A. Hormel & Co., in packing business, in which has since continued. Republican. Presbyterian. Mason, Knight Templar; member Pro gressive League. Married at Austin, Minn., Feb., 1892, to Miss Lillian B. Gleason. Address: Austin, Minn. 240 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS HOBMEL, John Godfrey, pork pack ing; born in Toledo, O., March 12, 1876; son of John George and Susan (Decker) Hormel; educated in Toledo High School, graduated, 1893, and Toledo Business College. In pork packing busi ness, 1893-1900; traveling salesman for George A. Hormel & Co., pork packers and provision dealers, Austin, Minn., 1901; manager Minneapolis branch office, 1902-03; now has charge of the export business, and is director and treasurer of the company. Married at Ottumwa, la., Sept. 15, 1904, to Mary E. Foster. Mason, Knight Templar; member U. T. C. of A., M. W. A. Office: Care of George A. Hormel & Co. Residence: 709 High St., Austin, Minn. HOBN, Henry J., railway official; born at St. Paul, Minn., 1864; graduate Mas sachusetts Institute of Technology, de gree of C. E., 1888; before graduation spent three summers on location and construction work Minneapolis & St. Louis Ry. and Chicago, St. Paul & Kan sas City Ry., starting as back flagman. Entered service of Chicago, St. Paul and Kansas City Ry. as assistant engineer, June, 1888; was draughtsman engineer ing department Northern Pacific Ry., 1889-90; chief draughtsman middle dis trict, same road, 1890-91; resident en gineer, 1891-93; supervisor bridges and buildings Minnesota division, same road, 1893-97; superintendent Montana division, at Livingston, 1897-1902; as sistant general superintendent middle district, 1902-03; general manager coal department Northwestern Improvement Co., 1903-04; general manager Northern Pacific Ry., since April 1, 1904. Office: Broadway, Cor. 4th. Residence: 642 Goodrich Av„ St. Paul. HOBTON, Charles, president Empire Lumber Co.; born at Niles, Cayuga Co., N. Y., March 31, 1836; son of Gabriel Horton; educated in public schools of New York state; married at Bingham ton, N. Y., 1864, to Miss Alice M. Rog ers. Came to Minnesota, 1858; has been Identified with the lumber business since 1860, when he founded the Em pire Lumber Co., of which he is presi dent. Also president Western Elevator Co., Grain & Lumber Exchange Co.; vice president First National Bank, Winona. Republican. Episcopalian. Club: Mead ow Brook. Recreation: Traveling. Ad dress: Winona, Minn. HOBTON, Boscoe, lumber; born in Broome Co., N. Y., March 16, 1858: son of Henry and Henrietta (Sheer) Horton; educated at Lake Forest, 111.; married at Winona, Dec. 2, 1885, to Miss Jennie Stevens. Came to Winona, 1878; has been identified with the Empire Lumber Co. since 1881, and has been its treas urer since 1898; also president Standard Lumber Co., Winona Wagon Co. Repub lican. Congregationalist. Club: Meadow Brook. Address: Winona, Minn. HOSPES, Ernest L., president Still water Gas & Electric Co.; director First National Bank. Address: Stillwater, Minn. HOTCHKISS, Wilton A., real estate; born at New Haven, Conn., 1856; edu cated in private academy, New Haven. Began active career as cashier and book keeper in dry goods store, New Haven; was connected with wholesale confec tionery house, Des Moines, la.; asso ciated with an investment company for eight years, and in real estate and loan business for self, five years; came to Minneapolis, 1902, and became treas urer of the Minnesota Title Insurance and Trust Company; also has charge of the real estate loan department of the company. Married at New Haven, 1885, to Amelia R. Smith. Office: Oneida Blk. Residence: 59 Dyndale Av., N, Minneapolis. HOULE, Joseph William, groceries and meats; born at Centerville, Minn., March 27, 1866; son of "William and Mary (Peltier) Houle; educated in public schools of Centerville and New Canada, and at business college, St. Paul. Began active career as cash boy at age of 14; entered business for him self at Forest Lake, Minn., under title of Houle & Pelaquin, 1894, the title later being changed to J. W. Houle & Co., which still remains. Also secretary and manager Forest Lake Co-operative Creamery Co. Was one of the incorpora tors of the Minnesota Mutual Tele phone & Telegraph Co. and Forest Lake State Bank. Member Modern Woodmen of America, Business Men's Association. Married at St. Paul, Oct. 2, 1895, to Miss Ellen M. Moosbruggor. Recrea tions: Hunting and fishing. Address: Forest Lake, Minn. HOULTON, William H., banking and farming; born at Houlton, Me., March 29, 1840; son of Samuel and Sarah (Kendall) Houlton; common school edu cation. Born and reared on a farm and has spent a large part of his life farm ing. Came to Minnesota, 1856, before the Civil War and was a member ot Co. E, 8th Minn. Inf., 1862-65; served in Sioux Indian war, 1862-63, General Sully's Indian expedition; participated under General Thomas, in Nashville campaign, 1864; was with Sherman at surrender of Johnson, 1865. Returned to Minnesota at close of war; register of deeds, Wright Co., 1866; treasurer Sher burne Co., 1870; State senator, two terms; superintendent Minnesota State Reformatory, 1896-1900. Owner Houl- ton's Bank since 1902; president Bank of Elk River, 1885-99; owner farm, ranch and registered shorthorn herd since 1880, and real estate dealer since Civil War; member various business firms for 40 years, in general merchan dise, lumber, flour and manufacturing business; built many of the business houses of Elk River during past 30 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 241 years. Republican. Mason; member G. A. R. Married at Monticello, Minn., March, 1870, to Miss Freddie Lewis. Address: Elk River, Minn. HOUSE, Francis Edwin, railway of ficial; born at Houseville, N. Y., Nov. 15, 1855; son of Henry A. and Mary E. (Goff) House. Accountant by profes sion; educated at Lowville (New York) Academy- and Satterlee Institute, Rochester, N. Y.; Rensselaer Polytech nic Institute, Troy, N. Y. Began active career as mining engineer and assayer for the Manhattan Silver Mining Co., Austin, Nev.; entered the engineering department of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry., Chicago, 1880; was con nected with engineering department of Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Ry., 1891; was chief engineer Pittsburg & Lake Erie Railroad, 1894; chief engineer Pittsburg, Bessemer & Lake Erie Ry., (later general manager) 1896; has been president Duluth & Iron Range Rail road, since May, 1901. Member Ameri can Society of Civil Engineers, En gineers' Society of Western Pennsyl vania. Married at Des Moines, la., 1878, to Miss Minnie McCracken. Club: Kitchi Gammi. Office: Wolvin Bldg. Residence: 2210 E. Superior St., Duluth. HOUSTON, Charles Alexander, physi cian; born at Kasson, Minn., Aug. 13, 1876; son of Daniel M. and Amanda Lutella (Maxson) Houston; graduate Kasson High School, 1897; College of Medicine and Surgery, University of Minnesota, graduating, degree of M.D., June, 1901. Was house physician Asbu ry Hospital, Minneapolis, for one year, 1901-02; practiced at Grand Marais, Minn., 3 years; , has been in practice at Park Rapids since March, 1906. Methodist. Member Masonic order, O. E. S., Maccabees, M. W. A., A. O. U. W. Married at Kasson, Oct. 21, 1903, to Miss Josephine I. Fairchild. Address: Park Rapids, Minn. HOUSTON, Charles E., lawyer; born at Diamond Bluff, Wis., May 30, 1880; son of William F. and Priscilla (Brackin) Houston; educated at River Falls High School, graduating, 1899, and Daw College University of Minnesota, receiving degree of LL.B., 1902. Began practice of law, June 5, 1902; has been in partnership with Hon. F. J. Steidl of Wheaton, ex-district iudge of 16th judicial district of Minnesota, under firm name of Steidl & Houston,- since Jan. 1, 1903. Republican. Married at White Rock, S. D., Sept. 1, 1904, to Miss Florence I. Hull. Club: Commercial. Recreations: Driving and riding. Ad dress: Wheaton, Minn. HOVDE, Anders G., physician; born in Norway, Sept. 30, 1875; attended school in Norway; came to America, 1893; graduated Southern Minnesota Normal College, Austin, degree of B.S., 1899; University of Minnesota, College of Medicine and Surgery, degree of M.D., 1903. Has been engaged in prac tice at Biwabik, since 1903. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associations, St. Louis County Medical Society. Unmarried. Address: Biwabik, Minn. HOVDE, Hans N., physician; born in Norway, March 30, 1861; son of Simon and Anna (Sanvig) Hovde, graduated University of Christiania, Norway, de gree of B.S., 1882; same university, degree of M.D., 1890; came to America, 1891, post graduate work at Chicago Post Graduate School, 1899. Has been engaged in practice of medicine since 3 890; in Norway 1 year, in S. Dakota, 1891-1900, since 1900 in Duluth. Lu theran. Member Minnesota State Med ical Association, St. Louis County Medi cal Society. Mason. Married at Brook ings, S. D., 1891, to Miss Regina Kob- borstad. Mason (32°), member Sons of Norway, I. S. W. A. Club: Commercial. Office: New Jersey Bldg. Residence: 118 E. 4th St., Duluth. HOVLAND, Alfred M., banker; born at Janesville, Wis., 1859; son of Chris tian Ho viand; educated in public schools of Neenah, Wis. Began active career in- general merchandise business in N. Dakota; entered banking, 1897 and con tinued for 4 years in connection with various N. Dakota banks; has been a resident of Minneapolis since 1901. Presi dent Merchants and Manufacturers' State Bank, Minneapolis; Merchants State Bank, Velva, N. D.; First State Bank, Dansford, N. D.; First State Bank, White Earth, N. D. Republican. Lu theran. Married at Fargo, N. D., 1883, Oline Bye. Office: 242 20th Av., N. Residence: 1515 Dupont Av., N., Min neapolis. HOVLAND, Ole. P., farmer and mer chant; born in Wisconsin, Jan. 30, 1858; came to Minnesota with parents, 1861, educated in private school, Faribault Co., Minn.; married in Faribault Co., 1883, to Miss Johana Natvig. Has been engaged in farming since 1881; senior member firm of Hovland Brothers, gen eral merchandise, Bricelyn, since May 18, 1903. Address: Bricelyn, Minn. HOVOBKA, Thomas Wenceslaus, phy sician; born at New Prague, Minn., Jan. 27, 1874; son of Thomas G. and Cath arine (Stanek) Hovorka; educated in schools of New Prague; at St. John's University, Collegeville, Minn.; Univer sity of Minnesota, College of Pharmacy, degree of Phm.D., 1894; engaged in drug business at St. Paul and later at Silver Lake, Minn.; studied medicine at Min nesota College of Physicians and Sur geons, Hamline University, graduating, degrees of M.D., CM., cum laude, 1902. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associations, McLeod County Medical Society. Ex-president McLeod County Pharmaceutical Association. Democrat. Roman Catholic. Married 242 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS at St. Paul, Feb. 15, 1898, to Miss Jennie Skarda. Address: Glencoe, Minn. HOW, Calvin P., real estate; born at Brooklyn, N. Y., Nov. 22, 1854; son of Calvin F. and Eliza (Litchfield) How; educated at Brooklyn Polytechnic In stitute, Brooklyn, N. Y.. Began active career in real estate and insurance business, at Shawnee, Wis., 1871; re moved to Fergus Falls, Minn., and en gaged in retail sale of furniture, 1883; located in Duluth, 1894, operating in real estate, etc.; member of firm of Ful- ford, How & Co.; also secretary Duluth Trust Co.; Duluth Real Estate Co. Re publican. Baptist. Married at Oshkosh, Wis., 1879, to Miss Calla W. Wright. Club: Commercial. Office: Exchange Bldg. Residence: 1221 E. Superior St. Duluth. HOW, Jared, lawyer; born at Haver hill, Mass., Dec. 9, 1867; son of Phineas Berkeley and Abby (Clark) How; grad uated Highland Military Academy, Wor cester, Mass., 1876; special student Phillips Exeter, 1877; graduate Harvard University, degree of A.B., 1881; special student Harvard Law School, 1882. Came to St. Paul, Aug., 1883, and entered of fice of Bigelow, Flandrau & Squires; member of firm of Clark, Eller & How, 1885-88; Eller & How, 1888-96; How & Butler, 1896-99; How & Taylor, 1899- 1903; How, Taylor & Mitchell, 1903-05, now member of the firm of How, Butler & Mitchell, and one of the widely known attorneys of St. Paul. Clubs: Minne sota, St. Paul, Town and Country, Oge- kahming, University and Harvard (New York). Office: Fire and Marine Bldg. Residence: Oakland Av., N. W. Cor. Lawton, St. Paul. HOWABD, Adonis Dow, live stock raiser; born in Sangerville, Me., Sept. 28, 1842; son of Algernon Sidney and Almira (Chapman) Howard; educated in common schools of Sangerville. Was in the Maine woods, 1858-62; sailed from New York for San Francisco, via Pan ama route, 1862; returned eastward to Idaho and engaged in mining, trading and merchandising business; entered stock raising in Ore., 1870; located at Anoka, Minn., with family, 1882; re turned to Oregon spring of 1883, and drove stock through to Madison Co. where he wintered; located on ranch at Forsyth, Mont, in spring of 1884, where he has since continued as proprietor of No. 20 Ranch, devoted to raising sheep, cattle and horses, on a large scale; makes several trips each year to Anoka, Minn., to attend to other interests. Vice president Anoka National Bank; senior member firm of Campbell & Howard. Republican. Baptist. Member Royal Arcanum. Married, 1st, in Missouri, 1882, to Emily J. Estey (now deceased); 2nd, at Anoka, Minn., 1900, to Josephine M. Cook. Address: Anoka, Minn., or Forsyth. Mont. HOWABD, George P., county super intendent of schools Olmsted Co.; born at Fulton, N. Y., June 20, 1858; son ot Thomas and Catherine (Ketchum), How ard; came to Minnesota, 1868; educated in public schools of Olmsted Co.; mar ried at Elgin, Minn., 1882, to Miss An nette Palmer. Raised on a farm; en gaged in teaching as a profession, 1896, as proprietor and manager of Commer cial College in Rochester; superintend ent of schools since 1902. Republican. Methodist. Member Minnesota State Educational Association. Member I. O. O. F., M. W. A., Court of Honor, Modern Brotherhood of America. Address: Rochester, Minn. HOWABD, Julius Dorilus, real estate; native of Superior, Wis.; son of John Dow and Hannah Sewell (Fessenden) Howard; common school education. Came to Minnesota, 1869, and located in Duluth; has been continuously engaged in real estate, loan and insurance busi ness, since the beginning of his active career. President J. D. Howard & Co., organized, 1869, and Howard Invest ment Co., incorporated, 1899; treasurer Cincinnati Iron Co.; secretary-treasurer Albany Realty Co.; director Butte & Duluth Copper Co. Alderman Duluth; postmaster Duluth under President Harrison. Republican. Methodist. Mason (32°), Knight Templar. Married at Duluth, 1895, to Miss Edna Blan- chard. Clubs: Kitchi Gammi, North land Country. Recreations: Golf, hunt ing, fishing, boating. Office: . 216 W. Superior St. Residence: Spalding Hotel, Duluth. HOWE, Harry C, secretary Owatonna Manufacturing Co.; born at Owatonna, Minn., Nov. 16, 1873; son of Thomas J. and Sarah M. (Chapman) Howe; edu cated in Owatonna High School and at University of Minnesota. Has been con nected with the Owatonna Manufactur ing Co., founded by his father, all his life, and has been secretary of the com pany since 1903. Was 1st lieut. Co. I, 2nd Regt, M. N. G, for 5 years. Re publican. Episcopalian. Member Ma sonic order, Knights Templar, B. P. O. E. Married at Marshalltown, la., June 20, 1900, to Miss Jane Semple. Recrea tions; Outing vacations. Address: Owatonna, Minn. HOWE, Fierce Lyman, president Im perial Elevator Co.; born at Monona, la., Aug. 3, 1862; son of Leonard Henry and Alta (Chamberlain) Howe; edu cated in public schools of Monona. Came to Minnesota in 1882 and began In grain and elevator business, 1886; is known as one of the largest grain and lumber operators in the Northwest. President of the Imperial Elevator Co., organized 1893, which owns and controls an ex tensive line of elevators on the Great Northern Railway in Minnesota and N. Dakota, lumber yards in Minnesota and N. and S. Dakota, and large saw mills THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 243 in Minnesota and Montana. Republican in national affairs. Presbyterian. Mar ried at Owatonna, Minn., Sept. 9, 1884, to Miss Minnie Adell Marble. Clubs: Minneapolis, Lafayette. Recreations: Horseback riding, hunting, camping and outdoor exercises generally. Of fice: Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Residence: 2433 Park Av., Minneapolis. HOWE, Thomas Jefferson, manufac turer; born at Pinckney, N. Y., Jan. 15, 1827; son of Gideon and Mary (Jeffers) Howe; educated in common and select schools at Black River, N. Y.; married, 1st, at Watertown, N. Y., May 6, 1861, to Sarah Mercy Chapman; 2nd, at Pratt, Minn., Oct. 28, 1903, to Mrs. Matilda S. Lieb. Worked with his father at Black River, N. Y., in blacksmith shop when a boy, also with his brother as machin ist; came to Beaver Dam, Wis., 1848, the country then being almost a wilderness, blazed trees marking out the trail; saw the first suspension bridge being built at Niagara; began manufacturing threshing machines and broadcast seed ers for Rowell & Lowth, 1855; removed to Owatonna, Minn., 1865, and went into business with Michael F. Lowth, man ufacturing broadcast seeders and carry ing on a general foundry business, in which he has continued until the pres ent time; now manufacturing combined churns and butter workers, and seeding machines as the Owatonna Manufactur ing Co., of which he is general manager and treasurer; has taken out 14 patents on broadcast seeders, drills, combined churns and butter workers, grain har vesters and mowing machines, etc. Re publican. Has served several terms as mayor, alderman and member board of education, Owatonna, also ex-member City Library board. Universalist. Mem ber Masonic order, Chapter, Command ery, Owatonna. Address: Owatonna, Minn. , HOWES, Charles Perry, merchant; born on farm, at Ashfield, Mass., May 5, 1859; son of Frederick G. and Eliza (Boice) Howes; educated in public schools and Sanderson Academy at Ash field, Mass.; married at Ashfield, Jan. 27, 1887, to Isabel Hall. Taught foul terms in country school, Ashfield, Mass.; employed as shipping clerk and after wards as bookkeeper by Belding Bros. & Co., silk manufacturers, Rockville, Conn., 1880-81; traveling salesman for same concern from Boston, Mass., 1881- 90; since Sept., 1890, engaged at St. Paul under style of C. P. Howes & Co., as wholesale dealer in Belding's sewing and embroidery silks, etc.; also director American National Bank. Mason, Knights Templar, Shriner. Club: Com mercial. Office: 140 E. 6th St. Resi dence: 1907 Marshall Av., St. Paul. HOYT, Elmore S., president Red Wing Union Stoneware Co., Red Wing, Minn.; born in Leavenworth, Kan., Aug. 22, 1863; son of Sherman H. and Rose (Meekin) Hoyt; educated in the public school of Leavenworth, learning the printer's trade during his school life; came to Red Wing, Minn., in 1881. en tering the employ of the Red Wing Furniture Co., remaining with them for 3 years; married in Minneapolis, Minn., 1888, to Florence A. McCart. After sev ering his connection with the furniture company he traveled for the Minnesota Stoneware Co. and in 1893 was made general manager of this company, and elected its president in 1900, holding that position until the time of its con solidation with the Red Wing Stone ware Co., in 1906, when he was elected president and general manager of the new company — The Red Wing Union Stoneware Company. He is actively as sociated with the following companies as director: Bank of Pierce Simmons Co., Red Wing Hat Mfg. Co., Red Wing Shoe Co. Member Red Wing Board of Fire Commissioners and of the Manu facturer's Association, member Royal Arcanum, U. C. T. of America. Club: Commercial. Republican. Recreation: Fishing. Address: Red Wing, Minn. HOYT, Bufus Adelbert, insurance, law, etc.; born at Auburn, N. Y., July 2, 1862; son of Rufus K. and Hannah (Fatee) Hoyt; educated in common school and Skaneateles (N. Y.) Acad emy; read law with Hon. Milo Goodrich, Auburn, N. Y.; unmarried. Since 1888 engaged in practice of law in St. Paul, and for fifteen years has represented the life and accident companies. Also interested in mining enterprises in Colorado. Served for three years in cavalry during Indian trouble in Colo rado; for fifteen years general agent of the Minnesota Humane Society. Re publican. Member People's Church. Mason and member of Order of the Eastern Star. Member City, State and National Humane societies; vice presi dent Mississippi Valley Import and Ex port Congress. Clubs: Commercial, Lincoln. Office: Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Residence: 20 Summit Av., St. Paul. HUBBABD, Lucius Frederick, born in Troy, N. Y., Jan. 26, 1836; son of Charles F. and Margaret (Van Valkenberg) Hubbard; educated in public school and academy, Cliester, Vt., and academy at N. Granville, N. Y., until 16; married, at Red Wing, Minn., April 17, 1868, to Amelia Thomas. Worked at tinsmith's trade, 1852-57; published newspaper at Red Wing, Minn., 1857-61; register of deeds, Goodhue County, 1858-60; pri vate, capt, lieut-col. and col., 5th Minn. Inf., and brevet brig, genl., U. S. V., in Civil War, 1861-65. Was in grain and milling business, Red Wing, Minn., 1866- 84; railroad constructor and manager, 1888-1902; built Midland R. R., Minn., 1877-78; president Cannon Valley R. R., 1878-81; built and operated Duluth, Red Wing & Southern R. R., 1888-1902. 244 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS State senator 1872-76; governor of Min nesota, 1882-87; brigadier general U. S. V., in command of 3rd Division, 7th Army Corps, in Spanish-American War. Republican; member Republican Na tional Committee, 1896-1900. Member Acker Post, G. A. R., St. Paul, Minne sota Commandery Loyal Legion, Society of the Army of the Tennessee, Spanish War Veterans, Society of Foreign Wars, Sons of American Revolution. Royal Arch Mason. Office: Manhattan Bldg. Residence: 303 Dayton Av., St. Paul. HUBBABD, Luther Prescott, flour manufacturer; born New York City, Jan. 20, 1840; educated in the public schools" of New York City and prepared for col lege at Preparatory School, Brookfield, Mass.; married Ossining, N. Y., 1865, to Harriett Douise Knapp. Entered the service of the Federal Army as private, April 1, 1861; after two years in the field detailed successively to Concord, N. H., Augusta and Portland, Me., on special duty. After war was purser on steamer Cromwell Line, New York and New Orleans. In hardware and lumber business, Grinnell, la., 1868-72. Came to Minneapolis in 1872 and engaged in hardware business until 1874, since which time has been in flour manufac turing business. Treasurer Pillsbury- Washburn Flour Mills Co., Ltd., secre tary and director Minneapolis Mill Com pany; secretary and director St. An thony Falls Water Power Company; trustee Lakewood Cemetery Association. Republican. Mason (32°). Club: Mini kahda. Recreation: Automobiling. Of fice: Metropolitan Bldg. Residence: 204 Franklin Av., W., Minneapolis. HUBBABD, William McMillan, busi ness manager; born near Toledo, O., June 12, 1849; son of Hiram and Lettice (McMillan) Hubbard; educated in pub lic schools of Lucas Co., O.; Hillsdale College, Hillsdale, Mich.; partial course in medicine, medical department, Univer sity of Michigan. Began active career in lumber and saw mill business; loca ted in Duluth, 1885, continuing in lum ber business until 1904; president and general manager of the Zenith Tele phone Co.; president Peoples Telephone Co.. West Superior, Wis. Republican. Methodist. Mason (32°), Shriner, mem ber A. O. U. W. Married at Hillsdale, Mich., 1888, to Miss Susan J. Henry. Club: Commercial. Office. Dyceum Bldg. Residence: 1418 E. Superior St., Duluth. HUBBELL, Balph Gideon, banker and broker; born at Saginaw, Mich., May 31, 1885; son of Albert C. and Mary (Lyon) Hubbell; educated at Michigan Military Academy, Orchard Lake, Mich.; unmar ried. Began active career in the employ of Paine, Webber & Co., stocks and bonds, Jan. 9, 1902, continuing until 1906; has been resident manager, at Duluth, of Gay & Sturgis, bankers and brokers, headquarters in Boston, Mass., since July 1, 1906. Republican. Epis copalian. Member B. P. O. E. Clubs: Commercial, Northland Country, Duluth Boat, Duluth Yacht. Recreations: Golfing and boating. Office: 328 W. Superior St. Residence: 1105 E. 1st St., Duluth, Minn. HUBEB, Franz, lumber; born in Ger many, June 4,1850; graduated from First Latin High School, Flensburg, Prussia, Germany, 1866; married in Germany, Oct. 9, 1880, Miss D. Mattsen. Has been nearly twenty-five years in the lumber business in St. Paul, the last ten years as manager for large concerns; since " April 1, 1904, manager of W. W. John son Dumber Co., St. Paul, Minn. Served as volunteer in German army. Repub lican. Methodist. Member Ancient Order United Workmen, Modern Wood men of America, Woodmen of the World. Office: 412 Kittson Av. « Resi dence: 499 Woodward Av., St. Paul. HUBEBT, Robert I., physician; born at St. Anthony Falls, Minn., 1860; son of Theodore and Gertrude Hubert; edu cated in public schools of St. Paul and at University of Minneasota. Began practice of medicine at St. Paul, March, 1884; came to St. Cloud as junior mem ber of the firm of Drs. Dunn & Hubert, later as Hubert & Whiting, now inde pendent. Secretary U. S. pension board; surgeon Minnesota State Reformatory; county physician, Stearns Co. Member Masonic order, Knights of Pythias, B. P. O. E., A. O. U. W. Married, at St. Paul, 1893, to Miss Anna T. Wagener. Address: St. Cloud, Minn. HUDSON, Herbert D„ implements; born in Allegan Co., Mich., Jan., 1861; son of James S. and Rebecca J. (French) Hudson; educated in public schools of Michigan and at Northern Indiana Nor mal School, Valparaiso, Ind. Began active career as salesman for the Wal ter A. Wood Harvester Co.; became gen eral agent for the Milwaukee Harves ter Co., at Peoria, 111., 1895, locating in Minneapolis in same capacity, 1901; was president of the Minneapolis Implement Co., 1903-1905; has been president of the Hudson & Thurber Co., since its organ ization, 1905. Republican. Mason; member Knights of Pythias. Married in Alle gan Co., Mich., 1883, to Miss Delia A. Kenter. Recreations: Traveling and farming. Office: 414 3rd Av., N. -Resi dence: 2420 Garfield Av., Minneapolis. HUDSON, Horace Bushnell, publisher, and writer; born at Cincinnati, O., Aug. 20, 1861; son of Ceylon and Carrie (Bushnell) Hudson; educated in Cincin nati graded and high schools. Has de- . voted a large part of his life to news paper writing; entered newspaper work, 1885, as reporter on Minneapolis Trib une and during 15 years filled almost all positions on editorial staff of Tribune and other Minneapolis papers; was with Minneapolis Journal, 1894-1900, entering THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS 245 business as writer and publisher on his own account in 1900, in which he still continues under title of The Hudson Publishing Co. Has been closely iden tified for many years with municipal affairs; in 1899 issued a brief history of Minnesota; now writing and prepar ing to publish a history of Minneapolis. Publisher of the Dictionary of Minne apolis, issued annually. Member Na tional Geographic Society. Married, at College Hill, O., 1884, to Miss Anna V. Brown. Clubs: Commercial, Six O'clock, Publicity. Office: Kastoa Bldg. Resi dence: 2120 Dake of the Isles Blvd., Minneapolis. HUDSON, Sanford Henry, lawyer; born at Janesville, Wis., Nov. 29, 1857; son of Sanford A. and Sarah D. (Can- field) Hudson; educated in private schools at Janesville and at Wisconsin State University. Admitted to the bar, Aug. 9, 1879; has been actively engaged in practice at Benson since 1880. Has been county attorney of Swift Co., three terms; ex-mayor of Benson. Vice presi dent Swift County Bank, Benson. Re publican. Episcopalian. Member Ameri can and Minnesota State Bar associa tions. Member Knights of Pythias. Married at Algona, Ta., Jan. 16, 1884, to Miss Lorena McLaren. Club: Commer cial (Minneapolis). Address: Benson, Minn. HUDSON, Theodore T., lawyer; born at Galva, 111., Feb. 9, 1858; son of David and Martha Matilda (Irwin) Hudson; educated in Western College, Ia. Read law with Hon. George E. Waite, Gen eseo, 111.; came to Duluth, 1883, and be gan practice of law, in which he has ever since been actively engaged; mem ber of the law firm of Jaques & Hudson. President of the Charter Commission of Duluth; member Duluth Board of Water and Dight Commission. Demo cratic National Committeeman for Min nesota. Member American Bar Associa tion. Married at Duluth, Dec. 22, 1897, to Miss Mary Isabelle Craig. Club: CommerciaL Office: Lonsdale Bldg. Residence: 1201 E. 3rd St., Duluth. HUEY, George Taylor, assistant gen eral freight agent Wisconsin Central Ry. ; born at Minneapolis, Minn., March 12, 1859; son of George Eckert and Carolin (Taylor) Huey; educated in the public schools of Mineapolis and Uni versity of Minnesota; married at Min neapolis, Oct. 30, 1884, to Ella A. Swett. Entered railway service, June, 1879, and has continued in the service consecutively as follows: Ticket clerk auditor's office, freight clerk same of fice in charge of joint freight accounts, traveling auditor and chief clerk in local freight office, Minneapolis & St. Douis Ry, 1879-1885; contracting freight agent, 1885-86 and Northwesten freight agent Wisconsin Central lines and the reorganized road, the Wisconsin Central Ry., 1886-1901; general Northwestern agent, same road, 1901-03; assistant general freight agent at Minneapolis, same road, June 1, 1903, to the present time. Independent in politics. Epis copalian. Mason; member Cataract Lodge No. 3, A. F. & A. M.; St. Anthony Falls Chapter, R. A.. M. ; Adoniram Council No. 5, R. and S. M. ; Darius Com mandery No. 7, K. T.; Excelsior Lodge of Perfection No. 2 (Scottish Rite); St Vincent de Paul Chapter Rose Croix No. 2 (Scottish Rite); Alfred Elisha Ames Council Kadosh No. 2; Minneapolis Con sistory No. 2. Zurah Temple A. A. O. N. M. S. Club: Commercial. Office: Metropolitan Life Bldg. Residence: 714 4th St., S. E., Minneapolis. HUGHES, Albert B., lawyer; born at Cambria, Blue Earth Co., Minn., Nov. 12, 1871; educated in country district school, at Mankato State Normal School and at Carleton College, Northfield, Minn. Began practice of law in 1901, at Wadena, Minn., and is now county at torney of Wadena Co. Republican. Congregationalist. Married at Kasota, Minn., Oct. 8, 1903, to Miss Pearl Moses. Address: Wadena, Minn. HUGHES, Evan, lawyer and court commissioner; born at Cambria, Minn., Feb. 10, 1862; son of Henry and Eliza (Davis) Hughes; educated in country schools and Carleton College, Northfield, Minn.; read law under his brother Thomas and was admitted to the bar, May, 1891. Married at Spring Valley, Minn., Jan. 31, 1899, to Miss Amy Mason. Engaged in teaching school in early part of his active career; prin cipal Franklin and Pleasant Grove Schools, Mankato, also principal Dake Crystal schools, continuing until he be gan practice of law. Member firm of Thomas and Evan Hughes. Court com missioner. President Board of Educa tion, Mankato. Republican. Congre gationalist. Member Blue Earth County Bar Association. Member Masonic or der. I. O. O. F., Modern Woodmen of America, A. O. U. W. Club: Commer cial. Address: Mankato, Minn. HUGHES, George Thomas, grand sec retary Royal Arcanum for Minnesota; born at Floyd, Oneida Co., N. Y., June 2, 1860; son of James Thomas and Eme- line Olive (Kent) Hughes; educated in common schools of New York and Iowa, also four years' course of reading and study; married at Knowlesville, N. Y., July 11, 1894, to May Hitchcock. Be gan active career as school teacher in Iowa, continuing, 1875-81; assistant postmaster Boone, la., and later chief clerk and assistant postmaster Bis marck, N. D., resigning, 1886, to engage as treasurer Duluth Book and Paper Co., Duluth, Minn.; engaged in real estate business in Duluth and was deputy city assessor, 1887-88, and clerk of the board of public works, 1888-91; assistant post master and cashier, Duluth post office, 1891-95; appointed grand secretary 246 THE BOOK OF. MINNESOTANS Royal Arcanum for Minnesota, 1898, and has since been annually reelected to the position. Secretary and director Western Securities Co., of Minneapolis. Was 1st lieut. of the first militia com pany organized in Dak. Ty. Republican. Member Royal Arcanum (served in Su preme Council, 1905), A. O. U. W., I. O. F., M. W. A., C. of H. Office: Lumber Exchange Bldg. Residence: 2109 Oliver Av., S., Minneapolis. HUGHES, George W., president West ern Automatic Register Co.; born at Hamilton, O., 1851; son of Micajah and Phoebe (Cassidy) Hughes; educated in public schools of Hamilton and at Dela ware College, Delaware, O.; married at Hamilton, O., 1884, to Miss Carrie Cor nell. Began active career in general mer chandise business at Hamilton, 1880; sold out and has been located in St. Paul since 1892. Independent in politics. Presbyterian. Office: 96-100 S.Wabasha St. Residence: 225 Arundel St., St. Paul. HUGHES, George Washington, bank ing; born in Benton Co., Ia., Sept. 21, 1860; son of F. F. and Elizabeth S. (Kemp) Hughes; educated in common schools at Shellsburg, la.; married at Montrose, S. D., June 10, 1902, to Miss Daisy E. Perry. Engaged in newspaper business at De Voe, S. D., 1883-84 and at Parker, S. D., 1884-85; was station agent and telegraph operator Chicago & Northwestern Ry., 1886-1901; cashier Garden City State Bank, Garden City, S. D., 1892-93; came to Minnesota, 1904 and organized Farmers State Bank, Starbuck, of which was president, 1904- 06; resigned as president in favor of H. Thorson, Elbow Lake, and since 1906 has been cashier of the bank. Address: Starbuck, Minn. HUGHES, John Silver, canned goods; son of Thomas Scott and Sarah (Silver) Hughes; born Baltimore, Md., April 11, 1866; educated in public and private schools, Baltimore City College and Johns Hopkins University; married at Cedar Falls, la., 1896, to Katharine Fa- brick. Was with firm of Hughes, Bell & Co., real estate, Minneapolis, 1887- 89; John S. Hughes Real Estate Co., 1889-93; editor American Packer, Balti more, Md., 1894-1905. Engaged in the packing of vegetables in Harford Co., Md., 1897-99; secretary of the St. Fran cis Canning Co., Minneapolis, 1900-1903, and has been actively identified with the industry in many parts of the state since that time. Has built nearly half of the 21 canning factories of the State of Minnesota. Secretary Minnesota Canneries Company, Minnesota Can- ners' Association, Clear Water Canning Company, Lindstrom Canning Company; manager Big Stone Canning Company; president Belle Plaine Canning Com pany. Clubs: Commercial, Southern, S. A. R. Office: 114 So. Fourth St., Min neapolis. Residence: 1305 Raymond Av., St. Paul. HUGHES, Thomas, lawyer; born at Minersville, O., Sept. 23, 1854; son of Henry and Eliza (Davis) Hughes; edu cated in country school, Blue Earth Co., Minn.; Carleton College, Northfield, graduating, 1880; read law in office of Waite & Porter, Mankato. Married at Faribault, Minn., Nov. 25, 1885, to Miss Alice O. Hills. Admitted to bar at Man kato, 1882, and has ever since been en gaged in practice there. County at torney Blue Earth Co., two terms. Coun sel and director Mankato Savings & Building Association. Member Blue Earth County Bar Association, Minne sota Historical Society. Republican. Congregationalist. Compiler and most part author: Semi-Centennial of Man kato; History of Welsh in Minnesota; History of Blue Earth County; also con tributor of articles to State Historical Society. Member Knights of Pythias. Address: Mankato, Minn. HUGHES, William Franklin, judge of probate Blue Earth Co.; born at Cam bria, Wis., May 17, 1858; son of Robert H. and Hannah (Bumford) Hughes; came to Minnesota, 1863; educated at Mankato Normal School and University of Minnesota; married in Dakota, 1885 to Miss Susie S. Strait. Read law in office of Brown & Wiswell, Mankato; admitted to the bar, 1882, and practiced law in Mankato, 7 years in Dakota, 3 years in Washington, and returned to Mankato, 1893; judge of probate since Nov., 1898. Director National Bank of Commerce. Member Blue Earth County Bar Association. Republican. Member Knights of Pythias. Address: Man kato, Minn. HUGHES, William Shanton, secretary and treasurer Dodson, Fisher, Brock- mann Co., born at Columbus, O, Sept. 30. 1850; son of James Egleson and Pamelia (Twiford) Hughes; attended public schools, Steele Co., Minn., until 13 years of age and University of Min nesota for a few months, 1868; married, 1st, at Macon, Mo., Aug. 21, 1877, to Miss Dora L. Palmer (now deceased); 2nd, Minneapolis, Minn., April 25, 1894, to Miss Anna A. Bowen. Ap prentice in printing office, Owatonna (Minn.) Plaindealer, 1863, in the latter year removing to Macon, Mo.; assistant postmaster at Macon, 1870-72; in bank at Macon, 1873-76; removed to Minne sota, 1877; in lumber business at Owa tonna, Faribault and St. Paul, 1877-83. Removed to Minneapolis, 1883, since which time has been associated with Dodson, Fisher, Brockman Co., whole sale dealers in harness and saddlery. On incorporation in 1894 became secretary, treasurer and director of the company. City clerk, Macon, Mo., 1875. Republi- cari. Baptist. Office: 19 N. 3rd St. Residence: 2620 3rd Av., S„ Minne apolis. THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 247 HUGO, Nicholas Frederic, contract ing engineer; born at Kingston, Ont, June 15, 1860; son of Nicholas and Mary R. (Marks) Hugo; educated in public schools of Kingston. Began in the contracting business, 1893; senior member of the firm of Hugo & Tims, general contractors; built municipal water plant, at Duluth, Minn., and the timber and concrete breakwaters for the U. S. government at Portage Lake, Mar quette and Harbor Beach, Mich., and Ashland, Wis.; now operating on gov ernment contracts aggregating millions of dollars. Alderman, City of Duluth, two years; member Minnesota Legisla ture since 1903 and speaker pro tem, sessions 1905-06 and 1907-08; senior lieutenant and chief engineer Minnesota Naval Reserves. Republican. Episco palian, Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner. Married, at Sterling, Minn., 1887, to Miss Annie Wells. Club: Com mercial. Office: Manhattan Bldg. Residence: 122 E. 3rd St., Duluth. HUGO, Trevanion William, mechani cal engineer, retired; born at Cornwall, Eng., July 29, 1848; son of Nicholas and Mary R. (Marks) Hugo; came to Amer ica early in life and was educated in public schools and academy at Kings ton, Can. Began in mechanical engineer ing, 1862; came to Duluth, 1881. Mayor of City of Duluth two terms; ex-presi dent Chamber of Commerce; ex-presi dent of Board of Education; ex-presi dent Common Council. Republican. Member American Society of Mechani cal Engineers, American Association for the Advancement of Science. Clubs: Kitchi Gammi, Commercial, Garfield. Residence: 221 W 6th Av., Duluth. HUHN, Anton, president Huhn Ele vator Co.; born at Milwaukee, Wis., Feb. 18, 1856; son of Frank and Anna (Durr) Huhn; educated in private schools, and business college, Mil waukee. Was raised in the grain busi ness and is widely recognized as one of the leading grain experts of the country; laid the foundation of his knowledge in Milwaukee early in his career while connected with one of the large grain firms of that city in 1871; removed to Minneapolis, Minn., in 1884, and was one of the first big shippers of grain to Eastern millers, his business growing by large strides from the time the first shipment was made by him from the Northwest in 1884; organizer and president of the Huhn Elevator Co., 1900, which operates terminal grain elevators on a large scale at Minne apolis, making a specialty of furnishing any desired quality of milling wheat that the management believes can profit ably be manufactured into flour. Mem ber Chamber of Commerce, Knights of Columbus. Married at Milwaukee, Wis., Jan. 16, 1883, to Miss Verona Sieben. Recreations: Fishing, automobilin literature. Office: Chamber of Com merce Bldg. Residence: 714 E. 17th St., Minneapolis. HULBEBT, Charles Smith, city treasurer of Minneapolis; born in Fayetteville, N. Y., March 7, 1832; son of Stephen and Anna (Wright) Hulbert; educated in public schools of Onondaga Co., N. Y. Lived on father's farm until 14; became clerk in store at Belvidere, 111., and in 1854 began in hardware business for himself at Lyons, la.; removed to Northfield, Minn., and engaged in general merchandise busi ness, 1860; was connected with William Blair & Co., Chicago, 111., wholesale dry goods, 1862, but returned to the North west; local agent Chicago, Milwaukee, & St. Paul Ry., at Northfield, 1865; removed to Minneapolis and became traveling agent for the Millers' Associa tion of Minneapolis, 1876; assisted in organizing Pillsbury & Hulbert Elevator Co., but ill health caused his retirement and he went abroad for several years; on return became president Inter State Grain Co. Was elected city treasurer of Minneapolis by the city council, March, 1897, and still holds that office; also vice president Swedish American National Bank. Republican. Congrega tionalist. Married Sept., 1856, to Miss Julia J. Goodsell. Office: City Hall. Residence: 1682 Hennepin Av., Minne apolis. HULETT, John C, furniture; born at Faribault, Minn., 1861; son of John and Jeanette (Wood) Hulett; public school education; married at Faribault, 1882, to Emma Roberts. Was for 18 years with A. L. Hill in furniture manufacturing business, at Faribault; treasurer and general manager St. Peter Furniture Co., since 1895. Republican. Member M. W. A. Recreations: Hunting and fishing. Address: St. Peter, Minn. HULL, Louis Kossuth, lawyer; born at Lebanon, Conn., Nov. 9, 1861; son of Commodore Charles and Lucy Lincoln (Perry) Hull; educated in Hopkins Grammar School, New Haven, Conn.; Yale College, graduating, 1883; Yale Law School, graduating, 1885; married, at Minneapolis, Minn., Dec. 12, 1892, to Agnes Oliphant McNair. Engaged in practice of law in Minneapolis since .1887. President Southern Minnesota Lumber Co.; vice president Minnesota and Southeastern R. R., Union Lumber Co. and Diamond Boiler Works. Director Security Bank of Minnesota. Member American Bar Association. Democrat. Member National Democratic Commit tee, 1884. Alderman of New Haven, Conn., 1884. Member Democratic State Central Committee of Minnesota, 1888. Chairman Democratic Central Commit tee, Minneapolis, 1892. Episcopalian. Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Skull and Bones man at Yale Psi Upsilon. H. Boule, member P. O. E. Clubs: Min nesota, Town and Country, Minikahda, Lafayette, Automobile and Elks. Rec- 248 THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS reations: Former Captain Yale Uni versity Crew and Yale football team, also coach of Yale Crew for several years. Office: Globe Bldg. Residence: 21 Groveland Terrace, Minneapolis. HUMBIRD, John A., lumber; director National German American Bank. Of fice: National German American Bank Bldg. Residence: 527 Dayton Av., St. Paul. HUME, S. Edward, vice president S. R. Sikes Co.; born on a farm in province of Ontario, Can., June 3, 1865; son of Francis and Sarah (Kersey) Hume; educated in public schools of Ontario. Began active career at 16 years of age, as clerk in hardware store; removed to Minneapolis, 1886, and was in hardware business 1886-88; has been connected with the S. R. Sikes Co., manufacturers of leather belting,- since 1888 and is vice president of the company. Republi can. Presbyterian. Mason, Knight Templar; Shriner; member Royal League, Modern Woodmen of America. Married at Minneapolis, 1890, to Miss Bertha M. J. Converse. Club: Com mercial. Office: 915 Washington Av., S. Residence: 32 11th St., N., Minne apolis. HUME, Seward L., merchant; born at Eastport, Me., Nov. 22, 1861; son of Sew ard B. and Caroline E. (Storer) Hume; educated in public schools of Eastport and at Bryant & Stratton's Business College, Boston, Mass. Began actice career as clerk in Frontier National Bank, Eastport, Me., continuing, 1885- 86; came to St. Paul, Minn., and filled position of general clerk, First National Bank, St. Paul, for 12 years; became member of firm of Shackford & Hume, Minneapolis, 1892; has been senior mem ber of the firm of Hume & Albrecht, wholesale dealers in leather and find ings since 1897. Member B. P. O. E. Married at Minneapolis, Sept. 8, 1897, to Miss Anna W. Winchell. Club: Com mercial. Recreations: All sports. Of fice: 25 N. 3rd St. Residence: Im perial Flats, Minneapolis. HUMPHBEY, Edward W., physician and surgeon; born in Wisconsin, June 3 6, 1875; son of William and Elizabeth (Fisher) Humphrey; educated in com mon schools, Gary, S. D.; Iowa State University, 1894-98, graduating, degree of B.S., 189.8; College of Physicians and Surgeons, Hamline University, graduat ing, degrees of M.D., CM., 1902. Has been engaged in practice at Moorhead, Minn., since 1902. Chief surgeon North western Hospital, Moorhead. Member Minnesota State Medical Association. Clay-Becker County Medical Society. Member M. W. A., Royal Neighbors, In dependent Order of Foresters. Married at Moorhead, 1903, to Miss Edith Vin cent. Club: Commercial. Address: Moorhead, Minn. HUNCK, Clemens A., merchant; born at Westphalen, Germany, Sept. 30, 1846. In Prussian Army, during German- Franco War, 1867-71. Came to America, 1874; lived at Newburg, Wis., two years; removed to Minnesota and entered gen eral merchandise business, at Duelm, 1876, in which has since continued. Has held office of postmaster of Duelm since 1877; town treasurer 15 years; elected representative to State Legisla ture, 1892. Democrat. Roman Catholic. Married at Duelm, 1877, to Miss D. V. Schulte. Address: Duelm, Minn. HUNT, Alva B., lawyer; born at Mat- toon, 111., 1862; educated in Mattoon High School; married at St. Paul, Minn., June 25, 1895, to Miss Alice M. Adams. Read law at Benson, Minn., and began practice at Montevideo, Minn., 1889; af terwards attended the College of Law, LTniversity of Minnesota, graduating, degree of LL.B., 1891; has been en gaged in practice at Litchfield, Minn., since Feb., 1899. City attorney, Litch field, for four years. Author of Hunt on Tender, Bringing Money Into Court, and Offer of Judgment; also Tender in Cyc Address: Litchfield, Minn. HUNT, Charles J., life insurance; born at Goshen, Mass., Feb. 27, 1857; son of Frederick P. and Sophia E. (Bil lings) Hunt; educated in Day School and Prof. Davis' Academy, Northboro, Mass., 1863-69; gramriiar school and Union Seminary, Ypsilanti, Mich., 1869- 73. Married at Ypsilanti, Oct. 4, 1882, to Mary E. Perkins. Clerk in hardware store, Ypsilanti, 1873-79; manager In dian Trading Store, Standing Rock Agency, Dak. Ty., 1879-82; cashier Bank of Oriska, N. Dak., 1882-85; member of firms of Pennington & Hunt and C. J. Hunt & Co., retail grocers, Fargo, N. Dak., 1885-87; traveling salesman for Beaupre, Keogh & Davis, wholesale grocers, with headquarters at Fargo, N. Dak., 1887-92; became district agent for Duluth, Minn., 1892, for the New Eng land Mutual Life Insurance Co., of Bos ton, Mass., and now associate general agent for Minnesota for same company. Alderman 11th ward, St. Paul, 1900-01. Independent Democrat. Congregation alist. Director St. Paul, Y. M. C. A., State Executive Committee, Y. M. C. A., State Sunday School Association, and Union Gospel Mission. Club: Commer cial. Office: Ryan Bldg. Residence: 1701 Dayton Av., St. Paul. HUNT, Ferdinand N., physician and surgeon; born at Greenville, 111., Sept. 20, 1857; son of Rev. N. A. and Clarissa (Conrad) Hunt; educated at Carleton College, Northfield, Minn., 1876-80, and in medical department of Washington University, St. Douis, 1882-84, graduat ing, 188.4. Began practice of medicine in 1884 at Fairmont, Minn.; removed to Blue Earth, 1892. Member State Board of Health; district surgeon Chicago THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 249 Northwestern Ry. Congregationalist. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associations, International So ciety of Railway Surgeons. Member I. O. O. F., A. O. U. W„ B. P. O. E., Wood men. Married at Fairmont, Minn., 1882, to Miss Ida Leriore Cad well. Address: Blue Earth, Minn. HUNT, Frank W., president Free Press Printing Co.; born at Edwards, N. Y., Sept. 24, 1846; son of Nathan F. and Caroline (Gates) Hunt; educated in public schools of Watertown, N. Y. Came to Mankato, Minn., to enter the employ ment of the Free Press Printing Co., 1887; acquired interest, 1902, and since that time has been president of the company. Married at Watertown, N. Y., 1876, to Louise Morse. Republican. Methodist. Member Knights of Pythias, Modern Woodmen of America. Ad dress: Mankato, Minn. HUNT, Harry Eben, physician; born Roodhouse, 111., Nov. 5, 1872; son of John Page and Eveline (Baldwin) Hunt; educated in Roodhouse grammar and high schools; graduated from Northern Indiana Normal School, 1890, North Western College, 1893; Northwestern Medical College, degree of M.D., 1896. Married, at St. Paul, Oct., 1904, to Irma M. Fischbein. Engaged in practice of medicine since 1896; makes specialty of diseases of the eye, ear, nose, and throat. Member American Medical Society, American Academy of Ophthal mology and Oto-Laryngology. Mason; member B. P. O. E. Club: Commercial. Office: Eudicott Arcade. Residence: 33 S. Avon St., St. Paul. HUNT, Oliver Wolcott, banker; born at Canton, Mass., Jan. 9, 1843; son of George and Polly (Bryant) Hunt; edu cated in public schools of Canton. Be gan to learn blacksmith's trade, 1860; enlisted in U. S. Navy, at Boston, Mass., Sept. 5, 1864; discharged at Boston, June 15, 1865. Came to Minnesota, 1872, and located at Lewiston the following year, where he carried on blacksmith and wagon making business until 1894; was engaged in coal and lime business, 1896-1905; now president Security State Bank; also engaged in insurance and real estate business. Member Minnesota Legislature, 1875-76; County Commis sioner, Winona Co., 1894-98; postmaster Lewiston, since 1897. Republican. Pres byterian. Member Masonic order, G. A. R. Married, at Canton, Mass., Sept. 30, 1863, to Miss Marcia Davenport. Recreation: Trout fishing. Address: Lewiston, Minn. HUNT, William A., physician; born at Northfield, Minn., Jan. 2, 1858; son of J. A. and Mandana (Hicks) Hunt; edu cated in public schools of Northfield until 1872; Carleton College, graduat ing, degree of A.B., 1878; degree of A.M., same college, 1891; medical department, University of Michigan, degree of M.D., 1882; post graduate work in New York City hospitals, 1897 and 1903. Began practicing at Northfield, 1882, and has continued in that city. Member Ameri can and Minnesota State Medical asso ciations, Rice County Medical Society, U. S. pension examining board (secre tary). Republican. Congregationalist. Mason; member I. O. O. F., A. O. U. W. Degree of Honor (grand medical exam iner), Yeomen. President board of edu cation, Northfield, for 10 years. Married at Hillsdale, Mich., June 27, 1893, to Miss Florence M. Bishop. Recreations: All outdoor athletic sports. Address: Northfield, Minn. HUNT, William Allen, architect; born at Cincinnati, O., Feb. 13, 1859; son of Porter D. and Anna M. (Beard) Hunt; educated in Cincinnati High School; un married. Began active career as draughtsman for Charles Crapsey, Cin cinnati, continuing for 3 years; was connected for 2 years with R. W. Jor dan, Minneapolis and for one year with William H. Dennis; located in Duluth and associated in business with Palmer & Hall, architects; became member of the firm under title of Palmer, Hall & Hunt, 1893, and succeeded same as Will iam A. Hunt, 1905. Designed Central High School, said to be the most beau tiful educational structure in this coun try, the Wolvin and Lonsdale office buildings, Duluth; State Normal School, St. Duke's Hospital, Marshall-Well's, F. A. Patrick's and other buildings. Direc tor Timber Canyon Mines Co., Baker City, Ore. Club: Commercial. Recrea tions: Hunting and fishing. Office: Lonsdale Bldg. Residence: 1032 E. 1st St., Duluth, Minn. HUNT, William Franklin, lawyer; born in Butler County, O., March 6, 1865; son of Henry C. and Catherine (Flickinger) Hunt; educated in* public schools of Miamisburg, O., 1871-80; Ohio State University, 1883-87, M. E., 1887, University of Minnesota, DL.B., 1895., LL.M., 1896. Married at St Paul, 1899, to Emma Fairchild. Admitted to bar in 1895, and has since been engaged in practice at St. Paul. Receiver of Al- lemannia Bank of St. Paul since June, 1900. Secretary Dana Warehouse Co.; secretary and treasurer Northland Realty Co. Republican. Congregation alist. Member Masonic order, Knights of Pythias, Phi Delta Theta and Phi Delta Phi fraternities. Member Ramsey County Bar Association. Club: Com mercial. Office: New York Life Bldg. Residence: 966 Ashland Av., St. Paul. HUNTE, August P., physician; born at Beecher, 111., Aug. 5, 1870; son of Ludwig and Dorathea (Aebeling) Hunte; educated in common schools, Illinois; completed teachers' department, North ern Indiana Normal School, Valparaiso, Ind., at age of 18, graduating from same institution, degrees of B.S., 1893, A.B., 1895, Ph.G., 1895; passed examina- 250 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS tion State Board of Illinois to practice medicine and surgery, June, 1898; Rush Medical College, Chicago, 111., graduat ing degree of M.D., 1899. Principal Beecher (111.) schools, 1903-04. In practice at Truman, Minn., since July, 1899. Member Blue Earth Valley and Minnesota Valley Medical societies Min nesota State Medical Association. Re publican. Member Evangelical Synod. Secretary Martin County Republican! Central Committee; president Business Men's Association of Truman. Member Masonic order, I. O. O. F, M. W. A. Married at Madelia, Minn., 1905, to Miss Christine Schaleben. Address: Tru man, Minn. HUNTEB, James, real estate and abstracts of title; born at Stormont, Can., May 7, 1841; son of William W. and Margaret (Ferguson) Hunter; edu cated in public schools and at High School, Perth, Can.; married at Fari bault, Minn., 1866, to Miss Elizabeth Wetherston. Came to Faribault, 1861; served in Union Army, 2nd Minn. Bat tery, one year; wounded at Perryville, Ky. Was sheriff of Rice Co., 1866-72; city justice of Faribault, 1877-86; register of deeds Rice Co., 1887-97; judge of probate, 1898-1904; has been engaged in real estate business and conveyancing since 1906. Republican. Member I. O. O. F., Knights of Pythias, G. A. R. Club: Commercial. Recrea tions: Outing vacations. Address: Faribault, Minn. HUNTER, Bichard V., manufacturer; born at Piqua, O., Aug. 13, 1854; son of J. B. and Margaret Hunter; educated at Winnebago, 111. Was engaged in various branches of hardware business and as traveling salesman, Illinois and Nebraska, 1873-1900; came to Minneapo lis, 1900, and entered manufacture of sash, doors, etc., as member of the Waterman-Hunter Co., in which he still continues. Member Masonic order. Married in Buda, 111., March 24, 1884, to Miss Belle Dickey. Recreations: Hunting, and fishing. Office: 515 1st Av., N. E. Residence: 903 3rd Av., S., Minneapolis. HUNTINGTON, Ebenezer Cutler, edi tor; born at St. Albans, Vt, Feb. 7, 1850; son of S. and Louisa M. (Kellogg) Huntington; educated in public schools, McGregor, la.; married at Windom, Minn., July 31, 1872, to Miss Julia T. Knowlton. Learned printer's trade at McGregor and Charles City, la.; pub lisher paper at Decorah, la., 1869, and at Strawberry Point, la., 1870-71; has been resident of Windom, in newspaper and job printing business since July 28, 1871. Superintendent Windom Mutual Telephone Co.; 1st vice-president and director First National Bank. Re publican; Harrison presidential elector. Member Minnesota Editorial Associa tion. Recreation: Photography. Ad dress: Windom, Minn. HUNTINGTON, George, educator born at Brooklyn, Conn., Nov. 5, 1835 son of Rev. Thomas Huntington, MD. educated at Brooklyn, Conn., until 1851 Providence (R. I.) High School, 1858-59 Brown University, 1859-62; Andover Theological Seminary, 1864-65; degree of A.M., Beloit College, 1879. Married at Brooklyn, Conn., June 30, 1863, to Miss Caroline A. Mason. Was appren tice in machine shop, Corliss Steam Engine Co., Providence, R. I., 1852-56 and followed trade one year; ordained Congregational minister, 1863; pastor Central Village, Conn., 1863-64; Provi dence, R. I., 1865-70; Oak Park, 111., 1870-79; editor The Scholar and The Sunday School Teacher, Chicago, 1874- 76; professor rhetoric and logic, Carle ton College, Northfield, Minn., 1879-1900; professor rhetoric and biblical literature and librarian, 1900-1906. Retired 1906, on the Carnegie foundation. Author: Shining Hours; Outlines of Congrega tional History; Chubby Ruff; Nakoma; Kings and Cupbearers; The Roekanock Stage; Maud Brayton; Robber and Hero. Writer of articles and poems for peri odicals. Recreation: Photography. Ad dress: Northfield, Minn. HUBD, Warren W., vice president and general manager Great Northern Land and Stock Co.; born in Fillmore County, Minn., May 7, 1865; son of David E. and Anna D. (Fay) Hurd; educated in common school, at Williams, Iowa, and private academy, Webster, Iowa; mar ried in Dickinson County, Iowa, July 4, 1888, to Amy A. Gardner. Remained on farm until he became of age, then engaged principally in the sale of farm lands in Central and Northern Iowa; in connection with land business ran a general and hardware store for three years, lumber yard for three years and private bank for four years in Dickin son Co., Iowa; in 1901 organized the Great Northern Land and Stock Co. of St. Paul, handling farm lands, mortgage loans and live stock, of which he is now vice president and general manager. Director Federal National Bank of Chi cago. Republican. Club: Commercial. Office: Germania Dife Bldg. Residence: 794 Lincoln Av., St. Paul. HUBD, William J., dentist; born at Vincennes, Ind., March 7, 1856; son of Dr. Charles S. and Elizabeth (Johnson) Hurd; graduate Western Reserve Uni versity, College of Dentistry, Cleveland, O., degree of D.D.S., 1876. Began practice of dentistry at Youngstown, O. ; has been engaged in practice at St. Paul since 1878. Democrat. Mem ber Knights of Pythias, Modern Wood men of America. Club: Commercial. Office: 91 E. 7th St. Residence: 4 The Virginia, St. Paul. HUBLEY, Prank, stocks and bonds; born at Helena, Wis., Feb. 15, 1873; son of John F. and Jennie (King) Hurley; educated in public schools at THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 251 Spring Green, Wis.; married at Mil waukee, Wis., June 18, 1902, to Dilian F. Payler. Entered employment of the Western Union Telegraph Company, as telegraph operator, 1890; cashier of Ray mond, Pynchon & Co., stock and bond brokers, Milwaukee, 1895; manager stock and bond department, Whallon, Case & Co., Minneapolis, since Aug. 1, 1901. Catholic. Club: Commercial. Office: New York Life Bldg. Residence: 1710 First Av., S., Minneapolis. HUBLEY, James, farm implements and machinery; born in Vermont, Feb. 10, 1853; son of Michael and Mary (Conneran) Hurley; came to Minnesota with parents, 1859; educated in com mon schools of Anoka Co. Engaged with brother William, in general merchandise and logging business, at Hinckley, Minn., 1879-90; in business at Pine City, Minn., since 1901. Demo crat. Roman Catholic. Married at At water, Minn., 1894, to Miss Katharine O'Brien. Recreations: Athletic sports. Address: Pine City,. Minn. HUBTY, Prank W., wholesale hard ware; born at Richmond, Ind., Feb. 25, 1856; son of Josiah and Ann I. Hurty; common school education. Began active career in employ of A. G. Austin & Co., hardware dealers, Terre Haute, Ind., Aug., 1872; went to Chicago and was connected with Hibbard, Spencer, Bart- lett & Co., for 5 years; came to Min neapolis, 1882, and was with Farwell, Ozmun & Jackson, until April, 1905, serving as director and secretary during the last 10 years of his connection with the company; has been vice president and treasurer of the Hurty-Simmons Hardware Co., wholesale dealers in hardware, since its establishment, March 15, 1905. Married at St. Raul, Dec. 20, 1894, to Miss Clara M. Dightner. Clubs: Minneapolis, Minikahda, Commercial, Minnesota (St. Paul.) Office: Cor. 4th St. and 2nd Av., N. Residence: 1823 Fremont Av., S., Minneapolis. HUSS, Julius John, insurance; born on a farm near Mishicott, Wis., Nov. 16, 1865; son of John and Elizabeth (Etel) Huss; educated in public and high schools, Two Rivers, Wisconsin; and at commercial college, Milwaukee, Wis. Located in Minneapolis, 1886, and com menced in the insurance business as clerk for Millers arid Manufacturers Ins. Co.; was chief clerk of the insur ance firm of C. B. Shove & Co.; started in fire insurance on own account and consolidated with J. A. Jamieson as the J. A. Jamieson & Huss Co., 1904, which firm still continues. Independent in politics. Lutheran. Member Masonic order, B. P. O. E., I. O. O. F. Married at Minneapolis, 1894, to Miss Josephine Rauen. Club: Commercial (North Side). Recreations: Travel and fishing. Office: Andrus Bldg. Residence: 1427 Emerson Av., N., Minneapolis. HUTCHINGS, Henry E., vice presi dent Tibbs, Hutchings & Co.; born in London, Eng., Aug. 24, 1858; son of John and Mary (Whitbourne) Hutch ings; educated in public schools of London. Came to America, 1873, and entered employ of D. Mclnnes & Co., wholesale dry goods, Hamilton, Can., continuing until 1875; was connected with the credit department of Keith Brothers & Co., wholesale millinery, hats and caps, Chicago, 1875-79; re moved to St. Joseph, Mo., and became partner in Wyeth Hardware and Manu facturing Co., remaining with the com pany for 17 years; was partner Burn ham, Hanna Munger & Co., wholesale dry goods, Kansas City, Mo., until 1901, when he came to St. Paul and assisted in purchase of controlling interest in the Powers Dry Goods Co., the name being changed to Tibbs, Hutchings & Co., wholesale dry goods, of which he has been vice president since time of organization. Presbyterian. Married at Chicago, Feb. 14, 1883, to Miss Aley Turnbull. Clubs: Minnesota, Country, Commercial. Office: 5th & Wacouta Sts. Residence: 755 Summit Av., St. Paul, Minn. HUTCHINSON, Charles, dry goods and carpets; born at Montreal, Can., March 30, 1852; son of John and Isabel (Patterson) Hutchinson; educated in public schools of Northfield, Minn.; married at Faribault, May 24, 1883, to Miss Nellie Clement. Began in mercan tile business for himself, 1877, succeed ing W. H. Hall & Co., at Kingston, Minn.; was at Ojata, N. D., 1882-85; came to Faribault 1885, and bought out Stevenson Bros., dry goods and carpets; established branch store at Waterville, Minn., 1898; both stores in successful operation from the beginning. Post master Ojata three years. Republican. Congregationalist. Club: Comrriercial. Recreations: Outing vacations. Ad dress: Faribault, Minn. HUTCHINSON, Fred Mayhew, ac countant; born at Machias, Maine, Feb. 5, 1856; son of Thomas Patten and Abby (Mayhew) Hutchinson; educated in public schools of Machias, Me.; mar ried, Albany, N. Y., Jan., 1894, Anna Downey. Entered business career as clerk in general store at Machias, Me., 1872; appointed postmaster by President Arthur, 1883, and held office until Oct., 1885; came to Minneapolis, April, 1886; assistant secretary and treasurer, Min neapolis Industrial Exposition, 1886-89; cashier Inter-State Savings and Doan Association, 1890-98; since 1898 secre tary and treasurer same. In life insur ance business, 1903-06; public account ant and auditor; secretary and treasurer Ore Hill Mines Co.; assistant secretary Queen of the West Mines Co. Republi can. Member Masonic bodies, Shriner, member Doyal Degion. Club: Minne apolis Commercial. Office: Andrus 252 THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS Bldg. Residence: 2524 Bryant Av., S., Minneapolis. HUTCHINSON, George Hunt, civil engineer; born at Norwich, Vt, Feb. 8, 1861; son of Henry and Charlotte (Hunt) Hutchinson; graduate Chandler Scienti fic Department, Dartmouth College, de gree of B.S., 1881; Thayer School of Civil Engineering, post graduate course, degree of C.E., 1884. Married at Pitts burg, Pa., March 8, 1894, to Ida D. Westervelt. Inspecting and construct ing engineer railways, etc., up to 1902; chief engineer Northwestern Fuel Co., since Feb., 1902. Presbyterian. Mem ber American Society of Civil Engineers, Civil Engineers Society of St. Paul. Of fice: Pioneer Press Bldg. Residence: 888 Goodrich Av., St. Paul. HUTCHINSON, Henry, physician ; born at Montreal, P. Q., Can., Aug. 20, 1849; son of John and Isabella (Patter son) Hutchinson; came to Minnesota, 1859; educated in common schools of Toronto, Can., and Northfield, Minn.; Carleton College, Northfield, Minn.; Hahnemann Medical College, Phila delphia, Pa., graduating, degree of M.D., 1874. Married at Red Wing, Minn., 1875, to Miss Matilda McCurdy. Began practice of medicine at Northfield, Minn., March, 1874; has been engaged in prac tice at St. Paul, since 1878. Homeo pathic school of medicine, Chief of Staff St. Luke's Hospital and member staffs City and County and St. Joseph's hospi tals. Late professor of theory and prac tice in College of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery, University of Minnesota. President State Board of Health since 1901 (member since 1894). Member American Public Health Association, State Anti-Tuberculosis Association, American and Minnesota Institutes of Homeopathy. Republican. Member House of Hope Church. Recreation: Travel ing. Office: Germania Life Bldg. Resi dence: Hotel Angus, St. Paul. HUTCHINSON, John, president Fari bault Furniture Co.; born at Montreal, P. Q., Can., Feb. 1, 1840; son of John and Isabel (Patterson) Hutchinson; educated in public schools of Buffalo, N. Y. ; married, 1st, at Racine, Wis., to Lucinda D. Drought, (now deceased) ; 2nd, at St. Paul, Minn., to Eunice Spicer, (deceased) ; 3rd, at Faribault, Minn., Jan. 7, 1902, to Anna G. Brown. Came to the U. S., 1851, and to Rice Co., Min nesota, 1859; engaged in farming, also as contractor and builder, with his father; enlisted in 6th Minn. Vols., Aug. 8, 1862, and served in Indian troubles and in the South; mustered out of the army, Aug. 19, 1865. Returned to Minnesota and engaged in saw milling, general merchandise and farming, until 1883, when he entered the manufacture of furniture at Faribault, in which he has since been engaged. Also president Faribault Roller Mill Co.; vice presi dent Faribault Doan & Insurance Co. Republican. Member State Legislature, 1871-72; ex-member Board of Education. Congregationalist. Member G. A. R. Club: Commercial. Recreations: Hunt ing and fishing. Address: Faribault, Minn. HUTCHINSON, John Corrin, educator; born at Kirk Michael, Isle of Man, Great Britain, May 11, 1849; son of Richard and Christiana (Corrin) Hutchinson; came to the United States with his mother, after the death of his father, 1867; educated at Peel, Isle of Man; preparatory department, University of Minnesota, 1870-72; University of Min nesota, graduating, degree of B.A., 1876. Married at Champlin, Minn., Jan. 1, 1876, to Miss Lura D. Hinkley. Has been identified with the College of Science, Diterature and the Arts, University of Minnesota since the beginning of his active career; tutor in Greek, 1873-76; instructor in Greek and Latin, 1876-78; instructor in Greek and mathematics, 1879-82; associated professor of Greek and mathematics, 1882-90; has been pro fessor Greek language and literature in the university since 1891. Member American Philological' Association, Na tional Educational Association, Classi cal Association of the Middle West and South; Phi Beta Kappa and Psi Upsilon fraternities. Office: University of Min nesota. Residence: 3806 Blaisdell Av., Minneapolis. HUKLEY, Fred B., physician; born at Winona, Minn., Oct. 28, 1875; son of William and Martha (Craney) Huxley; graduate University of Minnesota, de gree of B.A., 1906, and College of Medi cine and Surgery, same university, de gree of M.D., 1900; married at Minne apolis, Minn., Jan., 1903, to Miss Ada E. Daniels. Has been engaged in prac tice at Faribault since 1900; formerly assistant physician at the State Insti tute for, the Feeble Minded. Has been health officer, Faribault, since 1903; surgeon Chicago Great Western R, R. Member Rice County Medical Society, Minnesota State and American Medical associations. Address: Faribault, Minn. HVOSLEF, Jakob, physician and sur geon; born at Tromsoe, Norway, Feb. 26, 1865; son of Bishop F. W. and Alethe Catharine (Frost) Hvoslef; educated in Latin schools of Norway, degree of A. M. ; Medical Department, Royal Univer sity of Kristiania, degree of M.D., 1891. Has been engaged in practice in Minne apolis since March, 1892, with exception of 16 months in Tracy, Minn. Lecturer orthopedic surgery, College of Physi cians and Surgeons, Hamline University; staff surgeon Norwegian Hospital, Min neapolis. Member Hennepin County Medical Society, Minnesota State and American Medical associations. Member Sons of Norway, Druids, Scandinavian Workingmen's Association. Married at Minneapolis, Oct. 11, 1893, to Miss Clara Mathilde Johnson. Clubs: Odin, Thu- THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS 253 lanian (University of Minnesota Club whose members are of Norwegian descent). Office: 302 Nicollet Av. Residence: 2749 Portland Av., Minne apolis. HYDE, Edward, grocer; born at Le banon, Conn., Dec. 23, 1857; son of Henry and Dydia (Williams) Hyde; educated in common and high schools at Lebanon, Conn.; married at Newport, R. I., to Cynthia Friend. Began business career in 1876, and was three years with N. C. Barker of Lebanon, Conn., then for five years with T. R. McGurn of Virginia City, Nevada; then for twenty years with Griggs, Cooper & Co., of St. Paul, as traveling salesman and in January, 1905, became connected with Griggs & Co., wholesale grocers, as vice president. Congregationalist. Mason; member K. of P., Modern Woodmen, United Com mercial T-ravelers. Office: 190 East 3rd St. Residence: 308 E. Winifred St., St. Paul. I IBBEBSON, Thomas Edward, elevator builder and general contractor; born at Rochester, Minn., Nov. 1, 1861; son of Abram and Mary A. Ibberson; educated in Rochester public schools. Began at 18 years of age in elevator building and general contracting and has continued in that . line to the present time; has operated under his own name since 1904. Member Masonic order (32°), Shrine, A. O. U. W. Married at Fergus Falls, Minn., Jan. 1, 1885, to Miss Ida M. Holman. Office: Corn Ex change. Residence: 2123 Fremont Av., N., Minneapolis. IBEBG, Gottlieb J., merchant; born in Madison Co., 111., Oct. 17, 1856; son of Rudolph and Elizabeth Iberg; edu cated in public schools of Buffalo Co., Wis.; married in Buffalo Co., 1892, to Miss Emma Boehnstein. Began active career as clerk in general store, at Alma, Wis.; commenced on his own ac count at Groton, S. D., 1882; retired from business at Groton, 1890, and en gaged again in mercantile business at Dake Crystal, Minn., 1892; came to Rochester, 1898, and in 1900 established the general merchandise firm of G. J. Iberg which still continues. Republi can. Methodist. Address: Rochester, Minn. ICKLEB, Louis H., cashier American National Bank, St. Paul; born in St. Paul, Minn., Jan. 25, 1870; son of Peter and Mary (Fisher) Ickler; educated in public and high schools .of St. Paul; married at St. Paul, 1895, to Miss Clara J. Thorson. Began active career as messenger West Side Bank, 1889; was teller Northern Exchange Bank, 1895, assistant cashier, 1897, and cashier, 1898; assisted in organizing American Ex change Bank, 1899, and was cashier until May, 1903, when it was merged into the American National Bank of which he has been cashier and director since time of organization. Also director State Bank of Isanti, Bank of Elbow Dake, Citizens Bank of Morris, Farmers State Bank of Starbuck, First National Bank of Hal- stead, all of Minnesota. Member Ameri can and Minnesota State Bankers' asso ciations. Republican. Presbyterian. Member Modern Samaritans. Clubs: Commercial, West Side. Recreations: Hunting and fishing. Office: Cor. 5th and Cedar Sts. Residence: 643 Chero kee Av., St. Paul. INGBBSOLL, Frederick G., lawyer; born at Irvington, N., Y., Sept. 21, 1855; son of Daniel W. and Harriet (Smith) Ingersoll; graduate Law Department, University of Michigan, degree of LL.B., 1878; married at St. Paul, Minn., 1887, to Miss Mary Phelps. Has been actively engaged in practice of law in St. Paul since 1878. Member American, Minne sota State and St. Paul Bar associa tions (twice president St. Paul Bar As sociation). President and attorney St. Paul Title & Trust Co.; director and attorney Second National Bank of St. Paul, Pioneer Press Printing Co.; vice president, director and attorney T. L. Blood & Co., paint manufacturers; resi dent vice president, American Surety Co., of New York. Republican. Ex- alderman seventh ward and president Common Council, 1881-83. Presbyterian. Mason. Member Zeta Psi fraternity. Clubs: Minnesota, Town and Country, Informal. Recreations: Fishing and golfing. Office: N. Y. Life Bldg. Resi dence: 535 Grand Av., St. Paul. INGRAM, George C, lumber; born at Aberdeen, Scotland, Oct. 16, 1867; son of James and Elizabeth (Leith) Ingram; came to America, June, 1868; educated in public schools of Iowa and at North ern Indiana Normal School, Valparaiso, Ind., graduating, degree of B S., 1889; degree of A.B., same school, 1890. Came to Minnesota, Nov., 1890; was deputy county surveyor, Stearns Co., 1890-91; traveling salesman in Northern Minne sota for D. M. Osborne & Co., agricul tural implements, 1891-94; general man ager Ingram Lumber Co., Sauk Center, since 1894; also secretary North Cen tral Minnesota Lumberman's Associa tion since 1901; president Northwestern Lumberman's Association, 1905, and director, same, 1906-08; director Merch ants National Bank, Sauk Center, 1903- 05. Member Masonic order, Chapter, Commandery, Council, Shrine. Club: Commercial (secretary). Address: Sauk Center, Minn. INGBAM, James, lumber; born at Aberdeen, Scotland, 1859; son of James and Elizabeth (Leith) Ingram; gradu ated from Northern Indiana Normal School, Valparaiso, degree of B.S., 1881. Came to Minnesota, 1870; has been identified with lumber business since 1891; president Nevis Lumber Co., estab- 254 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS lished 1898; vice president Nevis Mer cantile Co. Member Masonic order, Shrine, Knights of Pythias. Married at Ishpeming, Mich., Feb.. 28, 1900, to Miss Helen Martyn. Address: Sauk Center, Minn. INGRAM, Lawrence C, physician; born at Perry, 111., Oct. 5, 1872; son of Luther and Lydia (Brower) Ingram; educated in public schools at Perry, until 1889; public schools, Timewell, 111., until 1892; attended Western Normal School, Bush nell, 111., summer sessions, 1902-05; entered Keokuk Medical College, Keo kuk, la., 1899, graduating, degree of M.D., 1903. Taught school in Pike and Brown counties, 111.; was an attendant at Central Insane Hospital, Jacksonville, 111., 1895; has been engaged in practice at Zumbro Falls, Minn., since July, 1903. Member Christian Church. Member Minnesota State Medical Association, Wabasha County Medical Society. Mar ried at Zumbro Falls, Aug. 23, 1903, to Miss Carrie Malchert of Lake City, Minn. Address: Zumbro Falls, Minn. INGBAM, Samuel, merchant; born at Aberdeen, Scotland, Aug. 5, 1859; son of James and Elizabeth (Leith) Ingram. Came to Iowa at 9 years of age; edu cated in common school, and Eastern Iowa Normal School. Was in employ of D. M. Osborne & Co., Auburn, N. Y., 3 883, resigning as general agent for Iowa, 1891; connected with National Cordage Co., as assistant manager Chi cago office, 1891, resigning to become vice president and general manager of the T. M. Roberts Supply Co., Minne apolis; sold out interest in this business Nov. 1, 1905. Secretary and one of the founders of the Belt Line Transfer and Storage Co., Chicago. President In gram Lumber Co., Sauk Center, Minn. Republican. Mason (32°), Shriner; member B. P. O. E. Married, Chicago, 111., Sept. 21, 1892, Cora I. Campbell. Club: Automobile. Recreations: Fish ing and hunting. Office: 717-721 Nicol let Av. Residence: 2201 Aldrich Av., S., Minneapolis. INGRAM, William Bay, superintend ent St. Paul Union Stock Yards Co.; born at Oak Grove, Neb., May 27, 1878; son of Frank and Frances (Taylor) In gram; educated in public schools of Louisville, Ky. Entered employ of the Louisville & Nashville R. R., at Louis ville, Ky.. 1892, continuing in service of the company at Chicago, 111., and Mobile, Ala., until 1898; was with the Mobile & Ohio R. R., at Montgomery, Ala., as soliciting freight agent, 1898-1901; head of railroad department, Swift & Co., S. St. Paul, 1901-05; general railway agent, St. Paul yards, 1905-06; has been super intendent St. Paul Union Stock Yards Co., since Feb. 1, 1906. Married at E. St. Louis, 111., June 19, 1901, to Miss Mamie Posey. Recreation: Fishing. Office: S. St. Paul, Minn. IBELAND, John, archbishop Roman Catholic Church; born in Ireland, Sept. 11, 1838; came to America with his parents, 1849; educated at Cathedral School, St. Paul, Minn.; studied theology in France; degree of LL.D., Yale Univer sity, 1901. Ordained to the priesthood, Dec. 21, 1861; was chaplain of the 5th Minn. Regt.. in Civil War; rector' Cathe dral, St. Paul; coadjutor to Bishop Grace of St. Paul; consecrated, Dec. 21, 1875; has been archbishop of St. Paul since May, 1888. Author: The Church and Modern Society. Address: St. Paul. IBELAND, Leroy Freeman, gas fix tures and plumbing; born at La Porte, Ind., Sept. 27, 1878; son of A. P. arid Eliza (Elston) Ireland; educated in graded schools of La Porte and Minne apolis, Minn., and business college; married at Minneapolis, June, 1905, to Myrta Holliday. President Ireland- Simmons Co. Club: Commercial. Office: 518 2nd Av. S. Residence: 11 Spruce Place, Minneapolis. IRISH, Loomis F., capitalist; born at Ripley, N. Y., Jan. 15, 1856; educated in common schools. Began in banking business, 1882; owner of the Bank of Pine Island, Goodhue Co.; also proprie tor of the Pine Island Roller Mills, the Peoples' opera house, brick yards and electric light plant. Address: Pine Is land, Minn. IRISH, Palmer H., physician; born in Westford, Vt, March 9, 1877; educated in the University of Minnesota, graduat ing from the medical department of the university, June 7, 1900. Began practice of medicine at Akeley, and is now coroner of Hubbard Co. Mason (32°). Unmarried. Address: Okeley, Minn. ISAACSON, August A., banking; born in the State of Wis., Oct. 5, 1867; son of Andrew and Mary (Jertson) Isaacson; educated in country schools of Wiscon sin; married at Stony Run, Minn., June 26. 1892, to Miss Rose M. Wilson. Raised on farm; came to Minnesota and entered general merchandise business at Hazel Run, as member of firm of Isaacson Bros., 1888; began in banking business, 1905, by buying controlling interest in Hazel Run State Bank of which he is cashier and director. Re publican. Lutheran. Address: Hazel Run, Minn. IVABSON, Henning, merchant ; born in Elfsborg's Lan, Sweden, April 25, 1878; son of S. P. and Clara (Larson) Ivor; educated in public schools in Sweden and Minnesota to 1897, and School of Commerce, Gustavus Adolphus College, St. Peter, Minn., 1898-99. Was book keeper and general manager for A. D. Eckland, June, 1899-1902; member of firm of Eckland & Ivarson, 1902-03; now president and general manager of H. Ivarson Co., incorporated Jan., 1904, for the purpose of carrying on a general department store business. Lutheran. THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 255 Clubs: Commercial (Carlton), Commer cial (Duluth). Address: Carlton, Minn. IVERSON, Samuel Gilbert, State audi tor; born at Rushford, Minn., April 21, 1859; son of John and Gunhild (Gunder- son) Iverson; educated in common and high schools at Rushford, Minn., Shat tuck School, Faribault, Minn., graduat ing from College of Daw, University of Minnesota, LL.B., 1893; married at Rushford, Minn., April 24, 1900, to Mrs. Calisto B. Retel. Began work as clerk in store, 1876; in February, 1881, was appointed postmaster of Rushford, Minn., by President Hayes, continuing until Oct. 1, 1886; elected to Minnesota Legislature Nov., 1886; appointed May 1887, auditor's accountant in state audi tor's office; became deputy state treas urer, Jan., 1891, deputy state auditor Jan., 1895; elected state auditor, Nov., 1902, and reelected, 1906. Served six years in M. N. G., and was 1st lieut. Co. C, 1st Inf., when he resigned in 1892. Republican. Episcopalian. Mason; mem ber I. O. O. F., M. W. A., Modern Samaritans, Sons of Norway. Clubs: Commercial, Norden. Office: State Capi tol, St. Paul. Residence: Rushford, Minn. IVES, Gideon Sprague, lawyer; born at Dickinson, N. Y„ Jan. 19, 1846; son of Warren and Louisa B. (Ladd) Ives; graduate Law Department, University of Michigan, LL.B., 1871; married, 1878, to Mary E., daughter of ex-Governor Henry A. Swift. Enlisted in Union Army in 1864, and served in 15th N. Y. Vols., until close of war. Admitted to bar, April 1871, and has since engaged in practice in Minnesota. Major 2nd Regt, M. N. G., about 8 years; depart ment commander, Minnesota G. A. R., 1901; county attorney Nicollet County, Minn., 1874-78; State senator, 1886-91; lieut governor, 1891-02. Grand Master of Masons, Minnesota, 1901-02; Grand Master Independent Order of Odd Fel lows, 1881. Member of commission to draft a code of tax laws for the State of Minnesota, 1901-02. Office: New York Life Bldg. Residence: 625 Mar shall Av., St. Paul. JACKSON, Alfred, resident engineer Great Northern Ry. ; born Cork, Ireland, July 30, 1859; son of R. Harvey and Anna (Carroll) Jackson; educated at Middletown College, County Cork, Ire land; at Lindow Grove School, Cheshire, England, and Queen's College, Cork. Has been engaged consecutively in rail way service as follows: Chalnman, rod- man, leveler, assistant engineer on con struction Manitoba & Northwestern Ry. of Canada, 1883-87; leveler on prelimi nary surveys and assistant engineer on maintenance of way, Minneapolis, Sault Ste Marie & Atlantic Ry., 1887-89; as sistant engineer Great Northern Ry., 1889-95; roadmaster Cascade division, same road, 1895-98; resident engineer Spokane Falls & Northern Ry. (Great Northern System), 1898-99; assistant engineer Great Northern Ry., 1899-1903; resident engineer same road since 1903. Member St. Paul Society of Civil Engi neers and American Ry. Engineering and Maintenance of Way Assn. Office: Great Northern Bldg. Residence: 647 Lincoln Av., St, Paul. JACKSON, Anson Blake, lawyer; born at Brooklyn, N. Y., Feb. 17, 1850; son of William B. and Elizabeth (Blake) Jack son; attended Hobart College, Geneva, N. Y., graduating, 1870, B.A. and M.A, and Columbia Law School, New York City, graduating LL.B., 1873. Began practice of law, 1873, and engaged in practice in New York City, 1873-79; was counsel for Bond Holders Committee, Kansas Pacific Ry., Kansas City, Mo„ 1878; removed to Minneapolis, 1879, and has since that time been engaged in practice of law. Republican. Married, at Minneapolis, 1881, to Miss Eugenia C. Adams. Clubs: Minneapolis, La fayette, Minikahda, Alpha Delta Fhi (New York), and Phi Beta Kappa. Recreations: Hunting, fishing and golf. Office: New York Life Bldg. Resi dence: 1623 3rd Av., S., Minneapolis. JACKSON, Horace Clinton, bank cashier; born on farm near New Hamp ton, la., July 22, 1882; son of Jerry T. and Ruth H. (Stubbins) Jackson; edu cated in country school, New Hamp ton High School and Charles City Col lege, Charles City, la.; married. En gaged in farming until June 15, 1900; was second assistant cashier and man ager real estate department, Citizens Bank, Britt, la., June 15, 1900, to July 1, 1906; has been cashier First State Bank, Le Sueur Center, Minn., since July 11, 1906. Recreations: Riding, driving, fishing, lawn tenriis. Address: Le Sueur Center, Minn. JACKSON, John Norris, merchant; born at New York City, April 21, 1865; son of John W. and Lucy (Norris) Jackson; educated in public schools of New York City, Dr. Chapin's School for Boys, New York City, and Hopkins Grammar School, New Haven, Conn.; married at St. Paul, Minn., Oct. 18, 1888, to Alice M. Dean. Began business career as office boy in St. Paul National Bank, 1883; became note teller Merch ant's National Bank, 1885; entered em ploy of Chicago, Burlington and North ern Ry., 1887, became general agent of the road and resigned to become adver tising manager Pioneer Press, 1892. Has been a member of the firm of Dampher, Skinner & Co., jobbers in hats, caps, etc., since 1902. Republican. Clubs: Minnesota, Town and Country. Office: 174-184 E. 4th St. Residence: 520 Grand Av., St. Paul. 256 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS JACKSON, Joseph Ansgar, lawyer; born at Carver, Minn., July 17, 1868; son of Rev. ' Andrew and Christine (Sampson) Jackson; graduate Gustavus Adolphus College, St. Peter, Minn., A.B., class of 1890, and University of Minnesota, Department of Daw, LL.B., 1893; married at St. Paul, Minn., Aug. 8, 1900, to Anna C. Lund. Represented the 33rd District in Minnesota Legis lature, sessions of 1899 and 1901 and ex tra session of 1902. Began practice of law 1893. Vice consul for Sweden since March 1, 1906. Office: New York Life Bldg. Residence: 691 E. Jessamine St., St. Paul. JACKSON, Boy H., lumber; born at Eyota, Minn., June 5, 1876; son of Orlo H. and Harriet (Horton) Jackson; edu cated in public schools of Lake Benton, Minn.; married at Winona, Minn., June 5. 1900, to Miss May Clark. Began in lumber business at Winona, 1896, and has been secretary of the Standard Lum ber Co., since Jan. 21, 1903. Republican. Club: Arlington. Mason. Recreation: Golf. Address: Winona, Minn. JACXSON, William L., city assessor, Duluth; born in Norfolk Co., Canada, Jan. 1, 1852; son of Joseph and Me- linda (Dowling) Jackson; educated in common and high scnools, Norfolk Co. Was raised in lumber business and be gan active career with his father, oper ating in Canada and Michigan; engaged in lumber trade at Tonawanda, N. Y., 1872-84; came to Duluth in 1884 and was identified with dry goods busi ness for 18 months; became interested on own account in real ejtate, which business still continues; has been city assessor of Duluth since Sept., 1904. Democrat. Presbyterian. Member B. P. O. E., Y. M. C. A. Married, 1st, at Ton awanda, Oct. 1, 1879, to Matie Booth (now deceased) ; 2nd, at Port Rowan, Ont., Oct. 19, 1892, to Miss Mary Fran cis. Club: Commercial. Office: City Hall. Residence: 1940 Minnesota Av., Duluth. JACOBI, Myer, proprietor The Golden Rule Clothing Store; born near Heidel berg, Germany, Sept. 15, 1844; son of Jacob and Regina (Gerson) Jacobi; came to America, 1858, and was educated in public schools of Illinois; married at Cincinnati, O., March 3, 1875, to Miss Henrietta Rosenfeld. Entered clothing business at Abington, 111., 1861, later continuing in the business at Galesburg, 111., as A. & M. Jacobi; was connected with Rosenfeld, Kauffman & Co., cloth ing -manufacturers, Cincinnati, O., for 10 years; came to Winona, 1883, and founded The Golden Rule Clothing Store, owned by M. Jacobi ¦& Son, of which he is the senior member. Independent in politics. Member Reformed Jewish Church. Mason (32°), Shriner. Member Board of Trade. Club: Arlington. Ad dress: Winona, Minn. JACOBSON, Tollef, banker; born in Boone Co., Ia., May 28, 1869; son of G. A. and Aase (Olson) Jacobson; has been a resident of Minnesota since 1874; educated in the common schools. Began in mortgage business, 1893, and later entered banking. President Northwest ern Mortgage Security Co., Fargo, N. D. ; Farmers' National Bank, Alexan dria, Minn.; Evansville State Bank, Evansville, Minn. Vice president Bran don (Minn.) State Bank, Bank of Dow ry, Dowry, Minn, Le Roy Hardware Co., Alexandria, Minn.; also member Tollef Jacobson & Co., investment bankers, Al exandria. Village president and mem ber board of education. Address: Alex andria, Minn. JAEGEB, Luth, banking; born in Nor way, Aug. 4, 1851; educated in classical school and at the University of Nor way. Came to the United States in 1871, stopping at Madison, and La Crosse, Wis., and Chicago, Ills., and lo cating in Minneapolis, 1877; was bank clerk, editor weekly newspaper, deputy collector internal revenue, real estate dealer, and became receiver of Scandia Bank of Minneapolis; cashier of Farm ers and Merchants' Bank, Hunter, N. D., and has been cashier of the Union State Bank, Minneapolis, since Dec. 21, 1905. Ex-member board of education, Minne apolis. Democrat. Unitarian. Married at Minneapolis, 1883, to Nanny Mattson. Office: 100 Washington Av., S. Resi dence: 2918 Chicago Av., Minneapolis. JAEHNIG, Bruno, physician; health officer; born in Saxony, Germany, Feb. 19, 1841; son of Maurice and Amelia (Jehmlich) Jaehnig; came to America with parents, 1860, and located at She boygan, Wis.; studied medicine in Med ical Department, University of Michi gan, graduating, degree of M.D., 1865. Entered military service, of the govern ment, 1865, as acting assistant surgeon, Department of the South; located at Ontonagon, Mich., after the war, and later was surgeon at mines, Kewenaw Point, Mich., for 3 years; has been en gaged in practice at Red Wing since . 1869. Physician at State Training School since 1892, and health officer Red Wing, since 1898. Member Goodhue County Medical Society, Minnesota State Medical Association. Independent in politics. Address: Red Wing, Minn. JAFFBAY, Clive Talbot, banker; born at Berlin, Ont., Can., July 1, 1865; son of W. and Agnes S. Jaffray; educated in High School, Berlin. Has been en gaged in banking business since begin ning of active career, at Waterloo, Ont, in Oct., 1881; vice president The First National Bank, Minneapolis; also direc tor First National Bank, Sleepy Eye, Minn., and Northwestern National Dife Insurance Co., Minneapolis. Clubs: Min neapolis, Minikahda. Office: The First National Bank. Residence: 1616 Mt Curve Av., Minneapolis. THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 257 JAGGABD, Edwin Ames, jurist; born at Altoona, Pa., June 21, 1859; son of Clement and Annie Jane (Wright) Jag- gard; graduate Dickinson College, Pa., A.B., 3 879, A.M., 1882, University of Pennsylvania, DD.B., 1882, LL.D., 1904; married at St. Paul, Minn., Dec. 15, 1890, to Anna Averill, daughter of Gen-' eral John T. Averill. Began practice of law in St. Paul, 1882; elected judge, 2nd Judicial District, Minn., 1898; elected justice Supreme Court of Min nesota, 1904, which position he now holds. Member Faculty of Law, Univer sity of Minnesota, since 1893. One of the founders of the Northwest Alumni Association of the University of Penn sylvania. Member Phi Beta Kappa, Beta Theta Pi and Delta Chi fraternities, Minnesota Society of Colonial Wars (ex- chancellor). Author: Jaggard on Torts; Jaggard on Taxation; also addresses and written articles upon important le gal subjects. Clubs: Minnesota, Town and Country. Recreations: Travel and fishing. Office: State Capitol. Resi dence: 302 So. Exchange St., St. Paul. JAMBS, Franklin S., dentist; born at Hudson, Mich., Aug. 7, 1870; son of William D. and Harriet D. (Perkins) James; educated at State Normal School, Fayette, O.; College of Dental Surgery, University of Michigan, graduating, de gree of D.D.S., 1893. Married at Aus tin, Minn., 1899, to Mary D. Browne. Has been in practice at Winona since 1894. President State Board of Dental Examiners, under appointment by Gov. Van Sant and reappointment by Gov. Johnson. Member Southern Minnesota and State Dental associations. Repub lican. Congregationalist. Member Ma sonic order, Knights of Pythias. Club: Arlington. Recreation: Hunting. Ad dress: Winona, Minn. JAMES, George Francis, educator; born at Normal, 111., Aug. 18, 1867; son of Colin Dew and Amanda (Casad) James; educated in public schools of Evanston, 111.; Northwestern Academy, 1875-82; Northwestern University, 1882- 85; University of Michigan, graduating, degree of B.A., 1886; degree of M.A., same university, 1887; University of Halle, Germany, degree of Ph.D., 1894; engaged in special studies in history of education and school systems, in France, Germany and Italy, for three years. Married at Chicago, 111., Aug. 10, 1899, to Miss Pauline Ten Eyck Sholes. Dean of the college of educa tion, University of Minnesota, since 1905. Was secretary University Exten sion Society, Philadelphia, 1891-03; sec retary Chicago Educational Commission, 1898-99. Member Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Kappa Psi fraternities. Author: Hand Book of University Extension. Editor: Proceedings of 1st National Conference on University Extension, Report of Chi cago Educational Commission, Unveil ing of Logan Monument. Office: Uni versity of Minnesota. Residence: 308 18th Av., S. E., Minneapolis. JAMES, Howard, railway and steam ship official; born, Williamsburgh, Mass., Aug. 12, 1862; son of Lyman D. and Helen E. (Field) James; educated at Williston Seminary and Williams Col lege, graduating, 1882; married, Sagi naw, Mich., Dec. 16, 1897, Sophia M. Ayres. Entered service with the Great Northern Railway Co., 1882, and has re mained continuously with that company and its branches as follows: clerk gen eral freight department, St. Paul, Min neapolis & Manitoba Ry., 1882-86; secre tary to general manager, 1886-88; treas urer and purchasing agent Eastern Rail way of Minnesota, 1888-89; superintend ent Northern Division St. Paul, Minne apolis and Manitoba Ry., and Great Northern Ry., at Barnesville, Minn., 1839-92; superintendent Minneapolis Union Ry., 1892-95; purchasing agent Northern Steamship Co., 1895-99; pur chasing agent Great Northern Ry., 1899- 1905; director purchases same road. Vice president and general manager Great Northern Steamship Co., since Aug., 1905, and president Northern Steamship Co., since Sept., 1902. Recre ation: Automobiling. Clubs: Minnesota, Town and Country, White Bear Yacht. Office: Great Northern Bldg. Residence: Hotel Aberdeen, St. Paul. JAMES, John Charles, merchant; born in Blue Earth Co., Minn., May 27, 1869; son -of John J. and Hannah (Meredith) James; attended Normal School from age of 17 to 21. Taught school for about 10 yearls, at the same time farm ing and acting as town clerk; mana ger of creamery; entered hardware and furniture business, 1901, and is member of firm of James Brothers; director Dake Crystal Milling Co. Republican. Prot estant. Member Masonic order, O. E. S., Knights of Pythias, A. O. U. W. Mar ried at Lake Crystal, 1903, to Miss Bar bara Bulkley. Address: Lake Crystal, Minn. JAMES, John Henry, physician; born at Greenwich, N. Y., Feb. 28, 1846; son of Joseph and Roxanna C. (Brownell) James; educated in common schools, Cambridge, N. Y.; Greenwich Academy; Medical Department, University of New York City, graduating, degree of M.D., Feb., 1875; interne Blackwell's Island (N. Y.) Insane Asylum, 1875-76; as sistant physician State Insane Hospital, St. Peter, Minn., 1876-91; specialist, eye, ear, throat and nose, since Sept., 1891. President Mankato City Telephone Co., 1900-06. Republican. Presbyterian. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associations, Minnesota Valley and Blue Earth County Medical socie ties. Mason. Married, 1st, at West Brookfield, Mass., 1879, to Hattie N. White (now deceased); 2nd, at Denver, Colo., Sept. 18, 1895, to Florence White. 258 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS Club: Social Science. Address: Man kato, Minn. JAMES, Balph Chamberlain, physician and surgeon; born at St. Peter, Minn., March 6, 1881; son of Dr. J. H. James and Hattie N. (White) James; edu cated in public schools, St. Peter; State Normal School, Mankato; public school Mankato; graduated from Pillsbury Academy, 1900; one year at Carleton College; 4 years at University of Min nesota, graduating, degree of M.D., June, 1905. Unmarried. House surgeon at Rood Hospital. Corporal hospital corps, 2nd Regt, M. N. G. Member St. Louis County Medical Society, Minnesota State and American Medical associations. Member Phi Beta Pi fraternity. Ad dress: Hibbing, Minn. JAMES, William M., merchant and publisher; born in Ontario, Canada, 1858; son of Robert and Lorena (Markle) James; educated in public and high schools of Ontario and at the Col legiate Institute, St. Thomas, Ont. After leaving school followed .teaching until 1887; was member of the" firm of Cham pion & James, grocers, 1887-89; in drug and stationery business, 1893-1900; en gaged in jewelry business at Brecken ridge from 1895 to the present time. Publisher and owner of The Telegram, a weekly newspaper, since its start in 1892. Republican. Methodist. Member Masonic order, Knights of Pythias, A. O. U. W., Modern Woodmen of America and O. E. S. Married in Ontario, 1886, to Miss Maggie Harvey. Address: Breckenridge, Minn. JAMESON, S. Robert N., agency direc tor; born at Brookville, Can., March 16, 1874; son of M. Harry W. and Sarah (Blane) Jameson; e.ducated St. Mary's School, public school and high school, all of St. Paul, Minn. Was connected with Beaupre, Keogh & Davis, wholesale grocers, St. Paul, 1890-93; was with Koehler & Hinrichs, wholesale import ers, 1893-98; employed by Swift & Co., packers, St. Paul, 1898-1902; entered service of M. F. Kerwin Paper Co., Jan. 1, 1902, and on April 15, of the same year, was appointed agency director New York Life Insurance Co. Married at St. Paul, June 27, 1900, to Alice Murphy. Club: Commercial. Office: New York Life Bldg. Residence: 1908 5th Av., S., Minneapolis. JAMISON, Robert, lawyer; born at Red Wing, Minn., Sept. 4, 1858; son of Alexander and Mary (Roberts) Jamison; educated in public schools, graduating from the Red Wing High School, 1877; three years at University of Minnesota; read law in office of Judge John M. Shaw, Minneapolis, and was admitted to the bar, 1883. Married at Minneapolis, Aug. 16, 1883, to Miss Adaline L. Camp. Entered upon practice of law in Minne apolis; assistant county attorney of Hennepin Co., 1885; elected county at torney, 1888; appointed to fill vacancy on bench of 4th district and elected for term of 6 years, 1894. Member Masonic order, B. P. O. E., Chi Psi fraternity. Club: Commercial. Recreation: Fish ing. Office: Loan Trust Bldg. ResiT dence: 316 10th Av., S. E., Minneapolis. JANDA, Louis, boots and shoes; born in Austria, Jan. 15, 1858; son of Albert and Mary (Broschko) Janda; educated in public schools of Austria; married at Mankato, Minn., 1884, to Miss Mary Lamm. Came to Minnesota, 1874, and began in sale of boots and shoes in Marshall, 1884; removed to Mankato, 1S86, and has continued in same line of business since. Director National Bank of Commerce. Republican. Roman Catholic. Member B. P. O. E. Club: Commercial. Address: Mankato, Minn. JANNEY, Thomas B., president Jan ney, Semple, Hill & Co., wholesale hard ware; born at Shanesville, O., Oct. 5, lf-38; son of Phineas M. and Frances (Smith) Janney; educated in common schools of Iowa and academy in Henry, 111.; married at Minneapolis, to Miss Mary Wheaton. Parents moved from Shanesville to Van Buren Co., Ia., 1839, and to Henry, 111., 1851; began busi ness career as clerk in general store, continuing until 1862; was at Nash ville, Tenn., 1862-66; came to Minne apolis and in July, 1866, entered hard ware business in company with his brothers; bought hardware stock of Gov. Pillsbury, 1875, the Arm becoming Janney, Brooks & Eastman (Mr. East man retired, 1883, and Mr. Brooks died shortly thereafter). In January, 18S4, Frank B. Semple became a member of the Arm and the Arm name was changed to Janney, Semple & Co.; Horace M. Hill was admitted later, and in 1898 the corporation of Janney, Semple, Hill & Co. was formed, of which has ever since been president and treasurer. Also director Northwestern National Bank, Farmers and Mechanics' Savings Bank. Independent Democrat. Presbyterian. Clubs: Minneapolis, Commercial, Mini kahda, Lafayette. Recreations: Auto mobiling, fishing and boating. Office: 20-36 S. 2nd St. Residence: 340 Oak Grove St., Minneapolis. JANZEN, Abraham, lumber; born near Elbing, Prussia, -May 2, 1862. Came to America in 1884, locating at Mountain Lake, Minn., where he has since re sided. Began business career as clerk in general store at Mountain Lake; in 1891 was one of the organizers of the retail lumber firm of Goertz and Janzen, of which he is manager. Has held offices of village recorder and clerk of the board of education. Married at Mountain Lake, April 14, 1889, to Miss Magaretha Nickel. Address: Mountain Lake, Minn. JAQUES, Alfred, lawyer; born at Gen eseo, Henry Co., 111., Feb. 9, 1857; son THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS 259 of William Cowpen and Elizabeth Ann (Beers) Jaques; educated in public schools in Geneseo and at select school of Prof. S. H. Waldo. Began practice of law in 1882; member of the law firm of Jaques & Hudson. Director, secretary and treasurer of the New Du luth Co. lands. Director Duluth Bar Library Association. Was special judge of the municipal court of the city of Duluth, from March, 1887, to March, 1889. Democrat. Unitarian. Married at Geneseo, 111., April 15, 1885, to Miss Mary Josephine Shaw. Club: Commer cial. Office: Lonsdale Bldg. Residence: 1205 E. 3rd St., Duluth. JEFFEBSON, Bufus C, lumberman; born at Gainesville, N. Y., April 24, 1843; son of Cyrus and Eunice (Conable) Jefferson; educated in public schools of Gainesville, Warsaw and Buffalo, N. Y. ; married at Woodstock, 111., 1868, to Genevieve C. Church. Engaged in the lumber business since 1867; since 1881 in firm of Jefferson & Kasson. Is also in farm loan business, banks and trust companies. Served in 1st New York Dragoons for three years in Civil War. Democrat. Presbyterian. Office: Nat'l G. A. Bank Bldg. Residence: 276 Sum mit Av., St. Paul. JENCXES, Herbert Duane, physician; born at Dansville, N. Y., Aug. 1, 1850; son of Rev. H. D. and Maria (Larish) Jenckes; educated in public schools of Wisconsin and at University of Illinois, degree of M.D., 1884. Physician to the LT. S. Indian Training , School, located near Pipestone; secretary board of pen sion examiners. Probate Judge, Pipe stone Co., 3 888-89. Presbyterian. Mem ber Murray County Medical Club, South western Minnesota Medical Society and Minnesota State Medical Association. Mason; member I. O. O. F. Married, in 1883, to Anna Matthews. Address: Pipe stone, Minn. JENKINS, Herbert L., real estate; born at Boston, Mass., June 22, 1858; son of Charles T. and Josephine (Strong) Jenkins; educated in public and high schools of Boston. Began act ive career in employ of Belding Broth ers & Co., silk manufacturers, continu ing for 9 years; came to St. Paul, 1883, and was connected for 6 years with Strong, Hackett & Co., wholesale hard ware; was in wholesale paint business in Tacoma, Wash., for 7 years, when he returned to St. Paul and became as sistant credit man for Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Co., with which he continued until 1900. Has been engaged in real estate business and care of properties, under title of Frye & Jenkins, since 1900. Republican. Episcopalian. Mem ber Knights of the Maccabees. Married at St. Paul, 1900, to Miss Jessie Strong. Club: Commercial. Office: Globe Bldg. Residence: 852 Osceola Av., St. Paul. JENKINS, William S., abstracts of title and title insurance; born in Hen nepin Co., Minn., June 24, 1860; son of Sylvanus and Eunice K. (Whitney) Jen kins; attended common schools of Farmington, Minn., 1889,- and Curtis Business College, Minneapolis; married, at New Richmond, Wis., 1887, to Dilian G. Smith. First employment was as levelman, in engineering corps Northern Pacific Ry., 1882; became abstract clerk for Merrill & Alber and Bryant & Le land, both of Minneapolis, 18S3-88; pur chased business of Bryant & Leland and commenced for self; sold to Minnesota Title Insurance and Trust Co., 1890, and since that time has been secretary, treasurer and superintendent of titles for the company. Served five years in M. N. G. Republican. Club: Com mercial. Recreations: Chess and whist. Office: Oneida Blk. Residence: 2653 Portland Av., Minneapolis. JENKS, James E., lawyer; born at Clearwater, Minn., Aug. 9, 1871; son of James and Sarah E. (Moyes) Jenks; educated in common schools of Clear water, 1877-87; state normal school, 1887-90, graduating, 1890; Carleton Col lege, Northfield, Minn., 1891-94; Colum bian University, Washington, D. C, 1896-97, graduating, LL.B., 1897. Lived upon a farm until 1887; taught school, 1890-91 and 1894-95; was clerk and col lector 'for McCormick H. M. Co. during vacations; admitted to Minnesota bar, 1898; engaged in general practice of law as junior member of firm of Taylor & Jenks, March 15, 1898, to Nov. 1, 1906, at which time the senior member, M. D. Taylor, was elected judge district court; since Nov. 1, 1906, has practiced alone. Appointed member State Board of Examiners in Law, 1901, and re appointed, 1904; secretary St. Cloud Charter Commission. Member American Academy of Political and Social Science; member Phi Delta Phi fraternity. Mar ried at Austin, Minn., June 13, 1900, Miss Marion Rollins Shaw. Club: Com mercial. Address: St. Cloud, Minn. JENNE, Charles W., life insurance; born at Elgin, 111., July 3, 1858; son of Otis B. and Hannah A. (McClure) Jenne; educated at Elgin (111.) Acad emy. Born and raised on a farm and remained there until 24 years of age, traveled one year for the Mystic Rub ber Co., of Boston, Mass.; entered in surance business at Elgin; 111., 1886; connected consecutively with the Mas sachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co., Michigan Mutual Life Ins. Co., and Bankers' Life Insurance Co., locating in Minneapolis, 1900; has been 2nd vice president of The Surety Fund Life Co., since Jan., 1906. Republican. Congre gationalist. Married at La Crosse, Wis , Feb. 3 2, 1885, Miss Agnes A. Dickinson. Recreation: Hunting. Office: Andrus Bldg. Residence: 1917 Irving Av., S., Minneapolis. JENNISON, Willis J., grain commis sion; native of Burlington, Vt; public 260 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS school education. Married in Vermont to Miss Florence J. Beecher. Came to Minnesota, 1874, and engaged in mer chant milling at Waseca; has been a resident of Minneapolis since 1891. Member of grain commission firm of Gregory, Jennison & Co. Also president Powers Elevator Co., Duluth, and Uni versal Mill Co. (Duluth), W. J. Jennison Co. (Appleton), and Jennison Bros. Co., of Janesville, Minn. Member Minneap olis Chamber of Commerce, Duluth Board of Trade. Member Masonic or der. Club: Commercial. Recreations: Automobiling and yachting. Office: Chamber of Commerce. Residence: 2546 Portland Av., Minneapolis. JENSEN, James C, physician; born at Spring Grove, Minn., July 6, 1876; son of Dr. T. Jensen; educated at Luth er College, Decorah, la., graduating, de gree of A.B., 1899; College of Medicine and Surgery, University of Minnesota, graduating, degree of M.D., 1903. Has been engaged in practice of medicine at Hendricks, Minn., since 1903. Address: Hendricks, Minn. JENSEN, Mathias, clerk of District Court Ramsey Co.; born in St. Paul, Minn., April 1, 1865; son of Soren and Mary (Ellinsen) Jensen; educated in public schools of St. Paul and at St. Olof College, Northfield, Minn. Began active career as clerk in Comnick & Got- zian's dry goods store; was employed by commissioner of immigration in writ ing immigration letters to Norway, Swe den and Denmark; clerk in office of State treasurer, continuing through va rious administrations for 12 years, elected city clerk of St. Paul, June, 1895, and continued in the position until 1903; county commissioner Ramsey Co., 1905-07; elected clerk District Court, Nov., 1906. Republican. Member Nor wegian Lutheran Church. Married at St. Paul, Dec. 11, 1890, to Miss Daura Ellinsen. Recreations: All outdoor ath letic sports. Office: Court House. -Resi dence: 1269 Como Blvd., St. Paul. JEPSON, Frank Newton, manufactur er; born at Cannon City, Minn., June 12. 1867; son of John amd Lydia F. (Sherpy) Jepson; educated in high school and business college, Minneapo lis, and at Carleton College, Northfield, Minn. Was raised on a farm and en gaged in farming until 27 years of age; engaged in grocery and general mer chandise business, at Faribault, Minn., for 6 years; sold out and came to Min neapolis, 1901, and associated with brothers who were engaged in manu facturing artificial limbs as The Wink- ley Artificial Limb Co. Member Board of Education, Faribault, 1900-1901. Re publican. Congregationalist. Member A. O. U. W. Married at Cannon City, Minn., Oct. 9, 1889, to Miss May Belle Walrod. Recreations: Fishing and boating. Office: 1226-1230 Wash. Av., N. Residence: 1510 Fremont Av., Min neapolis. JEPSON, Lowell Ellsworth, manufac turer; born at Faribault, Minn., Oct. 19, 1863; son of John Jepson; graduated at Carleton College, Northfield, Minn., degree of B.S., 1887, and took M.A. de gree, 1897; married at Clearwater, Minn., 1889, to Ada Whiting. Came to Minneapolis in 1887. President The Winkley Artificial Limb Company; rep resented the 8th district of Minnesota as State senator for 8 years. Congre gationalist. Club: Commercial. Office: 1330 Washington Av., N. Residence: 1327 Emerson Av., N., Minneapolis. JEWELL, William Wallace, pharma cist; born at Montrose, Wis., Aug. 16, 1847; son of Moses and Martha (Cul ver) Jewell; educated in the public schools of Price Island, Minn., and at Northwestern College, Wasioja, until 1867. Entered business career, in gen eral store of H. F. Williamson, Pine Island, 1867, continuing until 1874; has been engaged in retail sale of drugs, groceries, notions and fancy goods un der his own name since 1874. Member United States, Minnesota State and Goodhue County Pharmaceutical asso ciations. Republican. Member Masonic order since 1868, formerly W. M. and now treasurer of lodge. Married at Price Island, 1874, to Miss Isabel Haaze. Address: Pine Island, Minn. JEWETT, Arthur Boberts, rubber; born at Cedar Falls, Wis., Jan. 15, 1876; son of Frank W. and Georgia M. (Rob erts) Jewett; married, Oct. 8, 1902, to Miss Florence M. Hammond. Treasurer Plant Rubber Company. Member the Masonic order. . Club: CommerciaL Office: 322 First Av., N. Residence: 1525 Clinton Av., Minneapolis. JOHNS, Daniel B., hardware, bank ing; born at Louisa, Ky., March 20, 1853; son of Daniel W. and Anna (At kins) Johns; educated in Hutchinson (Minn.) High School. Engaged in retail lumber and hardware business at Gro ton, S. Dak., 1882; in hardware busi ness at Litchfield, Minn., 1887-89, re turning to Groton, May, 1889; president Brown County Banking Co., 1889 to Nov., 1896; located in Spring Valley, Wis., 1896, and established hardware firm of Fuss, Armstrong, Johns & Co.; has been engaged in hardware business in Red Wing since May, 1905; vice president Bank of Spring Valley, etc. Postmaster Groton, 1885-87, mayor, 1891-95. Mason; member I. O. O. F, A. O. U. W. Married at Litchfield, Minn., May 30, 1883, to Miss Jessie M. Warren. Club: Commercial. Address: Red Wing, Minn. JOHNS, Horace F., manufacturer; born at Lewistown, Pa., April 8, 1855; son of Martin and Mary A. (Frantz) Johns; came to Minnesota with par ents, 1857; educated in schools of Lake THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 261 City until 1870; graduate Eastman Business College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., 1876. Began active career at 15 years of age in charge of office of Doughty & Neal, Lake City, Minn., manufac turer of plows and wagons, continuing until Nov., 1878, when he became a member of the firm, the title being changed to Neal, Johns & Co. City re corder of Lake City, 1882-84 and 1890- 94; alderman 1st Ward, 1895-1900. Member Masonic order. Married at Lake City, Oct. IS, 1884, to Miss Carrie S. Matthews. Address: Lake City, Minn. JOHNSON, Albert G., proprietor The Johnson Furniture Co., St. Paul. Has been a resident of St. Paul since 1863, and has been in furniture business since 1887; organized The Johnson Furniture Co., 1896, of which is proprietor. Club: CommerciaL Office: 419 Jackson St. Residence: 657 Lincoln Av., St. Paul. JOHNSON, Albert N., lumber, bank ing; born at Norwich, Vt., July 25, 1844; son of Daniel and Sophia (Howes) Johnson; educated in public schools and at academy. Came to Benson, Minn., 1875, and engaged in mercantile and luriiber business until 1902; became identified with Swift County Bank, 1886; organized Frisco Lumber Co., 1905, in company with H. W. Stone and the Clarke-Boise Lumber Co. President Swift County Bank, Benson, Minn., and Frisco Lumber Co., Bokhoma, Ind. Ter. Representative Minnesota Legislature, 1888; first president village of Benson, and holds same office at present time. Republican. Congregationalist. Married to Miss Maria M. Stone. Address: Ben son, Minn. JOHNSON, Alex. C, general agent; born in Crawford Co., Pa., May 20, 1861; son of Abraham C. and' Clara M. (Sig- ler) Johnson; educated in high school, academy, business college, and gradu ated in law. Married at Meadville, Pa., 1882, to Miss Ida R. Devore. Entered grain business and was auditor elevator company, 1887-93; special agent Chi cago & Northwestern Ry. Co., 1893-99, and general agent same company, for Minnesota and N. and S. Dak., with headquarters at Winona, since 1900. Republican. Was chairman State Re publican Committee, S. Dak., delegate to National Republican Convention, 1902. Scottish Rite Mason (32°), Shrin er; member B. P. O. E., U. C. T. of A., Modern Woodmen of America. Club: Arlington. Address: Winona, Minn. JOHNSON, Alfred, stone cutting; born in Sweden, Oct. 31, 1868; son of John and Mary C. Johnson; educated in public schools of Sweden and in pri vate schools in U. S. Began to learn stone cutter's trade in Sweden, 1883; came to America, 1889, and located in Minnesota; manager St. Cloud City Granite Co. Served 2 years in Swedish Army, 16 to 18 years of age. Repub lican. Lutheran. Member A. O. U. W. Married. Address: St. Cloud, Minn. JOHNSON, Andrew E., banker; born near Christiania, Norway, Dec" 7, 1836; son of Eric and Carrie Johnson; edu cated in schools of Norway, Iowa and Wisconsin. Came to America when a boy and to St. Paul, 1862; engaged in wholesale boot and shoe business, St. Paul, 15 years; moved to Minneapolis, 1896, and since fall of 1905 has been president of the Union State Bank. Vice president A. E. Johnson Co., gen eral passenger and steamship agents. Office: 100 Washington St., S. Resi dence: Berkeley Hotel, Minneapolis. JOHNSON, Andrew G., life insur ance; born in Ljungby, Sweden, Dec. 25, 1857; son of J. and Anna (Ander son) Johnson; educated in grammar and high school, Sweden; Northwest ern University, Evanston, 111., and the Swedish Theological Seminary, Evan- eton; married at Chicago, 111., April 29, 1889, to Selma C. Johnson. Was pas tor, of First Swedish M. E. Church, Minneapolis, Minn., 1878-81; held pas torates in New York City, 1881-85; in St. Paul, Minn., 1885-90; Galesburg, 111., 1890-92; financial agent Bethany Home, Ravenswood, Chicago, 1893; publishing agent, manager and treasurer of the Swedish M. E. Book Concern, Chicago, 1893-3901; pastor First Swedish M. E. Church, Moline, 111., 1901-04; general agent Scandia Life Insurance "Co., since 1904. President and editor Royal Star Publishing Co. Republican. Represen tative Minnesota State Legislature, 3907-08. Club: Northern. Recreations: Boating and fishing. Office: Scand. Am. Bk. Bldg. Residence: 681 York Av., St. Paul. JOHNSON, Charles A., merchant and manufacturer; born in Smoland, Swe den, March 17, 1858; son of John P. and Anna Gustava Jonas (Dotter) John son; attended common schools in Swe den when a youth; came to America in 1869 and attended Minnesota district school, graduating from High School, St. Peter, Minn. Taught school in Nic ollet Co., 1880-84; entered general mer chandise business on his own account, 1887; started the firm of Johnson & Co., clothing manufacturers, in 1890; dis posed of his interest in it in 1900 and began manufacture of shirts, etc. Presi dent Hugo Shirt Co. and Northwestern Land and Immigration Co. Elected clerk of the district court of Nicollet Co., 1883, and reelected 1885, holding office till 1892; elected to Minnesota State Senate 1902, and -reelected in 1906; president of school board, City of St. Peter, since 1898. Republican. Mem ber English Lutheran Church. Married at St. Peter, 1881, to Miss Mary Muel ler. Member A. O. U. W., M. W. A. Ad dress: St. Peter, Minn. JOHNSON, Charles Douglas, drug gist; born at Mankato, Minn., Jan. 2, 262 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 1859; son of P. K. and Laura (Bivins) Johnson; educated in public schools of Mankato. Has been identified with druggist business since 1877. Postmas ter, Brainerd, 1896-1900; president City Council of Brainerd, since 1902. Demo crat. Member Masonic order, Knights of Pythias, B. P. O. E., A. O. U. W. Married at Minneapolis, Minn., 1886, to Mrs. Minnie Wedl. Address: Brainerd, Minn. JOHNSON, Charles E., assistant state bank examiner; born at Trondhjem, Norway, May 1, 1854; came to America at 13 years of age; educated in com mon schools. Dearned telegraphy in Wisconsin and followed railroad work for 30 years, with Chicago & North western Ry., except about one year; came to Minnesota, 1875; has served as assistant state bank examiner since March, 1904. Private to lieut. col., M. N. G.; lieut. col. commanding 14th Minn. Vol. Inf., in Spanish-American War; commanded expedition against Leech Lake Indians, 1898. Republican. Luth eran. Member Masonic order, I. O. O. F., Knights of Pythias, B. P. O. E. Married, Dec, 1877, to Miss B. O. Field, of Blair, Wis. Club: Elks. Recrea tions: Reading and driving. Office: Capitol Bldg., St. Paul. Residence: Mankato, Minn. JOHNSON, Charles H., physician; born in the Co. of Deeds, Ont, Can., June 15, 1860; son of Samuel and Amelia E. (McNish) Johnson; educated at Almonte (Ont.) High School and Medical Department McGill University, Montreal, Canada, graduating, degree of M.D., March, 1884; unmarried. In prac tice of medicine at Austin since June, 1884; county physician of Mower Co. Member Mower County Medical Society, Minnesota State and American Medical associations. Democrat. Mayor of Aus tin for 6 years. Episcopalian. Member Masonic order, I. O. O. F., A. O. U. W., Knights of Pythias, F. O. E. Address: Austin, Minn. JOHNSON, Charles Henry, lumber; born at Randolph, Wis., June 15, 1860; son of William W. and Mary E. (Seeker- son) Johnson; educated in public schools of Algona, la., and University of Iowa. Engaged in retail lumber business at Algona and Emmettsburg, la., 1878-86; connected with manufacture of lumber at Minneapolis, 1886-1904; since 1904 has been president and treasurer of the W. W. Johnson Lumber Co. Mason. Re publican. Married at Ackley, la., 1886, to Miss Carrie M. Mills. Clubs: Min neapolis, Commercial. Recreations: Hunting and automobiling. Office: Lum ber Exchange Bldg. Residence: 76 Highland Av., Minneapolis. JOHNSON, Charles W., trunks; born in Sweden, Sept. 14, 1865; son of Mag nus and Johanna Johnson; came to America with parents, 1870; educated in public schools, Chisago Co., Minn., Gus tavus Adolphus College, St. Peter; Northwestern College, Minneapolis. Located in Minneapolis, 1881; was com mercial traveler for 15 years in trunk line; established the Northwestern Trunk Co., 1901. Independent in poli tics. English Lutheran. Member Ma sonic order, U. C. T. of America, M. W. A. Married at Minneapolis, 1890, to Miss Harriet Nelson. Recreation: Fish ing. Office: 248 Nicollet Av. Resi dence: 3013 14th Av., S., Minneapolis. JOHNSON, Charles Williamson, civil engineer; born Johnstown, N. Y., Jan. 20, 3 845; son of William H. (M.D.) and Harriet Livermore (McCarthy) John son; educated at Johnstown Academy and Union College, Schenectady, N. Y., graduating C.E., 1866; married, Men- asha, Wis., 1875, Maria C. Bronson. As sistant engineer Lake Shore & Michi gan Southern Ry., Jan., 1867 to June, 1870; assistant engineer on Southwest ern branch of Rock Island Ry., from June 1870 to Spring of 1871; assistant and division engineer in the construc tion of the Wisconsin Central Railway, 1871-78; from March 1, 1879, to present date, chief engineer of the Chicago, St. Paul. & Minneapolis Ry., and its succes sor the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Ry. Member Civil Engineers Society of St. Paul, Delta Phi frater nity. Clubs: Minnesota, Commercial (St. Paul), Engineers (Chicago). Of fice: General Office Bldg., C , St. Paul, M. & O. Ry. Residence: 118 Virginia Av., St. Paul. JOHNSON, Chester Martin, merchan dise and banking; born near Clearwater, Minn., Sept. 19, 1859; son of Dor,enzo C. and Adaline (Fiske) Johnson; edu cated in public schools of Clearwater up to 16 years of age; unmarried. Be gan business career as clerk in his father's store, 1876, continuing until 1880; was farmer and school teacher, 1880-84; principal of schools, 1884-89, at Delano, Minn., during last three years of that period; in general mer chandise business under title of John son Brothers, since 1889; also cashier and half owner Bank of Rockford, since 1899. Address: Rockford, Minn. JOHNSON, Christian, physician; born in Denmark, July 17, 1853. Studied medicine at New England University of Arts and Sciences, Washington Univer sity Medical School, University of Co penhagen, University of Kiel and licen sed to practice medicine by examination by Minnesota State Board of Medical Examiners, 1883. Began practice in 1876. Member Board of Examiners Uni ted States Pension Bureau. President Kandujohi-Swift County Medical So ciety and Crow River Medical Society; member Minnesota State and American Medical associations. Address: Willz mar, Minn. THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 263 JOHNSON, Curtis Martell, hardware and implement dealer; born at Rush City, Minn., April 20, 1877; son of Sam uel C. and Mary W. (Martell) Johnson; attended public schools, Rush City, and graduated from Hamline University, 1899; married at Machias, N. Y., Oct. 16, 1901, to Miss Augusta M. Eddy. Began active career as canvasser for McCor mick Harvesting Machine Co., 1900; be came member of firm of S. C. Johnson & Son, Jan. 1, 1901, of which he is manager. Also manager Rush City Brick Co., Rush City Flour & Feed Co., Rush City Electric Light Co.; secretary Rush City Starch Co., Chisago County Agricultural Society. Republican; dele gate to state convention, 1906. Member Masonic order, Royal Arch, Knights .Templar, Mystic Shrine, O. E. S„ Modern Samaritans. Address: Rush City, Minn. JOHNSON, Denman F., grain and stocks; born at Minneapolis, Minn., Dec 18, 1873; son of Charles W. and Mary A. (Rich) Johnson; educated in public schools of Minneapolis and at the Lawrenceville (N. J.) Preparatory School. Began active career with Har rison, Hopwood & Cross, wholesale dry goods, Minneapolis, 1902, continuing un til Dec, 1904; was in employ of F. H. Peavey & Co., grain dealers, Feb., 1895- 1901; was Northwestern manager for Finley, Barrell & Co., Chicago, 1901-04; has been member of the firm of Piper, Johnson & Co., grain, stocks, bonds and provisions since 1904. Independent in politics. Member Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce, Duluth Board of Trade, Chicago Board of Trade, Chicago Stock Exchange, Winnipeg Grain Exchange. Married at Minneapolis, 1901, to Miss Gertrude Linton. Clubs: Minneapolis Minikahda, Lafayette. Recreations: Automobiling, golf, hunting and fishing. Office: Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Residence: 15 W. 24th St., Minneapolis. JOHNSON, Edward M., lawyer; born at Pennacook, N. H., Nov. 24, 1850; son of Luther Gage and Cornelia E. (Morrill) Johnson; educated at Pennsyl vania Military Academy, University of Minnesota, Heidelberg University, Uni versity of Berlin; graduated from law school State University of Iowa. Was member Minneapolis City Council, 1883- 90 (president from 1889-1890); formerly judge of distrirt court. Now member Minneapolis Park Board, Library Board, Court House Commission (president). President Northwestern Casket Co., also president Minneapolis Office and School Furniture Co. Republican. Office: Guaranty Bldg. Residence: 925 4th St., S. E., Minneapolis. JOHNSON, Prank, president Parry Sound ConDer Mining Co.; born in Swe den, 1859; son of Peter Johnson; came to America, 1871; educated in public schools of Sweden and Minnesota; mar ried at St. Paul, Minn., Oct., 1895, to Miss Mary Anderson. Began active career as a farmer but after 1886 en gaged extensively in exploring for min erals in British America, Northern Minnesota and Lake Superior Country; president of the Parry Sound Copper Mining Co. since its organization in 1899, and the Johnson Nickel Mining Co. (iron ores) since 1894. Office: Ger mania Life Bldg., St. Paul. Residence: Forest Lake, Minn. JOHNSON, Frank Henry, banking and merchandise; born at St. Augusta, Minn., Oct. 9, 1857; son of Lorenzo C. and Adaline (Fisk) Johnson; educated in graded schools of Clearwater, grad uating, . 1876. Senior member of the firm of Johnson Brothers, general mer chandise; president Bank of Rockford, founded 1899, F. H. and C. M. Johnson, proprietors. Married at Clearwater, Minn., 1S83, to Miss Julie E. Whitte- more. Address: Rockford, Minn. JOHNSON, Gustavus, musical director and composer; born at Hull, Eng., Nov. 2, 1856; son of Peter J. and Henrietta (Hole) Johnson, daughter of Admiral Hole of the British navy; moved to Stockholm, Sweden, 1859, and to the United States, 1875; educated in ele mentary school, Stockholm, 1863-72; graduated from Schartau's Business College, Stockholm, 1874; Royal Con servatory of Music, Stockholm, 1875, having been taught piano, theory and vocal culture by prominent teachers from time he was 4 years of age. Came to Minneapolis, 1875, and engaged in teaching piano, but spent three years in Wisconsin and has traveled and played in concerts in all the leading cities of the Northwest. Composer of numerous pieces for piano, violin and voice, in cluding one concerto for piano and or chestra and theoretical works on Touch Formation. Founded the Johnson Piano School, 1898, now known as the John son School of Music, Oratory and Dramatic Art, of which he is director. President Minnesota State Music Teach ers' Association, 1905-06. Married at South Royalton, Vt., 1882, to Miss Caro line F. Winslow. Office and Residence: 42 S. 8th St., Minneapolis. JOHNSON, Henry A., lawyer; born at Eau Claire, Wis., 1870; son of Rev. Amon Johnson and Anna (Moland) Johnson; educated in common school; Aurelia (Ia.) High School; School of Pharmacy, Northwestern University, Chicago, 111., graduating, degree of Ph.G., 1890; College of Law, University of Minnesota, graduating, degree of LL.B., 1906. Purchased drug business of L. T. Parker at Sioux Rapids, la., 1891; sold out, 1900; also was member of firm of H. A. Johnson & Co., jewel ers and opticians. Organized Bank of Donaldson, 1903, whilch was reorganized and incorporated, 1904; now president State Bank of Donaldson and member of firm of Donaldson Printing Co., 264 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS Johnson Land and Loan Co. Came to Minnesota, 1901, and has been engaged in practice of law at Crookston, Minn., since Oct., 1906. Republican. Lutheran. Married at Linn Grove, la., July 31, 1893, to Miss Julia Brown. Address: Crookston, Minn. JOHNSON, Horace, railway official; born at London, Eng., May, 1855; came to America, 1876; educated in public schools. Has been connected with rail road business since 1878, commencing with Chicago & Alton Ry.; was succes sively in employ of Chicago & North western Ry., the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul and the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe road; has been connected with the Duluth & Iron Range Ry., since 1888, and is general freight and passenger agent of the road, also sec retary and auditor. Clubs: Commer cial, Duluth Yacht. Recreation: Sail ing. Office: Wolvin Bldg. Residence: Lakeside, Minn. JOHNSON, J. Victor, physician; born at Stevens Point, Wis., Oct. 23, 1864; son of John O. and Augusta (Zahn) Johnson; educated in common schools of Stevens Point; Starling Med ical College, Columbus, O., graduating, degree of M.D., cum laude, 1896. Be gan in 1880 as office boy Wisconsin Central Ry., and passed through posi tion of telegraph operator, time keeper, chief clerk division superintendents' office, train dispatcher and chief train dispatcher, until 1888; spent 5 years seeing the country and acting as train dispatcher on railways of the West and Mexico; after graduating in medicine, devoted three months to post graduate work in New York City; engaged in practice in Sheboygan, Wis., 1896-1901; has been located at Eveleth, Minn., since May, 1901. Commissioner of health, City of Eveleth since Jan., 1906. Proprietor Eveleth Pharmacy; director Miners' National Bank. Mem ber American and Minnesota State Med ical associations, St. Louis County Med ical Society. Republican. Episcopa lian. Mason. Unmarried. Club: Busi ness Men's Association. Address: Eve leth, Minn. JOHNSON, John A., governor; born at St. Peter, Mirin., July 28, 1861; son of G. and Caroline (Haden) Johnson (both natives of Sweden); educated in public schools of St. Peter. At 12 years of age he went to work in drug store at St. Peter, on account of family respon sibility devolving upon him; became part owner and publisher of St. Peter Herald in 1886 and has continued in the business until 1907. Democrat. Was State senator from St. Peter dis trict, and has been twice elected gover nor, 1904, and 1906, second term expir ing Jan. 7th, 1909. Served seven years in M. N. G., retiring as captain. Pres byterian. Clubs: Minnesota, Commer cial, Norden, Odin. Home: St. Peter, Minn. Address: Angus Hotel, St. Pa til. JOHNSON, John G., miller; born in Clinton Co., Ia., Jan. 26, 1854; son of George and Bretana. (Christensen) Johnson; educated in common schools. Began farming in Iowa, in 1876; moved to Minnesota, bought land and started to improve it, 1881; now living in the same place, owns farm and engaged in other lines of business. Owner of flour mill; president of the First State Bank of Perley, president Lee Elevator Co.; director Lee Telephone Co. Republican. Member Norwegian Lutheran Church. Married in Iowa, March 18, 1876," to Sonava L. Rosland. Address: Perley, Minn. JOHNSON, John Perkins, clerk of district court; born at Franklin, Conn., Feb. 13, 1852; son of Oliver L. and Martha A. (Mumford) Johnson; edu cated in public and high schools of Franklin. Came to Duluth, 1870, and began active career in meat business, continuing from 1870-80; County treas urer St. Louis' Co., 1881-89; cashier Marine National Bank, Duluth, 1889-96; then went into life insurance and ad vanced to position of general agent New York Life Insurance Co., for St. Louis Co.; has been clerk of district court since 1900. Member City Coun cil, Duluth, 1889. Republican. Con gregationalist Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner; member of Modern Samaritans, A. O. U. W. Married, at Duluth, 1873, to Miss Kate Cochran. Club: Commercial. Recreations: Hunt ing, Ashing and boating. Office: Court House. Residence: 1113 E. Superior St., Duluth. JOHNSON, John T., drugs; born at Waseca, Minn., Aug. 23, 1859; son of Thomas and Mary (Christofferson) Johnson; educated in common schools of Minnesota and at Bayless Commer cial College, Dubuque, la. Has been engaged in drug business at Fergus Falls, Minn., since 1881; also vice presi dent Otter Tail Building and Loan Asso ciation since its organization; director Fergus Falls Building and Loan Asso ciation; stockholder First State Bank, Fergus Packing Co. Republican. Mem ber State Legislature, term extending to Jan, 1909. Mason (32°); member I. O. O. F., M. W. A. Married at Fergus Falls, 1886, to Miss Kate Alldrin. Clubs: Chippewa, Norden (St. Paul). Recreations: Fishing and hunting. Ad dress: Fergus Falls, Minn. JOHNSON, Jonas Algot, merchant; born in Sweden, Nov. 11, 1863; son of Magnus and Anna Maria (Patterson) Johnson; began education in public schools in Sweden and had some school advantages after coming to America. Started in drug and grocery business at Parker's Prairie, Minn., in 1889, as Henderson & Johnson. Mr. Henderson retired in 1903, selling out to Axil W. THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 265 Johnson and the firm became Johnson Brothers until 1906 when Frank Saund ers was taken in as partner; firm known as Johnson Brothers & Saunders, since Feb. 1, 1906, retail dealers in general merchandise, hardware and farm imple ments. Member United Workmen of America. Club: Commercial. Address: Parker's Prairie, Minn. JOHNSON, Lawrence Henry, president The Hennepin Bridge Co.; born in Germany, Dec. 17, 1862; son of Andrew C. and Botilde (Petersen) Johnson; common school education; married at Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. 22, 1891, to Miss Nellie Smith. Came to United States with parents, April 5, 1875; at tended school at Augusta, N. Y., winters and worked on farm summers, 1875-79; moved with family to Durand, Mich., 1879; was appointed post office clerk at Greenville Mich., Nov., 1880, through influence of a friend, Frank B. Tilden; came to Minnesota, Aug. 2, 1883, and was employed by the original Minne apolis Bridge Co., for about 5 years, later being identified with two other firms in performing contract work in construction (mostly bridges) ; went in to the business for self, March, 1900, as The Hennepin Bridge Co., of which he is president; has been eminently suc cessful in large undertakings. Builder of bridge over Mississippi river at Hastings, Minn.; across Yellowstone river, near Billings, Mont., and many other large structures; now building bridge over Mississippi river at Rice, Minn. Republican. Has been member of Minnesota Legislature since 1901 and is now speaker of the House of Repre sentatives. Member Masonic order, B.' P. O. E., Modern Samaritans, U. C. T. of America. Clubs: Commercial, Odin. Recreations: Politics and travel ing. Office: 968 Laurel Av. Residence: 2217 Grand Av., Minneapolis. JOHNSON, Lewis, county auditor Kandiyohi Co.; born in Sweden, Sept. 17, 1859; son of J. M. and Karin (Olson) Johnson; came to America, i869; educated in public schools of Minnesota. Employed in post office at Willmar, 1881; entered store as clerk, 1883; appointed deputy county auditor by Auditor Olof Olson; formed partnership with L. Fridlund in general merchandise business; started first creamery in Willmar; became con nected with Willmar Brick Co.; was elected county auditor of Kandiyohi Co., 1896, and has been reelected at each succeeding election. Partner John son, Fridlund, Norman Co. (mercantile corporation) ; director and treasurer, Scandinavian Colonization Co.; member Willmar Brick Co. Republican. Luth eran. Married at residence of R. O. Mattson, town of Kandiyohi, Kandiyohi County, April 24, 1885, to Miss Annie Mattson. Club: Commercial. Address: Willmar, Minn. JOHNSON, Miles B., manufacturer; born at Monroe, Conn., Aug. 23, 1856; son of James C. and Marietta C. (Beardsley) Johnson; educated in district schools of Connecticut and at Wilbra ham Academy, Wilbraham, Mass. Came to Minnesota, 1883, and has been en gaged in the manufacture of clothing, under title of Johnson & Company, since 1899. Presbyterian. Married at St. Peter, Minn., 1888, to Miss Jennie A. Hanscome. Recreation. Automobil ing: Address: St. Peter, Minn. JOHNSON, Oluf Julius, druggist; born in Copenhagen, Denmark, Jan. 22, 1856; son of Hans and Abigail (Peter son) Johnson; came to America and located in Minnesota, June, 1870; grad uate of Datin School, Copenhagen, 1870, and of Curtiss Business College, Min neapolis, Minn., 1874; married at Min neapolis, Nov. 30, 1879, to Miss Anna S. Dahl. Began active career by work ing on farm, continuing, 1870-72; was connected with general store and drug store, 1872-74, and in drug store exclu sively until 1879; established the first drug store in Pope Co., Minn., at Glen wood, 1879, and has ever since been in drug business at that place. Secretary Park Region Mutual Insurance Co. Democrat. Mayor of Starbuck 12 years, postmaster 4 years; mayor of Glen wood 3 terms. Now president State Game and Fish Commission of Minne sota and chairman Democratic County Central Committee. Dutheran. Mem ber Masonic order, Blue Lodge, Chapter, Knights Templar; Modern Woodmen of America. Club: Commercial. Address: Glenwood, Minn. JOHNSON, Otto Frithiof, physician; born in Sweden, April 5, 1875; son of A. M. and Christine Johnson; came to America with parents, 1881; educated in public schools of St. Paul; College of Physicians and Surgeons, Hamline Un iversity, graduating, degree of M.D., 1901; served one year as interne at Bethesda Hospital. In practice at Win throp since 1903. Unmarried. Address: Winthrop, Minn. JOHNSON, Peter P., retired mer chant; born in Norway, March, 1840; educated in Norway; married. Came to America at the close of the Civil War; worked at trade as cabinet maker in Chicago, 111., and Green Bay, Wis., starting in business on his own account at Green Bay; located in Rochester, 1877, and founded the firm of P. F. Johnson & Co., furniture dealers, fun eral directors and embalmers, from which he retired, 1907. Republican. Bethel Dutheran. Member Ancient Or der of United Workmen. Address: Rochester, Minn. JOHNSON, Samuel C, hardware and agricultural implements; born in Sweden, June 15, 1851; son of Karl and Kyrsting Peters (Doddar) Johnson; edu- 266 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS cated in public schools of Sweden. Came to America, 1867, and began ac tive career at Taylor's Falls, Minn., as clerk in a drug store; drove stage, cooked in lumber camp; located in Rush City, 1872 and started drug store, w.hich he operated for 23 years; added groceries and agricultural implements. Engaged in various lines of business and is at the head of firm of S. C. John son & Son; owner of the Rush City Brick Plant; vice president First Na tional Bank. Member Minnesota Legis- lature, 1901; postmaster Rush City by appointment of President Harrison and for 5 years past, under President Roose velt; also village president for 3 years and member of school board for 6 years. Republican. Lutheran. ¦ Royal Arch Mason, Knights Templar, Shriner; mem ber A. O. U. W., Modern Samaritans. Married, at Rush City, Nov. 10, 1875, to Miss Mary A. Martell. Recreations: Trout fishing and checkers. Address: Rush City, Minn. JOHNSON, Samuel Theodore, banker; born near Indianapolis, Ind., Nov. 16, 1858; son of Lawrence A. and Almina H. (Dane) Johnson; educated in public schools, Marion Co., Ind. Began active career as traveling salesman, Indian apolis; removed to Minneapolis and was upon the road for agricultural imple ment house, 1885-86; engaged in invest ment banking and fire insurance general agency under title of S. T. Johnson & Co., until 1902; was public examiner and superintendent of banks, State of Min nesota, 1902-03-04; has been vice presi dent and director Minnesota National Bank since 1904; also vice president and director Mortgage Loan and Investment Co. Republican. Congregationalist. Member American and Minnesota Bank ers associations. Mason, Knights Temp lar, Shriner. Married, at Indianapolis, Ind., 1S80, to Miss Katherine O. Starr. Clubs: Commercial, Twin City Bank ers. Office: Minnesota Nat. Bank. Residence: 2552 Aldrich Av., S., Min neapolis. JOHNSON, William Chandler, caskets; born, at St. Anthony Falls, Minn., Nov. 3, 1856; son of Luther G. and Cornelia E. (Morrill) Johnson; educated in public schools of Minnesota and at University of Minnesota; married at Minneapolis, Minn., July 8, 3 891, to Blanche Gilbert McCall. Began business career, 1876, as clerk in his father's store, then cashier in wholesale flour house in N. Y. City; was with Duluth Iron Co., Du luth, Minn., two years; has been trea surer The Northwestern Casket Co. since 1887. Clubs: Commercial, La fayette. Office: 661-679 17th Av., N. E. Residence: 328 4th St., S. E., Minn- apolis. JOHNSTON, Clarence H., architect; born in Waseca Co., Minn., Aug. 26, 1859; son of Alexander and Mary L. (Buckhout) Johnston; educated in pub lic and high schools, St. Paul, Minn., and at Massachusetts Institute of Tech nology. Received professional training for 6 years in St. Paul and New York offices; traveled in Europe, Greece and Asia Minor for educational purposes, returning to St. Paul, 1886, where he entered upon his profession as architect on his own account. Married, at St. Paul, 1885, to Miss Mary L. Thurston. Architect for Minnesota State Institu tions (by appointment of Board of Con trol) since 1901. Ex-director American Institute of Architects; ex-president and director Minnesota Chapter Ameri can Institute of Architects; one of the founders of the Architectural League of New York. Member Masonic order. Club: Minnesota. Office: Manhattan Bldg. Residence: 2 Crocus Hill, St. Paul. JOHNSTON, George Smith, mortgage loans; born Galesville, Wis., Feb. 19, 1872; son of Welcome A. and Elizabeth (Smith) Johnston; educated in graded school of Galesville, Wis., Gale College, Central High School, Minneapolis, and University of Minnesota, class of 1897; married, at Chicago, June 18, 1902, to Helen Balch. Began business life in the Security Bank of Minnesota, 1897-98; served a year and a half in the Span ish-American War, in 13 th Minn. Vol. in the Philippines; on return establish ed for self, Oct. 1, 1899, in present busi ness of mortgage loans, Are insurance, real estate and rentals. Republican. Presbyterian. Member Phi Kappa Psi society. Recreations: Golf, tennis. Club: Minneapolis Commercial. Office: Phoenix Bldg. Residence: 3139 Second Av., S., Minneapolis. JOHNSTON, James, farmer, stock breeder; born at Bishops Mills, Ont., Can., March 9, 1854; son of William and Jane Wilson Johnston; district school education. Came to the United States, 1878; has been mainly engaged in farm ing since the beginning of his active career; in hotel and livery business at Howard Lake, Minn., 1878-99. At present has farm of 400 acres near Bertha, Minn., and is also a breeder of Poland China hogs and shorthorn cattle. Republican. Elected to State Senate from Todd, Wadena and Hubbard counties, Nov., 1906. Member Masonic order, A. O. U. W. Married, at Howard Lake, Minn., May 9, 1890, to Miss Lizzie A. Robin son. Address: Bertha, Minn. JOHNSTON, John, county treasurer; born in Sweden, July 28, 1868; educated at Gustavus Adolphus College, St. Peter, Minn., 1883-89. Taught in public schools at intervals from 1887-92; was agent and telegraph operator for Northern Pacific Ry., 1892-1904; county treasurer, Chisago Co., since i904. Republican. Married at Chisago City, Minnf, 1892, to Miss Helen Fengquist Address: Center City, Minn. THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 267 JOHNSTON, Robert Hoit, lawyer; born at Chicago, 111., Jan. 14, 1871; son of Alexander and Sarah Jane (Hoit) Johnston; educated in Chicago public schools, Evanston (111.) High School, Williams College, Northwestern Univer sity Daw School. Practiced law in Chi cago, 1894-97, and in New York City, 1897-1902; admitted to Minnesota bar, 1902; treasurer of the Metropolitan Music Co., since 1904. Republican. Pres byterian. Member Zeta Psi fraternity. Married, at St. Paul, Minn., Feb. 9, 1898, to Miss Josephine Dyer. Recreation: Music Office: 41 S. 6th St. Residence: The Concord, 65 S. 11th St., Minneapolis. JONES, Alvah Wilbur, physician; born, Fulton Co., O., April 12, 1863; son of Charles D. and Amanda (Holloway) Jones; graduate Wauseon (O.) High School, 1882; came to Minnesota, June, 1882, and attended University of Min nesota, 1882-85; was a student at Rush Medical College, Chicago, 111., 1887-88; graduate Medical Department Univer sity of Georgetown, Washington, D. C, degree of M.D., 1891. Married at Red Wing, Minn., 1894, to Miss Mary Hen rietta Joss. Has been engaged in prac tice at Red Wing since 1894. Member U. S. medical pension examining board since 1896. Member Minnesota State Medical Association, Goodhue County Medical Society. Mason. Club: Com mercial. Address: Red Wing, Minn. JONES, Arthur Lincoln, lawyer; born at Madison, Wis., Nov. 29, 1870; son of John T. and Anne (Oldham) Jones; at tended Dodgeville (Wis.) High School, graduating, 1888; Daw Department, Un iversity of Wisconsin, degree of LL.B., 1894. Engaged in practice of. law at Dodgeville, Wis., 1894-1897, as member of firm of Jackson & Jones;; came to Minneapolis and practiced alone until 1898; then participated in Spanish-Amer ican War in 1899; returned to Minne apolis and resumed practice as a mem ber of the firm Jones & Jones, which still continues. Was attorney for State Dental Board, 1899-1900 and attorney and chief deputy in sheriff's office, 1901- 1905. Married, at Minneapolis, Sept. 14, 1905, to Miss May Cole. Recreations: Literature and outdoor sports. Club: Commercial. Office: Security Bank Bldg., Minneapolis. Residence: Robins- dale Park, Minn. JONES, Charles Clarence, gasoline engines; born at Parkersburg, W. Va., Feb. 2, 1866; son of Oliver S. and Lucy M. (Pierpont) Jones; educated at Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, O., and Columbian University, Washington, D. C; married, at St. Paul, Minn., June 17, 1892, to Jane E. Virtue. Began business career in employ of McDester & Van Hoose, wholesale grocers, Birmingham, Ala., 1887-88; in U. S. government serv ice at Washington, D. C, 1888-98; with Columbia Phonograph Co., New York City, 1898; with American Graphophone Co., Bridgeport, Conn., 1899; director, secretary and treasurer Charles A. Stickney Co. since 1899. Member Phi Kappa Psi fraternity. Club: Commer cial. Office: Fillmore Av., S. E. cor. Starkey. Residence: 846 Lincoln Av., St. Paul. JONES, David Newton, physician; born at Gomer, O., Sept. 1, 1856; son of Maurice F. and Mary (Evans) Jones; educated in public schools, Lima (O. ) High School; Northwestern Ohio Normal School, Ada, O.; Medical Department, Northern Indiana Normal School, Val paraiso, Ind.; Medical College of Ohio, Cincinnati, O., 1879-80; Kentucky School of Medicine, Louisville, Ky., 1880; Rush Medical College, Chicago, 1880-81 and 1889-90, graduating from the latter, M.D., 1890. Began practice of medicine at Lima, O., 1881; removed to Gaylord, Minn. Division surgeon Minneapolis & St. Louis Ry., secretary board of U. S. pension examining surgeons, at Gaylord; organizer and first president Sibley County Medical Society. Member Amer ican and Minnesota State Medical asso ciations, ex-president board of education, ex-mayor of Gaylord. Member I. O. O. F., having passed all the chairs through grand encampment. Married, at Lima, O., July 18, 1882, to Miss Mary Foley. Address: Gaylord, Minn. JONES, David Percy, mayor of Min neapolis; born, Minneapolis, Minn., July 6, 1860; son of Judge Edwin S. and Harriet M. (James) Jones; graduate Minneapolis High School, 1878, Univer sity of Minnesota, degree of A.B., 1883. Married at Minneapolis, May 13, 1891, to Miss Alice Gale. Upon leaving Uni versity engaged in business founded by his father, 1868, embracing real estate, mortgage loans, rentals and fire insur ance, incorporated, Jan. 1, 1900, as D. P. Jones & Co., of which is president; vice president and director Hennepin County Savings Bank; president Jones Realty Co. and Jones-Davis Agency. Republican. Alderman of Minneapolis 6 years, president of the board of alder men 4 years, acting mayor July-Dec 31, 1902, elected mayor for term beginning Jan. 1, 1905. Congregationalist. Trustee Carleton College, Northfield, Minn.; trustee Windom Institute, Montevideo, Minn.; member American Board of Foreign Missions, executive committee National Municipal League. Member Masonic order, Royal Arcanum, .Loyal Legion. Clubs: Minneapolis, Commer cial, Six O'clock. Congregational. Office: Bank of Commerce Bldg. Residence: 2005 3rd Av., S., Minneapolis. JONES, Edwin J., lumber; born at Beaver Dam, Wis., Aug. 22, 1858; son of Evan J. and Julia (Ackerman) Jones; educated in common schools; married, at Waupum, Wis., Mary 29, 1883, to Miss Nellie A. Butterfield. Began active career as bookkeeper in wholesale lum ber business of his father, at Winne- 268 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS conne, Wis.; located at Morris, Minn., 1878, in charge of lumber yard establish ed by his father; bought out the busi ness, 1884, and in 1895 added hardware, paints and building materials. Republi can. Ex-State Senator. Member Ma sonic order, Knights Templar, Shrine; Knights of Pythias, A. O. U. W. Ad dress; Morris. Minn. JONES, Frederick Scheetz, educator; born at Palmyra, Mo., April 7, 1862; son of George Crow and Caroline Ash (Scheetz) Jones; educated at The Shat tuck School, Faribault, Minn.; Yale Un iversity, graduating, degree of B.A., 1884; degree of A.M., same university, 3 891; studied at University of Berlin and Polytechnic School, Zurich, Swit zerland, 1887-89. Married at St. Louis, Mo., June 4, 1890, to Miss Mary Weston Gill. Has been professor of physics, University of Minnesota, since 1889, and dean of College of Engineering. Member American Physical Society, A. A. A. S., Society for Promoting En gineering Eudcation and local societies. Recreations: Music, shooting, boating, ice boating and fishing. Office: Uni versity of Minnesota. Residence: 712 10th Av., S. E., Minneapolis. JONES, Harry Wild, architect; born at Schoolcraft, Mich., June 9, 1859; son of Rev. Howard M. and Mary (White) Jones; educated in University Gram mar School, providence, R. I., Brown Un iversity, A.B., 1882, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology; married, at Boston, 1883, to Bertha J. Tucker. En gaged as architect since May, 1885; professor of architecture in University of Minnesota, 1891-93. President Min nesota Chapter American Institute of Architects, 1896-97; president Technol ogy Club of Minnesota, 1906; director Minneapolis Society of Fine Arts; twelve years member Board of Park Commis sioners, Minneapolis. Clubs: Commer cial, Athletic, Minnetonka Yacht, Six O'Clock. Office: Lumber Exchange, Minneapolis. Residence: (Winter), Washburn Park; Deephaven, Minnetonka, Minn., (summer). JONES, James B., banker; born in South Wales, Great Britain, Nov., 1834; son of Roger and Christian (Evans) Jones; came to Dodgeville, Wis., 1848, and to Minnesota, 1877; educated in common schools. Entered banking busi ness at Adrian, Minn., 1880; president Bank of Adrain. Member Masonic order. Married, at Dodgeville, Wis., 1870, to Miss Annie Higgins. Address: Adrian, Minn. JONES, John R., banker; born in South Wales, Great Britian, 1841; son of Roger and Christian (Evans) Jones; came to America, 1848; common school education. Cashier Bank of Adrain. Member Masonic order. Married, 1st, at Highland, Wis., Aug. 20, 1860, to Miss Margaret Davis (died, Dec, 1879); 2nd, at Dodgeville, Wis., May 29, 1883, to Miss Mary H. Hoskins. Address: Adrian, Minn. JONES, Oliver Knox, printer and blank book manufacturer; born in Hunt ington Co., Pa., June 14, 1843; educated in common schools and business college. Came to Minnesota, 1857; began learn ing printing trade, at Lake City, Minn., 1859; editor and proprietor Lake City Leader, 1872-80; president Jones and Kroeger Co. Served in the Union Army during the last three years of the War of the Rebellion, as member of Co. G, Sth Minn., Vol. Inf. Republican. Mar ried, at Winona, Minn., 1867, to Miss Melissa Lowe. Address: Winona, Minn. JONES, Bichard David, dry goods; born at Bethesda, North Wales, March 7, 1848; son of David W. and Elinor Jones; came to America when an infant; educated in graded and high school of Utica, N. Y.; married, at Utica, March, 1875, to Eleanor Ann Thomas. In office of Utica Morning Herald as printer and later as foreman of job printing depart ment, 1864-74; was with the firm of Curtis & Childs, Utica, 1874-77; advertis ing manager and secretary Minneapolis Harvester works, 1877-91; associated with firm of John W. Thomas & Co., through various changes since June, 1891, and is now secretary and treasurer of the company. Republican. Baptist. Member of Royal Arcanum. Office: 500 Nicollet Av. Residence: 2015 Stevens Av., Minneapolis. JONES, Bobert E., grain dealer; born at Cambria, Wis., Jan. 14, 1855; son of John Ab. and Eleanor (Evans) Jones; educated in district school of Cambria and State Normal School, Oshkosh, Wis. Worked at grain elevator for his father, from 14 until 18 years of age; book keeper for firm of Wheelock & Winter, Negaunee, Mich., 2 years; in grain busi ness at Cambria, Wis., 10 years; has been engaged in same line of business in Wabasha, Minn., since 1886; now president R. E. Jones Co. Repub lican. Congregationalist. Mason. Mar ried, at Cambria, Wis., March, 1882, to Miss Perrie Williams. Address: Wab asha, Minn. JONES, Bobert J., banker; born at Barneveld, Iowa Co., Wis., Sept. 18, 1869; son of David J. and Mary J. Jones; educated at Hull Academy, Hull, Ia. Was clerk in store and school teacher, 1880-90; began in employ of the Porter Lumber Co., 1891; entered bank as book- keper, later becoming assistant cashier, remaining until 1898; newspaper editor, one year; began in hardware business at Reading, Minn., in connection with lumber yard, 1899; became interested in State Bank of Reading and assumed management 1903; disposed of hard ware business, 1906; secretary and gen eral manager of the Farmers Mutual Telephone Co., Inc. Republican. Mem ber Masonic order, M. W. A., Yeomen. THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 269 Married, at Ocheyedan, la., April 21, 1897, to Jean A. Wood worth. Address: Reading, Minn. JONES, Samuel S., physician; born at Remsen, N. Y., Feb. 25, 1849; son of William and Maria (Vaughn) Jones; edu cated at Beaver Dam Academy, Univer sity of Chicago and Rush Medical Col lege, Chicago. , Moved with parents ' from Remsen to West Salem, Wis., in 1859; began practice of medicine, 1881, and has engaged in practice at Madelia, Tracy, Minneapolis and Frazee, Minn. Proprietor Frazee City Drug Store, vice president Giant Grip Horse Shoe Co., Little Falls. Member Clay-Becker County Medical Society, Minnesota State and American Medical associations. Baptist. Mason; member A. O. U. W. Married, at Bangor, Wis., 1886, to Miss Mary Mc- Kenzie. Address: Frazee, Minn. JONES, Samuel Taylor, insurance; born at Rochester, Vt.,. March 1, 1825; son of Daniel and Sally (Baker) Jones; educated in public schools of Rochester up to 1840; academy, Oneonta, N. Y., 1841-43; State Normal Institute, N. H., graduating, 1845. Taught school at Manchester, and Nashua, N. H.; in gro cery business at Manchester, N. H., as Jones & Root, 1850-52; with Beasom & Duffon, dry goods, 1852-56; came to Min nesota, 1860, farmed and taught school; traveling agent West Publishing Co., 1885-92; has been justice of the peace and court commissioner since 1892; also in insurance business. Republican. Methodist. Past grand master I. O. O. F. of Minnesota. Married, at Manches ter, N. H., 1853, to Miss Lois Prince. Recreations: Outdoor sports and farm ing. Address: Kasson, Minn. JONES, Willard G., insurance; born at Shelburne, Mass., June 7, 1858; son of William G. and Samantha B. (Burn ham) Jones; educated in public schools of St. Paul; married at St. Paul, June 11, 1884, to Rosamond M. Chapman. Came to St. Paul, April 19, 1874; edu cated in public schools. Entered em ploy of Hughson & Hemenway, May 1, 1880, remaining five years, then in real estate business for two years; in 1887 became connected with office of Weed & Lawrence, as their outside man, remain ing until Sept. 1, 1895, when he started for himself in present business. Re publican. Club: Commercial. Office: Manhattan Bldg. Residence: 641 Good rich Av., St. Paul. JORDAN, James Francis, credit man; born at Hamilton, Mich., Feb. 18, 1856; son of D. and Mary Jordan; graduated from High School, Decatur, Mich., 1875; State Normal College, Ypsilanti, Mich., classical course, 1877; select studies, University of Michigan, 1877-78. Be gan active career as school teacher; was owner and editor Paw Paw (Mich.) Courier, 1883-85; commercial traveler, 1885-88; has been engaged as credit man since 1888, now with Wyman, Partridge & Co. Democrat. Chairman Democra tic Congress'l Committee, 4th Michigan district, 1884. Married, at Plymouth, Mich., 1881, to Miss Mary Clayton. Clubs: Commercial, Bryn Mawr Golf. Recreation: Golf. Office: 1st Av., N. and 4th St. Residence: 148 Highland Av., Minneapolis. JOBDAN, William G., wholesale gro cer; born at Richland, la., Aug. 25, 1862; son of William A. and Maria (McGrew) Jordan; educated in public schools of Ottumwa, la., and at Ames College, Ames, Ia. Began business career in department store at Ottumwa; became connected with wholesale business in Ottumwa and Des Moines; moved to Stillwater, Minn.; entered into manu facture and wholesale sale of shoes, 1900; has been in Minneapolis since the Spring of 1904 as member of the firm of W. B. and W. G. Jordan, wholesale grocers, successors to Anthony Kelly & Co., the house having been established for more than 40 years and is known as the oldest wholesale grocery house in the Northwest. President Northwestern Electric Equipment Co., of St. Paul; partner Northern Manufacturing Co. Republican. Mason. Married, in Iowa, 1890, to Miss Bernice A. Brown. Club: Minneapolis. Office: 125-129 Washing ton Av., N. Residence: 2432 Nicollet Av., S., Minneapolis. JOBGENSEN, Charles, born in Den mark, 1850; came to America, 1872; mar ried, at Albert Lea, 1878, to Miss Georgia Colby; proprietor Hotel Albert since 1898; also proprietor Jorgensen's bakery; director Citizens National Bank. Health officer Albert Lea. Address: Albert Lea. Minn. JOBGENSEN, P., furniture; born in Denmark, Jan. 10, 1850; son of Hans and Marie Jorgensen; married at Chi cago, 111., 1881, to Miss Nanny Daniel- sen. Came to America, 1870, and located in Chicago; has been a resident of Red Wing, since 1879, was agent for Mc Cormick Harvesters for a number of years and has been secretary and man ager of the Red Wing Furniture Co. since 1886. Democrat. Dutheran. Mason. Club: Commercial. Recreation: Reading. Address: Red Wing, Minn. JOSLYN, Colin C, lawyer; born Sy camore, 111., 1857; son of De witt Clin ton and Philura (Lowell) Joslyn; edu cated in the public schools of Illinois and graduated from Ripon College, Ripon, Wis., 1883. Principal High School, Col umbus, Wis., 1883-84. Has been engaged in general practice of law at Minne apolis, Minn., since 1885. Republican. Married, at Omaha, Neb., 1899, to Marie Antoinette Rich. Club: Commercial. Office: 616 New York Life Bldg. Resi dence: 3112 Hennepin Av., Minneapolis. JOY, Mack H., born at Detroit, Mich, Dec. 12, 1866; son of Mack H. and Eliza beth (Te Hone) Joy; educated in graded 270 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS and high schools, Detroit, and at Notre Dame College, South Bend, Ind. Began active career as erecting engineer for the Montana Heating Lighting Co., June 10, 1887; promoted to manager, May, 1888; started with Gates Manufac turing Co., Chicago, 1893; became sales man, manager of the company, 1894, and partner in the company, 1895; s.old out interest 1900; was traveling manager for Brown, Cochran-Co., Lorain, O., 1900- 1904; has been sales manager North western territory, for the Alma Manu facturing Co., Alma, Mich., automatic gasoline engines, since 1905. Married, at Chicago, III., to Miss Elmeda Davis. Member U. C. T. of America. Recrea tion: Reading. Office: 706 S. 3rd St. Residence: 1803 Clinton Av., Minne apolis. JOYCE, Frank M., State manager, life insurance; born at Covington, Ind., March 18, 1862; son of late Bishop Isaac W. and Carrie W. (Bosserman) Joyce; educated in public schools of LaFayette, Ind., Stewart Hall, Baltimore, Md., and De Pauw University, degree of A.B., 1882, (A.M., 1889); married, at Cincin nati, O., March, 1883, to Jessie F. Birch. Began business career in Cincinnati as teller Queen City National Bank, 1882- 88; general agent Provident Dife and Trust Co., 1888-90; solicitor Mutual Benefit Life Ins. Co., of Newark, N. J., at Cincinnati, 1890-94; removed, 1894, to Minneapolis, where he has since been State agent same company for Minne sota. Republican. Member M. E. Church. Served as colonel and aide-de-camp of military staff of Gov. William McKin ley of Ohio; major I. N. G., captain Battery B, O. N. G., captain Avon Zou aves, Cincinnati. Member Beta Theta Pi fraternity, Knights of Pythias; mem ber all Masonic bodies and 32°, Scottish Rite. Clubs: Minneapolis, Commercial, LaFayette, Apollo (secretary). Auto mobile Club of Minneapolis (president). Recreation: Automobiling. Office: An drus Bldg. Residence: 310 Groveland Av., Minneapolis. JOYCE, George T., physician; born in Olmstead Co., Minn., Jan. 25, 1879; son of James and Anna (Holland) Joyce; educated in public schools of Rochester, Minn.; Medical Department University of Illinois, graduating, degree of M.D., 1904. In practice of medicine at Roches ter since 1904; junior member of firm of Drs. Granger & Joyce. Member Min nesota State Medical Association, South ern Minnesota and Olmstead County Medical societies. Democrat. Roman Catholic. Member A. O. H., Knights of Columbus. Married at Rochester, Oct. 3 6, 1906, to Miss Josephine Baier. Ad dress: Rochester, Minn. JOYSLIN, Julius Carlisle, cigar broker; born Waitsfield, Vt, Oct. 14, 1853; son of Dr. David G. and Jane E. (Carpenter) Joyslin; educated in the common schools at Waitsfield and at Goddard Seminary, Barre, Vt. Was in .wholesale and retail feed business, 1880- 83; in wholesale and retail cigar trade, 1883-96; broker in cigars since Jan. I, 1896. Republican. Mason, Knight Templar; member B. P. O. E. Married, at Waitsfield, Vt., Jan. 4, 1875, to Abbie M. Hastings. Club: Commercial. Of fice: 304 Commercial Bldg. Residence: 3037 1st Av., S., Minneapolis. JUDD, William Bishop, lumber and cooperage dealer; born at Faribault, Minn., Oct. 10, 1860; son of William S. and Mary A. (Bishop) Judd; educated in the public schools of Minneapolis, Minn., Shattuck Military School, Faribault, Williston College, East Hampton, Mass., graduating, 1880; married at Baldwin, Wis., Aug. 8 1883 to Minnie A. Ayers. In the employment of Hall & Dann, lumber manufacturers, 1880-83; conduct ed manufacturing lumber and cooperage business as Judd & Allyn,- 1883-85; operated at Barron, Wis., independently, building a large saw mill, 1885-97; spent several years in New Orleans, Da , as general manager of the Sutherland- Innis Co., Ltd.; formed the Backus- Judd Lumber & Cooperage Co., dealers in wholesale lumber, cedar products and cooperage stock with headquarters in Minneapolis, and has been its secretary and treasurer since 1904. Republican. Episcopalian. Member Masonic order, Knights of Pythias, Knights of Macca bees. Recreations: Outdoor sports. Office: Lumber Exchange Bldg. Resi dence: .515 E. 17th St., Minneapolis. JUDD, William G., accident life in surance; born at Lewistown, 111., July 12, 1855; son of S. Corning and Levinia (James) Judd; educated at Jubilee College, Peoria, 111.; Emanuel Hall, Chicago, 111.; Racine College, Racine, Wis. Was in hardware business in Lewistown and Chicago, 111., removing to Fargo, N. D., 1883, where he was in mercantile, real estate and insurance business; postmaster, 1887-92; has been district agent Aetna Life Insurance Co., accident and liability department, at Minneapolis, since June, 1900; also pro prietor Minnesota Regina Co. Democrat. Episcopalian. Member I. O. O. F., A. O. U. W., Modern Woodmen of America. Married at Lewistown, 111., 1879, to Miss Carrie May Batesen. Office: 1229 Guaranty Bldg. Residence: 47 Ash St., Bryn Mawr. JUNG, Peter M., clergyman; born in Milwaukee Co., Wis., Dec. 31, 1859; son of John and Mary (Kohner) Jung; came to Minnesota with parents, 1866; educated in public and parochial schools of Rolling Stone, Minn., and at St. Francis Seminary; ordained to the priesthood by Archbishop Michael Heiss, June 24, 1881. Was in charge of the parish and four missions, St. James, Minn., 1881-84, at Northfield, Minn., for one year, and at Le Sueur, Minn., for 9 years; has been in charge of St. THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 271 Mathew's since 1897. Address: St. Mathew's Catholic Church, St. Paul, JUSTUS, Phillip C, hardware and stoves; born at St. Paul, Minn., May 5, 3 865; son of Henry and Elizabeth (Geyer) Justus; educated in public schools of St. Paul and at Faddes Business College. Began active career at 18 years of age as apprentice to tinner's trade, afterwards starting in hardware business in a small way, on his own account. Republican. Ex- member Board of Public Works; twice elected sheriff of Ramsey Co., 1900-1904. Member Junior Pioneers, A. O. U. W., Modern Samaritans, Maccabees. Mar ried at St. Paul, 1887, to Miss Caroline Decker. Club: Commercial. Office: 312-314 Rice St. Residence: 647 Lin coln Av., St. Paul. K KAEBCHEB, Aaron Benjamin, lawyer; born at Preston, Minn., Jan. 20, 1860; son of John and Barbara (Kraemer) Kaercher; educated in public schools of Preston until 15. Learned flour milling trade in his father's mill at Clear Grit, Minn.; removed with his father to Ortonville, Minn., 1881, and assisted in building mill and also mills at Millbank and Big Stone, S. D. ; studied law and has been in practice since 1896. Founder of Big Stone County Journal and Traverse County Times. President City Council, Orton ville. Royal Arch Mason; member I. O. O. F., M. W. A., Knights of Pythias, Eagles. Married at Preston, Minn., Jan. 25, 1880, to Miss Gertrude M. Johnson. Address: Ortonville, Minn. KAESS, Andrew Joseph, physician; born at Vienna, Austria, May 11, 1878; son of Wentzel and Kathryn (Baum gartner) Kaess; graduated from high school of New Ulm, Minn., 1899; Medi cal Department, University of Minne sota, 1903; unmarried. Practiced medi cine in Dangdon, N. D., 1902; at Orton ville, Minn., 1903; at Fargo, N. D., and Moorhead, Minn., since 1903. County coroner of Clay Co.; physician of N. Dakota Children's Home and St. John's Hospital. Member American and Min nesota State Medical associations, Clay- Becker Medical Society, University of Minnesota Alumni Medical Society. Member Knights of Columbus. Address: Moorhead, Minn. KAHLEBT, George P., machinist; born at New Albany, Ind., June 3, 1862; son of Justus and Emma (Truskey) Kahlert; came to St. Paul with his parents when one year of age; educated in public schools of St. Paul; married at St. Paul, Nov., 1888, to Miss Jennie S. Vanderbosh. Dearned trade of machinist in his father's shop and be came a partner in the business, 1899, purchasing his father's interest, 1902; member A. O. U. W., Druids, Junior Pioneers. Recreation: Duck hunting. Office: 123-125 W. 3rd St. Residence: 243 N. Smith Av., St. Paul. KAHN, David, cigar manufacturer; born in Dorraine, France, July 9, 1856; son of Simon and Minetta (Level) Kahn; attended college and graduated from military school, Strasbourg. Came to America, June 1, 1875 and engaged in retail grocery business at Brownsville, Tenn.; removed to Minnesota, March, 1884; became member of the firm of Frank & Kahn, manufacturers and wholesale dealers of cigars of which he is manager. Jewish religion. Mem ber I. O. F., M. W. A., B. P. O. E., U. C. T. Married at Winona, June 21, 1890, to Miss Henrietta Frank. Mem ber Board of Trade, Philharmonic So ciety. Club: Arlington. Recreation: Bowling. Address: Winona, Minn. KAISEB, William, president Fari bault Printing Co., postmaster; born at Stillwater, Minn., April 4, 1864; son of John and Barbara (Knott) Kaiser; educated in public schools of Stillwater and Faribault; married at Chicago, 111., Sept. 15, 1886, to Miss Alice J. Brown. Learned carriage painting and engaged in sign writing in Chicago for 5 years; entered grocery and meat business, but sold out and removed to Faribault, 1891, where he operated a grocery store, 1891- 99. Postmaster since 3 899. Also owner and publisher Daily and Weekly Journal since 1901. Republican. Ex-alderman. Episcopalian. Member Masonic order. Knights of Pythias, Royal League. Club: Commercial. Recreations: Boat ing and fishing. Address: Faribault, Minn. KALBEBG, Frederick Syvemus, edi tor; born in Norway, Aug. 29, 3 875; came to America with parents, 1881; attended school in- Yellow Medicine Co., Minn., and was student in business col lege, Red Wing; graduate Augsburg Seminary, Minneapolis, 1900. Began ac tive career at age of 15 as clerk; taught parochial school, four terms in Yellow Medicine Co.; was dry goods clerk and later manager shoe department, for Central Department Store, Minneapolis; took up homestead in Clearwater Co., Northern Minnesota; was manager A. N. Anderson's jewelry store, winters of 1902-1903; register of deeds, Clearwater Co., 1904-07; editor and publisher Mal lard Call since Jan., 1907. Member 14th Minn. Vol. Inf., during Spanish-Ameri can War. Married at Neving, Minn., Sept. 2, 1905, to Miss Johanna C. Cor nelius. Address: Bagley, Minn. KALMAN, Charles Oscar, auditor Chicago Great Western Ry.; born in New York City, May 9, 1872; son of Arnold and Sarah W. (Greve) Kalman; educated at Philips Exeter Academy, N. H., 1889, and Yale University, 1893; married at St. Paul, Minn., Dec- 20, 1900, 272 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS to Miss Margaret Rugg. Began busi ness career in employ of Union Bank, St. Paul, 1893; treasurer Chicago Great Western Ry., 1894-1902; auditor same road since 1902. Clubs: Minnesota, Town and Country. Office: General of fice C. G. W. Ry. Residence: 443 Ash land Av., St. Paul. KALMAN, Paul J., dealer in railroad supplies; born in New York City, April 1, 1876; son of Arnold and Sarah W. (Greve) Kalman; educated at the St. Paul, (Minn.,) High School and at Worcester Academy, Worcester, Mass.; married at St. Paul, Nov. 20, 1903, to Roxana W. Smith. Began business career, 1896, with Chicago Great West ern Railway and continued in various capacities; opened office as dealer in general railway supplies, 1900. Clubs: Minnesota, Town and Country. Recrea tions: Automobiling, horseback riding, etc. Office: 805 Pioneer Press Bldg. Residence: 129 Western Av., St. Paul. KALMES, Ben, county treasurer Winona Co.; born in Winona Co., Minn., Oct. 12, 1872; son of Jacob and Bar bara (Thill) Kalmes; educated in public schools and business college, Winona; married at Winona, June 24, 1903, to Miss Elizabeth Heller. Began active career in grocery business in Winona; became deputy sheriff, 1892. Was in jured in 1893; while in discharge of his duties and was unable to perform active service for 8 years; elected county treasurer, Nov. 1900, and has been re elected at each succeeding election, present term extending to Jan. 1909. Democrat. Roman Catholic. Member B. P. O. E., (treasurer of Dodge No. 327), Knights of Columbus. Club: Philharmonic. Address: Winona, Minn. KALSCHEUEB, John, piano dealer; born in Cologne-on-Rhein, Germany, Oct. 18, 1848; educated in Germany and at Madison, Wis.; came to United States, 1856. Farmed in Wisconsin, 1874-80; moved to Frankfort, S. D., and from 1882 to 1898 engaged in general mer chandise, operated a grain elevator and flour mill and became president of the James River Bank; retired from active business for 4 years. In 1902 estab lished in St. Paul present business of J. Kalscheuer & Co., wholesale and re tail pianos, of which he is president. Republican. Catholic. Member Knights of Columbus. Club: Commercial. Office: Public Library Bldg. Residence: 196 Hoffman Av., St. Paul. XANKEL, Otto Ernest, milling; born near Berlin, Germany, May 5r 1845; son of William and Mary (Nogel) Kankel; educated in public schools of Germany. Served apprenticeship at miller's trade in Germany, 1862-65; was 3 years in German army; came to America, 1870, and spent 18 months in Wisconsin; re moved to Watertown, Minn., and was employed as miller three years; spent two years in Alexandria and was next in Fergus Falls; was in charge of the Pioneer Mill at Red Lake Falls, 1878-79; built a mill near Fertile, 1880; in com pany with Mr. Sohler, built mill at Faith, partner taking charge of that plant; erected Garfield mill, 1884 and also mill at Caledonia, N. D.; was owner of the four mills in 1889; later disposed of all but two mills at Fertile and took in Nick Hoss as partner; also engaged in manufacture of brick and tile, under title of the Fertile Brick and Tile Co.; vice president First National Bank of Fertile; interested in mines. Democrat. German Lutheran. Married at Fergus Falls, Minn., Jan. 2, 1871, to Miss Louise Zaiser. Member I. O. O. F. Address: Fertile, Minn. KARLEN, Alfred, dairy; born in Switzerland, Jan. 28, 1865; son of Jacob and Susan Kate (Imobersteg) Karlen; educated in Switzerland; came to America, 1882, located in Oneida Co., N. Y., and engaged in cheese making; removed to Wisconsin and continued in same line, 1887-89; has been in St. Paul since 1889; organized the Wis consin Dairy Co., 1890. Member St. Paul Board of Trade, St. Paul Produce Ex change. Independent in politics. Lutheran. Member Modern Woodmen of America. Married in Wisconsin, 1886, to Miss Rosa Segessenmann. Office: 7 E. 3rd St. Residence: 147 Iglehart St., St. Paul. KARON, Arnold S., merchant; born at Kowno, Russia, Aug. 20, 1876; son of Isaac and Lillian (Elias) Karon; edu cated in Russia. Came to America, July 1, 1890, and to Minnesota, 1900. Started in business at Superior, Wis., 1893; became member firm of Karon Bros., 1896; moved to Hibbing, Minn., 1900, and to Chisholm, 1904, where business is continued under name of Karon Bros. Hebrew. Member I. O. O. F., Knights of Pythias. Married at Minneapolis, Aug. 2, 1904, to Miss Ethel Bernstein. Club: Commercial. Ad dress: Chisholm, Minn. KASNER, Anthony Edward, county auditor Benton Co.; born in Germany, Aug. 1, 1865; came to America with parents, Nov., 1871, and located in Chi cago, 111.; attended parochial schools, Chicago, 111.; moved with parents to Minnesota, Sept., 1879, and settled in Benton Co.; attended public schools of Sauk Rapids and State Normal School, St. Cloud. Taught in public schools of Benton Co., 1887-89; was county super intendent of schools, 1889-95; county auditor since 1897. Member C. O. F., M. W. A. Married at Gilmanton, Minn., April 30, 1889, to Miss Mary A. Sluss. Address: Foley, Minn. KEATING, James, editor Wabasha Herald; born at Watopa, Minn., Dec. 15, 1858; son of John and Margaret (Twomey) Keating; educated in district THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 273 and high schools and Winona State Normal School, graduating from the latter, May 25, 1887; married at Roches ter, Minn., July 3, 1906, to Miss Mary Tracy. Taught in public schools until May, 1890; was county superintendent of schools, to Jan., 1895; editor of Wabasha Herald since Jan. 1, 1893, and member of the firm of Keating & Quig ley, printers and publishers. Democrat. Roman Catholic. Member Knights of Columbus. Address: Wabasha, Minn. KEELEB, Elmer, surveyor and civil engineer; born in Faribault Co., Minn., Nov. 28, 1873; son of Hevelyn R. and Luella M. (Barrett) Keeler; attended public schools in Faribault and Lin coln counties and Lake Benton High School until 1893; taught school several years; graduated from civil engineering department of International Correspond ence Schools. Born and raised on a farm; was principal schools, Arco, Minn., 1903, and has been county surveyor 'Lincoln Co., since 1904; also assistant engineer on county ditches. Baptist. Member Modern Woodmen 'of America. Married at Lake Benton, Sept. 12, 1898, to Miss Harriet A. Carlisle. Address: Lake Benton, Minn. KEES, Frederick, architect; born at Baltimore, Md., April 9, 1852; son of Frederick and Eva (Schmidt) Kees; edu cated in public schools of Baltimore. Began active career as draughtsman in office of E. G. Lind, architect, Baltimore, 1865; went to Chicago and worked in office of T. V. Wadskier; returned to Baltimore and again entered office of Mr. Lind, remaining until 1878; located in Minneapolis, 1878, and after a short experience in the office of L. S. Buff ington, began as architect on own ac count, first as Kees & Fisk, later as Long & Kees; has been member of the firm of Kees & Colburn since 1901, and designed the following structures: The Syndicate Block, First Baptist Church, Courthouse and City Hall, Public Li brary, Minneapolis Chamber of Com merce, Northwestern National Bank, Powers Block, Donaldson Glass Block, and buildings for Deere & Webber, Advance Thresher Co., J. I. Chase Thresher Co , and others. President Automatic Gas Regulating Co. Was member Co. A, 1st M. N. G., for 5 years. Independent in politics. Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner; member B. P. O. E. Married at Minneapolis, 1881, to Miss Florence Smith. Recreation: Au- tornobiling. Office: Kasota Bldg. Resi dence: 722 E. 24th St., Minneapolis. KEES, George A., proprietor Kees Domestic Engineering Co., St. Paul; born at Lansing, la., Dec. 9, 1866; son of Peter J. and Eva E. (Heisz) Kees; educated in public schools of Dansing. Began in plumbing, heating and gas fitting business at Cedar Rapids, la., 1885; came to St. Paul, 1887, and started in business in his own name in 1889; since Jan. 1, 1906, proprietor of the Kees Domestic Engineering Co. Member Builders' Exchange, St. Paul. Member Masonic order. Married at St. Paul, 1900, to Miss Emma M. Arzt Recrea tions: Driving, riding and boating. Office: 260-262 E. 7th St. Residence. 79 Hoffman Av., St. Paul. KEESEY, Wilbur R., clergyman; born in Philadelphia, Pa., April 3, 1869; son of William H. and Josephine M. (Ruth) Keesey; educated in public schools of Philadelphia; Pennington Seminary, Pen nington, N. J.; Philadelphia Conference, 1890, Minnesota Conference, J.891. Mar ried at Philadelphia, Nov. 19, 1891, to Miss Anna A. Quail. Began ministry at Dima, Pa., as pastor of the First M. E. Church and continued as follows: First M. E. Church, Eyota, Minn., 1 year; Fillmore Circuit, Fillmore Co., Minn., 3 years; Marion Circuit, Olmsted Co., Minn., 3 years; First Methodist Church, Elmore, Minn., 5 years; has been pastor of the First M. E. Church, Owatonna, since 1903. Republican. Methodist Member Masonic order, Chapter, Knights Templar, and Shrine; Yeomen. Recreations: Boating and Ashing. Address: Owatonna, Minn. KEITEB, Louis Miles, general agent Northwestern Mutual Dife Insurance Co.; born at Mt. Carroll, 111., May 22, 1855; son of George W. and Emma (Miles) Keiter (both of Welsh descent) ; educated in public schools of Mount Carroll, 111., and at Bayless College, Dubuque, Iowa; married at Mount Car roll, 111., 1878, to E. Jennette Nelson. Began business in drug store; was re tail druggist in Grundy Center and Cedar Rapids, Iowa, until 1890, at which time he came to St. Paul, where he was accountant with the Chicago Great Western railways; became connected with the North Western Mutual Life Insurance Co., in 1892, and since 1893 has been general agent for the company for the St. Paul District. Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner. Recreations: Fishing and hunting io season. Clubs: Commercial, Minnesota. Office: 415-423 Manhattan Bldg. Residence: 777 Lin coln Av., St. Paul. KEITH, Arthur Monroe, lawyer; born at Roxbury, Mass., July 9, 1852; son of James M. and Adeline (Wetherbee) Keith; graduated from Harvard Univer sity, 1874, and from Law Department, Boston University, 1876. Was admitted to the bar at Boston, June, 1876, and practiced in Boston two years; located in Minneapolis, 1878; member of the law firm of Keith, Evans, Thompson & Fairchild; second vice president Minne sota Loan and Trust Co.; vice president William Donaldson & Co. Married at San Francisco, Calif., June 12, 1884, to Miss Helen K. Benchley. Clubs: Min neapolis, Commercial, Six O'Clock, Har vard of Minnesota. Recreation: Litera- ture. Office: 37-42 Loan & Trust Co. 274 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS Bldg. Residence: 2206 1st Av., S., Minneapolis. KEITH, Charles, attorney, banker; born at Farmington, Me., March 21, 1851; son of Leonard and Catharine P. (Stewart) Keith; educated in common schools and at Farmington Academy. Came to Princeton, Minn., Jan. 13, 1873; judge probate court, Mille Lacs Co., 1876-86; interested in logging on Rum River until 1894; engaged in practice of law since 1889, and in banking since 1887. Officer of First National Bank, Foley, Farmers State Bank, Milaca, First National Bank, Princeton, First National Bank, Cambridge, First Na tional Bank, Mora, all of Minnesota. Democrat. Member Sons of American Revolution. Address: Princeton, Minn. KEITH, Max Le Boy, publisher, born at Minneapolis, June 10, 1872; son of George Herbert and Henrietta (Jewett) Keith; concluded school education dur ing second year at University of Min nesota; married at Minneapolis, 1901. Began business career as claim clerk of the Washburn, Crosby Milling Company remaining for three years; became con nected with the architectural and pub lishing business of Walter J. Keith; elected vice president, 1901, and later purchased Keith's Magazine. Republi can. Baptist. Club: CommerciaL Of fice: Dumber Exchange. Residence: 3301 Colfax Av., S., Minneapolis. KEITH, Walter J., architect; bornat Minneapolis, Minn., Aug. 17, "1866; son of George H. and Henrietta (Jewett) Keith; educated in Minneapolis public schools. Began active career as clerk in Minneapolis post office, later becorn- ing inspector United States Customs Department; entered architecture, 1889. President The Keith Co., architects, .established, 1903; also president The Plaza Co., owners of The Plaza, Min neapolis. Founder of Keith's Magazine on Home Building. Author: Historic Architecture for the Home Builder; Keith's Architectural Studies, etc. Re publican. Baptist. Married at Minne apolis, 1889, to Miss Nella Yerxa. Clubs: Minneapolis, Minikahda, Da- fayette, Automobile. Office: 917 Hen nepin Av. Residence: Hotel Plaza, Minneapolis. KELJIK, Bedros A., importer of oriental rugs; born Harpoot, Armenia (Turkey), April 21, 1875; son of Arakel and Marta (Toomajanian) Keljik; gradu ate of Central High School, Harpoot, 1890. Came to America, 1890, and graduated from Kent College of Daw, Chicago, 111., 1899, LL.B.; unmarried. Located in St. Paul and began present business, 1900. Mason. Club: Com mercial. Office: 15 East 6th St. Resi dence: 362 Smith Av., St. Paul. KELLAR, Curtis B., banker; born in Grant Co., Wis., May 19, 1845; son of William and Elizabeth C. (Kies) Kellar; came to Minnesota in 1856; educated in public schools of Albert Lea and at Tafton Collegiate Seminary and Oberlin College. Enlisted in Co. C, 5th Regt., Minn. Vols., Civil War, Feb- 17, 1862, serving until March 4, 1863. Entered banking business at Albert Lea, Minn., as cashier of private bank of Frank Hall, 1867; continued through various changes until the Albert Lea National Bank was organized and he was elected its cashier, 1892; elected cashier consoli dated First National Bank, Feb. 18, 1902; has been president First National Bank since Jan. 3, 3903. Also director Farmers State Bank, Hayward, Minn., Case Corset Co.; city treasurer Albert Lea; treasurer Albert Lea College. Re publican. Presbyterian. Member Ma sonic order, Independent Order of Fores ters, G. A. R., Territorial Pioneers. Married at Boscobel, Wis., May 27, 1866, to Miss Mary E. Nixon. Club: Com mercial. Address: Albert Lea, Minn. KELLEB, Herbert Paist, lawyer; born at St. Paul, Minn., Feb. 7, 1875; son of John M. and Annice Elizabeth (Scott) Keller; educated in the grammar and high schools of St. Paul; graduated from the law department of the Uni versity of Minnesota, degree of LL.B. Began practice of law, in St. Paul, June, 3 896. Member of City Council, 1904, reelected, 1906; was assistant corpora tion attorney, 1902-03. Member of Ramsey County and American Bar as sociations. Married at St. Paul, Dec. 1905, to Carrie S. Johnston. Recrea tions: Hunting, fishing, bowling and sailing. Club: West Side. Office: 700- 704 Globe Bldg. Residence: 420 8th St., St. Paul. KELLEB, Louis B., manager Balti more Packing Co., Minneapolis; born at La Crosse, Wis., March 13, 1861; son of Daniel and Mary Keller; educated in public schools of Da Crosse. Began active career by learning printing trade at La Crosse, continuing for 7 years; engaged in transportation business at Kansas City, Mo., for 5 years; employed in railway construction, in Arizona, and in merchandise business in Los Angeles, Denver and Minneapolis, until 1889. Became connected with the Baltimore Packing Co., general cold storage and merchandising, 1889, and officiated as secretary until 1898, when he became general manager at Minneapolis. Re publican. Roman Catholic. Member Minneapolis Produce Exchange. Mem ber Royal Arcanum, National Union, U. C. T. of America. Married at Flint, Mich., June 8, 1892, to Miss Daisy E. Williams. Club: Commercial. Recrea tion: Fishing. Office: 203-207 N. 5th St. Residence: 3825 Upton Av., S., Minneapolis. KELLEB, "William Henry, coal dealer; born in Cleveland, O., Jan. 7, 1846; son of Henry D. and Margaret A. (Harrilin) Keller; educated in public and high THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 275 schools of Cleveland; married at La fayette, Ind., Sept. 19, 1871, to Alice H. Hart. Served as private in Co. F, 150th Regt. Ohio Vol. Inf., in Civil War; was a partner in the wholesale and manu facturing business of Charles Hamlin & Co., Lafayette, Ind., 1868-1886; mana ger Sault Ste Marie Land and Improve ment Co., Minneapolis, Minn., for 13 years and in similar capacity for the Pacific Land Co. for 10 years; secretary and treasurer Eli Pettijohn Cereal Co. and treasurer City Elevator Co., Minne apolis, 1896-98; has been secretary, treasurer and director Washburn Lignite Coal Co., since Jan. 1, 1903. Republican. Episcopalian. Member G. A. R. (com mander John A. Rawlins Post No. 126, Minneapolis). Office: 201 Metropolitan Life Bldg. Residence: 616 9th St., S., Minneapolis. KELLEY, Howard G., railway official; born at Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. 12, 1858; son of Edwin A. and Mary B. (Peterson) Kelley; graduate of Polytechnic College of Pennsylvania. Entered railway ser vice, 1881, as assistant engineer location construction and bridge construction of Western and Pacific divisions, Northern Pacific Ry. ; was superintendent of mines in Montana, 1884-87; filled posi tion of resident engineer and superin tendent bridges and buildings of the St. Louis & Southwestern Ry. System, 1887- 90; chief engineer, same road, 1890-98; has been chief engineer Minneapolis & St. Louis Rd., since March 1, 1898, and has held same position, Iowa Central Ry., since July, 1900. Was consulting engineer St. Louis Southwestern Ry., March 3, 1898, to May, 1899. Married at Denison, Tex., Jan. 11, 1899, to Miss Cora J. Dingo. Club. Minneapolis. Of fice: 1133 Guaranty Bldg. Residence: 1780 Dyndale Av., S., Minneapolis. KELLY, Linn A., physician; born at Schenectady, N. Y., May 18, 1845; son of John and Eliza (Mansfield) Kelly; educated at Beloit College, Beloit, Wis.; Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati, O. ; Bennett Medical College, Chicago, 111., graduating, degree of M.D., 1869. Married at Elgin, 111., 1870, to Miss Addie J. Dunton. Began praqtice at Elgin, 111., 1870; has been located at Winona, Minn., since 1873. Member Eclectic Association of Minnesota. Was city physician, Elgin, 111., 2 years; city physician, Winona, two terms; member Board of Education, 2 years, (president 1 year). Member U. S. Board of Pension Examiners. Republican. Scottish and York Rite Mason (32°), Knight Templar; member I. O. O. F. Clubs: Arlington, Sportsmen's. Recreations: Hunting, fishing, and outdoor sports. Address: Winona, Minn. KELLEY, Michael H., hardware merchant; president Kelley-How-Thom- son Co. Address: Duluth. KELLOGG, Frank B., lawyer; born in Potsdam, N. Y., Dec. 22, 1856; son of Asa F. and Abigail (Billings) Kellogg. Came to Minnesota with parents in 1865. Studied law and was admitted to the bar of Rochester, Minn., where he was city attorney for three years, and county attorney for five years, practicing in Rochester for ten years, in partnership with Burt W. Eaton; re moved to St. Paul, Oct. 1, 1887, forming partnership with United States Senator Cushman Kellogg Davis and Cordenio A. Severance, as Davis, Kellogg & Sev erance, the firm name being retained to the present time. General counsel of Chicago Great Western Ry. Co, Duluth & Iron Range R. R. Co., Duluth, Mis- sabe & Northern Ry. Co., Minnesota Iron Co., Oliver Iron Mining Co., and of all companies in which the United States Steel Corporation is interested. Government delegate to Universal Con gress of Lawyers and Jurists in 1904; delegate to the National Republican Convention held at Chicago in 1904, and member of the Republican National Committee for Minnesota. Special counsel for the United States in the case of United States against the Pa per Trust, and in the case of United States against the Standard Oil Trust; special counsel for the Interstate Com merce Commission in the investigation of the Harriman railroads. Married at Rochester, Minn., in 1896, to Miss Clara M. Cook. Clubs: Minnesota, Kitchi Gammi (Duluth), Chicago (Chicago), Lawyers (New York), Transportation (New York). Office: 32-37 Merchants' National Bank Bldg. Residence: 633 Fairmount Av., St. Paul. KELLOGG, Irving W., business man ager; born in Charles City, la., April 3 4, 1864; son of William and Lucy (Carver) Kellogg; educated in public schools of Charles City. Began active career as a farmer near Charles City, la.; became interested in farm imple ments and machinery and spent seven years on the road selling wind mills and machinery; came to Minnesota from Batavia, 111., Oct., 1901, as manager Minneapolis branch of the Challenge Co., having been associated with that company since 1896. Republican. Con gregationalist. Married at Charles City, la., 1887, to Miss Clara J. Teeling. Member Modern Woodmen of America, Good Samaritans. Office: 314 1st St., N. Residence: 2017 4th Av., S., Minne apolis. KELLY, Benjamin W., physician; born at Tawas City, Mich., May 23, 3 874; son of William A. and Laura CRollin) Kelly; educated in public schools of Tawas City; at Duluth, Minn., and Saginaw, Mich.; Medical De partment, University of Michigan, de gree of M.D., 1897; post-graduate work at Ann Arbor, Mich., and Chicago, spring and summer of 1906. Practiced medicine in Ohio, 1897-98; has been in practice at Aitkin, since April, 1898. Mason. Member Minnesota State Medi cal Association, Aitkin County Medical Society, Pi Rho Sigma fraternity. In- 276 - THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS dependent Republican. Married at ' Su perior, Wis., 1904, to Miss Beth Rey nolds. Address: Aitkin, Minn. KELLY, Daniel, real estate; born in Ireland, 1839; came to America with his brothers, 1844; educated in New Jersey and after 16 years of age, in St. Paul (Minn.) High School; married at St. Paul, Jan. 8, 1863, to Miss May Collins, whose death occurred, 1894. Began active career as teamster; en gaged in hotel business in St. Paul and during recent years has been identified with real estate, loans and insurance. Member Real Estate Exchange. Demo crat. Roman Catholic Member Board of Control, City of St. Paul; was county commissioner, 1872-78, and reappointed by common council for unexpired term. Member Junior Pioneers. Office: 304 Pioneer Press Bldg. Residence: 672 Summitt Av., St. Paul. KELLY, Frank S., furniture; born in Dodge Co., Wis., Nov. 15, 1859; son of Michael and Julia (Durkin) Kelly; edu cated in public schools of Dodge City. Began active career in employ of the Northern Pacific Ry., continuing for 7 years; came to Duluth in 1886 and es tablished the F. S. Kelly Furniture Co. Roman Catholic. Member Knights of Columbus, B. P'. O. E. Married in Dodge Co., Wis., 1888, to Miss Bridget Mc- Hugh. Clubs: Commercial, Duluth Yacht. Office: 226-228 W. Superior St. Residence: 414 E. 3rd St., Duluth. KELLEY, Howard G., civil engineer; born at Philadelphia, Jan. 12, 1858; son of Edwin A. and Mary B. (Peterson; Kelley; graduate Polyclinic College, Pa.; married, Denison, Tex., Jan. 11, 1899, Cora J. Lingo. Entered railway service; 1883, being assistant engineer on loca tion, construction and bridge construc tion, Western and Pacific divisions, Northern Pacific Ry. ; superintendent mines in Montana, 1884-7; resident en gineer and superintendent bridges and buildings, St. Louis Southwestern Ry. System, 1887-90; chief engineer same road, 1890-8; chief engineer Minneap olis & St. Louis R. R. Co., since March 1, 1898; Iowa Central Ry. Co., since July, 1900; was also consulting engi neer St. Louis Southwestern Ry, March 1, 1898-May, 1899. Office: 1133 Guaranty Bldg. Residence: 1780 Lyndale Av., S., Minneapolis. KELLY, John P., wholesale grocer; born in St. Paul, Minn., June 11, 1857; son of Patrick and Margaret Kelly; educated in parochial schools of St. Paul; Adams Grammar School; Univer sity of Notre Dame, Ind. Has been iden tified with grocery business since 1876; was first connected with P. H. Kelly & Co., later with P. H. Kelly Mercantile Co., succeeded by Foley Brothers & Kel ly Mercantile Co., and since 1899, Foley Brothers & Kelly, Inc., wholesale gro cers, of which he is manager. Member St. Paul Jobbers and Manufacturers' Association, National Wholesale Gro- pers' Association (member executive committee). Member Board of Fire Commissioners, City of St. Paul, since 1903. Democrat. Roman Catholic. Mem ber B. P. O. E., Junior Pioneers. Clubs: Minnesota, Commercial, Town and Coun try. Office: Broadway and Prince Sts. Residence: 65S Lincoln St., St. Paul. KELLY, Patrick J., wholesale liquors; born at Hannibal, Mo., March 18, 1868, son of John and Mary (Canty) Kelly; educated in public schools of Hannibal. Began active career as railroad man and became locomotive engineer Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Omaha Ry.; came to Minneapolis, from Mankato, Minn., 1S96, and is president of The Kelly-Steinmelz Liquor Co. Roman Catholic. Member B. P. O. E., Knights of Pythias. Married at Chicago, 111., 1899, to Miss Cecelia Morain. Office: 17 Washington Av. Residence: Wiscon sin Flats, Minneapolis. KELLY, Baymond, commercial agent; born at Blakely, Minn., March 29, 1877; son .of James and Catherine (Mulligan) Kelly; educated in common schools; un married. Entered service of Conover- Gee Co., grain, 1893; changed to North- rup, King & Co., seed merchants, 1895; entered railroad service same year as secretary to general freight agent of the Minneapolis & St. Louis Railroad; be came contracting freight agent, 1899; traveling passenger agent, 1902; com mercial agent, same road, since 1903. Member Knights of Columbus. Clubs: Amateur Athletic, Minnesota Boat. Office: 398 Robert St., So. St. Paul. Res idence: 2013 Clinton Av., Minneapolis. KELLY, Thomas Colvin, physician; born at Toronto, Ont., Nov. 12, 1871; son of James and Eliza A. (Bowsfield) Kelly; educated in public schools of St. Paul, 3 885-88; graduate Duluth Central High School, 1899; graduate College of Medicine and Surgery, University of Minnesota, M.D., June 2, 1904. Engaged in practice at Garden City, Minn., 1904- 06; has been practicing in Mankato since 1906. Member Blue Earth County, Minnesota Valley Medical societies, Minnesota State Medical Association. Prohibitionist Methodist. Mason; mem ber Nu Sigma Nu fraternity. Married at Detroit, Mich., July 5, 1900, to Miss Mame S. Adams. Address: Mankato, Minn. KELLY, William D., surgeon, spe cialist; born at St. Paul, Minn., Aug. 1, 1864; son of Daniel and Mary (Col lins) Kelly; educated in public and high schools of St. Paul; St. Paul Busi ness College; Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, graduating, 1886; Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, degree of M.D., 1887; interne at Cook Hospital, Camden, N. J., 1887-88; post graduate work at University of Minnesota, Johns Hopkins University, Edinburg Univer sity, Royal Infirmary, Vienna, and other centres of education in Europe. Be gan practice of medicine at St. Paul, 3.888; has made specialty of gynecology. Surgeon St. Paul Free Medical Dispen- THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 277 sary; pathologist of St. Joseph's Hos pital; gynecologist of City and County Hospital. Member American and Min nesota State Medical associations, Ram sey County Medical Society. Honorary member Crow River Medical Society. Medical examiner for a number of life insurance companies. Member B. P. O. E., Junior Pioneers, Alpha Kappa and Zeta Phi Alpha fraternities. Office: 135 Lowry Arcade. Residence: 672 Summit Av., St. Paul. KELLY, William Louis, jurist; born at Springfield, Washington County, Ky. ; son of Col. Charles C. and Anne (Bourne) Kelly; educated at home,, in the village school, and in the law de partment of the University of Louis ville, Ky., graduating, 1860; married at Louisville, to Rosa Warren. Assistant postmaster Louisville, Ky., 1855-1864; special agent postoffice department, 3 864-1867; with General Sherman's army, in sole charge of the army mails in the military division of the Mis sissippi, 1864-1865; reorganized mail service of the south from Tennessee to Texas, at the close of the war. Came to Minnesota in 1865, where he farmed, edited newspaper and practiced law. Ap pointed March 15, 1887, by Gov. Andrew R. McGill to an original vacancy as district judge, 2nd district of Minne sota, being reelected at each succeed ing election through endorsement of both Republican and Democratic con ventions, and in 1906 unanimously elected without opposition. Roman Cath olic. Member of Catholic Knights of America, A. O. H, Knights of Colum bus. Club: Commercial. Office: Court House. Residence: 27 Sherburne Av., St. Paul. KEMPE, Peter Aaron Hjalmar, whole sale grocer; born at Tidaholm, Sweden, April 3, 1856; son of Aaron and Hedvig Charlotta (Lunden) Kempe; educated at Skara College, Sweden; married at Bel videre, Minn., June 22, 1882, to Miss Mary Dablow. Came to America Aug. 2, 1878, and three days later located in Red Wing; began as clerk in retail gro cery store of John Kempe & Co, 1878; in retail grocery business for self under firm name of Peter Kempe, 1883-94; as sociated with C. E. Friedrich and in corporated, 1894, as Friedrich & Kempe Co., wholesale grocers, of which he is vice president. Also vice president Red Wing Furniture Co. Methodist. Member United Commercial Travelers of Amer ica. Club: Commercial. Address: Red Wing, Minn. KEMPEB, Ludwig, manager Albert Lea Light & Power Co.; born at Rotter dam, Holland, Sept., 1877; university education, Germany, degrees of M.E. and E.E. Came to America, 1902, and has been treasurer and manager Albert Lea Light & Power Co., since 1905. Member National Electric Light Association, American Gas Institute. Club: Com mercial. Address: Albert Lea, Minn. KEMFFFEB, Frank, civil engineer; born at New Carlisle, P. Q., Can., March 18, 1860; son of Robert and Sarah Jane Kempffer; common school education; came to Minnesota, 1880; began active career as laborer in lumber camp and continued working in the woods, 1880- 92; entered service of Duluth & Iron Range Ry., 1892, as chainman in engi neer corps, and advanced to position of resident engineer, retiring, 1902; now county surveyor Lake Co.; also elected clerk of district court, 1904. Republi can. Member Modern Woodmen of America, Knights of Pythias, Royal Lea gue. Married at Duluth, Minn., 1892, to Miss Mattie Babcock. Address: Two Harbors, Minn. KEMFTON, Edward S., treasurer, Du luth, Missabe & Nothern Ry. Co.; born in Cambridgeshire, England, 1848; came to America in youth; educated in public schools of Manitowoc, Wis. Entered railway service with Milwaukee, Dake Shore & Western Ry. Co., 1S74; was clerk and ticket accountant, 1874-77; clerk freight accounts, 1877-84; became traveling auditor, continuing, 1884-88; filled position of chief clerk auditor's department, 1888-93; was chief clerk in treasurer's office, Duluth, Missabe & Northern Ry. Co., 1893-95; has been director and treasurer, same company, since 1895. Protestant. Married. Of fice: Wolvin Bldg. Residence: 702% E. 4th St., Duluth. KENASTON, Frederick Eugene, thresh ing machines; born in Quebec, Can., Nov. 14, 1853. Came to Minneapolis, 18S3, and acted as representative of D. M. Osborne & Co., agricultural machin ery, in charge of territory continguous to Minneapolis, until 1886; engaged in banking business at Breckenridge, Minn., 1886; has been president Minneapolis Threshing Machine Co. since 1897. Also president Northwest Thresher Co. of Stillwater, Minn., and American-Abell Engine & Thresher Co., Dtd. of Toronto, Can. Republican. Mason. Clubs: Com mercial, Minneapolis. Office: Hopkins, Minn. Residence: 2426 Hennepin Av., Minneapolis. KENDALL, Joseph Brown, banker, manufacturer; born at Canton, Pa., April 3 3, 1838; son of S. B. and Fanny Kendall; educated in common schools and commercial school, Washington, D. C, graduating June 2, 1868. Served in Civil "War, 1861-64; wounded at Battle of Chancellorsville; clerk in war de partment,' Washington, D. C, 1864-68; came to Minnesota, 1868, and conduct ed general merchandise business until 3 893. Has been engaged in manufacture of brick since 1893. President State Bank, of Bvron. Member Minnesota Legislature, 1895-97. Member G. A. R., I. O. O. F. Married. Address: Byron, Minn. KENDRICK, Fayette Dwight, physi cian; born at Dryden, Lapeer Co., Mich., Nov. 29, 3 856; son of Lucius and Eliza (Look) Kendrick; educated in Flint (Mich.) High School, and in University 278 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS of Michigan, Medical Department, grad uating, M.D., 1881; married at St. Paul, Oct. 10, 1893, to Sarah K Slees. Began business life selling fruit trees at 15, teaching school at 16, in college until 22 years old; raising standard bred horses and cattle for ten years, sheep ranching at same time and gold mining from Arizona to Idaho. Physician to city, county, penitentiary and U. S. Marine Hospital, U. S. pension examiner, railroad and State examining physician for ten years, practicing as homoeo pathic physician; vice president First National Bank of Bismarck, N. Dak., Mc Lean County (N. Dak.) Bank and Brad- dock Bank; president Kendrick Chemi cal Co., St. Paul; president Philadelphia Mutual' Aid Insurance Co., Swiss Belle Gold Mining Co., and Minnesota Ceramic Co. of Cook Creek, Minn. Republican. B. P. O. E., Mason (Scottish Rite), Knight Templar and Shriner. Office: Kendrick Bldg., St. Paul. Residence: Bismarck, N. Dak. KENNA, John J., real estate; born at St. Paul, Minn., Sept. 21, 1862; son of John and Julia (Mahony) Kenna; edu cated in public schools of St. Paul; mar ried at Chicago, 111., Oct. 29, 1897, to Miss Mary Mclntyre. Began active ca reer after leaving school, in hardware business, continuing 1881-86; entered real estate business, 1886, removing to Chicago, where he was identified with the real estate business under title of Barnard & Kenna, 1890-1904; returned to St. Paul, 1904, and has since been part ner in real estate and insurance firm of Bentley & Kenna. Member Real Es tate Board. Republican. Roman Cath olic. Member Knights of Columbus. Club: Commercial. Recreations: Boat ing and fishing. Office: 5th and Cedar Sts. Residence: 889 Fairmont Av., St. Paul. KENNEDY, James T., general mana ger The Emporium; born in Lee Co., 111., 1863; son of Samuel S. and Nancy Kennedy; educated in public schools; married at Leicester, N. Y., 1887, to Miss Nellie Sisson. Began active career in mercantile business at Dixon, 111., 1874; came to Minnesota, 1879, and was con nected with Siegelbaum Bros., Minne apolis and later with the Golden Rule, St. Paul; one of the organizers of the Emporium Department Store, incorporat ed as Kennedy-McLeod-McArthur Co., of which he is secretary and general mana ger. Presbyterian. Member Royal Ar canum. Club: Commercial. Office: 92- 96 East 7th St. Residence: 2161 Com monwealth Av., St. Paul. KENNEDY, John, merchant; born at Belle Plaine, Minn., May 29, 1856; son of John and Margaret (McKenna) Ken nedy; educated in the common schools. Was reared upon a farm and is a farm owner; has been a buyer of wheat since 1890; began dealing in general mer chandise and farm implements, in March, 1901, at Biscay, Minn. President Biscay Creamery & Cheese Co. Roman Catholic. Married at Hutchinson, Minn., Nov., 1885, Celia Austin. Address: Bis cay, Minn. KENNEDY, Bichard Lea, lawyer; born at Pittsburgh, Pa., March 8, 1872; son of Matthew and Mary (Cameron) Kennedy; educated at Cutler Academy (preparatory school) ; graduated from Princeton University, degree of A.B., 1895; Harvard University, LL.B., 1898. Married, Sept. 17, 1902, to Jane Jeffrey McLeod. Admitted to the bar, July, 1898, and entered firm of Hall, Pres ton & Babbitt, Colorado Springs, Colo.; in July, 1904, entered firm of Warner & Kennedy, lawyers, St Paul; since Sept., 1905, in partnership with Grant Van Sant, son of Gov. S. R. Van Sant of Min nesota, under firm name of Kennedy & Aran Sant, who are engaged in general practice of law. Republican. Presby terian. Clubs: Harvard, Princeton, Commercial. Office: 508-512 Globe Bldg. Residence: 529 Holly Av., St. Paul. KENNEDY, Soger 'Sherman, manufac turer and dealer in guns and sporting goods; born in Ireland, June 1, 1854; educated in the public schools of Ire land and business college, St. Paul. Came to St. Paul, Minn., 1870; remained one year and went to New York City where he learned the sporting goods' business; returned to St. Paul, 1876, and has since remained, having assisted in building up the largest business in sporting goods in the northwest; mem ber of the firm of Kennedy Brothers Arms Co., manufacturers of guns and sporting goods, wholesale and retail, the firm having been in operation since 3 867. Roman Catholic. Married at Pittsburg, Pa., Sept. 1, 1880, to Stella Hoeveler. Clubs: Commercial, Town and Country. Recreations: Shooting, fishing, golf, curling and automobiling. Office: Cor. Robert and 3rd Sts. Resi dence: 533 Dayton Av., St. Paul. KENNEDY, William S., merchant; born at Grandetour, 111., Dec. 8, 1863; son of Samuel and Ann (Ramsey) Ken nedy; educated in public schools of Illinois; married at Minneapolis, Minn., 1900, to Miss Etta Barlow. Began ac tive career in employ of Austin Bros., dry goods, Dixon, 111., later being con nected with H. P. Wickes of same place; came to Minneapolis, 1885, and was identified for many years with Siegel baum Bros, and John W. Thomas & Co.: has been vice president of Kennedy- McLeod-McArthur Co., St. Paul, since ' Jan., 1902. Republican. Presbyterian. Member Royal Arcanum. Office: Cor. 7th and Minnesota. Residence: 474 Lyndhurst Av., St. Paul. KENNICOTT, Jay A., lawyer; born at The Grove, Cook Co., 111., Jan. 24, 3 865; son of Charles and Cordelia (Boy- den) Kennicott; educated In public schools of Chicago and Oak Park, 111.; Columbian College (now George Wash ington University) Washington, D. C, 1882-85; University of Minnesota, Col lege of Law, degree of LL.B., 1903. THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 279 Came to Luverne, Minn., from Washing ton, D. C, 1885, and entered real estate business, selling some 300,000 acres of land before resuming collegiate studies. Began practice of law June 1, 1903. Director First National Bank; secretary and treasurer Luverne Automobile Co.; vice president, secretary and treasurer Luverne Telephone Co. President Com mon Council, Luverne, 1887-88; city at torney, Luverne, 1905-07. Republican. Member Luverne School Board, Park County Republican Central Committee. Member Minnesota Bar Association, Phi Delta Phi law fraternity, Phi Kappa Psi college fraternity, Masonic order, Knights Templar, A. A. O. N. M. S., Modern Woodmen. Married at St. Paul, ..Minn., 1887, to Miss Maude Helm. Club: Commercial (St Paul). Recreations: Lawn tennis, automobiling, hunting and fishing. Address: Luverne, Minn. KENNING, Charles, business man; born at Tessen, Mecklenburg, Sweren, Germany, March 28, 1850; son of Henry and Fredericka (Damman) Kenning; came to America, 1853, and attended schools in Toronto, Canada, 1855-58; Chaska (Minn.) public schools, 1858; Moravian Academy, Chaska, 1868-9. En tered the contracting and building busi ness, 1869; built sash and door manu facturing plant at Chaska and operated same, with lumber yard, 1872-78; located on farm in Renville Co., Minn., 1878, continuing until 1886, when he sold out; has operated stock farm at Osceola, 8 miles north of Bird Island, managing same in connection with other lines of business, since 1886; owner Osceola Lumber and Improvement Co.; presi dent and manager Clover Leaf Creamery Co.; secretary Bird Island Farmers Ele vator; secretary and treasurer Minne sota Swine Breeders Association; and superintendent swine department Min nesota State Fair, 1903-4; member exe cutive committee Minnesota Breeders' Association. Republican. Member I. O. O. F., U. W. A. Married at Osceola, Minn., Nov., 1886, to Miss Louise Ehren- berg. Address: Bird Island, Minn. KENYON, George M., railway sup plies; born at Watertown, N. Y., Aug. 31, 1864; son of Alex. M. and Amelia (Yendes) Kenyon; educated in public schools, Watertown, N. Y.; married at St. Paul, June 9, 1900, to Sophie Greve. Began business career as a clerk with the Rome, Watertown & Ogdensburg R. R.; came to St. Paul early part of 1888 and accepted position with the Canadian Pacific Railway as traveling passenger agent and since 1891 has been engaged in business for self as a dealer in rail way supplies. Episcopalian. Mason, Knight Templar and Shriner. Recrea tions: Yachting, fishing. Clubs: Min nesota, Commercial, Town and Country, White Bear Yacht, Nushka. Office: Pioneer Press Bldg. Residence: 445 Summit Av., St. Paul. KENYON, Paul Emeron, physician; born at New Lisbon, Wis., Dec. 8, 1868; son of George P. and Josephine (Sarles) Kenyon; educated in Fargo (N. D.) High School, graduating, 1888, University of Minnesota, degree of B.S., 1892, North western University Medical School, Chi cago, 111., M.D., 1896. Practiced medi cine at Minneota, Minnesota, 1896; in terne at St. Barnabas Hospital, Minne apolis, 1897; located at Wadena in gen eral practice of the profession, since Jan., 1898. Director of First National Bank of Deer Creek, Minn. Democrat. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associations. Mason; member Knights of Pythias, Delta Tau Delta and Nu Sigma Nu societies. Married at Minneapolis, Minn., Sept. 27, 1899, to Miss Ida M. Videen. Address: Wadena, Minn. KERN, Maximilian Joseph, physician; born at Wadena, Minn., March 17, 1881; son of Max and Mary (Hoffman) Kern; educated in district school; Wadena graded school and private tutor; St. John's University, Collegeville, Minn., 2 years, 1898-1900; Creighton Medical Col lege, Omaha, Neb., 1900-04, graduating, degree of M.D., 1904. Member Stearns- Benton County Medical Society, Minne sota State and American Medical asso ciations. Democrat. Roman Catholic. Member Catholic Order of Foresters, Phi Rho Sigma fraternity. Married at Freeport, Minn., June 13, 1905, to Miss Anna Welle. Address: Freeport, Minn. KEBB, William A., lawyer; born at Chatham, New Brunswick, Canada, May 27, 1867; son of William and Jane (Log- gie) Kerr; educated in Chatham graded and high schools and University of New Brunswick; unmarried. Studied law' in New Brunswick; came to Minne apolis, Jan., 1889; admitted to practice law, April, 1S89; elected judge of Muni cipal Court of Minneapolis, serving term of 6 years; senior member of Kerr & Fowler, since 1905. Author: Kerr on Insurance. Republican. Mason, Shriner; member B. P. O. E. Clubs: Minne apolis, Minikahda, Commercial, Minne apolis Whist. Recreations: Fishing and hunting. Office: Suite 401, Loan and Trust Bldg. Residence: 408 E. 14th St., Minneapolis. KEBBICK, John H., machinery; born in Bradford Co., Pa., Aug. 16, 1842; educated in public schools of Bradford. Has been engaged in sale of machinery for 40 vears and has been a resident of Minneapolis since 1880; handles heavy machinery. Was color bearer 179th New York Vols, in the Civil War. Member G. A. R. Married at Indianapolis, Ind., April 11, 1876, to Mrs. W. Q. Smith. Recreation: Fishing. Clubs: Commer cial. Office: 126 3rd Av., N. Residence: 2214 Bryant Av:, S., Minneapolis. XEBST, Peter M., public examiner and superintendent of banks, Minne sota; born St. Paul, Minn., March 4, 1864; son of Peter and Franziska (Rapp) Kerst Began in banking business at 18, continuing until 1898 when he became connected with the department of which he is now the chief; appointed public 280 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS examiner and superintendent of banks, Jan., 1905. Democrat. Has been president of the State Federation of German Catholic Societies and treasurer of the German Roman Catholic Aid Associa tion of Minnesota for 10 years past. Married at St. Paul, Sept. 3, 1895, to Miss Anna Kohout. Club: Commer ciaL Office. Capitol Bldg. Residence: 944 Lincoln Av., St. Paul. KEBWIN, Mathew Franees, paper and stationery; born in St. Paul, Minn., May 21, 1873; son of John and -Hannah (O'Sullivan) Kerwin; educated in paro chial schools of St. Paul, St. Paul High School, Minnesota State University and Manhattan College, New York; studied law but did not complete course; mar ried at Chicago, Nov. 19, 1901, to Mrs. Josephine Wrightson- Began business career as manager of London Carbon Co., San Francisco, Calif., 1887; law partner in firm of Kerwin & Crooks, St. Paul, real estate and loans, 1890; in newspaper, wrapping paper and twine business; proprietor M. F. Kerwin Paper Co. since 1900. Accountant on transport Arizona plying between Tacoma, Wash., and Manila during Spanish-American War. Independent in politics. Roman Cath olic. Member Elks and Knights of Columbus. Club: Commercial. Office: 317-319 Wacouta St. Residence: 822 Fairmount Av., St. Paul. KETCHUM, Frank D., inspector U. S. Dept. of Agriculture; born in Marshall Co., Ills., Dec. 19, 1856; son of Daniel and Mary Catharine (McVicker) Ket- chum; attended district and high school at Henry, 111., during youth and Chicago Veterinary College, 1891-93, graduating from latter with degree of Doctor of Comparative Medicine. Brought up on a farm; taught school until 1891 and en tered active practice, 1893; appointed inspector in Bureau of Animal Industry of the U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, in Milwaukee, Wis., Oct. 1, 1896; transfer red to St. Paul, Minn., 1899, and pro moted to position of inspector in charge, a position he now holds. Married at Marseilles, 111., Dec. 31, 1885, to Fannie E. Carson. Recreations: Hunting, fish ing and out door sports. Office: South St. Paul. Residence: 407 Bales Av., St. Paul. KEUP, George G., banker; born in Readfield, Wis., Feb. 11, 1878; son of William and Wilhelmina (Bremer) Keup; educated in public schools of Mt. Morris, Wis., and at Dixon Business College, Dixon, 111. Began active career as clerk in general store of Charles Simmonson, Mt. Morris, Wis., 1898, con tinuing until 1900; was clerk in State Bank, Thompson, la., 1900-01; connected with First National Bank, Buffalo Cen ter, la., 1901; cashier First National Bank, Argyle, Minn., established July 20, 1901. Republican. Married at Mo- hall, N. D., Sept. 7, 1904, to Miss Minnie C. Thoreson. Address: Argyle, Minn. KEYES, Anson L., lawyer; born at Lempster, H. N., Feb. 6, 1843; son of Orison and Lucina Ann (McClure) Keyes; educated in preparatory school, Meriden, N. H.; Dartmouth College, graduating, degree of A.B., 1872; Albany Law School, Albany, N.Y., degree of LL.B. 1873. Married in New Hampshire, June 30, 1873, to Miss Harriett Lufkin. Taught school in New Hampshire and Maine, 1873-78, becoming principal of High School in 1874, at Biddeford, Me.; located in Faribault, 1878, and began practice of law in which he has since continued. County attorney Rice Co., two terms and city attorney Faribault, four terms. Member Rice County Bar Association. Republican. Congregation alist. Member Masonic order. Address: Faribault, Minn. KEYES, Carlos B., physician; born at Chelsea, Vt, April 23, 1856; son of Solomon M. and Olive (Hanson) Keyes; educated at Chelsea Academy; Dart mouth Medical College, 1879; University of Vermont Medical Department, 1880- 81, degree of M.D., 1881; Post Graduate Medical School, New York, 1891. Began practice of medicine, 1881, and has been engaged in practice since 1891 at Du luth. Member St. Louis County Medi cal Society, Minnesota State and Amer ican Medical associations. Republican. Member Masonic order, I. O. O. F., Knights of Pythias, M. W. A, K. O. T. M. Married at Byron, Minn., Dec. 9, 1885, to Miss Ella Sinclair. Club: Com merciaL Recreations: Curling and hunting. Office: 402 N. Central Av. Residence: 705 N. 57th Av., W. Duluth. KEYES, Charles Frederick, lawyer; born at Quincy, 111., Nov. 10, 1874; son of Charles W. and Douise (Collins) Keyes; came to Minneapolis in boyhood; graduated from Central High School, Minneapolis, 1892; graduated from Uni versity of Minnesota, degree of B.A., 1896; Law Department, University of Minnesota, degree of DL.B., 1899. En tered practice of law, June, 1899; mem ber of law firm of Helliwell & Keyes, since 1899. Member Hennepin County Bar Association. Republican. Congre gationalist. Member Beta Theta Pi fra ternity. Married at Minneapolis, 1900, to Miss Ruth E. Eddy. Club: Commer cial. Recreations: Fishing, boating and gardening. Office: 902 New York Life Bldg. Residence: 2225 Lake of the Isles Blvd. Minneapolis. KEYES, Edward Danforth, physician and surgeon; born at Winona, Minn., Jan. 9, 1859; son of John and Angeline E. (Pease) Keyes; educated in Winona public schools; Rush Medical College, Chicago, degree of M.D., Feb., 1885; post graduate course, Chicago Policlinic, 1888; spent 6 months in post graduate work at University of Berlin, 1896. In practice since 1885; local surgeon Chi cago & Northwestern Ry., for past 15 years; president Fidelity Building and Loan Association for past 8 years. In dependent in politics. Member Winona County Medical Society, Minnesota State and American Medical associa tions, Southern Minnesota Medical So- THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 281 ciety and American Association of Rail way Surgeons. Mason (32°). Married at Winona, Minn., May, 1896, to Miss Mar garet Hull McNic Club: Arlington. Recreation: Golf. Address: Winona, Minn. KEYES, John Arnold) lawyer; born in Chelsea, Vt, June 23, 1859; son of Solomon Martin and Olive (Hanson) Keyes; educated at Chelsea Academy, Chelsea, Vt. Was admitted to the prac tice of law at Chelsea, Oct. 30, 1884; re moved to Minnesota and located at Wi nona, becoming member of the law firm of Keyes & Brown; came to Duluth, 1892, where he has been actively en gaged alone in practice of law. Member of Minnesota State Legislature, 1889-92 and was author of the Australian system of voting legislation in Minnesota, also laws relating to prison labor and man agement in Minnesota; active advocate of initiative and referendum legislation and other reform measures, including public ownership of natural monopolies. Twice candiate for attorney general of the State on fusion ticket. Vice presi dent Atwood-Larson Co., grain commis sion. Independent in politics. Unita rian. Member Modern Samaritans, B. P. O. E. Married at Madison, Wis., 1894, to Miss Ettie M. Giese. Club: Com mercial. Recreations: Hunting and fishing. Office: 510 Manhattan Bldg. Residence: 2029 E. 3rd St., Duluth. KIBBE, George Russell, hotel mana ger; born at Buffalo, N. Y., Nov. 22, 1848; son of George Russell and Angeline G. Kibbe; educated in public schools of Buffalo. Began in hotel business in the East, 1880;. came to Minnesota, 1890, and located in St. Paul; has been identified with the Merchants Hotel since 1893. Member Masonic order, B. P. O. E. Un married. Office and residence: Mer chants Hotel, St. Paul. XIEGHIS, Adrian J., physician; born at Lyons, France, Feb. 28, 1876; came to America, 1892; son of C. E. and Eugenia Kieghis; graduate Jesuits College, Bourg, France; University of Vermont Medical Department, M.D., 1899; post graduate course in Paris, France. Began prac tice of medicine at St. Paul, Minn., 1900, later removing to Sauk Center. Member Minnesota State Medical Asso ciation, Stevens and Benton County Med ical Society. Democrat. Roman Catho lic. Married at St. Paul, 1902, to Win- nifred Lynch. Address: Sauk Center, Minn. KIEHLE, David L., educator; born at Danville, N. Y., Feb. 7, 1837; son of James and Elizabeth Kiehle; graduate of State Normal School, Albany; N. Y., 1856; Hamilton College, 1861 (AM., 1864; LL.D., 1887, same college); Union Theological Seminary, New York City, 1865; ordained as Presbyterian minister. Pastor at Preston, Minn., 1865-75; county superintendent of schools, Fillmore Co., Minn., 1869-75; director State Normal schools, 3 869-75; president State Normal School, St. Cloud, Minn., 1875-81; State superintendent of public instruction, Minn., 1881-93; president national de partment of superitendence, N. E. A., 3 895; professor of pedagogy, University of Minnesota, 1893-1902. Married at Dansville, N. Y., July 16, 1863, to Miss Mary Gilman. Address: Preston, Minn. KIEL, Levi S., county commissioner of Dyon Co.; born at Union City, Pa., May 30, 1836; son of John C. and Sabrina (Capron) Kiel; educated in public schools of Nashville, O., and Platteville, Wis. Enlisted in Civil War in 3rd Wis. Vol. Inf., April 20, 1861; reenlisted in 25th Wis. Vol. Inf., Jan. 18, 1864, and carried a musket to end of war. Married at Madison, Wis., Feb. 24, 1864, to Miss Emily Cummins. Pioneer and resident of Lyon Co. since 1868, two years before the county was organized, being one of three commissioners appointed by Gov. Austin to effect the organization; built the first frame house in the county at Lynd, as a hotel which he operated for 14 years; was postmaster 14 years, town ship clerk 22 years; has been resident of Marshall since 1901, county commis sioner since 1902, reelected in fall of 1906; also engaged in rea-l estate busi ness. Republican. Methodist. Member G. A. R. Recreation: Four mile walk each day. Address: Marshall, Minn. KILBOUBNE, Arthur P., physician; born at Keokuk, la., 1858; son of Ed ward and Caroline Amelia (Foote) Kil- bourne; educated in Keokuk public schools and in Medical Department, Uni versity City of New York; married at St. Peter, Minn., 1888, to Miss Ella Dona hower. Began practice of medicine, 1833; assistant physician New York City Hospital for Insane, Wards Island, 1884 to 1889; assistant physician St. Peter (Minnesota) State Hospital, 1889; since 1889 medical superintendent Roch ester State Hospital. Member Ameri can and Minnesota State Medical asso ciations, Southern Minnesota and Olm sted County Medical societies, American Medical Psychological Association. Epis copalian. Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner. Address: Rochester, Minn. KILBRIDE, John S., physician; born at Dubuque, la., Dec. 23, 1865; son of Michael and Mary (Irwin) Kilbride; educated in public schools; Iowa City (la.) Academy one year; Central High School, Minneapolis, one year; College of Physicians and Surgeons, University of Illinois, graduating, degree of M.D., April 13, 1893. Began practice of medi- cine-at Dawson, Minn., April, 1893, later removing to Canby. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associa tions. Republican. Address: Canby, Minn. KILDAHL,, John Nathan, educator; born at Beitstaden, Norway, Jan. 4, 1857; son of Johan and Nicolina Kil- dahl; came to America, 1886; educated in public schools of Goodhue Co., Minn., 3 867-72; graduate Duther College, De corah, la., degree of A.B., 1879; graduate in divinity, Lutheran Seminary, Madi- 282 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS son, Wis., 18S2. Married at Holden, Minn., July 11, 1882, to Miss Bertha Soine. Ordained to Lutheran ministry, 1882; pastor Wang and Urland Nor wegian Evangelical Lutheran churches, Goodhue Co., Minn., 1882-89; Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Chicago, 1889-99; has been president St. Olaf College, since Sept. 1, 1899. Address: Northfield, Minn. KILDALL, Joseph, wholesale im porter and packer of fish; born in Nor way, March 3, 1865; son of Michael and Maren Kildall; educated in public and private schools of Norway. Began un der his father in fish, merchant and marine business in Norway; came to U. S., 1882, and located in the State of Washington; was connected with the Puget Mill Co., for three years; en gaged in sale of general merchandise for self at Lynden, Wash., for 7 years; was in general merchandise business at Bellingham, Wash., also manager of Bellingham Bay Steamboat and Trans portation Co.; became identified with the Ash packing business and started the wholesale fish business of Kildall Fish Co., of which he is vice president and assisted in organization of the Kildall- Bright Co., of which he is president, with offices in Chicago and Minneapolis, importers, packers and brokers, foreign and domestic fish. President West Coast Commercial Co. of Alaska and president G Street Wharf Co., Belling ham, Wash. In 1900, organized the Pa cific Coast & Norway Packing Co., with salmon packing plants at Tonka and Petersburg, Alaska, serving as secre tary and manager of this company dur ing the first two and a half years after its organization. In 1906 assisted in organizing the Whale Products Company of North America, the first company or ganized in the United States for modern whaling operations on the Alaska Coast Republican. Member I. O. O. F., Knights of Pythias. Married at Bellingham, Wash., Oct. 14, 1891, to Miss Mary lenkins. Club: Odin. Office: 200 Tem ple Ct Residence: 2827 3rd St., N., Minneapolis. KILLOBIN, John Farrell, wholesale hardware and lumber; born at Napanee, Can., 1850; son of Thomas and Annie (Gallagher) Killorin; educated in public schools of Napanee. Came to Saginaw, Mich., 1868; entered lumber business, 1868, and has been identified with that industry ever since. Located in Duluth, 1892; has been connected with the Kel- ley-How-Thomson Co., wholesale hard ware, etc., ever since the company was organized, 1896, and is vice president of the company; also director Wright- Blodgett Co., Saginaw, Mich., lumber manufacturers. Director City National Bank, Duluth; president Merchants' and Miners' State Bank, Hibbing, Minn. Republican. Member Knights of Colum bus, B. P. O. E Married at Watertown, Wis., Feb., 1899, to Miss Mary M. Mc- Hugh. Clubs: Commercial, Kitchi Gammi, Northland Country, Duluth Boat. Recreation. Fishing. Office: 229 S. 5th Av., W. Residence: 5-16 E. 2nd St., Duluth. KILFATBICK, Charles Warren, bank ing; born in Tayewell Co., 111., Nov., 1865; son of Warren T. and K. Isabelle (Isenberg) Kilpatrick; educated in pub lic schools of Illinois and Kansas; came to Minnesota, 1885, and attended Luverne High School; graduate Gem City Business College, Quincy, 111., May, 1890. Lived on a farm until 1889; with live stock importing company, 1890-93; in drug business, 1893-1900; cashier First National Bank, Adrian, Minn., since 1900. Married at Adrian, 1899, to Miss Alta A. Porter. Address: Adrian, Minn. KIMBALL, Edward Johnson, manu facturer gasoline engines; born at Lawrence, Mass., Nov. 20, 1852; son of William M. and Lucy J. (Johnson) Kim ball; came to Minnesota, 1857; educated in University of Minnesota, completing special course, 1872. Began active ca reer in steamboat business, ticket agent's office, at Duluth, Minn., 1872; came to Minneapolis and became con nected with wholesale grocery, 1873, wholesale hardware, 1874, tobacco manu facturing, 1875; was connected with lead mining in Southeastern Missouri, 1876- 78; returned to Minneapolis and was indentified with the Farmers and Me chanics Savings Bank, 1879-88; entered railway supply business, 1888; has been connected with the Globe . Iron Works Co. (works at Menominie, Wis.) since 3 893, manufacturers of gasoline engines, of which company he is president; also manager of the White Boat Co., manu facturers of gasoline launches and motor boats. Democrat. Episcopalian. Member Knights of Pythias, B. P. O. E., Modern Woodmen, Hoo Hoos. Married at Minneapolis, 1877, to Miss Emily S. Young. Clubs: Minneapolis, Commer cial (Menomonie). Recreations: Boat ing and photography. Office: 204 Nicol let Av. Residence: 1107 University Av., S. E., Minneapolis. KIMBALL, Hannibal Hamlin, physi cian and surgeon; born at Carmel, Me., Aug. 18, 1843; son of John and Abigail (Homan) Kimball; educated in public schools of Hermon, Me.; Hampden Acad emy, Hampden, Me.; Pittsfield College, Pittsfield, Me.; Bates College, Lewiston, Me.; Bellevue Medical College, N. Y. ; Medical School of Maine, Bowdoin Col lege, Brunswick, Me. (M.D., 1866). Has been engaged in practice of medicine in Minneapolis since 1867. Member Henne pin County Medical Society, Minnesota State and American Medical associations, Western Surgical and Gynecological So ciety. Republican. York and Scottish Rite Mason, Knight Templar. Married at Minneapolis, March 28, 1872, to Miss Grace E. Morrison. Clubs: Commer cial, Minikahda. Office: Pillsbury Bldg. Residence: 219 East 24th St., Minne apolis. THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 283 KIMBEBLY, Moses C, railway official; born at Sandisfield, Mass., Dec 1, 1845; son of Leonard and Nancy (Cook) Kim- berly; educated in public and private schools. Entered railway service as assistant engineer Hackensack & New York Ry., 1868; was assistant engineer Northern Pacific Rd., Feb. 19, to July 1, 1870; resident engineer, 1870-76; en gineer Missouri, Kansas & Texas Ry., 1876-80; locating engineer Northern Pacific Rd., January to March, 1881; superintendent first division Denver & Rio Grande Ry., 1881-82; general assist ant engineer Northern Pacific Rd., 1882- 83; division superintendent, 1883-89;' assistant general superintendent Feb. 20, to Aug. 1, 1889; general superintend ent, 1889-1903; assistant general mana ger same road, since April, 1903. Mar ried at Brainerd, Minn., Nov., 1873, to Miss Mary G. Bloom. Office: Broad way, cor. 4th St. Residence: 729 Day ton Av., St. Paul. KING, Arthur W., manufacturer; na tive of Detroit Mich.; educated in De troit public schols; unmarried. Mem ber of the Woodruff Dumber Co., since Aug. 30, 1906, the company being manu facturers and wholesale and retail deal ers in lumber, sash, doors and interior finish. Clubs: Kitchi Gammi, Duluth Yacht. Office: 800-900 Garfield Av. Residence: 326 10th Av., E,, Duluth, Minn. XING, E. V., grain and feed; born at Calais, Me., 1857; son of James and Jane (Fleming) King; educated in pri vate schools at St. Stevens, N. B. Was engaged in stock raising business in State of Kansas for 15 years; came to Minneapolis in 1892, and is at the head of the firm of E. V. King & Co., es tablished 1904, wholesale dealers grain and feed. Republican. Congregational ist. Married at Meade, Kas., 1892, to Miss Alice Graham. Office: 428 3rd Av., N. Residence: 3447 Tyndale Av., S., Minneapolis. KING, Prank E., retail lumber; born at New Hampton, la., Sept. 28, 1879; son of W. and Matilda (Miller) King; came to Minnesota with parents, 1880; edu cated in public and high schools of Wathena. Began in business at Wath- ena as F. E. King & Co., retail groceries, Sept., 1899; removed to Grand Rapids, Minn., Sept., 1903, and has since been engaged in lumber business under the title of King Dumber Co. Member Ma sonic order, A. 0. U. W., K. O. T. M., Royal League. Married to Miss Luella Williams. Club: Commercial. Ad dress: Grand Rapids, Minn. XING, Henry H., milling; born at Calais, Me., Aug. 30, 1861; son of James and Jane King; educated in private schools, St. Stephen, New Brunswick. Came to Minnesota, 1879; entered mill ing business at Minneapolis, 3 886; mem ber of the Sheffield-King Milling Co. Member Minneapolis Chamber of Com merce. Married at Minneapolis, May 3, 1905, to Miss Helen Clark. Club: Min neapolis. Office: 38 Chamber of Com merce. Residence: 2438 Pleasant Av., Minneapolis. KING, John Cochran, lawyer; born at Middleville, Minn., June 11, 1874; son of John L. and Mary C. (Cochran) King; educated in country school; Howard Lake High School; College of Law, Uni versity of Minnesota, graduating, de gree of LL.B., 1896. Has been engaged in practice of law at Mora, Minn., since Feb. 20, 1897. County attorney Kanabec Co., 8 years. Republican. Methodist. Member Masonic order, I. O. O. F., Mod ern Woodmen of America. Married at Mora, Minn., Dec 25, 1898, to Miss Car rie S. Douglas. Address: Mora, Minn. XING, John E., Minnesota State librarian; born at Daketon, Ind., Aug. 27, 1870; son of David J. and Mary A. (Grisso) King; educated in public schools, Laketon, Ind. Came to Minne sota, 1891, and has been in the news paper business ever since beginning his active career. Editor and proprietor Red Lake Courier, Red Lake Falls, Minn. Appointed to his present position of State librarian, March 1, 1905. Post master, Adrian, Minn., 1894-99; member State Board of Equalization, 1900-1901; Democratic candidate for Secretary of State, 1904. Democrat. Married at Laketon, Ind., June 12, 1895, to Miss Georgia Duncan. Member Knights of Pythias and Maccabees. Recreation: All outdoor athletic sports. Office: State Capitol. Residence: Red Dake Falls, Minn. KING, Preston, seeds; born at Ilion, N. Y., Feb. 6, 1857; son of William S. and Mary E. (Stevens) King; came to Minnesota with parents, 1858; .educated in public schools of Minneapolis and Yale University, graduating, 1880. Be gan active career in flour milling busi ness, next engaging as real estate dealer until 1889; was treasurer North Star Boot & Shoe Co., 1889-96; has been treasurer Northrup, King & Co., whole sale seed merchants, since 1896. Mar ried at Minneapolis, Minn., 1886, to Miss Josephine F. Marrs. Office: 26-32 Hen nepin Av. Residence: 624 9th St., Min neapolis. KING, Bobert H., real estate; born at Spencer Brook, Minn., Aug. 8, 1876; son of William and Ellen (Miller) King; raised on a farm and educated in public schools, Spencer Brook and high school, Elk River. Has been engaged in real estate and loan business since 1901. Al so clerk of district court Mille Dacs Co., 3 905-09. Republican. Member I. O. O. F. Unmarried. Recreation: Traveling. Address: Princeton, Minn. KINGSBUBY, David Lansing, assist ant librarian Minnesota Historical So ciety; born at Marshall, Mich., Dec. 28, 1842; son of Dansing and Francis Throop (Southworth) Kingsbury; came to Min nesota, Nov. 1, 1856; was educated in public schools of native town and Min nesota, and in grammar school, Minne apolis, 1857-58. Enlisted in Civil War, 284 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS Aug. 14, 1862, as private 8th Minn. Vol. Inf., advancing to corporal, 1st sergeant and 2nd lieutenant; engaged for two years in campaign against Sioux In dians, 1862-64; one year in Tennessee and N. Carolina, 23d army corps. Was identified with hardware business for nearly 30 years previous to entering present position as assistant librarian and member of council Minnesota His torical Society, Sept. 9, 1893. Also re corder Military Order Loyal Legion of the United States (commandery of State of Minnesota since 1898); secre tary 8th Regt. Minn. Vol. Association; member Sons of American Revolution, G. A. R., American Library Association. Republican. Episcopalian. Married at St. Anthony, Minn., Oct. 26, 1869, to Miss Anna Sawyer Braman. Office: Minn. Hist. Soc, Capitol. Residence: 1996 Milwaukee Av., St. Paul. KINGSBURY, Herbert Walter, grocer; born at Bradford, Me., 1854; son of Walter Forbs and Lorinda (Ross) Kingsbury; came to Minnesota! 1865; educated in Winona public schools. Be gan active career as clerk in grocery store; became member of Arm of Kings bury & Holland, 1876, title being chang ed to Kingsbury, Holland & Co.; bought out interest of W. F. Kingsbury and name became Kingsbury & Holland; bought out partner's interest, 1890, and the business has since been conducted under name of H. W. Kingsbury. Also president of The Theodore Lumber & Improvement Co., Tennessee. Director Y. M. C. A. board; member city school board; superintendent First Baptist Sun day School for many years. Republi can. Baptist. Married. Recreations: Outdoor sports. Address: Winona, Minn. KINGSLEY, Nathan Curtis, jurist; born at Sharon, Conn., Sept. 10, 1850; son of Alonzo and Marilla (Parsons) Kingsley; common school education. Came to Minnesota, 1869; engaged in milling, 1870-77; studied law and was admitted to the bar, Nov., 1876; was county attorney Fillmore Co., 1881-85, residing at- ChatAeld; moved to Austin, 1887, where he has since lived; was member executive committee. Republi can State Central Committee, 1890-98; member Railroad and Warehouse Com mission, 1896-98; has been judge of dis trict court since Nov. 26, 1898, present term extending to 1913. Republican. Episcopalian. Member Masonic order, Knights of Pythias, B. P. O. E., A. O. U. W. Married at Orion, Olmsted Co., Minn., Jan. 14, 1873, to Miss Clara Smith. Address: Austin, Minn. KINGSTON, Arthur G., mining con tractor; born in Goodhue Co., Minn., May 15, 1857; son of D. C. and Mary J. (Holliday) Kingston; common school education. Began business career at 14 as clerk in general merchandise store; conducted restaurant from age of 18 un til 21; entered general store as clerk and went into mercantile business for self in which was engaged for 23 years; has been secretary and treasurer of the Roberts-Kingston Contracting Co., since May 1, 1904. Democrat. Presbyterian. Married at Northfield, Minn., Oct., 1877, to Miss Destina A. Lovering. Club: Fayel (Eveleth). Office: 312 Lyceum Bldg., Duluth. Residence: Eveleth, Minn. KINNEAB, Theron James, physician; born at Winneconne, Wis., Dec. 4, 1876; son of James A. and Lutie (Tucker) Kinnear; educated in Caldwell High School, graduating, 1894; Southwest Kansas Conference Oollege, Winfield, Kan., 1898-99; University of Kansas, graduating degree of B.A., 1902; North western University Medical School, Chi cago, degree of M.D., 1904. Practiced medicine in Chicago, 1904-05; has been in practice at Eveleth, Minn., since 1905. Member Minnesota State Medical Association, St. Louis County Medical Society; Fellow Academy of Medicine. Married at Chicago, 111., March 14, 1905, to Miss J. Roberta Weddell. Club: Fayal. Address: Eveleth, Minn. KINNEY, Henry Martin, general man ager Winona Wagon Co.; born at White water, Wis., July 17, 1852; son of Rev. Martin Palmer and Melissa Amelia (Car penter) Kinney; educated in public schools in Janesville, Wis., and Rock ford, 111. Began active career in ma chine shop of Emerson & Talcott, Rock ford, 111., 1867, remaining until 1870; was connected with the firm of Fish Brothers & Co., wagon manufacturers, Racine, Wis., 1871-80, advancing from position in shipping yard to general agent on road. General manager and sec retary Winona Wagon Co., May, 1880, to present time'. Vice president Winona Savings Bank. Republican. Congrega tionalist. Member Masonic order, S. A. R. Married at Racine, Wis., Oct. 16, 1879, to Miss Kate Bartlett Weed. Club: Hamilton (Chicago). Recreations: Golf, Ashing and driving. Address: Winona, Minn. KINSELL, William Leonard, mechan ical and electrical engineer; born at Minneapolis, Minn., July 9, 1877; son of Leonard and Lena (Kneutson) Kinsell; educated in Minneapolis public schools and University of Minnesota, graduating, degree of E.E. After graduation, en tered shops of the Chicago Great West ern Railway, at Oelwein, Iowa and 2% years later became chief draftsman of that road; in October, 1903, took same position on the Northern Pacific Ry., and in December, 1904, was made mechan ical engineer Northern Pacific Ry., in which position he continues. Member American Institute of Electrical Engi neers, Traveling Engineers' Association, Sigma Xi society. Office: Northern Pacific Railway, St. Paul. Residence: 227 Nelson Av., St. Paul. KINSEY, John S., clergyman; born in Cherokee Co., Ga., Aug. 20, 1869; son of J. W. and Rebecca (Smith) Kinsey; educated at Grant University, Chatta nooga, Tenn., Mercer University, Macon, THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 285 Ga. ; Southern Baptist Theological Sem inary, Louisville, Ky. Married at Ma con, Ga., July 3, 1895, to Miss Georgia Luther. Baptist. Began ministry at Rising Ford, Georgia, 1888; was pastor of First Baptist Church, Forest City, la., and has been in charge of the First Baptist Church, Faribault, since Sept., 1906. Prohibitionist. Mason. Address: Faribault, Minn. KINYON, George B., banker; born Owatonna, Minn., May 31, 1861; son of William R. and Mettie (Gillett) Kin- yon; graduate of Pillsbury Academy, 1880. Began business career as mes senger in First National Bank of Owa tonna in 1880, and has been president of the bank since 1903. Republican. Presbyterian. Mason, Knight Templar. Married at Owatonna, April 24, 1883, to Miss Alice L. Holt. Club: Commercial. Address: Owatonna, Minn. KIPP, Orrin, law, real estate; native of Delaware Co., N. Y. ; educated in New York state; came to Minnesota, 1869, and was admitted to the bar, 1872; mar ried at Henderson, Minn., 1875, to Miss Carrie A. Welch. Entered practice of law at Henderson, 1872, in partnership with his brother, Sylvester, the part nership continuing until 1904, when his brother removed to Knoxville, Tenn.; located in St. Paul, 1886. Democrat." Episcopalian. Member Masonic order. Office: 507 Germania Dife Bldg. Resi dence: 856 Dayton Av., St. Paul. XIBBY, Julian Noyes, wholesale druggist; born at St. Louis, Mo., Nov. 16, 1861; son of Eliab Burgis and Caro line L. (Noyes) Kirby; educated in pub lic schools of St. Louis, Mo.; unmarried. Began business career in 1881 in St. Louis, in employ of Barstow & White- law; in 1883 went to work for The Richardson Drug Co. of St. Douis; came to St. Paul, 1884, and entered employ of Noyes Bros. & Cutler, wholesale druggists (jobbing and manufacturing), and since April 1, 1902, has been a mem ber of that firm. Clubs: Minnesota, Commercial, Town and Country. Office: 396-408 Sibley St. Residence: 535 Grand Av., St. Paul. XIBBY, Stephen B., banker; born at Detroit, Mich., Oct. 16, 1876; educated in Detroit High School and Detroit Busi ness College. Began business career as clerk in First National Bank, Dittle Falls, continuing, 1896-98; cashier First National Bank, Hibbing, since Dec, 1898; appointed postmaster, 1902, which position he now holds; also president Nashwaukee State Bank and Miners' State Bank, Chesholm. School trustee, Hibbing, 1900; member village council, 1901. Republican. Presbyterian. Mar ried at Little Falls, Minn., 1900, to Miss Nellie C. Davidson. Club: Algonquin. Address: Hibbing, Minn. XIBK, Bobert Alexander, president and treasurer, Farwell, Ozman, Kirk & Co.; born Ellsworth, O., Aug. 28, 1837; reared upon the farm and educated in the academy; served as volunteer in the Civil War, and was mustered out with Sherman's Army; married. Els worth, Oct. 19, 1865, to Miss Maly E. Allen. Was in employment of C. Aultman & Co., Canton, O., manufacturers of agricul tural implements, 1865-82; resigned and came to St. Paul, Minn., 1882, where he has since resided. Was one of the or ganizers of the incorporated company of Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Co., 1887, being chosen treasurer of the company, now president; also president Jobbers' Un ion, 1895-96; president Chamber of Com merce, St. Paul, 1899-1900; president of the National Hardware Association, 1901-02. Clubs: Minnesota, Commercial. Office: Jackson and 2d Sts. Residence: 445 Laurel Av., St. Paul. KIBSCHEB, George P., banker; born in New York, April 20, 1862; son of Jacob and Caroline (Barr) Kirscher; educated at University of Wisconsin. President Merchants' State Bank, Little Falls, since Oct., 1902. Republican. Address: Little Falls, Minn. KIRWIN, Peter J., lawyer; born in Fillmore Co., Minn., 1866; graduate Law Department, University of Minnesota, 1894. Began practice at Waterville, Minn., 1895; county attorney Le Sueur Co., 1897-1901; city attorney Waterville, 1898-99; now assistant attorney general of Minnesota. Address: State Capitol. KISTLEB, Charles Milton, physician; born in Carbon Co., penna., Aug. 12, 1869; son of David and Mary A. (Montz) Kistler; educated in high school, Drew's Pharmacy College (diploma, 1889), Med ical Department University of Minne sota, M.D., 1893. Registered pharmacist, State Board of Pharmacy, 1898, State Board of Medicine, 1903. Came to Min nesota, 1887; was a druggist, 1887-93; physician and surgeon since 1893. Mem ber of the Arm of O. H. Graben & Co., druggists. Member Minneapolis Medical Club, Hennepin County* Medical So ciety, Minnesota and American Medical Associations. Member Masonic order, Odd Fellows, Sons of Hermann, Macca bees, A. O. U. W. Married at Minne apolis, Minn., March 29, 1899, to Grace Braem. Office and residence: 637 6th Av., N., Minneapolis. KIKMOELLEB, Herman William, president O. H. Peck Co.; born at Min neapolis, Minn., Dec 31, 1870; son of Simon and Margaret Kixmoeller; edu cated in German parochial and Minne apolis public schools; married at Min neapolis, Jan. 11, 1903, to Miss Hulda Rutzatz. At 13 years of age entered a shoe store but after five years' ex perience in the shoe business engaged as bookkeeper in a photographic supply house and became manager; later half partner successively in the firm of J. W. Fouch & Co , and the Minneapolis Photo Materials Co.; president, manager and treasurer of the photographic supply firm of O. H. Peck Co. Democrat. Duth eran. Office: 112 5th St., S. Residence: 1317 Emerson Av., N., Minneapolis. 286 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS KJELLAND, Jacob Severn, physician; born at Winona, Minn., April 10, 1870; son of Ole A. and Turine (Romoren) Kjelland; graduate Winona High School, 1892; student University of Minnesota, 3 893-95; College of physicians and Sur geons, Hamline University, degree of M.D., 1898. Has been engaged in prac tice of medicine since April 11, ±898. Republican. Lutheran. Married at Hei- berg, Minn., July, 1899, to Miss Ben- nette Olson. Address: Crookston, Minn. KLEIN, John, merchant; born at Maria Rach Dorf, Nassau, Germany, April 6, 1835. Came to America with his brother William, in 1854, and went to work in factory at Dittle Falls, N. Y. ; started for California, in 1856, but changed his mind and in August of that year located at St. Peter, Minn.; started furniture factory in company with bro ther, bringing first load of furniture on a flat boat from Anoka; removed to Mankato where he has resided since June 20, 1870. Vice president and direc tor First National Bank; director Man kato Board of Trade. Roman Catholic. Superintendent and one of the founders of St. Joseph's Hospital; first superin tendent Calvary Cemetery. Married at Mankato, May 18, 1863, to Miss Gertrude Filterer; 4 children now living. Address: Mankato, Minn. KLINE, Newman, railway official; born at Adrian, Mich., 1859; educated in common schools at Adrian. Entered service of Lake Shore & Michigan South ern Ry., at Brimfield, Ind., as telegraph operator, 1874; advanced as chief clerk to assistant general manager Northern Pacific Rd., assistant superintendent transportation, assistant to general man ager same road, and superintendent Seattle, Lake Shore & Eastern Rd. ; was superintendent Yellowstone division Northern Pacific Ry. at Glendine, Mont, 1898-1902; sunt. Pacific division, same road, at Tacoma, 1902-03; has been assistant general superintendent Eastern district, same road, at St. Paul, since April, 1903. Married at Indianapolis, Ind., Nov. 2, 1892, to Miss Maud Butter- field. Office: Broadway Cor. 4th St. Residence: 296 Dayton Av., St. Paul. KLOSSNEB, Henry, banker; born at Lafayette, Minn., Dec. 3, 1859. Has been engaged in banking business since Oct. 1, 1901. President State Bank of Barrett; director State Bank of Winth rop. Also proprietor Barrett Land & Loan Co. Married. Address: Barrett, Minn. KLUCKHOHN, Charles Louis, manu facturer of furs; born at Waukegan, 111., Nov. 26, 1855; son of Rev. Charles F. and Sophie (Freytag) Kluckhohn; edu cated in public schools at Watertown, Wis., and Peru, 111., and Peru High School; married at St. Paul, Minn., 1877, to Sophie Zimmerman. Entered employ of Gordon & Ferguson in 1873, the firm being wholesale dealers in hats, gloves and furs, and became especially identi fied with the manufacture of furs, be coming a member of the firm in 1889, and has been secretary of the company since its incorporation in 1902. Repub lican. Methodist. Director St. Paul Symphony Orchestra Association. Clubs: Minnesota, Commercial, Town and Country (St. Paul) ; Transportation (New York City). Office: Gordon Square. Residence: 804 Goodrich Av., St. Paul. KNAPP, Charles Buggies, manager Winona Carriage Co.; born at Catskill, N. Y., Feb. 10, 1863; son of Charles R. and Mary (Shepard) Knapp; educated in public schools at Catskill. Began career with the Sommerset Dighting Co., of New Jersey, continuing until 1900, when he came to Winona to take position of secretary and manager of the Winona Carriage Co., manufacturers of carriages and sleighs. Mason (mem ber Blue Lodge and Chapter) ; also mem ber Sons of American Revolution, New York State. Married at Winona, 1888, to Miss Lulu Hollo well. Address: Winona, Minn. KNAFP, William Henry, fiour milling; born at Troy, Pa., Nov. 23, 1854; son of Wm. H. and Mary N. (Wadsworth) Knapp; educated in the common schools. Located at Rochester, Minn., 1875; be came identified with the wholesale and retail dry goods firm of J. D. Blake & Co., remaining with the company 16 years; was business manager of the Rochester State Hospital, 1890-1902; has been treasurer and manager of the John A. Cole Milling Co., since 1903. Repub lican. Congregationalist. Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner. President Rochester Merchants' Association. Married at Rochester, Minn., Jan. 20, 1887, to Miss Mary G. Kelley. Address: Rochester, Minn. KNATVOLD, Bernard H., furniture; born in Norway, Dec 16, 1855; son of Egbert and Bertha Knatvold; came to America 1861; educated in public schools of Freeborn Co. and Albert Lea, and at Minneapolis Business College; married at Albert Lea, July, 1886, to Miss Annie Jorgenson. Began active career at Albert Lea, 1872, as bookkeeper, and was engaged in hardware business for himself, 1889-93; has been in furniture business since 1893. Vice president Citizens National Bank, city treasurer Albert Lea, 1900. Republican. Presby terian. Member Masonic order, M. W. A. Club: CommerciaL Address: Albert Lea, Minn. KNATVOLD, Edward W., proprietor Northern Creamery Supply House; born in Norway, April 11, 1851; son of Egbert and Bertha Knatvold; came to Minne sota, 1865; educated in schools of Free born Co.; married in Freeborn Co., 1874, to Miss Nettie Bang. Engaged in farm ing until 1891; in hardware business, 1891-97; now at the head of the Northern Creamery Supply House, established, 1897. Director Citizens National Bank. Was state grain inspector, 1899-1902, by THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 287 appointment of Gov. John Lind; ex- mayor of Albert Lea and ex-president of the city council. Lutheran. Mem ber Knights of Pythias. Club: Com mercial. Address: Albert Lea, Minn. XNEELAND, Thomas, lawyer; born at Harrison, Me., June 19, 1851; son of Peabody and Abagail (Cummings) Knee- land; educated at Bridgeton Academy, Me., and Bowdoin College, Me., graduat ing, degree of B.A., 1874 (degree of M.A., same college, 1877). Began prac tice of law, 1879, and has been in ac tive practice in Minneapolis, since 1880; member of firm of Ferguson & Kneeland, 1887-95; alone since 1895. Republican. Congregationalist Mason. Married at Belleville, 111., 1887, to Miss Josephine W. Underwood. Club: Commercial. Recreation: Fishing. Office: 554 Se curity Bank Bldg. Residence: 124 So. 13 th St., Minneapolis. KNIGHTS, Frederick Arnott, physi cian; born at Lamoille, 111., 1861; edu cated at Doane College, Crete, Neb., and at Chicago Medical College, degree of M.D., 1890. Has been engaged in prac tice of medicine in Minneapolis, since 1890. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associations. Married at Red Cloud, Neb., 1892, to Miss Gertrude Sherer. Office: 416 Masonic Temple. Residence: 2804 Chicago Av., Minne apolis. KNOBLAUCH, Anton, banker; born at Ebnat, Wurtemberg, Germany, Aug. 24, 1835; came to America, 1854; located at Carver, Minn., Aug. 20, 1856; clerk in general store, 1856-63; began in business for himself, 1863; disposed of mercan tile business and founded Bank of Car ver, 1881, and has continued to the present time as proprietor of the bank. Republican. Married at Carver, Minn., to Miss Anna Johnson. Address: Car ver, Minn. KNOWLTON, Elliott Answorth, merchant and banker; born at Wards- boro, Vt; son of William and Electa P. (Ramsdell) Knowlton; educated in public schools, private school, and 3 years in Hamline University. Has en gaged in dry goods business since 1869; proprietor E. A. Knowlton Co., whole sale and retail dry goods, Rochester, Minn., established, 1861, under title of J. D. Blake & Co.; also interested in three stores in S. Dakota. President Union National Bank, Rochester Build ing and Loan Association; vice president John A. Cole Milling Co., Inc., 1906. For three years member Co. A, 7th M. N. G. Republican. Methodist. Married at Rochester, Minn., to Miss Ella R. Blake. Address: Rochester, Minn. KNOX, Benwick B., real estate; native of New York City. Was in grain com mission business in New York City and member New York Produce Exchange; located in Duluth, 1893, and became vice president of the firm of William E. Ducas & Co., established, 1887; suc ceeded William E. Lucas & Co., and has operated as R. B. Knox & Co., since Jan. 1, 1899. Treasurer Duluth Real Estate Exchange; also secretary and treasurer Duluth Superior Dredging Co. Honorary secretary Egypt Exploration Fund. Member Kitchi Gammi Club. Mason. Office: Exchange Bldg. Resi dence: 1314 E. Superior St., Duluth, Minn. KNOX, Thomas Jefferson, lawyer; born at Covington, Penn., Feb. 16, 1846; son of George and Ruth (Cole) Knox; educated in public schools of Pennsyl vania, Wisconsin and Minnesota, and at Fillmore (Minn.) Academy. Studied law, was admitted to the bar and has been engaged in practice of law at Jackson, Minn., since 1872; practiced alone, 1872- 1900; senior member of law firm of Knox & Faber since 1900. Director First National Bank, Brown National Bank, both of Jackson. County super intendent of schools Jackson Co., 7 years; county attorney 4 years; judge of probate 2 years; state railway com missioner, one year; member State Com mission to revise laws, 1901-05; member State Board of Examiners in Law, 9 years. Member I. O. O. F., A. O. U. W. Married at Jackson, Minn., Sept. 3, 1877, to Miss Jane Cowing. Address: Jack son, Minn. KNUDSEN, Becker Christian, physi cian; born in Denmark, Dec 1, 1870; son of Peter B. and Laurine (Been- gaard) Knudsen; educated in public school, Odense, Denmark; later by pri vate tutor preparatory to entering uni versity; graduated from the College of Medicine, University of Iowa, March 30, 1898; took clinical course of medi cine at Copenhagen, Denmark, 1897. Be gan practice of medicine April 14, 1898, at Tyler, Minn., continuing to the present time; lecturer in physiology and hygiene, Danebod College, Tyler. Director First State Bank of Tyler, agricultural society and County Fair Association. President Tyler, school board 9 years. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associations and Dincoln County Medical Society. Mason; member Modern Woodmen of America, Danish Brotherhood. Married at Fredsville, la., April 4, 1900, Tyra Valborg Dan. Club: Commercial. Recreations: Tennis and hunting. Ad dress: Tyler, Minn. KNUDSEN, Hans B., general commis sion merchant; born in Norway, Sept. 25, 1860; son of Anton and Indgren (Petersen) Knudsen; educated in public schools of Norway. Came to America, 1879, and located on a farm in Iowa; moved to Wisconsin and worked in lumber camps of Minnesota locating permanently in Duluth in 1890; was boarding contractor in mining and rail road camps, 1890-96; assisted in organ izing the Knudsen-Ferguson Fruit Co., wholesale dealers and jobbers, which was incorporated, 1896, and of which he has been president since the begin ning. Also president Ashland Fruit & 288 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS Produce Co., Ashland, Wis. Republican. Lutheran. President Duluth Fruit and Produce Exchange. Mason, Knights of Templar, Shriner; member B. P. O. E., Sons of Norway, U. C. T. of America. Married at Baldwin, Wis., 1887, to Miss Caroline Mickelson. Clubs: Commer cial, Viking, Republican (president), Norwegian Turner, Duluth Ski. Recrea tions: Fond of outdoor diversion. Of fice: 218-220 W. Mich. St. Residence: 228 2nd Av., W., Duluth. KNUDSON, Ole H., hardware and farm machinery; born in Winnebago Co., Ia., Oct. 8, 1867; son of Hans J. and Enge- borg (Dahl) Knudson; educated in country schools. Came to Minnesota and began in hardware business at Emmons, Nov. 1, 1890^ senior member of the firm of Knudson & Olien, founded 1897. Republican. United Dutheran. Member A. O. U. W. Married in Iowa, 1893, to Miss Ida Iverson. Address: Emmons, Minn. KNUTSON, Knute, member Minnesota Legislature; born in Norway, Jan. 19, 1869; came to America with parents, 1871, and has lived in Minnesota since 1873; educated in common school, high school and at Willmar Seminary; taught school 5 years in Pope and Swift coun ties and read law while teaching; was in employ of State grain department at Duluth, 3 years; traveled in N. Dak., as solicitor for Duluth grain companies, 2 years, and is now engaged in farming. Elected to House of Representatives, Nov., 1906. Lutheran. Address: Swift Falls, Minn. KOBYLINSKI, Casimir M., clergyman; born in Schroda, Poland, Jan. 29, 1856; son of Prof. Francis and Tcopila (Bur- kowska) Kobylinski; educated in pre paratory schools, in college, at Posen, in classics at Schrunn, Poland, and for 3 years at Louvaine Seminary, Louvaine, Belgium, where he was ordained to the priesthood. Came to America, 1886, and officiated for four years at North Judson, Ind., and the mission of Konz; was pastor St. Casimir's parish, Hammond, Ind., 1891-99; has had charge of St. Casimir's Church, St Paul, since June, 1899, during which time he has been instrumental in effecting many improve ments. Address: St. Casimir's Church, 938 E. Geranium St., St. Paul. KOCH, Fritz, manufacturer; born in Holland, 1859; son of William Koch; self educated. Came to America at 30 years of age, having in previous years learned the. brick making trade; began in manufacture of brick on" a small scale at St. Paul, and is president of the Twin City Brick Co. Member Builders' Ex change, Manufacturers Association. Of fice: 401-402 Manhattan Bldg. Resi dence: 788 Goodrich Av., St. Paul. KOCH, John George, merchant; born at New Ulm, Minn., Jan. 9, 1873; son of John and Elizabeth (Faust) Koch; edu cated in New Ulm public schools and at C. C. Curtis Business College, Min neapolis. Began active career at 15 years of age as delivery boy and clerk for F H. Behnke, grocery and crockery store, New Ulm, and continued 5 years; came to Canby, 1894, and clerked for M. A. Eaton 5 years; was with the Lund Land Agency one year; bought out hardware store of W.. S. Lund, March 1, 1900, of which has since been pro prietor and manager. Married at Canby, Feb. 1, 1899, to Miss Anna M. Lund. Mason; member I. O. O. F, A. O. U. W. Club: Commercial. Address: Canby, Minn. KOCH, Louis Karel Jan, optician and brick manufacturer; born in Holland, Jan. 25, 1861; son of Wellem and Wil- helmina (Korten) Koch; educated by private teacher at home and in high school at Arnhem, Holland. Began ac tive career as clerk in grocery at Arn hem, 1878, continuing until 1881; tra veled for produce business in Holland, 1881-86; came to America, Jan. 16, 1886; was engaged in land business with head quarters in Chicago and later, St. Paul, for brother, Theo. F., until Jan., 1894, removing to Minneapolis, Sept., 1897. Took up optical business in which is now engaged and followed it . for a number of years, gradually disposing of farming land. Owns optical depart ment Powers Mercantile Co. Also has been interested in manufacture of pressed brick since 1890, and is vice president of the Twin City Brick Co. Independent in politics. Member Fine Arts Society. Married at St. Louis, Mo., Dee. 24, 1894, to Mrs. Emma L. Meyer. Clubs: Commercial, Automobile, Apollo (associate member). Recreations: Fish ing, sailing, automobiling, traveling. Of fice: 200 Lumber Exchange. Residence: 3317 2nd Av., S., Minneapolis. KOEHLEB, Charles Frederick, educa tor; born at Canal Dover, O., April 8, 1856; son of Conrad and Catherine (All- man) Koehler; educated in public schools of Ohio; Mt. Union (O.) Business Col lege; University of Wooster, graduating, degree of Ph.B., 1890, A.M., same uni versity, 1893. Married at Dundee, O., 1881, to Miss Etta J. Stout. Tutor Uni versity of Wooster, 1886-90; professor of pedagogy, Baldwin University, Berea, O., 1890-92; state institute conductor and instructor in civics and history, State Normal School, Mankato, Minn., 1892- 1902; president State Normal and In dustrial School, Aberdeen, S. D., 1902-5; has been principal and one of the owners of Brandrup & Nettleton Busi ness College, Winona, since 1905. Mem ber National Educational Association. Republican. Methodist. Member Masonic order, Knights of Pythias. Clubs: So cial Science, Central Men's. Recrea tions: Hunting and fishing. Address: Winona, Minn. KOEHLEB, George William, wholesale merchant; born at Manitowoc, Wis., Nov. 1, 1862; educated in public school at Manitowoc; married. Began business in 1885 with Henry and Ferdinand THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 289 Hinrichs, under present firm name of Koehler & Hinrichs, which has con tinued without change except the death of Ferdinand Hinrichs in 1904. Member B. P. O. E. Club: Commercial. Office: 255-265 E. Third St. Residence: 725 Goodrich Av., St. Paul. KOEHLEB, Bobert, artist; born, Ham burg, Germany, Nov. 23, 1850; son of Ernest and Louise (Bueter) Koehler; came to America 1854; attended the German-American High School, Milwau kee, Wis., 1858 to 1866, and learned lithography, working in Milwaukee, Pittsburg and New York City; studied drawing in night classes, National Aca demy of Design, New York, and paint ing at Art Students Deague, New York, and in Royal Academy, Munich, Ger many. Began painting, 1873 and ex hibited at National Academy, 1877; or ganized the American department at the Art Exhibition, Munich, 1883 and 1888. Married, New York City, Sept. 7, 1895, Marie Fischer. Director Minneapolis School of Fine Arts since 1893. Presi dent Minnesota State Art Society, mem ber board of directors Minneapolis So ciety of Fine Arts, member Art Com mission of the city of Minneapolis, president Minneapolis Art League, mem ber Society of Western Artists. Princi pal paintings: Holliday Occupations, Her Only Support, The Socialist, The Strike, Violet, Judgment of Paris, Love's Secret, The Family Bible, Father and Son, Salve Luna. Residence: 4816 Portland Av., Minneapolis. KOEHN, J. C, Canadian government land agent; born in Russia, Sept. 29, 1869; son of John J. and Justina (Wiens) Koehn; came to America with parents, 1873, and to Minnesota, 1878; educated in public schools of Mountain Lake, Minn.; married at Mountain Lake, Sept. 23, 1897, to Miss Lizzie Goertzen. Began in real estate and immigration business on his own account, 1900, and is representative of the Canadian gov ernment in introducing settlers upon lands of Western Canada. Address: Mountain Lake, Minn. XOEBNEB, Henry C, secretary Mil ler, Davis Printing Co.; born at Shako pee, Minn., Dec. 10, 1857; son of Adam and Caroline -(Deis) Koerner; educated in public and parochial schools of Shakopee and St. John's College, College- ville, Minn. Began active career as clerk in store of Kohls & Berens, Shakopee, continuing 1874-80; was mem ber of the firm of Kohls, Berens & Co., Jordan, Minn., 1880-86, inclusive; has been secretary Miller, Davis Printing Co., corporation, manufacturers of blank books, stationery, office and bank sup plies, since March 1, 1902. Trustee village of Jordan, 1882-84; county audi tor Scott Co., Minn., 1886-99; president and member city council, Shakopee, 1890-96; member and clerk, school board, Shakopee, 4 years; deputy public exami ner of Minnesota, 1899 to March 1, 1902. Democratic candidate for state treas urer, 1900. Roman Catholic. Member C. O. F., K of O, G. C..-B. S., of Minn. Married at Shakopee, Oct. 26, 1880, to Katherine Schweickert. Office: 212-215 Nicollet Av. Residence: 1600 27th St., E., Minneapolis. KOHLEB, Otto A., general merchan dise; born at Watertown, Minn., Sept 23, 1861; educated in public schools of Watertown and at Faddis Business College, St. Paul. Has been connected with the same house since taking up his residence in Hutchinson, May 2, 1892, the firm then being Belden & Brabee; the title of the firm is now Brabee & Kohler. Postmaster of Hutchinson under Cleveland's two ad ministrations; ex-mayor of the city and served several terms as alderman. Mem ber Masonic order, M. W. A. Married. June 15, 1891, to Miss Eva J. Stocking. Address: Hutchinson, Minn. KOHLEB, William F., manager and treasurer Minnesota Harness Factory, Inc.; born in Hennepin Co., Minn., April 23, 1866; son of Sebastian B. and Catherina (Boumann) Kohler; educated in public schools of Watertown, Minn., and Minneapolis; married at Delano, Minn., Sept. 12, 1888, to Miss Douisa Eppel. Engaged in harness making business with his father at Watertown, 1884-93; was with the Piano Manufac turing Co., agricultural machinery, Minneapolis, 1893-98; became identified with the International Harvester Co., Minneapolis, 1898, and was at Albert Lea, Minn., for same company, 1902-05; has been manager and treasurer Minne sota Harness Factory, Inc., since Jan. 1, 1906, manufacturers and jobbers of harness and saddlery. Democrat. Mayor of Delano, 1889-93. Roman Catholic Member A. O. U. W., C. O. F., U. C. T. of America. Member Board of Trade and Business Men's Assn. Recreations: Reading, gardening. Address: Winona, Minn. KOHN, Victor,wholesale Hquor dealer; born in Bohemia, Austria, Sept. 14, 1876; son of Nathan and Louise (Fanta) Kohn; attended public school in Austria, 1881-86, and college until July, 1890. Came to America, 1890; was engaged as clerk, Simon Hasterlick, Chicago, 111., 1890-94; was distiller and rectifier of spirits, B. K. Block & Co., Sacramento, Calif,, 1894-97; held same position with L. S. Loeb & Co., Duluth, Minn., 1897-98; has been secretary and treasurer Sattler Liquor Co., since Nov., 1898, wholesale liquors, jobbers, importers and manu facturers. Also secretary and treasurer Richard Johnson Distilling Co. Jewish religion. Member Independent Order B'nai B'rith. Married at Duluth, Minn., Jan. 6, 1903, to Miss Rosa T. Freimuth. Recreations: Fishing and hunting. Of fice: 214-216 W. Michigan St. Resi dence: 301 E. 4th St., Duluth. KOLABS, Charles C, lawyer; born at New Prague, Minn., Oct. 25, 1865; son of Francis and Eva Kolars; educated in public and parochial schools of New 290 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS Prague, to 1SS0; Notre Dame Univer sity, Notre Dame, Ind., 1880-85, graduat ing, degrees B.S., and C.E., 1885; has engaged in practice of law since Oct. 14, 1887. Married at New Prague, Minn., Sept. 4, 1888, to Mary Matousek. Was county attorney Le Sueur Co., 1895-96. Democrat. Roman Catholic. Address: Le Sueur Centre, Minn. KOLLIN'ER, Jacob R., clothing; born in Milwaukee, Wis., Nov. 25, 1865; son of Simon and Amelia B. Kalliner; edu cated in public schools of Milwaukee; married at New Richmond, Wis., 1887, to Alice Brown. Engaged in clothing- business one year in Milwaukee; has been in same line of business in Still water since 1883. Secretary and treas urer Kolliner Bros. & Newman Mfg. Co., St. Louis, Pine & Cedar Co., Oneill Irvine Co., &c Republican. Member Masonic order, B. P. O. E., Woodmen. Address: Stillwater, Minn. KOLLINER, Robert S., attorney; born at Baraboo, Wis., March 22, 1868; son of Simon and Amelia (Brandeis) Kolli ner; educated in Baraboo public and high schools; University of Wisconsin, graduating, degree of B.S., 1S87; Col lege of Law, University of Minnesota, graduating degree of LL.B., 1890. Mem ber of the law firm of Hall & Kolliner; also member of the firm of Kolliner Brothers & Newman, manufacturers and jobbers, Stillwater, Minn. Member of faculty, College of Law, University of Minnesota. Married, Nov. 25, 1897, to Miss Mathilda H. Newmann. Recrea tion: Travel. Office: 724 New York Life Bldg. Residence: 3340 2nd Av., S., Minneapolis. KOLLING, Frank A.; born at Wheel ing, Minn., Aug. * 3, 1857; educated in public schools of Rice Co.; married at Wheeling, May 20, 1886, to Miss Caro line -Mueller. Has been engaged in farming ever since he began business career. President Farmers State Bank of Nerstrand, and Nerstrand Coopera tive Creamery Association; secretary and treasurer Wheeling Mutual Fire In surance Co. Republican. President St. John's Congregation (Evangelical Pro testant). Justice of the peace, Wheel ing. Address: Nerstrand, Minn. KOLSBUN, John B., real estate; born near Christiania, Norway, Dec 9, 1860; educated in public schools; studied mechanical engineering; came to United States in 1881, and gained practical business education while handling wheat, lumber and farm machinery in Minnesota and North Dakota. Has been dealing extensively in Minnesota and Wisconsin farm lands, since 1890, with headquarters in St. Paul. Married at Grand Rapids, Mich., Nov. 9, 1896, to Alice Elizabeth Adams. Club: St. Paul Commercial. Recreations: Hunting, fishing, farming and working with tools. Office: 336 East 3rd St. Residence: 972 Ashland Av., St. Paul. KOLSET, Carl D., physician; native of Norway; son of Hans D. and Britha Kolset; came to America, 1893; educated in Glencoe (Minn.) High School, 1894-96; Augsburg Seminary, Minneapolis, 1896- 1901, graduating degree of A.B., 1901; College of Physicians and Surgeons, Hamline University, 1901-05, graduating, degree of M.D., 1905. Has been engaged in practice of medicine since June 12, 1905. Unmarried. Lutheran. Address:^ Belgrade, Minn. KONANTZ, Charles P., dentist; born at Quincy, 111., Sept. 7, 1847; educated in public schools of Quincy, and at Western College of Dental Surgery, St. Louis, Mo. Began practice' .of dentistry at Quiney, 1868; followed the profession in St. Louis, 1869-74; has been a resident of St. Paul since April, 1874, and is now devoting his time mainly to looking after investments in Minnesota, N. Dak. and Wash. Office: 504 Pittsburg Bldg. Residence: Boardman Hotel, St. Paul. KONANTZ, Edward Albert, saddlery manufacturer; born at Quincy, 111., Nov. 9, 1857; son of Paul and Wilhelmina (Schultheis) Konantz; educated in the public schools and in Gem City Business College, Quincy, 111.; married at St. Paul, Minn., Jan. 24, 1889, to Minnesota May Hendrickson. At age of 15 became apprentice in harness shop, Quincy, 111.; at 20 was member of firm of W. H. Konantz & Brothers, Quincy, 111.; started in saddlery business St. Paul, Minn., March 1, 3 882; organized the Konantz Saddlery Co., St. Paul, wholesale, 1888, and the Konantz-Gaver Co., wholesale manufacturers of saddlery, 1905. Presi dent Konantz-Gaver Co , First National Bank of Columbus, N. D., Citizens Lum ber Co. of Bowbelle, Flaxton, Columbus and Kensel, N. D., Independent Lumber Co., Kenmore, N. D. ; president and treasurer Dakota Land and Investment Co., St. Paul. Republican. Presby terian. Mason. Club: Commercial. Of fice: 227 E. 6th St. Residence: 622 Iglehart St., St. Paul. KOON, Martin B., lawyer; born at Altay, Schuyler Co., N. Y., Jan. 22, 1841; son of Alanson and Marilla (Wells) Koon; educated in common schools, Hillsdale Co., Mich., and at Hillsdale College, Hillsdale, Mich., graduating 1S63. Admitted to bar in Michigan, 1868, and practiced at Hillsdale, March, 1868, to April, 1878; moved to Minne apolis, 1878, and has practiced law ever since in Minneapolis except in 1883-84 and '85, when he was on the bench. Has always kept out of politics and has held no office except in line of his pro fession; was county attorney Hillsdale Co., Mich., 4 years and district judge, 4th judicial district, Minn., 1883-86. Vice president Northwestern National Bank, Minn. Loan and Trust Co.; presi dent Minneapolis General Electric Co., director Electric Steel Elevator Co., Great Western Elevator Co., George W. Van Dusen & Co. Republican. Uni versalist. Member National Geographic THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS C91 Society, Minneapolis Art Society. Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner. Married at Hillsdale, Mich., Nov., 1873, to Miss Josephine Van De Mark. Clubs: Min neapolis, Minikahda, Lafayette, Com mercial. Recreation: Traveling. Office: Minnesota Loan and Trust Co. Bldg. Residence: 1600 Harmon Place, Minne apolis. KOFFMANN, Louis, secretary and treasurer Smith Costume Co.; born in Baden, Germany, Nov. 8, 1867; son of Louis and Emilie Kopfmann; educated in Gymnasium Baden. Came to America, located in Chicago, 111., and followed trade of wig maker, 1891; removed to Minneapolis, 1893, and was employed at West Hotel as theatrical wig maker and manager of hair store; became partner and part owner with Hugo Yetter in the Smith Costume Co., established, 1884, of which is secretary and treasurer. Republican. Lutheran. Member Knights of Pythias, I. O. F., A. O. U. W., Degree of Honor, Sons of Hermann; also Har- monia and Austrian Singing societies. Married at Chicago, 111., 1893, to Miss Albertina Vogel. Office: 35 S. 7th St. Residence: 1250 Penn Av., N., Minne apolis. KOBTSCH, Gustav A., merchant; born in Magdeburg, Germany, Jan. 29, 1850; son of C. F. August and Charlott (Kohl- hoff) Kortsch; came to America with parents, 1853; educated in public schools of Wisconsin and at Spencers Commer cial College, Milwaukee, 1867; married in Michigan, 1870, to Miss Elizabeth J. Thomas. Came to Minnesota, fall of 1870 and engaged in farming; has been in merchandise business since 1876. Director Douglas County Bank. Ad dress: Alexandria, Minn. KBAFFT, Edwin James, agricultural implements; born at Belleville, 111., Nov. 9, 1868; son of James F. and Douisa F. Krafft; graduate Minnesota State Uni versity, 1892. Began business career, 1892, with Lehigh Coal and Coke Co., continuing for one year; became con nected as cashier with Dean & Co., dealers in Dean Diamond Vehicles and agricultural implements, and has been treasurer of the company since 1895. Methodist. Superintendent of Hennepin County Sunday School; was elected secretary of Minnesota State Sunday School Association, 1902. Republican. Married, at Minneapolis, 1894, to Miss Jennette C. Dean. Recreation: General athletics. Office: 404 Washington Av., N. Residence: 1601 3rd Av., S., Minne apolis. KBAFFT, James F., merchant; born at Belleville, 111., Nov. 25, 1839; son of Theodore J. and Mary E. Krafft; edu cated in public schools of 'Belleville and Michigan State Normal School, Ypsil anti, Mich. Began active career in in surance business at Belleville, 111.; served in Civil War, as member of 117th 111. Inf., 16th Army Corps, 1862-65; re sumed insurance business at Belleville, continuing 1865-81; removed to Minnea polis, 1881, and became cashier Murray, Warner & Co., wholesale grocers; has been secretary Palace Clothing House Co., since 1896. Republican. Methodist. Member G. A. R. Married at Belleville, 111., 1866, to Miss Douisa F. Flanagan. Office: Palace Clothing House. Resi dence: 69 S. 11th St., Minneapolis. KRAHMER, Edward Gustav, county auditor; born at New Ulm, Minn., Jan. 31, 1858; son of Edward F. and Phillip- pina (Pfaff) Krahmer; educated in pub lie schools, St. Paul, and St. Paul Com mercial College; married at St. Paul, Sept. 9, 1884, to Emma Albrecht. En tered employ of father, E. F. Krahmer, painting contractor, 1875; became his associate in business, 1879; general manager, 1884; retired from painting business, 1891. Engaged in real estate business, 1891-96; St. Paul assembly man, June to December, 1896; register of deeds of Ramsey Co., 1897-1900; coun ty auditor of Ramsey Co. since 1903. Member of Junior Pioneers, Territorial Pioneers, B. P. O. E., A. O. U. W., etc Club: Commercial. Office: Court House. Residence: 442 Pine St., St. Paul. KRAMER, Frank J., merchant; born at Elba, Minn., May 27, 1875; son of Charles and Louisa (Roesler) Kramer. Has been engaged in dry goods business in his own name at St. Charles, Minn., since Sept., 1901. Married at St. Charles, Oct. 5, 1903, Miss Josephine M. Zeches. Address: St. Charles, Minn. KRANK, Alfred J., cutler, grinder and barbers' furniture and supplies; born in Brown Co., Minn., Jan. 10, 1866; son of Frank W. and Susan Krank; parochial schools and business education, St. Louis and St. Paul; married at St. Paul, Feb., 1891, to Miss Emma Hundt Has been a resident of St. Paul since 1877. En tered barbers' supply business of Franke & Schnell in 1878, remaining with suc cessor, H. Schnell; bought latter's inter ests in 1883 and for a time conducted the business under own name; then firm became H. Schnell & Co., which in 1887 was changed to Schnell & Krank and since 1903 under own name of Alfred J. Krank, cutler and grinder, manufacturer of barbers' furniture and supplies. Independent in politics. Mem ber Turn Verein. Recreation: Fishing. Office: 142 E. 6th St. Residence: 803 Osceola Av., St. Paul. KRELWITZ, Edmund Henry, lawyer; born at Washington Mine, Mich., Nov. 4, 1872; son of Edmund F. and Elizabeth (Pennock) Krelwitz; educated in com mon schools, Ontonagon, Mich., Fort Williams, Can., and Duluth, Minn.; graduated from Duluth High School, June, 1891; graduated from Law School, LTniversity of Minnesota, degree of LL. M., 1898; post graduate course, degree of D C.Xj., same university, 1899. Prac ticed law in Minneapolis, until 1900; has been in practice at Aitkin, since 3 900. Republican. Elected county at torney, Aitkin Co., 1902; reelected with out opposition, 1904; reelected, 1906. 292 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS Episcopalian. Scottish Rite Mason (32°), Shriner; member B. P. O. E., Woodmen, Good Samaritans, Knights of Pythias, Odd Fellows. Married at Minneapolis, Minn., June 30, 1903, to Miss J. Annabel Huston. Club: Gun. Recreations: Hunting, fishing, country driving, boat ing. Address: Aitkin, Minn. KRETZ, Hermann, architect; born, Essen, Rhein Provinz, Germany, May 20, 1860; son of John and Margareth A. Kretz; attended public and private schools, Berge, Borbeck, 1866-74; School of Technology, Essen, 1874-77; Academy of Architecture, Holzminden, 1877-80, graduating as architect, 1881; married, St. Paul, Minn., Aug. 22, 1894, Helena B. Botzet After traveling through greater part of Europe came to New York, 1881; from there visited principal cities of United States and Canada; in 1886, located at St. Paul and en gaged in general practice of architec ture. Office: 1016-1017 New York Life Bldg. Residence: 768 Summit Av., St. Paul. KRIEGER, Allan Champlin, vice pres ident St. Paul Rubber Co.; born, St. Paul, Minn., April 30, 1858; parents of German birth; educated in private Ger man school, Franklin School, Central High School, Faddis Business College of St. Paul; married, St. Paul, Feb. 23, 1887, Hattie M. Johnson. Began work for C. Gotzian & Co., of St. Paul, Minn., wholesale jobbers and manufacturers of boots and shoes, March 17, 1873, as clerk in office, later becoming, consecu tively, stockman, traveling salesman and house salesman, leaving that firm after 23 years' service to enter the rub ber business, June 10, 1900, as travel ing salesman; now vice president St. Paul Rubber Co. Chapter Mason; mem ber Knights of Pythias, Senior and Jun ior F'ioneers. Recreations: Hunting and fishing. Office: 220-226 East Third St., St. Paul. Residence: 569 Grand Av., St Paul. KRISE, William C, secretary and manager Red Wing Malting Co.; born at Canton, Pa., Feb. 19, 1859; son of Charles A. and Christine A. (Gleckler) Krise; educated in public schools of Canton; married at Red Wing, Minn., 18S7, to Miss Emma J. Simmons. Came to Minnesota, 1882, and engaged in real estate business in Minneapolis, 1882-87; removed to Red Wing and was identified with N. K Simmons & Co., in the grain business until 1900; built the plant now occupied by the Red Wing Malting Co., and has been its secretary and mana ger since the organization of the com pany, 1900. Republican. Member City Council, Red Wing, 1897-01; chairman board of county commissioners, 1901- 1905. Episcopalian. Member Modern Woodmen of America. Club: Commer cial. Recreation: Fishing. Address: Red Wing, Minn. KROEGER, Charles, printing and bookbinding; born at Highland, Wis., Feb. 4, 1857; son of Fred and Anna (Schwarzenbach) Kroeger; came to Min nesota with parents in fall of 1857; ed ucated in public . schools of Winona. Began active career at printing trade, April, 1870, and has been engaged in printing business for himself since 1S82; junior member and vice president Jones & Kroeger Co., Winona. Member Masonic order, Consistory and Scottish Rite bodies. Married at Caledonia, Minn., Oct. 30, 1883, to Miss Amelia Klein. Address: Winona, Minn. KROEGEB, Frederick, printing, book binding and publishing; born at High land, Wis., June 2, 1855; son of Fred erick and Anna (Schwartzenbach) Kroe ger; came to Minnesota with parents, 1857; educated in public schools of Wi nona and at C. C. Curtis night school in bookkeeping. Began to learn trade of bookbinder, March, 1868, continuing 18 months, and then began to learn printing trade; was connected with the Winona Herald, 1870-83; entered into partnership with O. K. Jones, as Jones & Kroeger Co., May 1, 1883, book and job printing, bookbinding and manufac turing of advertising goods, also pub lishers of Winona City Directory, and is secretary and treasurer of the com pany. Mason (32°), First Worthy Pat ron O. E. S., No. 141. Married at Stockton, Minn., June 4, 1878, to Miss Florence A. Matteson. Recreation: Driv ing. Address: Winona, Minn. KBUEGEB, Louis W., physician; born at Ripon, Wis., May 26, 1868; graduate of Mankato (Minn.) High School, 1891; University of Minnesota, Medical De partment, degree of M.D., 1896. Taught public schools at Kasota, 1891-92, and Mankato, 1892-93; engaged in practice of medicine at Mapleton, Minn., since June, 1896. Married at Owatonna, Minn., June 29, 1899, to Miss Rilla F. McCormick. Address: Mapleton, Minn. KUEFFNER, Otto, lawyer; born in Germany, June 5, 1857; son of Karl and Emilie (Peters) Kueffner; came to America, 1873; was educated in public schools of Germany; St. Douis (Mo.) High School; Cornell University, St. Louis Law School, graduating, degree of LL.B., 1S79. Began practice of law at Belleville, 111., in partnership with his brother. General William C. Kueff ner, continuing for one year; has been engaged in practice of law at St. Paul since 18S0. Member Sons of Hermann. Married at Belleville, 111., 1882, to Miss Ida Ruesch. Recreations: Boating, fish ing and hunting. Office: 314-315 N. Y. Life Bldg. Residence: 63 N. Milton St., St. Paul. KUNZ, Jacob, treasurer Minneapolis Brewing Co.; born in Rhine Province, Germany, Sept. 29, 1860; son of Mat thew and Catherine Kunz; came to America with parents, 1868, and to Min nesota. 3 869; educated in public schools of Chaska, Minn. Has been a resident of Minneapolis since 1876; began active career as locomotive fireman Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry.; learned trade THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS 293 of millwright and entered employ of the Island Power Co.; engaged in oil business, 1888, and established the Kunz Oil Co.; entered brewing business as director of the Minneapolis Brewing Co., and has been treasurer of the com pany since 1904. President Kunz Oil Co.; vice president North Star Malting Co.; manager Island Power Co.; direc tor German American Bank. Member I. O. O. F, F. O. E., B. P. O. E., Knights of Pythias. Republican. Roman Catho lic. Married at Minneapolis, Minn., June 21, 1881, to Miss Helena Manuel. Clubs: Commercial (both East and West), Gar field. Recreations: Hunting and fish ing. Office: 315 1st Av., S. Residence: 1710 Tyler St., N. E., Minneapolis. XUTH, Joseph Bobert, physician; born at Hartford, Wis., June 6, 1881; son of Andrew and Anna (Schuh) Kuth; ed ucated at St. Elizabeth's Catholic School; St. John's University, Collegeville, Minn., 1900; ITniversity of Minnesota, College of Medicine and Surgery, degree of M.D., 1904. Interne St. Mary's Hospital, Duluth, 1904-05. Has been assistant surgeon Duluth, Missabe and Northern Ry., since 1905. Member firm of Magie, Patton, Sukeforth & Kuth. Member St. Douis County Medical Society, Min nesota State Medical Association. Ro man Catholic. Member Knights of Columbus. Unmarried. Recreation: Lit erature. Office: 612 Lyceum Bldg. Res idence: 314 E. 2nd St., Duluth. LA BAB, George D., banker; born at Berlin, Wis., Sept. 4, 1866; educated in public schools of Zumbrota, Minn., up to 1882, and instructed in business branches by special teachers. Has been identified with banking business ever since entering his career, 1883; presi dent First National Bank, Brainerd, and Minnesota Park Region Land Co.; sec retary Park Opera House Association. City treasurer of Brainerd for 8 years past. Member Masonic order, Modern Woodmen of America. Married at Brain erd, 1900, to Miss Mayme Mitchell. Club: Commercial. Address: Brainerd, Minn. LA BABE, Frank, president Owatonna Manufacturing Co.; bern at Owatonna, Minn., May 29, 1807; son of Henry N. and Sarah E. (Tulleys) Da Bare; edu cated in Owatonna High School; mar ried at Northfield, Minn., Jan. 27, 1892, to Miss Ida M. Kinyon. Began in em ploy of Owatonna Manufacturing Co., 1886; has continued with the company and has been its president since 1898, the company being manufacturers of agricultural implements and the Disbrow combined churn and butter worker. Re publican. Methodist. Former member school board, Owatonna. Member Ma sonic order, Royal Arcanum. Club: Com mercial. Recreation: Automobiling. Ad dress: Owatonna, Minn. LA BISSONIEBE, Theodore, merchant; born at Lafontaine, Ont, Can., Dec. 4, 1866; son of George and Eulalia (Mar- .chand) La Bissoniere; educated in pub lic schools of Lafontaine until 12; came to Minnesota, May, 1879; graduate Com mercial Department St. John's Universi ty, Collegeville, June, 1887. Began busi ness career as clerk for Joseph Smith & Co., Red Lake, continuing 7 years; commenced with a small stock of mer chandise, 1895, and now occupies "The Big Store." Roman Catholic. Member Catholic Order of ForestSrs. Married at Crookston, Minn., Jan. 1, 1899, to Miss Minnie Martin. Club: Commercial. Address: Red Lake, Minn. LAIBD, Frank Clark, lumber manu facturer; born at Barnet, Vt., Feb. 15, 1855; son of John P. and Sarah C. (Smith) Laird; educated in public schools of Brodhead, Wis., to 1865, and schools of Fort Howard, Wis., to 1870; married in 1883. Began active career as clerk in general store, 1870, and be came manager, continuing until 1878; entered lumber manufacturing at Mis sion Creek, Minn., under title of Laird & Thomas, 1879; was treasurer and in charge of logging and mills of John Martin Lumber Co., St. Paul and Minne apolis, 1883-94; incorporated, with others, 1886, the Vermilion Range Lumber & Iron Co. of Minneapolis, a timber holding company; the Rush City Mer cantile Co., of Rush City, Minn., depart ment store and lumber yard, 1894; the Laird Manufacturing Co., of Minneap olis, manufacturer of harness trim mings, 1900; the Pine City Mercantile Co., general department store and lum ber yard, Pine City, Minn., 1899. Lo cated, built and operated the saw and planing mills of Nolan Bros. & Laird, Skibo, Minn., 1900, with head office at St. Paul; incorporated the Skibo Timber Co., timber holding company, 3 905; with others incorporated the Mi- not Flour Milling Co., Minot, N. D., 3906. Secretary and treasurer Skibo Timber Co.; president Daird Manufac turing Co., Pine City Mercantile Co., Minot Flour Milling Co.; member Nolan Bros. & Laird, manufacturers of lum ber, lath and shingles. Republican. Ma son (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner. Club: Commercial. Recreation: Travel. Office: 500 Pierce St. Residence: 2408 Grand Av., Minneapolis. LAIBD, John Lester, manufacturer; born at Colo, Story Co., Ia., March 26, 1869; son of James A. and Sarah J. (Humphrey) Laird; educated at West ern Normal School, Iowa, and Univer sity of Michigan. Began active career as school teacher; located in Minneap olis in spring of 1904 and started the Campbell-Laird Heating Co., manufac turers of Campbell heaters, of which is president and manager. Republican.' Congregationalist. Member Knights of Pythias. Married at Newton, la., 1905, to Miss Stella Winn. Club: Congrega tional of Minnesota. Office: 705 3rd 294 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS St., S. Residence: 201 W. 48th St., Minneapolis. LAIBD, Scott, newspaper publisher; born at Winona, Minn., Oct. 21, 1875; son of John C. and Charlotte M. (Jarvis) Laird; educated in public schools of Winona, graduating from the High School, June 15, 1894. Began active ca reer as collector of The -Republican; was promoted successively to advertis ing solicitor and bookkeeper, continuing in latter position until Feb. 18, 1901, when The Republican was consolidated with The Herald, and he became half owner and business manager. Secretary and treasurer Republican and Herald Publishing Co. Republican. Congrega tionalist. Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner. Married at Winona, 1903, to Miss Maud G. Weller. Recreations: Out. door diversions. Address: Winona, Minn. LAXE, Fred Hunter, lands; born in North Easton, Mass., Dec. 4, 1855; son of Jeremy and Charity (Gleason) Lake; educated in public schools of North Easton. Began dealing in Minnesota lands and negotiating loans, in 1881; senior member of the firm of Lake & Lowry. Republican. Member Knights of Pvthias. Married at Albany, N. Y., Oct. 1, 1902, Anna E. Van Derzee. Address: Fergus Falls, Minn. LALONDE, Edmond, physician; born at Perrot Island, Vaudreuil Co., Can., Oct. 13, 1874; educated in local pub lic schools; Bourget College, Que bec, Can., degree of B.L.; Laval Uni versity, Montreal, Can., degree of M.D., 1899. Chairman of the board of health, Torah; director Torah Telephone & Im provement Co. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associations, and Stearns-Benton County Medical So ciety. Married at Eden Valley, Minn., Oct. 12, 1903, to Miss Gertrude Bell. Address: Torah, Minn. LAMB, James Dewar, grain commis sion; born at Ottawa, Can., April 3, 3 862; son of William and Margaret (Gordon) Lamb; educated in public schools and at Woodstock College, Ont. Came to Minneapolis, 1882, and entered service of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry.; became connected later with the grain business and is a mem ber of the firm of Lamb, McGregor & Co., grain commission merchants, or ganized 1895. Republican. Baptist. Mem ber Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce. Married at Minneapolis, 1890, to Miss Gertrude L. Ribble. Office: Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Residence: 918 W. 26th St., Minneapolis. LAMBERSON, Lafayette, banker; born at Grafton, Wis., Nov. 6, 1854; son of Alfred and Sarah Lamberson; educated in public and high schools, Waverly, la.; married at Nashua, la., Oct. 21, 3 879, to Miss Fannie E. Elder. Entered the banking business as member of the firm of Gill & Lamberson, establishing Bank of Warren, 1884; also president State Bank of Hawley, Hawley, Minn., and Pioneer Loan and Land Co., War ren. Republican. Member Masonic or der, B. P. O. E„ Knights of Pythias. Address: Warren, Minn. LAMBEBTON, Henry M., lawyer; born at St. Peter, Minn., Sept. 12, 1861; son of Henry W. and Margaret J. (Plumer) Lamberton; graduate of Princeton Uni versity, degree of B.A., 1885; married at Winona, 1892, to Miss Janette Mc- Kain. Has been a resident of Winona since 1863, and has engaged in practice of law since 1887. Member American and Winona County Bar associations. Democrat. Member State Capitol Com mission. President Minnesota Light & Power Co.; director Winona Deposit Bank. Address: Winona, Minn. LAMM, Leo S., real estate; born at Mankato, Minn.; son of Stephen and Caroline (Stilmire) Lamm. Vice presi dent First National Bank. Address: Mankato, Minn. LAMM, Bobert; born at Mankato, Minn., March 2, 1868; son of Stephen and Caroline (Stilmire) Lamm; edu cated in Mankato schools and at Illi nois College of Pharmacy, Chicago; mar ried at Milwaukee, Wis., June 21, 1892, to Minnie Grimshaw. Began active ca reer as a druggist, at 19 years of age, continuing until 1904. President Luger Lumber Co.; secretary Lamm Invest ment Co. Member Minn. N. G. for 5 years {sergeant). Member B. P. O. E., Foresters. Club : CommerciaL Recrea tions: Automobiling, hunting and fish ing. Address: Mankato, Minn. LAMMERS, Albert J., lumbering; born at Taylors Falls, Minn., April 12, 1859; son of Frederick W. and Helen C. (Nel son) Lammers; educated in schools of Taylors Falls; married at St. Paul, Minn., 1882, to Emma C. Kroon. Began active career in employ of Nelson, Fol som & Co., loggers; went into logging business for himself until 1886, when he consolidated with his brother, George A., under name of Lammers Bros., con tractors, loggers and dealers in pine logs, which still continues. Also vice president Salway Land Co.; director Central Florida Land Co., Putnam Lumber Co., Bahama Timber Co. Re publican. Mason, Knight Templar; member B. P. O. E., and Modern Wood men. Address: Stillwater, Minn. LAMMEBS, Charles A., register of deeds, Washington Co.; born at Taylors Falls, Minn., Feb. 28, 1862; son of Fred erick W. and Helen C. (Nelson) Lam mers; common school education. En gaged in business with August Booren as Booren & Lammers, wholesale and retail cigars, etc., Stillwater, 1889 to Jan. 1, 1893; register of deeds Wash ington Co., since Nov., 1892. Repub lican. Member I. O. O. F, Knights of Pythias, M. W. A., A. O. U. W., M. B. A., R. N. A., Order of the West (grand president). Married at Aberdeen, S. D., Aug. 8. 1885, to Miss Julia E. Moriarty. Address: Stillwater, Minn. LAMMEBS, George A., lumbering; born at Taylors Falls, Minn., March 5, THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 295 1857; son of Frederick W. and Helen C. (Nelson) Lammers; educated in pub lic schools of Taylors Falls; married at Stillwater, Minn., 1879, to Ida S. John son. Began active career with Nelson, Folsom & Co., loggers; engaged in log ging business for himself until 1885; consolidated with his brother, Albert J., in 1886, under title of Lammers Bros., which still continues. President Salway Land Co.; vice president Royal Lumber Co.; director McGoldrick Lumber Co. Republican. Member Masonic order, B. P. O. E., Modern Woodmen of America. Address: Stillwater, Minn. LAMMEBS,. Louis P., lawyer; born at Taylors Falls, Minn., Dec. 14, 1855; edu cated in common schools and at busi ness college; admitted to practice of law, 1888. Has been engaged in prac tice since 1888; also interested in farm ing. Ex-county attorney, Jackson Co.; for two terms county superintendent of schools. Republican. Member Masonic order, A. O. U. W„ Modern Woodmen of America, B. P. O. E. Married at Heron Lake, Minn., June 30, 1883, to Miss Har riet E. Spalding. Address: Heron Lake, Minn. LAMPS, Charles Otto, ice dealer; born at Boston, Mass., Dec. 17, 1854; son of Ferdinand and Charlotte (Paul) Lampe; educated at the German and English Academy, Milwaukee, Wis. Has been secretary and treasurer of the City Ice Co., since Nov. 1, 1895. Member Minne sota House of Representatives, 1899- 1900; director Minneapolis Brewing Co., 1894-1902. Democrat. Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner; member B. P. O. E. Married at Fond du Dae. Wis., March 12, 1879, to Miss Mary K. T. Gaertner. Office: Andrus Bldg. Resi dence: 2653 S. Bryant Av., Minneapolis. LAMPEBT, Leonhard, lumberman; born in Switzerland, June 4, 1858; son of Jacob and Mary (Adank) Dampert; educated in public schools of West Bend, Wis.; Northwestern University, Water- town, Wis., graduating, B.A., 1879; mar ried at Watertown, 1883, to Emma Schwarz. Came to America at 8 years of age, with parents; entered employ ment of Youmans Bros, and Hodgins Lumber Co., Winona, Minn., 1880, work ing in Winona (Minn.) office two years, and had charge Mankato branch yard two years; went into business for self in 1884 in the Lampert Lumber Co. of Minneapolis, of which he is president. Also treasurer of the W. O. Barndt Lum ber Co., Minneapolis, and the Stolle Barndt Lumber Co., Tripoli, Wis.; vice president Old Oregon Lumber Co., Seattle, Wash.; president Nooksack River Mills Co., Ferndale, Wash. Re publican. Lutheran. Mason, Odd Fellow. Club: Commercial. Office: Lumber Ex change. Residence: 1502 Ninth Av., S., Minneapolis. LANCASTEB, William Atwood, law- ver; born at Detroit, Maine, Dec. 29, 1859; son of Henry- Lancaster; edu cated in common schools; Central In stitute, Pittsfield, Me., graduating, 1877; one year at Dartmouth College; read law in office of Gardiner C. Vose and Loring Farr, Augusta, Me., and was ad mitted to the bar, Oct., 1881. Married at Pittsfield, Me., Jan. 4, 1886, to Miss Kate I. Manson. Engaged in practice of law at Boston, 1881-84; removed to Augusta, Me., where he continued in practice until 1887; has been a resident of Minneapolis since Jan., 1887; mem ber of firm of Lancaster & McGee. Dem ocrat. Office: N. Y. Life Bldg. Resi dence: 3145 2nd Av., S., Minneapolis. LANDENBEBGEB, John, physician; born at Alton, 111., Sept. 22, 1850; son of John and Herrit (Groshan) Landen- berger; educated at St. John's College, Minn., 1868-70. Taught school at inter vals up to 1873; entered upon prac tice of medicine, 1875. Mayor of the City of New Prague, 1901-05; U. S. pen sion examiner, 1894-98; president school board of New Prague for 12 years. Dem ocrat. Member A. F. & A. M., I. O. O. F„ I. O. F., A. O. U. W., D. of H. Mar ried at New Prague, 1875, Miss Eva M Stanek. Address: New Prague, Minn. LANDON, Baymond Fitch, lumber; born at Lakeville, Conn., March 3, 1855; son of Nels'on and Mary (Raymond) Landon; educated in private and acad emic schools, Connecticut. Came to the Northwest in 1884 and engaged in the grain business in North and South Da- kato and Minnesota for more than 15 years; became identified with the lum ber business at Park River, N. D., 1898; vice president and manager of the Dib- erty Dumber Co., established Jan. 1, 1906, and owning 15 retail line yards in Minnesota and N. Dakota. Club: Com mercial. Recreations: Hunting and fish ing. Office: Security Bank Bldg, Min neapolis. Residence: Park River, N. D. LANDON, William J., wholesale hard ware; born in Warren Co., Pa., Dec. 26, 1853; son of C. O. and Sarah (Curtis) Dandon; educated in public schools. Came to Winona, 1867; was connected with First National Bank, Winona, as assistant cashier; became identified with the R. D. Cone Co. in 1882, entered the firm, 1887, and since 1899 has been president and treasurer of the comr pany. Also director First National Bank. Member Winona City Park Com mission. Presented to the city in 1900 heroic size statue of Wenonah, now standing in public park, the Indian maiden after whom Winona was named. Mason, Knight Templar. Recreations: Agriculture and forestry. Address: Wi nona, Minn. LANE, George Bishop, dealer in com mercial paper; born in Jericho, Vt., Nov. 3 8, 1862; son of Ducius Lee and Betsey Jane (Bishop) Lane; educated in the public schools of Burlington, Vt, and at the LTniversity of Vermont. 1883. Be gan business career as clerk of the Mer chants National Bank, Burlington, Vt.. 1883-1892; cashier Nicollet. National Bank, Minneapolis, Minn., 1892-1895; 296 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS dealer in commercial paper, Minneapolis, since 1895. Director Minneapolis Brew ing Company. Member Sigma Phi fra ternity. Clubs: Minneapolis, Minikahda and Lafayette. Office: Northwestern National Bank Bldg. Residence: 128 Clifton Av., Minneapolis. LANE, Leslie C, president The Surety Fund Life Co.; born at Washington Co., Me., Sept. 19, 1855; son of Charles W. and Almira B. Lane; attended com mon schools, Minneapolis, Minn.; was graduated at age of 21 from Rush Med ical College, Chicago, 111., 1877; married (1st) Matilda (now deceased), daughter of the Hon. L. Emmett, first chief jus tice of Minnesota; (2nd), at Minneap olis, 1898, to Alda M. Carlson. After graduation from medical college was ap pointed U. S. pension examining surgeon and located at Benson, Minn., resigning at the close of two years; engaged in drug business at Ortonville, Minn., with C. J. Frendberg, as Lane & Frendberg. Then was local surgeon of the H. & D. division, Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. for six years; was elected vice president Bank of Ortonville at age of 28; editor and publisher of the Big Stone County Herald, owning also a half interest in the Ortonville North Star. For twenty years has been owner of large farming interests in Big Stone County. Returned to Minneapolis, 1888, and has been president and director The Surety Fund Dife Co. since Sept., 1901. Deputy coroner Hennepin Co., 1877; cor oner Swift County, 1878, also county physician Swift County. Independent Republican. Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner. Recreations: Hunting, fishing. Office: Andrus Bldg. Residence: 3210 Clinton Av., Minneapolis. LANE, Nathaniel S., physician; born at Paterson, N. J., Aug. 1, 1851; edu cated in public schools and at Medical School, Northwestern University, Chi cago, III., graduating, degree of M.D., 1877. Began practice of medicine at Stanton, Neb., 1877; has been engaged in practice at Winona, Minn., since 1895. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associations, Winona County and Southern Minnesota Medical socie ties. Married at Rochester, Minn., 1881, to Miss Emma V. Fulkerson. Mason; member A. O. U. W., M. W. A. Recrea tion: Horticulture. Address: Winona, Minn. LANG, Henry David, clerk U. S. Cir cuit Court for the District of Minnesota; born, St. Paul, Minn., Nov. 13, 1860; son of Charles and Frederika (Beiswan- ger) Lang; attended public schools, St. Paul, to 1870, state normal school, Wi nona, to 1876, University of Minnesota, to 1880. After leaving university, June, 1880, entered law office of John B. £ W. H. Sanborn, where he remained until Jan. 1, 1897, when he was appointed to position of clerk, U. S. Circuit Court, a position he now fills. Active worker in the Republican party and has at tended many conventions as delegate. Married at St. Paul, Dec. 31, 1888, to Lucy Isabel Barnes. Clubs: Junior Pio neer, Town and Country. Recreations: Golf and travel. Office: Federal Bldg. Residence: 436 Portland Av., St. Paul. LANGDON, Cavour S., railroad con tractor; born, New Haven, Vt, Sept. 11, 1861; son of Robert B. and Sarah (Smith) Langdon; educated in public schools of Minneapolis, Minn.; married at Minneapolis, Dec. 27, 1893, to Mabel Shaw. Engaged in railroad construc tion since 1878. Member of the firm of Linton and Company, established in 1892; trustee Farmers and Mechanics' Savings Bank; vice president Minneap olis Syndicate; director Minneapolis Trust Company. Member of the M. N. G. from 1879-85. Republican. Episco palian. Clubs: Minneapolis, Minikahda, Lafayette. Recreations: Golf and hunt ing. Office: New York Life Bldg. Resi dence: 2200 Pillsbury Av., Minneapolis. LANGE, Lauritz M., lawyer; born in Trodhjem, Norway, Feb. 12, 1844; edu cated in private school. Came to Amer ica and enlisted in the Union Army at 18 years of age as member of Co. C, 165th N. Y. Vols., serving from 1862 to the close of the Civil War; also was member of 13th U. S. Inf. and captain of 1st I. N. G. Began practice of law Jan. 8, 1875. Has filled position of county attorney, Noble Co., Minn., judge of probate, Lynn Co., and is now judge of probate, Cass Co., Minn. Was regis ter U. S. land office, at Marshall, Minn., 1889-93. Member G. A. R. (ex-depart ment commander Department of Minne sota). Mason (Royal Arch), Order of the Eastern Star, A. O. U. W. Married at Canandaigua, N. Y., Oct. 13, 1877, Anna L. Comstock. Address: Cass Lake, Minn. LANGFOBD, Nathaniel Pitt; born at Westmoreland, N. Y., Aug. 9, 1832; son of George and Chloe (Sweeting) Lang- ford; common school education. Came to St. Paul, 1854; started from St. Paul for gold fields of Oregon, June 16, 1862; camped on Grasshopper Creek, Dakota (now Montana) ; appointed collector of internal revenue when Montana was organized as territory, May 26, 1864, continuing until Nov., 1868; appointed governor of Montana by President John son, Jan., 1869, Senate refusing to con firm any more presidential appointments during Johnson's term. Was one of par ty which, it is claimed, discovered the geysers of Yellowstone Park, 1870, leading to work that resulted in dedi cation of park, and was its superin tendent, 1872-77. Member Ramsey Co. Board of Control since 1897; national bank of examiner for Pacific Coast, 1872- 84; president Minnesota Historical So ciety. Republican. Mason. Author: Vigilante Days and Ways. Married, 1st, at St. Paul, Nov. 1, 1876, to Emma C. Wheaton; 2nd, at Lowell,, Mass., Sept. 17, 1884, to Clara Wheaton. Residence: 291 S. Exchange St., St. Paul. LANGFOBD, Nathaniel P., Jr., life in surance; born at Black Hawk, Colo., THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 297 Oct. 9, 1872; son of Augustine G. and Elizabeth (Robertson) Langford; edu cated in common schools of Denver, Colo., and common and high schools of St. Paul; married at St. Paul, Oct. 30, 1900, to Miss Theodosia Cary. Entered service of the Chicago, St. Paul, Minne apolis & Omaha R. R. in the freight de partment as clerk, 1891, becoming chief clerk, 1895, freight solicitor, 1896, con tracting agent, 1899, and commercial agent. 1900, continuing until Jan., 1904, when he entered upon present business. Clubs: Minnesota, Commercial, Town and Country, Amateur Atheletic Assn., Minnesota Boat, Nushka Curling, Capitol Curling. Office: Manhattan Bldg. Resi dence: 599 Grand Av., St. Paul. LANGFOBD, William R., manufac turer; born at St. Paul, Minn., Nov. 21, 1874; son of Augustine G. and Elizabeth (Robertson) Dangford; educated in public schools of St. Paul; married at St. Paul, 1896, to Miss Helen D. Sar- geant Began active career in employ of Gordon & Ferguson, furriers and hat ters, continuing, 1892-1900; associated with George -A. McPherson, 1900, and organized the firm of MacPherson & Langford, wholesale manufacturers of women's skirts, of which he is partner. Republican. Episcopalian. Clubs: Com mercial, Nushka Curling, Minnesota Boat. Recreations: Outdoor sports. Office: 209 E. 4th St. Residence: 607 Grand Av., St. Paul. LANGUM, Samuel A., publisher Pres ton Times; born in Fillmore Co., Minn., Aug. 18, 1857; son of Andrew J. and Julia (Swenson) Langum; educated in public schools; Marshall (Wis.) Aca demy; Augsburg Seminary. Married at Harmony, Minn., 1878, to Miss Emma McCollum. Began in publishing business at Preston, Minn., July 1, 1886, and has continued to the present time; now senior member of the firm of S. A. Langum & Son. Republican. Elected sheriff of Fillmore Co., at 23 years of age, and held the office for 6 years; dep uty warden Minnesota State Prison, 1890-91; member State Legislature, 1893; has been secretary State Senate for 8 sessions, beginning 1895 and in cluding session of 1907. Mason, Knight Templar (commander Malta Command ery), member Ozman Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S., St. Paul. Lutheran. Address: Preston, Minn. LANKESTEB, Howard, physician; na tive of England; educated in London. Came to America, 1877, locating at Grand Forks, N. D., and later in north western Minnesota; removed to St. Paul and has been junior member of the firm of Stone and Lankester since 1895. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associations, Ramsey County Medical Society. Mason, Shrin er; past grand representative I. O. O. F. of Minnesota. Episcopalian. Married in England, 1876, to Miss Elizabeth Annie Polkinghorne. Office: Lowry Arcade. Residence: 46 The Marlborough, St. Paul. LANO, Frank, hardware merchant; born at Chaska, Minn., Feb. 22, 1866; son of Theodore and Mary (Bury) Lano; educated in parochial school and high school, Chaska. Was born and reared on a farm; has been engaged in hard ware business since June 16, 1891, as senior member of the firm of Lano & Deuhs. Mayor of Long Prairie, 3 years; member of city council 2 years. Dem ocrat. Roman Catholic. Married at Long Prairie, Oct. 16, 1894, to Miss Clara Rosch. Club: Commercial. Address: Long Prairie, Minn. LANPHEB, Obed P., wholesale mer chant; born at Waukegan, 111., Oct. 13, 1S48; son of Morris and Elvira (Parker) Lanpher; educated in public schools of St. Paul; married at Ballietsville, Pa., Sept. 23, 1875, to Emma Balliet in St. Paul as O. P. Lanpher & Co., hats, caps and furnishing goods, 1870-1875, the fol lowing changes having since taken place in the Arm: Albrecht, Lanpher & Co., hats, caps, ' gloves and furs, 1876-84; Lanpher, Finch and Skinner, 1884-1902, and Lanpher, Skinner & Co., since 1902. Director German American National Bank. Republican. Episcopalian. Clubs: Minnesota, Town and Country. Office: 184 E. 4th St. Residence: 482 Portland Av., St. Paul. LANSING, Joseph Phillips, wholesale lumber; born at Maiden, 111., July 18, 1S64; graduated at Beloit College, Be loit, Wis., 1885; married at Verndale, Minn., Dec. 15, 1894, to Miss Meda Har per. Was traveling salesman, 1886-96; in retail lumber trade, 1897-98; travel ing salesman for Rutledge Lumber & Manufacturing Co., 1899-1901; manager Minneapolis office Puget Sound Mills and Timber Co., 1901 to present time. Ma son, Knight Templar, Shriner. Club: CommerciaL Office: Lumber Exchange. Residence: 2611 Harriet Av., Minneap olis. LAFIEBBE, Charles Arthur, physi cian and surgeon; born in Quebec, Can., Nov. 2, 1870; son of Pierre Lapierre and Salome Cinq Mars Lapierre; edu cated in Quebec Seminary and Laval University, degree of M.D., 1892; mar ried at St. Marguerite, Dorchester, Jan. 17, 1893, to Arthemise L. Laliberte. Be gan practice of medicine, 1892. Came to Minneapolis, 1893. Roman Catholic. Member Hennepin County Medical Socie ty and Minnesota State and American Medical associations, St. Anthony Med ical Club. Member C. O. F., K of C; W. O. W. Clubs: Commercial (St. An thony), Commercial (Northeast). Office: .303 Central Av. Residence: 319 Univer sity Av.. N. E., Minneapolis. LABAMEE, Louis Alfred, harness manufacturer; born, Minneapolis, Minn., March 20, 1876; son of Louis and Al- phesnie (Davis) Daramee; educated in public schools, in Graham Hall and at the University of Minnesota; married at Minneapolis, April 6, 1904, to Helen 298 THB BOOK OF MINNESOTANS Alexandria Hughes. Member of the Arm of Laramee and Graham, harness and saddlery. Republican. Member Delta Kappa Epsilon, Phi Epsilon Chapter. Clubs: Commercial, Roosevelt, Mini kahda. Office: 120 S. 4th St. Residence: 2437 Dupont Av., S., Minneapolis. LABAWAY, Floyd Melvin, Are insur ance; born in Minneapolis, Minn., Sept. 5, 1858; son of O. M. and Abbie F. (Clark) Laraway; educated in Minne apolis public schools. Began active ca reer as messenger and clerk old State National Bank, Minneapolis, continuing from 1876-80; was superintendent of free delivery, Minneapolis postoffice, 1880-86; has been associated with the firm of O. M. Laraway & Son since 1886.' Republican. Member Plymouth Church, Royal Arcanum. Married at Minneapo- . lis, Oct., 1888, to Miss Elizabeth Oswald. Clubs: Commercial, Minneapolis. Rec reations: Boating and photography. Of fice: Bank of Commerce Bldg. Resi dence: 1605 Park Av., Minneapolis. LABAWAY, Orlo M., real estate and insurance; born in Geauga Co., O., Sept. 7, 1832; educated in the common schools. Came to Minneapolis from Ohio in the spring of 1857; engaged in the busi ness of retail grocer, later wholesale. Town supervisor of Minneapolis in the earlier years; was secretary of the com mission, 1862, that settled the claims of the Sioux Indians, after the Indian up rising; city treasurer, Minneapolis, 1867-77; postmaster, Minneapolis, 1882- 86. Has been senior member of the real estate and insurance firm of O. M. Lara way & Son, since its organization, 1886, and is now director of the National Bank of Commerce. Republican. Congrega tionalist. Mason, Knight Templar. Mar ried at Warren, O., 1857, to Miss Abbie F. Clark. Office: Bank of Commerce Bldg Residence: 2000 2nd Av., S., Min neapolis. LARFENTEUB, Auguste Louis, re tired merchant; born at Baltimore, Md., May 16, 1823; son of Louis Auguste and Malinda (Simmons) Larpenteur; common school education; came west to St. Louis, Mo., 1841, and to where St. Paul now is, 1843; married at St. Paul, 1845, to Mary J. Pressley. As sisted in survey of St. Paul, 1847-48; entered a portion of it, including where the new capitol now stands, at $1.25 per acre. Engaged in mercantile business in St. Paul until 1887, when he retired. Roman Catholic. Club: Commercial. Residence: 341 N. Dale St., St. Paul. LARRABEE, Frank D., lawyer; born at Parish, Oswego Co., N. Y., May 18, 1856; son of William J. and Louisa Delilah (Fritts) Darrabee; educated in common schools, Oshkosh (Wis.) Nor mal School, and at the University of ¦Wisconsin. Began practice of law, at Detroit. Minn., 1882; came to Minneap olis, 1886. Democrat. Married at Minne apolis, Oct. 1, 1890, to Miss Anna Pratt. Office: Security Bank Bldg. Residence: 119 Groveland Av., Minneapolis. LABSON, Albert G., merchant; born at Le Roy, Minn., Sept. 26, 1866: edu cated in public schools in Le Roy and Houston, Minn. Began in mercantile business at Yucatan, Minn., 1887, and continued for 3 years; was in business at Money Creek, Minn., 12 years; lo cated in Le Roy, in 1902, since which time he has been in general mercantile business. Postmaster for 14 years at Yucatan and Money Creek. Mason; member O. E. S., I. O. O. F., B. P. O. E., and Modern Woodmen of America. Mar ried at La Crosse, Wis., Feb. 24, 1890, to Miss Rosebird Williams. Address: Le Roy, Minn. LABSON, Burre B., banker; born in Norway, Jan. 30, 1852; came to America, 1854, and located at Leland, 111.; edu cated in public schools of Fillmore Co., Minn. Began business career as farmer and in general store early in the '70s. Has been president and director of the State Bank of Halstad since Jan. 1, 1904. Married, 1st, in Wisconsin, 1882, to Miss Annie Thompson (died, 1887); 2nd, 1899, to Sarah Brottens. Address: Halstad, Minn. LARSON, Constant," lawyer; born in Douglas Co., Minn., 1870; son of Gustaf and Carolina Larson; graduate Alexan dria (Minn.) High School, 1889; Uni versity of Minnesota, degree of A.B., 1893; Law Department, University of Minnesota, degree of DL.B., 1894. Has been engaged in practice of law since 1894. Republican. County attorney Douglas County since 1902; president Business Men's Association Douglas Co. Congregationalist. Married at Minneap olis, Minn., 1895, to Miss Maud Merri- field. Address: Alexandria, Minn. LABSON, Frans J. A., merchant; born in Sweden, Dec. 27, 1861; son of Solo mon and Josephine Larson; came to America, 3 869; educated in schools of St. Paul, Ottertail City and Amor, Minn. Entered general merchandise business Oct., 1899. Married at Battle Lake, Dec. 20, 1890, to Miss Ida M. Melin. Re publican. Lutheran. Member Modern Woodmen of America, A. O. U. W., D. of H. Address: Battle Dake,' Minn. LARSON, Gilbert I., lawyer; born at Adrian, Mich., Nov. 21, 1844; son of Ingebart and Dydia (Smith) Larson; educated in common schools; Mount Pleasant (Ia.) High School; Ripon Col lege, Wis., University of Michigan. Be gan active career as school teacher and continued for 10 years in Wisconsin and Minnesota; admitted to the bar In Fond du Lac Co., Wis., 1873; has been a resi dent of Minnesota since 1874; county auditor 6 years and clerk of court, 10 years. Married in Lincoln Co., Minn., Sept. 1, 1879, to Miss Nancy H. Bigham. Republican. Mason. Address: Lake Ben ton, Minn. LABSON, Henry Albert, clerk of court, Fillmore Co.; born in Fillmore Co., Minn., June 27, 1877; son of Islock Lar son, a veteran of the Civil War, and Carrie (Stoolie) Larson; educated in THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 299 district schools; Lanesboro (Minn.) High School; Northern Indiana Normal School, Valparaiso, Ind.; University of Minnesota. Taught school for 3 years; served as assessor for two terms; was elected clerk of court, Nov., 1902, and reelected Nov., 1906. Republican. Mason. Recreation: Hunting. Address: Pres ton, Minn. LABSON, John Frederick, county su perintendent of schools; born in Veile, Denmark, Aug. 13, 1868; son of L. J. and Annie Lena (Nelson) Larson; came to Prescott, Wis., 1873; attended public school at Diamond Bluff, Wis., 1878-85; spent one term at Red Wing Seminary, 1886, and one term at Prescott High School, 1887. Hardware clerk, Minne apolis, 1888; taught country and village schools, 1889-92; assistant principal Prescott High School, 1893; principal graded schools, Marine Mills, Minn., 1894-97, Hill City, S. D„ 1898, South Stillwater, Minn., 1899-1903; has been county superintendent of schools, Wash ington Co., Minn., since Jan. 1, 1903. Married at Ellsworth, Wis., Sept. 1, 1894, to Mary M. Horning. Address: Still water, Minn. _ LABSON, Ole D., merchant; born in Manitowoc Co., Wis., Feb. 11, 1860; son of Lars Knutson and Martha (Johanson) Larson; educated in common schools at Rockville, Manitowoc Co., Wis. Located in Henderson, Minn., June 1, 1881; worked as carpenter, and also was in charge of threshing machine in fall of the year, until 1893; member of the firm of Rask & Larson, hardware and ma chinery, since April 1, 1893. Republican. Married at Henderson, Dec. 19, 1891, to Miss Emma Bye. Address: Hendrum, Minn. LABSON, Peter, lumber dealer; born in Norway, Feb. 25, 1857; son of Lars and Maly (Peterson) Larson; educated in public schools of Norway; married in Norway, 1879, to Miss Carrie Rons- berg. Came to America, 1880; began in business at Atwater as member of Johnson & Larson Lumber Co., 1886, in which he still continues; also director Security Bank of Atwater, Atwater Mill ing Co. Lutheran. Member Masonic or der, I. O. O. F., Sons of Norway, Mod ern Woodmen of America, Modern Brotherhood of America. Address: At water, Minn. LATSCH, John, wholesale grocer; born in Switzerland, March IS, 1832; son of Caspar and Barbara (Kuenzli) Latsch; educated in public schools of Switzer land; married in Buffalo County, Wis., 1859, to .Miss Anna Buol. Came to America, 1854, and after remaining for 3 years in Winona Co. went to Trempea leau Co., Wis., where he continued for 10 years; returned to Winona, March, 1867, and entered retail grocery busi ness, extending to wholesale business, 1887, in which he has since been en gaged as Latsch & Son. Also director First National Bank, Winona. Was justice of the peace in the early days in Wisconsin and was member Winona City Council 2 years. Republican. Rec reation: Traveling. Address: Winona, Minn. LATSCH, John A., wholesale grocer; born in Trempealeau Co., Wis., Aug. 15, 1860; son of John and Anna (Buol) Latsch; educated in German and public schools of Winona; unmarried. Has been associated with his father in gro cery business ever since the beginning of his active career, 1874; junior mem ber of the wholesale grocery firm of Latsch & Son, since its organization, 1887. Ex-treasurer Winona Board of Trade, and Winona Jobbers' Association. Republican. Mayor of Winona, elected April, 1905, present term extending to April, 1907. Member Knights of Pythias (chancellor commander). Club: Arling ton. Recreation: Canoeing. Address: Winona, Minn. LATTA, Benjamin P., lawyer; born at Lewiston, N. Y.; son of Benjamin and Deborah (Stevens) Datta; moved to Rock Co., Wis., with his parents in youth and attended school at Allen's Grove Academy; studied law in office of Paine & Millett, Racine, Wis., grad uating from Law Department, Univer sity of Albany, N. Y., degree of LL.B., 1867. Married at Clinton, Wis., 1874, to Miss Frances I. Samson (now de ceased). Farmed in Wisconsin for two years, after graduating in law; prac ticed at Janesville, Clinton Junction and Dodge Center, Wis., also filled office of county attorney, 1878; removed to Min nesota and has been engaged in prac tice in St. Paul since 1888. Office: Phoe nix Bldg. Residence: 174 W. George St., St. Paul. LATTIN, George P., county superin tendent of schools; born at Fox Dake, Wis., March 25, 1859; son of Richmond and Martha (Calkins) Dattin; educated in public schools of Fox Lake, Wis., and at Fox Lake College; married in Free born Co., Minn., Nov., 1882, to Miss Net tie Scott. Began active career as a farmer in Dodge Co., Wis., continuing in Faribault Co.; taught school for 12 years and engaged in mercantile busi ness at Freeborn; has been county su perintendent of schools Freeborn Co., since 1901. Director First State Bank of Freeborn; was county commissioner for 4 years. Member Minnesota Educa tional Association. Republican. Metho dist Member Masonic order, M. W. A. Club: Commercial. Address: Albert Lea, Minn. LAUEB, Joseph W., druggist; born at Milwaukee, Wis , 1853; son of John W. and Adelia (Smith) Lauer; came to Min nesota with parents, 1855; educated in public schools of Winona, Minn., and at Milwaukee, Wis. Began active career in employ of Ed. Pelzer, druggist, Winona, continuing for 8 years; clerked in drug store at Milwaukee, Wis., 2 years; re turned to Winona and entered drug busi ness for self as J. W. Lauer & Co., 1877; changed name of firm to Lauer & 300 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS Auding, 1881; bought out partner, 1888, and has since continued as J. W. Lauer. President Minnesota Pharmaceutical As sociation, 1904. Alderman 3rd Ward, Winona, 1894-98 (president of council, -1898). Member A. O. U. W., Foresters, Druids. Married at Winona, July 22, 1884, to Miss Lizzie Burmeister. Clubs: Eureka (trustee), Philharmonic. Recre ations: Social meetings with particular friends. Address: Winona, Minn. LAWLER, John J., Roman Catholic clergyman; born at Rochester, Minn., 1862; began classical education in a private school in Rochester; completed classical studies in the Seminary of St. Francis, Milwaukee, Wis.; studied phi losophy and theology in the University of Louvain, Belgium; ordained priest, 1885, remaining two years at university for the post graduate course. Upon re turning to St Paul, was made profes sor of Scripture, College of St. Thomas, St. Paul, and one year later was ap pointed pastor of St. Luke's Church, St. Paul. Pastor of Cathedral for 10 years past. Active and successful in church work and in all matters making for civic betterment. Office and residence: 19 West 6th St., St. Paul. LAWLER, Martin C„ clothing and furnishings; born on a farm in Olm sted Co., Minn., Aug. 4, 1866; son of Timothy and Katherine (Costello) Law- ler; educated in schools of Olmsted Co.; married at Rochester, Minn., 1893, to Miss Mary Norton. Began active ca reer, 1886, as clerk with the same house in which he became a partner in 1892; has been sole proprietor of the business known as The Boston, since 1904. Dem ocrat. Catholic. Member Knights of Co lumbus, Modern Woodmen of America. Club: Commercial. Address: Rochester, Minn. LAWRENCE, Charles Gray, banker; born at Homer, N. Y., March 28, 1854; son of Charles Dana and Mary (Sabin) Lawrence; educated in public schools, one year at Nashville (Tenn.) High School, and Department of Law, Univer sity of Michigan, 1880-82; married at St. Paul, Minn., June 17, 1890, to Clara Bullard. Began business career as teller of the First National Bank of St. Al bans, Vt, 1870-80; engaged in practice of law as member of firm of Warner & Lawrence, St. Paul, Minn., 1882-1904; president, Jan. 1, 1902 to May 1, 1904, and since then treasurer and trustee of The State Savings Bank of St. Paul. Republican. Episcopalian. Club: Com mercial. Office: 4th and Minnesota Sts. Residence: 900 Goodrich Av., St. Paul. LAWRENCE, David Henry, lawyer, judge of probate; born at Chatsworth, Can., July IS, 1877; son of William D. and Margaret (Fleming) Lawrence; be gan working for the Duluth & Iron Range Railway at 11 years of age, at tending public school in winter until 15 years of age, after which he pre pared for a professional career, and graduated from the Daw Department ol the University of Michigan, in 1903. Elected judge of probate, Lake Co., and assumed position Jan. 1, 1905. Republi can. Methodist. Married at St. Paul, Minn., July 19, 1905, to Miss Alice Wig- dahl. Address: Two Harbors, Minn. LAWRENCE, James G., manager Wa basha Roller Mill Co.; born at Syra cuse, N. Y., May 1, 1S36; son of Gard ner and Maria (Cossitt) Lawrence; edu cated in public and private schools of Syracuse; married at Wabasha, Minn., 1872, to Alice G. Wyman. Spent 2 years on sheep ranch in Texas; came to Minnesota, 1862, farmed at Greenfield for a number of years and later en gaged in grain and milling business; was one of the organizers of the Wa basha Roller Mill Co., 1889, and has been vice president and manager from the beginning. Director Simmons Mill ing Co., Red Wing, Minn. Republican. State senator, 22nd district, 1881-85. Member Minnesota State Board of Equalization for 24 years (1882-1906). Episcopalian. Mason. Recreation: Cul tivating roses. Address: Wabasha, Minn. LAWRENCE, Russell Earle, secretary and treasurer National Laundry Co.; born, Dundas, Minn., July 22, 1873; son of Wesley M. and Elvira N. (Potter) Lawrence; educated in graded and high schools, Minneapolis, Minn.; married, Minneapolis, 1901, Bessie G. Robinson. Began business career in 1894 with the National Laundry Co., and has suc ceeded in making it one of the largest of its kind in the city. Republican. Presbyterian. Mason. Recreation: Au tomobiling. Club: Commercial. Office: 56-60 W. 4th St. Residence: 33 South Avon St., St. Paul. LAWSON, Victor Emanuel, editor; born at Paxton, 111., March 24, 1871; son of Charles and Maria G. (Lind- strom) Lawson (Larson), both born in Sweden, and arrived in America early in the 50's; came to Minnesota, Oct., 1880; educated in common and graded schools; was married at New London, Minn., Sept. 20, 1894, to Miss Minnie Nelson, who died Dec. 14, 1901. Editor New London Times, 1889-95; has been con nected with the Willmar Tribune as edi tor and one of the publishers, since Feb. 19, 1895, recently becoming sole owner of the Tribune Printing Co. Com piled illustrated History of Kandiyohi Co.. published, 1905. Independent in politics and active in local affairs; state chairman People's Party of Minnesota, 3 898-1902. Member Swedish Lutheran Church. Life member Minnesota His torical Society. Address: Willmar, Minn. LAWTON, Ransome M., president R. M. Lawton & Co., real estate, etc.; born at Areola, Minn., July 15, 1861; son of Jonathan and Elizabeth Lawton; came to St. Paul with parents, 1862; edu cated in public schools and business college, St. Paul; married at St. Paul, Sept. 4, 1884, to Miss Claribel Bradway. Began active career in printing business, THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 301 after which he entered the produce com mission business; engaged in real es tate for himself, 1880, and has ever since been closely identified with real estate, mortgage loans, insurance and rental business; president and manager R. M. Lawton & Co., Inc., 1901; identi fied with the Security Trust Co. of St. Paul. Member St. Paul Real Estate Ex change. Republican. Methodist. Recrea tions: Outing vacations. Office: New York Life Bldg. Residence: 200 Pres cott St., St. Paul. LEACH, Albert B., lumber; born at Faribault, Minn., July 2, 1869; son of Edward M. and Carolin (Stowell) Leach; educated in public schools of Faribault and at Hamline University; married in Walhalla, N. D., June 17, 1903, Gean- ette Coburn. In lumber business at Walhalla and Neche, N. Dak., for 3 years, but has been identified with firm of E. M. Leach & Sons, Faribault, dur ing the greater part of his business experience. Republican. Methodist. Mem ber E. F. U. Recreations: Tennis and travel. Address: Faribault, Minn. LEACH, Edward M., lumber; born at Waitsfield, Vt, April 22, 1830; son of Robert and Abigail Leach; educated in public schools of Vermont; married at Woodstock, 111., 1866, to Carolin Stowell. Came to Minnesota and located at Fari bault, 1855; entered lumber business, 3 865, and is senior member of the •firm of E. M. Leach & Sons, lumber and mill work, and dealers in cement, lime and plaster. Republican. Address: Fari bault, Minn. LEACH, Harlan E., lawyer; born on a farm in Fillmore Co., Minn., Nov. 8, 1866; son of Dunbar M. and Sarah A. Leach; educated at University of Min nesota, graduating from classical de partment, degree of A.B., 1891, and from legal department, degree of LL.B., 1894; married at Spring Valley, Minn., Nov. 7, 1894, to Miss Eva G. Lower. Prac ticed law at Winona, 1894-96; has been engaged in practice at Owatonna since June, 1896. County attorney of Steele County for 4 years. Republican. Meth odist. Member I. O. F. Club: Com mercial. Office: 110 N. Cedar St. Resi dence: 315 E. Vine St., Owatonna, Minn. LEACH, Herbert Pascal, retail lum ber; born at Faribault, Minn., April 5, 1868; son of Edward M. and Carolin (Stowell) Leach; educated in public schools of Faribault; married at Min neapolis, Minn., June 15, 1894, to Miss Flora E. Wood. Has been connected since 1884 with lumber business estab lished by his father in 1865, and has been a member of the firm of E. M. Leach & Sons since 1895. Republican. Member Knights of Pythias, A. O. U. W., Modern Samaritans. Club: Com mercial. Recreations: Boating and fish ing. Address: Faribault, Minn. LEAVENWOBTH, Francis P., educa tor; born at Mt. Vernon, Ind., Sept. 3, 1858; son of Seth M. and Sarah N. Leavenworth; graduate Mt. Vernon High School, 1875; graduate University of Indiana, degree of A.B., 1880, degree of A.M., same university, 1886. Married at Louisville, Ky., 1883, to Miss Jennie Campbell. Became connected with Cin cinnati Observatory, 1880; assistant at McCormick Observatory, University of Virginia, 1882; director Haverford Col lege Observatory, 1887; has been pro fessor of astronomy, University of Min nesota, since 1892. Author: Double Star Observations; Proceedings of Haverford College Observatory; Parallax; also writer of various articles for astronom ical journals. Recreation: Horticulture. Office: University of Minnesota. Resi dence: 1628 4th St., S. E., Minneapolis. LEAVETT, Silas Wright, member State Board of Control; born at Belmont, N. H., Nov. 11, 1843; son of Joseph-sSmith and Hannah Lane (Cotton) Leavett; ed ucated in common and private' schools, at Belmont. Raised on a farm at Bel mont; served as volunteer in War of the Rebellion; came to Minnesota and settled on a farm, 1867; moved to Litch field, Minn., fall of 1869; elected clerk of district court, Meeker Co., 1870, serv ing 12 years; elected member board of education and president, 1882, serving 18 years; ex-mayor of LitchAeld and ex- member city council; elected State sen ator from Meeker Co., as Democrat, 1900; appointed member State Board of Con trol, 1901, was its first chairman and is still a member; in lumber, real es tate and other lines of business while in public office. Married at Fitsbury, Mass., Aug. 24, 1865, to Miss Mary Dyson Chapman. Office: State Capitol, St. Paul. Residence: 437 Wheeler Av., St. Paul. LEAVITT, Henry Hooker, oculist and aurist; born at Waterloo, la., April 1, 1861; son of William H. and Celia E. (Dunnel) Deavitt; attended Beloit Col lege Preparatory School and Beloit Col lege, A.B., 1884, M.A., 1886, and Chicago Homeopathic Medical College; Univer sity of Vienna, 1889-90; N. Y. -Eye and Ear Infirmary, 1897:98. Married at Des Moines, la., Dec. 23, 1891, to Mabel L. Howe, Began practice of medicine, 1886. Independent Republican. Congregation alist. Member American Institute of Homeopathy, Minnesota State Homeo pathic Institute, O. O. & L. Society. Member Royal League and Ancient Or der of United Workmen. Clubs: Com mercial, Automobile, Minneapolis Hom eopathic Medical. Office: Pillsbury Bldg. Residence: 2015 James Av., S., Minneapolis. LECK, Clifford C, physician; born at Halifax, N. S., Oct. 28, 1873; son of Henry and Ellen (McLeod) Leek; came to Minnesota, 1886; graduated from Minneapolis North Side High School, 1894; taught school in Le Roy, Minn., 1895-96; graduated from Univer sity of Minnesota, College of Medicine and Surgery, degree of M.D., 1900; in terne at St. Paul City and County Hos pital, 1900-01. Located at Austin, June, 1901, and has since continued in prac- 302 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS tice at that place. Congregationalist. Member American Medical Association, Mower County Medical Society. Member K. O. T. M. (record keeper Austin Tent, No. 16), A. O. II. W. Medical examiner A. O. U. W. and Y. of A., K. O. T. M. and Z. C. B. J. Married at Le Roy, Minn., Jan. 1, 1902, to Miss Flora E. Horn. Recreations: Music, fishing. Ad dress: Austin, Minn. LE CLEBC, Joseph E., physician; born in Quebec, Can., March 21, 1868; edu cated in common schools; Seminary of Quebec, graduating, degree of A.B., 1889; Medical Department, Laval University, degree of M.D., 1893. Came to Minne sota, 1893; has been engaged in practice at Le Sueur since 1896. Health officer of City of Le Sueur. Married at St. Paul, Minn., 1894, to Miss Adele E. For- tier. Address: Le Sueur, Minn. LE CBONE, John William, lawyer; born at Effingham, 111., Feb. 2, 1872; son of William C. and Emily (Kagey) Le Crone; educated in public schools of Effingham; The Shattuck School, Fari bault, Minn., graduating, 1890; Univer sity of Minnesota, 1890-93; Wesleyan Law School, Bloomington, 111., degree of LL.B., 1894. Unmarried. Began prac tice of law at Effingham, 1894; has been engaged in practice at Faribault, Minn., since 1895. Ex-county attorney Rice Co. Address: Faribault, Minn. LE DUC, William Gates, farmer, ex- U. S. commissioner of agriculture; born at Wilkesville, O., March 29, 1823; son of Henry Savary Le Due; graduate Ken yon (O.) College, 1848; admitted to bar, 1849; located at St. Paul, Minn., July, 1850. Married at Mt. Vernon, O., 1851, to Miss Mary E. Bronson. Was com missioner to World's Fair, N. Y„ 1853; was an active promoter of railways and immigration; laid out West St. Paul; projected the company that built the Wabasha Street bridge at St. Paul, the first bridge to span the Mississippi River. Removed to Hastings, Minn., and engaged extensively in farming; served as captain to b'revet brigadier general U. S. Vols, in Civil War; projected and in part constructed Hastings and Da kota Ry.; was U. S. commissioner of agriculture, 1877-81; established a tea farm at Summerville, S. O, and intro duced from foreign countries olives, tea, Japanese persimmons and other plants now acclimated in U. S. ; organized what are now the Bureau of Animal Industry, and the Division of Forestry; was in service of treasury department in North Carolina, 1880-85. Address: Hastings, Minn. LEDY, B. A., president Minnesota Mu tual Casualty Co.; born at Hamburg, Germany, Feb. 12, 1860; son of Joe A. andZerlina Ledy; educated in Gymna sium at Hamburg and at the University of Berlin; married at Hamburg, Ger many, 1892, to Elise F. H. Meyer; came to United States, 1892, and engaged in various business pursuits until the in corporation, in February, 1898, of the Minnesota Mutual Casualty Co., sick, accident and life insurance, of which has since been president. Member of all the 'prominent fraternities. Protestant. Clubs: Commercial, Automobile. Office: Endicott Bldg. Residence: 669 Grand Av., St. Paul. LEE, Henry William, lawyer; born in London, Eng., March 3, 1836; son of Thomas and Eliza Ann (Pepperel) Lee; came to America, April 1, 1850; edu cated in select schools, London; three months in common schools of Wiscon sin. Began active career as a mechanic; commenced study of law alone, after having wife and four children, and while working at trade; admitted to bar, Dec. 7, 1869, and practiced at Portage, Wis., serving one term as district attorney of Portage Co.; located at Stevens Point, where he resided for 20 years, and on March 6, 1895, removed to Thief River Falls, Minn., where he has since re mained. Has held offices of justice of peace and city attorney of Thief River Falls. Democrat Publisher Stevens Point Democrat, at Stevens Point, Wis., 1876-92, and News at Thief River Falls, 1895-98. Member I. O. O. F, Red Men, Eagles. Married, 2nd, at Crookston, Minn., March 20, 1897, to Miss Martina Bakken. Address: Thief River Falls, Minn. LEE, Peder, photographer; born in Norway, Dec. 21, 1862; son of Ole J. and Christine (Strom) Lee; educated in schools of Norway. Came to the United States and located in Minneapolis, Minn., 1887, shortly afterwards entering the photographic business; bought out the studio of his employer, 1889; bought the St. Paul Studio, July, 1903, and in 1905, the studio of the Powers Mercantile Co., Minneapolis, Minn. Member of the firm of Lee Brothers, who own and manage photographic studios and are retailers of picture frames. Married at Minneap olis, April 30, 1891, to Lizzie Johnson. Club: Norden. Offices: 519-523 1st Av., S., Minneapolis, and Ryan Bldg., St. Paul. Residence: 2101 Scudder St., St. Anthony Park, St. Paul. LEE, Thorwald, photographer; born at Christiansund, Norway, Dec. 25, 1864; son of Ole and Christine (Strom) Lee; educated in public schools in Norway. Came to Minneapolis from Norway, in 1887; studied the photographic art and started for self in 1889 as member of the firm of Lee Brothers, representa tives of high grade portrait and com mercial photography. Republican. Mem ber Minnesota State and National Asso ciation of Photographers. Mason. Mar ried at Minneapolis, 1898, to Miss Martha Bell. Recreation: Fishing. Of fices: 519-523 1st Av., S., Minneapolis, and 140 E. 7th St., St. Paul. Residence: 1833 Dupont Av., N., Minneapolis. LEE, William Edwin, banker; born at Alton, 111., Jan. 8, 1852; son of Samuel and Jane (Green) Lee; educated in com mon schools and by private teachers. Came to Minnesota with parents, June, THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS 303 1856; was raised on a farm and learned the millwright trade; early invented a wheat cleaning machine which was ex tensively used in flour mills; began in mercantile business at Burnhamville, Todd Co., removing the' store later to Long Prairie, the county seat. Estab lished Bank of Long Prairie, 1882, of which he is cashier; president First National Bank of Eagle Bend, First National Bank of Browerville; member of firm of C. J. Dempsey & Co., farm machinery and implements. Republican. Member Minnesota Legislature three terms, 1885-87-93; speaker of the house, 1893; superintendent of State Reform atory, St. Cloud, two years; member Minnesota State Board of Control two years; register of deeds, Todd Co., 4 years. Married at Burnhamville, Minn., Feb. 14, 1875, to Miss Eva A. Gibson. Address: Long Prairie, Minn. LEE, William Henry, banking; born at Hartford, Conn., 1854; son of Will iam Henry and Eliza (Bostock) Lee; came to Minnesota when a boy; edu cated in public schools. Began active career, 1869, as messenger of the Na tional Exchange Bank, Minneapolis, and continued, 1869-73; became teller Hen nepin County Savings Bank, 1874; as sistant cashier, 1881; has been cashier of the bank since 1889. Episcopalian. Clubs: Minneapolis, Minikahda. Office: Hennepin Co., Savings Bank. Residence: 625 S. Ninth St., Minneapolis. LEE, William Philander, physician; born at Sleepy Eye, Minn., April 15, 1872; son of Palmer and Emma (Wer- ring) Lee; educated at Sleepy Eye High School, graduating, June, 1890; Univer sity of Minnesota, College of Medicine and Surgery, graduating degree of M.D., June, 1894. Member American and Min nesota State Medical associations, Camp Release Medical Society. President Board of Education, Village Council (1899), Board of Health (since 1896), all of Fairfax. Member M. W. A., M. B. A., K. O. T. M. Married at Minneapolis, Minn., 1894, to Miss Margery Went worth. Club: Commercial. Address: Fairfax, Minn. LEEB, Theodore Feargod, pharmacist; born at Winona, Minn., Oct. 9, 1860; son of Tobias and Elizabeth (Dange) Leeb; educated in parochial schools, Buffalo, N. Y., 1867-72;, parochial and public schools, Winona, Minn., to 1874. Began in druggist business, at Winona, 1874; has been head of the firm of Theo. F. Leeb & Co., retail druggists, manufacturing a line of patent medi cines, since 1887. Member American and Minnesota State Pharmaceutical associations. Married at Winona, Oct. 9, 1889, to Pauline Borth. County Com missioner Winona Co., 1902-06, and Chairman of Board, 1904-06; formerly sergeant Co. C, 2nd Regt., M. N. G. In dependent Democrat Dutheran. Club: Arlington. Recreations: Fishing and boating. Address: Winona, Minn. LEELAND, Edward Ivar, president Mutual Elevator Co.; born at Leeds, Wfs., Nov. 20, 1862; son of Ivar and Carrie Leeland; educated in public schools of Wisconsin and at N. A. Busi ness College, Madison, Wis.; located in Lyon Co., Minn., early in the '80s and engaged in grain and farm machinery business at Minneota; was cashier and director Farmers and Merchants Na tional Bank of Minneota; came to Min neapolis, March, 1905, and is president and manager of the Mutual Elevator Co., which operates seven line elevators in Minnesota and Iowa. Was member city council and school board, Minne ota. Republican. Lutheran. Mason; member I. O. O. F., Modern Woodmen of America, K. O. T. M., Royal Neighbors. Married at Hot Springs, S. D., Aug. 15, 1906, to Miss Bessie D. Winters. Office: Corn Exchange Bldg. Residence: 3200 Irving Av., S,. Minneapolis. LEES, Edward, lawyer; born at Fountain City, Wis., 1865; educated at University of Wisconsin; admitted to bar in 1887. Began practice of law at Winona, 1887; has been junior member of the law firm of Webber & Dees since 1895. Member State Bar Association. Address: Winona, Minn. LEFEBVBE, Joseph M., roofing and cornices; born in Canada, 1839; son of Basille and Thotice (Bontellier) Def- ebvre; came to Minnesota, 1854 and worked at various employments until entering the music business in St. Paul, at which he continued for 16 years; became identified with the roof ing business in 1887, under title of the St. Paul Roofing & Cornice Co., incor porated, 1899, as the Lefebvre-Deslauries Roofing & Cornice Co., of which he is president. Roman Catholic. Married at St. Paul, 1877, to Mrs. Louise Guerin. Member Union Francaise. Office: 26 8th St. Residence: 422 Carroll St., St. Paul. LEHMICXE, Albert J., banking; born at Stillwater, Minn., March 31, 1864; son of Rudolph and Jane (Tackaberry) Lehmicke; educated in public schools of Stillwater; married at Stillwater, June 12, 1901, to Anne E. Bean. Began active career as messenger of the Lum bermen's National Bank, 1879, 'succes sively holding positions of bookkeeper, teller, assistant cashier and since 1897, cashier of the bank. Alsq director Con nolly Shoe Co. Republican. Recrea tions: Hunting and fishing. Address: Stillwater, Minn. LEHBEB, Michael, hardware and lumber; born at New Ulm, Minn., May 19, 1858; son of Michael and Anna Lehrer; educated in public schools to 1873, and at business college, St. Paul, to 1875; married at Sleepy Eye, Minn., Dec. 27, 1882, to Miss Elizabeth Schmid. Has been engaged in hardware and lum ber business at Springfield, Minn., since 1885, incorporated, 1905, as the Schmid & Dehrer Co., of which he is president. Also president State Bank of Springfield, since 1901; treasurer Springfield Build- 304 THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS ing and Loan Association, since 1889; director State Bank of Lumberton, since 1900; extensive land owner around Springfield, Minn., and in Canada. Demo crat. Club: Commercial. Recreations: Out door sports, hunting and fishing. Address: Springfield, Minn. LEICHT, Emil, secretary and trea surer Westlicher Herold Publishing Co.; born at Fountain City, Wis., Jan. 3, 1873; son of Joseph and Henrietta (Schmid) Leicht; came to Winona, Minn., with parents, 1882; educated in public and high schools of Fountain City and Winona; married at Winona, 1894, to Miss Helen Bollman. Has been actively engaged in printing and pub lishing business since 1889 and is an expert in mechanical and other branches of the business; manager and superin tendent Westlicher Herold Publishing Co. Member B. P. O. E., Royal Ar canum, U. C. T. of America. Clubs: Arlington, Philharmonic. Recreations: Automobiling, yachting, Bowling, etc. Address: Winona, Minn. LEICHT, Joseph, editor and publisher; born in Germany, July 4, 1845; son of Dr. Max and Kathinka Deicht; educated at Wurzburg University; married at Fountain City, Wis., April 8, 1870, to Miss Henrietta Schmid. Came to Amer ica in May, 1867, and engaged in news paper work on German papers in St. Louis; removed to Fountain City, Wis., 1S69, and two years later began pub lishing a German paper on his own ac count; has been a resident of Winona, Minn., since 1881. President Westlicher Herold Publishing Co., founded, Jan., 1861, incorporated, 1904, publishers of the Westlicher Herold, Sonntags Winona and Volksblatt des Westens and National Farmer & Familien Journal. Demo crat. Member Winona school board. Member B. P. O. E., U. C. T. of A., I. O. O. F., A. O. U. W., U. A. O. D. Clubs: Arlington, Philharmonic. Recreations: Traveling. Address: Winona, Minn. LEICHT, Oswald, oculist; born at Fountain City, Wis., April 29, 1875; son of Joseph and Henrietta (Schmid) Leicht: came to Minnesota with parents, 1882; educated in public schools of Wi nona and Medical School, Northwestern University, Chicago, graduating, degree of M.D., 1898; took course of Ophthal mology at Vienna, 1899-1900; has been engaged in practice as oculist, at Wi nona, since 1901. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associa tions, Southern Minnesota and Winona County Medical societies. Married at Winona, 1901, to Miss Margaret Gard ner. Clubs: Arlington, Sportsman's. Recreations: Hunting and fishing. Ad dress: Winona, Minn. LEISEN, John, Jr., dry goods mer chant; born in St. Cloud, Minn., Nov. 2, 1869; son of John and Elizabeth (Fetch) Leisen; educated in St. Cloud public schools and at St. John's University, Collegeville, Minn., graduating, 1887; married at St. Paul, Aug. 4, 1901, to Fan nie M. Lahr. Began in mercantile busi ness in partnership with brother, as the Leisen Shoe & Dry Goods Co., Sept. 1, 189 S; purchased brother's Interest, July 1, 1906, and has since devoted his at tention to sale of dry goods, under title of John Leisen, Jr. Republican. Mem ber Knights of Columbus, B. P. O. E. Club: Commercial. Recreations: Auto mobiling, fishing. Address: St. Cloud, Minn. LEITHKEAD, Leslie Walworth, chem ist; born at Montreal, Can., Aug. 6, 1868, son of James B. and Charlotte (Davis) Leithhead; educated in com mon schools, Montreal; Montreal College of Chemistry and Pharmacy, gold medal ist minor and major examinations, graduate, (about) 1888 or 1889. Was connected with Kenneth Campbell & Co., wholesale druggists, Montreal, Can., June 10, 1880-90; in charge of labora tory of Lyman, Knox & Co., Montreal, 1890-93; member of Martin, Bole & Wynne Co., Winnipeg, Man., 1893-96; came to Duluth and bought interest in Sagar Drug Co., 1896; now president and manager of the L. W. Leithhead Drug Co.,' organized 1900, importers, wholesale druggists and manufacturing chemists. Dicentiate of pharmacy in Minn., Wis., and N. D. Republican. Episcopalian. Married at Duluth, Oct. 8, 1902, to Miss Ophelia Sellwood. Clubs: Kitchi Gammi, Commercial, Northland Golf; Minnesota (St. Paul); Minnesota Society, N. Y. Recreations: Fishing and hunting. Office: 14-16 Commerce St. Residence: 14-16 S. 18th Av., E., Duluth. LELAND, Muret. N., president T. M. Roberts Co-operative Supply Co.; born at Quincy, Mich., July 14, 1849; son of Elijah and Julia Leland; educated in high school of Coldwater, Mich. En gaged in general merchandise business at Wells, Minn., 1870-95; removed to Minneapolis and was operator in real estate and lands, 1895-1905; president of the T. M. Roberts Co-operative Sup ply Co., since Oct 1, 1905, retail supply store. Republican. Member Minnesota State Legislature, 1888; delegate to Na tional Republican Convention, 1888. Methodist. Member Masonic order, Woodmen. Married at Coldwater, Mich., Oct. 25, 1870, to Miss Libbie Townsend. Office: 717 Nicollet Av. Residence: 2010 Park Av., Minneapolis. LELAND, Oscar B., county surveyor Winona Co.; born in Winona, Minn., Nov. 15, 1883; son of B. A. and Ella (Kibelle) Leland; educated in public schools of Winona; graduate University of Minnesota, degree of C. E., 1906. Un*- married. Was surveyor Chicago & Northwestern Ry. for one year; elected county surveyor Winona Co., Nov. 6, 1906, term extending to Jan. 1, 1909. Republican. Episcopalian. Address: Winona, Minn. LEMBKE, Charles G., dry goods mer chant; born at Naperville, 111., June 11, 1877; son of Charles and Sophie (Ode) Lembke; came to Minnesota with THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS 305 parents, 1877; educated in public schools of Albert Lea and at Minnesota Busi ness School, Minneapolis; married at Albert Lea, June 11, 1901, to Miss Ger trude Styve. Was clerk with Gage, Hayden & Co., dry goods, Albert Lea, for 5 years; stockholder and assistant manager Skinner, Chamberlain & Co. 3 years; has been president and manager of the Lembke Dry Goods Co. since 1906. Republican. Dutheran. Club: Commercial: Recreations: Fishing and duck hunting. Address: Albert Lea, Minn. LEMIEUX, Israel, physician; born at St. Urbain, P. Q., Can., April 9, 1852; son of Andre and Judith (Gagnier) Lemieux; received classical education at Montreal College, Montreal, Can.; studied medicine at Bishop's College, Montreal, graduating, degrees of M.D., CM., April 9, 1874. Began practice of medicine at St. Urbain, April 15, 1874; has been in practice in Minnesota since May 15, 1880. Democrat. Roman Catholic. Member Red River Valley Medical Society. Member M. B. A., M. W. A., Royal Neighbors. Married at Red Lake Falls, Minn., Nov. 12, 1902, to Miss Katherine R. Stuhr. Address: Red Lake Falls, Minn. LEMON, Walter T., lawyer; born in Washington Co., Minn., Feb. 17, 1877; son of Walter J. and Isabella (Carver) Lemon; educated in country schools, public schools of St. Paul, and College of Law, University of Minnesota, grad uating, degree of LL.B., 1899; married at Chippewa Falls, Wis., June 4, 1901, to Miss Maude Proudlock. Was con nected with the law department of the Great Northern Ry. until 1902 when he established an office on his own ac count. Member of the State Legisla ture, 1903-05. Office: Nat. Germ.-Am. Bank Bldg. Residence: 755 E. 5th St., St. Paul. LENONT, Charles B., physician and surgeon; born at Northfield, Minn., Sept. 30, 1869; graduated from Medical De partment University of Minnesota, 1899. Director Denont Hospital, Virginia, Minn.; also chief surgeon Duluth, Rainy Lake & Winnipeg Ry., Mesabe Southern Ry., Inter State Iron Co., Rogers Iron Mining Go., Rhodes Mining Co., Pitt Iron Mining Co., Mohawk Mining Co., Minorca Mining Co., Rymblic Iron & Steel Co., Virginia Lumber Co., North ern Lumber Co , W. T. Bailey Lumber Co. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associations, St. Louis County Medical Society, Association of American Railway Surgeons. Married at Eveleth, Minn., Oct. 10, 1901, to Miss Estell Shaw. Address: Virginia, Minn. LEONABD, Alton W., manager Min neapolis General Electric Co.; born at Monmouth, Me., April 8, 1873; son of Fred A. and Lizzie (Parker) Leonard; educated in public schools of Boston and Brockton, Mass. Began active career as bookkeeper for Edison Electric Co., Brockton, Mass., 1889, continuing until 1902; became superintendent and mana ger of the Houghton Electric Light Co., and Street R. R. Co.; has been manager of the Minneapolis General Electric Co., since Dec, 1905. Republican. Member Knights of Pythias, I. O. O. F. Married at. Brockton, Mass., April, 1896, to Miss- Annie A. Keith. Clubs: Commercial and Minneapolis. Recreations: Fishing, boating, base ball and boxing. Office: 15 S. 5th St. Residence: 1710 3rd Av., S., Minneapolis. LEONABD, Claude B., lawyer; born at Chelsea, Mass., March 26, 1853; son of Rev. Charles H. Deonard, D.D., and Phebe A. (Bassett) Deonard^ educated in schools of Chelsea; at Dean Academy, Franklin, Mass.; Tufts College, degree of A.B., 1876. Studied law in office of Starbuck & Sawyer, Watertown, N. Y.; came to Minnesota, 1878; entered upon practice of law and was clerk of probate court, 1879-82; formed partnership with Edward M. Johnson, under title of John son & Deonard, 1882, the firm later be coming Johnson, Deonard & McCune, which dissolved, 1897. Counsel for Farmers & Mechanics Savings Bank since 1897. Universalist' Member Ma sonic order. Married at Watertown, N. Y., April 14, 1880, to Miss Ella J. Eddy. Club: Commercial. Recreations: Hunt ing and fishing. Office: 115 S. 4th St. Residence: 1067 15th Av., S. E., Minne- 'apolis. LEONABD, P., lawyer; born at Glen- dale, Minn., Jan. 6, 1862; son of Law rence and Mary (Blacker) Leonard; educated in public schools and at Grove Lake Academy. Born and reared on a farm; taught school and became super intendent of schools; studied law and was admitted to the bar, 1887; member of Minnesota Legislature, 1893; ex-city attorney, Jordan; has been county at torney of Scott County since 1902. Presi dent Jordan Electric Light Co. Demo crat. Roman Catholic. County presi dent A. O. H.; member I. O. F., M. W. A., C. O. F. Married at Jordan, Aug. 30, 1892. to Miss Mary Nicolin. Club: Commercial (president). Address: Jor dan, Minn. LEONABD, Henry Frank, insurance; born at Jordan, Minn., May 21, 1871; son of Quirinus and Elizabeth (Keber) Deon ard; educated in St. Peter and St. Paul's parochial school, Mankato; married at Mankato, May 12, 1896, to Miss Mary J. Huettl. At 16 began active career in dry goods and grocery store of -his father; at 25 owned half interest in in surance agency with his father, continu ing until the death of his father, Dec 6, 1898; sold out the grocery and dry goods business and continues insurance agency in own name; also notary public. President Deutsche Dand and Helm Gesellschaft; vice president Mayer Bros., Inc., Mankato Post, Inc. Democrat. Alderman Mankato, 1889-93. Roman Catholic. President St. Peter and Paul's Benevolent Society; financial secretary Nicollet Council, Knights of Columbus. Clubs: Commercial, Thalia Dramatic. 306 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS Recreation: Automobiling. Address: Mankato, Minn. LEONABD, Joseph A., editor, retired; born at Cambridge, Md., Dec. 24, 1830; son of Rev. William and Harriette (Dav- erty) Leonard; graduate Philadelphia Medical College, degree of M.D., 1851; married at Rochester, Minn., 1861, to Kate Cowels. Practiced medicine in Wisconsin 3 years; editor Whitewater (Wis.) Gazette, 1% years and Waukesha Republic, one year; came to Rochester, 1858, and practiced law until 1864; ap pointed Capt of Commissary, 1st div., 16 th army corps and served until close of Civil War. Returned to Rochester and became editor and part owner of Rochester Post and later, sole owner, until 1899; ex-president State Editors' Assn. Appointed by President Garfield consul general to Calcutta and served one year; consul general, Shanghai, China, 1889-93; returned to Rochester and was judge of probate, 1897-1903. Republican. Member Masonic order, G. A. R. Address: Rochester, Minn. LEBCH, Fred, analytical chemist and mining engineer; born at Easton, Pa., Nov. 10, 1869; son of David and Sallie (Young) Lerch; graduate Easton High School, 1887; graduate Lafayette College, Easton, degree of E.M., 1891. Taught chemistry in Lafayette College for 6 months after graduation; went to Cuba as chemist Sigua Iron Co., remaining there for 10 months; came to Minnesota in same business, 1892; assisted in organ izing firm of Lerch Brothers, 1902. One of the incorporators and directors Amer ican Exchange Bank, Virginia, Minn.; also part owner Utah iron ore lands known as the Milner, Dear and Lerch property. Scottish Rite Mason, Shriner. Married at Chicago, 111., Nov. 10, 1900, to Miss Eleanor Miller. Address: Biwabik, Minn. LESHEB, Everett, clergyman; born at La Porte City, la., Dec 31, 1865; son of John D. and Nancy J. (Allred) Desher; educated in public schools of La Porte City; Hull Educational Institute, Hull, la.; Ottawa University, Ottawa, Kas. ; Parker College, Winnebago City, Minn., 1893; Cobb Divinity School, Dewiston, Me., 1898. Married at Winnebago City, 1893, to Miss Eva R. Miller. First pastorate was with Free Will Baptist Church, Augusta, Me.; second pastorate was with First Congregational Church, Spring Valley, Minn.; has been pastor of First Congregational Church, Owaton na, since May, 1906. Was chaplain Maine State Insane Asylum, Augusta, and the Maine Legislature. Republican. Congregationalist. Member Yeomen W. O. W., Royal Neighbors. Member Civic League of Owatonna. Address: Owa tonna, Minn. LESLIE, Frank B., paper; born in Co. Armagh, Ireland, July 12, 1871; son of James and Mary (McBride) Leslie; came to America, 1881; educated in S. Dakota and Minnesota. Began business career in employ of Wright, Barrett & Stilwell, paper, St. Paul, 1888; started for him self in building and roofing papers, Du luth, 1892; entered same line in St. Paul, 1905. President Western Build ing Paper Co., (St. Paul), Zenith Paper Co., Duluth; vice president F. G. Leslie Co. Member Builders and Trades' Exchange, St. Paul and Duluth. Married at Duluth, 1898, to Miss Mary Bradley. Republican. Methodist. Club: Com mercial (Duluth). Recreations: Yacht ing and boating. Office: 224 W. Michi gan St. Residence: 1431 E. Superior St., Duluth. LESLIE, Frederick George, wholesale paper; born in Ballibay, Monaghan Co., Ireland, April 23, 1872; son of James and Mary (McBride) Deslie; educated in public school, Mitchell, S. D., and Beardsley Business College, St. Paul; married, Minneapolis, Feb. 6, 1895, Mary N. Horton. Began business career as office boy in paper store; worked up to clerk and then to city salesman; from that started branch store for firm with which was employed; later bought out branch and in 1900 incorporated busi ness as F. G. Deslie Co., wholesale deal ers in all kinds of paper, of which is president — now one of the largest paper houses in the Northwest. Member Uni ted Travellers Association. Clubs: Com mercial, Minnesota Boat, Roosevelt, Amateur Athletic, Y. M. C. A. Favorite Recreation: Rowing, horseback riding. Office: 252 East 4th St. Residence: 546 Selby Av., St Paul. LESLIE, John merchant; born in Ire land, 1861; educated in the publio schools of Ireland; married to Miss Bes sie M. McAfee. Has been engaged in the paper business since boyhood; was formerly city salesman in the "Twin Cities" for several years, subsequently becoming manager of the Minneapolis Paper Co., and of Leslie & McAfee, and he is now president of the John Leslie Paper Co., which was incorporated in 1894. Republican. Mason and Shriner. Club: Commercial (director and ex- president). Recreation: Automobiling. Office: 301-303 Fifth St., S. Residence: 2124 Fremont Av., Minneapolis. LESTEB, Charles Austin, physipian* born at Wappinger's Falls, N. Y., June 16, 1874; son of William J. and Mary (O'Connell) Lester; came to Minnesota, 1886; educated in public schools of St. Paul, graduating from High School, 3892; Hospital College of Medicine, Cen tral University of Kentucky, Louisville, Ky, graduating, degree of M.D., July 1, 1897; Illinois School of Electro Thera peutics, Chicago, 111., graduating, April, 1903. Began practice of medicine at Louisville, Ky., July 1, 1897; has been actively engaged in practice at Wabasha, Minn., since Oct., 1902; member firm of Drs. Lester and Dougherty. Member Minnesota State Medical Association, Wabasha County Medical Society, Amer ican Association of Railway Surgeons Roman Catholic. Member Knights of Columbus. Married at Louisville, Ky Nov. 23, 1898, to Miss Lavina Winches- THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 307 ter Locke. Recreation: Motor cycling. Address: Wabasha, Minn. LEUTHOLD, Jacob, Jr., merchant; born in Fillmore Co., Minn., 1858; son of Jacob and Elizabeth (Schutz) Leuthold; educated in public schools and Carleton College; married at Kasson, Minn., June 29, 1880, to Miss Martha Nelson. Began active career as clerk in his father's store; has been engaged in clothing business on his own account since 1879. President First International Bank of Kermit, N. D.; director National Bank of Kasson, Bank of Hayfield, Bank of Mantorville. Address: Kasson, Minn. LEUTHOLD, John, clothing merchant; vice president First State Bank (Spring Valley) ; president Spring Valley Flax Fibre Co. " Address: Spring Valley, Minn. LEVIN, Herman, furniture; born in Germany, Feb. 27, 1877; son of Harry and Rachel Levin; came to America, 1892, and to Minnesota, 1894; educated in public schools of Minneapolis. Has been engaged in manufacture of furni ture, as firm of Levin Brothers since 1895. Married at Minneapolis, October 11, 1904, to Miss Edna Mickelson. Club: Commercial. Recreation: Fishing. Of fice: 31 Main St., S. E. Residence: 507 7th St., S. E., Minneapolis. LEVY, Jesse, dentist; born at St. Paul, Minn., 1877; son of Harry L. and Yetta Levy; educated in Humboldt and Frank lin public schools, St. Paul Central High School, University of Minnesota, and graduated, 1899, from Dental Depart ment of the University of Michigan; un married. Began business life as errand boy in a department store, later becom ing office boy and then bookkeeper for Clark & Thorne, real estate; afterward with W. D. Green and Patterson Bros., dentists; first located as dentist in Chamber of Commerce Bldg., later re moving to 7th and Sibley Streets and finally to present quarters in the Medi cal Block. Republican. Candidate for Coroner, 1902. Member Columbian Knights. Clubs: Royal Social, Cohas- set. Office: Medical Blk., 7th and Robert Sts. Residence: 220 East 9th St., St. Paul. LEWIS, Arthur J., physician; born at Oshkosh, Wis., June 13, 1869; son of Rev. J. T. and Marie E. (Roberts) Lewis; educated in High School, Akron, O.; College of Physicians and Surgeons, Hamline University, graduating, degrees of M.D., CM., 1894. Married at Mora, Minn., June 13, 1898, to Miss Sarah E. Loague. Health officer village of Mora, 10 years; coroner Kanabec Co., 10 years ;- local surgeon Great Northern Railway, 10 years; secretary and treasurer Cen tral Minnesota Medical Society; member Minnesota State and American Medical associations. Member Masonic order, I. O. O. F. Address: Mora, Minn. LEWIS, Charles Fremont, physician; born at Austin, Minn., March 31,' 1868; student in Medical Department Vander- bilt University, Nashville, Tenn., receiv ing degree of M.D., 1900; post graduate Chicago Polyclinic, 1906. Was for 10 years opthalmologist, and for 4 years student of medicine and surgery before entering general practice of medicine. Coroner of Mower Co., Minnesota; ex- county physician and surgeon. Exami ner LT. S. Civil Service Commission, 8th dist. Surgeon Chicago Great Western Ry. Married at Austin, Minn., 1889, Miss Eliza G. Hill. Club: Progressive League. Address: Austin, Minn. LEWIS, Charles L., associate justice of Supreme Court, Minnesota; born at Ottawa, 111., March 8, 1852; son of Samuel R. and Ann E. Lewis; educated at High School, Ottawa; University ol Chicago, 1871-73; Oberlin College, gradu ating degree of M.A., 1876. Admitted to the bar at Chicago, 111., 1879; located at Fergus Falls, Minn., 1880; was dis trict attorney, 1884-88; removed to Duluth, 1891; was district judge 11th judicial district, 1893-96; has been jus tice Supreme Court since 1898. Repub lican. Married at Fergus Falls, Minn., April 18, 1880, to Miss Janet D. Moore. Recreations: Fishing and travel. Legal Residence: Duluth, Minn. Residence: 62 S. Dale St., St. Paul. LEWIS, Edwin J., physician; born at Westville, Conn., Sept. 18, 1848; son of John and Emeline (Johnson) Dewis; educated in graded schools and at Lis- burn, Pa.; Rush Medical College, Chi cago, graduating, degree of M.D., 1877. Began practice of medicine at Ironton, Wis., 1877; has been engaged in practice at Sauk Center, Minn., since April 7, 1883. Member American Medical Asso ciation. Married 1st, at Waseca, Minn., Dec. 28, 1873, to Miss Emma F. Kermott, of Elysian, Minn, (died 1891); 2nd, 1892, to Miss Isabel Warner, of Chicago, 111. Address: Sauk Center, Minn. LEWIS, Franklin H., wholesale lum ber; born in Rhode Island, Jan. 9, 1848; son of Rev. C. C. and Frances M. (Mason) Dewis; educated in public schools and at Palmer's Academy, Ston- ington, Conn. Has been connected with lumber business since 1870, commenc ing in Wisconsin and operating upon re tail basis for 10 years in different parts of Wisconsin; began in wholesale lum ber trade, 1882, and has since continued as a wholesale dealer exclusively; lo cated in Minneapolis, 1887. Mason (32°). Married at Werner, Wis., Sept. 17, 1873 to Miss Virginia L. Bacon. Club: Com mercial. Recreations: Fishing and hunting. Office: Lumber Exchange Bldg. Residence: 1921-23 S. Aldrich Av., Minneapolis. LEWIS, Harlow S., milling; born at Waseca, Minn., July 10, 1872; son of Benedict S. and Mary E. (Eaton) Lewis; graduate Waseca public schools, June, 1891. Began active career as stenog rapher Jennison Bros. & Co., Janesville, Minn., Oct., 1891; was stenographer, bookkeeper and general assistant James Quirk Milling Co., Waterville, Minn., Jan., 1892-96; half owner and manager Bank of Madison Lake, Minn., 1896-98; 308 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS assistant manager, secretary and treas urer James Quirk Milling Co., Minneapo lis, 1898-1902; has been president Maple ton Milling Co., and director Mapleton State Bank since 1902. Mayor of Madi son Lake, 1898. Democrat. Member Masonic order, Knights of Pythias, B. P. O. E. Married at Waterville, Minn., Oct. 12, 1898, to Miss Grace D. Everett. Recreations: Hunting and fishing. Ad dress: Mapleton, Minn. LEWIS, J. Harry, manager St. Paul Daily News; born in Philadelphia, Pa., Aug. 13, 1864; son of Jabez S. and Elizabeth (Anthony) Lewis; educated in public schools; married at Kansas City, Mo., June 8, 1883, to Mary E. Knollin. Proprietor of Secret Society Herald, Philadelphia, 1884-88; mechanical super intendent Kansas City Star, 1888-93; advertising writer, Kansas City, 1893-98; advertising manager Kansas City World, 1898-1900; one of incorporators, March 1, 1900, and now vice president and general manager of " The Daily News Publishing Co. of St. Paul; also manager of The Rural Weekly Co., and a direc tor of The Daily News Publishing Co. of Minneapolis, Minn. Independent in politics. Congregationalist. Member Auditorium Committee and Y. M. C. A. Committee. Mason, (32°), Shriner; mem ber B. P. O. E., Knights of Pythias, Red Men, I. O. O. F. Member Business League. Club: Commercial, (formerly vice president and twice director). Recreation: Fishing. Office: 92-94 East 4th St. Residence: 569 Marshall Av., St. Paul. LEWIS, Olin B., jurist; born at Weyauwega, Wis., March 12, 1861; son of Zina D. and Rebecca (Hornung) Lewis; reared on farm, attended country school; graduated from high school, Omro, Wis., 1879; graduated from Uni versity of Wisconsin, 1884, and from law department of same, LL.B., 1889. Married, 1885, to Della M. Barnett Established a law office at St. Faul, Minn., in summer of 1889, forming a copartnership with Oscar Hallam until Jan. 1, 1897. Elected member of Assem bly, St. Paul, 1894, reelected, 1896; elected judge of the district court for the second judicial dist., Nov., 1896, for term beginning Jan. 1, 1897, and reelected Nov., 1902, term, expiring Jan. 1, 1909. Member American and Minnesota State Bar associations. Mason; member Knights of Pythias, Modern Woodmen, A. O. U. W. Clubs: Minnesota, Commercial. Office: Court House. Residence: 23 W. Isabel St., St. Paul. LEWIS, Theodore Hayes, archaeolo gist; born at Richmond, Va., Dec. 15, 1856; educated in common schools of Dittle Rock, Ark., 1866-72, and at Miami Commercial College, Dayton, O., 1874. Since 1880 has devoted his attention mainly to archaeological surveys and explorations in valley of Mississippi and tributaries; made Southern archaeologi cal survey of over 10,000 mounds dur ing winters of 1878-95 as a private en terprise; made Northwestern archaeolo gical survey, under auspices of Alfred J. Hill, 1880-95, of over 7,000 mounds in Minnesota and 4,500 in other North western States. Author: Trails for Archaeologists; The Northwestern Arch aeological Survey. Assistant on Pre historic implements, a reference book, by Warren K. Moorhead. Contributor to prominent periodical archaeological publications. Dife member Minnesota Historical Society; honorary member Mississippi Historical Society. Address: St. Paul. LIBBY, Harry W., machinist; born at Winona, Minn., Feb. 10, 1876; son of Reuben and Nancy M. (Stoddard) Libby; educated in public schools of Winona and at Winona Business College; mar ried at Stockton, Minn., Sept. 14, 1898, to Miss Grace L. Winchester. Republi can. Active worker in politics; elected member of State Legislature, Nov., 1906, term extending to Jan., 1909. Methodist, Member Knights of Pythias. Independ ent Order of Foresters, Modern Wood men of America, I. A. M., N. P. L. Ad dress: Winona, Minn. LICHTENSTEIN, H., physician; born at Koenigsberg, Germany, Oct. 22, 1866; graduate Tubingen University, Germany, degree of M.D., 1888; post graduate study at Berlin, Strassburg and Heidel berg, Germany; married in Germany, 1888, to Miss Caroline Claussen. Prac ticed medicine - one year in Germany; was surgeon on Hamburg-American liner; came to America, 1890, and has since been engaged in practice at Winona. Member American and Minne sota State Medical associations, Winona County Medical Society. Republican. Lutheran. Member Masonic order, A. O. U. W., A. O. U. D. Club: Arlington. Recreation: Horseback riding. Address: Winona, Minn. LIDDELL, John, judge of probate; born in Scotland, March 9, 1843; son of William Liddell; came to Canada with parents the same year in which he was born; educated in public schools of Canada. Removed to Minnesota, 1867; engaged in farming, 1868-82; in partner ship with John S. Campbell, in farm implement business, 1882-87; on the road as implement salesman, 1887-90; returned to retail implement business for himself, at Wadena, Minn., 1890; has been senior partner in retail imple ment firm of Liddell & Hocking, since 3 893. Judge of probate since Nov., 1902. Republican. Congregationalist. Mason, Knight Templar. Married at Russell, Ont, Can., Feb. 14, 1881, to Miss Grace McGregor. Club: Commercial. Ad dress: Wadena, Minn. LIEB, P. B. Jr., lawyer; born at Fari bault, Minn., 1864; son of Philip and Ellen Lieb; educated at Sacred Heart College, Watertown, Wis.; unmarried. Has been engaged in practice of law for some time. Democrat. Catholic. Recreations: Hunting and fishing. Ad dress: Faribault, Minn. THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 309 LIEN, Carl N., auditor Goodhue Co.; born in Goodhue Co., July 22, 1857; son of Nils G. and Martha A. (Holm) Lien; educated in public schools; Luther Col lege, Decorah, la.; St. Olaf College, Northfield, Minn.; C. C Curtiss Busi ness College, Minneapolis. Married at Decorah, April 24, 1878, to Miss Mary E. Johnson. Began active career as a farmer in Goodhue Co.; was chairman of town board of Red Wing two years and town clerk 5 years; senior enrolling clerk House of Representatives, seasons' 1883 and 1885; transcribing clerk, U. S. surveyor general's office, 1885 and 1886; was elected county auditor of Goodhue Co., Nov., 1890, and has been reelected at each succeeding election, present term extending to Jan., 1909. Republi can. Lutheran. Club: CommerciaL Recreation: Literature. Address: Red Wing, Minn. LIESCH, Philip, editor and publisher; born at Wytusing, Wis., Aug. 23, 1868; son of Anton Fidel and Magdalene (Nutt) Liesch; came to Minnesota, 1876; educated in Catholic parochial school, New Ulm, 1876-83; married at New Ulm, Sept. 28, 1897, to Miss Clara Follmann. -Began learning printing trade, as ap prentice, New Ulm, 1883; went to St. Paul, 1887, where he was engaged in book and job department of Pioneer Press for 9 years; located at New Ulm, 1897, bought out the New Ulm Volks- blatt Publishing Co., and has continued publication of the Volksblatt; estab lished the Brown County Journal, 1898, and has since published that paper. President New Ulm Rural Telephone Co. Republican; member State Central Com mittee for 4 years. Member Brown County Publishers Association, Minne sota Editorial Association. Roman Catholic. Member St. John's Court, I. O. F., St. Joseph Society, Knights of Columbus. Address: New Ulm, Minn. LIFFrrz, Simon, wholesale jobber in clothing, furnishings, etc.; born in Russia, 1867; son of Louis and Lizzie (Stein) Lifpitz; self educated. Came .to St. Paul, 1886; has been identified with clothing business ever since he began active career; has successfully operated under title of S. Lifpitz, as wholesale jobber in clothing, shoes, rub bers, furnishings, etc., since 1899. Mem ber St. Paul Credit Men's Association. Jewish religion. Married at St. Paul, 1887, to Miss Jennie Stauffer. Office: 221-223 E. 4th St Residence: 901 Selby Av., St. Paul. LIGGETT, Col. William M., director agricultural experiment station, Univer sity of Minnesota; born on a farm in LTnion Co., O., 1846; educated in district schools. Enlisted in 96th Ohio Vols., at age of 17, in Civil War, Army of the West, and was present at capture of Fort Blakely, with 7,000 prisoners, the last important engagement of the war; declined a commission in regular army and returned to Ohio where he became connected with the Bank of Marysville, Union Co.; was twice elected county treasurer of Union Co.; took an active part in state national guard services; was colonel 14th O. N. G., and in com mand of battalion that cleared streets of mob at time of excitement in Cin cinnati, where he was severely wounded. Came to Minnesota, 1884, and was one of the owners of Grandview Stock Farm, Swift Co., has been dean State Agri cultural School and director of the Ex periment Station since 1896. Regent of State University 18 years; director State Agricultural Society since 1888 (ex- secretary); ex-member executive com mittee National Cattle Grower's Asso ciation and for two terms chairman State Railroad Commission. Married at Marysville, O., July 3, 1876, to Miss Mathilda R. Brown. Residence: 2201 Scudder St., St. Paul. LIGHTBOUBN, David C, newspaper publisher; born at Pine Bend, Minn., Jan. 30, 1858; son of Edward S. and Susan Samantha (Murray) Lightbourn; graduate of St. Paul (Minn.) High School. Began in newspaper business early in life and since April, 1883, has been publisher and proprietor of the Index, published at Ada. Republican. Deputy Insurance Commissioner of Min nesota for 10 years and acting state insurance commissioner, during vacancy, 1896; judge of probate, Norman Co., 1890-91; mayor and councilman, Ada, several terms. Director First State Bank, Ada. Member Knights of Pythias, Modern Samaritans. Address: Ada, Minn. LIGHTNEB, William Hurley, lawyer; born at Reading, Pa., May 3, 1856; son of Rev. Milton C. and Martha H. Dight- ner; graduated from University of Michigan, degree of A.B., 1877. Resident of Detroit, Mich., 1864-78; came to St. Paul, 1878, and was admitted to the bar, Oct., 1880; member of the law Arm of Young & Dightner since 1883. Mar ried at St. Paul, Oct. 29, 1885, to Carrie Drake. Was assemblyman in Common Council, St. Paul, May, 1892, to May, 1894; president of the Common Council, May, 1892 to May, 1893; member of Arst charter commission of St. Paul. Episcopalian First vice president of Minnesota Historical Society. Clubs: Minnesota, Commercial, Town and Country, White Bear Yacht. Office: GilAllan Blk. Residence: 318 Summit Av., St. Paul. LIMA, Ludwig, physician; born in Stavanger, Norway, April 30, 1877; edu cated in high school, in Norway; came to America, 1894; graduated from Augs burg Seminary, Minneapolis, Minn., de gree of A.B., 1899; College of Physi cians and Surgeons, Hamline University, degrees of M.D., CM., 1903; house phy sician, City and County Hospital, St. Paul, Minn., 1903-04; has been engaged in practice of medicine at Montevideo, Minn., since 1904. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associa tions. Married at Audubon, Minn., Sept. 25, 1904, to Miss Constance Bergh, daughter of Rev. O. N. Bergh. Address: Montevideo, Minn. 310 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS LIND, Alfred, physician; born at Travad, Vestergotland, Sweden, March 11, 1862; educated in public schools of Sweden; came to Minnesota, 1880; at tended Gustavus Adolphus College, St. Peter, 1881-84; Augustine College, Rock Island, 111., 1884-87, degree of A.B..' 1887; University of Minnesota, 1887-91, degree of B.S., 1889, M.D., 1891; University of Berlin, Germany, 1893-94, degree of M. D. ; New York Post Graduate Medical School, 1895; University of Upsala, Sweden, Medical Department, 1896-97 and 1898-99, degree Licentiate of Medi cine. Practiced medicine in Lake Park, Minn., 1S91-94; located in Minneapolis, 1894; U. S. pension examiner, 1892-95. Member Hennepin County Medical So ciety, Minnesota Academy of Medicine. Director Swedish Hospital, Minneapolis. Republican. Lutheran. Married at St. Paul, Minn., 1892, to Hannah M. John son. Club: Odin. Office: Andrus Bldg. Residence: Minneapolis. LIND, John, lawyer; born in Sweden, March 25, 1854; son of Gustav and Catherine (Johnson) Lind; came to Min nesota in boyhood; educated in public schools, 1868-71; University of Minne sota, 1875-76. Began practice of law, 1877, at New Ulm, Minn.; member of 50th, 51st, 52nd and 58th congresses; governor of Minnesota, 1899 and 1900. Was 1st lieutenant and quartermaster, 12th Regt, M. N. G., Spanish-American War. Now engaged in active practice of law as member of firm of John Lind and A. Ueland. Married, Sept. 15, 1879, to Miss Alice A Shepard. Clubs: Min neapolis. Odin. Office: New York Life Bldg. Residence: 1775 Colfax Av., Min neapolis. LINDAHL, Alexander, jeweler; born at Lund, Sweden; March 28, 1860; son of S. J. Lindahl; educated in public schools of Sweden. Learned the watch maker's trade in Sweden; came to America, 1879, and has been engaged in jewelry business in St. Paul, since. 1885. Married at St. Paul, 1896, to Miss Hannah Alln. Republican. Methodist. Member Masonic order, Modern Wood men of America, I. O. O. F., A. O. U. W. Member Board of Education since 1902, and city council, 1892-96. Office: 880 Payne Av. Residence: 757 Case St., St, Paul. LINDAHL, Ole, farming and banking; born in Sweden, Oct. 8, 1845; educated in common schools in Sweden; came to America, 1869, and located in Minnesota; married at Mankato, Minn., Dec. 11,1872, to Miss Emily J. Haight. Began farm ing at Easton, Faribault Co., Minn., 1869, and has continued to the present time. Has been president and director of Granada State Bank, since 1902. Re publican. Methodist. Member A. O. U. W. Address: Winnebago, Minn. LINDBEBGH, Frank Albert, lawyer; born at Melrose, Minn., April 14, 1870; graduate Daw Department, University of Michigan, degree of LL. B., 1892. Has been engaged in practice of law at Little Falls since 1892. Director German American National Bank. County at torney Morrison Co., for 6 years. Mem ber Masonic order, B. P. O. E., I. O. O. F. Club: Commercial. Address: Dittle Falls, Minn. LINDEKE, Albert H., born near Ber lin, Germany, May 12, 1844; son of Frederick and Johanna (Bartel) Dindeke; came to America with parents, 1856, and has been a resident of St. Paul since 1857; educated in public schools. Started in business career as bundle boy, 1859, for Norman W. Kittson; continuing in advanced capacity, until 1868; began in retail dry goods trade as A. H. Lindeke & Brother, 1868; one of the founders of the wholesale dry goods house of Lindeke, Warner & Schurmeier, 1878, now Lindeke, Warner & Sons. Director National German- American Bank; vice president American Scandinavian Na tional Bank; director Chamber of Com merce; ex-president Jobbers' Union; member Board of Water Commissioners, of St. Paul,' since 1893. Lutheran. Re publican. Married at St. Paul, May 6, 1869, to Miss Louise Schroer. Clubs: Commercial, Minnesota. Recreations: Driving and riding. Office: 4th, S. W. Cor. Sibley. Residence: 295 Summit Av., St Paul. LINDEKE, Albert William, dry goods; born in St. Paul, March 7, 1873; son of Albert H. Lindeke; educated in public schools of St. Paul; St. Paul High School, graduating, 1890; Yale Univer sity, graduating degree of B.A., 1894. After a trip abroad returned to St. Paul and became connected with the whole sale dry goods Arm of Lindeke, Warner & Schurmeier, now Lindeke, Warner & Sons, of which he has been a partner since 1903. Graduate of Minnesota State University Law School, degree of LL B., 1900, admitted to the bar but has never practiced. Republican. Epis copalian. Clubs: Minnesota, Commer cial, Town and Country, White Bear Yacht, Lafayette, Amateur " Athletic, Roosevelt (first president), Yale (New York City.) Recreations: Automobiling and golf. Office: 4th S. W. Cor. Sibley. Residence: Aberdeen Hotel, St. Paul. LINDSAY, Thomas B., jobber in agri cultural implements; born New York City, May 1, 1843; son of David and Jessie (Edmunds) Lindsay; educated in common schools, at Fox Lake College, Dodge Co., Wis., and at business college, Detroit, Mich.; married at Sheboygan Falls, Wis., Sept. 5, 1866, to Martha Dye. Was reared on a farm and began active career as a farmer in Dodge County, Wis.; taught school three years; was in country store business several years, also representative from Olmstead Co., Minn., in the State Legislature for two terms, 1S72-3. Became a traveling salesman and is now resident manager of Lindsay Brothers, wholesale jobbers in agricultural implements. Baptist. Of fice: 400-406 N. 1st St. Residence: 2722 Park Av., Minneapolis. THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 311 LINDSLEY, Fred W., real estate; born at Kattskill, N. Y., May 9, 1853; son of Clark and (Bennett) Lindsley; common school education. Was engaged in agri cultural implement business, 1878-91; began dealing in real estate, 1891. Re publican. Presbyterian. Member A. O. U. W. Married at Plain View, Minn., Oct. 24, 1882, to Miss Laura LaRue. Recreations: Driving, fishing and out of door exercises. Address: Jackson, Minn. LINJEB, Ole Edward, physician; born in Vernon Co., Wis., June 11, 1861; came to Minnesota, 1876; attended public schools and Niles Classical School, Rochester; graduate, College of Medicine and Surgery, University of Minnesota, degree of M.D., 1889. Senior member firm of Drs. Linjer & Lyng. Member State Board of Medical Examiners, 1905- 1906-1907; physician to Norwegian Hos pital, Minneapolis, city physician and superintendent City Hospital. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associations, Hennepin County Medical Society, Norwegian Medical Club. Was assistant physician, Minneapolis, 1903- 04. Democrat. Club: Odin. Office and residence: 24 S. 4th St., Minneapolis. LITTLE, Edwin Charles, real estate; born at Cleveland, O., 1861; son of Charles and Hester (Watson) Dittle; educated in public schools of Springfield, 111. Began active career in employ of wholesale grocer, Springfield, 111., con tinuing for 4 years; engaged in farming in N. Dakota, 4% years; came to Duluth, 1886, and entered real estate business; has been member of the firm of Little & Noble, real estate, since 1891; also president Duluth Board of Underwriters; director Scott-Graff Dumber Co. Mem ber Board of Fire Commissioners. Du luth, 1903-06. Republican. Baptist. Married at Lakota, N. D., 1889, to Miss Jennie E. McCoy. Clubs: Kitchi Gamms, Commercial, Duluth Yacht. Recreation: Yachting, fishing, hunting. Office: Ex change Bldg. Residence: 127 43rd Av., E., Duluth. LITTLE, Henry Lyman, general man ager Pillsbury-Washburn Flour Mills Co.; born at Webster, N. H., Aug. 9, 1857; son of George and Douisa Dittle; educated in common schools, high school of Warner, N. H., and academy, at Pennacook, N. H. Entered active career as clerk in his father's store; removed to Minneapolis, 1879; went to work for a hardware merchant, without pay and in a few days was offered a position in the office of Charles A. Pillsbury & Co., and, at 22 years of age he began as office" boy; was given charge of the shipping department in 2 years, and two years later became a traveling salesman, continuing for 8 years; was placed in charge of sales department of the company, 1891; became assistant to M. Pillsbury and upon the death of the latter, in 1899, was made general manager of the company. Secretary and director Minneapolis & Northern Eleva tor Co.; vice president Great Western Cereal Co.; chairman executive commit tee and director North American Tele graph Co.; director Northwestern Na tional Bank, Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce; member New York Produce Exchange, Chicago Board of Trade. Member Society of Colonial Wars. Mar ried at Lock Haven, Fa., 1893, to Miss Erba Carskaddon. Clubs: Minneapolis, Commercial, Minikahda, Lafayette, Min netonka Ice Yacht, Automobile, Town and Country (St. Paul). Office: Metro politan Life Bldg. Residence: 197 Vine Place, Minneapolis. LITTLE, John Warren, surgeon; born near South Charleston, Clark Co., Ohio, Sept. 21, 1859; son of John and Mary Ann (Highwood) Little; educated in high school and normal school, Lebanon, O., and at Jefferson Medical College, Phil adelphia, Pa., degree of M.D., 1883. Located in Minneapolis, 1883. Member American Medical Association, Minne sota Academy of Medicine (ex-presi dent), Hennepin County Medical Society (ex-president). Surgeon and chief of staff of Asbury Hospital; surgeon to City Hospital; profgssor of clinical sur gery, College of Medicine and Surgery, University of Minnesota; surgeon Chi cago and Great Western Ry. Republi can. Married at Minneapolis, 1887, to Miss Nellie C. Marshall. Club: Com mercial. Office: Andrus Bldg. Resi dence: 2540 Portland Av., Minneapolis. LITTLETON, Samuel T., lawyer; born in Chariton Co., Mo., Dec. 3, 1858; son of Joseph D. and Sarah Ann (Parks) Littleton; educated in common schools of Missouri and at the North Missouri Academy. Came to Minnesota, 1884, and is. located at Owatonna, a flourishing city 70 miles south of Minneapolis, and regarded as one of the coming indus trial centres of the west; began practice of law, 1884; now county attorney of Steele Co. Married at Topeka, Kans., Feb. 5, 1881, to Miss Laura A. Sheldon. Mem ber of Masonic order, I. O. O. F., A. O. U. W., M. W. A, Sons of Veterans, Yeomen, Samaritans, Aztecs. Club: Commercial. Recreation: Outing vaca tions. Address: Owatonna, Minn. LIVINGSTON, Crawford, retired; born in New York City, 1847; educated at Albany Academy, Albany, N. Y. ; career as banker, broker, railroad contractor, insurance and railroad officer, gas and electric light owner and officer. For merly president of the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of St. Paul, and resident of all the lighting com panies of St. Paul; now retired from ac tive business. Director Merchants' Na tional Bank of St. Paul, St. Paul Gas Co.; trustee Minnesota Mutual Life In surance Co., etc. Clubs: Minnesota, Town and Country (St. Paul); Union, Army and Navy, Strollers (New York) ; Country (Thomasville, Ga.); Shooting (Fla.) Office: 51 Exchange Place, New York. Residence: Summit Av., St. Paul. LIZEE, Boch J., railroad contractor; born St. Narcisse, County of Champlain, 312 THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS P. Q., May 21, 1857; son of Treffle and Marie (Jacob) Lizee; attended common schools in County of Champlain. After leaving school was clerk in general store for two years; at age of 19 worked for father who was a railroad contractor; emigrated to the United States, 1879; farmed in Minnesota until 1887; began as railway contractor, May, 1887, when took sub-contract on construction of St. Paul, Minneapolis & Manitoba Ry., be tween Minot, N. D., and Great Falls, Mont., and has since been engaged in that business. Republican. Rpman Catholic. Member Woodmen of the World. • Married, Redlake Falls, . Red Dake, Minn., Feb., 1881, Rose Jeanne Beaudreau. Office: 408 Endicott Ar cade, St. Paul. Residence: White Bear Dake, Minn. LOBDELL, Jared Charles, vice presi dent National Brass & Metal Co.; born at South McGregor, la., June 22, 1856; son of Levi and Jane (Goodale) Lobdell; educated in schools at McGregor. Learned trade of brass and metal worker in Dubuque, 1872; was with Deere & Manson Co., Moline, 111., 1890-93; con nected with the Union Brass & Metal Co., St. Paul, 1893-94; came to Minne apolis, March, 1894, became associated the same year with National Brass & Metal Co., manufacturers and jobbers in plumbers' brass goods, specialties and metals, and since 1900 has been vice president of the company. Republican. Member I. O. O. F., A. O. U. W. Mar ried at Dubuque, 1878, to Miss Elvira A. Hodge. Office: 246-258 3rd Av., S. Residence: 3220 Harriet Av., Minne apolis. LOBBCX, Engebret E., lecturer; born in Norway, Oct. 11, 1864; son of Enge bret and Inger Olson (Stoa) Lobeck; came to Minnesota with parents 1867; attended common school and was stu dent at Angsburg Seminary, Wraamans Academy, Willmar Seminary and Uni versity of ' Minnesota; married at Har- wood, N. D., June 3, 1896, to Miss Martha Nordby. Prohibitionist. Luth eran. Has devoted his time principally to the lecture platform since 1890. Author and publisher of a volume of poetry and a story in Norwegian lan guage. Elected to State Legislature Nov., 1906, term extending to Jan., 1909. Address: Alexandria, Minn. LOBEBG, Adolph Edvald, physician; born in Minneapolis, Jan. 31, 1876; son of Niles and Karen (Borthen) Loberg; educated in Minneapolis public schools; South High School, graduating, 1895; Hamline Medical School, 1899; College of Medicine and Surgery, University of Minnesota, degree of M.D., 1901. Un married. Member American and Min nesota State Medical associations, Hen nepin County Medical Society, Minnea polis and Norwegian Medical clubs; also Odin club. Office: 221 Cedar Av., S. Residence: 1909 Washington Av., S., Minneapolis. LOCHBEN, William, jurist; born in County Tyrone, Ireland, April 3, 1832; son of Michael and Elizabeth Lochren; reared in Vermont and educated in com mon schools and academies in Northern Vermont and Province of Quebec; ad mitted to the bar at St. Albans, Vt, June, 1856; came to St. Anthony (now Minneapolis) in August, 1856; married 1st, Sept, 6, 1871, Martha A. Demmon (died Feb., 1S79); 2nd, at Minneapolis, April 19, 1882, Mary E. Abbot. Served in Civil War as private to first lieuten ant, 1st Reg. Minn. Vols., April 29, 1861, to Dec. 30, 1863; was member of the Minnesota State Senate, 1869-70; served as judge of the State district court, 4th judicial district, 1881-93; U. S. Commis sioner of Pensions, 1893-96; U. B. dis trict judge, from 1896 to the present time. Democrat. Member Masonic or ders, G. A. R., Doyal Legion. Office: Federal Building. Residence: 422 10th Av., S. E., Minneapolis. LOCKE, Frank Young, president Se curity Trust Co.; born at Vinton, Iowa, Aug. 23, 1866; son of James Burthrong and Elsie Louisa (Walley) Locke; edu cated at Vinton High School, Iowa State College and University of Iowa; married at Des Moines, Iowa, Oct. 5, 1892, to Mabel Lucas. Admitted to the bar in Des Moines, Iowa, 1888; was assistant county attorney of Polk County, Iowa, 1888-92; cashier Salina (Kansas) State Bank, 1892-94; organizer and president of the Sibley (Iowa) State Bank, First National Bank of Melvin, Iowa, and First National Bank of Harris, Iowa, from 1894, to Jan., 1904. Came to St. Paul and from Jan. 1, 1904, has been president of the Security Trust Co.; also director of the Capital National Bank. Republican. Clubs: Minnesota, Commercial. Recreation: Automobiling. Office: Security Trust Co. Residence: 511 Grand Av., St. Paul. LOCKEY, Joseph, banker; born in Yorkshire, England, Jan. 1, 1836; son of Thomas and Elizabeth Dockey; came to U. S. in boyhood; educated in public schools in Iowa. Engaged in gold min ing in California, 1854-57; in general merchandise business at Lake City, Minn., 1860; served in the 6th Minn. Inf., during Indian War in Minnesota and Dakota, 1862-63; employed in U. S. disbursing office, 1863-65; with First Na tional Bank of Red Wing, Minn., 1865-70; deputy commissioner of pensions, 1870- 76; National bank examiner, 1876-83; cashier and later president National German American Bank of St. Paul, 1883-1903; president and director of the American National Bank of St. Paul since 1903. Republican. Club: Com mercial. Office: American National Bank. Residence: 27 St. Albans St., St. Paul. LOCKIN, Samuel H., banking; born at Brandon, Wis., Dec. 23, 1874; son of Alvin and Deanna (Crook) Lockin; edu cated in Cannon Falls (Minn.) High School and at Carleton College. Was connected with St. Anthony Falls Bank, Minneapolis, 1891-1905; has been cashier THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 313 and director First National Bank, Red Wing, since 1905. Married at Minne apolis, June 14, 1898, to Miss Ada Adams. Mason. Club: Commercial. Address: Red Wing, Minn. LOCKWOOD, Edwin L., mechanical engineer; born at Worcester, Mass., Dec. 8, 1859; son of John E. and Martha (Colville) Lockwood; came to Minnesota, i870; educated in public schools of Minneapolis and at University of Min nesota. Has been identified with mechanical engineering since 1895; sec retary and treasurer of the Union Iron Works. Unmarried. Office: Main St. & 2nd Av., S. E. Residence: 501 5th St., S. E., Minneapolis. LOCKWOOD, John E., manufacturer; born in Orange Co., N. Y., Jan. 16, 1832; son of James and Sarah (Ecker) Lock- wood; public school education. Entered iron works as apprentice, at Mattewan, N. Y., 1845, continuing until 1849; was connected with the Corliss Steam En gine Works, Providence, R. I., 1849^58; came to Minneapolis and entered service of Minnesota Iron Works as superin tendent, 1869; engaged in same line of business for self under own name, 1872; has been president of the Union Iron Works Co., since 1893. Member Masonic order. Married at Mattewan, N. Y., 1855, to Miss Martha Colville. Office: Cor. Main St. & 2nd Av., S. E. Resi dence: 501 5th St. S. E., Minneapolis. LOCXWOOD, Louis P., architect; born in London, England, April 11, 1866; son of Francis Day and Douisa (Sturges) Lockwood; educated at King's College, Cambridge', England, and at the South Kensington Schools, London, England; unmarried. Served four years' appren ticeship with a London architect; went to Winnipeg, Man., in 1887, and was em ployed by an architect there; came to St. Paul, 1888, and worked for several architects until 1893, since which year he has been established in practice for himself. Architect of following build ings: Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk Co., Nicols, Dean & Gregg, Lindeke, Warner & Sons, First National Bank. Episcopalian. Ma son. Recreations: Tennis, shooting. Office: National German American Bank Bldg. Residence: 322 Moore Bldg., St. Paul. LOCKWOOD, Marling Milfred, physi cian; born at Delaware, Ont., March 5, 1S66; son of Benjamin and Emeline (Moor) Lockwood; came to N. Dakota, 1880; educated in University of N. Da kota, 1880; College of Physicians and Surgeons, Baltimore, Md., graduating, degree of M.D., 1896. Reared on a farm, commenced teaching school at 18 years of age; began practice of medicine at Pembina, N. D.; has been located at Hallock, Minn., since 1877. Local sur geon Great Northern Ry. ; coroner Kitt son Co., since 1898. Member Red River Valley Medical Society, California State Medical Association. Mason; member A. O. U. W., M. B. A. Married at Bellevue, la., , 1898, to Miss Mary Eberle. Address: Hallock, Minn. LOFGBEN, Peter, general merchan dise; born at Grangarde, Sweden, Aug, 23, 1858; son of Lof J. Janson and Kris- tina (Ersson) Lofgren; attended public schools of Sweden; came to America, May, 1880; took course in commercial law and business in Bryant & Stratton's Business College, Chicago, 111. Engaged in mining at Norway, Mich., 1880, to April, 1883; removed to Stephen, Minn., and worked at carpenter's trade until Oct., 1883; engaged in mercantile busi ness as head clerk for Julin & Larson of Chicago, until spring of 1887; asso ciated with William Merdink and bought the stock, engaging in business as Lof gren & Merdink; built store at Felan, Minn., and moved there, taking charge, 1889; dissolved partnership, 1901, re taining store at Pelan; also operating store at Karlstad.Minn., built, Sept., 1904. Half owner Karlstad Roller Mills and Elevator Co. Vice president and direc tor State Bank of Pelan, State Bank of Karlstad. Roosevelt Republican. Jus tice of the peace, 18 years; president of village council 6 years at Stephen, 2 years at Pelan; member school boards for 16 years. Also a farmer and owner of over 3,000 acres of land in Kittson and Roseau counties. Member M. W. A. Married at Norway, Mich., May 28, 1882, to Miss Kristina L. Spjut; five sons and one daughter living: — Arthur, Wil liam, David, Gust, Axel and Cecilia; one son, Peter, died, 1898, at age of 11. Ad dress: Pelan, Minn. LOFTUS, George Sperry, business manager; born at De Soto, Wis., Aug. 16, 1873; son of James and Annie (Heal) Loftus; educated in Minneapolis public schools. Began business career as mes senger Minneapolis & St. Louis Ry., Min neapolis, continuing 14 years, leaving as chief clerk to become assistant gen eral freight agent of the St. Paul & Duluth Ry., at St. Paul; resigned two years later to join C. F. Hubbard in establishing present business as Doftus- Hubbard Elevator Co. Mason. Club: Commercial. Office: Plate & Custer Sts. Residence: 409 Iglehart St., St. Paul. LOHRBAUEB, Johannes, land dealer; born at Christiania, Norway, Jan. 11, 1869; son of Johan Ludvig and Thrine (Boedtker) Lohrbauer; graduated from LTniversity of Christiania, Norway; mar ried at St. Paul, Feb. 8, 1898, to Kirsten Nicolaisen. Since 1892 has been in land business and with late brother, H. Lohr bauer, who died Oct. 13, 1905, made a specialty of German colonizing; colo nized 100,000 acres in Wisconsin and Minnesota with a thrifty class of Ger mans, and the former wild timber lands have, as a result, changed in the course of 12 or 15 years into beautiful settle ments; now manager Lohrbauer, Land and Immigration Co. Republican. Luth eran. Clubs: Norden; president St. Paul Ski Club. Office: Scandinavian Am. Bank Bldg. Residence: 658 Holly Av., St. Paul. 314 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS LOKENSGABD, Knute, county super intendent of schools; born in Rice Co., Minn., Sept. 26, 1860; educated in pub lic schools; Luther College, Decorah, la., graduating from normal department, June, 1881; married at Hattan, N. D., 1881, to Miss Thea Anderson. Taught school in Minnesota, 1881-87; was prin cipal of private normal school, 1887-93; occupied chair of pedagogy at Lutheran Normal School, Madison, Minn., 11 years; was elected county superintendent of Lac qui Parle Co., 1904, and reelected without opposition, 1906. Author of se ries of school readers. Address: Madi son, Minn. LOMBABD, Sumner, banker; born at Chatfield, Minn., May 5, 1873; son of A. G. and Mary (Southwick) Lombard; educated in Seattle, Wash., and at Uni versity of Minnesota. Has been engaged in banking since 1892 and also inter ested in farm mortgage and real estate business. President First State Bank of Dover, Minn., Lombard & Co., St. Charles, First State Bank of Utica; cashier First National Bank, St. Charles; director First State Bank, Rollington, Minn. Re publican. Mason (Scottish Rite), Knight Templar and Mystic Shriner. Married at Wells, Minn., April 18, 1900, to Miss Florence Ann Townsend. Clubs: Arling ton (Winona). Recreation: Hunting. Address: St. Charles, Minn. LONEGBBN, Oscar, secretary L. W. Leithhead Drug Co.; born at Wexio, Sweden, Oct. 27, 1858; son of Right Rev. S. E. and Caroline (Wettergrund) Lone- gren; educated in the high school Wexio, and at the Institute of Commerce, Goth enburg. Came to America, 1882; filled position of editor and business mana ger, 1883-91; was first assistant bank examiner of Minnesota, 1891-1900; con nected with the L. W. Leithhead Drug Co. (wholesale), as chief clerk, 1901-05; has been secretary, credit man and di rector of the same company, since May 1. 1905. Republican (engaged as speak er in Republican National campaigns, making specialty of financial question). Member Masonic order (32°), Knights Templar and Shrine. Married at St. Paul, Minn., April 5, 1884, to Augusta Pearson. Club: Commercial. Recrea tion: Fishing. Office: 14-16 Commerce St. Residence: 714 E. 1st St, Duluth, Minn. LOOMIS, Louis N., grain commission; born in Olmsted Co., Minn., Nov. 19, 1857; son of Horace E. and Mary J. (Coffin) Loomis; educated in public schools of Chatfield, Minn. Removed to South Dakota, 1876; studied law and was admitted to the bar, 1886; in real estate and loan business for 20 years; came to Minneapolis, July, 1902, and assisted in organizing the Loomis-Ben- son Co., grain commission, of which is president. Member Minneapolis and Mil waukee chambers of commerce, Duluth and Chicago boards of trade. Formerly probate judge Miner Co., S. Dak.; regis ter of deeds, Jerauld Co., S. D., State senator. S. D. Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner. Married at Dell Rapids. S. D., Nov. 19, 18S3, to Miss Alice Nisbet. Club: Commercial. Recreations: Hunt ing, fishing, automobiling. Office: 32 Chamber of Commerce. Residence: 1063 13th Av., S. E., Minneapolis. LORD, Samuel, lawyer; born at Mar ion, Minn., Feb. 25, 1859; son of Judge Samuel and Louisa Maria (Compton) Lord; educated in public schools, Man- torville; The Shattuck School, Faribault; Carlton College, Northfield, Minn. Has been engaged in practice of law since 3 885. County attorney Dodge Co., Minn., 1887-99; State senator, 7th district, 1899- 1907. Republican; delegate at large to National Republican Convention, Phila delphia, 1900 (chairman of delegation). Director National Bank of Kasson, Nel son Mercantile Co. Married at Kasson, Minn., 1891, to Miss Emma O. Nelson. Address: Kasson, Minn. LORING, Albert Carpenter, president Northwestern Consolidated Milling Co.; son of Charles M. and Emily S. (Cros- man) Loring; educated in Minneapolis. Has been identified from early youth with milling interests, his father being one of the pioneer merchant millers of Minneapolis; became president of the Northwestern Consolidated Milling Co., millers of "Ceresota" flour, upon its or ganization, 1895; also vice president Minneapolis Brewing Co.; president North Star Malting Co.; director First National Bank, Minneapolis, and Minne apolis Trust Co. Member Chamber of Commerce. Clubs: Minneapolis, Mini kahda, Minnetonka Yacht Office: Guar anty Loan Bldg. Residence: ' 202 Clifton Av., Minneapolis. LORING, Charles, lawyer; born in St. Croix Co., Wis., Nov. 26, 1873; son of Lyman and Eugenie (Hutchinson) Lor ing; educated in Normal School at River Falls, Wis., and Moorhead, Minn., at Phillips Exeter Academy, Exeter, N. H., class of 1893, and Law Department, LTniversity of Minnesota, graduating, June, 1898. President of class, during first half of senior year. Engaged in cattle ranching in Montana when not in attendance at schools, 1890-99, and while in law school employed in law qffice of Frank M. Nye, present member of Congress, in Minneapolis. Commenced practice of law at Moorhead, Minn., in May, 1899; removed to Crookston, July 5. 1900, where he became associated with Halvor Steenerson (now member of Con gress), in practice of law under title of Steenerson & Doring, making a spe cialty of general practice, litigated causes. Director Scandia American Bank, Crookston, First State Bank of Cass Lake, Minn., Maple Bay Windstacker Co., Crookston. Independent in politics. LTniversalist Member Minnesota State and Polk County Bar associations. Mem ber Masonic order, B. P. O. E. Married at Moorhead, Minn., Oct. 3, 1900, to Bertha Darrow. Club: Commercial (as sisted in organizing the 25,000 Commer cial Club of Crookston, 1906, and is THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 315 president of the organization). Address: Crookston, Minn. LOSING, Charles M., capitalist, man ufacturer; born at Portland, Me., Nov. 13, 1833; son of Horace and Sarah (Wy- ley) Loring; educated in public schools of Portland. Began active career as a sailor and became mate on his father's ship but a sea faring life was not to his taste; started west, 1856, locating in Chicago when he associated in whole sale business with P. B. Hutchison; re moved to Minneapolis, 1860, on account of ill health; associated with Loren Fletcher, 1861, as L. Fletcher & Co., general merchandise, the oldest firm now in Minneapolis; entered flour mill ing with W. F. Cahill & L. Fletcher, 1868, later acquiring large real estate and other interests. .Was one of the projectors of the North American Tele graph Co., is ex-president Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce and Board of Trade, and has been closely identified with many important business and pub lic enterprises. Is known as "The Father of the Parks" on account of 35 years of earnest work for park and other civic improvements, the name of Central Park being changed to Loring Park in honor of his services. Presi dent Morgan Machine Co., Minnesota State Forestry Association; secretary and treasurer Island Power Co.; trea surer Lakewood Cemetery Association; director North American Telegraph Co. Republican (cast his first vote for John C. Fremont). Married, 1st, Emily S. Crosman, of Portland, Me.; 2nd, Miss Florence Barton, daughter of A. B. Bar ton, Minneapolis. Club: CommerciaL Recreations: Horticulture, literature and travel in America and Europe. Residence: 100 Clifton Av., Minne apolis; Riverside, Calif, (winter). LOTT, Kennedy P., builders' material manufacturers' agent; born at St. Paul, Minn., Jan. 28, 1866; son of Bushrod W. and Cornelia (Friend) Lott; educated in St. Paul public schools. Entered employ of George L. Farwell, wholesale hard ware, 1881; clerk in various wholesale hardware houses, St. Paul and San Francisco, Calif., until 1899, when he established himself in St. Paul as manu facturers' agent, building material specialties. Member Junior Pioneer Association. Married at St. Paul, June 22, 1904, to Miss Katherine Elizabeth Haucke. Club: Commercial. Recrea tions: Gardening, poultry raising and boating. Office: Gilfillan Blk., St. Paul. Residence: Bald Eagle Lake, Minn. LOVE, George Allan, physician; born at Woodstock, 111., 1853; son of Robert and Agrass (Dickson) Love; came to Minnesota with parents, 1855; educated in public schools and in high schools at Limespring, la., and Preston, Minn.; graduate Bennett Medical College, Chi cago, 111., degree of M.D., 1874; attended lectures in Chicago, 1893; in practice at Preston since 1874. Married at Pres ton, 1877, to Miss Mary J. Kingston. Address: Preston, Minn. LOVELY, John A., asso. justice Su preme Court, Minn., elected 1898; born, Burlington, Vt, Nov. 18, 1843; admitted to bar, Milwaukee, Wis., 1865; practiced at Albert Lea, Minn., since 1867; co. att'y Freeborn Co., Minn., 1876-82; has been city att'y Albert Lea; pres. State Bar Assn., 1886-90. Address: 56 Albion Hotel, St. Paul, Minn. LOVEBING, Thomas D., grocer; born at Orillia, Ont, Aug. 28, 1865; son of Henry L. Lovering; educated in public schools and commercial college; mar ried at Green, Iowa, 1890, to Estelle Wil cox. Was in charge of a flouring and lumber mill for two years before coming to St. Paul in 1884; with R. G. Dun & Co., as clerk, 1884-85, and in charge of collection department until 1888; became credit man J. H. Allen & Co., wholesale grocers, 1888, and is now secretary and treasurer of the company. Republican. Member Co. D, M. N. G. for five years. Methodist. Member B. P. O. E., I. O. F. Office: Sixth and Broadway. Residence: 611 Ashland Av., St." Paul. LOWE, Thomas, physician; born at Dachute, Province of Quebec, Canada, Nov. 8, 1858; parents from Scotland; removed to Bremer Co., Ia., with parents, 1868; raised on farm and attended dis trict schools, Decorah Institute, Decorah, la., and Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago, degree of M.D., 1885. Practiced medicine at Slayton, Minn., 1885-1904; has been located at Pipestone since 1904. Has been head physician of Modern Woodmen of America since 1901; for five years member of the State Board of Medical Examiners and at present, presi dent of the board; director First .Na tional Bank, Slayton, Minn., State Bank of Chandler and State Bank of Dake Wilson, Minn. Homeopathist. Member National and Minnesota State Medical institutes. Married at Slayton, Minn., 1887, Miss Sadie Southwell, daughter of Capt. Southwell, Winona, 111. Club: Pipestone. Address": Pipestone, Minn. LOWBY, Horace, real estate develop ment and buildings; born Minneapolis, Minn., Feb. 4, 1880; son of Thomas and Beatrice M. (Goodrich) Lowry; educated in public schools of Minneapolis, Cen tral High School (graduating 1896) and University of Minnesota (graduating, B.S., 1900) ; unmarried. Was for two years with Twin City Rapid Transit Co., in various capacities; has given entire time to personal interests of Thomas Lowry since Jan., 1902. Vice president and treasurer Arcade Investment Co., having extensive real estate interests in Min neapolis, St. Paul and Columbia Heights; director Twin City Rapid Transit Co. Republican. Member Psi Epsilon fra ternity. Clubs: Minneapolis (Minne apolis), Minnesota (St. Paul). Recrea tions: Shooting and golf. Office: Soo Bldg. Residence: No. 2 Groveland Terrace, Minneapolis. 316 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS LOWBY, Thomas, financier, railway president; born in Logan Co., 111., Feb. 22, 1843; son of Samuel and Rachel (Bullock) Lowry; educated in common schools and spent one year at Lombard LTniversity, Galesburg, 111. Studied law in office of Judge John C. Bagby, Rush- ville, 111.; admitted to the bar, 1867, locating in Minneapolis same year; prac ticed law for several years in partner ship with Judge N. H. Young. Ac quired ownership of street railway sys tems of St. Paul and Minneapolis, 1884, and made extensive improvements, the consolidation of suburban branches, 250 miles in all, being known as the Twin City Rapid Transit Co., of which he is president. Became connected with steam railway in 1886 as director Min neapolis, Sault Ste. Marie & Atlantic Ry. ; has been president Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Ry., since 1889; also financially interested in many large corporate enterprises of Northwest. Married at Minneapolis, Dec. 14, 1870, to Miss Beatrice M. Goodrich. Clubs: Minnesota (St. Paul), Minneapolis (Minneapolis), and Metropolitan, Cen tury, Dotos, Union League, Manhattan and Lawyers (New York). Recrea tion: Books. Office: Soo Building. Residence: No. 2 Groveland Terrace, Minneapolis. LOYE, William Palmer, wholesale saddlery; born at St. Paul, Minn., Oct. 27, 1862; son of S. B. and Antoinette (Palmer) Loye; educated in Minne apolis High School. Began active career with the wholesale harness and sad dlery firm of Harrison & Knight, Min neapolis, continuing for four years; be came a partner in the firm of S. B. Loye & Sons which existed for 20 years; assisted in the organization of the Loye Saddlery Co., Jan. 1, 1901, of which is secretary and treasurer. Republican. Baptist. Married at Minneapolis, Oct. 14, 1891, to Lillian Butler. Recreations: All out door athletic sports. Office: 106-108 2nd Ave., N. Residence: 3223 Portland Ave., Minneapolis. LOYHED, Edgar H., hardware; born at Faribault, Minn., April 15, 1858; son of Thomas H. and Lois H. (Hicks) Loy- hed; educated in public schools of Fari bault; The Shattuck School, Faribault; Columbia University, New York; Uni versity of Michigan, Law Department, graduating, degree of LL.B. Married at Northfield, Minn., 1884, to Miss Frances Ames. Became identified in 1879 with the hardware business; was for 10 years in manufacture of tinware in Seattle, Wash., but returned to Faribault and Is proprietor T. H. Loyhed & Son. Mem ber Board of Trustees State School for Deaf and Blind. Democrat. Episco palian. Mason. Clubs: Travelers, Commercial, Faribault Golf. Address: Faribault, Minn. LUCAS, John W., lumber; born at Londonderry, Ireland, July 9, 1863; son of John and Margaret (Hill) Lucas; came to America with parents, 1873, and located in Minnesota; educated in public schools of Hennepin Co., Minn.; married at Cairo, 111., 1890, to Miss Sal- lie Ward. Began active career in drug business, in Minneapolis, 1881; engaged in lumber business at Gull River, Minn., 1886, continuing in same line at Bis marck, N. D., 1890-94; came to Winona, 1894, and was in employ of Winona Lumber Co. till 1899; now secretary of the Hayes-Lucas Lumber Co.; also presi dent Old Oregon Lumber Co. Member Northwestern Lumbermen's Association. Republican. Episcopalian. Mason (33°). Clubs: Arlington, Meadow Brook. Rec reation: Hunting. Address: Winona, Minn. LUCE, Clinton, L., newspaper editor; " born in Stowe, Vt, Sept 28, 1854; son of Harvey and Ann (Stone) Luce; came to Minnesota, 1872; educated in public schools of Iowa and Minnesota; unmar ried. Engaged in farming in Allamakee Co., Ia.; located in Albert Lea, 1875; now associate editor Daily and Semi- Weekly Tribune. Member of firm of Reynolds & Luce, livery and hack line; director Citizens National Bank; secre tary Skinner, Chamberlain & Co., Cor oner Freeborn Co. for 4 years; now president Library Board. Republican. Member Masonic order, Knights of Pythias, Chautauqua Association. Club: Commercial, Driving. Recreations: Horses and books. Address: Albert Lea, Minn. LUDDEN, John D., vice president State Savings Bank; born at East Hampton, Mass., 1819; at '21 years of age started Westward, stopping. in New York State, Illinois, and St. Croix Val ley, Wis., where he engaged in logging business. Came to St. Paul in 1845; was one of the organizers of the State Savings Bank and is now its vice president. Was for three sessions mem ber Territorial Legislature of Minne sota, speaker of the House and mem ber of the Senate, declining further political honors. Unitarian. Office: The State Savings Bank. Residence: 641 Wabasha Av., St. Paul. LUDINGTON, Thomas Edward, whole sale druggist; born at Ludingtonville, N. Y., Sept. 19, 1855; son of George and Emeline C. (Travis) Ludington; edu cated at Amenia, (N. Y.) Preparatory School. Came to St. Paul, from New York, 1874; entered house of Noyes Bros. & Cutler as bookkeeper, 1876; be came member of firm, 1892, and has ever since had charge of credit depart ment and finances of the firm. Republi can. Presbyterian. Club: Minnesota. Recreations: Reading and outdoor diversions. Office: 396 Sibley St. Resi dence: Willard Hotel, St. Paul. LUEDTKE, Gustav H., physician ; born in Blue Earth Co., Minn., Nov. 18, 1870; son of Emil and Julia (Teske) Luedtke; educated at Mankato, (Minn.) High School, 1889-93; College of Medicine and Surgery, University of Minnesota 1895- THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 317 99, graduating, degree of M.D., 1899. Member Minnesota State Medical Asso ciation, Martin County Medical Society. Republican. Congregationalist. Mar ried at Redwood Falls, Minn., Oct. 11, 1906, to Miss Elizabeth Bissell. Ad dress: Fairmont, Minn. LUFKIN, Harry Macurdy, homoeo. physician; born at Shelbyville, 111., April 13, 1860; son of Charles Dexter and Lucia R. Lufkin; educated in State Normal University, Normal, 111.; Uni versity of Michigan, M.D., (homoeo pathic) 1883; University of City of New , York, M.D., (regular) 1885; post gradu ate study in Europe, 1885-87. Married at Boston, Mass., 1889, to Edith Douise Hall. Engaged in general practice as homoeopathic physician since 1883. Member visiting staff as gynecologist, City and County Hospital; medical staff St. Luke's and St. Joseph's Hos pitals. Member American Institute of Homoeopathy; ex-president Minnesota State Institute of Homoeopathy. Re publican. Episcopalian. Mason. Club: Commercial. Office: Germania Life Bldg. Residence: 617 Goodrich Av., St. Paul. LUHMANN, Henry J., merchant; born in Germany, Aug. 6, 1870; son of Henry J. and Anna Luhmann; came to Minne sota with parents, 1874; educated in public schools of Preston, to 1884, and at Lutheran Confirmation School, Har mony, Minn., winters of 1884-85. Began business career as clerk for Kramer & Hard, general merchandise, Preston, Oct. 26, 1885; formed partnership with Hard & Kuethe and later engaged in business at Meriden, Minn., as H. J. Luhmann & Co., in which he still con tinues. Lutheran. Married at Meriden, April 26, 1900, to Miss Alvina Nelson. Address: Meriden, Minn. LUM, Leon Eugene, lawyer; born in Anoka Co., Minn., May 20, 1859; son of Silas O. and Emily (Thorndike) Lum; attended public schools in Minneapolis and University of Minnesota. Unmar ried. Was admitted to the bar in Minneapolis, 1880; practiced law in Brainerd, Minn., 1881-97; has been in practice in Duluth, since 1897. Was city attorney Brainerd three terms; county attorney Crow Wing Co., two terms; member Minnesota State Legis lature, one term. Clubs: Kitchi Gammi, Northern Country, Duluth Boat and Duluth Yacht. Office: First National Bank Bldg. Residence: 1103 E. 1st St., Duluth. LUMLEY, William A., physician; born at Woodstock, 111., April 10, 1857; son of William and Maryetta (Madole) Lum- ley; educated in common and high schools of Illinois; College of Physicians and Surgeons, Chicago, 111., graduating, degree of M.D., April 13, 1893. In practice at Renville, since 1894. Mar ried at Renville, Minn., Oct. 14, 1896, to Miss Helen Lumley. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associa tions, Camp Release Medical Society. Republican. Methodist. Mason; mem ber M. W. A., I. O. O. F. Address: Renville, Minn. LUND, Emil Gunerius, clergyman, edu cator; born at Arendal, Norway, Aug. 10, 1852; son of Tharald and Mina Lund; came to United States with parents at age of 6 months; attended schools at St. Paul, Minn., and Springfield, 111.; graduate Thiel College, Greenville, Pa., 1877; Mt. Airy Lutheran Theological Seminary, 1881; honorary degree of D.D., Wittenburg College, 1899. Married at Greenville, Pa., Sept. 8, 1891, to Miss Anna Hippee. Served as pastor English Lutheran churches at Irwin and Greens- burg, Pa., Milwaukee, Wis., and Tacoma, Wash.; now professor of church history and homiletics, United Church Semi nary, Minneapolis, associate author, Church and Sunday School Hymnal, con tributor to Lutheran periodicals, trans lator Lutheran school text books. Resi dence: 2303 5th Av., S., Minneapolis. LUND, John G., banker and dealer in farm lands; born at Rushford, Minn., Jan. 23, 1868; son of O. N. and Johanna (Hussaby) Lund; educated in common schools. At age of 15 became cashier of bank at Canby, Minn.; started in a small way to deal in farm lands, under title of the Lund Land Agency, 1888, a business in which he has been continu ously engaged to the present time, operating from Minneapolis as head quarters, since 1902. Proprietor Lund Land Agency. Also president First Na tional Bank, Hopkins, Minn., First Na tional Bank, Belleplaines, Minn., Court- land State Bank, Courtland, Minn. Mayor of Canby, Minn., 1899-1902; member of Minnesota State Legislature at the present time. Republican. Lutheran. Mason (32°), Knight Temp lar. Shriner; member of Knights of Pythias, B. P. O. E. Married at Canby, Minn., Sept. 1888, to Florence Miller. Clubs: Commercial, Odin. Recreation: Driving. Office: 300 1st Av., S. Resi dence: 2304 Emerson Av., N., Minnea polis. LUNDBOHM, Hugo, druggist; born in Sweden, Dec. 30, 1859; son of I. E. and Sophie (Von Hennings) Lundbohm; graduate of "Venersborg's Academy, Sweden. Entered drug business at Brandon, Minn., 1881, and continued for 23 years; assisted in organizing Bank of Warroad, 1903, -and was its first cashier and manager; reorganizing it as State Bank of Warroad, 1904; re entered drug business at Warroad, 1904, and started drug store at Argyle, 1905. Member Minnesota State Pharmaceuti cal Association, (first vice president, 1902); ex-president village of Brandon. Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner; member I. O. O. F., Encampment. Mar ried at Brandon, 1882, to Miss Lizzie Latley. Clubs: Commercial (Argyle and Warroad). Address: Argyle or Warroad, Minn. 318 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS LUNDGBEN, August, brick manu facturer and dealer in farm implements; born at Wargarda, Sweden, March 31, IS 55; educated in common schools of Sweden. Came to America, 1880, and located in Minneapolis, remaining there, 1880-83; removed to Warren in Fall of 1881; began manufacturing brick under title of Warren Brick Yard, 1883, and has successfully continued in that line; also president Warren Building & Loan Association; secretary and treasurer Lundgren, Withensten & Co.; secretary Peoples Trading Co.; director Swedish American State Bank. Mayor of City of Warren since 1903 (elected 4 years without opposition) ; member city coun cil since 1890; treasurer Marshall Co., Minn., 1887-88. Democrat. Lutheran. Married at East Union, Minn., April 2, 1888, to Miss Mary L. Lindquist (family of 6 girls and 4 boys, all living). Club: Commercial. Address: Warren, Minn. LUNDGBEN, Carl Edwin, physician; born at Westerwik, Sweden, May 1, 1837; son of Andrew Lundgren (archi tect) and Maria Christina (Edholm) Lundgren; educated at Westerwik High School and by private instruction. Came to America, 1866; became a citizen of the United States, 1871; studied medi cine at Chicago Medical College, gradu ating, degree of M.D., March 21, 1876; post graduate course, Cook County Hospital, 1876. Physician Bethesda Hospital, St. Paul, Minn., 1882-84; visited European hospitals and scientific institutions; returned to America and practiced medicine at St. Paul until 1888; was in Denver, Colo., 1888-91, and physician to Gustavus Adolphus Or phanage, Jamestown, N. Y„ 1891-96; practiced in Greater New York, 1896- 1902; has practiced in Minnesota since 1902. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associations. Married at Gowrie, la., July 3, 1879, to Miss Helena Mathilda Svenson, who died March 16, 1903. Address: Harris, Minn. LUNDGBEN, John Edward, sheriff Douglas Co.; born in Sweden, Oct. 4, 1863; son of Johan and Anna B. (John son) Lundgren; educated in schools of Sweden. Came to America, May, 1881; Region Roller Mills, Alexandria, Minn., began active career in employ of Park continuing 1881-82; was in general store of Nord & Kortsch, 1882-84; in general store, H. B. Wolf, Morris, Minn., 1884- 85; traveling salesman for Sioux City Nursery & Seed Co., 1886-87; engaged in organ, piano and sewing machine business at Alexandria, Minn., under title of Riemer & Lundgren, 1888; be came deputy sheriff and jailer of Doug las Co. Jan. 1, 1889, continuing until Oct. 1, 1896; was agent for North western Mutual Insurance Co. of Mil waukee, Oct. 1, 1896 to Jan. 1, 1899; has been sheriff of Douglas Co. since Jan. 1, 1899, (reelected without opposi tion, 1906). Also secretary and director Eagle Clothing Co. Republican. Luth eran. Mason; member I. O. O. F., Knights of Maccabees. Unmarried. Recreations: Hunting and fishing. Ad dress: Alexandria, Minn. LUNDQUIST, Ole, sheriff of Kandi yohi Co.; born in Kandiyohi Co., Minn., Feb. 3, 1875; educated in public schools at Willmar. Lived on farm until 1891 when he moved to Willmar; was en gaged in hardware business at Willmar, 1891-1903; sheriff of Kandiyohi Co., since Jan. 5, 1903, having filled position of deputy sheriff of the county, 1897- 1903. Member Willmar fire department since 1893 and its chief for 5 years; president of the Relief Association of the Willmar Fire Department since its organization in 1900. Republican. Mar ried at Hoffman, Minn., Dec. 10, 1902, to Miss Gertrude Wallner. Address: Willmar, Minn. LUNZ, James H., lumber merchant; born at Houghton, Mich., in 1860; edu cated in common schools; located in Two Harbors, Minn., in 1884, and en tered lumber business in a subordinate capacity the same year; started lumber yard in partnership with Thomas Owens 1889; bought out partner, in 1893, and took into employ William F. Lawrence as bookkeeper who is now a partner in the business, incorporated in summer of 1906 and conducted under title of the James H. Lunz Lumber Co. Presi dent First State Bank of Two Harbors. Ex-president village council of Two Harbors. Republican. Member B. P. O. E., Lodge No. 133, Duluth, Minn. Unmarried. Address: Two Harbors, Minn. LUBTON, Freeman Ellsworth, educa tor; born at Skowhegan, Me., Sept. 5, 1870; son of Thomas L. and P. Adelia (Coleman) Lurton; graduate Carleton College, Northfield, Minn., 1894, having done 6 years of secondary and college work in 4 years, at same time earning money to pay all expenses; extensively read in history, economics, law, litera ture and political science and holds following degrees: M.S., Carleton Col lege, M.A., Gale, M.A., (in pedagogy), Upper Iowa University, Ph.D., Ewing College, also took graduate work in University of Chicago. Taught 2 years in rural schools; principal graded schools, Morristown, Minn.; head of department of history and political science West Side High School, Milwau kee, Wis.; instructor in enconomics, High School, Sioux City, la.; has acted as conductor State Summer Training Schools for teachers in 9 counties of Minnesota; has been superintendent city schools in Monticello, Spring Valley, Preston and Fergus Falls, and now at Moorehead, Minn. Was one of the founders of public library at Spring Valley and committee in securing Car negie grant for the library. Now mem ber Fergus City Library Board. Member American Historical Association, Minn. Educational Association, Wis., Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters; secretary Minnesota High School Council and a THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 319 director State Debating Deague. Author: Outlines of American Diterature, A Course of study for public schools, A Course in Civics for Graded Schools, numerous educational papers, etc.; was editor The Algol and The Gomeys, school magazines. Club: Chippewa. Married at Beloit, Wis., June 26, 1894, to Alice Howe Babbitt, daughter of Hon. Clinton Babbitt, M. C Address: Moorehead, Minn. LUSE, Jesse Franklin, lands and bonds; born in Johnson Co., Ia., 1862; son of Joseph and Sarah (Higbee) Duse; educated in public schools. Engaged in general merchandise business at Rose, la., for 12 years; entered land business at Carroll, la., 1900; came to St. Paul, 1905, and continued in same line of business. Secretary, managei and treasurer Duse Land Co., Ltd.; manager and president J. F. Luse Co., bonds; president M. C Miller Co., (Min neapolis); director Albany & Schoharie Valley R. R. Co. Married at Ross, la., 1886, to Miss Ida M. Rice. Member B. P. O. E. Club: Merchants. Office: 158 E. 3rd St. Residence: 676 Summit Av., St. Paul. LUSK, James W., banker; born at Cherry Valley, N. Y., Sept. 6, 1841; son of William and Adelaide (Norris) Lusk; educated in the public schools of Ba tavia, N. Y. Removed to Sauk Co., Wis., where he read law and was ad mitted to the bar, 1861; came to St. Paul, 1881, and was general counsel of the Chicago Great Western Ry. until 1893; president National German Ameri can Bank since 1893. Director Chicago Great Western Ry. Co., St. Paul Fire & Marine Insurance Co., Northwest Trust Co. Was county judge of Sauk Co., Wis., for four years. Democrat. Presbyterian. Married at Piqua, O., Jan. 22, 1867, to Miss Belva J. Kline. Clubs: Minnesota, Town and Country. Office: National German American Bank. Residence: 557 Dayton Av., St. Paul. LUSTEB, Carl A., president Clyde Iron works; born at Saginaw, Mich. Was engaged in wholesale hardware business for 14 years at Saginaw; lo cated in Duluth, 1898, was one of the founders and is president of the Clyde Iron Works, organized in 1898, manu facturers of logging tools and logging machinery. Clubs: Commercial, Ketchi Gammi, Northland Country. Office: 302-308 Lake Av., S. Residence: 1619 E. 1st St., Duluth. LUTZ, George W., clergyman; born at Wooster, O., Oct. 9, 1858; son of Rev. John and Margaret (Wise) Dutz; educated at Joliet, (111.) Academy and at Northwestern College, Naperville, 111.; married at Frankford, S. Dak., 1885, to Conchita Ferris. Engaged in general merchandise, and journalism in S. Dak., for several years previous to entering the ministry. Entered Minnesota Con ference of the M. E. Church, 1893; has been in charge Wood Lake, Wells and Redwood Falls, Minn., and has been pastor of the First M. E. Church, Aus tin, since 1904. Republican. Member Masonic order, I. O. O. F. Member of the board of trustees of Asbury Hospi tal, Minneapolis, Minn. Address: Aus tin, Minn. LYDEB, Jay W. Jr., cashier Duluth Savings Bank; born at Alliance, O., Oct. 20, 1868; son of John Wesley and Mary (Bedortha) Lyder; educated in public and high schools and at Buchtel College, Akron, O. Began active career as mes senger for Second National Bank, Akron, for eighteen months, then with the City National Bank 14 years, holding posi tion of assistant cashier the last 5 years; organized Akron Trust Co., and filled office of secretary until 1902; came to Duluth and has been cashier of Duluth Savings Bank since its organi zation, 1902. Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner (charter member and treasurer). Married at Minneapolis, 1899, to Miss Grace Trimble. Clubs: Kitchi Gammi, Commercial. Recreation: Fond of out door diversions. Office: 220 W. Su perior St. Residence: 2111 E. Superior St., Duluth. LYMAN, Eddy Lincoln, millinery and ladies clothing; born in Illinois, March 2, 1S63; son of George B. and Mary (Whiten) Lyman; educated in public schools of Sharon, Wis. Traveled for Proctor Gamble & Co., Cincinnati, O., for 4 years and for Lyman Bros., Cedar Rapids, Iowa, one year; has been en gaged in business at Rochester, Minn., since Feb. 8, 1893, in his own name as dealer in millinery and ladies' clothing, and has made a success of it. Metho dist. Married at Poplar Grove, 111., 1884, to Miss Alma Parker. Member Knights of Pythias, M. W. A. Recrea tion: Driving. Address: Rochester, Minn. LYMAN, Frederick Victor, physician; born at Elkader, la., May 25, 1879; son of Clarence E. and Mary Elizabeth (Rathman) Lyman; came to Minnesota with parents, 1880; graduate Caledonia (Minn.) High School, 1896 and College of Medicine and Surgery, University of Minnesota, degree of M.D., 1903. Has been engaged in practice of medicine at Beltrami, since Feb. 22, 1904; proprietor Beltrami Pharmacy. Member Minne sota State Medical Association. Mason; member Alpha Kappa Kappa fraternity. Unmarried. Address: Beltrami, Minn. LYMAN, Frederick Wolcott, retired merchant; born at Plymouth, Conn., June 18, 1849; son of Ephraim and Hannah D. (Richards) Lyman; edu cated in public schools of Connecticut and Massachusetts and at Gunnery School, Washington, Conn. Came to Minneapolis, 1871; has been engaged in wholesale drug business at Minneapolis since Dec. 15, 1875. One of the founders of Rollins College, Winter Park, Fla., 1885, and first president of the corpora- 320 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS tion. Member Minneapolis Society of Fine Arts. Congregationalist. Married at Minneapolis, May 9, 1876, to Eliza beth Huntington Clark. Clubs: Min neapolis, Commercial, Lafayette, Con gregational. Office: Oneida Bldg. Resi dence: 500 Groveland Av., Minneapolis. LYMAN, George Bichards, retired merchant; born at Plymouth, Conn., Dec. 27, 1844; son of Rev. Ephraim and Hannah D. (Richards) Dyman; edu cated at The Gunnery, Washington, Conn., until 1860; Williston Seminary, East Hampton, Mass., 1860-62; Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass., 1863-64; Yale Scientific School, 1864-66. Came to Minneapolis, 1868; began in wholesale drug business, 1868. Congregationalist. Trustee Carleton College, Northfield, Minn., since 1892; president Minneapolis Y. M. C. A., 1891-95. Married at Min neapolis, Aug. 10, 1875, to Miss Marietta P. Ives. Office: Oneida Bldg. Resi dence: 1810 Chicago Av., Minneapolis. LYNCH, Frederick Bicknell, lumber man; born Madison, Wis., May 4, 1866; son of John W. and Helen (De Camp) Lynch; educated in Yankton College, Yankton, S. Dak.; married at Wahpeton, N. D., 1887, to Miss Isabel Purdon. Civil engineer and surveyor by profes sion; engaged in that work in North Dakota prior to going into business in St. Paul in 1896; now secretary North west Colonization Co., Red Deer Dumber Co. and Elk Lumber Co.; vice president Canada Land and Colonization Co.; president Alberta & Saskatchawan Land Co.; president Central Minnesota In vestment Co.; Williams Iron Co., Madi son Land Co.; director Western Canada Coal and Coke Co. Was four years deputy U. S. surveyor in N. Dakota, and four years in Council of the City of St. Paul. Clubs: Minnesota, Commer cial, Athletic. Office: Endicott Bldg. Residence: 1954 Iglehart St., St. Paul. LYNCH, James L., physician; born at Wiscoy, Minn., 1864; son of Thomas and Elizabeth (Downey) Lynch; edu cated in public schools at Wiscoy, and at Winona Normal School. Taught school five years; took literary course at University of Michigan; graduate of Medical Department, University of Michigan, degree of M.D., 1900. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associations, Winona County and South ern Minnesota Medical societies. Ad dress: Winona, Minn. LYNCH, J. L., clothing; born in New York; educated at Cayuga Dake Military Academy, Aurora, N. Y. Came to Min nesota, 1886, and has been identified with clothing business for twenty years; has been a resident of Minneapolis since 1896 and has been president of The Model Clothing House Co., since its or ganization, 1902. Office: Nicollet Av., and 3rd St. Residence: 337 E. 16th St., Minneapolis. LYNN, James Fristoe, physician; born in Loudoun Co., Va., April 20, 1871; son of B W. and Francis (Allen) Lynn; educated in public schools of Virginia, College of William and Mary, Richmond College, University College of Medicine, Richmond, Va., graduating, degree of MD 1896; post graduate course, New York Polyclinic College. Came to Min nesota, 1900. Health officer city of Waseca. Member American and Minne sota State Medical associations, Waseca County Medical Society, Virginia State Medical Association. Married at Fargo, N, D., 1904, to Miss Jessie Helms. Ad dress: Waseca, Minn. LYON, George Asa, lawyer; born at Rockford, la., June 9, 1871; son of Orlo Henry and Belle Alden (Bradford) Lyon; educated in public and high schools, Rockford, 1888; Iowa College, Grinnell, B.S., 1892; Law School, Harvard Uni versity, LL.B., 1903. Was cashier of Marble Rock Bank, Marble Rock, la., 1892-93; assistant cashier First National Bank, Rockford, la., 1893-1900; engaged in study and practice of law, since 1900. Director First National Bank, Rockford, Ia. Was mayor of Rockford, 1897. Re publican. Congregationalist. Member Minnesota Bar Association. Married at Rockford, la., Oct. 5, 1905, to Elizabeth N. McDean. Club: Commercial. Was Inter-State College tennis champion, 1890, 1891 and 1892. Office: New York Life Bldg. Residence: 3225 Hennepin Av., Minneapolis. LYTLE, George L., real estate; native of Maghera Co. Derry, Ireland; son of John S. and Elizabeth M. (Lowry) Lytle; educated in public schools of Ireland, Royal Academical Institute and in private academy. Came to Chicago, 111., 1881, and was connected with the Anglo- American Packing and Provision Co., later engaged in farming in Northwest Territory; removed to S. St. Paul, 1889 and was connected with the Minnesota Packing & Provision Co., and the Union Stockyards Co., later being identified with live stock business in his own name and as Lytle & Raeburn; first entered real estate business in 1900 and since 1902 has been prominently connected with real estate operations in South St. Paul. Republican; active worker in politics and mayor of South St. Paul, 1899-3 905. Member Masonic order, O. E. S., I. O. O. F, A. O. U. W., M. W. A., Royal Neighbors, United Order of Foresters, North Star Benevo lent Association. Married at St. Paul, Dec. 10, 1890, to Miss Janet H. Raeburn. Office: Opposite City Hall. Residence: South St. Paul. M MAAS, Theodore, grain; born at Pine Island, Minn., July 22, 1863, son of William F. F. and Johanna (Ninmann) Maas; educated in district schools; married at Pine Island, Aug. 18, 1892, to Miss M. L. Newhouse. Born and raised on a farm and remained there until 28 years of age; was connected THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 321 with general merchandise store, 1891-92; bought grain, elevator in company with E. E. Fowler, as Maas & Co.; bought Longham Elevator, Olmsted Co., in 1893 and disposed of it 3896; bought out Taft & Co., hardware, Mazeppa, 1898, under title of Switz, Newhouse & Co., and sold out, 1901. Head of Maas & Co., grain and seeds; president Bank of Mazeppa; partner Mason, Olson & Co., owners of Mazeppa Roller Mills; also financially interested in Pine Island State Bank, Zumbrota Clay Works, Cambria Salt Co., of Cambria, Wye, and real estate in Minnesota and Can ada, N. W. T. Republican. German Lutheran. Address: Mazeppa, Minn. MC ALPINE, Donald B., lawyer; born at Alba, Lapeer Co., Mich., Sept. 16, 1879; graduate of Kalkaska, Mich., High School; Olivet, Mich., Preparatory College; University of Michigan, LL.B., June 23, 1902; admitted to bar of Michigan, June 17, 1902; to bar of Min nesota, July 23, 1904. Elected county attorney of Cook Co., Minn., Nov. 8, 1904, and is now holding that office; recorder, village of Grand Marais, 1904 to the present time. Republican. Methodist. Married at Duluth, Minn., Dec. 28, 1904, to Elizabeth Dolan. Ad dress: Grand Marais, Minn. McABTHUB, Peter, (The Emporium) ; born in Canada, March 15, 1866; son of Veter and Christy (McGregor) Mc- Arthur; educated in public schools of Glengarry Co., Can., and at Ottawa, Can. Began active career on a farm in Canada; was in employ of Willis & Co., pianos, Montreal, for 4 years; came to St. Paul, May, 1888, and was book keeper in clothing store two years and was connected one year with Corning & Co., coal dealers; became identified with the Golden Rule Store as financial manager and continued in that position for 11 years; was one of the organizers of the Kennedy-McLeod-McArthur Co., The Emporium department store, Jan., 1902, and is treasurer of the company. Member Knights of Pythias, Royal Ar canum. Married at St. Paul, 1900, to Celestine Raverty. Recreation: Hunt ing. Office: 92-108' E. 7th St. Resi dence: 702 Cedar Street, St. Paul. McBRIDE, Charles Francis, electric contractor and engineer; born at Roches ter, N. Y., Oct. 23, 1857; son of James T. and Margaret (Gormley) McBride; edu cated in common schools of Ontario, Can., technical schools of Guelph; later studying mining machinery, railway con struction and mechanical and electrical engineering; was for three years with the Thomson Houston Electric Co.; es tablished the McBride Electric Co., a corporation, 1893, dealers in electric sup plies and apparatus used in installa tion of electric plants, etc., of which he is secretary and treasurer. Also treasurer Empire Consolidated Mining & Milling Co.; director Achme Mfg. Co., Groton Light, Heat & Power Co. Mem ber State Board of Electric Examiners. Democrat. Roman Catholic. Member Electrical Contractors Association. Member Knights of Pythias, Hibernians^ St. Vincent de Paul Society. Married at St. Paul, Minn., 1892, to Lydia A. McGill. Office: 346-348 Minnesota St. Residence: 634 VanBuren Place, St Paul. McCABE, Milton M-, grain commis sion; born in Lambton Co., Ont, Feb. 18, 1872; son of George and Mary (Graham) McCabe; educated at Beloit College Academy, Beloit, Wis. Came to N. Dakota, 1891, and engaged in general merchandise business. 1891-96; entered grain business with brother in Cavalier, N. D., and continued until 1902, when he located in Duluth as manager McCabe Brothers. Republican. Presbyterian. Member Duluth Board of Trade. Married at Glasston, N. D., Jan. 1, 1896, to Miss Mary K. Karr. Office: Bd. of Trade Bldg. Residence: 2328 Roslyn Av., Duluth. McCABE, William J., grain merchant; born in Ontario, Can., 1862; son of George and Mary (Graham) McCabe; educated in public schools of Bothwell, Ont. Located in Glasston, N. D., 1881, and became identified with country grain elevator business in 1887; re moved to Duluth, 1896; member of the firm of McCabe Brothers, owning and controlling country elevators in the hard wheat belt on the Great Northern Road. Republican. Presbyterian. Mar ried at Shandon, Ohio, 1894, to Miss Jennie C. Chidlow. Clubs: Commer cial, Duluth Boat. Recreation: Walk ing. Office: Bd. of Trade Bldg. Resi dence: Hunter's Park, Duluth. McCABTHY, Chauncy Chatter-ton, lawyer; born in Gratiot Co., Mich., Feb. 8, 1856; son of Daniel and Melissa Safety (Dexter) McCarthy; educated in common schools of Michigan until 15 years of age and at Valparaiso Normal School, Valparaiso, Ind. Worked in lumber camps and on log drives of Michigan from 15 until 26 years of age; came to Minnesota, June 13, 1892; studied law, admitted to bar and has practiced law at Grand Rapids, Minn., since July 14, 1892. County attorney of Itasca Co., Jan. 1, 1897, to Jan. 1, 1899; State senator 52nd senatorial dis trict, Jan. 1, 1899, to Jan. 1, 1903. Director First National Bank of Coler- aine. Republican. Unitarian. Married at St. Louis, Mich., Nov. 18, 1886, to Miss Elizabeth Belle Cornell. Recrea tions: Hunting and camping. Address: Grand Rapids, Minn. McCAUGHEY, John J., lawyer; born at Madison, Wis., 1868; son of John and Jane McCaughey; educated in High School, Mantorville, graduating, 1889; College of Law. University of Minne sota, graduating, degree of LL.B., 1894; married at Mantorville, Minn., 1890, to Miss May M. Edeson. Began practice of law at Kasson and Mantorville, as member of the law firm of Littleton & McCaughey, 1894; has been county at- 322 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS torney of Dodge County since Nov., 1898. Presbyterian. Member Masonic order, Modern Woodmen of America. Address: Kasson, Minn. McCAULEY, George A., merchant; born at Fridiey, Anoka Co., Minn., May 31, 1860; son of James and Eliza (Mc Cormick) McCauley; graduated from Anoka Hieh School. 1881. and from Anoka Business College, 1883. Began in mercantile business, 1883; founded the firm of George A. McCauley, 1884, dealer in grain, agricultural imple ments, building material, coal and seeds. Member of the firm of Mc Cauley Brothers, grocers. Mayor of the City of Anoka four terms and alder man of the city two terms. Independent in politics. Married at Anoka, Minn., July, 1898, to Miss Mabel C. Whitten. Club: Commercial. Address: Anoka, Minn. McCLEABY, James Thompson, con gress; born at Ingersoll, Ont, Feb. 5, 1853; son of Thompson and Sarah Mc- Cleary; educated in high school and at McGill University, Montreal; married at Maiden Rock, Wis., June 4, 1874, to Miss Mary Edith Taylor. Taught school and was superintendent of schools of Fierce Co., Wis., until he resigned, 1881, to become State institute conductor, Minnesota, and professor of history and civics in State Normal School, Mankato; was president Minne sota Educational Association, 1891. Re publican. Member of Congress, 2nd Minn. district, 1893-07; appointed, March 4, 1907, by President Roosevelt as second assistant postmaster general. Author: Studies in Civics, Manual of Civics. Recreation: Travel. Address: Mankato, Minn. McCLELLAN, Fred L., wholesale paper dealer; born at Sarnia, Canada, June 11, 1867; son of William Wallace and Ellen A. (Wait) McClellan; edu cated in public and high school, Sarnia; came to Minneapolis, 1882; married at Minneapolis, June 12, 1895, to Dena L. Shattuck. Was clerk in Minneapolis, retail hardware, 1884-89; bookkeeper Jas. H. Bishop & Co., wholesale paper, 1889-90; credit man for the same house, 1890-94; started in business as McClel lan Paper Co., May 1, 1894, incorporat ing the company, 1898, now president and treasurer of the company. Mem ber B. P. O. E. Clubs: Commercial, Minikahda, Bryn Mawr, Minneapolis Automobile. Recreations: Automobil ing and golf. Office: 245 First Av., North. Residence:. 2016 Kenwood Parkway, Minneapolis. McCLELLAND, Bobert Henry, lawyer; born in Coshocton Co., O., Feb. 8, 1844; son of Samuel B. and Jane (Henry) McClelland; educated in common schools, Wells Co., Ind., and at com mercial college, Pittsburg, Pa. Began practice of law April 6, 1874. Filled office of county attorney of Scott Co., Minn., 3 883-82; was mayor of Glencoe, 1893-1902; member of Governor John son's staff, 1905 and 1906. Editor of Glencoe Enterprise since 1900. En listed as private and became corporal, Co. A, 34th Ind. Vol. Inf., during War of the Rebellion, 1861-66. Democrat Member Masonic order, Knights of Pythias, A. O. U. W. Married at St. Paul, Minn., Nov. 4, 1892, to Miss Georgia A. Johns. Address: Glencoe, Minn. McCLENAHAN, William St. Clair, jurist; born at Baltimore, Md., June 19, 1854; son of Hugh Bell and Maria Louisa (McComas) McClenahan; edu cated in private schools and academies; graduate Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pa., degree of A.B., 1875; Law School, Uni versity of Maryland, degree of LL.B., 1880. Unmarried. Practiced law at Baltimore, 1880-82; came to Brainerd, Minn., Oct., 1882, and continued in practice; was city attorney, Brainerd, 1888-1900; elected judge district court 15th judicial district, Nov., 1900, and now occupies that office. Member American and Minnesota State Bar as sociations. Republican. Member all Masonic bodies to 32°, Shrine; B. P. O. E., K. P Address: Brainerd, Minn. McCLEBNAN, Patrick A., lawyer; born at Plainview, Minn., April 27, 1860; son of John and Mary (Gildea) McCler- nan; educated in common schools and correspondence school. Born on a farm; went to Dakota Ty., spring of 1880 and engaged in farming; removed to Stephen, Minn., 1890; passed Minne sota state examination and was ad mitted to the bar, April 5, 1900; has been engaged in practice of law at Stephen, since April, 1901. Secretary board of education 7 years; twice elected president of town council and served one term by appointment as county attorney. Married at Crookston, Minn., June 15. 1898, to Miss Belle F. Wilson. Address: Stephen, Minn. McCLINTOCK, John M., county at torney St. Louis Co.; born near Hamil ton, O.; educated at Miami University, Oxford, O.; Hanover College, Hanover, Ind.; LTniversity of Virginia, and Cin cinnati (O.) Law School. Was admitted to practice of law in Ohio and at Galves ton, Tex., 1891; came to Duluth, Dec, 1892. Assistant county attorney, St. Louis Co., 3898-3 900, and county attor ney since 1900. Republican. Unmar ried. Clubs: Kitchi Gammi, Commer cial. Office: Torrey Bldg. Residence: Kitchi Gammi Club, Duluth. McCLUBE, Samuel, president Mc- Clure Logging Co.; secretary-treasurer, St. Croix Boom Corporation; director First National Bank, Northwest Thresher Co. Address: Stillwater, Minn. McCOLL, Henry, druggist; born at Chicago, 111., March 2, 1866; son of Edmund and Mary (Foley) McColl; edu cated in public school, Oskaloosa, la., 1871-73; St. Mary's and Cathedral paro chial schools, St. Paul, 1873-80. Was THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 323 in employ of George Davenport, drug gist, 1880-84; engaged in sale of crockery and glassware, with H. L. Wheat & Co., and Craig, Larkin & Smith, 1884-3889; began for himself in drug business, Jan. 1, 1889, at 640 Missis sippi St., continuing there until May 1, 1896, when the business was moved to 483 Broadway. Democrat. Elected to House of Representatives, Minnesota Legislature, 1902 and reelected 1904; elected to State Senate, 1906. Catholic. Unmarried. Office: 483 Broadway. Residence: 538 Canada St., St. Paul. McCONNON, Henry J., manufacturer; born at Winona, Minn., Aug. 1, 1870; son of James and Ellen (McKee) Mc- Connon; educated in public schools of Winona; unmarried. Began active career in drug business, 1889; was pro prietor retail drug store for 9 years; entered manufacture of remedies, stock food, flavoring extracts, toilet articles, etc., 1899, and incorporated, 1904, as McConnon & Company, of which he has been president from the beginning. Member Board of Trade. Democrat. Catholic. Club: Arlington (director). Recreations: Fishing and hunting. Ad dress: Winona, Minn. McCONNON, Joseph B., secretary and treasurer McConnon & Company; born at Winona, Minn., 1877; son of James and Ellen (McKee) McConnon; educated in public schools of Winona; married at Winona, 1905, to Miss Jeanette Morey. Entered the house of McConnon & Com pany, manufacturers of remedies, stock ' foods, toilet articles, etc., in 1896, and has been secretary and treasurer of the company since its incorporation, 1904. Catholic Clubs: Arlington, Meadow Brook. Recreations: Golf, Ashing. Ad dress: Winona, Minn. McCONVILLE, Constantine J., whole sale dry goods; born in New York City, Dec. 18, 1853; educated in public schools and at College of the City of New York. Began active career in office of W. H. Van Slyck, eastern agent of a Chicago wholesale house, continuing until 1872; came to St. Paul in January, 1872, and took charge of a department in the house in which he has been a partner since 1888, now Finch, Van Slyck & McConville, wholesale dry goods and manufacturers of ladies and gentle men's furnishings. Office: _N\ W. Cor. 4th & Sibley Sts. Residence: 29 Arundel St., St. Paul. McCORMlCK, Fackey H., merchant; born in Dodge Co., Wis., June 15, 1861; educated in common schools in Dodge Co. Began in mercantile business, April 1880, and is member of the firm of Mc Cormick, Drosky & Co., general merch andise. Republican. Lutheran. Mason; member I. O. O. F., M. W. A., A. O. IT. W. Married at Sioux Falls, S. D., Jan. 27, 1878, to Miss Anna Harrison. Club: Commercial. Address: Eagle Bend, Minn. McCOBMICK, William Smith, city comptroller, Duluth; born at Duluth, Feb. 16, 1874; son of Samuel C. and Louisa E. (Smith) McCormick; educated in public and high schools, Duluth; un married. Began active career in employ of First National Bank of Duluth, 1892, continuing until 1899; was elected city comptroller, 1899, and reelected at each succeeding election. Treasurer Climax Building & Loan Association. Served in Co. G, 14th Minn. Vol. Inf. at Chick- amauga Camp, Spanish-American War. Republican. Presbyterian. Mason; member Knights of Pythias, Loyal Legion (by inheritance), Spanish-Ameri can War Veterans (Camp McEwen No. 6), Royal League, U. O. F., Modern Samaritans, B. P. O. E. Clubs: Com mercial, Duluth Boat, Duluth Yacht. Recreations: Boating, hunting and out door diversions. Office: City Hall. Residence: Dacey Flats, Duluth. McCOBNACK, Jirah Samuel, clergy man; born in Knox Co., 111., March 17, 1S62; son of William and Angeline (Bacon) McCornack; educated in public schools of Knox Co.; Knox College, Galesburg, 111.; McCormick Theological Seminary, Chicago, 111. Married at Galesburg, 111., Aug. 20, 1891, to Miss Margaret M. Colville. Presbyterian. Was pastor at Red Lake Falls, Minn., 1891, Howard Lake, Minn., 1893-03, and has been pastor at Owatonna since 1903. Prohibitionist. Was sergeant major 6th Regt, I. N. G., and brevet major, Clen- dennis' Provisional Regt., 111. Vol. Troop, 1898. Address: Owatonna, Minn. McCOY, Andrew Clark, farmer; born at Crete, 111., Dec. 26, 1842; came to Minnesota, May, 1856; educated in com mon schools of Olmsted Co., and at Hamline University (then at Red Wing), leaving the university at close of third year to enlist in Co. F, 9th Minn. Inf. Served one year against the Indians, on Minnesota frontier; went South with regiment and was captured by Con federates, at Ripley, Miss., June 11, 3 864, and spent 6% months as prisoner at Andersonville; was one of six out of eighteen captured members of the company, who survived the imprison ment; was mustered out at Fort Snelling Aug., 1865, and has since lived on his farm in. Olmsted Co. Republican. Was town clerk for 15 successive terms, member of school board 30 years, town supervisor and county commissioner one term; elected member State Legislature, 4th district, 1902, and again, Nov., 1906, present term extending to Jan., 1909. Married at Salem, Minn., May, 1868, to Lydia S. Little, who died Aug., 1890. Address: Byron, Minn. McCOY, Lester C, lumber dealer; born at Fulton, 111., June 23, 1870; son of William J. and Marie (Aylesworth) Mc Coy; educated in public schools, at Oberlin College. Oberlin, O., and at Wheaton (111.) College. Has been con nected with the lumber business ever 324 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS since entering upon his active career, in 1891; was with the Curtis & Yale Co., sash, doors and blinds, in Clinton, Iowa, 1891-1895, and with the same firm in the city of Minneapolis, 1895-1905, since which time he has been secretary and treasurer of the McCoy Dumber Co., operating a line of retail lumber yards in North Dakota. Republican. Married, at Minneapolis, Dec, 1903, to Miss Frances Humphrey. Office: Se curity Bank Bldg. Residence: 1345 1st Av., S., Minneapolis. McCBACKEN, Augustus Edward, manufacturer; born at Mt. Carroll, 111., May 20, 1856; son of John and Mary (Cormany) McCracken; educated in pub lic schools of Mt. Carroll. Came to Minneapolis, 1874; traveled for the wholesale lumber firm of Goodnough & Hawley, 1S75-84; member of the firm of Hedderly & McCracken, manufact urers of carriages, since 1884. Republi can. Member Woodmen of America. Married at Minneapolis, 1879, to Miss Adelaide Roach. Office: 240-250 1st Av., N. Residence: 3022 Harriet Av., S., Minneapolis. McCUBBEY, Grovenor Downes, clerk of district court; born in Charlotte Co., N. B., May 4, 1858; son of Robert and Sarah (Marks) McCubrey; educated in public schools of Caribou, Me. Began active career as clerk in general store Mt. Fairfield, Me., 1879; came to Min nesota, 1882, and became proprietor of general store, Clay Co., Minn., 1885-97; has been clerk of district court since 1900. Was justice of the peace, 1885-89; postmaster, 1889-97. Republican. Mem ber Masonic order, O. E. S., Knights of Pythias, Royal Arcanum, A. O. U. W., M. B. A. Married. Club: Commercial. Recreations: Hunting, fishing and driv ing. Address: Moorhead, Minn. McCUEN, John A., physician; born at Guelph, Ont, Can., Jan. 27, 1864; son of William and Mary (Lynn) McCuen; graduate Toronto University, degree of M.B., 1891, and College of Physicians and Surgeons, Toronto, degree of M.D., 1891; married at Duluth, Minn., Dec. 21, 1893, to Mary E. Honeycutt Began practice of medicine, 1891, and has con tinued in Duluth since that time. Coroner St. Louis Co., since Jan., 1905. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associations, St. Louis County and Inter Urban Medical societies. Re publican. Mason (32°), Shriner. Office: New Jersey Bldg. Residence: 416% E. 5th St., Duluth. McCULLOCH, Frank Howell, com mercial printer; born at Shabbona, 111., Aug. 5, 1862; son of Harrison G. and Mary P. (Ketchum) McCulloch; edu cated in DeKalb (111.) High School until 14 years of age. Learned printing trade at Rochelle, 111., and worked at it in different parts of Iowa; editor of Scran ton, (Ia.) Journal, 1881; established a commercial printing house in Albert Lea, Minn., 1890; located in Austin, 1892, and established the F, H. McCulloch Printing Co., contracting printers and publishers, and is himself now sole pro prietor of the business; manager Austin Lino-Typesetting Co. Member Austin Progressive League (a commercial or ganization). Independent in politics. Member Woodmen, Court of Honor, Odd Fellows. Married at Scranton, la., in 1882, to Miss Luella Goodyear. Recrea tion: Fishing. Address: Austin, Minn. McCULLOCH, James Leslie, fire in surance; born at Ogdensburg, N. Y., Dec. 20, 1858; son of Humphrey R. and Annie E. (Richardson) McCulloch; edu cated in public schools of Fond du Lac, Wis. Was for 25 years identified with the North Star Shoe Co., the last 5 years as auditor of the company; has been a resident of Minneapolis since 1879; member Sloane-McCulloch Fire In surance Agency since 1905. Republican. , Methodist. Member Minneapolis Under writers' Agency. Married at Grand Rapids, Mich., Oct. 10, 1895, to Miss Eleanor M. Brown. Club: Commercial. Recreations: Reading, music Office: Oneida Block. Residence: 2117 Bryant Ave , Minneapolis. McCUBDY, William Stewart, general insurance; born at Oshkosh, Wis., Dec. 13, 1875; son of Chandler and Deborah (Stewart) McCurdy; educated in high school, and Hess Business College, St. -Paul; married at St. Paul, April, 1907, to Miss Welma F. Prouty. On account of death of his father, he began his active career at age of 16; was cashier Northwestern Telephone Co., St. Paul, at 18, continuing for 4 years; entered insurance business, 1897, and has made a specialty of surety and Adelity bonds. Secretary-treasurer, 1900-06, since then president William B. Joyce Co., of St. Paul, and since 1904, vice president Joyce & Co., of Chicago, general insur ance. Secretary National Accounting Company, of St. Paul, auditing and ac counting. Republican. Presbyterian. Club: Minnesota. Recreations: Fish ing and hunting. Office: Merchants National Bk. Bldg. Residence: 657 Grand Av., St. Paul. McDAVITT, Thomas, physician; born at St. Louis, Mo., May 15, 1857; son of Virgil McDavitt, M.D., and Caroline (McGinnis) McDavitt; graduated from Chicago Medical College, M.D., 1879; married at La Crosse, Wis., June 25, 1884, to Hattie Easton. Engaged in practice of medicine since 1879. Mason, Shriner; member Foresters, Woodman, Knights of Pythias. Clubs: Minnesota, Commercial. Office: Lowry Bldg. Resi dence: 596 Grand Av., St. Paul. McDERMOTT, John A., state oil in spector; born at Stillwater, Minn., July 12, 1868; son of Philip and Eliza (Mc- Grath) McDermott; educated in public schools of Stillwater, Minn., and gradu ated from the commercial course at St. John's University, Collegeville, Minn., with honors, June 22, 1885; married at Minneapolis, Minn., Oct. 27, 1898, to THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 325 Miss Helen Gieriet. Engaged as a com mercial traveler in the harness and sad dlery line for fifteen years, traveling in the Northwest. Appointed Jan. 5, 1905, and re-appointed Jan. 5, 1907, as state oil inspector, receiving appointment as a representative of the traveling men of the state. Democrat. Member Demo cratic executive and state committee. Member B. P. O. E., United Commer cial Travelers, Knights of Columbus. Club: Commercial. Recreations: Fish ing and boating. Office: State Capitol. Residence: 956 Selby Av., St. Faul. McDERMOTT, Thomas, lawyer; born at Stillwater, Minn., March 4, 1876; son of Philip and Elizabeth (McGrath) Mc- Dermott; educated in public and High School, Stillwater, graduating, 1892; University of Minnesota, degree of A.B., 1896; College of Law, University of Minnesota, degree of LL.B., 1900. Un married. Special attorney for Water Board City of St. Paul; formerly as sistant corporation counsel. Republican. Member A. O. H., Knights of Columbus, B. P. O. E., Theta Delta Chi fraternity. Clubs: Minnesota, Town and Country. Office: Manhattan Bldg. Residence: 296 Dayton Av., St. Paul. McDERMOTT, Thomas Jefferson, law yer; born at Kasota, Minn., Nov. 17, -1861; son of Paul A. and Rose (Mc- Namee) McDermott; educated in public schools of Minneapolis and in commer cial school; studied law in offices of Eu gene M. Wilson and Hon. William Doch- ren, now U. S. judge; attended College of Law, University of Minnesota, grad uating, degrees of LL.B. and LL.M. Has been engaged in practice of law since April, 1892. Married at Marys- burg, Minn., Sept. 13, 1887, to Miss Car oline T. Doran. Democrat; ex-chairman Democratic State Central Committee; nominated by state convention for at torney general of Minnesota, 1904. Ro man Catholic. Member Independent Or der of Foresters (high counsel for the order in Minnesota) ; supreme represen tative from Minnesota, 1901-02 and 1904- 05; also member B. P. O. E. Recrea tions: Hunting, Ashing, horseback rid ing and driving. Office: N. Y. Dife Bldg. Residence: 3 54 Dale St., St. Paul. MACDONALD, Aeneas, physician; born in Ontario. Can., 1876; son of J. A. Macdonald; educated in Queen's Univer sity, Kingston, Can. Came to Minne sota, 1901, and has been actively en gaged in practice of medicine at Mor ristown. Member Knights of Colum bus, Modern Woodmen of America, Mod ern Brotherhood of America. Unmarried. Address: Morristown, Minn. MACDONALD, Angus, physician; born at Glengarry, Can., 1843; son of Alex ander and Hanna Macdonald; educated at Ottawa (Can.) University, and Mc- Gill University, graduating in medicine, 1863. Surgeon 59th Battalion, Glengarry Vols., 1868-1872. Married at Cornwall, Can., Oct. 23, 1871, to Christine Mac- Donnell. Came to St. Paul, Sept., 1878. Roman Catholic. Member Ramsey Coun ty Medical Society, Minnesota State and American Medical associations. Office: Lowry Bldg. Residence: 579 Summit Av., St. Paul. MACDONALD, Colin Francis, editor; born in Nova Seotia, Sept. 23, 1843; son of John A. Macdonald; educated in com mon schools. Purchased the St. Cloud Times, Jan. 12, 1875, and has since been editor of the paper, Enlisted in War of the Rebellion and for three years was sergeant of 9th Minn. Vol. Inf. Member Minnesota State Senate, 6 years; receiv er public moneys, St. Cloud, 8 years; mayor of St. Cloud, 3 years. Democrat. Roman Catholic. Member Knights of Columbus, B. F. O. E., Catholic Order of Foresters, G. A. R., Loyal Legion. Mar ried at St. Paul, Minn., Feb. 19, 1881, to Miss Elizabeth M. Cambell. Address,: St. Cloud, Minn. McDONALD, Elmer E., lawyer; born at New Richmond, Wis., June 15, 1861; son of William C. and jane (Guy) Mc Donald; educated in University of Wis consin and in Law Department, Univer sity of Wisconsin, graduating, degree of LL.B., June 22, 1883. Elected member Minnesota House of Representatives, 1897; elected member Board of Educa tion, St. Paul, 1899; county attorney Bel trami Co., 1905-06. Married at St. Paul, Nov. 18, 3 893, to Miss Addie C. Bur- bank. Business Address: Bemidji, Minn. Residence: Fowlds, Minn. MACDONALD, Irving Coburn, physi cian; born at Minneapolis, Minn, 1874; educated in Minneapolis public schools, University of North Dakota and Medi cal Department, University of Minne sota, graduating, degree of M.D., 1902. Member American Medical Association. Minnesota State Medical Association, Hennepin County Medical Society, Min neapolis Medical Society, St. Anthony Medical Club. Member Alpha Kappa Kappa fraternity. Office: 2201 Marshall St., N. E. Residence: 727 2nd St., N. E„ Minneapolis. McDONALD, John P., lumber; born at Fond du Lac, Wis., June 19, 1870; son of John S. and Jane (Flower) Mc Donald; came to Minneapolis, 1887; ed ucated in public schools of Fond du Lac and Minneapolis and at University of Minnesota. Began active career in em ploy of Minneapolis Threshing Machine Co., 1891; was secretary and assistant treasurer of the company last two years of service; resigned, 1901, and has since been engaged in lumber business under title of John F. McDonald Lumber Co. Republican. Member Westminster Church. Married at Milwaukee, Wis., 1897, to Miss Julia Davis. Recreations: Hunting, fishing and automobiling. Office: 114 7th St., N. E. Residence: 2414 Pleasant Av., Minneapolis. McDONALD, John S., lumber manu facturing; born in Glengarry Co., Ont., Can., Dec. 7, 1831; common school edu- 326 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS cation. Began active career at age of 11 in general store, continuing for 5 years, and then worked on construc tion of Grand Trunk R. R. for eight years; went to Fond du Lac, Wis., 1856, engaging in the lumber business and organizing the Ford River Lumber Co., with which he was identified until 1886. Shortly after establishing in business at Fond du Lac, he arranged "with his asso ciates for leave of absence which he made use of to become active in other enterprises; during 1857, had active charge of the construction of the Stan- sted-Shifford & Chamblay R. R. (now Montreal & Boston road); in latter part of 1857, went to British Columbia and during three years' sojourn there was largely instrumental in the development of the country and in trying to shape the policy of the British Columbian gov ernment. Returned to Fond du Lac, 1860, and became identified with various enterprises in addition to his lumber business; came to Minneapolis, Minn., 1887, established the Minneapolis Thresh ing Machine Co., and was its president until his retirement from active life, 1898; disposed of his interests in the company, 1902; engaged in lumber man ufacturing since 1902; also holder of ex tensive timber and mineral lands. Re publican. Presbyterian. Married at Montreal, Can., Nov. 12, 1861, to Miss Jane E. Flower. Recreations: Home, children and grandchildren. Office: Lumber Exchange. Residence: 1603 Stevens Av., Minneapolis. MACDONALD, John William, surgeon; born at Antigonish, Nova Scotia, June 25, 1844; graduate University of Edin burgh, 1865-69, degree of M.D., 1871; licentiate Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh, 1869; elected as fellow of the college, 1898. Came to Minnesota, 1887. Member Hennepin County Medical Society (ex-president), Minnesota State and American Medical associations. Au thor: Surgical Diagnosis and Treatment. Emeritus professor of surgery Hamline University. Republican. Presbyterian. Office: 508 Masonic Temple. Residence: 2123 Bryant Av., S:, Minneapolis. McDONALD, William D., banking; born at Annandale, Minn., April 4, 1861; son of Andrew and Margaret McDonald; educated in district school. Began act ive career as school teacher, 1879, later working in grain elevator; became mem ber of firm of Cofield & McDonald, 1883, built elevator at Howard Lake and sold out in 1888; engaged in elevator and lumber business at Annandale, selling out in 1898. Has been identified with banking since Aug. 16, 1893, and is cash ier State Bank of Annandale; also di rector State Bank of Kimball, State Bank of Watkins; treasurer Annandale Tele phone Co., Annandale Brick & Tile Co. Member Minnesota House of Represen tative's, 3 892-93. Republican. Episco palian. Mason. Married at Howard Lake, Minn., Aug. 30, 1886, to Laura A. Allen. Address: Annandale, Minn. McDONALD, William Gordon, manu facturer; born at Ingersoll, Ontario, Canada, Dec. 18, 1879; son of Robert and Alice M. (Van Valkenburg) McDon ald; came to Michigan, 1888; educated in public schools of Ingersoll, Ont, and Port Huron, Mich. Began career in 1897 as clerk in shipping department and later in sales department of the Port Huron Engine & Thresher Co., Port Huron, Minn. ; on organization of North western Port Huron Co. at Fargo, N. D., in 1903, became its treasurer; came to Minneapolis in 1904, when head office of company was transferred to that city. Republican. Presbyterian. Married at Casselton, N. D., June 1, 1905, to Miss Ella Beatrix Carter. Office: 414 1st St., N. Residence: 3133 1st Av., S., Minne apolis. McDOUGALL, Alexander, ship build er; born in Scotland, March 16, 1845; son of Dougald and Ellen McDougall; came to America, 1854, and to Minne sota, 1870; educated in country school; married at Toronto, Can., Jan., 1878, to Miss Emmeline Ross. Sailed for 21 years on the Great Lakes and for 25 years has been closely identified with lake ship building and lake transportation. Presi dent Northern Power Co. of Wisconsin; director Great Northern Power Co., Minn., City National Bank, Duluth, Northeastern Power Co., Maine. Club: CommerciaL Recreations: Fishing, hunt ing and outdoor recreations. Office: 120 N. 5th Av. Residence: 432 W. 2nd St., Duluth. McEACHEBN, Walter Allan, physi cian; born at Eau Claire, Wis., Sept. 5, 1873; educated in public, and high schools, Superior, Wis., Rush Medical College and Illinois College of Physi cians and Surgeons. Has been engaged in practice of medicine since 1902. Re publican. Member Pine-Chisago County Medical Society and Minnesota State and American Medical associations. Married at Lake City, Minn., Aug., 1905, Miss Helen M. Ingraham. Address: Sand stone, Minn. McELWAIN, Frank Arthur, educator; born at Warsaw, N. Y., Dec. 14, 1875; son of James Frank and Mary Stewart (Arthur) McElwain; educated in public schools, Corning, la., Brookfield (Mo.) Academy, Middleton (Conn.) High School, 1883-95; Trinity College, Hart ford, Conn., graduating, B.A., 1899 (M.A., 1902); Seabury Divinity School, grad uating, degree of B.D., 1902. Married at Sedalia. Mo., Nov. 17, 1903, to Miss Helen De Muth. Ordained Episcopalian clergyman, 1902; pastor various churches in Missouri, 1902-05; instructor Old and New Testament, Seabury Divinity School, 1905, warden and professor since Jan., 1907. Member Phi Beta Kappa Society (honorary college fraternity), Alpha Chi Rho fraternity. Recreations: Out ing vacations and golf. Address: Fari bault, Minn. THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 327 MACFABLANE, Angus Roderick, in vestments; born at Stornoway, Scot land, Oct. 28, 1848; son of John and Anne (Macdonald) Macfarlane; educated for a few years in the Free Church School at Stornoway. Began active ca reer in employ of the National Bank of Scotland, Stornoway, continuing, 1866- 73; came to America, 1873, and was with Canadian Bank of Commerce, To ronto, Can., 1873-74; located in Duluth, 1874, and was connected with Duluth Savings Bank, 1874-79; was with Amer ican Exchange Bank, Duluth, 1879-99, and with City National Bank, 1902, to Jan., 1906; in investment banking since 3 874; head of the firm of A. R. Mac farlane & Co., established, 1874; also president Shoal Dake & Seine River Min ing Co. Presbyterian. Member Masonic order, A. O. U. W., Modern Samaritans. Married at Duluth, Jan. 18, 1882, to Catharine Hunter. Clubs: Kitchi Gam mi, Commercial. Recreations: Golf and curling. Office: Alworth Bldg. Resi dence: Glen Avon, Duluth. McGAUGHEY, Hugh P., physician; born at Winona, Minn., 1873; son of J. B. McGaughey; graduate University of Michigan, degree of B.S., 1893; College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York City, degree of M.D., 1896. Has been engaged in practice at Winona since 1896. Member Minnesota State Medical Association, Winona County Medical So ciety. Address: Winona, Minn. McGAUGHEY, James B., physician; born in Adams Co., Pa., Dec 1, 1842; son of Hugh F. and Jane (Walker) Mc Gaughey; educated in public and pri vate schools, and in Medical Department, University of Michigan, graduating, de gree of M.D., 1867. Enlisted in the Civil War Jan. 11, 1862, and served as private, hospital steward and 2nd lieut. of vols.; honorably discharged, Oct. 20, 1865. Has been engaged in practice of medicine at Winona since April 1, 1867. Member Associated Physicians and Sur geons, since Nov. 1, 1901. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associations, Winona County Medical So ciety, Minnesota Academy of Medicine. Democrat. Mason; member Loyal Le gion, G. A. R. Club: Arlington. Ad dress: Winona, Minn. McGEE, John Franklin, lawyer; born at Amboy, 111., Jan. 1, 1861; son of Hugh and Margaret (Heenan) McGee; graduate Aifnboy High School; read law in offices of C. H. Wooster, Amboy, and Moore & Warner, Clinton, III.; was ad mitted to the bar, Nov., 1882. Married at Wapella, 111., Sept. 14, 1884, to Miss Libbie L. Ryan. Removed to Devils Lake, D. Ty., where he engaged in prac tice of law in partnership with D. E. Morgan,' 1883-87; located in Minneap olis, April, 1887; member of firm of Lancaster & McGee, the firm represent ing Chicago Great Western Ry. .Repub lican. Office: N. Y. Life Bldg. Resi dence: 2712 Pillsbury Av., Minneapolis. McGIFFEBT, John Rutherford, in ventor, secretary Clyde Iron Works; born at Hudson, N. Y., March 19, 1869; son of John M. and Sarah (Carnahan) McGiffert; educated at Hamilton Col lege, N. Y.; Williams College, Mass., graduating, 1890; N. Y. University Law School, graduating, degree of LL.B., 1892. Practiced law in New York, and at Duluth, until 1901; became interested in the Clyde Iron Works, first as de signer and later as secretary, devoting his entire time to the company since Jan-., 1905; inventor McGiffert Dog Loader, Rapid Log Loader, Clyde Skid- der, etc. Married at Hudson, N. Y., 3 896, to Miss Gertrude Y. Magoun. Clubs: Kitchi Gammi, Commercial. Of fice: 302-308 Lake Av., S. Residence: 15 E. 3rd St., Duluth. McGILL, Charles Herbert, vice presi dent McGill-Warner Co., general print ers; born at St. Peter, Minn., March 21, 1866; son of ex-Governor Andrew R. and Eliza E. (Bryant) McGill; educated in St. Paul public and high schools; married in Vermont, 1900, to Miss Julia Hubbard. Began in printing business at St. Paul, 1886, as Price & McGill, later becoming the Price-McGill Co., and since 1897, the McGill-Warner Co., gen eral printers, of wliich he is vice presi dent and manager. Republican. Mem ber Minnesota Legislature from 37th district, 1896; appointed by President McKinley assistant adjutant- general U. S. Volunteers, with rank of captain, dur ing Spanish-American War, 1898, and served until its close. Member Sons of American Revolution, Spanish-Amer ican War Veterans, B. P. O. E., I. O. O. F., Knights of Pythias. Clubs: Minne sota, Commercial, Town and Country, White Bear Yacht. Recreations: Golf, automobiling, etc. Office: 8th and Ce dar Sts. Residence: The Angus, St. Paul. McGILVBAY, Col. Thomas P., city enginer; born in Aberdeen, Scotland, July, 1863; educated in University of Edinburgh, Scotland. Began active ca reer as employe in engineering depart- ¦ ment Canadian Pacific Ry., in British Columbia; was engineer in service of St. Paul, Minneapolis & Sault Ste. Marie Ry., operating between Minneapolis and Sault Ste. Marie; filled position of coun ty surveyor of Pine Co., Minn., 1887; removed to Duluth and took charge of building of 6th Av. viaduct, 1889; be came member of the firm of Rice & Mc- Gilvray, civil engineers; was assistant engineer in laying out Lakeside and later, special examiner for public sur veys in Minnesota; built the water works for the city of Duluth; has held position^ of city engineer, since June, 1897, having been reelected at each suc ceeding election. In 1899 conceived the idea of a stiff truss aerial bridge across the ship canal and the bridge was bu'ilt and completed under his supervision in 1905-06. It is the first and only bridge 328 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS of its kind on the continent. Member American Society Civil Engineers, Min nesota Society of Civil Engineers, American Water Works Association, So ciety Municipal Improvements. Ap pointed colonel on staff of Gov. John A. Johnson, May 24, 1905. Mason; member Modern Samaritans. .Office: City Hall. Residence: 209 E. 3rd St., Duluth, Minn. McGLAUGHLIN, William Henry, cler gyman; born at Charlotte, Me., Oct. 2, 1856; son of Thomas and Alice (Mc Cabe) McGlaughlin; graduate Divinity Department St. Lawrence University, Canton, N. Y., degree of B.D., 1882; special studies at American University, Harriman, Tenn., 1894-95, AM., D.D., American Temperance University, 1896. Married at Cuba, N. Y., 1887, to Miss Lucy Culver Sibley. Ordained Univer salist clergyman, 1882; was pastor at Friendship, N. Y., 1882-87; Rochester, Minn., 1887-91; Harriman, Tenn., 1891- 96; Atlanta, Ga., 1896-04; has been pas tor of Church of the Redeemer and Tri-State superintendent of churches, Minneapolis, since 1904; general super intendent Universalist Church of Amer ica, since Jan. 20, 1907. Chaplain Good Templars, Ga., 1898-1900; junior vice commander Ala. and Tenn. divisions, Sons of Veterans," 1901-04; lecturer Georgia State Agricultural College, 1903, Lombard College, Galesburg, 111., 1906. Member permanent committee on tem perance Universalist General Conven tion, since 1900; editor Tri-State Mes senger. Address: 2534 Dupont Av., S., Minneapolis. McGLIN, John, grain; born in Du buque Co., Ia., June 17, 1860. Began in grain business at Rock Valley, la., Oct. 1, 1886; came to Minnesota, 1891, and has since made his home at Lakefield. Address: Lakefield, Minn. McGOLBICK, James, first Roman Catholic bishop of Duluth; born at Tip perary, Ireland, 1841; son of Felix and Bridget (Henry) McGolrick; educated for priesthood at All Hallows College, Dublin; ordained priest in Dublin, Ire land, 1867. Came to the United States in 1867, as assistant pastor of the Ca thedra], St. Paul, Minn., continuing un til 1868; was pastor of the Church of the Immaculate Conception, 1868-89; consecrated bishop, 1889. Came to Du luth, Jan., 1890. Recreations: Ama teur gardening. Address: 211 4th St., W., Duluth. McGONAGLE, William A., first vice president and general manager Duluth, Missabe & Northern Ry. ; born at Con- shohocken. Pa., March 28, 1861; son of Joseph and Agnes (McKeeman) Mc- Gonagle; educated in University of Pennsylvania, graduating, degree of B.S., 1881. Began active career as tran- sitman in locating the Dittle Falls & Dakota branch of Northern Pacific Ry. and has been consecutively, assistant engineer, same road, 1881-83; assistant engineer Duluth & Iron Range Rd., 1883- 90; resident engineer and superintend ent bridges and buildings, 1890- 19 0-Jis; as sistant chief engineer, 1901-02; assist ant to president, Duluth, Missaje & Northern' Ry., 1902-03; 1st vice presi dent and general manager, same road, 1903, to present time. Member of all Masonic bodies in Duluth, Minn.; past master Palestine Lodge No. 79, A. F. and A. M.; past high priest Keystone Chapter No. 20, R. A. M. ; past com mander Duluth Commandery No. 18, K. T. ; past grand master of Masons of Minnesota; has attained the 33° in An cient and Accepted Scottish Rite. Mar ried at Methuen, Mass., 1887, to Miss Sarah D. Sargent. Office: Wolvin Bldg. Residence: No. 9 Oxford St. (Hunter's Park), Duluth. McGOVEBN, Peter, lawyer; born at Watertown, Wis., 1845; son of Edward and Rose Ann (Farley) McGovern; edu- - cated in Watertown High School and at law school, Madison, Wis.; came to ' Minnesota, 1872; married at Waseca, 1884, to Margaret Gilmore. Has been engaged in practice at Waseca since 1872; county attorney 14 years; State Senator, 1875-76, and 1899-1902; city at torney since 1906. Democrat. Catholic Member Minnesota State Bar Associa tion. Recreations: Fishing and hunt ing. Address: Waseca, Minn. McGRATH, James Edward, dealer in logs, railroad ties and piling, lumber and pine lands; born at Pleasant Mount; Pa., June 16, 1861; son of John and Mary Ann (Kain) McGrath; educated in district schools in Wayne Co., Pa. Was raised on a farm and became a con tractor at 16 years of age, supplying hemlock bark to tanneries and logs to market; located in Stillwater, Minn., in 1878, and worked in the pine woods on the St. Croix River, for different com panies, for 8 years; went into business for self as James E. McGrath, buying timber, cutting it into logs and selling same, in 1886, and has cut on an aver age 25,000,000 feet each winter, or a total of 500,000,000 feet of logs. Owner Pine City Lumber Co., Pine City, Minn., organized Oct. 1, 1904, and operating saw and planing mills for manufacture of lumber, etc., on a large scale; also president and general manager Upper Snake River Improvement Co., organ ized for the purpose of improving the Upper Snake River. Republican. Ro man Catholic. Married at Stillwater, Minn., Oct. 21, 1901, to Miss Emma J. Chisholm. Address: Stillwater, Minn. McGREGOR, Alexander, grain com mission; born at St. Andrews, P. Q., Canada, Oct. 25, 1859; son of John and Catherine (Gordon) McGregor; educated in public schools of Canada. Came to Minneapolis in 1882; entered service of freight department, Chicago, Milwaukee &. St. Paul Ry., continuing, 1882-91; en tered grain commission business as member of the Arm of Lamb, McGregor & Co. (dealing exclusively on commis- THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 329 sion), in 3.891, and has so continued un til the present time. Republican. Pres byterian. Member Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce. Member Masonic order, A. O. U. W., Modern Woodmen of Amer ica. Married in Illinois, 1900, to Miss Myrtle Whinyates. Office: Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Residence: 3300 2nd A v., S., Minneapolis. McGBEGOB, Benjamin P., banking; born in Blue Earth Co., Minn., May 9, 1869; graduated from State Normal School, Mankato, Minn., June 1, 1889, and from Law School-University of Min nesota, June 1, 1895. Entered practice of law at New Richland, Minn., June, 1895, and continued in practice at that place until Nov. 1, 1903, when he was elected cashier Mapleton State Bank. Secretary and treasurer Rue Manufac turing Co. Republican. Member I. O. O. F. Marfied at Waseca, Minn., May 10, 1899, to Miss Katherine Brisbane. Address: Mapleton, Minn. McGUIGAN, Thomas William, banker; born at Millville, Minn., April 12, 1872; son of James and Julia (Lynch) Mc- Guigan; educated in district schools, 1878-90; Lake City High School, 1890- 91; State Normal School, Winona, 1891- 92. Unmarried. President Millville State Bank. Also has been engaged in business as T. W. McGuigan, grain and general merchandise, since May 1, 1895. Member Modern Woodmen of America, I. O. F., Knights of Columbus. Club: "I'm For Town." Address: Mil- ville, Minn. McGUIBE, Arthur, grain; born at Eau Claire, Wis., Dec. 18, 1869; son of Francis M. and Etha M. (Daniels) Mc- Guire; educated in public schools of Chippewa Falls, Wis. Has been dealing in- grain since 1890 and is senior mem ber of the grain commission Arm of McGuire & Atwood. Member Duluth Board of Trade. Married at Menomo- nee, Wis., 1894, to Miss Nellie Hodkin. Office: Bd. of Trade Bldg., Duluth. Res idence: 1937 John Av., Superior, Wis. McGUIBE, Willis W., jeweler; born in Crawford Co., O., July 15, 1854; son of David and Rachael (Beabout) Mc Guire; educated in Clarinda (Ia.) High School, 1866-69, and at McLean's Busi ness College, Iowa City, 1870; married at Clarinda, Jan. 16, 1880, to Miss Laura L. Calhoun. Learned jeweler's trade and started in business at Clarinda, as Mc Guire & Bedwell, continuing 1871-81; has been in business at Northfield since 1881. Member Northfield Furnace Co. Democrat. Congregationalist. Mason. Club: Commercial. Recreations: Ath letic sports. Address: Northfield, Minn. MACHACEK, Fred, banker; born in Mitchell Co., Ia., April 16, 1867; son of Frank and Katie (Wyborney) Machacek; district school education. Started out at 16 as a day laborer, both parents being dead; engaged in farming at 20, and later operated a threshing machine; be gan in banking business under title of Fred Machacek & Co., bankers, and is cashier of Bank of London; also sec retary and treasurer Enterprise Co operative Creamery Association, organ ized 1902. Unmarried. Address: Lon don, Minn. McILHARGY, Stephen D., merchant; born at Lucan, Ontario, Canada, in 1868; educated in public school and high schools. Railroad agent and telegraph operator, Wisconsin Central and' Chi cago Great Western Railroads, 1T89-94; dealer in hardware, farm machinery and building materials since 1894. Director First National Bank. Republican. Ad dress: Mora, Minn. McINTYBE, George Wesley, physi cian; born at Cleveland, O., Sept. 28, 1853; son of Mansir Darius and Eliza (Barnes) Mclntyre; educated at public schools, Tiffin, O., and River Falls, Wis.; Cady Institute, River Falls; Minnesota College Hospital, Minneapolis, degree of M.D., 1883; Medical Department Univer sity of the City of New York, degree of M.D., 1891. Worked on farm and taught school to secure money for pro fessional studies. Was resident physi cian, Minnesota College Hospital, 6 months, 1S83; assistant physician St. Peter State Hospital, 1883-85; also 1889- 93; member State Lunacy Commission, 1898-1900. Republican. Presbyterian. Member Nicollet County and Minnesota Valley Medical societies, Minnesota State and American Medical associa tions. Mason; member United Work men of America. Married at River Falls, Wis., June 25, 1884, to Miss Alma Felt. Address: St. Peter, Minn. McINTYBE, Harvey M., general mer chandise; born at Saranac, N. Y., March 6, 1849; son of Hosea A. and Harriet J. (Morrison) Mclntyre; educated in common schools. Began active career as clerk in Northern New York, 1865, continuing three years; came to Illi nois and taught school in Cook Co., now Chicago, winter term; clerked in store at Utica, 111., for one year; employed in general merchandise, grain and stock buying', at Helena, Wis., for three years; located at Lansing, Minn., March 1, 1873, and entered general merchandise business in partnership with John Bart- lett; bought out partner, Nov., 1880, and has been in business under his own name since that time. Also secretary Lansing Co-operative Dairy Association. Has been postmaster at Lansing, since May 21, 1889. Republican. Mason. Mar ried at Arena, Wis., Aug. 20, 1873, to Miss Ada C. Saxton. Address: Lansing, Minn. McIVOB, Lawrance A., decorations and furnishings; born at Hamilton, Ont, 3846; son of William and Eliza (Mercer) Mclvor; educated in public schools. Has been in the United States since he was 6 months of age; began in furnishing business, 1876, with Perry & Jackson, 257 Broadway, N. Y.; was co-partner of Warren Hayes, Elmira, N. Y.; re- 330 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS moved to Minneapolis from Chicago, 1SS8, since which time he has tjeen at head of L. A. Mclvor & Co. Republican. Episcopalian. Member Masonic order, B. P. O. E. Married at Chicago, III., 1877, to Miss Mary Wheeler. Office: 33 7th St., S. Residence: 736 24th St., S., Minneapolis. MACK, James Bobert, civil engineer; born at Spring Valley, Wis., July 31, 1877; son of Thomas H. and Sarah (Headrick) Mack; attended public schools in Marshall Co., Minn., from 3 883-90, and High School, Warren, Minn., 1891-93. Began active career at age of 20, as a country school teacher, con tinuing 8 years; has been engaged in civil engineering since 1894; county sur veyor of Marshall Co., since Jan. 1, 1904. Member of the firm of Mack Brothers, farmers and raisers of shorthorn cattle. Democrat. Methodist. Unmarried. Mem ber M. B. A. Address: Argyle, Minn. McKAY, Thomas George, editor; born in Northumberland Co., N. B., Can., Sept. 9, 1849; son of John and Marjory (Cameron) McKay; educated in common schools, Presbyterian Academy and nor mal school, Chatham, N. B., up to 1868. Taught in common schools, Northum berland Co., and in New Castle, same county, for 11 years; came to U. S., Jan. 1881, and engaged in stone quarrying business at Mankato 13 years and farmed in Chippewa Co., 6 years; has been edi tor and publisher of The Commercial, a weekly newspaper at Montevideo, since June, 1904. Director Farmers and Mer chants' Elevator Co. Independent Re publican. Methodist. Member A. O. U. W. and Modern Woodmen of the World. Married at Kasota, Minn., Nov. 29, 1894, to Miss Mary Jane Clark. Address: Montevideo, Minn. McKECHNIE, Alexander A., secretary and treasurer St. Paul Union Stockyards Co.; born in New Zealand, Nov. 4, 1863; son of William and Elizabeth McKech- nie; educated at Bancroft's Hospital, London, 1871-78; University College School, London, Eng., 1879-81. Came to America, April, 1887, and to St. Paul to act as secretary to C. W. Benson, vice president Minnesota & Northwestern Ry., and to manage his foreign banking- business and other affairs in Minnesota, continuing with him until he retired in 1903; joined the staff of Stockyards Co., at S. St. Paul. Episcopalian. Married at St. Paul, May IS, 1895, to Miss May Randell Moore. Clubs: Church Club of Minnesota, Nushka Curling, White Bear Yacht. Office: S. St. Paul. Residence: 672 Summit Av., St. Paul. McKEE, David Elmore, manager piano and organ business; born, Rochester, N. Y., May 20, 1860; son of David J. and Eliza Jane McKee; educated at St. Paul's Academy, Rochester, N. Y. Be gan business career in 1874 as a piano salesman and has remained continuously in the musical instrument trade, being located successively in Rochester, Chi cago, Boston and Minneapolis. Since Jan. 1, 1905, has filled the position of manager of the Cable Company at Min neapolis, dealers in pianos and organs, with general headquarters in Chicago, 111. Married at Downers Grove, 111., Oct. 17, 1899, to Adelaide Farrar. Office: 8th St. and Nicollet Av. Residence: 24th St. & Bryant Av., Minneapolis. McKELLAB, P. D., county auditor Jackson Co.; born, Dec. 14, 1860; son of A. and C. G. (Nelson) McKellar; edu cated in common schools of Clayton Co., Ia. ; married at Mankato, Minn., Dec. 19, 1900, to Miss Amanda Veigel. Came to Minnesota, Sept. 20, 1886, and located at Heron Dake. Republican. County audi tor of Jackson Co. since 1900. Address: Jackson, Minn. McKENNEY, Charles Bichard, editor and publisher; born in Wisconsin, March 6, 1849; son of Lewis Clay and L. M. McKenney; educated in common and high schools in Wisconsin; married at La Crosse, Wis., to Miss Marie M. San ger. Publisher of papers in Minnesota since 1875; editor and proprietor of The Sentinel, North St. Paul, Minn., since 1887; has served as a member of Min nesota Legislature; was author of the bill making Lincoln's birthday a legal holiday, and of the bill prohibiting the sale of liquor at the State Fair Grounds, both of which are now laws; was first mayor of North St Paul. Republican; has been enrolling clerk in the House of Representatives, Washington, D. C, in every Republican House for twenty- six years. Address: North St. Paul, Minn. MacKENZIE, George Allison, lawyer; born at Roscoe, 111., March 14, 1857; son of Malcom and Annie (Kerr) MacKenzie; came to Minnesota with parents, 1869; educated in public schools of Illinois and Minnesota; married at Waterville, Minn., Jan. 10, 1879, to Miss Mattie Ob- linger. Began active career as a school teacher in De Sueur Co., continuing for 7 years; studied law under Hon. M. R. Everett of Waterville; admitted to the bar, June 8, 1886 (Hon. degree of D.C.L.). Corporation attorney, Gaylord, for 10 years past; county attorney, Sib ley Co., 1901-05; member State Legisla ture, 34th session. Vice president Minn. branch National Reciprocity League. Republican. Member M. C K. Hunting Club. Address: Gaylord, Minn. McKENZIE, John, lawyer; born at Buffalo, N. Y., Sept. 20, 1862; son of John and Harriet (Mayber) McKenzie; common school education. Came to Min nesota, Aug. 2, 1881; has been engaged in practice at Lake Benton, since Oct. 1, 1886. County attorney Lincoln Co., city attorney Lake Benton. Also direc tor First National Bank of Lake Benton, First National Bank of Tyler, Lincoln County State Bank, Ivanhoe, Minn., and Lake Benton Milling Co. Member State and American Bar associations. Mar ried at Canby, Minn., 1887, to Miss Kate THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 331 A. Gilruth. Address: Lake Benton, Minn. MacKENZIE, Thomas B., wholesale crockery, etc.; born at Oshkosh, Wis., March 14, 1860; son of Hugh and AI- bina (Powell) MacKenzie; educated in public schools of Oshkosh; married at Winona, Minn., 1885, to Miss Mary A. Harter. Located in Winona, 1877; trav eled for 17 years as representative of crockery house; has been member of the Arm of Freeze & MacKenzie since 1899. Was member Co. C, 3rd Regt., M. N. G. Independent in politics. Address: Winona, Minn. McKENZIE, William E., publisher Crookston Times; born in Dunkirk, N. Y., Sept. 20, 1866; educated in Central and High schools, Buffalo, N. Y., and Bryant & Stratton's Business College. Came to Minnesota and began publica tion of the Crookston Times, Nov. 29, 1887. Director Merchants' National Bank (Crookston), Bank of Bagley, Northern Town Site Co.; vice president Crookston Milling Co.; secretary Peo ple's Furniture Co. Republican. Pres byterian. Married at Crookston to Miss Emma D. Mason. Address: Crookston, Minn. McXEON, James, physician; born in Minnesota, 1861; son of Owen and Brid get (Fox) McKeon; educated in Hen derson High School; Archibald's Busi ness College; Bellevue Hospital Medi cal College, New York City, graduating, degree of M.D., 1889; College of Physi cians and Surgeons, Minn., graduating, degree of M.D., 1900. In practice at Montgomery, Minn., since 1889. Married at Wells, Minn., 1891, to Miss Bozena Hanak. Address: Montgomery, Minn. McKEOWN, W. T., county treasurer Cass Co.; born at Toronto, Ont., Sept. 29, 1874; came to Minnesota, Oct., 1894; attended Collingwood Collegiate Insti tute, Collingwood, Ont, 4 years. Book keeper for J. Leary & Co., La Prairie, Minn., 3 years; taught school 3 years; in mercantile business at Cass Lake, two years; county treasurer since Jan., 1902. Republican. Member Masonic or der, I. O. O. F. Unmarried. Address: Walker, Minn. MACKEY, Joseph Sherwood, lawyer and Anancial agent; born at Gilboa, N. Y„ April 13, 1857; son of Daniel and Sarah (Hawver) Mackey; attended pub lic schools of Gilboa until 14 years of age; graduated from State Normal School, Albany, N. Y., 1877; studied law with W. L. Baldwin, attorney of Gilboa, N. Y., 1880-81; married, June, 1885, to H. Ina Reed, of Gilboa. Engaged in practice of law in St. Paul from 1883; president Minnesota Mortgage Loan Co., mortgage loans and discounts (estab lished 1885). Member Modern Woodmen of America, Minnehaha Camp No. 674, and Minnesota Council No. 150, Royal League. Democrat. Recreation: Fish ing. Club: Commercial. Office: Pio neer Press Bldg. Residence: 825 Fair- mount Av., St. Paul. McKEY, Thomas P., physician; born at Dublin, Ireland, Nov. 11, 1851; son of Richard and Julia (Stone) McKey; graduate University of Wisconsin, de gree of A.B., 1877; Chicago Medical School (now Northwestern University Medical School), degree of M.D., 1880; Iowa State University, degree of M.D., 1882. Married at Clear Dake, S. Dak., Oct., 1886, to Miss Jennie Prange. Began practice in Merrill, Wis., 1880, and con tinued in Quinisec, Mich., Waupon, Wis. (surgeon in state penitentiary 2 years), Luverne, Minn., 1883, Clear Lake, S. D., 1883-1902, and at Albert Lea since July, 1902. Member Minnesota State Medical Association, Freeborn County Medical Society. Mason, Knight Templar, Shrin er; member M. W. A., I. O. O. F. Presi dent Southern Minnesota Whist League. Address: Albert Lea, Minn. McKIBBIN, Joseph, merchant; born at Philadelphia, Pa., Aug. 24, 1856; son of William C. and Jane D. (Brackin- ridge) McKibbin; educated in Philadel phia public schools, 1862-73, Western University, Pittsburg, Pa., 1873-74, Princeton (N. J.) Academy, 1875-76. Em ployed in office of Auerbach, Finch, Cul- bertson & Co., St. Paul, 1877-78, and Gordon & Ferguson, 1878-85; fiscal sec retary of Macalester College, St. Paul, 1886; joined in organization of present firm of McKibbin, Driscoll & Dorsey, 1887, manufacturers and jobbers of hats, gloves and furs. Director Second Na tional Bank. Member Minnesota State Board for the Equalization of Taxes, 1900-04. Clubs: Minnesota, Commercial, Informal, Town and Country, White Bear Yacht, Nushka. Office: Broadway and 5th St. Residence: 83 Virginia Av., St. Paul. McXINLEY, Thos., auditor Lyon Co.; born in Canada, May 17, 1856; son of Duncan and Anna (Stretch) McKinley; common school education. Came to Minnesota, May, 1870; has been county auditor of Dyon Co., since Jan. 1, 1899. Republican. Presbyterian. Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner; member A. O. U. W., Degree of Honor. Married at Marshall, April 11, 1879, to Miss Mary E. Garry. Address: Marshall, Minn. McKINNAN, Joseph J., physician; born at Alexandria, Ont., Can., July 22, 1863; son of L. W. and Catherine Mc- Kinnan; educated in public schools of native town until 16; college in Mon treal and at University of Laval, grad uating, degree of B.L., 1886; came to Minnesota, 1889, and was graduated from College of Medicine and Surgery, Uni versity of Minnesota, degree of M.D., 1893. In practice at Wadena, Minn., since Dec. 20, 1893. Member American Medical Association, Upper Mississippi Medical Society. Democrat. Roman Catholic. Married at Minneapolis, Minn., Sept. 19, 1894, to Miss Anna Blodgett Address: Wadena, Minn. 332 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS McKINNON, Daniel, grain and stocks; born at Cape Breton, N. S., April 11, 1871; son of Neil and Mary (MacDon- ald) McKinnon; came to Minnesota, 1883, and was educated in public schools of Stillwater. Began active career as telegraph operator for the Western Union Telegraph Co. at Stillwater, con tinuing, 1893-96; engaged in grain and brokerage business with various firms in St. Paul, 1896-1904; has been North western manager for Logan & Bryan, grain and stock brokers of Chicago and New York, since Dec. 1, 1904. Repub lican. Presbyterian. Member Minneap olis Chamber of Commerce. Mason, Married at St. Paul, 1895, to Miss Mary Kieffer. Club: Minneapolis. Office: Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Residence: 3411 Elliott Av., Minneapolis. McKINNON, Malcolm, physician and surgeon; born on Prince Edward Island, Can., April 22, 1867; son of Donald and Christy (Campbell) McKinnon; educated in public schools until 1884; Prince of Wales College, P. E. I., 3 years; taught school until 1890; attended Trinity Med ical College, graduating, degree of M.D. Came to Minnesota, 1895, and began practice at Erskine, moving to Fosston, 1897, and a year later founded the Foss ton Hospital Home. Appointed member State Board of Health, 1903. President Red River Valley Medical Society, 1906; member Minnesota State and American Medical associations. Republican. Mem ber Masonic order, I. O. O. F. Married at Detroit, Minn., Sept. 5, 1900, to Miss Eva Phinnery. Address: Fosston, Minn. McKINSTBY, Archibald Winthrop, ed itor and publisher; born at Chicopee, Mass., March 19, 1828; son of Perseus and Grace (Williams) McKinstry; at tended public sohools of Chicopee until 16 and completed school education in Fredonia (N. Y.) Academy, not gradua ting. Entered office of the Fredonia (N. Y.) Censor, June, 1844, as appren tice, and served 4 years; worked as journeyman in job printing office of Weed, Parsons & Co., Albany, N. Y., and Thurston & Torrey, Boston, Mass.; began editorial work on the Censor in 3851; removed to Faribault, Minn., and purchased Faribault Republican, Dec, 1865, and has since published that pa per. Engaged in editorial work 56 years and published Faribault Republican 41 years. Republican. Member Minnesota Legislature, 1877. Club: Commercial. Address: Faribault, Minn. McKINSTBY, Howard L., physician; born at Mercersburg, Pa., June 14, 1847; son of William D. and Margaret (Schnebley) McKinstry; educated in pub lic schools; Mercersburg Academy and College, Pa.; Jefferson Medical College, University of Pennsylvania, graduating, degree of M.D., 1870. Began practice of medicine at Philadelphia, 1870; re moved to Chicago, 111., and continued there, 1871-75; located in Zumbrota, Minn., 1875; has been engaged in prac tice at Red Wing since 1888. Member Goodhue County Medical Society, Minne sota State and American Medical asso ciations. Charter member Association of Military Surgeons of the U. S. Major and surgeon 3rd Regt., M. N. G., 1886- 1901. Republican. Formerly health commissioner, Red Wing; alderman, vice president of city council, chairman bridge committee, to 1895. Episcopalian. Mem ber Masonic order, M. W. A., St. An drew's Brotherhood. Recreations: Fish ing, boating. Address: Red Wing, Minn. MACKINTOSH, John Quincy, clerk of district court; born in Lincoln, Mass., Oct. 14, 1861; son of William and Eliza Jane (Tuttle) Mackintosh; graduated from high school of Weston, Mass., 1880. Taught school 6 years; superintendent of schools, Washington Co., Minn., 1889- 99. Was president of the Minnesota County Superintendents Association, 1892; president Minnesota Educational Association, 1894. Clerk of district court since Jan. 1, 1905. Republican. Mem ber Masonic order, Knight Templar, Knights of Pythias, Modern Woodmen of America. .Married at Rich Valley, Minn., 1889, to Miss Agnes H. Strathern. Address: Stillwater, Minn. MCKNIGHT, Sumner Thomas, lumber man; born at Truxton, N. Y., April 2, 1836; son of Thomas and Harriet (Clapp) McKnight; educated in the common schools at Truxton and Ho mer, N. Y.; married at Ripon, Wis., Sept. 30, 1868, to Eugenie E. Manville. Entered lumber business at Waukesha, Wis., in 1856; formed copartnership of S. T. McKnight & Co., Hannibal, Mo., 1867; incorporated as Northwestern Lumber Co., Hannibal, Mo., and Eau Claire, Wis., 1871, of which was treas urer, 1871-98, and president, 1898-1902; retired from active business, May, 1902. Now interested in industrial companies and real estate in Minneapolis and Pa cific Coast timber lands. Vice presi dent Flour City National Bank, 1895- 3903; director Security Bank, 1901 to present time. Director Mississippi Val ley Lumbermen's Association -(now Northern Pine Association) from its inception, 1891, and its president, 1901 and 1902. Republican. Clubs: Com mercial, Minneapolis. Office: Security .Bank Bldg. Residence: 2200 Park Av., Minneapolis. McKUSICK, Fred E., manufacturer; born at Foxcroft, Me., April 5, 1854; son of Naham and Carrie (Tarbox) Mc- Kusick; educated at Harvard Univer sity, class of 1874. Began active career in manufacture of candy at Cambridge, Mass., 1874; removed to the West, 1879; and to Minneapolis, 1883; engaged in manufacture of candy, 1886; has been president McKusick, Towle & Co., man ufacturers of candy since organization of the company in 1900. Republican. Unitarian. York and Scottish Rite Ma son (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner. Member Royal Arcanum. Married at THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS 333 Cambridge, Mass., 1878, to Miss Ducy A. Harris. Club: Commercial. Recrea tions: Fishing and boating. Office: 252- 254 1st Av., N. Residence: 200 13th St., Minneapolis. McLAIN, John Scudder, editor Min neapolis Journal; born, Brown County, O., May 26, 1853; son of James Robin son and Nancy (Anderson) McDain. Spent early years on farm in Kendall County, 111., where family located in 1854; attended common schools, Jen nings Seminary, Aurora, 111., and en tered Wabash College, 1870. Began newspaper work on St. Louis Democrat, 1872, studying at Washington Univer sity, St. Louis. Returned to Wabash College, 1875, and graduated, 1877 f A.M., 1902) ; delivered annual address, Wabash College, 1897. City editor and managing editor Kansas City Journal, 1878-1881. Married, Crawfordsville, Ind., April 19, 1881, Caroline E. Thom son. General advertising agent A., T. & S. F. Ry:, at Topeka, 1881-1883, when he became chief clerk of the immigra- • tion department of the road. Came to Minneapolis, Minn., as editor of the Minneapolis Journal, 1885, which posi tion he now holds. Vice president of the Journal Printing Company. Author: "Alaska and the Klondike," 1905. Re publican. Presbyterian. Member Na tional Municipal League, American So cial Science Association, American Academy of Political and Social Science, American Economical Associa tion, National Geographical Society, Phi Beta Kappa, Beta Theta Pi. Clubs: Minneapolis, Commercial, Six O'clock. Offiee: Journal Office. Residence: 1710 Knox Av., South, Minneapolis. MacLABEN, Archibald, surgeon; born at Red Wing, Minn., April 16, 1858; son of Gen. Robert N. and Anna (Mc- Vean) MacLaren; educated in St. Paul public schools; Princeton University, B.S., 1880; College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, 1883. Married at St. Paul, 1890, to Katherine Dean. In terne in Woman's Hospital, New York, until 1885; has been engaged in prac tice at St. Paul since 1885. Member Minnesota Academy of Medicine (presi dent), American Surgical Association, Minnesota State Medical Association, American Medical Association. Presby terian. Club: Minnesota. Office: Lowry Bldg. Residence: 412 Holly Av., St. Paul. McLABTY, D. A., banker; born at St. Thomas, Ont., Can., 1850; graduate High School, St. Thomas; came to Min nesota, 1872; attended University of Minnesota two years; studied law in office of Smith & Hale, Minneapolis, and was admitted to the bar, 1877. Began practice of law at Granite Falls, May, 1878; continued in law and real ' es tate until 1902, when he organized Western State Bank, Granite Falls, and became its president; united Western State Bank with the Security Bank, as First National, Oct., 1906. President First National Bank of Granite Falls, Clara City State Bank, Citizens' Bank (Maynard), State Bank of Hoffman, Tracy State Bank, Milaca State Bank (all of Minnesota), York State Bank (N. D.), Farmers & Merchants' State Bank (Thorne, N. D.), Security State Bank, Dunsmith, N. D. Member Gran ite Falls Hardware Co., McLarty- Thompson Land Co. Republican. Ad dress: Granite Falls, Minn. MCLAUGHLIN, Cunningham N., man ufacturer of agricultural implements; born at Amherst, O., July 13, 1853; son of Samuel and Mary Ann (Ross) Mc Laughlin; came to Minnesota with par ents, 1861; educated in common schools until 16. Engaged in railroad work for 5 years; became member of firm of McLaughlin Bros., at Plainview, Minn., selling agents of farm implements, 1874-6; in employ of McCormick Harv. Mach. Co., at Owatonna, 1876-82; man ufactured and sold agricultural imple ments at Owatonna, 1882-91; since 1891 vice president, secretary and manager New Winona Manufacturing Company; secretary Diamond Huller Co., both of Winona. Congregationalist. Member A. O. U. W., M. W. A. Married at Chicago, 111., Dec. 3 6, 1886, to Miss Minnie S. Melendy. Recreations: Llunt- ing, gardening.. Address: Winona, Minn. MCLAUGHLIN, Edmund M., physi cian; born at Owatonna, Minn., Sept. 21, 1877; son of C. N. and Minnie S. (Melendy) McLaughlin; educated in Winona (Minn.) High School; Univer sity of Wisconsin; University of Min nesota; Medical School, McGill Univer sity, Montreal, Can., graduating, gold medallist, degrees of M.D. and CM., 1903; resident surgeon Montreal Gen. Hospital, 1903-04. Unmarried. Has made his home at Winona since 1892, a.nd has been engaged in practice there since 1904. Vice president Diamond Huller Co. Member Winona County Medical Society, Minnesota State and American Medical associations. Mem ber Delta Tau Delta fraternity. Clubs: Arlington, Philharmonic. Recreations: Shooting, automobiling. Address: Wi nona, Minn. MCLAUGHLIN, Thomas D., importer; born at Clarksville, N. Y., June 22, 1869; son of Robert and Mary (Bennett) Mc Laughlin; educated at Albany High School and New York State Normal School until 1889; married at Colum bus, O., 1895, to Elizabeth Jones. Since 1890 member of firm of McLaughlin Bros., importers of stallions. Clubs: Minnesota, Town and Country (St. Paul), Minneapolis (Minneapolis). Of fice: 1913 West University Av. Resi dence: 1135 Summit Av., St. Paul. ' McLEAN, Thomas Nicol, physician; born at Oliver's Ferry, Ont., Can., June 4, 1859; son of William John and Mar garet (Nicol) McLean; educated in Perth public schools; Perth Collegiate Institute; Medical Department, McGill LTniversity, graduating, degrees of M.D., 334 THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS CM., 1882; house surgeon Montreal General Hospital one year, 1882-83. Came to Fergus Falls, May, 1883, and has been actively engaged in practice since that time. Surgeon Great North ern Ry.; examiner for all the old line insurance companies doing business in Minnesota. Director Fergus Falls Na tional Bank (ex- vice president). Mayor of Fergus Falls two terms, 1894 and 1S95. Democrat. Presbyterian. Mem ber American and Minnesota State Med ical associations, Otter Tail County Medical Society. Unmarried. Club: Chippewa. Address: Fergus Falls, Minn. McLENNAN, William L., insurance; born in Duluth, Minn., Sept. 13, 1875; son of William D. and Julia McLennan; educated in public and high schools; unmarried. Began active career in em ploy of the American Exchange Bank, continuing in various capacities for 11 years; filled position of assistant cash ier, City National Bank, 1902-04; junior partner and vice president Manley-Mc- Lennan insurance agency, since 1904. Served in Spanish American War as member of Co. G, 14th Regt, M. N. G. Republican. Presbyterian. Member Roy al Arcanum. Clubs: Kitchi Gammi, Commercial, Northland Country, Duluth Boat, Duluth Yacht. Office: Torrey Bldg. Residence: 1523 E. 1st St., Du luth. McLEOD, Angus, merchant; born near Halifax, N. S., March 21, 1859; son of George and Jane (Stewart) Mc Leod; educated in public schools of Nova Scotia; married at Chicago, 111., 1893, to Miss Jean Shaw. Began active career near Halifax, N. S., as carpenter and contractor, 1879; came to Minne apolis, Minn., 1881; was one of the organizers of the Angus McLeod Co., Minneapolis, 1894; president Kennedy, McLeod & McArthur Co., St. Paul, since June, 1906. Also president Angus Mc Leod Co., builders, Minneapolis. Re publican. Presbyterian. Mason. Club: Commercial. Office: 91-103 E. 7th St. Residence: 923 Lincoln Av., St. Paul. MacLEOD, James Alan, architect; born in Minneapolis, Minn., Sept. 27, 1870; son of John E. and Mary E. (Norris) MacLeod; educated in public schools of Minneapolis; married at St. Paul, 1895, to Miss Minnesota B. Sehiff- mann. Began as student in architect's office in Minneapolis, at 17 years of age; entered active career for himself in Denver, Colo.; 1891; returned to Min neapolis, 1893, and practiced alone one year; member of firm of McLeod & Lamoreaux, 1894-6; has been in active practice of the profession in St. Paul since 1904. Gold medallist of the Arch itectural League of New York. Member Minnesota Chapter American Institute of Architects. Club: Commercial. Among the buildings designed by him are the City Hospital, Minneapolis, and the Lake County Court House. Office: Endicott Bldg. Residence: 117 Macku- bin Av., St. Paul. McMAHON, James P., lawyer; born at Faribault, Minn., May 23, 1866; son of Thomas and Bridget (Shanahan) Mc- Mahon; educated in public schools at Faribault, and at The Shattuck School, 1883-85; unmarried. Read law in office of Mott & Gipson, 1886-87; practiced law in Hope, Steele Co., N. Dak., 1887- 1900, and was for two terms county attorney; removed to St. Paul, where he remained, 1900-02; has been actively engaged in practice at Faribault since 1902. Elected city attorney of Fari bault, April, 1907. Formerly 1st lieut, Co. B, 2d Regt, M. N. G. Republican. Catholic. Member I. O. F., M. W. A., F. O. E. Recreations: Boating and fish ing. Address: Faribault, Minn. McMABTIN, Malcolm J., vice presi dent and manager Duluth Corrugating and Roofing Co.; born at Ogdensburg, N. Y., Sept. 7, 1876; son of Peter D. and Christie Ann (McKay) McMartin; came to Minnesota early in life and was educated in public schools of Du luth. Began active career in manufac ture of iron into corrugating and roof ing materials, the firm having been founded by his father; was treasurer and manager of the Duluth Corrugating and Roofing Co., from March to Oct., 1906, when he became its vice president and manager. Presbyterian. Member Builders* Exchange, Y. M. C. A. Mem ber B. P. O. E., U. C T. of America. Unmarried. Club: Commercial. Of fice: 126-132 E. Mich. St. Residence: 5921 London Rd., Duluth. McMICHAEL, Oliver H., physician; born in Clarion Co., Pa., Dec. 25, 1845; educated in common schools, at local academy, and at the University of Michigan, graduating 1871. Began prac tice of medicine, 1871. Vice president Vernon Center Bank. Postmaster, Ver non Center, 1896-190.0. Democrat. Mem ber Blue Earth County Medical So ciety (ex-president) and Minnesota State and American Medical associa tions. Ex-president Minnesota Valley Medical Society. Married in Pennsyl vania, 1870, to Miss Mary E. Morgan. Address: Vernon Center, Minn. MacMILLAN, Conway, state bota nist; educator; born at Hillsdale, Mich., Aug. 26, 1867; son of George and Josephine (Young) McMillan; grad uate of University of Nebraska, 1885, degree of A.M., 1886; post graduate course at Harvard and Jolins Hopkins. Has been professor of botany, Univer sity of Minnesota, since 1891. Was honorary commissioner U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, to England, 1897; mem ber American Botanical Society, Societe Botanique de France, etc. Author: Twenty-two Common Insects of Ne braska; The Metaspermal of the Min nesota Valley; Minnesota Plant Dife, etc. Editor Minnesota Botanical Stud ies and of Postelsia — the year book of the Minnesota Seaside Station. Direc tor Minnesota Seaside Station in Straits of Fuea. Married at Minneapolis, Aug. THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS 335 8, 1891, to Miss Maud R. Sanborn. Club: Commercial. Recreations: Trav el, whist, chess, boxing, billiards. Ad dress: University of Minnesota, Minne apolis. McMILLAN, Prank Griggs, contrac tor; born at Danville, Vt., Oct. 4, 1856; son of Col. Andrew and Susan (Griggs) McMillian; educated in common schools and Dummer Academy, Byfield, Mass. Served apprenticeship in printing trade early in life in old North Star office at Danville, Vt.; later worked at the trade in Boston; came to Minneapolis, 1878, and after engaging for a time at his trade gave up the printing business on account of ill health. He then sought an out-of-door occupation, and inter ested himself in building, and became one of the leading contractors in the city, a business in which he is still actively engaged. Elected State sena tor, 1890, and held the office for 4 years; was chairman of the Senate Capitol Commission for 2 years, and author of the bill for erection of the new capitol, etc. Served 6 years as member of Board of Education; former member of Board of Park Commission; chairman for 2 years of State Board of Equalization. Clubs: Minneapolis Com mercial, Dafayette, East Side Commer cial and Verniont Association of Min nesota. Democrat. Congregationalist. Married at Minneapolis, 1881, to Miss Lillian Connor; children: — Corinne, Lil lian, Howard and Jessamine. Office: 2 5th St., S. E. Residence: 700 10th Av., S. E., Minneapolis. MacMILLAN, John Hugh, grain and lumber; born at La Crosse, Wis., Aug. 11, 1869; son of Duncan D. and Mary J. (MacCrea) MacMillian; educated in public schools. Has been connected with elevator and lumber business ever since beginning his active career; resi dent of Minneapolis since 1903. Presi dent Thorpe Elevator Co., Superior Terminal Elevator Co., Diberty Dumber Co.; vice president Cargill Elevator Co., Sawyer and Austin • Dumber Co. Married at La Crosse, Wis., 1895, to Miss Edna Cargill. Clubs: Minneap olis, Minikahda. Office: Security Bank Bldg. Residence: Plaza Hotel, Minne apolis. McMUBDY, Bobert Strong, physician, surgeon; born at Albany, N. Y., July 17, 1824; son of Anthony and Cather ine (McGourkey) McMurdy; educated in L. Sprague Parson's private school and Boys' Academy, Albany, N. Y., and Albany Medical College (medical de partment Union University), degree of M.D., 1846; married at Albany, N. Y., 1873. to Elizabeth Pease. Being very mature, when was 19 years old and hav ing complied with all the requirements of the law except being of age, went to Mantua, O., and began to practice, and when became 21 returned to Al bany and was graduated. Member Al bany County Medical Society, Albany, N. Y., Hennepin County Medical Socie ty, and Minnesota State Medical So ciety. Republican. Presbyterian. Mas ter Mason. Office: Syndicate Block. Residence: 2649 Bryant Av., S., Minne apolis. McMUBBAN, William T., lawyer; born at Culpeper, Va., Aug. 18, 1867; son of Charles H. and Jean Henderson (Peter) McMurran; educated in private schools and academy, Orange County, Va., and University of Minnesota, grad uating from Law Department, degree of L.L.B., 1893; married at St. Paul, Minn., June 14, 1894, to Eleanor Mc- Clung. Member of Ramsey County and Minnesota State Bar associations. Ma son. Member Society Colonial Wars. Club: Commercial. Office: Globe Bldg. Residence: 45 South Avon St., St. Paul, and White Bear Lake, Minn. McNAIB, Henry C, railway supplies; born, St. Louis, Mo., Dec. 10, 1853; son of A. R. and Cornelia Jane (Tiffin) McNair; educated in public and private schools, principally in St. Douis; mar ried, at St. Louis, to Ella Harvey. Be gan business career with D. Hillman & Sons, iron manufacturers, St. Douis, and has since continued in the iron and steel business, and since 1884 has devoted his attention specially to rail way supplies. Was for eight years a member of the School Board of St. Paul. Now a member of the Charter Commission of St. Paul, and is the only member of it who was also a member of the two previous commissions. Knight of Columbus. Recreations: Hunting and fishing. Clubs: Minne sota, Commercial. Office: Endicott Bldg. Residence: 439 Laurel Av., St. Paul. McNAMABA, Daniel Joseph, treasur er Murray Co.; born at Lockhaven, Pa., Aug. 4, 1868; son of John and Mary (Lynch) McNamara; educated in pub lic schools of Pennsylvania. Came to Minnesota, June 6, 1880; has been coun ty treasurer of Murray Co., since Jan., 1900. Republican. Roman Catholic. Member Modern Woodmen of America, Independent Order of Foresters, Pio neers Society. Married at Fulda, Minn., Sept. 22, 1896, to Miss Nellie Nevin. Address: Slayton, Minn. McQUEEN, Finley Bobert, engineer ing and contracting; born at Pictou, Nova "Scotia, Dec. 25, 1863; son of Alexander and Mary (Frazer) McQueen; educated in public schools of Pictou. "Dearned carpenter's trade in Pictou, be ginning 1879; came to Minneapolis, 1882, and entered service of The Bar- nett & Record Co., engineers and con tractors, 1886; was superintendent ot the company, 1893-1903; has filled po sition of manager of the company since 1903. Also vice president Barnett-Mc- Queen Co., of Winnipeg, Manitoba. Democrat. Presbyterian. Married at Hot Springs, Ark., Aug., 1890, to Miss Pearl Riley. Clubs: Commercial (Port Arthur, Can.), Railway (Duluth). Rec reation: Baseball. Office: Corn Ex- 336 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS change Bldg. Residence: 200 State St., S. E., Minneapolis. McQUEEN, William L., farmer; born in Vernon Co., Wis., Aug. 25, 1852; son of William and Margaret (Keir) Mc Queen; came to Minnesota with par ents, 1862; educated in public schools; married at Sterling, Minn., 1883, to Miss Catharine E. Howieson. Engaged in farming since his boyhood; also president Mapleton Farmers' Coopera tive Elevator Association. Republican. Member State Legislature, 11th dis trict, term extending to Jan., 1909. Congregationalist. Address: Mapleton, Minn. McBAE, Alexander A., cashier South Side State Bank; born at Glencoe, Ont, Can., Jan. 27, 1870; son of James Roy and Flora McRae; educated at Glencoe. Came to Minnesota, 1887, and became identified with banking business at Lit tle Falls, removing to Hutchinson, 1892; has been cashier of the South Side State Bank, Minneapolis, since Sept., 1899. Also director Bank of Hutchinson, State Bank of Silver Lake, State Bank of Parkers Prairie, State Bank of Mora, Farmers & Merchants' State Bank, Morgan — all of Minnesota. Married in Canada, 1896, to Miss Adair Thomas. Republican. Member American and Minnesota State Bankers' associa tions. Mason. Club: South Side Com mercial (president). Office: 401 Cedar Av. Residence: 1523 10th Av., S., Min nesota. McVEY, Frank Le Bond, educator; born at Wilmington, O., Nov. 10, 1869; son Of Judge A. H. and Anna (Holmes) McVey; educated in public schools, To ledo, O., Des Moines College, Des Moines, la., Ohio Wesleyan University (A.B., 1903), Yale University (Ph.D., 1895); married, at Minneapolis, Sept. 21, 1898, Mabel Moore Sawyer. Began active career as editorial writer, New York City, 1895; was instructor in history, Teachers' College, Columbia University, 1896; professor of political economy, University of Minnesota, 1896. President Minneapolis Associated Char ities; member executive committee Na tional Conference Charities and Correc tions, board of directors of Minnesota State Tuberculosis Association, Inter national Jury of Awards, St. Louis Ex position, 1904, American Economic As sociation.. Presbyterian. Member Phi Kappa Delta. Clubs: Commercial, Six O'Clock. Office: University of Minne sota. Residence: 822 7th St., S. E., Minneapolis. MAGIE, William Henry, physician and surgeon; born at Madison, N. J., Sept. 30, 1854; son of William Henry and Eunice (Shawger) Magie; educated in Chicago (111.) public schools; Abing ton College, Abington, 111.; St. Louis College of Physicians and Surgeons, St. Louis, Mo., graduating, degree of M.D., 1884. Began practice, Sept., 1884, at Duluth. Chief surgeon Duluth, Mis sabe & Northern Ry., surgeon St. Mary's Hospital, Duluth. Member St. Louis County Medical Society, Minne sota State and American Medical asso ciations. Mason; member Blue Lodge, Roval Arch and Commandery. Repub lican. Married, at Duluth, 1899, to Miss Anna Isabelle Henry. Clubs: Kitchi Gammi, Commercial. Recreations: Fish ing and hunting. Office: The Lyceum. Residence: 1401 E. Superior St., Du luth. MAGILL, George Pauli, clergyman; born at Lewiston, 111., Nov. 20, 1867; son of John Fulton and Ellen S. (Mc Cabe) Magill; educated in public schools of Lewiston, 111., academy, Washington and Jefferson College; Parsons College, graduating, degrees of A.B. and A.M.; McCormick Theological Seminary. Married at Cabery, 111., Dec, 1904, to Miss Olive Ogilvie. Pres byterian. Entered ministry at Cabery, 111., May, 1893, continuing there for three years; was at Owatonna, Minn., 7 years; pastor Oliver Presbyterian Church, Minneapolis, Minn., since 1903. Teacher Northwestern Bible and Mis sionary Training School; ministerial fraternal delegate to Minneapolis Trades and Labor Assembly. Address: 2739 17th Av., S., Minneapolis. MAGNEB, William E., salt and build. ing materials; born in Minnesota, 1861. Came to Duluth in 1884; was- identified with railroad business during earlier part of his career; became connected, in 1890, with Cutler, Gilbert & Co., jobbers of salt and building materials, Duluth and Minneapolis, which was succeeded in 1902 by the D. G. Cutler Co., of which he is vice president and secretary. Member Masonic order. Club: Commercial (first vice president), Du luth Curling. Recreations: Hunting and fishing. Office: Providence Bldg. Residence: 5523 Dondon Rd., Duluth. MAGNUSSON, Herman V., physician; born at Harris, Minn., Jan. 22, 1876; son of Sven and C. Maria (Stendahl) Magnusson; educated at East Side High School, Minneapolis, 1894-95; State Normal School, St. Cloud, graduating, 1897; University of Wisconsin, 1898- 99; University of Minnesota, 1899-1903, graduating from College of Medicine and Surgery, degree of M.D., June, 1903. Has been engaged in practice of medi cine since June, 1903. Member Minne sota State Medical Association, West Central District Medical Society. Demo crat. Member Swedish Lutheran Church. Married at Minneapolis, Minn., June, 1906, to Miss Eva Carlson. Address: Clinton, Minn. MAHONEY, Stephen, lawyer; born at Pittsburgh, Pa., Dec. 26, 1853; came to Minnesota with parents, 1855; at tended public schools of St. Paul, 1868- 73, graduating from High School, 1873; University of Minnesota, 1874-77, grad uating, degree of A.B., 1877; Daw School Iowa State University, 1879-81, graduating, degree of LL.B., 1881. Mar ried at Clifton Springs, N. Y„ 1903, to THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 337 Miss Clara A. Lisk. Began practice of law in Minneapolis, 1882; was judge of municipal court, Minneapolis, 1884-96; member Board of Regents, University of Minnesota, since 1889. Member Chi Psi fraternity. Club: Elks. Office: Met. Life Bldg. Residence: 4201 Lyn- dale Av., Minneapolis. MAIN, George C, insurance; born at Madison, Wis., 1866; son of Alexander II. and Emma (Cottrell) Main; edu cated in Wisconsin public schools and at University of Wisconsin, graduat ing, degree of M.A., 1896. Became con nected with the Insurance Co. of North America, Philadelphia, Pa., in 1890, and now its state agent and adjuster for Minnesota. Republican. Member Psi Upsilon. Married at Winnipeg, 1899, to Miss Camille Cleveland. Clubs: Com mercial, Town and Country. Recrea tions: Golf, fishing and hunting. Office: New York Life Bldg. Residence: 1762 Hennepin Av., Minneapolis. MAITLAND, David P., physician; born at Sarnia, Ont, Can., Aug. 27, 1866; son of David and Susan (Powrie) Maitland; graduate Sarnia High School, 1886; Collegiate Institute, Sarnia, 2 years; Medical Department University of Michigan, 1888-91, graduating, degree of M.D., 1891; matriculation diploma Berlin, Germany, 1895; post graduate work in Vienna, Paris, London and Ed inburg. Began practice at Chicago, 111., 1891, being connected for a time with the Chicago Polyclinic; practiced in Jackson, Minn., 1892-94;Jocated in Jack son, 1896. Coroner Jackson Co., 4 years; chairman board of health, Jack son, 8 years. Member American Medi cal Association, Blue Earth Medical Society. Republican. Member Masonic order, Chapter, Commandery, Knights of Pythias, M. B. A., M. W. A. Mar ried at La Crosse, Wis., 1899, to Miss Berenice M. Thayer. Address: Jack son, Minn. MALBEBG, Peter Bennett, county auditor; born at Red Wing, Goodhue Co., Minn., Feb. 24, 1858; son of John and Christine (Johnson) Malberg; edu cated in district schools of Goodhue Co. Located in Marshall Co., 1881; worked on farm in summer and clerked in stores in winter, for 4 years; was clerk of court, Marshall Co., 1894-99; county auditor, Marshall Co., since 1904. Lutheran. Recreations: Gardening and planting ornamental evergreen shrubs and trees. Married in Goodhue Co., Minn., Jan. 6, 1887, to Miss Minnie R. Holm. Address: Warren, Minn. MALCOLMSON, Fred C, secretary and manager Pence Automobile Cq., born at Chatham, Ontario, Canada, Sept. 11, 1873; son of Hugh and Emely (Wood) Malcolmson; educated in Chat ham High School. Engaged in banking business in Canada; removed to Minne apolis, 1894, and acted as bill clerk for Dean & Co., later engaged in grain busi ness with the Sawyer Grain Co.; has been connected with the Pence Automo bile Co., since 1903, and is secretary and manager of the company. Mem ber B. P. O. E. Club: Automobile. Unmarried. Office: 719 Hennepin Ave. Residence: 1609 Lendin Av., Minne apolis. MALLORY, George J., deputy U. S. Marshal; born at Cobourg, Ont., Can., March 25, 1850; son of Caleb R. and Harriet L. (Cummings) Mallory; edu cated in public schools of Cobourg and at Albert College, Belleville, Ont. Be gan active career on a farm in Canada; located in Ogemaw Co., Mich., and en gaged in mercantile business, continu ing for 7 years; was superintendent of schools, Ogemaw Co., for 2 years; mem ber Minnesota State Legislature, 1899- 1901, and extra session, 1902; appointed deputy U. S. marshal, district of Min nesota, 1901. Republican. Methodist. Mason; member K. O. T. M., Modern Samaritans. Married at West Branch, Mich., 1884, to Miss Charlotte Stevens. Club: West Duluth Commercial. Of fice: Federal Bldg. Residence: 430 54th Av., W„ Duluth. MALLOBY, John Nathaniel, physi cian; born in Steuben Co., N. Y., Aug. 9, 1851; son of Niram Woods and Maria L. (Graham) Mallory; educated in grammar and high schools of Winona, Minn., 1863-67; Winona State Normal School, 1867-69; studied medicine with Franklin Staples, M.D.,. Winona, Minn., and at Winona Preparatory Medical School, 1869-71; attended Rush Medical College, 1872-75. Commenced medical practice at Medford, Steele Co., 1876; has been located at Emily since June 1, 1904. Member Upper Mississippi Medical Society. Member I. O. O. F., M. W. A., Court of Honor. Address: Emily, Minn. MALMQUIST, Charles August, grain commission; born in Sweden, Oct. 26, 1860; son of Peter and Stens Malm- quist; educated in public schools of Sweden. Came to America, 1879, and located on a farm in Sibley Co., Minn., remaining several months; engaged in lumber business at Stillwater and later _in St. Paul; was identified with general merchandise store at Winthrop, Minn., and in 1886 began in grain business; came to Minneapolis, 1899, and has been, since 1901, vice president of the E. L. Welsh Co., owners and operators of line elevators in Minnesota and South Dakota. Also director Kildall Fish Co. and director -and treasurer Security Elevator Co. Ex-president Winthrop, Minn., school board and ex- member of the Grain Appeal Board at Minneapolis during Gov. Lind's admin istration. Democrat. Congregation alist. Member Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce. Mason. Married in Sibley Co., Minn., 1882, to Miss Mary Hag- berg. Club: Odin. Office: 1010 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Minne apolis. MALMSTEN, August, president Crown Iron Works Co.; born in Sweden, 33S THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS Jan. 6, 1844; son of John and Anna Malmsten; came to America, 1869; edu cated in Sweden and at Minneapolis Business College. Learned machinist and blacksmith trades in Sweden; be came connected with shops of the Chi cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry., 1869; now president of vthe Crown Iron Works Co., of which he was the founder, in 1878. Republican. Baptist. Married (2d) at Minneapolis, Sept. 23, 1890, to Miss Mary C. Petersen. Recreations: Fishing and sailing. Office: 113-115 2nd Av., S. E. Residence: 1121 8th St., S., Minneapolis. MALONE, Bichard Francis, assistant general passanger agent Chicago Great Western Ry.; born Marshalltown, Iowa, Jan. 28th, 1870; son of Richard Joseph and Mary B. (McNamara) Malone; edu cated in public schools of Mason City, Iowa, 1876-84, St. Mary's Catholic School, Marshalltown, Iowa, 1884, Mar shalltown High School, 1885; married St. Paul, Minn., June 27, 1894, Mary A. Lynch. Began railway service in ticket auditing department of Iowa Central Ry. at Marshalltown, Iowa, 1886-89; since then in continuous service of the Chicago Great Western Railway as rate and division clerk, St. Paul, 1889-93, chief clerk ticket accounts, St. Paul, 1893-96, ticket auditor, 1896-1900, chief clerk general passenger department, Chicago, 1900-01; assistant general pas senger agent since 1901, office moved to St. Paul, April, 1905. Independent in politics. Catholic. Member Knights of Pythias. Recreations: Bowling, base ball, Ashing. Club: Commercial. Of- Ace: Metropolitan Opera House Blk. Residence: 1023 Cross Av., St. Paul. MALOY, George Edward, physician; born at Montpelier, Vt, May 31, 1855; son of William and Catherine (Crosby) Maloy; graduate Montpelier High School; Medical Department Univer sity of Vt, degree of M.D., 1877; post graduate course at New York Univer sity, New York. Married at Williams- town, Vt, Feb. 25, 1884, Carrie A. Hill. Practiced medicine at Montpelier, Vt., 1877-82; removed to Glencoe, Minn.; in practice at St. Cloud since 1891. Phy sician and surgeon St. Raphael's Hospi tal. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associations, Stearns County Medical Society. Director St. Cloud Public Dibrary. Republican. Mason. Address: St. Cloud, Minn. MANAHAN, James, lawyer; born at ChatAeld, Minn., March 12, 1866; son of Joseph and Catherine (McCarthy) Man- ahan; educated at the State Normal School, Winona, University of Wiscon sin and the University of Minnesota, degree of LL.B., 1889. Entered upon practice of law, 1889, and has been in general practice since that time. Mem ber of the law Arm of Manahan & Can non. Club: Commercial. Member B. P. O. E., Knights of Columbus. Mar ried at St. Paul, 1893, to Minnie Kelly. Recreation: Travel. Office: Endicott Bldg. Residence: 876 Laurel Av., St. Paul. MANDEBFELD, Joseph, paints, oils, etc.; born in Germany, 1841; son of I-Iobert and Clara Manderfeld; came to America, 1858; married at Chicago, 111., to Miss Caroline Meyer. Located in Mankato in 1865, and is head of the firm of Jos. Manderfeld Co., fine art dealers and decorators. Former mem ber board of education. Republican. Member I. O. O. F. Club: Commercial. Address: Mankato, Minn. MANHART, Samuel L., coal; born in Canada, Nov. 30, 1861; son of Uriah and Sarah (Heberlee) Manhart; came to Minnesota with parents, 1865; educated in common -schools and Minneapolis night schools (technical). Locomotive engineer, 1887-1901; state boiler in spector under Gov. Van Sant, 2 years; has been engaged in fuel business as Manhart Coal Co., since 1903. Mason. Married at Northfield, Minn., Dec. 29, 1886, to Miss Mary Fishback. Club: Commercial. Address: Northfield, Minn. MANLEY, L. B., general insurance; native of Bradford Co., Penn.; educated in common schools. Has been identified with the general insurance business for 20 years, secretary and treasurer Man- ley-McLennan Agency. Member of Board of Water Works Commissioners of Duluth. Protestant. Club: Kitchi Gammi. Office: Torrey Bldg. Address: Duluth. MANN, Arthur Teall, surgeon; born in New York City, 1866; son of Samuel Rexford and Georgiana (Teall) Mann; graduated from University of Minne sota, S.B., 1888, and from Harvard Uni versity Medical School, M.D., 1896; mar ried at Minneapolis, 1904 to Winona B. Orff. Interne Channing Hospital, Brookline, Mass., 1895-96; house sur geon, Boston City Hospital, 1896-98; resident physician, Massachusetts State Hospital, 1898-99; began practice in Minneapolis, 1899; studied in German hospitals, 1904; since 1903 associate surgeon to Northwestern Hospital, Min neapolis; department of surgery, Uni versity of Minnesota Medical School, 1902-06. Member American Medical Association, Western Surgical and Gyne cological Association; Minneapolis Med ical Club, Hennepin County Medical Society, Psi Upsilon, Nu Sigma Nu fra ternities. Club: Commercial. Office: Pillsbury Blgd. Residence: 2408 Nicol let Av., Minneapolis. MANN, Eugene Langdon, physician; born in Minneapolis, Minn., May, 1861; son of Horatio E. and Mary Augusta (•Williams) Mann; graduated from St. Paul High School, 1879, Hobart Col lege, Geneva, N. Y., A.B., 1883 (Phi Beta Kappa) ; Hahnemann Medical College, Philadelphia, M.D., 1886; post graduate studies at New York Post Graduate Med ical School, 1891, Vienna, Austria, Halle, Germany, and London, England, 1898-99. Married at Lebanon, N. H., 1891, to THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS 339 Clara E. Worthen. Engaged in practice of medicine since 1886. Dean of Homoe opathic Medical College, University of Minnesota. Member American Institute of Homeopathy, Ophthalmological, Oto- logical and Laryngological Society, Kappa Alpha, Phi Beta Kappa fraterni ties. Office: Endicott Arcade Bldg. Residence: 881 Fairmount Av., St. Paul. MANN, John C, president Mealey Dry Goods Co.; born in Canada, 1865; son of F. R. and Mary (Woodsworth) Mann; educated in public and high schools of Goodrich, Ont. Began active career in dry goods business at Goodrich, 1879; came to St. Paul, 1883 and became connected with Michael Mealey, dry goods and notions; on the retirement of Mr. Mealey in 1902, the business was incorporated as the Mealey Dry Goods Co., of which he is president. Club: Commercial. Office: 7th and Wabasha Sts, Residence: 583 Carroll St., St. Paul. MANSON, Frank Melville, physician; born at Hastings, Minn., 1871; educated at Minneapolis Academy and University of Minnesota, degrees of B.S., 1894, M.S., 1895, M.D., 1899. Member South western Minnesota and Minnesota Val ley Medical societies and Minnesota State and American Medical associations. Mar ried at Shasta, Calif., 1900, Miss Ida Louise Husted. Address: Worthington, Minn. MANWABING, Louis Logan, lawyer; born in Clinton Co., Ia., June 22, 1858; son of George and Sophia (Bundy) Man- waring; graduate Iowa State College, Ames, la., degree of B.S., 1879; Law De partment, University of Wisconsin, de gree of LL.B., 1881; married at Still water, Minn., 1892, to Tillie Paulsen. Began practice at Hudson, 1881; removed to Stillwater, 1882, where he has since been engaged in practice. Member law firm of Manwaring & Sullivan. Director Minnesota Mercantile Co., Connolly Shoe Co. County attorney of Washington Co., 1892-1900, City Attorney, City of Still water, 1907, term expires, 1909. Repub lican. Mason. Recreation: Hunting. Address: Stillwater, Minn. MABCUM, Earl H., physician; born at Wayne, la., Aug. 14, 1878; son of James P. and Mary A. (Wareham) Marcum; graduate Crookston (Minn.) High School, 1897; Hahnemann Medical College, Chi cago, 111., degree of M.D., 1903. Came to Minnesota, 1880; has been engaged in practice at Bemidji, Minn., since 1903. Married at Crookston, Minn., Sept. 16, 1902, to Miss Elizabeth R. Davies. Ad dress: Bemidji, Minn. MABECX, Titus, brewing; born at Dubuque, la., July 17, 1851; came to Minnesota with parents early in life and was educated in public schools of New Ulm, Minn. Dearned printing at New Ulm and followed trade until 1879; re moved to Minneapolis, 1873, and began as bookkeeper of the John Orth Brew ing Co., 1879; has been secretary of the Minneapolis Brewing Co. since 1893, and North Star Malting Co. since 1903. Democrat. Member Masonic order, B. P. O. E. Vice president Court House and City Hall Commission. Married at New Ulm, June 13, 1876, to Miss Anna Fischer. Club: St. Anthony Commer cial. Recreations: Fishing and out door sports. Office: 315 1st Av., S. Residence: 1407 Marshall St., N. E., Minneapolis. MABIN, William A., lawyer; born at Lexington, Mich., Jan. 13, 1874; son of William and Adelaide (Moore) Marin; came to Minnesota, June, 1879; educated in public and high schools, Crookston, graduating from High School, 1891; at tended law school, University of Minne sota, 1897-98. Was admitted to bar and began practice of law at Crookston, May, 1898, where he has since continued. Also engaged in the real estate business; president Mcintosh Land Co., vice presi dent Maple Bay Windstacker Co. Alder man at large, Crookston, 1902; now chairman Sinking Fund Commission of City of Crookston. Member Minnesota Bar Association, Commercial Law League of America, Minnesota Horticul tural Society. Episcopalian. Mason; member B. P. O. E., M. W. A. Married at Minneapolis, 1899, to Emma Augusta Poehler. Club: Twenty-Ave Thousand (director). Recreation: Gardening. Address: Crookston, Minn. MABKHAM, James Edwin, lawyer; born at Rochester, N. Y., July 21, 1857; son of James and Hannah (Hagan) Markham; educated at Genesee Valley Seminary, Belfast N. Y.; married at St. Paul, June 4, 1889, to Katherine Brown ing; children: Arline Harlowe and Leila Browning. Admitted to practice at Buf falo, N. Y., June, 1879; practiced at Sal amanca, N. Y., until May, 1886, when he located in St. Paul, where has since been in practice. City attorney of St. Paul, 1887-1903; now president of Charter Commission. Republican. Clubs: Min nesota, Commercial, Town and Country. Office: Pioneer Press Bldg. Residence: The Marlborough, St. Paul. MABNIE, George McDonald, office manager Imperial Elevator Co.; born at Edinburg, Scotland, April 12, 1876; son of James A. and Margaret A. Marnie; came to Winnipeg, Manitoba, in 1882, and to Devil's Dake, N. D., 1887; edu cated in public schools of N. Dakota and in SpringAeld (Mass.) High School. Was bookkeeper and became private secretary to general manager Canadian FaciAc Ry. at Winnipeg, Man.; removed to Boston, Mass., and Ailed position of assistant secretary Y. M. C. A., during which period he spent two years at Y. M. C A. training school at SpringAeld, Mass. Came to Minneapolis, 1900, and for 5 years was cashier for W. P. Devereux Co., and later, treasurer Devereux Ele vator Co.; has been office manager Im perial Elevator Co. since May 1, 1906. Republican. Baptist. Married at Min- 340 THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS neapolis, Dec 31st, 1902, to Miss Maude May Spencer. Office: Chamber of Com merce. Residence: 1317 4th Av., S., Minneapolis. MABON, Frank A., investments and loans; born in Prussia, Germany, March 25, 1863; son of Dudwig and Sophie (Krawitz) Maron; educated in common schools in Germany; graduated from Law School of University of Minnesota, 1902; married, St. Paul, Nov. 27, 1897, Margaret Mitsch. Came to America without a dollar, in 1882; has promoted and organized several corporations; founded the Globe Business College at St. Paul, 1S85 and disposed of it in 1901; practiced law, 1902-05. In 1905 built the Euclid Hotel, and in May, 1906, sold it to Col. F. R. Wetz, formerly of the Ryan Hotel, for $135,000. Since May, 1906, engaged in investments and loan business. Republican. Catholic. Member United Workmen, Independent Order of Foresters and Knights of Columbus. Club: Commercial. Mem ber Old Chamber of Commerce. Office: New York Life Bldg. Residence: 667 Central Park Place, St. Paul. MARSH, Henry Francis, assistant general freight agent Minneapolis & St. Louis R. R. Co. and Iowa Central Ry. ; born at Marshalltown, la., Feb. 5, 1874; educated in public schools and at Iowa College, Grinnell, Ia. Began active career in freight department of the Iowa Central Ry., at Grinnell, 1890; advanced through various grades until he became assistant general freight agent, same road, at Marshalltown, 1902; came to Minneapolis as assistant general freight agent Minneapolis & St. Louis R. R., Jan., 1905, also same office, Iowa Central R3'., Minneapolis. Republican. Married at Marshalltown, 1896, to Miss Edna Veber. Office: Guaranty Loan Ble Residence: 515 W. 27th St., Minneapolis. MARSHALL, Albert Brainerd, clergy man; born at Bryan, Pa.; prepared for college at Glade Run Academy, Pa.; graduate Princeton University, degree of A.M., 1871; Princeton Theological Seminary, 1874; degree of D.D., Univer sity of Wooster, O. Married at Wells- burg, W. Va., to Miss Jane B. Hervey, daughter of Rev. David Hervey. Or dained to the ministry by the Presby tery of Kittanning, Oct., 1874; pastor First Presbyterian Church, Morris, 111., 1875-78; First Church, Lisbon, O., 1879- 87: First Church, East Liverpool, O, 1887-94; Central Church, Des Moines, la., 1894-1903; has been pastor First Pres byterian Church, Minneapolis, since March 20, 1903. Recreations: European tours, trips to National Park and mountains. Address: 1915 Portland Av., Minneapolis. MABSHALL, Albert M., wholesale hardware; born at Painesville, O., Dec. 25, 1857; son of Seth E. and Philena (Morley) Marshall; educated in public schools of Ohio. Was identiAed with Morley Bros., hardware merchants, Sag inaw, Mich., 1871-93, being manager and vice president at time of severing con nections with the Arm; came to Duluth, 1893, and became president of the Mar shall-Wells Hardware Co., which posi tion he now holds; also director First National Bank, F. A. Patrick Co., Great Northern Power Co., Zenith Printing Co. Married, 1st, at Saginaw, Mich., 1880, to Jessie F. Smith; 2nd, at Rochester, N. Y., 1890, to Miss Julia Newell. Of fice: 251 Lake Av., S. Residence: Grey- solon Road, Duluth. MABSHALL, Henry Cooper, wholesale hardware, iron and steel; born at Phil adelphia, Pa., Sept. 27, 1855; educated in public schools of Philadelphia. Be gan in wholesale hardware business with the Biddle Hardware Co., Philadelphia, Dec, 1870; purchasing agent Centennial Exhibition, 1876, and for Permanent Ex hibition, 1877; entered firm of Clement M. Biddle & Co., as manager of the New York branch, 1880; continued in own name the same line of syndicate hard ware buying, 1888-96; entered firm of Marshall-Wells Hardware Co., Duluth, Jan. 1, 1896, as treasurer and continues in that position. Married at Media, Pa., Feb. 26, 1880, to Miss Marie Heyburn. Clubs: Kitchi Gammi, Northland Coun try, Duluth Boat. Office: 251 Lake Av., S. Residence: 2302 E. 5th St., Duluth. MARSHALL, Herbert G., clerk dis trict court; born at Ripon, Wis., Sept. 13, 1870; son of Dr. E. R. Marshall; came to Minnesota, 1873; educated in public schools of Appleton and Browns Valley, and in South Minneapolis High School. Was editor and proprietor of The Foptprints, weekly newspaper, 1892-97; has been clerk of district court of Traverse Co., since 1897; secretary and director N. D. Cooperative Ranch ing Co. Republican. Member Knights of Pythias, Modern Woodmen of Amer ica. Club: Commercial. Address: Wheaton, Minn. MABSHALL, James, grain dealer; born at Kinross, Scotland, March 4, 1835; educated in the public schools; married, 1871. Served as volunteer in the Indian War of Minnesota, 1862. Engaged in grain business since 1862 and dealing in grain upon own account. President Chamber of Commerce Clearing House, and ex-president Chamber of Commerce. Jeffersonian Democrat. Clubs: Minne apolis, Minnetonka Yacht Club. Office: Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis. Residence: Deephaven, Minn. MARTIN, Arthur Ellsworth, grain commission; born at Lynn, Mass., Aug. 30, 1S60; son of John and Kate (Cur rier) Martin; educated in public schools of Boston, Mass.; married at Milwaukee, Wis., 1884, to Edith L. Mann. Began business career in 1882; came to Minne sota, 1887; became member of the firm of P. B. Mann & Co., grain commission merchants, in 1887, and has been presi dent of P. B. Mann & Co. since it became a corporation in 1895. Office: Flour THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 341 Exchange. Residence: 404 Clifton Av., Minneapolis. MABTIN, Charles Jairus, secretary and treasurer Washburn-Crosby Co.; born on a farm in Orleans Co., N. Y., April 1, 1842; son of Dan Martin; edu cated in public schools and at Brock- port Collegiate Institute, Brockport, N. Y. Moved to Wisconsin, 1862, and en gaged in clerical work in executive office of Gov. J. T. Lewis; served in the War of the Rebellion as member of 40th Wis. Vol. Inf., serving in Army of the Ten- nesee; after return from military serv ice was appointed corresponding clerk in office of State Treasurer under Treas urers Smith and Baetz; commissioned secretary and A. D. C, to the governor by Governor Washburn, 1872. Came to Minneapolis, at solicitation of Governor Washburn, 1874, and became identified with the flour interests; upon organiza tion of Washburn, Crosby & Co., 1879, became partner and when the com pany was incorporated in 1888, was elected secretary and treasurer, which positions he has ever since held; also secretary and treasurer St. Anthony Ele vator Co.; secretary of the Washburn Memorial Orphan Asylum. Republican. Married in Wisconsin, 1876, to Miss Ella F. Sage. Club: Minneapolis. Office: Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Residence: 1300 Mt. Curve Av., Minneapolis. MABTIN, George B., railway official; born at Evans Mills, N. Y., July 3, 1864. Entered service of Chicago & Northwest ern Ry., as telegraph operator and agent, 1885; was with Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Ry., as station agent, train dispatcher, chief clerk to superintendent, 1887-90; in accounting department Great Northern Rd., 1890- 94; assistant auditor disbursements, 1894-97; special superintendent, Jan. to March, 1897; general superintendent Montana Central Ry., 1897-98; assistant general superintendent Great Northern Ry., 1898-99; auditor disbursements, 1899-1902; general auditor, 1902-05; on special duty in president's office, Jan. 1, to May 15, 1905; assistant to comp troller, May 15, 1905, to Jan. 1, 1906; since last date assistant comptroller Great Northern Ry. Club: Commercial (St. Paul) St. Anthony, (Minneapolis) Office: 3rd Av., N. W., cor. Broadway, St. Paul. Residence: 620 15th Av., S. E., Minneapolis. MABTIN, Henry, manager Germania Fire Insurance Co., St. Paul; born at Milwaukee, Wis., Sept. 12, 1865; son of George and Mary (Martin) Martin; edu cated in Lutheran parochial schools of Milwaukee; married at St. Paul, Minn., Sept. 27, 1887, to Miss Cora J. Prescott. Began business career by learning the tanner's trade, at which he worked for five years, under his father; in real estate and insurance business in St. Paul, 1884-91; has devoted attention mainly to insurance since 1891; manager Germania Fire Insurance Co. of New York at St. Paul, since 1898 and also secretary of St. Paul Manufacturing Company. Member Red Men of Amer ica. Club: West Side (organizer and treasurer.) Office: Manhattan Bldg. Residence: 760 Riverview Av., St. Paul. MABTIN, James A., lawyer; born at Maple Plain, Minn., May 24, 1865; son of Alexander and Sarah (Brandon) Martin; educated in public schools of Minne sota; State Normal School, St. Cloud, graduating, 1885; College of Law, Uni versity of Michigan, graduating, degree of LL.B., 1889. Married at St. Cloud, May 20, 1891, to Minnie Lousted. Taught in State Normal School, one year; ad mitted to the bar, 1889, and engaged in practice at St. Cloud. Was elected city justice, 1S9Q, and city clerk, 1891, con tinuing for 12 years; postmaster, 1905-6, resigning after IS months, to devote attention to law as member of firm of Collins, Martin & White. Republican. Appointed by Gov. Van Sant, 1902, as chairman State Board of Control; chair man State Republican Committee, 1902- 04. Member B. P. O. E., Knights of Pythias. Club: Commercial. Recrea tion: Fishing. Address: St. Cloud, Minn. MABTIN, James H., leather mer chant; born Decatur, 111., Aug. 9, 1860; son of Capt. Isaac N. and Mary E. (Har- rell) Martin; educated in public schools of Decatur, 111.; graduated from High School, 1880; married, Decatur, 111., Ida Kain. Began business career as office manager for Standard Oil Co., continu ing 7 years, at Decatur, 111.; bookkeeper for leather business of Nebinger & Rei ser, Decatur, 111., and The A. Nebinger Leather Co., Springfield, 111., 6 years; since 1894 in business in Minneapolis as J. H. Martin & Co., wholesale leather, shoe store supplies and fixtures. Also president Martin & Adams Leather Co., Spokane, Wash.;- vice president I. N. Martin dry goods Co., Peoria, 111.; Sec retary National Leather and Shoe Find ers' Association. Served in Illinois State Militia. Methodist; superintendent Wesley M. E. Sunday School. Chair man Executive Committee Minnesota State Sunday School Association. Mason. Member Citizens' Staff of Rawlings Post, G- A. R. Office: 20-22 N. 4th St. Residence: 1917 Colfax Av., Minne apolis. MABTIN, James McGinniss, lawyer; born in Mifflin Co., Pa., Oct 10, 1851; son of James McGinniss and Emily (Alexander) Martin; educated in com mon schools of Pennsylvania and at Columbia Classical Institute, graduating, June, 1871. Came west to Lake City, Minn., Aug., 1871; taught school 4 years and studied law in office of Scott & Hahn; was admitted to bar, Wabasha Co., May, 1876, entering practice there as firm of Hahn & Martin; the senior member of the firm, Hon. W. J. Hahn, being appointed attorney general of the state, March, 3,881, the firm became Martin & Greer; practiced successfully in Lake City; appointed assistant attor- 342 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS ney general in 1884, removed to Minne apolis, continuing as assistant attorney general until 1887, taking part in litiga tion against the land grant railroads of the state; practiced law in Minneapolis, 1887-89; became attorney for the Min nesota Loan & Trust Co., 1889, and still continues in charge of its trust department, as attorney and trust of ficer. Director and secretary The Asso ciate Realty Co.; director and treasurer for 9 years of the Minneapolis Y. M. C. A. Republican. Methodist. Mason, G. H. P. Minnesota, 1892. Married in Mif flin Co., Pa., Sept. 12, 1879, to Miss F. Margaret Bell, daughter of Prof. J. M. Bell, president Kishocoquila Seminary. Recreations: Hunting, fishing and camping out. Office: 311 Nicollet Av. Residence: 2301 Aldrich Av., S., Minne apolis. MABTIN, John, farming; born at Rochester, Minn., Dec. 11, 1857; son of Patrick and Winifred (Cryan) Martin; educated in common schools of Olmsted Co., Minn. County commissioner 4th district, Chippewa Co. Democrat. Roman Catholic Married at Roches ter, Feb. 6, 1888, to Miss Bessie Davelle. Address: Montevideo, Minn. MABTIN, John Le Boy, wholesale grocer; born in Venango Co., Pa., Feb. 7, 1874; son of Joseph H. and Clara (Coon) Martin; educated in public schools of Pennsylvania and York, Neb. Removed to Nebraska at age of 15 and and remained there 12 years; located in Duluth, 1901, and was connected with Northern Pacific Ry. Co., Pittsburg Steamship Co. and Gamble-Robinson- Sheldon Co.; has been member of Bar- the- Martin Co. (incorporated), importers and wholesale grocers, since April 1, 1905. Republican. Congregationalist. Mason (32°), Shriner. Married at Mar quette, Mich., Oct. 7, 1903, to Miss Flor ence B. Hartley. Recreation: Fond of music (vocal). Office: 102-104 W. Mich. St. Residence: 115 10th Av., E., Duluth, Minn. MARTIN, Louis B., lumber, railroad ties, etc.; born at Brantford, Ont, Can., March 5, 1873. Son of George W. and Sarah (Ludlow) Martin; educated in public school and collegiate institute, Brantfort, Ont. Removed from Ontario to Carleton Co., Minn., 1889 and filled position of chief clerk in county adui- tor's office until 1895, then started in the land and lumber business and has been successfully engaged under own name since 1895, as wholesale dealer in lumber, railroad ties, piling, telegraph poles and posts. President Duluth Au tomobile Co. Republican. Married at Pontiac, Mich., Sept., 1905, to Miss Car rie Mullin. Clubs: Duluth Boat, Duluth Yacht, Kitchi Gammi, Commercial, Ath letic (Chicago), Minneapolis (Minne apolis.) Recreations: Boating, yacht ing, automobiling and horseback riding. Office: 513-517 Lyceum Bldg. Resi dence: 6005 London Road, Duluth. Minn. • MABTIN, T. O., representative trans atlantic freight service; born at Shelby ville, 111., Dec. 1, 1873; son of B. M. and Harriet (Bechtel) Martin; educated in Shelbyville public schools and academy, St. Louis, Mo. Began active career at St. Louis in service of the Atlantic Transport Co., of Baltimore, Md., 1890; came to Minneapolis, as representative of same company, 1898; has represented the consolidated organization, the Inter national Mercantile & Marine Co., of New York and Liverpool, since time of the merger, 1901. Republican. Presby terian. Married at St. Louis, Mo., 1897, to Miss Elizabeth Ford. Club: Com mercial. Office: Guaranty Loan Bldg. Residence: 3553 Portland Av., Minne apolis. MABTIN, William Leslie, railway of ficial; born in Lee Co., 111., Nov. 15, 1854; son of Henry Lillartin and Jane Gold- thorp Martin; educated in Northwestern University, graduating, degree of B.A., 1874. Entered railway service as chief clerk to general manager Minneapolis Sault Ste. Marie and Atlantic Ry., now Minneapolis, St. Paul and Sault Ste. Marie Ry., 1886; was secretary and treasurer, same road, 1890-92; assistant general freight agent, July 1, to August 1, 1892; general freight agent, 1892-1903; freight traffic manager, 1903-05; has been second vice president and traffic manager same road, since Aug. 1, 1905. Married at' Chicago, IIL, 1884, to Miss Elizabeth L Batchelder. Club: Mini kahda, Minneapolis. Office: 317 2nd Av- S. Residence: 223 Ridgewood Av., Min neapolis. MABTINSON, Emil Martin, clergy man; born in Minnesota, March 2, 1868; son of John B. and Anna (Isaacson) Martinson; educated in country school, Chippewa Co.; Montevideo High School; Academy, Granville, O., 1888-91; Deni- son University, Granville, O., degree of A.B., 1895; Divinty School University of Chicago degree of B.D., 1898; post grad uate course, University of Chicago, 1899. Married at Chicago, Sept. 7, 1900, to Miss Alice Eleanor Bell. Baptist. First pastorate was as student pastor, Im manuel Baptist Church, Hammond, Ind., 1897-1901; pastor First Baptist Church, Princeton, 111., 1901-05; has been in charge of First Baptist Church, Man kato, since 1905. Vice president Minne sota Baptist State Convention (member evangelistic committee) ; chairman board of visitors or examiners, Pillsbury Academy, Owatonna, Minn.; director Minnesota Baptist Summer Assembly, at Lake Minnetonka, Minn. Republican. Clubs: Social Science, Men's Club of Baptist Church. Address: Mankato, Minn. MASCHGEB, Albert P., physician; born at St. Paul, Minn., Aug, 21, 1881; son of A. F. Maschger; educated in grammar and high schools, St. Paul; University of Minnesota; College of Medicine and Surgery, graduating, 1905; unmarried. Interne at Swedish Hospital, Minne- THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 343 apolis, while a student, 1903-'05; in prac tice since July, 1905, member staff of Drs. Mayo, Graham & Co., Rochester. Address: Rochester, Minn. MASON, Alfred Findlay, lawyer; born at St. Paul, Dec. 2, 1873; son of William Findlay and Isabella (McHarg) Mason; educated in St. Paul High School and University of Minnesota, graduating, de gree of LL.B., 1895; unmarried. Ad mitted to bar 1895; now editor of the American Law Review and connected with the West Publishing Co., publish ers of law books. Co-author: Brief Mak ing and Use of Law Books. Lecturer in the University of Minnesota College of Law. Member American Bar Asso ciation, Minnesota State Bar Association, Phi Delta Phi fraternity. Office: West Publishing Co. Residence: 544 Wa basha St., St. Paul. MASON, John R., miller; born in Eng land, Oct. 22, 1854; son of John and Jane (Dampton) Mason; came to Amer ica with parents; 1856; was educated in common schools. Has been' a resident of Minnesota since 1878; began in milling business at Forest Mills, Minn., 1880; member of firm and manager, Mason, Olson & Co., flour milling, at Mazeppa, since Jan., 1898. Republican. Married at Roscoe, Minn. Oct. 18, 1887 to Miss Ella E. Murphy. Address: Mazeppa, Minn. MASQUEBAY, Emmanuel Louis, ar chitect; born at Dieppe, France, 1861; educated at Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris, France (Deschaume prize, 1879; Chaude- saigues prize, 1880; gold medal, Salon, 1883). Unmarried. Came to America, 1887, and to St. Paul, 1905. Chief of Design at the St. Louis World's Fair, erecting there the following buildings: The Cascades, Colonnade of States and Pavilions, Transportation, Agricultural, Horticultural, Fisheries and Forestry buildings; also Louisiana Purchase Mon ument and 12 bridges. He has also erected many important structures in various parts of the country, including Long Island College Hospital, Brooklyn, N. Y., and now building Cathedral of St. Paul and Pro Cathedral of Minneapolis. Member Society of Beaux Arts Archi tects (charter member) New York; Architectural League, New York; New York Chapter of American Institute of Architects. Clubs: Minnesota, Town and Country (St. Paul); Century (New York) ; Players (New York) ; St. Louis Club (St. Louis, Mo.). Office: Dispatch Bldg., St. Paul, and 156 Fifth Av., New York City. Residence: Aberdeen Hotel, St. Paul. MASSEY, Joseph, manufacturer; born at Pine Plains, N. Y., March 2, 1857; son of Joseph and Elizabeth (Yates) Mas sey; educated in public schools of Pine Plains: married at East Springfield, Pa., Dec. 31, 1890, to Josephine Marcy. Assistant superintendent School for Feeble Minded, Dakeville, Conn., for 10" years; assistant superintendent School for Feeble Minded, Faribault, Minn., 18 years; proprietor Northfield Knitting Co. since 1902. Republican. Baptist. Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner. Club: Commercial. Recreations: Hunting and fishing. Address: Northfield, Minn. MASSOLT, Albert, manufacturer of carbonated beverages, etc., of Wm. Mas- solt Bottling Co.; born at Stillwater, Minn., June 11, 1863; son of William and Mary (Kostmann) Massolt; educated in public schools of Minneapolis. Has been identified with bottling works since his youth; succeeded his father in the business, 1892, established in 1867 by William Massolt, manufacturers of car bonated beverages. Also president Che boygan Brewing Co. Married at Min neapolis, April, 1886, to Miss Glendora Bowlby. Independent in politics. Mem ber I. O. O. F., B. P. O. E., F. O. E„ I. O. F., K. P. Club: Commercial. Office: 128 Plymouth Av. Residence: 1601 Du- pont Av., N., Minneapolis. MASTEBMAN, Wellington C, pub lisher; born at Stillwater, Minn., 1858; son of Joseph N. and Abby M. (Pres cott) Masterman; educated in Still water public schools; married at Still water, 1882, to Antoinette Easton. Be gan business career in employ of Isaac Staples, lumber manufacturer, continu ing until 1880; was with J. H. Town- send until 1885; county auditor of Wash ington Co., 1885-93; member of firm of Easton & Masterman, publishers of the Stillwater Gazette, printers, etc., since 1896. Republican. State Senator, 1895- 99. Member Masonic order, B. P. O. E., Knights of Pythias. Recreations: Hunt ing and fishing. Address: Stillwater, Minn. MATCHAN, George L., lawyer; born in Yorkshire, Eng., Feb. 3, 1853; son of George W. and M. N. (Shields) Matchan; came to America, 1865; educated in common schools and in Daw Department University of Michigan, 1875. Began practice of law at Dake City, Minn., 1876; was county attorney Wabasha Co., 1878-80; assistant city attorney, Dake City, 18S0-83, and member board of education during same period; came to Minneapolis, 1884; surveyor general Minneapolis district, 1903-05. Member of the law firm of Wright .& Matchan, since 1895. Republican. Mason. Mar ried, 1st, at Zumbrota, Minn., Jan., 13 1 a, to Miss May Doxey (now deceased) ; 2nd, at Minneapolis, March 9, 1904, to Mrs. Henrietta Preston Ellis. Office: Globe Bldg. Residence: 2801 S. Lyndale Av., Minneapolis. MATHEIS, Will. E., house furnisher; born at St. Paul, Minn., 1861; son of John and Mary E. (Maul) Matheis; edu cated in public schools. Began business career under his father; now president of the Will. E. Matheis Co. Member B. P. O. E., Junior Pioneer Society. Presbyterian. Married at Lake City, Minn., 1887, to Miss Minnie Neal. Rec reations: Fishing and driving. Office: 344 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 6th and Cedar Sts. Residence: 197 Nel son Av., St. Paul. MATHEWS, Harvey, land and lumber dealer; born at Point Wolfe, N. B., Can., March 6, 1864; son of John and Eliza beth (Stevens) Mathews; educated in public schools of New Brunswick. Came to Minnesota, April, 1885; lived at North Branch, Minn., 1890-1901; was engaged in lumber building material and grain business at North Branch, Isanti, Hib bing and Buffalo, Minn.; closed out vari ous lines in 1901 and has since been dealing extensively in Canadian lands and lumber. President, Stewart & Math ews Company, Ltd.; St. Paul Oil Co.; secretary, Ramsey Oil Co.; manager Mathews & McCulloch Land Co. Pres byterian. Member Masonic order, Knights of Pythias, Modern Woodmen of America. Married at New Bruns wick, April, 1889, to Miss Florence A. Dickson. Club: Commercial. Recrea tions: Boating, fishing. Office: 305 Jackson St., St. Paul. Residence: White Bear Lake, Minn. MATHEWS, Lindsay L., treasurer Wabasha Co.; born at Mazeppa, Minn., Feb. 14, 1869; son of Lewis B. and Adelia M. (Ford) Mathews; educated in public schools of Mazeppa. Worked on his father's farm until 18 years of age; entered general merchandise store of P. Robinson, Mazeppa, and continued two years; in store of E. L. Ford & Co., one year; cashier Bank of Mazeppa until Jan. 1, 1905, when he resigned to become county treasurer which position he now holds. Member Masonic order, B. P. O. E. Republican. Married at Pine Island, Minn., Dec. 31, 1891, to Miss Clara M. Bunn. Address: Wa basha, Minn. MATHEWS, Marvin E., lawyer; born at Jamestown, N. Y., Sept. 25, 1849; re moved to Rochester, Minn., June, 1854; educated in country schools of Minne sota, Rochester High School and Uni versity of Michigan. Admitted to Min nesota bar, Oct. 13, 1873; practiced law at "New Ulm, Minn., until June, 1876, when he removed to Marshall, where he has since remained. Mayor of the City of Marshall several terms; ex-county attorney; receiver of the U. S. Dand Office, at Marshall, under appointment of Grover Cleveland during his second term, 4 years. Independent Democrat. Member Masonic order, Shriner, I. O. O. F., Knights of Pythias. Married at New Ulm, Aug. 21, 1875, to Miss Minnie Boesch. Address: Marshall, Minn. MATHISEN, G. B., physician; born at Madison, Wis., Jan. 30, 1875; son of Joseph D. and Judith Mathisen; came to Minnesota, . 1885; educated at St. John's University, Collegeville, Minn., and University of Minnesota, Medical Department, graduating, degree of M.D., 1897. Began practice of medicine in Minneapolis, 1897; now engaged in prac tice at Evansville, Minn. Republican. Protestant. Member Masonic order, Modern Woodmen of America, I. O. O. F. Married at Minneapolis, 1896, to Miss E. Daniels. Address: Evansville, Minn. MATHISEN, Joseph, banking; born at Copenhagen, Denmark, Jan. 7, 1840; educated at University of Copenhagen. Served as Captain Co. B, 15th Wis. Vols. for 3 years in Civil War. After the war engaged in wheat business at Madison, Wis., for 16 years; removed to Evans ville, Minn., 1882, and entered firm of Raiber & Co., Bank of Evansville, of which is cashier and manager. Member Masonic 'order. Address: Evansville, Minn. MATSON, Nels. Albin, wholesale bakery; born in Malmo, Sweden, Sept. 30, ,1865; son of John and Anna Matson; educated in public schools of Sweden. Came to America, 1884; engaged in busi ness at Roseville, 111.; removed to Min neapolis, 1898, and established whole sale bakery, in his own name, of which he is proprietor; also president and treasurer of the company which was in corporated, Jan. 1, 1907. President of the Builders' Hardware Co., since 1904. Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner. Married at Minneapolis, Sept. 30, 1894, to Miss Tillie Ekburg. Independent in politics. Clubs: Minneapolis, East Side Commercial, Odin. Recreations: Hunt ing and fishing. Office: 824-830 3rd Av., N. E. Residence: 1427 Adams St., Min neapolis. MATSON, Purl B„ telephone mana ger; born at Fairmont, Minn., Oct. 5, 1869; son of Aaron and Anna (Wolf) Matson; educated in Fairmont public schools, 11 years. Has been president of the Fairmont Telephone Co., since Jan. 15, 1905. Member Modern Woodmen of America. Married at Fairmont, Oct. 25, 1896, to Miss Anna Dettmer. Ad- dres: Fairmont, Minn. MATTER, Samuel E., salt and cement; born at Broadhead, Wis., April, 18, 1868; son of Conrad and Ursula (Wales) Mat ter; educated at Oberlin College, Ober lin, O, 1889. Began actice career as bookkeeper for grain commission firm Duluth, 1889, continuing until 1895; has been identified with Standard Salt & Cement Co., since 1895, of which he is president and manager. Republican. Congregationalist. Married at Aurora, 111., May, 1898, to Miss Anna Town. Club: Commercial. Office: 239 Lake Av., S. Residence: 2130 Woodland Av., Duluth. MATTESON, Charles Dickerman, banking; born at Decorah, la., Sept. 13, 1869; son of Sumner W. and Louise (Dickerman) Matteson; graduated from high school, Decorah, 1887; entered Academic Department University of Minnesota, 1887, and the Law Depart ment, 1889; graduated from University of Michigan, B.D., 1893; unmarried. Entered employ of Security Trust Co., St. Paul, as runner, 1893, of which is now secretary, treasurer and director; also secretary, treasurer and director J. THE 'BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 345 Quincy Haas & Co., general insurance; R. M. Lawton & Co., rents and real es tate; St. Paul Park Realty Co., owner of town site of St. Paul Park. Republican. Congregationalist Member Alpha Delta Phi, Phi Delta Phi. Clubs: Minnesota, Comniercial, Country, Athletic, White Bear Yacht. Office: New York Dife Bldg. Residence: 530 Holly Av., St. Paul. MATTHEWS, Thomas A., freight agent; born at Birmingham, Eng., Sept., 1843; educated in England; came to America, 1861, and has been identified with railroad business since 1863 and N. W. freight agent Nickel Plate Dine since 1884. Independent in politics. Methodist Married in England, to Miss Caroline E. Goode. Office: Guaranty Loan Bldg., Minneapolis. MATTSON, Peter August, educator; born at Hvitsand, Sweden, Sept. 29, 1865; son of Mattes and Anna (Stephenson) Johanson; came to America; 1882, and located in Sacred Heart, Minn.; graduate Gustavus Adolphus College, degree of A.B., 1892; Augustana College (theologi cal), Rock Island, 111., degree of B.D., 3894; University of Minnesota, degree of Ph.D., 1896; honorary degree of D.D.. Muhlenberg College, Pa., 1896. In the Lutheran ministry since 1892; at Taco ma, Wash., 1894-99; one year in Cali fornia; in Minneapolis, Minn., until he became president of Gustavus Adolphus College, Aug. 1, 1904. Married at Hop kins, Minn., 1895, to Miss Emma Olson. Address: St. Peter, Minn. MAUBEB, Charles Ferdinand, banking; born at Chaska, Minn., Oct. 22, 1866; son of Rudolph and Louise E. (Bender) Maurer; educated in district school until 3 6 and at Excelsior Academy, Excelsior, Minn. Began active career as clerk in dry goods store of Oerter & Eder, Chaska, 1883; was clerk in store of J. J. Brechet, general merchandise, Glencoe, 1886; bookkeeper for Holmes & Wom- mer, general merchandise and grain, 1887-88; became head salesman general merchandise store of H. Werring, Fair fax, 1889, and after two years was taken in as partner, continuing until 1899; one of the organizers of the Fairfax Mer cantile Co., and subsequently elected manager, continuing until 1904; has been cashier of the Farmers & Merchants State Bank, Arlington, since its organ ization, May, 1904; also secretary and director Arlington Creamery Co. Mar ried at Fairfax, Minn., Oct. 18, 1882, to Miss Capitola E. Dodge. Republican. Methodist. Member M. W. A., I. O. O. F. Address: Arlington, Minn. MAUREB, Edmund Lawrence, physi cian; born at Ft. Wayne, Ind., Oct. 10, 1878; son of Albert M. and Lizzie E. (Gard) Maurer; educated at Brownton (Minn.) High School, graduating, June, 3.901; University of Minnesota, College of Medicine and Surgery, graduating, degree of M.D., June 2, 1904; interne City and County Hospital, St. Paul, 1904-05. Member American .and Minne sota State Medical associations, Crow River Valley, Camp Release and Mc Leod County Medical societies. Member Phi Beta Pi fraternity. Married. Ad dress: Brownton, Minn. MAXWELL, Guy Everett, president Winona State Normal School; born in Mason Co., 111., 1870; son of Henry C. and Mary (Ewers) Maxwell; came to Appleton, Minnesota, 1879; graduate Hamline University, degree of A.B., 1893; Columbia University, Teachers College, degre of A.M., 1900; married at St. Paul, 1896, Miss Jeannette R. Evans. Taught in public schools of Minnesota and Wis consin, 1893-98; was principal training department Winona State Normal School, 1900-04; has been president of the school since 1904. Club: Meadow Brook. Recreations: Golf, tennis and gymnasium. Address: Winona, Minn. MAY, Alfred Luther, newspaper man; born at Lenox, N. Y., July 9, 1852; son of Ralph and Caroline (Miles) May; edu cated in the high school, Shullsburg. Wis., and State Normal School, Platts- ville, Wis., graduating in 1876; married at Plattsville, 1886, to Mary E. Good- fellow. Taught in graded schools of Wisconsin from 1876 to 1880; farmed in Cass Co., N. Dak., 1880-86; bookkeeper for the American Press Association at St. Paul, 1888 to 1896; resident mana ger since Jan. 1, 1896. Member A. O. U. W. Office: 41 East 3rd St. Residence: 943 Marshall Av., St. Paul. MAY, Charles Clifford, physician; born at LeClaire, la., March 8, 1860; son of James M. and Margaret A. (Cun ningham) May; educated in common schools; Eastern Iowa Mormal School, Columbus Junction, la., graduating, de gree of B.S., 1882; Medical Department, State University of Iowa, degree of M.D., 1886. Clerk of Board of Education, Adrian, for 14 years. Member Minne sota State Medical Association, South western Minnesota Medical Society. Member Masonic order, A. O. U. W., Modern Woodmen of America. Married at Adrian, Minn., 1891, to Miss Caroline M. Johnson. Address: Adrian, Minn. MAY, Lewis L., nurseryman; born in Canada, 1856, son of John and Jane (Luke) May; educated in public schools and at business college; married at Toronto, Ont., 1880, to Miss Eliza Mary Lovell. Began active career in nursery business; came to St. Paul, 1878, and founded L. L. May & Co., nurserymen. Was member St. Paul School Board for 5 years; now vice president Police Board City of St. Paul. Democrat. Episcopal ian. Member Masonic order, I. O. O. F. Clubs: Minnesota, Commercial. Office: 381-383 Minn. St. and 64 E. 6th St. Resi dence: 724 Cedar St., St. Paul. MAYBEBRY, Arthur Irving, grain; born at Guilford, Minn., Jan. 26, 1871; son of Isaac and Martha A. Mayberry; educated in public schools of Otter Tail Co., Minn. Came to Minneapolis in 346 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 1884; began active career as employe of Barnes, Demond & Co., wholesale dry goods; entered grain business as samp ler, Sept., 1889; has been identified with the Chamber of Commerce Samp ling Co., Minneapolis since 1898, and has been manager of the company since 1900. Republican. Congregationalist. Mem ber K. O. T. M. Married at Minneapolis, June, 1890, to Miss Flora Patterson. Of fice: Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Resi dence: 2821 13th Av., S., Minneapolis. MAYLAND, Andrew U., lawyer; born on a farm in Goodhue Co., Minn., Nov. 28, 1864; son of L. A. and Unni (Thors- ness) Mayland; educated at Carleton College, Northfield; University of Min nesota, degree of B.A., 1893; College of Law, same university, degree of LL.B., 1895. Married at Albert Lea, Minn., 1901, to Miss Ella J. Soren- son. Practiced law at Ponca City, Oklahoma, 1895; has been engaged in practice at Albert Lea since 1897. County attorney Freeborn Co. for 4 years. Republican. Lutheran. Member Freeborn County Bar Association. Member I. O. O. F. Club: Commer cial. Address: Albert Lea, Minn. MAYLAND, Martin L., physician; born in Goodhue Co., Minn., Sept. 23, 1868; son of Louis A. and Une (Thors- ness) Mayland; educated in public schools of Goodhue Co., Minn.; Carleton College, Northfield, Minn.; Medical De partment, University of Minnesota, graduating, degree of M.D., 1892; post graduate course New York Post Gradu ate Hospital and College, 1896. Married at Faribault, Minn., Nov. 30, 1901, to Miss Olivet J. Sullivan. Practiced two years in Mankato; removed to Faribault, 1894, where he has since practiced. Republican. Congregationalist. Member Rice County Medical Society, Minnesota State and American Medical associa tions. Member Knights of Pythias. Ad dress: Faribault, Minn. MAYNE, Dexter Dwight, educator; born at Beetown, Wis., May 14, 1863; son of Nicholas and Mary Elizabeth (Treloar) Mayne; educated in public schools; State Normal School, Flatte- ville, Wis., graduating in 1883; special courses in a number of different insti tutions; married at Spring Prairie, 1887, to Nella G. Cdman. Principal schools, Elkhorn, Wis., 1884-89; principal schools Fort Atkinson, 1889-93; principal and superintendent schools Janesville, Wis., 1893-1901; superintendent schools of Ishpeming, Mich., 1901-02; has been principal School of Agriculture, Univer sity of Minnesota, since 1903. Author: Modern Business Speller; First Princi ples of Agriculture (with E. S. Goff) ; Mayne's Sight Speller; Modern Business English (with C. J. Smith). Recrea tions: Boxing and swimming. Office: St. Anthony Park, St. Paul. Residence: Maple Lake, Minn. MAYO, Charles Horace, surgeon; born at Rochester, Minn., July 19, 1865; son of Dr. William Worrall and Douise Abigail (Wright) Mayo; graduate Rochester High School; Chicago Medical College, degree of M.D., 1888; (honorary degree of M.A., Northwestern Univer sity, 1903). Married at Rochester, Minn., 1893, to Miss Edith Graham. Has been in practice at Rochester, since 1888. Member firm of Drs. Mayo, Graham & Co. President Minnesota State Medical Association, 1905-06. Democrat. Epis copalian. Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner. Recreation: Automobiling. Address: Rochester, Minn. MAYO, William J., physician and surgeon; born at Le Sueur, Minn., 1861; son of William Worrall and Louise Abigail (Wright) Mayo; educated in private school, Rochester, Minn., and in Medical Department, University of Michigan, graduating, degree of M.D., 1883; married at Rochester, Minn., 1884, to Hattie Damon. Has been engaged in practice of surgery at Rochester since 1883; member firm of Drs. Mayo, Graham & Co., physicians and surgeons. Member American Medical Association, (president 1906-07), Minnesota State Medical Association, Olmsted County Medical Society, etc. Club: Commer ciaL Recreation: Automobiling. Ad dress: Rochester, Minn. MAYO, William W., physician; born at Manchester, England, May 31, 1819; emigrated to America early in life and lived for some time in New York City, later removing to Buffalo, N. Y., and to Indiana, 1846, where he completed his early medical studies; married to Louise Abigail Wright. Began practice in Lafayette, Ind.; received honorary degree of M.D., from University of Missouri, 1854; came to St. Paul, 1854, and in fall of same year located at Superior, Wis., taking up a land claim on the Bay of St. Louis in Minnesota; was appointed chairman first board of county commissioners of St. Louis Co. (then a wilderness) and located the county seat, now the city of Duluth; after an adventurous life of several months among the Indians, he returned to St. Paul, 1855; resumed practice of medicine in Le Sueur Co., 1858; partici pated in campaign against Indians, 1862, and was appointed examining surgeon provost marshal board at Rochester. President Minnesota State Medical As sociation, 1873; visited European hos pitals, 1877; elected mayor of Rochester, 1882; was State Senator, 1889-93. Re tired from active practice, 1900. Ad dress: Rochester, Minn. MEACHAM, Fred E., real estate; born at Red Wing, Minn., May 6, 1859; son of Jeremiah and Elizabeth (Cox) Meacham; educated in public schools of Red Wing; married at Red Wing, Dec 15, 1880, to Miss Minnie Sargeant Was connected with flour mills at Red Wing, 1875-81; came to St. Paul, 1881, and has since been engaged in real estate business. Member St. Paul Real THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 347 Estate Exchange. Republican. Presby terian. Recreations: Hunting and fish ing. Office: Nat. Germ. Am. Bk. Bldg. Residence: 885 Phalen Av., St. Paul. MEAD, Charles William, county com missioner; born at Waukesha, Wis., Feb. 15, 1847; son of John and Mary (Van Vranken) Mead; educated in public schools and academy. Reared on a farm; taught school in Wisconsin, 1868- 69; came to Redwood Falls, and settled on homestead, 1869; built hotel at De Smet, S. D., 1880, and sold it, 1882, mov ing back to homestead; was elected sheriff Redwood Co., 1886 and held the office 8 years; began selling machinery ,and harness goods, 1888; retired, 1904. Chairman board of county commis sioners. Republican. Presbyterian. Member Knights of Pythias, I. O. O. F., A. O. U. W. Married at Marshall, Minn., 1880, to Miss Ida M. Mead. Address: Redwood Falls, Minn. MEAD, Egbert Scudder, manufac turer; born in New York City, Oct. 18, 1855; son of Stephen and Harriet Amelia (Scofield) Mead; entered the School of Mechanical Arts, , New York City, at 20 years of age, graduating, 1876; married 1st, Emma Kivill (now deceased); 2nd, Emma Rathman. Has been connected with the manufacturing industry since April 16, 1868; president and treasurer, Minneapolis Cereal Co., treasurer City of Winona, Minn., 1884-89. Independent Democrat. Episcopalian. Office: Nicol let Island. Residence: 1423 Vine Place, Minneapolis. MEAD, Warren Hewitt, lawyer; born at Genoa, Cayuga Co., N. Y., Nov. 25, 1836; son of Dockwood and Susan (Mil ler) Mead; educated in the public schools and at Cazenovia Seminary, Cazenovia, N. Y. Was 1st lieut, Co. F, 6 th Ky. Cav.; was confined for 22 months in Confederate prisons, 8 months in Libby prison; was under fire of Union guns at Charleston, S. C, for six months; finally escaped at Winsboro, S. C. Entered practice of law, 1868, and came to St. Paul, Minn., 1870, where he has since resided. Twice elected a member of the legislature of Minnesota. Presbyterian. Odd Fellow. Married at Canillus, N. Y., March 8, 1868, to Frances A. Hughes (now deceased). Office: Manhattan Bldg. Residence: 554 Holly Av., St. Paul. MEADE, Charles Joseph, physician; born at Morrisburg, Ont., Can., Jan. 23, 1876; son of Michael and Anne Meade; educated at Ottawa University, Ottawa, Canada, and at McGill University, Montreal, Canada, M.D., 1892; married at St. Paul, June 22, 1898, to Miss Elizabeth Lytle. Has been engaged in the practice at St. Paul since 1892. Visiting physician to St. Joseph's Hos pital, City and County Hospital, St. Paul Catholic Orphan Asylum. Profes sor of clinical medicine, Hamline Uni versity. Member Ramsey County Medi cal Society, American and Minnesota State Medical associations. Office: 74 West 4th St. Residence: 227 Virginia Av., St Paul. MEAGHEB, John B.; born at Man kato, Minn., July 24, 1867; son of John F. and Mary (Battelle) Meagher; edu cated at University of Notre Dame, Ind., and Harvard Law School. Came to St. Paul, from Mankato, 1S99 and has en gaged extensively in real estate and other lines of business. President Man kato Gas and Electric Light Co.; vice president Leech Lake Lumber Co.; director Capital National Bank, St. Paul. Clubs: Minnesota, Commercial, Town and Country. Office: Pioneer Press Bldg. Residence: 659 Summit Av., St. Paul. MEALEY, Samuel Johnson, merchant, banker; born at Monticello, Minn, Oct. 18, 1857; son of Tobias G. and Catharine (Prescott) Mealey; educated in Monti cello High School and at University of Minnesota; married at Rutland, Vt, 1883, to Miss M. E. Sherwin. Began in retail mercantile business at Monti cello and is now president of the fol lowing companies: S. J. Mealey & Co., Jewell Milling Co., and State Bank of Monticello, aU of Monticello; State Bank of St. Michael, Grantsburg Starch Co., Osceola Starch Co., Colfax Starch Co., River Falls Starch Co., all of Wis consin. Address: Monticello, Minn. MEABKLE, Erastus Fletcher, law and banking; born in Pa., 1849; graduate Pennsylvania State Normal School, Mil- lersville, Pa., degree of B.E., 1869; University of Michigan, A.B., LL.B., 1877; LL.D., 1902. Began practice of law, 1879, and entered banking business, 1882. Now vice president Security Bank of Minnesota. Methodist. Office: Se curity Bank Bldg. Residence: 2217 So. Aldrich Av., Minneapolis. MECKSTBOTH, Charles W., physi cian; born at De Sueur, Minn., Sept. 7, 1872; son of August and Caroline (Sun- derman) Meckstroth; graduate De Sueur High School, 1890; Hamline University, 1891-92; College of Medicine and Sur gery, University of Minnesota, graduat ing degree of M.D., 1895. Was engaged in practice of medicine at Evansville, Minn., 1896-1901; has been practicing at Brandon since 1901. Married at Bran don, 1899, to Miss Dottie C. Johnson. Address: Brandon, Minn. MEE, Patrick Henry, physician; born at Alfsborg, Minn., May 18, 1874; son of Philip and Kate (Hamill) Mee; edu cated in public schools; Waseca High School, graduating, 1896; taught school three years; entered College of Medicine and Surgery, University of Minnesota, 1899, graduating, degree of M.D., 1903. Was assistant at the Gaylord Hospital for sixteen months. Elected coroner- of Sibley County, Nov. 6, 1906. Member Camp Release Medical Society, Minne sota State and American Medical asso ciations. Member M. W. A., M. B. A, Knights of Columbus. Married at Gay- 348 THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS lord, Minn., Oct. 14, 1903, to Miss Josephine Maisonneuve. Club: Com mercial. Recreations: Fishing and hunting. Address: Gaylord, Minn. MEE, Bobert, lawyer; born at Fari bault, Minn., April 12, 1868, son of Thomas and Emily I. (Davis) Mee; educated in Faribault public schools and The Shattuck School; married at Faribault, Oct. 8, 1903, to Miss Emily L. Gilmore. Has been engaged in prac tice of law at Faribault since 1890; was county attorney Rice Co., two terms; city attorney of Faribault, 1902-07. Democrat. Member Masonic order. Club: Commercial. Recreations: All outdoor athletic sports. Address: Fari bault, Minn. MEGAABDEN, Philip Tollef, lawyer; born , Alamakee Co., Ia., Oct. 2, 1864; son of Tollef K. and Agata (Sorteberg) Megaarden; graduate University of Min nesota College of Law, degrees of LL.B., 1892, LL.M., 1905. Acted as chief deputy sheriff of Hennepin Co., for two years, -at the close of which time he entered into law partnership with John H. Steel; was elected sheriff of Hennepin Co., 1900 and 1902, returning to practice of law at close of second term. Direc tor Pacific Coast and Norway Packing Co. Republican. Mason, Knight Tem plar, Shriner, and member Knights of Pythias, B. P. O. E., and Mahara Tem ple D. O. K. K. Office: Andrus Bldg. Residence: 2504 Garfield Av., Minnea polis. MEIEB, John, clergyman; born at Paderborn, Prussia, July 1, 1854; son of Frederic and Sophia (Hornekamp) Meier; studied the classics and philoso phy at Paderborn, came to America, June 29, 1874, and to Minnesota, July 8, of the same year; studied theology at St. John's University, Collegeville, Minn., 1874-77. Ordained as priest of the Roman Catholic church, July 8, 1877; was in charge, successively, of parishes at Belle Chester, St. Peter and Red Wing, Minn., and has been in charge of St. Joseph's Church, Winona, since Aug. 4, 1885. Member St. Joseph's Benevolent Society, Winona, German Catholic Be nevolent Association of Minnesota. Ad dress: Winona, Minn. MEIGHEN, John Felix Dryden, law yer; born at Spring Valley, Minn., Sept, 25, 1877; son of Joseph P. and Mary E. (Smith) Meighen; educated at Upper Iowa University, Fayette, la., 1891-95, graduating degree of B.L., 1895, degree of M.L., same college, 1899; University of Michigan, 1897-1900, degree of LL.B., 1900. Has been engaged in practice of law at Albert Lea, Minn., since 1900. Democrat. Member Masonic order, Knight Templar, Shrine, Knights of Pythias, B. P. O. E., Royal Arcanum. Unmarried. Address: Albert Lea, Minn. MEIGHEN, Thomas J., farmer, mer chant and banker; born at Forestville, Minn., Aug. 21, 1855; son of Felix and Eliza Jane Meighen; educated in public schools of Forestville; married at Car- miona, Minn., Sept. 6, 1897, to Miss Mary Broderick. Retail merchant, Forestville, business founded by his father, Oct. 1, 1853; president First National Bank, Preston, Minn., since 1902; member State Board of Equaliza tion for 4 years. Member Peoples Party National Committee. Address: Preston, Minn. MELADY, John P., wholesale paper merchant; born, St. Paul, Minn., June 24, 1868; graduated from Christian Brothers School, St. Paul, 1885; married, St. Paul, Sept. 4, 1894, Mary R. Pren- dergast. Began business career as bill clerk in employ of P. H. Kelly Mercan tile Co., St. Paul in 1885; then assistant bookkeeper, profit clerk, shipping clerk and for four years, traveling salesman; resigned in 1893 to engage in the paper business and has since been associated with James S. Casey under firm name of Melady & Casey, wholesalers of wrapping paper, paper bags, stationery, cordage and woodenware. Democrat. Roman Catholic. Member of Elks, Knights of Columbus, Knights of Mac cabees, Junior Pioneers of St. Paul and A. O. H. Clubs: Commercial and Job bers Union. Recreations: Outdoor sports. Office: 316-318 Sibley St. Resi dence: 50 Tilton St., St. Paul. MELGAABD, Hans L., banker; born in Norway, Nov. 4, 1859; son of Lars H. and Anne Melgaard; common school education. Was bookkeeper at Gille- hammer, Norway, until 1882; came to America, 1882, and was bookkeeper First National Bank of Fargo, N. D. ; removed to Argyle, Minn., and founded the Far mers and Merchants Bank of Argyle, 1886, of which he is president. Also president State Bank of Kennedy, State Bank of Karlstad, Scandia State Bank of Stephens, State Bank of Middle River, Citizens State Bank of Osto; vice president State Bank of Warren, Far mers State Bank, of Newfolden, State Bank of Bandette, Bank of Viking, Bank of Alvarado. Owns and operates farm near Argyle. Republican. Mayor of Argyle; delegate to Republican Na tional Convention at Philadelphia, 1900. Lutheran. Mason (32°). Married in Minnesota, 1893, to Miss Hulda Mankell. Address: Argyle, Minn. MELIN, James E., banker; born at Center .City, Minn., 1872; son of John Melin; educated in public schools. Has been president of the Chisago County State Bank since 1903; member of firm of Alfred Melin & Co., retail clothing, Lindstrom, Minn. Register of deeds Chisago Co., 1895-1902. Republican. Recreations: Wild fowl and trap shoot ing. Address: Center City, Minn. MELONS, James Arthur, general agent Northwestern Mutual Life Insur ance Co.; born at Norwich, O., July 1, 1867; son of William and Jane (Steven son) Melone; educated in public schools of Norwich until 1882; came to Minne- THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 349 sota, 1884; attended Rochester (Minn.) High School, 1884-88, graduating, June, 1888. Began active career as telegraph operator Baltimore & Ohio Ry., July 2, 1S82; resigned Nov., 1884, to attend school; reentered service of railway as operator and continued, 1888-89; became bookkeeper Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co., Nov., 1889; special agent Southern Minnesota, Oct., 1891, and since Oct., 1900, together with A. C. Steven son, has been general agent of the com pany for Southern Minnesota. Also secretary and treasurer Rochester Tele phone Co. Republican. Mayor Roches ter, 1899-1900. Congregationalist. Mem ber Masonic order, Blue Lodge, Chapter, Commandery, Shrine; Knights Pythias. Married at Chicago, 111., Oct. 28, 1903, to Miss Grace Van Sickle. Club: Com mercial. Recreation: Fishing. Address: Rochester, Minn. MENDENHALL, Luther, real estate; born in Chester Co., Pa., Aug. 7, 1836; son of Isaac and Dinah (Hannum) Mendenhall; graduated from University of Michigan, degree of A.M., 1860. Studied law after leaving college, was admitted to the bar in Philadelphia, Pa., and practiced until 1868; came to Du luth, 1868, and opened law office but gradually entered real estate 'business; member real estate firm of Mendenhall & Hoopes, founded 1869. Director First National Bank; treasurer Duluth Street Ry. Co. President Duluth Real Estate Exchange. Republican. Member Society of Friends. Mason. Married at Chi cago, 111., 1898, to Miss Kate B. Hardy. Clubs: Kitchi Gammi, Commercial. Of fice: 1st Natl. Bank Bldg. Residence: 1412 E. Superior St., Duluth. MENDENHALL, Warren, meat packer; born in Chester Co., Pa., April 27, 1868; son of Milton and Ann Mendenhall; educated in public schools of Chester Co. and at State Normal School, West Chester, Pa. Came to Duluth, 1888; began active career as clerk in employ of the North West Fuel Co.; was identi fied with Duluth Dry Goods Co. as secre tary and treasurer; entered wholesale dressed meat, provision and live stock business as member of the firm of Elliot & Co., 1899, and still continues. Repub lican. Member Society of Friends. Mar ried at Duluth, May -29, 1905, to Miss Anna M. Cook. Clubs: Commercial, Duluth Boat. Recreation: Hunting. Office: Foot of 37th Av., W. Residence: 1925 W. 3rd St., Duluth. MENDENHALL, Watson, merchant ; born at Philadelphia, Pa., April 13, 1868; son of Duther and Ellen R. (Watson) Mendenhall; educated in public schools, Duluth and High School, Philadelphia. Has been a resident of Duluth since 1870; began business career with Men denhall & Hoopes, fire insurance and real estate; was with Duluth Dry Goods Co., for 5 years; has been identified with Christenson-Mendenhall-Graham Co., im porters and jobbers of men's furnishing goods, etp., since 1896; has been secre tary and treasurer of the company, since July, 1905. Republican. Married at Duluth, Feb., 1897, to Miss Mary R. Lesarge. Club: CommerciaL Office: 514-516 W. 1st St. Residence: 1412 E. 1st St., Duluth. MERCHANT, Frank D., lawyer, me chanical engineer; born at Terre Haute, Ind., 1866; son of Harvey N. and Ella Jane (De Da Mater) Merchant; came to Minneapolis with parents, 1867; edu cated in public schools of Minneapolis; special course mechanical engineering, University of Minnesota, 1888-1901; College of Law, University of Minne sota, 1894-96, graduating degree of LL. B., 1896. Began active career by learn ing trade of machinist, 1884-85; prior to entering University of Minnesota, was connected with Minneapolis Har vesting Co., as draughtsman and later in charge of draughting room; was as sistant to James F. Williamson, patent attorney, and after graduating in law, became junior partner in firm of Wil liamson & Merchant, patent, trade mark and copyright law, in which position he continues. Also director Wolf Valve Gear Co. Married at Minneapolis, 1895, to Miss Stella Marie Michaud. Member Sigma Chi fraternity, Royal Arcanum. Recreations: Music and all outside athletic sports. Office: Guaranty Bldg. Residence: 3117 Irving Av., S., Minne apolis. MERRICK, William Hathaway, gen eral agent The Singer Sewing Machine Co.; born in Washington Co., Minn., May 4, 1858; son of Albert H. and Anna Louise (Hathaway) Merrick; educated in public and high schools of St. Paul; married at St. Paul, 1879, to Miss Caro line E. Gale. Began business career in employ of the wholesale dry goods firm of Auerbach, Finch & Shefferfnow Finch, Van Slyck & McConville), 1875; later became identified with Noyes & Merrick, retail grocers; entered service of The Singer Manufacturing Co., as salesman and collector, 1877; has been General Agent for the company since Jan. 1, 1903, his territory covering Min nesota, Wisconsin, N. and S. Dakota, Northern Michigan and Canada West. Member Territorial and Junior Pioneer associations (youngest member Terri torial Pioneers). Clubs: Commercial (charter member), Minnetonka Yacht. Office: N. Y. Dife Bldg., St. Paul. Resi dence: St. Paul and Lake Minnetonka, Minn. MERRILL, Burton Jay, physician; born at Palmyra, la., May 3, 1856; son of Philo and Sophia (Woodward) Mer rill; graduate, Iowa College, Grinnell, la., degree of B.S., 1877, A.M., same col lege, 1880; Bellevue Hospital Medical College, degree of M.D., 1881. Married at Hudson, Wis., 1881, to Cornelia E. Merrill. Practiced medicine at Hudson, Wis., for one year; has been engaged in practice at Stillwater since 1882. Local surgeon Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Ry. Member American and 350 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS Minnesota State Medical associations, Minnesota Academy of Medicine. Phy sician to Minnesota State Prison 15 years; ex-member State Board of Health. Republican. Congregationalist. • Member Masonic order, Knights of Pythias, B. P. O. E., Sons of American Revolution. Address: Stillwater, Minn. MEBBILL, Eugene A., president Min nesota Loan and Trust Co.; born at Byron, N. Y., Aug. 26, 1847; son of Daniel P. and Janette L. (Pollay) Mer rill; educated in public schools of Gene seo, 111.; Hillsdale College, Hillsdale, Mich., graduating degree of B.S., 1872, (hon. degree of M.S., from same col lege). Studied law and began practice in Minneapolis as partner in firm of Woods & Merrill, March, 1875; retired from partnership and associated in prac tice of law with Hon. M. B. Koon as Koon & Merrill, Jan. 1, 1878, being later joined by Arthur M. Keith, when the firm became Koon, Merrill & Keith; organized the Minnesota Loan & Trust Co., May 1, 1883, and became its presi dent, which position he still holds. Also vice president Associated Realty Co.; treasurer Monadnock Realty Co.; mem ber of firm of W. M. Prindle & Co., real estate, Duluth. Married at Minneapolis, Sept. 6, 1876, to Miss Adelaide Keith. Clubs: Minneapolis, Dafayette. Recrea tions: Horseback riding and gardening. Office: 313 Nicollet Av. Residence: 2116 Second Av., S., Minneapolis. MEBBILL, Galen A., educator; born in Kalamazoo Co., Mich., Dec. 28, 1859; son of George P. and Sabra W. (Wal lace) Merrill; educated in public schools of Ludington, Mich., and at University of Michigan; married at Kalamazoo, Mich., Oct. 6, 1886, to Miss Estella Ogden. Began teaching 1882, as princi pal of 4th ward schools, Ludington, Mich., continuing one year; Ailed office of assistant superintendent of state public school of Michigan, located at Coldwater, Mich., 2 years, and acted 2 years as state agent of same school; has been superintendent State Public School, Owatonna, since 1886. Republi can. Methodist. Member Royal Ar canum. Address: Owatonna, Minn. MEBBILL, George C, abstracts of title; born in Manchester, 111.; June 22, 1851; educated in public schools of Chi cago; University of Chicago; College of Law, University of Minnesota. Has been a resident of Minneapolis since 1884; was identified with actuarial de partments of life insurance companies for 10 years; president of the Merrill Abstract Co., since 1892; register ot deeds, Hennepin Co., 1901, to Jan. 1, 1907. Married at Magnolia, 111., Oct. 13, 1875, to Miss Mary A. Swindler. Club: Commercial. Recreation: Travel. Office: Phoenix Bldg. Residence: 2317 Aldrich Av., S., Minneapolis. MEBBILL, Henry A., wholesale pot tery; born at St. Paul, June 20, 1863; graduated from St. Paul High School, 1879; took law course and was admitted to bar of supreme court of Minnesota, but never practiced; married at St. Paul, 1892, to Mabel E. Baldwin. Member of firm of Ogden, Merrill &' Greer, im porters and wholesalers of pottery, etc., since 1887. President St. Paul Jobbers and Manufacturers' Association, 1902. Office: 397-405 Sibley St. Residence: 707 Goodrich Av., St. Paul. MEBBILL, James Edward, physician; born at Shakespeare, Ont, Can., April 19, 1867; son of James William and Emily (Galley) Merrill; came to Minne sota, 1887; attended Parker College, Winnebago City, Minn., lacking one year of graduation; College of Medicine and Surgery, University of Minnesota, graduating, degree of M.D., 1896. In practice at Amboy since June, 1896; member of firm of Drs. Merrill & Ben- ham since Aug. 1, 1904. Republican. Baptist. Member I. O. O. F., Fl. F. U. Married at Winnebago City, Aug. 15, 1896, to Miss Gertrude May Hargreaves. Address: Amboy, Minn. MEBBILL, John P., lawyer; born at Monmouth, Me., Nov. 4, 1858; son of Alexander F. and Olive B. (Andrews) Merrill; educated in public schools of Lewiston, Me,, and at Bates College, Lewiston; unmarried. Admitted to bar 1884, and began practice of law at Lewiston; came to Minnesota, 1886, and located in St. Paul; removed to Red Wing, 1893, where he has been engaged in practice. Republican. County treas urer Androscoggin Co., Me., 1882-1885; court commissioner of Goodhue Co., since 1902. Member Goodhue County Bar Association. Club: Commercial. Address: Red Wing, Minn. MEBBITT, George P., physician; born at Dansville, N. Y., 1846; son of George and Harriette H. Merritt; educated at Burlington (Ia.) Collegiate Institute; Rush Medical College, Chicago, M.D., 1872; married at Plainview, Minn., 1876, to Jennie Lambie. Has been in practice at St. Peter since 1872. Coroner Nicollet Co. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associations. Address: St. Peter, Minn. MEBBITT, Hulett Clinton, capitalist; born at Duluth, Minn., Aug. 17, 1872; son of Lewis J. and Eunice Annette (Wood) Merritt; attended public and high schools and graduated from busi ness college. Engaged in real estate business at 16 in Duluth; secured large interests, with his father, in iron mines and was prominent in the building of Duluth, Missabe & Northern Ry., and in organizing Lake Superior Consolidated Iron (Merritt, Rockefeller Syndicate) Mines of Which he was director at 21; sold interest in mines and railway to U. S. Steel Corporation, April, 3 901, of which he is one of the largest stock holders. President and treasurer Santa Barbara Consolidated Ry. Co.; president and treasurer Itasca Mercantile Co. of Minnesota and Pacific Coast, the Mis- THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 351 sabe Co., the Wolvin Building Co., Du luth; president Spring Street Co. (real estate) ; vice president West Adams Heights Co., Bueneman Dipsey Co., and Dewis N. Merritt Co., Los Angeles; president and treasurer Merritt Banking and Mercantile Co.; director North Star Iron Co., (Great Northern Railway Co., one deal) ; president San Pedro & Ter minal Gas, Electric & Power Co., Long Beach, Alimetos, Gas Electric & Power Co., Tagus Ranch Co., The Hill Street Co., Merritt Building Co., Merritt Bond Syndicate, Pacific Securities Co., (con trolling Pacific Sugar Co.), Pacific Com pany (finance company), all of Cali fornia; director in many corporations and chairman of the board, "Merritt Estates." Married at Duluth, July 13, 1892, to Miss Rosaline Calistine Haben of Saginaw, Mich. Clubs: California (Dos Angeles); County, Pasadena, Auto mobile, Bolsa Chico Gun (Pasadena). Residence: (Winter) Pasadena, Calif.; (Summer) Duluth. Offices: Los Angeles, Calif.; Duluth, Minn.; New York City, MEBBY, Charles W., dentist; born at Bath, Me., June 7, 1864; son of Major B. G. and Charlotte F. (Coburn) Merry; came to Minnesota with his parents, 1869, and was educated in public schools until 17; graduate Pennsylvania College of Dental Surgery, Philadelphia, D.D.S., 1883. Began practice in office of his father, where he continued until 1892; now member dental firm of Merry & Caine. Ex-president State Board of Dental Examiners. Former member M. N. G. Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner; member Knights of Pythias, Royal Ar canum, B. P. O. E., Sons of Veterans. Address: Stillwater, Minn. MEBTZ, John G., merchant; born in Germany, Sept. 25, 1835. Came to Min nesota, 1859; enlisted in 7th Minn. Vol. Regt, 1861-65, Civil War, advancing to orderly sergeant. After the close of the war, returned to Minnesota and entered business of manufacturing sash, doors, etc.; sold out the manufacturing plant, 1879, retaining retail department, ad mitted son to partnership, 1888, which still continues as John G. Mertz & Son. Married at Bedford, O., 1S59, Lois O. Mathews (now deceased). Address: Hastings, Minn. MESKEB, George M., physician; born at Kelso, Sibley Co., Minn., July 10, 1873; son of Herman and Minnie (Buer- ing) Mesker; attended district school and graduated from Henderson High School, June 6, 1892; graduate College of Medicine and Surgery University of Minnesota, 1896. Began practice of med icine at Chokio, Minn., but after a few months entered the City Hospital, Min neapolis, as interne; located at Olivia in spring of 1897, where he has since con tinued. Sergeant Co. H, 3rd Inf., M. N. G. Free Thinker. Member of Renville County Medical Society and Minnesota State and American Medical associa tions. Mason. Married at St. Paul, Sept 20, 1899, to Miss Ella Dussell. Ad dress: Olivia, Minn. METZGEB, Leopold, jeweler; born at McGregor, la., Feb. 1, 1865; son of Douis and Sophia (Cohen) Metzger; educated in public schools in Iowa and St. Paul, Minn. Has been a resident of Minne apolis since 1876; entered the jewelery business in company with S. Jacobs (now deceased), in 1884, and is senior member of the firm of S. Jacobs & Co. Jewish religion. Mason; member B. P. O. E., B'nai B'rith. Married at Minne apolis, 1890, to Miss Mollie Jacobs. Of fice: 518 Nicollet Av. Residence: 2404 Pleasant Av., Minneapolis. METZGEB, Lewis L., wholesale liquor dealer; born at Landau, Germany, July 1, 1858; son of Lazarus and Babette (Bergman) Metzger; educated in high school, Landau; married at St. Paul, 1903, to Jennie Sternberg. Bookkeeper and cashier, 1876-80, then for many years traveling salesman; since 1902, senior member of Lewis L. Metzger & Co., wholesale wines and liquors. Mem ber Masonic order (32°), Shriner. Office: 140 East 3rd St. Residence: 51 S. Avon St., St. Paul. MEYER, August G., monuments and headstones; born in Germany, Oct. 19, 1S53; son of Ernest and Theresa Meyer; came to America and located in Minne sota, 1868; educated in schools of Ger many and Minnesota; married at Owa tonna, Minn., 1878, to Lena Schmidt. Lived on a farm in Steele Co., Minn., 1868-73; in Owatonna, 1873-88; has been a resident of Mankato since 1888, and is proprietor of the Mankato Star Marble & Granite Works, founded, 1887. President Citizens' Fire Association; di rector National Citizens' Bank, Mankato Malting Co. Ex-alderman of Mankato. Republican. Lutheran. Member Mason ic order, I. O. O. F. Address: Mankato, Minn. MEYEB, Christian Wendlin, county superintendent of schools; born at St. Martin, Minn., Oct 16, 1862; son of Hu bert and Gertrude (Berg) Meyer; edu cated at State Normal schools, St Cloud and Mankato, finishing at the latter, 1881. Has been superintendent of schools, Dakota Co., since Jan. 1, 1899, present term extending to Jan. 1, 1909. Married at Montgomery, Minn., April 15, 1885, to Miss Ellen D. Carroll. Address: Hastings, Minn. MEYEB, E. Lawrence, physician; born at St. Louis, Mo., Dec. 4, 1882; son of Albert Plenry and Eihma Louise (Ette) Meyer; came to Minnesota, 1895; graduate Webster public school, St. Paul, June 1, 1897; Central High School, Min neapolis, June, 1901; University of Min nesota, College of Medicine and Surgery, degree of M.D., June 1, 1905. Married at Minneapolis, Jan. 18, 1906, to Miss Margaret Emerson Dinsmore. Began practice of medicine at Minneapolis, June, 1905; has been in practice at Walnut Grove since Aug., 1905. Mem- 352 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS ber Minnesota State Medical Asso ciation; Brown-Redwood County Medi cal Society, Phi Rho Sigma fraternity. Address: Walnut Grove, Minn. MEYST, Frank Jay, resident manager A. N. Kellogg Newspaper Co.; born in Amsterdam, Holland, Jan. 23, 1858; son of Peter and Nellie (Faber) Meyst; public school education. Came to Amer ica, 1806, and has been a resident of Minnesota ever since; began in news paper business at 13. years of age with St. Cloud (Minn.) Times; was next with St. Paul Newspaper Union, St. Paul, continuing from 1875-81; became publisher Osakis (Minn.) Observer, 1881, and started Brainerd (Minn.) Dis patch, 1882; returned to St. Paul and acted as foreman St. Paul Daily Globe, 18S3-84, also becoming one of the or ganizers of Mutual Benefit Publishers' Association; has been resident mana ger A. N. Kellogg Newspaper Co., Min neapolis, since Feb., 1893. Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner; member Roy al Arcanum. Married at Minneapolis, May 28, 1881, to Miss Dena Furch. Clubs: Commercial, Press. Office: Lum ber Exchange Bldg. Residence: 306 University Av., S. E., Minneapolis. MICHAEL, James C, lawyer; born in Virginia, March 19, 1863; son ot John A. and Nancy H. (Ormond) Mich ael; educated in public schools and took special course at West Virginia University, teaching school in winter. Engaged in business at La Salle, 111., studied law and removed to Red Wing, Minn., 1884, where he was admitted to the bar the following year. Practiced law at Red Wing, 1885-89; came to St. Paul. 1889; served as city attorney, South St. Paul, several terms, begin ning 1894; has been corporation coun sel for St. Paul since 1903. Member American,^ Minnesota State and Ramsey County Bar associations. Member Char ter Commission, B. P. O. E., Modern Woodmen of America, Knights of Pythias. Married at St. Paul, Sept. 3, 1890, to Miss Jennie M. Crandall. Club: Commercial. Recreation: Driving. Of fice: Court House. Residence: 941 Portland Av., St. Paul. MICHAUD, Achille, grocer; native of Canada; son of Narcisse and Mathilde (Guilbault) Michaud; educated in pub lic schools of Canada. Came to St. Paul, 1870; established himself in gro cery business under title of Michaud & Co.. 1872, the name being changed to Michaud Brothers in 1877, under which title it has since continued. Roman Catholic. Member Catholic Order of Foresters. Married at St. Paul, 1881, to Miss Langevin. Office: Wabasha and 7th Sts. Residence: 699 Grand Av„ St. Paul. MICHAUD, Adolph Eugene, wholesale grocer; born at Joliette, Can., Feb. 15, 1863; son of Narcisse and Mathilda (Guilbault) Michaud; educated in pub lic schools in Canada; married at St. Paul, Feb. 15, 1898, to Alice Marie Val- lee. Began business career, 1878, as cashier in store of Michaud Bros., and •was promoted until he was admitted to partnership in 1886; has charge of the wholesale department. Republican. Cath olic. Clubs: Commercial (charter mem ber), Minnesota. Office: 142-144 East 3rd St. Residence: 818 Laurel Av., St. Paul. MICHAUD, Charles, wholesale and retail grocer, born in Joliette, Canada, 1846; son of Narcisse and Mathilde (Guilbault) Michaud; common school education; began in grocery business in Canada, 40 years ago; came to St. Paul, 1870, and has since been in gro cery business, in charge of retail store of Michaud Brothers. Married in Mis souri, 1879, to Miss Mary E. Sauvinet Recreation: Fishing. Office: 7th and Wabasha Sts. Residence: 804 Hague Av., St. Paul. MICHAUD, Desire H., real estate; born in Joliette County, Canada, Sept. 27, 1855; son of Henry and Josette (Guilbault) Michaud; educated in pub lic schools of Canada. Came to St. Paul, 1876; and became connected with the Michaud Brothers, grocers; turned his attention to real estate and has been intimately and successfully identi fied with the real estate development of St. Paul since 1884. Roman Catho lic Member Real Estate Exchange. Married at St. Paul, Oct., 1887, to Miss Julie F. Chanson. Club: Commercial. Office: 105 East 4th St. Residence: 686 Iglehart St., St. Paul. MICHAUD, John T., manager St. Louis Hotel; born in Province of Quebec, Canada, June 2 4, 1865; son of Augus tin and Eugenie (Belanger) Michaud. Began active career as clerk in general store in Canada; came to Duluth, 1886, and entered hotel business; has been connected with the St. Douis Hotel since 1893, and manager since Sept., 3 906. Scottish Rite Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner; member B. P. O. E. Married at Superior, Wis., June, 1896, to Miss Mary E. Keifer. Recreations: Fond of dogs (dog fancier). Office: St. Louis Hotel. Residence: 5520 London Rd., Duluth. MICHEL, George, president George Michel Mercantile Co.; born in St. Paul, April 12, 1859; son of Bernard and Frances Michel; educated in pub lic schools of St. Paul and at St. John's College; married at St. Paul, 1883, to Miss Mary Loskiel. Began active ca reer by learning carpenter's trade, which he followed for four years; suc ceeded his 'father in mercantile busi ness, 1886, and is president of the George Michel Mercantile Co., founded, 1867, and incorporated, 1906, retail meat dealers, grocers, and bakers, at Mer riam Park, in name of George Michel. President Citizens' Savings Bank; di rector State Bank of St. Paul; treasur er St. Joseph German Catholic Orphan THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 353 Asylum. Member Board of Water Com missioners, St. Paul, since Feb., 1906. Democrat. Roman Catholic. Member Knights of Columbus, C. O. F., Junior Pioneers. Recreation: Fishing. Office: 387-391 Rice St. Residence: 175 West Delos St., St. Paul. MICHENEB, Daniel Kinsey, fruit growing and insurance; born in Wells Co., Ind,, 1846; son of John L. and Mary (Blackledge) Michener; came to Minnesota with parents, 1857; educated in common schools of Fillmore Co., Minn.; private school Lime Springs, la.; State Normal School, Winona. Mar ried at Pleasant Grove, Minn., 1884, to Miss Ida C. Blakeslee. Engaged for a number of years in farming and fruit growing; removed from farm to Spring Valley, 1900. Republican. Member State Legislature, 1884-85; county commis sioner, 3rd district, Fillmore Co., since 1900, and chairman of the board; also member board of education, Spring Val ley. Member Masonic order. Address: Spring Valley, Minn. MIDDLECOFF, Jehu Baker, lawyer, judge of probate; born at Clinton, Mo., Sept. 18, 1866; son of John W. and Elizabeth (Land) Middlecoff; educated at Clinton High School; Clinton Acad emy, graduating, degree of B.S., June, 1888; University of Michigan, Law De partment, graduating, degree of LL.B., 1891, degree of LL.M., 1892, same col lege. Taught school one year and waa instructor University of Michigan, Law Department, 1891-92; began practice of law, 1892, at Duluth; judge of probate court, St. Louis Co., since 1898, with exception of two years. Republican (chairman Republican Campaign, Du luth, 1896). Methodist. Member Knights of Pythias, Royal Arcanum, I. O. F., Modern Samaritans, Royal League. Married at Clinton, Mo., Nov. 5, 1888, to Miss Jessie Boyd of Cumberland, Md. Clubs: Commercial, Garfield. Recrea tions: Driving, hunting and traveling in America and Europe. Office: Court House. Residence: 205 E. 3rd St., Du luth. MILAND, Fred E., merchant; born at Chicago, 111., March, 1874; son of Fred and Caroline (Teese) Miland; educated in public schools of Austin, Minn., and Spring Valley (Minn.) High School. Has been at the head of the firm of F. E. Miland & Co., since its organi zation, 1897. Town treasurer of Racine. Member Masonic order. Married at Kasson, Minn., 1896, to Miss Edyth Greene. Address: Racine, Minn. MILIE, Bunnell, journalist; born at Goodrich, Mich., Dec. 4, 1861; son of Miron and Viola (Mathewson) Milie; graduated from Ann Arbor High School, 1878, and entered University of Michi gan, class of 1882; married at St. Ig- nace, Mich., Oct. 9, 1889, to Miss Eliza beth Birney Cook. Began in newspaper business at Bay City, Mich., 1878; founded Duluth Herald, 1883, and con ducted it until 1889, when he moved to Kansas City and became managing edi tor of Kansas City Globe, continuing, 1890-96; was political editor Kansas City Times, with headquarters in To peka, Kan., until in 1897 he returned to Duluth; purchased interest in News- Tribune, 1899, and assumed manage ment. Vice president and general man ager Duluth News-Tribune Co. Re publican. Clubs: Kitchi Gammi, North land Country, Commercial, Duluth Boat, Duluth Yacht. Office: News-Tribune. Residence: 2017 E. Superior St., Duluth. MILLARD, Jacob P., banker; born in Swift Co., Minn., Feb. 2, 1872; educated in common schools and at Willmar Sem inary. Dived on farm until 19 years of age; clerk in general store for 3 years; was bookkeeper in Bank of Kerkhoven, Swift Co., Minn., 2 years; became man ager of the general merchandise store of O. Becklund, 1895, retiring in 1-902, when the business changed hands; started in banking business as clerk in Kandiyohi County Bank, 1902; elected director and vice president after 4 months, and still continues; incorpora tor State Bank of Kandiyohi; vice pres ident State Bank of Kirkhoven; presi dent State Bank of Pennock, Pennock, Minn. Republican'. Presbyterian. Mar ried in Kandryohi Co., 1899, to Miss Mary Hough. Member I. O. O. F. Ad dress: Willmar, Minn. MILLER, Arthur Ainslie, lawyer; born at Dima, Wis., Sept. 16, 1851; son of Samuel I. and Sophia A. (Reid) Mil ler; educated in common schools; at Milton College, Milton, Wis., gradua ting, degree of A.B., 1874, A.M., same college, 1877. Was principal High School, Lodi, Wis., 1874-76; superintendent of schools and principal High School, Waukesha, Wis., 1876-82; employed in law office of Miller & Green, Fargo, N. D.. 1882-88; removed to Crookston, Minn., Feb. 1, 1888, and with J. P. Foote established law firm of Miller & Foote, in which he still continues. Also director Scandia American Bank, Crook ston; vice president Citizens' Bank of Mcintosh, Minn. Republican. Congre gationalist. Life member Minnesota Historical Society. Married at Fulton, Wis., Dec. 20, 1877, to Miss Alice L. Page. Address: Crookston, Minn. MILLER, Arthur Wenzel, physician; born at Bushnell, 111., Aug. 18, 1870; son of Charles C and Elizabeth (Wen zel) Miller; educated in public schools of St. Paul; graduated from University of Minnesota, M.D., 1897; married at Kasson, Minn., 1902, to Alice Billings. Engaged in general practice of medi cine since 1897. Appointed assistant to bacteriologist Minnesota State Board of Health, 1898; appointed assistant health commissioner of St. Paul, 1898; elected coroner of Ramsey County, 1901, and reelected three terms. Member Amer ican and Minnesota State Medical as sociations, Ramsey County Medical So ciety. Democrat. Member Masons, 354 THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS Elks, Knights of Pythias, I. O. F, O. C. K. Club: Commercial. Office: Bal timore Blk. Residence: 767 East 5th St.. St. Paul. MILLER, Christian P., merchant: born in Sweden, Dec. 19, 1861; educated in rural schools of Sweden. Came to America, April, 1883, and located at Sauk Center; removed to Long Prairie, 1888, and filled position of bank cashier 5 years; bought and sold lands for 2 years and began, 1896, as dealer in gro ceries, farm machinery, coal, etc., now having branch houses ¦ at Browerville, Clarissa and Cass Lake. President Todd County Agricultural Society; vice pres ident and director Peoples' National Bank. Republican. Member A. O. U. W., Modern Woodmen of America. Mar ried at Long Prairie, April, 1889, to Miss Estella S. Taber. Address: Long Prairie, Minn. ' MILLBB, Emil, merchant and bank er; born at Winona, Minn., Sept, 1857; educated in public and private schools; unmarried. Began active career as de livery clerk in father's store; later was connected with sale of ice and grocery business, and learned to farm; now de votes his attention principally to sale of groceries, provisions, etc. Also vice president Merchants' Bank; director Park Brewery. Member Ancient Order of Druids. Address: Winona, Minn. MILLER, Gustaf O., merchant; born in Sweden, Oct. 29, 1852; son of John and Malena Miller; came to America with parents, Aug., 1854, and has been a resident of Minnesota since Oct., 1857; educated in district schools and at Red Wing, Minn.; married at Spring Gar den, Minn., Jan. 7, 1877, to Miss Mary C. Nelson. Has been engaged in mer cantile business since March 1, 1883. President Miller &. Holmes, Inc., whole sale produce, St. Paul; owner general store, creamery and telephone system, White Rock; member Miller Brothers, Tacoma, Wash. Postmaster, White Rock, 1885-1903. Address: Cannon Falls, Minn. MILLER, Henry C, editor; born at Platendorf, Germany, April 18, 1842; educated in schools of his native town and city of Hamburg. Came to United States, 1865, and to St. Peter, Minn., 1866; elected to State senate, 1879; appointed U. S. consul to Guayaquil, 1882; served in city council 9 years and as city justice 5 years; established St. Peter Free Press, 1894, and is its editor and publisher; appointed post master, 1903; elected court commis sioner, 1903, and reelected, 1906. Mar ried at St. Peter, Oct. 30, 1870, to Miss Dina Hensel. Address: St. Peter, Minn. MILLEB, John, grain merchant; born at Dryden, N. Y., 1843; son of Arch. and Isabel Miller; educated in public schools and academy at Dryden. Began active career in mercantile business in New York State; removed to Richland Co., N. D., 1880, where he engaged in farming and real estate business; came to Duluth, 1896, and established The John Miller Co., grain commission, Du luth and Minneapolis, of which he is president and general manager; also president Chaffee & Miller Milling Co., Castleton, N. D.; director Dwight Farm and Land Co. of N. D., Chaffee-Miller Land Co., Miller-Chaffee-Reed Co., Ame- nia, N. D. Was first governor of N. Dakota, 1889-90; member Territorial Council of Dakota. Republican. Pres byterian. President Duluth Y. M. C. A. and Duluth Board of Trade. Married in New York, 18S2, to Miss S. Addie Tucker. Clubs: Commercial, Duluth Boat. Recreation: Curling. Office: Bd. of Trade Bldg. Residence: 429 E. 2nd St., Duluth. MILLER, Victor I., physician; born in Wasioja, Minn., Sept. 3, 1875; son of Joseph S. and Ella E. (Norton) Mil ler; graduate Mantorville (Minn.) High School; attended Carleton College and University of Minnesota; graduate Col lege of Physicians and Surgeons, Ham line University, degrees of M.D., CM., 1900. Married at Dundee, Minn., Dec. 23, 1903, to Miss Helma E. Johnson. Member Minnesota State Medical Asso ciation, Southwestern Minnesota Med ical Society. Mason; member A. O. U. W., M. B. A. Address: Westbrook, Minn. MILLEB, William Andrew, banker; born on farm near St. Paul, Minn., Aug. 19, 1857; son of John J. and Elizabeth M. (Metzger) Miller; educated in pub lic schools of St. Paul until 14th year; married at St. Paul, May 26, 1880, to Miss Lena Boettcher. Entered service of the First National Bank of St. Paul as messenger boy, 1871, and has been cashier since Jan. 1, 1897. Methodist. Clubs: Commercial, Twin City Bankers. Office: Cor. 4th and Jackson Sts. Resi dence: 731 East 4th St., St. Paul. MILLS, Ira B., railroad commission er; born in Scotchtown, Orange Co., N. Y.; son of William and Julia A. (Hous ton) Mill; educated in the local school, at Walkill Academy and at the Albany Law School. Began practice of law at Port Jarvis, N. Y., Jan., 1873; married at Ashford, Conn., Sept. 17, 1874, to Dora Backus (now deceased). Farmed in Virginia, beginning, April, 1878; came to Minnesota and practiced law at Moorhead, 1882-86; judge of the district court, 14th judicial district, 1887-93; railroad and warehouse com missioner, State of Minnesota, since Jan. 15, 1893. Presbyterian. Office: State Capitol, St Paul. Residence: Moorhead, Minn. MILLSFAUGH, Joseph G., physician and surgeon; born at Battle Creek. Mich., Feb. 19, 1851; son of Jacob M. and Mary Ann (Decker) Millspaugh; educated in public schools of Battle Creek and at Hope College, Mich., grad uating, degree of A.B., 1874; Univer sity of Michigan, Department of Medi- THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 355 cine and Surgery, degree of M.D., June, 1876; College of Physicians and Sur geons, 1876-77, receiving degree of M.D., 1877. Member American and Min nesota State Medical associations, ex- president Upper Mississippi Medical So ciety, ex-president and honorary mem ber N. Dakota Medical Association; ex- secretary N. Dakota State Board of Health, secretary Little Falls U. S. Pension Examining Board. Married at Battle Creek, Mich., Nov. 19, 1879, to Miss Anna M. Zang. Address: Little Falls, Minn. MILNE, Alexander, business mana ger; born at Princeton, Ont., Feb. 12, 1866; son of James and Mary (Milne) Milne; educated at the public schools of Howard City, Mich. Spent early life on father's farm in Michigan; engaged in railroad business from 1886 to 1892; commenced work with the H. J. Heinz Company (Chicago branch), in January, 1893. Assumed charge of the business at the St. Paul office, April 1, 1903. Un married. Mason. Office: 45 East Fill more Av. Residence: Ryan Hotel, St. Paul. MITCHELL, Edward Craig, clergy man; born at St. Louis, Mo., July 21, 1836; son of Edward Phillips and Eliza beth (Tyndale) Mitchell, of Philadel phia, Pa.; graduated from Central High School (public college) of Philadelphia, B.A., 1856 (M.A., 1861); Law School of LTniversity of Pennsylvania, 1S59. Mar ried at Philadelphia, Pa., July 8, 1876, to Annie Iungerich (now deceased). Ad mitted to Philadelphia bar, 1859. Since Oct. 1, 1860, a minister in the New Je rusalem (Swedenborgian) Church, as pastor of churches at Frankford (Phil adelphia), 1860-63; Providence, R. I., 1863-65; Pawtueket, R. I., 1865-66; North Bridgewater, Mass., 1866-69; De troit, Mich., 1869-72; Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minn., 1872-80; St. Paul, Minn. (alone) since 1880, now having been 34 vears minister of the St. Paul Society of the church. Republican. Member of council Minnesota Historical Society; president St. Paul Academy of Science, Free Kindergarten Society of St. Paul; member board of managers St. Paul Relief ' Society, member Wisconsin Nat ural History Society, Peace Society of America, National Geographic Society, Society of Colonial Wars, Wisconsin Archaeological Society, Keystone Deague (of Pennsylvania), Philadelphia Acad emy of Natural Sciences, Y. M. C. A. Club: Commercial. Address: 534 Sum mit Av., St. Paul. MITCHELL, Frederick, physician; born at Richland Center, Wis., July 17, 1879; son of Dr. George R. and Laura E (Dodge) Mitchell; educated in graded schools of Richland Centre, graduating from high school. 1897. Be gan active career by teaching school; principal Boaz, Wis., graded schools, 1898' graduate Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago, 111., M.D., 1903. Ho- meopathist. In, practice since 1903. Member firm of Chapin & Mitchell, re tail drugs; director Euclid Rural Tele phone Co., Red River Valley Road Im provement Association. Health officer Euclid Board of Health. Was first ser geant Q. M. 4th Wis. Vol. Inf., Span ish-American War. Member Red River Valley Medical Society. Member Ur- tion Medical fraternity (president, 1903), Equity, M. W. A., Royal Neigh bors, etc. Married at Richland Center, Wis., 1905, to Miss Minnie E. Zane. Address: Euclid, Minn. MITCHELL, John H., lawyer; born in Butler, Butler Co., Pa., Jan. 27, I860; son of John H. and Sarah (Hoon) Mitch ell; educated in public schools, Pros pect and Coultersville, Butler Co., 1867- 71; Marion, Indiana Co., Pa., 1871-73; Mount Union College, Alliance, O, 1874- 78, graduating with degree of B.A. ; University of Michigan, 1879-81, gradu ating from Law Department, March, 1883, degree of LL.B. Unmarried. En tered upon practice of profession at Seattle, Wash., Nov., 1881, as member of the firm of McNaught, Ferry, Mc- Naught & Mitchell; remained with the firm until 1887, when Northern Pacific Ry. Co.'s legal business, in which had been almost exclusively engaged, was transferred to Tacoma; was at Tacoma as counsel of the railway company, for Washington, Idaho and Oregon, 1887- 92; organized Western branch of the Northern Pacific Legal Department; es tablished firm of Mitchell, Ashton & Chapman, which continued, 1887-92; transferred to St. Paul, Minn., as coun sel for Northern Pacific Ry. Co., for entire system, Aug., 1892; left service of railway, Jan. 1, 1900, and has been in business for self ever since, and rec ognized as one of the leading mem bers of the bar. Republican. Never sought and never wanted political of fice. Reared as a Methodist, but for 12 years has been a regular attendant at Presbytertan Church. Mason; mem ber B. P. O. E. Club: Commercial. Rec reations: Walking and reading. Office: 519 Pioneer Press Bldg. Residence: 258 Dayton Av., St. Paul. MITCHELL, John B., banker; born at Franklin, Fa., Jan. 9, 1868; son of John L. and Harriet R. Mitchell; graduate Yale University, 1889; married at Wi nona, Minn., Jan. 29, 1896, to Mary E. Lamberton. Began business career as civil engineer; entered the banking busi ness in 1890; president Capital National Bank, St. Paul; Duluth Savings' Bank and Winona Deposit Bank, Duluth, Minn., and trustee Minnesota Mutual Life Insurance Co. Republican. Mason. Clubs: Minnesota, Commercial (St. Paul). Office: Capital National Bank. Residence: Summit Av., St. Paul. MITCHELL, John Samuel, secretary William Donaldson & Co.; native of Paris, Ontario, Canada; educated in pub lic schools of Ontario. Came to the United States, and entered service of Marshall Field & Co., Chicago, 111., 1879, 356 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS continuing until 1884; was connected with the firm of Mandel Brothers, Chi cago, 3SS4-97; has been with William Donaldson & Co., dry goods and depart ment store, Minneapolis, since 3897, and is now secretary of the company. Club: Commercial. Office: Glass Blk. Resi dence: 2610 Irving Av., S„ Minneapolis. MITCHELL, Joseph Lewis, banker; born on a farm in Steel Co., Minn., June 21, 1865; son of Henry H. and Mary L. (Goodnard) Mitchell; educated in public and high schools of Owatonna, Minn., graduating from high school, 1882. Began active career as bookkeep er in the First National Bank, Owatonna, July 5, 1883; became remittance clerk, National Bank of Commerce, Minneap olis, June 9, 1887, and was advanced to position of draft teller; entered Aus tin National Bank as assistant cashier. Jan. 15, 1900, becoming cashier on the 10th of December following. President First National Bank, Forman, N. D., Forman Loan & Trust Co.; cashier and director Austin National Bank, Austin, Minn., also actively identified with in dustrial and other corporations. Re publican. Methodist. Mason, Knight Templar (member St. Bernard Com mandery, Austin). Married at Austin, Minn., Sept. 15, 1893, Miss Mary Ethel Davidson. Clubs: Progressive League, Commercial (Minneapolis). Recreations: Motoring and fishing. Address: Austin, Minn. MITCHELL, Lester Charles, flour manufacturer; born in Oswego County, New York, Dec. 6, 1842; educated in local public schools, Mexico Academy, and University of Michigan, graduating in the Medical Department of the Uni versity of the City of New York, 1867; practiced medicine, 1867-1879; married, Marcia A. Hatch (now deceased), May 1, 1867. Served in Civil War, 2nd New York Cavalry. Came to Minnesota in 1880; secretary Wisconsin, Minnesota & Pacific Ry. Co., 1886-89, and president of the same road, 1889-94, since which time has been president of the Aber deen Mill Co., and vice president Great Western Elevator Co. Member Henne pin County Medical Society, Minnesota State and American Medical associa tions. Office: Guaranty Bldg. Resi dence: Hampshire Rooms, Minneapolis. MITCHELL, Oscar, lawyer; born in Greene Co., 111., Aug. 10, 1863; son of Jackson G. and Sarah (Hubbell) Mitch ell; educated in public schools of Illi nois and in Law Department University of Michigan; married at Clinton, la., July 7, 1892, to Miss Mary Wildey. Was admitted to the bar in Illinois, 1890; came to Duluth, 1891, and was admitted to practice in Minnesota, 1892; began practice in Duluth as member of firm of McMahon & Mitchell, continuing until 1894; member of the firm of Schmidt, Reynolds & Mitchell, until 1900, and Mitchell & Reynolds until 1904; city at torney of Duluth, 1900 to 1904, since which time he has been a member of firm of Washburn, Bailey & Mitchell. Also secretary Great Northern Power Co., and Northern Power Co. Member American and Minnesota State Bar as sociations. Republican. Congregation alist; chairman board of trustees Con gregational Church. Director Y. M. C. A.; chairman Boys' Department. Clubs: Kitchi Gammi, Commercial. Office: Lonsdale Bldg. Residence: 1102 E. 1st St., Duluth. MITCHELL, Ralph Sidney, physician; born at Eden Prairie, Minnesota, April 28, 1S74; son of Alexander and Sarah J. (Dean) Mitchell; educated in schools of 'Eden Prairie, Minn.; Hamline Uni versity, College of Physicians and Sur geons, Hamline University, graduating, degrees of M.D., CM., 1903. Born and raised on a farm; very early in life be came ambitious to practice medicine; earned money to support himself and pay for his education, by canvassing, work on farm and teaching school; took competitive examination for hospital in terne, Asbury Hospital, Minneapolis, 1903, and won first place, gaining posi tion as house surgeon for a year; bor rowed money to pay expenses at hos pital. Has been actively engaged in practice at Grand Meadow, Minn., since June, 1904. Member Minnesota State Medical Association, Mower County Medical Society. Independent in poli tics. Methodist. Member M. W. A., Yeomen. Married at Eden Prairie, Jan. 25, 1905, to Miss Mabel H. Lucas. Ad dress: Grand Meadow, Minn. MITCHELL, Bobert Chalmers, editor and publisher of the Tribunal, Duluth; born at Bloomingburg, O., Sept. 16, 1832; son of William and Lydia (Robinson) Mitchell; was fitted for college at Lo- gansport (Ind.) Seminary; graduate Wabash College, Crawfordsville, Ind., degree of A.B., 1861; worked his way through college and paid his own ex penses; studied law in office of Judge Horace P. Biddle of Logansport, Ind., and was admitted to the bar at Rensse laer, Ind., 1862. Married at Willoughby, O., Dec. 22, 1862, to Miss Fannie Hul- burd. Removed to Anoka, Minn., 1863, where he held office of county attorney of Anoka Co., 4 years; went to St. Jo seph, Mo., and was editor Daily Union, 1867-69; came to Superior and estab lished the Tribune, July, 1869, removing it to Duluth, in May, 1870, and continued to publish the paper until 1889, the last ten years as a daily; sold out the paper in Dec, 1889, and then for some years was engaged in the real estate business; established the Tribunal, a weekly pa per, in 1894, and is still its publisher. Republican. Register U. S. land office at Duluth, 1876-80. Agnostic. Member B. P. O. E. Club: Commercial. Office: Torrey Bldg. Residence: Woodland Park, Duluth. MITCHELL, William De Witt, law yer; born at Winona, Minn., Sept. 9, 1874; son of Hon. William and Frances (Merritt) Mitchell; graduated from THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 357 Lawrenceville Academy, N. J., 1891; Yale, 1891-1893; 'University of Minne sota, degree of B.A. (LL.B., 1896). Mar ried at St. Paul, June 27, 1901, to Miss Gertrude Bancroft. Admitted to bar of Minnesota, 1896, and ever since engaged in practice of law at St. Paul. Member of law firm of How, Butler & Mitchell (Jared How, Pierce Butler, W. D. Mitch ell). Member of Ramsey County, State and American Bar associations. Served as 2nd lieutenant 15th Minnesota Vol unteer Infantry in Spanish-American War. Clubs: Minnesota, Town and Country, White Bear Yacht, Lafayette. Recreations: Automobiling and boating. Office: Fire and Marine Bldg. Resi dence: 521 Grand Av., St. Paul. MITHUN, Louis M. Marshall, county superintendent of schools; born in Ei- vendvik, Norway, Oct. 8, 1875; son ol Otto L. and Magdaline (Ostgulen) Mithun; graduated from Minneapolis Normal College and Business Institute, 1898, and Moorhead State Normal School, 1901. Was principal of public schools, ITlen, Minn., 1902-03; principal Osna brock Public Schools, Osnabrock, N. D., 1904; superintendent of schools, Mar shall Co., Minn., since Jan. 1, 1905. Mar ried at Braham, Minn., Sept. 20, 1905, to Miss Alma L. Anderson. Address: Warren, Minn. MTTTON, Arthur Wellington, banker; born at Dorchester, New Brunswick, Can., Dec. 20, 1850; son of Andrew and Ruth (Maxwell) Mitton; educated in public and normal schools, Frederick- ton, N. B.; Wesleyan Academy and Col lege, Sackville, N. B. Came to Minne sota, 1879; entered banking business, 1903; president First National Bank, Brown Valley (not actively engaged in business at present). Mayor of village, clerk of High School Board, justice of Police Court, Brown ' Valley. Prohibi tionist. Member Methodist Church. Ma son. Married at Prince Edward Island, Can., 1877, to Miss Mary E. McKinnon. Address: Brown Valley, Minn. MO, Hans, banker; born in Vaage, Gudbransdalen, Norway, March 17, 1850; son of Einar and Ingeborg Mo; educated in public schools in Norway. Came to Byron, Minn., 1872; located in Sleepy Eye, Minn., 1877, and has since lived in that place, Entered banking business in 1886 and is now president of the State Bank of Sleepy Eye and State Bank of Cobden. Secretary of the Sleepy Eye Milling Co., the largest coun try mills in the United States, the daily capacity being 5,500 barrels. Postmas ter at Sleepy Eye, 1882-86; member of board of education, Sleepy Eye, for 18 years; secretary Home Cemetery Asso ciation for 20 years; president Game and Fish League for Brown and Red wood counties; president city council, Sleepy Eye, 1895-97. Married in Brown County, Minn., Aug. 13, 1877, to Miss Anne 'Stockstad. Address: Sleepy Eye, Minn. MOBBAATEN, Edward, lumber and banking; born at Spring Grove, Minn., Dec. 14, 1867; son of Christopher and Anne Mobraaten; educated in common schools; married at Wendell, Minn., 1890, to Miss Ingeborg Dahlen; one boy, Charles Sander. Born and raised on farm; moved to Grant Co., Minn., in covered wagons drawn by two yokes of cattle; farmed until 1889; engaged in retail machinery business, 1889, and con tinued until he sold out, 1903; entered lumber business, 1899, and has enlarged until he owns one of the finest lumber sheds in the Northwest. Also president Farmers and Merchants' State Bank (or- gajiized, 1903, with capital stock of $12,- 000), Wendell Creamery Co.; vice president Goodland Lumber Co. Repub lican. Chairman board of county com missioners; served as member Repub lican County Committee, member school board, etc. Lutheran. President Wen dell Commercial Club. Address: Wen dell, Minn. MODISETTE, John Austin, safes and vaults; born in Fayette Co., Pa., April 2, 1848; son of Robert M. and Mary (Austin) Modisette; educated at Wash ington and Jefferson College, Washing ton, Pa. Began business career in grain trade in Pennsylvania, continuing for 3 years; engaged in drug business at Uniontown, Pa., for 10 years, locating in Minneapolis,' 1879; has been connected with sale of safes and vaults since 1880. Director Minnesota National Bank. Re publican. Episcopalian. Mason. Mar ried in Pennsylvania, 1872, to Miss Frances Skiles. Club: Lafayette. Office: 212 Nicollet Av. Residence: 412 10th St., S., Minneapolis. MOB, John J., department store; born in Norway, Oct. 23, 1858; son of Jens L. and Johanne (Botterud) Moe; edu cated in public schools in Norway. Came to America, 1881, and located at Hillsboro, N. D., where he filled posi tion of manager dry goods store for 7 years; was for three years conducting a general store at Twin Valley, Minn., established 1887, as Johnson & Moe; lo cated in Duluth, 1891, and is resident partner and general manager of firm of Johnson & Moe, wholesale and retail general merchandise. Has been member board of education, Duluth, since 1898. Republican. Methodist. Married at New York City, 1903, to Miss Katie Sands- mark. Club: Commercial. Recreation: Fishing. Office: 2102-2108 W. Superior St. Residence: 2207 W. 3rd St., Du luth. MOE, Lindor P., dry goods merchant; born in Norway, Feb. 22, 1868; educated in common schools until 14; came to America, 1885, and attended public schools 12 months, Moorhead High School, winter of 1889, Willmar Semi nary, winters of 1890 and 1891, taking course in bookkeeping; passed state ex amination in bookkeeping. Began busi ness career as driver for grocery store; became manager confectionery and ci gar business; began in dry goods busi- 358 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS ness at Moorhead, as Nelson, Moe & Co., Sept 1, 1898, at the close of one year becoming active member of L. F. Moe & Co., which still continues. Address: Moorhead, Minn. MOEN, Nels T., lawyer; born in Free born Co., Minn., May 26, 1866; son of Tollef Nelson and Marit (Larson) Moen; educated at Red Wing Seminary, Red Wing, Minn., 18S7-91, graduating, 1891; Law Department University of Minne sota, LL.B., 1893. In practice of law in Norman Co., Minn., since June, 1893; probate judge, Norman Co., 1899-1903; county attorney, since Jan. 1, 1905. Lutheran. Married in Otter Tail Co., Minn., Jan. 21, 1893, to Miss Betsey Johnson. Address: Ada, Minn. MOFFETT, James Burch, merchant; born at Mineral Point, Wis., Aug. 5, 1871; son of James B. and Harriet A. (Larned) Moffett; educated in Minneap olis public schools and at University of Minnesota. Has been a resident of Minneapolis since 1880; assisted in or ganizing the wholesale paint firm of J. B. & C. T. Moffett, 1894, and has since continued as senior member of the firm; also vice president Moffett Investment Co., and member Wisconsin Syndicate. Secretary Minneapolis Paint Club. Mem ber Co. A, 1st Regt, M. N. G., for 5 years. Republican. Presbyterian. Mar ried at Minneapolis, 1900, to Miss Bes sie I. Bode.' Club: Commercial. Office: 3 9 Washington Av., N. Residence: 2648 Harriet Av., Minneapolis. MOHL, Fred, lands and real estate; born in Sweden, Aug. 31, 1860; came to America, July 4, 1877; educated in public schools. Has been engaged in dealing in real estate and lands, inde pendently at Adrian, Minn., since 1883; now dealing in irrigated lands in South eastern Colorado and improved farms, prairie and timber lands, in Central Min nesota. Also proprietor Kamaranzl Nurseries; director First National Bank. Republican. Mayor of Adrian; member board of education, Independent School of Adrian. Mason. Married at Adrian, Minn., Nov. 12, 1888, to Miss Anna Paul son. Address: Adrian, Minn. MOLANDEB, Swan B., lawyer; born in Sweden, Feb. 27, 1855; son of B. S. and Anna (Munson) Molander; educated in public schools of Sweden; came to America with his parents at age of 14 and located at Stillwater, Minn.; mar ried at Stillwater, Sept., 1876, to Miss Nellie Borgenson. Began business ca reer as county auditor of Kanabec Co., Minn., serving, 1885-95; was deputy clerk in state auditor's office, 1895-1903; graduated from St. Paul College of Law, degree of LL.B., 1903, and has been en gaged in practice of law since that time. Republican; chairman Republican Coun ty Committee, Kanabec Co., for 15 years; engrossing clerk House of Representa tives, 1893. Candidate for Secretary of State of Minnesota, 1906. Lutheran. Member I. O. O. F., Modern Woodmen of America, Modern Samaritans. Rec reations:' Billiards, baseball and fishing. Office: New York Life Bldg. Residence: 944 Bayless Av., St. Paul. MOLDEN, Ole Gulbrandsen, surveyor; born in Norway, 1848; educated in pub lic schools. Was sergeant in army ol Norway, 1871-77; engaged in surveying and civil engineering service, 1872-77; came to America, 1879; was county sur veyor in N. Dakota, 1894-1902; has been county surveyor, Otter Tail Co., Minn., since 1904. Married, Jan., 1880, to Miss Pauline O. Hauylost Address: Fergus Falls, Minn. MOLES, Edwin J., hardware; born at Minneapolis, Minn., Feb. 5, 1869; son of Samuel T. and Emily (Janney). Moles; educated in public schools, Maealesfer College and Princeton College. Entire business experience has been in connec tion with the widely known wholesale hardware company of Janney, Semple, Hill & Co., of which he has been secre tary since 1904. Married at Minneap olis, 1894, to Miss Elesabeth Kennedy. Office: 20-36 S. 2nd St. Residence: 2504 4th Av., S., Minneapolis. MOLL, Henry, judge of probate; born at Philadelphia, Pa., Feb. 13, 1848; son of Emanuel and Henrietta (Miller) Moll; common school education; came to Minnesota, 1860; married at St. Pe ter, Minn., 1873, to Isabelle A. Dunning. Began, active career as clerk in general merchandise store, 1861; was in grocery and harness business until he entered public life; sheriff, 1881-87; mayor of St. Peter, 1894-96; judge of probate, Nicollet Co., since 1902. Republican. Presbyterian. Member Masonic order, I. O. O. F., Knights of Pythias, M. W. A. Address: St. Peter, Minn. MOLONEY, Gerald R., physician; born in Ireland, Jan. 7, 1849; son of Patrick and Anastasia (Ryan) Maloney; edu cated in Christian Brothers' School, Lim erick, Ireland, 1862-65; Jesuit's College, Limerick, 1865-68; Holy Cross College, Clonliffe, Dublin, 1868-72; came to America, 1872, and entered Medical De partment, University of the City of New York, graduating, degree of M.D., 1875. Began practice at St. Vincent's Hos pital, N. Y. City, and has since prac ticed at Belle Plaine, Minn. Member Minnesota State Medical Association, Scott-Carver County Medical Society, Vice president First State Bank, Mont gomery, Minn. Democrat. Roman Cath olic Member A. O. H., I. O. F. Married at Belle Plaine, Feb. 12, 1876, to Miss Hannah Kennedy. Address: Belle Plaine, Minn. MOLSTAD, Michael E., merchant; born in Norway, Oct. 16, 1849; son of Filing Nelsen Dunthul and Ragnhild Sorum: was bound out to his half brother until 14; worked on a farm in Norway two years, receiving 2 cents a day; at 17 he came to Minnesota alone, landing from steamboat at Winona without a cent of money in his pocket; THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 359 engaged at steamboat landing to work for farmer 25 miles in the country and left at once for his new home. Began work in store, Sept. 27, 1869, on the same corner he now occupies. Member M. W. A. Married at Spring Valley, May 28. 1877, to Miss Anne C. Hanson Modahlen. Address: Spring Valley, Minn. MONASCH, Gustav, lithographing; born in Germany, Nov. 10, 1865; son of Isadore and Pauline Monasch; came to St. Paul, as a child, 1870, and to Minne apolis, 1874; educated in public schools; unmarried. Learned lithographing trade under his father, and in 1891, in com pany with his brother, William, organ ized the Monasch Lithographing Co., in corporated, June 25, 1905. Independent in politics. Club: Commercial. Office: 500 S. 5th St. Residence: 718 E. 18th St., Minneapolis. MONASCH, William, lithographing; born in Krotoschin, Germany, Sept. 28, 1860; son of Isadore and Pauline Mon asch; came to America in 1870 and was educated in the public schools of St. Paul and Minneapolis. Learned the lith ographing trade and is associated with his brother, Gustav, as secretary and treasurer of the Monasch Lithographing Co. Independent in politics. Member National Association of Employing Lith ographers; B'nai B'rith, United Com mercial Travelers of America. Club: Commercial. Married at Minneapolis, 1894, to Miss Louise Eschner. Office: 500-512 S. 5th St. Residence: 1903 Co lumbus Av., Minneapolis. MONFOBT, Frederick Delos, vice president The Second National Bank of St. Paul; born in St Paul, March 6, 1868; son of Delos A. and Mary J. (Ed gerton) Monfort; educated in St. Paul public and high schools and Cornell Uni versity, degree of Ph.B., 1892; mar ried in New York City, April 18, 1906, to Miss Adele Harwood Bloss. Began in banking business as clerk Second Na tional Bank, St. Paul, June, 1892; be came cashier, Nov., 1894, and has been vice president and director of the bank since Jan., 1900. Also director Lumber men's National Bank, Stillwater, Minn. Republican. Presbyterian. Member Beta Theta Pi college fraternity, Society of Colonial Wars, Sons of the American Revolution. Clubs: Commercial, Town and Country, Roosevelt, Minnesota Boat, White Bear Yacht. Recreations: Driv ing, walking and fencing. Office: 2nd National Bank. Residence: 354 Summit Av., St. Paul. MONSON, Peter, manufacturing ma chinist; born in Sweden, Aug. 3, 1856; son of Person and Elsa (Kilson) Mon son; educated in common schools of Sweden. Learned trade of machinist in the old country; came to America, 1880, stopped in Chicago; located in Minne apolis, 1881, and worked at trade, ad vancing to position of superintendent of the Crown Iron Works; organized Central Machine Works Co., 1890, of which he is president, the company be ing manufacturers of wood working ma chinery. Republican. Baptist. Member A. O. U. W. Married at Minneapolis, Oct. 20, 1885, to Miss Louisa Swanson. Recreation: Fishing. Office: 1230-1234 Central A v. Residence: 1522 Madison St., Minneapolis. Summer residence: Lake Minnetonka. MONTAGUE, Bobert J., lawyer; born at Boston, Mass., March 3, 1849; son of Robert and Ellen (McLaughlin) Mon tague, (both born and reared in Ire land) ; came to Minnesota with parents, May, 1856; educated in public schools of Rochester. Began practice of law at Rochester, Dec, 1880. Was probate judge of Polk Co., 1882-86; mayor City of Crookston, 1885; has been register U. S. land office since June 1, 1905. Mar ried at Rochester, Minn., 1875; nine children. Address: Crookston, Minn. MONTGOMEBY, Thomas, grand sec retary Masonic order; born in Donegal Co., Ireland, June 4, 1841; son of Rev. Alexander and Margaret (Baskin) Mont gomery; educated by father; came to Canada, 1845, and to St. Paul, Minn., 1856. Enlisted in Union Army Aug. 12, 1862, serving as corporal and elected 2nd lieut. Co. K, 7th Regt, Minn. Vols., and taking part in Indian campaigns in Minn, and Dak., 1862-63; 1st lieut. Co. B, 3rd Regt, Mo. Vols, of African descent; captain Co. K, 67th U. S. Col ored Inf.; captain Co. I, 65th U. S. Col ored Inf., until discharged, Jan. 23, 1867;, brevetted major at close of war. Mar ried at Cambria, Wis., Sept. 26, 1867, to Sarah A. Purnell. In real estate and insurance business at St. Peter, under firm name of Carter and Montgomery, 1S67-85, continuing individually until 1891; supreme cashier American Ordet of Freedom; secretary and director Buckeye Mining Co., and president Don- don-Sacramento Mining Co.; city jus tice, St. Peter, 1875-87; alderman, St. Paul, 1892-96. Republican. Methodist. Sunday school superintendent M. E. Church, St. Peter, 16 years; trustee and steward, 30 years. Mason; member lodge and chapter, St. Peter; Council, Minneapolis; Commandery, Mankato; Shrine and Scottish Rite bodies, St. Paul. Grand secretary of the Grand Dodge, A. F. & A. M., and grand secretary of the Grand Chapter R. A. Masons, since Nov. 29, 1889; recorder Royal and Se lect Masters and recorder Knights Tem plar. Member A. O. U. W.; G. A. R. (chairman Council of Administration, Department Encampment, 1884-1896); Loyal Legion (chancellor Minnesota Commandery, five years). Office: Dis patch Bldg. Residence: 1494 Capitol Av., St. Paul. MOODY, Frank D., implements; born at Rochester, N. Y., Nov. 5, 1858; son of Alfred G. and Fannie E. (Sweet) Moody; educated in Rochester public schools. Moved to Cass Co., N. D., 1879. 360 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS and entered implement trade with Frank Lynch, agricultural implement dealer, at Fargo and Casselton, N. D.; became connected with the Emerson-Newton Im plement Co., 1900, and has been treas urer and manager of the company since Nov., 1904. Republican. Mason, Knight Templar; member of York Rite, Shrine, all I. O. O. F bodies, A. O. U. W., Mod ern Woodmen of America. Married in Cass Co., N. D., Nov., 1888, to Miss Ella Davis. Office: 708-714 S. 3rd St. Residence: 3104 Dupont Av„ S., Minne apolis. MOOEBS, Edwin Stanton, grain mer chant; born at Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. 5. 1871; son of Nathaniel and Mandana (Washburn) Mooers; educated in public schools of Minneapolis. Entered grain business July, 1888, and is now treas urer of the Cargill Elevator Co., whole sale grain dealers. Married at Minne apolis, Oct. 19, 1897, to Clara Winslow. Office: Security Bank Bldg. Residence: 1920 Colfax Av., S., Minneapolis. MOOBE, Albert Bandell, lawyer; born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Sept. 14, 1869; son of J. E. and Eliza A. (Randell) Moore; educated in St. Paul public schools; Harvard, 1887-89; College of Daw, Uni versity of Minnesota, LL.B., 1891, LL.M., 1892, and later D.C.L. Married at St. Paul, June 23, 1898, to Caroline E. Weed. Has been engaged in practice of law since 1891 at St. Paul; since July 15, 1899, in firm of Durment & Moore. Di rector Archer-Daniels Dinseed Co., Min neapolis, Moore Clothing Co., Sioux City, Iowa. Republican. Episcopalian. Mem ber County, State and American Bar as sociations; Phi Delta Phi fraternity, Society of Colonial Wars. Clubs: Min nesota, Commercial, Harvard of Minne sota, White Bear Yacht Office: Ger mania Dife Bldg. Residence: 464 Holly Av., St. Paul. MOORE, Charles Allen, wholesale lumber; born, Bolton, Mass., July 19, 1837; son of Alpheus and Mary A. (Tay lor) Moore; educated in public schools at Taunton, Mass.; married, Carlinville, 111., Sept. 5, 1884, Fannie Holliday; 4 children: Harriet D., Chas. H., Christo pher C. and Mary Shirley. In drug bus iness at Taunton, Mass., 1851-64; came to Minnesota in 1864 and for fifteen years was in flour milling business with Stephen Gardner at Hastings and Can non Falls, Minn.; since 1880 has been in lumber business, and has also dealt - to some extent in real estate; since 1903 president of the Peterson-Moore Lumber Co., wholesale hardwood lum ber. Republican. Mason. Club: Com mercial. Office: Manhattan Bldg. Resi dence: 589 Goodrich Av., St. Paul. MOORE, Charles Winthrop, banker; born at Amboy, 111., July 14, 1870; son of Charles W. and Lois A. Moore; edu cated in Minneapolis High School; mar ried at St. Paul, Minn., Dec. 23, 1899, to Maude C Rowley. Began business career, 1890, as bookkeeper in bank. Pro prietor Merriam Park Bank, St. Paul, organized 1898. Member Masonic bod ies, Shriner. Club: Commercial. Office: 393 N. Prior Av. Residence: 1879 Ron do St., St. Paul. MOORE, Eliot Henry, clergyman; born at Norwell, Mass., April 11, 1865; son of John Eliot and Helen (Clapp) Moore; graduate Central Grammar School, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1880; engaged in busi ness in New York until 1887; student New York University, 1887-91, gradua ting, degree of A.B., 1891; Princeton University and Princeton Theological Seminary, 1891-94, graduating from both, degree of A.M., 1894. Married at Brooklyn, N. Y., May 16, 1894, to Miss Edith Sherman Ludlow. Presbyterian. Began ministry at Fergus Falls, Minn., June, 1894; entered pastorate at Wing, Minn., 1899; pastor of First Presbyte rian Church, St. Paul, since Nov., 1904. Prohibitionist. Member Presbytery of St. Paul, Synod of Minnesota. Address: 925 Goodrich Av., St. Paul. MOOBE, George Russell, banker; born at Barnett, Vt, March 16, 1849; son of Samuel and Abagail (Wyman) Moore. Was reared on a farm in Vermont; came to Minnesota, 1868, and is an extensive land owner and farmer. Entered bank ing, 1887; president First National Bank, Jackson Land and Credit Co., Cal edonia Investment Co., all of Jackson, and State Bank, Alpha, Minn. Address: Jackson, Minn. MOORE, Harry Lee, general agent Monon Route; born at Minneapolis, May 31, 1868; son of W. E. and Nellie (Mc- Keene) Moore; educated in Minneapolis public and high schools. Entered rail way service at the age of 19 years and has been continuously engaged in the service of the Michigan Central and Monon Routes since that time; has been general agent of the Monon Route, with headquarters in Minneapolis, since 1890. Member of the Masonic order. Married at Minneapolis, Jan., 1900, to Miss May Underwood Martin. Office: Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Residence: 3812 10th Av., S., Minneapolis. MOORE, Henry Lynn, treasurer Min nesota Loan & Trust Co.; born in Ohio, Aug. 28, 1854; educated at Dartmouth College, 1877. Came to Minnesota, 1877; member real estate firm of Moore Broth ers, Brace & Co.; treasurer and director Minnesota Loan and Trust Co. Mason. Clubs: Minneapolis, Commercial, Mini kahda, Congregational. Office: 313 Nic ollet Av. Residence: 2321 Blaisdell Av., Minneapolis. MOORE, James Edward, surgeon; born at Clarksville, Pa., March 2, 1852; son of Rev. George W. and Margaret J. Moore; educated in public schools; Union Seminary, Poland, O., 3 years; University of Michigan; Bellevue Hospi tal Medical College, N. Y., degree of M.D., 1873; spent over 3 years in post graduate study, New York hospitals and colleges and 1886 in Germany, France THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 361 and Holland. Located in Minneapolis, 18S2: gave up general practice, 1887, to devote entire attention to surgery. Fel low American Surgical Association, hon orary member American Orthopaedic Association; surgeon in chief North western Hospital; professor of surgery, College of Medicine and Surgery, Uni versity of Minnesota, since 1904. Mem ber American and Minnesota State Med ical associations, Western Surgical Association. Author: Moore's Ortho paedic Surgery; also contributor to med ical journals. Married, Minneapolis, Minn., 18S7, Miss Louie C. Irving. Clubs: Minneapolis, Minikahda: Office: Pillsbury Bldg. Residence: 201 Clifton Av., Minneapolis. MOOBE, John G., educator; born at Schney, Germany, Nov. 12, 1848; son of George Moore; came to U. S. in youth; educated at Schney, Germany; Mexico (N. Y.) Academy, 1867-69; Cornell Uni versity, graduating in the year 1873. Married at Covert, N. Y., Aug. 26, 1877, to Miss Anna Cole. Professor of German language and literature, Uni versity of Minnesota, since 1874. Mem ber Board of Education, Minneapolis, 1886-90; Public Library Board, 1890-96; president State Board of Charities and Corrections, 1899-1903. Democrat. Office: University of Minnesota. Residence: 2810 University Av., S. E., Minneapolis. MOOBE, Joseph Frank, real estate; born in Brown Co., O., Feb. 12, 1860; son of Joseph A. and Nancy J. (King) Moore; graduated from Dartmouth Col lege, degree of A.B., 1883; Law School, George Washington University, Wash ington, D. C, degree of DD.B., 1886. Was admitted to practice law before supreme court at Washington and in State of Minnesota; came to Minne apolis, 1887, and entered real estate business same year, as member of firm of Moore Brothers, which has been Moore Brothers, Brace & Co., since March, 1906. Member Minneapolis Real Estate Board. Married at Minneapolis, June 22, 1893, to Miss Flora M. Truax. Club: Commercial. Recreations: Hunt ing and fishing. Office: 311 Nicollet Av. Residence: 1000 Mt. Curve Av., Minneapolis. MOOBE, Lyman A., broker; born at Barnet Vt., May 31, 1852, son of Sam uel and Abigail (Wyman) Moore; edu cated in common schools in Vermont and Minnesota and Da Crosse (Wis.) high schools; married at Sun Prairie, Wis., Jan. 3, 1879, to Carrie G. Dong. Began business career with James Mc- Cord, La Crosse, Wis., 1871-81; member of Moore, Piper & Co., wholesale drug gists, Mankato, Minn., 1881-89; depart ment manager Standard Oil Co., St. Paul, Minn., 3889-94; since 1894 under name' of L. A. Moore & Co., brokers in paints and chemicals. Club: Commercial. Office: St. Anthony Park, St. Paul. Residence: 701 Marshall Av., St. Paul. MOOBE, Morris Ellsworth, furniture and decorating; born at Bryan, O., Dec. 5, 1861; son of Edwin W. and Adeline (Morris) Moore; educated in the public schools of Toledo, O. Began business life in 1879 as delivery man for V. B. Snyder & Sons, Toledo, O. ; salesman for same house, 1880-86; salesman for M. Lara & Company, Minneapolis, Minn., 1886-87; buyer for same firm, 1887-97; business under present firm name of Moore and Scriver since 1897. Married at Fond du Lac, Wis., 1889, to Carrie Taylor. Member of Royal Arcanum. Club: Commercial. Office: 711-713 Nic ollet Av. Residence: 1720 So. Morgan Av., Minneapolis. MOBAN, Thomas P., probate judge Dakota Co.; born at Rosemount, Minn., July 31, 1856; son of Patrick and Kather ine (Sheridan) Moran; educated in pub lic schools until 17. Probate judge of Dakota Co., since Nov., 1890. Member firm of Walsh & Moran, hardware and machinery, 1883-89. Democrat. Roman Catholic. Member A. O. F., I. O. F., C O. F., M. W. A., A. O. U. W., R. A. R. U. of A., D. of H., I. O. R. M., M. S. Married at Hastings, Minn., June 5, 1900, to Miss Gertrude Fahy. Address: Hastings, Minn. MOBEEOUSE, Guel Or., physician; born at Owatonna, Minn., Oct. 27, 1876; son of Dr. Eli M. and Laurinda A. (Mc- Rostie) Morehouse; educated in Owa tonna High School, graduating, 1897; Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery, Chicago, 111., 1902; Amer ican College of Medicine and Surgery, Chicago, 1903; Cook County Hospital, 1902-04. Has been engaged in practice at Owatonna since Dec, 1904. Also one of the proprietors of Hotel Owaton na. Unmarried. Recreations: Automo biling, hunting and fishing. Address: Owatonna, Minn. MOREY, Benjamin J., banking; born on a farm in Fillmore Co., Minn., July IS, 1868; son of Edward J. and Wilhel- mina (Marotz) Morey; educated in pub lic and high schools, Fillmore Co., and at the Winona State Normal School; married at Danesboro, Minn., 1901, to Winifred Chapman. Engaged in real estate and loan business at Lanesboro and was also manager of a number of line elevators, later conducting grain elevator business at the same place on his own account as B. J. Morey & Co.; has been cashier and director of the Citizens National Bank, Austin, since Aug., 1903. Also director German Sav ings Bank, Chester, Ia. Republican. Methodist. Member Masonic order, I. O. O. F. Club: Progressive League. Recreation: Hunting. Address: Aus tin, Minn. MOBGAN, Arthur Ernest, civil en gineer; born at Cincinnati, O., June 20; 1878; son of John D. and Anna F. (Wiley) Morgan; educated at high school, St. Cloud, Minn., graduating, 1896, Colorado State University, 1898-99. Student un til 1899; connected with surveying corps, department of the interior, 1902. Junior member and manager of the firm 362 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS of Morgan & Morgan, civil engineers, established in 1901, with offices in St. Cloud and Alexandria, Minn., paying special attention to drainage and muni cipal and bridge engineering. Author of articles on civil engineering subjects in Improvement Bulletin, Commercial West and' other periodicals. Secretary Minnesota Surveyors and Engineers So ciety, editor of the 5th and 6th an nuals of the society. Recreation: Bio logical work. Address: St. Cloud, Minn. MORGAN, Frank L., State manager American Guaranty Co.; born in New York City, March 31, 1854; son of Isaac G. and Elizabeth (Martin) Morgan; edu cated in high school at Ithaca, N. Y. ; married, Cedar Falls, Iowa, Aug. 23, 1875, Allela Butler, 3 children: Leslie, Everett and Elizabeth; was engaged in the drug business for 28 years in Iowa, and to get out of doors, took up present work. Since April, 1902, State mana ger for Minnesota of the American Guaranty Co., bond guarantees, of Chi cago. Mason and Knight Templar. Club: Commercial. Office: N. Y. Life Bldg. Residence: 550 Summit Av., St. Paul. MORGAN, Henry A., lawyer; born in Page Co., Ia., March 14, 1863; son of Harley and Ruth (Duprey) Morgan; educated in public schools of Hesper, la., and Albert Lea High School; came to Albert Lea, June 12, 1880; married at Albert Lea, Sept. 1, 1886, to Miss Helen A. Hall. Studied law and was admitted to the bar at Albert Lea, May, 1885; city attorney two years, county attor ney, 10 years, State senator, 1903-05; member law firm of Morgan & Meighen since Feb., 1901. President Freeborn County Bar Association, member Minne sota State Bar Association. Address: Albert Lea, Minn. MORGAN, John D., surveyor and civil engineer; born at Harrison, Ind., Dec. 31, 1844; son of Benjamin and Lucy (Hathaway) Morgan; educated in com mon schools of Dearborn Co., Ind.; at Moors' Hill, Ind.; Harrison Institute, Hamilton Co., O. ; National Normal Uni versity, Lebanon, O. Married at St. Cloud, Minn., Dec. 29, 1868, to Miss Anna F. Wiley. Came to Minnesota, 1865; has been engaged in civil enginering and surveying since 1867. Was the second county surveyor of Pope Co., Minn.; came to St. Cloud, 1880; ex-city engineer City of St., Cloud; ex-county surveyor of Stearns Co. Member Minnesota Survey ors and Civil Engineers Society. Rec reation: Reading. Address: St. Cloud, Minn. MORGAN, Michael Ryan, brigadier general U. S. Army, retired; born Hali fax, Nova Scotia, Jan. 18, 1833; edu cated in New Orleans, Da., up to 1850; graduated from the U. S. Military Academy at West Point, July 1, 1854; married, 1st, Charleston, Mass., May 30, 1860, Judith Porter Adams; 2nd, St. Paul, Minn., Jan. 9 1879, Antoinette Mary Prince. Served at frontier mili tary posts until 1859; was on Harper's Ferry expedition to suppress John Brown's raid, 1859; captain U. S. A., 1861, and advanced through various grades, at close of the Civil War being brevetted brigadier general on account of gallantry and distinguished service; assigned to commissary department dur ing the war and became chief commis sary of subsistence, department of the South; on the staff of General U. S. Grant in 1S64, took part in the siege of Petersburg and was present at Appo mattox at the McLean house, when terms of surrender were arranged; is sued the order for feeding Lee's Army; was commissary general U. S. Army when retired, Jan. 18, 1897, on account of age limitation. Now vice-president Security Trust Co., St. Paul. Roman Catholic. Recreation: Literature. Of fice: Security Trust Co., New York Life Building. Residence: 526 Holly Av., St. Paul. MORGAN, Stephen W., jeweler; born at Terre Haute, Ind., May 7, 1839; son of Stephen W. and Mary (Genung) Mor gan. Came to Winona, Minn., Oct. 20, 1861; began in jewelry business, May 1, 1862; burned out in fire of July 4, 1862, which destroyed the business part of the town; resumed and continues in his own name. Director Winona Wagon Co. Methodist. Recreation: Gardening. Address: Winona, Minn. MOBIN, William A., real estate; born at Albert Dea, Minn., July 29, 1864; son of William Morin; educated at Pills bury Academy (engineering course); married at Albert Lea, 1893, to Miss Katherine Truesdell. In real estate business in Albert Lea since the begin ning of his active career. Also mana ger The Times-Enterprise; president Al bert Lea Hotel Co.; vice president Al bert Lea Brick and Tile Works, Home Metallic Refrigerator Co., Consolidated Fire and Marine Insurance Co. Former ly county surveyor Freeborn Co.; ex- alderman Albert Lea. Member Masonic order, Knights Templar, Shrine. Club: Commercial. Address: Albert Lea, Minn. MOBISON, William X., hardware; born at Belfast, Me., March 6, 1855; son of Ambrose J. and Christian F. (Phil- brook) Morison; educated in public and high schools of Belfast. Has been in timately identified with hardware busi ness since his earliest recollection, his father having established himself in hardware trade at Belfast in 1855; came to Minnesota, 1888, and is president, treasurer, director and manager W. K. Morison & Co., which took over the re tail hardware business of Janney, Sem ple & Co., in 1888, direct successor to business established by ex-governor John S. Pillsbury in 1855; now control ling the largest retail hardware business in the Northwest. Republican. Mason. Married at Searsport, Me., April 5, 1880, THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 363 to Miss S. Evelyn Pendleton. Clubs: Minneapolis, Commercial, Minikahda, Lafayette, Long Meadow Gun. Recrea tions: Yachting, shooting, automobil ing; always had fondness for the sea and was on the ocean for a year before entering business. Office: 247-249 Ni collet Av. Residence: 1506 Harmon PL, Minneapolis. MOBPHY, Edward Howard, lawyer; born in Ont., Can., Sept. 20, 1856; son of Samuel and Amelia (Lumsden) Morphy; educated at Toronto, Can.; married at Toronto, Jan. 20, 1886, to Miss Edith Mary Morphy. Studied law and was called to the bar at Toronto, 1880; came to St. Paul, July, 1886, and became member of firm of Morphy, Ew ing and Bradford, which still continues. Vice consul for Great Britain at St. Paul, 1888-1902. Republican. Episco palian. Member Minnesota and Ramsey County Bar associations, Manitoba Law Society. Club: Minnesota. Recrea tions: Bicycling and fishing. Office: Manhattan Bldg. Residence: 145 Nina Av., St. Paul. MOBBIS, Abraham L., president Bel trami County Bank; born at Mapleton, Minn., Oct. 31, 1865; son of James and Christiana (Harrison) Morris; edu cated in common schools at Sterling, Minn. Engaged in farming until 1890; was railway station agent, 1890-98; connected with general merchandise business, 1898-1902; has been president and cashier of Beltrami County Bank, since Oct. 1, 1902; also owner of City Drug Store, Tenstrike. Republican. Presbyterian. Member I. O. O. F., En campment, Rebekahs; Royal Neighbors, Modern Woodmen of America. Married at Marshall, Minn., June 1, 1896, to Edith M. Warren. Recreations: Boat ing and horseback riding. Address: Tenstrike, Minn. MOBBIS, Page, jurist; born at Dynch- burg, Va., June 30, 1853; son of William Sylvanus and Daura Page (Waller) Mor ris; educated in private school; William and Mary College; Virginia Military Institute, graduating July 4, 1872. Was assistant professor of mathematics, Virginia Military Institute, 1872-73; professor of mathematics, Texas Mil itary Institute, 1873-1876; professor of applied mathematics, Agricultur al and Mechanical College of Tex as, 1876-79. Was admitted to the bar in St. Douis, Mo., but never prac ticed there. Returned to Dynchburg, Va., and was admitted to Virginia bar, 1880; nominated by Republicans for congress, 6th Virginia district, 1884, defeated; removed to Duluth, Minn., 1886; municipal judge, City of Duluth, Feb., 1889; city attorney, Duluth, 1894; district judge, 11th judicial district, Minn., Aug., 1895; resigned, Sept., 1896. Member of Congress, March 4, 1897, to March 4,1903; has been U. S. dist. judge, Minnesota, since July 1, 1903. Republi can. Episcopalian. Member Alpha Theta Pi. Married at Lynchburg. Va., Feb. 21, 1877, to Lizzie Statham. Clubs: Kitchi Gammi, Commercial. Recrea tions: Fishing and shooting. Office: Federal Bldg. Residence: 2232 E.lst St., Duluth. MOBBISON, Clinton, capitalist; born at Divermore, Me., Jan. 21, 1842; son of Darilus and Harriet P. (Whittemore) Morrison; came to Minnesota at 13 years of age and was educated in public schools of Minneapolis. Began early in business as assistant to his father, one of the pioneer lumber manufacturers of Minneapolis; engaged with his brother, George H., in general merchandising, outfitting, etc., 1863, as Morrison Bro thers, succeeding to lumber, sawmill and logging interests of father, the firm name continuing until decease of George H., Jan., 1882. Became extensively iden tified in Northern Pacific Railway in terests; was in control of the Minne apolis Harvester Works, later sold to Walter A. Woods Harvester Co. Elected president Farmers and Mechanics Sav ings Bank, 1876, which position he held many years. Now occupied largely in managing extensive private interests. President Great Western Elevator Co., North American Telegraph Co., North western Knitting Co.; vice president North Star Woolen Mill Co. Republican. LTniversalist Married at Minneapolis, 1873, to Julia Washburn (died, 3883). Club: Minneapolis. Office: Guaranty Bldg. Residence: 305 E. 24th St., Min neapolis. MOBBISON, James Dow, first P. E. missionary bishop of Duluth; born at Waddington, N. Y., 1844; son of Rev. John and Mary (Dow) Morrison; gradu ated from McGill University, Montreal, Can., 1865, (A.M., 1868; DD.D., 1880; D.D., Union Theological Seminary, 1879). Was ordained deacon, 1869; priest, 1870; occupied pastorates at Henning- ford, Can., 1869; Herkimer, N. Y., 1871; Ogdensburg, 1875; arch deacon of Ogdensburg, 1881-97; delegate to each general convention P. E. Church, 1882- 95. Consecrated bishop, Feb., 1897, and came to Duluth same year.' Paddock lecturer to the General Theological Seminary of New York, 1898, subject: Fundamental Church Principles. Mar ried at Montreal, Can., 1869, to Miss Harriet Townsend, daughter of Rev. M. Townsend, canon of Christ Church Cathedral, Montreal. Address: 2131 E. Superior St., Duluth. MOBBISON, Joseph Wallace, whole sale lumber; born at Money Creek, Houston County, Minn., April 24, 1856; son of Dord Byron Morrison and Louisa Elizabeth (Wormold) Morrison; educated in country schools of Houston County, Minn., and High School of Winona, Minn.; married at Wessington, S. Dak., Sept. 14, 1887, to Lydia Alice Greene. In employ of Laird, Norton & Co., lumber manufacturers, Winona, Minn., 1878-83; partner in lumber yard, Wessington, S. Dak., 1883-87; wholesale salesman, Dansing, la., 1889-93; com- 364 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS mission salesman on own account, 1893- 1900; partner Fay & Morrison Dumber Co., 1900-04; proprietor since 1904, under title of J. W. Morrison Dumber Co., wholesale jobbers in cedar poles and posts, hemlock and pine lumber. Republican. Member Methodist Episco pal Church. Member Ancient Order of United Workmen and United Commer cial Travelers of America. Recreations: Fishing and hunting. Office: Lumber Exchange. Residence: 2502 Pleasant Av., Minneapolis. MOBBISON, Orrin J., grain; born at Floyd, la., Jan. 18, 1855; son of E. H. and Jane (Jerome) Morrison; High School education. Began active career as clerk in store of A. J. Thompson, druggist, Cedar Falls, la., 1871, con tinuing until 1873; bought half interest in drug store at Washua, la., 1873 and was connected with the business as Troy & Morrison until 1883; in Pelican Rapids, Minn., as grain buyer since 1883. Also director First National Bank. Member Modern Woodmen of America, Knights of Pythias. Married at Waterloo, la., 1880, to Miss Mary H. Mainhood. Address: Pelican Rapids, Minn. MOBBISON, Bobert George, lawyen; born at Blairs Mills, Pa., July 31, 1860; son of David Harbison and Margery B. (McConnell) Morrison; removed to Iowa in boyhood; educated in Morning Sun, (Ia.) High School, graduating, June, 1876; Iowa State University, degrees of A.B., 1882, LL.B., 1883, AM. 1890, same university. Located in Minneapolis, 1883 and has been actively engaged in- practice of law since 1886. Ex-member I. N. G, (1st lieutenant). Republican. Presbyterian. Member American and Minnesota State Bar associations. Mar ried at Minneapolis, Nov. 4, 1903, to Miss Alice B. Gilmore. Recreations: Literature, horseback riding and golf. Club: Westminster. Office: Phoenix Bldg. Residence: 1921 Aldrich Av., S., Minneapolis. MORRISON, R. W., judge of 8th judicial district; born on farm in Sibley Co., Minn., March 12, 1866; son of Martin and Mary (Foley) Morrison; educated in district schools of Sibley Co.; public schools of St. Paul and at Sauk Center Academy, Sauk Center, Minn. Removed to Carver Co., July, 1891; elected county attorney, 1894, and held that office for 8 years; has been judge of district court. 8th judicial dis trict, since Jan., 1905. Republican. Roman Catholic. Married at Minneapo lis, Minn., June 29, 1905, to Miss Bridget A. Fahey. Address: Norwood, Minn. MORRISON, William B., physician; born at Corunna, Ont., March 2, 1876; son of Lanchlen M. and Mary (Donald son) Morrison; educated at Sarnia Col legiate Institute, Sarnia, Ont; Medical Department University of Michigan, degree of M.D., July 1, 1899; interne Northern Pacific Hospital, Brainerd, Minn., 1899-1900'; Chicago Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Post Graduate Hospi tal. Engaged in general practice at Bemidji, 1900-04; specialist, eye, ear, nose and ' throat, St. Anthony Hospital, Bemidji. Republican. Presbyterian. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associations, Upper Mississippi District and Beltrami County Medical societies.' Member Masonic order, B. P. O. E. Married at Bemidji, May 17, 1900, to Miss Deda Swan, of Cedar Rapids. Address: Bemidji, Minn. MOBSE, Charles, general store; born at Sherman, Me., 1854; son of Horace and Tryphosia C Morse; common school education. Came to Minnesota, 1873; is proprietor general store, hotel and saw mill, Cromwell. Address: Cromwell, Minn. MOBSE, Solon O., general merchan dise; born at Arrowsic, Me., May 23, 1843; son of Bartlett and Relief (Stin- son) Morse; educated in common schools of Arrowsic and at Georgetown High School, Georgetown, Me. Came to Min nesota, July, 1872; has been engaged in business at Slayton, Minn., since Jan., 1882; member firm of S. O. Morse & Son. Republican. Methodist First president village council, member school board; elected to State Degislature, 1895 and reelected, 1897. Married at Minneapolis, Minn., Dec 31, 1875, to Miss Cora Teimes. Address: Slayton, Minn. MOBTON, Glenn A., real estate; born at Springville, N. Y., Feb. 25, 1875; son of Charles A. and Katherine (Tar- dell) Morton; educated in public schools of St. Joseph, Mo.; married at St. Paul, 1902, to Miss Laura M. Shepard. Came to St. Paul from St. Joseph, Mo., 1892; has been identified with railroad adver tising business, real estate and insur ance, since 1892, and has been connected with J. W. Shepard & Co., since 1903. Member St. Paul Real Estate Exchange. St. Paul Board of Underwriters. Repub lican. Office: 95 E. 5th St., St. Paul. Residence: Silver Lake, Minn. MORTON, Howard Mcllvain, physi cian; born at Chester, Pa., May 23, 1866; son of Charles Justus and Anne E. (Coates) Morton; educated at Maple Institute, Concordville, Pa., 1880-84; Lafayette College, Easton, Pa., graduat ing, degree of B.S., 1888, receiving de gree of M.S., same college, 1891; Uni versity of Pennsylvania, department of medicine, degree of M.D., 1891; resident physician St. Duke's Hospital, Bethle hem, Pa., 1891; special courses in em bryology, otology and ophthalmology at University of Pennsylvania. Began private practice of medicine at Minne apolis, Aug. 1, 1891; professor of oph thalmology and otology, Minneapolis College of Physicians and Surgeons, 1893-94; oculist and aurist to St. Barna bas Hospital ' since 1894; chief of Good Samaritan Eye and Ear Dispensary, 1893-94. Inventor and writer. Member Minnesota State Medical Association, THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS 365 Hennepin County Medical Society, So ciety Sons of the American Revolution, Minneapolis Art Society, American Ornithologists Union. Married at Phila delphia, Pa., Dec. 9, 1891, to Miss Lucretia Yale. Clubs: Minneapolis, Minikahda, Skylight, Odin. Office: An drus Bldg. Residence: 316 Clifton Av., Minneapolis. MOSHEB, Wendell P., insurance; native of Easton, N. Y. Has been identiAed with insurance business for more than 25 years. District agent for Travelers Ins. Co., at Philadelphia, for 5 years; in general insurance business in Minnesota for 15 years; general agent for accident and liability department Aetna Dife Ins. Co., with offices at Minneapolis, St. Paul and Duluth, since 1902. President of Wendell P. Mosher Co., general insurance. Married at Du luth, Minn., to Miss Carolyn Mixer. Office: 204 Andrus Bldg. Residence: 2110 Aldrich Av., S., Minneapolis. MOSSE, Fred Bichard, physician; born at Sun Prairie, Wis., Nov. 1, 1855; son of Ira and Eliza (Love) Mosse; graduate University of Wisconsin, degree of Ph. B., 1874, and Chicago Homeopathic Medi cal College, degree of M.D., 1877; mar ried at Rochester, Minn., 1881, to Miss Flora L. Hurd. Has been engaged in practice of medicine at Rochester, since 1877. Coroner of Olmsted Co., (with exception of one term) since 1881; mem ber U. S. Board of Pension Examiners, 1888-96. Medical examiner for North western Life Ins. Co. of Milwaukee, Wis., and Travelers Life & Accident Ins. Co. of Hartford, Conn. Republican. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associations, Olmsted County Medical Society. Member Knights of Pythias. Recreation: Reading. Ad dress: Rochester, Minn. MOTT, Rodney A., lawyer; born at Warsaw, N. Y., Dec. 6, 1825; son of Daniel and Hannah (Frank) Mott; edu cated at Knox College, Galesburg, 111. ; read law in office of James H. Collins, Chicago; married in Illinois, 1852, to Miss Mary Ripley. Lived in Illinois, 1834-50; in California, 1850-52; con ducted private academy at Creek, Will Co., 111., 1852-56; came to Faribault, 1856 and has ever since been engaged in prac tice of law. Has been mayor of Fari bault, county superintendent of schools, judge of probate (10 years), and served two terms in the State Legislature; was one of the founders of schools for the Deaf, the Blind and the Feeble Minded. Republican. Congregationalist. Club: Commercial. Address: Fari bault, Minn. MOULTON, Eder Haughwout, banker; born New York City, Jan. 10, -1844; son of R. G. and Cornelia Moulton; educated in private school of Mr. Abbott, Nor wich, Conn., private school of Mr. Atkin son, Manchester, Eng., and at Oxford University. Was in the importing busi ness, Paris and New York, 1865-67; engaged in banking, New York, Frank fort and London, 1867-73; has been in banking business in Minneapolis, since 1874, and is now actively engaged in telephone business. Vice president and treasurer Farmers & Mechanics Savings Bank, director Minneapolis National Bank, president Tri State Telephone and Telegraph Co., organized, 1901, and one of the largest independent companies of the, kind in the United States. City treasurer of Minneapolis for six years; member Park Board. Independent in politics. Presbyterian. Married at Min neapolis, Nov. 11, 1874, to Harriet E. Skiles. Clubs: Minikahda, Minneapo lis. Recreations: Hunting, fishing and yachting. Residence: 24th St. and 3rd Av., S., Minneapolis. MOULTON, Eder Haughwout, Jr., assistant manager Barclay Auto Co.; born at Minneapolis, Minn., April 22, 1879; son of Eder H. and Harriet E. (Skiles) Moulton; educated in. the public schools of Minneapolis, private schools of France, Switzerland and Italy, and at the Pennsylvania Military College, Chester, Pa., leaving, the latter in junior year on account of health; married at Minneapolis, Minn., 1901, to Adeline Brundage. Began active business career, 1901, as clerk in railroad office; in May, 1903, started alone in the automobile business; on Feb. 1, 1905, incorporated and became president of the Moulton- Jordan Motor Car Company, doing a general sales agency business and all kinds of automobile repairing; sold out Sept., 1906, and on Oct. 17, 1906, be came connected with Barclay Auto Co., as assistant manager. Clubs: Minne apolis, Minikahda. Recreations: Shoot ing, fishing, all aquatic sports and tennis. Office: 256 3rd Av„ S. Resi dence: Concord Apartments, Minneapo lis. MOULTON, William N., general mer chandise; born at Waterford, Wis., Aug. 17, 1853; son of Stillman and Mary Jane (Jones) Moulton; educated in public schools of Mazomonie, Wis. Began ac tive career as clerk in general store; became traveling salesman for Markley, Ailing & Co., wholesale hardware; en tered hardware business on his own ac count at Jefferson, Wis., 1882, continu ing until 1888; .located in Two Harbors, Minn., where he has been engaged in mercantile business since 1888 under title of Schreiner Brothers and Moulton, and is general manager of the business. Republican. Ex-president and ex-mem ber council, village of Two Harbors; ex-chairman county board of Lake Co.; has been chairman Republican Congres sional Committee since 1898. Member Masonic order, Knights of Pythias, A. O. U. W., B. P. O. E. Married at Lan caster, Wis., May 5, 1886, to Elizabeth Schreiner. Recreation: Fishing. Ad dress: Two Harbors, Minn. MOWERS, Saxe W., physician; born at Mechanicsburg, Pa., July 26, 1870; son of Samuel A. and Maria (Gelwix) Mowers; graduate Dayton, (O.) High School, 1887; Wabash College, Craw- 366 THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS fordsville, Ind., A.B., 1891, A.M., same college, 1893; Medical Department, Uni versity of Michigan, M.D., 1896. Mem ber American and Minnesota State Medi cal associations, Upper Mississippi Medi cal Society. First assistant surgeon, 15th Minn. Vol. Inf., Spanish-American War. Republican. Presbyterian. Mem ber Masonic order, Sigma Chi and Nu Sigma Nu. Married at Brainerd, July 26, 1904, to Miss Maude Davis. Club: Commercial. Address: Brainerd, Minn. MOYEB, Lloyd G., banker; born in Niagara Co., N. Y., April 29, 1855; son of Amos F. and Cornelia V. (Rose) Moyer; educated in common and high schools of Lockport, N. Y. Born on a farm and lived there until 21 years of age; came to Minnesota, May 7, 1877; taught school at Montevideo; admitted to bar, June, 1878; followed profession for lo years but has devoted his atten tion principally to banking. One of the owners of Chippewa County Bank; presi dent Boyd National Bank; vice president and treasurer Montevideo Electric Light & Power Co.; secretary Windom Insti tute; director Citizens Telephone Ex change. Republican. Congregationalist. Married at Red Wing, Minn., June 14, 1882, to Miss Lillian B. Wright. Club: 20th Century Literary. Address: Monte video, Minn. MOYEB, Lycurgus B., banker, lawyer, surveyor; born in Niagara Co., N. Y., Oct. 29, 1848; son of Amos F. and Cornelia (Rose) Moyer; educated in common schools of New York; irfarried at Mauston, Wis., 1876, to Miss Anna Wightman. Came to Minnesota and located at Montevideo, 1870; county surveyor of Chippewa Co., 30 years; judge of probate Chippewa Co., 20 years; attorney at law since 1875. Cashier Chippewa County Bank. Congrega tionalist. ¦ Member Torrey Botanical Club, American Association for Advance ment of Science. Recreations: Botany, horticulture. Address: Montevideo, Minn. MOYNIHAN, Andrew Francis, born at River Falls, Wis., May 27, 1873; edu cated at River Falls high school, gradu ating, 1893; State Normal School, River Falls, graduating, 1893; College of Phy sicians and Surgeons, Minneapolis, M.D., 1903; interne at St. Joseph's Hospital, St. Paul, 1903-04. In practice at Sauk Center, since Sept., 1904. Member Ameri can Medical Association and Stearns- Benton County Medical Society. Mem ber C. O. F, M. W. A., Red Men. Mar ried. Address: Sauk Center, Minn. MUELLEB, George H., clergyman; born in Rendsburg, Holstein, Germany, March 25, 1857; son of John C. and Anna (Rohwer) Mueller; came to America, 1872; educated in Gymnasium, Holstein; Seaburv Divinity School, Faribault, Minn., degree of B. D., 1881; post gradu ate course at Berlin University, Ger many Married, 1st, at Shakopee, Minn., 1884, to Ida Sencerbox (died, 1900); 2nd, at Cooperstown, N. Y., 1902, to Miss Emma Nelson. Was ordained minister of the Episcopal Church, 1881; has filled pastorates at Shakopee, Northfield, Moorhead and St. Paul, Minn., arid has been in charge of Christ Church at Albert Dea since 1892. Member of the standing committee of the diocese of Minnesota; trustee Albert Lea College; member board of directors City and County Hospital. Republican. Address: Albert Lea, Minn. MUIB, Edwin S., surgeon; born in Steel Co., Minn., April 23, 1871; son of Walter and Louisa L. (Wheelock) Muir; educated in public schools; at Minneapo lis Academy, graduating, 1890; Univer sity of Minnesota, 1891-93; College of Medicine and Surgery, University of Minnesota, degree of M.D., 1894. Began practice of medicine at Plainview, Minn., 1894; removed to Winona, 1898, and since that time has been actively en gaged in practice, especially surgery. Democrat. Mayor of Winona, elected, April 1, 1907, term expiring, April 3, 3909. Member Minnesota State Medical Asso ciation and Southern Minnesota and Winona County Medical societies. Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner; mem ber Knights of Pythias, B. P. O. E., I. O. F, M. S., W. O. W., M. W. A., Eagles, Red Men. Married at Glenwood, Minn., Aug. 28, 1893, to Miss Abbie L. Clay. Clubs: Arlington, Philharmonic. Recreations: Field sports. Address: Winona, Minn. MUIB, James B., physician; born in Canada, May 10, 1860; educated in com mon schools; Clinton Collegiate Insti tute, Can.; Bennett Medical College, Chi cago, M.D., CM., 1885. Began practice at Hamilton, N. D., 1885; has been located in Roseau, Minn., since 1905. Member Minnesota State Medical Asso ciation, Red River Valley Medical So ciety. Democrat Baptist. Member Masonic order. Address: Roseau, Minn. MULLEN, Leslie, farm machinery, fuel and live stock; born at Vernon, Ind., Jan. 6, 1866; son of Horace and Elizabeth (Jayne) Mullen; educated in public schools of Ditchfield, Minn. First occupation was sawing wood for neigh bors, at 12 years of age, to assist, in supporting family, his father having died; later worked on farm, learned to run steam thresher engine and at 20 years of age learned telegraphy; was telegraph operator and station agent Great Northern Ry. for 14 years, about 11 years of the time named being spent at Campbell, Minn. Resigned in 1900 to go into business under title of Mul len's Machine Agency, retailers of agri cultural implements, seeds, wood, coal, etc.; also owner of improved farm of 480 acres. Director First National Bank; secretary and manager Farmers Eleva tor Co. Republican. Congregationalist. Mason; member Modern Woodmen of America. Married at Wahpeton, N. D., April 3, 1S90, to Miss Mary Mackey of Uniontown, Pa. Recreations: Camping, fishing and traveling. Address: Camp bell, Minn. THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS 367 MULLEB, Otto, vice president Theo. Hamm Brewing Co.; born in Meldorf, Germany, 1856; son of Henry and Catharina Muller; educated in public and high schools of Meldorf, Germany. Came to America, 1872, and became identified with the Theo. Hamm Brewing Co., 1893, of which he is vice president. Also vice president Hamm Realty Co. Member B. P. O. E. Married at, St Paul, Sept. 15, 1891, to Miss Marie Hamm. Recreations: Hunting and fishing. Office: 681 E. Minnehaha St.. cor. Greenbrier Av. Residence: 672 Cable Av., St. Paul. MUNPOBD, George, abstracts of title; born at Port Sanilac, Mich., April 17, 1861; son of Robert and Jane (Wesley) Munford; educated in public schools of White Rock, Mich., and at Goldsmith's Business College; married at Two Har bors, Mich., June 14, 1893, to Miss Mary A. Griffin. Came to Minnesota, Aug., 1886; treasurer of Dake Co., 1892 and 1893 and clerk of court, 1894; assistant cashier Bank of Two Harbors, 1894-1903; has been secretary Lake County Ab stract Co., since 1906. Also president Woodward-Munford Co., dealers in lum ber and fuel. Republican. Member Masonic order, B. P. O. E. Address: Two Harbors, Minn. MUNGEB, Leland H., physician; born at Newton, Mass., Jan. 10, 1857; son of Enos and Lucy A. (Tefft) Munger; edu cated in academy at Afton, Minn., 1873; Missouri Medical College, St. Louis, Mo., graduating, degree of M.D., 1879. Began practice at Fair Haven, Minn.; in prac tice at Winona since April, 1893. Mem ber Minnesota State Medical Associa tion, Winona County Medical Society. Married at Fair Haven, Aug. 5, 1880, to Miss Eliza J. Cooley. Address: Winona, Minn. MUNGEB, Soger S., retired; born at North Madison, Conn., Feb. 23, 1830; son of Sherman and Lucretia (Benton) Munger; educated at Hopkins Grammar School, New Haven, Conn., and prepara tory school of Yale College. Married at Basselboro, Me., 1858, to Miss Olive Gray. Came to Minnesota, 1857, and engaged in music business with brother, until 1877. Located in Duluth, 1869; had contract for furnishing lumber for construction of railroad as partner in firm of Munger & Gray, until 1891; was identified with construction of the Spalding Hotel, in 1889, and since then has been connected with its operation; secretary and treasurer Inter State Hotel Co., since 1896 (not active); has been identified with many enterprises for the building up of Duluth. Register of deeds, 1894. Republican. Congrega tionalist. Residence: Spalding Hotel, Duluth. MUNN, Marcus D., lawyer; born in Connecticut, 1858; educated in public schools of Connecticut and at Yale Uni versity, graduating, degree of Ph.B., 1881- instructor at Yale University and student in law department of the uni versity, graduating degree of DL.B., 1883. Came to St. Paul, 1883, and was admitted to practice in Minnesota; mem ber law firm of Gilman & Munn, 1885; assistant prosecuting attorney of Ram sey Co., 1887; became member of firm of Munn, Boyeson & Thygeson, 1889, now Munn & Thygeson. Married at New Haven, Conn., 1887, to Miss Minnie G. Ailing. Clubs: Commercial, Minne sota; University (N. Y.); Yale (N. Y.) Recreation: Farming. Office: Dispatch Bldg. Residence: 607 Goodrich Av., St. Paul. MUNBO, George Hugh, druggist; born at Sydney, C. B„ Nova Scotia; March 12, 1846; son of Hugh and Hannah (Croll) Munro; educated in private schools. Came to Minnesota, 1862; en gaged in drug business, 1860-65; fol lowed cabinet making, 1865-74; was a car builder, 1874-77; acted as agent for elevator company, 1877-81; again en gaged in drug business, 1881-84; sheriff of Stevens Co., Minn., 16 years; auditor of the county, 1892-96; has been at the head of the drug firm of George H. Munro & Co., since 1890. Republican. Mason. Married at St. Paul, Minn., Oct., 1878, to Miss Eliza Somes. Address: Morris, Minn. MUNBO, Hugh, wholesale coal; born in Oxford County, Ontario, Canada, Feb. 7, 1867; son of Hugh and Christina (Gordon) Munro; educated in public and high schools and Woodstock (Can.) Baptist College; married at Woodstock, Canada, 1892, to Alberta V. Webber. Taught public school in Ontario two years, afterward learning the machinist trade; came to Minnesota, 1890, was four years with the Duluth Manufactur ing Co., car builders, and then for eight years was cashier for the Dehigh Val ley Coal Co., St. Paul; in 1903 became associated with Worrell Clarkson in the wholesale coal business and since its incorporation, May 1, 1905, as The Clarkson Coal and Dock Co., has been treasurer of that company. Baptist. Mason and Modern Woodman. Recrea tions: Fishing, hunting. Club: Com mercial. Office: Pioneer Press Bldg., St. Paul. Residence: Bajd Eagle Dake, Minn. MUNBO, William J., merchant; born at Sydney, Nova Scotia, June 1, 1850; son of Hugh and Hannah (Croll) Munro; educated in private schools of Sydney and Halifax and at St. John's Academy, Halifax. Came to St. Paul, 1872, and entered employ of St. Paul & Pacific Ry., later being placed in charge of grain elevator; located in Morris with his father, 1875, where he engaged in hand ling grain and hardware; owner and editor Stevens County Tribune, until 1882; one of the organizers and cashier Stevens County Bank, 1882-94; pur chased Morris County Sun, 1894; also member firms of House & Munro, agricul tural implements, and Wells. Pierce & Co., grain dealers. Now partner, Stone & Munro, dealers in farm implements 368 THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS and fuel. Republican. Ex-city treasurer and ex-mayor. Mason (32°), Knight Templar. Married, 1st, at St. Paul, 1875, to Miss Mary A. Golcher (now de ceased) ; 2nd, in Stevens Co., Minn., April, 1878, to Miss Ida A. Stone. Ad dress: Morris, Minn. MURDOCH, John W., lawyer; born at Wabasha, Minn., June 22, 1869; son of John N. and Cynthia B. Murdoch; edu cated in Wabasha public schools; at Carleton College, Northfield, Minn.; Uni versity of Michigan, 1890-93, B.D., June, 1893. Began practice of law in 1893 and for the past 8 years has been city at torney of the City of Wabasha; secre tary of Wabasha school district. Re publican. Congregationalist. Member of the Minnesota State Bar Association. Married at Stewartville, Minn., Sept. 22, 1897, to Miss Marie L. Bleifuss. Ad dress: Wabasha, Minn. MURDOCK, Albert Jasper, physician; born in Oswego Co., N. Y., March 27, 1847; son of Dr. Thaddeus and Lucinda (Allen) Murdock of Gouveneur, N. Y. ; graduate College of Physicians and Sur geons, Columbia University, vdegree of M.D., 1870. Located in Taylors Falls, Minn., 1870; removed to Minneapolis, 1883. Republican. Presbyterian. Mem ber Hennepin County Medical Society, Minnesota State and American Medical associations. Mason; member K. P., M. W. A. Married at Rensselaer Falls, N. Y., Dec. 11, 1872, to Miss Sarah R. Puf fer. Recreations: Fishing and hunting. Office: Masonic Temple. Residence: 2722 Hennepin Av., Minneapolis. MURPHY, M. Lee, dry goods mer chant; born at Hogensburg, N. Y., May 29, 1860; son of John and Josie Murphy; educated at Normal School, Potsdam, N. Y. Came to Minnesota, 1879; has been engaged in dry goods business at Stillwater, Minn., since 1887. Also director Lumberman's National Bank, Conoly Shoe Co., Auditorium Co., Build ing and Loan Association and president New Penn Mining Co. Member B. P. O. E., M. W. A. Married at Stillwater, Minn., 1883, to Julia A. Foley. Address: Stillwater, Minn. MUBPHY, William, merchant; born in Rutland, Vt, Nov. 3, 1860; son of Michael and Catharine (Clifford) Mur phy; educated in common schools of Meeker Co., Minn., and graduated from the commercial department of St. John's University, Collegeville, Minn., 1884. Lived on farm until 1886; entered mercantile business at Kingston under firm name of Murphy Brothers, 1886; purchased the business of L. W. Leigh ton, general merchandise, Dassel, Minn., 1898, and the firm has conducted busi ness at both stores since that time. Member Kingston board of education for 12 years) county commissioner, Meeker Co., 4 years. Democrat. Mem ber Modern Woodmen of America, Knights of Pythias. Married at Forest City, Feb. 21, 1887, to Miss Ellen Whalen. Address: Kingston, Minn. MUBPHY, William James, publisher of Minneapolis Tribune since 1891; born St. Croix Co., Wis., July 23, 1859; gradu ate Notre Dame University, LL.B., 1878; post graduate course, University of Wisconsin. Address: Minneapolis, Minn. MUBBAY, Daniel D., physician and surgeon, health commissioner; born at Rouse's Point, N. Y., Dec 25, 1858; son of Antonie and Mary (Morris) Murray; educated in public schools of Rouse's Point; Union College, Medical Depart ment, Albany, N. Y., graduating, degree of M.D., March, 1881. Began practice of medicine at Rouse's Point, May, 1881; removed to Mayville, N. D., 1884; on account of health located in Dttluth, Jan., 1890. Was lecturer at St. Luke's Hospital, Duluth, on general diseases and hygiene, for several years; now health commissioner, City of Duluth, serving fourth • term. Is secretary and director Zenith Dredge Co. Was post master at Mayville, N. D., under Presi dent Cleveland's first administration. During earlier years was pilot and mas ter on Dake Champlain and still holds first class license as master and pilot on Lake Champlain and tributaries. Democrat. Episcopalian. Member St. Louis County Medical Society, Minne sota State Medical Association. Mason (32°), Scottish Rite; member B. P. O. E. Married at West Chazy, N. Y„ 1882, to Miss Agnes Gillett. Clubs: Commer cial, Duluth Yacht. Recreation: Yacht ing. Office: 221 W. Superior St. and City Hall. Residence: 2028 E. Superior St., Duluth. MUBBAY, Frank, lawyer; born at Medo, Minn., July 12, 1869; son of John and Hannah (Verdin) Murray; educated in public schools of Mankato and Min nesota State Normal School; read law in office of Hon. W: R. Geddes, Mankato. Was raised on a farm; admitted to bar, 1896; located first at Janesville, Minn., and has been engaged in practice at Bird Island since 1900. County attor ney of Renville Co., since 1902. Re publican. Member I. O. O. F., Modern Woodmen of America. Unmarried. Club: Commercial. Address: Bird Island, Minn. MUUS, Fetter Herman, physician; born at Norway, Goodhue Co., Minn., Dec. 14, 1874; son of Rev. Bernt Julius and Olive (Pind) Muus; educated at St. Olaf College, Northfield, Minn., grad uating, degree of B.A., 1895; U. C. Sem inary, Minneapolis, 1896; College of Physicians and Surgeons, Hamline Uni versity, degrees of M.D., CM., 1901. Member Minnesota Medical Association, Park Region and Douglas County Med ical societies; also Phi Rho Sigma fra ternity. Democrat. Lutheran. Married at Albert Lea, Minn., Sept. 25, 1900, to Miss Leonora Marie Rushfelt. Address: Kensington, Minn. MYERS, Walter Fredericks, vice pres ident Capital National Bank; born at Hempstead, Long Island, N. Y., June 30, 1853; son of James and Mary Skidmore (Wright) Myers; educated in Polytech- THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS 369 nic Institute, Brooklyn, N. Y.; married at Syracuse, N. Y., Oct. 7, 1875, to Miss Mary Frances Hovey. Was a clerk in banking house in Wall St., New York, 1870-73; paying teller State Bank of Sy racuse, N. Y., 1873 and for several years; established in private banking business at Wells, Minn., 1883-94; elected cash ier Capital Bank, of St. Paul, Feb., 1897, and on organization of the Capital Na tional Bank of St. Paul, March 1, 1906, was made its vice president and a di rector. Episcopalian; vice president and director St. Luke's Hospital; treas urer of the Diocese of Minnesota; trus tee Shattuck School, Faribault, Minn., and vestryman and treasurer Church of St. John the Evangelist, St. Paul. Treas urer Society of Colonial Wars of Min nesota; member Sons of the Revolu tion. Clubs: Minnesota, Commercial, Town and Country. Office: Capital Na tional Bank, Cor. 5th and Robert Sts. Residence: 467 Ashland Av., St. Paul. MYGAARD, Mike Mitchell, register of deeds and official abstracter Hubbard Co.; born at Hendrum, Minn., April 24, 1875; educated in common schools and at Concordia College, Moorhead, Minn. Began business career as postmaster of Farris, Minn., 1898; resigned from the position, 1904, and was elected register of deeds, Hubbard Co., Minn., Nov. 4, 1904, which position he now holds. Has been engaged in business for self since March, 1898, under title of M. M. My- gaard, retail dealer general merchandise and wholesale dealer in lumber, wood and piling posts and poles. Owns the Hubbard County Abstract Co. (only set of titles in Hubbard Co). Married at Ada, Minn., Dec. 12, 1900, to Miss Han nah Riggers. Address: Park Rapids, Minn. MYHRE, John P., register of deeds; born at Hudson, Wis., April 2, 1870; son of Knut P. and Margereth Myhre; graduate of Archibald Business College, Minneapolis. Lived in Minnesota since 6 years of age; came to Red River Val ley, 1880; was a farmer until he en tered politics, , and since Jan. 1, 1905, has held office of register of deeds. Re publican. Member Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias. Club: Zenith Commercial. Address: Warren, Minn. N NAAS, Charles K., wholesale fruit and * produce; born in Norway, March 17, 1874; son of Knudt and Gurie Naas; came to America with parents and lo cated in Minnesota, 1876; educated in public schools of Zumbrota, Minn. Lived at Zumbrota until 18 years of age; came to Minneapolis in 1892 and entered pro duce business; has been member of the wholesale firm of Naas Brothers since 1895. Member Minneapolis Produce Ex change. Married at Blooming Prairie, Minn., 1898, to Miss Christine Frost. Office: 601-609 N. 6th St. Residence: 913 E. 17th St., Minneapolis. NAAS, Louis K., wholesale produce; born in Norway, Dec. 20, 1867; son of Knudt and Gurie Naas; came to Min nesota, 1876, and was educated in Zum brota public schools. Docated in Min neapolis, 1886; was in employ of the Conner Fruit Co., 1886-95; has been senior member of firm of Naas Broth ers, wholesale fruits and produce, since 1895. Republican. Lutheran. Member Minneapolis Produce Exchange. Mar ried at Blooming Prairie, Minn., May 20, 1896, to Miss Amanda Strate. Office: 601-609 N. 6th St. Residence: 1719 Eleventh Av., S., Minneapolis. NACHTBIEB, Henry Francis, educa tor; born near Gallon, O., May 11, 1859; son of Rev. Christian and Friederike (Diether) Machtrieb; educated in pub lic schools; German Wallace College, Berea, O., 1874-77; graduate University of Minnesota, degree of B.S., 1882; stud ied at Johns Hopkins University, 1882- 85, was fellow, same university, 1884-85, and- assistant in laboratory, 1883-84; as sistant at the University of Minnesota, 1885-87; professor and head of depart ment of animal biology since 1887; zo ologist of the Geological and Natural History Survey of Minnesota. Member Association of American Anatomists, A. A. A. S., American Society of Natural ists, American Society of Zoologists, American Breeders' Association, Amer ican Association of Museums, Washing ton Academy of Sciences, the honor so cieties of Phi Beta Kappa and Sigma Xi and the college fraternity Fsi Up- , si lon. Married at Buffalo, N. Y., June, 1887, to Miss Anna Eisele. Recreations: Nature, photography, literature, art and music. Office: University of Minnesota. Residence: 905 6th St., S. E., Minne apolis. NAEGELE, Otto E., banker; born at New Ulm, Minn., May 28, 1858; son of Lambert and Katherine (Conrad) Nae- gele; educated in public and private schools at New Ulm and in business college, Minneapolis, Minn.; married, Minneapolis, May 28, 1881, Annie Rouen. Lived at New Ulm until 1862, at the time of the Indian outbreak, when es caped with his mother and two sisters, during night of Aug. 16; returned to New Ulm, 1863, remaining until 1869, when he removed to Minneapolis, where has since resided. Employed as book binder Minneapolis Tribune, 1873-76; clerk Minneapolis postoffice, 1876-86; en tered banking business, 1886, and May 11, 1893, organized Germania Bank, of which is president. Republican. Mem ber Minneapolis Lodge No. 19, A. F. & A. M. Office: 416 Nicollet Av. Resi dence: 1721 W. Franklin Av., Minne apolis. NAESS, J. A. Emanuel, clergyman; born at Dodgeville, Wis., Jan. 18, 1872; son of Olaus and Anna (Buck) Naess; educated in public schools of Boscobel, Wis.; St. Olaf College, Northfield; United Church Theological Seminary, St. Anthony Park; one year post graduate study at University of Minnesota. Mar- 370 THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS ried at Dake Mills, la., June 28, 1905, to Miss Amanda Louise Larson. Or dained as minister of the Lutheran Church, June 12, 1898; pastor at Bos- cobel, Wis., 1898-1901; has been in charge of Trinity Lutheran Church, Al bert Lea, since Jan., 1902. Republican. Recreations: Boating, tennis and hunt ing. Address: Albert Lea, Minn. NAGEL, John C, hardware, banking; born in Sibley Co., Minn., June 20, 1859; son of Philip and Friedericka (Otto) Nagel; educated district school; en gaged in sorghum manufacturing, threshing and saw milling for a number of years; entered general merchandise business at Buffalo Lake, 1892; member of the retail hardware firm of Manthes & Nagel, organized, May 9, 1905; also president State Bank of Buffalo Lake. Married. Address: Buffalo Lake, Minn. NASH, Augustus Edgar, wholesale fruits and produce; born in Elkhart Co., Ind., Sept. 23, 1858; son of George W. and Lucy (Kingsley) Nash; educated at Iowa State Agricultural College; mar ried at Vinton, la., Oct. 14, 1880, to Phebe A. Geddes. Began business ca reer in Minneapolis, 1882; became con nected with the firm of A. W. Griswold & Co., at the time of its organization, June 1, 1895, and is manager of the office department. Recreation: Fishing. Office: 15-20 Central Market. Residence: Minnehaha Falls, Minneapolis. NASH, Charles Perry, local railway treasurer; born at St. Paul, Minn., Jan. 19, 1867; son of George A. and Hettie (Perry) Nash; educated in public schools and business college of St. Paul; married at Buffalo, N. Y., Nov. 28, 1895, to Frances L. Evans. In service of Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Ry., as clerk, June, 1882-86; assistant local treasurer of the road, 1886-94; local treasurer since 1894. Clubs: Town and Country, Minnesota. Office: C, St P.. M. & O. Ry. Residence: 667 Good rich Av., St. Paul; summer residence: Wayzata, Minn. NASH, Joshua W„ pianos and organs; born at Lonaconing, Md., Jan. 21, 1857; son of John and Elizabeth (Williams) Nash; educated in public schools in Allegheny Co., Md., and Ritchie Co., W. Va. Located in Oskaloosa, la., 1877, and entered coal business; moved to Minneapolis, 1880. and engaged in fuel business, principally, until 1902, when he organized the New Century Piano Co., of which he is secretary and treas urer. Republican. Episcopalian. Mason (32°), Knight Templar (grand command er Minnesota, 1893-94), Shriner; mem ber B. P. O. E. Was member State Game and Fish Commission under Gov ernor Clough. Married at Rockport, Ind., Dec. 19, 1889, to Miss' Annie E. Stocking. Recreations: Hunting and fishing. Office: 824 Nicollet Av. Resi dence: Hotel Waverly, Minneapolis. (Summer residence, Excelsior, Minn.) NASON, Albert John, farm lands; born at Smithfield, Pa., June 1, 1878; son of John Hesler and Douisa L. (Hath away) Nason; educated at Windom In stitute, Montevideo, Minn., Superior High School, West Superior, Wis., and Carle ton College, NorthAeld, Minn., B.S., 1901; married at Rochester, Minn., Oct. 23, 1901, to Marv Ethel Eaton. Engaged in real estate business, West Superior, Wis., 1899-1900, and as a dealer in farm lands at St. Paul, 1901-02; continued in same business as partner in Arm of Nason & Christofferson, 1902-04, and in 1904 business was incorporated as The Nason-Christofferson Co., of which he is president. Also president Northwest Farm Land Co. Congregationalist. Club: Commercial. Office: Endicott Bldg. Resi dence: 2029 Marshall Av., St. Paul. NEAL, Bobert Homer, manager Gam ble-Robinson Fruit & Commission Co.; born near Henderson, Ky., April 16, 1862; son of Thomas and Nancy (Hicks) Neal; educated in public schools of Henderson Co., Ky. Raised on a farm; was connected with grocery business at Evansville, Ind., for 3 years; came to Minneapolis, 1887, and became identified with tea and coffee business, later re turning to grocery trade; entered pro duce commission business and has been in charge of St. Paul branch of the Gamble-Robinson Fruit and Produce Commission Co., since 1896. Married at Minneapolis, Jan. 31, 1888, to Miss Lil lian Edwards. Republican. Congrega tionalist. Member St. Paul Produce Ex change, St. Paul Board of Trade. Mem ber Modern Woodmen of America, Mod ern Samaritans and U. C. T. of America. Recreations: Hunting, fishing and horse back riding. Office: 71 E. 3rd St. Resi dence: 716 Ashland Av., St. Paul. NEEB, Charles H., merchant; born in Wisconsin, Feb. 6, 1863; educated in common schools, Lewiston, Minn. En gaged in private banking business at Lewiston, 1892-1903; one of the organ izers and president of the First State Bank of Lewiston, 1903; one of the principal organizers and. director of First State Bank of Wykoff, Minn., 1905; member C II. Neeb & Co. Married at Minnesota City, 3 886, to Miss Rose Minges. Address: Lewiston, Minn. NEELY, Charles, insurance; born at Towanda, Pa., 1836; son of Alexander and Jane (Chamberlain) Neely; edu cated in public schools and at Hobart College, Geneva, N. Y.; married in Wis consin, 1862, to Miss Annie H. Molony. Followed agricultural implement busi ness for 43 years in Illinois, Iowa and Colorado; came to St. Paul from Den ver, 1903 ; now cashier of Neelv & Neely, and Neely & Lewis. Office: Man hattan Bldg. Residence: The Marlbor ough, St. Paul. NEELY, Bichard M., casualty insur ance; born at Cedar Falls, la., Aug. 8, 1868; son of Charles and Annie H. (Mo lony) Neely; educated in the public schools at Cedar Falls, la., Leaven worth, Kan., and at The Shattuck Military Academy, Faribault, Minn.; married at THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 371 New York City, Dec. 19, 1898, to Miss Ethel Goodchild. Entered insurance business at Leavenworth, Kan., 1888; appointed general agent Fidelity and Casualty Co. of New York for State of Kansas, 1889; appointed general agent for Minnesota, Standard Life and Acci dent Insurance Co., of Detroit, 1890; general agent Employers' Liability As surance Corporation, London, since 1896, firm of Neely & Lewis; also member of firm of Neely & Neely. Democrat. Of fice: Manhattan Bldg. Residence: 1005 Portland Av., St. Paul. NEFF, Bentley P., secretary and sales manager F, A. Patrick & Co.; born at Burford, Ont, Can., March 2, 1878; son of William B. and Emma (Rounds; Bentley; educated in High School, Brantford, Ont. Came West to Duluth, and began business career in employ of Stone-Ordean-Wells Co., wholesale gro cers, 1S99-1900; became identified with F. A. Patrick & Co., wholesale dry goods and manufacturers, 1900, and has been secretary of the company since Aug. 7, 1906. Was member C. Co., 2nd Dra goons, Canada; C. Co., 3rd Regt, M. N. G. Member Royal Arcanum, U. C. T., K. O. T. M. Married at Burford, Ont, Nov. 17, 1902, to Miss Evva Allison Fowler. Clubs: Commercial, Duluth Boat. Recreations: Fishing, boating. Office: 5th Av., W., and Commerce. Resi dence: 5 Munger Terrace, Duluth. i NEILS, Julius Frederic Bernhard, ' lumber manufacturer, banker; born in Germany, June 15, 1855; son of Ernest F. and Henriette (Caliebe) Neils; edu cated in Germany until 17 years of age; came to America, 1872; attended Addi son Teachers' Seminary near Chicago, 111., 1874-76, graduating, 1876; married at Milwaukee, Wis., 1879, to Miss Mary Geiger (12 children). Engaged in teach ing school, 1876-81; was in hardware business in Spencer, Wis., 1881-86; bought saw mill at Sauk Rapids, Minn., 1886, and has been engaged in manufac ture of lumber ever since that time. Treasurer J. Neils Dumber Co., organ ized, 3.S95, manufacturers of lumber at Sauk Rapids and Cass Lake. Also president First National Bank, Cass Lake. Evangelical Lutheran. Address: Cass Lake, Minn. NELSON, Anton, manufacturer; born in Denmark, Sept. 16, 1865; son of Christen and Metti (Kerstine) Nelson; educated in schools of Denmark. Dearned the knitting trade in Denmark; came to America, 1892, making his home at Northfield, Minn., 1892-98; located in Duluth. 1898, and assisted in establish ment of Nelson Brothers' Knitting Mills. Republican. Lutheran. Member Danish Brotherhood. Married at Northfield, Minn., 1893, to Miss Annie Thorson. Office: 2103 W. Superior St. Residence: 330 23rd Av., W., Duluth, Minn. NELSON, August S., wholesale pro duce commission; born in Goodhue Co.. Minn., Dec. 30, 1864; son of S. C. and Annalina Nelson; educated in public schools and business college. Engaged in farming with his father in Goodhue Co., until 1896; came to Minneapolis, 1896, and assisted in organizing the wholesale produce commission firm of Nelson & Anderson, of which he is a member. Baptist. Member Minneapolis Produce Exchange. Married in Goodhue Co., 1903, to Miss Ida Benson. Recrea tion: Traveling. Office: 23 Central Market. Residence: 1013 13th Av., S., Minneapolis. NELSON, Benjamin F., manufacturer and capitalist; born in Greenup Co., Ky., May 4, 1843; son of William and Emeline (Benson) Nelson; educated in public schools in Greenup and Lewis counties, Ky. Began active career as a soldier of the Confederacy, enlisting at the age of 19, in the 2nd Ky. Cav., and serving under Generals Morgan, Forest and Wheeler, until the close of the war found him a prisoner in Camp Douglas, Chicago. Located in Minnesota, Sept., 1865, and entered lumber business, with which he has been actively identified for more than 40 years; began in busi ness on his own account in 1873 at Minneapolis. Member of Nelson Tuthill Lumber Co., president Leech Lake Lum ber Co., Eddy Sash & Door Co., Henne pin Paper Co., Nelson Paper Co., B. F. Nelson & Sons Co., Deech Lake Land Co.; vice president Spokane Lumber Co. Director Swedish American National Bank, First National Bank of Walker; trustee Swedish Savings Bank. Trustee and vice president Hamline University; regent University of Minnesota, since Feb., 1905; ex-alderman Minneapolis, ex- member Board of Park Commissioners, board of education, Board of Managers for the State Prison, Stillwater. Demo crat. Methodist Member Minnesota State Historical Association (life mem ber). Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner. Married, 1st, 1868, to 'Martha Ross of Rice Co., Minn., who died, 1869; 2nd, 1870, to Mary Fredenburg of North- field, Minn. Clubs: Minneapolis, Mini kahda, Commercial (chairman Public Affairs Committee since 1904). Recrea tions: Raising thoroughbred cattle, fishing, etc. Office: Security Bank Bldg. Residence: 1125 5th St., S. E., Minneap olis. NELSON, Christian Peter, physician; born in Freeborn Co., Minn., July 4, 1869; educated at Owatonna (Minn.) High School, graduating, 1891; attended school at Battle Creek College, Minn., 1891-92; graduated from Medical De partment, University of Michigan, 1896; took post graduate work at St. Augus tana Hospital, Chicago, 1906. Mar ried at Chicago, 111., Sept. 5, 1899, to Miss Marie Schaefer. Address: Minne apolis, Minn. NELSON, Edward, merchant; born in Sweden, Oct. 22, 1859; son of Nicholas and Johanna (Monson) Nelson; educated in country schools of Sweden. Came to America, 1877, and began .as laborer; entered notion business, Aug. 6, 18S6, as partner in firm of Nelson & Riedl, and 372 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS later added shoes, furnishings and cloth ing; also director Farmers & Merchants' State Bank. Republican. Roman Catho lic. Married at Sleepy Eye, Minn., July 30, 1884, to Miss Regina Riedl. Address: Sleepy Eye, Minn. NELSON, Edward, register of deeds; born at Gladstone, 111., Feb._6, 1S77; son of Andrew and Ingrid (Peterson)"* Nel son; educated at public schools at Mon mouth, 111.; graduated from Augustana College, Rock Island, 111., B.A., 1897. Register of deeds, Kittson Co., since Oct. 28, 1902. Republican. Member of the Minnesota State Historical Society. Mar ried at Drayton, N. D., Sept. 23, 1903, Miss Annie Ferguson. Address: Hal lock, Minn. NELSON, Emil Alfred, editor, farmer; born in Goodhue Co., Minn., March 18, 1870; son of Peter M. and Petronella Nelson; educated in public- schools of Goodhue, Goodhue Co.; Augustana Col lege, Rock Island, 111., graduating, de gree of B.S., 1897; post graduate course, University of Minnesota, degree of M.S., 1902 (completed last two years' course in high school and all but one year's work in college by home study, with out assistance of teacher). Partner and manager firm of Nelson Brothers, pub lishers Hallock Weekly News, estab lished, Oct. 15, 1889; also owner and manager of large farming interests. County superintendent of schools, Kitt son Co., 1894-1900; state librarian of Minnesota, 1901-05. Republican. Swe dish Lutheran. Member Minnesota Edu cational Association. Member Masonic order, I. O. O. F., Modern Woodmen of America. Married at Hallock, Minn., Dec. 22, 1897, to Miss Florence Dure. Clubs: Commercial (Hallock); Commer cial (St. Paul). Recreations: Fishing and hunting. Address: Hallock, Minn. NELSON, Frederick C, secretary and manager Manhattan Light, Heat & Pow er Co.; born at Lanesborough, Minn., July 4, 1877; son of William F. Nelson; educated in public schools of St. Paul. Has been a resident of St. Paul since 1885 and secretary and manager of the Manhattan Light, Heat & Power Co., since 1898; also secretary of the Tri- State Telephone & Telegraph Co., since 1902; vice president Le Roy Fibre Co. Mason: Recreations: Hunting, fishing and curling. Office: Manhattan Bldg. Residence: 835 Laurel Av., St. Paul. NELSON, H. C, farming; born at Land, Norway, June 14, 1848; son of Christopher and Maren (Hanson) Nel son; came to America, June, 1857, and lived in Wisconsin four years, removing to Minnesota, 1861; educated in public and parochial schools of Wisconsin and Minnesota; married at Hayward, Minn., May, 1S70, to Miss Caroline M. Larson. Worked on railroad, 1867, as farm hand, 3 868, and ran threshing machine, 1869- 70; began farming, 1870, and has since continued. President Farmers' State Bank of Hayward; director Citizens' National Bank (Albert Lea), Hayward Creamery Association. Was chairman board of town supervisors 14 years; town clerk two years; township asses sor 4 years; State senator, Freeborn Co., 1891-95. Democrat. Lutheran. Ad dress: Hayward, Minn. NELSEN, Jacob Bredwad, building contractor; born near Copenhagen, Den mark, April 14, 1863; educated in pub lic schools of Denmark. Came to Amer ica, 1S84; located in Mankanto, 1885;. learned the building trade at Mankato and began there as contractor; among buildings erected by him are the South Dakota Agricultural College, at Brook ing; court houses at Windom and Fair- mount, Minn.; the Public Dibrary build ing at Mankato; the Gustavus Adolphus College, St. Peter; the Nurses' Dormi tory, St. Peter Hospital, etc. Head of the firm of J. B. Nelson & Co., building contractors, established, 1895; director National Bank of Commerce, Mankato, The Shakon Fish & Canning Co., Sha- kon, Alaska. Now serving as president council North Mankato, fourth term and serving second term as president school board. Republican. Mason (32°), Shrin er; Odd Fellow (all branches); member B. P. O. E. Married at Mankato, Dec. 26, 1889, to Miss Anna M. Nelsen. Rec reations: Driving and traveling. Ad dress: Mankato, Minn. NELSON, John Conrad, physician; born at Copenhagen, Denmark, Sept. 25, 1847; educated in public schools in Co penhagen, Denmark; graduated from College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk, Iowa, M.D., 1879. Arrived in the United States, 1866; has lived in Minnesota 40 years and in St. Paul since 1879, engaged in practice of medicine and surgery. Royal Danish vice consul for Minnesota, appointed 1896. Vice president Ramsey County Medical So ciety. Visiting physician to City and County Hospital for ten years; coroner Ramsey County five years. Republican. Unitarian. Office: Union Blk., St. Paul. Residence: White Bear Dake, Minn. NELSON, John Gustaf, president Nel son Coal Co.; born at Strombacka, Hal- singland, Sweden, Dec. 13, 1840; son of Anders and Catherine (Malmgren) Nel son; came to America, 1854; married in Wright Co., Minn., July 19, 1868, to Johanna S. Eckman. Worked on a farm in Illinois, 1854-56; removed to Minne sota, 1S56, and worked on a farm and in lumber camps; entered logging busi ness for himself in partnership with Alex. Johnson, 1865, and continued until 1902, when he retired from active af fairs. President Nelson Coal Co., with mines at Sand Coulee, Mont; also ex tensively interested in timber lands in . Oregon and British Columbia. Repub lican. Served for 2 years as surveyor general of logs and lumber under Gov. Knute Nelson. Roosevelt elector. Ma son, Knight Templar. Address: Still water, Minn. NELSON, Julius E., merchant; born at Albert Lea, Minn., July 29, 1861; son THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 373 of Even and Johanna Nelson; educated in the district school, public school in Albert Dea, and C. C. Curtis Business College, Minneapolis. Was school teach er, 1879-82; clerk in John Smith's Con fectionery, Minneapolis, 1883-86; book keeper for Johnson and Nelson, whole sale and retail grocers, Albert Dea, 1886- 89; entered partnership in general mer cantile business as Johnson, Nelson & Nelson, succeeding Johnson & Nelson, 1889, becoming Nelson Brothers, 1891, and has continued without further change to the present time. Was direc tor Security National Bank. Republi can. Lutheran. Member Modern Wood men of America. Married at Albert Lea, 1889, to Mattie Bjerkum. Club: Com mercial. Recreation: Driving. Office: 244-248 S. Broadway. Residence: 623 Fountain St., Albert Lea, Minn. NELSON, Knute, United States Sena tor from Minnesota; born at Voss, Nor way, Feb. 2, 1843; lost his father at three years of age and came to America with his mother at 6; lived in Chicago, 111., 1849-50; removed to Wisconsin, 1850; attended common schools, Dane Co., and was student for 3 years in Albion College, when Civil War broke but; enlisted in Union cause and was member 4th Wis. Inf., May, 1861-64; was wounded and captured at Port Hud son; returned to Albion at close of war and completed college course; studied law in office of Hon. William F. Vilas, Madison; admitted to Wisconsin bar, 1867; member Wisconsin Degislature, 1868-9. Came to Alexandria,, Minn., and resumed practice of law; was attorney Douglas Co., 1872-74; member State Senate, 1875-78; presidential elector, 1SS0; member of Congress, 3883-89; governor of Minnesota, 1892-95; has been United States Senator since 1895. Republican. Married. Home address: Alexandria, Minn. Washington address: 649 E. Capitol St. NELSON, N. Amherst, physician; born at Decorah, la., June 12, 1855; son of Alf and Susanna Nelson; educated in public schools to 1874; Milton College, Milton, Wis., 1876-78; St. Louis Medi cal College, St. Louis, Mo., 1878-80; King Medical College, Des Moines, la., grad uating, degree of M.D., 1884; post grad uate work University of Minnesota, 1889- 90. Married at Milan. Minn.. Oct. 6, 1881, to Miss Jennie Boe. Was con nected with drug store, Milan, Minn., 3 880-82; practiced medicine at Apple- ton, Minn., 1882-83; located in Dawson, 1884, and has since engaged in drug business and other lines of business. Proprietor Dawson Electric Co. Light Plant since 1906. Lutheran. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associations, Lac qui Parle, Renville, Chippewa and Yellow Medicine County Medical societies. Member A. O. U. W., M. W. A., M. B. A. Address: Dawson, Minn. NELSON, Nels E., manufacturer; born in Denmark, April 16, 1861; son of Christen and Metti (Kerstine) Nelson; educated in schools of Denmark. Came to America in 1892, having previously learned the knitting trade m the old country; lived at Northfield, Minn., 1892- 98; came to Duluth, 1898, and assisted in founding Nelson Brothers' Knitting Mills. Mason; member Danish Brother hood. Married in Denmark, 1887, to Miss Caroline Andersen. Club: Commer cial. Office: 2103 W. Superior St. Resi dence: 2101 W. Superior St., Duluth. NELSON, Nels E., register of deeds; born in the province of Hermland, Swe den, July 26, 1858; son of Elof and Karin (Johnson) Nelson; educated in common schools. Elected register of deeds Douglas Co., Nov., 1886, and still holds that office. Director of Famous National Bank, Alexandria, and Swedish Printing Co., of Minnesota. Republican. Lutheran. Member of Odd Fellows and Knights of Pythias. Married at Minne apolis, May 16, 1904, to Christine Peter son. Address: Alexandria, Minn. NELSON, O. B., merchant; born at Spring Grove, Minn., Feb. 8, 1854; edu cated in common schools; State Normal School, Winona; business college, Mad ison, Wis. Began active career as school teacher and later was station agent and telegraph operator Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry.; was engaged in hard ware and implement business, at Clark, S. D., 5 years; began in hardware and furniture business as Nelson & Tone, at Spring Grove, Minn., 1888; member firm of Nelson & Johnson, since 1906; also president Spring Grove Stock and Grain Co.; vice president State Bank of Spring Grove. Member Minnesota Legislature, 1907-09. Republican. Lutheran. Mar ried at Spring Grove, March 27, 1879, to Miss Anna Benson. Address: Spring Grove, Minn. NELSON, Peter A., general merchan dise; born near Decorah, la., Jan. 14, 1858; son of Peter Nelson (Erickstad) and Anna Sampson; educated in public schools and business college. Lived on farm until 14 years of age; was clerk for C N. Goddard, Decorah, three and a half years, and for Ransom Brothers, Albert Lea, Minn., wholesale and retail grocers, one and a half years; member of firm of Nelson Brothers, dealers in general merchandise, since 1885. Also vice president State Bank of Lanesboro; treasurer Lanesboro Canning Co.; secre tary Nelson Land Co. Republican. Lutheran. Member Modern Woodmen of America, Yeomen of America. Married at Lanesboro, Minn., 1892, to Miss Flor ence E. Weed. Club: Commercial. Ad dress: Lanesboro, Minn. NELSON, Samuel A., banking, general merchandise; born, Lyngdahl, Norway, Jan. 6, 3 851; son of Peder Nielson Erick stad and Anna (Aen) Nelson; came to America early in li""e; edtC'ited in pub lic schools of Winl.ssheik Co., Ia., ,and Fillmore Co., Minn.; Marshall Academy, Wis.; Bryant & Stratton's Business Col lege, Chicago, graduating, 1870. Mar ried at Lanesboro, Minn., Jan. 16, 1877, 374 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS to Miss Julia Skarie, who died, March 8, 1904 (9 children living, 7 boys). Left farm, 1872, and entered mercantile busi ness at Lanesboro, in which he has since continued. Senior member firm of Nel son Brothers, general merchandise; also president State Bank of Lanesboro, Nel son Land Co. Republican; member Gov. Clough's military staff 2 years and of Gov. Van Sant's staff 4 years; member Minnesota Legislature, 1903 and was elected as a member of the State Sen ate for a term of four years, beginning Jan., 3907. Lutheran; member Board of Trustees United Lutheran Church of America. President Norwegian Pioneer Association of America. Address: Lanes boro, Minn. NELSON, Sander Noble, lawyer; born at St. Paul, Minn., Nov. 1, 1883; son of Nels and Gertrude (Paulson) Nelson; educated in the public schools and at the St. Paul College of Law, graduating, degree of LL.B., June, 1905. Began practice of law immediately upon leav ing school and is now member of the law firm of Morphy, Ewing & Bradford (B. Howard Morphy, Frank H. Ewing, John M. Bradford and Sander N. Nel son). Republican. Club: Minnesota Boat. Recreation: Rowing. Office: Man hattan Bldg. Residence: 105 University Av., St. Paul. NELSON, Theodore S., banking; born at Lanesboro, Minn., June 23, 1878; son of Severt and Barbro (Moen) Nelson; educated in public schools, 8 till 19 years of age; was student at Concordia College, Moorhead, Minn., 3898-99, grad uating from commercial course, later attending Dakota College, Fargo, N. D., for three months. Was clerk and book keeper Aaker Bros., Twin Valley, Minn., 1899-1900; clerk and bookkeeper Inge- berg & Ingeberg, Hendrum, 1900-1901; became assistant cashier State Bank of Hendrum, April 15, 1901; has been cash ier State Bank of Georgetown since April 1, 1904. Republican. Lutheran. Mason. Married at Hendrum, July 27, 1904, to Miss Burgetta Gunderson. Rec reations: Baseball and other outdoor sports. Address: Georgetown, Minn. NEBAAL, Paul O., physician; born in Norway, July 9, 1870; son of O. A. and Gunhild (Nedremyre) Neraal; came to America, 188,8; was educated at Val ley City Normal School, 1891; University of North Dakota, 1892; University of Minnesota, 1893-94; University of Iowa, 1895-97, graduating from Medical De partment, University of Iowa. Proprie tor drug store, at Mcintosh. Democrat. Lutheran. Member Knights of Pythias, Modern Woodmen of America. Married at Erskine, Minn., Sept. 19, 1904, to Miss Vinnie Narveson. Address: Mcintosh, Minn. NESS, Ole A., merchant; born in Min nesota, Aug, 13, 1862; educated at Luth er College, Decorah, Ia. In mercantile business, at St. Peter, Minn., since 3 887. Republican. Lutheran. Member Knights of Pythias. Address: St. Peter, Minn. NESTE, Knute E., merchant; born in Norway, 1845; son of Even K. Neste; came to America with parents when 5 or 6 years of age. Has been engaged in retail mercantile business since 1871; member of the firm of Neste, Hamre & Co. Also director First National Bank, Granite Falls. Married at Decorah, la., 1871, to Miss Kari Vik. Address: Gran ite Falls, Minn. NETHAWAY, John Clinton, lawyer; born at Albany, N. Y., Nov. 12, 1857; son of Clinton and Maria Nethaway; educated in Cobleskell (N. Y.) High School and at Union College, Schenec tady, N. Y. Was admitted to the bar at Albany, N. Y., Feb., 1879; has been engaged in practice at Stillwater, since June, 1879. Municipal judge, Stillwater, 3 8S4-94; county attorney Washington Co., since Nov., 1899. Member Minne sota State and American' Bar associa tions. Member M. N. G. for 10 years. Republican. Episcopalian. Mason; mem ber B. P. O. E., Knights of Pythias. Married at Stillwater, June IS, 1883, to Miss Cora M. Hall. Address: Stillwa ter, Minn. NETLAND, Andrew O., banker; born in Norway, June 8, 1868; came to Amer ica and located in Minnesota, 1885; edu cated in common schools of Norway; at Augsburg Seminary, Minneapolis, 1886- 87; at business colleges, Minneapolis; Law Department, University of Minne sota. Began active career as clerk in hardware store of C. B. & J. H. Smith, Minneapolis, 1887; resigned to enter Augsburg Publishing House, Minneap olis, as assistant manager of book de partment, 1890; resigned to enter St. Anthony Falls Bank, Minneapolis, as bookkeeper, 1893; resigned to open bank at Audubon, Minn., 1896, and conducted same as Citizens' Bank, reorganized, 1907, as State Bank of Audubon, of which he is cashier and owns controlling interest. Member Minnesota State Bankers' Asso ciation. Republican. Dutheran. Mar ried at Audubon, Minn., 1899, to Miss Nicoline C Sletten. Address: Audubon, Minn. NETLAND, Sievert A., banker; born in Norway, Oct. 5, 1877; son of Anton and Malene (Hauge) Netland; educated in public schools in Norway, North Star Normal School, Minneapolis, and Minne*- sota School of Business. Became iden tified with banking business, April, 1894, at 17 years of age, and is at present time cashier of The Northfield National Bank; vice president of The Bank of Hampton, Hampton, Minn.; president of the First State Bank, Carlos, Minn. Re publican. Lutheran. Married at Audu bon, Minn , 1900, to Sophie W. Sletten. Club: Commercial (Northfield). Recre ation: Travel. Address: Northfield, Minn. NEUFELD, Peter Gerhard, clerk of district court; born in Russia, April 23, I860. Came to America with parents in July, 1878; worked with his father on farm and attended district school in THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 375 winter until 24 years of age. Began active career for himself as a clerk in general store, until 1893; engaged in grain buying for Peavey Elevator Co., at Mountain Lake, Minn., until appointed clerk of district court, Cottonwood Co., which position he has held since June 1, 1899. Republican. Married at Moun tain Lake, Minn., April 28, 1889, to Miss Anna Penner. Address: Windom, Minn. NEUMANN, John F., merchant; born in Prussia, Feb. 21, 1840; son of Carl and Louisa Neumann; educated in Prus sia. Came to America, 1868, and to Min nesota, 1870; in general store business at New Ulm since 1870. Served as first lieut. Co. A, M. N. G. Member A. O. U. W., Turner Association. Address: New Ulm, Minn. NEUMANN, William H., physician; born at Lewiston, Minn., Aug. 14, 1879; educated in Lewiston public schools; Hamline Academy; University of Minne sota, 1901; Northwestern University Medical School, graduating, degree of M.D., 1904. Member American and Min nesota State Medical associations, South ern Minnesota and Winona County Med ical societies. Married at Winona, Minn., July 18, 1906, to Miss Bernice C. Holt Address: Dewiston, Minn. NEWBEBT, George Henry, banking; born at Bethel, Minn., July 27, 1872; son of Henry and Augusta Newbert; educated in common schools at Prince ton, Minn. Began active career at 17 years of age as teller and bookkeeper of the First National Bank of Princeton, 1889; moved to Mora, Minn., 1894, and organized the Kanabec County Bank, now the First National Bank, and has acted as its cashier "since the organi zation; director of the Sandstone State Bank and the Times Printing and Pub lishing Co.; member Mora board of ed ucation; village treasurer. Republican. Member Masonic order, Shrine, I. O. O. F., Knights of Pythias, A. O. U. W., M. W. A. Married, Sept. 1903, to Miss Juan- ita Thompson, of Erhard, Minn. Club: Commercial (Minneapolis). Address: Mora, Minn. NEWELL, Geors-e B., wholesale gro cer; born at Jav, Essex Co., N. Y., July, 1845; son of Hiram and Phoebe (Bush) Newell; educated in public schools. New York. Came to Minneapolis in 1866 and began active career as clerk at Nicollet Hotel, later accepting position as clerk in retail grocery; entered grocery job bing trade under title of Stevens, Morse & Newell, 1870, title of firm changing to Newell & Harrison, 1872, and to George R. Newell & Co., importers and whole sale grocers, 1882, of which he is presi dent; also director Minneapolis, St. Paul and Sault Ste. Marie R. R.; mem ber National Grocers' Association, Min nesota State Grocers' Association. Ma son. Married at Wyoming. N. Y., 1876, to Miss Alida Ferris. Clubs: Commer ciaL Minikahda. Office: 1st Av., N, and 3rd St., N. Residence: 1818 Vine PL, Minneapolis. , NEWHALL, Harry Prank, president Finance Company of Minnesota; born at Chicago, 111., Jan. 21, 1849; son of Harrison and Nancy Caroline (Goodrich) Newhall; educated at Harvard College; married. May 26, 1874, to Elizabeth Bar rett. Entered stock brokerage business in Philadelphia, Pa., 1873, under firm name of Creamer and Newhall, after wards Rutter, Newhall & Co.; retired from Philadelphia Stock Exchange, 1885, moved to Minneapolis, Minn., and en gaged in the real estate and loan busi ness; formed the Finance Company of Minnesota, 1901, of which is president. Secretary of the Minneapolis Real Es tate Board. Member of the Consoli dated Stock Exchange of New York. Independent in politics. Club: Commer cial. Office: Temple Court. Residence: 2702 Humboldt Av., S., Minneapolis. NEWHABT, Horace, physician and surgeon; born at New Ulm, Minn., Dec. 9, 1S72; son of J. and Sarah (Parker) Newhart; educated in New Ulm public schools to 1889; Carleton Academy and Carleton College, 1889-93; Dartmouth College, degree of A.B., 1895; University of Michigan, Department of Medicine and Surgery, degree of M.D., 1898; post graduate work and special clinical course K.K., University of Vienna, , Austria, 1898-99, also 1905. Member American Academy of Medicine, American and Minnesota State Medical associations, Hennepin County Medical Society, Min neapolis Medical Club. Member Sigma Chi, Phi Rho Sigma, Phi Beta Kappa fraternities. Married at Albany, N. Y., Sept. 3, 1904, to Miss Anne Hendrick. Clubs: Commercial, Minikahda, Minne sota Congregational. Office: Pillsbury Bldg. Residence: The Hampshire Arms, Minneapolis. NEWMAN, Gustavus Adolphus, physi cian; born at Brockton, Mass., Aug. 29, 1862; son of Gustavus and Emelia (Swanson) Newman; came to Minne sota, May, 1868; educated in county schools, Goodhue Co.; Red Wing (Minn.) Seminary; College of Medicine and Sur gery, University of Minnesota, grad uating, degree of M.D., cum laude, June, 1895. Resident physician Minnesota State Prison, July 1, 1895, to Aug. 1, 1896; practiced medicine at Wells, Minn., 1896-97; has been engaged in practice at New Dondon since March 10, 1897. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associations, American Public Health Association, Kandiyohi, Swift County and Crow River Valley Medical societies. Democrat. Mason; member B. P. O. E. Married at Oak land, Neb., Dec. 30, 1896, to Miss Douise A. Nelson. Recreations: Fishing and archaeology. Address: New London, Minn. NEWMAN, Lewis B., general contrac tor; born at Preston, Minn., 1860; son of Michael Newman; educated in public 376 THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS schools of Preston. Learned the carpen ter's trade and for a number of years followed contracting on his own ac count; since 1899 has been partner ol the firm of Newman & Hoy. Member Knights of Columbus, Royal Arcanum. Married at St. Paul, Minn., Jan. 7, 1886, to Miss Catherine C. Murphy. Club: Commercial. Office: Chamber of Com merce Bldg. Residence: 924 Goodrich Av., St. Paul. NEWMAN, Thomas Jefferson, lawyer; born at Bethany, Mo., Nov. 30, 1874; son of Dr. G. W. and Douisa Jane (Al len) Newman; attended^ Catholic school at Salina, Kan., until 14 years of age; St. John's Military Academy, Salina, Kan., for two years; Mt. Vernon Acad emy, from which was graduated, 1893; Missouri State University, 1893-97, grad uating, 1897; Harvard Law School, 1897- 1900, graduating, degree of LL.B. Un married. Was in office of Montgomery & Dabbs, lawyers. Joplin, Mo., 1900-02: came to St. Paul, 1902, and formed part nership under present firm name of Schmidt &. Newman engaged in general practice of law. Member Minnesota State Bar Association, Kappa Alpha fra ternity. Democrat. Recreations: Hunt ing and fishing. Office Globe Bldg. Res idence: 475 Laurel Av., St. Paul. NEWPORT, Reece Marshall, real es tate and loans; born at Sharpsburg, Pa., May 27, 1838; son of Reece Cadwalader and Mary Ann (Cole) Newport; edu cated in public schools; at Marietta Academy, Marietta, O., 1854-55, gradua ting from Marietta College, salutatorian, I860, A.B., and A.M., Phi Beta Kappa. Married at Newport, O., Oct. 27, 1863, to Eliza Thompson Edgerton. Served in Civil War under appointment of Presi dent Lincoln as capt. and asst. quarter master, U. S. Vols., 1862; chief quarter master depot of Baltimore, with rank of col., 1864; brevetted brig, gen., 1866. In newspaper and insurance business after leaving the army; came to Minne sota as assistant treasurer Northern Pa cific R. R. Co., 1872-82, serving also as auditor and general land agent; during same period was secretary, treasurer and land commissioner of the Western R. R. of Minnesota, subsidiary to the Northern PaciAc, and for many years was director of Duluth Terminal and other elevator companies, and West Du luth Land Co. After resigning from Northern Pacific Ry., engaged in rail road construction. In real estate and loans, under name of R. M. Newport (for many years R. M. Newport & Son), making a specialty of suburban addi tions. "Financial correspondent" Con necticut Mutual Life Insurance Co., with offices in St. Paul, Minneapolis and Du luth, 1889 to the present time. Member of Board of Park Commissioners of the City of St. Paul. Independent Repub lican. Presbyterian. Member Loyal Le gion (formerly commander of Command ery of the State of Minnesota). Club: Town and Country. Recreations: Fish ing and sailing. Office: Pioneer Press Bldg. Residence: 217 Summit Av., St. Paul. NEWTON, L. W., wholesale paper, woodenware, etc.; born in Thompkins Co., N. Y., Oct. 10, 1852; attended Cort- landville (N. Y.) Academy and Iowa State LTniversity. Was clerk in a store for a year; learned the painter's trade, working in that line five years; in pho tograph business for three years; farmed two years and sold out and en tered service of the Chicago & North western Ry. Co., supply department; three years later was appointed general storekeeper and fuel agent of the Iowa Central Railway, and after remaining 6% years was appointed to same pqsi- tion on Chicago Great Western Ry. ; member of firm of Price, Robbins & Newton, since 1901. Office: Gorner S. Robert St. and Indiana Av. Residence: 180 East Winifred St., St. Paul. NICHOLLS, John Edward, wholesale grain; born at Brantford, Ont, Can., March 2, 1855; son of William Wray and Anne McNair (Alison) Nicholls; ed ucated in public schools and by private tutors at Lakefield, Ont. Began active career as telegraph operator, Grand Trunk Ry., 1869; was traveling freight and passenger agent, various lines, and general traveling agent for the N. W. Transportation Company's steamers, headquarters at Sarnia, Ont, until 1881. Located in Duluth, Minn., and entered grain business, 1881; has made his home in Minneapolis since 1885. President Great Eastern Elevator Co.; member of firms of Nicholls & Taylor, Minneapolis, and McKindley & Nicholls, Duluth. Member Minneapolis Chamber of Com merce, Duluth Board of Trade. Episco palian. Married at New Richmond, Wis., 1896, to Miss Alice Maude Myers. Rec reations: Shooting and boating. Office: Chamber of Commerce. Residence: 2134 Blaisdell Av., Minneapolis. NICHOLS, Edward B., real estate, loans and insurance; born at Lyme, Conn., May 2, 1864; son of John C. and Jennie (Ray) Nichols; educated in dis trict and public high school, Wethers- field, Conn., and at Hartford High School, Hartford, Conn. Was for 3 years traveling salesman for N. O. Kellogg, Boston, Mass., wool merchants; was with Scottish Union & National Insur ance Co., Hartford, Conn., 1882-86; came to Minneapolis, 1886, and since that year has been connected with the Corser In vestment Co., which operates in real es tate, 'negotiates loans and transacts a general fire insurance business. Secre tary and treasurer Portland Avenue Im provement Association. Republican. Con gregationalist. Married at Hartford, Conn., May 15, 1888, to Martha Ann Stoddard. Club: Commercial. Recrea tions: Hunting and fishing. Office: New York Life Bldg. Residence: 2530 Port land Av., Minneapolis. NICHOLS, Ernest E., civil engineer; born in Essex Co., N. Y., 1863; son of Charles D. and Adeline (Finney) Nich- THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS 377 ols; removed to Iowa, 1865; graduate Iowa State Normal School. Engaged for 5 years in teaching school and for 5 years in newspaper work as publisher and proprietor of the Manilla Register, Manilla, la., and associated with the Plaindealer, St. James, Minn. Came to Minnesota and was elected county sur veyor of Watonwan Co., 1902, and now occupies that office. Republican. .Mem ber I. O. O. F. Unmarried. Address: St. James, Minn. NICHOLSEN, Major Nicholas, sheriff Mower Co.; born in New York City, Feb. 25, 1868; son of Nicholas and Johanna M. (Olson) Nicholsen; came to Minne sota with parents, 1870; educated in public schools of Austin; unmarried. Worked on a farm; was engaged in gro cery business for 15 years; appointed deputy sheriff, 1897, and continued for 7 years; was elected sheriff of Mower Co., Nov., 1904, and reelected, Nov., 1906; director Austin Weed Exterminator Co. Has been connected with M. N. G., since 1885; entered as private and was ap pointed major, 2d Regt., 1902, a posi tion he now fills; served as 2d lieut, Co. G, 12th Minn. Vol. Inf., during Span ish-American War. Republican. Luth eran. Member Masonic order, I. O. O. F., Knights of Pythias, and D. O. K. K, B. P. O. E., F. O. E., M. W. A. Clubs: Progressive League, Harmonia. Address: Austin, Minn. NICHOLSON, John P., clothing; born in Sweden, Oct. 27, 1862; son of A. N. and Johanna (Johnson) Nicholson; came to America, 1869, and was educated in public schools of Michigan and Minne sota. Removed from Ishpeming, Mich., to Litchfield, Minn., 1877; began active career on a farm near Litchfield; lo cated in Minneapolis, 1881, and became connected with Domestic Sewing Ma chine Co. Began in clothing business with the Vanstrum & Peterson Clothing Co.; was with firm of Peterson, Nord strom & Nicholson, clothiers, for 3 years; manager North Star Clothing- House for 12 years; assisted in organ izing The Model Clothing House Co., in 1903, and has been its treasurer from the beginning. Republican. Baptist. Member I. O. F., Royal Arcanum. Mar ried at Minneapolis, Nov., 1886, to Miss Anna L. Nodell. Office: 301-309 Nicollet Av. Residence: 3336 2nd Av., S., Min neapolis. NICKELS, Prank Campbell, real es tate; born at Cherryfield, Me., Aug. 4, 185S; son of Charles P. and Frances S. Nickels; graduate Cherryfield High School, and from Highland Military Academy, Worcester, Mass., 1877. Came to Minneapolis, ^1880, and was in em ploy of Pioneer Press, St. Paul, one year; became connected with the Minne apolis Tribune and continued for five years in charge of the advertising de partment; in real estate and insurance business since 1886; senior member of the firm of Nickels & Smith. Repub lican. Baptist. Served seven years in Co. I, M. N. G. Member Minneapolis Real Estate Board. Married, 1st, at Chi cago, 111., Jan. 8, 1890, to Miss Mezzie Randolph Harrison; 2nd, at Washing ton, D. C, Feb. 7, 1900, to Miss Frances M. Jacobs. Clubs: Commercial, Minne tonka Yacht. Recreation: Yachting. Office: 313 Nicollet Av. Residence: 2500 Pillsbury Av., Minneapolis. NICKERSON, Bernard Smith, physi cian; born at Linneus, Me., Feb. 3, 1876; son of Frank C. and Susan Elizabeth (Smith) Nickerson; educated in public schools of Houlton, Me., until 1889; Monticello High School, Monticello, Minn., to 1893; University of Minnesota, College of Literature and Arts, degree of B.S., 1899; University of Minnesota, College of Medicine and Surgery, degree of M.D., 1903. Assistant and instruc tor in chemistry in medical college dur ing course, 1898-03; house physician St. Luke's Hospital, St. Paul, 1903-1904. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associations, McLeod County Medical Society; Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi and Nu Sigma Nu fraternities. Mem ber Masonic order, M. . W. A. Repub lican. Unmarried. Address: Glencoe, Minn. NIENABEB, Charles, president State Bank of Round Lake; born in Musca tine Co., Ia., Dec 13, 1864; son of Fred erick and Marie Anna (Fintel) Niena- ber; educated at Duncan's Business Col lege, Davenport, Ia. Entered banking business Aug. 1, 1900, and is now presi dent of the State Bank of Round Lake, successor to Bank of Round Lake. Mar ried at Lake Park, la., Dec 21, 1893, to Miss May Mundt. Address: Round Lake, Minn. NILSON, Nils, land and immigration agent; born in Sweden, Oct. 19, 1855; educated in Sweden. Located in St. Paul after coming to America; took up per manent residence in Minneapolis, 1884; has been engaged as immigration agent since 1883. General Northwestern agent Anchor Line, Transatlantic, Peninsular, Mediterranean & Oriental Steam Ships, Hamburg American Line, North German Lloyd Steamship Co., Oceanic Steamship Co , and French Line; also head of the Nilson Land & Immigration Co., and Nilson Passenger and Tourist Agency. Married at Minneapolis, July 4, 1887, to Miss Minnie Nels Noren. Recreation: Travel. Office: 127 S. 3rd St. Residence: 303 6 Oakland Av., Minneapolis. NIMOCKS, Charles Augustus, born at Jonesville, Mich., Oct. 16, 1842; captain Co. C, 7th Regt. Mich. Vol. Inf., Civil War. Came to Minneapolis, 1871; was for many years extensively identified with newspaper interests as business manager of the Minneapolis Journal and later The Evening Star and the Daily Times. Park commissioner and one of the originators of the park system of the city; deputy U. S. Marshal, 1898- 1902. President and manager The Min neapolis Tax Bureau. Club: Commer cial. Office: 617 Security Bk. Bldg. Residence: 1778 S. Lyndale Av., Minne apolis. 378 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS NIFPERT, Henry Theodore, physician; born in Germany, Feb. 12, 1863; son of Rev. Louis and Adelheid (Lindeman) Nippert; educated in high school, Frank- fort-on-the-Main, Germany; graduated from Cincinnati College of Pharmacy, Ph.G., 18S9, Miami Medical College, M.D., 1891; married at Newport, Ky., Aug., 1893, to Bertha E Wendt House physi cian, Cincinnati City Hospital, 1891-93; engaged in general practice of medicine at St. Paul since 1893. Member Ram sey County Medical Society, Minnesota State and American Medical associa tions. Instructor in internal medicine and diagnosis, College of Medicine, Ham line University; member Medical staff city and county hospital. * Republican. Mason. Office: Lowry Bldg. Residence: 592 Marshall Av. NOACK, Herman Maurice, miller; born at Leipsic, Germany, 1854; educated in Germany. Came to America, 1878, clerked in general store at New Ulm, for 8 years; entered general store business at Norton, 1886, and conducted it for 10 years; was engaged in banking for 3 years; removed to Arlington and con ducted a general store for 7 years, sell ing out 1906; now devoting attention to mill at Arlington, which he and Theo dore Streissguth own under title of Arlington Milling Co., Inc. Republican. Lutheran. Married. Address: Arling ton, Minn. NOBLE, Thomas Ellwood, farmer and dairyman; born at Marquette, Wis., Dec. 30, 1856; son of John H. and Emma (Lyon) Noble; educated in district school; married at Manchester, Minn., April 23, 18S5, to Miss Dora Chamber lain. Began active career by working on a farm; came to Minnesota and en tered farming and dairy business for himself, March 1, 1885. Director and vice president Manchester Creamery. Prohibitionist. Member State Legisla ture, term extending to Jan., 1909. Mem ber Modern Woodmen of America. Ad dress: Albert Lea, Minn. NOE, John C, law, real estate; born at Newburg, N. Y., May 2, 1844; public school education; studied law and was admitted to the bar at Poughkeepsie, N. Y., 1866; married at Fishkill, N. Y., June 23, 1868, to Anna Chandler. Came to Minnesota, 1873, Arst to Winona and later to Mankato, where he has since lived and engaged in law and real estate business. Address: Mankato, Minn. NOERENBEBG, Frederick D., president Minneapolis Brewing Co.; born in Prus sia, Germany, 1845; son of Carl C. and Wilhelmina Noerenberg; educated in pub lic schools of Prussia. Came to Amer ica, 1860, and began as a laborer in St. Paul; was an employe in brewing busi ness of Christ Stahlmann at St. Paul, moving to Minneapolis, 1875, and operat ing as Zahler & Noerenberg. After death of partner continued alone for 5 years, then consolidated with the Min neapolis Brewing & Malting Co., 1890, and was elected vice president; has been president of the company since 1903; also director North Star Malting Co. Democrat (in national affairs). Mem ber Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce. Married at Minneapolis, 1S78, to Miss Johanna Sprungman. Recreations: Hunting and Ashing. Office: 317 1st Av., Minneapolis. Residence: Crystal Bay, Minn. NOLAN, William A., merchant; born at Yankton, Dak., Oct. 4, 1863; son of Charles E. and Sarah Nolan; came to Minnesota with parents, 1867; educated in public schools; married at Mazo Manie, Wis., Nov., 1887, to Miss Laura Greening. Began in harness and car riage business at Grand Meadow, 1883, and in live stock business, 1886, in which he still continues; vice president Home Telephone Co.; director First State Bank, Dexter, Minn. Republican. Member village council; president board of education; member of State Legis lature since 1900. Member Masonic order, Knights Templar, Shrine; M. W. A., B. P. O. E. Address: Grand Meadow, Minn. NOLTE, Henry, real estate; born at Elmira, N. Y., April 8, 1862; son of Julius and Caroline (Schwartz) Nolte; educated in public schools of Davenport, Ia. Began active career in drug store at Davenport, continuing for 3% years; engaged in railroad business at Duluth, 1880, and became manager of the North western Fuel Co.; entered real estate business, 1890, and is member of Arm of Little & Nolte. Member of the State Board of Equalization. Democrat. Uni tarian. Married at Towanda, Pa., 1889, to Miss May Mosher. Office: Exchange Bldg. Residence: 3731 Wallace Av., Duluth. NOONAN, Dennis Charles, railway official; born at Waverly, Minn., April 26, 1872; educated in public and private schools. Came to Minneapolis, 1876; en tered service of Minneapolis & St. Louis R. R., 1S92, and has been general super intendent since Spring of 3905. Club: North Side Commercial. Office: Met. Life Bldg. Residence: 712 16th Av., N, Minneapolis. NORBECK, Olof G., produce commis sion; born in Sweden, 1856; son of Nels Anderson and Cajsa (Olson) Norbeck; educated in schools of Sweden. Came to America, IS 83; made his home in Michi gan for three years and located in Min neapolis, 1886, and engaged for 7% years in grocery business; has been identified with produce business since 1894 and is at the head of the O. G. Norbeck Co., wholesale dealers in fruits, produce and provisions. Republican. Swedish Lutheran. Member Minneapolis Produce Exchange. Married at Minne apolis, Dec. 11, 1889, to Miss Mary Paul son. Office: 24 Central Market. Resi dence: 1609 3rd St., N., Minneapolis. NOBDIN, Axel Fritjhoj, lawyer; born at Stockholm, Sweden, Nov. 16, 1849; attended public schools in Sweden; was a student at Worthington & Warner's THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 379 Commercial Business College, The Shat tuck School, Faribault, and at Carleton College, Northfield, Minn. Began prac tice of law, Dec. 2, 1887, and has held the following offices: Clerk of district court 8 years; clerk of probate court, 1 year; register of deeds, 2 years; county attorney, 4 years; judge of probate, 6 years. He has also occupied positions of deputy collector of internal revenue, assistant secretary of State and commis sioner of statistics of the State of Min nesota. Republican. Episcopalian. Mem ber A. O. U. W., M. W. A., D. of H. and Knights of Pythias. Married at Min neapolis, Minn., June 7, 1875, to Miss Anna T. Anderson. Club: Men's Church. Address: Willmar, Minn. NOBBIS, William Henry, lawyer ; born at Hallowell, Me., July 24, 1832; son of Rev. W. H. and Sarah (Mahan) Norris; prepared for college at Dwights High School, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1847-50; attend ed Yale College, 1850-54, graduating, de gree of A.B., 1854; attended Harvard Law School, 1855-56. Admitted to the bar, at Green Bay, Wis., Oct. 1857; prac ticed law at Green Bay until 1880; locat ed in Minneapolis summer of 1880, where he has since remained, principally in service of Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul, Minneapolis Eastern and Minne sota Transfer Railway companies. Re publican. Congregationalist. Mason. Married, at Green Bay, Wis., Jan., 1859, to Miss Hannah B. Harriman. Recrea tions: Literature and Spanish language. Office: 25 Milwaukee Station. Resi dence: 1716 Dupont Av., S., Minneap olis. NORTHROP, Cyrus, president Univer sity of Minnesota since 1884; born at Ridgefield, Conn., Sept. 30, 1834; grad uated from Yale University, 1857, Yale Law School, 1859 (LL.D., Yale, 1886, University of Wisconsin, 1904, 111. Coll., 1904, S. C Coll., 1905); married, Sept. 30, 1 862, Anna E., daughter of J. D. Warren, Stamford, Conn. Admitted to Connec ticut bar, 3860; clerk Connecticut House of Representatives, 1861, Senate, 1862. Editor New Haven Palladium, 1863; pro fessor of rhetoric and English literature, Yale, 1863-84. Residence: 519 Tenth Av., S. E., Minneapolis, Minn. NORTHRUF, Jesse E., seedsman; born at Saline, Mich., Dec. 1, 1857; son of Elijah S. and Sarah (Brown) North- rup; educated in Waterville Academy, Waterville, N. Y., and Hungerford In stitute, Adams, N. Y. ; married at Adams, N. Y., to Carrie "White (now deceased). Came to Minnesota, 1884. Engaged in business as seedsman since 1879 and now president Northrup, King & Co., es tablished 1884; vice president Northern Warehouse Co. Member Minneapolis Park Commission for 12 years, now vice president Park Board. Clubs: Min neapolis, Commercial. Office: 26-32 Hennepin Av. Residence: 1900 Emer son Av., Minneapolis. NORTHUF, William Guile, manufac turer; born at Salisbury Centre, N. Y., July 21, 1851; son of Daniel A. and Louise (Guile) Northup; educated in the public schools of Salisbury Centre; mar ried at Providence, R. I., Nov. 12, 1874, to Miss Leila Rucker. Came to Min nesota, 1867. Has been engaged in man ufacturing since 1874, and is now presi dent of the North Star Woolen Mill Co.; he is also vice president of the Minne apolis Trust Co., trustee Farmers and Mechanics Savings Bank and director of the Northwestern National Bank. Uni versalist. Member Aldine Association, New York City. Clubs: Minneapolis, Lafayette, Minnetonka Beach. Office: 228 Second St., S., Minneapolis. Resi dence: Wayzata, (Lake Minnetonka), Minnesota. NORTON, James W., lumber and min ing; born at Ionia, Mich.; Oct. 24, 1843; son of Chas. W. and Mary J. (Wilson) Norton; educated at high school, Lyons, Mich. In the banking business until 1872; in lumber business in Mich, till 1879, when he came to Duluth; became member of Hall, Norton & Co., lumber, and since 1S84, president of Norton Lumber Co.; also president Calumet & Sonora Mining Co. Republican. Con gregationalist. i Member Commercial Club. Married at Ionia, Mich., Oct. 24, 1866, to Miss Persis T. Thayer. Office: Manhattan Bldg. Residence: 1124 E. 21st St., Duluth. NOTT, Arthur Eugene, tobacco; born Fitchburg, Wis., May 23, 1864; son of Benjamin Franklin and Caroline M. (Vreland) Nott; educated in common schools of Stoughton, Wis.; married at Minneapolis, Sept. 10, 1889, to Martha Louise White. Started to work in tobac co house 1874, became foreman, 1881, buyer, 1883, and established in business on his own account, 1889, as A. E. Nott Co. Member of Society of Friends. Of fice: 24 Washington Av., N. Residence: 801_Columbia Blvd., Minneapolis. NOTT, William S., belting and rubber goods; born in Dublin, Ireland, July 9, 1853; son of llenry and Louisa (Nott) Nott; came to America, 1860; educated at Chicago, 111. Began active career as employe of F. D. Preston & Co., Chi cago, belting and rubber goods, continu ing with the company until 1880 when he located in Minneapolis and founded the house of W. S. Nott & Co., of which he has been president from the begin ning also president De Caire Manufac turing Co., Nott Fire Engine Co.; vice president Minneapolis Threshing Ma chine Co.; director Security Bank of Minnesota, etc. Married at Minneapolis, to Miss Jessica Cory. Clubs: Minne apolis, Commercial. Recreations: Golf, fishing, travelling. Office: 1st Av. S., and 2nd St., S. Residence: Plaza Hotel, Minneapolis. NOVAK, Edward E., physician; born in Johnson County, la., April 29, 1873; son of Frank and Barbara (Hajek) Novak; educated in public schools of Johnson Co.; Iowa City Academy, 1887- 92, graduting, 1S92; Medical Department, 380 THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS Iowa State University, 1S92-95, graduat ing, degree of M.D., 1895. Has been en gaged in practice of medicine at New Prague, Minn., since April 29, 1895. Also vice president and director First Na tional Bank of New Prague. President Scott and Carver County Medical So ciety, 1907; member Minnesota State and American Medical associations, Amer ican Association of Medical Examiners. Member Company C, I. N. G., 1892-04; mayor New Prague, 1899-1900; member New Prague Board of Education since 1902. Democrat Member I. O. O. F. (P. G), W. O. W., Z. C. B. J. Unmar ried. Address: New Prague, Minn. NOYES, Charles Phelps, wholesale druggist; born at Lyme, Conn., April 24, 1842; son of Daniel R. and Phoebe G. (Lord) Noyes; educated at Lyme Acad emy and Williston Seminary, Easthamp- ton, Mass.; married in New York, 1874, to Emily H. Gilman. Employed in bank ing house of Gilman, Son & Co., New York, 1860, and later engaged in busi ness at Port Huron, Mich.; came to St. Paul, 1868; partner in firm of Noyes, Pett & Co., 1868, Noyes Brothers, 1869- 70, and Noyes Bros. & Cutler, whole sale druggists since 1871. Also presi dent State Savings Bank; director Merchants' National Bank, West Pub lishing Co., St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Co.; vice president H. L. Col lins Co. Member Sons of the Revolu tion, Society of Colonial Wars. Clubs: Minnesota, Commercial, Town and Country. Office: 6th and Sibley St. Residence: 89 Virginia Av., St. Paul. NOYES, Daniel Sogers, wholesale druggist; born at Lyme, Conn., Nov. 10, 1836; son of Col. Daniel Rogers and Phoebe Griffin (Lord) Noyes; educated in public and private schools; married at New York City to Helen A., daughter of Winthrop Sargent Gilman. Volunteer in Civil War; served in New York riots. Founder, 1869, and is head of house of Noyes Bros. & Cutler, importers and wholesale dealers in dru,gs, medicines, instruments, laboratory supplies, manu facturing chemists, etc. Director Mer chants National Bank and other organi- rations. Ex-president Chamber of Com merce and of Jobbers' Union of St. Paul. President Minnesota State Society for the Prevention of Cruelty; president and founder St. Paul Relief Society; formerly director Equitable Life Assur ance Society of the United States (New York); ex-president National Wholesale Druggists' Association; organizer Min nesota Red Cross Society and an incor porator of the National Society. Repub lican; but in local elections always for the best man, regardless of politics. Was for 32 years trustee Carleton Col lege and is regent of State University. Presbyterian; vice moderator Presby terian General Assembly of 1902; mem ber Committee for Revision of the Creed of the Presbyterian Church; vice president American Sunday School Un ion. Member Society of Colonial Wars; ex-president Minnesota Society, Sons of American Revolution. Member American Social Science Association, American His torical Association, National Geographic Society. Recreation: In summer, deep- sea fishing at Seal Harbor, Mt. Desert, Me. Clubs: Century (New York); Min nesota, Town and Country (St. Paul). Office: Cor. 6th and Sibley Sts. Resi dence: 366 Summit Av., St. Paul. NOYES, Winthrop Gilman, wholesale druggist; native of St. Paul; graduate of Yale University, degree of B.A., 1891; Harvard, degree of M.A., 1893; unmar ried. Has been member of the Arm of Noyes Bros. & Cutler, wholesale drugs, sundries and hospital supplies, since 1896. Clubs: Minnesota, Town and Country. Office: 400 Sibley St. Resi dence: 366 Summit Av., St. Paul. NUNN, Albert Edward, lumber; born in Wellington Co., Ont., June 6, 1871; son of Alfred and Elizabeth (Joyce) Nunn; came to Minnesota, April 10, 1882; edu cated in public schools, Ont.; public and high schools, Detroit, Minn.; Curtiss Business College, St. Paul. Began ac tive career as apprentice in harness making; entered service of C. P. Wilcox & Co., retail lumber, Detroit, Minn., as bookkeeper, 1894, and has been director and secretary of the company since its incorporation, 1897. Member I. O. O. F., Brotherhood of American Yeomen. Mar ried at Paynesville, Minn., June 12, 1901, to Edith M. Sheldon. Address: Detroit, Minn. NUSSBAUMER, Frederick, landscape gardener; born in Baden, Germany, Nov. 7, 1850; son of Frederick and Ann Maria (Schillinger) Nussbaumer; edu cated in public school, and Politechni- cum, Freiburg, Baden, receiving diplo mas in mechanical and civil engineer ing, botany and landscape architecture; served in army during Franco-Prussian War, 1870-71. Married at St. Paul, 1880, to Rosa A. Mattmuller. Entered pro fession when a boy in his father's nur sery; came to America, 1876; worked at farm and market gardening; employed by City of St. Paul, since 1891 as su perintendent of parks and has planned and laid out all the parks of the city. Member Society of Park Superintendents of America, Civic and Commercial League of State of Minnesota. Mason; member B. P. O. E., A. O. U. W., and sons of Herman. Club: Commercial. Of fice and residence: Como Park, St. Paul. NUTTEB, Edward, president Canton Grain Co.; born at Mt. Carroll, 111., April 1, 1870; son of Franklin and Eliz abeth Nutter; removed to Iowa and was educated in Iowa public schools. Began active career on farm; entered grain business at Carroll, la., 1899; located in Canton, S. Dak., and estab lished the Canton Grain Co., 1901, of which he is president; has maintained headquarters in Minneapolis since 1905. Republican. Roman Catholic. Member Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce. Married in Iowa, Dec. 27, 1899, to Miss Otillie Zerwas. Recreations: Horse- THE BOOK OF. MINNESOTANS 381 back riding and fishing. Office: Corn Exchange. Residence: 3805 10th Av., S., Minneapolis. NUTTEB, Frank H., landscape archi tect and engineer; born at Dover, N. H., April 20, 1853; son of Abner J. and Hannah (Roberts) Nutter; educated in Boston public and high schools; mar ried at Minneapolis, 1881, to Carrie F. Alden. Entered office of Joseph H. Cur tis, landscape engineer, Boston, Mass., as student-assistant, 1871; in office of Mr. Curtis and Francis L. Lee, for four years; in 1878 removed to Minneapolis; in 1880 joined in organizing firm of Nutter & Plummer, civil and landscape engineers (dissolved, 1890); since then has maintained a private office, as well as attending to duties as engineer of" Minneapolis Board of Park Commission ers from their organization, 1883, until June, 1906. Republican. Congregation alist. Member Minneapolis Society of Civil Engineers, State Horticulture So ciety, American Civic Asociation. Club: Commercial. Office: Sykes Bldg. Resi dence: 2226 N. Fremont Av., Minne apolis. NUTTING, Clarence Earnest Vincent, manufacturing jeweler; born at West ford, Dogde Co., Wis, Aug. 23, 1868; son of Charles and Cordelia M. (Gil man) Nutting; educated in district school; married at Rockford, 111., July 1, 1890, to Dena E. Patterson. Began at the jeweler's trade, Rockford, 111., in 1885, and has been connected with the firm of Reutz Brothers, manufacturing jewelers, since 1891; became vice presi dent and manager of the shop, 1902, when the firm incorporated, and it is now maintaining wholesale and retail departments in all important branches of the jewelery business. Presbyterian. Member Modern Woodmen of America. Office: 519-521 1st Av., S. Residence: 2609 2nd Av., S., Mineapolis. NUTTING, Elijah Graves, manufac turer of floor trucks; born at So. Am herst, Mass., June 15, 1841; son of Tru man and Lucinda (Graves) Nutting. Came to Minnesota, 1854; educated in public schools of So. Amherst; Olean, N. Y.; Faribault, Minn.; High School, Minneapolis. Began in manufacture of trucks for floor use, at Faribault, 1891, and is president of the Nutting Truck Co. Republican. Congregationalist. Member Modern Woodmen of America. Married at Northampton, Mass., Nov. 19, 1867, Emerette E. Pomeroy. Recrea tion: Motoring. Address: Faribault, Minn. NUTTING, John C, banker; born at Barnet, Vt, Aug. 9, 1828; son of Jona than and Helen (Somers) Nutting; edu cated in public schools of Vt. ; married at Danville, Vt, Sept. 26, 1870, to Cal- ista J. Morse. Went to California, 1853, and engaged in mining and lum bering business; removed to Northfield, Minn., 1866, and retired from active business until 1870 when he engaged in loaning money; president of The First National Bank since 1873. Member board of trustees of Carleton College. Republican. Congregationalist. Mason. Club: CommerciaL Recreations: Out ing vacations. Address: Northfield, Minn. NUTTING, Walter Merriman, manu facturer; born at Northampton, Mass., Feb. 14, 1876; son of Elijah Graves and Emerette E. (Pomeroy) Nutting; edu cated in Faribault High School; married at Faribault, March 2, 1899, to Ida May Morris. Began active career, 1891, with his father in manufacture of floor trucks and has since continued as secretary and treasurer of the Nutting Truck Co. Re publican. Congregationalist. Member Modern Woodmen' of America. Recrea tion: Motoring. Address: Faribault, Minn. NYE, Carroll A., lawyer; born in St. Croix Co., W"is., Feb. 3, 1861; son ol Franklyn and Eliza M. (Doring) Nye; educated in public and normal schools of Wisconsin and at University of Wis consin, Law Department, graduating, degree of LL.B., 1886. In practice since 1886; city attorney Moorhead, 4 years; county attorney, Clay Co., 8 years; now serving second term as mayor of Moor head; member of State Normal School Board for four years. Treasurer Moor head Brick Co.; director First State Bank of Moorhead. York and Scottish Rite Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner. Married at Madison, Wis., Dec, 1886, to Miss Mary A. Gordon. Recreations: Horses and all out door sports. Address: Moorhead, Minn. NYE, Frank Mellen, lawyer; born at Shirley, Me., March 7, 3862; son of Franklin and Eliza M. (Loring) Nye; came with his parents to Wisconsin; was reared on a farm; educated at com mon schools and at River Falls Acad emy; studied law and was admitted to the bar of Wisconsin, 1878; married at River Falls, Wis., 1876, to Miss Carrie M. Wilson. Began practice of law in Polk Co., Wis.; was twice elected, district attorney and was sent to Wisconsin Legislature; removed to Minneapolis, 1886; county attorney Hennepin Co., 18,92-96; member law firm of Nye & Deutsch. Club: CommerciaL Office: N. Y. Life Bldg. Residence: 2708 Pills bury Av., Minneapolis. NYE, George Lewis, manufacturer; born at Marietta, O., July 27, 1857; son of Anselm Tupper Nye, 2nd, and Ellen Elisa (Lewis) Nye; educated in public schools of Marietta, O. Began business career as apprentice in the stove foun dry of A. T. Nye & Son, Marietta, 1875, continuing until 1878; was in sales de partment, same firm, 1878-84; engaged in farming, near Lexington, Ky., 1888-91; again with A. T. Nye & Son, 1891; came to Minnesota, 1891, and organized the Minnesota Stove Co.. manufacturers of stoves and ranges, of which he is presi dent and manager; also director The A. T. Nye & Son Co., Marietta, O. Mar ried at Lexington, Ky., Nov. lo, 1881, to 382 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS Miss Lydia Wheeler. Member Masonic order, Modern Woodmen of America, A. O. U. W. Clubs: Minnesota. Commer cial, Town and Country, all of St. Paul. Recreations: Shooting and fishing. Ad dress: Shakopee, Minn. NYE, Wallace George, commissioner of publie affairs for Minneapolis Commer cial Club; born near Hortonville, Wis., Oct. 7, 1859; educated in district school and State Normal School, Oshkosh, Wis.; married at New London, Wis., 1881, to Miss Etta Rudd. Began active career as a school teacher and became principal of high school at Plover and also at Hortonville, Wis.; took ,up study of pharmacy and was connected with its practice in Chicago, 111., until 1881, when he removed to Minneapolis and estab lished drug business, continuing until 1893. Was secretary Board of Park Commissioners, 1889-93; city comptrol ler, 3 893-98; member Board of Park Commissioners, 1894-98; member of the Board of City Hall and Court House Commissioners; commissioner of public affairs for Commercial Club since 1901. Republican. Baptist. Mason (32°), Shriner; member A. O. U. W., I. O. O. F. (Grand Encampment and all offices, including grand representative). Office: Andrus Bldg. Residence: 1501 N. Girard Av., Minneapolis. NYQUIST, John, merchant; born in Sweden, July 20, 1852; son of John and Anna Nyquist; educated in Sweden; married at Mankato, Minn., 1878, to Hattie M. Peterson. Came to America, 1873, and located in Mankato; engaged in boot and shoe business until 1888, when he removed to Mankato and en gaged in clothing and furnishing goods business as Nyquist & Iverson; director First National Bank. Republican. Luth eran. Mason. Club: Commercial. Ad dress: Mankato, Minn. NYVALL, Peter J., artificial stone and Portland cement work; born in Sweden, Sept. 22, 1858; son of John J. and Car rie (Swenson) Nyvall; educated in pub lic schools in Sweden. Came to Amer ica, 1881, and has been a resident of Minneapolis since June of that year; Worked at sidewalk paving trade for several years; employed in book, music and notion house for 3 years; began on his own account as contractor for side walk paving, 1886. President Standard Stone Sidewalk Co., established 1888, contractors for street and sidewalk pav ing, etc.; also president Minneapolis Paving and Cement Brick Mfg. Co., or ganized, 1905, for manufacture ot cement, brick and building blocks of all kinds. Republican. Congregationalist (Swedish). Member Minneapolis Build ers Exchange, Modern Woodmen of America. Married at Minneapolis, 1895, to Miss Carrie Julian. Office: New York Life Bldg. Residence: 1827 Chicago Av., Minneapolis. o OAKES, George W., contractor; born at Zanesville, O., July 4, 1844; son of Josiah C. and Eliza (Hopkins) Oakes; educated in public schools of Muskin gum Co., O.; married at St. Paul, Minn., 3 874, to Miss Flora A. Sutherland. Came to Minnesota 3873; was in train service of St. Paul & Pacific Ry. for a number of years; engaged in grain ele vator business for 4 years; began in contracting business, 1884, (especially railroad work) and since 1901 has been at -the head of the contracting firm of George W. Oakes & Co., successors to G. W. Sherwood who began business. 1863. Member Builders Exchange. Re publican. Presbyterian. Member I. O. O. F., Royal Arcanum. Office: 336 End icott Bldg. Residence: 1901 Rondo Av., St. Paul. OAKLEY, Clarence E., banker; born at Hempstead, Long Island, N. Y., May 17, 1846; son of Timothy W. and Ruth (Carpenter) Oakley; educated in public schools of New York City. Began ac tive career at 14 in wholesale grocery store of New York City, continuing un til 1873; came to Minnesota and spent winter of 1873-74 at Richfield; removed to Buffalo, spring of 1874, and engaged in general merchandise business, con tinuing until 1885, when he entered banking business as C. E. Oakley & Co.; incorporated as Oakley State Bank, 1905, of which he is president. Presbyterian. Married in New York City, April 6, 1869, to Anna L. Dudley. Address: Buf falo, Minn. OBEB, Edgar Buchanan, railway of ficial; born at Milwaukee, Wis., Feb. 23, 1866. Entered service of Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Ry. in 1884 and filled positions of clerk in auditor's! office, traveling auditor, chief freight clerk auditing department, chief clerk freight department and second assistant general freight agent, up to Oct., 1896; was assistant general freight agent at St. Paul, 1896-1904; has been first assist ant general freight agent same road at Minneapolis since May 1, 1904. Clubs: Minneapolis, Commercial. Residence: 2407 Pleasant Av., Minneapolis. OBEBNOLTE, Aug. G., county treas urer Sibley Co.; born at New Rome, Sibley Co., Minn., 1865; son of S. A. G. and Sophia (Steinmeyer) Obernolte; edu cated at German and English College, Galena, 111., 1884-85; C C. Curtis Busi ness College, 1889. Began active career by clerking in general store at Brown ton, Minn., continuing, 1885-89; engaged in general hardware business at Arling ton, in partnership with brother, until 1892; traveled as salesman for Acme Harvesting & Machinery Co. and later engaged in milling business at Arling ton, Minn.; county treasurer Sibley Co. since Nov., 1900. Republican. Methodist. Married at Arlington, Minn., 1901, to Miss Laura Esther Bandelin. Recrea tion: Automobiling. Address: Hender son, Minn. O'BRIEN, Christopher D., lawyer: born in Ireland, Dee. 4, 1848; son of Dillon O'Brien; came to America with THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 3S3 parents at age of 8; educated in schools of La Pointe, Wis., and St. Anthony, Minn.; studied law in offices of Gorman & Davis, and Hon. Cushman K. Davis and was admitted to the bar, Jan. 1870. Began practice of law, 1870; was assist ant U. S. district attorney at St. Paul; elected county attorney of Ramsey Co., 1874. Lecturer on criminal law and procedure, University of Minnesota; now senior member of law firm of C. D. & R. D. O'Brien. Democrat. Roman Catholic. Married at St. Paul, Minn., Oct. 2, 1872, to Miss Susan E. Slater. Office: Globe Bldg. Residence: 506 Portland Av., St. Paul. O'BBIEN, Henry Joseph, surgeon; born Red Cliff, Wis., April 21, 1862; son ot Dillon and Elizabeth (Kelly) O'Brien, both natives of Ireland; educated in public schools, Christian Brothers School of Minnesota, and University of Penn sylvania, graduating M.D., 1888; mar ried at St. Paul, Sept., 1890, Mary A. King. Engaged in practice of medicine since 1S88; since 1890 in association with Dr. E. J. Abbott in firm of Abbott & O'Brien. Professor of clinical surgery University of Minnesota. Surgeon to St. Joseph's Hospital; consulting sur geon to City and County Hospital, House of the Good Shepard. Member Minne sota State Medical Asociation, Ramsey County Medical Society. Member Knights of Columbus, A. O. H. Recrea tions: Hunting, fishing. Club: Minne sota. Office: Endicott Bldg. Residence: 623 Lincoln Av., St. Paul. O'BBIEN, Patrick F., Roman Catholic priest; born in Co.. Tipperary, Ireland, 1865; son of P. Cornelius and Katherine (Ryan) O'Brien; educated at Rockwell College, Co. Tipperary; Trinity College, Dublin, graduating, degree of A.B., 1887 (M.A., same college, 1905); ecclesiasti cal student at Thurles College, Co. Tip perary, graduating, 1891. Professor in Carlow College for 4 years; came to America upon invitation of Archbishop Ireland, 1901, and has been senior pro fessor of Latin, College of St. Thomas, St. Paul, since that time. Address: College of St. Thomas, St. Paul. O'BBIEN, Bichard Dillon, lawyer; born at St. Paul, Aug. 15, 1874; son of C D. and Susan E. (Slater) O'Brien; educated in public schools, high school, three years in academic course, and afterward law course in University of Minnesota, graduating, degree of LL.B., 1900; married at Minneapolis, Minn., June 1906- to Edith L. Clements. Ad mitted to bar, June 1, 1900; since Jan. 1, 1905, junior member law firm C. D. & R. D. O'Brien. Served in M. N. G. 13 years; regimental quartermaster sergt. of 14th Minn. Vols, and promoted to 2nd lieut. same. Member Common Council of City of St. Paul; reelected May 1, 1906, for second term. Nominated on Democratic ticket for County Attorney of Ramsey County. Member Chi Fsi and Delta Phi fraternties. Clubs: Com mercial, Minnesota. Office: Globe Bldg., Residence: 506 Portland Av., St. Paul. O'BBIEN, Thomas D., state insurance commissioner; born in La Point. Wis., Feb. 14. 1859; son of Dillon and Eliza beth (Kelly) O'Brien; came to Minne sota with parents, 1863; educated in public schools; married at Philadelphia, Pa., April 24, 1888, to Miss Mary Cruice. Began study of law in office of Young & Newel, St. Paul, 1877; was admitted to the bar, April 3 7, 1880; was assistant city attorney St. Paul, and was elected county attorney, 1890, serving 1891-93; state insurance commissioner since 1905. Was captain of Battery A, M. N. G. for two years. Democrat. Roman Catholic. Clubs: Minnesota, Commercial. Of fice: State Capitol. Residence: 635 Lincoln Av., St. Paul. OCHS, Adolph Casimir, manufacturer; born in Brown Co., Minn., June 6, 1857; son of Anton and Walpurga (Drexler) Ochs; educated in public schools of St. Paul and New Ulm, Minn.; he took pri vate instruction in architecture at San Francisco, Calif. Began as contractor at New Ulm, 1880, and continued in con tracting and making architectural draw ings until 1890; removed to Springfield, Minn., and engaged- in milling business with J. B. Schmid for 2 years; sold out, began manufacturing brick and is now owner Springfield Brick Works, Heron Dake Brick Works; farms near Spring field, and part owner farm in N. Dakota. Director State Bank of Springfield, State Bank of New Ulm, State Bank of Milroy, State Bank of Lamberton, State Bank of Ivanhoe, State Bank of Wa- basso, vice president State Bank of Clements, all of Minnesota. Alderman city council New LTlm, 6 years; now member Springfield School Board. Mar ried at New Ulm, Oct. 15, 1885, to Miss Mary Epple. Address: Springfield, Minn. O'CONNOB, Jeremiah, pastor St. James CatlTolic Church, St. Paul; born in Co. Kerry, Ireland, 1865; son of John and Katherine (Kennelly) O'Connor; educated in public and private schools; All Hallows College, Dublin, graduat ing, degree of A.B., 1889; ordained to priesthood by Bishop Murry, 1889. Came to America in the fall of 1889 and filled position of assistant to pastor of Church of the Immaculate Conception, Fari bault, Minn.: occupied, later, positions as assistant to pastor St. Mary's Church, St. Paul, and St. Anthony's- Church. Minneapolis; was pastor St. John's Church, Morton, Minn., for 10 years; has been pastor Church of St. James, St. Paul, since 1901. Address: 496 View St., St. Paul. O'CONNOB, John J., chief of police, St Paul; born at Douisville, Ky., 1855; son of John and Catherine O'Connor; came to St. Paul with his parents, 1856; educated in schools of St. Paul. Began active career at 15 years of age in em ploy of P. H. Kelly & Co., wholesale grocers, continuing 10 years; was ap- 384 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS pointed to detective force of St. Paul, 1881; became chief of detectives, 1885, and gained a national reputation for special ability in ferreting out crimi nals; was retired to private life through politics, 1892-94; again chief of detec tives, 1894-96, and in private life 1896- 1900. Has been chief of police and detective department since 1900. Mem ber of State Legislature, 1899. Mar ried at St. Paul, Jan. 24, 1890, to Miss Annie B. Murphy. Recreations: All out door athletic sports. Office: 97 W. 3rd St. Residence: 144 W. 4th St., St. Paul. O'CONNOB, John Patrick, secretary to Archbishop Ireland; born in County Limerick, Ireland, July 4, 1852; son of Henry and Catherine (Walsh) O'Connor; educated in national and private schools, Ireland and Villanova College, near Philadelphia, Pa. Came to America, 1871; worked as civil engineer on several railroads, 1873-78; went to South Amer ica as civil engineer Maderia & Mamore Ry, on the Amazon River, 1878-79; came to Minnesota, 1880. At intervals, 1880-1886, in charge of Catholic colonies for Archbishop Ireland and his private secretary occasionally, 1880-85, and con tinuously since 1886. Married at Kan sas City, Mo., Jan. 12, 1881, to Olive Robinson. Office: St. Peter St., near 6th. Residence: 2056 Shelley Av., St. Paul. O'CONNOB, Bichard Thomas, banker and broker; born at St. Paul, June 21, 1857; son of John O'Connor; educated in schools of St. Paul and at Notre Dame, Ind. Began business career at 16 years of age as collector for James J. Hill, then in the wood and coal busi ness, St. Paul; was deputy city clerk of St. Paul, 1876-87, and for 4 years of that time member of City Council; county clerk, 1887-95; U. S. marshal, 1895-99; appointed police commissioner, St. Paul, 1900. Senior member of the firm of O'Connor & Van Berger. Demo crat. Married at Debanon, Ind., 1868, to Miss Julia Jacks. Clubs: Commer cial, Minnesota, Democratic Club, N. Y. City (honorary member). Office: ¦ 341 Robert St. Residence: Hotel Ryan, St. Paul. O'CONNOB, Timothy, banker; born in Iowa Co., Wis., May 21, 1866; son of James and Eliza (Erickson) O'Connor; common school education. Began busi ness career as cashier of private bank (O'Connor Brothers, Bankers), 1887, continuing until 1890; was cashier The Renville State Bank, 1890-98; president of the same bank, since 1898; also presi dent State Bank of Miles, Danube, Minn., Olivia State Bank, Olivia, Minn.; organ izer and vice president Bank of Buffalo Lake, and Farmers State Bank, Sacred Heart, Minn. Treasurer Farmers Ele vator Co. Democrat, and presidential elector at large .for Minnesota, 1904. Member Masonic order, Chapter, Knights Templar, Shrine. Married at Renville, Minn., March 2, 1887, to Miss Jane Ol son. Address: Renville, Minn. ODELL, Daniel Austin, banker; born at Cleveland, O., Aug. 4, 1875; son of Daniel A. and Ellen Odell; came to Min nesota, 1889; educated in the public schools of Cleveland, O., and Wells, Minn., and graduated from law depart ment of the University of Minnesota, Jan. 4, 1895. Entered banking business Jan. 13, 1903, and is now president of Wells National Bank; vice president of the Security State Bank of Delavan, Minn.; director and attorney Wells Mu tual Building and Loan Association. Married at Wells, Minn., June 14, 1900, Carman S. Leland. Address: Wells, Minn. ODELL, Bobert Bansom, lawyer; born at Newark, N. Y., Nov. 28, 1850; son of Jesse Ballou and Marie (Ballou) Odell; educated in public schools of Newark and at Newark Academy; read law in office of Hon. Stevens K. Williams, Newark; was admitted to the bar, Jan. 8, 1875; married at Newark, N. Y., Sept. 5, 1876, to Miss Carrie C. Vosburgh. Engaged in practice of law in state of New York, 1875-81; removed to Minne apolis, Oct., 1881. Member Minnesota State Bar Association. U. S. Commis sioner, 1881-97. Mason. Recreations: Hunting and fishing. Office: Bank of Commerce Bldg. Residence: 2836 Irv ing Av., S., Minneapolis. ODQUIST, Carl G., lawyer; born at Gottenburg, Sweden, June 13, 1869; edu cated in public schools; graduate Got tenburg Latin College, degree of A.B., 1888; graduate College of Law, Univer sity of Minnesota, degree of LL.B., 1894. Has been engaged in practice of law in Hutchinson since June, 1894. Republican. Member Board of Education, 1897-3 900; city clerk, 3899-1902; city attorney, 1899 to present time; county attorney, Mc Leod Co., since 1902. Member Masonic order, I. O. O. F. Married at Houston, Minn., June 9, 1897, to Miss Hattie Johnson. Address: Hutchinson, Minn. OFSTHUN, Christopher O., lawyer, bank cashier; born in Norway, April 9, 1871; son of Ole Christopherson and Brita (Christopherson) Ofsthun; came to America with parents, 1873, and has since resided in Minnesota; educated at Willmar Seminary, 1891-3; Glenwood Academy, graduating, 1897; College of Law, University of Minnesota, graduat ing, degree of LL.B., 1902. Unmarried. Reared on a farm in Pope Co.; taught school two years; engaged in land busi ness and practiced law at Starbuck, Minn.. 1903-05; has been cashier and director of State Bank of Karlstad since May, 1905. Also secretary and treasurer C J. Gorsberg Land & Loan Co., Inc.; editor Karlstad Advocate, Inc. Repub lican. Lutheran. Member M. B. A Address: Karlstad, Minn. OFTEL, Harry A., physician; born at Minneapolis, Minn., July 18, 1879; edu cated in Minneapolis publie schools and Minneapolis College of Physicians and Surgeons, graduating, May, 1902. Mem ber Red River Valley Medical Society THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS 385 and Minnesota State Medical Associa tion. Married, 1904, to Miss Anna Gron- vold, of Goodhue Co., Minn. Recrea tions: Hunting and fishing. Address: Oslo, Minn. OGDEN, James K., president Twin City Varnish Co.; born in Philadelphia, March 7, 1868; son of Joseph and Es ther (Swain) Ogden; educated in public schools of Milwaukee, Wis. Came to St. Paul, 1886, and entered employ of St. Paul White Lead & Oil Co., start ing as office boy and becoming collector and bookkeeper; assisted in organizing the Twin City Japan Co., now the Twin City Varnish Co., 1889, and has been president of the company since 1894. Office: 521-29 N. Cleveland Av. Resi dence: 68 The Marlborough, St. Paul. OHAGE, Justus, commissioner of health, St. Paul, and professor of sur gery, University of Minn.; born in Ger many, Oct. 13, 1849; graduate of Got tingen; came to America and graduated from University of Missouri, 1880. Came to St. Paul, 1881, and was appointed commissioner of health, St. Paul, 1899, for a term of 4 years and reappointed, 1903; has gained an international repu tation on account of the remarkable work he has -accomplished as health of ficer of a large and growing city; was in an important degree instrumental in establishment of public baths and park of 40 acres on island in river in heart of city, and in making health depart ment independent of politics. Deceived the grand prize and gold medal, in com petition with the world, at St. Louis Exposition, 1904, for St. Paul health ex hibit; also prize medal, Paris Exposition, 1900. Ex-president Minnesota State Med ical Association and Minnesota State Medical Examining Board; twice presi dent Ramsey County Medical Sdciety, honorary member Wisconsin State Medi cal Association; consulting surgeon St. Joseph's Hospital and surgeon to City and County Hospital and St. Luke's Hos pital; life member Imperial German Society of Surgeons. Was first to intro duce liver surgery in America and is author of a work on the subject. Mar ried at St. Louis, Mo., May 10, 1877, to Miss Augusta Ensor. Recreations: All out door athletic sports. Office: City Hall and 83 Union Blk. Residence: 59 Irvine Park, St. Paul. OHNSTAD, Jens, physician; born at De Forest, Wis., June 20, 1868; son of D. R. and Carrie (Jerdel) Ohnstad; gradu ate St. Ansgar Seminary and Institute, St. Ansgar, la., 1892; taught school, 1892-94; attended Stoughton Academy, Stoughton, Wis., 1896-97; studied medi cine and has been engaged in practice since June, 1903. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associa tions, Red River Valley Medical So ciety. Lutheran. Member Knights of Pythias, Modern Brotherhood of Ameri- .ca Unmarried. Address: Mcintosh, Minn. OLCOTT, William J., railway official; born at Detroit, Mich., Feb. 22, 1862; son of Harlow and Elizabeth (Fifield) Olcott; educated at Marquette, Mich.; LTniversity of Michigan, graduating, course in mining and chemisty, 1882 Was assistant engineer Chapin Mine, Menominee range; chemist and engineer for Ashland and Germania mines, Peno- kee and Gogebic Consolidated Iron Mines, Bessemer; Comet, Mine, Wake field, Aurora Mine, Ironwood; Superior mine, Hurley. Became superintendent Lake Superior Consolidated Iron Mines, Feb. 3, 1894; was general superintendent U. S. Steel Corporation mines, April 1, 1901, to July 25, 1902; is vice president same, and president Duluth, Missabe & Northern R. R. Was president Dake Superior Society of Mining Engineers, 1902; member American Society of Min ing Engineers. Married at Ann Arbor, Mich., Dec. 26, 1887, to Fannie Bailey. Clubs: Kitchi Gammi, Commercial, Minnesota, Northland Country. Office: Wolvin Bldg. Residence: 2316 E. 1st St., Duluth. OLDENBURG, John Adalbert, mer chant, banker; born at Bjorneborg, Fin land, July 14, 1862; educated in College of Abo, Finland. Came to America, 1881, and located at Chicago, 111.; entered mercantile business at Finlayson, Minn., 1896. Owner The Oldenburg Mercantile Co., Bank of Finlayson. Married at Minneapolis, Minn., 1885, to Miss Mary Melville de Marini. Address: Finlay son, Minn. OLDS, Charles Samuel, grain; born at Ash Creek, Rock Co., Minn., Jan. 4, 1876; son of George H. and Jennie E. (Knight) Olds; educated in public schools of Min nesota, Luverne High School and Uni versity of Minnesota, B.S., 1899; mar ried at Luverne, Jan. 2, 1900, to Nellie Hodgson. Began business career, Jan. 1, 1897, as member of the grain com mission firm of E. O. Brown & Co., which position he still holds. Republi can. Presbyterian. Club: Commercial. Office: Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Residence: 2715 Fremont Av., N., Min neapolis. OLESON, Olof, county superintendent of schools; born in Norway, Aug. 19, 1876; educated at Alexandria, Minn.. High School, graduating with class of 1899, and at Hamline University; un married. County superintendent of schools Cass Co., since Jan. 1, 1902. Republican. Address: Pequot, Minn. OLIEN, Christian A., merchant; born in Norway, Oct. 11, 1867; son of Asle Aalien and Helga (Gronhovd) Olien; came to Minnesota, Sept., 1887; educated in publie schools of Norway and Minne sota. Began as hired man on farm, con tinuing for 7 years; engaged as retail coal dealer for 2 years; clerk in dry goods store one year; began in general hardware and farm implement business, under title of Knutson & Olien, Jan. 1, 1897, in which he still continues. Re publican. Has been postmaster of Em mons since March 19, 1896. Lutheran. 3S6 THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS Married at Emmons, 1S97, to Miss Min nie Hanson. Address: Emmons, Minn. OLIVIEB, John B., lawyer; born at Berthier, Quebec, Can , Dec. 8, 1836; one of a family of 17 children; son of Max- ime and Genevieve (Laferriere) Olivier; educated in public schools and at Ber thier Academy, graduating, 1854. Came lo St. Paul, 1854, and became clerk and later, deputy, in 'office of register of deeds; entered abstract and title busi ness, 1858; enlisted as private in Co. C, Sth Minn. Vol. Inf., Aug. 15, 1862, serv ing until July 10, 1S65. After the war, returned to St. Paul and entered county auditor's office, Ramsey Co,, as clerk, also engaging in abstract and title busi ness as Mainzer & Olivier; was elected county auditor, 1872, but resigned in one year to take charge of abstract office created by the State Legislature, in which he continued until 1883; admitted to Ramsey Co. bar, 1873; was in real estate business, 1883-90 and judge of probate, 1891-95; has devoted his at tention to practice of law since 1895. Roman Catholic. Member G. A. R. Married at Centerville, Minn., Sept. 20, 1860, to Miss Mary Louise Capistrant. Office: Bradley Bldg. Residence: 407 W. Central Av., St. Paul. OLMSTEAD, Stanley Caleb, lawyer; born at East Bloomfield, Ont, Co., N. Y., Nov. 28, 1853; son of Charles and Mary (Ross) Olmstead; educated in common school, East Bloomfield Academy and Genesee Normal School; married, at Clifton Sprin'gs, N. Y., July 7, 1888, to Emma J. Hahn. Was engaged for sev eral years as teacher; studied law ' in Canandaigua, N. Y.; admitted to prac tice at Rochester, N. Y., 1880; practiced at Clifton Springs, N. Y., until June, 3 887; since then in practice of law at St. Paul. Member Ramsey County Bar Association. Member Knights of Pythias, M. W. A., United Workmen, United Or der of Foresters. Club: CommerciaL Office: Globe Bldg. Residence: 646 Laurel Av., St. Paul. OLNEY, Frank P., lawyer; born at Nokomis, 111., July 21, 1858; son of George W. Olney of New York, officer of the Union Army, 1861-66, and Han nah E. (Proffltt) Olney, of Illinois; edu cated in the common schools, studied at home and taught school, holding Arst grade certiAcate at 19 years of age. Was admitted to the bar at LitchAeld, Minn., March, 1881, since which time he has been in active practice of law. County attorney, Swift Co., Minn., 1899- 1903. Began practice of law in Minne apolis, 1906. Baptist. Independent in politics. Mason; member Modern Wood men of America, Modern Brotherhood of America. Married at LitchAeld, Minn., 1882, to Miss Minnie Blackwell. Recrea tions: Shooting and Ashing. Office: Sykes Block. Residence: Minneapolis. O'LOUGHLIN, Allan, insurance and real estate; son of John Myles and Sarah Matilda (Perkins) O'Loughlin; educated in public schools and college, Winnipeg. Can., where he had banking and real estate experience for 12 years. Began actively in insurance business in Winnipeg; has been a resident of St. Paul since 1S98; secretary-treasurer In ter City Mutual Building and Loan Association; representative Queen City Fire Insurance Co. and other reliable companies. Member Underwriters' Asso ciation. Modern Samaritan. Married at Winnipeg, Can., April 20, 1897, to Miss Helen Benson. Recreations: All out door athletic sports. Office: N. Y. Life Bldg. Residence: 1141 Selby Av., St. Paul. OLSEN, Gilbert B., probate judge Lincoln Co.; born in Norway, Sept. 24, 1843. Came to America, 1861; has been a resident of Lincoln County, Minn., since 1S7S. Republican. Judge of pro bate, since Nov., 1897. Was assessor 6 years, justice of the peace, 20 years, county commissioner 5 years. Married at Cresco, la., April, 1870, to Miss Kan Marcuson. Address: Ivanhoe, Minn. OLSEN, John Wayenblaz, superintend ent public instruction, Minnesota; born at Copenhagen, Denmark, April 28, 1864; came to America, 1871; educated in country schools; Albert Lea High School and Valparaiso (Ind.) College, graduating, degree of B S., 1887; mar ried at Holton, Kan., July 21, 1891, to Carrie Naylor. Taught country schools and filled position of principal village schools, previous to 1S90; county super-, intendent of schools, Freeborn Co., Minn., 1891-1901; superintendent publie instruction, Minn., since 1901. Congre gationalist. Member Modern Woodmen of America, Royal Arcanum. Clubs: Commercial, Norden. Recreation: Litera ture. Office: State Capitol. Residence: 706 Robert St., St. Paul. OLSEN, Otto Bangvald, physician; born at Winona, Minn., Feb. 12, 1879; son of Henry and Aasta (Nygaard) Ol- sen; graduate Winona High School, 1896; Winona Business College, 1897; Rush Medical College, Chicago, 111., M.D., June 15, 3 901. Has been in practice at St. Charles, Minn., since Jan. 15, 1902. Member Winona County Medical Society, Minnesota State and American Medical associations. Repub lican. Lutheran. Married at St. Charles. June 21, 1904, to Miss Murray. Address: St. Charles, Minn. OLSEN, Sterling H., physician; born at Austin, Minn., April 6, 1878; son of Severin C. and Mina Olsen; educated at Austin High School, graduating, 189"6; College of Medicine and Surgery, Uni versity of Minnesota, graduating,' degree of M.D., 1901. Has been engaged in practice since June, 1901. Member Min nesota State Medical Association. Re publican. Lutheran. Member Masonic order. Modern Maccabees, Modern Sa maritans, Sigma Chi fraternity. Un married. Address: Milaca, Minn. OLSON, Eduard, banker; born in Iowa Co., Wis, April 16, 1863; son of Knudt and Christine (Hellekson) Olson; edu- THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 387 cated in common schools until 1879 and at Northwestern Business College, Mad ison, Wis., 1880. Worked .on farm until 1883; clerked in general store, 1883-85; commenced business in general store, in own name, at Hanley Falls, Minn., June 1, 1885; moved to Estherville, la., April, 1894, and engaged in manufacture of carbinated beverages; located in Albert Lea, Minn., April, 1897, and continued in manufacturing business until Sept., 1904. President Citizen's National Bank, since Jan. 13, 1904; treasurer American Gas Machine Co. Republican. Lutheran. Married at Blue Mounds, Wis., Jan. 21, 1886, to Miss Mary Hanson. Club: Commercial. Recreation: Automobil ing. Address: Albert Lea, Minn. OLSON, Martin, president The At water Hardware & Machinery Co.; born at Gausdahl, Norway, Sept. 18, 1850; son of Ole Iverson Benlien and Ronnog Nelsdatter (Myhiens) Olson; educated in. common schools, Norway, and at busi ness school in Christiania. Came to the United States, 1868; lived at Irving, Kandiyohi Co. as a farmer, until 1877, when he moved at Atwater where he has since resided; was in general store, 1877-90, and has been connected with hardware, furniture and machinery busi ness under title of The Atwater Hard ware & Machinery Co., since Jan. 1, 3 889, of which is president and mana ger. President of The Atwater Tele phone Co.; clerk of The Atwater Hotel Co. Served as postmaster and town clerk of Irving, 1871-77. Republican. Member Norwegian Lutheran church. Member Masonic order, B. P. O. E., Mod ern Woodmen of America. Married. Address: Atwater, Minn. OLSON, Nels M., grain buyer; born in Norway, Nov. 15, 1846; son of Ole Rol- leoson and Ingeborg Halvorsdatter; came to America, June, 1866, and to Minnesota, same month and year; at tended public school at Leon, Goodhue Co., Minn., 21 days. Began work in milling business with Hubbard, Wells & Co., Forest Mills, March 15, 1869, the name of firm becoming Wells & Dickey, 1874; entered general merchandise busi ness at Forest Mills, as Halvorson & Olson, 1877, and became postmaster; was made grain buyer for George Rust; the firm later becoming Rust & Mason; was admitted as partner in flour mills, Jan. 15, 1897, the title being since that time, Mason, Olson & Od.; moved mills to Mazeppa, June, 1898, on account of better water power, where they have since been in operation. Republican. Dutheran. Recreation: Bible study. Address: Mazeppa, Minn. OLSON, O. Jorgen, register of deeds; born at Willmar, Minn., July 4, 1876; son of Iver C. and Annetta M. (Berg) Olson; educated in Willmar graded and high schools and at Willmar Seminary and Business College. Has been identi fied with politics since he was 18 years of age; organized the Young Men's Re publican Club, 1892, became its secre tary, which position he held until 1896, when he was elected its president; clerk in county treasurer's office, Kan diyohi Co., 1892-1896; deputy county audi tor, 1897-1901; register of deeds Kan diyohi Co., since 1901. Was delegate at large from Minnesota to the convention of National League of Republican Clubs, July, 1898. Associated with Peter Hong in real estate, loan and in surance business, at Willmar, 1900. Lu theran. Married at Fergus Falls, Minn., May 18, 1904, to Miss Marie E Hanson. Member Sons of Norway. Club: Com mercial. Address: Willmar, Minn. OLSON, Ole Hansteen, physician; born in Norway; Oct. 23, 1862; son of George and Carrie (Stone) Olson; came to America, 1867; educated in public schools of Chicago, 111.; Bryant & Strat- ton's Business College, Chicago; Rush Medical College, Chicago, graduating de gree of M.D., Feb. 16, 1886. In practice of medicine since 1886. Member Amer ican and Minnesota State Medical asso ciations, Red River Valley Medical So ciety. Republican. Dutheran. Married, 1st, at Red Wing, Minn, Feb. 24, 1886, to Miss Mary Breidal; 2nd, May 3, 1897, to Miss Carine Briedel. Address: Ers kine, Minn. OLSON, Olof Gustaf, president Board of Public Works, Duluth; born near Karlstad, Sweden, May 9, 1860; son of Olof Johnson and Anna (Johnson) Ol son; educated in publie schools ot Sweden. Came to America, 1880, and located in Duluth in July of that year; followed carpenter's trade until 1887; was engaged in sale of stationery and musical goods, 1887-90; visited Europe and upon return became identified with real estate and fire insurance business; appointed president Board of Public Works by Mayor Cullom, in March, 1904. Baptist. Democrat. Member Modern Samaritans, Royal Arcanum. Married at Duluth, May 26, 1883, to' Miss Beda C. Anderson. Recreations: Fishing and hunting. Office: City Hall. Residence: 457 Mesaba Av., Duluth. OLSON, Balph O., banker; born at Wells, Minn., Oct. 24, 1873; son of Matt and Anna Olson; educated in public and high schools of Wells. Entered banking business, 1902. Cashier and director, First National Bank of Alden; president State Bank of Conger, State Bank of Walters; director Security State Bank of Alden, all of Minnesota; treasurer and director W. H. Walker Milling Co. Married at Alden, Minn., Oct. 23, 1905, to Miss Genevieve Larson. Address: Alden, Minn. OLSON, Seaver Elbert, retired mer chant; born at Ringsaker, Norway, Feb. 2, 3 846; son of Ingebret and Carrie (Simonson) Olson; educated in district school, Norway, for a few months at Beloit College, Beloit, Wis., 1862, and at Lincoln's Commercial College, Mil waukee, Wis., 1864. Married at Minne apolis, Jan. 9, 1889, to Miss Ida May Hawley. Emigrated to United States in 1858 and began business career in 3SS THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS store of Mons Anderson, La Crosse, Wis., 1859. Began general store busi ness for self in Rushford, Minn., 1867; organized wholesale and retail dry goods firm of Olson, Smith & Co., La Crosse, Wis., in 1873; moved stock to Minneapolis, 1S78, as Ingram, Olson & Company, continuing to 1887, and be came sole owner; incorporated the S. E. Olson Company, 1894, developing a de partment store business of $2,000,000 a year; sold out and retired in 1901. For 10 years commissary general on staff of three governors of Minnesota. President Reliance Gold Mining Com pany, Grand Crossing Land and Im provement Company, Federal Finance Company, West Minneapolis Land Com pany. Republican (delegate to National Convention, Philadelphia, 1900). Bap tist. Mason (32°), Scottish Rite; life member B. P. O. E. Clubs: Minneapo lis, Commercial, Odin. Office: 206 4th St., S. Residence: 2413 1st Av., S., Minneapolis. O'NEIL, Michael J., manufacturer, contractor, retail dealer, plumbing and heating; born at Elmira, N. Y., Feb. 28, 1863; son of Thomas and Catherine (Daley) O'Neil; attended Roman Catho lic parochial school until 13 years of age and graduated from public school at 16; married at St. Paul, Minn., April 4, 18S8, to Mary Olive Johnson. Com menced in plumbing business, December, 1887, and for the past twelve years has been extensively engaged in build ing upon own account, large apartment houses, having invested in that time, more than $600,000 in such structures'; builder and owner of the Frederick Hotel, St. Paul, the Globe Building, the business block at 5th, 6th and Cedar Sts., etc.; employs more than 150 men in St. Paul and Minneapolis, in business, under name of M. J. O'Neil, retail dealer, contractor for plumbing and heating; also electrical manufacturer and dealer in gas, electric and combination fix tures. Member I. O. O. F. and A. O. U. W. Club: CommerciaL Factory and main store, 58-60, Bast 6th St., St. Paul. Branch, 227 5th St., South, Minneapolis. Residence: 702 Goodrich Av., St. Paul. O'NEILL, Owen Harry, lawyer; born at Belie Plain, Minn., June 28, 1863; son of John and Anna (Larkin) O'Neill; educated in public schools of Belle Plain. Studied law in office of Rogers & Hadley, St. Paul, and also under C. D. O'Brien; was admitted to the bar, April, 1887, and began practice at St. Paul; appointed city attorney of West St. Paul, 1894, and was first assistant county attorney of Ramsey Co., from 1901-07. Roman Catholic. Member In dependent Order of Foresters, Knights of Columbus. Married at St. Paul, Minn., Oct. 15, 1891, to Miss Margaret E. Buckley. Clubs: Commercial, St. Paul Rod and Gun, Howard Lake Gun. Recreations: Hunting and fishing. Of fice: Globe Bldg. Residence: 107 N. Victoria St., St. Paul. OFFENHEIM, Ansel, railway official; born in New York City, Jan. 5, 1847; son of Isaac and Henrietta Oppenheim; educated in public schools of New York City; admitted to the bar in Minnesota, 3 878, and began practice of law in St. Paul, in partnership with Hon. John B. Brisbin, in a few years turning his attention to real estate. Was one of the leading promoters of the Chicago Great Western Railroad, the first rail way to enter St. Paul from the west side of the river, and was largely in strumental in the establishment of the Union Stock Yards in South St. Paul, the building of, the Metropolitan Opera House and other enterprises of import ance in the growth of the city. Vice president Chicago Great Western Rail way since 1896; director of the St. Paul Union Stock Yards Co., Metropolitan Opera House Co.; vice president Inter state Investment Trust Co. (Ltd.), St. Paul. Democrat. Mason. Married at Sparta, Wis., July 21, 1869, Miss Josie Greve, daughter of Herman Greve. Clubs: Minnesota, Commercial, Town and Country. Offices: Metropolitan Opera House Blk., New York Life Bldg. Resi dence: Hotel Aberdeen, St. Paul. OFFENHEIM, Herman, lawyer; born at Sparta, Wis., June 19, 1870; son of Ansel and Josephine (Greve) Oppen heim; educated iri public schools, Sparta and St. Paul, Minn.; Shattuck School; St. Paul High School; Law Department, University of Wisconsin, degree of LL. B., and Harvard Law School. Unmar ried. Entered upon the practice of law at St. Paul, 1893. Office: New York Life Bldg. Residence: The Arundel Flats, St. Paul. OPPERMAN, John H., manufacturer; born at Fair Haven, Mich., Feb. 27, 1872; son of John and Minnie (Krouse) Opperman; educated in public schools of Fair Haven and Bay City, Mich. Began active career as bookkeeper for McKinnon Mfg. Co., boiler machine shop and foundry, Bay City, continuing for four years; operated as part owner on freight boat, upon the lake for one year; located in Duluth and entered service of Northwestern Steam Boiler Works as bookkeeper, Jan. 1, 1896; has been secre tary and treasurer same company since it was incorporated, 3903, as the North western Steam Boiler & Mfg. Co.; also vice president National Boiler Works Company, Superior, Wis. Served as' ser geant Co. C, 3rd Inf., M. N. G. for three years. Lutheran. Member Duluth Builders' Exchange. Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner; member Mod ern Woodmen of America. Married at Duluth, 1899, to Miss Marie Meyer. Recreations: Fishing, hunting and yachting. Office: 366-382 Garfield Av. Residence: 314 E. 6th St., Duluth. ORCHARD, Frederick William, manu facturer; born at New Brunswick, Can., May 7, 1858; son of Robert and Char lotte (Briggs) Orchard; educated in public schools in New Brunswick. Be- THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 389 gan active career as clerk in dry goods store of Jordan, Marsh & Co., Boston, Mass., 1881, and was with C. F. Hovey, one year; located in Minneapolis, 1883, and became connected with dry goods house of George W. Hale & Co., and later with S. E. Olson; started with the Columbia Shade Cloth Co., manufac turers of window shades, as traveling salesman, 1894, and in Dec, 1905, was made manager of the company, a posi tion he now holds. Republican. Epis copalian. Member Masonic order, U. T. C. of America, Illinois Commercial Men's Association. Office: 731 Henne pin Av. Residence: 2720 Garfield Av., Minneapolis. ORDE, George Frederic, bank cashier. Was for ten years cashier Northern Trust Co., Chicago; removed to Min neapolis, May 1, 1905; cashier and director First National Bank, Minneapo lis. Republican. Episcopalian. Married at Peterboro, Ont., Can., 1887, to Miss Charlotte J. Carnegie. Clubs: Minnea polis, Minikahda, Golf. Recreations: Golf and curling. Office: First National Bank, Minneapolis. ORDEAN, A. L., president First Na tional Bank. Address: Duluth. ORDWAY, Lucius Pond, plumbing supplies; born in New York City, Jan. 20. 1862; son of Aaron L. and Frances (Hanson) Ordway; graduate Brown LTniversity, Providence, R. I., degree of B.A., 1883; married at St. Paul, Minn., 1885, to Miss Jessie Gilman. Came to St. Paul, 1883, and has since been con nected with sale of plumbing and steam fitting supplies, first with Wilson & Rogers, then with Rogers & Ordway,' 1887, and member Crane & Ordway Co., since 1892, of which is vice president and general manager. Also director Merchants National Bank. Independent in politics. Mason. Clubs: Commer cial. Town and Country. Recreations: Automobiling, curling, sailing. Office: 5th and Rosabel Sts. Residence: 523 Portland Av., St. Paul. OREDSON, Olef Andrew, physician; born at St. James, Minn., March 3, 1S72; son of Andrew and Anna (Nelson) Oredson; educated at Gustavus Adolphus College, St. Peter, Minn.; Iowa State University; College of Physicians and Surgeons, Hamline University, degrees of M.D., and CM., 1903; was house surgeon Bethesda Hospital, St. Paul. Began active career as a school teacher, 1894-96; was a commercial traveler for 2 years. Has been ac tively engaged in practice of, medicine in Duluth since June, 1903. Member North Star Benefit Association, Modern Woodmen of America, Modern Samari tans, Independent Working Association, Scandinavian Help and Aid Society, Scandia Dife Insurance Co., and medi cal examiner for societies above named. Lutheran. Member St. Louis County Medical Society, Minnesota State and American Medical associations. Unmar ried. Clubs: Orpheus, West End Swea Glee Club, Commercial. Recreations: Boating and driving. Office and Resi dence: 2004 W. Superior, Duluth. OBR, Grier M., jurist; born at Pike Furnace, Clarion Co., Pa., May 14, 1856; son of Hunter and Margaret (Lawson) Orr; educated in public schools of Pa., and Oconto, Wis., Heidelburg College, Tiffin, O., (A.B., 1878) and Cincinnati Law School, 1883; married at Rochester, Minn., 1896, to Mrs. Etta S. White. Admitted' to the bar, June, 1883, in Ohio. Came to St. Paul, 1884. Municipal judge, St. Paul, 1894-1902; judge second judicial district since 1903; also judge of the Juvenile Court. Republican. Clubs: Commercial, Minnesota. Office: Court House. Residence: 1040 Laurel Av., St. Paul. OSBORN, Eben Francis, grain com mission; born at Tiffin, Cv, March 23, 1866; son of John S. and Clara (Hedges) Osborn; educated in public schools of Buffalo, N. Y., and high school, San dusky, O. Entered grain business in service of Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry., at Elevator B, 1883; was con nected with Griffith-Marshall Grain Commission Co., and later with Green leaf & Tenney; has been president of The Osborn Grain Co., since 1891. Re publican. Episcopalian. Member of Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce. Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner; member B. P. O. E. Married at Min neapolis, Oct. 14, 1896, to Lucille E. Draper. Office: Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Residence: 1928 Hennepin Av., Minneapolis. OSGOOD, Benjamin Silsby, lumber manufacturer and dealer; born at Columbia, Me., Oct. 9, 1825;, Son of Stephen and Doricey (Deighton) Osgood; educated in common schools at Aurora, Me. Spent his early years largely in lumber camps of Maine; at the age of 31 began to learn the carpenter trade, after which he engaged as millwright until 3 856, when he came to Hudson, Wis.; engaged in operating saw mills and flouring mills, locating in St. Paul, Minn., 1874; started with his brother- in-law, Harvey Blodgett, 1874 under the name of Blodgett & Osgood, with a small box factory and plaining mill, the business grew until in 1892 the Osgood & Blodgett Manufacturing Co., was incorporated, of which he is presi dent and general manager, Arm being recognized as one of the leading insti tutions of the kind in the Northwest, wholesale and retail dealers in lumber and manufacturers of hardwood floor- ing, interior Anish, doors, windows, and packing boxes. Independent Republican. Presbyterian (member board of trus tees). Married, 1st, to Lucinda Silsby, (died Jan. 29, 1901); 2nd, to Miss Ella S. Brown, of Massachusetts Recreation: Vocal Music Office: Duluth Av., near E. 7th St. Residence: 757 East 6th St., St. Paul. OSGOOD, Henry E., vice president and secretary Osgood & Blodgett Manu- 390 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS facturing Co.; born at Ellsworth, Me., Feb. 9, 1857: son of Benjamin S. and Lueinda (Silsby) Osgood; educated in public and private schools at Hudson, Wis., and attended St. Paul High School, 1S74-75; unmarried. Employed by wholesale drug house, 1876-83; since January, 1S83, connected with, and from April, 1883, interested in the Osgood & Blodgett Manufacturing Co., manu facturers of packing boxes and sash, doors and interior finish, of which is now vice president and secretary. Re publican (usually). Congregationalist. Club: Commercial. Office: Duluth Av., near East 7th St. Residence: 757 East 6th St., St. Paul. OSS, John M., county surveyor, Becker Co.; born in Norway, Sept. 25, 1845; graduate Undere Officer School, Norway; obtained first class certificate in mili tary engineering, 1869. Served as under officer, in Norwegian army, 1867-72; was superintendent and bookkeeper for fac tory and foundry most of time, 1872-82. Came to Minnesota, April, 1882; has principally followed farming; county surveyor of Becker Co., since 1902. Married. Address: Detroit, Minn. OSSMANN, George Louis, car service agent; born at St. Paul, Minn., Nov. 27, 1873; son of J. George and Henrietta (Leber) Ossmann; educated in the parish and private school of the Good Shepherd, St. Paul; married at St. Paul, May 29, 1900, to Clara Imogene Bell. Began active career, in railway service April 1, 1888, and has been car service agent Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Ry., since March 1, 1904. Epis copalian. - Mason. Office: Chic, St. P., M. & O. Ry. Residence: 779 Cherokee Av., St. Paul. OSTBOM, Oscar, sheriff Washington Co.; born in Sweden, July 20, 1863; edu cated in public and high schools of Sweden. Came to America, 1881; entered hotel and restaurant business in Stillwater, Minn., 1888; member of the firm of Ostrom & Taylor, hotel and restaurant, since 1903. Republican. Sheriff of Washington Co., since Nov., 1902. Member I. O. O. F., B. P. O. E., K. P., M. W. A. Married at Stillwater, April 6, 1892, to Miss Alice Peterson. Address: Stillwater, Minn. OTIS, Charles Eugene, lawyer; born at Prairieville, Mich., May 31, 3846; son of Isaac and Caroline A. (Curtis) Otis; educated at Prairie Seminary, Richland, Mieh., 1861; Kalamazoo High School, 1863-64; University of Michigan, A.M., 1869. Married at Kalamazoo, Sept. 3, 1871, to Elizabeth Stone Ranson. Be gan practice of law, 1873; member of the law firm of George L. & Charles E. Otis, 1874-83; member of law firm of C. E. & A. G. Otis, St. Paul, 188(1-89. Judge of the district court of the 2nd district of Minnesota, St. Paul, 1889- 1903. Member of law firm of C. E. & J. C. Otis, 3903 to present time. Demo crat. Presbyterian. Office: Globe Bldg. Residence: 3 344 Summit Av., St. Paul, and Minnetonka Beach, Minn. OTIS, Frank Everett, railway com mercial agent; born at Beloit, Wis., Feb. 2, 3869; son of A. H. and Mary T. (Bell) Otis; educated in public and high schools, Hudson, Wis.; married at Stillwater, Minn., June 15, 1898, to Miss Melvina H. La Furgey. Came to St. Paul, from Hudson, Wis., 1SS7, and entered traffic department of the Chi cago, Great Western Ry. ; became con nected with the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry., 1890, and since May, 1902, has been commercial agent of the road at St. Paul. Clubs: Commercial, Trans portation. Recreations: General athlet ics, hunting and fishing. Office: 365 Robert St. Residence: 62 S. St. Albans St., St. Paul. OTTEBNESS, George Henry, lawyer; born at Wannimingo, Goodhue Co., Minn., Feb. 5, 1870; son of F. O. and Johanne (Baatelson) Otterness; edu cated in common schools, Willmar High School, Willmar Seminary, State Normal School, St. Cloud, advanced course, graduating 1892; Law Depart ment Minnesota State University, gradu ating, 1894. County attorney of Kan- dyohi Co., since Nov. 7, 1904. Republi- ¦ can. Presbyterian. Married at Will mar, Minn., Dec. 25, 1901, to Zylpha B. Williams. Address: Willmar, - Minn. OTTIS, Frank J., manufacturer; born at Central Mine, Mich., Sept. IS, 1871; son of Thomas and Nora (Sullivan) Ottis; graduate Creighton University, Omaha, Neb., degree of A.B., 1891," Law School Harvard University, degree of LL.B., 1896. Married at St. Paul, Minn, 1901, to Miss Laura D. Cook. Was ad mitted to the bar in New York City, 3896; came to St. Paul, 3898, and be came secretary, and later manager American Grass Twine Co.; was made manager Minne Harvester Co., 1892, which consolidated with the Northern Malleable Iron Co., in Sept., 1905, and he became its general manager; has been president and general manager of the company since Dec, 1906, manu facturers of malleable iron castings. Catholic. Clubs: University, White. Bear Yacht, Town & Country, National Sculptor's Society, Harvard Club of New York and St. Paul. Office: Cor. Forest and Wells Sts. Residence: 626 Goodrich St., St. Paul. OUREN, Anton O., farmer, banker; born in Norway, Feb. 27, 1850; son of Ole J. and Dorthe (Gjeld) Ouren; edu cated in parish school in Norway until 12. Came to America 1866, and located in Minnesota; began farming, 1873 in Brown Co.; served as deputy state dairy and food commissioner under Gov. John Lind. Now president State Bank of Hanska; treasurer Hanska Milling Co.; director Hanska Rural Telephone Co. Member Modern Brotherhood of Ameri ca. Married at Fillmore Co., Minn., Jan. 23, 1874, to Miss Bertha Marie Hasren. Club: Commercial (treasurer). Address: Hanska, Minn. OWRE, Alfred, educator; born in Nor- THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS 391 way, Dec. 16, 3870; came to America, 3SS4, and to Minnesota same year; graduate College of Dentistry, Univer sity of Minnesota, degree of D.M.D., 3894; graduate College of Physicians and Surgeons, Hamline University, de gree of M.D., CM., 1895. Became identi fied with the College of Dentistry, Uni versity of Minnesota, as a teacher, 1894, and was made dean, 1905. Unmarried. Member National and Minnesota State Dental associations (president latter, 1901-02), Twin City Academy of Den tistry, Twin City Dental Club, 2nd, 3rd and 4th International Dental Con gresses, Minneapolis Medical Club, Life member Japan Society of London and of Asiatic Society of London, associate member Norwegian Dental Association, Norway. Scottish Rite Mason (32°), Shriner. Recreations: Literature and art. Office: College of Dentistry, Univ. of Minn. Residence: 1700 Portland Av., Minneapolis. OWBE, Oscar, physician; born at Christiania, Norway, Feb. 13, 1880; came to Minnesota, 18S4, and came to Minneapolis, same year; attended public schools of Minneapolis; gra'duate Min neapolis Academy, 1899; graduate Min neapolis College of Physicians and Sur geons (medical department of Hamline University), degrees of M.D., and CM., 1903; house physician and surgeon Minneapolis City Hospital, 17 months, 1904-05; at Vienna (Austria) General Hospital, one year, 1905-06. Unmarried. Clinical instructor in skin and genito urinary diseases, Hamline Medical de partment. Medical examiner for Central Life Insurance Society of the United States. Member Minnesota State Medi cal Association, Hennepin County Medi cal Society, Minneapolis Medical Club, Alpha Kappa Kappa. Mason. Office: Masonic Temple. Residence: 1700 Port land Av., Minneapolis. PACKABD, Silas Sadler, secretary United States & Canada' Land Co.; born at Belmond, la., Jan. 25, 1881; son of Dighton E. and Henrietta (Sterns) Packard; educated in Belmond High School and at Packard Business College, New York City. Was connected with Rush Park Seed Co., at Independence, la., for 4 years; came to Minneapolis for the company, 1902, continuing until 3 906; has been secretary of the United States & Canada Dand Co., since March 1, 1906. Member I. O. O. F. Married, June. 1907, to Miss Ollie Pals, of "Bel mond, Iowa. Recreations: Hunting, fishing and all outdoor athletic sports. Office: Corn Exchange. Residence: 801 3rd Av., S., Minneapolis, Minn., and Bel mond, Iowa. PAGE, Alfred Constant, real estate; born in Whiteside Co., 111., Oct. 6, 1865; son of Thomas S. and Carrie M. (Ab bott) Page: educated in Cedar Valley Seminary, Osage, la., graduating, June, 1886. In real estate and insurance busi ness at Austin since May, 1888. Direc tor Austin Building and Loan Associa tion. Member M. N. G., since 1888; now regimental adjt. 2nd Regt; was 1st lieut. 12th Regt, Minn. Vols., Spanish-American War. Republican, Congregationalist. Exalted ruler B. P. O. E.; member Masonic orders. Un married. Club: Progressive League. Address: Austin, Minn. PAGE, Arthur A., secretary Red Wing LTnion Stoneware Co.; born in "Central Illinois, Feb. 8, 1880; son of T. B. and Marjr A. Page; educated in public schools of Illinois; unmarried. In em ploy of a coal mining company at Gales burg, 111., for 4 years; came to Red Wing, 1904, and became connected with Red Wing Stoneware Co., and since the formation of the Red Wing Union Stone ware Co., in 1905, has been its secretary. Club: Commercial. Recreations: Boat ing, reading. Address: Red Wing, Minn. PAGE, Leroy Albert, Jr., wholesale cedar; born at Plymouth, la., July 24, 1S7S; son of Leroy Albert and Mary Emily (Burnham) Page; educated in public schools of Mason City, la., and at University of Minnesota, degree of B. S., 1900. Attended law school of University of Minnesota, 1900-02; in charge of retail lumber yard, Mason City, la., 1902-03; has been at Minne apolis since April 13, 1903, as vice president Page & Hill Co., dealers in cedar posts and poles; also vice presi dent L. A. Page Lumber Co. Member Phi Kappa Psi. Married at Minneapolis, June 18, 1902, to Miss Edna May Ripley. Recreation: Football. Office: Lumber Exchange Bldg. Residence: 1729 Logan Av., S., Minneapolis. PAGE, M. O., cashier Bank of Beaver Creek; born at Nauvoo, 111.. Oct. 12, 1878; educated in public schools and high school, Sioux City, la., graduating from the latter, 1897. Began active career as stenographer in the George Savings Bank, George, la., 1897-99, and was elected assistant cashier, Jan. 1, 1899; assistant cashier Alvord Bank, Alvord, la.. May 1, 1901; organized Bank of Beaver Creek and has been its cashier and manager since Sept., 1902. Address: Beaver Creek, Minn. PAIGE, James, lawyer; born at St. Louis, Mo., Nov. 22, 1863; son of Rev. James A. and Caroline (Howe) Paige; came to Minnesota, 1883; educated at Princeton University, degrees of A.B., 1887, A.M., 1888, and University of Min nesota, LL.B., 1890, LL.M., 1891; mar ried at Newburyport, Mass., June 10, 1895, to Mabeth Hurd. Professor of law, University of Minnesota. Author of a number of legal text books and selected case books on law, including the following: Torts; Criminal Law; Partnership; Agency; Commercial Paper and Domestic Relations. Office: Col lege of Law, and N. Y. Life Bldg. Resi dence: 1414 Yale Place, Minneapolis. 392 THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS PAINE, Asa, building materials; born November, 1862, Minneapolis; son ol James M. and Ellen A. (Elkins) Paine; educated by private teachers, in Curtiss Business College and in University of Minnesota; married at Pine City, Minn., Sept. 3, 1893, to Bertha H. Weick. En gaged as manufacturer of lumber, 1885- 90; in the banking business as Paine & Co., Carleton, Minn., 1895; now presi dent and treasurer Paine and Nixon Company, Duluth, Minn. Director Ma sonic Temple Association, Minneapolis; president for two years Florida East Coast Automobile Association; director A. A. A., New York. Republican. Mason (32°); member Odd Fellows and Knights of Maccabees. Club: Com mercial (vice president). Office: Dum ber Exchange. Residence: 2215 Blais dell Av., Minneapolis. PALMEB, Frank, lawyer; born at Pine Island, Minn., April 3, 1861; son of M. H. and Olive (Ash) Palmer; edu cated in common schools; taught school, 1880-89; studied law in office of Hon. H. L. Hayden, Madison, Minn., and was admitted to the bar, Sept. 19, 1889. Practiced law in partnership with E. T. Young (now attorney general of Min nesota), as Young & Palmer, Appleton, Minn., 1890; was associated with J. T. McElligott, 1895-98, and with H. L. Sorknes, as Sorknes & Palmer, 1904. President Lac Qui Parle Co. Abstract Co. Has been member of city council of Madison, recorder and mayor; now city attorney and member school board. Democrat. Member I. O. O. F. Married at Madison, Minn., Feb. 14, 1895, to Miss Mary Schomberg. Address: Madison, Minn. FALMEB, George M., milling; born at Clayton, Wis., Nov. 17, 1853; son of John and Cordelia (Morrison) Palmer; educated in publie schools of Wisconsin, Maine and Minnesota; married at Man kato, Minn., 1880, to Miss Olivia M. Roberts. Came to Mankato, 1873; book keeper Mankato Linseed Oil Co., until 1879; entered office of the Hubbard Mill ing Co., as secretary and business man ager, 1879, and has been president since decease of R. D. Hubbard, Aug. 29, 1905. President First National Bank, Central, Minn. Immigration Co.; treasurer The Hubbard & Palmer Co. Republican. Mayor of Mankato, 1884; ex-member Board of Education. Baptist. Member Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce, Chicago Board of Trade. Mason. Club: Commercial. Address: Mankato, Minn. PALMEB, John, sheriff Anoka Co.; born in Sweden, Oct. 13, 1866; came to America early in life and was educated in common schools of Henry Co., 111. Has been sheriff of Anoka Co., since Jan. 1, 1903. Republican. Member I. O. O. F, A. O. U. W. Married at Anoka, Minn., 3 890, to Miss Emma C Bergman. Club: Commercial (vice president). Ad dress: Anoka, Minn. FALMEB, John Earl, lawyer; born at Edgecomb, Me., Feb. 28, 1873; son of John F. and Rebecca W. (Loring) Pal mer; educated in country school, Fair mont city and high school, Mankato State Normal School, graduating from the latter, 1894; studied law and was admitted to the bar, Sept., 1899. Taught country school, 1890-91; principal schools, Eagle Lake, one year; Blakeley, one year; Watertown, one year, all in Minnesota. Began practice of law at Fairmont, 1899, and was elected county attorney of Martin Co., Nov., 1902, still retaining that office. Member of the firm of Dean & Palmer. Republican. Congregationalist. Member Masonic order, Knights of Pythias, Knights of Maccabees, Royal Arcanum, Modern Woodmen of America. Married at Man kato, Minn., Sept. 1, 1898, to Miss Winni- fred Ibertson. Address: Fairmont, Minn. PALMEB, Milford C, register of deeds, St. Louis Co.; born at Rome, N. Y., July 24, 1849; son of Morgan L. and Mary (Phillu) Palmer; educated in public schools, Grand Rapids, Mich., and at University of Michigan, Law Depart ment, graduating, degree of LL.B., 1873. Lived in Montcalm Co.. Mich., for 20 years; admitted to practice in Michigan, 1873, and engaged in practice in Mont calm and Kent counties, principally, until 1892; removed to Virginia, Minn., and was mayor of the city 1899 and 1900; has been register of deeds, St. Louis Co., since Jan., 1903. Republican. Member Michigan State Bar Association. Mason; member Knights of Pythias, B. P. O. E., I. O. R. M., K. O. T. M. Mar ried at Stanton, Mich., 1876, to Miss Mary A. Turner. Club: Commercial. Address: Virginia, Minn. FANZBAM, Herman A., superintend ent of schools Waseca Co.; born at Eyota, Minn., Oct. 1, 1877; son of John and Bertha Panzram; educated in coun try schools of Waseca Co., 1884-90; Janesville (Minn.) High School, 1896- 1900; University of Minnesota, 1900, and 1901. Began teaching in Waseca Co., Oct., 1901; was elected county superin tendent of schools, Waseca Co., Nov., 1904, and reelected Nov., 1906, for term extending to Jan., 3 909. Enlisted as pri vate in Co. K, 12th Minn. Vol. Inf., Spanish- American War, May 5, 1898; served 6 months and was discharged Nov. 6, 1898; now member 2nd Regt, M. N. G., rank of 2nd lieut, bat. com. and quartermaster. Democrat. Married at Smith's Mill, Minn., Oct. 4. 1905, to Miss Pansey E. Jenkins. Address: Wa seca, Minn. FARADIS, Edouard A., editor and publisher; born at Lacadie, Canada, July 6, 1850; son of John B. and Isa belle Brouillette Pa.radis; self educated; married at St. Paul, Minn., Oct. 8, 1877, to Miss Sarah Jane Hamill. Began act ive business career as newspaper pub lisher at Momence, 111., 1870-72; then publisher of Clyde Reporter at Clyde, Kan., two years; publisher of Plainview News, Plainview, Minn,, 3 0 years, and proprietor Midway News, Merriam Park, THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 393 Minn., since 1888. President Northwest ern Publishers' Association. Republican. Mason (past master Triune Lodge No. 190); member St. Paul Lodge B. P. O. E. Club: Commercial. Recreation: Pur sues the study of the relation of lan guages to sociology. Office: Merriam Park, St. Paul. Residence: 299 W. 6th St., St. Paul. PARIS, Alfred Wilson, confectioner; born at London, Ont, Can., June 23, 1852; son of Henry and Catherine (Ty ler) Paris; educated in public schools of Detroit, Mich., until 14. Dearned con fectioner's trade in Detroit and at 22 years of age became foreman of confec tionery, in Michigan; conducted a re tail confectionery store in Jackson, Mich., for 6 years; located in Minne apolis, 1881, under title of Paris, Stuart & Co., the name becoming Paris, Murton & Co., 1882, wholesale confectioners and fruits, of which he has been president and manager since time of organization (now affiliated with National Candy Co.). Independent Democrat. Member Mason ic order, Knights Templar, Shrine; Royal Arcanum. Married" at Jackson, Mich., Oct. 4, 1881, to Miss Lizzie Chapman. Clubs: Minneapolis, Commercial. Rec reations: Automobiling. Office: 23 N. 3rd St. Residence: 1834 S. Tremont Av., Minneapolis. PABKEB, Addison Jackson, real es tate: born at Arcade, N. Y., Sept. 14, 1839; son of George Washington and Lorinda (Jackson) Parker; educated in district schools of Fond du Lac Co., Wis.; Ripon College, Wis., 1856-60. En listed in Civil War and was private, sergt. and 1st lieut. 31st and 37th Wis. Vol. Inf.; served in Western Army, Aug. 12, 1862, to May 7, 1864, and in Eastern Army, 1864. Came to Minne sota, 1874; was engaged in bringing in early settlers to Big Stone Co., Minn., and in affecting a political organization, in the 70's; has held county office ever since organization of Big Stone Co., 1874, except for 2 years, as justice of peace, notary public, county attorney, probate judge, court commissioner,' etc. Prac ticed extensively in earlier years and has acted as pension and land attorney since 1866. Head of real estate and in surance firm of A. J. Parker & Co. Re publican. Episcopalian. Member G. A. R., I. O. O. F., P. O. A., Temple of Honor, I. O. G. T. Married at Orton ville, Minn., Nov. 4, 1877, to Miss Elean or Phelps. Address: Ortonville, Minn. PABKEB, Elam D., railway official; born at Granville, O., Sept. 30, 1839; son of John and Persis (Follet) Parker; ed ucated at Denison University, Granville, two years, 1860-61, and at Marietta (Ohio) College, two years, 1862-63; served as private in 87th Ohio Vol. Inf., May to Oct., 1862; widower. Entered service of the Dake Shore and Michi gan Southern Ry., Sept. 23, 1863, and continued with that company in Chicago to June 1, 1882; with Mille Dacs Dum ber Co., in St. Paul and Anoka, Minn., July 1, 3 882, to Dec. 1, 1884; agent Min nesota Transfer, Dec. 1, 1884, to Sept. 1, 1886; general agent of the Minneap olis & St. Douis Ry., Sept. 1, 1886, to Feb. 10, 1888; since Feb. 10, 1888, with the Soo Line, of which he is now as sistant general freight agent. Mason (Scottish Rite), Royal Arch. Recrea tion: Golf. Clubs: Commercial, Minne sota. Office: 379 Robert St. Residence: 2016 Terrace Park Av., St. Paul. PABKEB, Frederick Herbert, railway official; born at Shakopee, Minn., Dec. 15, 1868; son of George and Eliza Mul- ford Parker; educated in common and high schools. Entered service of Chi cago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Ry., July 1, 1886, as clerk accounting department; was clerk passenger de partment St. Paul, Minneapolis & Mani toba Ry., 1887-88; clerk accounting de partment same road and Great Northern Ry., 1888-90; chief clerk to auditor pas senger receipts Great Northern Ry., 1891-1894, auditor passenger receipts, 1894-1902, auditor freight receipts since Nov. 1, 1902. Married at St. Paul, 1900, to Miss Elizabeth Winner. Clubs: Com mercial, Transportation. Recreations: Fishing and outdoor sports. Office: 3rd, N. W. Cor. Broadway. Residence: 302 Goodrich Av., St. Paul. PABKEB, Harry W., bank cashier; born at Seaforth, Ont, Can., Jan. 23, 3S68; son of Captain Joseph Parker of the British army and Samantha J. (Sim mons) Parker; educated in district schools and in graded schools of Belle ville, Can. Began active career as em ploye of Molson's Bank of Montreal, continuing, 1885-90; came to St. Paul, 1892, and became identified with Mer chants' National Bank as bookkeeper, and is now cashier of the bank. Epis copalian. Independent Republican. Mar ried at Northfield, Minn., 1904, to Miss Edna Coon. Clubs: Minnesota, Com mercial. Recreations: Outdoor sports. Office: Merchants' Nat. Bank. Resi dence: 62 S. Dale St., St. Paul. PABKEB, Balph J., lawyer; born at Frankfort, Minn., Dec. 17, 1867; son of W. H. Parker; educated in Spring Val ley High School; College of Daw, Uni versity of Minnesota, graduating, degree of LL.B., 1890. Has been engaged in practice of law at Spring Valley since 3 891. Elected county attorney Fillmore Co., Nov., 1902, and has been reelected at each succeeding election, his present term extending to Jan., 1909. Director First State Bank of Spring Valley, Spring Valley Electric Dight and Invest ment Co. Married at Spring Valley, Dec. 1901, to Miss Caroline Hendershott Ad dress: Spring Valley, Minn. PABKS, George Albert, merchant; born in Sibley Co., Minn., Oct. 28, 1866; son of Miner R. and Susanna (Ander son) Parks; educated in public schools of McLeod Co., Minn., and at Stevens' Seminary, Glencoe, Minn. Taught school, 1887-90; manager general merchandise store of Henry Anderson, Montevideo, Minn., 1890-94; formed partnership with 394 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS Austin Kvien and bought store of Henry Anderson, Feb. 1, 1894, and has since operated same under title of Parks & Kvien, branch store at Fergus Falls since 1901. President Board of Educa tion, Montevideo, since 1901. Episcopa lian. Member Masonic order, I. O. O. F., M. W. A. Married at Montevideo, June IS, 1895, to Miss Hilda M. Kempe. Club: Commercial. Address: Montevideo, Minn. FABKS, Walter, grain; born at Brad ford, Me.. Feb. 3, 1855; son of George and Charlotte L. (Pierce) Parks; came to Minnesota with parents in the spring of 3 857; educated in country school, Spring Valley school, and concluded at commercial college, Dubuque, Ia. Worked on farm from 1876 to 1883; moved to Airlie, Minn., in 1884, and opened a store, which he conducted until spring o£ 1901; began buying grain, 1890; now owner and manager, of elevator and farm. Married at Etna, Minn., Dec, 1883, Miss Nellie F. Allard. Address: Airlie, Minn. PABLIN, Franklin T., Northwestern manager Germania Life Insurance Co.; born at Monroe, Wis., May 7, 1864; son of Franklin S. and Jennie (Barnes) Par- lin; graduated from Monroe High School, 1879; Yale University, Ph.B., 1888; mar ried at San Francisco, Calif., March 19, 1897, to Harriet Bolinger. Associated with Germania Life Insurance Co. of New York since 1892; Northwestern manager for the company since March, 1897, covering Minnesota, N. Dakota, S. Dakota, Montana and Idaho. Clubs: Min nesota, Commercial, Town and Country (St Paul); Yale Club (New York City). Office: Germania Dife Bldg. Residence: Hotel Aberdeen, St. Paul. PABB, William E., sheriff Winona Co.; born at Menasha, Wis., Oct. 15, 1855; son of William R. and Ellen L. (Armstrong) Farr; came to Winona at age of 12 years; educated in public schools; married in Winona Co., Minn., 1882, to Miss Alice C. Hendee. Began active career in flour mill and worked at the trade of millwright; was city marshal of St. Charles, Minn., for 20 years; deputy sheriff of Winona Co , one year; was elected sheriff Nov. 6, 1906, term extending to Jan., 1909. Repub lican. Member Masonic order, A. O. U. W., Modern Samaritans, Yeomen, Pro tective Legion. Recreation: Music. Ad dress: Winona, Minn. FABROTT, George, hardware; born at Schoharie, N. Y., April 11, 1852; son of William and Maria (Beck) Parrott; educated in public schools of New York and at Schoharie Academy; married at Owatonna, Minn., Nov. 18, 1882, to Miss Mary Cole. Began active career as clerk in hardware store, Schoharie, 1873, con tinuing until 1880, when he removed to Owatonna; has been engaged in retail hardware business in Owatonna since 1882, and is senior member of the firm of Parrott & Smith. Republican. Meth odist. President Owatonna school board. Member I. O. O. F., Knights of Pythias. Club: Commercial. Recreation: Outing vacations. Address: Owatonna, Minn. PARSONS, Frederick W., secretary The Marshall-Wells Hardware Co.; born at Buffalo, N. Y., 1S62; educated in high school, Buffalo; engaged in grain busi ness previous to coming to Duluth, 1886; entered service of the Marshall- Wells Hardware Co., 1889, and has been sec retary and credit man of the company since 1890. Unmarried. Clubs: Kitchi Gammi, Commercial, Northland Country. Office: Dake Av., S. Residence: 118 E. 2nd St., Duluth. PARTRIDGE, George Henry, whole sale dry goods; born at Medford, Minn., Aug. 21, 1856; son of George H. and Mary E. (Francis) Partridge; educated in public schools of Steele Co., Minn.; State Normal School, Winona; Univer sity of Minnesota, class of 1879. En tered employ of wholesale dry goods firm of Wyman & Mullen, 1879; admitted as partner and became secretary of in corporated company, Wyman, Partridge & Co., 3 890, which position he now holds; also director National Bank of Com merce. Democrat. Married at Minne apolis, June 24, 1882, to Miss Adelaide Wyman. Clubs: Minneapolis, Commer cial. Office: 1st Av., N., and 4th St. Residence: 1 Groveland Terrace, Minne apolis. PARTRIDGE, Harry Frederick, whole sale lumber; born at Phelps, N. Y., March il, 1875; educated in public schools in Phelps, and at Viewland Acad emy, Peekskill, N. Y. Came to Minne sota, upon leaving school, and entered lumber business in Minneapolis, 1892; has been secretary and treasurer T. M. Partridge Lumber Co., since its estab lishment in 1901, the company being in corporated under the laws of Minnesota and dealing in white pine, hemlock, fir, red cedar shingles, posts and poles; also vice president Partridge, Dyer Lumber Co. Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner. Office: Lumber Exchange Bldg. Resi dence: 3120 3rd Av., S., Minneapolis. PATRICK, Fred Albert, president F. A. Patrick & Co., wholesale dry goods; born at Marengo, 111., Nov. 8, 1857; son of Richard Montgomery and Emma (Page) Patrick; graduated Ann Arbor (Mich.) High School, 1876; was a stu dent of literary course University of Michigan. Began active career as junior member of firm of H. E. and F. A. Fat- rick, dry _goods, Marengo, 111., 1880-86; firm name, F. A. Patrick & Co., 1886-91; removed to Duluth and was treasurer and manager Stone-Ordean Co., whole sale grocers, 1891-96; treasurer and man ager Stone-Ordean-Wells Co., wholesale grocers, 1896-1901; president Patrick & Granger Co., wholesale dry goods, 1900- 1901; president F. A. Patrick & Co., successor to Patrick & Granger Co., since July 1, 1901, now one of the largest wholesale dry goods houses in the Northwest. President Blake & Waite Co.; director Great Northern Power Co., Duluth Terminal Ry. Co. President Du- THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS 395 luth Civic Federation; member Duluth Charter Commission; president Minne sota Wholesale Grocers' Association, 1900-01; ex-director Sagar Drug Co. Mayor Marengo, 111., supervisor McHen- ry Co., 111., 1882-83; ex-director Elgin Board of Trade and ex-president Mc- Henry Co. Butter Co. Mason; member B. P. O. E. Married. Clubs: Kitchi Gammi, Commercial (first president, 1,000 members), Northern Country, Du luth Boat, Duluth Yacht. Office: 5th Av., W., Cor. Commerce. Residence: 23rd Av., E. and Superior St., Duluth. PATRICK, John M., insurance; born at Jackson, Mich., Sept. 15, 1S74; son of Robert W. and Sarah (Mann) Patrick; came to Minnesota, 1879, and was edu cated in public schools of St. Paul. Began active career as employe land de partment Great Northern Ry., June, 1890; became connected with auditing department Chicago Great Western Ry., Nov., 1892; entered service of passen ger department Northern Pacific Ry., Feb., 1S93; became cashier, F. P. Collier, publisher, Feb., 1894; was made super intendent motive power Wisconsin Cen tral Ry., Dec, 1894; in charge of loco motive department, same road, Sept. 21, 1S95; assistant district agent accident department Aetna Life Ins. Co., May 8, 3 902; state agent General Accident As surance Corporation of Perth, Scotland, since Dec 1, 1903. Congregationalist. Member Modern Samaritans, Royal League. Married at St. Paul, Dec. 28, 3 897, Miss Flossie F. Farrier. Office: 602 Guaranty Doan Bldg. Residence: 124 Arthur Av., S. E., Minneapolis. FATTEE, William Sullivan, educator; born at Jackson, Me., Sept. 19, 1846; son of Daniel and Mary Ann (Bixby) Pat- tee; prepared for college at Kent's Hill, Me.; entered Bowdoin College, 1867, graduating, 1871 (degree of A.M., Bow doin College, 1874, LL.D., Iowa College, 1894); studied law while teaching school after graduation; located in Minnesota and was admitted to bar June 28, 1878, at Faribault. Republican. Member Min nesota Legislature, 1884-85; elected dean of the College of Law, University of Minnesota, 1888, and still dean and teacher of equity. Author: Illustrative Cases in Contracts; Illustrative Cases in Equity; Illustrative Cases in Personal ity; Illustrative Cases in Reality; Ele ments of Contracts; Elements of Equity. Delegate to the Universal Congress of Lawyers and Jurists, St. Louis,' 1904. Member Alpha Delta Phi. Married at Plymouth, Me., Nov. 30, 1871, to Miss Julia E. Tuttle. Office: University of Minnesota. Residence: 1319 5th St., S. E., Minneapolis. PATTEBSON, Charles, business man ager; born at Decorah, Iowa, Sept. 13, 1873; son of George W. and Marian A. (Burdick) Patterson; educated in De corah common schools to 1884; removed to Waterloo, Iowa, and attended public school until 1888; married at Cleve land, O., April 16, 1902, to Grace V. Shaffer. Worked in Waterloo, at odd jobs around foundry, 1888; office boy First National Bank, 1889, and later same year with Smith Lichty & Hillman Co , for whom was assistant bookkeeper, 1890-91, and traveling salesman, 1892- 93; was traveling salesman for John Dwight & Co., New York, 1893-94; book keeper and later manager White Sewing Machine Co., at Chicago, 1894-97; mana ger Modan Manufacturing Co., Cleve land, O., 189S-99; sales manager Cleve land Vapor Light Co., Cleveland, 1899- 1901; manager contracts for same com pany at St. Paul, 1901-04; since Nov., 1904, president Patterson Street Light ing Co. Member B. P. O. E. Office: N. Y. Life Bldg. Residence: 650 Sum mit Av., St Paul. PATTEBSON, Elmer Cook, lawyer, lecturer; born in McKean Co., Pa., July 26, 1858; son of Francis M. and Armenia (Cook) Patterson; educated in public schools, Clear Lake, la.; Lenox College, Hopkinton, la., graduating, degree of B.A., 1882; principal schools. In school work for 8 years; became proprietor and editor Pierre Daily Capital, 1889; clerk circuit court Hughes Co., 1890; ad mitted to practice of law, Dec, 1892; sold newspapers in 1893 and has prac ticed law ever since — two years at Hu ron, S. D., three years at Redwood Falls, and since that time at Marshall. County attorney Lyon Co., Minn., 1901-03; judge of probate, 1903-07. Republican. Pres byterian. Member American Bar Asso ciation. Member Masonic order (includ ing Chapter), O. E. S.; Degree of Honor. Married at Huron, S. D., March, 1887, to Miss Grace E. Dickinson. Public lec turer and political speaker. Address: Marshall, Minn. PATTEBSON, Eugene Lester, vice president and manager Patterson Dand Co.; born at Deerfield, O., Oct. 13, 1870; son of Lester and Melissa A. (Kibler) Patterson; graduated from The Shattuck School, 1890, and from Minnesota State University, degree of B.S., 1893; mar ried at Odell, 111., June 15, 1898, to Eliz abeth McWilliams. Director and treas urer of L. Patterson Mercantile Co. (wholesale), Mankato, Minn., since 1895; afterwards engaged in other enterprises, with which he is still connected; most active in Patterson Land Co. of St. Paul, which owns a large tract of land in N. Dakota, and is vice president and manager of that company. Also presi dent of the First National Bank of Le Sueur Center, Minn.; treasurer Bismarck Grocery Co. (wholesale), Bismarck, N. Dak. Presbyterian. Clubs: Minnesota, Town and Country. Recreations: Auto mobiling and outdoor sports. Office: Room F, Endicott Bldg. Residence: Dale and Grand Avs., St. Paul. PATTEBSON, Hugh Archibald, secre tary L. Patterson Mercantile Co.; born at Deerfield, O., Nov. 2, 1868; son of Lester and Melissa (Kibler) Patterson; educated at Mankato State Normal and the Shattuck schools; married at Bos- 396 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS ton, Mass., Jan. 15, 1896, to Miss May Usher Griffin. Began in mercantile busi ness, 1892; secretary L. Patterson Mer cantile Co.; president Mankato Citizens' Telephone Co. President Minnesota Wholesale Grocers' Association. Ad dress: Mankato, Minn. PATTEBSON, Bobert H., wholesale dealer and manufacturer; born at Athens, O., May 10, 1846; son of John and Octavia (Farlin) Patterson; edu cated in public schools of Athens, O., and at Ohio University, Athens. Began active career in boot and shoe business, at Chillicothe, O., 1870; engaged in sale of hats and caps at Chillicothe, 1879-84; came to Minneapolis and started firm of Patterson and Dickinson, hats, gloves and furs, 1884, the firm becoming Pat terson & Stevenson, 1890; is president and treasurer of Patterson & Stevenson Co? since time of its incorporation, 1900. Republican. Presbyterian. Clubs: Com mercial, Dafayette. Office: 416-420 1st Av., N. Residence: 2109 Blaisdell Av., Minneapolis. PATTEBSON, Ruben R., bank cashier; born in New York City, March 1, 1860; educated in public schools of Elmore, O. Came to Minnesota, 1887; has been director and cashier First National Bank, Henning, since March 12, 1901; member of firm of Henning Roller Mills, since 1902. Address: Henning, Minn. PATTISON, Martin, mining; born in Niagara Co., Ont, Can., Jan. 17, 1841; son of Simeon and Emma R. Pattison; educated in public schools of Canada and Michigan; married at Marquette, Mich., 1879, to Miss Grace E. Frink. Began active career when a boy, in the lumber business in Saginaw district, Mich., continuing 20 years; sold out and began exploring in Vermillion Range, Minn., 1882; located the Pioneer and Chandler mines in 18S3, and has continued in the mining business ever since. Senior member Martin Pattison & Co., established, 1903, owners and op erators of iron and copper mines; di rector and stockholder in Shattuck, Ari zona, copper mine; president of the Denn, Arizona, copper mine. Republican; member Michigan Legislature, 1871-72; sheriff Douglas Co., Wis., 1884-85; may or City of Superior three terms, 1890, 1S91 and 1896. Christian Scientist. Ma son (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner. Member I. O O. F. (captain on staff of General of the Army, Odd Fellows), B. P. O. E. Clubs: Commercial, Kitchi Gammi. Recreations: Fishing and hunting. Office: First National Bank Bldg., Duluth. Residence: Superior, Wis. PATTON, Walter J., live stock com mission; born at Lockport, N. Y., Nov. 21, 1856; son of John and Cornelia (Van Buskirk) Patton; educated in public schools; married, 1890, to Miss Ida Nut- bahm. Began active career in live stock business in Chicago, 111., at 17 years of age; came to S. St. Paul, 1890; purchased hogs and cattle for; the O'Leary Packing Co. for Ave years, and is now indentified with Charles L. Plass & Co. Residence: 339 E. Winifred St., St. Paul. PAUL, Aniasa Copp, lawyer; born at Wakefield, N. H., Sept. 12, 1857; son of Hiram and Mary Porter (Copp) Paul; educated at Dartmouth College, National University Law School, Washington, D. C, graduating, 1880, and Columbian University (post-graduate course, 1882) ; married at Carlisle, Pa., May 11, 1881, to Miss Ella M. Williams. After leaving Dartmouth College was teacher in Franklin (public) School, Washington, D. C, from Feb., 1877, to Jan., 1881, when appointed assistant examiner U. S. patent office. Admitted to the bar, 18S0, and came to Minneapolis, 1884; member of the firm of Paul & Paul; has made a specialty of the law of patents and trade marks and is author of a work on trade marks, issued, 1903. Club: Commercial (president for two years). Recreations: Automobiling, hunting, fishing and gardening. Office: Security Bank Blgd. Residence: 504 Ridgewood Av., Minneapolis. FAULLE, Leonard, manufacturer of store fixtures; born at Buffalo, N. Y., April 23, 1855; son of Joseph and Rosa (Bauer) Paulle; educated in public and parochial schools of Buffalo, N. Y. Learned trade of manufacturer of store fixtures at Buffalo; came to Minneapolis, 1872, and began in manufacture of show cases and store fixtures, 1875, under title of L. Paulle & Co., the name of the firm remaining unchanged to the present time. Vice president Germania National Bank. Appointed colonel, staff of Gov. John Lind. Republican. Roman Catholic. ) Mason (32°). Married at Minneapolis, Sept. 15, 1905, to Miss Minnie Crozier. Club: Commercial. Recreations: Hunt ing, fishing and outdoor exercises. Office: 1st Av. N, and 2nd St., N. Residence: 2736 1st Av., S., Minneapolis. PAULSON, Clarence Alfred, manu facturer; born at Mayville, N. D., May 2, 1880; son of Hon. E. M. and Christine (Hanson) Paulson; educated at St. John's Military Academy, Delafield, Wis., 1895-96; Minneapolis Academy, 1896-98; University of Minnesota, 1898-1903, graduating degree of LL.B., 1903. Un married. Began practice of law at Min neapolis, June, 1901. President Hero Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Winnipeg, Can.; vice president Norcross Manufacturing Co., Minneapolis; secretary and treas urer Twin City Separator Co., Seaside Sash & Door Co., Minneapolis. Repub lican. Episcopalian. Member Phi Kappa Psi and Phi Delta Phi. Clubs: Com mercial, Roosevelt. Recreations: Golf, boating. Office: 2830 Colfax Av., S. Residence: 303 Wash. Av., S. E., Min neapolis. PAULSON, Engebret M., investments; born in Wisconsin, May 15, 1855. Began active career in N. Dakota, 1878, dealing in merchandise, farm machinery and wheat and continued until 1886; engaged in banking 1886-91; manager, Middlesex Banking Co., Dallas, Tex., 1893; has been THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 397 identified with Northwest lands since 1899. President Paulson Investment Co., Snake River Irrigation & Power Co.; vice president Mayville Investment Co.; director Pacific Development Co., San Francisco, Idaho and Montana Ry. Co. Was member Constitutional Convention, N. Dakota; president State Normal School Board, N. D., for three terms and for several terms was mayor of Mayville, N. D. Republican. Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner. Office: Rail way Bldg. Residence: 1014 7th St., S. E., Minneapolis. PAY, B. Prank, manufacturer of brick, cement, lime, etc.; born at Mankato, Minn., Oct. 21, 1865; son of Benjamin D. and Mary A. (Roper) Pay; educated in public schools of Mankato; married at Concord, N. H., 1904 to Miss Josephine Messer. Was clerk in postoffice 2 years; connected with Edmund L. Pope, whole sale machinery, 1% years; has been identified with manufacturing business since 1887 and is junior member of firm of Fowler & Pay, large manufacturers of building material, with branch offices in Minneapolis, Austin, Minnesota Transfer, Minn., and Fort Dodge, Ia. Episcopalian. Member Masonic order, B. P. O. E., I. O. O. F. Club: Com mercial. Address: Mankato, Minn. PAY, William H., manufacturer; born in Blue Earth County, Minn., 1857; son of Benjamin D. and Mary A. (Roper) Pay; educated in public schools of Man kato; married at Juneau, Wis., 1887, to Miss Lela B. Cramer. Was in livery business in Mankato for 20 years; has been engaged in manufacture of candy under title of Pay Candy Co., since 1901. Republican. Episcopalian. Member I. O. O. F., Woodmen, Royal Arcanum. Club: Commercial. Address: Mankato, Minn. PAYNE, William Wallace, astronomer; born in Hillsdale County, Mich., May 19, 1837; son of Jesse D. and Rebecca Ann (Palmer) Payne; educated in Leoni College, Mich., 1855; Hillsdale College, degree of A.B., 1863; Law De partment, University of Michigan, 1864; Daw Department, Chicago University, LL.B., 1865. Married at Stauton, Mich., June 8, 1870, to Josephine Vinecore. Was editor and publisher Minnesota Teacher, Northfield and St. Paul, 1867- 75; publisher Sidereal Messenger (as tronomical), 1882-91; professor astron omy and mathematics Carleton College, since 1871; editor and publisher "Popu lar Astronomy." Member Astronomical and Physical Soicety of America. Con gregationalist. Address: Northfield, Minn. PEABODY, Alexander Marshall, ban ker and broker; born at Brooklny, N. Y., 1856; son of E. W. and Cornelia (Mar shall) Peabody; educated in Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute, 1871-73, and in school in Germany; married at Brook lyn, N. Y., 1882, to Carrie Grahlf. En tered banking house of John J. Cisco & Son, Wall Street, 1873; resigned, 1882, came to St. Paul, and established pres ent business of Peabody & Co. Repub lican. Office: Merchants' National Bank Bldg. Residence: 464 Ashland Av., St. Paul. FEABCE, Herbert, outfitter; born in England, Aug. 9, 1865; son of James and Anna (Rushton) Pearce; began active career in dry goods business; came to America, 1885, and resided at James town, N. D., 1891-96; removed to Minne apolis, 1896, and resumed dry goods business; president and general manager of the Pearce Cloak Co., women's out fitters. Methodist. Member Merchants Retailers' Association. Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner. Offices: 403 Nicol let Av., Minneapolis, and 71 East 7th St., St. Paul. Residence: 1716 Humboldt Av., S., Minneapolis. FEABCE, Hiram MoCullough, rail way official; born at Elkton, Md., Oct. 27, 1857; son of Benjamin C and Ann J. (Reese) Pearce; educated in common schools. Entered railway service as clerk in local freight office of the Phil adelphia, Wilmington & Baltimore Ry., at Wilmington, Del., 1873; removed to St. Paul 1879, and has since that time, been continuously in the service of the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Ry., with exception of 18 months, 1887- 88, when he was secretary St. Paul City Ry. ; was assistant general freight agent and filled position of first assistant gen eral freight agent, 1888-96; has been general freight agent since Oct. 1, 1896. Married at St. Paul, 1884, to Miss M. Adelaide Doble. Clubs: Minnesota, Town and Country, Transportation. Office: Rosabel, N. W. cor. 4th. Residence: 25 S. St. Albans St., St. Paul. FEABCE, John P., dealer in building materials; born in New York City, Aug. 22, 1844; son of William and Mary Pearce; educated in public schools, Mil waukee, Wis.. Racine, Wis., High School and Milwaukee University. Came to St. Paul 1879. Member of the firm of John F. Pearce & Son. Office: 156 E. 3rd St. Residence: 733 Grand Av., St. Paul. PEASE, George, banking; born at Faribault, Minn., May 21, 1863; son of Lauren Sexton and Susan McClure (Gib son) Pease; educated at Faribault public schools and Carleton College; married at Faribault, 1898, to Annie B. Ricker. Began in banking business at Faribault, 1882; cashier and director Citizens National Bank; treasurer and trustee, St. Mary's Hall, Faribault. Republican. Congregationalist. Clubs: Commercial, Minnesota (St. Paul). Address: Fari bault, Minn. PEASE, Giles Bipley, physician; born in Michigan, Oct. 16, 1857; educated at the University of Michigan. Began prac tice of medicine 1885. Located in Red wood Falls, county seat of Redwood County, at the confluence of the Red wood and Minnesota rivers. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associations and Redwood County Medi- 398 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS cal Society. Member Knights of Pythias. Address: Red-wood Falls, Minn. FEAVEY, Lynne, banker; born at Mc Gregor, la., March 23, 1865; son of Louis and Mary Elizabeth (Farrington) Peavey; came to Minnesota, 1874; edu cated in Faribault public schools, 1874- 79; The Shattuck School, 1879-82. Filled position of clerk and bookkeeper in banks, 1883-90; was assistant cashier Citizens National Bank, Faribault, 1890- 1902; vice president and manager Se curity State Bank, Owatonna, 1902-06; has been president Security Bank, Fari bault, since Aug., 1905. Also vice presi dent Security Bank, Ellendale, Minn. Member Masonic order, Knights Temp lar, A. O. U. W. Married at Faribault, 1S90, to Miss Elizabeth Harriet Weld. Club: Commercial. Address: Fari bault, Minn. FECK, Park W., manufacturer; born at Albany, 111,, 1869; son of Edwin and Nellie (Warren) Peck; educated in pub lic schools in Iowa. Became a resident of Minneapolis, 1886; in the service of the Northern Dakota Elevator Co., 1886- 91; connected with the North Star Wool en Mill Co., since June, 1891, and has been secretary and treasurer since 1903. Unmarried. Republican. Office: 228 S. 2nd St. Residence: 2515 Blaisdell Av., Minneapolis. PEEBLES, David Frederick, lawyer; born at Crimson Springs, Va., (now W. Va.), Oct 10, 1862; son of James D. and Mary (Baker) Peebles; educated in pub lic schools and at Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Va., LL.B ; studied law at the university and in the office of Hon. John E. Kenna; admitted to the bar, at Charleston, W. Va., 1887. Came to St. Paul, June, 1887, where he has ever since been actively engaged in practice of his profession. Democrat Recreation: Fishing. Office: Globe Bldg. Residence: Hotel Aberdeen, St. Paul. FEET, William Fellows, Minnesota manager Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York; born at Milwaukee, Wis., April 15, 1864; son of Emerson W. and Emma (Fellows) Peet; graduated from Yale College, 1885. Has been identified with the Minnesota department of the Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York ever since entering business career, Aug., 1885; succeeded his father as manager of the office with headquarters in St. Paul. Married at St. Paul, 1891, to Miss Gertrude Lamborn. Episcopalian. Clubs: Minnesota, Commercial, Town and Country. Office: Manhattan Bldg. Residence: 237 Dayton Av., St. Paul. FEIRSON, Homer Francis, physician; born at High Forest, Minn.. Sept. 11, 1867; son of Frederick M. and Catherine (Keyes) Peirson; educated in schools of Grand Meadow, Minn.; Carleton College (one year) ; University of Minnesota, graduating, degree of B.L., 1891; Rush Medical College, University of Chicago, degree of M.D., 3 895; interne at St. Mary's Hospital, Minneapolis, 1895-96. In practice of medicine at Austin since 1896. President Mower County Medical Society; member Minnesota State Med ical Association. Member I. O. O. F., Knights of Pythias and Psi Lpsilon fraternity. Married at Grand Meadow, Minn., 1898, to Miss Jessie E. Allen. Address: Austin, Minn. PENCE, Harry E., automobiles; born at Springboro, O., Oct. 7, 1867; son of Charles N. and Ruth A. Pence; edu cated in Springboro public schools and at Eastman Business College, Pough keepsie, N. Y. Lived on a farm until 16 years of age; engaged in automo bile business, 1901, and is president and_ treasurer Pence Automobile Co., Oliver Instrument Co.; secretary Min neapolis Realty and Investment Co. Married at Minneapolis, Feb. 9, 1898, to Miss Dorothy Draper. Recreations: Automobiling and boating. Office: 717- 719 Hennepin Av. Residence: 3921 Col fax Av., S., Minneapolis. FENHALL, Fletcher W., physician; born at Brooklin, Ont, Can., July 24, 1S62; son of Richard and Ann (Rundle) Penhall; educated in public and high schools of Port Perry, Ont; graduate Trinity Medical College, Can., and Bellevue Hospital Medical College, New York City. Began practice at Toronto, Can., 1889. Fellow Trinity Medical Col lege; member National Association of Railway Surgeons; Surgeon Minneap olis & St. Douis Ry. Address: Morton, Minn. PENNEY, Bobert L., lawyer; born at Watertown, Conn., Nov. 2 5, 1850; son of William and Julia Maria (Weller) Penney; educated at Knickerbocker Academy, 1866-67; Oneida Conference Seminary, Cazenovia, N. Y., 1870-72; Law School Yale University, degree of LL.B., 1874-76. Began practice, June, 1876; came to Minnesota, 1880; has engaged in civil and criminal practice in the Northwest for many years. Mem ber Minnesota House of Representa tives, from Minneapolis, 1S91-93. Gold Democrat. Member American and Min nesota State Bar associations. Mason. Knight Templar (Darius Comnftandery), Shriner (Zurah Temple, Minneapolis). Member Y. M. C. A. Married at Madi son, Conn., Nov. 24, 1875, to Miss Mary E. Leete. Club: Commercial. Office: Nat Bank of Commerce Bldg. Resi dence: Williston Hotel, Minneapolis. PENNEY, Truman E., insurance; born at Adams, N. Y., Nov. 28, 3 857; son of Simon E. and Clarissa M. (Colman) Penney; educated in public schools ol Newark and Columbus, O., and at Otter- bein University, Westerville, O. Came to Minnesota, 1884, and engaged in business of mortgage loans and real es tate until 1893; since then in the in surance business. In 1898 became mem ber of the firm of Hood & Penney, gen eral agents Ocean Accident and Guar antee Corporation, also Title and Surety Co. Republican. Mason. Married at Springfield, O., 1880. to Kate E. Downs. THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 399 Clubs: Minneapolis, Long Meadow Gun. Recreations: Shooting, boating and fish ing. Office: Phoenix Bldg., Minneapolis. Residence: Orono, Lake Minnetonka, Minn. PENNINGTON, Edmund, railway offi cial; born at La Salle, 111., Sept. 16, 1848. Entered railway service in 1869, as warehouseman, continuing for one year; passed through various grades to assistant superintendent Chicago, Mil waukee & St. Paul Ry. ; was superin tendent Minneapolis & Pacific Road un til June, 1888; superintendent Minne apolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Ry., 1888-98; general superintendent, same road, 1898-99; general manager, 1899- 1905; has been vice president and gen eral manager, same road, since July 31, 1905. Director First National Bank. Club: Minneapolis. Office: 317 2nd Av., S. Residence: 1004 Summit Av., Minne apolis. FEBKINS, Arthur Adelbert, president Perkins-Thomas Printing Co.; born at Bangor, Me., Nov. 24, 1873; son of Ben jamin Franklin and Mary C (Vaillan- court) Perkins; educated in private boarding school at Three Rivers, P. Q., Canada, and afterward in Jesuit Col lege, Montreal, 1890-94; married at St. Paul, Aug. 8, 1905, to Mabel Alice Nor ris, of Corning, Iowa. Learned printing trade in father's office at Minneapolis; father died in 1896, and place was sold. Became editor Dakota County Tribune, 1897; established, 1900, the Perkins- Thomas Printing Co., printers and pub lishers, at St. Paul, of which was sec retary, 1900-04, and since 1904, has been its president. Also president of the Transportation Publicity Co., and editor of the St. Paul Pythian. Member B. P. O. E., Knights of Pythias, Odd Fellows, Mystic Circle, Eagles and United Com mercial Travelers. Club: Commercial. Recreation: Hunting. Office: 49 East 4th St. Residence: 556 Selby Av., St. Paul. FEBKINS, John Waldo, lawyer; born at Nettle Creek, Grundy Co., 111., Aug. 27, 1850; son of Joseph and Roxanna Perkins; came to Minnesota in boyhood and was educated in common schools of Wright Co., graduating from University of Minnesota, degree of B.A., 1877. Be gan practice of law. 1881; director and attorney of The Monthly Installment Loan Co., organized Jan. 1, 1890. Has given special attention to the subject of chattel loans, for the purpose of amelio rating the condition of those who are forced by their necessities to ask for and to borrow small sums on house hold goods and other personal property. Tariff reform Republican. Congrega tionalist Member Alpha Nu Chi Psi fraternity. Married at Minneapolis, July S, 1903, to Mrs. Mary L. Morris. Recreations: Hunting and fishing. Office: Guaranty Loan Bldg. Residence: 1322 5th St., S. E., Minneapolis. FEBKINS, Karl Woodward, North western representative Otis Elevator Company; born at Springfield, Mass., Nov. 2, 1876; son of Albert Perkins; educated at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston (course in mechan ical engineering). Entered service of the Otis Elevator Co., upon leaving school, 1898, continuing in New York and St. Louis; came to Minneapolis, in 1901, as Northwestern representative of the company, the largest builders of passenger and freight elevators in the world. Republican. Married at Minne apolis, 1902, to Miss Rachel Woodward. Club: Commercial. Office: Security Bank Bldg., Minneapolis. Residence: Lake Minnetonka, Minn. FEBKINS, Norman, superintendent U. S. railway mail service; born in Ulster County, New York, Jan. 10, 1839; son of Nathan S. and Nancy (Gillette) Per kins; educated in common schools and seminary, N. Y. ; married at Bruyns- wick, N. Y., 1869, to Miss Helen L. Bar low. Served in Civil War as member of 56th Regt, N. Y. Vol. Inf., 1861-65, advancing from private to captain; came to Minnesota, 1866; entered rail way mail service in 1871 and since April, 1889, has been superintendent of the service with headquarters in St. Paul. Republican. Member Masonic order, Loyal Legion, G. A. R. Club: Commer cial. Recreation: Fishing. Office: Fed eral Bldg., St. Paul. Residence: Hous ton, Minn. FEBKINS, William L., Jr., wholesale liquor merchant; born at San Francisco, Calif., May 29, 1868; son of William L and Sarah R. Perkins; educated in pub lic schools of St. Paul, Shattuck School, Faribault, Minn., and Griswold College, Davenport, Iowa, until 1887; married at SC Paul, 1893, to Leocadia Ryan. On leaving school entered the house of W. L. Perkins & Co., wholesale liquor deal ers, St. Paul (established 1859); kept the books, 1887-89, represented the house on the road, 1889-95; since 1895, vice president and general manager of W. L. Perkins & Co., Incorporated. Republican. Mason, Knight Templar; member B. P. O. E. Club: CommerciaL Office: 307 to 311 Robert St. Residence: 857 Lin coln Av., St. Paul. PEBLEY, George E., lawyer; born, Lempster, N. H, Aug. 19, 1853; son ol Asbury F. and Sarah J. (Dodge) Perley; educated at Kimball Union Academy, Meriden, N. H., 1873; Dartmouth Col lege, degree of A.B., 1878. Was ad mitted to New Hampshire bar, 1883; practiced law in Boston, Mass., 1883; has been engaged in practice in Min nesota since 1884. President Red River Valley Investment Co. Member Minne sota Legislature, 1903-07; member City Council, Moorhead, 4 years. Republican. Congregationalist. Member Royal Ar canum, Modern Brotherhood of America. Married at Windsor, Vt, May 9, 1884, to Miss M. Etta Jones. Club: Commer cial. Recreation: Music. Address: Moor head, Minn. 400 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS PEBBIN, James W., wholesale produce and provisions; born in Grant Co., Wis., April 3, 1862; son of John and Cather ine (Cooper) Perrin; educated in public schools of Grant Co. Began active ca reer in general store in Wisconsin; re moved to S. Dakota and engaged in mer cantile and hotel business, and later, was in livery business at Superior, Wis.; came to Minneapolis, 1S92, and resumed the livery business, in which he contin ued for two years; was superintendent street lighting department of the Min neapolis Gas Light Co., for 8 years; has been in wholesale produce and provision business under his own name since 1901. Democrat. Member Minneapolis Produce Exchange. Member B. P. O. E., I. O. O. F., Royal Arcanum. Married in S. Da kota, 1886, to Miss Bertha Belding. Rec reations: All outdoor athletic sports. Office: 29 Central Market. Residence: 2500 Garfield Av., Minneapolis. PEBBY, Arthur Willis, fire insur ance; born at Reedsburg, Wis., Feb. 1, 1854; son of Oliver H. and Mary J. (McCloud) Perry; educated in public schools of Reedsburg. Has been identi fied with fire insurance business since April 1, 1872; secretary St. Paul Fire & Marine Insurance Co., since 1894. Member Masonic order. Married at Reedsburg, Wis. , Oct., 1875, to Miss Mary E. Gale. Clubs: Commercial, Min nesota. Office: 3rd and Jackson Sts. Residence: 574 Marshall Av., St. Paul. PEBSON, Edward S., bank cashier; born at Zumbrota, Minn., March 7, 1872; son of George and Mary A. (Byles) Per son; educated in public schools of Zum brota. Began active career in employ of Bank of- Zumbrota, Oct. 6, 1890, con tinuing until March, 1894; became book keeper First State Bank of Zumbrota, Nov. 10, 1894, and assistant cashier, Jan. 15, 1895; has been director and cashier since March 15, 1901. Also president Goodhue County Agricultural Society; director, secretary and treasurer Zum brota Electric Dight Co.; director and treasurer Zumbrota Board of Education. Enlisted in Co. D, 3rd Inf., M. N. G., Nov. 9, 1887; captain, Dec. 28, 1892; major 3rd Inf., Dec. 18, 1897, which po sition he still holds; was major 14th Minn. Vol. Inf., Spanish-American War, April 26, 1898, to Nov. 18, 1898. Royal Arch Mason. Recreations: Horseback riding, raising poultry and gardening. Address: Zumbrota, Minn. FETSCH, Charles H., president Har rington Construction Co.; born at Do- gansport, Ind., June 18, 1856; son of Phillip and Juliana Petsch; educated in private schools and business col lege; married at Chicago, 111., April 14, 1880, to Miss Minnie Douise Glassbrook. Came to St. Paul, 1871, and has been closely identified with building opera tions and improvements looking toward the permanent welfare of the city; has erected over 20 houses in different parts of the city and a number of store build ings and business blocks. Was for two years a member of the city council in the latter part of the 80's and was for three terms a member of the park board, acting as its president; member of the workhouse board and one of the directors of that institution for 12 years. Dargely responsible for the erec tion of the Jackson Street Bridge to Oakland Cemetery; one of the origina tors of the plan of Central Park; made the improvements of Merriam Hill and planned the lookout steps north of the Capitol. Founder, director and president of the Harrington Construction Co. For over 20 years was connected with the operation of railways in different departments, such as train dispatchei and filling important positions in traf fic department, etc. Democrat (ad mirer of President Roosevelt). Resi dence: 41 Sherburne Av., St. Paul. FETEBSEN, John Bichard, physi cian; born at Minneapolis, Minn., Nov. 1. 1872; son of Peter J. and Everine (Boe) Petersen; educated at Luther Col lege, degree of B.A., 1894, and Medical Department, University of Minnesota, degree of M.D., 1897; unmarried. In practice of medicine at Renville, Minn., 1897-1901; was at Madison, Minn., as member of the firm of Giere, Thrane & Petersen, 1901-02; has been located in Willmar, Minn., since 1902. Member Kandiyohi County and Crow River Val ley Medical societies, and Minnesota State and American Medical associa tions. Member Sons of Norway. Ad dress : Willmar, Minn. FETEBSEN, Nicholas, carbonated beverages; born in Germany, Jan. 26, 1851; son of William and Catherine Petersen; educated in Germany; mar ried at Chicago, 111., 1874, to Miss Maria Bode. Came to America, 1867; lived in Chicago, and at Lincoln, la., for 12 years; has been in Mankato since 1879 and in the bottling business since 1886; head of the Mankato Bottling Works. Director Citizens' Telephone Co., and Mankato Malting Co. Ex-mayor of Mankato; alderman 8 years. Democrat. Dutheran. Member B. P. O. E. Club: Commercial. Address: Mankato, Minn. FETEBSON, Adolph, carpets and rugs; born in Sweden, Oct. 6, 1851; son of P. E. Peterson; educated in public schools of Sweden and in college of Orebro, Sweden, for 5 years. Came to America, Sept. 14, 1869, and entered carpet business same year; advanced through various positions until 1880, when he founded wholesale carpet and rug trade upon original lines (cutting and making to order), in Philadelphia, Pa.; started same branch of business in the Twin Cities, 1890; traveled exten sively building up trade during 18 years. Treasurer and manager Peter son Carpet Co., Minneapolis, incorpora ted, 1903, and Peterson Carpet Co., Phil adelphia, incorporated 1901, wholesale carpetings and rugs. ,Has been granted 12 patents on inventions on carpet ex hibitors and manufacturing devices. In THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS 401 national politics independent; in local politics Prohibitionist or Republican. Founder International Order Templars of Temperance, 1883 (now 60,000 mem bers). Married at Brooklyn, N. Y., Sept. 26, 1875, Miss E. Cecilia Carlson. Club: Odin. Recreation: Books. Of fice: 312-314 1st Av., N., Minneapolis, and 1919 Market St., Philadelphia. Res idence: 1209 Yale PL, Minneapolis. PETERSON, Anton, county auditor; born at St. Paul, Minn., Aug. 22, 1875; reared on a farm and attended rural public school, 1882-94. Was engaged in farming until elected county auditor of Kanabec Co., in 1904, a position he now holds. Was clerk school district for 6 years, justice of the peace two terms, township assessor, 1900 and 1902. Re publican. Member of Mora Lodge No. 249, I. O. O. F. Married at Mora, Nov. 3, 1905, Inga Hanson. Address: Mora, Minn. PETERSON, Carl Frederick Ernest, advertising specialist; born at Red Wing, Minn., March 11, 1873; son of Nels P. and Anna (Johnson) Peterson; graduate Minneapolis High School, 1890, and Law Department, University of Minnesota, 1893 (post graduate, course, 1904.) Practiced law six years; was assistant city comptroller of Minne apolis for 5 years, resigning in 1903 to take up advertising as manager in the Northwest for the Whitehead and Hoag Company of Newark, N. J. Elected member Board of Park Commissioners, 1906. Married at Minneapolis, 1899, to Emily Graham. Republican. Member Masonic orders, Shrine. Clubs: Com mercial, Roosevelt. Office: Security Bank Bldg. Residence: 1527 W. 26th St., Minneapolis. PETEBSON, Charles W., grain; born in Polk Co., Wis., Feb. 6, 1859; son of Jonas and Anna B. (Nelson) Peterson; educated in public schools of Atwater, Minn., and at Archibald College, Min neapolis. Began active career in gen eral merchandise business at Kandiyohi, Minn., and was partner in the firm for one year; engaged in grain elevator business later at Mapes, Ardock and Grand Forks, N. D., locating in Duluth, 1894; manager Amenia & Sharon Land Co., 1894-1902; manager of the Amenia Elevator Co., since 1902; also director Chaffee-Miller Milling Co., Castleton, N. D. Republican. Presbyterian. Member Duluth Board of Trade, I. O. O. F. Mar ried at Atwater, Minn., 1884, to Miss Anna Anderson. Office: Bd. of Trade Bldg. Residence: 406 E. 4th St., Duluth. PETEBSON, Edward, lawyer, State fire marshal; born on farm in Sweden, Nov. 27, 1867; son of Peter and Diza (Peter) Peterson; educated in common schools of Sweden, came to America in 1885, locating at once in St. Paul; at tended the St. Paul College of Daw, graduating, degree of LL.B., 1904. Mar ried at St. Paul, May 27, 1905, to Han nah Jackson, daughter of Rev. Andrew Jackson, D.D. Appointed State fire marshal, July 1, 1905. Democrat. Clubs: Norden and East Side Commer cial. Recreation: Diterature: Office: State Capitol. Residence: 895 Ark- wright St., St. Paul. PETERSON, Prank H., merchant; born, Marine City, Minn., Feb. 5, 1857; son of Christian H. and Christine (An derson) Peterson; educated in public schools in Marine and Minneapolis. Be gan active career as clerk with firm ot Wakefield & Plant, carpets, etc., 1872; speht several years in the employ of Folks and Griffith and began business for self, 1882, as Plant & Peterson, the Arm becoming F. H. Peterson & Co., 1887, dealers in home furnishings, in corporated, 1904, of which he is presi dent and treasurer; vice president Bar nard, Cope Manufacturing Co. Presby terian. Office: 73-75 S. 6th St. Resi dence: 423 S. ilth St., Minneapolis. PETERSON, Henry I., newspaper edi tor; born in Goodhue Co., Minn., Feb. 14, 1857; son of Olof and Johanna (Ocker- son) Peterson; common school educa tion; married at Crow River, Minn., June 25, 1881, to Miss Jessie F. Doll. Established the Litchfield Independent May 30, 1876, and has since been its editor and publisher. President Litch field Telephone Exchange Co., Litchfield Creamery, director First National Bank. Address: Litchfield, Minn. PETEBSON, James A., lawyer; born at Alderly, Dodge Co., Wis., Jan. 18, 1859; son of Aslak and Marie Caroline (Ostenson) Peterson; attended district school until 14 years of age, graded school, at Hartford, Wis., Allison's Classical Academy, Oconomowoc, Wis., University of Wisconsin, graduating, de gree of A.B., 1884, Law Department, University of Wisconsin, degree of LL.B., 1887. Began practice of law at Minneapolis, 1887; was first assistant county attorney, Hennepin Co., 1893-97; county attorney Hennepin Co., 1897-98. Member Hennepin County Bar Associa tion. Republican. Ex-member House of Representatives, State of Minn. Epis copalian. Member Masonic order. Mar ried at Perry, Wis., Nov. 19, 1889, -to Miss Marie E. Dahle. Club: Commer cial. Recreations: Hunting, fishing and literature. Office: Security Bank Bldg. Residence: 2727 Chicago Av., Minne apolis. PETEBSON, John G., merchant; born at Center City, Minn., Oct. 21, 1860; son of Daniel and Anna Peterson; graduate commercial course, Cogan's Academy, Grove Dake, Minn., 1882. Dived on farm at Center City and Belgrade, Minn., un til 1881; clerk in general store at Mel rose, 1881; bookkeeper for Johnson Bros., New London, 1882-83; manager D. Peterson & Son since 1901. Repub lican. Dutheran. Unmarried. Address: New London, Minn. PETEBSON, John Henry, proprietor Crookston Bottling Works; born at Buf falo City, Wis., Sept. 13, 1866; son of 402 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS Nicholas and Margaret (Schlossten) ' Peterson; educated in common schools. Came to Minnesota, 1881; worked on farm until 18; was grocery clerk, until 21; engaged in breeding horses, and since May, 1891, has been in bottling business. Also director Merchants' Na tional Bank. German Lutheran. Mem ber U. C. T. Married at Crookston, Sept. 26, 1894, to Miss Ida L. Liebert Address: Crookston, Minn. PETEBSON, Oliver C, miller; born in Norway, June 8, 1847; son of Peter and Christina (Bjornson) Peterson; educated in district school. Came to America, 1860, and has been located at Amboy, Minn., since May, 1895. En tered the milling business in 1895, and is proprietor of the Amboy Roller Mill and grain elevator. President of the German State Bank. Address: Amboy, Minn. PETEBSON, Peter A., postmaster; born in Sweden, Jan. 24, 1855; educated in public schools. Came to the United States, and located in Cannon Falls, Minn., 1869; employed as clerk by Scho- field Brothers, druggists, 1871-80; start ed in drug business, 1880, which is now conducted under the title of Peterson & Williams. Postmaster of Cannon Falls since Oct. 1, 1889. Director Scandina vian Relief Association, Red Wing, Minn. Member Modern Woodmen of America, Samaritans, A. O. U. W. Club: Commercial. Address": Cannon Falls, Minn. PETEBSON, Peter N., manufacturer of monuments; born in Denmark, May 1, 1855; son of N. and Martha Peterson; educated in public schools of Denmark. Came to America, 1872, and learned trade of granite and marble cutter; located at Stillwater, Minn., and began on his own account, 1880; moved to St. Paul, 1890, where he has ever since made his headquarters, continuing branch at Stillwater and establishing a second branch at Duluth, Minn.; fur nished granite for the New First Na tional bank building, St. Paul, and many large public monuments through out the Northwest. Director St. Paul Manufacturers' Association. Republi can. Mason (32°), Shriner; member Knights of Pythias, B. P. O. E. Mar ried at Stillwater, Minn., 1882, to Miss Lena Delwer. Club: Commercial. Of fice: 60-62 E. 5th St. Residence: 144 Minn. St., St. Paul. PETBIE, Daniel, sheriff of Hibbard Co.; born at Parish, Osage Co., N. Y., May 6, 1857; son of Lorin and Angeline (Fritts) Petrie; common school educa tion. Came to Minneosta, 1873; began manufacture of lumber at Nevis, Minn., 1896, continuing until 1900; has oc cupied the office of sheriff of Hubbard Co., since Jan. 1, 1900. Married at Kasson, Dodge Co., Minn., 1880, to Miss Jane Rockwell; at Park Rapids, Hub bard Co., Minn., 1900, to Miss May Beal, and at Park Rapids, 1903, to Miss '-Laura Kouen. Address: Park Rapids, Minn. PETTENGELL, Heman J., president Northwestern Telephone Exchange Co.; born at Brunswick, Me., April 8, 1851; son of Heman and Rebecca (Hamilton; Pettengill; educated in publie schools of Brunswick. Naturally attracted to teleg raphy, he practiced the art while at tending school; began active career as operator with Western Union Telegraph Co.. and in 1882, attained position of su perintendent Postal Telegraph Co., his jurisdiction covering nearly all of New England, continuing until 1899; has been identified with telephone companies af filiated with American Telephone and Telegraph Co., since 1899, and is in touch with over 200,000 subscribers cov ering territory equal to one seventh ol the whole country. President North western Telephone Exchange Co., South western Telegraph & Telephone Co.; vice president Cleveland Telephone Co Republican. Mason (32°), past com mander of Hugh de Payens Command ery, Knights Templar, of Melrose, Mass. Past president Boston Electric Club and of the Old Time Telegraphers' Associa tion. Clubs: Minneapolis, Commercial, Minikahda. Recreations: Golf and bil liards. Office: Cor. 5th St. and 3rd Av., S. Residence: 1908 Kenwood Parkway, Minneapolis. FETTEBSON, Christian P., county auditor; born in Norway, June 13, 1854; son of Fredrik and Anne (Jenswen) Petterson; located in Rock Co., Wis., 1857, and came to Goodhue Co., Minn., 1862; educated in public schools, and at St. Olaf College, Northfield, Minn. Was elected county auditor Clearwater Co., Nov., 1904, and reelected Nov., 1906. Postmaster Rindal, Minn., 8 years. Married at Rindal, Dec. 27, 1886, to Miss Gunhild Wold. Address: Bagley, Minn. " FETTIJOHN, Elias S., deputy State treasurer; born at Huntsville, 111., Feb. 1, 1848; son of Thomas and Charity (Wisbey) Fettijohn; educated in public schools of Nicollet Co., Minn.; St. Peter High School; State Normal School, Mankato, Minn. Taught school in Ni collet Co., 2 years and in St. Peter, 3 years, acting as county superintendent of schools, while at St. Peter; filled position of auditor Nicollet Co., 14 years; was cashier First National Bank, St. Peter, 10% years; has been deputy state treasurer since Jan. 7, 1901. Also secretary and treasurer and director Good Homes Land Co. Republican. Member Masonic order, Knights of Pythias. Married at Nicollet Co., 1873, to Miss Elizabeth S. Hughes. Recrea tion: Literature. Office: State Capi tol. Residence: 2314 Langford Av., St. Paul. PEYTON, Hamilton H., banking; born at Duluth, Minn., June 9, 1876; edu cated in Duluth High School; Phillips Exeter Academy, Exeter, N. H.; Harv ard. University, graduating from the latter, degree of S.B., 1901. Has been THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 403 cashier Missabe Bank, Proctor, Minn., since 1902. Married at Grays Flatt, W. V.. to Miss Olive Sanchlands Dewis. Ad dress: Proctor, Minn. PEYTON, Hamilton Murray, banker; born at Geneva, N. Y., March 17, 1835; son of Rowzee and Eliza (Murray) Pey ton; educated at boarding school, Will- iamstown, Mass.; Geneva College, Geneva, N. Y., 1851-53; Rutgers College New Brunswick, N. J., graduating degree of B.A., spring of 1855. Lived in Chicago, 111., 1855-57, and at Hudson, Wis., 1857- 5S; located in Superior, Wis., 1858, and engaged actively in lumber business, re moving to Duluth, in 1874. Established lumber manufacturing Arm of H. M. Peyton & Co., now Peyton, Kimball & Barber, one of the largest lumber man- facturing companies of the Upper Dake region of which he is president Also president American Exchange Bank. Member Delta Phi fraternity. Married at Mishawaka, Ind., March, 1864, to Martha Newton. Clubs: Kitchi Gammi, Commercial. Recreation: Golf. Office: American Exchange Bk. Residence: 1329 E. Superior St., Duluth. PEYTON, William B., wholesale gro cer; born at Geneva, N. Y., Jan. 17, 1867; son of Hamilton M. and Martha (New ton) Peyton; educated at the Shattuck School, Faribault, Minn.; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, graduating, de gree of M.E., class of 1890. Came to Duluth, 1875; was treasurer of the Will iam Listman Milling Co., Superior, Wis., until 1901; assisted in organizing the Gowan-Peyton-Twohy Co., incorporated, importers and wholesale grocers, or which has been secretary and treasurer since 1901. Independent in politics. Episcopalian. Married at Superior, Wis., 1903, to Miss Jean Rosser. Clubs: Com mercial, Duluth Boat Recreations: Boating, driving and out door exercises generally. Office: Foot of 5th Av., W. Residence: 1122 E. 2nd St,, Duluth. PFAENDER, Albert, lawyer; born at New Ulm, Minn., Sept. 9, 1873; son of Col. William and Catharine (Pfau) Pfaender; educated at New Ulm high school, Mankato Normal School and University of Minnesota; unmarried. Began practice of law at New Ulm, a thriving incorporated city of 6,000 people, May, 1900; now city attorney of New LTlm. Captain Co. A. 2nd Regt. M. N. G. ; secretary Pfaender Realty Co. Member Knights of Pythias, Modern Woodmen of America, Theta Delta Chi fraternity. Address: New Ulm, Minn. FFAENDEB, Fred,, bank cashier; born at Fort Ridgely, Minn., Oct 8, 1863; son of William and Catherine (Pfau) Pfaender; educated in public schools at New Ulm and St. Paul and at High School, St. Paul. In fur store of Charles A. Allrecht, St. Paul, 1878-80; in insurance business with William Pfaender, New Ulm, 1880-93; register of deeds, Brown Co., 1893-99; cashier Brown County Bank, 1899-1901; cashier State Bank of New Ulm since 1901. Treasurer New Ulm Turnverein, and Pfaender Realty Co. Member of City Council of New Ulm, 1905-07. Married at New Ulm, May 22, 1889, to Miss Louise Neumann. Recreations: Hunt ing and fishing. Address: New Ulm, Minn. PPAU, Albert B., lawyer; born in Germany, 1847; came to America with parents, 1849; educated in New York City, read law there and was admitted to the bar in Wisconsin, 1869; married at Mankato, 1871, to Miss Mary C. Brown. Came to Mankato, 1869, and has been engaged in practice of law ever since. County attorney Blue Earth Co., 5 years; city attorney, 2 years; mayor of Mankato, 6 years. Member law firm of Pfau & Pfau since 1896. Member Blue Earth County and Min nesota State Bar associations. Demo crat. Episcopalian. Member I. O. O. F, B. P. O. E. Club. Commercial. Address: Mankato, Minn. FFEFFEB, Frank Clarence, grain dealer; born at B,lue Earth, Minn., Dec. 15, 1875; son of Sebastian and Amelia (I-Iubb) Pfeffer; educated in public schools of Blue Earth and at Mankato (Minn.) Commercial School. Entered grain business, 1900, and is partner in the Pfeffer Elevator Co. Married at Lake City, 1902, to Mary E. Wise. Ad dress: Blue Earth, Minn. PFLAUM, Morris G., cigar manufac turer; born at Chicago, 111., Dec. 11, 1867; son of Gustav Pflaum; came to Minneapolis at 6 years of age and was educated in public schools of that city. Has been connected with cigar manu facturing business from boyhood; secre tary and treasurer G. Pflaum & Sons. Member Knights of Pythias. Married at Detroit, Mich., Oct. 31, 1906, to Miss Laura Rothschild. Office: 415-419 1st Av., N. Residence: 43 Curtis Court, Minneapolis. PHELPS, Edmund Joseph, capitalist; born on a farm near Brecksville, O., Jan. 17, 1845; son of Joseph E. and Ursula (Wright) Phelps; attended for a short time Baldwin University, Berea, O., and Oberlin College, O. Taught in Northwestern Business College, Aurora, 111.; was teacher of penmanship in pub lic schools of Aurora; was clerk for Volintine & Williams, bankers, and for 8 years was senior member of the firm of E. J. Phelps & Co., furniture dealers. Located In Minneapolis, April, 1878, and reentered furniture business as Phelps & Bradstreet; retired from furniture business, 1883, and with E. A. Merrill organized the Minnesota Loan & Trust Co., of which he was secretary and treasurer; was one of the organizers of the Minneapolis Business Union; sug gested the Harvest Festival of 1891, and assisted in securing the National Repub lican Convention, 1892, being elected treasurer of the fund. Is now president of the Moore Carving Machine Co., Belt Line Elevator Co., Minnesota Cuba Co., director National Bank of Commerce. 404 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS Was president Minneapolis Board of Trade, 1884-85. Republican. Married at Aurora, 111., 1874, to Miss Louisa A. Richardson. Clubs: Minneapolis, Com mercial (president, 1899). Office: Cham ber of Commerce Bldg. Residence: 2323 Park Av., Minneapolis. PHELPS, Bobert McEwen, physician; born at Ripon, Wis., March 15, 1858; son of Abel M. and Pamelia C (Brock- way) Phelps; educated in Ripon (Wis.) College and at Rush Medical College, Chicago, 111., graduating, degree of M.D., 3 885. Married at Rochester, 3892, to Sarah V. Lynton (died, 1903). Has been engaged in practice in Rochester since 1885, as assistant Superintendent of State Hospital, with the exception of two and one half years in Arizona. Re publican. Member American and Min nesota State Medical associations, Olm sted County Medical Society. Recrea tion: Amateur photography. Address: Rochester, Minn. PHELPS, Thomas L., county auditor Olmsted Co.; born at Marion, Minn., March 5, 1868; son of Thomas W. and Eliza- J. (Hoover) Phelps; educated in public school of Rochester and at Ham line University; married at Dover, Minn., Sept., 1898, to Miss Nellie Coulson. Taught school for four years in Olm sted Co.; engaged in farming for a number of years; county auditor since Nov., 1904. Republican. Methodist. Member Masonic order, I. O. O. F., Royal Arcanum. Club: Commercial. Address: Rochester, Minn. PHELPS, William Franklin, educator; born at Auburn, N. Y., Feb. 15, 1822; son of Halsey and Ducinda (Hitchcock) Phelps; public school education; taught country schools, 1838-43; graduated Al bany State Normal School, 1846; (de gree of A.M., Union College, 1852). Was supervisor practice Experimental School, Albany; organized State Normal School, Trenton, N. J., 1855, and Farnum Pre paratory School, Beverly, N. J., 1857; principal Minnesota State Normal School. Winona, 1864-76; president Whitewater State Normal School, Wis., 1876-78; superintendent public schools, Winona, Minn., 1878-79 and 1882-83; director State Normal schools, Minn., 1896-1903. Republican. Secretary Board of Trade, Winona, 1881-86; secre tary Chamber of Commerce, St. Paul, 1S86-87; secretary Chamber of Com merce, Duluth, 1887-90. Organizer, temporary chairman and permanent sec retary Canal Improvement Convention, 1887. President National Normal School Association, 1858-63; president National Educational Association, 1876- 76 (now life director) ; president Inter national Conference Centennial Exposi tion, 1876. Member American Geograph ical Society, Phi Beta Kappa (1852), American Whig Society, (1857). Author: Teachers' Handbook, Normal Schools of Europe and America, Editor-in-chief Educational Weekly, 1876-78; editor A Nebulo-Meteoric Hypothesis of Creation, 1904-05. Married at Albany, N. Y., 1852, to Caroline C Livingston. Club: Fre mont and Lincoln (vice president). Ad dress: 599 Summit Av., St. Paul. FHILBBICK, Fremont W., general merchant; born at Fond du Lac, Wis., May 5, 1854; son of Charles G. and Eliza M. (Pinkham) Fhilbrick; removed to Rushford, Minn., 1856, and was edu cated in public schools of Rushford. Began business, career, 1870, as cashier and bookkeeper in general store of Ol son, Smith & Co., Rushford; removed with same firm to La Crosse, Wis., in 1873, and continued as bookkeeper and general office man one year, afterwards as traveling salesman; entered retail business at La Crosse, for self as Put nam & Philbrick, shoes, hats and men's furnishings, 1876, selling out to partner, 1879; located in Redwood Falls, same year and as Philbrick & Francois con ducted general merchandise store, pur chasing partner's interest some two years later and has since continued in the business alone. President Redwood Falls Improvement Co., Redwood Cop per Mining Co. Member and chairman Redwood Co. Board of County Commis sioners four years; alderman city coun cil two terms; chairman building com mittee in supervising building of court house and jail; mayor of Redwood Falls three terms. Republican. Presbyterian. Member I. O. O. F., Knights of Pythias, Modern Woodmen of America. Married at La Crosse, Wis., April 21, 1880, to Miss Ella V. Blair. Club: Commercial. Address: Redwood Falls, Minn. PHILLIPS, Frederick Boyd, lawyer; born at South Sodus, N. Y., Dec. 21, 1876; son of Rev. Robert D. Phillips (now chaplain Minnesota House of Rep resentatives) and Jennie A. (Boyd) Phillips; came to Minnesota, 1891; edu cated in common schools of Tracy, Minn.; Northern Indiana Normal School, Valparaiso, Ind.; graduate Law College, Valparaiso, Ind., and also St. Paul Col lege of Law, 1902, degree of LL.B., from both institutions. Has been engaged in practice of law since 1902. Enlisted as private in 14th Minn. Vol. Inf., 1898, Spanish-American War, promoted to corporal and served 9 months, until regiment was mustered out of service. Republican. Elected as representative 37th district to State Legislature, Nov. 6, 1906. Methodist. Unmarried. Recrea tions: Fishing and boating. Office: N. Y. Life Bldg., St. Paul. Residence' White Bear Lake, Minn. PHILLIPS, George Myron, bank cashier; born at Freedom, O., April, 1845; son of Thomas G. and Delia (Hill) Phillips; educated in public schools of Ohio; unmarried. Was clerk in drug store, 1859-63; 2nd lieut. 128th Regt, Ohio Vol. Inf., Nov., 1863; mustered out of service as 1st 3ieut, July, 1865; en tered bank as clerk, at Ravenna, O., 1866; removed to Faribault Minn., 1868, and continued in same business; has been cashier and director of The First THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 405 National Bank, Northfield, since July 1, 1873. Republican. Congregationalist. Member board of eduoation, 1876-78; mayor of Northfield, 1880-82; member library board and charter commission, since 1900. Member G. A. R., Loyal Legion, Sons of Am. Revolution, Society of Colonial Wars. Mason (32°). Club: Commercial. Address: Northfield, Minn. PHILLIPS, Hermon W., lawyer; born at Clay, la., June 12, 1860; son of Dr. Abel Palmer and Elizabeth (Jones) Phillips; educated in public and high schools of Jamestown, N. Y.; Chamber lain Institute, Randolph, N. Y.; Law De partment State University of Iowa, de gree of LL.B., 1882. Has been actively engaged in practice of law in St. Paul since 1882; connected with the legal department of the city, 1885-1898. Re publican. Member Masonic order, I. O. O. F., Modern Woodmen of America, Maccabees, Modern Harvesters. Mar ried in St. Paul, Sept. 1, 1886, to Miss Arella Erickson Lounsberry. Office: Globe Bldg. Residence: 717 E. Geran ium St., St. Paul. PHILLIPS, William H., physician; born at Providence, R. I., May 5, 1871; son of William H. and Fannie (Lawton) Phillips; educated in public schools of South Bend, Ind.; came to Minnesota, 1889, and was a student in University of Minnesota. Began practice of medicine ¦ at St. Paul, 1895. Address: Jordan, Minn. FHINNEY, Charles H., real estate; born in Wisconsin, March 11, 1854; edu cated in the common schools in Wiscon sin and Minnesota. Has been a farmer and live stock raiser since beginning his active career; was member of the real estate firm of Phinney Brothers and later of the firm of Phinney & Co., now incorporated as the C H. Phinney Land Co., of which he is president; president Goodland Lumber Co.; in sale of gen eral merchandise since 1905 under the title of the Herman Cash Store. Bryan Democrat. Member Masonic order, Knights of Pythias, Modern Woodmen of America. Married to Miss Susie Hodgson. Address: Herman, Minn. PHIPPS, George, druggist; born at Leamington, England, Feb. 26, 1850; son of William and Elisabeth (Tappan) Phipps; educated in public schools; reg istered pharmacist, at Baraboo, Wis.; married at Neenah, Wis., Oct. 14, 1880, to Alma S. Gillingham. Went into a drug store at Manitowoc, Wis., June, 3 865, as an apprentice, and in Nov., 3869, took charge of a drug store for the same firm at De Pere Wis.; later bought the business and since that time has owned several drug stores. Was four years in wholesale drug business at Green Bay, Wis.; sold out in 1890, moved to St. Paul May, 1890, and filled position with Ryan Drug Co., in charge of a department for two years; in 1892 started in the food and remedy business, having originated the Prussian Heave Powder fifteen years earlier; organized and is now at the head of the Prussian Remedy Co., as manager. Republican. Presbyterian. Mason. Club: Commer cial. Recreation: Traveling. Office: 20-24 East Chicago Av. Residence: 1920 Marshall Av., St. Paul. FICKABD, Charles E., district mana ger. Entered commercial agency busi ness at Chicago, 111., fall of 1870, and has since been identified with it; entered service of R. G. Dun & Co., Feb., 1873, at St. Louis, Mo., and was transferred to Chicago as clerk, advanced to posi tion of manager, Keokuk, la., and was later transferred to Toledo, O., in same capacity; has been manager at St. Paul since 1902, with territory extending over Minnesota, N. and part of S. Dakota and Wisconsin. Club: Commer cial. Office: Manhattan Bldg. Resi dence: The Marlborough, St. Paul. PIEBCE, Arthur P., mayor of Red Wing; born at Hudson, N. H., Nov. 10, 1856; son of John Preble and Martha Ellen Pierce; came to Minnesota, 1862; graduate the Shattuck Schqol, Fari bault, Minn., June, 1875; married at Windsor, Vt, Sept. 27 1881 to Miss Jennie C. Cummings. In employ of Bank of Pierce Simmons & Co. for 10 years; has been secretary of the Red Wing Building Association since 1892. Also president Northwestern Telephone Co. Served in M. N. G., 15 years; was lieut. Col. 1st Regt; organized Co. G, 1883. Republican. Mayor of Red Wing 6 years in succession and has again served as mayor since 1902. Episcopal ian. Member B. P. O. E. Club: Com mercial. Recreation: Launching. Ad dress: Red Wing, Minn. FIERCE, Charles H., printer; post master of Northfield. Address: North- field, Minn. PIEBCE, Ernest Boynton, registrar Universitv of Minnesota; born at St. Paul, Minn., Aug. 20, 1879; son of Clar ence De Sackett and Rhoda Mathilda (Morton) Pierce; educated in district school Dakota Co., Minn.; Humboldt School, St. Paul; Mechanic Arts High School, St. Paul, graduating, June 1897; LTniversity of Minnesota graduating?, degree of A.B. June, 1904. Has been registrar of the university since Aug. 1, 3905. Member Royal Arcanum. Mar ried at St. Paul, Oct. 29, 1905, to Miss Ula Jane Armstrong. Recreations: Track athletics, driving, hunting, fish ing. Office: University of Minnesota, S. E. Minneapolis. Residence: 394 Dewey Av., St. Paul. PIEBCE, Joseph Alfred, stock broker; born at Indianapolis, Ind., June 2, 1882; son of Frederick A. and Effie M. (Hart) Pierce; came to Minnesota with parents, 3 885; educated at University of Minne sota. Began in stock brokerage busi ness in Duluth, removing to Minne apolis, 1903; junior member of the firm of Crandall, Pierce & Co., brokers, or ganized spring of 1905. Republican. Member Alpha Delta Phi and Delta Chi fraternities. Unmarried. Club: Roose- 406 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS veit Office: Guaranty Bldg. Resi dence: 1708 James Av., S., Minneapolis. FIERCE, S. F., mining engineer, in ventor; born in Indiana, Nov. 29, 1857; son of Rufus and Mercy Jane (Bur gess) Pierce; educated in public schools; married at Lockport, 111., 1879, to Miss Harriet Zimmerman. Began active career in lumber business and was con nected with the Tarrant & Ducey Lum ber Co., Muskegon, Mich„ until 1881, and the Pack Woods Lumber Co., Au- sable, Mich., until 1890; prospected in Minnesota and Lake Superior mineral regions, 1890-94; has been located in St. Paul since 1S94 as mining engineer and patenting mine, railroad and coal sav ing devices. Member St. Paul Driving Association. Office: Germania Life Bldg. ResidenceT 929 Hague Av., St. Paul. FIERSOL, Justus A., banker; born at Warren, 111., 1857; son of Jacob and Mary (Brown) Piersol; educated in pub lic schools of Gratiot, Wis., and in High School, Marble Rock, Ia. For many years engaged in farming and contracting; president Delhi Bank, since its establishment, 1902. Republi can. Baptist Member Modern Wood men of America. Married at Charles City, 1886, to Miss Lizzie Smith. Rec reations: Fishing and hunting. Ad dress: Delhi, Minn. PIKE, Frederic Augustus, lawyer; born at Oshkosh, Wis., July 16, 1863; son of Charles E. and Mary (Bowles) Pike; graduated from Oshkosh High School, 1880, and from University of Wisconsin, degrees of A.B., 1885, DL.B., 1SS8. Has been engagefl in general practice of law in St. Paul since 1888. Adjutant 2nd Regt, Wis. Nat. Guard, 1886; member of Assembly, Common Council City of St. Paul, 1892; assistant city attorney, 1893-95. Member of Ram sey County Bar Association. Chairman Democratic city and county organizations of St Paul and Ramsey County. 1904- 1906. Member Chi Psi fraternity (presi dent, 1890). Democrat. Married at Owatonna, Minn., Dec. 4, 1895, to Stella N. Sheldon. Office: Globe Bldg. Resi dence: 2312 Alden Av., St. Paul. PILLSBUBY, Charles Stinson, capi talist; born at Mineapolis, Minn., Dec. 6, 1878; son of Charles A. and Mary A. (Stinson) Pillsbury; educated in Min neapolis graded schools, Central High School, graduated, 1896, University of Minnesota, degree of B.S., 1900. Mar ried at Minneapolis, Dec. 7, 1901, to Nellie Pendleton Winston. Began busi ness career, 1900; stockholder Pillsbury Washburn Flour Mills Co.; president Sargant Land Company; vice president Sutton Land Company, Union Elevator Company Twin City Knitting Co.; direc tor Northwestern Knitting Co., Wash burn Co., Gull River Lumber Co , Swedish American National Bank. Operator in lands and lumber. Republi can. Congregationalist. Member of the Chi Psi fraternity. Clubs: Minne apolis, Minikahda, Automobile, Lafay ette, Town and Country, Roosevelt. Of fice: Guaranty Bldg. Residence: 2200 Stevens Av., Minneapolis. PINEO, Willard Byther, oculist and aurist; born at Columbia, Me., April 22, 1858; son of Benjamin Coffin and Cor delia W. (Ramsdell) Pineo; educated at Oak Hill Seminary, Bucksport, Me.; Kent's Hill Seminary, Readfield, Me.; studied medicine with Dr. Charles Milli- ken, Cherryfield, Me.; graduated from Minnesota Hospital College and Medi cal Department Minnesota State Uni versity, 1885. Married at Minneapolis, Minn., Nov. 28, 1884, to Sadie Kendall Cobb. Engaged in the practice of pro fession since 1885. Republican. Con sulting eye and ear surgeon to Asbury and City hospitals. Member Hennepin County Medical Society and Minnesota and American Medical associations. Mason (33°), York Rite. Clubs: Min neapolis; Dafayette (Minnetonka Beach). Office: Pillsbury Bldg. Residence: Holmes Hotel, Minneapolis. PIPES, Charles Blaine, physician; born in Perry Co., Fa., May 31, 1879;. son of Marshall C. and Francis (Grazier) Piper; educated at Dickinson Seminary, Williamsport, Pa., B. S., 1897; College of Medicine, Syracuse University, M.D., 1901. Married at Syracuse, N. Y., Oct. 6, 1903, to Lillian M. Rumrill. Resident physician Newark (N. J.) City Hospi tal, 1901-03; member Home Office Medi cal Staff of the Prudential Insurance Co. of America at Newark, N. J., 1903- 04; medical director of the Minnesota Mutual Life Insurance Co. of St. Paul, since 1904. Assistant surgeon, Battery A, Light Artillery, Nat. Guard of New Jersey, 1904-05. Member Psi Upsilon fraternity. Recreations: Amateur Photography, shooting, angling. Office: Minnesota Mutual Life Bldg. Residence: 422 Summit Av., St. Paul. PIPES, George Frank, grain, lumber and linseed oil; born in Minneapolis, Minn., April 11, 1856; son of Jefferson and Mary Davis (McDuffee) Piper; edu cated in common schools and State Nor mal School of Minnesota, and one year at University of Minnesota. Began business career as manufacturer of lin seed oil, at Mankato, Minn.; located in Minneapolis, 1896, and has become iden tified with many large business enter prises, among which are the following: Member of the firm of Piper, Johnson & Co., and Piper & Co.; director, secre tary and treasurer Midland Dinseed Co.; director Canadian Elevator Co., Winni peg Elevator Co., Texedo Park Co., (Winnipeg), Douglas & Co., (Inc.), Hopkins Dand Co., Empire Elevator Co.; director and treasurer Saskatcha wan Valley Land Co., Saskatchawan Valley and Manitoba Land Co., Se curity Bank of Minnesota, vice presi dent and director Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce; formerly member School Board of Mankato. Republican. Mason. Married at Mankato, Minn., Aug. 20, THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 407 1883, to Miss Grace Brett. Clubs: Minneapolis, Lafayette, Minikahda, Chicago (Chicago). Office: Chamber of Commerce. Residence: 2000 Pleasant Av., Minneapolis. PLATT, Frank B., wholesale hard ware; born in New Haven, Conn., Aug. 14, 1862; son of John and Josephine (Bowman) Piatt; educated in public schools of Rochester, Minn.; married at Stillwater, Minn., June 26, 1893 to Miss Rose Hebensheil. Began business career at Rochester, 1879, with A. O. Ozmun & Co., wholesale hardware, and when the firm was merged with Farwell, Ozmun & Jackson, St. Paul, 1882, continued with it, and later with its successor, Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Co., becoming secretary of the company in 1905. Re publican. Baptist. Member Independent Order of Foresters. Office: Jackson and 2nd Sts. Residence: 945 Lincoln Av. St. Paul. PLONDKE, Frederic J., physician and surgeon; born in Grant Co., Wis., 1869; educated in common schools, Grant Co., until 1887; Fort Dodge Collegiate In stitute, Fort Dodge, la., 1887-89; Metro politan Business College, Sioux City, Ia„ summer, 1889;- Morningside College, Sioux City, la., 1889-94, graduating de gree of B.S., 1894; Sioux City College of Medicine, graduating, M.D., 1893; Un iversity of Pennsylvania, department of medicine, degree of M.D., 1898; post graduate course in medicine and sur gery, Dondon, Berlin and Vienna, 1905. Practiced medicine at Everly, la., 1894- 97; has been located in St. Paul since 1899; professor clinical pathology, Col lege of Physicians and Surgeons, Ham line University; pathologist to City and County Hospital; surgeon to Northern Pacific and Minneapolis & St. Douis railways. Member American Medical Association, Sioux Valley and Ramsey County Medical societies, past master St. Paul Lodge No. 3, A. F. and A. M.; member I. O. O. F., Knights of Pythias, M. W. A. Married at Jackson, Minn., 1896, to Miss Alberta E. McAuly. Clubs: Commercial (St. Paul), Commercial (Dayton's Bluff). Recreations: Hunting, fishing, driving, horse back riding, etc. Office: 800 E. 7th St., Endicott Arcade. Residence: 705 E.- 4th St., St. Paul. PLUMMER, H. S., physician; born at Hamilton, Minn., March 3, 1874; son ol Dr. Albert and Bell (Steer) Plummer; graduated Spring Valley (Minn.) High School; University of Minnesota, 1892- 94; College of Medicine and Surgery, same university, 1894-95; Northwestern Medical School, Chicago, 111., graduat ing, degree of M.D., 1898. In practice at Racine, Minn., since 1898; member of the firm of Drs. Mayo, Graham & Co. Married at Rochester, Minn., Oct. 6, 1904, to Miss Daisy Berkman. Address: Racine, Minn. PLYMAT, Walter A., lawyer; born at Mapleton, Minn., Dec. 25, 1877; son of William N. and Mary E. (Young) Ply- mat; educated in Mankato High School; University of Minnesota, degree of B.S., 1899; Law Department, same university, degree of DL.B.k 1901. Married at Mankato, 1904, to Miss Ida F. Robel. Began practice at Madelia, Minn., 1901; in practice at Mankato since 1902, as member of the firm of Plymat & Ply- mat County attorney Blue Earth Co. Republican. Member I. O. O. F, B. P. O. E, K. P., M. W. A., A. O. U. W., F. O. E. Address: Mankato, Minn. PLYMAT, William N, lawyer; born in Dover, Pa., July 13, 1845; son of Alex ander and Emily Caroline (Bishop) Ply- mat; educated at Fox Lake (Wis.) Acad emy; read law in office of Pfau & Free man; married at Garden City, Minn., 1866 to Mary E. Young. Lived upon a farm in Blue Earth Co., 1863-79; began practice of law at Mapleton, Minn., 1880, later removing to Mankato; member firm of Plymat & Plymat since 1902. President Minnesota Northern Land Co.; director Mankato Citizens Telephone Co. Member Blue Earth County Bar Asso ciation. Served in Co. B, Brackett's Battalion, Civil War, March, 1864, to June, 1866; also served in the North west and on the plains and the Pacific Coast in Indian wars. Ex-member city council Mankato and formerly munici pal judge. Republican. Episcopalian. Clubs: Commercial, Social Science. Address: Mankato, Minn. POCOCK, Alfred A., proprietor Hotel Ryan; born in Berkshire, England, 1847; educated in common schools of England; married at New London, Conn., 1904, to Miss Charlotte E. Huntington. Came to America, 1874; entered hotel business at Boston, 1874, continuing until 1894; in same line of business at Hartford, Conn., 1878-1904; has been a resident of St. Paul since Jan , 1904, and has been proprietor of Hotel Ryan since that time. Member Masonic order, Knights Templar, Shrine; B. P. O. E. Recreations: Hunting, horses and dogs. Office and residence: Hotel Ryan, St. Paul. POEHLER, Alvin Henry, grain mer chant; born at Henderson, Minn., Jan. 15, 1864; son of Henry and Elizabeth (Frankenfield) Poehler; educated at Henderson High School; The Shattuck School, Faribault, Minn., graduating valedictorian, 1883. Began active career in banking and elevator business, Oct., 1883; filled position as teller in Bank of Gaylord, Gaylord, Minn., for 2 years, also in general merchandising with father at Henderson, Minn., and in grain office, Minneapolis; located perma nently at Minneapolis, 1887. Treasurer H. Poehler Co. (wholesale grain and seeds, Minneapolis and Duluth, estab lished. 1855), Exchange Grain Co.; vice president Pacific Elevator Co., German Bank, Eureka, S. D. Capt. Co. B at The Shattuck School (military) ; mem ber Gov. Johnson's staff, title of colonel. Democrat. Episcopalian. Trustee The Shattuck School. Member and director Chamber of Commerce (Minneapolis) 408 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS Board of Trade (Duluth), Chamber of Commerce (Milwaukee). Scottish Rite Mason, Knight Templar. Married at Minneapolis, Feb. 19, 1896, to Miss Eu genia L. Cole. Clubs: Commercial (charter member), Minikahda, Minne apolis Gun, (Linwood and Artichoke). Recreations: Hunting, fishing, golf, curling. Office: Chamber of Commerce. Residence: 252 W. Franklin Av., Min neapolis. POEHLER, Charles Frederick, grain; born at Henderson, Minn., Oct. 10, 1868; son of, Henry and Elizabeth Poehler; educated in Henderson High School and at The Shattuck School, Faribault, Minn., graduating from the latter, June, 18S7. Has been continuously identified with the grain business ever since the beginning of his active career, 1889. Secretary H. Poehler Co.; secretary and manager, The Exchange Grain Co.; treasurer and manager The Pacific Ele vator Co.; director First National Bank, Le Sueur, Minn. Recreations: Hunting and fishing. Clubs: Commercial, Mini kahda. Office: Chamber of Commerce. Residence: Harvard Chambers, Minne apolis. POEHLER, Franklin Theodore, physi cian; born at Henderson, Minn., Jan. 6, 1872; son of Frederick and Pauline W. Commick Poehler; educated in public and high school, Henderson, to 1889; University of Minnesota, graduating, de gree of B. S., 1893; College of Medicine and Surgery, same university, M.D., 1896; New York Post Graduate School, 1900. Began practice of medicine, at Waseca, Minn., 1896; removed to Mor ristown, Minn., 1896 and to Minneapolis, 1900. Professor of diseases of the chest, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Hamline University; secretary and treasurer Hamline University Free Dis pensary. Member Hennepin Coupty Medical Society, Minnesota State Med ical Association. Member Sigma Chi, M. W. A., Mystic Workers. Married at Minneapolis, June, 1905, to Miss H. A. Wildes. Office: Syndicate Arcade. Resi dence: 1508 Hennepin Av., Minneapolis. FOEHLEB, Henry, grain merchant; born in Germany, Aug. 22, 1833; son of Frederick and Wilhelmine Poehler; edu cated in public schools in Germany; came to America, 1848; married at Bridgeton, Pa., Sept. 15, 1861, to Eliza beth Frankenfield. Is one of the pioneers of Minnesota; began business career at Henderson, dealing in general merchan dise, machinery and grain, 1855; organ ized the Pacific Elevator Co., 1881, and entered the grain commission business at Minneapolis, under title of the H. Poeh ler Co., in which he still continues. He is now president of the H. Poehler Co., the Pacific Elevator Co., and director of the ^Exchange Grain Co. Has held a number of important public positions, among which may be named the follow ing: Was postmaster at Henderson, 1855-61; member of the first legislature of Minnesota, 1857-58, also member of the legislature, 1865; State Senator, 3872-73 and 1876-77; representative of the 46th Congress from the 2nd district of Minnesota. Democrat. Member German Reformed Church. Mason. Of fice: Chamber of Commerce, Minne apolis. Residence: 1670 Winfield St., Los Angeles, Calif. FOEHLEB, Walter Charles, grain commission; born at Henderson, Minn., Aug. 4, 1874; son of Henry and Eliza beth (FrankenAeld) Poehler; educated in Henderson High School, graduating, 1890; University of Minnesota, College of Literature, graduating, degree of B.L., 1894. Entered office of H. Poehler Co., grain commission, Minneapolis, as bookkeeper, 1894; removed to Eureka, S. D, and was cashier of the German Bank, 1897-99; returned to Minneapolis, Dec. 1898, as broker with H. Poehler Co.; became member of firm Aug., 1899, and took charge of Duluth office, July, 1902, in which he continues. Member Sigma Chi fraternity. Married at St. Peter, Minn., Aug. 22, 1899, to Miss Isabel H, Davis. Clubs: Commercial, Kitchi Gammi, Northland Country, Du luth Curling. Recreations: Golf, tennis, hunting. Office: Board of Trade Bldg. Residence: 814% E. 1st St., Duluth, Minn. FOEHLEB, William Adam, grain; born at Henderson, Minn., April 8, 1875; son of August F. and Emily C Poehler; graduate University of Minnesota, Col lege of Law, degree of LL.B., 1897. En gaged in practice of law in Minneapolis, 1897-98; is now secretary and manager Pacific Elevator Co. Democrat. Mem ber Chamber of Commerce, Sigma Chi. Unmarried. Club: Commercial. Rec reations: Curling, ice skating and out door diversions. Office: Chamber of Commerce. Residence: Harvard Cham bers, Minneapolis. FOETZ, Joseph A., druggist; born at Shakopee, Minn., Aug. 3, 1868; son of John and Catherine (Degal) Poetz; edu cated in public schools and- at Minne sota Institute of Pharmacy; married at Owatonna, 1902, Isabel Chadwick. Began as clerk in drug store at Shako pee and has been in drug business at St. Peter since 1896. Member State Board of Pharmacy since 1904. Democrat. Catholic. Recreations: Hunting and fishing. Address: St. Peter, Minn. FOIRIER, Octave Alfred, manufac turer; born at Cedars, Canada, F. Q., Aug. 25, 1856; son of Hyacinthe and Eulalie (Leger) Poirier; educated in parochial schools, Cedars, and at night school, Montreal. Came to St. Paul, 1874, and entered employ of Knapp, Stout & Co., Menominie, Wis., as ware house clerk; resigned and took up land in Swift Co., Minn., 1878; entered imple ment business and continued until 1887; on road in employ of Van Brunt & Davis Co., of Harison, Wis., until 1897; in employ of Dowagiac Manufacturing Co., as general agent at Minneapolis, until 1902. Invented shoe pressure for THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS 409 grain drill, incorporated the -Poirier Manufacturing Co., of which he is vice president and secretary, and began man ufacture of drills, 1902; invented steel ball adjustable and dirt proof disk bear ings, etc Republican. Catholic. Mem ber M. W. A., A. O. U. W., K. P., U. C. T., A. F. & A. M. Married at Appleton, Minn., May 28, 1878, to Miss Mary Louise Poirier. Address: Gladstone, Minn. POLK, Asa Davis, lawyer; born in Henry Co., Ind., Dec. 17, 1850; son of James W. and Sarah A. (Davis) Polk; educated in public schools of Iowa; three years at Iowa College, Grinnell; studied law in office of Judge Dyser, Montezuma, la., and began practice at Cherokee, Kas., 1873; removed to Cedar Rapids, la., and practiced as member of firm of Hemenway & Polk, 1876-82. came to Minneapolis, was member of firm of Bogg, Polk & Bishop, 1884-85 was alone in law business until Nov. 1900, , when he located in Brainerd, where he has since remained. Now county attorney of Crow Wing Co. and city attorney Brainerd. Member of firm of Wood & Polk, manufacturers of lath. Republican. Member Masonic order, "B. P. O. E. Married at Lexington, 111., Dec. 21, 1875, to Minnie E. Hayes. Club: CommerciaL Recreation: Fish ing. Address: Brainerd, Minn. POMEROY, Julius Sherman, banking; born at Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct. 3, 1867; son of Julius, R. and Elvenah (Sher man) Pomeroy; educated at Homer Academy, Homer, N. Y. Began active career in employ of Homer National Bank, Homer, N. Y., 1884, continuing until 1887; was with First National Bank, Cortland, N. Y., 1887-92; came to Minnesota and was associated with First National Bank, Winona, 1892-1902; removed to Chicago and was cashier National Bank of North America, 1902- 05; has been cashier Security Bank of Minnesota since 1905. Mason (32°), Knight. Templar, Shriner. Married at Hornellsville, N. Y., 1892, to Miss Bes sie L. Phillips of Minneapolis. Clubs: Minneapolis, Minikahda. Office: Se curity Bank of Minnesota. Residence; 1924 Colfax Av., S. Minneapolis. POND, Charles M., lawyer; born in Walworth Co., Wis., Feb. 28, 1846; son of Amos and Hannah (Duntley) Pond; graduated from Ripon College, Ripon, Wis., degree of B.S., 1873, (degree of M.A., same college, 1904); completed law .course at Columbia Law School, N. Y. City, in 1875. Began practice of law, 1875. Elected to the bench of the dis trict court, 4th judicial district, Minne sota, fall of 1889, and reelected, fall of 1897, serving twelve years on the dis trict bench. Member of Hennepin County and Minnesota State Bar associa- , tions. Has large real estate interest and is owner of large block, 1st Av., S.. between 6th and 7th Sts., built by him. 1905. Democrat. Methodist. Member Knights of Pythias. Married at Winona, Minn., Sept. 15, 1880, to Miss Carrie Adele Drew; children, Flor ence A. and Kathrene D. Club: Com mercial. Recreations: Vacation out ings. Office: New York Life Bldg. Residence: 308 Ridgewood Av., Minne apolis. FOND, Samuel William, secretary Dean & Co.; born at Shakopee, Minn., April 20, 1850; son of Samuel William and Cordelia (Eggleston) Pond; educated in public schools of Shakopee and at the University of Minnesota. Began business career in flouring rnjill at Shakopee and continued for 10 years; came to Minneapolis, 1878, and in 1881 became connected wjth Christian & Dean, established 1878, now Dean & Co., incorporated, 1893, jobbers of all lines of high grade agricultural implements, of which company he is secretary. Re publican. Congregationalist. Member Minnesota Historical Society, Credit Mens' Association of Minneapolis. Mar ried at Minneapolis, 1879, to Miss Fannie Goodrich. Recreation: Books. Office: 404 Washington Av., N. Resi dence: 1527 N. Emerson Av., Minne apolis. POOLEB, Charles A., druggist; born in Rock Co., Wis., Aug. 27, 1848; son of Archibald and Phoebe (Bedford) Pooler; educated in public schools in Iowa. Began active career as clerk in drug store in Howard Co., Iowa, 1861; moved to Cresco, la., 1867, and clerked in drug store of Dr. Clemmer until 1874, when he located in Austin, Minn., buying a half interest in Clemmer's drug busi ness, purchased remaining interest, 18S8. Republican. Congregationalist. Member Masonic order. Married at Cresco, la., 1874, to Miss Bina J. Stock man. Recreations: Farming and travel ing. Address: Austin, Minn. FOBTEB, A., Aour milling; born in Winona, Minn., 1861; son of Lemuel C. and Adele (Horton) Porter; graduated from Winona State Normal School, 1877: married at Winona, 1884, to Miss Florence Keeler. Began business career in 1878, with his father who built and operated the Porter Flour Mills; has been manager of The Porter Milling Co., since 1896. Address: Winona, Minn. FOBTEB, Willard K., merchandise, banking and live stock; born at Le Roy, Minn., May 16, 1857; son of Andrew Jackson and Elizabeth (Whit- comb) Porter; educated in public schools of Le Roy; married at Le Roy, Feb., 1881, to Miss Eulalie Avery. Be gan active career as bank clerk, contin uing for 15 years; now president First State Bank, Le Roy. Member Arm of Porter & Young, dealers in merchandise and live stock. Address: Le Roy, Minn. FOBTEB, William B., secretary and general manager Northwestern- Compo- Board Co.; born at St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 27, 1868. Engaged in general merchan dise business in Arkansas; came to Minnesota, 1900, and since 1904 has 410 THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS been secretary and general manager of the Compo-Board Co., large manu facturers of compo-board and black board. Married at Minneapolis, Minn., 1905, to Miss Hazel Berwick. Office: 44th and Lyndale Avs., N. Residence: 3 633 Clinton Av., Minneapolis. POBTEUS, William Northcourt, phy sician; born in Ontario, Can., June 20, 1857; son of David and Jessie (Bell) P'orteus; educated in common and grammar schools of Ontario; McGill University, Montreal; Medical Depart ment Edinburgh University, Edinburgh, Scotland; London College, London, Eng. Has been engaged in practice at Minneapolis since 1892, making a spe ciality of treatment of the ear, nose and throat. Presbyterian. Married at Minneapolis, 1894, to Miss Alma Norton Johnson. Club: Minneapolis. Ad dress: 2113 3rd Av., S., Minneapolis. POSZ, Henry W., insurance and real estate; born - at New Britain, Conn., Feb. 14, 1853; son of Gabriel and Eliza beth (Heck) Posz; came to Minnesota with his parents April 17, 1858; edu cated in country school at Lewiston, until 1871 and in public schools of Winona, 1871-73; married at Winona, 18.77, to Miss Carrie E. Paris. Began active career as delivery clerk, Winona Post office, continuing, 1872-73; was deputy county auditor, Winona, Co., 1S73-81, and county auditor, 1881-89; has been engaged in insurance and real estate business since 1889; has been city assessor, .1893 to the present time. Senior member insurance and real estate Arm of Posz & Schmidt, estab lished 1865. Democrat. Member Druids, A. O. U. W., I. O. O. F. Recre ations: Hunting, fishing and yachting. Address: Winona, Minn. POTTEB, Edwin Graham, invest ments; born at Adams N. Y., Oct. 26, 1852; son of George Nelson and Mary (Griswold) Potter; educated in public schools. Engaged for ten years -in pro duce and provision business in Chicago, and for 20 years in Minneapolis, in same line; now in land and investment business; president Meadow Land Co., Potter- Wallace Co.; director Monarch Brick Co. and Mound City Brick Co.; president Kansas Lime Co.; treasurer Tan Valley Land Co. Was for four years president Minneapolis City Coun cil, for eight years State senator, four years member of the Republican State Central Committee, and for ten years on court house and city hall committee. Ex-president Produce Exchange. Mason; member B. P. O. E. Club: Com mercial. Office: Andrus Bldg. Resi dence: 1769 Colfax Av., S., Minne apolis. POTTEB, Walter A., manager Minne sota Type Foundry Co.; born at St. Louis, Mo., Feb. 8, 3 858; son of Ezra A. and Mary E. (Luther) Potter (both natives of Rhode Island); attended school near Lawrence, Kan.; served ap prenticeship to printer's trade at Law rence and Topeka, Kan.; married at Topeka, Oct. 2, 3 881, to Annie Bowman. Lived and worked on father's farm near Lawrence, between ages of 9 and IS; worked at printing trade until he was 26 years old, when he entered the Great Western Type Foundry, Kansas City, one of the branches of Barnhart Bros. & Spindler, Chicago, as salesman and general utility man; worked at it six years, then took charge of Omaha branch of same name; remained there until he came to St. Paul, Dec. 26, 1894, to take present position as manager, director, secretary and treasurer of the Minnesota Type Foundry Co., dealers in printers' supplies (also branch of Barnhart Bros. & Spindler); has now been twenty-two years in service of same firm. Bryan Democrat. Recre ations: Golfing, boating, fishing, walk ing. Club: St Paul Commercial. Office: 310-312 Cedar St. Residence: 1867 Car roll Av., St. Paul. POWELL, Charles Bertram, physician ; born at Elgin, Minn., Aug. 22, 1871; son of Charles and Angeline (Ham mons) Powell; educated in country schools, 1876-89; Appleton High School, Appleton, Minn., graduating June 9, 1891; College of Medicine and Surgery, LTniversity of Minnesota, graduating, M.D., June 7, 1894. Born on a farm and remained there until 16; was clerk in store one year and then taught school a year; has been engaged in practice of medicine since 1894. Mem ber Camp Release Medical Society, Minnesota State and American Medical associations. Reform Republican. Mem ber I. O. O. F. Married at Bellingham, May 16, 1895, to Miss Emma Parmenter. Address: Bellingham, Minn. POWEB, Charles M., president St. Paul Foundry Co.; born in Waseca Co, Minn., Nov., 1859; son of James B. and Helen A. (Buckhout) Power; came to St. Paul with parents, 1864; educated in public schools of St. Paul. Began active career in grain commission busi ness; became connected as secretary and treasurer with St. Paul Foundry Co., Jan. 1, 1882; has been president and treasurer of the company since 1895. -Congregationalist. Married at St. Paul, to Miss Flora F. Blodgett. Clubs: CommerciaL Office: Como Av. and McKubbin St. Residence: 751 Goodrich Av., St Paul. POWEB, George C, banker; born at Burlington, la., Jan. 11, 1858; son of James B. and Helen A. (Buckhout) Power; educated in public schools of St. Paul, leaving high school, Sept. 12, 1873, to become messenger in Merch ants' National Bank, St. Paul; suc cessively filled positions in the bank as clerk, assistant cashier, cashier and vice president, resigning, Dec, 1899, to become, national bank examiner for Minnesota and Wisconsin; resigned Jan. 1, 1902, to accept presidency of Second National Bank, St. Paul. Direc tor Northwestern Trust Co. Repub- THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 411 lican. Presbyterian. Married at St. Paul, 1883, to Miss Edna A. Smith. Club: Commercial. Office: Second National Bank. Residence: 541 Sum mit Av., St. Paul. POWER, Walter J., lawyer; born at Copper Harbor, Mich., March 29, 1870; son of John and Elizabeth (Corgon) Power; educated in public schools. Be gan practice of law at Escanaba, Mich., 3892. Vice president and secretary of Cananea-Duluth Copper Co; president Cannon Cons. Copper Co.; president and manager Cons. Lead & Zinc Co. President Merchants and Miners State Bank, Hibbing, for 4 years; mayor of Hibbing 2 terms. Address: Hibbing, Minn. POWERS, Alonzo J., president Powers Mercantile Co.; born in Ohio; resident of Minneapolis since 1902. Address: 5th SL, N. E. cor. 1st Av. S., Minne apolis. POWEBS, Fletcher W., physician; born in Delano, Minn., Sept. 25, 1872; educated in Central High School, St. Paul, and Hamline LTniversity Medical College, graduating, June, 1902. Lived on farm in Wright Co., Minn., until 18 years of age; entered fruit and produce commission business when 20; began study of medicine at 25, graduating from medical college at age of 29; has practiced at Barrett, since June, 1902. Vice president State Bank of Barrett. Member Park Region Medical Associ ation. Member Masonic order, Wood men, Yeomen. Address: Barrett, Minn. FOWEBS, Hubert Durand, hardware merchant; born at Tomah, Wis., Oct. 10, 1864; son of Theodore S. and Emily S. (Bush) Powers; graduate' high school, Tomah, 1882; Sterling Business College, Sterling, 111., 1882^83. Commenced working, in his father's hardware store, Tomah, during vacations, 1877, and continued" until 1887; entered employ of C. F. Kindred, Brainerd, Minn., 1887; started in hardware business for self at Brainerd, 18S9; moved up the river the same year, on a boat ahead of rail road, locating in Grand Rapids under title of W. J. & H. D. Powers, retail dealers in hardware, etc., where he has since continued in the same business. Lieutenant Co. K, 3rd Regt, W. N. G., 1886-87; captain Co. K, 3rd Regt, M. N. G., 1889-91. First treasurer of the village of Grand Rapids, county com missioner, Itasca county, member school board and president village council. Member Masonic order, Knights of Pythias. Married at Grand Rapids, Aug. 12, 1891, Miss Anna B. Siers. Club: CommerciaL Recre ations: Hunting, fishing and out door sports. Address: Grand Rapids, Minn. FOWEBS, William Judson, hardware merchant; born at De Soto, Wis., Aug. 7, 1863; graduated from Tomah, Wis., High School, June, 1882. Came to Minnesota 1902; engaged in the hard ware business since 1902 as member of the firm of W. J. & H. D. Powers, Grand Rapids. Married at Homer, Neb., Aug. 5, 1896, to Miss Orfa I. Wilsey. Ad dress: Grand Rapids, Minn. FOWEBS, Winn, publisher; born in Williams Co., O., April 29, 1861; son of Edwin Powers a leading farmer of Northwestern Ohio; educated in dis trict schools of Ohio, high school, graduating from business department of Wesleyan University, Delaware, O. Has devoted a large part of his life to study of Odd Fellowship, is a mem ber of all branches of the order, Fast Grand Master of the jurisdiction of Minnesota and Grand Representative. Publisher of The Odd Fellow Review, one of the largest and most influential fraternal publications in the country. Elected to the Assembly, 1904, and re elected, 1906, serving as vice president of the Assembly both terms. Married, 1887, to Miss Kate Bates, daughter of Dr. Orson Bates of Ohio. Recreations: Hunting and fishing. Office: Pittshurg Bldg. Residence: 420 Fairview Av., St. Paul. FBATT, Ernest C, express; born at St. Anthony Falls, Minn., Dec, 1861; son of Ezra C. and Mary (Barrows) Pratt; educated in public schools. Has been connected continuously with Pratt's Express Co., founded 1856, and operating between Minneapolis and St. Paul, since entering business career, in 1880; vice president of the company since 1904. Republican. Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner. Married at Minne apolis, 1885, to Miss Edith V. Weeks. Club: East Side Commercial. Recre ation: Boating. Office: 104 N. 3rd St. Residence: 402 S. E. 6th St., Minneapolis. PBATT, Ernest Chesley, sales agent; born, Minneapolis, Minn., June 1, 1869; son of James and Jennie (Atwood) Pratt; educated in public and high schools of Minneapolis but prevented by illness from graduating from Central High School, four months prior to com pleting course. Began active career with Saturday Evening Spectator, Minneapolis; became identified later as reporter with Superior Telegram, Su perior, Wis., Minneapolis Evening Journal and Minneapolis Times; was re porter on staff of Chicago Tribune, associate editor Commercial Bulletin, Minneapolis, editor Black Diamond, Chicago, in all spent 17 years as editor of various publications; Northwest sales manager for the Zeigler Coal Co., of Chicago, since June 1, 1906. Member of the Press Club of Chicago. Married at Dock Haven, Pa., May 27, 1896, to Minnie R. Strong. Recreation: Whist. Office: Security Bank Bldg. Resi dence: Harvard Chambers, Minne apolis. PBATT, George Albert, secretary and treasurer Pratt Express Co.; born at Minneapolis, Nov., 1875; son of Ezra Cary and Mary E. (Barrows) Pratt; 412 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS educated in Minneapolis graded and high schools and University of Minne sota, graduating, degree of M.E., 1898. Began active career as engineer for the Sandia Mining Co., New York City, and went to province of Sandia, Peru, 1898, continuing in employ of the company for three years; engaged in construction of smelter for United States Mining Co. at Salt Lake City, Utah, 1901; returned to Minneapolis and has been secretary and treasurer Pratt's Express Co., since 3 902. Engaged in transfer of freight to and from St. Paul and Minneapolis. Member Theta Delto Chi fraternity. Married at St. Louis, Mo., 1901, to Miss Mary G. O'Donnell. Club: Commercial (St. Anthony). Recreation: Hunting. Office: 104 N. 3rd St. Residence: 200 S. E. 5th St., Minneapolis. PBATT, Willis H., physician; born at Huron, N. Y., July 23, 1834; son of Chester and Priscilla (Brockway) Pratt; educated in public schools of Michigan; State Normal School, Ypsilanti; Medical Department, University of Michigan, graduating, M.D., 1869. Married in Michigan, 1870, to Eliza J. Stephens. Practiced medicine in Michigan, 1869- 71; practiced at Stillwater since 1871. Member State Board of Health since 1897; surgeon State Prison, 12 years; ex-member State Legislature. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associations, Washington County Medi cal Society. Mason. Recreation: Books. Address: Stillwater, Minn. PRENDERGAST, Louis W., lawyer; born at Le Sueur, Minn., May 7, 1870; son of Michael R. and Louisa (Bray) Prendergast; educated in public and high schools, St. Paul, Minn.; University of Minnesota, College of Law, degree of LL.B., 1890; LL.M., same university. Was engaged as bookkeeper Savings Bank of St. Paul, previous to entering college. Has been in active practice of law since June, 1895, first at St. Paul, later at Mankato, and more recently at Le Sueur Center. Married at Man kato, Minn., 1899, to Miss Caroline Pfau, Address: Le Sueur Center, Minn. PRENTISS, Samuel L., banker; born at Montpelier, Vt, Dec. 6, 1862; son of Joseph Addison and Rebecca Dodge (Loomis) Prentiss; came to Minnesota with parents, 1869; educated in public schools of Winona and at University of Michigan; married at Winona, Nov. 8, 1893, to Miss Maude W. Laird. Be gan active career as messenger Second National Bank of Winona, 1882, became cashier, 1897, and has been vice presi dent of the bank since 1899'. Also director Winona Wagon Co., treasurer Winona General Hospital Association. Woodlawn Cemetery Association, Fi delity Building and Loan Association. Member American and Minnesota Bank ers' associations. Republican. Congre gationalist. Mason (32°), Shriner. Clubs: Arlington, Meadow Brook. Recreations: Golf, driving. Address: Winona, Minn. FBESSEY, Edwin Sidney, clergyman; born at Fremont, N. H., Nov. 12, 1856; educated -at Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass.; Williams College, Williamstown, Mass., graduating, degree of B.A., 1885; Union Theological Seminary, New York City, graduating, degree of B.D., 1888; degree of Ph.D., Illinois Wesleyan University, 1904. Married at Haver hill, Mass., Aug. 23, 1S87, to Miss Orrie Belle1 Little. Congregationalist. Entered ministry at Brooklyn, N. Y., 3SS8; served at SpringAeld, Vt., and Elmwood, 111., and has been pastor St. Anthony Park Congregationalist Church, St. Paul, since 1896. Club: Minnesota Congregational. Address: 2261 Gordon Av., St. Paul. PRICE, Albert A., wholesale paper and woodenware; born in Schuyler Co., N. Y„ Oct. 3, 1846; son of H. C and Lucy (Kendall) Price; educated in dis trict schools of Schuyler Co. Enlisted in 161st N. Y. Vol. Inf. at the time of the Civil War and participated in many battles; engaged in farming in Iowa after the close of the war; returned to the East and was in dry goods busi ness at Elmira, N. Y.; came to St. Paul, 1886, and entered paper business alone, later organizing the Arm of A. A. Price & Co., which since 1900 has been Price, Robbins & Newton. Republican. Con gregationalist. Member Knights of Pythias, Acker Post, G. A. R. Married in Wisconsin, June, 1866, to Miss Mary Alden. Recreation: Driving. Office: S. Robert, Cor. Indiana Av. Residence: 504 Stryker Av., St. Paul. PRICE, Milo B., principal Pillsbury Academy; born at Newark, O., Sept. 10, 1867; son of Thomas D. and Sarah J (Jones) Price; educated in country schools; Doane Academy, Granville, O. ; Denison University, Granville; Uni versity of Chicago, 1893; University of Leipsic, Germany, 1893-96, degree of Ph.D., 1896. Married at Granville, O., 1897, to Miss Laura M. Tuttle. Was teacher of modern languages at St Mark's School, Southboro, Mass., 1896- 97; master modern languages, 1897-98, master in history, 1898-1901, Worcester Academy, Mass.; master in history,, William Penn Charter School, Philadel phia, Pa., 1901-04; has been principal Pillsbury Academy since 1904. Republi can. Baptist. Member American Histori cal Association, New England History Teachers' Association, Phi Gamma Delta fraternity. Address: Owatonna, Minn. PRICE, Westcott W., real estate; born in St. Paul, Minn., Sept. 17, 1864; son of David C. and Sarah Stirling (Skillman) Price; graduated from St. Paul High School, 1884; married at Philadelphia, April 27, 1904, to Hilde- garde Risley. Was employed in local banks for three years; then began in printing business, and at end of seven years sold out; went abroad, and in 1894 was appointed American repre sentative to The London and North west American Mortgage Co., Limited, in which position he continues; also THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 413 since 1904, member of firm of Cathcart, Price & Co., real estate. President St. Paul Abstract Co.; secretary Merriam Realty Co., trustee Merriam Estates. Democrat. Episcopalian. Recreations: Golf, tennis, horses. Clubs: Com mercial, Minnesota, Town and Country, German (honprary life member). Office: Germ. Nat. Bank Bldg. Residence: 591 Summit Av., St. Paul. FBIDHAM, Thomas Kill, lawyer; born at West Tilbury, England, January 24, 1871; son of George and Elizabeth Frances (Harvey) Pridham; came to Canada, 1885, and to Minnesota, 1886; educated in Bristol, Eng., St. Charles and Osseo, Minn., and at University of Minnesota; married at St. Paul, Minn., 1900, to Miss Frances M. Cosgrave. Served in the Riel Rebellion, 1885; was stenographer to Gov. Cooper of Colo rado; in U. S. Railway mail service, 1895-3,900, including one year in Alaska- resident of St. Paul, 1893-1900; studied law, was admitted to the bar, 1897, and began practice at Austin, 1900; now serving third term as city attorney of Austin. Republican. Episcopalian. Club: Progressive League. Recrea tions: Hunting and fishing. Address: Austin, Minn. FBINCE, Clarence E., contractor and builder; born at Windsor, Mass., July 21, 1856; son of Alvah C. and Tirzah M. (Bardwell) Prince; educated in pub lic schools of South Adams, Mass. Lo cated in Minneapolis in 1875, and for 12 years was connected with Bardwell, Robinson & Co., sash and door manu facturers; began in contracting and building business with Angus McCloud Co., continuing for 5 years, and for 4 years was in partnership with James Leek, as Leek & Prince; organized the Prince Construction Co., contractors and builders, in 3 904, and is at the head of that company. Republican. Methodist. Member Minneapolis Build ers Exchange. Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner; member of Modern Samaritans. Married at Minneapolis, 1884, to Miss Mary H. Pease. Club: Commercial. Recreations: Outdoor diversions. Office: Northwestern Bldg., Minneapolis. Resi dence: Excelsior, Minn. PBINCE, Frank Moody, banker; born at Amherst, Mass., July 23, 1854; son of George H. and Sarah (Nash) Prince; educated in Amherst High School. Cama to Minnesota, 1874, and has been identi fied closely with the banking business since 1876; general clerk First National Bank, Stillwater, Minn., 1876-78; general clerk 1st National Bank, Minneapolis, 1878-82; was cashier First National Bank, Stillwater, 1882-92; held position of secretary and treasurer Minnesota Loan and Trust Co., 1892-94; vice presi dent First National Bank, Minneapolis, 1894-1903; president First National Bank since 1904. Director First National Bank, Cloquet, Minn.; First National Bank, Carleton; First National Bank, Sleepy Eye; Trustee Hennepin Co. Savings Bank; director Minnesota Loan and Trust Co., Northwest Thresh er Co., and Des Chutes Lumber Co. Clubs: Minneapolis, Commercial, Min ikahda, Lafayette. Office: First National Bank. Residence: 27 Grove- land Terrace, Minneapolis. FBINCE, George Harrison, vice presi dent Merchants' National Bank; born at Amherst, Mass., July 18, 1861; son of George H. and Sarah E. (Nash) Prince; educated in schools of Amherst, Mass.; married at Stillwater, Minn., 1883, to Miss Jessie B. Robertson. Entered First National Bank of Stillwater, Minn., as clerk, May 12, 1879; went to Capital Bank, St. Paul, Jan. 1, 1891, as cashier; to Merchants' National Bank, as cashier, Feb. 1, 1897, and so continued until Jan. 1, 1905, when he was elected to present position as vice president of the bank. Recreations: Golf, horseback riding. Clubs: Minnesota, Town and Country, Commercial (St. Paul); Chi cago Bankers (Chicago, 111.). Office: Merchants' National Bank. Residence: 965 Summit Av., St. Paul. PBINCE, William I., cashier City National Bank, Duluth; born at Cam den, O., Oct. 11, 1867; son of George C. and Lucy A. (Hill) Prince; educated at Oberlin College, Oberlin, O. Began active career as messenger Citizens' National Bank, Oberlin; becamo con nected with First National Bank of Escanaba, Escanaba, Mich.; was ap pointed cashier First National Bank, Bessemer, Mich., and elected president of same, Jan. 1, 1903; has been cashier and director City National Bank, Du luth, since Dec, 1902. Served three terms as mayor of Bessemer; ex-chair man Republican County Committee, Gogebic Co., Mich.; ex-chairman Goge bic District Representative Republican Committee. Republican. Congrega tionalist. Married at Waupaca, Wis., Oct. 7, 1897, to Miss Mary A. Baldwin. Clubs: Kitchi Gammi, Commercial, Duluth Boat, Garfield Republican. Mem ber Duluth Base Ball Association. Recreations: Boating, baseball. Office: 308 W. Superior St. Residence: 2101 E. 1st St., Duluth. PBINDLE, William M., real estate; born at Kalamazoo, Mich., Sept. 23, 1861; son of George and Christine (Turner) Frindle; educated in public schools. Wilmington, 111.; Monee Boys Academy, Monee, 111.; Kalamazoo Col lege, Kalamazoo, Mich.; Wilson School, Wilmington, 111., concluding, 1879. Be gan active career as operator and station agent Chicago & Alton R. R., 1879, continuing until 1881; was travel ing auditor Chicago, Pekin & South western Ry., 1881-83; assistant to local auditor Atlantic and Pacific R. R., at Albuquerque, N. M., 1883-84; assistant to general freight agent Chicago & St. Louis R. R. at Chicago, 1884-86; secre tary to president Chicago, Santa Fe & California R. R.( at Chicago, 1886-87. Came to Duluth, 1887, as a member of 414 THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS the firm of Clague & Prindle, and in 1893 established the firm of W. M. Prindle & Co., real estate, loans and insurance, of which he is the head. Also a member of George G. -Newton Co.; president Duluth Home & Garden Co.; treasurer Plymouth Land Co.; director The Minnesota Loan and Trust Co. Married at Minneapolis, 1887, to Miss Mina N. Merrill. Recreations: Golf, fishing and hunting. Clubs: Kitchi Gammi, Commercial, Northland Country. Office: 302 W. Superior St. Residence: 2211 Greysolon Rd., Du luth. PBINTON, Thomas A., clergyman; born in Co. Cork, Ireland, 1871; son of Robert and Catherine (Bagley) Printon; came to America with his parents, 1877; educated in parochial schools of Cam bridge, Mass.; graduate of St. Thomas Aquinas College, Cambridge, degree of A.B., 1891; completed theological course at St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary (now' St Thomas College), St. Paul, and was ordained to the priesthood by Arch bishop Ireland, May 30, 1897; has been pastor of St. Peter Claver's Church since 1897. Address: 319 Fuller St., St. Paul. FBITCHABD, Donald Bannerman, physician; born in Winnipeg, Can., Feb. 19, 1865; son of Samuel and Johanna (Bannerman) Pritchard; educated at St. John's School and College, Winnipeg, University of Manitoba, Manitoba; Uni versity of Edinburgh, Scotland, degree of M.D., 1886. Married at Rushford, Minn., 1892, to Miss Mary S. Hanson. Began practice at Rushford, Minn., 1887; has been located in Winona since 1889. Vice president and chairman executive committee Winona General Hospital. Member Winona County Medical So ciety, Minnesota State and American Medical associations. Democrat. Epis copalian. President board of education, Winona. Member Masonic order. Club: Arlington. Recreation: Reading. Ad dress: Winona, Minn. FROCTOB, John Samuel, heavy hard ware; born at Fountain Prairie, Wis., Sept.. 30, 1861; son of W. H. and Ange line E. (Lashier) Proctor. Has been engaged in sale of heavy hardware since 1882; vice president Minneapolis Iron Stone Co., manufacturers and dealers in heavy hardware. Office: 204-210 2nd St., N. Residence: 2008 Irving Av., S., Minneapolis. FBUDDEN, George H., manager The Fidelity Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Philadelphia, St. Paul; born in Genesee Co., N. Y., April 9, 1864; attended High School, Albion, N. Y.; graduate Bryant & Stratton's Business College, Buffalo, N. Y., 1884; married at Buffalo, Sept. 12, 1889, to Miss Annie M. Bywater. Began active career with Bank of Buf falo, continuing, 1885-87; was business manager Duluth Evening Herald, 1887- 89; entered insurance and real estate business at Duluth and continued until Sept., 1900, when he was appointed man ager of The Fidelity Mutual Dife In surance Co. of Philadelphia for N. E. Minn., with headquarters in Duluth; has held similar position, same company, for Eastern Minnesota, with general offices at St. Paul, since Jan., 1904. Methodist. Member Knights of Pythias. Club: Commercial'. Recreation: Fish ing. Office: Pioneer Press Bldg. Resi dence: 447 Marshall Av., St. Paul. FRUDEN, Allan Keene, president St. Paul Roofing Cornice and Ornament Co. ; born at Dayton, Ohio, Nov. 13, 1850; son of Sylvester and Mary A. (Kittredge) Pruden; educated in public schools and Antioch College, Ohio; married at St. Paul, Minn., Dec.. 3, 1873, to Miss Emma Hare. Established in business at 20 East 3rd St., St. Paul, in stoves and house-furnishings, 1S74-76; president and treasurer Pruden Stove Co., St. Paul, manufacturers' agents and jobbers, 1881- 1901. In 1894 organized the St. Paul Roofing Cornice and Ornament Co., orig inating rock-faced metal siding and in troducing sheet metal building fronts, metal window frames and sash, metal covered interiors and exteriors, doors, frames and fire-proof and fire-retarding construction; now president and treas urer of the company, manufacturing sheet metal architectural work, steel ceilings, metallic interior finish, fire- proofing, etc. Scottish Rite Mason and Shriner. Club: Commercial (president 1899-1900). Office: S. Wabasha and Wa ter Sts. Residence: 604 Ashland Av., St. Paul. PBYOB, Euman Clinton, newspaper publisher; born at Bay View, Milwau kee County, Wis., January 8, 1864; son of William Robert and Elizabeth Mary (Sharp) Pryor; educated in public schools; married at St. Paul, Minn., Oct. 11, 1888, to Lulu Marion Judd. En tered newspaper publishing business in 1892 and has since been continuously .engaged in that business. President and treasurer Farm Implement Publishing Company, established in 1886; secre tary Minnesota Mutual Fire Insurance Company. Republican. Protestant. Clubs: Minneapolis, Commercial, Minikahda, La fayette, Press. Recreations: Golf and driving. Office: Lumber Exchange. Resi dence: 2128 Fremont Av., Minneapolis. PBYOB, William A., abstracts of title; born in Washington County, Mo., March 26, 1851; son of Samuel W. and Mary J. (Glosup) Pryor; educated in county schools of Iowa and at Simpson Col lege, Indianola, la.; married at Otley, Ta., 1878, to Miss Sarah F. Hammond. Began active career as surveyor in Adair Co., Ia., later entering abstract business in Dallas Co., Ia.; removed to Duluth, 1SS7; has been a resident of Winona since 1900. President and man ager Winona County Abstract Co., estab lished 1901. Was county surveyor Adair Co., Ia„ 1876; member board of educa tion, Duluth, for 3 years (chairman). Democrat. Presbyterian. Club: Social Science (chairman since 1903). Recrea tions: Reading, gardening. Address: Winona, Minn. THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS 415 PULFOBD, Franklin J., real estate and insurance; born at Cazenovia, N. Y., Aug. 19, 1858; son of David M. and Frances R. (Greenland) Pulford; edu cated at Cazenovia Seminary. Docated in Duluth, 1892; president Pulford, How & Co., real estate and insurance, org., 1892; also president of Duluth Trust Co., Duluth Real Estate Co. Republican. Presbyterian. Married at Cazenovia, N. Y.. Sept. 10, 1885, to Miss Lizzie How. Clubs: Kitchi Gammi, Commercial, Du luth, Boat, Curling. Office: Exchange Bldg. Residence: 1930 E. Superior St., Duluth. PUSCELL, John J., lawyer; born at Silver Islet, Ont., Can., 1873; son of William Purcell; came to Minnesota, 1879; educated in East Side High School, Minneapolis; University of Min nesota. Began practice of law at Orton ville, Minn., 1900; has been county at torney of Big Stone-Co. since 1902. Re publican. Unmarried. Address: Orton ville, Minn. FURVES, Stuart Ballantyne, clergy man; born at Maryport, England, July 3, 1862; son of Richard and Isabella S. (Stuart) Purves; came to America, 1882; • educated under tutors in England and at Seabury Divinity School, Faribault, Minn., graduating, degree of B.D., 1889. Married at Faribault, 1893, to Miss Mary Wilson. Episcopalian. Rector Church of Holy Communion, Redwood Falls, Minn., 1889-92; St. Peter's Church, St. Paul, ,1892-94; Holy Trinity, Minneapolis, since 1894. Member Masonic order, Blue Lodge, Chapter, Knights Templar, Mys tic Shrine. Address: 408 4th St. S. E., Minneapolis. PUTNAM, Douglas, secretary The Minnesota Mutual Life Insurance Co.; born at Newport, O., Nov. 19, 1860; son of Benjamin P. and Lydia (Edgerton) Putnam; educated at Marietta College, Marietta, O. Came to Minnesota, 1883; entered insurance business and has been secretary since 1885 of The Minnesota Mutual Life Insurance Co. Republican. Presbyterian. Unmarried. Clubs: Com mercial, White Bear Yacht Office: 47 East 6th St. Residence: 40 Irvine Park, St. Paul. PUTNAM, Ernest Bolles, pine lands; born at Eau Claire, Wis., Oct 18, 1860; son of Henry C. and Eliza Jane (Bal- com) Putnam; educated in public and high schools of Eau Claire until fall of 1878, and eighteen months at University of Heidelberg, Germany, 1880-81; mar ried at Eau Claire, Wis., March 12, 1895, to Helen L. Van Auken. Engaged in banking and pine land business with father, IS months, 1878-80, and resumed same connection after return from Heid elberg, 1881. In Jan., 1885, with others, incorporated the Chippewa Valley Bank, Eau Claire, Wis., in which he continued until May, 1889, when he came to St. Paul as secretary and treasurer of the Brennan Lumber Co.; since then has devoted attention to lumber business and dealing in pine lands; interested in timber lands in Minnesota, Florida, South Carolina, California, British Co lumbia and Bahama Islands. Treasurer Putnam Lumber Co., Brennan Lumber Co., Minnesota Log and Lumber Co.; secretary and treasurer Central Florida Lumber Co., Bahamas Timber Co., Lim ited;' manager Pembina Farm Co. Mem ber B. P. O. E., Knights of Pythias. Clubs: Minnesota, Town and Country. Office: Pioneer Press Bldg. Residence: 761 Lincoln Av., St. Paul. PUTNAM, Frank E., lawyer; born at Grafton, Vt, Jan. 9, 1857; son of John H. and Alice (Eddy) Putnam; educated in common schools of Vermont; grad uate of Vermont Academy, Saxton's River, Vt, 1881; student in Law De partment, University of Michigan, one year. Began general practice of law at Weils, Minn., 1885, as junior member of firm of Quinn & Putnam, located in Blue Earth, July, 1889, continuing in firm until March, 1897; practiced alone, 1897-1902; senior member of firm of Putnam & Nicholson since May 15, 1902. State senator, 12th Senatorial dis trict; was county attorney Faribault Co., 1897-1903. Director Farmers' Na tional Bank. Address: Blue Earth, Minn. PUTNAM, James L., publisher and editor; born at Stockton, N. Y., April 7, 1850; son of. Union Putnam (a lineal descendant of Gen. Israel Putnam of Revolutionary fame), and Clarinda (Frost) Putnam; educated in country school, N. Y. state; at Delanti, N. Y.; at academy in Jamestown, N. Y. ; at seminary, Erie, Pa., 1863, and at High Forest, Minn., 1866. Learned trade of harness maker, at Rochester, Minn., 1868-70; conducted harness shop at Wabasha 1870-73; located in Granite Falls, and there operated a harness shop 9 years. Started the Granite Falls Tri bune, 1883, and has since conducted same. Justice of the peace for 18 years; court commissioner, Yellow Medicine Co., 10 years; alderman of Granite Falls, 2 years; agent Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co., of Milwaukee, Wis., for 20 years. Republican. Non-sec tarian in religious belief. Recreations: Travel and associating with old friends. Address: Granite Falls, Minn. PUTNAM, William H., banker; born at Danvers, Mass., Jan. 22, 1848; son of William R. and Mary (Phelps) Putnam; educated at Danvers High School; mar ried, 1st, at Red Wing, Minn., 1874, to Adeline Rowell (now deceased); 2nd, at Red Wing, to Miss Nellie L. Butts. Came to Minnesota, 1867, and located at Red Wing, filled position of deputy county auditor for 5 years; has been identified with the Bank of Pierce, Sim mons & -Co., since 1873, first as teller, next as cashier (beginning, 1883), and has been vice president and cashier since 1903. Member Minnesota State Bankers' Association. Also president Red Wing Manufacturing Co.; director Red Wing Sewer Pipe Co., Red Wing Stone Ware Co., Red Wing Advertising Co., Red 416 THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS Wing Furniture Co. Republican. Mem ber Minnesota Degislature since Jan. 1, 1903, present term extending to Jan., 1909; mayor of Red Wing two terms, and member of city council and school board. Presbyterian. Mason. Address: Red Wing, Minn. PUTNEY, George Ellis, physician; born at Cumberland, R. I., Jan. 1, 1846; educated in public and private schools, Rhode Island and Boston, graduating from Harvard Medical School, 1876. Be gan practice of medicine, 1876; served one year in Boston City Hospital; was assistant physician at state almshouse, Tewksbury, Mass. Came west in 1884. President board of education, Royalton, Minn., 6 years; ex-treasurer of Royalton. Republican. Baptist. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associa tions, Crow River Valley Medical So ciety, Boylston Medical Society of Harvard University. Mason; member Knights of Pythias, A. O. U. W., M. B. A. and M. W. A. Married at Exeter, N. H., Nov. 7, 1878, to Miss Arrietta M. Davis. Address: Paynesville, Minn. PYE, William W., lawyer; born at Northfield, Minn., Dec. 25, 1871; son of Charles W. and Lucy (Cooke) Pye; edu cated in Northfield public schools and at Carleton College, 1887-90; married at Faribault, Minn., March 16, 1892, to Miss Ruth V. Goodman. Admitted to the bar, Oct., 1894. Republican. City at torney of Northfield, 1889-91, county attorney, 1900-04, and reelected city at torney, 1907. Member Minnesota State Bar Association. Episcopalian. Club: Commercial. Recreation: Fishing. Ad dress: Northfield, Minn. PYNCH, Edward Ambrose, milling en gineer; born at Rosendale, Wis., Dec. 8, 1862; educated mainly by practical ex perience; unmarried. Began active ca reer in flour mill at Ripon, Wis., June, 1885, afterwards working in mills in Minnesota and N. Dakota; entered upon general mill and elevator construction and power transmission, Jan. 1, 1896, in which he is now engaged. Secretary and treasurer of the Strong-Scott Man ufacturing Co. Member Masonic order, B. P. O. E. Office: 415 3rd St. Resi dence: 1520 Hawthorne Av., Minneap olis. Q QUANDT, Charles W., lawyer; born in Nicollet Co., Minn., Dec. 14, 1876; educated in common schools, St Paul's College, at St. Paul Park, Northern Illi nois College of Law, graduating, 1898, Law Department, University of Minne sota, graduating, 1900; degree of LL.B. from both law schools. Born and reared on a farm; has engaged in general practice of law at Winthrop, Minn,, since June 15, 1900. City attorney, Win throp, two years; county attorney for Sibley Co., two years, and now holding that office. Vice president Farmers' State Bank of Atwater. Republican. Married at Winthrop, 1904, to Miss Sarah Erickson. Address: Winthrop, Minn. QUEEL, Paul, hardware merchant; born at Canton, Mo., Aug. 18, 1858; son of Rev. Margott Helydor and Katherine (Dussair) Quehl; educated at North western University, Watertown, Wis., until liy2 years of age; married at St. Paul, Minn., 1881, to Miss Elizabeth Decker. In April, 1878, became con nected with the Adam Decker Hardware Co. (established, 1856), wholesale and retail hardware, manufacturers of steel ranges, Decker's Air Tights and other job work in shops, and became a mem ber of firm in 1887 when name was changed to Adam Decker & Co; on its incorporation, in 1905, assumed present position as president and manager of the company. Has been alderman of St. Paul one term and county commis sioner of Ramsey County four years, but became tired of public life and de clined further nominations. Lutheran. Recreations: Skating, baseball, turning and fishing. Office: 347-349 Jackson St. Residence: 241 East Robie St., St. Paul. QUIGLEY, S. M., publisher; born in Wabasha County, Minn., Dec. 3, 1875; educated in common schools and at State Normal School, Winona, Minn.; unmarried. Raised on farm; taught school 7 years; elected superintendent of schools, Wabasha Co., 1902, and reelected, 1904; entered printing busi ness, Sept., 1905, as Keating & Quigley, proprietors of the Wabasha Herald Printing Co. Appointed deputy county auditor Jan., 1907. Democrat. Member M. W. A., Knights of Columbus, Modern Samaritans, C. O. F. Secretary Wa basha Board of Trade. Address: Wa basha, Minn. QUIMBY, Hosea P., banker; born at Racine, Wis., Feb. 6, 1844; son of Wil son Quimby; educated in public schools of Green Lake, Wis, Has been exten sively engaged in farming during great er part of his active career; entered banking, 1894, and is now president of the Easton Bank (Easton, Minn.), Ver non Center Bank (Vernon Center, Minn.), and owner of the Craik Loan & Deposit Co., Craik, Saskatchawan. Was member Co. C, 7th Minn. Vol. Inf.; post master for 4 years, Easton, under Presi dent Harrison's administration. Repub lican. Methodist. Member Masonic or der. Married at Wells, Minn., 1878, to Miss Caroline Wiser. Address: Easton, Minn. QUINBY, Thomas Freeman, physi cian; born at Biddeford, Me., May 10, 1855; son of Thomas and Jane E. (Brewer) Quinby; graduate University of Heidelberg, Germany, degree of M.D., 1878. Health commissioner, Minneap olis, 1883-86; president' Minneapolis board of education, 1899-1902. Repub lican. Unitarian. Member Hennepin County Medical Society, Minnesota State and American Medical associations. Ma son; member Psi Upsilon. Office: Syn- THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 417 dicate Arcade. Residence: 1912 Clinton Av., Minneapolis. QUINLAN, H. Thomas, broker in gro ceries; born in McHenry County, 111., July 4, 1857; son of D. and Katherine (Galvin) Quinlan; educated in public schools of McHenry County and Chi cago, 111., and Chicago High School, 1873. Began business career as ship ping clerk for S. P. Sladden & Co., Chicago, continuing until 1874; travel ing salesman for same firm, 1874-78; member of firm of Quinlan Brothers, Chicago, 1878-1884; Northwestern rep resentative of J. B. Inderrieden Co., Chicago, since 1884; stockholder J. B. Inderrieden Co. Married at St. Paul, Minn., Oct. 4, 1887, to Mary D. Breen. Member Knights of Columbus. Cliib: Commercial. Office: 278 S. 3rd St. Resi dence: 542 Ashland Av., St. Paul. QUINN, Hugh M., merchant; born in Adams County, Wis., May 26, 1854; son of Andrew and Hannah (Mountford) Quinn; educated in log school house. Has been a resident of Minnesota since June, 1863; in hardware and implement business, 1886; also vice president and director Mapleton State Bank. Married at Mapleton, Minn., 1882, to Miss Hattie A. Tenney. Address: Mapleton, Minn. QUINN, James H., jurist; born at Kilbourne City, Wis., June 23, 1857; son of Andrew and Hannah (Mountford) Quinn; came to Minnesota with parents, June, 1863; educated in public and high schools; married at Mapleton, Minn., 1883, to Miss Sarah M. Annis. Raised on farm at town of Medo, Minn., where he continued until 1881; began study of law at Mapleton, in office of William N. Plymat; admitted to practice, 1885; county attorney for five successive terms, 1888-96, resigning March 19, 1897, to accept appointment as judge 17th ju dicial district of Minnesota; was elected judge same district, Nov., 1898, and re elected, Nov., 1904. Republican. Prot estant. Address: Fairmont, Minn. QUINN, Thomas H., lawyer; born at Berlin, Wis., Nov. 6, 1854; son of Pat rick and Catherine (Brady) Quinn; edu cated in public schools of Berlin and Faribault; married at Faribault, Minn., 1893, to Miss Elizabeth Nolan. Read law in office of J. B. Quinn, Faribault; was admitted to the bar, 1877, and has since been engaged in practice at Fari bault. County attorney Rice Co., 1884- 87, and 1891-93; city attorney Faribault, 1896-1901. Member Minnesota State and American Bar associations. Democrat. Roman Catholic. Member Knights of Columbus. Club: CommerciaL Address: Faribault, Minn. QUIST, Peter P., State weighmaster of grain; born in Sweden, Aug. 18, 1854: son of Peter N. and Kama (Hakanson) Quist; came to America, 1865, and to Minnesota, same year; attended public schools at St. Peter and Ansgary Acad emy, East Union, Minn. Began in hard ware and implement business at Win throp, Minn., under title of P. P. Quist & Co., partner being C. J. Larson, State senator; was postmaster of Winthrop, 1883-94; appointed State weighmaster of grain, March 15, 1901, and still continues in that office. Director State Bank of Winthrop, Scandinavian Relief Associa tion (Red Wing). Married at Red Wing, Feb. 5, 1881, to Miss Emma M. Falk. Club: Odin. Office: Flour Exchange. Residence: Washburn Park, Minneapolis. QUITMEYEB, Otto Charles, physician and surgeon; born at Chicago, 111., April 3, 1876; son of Otto and Mary Kuhl- mann Quitmeyer; educated at German Lutheran private school, St. Paul, Minn., Franklin public school, St. Paul, Central High School, graduating, 1898, Hamline University Medical Department, Minne apolis, graduating, degrees of M.D. and M.C, June 7, 1902. House surgeon at Asbury Hospital, Minneapolis, 1902-1903; began practice of medicine at Parkers Prairie, Minn., July 1, 1903; appointed surgeon "Soo" railway, Jan. 1, 1906; surgeon in charge of Fairview Hospital, Parkers Prairie, since Feb. 1, 1906. Re publican. Dutheran. Member Park Re gion and County Medical societies, Min nesota State and American Medical as sociations. Member I. O. O. F., Modern Woodmen of America. Married at Alex andria, Minn., Dec 12, 1905, to Jean Elizabeth McEwan, daughter of S. W. McEwan. M. D. Address: Parkers Prai rie, Minn. QVALE, Sigurdt B., lumber merchant; born in Norway, Dec. 18, 1864; edu cated at public schools in Norway and Minneapolis, Minn. Came to Minnesota, 1878; in mercantile business at Will mar, Minn., under firm name of Dale, Roise & Qvale, until 1900; entered lum ber business, March, 1900, which has since been conducted under title of Peterson & Qvale. Vice president and secretary Dakota Development Co., The Farmers' Lumber Co..; secretary of The Tallman Investment Co. and the Will mar Sash & Door Co. Mayor of the City of Willmar for four terms. Mar ried at Willmar, Sept., 1899, Mayme Nockels. Address: Willmar, Minn. R BACHAC, Joseph J., county auditor Rice Co.; born in Scott Co., Minn., Dec. 1. 1874; son of Frank J. and Josephine (Shimota) Rachac; graduated from pub lic schools, New Prague, Minn., 1887; attended St. Paul Business College, 1888 and 1889; graduated from commercial department St. John's University, June, 1891. Was bookkeeper at Bank of New Prague, one year, 1891-92; principal Wesely public schools, 1892-1902; dep uty county treasurer Rice Co., 1903-04; has been county auditor Rice Co., since Jan. 1. 1905, present term expiring Jan., 1909. Was junior partner firm of F. J. Rachac & Son, 1896-1904. Republican. Member I. O. O. F., A. O. U. W., Knights of Pythias, Degree of Honor. Married at Wesely, 1898, to Miss Anna F. Pavek. 418 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS Club: Commercial. Address: Faribault. Minn. BACHIE, Elias, lawyer, real estate dealer; born in Yellow Medicine County, Minn., Nov. 4, 1875; graduate Red Wing Seminary and holds following degrees from University of Minnesota: B.S., 1896; M.A., 1897; Ph.D., 1901; LL.B., 1902. Unmarried. Taught school three years, during two years of which he was principal of schools. Sacred Heart, Minn.; has -been located at Madison, Minn., since 1903. Republican. Member of State Legislature since 1905. Luth eran. Address: Madison, Minn. BAINS, John M., physician; born at Toronto, Ont, Can., Nov. 23, 1850; son of John and Maria (McCord) Rains; at tended Model Grammar School and He- ber Grammar School, Toronto, and Med ical Department Victoria University (since affiliated with Toronto Univer sity), degree of M.D., 1874. Began prac tice of medicine, 1874. Has acted as LT. S. pension examiner since 1880; health officer, City of Willmar, since 1890. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associations, Kandiyohi County Medical Society. Episcopalian. Mason. Club: Commercial. Address: Willmar, Minn. BAINVILLE, Eli B., furniture and undertaking; born in Canada, 1872; son of Edward and Sophia Rainville; came to Minneapolis, 1884; educated in schools of Canada and Minneapolis. Began active career in manufacture of mattresses, 1890, continuing 4 years; has been engaged in furniture and un dertaking business, under title of Rain ville Brothers, since 1894. Member I. O. O. F., Knights of Pythias. Unmar ried. Recreation: Fishing. Office: 18- 22 Hennepin Av. Residence: 17 Central Av., Minneapolis. BAMALEY, David, printer, publisher, editor; born at Pittsburgh, Pa., Aug. 9, 3 828; educated in common school and printing office. Came to Minnesota, 3855; reporter on St. Paul Pioneer, 1857-58, business manager, 1858-63; business manager Minneapolis Tribune, 1866; with H. P. Hall, started St. Paul Dispatch, 1867; business manager on Dispatch, 1876; manager Minnesota Type Foundry, 1880; State printing expert, 1888-96; altogether in various ways connected with the printing business for 56 years; now manager of the Ramaley Printing Co., established 1864. Originator and publisher of Electric Trolley Dine Street Guides for Minneapolis and St. Paul; author and publisher of eight editions of Employing Printers' Price Dists. Re publican. Unitarian. Treasurer Minne sota Editorial Association for 40 years. Odd Fellow; member A. O. U. W. and editor of its official paper, the A. O. U. W. Guide. Office: 49 East 4th St. Resi dence: 27.7 Sherburne Av., St. Paul. BAMALEY, Florence W., caterer; born at Pittsburgh, Pa., Oct. 29, 1864; son of John Dalum and Sarah (Buffum) Ramaley; educated at Madison School and Macalister College, St. Paul, Minn.; married at Minneapolis, Minn., Sept. 9, 1891, to Grace L. Smith. Since April 1, 1889, continuously engaged in business as a caterer at St. Paul. Mason, 32° (Scottish Rite), Knight Templar, Shrin er; member B. P. O. E. Office: 668 Grand Av. Residence: 541 Dayton Av., St. Paul. BAMBERG, Henry, banking; born at Blue Mounds, Wis., April 25, 1862;' son of Hans H. and Gunhild S. Ramberg; educated in common schools, and at Al bion Academy and Milton College; mar ried, 1st, at Koshkonong, Wis., 1884, to Miss Agnethe Mengshol (now deceased); 2nd, at Hayfield, Minn., 1895, to Miss Julia Lehovd. Began active career as a farmer; became identified with the bank ing firm of T. S. Slingerland & Co., 1894, and has been cashier of the Bank of Hayfield since Jan. 1, 1895. Address: Hayfield, Minn. RAMBEBG, Johan Fredrik, milling; born in Ferna Bruk, Sweden, June 30, 1849; son of Gustaf and Caroline Sophia (Bergstrom) Ramberg; colle giate education at Westeras, Sweden. Came to America, June 25, 1869; worked at carpenter trade at Duluth, summer of 1869; became clerk in general store at Fond du Lac, and later in Rush City, Minn.; has been owner and president of the Rush City Roller Mills since 1902. Republican. Lutheran. Unmarried. Ad dress: Rush City, Minn. BAMEB, Abraham M., manufacturer; born in Indiana, July 30, 1851; son of Philip and Ruth (Thackery) Ramer; attended country school until 14 years of age and finished at 20, in Winona High School. Began active career as clerk in general store, continuing for 5 years; started in general merchandise business for self, ¦ Nov., 1882, selling out in 1892; began in the manufacture of confectionery, 1894, incorporating, 1901, as the A. M. Ramer Co , of which he is president and treasurer. Member United Commercial Travelers' Associa tion. Married at Lewiston, Minn., May 9, 1875, to Miss Augusta Losansky. Ad dress: Winona, Minn. BAMSETT, Henry J., clerk of district court; born at Bad Ax, Vernon Co., Wis., May 16, 1859; educated in high school at Viroqua, Wis., and at Curtiss Business College, St. Paul. Has filled the offices of deputy postmaster, jus tice of the peace, recorder, treasurer and alderman, City of Willmar; also has been deputy auditor Kandiyohi Co., and clerk of the district court of Kandiyohi Co., since Jan. 2, 1892. Republican. Epis copalian. Member Masonic order, B. P. O. E., Odd Fellows. Married. Club: Commercial. Address: Willmar, Minn. RAND, B. B„ vice president Minneap olis Gas Light Co.; resident of Minneap olis since 1873; identified with the gas business since 1876; director First Na tional Bank. Clubs: Minneapolis, Mini kahda, Commercial, Automobile. Office: 3 6 S. 7th St. Residence: 1526 Harmon PL, Minneapolis. THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 419 BANDALL, Austin Cuthbert, grain commission; born at New Lowell, Ont, June 2, 1870; son of John C and Anna Randall; came to Duluth, 1883; edu cated in public schools of Ontario and Duluth. Began active career in real es tate and fire insurance business, Duluth, 1893, continuing until 1897; engaged in flour, feed, and brokerage business, 1897- 1900; assisted in organizing grain com mission firm of Randall, Gee & Mitchell, Duluth, Minneapolis and Winnipeg, and has maintained headquarters in Minne apolis sice 1900. Republican. Metho dist Member Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce, Duluth Board of Trade, Win nipeg Grain Exchange. Married at Du luth, 1895, to Miss Grace E. Davis. Club: Commercial. Office: Corn Exchange Bldg. Residence: 4754 Fremont Av., S., Minneapolis. BANDALL, Auvigne Mason, physi cian and surgeon; born at Sechlerville, Wis., Dec. 2, 1880; son of David Henry and Emma Elnora (Kennedy) Randall; came to Minnesota, 1886; educated in public schools of Minneapolis and Glen coe, Minn.; East Side High School, Min neapolis; Minneapolis Academy, gradu ating, 1899; Minneapolis College of Phy sicians and Surgeons, Hamline Univer sity, graduating, degrees of M.D., CM., 1903. Has been engaged in practice at Underwood, Minn., since Aug. 7, 1903. Member Minnesota State Medical Asso ciation, Park Region Medical Society. Republican. Presbyterian. Member Phi Rho Sigma fraternity, Modern Woodmen of America. Married at Tordenskjold, Minn., July 22, 1905, to Miss Anna Mor- tensen. Address: Underwood, Minn. BANDALL, Benjamin M., physician; born at Fort Ridgely, Minn., June 7, 1858; son of Benjamin H. and Wilhel- mina H. (Lange) Randall; educated in public schools of St. Peter, Minn., and at Rush Medical College, Chicago, 111., graduating, degree of M.D., 1883. Has been engaged in practice at Graceville, since 18S3, with exception of two years, when he was in practice at New Ulm. Married at Wheaton, Minn., Oct. 30, 1S88, to Miss Lenora A. Fallon. Ad dress: Graceville, Minn. BANDALL, Eugene Wilson, secretary Minnesota State Agricultural Society; born at Winona, Minn., Jan. 1, 1859; son of Albert B. and Maria (Jayne) Randall; graduated from Winona Nor mal School, 1879; married, March 16, 1882, to Eudora A., daughter of Hon. H. W. Stone. Began active career as principal of Morris, Minn., High School, 1880-82; publisher and editor Morris Tribune. 1882-88; postmaster at Morris, 1891-95; secretary Minnesota State Ag ricultural Society since 1895. Appointed a regent of the University of Minne sota, 1904. Has through life been in terested in agriculture and owns and op erates a farm. Clubs: Commercial (St. Paul); Commercial (Minneapolis). Ma son (Chapter). Recreations: Fond of horses. Office and residence: State Fair Grounds, St. Paul. BANDALL, Frank L., lawyer; born at Fort Ridgely, Minn., Sept. 30, 1856; son of Benjamin H. and Wilhelmina Helena (Lange) Randall; educated in St. Peter (Minn.) public schools, and at St. John's College, Prairie du Chien, Wis. Began practice of law at Tracy, Minn., May, 1S80; practiced in New Ulm, 1881- 83, and at Winona, 1885-1900; was mem ber of law Arm of Lind & Randal] while in New Ulm, and of t "Soo" Railway Co., 1894- 1902. Director Scandia State Bank, Frankowitz Hardware Co. Ex-mayor of Enderlin, N. D., ex-member Normal School Board, N. D. Republican. Luth eran. Member Park Region and N. D. State Medical societies and Minnesota State and American Medical associa tions. Mason; member I. O. O. F., Knights of Pythias, B. P. O. E. Married at Valley City, N. D., Sept. 13, 1895, to Miss May Sollin. Clubs: Chippewa, Norden (St. Paul). Address: Fergus Fall, Minn. SKEBBIFF, George, railway account ing official; born at Chatham, Ont, Canada. Dec. 12, 1843; son of John and Anne (Kennedy) Sherriff; educated in grammar and graded schools of Chatham, (Ont.) 1850-59; married, Chatham, Ont, Feb., 1876, Victoria A. Weir; two children: Jennie F. and Helen E. (Mrs. E. W. Huntrods). In carriage making business at Chatham, Ont, 1863-70; came to Minnesota, 1870, and was employed in construction of Dake Superior and Mississippi R. R., (now part of Northern Pacific Ry.), 1870-73; entered employ of Northern Pacific R. R., 1871, and ever since in that service, consecutively as clerk at station, sta tion agent, agent, clerk in auditor's of fice, paymaster, cashier to local trea surer, chief clerk to auditor of freight receipts, assistant auditor of traffic re ceipts Jan., 1890, to Sept., 1896; since then auditor of passenger receipts. Episcopalian. Office. General Offices, Northern Pacific Ry. Residence: 352 Pleasant Av., St. Paul. SHEBWOOD, George Edward, physi cian; born at St. Paul, Minn., Feb. 14, 1872; son of George W. and Adaline (Hard) Sherwood; graduate St. Paul High School, 1890; College of Medicine and Surgery, University of Minnesota, degree of M.D., 1904. Practiced medi cine at Dassel, Minn., 1894-1900; has been engaged in practice at Kimball since 1900. Local surgeon Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie railways. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associations, Crow River Valley Medical Society. President State Bank of Kimball, Kimball Main Prairie Tele phone Co.; director Reed & Sherwood Manufacturing Co. Republican. Bap tist. Member Masonic order (including Royal Arch), M. W. A., A. O. U. W., Court of Honor. Married at Howard, Minn., 1898, to Miss Mary E. Milton. Recreations: Hunting, fishing and au tomobiling. Address: Kimball, Minn. 464 THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS SHEBWOOD, George W., proprietor Sherwood Stock Farm; born at Green ville, N. Y., April 3, 1S33; son of Al fred and Jane (Begordes) Sherwood; educated in common schools; married at Unadella, N. Y., Dec. 21, 1S53; to Adaline Hard. Learned carpenter trade early in his career; came to Minnesota, 1855, and located in St. Paul as a carpenter, later becoming a contractor and builder; began in construction of railroad bridges; 1S62, in partnership with R. I-I. Fitz; was for more than 20 years senior mem ber of the firm of Sherwood, Sutherland & Co.; also member of Reed & Sher wood, of Anoka, Minn., and owner of the Sherwood Stock Farm. President Union Bank of Sheldon, Ia. Republi can. Office: Endicott Bldg. Residence: Afton Rd., St. Paul. SHEVLIN, Thomas Henry, lumber manufacturer; born at Albany, N. Y., Jan. 3, 1852; son of John and Matilda (Leonard) Shevlin; public school edu cation. Began active career at. 15 years of age, in employ of John McGraw & Co., lumber dealers, Albany, continu ing with the company for 10 years and assuming charge of lumber interests at Albany, Tonawanda and Bay City, N. Y.; resigned, 1879, and for one year was at Muskegon, Mich., in employ of T. W. Harvey, a large lumber operator of Chicago; associated with Stephen C. Hall, of Muskegon and organized th Stephen C. Hall Lumber Co., of which he became treasurer and general mana ger; organized North Star Lumber Co., as a branch, with headquarters in Min neapolis, 3 884; came to Minneapolis, 1886, and organized the Hall & Ducey Lumber Co., which later became the Hall & SheVlin Lumber Co., and, in 1892, the Shevlin-Carpenter Co., of which he is president. Built the Min neapolis Mill, one of the largest in the world, formed new partnerships and bought large tracts of timber on the Red River Reservation and elsewhere. Republican; delegate to Republican Na tional Convention, 1900, and to Reci procity Convention, Washington City. Married to Miss Alice Hall. Clubs: Minneapolis, Commercial, Minnetonka Yacht, Automobile. Office: Foot of 4th Av., N. Residence: 129 Oak Grove, Minneapolis. SHIMONEK, Anton, physician; born at Kossuth, Wis., 1855; son of Wenzel and Elizabeth (Kastomlastky) Shi- monek: received professional education at Rush Medical College, Chicago, 1879, and at Universities of Prague and Vienna. Moved to St. Paul from Man itowoc, Wis., 1883. Professor of clini cal surgery at Hamline University; member of the surgical staff of City, County and St. Joseph's hospitals. Mem ber Academy of Medicine. Ramsey County Medical Society and American Medical Associations. Office: Defiel Blk. Residence: 458 Laurel Av., St. Paul. SHIFMAN, Benjamin Jonson, lawyer; born at East Haddam, Conn., Sept. 29, 1853; son of William Davis and Sarah R. Shipman; educated in Hartford (Conn.) grammar and high schools, and Yale Law School, graduating in class of 1876, degree of LL.B. Began practice of law, 1S76, and subsequently also en gaged in handling real estate, loans and probate matters and in the care of es tates. Married at Roxbury, Mass., March 30, 1SS7, to Helen Augusta Briggs. Au thor: Common Law Pleading; Equity Pleading; Practice and Forms for Min nesota. Democrat. Member of Protest ant Episcopal Church. Mason, Knight Templar, member of Scottish Rite, Mystic Shrine; Odd Fellow. Club: St. Paul Commercial (director 1904-06). Recreations: Photography, hunting and fishing. Office: Pioneer Press Bldg. Residence: S4S Goodrich Av., St. Paul. SHOEMAKEB, Waite A., educator; born at Willoughby, O., March 24, 1860; son of Abraham and Achsah (Waite) Shoemaker; graduate State Normal School, 1SS0 and 1881; New York Uni versity, degree of Pd.M., 1898; Pd.D., same university, 1900. Began profes- sionall '.career as critic in grammar grades, 1881; was principal prepara tory department i8S2; assistant in mathematics, 1S83; in charge mathe matics, 18S4; mathematics, psychology and methods, 1890; superintendent City Schools, St. Cloud, Minn., 1900; has been president of State Normal School, St. Cloud, since June, 1902. President Minnesota State Teachers' Association, 1900. Author text book on Arithmetic. Married at LitchAeld, Minn., 1884, to Miss Louise Polley. Address: St. Cloud, Minn. SHOBE, Bobert, banker; born at Rochdale, Lancashire, England, Nov. 24, 1828; educated in the public schools in England. Came to America before the Civil War and served as private in Co. K, 44th Wis. Vols. Taught school for a number of years and engaged in farming and mining; also president of the Rushmore State Bank since May 6, 1903. Republican; has held almost all the offices in Nobles Co., from county commissioner down. Member Methodist Episcopal Church. Address: Rush- more, Minn. SHRADER, John Strickler, surgeon and physician; born in Niagara Co., N. Y., March 9, 1858; son of Philip F. and Fannie M. (Strickler) Shrader; educa ted at Clarence (N. Y.) Academy, 1875- 78; Medical Department University of Michigan, 1882-85; post graduate course, Vienna, Austria, 1901. Began practice of medicine at Delano, Minn., 1886; has been in practice at Springfield, Minn., since 1901; member of the firm of Rath- enburg & Shrader; also president Farm ers and Citizens Mutual Telephone Co. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associations, Brown and Redwood Co. Medical Society. Member State Board of Medical Examiners, 1S97 and 1898. Republican. Mason. Mar ried at Minneapolis, Nov. 28, 1888, to THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 465 Miss Charlotte Macdonald. Address: Springfield, Minn. SHBADER, W. H, banking; born at Clarence, N. Y., Jan., 1881; son of Philip and Dydia Shrader; educated in public schools of Clarence, 1886-96, and in Clarence High School, 1896-19)00; married at Minneapolis, Minn., 1903, to Miss Cora M. Dong. Worked on his fa ther's farm until 21 years of age; taught school at Pavement, N. Y., two terms; came to Minnesota, Oct., 1902, and entered the State Bank of Water- town as 2nd Asst. Cashier; was elected cashier State Bank of Mayer, Dec. 1, 1902, and now holds that office. Also organizer and treasurer Mayer Canning Co. (organized 1904); member firm of Hahn and Shrader, ditching and drain ing contractors. Member Masonic or der. Club: Commercial. Address: Mayer, Minn. SKUMAN, Jesse Wyman, contracting engineer; born at Minneapolis, Minn., March 23, 1874; son of George W. and Sarah Caroline (Elliot) Shuman; edu cated in public schools of Minneapolis and Massachusetts Institute of Tech nology, C. E. 1893; married at Minne apolis, June 23, 1903, to Martha Rogers. Was with Twin City Rapid Transit Co. about 18 months; in Minneapolis office of Ewd. P. Allis Co., for 7 years, last three years as manager Minneapo lis office; formed the Power Engineer ing Co., Dec, 1904, of which is secre tary and treasurer. Director Minnesota Flour Mill Co. Republican. Meth odist. Club: Commercial. Office: Corn Exchange Bldg. Residence: 400 Sum mit Av., Minneapolis. SHUTTEB, Marion Daniel, clergy man; born New Philadelphia, O., Aug. 4, 1853; son of Peter K. and Alethia M. (Haag) Shutter; graduate of University of Wooster, O., AB., 1876, and Bap tist Theological Seminary, Chicago, 111., B.D., 1881, (A.M., 1879, University of Wooster; D.D., 1890, Canton Theolog ical Seminary, N. Y.) ; married, Madi son, Wis., June 30, 1888, Mary E. Wil kinson. Engaged in ministry since 1881; was ordained to Baptist min istry, pastor Olivet Baptist Church, Minneapolis, Minn.; changed views and became pastor First Universalist Church there. Author: Wit and Hu mor of the Bible; Justice and Mercy; A Child of Nature; Applied Evolution; The Way the Preachers Pray; Dife of James Harvey Tuttle. Mason. Knight Templar. Club: Commercial. Resi dence: 1906 Park Av., Minneapolis. SICHLEB, Walter J., jeweler; born at Garden Valley, Wis., Nov. 26, 1871; son of Francis Joseph and Elizabeth (McGovern) Sichler; common school education. Born and raised on a farm; graduated as an expert watchmaker from Horological School, 1897; located in business at Madison Lake, Oct., 1899; bought out drug stock of J. W. Bowe, changed title to W. J. Sichler Drug Co., and has since continued as its man ager, carrying drugs, jewelry, pianos and organs. Also president Peoples State Bank; member firm of Swearin- gen & Co. Alderman, 1900, mayor, 1901-06, now village treasurer. Demo crat. Roman Catholic. Member M. W. A. Married at Madison Lake, June 1, 1904, to Miss Mae Madigan. Address: Madison Lake, Minn. SIGEBFOOS, Charles Peter, educa tor; born at Arcanum, O., May 4, 1865; son of George W. and Nancy Sigerfoos; attended public schools of Arcanum; Ohio State University, graduating, de gree of B.S., 1889; degree of Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University, 1897. Un married. Assistant zoological instruct or Ohio State University, 1889-91; in structor University of Virginia, 1891- 92; instructor Johns Hopkins University, 1895-97; has been professor of zoology University of Minnesota, since 1900. Fellow American Association for the Advancement of Science, member American Society of Naturalists, Phi "Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi and Beta Theta Pi societies. Office: University of Minnesota. Residence: 328 10th Av., S. E., Minneapolis. SIKES, Simeon B., manufacturer of leather belting; born in Erie Co., N. Y., June 27, 1849; son of William S. and Mahala (Jones) Sikes; educated in pub lic schools of Erie Co. Began active career as clerk in general store, Buf falo, N. Y.; engaged in manufacture and sale of leather belting, at Grand Rapids, Mich., 1874-82; located in Min neapolis and established the S. R. Sikes Co., 1882, which was incorporated, 1901 and of which he is president. Repub lican. Congregationalist. Married at Buffalo, N. Y., 1872, to Miss Ella M. Lathrop. Club: Minneapolis. Office: 915 Washington Av., S. Residence: 317 Clifton Av., Minneapolis. SILBEBSTEIN, Bernard, dry goods merchant; born at Buda Pest, March 4, 1848; son of Solomon and Katharina (Steiner) Silberstein; came to America, 1866, and was educated in public schools in Buda Pest, and Detroit, Mich. Began active career in Detroit as clerk in wholesale dry goods store; located in Duluth and began in business on own account in May, 1870; entered into part nership with Isaac Bondy, as Silber stein & Bondy, 1881; incorporated as Silberstein & Bondy Company, 1896, of which is president and treasurer (the death of Mr. Bondy occurred in 1903). Republican. Jewish religion. Director Jewish Publication Society of Philadel phia, Pa., Denver Hospital for Con sumptives. Mason (33°); member I. O. O. F., B'nai B'rith. Member Board of Park Commissioners, Duluth, since 1888. Married at Detroit, Mich., Oct. 9, 1870, to Miss Nettie Weiss. Club: Commercial. , Recreations: Fishing and yachting. Office: 9 W. Superior St. Residence: 31 W. 2nd St., Duluth. SILBEBSTEIN, Edward. A.,, dry goods; born at Duluth, Minn., Aug. 3, 466 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 1873; son of Bernard and Nettie (Weiss) Silberstein; educated in public schools of Duluth; University of Min nesota, class of 1894; Denver Law School, University of Denver, degree of LL.B., 1900. Began in dry goods busi ness with Silberstein & Bondy, 1894; engaged in practice of law at Denver, Colo., 1895-1900; in practice of law at Salt Dake City, 1901-03; resumed busi ness, 1903, with Silberstein & Bondy Co., of which he is secretary and gen eral manager. Republican. Jewish re ligion. Member Utah and Colorado State, Bar associations. Member B'nai B'rith, B. P. O. E., Phi Gamma Delta fraternity. Married at Salt Lake City, July 11, 1900, to Miss Rose Goldberg. Clubs: Commercial, Duluth Boat, Com mercial (Salt Lake City). Office: 9-11 W. Superior St. Residence: 519 E. 3rd St., Duluth. SILVEBSON, Charles, president Ea gle Roller Mill Co.; born in Germany, Aug. 8, 1850; son of Anton and Eliza beth (Zimmerman) Silverson; came to America with parents, 1863; had ad vantages of public schools at Cummins- ville, O., (suburb of Cincinnati) only until 12 years of age, when he went to work to help his widowed mother support the family. Became identified with bakery, at Cincinnati, July 4, 1869; in wholesale flour business Cin cinnati, 1880; came to New Ulm, Minn., 1886, and organized Eagle Roller Mill Co., Sept. 10, 1886; returned to Cincin nati, 1894, retaining interest at New Ulm, and was vice-president Gerke Brewing Co., 1895-99, also president Eureka Soap Co., Cincinnati, 1899-1903; again took up residence in New Ulm, 1901. Now president Eagle Roller Mill Co., New Ulm, 5,000 barrels daily ca pacity; director Citizens' Bank of New Ulm, Millers National Insurance Co., of Chicago; stockholder Western German and Fifth National Banks, Cincinnati. Member Chamber of Commerce, Minne apolis, Minn. Liberal Republican. Mem ber City Council, Cincinnati, about 3 883; president board of education, New Ulm, 1894, and city council, New Ulm. 1894; twice unanimously elected mayor of New Ulm, 1904 and 1906, and now holding that office. Protestant. Scottish Rite Mason (32°), Shriner, life member B. P. O. E. Widower. Address: New Ulm, Minn. SILVEY, William Baird, real estate and loans; born at Washington, D. O, Feb. 7, 1861; son of William and Isa bella (Heilaman) Silvey; educated in schools in Oswego, N. Y., Providence, R. I., graduating from Brown Univer sity, Providence, 1881. Came to Minne sota, 1887. Entered real estate busi ness, 1888, and is now president of the Silvey Realty Co., Interstate Hotel Co., Dake Superior Hotel Co., Providence Improvement Co.; also secretary of the Providence Doan & Investment Co. Member Delta Kappa Epsilon frater nity. Married at Duluth,_1893, to Miss Alice Gray Munger. Clubs: Kitchi Gammi, Northland Country, Boat, Yacht, Curling. Recreations: Golf, riding, fishing and shooting. Office: Providence Bldg. Residence: Spalding Hotel, Duluth, Minn. SIME, Thomas E., investments; born at Madison, Wis., April 27, 1861; son of Lewis T. and Rhoda (Amundson) Sime; educated in public schools of Decorah and Northwood, la., 1868-78; business college, Madison, Wis., graduating, 1880; College of Law, State University of Iowa, graduating, degree of LL.B , 1889. Was connected with fire insur ance agency, Northwood, ,1a., 1880-81; junior partner firm of L. T. Sime, gen eral merchandise, 1881-86; salesman for Ransom Brothers, Albert Lea, Minn., 1886-87; teller and bookkeeper First National Bank, Albert Lea, 1887-88; traveling collector, Piano Manufactur ing Co., 1890-91; at Windom, Minn., loans and lands, 1891-1901; has been in St. Paul, president and manager of the Sime Land & Investment Co., since 1901. Republican. Member Masonic order, I. O. O. F., B. P. O. E., Modern Woodmen. Clubs: Commercial, Mer riam Park Golf. Recreation: Golf. Of fice: 309% Jackson St. Residence: 1927 Carroll St., St Paul. SIMMONS, North K., milling; born at Red Wing, Minn., June 16, 1861; son of Thos. K. and Hanna S. (Hawkinson) Simmons; educated in public schools of Red Wing; married at St. Paul, Minn., 1899, to Miss Emma Blerman. Began active career in the grain busi ness, continuing for 15 years; became identified with manufacture of flour, and has been vice president of the Sim mons Milling Co. since 1901. Also presi dent of the Red Wing Linseed Mills. Republican. Member City Council of Red Wing. Lutheran. Member Minne apolis Chamber of Commerce, B. P. O. E. Club: Commercial. Address: Red Wing, Minn. SUMMONS, Osman J., postmaster; born Shelby Co., Ind., 1857; son of Joseph and Francis (Wilson) Simmons; public school education; came to Minnesota, 1874; married at Austin, 1881, to Mary Swan. Was on farm until 20; In in surance business 10 years and a short time in hotel business; was clerk of district court, Austin, 1895-1907; ap pointed postmaster at Austin by Presi dent Roosevelt, 1907. Republican. Chairman Republican County Central Committee for 6 years. . Member Ma sonic order, B. P. O. E., Knights of Pythias. Club: Progressive League. Address: Austin, Minn. SIMON, David, clothier; born in Chi cago, Aug. 4, 1861; son of Felix and Sophia (Ottenheimer) Simon; educated in public schools of Chicago. Became connected with the Palace Clothing House of Minneapolis in 1895 and is its treasurer. Jewish religion. Mem ber Masonic order, B. P. O. E Knights of Pythias> Married at Chicago, 1889 to Sophia Rothschild. Club: Commer- THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 467 cial. Office: Palace Clothing House. Residence: 2122 Aldrich Av., S., Min neapolis. SIMONET, Aloysius, merchant; born al Stillwater, Minn., Aug. 25, 1869; son of Sebastian and Caroline (Caprez) Simonet; educated in public schools of Stillwater; married at Stillwater, 1892, to Christina Wolf. Began business at Stillwater with his father; has been in business at Little Falls since 1892, the firm being incorporated, 1903, as the Simonet Furniture . & Carpet Co., of which he is vice president. City treas urer of Little Falls. Member B. P. O. E. Address: Little Falls, Minn. SIMONET, Ludwig, ..merchant; born at St. Peter, Minn., Feb. 13, 1863; son of Sebastian and Caroline '(Caprez) Simonet; educated in public schools of Stillwater; married in Le Sueur Co., Minn., Jan. 28th, 1888, to Laura Wie- land. At the beginning of his active career entered the business established by his father in 1866; upon death of his father, assumed charge and when the Arm was incorporated, 1903, as the Si monet Furniture & Carpet Co., was made its president, which position he now holds. Also general manager Si monet Bros. Undertaking Co., Simonet Rug Co., ex-member Co. K, 1st Regt, M. N. G. Ex-alderman. Member B. P. O. E. Address: Stillwater, Minn. SIMONS, Luman Clendenln, banker; born at Glencoe, Minn., Nov. 10, 1866; son of L. G. and Miriam C. (Little) Simons; graduated from' Stevens Semi nary, Glencoe, 1885, and from Law De partment University of Minnesota, 1895. Became interested in banking business, 1884, and is now president of the First State Bank (Plummer), First State Bank (Brooks), and the Waubun Bank, Waubun, Minn. Member Minne sota State Legislature, 1903-07; judge of probate court, Red Lake Co., 1897-98. Republican. Presbyterian. Married at Red Lake Falls, Minn., July 25, 1900, to Miss Agnes M. Rodgers. Address: Red Lake Falls, Minn. SIMONS, Orlando, furniture and un dertaking; born at Glencoe, Minn., Feb. 23, 1864; son of L. G. and Miriam (Lit tle) Simons; educated in public schools of Glencoe. Has been engaged in fur niture, carpet and undertaking business as O. Simons Co., since 1891. Married at Minneapolis, Minn., Oct. 4, 3 893, to Miss Effle Papst. Address: Glencoe, Minn. SIMPSON, David Ferguson, jurist; born in Dodge Co., Wis., June 13, 1860; son of William and Catherine (Good- sir) Simpson; educated in country dis trict school and village school, Waupun, Wis.; preparatory department Ripon College; University of Wisconsin, grad uating, degree of A.B., 1882 (LL.B., 1884); Columbia Law School, degree of LL.B., 1884. Located in Minneapolis, 1884; city attorney of Minneapolis, 1893-97; has occupied office of Judge of district court, since 1897. Republican. Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner; mem ber B. P. O. E., Phi Delta Theta. Mar ried at Minneapolis, Jan. 3 5, 1886, to Miss Josephine Surles. Recreations: Hunting and outdoor games. Clubs: L.-ifayelte, Commercial. Office: Court House. Residence: 135 Lyndale Av., N., Minneapolis. SIMPSON, Earl, lawyer; born at Wi nona, Sept. 24, 1872; son of Thomas and Margaret (Holstein) Simpson; educated in public schools and State Normal School, Winona; University of Minne sota, graduating, degree of B.A., 1899; College of Law, same university, grad uating, degree of LL.B., 3 901. Unmar ried. Followed civil engineering for 10 years; has been engaged in practice of law at Winona since 1902. Republican. County attorney Winona Co., elected Nov. 6, 1906, term extending to 'Jan., 1909. Member Winona County Bar As sociation. President The Watosa Com pany, manufacturers of medicines; sec retary Winona Co. Fishermen's Assn. Methodist. Mason (32°). Recreations: Fishing and hunting. Address: Wino na, Minn. SIMPSON, George Thomas, lawyer; born at Winona, Minn., Sept. 27, 1867; son of Hon. Thomas (Minn., 1853) and Margaret (Holstein) Simpson (Minn., 1859); educated in State Normal School, Winona, Minn., and University of Wis consin, law and academic, degree of B.S., 1890; married at Winona, Minn., Dec 26, 1897, to Elizabeth Ludwig. Be gan practice of law at Winona, Minn., on admission to bar, 1895; city attorney City of Winona, 1897-99; county attor ney of Winona County, 1900-04; came to St. Paul, 1905, and became assistant attorney general of Minnesota under the present attorney general, Edward T. Young. Republican. Member Phi Delta Theta fraternity. Mason (32°) and member Mystic Shrine. Recreation: Pishing. Office: State Capitol, St. Paul. Residence.: Winona, Minn. SIVEBSON, John, register of deeds, Faribault Co.; born in Norway, March 26, 1861; son of S. A. Opheim and Sa rah Opheim; attended common schools for 5 years in Norway. Came to Amer ica June, 1878, and to Minnesota same year. Was clerk in general store at Blue Earth, 8 years, 1879-87; proprietor general store, 1887-94; has been en gaged in real estate, loan and insurance business since Jan. 1, 1897. Register of deeds, Faribault Co., since Nov., 1900. Director and member committee on securities Blue Earth City B. & L. Association, for 15 years. Republican. Lutheran. Member A. O. U. W. Mar ried at St. Paul, Aug., 1887, to Miss Delia Rugtwet Address: Blue Earth, Minn. SJOBEBG, Israel, merchant and banker; born in Sweden, Feb. 16; 1866; son of Jonas and Catharina (Bloom) Sjoberg; educated in common and high schools in Sweden. Came to America in 1888 and engaged in general store 468 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS business in Roseau, 1889; established a branch store at Badger in company with a brother, 1894; added flour mill to the business, 1898; has accumulated 5000 acres of farm land since 1900. Vice president First National Bank, Roseau, since 1904; director First State Bank, Badger, since 1905. Re publican. Married, June 18, 1897, to Miss Laur Miller. Address: Roseau, or Badger, Minn. SJOBEBG, Peter, merchant, banker, miller; born in Sweden, Jan. 29, 1868; educated in common and private schools. Came to America, 1893; began in busi ness for self under title of Sjoberg Brothers, establishing general store at Roseau, April 1, 1893, and second store at Badger, Oct. 1, 1896; also Badger Roller Mills, Oct. 1, 1898, for the man ufacture of flour and feed. President First State Bank, Badger, since Oct. 1, 1905; director First National Bank, Roseau, since Jan. 1, 1905; president and manager Badger Milling Co.; man ager firm Sjoberg Brothers. Village treasurer of Badger, 1899; president common council, 1900-01 and 1904-06. Republican (chairman Republican Coun ty Committee since 1905). Lutheran. Member Modern Woodmen of America. Married at Roseau, 1903, to Miss Chris tina Lindstrom. Club: Commercial (vice president). Address: Badger, Minn. SKABTUM, Kittil G., druggist; born in Norway, April 3, 1852. Came to America, 1869. Has been in drug busi ness since Nov. 1, 1875. Married at Kasson, Minn., Jan. 26, 1881, to Miss Anna Ruhberg. Address: Lake Ben ton, Minn. SKELLET, Thomas J., born in Den mark, March 15, 1870; son of J. Jenson and Marie Skjellet; came to America, 1886; educated in public schools of Den mark and Wisconsin; Trinity Seminary, Blair, Neb.; Curtiss Business College, Minneapolis. Engaged in lumber and grocery business at Hayward, Wis.; came to Minneapolis, 1889; junior part ner, vice president and secretary Elliott & Skellet Fuel Co., since April 1, 1905. Also secretary Minneapolis Transfer & Storage Co., Purity Malt Brewing Co. Independent Democrat. Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner; member Modern Woodmen of America, Royal League, Royal Arcanum. Married at Minneapo lis, Oct. 10, 1895, to Miss Molly Thone. Clubs: Commercial. Odin, North Side Commercial. Recreation: Fishing. Of fice: 9 S. 4th St. Residence: 1028 Knox Av., N., Minneapolis. SKEWIS, Edward J., grain, born at Pachuca, Mex., Jan. 12, 1865; son of James and Jane T. (Rabling) Skewis (Americans temporarily in Mexico); came to U. S., in 1868; educated at Au gustana College, Canton, S. D. ; Daw De partment, Iowa State University, grad uating, degree of LL.B., 1898. Was cashier Farmers' Bank, Inwood, la., 1890-99. Came to Minneapolis, 1900; now president Skewis Grain Co., Min neapolis; vice president Skewis Lumber Co., Tacoma, Wash. Member Minne apolis Chamber of Commerce, Chicago Board of Trade. Married at St. Paul. Minn., Dec. 7, 1904, to Miss Franc Scandrett Member Masonic order, Chapter; Beta Theta Pi fraternity. Club: Commercial. Recreations: Hunt ing and Ashing. Office: Chamber of Commerce. Residence: 620 E. 16th St., Minneapolis. SKINNEB, Bert, merchant; born in Freeborn Co., Minn., Sept. 21, 1868; son of John E. and Jane (Gardner) Skin ner; educated in public schools of Free born Co.; married in Freeborn Co., 1897, to Miss Nettie M. Bessenger. Began active career as clerk in a store at Northwood, la., 1888; later was with C. P. Hunter & Co., Minneapolis, and the Havland Mercantile Co., Albert Lea; or ganized the Skinner Mercantile Co., 1897, changing name, 1902, to Skinner, Chamberlain & Co., of which he has been president and manager from the beginning. Independent Republican. Member Knights of Pythias, B. P. O. E„ Modern Woodmen of America. Club: Commercial. Address: Albert Lea, Minn. SKINNEB, Herbert E., real estate; born at Albert Lea, Minn., March .5, 1871; son of Robert B. and Martha J. (Elliott) Skinner; educated in public schools of Albert Lea, Macalester Col lege and one year at University of Min nesota; unmarried. Began business ca reer in the R. B. Skinner Milling Co., of which he was secretary until 1902; has been engaged in real estate busi ness since 1900. Also vice president Albert Lea Corset Co. Republican; al derman 1st ward. Presbyterian. Royal Arch Mason; member Knights of Pyth ias, B. P. O. E. Club: Commercial. Address: Albert Lea, Minn. SKINNEB, James H., wholesale mer chant; born at Faribault, Minn.; son of George E. and Mary (Gibson) Skin ner; graduated from Cornell University, class of 1881. Has been a resident of St. Paul since 1880 and engaged in the sale of furs, hats and gloves, since 1884; member of the Arm of Lanpher, Skinner & Co., wholesale dealers in furs, hats, caps, gloves and mittens, organized, 1876. Director Merchants' National Bank, Northwestern Trust Co., St. Paul Fire & Marine Insurance Co., West Publishing Co. Married at Kala mazoo, Mich., 1886, to Miss Annie Wood. Clubs: Minnesota, Town and Country, Commercial, White Bear Yacht. Office: 174-184 E. 4th St. Residence: 385 Portland Av., St. Paul. SKINNEB, John H., editor; born at Northampton, Mass., Aug. 13, 1864; son of Thomas and Rosamond (Reece) Skinner; married at Austin, Minn., June 26, 1900, to Gertrude C. Ellis. Began in newspaper business at Holvoke, Mass., 1885; came to Minnesota, 1896, and has been editor and publisher of THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 469 the Austin Herald since 1898. Member Masonic order, B. P. O. E„ I. O. O. F., Eagles, Yeoman, A. O. U. W. Club- Progressive League. Address: Austin, Minn. SKINNEB, Myron W., banker; born at Jericho Center, Vt, June 2, 1834; son of David and Esther (Chapin) Skinner; educated in public schools of Jericho Center and at Joseph Cilley Academy, Underhill, Vt; married at Anoka, Minn., Sept. 5, 1859, to Emily Willey. Began active career as clerk in country store at Underhill, later at Burlington, Vt; moved West, 1853, and clerked in stores at Dubuque, la., and Galena, 111.; lo cated in Northfield, Minn., and entered general merchandise business in part nership with his brother, Martin P. Skinner; engaged in loaning and bank ing business and since 1896 has been vice president of The First National Bank. Republican. Mayor of North- field, 1900-04. Congregationalist. Ad dress: Northfield, Minn. SKINNEB, Bobert B., miller, retired; born at Fort Ticonderoga, N. Y., March 15, 1841; son of John P. and Polly (Gray) Skinner; educated in public schools of N. Y. state and Madison, Wis.; married at Granville, Minn., Sept. 10, 1868, to Martha J. Elliott. Came to Albert Lea, 1865, and engaged in grain and milling business until he retired in 1902; manages his own real estate in terests. Was clerk and alderman of Albert Lea. Republican. Presbyterian. Member Masonic order. Address: Al bert Lea, Minn. SKLUZACEK, Albert Joseph, lumber merchant; born at Wheatland, Rice Co., Minn., March, 1875; son of Joseph and Katerina (Sticha) Skluzacek; educated at St. Vinceslaus Catholic School, New Prague, Minn., and parochial school at Faribault. Began , business career as clerk in general . merchandise store, re maining 2 years ;_ engaged in school teaching for 6 years; has been connect ed with retail lumber business since 1903, under title of A. J. Skluzacek. Married at New Prague, to Miss Emma Roemer. Address: Maple Lake, Minn. SKOGBAND, John H., county treas urer; born in Norway, Jan. 1, 1864; son of Johan Skogrand and Ermegaar (Erick son) Skogrand; came to America with parents, 1869; school education limited to short attendance at public schools, in Fillmore Co., 1870, moving to the new county of Chippewa, 1873, where he at tended school a few days each year until 1888, when he was a student in Luther an Seminary, Willmar, one term. Com menced farming, 1884, and remained on farm until elected county treasurer of Chippewa Co., 1902; has been reelected at each succeeding election. Organized firm of Alstad & Skogrand, 1894; which still continues; director First State Bank of Watson. Democrat. Lutheran. Member Masonic order, I. O. O. F. Mar ried in- Chippewa Co., Dec. 11, 1890, to Miss Johanne Negaard. Club: Com mercial. Address: Montevideo, Minn. SLADE, George Shepard, hotel pro prietor and farmer; born at Albany, N. Y., July 21, 1854; son of William and Sarah (Shepard) Slade; educated in public schools at Merrimac, Wis., and at Jefferson Institute, Jefferson, Wis. Began active career as farmer on a homestead in Minnesota, about 1876; en tered the hotel business at Adrian, Minn., 1884, which he has since contin ued; has for a number of years con ducted farms in Minnesota, N. Dakota and Wisconsin. Republican. Member of the Masonic order, Knights of Pyth ias. Married at Worthington, Minn., 1879, to Miss Nettie R. Denham. Clubs: Commercial, Kanaranzi. Address: Adrian, Minn SLADE, George Theron, railway offi cial; born in New York City, Jan. 22, 1871; son of George P. and Cornelia W. (Strong) Slade; attended St. Paul's School, Concord, N. H.; graduated from Yale University, 1893. Began career as clerk, Great Northern Ry., 1893; was time keeper, 1894-95; assistant road master, May 15 to Aug. 8, 1895; chief clerk to superintendent Eastern Ry. of Minnesota, 1895-96; assistant ' superin tendent same road, 1896-97; superintend ent, 1897-99, and Duluth Terminal Ry.; general manager Erie & Wyoming Val ley Rd. and Delaware Valley & Kings ton Ry., 1899-1901; superintendent Wyo ming and Jefferson divisions, Erie Rd., March to Aug. 1, 1901; general super intendent Erie division, same road, 1901- 03; has been general superintendent Great Northern Ry., since April 1, 1903. Member Sons of the Revolution, Society of Colonial Wars. Married at St. Paul, Oct. 9, 1901, to Charlotte E. Hill, daugh ter of James J. Hill. Office: Great Northern Ry. Bldg. Residence: 435 Summit Av., St. Paul. SLAKES, Louis Frederick, superin tendent Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Ry. ; born at Oconomowoc, Wis., July 15, 1862. Began railroad ca reer as telegraph operator and station agent, Chicago & Northwestern Ry., 1883-86; chief clerk of general superin tendent and general manager's office, 1887-98; has been superintendent Chica go, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Ry. since April, 1898. Club: Commercial (St. Paul). Address: St. James, Minn. SLATEB, Edward K., state dairy and food commissioner; born at Northwood, Iowa, June 28, 1877; son of Charles G. and Adelaide (McPherson) Slater; edu cated in country schools and high school at Fairmont, Minn.; married at Chicka- mauga Park, Ga., June 22, 1898, to Clara Santee. Engaged in newspaper work, 17 to 21 years of age; served in War with Spain as 2d lieutenant Co. D, 12th Regiment, Minn. Vol. Inf., sta tioned at Chickamauga Park; butter- maker, 1S98-1903; since 1903 with the State Dairy and Food Department, as deputy, Jan. 1, 1903, to Jan. 1, 1905; 470 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS since then as state dairy and food com missioner. Regular correspondent for several dairy journals. Republican, but appointed under Democratic governor because practical buttermaker and dairyman. Methodist. Member Knights of Pythias, Knights of the Maccabees. Club: Commercial. Recreation: Fish ing and hunting. Office: Capitol. Res idence: 1276 Raymond Av., St. Paul. SLATES, Edwin S., lawyer; born at Rochester, N. Y., Sept. 6, 1856; son of William and Caroline (Pope) Slater; came to the Northwest in boyhood and attended public schools in Wisconsin; graduated from Oberlin College, Ober lin, O., degree of A.B.. 1S83. Entered practice of law, 1885, in which has since . continued. Located in Minneapolis, 1883. Member of American and Minne sota State Bar associations. Married at Lincoln, Neb., Oct. 31, 1888, to Miss Sa rah L. Greer. Club: Commercial. Rec reations: Hunting, mountain climbing and literature. Office: Guaranty Bldg. Residence: 1900 Kenwood ' Parkway, Minneapolis. SLATTENGEEN, Alfred B., county auditor; born at Chisago, Minn., March 21, 1871; son of John J. and Mathilda C. Slattengren; attended Gustavus Adolphus College for 2 years; Northern Indiana Normal University, 3 years, graduating, degree of B.S., 1893. Taught in common schools 8 years; principal Lindstrom public schools, fall of 1898; has been county auditor, Chisago Co., since Jan. 3, 1899. Elected president village of Chisago, 1896, president Chi sago Co. Mutual Telephone Co.; partner Slattengren Drug Co. Republican. Lu theran. Married at Center City, Sept. 30, 1900, to Miss Amanda C. Jonason. Address: Center City, Minn. SLATTEBY, Charles Lewis, clergy man; born in Pittsburg, Pa., Dec. 9, 1867; son of Rev. George and Emma McLellan (Hall) Slattery; graduate of Harvard University, degree of B.A., 1891; graduate Episcopal Theological School, Cambridge, Mass., degree B.D., 1894; D.D., 3 907; ordered deacon, 1894; ordained priest, 1895. Unmarried. Was master of Groton School, and rector of St. Andrew's Church, Ayer, Mass., 1894- 96; has been dean of the cathedral of Our Merciful Saviour, Faribault, since 1896. Author: Felix Reville Brunot 1901; Edward Lincoln Atkinson, 1904; The Master of the World: A Study of Christ, 1906; also lecturer in Seabury Divinity School, since 1905. Recrea tion: Horseback riding. Address: Faribault, Minn. SLAVIN, Michael J., farming; born at Zanesville, O., Feb. 22, 1831; educated in country schools; reared on a farm; learned mason's trade at Columbus, O. ; removed to La Crosse, Wis.. 1855; lo cated in Nower Co., Minn., 1856; farmed until 1874, when he moved to Rochester and engaged in hotel business for three years; went to Dakota, 1880, and proved up a homestead; returned to Minnesota, 1882; has been a resident of Austin since 1889. Vice president Citizens Na tional Bank, member library board and' board of equalization. Address: Aus tin, Minn. SLEEFEB, Frank S'., produce commis sion; born at Manchester, N. H., April 6, 1S57; son of William F. and Hannah H. (Pollard) Sleeper; educated in pub lic and high schools of Manchester. Began business career in grocery, with his father, in Manchester; came to Du luth, 1890, and was connected with Si mon, Clark & Co.; maanger Duluth Cash Grocery, 1893-95; has been secretary Fitzsimmon-Palmer Co., since the com pany was organized, 1896. Republican. Congregationalist. Member I. O. O. F., B. P. O. E., Royal Deague, U. C. T. ot America. Married at Manchester, N. H, Sept., 1886, to Miss Imogen Austin. Club: Commercial. Office: 120-124 W. Mich, St. Residence: 212 15th Av., E., Duluth. SLEVIN, John J., clergyman; born in Ireland, 1855; educated at All Hallow's College, Dublin; ordained to the priest hood by Cardinal McCabe, Dublin, 1878. Came to America, 1880, and for 20 years was pastor of St. Patrick's Church, at Shieldsville, Minn.; has been pastor of the Church of the Immaculate Concep tion at Faribault, since 1900. Address: Faribault, Minn. SLINGEBLAND, Tennis S., banker; born in Cobleskill, Scoharie Co., N. Y., March 22, 1823; son of Jacob and Sophia (Butler) Slingerland; educated at Clin ton grammar school, Clinton, N. Y., and Liberal Institute, Oneida Co., N. Y. Mother died when he was 12 years of age; was a farm hand, 1835-1840; clerk in grocery store and hotel, at Oneonta, Otsega Co., N. Y., 1840-1843; taught dis trict school and attended school, 1843- 1S45; was pension agent with office in Albany, N. Y., prosecuting claims for pensions, land warrants, etc., against the government at Washington, 1845- 3856; came to Minnesota and began to deal in farm lands and real estate, 3 856; became president First National Bank of Kasson, 1878, charter expiring Aug., 1895, when he became president of its successor, the National Bank of Kas son, which position he now holds; also president Bank of Mantorville, Bank of Hayfield, amd president of the firm of T. S. Slingerland & Co., dealers in lands; has for a number of years been extensively interested in farming. Mar ried at Cobleskill, N. Y., 1853, to Miss Catherine E. Bouck. Address: Kasson, Minn. SLITEB, Bobert H., banker; born in Leeds Co., Ont, Can., Jan. 1, 1865; son of S. P. and Amelia Sliter; educated in public schools of Morton, Ont; Athens High School, Athens, Ont; Kingston Business College. Kingston, Can. Camp to Minnesota, 1SS8; taught school at Grey Eagle; was station agent and tele graph operator Northern Pacific Rv. Co., 7 years; instrumental in incorporat- THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 471 ing village of Grey Eagle. Now presi dent of Bank of Grey Eagle, Grey Eagle Telephone Co., Grey Eagle Implement Co. Director school board several terms. Republican; secretary Repub lican Club. Congregationalist Member B. P. O. E. (St. Cloud Dodge); Mason, Odd Fellow. Married at Long Prairie, Minn., 1890, to Miss Estella Thompson. Recreations: Shooting, automobiling, launching. Address: Grey Eagle, Minn. SLOAN, Samuel G., real estate; born in Philadelphia, Fa., June 30, 1834; son of John and Mary (Harris) Sloan; ed ucated in public and high schools of Philadelphia; married at West Point, N. Y., Aug. 29, 1861, to Miss Eleanor Johnson. Came to St. Paul, 1855, and became connected with the firm of Rice, Hollingshead & Bicker, in charge of conveyancing and real estate depart ment of the firm, later entering real es tate business for himself; has repre sented the James Stinson estate of Chi cago, since 1881. Prebyterian. Office: Germania Life Bldg. Residence: Hotel Ryan, St. Paul. SLOANE, James B., insurance, etc.; born at Wooster, O., June 21, 1857; son of John O. and Margaret A. (Carr) Sloane; came to Minnesota with parents, 3 857; educated in public schools of Min neapolis. Began active career as mes senger for Security Bank, Minneapolis, 3 881; was head bookkeeper of the bank until he resigned, in 1901; then of the firm of Lauderdale Company & Sloane until Jan. 1, 1906; now member Sloane- McCulloch Agency. Republican. Con gregationalist. Member Minneapolis Real Estate Board, Royal Arcanum. Married at Minneapolis, March 19", 1884, to Miss B. Etta Goldsborough. Recrea tions: Baseball and tennis. Office: Oneida Blk. Residence: 2715 Bryant Av., S., Minneapolis. SLOANE, William E., clergyman; born at Saxonburg, Pa., Sept. 18, 1863; son of Robert P. and Eleanor J. (Logan) Sloane; educated at Washington and Jefferson College, Washington, Pa., and Western Theological Seminary, Alleghe ny, Pa.; married at Glenshaw, Fa., May 17, 1893, to Minnie M. Hodil. Ordained to the Presbyterian ministry, 1893; has had charge of pastorates at thu follow ing places: Wellsville, O., East Liver pool, O., Knoxville, la., Storm Lake. Ia. ; was for three years in evangelistic work and has been pastor of the Cen tral Presbyterian Church, Austin, since March, 1906. Formerly Chaplain Iowa N. G. Member Masonic order, Knights Templar. Address: Austin, Minn. SLOCUM, Albert M., groceries; born at Young America, Minn., 1870; son of James Slocum, Jr., and Amelia M. (Sisson) Slocum; educated in public schools and at Hamline University. Be gan active career in banking business; was cashier Bank of Norwood, Norwood, Minn., for 3 0 years; organized Waseca County Bank of Janesville, Minn., re moving to Minneapolis, 1899; has been president of the Slocum-Bergren Co., wholesale grocers, since its organiza tion. Married at Excelsior, Minn., June 5, 1895, to Miss Estelle Apgar. Club: Commercial. Recreation: Hunting. Of fice: 124-128 N. 3rd St., Minneapolis. Residence: Excelsior, Minn. SLOSS, Andrew L., banking; born at Chicago, 111., Aug. 12, 1866; son of Allan and Jeanette (Shanks) Sloss; educated at Reinbeck High School, Reinbeek, Ia„ and at Cornell College, Mt Vernon, Ia. Was bookkeeper for 5 years Onawa State Bank, Onawa, la.; filled position of cashier for 5 years, First State Bank of Elkton, S. D.; for 8 years has been cashier Bank of Appleton, Appleton, Minn. Also president Citizens State Bank, Arlington, S. D.; vice president First National Bank of Springfield, Springfield, Minn.; director First, Na tional Bank, Waseca, First National Bank, Balaton, Dincoln County State Bank and First National Bank, Orton ville, Minn. Mason. Married at Ivan hoe, Reinbeck, la., May 6, 1891, to Miss Bertha C. Bradley. Recreations: Hunt ing and automobiling. Address: Ap pleton, Minn. SMART, Herbert P., lands and invest ments; born at Pembroke, Me., July 6, 1859; son of Ephraim K. and Adelaide S. (Porter) Smart; educated in public and high schools, Pembroke. Located in N. Dakota, 1880, where he engaged in real estate business; was register of deeds, Griggs Co., N. D., June, 1882, to Jan., 1887; has been second vice presi dent of Wells & Dickey Company with headquarters in Minneapolis, since Feb., 1904. Republican. Congregationalist. Married at Cooperstown, N. D., 1885, to Miss Mary C. Barnard. Clubs: Com mercial, Amateur Athletic, Minnesota Congregational, Plymouth Congregation al. Office: Security Bank Bldg. Resi dence: 2016 Beard Av., Minneapolis. SMEDT, Martinus O., merchant tail or; born in Norway, Oct. 11, 1843; came to America, June 14, 1869; educated in common schools of Norway and 3 months in schools of Minnesota. Has been engaged in merchant tailoring business at Mankato since Jan. 1, 1873. Director Mankato National Bank (later changed to Mankato State Bank) for 18 years; director Mankato Savings and Building Association for 19 years; mem ber Norwegian Lutheran Trinity Church and one of its organizers. Address: Mankato, Minn. « SMEBSH, Francis M., physician; born at Volsan, Moravia, Europe, Oct. 4, 1859; son of Thomas and Rosaline (Maca) Smersh; came to America, 1867. En tered employ Duquesne Glass Works, Pittsburg, Pa., at age of 9; attended night school at Allegheny, Pa.; was employed in various iron works, and later as carpenter and builder at Daven port, la., 16 to 18 years of age, also engaging in carriage blacksmithing; came to Minnesota, 1878; attended Owa tonna High School, entered upon study 472 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS of medicine under Dr. E. M. Morehouse, fall of 1885; student at King's Eclectic Medical College, Des Moines, la., 1886- 87, and Bennett College of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery, Chicago. 111., 1887- 88, graduating, degree of M.D., 1888; also graduate of Cleveland Homeopathic College and Hospital, 1889. Began prac tice of medicine at Iowa City, la., Aug., 1888; has been located at Owatonna, Minn., since 1889. President and treas urer Owatonna Drug Co., Smersh-Kubat Medicine Co.; manager Auditorium Bill Posting Co. President Board of Health and Physicians' Advisory Board, Owa tonna. Member Steele County Medical Society, Minnesota State and American Medical associations, American Public Health Association. Democrat. Member M. B. of A., I. O. O. F., A. O. A., Beavers, Bohemian societies, C. S. P. S. and C. Z. B. J. Married at Owatonna, Minn., May 18, 1891, to Miss Emelia A. Slezak. Ad dress: Owatonna, Minn. SMITH, Amos Delbert, county super intendent of schools, Murray Co.; born at Waseca, Minn., Sept. 5, 1872; son of Peter P. and Katherine F. (Reemnsny- der) Smith; high school education and one year College of Daw, University of Minnesota, 1895-96. Began teaching school in Murray Co., Minn., 1890, and continued as teacher for 8 years; was elected county superintendent of schools, Nov., 1900, and has been reelected at each succeeding election, present term extending to Jan., 1909. Republican. Member A. F. & A. M., I. O. O. F. and M. B. A. Unmarried. Recreations: Out door sports, especially baseball. Ad dress: Slayton, Minn. SMITH, Bela Winfield, manufacturer; born at Norwich, Conn., Nov. 1, 1861; son of Ezra Deonard and Ducy Aranna (Hastings) Smith; public school educa tion. Came to Minnesota, 1869; has ' been identified with sash and door man ufacturing ever since the beginning of his active career, June 12, 1879; was connected with the firm of Johnson & Hurd until it retired from business; organized the City Sash & Door Co., 1895, and has been president of the company since time of its organization. Also director Minneapolis Savings Bank. Republican. Member Royal Arcanum. Married at Minneapolis, June 9, 1904, to Miss Mable McClary. Club: Com mercial. Recreation: Automobiling. Ad dress: 3rd Av., S., and 4th St. Resi dence: 600 W. 32nd St., Minneapolis. SMITH, Benjamin Dayton, lawyer; born at Vernon Center, Minn., May 27, 1860; son of John Stilley and Mary P. (Dayton) Smith; educated in common schools and Mankato State Normal School, advanced course, graduating, 1880; married at Oakham, Mass., Sept. 15, 1892, to Alice Whipple Ayres. Taught school, 1880-81; studied law in office of Freeman & Pfau, Mankato, and was ad mitted to practice, Dec, 1883; has been in practice at Mankato ever since. County attorney Blue Earth Co., 1887- 91. Elected head adviser (vice presi dent) Modern Woodmen of America, June, 1895; appointed member national board of directors, same order, July, 1895, and served 8 years (chairman of board two years), and has been general attorney of the order since July, 1903. Appointed member Beneficiary Commit tee Royal Neighbors of America, June, 1903, and reappointed, June, 1905 (now chairman of the committee). Repub lican. Ex-chairman Blue Earth County Republican Committee; ex-member Re publican State Central Committee; for 7 years member M. N. G. Member I. O. O. F., B. P. O. E., A. O. U. W., M. W. of A., R. N. of A. Clubs: Commercial (Mankato); Rock Island, Rock Island Arsenal Golf Club (both of Rock Island, 111.). Address: Mankato, Minn. SMITH, Charles A., loans and real es tate; born at Wilton, Minn., June 12, 1866; son of Warren and Susan E. Smith; educated in public school and business college; unmarried. Worked at printing trade three years; was in county treasurer's office 2y2 years; as sisted his father in his real estate busi ness and succeeded to his interests. President W. J. Armstrong Co., whole sale grocers. Mayor of Waseca for 6 terms. Republican. Universalist. Mason, Odd Fellow. Address: Waseca, Minn. SMITH, Charles Axel, lumber manu facturer; born in Sweden, Dec 11, 1852; came to America, 1867, and located in Minneapolis; attended public schools; University of Minnesota, 1872-73; earned his own way from the time he was 14 years of age. Engaged in handling wheat, lumber and farm machinery in Western Minnesota, 1878-84, being asso ciated in business with J. S. Pillsbury; returned to Minneapolis in 1884 and be gan investing in timber and having it manufactured into lumber in hired mills; bought and erected mills and now ownes largest saw mill in the world and vast timber interests in Northwest and Pacific coast, employing over 1,500 men. President C. A. Smith Lumber Co., C. A. Smith Timber Co., North western Compo-Board Co.; director Swedish American National Bank; treas urer Northern Pine Manufacturers' As sociation; delegate to Reciprocity Convention, Washington, D. C, 1901. Republican; McKinley elector, 1896. Married at Minneapolis, Feb. 14, 1878, to Miss Johanna Anderson. Clubs: Min neapolis, Commercial, Odin. Office: An drus Bldg. Residence: 2324 Emerson AV., S., Minneapolis.' SMITH, Charles H., clerk of district court Pipestone Co.; born in Germany, April 4, 1843; son of Jacob and Anne M. (Wirth) Schmidt; came to America, May, 1857; educated in public and high schools. Enlisted as private in Civil War, Feb. 12, 1862, in Co. H, 16th U. S. Inf., and was discharged Feb. 12, 1865, as sergeant. Engaged in milling before the war and resumed it until 1868 in Wisconsin; was butcher and grocer; THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 473 later removed to Pipestone Co., Minn., and took up homestead, May, 187.8, en gaging in farming; returned to business career, 1893; clerk of district court since Jan., 1898. Republican. Presby terian. Member Masonic order, I. O. O. F., R. A. M., G. A. R. Married at West Prairie, Wis., Aug. 30, 1868, to Miss Kate L. Schoenberger. Address: Pipestone City, Minn. SMITH, Charles H. P., stock and bond broker; born in New York City, Oct. 6, 1857; son of Charles H. and Hannah (Shanahan) Smith; common school edu cation; married at St. Paul, Minn., Nov. 11, 1891, to Mary R. Shaw. Engaged in retail grocery business at Chicago. 1880; came to St. Paul in 1883 and was in wholesale grocery business until 1885; then engaged in merchandise brokerage business until 1890, when he entered the stock and bond brokerage business under title of Charles H. F. Smith & Co., in which he has since been en gaged. First' member of the New York Stock Exchange in the Northwest; also member of the Chicago Stock Exchange and Chicago Board of Trade. Director American National Bank and Northern Savings Bank. Clubs: Minnesota, Com mercial, Town and Country. Recreations: Golf and fishing. Office: Ger. Am. Bank Bldg. Residence: 339 Summit Av., St. Paul. SMITH, Charles Linnaeus, lawyer; born at Newton, 111., March 8, 1861; son of Col. B. and Celeste (Gray) Smith; attended graded schools, Champaign, 111., 1869-75; Champaign High School, 1875-78; University of Illinois, 1878- 1882, degree of B.L., 1882; Albany Law School, Albany, N. Y., degree of LL.B., 1885. Engaged in practice of law at Champaign, 111., 1885-87; located in Minneapolis, 1887, where he has since remained. Captain I. N. G., 1882; attor ney for board of county commissioners, Plennepin Co., Minn., 1900-1905; judge of Municipal Court, Minneapolis, since 1905. Republican. Methodist. . Mason; member Knights of Pythias, Maccabees. Married at Champaign, 111., 1888, to Miss Grace M. Healy. Club: Commercial. Recreation: Traveling. Office: Court House. Residence: 2118 Hawthorne Av., Minneapolis. SMITH, Denison Billings, coal; born, Toledo, O., March 17, 1854; son of Deni son B. and Sophia (Hunt) Smith; edu cated in public schools in Toledo. Has been engaged in coal business since 1883; in Duluth, 1883-1903, and St. Paul, 1903-1906; came to Minneapolis, July, 3 906, and represents the Pittsburg Coal Co. of Minnesota, and the Youghiogheny & Dehigh Coal Co., of which is presi dent. Republican. Episcopalian. Mason, Knight Templar. Married at Manistique, Mich., March 17, 1885, to Miss Clara M. Colman. Clubs: Commercial (St. Paul), Kitchi Gammi (Duluth). Office: 206 S. 4th St. Residence: 1804 Park Av., Min neapolis. SMITH, Edward Barnum, retired; born at Cleveland, O., Dec. 31, 1837: son of Archibald M. C. and Bulah A. (Gran ger) Smith; educated in Lockport and Buffalo, N. Y., schools; married, Lew iston, N. Y., Dec. 21, 1863, Kate C. Boughton. Began business career as clerk, 1857; for many years head of the insurance firm of Smith, Davis & Co., No. 200 Main St., Buffalo, N. Y.; came to Minnesota, 1892, and organized the firm of Smith, Parker & Gilman, insurance, real estate and loans, St. Paul, 1892. Soldier in War of the Re bellion. Republican. Episcopalian. Ma son. Member of G. A. R. (Acker Post). Member of Buffalo Club, Buffalo, N. Y. Office: Manhattan Bldg. Residence: 777 Fairmount Av., St. Paul. SMITH, Edwin Thomas, lawyer; born at Olivet, Mich., June 14, 1863; son of Louis O. and Mary J. Smith; educated in public schools, Charlotte, Mich., Oli vet College, Olivet, Mich., degree of M.S., Law Department, University of Michigan. Special examiner U. S. pension office; county attorney of Jack son Co., Minn., 1896-1906. Republican. Member Masonic order, A. O. U. W. Married at Chaska, Minn., to Miss Clara Schaler. Address: Jackson, Minn. SMITH, Ernest Frederick, lumber; born at Pekin, 111., Aug. 4, 1868; son of Hon. D. C. and Mary (Pieper) Smith; educated in Pekin High School to 1884, United States Naval Academy, 1884-86, Iowa Wesleyan College, 1886-87; mar ried, Minneapolis, Aug. 15, 1895, to Julia Walker. Began business career as member of the firm of Smith & Zem- mer, Minneapolis; sold out interest, 1895; organized Hennepin Dumber Com pany, 1900, of which is president; or ganized Western Implement Co., 1905, closing out interest Jan., 1906. Was one of the organizers of the Surety Fund Life Ins. Co., of Minneapolis, of which is vice president. Member Minneapolis Charter Commission, 1904-06. Repub lican. Methodist. Member Beta Theta Pi. Club: Commercial. Office: 1800 Quincy St., N. E. Residence: 421 Grove- land Av., Minneapolis. SMITH, Ezra B., lawyer; born at Collfield, Canada, Dec. 25, 1873; graduate Central High School, Minneapolis, Minn. ; graduate College of Daw, University of Minnesota, degree of LL.D., 1900; un married. Has engaged in practice of law since 1900; was senior member of the firm of Smith & Wilson, law and surety bonds, from 1902 to Aug. 1, 1905, when firm dissolved; bought out inter est in the firm owned by Mr. Wilson and has since made a specialty of cor poration, insurance and real estate law. Secretary John L. Smith Land Co. Served in Spanish-American War in Philippines, as member 13th Minn. Vol. Inf., 1898-99. Charter member Camp A. R. Patterson, Post No. 1, 8th Army Corps. Republican. Member Delta Chi fraternity. Club: Commercial. Office: Security Bank Bldg. Residence: 319 S. 10th St., Minneapolis. 474 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS SMITH, Francis Joseph, grain; born at Rose Creek, Minn., Sept. 19, 1862; son of Thomas B. and Margaret R. (Gorman) Smith; attended district school and Piono College, St. Francis, Wis. Engaged in grain business with father at Elkton, Minn., 1886-88; was first postmaster at Elkton; grain buyer for the Osborne-McMillan Elevator Co. at Wendell, Minn., 1888-89, when he was transferred to Elbow Lake, Minn., as buyer; traveling auditor, same company, 1891-01; secretary and director Empire Elevator Co. and general superintendent Osborne-McMillan Elevator Co. since 1901; also secretary and director North land Elevator Co. Came to Minneapolis, Minn., 1892. Roman Catholic. Member U. C. T. of America. Office: Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Residence: 214 E. 16th St., Minneapolis. SMITH, Frank B., life insurance; born at Savanna, 111., July 28, 1866; son of E. K and Mary (Rhodes) Smith; came to Minnesota, 1872; educated in public schools and at University of Minnesota. Began in life Insurance business at Minneapolis, Oct., 1899, and since 1901 has been district manager of the Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York. Married at Minneapolis, Oct. 18, 1892, to Miss Inez L. Kemp. Club: Commercial. Recreations: Ath letics, outdoor sports. Office: Phoenix Bldg. Residence: 2447 Colfax Av., S., Minneapolis. smith:, Fred G., real estate; born at Minneapolis, Nov. 15, 1868; son of George F. and Anne M. (Connor) Smith; educated in graded and high schools, Minneapolis. Has been engaged in real estate business since beginning of his active career, Feb., 1886; junior mem ber of the firm of Nickels & Smith, real estate, loans, rentals and insur ance. Member and one of the leading organizers of the Philharmonic Club, the largest and most prominent musical organization of the Northwest (total membership 1,100); also largely instru mental in promoting and building the Minneapolis Auditorium. Member B. P. O. E., Minneapolis Society of Fine Arts. Married at Minneapolis, May 21, 1895, to Miss Alma Westin. Club: Commer cial. Recreation: Music. Office: 311 Nicollet Av. Residence: 1820 4th Av., S., Minneapolis. SMITH, Fred L., printing; born at Lee, Me., July 2, 1843; son of Joseph and Lucy (McKnight) Smith; educated in common schools of Lee and at Lee Normal Academy. Began trade as printer, at Minneapolis, Sept., 1857; be came foreman, 1863; proprietor Minne apolis Chronicle, a weekly newspaper, 1865; merged Chronicle with the Atlas, forming Tribune, 1867; president Harri son & Smith Co. since 1871. President Board of Park Commissioners, of which has been member since 1896; alderman Minneapolis City Council, 1877-81. York and Scottish Rite Mason (32°). Repub lican. Married at Minneapolis, Dec, 1876, to Miss Roxanna G. Sinclair. Club: Commercial. Office: 624 So. 4th St. Residence: 419 S. E. 5th St., Minneap olis. SMITH, George A., judge of probate; born in Hammond, Minn., Jan. 22, 1856; son of William M. and Margaret (Roger) Smith; public school education; married at Janesville, Minn., July 3, 1895, to Mary E. Wilson. In photographic busi ness at Janesville, 1882-90; justice of the peace and handling insurance until 1894; probate judge Waseca Co. since 1894. Republican. Congregationalist. ¦Address: Waseca, Minn. SMITH, George Lucius, judge of pro bate Rice Co.; born at Forest, Minn., Sept. 27, 1857; son of Alexander and Julia Ann (Foster) Smith; educated in common schools of Rice Co., at age of 19, working on farm in summer; was in partnership, with A. J. Bell, at Fari bault, 1884-85; moved to Dundas, spring' of 1885, and worked at common labor; was village marshal, 1886-88; on farm at town of Forest, 1888-96; was elected register of deeds, Rice Co., Nov., 1896, reelected, 1898, and defeated 1900; en tered county auditor's office as deputy and continued for 4 years; elected judge of probate, Nov., 1904, and re-elected, 1906, present term extending to Jan., 1909. Elected mayor of Faribault, 1907. Republican. Lutheran. Member I. O. O. F., subordinate and encamp ment, A. O. U. W., Modern Samaritans, M. B. A., B. P. O. E. Married at Bridge- water, Minn., March 17, 1884, to Miss Olive Olson of Port Washington, Wis. Club: Commercial. Address: Faribault, Minn. SMITH, George Boss, lawyer; born in Stearns Co., Minn., May 28, 3 864; son of David and Katharine (Crowe) Smith; attended district school until 15, work ing on farm in summer; graduate Lake View Academy, 1886, gaining prize of gold medal for scholarship; taught school until 1891; graduate College of Law, LTniversity of Minnesota, degree of LL.B., 1893. Has been actively en gaged in practice of law in Minneapolis since June, 1893. Elected judge Pro bate Court, Nov., 1906, term expiring, 1909. Member Minnesota State Bar Association. Republican. Member Delta Chi fraternity. Married at Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. 9, 1895, to Mrs. F. J. Horan. Recreations: Hunting and fishing. Office: Court House. Residence: 114 Univer sity Av., N. E., Minneapolis. SMITH, H. Williams, physician; born at Plainview, Minn., Jan. 25, 1863; son of Hiram and Kate (Williams) Smith; graduate State Normal School, Winona, Minn., 1886; College of Medicine and Surgery, University of Minnesota, de gree of M.D., 1897. Unmarried. Has been engaged in the practice of medi cine at Crookston, Minn., since Oct., 1897. Address: Crookston, Minn. SMITH, Hansen E., investment bank er and mine operator; born, Dec. 6, 1867, of Danish-German parentage; educated THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 475 In public schools of Manistee, Mich., and Swenberg's School, Grand Rapids, Mich., graduating from the latter in 1887. Came to Duluth, 1892, and was connected with the Duluth Gas & Water Co., 1892-93; was assistant treasurer Duluth, Missabe & Northern Ry., 1893- 94, and cashier Iron Exchange Bank, 1894-95; established H. E. Smith & Co., 1895, of which he is the head, the com pany being devoted to organizing and i]nancing mining and other enterprises, among which are the D. R. D. & W. Ry., Rainy Lake Lumber Co., Union Match Co., Palladio Building Co., Zenith Coal Mining Co., Intermountain Exploration Co., etc. Is the president of the Inter mountain Exploration Co., of Salt Lake City; Zenith Coal Mining Co., of Ze nith, N. to., and officer and director in others. Ex-president Duluth Water and Dight Department, Chamber of Com merce; one of the organizers and di rector Commercial Club; member of Duluth Charter Commission. Married, 1891, to Mary Cecelia Wilson. Clubs: Kitchi Gammi, Commercial. Recreations: Boating and fishing. Office: Palladio Bldg., Duluth. Residence: Central Court, W. Duluth, Minn. SMITH, Henry Edwin, N. W. sales agent North Western Fuel Co.; born at St. Paul, Minn., Nov. 8, 1868; son of Addison T. and Theresa Smith; edu cated in St. Paul public schools; mar ried at St. Paul, 1895, to Miss Esther M. Geery. Entered general office of Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Ry., and continued for 5 years; became connected with the North Western Fuel Co., 1888, advancing until in 1900 he was made North Western Sales Agent of the North Western Fuel Co., at St. Paul, a position he now holds. Repub lican. Congregationalist. Clubs: Minne sota, Town and Country, Nushka. Rec reations: General athletics. Office: Pioneer Press Bldg. Residence: 656 Portland Av., St. Paul. SMITH, Henry Gordon, fire insurance; born in New Brunswick, N. J., .1855; son of F. Randolph and Hannah (Gordon) Smith. Came to Minnesota, 1857, and started in fire insurance business as local agent, Winona, 1880. In 1895 or ganized a mutual fire insurance com pany to carry grain and elevator risks; in 1902 reorganized the company on a stock basis as the Winona Fire Insur ance Co., and within the past two years has located in Minneapolis as its secre tary and manager. Married at Winona, Minn., 1878, to Miss Ducy Kendall. Clubs: Minikahda, Dafayette. Automo bile. Recreations: Hunting, fishing and golf. Office: Security Bank Bldg. Resi dence: 1672 Plennepin Av., Minneapolis. SMITH, Henry Morse, merchant; born at Janesville, Wis., June 10, 1860; son of F. M. and Anna (Morse) Smith; camo to Minnesota with parents, 1865; edu cated in Rushford High School and Janesville Business College. Has been engaged in general merchandise business at Rushford since Feb., 1882, and in his own name since 1887. Married at Rush ford, 1898, to Miss Minnie E. Rockwell. Address: Rushford, Minn. SMITH, Herbert Olln, physician; born at Dixon, 111., Sept. 6, 1858; son Eli Clark and Ann Eliza (Mason) Smith; graduate Dixon High School; attended University of Illinois, 1874-75; Hahnemann Med ical College, Chicago, 111., 1878-81, gradu ating, degree of M.D., 1881. Has been engaged in practice at Shakopee, Minn., since June, 1881. Member Scott-Carver County Medical Society, Minnesota State Medical Association. Mason; R. A. M., Knight Templar; member O. E. S„ A. O. U. W., Modern Woodmen of America. Married at Minneapolis, May 16, 1882, to Miss J. Addie Meacham. Address: Shakopee, Minn. SMITH, Hiram Clark, furniture man ufacturer; born at Neenah, Wis., June 3, 1859; son of Abner B. and Betsey L. Smith; educated in Oshkosh (Wis.) High School and Daggett's Business Col lege, Oshkosh. Began active career as traveling furniture salesman, 1879; lo cated in Minneapolis and assisted in organization of firm of McLeod & Smith, 1888, manufacturers of upholstered fur niture, of which he is manager. Repub lican. Congregationalist. Member B. P. O. E., Royal Arcanum, National Union. Married at Oshkosh, Wis., Jan. 1, 1885, to Miss Ida L. Tyler. Club: East Side Commercial. Recreations: Hunting and fishing. Office: 700 Central Av. Resi dence: 801 6th St., S. E., Minneapolis. SMITH, J. George, manufacturer of chocolates; born at Madison, Wis., Sept. 21. 3 866; son of J. and Mary (Higham) Smith; educated in public schools of St. Paul. In confectionery business in St. Paul since 1885. Episcopalian. Ma son. Married at Charlotteville, Va., Sept. 10, 1902, to Miss Alice Warren. Club: Commercial. Office: Cor. 6th St. and Automobile Alley. Residence: 826 Goodrich Av., St. Paul. SMITH, J. Watson, life insurance; born, Phillips, Me., June 3, 1855; son of Linus and Eliza F. (Cook) Smith; edu cated in public schools of Lewiston, Me., Nichols Latin School and Bates College, Lewiston; married at Phillips, Me., June 28, 1880, to Minnie G. Beal. Began active career in 1877 as teacher and for three years was principal In high schools of Toledo, O., and Newark, N. J.; has been connected with Provi dent Life and Trust Co., of Philadel phia, Fa., continuously, since 1880, and came to St. Paul in July, 1888, as gen eral agent for the State of Minnesota. Republican. Congregationalist. Member of the Masonic order, I. O. O. F. Clubs: Commercial, St. Paul Whist. Office: Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Residence: S01 Goodrich Av., St. Paul. SMITH, James B., clothier; born at Faribault, Minn., Jan. 20, 1867; son of Alexander and Anna (Parson) Smith; educated in public schools of Faribault and at The Shattuck School; unmar- 476 THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS ried. Has been engaged in tailoring and clothing business since the beginning of, his active career, 1887; member of the Arm of Carpenter & Smith. Demo crat. Mayor of Faribault, 1896-07. Was 1st lieut. staff inspector riAe practice, M. N. G. Mason. Club: Commercial. Recreations: Golf, tennis and Ashing. Address: Faribault, Minn. SMITH, John A., quarrying; born at Rushford, Minn., 1870; son of John C. and Josephine V. (Lamb) Smith; edu cated at University of Minnesota, class of 1894. Began active career in mer cantile business in Wisconsin; has been interested in stone quarrying since 1896 and is general manager of the Kettle River Quarries Co.; also vice president Quarryman's State Bank and Sandstone Land Co. Member Masonic order. Club: Commercial. Office: Security Bank Bldg. Residence: 4429 Upton Av., S., Minne apolis. SMITH, John Day, jurist; born at Litchfield, Me., Feb. 25, 1845; son of Edward G. and Elizabeth B. (Lord) Smith; educated at Brown University, graduating, 1872, degree of A.M., 1875; Columbia LTniversity, Law School, 1878, degree of LL.M., 1881. Served in Civil War, in Co. F, 19th Maine Vols., 2nd Army Corps, battles Army of Potomac from Antietam until June 22, 1864, when he was severely wounded at Petersburg. Admitted to bar, 1880; came to Minne sota, 1886; member Minnesota House of Representatives, 1889; State senate, 1891-95. Republican. Lecturer on law of torts and criminal law, Howard Uni versity, 1881-86; lecturer on American Constitutional law, University of Minne sota, since 1888. Member G. A. R. (commander department of Minnesota, 3 893). District judge 4th judicial dis trict of Minnesota, for term expiring Jan. 1, 1911. Author: Cases on Consti tutional Law. Married, 1st, at Waltham, Mass., July 20, 1872, to Mary H. Chad- bourne; 2nd, at Delaware, O., Sept. 16, 1879, to Daura Bean. Address: Court House. Residence: 2720 Pillsbury Av., Minneapolis. SMITH, John Lindsay, loans and farm lands; born at Collfield, Quebec, Can., Sept. 7, 1857; son of Asahel W. and Jennette (Rorison) Smith; attended public schools and graduated from Mus- grove College, Ottawa, Ontario, Can. Became a citizen of the United States, 1881; engaged in real estate and in surance business at Brainerd, Minn., until 1889, in which year he moved to Minneapolis, and has since been largely identified with real estate, loans, lands and fire insurance. President Minnesota Saving Fund Co., John D. Smith Dand Co.; secretary and treasurer Settlers' Land Co., Minnetonka Land Co. Mem ber Minneapolis Real Estate Board, Board of Insurance Underwriters. Re publican. Methodist. Member Masonic order, Zion Commandery K. T., Zurah Temple. Married, Brainerd, Minn., Sept. 5, 1883, to Blanche S. Sleeper, daughter of Judge Chauncy B. Sleeper. Clubs: Commercial, Lafayette. Recreations: Hunting, fishing and stock raising. Office: Security Bank Bldg. Residence: 2323 Bryant Av., S., Minneapolis. SMITH, Joseph H., hardware mer chant; born at Houlton, Me., July 14, 3 853; son of Chas. B. and Christiana M. (Bray) Smith; educated in common schools of Maine and Minnesota; mar ried at Minneapolis, Minn., Nov., 1876, to Sarah L. Bryant. Came to Minne sota, 1868; started in the hardware business, 1878, as partner of C. B. & J. H. Smith; since 1893 under own name. Recreation: Travel. Office: 214-216 Hennepin Av. Residence: 226 Ridgwood Av., Minneapolis. SMITH, Lewis, general merchandise; born in Douglas County, Minn., May 8, 1873; son of Knute J. and Belle (Ras- muson) Smith; educated in country school until 15, Alexandria High School, Sauk Center Academy, International Correspondence College, up to 19. Taught school 5 years; was secretary Nelson Creamery, 2 years; engaged in general merchandise business at Osakis, Minn., in his own name, 1897-1903; has been manager J. A. Caughren, Smith & Co., retail general merchandise, since Sept. 15, 1903. Town clerk, Osakis, 2 years; village recorder, 4 years; now village alderman. Republican. Dutheran. Mem ber Danish Brotherhood of America. Married at Osakis, Feb. 16, 1898, to Sophie M. Clausen. Address: Osakis, Minn. SMITH, Lyndon Ambrose, lawyer; born at Boscawen, N. H., July 15, 1854; son of Ambrose and Cynthia M. (Eger- ton) Smith; educated in public schools and academies, N. H. and Vt; Dart mouth College, degrees of A.B., 1880, A.M., 1883; Georgetown University, D. C, LL.B., 1882, LL.M., 1884. Admitted to bar, 1883. Clerk Bureau of Educa tion, Washington, D. C, 1880-85; came to Minnesota, 1885; county attorney, Chippewa Co., Minn., 1889-90, 1903-09; lieutenant governor, Minnesota, 1899- 1903. Vice president First National Bank of Montevideo, Minn. Member Minnesota State Bar Association, Amer ican Bar Association; delegate Interna tional Congregational Council, Boston, 1899, and Universal Congress of Law yers and Jurists, St. Louis, 1904. Re publican. Congregationalist. Member Masonic order, I. O. O. F. Author: Re cent School Law Decisions (1883). Mar ried at St. Paul, Minn., Feb. 3, 1886, to Miss Dora Rogers of Kittery, Me. Clubs: Minnesota Congregational, Com mercial. Address: Montevideo, Minn. SMITH, Milton Stelle, civil engineer; born in New Jersey, 1852; son of Rich ard Ross and Julia A. (Stelle) Smith; educated in common and high schools and at The Shattuck Military Academy, Faribault, Minn. Began work as civil engineer in 1870; county surveyor of Nobles Co., Minn., for 15 years; drain age expert for 10 years. President of THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS 477 Smith Implement Co., organized, 1903. Republican. Baptist. Married at Fari bault, 1874, to Flora E. Ingram (now deceased). Address:' Worthington, Minn. SMITH, Myron W., physician; born at Rockford, 111., Oct. 27, 1871; son of Col. Eliphas and Emma (Barnes) Smith; graduate University of N. Dakota, de gree of B.S., 1890; Boston University, Ch.B., 1894, M.D., 1895. Married at Oil City, Pa., 1896, to Dr. Grace Gardi ner. Began practice in Boston, 1895; in Oil City, Pa., 1896-98; came to Red Wing, Minn., 1898. Homeopath. Mem ber Minnesota State Institute of Homeo pathy, Boston Homeopathic Medical Society. Vice president Red Wing board of education since 1905. Member Knights of Pythias. Club: CommerciaL Recrea tions: Yachting, automobiling. Address: Red Wing, Minn. SMITH, Peter Bentz, manager St An thony & Dakota Elevator Co.; born at York, Pa., Feb. 9, 1851; son of Peter J. and Eva (Bentz) Smith; educated in common schools of Pennsylvania. Came west, in 1869, and taught school at Bellevue, Neb., one year, 1869-70; went to Duluth, Minn., 1870, and began in grain business, continuing until 1874; became junior partner in grain firm of C. B. Newcomb & Co., St. Paul; was in Fargo, N. D., as superintendent of the Northern Pacific Elevator Co., 1880-88; located in Minneapolis and has been connected with the St. Anthony & Da kota Elevator Co., as its director and manager, since Sept. 1, 1888; also di rector Washburn-Crosby Co., Barnum Grain Co., Royal Milling Co.; director and treasurer Huhn Elevator Co.; vice president Winona Fire Insurance Co. President Minneapolis Chamber of Com merce (reelected, Oct., 1906, director and vice president 7 years prior to 1905). Republican. Universalist. Mason. Mar ried at Fargo, N. D., May, 1902, to Miss Marie Dewey Graham. Clubs: Minneap olis, Lafayette, Minikahda. Office: Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Residence: 103 E. 16th St., Minneapolis. SMITH, Sj, president The Munson Shorthand Institute (inc.) ; born at Eagle, N. Y., Feb. 24, 1868; son of George H. and Alvira (Thompson) Smith; educated in public schools' of New York, Ohio and Michigan. Came to Minneapolis, 1884; began active career as clerk in a fruit store; began study of shorthand, 1886; bought out school, 1893, and incorpo rated it in 1894 as The Munson Short hand Institute, of which is president; also president Munson Stationery Co. and Munson Printing Co. Republican. Baptist. Member National Shorthand Teachers' Association. Member Knights of Pythias. Married at Minneapolis, 1899, to Miss Gladys F. Anderson. Club: Automobile (secretary). Recreations: Automobiling and fishing. Office: Met ropolitan Life Bldg. Residence: 2911 Park Av., Minneapolis. SMITH, Bobert Armstrong, mayor of St. Paul; born at Boonville, Ind., June 13, 1827; son of William and Elizabeth (Graham). Smith; educated in public schools; graduated from Law Depart ment University of Indiana, 1850. Came to Minnesota, 1853, as private secretary to his brother-in-law, Willis A. Gorman, territorial governor of Minnesota, and has since made St. Paul his home; was elected treasurer of Ramsey Co., 1856, and served until 1868; held the posi tion of territorial librarian until 1858. Became member banking firm of Daw son, Smith & Reed, 1866, and was one of the incorporators of the Bank of Minnesota, and served many years as its vice president. Ex-president and ex- member city council; postmaster of St. Paul, 1892-1896; has been mayor of St. Paul for 8 terms. Married at Blooming- ton, Ind., 1850, to Miss Mary E. Stone. Recreations: Hunting and fishing. Club: Commercial. Offices: City Hall. Resi dence: Merchants' Hotel, St. Paul. SMITH, Samuel George, clergyman and educator; born at Birmingham, Eng., March 7, 1852; son of Rev. Wil liam Smith (M.A.) and Harriet (John son) Smith; graduated at Cornell Col lege (A.B. ; A.M.), Syracuse University (A.M.; Ph.D.); married at St. Paul, June 14, 1890. to Sadie Nicols. Pastor Peoples' Church of St. Paul since 1888; professor of sociology, University of Minnesota, since 1890. Member of com mission to locate Insane Hospital; mem ber Board of Corrections and Charities seven years and school board, St. Paul, three years; member of Dibrary Board; member Board of Regents University of Minnesota, four years. Member Nation al Conference of Charities (president), National Prison Association and numer ous reform organizations. Mason (32°). Clubs: Commercial, Town and Country (St. Paul), Aldine (New York City). Office: Peoples' Church. Residence: 125 College Av., St. Paul. SMITH, Suwarrow A., county treas urer of Mower Co.; born at Spring Valley, Minn., March 28, 1859; son of John M. and Ann J. (Kingsley) Smith; educated in public schools; married, Oct. 24, 1882, to Cora B. Urleson (died, April 19, 1899). Raised on a farm in Fillmore Co., Minn.; located in Austin in fall of 1882; engaged in grain busi ness, 1884-1903; has been county treas urer of Mower Co. since Jan. 1, 1903, present term extending to Jan., 1909. Republican. Member I. O. O. F, B. P. O." E., A. O. U. W., M. W. A. Club: Progressive League. Recreation: Launch ing. Address: Austin, Minn. SMITH, Walter J., banker; born at Eureka, Kan., Oct. 5, 1870; entered banking business, 1890; president and director Miners' National Bank, Eveleth; vice president State Bank of Aurora. Deputy collector of customs, district of St. Paul; member Eveleth School Board. Mason; member Knights of Pythias. Married at Tower, Minn., 1896, to Miss Lillian Maelnnis. Club: Fayal. Ad dress: Eveleth, Minn. 478 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS SMITH, Welcome J., lawyer; born at Galesville, Wis., Jan. 17, 1864; son of George H. and Carrie C. (Johnston) Smith; educated in public schools of Galesville; Galesville University; Law Department, University of Michigan, graduating, degree of DL.B., 1887. Mar ried at Winona, Minn., 1890, to Miss Ida Gerlicher. Admitted to the bar, March, 1886; has been engaged in practice at Winona since 1887; member law firm of Tawney, Smith & Tawney since 1890. Democrat. Was municipal judge, Wi nona, 1901-05. Member Winona Bar As sociation. Director Park Brewery Co. Mason (32°), Shriner; member Knights of Pythias. Club: Arlington. Recrea tions: Fishing, bowling and boating. Address: Winona, Minn. SMITH, William C, division engineer Northern Pacific Ry. ; born at St. Cloud, Minn., July 30, 1865; son of Albert and Sarah Chittenden (Nichol) Smith; edu cated at St. Cloud High School, gradua ting, 1884; graduated from University of Minnesota, Civil Engineering Depart ment, June, 1890. Entered service of St. Paul & Northern Ry., as resident engineer, St. Paul, continuing, 1890-93; was assistant engineer Northern Pacific Ry., at Duluth, 1893-97; assistant en gineer, same road, at Jamestown, N. D., 1897-99; assistant engineer in charge of construction work, 1899-1902; division engineer at Livingston, Mont, March 1 to Dec. 1, 1902; has been division engi neer, same road, at St. Paul, since Dec. 1, 1902. Mason (32°); member Beta Theta Pi fraternity. Married at Sauk Center, Mirin., Dec. 29, 1896, to Miss Clara Richards. Office: Broadway, Cor. 4th St. Residence: 95 Kent St., St. Paul. SMITH, William Watkins, bank cash ier; son of William A. and Martha Strong (Watkins) Smith; reared on a farm and educated in common schools and at Lawrence University, Appleton, Wis., graduating, degree of B.S., June, 1881. Began active career as employe of the First National Bank, Canton, S. D., 1881; associated with C. D. Grif fin and organized the Merchants' Bank, Sleepy Eye, Minn., Aug. 1, 1882, which continued until 1902, when it was merged into The First National Bank, of which he is cashier. Was member military staff of Gov. Nelson. Member I. O. O. F., Knights of Pythias. Mar ried at Kasson, Minn., Sept. 29, 1885, to Miss Ada Cogswell Bunker. Address: Sleepy Eye, Minn. SNIDES, Samuel Prather, ex-con gressman, farmer, miner; born at Mt. Gilead, O., Oct. 9, 1845; son of John R. and Catharine (Prather) Snider; edu cated at Mt. Gilead High School, Ober lin College; married at Mt. Gilead, O., July 27, 1871, Ella A. Trimble. Enlisted Dec. 6, 1861, in Co. D, 65th Ohio Vols.; later capt. 13 th U. S. C. T.; wounded at battles of Stone River and Chickamauga; discharged on account of wounds, Oct., 1864. Civil pursuits in Ohio until 1875, when removed to Minnesota, and made home in Minneapolis. Served in Minne sota Legislature 4 years; member Con gress, 1S89-91. Built Midland railroad as president, and engaged in farming and iron mining. Member G. A. R., Loval Legion. Episcopalian. Repub lican. Address: 1226 Mt. Curve Av., Minneapolis. SNOW, Arthur Herbert, jurist; born at Clinton, Mich., Sept. 20, 1841; son of Fielder Slade and Caroline (Keyes) Snow; educated in public schools of Clinton; University of Michigan, grad uating, degree of A.B., June, 1865; Albany Law School, Albany, N. Y., graduating, June, 1867; married at Ho mer, Mich., Aug. 28, 1867, to Miss Martha. A. Westcott Began practice of law in San Francisco, Calif., Dec, 1867, continuing until 1871; came to Minne sota, Jan. 12, 1871, and located at Wi nona; was county attorney Winona Co., 1875-79; city attorney, Winona, several terms, and mayor, 1885-86; also mem ber board of education, Winona, member State Board of Examiners in Law. Has been district judge, 3rd judicial dis trict of Minnesota, since Jan., 1897, present term expiring Jan., 1909. Epis copalian. Recreations: Miscellaneous reading, the theatre, trips into the coun try and on the river in summer. Ad dress: Winona, Minn. SNYDER, Fred B., attorney at law; born at Minneapolis, Minn., Feb. 21, 1859; son of Simeon P. and Mary (Ram sey) Snyder; educated in public schools in Minneapolis and University of Minne sota, graduating, 1881; married, -1st, at Minneapolis, 1885, to Miss Susan M. Pillsbury, who died in 1891; 2nd, 1896, to Miss Leonora G. Dickson, of Pills bury. Entered upon practice of law, 1882, and now member of the law firm of Snyder & Gale. Alderman 2nd Ward, Minneapolis, 1893-96; president City Council and apting mayor, 1895-96; member House of Representatives, Min nesota State Legislature, 1897-98; mem ber State Senate, 1899-1902. Republican. Office: Security Bank Bldg. Residence: 915 6th St., S. E., Minneapolis. SNYDES, Harry, professor of agri cultural chemistry' and soils; born at Cherry Valley, N. Y., Jan. 26, 1867; son of David W. and Mary A. (Harter) Sny der; educated in public schools, Herki mer (N. Y.) Academy, Clinton Diberal Institute, Fort Plain, N. Y., Cornell Uni versity, B.S., with special honors in chemistry, 1889; spent two years in ad vanced work at Cornell University; married at Rochester, N. Y., 1890, to Adelaide C. Craig. Since 1891, professor of agricultural chemistry, University of Minnesota, and chemist to the Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station; pro fessor of soils, 1906. Expert in Nutri tion Investigations, carried on by U. S. Department of Agriculture, Fellow A. A. A. S.; member Society for the Promo tion of Agriculture, Sigma Xi, Fhi Delta Theta. Author: The Chemistry of Plant THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 479 tilizers (1905); Dairy Chemistry (1906); also bulletins. Office: College of Agri culture, University of Minnesota. Resi dence: 2090 Commonwealth Av., St. Paul. SODEBLIND, Alfred, banking, real estate; born in Sweden, May 18, 1856; educated in public schools of Sweden. Came to America, 1877, and to Duding- and Animal Dife (1903); Soils and Fer- ton, Mich., 1879; worked at mason's trade and in lumber camps; located in Lincoln Co., Minn., 1885, bought land and engaged in farming; was elected register of deeds, 1890, -continuing until 1895; began in real estate and farm loan business, 1895; engaged in banking in 1901, as cashier and director of National Citizens Bank; now cashier of Farmers' State Bank. Has been court commissioner of Lincoln Co. since 1898; also abstracter of titles. Lutheran. Member Knights of Pythias, M. W. A., A.. O. U. W. Married at Ludington, Mich., Dec. 22, 1883, to Miss Emily R. Johnson. Address: Dake Benton, Minn. SODEBQUIST, Harold A., electrician; born in Sweden, June 30, 1866; educated in public schools in Sweden, until 1880; pursued three courses of study at The Royal Navy, Sweden, 1886-90. In the service of the Royal Telegraph Works, Sweden, 1890-92; immigrated to the United States, 1892; engaged in various occupations, 1892-98. Manager of the Fergus Telephone Co. since April, 1898, and of the North Western Telephone Exchange, at Fergus Falls, since Oct. 1, 1906. Served in Royal Navy of Swe den, 1880-90, resigning as sergeant. Member M. W. A. and I. O. O. F. Mar ried at , Fergus Falls, Minn., 1897, to Emma Elizabeth Elg. Address: Fergus Falls, Minn. SOHLBEBG, Olof, physician; born at Ostersund, Sweden, July 6, 1859; son of Olof and Ingrid (Olsdotter) Sohl- berg; graduated from College of Oster sund, Sweden, 1879; Minnesota College Hospital (now Medical Department of the University of Minnesota) M.D., 1884. Married at Cannon Falls, Minn., 1886, to Helvina A. Wold. Engaged in prac tice of medicine since 1884. Member Ramsey County Medical Society, Minne sota State and American Medical asso ciations, director of the North Star Benefit Association of Moline. 111.; di rector Minnesota College (Minneapolis, Minn.), Bethesda Hospital, Bethesda Deaconness Home (St. Paul) and The Home for the Aged at Chisago City, Minn. Dutheran. Club: Norden. Office: 329 East 7th St., St. Paul. Residence: 783 Fairmount Av., St. Paul. Summer home, Lake Forest, Minn. SOMEBS, Charles W., lumber; born in Pennsylvania, Jan. 10, 1870; son of Edward and Margaret (Fisher) Somers; educated in public schools of Pennsyl vania; married at Lakefield, Minn., 1900, to Miss Minnie L. Timm. Began active career as a commercial traveler; came to St. Paul, 1893, and engaged in real estate and land business; assisted in organizing the Somers-Timm Lumber Co., 1903, of which he has been secre tary and treasurer since time of its organization. Mason, Knight Templar. Recreation: Driving. Office: Manhattan Bldg. Residence: 779 Carroll St., St. Paul. SOMEBVILLE, George W., lawyer; born in Indiana, 1855; son of William and Rachel (Cunningham) Somerville; graduated from Rochester (Minn.) High School, 1876, and from Daw Department, University of Michigan, 1879. Began practice of law in 1879. Filled position of county attorney of Brown Co., 1882- 88; ex-city attorney of Sleepy Eye; State Senator, 1899-1907. Member of the law firm of Somerville & Hauser; president Sleepy Eye Dand and Invest ment Co.; vice president North Star Grain Co., Canada; director State Bank of Morgan. Republican. Methodist. Ma son, Shriner; member I. O. O. F., Knights of Pythias. Married at Roch ester, Minn., 1881, to Miss Mary Fuller. Address: Sleepy Eye, Minn. SOMMEBS, Benjamin, merchant; born at Monroe, Wis., 1859; son of George and Amalie (Stern) Sommers. Came to Minnesota, 1882; has been identified with G. Sommers & Co., wholesale gen eral merchandise, since the organization of the house, in 1881, and has been president of the company since its in corporation, 1903. Office: 6th and Wacouta Sts. Residence: 18 Summit Ct, St. Paul. SOMMERS, Charles Lyesring, mer chant; born at Green Bay, Wis., Feb. 3 4, 1870; son of George and Amalia (Stern) Sommers; graduate Green Bay High School, 1886; University of Min nesota, B.A., 1890. Married at New York, 1904, to Rosa Davidson. Since 1890 has been in firm of G. Sommers & Co., of which is secretary. Republican. Uni tarian. Member Beta Theta Pi society (treasurer of Minnesota society), Pi Beta Nu and Phi Beta Kappa. Secretary Unity Church. Clubs: Commercial, Min nesota Boat (vice president), Amateur Athletic (director). Office: 6th and Wa couta Sts. Residence: 592 Grand Av., St. Paul. SOMMEBS, Henry Stern, merchant; born at Green Bay, Wis., Dec. 25, 1877; son of George and Amalie (Stern) Som mers; came to Minnesota, 1886; edu cated in public schools of St. Paul and at University of Minnesota, graduating, LL.B., 1898. Has been identified with G. Sommers & Co., wholesale merchan dise, since leaving college; became member of the company, upon its incor poration, 1903, and is its treasurer. Unitarian. Mason. Unmarried. Clubs: Commercial, A. A. A., Minnesota, Boat. Office: 6th and Wacouta Sts. Residence: 9 S. St. Albans Av., St. Paul. SOMMEBSTAD, Carl P., banking; born at New Richland, Minn., Dec. 3, 1876; son of Tollef K. and Ellen (He- denstad) Sommerstad; educated in com- 480 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS mon schools of Waseca Co., and at Minnesota Normal and Business College, 3 896. Unmarried. Raised on a farm; became bookkeeper First National Bank, Waseca, 1899; was elected assistant cashier, 1902, and has been cashier of the bank since 1903. Deputy oil in spector for 3 years; has been treasurer City of Waseca since 1903. Dutheran. Club: Commercial. Address: Waseca, Minn. SOMSEN, Stephen Herbert, lawyer; born in Howard County, la., May 29, 1877; son of G. J. and Emma H. (Gleas- son) Somsen; came to Minnesota, 1889; educated in Minneapolis High School and College of Daw, University of Min nesota, graduating, degree of DL.B., 1898; unmarried. Admitted to the bar at St. Paul, Minn., June, 1898; began practice in Winona and has been part ner in law firm of Brown, Abbott & Somsen since Jan., 1900. Member Min nesota State and Winona County Bar associations. Democrat. Was special judge of municipal court, 1900-04. Sec retary and director Biesanz Stone Co. Mason (32°), Shriner. Director Masonic Benevolent Association. Member Phil harmonic Society. Unitarian. Clubs: Arlington (president), Meadow Brook (director). Recreations: Golf, automo biling. Address: Winona, Minn. SONNESYN, John K., merchant; born in Norway, April 15, 1858; son of Chris topher P'. and Ingrid Sonnesyn; educated in common and high schools and grad uated from seminary, 1879. Entered mercantile business in Norway, 1880; came to America, 1882, and stopped at Boscabell, Wis., moving to Madelia, Minn., later in the year; bought store of H. Herrick, 1886, and has since con ducted business under title of J. K. Sonnesyn & Co. Also director First National Bank; president St. James Telephone Co. (St. James), Twin City Oil Co. (Minneapolis). Married at St. James, Dec. 7, 1896, to Miss Anna Sophia Fuhr. Address: St James, Minn. SOBENSON, Oscar C. P., miller; born in Denmark, April 3, 1850; educated in private schools. Began at the age of 15 to learn the milling business; came to America, 1872, located first at Gran ville, Mich.; was connected with the Rockton Mills, the old Kasson Mill and milled at Claremont for two years; purchased the Rockton Mills, 1877, and has since operated them; built the Kas son Roller Mills, 1894. Member I. O. O. F., Modern Woodmen of America. Ad dress: Kasson, Minn. SOBENSEN, Severin N., manufactur er; born, Milwaukee, -Wis., April 3, 1864; son of Soren Andreas and Anna (Sve- nungsen) Sorensen; educated by private instruction; married at Clear Lake, la., June 22, 1892, to Andrine M. Halvorsen. Began business career as clerk in hard ware store, Clear Lake, la., 1879-81; learned tinner's trade at Blue Earth, Minn., 1882-85; worked at trade at Clear Lake, la., 1886, and at Devil's Lake, N. D., 1887-88; bought tin shop at Crookston, Minn., 1889; started hard ware business with M. E. Randklev, Fosston, Minn., 1890; added farm imple ments and lumber and continued in that business until 1899; since fall of 1900, president, treasurer and director Foss ton Mfg. Co. of St. Paul, manufacturers and jobbers of road graders, ditching machines, etc. Democrat. Lutheran. Clubs: Commercial (St. Paul); Odin, Minneapolis. Office: 473 Cleveland Av., North St. Paul. Residence: 1716 El liott Av.. S., Minneapolis, Minn. SORKNES, Halvor L., lawyer; born at Grue. Norway, 1870; educated at Kongsvinger Academy, Norway; came to America, 1888; graduate of College of Law, University of Minnesota, degree of LL.B., 1898; degree of LL.M., same university, 1899. Began practice of law, 1898; elected county attorney of Lac qui Parle Co., 1900, 1902 and 1904. Mar ried at Madison, Minn., 1901, to Miss Carine Jerde. Address: Madison, Minn. SOBTEDAHL, Martin O., banking; born in Goodhue Co., Minn., May 6, 1866; educated in common schools of Goodhue Co.; attended St. Olaf College, Northfield, Minn., six and a half years. Born and reared on a farm; deputy clerk of district court, Polk Co., 1890- 99; removed to Red Lake Falls, 1899, where he has since resided, engaging in banking, etc. President Bank of Red Lake Falls and Sortedahl Land, Loan and Abstract Co. Address: Red Lake Falls, Minn. SORTOR, Alexander Louis, Jr., presi dent American Suburbs Co.; born in Johnson County, la., July 15, 1867; son of Alexander Louis and Nancy Ada (Sprague) Sortor; educated in common schools of Johnson Co., Ia. Was in business in Mason City, la., for 16 years; founder and builder of the National Memorial University, at Mason City, la., which is dedicated to the G. A. R.; has been a resident of Minneapolis, Minn., since 1904; president of the American Suburbs Co., since the time of its organization, 1905, a merger of indi vidual interests for the purpose of sup plying homes to home seekers at Minne apolis. Was captain Co. A, 52nd Ia. Inf., Spanish-American War. Member Sons of American Revolution, Sons of Veterans, Spanish-American War Asso ciation, American Institute of Civics. I. O. O. F., Knights of Pythias, M. W. A. Democrat. Member Disciples of Christ. Married at Mason City, la., 1892, to Miss Minnie D. Francisco. Office: Se curity Bank Bldg. Residence: Hamp shire Arms, Minneapolis. SOULE, Winfield S., farmer; born at Phillips, Me., April 13, 1854; son of Jesse H. and Ellen (Brown) Soule; came to Minnesota with parents, 1854; edu cated in country schools of Minnesota. Has engaged in farming in Washington Co., since he commenced his active career; now president Withrow Cooper ative Creamery Association; member THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS 481 Board of County Commissioners since 1898, chairman of the board since 1901. Republican. Member I. O. O. F., Knights of Pythias. Address: Withrow, Minn. SOUTHWICK, Claude E., lawyer; born at Wells, Minn., Jan. 15, 1873; son of Orlji F. and Mary E. (Benson) South- wick; educated in public schools of Wells; Hamline University, graduating, degree of Ph.B., 1894; College of Law, University of Minnesota, LL.B., 1897. Unmarried. Practiced law in Minneap olis, 1897-99; has been engaged in prac tice at Albert Lea since 1899. City at torney of Albert Lea. Republican. Meth odist; president Minnesota State Ep worth League M. E. Church, for 2 years, now 4th vice president. Secretary Chau tauqua Association. Member Masonic order, B. P. O. E. Club: Commercial. Address: Albert Lea, Minn. SOUTHWOBTH, Ell, lawyer; born at Mattapoisett, Mass., Sept. 4, 1844; son of Newton and Rhoda (Sparrow) South- worth; educated in public schools and by home and office study. Served in the Civil War as private in Co. A, 4th Regt, Minn. Vol. Inf., 1861-62. Entered pro fession of law, June, 1874; county at torney Scott Co., Minn., 1881; city attorney of Shakopee, Minn., 8 years, between 1879-99; has been member of the State Board of Examiners in Law, 1891 to the present time, and secretary and treasurer of the board since 1897. Member G. A. R., A. O. U. W., M. W. A., and Minnesota Territorial Pioneers' So ciety. Married at Belle Plaine, Minn., April, 1867, Lenora E. Walter. Address: Shakopee, Minn. SPACE, George Montrose, general Northwestern agent Pittsburgh Coal Co.; born at Utica, N. Y., May 12, 1857; son of Edward H. and Maria (Thomp son) Space; educated in public schools of New York State. Began active ca reer in employ of the Erie Railroad Co., at Salamanca, N. Y., occupying positions for several years in ticket and freight departments; came to Minnesota from New York, In 1887; secured clerkship with the Ohio Coal Co., and was pro moted consecutively to agent at Minne apolis, general agent same place, resi dent manager, vice president with office at St. Paul, and finally president. Short ly after, in 1901, the Pittsburgh Coal Co. secured control of the Ohio Coal Co., and he was made its general North western agent, in charge of the north western sales departments, first at St. F'aul, and since 1906, at Minneapolis. Republican. Married in New York, 1879, to Miss Sara S. Goodell. Clubs: Minne sota (St. Paul), Commercial (St. Paul), Commercial (Minneapolis). Recreations: Automobiling and boating. Office: Frank lin Blk. Residence: 2200 Hennepin Av., Minneapolis. SPAFFOBD, Fred, banking; born, Lake City, Minn., Dec. 17, 1865; edu cated in schools of Minnesota. Con nected with the banking business since 1883; began with the Security Bank of Minnesota, May, 1887, and is now assist ant cashier of the bank. Office: Secu rity Bank of Minnesota. Residence: 3209 Portland Av., Minneapolis. SP ADDING, George Cash, jeweler; born at Negaunee, Mich., June 13, 1868; son of Lyman M. S. and Ducy A. (Don aldson) Spalding; came to Duluth with parents, 1876; educated in public and high schools of Duluth. Began active career in jewelry business and has con tinued in it to the present time; sec retary F. D. Day & Co., jewelers. Member Masonic order, Modern Samari tans, Royal Deague. Married at Supe rior, Wis., 1900, to Miss Alice I. Gibbs. Office: 315 W. Superior St. Residence: 407 E. '5th St., Duluth. SPANG, Matthew A., county auditor, Itasca Co.; born in Ontario, Can., Feb. 19, 1875; educated in public schools of York Co., Can.; Markham (Ont), High School; Ontario Business College, Belle ville, Ont, graduating, May 11, 1892. Born and raised on a farm; came to Minnesota, Sept., 1892; was in employ of J. Leary & Co., lumber dealers, La- prairie, for three years; taught public school in Itasca Co.; in Jan., 1903, was appointed deputy sheriff of Itasca Co.; elected county auditor Nov., 1904, and reelected Nov., 1906, present term ex tending to Jan., 1909. Democrat. Mem ber Masonic order, I. O. O. F., I. O. R. M., Eagles. Unmarried. Address: Grand Rapids, Minn. SPEAB, Lambert Edwin, gas engines; born at Northfield, Minn., Sept. 28, 1872; son of Everett and Dizzy Ann (Watts) Spear; educated in public schools of Northfield and at Carleton College. En gaged in mechanical work, 1890-98; originator and organizer of the Spear Gas Engine Co., established 1899, manu facturers of gas, gasoline and alcohol engines and accessories. Married at Hastings, Minn., Oct. 19, 1896, to Miss Louise E. Greenslade. Address: North- field, Minn. SFEETEB, John J., merchant; born at Nenno, Wis., Oct. 26, 1861; son of Nicholas and Katherine (Martin) Spee- ter; educated in public schools of Nenno; Pio Nono College, St.- Francis, Wis.; National Academy, Milwaukee, Wis. Taught school, 1880-84; has been in mercantile business since 1884. Al derman, St. Charles, 1895-96-97; mayor, 1899-1901. Democrat. Member I. O. O. F., M. W. A., A. O. U. W., Modern Sa maritans. Married at Nenno, Wis., Aug. 12, 1884, to Miss Dora Boehm. Recrea tions: Fishing and traveling. Address: St. Charles, Minn. SPENCER, Albert M., county superin tendent of schools; born at North Eng lish, la., Aug. 5, 1872; educated in common schools in Keokuk Co., Ia., New Sharon (Ia.) High School and Valparaiso University, Valparaiso, Ind., graduating, June, 1892. Superintendent of schools Lincoln Co., since Jan. 1, 1899. Repub lican. Member I. O. O. F. Married at Coal Creek, la., July 12, 1893, to Miss 482 THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS Alice M. Holloway. Address: Hen dricks, Minn. SPENCER, Edmund Dix, business manager; born, Benton Harbor, Mich., March 22, 1861; son of C. A. and Eliza beth (Dix) Spencer; educated in Benton Harbor public schools. Entered marble and tile business 20 years ago, and be came manager F. H. Sammis & Co., with headquarters in Chicago and the Northwest; came from Chicago, 1900, as manager of the Drake Marble & Tile Co. Republican. Member I. O. O. F. Married in Michigan, 1881, to Miss Theresa Phillips. Office: 607 2nd Av., S. Residence: 1015 8th St., S. E., Minne apolis. SPENCER, George, Spencer, Moore & Co., grain commission. Address: Du luth. SPERRY, Dennis Samuel, merchant and manufacturing stationer; born at Malone, N. Y., Feb. 20, 1848; son of Samuel and Polly H. (Bell) Sperry; educated at Franklin Academy, Malone; married at St. Paul, Minn., 1892, to Miss Emma J. Sutton. Began business career as clerk with W. W. Hutchinson & Son, Appleton, Wis., 1868-69; sales man with Culver, Page, Hoyne & Co., Chicago, 111., 1870-85; member' of firm of Brown, Tracy & Co., 1885-1901, and since incorporation, 1901, president of Brown, Tracy & Sperry Co. Mason (32°). Shriner. Clubs: Minnesota, Town and Country. Office: Fifth and Minnesota Sts. Residence: 536 Holly Av., St. Paul. SPERRY, Wesley A., lawyer; born at Farmington, Mich., March 15, 1847; son of Harvey S. and Betsey E. (Winslow) Sperry; educated in public and select schools; commenced study of law in office of Judge Wheelock, April, 1871; admitted to bar, Dec, 1873; entered Law Department, University of Michigan, fall of 1872, and graduated, degree of LL.B., March 26, 1873; completed stud ies with Judge Wheelock until Jan. 1, 1874. Began practice at Mantorville, Minn., Jan., 1874, and continued there for 6 years; returned to Owatonna, Nov., 1879, and entered into partner ship with judge Wheelock, as Wheelock & Sperry, which still exists (said to be the oldest law Arm in the state), enti tled to practice in all courts of Michi gan and Minnesota, and has tried cases in U. S. district court, circuit court of appeals and U. S. supreme court. Di rector and secretary Owatonna Building & Doan Association; director Owatonna Opera House Co.; vice president Sperry Mfg. Co. County attorney 9 years; president board of education. 12 years; State senator, 4 years. Republican. Methodist. Member Royal Arcanum. Married at E. Bloomfield, N. Y., Dec. 26, 1878, to Miss Julia A. Steele. Recrea tions: Farming and driving good horses. Address: Owatonna, Minn. SPICES, Lester Wedge, pharmacist; born at Albert Lea, Minn., Oct. 20, 1876; son of Lester V.. and Laura A. (Smith) Spicer; graduate of Albert Lea High School. 1895, and University of Minne sota, Pharmacy Department, 1897; un married. Entered upon business ca reer, 1897; member of the firm of Bar low & Spicer, manufacturing and retail pharmacists. Member of the Masonic order, B. P. O. E., Knights of Pythias, Woodmen, Maccabees. Recreation: Golf. Address: Albert Dea, Minn. SPICEB, Russell, banker; born at Willmar, Minn., Feb. 26, 1876; son of John M. and Eliza F. (Deming) Spicer; educated in public schools of Willmar, The Shattuck School, Faribault, Minn., graduating, 1893; University of Minne sota, graduating, degree of B.S., 1897. Began active career in retail farm im plement trade, continuing from 1898- 1900; engaged in sale of real estate, and is secretary of the Spicer Land Co.; entered banking, 1902, and is now presi dent of the First National Bank, Will mar. Mason (32°). Married at Minne apolis, Minn., Jan. 28, 1903, to Miss Mar garet Moore. Address: Willmar, Minn. SFOONER, Lewis C, lawyer, mer chant, farmer; born in Erie Co., N. Y., March 7, 1850; son of Carlton and Phoebe (Skippy) Spooner; educated in common schools and at Griffith Insti tute, Springville, N. Y. Came to Min nesota, 1875, having resigned principal- ship of Hamburg (N. Y.) Union High School, Oct. 13, 1875, to accept similar position at Litchfield, Minn., continuing as principal until June, 1877; studied law and was admitted to the bar at Litchfield, Minn., April, 1876; member of law firm of Campbell & Spooner, Litchfield, 1877-80; practiced alone at Morris, Minn.. 1881-83; member of firm of Spooner, Darling & Flaherty, 1884- 85; was general attorney Piano Manu facturing Co., Chicago, 111., 1886-91; general counsel William Deering & Co., and Deering Harvester Co., Chicago, Nov., 1891, to March, 1896. Returned to Morris, Minn., March, 1896, and re opened law office and practice; has con ducted many important cases; also has large investments in farming lands and city real "estate and properties. Presi dent of Olsen, Guter, Healy Company, Nilson, Hanson & Company (department store), and Spooner Investment Com pany (all incorporated), and treasurer and director of M. B. Lord & Co. Re publican (not partisan). Member State Legislature, 57th district; chairman railroad committee and also member following committees: Drainage, judi ciary, municipal legislation, State School at Owatonna and agricultural schools, taxes and laws, State Prison and Re formatory, etc. Member Knights of Pythias, B. P. O. E. Married at Sar dinia, N. Y., March, 1873, to Miss Ella F. Lord, daughter of Samuel H. and Catherine Lord. Address: Morris, Minn. SPBAGUE, Cassius M., banker; born at Crete, 111., Dec. 11, 1846; son of Henry and Louisa C. (Walker) Sprague; came to Minnesota, 1854; common school THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 483 and private business college education. Enlisted in 1st Regt. Mounted Rangers, Oct. 23, 1862, and was mustered out Nov. 28, 1863; enlisted in 2nd Regt. Minn. Vols., Feb., 1865, and was dis charged, June, 1865. Moved from Hast ings to Sauk Center, Minn., fall of 1865, entered employ of Dinnemann & Cap- ser, general merchandise, as clerk, 1866, and continued for 8 years; began in business for himself under firm name of Capser & Sprague, 1874; sold out, 1877, and went into loan business; in drug business, 1880-84; began in bank ing business as cashier of the First National Bank, 1884, and has since de voted his attention to banking; presi dent First National Bank, Sauk Center, and officer of many other banks, etc. Republican. Member I. O. O. F. For 8 years member State Board of Equali zation (four years its chairman) ; candi date for lieut. governor, 1906. Address: Sauk Center, Minn. SPRAGUE, Quincy S., produce; born at Bellevue, la., Sept. 8, 1867; son of Horatio J. and Deborah (Rockwell) Sprague; came to Minnesota, 1871; edu cated in public schools of Albert Dea, Minn. Removed to Grafton, N. D., in 1881 and remained there until 1895, en gaging in grocery business; came to Minneapolis, 1895, and organized the Sprague Commission Co., in which he still continues. Also director Sprague, Benedict & Co., retail produce. Repub lican. Member Minneapolis Produce Ex change. Mason. Married at Grafton, N. D., May 28, 1891, to Miss Hattie Hammett Recreation: Whist. Office: 219 6th St., N. Residence: 2908 Girard Av.. S., Minneapolis. SFBIETEB, Chris A., county superin tendent of schools; born at Roscoe, Minn., Oct. 15, 1874; educated in com mon schools and at Beeman's Business College and Normal Department, Red Wing, Minn. Has been engaged in teaching school except when in U. £j. army; superintendent of schools, Kan abec Co., since Jan. 1, 1902. Enlisted in 3rd U. S. Inf. (regulars), March 26, 3 898; participated in battles of El Caney, San Juan Hill and Santiago, Spanish American War; honorably discharged from service, for disability, Feb. 14, 1899; pensioned March 20, 1899. Re- - publican. Member I. O. O. F. Unmar ried. Address: Mora, Minn. STABECK. Henry N., banker; born at Davis, 111., March 26, 1875; son of T. and Torgen. Stabeck; educated in public schools at Freeport, 111.; at Davis Union School, graduating, 1893; studied veter inary surgery, 1892-93; took course De troit Correspondence Daw School, 1896- 97. Began business career as book keeper in Security Bank, Renville, Minn., Nov. 1, 1893, assistant cashier, Jan. 1, 1894, cashier, Jan. 1, 1896; became presi dent First National Bank, Renville, Jan. 1, 1901; vice president Northwest ern Fire & Marine Insurance Co., Min neapolis, Minn., Jan. 1, 1907. Organ ized various banks and investment com panies, 1895-1906, in company with F. O. Gold, W. H. Gold and C. O. R. Sta beck. Also connected with other cor porations. Republican. Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner; member B. P. O. E. Married at Renville, Minn., April 5, 3 899, to Miss J. Alice Carey. Club: Commercial (Minneapolis). Recreations: Hunting, riding and driving. Address: Minneapolis, Minn. STACK, Michael K., merchant; born in Co. Kerry, Ireland, April 5, 1861; son of Edward and Joanna (Keene) Stack; educated in National Schools and Intermediate College, Lastowel, Ireland. Came to America, 1881, and located first in Indianapolis and in Minneapolis, Minn., 1893; was connected with Ban non & Co., department store, until he removed to Duluth in 1900 and organ ized the firm of Stack & Co., dry goods and millinery, of which he is the head; also director Celtic Building & Doan Association of Indianapolis. Democrat. Catholic. Member Knights of Columbus, •A. O. H. Unmarried. Club: Elks. Office: 21-23 W. Superior St. Residence: 1211 East 1st St., Duluth. STACY, Edwin P., general commis sion merchant; born at De Kalb, N. Y., May 31, 1831; son of Isaac and Orpah (Page) Stacy; educated in district schools of St. Dawrence Co., N. Y., and at Governeur Academy, N. Y. Has been engaged in mercantile business ever since the beginning of his active career, commencing in dry goods store at Utica, N. Y., 1849; firm started branch at Dafayette, Ind., of which he took charge early in the '50s; engaged in lumber and grain business with his brother, at Dover, 111., 1853-61; was in general merchandise business, at Mit chell, la., 1861-83; came to Minneapolis and entered general commission busi ness; is president E. P. Stacy & Sons, jobbers and wholesale dealers in foreign, domestic and California fruits, founded, 1883, incorporated, 1901, operating 7 branch produce houses in principal points in Iowa, Minnesota and N. and S. Dakota. Was mayor of Mitchell, la.. 1880-83, and president school board. Re publican. Congregationalist. Member Minneapolis Produce Exchange. Mar ried, 1st, 1856, to Elizabetti Leonard of Governeur, N. Y. (now deceased) ; 2nd, at Naperville, 111., 1880, to Miss Amelia M. Kent. Club: Commercial. Recrea tions: Outing vacations. Office: 200- 202 N. 6th St. Residence: 1910 Port land Av., Minneapolis; (winter) South ern California. STAIB, J. Harry, register of deeds, Polk Co.; born at Oneco, 111., March 16, 1873; son of George Washington and Rebecca (Dinehardt) Stair; educated in public schools; Orangeville (111.) High School, graduating, 1889; Mt. Morris College, graduating, degree of B.A., 1891. Taught in public schools, 1891-92; came to Minnesota, Sept., 1892; was stenographer for law firm of Janes & 4S4 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS Cady, Pipestown, Minn., 1893-95; prin cipal business department Western Col lege, Toledo, la., 1895-96; abstractor for H. Bendeke & Co., Grand Forks, N. D., 1S97-1901; in abstract business since 1901. Register of deeds of Polk Co., since Jan., 1905. Republican. Member Masonic order, B. P. O. E., M. W. A., Modern Samaritans. Married at Osakis, Minn., June 21, 1898, to Miss Alta Leona Crowe. Clubs: Cheer Up, Tauk- Much- Fishing Club, Crookston. Recreations: Hunting and fishing. Address: Crooks ton, Minn. STALEY, John C, physician; born in Bureau Co., 111., Feb., 1S75; son of John C. Staley; removed with parents to North Dakota when a child; graduate Bismarck (N. D.) High School, attended Valley City Normal School; graduate College of Medicine and Surgery, Uni versity of Minnesota, degree of M.D., 1903; interne St. Duke's Hospital, June, 1903, to June, 1904. Has been engaged in practice in St. Paul since 1904. Mem ber American and Minnesota State Med ical associations, Ramsey County Med ical Society. Scottish Rite Mason; member Royal Arcanum. Office: 421 W. University Av. Residence: 624 Selby Av., St. Paul. STAMM, F. Gottfried, physician; born in Switzerland, 1842; educated In uni versities of Zurich, Thurbinger, Prague. Vienna and Berne. Began practice of medicine in Switzerland June, 1867; came to America, located in St. Paul, 1873, and has since been in practice in that city. Consul of Switzerland for Minnesota, N. and S. Dakota and Wyom ing since 1889. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associations, Ramsey County Medical Society. Mason. Married at St. Paul, 1880, to Miss Louisa Pfaender. Club: Commercial. Office: Deflel Blk. Residence: 105 Smith Av., St Paul. STAPLES, Charles P., State railroad and warehouse commissioner; born at St. Paul, Minn., Aug. 4, 1856; son of Samuel C. and Katherine (McDonough) Staples; educated in public and private schools. Began active career as a school teacher, continuing for 3 years; is a practical farmer and dairyman and at one time operated the largest dairy in Minnesota; engaged in banking busi ness for 10 years. Served 8 years in Minnesota State Legislature, beginning, 1892; has been member Railroad and Warehouse Commission since 1900. Was member school board, Mandota, Minn., for 28 years, chairman, town board 10 years, chairman board of county com missioners 4 years. Married at St. Paul, Minn., Nov. 19, 1878, to Miss Mar garet Johnson. Office: State Capitol. Residence: Mendota, Minn.; postoffice, St. Paul. STAPLES, Henry Loring, physician; born at Wales, Me., Sept. 21, 1859; son of Loring T. and Sarah Dean (Gilpatrick) Staples; educated at Limerick (Me.) Academy, graduating, 1877; Bowdoin Col lege, Me., graduating, 1881 (A.M., same college, 1SS4); Medical School of Maine, Bowdoin College, degree of M.D., 1886 Has been a resident of Minnesota since 1888. Presbyterian. Member Minne sota Academy of Medicine, Minnesota State and American Medical associa tions, American Academy of Medicine; president Hennepin Co. Med. Society, 1902. Married at St. Paul, Minn., Jan. 18, 1896, to Miss 'Jenny D. Mitchell. Office: Andrus Bldg. Residence: 430 Oak Grove St., Minneapolis. STABK, Edward W., judge of probate; born at Fish Dake, Minn., Dec. 5, 1869; son of Lars J. Stark; public school edu cation. Worked on farm as a boy; en tered general merchandise store of his father and succeeded him in business at 21 years of age; disposed of store, spring of 1905, and was connected for several months with the St. Croix Falls Minnesota Improvement Co., as right of way agent; appointed to fill unexpired term as judge of probate, Nov. 1, 1905, which position he now holds. Member Minnesota Legislature, 1901-3. Village treasurer, Harris, and member village school board for many years. Republi can. Member M. W. of A. Married at Kenyon, Minn., Oct. 12, 1893, to Miss Tillie W. Taylor. Address: Center City, Minn. STABKWEATHEB, Perry, manufac turer of knit goods; born at Southfleld, Oakland County, Mich., Nov. 20, 1844; son of Hilus H. and Katherine (Tucker) Starkweather; attended country district school until 13 years of age; married, 1st, at Athens, Pa., April 3, 1867, to Mary E. Ovenshire, who died Jan. 25, 1895; 2nd, at St. Paul, Oct. 5, 1896, to Mrs. Mary Whitaker Thayer. Served 4 years and 2 months in the Civil War in Co. I, 9th Mich. Vols., advancing to first sergeant. After the war operated on the Great Lakes as mate, master and pilot. Was for 10 years engaged in the postal service at Detroit, Mich. Es tablished the St. Paul Knitting Works in company with C. E. Ovenshire, 1883, and moved to Minneapolis and started the Minneapolis Knitting Works with Mr. Ovenshire and others, 1890. Vice president St. Paul Knitting Works and vice president and general manager of the Minneapolis Knitting Works. Elect ed member of the city council of Min neapolis in 1904. Member Masonic order, Grand Army of the Republic, Ancient Order of United Workmen, Royal Arcanum and Commercial Travel ers' Association. Club: Commercial. Office: 626 Bryant Av., N. Residence: 61 Highland Av., Minneapolis. STABT, Charles M., chief justice Su preme Court of Minnesota; born at Bakersfield, Vt, Oct. 4, 1839; son of Simeon Gould and Mary Sophia (Barnes) Start; educated at Barre Academy, Vt. First lieut. Co. I, Vermont Vols. Came to Minnesota and located at Rochester, 1863. Married at BakersAeld, Vt, Aug. 10, 1865, to Clara A. Wilson. County THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 485 attorney, Olmsted County, Minn., for 8 years; attorney general Minnesota Jan., 1880, to March, 1881, when he resigned to accept office of judge 3rd judicial dis trict; resigned Jan., 1895, to accept of fice of chief justice which he now holds. Office: State Capitol. Residence: 647 Lincoln Av., St. Paul. STAUDE, Edwin G., president E. G. Staude Manufacturing Co.; born at Watertown, Wis., May 27, 1876, son of Adolph H. and Louisa (Schenck) Staude; educated in common schools, Larimore, N. D.; High School, Grand Forks, N. D.; University of North Da kota. Was born on a farm and at the age of 6 years moved with parents to N. Dakota; removed to Minneapolis, and secured employment as mechanical draughtsman, 1896; began as consulting engineer, 1900; began in manufacture of paper box machinery, special printing presses, etc, Feb. 1, 1900, incorporating Feb. 1, 1906, as E. G. Staude Manufac turing Co. of which he is president and managing director. Married at Dayton, O., Aug. 7, 1906, to Miss Olive B. Eick- hoff. Recreation: Hunting. Office: 526-530 S. 5th St. Residence: 1219 Kenwood Parkway, Minneapolis. STAUFF, Charles J., clerk of district court; born in Wismar, Germany, Feb. 8. 1843; son of Carl C. and Wilhelmina (Hachman) Stauff; educated in schools -of Wismar. Came to America, 1854; en listed in the War of the Rebellion as member of the 5th Minn. Vol. Inf., Feb. 6, 1862; became 1st lieut. and was dis charged. Sept. 28, 1865. Clerk of dis trict court of Wabasha Co., since Jan. 1, 1870. Episcopalian. Member Masonic order. Married at Wabasha, Oct. 28, 1869, Miss Jean M. Durand. Address: Wabasha, Minn. STEABNS, Clayton H., dentist; born at Ashland, Minn., 1859; son of Truman and Cornelia (Thayer) Stearns; educated in public schools; taught school for 5 years, in the meantime studying den tistry; located at Zumbrota and engaged in practice of the profession, 1881, con tinuing there for 16 years; removed to Owatonna, 1897, and has since been in active practice in that city. Married at Waseea, Minn., May 17, 1887, to Miss Clara A. Bierwalter. Ex-president Min nesota State Dental Society and South ern Minnesota Dental Society. Author of works upon metallurgy and others applying to dentistry. Member Masonic order I. O. O. F., Knights of Pythias. Identified with the M. N. G. for many years as lieut. col. and is commandant at Pillsbury Academy. Recreations: Literature and hunting. Address: Owa tonna, Minn. STEABNS, Edgar J., lumber; born at Winthrop, N. Y., Nov. 16, 1856; son of Jason W. and Chloe A. Stearns; educated in common schools and at State Normal School, Potsdam, N. Y., graduating, 1876; married at Rensselaer Falls, N. Y., Jan. 26, 1882, to Miss Mary McKee. Moved from New York to Tower City, N. D., 1880; engaged in general merchandise business, 1880-85; located in Hutchin son, Minn., 1S85, and was manager re tail lumber yard of R. C. Libbey & Co., 1886-92; began in lumber business for himself, Feb., 1892, as" E. J. Stearns, which was succeeded by the Stearns Lumber Co., Inc., 1903, of which he is president. President Public Library Board; member Park Board. Address: Hutchinson, Minn. STEABNS, Victor, lawyer; born at Rochester, Minn., Sept. 14, 1870; son of Judge Ozora P. and Sarah B. (Burger) Stearns; educated in public schools, University of Minnesota and Harvard Law School, graduating degree of LL.B., 1894; married at Minneapolis, Minn., 1895, to Miss Lucy Leach. In practice of law in Duluth since 1894, and since 1903 senior member of the firm of Stearns & Hunter. Member American and Minnesota State Bar associations. Unitarian. Member Chi Psi fraternity, Doyal Legion. Clubs: Kitchi Gammi, Duluth Boat. Office: Lonsdale Bldg. Residence: 1105 London Road; Dulutn. STEBBINS, Alonzo Thomas, hard ware; born at Mansfield, Mass., Sept. 21, 1847; son of Thomas Warren and Har riet (Blandin) Stebbins; located with parents in Winona Co., Minn., 1854; edu cated at Winona high school and Bry ant and Stratton Commercial College, Boston, Mass., graduating from latter, in 1865. Began business career as clerk in a hardware store, Winona, 1865, re signing to become station agent of Chi cago Northwestern Ry. at Utica; later was bookkeeper for the grain firm of Miller & Ellsworth, Winona, until 1871; entered hardware business for self in Rochester, Minn., as Stebbins & Co., of which his father was a partner, 1873, and has continued since that time in the hardware business. Ex-president Rochester Board of Trade, Southern Minnesota Fair Association and South ern Minnesota Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Republican. Ex-member City Coun cil of Rochester; ex-member Minnesota State Senate and House of Representa tives, identified with the management of insane hospitals of the State. Member Masonic orders (past grand master Min nesota Grand Lodge), Knight Templar (past captain general Minnesota Grand Commandery, also past presiding officer Blue Lodge, Chapter and Commandery), K. P., A. O. U. W., and Sons of Ameri can Revolution. Married at Brookline, Vt. Sept. 26, 1871, to Miss Adelaide L. Stebbins. Address: Rochester, Minn. STEBBINS, George M., lawyer; born in Rochester, Minn., July 25, 1875; son of A. T. and Adelaide Stebbins; grad uated from Rochester High School, June, 1895, and from College of Law, Uni versity of Minnesota, degree of B.L., June, 1898; unmarried. Practiced law with firm of Brown & Abbott, Winona, Minn., 1898-1900; has practiced in Roseau since 1900. U. S. commissioner for the district of Minnesota, since Jan., 486 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 1903, and county attorney of Roseau Co., since Jan. 3, 1905. Director Farmers and Merchants State Bank of Roseau, Farmers & Merchants State Bank of Greenbush; secretary and manager of Roseau County Abstract Co. Republi can. Mason. Recreation: Hunting. Address: Roseau, Minn. STEBBINS, Henry Constant, merchant miller; born at Hartford, Conn., March 19, 1865; son of Constant Merrick and Laura Caroline Stebbins; educated in common schools, and at Minneapolis High School. Began active career as clerk for George H. Higgins, druggist, 1879; attended business college one year; entered employ of Bardwell-Robinson Co. and continued for 10 years, becoming partner in the firm; was manager Hard wood Decorative Co., New York City, 1889-90; was secretary Barrett-Record Co., Minneapolis, 1890-96; in partnership with James L. Record, 1896-99; since May 15, 1899, has been president, treas urer, manager and owner of the Mont evideo Roller Mill Co., manufacturers of flour and feed and buying and selling grain. Republican. Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner. Married at Minne apolis, Aug. 26, 1890, to Miss Eda M. Schultz. Club: Minneapolis. Recrea tions: Tennis, baseball, autombiling. Address: Montevideo, Minn. STEBBINS, Louis C, insurance; born at Lafayette, Ind., 1861; son of Henry M. and Alzina M. Stebbins; educated in pub- lis schools of Kankakee, 111.; married at Chester, 111., 1885, to Eliza G. Mc Bride. Left school at 16 years of age to work for Illinois Central Ry. as tele graph operator. Admitted to the bar 1885; came to St. Paul in 1885 and en tered service of Great Northern Ry. as traveling passenger agent and agent at Fargo, N. D.; went into insurance and banking at Fargo; president St.' Paul Mutual Hail & Cyclone Insurance Co., since 1896; vice president and incorpora tor East St. Paul State Bank; director First National Bank of Winnebago City, Minn. Republican. Methodist. Mason (32°), Shriner. Club: Commercial. Of fice: Pioneer Press Bldg. Residence: 138 Summit Av., St. Paul. STEEL, Carl Alfred, wholesale dairy products; born at Lake City, Minn., Jan. 28, 1878; son of Andrew E. and Carrie E. (Erickson) Steel; educated in public schools of Lake City and St. Paul, Minn. Began active career as employe of An drew Schock Grocery Co., St. Paul; be came connected with telegraph depart ment Northern PaciAc Ry.; was in serv ice of the IT. S. Army 18 months and again in grocery business; entered creamery business in St Paul, 1899; re moved to Minneapolis, Sept., 1906, and is manager of the Crescent Creamery Co.; also manager North Star Creamery Co. Served in Co. E, 13th Minn. Vols., 1898- 99. in all Philippine campaigns. Re publican. Episcopalian. Member Min neapolis Produce Exchange. Member Masonic order, U. T. C. of America, So ciety of the Army of the Philippines. Married at St. Paul, Aug., 1902, to Miss Florence S. Smith. Recreations: Gen eral athletics. Office: 117-119 N. 6th St. Residence: 331 E. 16th St., Minne apolis. STEELE, John Henry, lawyer; born at Longford, Ireland, Jan. 8, 1856; came to America in boyhood; educated in common schools of Illinois. Entered practice of law, 1883; located in Min neapolis, 1884. Republican. Was judge of probate, Hennepin Co., 4 years; chair man Republican State Central Commit tee, 1898; president Minneapolis Bar Association, 1904; member of Minne apolis School Board. Member Masonic order, B. P. O. E. Married at Minne apolis, June 27, 1895, to Miss Eva Riehl. Recreations: Hunting, Ashing and travel. Office: Phoenix Bldg. Resi dence: 1930 Girard Av., S., Minneapolis. STEELE, William Edward, investment broker; born at Fort Snelling, Minn., Oct. 12, 1861; son of Franklin and Annie E. (Barney)- Steele; educated at Media (Pa.) Academy, 1874-76, and at Hell- mouth College, London, Ont; married at Terre Haute, Ind., Aug. 9, 1882, to Jes sie M. Topping (died, Aug. 9, 3900). Formed Arm of Steele, Birdwell & Ford, 1883, succeeded by Steele, Forman & Ford, window and plate glass. Investment broker in Minneapolis since 1885. Mem ber M. N. G. since 1889; since 1892; captain and commissary of 1st Regt. Clubs: Minneapolis, Union League. Office: Mutual Life Bldg. Residence: Harvard Chambers, Minneapolis. STEEN, Arthur Henry, physician; born at Oakfleld, Wis., June 16, '1850; son of Arthur Hood and Frances (Fil- bey) Steen; educated in common and private schools of Wisconsin and at Rush Medical College, Chicago; married at Hastings, Minn., April 9, 1887, to Miss Eva Perkins. Came to Minnesota, 1874, and has since been engaged in practice of profession. Member Min nesota State Medical Association, Wash ington County Medical Society. Re publican. Episcopalian. Mason (32" Knight Templar, Shriner. Address: Cottage Grove, Minn. STEENEBSON, Andrew, retired; born at Sheldon, Minn., Feb. 9, 1855; son of Steener Knudson and Bergeth (Rohalt) Knudson; common school education. Be gan farming in Polk Co., Minn., 1879: entered business career as member of the general merchandise firm of Steener son Bros., 1881, continuing until 1886; was proprietor of a meat market at Crookston; engaged in general merchan dise business at Climax, 1889-1903; member of firm of A. & E. Steenerson, Climax, 1903-07; has rented farms and retired from active business. Treasurer and director Climax Creamery Associa tion (co-operative). Was school clerk, town supervisor, village treasurer, sheriff of Polk Co. (1896-97), organizer People's Party and member national committee. Now a Republican. Agnos- THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS 487 tic Member Modern Woodmen of Amer ica. Married at Crookston, Minn., Sept. 1.0, 1881, to Miss Bertha Hang. Ad dress: Climax, Minn. STEENEBSON, Halvor, lawyer; born in Dane County, Wis., June 30, 1852; son of Steener Knudson and Bergeth (Rohalt) Knudson; educated in common and high schools, Rushford, Minn., and at Union College of Daw, Chicago. Ad mitted to the bar, 1878, and located at Crookston, Minn., April, 1880, where he has since continued; member of the law firm of Steenerson & Loring, organized, 1902. Director and vice president Scan dinavian American Bank, Crookston; director Bank of Erskine, Erskine, Minn.; extensively interested in farm and city property. County attorney of Polk Co., 1881-83; state senator, 1883-85; member of congress, 9th Minnesota dis trict, 1903-09. Republican (member Na tional Republican conventions, 1884, 1888). Lutheran. Member American, Minnesota State and Polk County Bar associations. Member B. P. O. E. Mar ried, 1878, to Miss Maria Christofferson. Recreation: Fly fishing. Address: Crookston, Minn. STEIDL, Ferdinand J., lawyer; born in Moravia, Austria, Aug. 27, 1857; son of Raymond and Theresia Steidl; edu cated for 6 years in public schools in Austria; came to America with parents, in 1872, locating in Iowa; continued education at seminary Osage, la., 1881- 82; studied in law department of Drake University, Des Moines, la., 1882-83, de gree of DD.B., in June, 1883. Practiced law at West Mitchell, la., from Aug., 1883, to June, 1884; at Waconia and Chaska, Minn., 1884-91; in Traverse Co.,. Minn., at Brown's Valley and Wheaton, since 1891. Served two terms as county attorney, Traverse Co.; appointed judge of the 16th judicial district, July, 1899, to succeed Judge C. D. Brown who was elected to the Supreme Court of the State; candidate for reelection in fall of 1900, but district went strongly Republi can that year. Member law firm of Steidl & Houston; director Prudential Exchange Co., Ltd., of Lang, Saskat chewan, Canada, incorporated, 1906, for business in banking, grain elevators, land, etc. Member I. N. G. 1882, at Osage, Ia. Democrat. Mason. Married in Roberts Co., S. D., Jan. 2, 1895, to Miss Melia H. Lillejord. Club: Com merciaL Address: Wheaton, Minn. STEIN, Henry, dry goods merchant; born at Reichensachsen, Germany, Dec. 27, 1853; son of Aaron and Esther Stein; educated in Germany; came to America, 1868; married at City of Chicago, 111., April 9, 1889, Belle F. Fox. Began bus iness career in Shelbyville, Ind., as re tail dry goods merchant, 1872; conducted business in Cincinnati, O., 1873-75; Rich mond, Ind., 1875-80; Minneapolis, Minn., 1880-92 and St. Paul since 1893. Re publican. Office: 93 East 7th St. Resi dence: 649 Dayton Av., St. Paul. STEM, Allen Hartzell, architect; born at Van Wert, O., Jan. 28, 1856; son of John and Sarah (Armstrong) Stem; edu cated in public schools of Van Wert, O., and at Indianapolis Art School, Indi anapolis, Ind. Entered office of J. H. Stern, architect, Indianapolis, 1876; was partner from 1880 to 1881; came to. St. Paul, 1884; formed partnership with C. A. Reed, as Reed & Stem, 1892; opened office in New York City, 1901. Married at Indianapolis, Ind., July 23, 1886, to Lucy R. Rackley. Architect of follow ing buildings: Helena (Mont.) Court House; St. Paul Auditorium, Metropoli tan Opera House, Willard Hotel, Mann heimer buildings, George Thompson resi dence. In 1901 began making a specialty of railroad work and has designed most of the buildings erected since by the Northern Pacific Railroad, including sta tions at Bismarck, N. D, Livingston, Butte, Helena and Missoula, Mont, and Great Northern stations at Seattle and Everett Wash.; also N Y. Central Term inal Station in New York City to cost $20,000,000, and all stations and power houses of the N. Y. Central Railway in electric zone in New York City. Clubs: Minnesota, Town and Country, White Bear Yacht Recreations: Ten nis, yachting, boating and other out door sports. Offices: 5 East 42nd St., New York, and 601 Endicott Bldg., St. Paul. Residence: The Augus, St. Paul, Minn. STENEHJEM, John Edwin, merchant; born at Wilmington, Minn., Jan. 15, 1881; son of Andrew A. and Gundvor (Tryhus) Stenehjem; attended Luther College, Decorah, la., for 2 years. Has been member of the clothing firm of Fuos & Stenehjem, Caledonia, since Sept. 1, 1902; also member of the livery. firm of Ludwig & Co. Lutheran. Mar ried, June 20, 1900, to Miss Selmine B. Hefty. Address: Caledonia, Minn. STENNES, John J., surveyor and civil engineer; born at Newburg, Minn., Jan. 2, 1865; son of Jacob Stennes; educated in public schools and at Augustana Col lege, Canton, S. D.; married, 1st, at Highland, Minn., 1890, to Mary S. Vig- ness (died 1901); 2nd, at Milan, Minn., 1903, to Miss Celia M. Gilbertson. Has been county surveyor of Chippewa Co., Minn., since 1902. _ Member Minnesota Surveyors and Engineers' Association. Address: Montevideo, Minn. STEPHENS, A. Marshall, physician; born near Pittsburg, Pa., June, 1840; son of J. and Elizabeth (Marshall) Stephens; educated in public schools of Pennsylvania and Ohio; degree of A.M., from One Study University, Ohio, 1879; studied medicine in Chicago. 111., and was graduated from Hahnemann Medi cal College, degree of M.D., 1884. Mar ried at Waterloo, Wis., 1864, to Miss Mary Bishop. Came to Minnesota, 1866, to occupy the position of Professor of Mathematics and Natural Sciences in Hamline University; practiced medicine at Chatfield, Minn., 1882-91; practiced at St Paul, 1891-94; has been engaged in 4S8 THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS practice in Red Wing since 1894. Homeo path. Was secretary U. S. Board of Pension Examiners at Chatfield, Minn. Member American and Minnesota Homeopathic institutes. Republican. Methodist. Recreation: Microscopy. Address: Red Wing, Minn. STEPHENS, Andrew D., banker; born in Carver Co., Minn., May 27, 1855; son of Lewis and Hannah (Pehrson) Step hens; educated in district schools of Camer Co., and St. Ansgarius Academy (now Gustavus Adolphus College). Left farm in Kandiyohi Co., and began clerk ing at store in Willmar, Minn., 1873; en gaged in general merchandise business at Atwood, Minn., 1876; was traveling salesman, 1878-80; in general store busi ness at Fisher, Minn., 1880-84; engaged in real estate business and private banking, 1884-91; has been identified with banking since 1891; cashier Mer chants National Bank, Crookston; presi dent First National Bank, Fosston, First National Bank, Bagley, Bank of Men- ter; vice president Merchants' State Bank, St. Hilarie; director Bank of Shevlin, State Bank of Middle River. Republican. Mayor of Crookston; sur veyor general of logs and lumber ,7th dist, Minn.; member Republican State Central Committee; State senator; dele gate to National Republican Conven tion, 1904. Mason, Shriner; member Knights of Pythias, B. P. O. E. Mar ried at Axwater, Minn., 1878, to Miss Chrissie Cameron. Address: Crooks ton, Minn. STEPHENSON, John A., fire insur ance and investments; born at Chatham, Ont, 1867; son of Rufus Stephenson; grammar school education. Has devoted his attention since entering business ca reer to fire insurance, real estate and loans; president of the Stephenson Insur ance Agency, established, 1892; also pres ident Lake Superior Investment Co., and director Duluth Salvage Corps. Re publican. Presbyterian. Married at Detroit, Mich., to Miss Mary H. Beal. Clubs: Kitchi Gammi, CommerciaL Recreations: Fishing and hunting. Of fice: 231 W. 1st St. Residence: 1931 E. 1st St., Duluth. STEPHENSON, William Michael, gen eral agent Wisconsin Central Ry. ; born at Nashville, Tenn., May 23, 1873; son of Patrick Joseph and Sarah Jane (Horn) Stephenson; educated at St. Columbia's Catholic School, Nashville, Tenn.; Nash ville Business College and Sprague's Correspondence School of Daw, Detroit, Mich. Married lat Nashville, Tenn., April 20, 1900, to Lenore R. Scheffer. Began railway service as messenger with Louisville & Nashville R. R., Nash ville, Tenn., 1883-85; clerk in office of district attorney, and third vice presi dent, same road, Nashville, 1886-89; yard work, operating department, same road, 1890-93; contracting agent Evans ville & Terre Haute and Chicago & Eastern Illinois R. R., at Nashville, 1893-96; contracting agent Wisconsin Central Railway, Chicago, 1896-97, gen eral agent, Duluth, Minn., 1897-1902, general agent, St. Paul, since 1902, same road. Member T. N. G. (Company A), Nashville, Tenn., one year. Democrat. Catholic Member B. P. O. E., Knights of Columbus, National Union, Order of Hoo Hoo; Order of Kokoal. Clubs:. Commercial, Minnesota Boat. Recrea tions: Rowing, baseball, fishing, driv ing. Office: 371 Robert St. Residence: 271 Kent St., St. Paul. STEBN, Charles, clothier; born at Baltimore, Md., Dec. 16, 1847; son of Joseph and Regina (Fleischman) Stern; educated in public schools; married at Philadelphia, March 15, 1883, to Miss Sophia Strauss. Began business career as clerk at McGregor, la., and was in clothing business for himself at Mc Gregor for 7 years; in business at North- field since 1882. Member I. O. O. F. Address: Northfield, Minn. STEBNBEBG, Henry S., merchant;. born at Louisville, Ky., Aug. 22, 1867; son of Samuel and Mary Sternberg; educated in public schools of Louisville; marrie'd at St. Paul, Minn., 1893, to Miss Flora Weiss. Began in dry goods business at Louisville, at age of 15; was connected with same line of business in Chicago, 111., for two years; came to St. Paul, 1890, and was with Shaw & Charlton, dry goods, for two years; be gan In wholesale furnishings and cloth ing for self, 1892, continuing until 1896; was one of the organizers of the Arm of Sternberg & Gottschall, 1896, incor porated July 1, 1906, as Sternberg & Gottschall Co., The White House de partment store, of which he is president. Democrat. Jewish religion. Mason. Married at St. Paul, 1893, to Miss Flora Weiss. Office: 7th and Cedar St. Resi dence: 647 Dincoln Av., St Paul. STEBNEB, Otto W., physician; born in Sweden, Oct. 1, 1878; son of Johan and Johanna (Magnuson) Sterner; came to America, 1891; educated in common schools; Cleveland High School, St. Paul; College of Medicine and Surgery, LTniversity of Minnesota, graduating de gree, of M.D., 1903. In practice of medicine at Cambridge, Minn., since June, 1903. Lutheran. Member Minne sota State Medical Association, Tri County Medical Society. Married at St. Paul, 1903, to Miss Hildegarde Johnson. Club: Commercial. Address: Cam bridge, Minn. STEVENS, Arthur Wellington, man ufacturer; born at Rushford, Minn., Jan. 30, 1875; son of Andrew J. and Clara M. (Bentley) Stevens; educated in the pub lic schools of Winona and Minneapolis', married at Minneapolis, June 25, 1901, to Nellie G. Stickney. Spent 12 years with F. H. Peavey & Co., grain dealers, Minneapolis, and engaged for two years in the banking business; secretary and treasurer since 1904 of the Twin City Knitting Company, manufacturers of knit specialties; also secretary and treasurer of the Northland Knitting THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 489 Company, retailers of all classes of knit wear. Republican. Methodist. Clubs: Commercial, Calhoun Yacht Club (direct or). Recreations: Yachting and outdoor sports. Office: 15 So. 7th St. Residence: 3216 Humboldt Av., S., Minneapolis. STEVENS, Eugene Morgan, banker, born Preston, Minn., Feb. 1, 1871; son of Andrew J. and Clara M. (Bentley) Stev ens; educated in the public and high schools of Winona, Minn.; married in Iowa, 1899, to Mary F. Rolfe. Entered business career with the Winona Wag on Co., where he remained 5 years; then engaged with F. H. Peavey & Co., grain dealers, Minneapolis, for 10 years, fill ing position of general auditor of the Peavey Grain System for four years. Organized in 1901, the firm of Eugene M. Stevens & Co., bankers and dealers in commercial paper and investment bonds; admitted Edward T. Chapman as partner 1906. Republican; Methodist. Member Masonic bodies. Clubs: Minne apolis, Minikahda, Minnetonka and Min nesota (St. Paul). Office: Northwestern National Bank Bldg. Residence: 2109 Blaisdell Av., Minneapolis. STEVENS, Francis Augustus, court commissioner Nobles Co.; born at Charleston, N. H., Sept. 21, 1835; son of Henry and Dorothy (Gove) Stevens; educated in common schools of Clare- mont, N. H.; married at Croydon, N. H., July 4, 1856, to Miss Helen M. Mitchell of Croydon, N. H. Came to Dodge Co., Minn., 1860; served in War of the Re bellion about one year, as member 2nd Battery Dight Artillery, Minn. Vet. Vols.; engaged in farming; moved upon home stead in Nobles Co., 1879; elected clerk of district court, Nobles Co., 1886, and served 12 years; has been deputy county clerk and court commissioner since 1899. Republican. Member G. A. R. Address: Worthington, Minn. STEVENS, Frederick Clement, con gressman; born at Boston, Mass., Jan. 1, ,1861; educated in district school at Searsport, Me., Rockland (Me.) High School, graduating 1877; Bowdoin Col lege, graduating, 1881. Studied law in office of Hon. A. W. Paine, Bangor, Me., and in Daw Department, State Uni versity of Iowa, receiving degree of DD.B., 1884. Came to St. Paul, 1884, and entered upon practice of law. Re publican. Member State Legislature, 1881-91; has been member of Congress from 4th district of Minnesota, since 1897. Married at St. Paul, Minn., 1889, to Miss Ellen J. Fargo. Home address: St. Paul. STEVENS, James Van Sant, art deal er; born at Feasterville, Bucks County, Pa., Nov. 27, 1846; son of Benjamin and Elizabeth (Barcalow) Stevens; edu cated in public schools, and in business college in Philadelphia, 1864-65; unmar ried. Began business career as clerk, in Philadelphia; came to St. Paul in Spring of 1878, and bought interest in art busi ness of James Brownell. Mr. Brownell sold his interest to George C. Robertson, in Spring of 1879, firm becoming Stevens & Robertson until July 1, 1901, when he bought Mr. Robertson's interest. Office: 62 E. 6th St. Residence: Merchants' Hotel, St. Paul. STEVENS, Marion S., lawyer; born at Arkansaw, Wis., Aug. 31, 1854; son of Elijah Grant and Mary (Rice) Stevens; educated in common schools and at Galesville College. Has been engaged in the practice of law since 1879. Re publican; has served as member of town, county, legislative, congressional and state Republican committees. Owner of several farms (one of 1,300 acres, highly improved) which he operates him self. Methodist. President of the Char ter Commission of Graceville, and mayor of that city, where he has resided for 18 years. Member Masonic order. Mod ern Woodmen of America, Maccabees and Knights of Pythias. Married at Bur- lingame, Kan., May 14, 1899, to Sue J. Crossmun. Club: Commercial, of Graceville. Address: Graceville, Minn. STEVENS, Walter Tyrie, real estate; born at Dunnville, Ont, Canada, Dec. 11, 1867; son of Milledge Albert and Elizabeth (Jameson) Stevens; educated in high school, Dunnville, Ont, and in Europe. Married in New York, Oct. 8, 1898, to Miss Marie Claire Perkins. Engaged for many years in the export business in New York City; in 1905 ob tained contract as manager land depart ment Union Trust Company of Canada for the U. S., and has since been en gaged in that business. Also manager Paradise Valley Dand Co. Democrat. Episcopalian. Member City Club of Capetown, South Africa. Office: Endi cott Bldg. Residence: St. Paul. STEVENSON, Thomas W., wholesale merchant; born at Attica, Ind, 1853; son of John and Margaret (Wilson) Stevenson; common school education. Dived upon farm until 19 years of age; was clerk in general store, at River Falls, Wis., 8 years; became partner in firm of Stevenson & Lucas, general merchandise, St. Croix Falls, Wis., firm name being changed to Stevenson & Vincent and continued until 1890, when sold out and located in Minneapolis. Pur chased interest of junior partner in firm of Patterson & Dickinson, the firm be coming Patterson and Stevenson, since incorporation of which, in 1902, he has been vice president and secretary of the company, wholesale dealers in hats, caps and furs. Republican. Presbyte rian. Member Portland Avenue His torical Society. Mason. Married at St. Croix Falls, Wis., Dec. 1877, to Cora Vincent Clubs: Commercial (1st vice president and member board of direct ors), Bryn Mawr Golf. Recreations: Golf, riding, driving, fishing and hunt ing. Office: 416 1st Av., N. Residence: 2620 Portland Av., Minneapolis. STEWART, Angus, real estate and lumber; born at Glencoe, Ont, Can., Dec. 27, 1858; son of Duncan and Mary (Mc- • Rae) Stewart; educated in public 490 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS schools. Glencoe; High School, Wards- ville, Ont, graduating 1875; Janesville Business College, Janesville, Wis., grad uating, 1878; Chicago Athenaeum Col lege, graduating, 1880. Was in employ of Western Union Telegraph Co., Chi cago, 1879-80; was connected with Deer ing Harvester Co., Chicago, 111., 1880- 95; associated with McCormick Har vesting Co., Minneapolis. 1895-1905; sec retary and general manager of Stewart & Mathews Co., Ltd., engaged in buying and selling lands and in retail lumber business, since March 1, 1905. Member National Union. Married at Chicago, 111., Oct., 1885, to Miss Carrie Mae Flinn. Clubs: Commercial, Minneapolis. Rec reations: Hunting and fishing. Office: 305 Jackson St., St. Paul. Residence: 3124 Hennepin Av., Minneapolis. STEWART, Charles Adams, physician and surgeon; born at Sandusky, O., June 23, 1848; educated in public schools; Western Reserve Normal School; Col lege of Physicians and Surgeons, Keo kuk, la., degree of M.D. 1870; Medical Department, Western Reserve Univer sity, Cleveland, O., degree of M.D., 1877. Has been engaged in medical practice since 1870. Member St. Louis County Medical Society, Minnesota State and American Medical associations, Minne sota Academy of Medicine, Western As sociation of Surgeons and Gynaecolo gists. Mason (32°), Shriner. Married June 5, 1885, to Miss Lida Riddle. Clubs: Kitchi Gammi, Duluth Boat, Duluth Gun. ' Office: New Jersey Bldg. Resi dence: 501 E. 2nd St., Duluth. STEWABT, Darwin Adelbert, physi cian; born at Croyden, N. H, April 5, 1845; son of Gardner and Sarah (Pow ers) Stewart; graduate Medical Depart ment, Columbia University, degree of M.D., 1869. Was interne New York City Hospital one year; has been engaged in practice in Winona since 1870; surgeon Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. Was health officer Winona, 5 years and coro ner Winona Co., 12 years. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associations, Winona County Medical Society, National Association of Rail way Surgeons. Democrat. Mayor of Winona. 1901-03; president Winona Board of Education 2 years. Congrega tionalist. Mason (32°), Shriner; mem ber B. P. O. E. Clubs: Arlington, Mead ow Brook. Married at Whitehall, N. Y., 1875, to Miss Minnie A. Hall. Organ izer and president Winona Humane So ciety. Address: Winona, Minn. STEWABT, George W., lawyer; born at Bellevue, Minn., June 18, 1859; son of Joseph and Joanna B. (Hill) Stewart; educated in district schools and State Normal School, St. Cloud, graduating, Mav, 1882; married at Fairmont, Minn., Aug. 23, 1888, to Mary L Huntsman. Has been engaged in practice of law since Dee. 10, 1884; member of law firm of Stewart & Brower since Nov. 19, 1900. President Western Granite Co.; director Public Service Co. Member American and Minneapolis State and Stearns County Bar associations. Re publican. Unitarian. Member Macca bees, B. P. O. E. Clubs: Commercial, Lakeside. Address: St. Cloud, Minn. . STEWABT, J. Clark, surgeon; born at Camden, N. J., Oct. 21, 1854; son of Daniel anTi Eliza (Mann) Stewart; grad uate University of Minnesota degrees of B.S. and C.E., 1875; College of Physicians and Surgeons, N. Y., degree of M.D., 1884. Unmarried. Professor principles of surgery, Medical Department Univer sity of Minnesota; surgeon to City Hos pital, Mimneapolis; consulting surgeon to Asbury and Northwestern hospitals. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associations, Hennepin County Medical Society, Minnesota Academy of Medicine and Western Surgical Associa tion. Republican. Presbyterian. Club: Minneapolis. Recreations: Huntingand fishing. Office: Pillsbury Blk. Resi dence: 1628 5th Av., S., Minneapolis. STEWABT, John T., manager Duluth Music Co.; born in Seneca Co., O., 1844; son of Thomas and Henrietta (Bernard) Stewart; educated in public schools of Seneca County. Began active career in hardware business at Fostoria, O., 1866, continuing until 1875; entered music business, with R. D. Bullock, Jackson, Mich., 1875; was for 5 years with A. B. Chase and was identified with music business with Dyer Brothers, St. Paul, for 16 years; came to Duluth as man ager for the Duluth Music Co., general offices in St. Paul, 1903. Served in War of the Rebellion as sergt, Co. E, 185th Ohio Vols. Methodist. Member Royal Arcanum. Married at Fostoria, O., June, 1866, to Miss Louisa M. Kelly. Office: 222-224 W. 1st St Residence: 33 Min nesota Point, Duluth. STEWABT, Sylvester, milling; born in Wayne Co., O., Jan. 31, 1847; son of Harmon B. and Harriet C. (Tanner) Stewart; educated in public schools of Wayne Co. to 1858; in public schools of AVisconsin until 1861; Bryant & Stratton and Spencer Commercial Colleges, Milwaukee, Wis., 1864. Entered general merchandise business at Brodhead, Wis., IS67, continuing until 1877; came to Minnesota, 1877; began buying grain at Hancock, Minn., 1882 and in 1900 built flour mill at Morris, known as the Morris City Mills; also established line of elevators, now in operation; July 1, 3 903, purchased electric light plant at Morris. Republican. Married at Janes ville, Wis., Dec. 10, 1877, to Miss Au gusta M. Vinton. One son, Guy H. Stew art, born Feb. 21, 1886. Address: Mor ris, Minn, STEWABT, William D., lime and ce ment; born at Seaforth, Ont, Can., Aug. 14, 1868; son of Alexander . and Mar garet Stewart; educated i-n public schools of Ontario and at Collegiate Institute, Seaforth, Ont. Began active career as bookkeeper in flour mill at Seaforth. came to St. Paul, 1888, and engaged as cashier and manager of restaurant; en- THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 491 tered lime and cement business as book keeper for Twin City Dime & Cement Co., 1891; became manager of the com pany and part owner 1896, changing the title to St. Paul Lime and Cement Co.; became proprietor, 1905. Member Build ers and Traders Exchange. Mason. Married at St. Paul, 1894, to Miss Eleanor Derrick. Club: Commercial. Recreations: Curling, lacrosse. Office: "Foot of Jackson St. Residence: 735 Holly Av., St. Paul. STICKLES, Lyndon D„ manufacturer and wholesaler boots and shoes; born in Columbia Co., N. Y., Aug., 1866; son of Philips H. and Regina C. (Dedrick) Stickles; educated in public schools in Columbia Co. Began active career at age of 19 as clerk in general merchan dise store, La Moure, N. D., continuing 2 years; removed to St. Paul, Minn., and was employed in furnishing goods store, 1888-90; was salesman in shoe de partment of the W. H. Elsinger Com pany's department store, for six years, and for 7 years was manager and buyer; accepted position as buyer for French, Finch &• Henry, wholesale boots and shoes, continuing 20 months when he resigned to become treasurer and man ager of the Northern Shoe Co., shoe manufacturers and wholesale dealers, Duluth, which position he has held since Dec. 1, 1906. Republican. Methodist. Member Masonic order (Blue Dodge and Chapter), Knights of Maccabees, U. C. T. of America. Married at Minneapolis, Minn., 1888, to Miss Lyda Sanderson. Clubs: Commercial, Kitchi Gammi. Of fice: Lake Av. Residence: 1914 E. 2nd St., Duluth. STICXNEY, Alpheus Beede, railway official; born at Wilton, Me., June 27, 1840; son of Daniel and Ursula Maria (Beede) "Stickney; educated in common schools of Maine and New Hampshire, and at academies in New Hampton, N. H, and Foxcroft, Me. Began active career as a school teacher; studied law and was admitted to the bar, 1862; prac ticed law, 1862-69; has engaged in build ing and railway operations since 1869. Organized and built first section of the Northern Wisconsin Ry., beginning, 3 871; was superintendent of construc tion 500 miles Great Northern arid Canadian Pacific railways, 1879-81; or ganized and built first section Wiscon sin, Minnesota & Pacific Ry., 1881; or ganized and began construction, 1S83. Chicago, Great Western Ry.; president Minnesota & Northwestern Ry., until consolidation with Chicago, St. Paul & Kansas City Ry., when he became presi dent latter road, continuing until 1890; chairman board of directors, same road, 1890-92; chairman board of directors of the reorganized company, the Chicago, Great Western Ry., since 1892; also president same road, since April, 1894 Organizer and builder St. Paul Union Stock Yards and packing houses, 1882. Married, 1st, 1864, Kate W. H. Hall (now deceased); 2nd, 1901, May Crosby. Office: Chicago Great Western Ry. Bldg. Residence: 288 Summit Av., St. Paul. STICKNEY, Charles Alpheus, manu facturer; born at St. Paul, Minn., Sept. 11, 1876; son of Alpheus B. and Kate W. H. (Hall) Stickney; educated in pub lic schools at St. Paul, Minn., North western Military Academy, Highland Park, 111., and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, Mass.; married at Washington, D. C, 1898, to Miss Edith P. Jones. Since 1898, engaged in manufacturing business as president of the Charles A. Stickney Company, gaso line engines, etc. Office: Fillmore Av. and Starkey St. Residence: 846 Lincoln Av., St. Paul. STICKNEY, Preston L., born at Ando ver, Vt, June 13, 1849; son of George W. and Roxelane (Burton) Stickney; educated in district school, Chester (Vt.) Academy, Black River Academy, working at home on farm in summer. Began active .career as school teacher at Ludlow, Vt; emigrated to Dodge Co., Neb., 1872, and to Green Co., Ia., 1873; was in retail grocery business at Ames, la., 1877; came to Polk Co., Minn., 1880; began buying wheat for the Pillsbury Flour Mills, 1887; established retail lumber at Hereford and Tintah, adding hardware and farm implements at Tin tah; became member firm of Stickney and Dahlquist, 1897, and organized Cres cent Lumber Co., of which was presi dent; sold out, 1905. Member Masonic order. Address: Tintah, Minn., and Ponderoy, Idaho. Address during win ter: P. L. Stickney, Ponderoy, Idaho. STICKNEY, Samuel Crosby, railway official; born at Stillwater, Minn., Nov. 19, 1865; son of Alpheus Beede Stick ney; graduated from Massachusetts In stitute of Technology. Entered railway service, 1886, as locating engineer, Chi cago, St. Paul and Kansas City Rail road, now the Chicago Great Western Railway; advanced consecutively to 1894, as superintendent of construction, en gineer maintenance of way and assist ant to president of road; appointed gen eral manager, 1894, and second vice pres ident, 1895. Office: Chicago Great Western Gen. Office. Residence: 1111 Summit Av., St. Paul. STILL, Henry E., assistant general freight agent Northern Pacific Ry. ; born at Philadelphia, Pa., March 3, 1855; son of Quincy A. and Lydia M. (Wetherby) Still; educated in Philadelphia public schools. Entered service of Illinois Central R. R., at Chicago, as clerk local freight office, 1875, continuing until 1879; was clerk general freight office Minneapolis, and St. Louis R. R. at Minneapolis, 1879-81; clerk general freight office Northern Pacific R. R., 1881-83; agent at Valley City, N. D., 1883-84; 'clerk general freight office, same road, 1885-86; traveling freight agent, 1887-90; division freight agent, 1890-1902; has been assistant general freight agent, same road, since Jan., 1902. Married at Milwaukee, Wis., 1875, 492 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS to Miss Mina E. Chamberlain. Clubs: Commercial, Transportation. Office: Broadway, Cor. 4th. Residence: 1937 Selby Av., St. Paul. STILWELL, Eugene Jay, president Minneapolis Paper Co.; born Newburg, Wis., June 27, 1849; son of Hiram and Sarah Elizabeth (Salisbury) Stilwell; graduated from the St. Paul, Minn., High School, 1866; married at Chicago, March 19, 1878, to Kittie M. Goewey. Began in the paper business, April, 1873, and for 5 years was shipping clerk for Averill. Russell & Carpenter; then went upon the road as traveling man for 6 years, and was for 6 years a member of the firm of Averill, Carpenter & Co.; assisted, 1890, in the organization of the Minneapolis Paper Co., of which he is president and treasurer, a corporation widely known as paper manufacturers, wholesale stationery, and manufacturers of building paper, roofing and paving materials. Formerly a member of the firm of Wright, Barrett & Stilwell, St. Paul. Ex-president of the St. Paul Fire Board. Republican. Presbyterian. Mem ber of the Masonic order, Knights Tem plar (commander), Shrine. Clubs: Com mercial, Lafayette. Recreations: Hunt ing and fishing. Office: 400-404 S. 5th St. Residence: 1900 Park Av., Minne apolis. STINCHFIELD, Augustus W., physi cian; born at Phillippi, Me., in 1842; son of Jacob H. and Jane R. (Whitney) Stinchfleld; educated in high school and academy, Franklin Co., Me., Maine Med ical College and University of Michi gan, degree of M.D., 1868. Has been en gaged in general practice of medicine since June, 1868; located in Rochester, Minn., 1892; member of the firm of Mayo, Stinchfleld & Graham, practition ers of medicine and surgery, 1S92, to July, 1906; since July, 1906, alone as specialist heart and lungs. Republican. Member Olmsted County Medical So ciety and Minnesota State and American Medical Associations. Member Masonic order, Knights Templar, Shriner. Mar ried at Eyota, Minn., 1878, to Miss Mat- tie J. Bear. Address: Rochester, Minn-. STOCKEB, Samuel Marston, physi cian; born at Muscatine, la., Sept. 19, 1857; son of Samuel and Celesta Cabot (Patrick) Stocker; educated in Musca tine High School, University of Michi gan, B P.L., 1880, Medical Depart ment University of New York, 1885; married at Jacksonville, 111., May 20th, 1885, to Stella Prince. Came to Duluth, 3 885. For many years was in charge of St. Luke's Hospital, Duluth; former member State Board of Health; was for two terms member of Library Board City of Duluth. Office: 13 West Supe rior St. Residence: 1014 E. 2nd St.. Duluth, Minn. STOCKLAND, Charles K., machinist; born Fillmore Co., Minn., July 3, 1858; son of Kittel Kittelsen and Kirsti (Jor- gensen) Stockland; common school edu cation; married in Fillmore Co., Minn., Dec. 3, 1879, Ingeborg Wraa. Began to learn blacksmith trade, 1879; started blacksmith shop at Stephen, Minn., 1882, and machine shop, 1886; took in partner as Russell & Stockland and added im plement house to other lines of busi ness; name of firm changed to Stock- land and Cornwell, 1893; bought out partner and acquired full control of the business, 1899; started foundry, 1901, and commenced manufacture of road graders, T903; moved part of the tools to Minneapolis and incorporated as Rus sell Grader Mfg. Co., March 1, 1906, of which is vice president and manager. Christian Scientist. Member I. O. O. F. Office: 2429 University Av., S. E., Min neapolis. Residence: Stephen, Minn. STOCKMAN, Benjamin, merchant miller; born at Edinburgh, Scotland, 1863; son of W. J. and Annie (Stewart) Stockman; educated in Royal High School, Edinburgh; unmarried. Began active career under father at Deith, Scotland, importing produce mainly from the United States; came to America, 1892, and located for several years at Minneapolis, Minn.; has been secretary, treasurer and manager New Ulm Roll ing Mill Co., New Ulm, Minn., since 189S; also secretary and treasurer New Ulm Feed and Cereal Mill Co. Club: Minneapolis (Minneapolis). Address: New Ulm, Minn. STOCKWELL, Silvanus Albert, gen eral agent Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co.; born at Anoka, Minn., June 8, 1857; son of Silvanus and Charlotte (Bow- dish) Stockwell; educated in public schools at Anoka; married at Minneapo lis. Minn., Oct. 4, 1887, to Miss Maud Conkey. Was connected with the Amer ican Express Co. 11 years, special agent of P. L. & T. Co. for 4 years and since Oct. 1, 1896, has been general agent of the Penn Mutual' Life Insurance Co., at Minneapolis. Democrat, member Min nesota House of Representatives, 1891 and 1897; member Minnesota State Sen ate, 1899-1901-02; Democratic candidate for Congress, 1896. President Minne apolis Municipal Ownership League. Unitarian. Mason, Knight Templar; Odd Fellow. Clubs: Commercial, Native Sons of Minnesota, Jefferson. Recrea tions: Farming and horticulture. Of fice: Andrus Bldg. Residence: 3204 E. 51st St., Minneapolis. STODDABD, Albert George; physi cian; born in Lewis Co., N. Y., Jan. 1, 1S49; son of Alonzo E. and Flora (Stile- Goddard; was educated in public schools of Greenbush, Wis., until 18 years of age; taught school 5 years; attended Rush Medical College, Chicago, 111., graduating, degree of M.D., 18S2. Has been in practice in Renville Co., Minn.. for 25 years. Member State Board of Medical Examiners for 6 years and ex- president of the board. Member Amer ican and Minnesota State Medical Asso ciations, Camp Release Medical Society (ex presl. Republican (delegate from Minnesota to Republican National Con- THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 493 vention, Philadelphia, 1900). Member I. O. O. F. Married at Kilborn City, Wis., Aug. 3, 1875, to Miss Sylvia M. Ross of Boltonville, Wis. Recreations: Hunting and Ashing. Address: Fairfax, Minn. STOLBEBG, Alfred P., lawyer; born at Fish Lake, Minn., Dec. 4, 1876; son of Hon. P. H. and Sarah (Larson) Stol berg; attended public schools at Harris and Taylor's Falls, Minn.; Gustavus Adolphus College, St. Peter, Minn., graduating degree of A.B., 1899; Col lege of Law, University of Minnesota, graduating degree of LL.B., 1902. Has been engaged in practice of law since 1902; has held office of register of deeds, Chisago Co., since Jan., 1903. Repub lican. Member Swedish Lutheran Church. 'Married at Center City, Minn., 1906, to Miss Laura Nelson. Address: Center City, Minn. STOLL, Anthony P., cashier; born at Little Falls, Minn., June 13, 1884; son of Stanislaus and Gertrude Stoll; edu cated in Little Falls schools; unmar ried. Became connected with the bank ing business in 1900 as teller of the First National Bank of Little Falls; was elected cashier Bank of Pierz, in 1903, a position he now holds. Roman Catholic. Recreations: Hunting and fishing. Address: Pierz, Minn. STONE, Archibald A., implement and fuel dealer; born at L'Original, Ont, Can., Oct. 30, 1853; son of Heman Ward and Polly (Wells) Stone; came to Min nesota in 1856; educated in public and private schools. Has been engaged in farm implement and fuel business since May, 1877; member of the firm of Stone & Munro. Congregationalist. Married at Morris, Minn., April 13, 1881, to Miss Theodora D. Mills. Address: Morris, Minn. STONE, Azro Ashley, lawyer; born at Oshawa, Ont, Can., Jan. 17, 1840; son .of Marshall B. and Emily A. (Blair) Stone; came to Minnesota, 1854; edu cated in public schools of Canada and Minnesota; married at St. Peter, Minn., 1866, to Sarah Frances Phelps. Reared on a farm; enlisted in Union Army, July 5, 1861, and served until July, 1864, as member of 2nd Minn. Vol. Inf.; was sheriff of Nicollet Co., 1866-70; studied law and was admitted to the bar at St. Peter, Minn., 1874; clerk of court, 1871-76; mayor of St. Peter, 1878; county attorney, Nicollet Co., since 1885, with exception of 2 years. Republican. Member Church of the Disciples. Mason. Member G. A. R. Address: St. Peter, Minn. STONE, Edward Thomas, railway purchasing agent; born at San Jose, Calif., Jan. 21, 1861; son of Orlando B. and Julia Ann (King) Stone; educated at Wesleyan LTniversity, Bloomington, 111., and University of Chicago, graduating, 1882; married at Bloomington, 111., Oct. 24, 3 888, to Ducy J. Haggard. Began rail way service as traveling auditor North western Traffic Association, 1884, and has since Ailed the following positions on the Minneapolis, St. Paul and Sault Ste. Marie Ry, : clerk accounting de partment, 1887-97; assistant auditor, 1897-99; freight claim agent, 1S99-1903; purchasing agent since April 15, 1903. Club: Commercial. Office: 319 2nd Av., S. Residence: 3156 Columbus Av., Minneapolis. STONE, George Chickering, whole sale merchant; born at Saginaw, West Side, Mich., Aug. 18, 1875; son of F. C. and Harriott (Chadwick) Stone; grad uate Saginaw, West Side, High School, 1893; University of Michigan, Law De partment, degree of LL.B., 1898. Began business career with Stone-Ordean- Wells Co., wholesale grocers, Duluth, continuing, 1898-99; was with Patrick & Granger Co., 1899-1900; vice president F. A. Patrick & Co., wholesale dry goods, since 3 903; also vice president Clyde Iron Works; treasurer Blanke & Waite Co.; director Stone-Ordean-Wells Co., Marshall-Wells Hardware Co. Married at Saginaw, Mich., to Miss Marion Burt. Clubs: Kitchi Gammi, Commercial. Of fice: 5th Av., W. C'or. Commerce. Resi dence: 2222 E. Superior St., Duluth. STONE, George P., real estate; born in Chickasaw Co., Ia.; graduate com mercial department Cedar Valley Semi nary, Osage, la.; married at Marietta, Ga., 1896, to Miss Halcyone B. Hug- gard. Came to Minnesota, 1891; was connected with First National Bank, Crookston, 1892-96; now member of firm of Vance & Stone, real estate, loans and insurance. Also breeder of registered (Short Horn) cattle and Shropshire sheep. Member Masonic order. Ad dress: 116 State St., Crookston, Minn. STONE, Heman Ward, flour milling; born at Dorignal, Can., Oct. 2, 1855; son of Heman Ward and Polly (Wells) Stone; came to Minnesota with parents, 1856; educated in common schools. Has been engaged in flour milling at Morris, Minn., since Oct. 1, 1879, as H. W. Stone & Co. Member Minnesota House of Representatives, 1903 to 1906, inclusive. Address: Morris, Minn. STONE, Herman A., watchmaking; born in Olmsted Co., Minn., May 23, 1859; son of Anson K. and Phoebe (Compton) Stone; reared upon a farm; came to St. Paul at the age of 15; at tended public schools and business col lege. Apprenticed to William Ander son, jeweler, continuing with him, 1876- 85; began in jewelry business for self. 18S5; established the Stone School of Watchmaking, 1901. Member of Knights of Pythias. Married at St. Paul, Oct. 21, 1881, to Miss Nellie Troy. Office: Globe Bldg. Residence: 466 Dayton Av., St. Paul. STONE, Iver, farming, banking; born in Norway, May 26, 1850; son of Knudt and Guneld (Enersdatter) Stone. Came to America, June 15, 1867; located at Dake Hanska, Minn., May 1st, 1869, and has since been engaged in farming; also president of the Security State Bank 494 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS of Hanska; director State Bank of Ma delia. Married at Lake Hanska, Dec. 12, 3 878, to Miss Anne Joramoe. Address: Madelia, Minn. STONE, Royal Augustus, lawyer; born at Le Sueur, Minn., June 26, 1875; son of Hon. H. W. and Polly (Wells) Stone; educated in Morris (Minn.) pub lic schools; Carleton College, 1892-94; University of Minnesota, 1895; Wash ington University (St. Louis Law School), degree of LL.B., 1897. Mar ried at Spring Valley, Minn., Aug. 14, 1901, to Edith Olive Whiting. Admit ted to the bar, Oct. 6, 1897, and en gaged in practice of law at Morris Minn., where since 1905 he has been sen ior member of firm of Stone & Randall (C. B. Randall). Assistant attorney general of the State of Minnesota since April, 1905. Republican; was sergeant in Co. C, 15th Minn. Vol. Inf., Spanish- American War. Congregationalist. Mem ber Golden Sheaf Lodge, No. 133, A. F. & A. M., Morris, Minn. Club: Commer cial (St. Paul). Office: State Capitol, St. Paul. Residence: Morris, Minn. STONES, Frank B., vehicles; born in Blue Earth Co., Minn., June 17, 1868; son of Benjamin and Lydia Stoner; edu cated in public schools of Faribault Co. Began active career in employ of R. G. Dun & Co., commercial agency, at Chi cago, 111.; came to Minneapolis, 1895, and traveled for the Parry Manufactur ing Co., vehicles, Indianapolis, Ind., for three years; has been Northwestern manager for the company with head quarters in Minneapolis since 1900. Mar ried at Minneapolis, Aug. 2, 1905, to Miss Louise Ware. Club: Athletic. Recreations: Hunting and fishing. Of fice: 227 1st St., N. Residence: 1915 Hennepin Av., Minneapolis. STONES, Marcus Daniel, civil engi neer; born at Little York, O., May 21, 1870; son of Daniel and Margarette (Miller) Stoner; educated in common schools of Montgomery Co., O. ; at Na tional Normal University, Lebanon, O. ; Valparaiso (Ind.) Normal University. Removed to Crookston, Minn., 1892. and began as surveyor and engineer; has been located at Bemidji since 1897. Pur chased town-site of Blackduck, Minn., 1900, built a town of 1,000 inhabitants in two years, and 1903 constructed tele phone and electric light plant in the village. Now devoting attention to rail way and municipal engineering. County surveyor Beltrami Co., for 9 years; city engineer Bemidji, chief engineer, Min neapolis, Red Lake & Manitoba Ry. President Blackduck Electric & Tele phone Co. Republican. Member State Surveyors' and Engineers' Association. Married at Dayton, O., June 1, 1899. to Miss Gertrude Darst Address: Bemidji, Minn. STONG, Henry, farmer; born Ontario. Can., April 6, 1853; son of Joseph and Elizabeth (Snider) Stong; educated in the public schools of Elia, Ontario and the High School at Weston, Ontario; married, Clifford, Ont, Feb. 23, 18i6, Susan C. Gram. Began business career in a general store at Hamilton, Ont, 1S76; removed to Crystal, N. D. 1881, and engaged in general store business until 18S4; was interested in N. Dakota grain elevators, 1885-90; principally en gaged since 1SS1 in farming. Club; Commercial. Office and residence: 2212 Colfax Av., S., Minneapolis. STOSM, John C, business manager, St. Paul; born at Bellevue, la., Feb. 14, 1869; son of John J. and Susan (Kurt- nacker) Storm; educated in public schools; unmarried. Began in employ of Swift & Co., at Chicago, 111., 1892; was transferred to St. Douis, Ma, and Osh kosh, Wis., and since Jan. 1, 1903, has been in charge of Swift & Company's meat business at St. Paul. Also presi dent St. Paul Woolen Mills. Roman Catholic Member B. P. O. E. Club: Commercial. Recreations: Fishing, base ball. Office: 5th and Broadway. Resi dence: 10th and St. Peter St., St. Paul. STOBB, John Bobert, manager Cen tral Bedding Company of Illinois; born at Gosherton, Lincolnshire, Eng., July 12, 1847; son of John and Mary Ann (Case) Storr; attended school until 10 years of age. Began working as a lad, at parlor and chamber furniture finish-. ing and continued, at Boston, Mass., as contractor, until 1872; came to St. Paul, Minn., June 18, 1884; was for 12 years connected with St. Paul Board of Health; had charge of gents' furnishing goods, Bannon Co., one year, and was with Kuhles & Stock, cigar manufacturers, two years; resigned latter position, 1901, went to New York City, bought a car load of couch beds and introduced them for the first time in the Northwest, con tinuing in business for self two years. Manager Central Bedding Co. of 111., at St. Anthony Park, since April, 1904, steel couches, davenports and bed springs. Member of" the Midway Manufacturers' Club. Methodist. Member Masonic Or der, Chapter, Commandery, and Council Royal and Select Masters; member K. P. Married at Chelsea, Mass., Jan. 14, 1869, to Miss Nancy L. Harrington. Rec reations: Gunning and fishing. Office: 2306-2308 Hampdon Av., St. Anthony Park, Minn. Residence: 105 S. Milton St., St. Paul. STOTT, Enoch, manufacturer cotton flannel gloves and mitts; born in Phila delphia, Fa., 1856; son of Thomas and Elizabeth (Watmough) Stott; came to Minnesota, 1859, and was educated in public schools of Winona; married at Winona, 1882, to Miss Emma Beal. Filled position of traveling man for wholesale grocery firm of Memphis, Tenn., 1877-78; entered retail house fur nishing business and continued in it for 19 years; began in manufacture of gloves and mittens, in 1.900, and is senior partner of the firm of Stott & Son, es tablished, 1881. Republican. City treas urer of Winona three terms; alderman at large one term; was park commis- THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 495 sioner for 5 years. Member Winona Board of Trade. Episcopalian. Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner; mem ber A. O. U. W. Club: Arlington. • Recreations: Hunting and fishing. Ad dress: Winona, Minn. STOUGHTON, William Bobert, editor; born at Calabogie, Ont, Can., Aug. 12, 1872; son of Nathan and Mary Ann (Ryan) Stoughton; educated in the log school house; unmarried. _Came to Min nesota, Jan. 1, 1903, and located at East Grand Forks, where he has since been editor of The Valley View, a weekly newspaper of Polk Co.; member of firm of Stoughton & Stember, printers and publishers. Democrat. Roman Catholic. Member Modern Woodmen of America. Address: East Grand Forks, Minn. STOUT, Wilfred Oakley, railway sup plies; barn at Dake City, Minn., April 5, 1872; son of James Cooper and Agnes M. (Scott) Stout; educated in St. Paul public and high schools, and at Univer sity of Minnesota, 1891-95; unmarried. Advertising manager of the Boston Clothing Co., St. Paul, 1897-1901; assist ant superintendent of advertising, St. Paul Dispatch, 1901-03; since 1903, pres ident International Railway Device Co. Served in Spanish-American War, 1898, as sergt. major 2nd U. S. Vol. Engs. Club: Commercial. Office: 319 Jackson St. Residence: 672 Summit Av., St. Paul. STBAIGHT, Leonard A., lawyer; born at Bloomington, 111., June 10, 1866; son of Johnson William and Jennie Ursula (Elledge) Straight; educated in public schools, in Illinois Wesleyan University (B.A. 1887) and in Union College of Law, Chicago; unmarried. Began prac tice of law at St. Paul, Minn., Sept., 1890; has been in partnership with W. W. Allen since May, 1897. Club: Com mercial. Office: Pioneer Press Bldg. Residence: 634 Hayne Av., St. Paul. STBAPF, Jeremiah J., chief of fire de partment, St. Paul; born in St. Paul, April 3, 1860; son of John and Johanna Strapp; educated in public and parochial schools of St. Paul; unmarried. Entered the St. Paul fire department, Nov. 14, 1879; advanced through various grades and has been chief of the department since April 1, 1905. Roman Catholic. Member Ancient Order of Hibernians, Knights of Pythias. Recreation: Fish ing. Office: 8th and Minnesota Sts. Residence: 15 East 10th St., St. Paul. STBATHEBN, Fred Paul, physician; born at Rich Valley, Minn., May 6, 1869; son of Walter W. and Mary (Tracy) Strathern; graduated from Hastings High School, 1889; University of Minne sota, degree of B.S., 1894; degree of M.S., same university, 1895; Medical De partment, University of Minnesota, de gree of M.D., 1899. Began practice at St. Peter, Minn. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associations, Minnesota Valley Medical Society. Member St. Peter Dibrary Board, Delta Upsilon and Nu Sigma Nu fraternities, St. Peter Tennis Association and Gun Club. Mason. Married at St. Peter, Minn., June 16, 1903, to Miss Ida D. Schleuder. Recreations: Tennis, fish ing and duck shooting. Address: St. Peter, Minn. STBATTON, Joseph B., hardware; born at White Rock, R. I., May 26. 1855; son of Robert and Sarah (Hayes) Strat- ton; came to Minnesota, Nov. 1, 1870; educated in public schools of Provi dence, R. I., Belle Plaine and St. Paul, Minn., and at Taylor's Academy, St. Paul, 1877. Began in drug business at Montgomery, Nov. 1, 1880, and con tinued for 18 years; moved to Belle Plaine where he has been engaged in sale of hardware, heating and plumbing materials, under title of Stratton Sup ply Co., since 1893. Also vice president State Bank of Belle Plaine. Member A. O. H., I. O. O. F. Married at Belle Plaine, Nov., 1879, to Miss Ada Bene dict. Address: Belle Plaine, Minn. STRAUSS, Simon, merchant: born in Hessen, Germany, March 27, 1850; at tended common schools in Hessen and the Seminar at Frankfort-on-the-Main. Came to U. S. in 1876; started in cloth ing and men's furnishing business at Albert Dea, Sept. 15, 1878, and still con tinues. Director First National Bank and Albert Dea State Bank. Member Masonic Order (32°), Shriner, I. O. O. F. Married at Chicago, 111., Jan. 10, 1886, to Lilly Adler. Address: Albert Lea. Minn. STREATER, Wesley A., banking; born at Burt, la., Jan. 15, 1880; educated in public schools. Began active career as clerk and bookkeeper State Bank of Armstrong, la., 1895; became bookkeeper and clerk First National Bank. Esther ville, la., 1897; was assistant cashier of the bank, 1899-1903; auditor Cedar Rap ids (Ia.) National Bank, Jan. to Aug., 1903; has been cashier Faribault County Bank, Winnebago, Minn., since Aug., 1903. Member Masonic order. Married. 1902, to Miss Ruth M. Barron. Address: Winnebago, Minn. STREET, Lindley M., banking; born at Muscatine, la., Feb. 1, 1854; son of Aaron and Elizabeth (Clark) Street; edu cated in common schools; public schools, Hesper, la., 1874-75; Decorah (Ia.) High School, 1876; business college, Decorah, 1877; taught school in Houston Co., Minn., 1877-78. Started Bank of Spring field, Springfield. Minn., 1888. as cashier and manager, also engaged in real estate business; one of the first presidents Citizens State Bank, Lamberton, Minn.; organizer and manager Bankers Land & Loan Co., Maynard, Minn., 1900: organ izer and manager Citizens Bank, May nard, for 3 years; organizer, 1903. now cashier and manager Bank of Moose Lake; also in real estate business. Con gregationalist. Married at . Hampton, la.. Oct. 1, 1882, to Miss Ida M. Hansen. Address: Moose Lake, Minn. STRICKLAND, Samuel George, rail way official; born at Lakefield, Ont, 49G THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS Can., Aug. 15, 1859; son of George W. R. and Fanny (Rothwell) Strickland; edu cated in public schools, Lakefield, High School Peterborough, Ont, and Col legiate Institute, Port Hope, Ont; mar ried, 1901, to Louise Yates. Began rail road service as telegrapher and agent Canadian Pacific Ry., continuing, 1875- 76; telegrapher and clerk, St. Paul, Min neapolis & Manitoba Ry., 1877-79; since 1SS0, with the Chicago, St. Paul, Min neapolis & Omaha Railway consecutive ly as telegrapher, agent, general agent, train master, superintendent and since Jan., 1905, as general superintendent. Clubs: Minnesota, Town and Country. Office: 4th and Rosabell Sts. Resi dence: 304 Holly Av., St. Paul. STRICKLAND, William G., insurance; born at Hartford, Conn., 1849; educated in public and high schools of Hartford. Began active career as a boy in the general office of the Phoenix Insurance Co., continuing until 1873; came to St. Paul, 1873, and entered service of the St. Paul Fire & Marine Insurance Co., as solicitor, remaining with the com pany until 1882, when he went into in surance business on his own account Member Strickland-Doolittle Co. Mem ber Masonic order, Knights Templar, B. P. O. E. Married at Hartford, Conn., 1880, to Miss Kate Seymour Beckwith. Clubs: Minnesota, Town and Country. Office: 139-141 "Endicott Arcade. Resi dence: 657 Fairmount Av., St. Paul. STRICKLES, Ora C, surgeon; born at Markham, Ontario, Jan. 7, 1863; edu cated in public and high schools, Mark ham, at Toronto Institute and in Medi cal Department of the University of Michigan. Began practice, 1885. Mem ber board of regents of University of Minnesota; ex-member State Board of Medical Examiners. Member National Association of Railway Surgeons, Amer ican and Minnesota State Medical Asso ciations, Minnesota Academy of Medicine. Member Masonic order, Knights Temp lar. Scottish Rite, Shrine. Married at New Ulm, 1887, to Miss Emilie Doehne. Address: New Ulm, Minn. STRINGER, Edward C, lawyer; born at Auburn, N. Y., June 19, 1852; son of William and Mary A. (Peak) Stringer; graduate Auburn (N. Y.) High School, 1872; Hamilton College (Clinton, N. Y.) A.B. (Phi Beta Kappa) 1876; Hamilton College Law School, LL. B„ 1876. Mar ried at Mt. Morris, N. Y., 1879, to Isabel Seymour. Admitted to bar at Rochester, N. Y., 1879; came to Hastings, Minn. 1879; to St. Paul 1890, and since 18S1 has been senior partner of the firm of Stringer & Seymour, lawyers. Was special national bank examiner, 1893; United States district attorney, 1894-98. Director St. Paul National Bank. Demo crat; delegate to Democratic National Convention at St. Louis, 1888. Presby terian. President Minnesota State Bar Association. Member Sons of American Revolution, Society of Colonial Wars, Minnesota Historical Society. Clubs: Minnesota, Commercial, Town and Coun try. Office: National German Am. Bank Bldg. Residence: 471 Ashland Av., St. Paul. STRINGER, Joseph W., life insur ance; born at Detroit, Mich., 1860; son of William and Agnes (Sinclair) Strin ger; educated in public schools of De troit. Began active career as a farmer in Michigan, continuing on the farm until 1888; became connected with Northwestern Mutual Dife Insurance Co., of Milwaukee, 1888; entered employ of Aetna Dife Insurance Co., 1896; has been state manager Michigan Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Detroit since 1901. Member Minnesota Dife Underwriters' Association. Married in Michigan, 1889, to Miss Wilmot Bowden. Office: Lum ber Exchange Bldg. Residence: 2648 Emerson Av., S., Minneapolis. STBOM, Henrik, president The Amer ican Mortgage and Investment Co.; born in Christiania, Norway, Feb. 9, 1869; son of Feodor F. and Elizabeth (Lar- sen) Strom; came to America, 1879; edu cated in public schools of Milwaukee, Wis. Lived in Milwaukee, 1879-86; en gaged in banking, at Jackson, Minn., as member of J. K. Brown & Co., 1886- 1901; came to St. Paul as secretary of The American Mortgage and Investment Co., 1901, and was made president of the company, 1904; also treasurer The Amer ican Farm Land Co. Republican. Presby terian. Member I. O. O. F., A. O. U. W. Married at Chicago, 111., June 15, 1893, to Miss Catherine McMurtrie. Clubs: Commercial, Norden. Office: Endicott Bldg. Residence: 439 Portland Av., St. Paul. STBONG, Freeman Poole, invest ments; born in Boston, Mass., Jan. 15, 1847; son of Charles Dibble and Abigail Spurr (Jefferson) Strong; educated in public schools of St. Paul; widower. Be gan at 15 to learn the hardware busi ness, with Strong, Hackett & Co., con tinuing until Jan. 1, 1879, when he pur chased an interest in the business; treasurer Strong-Hackett Hardware Co.. 1885-89; president Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Co., wholesale hardware, Jan. 1, 1890, to Jan. 1, 1897, when he retired from ac tive business. Since May 1, 1903, vice president and since May 1, 1906, also treasurer of Sherwood Shoe Co. Repub lican. Clubs: Commercial, Minnesota. Office: Globe Bldg. Residence: 651 Fairmount Av., St. Paul. STBONG, James Woodward, educator; born at Brownington, Vt, Sept. 29, 1833; son of Elijah Gridley and Sarah Ashley (Partridge) Strong; graduate Beloit College, degree of A.B. July 13, 1858; degrees of A.M., 1861, D.D., 1872, same college; Union Theological Seminary, New York City, graduating, 1862; honor ary degree of LL. D., Illinois College, 1896. Married at Beloit, Wis., Sept. 3, 1861, to Miss Mary Davenport. Was city clerk Beloit, 1854-55; city super intendent schools, 1855-56; pastor Con gregational Church, Brodhead, Wis THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 497 1862-64; Faribault, Minn., 1865-70; first president Carleton College, 1870-1903; now president emeritus. Corporate mem ber American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions; president Minne sota State Home Missionary Society from its organization in 1872 to Oct., 1905; member almost every national Congre gational council, 1865-1901; member In ternational Council, 1899, and Ecumen ical Missionary Conference, 1900. Lec turer: Abraham Lincoln; Personal Rem iniscences of Robert Browning. Author of various monographs, reports and his torical papers. Address: Northfield, Minn. STRONGE, Joseph, millinery; born in Ireland, Aug. 6, 1863; came to America. 1882, stopping for several months at Albany, N. Y.; engaged in millinery business at Toronto, Can., 1883, spent a year at Montreal and removed to St. Paul, 1887; represented the Oppenheimer Co., wholesale millinery, as traveling salesman, 1887-91, starting a millinery establishment at Rochester, Minn., while in employ of the firm; entered wholesale millinery business under title of the Stronge Millinery Co., at St. Paul, 1894, the name becoming Stronge & Warner, 1901, of which he is presi dent. Republican. Married, 1891, to Miss Louise Williams. Clubs: Minne sota, Commercial, Town and Country. Office: 67-73 E. 7th St. Residence: 502 Marshall Av., St. Paul. STBOUT, George Elmer, physician; born at Fargo, N. D„ son of George A. and Mary L. (Trott) Strout; educated in public schools of Fargo and Lisbon; N. Dakota High School; Santa Rosa, CaL, 1894; College of Medicine and Surgery, University of Minnesota, graduating M.D., 1901. Practiced pharmacy in store of W. S. Parker; secretary N. Dak. State Board of Pharmacy, 1895-97; was in terne St. Barnabas Hospital, Minne apolis, 1901-02; has been engaged in practice of medicine at Winthrop since 1902. Director State Bank of Winthrop. Member Camp Release Medical Society, Minnesota State and American Medical associations. Surgeon Minneapolis & St. Louis Ry. Co. Member Masonic order. Married at Minneapolis, 1903, to Miss Eva Scott. Address: Winthrop, Minn. STBUBLE, Orlando, banker; born at Plainview, Minn., Sept. 10, 1867. Presi dent of Forest Lake State Bank since 1903. Address: Forest Lake, Minn. STBUETT, Louis, merchant; born in West Baden, Germany, Aug. 24, 1847; son of Adolf and Katharina (Meier) Struett; educated in public schools of Zell, Baden. Came to America, 1866; has been in mercantile business at Per ham, Minn., since Aug., 1873. Director Prerire Mill Co., First National Bank. Democrat. Catholic. Married, 2nd, at Highland, 111., Aug., 1892, to Miss Douise Ammon. Address: Perham, Minn. STRYKER, John Dana, real estate; born at Manorkill, Schoharie Co., N. Y., Nov. 10, 1856; son of George W. and Sylvia C. (Newell) Stryker; educated at Susquehanna Collegiate Institute, Tow- anda, Pa. Was employed as clerk in the First National Bank, Towanda, 1875- 86; president of the Corporation of Stry ker, Manley & Buch, established in 1886. Clubs: Commercial, Boat, Curling. Of fice: Torrey Bldg. Residence: 2702 Woodland Av., Duluth. STRYKER, John E., lawyer; born at Catskill, N. Y., Oct. 30, 1862; son of John D. and Mary (Edwards) Stryker; educated at Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass., Yale University, Ph.B., 1883, Columbia Law School, LL.B., 1885, and University of Berlin, Germany; married at St. Paul, Dec. 4, 1889, to Virginia L., daughter of Col. Glover Perin, U. S. A. Admitted to bar, 1885, and engaged in practice at St. Paul; assistant U. S. at torney for district of Minnesota, 1893- 94; special counsel of~the United States, 1894-1902. Member American and Min nesota State Bar associations, Ramsey County Bar Association (ex-president). Democrat. Presbyterian. Recreations: Riding, shooting and horticulture. Clubs: Minnesota, Nushka (St. Paul); Holland Society (New York). Office: Pioneer Press Bldg. Residence: 510 Iglehart St., St. Paul. STUABT, John Harlan, physician; born in Guilford Co., N. C, June 20, 1836; son of Amos and Matilda (Had ley) Stuart; educated in public schools and New Garden Boarding School, N. C, and graduated from Haverford College, Pa., 1861, A.M., 1864; taught in high school, 1861-64; studied medicine at Ann Arbor, Mich., and graduated in medicine from Bellevue Hospital Medi cal College, N. Y., 1867. Married in Henry Co., Ind., Oct. 13, 1869, to Annis Lynch. Practiced medicine 5 years in Indiana, 10 years in Lawrence, Kan., and 25 years in Minneapolis, Minn. Presi dent Kansas State Medical Society, 1871; president Hennepin Co., Minn., Medical Society, two terms. Professor in Medi cal Department Hamline University. Re publican. Member Hennepin Co. ^Medi- cal Society and Minnesota State and American Medical associations. Mem ber Society of Friends. Office: Pillsbury Bldg. Residence: 1811 Portland Av., Minneapolis. SUBBY, Oscar, sheriff of Freeborn Co.; born in Denmark, Feb. 14, 1875; son of Nels P. and Christina (Hanson) Subby; came to America with parents, 1880; educated in public schools of Al bert Lea; married at Albert Lea, 1903, to Miss Lillian Peterson. Was connected with his father in the marble and monument business until 1900; was as sistant chief of police, Albert Lea, for 5 years; elected sheriff Nov., 1904, and re-elected, Nov., 1906, term extending to Jan., 1909. Republican. Lutheran. Member B. P. O. E., Danish Brotherhood. Recreation: Hunting. Address: Albert Lea, Minn. SUCKEB, Adolph, banking; born at Lakefield, Minn., March 30, 1876; son 49S THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS of Richard and Rose Sucker; educated at Wilder Farm College, Wilder, Minn., and Palmer's Business College, Cedar Rapids, la.; married at Hebron, N. D., Nov. 26, 1903, to Miss Ida B. Redetzke. Began active career as a carpenter; was employed in hardware store as man ager and bookkeeper for 2 years; began in real estate business at Amboy, Minn., spring of 1901; organized Merchants State Bank of Lewisville, Jan., 1902, and has been director and cashier of the bank since its organization. Treasurer of Village of Lewisville, 1902, and presi dent of village council since spring of 1903. Address: Lewisville, Minn. SUCKOW, William Theodore, loans; born at Madison, Wis., Dec. 19, 1868; son of B. W. and Elsa (Tweeden) Suckow; educated in public school and high school; unmarried. Began business career as a clerk in the land department of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry., at Milwaukee, Wis., continuing un til May, 1901, when he became asso ciated with the American Mortgage and Investment Co. at St. Paul as assistant secretary, and since July 1, 1904, has been secretary and treasurer of the company. ' Republican; was member of Co. E, 3rd Regt, Wis. State Guards. Lutheran, Clubs: Norden, St. Paul Choral. Office: Endicott Bldg. Resi dence: Colonnade Annex, 10th and St. Peter, St. Paul. SUDDUTH, William Henry, flour mill ing; born Darlington, Wis., Aug. 13, 1875; son of Henry Harrison and Lida (Paddock) Sudduth; educated in public schools, graduating at high school of Waseca, Minn., 1891; in Carleton Col lege (academy) one year; University of Nebraska, 2 years; business college (C. C. Curtiss) one year; married at Min neapolis, Minn., 1903, to Mary Louise Norton. Entered service of W. J. Jen nison Co., flour milling, as stenographer, 1896; at the present time secretary, treasurer and director of the com pany; also secretary and treasurer of the Gooding-Coxe Co. Republican. Mem ber of the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity. Club: Commercial. Office: Phoenix Bldg. Residence: 2526 Portland Av., Minneapolis. SUFFEL, Frank Hammond, credit man; born at Vienna, Ont, Canada, July 5, 3 866; son of George (banker) and Anna M. (Davison) Suffel; graduated from Collegiate Institute, St. Thomas, Ont, 1884; honor graduate Toronto Uni versity, degree of B.A., 1888; admitted to practice law at Los Angeles, Calif., 1890; professor of Latin, University of Southern California, 1888-89. Married at Polo, 111., June, 1899, to Lucia Shum- way. Director in Citizens National Bank, Oconto, Wis.; removed to Green Bay, Wis.: ceased law practice, 1901; or ganized wholesale drug firm of Kennedy- Suffel Drug Co., and moved to Minne apolis, Minn.; sold out interest in drug firm, July, 1905, and established present business, as manager of the Jobbers' Credit Association of Minneapolis and St. Paul. Also director Northern Paper Mills, Green Bay, Wis. Republican. Episcopalian. Mason; member B. P. O. E. Recreations: Motor car, golf, ten nis. Club: Commercial (Minneapolis). Office: Gilfillan Blk., St. Paul. Resi dence: The Maryland, Minneapolis. SUGDEN, George W., bank cashier; born at Alma City, Minn., Oct. 10, 1870; son of William H. and Susan E. (Young) Sugden; educated at State Normal School, Mankato, graduating, 1891. Was proprietor Star Daundry, Mankato, 1894- 1902; engaged in land and loan business, 1902-06; has been cashier and director National Citizens Bank, Mankato, since Jan. 10, 1906; also secretary and direc tor Union Canadian Land Co. Member Knights of Pythias, Royal Arcanum, I. O. O. F. Unmarried. Club: Commer cial. Address: Mankato, Minn. SULLIVAN, Frank K., coal and wood; born at Ulster, Pa., April 6, 1866; son of John Q. and Emerette (Smith) Sullivan; educated in public schools of Ulster. Began active career on a farm in Penn sylvania; came to Minneapolis, 1887, and became connected with the Taylor Coal Co., advancing to position of general manager; organized the Sullivan Coal Co., of which is proprietor, and has been at its head since 1897. Republican. Methodist. Member I. O. O. F., Knights of Pythias, Royal Arcanufii'. Married at Minneapolis, April 6, 1892, to Miss Har riet Bedbury. Recreations: Huntingand automobiling. Office: 626 1st Av., S. Residence: 2612 Harriet Av., Minne apolis. SULLIVAN, George H., lawyer; born at Stillwater, Minn., Dec. 20, 1867; son of Patrick and Ellen (McMenamy) Sul livan; educated in public schools and high schools, Stillwater, and Daw School, University of Wisconsin, gradu ating degree of DD.M., 1888. Has been engaged in practice of law at Stillwater since July, 1888; member of the law firm of Manwaring & Sullivan since 1891. Elected State senator from Washington Co., Nov. 6, 1906. Republican. County attorney Washington Co., 1890-92; city attorney, Stillwater, 1901, to present time. Married at Madison, Wis., 1889, to Miss Kittie E. Brand. Address: Still water, Minn. SULLIVAN, James B., banker; born at Newburyport, Mass.; son of John J. and Mary Sullivan; educated in common schools and at business college; wid ower. Began in banking business with Merchants Exchange Bank, Lake Pres ton, S. Dak.; cashier First National Bank, Lake Benton, Minn., 1896, and cashier Citizens State Bank, Arlington, S. Dak., 1896-1902; purchased, with others, the Citizens State Bank, Waseca, and changed it to First National Bank of Waseca, of which he was cashier until Jan., 1907, when he became its presi dent. Address: Waseca, Minn. SULLIVAN, John D., lawyer; born at Peterboro, Ont, Nov. 25, 1862; son of THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS 499 James M. and Elizabeth (Walsh) Sulli van; educated at Victoria University, Coburg, Ont, Can.; married at St. Cloud, 1886, to Elizabeth Schmidt. Studied law in Toronto and at St. Cloud; has been engaged in practice since 1886; county attorney Stearns Co., 1890-1900; now city attorney, St. Cloud. Director Se curity Bank. Democrat. Roman Cath olic. Member B. P. O. E., Foresters. Recreations: Hunting and fishing. Ad dress: St. Cloud, Minn. SULLIVAN, Michael, physician; born at Whitehall, N. Y., July 10, 1852; son of James and Bridget (McDonald) Sulli van; moved with parents to Rock Co., Wis., 1853, and to Dallas Co., Ia., 1868; educated in public schools of Wisconsin and Iowa until 1872; Iowa State Agri cultural College, Ames (did not grad uate on account of sickness); College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk, la,, graduating, degree of M.D., 1878; post graduate courses at Chicago Polyclinic, 1889, and Chicago Clinical School, 1899. Began practice of medicine at Duverne, Minn., 1878; has been engaged in prac tice at Adrian, since 1880. Democrat Member S. W. Minnesota and Sioux Val ley Medical societies (ex-president of both), Minnesota Valley Medical Asso ciation (ex-president), Minnesota State and American Medical associations. Mar ried at Duverne, Minn., Jan. 7, 1880, to Miss Catherine Devy. Address: Adrian, Minn. SULLIVAN, Timothy A., banking; born at Ferguson Falls, Ontario, Can ada, Aug. 18, 1864; son of Timothy and Nora (Enright) Sullivan; came to Min nesota in youth and was educated in public schools East Grand Forks, Co- gan's Academy, Sauk Center, and at the University of North Dakota. Settled on a farm in Polk Co., 1878; worked in of fices of county auditor and register of deeds, 1884-88; farmed, 1888-91; member of the firm of Sullivan Brothers, real estate, farm loans and insurance, since 1891; also vice president First National Bank, East Grand Forks. Appointed judge of municipal court by Gov. .Clough, 1895, now serving in same posi tion; Mayor of East Grand Forks, 1893- 94. Republican. Roman Catholic. Mem ber B. P. O. E., A. O. U. W. Married at Hastings, Minn., Sept. 11, 1894, to Miss Mary A. Schilling. Club: Town and Country. Address: East Grand Forks, Minn. SULLWOLD, John L., plumbers' sup plies; born at Oneota, Minn., May 23, 1860; son of Herman and Maria (Grone- wold) Sullwold; came to St. Paul with parents when one year of age and was educated in public schools of St. Paul. Gained practical experience early in life as employe in retail grocery, and in hardware and plumbing business; was in service of Wilson & Rogers, dealers In plumbers' supplies, for 12 years; began business for self as one of the incor porators of the Western Supply Co., 1889, of which he has been president since 1891. Scottish Rite Mason (32°). Shriner; member B. P. O. E., Junior Pioneers, U. C. T. of America. Married at St. Paul, 1882, to Miss Clementine Rank. Club: Commercial: Office: 34S- 350 Wacouta St. Residence: 807 Holly Av., St. Paul. SUNDBLAD, William P., clerk of dis trict court; born at Alexandria, Minn., Oct. 8, 1869; son of John and Carrie (Ol son) Sundblad; educated in public schools of Alexandria, graduating from high school, June, 1889; married at Bat tle Lake, Minn., June 29, 1904, to Miss Maie A. Everts. Engaged in general merchandise business, 1889-99; village treasurer and clerk in store, 1900-01; village recorder 1901-03; has been clerk of district court since Jan. 6, 1903. Also secretary Interurban Telephone Ex change Co. Republican. Lutheran. Mem ber Masonic order. Address: Alex andria, Minn. SUTHESLAND, James Boskerck, treasurer David C. Bell Investment Co.; born at Oakland, Calif., March 26, 3 863; son of James Banks and Maria (La Rue) Sutherland; educated at St. Joseph (Mich.) High School. Began active ca reer as teller in First National Bank of St. Joseph, Mich., continuing from 1879- 82; was bookkeeper Cummings, Smith & Co., wholesale shoe dealers, Minneapolis, 1882-85; filled position of chief clerk Bell & Nettleton, mortgage loans, real estate, rentals, etc., 1886-89; chief clerk David C. Bell & Co., 1889-92; has been treas urer David C. Bell &. Co., and member of the company, since 1892; also presi dent of the Security Land & Investment Co. Married, at Rock Island, 111., Oct., 1886, to Miss Myra Lee. Republican. Congregationalist. Clubs: Commercial, Minikahda, Kaiyowaza Hunting. Recrea tions: Camping, hunting, Ashing, pho tography. Office: Security Bank Bldg. Residence: 1819 Dupont Av., S., Min neapolis. SUTTON, George H., proprietor Depot Hotel; born in Plymouth, England, June 19, 1866; son of F. W. and Helena (Drew) Sutton; collegiate education; married at Portage, Minn., 1889, to Miss M. Gilvarey. Came to America, 1882, and to Minnesota, 1887; was in charge of dining cars on Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry., 1883-90; has been in charge of the Depot Hotel, Austin, since 1890. Mayor of Austin April, 1906, to April, 1908. Member Masonic order, B. P. O. E., Knights of Pythias, Royal Arcanum, Court of Honor. Recreation: Fishing. Address: Austin, Minn.' SWAIN, David M., builder modern marine engines and modern stern and side 'wheel river steamboats; born at Marengo, 111., Dec. 11, 1841; son of Isaac and Mary Ann (Burt) Swain (of Eng lish descent, his father a non-commis sioned officer under King George); edu cated in country school; married at Bel videre, 111., Jan. 23, 1868, to Juliana Johnston Ainsworth (great grand-daugh ter of Archibald Johnston, captain in 500 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS Revolutionary War and grand-daughter of James Johnston, a soldier in Revolu tionary War; of same family stock as Gen. Joseph E. Johnston and Gov. James Johnston of Va.) Began active career as marine engineer, continuing, 1860-73; member of firm of Swain & Gray, ma chine shop, Stillwater, Minn., 1873; D. M. Swain, machine shop and foundry, 1874, the title being changed to D. M. Swain's Marine Engine Works, 1880, and so continuing to the present time; build er of marine engines, pumping engines or doctors, condensers, power capstans, induced draft water gauges, etc. Has made record for steamboats noted for speed and economy of fuel and ma chinery in use in S. America, Alaska, Can., Pac Coast, Miss, river, Parkers- burg, W. Va., etc; now engaged in building modern compound condensing engines for Ohio river boats. Also owner, in connection with two sons, Percy M. and Verne L., of the La Salle & Peoria Packet Co., operating line of steamers on Illinois river since 1890. Republican. Presbyterian. Member B. P. O. E. Address: Stillwater, Minn. SWANSON, Augustus Stephen, florist; born in Sweden, Aug. 3, 1858; son of Peter and Helena (Nelson) Swanson; educated in public schools in Sweden, and in Swedish Horticultural Institute, 1880. Came to the United States, May 7, 18S1; engaged for two years in horti culture at Chicago, 111., and arrived in Minneapolis, Minn., 1883; was in employ of Kelvington & Co., one year; held po sition of florist and manager green houses Minnesota State Training School, then located in St. Paul, until 1888; pur chased the florist business of E. V. Beales, Sept. 1, 1888, and has since that time conducted the business independ ently as Aug. S. Swanson. Member So ciety of American Florists and Orna mental Horticulturists; Life Member Minnesota Horticultural Society since 1889. Member Royal Arcanum. Married at Minneapolis, Minn., Oct. 20, 1888, to Selma G. Peterson. Office: Endicott Bldg. Residence: Merriam Park, St. Paul. SWANSON, Charles J., pres. North western Fireproofing Co.; born at Fran- narp, Sweden, Oct. 18, 1850; son of Swan and Maria (Larson) Swanson; came to America, 1869; educated in public schools of Sweden and in private schools of the United States. Bricklayer by trade; discovered and developed claybanks, 1875, on both sides of Mississippi river, just above City of Minneapolis, from which the brick used in the city has ever since been supplied; established a plant for making porous, hollow tile for fire proofing and has since done the principal part of the fire proofing in the State; the pioneer in the State, in this line, shipping to Winnipeg on the North and City of Mexico on the South. President N. W. Fireproofing Co., for merly C. J. Swanson, established 1875. Also director German-American Bank. Married at Minneapolis, 1887, to Miss Christina Johnson. Club: Odin. .Office: Kasota Blk., Minneapolis. Residence: Fridley, Minn. SWANSON, Frederick William, bank ing; born in Todd Co., Minn., Aug. 14, 1874; son of Nelson and Sophia (Deer ing) Swanson; educated in common schools; Long Prairie High School; Bee- man's Business College, Red Wilng; University of Minnesota. Was salesman and buyer dry goods, A. S. Strauss <& Co., Long Prairie, 1890; C. A. Johnsson & Co., Sauk Centre, 1896; Sullivan & Harrison, Barnesville, 1897; Sjoberg Brothers, Roseau, 1899-1901. Entered banking, April 8, 1901, and has been cashier Farmers and Merchants Bank, Badger, since Dec 13, 1901. Republican. Member Modern Woodmen of America. Married at Roseau, Minn., Oct. 23, 1901, to Miss Rachel R. Budd. Club: Com mercial (secretary). Recreation: Hunt ing. Address: Badger, Minn. SWANSON, John Frederick, hardware and farm machinery; born at Red Wing, Minn., Jan. 19, 1861; son of Andrew and Olive (Olson) Swanson; educated in Red Wing public schools; married at Utica, N. Y., June 22, 1904, to Miss Louise M. Reichert. Began active career in em ploy of the Red Wing Furniture Co., later being connected with the Red Wing Manufacturing Co., of which he was sec retary; has been senior member of the firm of Swanson & Anderson, retail deal ers in hardware and farm machinery, since 1S96. Also director Red Wing Furniture Co.; interested in C. A. Swan son & Co., jewelers, Superior, Wis. For merly member Co. G, M. N. G. Inde pendent in politics. English Lutheran. Club: Commercial. Recreations: Out door diversion, reading. Address: Red Wing, Minn. SWANSON, Ole, general merchandise; born in Sweden, Nov. 1, 1869; came to America with parents, 1872; educated in common schools of Minnesota. Began in general mercantile business at Moose Lake, Minn., under title of Swanson Bros., 1894; firm incorporated as Swan son Bros. Co., Jan. 2, 1907, of which he is treasurer and general manager. Elected county commissioner of Carlton Co., Nov., 1906 (second term). Repub lican. Member I. O. F. Married at Du luth, Minn., 1897, to Miss Maggie C. Brown. Club: Commercial. Address: Moose Lake, Minn. SWANSON, Theodore A., furniture and undertaking, also pianos and or gans; born at Red Wing, Minn., April 25, 1873; son of Andrew and Olive (Ol son) Swanson; educated in public schools and business college, Red Wing: married at Red Wing, Nov., 1897, to Miss Elizabeth L. Hillen. Has been identified with the house of A. Swan son & Son (founded by his father, 1885) ever since his youth, and since the death of his father, 1906, has been in full management of the business. Formerly member ^!o. G, M. N. G. Lutheran Member Knights of Pythias. Club: Com- THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 501 mercial. Recreations: Outdoor diver sion. Address: Red Wing, Minn. SWABTWOOD, Fred Adelbert, phys ician; born at Faribault, Minn., 1860; son of Henry A. and Harriet Frances (Shepard) Swartwood; educated at Carle ton College, Northfield, Minn., and Uni versity of Michigan. Began practice of medicine in 1886; also president Waseca Telephone Co., Waseca Savings & Loan Association; director Waseca Hail In surance Co., W. J. Armstrong Co. Has been postmaster of Waseca since 1897. Republican. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associations. Mason; member Knights of Pythias, A. O. U. W., Modern Woodmen of America. Married at Cannoij Falls, Minn., 1886, to Miss Ida M. Poe. Address: Waseca, Minn. SWABTWOOD, Wilbur E., secretary Minneapolis Paper Co.; born at Cannon City, Minn., July 2, 186S; son of Henry A. and Hattie (Shepard) Swartwood; educated in public schools at Faribault, Minn. Began business career, 1890, for self; became connected with the Minne apolis Paper Co., as accountant, in 1894 and since 1904 has been secretary of the company, which carries on an extensive wholesale paper business. Republican. Married at Hudson, Wis., 1890, to Lil lian May Bishop. Recreations: Hunting and fishing. Office: 404 S. 5th St. Resi dence: 1935 Crystal Lake Av., Minne apolis. SWABTZ, Martin X., druggist; born at De Kalb Co., 111., Feb. 26, 1856; son of Jacob and Catharine (Mosier) Swartz; educated in public schools. Entered drug store of Swartz & Stocking, Freeport, 111., Sept. 17, 1869; began drug business for himself at Grundy Centre, la., June 5. 1877; has been in retail drug business in his own name since June 12, 1883, at Brainerd. Republican. Member of Ma sonic Order, Chapter, Council, Com mandery and O, E. S. Married at Flora, III., Sept., 1881, May D. Bicksler. Ad dress: Brainerd, Minn. SWAYNE, Sylvester C, Northwestern manager Dowagiac Manufacturing Co.; born at Belleville, W. Va., Oct. 16, 1857; son of Thomas and Charlotte (Smith) Swayne; educated at National Normal School, Debanon, O. Became connected with sales of agricultural implements at Fargo, 1894; came to Minneapolis, 1903, as Northwestern manager of the Dowag iac Manufacturing Co., which position he now holds. Republican. Presby terian. Member Masonic order, U. T. C. of America, Iowa State Traveling Men's Association. Married at Pomeroy, O., 1877, to Miss Luella. Landon. Recrea tions: Fishing and hunting. Office: 100 3rd Av., N. Residence: 2518 1st Av., S., Minneapolis. SWEET, John Cochrane, lawyer; born at Fort Wayne, Ind., April 24, 1870; son of Kay Chittenden and Elizabeth Lang- muir (Cochrane) Sweet; came to Minne sota earlv in life and was educated in Waseca (Minn.) High School and Uni versity of Minnesota, degrees of LL.B., 1893, LL.M., 1896. Has been engaged in practice since 1893. Secretary and di rector Minneapolis Oil Co.; secretary, treasurer and director Psi Upsilon Asso ciation of Minnesota; receiver Minneap olis Fire _& Marine Insurance Co., 1901- 06; lecturer on Law of Mortgages, Uni versity of Minnesota, College of Law, since 1896. Congregationalist. Mason. Member Psi Upsilon and Phi Delta Ph> Married at Minneapolis, May 19, 1897, to Miss Mary Holley Lougee. Clubs: Minneapolis, Commercial. Recreation: Automobiling. Office: New York Life Bldg. Residence: 526 11th Av., S. E., Minneapolis. SWEETSEB, Horatio Bartholomew, physician and surgeon; born in Brook lyn, N. Y., July 13, 1861; son of Horatio Sweetser (born in Mass.) and Delia (Kelly) Sweetser (born in Ireland); graduated from St. John's College, Brooklyn, 1877, and Medical Department, Columbia University, receiving degree of M.D. 1885. Was resident physician and surgeon St. Francis Hospital, New York City, 1885-86; removed to Minne apolis, Minn., 1887; assistant city phys ician, 1887-89; professor anatomy Ham line University, Medical Department, 1893-97; professor Pediatrics, Minnesota State University Medical Department, 1898-99; professor of Surgery Hamline University, since 1899. Surgeon to City Hospital, Minneapolis, and Chief Surg eon to St. Mary's Hospital. Member Hennepin County Medical Society (ex- president), Minnesota State and Ameri can Medical associations, Minnesota Academy of Medicine, Western Surgical and Gynecological Association. Married at Minneapolis, Minn., 1892, to Miss Teresa M. Higgins. Member Phi Rho Sigma fraternity. Office: Masonic Temple. Residence: 2421 1st Av., S., Minneapolis. SWENDSEN, Carl J., merchant; born in Sweden, Feb. 14, 1862; graduate Poly- technical School, Boras, Sweden, 1879. Came to America, 1880; clerk in store in Iowa, 1883-92; entered business at St. James, Minn., as member of the firm of Swendsen & Ransen, general merchan dise, 1892, in which he still continues; also partner St. James Furniture Co. and director Citizens National Bank. Member Minnesota Degislature (elected, 1906); president Board of Education, St. James; member Board of Trustees Gus tavus Adolphus College, St. Peter, Minn.; ex-member City Council, St. James. Lutheran. Married at Albert City, la., 1887, to Miss Ida S. Benzon. Address: St. James, Minn. SWENINGSBN, Samuel, postmaster; born at Durand, Winnebago Co., 111., June 29, 1849: settled in Austin, Minn., 1871. Began active career in the mer cantile business; appointed postmaster at Adams, Mower Co., hy President Hayes, 1877; was clerk of district court, same county, 1882-95; served as mem ber Minnesota State Senate, 1895-1903; 502 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS appointed postmaster at Austin by Pres ident McKinley, 1899, and reappointed by President Roosevelt, 1903. Address: Austin, Minn. SWENSEN, Harry S., lawyer; born at Minneapolis, 1875; son of Peter P. and Anna J. Swensen; educated in Minne apolis public schools, Minneapolis Acad emy, LTniversity of Minnesota and Law Department, University of Minnesota, degrees of LL. B., and LL. M. Entered practice of law in Minneapolis, 1899,, and continued alone until January, 1906, since which time he has been associated with Francis H. Clarke as Clarke & Swensen, lawyers. President Oil Burner Manufacturing Co., Fiscal Adjustment Agency; member of P. P. Swensen & Son; director Automatic Gas Governor Co., Homestead Land Co., Land Irriga tion Co. Was selected as secretary of the committee that raised over $25,000 for relief fund for the indigent at the time of Scandinavian and Finnish fam ine, winter of 1903-04; contributor to current magazines. Member Minnesota State Bar Association. Member Theta Delta Chi college fraternity. Married at Minneapolis, 1902, to Miss Ariel B. Small. Club: ' Odin. Office: Bank of Commerce Bldg. Residence: 192 Cedar Dake Rd., Minneapolis. ¦ SWENSEN, Peter P., real estate; born in Sweden, Feb. 10, 1844; son of Peter Swensen; came to America, 1854; edu cated in common schools. On account of youth was not permitted to enlist in volunteer Minnesota regiment, in Civil War; went to Iowa and enlisted in 16th U. S. Inf. Regular Army; served throughout the war; was in battles of Shiloh, Chattanooga, Lookout Mountain, Nashville; wounded three times. Cap tain, M. N. G., 1871. Engaged, after the war, in milling lumber at Cincinnati, O. ; plant burned down and left him strand ed; returned to Minnesota and clerked in mercantile establishments; became man ager for E. H. Steele, Big Boston Cloth ing House, Minneapolis, 1882; entered real estate and steamship business. Was Democratic candidate for sheriff of Hen nepin Co., 1884, and was defeatett by Winslow Brackett; elected sheriff against Brackett in 1886; defeated in 1888 and re-elected in 1890. Head of the real estate firm of P. P. Swensen & Son, founded, 1904. Democrat. Married, 1871, to Anna J. Lerum (deceased, 1900). Recreations: Horses and farming. Office: Bank of Commerce Bldg. Resi dence: 120 W. Grant St., Minneapolis. SWENSON, Carl L., banking; born in Nicollet Co., Minn., Dec. 14. 1869; son of Swen and Christie Swenson; educated in country schools and at Luther Acad emy, Albert Lea. Began active career as country school teacher, continuing for two years; was bookkeeper and clerk in store three years; became bank clerk, 1894, and since 1895 has been cashier Citizens National Bank, Albert Lea; also director First State Bank, Freeborn, Minn. President City Council of Albert Lea, five years. Republican. Elected mayor of Albert Lea, April, 1907, for two years. Member Knights of Pythias, B. P. O. E., Modern Wood men of America. Married at fat. Peter, Minn., June 12, 1895, to Miss Annie C. Weberg. Address: Albert Lea, Minn. SWENSON, Charles, physician; born at Orebro, Sweden, Oct. 8, 1876; son of Swen and Mary L. (Larson) bwenson; came to Minnesota with parents and was educated in public and high schools of Rush City, graduating, 1893; Drews In stitute of Pharmacy, Minneapolis, grad uating, 1898; Minneapolis College of Physicians and Surgeons, Hamline Uni versity, degrees of M.D., CM., cum laude, June 3, 1903. Engaged in practice of medicine at Braham, since 1903. Cor oner of Isanti County: Mayor of Bra- ham. Republican. Dutheran. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associations. Member Knights of Py thias, M. W. A., Phi Rho Sigma frater- nitynity. Married at Rush City, Minn., Sept. 30, 1903, to Zelna E. Dee. Club: Braham Business Men's Asociation. Ad dress: Braham, Minn. SWENSON, Harold, merchant; born at Mandal, Norway, July 23, 1852; son of Niels and Gunhild Sorine Swenson; edu cated in the Christiansands Cathedral Latin School, Norway. Entered mercan tile business April 28, 1869; member of firm of Swenson & Broberg, retailers of general merchandise and drugs, estab lished, 1877. Director State Bank of New Dondon. County auditor of Kandi yohi Co., 1880-84. Republican. Mem ber Geographic Society, Washington, D. C. Married at- New Dondon, Dee. 31, 1878, to Ella M. Danielson (now de ceased). Club: Commercial. Recrea tions: Walking and canoeing. Address: New London, Minn. SWENSON, J. A., farmer; born at Smaland, Sweden, Aug. 21, 1861; son of Sven Olson and Anna L. Swenson; edu cated in the district school at Goodhue, Minn. Began active career as a farmer, but has engaged in other lines of busi ness for a number of years. Now man ager of the J. A. Swenson Land & Loan Co., organized Jan. 2, 1905. Director and secretary of the Hallock Farmers Mu tual Fire Ins. Co. and the Kittson Coun ty Farmers Cooperative Mercantile Co. Court commissioner of Kittson Co.; judge of probate Kittson Co., 10 years. Lutheram Married at Hallock, Minn., July 25, 1898, to Olivia Swenson. Ad dress: Hallock, Minn. SWENSON, John, banking, farming, grain dealing; born in Norway, Nov. 5, 1842; had very limited opportunity for attendance at common school in. Nor way; came to America, 1868, and lo cated in Wisconsin, Oct. 1, 1868; learned English language by home study, even ings, after day's work. Worked on farm as laborer in Wisconsin, 1868-72; re moved to Minnesota, 1872, and took up homestead in Yellow Medicine Co., on part of which the city of Canby is now THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 503 located; named the postoffice Canby, after General Canby, who had been re cently killed by the Indians. Started a little store with $50 capital and traded with Indians, half-breeds and a few white settlers; increased the business as the country developed so that in 1885, the business in merchandise, machinery and lumber, amounted to $100,000; sold out in 1886 and began in banking. Pres ident of 13 national and state banks in Minnesota and South Dakota, stockhold er in 16 banks at the present time, and owns thousands of acres of valuable farm lands. Has been dealing in grain in Minnesota since 1873 and mining in British Columbia since 1898. Republican. Lutheran. Married, in Wisconsin, 1870, to Miss Olava Olson. Address: Canby, Minn. SWENSON, John Alfred, cashier Scan dinavian American Bank; born in Swe den, Oct. 8, 1855; son of John and Sarah (Shaleen) Swenson; came to America, 1856; educated in common schools; Faddis Business College, St. Paul, 1872-73; Carleton College, North- field, Minn., 1873-75. Married at St Paul, Sept 23, 1880, to Lillie D. Wood. Began business career, 1875, as chief clerk and assistant land commissioner of St. Paul & Duluth R. R. Co. (now part of the Northern Pacific System), continuing until 1888; cashier Scandi navian American Bank, St. Paul, since Feb. 1, 1888. Office: Scandinavian Am. Bank. Residence: 1411 Summit Av., St. Paul. SWENSON, Laurits Selmer, banker; born New Sweden, Nicollet Co., Minn., June 12, 1865; son of Swen and Kristi Swenson; educated in public schools and at St. Olaf College, Northfield, Minn., Luther College, Decorah, la., graduating, 1886, and took post-graduate course at Johns Hopkins University (A.B., A.M.). Married at Norseland, Minn., 1887, to Ingeborg Odegaard. (Two daughters: Mabel Constance and Viola Beatrice.) Was principal Dutheran Academy, Albert Lea, Minn., 1888-97; appointed U. S. minister to Denmark by President Mc Kinley, 1897, and served until 1905, last three years being dean of the diplomatic corps at Copenhagen; member board of regents University of Minnesota, 1895- 97; delegate to National Republican Con vention, St. Louis, Mo., 1896; has taught and lectured at teachers' institutes and written on educational subjects. Vice president Smythe-Swenson Co., Union State Bank; president Wlprud Land & Colonization Co.; member firm North western Music House, all of Minneap olis. Republican. Lutheran. Office: 100 Washington Av., S. Residence: 1720 3rd Av., S., Minneapolis. SWIFT, Lucian, manager and treas urer Minneapolis Journal; born at Akron, O., July 14, 1848; son of Lucian (whose father was chief justice of Con necticut) and Sarah S. (West) Swift; graduate of Cleveland (O.) High School, and University of Michigan, degree of M.E., 1869. Located in Minneapolis, 1871; was connected with the draught ing department Northern Pacific Ry., 1871-76; identified with Minneapolis Tribune, 1876-85; associated with three other persons and purchased the Minne apolis Journal, 1885, and has been man ager for 21 years. Has been intimately identified for 20 years past with devel opment of Minneapolis and .public en terprises of Northwest. President Housekeeper Corporation. Member B. P. O. E., Delta Kappa Epsilon frater nity. Clubs: Minneapolis, Commercial, Lafayette, Minikahda, Minnetonka Yacht, Bryn Mawr Golf, Union League (Chicago). Recreations: Automobiling and launch boating. Office: 47 4th St., S. Winter residence: 2324 Pillsbury Av., Minneapolis. Summer residence: Katahdin, Lake Minnetonka. SWYGABT, Edward Benjamin, manu facturers' agent; born at South Bend, Ind., Jan. 9, 1859; son of George and Caroline M. Swygart; educated in the public schools of South Bend, at Hills dale College, and at Notre Dame Uni versity; married at South Bend, Ind., June 21, 1883, to Anne G. Bradford. Be gan business career as traveling sales man for James S. Kirk & Co., soap manufacturers; came to St. Paul, 1884. and in 1888 established a brokerage business in which he has ever since been engaged, buying from manufacturers and importers and selling to jobbers. Member all Masonic bodies. Recrea tions: Fishing and hunting. Office: Drake Blk. Residence: 593 Summit Av., St. Paul. SYMONDS, William P., superintend ent of sewers, commissioner of public works; born at St. Paul, Minn., June 9, 3 858; son of Charles and Jemima (John ston) Symonds; educated in the public schools of St Paul; married at St. Paul, Sept. 9, 1900, to Miss Hattie Smith. Has been in service of the City of St. Paul since 1875. Club: Commercial. Office: Court House. Residence: 441 W. Lynd- hurst Av., St. Paul. SZAWLOWSKI, Wladyslaw L., regis ter of deeds; born in Poland, Sept. 20, 1866; son of Joseph and Ludwika (Mly- narek) Szawlowski; came to America with parents, who located at Winona, 1867; educated in Winona public, Ger man and State Normal schools; unmar ried. Began as house painter; was dep uty county register of deeds, 1895-1905; elected register of deeds, Nov., 1904, and re-elected Nov., 1906. Republican. Catholic. Member M. W. A. Address: Winona, Minn. T TABEB, William M., banker; born in Schoharie Co., N. Y., April 4, 1868; son of Gideon W. and Sarah A. (Morris) Taber; educated in common schools of Todd Co., Minn., and at Curtiss Business College, Minneapolis. Began business career as clerk in general store at Long 504 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS Prairie, Minn., serving until spring of 1891; cashier Shell Prairie Bank, Park Rapids, Minn., 1892; associated with R. E. Davis in fall of 1892 and bought the bank, incorporating it as First Na tional Bank, 1900; became president, fall of 1903; also president State Bank of Akeley; vice president of the Devil's Lake Improvement Co., Devil's Lake, N. D. Mason; member I. O. O. F. Mar ried, Aug., 1904, Miss Mae Kidd. Recrea tions: Shooting and automobiling. Ad dress: Park Rapids, Minn. TALCOTT, Asa, secretary National Brass & Metal Co.; born, Fayette Co., Ia., Sept. 27, I860; son of Bradford N. and Mary A. (Nye) Talcott; educated in public schools of Fayette Co. Dearned trade in brass and metal, at Dubuque, la.; moved to St. Paul, Dec. 26, 1892, and was connected with Union Brass & Metal Co., 1892-94; came to Minneapolis, 1894, and has since that time been associated with the National Brass & Metal Co., and secretary, since its incorporation, 1900. Independent in politics. Spiritualist. Member I. O. O. F. and A. O. U. W. Married, Dubuque, 1882, Miss Mary D. McLaughlin. Office: 246-258 3rd Ave., S. Residence: 88 Ar thur Ave., Minneapolis. TALLANT, George M., merchant; born at Concord, N. H., June, 1850; son of Marston M. and Anna S. (Locke) Tal- lant; educated in public schools of Con cord. Began active career in mercantile business in New England states; re moved to Minneapolis from Danbury, Conn., 1897, and located in Duluth, 1900; secretary and treasurer Gray-Tallant Co., department store. Republican. Con gregationalist. Member Masonic order. Married, 2nd, at Duluth, 1903, to Miss K. Brandhorst Office: 117 West Su perior St. Residence: 830 E. 2nd St., Duluth. TALLMAN, David Newton, banker; born at Milbrook, N. Y., Jan. 22, 1872; son of David S. and Angeline (Hall) Tallman; educated at Seymour Smith Academy, Pine Plains, N. Y.; Union Col lege, Schenectady, N. Y., graduating, de gree of C.E., 1893. Married at Willmar, Minn., Nov. 27, 1894, to Miss Clara Darson. Upon leaving college, came to Willmar, 1893, and was employed in di vision superintendent's office Great Northern Ry. Co., later being sent to West Superior, Minn., where he re mained about a year. Started in bank ing business at Willmar and in 1897 took hold of the independent telephone movement, organizing 7 or 8 companies, merging them into the Minnesota Cen- - tral Telephone Co., of which he was president, treasurer and general man ager, 1897-1906; closed out interest to attend to other corporations which he has been acquiring. President and treasurer the Dakota Development Co., the Northern Town & Land Co., the Farmers Lumber Co., the Willmar Realty Co., president the Wolford Realty Co., president the Tallman In vestment Co., with capital of $500,- 000.00; also president of the following banks, all of N. Dakota: First Na tional Bank, Towner, State Bank of Antler, State Bank of Bantry, State Bank of Upham, State Bank of New- burg, State Bank of Maxbass, State Bank of Wolford, State Bank of Mc- Cumber, State Bank of Thorne, State Bank of Calvin, State Bank of Sarles, State Bank of McVille, State Bank of Tolna, State Bank of Warwick. Owner of stock farm carrying 150 head of registered cattle, 30 registered horses and large herd of sheep. Republican. Member B. P. O. E., Beta Theta Pi fra ternity. Address: Willmar, Minn. TABALSETH, Olaf Henry, banker; born at Osakes, Minn., Sept. 19, 1878; son of Knud J. and Ragnhild Taral- seth; graduate Warren (Minn.) 'High School; Minnesota School of Business; two years at Carleton College, North- field, Minn. Began active career as clerk in his father's hardware store, 1S9S, and became bookkeeper, 1900; en tered banking business, 1902, as cash ier State Bank of Warren. Now presi dent State Bank of Warren, Citizens State Bank (Fertile), Bank of Viking, Bank of Alvarado; vice president Citi zens State Bank, Oslo; secretary and treasurer K. J. Taralseth Co., Marshall County Land Co. Member Masonic or der, Knights of Pythias. Unmarried. Club: Commercial. Recreations: Hunting and driving. Address: War ren, Minn. TARBOX, James C, lawyer; born at Phillips, Me., April 10, 1857; son of Benjamin and Sarah (Cushman) Tar- box; graduate Bowdoin College, Bruns wick, Me., degree of A. B., 1879. Has been in practice of law at Monticello, Minn., since Nov. 1, 1881; judge of dis trict court, 18th judicial district, April, 1897, to Jan 1, 1899. Married, Feb. 14, 1891, to Miss Kate E. Walker. Address: Monticello, Minn. TAUSSIG, Alfred William, real estate and mining investments; born at St. Louis, Mo., Jan. 18, 1864, son of James Taussig; educated at Washington Uni versity, St. Louis, and Harvard Uni versity; unmarried. Came to Duluth in 1891; general manager and secretary of the Duluth & Superior Investment Co. since 1893. Republican. Clubs: Kitchi Gammi, Northland Country. Recreation: Golf. Office: Providence Bldg. Resi dence: Kitchi Gammi Club, Duluth.. TAWNEY, Daniel E., lawyer; born at Gettysburg, Pa., July 17, 1860; son of John E. and Sarah (Boblitz) Tawney; educated in public schools of Pennsyl vania; graduate of Daw Department, Knlyer?lty of Wisconsin, degree of DD. P" il,90' Married at Geneva, Wis., 1896, i?,,Misf* Je,annette Jones. Came West, 1878, with his parents, to Fremont, Neb., where he entered farming and live stock raising; removed to Winona. 1888, ami has been engaged in practice of law since 1890; member of the law firm of w THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 505 Tawney, Smith & Tawney since Jan., 1891. City attorney Winona, term be ginning May 1, 1905; judge of munici pal court of Winona, 1897-1901. Mem ber Winona County Bar Association. President and director Farmers & Mer chants State Bank, Greenbush, Minn., Farmers & Merchants State Bank, Ro seau, Minn., First National Bank, Hal- ieck, Minn. Republican. Congrega tionalist. Member Knights of Pythias, M. W. A„ A. O. U. W., Modern Samari tans. Clubs: Arlington (one of the in corporators), Minne-O-Wah (one of the organizers). Recreations: Driving, fishing, horticulture. Address: Winona, Minn. TAWNEY, James A., congressman; born near Gettysburg, Pa., Jan. 3, 1855; educated in common schools until 14 years of age; entered blacksmith shop of his father at age of 15, as appren tice, subsequently learning the trade of machinist; left Pennsylvania, July, 1877, arriving at Winona, Minn., Aug. 1, where he was employed as a blacksmith and machinist (until Jan. 1, 1881, when he commenced study of law in office of Bentley & Vance, Winona, having pre viously devoted mornings and evenings to the study for about two years; ad mitted to the bar, July 10, 1882, enter ing Law Department University of Wis consin September following. Member of the law firm of Tawney, Smith & Taw ney. Married, Dec IS, 1883, to Miss Emma B. Newell. Republican. Mem ber Minnesota State, Senate, 3 890-92. Member Congress, 1st Minn, district, 1893-1909. Member American and Min nesota State Bar associations. Mason; member I. O. O. F., Ancient Order of United Druids. Home address: Win ona, Minn. TAYLOB, Benjamin, lawyer; born at Minneapolis, Minn., Dec. 14, 1871; son of Benjamin and Hannah J. (Monaghan) Taylor; educated in grammar schools of Red Wing and Minneapolis; Minneap olis High School; University of Minne sota, graduating, degree of B.S., 1893: College of Daw, same university, degree LL.B., 1895. Married at St. Paul, 1901, to Miss Lucy Pope. Began prac tice of law in Mankato as member of firm of Fletcher & Taylor, 1895; has been in practice alone since 1899. Trus tee and attorney Mankato Savings Bank. Member Psi Upsilon, Phi Delta Phi, Phi Beta Kappa fraternities; B. P. O. E., Royal Arcanum. Club: So cial Science (former president). Ad dress: Mankato, Minn. TAYLOB, George A., banking and live stock; born at Painesville, O., June 11, 1836. Extensively engaged for many years in handling grain, lumber, finances and live stock; located in Elmore, Minn., 1880; entered banking, 1888; organized the Fidelity Investment Co., 1902, 01 which he is president, the company owning and operating a large cattle ranch in Mercer Co., N. D.; president First National Bank; Elmore, incorpo rated in 1900. Married at Minneapolis, Minn., May 7, 1895, to Miss Augusta Preston. Address: Elmore, Minn. TAYLOB, George Delmer, glass and woodenware; born at Chicago, Oct. 9, 1859; son of George S. and Emma A. (Seymour) Taylor of New York; edu cated in public schools at Chicago, 111., and Lima, Ind., and finished at Lima Academy; married at Franklin, Pa., 1882, to Eva G. Mackey. Began active career as railroad man; then went into a brok erage business for a few years,1 and in 1893 starting on own account as dealer and manufacturer glass and wooden ware, selling to jobbing and manufactur ing trade. Independent Republican. Episcopalian. Member Masonic orders. Club: Commercial. Office: 206 East 3rd St. Residence: 574 Summit Av., St. Paul. TAYLOB, Henry Butterfleld, clergy man; born Lundy's Lane, Erie Co., Pa., Feb. 13, 1873; son of Winfield S. and Achsah (Sherman) Taylor; educated at Wellsburgh (Pa.) public schools; pri vate tutor, Buffalo, 1888-89, St. Law rence University, 1890-92, Tufts Col lege, 1892-94; Meadville Theological School, 1895-97 (graduated) ; Harvard University Graduate School, 1899; mar ried -at Albion, N. Y., 1901, to Franc Barnett Brennan. Pastorate in Girard and Conne'autville, Pa., 1894-97; presi dent Conneautville Public Library, 1895- 97; pastorate at Rochester, N. Y., 1897- 99, at Marion, Mass., 1899-1901; since Nov., 1901, pastor St. Paul's Universal ist Church, St. Paul. Western Mission ary National Young People's Christian Union of the Universalist Church, since 3 902; State president Young People's Christian Union of the Universalist Church, 1903-04; secretary Fellowship Committee of the Universalist Church in Minnesota since 1903. Member Heth Aleph Res (Divinity) and Beta Theta Pi (college) fraternities, Royal Arca num, United Order of Foresters. Rec reations: Travel, fishing. Clubs: Com mercial, The Diberal (Harvard). Ad dress: St. Paul's Universalist Church, St. Paul. TAYLOB, Henry Longstreet, phy sician; born in Cincinnati, O., 1857; son of D. H. and Laura C. Taylor; educated in public schools of Cincinnati, to 1873; Racine College Grammar School, 1873- 74; Haverford College, near Philadel phia, 1874-78, graduating degree of A. B., 1878, degree of A.M., same college, 1887; Medical College of Ohio, Cincin nati, 1879-82, graduating, degree of M. D., 1SS2; Universities of Berlin, 1878- 79 and 1883; Strassburg, Prague, Vien na and University Hospital, London, 1883-84. Began practice of medicine at Cincinnati, 1882; has been engaged in practice at St. Paul since 1893. Direc tor Duther Hospital Sanatorium for Tu berculosis Patients; proprietor and di rector Pokegama Sanatorium for Incip ient Cases of Tuberculosis, Pine City, Minn. Appointed by Gov. Van Sant, 506 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS chairman Minnesota State Tuberculosis Commission, 1901, and still retains that office. Corresponding member Interna tional Anti-Tuberculosis Association; member American Climatological Asso ciation, National Association for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis, American and Minnesota State Medical associations, Ramsey County Medical Society. Unmarried. Club: Minnesota, Town and Country. Recreations: Shoot ing, automobiling and sailing. Office: Lowry Arcade. Residence: The Marl borough, St. Paul. TAYLOB, John Wadleigh, real estate; born at Rockford, 111., Nov. 14, 1840; son of John W. and Jane P. (Wadleigh) Taylor, former of Ballston Spa, N. Y., and later of Keene, N. H.; educated at Beloit College, Beloit, Wis., scientific course of two years. Began in real estate business, 1886; president and treasurer Taylor Realty Co. President Minnesota Audubon Society; secretary Good Roads Association of Ramsey Co.; director St. Paul Humane Society. En listed as private in Co. I, 1st Iowa Vols., was appointed quartermaster sergeant of the 12th Iowa Regiment, and most of the time acted as quartermaster of regi ment; afterwards on duty as courier, etc., at Gen. Rosecrans' headquarters. Republican. Episcopalian. Master and Royal Arch Mason, Knight Templar. Married at Dubuque, la., 1864, to Sarah W. Ware. Clubs: Minnesota, White Bear Yacht (originator and first com modore of the Inland Lake Yachting Association). Recreations: Yachting, canoeing, hunting, fishing and nature studies. Office: Globe Bldg. Residence: 1127 Summit Av., St. Paul. TAYLOB, Martin Jellette, physician; born at Caledonia, Minn., Feb. 28, 1856; son of Winston R. and Sabrina (Wood ward) Taylor; graduated Caledonia Academy, 1877; graduate Medical De partment, University of Michigan, de gree of M.D., 1881. Has been engaged in practice of medicine at Janesville, Minn., since the beginning of his pro fessional career in 1881. Also member of E. S. Lieber^ Drug Co. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associations, Southern Minnesota Med ical Association, Waseca County Med ical Society. Republican. Married at Janesville, Sept. 15, 1886, to Miss Stella I. Carpenter. Member Masonic order, and I. O. O. F. Address: Janesville, Minn. TAYLOB, Norris Young, surveyor and civil engineer; born at State Line City, Vermillion Co., 111., Oct. 8, 1850; son of George W. and Matilda (Leonard) Tay lor; educated in public schools of State Line City and Perryville (Ind.) High School; married at Chardon, O., May 3, 1881, to Miss Fina Stuart. Learned surveying and civil engineering by work ing in the field summers and studying vith engineers in offices when riot in the field. Began active work on north shore of Lake Superior in government surveying service, 1870; was appointed U. S. deputy surveyor, April, 1873; elected county surveyor of Meeker Co., Minn., Nov., 1888, and is now serving tenth term in that office. Member Min nesota Surveyors' and Engineers' Asso ciation (first president, 1895-96). Mem ber Christian Church (Disciples). Ad dress, Litchfield, Minn. TAYLOB, Oscar Livingston, real es tate; born at Freeport, 111., Sept. 1, 1858; son of Oscar and Malvina M. (Snow) Taylor; educated in Freeport High School and Cornell University, B.S., 1883: married at Edwardsville, 111., June, 1885, to Nora Tighlman West. Began business career in St. Paul, 1882, with firm of J. C. Stout & Co.; in 1885 the firm of Smith & Taylor was formed and has since continued in the real estate business. President Manhattan Co., and Urban Investment Co. Clubs: Minne sota, Town and Country (St. Paul), Commercial, White Bear Yacht, Duluth Yacht, Oshkosh Yacht, Alpha Delta Phi (New York). Office: 48 East 4th St. Residence: 529 Portland Av., St. Paul. TAYLOB, Thomas Newton, grain com mission; born in Champaign Co., O, June 17, 1859; son of Robert and Mary J. (Harrison) Taylor; educated in pub lic schools of Urbana, O. Came to Min nesota, 1879; entered service of Great Northern Ry., in N. Dakota, later be coming identified with banking business; removed to Duluth and engaged in grain business, 1886-88; located in Min neapolis, 1888, continuing in grain busi ness; junior member of the grain com mission firm of Nichols & Taylor; also treasurer of the Great Eastern Elevator Co. Republican. Catholic. Member Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce, Knights of Columbus. -Married at At lanta, Ga., Feb. 1, 1893, to Miss Douise W. Wall. Office: Chamber of Com merce Bldg. Residence: 3343 9th Av., S., Minneapolis. TEABSE, Clarence Dudley, grain com mission; born at Eau Claire, Wis., June 20, 1878; son of William P. and lone D. Tearse; educated in public schools of Winona, Minn., graduating June, 1896, and University of Wisconsin, B.D., 1900. Engaged with Faciflc Empire Dumber Co., South Bend, Wash., June, 1900, to Oct., 1900; with the Interstate Elevator Co., Winona, Minn., 1900-02; member of Brooks, Griffiths Co., grain commission, Minneapolis, 1902-03; member of Nar- field, Griffiths Co., 1903-06; member Marfield, Tearse & Noyes upon its in corporation, Aug. 1, 1906, and is now treasurer and director. Member Bat tery B. M. N. G., since April, 1904. Mem ber of Sigma Chi fraternity. Office: Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Minneap olis. TEABSE, Bobert E., treasurer West ern Elevator Co.; born at Glens Falls N. Y Nov. 27, 1859; son of Archibald Campbell and Carolina (Pierce) Tearse" educated in public schools of Glens Falls; married at Winona, Minn., 1888 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 507 to Miss Katherine Horton. Came to Winona, from New York state, 1880; en gaged in lumber business for 10 years, after which he became identified with grain business; treasurer of the West ern* Elevator Co. since 1901. Also vice president Marfield, Tearse & Noyes, grain commission, Chicago and Minne apolis; vice president Union Fibre Co.; director First National Bank, Winona. Member Chicago Board of Trade. Re publican. Episcopalian. Mason (32d), Knight Templar, Shriner. Recreations: Automobiling, golf. Club: Meadow Brook. Address: Winona, Minn. TEABSE, William Pliny, lumberman; born at Stillwater, N. Y., June 27, 1844; son of Archibald Campbell and Caroline (Pierce) Tearse; educated in William McLaren's School, Sandy Hill, N. Y., and at Ft. Edward Institute, Ft. Ed ward, N. Y. Went to Eau Claire, Wis., in 1869, and engaged in lumber business; in 3 873 became member of firm of In gram, Kennedy & Co., lumber; in 1881 was one of the organizers of the Empire Lumber Co., of which he became secre tary. Came to Winona in 1886, where the company already had established yards and where later its mills were erected. Interested in Ingram-Day Lum ber Co., Lyman, Miss., and the Gulf Lumber Co., St. Louis, Mo. President Merchants Bank, Winona Carriage Co.; vice president Western Elevator Co., all of Winona. Married at Glens Falls, N. Y., Feb. 13, 1871, to Miss lone E. De Long. Club: Arlington. Address: Winona, Minn. TEASDALE, Thomas W., railway offi cial; born in England, 1844; son of Wil liam and Jane (Wallis) Teasdale; edu cated in private schools. Entered rail way service, 1865, and was clerk and general freight and ticket agent Min eral Point R. R. (Wis.) until 1868; chief clerk passenger department Hannibal & St. Joseph R. R., 1868-71; same position with Leavenworth, Lawrence & Galves ton R. R., 1871-73; with passenger de partment St. Louis, Kansas City & Northern Ry., 1873-76; assistant general passenger agent Missouri, Kansas & Texas Ry., 1876-80; with Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Ry. as gen eral agent, at St. Paul, from Jan. 1, 1881, to 1882.; general passenger agent since June, 3 882. Club: Transportation. Office: 4th St., corner Rosabel. Resi dence: The Angus, St. Paul. TEITSWOBTH, Edward T., lawyer; born at Elysburg, Pa., July 14, 1864; educated in public schools of Elysburg; Dickinson Seminary, Williamsport, Pa., graduating, 1887; De Fauw University. Greencastle, Ind., degree of B.S., 1889; Law School, De Pauw University, de gree of DD.B., 1889; A.M., same uni versity, 1892. Began practice of law at Minneapolis, Minn., 1889, continuing until spring of 1902; removed to Fer tile, Minn., and later to Bagley, where he has been engaged in practice since Aug., 1903. City attorney, Bagley, up to April, 1904; county attorney, Clear water Co., since Jan. 1, 1905. Republi can. Congregationalist. Member Min nesota State Bar Association. Member Masonic order, I. O. O. F. Married at Minneapolis, Oct. 5, 1893, to Miss Mary Pearson. Address: Bagley, Minn. TENVOOBDE, John Henry, manager fire insurance; born at St Cloud, Minn., Oct. 15, 1860; son of John William and Elizabeth (Lansing) TenVoorde; edu cated in parochial school, St. Cloud, to 1873; St. John's College, Collegeville, Minn., 1874-76; State Normal School, St. Cloud, Minn., 1876-77. Began active ca reer as clerk in a general store, Per ham, Minn., 1878-80; was clerk in Michand Bros.' grocery store, St. Paul, 1880-90; buyer for same, 1890-93; mer chandise broker, St. Paul, 1893-96; filled position of secretary St. Paul Grocers' Association, 1896-99; secretary Retail Grocers & General Merchants' Associa tion of Minnesota, 1899-1900; organized Retail Merchants' Fire Insurance Co. of Minnesota, 1900, of which he is sec retary and manager. Independent in politics. Roman Catholic. Married, at St. Paul, Sept. 16, 1885, to Miss Nancy R. Du Bord. Recreations: Fishing, hunting, bowling. Office: Northwestern Bldg. Residence: 2^16 3rd Ave., S., Minneapolis. TEBBY, Alfred, real estate; born on Island of Malta, in Mediterranean Sea, Dec. 3, 1842. Came to America, 1865; has been engaged in business in Slay ton since 1879. Address: Slayton, Minn. TESCH, Carl A., clergyman; born in Germany, April 27, 1867; son of Ferdi nand and Fredericka Tesch; came to Minnesota with parents, 1867; educated in public schools of Hollywood, Minn., and at Northwestern College, Naper- ville, 111.; married, 1st, at Wadena, Minn., to Ida Propp (now deceased); 2nd, June 8, 1899, to Miss Hattie Schoeppler. Member Evangelical Asso ciation; has served as pastor in follow ing places in Minnesota beginning, 1889: Wadena, Sleepy Eye, Frontenac, Royal ton, Alexandria, Marshall, Duluth and at Faribault, since spring of 1906. Ad dress: Faribault, Minn. THAYEB, Edwin A., loans and insur ance; born at Jamaica, Vt, Aug. 15, 1865; son of Denzil R. and Dulcina D. (Kidder) Thayer; educated in common schools of Vermont. Removed to Min neapolis in the fall of 1883 and was in employ of A. F. & D. E. Kelley, mort gage loans, Minneapolis, 1883-96; start ed in business for self in 1896, and on Jan. 1, 1901, organized firm of Thayer & Gale, mortgage loans and insurance, A. F. Gale being junior partner in the business. Member Minneapolis Real Es tate Board. Vice president Citizens State Bank of Wales, N. Dak., and the First National Bank of Dogden, N. Dak.; director Citizens State Bank of Sarles, N. Dak. Republican. Baptist. Married at Minneapolis, Minn., 1887, to Miss 508 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS Mabel M. Rinehart Club: Commer cial. Office: New York Life Bldg. Res idence: 1930 S. Irving Ave., Minneap olis. THAYER, Hiram Harrison, manufac turer; born at Westfield, Mass., Feb. 17, 1861; son of Lucius Fowler and Martha A. (HarrisonJ Thayer; educated in West- field public schools. Began active career in employ of bank at Westfield, 1878; re moved to Minneapolis, 1881, and became connected with the Northwestern Na tional Bank; was assistant cashier Na tional Bank of Commerce, 1885-89; cash ier, same bank, 1889-94; vice president, 1894-1904; now president and treasurer of the Stock Food Company of Ameri ca. Republican. Congregationalist. Married at Providence, R. I„ May 18, 1892, to Miss Harriet A. Carpenter. Clubs: Minneapolis, Minikahda. Recre ations: Hunting and fishing. Office: Nicollet Island, foot of Wilder St. Res idence: 222 Groveland Av., Minneapolis. THAYEB, Samuel Bichard, lawyer; born Richmond, N. Y., Dec. 12, 1837; son of George and Phebe (Wood) Thayer; graduate Union College, 1860, LL.D., 1892; studied law; admitted to bar, 1864; unmarried. U. S. minister to Nether lands, 1889-93. Republican. Member Minnesota Historical Society, Society Mayflower Descendants, New York, Hu guenot Society of America. Address: . 901 N. Y. Life Bldg., Minneapolis. THELANDEB, Andrew L., merchant; born at Wermland, Sweden, June 3, 1862; son of Lars Anderson and Gertrude (Erikson) Thelander; educated in com mon schools in Sweden and at Gustavus Adolphus College, St. Peter, Minn., busi ness course, 1889. Entered mercantile career, May 1, 1892, as member of the firm of Love & Thelander, continuing to Jan. 1, 1895, when the title became A. L. Thelander & Co., which has since con tinued. Member Swedish Evangelical Lutheran Church. Married at Cokato, Minn., Oct. 1, 1893, to Miss Emma Fors- berg. Address: Cokato, Minn. THEXTON, Walter, grain commis sion; born at Peterborough, Ont, Can., July 15, 1863; son of Richard and Eliza beth (Garnett) Thexton; educated in public schools of Peterborough. Located in Pembina Co., N. D., and engaged in farming, 1883; entered banking business, same county, 1888; was in banking busi- 'ness in Duluth, 1890-96; identified with grain business, 1896-98; came to Minne apolis in 1898 and is manager of the John Miller Co., grain commission; also vice president Chaffee-Miller Milling Co.; treasurer Acetylene Contracting Co. Democrat Methodist. Member Minne apolis Chamber of Commerce. Unmar ried. Office: Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Residence: 22 S. 10th St., Min neapolis. THIAN, Louis B., lawyer; born in New York, Sept. 29, 1855; son of R. P. and Catherine (Brady) Thian; educated in Washington, D. C, at private schools and University of Georgetown, A. B., 1875, and law school of Columbia Uni versity, graduating, 1879; married at Rochelle, 111., Jan. 18, 1891, to Grace Boardman Hathaway. Admitted to the bar in Washington, D. C, June, 1881. County attorney Hennepin Co., 1891-92. Democrat. Member American Bar Asso ciation. Mason. Club: Minneapolis. Office: Security Bank Bldg. Residence: 1788 Tremont Av., S., Minneapolis. THIELMAN, Peter R., real estate; born in St. Cloud, Minn., Oct. 6, 1872; son of Leonard and Mary (Ruff) Thiel- man; educated in St. Cloud public schools; married at St. Cloud, Oct. 30, 1903, to Hattie A. Schwab. Began busi ness career in his father's hardware store, St. Cloud; has been engaged for himself in real estate and loan busi ness since 1900. Director St. Cloud Building & Doan Association: Club: Commercial. Recreations: Hunting and fishing. Address: St. Cloud, Minn. THIMSEN, N. Clausen, physician; born at Blooming Prairie, Minn., son of Nis P. and Hannah Thimsen; educated in public schools; Pillsbury Academy; Keokuk (Ia.) Medical College, graduat ing, degree of M.D., 1898. Married at Blooming Prairie, 1894, to Miss Mary Haugan. Has been in practice at Hay field, Minn., since 1898. Address: Hay field, Minn. THOELE, Cornelius P., general mer chandise; born in Ohio, Sept. 29, 1856; son of Herman F. and Sophia Thoele; educated in common schools. Came to Minnesota, 1879; entered mercantile busi ness at Gaylord, Dec. 1, 1887; member of the firm of H. F. Thoele & Son. Re publican. Married at New Rome, Minn., March 24, 1888, to Miss Annie Mesker. Address: Gaylord, Minn. THOMAS, David Owen, physician and surgeon; born at Pembrockshire, Wrales, Nov. 21, 1852; educated at Bethany Col lege, West Va., degree of B.A., 1878; Medical College of Indiana, degree of M. D., 1884, and Medical College of Phy sicians and Surgeons, N. Y., degree of M.D., 1891; Licentiate Royal College of Physicians, and member Royal College of Surgeons, London, England, 1891. Visiting physician to Asbury Methodist Hospital, professor diseases of the chest Medical Department Hamline University. Member Hennepin County Medical So ciety, Minnesota State, and American Medical associations. Married at In dianapolis, Ind., Sept. 23, 1885, to Miss Annie McOuatt Butler. Club: Commer cial. Office: Masonic Temple. Resi dence: 520 Ridgewood Av., Minneapolis. THOMAS, George Francis, assistant general freight agent Chicago Great Western Ry.; born at Brockport, N. Y., July 22, 1859; son of James S. and Ellen (Foot) Thomas; educated at St. John's Boarding School, Manlius, New York. ISntered railway service in 1877 as as sistant cashier St. Douis Bridge Co.; was in freight claim department Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific Ry., at St. Louis, 1879-81; in claim department same road, THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 509 1884-87; chief clerk freight claim de partment, Wabash Ry., at Chicago, 1887- 90; traveling auditor Great Northern R. R., 1890-91; chief clerk freight claim department Chicago, St. Paul & Kansas City Ry., at St. Paul, 1891-93; commer cial agent Chicago Great Western Ry., at St. Paul, 1893-1903; general agent same road at Omaha, 1903-04; assistant general freight agent at St. Joseph, Mo., May to Dec. 1, 1904; assistant general freight agent same road, at St. Paul, since Dec. 1, 1904. Married at St. Louis, Mo., June 1, 18S1, to Miss Harriet A. Reid. Mason (32°), Shriner. Club: CommerciaL Recreation: Hunting. Office: Met Opera Bldg. Residence: 1930 Marshall Av., St. Paul. THOMAS, John W., dry goods; born at Steuben, N. Y., June 14, 1844; son of William W. Thomas; came to the North west early in life and was educated in district schools of Bangor, Wis., and at Sparta Academy, Sparta, Wis. Came to Winona, Minn., in employ of N. H. Wood & Co., 1866; entered business for self in Winona, 1870; located in Minne apolis, Feb., 1883, and formed partner ship in dry goods business with George W. and Jefferson M. Hale; purchased interest of heirs of George W. and Jef ferson M. Hale, deceased, and continued the business as John W. Thomas & Co., 1894; incorporated under same title, Feb. 1, 1904, and is president of the company, retailers of dry goods, wearing apparel, rugs and draperies. Member Minneapolis Retailers' Association. Republican. Presbyterian. Married at Cambria, Wis., to Miss Jennett Jones. Club: Commer cial. Office: 500-510 Nicollet Av. Resi dence: 2013 Stevens Av., Minneapolis. THOMAS, John W., Jr., dry goods; born at Winona, Minn.; son of John W. and Jennett (Jones) Thomas; edu cated in public schools of Winona, 1877- 84; public schools of Minneapolis, 1884- 90; University of Minnesota, 1890-92. Has been continuously identified with the dry goods business, founded by his father, since entering active career; vice president John W. .Thomas & Co., Inc., Feb. 1, 1904, dealers in dry goods, wear ing apparel, rugs, draperies, etc. Re publican. Presbyterian. Member Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity. Married at Minneapolis, Minn., Sept. 24, 1901, to Miss Lavinia M. Hahn. Recreation: Automobiling. Office: 500-510 Nicollet Av. Residence: 2116 Nicollet Av., Minneapolis. THOMAS, Walter Adelbert, grain and stock and bond broker; born at Kees- ville, N. Y., Nov,, 1870; son of Gorton T. and Fannie A. Thomas; became a res ident of Fargo, S. D., 1880; educated in public schools of Fargo. Began active career as employe of Fargo postoffice, of which was chief clerk, 1888-90; located in Minneapolis and was in commercial agency business under title of Thomas Bros. & Co., 1890-96; has been at the head of the brokerage firm of W. A. Thomas & Co., grain, stocks and bonds, since 1896. Democrat. Episcopalian. Member Chamber of Commerce, Chicago Board of Trade. Married at Minneap olis, 1S94, to Miss Lillian Clark. Clubs: Minneapolis, Minikahda, Lafayette. Rec reation: Automobiling. Office: 306 2nd Av., S. Residence: 2207 Hennepin Av., Minneapolis. THOMPSON, Albert, physician; born at Sacred Heart, Renville Co., Minn., April 22, 1872; attended district school until 15 years of age, graduated from Gustavus Adolphus College, St. Peter, Minn., degree of B.A., 1899, entered Medical Department, University of Min nesota, 1901, graduating, 1905; unmar ried. Republican. Lutheran. Member Watonwan County Medical Society, Min nesota State and American Medical as sociations. Club: Symphony. Recrea tion: Driving. Address: St. James, Minn. THOMPSON, Alex., manager for Min neapolis Brewing Co., Crookston; born at Hemmingford, P. Q., Canada, Feb. 12, 1860; son of John and Elizabeth Thomp son; educated in common schools of Canada; married at Whitehall, N. Y., 1882, to Miss Carrie Belden. Came to the United States, April 19, 1879; was clerk in store, 1879-81; at Fishers Land ing, 1882-84; in partnership with brother as Thompson Bros., at Thomp son, N. Dak., 1885-1900; was manager of flour mill at Fishers, Minn., 1900-03; wheat buyer at Mcintosh, Minn.; man ager for Minneapolis Brewing Co., at Crookston, Minn., since 1904. Also sur veyor general of 16gs and lumber, 7th district of Minnesota, under appoint ment of Gov. John A. Johnson. Demo crat. Member B. P. O. E., Knights of Pythias, I. O. R. M., U. C. T. of Amer ica. Club: 25,000 Club: Address: Crookston, Minn. THOMPSON, Andrew William, deputy State auditor; born at Newburg, Minn., Jan. 25, 1862; son of Iver and Cecelia Thompson; educated in public schools of Newburg and at Breckinridge Institute, Decorah, la.; married at Decorah, Aug. 21, 1884, to Emelie J. Hatlestad. En gaged in the abstract, real estate and insurance business at Preston, Minn., March 1, 1884; member village council, four years, of high school board three vears; mayor three times. Organized First National Bank at Preston, and was president, 1902. Appointed deputy State auditor, Jan. 5, 1903. Republican. Methodist. Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner. Clubs: Commercial, Norden. Office: State Capitol. Residence: 492 Marshall Av., St. Paul. THOMPSON, Boyd N., lumber; born in Kane Co., 111., June 18, 1848; son of Elliott and Jane (Baker) Thompson; educated in public schools of Kane Co. Reared on a farm; came to Minneap olis, Nov. 13, 1865, and has been en gaged in lumber business for more than 40 years; began on own account in 1886 and is president of the B. N. Thompson Co. Married at Indianapolis, 1869, to 510 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS Miss Eliza Pride. Office: 2227 1st St. N. Residence: 2005 Girard Av., S., Min neapolis. THOMPSON, Charles Telford, lawyer; born at Glendale, Hamilton Co., O., June 6, 1853; son of Samuel J. and Eveline (Keys) Thompson; educated in public schools, Glendale; Denison University, Granville, O., degree of A.B., June, 1873; University of Edinburgh, Scot land, honors in logic, metaphysics and Roman law, 1874; graduated from Law School of Cincinnati (O.) University, 1876. Began practice of law in Cincin nati, with the firm of King, Thompson & Longworth, June, 1876; on account of health, moved to Minneapolis, Oct., 1878, and resumed the profession; formed partnership with Arthur M. Keith, as Keith & Thompson, 1883, later changed to Keith, Evans, Thompson & Fair- child. Independent Republican. Pres byterian. Member American and Min nesota State Bar associations. Member Sons of the Revolution, Citizens' staff, Rawlins Post, G. A. R., Beta Theta Pi fraternity. Married at Minneapolis, Sept. 28, 1881, to Kate Harris. Clubs: Minneapolis, Commercial, Lafayette, Six O'clock, Westminster. Recreations: Fishing, boating and using carpenter's tools. Office: Minnesota Loan and Trust Bldg. Residence: The Concord, Minneapolis. THOMPSON, Daniel B., merchant; born in Hennepin Co., Minn., May 26, 3 860; son of Andrew and Hannah (Rid ley) Thompson; educated in district school, one term in Rockford (Minn.) graded school and at Curtiss Business College, Minneapolis. Raised on a farm, followed carpenter's trade for several years; engaged in lumber, hardware and furniture business at Rockford since 1886. Republican. Presbyterian. Ma son (Blue Lodge, Chapter, Commandery and Shrine). Married at Waterville, Minn., Dec. 16, 1884, to Miss Kitty Beach. Club: Commercial. Recreation: • Traveling in United States and Canada. Address: Rockford, THinn. THOMPSON, Fayette Lathrop, clergy man, archaeologist; born at Fenton, Mich., Feb. 12, 1862; son of Lafayette and Mary (Chipman) Thompson; edu cated at Fenton High School; North western University; Garrett Biblical Institute. Married at Fenton, Mich., to Miss Georgena D. Peabody. Methodist. Began in ministry in Chicago, 111., 3 882; has' been in charge of Hennepin Avenue M. E. Church, Minneapolis, since 1904. Elected member Society of Biblical Archaeology, London, 1898; elected asso ciate member Victoria Institute, London, 1898; elected member British School of Archaeology in Egypt, associated with University College, University of Lon don, 1906; degree of D.D., Cornell Uni versity, 1902. Recreations: Travel, cycling trips through Europe, foot trips through mountain countries. Res idence: 1214 Harmon PL, Minneapolis. THOMPSON, Frederick Sheets, real estate; born in White Co., Ind., Oct. 21, 1S49; son of Thomas McK. and Mary (Sheetz) Thompson; educated in public schools. Resident of Iowa for 25 years; traveling salesman for Forbes Bro. & Co., teas and coffees, at St. Douis, Mo., for 19 years; located in Minneapolis, 1891, and since that time has been mem ber of the firm of Thompson Bros., also president Girard Investment Co. Re publican. Episcopalian. Mason, Knight Templar. Married at Des Moines, la., 1S88, to Miss Mary E Holmedale. Office: Security Bank Bldg. Residence: 2221 S. Girard Av., Minneapolis. THOMPSON, George, president Dis patch Printing Co.; born in Devonshire. Eng , 18iJ; son ot George and Sophia Thompson; educated in private schools and at Oxford, Eng., taking no degrees. President and treasurer Dispatch Print ing Co., publishers of St. Paul Dispatch, of which he is editor-in-chief. Married, May 20, 18S5, to Miss Abigail I. Wheeler. Club: Commercial. Office: St. Paul Dispatch. Residence: 340 Summit Av., St. Paul. THOMPSON, George P., secretary and treasurer North Star Lumber Co.; born at Walnut, 111., June 1, 1871; son of L. K. and Elizabeth (Bushard) Thompson; educated in public schools of Walnut Began active career, 1895, in sales department of the Brainerd Lum ber Co., Minneapolis, Minn., continuing for 7 years with that company; has been secretary and treasurer of the North Star Lumber Co. since 1902. Re publican. Methodist. Member Masonic order. Married at Walnut, 111., to Miss Amy Irvin. Club: Commercial. Office: 454 Security Bank Bldg. Residence: 1815 Fremont Av., S., Minneapolis. THOMPSON, James McK., real es tate; born at Monticello, Ind., Feb. 23, 1856; son of Thomas M. and Mary (Sheetz) Thompson; educated in public schools of Monticello; Ann Arbor (Mich.) High School, graduating from classical course; University of Michi gan, graduating, degree of A. B., 1882. Located in Minneapolis, 1883, and has been member of Thompson Bros., real estate, since 1896; also secretary and treasurer Girard Investment Co. Re publican. Presbyterian. Member Real Estate Board. Mason;, member Delta Upsilon. Married at Minneapolis, 1897, to Miss Martha E. Weld. Office: Se curity Bank Bldg. Residence: 1804 ' Humboldt Av., S., Mineapolis. THOMPSON, John Mounsey, hard ware; born at Guardhouse, Threlkeld, England, Dec. 25, 1850; son of Thomas and Elizabeth (Harper) Thompson; educated at Wallwhaite Private School, Threlkeld Academy, St. Bees College, graduating from all of them. Came to America, May 27, 1873; entered employ of the Haywood & Cartledge Hardware & Cutlery Co., Chicago, continuing until the company retired from business, 1879; was general Northwestern travel ing agent for Simmons Hardware Co., THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 511 St. Louis, Mo., 1879-1900; established the J. M. Thompson Hardware Co., Minne apolis, but on account of health sold out to what is now the Hurtey-Simmons Hardware Co.; has been in business at Owatonna, Minn., since Jan. 1, 1901, as J. M. Thompson & Son Hardware Co., wholesale and retail hardware, of which he is president. Menfber Maryport 3rd Cumberland Royal Artillery, England, 1872. Republican. Episcopalian. Mem ber Masonic order (Blue Lodge, Star in the East, No. 33; Lafayette Chapter, No. 1, Chicago, 111. [life member] ; Apollo Commandery, No. 1, K. T., Chi cago, 111. [life member] ; Shrine, Zurah Temple, Minneapolis). Married at Chi cago, 111., Dec. 23, 1879, to Miss Agnes Annie Guy. Club: Commercial. Rec reation: Literature. Address: Owa tonna, Minn. THOMPSON, Josiah, real estate; na tive of Lowell, Mass. Is one of the pioneers of Minnesota, arriving at Zum brota from New England, in 1857; has been a resident of Minneapolis, since 1871; treasurer of the Northwestern Realty Co., since 1887, dealers in real estate and improved property in Min neapolis. Was member of Minnesota State Legislature, 1869-70. Married in Wisconsin, Oct. 15, 1878, to Miss Cecelia Vail. Clubs: Minneapolis, .Town and Country. Recreation: Travel in Amer ica and Europe. Office: Northwestern Bldg. Residence: 1532 Waverly PL, Minneapolis. THOMPSON, Leon J., general man ager National Stone Manufacturing Co.; born in Sandusky Co., O., March 15, 1865. Has been connected with the stone manufacturing business in the East and West since 1897; came from Baltimore, Md., Jan., 1906, as North western manager of the National Stone Manufacturing Co., large manufacturers of concrete stone for general building construction. Married at Coldwater, Mich., Nov. 23, 1874, to Miss Mary A. Sinclair. Recreations: Camping out, boating, fishing and driving. Office: Phoenix Bldg. Residence: 2311 Fill more St., N. E., Minneapolis. THOMPSON, Leonard K., president Northwestern National Life Insurance Co.; born at LeRoy, N. Y., Jan. 10, 1861; son of Frederick A. and Mary T. (Kel logg) Thompson; educated in public and high schools, New York. Began active career in banking, New York City; removed to Binghampton, N. Y., and engaged in manufacture of scales under tiOe of Osgood & Thompson, 1882; came to Minneapolis and became connected with insurance business as manager Northwestern states for an Eastern company, 1891; associated with Northwestern National Life Insurance Co. since spring of 1905, first as vice president and general manager; elected president of the company, Jan., 1906, which position he now holds. Repub lican. Presbyterian. Married at New York City, June 2, 1881, to Miss Eva H. Geraghty. Office: N. W. Life Bldg. Residence: 2215 Pillsbury Av., Minne apolis. THOMPSON, Bichard Enos, lawyer; born on a farm in Fillmore Co., Minn., 1857; son of Iver and Cecilia (Walder) Thompson; educated in common schools. Taught school, 1874-79; studied law in office of Judge H. R. Wells, of Pres ton, and was admitted to the bar, Nov., 1881. Member of the law firm of Gray & Thompson, established 1881. Deputy clerk district court Fillmore Co., 1881- 85; member Minnesota House of Rep resentatives, 1883-87, State Senate, 1894- 1907. Republican. Member Republican State Central Committee, 1890-95. Ma son, Knight Templar. Married at Min neapolis, 1884, to Miss Anna Thompson. Address: Preston, Minn. THOMPSON, Thomas, wholesale fruits and produce; born at Toronto, Ont., 1857; son of Robert and Jeanette (Malloy) Thompson; came with parents to Spring Dake, Mich., in 1859, and to Oshkosh, Wis., in 1862; educated in public schools of Canada and Oshkosh. Docated in Minnesota, 1877; engaged in lumber business in Carlton Co., for mans' years; removed to Duluth and es tablished, 1891, the Thomas Thompson Co., wholesale dealers in fruits and produce and general commission mer chants, Duluth, Minn., and Superior, Wis.; also president Ron-Fernandez Cigar Co., manufacturers of cigars. Formerly county commissioner of Carl ton Co., Minn. Republican. Presby terian. Mason (32°) ; member B. P. O. E. Member Duluth Fruit and Pro duce Exchange. Married at Duluth, 1902,' to Miss Annie E. Thompson. Club: Commercial. Office: 126-128 W. Michi gan St. Residence: 102 W. 5th St., Du luth. THOMSON, James P., insurance; born in Jefferson Co., O., April' 12, 1853; son of Hugh D. and Margaret Ann (Francis) Thomson; educated at Aledo Academy, Aledo, 111.; married at Toledo, O., Oct. 20, 1880, to Amanda Idalette Hunter. Was in wholesale dry goods business, 1876-80; engaged in manufacture of jute goods and burlap bags until 1888, when he entered fire insurance business, in which has since continued; vice presi dent Minneapolis Insurance Agency; di rector Minneapolis Board of Fire Un derwriters; manager insurance depart ment of the Minneapolis Trust Co. Re publican. Presbyterian. Clubs: Com mercial, Amateur Athletic, Westmin ster Men's. Office: New York Dife Bldg. Residence: 2428 W. 24th St., Minneapolis. THOMSON, John B., clerk of district court; born at Clyde River, Nova Scotia, Jan. 16, 1864; son of George and Mathil da (Ryan) Thomson; educated in public schools of Clyde River. Began working in a saw mill at 10 years of age and fol lowed the lumber business until 39; came to Minnesota, 1882; was deputy sheriff Carlton Co., 1893-1901; has been 512 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS clerk of district court Carlton Co. since Keb. 1, 1901. Republican. Member Ma sonic order, Modern Woodmen of Ameri ca, Knights of the Maccabees. Married at Larimore, N. D., Nov. 29, 1900, to Miss Jennie C. Baston. Address: Carl ton, Minn. THON, John, hardware, paints and oils; born in Milwaukee, Wis., Jan. 29, 1859; son of Jacob and Elizabeth, Thon; educated in publie schools of Milwau kee; married at Owatonna, Minn., Sept., 1889, to Miss Martha Fenner. Dearned trade of potter in Milwaukee and fol lowed it for 9 years; removed to Owat onna, March, 1883, and entered retail hardware business, in which he has since continued. Treasurer of the Owatonna Fire Department since 1890. Democrat. Alderman of Owatonna for 4 years. Lutheran. Member I. O. O. F., A. O. U. W., M. W. A., Yeomen. Ad dress: Owatonna, Minn. THOBNE, Stephen, clerk of district court; born at Danbury, Conn., 1845; son of William and Deborah (Dean) Thorne; educated in district school, academy at Danbury and Peck's Institute, New Cas tle, N. Y. Came to Minnesota. 1878; has been clerk of district court, Blue Earth Co., since 1888. Business Address: Man kato, Minn. Residence: Lake Crystal, Minn. THOBNTON, Eric L., lawyer; born at Benson, Minn., Aug. 15, 1878; son of Frank M. and Lizzie M. (Clague) Thorn ton; educated in Benson public schools, St. Paul College of Law, University of Washington, graduating, degree of LL.B., 1903. Has been actively engaged in practice at Benson since 1903. Di rector First National Bank of Benson. Republican. Episcopalian. Member Knights of Pythias, Sigma Nu college fraternity. Unmarried. Clubs: Com mercial, Business Men's, Benson Whist. Address: Benson, Minn. THOBP, Walter Hannibal, manufac turer; born at Three Rivers, Mich., July 19, 1874; son of Darius and Helen (Mill er) Thorp; graduate University of Mich igan, degree Ph.B., 1896; married at Minneapolis, 1904, to Miss Nina Roger. Vice president and general manager Fire Proof Door Co., with which he has been connected since Aug., 1897; director Minneapolis Knitting Works. Clubs': Commercial, Roosevelt, Minneapolis Athletic Association. Recreation: Au- ,tomobiling. Office: 401 12th Av., S. Residence: 1407 Yale Place, Minneapo lis. THOBPE, Lars Olsen, .banking; born in Noiway, Dec. 24, 1S47. Came to America, 1864, and to Minnesota, March, 3865; has been cashier of the Kandiyohi County Bank, Willmar, Minn., since May 1, 1881; director State Bank of New London, State Bank of Kandiyohi, State Bank of Pennock, Security Bank of At water; president Eureka Coal and Brick Co., Atkin's Farm Land Co. President Willmar Seminary. Republican. Reg ister of deeds; presidential elector; State senator 12 years; delegate to National Republican conventions and to State and county conventions. Lutheran. Married at Vernon, Minn., June 6, 1870, to Miss Martha Kvale. Address: Willmar, Minn. THOBSON, Edwin T., Judge of pro bate; born at Glenwood, Minn., Nov. 21, 1872; son of Tory and Olive P. (Norder- hus) Thorson; graduate Glenwood Higli School, 1892. Began active career as clerk of probate court under his father, 1S92; went to Tacoma, Wash., and re mained several years; was in real estate office of R. R. Johnson, Benson, Minn., 1897; sergeant Co. D., 15th Minn. Vol. Inf., Spanish American War, 1898-99; taught school, worked in Bank of Star- buck as assistant cashier, and from April to fall, 1900, employed in round up on cattle ranch, near Chinook, Mont; returned to Minnesota and has been judge of probate, Pope Co., since Nov., 1900. Member Minnesota Probate Judges Association (secretary), Pope County Agricultural Society (secretary). Republican. Member M. W. A., A. O. U. W. Married at St. Peter, Minn., Dec. 25, 1902, to Miss Florence M. Olsen. Club: Commercial (secretary). Recrea tions: Hunting and Ashing. Address: Glenwood, Minn. THBANE, Marcus, physician and sur geon; born at Dyle, Minn., 1874; son of Arthur D. and Amalie (Struck) Thrane; educated in Eau Claire (Wis.) High School; College of Medicine and Sur gery, University of Minnesota, gradu ating, degree of M.D., 1894; post grad uate oourses at Chicago Clinical School, Chicago "Policlinic, Chicago Eye, Bar, Nose and Throat College. Began prac tice of medicine at Eau Claire, Wis.; has been at Madison, since 1900; member of firm of Drs. Giere & Thrane; surgeon Ebenezer Hospital. Member Minnesota State Medical Association, Camp Re lease Medical Society. Married at Eau Claire, Wis., 1900, to Miss Mabel Ellis. Club: CommerciaL Recreation: Hunt ing. Address: Madison, Minn. THBO, John C, druggist; born at St. Charles, Mo., Sept. 23, 1862; son of Emil and Elizabeth (Oliver) Thro; educated in public schools of St. Douis, Mo.; mar ried at Pittsburgh, Pa., 1886, to Miss Mary Glatzbach. Came to Mankato, 1878, and has since been engaged in drug business. Director Mankato Malt ing Co. Member Mankato Library Board. Democrat; member Democratic State Central Committee. Roman Catholic. Member B. P. O. E., Knights of Colum bus, Catholic Order of Foresters. Ad dress: Mankato, Minn. THUBMAN, Joseph Thomas, life in surance; born Marion Co., Ky., Oct. 30, 3849; son of William H. and Nancy Ann (Nash) Thurman; common school educa tion in Marion Co.; married, 1st, at Cin cinnati, O., 1874, to Juliette P. Deonard (now deceased); 2nd, at New York City, 3898, to Margaret E. Briggs. Worked on farm until 18 years of age; clerked in THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 513 photograph gallery, 1867-70; was con nected with the Home Sewing Machine Co., of New Y/ork as manager and su perintendent of agents in Tenn., Ala., and Miss., 1870-74; superintendent of agents same company, in New York State, 1874-76; engaged in manufactur ing and wholesale shoe business, Cin cinnati, O., 1876-84; was appointed State agent of the Manhattan Life Insurance Co., of New York, for State of Minne sota, in which position he has continued and now has control of Minnesota, Iowa and N. and S. Dakota for that company. Assisted in organizing the Pacific Coast and Norway Packing Co., 1901, and was president and director of that company for three years. Member of M. N. G. for 5 years, lieut. for 4 years. Republican. Methodist. Mason, Shriner. Clubs: Commercial, Minikahda. Office: An drus Bldg. Residence: 2057 Kenwood Parkway, Mpls. THYGESON, Nels M., lawyer; born at Martell, Wis., Sept. 11, 1862; educated in common schools of Pierce Co., Wis.; Normal School, River Falls, Wis.; Uni versity of Wisconsin, scientific and en gineering course, class of 1885; Daw De partment, University of Wisconsin, de gree of DD.B., 1888. Came to St. Paul, 1888, and has since been engaged in prac tice of law; junior member of law firm of Munn & Thygeson. Office: 205 Dis patch Bldg. Residence: 894 Laurel Av., St. Paul. TIBBETTS, James I., physician; born on the island of Madeira, 1848; son of William and Matilda (Richardson) Tib- betts (father from Scotland, and mother from France); educated in common schools, at Randolph's School, Coving ton, Ky, and at Centre College of Physicians and Surgeons, Indianapolis, Ind. Began active career as clerk in drug store and served in that capacity at Covington, Ky., Cincinnati, O., and Indianapolis, Ind.; member of medical staff, as apothecary, in State Hospital for the Insane, at Indianapolis, 1880. Has been in general practice since 1883. Address: Wayzata, Minn. TIBBS, George M., dry goods; born at Highstown, N. J., Sept. 15, 1858; son of Thomas L. and Anna (Stults) Tibbs; educated in public schools of New Jer sey. Began active career in commission house of New York City, continuing for 6 years; removed to St. Louis, Mo., 1881, and to St. Joseph, Mo., where he became identified with wholesale dry goods busi ness; was buyer for M. E. Smith & Co., Omaha, Neb., 1886-90; became a member of the firm, 1890, and remained until he resigned, Dec. 31, 1900. Came to St. Paul and in company with Henry E. Hutchings purchased controlling inter est in the Powers Dry Goods Co., organ izing firm of Tibbs, Hutchings & Co., of ' which he is president. Republican. Pres byterian. Married at Long Branch, N. J., 1887, to Miss Mary A. Chattle. Clubs: Minnesota, Commercial (St. Paul); Ark- wright (New York City). Office: 5th and Wacouta Sts. Residence: 669 Sum mit Av., St. Paul. TIFFANY, Francis Buchanan, lawyer; born at Springfield, Mass., April 26, 1855; son of Francis and Esther Allison (Brown) Tiffany; graduate Harvard Col lege, A.B., 1877, Harvard Law School, LL.B., 1880; married, 1889, to Nina Moore. Admitted to Massachusetts bar, 1881, and began practice of law at Bos ton; removed in 1887 to St. Paul. Au thor: Death by Wrongful Act (1893); Handbook of Law of Sales (1895); Handbook of Law of Principal and Agent (1903). Club: Commercial. Of fice: 404 Pioneer Press Bldg. Resi dence: 551 Ashland Av., St. Paul. TIFFANY, Walter Checkley, lawyer born at Springfield, Mass., June 2, 1857 son of Francis and Esther A. Tiffany graduate Harvard University, 1881 Harvard Law School, 1883. Admitted to bar at Boston, Mass., 1883; practiced law in Boston, 1883-85; has been en gaged in practice in Minneapolis since 1885. Author: Law of Persons and Do mestic Relations. Married at Old Or chard, Mo., April 25, 1888, to Dila A. Robinson. Club: Commercial. Recrea tions: Hunting, fishing and golf. Office: New York Life Bldg. Residence: 1915 Hennepin Av., Minneapolis. TIFFT, Cyril M., lawyer; born in De Kalb Co., 111., April 23, 1865; son of Samuel D. and Charlotte Abigail (Seltz) Tifft; moved to Minnesota with parents, 1879; graduate Law Department, Uni versity of Michigan, degree of DD.B., June, 1888. Admitted to bar in Michi gan, 1888; in Minnesota, 1889; in prac tice at Glencoe, since spring of 1889. Elected to the office of probate judge of McLeod Co., Nov., 1902, and still con tinues in that position. Married at Glen coe, Minn., June 1, 1893, to Miss Lillian M. Richardson. Address: Glencoe, Minn. TIFFT, Merrill C, lawyer; born at Sycamore, DeKalb Co., 111., April 23, 1865; son of Samuel L. and Charlotte Abigail (Seltz) Tifft; educated in high school at Hutchinson, and Law Depart ment, University of Michigan. Elected judge of probate court for McLeod County, 1890, holding the position for 12 years. Began practice of law at Glen coe, Minn., 1888; moved to Long Prairie, 1903. President People's National Bank of Long Prairie, and People's Bank of Swanville; vice president Browerville State Bank. Democrat. Methodist Mem ber A. O. U. W. (grand master work man of the order in Minnesota), Ma sonic order, I. O. O. F. Married at Glen coe, Minn., June 9, 1891, to Miss Grace M. Pryor. Address: Long Prairie, Minn. TIGHE, Ambrose, lawyer; born in Brooklyn, N. Y., May 8, 1859; sdn of James M. and Kate M. Tighe; educated at Adelphi Academy, Brooklyn, gradu ating in 1875, and Yale College, B.S., 1879, M.S., 1887. Entered practice of law in 1886; U. S. Commissioner, St. 514 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS Paul, 1887; member of St. Paul Charter Commission. Married at St. Paul, June 14, 1893, to Harriet F. Gotzian. Vice president Security Trust Company, C. Gotzian and Co., wholesale boots and shoes, St. Paul, Luger Lumber Co., Phil lips, Wis., and president of the Minne sota Water Works Company. Republi can. Clubs: Minnesota, Commercial. Town and Country, Lafayette. Office: National German American Bank Bldg. Residence: 314 Dayton Av., St. Paul. TIMBESLAKE, Byron Harvey, life in surance; born near Salem, Washington Co., Ind.. Aug. 17th, 1861; son of Aquilla and Jane (Thompson) Timberlake; edu cated in Blue River Academy, near Sa lem, Ind., Minneapolis Academy, Minne apolis, Minn., University of Minnesota, graduating, B.L., 1891; married, 1st, at Minneapolis, tTune 9, 1891, to Emma Kemp; 2nd, St. James, Minn., Jan. 12, 1901, to Lilian Chatterdon. Engaged in life insurance business since Jan. 1, 13S2; deputy insurance commissioner of Minnesota, 1897-99; member Minnesota State legislature, 1905-07; manager local agency Prudential Insurance Co. of America, since May 1, 1899. Republican. Episcopalian. Mason, Knight Templar. Club: Commercial. Office: 306 Andrus Bldg. Residence: 1015 8th St., S. E., Minneapolis. TINCHES, Cline A., merchant miller; born at Danville, 111., Feb. 2, 1880; son of Charles and Alice (Sidell) Tincher; educated at The Shattuck School, Fari bault, Minn., 1901; married at Owatonna, Minn., 1905, to Miss Tommye Slaid (now deceased). Began active career in em ploy of the Washington Tool Co., Owatonna, continuing until Oct., 1906, when he became president of the Has tings Milling Co., manufacturers of flour and Perfecta cereals. Independent in politics. Member Masonic order. Club: Commercial. Address: Owatonna, Minn. TISDALE, Mark N., grain buyer; born at Wenona, 111., Sept. 10, 1866. Came to Minnesota, 1896, and has been engaged in buying grain at Slayton, Minn., since 1898. Was first sergeant Co. M. 15th Minn. Vol. Inf., Spanish-AmericaTi War. Member Masonic order, R. A. M., I. O. R. M., M. W. A., R. N. A. Married at Dacon, 111., June 13, 1885, to Miss Ducy Street. Address: Slayton, Minn. TITTEMOKE, James Nelson, freight traffic manager Iowa Central Ry. and Minneapolis & St. Louis Rd.; born at Poysippi, Wi3., March 2, 1864; son of Nelson and Margaret (Crowley) Titte- more; educated in the common schools of Poysippi and Eureka, Wis.; unmar ried. Has been continuously in railway service since Dec, 1881, as follows: Sta tion agent Milwaukee, Lake Shore * Western, Ry. at Kempster, Summit Lake, Eagle River and Prentice, Wis.; tele graph operator at Sheboygan, same road; traveling auditor Chicago & Northwestern Ry. ; traveling passenger agent Milwaukee, Lake Shore & West ern Ry. ; traveling freight agent and chief clerk of the traffic department of the "Soo" line; traveling freight agent Great Northern Ry.; general freight agent Sioux City & Great Northern Rd. and Pacific Short Line; assistant to president same lines; general freight and passenger agent Des Moines, North ern & Western Rd., 1894-98; general freight agent Iowa Central Ry., 1898- 99; acting general manager, same road, 1899-1900; traffic manager Iowa Central Ry., 1900-1905 and freight traffic man ager Iowa Central and Minneapolis & St. Louis railways, since Jan. 1, 190 Recreation: Farming. Club: Minne apolis, Minneapolis; Catholic (New York); Creve Couer & Country (Peoria, 111.). Office: Metropolitan Life Ins. Bldg. Residence: Minneapolis Club, Minneapolis. TITUS, Jerome H., physician; born at Lime Springs, la., Jan. 17, 1876; came to Minnesota with parents, 1880; graduate Montevideo (Minn.) High School, June 13, 1893; attended College of Medicine and Surgery, University of Minnesota, three years; graduate Rush Medical Col lege, Chicago, 111., degree of M.D., June 21, 1900. Began practice of medicine at Sacred Heart, Minn.; has been in prac tice at Minneapolis since 1907. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associations, Camp Release Medical So ciety. Mason. Unmarried. Address: 601 Masonic Temple, Minneapolis. TITUS, Lorenzo Udolphus Cameron, lawyer; born in So. Norwich Township, Ont, Feb. 27, 1854; son of Henry Albert and Emmeline (Wood) Titus; educated in Otterville (Ont.) public schools; In gersoll (Ont.) High School; Albert Col lege, Belleville, Ont, graduating, degree of LL.B., 1876. Began practice in On tario, 3 879; in practice in Minnesota since 1892; county attorney of Cook Co., for 3 terms. Member Modern Samari tans. Married at Trenton, Ont., 1876, to Miss Emma Gilbert Address: Grand Marais, Minn. TITUS, William S., physician; born at Tracy, Minn., Sept. 20, 1879; son of Har lan H. and Belle P. Titus; graduate Troy (Minn.) High School, June, 1899; grad uate College of Medicine and Surgery, University of Minnesota, degree of M. D., 1904. Married to Miss Frances Fond. Has been actively engaged in practice of medicine at Mora, Minn., since June 20, 1904. Member American and Minne sota State Medical associations, Kana- hec County Medical Society. Member Masonic order, Modern Woodmen of America, Nu Sigma Nu. Address: Mora, Minn. TODD, Charles L., grain dealer, bank er; born in Iowa, 1869; son of Wyvil and Mary (Schoffer) Todd; educated in pub lic schools of Lake Mills, la., until 1887, and at Decorah Institute, Decorah, Ia. Studied law at Forest City and North- wood, la., 1889; was connected with Lake Mills Bank for 6 months, and Citi zens Bank, Wells, Minn.; bought interest in Bank of Alden, Alden, Minn., which THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 515 he sold, 1894, to engage in milling and grain business, in which he has since continued. Also president State Bank of Chandler. Republican. Methodist. Mem ber Modern Woodmen of America. Mar ried at Wells, Minn., 1893, to Miss Wini fred M. Ketzeback. Address: Slayton, Minn. TODD, Irving, editor; born in West chester Co., N. Y., July 23, 1841; son of Joseph Nash and Sarah Ann (Reynolds) Todd; common school education; mar ried at Hastings, Minn., July 13, 1865, to Miss Helen Lucas (now deceased). Removed to Prescott, Wis., 1857; began learning printers' trade, in office of The Transcript, May, 1859; worked in office of The Conserver, Hastings, summer of 1861; had editorial charge of the Pres cott Journal, winter of 1861-2, and me chanical charge of The Hudson Star, summer of 1862; became proprietor of The Conserver Nov., 1862, which was four years later consolidated with The Independent as The Gazette; has had editorial control since 1861, and is now dean of Minnesota editors, as far as consecutive work on same paper is con cerned. Senior member firm of Irving Todd & Son, established Aug. 27, 1887; collector internal revenue, St. Paul, 1872-76. Republican. Mason. Address: Hastings, Minn. TODD, William E., physician and sur geon; born in Wisconsin, 1861; son of Rev. J. D. and S. S. (Webster) Todd; educated in public schools of Albert Lea and Chicago Medical College, gradu ating, degree of M.D., 1890; married in Kansas, 3 890, to Miss Maud Roller. Be gan practice of medicine at Negaunee, Mich., 1890, removing same year to Madr ison, Minn.; in practice in Albert Lea since 1896. Surgeon Minneapolis and St. Louis, Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific and Iowa Central railways. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associations, Freeborn County Medical Society, American Association of Rail way Surgeons. Formerly health officer and county physician Freeborn Co. Mason. Address: Albert Lea, Minn. TOLLEFSON, Ellef X., banker; born at Hallingdal, Norway, April 29, 1837; came to America and located in Wiscon sin, 1S44; removed to Minnesota, 1852; educated in public schools. Began in merchandise business at Mabel, 1876; en tered grain and live stoeE business, 1885; banking business since 1893. Proprietor Bank of Mabel; senior member Arm of E. L. Tollefson & Co., general store. Married at Newbury, March 18, 1873, to Miss Betsey Engebretson. Address: Ma bel, Minn. TOLLEFSON, Otto O., fire insurance; born at Lansing, Iowa, Jan. 5, 1865; son of O. L. and Gundvor (Mickelson) Tol lefson; public school education; married at Grand Forks, N. Dak., Aug. 27, 1891, to Sophia Garvick. In 1899 organized in Grand Forks, N. Dak., the Northwest ern Fire and Marine Insurance Co. of Minneapolis, of which he is secretary and manager. Republican. Lutheran. Member Elks, Knights of Pythias, A. O. U. W. Recreation: Automobiling. Clubs: Commercial, Odin. Office: 13-15 N. 4th St. Residence: 1724 Logan Av., S., Minneapolis. TOLVEBSEN, John S., banking; born on a farm near Neenah, Wis., Sept. 19, 1878; son of Niels C. and Lena (Scrits- meier) Tolversen; educated in public and high schools of Neenah, graduating, June, 1898; Gem City Business College, Quincy, 111., graduating, degree of Mas ter of Accounts, April, 1899. Was ste nographer First National Bank, Rock Rapids, la., 1899-01; bookkeeper and assistant cashier Citizens National Bank, Worthington, Minn., 1901-04; engaged in stock and dairy farming on his own farm in Wisconsin, 1904-06; organized Farmers' State Bank, Fulda, Minn., of which has been cashier and director since time of organization, 1906. Re publican. Lutheran. Member Knights of Pythias, K. O. T. M., M. W. A. Mar ried at Rock Rapids, la., June 11, 1902, to Miss Grace Howell. Address: Fulda, Minn. TOMLINSON, George A., vessel own er; born at Lapeer, Mich., Jan. 26, 1869; son of Samuel James and Abigail (Gage) Tomlinson; educated in public schools of Detroit and at University of Michi gan; married at Bay City, Mich., 1902, to Miss Laura I. Davidson. After leav ing college spent two years in Wyoming as a cow boy (during his sojourn there was captured and tortured by the In dians); returned to Detroit and engaged in newspaper work on various papers, also spending a short time in New York City on the Sun; again returned to Detroit and was managing editor of the Daily Times until 1893; came to Du luth and has ever since been identified with steamship interests. President Du luth Steamshio Co., Superior S. S. Co., Zenith S. S. Co., Globe S. S. Co., Inter Ocean S. S. Co. Member Society of Naval Architects. Republican. Clubs: Kitchi Gammi, Northland Country, Du luth Yacht; Chicago Athletic (Chicago); Union (New York). Office: Board of Trade Bldg. Residence: Spalding Hotel, Duluth. TOMLINSON, Harry Ashton, physi cian; born at Philadelphia, Pa., July 3, 1855; son of Major George W. and Sarah Dunlap (McCahon) Tomlinson; educated in the public schools and in Medical De partment, University of Pennsylvania, M.D., 1880; married at Muncy, Pa., April 16. 1884, to Mrs. Mary Vandever. In practice in Pennsylvania, 1880-88, mak ing special study of cause and treat ment of nervous diseases; resident physician Friends Asylum for the In sane, Frankford, 1889-91; became first physician St. Peter State Hospital, Min nesota, Dec, 1891, and has been super intendent of the hospital since Jan.. 1893. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associations, American Neurological Society, American Medico- 516 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS Psychological Association, Philadelphia Neurological Society .Minnesota Acad emy of Medicine, Minnesota Valley and Southwestern Minnesota Medical asso ciations, National and State Conference of Charities and Correction. Member Doyal Legion. Address: St. Peter, Minn. TOMLINSON, William Henry, hard ware; born in Franklin Co., N. Y., April 29, 1843; completed school education at Cedar Valley Seminary, Osage, la., 1864. In hardware business Le Sueur, Minn., under title of Wm. H. Tomlinson, since 1873. Vice President First National Bank, Le Sueur. President Minnesota Retail Hardware Association for 3 years, and member executive committee 6 years; member board of directors Minnesota Hardware Insurance Co., 6 years. Mason. Married at New Oregon, la., 3865, to -Miss Mary A. Thayer. Ad dress: Le Sueur, Minn. TOMPKINS, Isaac N-, teacher and editor; born at Fond du Lac, Wis., Oct. 28, 3868; son of William H. and Emma (Claggett) Tompkins; came to Minne sota with parents, 1872; educated in public schools of Springfield, Minn., un til 1883; Montevideo High School, 1884; Mankato . State Normal School, 1887-91. Was editor and publisher Alden Ad vance, 1891-92; superintendent village schools, Morgan, Minn., 1893-97 inclu sive; editor and publisher Morgan Messenger, 1898. County auditor Red wood Co., Minn., 8 years; member board of education, Redwood Falls, 5 years; member public library board (secre tary). Republican; member State Cen tral Committee, 1904-05 and 1906. Mason (M. M.,' R. A. M., Knight Templar) ; member Knights of Pythias, I. O. O. F., M. W. A. Married at Albert Lea, Minn.. March 2, 1892, to Miss Sadie M. Con ner. Address: Redwood Falls, Minn. TOPPING, Herbert Wilkin, foundry- man; born at Maryport, Cumberland, England, July 9, 1850; educated in pub lic schools; married, St. Cloud, Minn., Sept. 4, 1873, Ida B. Mead. Came to St. Paul, 1870; was secretary St. Paul Foundry and Manufacturing Co., 1877- 82, general manager, 1882-84; general manager St. Paul Foundry Co., 1884-85; joined, 1885, in establishing firm of Par ker & Topping, foundrymen and manu facturers, at Brainerd, Minn.; firm established shops at Portland, Ore., in 3 890, and also established the American Foundry Co. at Tacoma, Wash. Director Topping Brothers, wholesale hardware, New York. Democrat Episcopalian. Mason; Blue Dodge, Commandery, Con sistory and Shrine. Clubs: Minnesota, Town and Country, North-Western Rail way. Office: 130 Endicott Av. Resi dence: 1093 Summit Av., St. Paul. TOBGBIMSON, Gabriel T., merchant; born at Fountain, Minn., Aug. 12, 1875; son of Erick Torgrimson; educated in public schools of Grand Meadow, Minn., and Valder Business College, Decorah, la., graduating, 1895. Entered general merchandise business at Grand Meadow, in partnership with brother, 1898; added hardware stock, 1902, which is now in operation under title of Tor grimson Brothers, of which he is presi dent and general manager. Also director First National Bank, Grand Meadow, and First State Bank, Dexter, Minn. Republican. Dutheran. Member Modern Woodmen of America, Brotherhood of American Yeomen. Married at Grand Meadow, 1900, to Miss Mattie Aamot Address: Grand Meadow, Minn. TORJUSON, Thorbjorn, farming, bank ing: born in Norway, Oct. 10, 1847; son of Torjus and Martha Torjuson; com mon school education; came to America, 1S62, and to Rochester, Minn., 1865; married at Westbrook, July 14, 1894, Miss Kirsten Olson. Located in Cot tonwood County, 1870, and passed through the hardships of pioneer life; began in banking business, 1902, and has since been president of the Citizens State Bank of Westbrook; also inter ested in farming. Address: Westbrook, Minn. TORRANCE, Ell, lawyer, veteran sol dier; born at New Alexandria, Pa., May 16, 1844; son of Rev. Adam (D.D.) and Eliza (Martin) Torrance; attended El- dersridge Academy, Indiana Co., Pa- Enlisted, although under military age, June 26, 1861, as private, in Co. A, 9th Pa. Reserves, serving in all battles of his regiment except when disabled by wounds; discharged with his regi ment, at Pittsburg, Fa., May 11, 1864; reentered service, July "9, 1864, 2nd lieut, Co. K, 193rd Pa. Vol. Inf.; transferred to 97th Pa. Vol. Inf., Oct. 15, 1864; dis charged, June 17, 1865; guarded body of President Dincoln as it lay in state at Baltimore. Read law and admitted to bar, at Pittsburg, Pa., 1867. For many years in practice at Minneapolis. Judge of probate, 1870-74; member Minnesota Normal School Board; trustee McKinley National Monument Association; mem ber Board of Visitors, West Point, 1902; delegate to National Republican Conven tion, St. Louis, 1896, that nominated McKinley. Charter member John A. Rawlins Post, G. A. R., Minneapolis; commander Department of Minnesota, 1895; commander-in-chief, G. A. R., 1903-02; ex-president Sons of the Amer- , ican Revolution for Minnesota; now governor of Minnesota Society of Colon ial Wars; life member Society Army of the Potomac; member Minnesota Commandery Loyal Legion. Republican. Presbyterian. Member Minnesota Bar Association. Married at Wilkinsburgh, Pa., Sept. 22, 1868. to Miss Anna Mary Macfarlane. Office: N. Y. Life Bldg. Residence: 1928 Portland Av., Minneap olis. TOSBISON, Samuel, merchant; born in Norway, June 10, 1857; son of Thorb- jon T. and Liv. G. Dale. Came to Amer ica, 1871, and lived at Manitowoc, Wis., for 6 years; removed to Fisher, Minn., 1877, and entered general merchandise business, 1887, under name of Krostue THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 517 & Torrison; dissolved partnership, 1892. and has been in mercantile business in his own name since that time. Director Bank of Fisher. Republican. Dutheran. Member Modern Woodmen of America. Married at Fisher, March 8, 1896, to Miss Helga Olsen. Address: Fisher, Minn. TOWEB, Uri C, merchant and banker; born at Pentwater, Mich., Aug. 28, 1862; son of Harvey and Daura (Mallet) Tower; educated in public schools, Flower Creek, Mich., 1868-74; public school, Clay Banks, Oceana Co., Mich., 1879-81; at Hillsdale College, 1882. En tered mercantile business in general store, New Duluth, Minn., 1891; added banking under title of New Duluth Bank, 1902, of which is president and cashier. Married at Whitehall, Mich., Sept. 23, 1891, to Henrietta G. Dutten- hofer. Address: New Duluth, Minn. TOWLE, Patrick J., manufacturer; born at Troy, N. Y., June 27, 1835; re moved to Milwaukee, Wis., at age of 14; educated in public schools of Troy and Milwaukee. Began active career in re tail grocery store, Milwaukee; went to Chicago, where he engaged in wholesale grocery business until locating in St. Paul, in 1888. Established, 1888, The Towle Maple Syrup Co., of which he is president. Married at Chicago, Oct. 3, 1860, to Miss Sarah Ann Hogan. Office: Chicago Av. and Custer, St. Paul. Resi dence: Forest Dake, Minn. TOWLES, Silas Howell, proprietor Minneapolis Steam Daundry; born at Xenia, O., Jan. 3, 1846; son of Thomas Sturrock and Jane White (Howell) Tow- ler; educated in private and public schools of Columbus, O., school training being interrupted by Civil War; enlisted in Union Army and was private and ¦corporal, 85th O. Inf.; 1st sergeant, 2nd lieut, 1st lieut., 22nd Battery, Ohio Light Artillery. After discharge from army took course in commercial school: engaged in grocery business, Oct., 1865, continuing until 1889, consecutively, with George F. Wheeler, N. Merion & Co., and E. E. Shedd & Co., all of Co lumbus, and Murray, Warner & Co., Minneapolis, Minn.; has been engaged in laundry business at Minneapolis since 1889. President Board of Trustees Minnesota Soldiers' Home and Soldiers' Relief Fund since Feb., 1899, and has been trustee since 1897; adjutant gen eral, G. A. R., 1901-02; junior vice com mander-in-chief G. A. R., 1905-06; M. O. Loyal Legion. Republican. Congrega tionalist. Member Masonic order (past master Magnolia Lodge No. 20, Colum bus, O.), Minneapolis Mounted Com mandery, K. T. (junior warden). Mar ried at Columbus, O., Nov. 21, 1871, to Miss Mary Jane Lonnis. Office: 123 Nicollet Av. Residence: 1806 Portland Av., Minneapolis. TOWNE, Charles Foster, druggist; born at Red Wing, Minn., March 8, 1869; son of Thomas F. and Fannie H. (Par ker) Towne; educated in public schools of Red Wing and at The Shattuck School, Faribault, Minn.; married at Minneapolis, 1890, to Miss Lulu Towers. Began business career in employ of George L. Claflin & Co., wholesale drug gists, Providence, R. I., 1887; was next connected with Lyman, Eliel Drug Co., Minneapolis; in drug business in Al bert Lea since 1891. Director Albert Lea State Bank, Home Metallic Refrig erator Co. Independent in politics. Epis copalian. Mason, Knight Templar. Club: Whist. Address: Albert Lea, Minn. TOWNE, Edward Fenfleld, lawyer; born in Canandaigua, N. Y., June 16, 1867; son of Edward P. and Eliza H. (Eddy) Towne; educated at Mohegan Lake Military Academy, Peekskill, N. Y. ; LTnion College, Schenectady, N. Y., graduating, degree of B.A., 1888 (A.M., 1891); Albany Law School, graduating, degree of LL.B., 1890. Married at Du luth, Minn., 1900, to Rachel I. Moon. Was admitted to the bar, at Albany, N. Y., 1890; removed to Chicago, 111., 1890; came to Duluth, 1892, where he has been practicing since. Republican. Col onel on staff of Gov. Samuel R. Van Sant, 1900-02. Member State Bar Asso ciation. Presbyterian. Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner. Clubs: Kitchi Gammi, Commercial, Northland Country, Duluth Boat. Recreations: Golf, sail ing and other outdoor diversions. Office: Alworth Bldg. Residence: 2031 Jeffer son St., Duluth. , TOWNSEND, John, treasurer North western Trust Co.; born at Albany, N. Y., Feb. 28, 1859; son of Theodore and Louisa F. Townsend; educated at Albany Academy, Albany, N. Y., and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, N. Y., grad uating, degree of C.E., 1879. Came to St. Paul, 1887; followed profession of civil engineer for 5 years. Treasurer Northwestern Trust Co.; president Rose- lawn Cemetery Association; manager Gilflllan Blk. Married at Albany, N. Y., Jan. 18, 1888, to Miss Mary L. Cook. Clubs: Minnesota, White Bear Yacht, Nushka Curling. Office: Endicott Bldg. Residence: 85 Virginia Av., St. Paul. TOZEB, Fred M., vice president David Tozer Co.; director First National Bank. Address: Stillwater, Minn. TRACY, John L., grain commission; born at Titusville, Pa., 1861; son of John S. and Margaret (Madden) Tracy; educated in Titusville High School. En tered grain business, 1893; came to Minneapolis from Chicago, III., 1893; member of the grain commission firm of Lake, Brown & Tracy, organized, 3 906. Member Minneapolis and Milwau kee chambers of commerce, Chicago Board of Trade, Chicago Stock Ex change. Scottish Rite Mason (32°). Married at Erie, Pa., 1886, to Miss Kate Tunnicliffe. Clubs: Commercial, Mini kahda, Automobile. Recreation: Auto mobiling. Office: Chamber of Commerce. Residence: 1811 Colfax Av., S., Minne apolis. 518 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS TRAPHAGEN, Charles G., commercial rating; born at Sparta, Wis., May 10, 1861; son of William and Emeline (Brady) Traphagen; educated in public schools of Oshkosh, Wis. Came to Min nesota, 1882; connected with R. G. Dun & Co., since 1882, first at St. Paul; now resident manager of the company at Duluth. Married at Chicago, 111., 1896, to Miss Nelsona L. Faddock. Club: Commercial. Office: Lonsdale Bldg. Residence: 1931 E. Superior St., Duluth. TRASK, James Elisha, lawyer; born at New Sharon, Me., March 2, 1858; son of Robert and Zelpha B. (Drew) Trask; educated at Coburn Classical Institute, Waterville, Me., graduating, 1876; Colby College, Waterville, graduating, degree of A.M., 1880. Taught natural science in South Jersey Institute, 1881-87; has been actively engaged in practice of law since June, 1888. Republican. Baptist. Member Zeta Psi fraternity, Royal Ar canum, Modern Woodmen of America. Married at Cutler, 111., June 15, 1897, to Miss Hattie Feagles. Recreations: Music, literature and outdoor sports. Office: Nat. German Am. Bank Bldg. Residence: 674 Holly Av., St. Paul. TBAUTNEB, John B., vice president and manager Red Wing Boat Manufac turing Co.; born at Winona, Minn., Jan. 29, 1876; son of Anton and Mary (Castle) Trautner. Began active career as boat builder at Winona, Minn., 1§97, and has been vice president and man ager of the Red Wing Boat Manufac turing Co. since 1903. Married at Simp son, Minn., May 1, 1900, to Miss Mar garet Dahike. Club: Commercial. Ad dress: Red Wing, Minn. TSENHAM, Milton A., food expert; born, April 5, 1874; son of Newton J. and Mary Trenham; educated in public schools of Alexandria, Minn.; unmar ried. Began active career as teacher in schools of Douglas County, Minn.; then became member staff Alexandria Citizen, Alexandria, Minn.; enlisted in 13th Minn. Vol. Inf., 1898, taking part in the Philippine Expedition; wounded at Bat tle- of Manila, Aug. 13, 1898. Was with the first prospecting party in the Phil ippines. On the staff of "The American Soldier," Manila, 1898; in U. S. Custom House service, Manila, 1899-1900; found er Bureau of Statistics, U. S. Custom House, Manila, 1899; correspondent in Philippines and Boxer Uprising, China, 1898-1900; reporter San Francisco Call and Los Angeles Times, 1901; returned to Alexandria, Minn., and was on staff of the Citizen until appointed assistant Dairy and Food Commissioner, Minne sota. Jan. 1, 1905. Democrat; chairman Democratic Committee, Sixth Congres sional district, Minnesota, 1904-07. Mem ber National Consumers' League, Asso ciation of National and State Food Offi cials, National Buttermakers' Associa tion. Member K. O. T. M.; Elks; So ciety of the Army of the Philippines. .Recreations: Boating and skating. Office: State Capitol, St. Paul. TBIEBEL, Albert G., president Minne sota Mercantile Co.; born in Peoria, 111., May 13, 1861; son of Otto and Elise tSchearer) Triebel; educated in public schools; married at Peoria, Sept. 25, 1SS4, to Rickey Blumb. Was with Louis Green & Co., 1872-83; was connected with J. B. Inderrieden & Bro., Chicago, 3 883-84; came to Stillwater, 1884, and associated with Joseph Schupp & Son, wholesale grocers; established The Min nesota Mercantile Co., 1888, and has lieen its president since 1904. Mason. Member Minnesota Masonic Veterans Association, Elks, K. of P. and U. C. T. of A. Address: Stillwater, Minn. TBIMBLE, Henry L., secretary and treasurer Ballord-Trimble Lumber Co.; born at Wooster, O., May 4, 1860; son of Rev. James and Caroline (Lehman) Trimble; "educated in public schools of Towa. Was a resident of Iowa, 1869- 81; began active career in lumber busi ness, operating for a number of years in Wisconsin and N. Dakota; came to Minneapolis, 1890, and has been secre tary and treasurer of the Ballord- Trimble Dumber Co., since 1901, the company operating a number of retail lumber yards in N. Dakota and Minne sota. Episcopalian. Mason, Knight Tem plar. Married in Iowa, 1881, to Miss Mary Isenhart Recreation: Driving. Office: Security Bank Bldg. Residence: 2436 Humboldt Av., S., Minneapolis. TBOBEC, James, bishop Roman Cath olic Church; born at Billichgraz, Car- niola, Austria, July 10, 1838; classical education, at Daibach, Austria, philo sophical and theological education, at Larbach and St. Vincent's College, Pa. Came to the United States, 1864; was ordained priest at St. Paul, Minn., 1865: missionary at Belle Prairie, Minn., one year; in charge of pastorate Wabasha, Minn., '1866-87; organized parish at St. Paul, 1887, and was its pastor, 1887-97; has been bishop St. Cloud, Minn., since 1897. Address: St. Cloud, Minn. TBOENDLE, Lucas, general merchan dise; born in Germany, 1830; left an orphan at age of 10 years; learned tail or's trade in Germany. Came to Amer ica, 1854; began in mercantile business on a small scale, in Springboro, Ind.. continuing until 1872; removed to Min nesota, 1872, bringing with him $8,000, which he had sayed; located at Maple ton, where he has conducted a general merchandise store for 35 years. Ad dress: Mapleton, Minn. TBOOST, Otto, Jr., secretary Winona Telephone Co.; born in Winona, Minn., Aug. 6 1862; son of Otto and Alice (Casson) Troost; educated in public schools of Winona and Winona State Normal School; married at Winona, 1882, to Miss Melanie Georges. Began active career in his father's flour mill at Min- "ef°ta City, Minn., continuing until 1888; returned to Winona and was bookkeeper for wholesale house, 1888- 2' *5as ^een secretary and treasurer of the Winona Telephone Co., since THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS 519 1898, the service including the city and adjacent territory. Also secretary Phoe nix Telephone Co. (Rushford, Minn.), Interstate Telephone Co., Da Crosse, Wis. Democrat. Episcopalian. Member I. O. O. F., Modern Woodmen of America, A. O. LT. W. Address; Winona, Minn. TROYEB, Chauncey H., chief of po lice, Duluth; born at Goshen, Ind., Feb. 28, 1861; son of Seth and Elizabeth (Kenagy) Troyer; educated in common schools of Indiana. Came to Duluth from Goshen, Ind., in 1886; entered po lice force as patrolman, April 7, 1891; was placed in detective department, April 20, 1896; became chief of detec tives, March, 1900; was appointed chief of police, Jan. 1, 1902. Member Inter national Association of Chiefs of Police. Member I. O. O. F., B. P. O. E., I. O. F., Modern Samaritans. Married at Scott, Ind., Dec. 13, 1891, to Miss Ida A. Hag- erty. Club: CommerciaL Office: Police Headquarters. Residence: 413 S. 19th Av., E., Duluth. TRUAX, Ulysses G., real estate, in surance and loans; born on farm near Eddyville, Iowa, June 12, 1865; son of Thomas J. and Belle (De Lashmutte) Truax; educated in public schools, Os kaloosa, Iowa, and at Gem City Business College, Quincy, 111.; married at Eddy ville, 1902, to Nellie B. Lafferty. Grew up on farm until 21 years of age; taught school one year; employed in general office of the Northern Pacific Railway Co., at Omaha, for three years; district agent for the Union Mutual Life Insur ance Co., at Mankato, Minn., 5 years; engaged in land business for three years and still handles farm lands in con nection with real estate; since 1902, part ner in firm of Truax & Cardigan, dealers in real estate. Republican. Presbyte rian. Member Knights of Pythias, Mod ern Woodmen of America, M. B. A., Mod ern Samaritans. Recreations: Hunting, fishing. Club: CommerciaL Office: Pio neer, Press, St. Paul. Residence: 21 Nourse St., St. Anthony Park, Minne apolis. TBUAK, Walter Edward, physician and surgeon; born at Rochester, Wis., June 10, 1848; son of Walter D. and Sarah F. (Gibbons) Truax; mainly self- educated; had opportunity of attendance three terms only in log school house, back woods of Wisconsin. Served 3 years in Union Artny at the time of the Civil War, as member of Co. B, 48th Ia. Inf., and Co. B, 6th Ia. Cav., from age of 15 to 18; was telegrapher on Burlington, Cedar Rapids & North ern, Iowa Central and Northern Pacific roads up to 30; studied medicine, passed examination, state board of Minnesota, cum laude, 1880, and has been actively engaged in practice at Breckenridge ever since that time. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associa tions, Park Region Medical Society. Democrat. Agnostic in religion. Mem ber Masonic order. Married in Iowa, Sept. 12, 1869, to Miss Alice A. Judd. Recreations: Known as a draughts au thor and player all over the world where the game is played. Address: Breck enridge, Minn. TBUE, Jay W., vice president and treasurer Free Press Printing Co., Man kato; born at Lowell, Mass., Feb. 7, 1867; son of Charles O. and Sarah A. (Page) True; came to Minnesota with parents, 1871; educated in country school; Winnebago High School; State Normal School, Mankato, graduating, 1891; Valparaiso University, Valparaiso, Ind. Married at Nashville, Minn., 1892, to Miss Mary E. Bottomley. Was as sistant postmaster, Mankato, 1892-94; engaged in printing business as Curryer & True. 1895-96; solicitor and manager county and bank sales department, Free Press Printing Co., 1897-1902; associated with two partners and became one-third owner in Free Press Printing Co., Inc., 1902. Roosevelt Republican. Member I. O. O. F., B. P. O. E., U. O. F., M. W. W., M. B. A. Club: Commercial. Address: Mankato, Minn. TBUESDELL, Lynn George, grain; born at Owatonna, Minn., 1873; son of J. E. and Carrie L. Truesdell; graduated from University of Minnesota, degree of B.A., 1895. Has been a resident of Minneapolis since 1892; began in busi ness 1896, and is secretary and treas urer Winter & Ames Co., grain dealers. Member Minneapolis Chamber of Com merce. Married at Minneapolis, June 20, 1899, to Miss Ellen Brann. Club: Mini kahda. Recreations: Golf, automobiling. Office: Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Residence: 1904 Dupont Av., S., Minne apolis. TBUWE, August P., merchant; born in Carver Co., Minn., Aug. 29, 1861; son of John and Elizabeth Truwe; educated in common schools; married at Young America, Minn., Dec. 16, 1882, to Miss Anna Rath. Began in business at Young America, with Ackermann & Co., 1877, continuing until 1888; was at the head of Truwe & Co., general store, 1888-92; member of firm of Malmgren & Truwe, 1892-98; member of firm of Truwe & Co., general store, since 1898. President of the State Bank of Young America since its organization. Clerk of village 10 years, member board of education 20 years, president of village council 11 years. Member Masonic order, A. O. U. W., M. W. A., Sons of Hermann. Club: Commercial (president two years). Ad dress: Young America, Minn. TBYON, Charles John, lawyer; born at Batavia, N. Y.. Sept. 8, 1859; son of A. D. and Amanda Hatch (Shepard) Tryon; educated at Batavia Union School; National University Law School, LL.B., 1880; Columbia University Law School, LL.M., 1882. Began practice of law at Minneapolis, Minn., May 4, 1886; now member of firm of Tryon & Booth. organized, August, 1902, previous to which time he was alone. Counsel, since 1892, of Minnesota Title Insurance & Trust Co. Member Minnesota and Amer- 520 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS ican Bar associations. Republican. Con gregationalist. Married at Minneapolis, Minn., June 10, 1891, to Isabel Gale. Club: Minneapolis. Recreations: Boat ing, reading. Office: Oneida Blk. Resi dence: 2115 Girard Av., Minneapolis. TUCKER, Herbert L., clothier; born at Concord, N. H., 1860; educated at Penicook Academy, Concord. Began act ive career as clerk in an Eastern cloth ing house; came to Minneapolis from Boston, Mass., 1886, and is now vice president of the Plymouth Clothing House, with which he has been continu ously connected for 20 years past. Mem ber Masonic order, B. P. O. E. Married at Boston, Mass., to Miss Annis Feyhl. Office: Cor. 6th and Nicollet Av. Resi dence: 1225 Hawthorne Av., Minneap olis. TUCKER, John W., merchant; born in Hennepin Co., Minn., Sept. 25, 1859; son of John and Ducy (Bromham) Tuck er; common school education. Worked on farm until 21 years of age; filled position of school teacher two years; was telegraph operator Great Northern Ry., 12 years; has engaged in retail merchandise business since Dec, 1893. Vice president Clara City Mercantile Co. Ex-recorder of Clara City. Mem ber Knights of Fythias and Modern Woodmen of America. Married at Pipin, Wis., Sept. 17, 1891, to Miss Annie Daura Deason. Address: Clara City, Minn. TUFPLEY, Alfred, manager Swift & Co.; born in Staffordshire, Eng., Jan. 17, 1866; son of Thomas and Hannah (Mellor) Tuffley; educated in public schools of England; came to America, 1886, and located in Minneapolis; iden tified for a number of years with Minne sota Packing & Provision Co.; became connected with Swift & Co., Chicago packers, May, 1895, as salesman, Minne apolis, and has been Northwestern man ager for the company since 1901. Re publican. Episcopalian. Member A. O. U. W. Married at Minneapolis, 1894, to Miss Margaret Flynn. Office: 215 5th St., N. Residence: 219 W. 26th St., Minneapolis. TULLEB, Charles Artimedorus, busi ness manager Minneapolis Journal; born at Jonesville, Mich., June 26, 1866; son of Hiram Whiting and Clara E. (Ni- mocks) Tuller; graduated from Jones ville (Mich.) High School, 1884. Began active career as clerk in Jonesville post- office, 1884; assistant postmaster, Jones ville, until Aug. 17, 1885; was consec utively clerk, proofreader, bookkeeper, collector, cashier, assistant manager Minneapolis Journal, Aug. 25, 1885-Jan. 1, 1905; business manager and secre tary same, since Jan. 1, 1905; also busi ness manager and secretary Journal Printing Co., publishers of the Minneap olis Journal. Republican. Episcopalian. Married at Minneapolis, June 7, 1893, to Miss Mary Ellen Thompson. Club: Min neapolis, Bryn Mawr Golf. Recreation: Golf. Office: Minneapolis Journal. Resi dence: 2444 Girard Av., S., Minneapolis. TUOHY, Edward L., physician; born at Chatfield, Minn., Nov. 28, 1878; son of Edward and Margaret (Towey) Tuohy; educated in Chatfield High School; University of Minnesota, grad uating, degree of A.B., 1902; College of Medicine and Surgery, University of Minnesota, degree of M.D., 1905. City bacteriologist for Duluth, in charge of branch laboratory for State Board of Health; pathologist to St. Mary's Hos pital. Unmarried. Catholic. Member American Medical Association. Member Nu Sigma Nu fraternity, Knights of Co lumbus. Office: St. Mary's Hospital. Residence: 421 East 3rd St., Duluth. TUBNBLAD, Swan Johan, publisher Svenska Amerikanska Posten; born in Sweden, Oct. 7, 1860; son of Olof M. and Ingard Turnblad; educated in com mon and high schools in Goodhue Co., Minn.; came to America, 1868; mar ried at Minneapolis, April 28, 1882, to Christina Nelson. Began business career at Minneapolis, 1883, as publisher of the Svenska Amerikanska Posten, a weekly newspaper, the largest Swedish paper in America, having a paid-in-advance cir culation of over 55,000. Colonel of staff of Governor Johnson. Mason (32°), Mystic Shriner. Member B. P. O. E. Club: Commercial. Recreations: Auto mobiling and traveling. Office: Ground floor New York Dife Bldg. Residence: 2600 Park Av., Minneapolis. TUBNBULL, Bobert, physician; born in Halton Co., Ont, Can., May 15, 1872; son of John and Elizabeth Anne (Feath- erstone) Turnbull; educated in public schools of Halton Co.; Collingwood Col legiate Institute; Trinity Medical Col lege, Toronto, Can., graduating, degree of M.D., June, 1901. Came to Minnesota, June, 1901. Presbyterian. Married at Newmarket, Ont, Oct. 19, 1904, to Miss Clara Dundy. Address: Fosston, Minn. TUBNEB, Claude A. P., consulting engineer; born at Lincoln, R. I., July 4, 1869; son of J. M. and Elizabeth (Darling) Turner; graduated Dehigh University, degree of C.E., 1890; mar ried at Columbus, O., June 6, 1894, to Miss Mary E. Burns. Upon graduating from College, engaged with N. Y. & N. E. Ry., 1890; Edge Moon Bridge Co., 1891 ; assistant engineer Columbus Bridge Co., 1892; draughtsman Pitts burgh Bridge Co., 1893; draughtsman Berlin Bridge Co., 1894; assistant engi neer Pottsville Iron & Steel Co., 1896; assistant engineer, Gillette-Herzog Co., 1897-1900; engineer Western construct ing department American Bridge Co., 1903; consulting engineer structural and bridge engineering, reenforced concrete, etc., since 1902. Designer of Duluth Ferry Bridge; bridge over Wisconsin river at Elk river; bridge over Chippe wa river, Durand, Wis.; bridge over Red Dake river at Crookston, etc., and numerous reenforced concrete buildings. President Natural Stone Co. of Minneap- THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 521 olis. Club: Commercial. Member Amer ican Society of Civil Engineers. Office: Phoenix Bldg. Residence: 2677 Lake of Isles Blvd., Minneapolis. TUBNEB, Herbert L., business mana ger; born, at Gananoque, Ont, Can., Dec. 7, 1867; son of John and Ruth (Rose- beck) Turner; educated in public schools of Canada; married at Duluth, Minn., 1896, to Miss Pauline Reinhardt Began active career at 18 years of age, in Chicago, 111., with the Nonotuck Silk Co., manufacturers of Corticelli silks, continuing in that city, 1886-88; re moved to Duluth for the company and remained there until r899; has been manager for the company at St. Paul since 1899. Episcopalian. Mason (32°), Shriner. Club: Commercial. Office: 338- 340 Jackson St. Residence: 1855 Rondo St., St Paul. TUBNEB, John, county superintend ent of schools; born in England, 1853; educated in private schools. Came to America, 1871, and located at Griggs- ville, 111. Began teaching school in Franklin Co., Ia.; has been superin tendent of schools of Clay Co., since 1900; also engaged in farming. Un married. Address: Moorhead, Minn. TUBNEB, William Salesbury, flour milling; born at Palmyra, Wis., May 29, 1854; son of Peter H. and Dydia A. (Smith) Turner; educated in schools of Madison, Wis.; married in Turner Co., S. Dak., 1877, to Sarah V. Martin. Farmed in S. Dak., until 1881; engaged in grain business at Luverne and Blue Earth, Minn.; became manager J. H. Mallery, 1893, business incorporated as the Blue Earth City Mill Co., 1898, when he was elected secretary; now treasurer and manager of the company. Republican. Presbyterian. Member Blue Earth School Board. Mason; member I. O. O. P., A'. O. U. W. Recreation: Driving. Address: Blue Earth, Minn TUBBITTIN, Albert Hugh, banker;, born at Kasota, Minn., July 12, 1874; son of James Benjamin and Wilhelmina Turrittin; educated in district and grad ed schools; State Normal School, Man kato, Minn., graduating from advanced Latin course, 1894. Married at Royal ton, Minn., 1905, to Miss Bessie Donsdale Bouck. Was assistant principal Kasota graded school, 1894-95; principal schools, Motley, 1895-97, and St. Clair, 1897-99; superintendent Royalton High School, 3 899-3903. Entered banking and was president Merchants State Bank, Royal ton, 1900-02; president First National Bank, Royalton, 1903; director Bank of Hazelton, N. D., 1906; cashier Bank of Rice, Rice, Minn., since 1903 and now its owner. President village of Rice since 1904. Member Minnesota Educa tional Association for 5 years; one year president and two years secretary Graded School section, M. E. A. Republican. Presbyterian. Member Masonic order, Eastern Star, Knights of Pythias, Modern Woodmen of America, I. O. R. M., B. P. O. E., Sons of Veterans. Recreations: Hunting and tennis Address: Rice, Minn TUTHILL, S. Gates, lumber; born in Chenango Co., N. Y., Oct. 14, 1848; son of George and Hannah S. (Davis) Tuthill; educated in public schools of Clinton, Ia. Engaged in the lumber business in Clinton, la., 1865, and later in S. Dakota, locating in Minneapolis, in 1899; junior partner of the Nelson- Tuthill Lumber Co., since its organiza tion in 1899 with headquarters in Min neapolis. Republican. Congregational ist. Master Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner and Scottish Rite. Married at Minneapolis, 1903, to Miss Elizabeth Johnson. Club: Commercial (St. An thony). Recreations: Music and boat ing. Office: Central Av. and Broadway, N. E. Residence: 1787 Dupont Av., S., Minneapolis, and Minnetonka Beach, Minn. TUTTLE, Maynard W., banker; born at Mason City, la., May 21, 1868; son of Alvah B. and Harriet M. (Wight- man) Tuttle; graduated from Mason Citv (la.) High School, 1886. Entered banking 1890, as teller First National Bank, West Superior, Wis., continuing until 1901; was cashier First State Bank, Fosston, Minn., 1901-02; Bank of Lind- strom, Lindstrom, Minn., 1902-06; has been president First State Bank of Lind strom, since Jan. 1, 1906; also president Bank of Finlayson; vice president and director Farmers State Bank, Chisago City, Minn. President Village Council, Lindstrom, since 1903. Republican. Baptist. Member Knights of Pythias, Yeomen. Married at Monticello, Minn., 3 898, to Miss Alice C. Herrick. Ad dress: Lindstrom, Minn. TUTTLE, William B., investments; born, Chemung Co., N. Y., Oct. 12, 1862; son of Ogden T. and Julia A. (Camp) Tuttle; came to Minneapolis as a child and was educated in public and high schools. Began business career in real estate office of Corser & Barnes, 1881, and has since remained with the com pany, being elected treasurer of the Corser Investment Co., 1893, a position he now holds. Served in Co. I, M. N. G., (afterwards 13 th Minn. Vol. Regt, which went to the Philippines). Repub lican. Episcopalian. Mason (32°> Scottish Rite, Shrine. Member Sons of American Revolution. Married, Wiscon sin, 1885, Miss Lizzie Barlow. Club: Commercial. Office: New York Life Bldg. Residence: 1312 Portland Av., Minne apolis. TVEIT, Samson S., county treasurer Freeborn Co.; born in Norway, May 2, 1863; son of Salmon T. and Anna (Qvit- no) Tveit; educated at Stord Seminary, Bergen Stift, Norway; came to America. 3 888, and to Minnesota, 1889; married at Albert Lea, May, 1890, to Miss Chris tie Berven. Was teacher in -parochial schools at Hartland, Minn., for 10 years; clerked in general merchandise store at Hartland for two years; deputy treas urer Freeborn county for 5 years; was 522 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS elected county treasurer, Nov., 1906. Re publican. Lutheran. Address: Albert Lea, Minn. TYBSELL, John .Boyd, physician; born at Waterville, Minn., July 30, 1876; son of Edward and Mary (Ratchford) Tyrrell; educated at High School, Water ville, finishing, 1896; University Pre paratory School, Chicago Athenaeum, 1S97-9S; Medical Department, Univer sity of Minnesota, 1898-1900; Rush Med ical College, University of Chicago, 1900- 02, degree of M.D., 1902, degree of M.Sc, 1904. Upon competitive examination was appointed physician in the Indian service of the LT. S. Government, 1902. Independent Republican. Member Amer ican and Minnesota State Medical Asso ciations. Blue Earth County Medical So ciety and Minnesota Valley Medical Association. Member Alpha Kappa (medical fraternity). Married at Horn- ick, la., Jan. 23, 1903, to Miss Mayme Stewart. Club: Commercial (president, 3 905-06). Address: Waterville, Minn. u UHLEB, Jacob P., educator; born at Easton, Pa., Aug. 26, 3854; son of Fred erick and Elizabeth (Morey) Uhler; edu cated in public schools; Keystone State Normal School, Kutztown, Pa., 1870-72; Lafayette College, Easton, Pa., graduat ing, 1877; Lutheran Theological Semin ary, Philadelphia, Pa., graduating, 1878- 81. Married at Easton, Pa., 1882, to S. Elizabeth Walter. Taught Latin and Greek in Easton College Preparatory School, 1877-78; professor higher mathe matics and vice principal Keystone State Normal School, 1881-82; professor math ematics and physical science, Gustavus Adolphus College, St. Peter, Minn., since 3 882, and vice president since 1896. Lutheran. Address: St. Peter, Minn. ULLAND, Joseph S., banking; born at Grand Meadow, Minn., Nov. 13, 1869; son of Amund and Anna (Christianson) TJlland; educated in public schools; Lawrence Seminary, Waukon, la.; Iowa Business College, Des Moines, Ia. En tered City Bank, Forest City, la., April, 3 890; started Bank of Alden, Alden, Minn., July 1, 1892; disposed of interest in bank, Jan. 1, 1893; started Bank of Buffalo Center, la., Jan. 1, 3893; sold out interest July 1, 1898; reorganized Farmers & Merchants Bank, Blue Earth, Minn., into Farmers & Merchants State Bank. July 1, 1898, and became its cash ier; sold out at Blue Earth and located in Fergus Falls, March 22, 1901, bought into Fergus Falls National Bank and was elected vice president; has been president of the bank since July 1, 1905; also secretary and manager Ulland Dand & Loan Co., (Inc.). Methodist lay dele gate to General Conference Methodist Church, Los Angeles, Calif., May, 1904, from Northern Minnesota Conference. Member Knights of Pythias, M. W. A. Married at Forest City, la., April 25, 1893, to Miss Ida M. Stone. Club: Chip pewa. Address: Fergus Falls, Minn. ULMEB, William Henry, cut stone contractor; born at Camden, Me., Feb. 4, 1853; son of Philip T. and Catherine (Tolman) Ulmer; educated in country school until 14 years old; married in Black Hills, S. Dak., 1877, to Sarah A. Bugh. Started business in 1881, as mem ber of the firm of Ulmer & Smith, cut stone contractors, and a few years later bought out partner, since then continu ing the business alone. Alderman St. Paul two terms, 1896-98 and 1900-02. Mason and Shriner; member B. P. O. E. Office: Foot of Chestnut St., Upper Levee. Residence: 89 Douglas St., St. Paul. ULVIN, O. O., county superintendent of schools; native of Wisconsin; son of J. Olson Ulvin; came to Minnesota, 1876; graduate Red Wing College, 1901, State Normal School, Mankato, 1902. Reared on a farm; taught country and city schools; has been county superin tendent of schools of Blue Earth Co., since Jan. 2, 1905. Unmarried. Ad dress: Mankato, Minn. UNDEBHILL, William D., real estate; born at Peru, 111., Nov. 23, 1858; son of Henry W. and Caroline L. (Day) Un derhill; educated in public schools of Peru. Began active career in the whole sale shoe business, with C. M. Hender son & Co., Chicago, continuing, 1878-8S; was connected with the A. Booth Pack ing Co., Chicago, 1888-91; located in Duluth, 1891, entering real estate, loan and fire insurance business; now mem ber of firm of Cooley & Underhill. Re publican. Methodist. Mason (32°). Knight Templar, Shriner. Married at Ottawa, 111., 1896, to Miss Cora E. Arm strong. Club: Commercial. Office: Exchange Bldg. Residence: 514 1st Av., W., Duluth. UNDEBLEAK, Joseph, lawyer; born in Bohemia, Austria, March 13, 1854; came to America, 3 854; graduated from graded school of Chatfield, Minn., 187h has been engaged in practice of law since July 11, 1893. President Chatfield Electric Light & Power Co.; director First National Bank of Chatfield, First National Bank of Plainview; owner of Chatfield Lumber Co. Member Minne sota Legislature, 1893-97; State senator, 1899-1903. Republican. Presbyterian. Member Masonic order, Blue Lodge, Chapter, Commandery. Married at Chat field, Minn., Feb. 1, 1880, to Miss Alice E. Carson. Address: Chatfield, Minn. UNDEBWOOD, Joseph Merritt, nur seryman; born at Palmyra, N. Y., Nov. 10, 1844; son of Daniel and Chloe (Durfee) Underwood; educated at Palmvra, N. Y., Morris. 111., and Ann Arbor, Mich. En gaged in farming and in raising corn and cattle in Illinois; came to Minne sota, 1862, and has been in nursery busi ness at Lake City, since 1868; now president of Jewell, Nursery Co. Also vice president The Lake City Bank. THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 522 President State Horticultural Society, 1892-99; member Board of Managers, Minnesota State Agricultural Society, since 1897. Republican. Mayor Dake City, 1881. Member Masonic order, Chapter, Knights Templar. Married at Winona, Minn., 1871, to Miss Anna B. Sargeant Recreations: Driving and boating. Address: Dake City, Minn. UPHAM, Charles Chandler, hardware; born at Woodstock, New Brunswick, Sept. 19, 1866; son of George Bliss and Celia (Spurr) Upham; educated at Elk River High School. Began active busi ness career as clerk in the Meeker County Bank, at Litchfield, Minn., 1886, continuing in that position for three years; became cashier of the Hackett, Walther, Gates Hardware Company, 1889, and has been treasurer of the company since 1903. Unmarried. Club: St. Paul Commercial. Office: 268 East 4th St. Residence: 494 Ashland Av., St Paul. UPHAM, Henry Pratt, banker; born, Millbury, Mass., Jan. 26, 1837; son of Joel Worthington and Seraphine (Howe) Upham; educated in public schools of Worcester, Mass.; married, at St. Paul, Sept. 23, 1868, Evelyn Gertrude Burbank. Engaged in banking business in St. Paul since Feb., 1863, and for over forty years connected with the First National Bank of St. Paul successively as teller, assistant cashier, cashier and president, now chairman board of directors. Mem ber Minnesota Historical Society of St. Paul and of the American Antiquarian Society of Worcester, 'Mass. Clubs: Minnesota, Town and Country (St. Paul); Worcester (Worcester, Mass.) First National Bank. Residence: 476 Summit Av., St. Paul. UPHAM, Warren, secretary and li brarian, Minnesota Historical Society; born, Amherst, N. H., March 8, 1850; son of Jacob and Sarah (Hayward) Up ham; educated at Dartmouth College, Hanover, N. H. (A.B., 1871; A.M., 1894; D.Sc, 1906); married, Aurora, Minn., Oct. 22 1885, Addie M. Bixby. Was assistant on the geological survey of New Hampshire, 1874-78, of Minnesota, 3 879-85 and 3893-94, of the United States on glacial geology of Minnesota and N. and S. Dakota, 1885-1895. Dibrarian of the Western Reserve Historical Society, Cleveland, O., 1895; since Nov. 1, 1895. in present position. Author: The Gla cial Lake Agassiz; Greenland Icefields (with Prof. G. F. Wright); Groseilliers and Radisson, the First White Men in Minnesota ; also writer of many geologi cal 'reports and papers in scientific magazines relating to glacial subjects. Editor volumes VIII-X, Minnesota His torical Society Collections. Republican. Congregationalist. Member American Association for the Advancement of Science, Geological Society of America, National Geographic Society, American Historical Association. Minnesota His torical Society, Minnesota Academy of Sciences, and the Minnesota Geographic- Society. Corresponding member of the Boston Society of Natural History, Ap palachian Mountain Club, Victoria In stitute of London, Western Reserve His torical Society, the historical societies of Kansas, Missouri, etc. Office: Capitol Bldg. Residence: 655 Central Park, St. Paul. UPSON, Arthur Wheelock, author; born at Camden, N. Y., Jan. 10, 1877; son of Spencer Johnson and Julia Maria (Claflin) Upson; educated at Camden (N. Y.) Academy and University of Min nesota, degree of B.A. ; unmarried. Re moved from New York to Minnesota in 1894, and has since resided in St. Paul and Minneapolis. Has traveled exten sively in the State of Minnesota and the Middle West, and has written poems such as "Wheat Elevators," "A Sundown in the Yellowstone." etc., characterizing the West, which have been widely copied. Author: The Sign of the Harp; Poems (with George Norton Northrop); Octaves in an Oxford Garden (composed in Wad- ham College Garden, Oxford) ; Westwind Songs (with an introduction by Carmen Sylva); The City (with an introduction by the Count Lutzow); The City and Other Poems; Tales for the Twilight. Lived in England 1900; now doing liter ary work in London. Recreation. Can oeing, walking. Post office address: Care Dr. Oscar Owre, Masonic Temple, Minneapolis. UPTON, George Albert, commercial freight agent; born at Dubuque, la., Dec. 4, 1866; son of Samuel and Ducy (Nelson) Upton; educated in public schools of Dubuque. Began active career in freight office of the Chicago, Clinton, Dubuque & Minnesota Ry., at Dubuque, la., 1879; became connected with the Minnesota & Northwestern Ry., and later with the Illinois Central Ry. at Dubuque; entered service of Baltimore & Ohio Ry., at Chicago, 111., Nov., 1902; has been located in Minneapolis as com mercial freight agent of same , road, since Sept., 1905. Republican. Married at Beaver, Pa., March 25, 1893, to Miss Mary Wunderlich. Recreation: Read ing. Office: Guaranty Loan Bldg. Resi dence: 2741 Girard Av., S., Minneapolis. V VAALEB, Bolleff, lawyer; born in Columbia Co.. Wis., Oct. 5, 3862; son of Rolleff J. and Anlog Vaaler; educated in common schools; private parochial school (Lutheran); College of Law, Uni versity of Minnesota. Married at Granite Falls. Minn., June 14, 1899. to Miss Lavina Dockstader. Came to Minnesota, 1883; taught school in Yellow Medicine County, two years; was employed as salesman at Granite Falls, 1885-92; com pleted legal studies, 1894, and was ad mitted to practice, June, 3 895; practiced at Echo, Minn., until 3903, Minneapolis, 1903-05, and has been engaged in prac tice at Milaca since July, 1905. Repub- 524 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS licah. Presbyterian. Recreation: Travel ing. Address: Milca, Minn. VALENTINE, William T., lawyer; born in 1849; son of John and Charlotte (Jones) Valentine; came to Minnesota with parents, 1855; graduated Minnesota State Normal School, 1874; taught school for three years in Winona Co., Minn.; graduate Law Department, Uni versity of Michigan, degree of LL.B., 1S83. Married at Winona, 1878, to Miss Mary Ellison. Admitted to bar of Min nesota, 1883; began practice of law at Winona, 1883; practiced at Long Prairie, Minn., 1893-6; traveled extensively on Pacific Coast and in Alaska; returned to Winona where he has been located since Nov., 3 905. Democrat. Member Minne sota House of Representatives, 1885. Protestant. Member Winona County Bar Association. Recreation: Driving. Address: Winona, Minn. VALIN, Honore Diedonne, physician and surgeon; born at St. Cesaire, Que., Can., Feb. 6, 1858; son of Antoine and Sophie (Lafontaine) Valin; educated at Monnoir College, Marieville, Can., 1870- 7; University of Vermont, Medical De partment, 1877-79, graduating, degree of M.D., June 29, 1879. Began practice at Burlington, Vt, June 30, 1879; demon strator of physiology, College of Physi cians and Surgeons, Chicago, 1885; con nected with American Journal of Bi ology, 1886; assistant in medical office, Eastern Illinois Hospital, 1890-94; has been clinical clerk and pathologist to St. Peter State Hospital for Insane, since 1894. Republican. Member American Medical Association. Address: St. Peter State Hospital, St. Peter, Minn. VAN ALSTEIN, Byron M., probate judge Mille Lacs Co.; born at Spring field, O., Jan. 19, 1831; son of John H. M., and Mary (Gardiner) Van Alstein; educated at Dalhousie Academy and Nor mal School, Toronto, Can. Came to Minnesota, 1855; engaged in retail sale and manufacture of boots and shoes, at Minneapolis, 1857-68; removed to Paci fic Coast and was in business at Sacra mento, Calif., 1868-78; returned to Min nesota and was identified with general merchandise business at Princeton, 1878- 89. Republican. Was county auditor Mille Lacs Co., 1885-97; deputy county auditor, 1897-99; has been probate judge of the county since 1899 (reelected, Nov., 1906). Was member Mounted Rangers, Indian outbreak, Minn., 1862; 1st lieut. Sarsfield Guard, Sacramento, Cala. Spiritualist. Member Masonic order and I. O. O. F. Married at Ad dison, Mich., Jan. 21, 1853, to Laura E. Stimson. Recreations: Cultivation of flowers, fruits and gardening. Address- Princeton, Minn. VAN BBUNT, Walter, real estate. born at Beloit, Wis., May 21, 1S46; son of Samuel T. and Adaline M. (Nash) Van Brunt; educated in common schools, mission school and business college; married at Duluth, Minn., 1871, to Miss Mary A. Saxton. Began active career as bookkeeper for Breidert & Keifer, wholesale hardware, St. Paul, 1867-69 and came to Duluth, 1869; was elected first city clerk of the city; became mem ber of firm of C. H. Graves & Co., whole sale salt and building materials, 1875; organized the Duluth Telephone Co. and was its secretary, treasurer and gen eral manager; sold out the merchan dise part of business of C. H. Graves & Co.; has been in business in his own name since 1895. Republican. Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner. Club: Commercial. Office: Exchange Bldg. Residence: 1112 E. 1st St., Duluth. VAN CAMPEN, Charles Howard, in surance; born at Chicago, III., Sept. 29, 1872; son of Charles and Mary (Elkins i Van Campen; educated in high school and at University of Minnesota, graduat ing, degree of LL.B., 1894; admitted to Minnesota bar, 1894, and was member of law firm of Hay & Van Campen, 1896- 3 900; has been secretary and treasurer, of the insurance firm of Fred L. Gray Co., since 1900. Member American Bar Association. Clubs: Minneapolis, Lafay ette, Minikahda. Office: Security Bank Bldg. Residence: 1778 S. Lyndale Av., Minneapolis. VANCE, David E., lawyer; born at West Barnet, Vt, Jan. 6, 1841; son of Aaron and Lucinda A. (Tucker) Vance; attended common schools, Vt, taught school at Wallace Hill and Jefferson Hill, Vt. ; attended Johnson's Academy, East Topland, Vt, 1861; was private, corporal and sergeant, Co. G, 9th Vt. Vol. Inf., Civil 'War, June 13, 3862 to June 17, 1865; resumed study at East man's Business College, Chicago, 111.. 1866; came to Minnesota, 1866, and taught school at Money Creek, Rushford and Caledonia, 1866-77; studied law, at Winona, 1877-79 inclusive; admitted to bar, 1879. Has engaged in practice of law at Winona since 1879; first partner ship was with A. N. Bently, 1879-91; Bentley, Vance and Tawney, 1881-83; Vance & Tawney (the latter now chair man appropriations committee Con gress) 1883-86; practiced alone until Jan. 1, 1901, and has been judge of pro bate, Winona Co., since that time, hav ing been reelected at each succeeding election. Member Winona County Bar Association. Republican. Alderman, Winona. 3 885-86. President Old Settlers' Association, Winona Co.; president Wi nona Fishermen's Association. Member G. A., R. (commander John Ball Post, 3880-82), A. O. U. W. (grand master- workman, department of Minn., Dak. and Manitoba, 3 885-86). Married at Winona, Nov. 20, 3 879, to Alice M. Maybury. Recreations: Fishing and hunting. Ad dress: Winona, Minn. VAN CLEVE, Samuel Houston, phvsi- cian; born at Ann Arbor, Mich, Mav 21, 1853; son of Gen. Horatio P. and Char lotte. (Ouisconsin) Clark; graduate, Col lege of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, degree of M.D., March 12, 1880. Resident of Minneapolis since 1862. Re- THE BOOK OF MTNNESOTANS 525 publican. Presbyterian. Mason. Mar ried at Minneapolis, July 14, 1883, to Miss Ida W. Wilson. Office: 400 Cen tral Av. Residence: 603 5th St., S. E. Minneapolis. VANDEBHOOF, John William, whole sale fruits and produce; born, Louisville, Stark Co., O., April 9, 1859; son of Aaron and Mary Francis (Moffitt) Van- derhoof; educated in public and private schools of South Bend, Ind., also at tended LTniversity of Notre Dame, Ind., 1876 and 1877 and Rush Medical Col lege, Chicago, 111., 3"879 and 1880; un married. Began business career as assistant bookkeeper for C. W. & E. Partridge, Chicago, 111., 1880-S1; became interested in the medical profession, but gave it up and came to Minneapolis in 1882, and associated with J. A. Shea & Co., wholesale fruits, for 15 years; now secretary, treasurer and director of The Callender-Vanderhoof Co., organized, Jan., 1900, to operate as wholesalers and jobbers ,of fruits and produce, foreign and domestic. Served as private in Co. I, M. N. G., April 18, 1888, to May 19, 1893, when honorably discharged by reason of expiration of service. Mem ber Modern Woodmen of America. Rec reations: Hunting and fishing and out door sports. Club: Dr. Cook's gymna sium. Office: 113-115 6th St., N. Resi dence: 1117 Harmon Court, Minneap olis. VANDEBPOEL, Florance Alberto, lawyer; born at Newport, Sauk Co., Wis., Aug. 13, "1856; son of Clarence C. and Emily A. (Squire) Vanderpoel; educated in public schools of Newport and West Mitchell, Wis., until Jan., 1875; graduate State University of Iowa, degree of A.B., cum laude, 1880; graduate Law De partment, State University of Iowa, de gree of LL.B., June, 1883. Began prac tice at Osage, la., under title of Clyde & Vanderpoel, continuing until 1885, In the meantime acting as clerk of judi ciary committee Iowa House of Repre sentatives; came to Minnesota, 1885, and located at Park Rapids, then 50 miles from railroad; was deputy county treasurer, deputy county auditor and county attorney, 1887 and 1888; county auditor, 1890-91; has been engaged in practice of law and in land business since 1891. Republican. Postmaster, Park Rapids, 1897 to 1907. Baptist (first person baptized in Lake Itasca, 1891). Member I. O. O. F-, Knights of Pythias, M. W. A. Married at Park Rapids, Aug. 9, 1888, to Miss Edith E. Rice. Address: Park Rapids, Minn. VAN DUZEE, Charles Alonzo, dentist; born at Independence, la., March 10, 1860; son of Major Edward M. and Caro line E. Van Duzee; came to Minnesota, early in life with parents and was edu cated in public schools of Anoka and Minneapolis; graduate College of Den tistry, University of Minnesota, degree of D.D.S., 1890. Married at St. Paul, May 12, 1881, to Miss Fannie J. Parker. Ex-secretary and treasurer State Board of Dental Examiners. Member of M. N. G., since 3 884, and now commanding 3rd Inf., M. N. G. Retired from practice of dentistry, May 1, 1906, to become presi dent and general manager Minnesota Co-Operative Plantation Co.; president Minnesota Accident Insurance Co. Colonel Comdg. 14 th M. V. I. in Spanish American War; assigned to command of 3rd brigade, 2nd div. 1st Army Corps, and commanded the 2nd div., 1st Army Corps, succeeding General Arnold and General Rosser. Residence: 853 Os ceola Av., St. Paul. VAN HAFFTEN, Alexander William, manufacturer and contractor; born at Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 15, 1864; son of Alexander William and Lydia (Ruether) Van Hafften of Fredonia, N. Y.; edu cated in Houghton public graded school, of Detroit, Mich. Entered office of Erie & North Shore Freight Line as messen ger, 1879; was clerk to superintendent of Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry., 1881- 84; manager California excursions, 1884- 85; city passenger agent Chicago & Al ton Ry., at Chicago, 1884-93; city pas senger agent Wabash Ry., Chicago, 1894- 97; has been engaged in manufacture of coal tar products and preservation of timber, since 1897. President A. W. Van Hafften & Co.; vice president Re public Creosoting Co.; manager North ern Tie & Timber Co. Republican (on national issues). Presbyterian. Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner; member B. P. O. E. Club: Commercial. Recreations: Fishing, boating and traveling. Office: New York Life Bldg. Residence: 91 Ash St., Minneapolis. VAN SANT, Grant, lawyer; born at Le Claire. Iowa, Oct. 20, 1872; son of Samuel R. and Ruth (Hall) Van Sant; educated at Amherst College and Uni versity of Minnesota, graduating, de gree of A.B., 1895; University of Min nesota Law School, LL.B., 1896. Mar ried at St. Faul, May 11, 1904, to Marion Sanborn. Admitted to the har, March 15, 1896, and since then practicing law; associated, since Sept. 1, 1905, with Richard Lea Kennedy in law firm of Kennedy and Van Sant. Attorney and director of Van Sant Towing Co., John son, Van Sant Farm Mortgage Co., Van Sant Land Co. Member Delta Kappa Epsilon and Phi Delta Phi fraternities. Recreations: All outdoor athletic sports. Office: Globe Bldg. Residence: 388 Laurel Av., St. Paul. VAN SANT, Samuel B., born at Rock- Island, 111., May 11, 1844; son of John W. and Lydia (Anderson) Van Sant; attended Rock Island public and high schools; after the war student at Knox College, Galesburg, 111., two years; LL.D.. Cornell College, la., 1904, and Augus tana College, Rock Island, 111.. 1905. Married at De Claire, la., Dec. 7, 1868, to Ruth Hall. Served three years in Civil War as private and corporal Co. A, 9th 111. Cav. (title of captain comes from being master of steamboat). En gaged since leaving college in steam- 526 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS boat business ' and now owns S or 10 steamers on the upper Mississippi river. President Van Sant & Musser Trans portation Co., the Johnson-Van Sant Co., farm mortgages, and the Van Sant Land Co. Elected to Minnesota legislature, 1892 and 1894 (speaker lower house, 1895); governor Minnesota two terms, 3 901-05. Republican. Member Masonic order. Knights of Pythias, Elks, Red Men, Modern Woodmen of America, G. A. R. (commander Department of Min nesota. 1S94). Club: Commercial. Of fice: Bank of Commerce Bldg. Resi dence: Hampshire Arms, Minneapolis. VAN SLYCK, George F., secretary and treasurer Finch, Van Slyck & McCon- ville; born at Montclair, N. J., Jan. 24, 1S74; son of William H. and Lucy A. (Riker) Van Slyck; graduate Yale Uni versity, degree of B.A., 1894; attended Columbia Law School, New York City, two years. Married in New York City. 1897, to Miss Edith A. Glenney. Ad mitted to the bar in New York City, 3 896, and practiced law there; in 1897, on " the death of his father, became a partner in the firm of Finch, Van Slyck, Loving & Co., afterwards Finch, Young &- McConville. On Jan. 1, 1907, the business was incorporated as Finch, Van Slyck & McConville, wholesale dry goods, of which he is secretary and treasurer. Republican. Member Dutch Reformed Church. Member Alpha Delta Phi, Phi Delta Phi. Clubs: Minnesota (St. Paul), Yale Club and Holland Society (New York City). Recreation: Golf. Office: Cor. 4th and Sibley St., St. Paul. VAN SLYKE, Vader Hermans, life and endowment insurance; born, Eureka. Dakota Co., Minn., April 21, 1864; son of Vader G. and Isabella Ann (Clague) Van Slyke; educated at public schools of Hastings, Minn., and Carleton College, Northfield, Minn.; married at Kimbol- ton O., Sept. 7, 1898, to Ella M. Yeo. Engaged in banking, in Western Minne sota, 1884-88; farm mortgage and life insurance, 1888-96; state manager Un ion Central Life Insurance Co., of Cin cinnati, O., at Minneapolis, Minn., since June 1, 1896. President Minneapolis Life Underwriters Association. Episcopalian. Mason, Shriner. Club: Commercial. Office: Guaranty Bldg. Residence: 2409 Colfax Av., g., Minneapolis. VAN TUYL, Charles White, life in surance; born at Addison, Steuben Co.. N. Y., Dec 17, 1859; son of Ebenezer and Sarah Ann (McNeil) Van Tuyl; educated in public schools. New York, and high school, Binghamton, N. Y.; married at Northfield, Minn., Sept. 4, 1889 to Kath arine J. Bingham. Began business career in office U. S. Express Co. Binghamton, 1876; clerk freight office New York, Lake Erie & Western Ry., Binghamton, 1876- 82; clerk freight auditor and freight claim office Union Pacific Ry., ¦ Omaha, Neb., 1882-86; assistant freight claim agent LTnion Pacific Ry., Salt Lake City, 1886-87; clerk and chief clerk freight claim office, same road, Omaha, 1888- 92; special agent in Omaha, Northwest ern Mutual Life Insurance Co., of Mil waukee, 1S92-93; general agent State- Mutual Life Assurance Co., of Worces ter, Mass., at Minneapolis, Minn., since Nov. 1, 1893. Republican. Member board of directors ST. M. C. A., Minne apolis. Member Minneapolis Life Un derwriters Association, Loyal Legion (hereditary companion). Clubs: West minster, Six O'Cloek, Minneapolis. Rec reation: Horseback riding. Office: Loan & Trust Bldg. Residence: 4236 Queen Av.. S., Minneapolis. VAN VLECK, Carl A., editor; born at Lake City, Minn., Aug. 18, 1873; son of William Franklin and Sarah Maria (Church) Van Vleck; common school education; married at Red Wing, Minn., July 11. 1898, to Miss Ida C. Lindner. Editor and publisher Lake City Republi can since 1895. Postmaster of Lake City. Republican. Member M. W. A., Equit able Fraternal LTnion and A. O. U. W. Address- Lake City, Minn. VAN VLECK, Henry, banking; born at Syracuse, N. Y., Jan. 22, 1861; son of Henry and Almira (Billings) Van Vleck; educated in Vermont Episcopal Institute. Burlington, Vt, 1869-74, St. John's Academy, Manlius, N. Y., 1875, and in private school 1876-77. Married at St. Paul Minn., Sept. 8, 1898, to Julia Wal lace Fisher. Began business career, 3 879, at Sodus Point, N. Y., in private bank; went to Mandan, N. Dak., May. 3882, and was teller, assistant cashier and cashier, respectively, of First Na tional Bank of Mandan; entered service of Merchants' National Bank, St. Paul, Jan. 15, 1890; now asst. cashier. Repub lican. Episcopalian. Club: CommerciaL Office: Merchants' National Bank. Resi dence: 573 Laurel Av., St. Paul. VASALY, Charles Edward, editor Lit tle Falls Herald; born at Fort Riplev. Minn., Dec. 13, 1869; son of Louis and Frances (Riberi) Vasaly; educated in public schools of Little Falls and by night study at Chicago. Compositor by trade; worked at trade in St. Paul and Chicago and later was proof reader; has been editor Little Falls Herald since 1895. Democrat. Elected register of deeds, Morrison Co., Minn., Nov., 1906, term ex tending to Jan., 19,09; also member State Board of Equalization, 7th judicial district, appointed by Gov. John A. John son, Feb., 1906, for term of two years. Active party worker; chairman Morrison County Democratic Committee 10 years; member 6th district Congressional Com mittee and chairman 6th district Con gressional Convention, 1900; member Democratic State Central Committee; delegate to Democratic National Con vention at St. Louis, 1904, and member for Minnesota of committee on resolu tions; mayor of Little Falls, 6 years. Prominent fraternal society worker and member of following societies: A. O. LT. W. (formerly master workman, dele gate to grand lodge); B. P. O. E. (for merly exalted ruler, delegate to grand THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 527 lodge, Buffalo, 1904); Eagles; Sons of Veterans-; Knights of Maccabees; I. O. R. M.; Modern Brotherhood; C. O. F. (delegate State convention); Knights of Columbus: Modern Woodmen of America (consul delegate to head camp) ; Degree of Honor; Royal Neighbors. Catholic. Honorary member Chicago Typographi cal LTnion No. 16, and International Longshoremen's Union. Club: Commer cial (president). Married at White Bear, Minn., Sept. 26, 1905, to Miss Laura F. Castner. Recreation: Books. Address: Little Falls, Minn. VEBLEN, John E., lumber merchant; born at Wheeling, Rice Co., Minn., Oct. 18, 1866; son of Thomas A. and Kari (Bunde) Veblen; educated in district schools; at Carleton College, Northfield, Minn., and at University of Minnesota; married at Nerstrand, Minn., Nov. 26, 3 893, to Serina Hellerud. After leav ing school followed farming at Veblen, Marshall Co., S. D., 1890-98; entered lumber business as helper in retail yard at Blooming Prairie, Minn., 1898, and in 1902 organized the Northwest Lumber Co., of which he is secretary, treasurer and general manager; also general man ager Bagley Lumber Co. Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner. Member Woodman. Club: Odin. Office: Lumber Exchange Bldg. Residence: 3328 10th Av., S., Minneapolis. VEBLEN, Orson A., lumber, banking and merchandise; born at Port Wash ington. Wis., June 4, 1853; son of Thomas A. and Kari (Bunde) Veblen; educated in public schools and at Carle ton College, Northfield, Minn.; married at Wheeling, Minn., Sept. 24, 1876, to Miss Sonneva Rauk. Began active ca reer as a school teacher at Nerstrand, Minn., continuing, 1873-78; engaged at Blooming Prairie, in general store busi ness, incorporated as the Veblen Mer cantile Co., 1904; began in lumber busi ness, 1893, incorporated as Northwest Lumber Co., 1900. with general offices in Minneapolis; was president State Bank of Blooming Prairie, 1899-1904 and vice president First National Bank, Blooming Prairie, 1904-6. Now president Northwest Lumber Co., Veblen Mercan tile Co., Bank of Wayltham and member auditing board Farmers State Bank of Nerstrand. Democrat, (Cleveland school). Lutheran. Recreations: Trip to Norway, summer, 1906; to Cuba, win ter, 1900; to Pacific coast, 1897; through Southern states, 1895. Office: Lumber Exchange, Minneapolis. Residence: Blooming Prairie, Minn. VELIE, Charles Deere, vice president Deere & Webber Co.; born at Rock Is land, III., 1861; son of Stephen Henry and Emma (Deere) Velie; educated at Columbia College, New York City, special mining engineering course, 1880- 83. Has been closely identified with sale of farm machinery and vehicles since beginning his business career; was as sistant superintendent warehouse, Deere & Webber Co., 1883-84; bill clerk, 1884- S7; traveling salesman, 1887-89; head of sales department, D. M. Seller Carriage Co., Moline, 111., 1889-92; vice president Deere & Webber Co., manufacturers and jobbers farm machinery, vehicles, gaso line engines and cream separators,, Min neapolis, since Dec. 1, 1893; also finan cially interested in Deere & Co., Moline, 111., and the Velie Carriage Co., of Mo line, 111. Republican. Congregational ist. Married at Minneapolis, Dec. 12, 1900, to Miss Louise Koon. Member Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity. Clubs: Minneapolis, Minikahda, Lafayette, Com mercial, Long Meadow. Recreations: Golf, hunting, fishing, automobiling. Of fice: 800 Washington Av., N. Resi dence: 233 Clifton Av., Minneapolis. VESMILYEA, David M., banking; born at Plymouth, N. D., Feb. 15, 1882; son of John K. and Alice J. (Whitney) Vermilyea; came to Minnesota with par ents, March, 1885; educated in common schools. Has been cashier of the First State Bank of Bovey, Minn., since May 2, 1905. Member Royal League. Unmarried. Address: Bovey, Minn. VESFEB, Fred W. A., vice president and manager Northern Rock Island Plow Co.; born at Lawrence, Kas., Feb. 3 9, 1873; educated in public schools of Lawrence and at Washburne College, Topeka. Began active career as an em ploye of the John Deere Plow Co., at Kansas City, Mo., continuing, 1893-1901; was associated with the Kingman-Moore Implement Co., Kansas City, 1901-1903, and Kingman Plow Co., Peoria, 111., 1904; connected with the Implement Trade Journal, Kansas City, 1905; elec ted vice president and manager Northern Rock Island Plow Co., 1906. Member B. P. O. E., Woodmen, U. C. T. of Amer ica, Royal Arcanum. Married at Kan sas City, ' Mo., 1898, to Miss Margaret Castles. Club: Commercial. Recrea tions: Tennis and fishing. Office: 616- 620 S. 3rd St. Residence: 2417 Emer son Av., S., Minneapolis. VIC3KEBY, Thomas B., county sur veyor of Kanabec Co.; born at Glen- burn, Me.. Feb. 18, 1852; son of Joel and Myra Vickery. Came to Minnesota, 1872; has been county surveyor of Kan abec Co., since 1896; also ex-sheriff of the county. Democrat. Member I. O O. F., Knights of Maccabees. Married at St. Paul, Minn., 1882, to Hattie L. Pomeroy. Address: Mora, Minn. VILLAUME, Eugene, manufacturer, born at St. Michel, France, Aug. 2, 1853; educated in parochial schools in France and night school in St. Paul; married at St. Paul, 1877, to Miss Christine Moos- brugger. Apprenticed to cabinet maker in France at age of 15; at age of 18 immigrated to this country and worked as cabinet maker; became foreman to trunk factory and in 1883 engaged on own account in the box business; now president and manager The Villaume Box and Lumber Co.; president The In ternational Lumber & Supply Co. , Re publican. President L'Alliance Fran- 528 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS caise; member Knights of Columbus. Club: Commercial. Office: Chicago Av., cor. Walter St. Residence: 123 W. Isabel St., St. Paul. VINJE, Syver, physician; born in Nor way, April 3D, 1869; came to America, 1S82; graduate St. Cloud (Minn.) State Normal School, 1892; took special course in mathematics at Columbian University, Washington, D. C; graduate College of Medicine and Surgery, University of Minnesota, degree of M.D., 1902. Was instructor in State Normal School, Mayville, N. D., four years, previous to studying medicine. Has been in practice since June, 1902. Member district medi cal society, and Minnesota State Med ical Association. Director Farmers State Bank, Henning, Minn. Private secretary to Congressman H. E. Boen, 1893-94. Married at Henning, Minn., 1904, to Miss Rebecca Halvorson. Address: Henning, Minn. VIBTUE, Dennis E., manufacturer; born at Copake Iron Works, Columbia Co., N. Y., Nov. 28, 1858; son of John and Mary (Dinin) Virtue; came to Min nesota with parents March, 1859; edu cated in district school and Minnesota Academy; unmarried. Began business career at Owatonna, 1880. President Owatonna Fanning Mill Co., Virtue & Pound Co., and one of the proprietors of Owatonna Creamery Supply Co. Member Modern Woodman of America, U. C. T. Address: Owatonna, Minn. VISTAUNET, Peter Lorentz, physi cian; born at Inderoen, Norway, Feb. 7, 1871; son of Sivert Magnus and Lovice (Kvistad) Vistaunet; educated in public schools, Norway, from 8th to 15th years; came to America and attended public schools at Lake Park, Minn., dur ing winters of 1888-90, and Concordia College, Moorhead, Minn., during winters of 1S95-98 graduating from College of Medicine and Surgery, University of Minnesota, June 5. 1903. Began practice of medicine at Thief River Falls, July 1902, where he has since remained. Lu theran. Member of Red River Valley Medical Society. Member of Independent Order of Scandinavian Workmen. Mar ried at Lake Park, Minn., June 27, 1903, to Anna Christina Houglum. Club: Antlers. Address: Thief River Falls, Minn. VOEGELI, Thomas, retail druggist; born at New Glarus, Wis., Sept. 24, 1856; son of Tobias and Kunignude Voegeli; educated in public schools, Fountain City, Wis., at Felton & Spencer Business Col lege, Cleveland, O., and in State Nor mal School, Platteville, Wis.; married at Newburgh, N. Y., 1887, to Mrs. Jas. W. Yule. Taught school in Wisconsin, 1872-83; was in drug business in La Moure, N. D., 1883-87; has been engaged in drug business in Minneapolis with brother, Henry, since Nov. 1, 1887, and is now president and treasurer Voegeli Brothers Drug Co., the business starting 19 years ago in a little drug store at Hennepin and Washington Avenues and has grown until company owns four drug stores in Minneapolis with annual receipts of nearly $250,000. Mason, Blue Lodge, Chapter, Commandery, Scottish Rite and Shrine; also member B. P. O. E.. No. 44. Club: Commercial. Office: Cor. Hennepin and Washington Avs. Residence: 514 Hillside, Minneapolis. VOLSTEAD, Andrew J., congressman, lawver; born in Goodhue Co., Minn., 1S60; educated in public schools, St. Olef College, Northfield, Minn., and De-- corah Institute, Decorah, la.; married in 3 894, to Miss Nellie Gilruth. Admitted to bar, 1884; county attorney Yellow Medi cine Co., 14 years; ex-president board of education, ex-city attorney and ex-mayor of Granite Falls. Republican. Has been member of Congress, 7th Minnesota dis trict, since 1903. Home address: Granite Falls, Minn. VON BAUMBACH, Frederick, drug gist; born at Hesse-Cassel, Prussia, Aug. 30, 1838; son of Lewis and Minna (van Schenk) von Baumbach; came to Amer ica with his parents, 1848, his father being obliged to flee from Germany on account of political differences with the government; educated by tutor and in public schools of Elyria, O. Began active career as clerk in store at Milwaukee, "Wis., and was for two years in office of city treasurer. Was at San Antonio, Tex., 1860, at breaking out of the Civil War; hastened north and enlisted in Co. C, 5th Wis. Inf., serving during war in Army of the Potomac, advancing to ma jor 35th Wis. Inf., and was mustered out April 16, 1866. Engaged in drug busi ness at Fond du Lac, Wis., was burned out and started over again as farmer in Douglas Co., Minn., where he has since lived; was county auditor, 1872-78; sec retary of State, 1878-85, returning to of fice of county auditor; member of the firm of Baumbach & Holverson, drugs. Member Masonic order, Knights of Pythias, I. O. O. F, G. A. R., Loyal Le gion. Married at Milwaukee, Wis., 1863, to Sarah J. Decker. Address: Alexan dria, Minn. VON BEBG, John P., physician; born at Hazelgreen, Wis., July 15, 1858; son of George L. and Elizabeth (Nichlas) von Berg; educated at German and Eng lish College, Galena, 111., graduating June, 1882; Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago, graduating degree of M.D., Feb., 1884. Married at Colesburg, La., Oct., 1884, to Miss Mary D. Dlttmer. Began practice of medicine at Charles City, la., March, 1884; has been in prac tice in Minnesota since Nov., 1885. Allo pathic school. Member Knights of Pythias, A. O. U. W. Recreation: Read ing. Address: Albert Dea, Minn. VON BOHLAND, Frederick J., phys ician; born at Bremerhaven, Germany, Dec. 29, 1866; son of Douis and Frida M. (Klatte) von Bohland; attended school in Germany; came to Minnesota, 1884; attended High School and Normal School, Mankato, 1884-86; returned to Germany to continue studies, one year; THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 529 entered College of Medicine and Sur gery, University of Minnesota, 1888, graduating, M.D., 1891. In practice at Belle Plaine since June, 1891. Vice • president First National Bank of Belle Plaine. County physician Scott Co.; physician to Home for Aged and Or phans, Belle Plaine. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associa tions, Minnesota Valley and Scott Coun ty Medical societies. Member Masonic order, O. E. S., I. O. O. F., M. W. A., W. of W., Royal Neighbors. Married at London, June 14, 1891, to Miss Sophia Mueller. Recreations: Automobiling, fishing. Address: Belle Plaine, Minn. VON BOHS, Philip A. N., bishop Lutheran Evangelical Church; born in Buffalo, N. Y., Feb. 13, 1843; son of Henry C. G. and Margaret (Luetzel) Von Rohr; educated Iri parochial school, New York; Martin Luther College and Seminary, 1856-63, graduating, Oct., 1863; ordained to Lutheran Ministry Oct. 13, 1863. Married at Buffalo, N. Y., Feb. 1, 1866, to Miss Emma Schaal. En gaged in the ministry since 1863, and has been in charge of parish at Winona since June, 1866, having an assistant since 1895; bishop Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Wisconsin and other states, since 1889. Republican. Recreations: Fishing, music, miscellaneous reading, chess. Address: Winona, Minn. w WAAG, Aasold, abstracter of titles; born in Norway, June 17, 1859; educated in common schools and at Military Academy of Christiansand, Norway, graduating, May, 1882; married at Ros eau, Minn., Oct. 13, 1897. Came to Amer ica, June 26, 1886, and to Minnesota 4 days later; was county auditor Roseau Co., 1897-98; deputy State weighmaster, State grain department of Minnesota, 1899-1900; has been engaged in abstract of title business since May 20, 1901, as official abstracter of titles. Also man ager Roseau County Land Co. (co-part nership) ; member of firm of K. Fergu son & Co. Democrat. Member Modern Woodmen of America and A. F. & A. M. Address: Roseau, Minn. WADE, Charlie C, manager Lawyers' Co-operative Publishing Co.; born at La Grange, Ind., Feb. 4, 1858; son of Joseph B. and Louisa J. (Warner) Wade; edu cated at La Grange High School; mar ried at La Grange, March 24, 1880, to Margaret A. Will. Read law in office of Wade & Wade, La Grange, Ind., and purchased interest of brother C. U. Wade; admitted to bar 1881; practiced under name of Wade & Wade until 1892; engaged in farming until 1894; became associated With Bowen & Merrill, law book publishers, Indianapolis, Ind., 1894-96; in 1896 joined the Lawyers' Co-operative Publishing Co., as sales man; since 1904 in charge of St. Paul branch of the company. Republican. Mason; member Knights of Pythias, Modern Woodmen of America, United Commercial Travelers, Eastern Star, Knights of Khorassan. Office: National German-American Bank Bldg. Resi dence: 814 Grand Av., St. Paul. WADE, Edward Francis, real estate; born at Union, N. J., Feb. 28, 1839; son of David and Joanna Wade; educated in public schools of Union up to 16; moved to Wisconsin, 1855, and attended private school, 1855-57. Married at Arcadia, Wis., April, I860, to Miss Amelia A. Sherwood. Enlisted in Civil War, in Co. C, 30th Wis. Vol. Inf., Aug. 14, 1862; discharged for promotion, Jan., 1865; Capt. Co. K, 46th Wis. Vol. Inf., Jan., to Oct., 1865. Was farmer, county com missioner and postmaster, Hooker, Wis., 1866; county treasurer and justice of the peace, 1867-70. deputy sheriff, 1871. Moved to Minnesota, 1872, and engaged in farming until 1875; was storekeeper and justice of the peace at Cedarville, 1876-81; clerk of district court, Martin Co., 1881-90; justice of the peace since 1890; also court commissioner, attorney for pensions and claims, etc. Member State Board' of Equalization 4 years; secretary Fairmont Board of Education 10 years; secretary Fairmont Building and Loan Association for 16 years; mem ber firm of D. W. Wade & Co.; director Fairmont National Bank, 1907. Republi can. Christian Scientist. Member G. A. R. Address: Fairmont, Minn. WADS WOBTH, Henry, merchant ; born at New Haven, Conn., June 29, 1832; son of H. S. and Louisa (Hubbard) Wadsworth; educated at Lancasterian School, New Haven; Alexis Painter School (private), West Haven; academy, Bethlehem, Conn., Sheffield Scientific School of Yale University. Came to Minnesota, 1870, and began in hard ware business; now head of hardware Arm of H. Wadsworth & Co., Glen coe, Minn. Married, 1st, 1858, to Fidelia M. Gilbert of New Haven, Conn., (now deceased); 2nd, 1898, to Elnor E. Stev enson, of New Brunswick, N. J. Recre ation: Study of American and general history and literature. Address: Glen coe, Minn. WAGENEB, John, real estate; born St. Paul, Minn., April 21, 1862; son of John and Susanna (Hahn) Wagener; ed ucated in parochial and public schools of St. Paul, St. John's College, §t. Joe, Minn., and graduated from St. Paul Business College; married at St. Paul, 1889, to Julia C. Haggenmiller. En gaged in grocery business in St. Paul, 1880-94. and in fuel and real estate busi ness for past fifteen years; now proprie tor of John Wagener & Co. Democrat. Was city treasurer of St Paul, 1893-94; sheriff of Ramsey County, Minn., 1896- 99. Catholic. Member Knights of Pythias, Foresters, Junior Pioneers of Ramsey Co., B. P. O. Elks, Sons of Her man. Recreations: Hunting, fishing, rowing, riding. Clubs: Commercial, West Side. Office: 490 E. 7th and 580 Robert Sts. Residence: 51 The Buck ingham, St. Paul. n:;o THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS WAGNEB, Frederick H., fire insur ance; born, Freeport, 111., Nov. 25, 1853; son of William and Frederika (Oden- wald) Wagner; educated in private schools Freeport and Chicago, 111. En tered insurance business, 1869, as repre sentative of the German Insurance Co., of Freeport, 111., remaining with the company until 1876; filled position of secretary German Fire Insurance Co., Peoria, 111., 1876-86; member of fire in surance firm of Christian and Wagner, Minneapolis, 1886-1905; president of the F. H. Wagner Agency, since Jan. 1, 1905. Member board of supervisors Peoria Co., 111., 1881. Republican. Christian Scientist. Mason. Married, Burlington, la., 1875, to Miss Emily Kupper. Recre ation: Travel. Office: New York Life Bldg. Residence: 1712 S. Dupont Ay., Minneapolis. WAHL, Thomas W., real estate; born at Eau Claire, Wis., 1873; son of W. H. Wahl; educated in public schools. Came to Duluth, 1882; has been identified with real estate, loan and insurance business for 20 years; was associated with W. C. Sherwood & Co., Duluth, 1888-97; has been in business as T. W. Wahl & Co., since 1897; also president Alpha Mining Co. Republican. Married at Duluth, 1898, to Miss Daisy I. Butchart. Clubs: Duluth Boat, Curling, Y. M. C. A. Rec reations: Athletic sports. Office: Ex change Bldg. Residence: 2006 E. 1st St.. Duluth, Minn. WAINMAN, Charles Paul, vice presi dent Northwestern Telephone Exchange Co.; born at Utica, N. Y., May, 1845; son of Alfred J. and Elizabeth (Paul) Wain- man; common school education; married at Cleveland, O., to Miss Clara E. Cad- man. Enlisted, 1862, in 2nd N. Y. Ar tillery and was honorably discharged, 1865, on account of wounds received in battle of Cold Harbor, Va., June 23, 1864. Came to Minnesota, 1887; became connected with telephone business, 1876, and has since been identified with tele phone systems of the Northwest. Vice president and director Northwestern Telephone Exchange Co., Duluth Tele phone Co., Mesaba Telephone Co., Albert Lea Telephone Co.; director Minnesota Central Telephone Co., Litchfield Tele phone Co. Independent in politics. Mem ber John A. Rawlins Post, G. A. R. Clubs: Minneapolis, Commercial, Town and Country, Long Meadow Gun, Kitchi Gamma (Duluth). Recreations: Shoot ing and fishing. Office: 3rd Av. S. & 5th St. Residence: 3325 Park Av., Min neapolis. WAKEMAN, Walter, lawyer; born at Fairfield, Vt, 1843; son of Horatio P. and Rachel Wakeman; served in civil war, in 12th Vt. Vol. Inf.; educated at Eastman Business College, Poughkeep sie, N. Y., 1866, and at Barre Academy, Barre, Vt, 1868; studied law and was admitted to the bar at St. Albans, Vt, 1870. Came to Marshall, Lyon Co., 1872. County attorney Lyon Co., three terms; court commissioner 10 years. Member Masonic order, G. A. R. Married at Lynd, Minn., 1876, to Miss J. Eva Wat son. Address: Marshall, Minn. WALDO, Carlos Leander, pianos and organs; born at Jefferson, Wis., Sept. 13, 1852; son of A. H. and Emily S. Waldo; educated in public schools of Wisconsin. Began active career in lum ber business, in Wisconsin; came to Minneapolis, 1884, and engaged in loans, etc., 1884-90; entered piano business, 3 890, and is junior member of the well known firm of Foster & Waldo. Married in Wisconsin, 1876, to Miss Nellie Farn ham. Clubs: Minneapolis, Commercial, Minikahda, Automobile. Recreations: Automobiling, hunting and fishing. Of fice: 36 S. 5th St. Residence: 403 Oak Grove St., Minneapolis. WALDOBF, Michael W., manufactur er of labels and folding boxes; born at St. Cloud, Minn., March 28, 1869; son of William and Rose (Pohl) Waldorf; edu cated in St. Cloud public schools and St. Cloud State Normal School; married at Red Wing, Oct. 17, 1893, to Miss Ida May Wample. Engaged, since 1891, in man ufacture of labels and folding boxes, being secretary, treasurer and manager of H. L. Collins Co. Also vice president Kuhles Stock Co. and president Waldorf Bindery Co. Roman Catholic. Inde pendent in politics. Clubs: Hamilton (Chicago). Office: Hampden and Myr tle Avs. Residence: 827 Ashland Av. St. Paul. WALKEB, Alexander, grain buyer; born in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, Feb. 24, 3 852; son of Robert and Ann (Allanach) Walker; public school education; came to America, Feb. 22, 1885, and located in Minnesota; married at Worthington, Minn., 1903, to Minnie M. Dow. Engaged in farming until 1893, since which time he has been manager and treasurer of the Magnolia Mercantile & Elevator Co. Also president Magnolia State Bank. Re publican. County commissioner Rock Co., 7 years; member school board 7 years, village council 4 years (president 3 years). Presbyterian. Member Mod ern , Woodmen of America. Address: Magnolia, Minn. WALKEB, Alfred Edgar, physician; born near Dondon, Ont, Can., Dec. 3, 1862; son of George and Sarah Ann (Morden) Walker; educated in public schools, collegiate institute and in training school for teachers; taught school, 1S82-96; studied medicine at the Western University, 1886-89, and at Bellevue Medical College, New York, 1889-1890, graduating, degree of M.D., 1900, receiving degree of M.D., same year, from College of Physicians and Surgeons, Toronto, Can. In practice in Duluth since 1890. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associa tions, St. Louis County Medical Society. Mason (32°) ; member I. O. O. F Mar ried at Ashland, Wis., Aug. 15, 1895, to Miss Adelia Shores. Office: New Jersey Bldg Residence: 12 Chester Terrace, Duluth. The book of minnesotans 531 WALKEB, Thomas Barlow, lumber man; born at Xenia, O., Feb. 1, 1840; son of Piatt Bayless and Anstis (Bar low) Walker; graduated at Baldwin Uni versity, Berea, O., at age of 16; married, at Berea, O., Dec 19, 1863, to Harriet G. Hulett First business experience was as commercial traveler; then contractor for cordwood and cross ties for railway. Taught school; member of government surveying party to Northwest; located in Minneapolis, Minn., 1862; engaged in lumber, pine lands and milling opera tions in Minnesota and on the Pacific Coast Projector and builder of St. Lou is Park, Minneapolis; has large property interests; active in the social, educa tional and industrial progress of the city and state. The Walker private art gallery, regarded as one of the greatest art collections of America, is open free to the public. President Board of Direc tors Minneapolis Public Library; presi dent Minneapolis Fine Arts Society; member National Arts Society. Widely recognized on account of generous phil anthropy and warm public spirit. Office: 807 Hennepin Av. Residence: 803 Hen nepin Av., Minneapolis. WALKEB, William Henry, banking, etc.; born at Madison, Wis., March 11, 1859; 'son of Asa and Mary Crowle (Bruce) Walker; attended country schools and spent 4 months at Albert Lea High School. Engaged in farming and teaching school until 1892; in farm implement and machinery business un der firm name of Walker & Valby, until 1899; was president of creamery com pany, 1900, since which time he has been manager of the W. H. Walker Milling Co.; also president of the First National Bank of Alden. Member I. O. O. F., Modern Woodmen of America, M. B. A., and B. P. O. E. Married at Alden, Minn., March 31, 1905, to Mary Whelpley. Ad dress: Alden, Minn. WALL, Whitney, real estate; born at Milwaukee, Wis.r Sept. 22, 1863; son of Caleb and Julia (Whitney) Wall; edu cated in Racine (Wis.) College. Began active career in employ of Robinson & Cary Co., hardware, St. Paul; was con nected with St. Paul Street Railway Co., and entered real estate and insurance business at St. Paul, 1886; appointed special agent U. S. Treasury department at St. Paul, 1892, removing to Duluth and continuing in same capacity until 1898; re-entered real estate business at Duluth in which he has continued. Dem ocrat Episcopalian. Married at Louis ville, Ky., 1893, to Miss Rosa McDonald. Clubs: Commercial, Duluth Curling. Office: Palladio Bldg. Residence: 1429 Jefferson Av., Duluth. WALLACE, J. P., banker; born in' Washtenaw Co., Mich., 1844; educated in district schools and at the Detroit Com mercial College. Began business career as clerk in a general store at Ann Arbor, Mich.; became teller in bank at Detroit. 3 862; entered employ of Union Trust Co., Chicago, 111., 1868, and later acted as credit manager of wholesale house. Located in Pelican Rapids, Otter Tail Co., in 1882; was one of the incorpora tors of the village and acted as its president for the first three years. Is now president of the State Bank of Pelican Rapids. Married 'at Kalamazoo, Mich., 1869, to Miss Jennie Scott. Ad dress: Pelican Rapids, Minn. WALLACE, James Graham, president Wallace-Ballord Lumber Co.; born Nov. 27. 1863; educated at Washington and Jefferson College, Pa. Came to Minne apolis in 1883 and entered the lumber business same year, devoting his atten tion to lumber interests since; was one of ihe organizers of the Wallace-Ballord Lumber Co., 1900, and has been its pres ident since the time of its organization. Club: Commercial. Office: Lumber Exchange Bldg. Residence: 500 1st St. S., Minneapolis. WALLACE, Thomas P., Jr., lawyer; born in Bogata, U. S. of Columbia, S. A., Nov. 7, 1S72; son of Rev. Thomas F. and Martha (Torrence) Wallace; gradu ate University of Minnesota, degree of B.A., 1893; Law Department, same uni versity, degree of LL.B., 1895. Unmar ried. Member of firm of Woods, King man & Wallace. Director and treasurer, Esterly-Hoppin Co., general insurance; secretary and director Wallace-Ballord Dumber Co., T. V. Moreau Co., opticians and kodak dealers. Member American and Minnesota Bar associations. Repub lican. Member Chi Psi, Phi Delta Phi, Phi Beta Kappa. Clubs: Minikahda (secretary), Minneapolis, Roosevelt. Recreation: Tennis. Office: Security Bank Bldg. Residence: 500 Sth St., S., Minneapolis. WALLBLOM, Charles, furniture and carpets; born in Sweden, March- 5, 1842; son of Peter and Annie Helena (Eck- lund) Wallblom; educated in public schools of Sweden. Reared on a farm; learned the carriage maker's trade; came to America with two brothers, in 1866, locating in St. Paul, 1867; became con nected with sash and door factory of Corliss, Chapman & Drake, and remained with them 19 years, occupying position of Foreman the last 15 years. Visited Europe with his family, 1886-87, and on his return organized the Wallblom & Torsell Furniture & Carpet Co.; lost all in panic of 1S93. Started again, 1894, as the Wallblom Furniture & Carpet Co., of which he is president and which has become one of the largest and most flour ishing enterprises of the kind in St. Paul. Republican. Member Minnesota Legislature, 1893. Member Swedish Lutheran Mission Church, (chairman of congregation for 21 years and chairman board of trustees since 1874); chairman Swedish Old Settlers' Association; pres ident Swedish Bethseda Benevolent So- ' ciety, Engelbracket Benevolent Society, Minnehaha College. Married at St. Paul, 1870, to Miss Matilda Swensen. Club: Commercial. Office: 407-417 Jackson St. Residence: 1089 Jessie St., St. Paul. 5:! 2 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS WALLING, Flympton Ayers, phys ician; born in Warren Co., Pa,, Jan. 11, 1850; son of Asaph and Ann (Negus) Walling; educated in common and nor mal schools of Pennsylvania and in Medical Department University of Buf falo, N. Y., graduating, degree of M.D., 1876; married at Corry, Pa., Aug. 11, 1875, to Miss Rosaline Kennedy. Prac ticed medicine at Clymer, N. Y., 1876- 82; at Park Rapids, Minn., 1882-98; has engaged in retail drug business since 1898. Republican. Address: Park Rap ids, Minn. WALSETH, Joachim, lawyer; born at Throndhjem, Norway, Aug. 17, 1849; ed ucated in public schools of Throndhjem. Came to America, June 5, 1866; located in Minnesota, 1868; taught school, 1869- 82; studied law and was admitted to the bar by the supreme court of Min nesota, 1882; began practice of law at Fisher, Minn., 1882; removed to Fertile, Minn., 1890; has been engaged in prac tice at Thief River Falls since May 1, 19(f5. Republican. Lutheran. Married, 1st, at Lanesboro, Minn., Sept. 5, 1869, Miss Mary B. Thompson (died July 1, 1873); married, 2nd, Jan. 31, 1874, to, Miss Thora Jurgenson. Address: Thief River Falls, Minn. WALSH, Edward Freeman, physician; born at Schenectady, N. Y., Nov. 20, 1858; son of James D. and Elizabeth (Furbeck) Walsh; graduated from pub lic school and Union Classical Institute, Schenectady; Union College, Schenecta dy, 1882, AB. and A.M.; College of Phys icians and Surgeons, New York, 1886; on staff of Mt. Sinai Hospital, New York, 1886-1888, spending the following two and a half years in hospitals and lab oratories of Berlin, Vienna, Strasburg, Paris and Edinburg. Specialist in di gestive and rectal diseases. Republican. Member of Dutch Reformed Church. Member American and Minnesota State Medical associations and Ramsey Coun ty Medical Society. ¦ Mason, Shriner; member B. P. O. E Unmarried. Office: Endicott Arcade Bldg. Residence: Mer chants Hotel, St. Paul. WALSH, James Robertson, real es tate; born in New York City, Nov. 24, 1842; son of Alexander Robertson and Emily M. (Brown) Walsh; educated in private schools of New York City and University of New York, graduating 1863; widower. Began business career in employ of the wholesale dry goods house of Davis, Rhodes & Co., 1865-69; in 1870 was member of the firm of Em erson Rhodes & Co., dry goods jobbers, New York City; came to St. Paul, 1871, and was engaged in real estate and loan business, 1871-77; general manager and treasurer St. Paul City R. R. Co., 1878- 82; member of firm of Campbell, Walsh & Jilson, machinery and mill supplies, 1882-88; since 1891 in real estate and loan business, with E. W. Peet & Son. Office: Manhattan Bldg. Residence: 892 Goodrich Av., St. Paul. WALTHEB, Theodore G., hardware; born at Milwaukee, Wis., Dec. 8, 1847; son of Carl and Louise (Bogk) Walther; educated in public schools, Sheboygan, Wis., and Ripon College, Ripon, Wis.; married at Sheboygan, Wis., Oct. 4, 1871, to Hattie F. Darling (now de ceased). Began in hardware business with F. Lawrence at Sheboygan, Wis., 1862; came' to St. Paul, 1871, and be came connected with present house, which changed in 1901 to title of Hack ett. Walther, Gates Hardware Co., wholesale hardware, of which he is vice president. Republican. Office: Fourth and Rosabel Sts. Residence: 696 Good rich St., St. Paul. WALTON, Edmund G., real estate; born in London, Eng., 1864; settled in Dakota and entered real estate business, at beginning of active career; came to Minneapolis, 1886. President The Ed mund G. Walton Agency, Minnesota De benture Co., Anglo American Investment Co.; vice president Thiem Manufactur ing Co.; director Arcade Investment Co. Married at Sedalia, Mo., 1889, to Miss Nell Ingram. Clubs: Minneapolis, Min ikahda. Office: 114 S. 4th St. Resi dence: 802 Mt. Curve Av., Minneapolis. WALZ, Michael, real estate; born in Lee Co., 111., Oct. 13, 1854; son of Michael and Eva (Schmidt) W'alz; came to Min nesota with parents, i860; attended pub lic school at St. Joseph, and St. John's College. Collegeville; married in Lee Co., 111., Feb. 5, 1883, to Miss Lizzie Reis. Taught school iq Stearns Co., Minn., 1871-78; entered mercantile busi ness at Perham, Minn., 1879J organized Bank of Perham, 1890, and retired from banking, 1900; has been engaged in real estate and loan business since 1900. Re publican. Member House of Representa tives, 1903-04, and again elected. Nov., 1906. Roman Catholic. Member Knights of Columbus. Address: Perham, Minn. WARD, Albert L., banker, farmer; born at Conewango, N. Y., 1842; son of Luke and Charlotte (Morgan) Ward; ed ucated in common schools of New York and at Randolph Academy, Randolph, N. Y. Served as private in War of the Rebellion; opened law office at Fairmont, Minn., 1864; county auditor and register of deeds, Martin Co.; county attorney for three terms; postmaster, Fairmont, un der Lincoln, Grant, Cleveland and Mc Kinley; retired from active practice of law early in the '90s. Started Martin County Bank as a private institution, 1874; converted it into State bank, 1890, and into national bank, 1900. President Martin County National Bank (Fair mont), Truman National Bank (Tru man), Welcome National Bank (Wel come), Sherburn National Bank (Sher burn), all of Minnesota; director Tru man State Bank, Truman, Minn. Also president Ward Machine Co., Ward Mill ing Co., and Independent-Zeitung Co., all of Fairmont. Owner of large farm ing and real estate interests in United States and Canada. Republican. Mar ried at Fairmont, 1868, to Miss Charlotta Jennings. Address: Fairmont, Minn. THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 533 WABD, Ames, Sr., president Ames- Brooks Co.; grain commission. Address: Duluth. WABD, Francis E., railway official; born July 29, 1867; educated at McGill Model School, Montreal, Quebec. En tered railway service Sept., 1881, as ap prentice clerk and stenographer to me chanical department Grand Trunk Ry. at Montreal; was secretary to 2nd vice president St. Paul, Minneapolis & Mani toba Ry., at St. Paul, 1886-87; secretary and chief clerk to president and general manager Eastern Ry., of Minnesota, 1888-90; secretary to president Great Northern Ry., 1891-94; assistant to pres ident same road, 1894-98; general super intendent Montana Central Ry., March to Oct., 1898; general superintendent Great Northern Ry., 1898-1903; general manager same road since March 1, 1903. Club: Commercial. Office: 3rd N. W. Cor. Broadway. Residence: 544 Port land Av., St. Paul. WABD, Gershom Bennett; born in Mc Henry. Co., 111., April 10, 1852; son of George and Betsey (Bennett) Ward; ed ucated in common schools; at Hedding Seminary, Abington, 111., one year; Northwestern University, Evanston, 111., three years. Ha's been engaged in bank ing business at Alexandria, Minn., since 18J6; now president First National Bank of Alexandria. Colonel on military staffs of Governors Nelson and Clough; member Minnesota Legislature, 1901-03; State senator, 1903-05; member Minne sota State Normal School Board, 1896- 97; member board of education, Alex andria, for 23 years. Republican. Ma son (32°), Shriner; member I. O. O. F., B. P. O. E. Married at Wilmette, 111., Sept. 27, 1877, to Miss Mary Westerfield. Address: Alexandria, Minn. WABD, Boscoe Percy, banker; born at Waseca, Minn., Jan. 5, 1872; son of Wil liam G. and Ella C. (Trowbridge) Ward; graduate High School, Waseca; attended University of Minnesota, 1889-91. Be gan career by succeeding his father as president of the Peoples State Bank, Waseca, but resigned position to take active management of the bank as cash ier, in which he continued, 1897-1907; has been president of the bank since Jan., 1907. Operates an extensive farm. Member M. N. G., 1887-88; president Was'eca city council, 1899. Republican. Member Sigma Chi. Married at Minne apolis, Minn., Aug., 1903, to Miss Daisy Cole. Recreations: Travel and hunting. Address: Waesca, Minn. WABDELL, John M., banking, stock raising; born in St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., Nov. 20, 1839; son of William and Ann (Todd) Wardell; served one year in Civil War as member 60th N. Y. Inf., 1861-62; married at Faribault, Minn., November, 1868, to Miss Lucy E. Moses. Came to Minnesota, 1866; proprietor of the first lumber yard in Tracy, Minn., continuing in- lumber business, 1874-98; president Citizens State Bank since 1904; proprietor Springdale Stock Farm, Red wood Co. Was president first council of Tracy, served two terms as mayor and has been county commissioner of Lyon Co. since 1905. Republican. Member G. -A. R., A. O. U. W. Address: Tracy, Minn. WASE, Alfred K., president North- field Light, Heat & Power Co.; born at Waterloo, la., Aug. 23, 1863; son of Ed ward Kirkland and Mary (Maxwell) Ware; educated in Waterloo and Minne apolis public schools and Evanston (111.) High School. Began active career in land office of Charles W. Andrews, Lake Benton, Minn.; went East and spent two years in Virginia in fancy live stock business; bought and owned the famous sire Alcantara, 2:23, one of the most noted stallions in the world; located in Northfield, Minn., in 1899, where he has been successful both in business and politics. Since 1900, presi dent Northfield Light, Heat & Power Co. Owner and manager of the Ware Auditorium (the only - theatre in the city) and of the Alcantara live stock farm. Republican. Entered politics, 1901, as alderman; elected mayor of Northfield, 1903; elected to State Legis lature, 1904; delegate to State conven tion and member resolutions committee, 1906. Congregationalist. Member Ma sonic order, Modern Woodmen of Ameri ca, A. O. U. W. Married at Lake Ben ton, March 30, 1887, to Miss Harriett Fletcher. Ten children have blessed this union: 8 living and 2 dead (six boys and 4 girls); children living Cecil G„ 18; Mildred, 17; Ralph K., 16 Fletcher, K, 15; Marjorie Helen, 13 Alexander E., 10; John Theodore, 8; Al freda Lillian, 3 years. Address: North- field, Minn. WABE, Edwin Morton, loans and real estate; born Bridgeton, N. J., Sept. 21, 1834; son of John S. and Elizabeth (Reeves) Ware; educated in public and private schools of Bridgeton, N. J.; twice married and now a widower. Suc cessfully conducted a general store for many years at Bridgeton, N. J. Came to Minnesota, 1891, and on April 1, 1891, began with son, Robert L., in business of mortgage investments, real estate, fire insurance and care of estates, under the firm name of E. M. and R. L. Ware. On October 1, 1894, Mr. R. L. Ware re tired and the firm of E. M. & H. F. Ware was organized, continuing and greatly increasing the business. Presbyterian. Mason. Member Minnesota Society of New York. Club: Minnesota. Office: National German American Bank Bldg. Residence: 487 Laurel Av., St. Paul. WABE, Howard Fithian, loans and real estate; born at Bridgeton, N. J., November 25, 1858; son of Edwin M. and Lucy (Topham) Ware; educated in public schools of Bridgeton and at West Jersey Academy, Bridgeton; married at St. Paul, Minn., August 20, 1891, to Clara M. Wilson. Began business career at Bridgeton as merchant. Came to St. Paul in 1887 and in July of that year 534 THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS entered the employ of E. W. Peet & Co.; mortgage loans and insurance; in April, 1888, formed a co-partnership with Major B. F. Wright under the firm name of B. F. Wright & Company, in the same line of business, and October 1, 1894, went into business with his father under the firm name of E. M. & H. F. Ware, mortgage loans, insurance, real estate and care of property, in which business he is now engaged. Independ ent Democrat. Member of Minnesota Society of New York. Presbyterian. Mason. Club: Minnesota. Office: 312- 313 National German7 American Bank Bldg. Residence: 561 Laurel Av., Flat No. 2, St. Paul. WABE, Joseph Edwin, banking; born Morrison, 111., May 17, 1863; son of Jo seph and Martha Emma (Roy) Ware; educated in high school, Morrison; at Beloit College, Beloit, Wis., and at Carle ton College, Northfield, Minn., gradu ating 1883; married at Red Wing, Minn., April 28, 1886, to Miss Kate Belle Web ster. Engaged as bookkeeper in Com mercial Bank, Minneapolis, 1884-85, re moving to Clark, S. D., and continued in banking with brother, 1885-88; in in surance and loan business at Minneapo lis, 1888-93; organized St. Anthony Falls Bank and became its cashier, 1893. Con gregationalist. Club: Commercial. Of fice: St. Anthony Falls Bank, St. An thony Falls. Residence: 515 9th Av., S. E., Minneapolis. WABE, Bobert L., real estate and loans; born at Bridgeton, N. J., May 1, 1866; son of Edwin M. and Lucy (Top- ham) Ware; educated in public schools and at South Jersey Institute, Bridge- ton, N. J. Removed to Philadelphia, Pa., where he remained in business for 4 years; came to St. Paul, 1887, and en gaged in negotiation of loans and mort gages; became president of the National Investment Co., 1894; president of the Ware-Hospes Co., St. Paul, and Ware- Baker Co., Minneapolis. Also president of the Real Estate Exchange, St. Paul. Married at St. Paul, June 11, 1889, to Miss Belle Curtis. Clubs: Minnesota, Commercial, Town and Country, St. Paul; Minneapolis, Commercial (Minne apolis). Offices: Germania Life Bldg., St. Paul, and Security Bank Bldg., Min neapolis. Residence: 3 Crocus Hill, St. Paul. WABHAM, Thomas Tweed, physician; born at Kingston, Ontario, Canada, Aug. 31, 1866; son of Richard Lee and Agnes (Tweed) Warham; educated in public schools, Ontario; came to Minneapolis, April 29, 1866, and went to work at trade of paper hanger; entered College of Physicians and Surgeons, Hamline University, 1894, and worked his way through, notwithstanding the general financial depression of the time, gradu ating, degrees of M.D., CM., 1897. Be gan practice of medicine at, Vernon Cen tre, Minn., continuing for 7 years; lo cated permanently in Minneapolis, 1904. Medical director Woodmen's Mutual Casualty Co.; professor dietetics Medi cal Department Hamline University. Was county physician Blue Earth Co., Minn., 4 years. Republican; chairman Republican County Central Committee Blue Earth Co., 2 years. Presbyterian. Member Hennepin County Medical So ciety and Minnesota Valley, Minnesota State and American Medical associa tions. Mason; member I. O. O. F., B. P. O. E., M. W. A., M. B. A., E. F. U, Home Guards, Yeomen, R. N. A., A. O. [T. W., Sons of Veterans. Unmarried. Club: Flour City Curling. Recreations: Outdoor sports. Office: Masonic Tem ple. Residence: 3454 Nicollet Av., Min- neapolisi WABNE, Edwin George, physician; born at St. Paul, Minn., July 10, 1870; son of John and Sarah (Gill) Warne; educated in public schools of St. Paul, private schools in England and Hamline University, graduating M.D., 1897; mar ried in New York, 1894, to Nellie E. C. Poulter. Engaged in general practice as physician and surgeon in St. Paul from 1897. Member Ramsey County Medical Society, Minnesota State and American Medical associations. Member Junior Pioneers. Office: 101 E. 6th St. Resi dence: Farrington Place, St. Paul. WABNE KE, Herman John, manager Minneapolis Branch United States Ra diator Co.; born at Minneapolis, Feb. 18, 1876; son of Frederick H. Warneke; ed ucated in public schools, Arlington and Minneapolis, Minn., and in business col lege. Entered service of American Ra diator Co., as stenographer when 18 years of age, was made salesman for the company in two years and has filled the position of manager for the U. S. Radiator Co. at Minneapolis, since Dec 1, 1901. Member Masonic order. Re publican; member Roosevfclt Club. Mar ried at Minneapolis, Feb. 14, 1900, to Miss Louise Elverum. Recreations: Golf, yachting. Office: 9th and Wash ington Avs., S. Residence: Maplewood, Minnetonka, Minn. WABNEB, Alfred L., coal and fuel; born at Albany, N. Y., Dec. 3. I860; son of Calvin N. and Charlotte (Tongue) Warner; came to Minneapolis, 1871; ed ucated in public schools of Albany and Minneapolis. Began active career in Minneapolis, where he has been engaged for 30 years in various lines of busi ness; was member of the firm of War ner, Newman & Warner, paper mills; went into the coal business in 1891 as Bennett & Warner, closing out, 1S97, to become manager of the Consolidated Co.; has been city sales agent of the Pioneer Fuel Co., since 1901. Republican. Epis copalian. Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner; member Royal Arcanum, B. P. O. E., Independent Order of Foresters. Married at New York City, 1884, to Miss Lizzie E. Newman. Club: Com mercial. Office: 8-12 S. 5th St. Resi dence: 1629 Lynden Av., Minneapolis. WABNEB, Eli S., U. S. surveyor gen eral of Minnesota; born at Rochester, THE BOOK OF MINNESOTANS 535 Minn., June 6, 1856; son of Amos ancl Aurelia L. (Dilly) Warner; attended public and high school, at Garden City, Minn. Dived for 30 years in Garden City; elected to State Degislature from Blue Earth Co., 1885; removed to St. Paul, 1886; secretary State Warehouse Commission 6 years; elected to State Legislature from Ramsey Co., 1895; ap pointed United States surveyor general of Minnesota, 1902, and now occupies that office. Treasurer McGill, Warner & Co., printing, lithographing, engrav ing and binding, since 1897. Also presi dent Minnesota Typographic Co. ; director Eagle Printing Co. Republican. Mason; member Knights of Pythias, B. P. O. E., U. C. T. of America. Married at Man kato, Minn., 1878, to Miss Anna F. Walk er. Club: Commercial. Recreations: Fishing and traveling. Office: Cor. 8th, 9th and Cedar Sts. Residence: 838 Laurel Av., St. Paul. WABNEB, Ellsworth Colonel, manu facturer; born at Garden City, Minn., 1864; son of Amos and Aurelia (Dieley) Warner; educated in common and pri vate schools; married at Madelia, Minn., to Mellie F. Bisbee. Taught school for several years; entered linseed oil busi ness, 1887, at Mankato, Minn., became superintendent, 1888, and in 1889 pur chased the La Crosse Linseed Mill, La Crosse, Wis. Later acquired control of the Dubuque and the St. Paul Linseed Oil Mills, the three mills being acquired by the American Linseed Company, 1899; in 1900 built the Midland Linseed Mills of Minneapolis, of which he is president; also president of the McGill- Warner Company of St. Paul, Minn. Office: Chamber of Commerce. Resi dence: 1613 First Av., S., Minneapolis. WABNEB, Leon Charles, prest War ner Hardware Co.; born, Grand Meadow, Mower Co., Minn., Jan. 11, 1876; son of Frank R. and Annie E. (Greening) War ner; graduated from East Minneapolis High School, June, 1895; married, at Minneapolis, Minn., Feb. 11, 1904 to Eva L. Shelton. Associated with F. R. War ner, Minneapolis, successor to Warner Bros., until 1897; vice president Gard ner-Warner Hardware Co., 1897-1901; president Warner Hardware Co., retail builders' hardware and tools, since May, 1901. Republican. Episcopalian. Club: Commercial. Office: 13-17 So. 6th St. Residence: 1714 Como Av., S. E., Min neapolis. WABNEB, Reuben, Jr., wholesale dry goods; born in St. Paul, Oct. 15, 1870; son of- Reuben and Mary (Robertson) Warner; attended public schools of St Paul; graduated from The Shattuck School, Faribault, Minn., 1889. Began business career, 1890, as an employe of Lindeke, Warner & Schurmeier, the firm becoming Lindeke, Warner & Sons, 1904. Democrat. President Board of Fire Com missioners since 1900. Episcopalian. Mason, Knight Templar; member B. P. O. E., Junior Pioneers. Married at Min neapolis, 1892, to Miss Gabriel Hutchins. Clubs: Minnesota, Commercial, Automo bile. Recreation: Automobiling. Office: 4th and Sibley Sts. Residence: 172 Nina Av., St. Paul. WABNEB, Richmond P., treasurer Griggs, Cooper & Co.; born at St. Paul, Minn., Aug. 26, 1871; son of W. P. and Anna W. (Richmond) Warner; educated by private instructors and in private schools; unmarried. Engaged in law of fice, 1893-94; stock clerk with Foot, Schulze & Co., 1905; traveling salesman same firm in Wisconsin and Michigan, for three years; became connected with Griggs, Cooper & Co., wholesale grocers, as claim clerk, Jan. 1, 1899, and has been treasurer and director since incor poration, Jan., 1901. Republican in Na tional issues. Clubs: Minnesota, Nush ka, Minnesota Boat (St. Paul); Minne apolis (Minneapolis); White Bear Yacht (White Bear, Minn.). Office: E. 3rd St. and Broadway, v Residence: 315 Summit Av., St. Paul. WABBEN, Albert P., secretary Foot, Schulze & Co.; born at Lowell, Mass., 1855; son of A. R. and Elizabeth (Puffer) Warren; came to Minnesota, 1868; edu cated in St. Paul High School and at Dartmouth College. Studied law and was admitted to the bar, 1877, continuing until 1884; was member of the firm of Kuhles & Stock, wholesale cigars, 1884- 94; has been identified with Foot, Sehultze & Co., manufacturers of boots and shoes, since 1894. Married at Lowell, Mass., 1881, to Miss Elizabeth Stevens. Office: 3rd and Wacouta Sts. Residence: 43 S. Hamline Av., St. Paul. WABBEN, Alvah Hall, dry goods; born at Shapleigh, Me., June 9, 1855; son of Edmund and Elizabeth (Hall) Warren; educated in the public schools at Alfred, Me.; married in New York, June 6, 1883, to Miss Clara S. Levings. Began business career in general mer chandise store of Warren & Co., Alfred, continuing, 1873-76; salesman for Alvah Hall .& Co., New York, 1876-1884; came to St. Paul and was member of Blabon, Warren & Chipley, wholesale furnishing goods, 1884-1887; in service of Prowers Dry Goods Co., 1887-1901, which firm was succeeded by Tibbs, Hutchings & Co., Jan. 1, 1901, of which he is treas urer. Club: Town and Country. Office: 5th and Wacouta Sts. Residence: 645 Fairmount Av., St. Paul. WABBEN, Frank S., physician; born at St. Paul, Minn., May 9, 1874; son of James W. and Alice (Stombs) Warren; educated in public schools of St. Paul and at University of Minnesota, degree of M.D.; married at St. Cloud, Minn., June 28, 1899, to Miss Eva McKelvey. Was resident physician City and Coun ty Hospital, St. Paul, 1896-97; in prac tice at Faribault since 1897. Member Rice County Medical Society, Minnesota State and American Medical associa tions. Mason. Recreations: All out door athletic sports. Address: Fari bault, Minn. 536 THE BOOK OP MINNESOTANS WABBEN, Herbert, general manager Duluth Street Ry. Co.; born at Rush ville, 111., Sept. 2, 1865; son of Augustus and Mary (Speed) Warren; educated at Rushville High School. Began .active career as an employe of the St. Paul City Railway Co., serving in various capacities with that company and the Twin Cities Rapid Transit Co.; has filled position of general manager of the Du luth Street Railway Co., since 1893. Married. Clubs: Kitchi Gammi, Com mercial, Northern Country, Duluth Boat, Curling, etc. Office: 1106 W. Michigan St. Residence: 725 E. 1st St., Duluth, Minn. WABWICK, Frederick Henry, vice president and manager H. M. Smyth Printing Co.; born at Toronto, Can., July 24, 1854; son of Frederick and Eliza (Helm) Warwick; educated in public and Normal schools, Toronto; married at St. Paul, 1884, to Miss Harriet Grove. Has been identified with lithographing business ever since the beginning of his active career; entered artist department of lithographing business at Toronto; went to London, Eng., and spent two years there; was in Chicago, 1879-80; lo cated in St. Paul, 1880; has been con nected with H. M. Smyth Printing Co., ever since 1886, and has been vice pres ident and manager since 1900. Member St. Paul Typothetae, Royal Arcanum. Club: Commercial. Recreations: Ten nis and fishing. Office: 3rd and Cedar Sts., St. Paul. Residence: Highwood, Minn. WASHBUBN, Edwin Chapin, steel foundryman, inventor; born Minneapo lis, Minn., April 11, 1870; son of Wil liam D. and Lizzie M. (Muzzy) Wash burn; educated in Minneapolis public schools, Lawrenceville, N. J., and Yale College; unmarried. Employed by Soo Ry. in various capacities previous to 1896; manager Washburn Coupler Co., 1896-99; general superintendent B. W. & G. F. Ry., 1899-1900; general manager same, 1900-02; general manager, since 1902, Washburn Co., which manufactures couplers, draft riggings and steel cast ings; also general manager Washburn Steamboat line, Elevator and other sub sidiary companies; director Washburn Lignite Coal Co,, Russo American Trading Co. Inventor Washburn coup ler, draft riggings, trucks and other railroad and foundry devices. Republi can. Clubs: . Minneapolis, Town and Country, Lafayette. Office: 1007 So. 3rd St., Minneapolis. Residence: Fair Oaks, Minn. WASHBUBN, Frederic Leonard, State entomologist of Minnesota; born at