YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY r939 W&4W^ffi?$?^4%ffi 3FJtCT|ggBSB 8ESS mm mm CAP? JAMMS .'RTLi.RJ Y AN AUTHENTIC NARRATIVE Of THE LOSS OF THE AMERICAN BRIG COMMERCE, WRECKED ON THE WESTERN COAST OP AFRICA, IN THE MONTH OF AUGUST, 1815, WITH AN ACCOUNT OF THE SUFFERINGS OF THE SURVIVING OFFICERS AND- CREW, WHO WERE ENSLAVED BY THE WANDERING ARABS, ON THE AFRICAN DES ART, OR ZAHAHRAH; AND OBSERVATIONS HISTORICAL, GEOGRAPHICAL, &«. HADE DURING THE TRAVELS OF THE AUTHOR, WHILE A SLAVE TO THE ARABS, AND IN THE EMPIRE OF MOROCCO. BY JAMES RILEY, KER LATE MASTER AND SUPERCARGO, A Member of Ike New-York Historical Society, and a late Member of the fygisUUure of the State of Ohio. Preoeded by a brief sketch of the Authoi's life i and containing a description of the famous eltr ¦ TombucUio, and of another larger city, far south of it, on the same river, called Wassimah, narrated to the Author at Mogadore, by Sidi Hamel, the Arabian merchant ILLUSTRATED AND EMBELLISHED WITH TEN COPPERPLATE ENGRAVINGS J Revised, and his life continued, ly the Author, in January, 1828. HARTFORD; PUBLISHED BY JTinn ^oOMIS ft CO, .-... 1836. Southern District of New-York, s*.*' BE IT REMEMBERED, That on the nineteenth day df January, A. D. 1923, in the fifty-second year of the Independence of the United States of America, James Riley, of the said District, hath deposited in this office the title of a book, the right whereof he claims sa author and proprietor, in the words following, to wit : " An Authentic Narrative of the loss of the American Brig Commerce, wrecked on tha western coast of Africa, in the mouth of August, 1SI5, with an account of the sufferings of the surviving officers and crew, who were enslaved by the wandering Arabs, on the African Desart, or Zohahrah ; and observations Historical, Geographical, &c. made during the travels of the Author, while a slave to the Arabs, and in the empire of Morocco. By James Riley, her late master and supercargo, a member of the New-York Historical Society, and a late member of the Legislature of the state of Ohio ; preceded by u brief sketch of the Author's life, und containing a description of the famous city of Tombuctoo, and of another larger city, far south of it, on the same river, called "Wassanah, narrated to the Author at Mogadore, by Sidi Hamet, the Arabian merchant. Illustrated and embellished with ten copperplate engravings ; revised, und his life continued, by the Author, in January, 1628." In conformity to the Act of Congress of the United States, entitled, "An act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of Maps, Charts, and Books, to the Authors and Proprietors of such copies, during the lime therein mentioned :" and nlso to an Act, entitled, " an Act, supplementary to an Act, entitled, an Act tor the encouragement of learning, by securing the Copies of Maps, Charts, and Books, to the Authors and Proprie tor* of such copies, during the times therein mentioned, and extending the benefits thereof 10 the arts of designing, engraving, and etching historical and other prints." FRED. J. BETTS, Clerk of the Southern District of New- York. TO THE READER. The following Narrative of my misfortunes and sufferings, and my consequent travels and observations in Africa, is submitted to the perusal of a candid and an enlightened public, with much diffidence, particularly as I write without having had the advantages that may be derived from an academic education/and being quite unskilled in the art of composing for the press. My aim has been merely to record, in plain and unvarnished language, scenes in which I was a principal actor, of real and heart-appalling distresses. The very deep and in delible impression made on my mind by the extraordinary circum stances attending my late shipwreck, and the miserable captivity of myself and my surviving shipmates, and believing that a knowledge of many of these incidents might prove useful and interesting to the world, as well as peculiarly instructive to my seafaring brethren; toge ther with the strong and repeated solicitations of many of my valuable friends, among whom was the honourable James Monroe, Secretary of State, and several distinguished members of Congress, hare in duced me to write and to publish the work. The Narrative up to the time of my redemption, was written entire ly from memory, unaided by notes or any journal ; but 1 committed the principal facts to writing in Mogadore, when every circumstance was fresh in my memory, (which is naturally a retentive one,) and 1 then compared my own recollections with those of my ransomed com panions : this was done with a view of showing to my friends the unparalleled sufferings I had endured, and not for the particular pur pose of making them public by means of the press. It should be remembered by the reader, that the occurrences here recorded, took place out of the common course of a sailor's life ; and that each par* ticular event was of a nature calculated to impress itself so powerfully on the mind, as not easily to be effaced. Having previously, in the course of my life, visited and travelled through many foreign com*- !V tfo vtiti ftEAofcii. tries, my mind" Was by no means Unaccustomed* to pay attention tOt and make observations on whatever came within the reach of my notice, and for tins reason, the strange events of the desart, and the novel objects and scenes which I had an opportunity of witnessing in the country of the Moors, were not suffered to pass without awakening and exercising my curiosity as well as interest, and becoming the subject of careful and habitual reflections. Respecting my conversations with the Arabs, I have put down what I knew at the lime to be their exact meaning, as nearly as 1 could translate their words and signs combined. I had, previously, learned the French and Spanish languages, both by grammar and practice, and had also been accustomed to hear spoken the Russian 'and different dialects of the German, as well as the Portuguese, Italian, arid several other languages, so that my ear had become fami liar with their sounds and pronunciation. Perceiving an affinity between the Arabian and Spanish, I soon began to learn the names of common things, in Arabic, and to compare them in my mind with those I had met with in Turkish and other Oriental history. I had no hope of ever being redeemed, unless I could make myself under stood, and 1 therefore took the utmost care to treasure up every word and sentence I heard spoken by the Arabs, to reflect on their bearing, and to find out theiri true meaning, by which means, in the course of a very few days, I was enabled to comprehend the general tenor and drift of their ordinary conversation, and to find out the whole meaning of their signs and gestures. My four companions, however, could scarcely comprehend a single word of Arabic, even after they were redeemed. In regard to the route, and various courses of our travel, I would observe, that after I was purchased by the Arabian merchants, and taken off across the desart, I was suffering under the most excrucia ting bodily pains, as well as the most cruel privations; it will not, therefore, be a matter of wonder, if on this vast, smooth, and trackless desart, I should have mistaken one eastern course for another, or have erred in computing the distances travelled over; for 1 was fre quently in such agony and so weighed down with weariness and des pair, that a day seemed to me of endless duration. A long experi ence on the ocean had before taught me to ascertain the latitude by the apparent height of the polar star above the horizon, so that in this particular, I could not be much mistaken ; and the tending of the fO THE READER, |f" toast iwhere our boat was driven on shore, proves it must have been near Cape Barbas. Afterwe approached the seacoast again, I became more attentive to the surrounding objects, as my hopes of being ran somed increased, so that not only the courses, but the distances as I have given them, will agree in all thek essential points. The designs for the engravings were drawn from my own original sketches ; (and they were merely rough sketches, for I have no skill in drawing;) they have, however, been executed by altistef of con siderable repute, and under iny own inspection. In compiling the map, particular cafe has been taken to consult the best authorities, but 1 cons'tiered, at the same time, that the information I received from my old Arabian master was sufficiently'' correct-, and would warrant me in giving full scope to my consequent geographical impressions, in tracing the river Niger to the' Atlantic ocean. Admitting that my idea prove hereafter to be just, and that this river actually discharges its waters with those of the Congo, into ihe gulf of Guinea, I am of opinion, that not less than one-fourth of the whole distance in a straight line, should be added for its bends and windings, in order to calculate its real length. While I was at Mogadore, a number of singular and interesting transactions took place, such as do not often occur even in that Coun try ; and a person might reside there for many years, without havirlg an opportunity of witnessing a repetition of them ; yet then* alithen- ticity, as well as that of the other circumstances I have related, can be substantiated by many living witnesses, — men of respectability and unquestionable veracity. \ My observations on the currents which have heretofore proved fatal to a vast number of vessels, and their crews on the western coast of Africa, are made with a view to promote the further investigation of this subject, as well as to caution the unwary mariner against their too often disastrous effects. It gives me sincere pleasure, to acknowledge the services rendered me by my respectable friend, Anthony Bleecker, Esquire, of New- York, who has, at my request, looked over the whole of my manu script, and suggested some very important explanations. I have been governed, in my corrections, by his advice, which was of a character that can only flow from the most pure and disinterested motives. With respect to the extraordinary circumstance mentioned in the Narrative, of the sudden subsiSing of the surf when we were about 1* Vt tO THE RKADKtt, committing ourselves to the open sea, in our shattered boat, t aid •ware that it will be the subject of much comment, and, probably, of some raillery. 1 was advised by a friend, to suppress this fact, lest those who are not disposed to believe in the particular interposition of Divine Providence, should make use of it as an argument against the correctness of the other parts of my Narrative. This, probably, would have been good policy in me, as a mere author, for I am pretty sure that previous to this signal mercy, I myself would have enter tained a suspicion of the veracity of a writer who should have related what to me would have appeared such an improbable occurrence. Sentiments and feelings, however, of a very different kind from any that mere worldly interest can excite, forbid me to suppress or deny what so clearly appeared to me and my companions at the time, as the immediate and merciful act of the Almighty, at the awful moment when dismay, despair, and death, were pressing close upon us with all their accumulated horrors. My heart still glows with holy grati tude for this mercy, and I will never be ashamed nor afraid to acknow ledge and make known to the world, the infinite goodness of my divine Creator and Preserver. " The waters of the sea had well-nigh cover ed us : the proud waves had well-nigh gone over our soul. Then cried we unto thee, O Lord, and thou didst deliver us out of our dis tresses. Thou didst send forth thy commandment; and the windy storm ceased, and tamed into a calm." JAMES RILEY. CONTENTS. CHAP. I. Pag* A brief sketch of the Author'9 life and Education up to the month of Majr, 1815, • • - — :. •_ -v ^.v. » ' 15 -CHAP. II. (' 'Voyage lu the Commerce from Connecticut River to New-Orleans, 18 CHAP. III. Voyage from Gibraltar towards the Cape de Verd Islands, including the shipwreck of the brig Commerce, on the coast of Africa, 21 CHAP. IV. Description of the natives— they make war upon the crew, and drive them off to the wreck, • _.--. - • - - •.,-., 23 CHAP. v. The natives seize the autnor by perfidy, and then get possession of the money — the author's critical situation on shore — he escapes to the wreck— Antonio Michel Is massacred, - ,-.^- . ¦*',-». 28 CHAP. VI. Providential preservation through the surf to the open ocean — sufferings in their shattered boat nine days at sea— landing again on the frightful coast of the African Desart, - - - _ * - ^ • _ -,_ *. 32 CHAP. VHi Sufferings of the crew, and manner of climbing over the rocks along the .seashore, under high cliffs — reaching the surface of the desart— meet ing with a company of wandering Arabs, by whom they are seized as slaves, and stripped naked, - . , -_. — -^ - -.38 CHAP. VIII. ' Une author and his crew are carried on camels into the interior of the Desart of Zahahrah — the Arabs hold a council — the crew are sold and distributed — the author's remarkable dream— the skin and flesh are literally roasted off from his body, and from the bones of his compa nions—their dreadful sufferings while naked and wandering about the Desart with their masters, subsisting only on a little camel? milk — two Arab traders arrive, ... . . ..- . xJ 43 CHAP. IX. Two Arabian merchants are persuaded by the author to purchase him and four of his suffering companions— they kill a camel and prepare to set out for Morocco across the Depart, - - - 61 Vi3 Contents, chap. x. '' • '-* t Pagi The author ahd four of his companions set out to cross the Desart — their sufferings — they come to a spring of fresh water— description of its singular situation, » - - • • • „ • «4. ** CHAP. XI. Journeying on the Desart— they are hospitably entertained by Arabs, _ and come to a well of fresh water, t * - - » _... - r '« CHAP. XII. They arrive amongst immense mountains of driving sand — their extreme sufferings— their masters find and steal some barley, and restore it again, - - ... . _ . ^__ . 77 CHAP. XIII. Continuation of the journey on the Desart — several singular occur rences— they come within sight of the ocean, - .-.^»- 62 CHAP; XIV. They travel along the sea-coast under the high banks — fall in with and jom a company of Arabs — travel in the night for fear of robbers — Mr. Savage faints — is near being massacred, and is rescued by the author, 89 CHAP. XV. Black mountains appear in the east— they come to a river of salt water, and to wells of fresh water, where tliey find many horses— description of a singular plant— come to cultivated land ; to a fresh water river, and a few stone huts, - - - - - • 93 CHAP. XVI. The company is divided — they set off to the eastward— their masters are attacked by a bshd of robbers, • - -_, ^- - '.. 98 CHAP. XVII. Some fresh fish are procured— they pass several small walled villages, and meet with robbers on horseback, - _ - - . 101 CHAP. XVIII. ', Their masters commit an error, which fhey are compelled to redress— Sidi Satinet and his .brother Seid fight— Horace's critical situation-* they come to villages, » . - • „_ » • 104 CHAP. XIX. The author writes a letter— Sidi Hamet sets out with it for Swcarah— the arrival of Sheick Ah, an extraordinary character, » . 1W CHAP. XX, A Moor arrives from Mogadore, bringing a letter— the letter— they "set out for that city, . • - »*,?'„-» - 115 CHAP. XXI. ped by SheickAli and the prince of another city, CHAP. XXII. ISO contents. , tjj CHAP. XXIII. tag* Sheick Ali out-manoeuvred again by Rais bel Cossim—they set off in the night— meet with Sidi Harriet and his brother, accompanied by some Moors with mules sent by Mr, Wiltshire fertpe sufferers to ride on— occurrences on the road— meeting with Mr.. Willshire near Swearah of Mogadore— they go into that city— are ordered before the Bashaw, A 140 CHAP. XXIV. The author and his companions are cleansed, clothed, and fed — he becomes delirious, but is a sain restored to reason — the mildness of Mr Will- shire-»letter from HOratio Spra»ue, Esq. of Gibraltar— author's reflec tions on his past sufferings, and on the providential chain of events that had fitted him for enduring them, and miraculously supported and restored lumand his -four companions to their liberty, - — - 153 CHAP. XXV. The author's motives for requesting of, and writing down, his former master's narrative of Travels on the Desart when in Mogadore, together with Sidi Hamet's narrative of a journey across the great Desart to Tombuctoo, and back again to Widnoon, with a caravan, - - 15 Section I. Sidi Hamet's narrative of a journey from Widnoon across the great Desart to Tombuctoo, ahd back again to Widnoon, - - „' 160 Section II. Sidi Hamet sets out on another journey for Tombuctoo — the caravan is mostly destroyed for want of water, by driftingsand, and by mutiny, &c. — the few that escape get to the south of the Desart, - 163 Section III. Sidi Hamet's journeying. His arrival on the banks of the river called by the natives Gozen-Zair, and at Tombuctoo — description of that city— its commerce, wealth, and inhabitants, - - 165 Section IV. Sidi Hamet sets out for Wassanah — his arrival there, and description of that city, the country, and its inhabitants — of the great river which runs near it, and of his return to Tombuctoo — containing also the author's geographical opinions, founded on the narrative, ori the sources of the river Niger — its length and outlet into the Atlantic ocean, ' - - - - - - - -169 Section V. Sidi Hamet's journey from Tombuctoo to Morocco by the eastern route — his description of the Desart, and of the country on both sides of iU-of a dreadful battle with the wandering Arabs— Sidi Hamet takes his leave and sets out to join his family, - -„„.. • _„~ 174 CHAP, XXVI. At! account of the face of the great African Desart, or Zahahrah— of its inhabitants, their customs, manners, dress, &c— a description of the Arabian camel or dromedary, - - - _^__ - ... ,178 CHAP. XXVII. Some account of Suse, or South Barbary, and of its inhabitants, cities, &c. — the primitive plough, and mode of using it— primitive churn, and method of making butter, - - - . . - 194 CHAP. XXVIII. p**-..KS!*S Some account ef an insurrection in Morocco — the Bashaw of Swearah is seized and put in irons — change of Governors — the Jews are forced to pay their tribute or turn Mohammedans — their treatment by the Moors — a Jew burial — a circumcision — a Jewish priest arrives from Jerusalem — the author obtains from him some account of the present Jerusalem and its inhabitants, and of the method pursued by the priests for gettins; , ' '4 s J6 CONTENTS, Pttgl feioney from the Jews in Europe and Barbary— a Moorish execution and maiming— of the Jews in West Barbary, • ». ... .t .... ? 197 CHAP. XXIX. tfe\r orders arrive from the Emperor— Mr. Willshire is grossly insulted by the Moors — a description of the city and port of Swearah, or Moga dore, its inhabitants, commerce, manufactures, tie. • ,_ '• . SOS CHAP. XXX. Of the Moors and Moorish Arabs — feast of expiation — A Moorish review and sham-fight— horsemanship — of the Arabian horse and his furni ture, • - «™. • - - - ._.. ... £14 CHAP. XXXI. The present Arabs and ancient Jews compared, ^ - ... -~:':„. '• 221 CHAP. XXXII. The author ships his companions on board a vessel for Gibraltar, and sets out himself to travel by land for Tangier — villany of his Jew compa nion — account of a great Moorish saint — description of the country — of the towns— of El Ksebbah and Saffy, * - _ _ - - 224 CHAP. XXXIII. Continuation of the journey — description of Asbedre — of a flight of locusts — of the destroying locust of Africa — Mazagan — Azamore — Darlbeda— Fidallah— arrival at Rhabat— of Rhabat, - . . . - 233 CHA'P. XXXIV. Description of a horrid show of two venemous serpents — sets out from Rhabat — of Sallee, Mamora, Laresch — Spanish missionaries — Moorish jiavy— arrival at Tangier, - - - "—-¦•.--_ 244 CHAP. XXXV. Moorish captives— of Tangier and Christian Consuls— passage to Gibral- tar,reception there — embarks for America— observations on Gibraltar passage in the ship Rapid— arrival at New-York— visits his family— foes to Washington city, the seat of government, and concludes with rief remarks on slavery, - - - . . . 253 APPENDIX. J~** 'Observations on the winds, currents, &c. in some parts of the Atlantic , ocean, developing the causes of so many shipwrecks on the western coast of Africa— mode pointed out for visiting the famous city of Tom buctoo, on the river Niger, &c. . . . - "* - 864 CERTIFICATE. Oaptain James Riley has submitted his Narrative to my perusal, and I have read it over with great care and attention. I was his second mate on board the Commerce, and one of his unfortunate companions through, and a sharer in his dreadful sufferings and cap tivity, on the inhospitable shores and desarts of Africa, and 1 am astonished to find with what precision the whole of those incidents are related — it recalls to my memory all those dismal occurrences and distresses, and 1 do hereby certify, that the Narrative up to the tirne of our separation in Mogadore, contains nothing mone than a plain statement of facts, and that myself, as well as others of the crew, owe our lives, liberties, and restoration to our country, under God, to his uncommon exertions, fortitude, intelligence, and perseverance, and I hereby request him, as my friend, to publish this my certificate. AARON R. SAVAGE. Done at Nete-York, this 1st day of) February, A. D. 1817. J LETTERS, New-York, 29th October, 1817. Sir, — The Narrative of Capt. James Riley has excited uncommon interest; and as there are some persons, who, ignorant of his excel lent character, doubt the general correctness of his story, and others who disbelieve the authenticity of particular parts, I have been urged by several respectable gentlemen, who, together with myself, repose the utmost confidence m your candour and veracity, and who have been a long time acquainted with the respectability of your standing in society, to solicit from you a statement of your sufferings and adventures in a similar situation; and I am persuaded, that, inaepen- xli Letters. dently of the gratification which it will afford, and the information which it will convey, there will be a sufficient inducement, when you understand that a compliance with this request rnay render essential service, to a deserving fellow-citizen, and greatly promote the pause of truth. I am, very respectfully, your most obedient servant, PE WITT CLINTON. Captain Judah Paddock, Hudson, 25th November, 1817. To Be Witt Clinton, Esq. Governot of the State of New-York. Esteemed Friend, — Thy favour of 29th ult. came to my hands a few days since, by a private conveyance. Its contents I notice. It gave me great satisfaction to find Capt. Riley has such friends as the Governor of the State, as also many of its most respectable citizens, to aid and assist him in his great and worthy undertaking, so far as to give currency to it after diligent examination as to its facts. His Nar rative of Shipwreck I have carefully perused the third time through, and am ready to say every part of that which came within my know ledge is correct, or substantially so. Were 1 to have told my story in my own way, we might have differed in some points, which would not have gfone to discredit his assertions. 1 was wrecked on the same coast,' and drank of the same bitter cup of affliction. All oui' suffer ings were nearly of the same kind. Perhaps no one in our blessed land has it in his power to say so much in behalf of this injured man as I have ; therefore I should tax myself with ingratitude to be silent, more particularly when solicited by so many respectable personages that have written me to give an opinion of his work. I say, injured man, as doubting the authenticity of the work is an injury which he must feel sensibly, being to a great expense, without funds, and not likely to be very well remunerated for all his expenses and trouble. I have but little personal acquaintance with Capt. Riley ; from that little, and from what I learn front those who have long known him, I believe him to be a man of strict integrity, and worthy ef public con fidence. Thee solicits a statement of my sufferings in that inhos pitable clime. 1 would most readily comply with that request, had I confidence in, my own ability to do justice to the public Iri the exhi bition of it. It is a long time since the occurrence took place. Hav ing made at the time but feSv minutes of the important facts, the body of it must be from recollection^ As Capt. Riley took his notfes at the moment, and being better qualified for the task than myself, I dar6 not venture to write a bodk on the same ground ; but I would permit him to, affix some observations of mine to his work, as an Appendix could I think it so important for the public good as my friends have* generally thought, eince Riley'a Narrative made its appearance. tEtTERS. jtlll Should thee wish further information from me, I hold myself ready to reply to any communication thee wishes to make. Thy friend, JUDA11 MDDOtJK. New- York, 11th mo. 18, 1817. Esteemed Friend,— 'Recollecting the lively impressions which a verbal narrative of the sufferings and hardships experienced by thyself and rrew on the coast of Africa, produced on my feelings during a visit at Hudson last summer, and reflecting also on the information thy story embraced relative to the nature and state of the country, and of the customs and manners of the Arabs, I have wished sincerely that an account of those events, and the general results of observations made in Africa, drawn up by thyself from thy own notes, might be submitted to the public. The civilized world is now looking towards that country with increasing interest, and any genuine information can hardly fail to be favourably received. I can assure thee that a publication of thy Narrative would exceedingly gratify me, as well as a number of thy other friends in this city. I have been for some time well acquainted with Capt. Riley, and believe him to be a man of strict integrity, and fully deserving the confidence of the public ; but as there are some in every community who are more or less incredu lous, with respect to circumstances out of the road of common expe rience, a publication of the occurrences which befel thyself and crew on the same soil, and among the same people, would, from the well known respectability of thy character, add strength to the testimony of Capt. Riley, and tend to the removal of doubts which some have entertained of the credibility of certain parts of his Narrative. I am, with great regard and esteem, thy affectionate friend, THOMAS EDDY. Hudson, 25th November, 1817* Esteemed Friend Thomas Eddy,— Thy favour of 18th inst. was handed to me on the 22d, by a gentleman travelling northward : the contents noticed. On the subject of my shipwreck on the coast of Barbary, I do not think myself adequate to the task of writing a Nar rative of it, to say, such a one as the public might anticipate after knowing I had commenced it. It is not a gift I am endowed with, taking into view my inability to do justice to the thing, and that Capt. Riley, to whom, in mv opinion, imolicit confidence can be given % 5dv tfeMStia. relative to his Narrative, as far as has come within m}f knowledge, (being both wrecked on the same coast, and our sufferings nearly the same J and from what little epportunity I have had with nim person ally, and the correspondence with him while writing his first edition, I think the public may rest assured full confidence may be given to his Narrative generally. Many parts could not be expected to have come within my notice, which of course I must be silent on. While he was writing that Narrative, which interested me very much, I cau tioned him to be very circumspect on every point ; at the same time giving him to understand, if injustice was done the thing, he might expect some observations on it that might be disagreeable to him. His answers were prompt and gentlemanly. In the mean time, before the Narrative was made public, 1 took every opportunity to learn his character, and always found what I now believe him to be, a r"an of veracity and strict integrity. If thee and others of my friends should think that what I could say more than Capt. Riley has said on the subject would be advantageous to the human race, I think I would endeavour to gratify those friends and the public, in a brief account of our shipwreck and sufferings, &c. to be attached as an Appendix to another edition of Capt. Riley's, should another be printed, which he may have gratuitously, if he will accept it; but if the above will answer as a confirmation (as far as 1 know) of his Narrative, it will afford me. the greater pleasure : otherwise, I will exert myself and tell the tale just as it transpired, according to the best of my ability, as painful as the task will be. Any communication from thee on this or on any other subject, shall be attended to, by Thy real friend, JUDAH PADDOCK. NARRATIVE, &c« CHAPTER I. A brief sketch of the Author's Life and Education, up to the month oj May, 1815. 1 was born in the town of Middletown, in the state of Connecticut, on the 27th of October, in the year 1777, during the war between England and America, which terminated in 1783, with the acknow ledgment by the mother country of the freedom, sovereignty, and independence of the thirteen United States. My father, Asher Riley, who still lives in the same place, was bred to the farming business, and at an early age married my mother, Rebecca Sage, who is also yet living. I was their fourth child. Owing to an attack of that dangerous -disorder, the liver complaint, my father was rendered inca pable of attending to his usual employment for several years, during which time, his property, small at first, was entirely expended ; but after his recovery, in 1786, he was enabled, by industry and strict economy, to support his increasing family in a decent manner. It may not be improper here, before I speak of my education, to give a general idea of what was then termed a common education in Connecticut. This state is divided into counties and towns, and tho towns into societies; in each of which societies, the inhabitants, by common consent, and at their common expense, erect a school-house, in which to educate their children. If the society is too large for only one school, it is again subdivided into districts, and each district erects a school-house for its own accommodation. This is generally done by a tax levied by themselves, and apportioned according to the property or capacity of each individual. It being for the general good, all cheerfully pay their apportionment. Thus prepared, they hire a teacher to instruct their children in reading and writing, and some of them are taught the fundamental rules of arithmetic. They, for the most part, hire a male teacher for four months in the year, say from October to March, and his compensation (at the time 1 am speaking of) was from six to ten dollars a month, with his board. In order to obtain his board, he was under the necessity of going to •each of his employers' houses in rotation, making his time in each family as equal as possible, and in proportion to the number of chil dren therein. , In this way all the parents became acquainted with the master or mistress. In the summer one of the best informed girls in the neighbourhood was selected to teach the youngest children. To defray the expense arising from this system, a tax was laid, and every 16 BAPTAitt Riley's JJAftftATiVE man, whether married or unmarried, with children or without thettl, was obliged to pay the sum at which he was rated, and m this man ner every one contributed for the good of the whole. In each socie ty, one or more meeting-houses were established, whose congrega tions were either Presbyterians or Congregationalists, and a minister (as he is called) regularly ordained and located for a yearly stipend or salary, and generally during life. This was an old and steady habit. The minister was considered as the head of the school, as well as of the meeting, and his like or dislike was equivalent to a law. All the children in each district, whether dehor poor, went to this school: all had an equal right to this kind of country education. To one ot these district schools I was sent, at the age of four years, where I continued, learning to spell and read, until I was eight years old, when my father's family had increased to seven or eight children, with a fair prospect of more, (it afterwards amounted to thirteen in number.) Finding it difficult to support us all as he wished, and I having become a stout boy of my age, he placed me with a neighbouring farmer to earn my living, by assisting him in his work. From the age of eight to fourteen years I worked on the land with different farmers in our neighbourhood, who having received but a very scanty education themselves, conceited, nevertheless, that they were over stocked with learning, as is generally the case with the most ignorant, and in this, their fancied wisdom, concluded that mucli less than they themselves possessed would answer my purpose, as I was but a poor boy!! Finding therefore that they would lose my labour during school hours, (for they had always taken great care to keep me fully employed in hard drudgery every moment I was out of school, scarcely allowing me the usual hours of refreshment and sleep,) they kept me from school, merely because, as they stated, they could not get along with their work without my help. When my parents remon strated against such conduct in those who had come under a most solemn agreement to give me a plenty of schooling, they were assured "that I wast a very forward boy ; that 1 could spell and read as well as any of the boys of my age; that I could repeat whole chapters in the Bible by heart, and knew all the Catechism and Creed, viz. the Presbyterian, which then was, and still is considered, all important in that section of the union called New-England: that I could sing psalms in the separate meetings fujl as well as those who had learned to sing by note ; though indeed he cannot write., (said they) because he has no turn for writing." These representations tended in some measure to allay the anxiety of my parents, who wished me above alj things to have a good common country education, as they at that i time had no prospect of being able to give me any thing better. They had taught me, both by precept and practice, that to be honest, industrious, and prudent; to govern my passions, (which were violent,) to feel for and relieve the distresses of others when in my power; to be mild and affable in my manners, and virtuous in all my actions was to be happy ; and they, generally, had instilled into my youthfoj mind every good principle. t had now attained my fifteenth year; was tall and stout fof mv age; and haying become tired of hard work on the land, 1 conclude^ 0J1 HB 6WM UJrE. It that the Lest way to get lid of it, Was to go lo sea and visit foreign countries. My parents endeavoured to dissuade me from this pro ject, and wished me to learn some mechanical trade ; but finding that I could not fix my mind upon any other business, they, with great reluctance, consented to my choice ; and I, accordingly, shipped,on board a sloop bound to the West-Indies. Having no friend to push me forward, no dependence but on my Own good conduct and exertions, and being ambitious to gain some distinction in the pro fession I had chosen, I contrived to acquire some knowledge in the art of navigation, theoretically as well as practically, and at the age of twenty years had passed through the grades of cabin boy, cook, ordi nary seaman, seaman, second mate, and chief mate, onboard different vessels. I was now six feet and one inch in height, and proportion- ably strong and athletic, when finding the sphere I then moved in to be too limited for my views and wishes, (it extending only from Con necticut river or New-London to the West-Indies, and back again,) 1 went to New-York, where I was soon appointed to the command of a good vessel, and since that time have continued in similar employ ment; making voyages in all climates usually visited by American ships; traversing almost every sea, and travelling by land through many of the principal states and empires of the world. For several years Ihad charge of the cargoes as well as off the vessels I sailed in, and had a fair share of prosperity, until the month of Jannary, 1808, when my ship, the Two Marys of New-York, was seized by the French, as I took shelter in Belle Isle, in the Bay of Biscay, from some English men of war, being bound for Nantz ; and the ship, with her valuable cargo, was confiscated, under the memorable Milan Decree of the 17th December, 1807, founded on the well known Orders in Council, of the 11th November, . of the same year. I remained in France until tho ship and cargo were condemned, and did not return to my native country and family, till the latter part of the year 1809, with the loss, it is true, of nearly all the property I had before acquired, but wiser than I went out ; for I had learned to read, write, and speak both the French and Spanish languages ; had travelled pretty much all over France, where 1 had opportunities of witnessing many important operations in the science of war, calcu lated to attract my attention to the principles upon which they were founded ; and I, at the same time, took lessons in the school of adver sity, which tended to prepare and discipline my mind for the future hardships I was destined to undergo. I now strove with all my power to stem the tide of misfortune, which began to set in against me with impetuous force. I had become a husband, and the father of four children, who looked up to me for support, and I strained every nerve to retrieve my lost fortune, by trading to sea: but it was of no avail ; every thing proved adverse, and after an absence of two years to Spain, Portugal, the Brazils, Rio de la Plata, or River of Silver, in South-America, the West-Indies,' New-Orleans, &c, I returned home atthe commencement of the late war (1812) pennyless. Unarmed commerce on the ocean, my element, was at an end in an honourable way, and I could not obtain a station I wished for in the navy, nor could I obtain the command of a private armed vessel that Suited my views, owing to the want of funds ; nor would I accept pf fV (/ jfi CAPTAIN RttEY'ti KAflftATIVE the command of a vessel and the consignment of a cargo navigated contrary to the laws of war, under foreign licenses : this 1 considered: would derogate from the character 1 always wished to support, mat of a true friend to my country, (whether in prosperity or adversity,) and a firm supporter of its laws and institutions, which 1 had proved by long experience in the ways of the world to be as .good (at least) as those of any country under heaven. Though the oilers that were made me were great and tempting, so that my acceptance ot them could scarcely have failed of producing me a handsome fortune, and that in a very short period, yet I remained at home during the whole war, making use of all my faculties to gain a decent subsistence tor my family. Soon after the burning of the Capital and other public and private buildings at the seat of government, by the enemy, in August, 1814, when their commanders loudly threatened to destroy every assailable place on the seaboard, I believed that the tifhe was near when every arm would be required for the general defence, par ticularly at the exposed seaport towns ; and having enrolled myself in a volunteer company of military exempt artillerists, composed chiefly of masters and mates of vessels', and seamen, I had the honour of being chosen their captain. But our services were not needed in the field. CHAPTER II. Voyage in the Commerce from Connecticut River to New- Orleans. After the close of the war, in April, 1815, being then in my native state, I was employed as master and supercargo of the brig Com merce of Hartford, in Connecticut : a vessel nearly new, and well fitted, of about two hundred and twenty tons burden, belonging to Messrs. Riley and Brown, 3 osiah Savage and Co. and Luther Savage, of that city. A light cargo was taken on board, and I shipped a crew, consisting of the following persons, namely ; George Williams, chief mate, Aaron R. Savage, second mate, William Porter, Archibald Robbins, Thomas Burns, and James Clark, seaman; James Carring- ton and Francis Bliss, ordinary seaman; Horace Savage, cabin boy, and Richard Deslisle, (a black man) cook. With this crew I proceeded to sea from the mouth of Connecticut river, on the sixth day of May, 1815, bound for New-Orleans. We continued to steer for the Bahama Islands, as winds and weather per mitted, until the twentieth of the same month, when we saw the southernmost part of the island of Abaco, and passing the Hole in the Wall, on the twenty-first, entered on the Grand Bahama Bank to the leeward of the northernmost Berri Islands ; from thence, with a fair wind and good breeze, we steered W. S. W. twelve leagues ; then S. S. W. about forty leagues, crossing the Bank, in from three to four fathoms water. On -the morning of the twenty-second we saw the Orange Key on our starboard beam; altered our course, and ran off the Bank, leaving them on our starboard hand distant one league. .The water on this Great Bank, in most places, appears as white as milk, owing to the white sand at the bottom glebing through, it, and. YOVAGE IN T:H£ C&MMERCE. 19 is 96 cleaf that an object, the size of a dollar, can be easily seen lying ton the bottom in four fathom water, in a still time. Having got off the Bank, we steered W. S.W. for- the Double-headed Shot Bank, and at meridian found ourselves, by good observations, in the latitude of 24. 30. being nearly that of the Orange Keys. In the afternoon it became nearly calm, out a good breeze springing up, we continued our course all night W. S. W. I remained on deck myself, on a sharp look out for the Double-headed Shot Bank, or Keys, until four o'clock, A. M. when judging by pur distance we must be far past them, . and consequently clear of that danger, I ordered the chief mate, who had charge of the watch, to keep a good look out, on all sides, for land, white water, and breakers ; and after repeating the same to the people, I went below to take a nap. At about five (then, fair day light) I was awakened by a shock, anil thought I felt the vessel touch bottom. I sprang on deck, put the helm to starboard, had all hands called in an instant, and saw breakers ahead and to southward, close on board ; apparently a sound on our right, and land to the northward, at about two leagues distance. The vessel's head was towards the S. W. and she running at the rate of ten miles the hour. I instantly seized the helm, put it hard to port, ordered all sails to be let run, and the anchors cleared away. The vessel touched lightly, three or four times : when I found she was over the reef, let go an anchor, which brought her up in two and a half fathoms, or fifteen feet of water, which was quite smooth,. We now handed all the sails, and lowered down the boat. I went in her with four hands, and sounded out a passage; found plenty of water to leeward of the reef; returned and got under way, and at seven o'clock, A. M. was in the open sea again, with a fresh breeze. This being the first time, in the course of my navigating, that any vessel which I was in had struck the bottom unexpectedly, I own I was so much surprised and shocked, that my whole frame trembled, and I could scarcely believe that what had happened was really true, until by comparing the causes and effects of the currents of the Gulf Stream, I was convinced that during the light winds, the day before, when in the Santarem channel, the vessel had been drifted by the cur rent that runs N. N. W.(and at that time very strong) so far north of the Double-headed Shot Bank; that my course in the night, though the only proper one I could have steered, was such as kept the cur rent on the larboard bow of the vessel, which had horsed ner across it sixty miles out of her course in sixteen hours, and would have landed her on the S. W. part of the Carysford Reef in two minutes more, where she must have been totally lost. As so many vessels of all nations who navigate this stream have perished with their cargoes. and oftentimes their crews, 1 mention this incident to warn the navi gator of the danger he is in when his vessel is acted upon by these currents, where no calculation can be depended upon, and where nothing but very frequent castings of the lead, and a good look out, can secure him from their too often fatal consequences. Having settled this point in my own mind, I became tranquil, and we continued to run along the Florida Keys from W. S. W. to West by South, in from thirty to forty fathoms water, about four league* Ifj Captain riley^s ttAkUmn, distant, seeing from one to two leagues within us many rocks ahd lit* tie sandy islands, just above the water's edge, with a good depth of water all around them, until noon on the 24th, when we doubled the dry Tortusas Islands in ten fathoms, and on the 26th arrived in the Mississippi river, passed Fort St. Philip at Piuquemines the same night, having shown my papers to the commanding officer of that post (as is customary.) My previous knowledge of the river and the manner of getting up it, enabled me to pass nearly one hundred sail of vessels that were in before me, and by dint of great and continued exertions, to arrive with my vessel before the city of New-Orleans, on the first day of June. Here we discharged our cargo, and took another on board, principally on freight, in which I was assisted by Messrs. Talcott and Bowers, respectable merchants in that city. This cm-go consisted of tobacco and flour. The two ordinary seamen, Francis Bliss and James Carrington, now wished for a discharge, and received it. 1 then shipped in their stead John llogan and James Barrett, both sea men and natives of the state of Massachusetts. With this crew and cargo we sailed from New-Orleans on the twenty-fourth of June ; left the river on the twenty-sixth, and proceed ed for Gibraltar, where we arrived on the ninth of August following, and landed our cargo. About the thirteenth the schooner Louisa, Capt. Peter Price, of and from New-York, in a short passage, came into the Bay, and the captain on his landing told me he was bound up to Barcelona, and that if I would go on board his vessel, which was then standing off and on in the Bay, he would give me a late New- York Price Current, and some newspapers. I was in great want of a Price Current for my guide in making purchases, and accordingly went on board. The wind blowing strong in, and the vessel far out, I had to take four men with me, namely, James Clark, James Barrett, William Porter, and John Hogan. Having received the Price Current, &c. I left the schooner about sunset, when they immediately filled her sails and stood on. As we were busied in stepping the boat's mast to sail back, a toppling sea struck her, arid nearly tilled her with water ; we all jumped instantly overboard, in the hope of preventing her from filling, but she filled immediately. Providentially the captain of the schooner heard me halloo, though at least a mile from us ; put his vessel about, came near us, sent his boat, and saved our lives and our boat, which being cleared of water, and it being after dark, we returned safe along side of the brig by tea o'clock at night. When the boat filled, we were more than three miles from the Rock, in the Gut, where the current would have set us into the Mediterranean, and we must have inevitably perished before morning ; but we were spared, in order to suffer a severer doom, and miseries worse than death, on the barbarous shores of Africa. We now took on board part of a cargo of brandies and wines, and some dollars, say about two thousand, and an old man named Antonio Michel, a native of New-Orleans, who had previously been wrecked on. the island of Teneriffe, and was recommended to my charity by Mr. ©avino, who at that time exercised the functions of American Consul at Gibraltar. Voyage in the commerce. CHAPTER III. Voyage from Gibraltar towards the Cape de Verd Islands, including, the shipwreck of the brig Commerce on the coast of Africa. We set sail- from the bay of Gibraltar on the 23d of August, 1815, intending to go by way of the Cape de Verd Islands, to complete the lading of the vessel with salt. We passed Cape Spartel on the morning of the 24th, giving it a birth of from ten to twelve leagues, and steered off to the W. S. W. I intended to make the Canary Islands, and pass between Teneriffe and Palma, having a fair wind ; but it being very thick and foggy weather, though we got two obser vations at noon, neither could be much depended upon. On account of the fog, we saw no land, and found, by good meridian altitudes on the twenty-eighth, that we were in the latitude of 27. 30. N. having differed our latitude by the force of current, one hundred and twenty miles; thus passing the Canaries without seeing any of them. I con cluded we must have passed through the intended passage without discovering the land on either side, particularly as it was in the night, which was very dark, and black as pitch ; nor could I believe other wise from having had a fair wind all the way, and having steered one course ever since we took our departure from Cape Spartel. Soon after we got-au observation on the 28th, it became as thick as ever, and the darkness seemed (if possible) to increase. Towards evening I got up my reckoning, and examined it all over, to be sure that I had committed no error, and caused the mates to do the same with theirs. Having thus ascertained that I was correct in! calculation, 1 alter ed our course to S. W. which ought to have carried us nearly on the course I wished to steer, that is, for the easternmost of the Cape de Verds; but finding the weather becoming more foggy towards night,, it being so thick that we could scarcely see the end of the jib-boom, I rounded the vessel to, and sounded with one hundred and twenty fathoms of line, bur found no bottom, and continued on our course, still reflecting on what should be the cause of our not seeing land, (as I never had passed near the Canaries before without seeing them, even in thick weather or in the night.) I came to a determination to haul off to the N. W. by the wind at ten P. M. as I should then be by the log only thirty miles north of Cape Bajador. I concluded on this at nine, and thought my fears had never before so much prevailed over my judgment and my reckoning. 1 ordered the light sails to be handed, and the steering sail booms to be rigged in snug, which was done as fast as it could be by one watch,1 under the immediate direct tion of Mr. Savage. We had just got the men stationed at the braces for hauling off, as the man athelm cried "ten o'clock." Our try-sail boom was pn the star board side, but ready for jibing ; the helm was put to port, dreaming of no danger near. I had been on deck all the evening myself; the vessel was running at the rate of nine or ten knots with a very strong breeze, and high sea, when the main boom was jibed over, and 1 at that instant heard a roaring ; the yards were braced up — all hands were called. I imagined at first it was a Squall, and was near ordering the 23 CAPTAIN RILEY'S NARRATIVE. sails to be lowered down ; but I then discovered breakers foaming at a most dreadful rate under our lee. Hope for a moment flatteredme that we could fetch off still, as there were no breakers in view ahead : the anchors were made ready ; but these hopes vanished in an instant, as the vessel was carried by a current and a sea directly towards the breakers, and she struck! We let go the best bower anchor; all sails were taken in as fast as possible : surge after surge came thundering on, and drove her in spite of anchors, partly with her head on shore. She struck with such violence as to start every man from the deck. Knowing there was no possibility of saving her, and that she must very soon bilge and fill with water, I ordered all the provisions we could get at to be brought on deck, in hopes of saving some, and as much water to be drawn from the large casks as possible. We started several quarter casks of wine, and filled them with water. Every man worked as if his life depended upon his present exertions; all were obedient to every order I gave, and seemed perfectly calm. The vessel was stout and high, as she was only in ballast trim : the sea combed over her stern and swept her decks ; but we managed to get the small boat in on deck, to sling her and keep her from staving. We cut away the bulwark on the larboard side so as to prevent the boats from staving when we should get them out ; cleared away tho long boat and hung her in tackles, the vessel continuing to strike very heavy, and filling fast. We however, had secured five or six barrels of water, and as many of wine, — three barrels of bread, and three or four of salted provisions. I had as yet been so busily employed, that no pains had been taken to ascertain what distance we were from the land, nor had any of us yet seen it; and in the mean time all the clothing, chests, trunks, &c. were got up, and the books, charts, and sea instruments, were stowed in them, in the hope of their being use ful to us in future. , ' The vessel being now nearly full of water, the surf making a fair breach over her, and fearing she would go to pieces, I prepared a rope and put it in the small boat, having got a glimpse of the shore, at no great distance, and taking Porter with me, wo were lowered down on the larboard or lee side of the vessel, where she broke the violence of the sea, and made it comparatively smooth ; we shoved off, but on clearing away from the bow of the vessel, the boat was overwhelmed with a surf, and we were plunged into the foaming surges : we were driven along by the current, aided by what seamen call the undertow (or recoil of the sea) to the distance of three hundred yards to the westward, covered nearly all the time by the billows, which, following each other m quick succession, scarcely gave us time to catch a breath before we were again literally swallowed by them, till at length we were thrown, together with our boat, upon a sandy beach, After taking breath a little, and ridding our stomachs of the salt water that l!f i, w Lx7 m? them* my £ril Care 7as t0 turn the water out of the boat, and haul her up out of the reach of the surf. We found the rope that was made fast to her still remaining : this we carried I ,,n along the beach, directly to leeward of the wrecl where we fasten^ it to sticks about the thickness of handspikes, tha had drifted on rh. shore from the vessel, and which we drcfve in'to the sand byThe heir? ofpther p.ecesof wood. Before leaving the vessel, 1 hTdfrecteS 1 WRECK OP THE COMMERCE. &3 that all the chests, trunks, and every thing that would float, should be hove overboard : this all hands were busied in doing. The vessel lay about one hundred fathoms from the beach, at high tide. In order to save the crew, a hawser was made fast to the rope we had on shore, one end of which we hauled to us, and made it fast to a num ber of sticks we had driven into the sand for the purpose. It was then tautened on board the wreck, and made fast. This being done, the long boat (in order to save the provisions already in her) was lowered down, and two hands steadied her by ropes fastened to the rings in her stem and stern posts over the hawser, so as to slide, keeping her bow to the surf. In this manner they reached the beach, carried on the top of a heavy wave. The boat was stove by the vio lence of the shock against the beach; but by great exertions we saved the three barrels of bread in her before they were much damaged ; and two barrels of salted provisions were also saved. We were now, four of us, on shore, and busied in picking up the clothing and other things which drifted from the vessel, and carrying them up out of the surf. It was by this time daylight, and high water ; the vessel ca reened deep off shore, and I made signs to have the masts cut away, in the hope of easing her, that she might not goto pieces. They were accordingly cut away, ,and fell on her starboard side, making a bet ter lee for a boat along side the wreck, as they projected considerably beyond her bows. The masts and rigging being gone, the sea break ing very high over the wreck, and nothing left to Tiold on by, the mates and six men still on board, though secured, as well as they could be, on the bowsprit and in the larboard fore-channels, were yet in immi nent danger of being washed oft'by every surge. The longboat was stove, and it being impossible for the small one to live, my great ob ject was now to save the lives of the crew by means of the hawser. I therefore made signs to them to come, one by one, on the hawser, which had been stretched taut for that purpose. John Hogan ventur ed first, and having pulled off his jacket, took to the hawser, and made for the shore. When he had got clear of the immediate lee of die wreck, every surf buried him, combing many feet above his head ; but he still held fast to the rope with a death-like grasp, and as soon as the surf was passed, proceeded on towards the snore, until another surf, more powerful than the former, unclenched his hands, and threw him within our reach; when- we laid hold of him and dragged him to the beach ; we then rolled him on the sand, until he discharged the salt water from his stomach, and revived. I kept in the water up to my chin, steadying myself by the hawser, while the sUrf passed over me, to catch the others as they approached, and thus, with the assistance of those already on shore, was enabled to save all the rest from a wa tery grave. CHAPTER IV. Description of the natives. — They make war upon the crew, and drive them off to the wreck. Alt. hands being now landed, our first care was to secure the pro- visions and water which we had so far saved, knowing it was a bar- 24 CAPTAIN RILEY'S NARRATIVE. ren thirsty land ; and we carried the provisions up fifty yards from the ¦water's edge, where we placed them, and then formed a kind of a tent by means of our oars and two steering sails. I had fondly hoped we should not be discovered by any human beings on this inhospitable shore, but that we should be able to repair our boats, with the mate rials we might get from the wreck, and by taking advantage of a smooth time, (if we should be favoured with one,) put to sea, where by the help of a compass and other instruments which we had saved, we might possibly find some friendly vessel to save our lives, or reach some of the European settlements down the coast, or the Cape de Verd Islands. , Being thus employed, we saw a human figure approach our stuff, such as clothing, which lay scattered along the beach for a mile west ward of us. It was a man! He began plundering our clothing. I went towards him with all the signs of peace and friendship I could make, but he was extremely shy, and made signs to me to keep my distance, while he all the time seemed intent on plunder. He was unarmed, and I continued to approach him until within ten yards. He appeared to be about five feet seven or eight inches high, and of a complexion between that of an American Indian and negro. He had about him, to cover his nakedness, a piece of coarse woolen cloth, that reached from below his breast nearly to his knees ; his hair was long and bushy, resembling a pitch mop, sticking out every way six or eight inches from his head ; his face resembled that of an ourang- outang more than a human being ; his eyes were red and fiery ; his mouth, which stretched nearly from ear to ear, was well lined with sound teeth; and a long curling beard, which depended from his upper lip and chin down upon his breast, gave him altogether a most horrid appearance, and I could not but imagine that those well set teeth were sharpened for the purpose of devouring human flesh ! ! particularly as I conceived 1 had before seen in different parts of the world, the human face and form in its most hideous and terrific shape. He appeared to be very old, yet fierce and vigorous ; he was soon joined r>y two old women of similar appearance, whom I took to be his wives. These looked a little less frightful, though their two eye- teeth stuck out like hogs' tusks, and their tanned skins hung in loose plaits on their faces and breasts; but their hair was long and braided. A girl of from eighteen to twenty, who was not ugly, and five or six children of different ages and sexes, from six to sixteen years, were also in company. These were entirely naked. They brought with them a good Englishhammer, with a rope-laniard through a hole in its handle. It had, no doubt, belonged to some vessel wrecked on that coast. They had also a kind of axe with them, and some long knives slung on their right sides, in a sheath suspended by their necks. They now felt themselves strong, and commenced a bold and indis criminate plundering of every thing they wanted. They broke open trunks, chests, and boxes, and emptied them of their contents, carry ing the clothing on their backs upon the sand hills, where they spread them out to dry. They emptied the beds of their contents, wanting only the cloth, and were much amused with the flying of the feathers before the wind from my bed. It appeared as though they had never before seen such things. ' WRECK. OP THE COMMERCE. 2# I had an adventure of silk laced veils and silk handkerchiefs, the former of which the man, woman, and children tied round their heads in the form of turbans; the latter round their legs and arms, though only for a short time, when they took them off again, and stowed them away among the other clothing on the sand hills. They all seemed highly delighted with their good fortune, and even the. old man's fea tures began to relax a little, as he met with no resistance. We had no fire or side arms, but we could easily have driven these creatures off with handspikes, had I not considered that we had no possible means of escaping either by land or water, and had no reason to doubt but they would call others to their assistance, and in revenge destroy us. I used all the arguments in my power to induce my men to endeavour to conciliate the friendship of these natives, but it was with the greatest difficulty I could restrain some of them from rush ing on the savages and putting them to death, if they could have come up with them ; but I found they could run like the wind, whilst we could with difficulty move iu the deep sand. Such an act I conceiv ed would Cost us our lives, as soon as we should be overpowered by numbers, and I therefore permitted them to take what pleased them best, without making any resistance; except our bread and provi sions, which, as we could not subsist without them, I was determined to defend to the last extremity. On our first reaching the shore I allowed my mates and people to share among themselves one thou sand Spanish dollars, for I had hauled my trunk on shore by a rope, with my money in it, which I was induced to do in the hope of its being useful to them in procuring a release from this country in case we should be separated, and in aiding them to reach their homes. We had rolled up the casks of water and wine which had been thrown overboard and drifted ashore. I was now determined to mend the long boat, as soon and as well as possible, in order to have a retreat in my power, (or at least the hope of one,) in case of the last neces sity. The wind lulled a little in the afternoon, at low water, when William Porter succeeded in reaching the wreck, and procured a few nails and a marline spike ; with these he got safe back to the shore. I found the timbers of the boat in so crazy a state, and the nails which held them together, so eaten off by the rust, that she would not hold together, nor support her weight in turning her up in order to get at her bottom. I tacked her timbers together, however, as welF as I could, which was very imperfectly, as I had bad tools to work with, and my crew, now unrestrained by my authority, having broached a cask of wine, and taken copious draughts of it, in order to dispel then- sorrows, were most of them iu such a state, that instead of assisting me, they tended to increase my embarrassment. We, however, at last, got the boat turned up, and found that one whole plank was out on each side, and very much split. I tacked the pieces in, assisted by Mr. Savage, Horace, and one or two more. We chinced a little oakum into the seams and splits with our knives, as well as we could, and worked upon her until it was quite dark. I had kept sentinels walking with handspikes, to guard the tent and provisions during this time, but the Arabs had managed to rob Us of one of our sails from the tent, and to carry it off, and not content with this, they tried to get the other in the same way. This 1 would not permit them to 3 4 26 captain Riley's narrative, do. They then showed their hatchets ctad their arms, but finding it of no effect, they retired for the night, after promising, as near as I could understand them, that they would not molest us further till morning, when they would bring camels down with them. We had previously seen a great many camel tracks in the sand, and I of course believed there were some near. One of the children had furnished us with fire, which enabled us to roast a fowl that had beendrowned, and driven on shore from the wreck, on which, with some salt pork, and a little bread and butter, we made a hearty meal, little thinking that this was to be the last of our provisions we should be permitted to enjoy. A watch was set of two men, who were to walk guard at a distance from the tent, to give an alarm in case of the approach of the natives, and keep burning a guard fire. This we were enabled to do by cutting up some spars we found on the beach, and which must have belonged to sonic vessel wrecked there before us. Night liad now spread her sable mantle over the face of nature, the savages had retired, and all was'still, except the restless and unwea-/ ried waves, which dashed against the deserted wreck, and tumbled among the broken rocks a little to the eastward of us, where the high perpendicular cliffs, jutting out into the sea, opposed a barrier to their violence, and threatened, at the same rime, inevitable and certain destruction to every ill fated vessel and her crew that should, unfortunately, approach too near their immoveable foundations : these we had escaped only by a few rods. From the time the vessel struck to this moment, I had been so entirely engaged by the laborious exertions which our critical situation demanded, that I had no time for reflection ; but it now rushed like a torient over my mind, and banished from my eyes that sleep which my fatigued frame so much required. I knew I was on a barren and inhospitable coast ; a tem pestuous ocean lay before me, whose bosom was continually tossed and agitated by wild and furious winds, blowing directly on shore ; no vessel or boat, sufficient for our escape, as I thought it impossible for our shattered long boat to live at sea, even if we should succeed in urging her through the tremendous surges that broke upon the shore with such violence as to make the whole coast tremble ; behind us were savage beings, bearing the human form indeed, but in its most terrific appearance, whose object I knew, from what had already Fassed, would be to rob us of our last resource, our provisions ; and did not doubt, but they would be sufficiently strong in the morning, not only' to accomplish what they meditated, but to take jrur lives also, or to seize upon our persons, and doom us to slavery, till death should rid us of our miseries. This was the first time I had ever suffered shipwreck. I had left a wife and five young children behind me, on whom I doated, and who depended on me entirely for their subsistence. My children would have no father's, and perhaps no mothers care, to direct them in the paths of virtue, to instruct their ripening years, or to watch over them, and administer the balm of comfort and consolation in time of sickness ; no generous friend to relieve their distresses, and save them from indigence, degradation, and ruin. These reflections harrowed up my soul, nor could I cease to shudder at these imagi nary evils, added to my real ones, until I was forced mentally to ex- WRECK OF THE COMMERCE. 27 claim, "Thy ways, great Father of the universe, are wise and just, and what am I! an atom of dust, that dares to murmur at thy dispen sations." I next considered, that eleven of my fellow sufferers, who had intrusted themselves to my care, were still alive and with me, and all but two of them (who were on the watch) lying on the ground, and wrapped in the most profound and apparently pleasing sleep ; and as I surveyed them with tears of compassion, 1 felt it was a sacred duty assigned me by Providence, to protect and preserve their lives to my very utmost. The night passed slowly and tediously away ; when daylight at length began to dawn in the eastern horizon, and chased darkness before it, not to usher to our view the cheering pros pect of approaching relief, but to unfold new scenes of suffering, wretchedness, and distress. So soon as it was fairly light, the old man came down, accompanied by his wives and two young men of the same family — he was armed with a spear of iron, having a. handle made with two pieces of wood spliced together, and tied with cords: the handle was about twelve feet long. This he held balanced in his right hand, above his head, making motions as if to throw it at us ; he ordered us off to the wreck, pointing, at the same time to a large drove of camels that were descending the heights to the eastward of us, his women running off at the same time whooping and yelling horribly, throwing up sand in the air, and beckoning to those who had charge of the camels to approach. I ran towards the beach, and seized a small spar that lay there, to parry off the old man's lance, as a handspike was not long enough. He in the mean time came to the tent like a fury, where the people still were, and by slightly prick ing one or two of them, and pointing at the same time towards the camels, he succeeded in frightening them, which was his object, as he did not wish to call help, lest he should be obliged to divide the spoil. The crew all made the best of their way to the small boat, while I parried oft' his spear with my spar, and kept him at a distance. He would doubtless have hurled it at me, but for the fear of losing it. The small boat was dragged to the water, alongside our hawser, but the people huddling into her in a confused manner, she was filled by the first sea, and bilged. I now thought we had no resource, except trying to 'get eastward or westward. Abandoning, therefore, our boats, provisions, &c. we tried to retreat eastward, but were opposed by this formidable spear, and could not make much progress ; for the old man was very active. He would fly from us like the wind, and return with the same speed. The camels were approaching very fast, and he made signs to inform us, that the people who were with. them had fire arms, and would put us instantly to death; at the same time opposing us every way with his young men, with all their wea pons, insisting on our going towards the wreck, and refusing to receive our submission, while ihe women and children still kept up their yell ing. We then laid hold of the long boat, turned her over, and got her into the water ; and as I would sillier only one at a time to get on board, and that too over her stern, we succeeded at length, and all fot off safe alongside the wreck, which made a tolerable lee for the oat, though she was by this time half filled with water. All hands got on board tho wreck except myself and another : we 2&*kept bailing the boat and were able to keep her from entirely filling, having one bucket and a keg to work with. The moment we were ont of the way, all the family ran together where our tent was; here they were joined by the camels and two young men, which we had not before seen, apparently about the ages of twenty and twenty-six. They were armed with scimitars, and came running on foot from the eastward. The old man and woman ran to meet them, hallooing to us, brandishing their naked weapons and bidding us defiance. They loaded the barrels of bread on their camels, which kneeled down to receive them ; the beef, and all the other provisions, with the sail that the tent was made of, &c. &c. and sent them off with the children, who drove them down. The old man next came to the beach; with his axe stove in all the heads of our water casks and casks of wines, emptying their contents into the sand. -They then gathered up all the trunks, chests, sea instruments, books, and charts, and consumed them by fire in one pile. Our provisions and water being gone, we jsaw no other alternative but to try to get to sea in our leaky boat, or stay and be washed off the wreck the next night, or to perish by the hands of these barbarians, who we expected would appear in great force, and bring fire arms with them, and they would besides soon be enabled to walk to the wreck, on a sand bar that was fast forming inside of the vessel, and now nearly dry at low water. The tide seemed to ebb and flow about six feet. We had now made all the preparations in our power for our departure, which amounted to nothing more than getting from .the wreck a few bottles of wine and a kw pieces of salt pork. No water could be procured, and the bread was completely spoiled by being soaked in saltwater. Our oars were all lost except two that were on shore in the power of the natives. We had split a couple of plank for oars, and attempted to shove off, but a surf striking the boat, came over her bow, and nearly filling her with water, drifted her again alongside the wreck. We now made shift to get on board the wreck again, and bail out the boat; which when done, two hands were able to keep her free, while two others held her steady by ropes, so as to prevent her from dashing to pieces against the wreck. CHAPTER V. The natives seize the author by perfidy, and then get possession of the money — The author's critical situation on shore — He escapes to the icreck — Antonio Michel is massacred. Thk sight of our deplorable situation seemed to excite pity in the breasts of the savages who had driven us from the shore. They came down to the water's edge, bowed themselves to the ground, beckon ing us, and particularly me, whom they knew to be the captain, to come on shore ; making at the same time all the signs of peace and friendship they could. They carried all their arms up over the sand hills, and returned without them. Finding I w,ould not come on shore, one of them ran and fetched a small goat or dog skin which by signs they made me understand was filled with water, and all WRECK 6t THE COMMERCE", 23 retiring to a considerable distance from the beach, except the old tnan who had it ; he came into the water with it up to his armpits, beckoning me to come and fetch it and drink. He was nearly naked, and had no weapons about him. Being very thirsty, and finding we could not get at any water, and no hope remaining of our being able to get out through the surf to sea, I let myself down by the hawser, and went by means of it to the beach, where the old man met me and gave me the skin of water, which I carried off to the wreck, and the people hauled it up on board. This done, he made me understand that he wished to go on board, and me to remain on the beach until his return. Seeing no possible chance of escaping, or of preserving our lives in any other way but by their assistance, and that that was only to be obtained by conciliating them — telling my men my mind, I went again to the shore. The young men, women, and children were now seated unarmed on the beach, near the water — the grown people near ly, and the children entirely naked. They made all the signs oi peace they knew of, looking upwards, as if invoking heaven to witness their sincerity. The old man advancing, took me by the hand, and looking up to heaven, said, " Allali K. Beer.'" I knew that Allah was the Arabic name for the Supreme Being, and supposed Ii.. Beer meant " our friend or father." I let him pass to the wreck, and went and seated myself on the beach with the others, who seemed very friendly, interlacing their fingers with mine ; putting my hat on one another's head, and returning it to me again; stroking down my trow- sers, feeling my head and hands, examining my shoes, and feeling into my pockets, &c. When the people had hauled the old man on board, I endeavoured to make them understand that they must keep him until I was released, but they did not comprehend my meaning, owing to the noise of the surf; and after he had satisfied his curiosity by looking attentively at every thing he could see, which was nothing more than the wreck of the contents of the hold floating in her, inquiring for baftas, for fire arms, and for money, as I afterwards learnt, and finding nope, he came on shore. When he was near the beach, and I about to rise to meet him, I was seized by both arms by the two stoutest of the young men, who had placed themselves on each side of me for the purpose of safe-keeping. They grasped my arms like lions, and at that instant the women and children presented their daggers, knives, and spears to my head and breast. To strive against them was instant death ; I was therefore obliged to remain quiet, and determined to show no concern for my life, or any signs of fear. The countenance of every one around me now assumed the most horrid and malignant expres sions ; they gnashed their teeth at me, and struck their daggers with in an inch of every part of my head and body. The young men still held me fast, while the old one, seizing a sharp scimitar, laid hold of my hair at the same instant, as if to cut my throat, or my head off. I concluded my last moments had come, and that my body was doom ed to be devoured by these beings, whom I now considered to be none other than cannibals, that would soon. glut their hungry stomachs with my flesh. I could only say, " Thy will be done," mentally, and felt resigned to my fate, for 1 thought it could not be prevented. But their part, it soon appeared, was only for the purpose me, and as I had not changed countenance, the old Vhi 30 CAPTAIN Rir.EYV NARRATIVE. this conduct on l of frightening me, man, after drawing his scimitar lightly across the collar of. my shirt, which he cut a ]Utle, released my head, bidding me by signs to-order all the money wa had on board to be brought directly on shore. My mates "and people then on the wreck, had witnessed this scenfe, and had agreed, as they afterwards informed me, that if I was mas sacred, which they did not doubt from appearances would soon be the case, to rush on shore in the boat, armed in the best manner they were able, and revenge my death by selling their lives as dearly as possible. When the old man had quit his hold, and I hailed my people, their hopes began to revive, and one of them came on the hawser to know what they should do. I told him all the money which they had on board must be instantly brought on shore. He was in the water at some distance from mc, and could not hear, on account of the noise occasioned by the surf, what 1 added, which was for them not to part with the money until I should be fairly released. He went on board, and all hands hoping to procure my release, put their money which they still had about -them, to the amount of about one thousand dol lars into a bucket, and slinging it on the hawser, Porter shoved it along before him nenr'the beach, and was about to bring it up to the place where I sat. With considerable difficulty, however, Iprevented dm, as the surf made such a roaring, that he' could not hear me, though he was only a few yards distant; but he at last understood my signs, and staid in the water until one of the young men went and received it from him. The old man had taken his seat alongside of me. and held his scimitar pointed at my breast. The bucket of dollars was brought and poured into one end of the, old man's blanket, when he bid me rise and go along with them, he and the young men urging me along by both arms, with their daggers drawn before, and the women and children behind with the spear, and their knives near my back. In this manner they made me go with them over the sand drifts to the distance of three or four hundred yards, where they seated themselves and me on the ground. The old man then proceeded to count and divide the money. He made three heaps of it, counting into each heap by tens, and so dividing it exact ly, gave to the two young men one-third or heap — to his two wives one-third, and kept the other to himself. Each secured his and their own part, by wrapping and tying it up in some of our clothing. Dur ing this process, they had let go of my arms, though they were all around me. I thought my fate was now decided, if I could not by some means effect my escape. I knew they could outrun me, if I should leap from them, and would undoubtedly plunge their weapons to my heart if I attempted, and failed in the attempt. However, I resolved to risk it, ami made a slight movement with that view at a moment when I thought all eyes were turned from me ; but one of the young men perceiving my manoeuvre, made a lounge at me with his scimitar. 1 eluded the force of his blow, by falling backwards on the ground; it however pierced my waistcoat. He was about to repeat it, when the old man bade him desist. The money being now distributed and tied up, they made me rise Wreck or The commerce, St \yith them, and were all going together from the beach, holding me by the arms, with naked daggers all around me. There appeared now no possible means of escape, when the thought suddenly occurred to me, to tempt their avarice. I then, by signs, made them understand that there was more money in the possession of the crew. This seemed to please them, and they instantly turned themselves and me about for the beach, sending the money off by one of the young men and a boy. When they approached to within one hundred yards of the beach, they made me seat myself on the sand between two of them, who held me by the arms, bidding me order the money on shore. I knew there was none on board the wreck, or in the boat, but 1 imagined if I could get Antonio Michel on shore, I should be able to make my escape. I hailed accordingly, and made signs to my people to have one of them come near the shore ; but as they saw, by every movement of the natives, that my situation was dreadfully critical, none of them were inclined to venture, and I waited -more than an hour, was often threatened with death, and made to halloo with all my might, until 1 became so hoarse as scarcely to make my self heard by those around me. The pity of Mr. Savage at last over came his fears. He ventured on the hawser, and reaching the beach in safety was about to come up to me, where he would have been cer tainly seized on as I was, when I endeavoured to make him under stand, by signs, that he must stay in the water, and keep clear of the natives, if he valued his life ; but not being able to hear me, my guards, who supposed I was giving him orders' to fetch the money, obliged me to get up and approach him a little, until I made him understand what I wanted : he then returned on board the wreck, and I was taken back to my former station. Antonio came to the shore, as soon as he knew it was my wish, and made directly towards me. The natives, expecting he would bring more money, flocked about him to receive it, but finding he had none, struck him with their fists, and the handles of their daggers, and stripped off all his clothing : the children at the same time prick ing him with their sharp knives, and all seemed determined to torment him with a slow and cruel death. He begged for his life upon his knees, but they paid no regard to his entreaties. In hopes of saving him from -the fury of these wretches, I told him to let them know by signs that there were dollars and other things buried in the sand, near where our tent had stood, and to endeavour to find them by digging. A new spy-glass, a hand-saw, and several other things had been buried there, and a bag containing about four hundred dollars at a short distance from them. He soon made them understand that something was buried, and they hurried him to the spot he had point ed out, and he began to dig. 1 had imagined that if this man would come on shore, I should be enabled to make my escape; yet I knew not how, nor had I formed any plan for effecting it. 1 was seated on the sand, facing the sea, between the old man on my left, with his spear uplifted in his left hand, pointing to my breast, and the stoutest young man on my right, with a naked scimitar in his right hand, pointing to my head — both weapons were within six inches of me, and my guards within a foot on each side. I considered at this time, that so soon as any thing should be found by those who SSf CAPTAIN RIlEy's NARRATIVE. Were digging/they would naturally speak nlid inform those who gtlafrl? ed me of it ; (these had let go of my arms sometime before) and as 1 was pretty certain that both of them would look round as soon as the discovery of any treasure should be announced, I carefully drew up my legs under me, but without exciting suspicion, in order to be ready for a start. The place where they were digging, was partly behind us on our right, and upon their making a noise, both my guards turned their heads and eyes from me towards them, when I instantly sprang out from beneatli their weapons, and flew to the beach. 1 was running for my life, and soon reached the water's edge. Knowing I was'pursued, and nearly overtaken, I plunged into the sea, with all my force, head foremost, and swam under water as long as I could hold my breath; then rising to the surface, I looked round on my pursuers. The old man was within ten feet of me, up to his chin in water, and was in the act of darting his spear through my body, when a surf rolling over me, saved my life, and dashed him and his com rades on the beach. 1 was some distance westward of the wreck; but swimming as fast as possible towards her, whilst surf after surf broke in towering heights over me, I was enabled, by almost super human exertion, to reach the lee of the wreck, when 1 was taken into the boat over the stern by the mates and people. I was so far exhausted that I could not immediately witness what passed on shore, but was informed by those who did, that my pursuers stood motionless on the beach, at the edge of the water, until I was safe in the boat : that they then ran towards poor Antonio, and plung ing a spear into his body near his left breast downwards, laid him dead at their feet. They then picked up what things remained, and made off all together. I saw them dragging Antonio's lifeless trunk across the sand hills, and felt an inexpressible pang, that bereft me for a moment of all sensation, occasioned by a suggestion that to me alone his massacre was imputable; but on my recovery, when I reflected there were no other means whereby my own life could have been preserved, and, under Providence, the lives often men, who had been committed to my charge, I concluded I had not done wrong, nor have I since had occasion to reproach myself for being th? innocent cause of his destruction; nor did any of my surviving shipmates, though perfectly at liberty so to do, ever accuse me on this point ; from which 1 think I have an undoubted right to infer, that their feel ings perfectly coincided with mine on this melancholy occasion. CHAPTER VI. Providential preservation throughthe surf to the open ocean — Sufferings in their shattered boat nine days at sea — Landing again on uve frightful coast of the African D'esarl. Hostilities had now commenced, and we could not doubt but these merciless ruffians would soon return in force, and, when able to overpower us, would massacre us all as they had already done Antonio. The wind blowing strong, and the surf breaking outside WRECK off THE COMMERCE, 3$ hfirl on the wreck twenty fir thirty feet high, the nope of getting to sea In our crazy long boat was indeed but faint. She had beetfthWrp- ing alongside the wreck, and on a sand bank all day, and writhed like an old basket, taking in as much water as two men constantly employed with buckets could throw out. The deck and outside of the wreck were fast going to pieces, and the other parts could not hold together long. The tide, (by being low,) together with the sand bar that had been formed by the washing of the sea from the bow of the wreck to the beach, had very much lessened the danger of communi1 eating with the shore during this day ; but it was now returning to sweep every thing from the wreck, aided by the wind, which blew a gale on shore every night. To remain on the wreck, or go on short, was almost certain death ; the boat could no longer be kept afloat alongside, and being without provisions or water, if we should put to sea, we must soon perish. We had neither oars nor a rudder to the boat; no compass nor a quadrant to direct our course ; but as it was our only chance, I resolved to try and get to sea ; expecting, never theless, we should be swallowed up by the first surf, and launched into eternity all together. I, in the first place, sent Porter onshore to get the two broken oars that were still lying there, while 1 made my way through the water into the' hold of the wreck, to try once more if any fresh water could be found. 1 dove in at the hatchway, which was covered with water, and found,, after coming up under the deck on the lauboard side, as 1 expected, just room enough to»breathe, and to work among the float ing casks, planks, and wreck of the hold. After much labour I found a water cajk, partly full, and turning it over, discovered that its bung was tight. This gave me new courage, and after upheading it, I pame up and communicated the circumstance to my shipmates, and we then made search for some smaller vessel to fill from the cask. After much trouble, a small keg was found in the after hold ; it might pro bably hold four gallons — the head of the water cask was stove in, and with the help of Mr. Savage and Clark, I got the keg full of water, and a good drink for all hands besides, which was very much needed. The others were in the mean time employed in rigging put spars which we had lashed together over the stern of the wreck with a rope made fast to their outer ends, in order to give the boat headway, and clear her from the wreck, when we should finally shove off. Porter had returned with the oars, and also brought the bag of money that had been buried, containing about four hundred dollars : this he did of his own accord. We had got the small boat's sails, consisting of a jib and mainsail, into the boat, with a spar thatTvould do for a mast, and the brig's fore- topmast staysail; the keg of water, a few pieces of salt pork, a Jive pig, weighing about twenty pounds, which had escaped to the shore when the vessel. struck, and which had swam back to us again when we were driven from the shore; about four pounds of figs, that had been soaking in salt water ever since the brig was wrecked, and had l>eeii fished out of her cabin; this was all our stock of provisions. Every thing' being now ready, I endeavoured to encourage the crew as well as I could: representing to them that it was better to be swal- ' lowed tip all together, than to suffer ourselves to be massacred by the • 5 84 CAPTAIN RlLEY^S NARRATIVE. ferocious savages ; adding, that the Almighty was able to save, even When the last ray of hope was vanishing ; that we should never des pair, but exert ourselves to the last extremity, and still hope for n:s merciful protection. As we surveyed the dangers that surrounded us, wave following •wave, breaking with a dreadful crash just outside of us, at every instant, our hearts indeed failed us, and there appeared no possibility of getting safely beyond the breakers, without a particular interference of Providence in our favour. The particular interference of Provi dence in any case I had always before doubted ; but if there is a general, there must be a particular Providence. Every one trembled with dreadful apprehensions, and each imagined that the moment we ven tured past the vessel's stern, would be his last. I then said, " Letus pull off our hats, my shipmates and companions in distress." This was done in an instant ; when lifting my eyes and my soul towards heaven, I exclaimed, " Great Creator and preserver of the universe, who now seest our distresses ; we pray thee to spare our lives, and Eermit us to pass through this overwhelming surf to the open sea; ut if we are doomed to perish, thy will be done ; we commit our souls to the mercy of thee our God, who gave them : and O ! uni versal Father, protect and preserve our widows and our children." The wind, as if by divine command, at this very moment ceased to blow. We hauled the boat out ; the dreadful surges that were nearly bursting upon us, suddenly subsided, making a path for our boat, through which we rowed her out as smoothly as if she had been on a river in a calm, whilst on each side of us, and but a few yards distant, the surf continued to break twenty feet high, and with unabated fury. We had to row nearly a mile in this manner : all were fully convinced that we were saved by the interposition of Divine Providence in this S articular instance, and all joined in returning thanks to the Supreme ieing for this mercy. As soon as we reached the open sea, and had gained some distance from the wreck, we observed the surf rolling behind us with the same force as it had on each side the boat. We next fitted the mast, and set the small boat's mainsail. The wind now veered four points to the eastward, so that we were enabled to fetch pastthe point of the Cape, though the boat had neither keel nor rudder. It was sunset when we got out, and night coming on, the wind as usual increased to a gale before morning, and we kept the boat to the wind by the help of an oar, expecting every moment to be swallowed up by the waves. We were eleven in number on board ; two constantly bailing were scarcely able to keep her free, changing hands every half hour. The night was very dark and foggy, and we could not be sure of fetching clear of the land, having nothing to guide us but the wind. In the morning we sailed back again for the land, and had approached it almost within reach of the breakers with out seeing it, when we put about again. It had been my intention after we had got to sea, to run down the coast in the hope of finding some vessel, or to discover the mouth of some river, in order to obtain a supply of water. But now the dangers and difficulties we should have to encounter m doing this, were taken into consideration/ If we tried to navigate along the coast, it was necessary to know our course, or we should be in imminent danger of being dashed to pieces • §CPPERtNG9 IN THE BdAT. 33 Oh it every dark day, and every night. The thick foggy weather would prevent our seeing the land in the day time ; whilst "the wind, blowing almost directly on the land, would force us towards it, and endanger the safety of both the boat and our lives, at every turn or point We had no compass to guide us either by day or night; no instrument by which to mid our latitude ; no rudder to steer our boat with; nor were we in possession of materials wherewith it was possible to make one ; she had no keel to steady her, nor was there a steering place in her stern, where an oar could be fixed by any other means than by lashing to the stern ring, which afforded a very unsteady hold. On the one hand, we considered that if we escaped the danger of being driven on shore or foundering at sea, and should succeed in reaching the cultivated country south of the desart, we should have to encounter the ferocious inhabitants, who would not fail, in the hope of plunder, to massacre us, or doom us to slavery. On the other hand, we reflected that we had escaped from savages who lad already killed one of our shipmates, had gained the open sea through divine mercy, and could stand off to the westward without fear of being driven on shore. In this direction we might meet with some friendly vessel to save us, which was our only hope in that way ; and the worst that could happen to us was to sink altogether in the sea, or gradually perish through want of sustenance. Having considered, and represented to my companions the dangers that beset us on every side, I asked their opinions one by one, and found they were unanimously in favour of committing themselves to the open sea in preference to keeping along the coast. The dangers appeared to be fewer, and all agreed that it was better to perish on the ocean, if it was God's will, than by the hands of the natives. There being a strong breeze, we stood off by the wind and rigged our jib. We now agreed to put ourselves upon allowance of one bottle of water and half a bottle of wine among eleven of us, and a scrap of pork and two soaked and salted figs for each man. During this day, which was the 30th August, 18i5, we fitted waist cloths to go round above the gunwale of the boat, to prevent the sea from dashing over; they were from eight to ten inche"s broad, made from the brig's fore-staysail, and were kept up by small pieces of a board which we formed in the boat, so that they helped in some measure to keep off the spray. It had been cloudy all day, and the boat leaked faster than she had done before. As night came on the wind blew hard and raised the sea very high, but the boat was kept near the wind by her sails, and drifted broadside before it, smoothing the sea to the windward, and did not ship a great deal of water. On the 31st it became more moderate, but the weather was very thick and hazy. Our pig being nearly dead for the want of water, we killed it, taking care, however, to save his blood ; which we divided amongst us and drank, our thirst having become almost insupportable. We also divided the pig's liver, intestines, &c. between us, and ate some of them, (as they were fresh,) to satisfy, in some degree, our thirst. Thus this day passed away ; no vessel was yet seen to relieve us ; we had determined to save our urine for drink, which we accordingly did in some empty bottles, and found great relief from the use of it; for being obliged to labour hard by turns to keep the boat above water, il, eAHAitf fttLErs, NA.RRATiV^i bur thirst was much ntot'e severely felt than if we hacl remained" .stjlli The night Caip e on very dark and lowering; the sky seemed big wjth an impending tempest; the wind blew hard from theN. E. and before midnight the sea dashed into the boat in such quantities as several times to fill her more than half full. All hands were employed jn throwing out the water with hats and other things,, each believing ,'his final hour had at length arrived, and expecting that every approach,- ingsur-ge would bury him for ever in a watery grave. .The boat racked like an old basket, letting in water at every seam and split ; her timbers working out or breaking off; the nails I luid nut in while last on shore were kept from entirely drawing out, merely W the pressure of the water acting on the outside of the boat. Sharp flashes of lightning, caused by heat and vapour, shot across the Sloom, rendering the scene doubly horrid. In this situation, some of le men thought it was no longer of use to try to keep the boat afloaf, as they said she must soon fill in spite of all their exertions. Having. prayed to the Almighty, and implored pardon for our transgressions, each, one seemed perfectly lesigned to his fate : this was a trying moment, however, and my example and advice could scarcely induce them to continue bailing; whilst some of them, by thrusting their heads into the water, endeavoured to ascertain what the pains of death were, by feeling the effects the water would produce on their organs. Thus passed this night ; all my exertions were necessary to encourage the men to assist me in bailing the boat, by reminding them of our miraculous escape from the savages, and through the surf to the open sea, and enforcing on their minds the consideration that we were still in the hands of the same disposing power, and that we ought not to' suppose we were aided in escaping from the shore by a miracle, to be abandoned here and swallowed up by the ocean; and that for my own part I still entertained hopes of our preservation ; at any rate, that it was a duty we owed to God and ourselves to Strive to the latest- breath to prevent our own destruction. Day came on amidst these accumulated horrors; it was the first of September: thirst pressed, upon us, which we could only allay by wetting our mouths, twice a day with a fow drops of wine and water, and as many times with oui urine. _ The wind continued to blow hard all this day, and the succeeding night witli great violence, and the boat to work and leak in the same manner as before. Worn down with fatigues and long continued hunger and thirst, scorched by the burning rays pf the sun, anil no vessel appearing to save us, our water fist diminishing, as well as our strength, every hope of succour by meeting with a vessel entirely failed me, so that in the afternoon of the 2d of September, I represented to my companions, that as we were still alive, after enduring so many trials, it was my advice to put about, and make towards the CQast again ; that if we continued at sea we must inevitably perish, and that we could but perish in returning towards the land; that we might stjL exist four or five days longer, by means of the water and provi- . sions that remained, and tnat it might be the will of Providence to send us on the coast where our vessel had been wrecked, and where means were perhaps prepared to bring about our deliverance and resV toranqn to wr country and our families. All seemed convinced' that' StiFEERtNCS IN THE BOAT. 5f it Was so, and we immediately pttt about with a kind of cheermlnesW I had not observed in any countenance since our first disaster. From this time all submitted to their fate with tolerable patienCe, and kept the boat free, though we had continual bad weather, without murmuring. We wetted our lips with wine and water twice evCrjr day, and ate the bones and some of the raw flesh of our pig, with itst skin ; but at length we became so faint as to be Unable to take dor turds in bailing, whilst the boat laboured so much as to work off nearly all the nails that kept the planks to her timbers above water. By the 6th of September, at night, we had riot made the land, and could not hope to make the boat hold together in any manner above another day. I expected we should have found the land that day, but was disappointed, and some of the people began again to despair. Impelled by thirst, they forgot what they owed to their shipmates," and in the night got at, and drank off one of the two bottles of wine!' we had remaining. When I mentioned the loss of the wine on the morning of the 7th, all denied having taken or drank it, adding that it was an unpardonable crime, und that those who did it ought to be thrown overboard instantly. Krom the heat observable in their con versation, I guessed'the offenders; but the wine was gone; and no remedy remained but patience, and stricter vigilance for the ftttufe. In a short time we discovered land at a great distance ahead, and to leeward. This gave all hands new spirits ; hope again revived for a moment. The land appeared perfectly smooth in the distant horizon ; not the smallest rising or hill was lobe seen, and 1 concluded we must be near a desart (¦oust, where our sufferings would find no relief but in death. Wc continued to approach the laud,, driving along to the southward by a swift current, roaring like a strong tide in a irstr- rdw rocky passage, until near sunset. The coast now appeared to lie formed of perpendicular and over hanging cliffs, rising to a great height, with no shelving shore to land on, or way by which we might mount to the top of the precipices. My opinion was, that we should endeavour to keep to sea this night also, and steer along down the coast, until by the help of daylight, we might find a better place to kind, and where we. should not be in such danger of being overwhelmed by the surf; but in this 1 was opposed by the united voice of the mates and all the people. The surf was breaking high among the rocks, near the shore: we were now very near the land, and seeing a small spot that bore the appearance of a sand beach, we made for it, and approaching it with the help of our oars, we were carried on the top of a tremeridous wave, so as to be high and dry when the surf retired, oh a little piece of sand beach, just large enough for the boat to lie on. Without usr, and in the track we came, numerous fragments of rocks Showed their craggy heads, over which the surf foamed as it retired, with a dresid- ful roaring, which made us feel we had once more escaped instant destruction, by what appeared a miraculous interference of Provi dence. I We got out of ,the boat, and carried up the little remains of our water and pork among the rocks, beyond the reach of the surf r the remain* or the pig had been' previously conSurhed. Our boat was now stove in reality; over our heads' pended huge masses of broken 4 38 CAPTAIN RILEY'S NARRATIVE. and shattered ro^ks, extending both ways as far as the eye conld reach : our limbs had become stiff for the want of exercise ; our flesh had wasted away for the want of sustenance, and through fatigue our tongues were so stiff in our parched mouths, that we could with great difficulty speak so as to be understood by each others though we had finished our last bottle of wine between us, for fear of losing it, just before we ventured to the shore through the surf. Being thus placed on dry land, we had yet to discover how we were to reach the surface above us; so taking Mr. Savage with me, we clambered over the rocks to the westward, (for the coast run ning here from E. N. E. to W. S. W. induced me to think we were near Cape Blanco, which indeed afterwards proved to be the case,) but we searched in vain, and as there appeared to be no access to the summit in that direction, we returned (it being then dark) to our shipmates, who had been busied in preparing a place on the sand, between the rocks, to sleep on. Wc now wet our mouths with water, ate a small slice of the fat of salt pork, and after pouring out our souls before the universal Benefactor, in prayers and thanksgiving for his mercy and his long continued goodness, (as had constantly Been our custom,) we laid down to rest, and, notwithstanding our dreadful situation, slept soundly till daylight. CHAPTER VII. Sufferings of the Crete, and manner of climbing over the rocks along the sea slime, under high cliffs — Reaching the surface oftlie Desart — Meeting with a company of wandering Arabs, by ichom they are seized as slaves, and stripped naked. On the morning of September the 8th, as soon as it was light, being much refreshed by our undisturbed sleep, we agreed to leave all we had that was cumbrous or heavy, and try to make our way to the eastward, in hopes of finding a place, whilst we had yet strength remaining, to dig for water, or to get to the surface of the land above ns, where we hoped to find some herbage or vegetable juice to allay, in some degree, our burning thirst, which was now rendered more grievous than ever, by our eating a few muscles that were found on the rocks, and extremely salt. Having agreed to keep together, and to render each other mutual assistance, we divided amongst us the little water we had, every one receiving his share in a bottle, in order to preserve it as long as possible : then taking a small piece or two of pork, which we slung on our backs, either in a spare shirt or a piece of canvass, leaving all our clothes but those we had on, and our jack ets, we bent our way towards the east. I had, before starting, buried the bag of dollars, and induced each man to throw away every one he had about him, as I was convinced that money had been the cause of our former ill treatment, by tempting the natives to practise treache rous and cruel means, in order to extort it from us. We proceeded now, as well as we were able, 'along close to the water side. Ihe land was either nearly perpendicular, or jutting SUFFERINGS IN AFRICA. 39 over our heads, rising to the height of from five to six hundred feet, and we were forced to climb over masses of sharp and craggy rocks, from two to three hundred feet in height ; then to descend again by letting ourselves down from rock to rock, until we reached the water's edge; now waiting for a surf to retire, while we rushed one byona past a steep point, up to our necks in the water, to the rocks more favourable on the other side, where by clinging fast hold, we kept our selves from being washed away by the next surf, until, with each other's assistance, we clambered up beyond the reach of the greedy billows. The beating of the ocean, and the force of the currents against this coast, had undermined the precipices in such a manner, that yast masses of rocks, gravel, and sand, had given way and tum bled to the shore. Rocks falling on rocks, had formed chasms, through which we were forced to pass at times, for a long distance ; and surmounting one obstacle, seemed only to open to our view another, and a more dangerous one. At one place, we were obliged to climb along on a narrow ledge of rocks, between forty and fifty feet high, and not more than eighteen inches broad ; those at our backs were perpendicular, and a little higher up, huge pieces that had been broken off from near the surface, and stopped on their way down by other fragments, seemed to totter as if on a pivot, directly over our heads ; while the least slip must have plunged us into the fright ful abyss below, where the foaming surges would instantly have dashed us to pieces against the rocks. Our shoes were nearly all worn off; our feet were lacerated and bleeding; the rays of the sun, beating on our emaciated bodies, heated them, we thought, nearly to dissolution; and under these towering cliffs, there was not a breath of air to fan our almost boiling blood. I had, in crawling through one of the holes between the rocks, broke my bottle, and spilled the little water it contained ; and my tongue, cleaving to the roof of my mouth, was as useless as a dry stick, until I was enabled to loosen it by the expedient before mentioned. Thus passed this day with us, and when night came on, it brought with it new distresses. We had advanced along the coast not more than about four miles this day, with all the exertion we were capable of, without finding any change for the better in our local situation, whilst our strength was continually diminishing, and no circumstance occurred to revive our hopes. We had seen this day, however, on the broken rocks, several locusts, which we took to be grasshoppers, and concluded, if we could once reach the surface, we should find herbage, at least, to feed on. These locusts were dead, and crum bled to dust on the slightest touch. We now found a good place in the sand, about one hundred feet from the sea, under a high cliff, to sleep on ; here we greased our mouths by eating a small piece of salt pork, and wet them, as usual, with a sip of urine. All hands, except myself, had a little fresh water left; my comrades knew I had not one drop, and two of them offered to let me taste of theirs, with which 1 just moistened my tongue, and after sending up our prayers to heaven, for mercy and relief in our forlorn and desolate condition, we laid ourselves down to sleep. I had, on setting out from home, received Horace Savage under my particular charge, from his widowed mother; his father, when 4f) CAPTAIN RILEY'S NARRATIVE, living, having been my intimate friend, I promised her to take care of him, as if he was my own son, and this promise 1 had endeavour ed to fulfil. He was now in deep distress, and I determined within myself that I would adopt him, as my own son, for his mother was poor; that 1 would watch over his ripening years, in case we both lived, and if fortune should favour me in future, that he should share it in com mon with my children. 1 now took him in my arms, and we all slept soundly till morning, though the change was so great in the night, from extreme heat to a damp cold air, that we awoke in tlie morning (September 9th) with benumbed and trembling limbs. Sleep, how ever, had refreshed us, and though our feet were torn, and our frames nearly exhausted, yet we chased away despair, and set forward on our journey. We had soon discovered, at no great distance ahead, a sand beach that appeared large, and from which the shore upward seemed more sloping, as if opening a way to the surface above it; we also thought we should be able, in case we could reach the beach, to get water that would be drinkable, by digging in the sand down to a level with the sea, and letting it filter into the hole ; this I had done on the Lit tle Keys of the Bahama bank with success, and expected it would be the same here ; — so we made our way slowly along, as we had done the day before, until we got within a short distance of this beach, where we met with a promontory of rocks, which rose in height even with the surface above us ; jutting far out into the sea, whose waves had worn in under its base to the distance of fifty or one hundred feet, and now dashed in a wild and frightful manner against the projecting points, which its washings for ages had formed underneath. To climb over this formidable obstruction, was impossible ; to get around it through the water, appeared equally so, as there was not sufficient time, by the greatest exertion, to pass before the return of the surf, which would inevitably hurl the adventurer into the cavities under the cliff, among the sharp rocks, where he must immediately perish. Thus far we had all got safe ; to advance by what appeared to be the only possible way, seemed like seeking instant death ; to remain in our present situation, was merely to die a lingering one ; and to return, was still worse, by increasing our pains, without leading to any chance of relief. Before us was a prospect of getting water, and arriving at the summit of the land, if we could only get round the promontory alive ; and fortunately, at this moment we observed a rock about half way across this point, that had tumbled down from above, and had been washed full of holes ; it was covered by every surf, and its top left bare as the wave receded. I imagined! could reach it before the wave came in ; and after making known my intentions to my companions, 1 followed -the surf out, and laid hold of the rock just as the returning swell overwhelmed me. I clung to it for my life, the surf passing over me, and spending its fury among the crags : the instant it retired I hurried on to the steep rocks beyond the point, whe're I again held on, while another surf swept over me, and then left me to clamber up, as quick as I was able, on the flat surface of the rock, beyond the reach of the waves. The tide was not yet en tirely out, though I had judged it was; and as it continued to rail. my people following the same course and embracing the same meansi Sufferings in Africa. 41 all got safe to the first rock, and from thence to the place where I lay prostrate to receive and assist them in getting up. Though our limbs and bodies were very much bruised in this severe encounter, yet we felt somewhat encouraged, and made for the sand beach as fast as we were able. We soon reached it, and began digging in the sand for water, at different distances from the sea, but found it to be as salt as the ocean. After digging several holes farther off, and meeting with dry rock instead of water, 1 pitched upon a spot for our last effort ; and while the others were digging, I told them 1 would go and see if I could get up the bank, and if I succeeded that I would return in a short time with the news : the bank here rose abruptly, leaving, however, in some places sufficient slope for a man to ascend it by climbing. Through one of these slopes I made my way up, in the hope of find ing some green thing that might help to allay our burning thirst, and some tree to shelter us from the scorching blaze of the sun ; but what was my surprise when I came to the spot so long desired, and found it to be a barren plain, extending as far as the eye could reach each way, without a tree, shrub, or spear of grass, that might give the smallest relief to expiring nature ? I bad exerted myself to the utmost to get there ; the dreary sight was more than I could bear; my spirits fainted within me, and I fell to the earth deprived of every sensation. When I recovered, it was some time before I could recollect where I was : my intolerable thirst, however, at length convinced me, and I was enabled to administer the same wretched and disgusting relief to which I had so frequently before been compelled to resort. Despair now seized on me, and. I resolved to cast myself into the sea as soon as I could reach it, and put an end to my life and miseries together. But when I the next moment reflected that 1 had left ten ofmy fellow creatures on the shore, who looked up to me for an exam ple of courage and fortitude, and for whom I still felt myself bound to continue my exertions, which might yet be blessed with success ; and that at the moment when 1 supposed the hand of relief far from me, it might be very near ; and when I next thought of my wife and children, I felt a kind of conviction within me, that we should not all perish after such signal deliverances. I then made for the sea side about a mile eastward of my men, and finding a good place between some roeks, I bathed myself for half an hour in the sea water, which refreshed and revived me very much, and then returned to my men with a heart lighter than I expected. I was very much fatigued, and threw myself down on the sand. They huddled around me to know what success I had met with ; but to waive the subject of my sad discovery, I told them we could go along the beach for two miles before meeting again with the perpendicular cliffs, and would find great relief by bathing our bodies in the saltwater; inquiring, at the same time, if they had found any fresh in the last place they had been digging. I thus diverted their minds, in some measure, from the object they wished to inquire after; and as I found they had dug down six or eight feet, and had found no water, having come to a roek which frustrated all their attempts ; with heavy hearts and tot tering limbs we staggered along the shore together. It was about mid-day whence got to the end of the sand beach} 4 * 6 42 CAPTAIN RILEY'S NARRATIVE. my people thought it would be impossible for theiri to climb the craggy steep ; so with common consent we laid ourselves down under the shade formed by a shelving rock, to rest, and to screen ourselves from the rays of the sun, which had heated the air to such a degree, that it was with the greatest difficulty we could fetch our breath. There was no wind or^air stirring at this time, except the hot steam rising from the sandy beach, which had been wet by the sea at the last tide. , Having lain down in our exhausted state, neither thirst nor our reflections, had power to keep our eyes open ; we sunk into a lethargic sleep, which continued about two hours, during which time a light breeze from the sea had set in, and gently fanned and refreshed our debilitated bodies. We then ascended the steep bank, crawling fre quently on our hands and knees. Though I had previously prepared all their minds for a barren prospect, yet the signt of it, when they reached its level, had such an effect on their senses that they sunk to the earth involuntary; and as they surveyed the dry and dreary waste, stretching out to an immeasurable extent before them, they exclaimed, " 'Tis enough ; here we must breathe our last ; we have no hope before us of finding either water or provisions, or human beings, or even wild beasts ; nothing can live here." The little moisture yet left in us overflowed at our eyes ; but as the salt tears rolled down our woe- worn and haggard cheeks, we were fain to catch them with our fingers and carry them to our mouths, that' they might not be lost, and serve to moisten our .tongues, that were now nearly as dry as parched leather, and so stiff, that with difficulty we could articulate a sentence so as to be understood by each other. I began now to exhort and press them to go forward ; telling them thafwe still might find relief, and in this effort I was assisted by Hogan, who thought with me that it was time enough to lie down and die, when we could not walk. Mr. Williams and Mr. Savage were also willing, and we moved on slowly, with scarcely a hope, however, of meeting with the least relief. We continued along on the edge of the cliffs, which could not be less than from five to six hundred feet in perpendicular height: the surface of the ground was baked down almost as hard as flint ; it was composed of small ragged stones, gravel, and reddish earth. We observed a small dry stalk of a plant' resembling that of a parsnip, though very low ; and some dry remains of locusts were also scattered on the surface as we proceeded. Near night we saw some small holes dug on the surface, and on examina tion found they had been made in order to get at the root of the dry weed we had just before seen : this we conceived had been done by some wild beasts ; but finding no tracks of any kind near them, nor on the dirt dug up, I concluded it was done by man, and declared my hopes to my desponding companions of soon meeting with human beings. We procured, after great labour in digging with sticks we had brought from the boat and the help of stones, a few small pieces of a root as large as a man's finger ; it was very dry, but in taste resembled smellage or celery. We could not get enough to be of any material service to us, owing to the scarcity of the plant, and the hardness of the ground ; but about sunset we discovered, on a small spot of sand SUFFERINGS IN AFRICA. 43 the imperfect track of a camel, and thought we saw that of a man, which we took to be a very old track. Believing from our present feelings that we could not possibly survive a day longer without drink, and no signs of finding any appear ing, the last ray of hope faded away, and the gloom of despair, which had at length settled on our hearts, now became visible in every coun tenance. A little after sunset we saw at a considerable distance in advance, perhaps three or four miles, another sand beach, and I urged myself forwards towards it as fast as I could, in hopes of getting some rest by sleeping on the sand for the night, as the ground we were now on was as hard as a rock, and covered with small sharp stones. I was encouraging the men to follow on, when Clark, being near me, begged me to look towards the beach, saying, "1 think I see a light !" It was the light of a fire ! Joy thrilled through my veins like the electric spark : hope again revived within me, and while I showed it to my sinking and despair ing crew, I found it communicated to them the same feelings. I told them we must approach the natives, who 1 could not doubt were encamped for the night, with the greatest caution, for fear of alarming them, and falling a sacrifice to their fury, in the confusion we might occasion by our sudden approach in the dark. New life and spirits were infused into all the crew, and we soon reached a broken place in the bank, through which we descended carefully over the broken rocks, from three to four hundred feet, to a sandy spot near its base, where we laid ourselves down for the night, after imploring the protection of Almighty God, and wetting our mouths with a few drops of water still remaining in the bottles. The sand on which we lay was heated by the sun's rays sufficiently to have roasted eggs, and as we were on the side of a sand hill, we scraped off the top of it for a foot or two deep ; when finding the heat more supportable, and the cool breeze of the' night setting in, all hands being excessively fatigued, soon forgot their sufferings in the arms of sleep, excepting myself; for my mind had become so excited by alternate hopes, and fears, and reflections, that I was kept awake through the whole of this long and dismal night. I had determined, as soon as daylight appeared, to show ourselves to the natives, and submit either to death or life from their hands. I had no doubt of their being Arabs who would take and hold us as slaves, and though I did not expect myself to live but a short time in that condition, I presumed some of my fellow sufferers might, and that it was a decree of Providence which had set this alternative before us. 1 no longer felt any fear of death, for that would put a period to my long sufferings : my thirst had become so insupportable, that I could with difficulty breathe, and thought I would be willing to sell my life for one gill of fresh water. My distresses had been so excessive, and my cares and anxieties for my shipmates so great, that all thoughts of my family had been driven almost entirely from my mind. I could not sleep — why was I denied what all around me were enjoying ? I shut my eyes, and prayed to be permitted to sleep, if only for one hour, but all in vain. I imagined that the savages, who were near us, would not take our lives immediately, as it was contrary to the na ture of man to slay his fellow creatures, merely from a thirst for blood. 44 captain riley's NARRATIVE. We had now no arms to defend ourselves, nor ariyprbpertV td excite their jealousy, revenge, or avarice ; we were as miserable, 1 conceived, as human beings could be, and I hoped we should excite pity, even in the breasts of the savage Arabs. I could hardly yet think, that we were to fall a sacrifice to these people, after the provi dential escapes we had already experienced : next, the remembiariCe of my wife and children flitted across my mind, and I was forced to acknowledge, that however bad their situation might be, their real distress could in no wise equal mine, and that I had no right to repine at the dispensations of Providence, since every mortal has his circle Wisely marked out by heaven ; and nothing but blindness to the future, occasions us to complain of the ways of our Creator. If it was the will of the Supreme Being that I should again see and embrace my beloved family, it would certainly take place ; if not, that power who ordered all things for the general good, would hot forsake them. Thus passed away the night, which had seemed to me an endlfesS one. I was impatient to know my fate, and chid the slowness of the sun; my great anxiety and wakefulness, rendered my thirst doubly fiainful, and having expended all the urine I had so carefully saved, I lad recourse before morning to robbery, and actually stole a sip of the cook's, water, which he had made and saved in a bottle ; but the only taste it had for me was a salt one, and it seemed (if possible) to increase my burning thirst. The day at last arrived that was to decide our fate. It was the 10th of September. I awakened my com- panionsj and told them we must now go forward and show ourselves to the natives — that I expected they would seize upon us as slaves, but had strong hopes that some of us would escape with Our lives! I also mentioned to them the name of the American Consul Gene ral at Tangier, and that if it ever was in their power, they must write to him, and inform him of the fate of our vessel and her crew : to write, it possible, to any Christian merchant in Mogadore, Gibraltar or elsewhere, or to the Consul at Algiers, Tunis, or Tripoli, if they should hear those places mentioned, and exhorted all to submit to their fate like men, ahd be obedient, as policy required, to their future masters. I reminded them again of the former interposition's of Pro vidence in our favour, and said all I could to encourage and persuade them, that mildness and submission might save our lives that resis tance and stubbornness would certainly tend to make them more mise rable while alive, and probably prompt the natives to murder them out of resentment. All agreed to go forward, and on rising the little sandhills near us we discovered a very large drove of camels at about half a mile to the eastward df us with a large company of people, in a kind of valley formed by a ridge of sand* hills on the north next the sea, and by fiS high land to the south, rising from five to six hundred feet in upright and overhanging cliffs-through which, a little farther on, we saw a deep hollow that appeared to have been formed by some convulsive Shock of the earth, which had thus made a sort of passage, VriroS which camels were enabled to pass up and down, but wffl great dif ficulty. The Arabs seemed busied in giving water to tbpir Tz2E they saw us and in an instant one man !„d IvoZmnZ Sell us with great speed. As they came forward, many others of WW MP an < iitiiii 'mFa w ! ' *m if sopFKntsaa is Africa. 43 who SAw us, also began to advance ! so taking Mr. Williams" and Mr. Savage with me, I went forward to meet them, b*owed myself to the ground before them, and with signs implored their compassion. The man was armed with a scimitar, which he held naked in his hand. He ran up to me as if to cut me 10 the earth : I bowed again in token of submission, and he began without further ceremony to strip off my clothing, while the women were (Joing the same to Mr. Williams and Mr. Savage. Thirty or forty more were arriving — some running on foot, with muskets or naked scimitars in their hands ; others riding on swift camels, came quickly up : — by the time they arrived, however, we were all stripped naked to the skin. Those Arabs near us threw up sand into the air, as the others approached, yelling loudly, which I now learned was a sign of hostility. The one who stript me had also taken the cook, and had put all the clothing' he had stript from us into a blanket, which he had taken from off his own back for that purpose, leaving himself entirely naked. This bundle he laid on the negro's shoulders, making me understand that myself and the black man belonged to him, and that we must not let the others take the clothes in the bundle under pain of death. As soon as those on the camels were near, they made them lie down, andjumping off, ran to us with their scimitars naked and ready for action ; those on foot now joined these, and a great noise and scuffle ensued. Six or eight of' them were about me, one hauling me one way and one another : poor Dick, the black man, partook of the hauling, and each man seemed to insist most strenuously that we belonged of right to him. The one who stript us, stuck to us as his lawful property, signifying, " you may have the others, these are mine.'' They cut at each other over my head, and on every side of me, with their bright weapons, which fairly whizzed through the air within an inch of my naked body, and on every side of me, now hack ing each other's aims apparently to the bonei then laying their ribs bare with gashes, while their heads, hands, and thighs, received a full share of cuts and wounds. The blood, streaming from every gash, ran down their bodies, colouring and heightening the natural hideous* ness of their appearance. I had expected to be cut to pieces in this dreadful affray, but was not injured. Those who were not actually engaged in combat, seized the occa sion, and snatched away the clothing in Dick's bundle, so that when the fight was over, he had nothing left but his master's blanket. This battle and contest lasted for nearly an hour — brother cutting brother, friend slashing friend. Happily for them, their scimitars were not very sharp, so that when they rubbed off the dried blood from their bodies afterwards with sand, their wounds were not so great or deep as I expected they would be, and they did not pay the least apparent attention to tliem. I had no time to see what they were doing with my shipmates; only myself and the cook were near each other. The battle over, I saw my distressed companions divided among the Arabs, and all going towards the drove of camels, though they were at some distance from me. We two were delivered into the hands of two old women, who urged us on with sticks towards the camels. Naked and barefoot, I could not go very fast, and showed the women my mouth, which was parched white as frost, and without 46 CAPTAIN RILEY'S NARRATIVE. a sign of moisture. When we got near the well, one of th6 women called for another, who came to us with a wooden bowl, that held, I should guess, about a gallon of water, and setting it on the ground, made myself and Dick kneel down and put our heads into it like eamels. I drank I suppose half a gallon, though I had been very particular in cautioning the men against drinking too much at a time, in case they ever came to water. They then led us to the well, the water of which was nearly as black and disgusting as stale bilge water. A large bowl was now filled with it, and a little sour camel's milk poured from a goat skin into it; this tasted to me delicious, and we all drank of it till our stomachs were literally filled. But this intemperance very soon produced a violent diarrhoea ; the conse quences of which, however, were not, very troublesome, and as our situation was similar to that of a beast, being totally divested of clothing, all we cared about was to slake our unabating thirst, and replenish our stomachs' by repeated draughts of this washy and unwholesome swill. We now begged for something to eat, but these Arabs had nothing for themselves, and seemed very sorry it was not in their power to give us some food. There were at and about the well, I should reckon, about one hundred persons, men, women, and children, and from four to five hundred camels, large and small. The sun beat very fiercely upon us, and our skins seemed actually to fry like meat before the fire. These people continued to draw water for their camels, of which the animals drank enormous quantities. It was about ten o'clock A. M. as I judged by the sun, when one company of the Arabs, having finished watering, separated their camels from among the others, took Mr. Williams, Robins, Porter, Hogan, Barrett, and Burns, niounted them on the bare backs of the camels behind the hump, by the hair of which they were obliged to steady themselves and hold on, without knowing whither they were going, or if I should ever see them again. 1 took an affectionate leave of them. This their Arab masters permitted me to do without interruption, and could not help showing at this scene, that the feelings of humanity were not totally extinguished in their bosoms. They then hurried them off, and ascending through the hollow or crevice towards the face of the desart, they were all soon out of sight. There remained with the party to which I belonged, Mr. Savage, Clark, Horace, and Dick the cook. Mr. Savage was permitted to retain an old Guernsey frock, and part of a pair of trowsers about his middle, which they had not pulled off: but the rest of us were entirely stripped. Mr. Savage, Clark, and Horace were forced to assist in drawing water for the camels, until all had drank their fill : then hav ing filled with water a considerable number of goat skins, which had been cut round the neck and stripped off these animals over the tail, leaving them otherwise as whole as when on their backs, they slung them by the skin of their legs on each side of the camels, after tying up the neck to prevent the water escaping, by means of a small rope which they fastened to the fore legs of the skin to keep it up. They next put on their baskets for the women and children to ride in : these were made of camel's skin, and fixed in such a manner, with a wooden rjm around them, over which the skin was sewed, that three or four SUFFERINGS IN AFRICA* il fcould sit in them with perfect safety and ease, only taking care to preserve their balance. These baskets were fastened under the camels' bellies with a strong rope : I was obliged to assist in putting them on, and was in hopes of being permitted to ride in one of them ; but that was not the intention of my master. I, as well as those who were with me, had drank a great deal of water, while we were at the well, which had passed off, as before observed, without doing us any injury. We had been furnished also with a little milk in our water two or three times, which gave some relief to our hunger. The men had saddles just large enough for their seat : the pads are made of flat pieces of wood ; a piece of the same rises in front, being about the length, breadth, and thickness of a man's hand ; an iron rim, or a strong wooden one, goes round on each side, forming a circle; covered with a piece of skin stretched and sewed tight over it. The saddle is then placed on the camel's back before the hump, and fastened tight by a rope under his belly. Thus prepared, we began to mount the sand hills and get up through the gulley. We were forced to walk and to drive the camels and keep them together, whilst the sand was so soft and yielding, that we sunk into it every step nearly to our knees. The blazing heat of the sun's rays darting on our naked bodies, and reflected frpm the sand we waded through ; the sharp pointed craggy rocks and stones that cut our feet and legs to the bone, in addition to our excessive weakness, which the dysentery had increased, rendered our passage up through this chasm or hollow much more severe than any thing of the kind we had before under gone, and nearly deprived us of life. For my own part, I thought I must have died before I could reach the summit, and was obliged to stop in the sand, until by the application of a stick to my sore back by our drivers, I was forced up to its level ; and there they made the camels lie down and rest. CHAPTER VIII. The author and his crew are carried on camels into the interior of the Desart of Zahahrah — The Arabs hold a council — The crew are sold and distributed — The author's remarkable, dream — The skin and flesh are literally roasted off from his body and from the bones of his com panions — Their dreadful sufferings while naked and wandering about the desart with their masters, subsisting only On a little camel's milk- Two Arab traders arrive. The Arabs had been much amused in observing our difficulty in ascending the height, and kept up a laugh while they were whipping us forward. Their women and children were on foot as well as them selves, and went up without the smallest difficulty or inconvenience. though it was extremely hard for the camels to mount, and before they got to the top they were covered with sweat and froth. Having now selected five camels for the purpose, one for each of us, they put us on behind the humps, to which we were obliged to cling by grasping its long hair with both hands. The back bone of the one Iwas set 4t 6AMAIN ftttfi¥*8 NARRATIVE1. on was Only Covered with skin, and seemed as sharp as the edge of an oar's blade ; his belly, distended with water, made him perfectly smooth, leaving no projection of the hips to keep me from sliding off behind; and his back or rump being as steep as the roof of a house, and so broad across as to keep my legs extended to their utmost stretch, I was in this manner slipping down to his tail every moment. I Was forced, however, to keep on, while the camel, rendered ex tremely restive at the sight of his strange rider, was all the time run ning about among the drove, and making a most woful bellowing; and as they have neither bridle, halter, or any other thing whereby to guide or govern them, all I had to do was to stick on as well as 1 could. The Arabs, both men and women, were very anxious to know where we had been thrown on shore, whether to the eastward or west ward ; and being satisfied by me on that point, so soon as they had placed us on the camels, and given the women directions how to steer, they mounted each his camel, seated themselves on the small round saddle, and then crossing their legs on the animal's shoulders, set off to the westward at a great trot, leaving us under the care of the women, some of whom were on foot, and urged the camels forward as fast as they could run, to the S. E. The heavy motions of the camel, not unlike that of a small vessel in a heavy head-beat sea, were so violent, aided by the sharp back bone, as soon to excoriate certain parts of my naked body ; the inside of my thighs and legs were also dreadfully chafed, so that the blood dripped from my heels, while the intense heat of the sun had scorched and blistered our bodies and the outside of our legs, so that we were covered with sores, and without any thing to administer relief. Thus bleeding and smart ing under the most excruciating pain, we continued to advance in a S. E. direction, on a plain, flat, hard surface of sand, gravel, and rock, covered with small sharp stones. It seemed as if our bones would be dislocated at every step. Hungry and thirsty, the night came on, and no indication of stopping; the cold night wind began to blow, chilling our blood, which ceased to trickle down our lace rated legs; but although it saved our blood, yet acting on our blis tered skins, it increased our pains beyond description. We begged to be permitted to get off, but tho women paid no attention to our dis tress nor intreaties, intent only on getting forward. We designedly slipped off the camels, when going at a full trot, risking to break our necks by the fall, and tried to excite their compassion and" get a drink of water, (which they call sherub,) but they paid no attention to our prayers, and kept the camels running faster than before. This was the first time I had attempted to walk barefooted since 1 was a schoolboy ; we were obliged to keep up with the camels, run ning over the stones, which were nearly as sharp as gun flints, and cutting our feet nearly to the bone at every step. It was here that my fortitude and reason failed to support me ; 1 cursed my fate aloud, and wished 1 had rushed into the sea before I gave myself up to these merciless beings in human forms — it was now too late. I would have put an immediate end to my existence, but had neither knife nor any other weapon with which to perform the deed. I searched for a Stone, intending if I could find a loose one sufficiently large to knock sufferings In Africa. 49 6ttt" flW own" brairis with it ; but searched in vain. This paroxysm passed off in a minute or two, when reason returned, and I recollected that my life was in the hand of the power that gave it, and that " the Judge of all the earth would do right." Then running with all my remaining might, I soon came up with the camels, regardless of my feet and of pain, arid felt perfectly resigned and willing to submit to the will of Providence, and the fate that awaited me. From that time forward, through all my succeeding trials and suf ferings, I never once murmured in my heart, but at all times kept my Spirits up, doing the utmost to obey and please those whom fortune, fate, or an overrulihg Providence had placed over me, and to per suade, both by precept and practice, my unhappy comrades to do the same; I had, with my companions, cried aloud with pain, and begged difr savage drivers for mercy, and when we had ceased to make a noise, fearing, as it were, to lose us in the dark, they stopped the camels, and again placing us on them as before, drove them on at full speed trntil about midnight, when we entered a small dell or valley, exca vated by the hand of nature, a little below the surface of the desart, about ftom fifteen to twenty feet deep. Here they stopped the camels, and made them lie down, bidding us to do the same. I judge we must have travelled forty miles this day to the S. E. . the place was hard and rocky, not even sand to lie on, nor any covering to shelter us Or keep off the cOld damp wind that blew strong from the sea. They soon set about milking, and then gave us each about a pint of pure milk, warm from the camels, taking great care to divide it for us; it warmed our stomachs, quenched our thirst in some mea sure, and allayed in a small degree the cravings of hunger. Mr. Savage had been separated from us, and I learned from him after- Wards that he fared better than we did, having had a larger allowance of milk. Clark, Horace, and Dick the cook were still with me. We lay down on the ground as close to each other as we could, On the sharp stones, without any lee to fend off the wind from us : our bodies all over blistered and mangled, the stones piercing through the sore naked flesh almost to the ribs and other bones. These distresses, and our sad arid desponding reflections, rendered this one of the ldrfgest and most dismal nights ever parsed by any human beirtgs. We kept shifting births, striving to keep off some of the cold during the nignt, while sleep, that had hitherto relieved our distresses and fatigues, fled from us in spite of all our efforts and solicitude to embrace it ; nor were we able to close our eyes. Thb morning of the 11th came on at last, and our industrious mis tresses; having milked alittle from the camels, and allowed the young bnfss to suck; gave iis about half a pint of milk among four of lis, being jrist enough to wet our mouths, and then made Us go forward ott'foet ahfl drive the camels. The situation of our feet was horrible beyond de'scriptitih, and the very recollection of it, even at this moment, makes rfiy nerves thrill and quiver. We proceeded forward, having gained the level desart, for a considerable time; when entering a sirfall valley, we discovered three or four tents made of Coarse cloth, near which We* we're inet by our misters, and a number of men whom we had not before Sfeen, all armed with either- a double barrelled musket, a scimi tar ; 6r dagger. They were all of the same nation and tribe, for thfey 5 7 BQ CAPTAIN RIley's NAR&AfiVE. Bhook hands at meeting, and seemed very friendly to eaoh othef", though they stopped and examined us, as if disposed to question the right of property. It now appeared there was still some difficulty in deciding to whom each one of us belonged ; for seizing hold of us, some dragged one way and some another, disputing very loudly, and frequently draw ing their weapons. It was, however, decided at last, after making us go different ways for the space of two or three hours with different men, that myself and the cook should remain, for the present, in the hands of our first master. They gave Clark to another, and Horace to a third. We had come near a couple of tents, and were certainly disgusting objects, being naked and almost skinless ; this was some time about noon, when three women came out who had not before seen us, and having satisfied their curiosity by gazing at us, they expressed their disgust and contempt by spitting on us as we went along, making their faces still more horrid by every possible contor tion of their frightful features ; this we afterwards found to be their constant practice wherever we went, until after we got off the desart. Towards evening, a great number of them having collected in a little valley, we were made to stop, and as our bodies were blistered and burned to such a degree as to excite pity in the breasts of some of the men, they used means to have a tent cleared out for us to sit under. They then allowed all those of our crew present to sit under it, and, as may well be supposed, we were glad to meet one another again, miserable as we all were. Porter and Burns, who had been separated from me shortly after our capture, were still absent. A council was now held by the natives near the tent ; they were about one hundred and fifty men, some very old, some middle aged, and some quite young. I soon found they were Mohammedans, and the proper names by which they frequently called each other were Moham med, Hamet, Seid, Sideullah, Abdallah, &c. so that by these and the female names Fatima, Ezimah, Sarah, &c. I knew them to be Arabs or Moors. The council were deliberating about us ; and having talked the matter over'a long time, seated on the ground with their legs crossed under them, in circles of from ten to twenty each, they afterwards arose and came to us. One of the old men then addressed me; he seemed to be very intelligent, and though he spoke a language that I was unacquainted with, yet he explained himself in such a,plain and dis tinct manner, sounding every letter full like the Spaniards, that with the help of signs I was able to understand his meaning. He wanted to know what country we belonged to ; I told him we were English ; and as I perceived the Spanish language was in sound more like that which they spoke than any other 1 knew, I used the phrase Inglesis ; this seemed to please him, and he said " O Fransah, O Spaniah;" meaning, " or Frenchmen, or Spaniards ;" I repeated we were Eng lish. He next wanted to know which point of the horizon we came from, and 1 pointed to the north. They had seen our boat, which they called Zooerga, and wanted to know if we had come all the way in that boat: 1 told them no, and making a kind of coast, by heaping up sand, and forming the shape of a vessel, into which 1 stuck sticks for masts and bowsprit, &c. \ BUFFERINGS IN AFRICA. Al gavfe him to understand that we had been in a large vessel, ahd wrecked on the coast by a strong wind ; then by tearing down the masts and covering the vessel's form with sand, 1 signified to him that she was totally lost. Thirty or forty of the other Arabs were sitting around us, paying the strictest attention to every one of my words and ges tures, and assisting the old man to comprehend me. He wished to know where we were going, and what cargo the vessel (which I now found they called Sfenah) had on board. I satisfied them in the nest way I could on this point, telling them that I had on board, among other things, dollars : they wanted to, know how many, and gave me a bowl to imitate the measure of them ; this I did by filling it with stones and emptying it three times. They were much surprised at the quantity, and seemed to be dissatisfied that they had not got a share of them. They then wanted to know which way the vessel lay from us, and if we had seen any of the natives, whom they called Moslemin. This I took to be wha£ we call Mussulmen, or followers of the Mohammedan doctrine, and in this I was not mistaken. I then explained to them in what manner we had been treated by the inha bitants ; that they had got all our clothing, except what we had on when they found us ; all our money and provisions : massacred one of our number, and drove us out to sea. They then told me that they heard of the shipwreck of a vessel a great way north, and of the money, &c. but that the crew were drowned in el M Bahar ; this was so near the Spanish (La Mar) for the sea. that I could not misunder stand it. Thus having obtained wnat information they wanted on those points, they next desired to know if I knew any thing about Marocksh; this sounded something like Morocco: I answered yes; next of the Sooltaam, (the Sultan,) to which instead of saying yes, I made signs of assent, for I found they did no more themselves, except by a cluck with the tongue. They wanted me to tell his name, Soo Mook, but I could not understand them until they mentioned Moolay Solimaan ; this I remem bered to be the name of the present emperor of Morocco, as pro nounced in Spanish, nearly. I gave them to understand that I knew him; had seen him with my eyes, and that he was a friend to me and to my nation. They next made me point out the direction towards his dominions, and having satisfied them that I knew which way his dominions lay from us, I tried to intimate to them, that if they would carry me there, I should be able to pay them for my ransom, and that of my crew. They shook their heads ; it was a great distance, and nothing for camels to eat or drink on the way. My shipmates, who were with me, could not understand one syllable of what they said, or of their signs, and did not believe that I was able to communicate at all with them. Having finished their council, and talked the matter over among themselves, they separated, and our masters, taking each his slave, made off, every one his own way. Although from the con ference I derived hopes of our getting ransomed, and imparted the same to my mates and crew, yet they all seemed to think I was delu ding them with false expectations ; nor could I convince them of the contrary. We took another leave of each other, when we parted for the night, having travelled this day, I should guess, about fifteen miles, S. E. £2 CaptAin Riley's NARRATIVE*. 1 had been so fully occupied since noon, that ho thoughts of vie • tuals or drink had occurred to my mind. We had hone of us ate or drank any thing this day, except about half a gill of milk each in the morning at daylight, and about half a pint of black beach water near the middle of the day. I was delivered over to an Arab named Bickrt, arid went with him near his tent, where he made me lie down on the ground like a camel. Near midnight he brought me a bowl contain ing about a quart of milk and water ; its' taste was delicious, and as my stomach had become contracted by long hunger and thirst, I con sidered it quite a plentiful draught. I had been shivering with cold for a long time, as I had no covering nor skreen, and hot even one of my shipmates to lie near me to keep one side warm at a time. I was so far exhausted by fatigues, privations, &c. that my misery/ cotild no longer keep me awake. I sank into a deep sleep, and during this sleep 1 was troubled in the first place with the most fright ful dreams. I thought I was naked and a slave, and dreamed over the principal incidents which had already actually passed. I then thought I was driven by Arabs with red hot iron spears pointed at me on every side, through the most dreadful fire I had ever imagined, for near a mile, naked and barefoot; the flames up to my eyes, scgrched every part of my skin off, and wasted away my flesh by roasting; burning, and drying it off to the bones ; my torments were inconceivable. I now thought I looked up towards heaven, ahd prayed to the Almighty to receive my spirit, and end my sufferings ; 1 was still in the midst of the flames ; a bright spot like an eye with rays around it, appeared above me in the firmament, with a point below it, reaching towards the N. E. — I thought if I went that way I should go right, and turned from the S. to the N. E. ; the fire soon subsided, and I went on, still urged by them about me, with their spears pricking me from time to time, over high sand hills and rocky steeps, my flesh dropping off in pieces as< 1 went ; then descending a deep valley, I thought I Saw green trees — flowering shrubs in blossom — cows feeding on green grass, with horses, sheep, and asses near me ; and as 1 moved on, 1 discovered a brook of clear running water : my thirst being excessive, I dragged my mangled limbs to ihe brook, threw myself down, and drank my fill of the most delicious water. When my thirst was quenched, 1 rolled in the brook to -cool my body, which seemed still consuming with heat; then thanked my God in my heart for his mercies. My masters, in the mean time, kept hurrying me on in ihe way pointed out by the All-seeing eye, which was still visible in the hea vens above my head, through crooked, thorny, and narrow paths- over high mountains and deep valleys — past hosts of armed men oh horseback and on foot, and walled cities, until we met a tall young man dressed in the European and American manner, by the side 6f a brook, riding on a stately horse, who, upon seeing me alighted, and rushing forward, wild with joy, caught me in his arms, and pressed me to his breast, calling me by the endearing name of brother, in my own language— I thought I fainted in his arms from excess of joy, and when I revived, found myself in a neat room, with a table set in the best manner before me, covered with the choicest meat3, fruits, SUFFERINGS IN AFRICA. S3 and wines, and my deliverer pressing me to eat and drink ; but find ing me too much overcome to partake of this refreshment, he said, "take courage, my dear friend, God has decreed that you shall again embrace your beloved wife and children." At this instant 1 wast called by my master — I awoke, and found it was a dream. Being daylight, (Sept: 12th) he ordered me to drive forward the camels; this f did for about an hour, but my feet were so much swelled, being lacerated by the cutting of the stones, which seemed as if they would penetrate my heart at every step — I could not help stopping and crouching down nearly to the ground. In this situation, my first master, Hamet, observed me ; he was going on the same course, S. E. riding on his camel; he came near my present master, i and after talking with him a good while, he took off the blanket from his back and gave it to Bickri — then coming close to me, made signs forme to stop. He next made his camel lie down; then fixing a piece of skin over his' back behind the saddle, and making its two ends fast to the girths to keep it from slipping off, he bade me mount on it, while he got on his saddle and steadied me with his hand until the camel rose. He then went on the same course as before, in com pany with three or four other men, well armed and mounted. The sun beat dreadfully hot upon my bare head and body, and it appear ed to me that my head must soon split to pieces, as it was racking and cracking with excruciating pain. Though in this horrible dis tress, yet I still thought of my dream of the last night — " a drowning man will catch at a straw," says the proverb, and I can verily add, that the very faintest gleam of hope will keep alive the declining spi rits of a man in the deepest distress and misery; for, from the moment I began to reflect on what had passed through my mind when sleep ing, 1 felt convinced that though this was nothing more than a dream, yet still remembering how narrowly and often 1 had escaped imme diate apparent death, and believing it was through the peculiar in terposition of Divine Providence, I could not but believe that the All-seeing eye was watching over my steps, and would in due time, conduct me by his unerring wisdom, into paths that would lead to- my deliverance, and restoration to my family. I was never superstitious, nor ever did I believe in dreams or vi sions, as they are termed, or even remembered them, so as, to relate any I may have^had ; but this dream made such an impression on my mind, that it was not possible for me remove it from my memory— - being now as fresh as at the moment I awoke after dreaming it; and 1 must add, that when I afterwards saw Mr. Wiltshire, I knew him to be the same man I had seen in my sleep : he had a particular mark on his chin-^wore a light coloured frock coat, had on a white hat, anil rode the same horse. From that time I thought if I could' once get to the empire of Morocco, I should be sure to find a friend to relieve. me and my companions, whose heart was already prepared for it by a superior Power. My mind was thus employed until we came to a little valley where half a dozen tents were pitched ; as soon as we saw them, Hamet made his camel kneel down, and me to dismount; he was met by several women and .Children, who seemed very glad to see him, and 1 soon found that they were his relations. He beckoned me to come towards his tent, for he lived there, apparently, with his1 54 captain riley's narrative. mother, and brothers and sisters, but the woman and girls would not suffer me to approach them, driving me off with sticks, and throwing stones at me ; but Hamet brought me a little sour milk and water in a bowl, which refreshed me considerably. It was about two o'clock in the day, and I was forced to remain broiling in the sun, without either tree, shrub, or any other shade to shield me from its scorching rays, until night, when Dick (the cook) came in with the camels. Hamet had kept Dick from the beginning, and made him drive the camels, but allowed him to sleep in one cor ner of the tent, and gave him for the few first days, as much milk as he could drink, once a day ; and as he was a domestic slave, he managed to steal water, and sometimes sour milk, when he was dry. In the evening of this day 1 was joined by Hogan, and now found that he and myself had been purchased by Hamet that day, and that Horace belonged to an ill-looking old man, whose tent was pitch ed in company. This old villain came near me, and saluted me by the name of Rais, asking me the name of his boy, (Horace); 1 told him it was Horace, which after repeating a few times he learned so perfectly, that at every instant he was yelling out " Hoh Rais" for something or other. Hamet was of a much lighter colour than the other Arabs we were with, and I thought he was less cruel, but in this respect 1 found I was mistaken, for he made myself and Hogan lie on the ground in a place he chose, where the stones were very thick and baked into the ground so tight that we could not pull them out with our fingers, and we were forced to lie on their sharp points, though at a small distance, not more than fifty yards, was a spot of sand.- This I made him understand, pointing at the same time to my skinless flesh, but he signified to us, that if we did not remain where he had ordered, we should get no milk when he milked the camels. I calculate we travelled this day about thirty miles. Here then we staid, but not to sleep, until about the midnight hour, when Hamet came to us with our milk; it was pure and warm from the camels, and about a pint for each. The wind blew as is usual in the night, and on that part of the desart the air was extremely cold and damp ; but its moisture on our bodies was as salt as the ocean. Having received our share of milk, when all was still in the tent, we stole to the sandy place, where we got a little sleep during the remain ing part of the night. Horace's master would not permit him to come' near me, nor me to approach him, making use of a stick, as well to enforce his commands in this particular, as to teach us to understand him in other respects. At daylight (Sept. 13th) we were called on to proceed. The families struck their tents, and packed them on camels, together with all their stuff. They made us walk and keep up with the camels, though we were so stiff and sore all over that we could scarcely refrain from crying out at every step : such was our agony ; still pur- 2Jm5,?.?J route,to tne s- E- In tne course of the morning, I saw Mr. Williams; he was mounted on a camel, as we had all been the first day, and had been riding with the drove about three hours: 1 hobbled along towards him; his camel stopped, and I was enabled to take him by the hand. He was still entirely naked ; his skin had been burned off; his whole body was so excessively inflamed, and SUFFERINGS IN AFRICA. 55 Swelled, as well as his face, that I only knew him by his voice which was very feeble. He told me he had been obliged to sleep naked in the open air every night: that his life was fast wasting away amidst the most dreadful torments ; that he could not live one day more in such misery ; that his mistress had taken pity on him, and anointed his body that morning with butter or grease; but, said he, "I cannot li/e; should you ever get clear from this dreadful place, and be restored to your country, tell my dear wife that my last breath was spent in prayers for her happiness." He could say no more ; tears and sobs choked his utterance. His master arrived at this time, and drove on his camel, and I could only say to him, "God Almighty bless you," as I took a last look at him, and forgot, for a moment, while contemplating his extreme distress, my own misery. His camel was large, and moved forward with very heavy motions ; as he went from me, I could see the inside of his legs and thighs — they hung in strings of torn and chafed flesh — the blood was trickling down the sides of the camel, and off his feet. "My God !" 1 cried, " suffer us not to live longer in such tortures." I had stopped about fifteen minutes, and my master's camels had gained a great distance from me, so that I was obliged to run that I might come up with them. My mind was so shocked with the dis tresses of Mr. Williams, that I thought it would be impious for me to complain, though the sharp stones continued to enter my sore feet at every step. My master saw me and stopped the drove for me to come up ; when I got near him he threatened me, shaking his stick over my head, to let me know what I had to expect if I dared to com mit another fault. He then rode off, ordering me and Hogan to drive the camels on as fast as we could. About anhour afterwards he came near us, and beckoned to me to come to him, which I did. A tall old man, nearly as black as a negro, one of the most ill-looking and dis gusting I had yet seen, soon joined my master, with two young men, whom I found afterwards were his sons : they were also joined by a number more on camels and well armed. After some time bartering about me, I was given to the old man, whose features showed every sign of the deepest rooted malignity in his disposition. And is this my master ? thought I ; Great God ! defend me from his cruelty ! He began to go on : he was on foot ; so were his two sons ; but they walked faster than camels, and the old man kept snarling at me in the most surly mariner, to make me keep up. I tried my very best, as I was extremely anxious to please him, if such a thing was possible, knowing the old adage of "the devil is good when he is pleased," was correct, when applied to human beings ; but I could not go fast enough for him; so after he had growled and kept on a considerable time, finding I could not keep up with him, he came behind me and thrust me forward with hard blows repeatedly applied to my exposed back, with a stout stick he had in his hand. Smarting and staggering under my wounds, I made the greatest efforts to get on, but one of his still more inhuman sons, (as I then thought him,) gave me a double barrelled gun to carry, with his pow der horn and other accoutrements : they felt very heavy; yet after I had taken them, the old man did not again strike me, but went on 56 captain riley'ji narrAtivB, towards the place where he meant to pitch his tent, leaving H*e fsp fal low on as well as I could. The face of the desart now appeared as smooth as the surface, of the ocean, when unruffled by winds or tempests. Camels could be seen on every direction, as soon as they carhe above the horizon, so that there was no difficulty in knowing which way to go, and 1 topk care to keep sight of my new master's drove, until! reached -the valley, in which he had pitched his tent. I was broiling under the sun and tugging along, with my load, which weighed me down tp the earth, and should have lain down despairing, had I not seen Mr. Wil liams in a still worse plight than myself. Havipg copie near the tent about four P. M. they took the load from me, and bid me lie down in the shade of the tent. I then beg ged for water, but could get none. The time now came on for prayers, and after the old man and his sons had performed this cere mony very devoutly, they went away. 1 was in so much pain, 1 could scarcely contain myself, and my thirst, was more painful that it had yet been. I tried to soften the hearts of the women to get me a little wa|t,er, buf they only laughed and spit at me ; and to increase my dis tresses as much as they could, drove me away from the shade of the tent, so that 1 was forced to remain in the scorching sun for the remainder of this long day. A little after sunset my old and young masters returned ; they were joined by all the men that were near, to the number of from twenty to thirty, and went through their religious ceremonies in a very solemn manner, in which the women and little children did not join them. Soon after this was over, Clark came in with the camels and joined me ; it would have been pleasant to be together, but his situation was such that it made my heart ache still worse than it did before ; he was nearly without a skin ; every part of his body exposed ; his flesh excessively mangled, burnt, and inflamed* "I am glad to see you once more, sir," said Clark, " for I cannot live through the approaching night, and now beg of you, if you ever get to our country again, to tell my brothers and sisters how I perished." I comforted him all I could, and assured him he would not die immediately ; that the nourishment we now had, though very little, was sufficient tp keep us alive for a considerable time, and that though our skins were roasted off and our flesh inflamed, we were yet alive without any signs of putrefaction on our bodies ; that I had great hopes we should all be carried in a few days from this desart to where we might get some food to nourish us, and as I had learned a little of the language'pf these people, (or savages,) I would keep trying to persuade them that if they would carry us up to the Moorish dominions, I should be able to pay them a great ransom for all the crew ; for an old man had told me that as soon as it should rain they would journey to the N. 13. and sell us. ' The night came on ; cold damp winds succeeded to the heat of the day, and I begged of my old master to be permitted to go under the corner-of his tent, (for it was a large one,) and he seemed willing pointing out a place for us to lie down in, but the women would not consent, and we remained outside until the men had milked the camels They then gave us a good drink of milk, near a quart each, and after .AT&ADB TEBf§ im'rfitie JBesfflrt off SAMA.TRA . .Irnh.i al f////r l)ri>,i//\>r/.\- . llril/ii/i r/n/z/or/'/t 1/1 ,)'/>f/r/////// Jt llri'r/i'//n/ SUFFERINGS IN AFRICA. j|? the women were asleep, one of my young masters, named Omar, (the pajme that made me carry his gun the preceding day tp keep his; Jathpr fr'oni beating me,) took pity on our distresses, and came* arid rn#de u's creep under one corner -of the tent, without waking the wqmen, wliere some soft sand served us for a bed, and the tent kept off the cold air from us ; and here we slept soundly until morning. As soon as the women awoke, and found us undewhe tent, they were for thrusting ris out with blows, but I pretended tq be asleep, and the old man looking on us, seemed somewhat concerned, fearing (as I thought) he might lose his property. He told his women to let us alone, and as he was absolute, they were forced to obey hifn, though with every appearance of reluctance. After they had milked the camels, and taken a drink themselves, they gave us what remained, that is to say, near a pint between us. They djd not move forward this day, and suffered us to remain under the corner of the tent in the shade all the while, and the next night, ?rid even gaye us a piece of a skin to cover us with in part, and keep off the night wind. They gave us a good drink of milk when they drank thenjselves on the second night, and Omar had given us about a pint of water each, in the middle of the day ; so that the inflamma tion seemed to have subsided in a great degree from our flesh and feet. This attention, together with the two goodnights' rest, revived usyery much— these were the 14th and 15th days of September. I ha'd not seen any pf my unfortunate shipmates except Clark, and did not know where they were during the day we remained still. The camels were .driven off early in the morning by a negro slave and two of the small boys, and djd pot return until in the night — they went out to the east to find shrubs for them to feed on. Clark was obliged, near night, to go out and pull up some dry thorn bush shrubs and roots to make a fire with. At the return of the camels, the negro slave (who was a stout fellow, named Boireck) seated himself by the fire, stretch ing out his legs on each side of it, and seeing us under the tent, thought to drive us out ; but as he was not permitted by our old master, he contented himself by pointing at lis and making compa risons : then sneeringly addressing me by the name of Rais, or chief, would set up a loud laugh, which, with the waggery he displayed in his remarks on us, kept the whole family and several strangers who had assembled on the occasion, in a constant roar of laughter until tnidpiglff,. the hour for milking the camels. He would poke our sor« flesh wjfh a sharp stick, to make sport, and show the Arahs what mise rable beings we were, who could not even bear the rays of the sun (the image of God, as they term it) to shjne upon us. Being tormented in this manner, my companion Clark could scarcely contain his' wrath: "It was bad enough, (he said,) to be reduced to slavery by the savage Arabs ; to be stripped, and skinned alive, and mangled, without being obliged to bear the scoffs and derision of a f) d negro slave." I told him I was very glad to find he still harl so much spirits left, and could feel as if he wished to revepge an insult — it proved to me that he felt better than he did the preceding night, and as I was so much relieved myself, my hopes of being able to endure our tortures and privations increased, adding, '*' Jet the negro jaugh if he can take any' pleasure in it ; I am willing 8 58 captain riley's narrative. he should do so, even at my expense : he is a poor slave himself, naked and destitute, far from his family and fl-iends, and is only trying to gain the favour of his masters and mistresses, by making sport of us, whom, he considers as much inferior to him as he is to them." Clark, however, could not be reconciled to this mode of mockery and sport; but the negro kept it up as long as we remained with his mas ter, every night, and always had many spectators to admire his wit, and laugh at his tricks and buffoonery. This reminded me of the story of Samson, when the Philistines wished to make sport with him ; he' was blind, and they supposed him harmless; but he became so indignant, that he was willing to suffer death to be revenged of them; the difference was, he had strength to execute his will, — we had not. From the 15th to the 18th, we journeyed every day to the S. E. about thirty miles a day, merely to find a few shrubs in the small scattered valleys for the camels, and consequently for the inhabitants to subsist on. As we went on in that direction, the valleys became less frequent and very shallow; the few thorn bushes they produced were very dry, and no other shrubs to be found ; the camels could not fill their stomachs with the leaves and shrubs, nor with all that they could crop off, though they pulled away the branches as thick as a man's finger. The milk began to fail, and consequently we had to be scanted, so that our allowance was reduced to half a pint a day, and as all the water they had taken from the well was expended, they could give us no more of that precious article. There were belong ing to this tribe four mares that were the general property ; they were clean limbed, and very lean ; they fed them on milk every day, and every one took his turn in giving them as much water every two days as they would drink. These mares drank up the last of our water on the 19th, nor would my master allow me to drink what little was left in the bowl, not exceeding half a pint, and it was poured out as a drink offering before the Lord, wnile they prayed for rain, which indeed they had reason to expect, as the season they knew was approaching, when some rain generally happens. I supposed our distance from the sea, or the well that we had left, to be three hundred miles in a direct line, and feared very much' that we should not find water at any other place. The sustenance we received was just sufficient to keep the breath of life in us, but our flesh was less inflamed than in the first days, for we had continued to lie under a part of the tent at night, and also in the day-time when it was pitched, which was gene rally the case about two o'clock in the afternoon. We had, however, become so emaciated, that we could scarcely stand, and they did not attempt to make me or Clark do any kind of work, except gather a few dry sticks, towards evening, to light a fire. The swellings had also gone down in some measure from our feet, as there was not sub stance enough in us to keep up a running sore ; all the moisture in them seemed to dry away, and we could support the prickings and cutting of the stones better, as we became lighter and more inured to it. We had endeavoured to find some of the kind of root that was met with near the sea coast, but none could be procured. In ev- y valley we came to, the natives would run about and search under e r • thorn bush, in hopes to find some herb, for they were nearly as hun gry as ourselves. * In some places a small plant was found, rcsem- SUFFERINGS IN AFRICA. 5d bling what we call shepherd's sprout ; they were torn up by them and devoured in an instant. I got one or two, but they proved very bitter, and were impregnated, in a considerable degree, with salt: these plants were so rare as to be scarcely of any benefit. There were also found by the natives, in particular places, a small ground root, whose top showed itself like a single short spear of grass, about three inches above the ground ; they dug it up with a stick; it was of the size of a small walnut, and in shape very much like an onion ; its taste fresh, without any strong flavour; but it was very difficult to find, and afforded us very little relief, as we could not get more than half a dozen in a whole day's search, and some days none at all. On the 19th of September, in the morning, the tribe having held a council the night before, at which I could observe my old master was looked up to as a man of superior judgment and influence, they began a route back again towards the sea, and the well near which we were first made slaves ; — this convinced me that no fresh water could be procured nearer, and as the camels were almost dry, I much feared that myself and my companions must perish before we could reach it. I had been in the habit every day since 1 was on the desart, of reliev ing my excessive thirst by the disagreeable expedient before men tioned ; but that resource now failed me for the want of moisture, nor had any thing passed through my body since the day I left the well. We had journeyed for seven and a half days S. E. and I concluded it would require the same time to return ; but on the 18th we had steered N. E. and on the 19th we took a N. W. direction, and in the course of the day we entered a very small valley, where we found a few dwarf thorn bushes, not more than two feet high ; on these we found some snads, most of which were dead and dry, but I got about a handful that were alive, and when a fire was kindled, roasted and ate, them: Clark did the same, and as we did not receive more than a gill of milk each in twenty-four hours, this nourishment was very serviceable. On the morning of the 20th we started as soon as it was light, and drove very fast all the day. We had no other drink than the camels' urine, which we caught in our hands as they voided it ; its taste was bitter, but not salt, and it relieved our fainting spirits. We were forced to keep up with the drove, but in the course of the day found a handful of snails each, which we at night roasted and ate. Our feet, though not much swollen, were extremely sore; our bodies and limbs were nearly deprived of skin and flesh, for we continually wasted away, and the little we had on our bones was dried hard, and stuck fast to them. . My head had now become accustomed to the heat of the sun, and though it remained uncovered, it did not pain me. Hunger, that had preyed upon my companions to such a degree as to cause them to bite off the flesh from their arms, had not the same effect on me. I was forced in one instance to tie the arms of one of my men behind him, in order to prevent his gnawing his own flesh ; and in another instance, two of them having caught one of the boys, a lad about four years old, out of sight of the tents, were about dash ing his brains out with a stone, for the purpose of devouring his flesh, when luckily at that instant I came up and rescued the child, with some difficulty, from their voracity. They were so frantic with hun- $0 ;.fc captain riley's narrative. fpr, as to insisf upon having one meal of his flesh, and then they said |ey would bp willing to die; for they knew that not only themselves, but all the crew would be instantly massacred as soon as the murder should bp discovered. I convinced them that it would be more manly to die with hunger than to become cannibals and eat their own or other hurpan flesh, telling them, at the same time, I did not doubt but opr masters would give us sufficient nourishment to keep us alive, until they copld sejl us. 0" the 20th we had proceeded with much speed towards the N. W. pr sea shore ; but on the 21st we did not go forward. This day I met with Mr. Savage, Horace, Hogan, and the cook; their masters' tepts were pitched near ours ; they were so weak, emaciated, and sore, that they could scarcely stand, and had bpen carried on the camels for the last few days. I was extremely glad to see them, and spoke to all but Horace, whose master drove me off with a stick one way, apd Horace another, yellipg most horribly at the same time, and lay ing it on Horace's back with great fury. 1 soon returned to our tent, arid felt very much dejected; they all thought they could not liye apother day : there were po spails to be foupd here, apd we had pot ope drop of milk or water to drink. Horace, Hogan, and the cook were .employed in attending, their piasters' camels, iri .coippany with ppe or two A rabs, who kept flogging theiri nearly the whole of the time. My old master did not employ me or Clark in the sarrie way, because he had two negro slaves to do fhat work ; he was a rich map amopg them, apd owned from sixty to seventy carpels ; he was also a kipd of priesf, for every evening lie was joined, in his devotions, by all the old and most of the youpg mep pear his tept. They all first washed themselves with sand, in place of water; thep wrapping thpip- selves up with their strip of cloth and turning their faces to the east, my old master stepped put before them, and commenced by bowjng twice, repeating at each time " Allah Houakibar ;" then kneeling and bowing his head to the ground twice ; then raising hirpself up op his feet, and repeating, " Hi el Allah Sheda Motiammed Rahsool Allah" bowipg himself twice ; and again prostrating himself on fhe earth as many times, then " Allcih Houakibar" was three times repeated. He was always accompanied in his motions apd words by all present who could see him distinctly, as he stood before them. He would thep make a long prayer, and they recite4 ajl 'together what I afterwards foupd to be a chapter in the Korap; ancj then all joined ip chantipg or singing some hypin or sacred poetry for a con siderable time. This ceremony being finished, they again prpstrateil themselves with their faces to the earth, andtlie service concluded. About the middle of this day two strangers arrived, riding two camels leaded with goods : they came ip fropt of my master's tepti and having made the camels lie down, they dismoupted, apd seated thepvselves op thegroupd opposite the tent, with their faces turned the other way. There were jn this valley six tents, besides that of my masters. Sufferings in africa, 61 CHAPTER IX. 9W Arabian merchants are persuaded by the author to purchase him and four of his suffering companions — They kill a camel, and pre pare to set out for Morocco across the Desart. Ali. the men had gone out a hunting on their camels, carrying their arms with them; that is to say, seeking for plunder as 1 concluded. My old and young mistresses went to see the strangers : they had no water to carry, as is customary, but took with them a large skin, with a roll of tent cloth, to make them a shelter. The strangers rose as the women drew near, and saluted them by the words " Label, Labez- Salem, Labez-Alikom ;" peace, peace be with you, &c. and the women returned these salutations in similar words. They next ran to our tent, and took a Couple of sticks, with the help of which, and the Skin and terit cloth, they soon made an awning for the strangers. This donfe, they took the bundles which were on the camels, and placed them in this tent, with the saddles and all the other things the strangers had brought. The two'strangers had a ccuple pf skins that ccntained water, which the women hung up on a frame they carried from Our tent. Duririg the whole time the women were thus employed, the stran gers remained seated on the ground beside their guns, for th&t had each a double barrelled musket, and so bright that they glittered in the sun like stiver. The wornen havipg finished their attentions, seated themselves near the strangers, and made inquiries, as near as I could comprehend, by saying, "where did you come from? what foods have you got ? how long have you been on your journey ?" &c. Having satisfied their Curiosity on these points, they next came to me, and the old womaP (in whom as yet I had not discovered one spark of pity) told me that Sidi Hamet had come with blankets and blue Cloth to sell; that he came from the Sultan's dominions, and that he could buy fpe apd carry me there, if he chose, where I might find my friends, and kiSS my wife and children. Before my master returned I went to the tent of Sidi Hamet, with a wopderi bpwl, arid begged for some water ; showirig my mouth, which was extremely parched and stiff, so much so, that I could with difficulty SpCak. He Ipoked at me, and asked if I was el Rais (the captain.) 1 nodded assent. He told his brother, who was with him, to give me some water, but this his benevolent brother would not con descend to do ; so taking the bowl hirpself, he poured into it neat a quart of clear water, saying, " Sherub Rais ;" that is, drink; captaitt, or chief. I drank about half of it, and after thanking him arid implo ring the blessing of heaven upon him for his humanity, I was going to take the rest of' it to our tent, where Clark lay stretched out on liiS back, a perfect wreck of almost naked bones ; his belly and back nearly collapsed, and breathing like a person in the last agonies ef death : but Sidi Hamfet would pot permit me to carry the water away, bidding file drink it myself. I pointed out tb him my distressed com patriot! ; this excited niS pity, and he suffered me to give Clark tho remainder. 6 82 CAM'AIN RtLEv's NARRATIVE1. The water Was perfectly fresh, and revived him exceedingly ; it was & cordial to his desponding soul, being the first fresh water either of us had tasted since we left the boat : his eyes, that were sunk deep in their sockets, brightened up—" This is good water (said he) and must have come from a belter country than this; if we were once there, (added he,) and 1 could get one good drink of such water, I could die with pleasure, but now 1 cannot live another day." Our masters soon returned, and began, with others of the tribe who had received the news of the arrival of strangers, to form circles and chat with them and each other : this continued till night, and I presume there were at least two hundred men present. After dark they began to sepa rate, apd by 10 o'clock at night none remained but my old master's family, and three or four of their relations, at our tent. On this occasion we were turned out into the open air, and were obliged to pass the night without any shelter or covering. It was a long and tedious night; but at the time of milking the camels, our old master coming to us, as if afraid of losing his property by our death, and anxious we should live, dealt out about a pint of milk to each : this milk tasted better than any I had yet drank ; it was a sweet and sea senable relief, and saved poor Clark from dissolution. This was the first nourishment of any kind our master had given us in three days, and I concluded from this circumstance that he had hopes of selling us to the strangers. The next morning Sidi Hamet came towards the tent, and beckoned me to come there ; he was at a considerable distance, and I made the best of my way to him, where he bade me sit down on the ground. 1 had by this time learned many words in their language, which is ancient Arabic, and could understand the general current of their conversation, by paying strict attention to it. He now began to question me about my country, and the mapner in which I had come here. I made him understand that 1 was an Englishman, and that my vessel and crew were of the same natiop. I found he had heard of that country, and I stated as well as I could the manner of ray shipwreck — told him we were reduced to the lowest depth of misery ; that I had a wife and five children in my own coun try, besides Horace, whom I called my eldest son, mingling with my story sighs and tears, and all the signs of affection and despair which these recellections and my present situation naturally called forth. 1 found him to be a very intelligent and feeling mail ; for although he knew no language but the Arabic, he comprehended so well what I wished to communicate, that he actually shed tears at the recital of my distresses, notwithstanding that, among the Arabs, weeping is regarded as a womanish weakness. He seemed to be ashamed of his own want of fortitude, and said that men who had beards like him ought not to shed tears ; and he retired, wiping his eyes. Finding I had awakened his sympathy, I thought if I could rouse his interest by large offers of money, he might buy me and my com panions, and carry us up from the desart — so accordingly the first time I saw him alone, I went to him, and begged him to buy me, and carry me to the Sultan of Morocco, or Marocksh, where I could find a friend to redeem mo. He said no, but he would carry me to Swea rah, describing it as a walled town and seaport. I told him I had BUFFERINGS IN AFRICA* C3 86611. the Sultan, and that he was a friend to my nation. He then asked me maoy other questions about Mohammed Rahsool, or holy prophet. 1 bowed, and pointed to the east, then towards heaven, as if 1 thought he ascended there.. This seemed to please him, and he asked me how much money I would give him to carry me up; upon which I counted over fifty pieces of stones, sigpifying I would give as many dollars for myself and each of my men. " I will not buy the others," said he, " but how much more than fifty dollars will you give me for yourself, if 1 buy you and carry you to your friends?" I told him one hundred dollars. " Have you any money in Swearah," asked he by signs and words, " or do you mean to make me wait till you get it from your country?" I replied that my friend in Swearah would give him the money so soon as he brought me there. "You are deceiving me," said he. I made the most solemn protestations of my sincerity. " I will buy you then," said he, " but remember, if you deceive me, I will cut your throat," (making a motion to that effect.) This I assented to, and begged of him to buy my son Horace also ; but he would not hear a word about any of my com panions, as it would be impossible, he said, to get them up off the desart, which was a great distance. " Say nothing about it to your old master," signified he to me, " nor to my brother, or any of the others." He then left me, and I went out to seek for snails to relieve my hunger. I saw Mr. Savage and Hogan, and brought them with Clark near Sidi Hamet's tent, where we sat down on the ground. He came out to see us, miserable objects as we were, and seemed very much shocked at the sight. I told my companions I had great hopes we should be bought by this man, and carried up to the culti vated country ; but they expressed great fears that they would be left behind. Sidi Hamet asked me many questions about my men — wished to know if any of them had died, and if they had wives and children. I tried all 1 could to interest him in their behalf, as well as my own, and mentioned to him my son, whom he had not yet seen. I found my companions had been very much stinted in milk as well as myself, and that they had no water : they had found a few snails, which kept them alive ; but even these now failed. The 24th, we journeyed on towards the N. W. all day, the whole tribe, or nearly so, in company,, and the strangers also kept in com • pany with us. When my mistress pitched her tent near night, she made up one for Sidi Hamet also. I begged of him on my knees, every time I had an opportunity, for him to buy me and my compan ions, "and on the 25th I had the happiness to see him pay my old master for me : he gave him two blankets or coarse haicks, one blue cotton covering, and a bundle of ostrich feathers, with which the old man seemed much pleased, as he had now three suits of clothing. They were a long time in making the bargain. This day Horace came with his master to fetch something to our tent : at his approach, I went to meet him, and embraced him with tears. Sidi Hamet was then fully convinced that he was my sop. I had found a few snails this morning, and divided them between Mr. Savage and Horace before Sidi Hamet, who signified to me in the afternoon that he intended to set out with me in two days for Swea rah; that he had tried to buy my son, but could not succeed, for his 84 CAPTAIN Rll-EY'S NARRATIVE. mastef would Dot sell him at any price : then said I, "let me Stay in his place ; I will be a faithful slave to his master as long as 1 live j carry ftzmup to Swearah; my friend will pay you for him, arid Send him heme to his mother, whom I cannot see unless I bring lifer son with me." " You shall have your son, by Allah," said Sidi Harriet. The whole tribe was gathered in council, and I supposed relative to this business. In the course of the afternoon they debated the mat ter ever, and seemed to turn it every way; — they fought, besides, three or- four battles with fists and scimitars, in their warm and loud discussions in settling individual disputes ; but in the evenitig I was told that Horace was bought, as the tribe in council had foiced his master to sell him, though at a great price. I now redoubled my entreaties with my new master to buy Mr. Savage and Clark, telling him that I would give him a large sum of money if he got us-up safe; but he told me he should be obliged to carry us through bands of robbers, who wpuld kill him for our sakes, and that his company was not strong enough to resist them by force of arms — I fell down on my knees, apd implored him to buy Mr. Savage and Clark, at aiiy rate, thinking if he should buy them, he might be induced to purchase the remaining part of the crew. My mind had been so busily employed in schemes of redemption, as almest-tp forget my sufferings since Sidi Hamet had bought me. He had givCfl me two or three drinks of water, and had begged milk for me of my former master. On the morning of the 26th, 1 renewed my entreaties for him to purchase Mr. Savage, Clark, and Hogan— the others 1 had net seen since the Second or third day after we were 'in the hands of the Atabs. I did riot know where they were, and consequently could not designate them to my master Hamet, though I told him all their names. Mr. Savage and Hogan looked much more healthy and likely to live than Clark, and Sidi Hamet insisted that it was impossible that Clark could live more than three days, and that if he bought him, he should lose his money. I told him no, he should not lo^e his money, for whether he lived or died, I would pay him the same amount. Clark was afflicted with the scalded head, rendered a raw sore in consequence of his sufferings, and his hair, which was very long, was, of course, in a very filthy condition: this attracted the attention of Sidi Hamet ahd his brother, the latter of whom was a very surly and Cross looking fellow. They pushed the hair open with their sticks, and demapded to know what was the occasion of that filthy appear- arice. Clark assured them that it was in consequence of his exposure to the sun ; and as that was the reason 1 had assigned for the horrible sores and blisters that covered our scorched bodies and half-roasted flesh, they said, it might possibly be so, but asked why the heads sf the rest of us were not in the same state. They next found fault with my Shins, which had been a long time very sore, and they examined every bbne to see if all was right in its place, with the same cautious circumspection that a jockey would use, who was about buying a horse; while we, poor trembling wretches, strove with ail possible care and anxiety to hide every fault and infirmity in us, occasioned by Our dreadful calamities and cruel sufferings, cheered by the hope pf Ademption. ' r SUFFERINGS IN AfrRicA. W Sidi Hamet Informed me this day, that he had bought Mr. Savage and Clark, and had bargained for Hogan, and that he was going to kill a camel that night for provisions on our journey. Our water had been expended for two days, and all the families around us wore also destitute. I did not get more than a gill of milk in twenty-four hours, and a small handful of snails—these served in a little degree to support nature, and I waited with the greatest impatiepce for the killing of the camel which had been promised, hoping to have a meal of meat once more before I died. Clark and I had been busy all the afternoon in gathering dry sticks to make a fire, and a little after midnight my master came to me and showed me where to carry the wepd we had collected ; it was in a little gulley that it might not be seen by pur neighbpurs, whilst our former master and two present ones were leading a camel up to the same place. This camel, on its arrival, they made lie down in the usual manner : it was a very old one, and so poor, that he had not been able to keep pace with the drove duriog the journey, and Sidi Hamet told me he had bought him for one blanket. The camel being down, they put a rope round his underjaw, with a noose in it ; then hauling his head round on the left side, made the rope fast to his tail, close up to his body; his neck was so long, that the underjaw reached within six inches of the tail : they then brought a copper kettle that would contain probably three gallons. Thus pre pared, Sidi Hamet cut open a vein on the right side of the camel's neck, close to his breast ; the blood streamed out into the kettle, and soon filled it half full ; this they set over the fire and boiled, stirring it all the time with a stick, until it became thick, and of the consis tence of a beef's liver ; then taking it off the fire, they passed it to me, saying, "coole, Riley," (eat JRiley.) I did not wait for asecond bidding, but fell tp, together with Clark : our appetites were voracious, and we soon filled our stomachs with this, to us, delicious food. Notwithstanding the lateness of the hour, and the privacy observed in killing this meager camel, many of our hungry neighbours had found it out, and came to assist in the dressing and eating of the animal. They insisted on having some of the blood, and would snatch out a handful in spite of all our masters could do to hinder them; they were then very Officious in assisting to take off the hide, which was soon done, and the entrails were rolled out ; they next proceeded to put all the small entrails into the kettle, without clean ing them of their contents, together with what remained of the liver and lights ; but they had no water to boil them in. Then one of them went to the camel's paunch, which was very large, and cutting a slit in the top of it, dipped out some of the filthy water in a bowl : this they poured into the kettle, and set it a boiling, stirring it round, and now and then taking out a piece, and biting off an end, to ascer tain whether it was cooked enough. During this time, half a dozen hungry wretches were at work on the camel, which they would not leave under pretence of friendship for our masters, for they would not suffer strangers to work, whep in their company, and it being dark, they managed to steal and convey away, before morning, more than one half of the camel's bones and meat, with half his skin. Oar ^rasters were as hungry as any of the Arabs, yet though they had f|i 9 66 CAPTAIN RltEYfs NARRATIVE.' bought the camel, they could scarcely get a bite of the ititestineS without fighting for it ; for what title or argument can prevail against the ravenous appetite of a half -starved man ? Though our masters saw the natives in the very act of stealing and carrying off their meat, they could not prevent them, fearing worse consequences than losing it ; it being a standing maxim among the Arabs to feed the hungry if in their power, and give them drink, even if the owner of the pro visions be obliged to rob himself and his own family to do it. Notwithstanding the boiled blood we had eaten was perfectly fresh, yet our thirst seemed to increase in consequence of it. As soon as daylight appeared, a boy of from fourteen to sixteen years old came running up to the camel's paunch, and thrusting his head into it up tp his shoulders, began to drink of its contents ; my master observing him, and seeing that my mouth was very dry, made signs for me to go and pull the boy away, and drink myself; this I soon did, putting my head in like manner into the paunch ;' the liquid was very thick, but though its taste was exceedingly strong, yet ft was not salt, and allayed my thirst : Clark next took a drink of the same fluid. This morning we were busied in cutting off the little flesh that remained on the bones of our camel, spreading it out to dry, and roasting the bones on the fire for our masters, who cracked them between two stones, and then sucked out the marrow and juices. Near noon, Horace was brought where I was ; he was very hungry and thirsty, and said he had not ate any thing of consequence for the last three days. Our common master said to me, " this is your son Bais," apd seemed extremely glad that he had been able to purchase him, giving him some of the entrails and meat he had boiled and saved for the purpose. I in my turn gave him some of our thick camel's water, which he found to be delicious; so true it is, that hunger and thirst give a zest to every thing. Burns was brought up soon after, and my master asked me if he was one of my men ; I told him he was: "his master wants to sell him," said Sidi Hamet, "but he is old and good for nothing," added he; "yet 1 can buy him for this blanket," showing me a very poor old one. I said, " buy him, he is my countryman, 1 will repay you as much for him as for the others :" so he went out1, and bought him from his master, and then gave him something to eat. Poor Burns was much rejoiced to find there was a prospect of recovering his liberty, or at least of getting where he might procure something to eat and drink. During this day, the natives flocked round in great numbers, men, women, and children, and what with begging and stealing reduced our stock of meat te less than fifteen pounds before night. Sidi Hamet now told me that he had bought Hogan : this was in the afternoon, and he came to us. I congratulated him on our favourable prospects, and our master gave him something to eat ; but his former master, Hamet, now demanded one blanket more for him than had been agreed on, as, he was a stout fellow : my master would not be imposed upon, nor had he indeed a blanket left. I begged very hard for poor Hogan, but it was to no purpose, and his old mas ter drove him off, laying on his back with a stick most unmercifully, ' Hamet's eyes seemed fairly to flash fire as he went from us. Hogatfi hopes had been raised to a high pitch— they were now blasted, and. SOMEfttNflS IN AFRICA. 67 he anven hack like a criminal before his brutal owner, to his former miserable abode. He informed me that he had never as yet, since our captivity, known what it was to sleep under the cover of a tent ; that his allowance of milk had been so scant, that he did not doubt but he must have died with hunger in a day or two : he was extremely wasted and sore on every side. My heart bled for him when 1 saw the blows fall on his emaciated and mangled frame ; but I could no" assist him, and all I could do was to turn round and hide my face, so as net tp witness his further tortures. This day was employed in preparing for our departure : our mas ters made me a pair of sandals with two thicknesses of the camel's skin ; they also made Hprace a pair in the same manner ; but Clark and Burns were fitted with single ones. They had in the morning given me a small knife, which I hung to my neck in a case : this they meant as a mark of confidence; and they also gave me charge of theu" stuff, the camels, and the slaves. I soon perceived, however, tha.. although I had this kind of command, yet I was obliged to do all the work. 3Iy men were so far exhausted, that even the hope of soon obtaining their liberty, could scarcely animate them to the least exertion. In the evening Sidi Hamet told me Aaron (Mr. Savage) would be with us by and by : — that we should start in the morning for Swea rah, — and that he hoped, through the blessing of God, I should opce more embrace my family : he then told me how much he had paid for each one of us — that he had expended all his property, and that if I had not told him the truth, he Was a ruined man — that his brother was a bad man, and had done all he could to prevent his buying us, but that he had at last consented to it, and taken a share. He next made me repeat, before his brother, my promises to him when we should arrive at Swearah, and my agreement to have my throat cut if my words did not prove true. Late in the evening Mr. Savage joined us : he knew before that I was going to set out, and thought he should be left behind : he was very thankful to be unde ceived in this particular, and to get at the same time, something to eat; for Sidi Hamet had saved some of the camel's intestines, which he immediately gave him. After having satisfied his hunger in some measure, he began to express his doubts as to where we were going; declaring, that he did not believe a word these wretches said ; — he could not understand them, and said he did not believe I could; and suggested a hundred doubts and difficulties on the subject, that his ill-boding imagination supplied him with. He did not like the price I had agreed to give for our liberty, — it was too much, and I should find nobody wilfipg to advance it for me, as I was poor. We had started what water remained in the paunch of the camel, thick as it was, into a goat skin, straining it through our fingers to keep out the thickest of the filth. The night of the 27th, as near as we could keep count by marking the day of the month on our legs with a thorn, we passed in the open air, five of us together. At daylight on the morning of the 28th, we were called up and made to load our camels. I had strong hopes we were going to ride, but it now appeared not to be the case. All the Arabs in the valley set out rjfi. CAPfAiN RtLEY^NARRAT'tv'fi. in the morning with their camels, to drive them to water : tliey hadfidt been watered since the 10th, having "gone without any for eighteen days. They were now at least two days' journey from the well where we had first been seized, towards which they then steered in a N. W. direction. I mention this circumstance, to show the time these won derful animals can live without drink, and supply their masters with milk, even when nearly destitute of vegetable substances ; and with water from their paunches after death. Soon after sunrise, our masters bade us drive the camels up the bank : at this moment Archibald Robbins came with his master to see us, and I supposed his master had brought him with the view of selling him. 1 had not before seen him for fourteen days, and he had only arrived soon enough to witness our departure : I now on my knees begged, as I had done before of Sidi Hamet, to purchase him ; but he said he could not, and so hurried us on. 1 told Robbirrs what my present hopes were, and that if I should succeed in getting clear, I would use my utmost endeavours to pro cure his and the rest of the crew's redemption. 1 begged him to continue as long as he could with his present master, who, for an Arab, appeared to be a very good man; and to encourage Mr. Wil liams and all the others to bear up with fortitude, and support life as long as it was possible, iu the hope, that through my help or some other means, they might obtain their redemption in a short time; and having taken my leave of him in the most aft'ectionate manner, (in which my companions followed the example,) we set out on our jour ney, but with heavy hearts, occasioned by the bitter regret we felt at leaving our fellow sufferers behind, although 1 had done all in my power to make them partakers of our better fortune. CHAPTER X. The author and four of his companions set out to cross the Desart— Their sufferings — They come to a spring of fresh water — Description of its singular situation. From the time I was sold to Sidi- Hamet, my old master and his family shunned me as they would a pestilence ; and the old villain actually stole one piece of our meat from me, or rather robbed me of it, just as we were setting out ; for he cut it off the string by which it was tied to the camel, in spite of my efforts to prevent him. Our mas ters were accompanied for a considerable distance by several men and women, who were talking and taking leave, going on very slowly. We were ordered to keep their camels together, which I thought 1 did ; yet when they were finally ready to depart, they found their big camel had marched off a great distance, probably two miles from us, following a drove of camels going to the N. W. ; Sidi Hamet bade me fetch him back, pointing him out: notwithstanding my weak and exhausted state, I was obliged to run a great way to come up with him ; but my rising spirits supported me, and 1 succeeded in hanging him back, where the other camels were collected by my shipmates. SUFFERINGS IN AFRICA. 83 'Sidi Hamet and Seid had two old camels on which they had rodfe, and they had bought also a young one that had not been broke for riding. We were joined here by a young Arab named Abdallah : he had been Mr. Savage's master, and owned a camel and a couple ot goat skins to carry water in: but these, as well as those of our mas ters, were entirely empty. .Sidi Hamet had a kind of a pack saddle for each of his old camels ; but nothing to cover the bones of his young one. Having fitted Ihem as well as he could, (for he seemed to be humane,) he placed Mr. Savage, Burns, and Horace on the big one, and myself and Clark on the oilier old one. Seid and Abdallah took their seats on the one which belonged to Abdallah, and Sidi Hamet mounted the young one himself to break him, sitting behind the hump on his bare back; and thus arranged and equipped, we set off on a full and long striding trot. It was about nine A. M. when we had mounted ; and this trot had continued for about three hours, when we stopped a few minutes in a little valley to adjust our saddles. Here Sidi Hamet pulled out a check shirt from one of his bags and gave it me, declaring he had stolen it, and had tried to get another for Horace, but had not been able : "put it on," said he, "your poor back needs a covering;" (it being then one entire sore.) 1 kissed his hand in gratitude, and tlianked liiffl and my Heavenly Father for this mercy. Clark, a day or two before, had got a piece of an old sail, that partly covered him; Burns had an old jacket, and Horace and Mr. Savage, a small goat skin added to their dress — -so that we were all, comparatively, comfortably clad. We did not stop here long, but mounted again, and proceeded on our course to the east ward on a full trot, which was continued till night; when coming to a little valley, we found some thorn bushes and halted for the night. Here we kindled a fire, and our masters gave us a few mouthfuls of the camel's meat, which we roasted and ati^. As we had drank no water for the last three days, except a very little of what we had taken from the camel's paunch, and which was now reduced to about four quarts, we, as well as our masters, suffered exceedingly for the want of it, and it was thereupon determined to make an equal distribution of it among the whole party; which was accordingly done with an impartial hand. This we poor sufferers made out to swallow, foul and ropy as it was, and it considerably relieved our parched throats ; and then, finding a good shelter under a thorn bush, notwithstanding our unabated pains, we got a tolerable night's sleep. We had travel led this day steady at a" long trot, at the rate, I judged, of between seven and eight miles an hour: making a distance of sixty-three miles at the lowest computation. Before daylight on the morning of the 28th, we were called up and mounted on the camels as before, and we set off on the long trot, ,Pn the same ceurse, i. e. about east, as on the preceding day. The same smepth hard surface continued, with now and then a little break, oc casioned by the naked heads of rocks just rising above the plain, and forming in some places small ledges. Near one of these, we alighted a few minutes about noon, for our masters to perform their devotions ; and we allayed our thirst by drinking some of the camels' urine, which we caught in our hands: our masters did the same, and told The it was good for our stomachs. The camels. took very long steps, .and ft) CAPTAIN RILEY'S NARRATIVE. their metions being heavy, our legs, unsupported by stirrups or any thing else, would fly backwards and forwards, chafing across their hard ribs at every step ; nor was it possible for us te prevent it, so that the remaining flesh on our posteriors, and inside of our thighs and legs, was so beat, and literally pounded to pieces that scarcely any remained en pur bones; which felt as if they had been thrown out of their sockets, by the continual and sudden jerks they experienced during this longest of days. It seemed to me as though the sun would never go down, and when at last it did, our masters had not yet found a place to lodge in ; for they wished, if possible, to find a spot where a few shrubs were growing, in order that the camels might browse a little during the night. They stopped at last after dark, in a very small valley, for they could find no better place ; here they kindled a little fire, and gave us about a pound of meat between us, which we greedily devoured, and then allayed our thirst in a similar manner as before mentioned. We had started before daylight this morning, and had made but one stop of about fifteen minutes in the course of the whole day until dark night, having travelled at least fifteen hours, and at the rate of seven miles the hour, making one hundred and five miles. Here in our bare-bone and mangled state, we were forced to lie on the naked ground, without the smallest shelter from the wind, which blew a vio lent gale all night from the north — suffering in addition to the cold, the cravings of hunger and thirst, and the most excruciating pains in our limbs and numerous sores ; nor could either of" us close our eyes to sleep ; and I cannot imagine that the tortures of the rack can ex ceed those we then experienced. Sidi Hamet and his two compan ions, who had been accustomed to ride in this manner, thought nothing of it : nor did they even appear to be fatigued ; but when I showed him my sores in the morning, and the situation of my ship mates, he was much distressed, and feared we would not live. He told me we should come to good water soon, when we might drink as much as we wanted of it, and after that we would not travel so fast. We were placed op our camels scpn after daylight, (this was the * 29th,) having nothing to eat, and drinking a little camel's water, which we preferred to our own : its taste, as I before observed, though bitter, was not salt ; ¦ and they void it but seldom in this dry and thirsty country. Proceeding on our journey at a long trot, about nine o'clock in the morriing, we discovered before us what seemed like high land, as we were seated on the camels ; but on our approach, it proved to be the opposite bank of what appeared once to have been a river or arm of the sea, though its bed was now dry. At about 10 o'clock, we came to the bank nearest us ; it was very steep, and four or five hundred feet deep, and in most places perpendicular or over hanging. These banks must have been washed, at some former period, either by the sea or a river; which river, if it was one, does not now exist. After considerable search, our masters found a place where our camels could descend into it, and having first dismounted, and made us do the same, we drove them down. When we had descended the most difficult part of the bank, Seid and Abdallah went forward (with their guns) to search for a spring of fresh water, which Sidi Hamet told me was not very far distant. He now made me walk SUFFERINGS IN AFRICA. ?1 along with him, and let the ethers drive en the camels slewly after us ; for they, as well as purselves, were nearly exhausted. He then asked me a great many questions respecting my country, myself, and family ; and whether I had any property at home ; if I had been at Swearah, and if 1 told him the truth concerning my having a friend there who wpuld pay money for me? He said also, that both himself and his brother had parted with all their property to purchase us, and wished me to be candid with him, for he was " my friend." " God (said he) will deal with you, as you deal with me." I persisted in asserting that I had a friend at Swearah, who would advance any sum of money I needed, and answered his other questions as well as I was able ; evading some I did not choose to answer, pretending I did not under stand them. "Will you buy Clark and Burns? (said he,) they are good for ndthing." They certainly did look worse, if possible, than the rest of us. 1 told him they were my countrymen, and my brothers, and that he might depend upon it I would ransom them, if he would carry us to the empire of Morocco and to the Sultan. "No, (said he,) the Sultan will not pay for you, but I will carry you to Swearah to your friend : what is his name?" "Consul," said I. It seemed to please him to hear me name my friend so readily ; and after teaching me to count in Arabic, and by fny fingers up to twenty, (which was ashreen,) he told me I must give him two hundred dollars for myself, two hundred dollars for Horace, and for the others 1 must pay one hundred dollars each — showing me seven dollars he had about him, to be certain that we understood each other perfectly ; and he next made me understand that I must pay for our provisions on the road, over and above this sum. He then made me point out the way to Swearah, which 1 was enabled to do by the sun and trade wind, mak ing it about N. E. "Now, (said he,) if you will agree before God the most High, to pay what I have stated, in money, and give me a double- barrelled gun, I will take you up to Swearah; if not, I will carry you off that way," pointing to the S. E. "and sell you for as much as I can get, sooner than carry you up across this long desart, where we must risk our lives every day for your sakes ; and if you cannot com ply with your agreement and we get there safe, we must cut your throat and sell your comrades for what they will bring." I assured him that I had told him the truth, and called God to witness the sin cerity of my intentions, not in the least doubting if I could once arrive there, I should find some one able and willing to pay the sum they demanded. "You shall go to Swearah, (said he, taking me by the hand.) if God please." He then showed me the broken pieces of my watch, and a plated candlestick, which he said he had bought from some person who had come from the wreck of my vessel. The candlestick had belonged to Mr. Williams. He said he bought the articles before he saw me, and wished to know what they were worth in Swearah; I satisfied him as well as I could on this point. During this conversation we kept walking on about east, as the bed of the river ran near the northern bank, which was very high, and Sid; Hamet looked at me as if his eye would pierce my very soul, to ascer tain the secrets of my heart, and discover whether I was deceiving him or not ; and he became satisfied that I was sincere. By this time we had arrived nearly opposite the place where he Y2 captain rii-ey's Narrative. calculated the spring was, and his brother and Abdallah being not far off, he hailed them to know if they had fourid it ; to which they answered in the negative. After searching about an hour in the bank, he discevered it, and calling to me, for 1 was below, bade me come up to where he was, at the foot of a perpendicular cliff. 1 clambered up over the fragments of great rocks that had fallen down from above, as fast as my strength would permit, and having reached the spot, and seeing no signs of water, the tears flowed fast down my cheeks, for 1 concluded the spring was dried up, and that we must now inevitably perish. Sidi Hamet looked at me, and saw my tears of despair— " Look down there," said he, (pointing through a fissure in the rock.) I looked and saw water, but the cleft was too narrow to admit of a passage to it : then showing me another place, about ten or fifteen yards distant, where I could get down to another small spring — "Sherub Riley, (said he,) it is sweet." I soon reached it, and found it sweet indeed ; and taking a copious draught, I called my companions, who scrambled along on their way up, exclaiming with great eagerness, " Where is the water ? for God'ssake! where is it? Oh, is it sweet?" I showed it to them, and they were soon convinced of the joyful fact. This water was as clear and as sweet as any I had ever tasted. Sidi Hamet now allowed us to drink our fill, while Seid and Abdal lah were driving the four camels up the bank by a zigzag kind of a foot way, from which the stones and other impediments had been before removed, apparently with great trouble and labour. This spring, the most singular perhaps in nature, was covered with largo rocks, fifteen to twenty feet high, only leaving a narrow crooked pas sage next the high bank behind it, by which a common sized man might descend to get at it. It might contain, I should calculate, not mere than fifty gallons of water ; cool, clear, fresh, and sweet, and I presume it communicated with the one that was first shown me between the rocks, which was much smaller. The camels had been driven to within fifty yards below the spring ; c-dr masters then took off the large bowl which they carried for the purpose of watering the camels : then bringing a goat skin near the spring, made me fill it with the water, my three shipmates passing it up to me in the bowl. I kept admonishing my companions to drink with moderation, but at the same time I myself continued.to take in large draughts of this delicious water, without knowing when to stop ; in consequence ot which I was seized with violent pains in my bowels, but soon found relief. It was here that I had an opportunity pf ascertaining the quantity of water which a camel could drink at one draught. We filled a large* goat skin fifteen times, containing at least four gallons, and every drop of this water was swallowed down by our largest camel, amount ing to the enormous quantity of sixty gallons, or two barrels. The men kept crying out, "Has not that camel done yet? he alone will drink the spring dry." It was in effect drained very low; but still held out, as the water kept continually running in, though slowly. This camel was a very large and old one, about nine feet high, stout in proportion, and had not drank any water for twenty days, as 1 wag informed by Sidi Hamet : but the pther camels did net drink as much in proportion. ' SUFFERINGS IN AFRICA. ^t% Having finished watering them, we filled two goat skinS With the water, which had now become thick and whitish ; as the rock in which the basin was formed for holding it, appeared to be chalky, Soft, and yielding. We descended this bank, and after preparing the camels, We were mounted thereon, and proceeded as before, but along to the eastward, in this arm of the sea. I call it an arm of the sea, because there could be no doubt in the mind of any one who should view it, that these high banks were worn and washed by water; they were from six to eight or ten miles distant from each other, and the level bottom was incrusted with marine salt. The bank rises four or five hundred feet, and nearly perpendicular, in most places. The broken fragments of rock, gravel, and sand, that had been undermiped by the water, apd tumbled down, filled a considerable space near the cliffs, and did not appear to have b'jen washed by the water for a great num ber of years.- I could not account for the incrustation of salt (as we must have been at least three hundred miles from the sea; this bottom or bed running from the east northwardly to the west or S. W.) in any other way, than by supposing the sea water had once overflowed this level ; that it had since either retired from that part of the coast, or formed a bar across its mouth, or outlet, and thus excluded itself entirely ; and that the sea air combining with the saline deposit or sediment, continued this incrustation. The curious and interesting springs, before mentioned, are situated on the right or north side of this dry bay or river, about one hundred feet below the surface of the desart, and from three hundred and fifty to four hundred feet from ihe bed or bottom. There was not the smallest sign of their ever having overflowed their basins ; thereby leaving it a mystery how ihey ever should have been discovered, as there was no rill to serve as a clue. Our masters now hurried on to the eastward, to find a place to emerge from this dreary abyss, still more gloomy, if possible, than the face of the desart. As we passed along, the salt crust crumbled under the feet of our camels, like the thin crust of snow. We came at length to a spot in the bank at a kind of point, where we ascended gradually from one point to another until within, probably, two hun dred feet of the top; here we were obliged to dismount, and drive, coax, and encourage the camels to go up. The ascent was very steep, though in zigzag directions, and the flat rock over which the _camels were forced to climb, threw them down several times, when our masters would encourage them to get up again, by singing and making repeated trials ; helping them over the bad places by a partial lifting, and begging the assistance of God and his prophet most fer vently, as well as of all the saints. Having at length reached the surface of the desart, they stopped a few minutes to let the camels breathe, and also that we might come np, for Mr. Savage and Clark could not keep pace with the rest of us, on account of their severe pains in consequence of overcharging their stomachs with water. The desart here had the same smooth appear ance we had before observed : no rising of the ground, nor any rock, tree, or shrub, to arrest the view within the horizon — all was a dreary, solitary waste, and we could not but admire and wonder at the good ness of Providence in providing a reserveir of pure fresh water, to 7 10 "*4 captain riley's narrative. quench the thirst of the traveller and his camel, in this dry, salt, and torrid regien, and we felt an inexpressible gratitude to the Author of our being, fpr having directed our masters te this spot, where pur lives had been preserved and refreshed by the cool delicious spring,' which seemed to be kept there by a continual miracle. We had not gone more than eight miles from the bank, (in a N. W. direction,) before we stopped for the night: here we found no lee to screen us from the strong winds, nor bush for the camels to browse on. 1 reckon we had travelled five hours this morning, at the rate of seven miles an hour, before reaching the bank, and five miles after getting down it, before we came to the spring ; making it forty miles to, and ten miles from the spring to where we halted for the night, so that this day's march was altogether at least fifty miles. The dry bed or bottom before mentioned, had probably been an inlet or arm of the sea that never was explored by Europeans, or any other civilized men; yet it must have had an outlet; and that outlet must be to the southward of us, and if so, its mouth must have been at least three hundred miles distant. Here we ate the remainder of our camel's meat : — we had no milk ; for neither of our masters' camels yielded any, and our share pf meat was not more than about an ounce each. I judged by the height of the north star above the horizon that we were about in the latitude of twenty degrees north. 1 now experienced that to have only one want supplied, made us feel the others as less supportable than before ; for although we had drank as much fresh water as we could contain, and our thirst was in a great measure allayed, still we were rendered extremely uneasy by the gnawings of hunger, which, together with our sufferings from the cold and piercing winds, made this a long and restless night. CHAPTER XI. Journeying on the Desart — they are hospitably entertained by Arabs, and come to a well of fresh ivater. On the morning of the 30th wejstarted very early ; three of us rode, while the other two walked ; taking our turns every three hours, or thereabouts- They let the camels walk all this day, but their long legs, and the refreshment they had enjoyed at the spring, enabled them to step along so fast and briskly, that those of us who were on foot, were obliged to be on a continual small trot in order to keep up with them: the wind at the same time blowing very strong directly against us, and our course being nearly N. W. About two o'clock, P. M. Sidi Hamet said to me, " Riley, shift Gemel ;" (I see a camel ;) he was very much rejoiced at it, and so were his companions ; but neither 1 nor my companions could per ceive any thing of the kind above the horizon for two hours after this. Our masters had altered their course to about east, and at length i we all saw a camel, appearing like a speck in the horizon, but we did not reach the travellers, who were with a large drove of camels SUFFERINGS IN AFRICA. 73 until sunset. Having pome up with the men, they invited our mas ters tp gp hphre with them ; the invitation was accepted, and we drove our camels along, following them as they went towards their tents : — it was dark and quite late before we reached them, which were four in number. We stopped at a small distance from the tents, and were obliged'to pluck up a few scattered shrubs, not thicker than a straw, to make a fire with. Our masters had given us neither meat nor drink this day. I begged for some water, and they gave us each a very scanty drink. We had travelled full fourteen hours this day, and at the rate of about three miles an hour, making a distance of about forty miles. We were now in a most piteous situation, extremely chafed and worn down with our various and complicated sufferings, and were now to lie on the hard ground without the smallest screen — not even a spot of sand on which to rest our wearied limbs ; we had been promised, however, something to eat by our host, and about 11 o'clock at night Sidi Hamet called me and gave me a. bowl containing some boiled meat, which I divided into five heaps, and we cast lots for them. This meat was very tender, and there was just enough of it to fill our stomachs : after eating this, we had scarcely lain down whep they brought us a large bowl filled with milk and water. This was indeed sumptuous living, notwithstanding our pains and the severely cold night wind. On the morning of the first of October we were roused up early to pursue our journey. Sidi Hamet then called me aside, and gave me to understand that this man had got my spy-glass, and wanted to know what it was worth. I requested him to show it to me, which he did : it was a new one I had bought in Gibraltar, and it had not been injured. The Arab owner, though he did not know the use of it, yet as the brass on it glittered, he thought it was worth a vast sum of money. Sidi Hamet had only seven dollars in money, having invested the rest of his property in the purchasing of us, and was not able to buy the glass ; — his fancy was as much taken with it, however, as was that of the owner. They had also several articles of clothing in their possession, which gave me reason to infer that we could not be a great distance from the place where our vessel was wrecked ; but there was po method of calculating to any degree of certainty, as they all move with such rapidity in their excursions, that they seem not to know whither, or what distances they gb, nor could 1 find out any thing from this man concerning the wreck. Taking our leave from this truly hospitable man, we pursued our course N. W. on the level desart. Our masters had been very uneasy all the preceding day, on account of meeting with no land marks to direct their course: they were in the same dilemma this day, directing their camels by the winds and bearing of the sun ; frequently stopping and smelling the sand, whenever they came to a small sandy spot, which now and then occurred, but we did not come across any loose drifting sand. We took turns in riding and walking, or rather trotting, as we had done the day before, until the afternoon, when our masters walked, (or rather ran,) and permitted us to ride. About four o'clock P. M. we saw, and soon fell in with a drove of tfj captain Riley's narrative1. camels, that had bfeen to the northward for water, and were then goifl|, in a S, W. direction with skins full of water, and buckets for drawing and watering the camels : their owners very civilly invited our mas ters to take up their lodgings with thein that night, and we went irt company with them about two hours to the south, where falling ill with a very extensive but shallow valley, we saw about fifty tents pitched, and going into the largest clear place, unloaded and lettered our camels, to let them browse on the leaves and twigs of the small shrubs that grew there, or on the little low moss, with which th6 ground was, in many places, covered. As we went along near the tents, the men and women called me el Rais, and soon gathered around with their children to lppk at us, and to wonder. Some inquired about my country, my vessel, my family, &c. Having satisfied their curiosity, they left us to gather sticks to kindle our masters' fire ; this done, we found, after considerable search, a soft spot of sand to lie down upon, where we slept soundly until about rnidnight, when we Were aroused, and each of us presented with a good drink Of milk : this refreshed us, and we slept the remainder of the night, forgetting our sores and our pains. I reckon we had travelled this last day about forty miles, on a course of about N. W. On the 2d of October we set out, in company with all these fafni- lies, and went north fifteep or twenty miles, when they pitched their tents, and made up a kind of a shelter for our masters With two pieces of tent cloth joined together by thorns, and supported by some sticks. Our masters gave us a good drink of water about noon, and at mid night milk was brought from all quarters, and each of us had as much as he could swallow, and actually swallowed more than our poor stomachs could retain. The tribe did not move, as is customary, on the 2d of October, waiting, as Sidi Hamet said, for the purpose of feasting us. They gave us as much milk as we could drink on the night of the second. Here our masters bought a sheep, of which animals this tribe had about fifty, and they were the first we had seen ; but they were so poor, that they could with difficulty stand and feed upon the broWh moss which covered part of the face of the valleys hereabouts, and which moss was not more than one inch high. This tribe, not unlike all the others we had seen, took no nourishment, except one gpod drink Pf milk at midnight, and a' drink of sour milk and water at mid day, when they could get it. On the morning of the 3d of October, our masters todk leave of this hospitable tribe pf Arabs, who not only fed them, but seemed desireus that we, their slaves, shuuld have sufficient nourishment also, and gave us liberally of the best they had. Our masters had made a trade with them, and exchanged our youngest camel for an old one that Was lame in his right fore foot, and one that was not more than half grown. The old pne they called Coho, (or the lame,) and the young one Goyette, (or the little child.) The sheep our masters purchased was tied about the neck with a rope, and I was obliged to lead it until abeut noon, when we came to a low valley, with some small bushes in it : in the midst there was a well of tolerable good water. Here we watered the camels, apd as the sheep could go po farther, they hilled it, and put its lean carcass on a camel, after placing its entrails SHJrtfERiNaS iU AFftiflA. 11 (which they would not allow trie time to cleanse) into the carcass. This well was about forty feet deep, and dug out among the surround ing ropts. CHAPTER XII. They arrive amongst immense mountains of driving sand — Their ex treme sufferings — Their masters find ana steal some barley, and re- Store it again. Having: watered our camels, and filled two skins with water, and drank as much as we peeded, they mounted Horace on the young camel, and all the others being also mounted, we proceeded on towards the N. W. at a long walk, and sometimes a trot, driving the old lame camel before us until dark night, and 1 think we travelled thirty-five miles this day. The entrails of the sheep were now given us for our supper; these we roasted on a fire we made for the purpose, and ate them, while our masters finished two of the quarters. We lay this night without any screen or shelter, and early ip the morning of the 4th, we set off on our journey, all on foot, driving our camels, before us, on the same kind of flat surface we had hitherto travelled over : but about 10 A. M. it began to assume a new aspect, and become sandy. The sand where we first entered it, lay in small loose heaps, through which it was very difficult to walk, as we sank in nearly to our knees at each step :, this sand was scorching hot. The oamels were now stopped, and all of us mounted on them, when on their rising up, we saw before us vast numbers of immense sand hills, stretching as far as the eye could reach eastward, and from the north to the south, heaped up in a most terrific manner; we soon arrived among them, and were struck with horror at the sight : — huge moun tains of loose sand, piled up like drifted snow, towered two hundred feet above our heads on every side, and seemed to threaten destruc tion to our whole party : not a green or even a diy busk or shrub of any kind in view to relieve the eye ; here was no path to guide our footsteps, nor had wc a compass to direct our course, obstructed by these dreadful barriers. The trade winds, which had hitherto given us so much relief on our journey, by refreshing our bodies when heated by the rays of an almost perpendicular sun, and which had served, in some measure, to direct our course — even these winds, which now blew like a tempest, became our formidable enemy : — the loose sand flew before its blasts, cutting our flesh like hail stones, and very often cevering us from each other's sight, while the gusts (which followed each other in quick succession) were rushing by. We were here obliged to dismpunt, and drive the camels up the sandy steeps after our masters, who went on before to look out a practicable passage. The camels,' as well as ourselves, trod deep iu the sand, and with great difficulty ascended the hills ; but they went down them very easily, and frequently on a long trot, following our masters. Sidi Hamet, Seid, and Abdallah, seemed full of apprehen sions for their own and our safety, apd were very careful of their camels. 7* ?8 captain riley's narrative. Thus we drove on until dark, when coming to a spacg where the sand was not so much heaped up, being like a lake surrounded by mountains, we saw a few shrubs : here we stopped for the night, unloaded and fettered our camels, whose appetites were as keen, apparently, as ours, for they devoured the few leaves, together with the shrubs, which were as thick as a man's finger. We next prepared a kind of shelter with the saddles and some sand for our masters and ourselves, to keep off in some measure the fierce and chilling blasts of wind, and the driving sand which pierced our sores and caused us much pain. Having kindled a fire, our masters divided the meat that remained of the sheep : — It was sweet to our taste, though but a morsel, and we pounded, chewed, and swallowed all the bones, and afterwards got a drink of water : — then lying down on the sand, we had a comfortable night's sleep, considering our situation. 1 reckon we had made thirty-five miles this day, having travelled about eight hours before we got among the heavy sand hills, at the rate of three miles an hour, and five hours among the sand hills, at the rate of two miles an hour. We were all afflicted with a most violent diarrhoea, brought on, no doubt, by excessive drinking and fatigue. At daylight on the morning of the 5th, I was ordered to fetch the camels, and took Mr. Savage and Clark with me ; and the two old ones being fettered, that is, their two fore legs being tied within twelve inches of each other, they could not wander far; we soon found them, and I made the one 1 found kneel down, and having taken off its fetters, mounted it with a good stick in my hand for its government, as the Arabs of the desart use neither bridle nor halter, but guide and drive them altogether with a stick, and by words. Mr. Savage having found the big camel, took off his fetters, intending to make him kneel down in order to get on his back; but the old lame camel, which had hitherto carried no load, and which had occasioned us much trouble, in forcing him to keep up with the others, when on our march, now set off on a great trot to the south : — the. young one followed his example, so did Abdallah's, and the big one startedalso, running attheir greatest speed. Seeing the panic of the other camels, I endeavoured to stop them by riding before them with my camel, which was the most active and fleet ; but they would not stop — dodg ing me every way ; my camel also tried to get rid of its load by run ning, jumping, lying down, rolling over, and striving to bite my legs; but I made shift to get on again before he could rise, and had got some miles from where I had started, keeping near, and frequently before the other camels, which appeared to be very much frightened. Our masters had watched us, and when the camels set off, had start ed on a full run after them; but had been hid from my view by the numerous sand hills, over and among which we passed. — Finding I could not stop the others, and fearing I should be lost myself, I stop ped the one I was on, and Sidi Harriet soon coming in sight, called to me to make my camel lie down. He mounted it, and after inquir ing which way the other camels went, (which were now out of sight ) and telling me to follow his tracks back to our stuff, he set off after them on full speed :— Seid and Abdallah followed him on foot, running ™,taSJ- aJ Rosslble- I returned ; and picking up a few skins that had jolted off from the little camel, I joined Mr. Savage and Clark, and v SUFFERINGS IN AFRICA; 79 We reached the place where we had slept, but much fatigued ; and here we remained for two or three hours before our masters returned With the camels. We had during this interval tasted the bark of the roots of the shrubs which grew on the sand near us — it was bitter, but not ill flavoured, and we continued to eat of it until the runaway camels were brought back ; it entirely cured our diarrhoea. They had overtaken the camels with much difficulty, and the creatures were covered with sweat and sand. I expected we should receive a flogging as an atone ment for our carelessness in letting the big camel go, that had been fettered, and in particular, that Mr. Savage would be punished, whom I did not doubt they had seen, when he let his camel escape. So as soon as they got nigh, 1 began to plead for him ; but it was all to no purppse, for they whipped him with a thick stick (or goad) most unmercifully. Mr. Savage did not beg as I should have done in our situation, and in a similar case, and they believed he had done it ex pressly to give them trouble, and continued to call him Fonte, (i. e. a bad fellow,) all the remaining part of the journey. Having settled this affair, and put what stuff they had on the camels, we mounted them and proceeded, — shaping our course as before, to the N.N. W. as near as the mountains of sand Would permit. It was as late as nine o'clock when we started, arid at eleven, having made about three leagues, winding round the sand hills on a trot, we were obliged to dismount. The hills now stood so thick, that great care was neces sary to prevent getting the camels into an inextricable situation between them, and our masters went on ahead, two of them at a con siderable distance, to. pick the way, and one to direct us how to go : — the latter keeping all the time in sight. The sand was heated (as it had been the preceding day) by the rays of the sun, to such a degree that it burned our feet and legs, so that the smart was more severe than the pain we had before experienced, from our blisters and chafing : — it was like wading through glowing embers. During the whole of this day, we had looked for shrubs, or some green thing to relieve the eye ; but not a speck of verdure was to be seen. We had no food ; our water was nearly exhausted, and we saw no sign of finding an end to these horrid heaps of drifting sands, or of procuring any thing to relieve our fatigues and sufferings, which were now really intolerable. We continued on our route, however, as near as circumstances would permit, N. N. W. until about nine o'clock in the evening, and stopped to rest among the high and dreary sand heaps, without a shrub for our camels to eat. I calculated we had gone this day from 9 to 11 o'clock, twelve miles, and from that time till we stopped, about two miles an hour, making in all thirty- two miles. We had nothing to eat; our masters, however, gave us a drink of water, and being fatigued beyond description, we soon saok down and fell asleep, fhappened to awake in the night, and hearing a heavy roaring to the northward of us, concluded it must be a violent gust of wind, or a hurricane, that would soon bury us in the sand for ever. I therefore immediately awakened my companions, who were more "terrified at the noise even than myself, for a few moments; but when we perceived that the sound came no nearer, I was convinced (as the wind did not increase) that it must be the rQaring of the sea. 80 CAPTAIN riley's narrative. against the coast not far off. This was the first time we had heard the sea roar since the 10th of September ; and it proved to us that eur masters were going towards the empire of Morocco, as they had pro mised. My comrades were much rejoiced at being undeceived on that subject, for they had all along continued to suspect the contrary, notwithstanding 1 had constantly told them that the courses we steered could not fail of bringing us to the coast. ¦ On the sixth, early in the morning, we started, and I found, by inquiring of Sidi Hamet, that our conjectures were true ; that we were near the sea, and that the roaring we heard (and which still continued) was that of the surf: he added, " you will get no more milk," which I thought he regretted very much. We continued on our course, labouring among the sand hills until noon, when we found, that on our right, and ahead, they became less frequent, but on our left there was a string of them, and' very high ones, stretching out as far as the eye could reach. The sand hills through which we had passed rested on the same hard and flat surface 1 have before mentioned, without being attached to it ; for in many places it was blown off, leaving naked the rocks and baked soil between the towering drifts. About noon we left these high sands, and mounting on the camels, proceeded along southward of them, where the sand was still deep, but pot high, on about an east course. Near this line of sand hills, our masters discovered two camels — they bore about N. E. and we made directly for them as fast as possible- On a near approach we observed they were loaded, and our masters now took off the sheaths from their guns and primed them anew ; and upon coming near the, camels, they dismounted and made us do the same. We saw no hu man being. The camels had large sacks on their backs, made of tent cloth, and well filled with something ; there was also a large earthen potlash- ed on one of them, and two or three small skin bags. Seid and Abdal lah drove these camels on with ours, observing strict silence, while Sidi Hamet was searching for the owner of them with his double bar relled gun, cocked and primed. Mr. Savage was on the young camel, and not being able to keep up, was a mile or more behind ; when Sidi Hamet found the owner of the camels asleep on the sand near where Mr. Savage was. He went towards him, keeping his gun in readi ness to fire, until he saw the other had no fire-arms, and was fast asleep ; when stepping carefully up, he snatched a small bag from near the sleeper's head, and went ilowly away with it until past the fear of waking him. He then assisted in driving Mr. Savage's camel along, and they soon came up with us, where Seid and Abdallah had made the two loaded camels lie down between some small hillocks of sand. They uptied the mouth of one of the sacks, and behold its contents were barley ! This was the first bread stuff' we had seen, and it gave us new hopes. They poured out about fifty pounds of it, I should guess, and put into a large leather bag of their own ; then tying up the neck of the sack again, they made the camels get up withrtheir loads. They now began to examine the contents of the small bags, and found' them to consist of a number of small articles : but the one that was taken from near the Arab's head was partly filled with barley meal. They were all overjoyed at this discovery, and immediately poured out SUFFERINGS IN AFRICA. . 6l Some of it into a bowl, mixed it with water, and ate it ; theft giving na about a quart of water between us, with a handful of this meal in it, making a most delicious gruel, they hurried us, on to our camels, and set off to the S. E. on a long trot, leaving the strange camels to themselves. We had not proceeded more than half an hour, before we saw a man running swiftly in chase of US, and hallooing to make our masters stop ; they knew he must be the owner of the camels they had rpb- beo, and paid no other attention to him than to push on the camels faster. Sidi Hamet now told me that that fellow was a " poor devil — • he has not even a musket," said he, " and he let me take this bag while he was asleep." The man gained on us very fast. I was afraid he would get back what had been taken from nim by our masters, especially the barley — so were my shipmates ; one of whom wished he had a loaded musket — saying, "I would soon stop him if I had one, and thus save the barley. Our masters made their signs for this man to go back, but he continued to advance, while our Arab masters, find ing he would come up, kept their guns cocked in their hands, and ready to fire pn him, though he had no^other arms than a scimitar; apd drawing near they halted ; upon which the stranger, making an appeal to God, and bowing himself down and worshipping, declared that he had lost a part of his property, and that he knew they must have taken it ; that he was their brother, and would rather die than commit a bad action, or suffer others to do it with impunity: "you have fire-arms" (Celibeatalis) said he, "and believe you cankillme in an instant; but the God of justice is my shield, and will protect the innocent ; 1 do not fear you." Sidi Hamet then told him to leave his scimitar where he was, and approach without fear, and then making our camels knee] down, we all dismounted. The stranger upon this came forward and asked — "Is it peace ?" " It is," was the reply of Sidi Hamet : they then saluted each other with — " Peace be with you —peace be to your house — to all your friends," &c. &c. and shaking one another in a most cordial manner by the hand, seated themselves in a circle on the ground. After a long debate, in which our masters justified themselves for having taken the provisions without leave, because we, their slaves, were in a state of starvation, which was very true, they added — " you would not have refused them a morsel, if you had been awake!" and it was thereupon finally agreed, to restore all that they had taken : so they made us clear a place on the ground that was hard, and pour out the barley from our bag. They also gave him up his bag of meal, which had been much lightened, and a very small bag, which I supposed to contain opium ; this they said was Jit- they*nad taken ; then after they had prayed together, we all mounted our camels and proceeded on our journey. Religion and honour even among thieves, thought I ! CAPTAIN RILeY's NARftAt'iVi. CHAPTER Xffi. Continuation of the Journey on the Desart— Several singular occur rences — They come within sight of the Ocean. This had detained us about an hour : Mr. Savage was put on the old camel, which still continued very lame, and Horace on the smallest. These camels ceuld not keep pace with the others, and both Mr. Savage and Horace were severely flogged for what our masters called bad management : though the true reason I suspected was the loss of the stolen barley, which had put them in a bad humour. We kept on to the east as fast as the camels could go, until late in the evening ; when hearing the voices of men hallooing to each other ata short dis tance on our left, our masters seemed much frightened ; kept all still ; and finding a deep hollow, we silently descended its steep bank, leav ing our little camel with his legs tied on the level above, as he was so far worn down by fatigue that he could scarcely walk. When we got to the bottom of it, we found a considerable number of small bushes, and having taken the saddles from off the camels and fettered their fore legs together, as usual, we let them go to feed. I calcu lated we travelled seven-hours this day, at two miles an hour, among the sand hills ; then two hours on camels, until we came to the strange ones, at the rate of six miles an hour including two stops, say two hours ; then from four until about ten P. M. six hours, at five miles an hour — total this day, fifty-six miles. As soon as the camels were fettered, our masters examined their guns, and having ascertained that they were well primed, ascended the sand hills in this valley, (for there was much drifted sand about it in scattering heaps, and it appeared to have once been a river, whose bed was now dry.) They bade us all follow them, and went first to the lowest part of the valley; then ascending the steep sides of the sand drifts, made us crawl after them on our hands and knees. After they had gained the top, and waiting, for us to climb up, they set up the most tremendous howling I had ever before heard — one counter feiting the tone of a tiger, the other the roar of a lion, and the third the sharp frightful yell of a famished wolf. Having kept up this con cert for some time, they again proceeded, mounting and descending, and searching for tracks, &c. I was much terrified, I confess, and expected they were hunting for the people we had heard halloo when we entered the valley, to rob and murder them, and that we were to share their danger and carry their spoil. But after they had kept us mounting and descendipg about two hours, they found a snug retreat surrounded on all sides by high sand drifts, where however a few small bushes were growing : they made us lie down in the deep sand, and after continuing their hewl- ipgs for about half an hour, bade us go to sleep, which we much > needed, as our fatigues were excessive ; they had not suffered Us to make the least noise since we reached the valley, nor did they them selves make any, except in imitation of wild feiocious beasts. 1 was Sufferings in africA. 83 Ii6w fully persuaded that they were actuated by feelings of fear and not views of plunder in these manoeuvres ; and taking a station with their guns in their hands around us, as if afraid they should lose their. slaves, we soon forgot our troubles in the arms of sleep, and did not awake until the morning of the 7th, when we repaired to our camels and found every thing safe. There were more camels, which we saw in the open valley, browsing upon the bushes, which grew higher here than any we had hitherto seen ; they were of a different species, and not clothed with long thorns. Just as we were ready to set off on our journey, an old woman and a boy came where we were ; the woman appeared very friendly, made inquiries respecting cur situation, and if our masters as well as our selves were not hungry ; and finding that we were indeed in want of food, she sent off her boy, who soon returned with the boiled remains of what I conceived to nave been a sheep or goat, consisting of the entrails and a few bones ; of these our masters ate the greatest part, but gave us the remainder — that is to say, the bones, which we were very glad to get, bare as they were, for our hunger was extreme. Having gnawed and swallowed this hard food, and drank about half a pint of water each, coloured with sour milk, which the old woman kindly gave us, we proceeded on our journey, mounting this dry river's bed or gully, which had been acted upon by water at no very remote period. We here saw the first bushes that deserved that name, since we had been on this continent. They appeared to be of the willow kind, some of them as large as a man's leg, and about fifteen feet in height. It was with much difficulty the camels could ascend this bank, but when we did reach its summit we found ourselves on the same level desart as we had before travelled on : our view on every side was bounded only by the distant horizon, except on our left, where a long string of sand drifts of greatheight intercepted it. Near these sand hills we discovered a man mounted on a camel ; he rode swiftly towards us, which our masters observing, while he was yet a great way off, dismounted from their camels to wait his approach. Myself and Mr. Savage were on foot, making the best of our way along. We saw our masters dig holes in the sand, and bury two small bags which they had stolen from the stranger the day before, at the time they helped themselves to the barley. The man on his camel soon came up, and we recognized him as the same our mas ters had plundered ; he had followed us on, and now told them they had stolen his goods and deceived him besides. Our masters denied the charge, and after showing him that they had nothing about them of the kind he described, told him to satisfy himself fully, and to go and search their stuff' on the camels ; pro testing, at the same time, that he accused them wrongfully, and call ing God to witness that they had nothing of his in their possession. The man seemed satisfied with their protestations, and rode off with out further examination. We were going on during this time, and they remained on the spot to dig up the treasure after its owner had left them. When they came up with us, Sidi Hamet said to me, " That fellow wanted his bags and things, but he has not got them yet:" he then showed me the bags and their contents. There was a small bpx in pne of the bags, centaining opium and several hollow 84 captain riley's NARRATIVE. sticks of the thickness of a map's finger, and six or eight inches long} these were filled with what I supposed to be gold dust. The other bag contained tobacco stalks, and the roots. of an herb, which I after wards understood to be a specific remedy for evil eyes, or witchcraft; this they esteemed as of great value, even more than the gold dust and opium : the natives smoke this root through the leg or thigh bone of a sheep or goat, they having no other pipes, and then conceit themselves invulnerable. I confess I was not pleased at the discovery of our masters' propensity to thieving, and could not help being ap prehensive of the consequences that might result from such licen- tipusness, affecting our safety and prospects of release. We travelled fast most of this day, and must have made thirty-five miles on about an E. N. E. course. It was late when we stopped for the night: we were on a hard surface, and had neither shrub, nor indeed any other thing to fend off the cold night wind, which blew extremely fierce from the N. N. E. October the 8th, we started very early and rode on rapidly until the afternoon, when some camels' tracks were discovered, at which our masters seemed very much rejoiced, for they were extremely hungry and thirsty. We followed these tracks until about four P. M. (they being nearly on our course,) when we came in sight of a large drove of camels feeding on the scattered shrubbery in a small shallow valley, with a lew sheep and goats, which were nibbling a short brown moss, not more than an inch in height, that grew round about in spots. After due salutations, which were very long and tedious, the owners of the flocks and herds invited our masters to remain with them for the night, which may well be supposed was readily accepted; we having travelled this day about forty-five miles. They showed our masters the way to their tents, who, after bidding us to follow, set off for them op a full trot. We reached them in about half an hour: there were about twenty in number — pitched in a little valley, near a small thicket of thorn trees. I call them trees, because they were much larger than any vegetable productions we had yet seen in this country — a few of them might be eight inches in diameter. Our masters had already killed a irid they had bought, and were employed in dressing it; which being prepared and boiled soon after dark, our masters gave us the entrails, which we immediately devoured, though not cleaned, and nearly raw, as we had not patience to wait till they were roasted sufficiently : they then offered some of the meat to the Arabs, who were sitting around them on the ground ; but as they only came to gratify their curiosity in viewing us, they did not accept of any. This was the first time 1 had known any of them refuse so tempting an offer ; and I could not but consider it as a favourable omen, and that the land was becoming more fertile and productive as we advanced on our journey, and that we must shortly escape frcm this horrible desart. After we had swallowed our morsel, these people gave each of us a good drink of water, and at midnight (the hour set apart by the Arabs for taking their refreshment) they awaked me and gave me a bowl, containing probably four or five pounds of a kind of stirabput, or hasty pudding, in the centre of which, in a hole made fpr the pur pose, there was poured a pint or more of good sweet milk : we quickly ' SUFFERINGS IN AFRICA. 85 seated ourselves in a circle around the bowl, arid though it was quite hot, we swallpwed it in a moment. This was the most delicious food I ever tasted: the effect it produced on my palate has never since been effaced from my memory, and my companions agreed with me,' that nothing half so sweet had ever before entered their mouths; and as we all took it up with our hands; each one accused the other of eating like a hog, and of devouring more than his equal share. I endeavoured to convince them that, it could not be more equally divided, as each put his hand to his mouth as fast as he could. Notwithstanding every one, by the irresistible impatience of hunger, burnt his mouth and throat, yet this dish was unspeakably grateful ; for hunger, sufferings, and fatigue had absolutely reduced us to skele tons : it warmed our stomachs, and checked the dysentery, which had been extremely distressing for several days past. This was the first kind of bread we had tasted since we left the wreck. Our masters had been very much out of humour (probably owing to hunger) for several days, and beat my shipmates oftentimes most unmercifully, who, in their turn, smarting under the lash, and suffer ing incredibly from their sores, fatigues, and privations, became as cross as wild bears, notwithstanding i did all in my power to lighten their burdens, relieve their fatigues, and intercede for and beg them off when our masters were about to heat them, and frequently walking that they might ride; yet one of them would often curse mej to my face, and load me with the most opprobrious epithets. My kindness seemed but to inflame his petulance, and to excite in him a strange animosity, so that in (he ravings of his distempered imagination, he declared that he hated the sight of mc, and that my very smiles were more cutting to him than daggers presented to his naked breast: he seemed indeed to be transformed into a perfect savage in disposition, nor did this rankling humour forsake him until I shewed him in Suae the letter I there received from Mr. Willshire, assuring me he would shortly redeem us from slavery. Early on the m'orning of the 9th, we set forward in a northeasterly direction, and having travelled about ten hours on the camels, at the rate of four miles an hour, we came to a deep well, situated in the midst of a cluster of high bushes ; here was a large company of men watering many droves of camels that were round about. These peo ple saluted our masters in a friendly manner, when they came up. I was preparing to assist in drawing water for our camels, but Sidi Hamet would not permit me or my companions to work ; indeed we were so extremely reduced and weak, that we could not without dif ficulty stand steady on our feet, though (from what cause I know not) our sores were fast healing, and our skins uniting in all parts over our bodies. While Seid and Abdallah were busied in drawing water for our camels, an Arab came up with one, and led him to our masters' watering tub or bowl, which Seid observing, bade him desist; but the strange Arab swore his camel should drink there, and he (Seid) should dr^w water for him. This kindled the resentment ef Seid; he left his bucket, ran up to the Arab, and gave him a heavy blow on his face with his fist, which staggered him near to falling; but reco vering himself, he drew his scimitar, and made a powerful thrust at 8 86* CAPTAIN RILEY S NARRAT1VB. Seid, who saved his life by springing suddenly from him, and the scimitar out slightly pricked his breast. Sidi Hamet had by this time seized and unsheathed his gun, and presented it to the Arab's breast within a yard's distance, ready; to blow him through. When he was about to fire, his hand was seized by one of the bystanders, and ethers pf them rushing between the combatants to prevent blood shed, laid hold of Seid and his antagonist, and having separated them by main force, they removed the Arab to the other side of the well, where some of the company drew water for his camel, which having drank its fill, they sent the fellow off, muttering curses as he went away. Our masters, during all this time, were so exasperated at the conduct of this man, that nothing less than the strength of superior numbers would have prevented them from putting him to death ; and all the company agreed that tliey had been grossly insulted, especially as they were strangers. When our camels had finished drinking at this well, the water of which was very brackish, we were mounted, and proceeded further east for about one hour's ride, where we found two more wells, which appeared to have been lately dug, and the water they contained was very salt. Here was a large drove of camels (probably one hundred) to be watered, and they obliged me to assist in drawing water until they had all finished ; my master encouraging me, by saying, " their owner was a very good man, and would give us food." It was about sunset when we had finished drawing water, and we followed the val ley in which we were for about three miles east, when we came to the tent we had been in quest of: here was no lee to keep off the cold wind, nor did we get any thing to eat, notwithstanding our masters had praised the liberality of our host, and tried by every means to obtain some provisions from him. I soon found his goodness was like that of many others ; (i. e.) he was no longer liberal than while there was a prospect of profit. I presume we travelled forty-five miles this day. As soon as daylight appeared oh the morning of the 10th, we set forward, all mounted on the camels, and kept on steadily until night over this mest dreary desart, and came to a halt long after dark, without any thing to keep off the wind, which was blowing a strong gale. We travelled this day about thirteep hours, at four miles an hour ; as the camels went all day en a quick walk, we must have made at least fifty-twc miles E. N. E. October 11th, we set eff very early on a full trot, and wept on until about noon, seven hours, at six miles an hour, when the land before us appeared broken, and we descended gradually into a deep valley, whose bottom was covered with sand ; and on' both Sides of us, at a great distance, we saw very high and steep banks like those of a river, and followed the tongue of land that separated them. Our course was nearly east. At about two P. M. our masters said they saw camels ahead, but we could not perceive them for a long time after, when keeping on a great trot, we came up with a drove about six P. M. We could however find no owners, nor in fact any human being ; for all had fled and hid themselves, probably from fear of being robbed, or that contributions might be levied on their charity for some pro visions. We searched some time for the owners of these camels, but SUFFERINGS IN AFRICA. 87 not findipg them, we coptinued on, and having come to the abrupt eod of the tongue of land on which we had been travelling, we de scended into the river's bed, which was dry and soft. Pushing for ward, we reached a large cluster of bushes, which appeared like an island in a lake when seen at a distance, and 1 suppose it was tep o'clock at night before we arrived at the spot, though we saw it in the distant horizon long before dark. As we entered among the bushes, our masters preserved a profound silence ; and having found a clear spot of about twenty yards in diameter, encircled by high bushes, . which kept off the wind, we stopped there for the night ; having tra velled that day for the space of about fourteen hours, at the rate of five miles an hour, making a distance of seventy miles. We had nothing this night wherewith to allay our hunger: our fatigues and sufferings may be more easily conceived than expressed ; yet as we were shel tered from the night winds, we slept very soundly until we were roused up to continue our journey. On the 12th of October, as soon as daylight appeared, we watered the camels at a well of brackish water near the bushes before men tioned. Our masters had been careful not to make the least noise during the night, nor to kindle a fire, fearing they should be disco vered and surprised by some more powerful party ; but neither foe nor ur masters drank of the water, and Sidi Hamet was Sb&h after presented with a bowl filled with dates lately plucked from the trees and not fully ripe : these he gave to us ; though Seid, Abdallah, and Hassar- snatched each a handful, to which we were forced to submit : w» found them excellent, but did not know at that time what sort of fruit they were. Here we remained during the night, and rested our emaciated bodies, which were, if possible, more fatigued than they ever were before. October the 21st, we set eff to the northward very early, and made down towards the sea through numerous steep gullies, and got on to the inclined plane below the former seashore, about mid-day ; here were the same sort of marks in this bank that we had before observed, and the same signs of its having been laved by the ocean. We went along through the same kind of thick bushes as those I have before described, near to the cliffs that at present formed a barrier to the mighty s waters, where we discovered a number of tents, and soon reached them. Here our masters Sidi Hamet and Hassar, were recognized by some of the men, who were in all about twenty, with their families : these people had large sacks of barley with them, which they had procured far eastward up the country. Sidi Hamet was now sick with violent pains in his head and in all his limbs. These people (who were Arabs, as all are who live in tents in the country) took compassion on him, and cleared a tent for him to lie under, where having made up a large fire, he kept his head towards if, turning about and almost roasting his brains, but obtained no relief from this manner of treating his disorder. He next had recourse to another singular remedy : he had a large knife put into the fire and heated red hot ; then made his brother draw the back of it, hot as it was, several times across the top of his head, making it hiss (as may well be supposed) in all directions : — when it had in some measure cooled, he would again heat it as before, then making bare his legs and arms, he went through with the process of striking its back along them at the distance of three or four inches, scorching off the skin ; and though it made him twitch and jump at every touch, he continued to do it for the space of an hour or more. Burns had been very ill for some time, and was so weak that he scarcely was able to stand, and could not walk — he was, therefore, always placed on a camel, and as Sidi Hamet was now applying to himself a remedy for what he thought a stroke of the moon, he undertook to administer the red hot knife to the limbs of poor Burns, who from mere want of bodily strength was not able, poor fellow, to jump, but would at every touch cry out, " God have mercy upon me." As I was hungry, 1 begged of my masters to let me go anil search for muscles on the sea beach, (for there was a hollow at a little distance, through which we might gain it,) but they refused, saying, " to-morrow, if God please, we shall be on the sea beach ; there are no muscles on this part of the coast :" here, however, we received a good supper of lliash, or pudding, and rested our wearied limbs under the tent with our masters. October the 22d, we went forward, driving our own camels only : as Hassar had taken the young one, we had but three remaining ; so we rode by turns, crossing the deep hollows which had been worn down by the rains or other causes, until afternoon, when we were forced to 100 Captain riley's narrative. have recourse to the sea beach to get past one of these deep places, whose sides were so steep as to render a passage down it impracticable. When we gained the beach, wo found ourselves on a narrow strip of land, which was then dry, the tide being out ; this extended in length eight or ten miles, but from the water's edge to the perpendicular eljjfo on our right, not more than ten yards : these cliffs appeared to be one hundred and fifty feet in height. When we came to the sea water, 1 wept into it, and let a surf wash over me, that 1 might once more feel its refreshing effects ; but my master, fearing I should be carried away by the receding waves, told me not to go near them again. As we proceeded along this narrow beach, and had passed over half its length, the huge cliffs overhanging us on our right, with the ocean on our left— just as we were turning a point, we observed four men, armed each with a musket and scimitar, spring from beneath the jutting rocks, to intercept our march. Cur masters were at this time on the camels, but they instantly leaped off, at the same time unsheathing their guns : to retreat would betray fear, and lead to inevitable destruction — so they determined to advance^ two against four, and Sidi Hamet, though still in so weak a state as to be thought incapable of walking before he saw these men, now ran towards them with his musket in his hand, while Seid, that cruel coward, lagged behind — so true it is, that the most generous aud humane men are always the mi'St courageous. The foe was but a few paces from us, and stood in a line across the beach. Sidi Hamet, holding his gun ready to fire, demanded if it was peace ? while he eyed their countenances to see if they were deceitful : one of them answered, "it is peace," and extended his hand to receive that of Sidi Hamet, who gave him his right hand, suspecting no treachery ; but the fellow grasped it fast, and would have shot him and Seid in a moment, but at that critical juncture, two of Hassar's men came in sight, running like the wind towards us, with each a double barrelled gun in his hand, all ready to fire ; the robbers saw them as they turned the point, and the fellow who had seized Sidi Harriet's hand, instantly let it go, turning the affair off with a loud laugh, and saying he only did it to frighten him : this excuse was deemed satisfactory, merely because our men did not now feel themselves sufficiently strong to resent this insult, and we proceeded on : but these fellows, who were very stout and active, hovered around us, slaves, endeavouring to separate us from our masters, as it appeared, in the hope of seizing on us as their own, which Sidi Hamet observing ordered me with my men to keep close to the camels' heels, while he and his company (now strong, though none of them armed with scimitars) kept between us and the banditti. When they found that our masters were too vigilant for them, they took French leave of us and ran along the beach with incredible swiftness, clfasing each other' and taking up and throwing stones, that 1 should suppose would weigh from six to eight pounds, with a jerk that made them whiz through the air like cannon balls: they threw them against the cliffs of rocks, which resounded with the blow, and many of the stones were dashed to pieces as they struck. I could see the marks they aimed at, and that the stones went with great precision, as well as force. I had before no idea that it was possible for men to acquire by practice such enormous power of arm ; for they threw these stones with such velocity, that \ SUFFERINGS IN AFRICA. 101 am convinced they would have killed a map at the distance of fifty, yards at least. Having ccme to the end of the beach, we ascended the bank again, leaving these formidable ruffians masters of the shore, where they, no doubt, got some plunder before they left it. After we had mounted the bank and were clear, Sidi Hamet told me that the fellows we had met were very bad men, and would have killed him and Seid, and would have taken us away where 1 could never have hoped to see my wife and children again, if the great God had not at that time sent to our relief the two men : he then asked if 1 would fight to save his life ? I told him I would, and that no one should kill iiim while I was alive, if it was in my power to prevent it : " Good Riley, (said he,) you are worth fighting for ; Gpd is with ypu, or I must have lost my life there," CHAPTER XVII. Some fresh fish are procured — Tliey pass several small walled villages, and meet with robbers on horsebexk. Near evening we met and passed a nan driving an ass laden with fish, probably of from ten to twelve pounds weight each : they had much the shape and appearance of salmon, and our masters endeavoured to procure one from the owner for me, as I gave them to understand I was very fond of fish, and that it would be good for Burns, but the man would not part with one of them on any terms. At evening we found Hassar's and his family's tents already pitched on a little hill near the cliffs, and we joined this company. Soon after, Seid, Abdallah, and two of Hassar's men, went out with, ihfiir guns : — in pbout two hours, those with us, namely, Sidi Hamet, Hassar, and two others, hearing foot steps approaching, seized their muskets) and springipg forward from their tents, demanded, who came there ? It was Seid and his company, who came towards me, and unfolding a blanket, turned out four large fish of the same kind we had seen before. " Riley, (said Sidi Hamet,)- are these good to eat ?" I answered in the affirmative — " take them and eat them, then, (said he,) hut be careful not to choke yourselves with the bones." I took three of them, cut them into pieces, and put them into an earthen pot that belonged to Hassar, (this pot the Arabs call giderah,) added some water, and boiled them directly, and we ate till we were satisfied. We drank the soup, which was extremely grateful and invigorating, and helped to check the dysentery, with which we were all much troubled since eating the honey-comb. We had trave.led this day, 1 think, about forty miles, and slept at night within a circle formed by our masters and their camels, out of which we were not suffered to go, as Sidi Hamet told me there were many robbers in this place, who would seize on us, and carry us off in a minute, without the possibility of my ever being restored to my family. October 21st, at day break, we set forward on our journey, all in company, (except Hassar and the women and children.) The fresh fish we had eaten the night before, had made us very thirsty ; and about noon we came to a kind of cistern, or reservoir of water, on the path- , 9 * 102 captain riley's narrative. way side : this reservoir was built of stone and lime ; its top was arched like a vault, rising about four feet from the ground, and the cistern was at least eighty feet in length, eight or ten feet in breadth in the inside, and appeared to be twenty feet deep. It was now nearly full of water, which had been led into it by means of gutters, formed and arranged so as to receive and conduct the rain water when it descends from the neighbouring hills, and is collected in a stream in this valley. I understood this water was the common property of all travellers along this route, and that the cistern was built by a very rich and pious man, solely for the purpose of refreshing the weary traveller, and that it contained water the whole year round, even though there should be a continued drought for a twelvemonth ; but no person of our party ventured to water his camel from it, considering it as sacred for the use of man alone. We were still travelling on the slope between the first and second banks of the sea, which in these parts was much cut up, occasioned by the waters which had from time to time poured down from the neighbouring mountains, and formed steep and very deep gullies, across which we were obliged to climb. The path on this inclined plane was not much frequented, and the margin of the bank on our right hand had been newly ploughed in many places here and there, in the nooks or fertile hollows. On the high lands we saw two small walled towns, with prickly-pear bushes planted around them. Near these towns or walled villages, some men were employed in ploughing with a pair of beasts, generally a cow and an ass yoked together in a very singular manner, which 1 shall hereafter describe, and others were' watching flocks of sheep and goats on the surrounding eminences, while the women were seen lugging down wood on their backs from the tops of the lofty hills, and large jars or pitchers of water from a distant valley. They generally had a child on their backs, clinging with its arms round the neck of the mother, and the jar or pitcher rested on their shoulders in a manner that reminded me of the story of the beautiful Rebekah, in hoiy writ, coming to the well with her pitcher. About noon, we came near a considerable walled village, that stood close by the road ; it had gardens close by the walls on all sides, and there was one near the gateway planted with prickly-pear. These gardens were defended by heaps of dry thorn bushes, which served as an outward defence to the town : these heaps were about six feet high, and the walls fifteen feet. Our masters stopped near the gate for some moments, and no one seemed disposed to give them a drink of water, contenting themselves with gazing at them over the walls ; so on they went, cursing the inhospitality of these villagers. Near night we descended into a delightful valley, whose bottom was level and well disposed into handsome gardens, fenced in with thorn bushes and stone walls, apd divided into numerous separate plots. Round about them, and at their corners, stood many fipe fig-trees, which looked healthy, though they were leafless, owing to the lateuess of the season : we saw also a few pomegranate-trees. These gardens or plots were planted with different kinds of vegetables, such as turnips, cabbage, onions, &c. ; they were watered by a small stream that flowed from the hills at a short distance above, and was conducted round and through the whole of them by gutters dug for that purpose. SUFFERINGS IN AFRICA. 103 The owners of these gardens lived in two little walled villages, near the top of the bank on the east side, but they offered us no refreshment. We passed in the course of the day, three beds of streams or rivers, which were now dry, and one whose mouth was filled with sand, so as to stop its communication with the sea, though there was some water in it, where people from all quarters were watering their cows, sheep, goats, asses, and camels, and carrying it off7 in skins and pitchers. In the afternoon, a company of ten men on horseback, and well armed, rode towards us on the plain, making a loud jingling with their spurs against their stirrups, and crying out, Hah ! hah ! hah ! hah ! Our company consisted of our two masters, and two of Hassar's men, Abdallah, and one stranger, who had joined us that day ; apd being armed with five double barrelled muskets, and some scimitars, they all sprang from their camels on the approach of the strangers, drew their guns from their .sheaths, primed them anew, and took a station in front of their properly, in aline ready for action. The horsemen rode up to within five yards of our men at full speed, and then stopped their horses short. I expected now to see a battle, though I rather feared our men would be trampled to death by the horses ; for their arms could not have saved them from the shock of this impetuous onset, yet they were on the point of firing the moment the horses stopped. The chief of the horsemen then demanded, in a very imperious tone, who our masters were ? where they came from ? if they knew Sidi lshem ? what countrymen we, their slaves, were ? and where they had found us ? Sidi Hamet replied to all their questions in a sharp quick manner, and as briefly as possible, and in his turn demanded, "who are you? where do you come from 7 and, what right have you to ride up to me in such a manner, and stop me and my slaves on the road ?" This is as near as I could understand what they said. A loud dispute was kept up on both sides for half an hour, when it ceased, and we were allowed to proceed ; while the others rode off to the southward among the mountains. The force on both sides was so nearly equal, that I have little doubt this was the only circumstance that prevented a battle. We travelled on till long after dark, when we camato a'number of ¦ tents, and stopped for the night, and here we were treated with some dried muscles and barley pudding. Hassar and his family had not travelled with us Ihe last day, but the .two men who had assisted in relieving us from our critical situation on the beach, were in company, and we had also been joined by one more Arab, and two camels. Ever since we had come to the cultivated country off the desart, we had found the people sickly ; many of them were afflicted with swelled legs, and some with what I took to be the leprosy ; and also with pains in different parts of their bodies and limbs ; though when on the desart we did not see the smallest sign of sickness or disorder among its inhabitants. They now considered us as skilled in medicine, and consulted me wherever I came ; one of the women here had a swelled breast, which was astonishingly large, and very much inflamed ; she was in such pain as to cry out at ever}' breath. They wished me to examine it, and prescribe a remedy, which I did by recommending a poultice of the barley lhash, or pudding, to be applied, and renewed often until the swelling should subside or burst. The woman was JQ4 captain riley's narrative. very thankful, gave me a drink of water and a handful of muscles, and requested I would examine a swelled leg of her brother ; this was also inflamed, and very painful : — perceiving no skin broken, 1 directed a thick plaster of coarse salt to be bound round it, so as fully to cover the afflicted part ; this they did immediately, and the man thought he felt instantaneous relief. From the great expedition we had used, 1 think we must have travelled this day about fifty miles, as wo were almost continually on the camels, and they going a great part of the time on a trot. In the afternoon of this day, we discovered land that was very high, a good way'eastward of us, stretching about north as far as the eye could reach. We saw it when on a high hill, and at anjmmense distance ; looking over the ocean, which was near us, it appeared like a high and distant island : "There is Swearah, Riley," said Sidi Hamet, pointing to the northernmost land in view -jtit was a great way off. 1 asked him how many days it would take us to get there ? He answered, " Ten, at our slow pace." CHAPTER XVIII. Their masters commit an error, which they are compelled to redress— Sidi Hamet and his brother Seid fight — Horace's critical situation — They come to villages. October the 23d, we were awakened witheut making any noise, two hours before daylight, and went on our journey. 1 suspected there was some roguery going on, because we had never before started in the night ; and we had not travelled more than two leagues, when, just at the dawn of day, we heard the sound of horses' feet coming up at full speed behind us : the clanking of the arms of their riders against each other, and spurs against their stirrups, made a great noise. Our masters stripped the covers from their guns, and gave them to m& to carry. The horsemen, four in number, came up by this time, and passing us at a* short distance on our right, rode round before our camels and stopped them. Our men were five in number, with four double bar relled guns ; and bidding me to keep as close to them as possible with my men, they ran at their greatest speed to the encounter, whilst we followed on as fast as we could, fearing to be separated from them, (as it was still quite dark,) and falling into the hands of the banditti. They approached each other with loud cries ; the voices of those on horseback sounded like trumpets, and those of our masters were very little lower, so that the mountains near rang again with the sound, I expected every momept a slaughter would commence : each one strained his thrpat to speak, or rather to yell louder than his opponents. I had approached near my master, and could distinctly hear one of the horsemen accuse him of a breach of hospitality, and reproach him in the most opprobrious terms, for some wrong which he alleged had been done to him ; the others were at the same time wrangling with our other meu. This war of words having subsided a little, one of them asked my master his pame, and after considerable delay on Sufferings is Africa. 105 account of punctilio, (each insisting that the cither should tell his name first,) my master told him his name was Sidi Hamet ; the other theu said his name was Ali Mohammed : — then ensued a long dispute between them, they mutually charging each other with perfidy, &c. During this interval, and as daylight appeared, our adversaries gained strength, for they were joined by many armed and unarmed men^ running on foot, and according as they increased in force, our party lowered their tone ; but the plamour was still so loud that I frequeptly could understand nothing of what was said. The Arab who hadjoined our company with two camels the day before, did not set out with us this morning, but he now came runningup : our masters had driven off his camels, and this was the cause of the uproar that was now raging. The purloined camels were theu in our drove, and while the others were quarrelling about the matter, the owner ran round and drove his camels back. When our honest masters found they could not keep what they had feloniously taken, they began to lower their voices. By this time the sun had made its appearance, and for two hours prior I had every moment expected a bloody scuffle. I knew our masters were brave, but I had no doubt they would be overpowered by numbers, ip which evept we should fall to the lot of the conquerors, who were strangers to us ; and it was not probable that these men would be as humane to us as Sidi Hamet had been ; nor was I indeed certain that we ourselves should not be killed in the contest, both partes being much enraged. 1 felt our situation to be dreadful indeed ; but at length Sidi Hamet spoke to Ali Mohammed in a low tone of voice, and requested he would ride apart from the others with him, with which he complied, and they came near where 1 sat, trembling with apprehension. Sidi Hamet now told Ali that his party had riot the least intention of driving off any camels but their own, and that the mistake had been occasioned entirely by the darkness of the night. He then went on protesting that he was incapable of committing an unworthy action ; that he abhorred a robber and a thief, and that as he was entirely innocent of intentionally driving off the man's camels, he would. not acknowledge he had done wrong designedly, but would rather lose his life in main taining his character, and would sell it as dearly as pqssible. Ali Mohammed on this appeared to be satisfied, and said to him, " I am el Rais, (the chief,) and am your friend, because you are a brave man :" so making Sidi Hamet's excuse to those about him, and the lost camels being recovered, they left us to pursue our journey. We had gone up from the sea-board, and were passing between high mountains towards the southeast, when the late affray happened, but about noon we reached a plain, and took an eastern direction. Has sar's men with their camels, and Abdallah with his camel, now filed off to the left, leaving us with our masters and their own camels only, and were soon out of sight among the bushes. The mortifying result of the morning's enterprise, had rendered Seid uncommonly ill natured : he had claimed Horace as his slave from the very beginning, and Mr. Savage also belonged to him. He had always doubted my word tp his brother, and would not believe that a miserable wretch like me could find a friend to advance money for my ransom, though both he, Hassar, and all the company, had a high opinion of my courage, since I put my own life in jeopardy to save that of Mr. Savage, at the 14 lOfj captain Riley's narrative. time he fainted : — Seid had endeavoured to sell his slaves at every place we came to, after leaving the desart. Hassar, as well as others, took a particular fancy to Horace, and had offered a large sum for him in camels and other merchandise, but the interference of Sidi Hamet, who had sworu that Horace should not be separated from me, aided by my often renewed entreaties and my tears, whenever I heard it sug- fested, had saved him thus far. As we were now approaching the loorish dominions, powerful chiefs, with large bodies of armed men intent on plunder, were riding about and scouring the country in every direction, and Seid had come lo a determination to take his slaves and make the most of them. Seid was a younger brother of Sidi Hamet, and had, until now, submitted in some degree to his counsel, though they had many slight quarrels at different periods of the journey. Where we stopped the preceding night, the Arabs strove hard to get possession of Horace. Seid had, to my knowledge, made a bargain to sell him in the morning, but was dissuaded from fulfilling it by his brother. We, slaves, were now five in all, travelling on foot, but moving for ward very slowly, for we were worn to the bones by our various and complicated sufferings. It seemed that the breath of hope alone had kept the vital spark from being totally extinguished. Sidi Hamet was riding on his big camel before us, when Seid ordered us to halt, but the other desired us to come on; upon which Seid laid hold of Mr. Savage and Horace, and stopped them. It was now that Sidi Hamet's wrath was kindled — he leaped from his camel, and darting like light ning up to Seid, laid hold of him, and disengaged Mr. Savage and Horace from his grasp. They clinched each other like lions, and with fury in their looks, each strove to throw the other to the ground. Seid was the largest and stoutest man ; they writhed and twined in every shape until both fell, hut Sidi Hamet was undermost: fire seemed to flash from their eyes, whilst they twisted around each other like a couple of serpents, until at length Sidi Hamet, by superior activity or skill, disengaged himself from his brother's grasp, and both sprang up on their feet. Instantly they snatched their muskets at the same moment, and each retiring a few paces with great rapidity and indignation, tore the cloth covers from their guns, and presented them at each other's breast with dreadful fury : — they were not more than ten yards asunder, and both must have fallen dead, had they fired. Horror had seized and chilled my blood, so that 1 could neither get from them, nor move, indeed, in any direction. My mind was filled with inexpressible apprehensions — "My God, (I cried aloud,) have mercy on these unfortunate brothers, I pray thee, for our sakes, and suffer them not to spill each other's blood." In the midst of this ejaculation, I was started by the report of two muskets, and imagined that both the brothers had fallen ; but on turning my eyes again to this direful scene, I perceived that Sidi Hamet had fired the contents of both his barrels into the air, having had a moment's reflection, whilst priming and cocking his piece. He now threw it on the ground, then making bare his bosom, he advanced with a firm step towards Seid, and with an energetic voice exclaimed, " I am now unarmed, fire ! your brother's heart is ready to receive your balls ; glut your vengeance on your benefactor." He stopped short ; Seid hesitated. SUFFERINGS IN AFRICA. 107 Mr. Savage and Horace were near Seid, who threatened them with instant death if they moved. Sidi Hamet, finding his brother's mind wavered, ran to Horace, and sent him towards me, telling his brother, he should have Clark in Horace's stead, whom he ordered to come near ; but Seid would not consent to the exchange, whereupon my master added Burns; that is, two for one. Seid had made Mr. Savage sit down, and had placed one of his feet on his thigh, to keep him there ; while his brother ordered me to go with Horace, first to the south and then to the eastward, following the camels ; still resolving that we should not be separated, and bade Mr. Savage follow us ; but Seid, presenting his gun, told him if he offered to go, he would blow his brains out. As Sidi Hamet, however, bade him run, he obeyed, and when he came near me we were ail ordered to stop, and our mas- , ters seated themselves on the ground to settle the dispute by figuring on the sand with their fingers. Here they calculated it every way. Clark and Burns were again offered for Horace, but Seid would not take them; he would keep the slave he had bought with his money. "You shall not separate hhn from his father, (said my master,) I have sworn it." "Then I will destroy him," exclaimed Seid furiously, and springing up, he seized Horace by the breast and dashed him on the ground with all his might. The force of the blow beat the breath from his body, and he lay stretched out apparently dead. Over whelmed with the most heart-rending emotions, I sank to the earth in an agony of despair. My master, observing my anguish, said, " Go, Riley," pointing to the east. With tears and sobs, I told him I could go, for Horace, my son, was dead. After a flood of tears had relieved my swelling heart, I reflected that it was useless to bewail the fate of my adopted child, as I did not know how soon it might be my turn to suffer a similar, or perhaps a more cruel death. Seid's passion now began to subside a little, and my master then went to Horace, and taking him by the hands, raised him upon his seat : his breath returned, and he revived. Sidi Hamet melted into tears at the sight: 1 saw the big drops roll down his cheeks, while in a tender tone he said to Horace, " Go to Riley." The spot where his head fell happened to be clear of stones, which entirely covered the ground on every side, otherwise his brains must have been dashed out. 1 went up to him as quick as I could, and folding him in my arms, asked him if he was much hurt ; but being in great pain, and his breathing being not yet perfectly restored, he was incapable of answering me : his heart, however, was in unison with mine, in thanking the Author of our being that his life was spared, and in imploring his future protection. Our masters again seated themselves, in order to discuss this affair tho roughly, and began to speak very loud, when, fortunately for us, some strangers came in sight, which reminded them that their united force was necessary for the defence of themselves and their property; so they agreed to seek a village, and take counsel as to what was best to be done. Then turning to our left up a hill, we soon came in sight of a vil lage, and entered it by passing between high walls. Having come to its farthest extremity, an old, but a very respectable looking man, (a Moor,) of a light olive colour, came out of his gate, and welcomed our masters, saluting them, (as is customary,) and seeing us behind, 108 told us to sit down in a shade formed by his wall, and rest ourselves ; adding, " 1 will give you some food." We accordingly all seated our selves, and while the food was preparing, our host inquired much about me and my men, and wished to know how I could make myself understood, (being a Christian.) Our owners told him all our stories, together with my promises, which they made me repeat in his pre sence. They wanted again to know in what my property consisted ; if I had any money in my own country, or a house; how much money, how many horses, cows, sheep, goats, asses, camels, &c. ; and lastly, what number of wives and children 1 had. Having answer ed all these interrogations to their satisfaction, they made me tell what Mr. Savage, Horace, Clark, and Burns, were worth to me ; how much property 1 thought they had in their own country ; and our host, who spoke a few words of broken Spanish, asked me if Swearah was not called Mogdola by the English '.' I answered in the affirmative:— this was the first time I had heard this name mentioned on this con tinent, though I had endeavoured, by inquiring of all the people 1 had spoken with, to ascertain the point; but it appeared they had never heard of the name. One bowl of boiled barley unhulled, was brought out to our masters, and one for us — this last was a very large one, and the old host told us to eat, saying, " Coole, Rais," (eat, captain.) We had now before us, for the first time, enough of this food, and falling to with keen appetites, we filled our stomachs, and were satis fied, leaving some in the bowl, which they tried hard to make us finish, but we could not. Sidi Hamet would not trust himself again with his brother, without having some person in company to take his part ; so he hired a stout young fellow, named Bo-Mohammed, to go along with us to another place or village, not far distant, and we set off for it, travelling at first down towards the sea-coast, and passing along a kind of sandy beach where the salt water flowed in at high tides : we saw there, under the side of a shelving rock, two boiling springs of fresh water, which formed a considerable stream. This was the first spring I had seen in this country, and having taken a good drink and watered our camels, we proceeded towards the southeast among sands that had drifted from the seabeach ; there we remained until it was nearly dark, our masters fearing, as it were, to go forward. About dark we resumed our course, and soon afterwards arrived at a village, where, while the barking of numerous dogs announced to their owners the arrival of strangers, a grave looking man came out, and silencing the curs, bade our masters welcome, and invited both them and us to sit down near his walls, until he should prepare some supper. We had no desire, however, for food, seme of us having oppressed our stomachs to such a degree with the boiled barley, as to be racked with pain, and scarce able to breathe, particularly Mr. Savage. Our present host, (whose name 1 soon learned was Sidi Mohammed,) after causing a mat to be spread near his wall, seated himself and our mas? ters thereon, and desired me to come and do the same. He now made similar inquiries to those made by the former persons we had met and I satisfied his curiosity as well as 1 could. He then ipformed me he had been many times in Swearah, and had seen the consuls, and wished me to repeat my promise to Sidi Hamet, which I did. He had a lamp for a light, sp that be could see every motion that 1 l SUFFERINGS IN AFRICA. 1 09 well eneugh tp ccmprehend me entirely. By this time seme cakes had been baked, which were presented to our masters, and of which they gave us some : these cakes were made of barley meal, ground coarse; yet it was bread, and it being the first we had seen, we ate a little of it, though our stomachs were not yet prepared to enjoy the treat. After they had eaten and washed their hands and feet, and talked over their affairs, Sidi Hamet again called me to him, and told me he should set out in the morning for Swearah, in company with our host, Sidi Mohammed, where he hoped, with God's blessing, to arrive in three days, for he should travel on a mule, (bugelah,) and push on night and day : that I must write a letter to my friend, which he would carry ; and, said he, " if your friend will fulfil your engage ments, and pay the money for you and your men, you shall be free — if not, yon must die for having deceived me, and your men shall be sold for what they will bring. I have fought for you, (added he,) have suffered hunger, thirst, apd fatigue, to restore you to your family, lor 1 believe God is with you. 1 have paid away all my money on your word alone. Seid and Bo-Mohammed will stay and guard you during my absence : they will give you as much khobs (bread) and lhash (pudding) as you can eat; so go and sleep till morning." This night was spent on my part in a state of anxiety not easy to conceive : — to whom should 1 write ? I knew noboby at Mogadore, and yet 1 must take my Chance. 1 remembered my remarkable dream — it had lite rally come to pass thus far — why should I doubt its whole accomplish ment ? yet I could not rest. CHAPTER XIX. The author writes a letter — Sidi Hamet sets out with il for Swearah — The arrival ofSheick Ali, an extraordinary character. Early the next morning we were called up, and directed to go within the gates. My master said to me, " Come, Riley, write a letter," giving me at the same time a scrap of paper, not so wide as my hand, and about eight inches long ; he had also gpt a little black staining liquid and a reed to write with. 1 now begged hard to be taken Hong with him, but he would not consent, though I told him I would leave my son, whom I loved more than myself, behind me as an hostage, and three men ; but all would not do, the thing was determi ned on. He then told me, that what I had agreed to give him was oot sufficient ; that I must tell my friend, in the letter, to pay two hundred dollars for myself, two hundred for Horace, two hundred for Aaron, one hundred and sixty for Clark, and the same for Burns, adding, that I had promised him a good double barrelled gun, and 1 must give him that, and one to Seid also. " Seid is a bad man, Vsaid he,) but helped to save your life, and must have a gun." So I took the reed, and wrote on the slip of paper, as near as I can recollect, the following letter. . " Sir — The brig Commerce, from Gibraltar for America, was wrecked pn Cape Bajador, pn the 28th August lasl ; myself and four of my crew 110 CAPTAIN RILEY^S NARRATIVE. ftre here nearly naked, in barbarian slavery ! I conjure y6u by all th» tifes that bind man to man, by those of kindred hlood, and every thing you hold most dear, and by as much as liberty is dearer than life, to advance the money required for our redemptidh, which is nine hundred and twenty dollars, and two double barrelled guns. I can draw for any amount, the moment I am at liberty, on Batard, Sampson & Sharp, London — Cropper & Benson, Liverpool — Munro & Burton, Lisbpn, or on Horatio Sprague, Gibraltar. Should you not relieve me, my life must instantly pay the forfeit. 1 leave a wife and five helpless children to deplore my death. My companions are Aaron R. Savage, Horace Savage, James Clark, and Thomas Burns. I left six more in slavery on the desart. My present master, Sidi Hamet, will hand you this, and tell you where we are — he is a worthy man. Worn down to the bones by the most dreadful of all sufferings — naked and a slave, 1 implore your pity, and trust that such distress will pot be suffered to plead in vain. For God's sake, send an interpreter and a guard for us, if that is possible. I speak French and Spanish. James Riley, late Master and Supercargo of the brig Commerce." While 1 was writing the above, they procured an additional scrap of paper, being a parfof a Spanish bill of lading, on which 1 wrote a £ art of my letter, that could not be written legibly on the first scrap. laving folded them up, I directed them to the " English, French, Spanish, or American consuls, or any Christian merchants in Moga dore or Swearah." I purposely omitted mentioning that we were Americans, because I did not know that there was an American agent there, and I had no doubt of there being an English consul or agent in that place. My master was hurrying me while I was writing, and both he and my host, Seid, and the young man, and many others who stood by, were surprised to see me make the Arabic numerals ; for the characters we use in arithmetic are no other than the real ancient Arabic fixates, which have served them for thousands of years ; they remarked to each other.that I must have been a slave before to some Arabian, who had taught me the use of them, contrary to their law, because he had found me to be a smart active fellow. My master taking my letter, then mounted one mule, and Sidi Mohammed ano ther, and rode off together very fast to the east. We remained here seven days, during whieh time they kept us shut up in the yard in the day time, where the cows, sheep, and asses rest ed, and at night they locked us up in a dreary cellar. Seid and Bo- Mohammed guarded us all the day, not because they feared we would attempt to escape, but because some of the neighbouring people might steal and run off with us, and in the night time they lay on their arms outside the door, to prevent a surprise. We had as much barley bread twice a day as we wanted, lhash once aday, and plenty of water. This food, though palatable, produced and kept up a continual dysen tery ; our bowels seemed to ferment like beer, and we were tortured with cholics. Our numerous sores had now time to heal, and our bodies became mostly skinned over before our masters returned ; but the hemorrhoids distressed us extremely. All the inhabitants who lived near, and all those who heard that Christians were in the place, SUFFERINGS IN APRICAi 1 1 1 (for they call all Europeans Christians,) came to see us. Some were very familiar, and all wished to knbw if we were mechanics : from that circumstance I concluded that mechanics were very much wanted, and of great iiripertance among these pecple, and that there would be no possibility of getting clear of them, if once they should find out our usefulness in that way. 1 therefore told them that we were all brought up sailors from our childhood, and knew no other business. One tried to make me lay out and hew a pair of posts for a door to a house that was building within the walls of the village, and gave me a line to measure the length of them, and tried to teach me to span it off; but I would not understand him. They next put a kind of adze into my hand, and bade me fit the posts in. I took the tool, and began to cut at random, gouging out a piece here, and splitting it there, doing more hurt than good ; and, at the same time, by my awkward and clumsy manner, taking care to make them believe that 1 could do no better. Some were satisfied that I had done my very best, but by far the greater part of them were of opinion that a smart application of the whip would put my mechanical powers into complete operation, and! really expected they would apply this stimulus; for one of them -ran and fetched a stout stick, and was about to lay it on, when Bo-Mo hammed, who represented Sidi Hamet, interfered and saved me from a cudgelling. Mr. Savage, Clark, Burns, and Horace, were each tried in their turns, who, following my instructions, were soon relieved from all further requisition. From this circumstance it is evident, that the less useful a Christian makes himself when a slave to the Arabs, espe cially in a mechanical way, the less value they will set upon him, and he will not only have a chance of getting ransomed, but it may be ef fected rjh easier terms than otherwise ; tor I am fully convinced, that if we had shown ourselves capable in those arts which the Arabs highly prize, such as carpenters, smiths, shoemakers, &c. &c. we should have been sold at high prices, and soon carried away beyond the possibility of redemption. Four days after Sidi Hamet's departure, some papers were shown to me by one of the men who lived in the neighbourhood, which I found, on examination, to be, first, the register of the Spanish schooner Maria, issued by the custom-house at Cadiz, in May 1814 ; second, a bill of sale of the same schooner, made out at the island of Grand Canary in 1812, of the same date with the register. Many articles of clothing that had belonged to her crew were also shown me ; and the topmast, jib-boom, and other small spars of a vessel, served to support the floor over our.nightly prison. 1 made inquiries as far as it was possible, in order to find out something respecting this vessel, which 1 presumed must have been wrecked near this place ; and was informed that the preceding year a schooner anchored on this part of the coast to catch fish, and to trade ; that these people found means to get alongside of her in the night in boats, and after killing the captain and three men, got possession of her ; when having taken out the money and other valuables, they cut her cables, and ran her on shore : that they then made the surviving part of the crew assist in tearing the wreck to pieces, and in carrying it up to build houses with. 1 asked how many people were on board her, and where the remainder of the crew were; and was ipformed by a serious looking uld map, that it 112 CAPTAIN RILEY'S NARRATIVE. consisted of seventeen souls at first : that four were slain in the COfl flict when she was captured ; that live more had died since, and that the remaining eight were a great way oft' to the southeast, where they were employed in working on the land and making houses. Others said, they had gone to Swearah, and from thence to their own country ; but I could easily perceive by iheir looks that those poor fellows had either been massacred, or were now held in slavery, where neither the voice of liberty, nor the hand of friendship, was ever likely to reach -them. The people here, both old and young, could speak many words of Spanish, though they did not know their meaning, but made use of them at a venture at all times — these were a set of the very coarsest and most vulgar words the Spanish language affords, and had been uttered, no doubt, by poor unfortunate slaves, natives of Spain, when they were suffering the greatest misery, and when execrating these savages. One young fellow spoke several words of English, such as " good morning — good night," &c. and was master of a con siderable list of curses. He one day came up to Mr. Savage, and said — "button, cut it wit a nif'and at, the same time laid hold of a button on his pantaloons. Mr. Savage was very much surprised to hear a language he could understand ; but these words and the oaths and curses, constituted the whole of his English education. Every person here had either a long knife or a scimitar always slung by his side. Among the rest, several negroes came to look at us, some of whom were slaves and some free, and they were all Mohammedans : these were allowed to sit on a mat beside our masters, and make remarks on us as we were placed among the fresh manure at a short distance. Seid desired to know what we called black men : 1 told him negroes ; at which name the negroes seemed very indignant, arid much enraged. On the sixth day of my master's absence, a man arrived and took up his lodging with our guards : he was about six feet in height, and proportionably stout ; his colour was something between that of a negro and an Arab : when he came in he was saluted by Seid and the others in company by the name of 'Sheick Ali, (or Ali the chief.) This man possessed talents of that superior cast which never fail to command the greatest respect, and at the same time to inspire dread, awe, and reverence. He appeared to be only a guest or visitor. In his deportment he was grave and dignified : he raised his voice on occasions terribly, and spoke in tones almost of thunder ; yet when he wished to please by condescension and courtesy, it thrilled on the ear like sounds of sottest music : his manner and air were very com manding, and his whole aspect and demeanour bore the stamp of the tnostdaring courage and unflinching firmness. He was the most elo quent man I had ever heard speak ; persuasion dwelt upon his tongue; while he spoke, all the company observed the most profound silence, and with open mouths seemed to inhale his honied sentences. He pronounced with the most perfect emphasis ; the elegant cadence so much admired in eastern oratory, seemedto have acquired new beauties from his manner of delivery : his articulation was so clear and distinct, and his countenance and actions so intelligent and expressive, that 1 could understand him perfectly, though he spoke in the Arabic language. He weuld settle all controverted points among SUFFERINGS IN Al'RICA. 118 the disputants when applied to, in an instant, and yet with the utmost gracefulness and dignity. This extraordinary chief was oftep conver sing in a low tone of voice with Seid respecting me and my men : he said he believed me to be a very artful fellow, and capable of any action either good or bad ; and said he did not doubt but my friends would raise any sum of money that might be demanded for my ransom. He regretted very much that he had not seen Sidi Hamet before he set out for Swearah, and concluded to remain with us until his return. He questioned me very particularly as to my country, my friends, family, property, &c. ; he also wished to know all the story of my shipwreck, and was very curious to find out what quantity of money and what other property fell into the hands of those who first met with us after the vessel was wrecked, and what crime was committed to induce these Moslemin to kill Antonio. He next examined our bodies all over, and on one of Clark's arms his attention was arrested by a cross, and several other marks of Christian insignia that had been pricked in with Indian ink, in the manner of the Spanish and other sailors : the stain remained entire, though the skin had many times been changed, and now seemed drawn tight over the bone. This being a conclusive proof ip the Sheick's mind of Christianity, he pronounced him " a Spaniard," and said he should not be redeemed, but must go to the mountains and work with him. Every thing that this man said, seem ed to carry with it a weight that bore down all opposition. We had, during Sidi Hamet's absence, (after the fifth day,) been in constant expectation of receiving news from him, or that he himself would return, and our keepers inquired of every stranger who came from the eastward, if they had seen him, but obtained no news until the seventh day, when one of the most fierce and ill looking men I had ever beheld, approached the wall, and hailed Seid by name, order ing him in an imperious tone to open the gate directly. Seid demand ed to know who he was : he replied, Ullah Omar; that he came from Swearah, and had met Sidi Hamet near that place, who requested him to call and tell Seid where he was, and that God had prospered his journey so far. The gate was now opened, and the stranger entered : he was of a dark complexion, nearly six feet in height, and extremely muscular; had a long musket in his hand, a pair of horse pistols hang ing in his belt, and a scimitar and two long knives slung by his sides, with the haick or blanket for a dress, and a large white turban on his head ; he had a pair of long iron spurs, which were fastened to his slippers of yellow Morocco leather ; he rode a beautiful horse, which seemed fleet and vigorous, and be appeared to be about forty years of age. This was the first man 1 had seen harnessed in this way. Sheick AH knew him, and shook him most cordially by the hand, and after exchanging salutations all round, hearing 1 was the captain, he ad dressed me and told me he had seen my friend, Sidi Hamet ; that he met him within one day's ride of Swearah ; that he would no doubt be here on the morrow, forthat God had prospered his journey on account of me ; and added, that he hoped my friend in Swearah or Mogdola would be as true to me as Sidi Hamet was : he then spoke to ail my men, who though they did not understand him, yet were rejoiced to hear through me, that there was a prospect of my master's returning toon. This man had two powder horns slung from his neck, and a 10 * 15 114 CAPTAIN RILE Y"S NARRATIVE. pouch in which he carried a wooden pipe and some tobaccc, besides a plentiful supply pf leadeu balls and slugs. My shipmates wao'ed some tobaccc very much, and I asked him for a little, upon which he gave me a handful of very good tobacco, and seemed exceedingly pleased to have it in his power to administer comfort to such misera ble beings. 1 imagined from his whole deportment that he resembled one of those high-spirited, heroic, and generous robbers, that are so admirably described in ancient history. Seid furnished him with some food, which I now learned they called cous-koo-soo, with some slices of pumpion or squash spread over it in the bowl, and well peppered. This dish, which is made of small balls of flour, boiled with a fowl and vegetables, looked (for 1 had not the pleasure of tasting it) like a very nice dish. After they had washed, drank water, eaten, washed again, and prayed together, Ullah Omar took his leave. During the whole of the time we remained here, our keepers washed themselves all over with water twice a day, before mid-day and evening prayers, and always washed their hands before and after eating. The state of my mind, in the mean time, can be more easily con ceived than described : during this day and the next, which was the eighth, I longed to know my fate ; and yet I must own, 1 trembled at the thoughts of what it might be, and at the conditions 1 had myself proposed at my last purchase, and had so often since confirmed. If my master should find no one who should be willing to pay the money for my redemption, my fate was sealed. I had already agreed to have my throat cut ! this could not be prevented ; yet when I made this agreement I was naked and on a vast and dreary desart, literally with out a skin ; my remaining flesh was roasted on my body ; not a drop of fresh water to quench my burning thirst, nor even an herb nor any other thing to satisfy the cravings of hunger : my life was fast wasting away, and there was not even a hope remaining, or a possibility oi" existing long in my then forlorn condition : both myself and my com- , panions would have sold our lives for a drink of fresh water or a morsel of bread. In that most dismal and desperate situation, 1 ima gined that if I could once get to the cultivated country beyond the desart, I should find some food to support nature, and fresh water to allay our thirst. My remarkable dream had also given me courage to hope for redemption ; but if 1 was not redeemed myself, 1 felt it my duty to exert myself to die utmost to preserve the lives of my ship mates ; they might some of them, I fancied, possibly survive, even though 1 should not, and be at length restored to their country and friends, in consequence of my exertions, and convey to my distres sed family the sad tidings of my wretched fate. Circumstances were now changed ; I had passed the dangers of the desart, and arrived in the cultivated country; we had now plenty of good water, and some food and shelter ; and though my flesh was nearly all wasted away, yet a new skin had succeeded and •nearly covered my bones. My desire to live kept pace with the increase of my comforts ; I longed for the return of my master, and yet I anticipated it with the most fearful and dreadful apprehensions. I could not sleep ; alternate hope and fear kept me in a state of continual agitation. I calculated en the moment of his arrival as decisive of my fate ; it would either restore me to liberty, or doom rie to instant death : I trembled at every noise occasioned bv the opening of the gate on any new arrival, SUFFERINGS IN AFRICA. 115 CHAPTER XX. A Moor arrives from Mogadore, bringing a letter — The letter — They set out for that city. The eighth day of my master's absence passed tediously away ; when, after dark, we heard a trampling outside the walls. Seid went forth to learn its cause, and soon returned with Sidi Mohammed, fol- , lowed by a well looking Moor. They came directly to that part of the yard where we were sitting on the ground, trembling with apprehension and with cold. When they came near me, the Moor called out and said in English, " How de-do, Capetan." This raised me and all my men from the ground ; I felt as if my heart was forcing its way up into my throat, and it entirely obstructed my breath. I eagerly seized his hand, and begged to know who he was, and what was my doom, and it Sidi Hamet had come back : he then asked me in Spanish if I spoke that language, and being answered in the affirmative, he informed me in Spanish that he came from Mogadore ; that my letter had been received by one of the best of men, an Englishman, who was his friend, and who had shed tears on reading my letter; that he had paid the money to my master immediately, and had sent him (the Moor) off, without giving him scarcely a moment's tirrie to take leave of his wife, and that he had been on his mule ever since he left Swearah, travelling on as fast as possible, night and day. The anxiety of my companions by this time had risen to such a pitch that they broke in upon his story, on which I communicated to them the thrice welcome apd happy intelligence, that we had a friend who would redeem us from slavery. Our souls were overwhelmed with joy, and yet we trembled with apprehension lest it might not be true : alas ! perhaps it was only a delusive dream, or some cruel trick to turn our miseries into mock ery. At this moment, however, the Moor handed me a letter : 1 broke it open ; but my emotions were such, that it was impossible for me to read its contents, and I handed it to Mr. Savage ; for my frame trem bled to such a degree, that I could not stand, and I sank to the earth, but, thank God, not senseless ; while by means of the light of a fire, he read as follows : — Mogadore, October 25, 1815. MY DEAR AND AFFLICTED SIR, I have this moment received your two notes by Sidi Harriet, the contents of which, 1 hope you will be perfectly assured, have called forth my most sincere pity for your sufferings, and those of your com panions in captivity. By a Gibraltar paper 1 discover, under the arrivals from the 5th to the 11th August, the name of your vessel, and that she was American, from which I conclude both you and your crew must be subjects of the United States ; had it not been for the paper adverted to, some delay would have occurred, as you do not state in your notes to what nation you belong. I congratulate you most sincerely, on the good fortune you and your 11$ CAPTAIN RILEY *S NARRATIVE1. fellow sufferers have met, by being in the hands of a man who seems* to be guided by some degree of commisseration. I can in some measure participate in the severe and dangerous suf ferings and hardships you must have undergone ; but, my dear sir, console yourself, for, thanks be to God, 1 hope they will soon have a happy issue ; for which purpose 1 devoutly pray the great Disposer of all things will give you and your unfortunate companions health and strength once more to visit your native land. This letter will be delivered you by Rais bel Cossim, in whom you may place the fullest faith : he speaks Spanish, and has directions to pay attention to your orders, and render you every care your severe misfortunes may require. Be pleased to write me an immediate an swer, stating every particular relating to yourself, your crew, and vessel, as 1 have given orders to the Moor to forward it to me without delay. I have agreed to pay the sum of nine hundred and twenty hard dollars to Sidi Hamet, on your safe arrival in this town with your fellow sufferers : he remains here as a kind of hostage for your safe appearance. I have been induced to trust implicitly to your word, and the respectable references you have given, in confidence that those gen tlemen, or yourself, will readily reimburse me the whole of the expenses that may be incurred in obtaining your redemption. I have the most sincere pleasure to acquaint you, you will be at liberty to commence your journey for this town on the receipt of this letter, and make what stages you please on the road, as I do not advise you, in the eagerness all of you must feel, to run into danger by over exertion and fatigue : I would, therefore, recommend the greatest pre caution on this point. I have sent under charge of Rais Del Cossim, shoes and cloaks, which I have no doubt you will find very useful in preserving you from rain or cold on the road. I have also forwarded you some provisions aud spirits, that you may enjoy a foretaste of re turning liberty. I beg to recommend the greatest secrecy of your circumstances until your arrival here, for should the Moors suppose you able to pay more, they would throw difficulties in the way, and thereby much re tard your redemption. I shall send off an express to-morrow to the United States' Con sul General at Tangier, and a letter to Mr. Horatio Sprague of Gibral tar, informing them of your loss, and of the favourable hopes I en tertain of your immediate release. I have appointed with Rais bel Cossim, on your arrival at a short distance from Mogadore, to wait at the garden of a friend of mine, and send me notice of the same, when I shall immediately set out to meet you. 1 trust there is no occasion for me to say how truly 1 commisserate and enter into all your misfortunes : when God grants me the pleasure to embrace you, it will be to me a day of true rejoicing. I beg you will assure every one with you of my truest regard; and with senti ments embittered by the thoughts of the miseries you have undergone, but with the most sanguine hope sf a happy end to all your sufferings, I subscribe myself, with the greatest esteem, my dear sir, your friend, William Wiltshire, SUFFERINGS IN AFRICA. 117 V. S. I willingly agree to advance the money, considering a mouth of more must elapse before I could receive an answer from Mr. Sprague. I therefore concluded you would prefer being at liberty in this town, to experiencing a prolongation of your sufferings during that period. I shall be happy in rendering you every comfort that my house and this country can afford. W. W. My feelings, during the reading of this letter, may perhaps be con ceived, but I cannot attempt to describe them; to form an idea of my emotions at that time, it is necessary for the reader to transport him self in imagination to the country where I then was, a wretched slave, and to fancy himself as having passed through all the dangers and distresses that I had experienced : reduced to the lowest pitch of human wretchedness, degradation, and despair, a skinless skeleton, expecting death at every instant: then let him fancy himself receiving such a letter from a perfect stranger, whose name he had never before heard, and from a place where there was not an individual creature that had ever before heard of his existence, and in one of the most barbarous regions of the habitable globe : let him receive at the same time clothes to cover and defend his naked, emaciated, and trembling frame, shoes for his mangled feet, and such provisions as he had beep accustomed to in his happier days — let him find a soothing and sympathising friend in a barbarian, and one who spoke perfectly well the language of a Christian nation ; and with all this, let him behold a prospect of a speedy liberation and restoration to his beloved family : — here let him pause, and his heart must, like mine, expand near to bursting with gratitude to his all-wise and beneficent Creator, who had upheld his tottering frame and preserved in his bosom the vital spark, while he conducted him, with unerring wisdom and goodness, through the greatest perils and sufferings, by a continued miracle, and now prepared the heart of a stranger to accomplish what had been before determined. The letter being finished, we could only raise our eyes and hearts to heaven in adoration and silent thankfulness, while tears of joy trickled down our haggard cheeks. — Amidst these joyful and heart- thrilling sensations, my attention was aroused by the thundering voice of Sheick Ali, who stormed away most furiously on being informed that Sidi Hamet had given up me and my companions for such a pal try sum : — he said, Sidi Hamet must be a fool and a madman to put himself in the power of a villainous Christian, who would undoubtedly murder him and take back his money so soon as we should arrive in Swearah. The Moor, who had hitherto remained silent, now spoke put in a very spirited manner, and told the Sheick in a very firm, but eloquent and -persuasive tone, that he had bought me and my com panions with his own money, which he had paid to Sidi Hamet before he ieft Swearah ; and that he (Sidi Hamet) remained there voluntarily as a hostage for his (Rais bel Cossim's) safety, as well as security for the delivery of the slaves. "We are of the same religien, (added Rais,) and owe these Chris tian dogs nothing ; we have an undoubted right to make merchandise of them, and oblige them to carry our burdens like camels. That fellow (said he, pointing to me) calls himself the captaip of a vessel; 113 CAPTAIN RILEY'S NARRATIVE. —he has deceived his master and you ; for he was nothing more than a cook on board, and the captain has long been dead." This the Sheick would not believe ; if it was so, how could I write a note to induce a stranger to pay so much money for me and my men ? " It was only a short one, (added he,) and its writer must be a man of much consequence, as well as knowledge. I fear ydu (though a Moslemin) have leagued with a Christian "against Sidi Hamet, first to rob him of his slaves, and then to take his life." "No, by Allah! . I am incapable of such an act of treachery," retorted tlais, and told the Sheick I was indeed the cook, but being a stout fellow, had been able to endure fatigues better than the others : "but (added he) give them paper, pen, and ink, and they wijl soon convince you they can all write, and much better than Riley." This Controversy continued a long time, and I found that Rais bel Cossim was a man of great courage, as well as knowledge and eloquence ; and he certainly dis played great address and management in checking the avaricious cal culations of the Sheick, by insisting on my not being a captain, and thus depreciating my value as a slave. Seid seemed to have sunken into a kind of sullen silence: it was now late, and Sidi Mohammed conducted the whole company into an apartment that had served, from appearances, as a stable for mules. They had loudly insisted that we should lodge in the same place where we had been before confined, but Rais would not consent, and declared that his slaves should stay by his side, both night and day. They had cost him a great deal of money, (he said,) and he was determined not to lose them. Having thus got into comfortable quarters, our cloaks were produced from a basket, and we put them on. Our friend had sent us some hard bis cuits and boiled neats' tongues — he had also forwarded tea, coffee, and sugar, and a few bottles of rum, with a tea-kettle, tea-pot, cups and saucers, all nicely packed up in a small box. Rais then procu red a lighted lamp, and I gave each of my men a slice of tongue, some biscuit, and a drii-k of rum : this revived their spirits exceed ingly, and we all felt as if new life was infused into our hearts, which at the same time swelled with gratitude to God for his infinite mercy and goodness. We were next regaled with a very fine watermelon; and having put on our new shoes to make our feet warm, and wrapped ourselves up in large cloaks or gzlabbias, we stretched ourselves on the ground to sleep, whilst Rais, Seid, and his companion, Bo-Mo hammed, and Sheick Ali, laid themselves down on a platform made of boards that must have been brought from the wreck of some vessel, and was raised two feet from the ground. The food which I and my companions had eaten, together with the melon apd liquor, caused us such violent griping pains in our stomachs and intestines, that we could with great difficulty forbear screaming out with agouy, and we found no relief till morning, after having passed a sleepless night. Early in the morning, Rais desired me, in Arabic, to make some tea : so 1 took out the kettle, had it filled with water, made a fire with a few sticks, and soon had the tea ready for drinking. The men and boys in and near this village, hearing of Sidi Mohammed's return to his family, came now to congratulate him, and to see the Moor, who directed me to pour out a cup of tea for each of the men, which he made thick with sugar. None of the people had ever before seen SUFFERINGS IN AFRICA. 119 such a thing as a tea-cup, nor knew what the taste of tea was, and it was with difficulty that several of them could be persuaded to drink it, and they appeared to be reconciled to it only on account of the sugar. I waited on them all until they had fiuished; when Rais, turning to Sheick Ali, said, "1 told you before that Riley was the cook, and now you see with yourowii eyes that he is the only one that can wait upon us." I next made a strong cup of tea for ourselves, which had amostre- markable effect in composing and restoring the tone of our stomachs. All our things being soon packed up and loaded on mules, we set forward at about eight o'clock. The Moor had tried to procure mules for us to ride on ; but they could not be had in this part of the country at any price. Our company consisted of Sheick Ali, Sidi Moham med, (who had been to Swearah on our account,) Seid, our master, Bo-Mohammed, (who had assisted in guarding us,) and Rais bel Cos sim, all well armed. Though he could procure no beasts exclusively for our use, yet Rais managed in such a manner as to let us ride by turns, and Burns all the time, for he Was so feeble as not to be able to walk. So soon as we were on the road, Rais bel Cossim begged me to give him an account of my misfortunes and sufferings, and by what miracle my life and the lives of those who were with me had been preserved. I satisfied his curiosity as well as 1 could, by a short narration of the most prominent occurrences. When 1 had finished, he raised his eyes towards heaven with an air and expression of true devotion, and exclaimed, in Spanish, " Praised be God, the most high and holy! for his goodness:" then addressing himself to me, he remarked, " You have indeed been preserved most wonderfully by the peculiar protection and assistance of an overruling Providence, and must be a particular favourite of heaven: there never was an instance (added he) of a Christian's passing the great desart for such a dis tance before, and you are no doubt destined to do some great good in the world; and may the Almighty continue to preserve you, and restore you to your distressed family. Sidi Hamet (added he) admired your conduct, courage, and intelligence, and says they are more than human — that God is with you in all your transactions, &ud has blessed him for your sake." 1 mention this conversation to show the light in which my master had viewed me ; and this will account for the interest he took in my restoration to liberty, over and above his motives of gain. I now inquired who Sheick Ali was, and why he was going on in company ; and said, I much feared him. Rais informed me that all he knew about him he had learned from Sidi Mohammed, which was, that he is the chief of a very large and powerful tribe of Arabs, who inhabit the hills south of us, and near the borders of the great desalt; that Sidi Hamet had married one of his daughters, but had since been at war with him, and that in the contest his father-in-law had destroy ed Sidi Hamet's town, and taken back his daughter, but afterwards restored her again on making peace ; that this Sheick could bring ten or fifteen thousand men into the field whenever he pleased, and that he was a man of the greatest talents and capacity in war, as well as in peace; but why he was going on in our company in this manner, he he could not tell, and agreed with me in suspecting that it could be for no good purpose; yet he observed, "God could turn his evil 120 CAPTAIN RI LEY'S NARRATIVE. intentions to our good, and that that power which had protected me thus far, would not forsake me until his will was accomplished." CHAPTER XXI. They come near the ruins of a city, where two battering machines are standing — Description of them — Story of its destruction — Tliey cross a river and a fruitful valley — Lodge in a city, and are afterwards stopped by Sheick Ali and the prince of another city. We travelled on in a southeast direction through a very sandy coun try, with, however, here and there a small rising, and a few cultivated spots, for about five hours, at the rate of five miles an hour, when we came opposite the shattered walls of a desolate town or city that stood not far from our path on the right. These walls appeared to inclose a square spot of about three hundred yards in extent on each side, and they seemed to be at least fifteen feet in height. They were built of rough stones, laid in clay or mud, and partly daubed over with the same material. On the north side there was a gateway handsomely arched over with stone, and furnished with a strong heavy looking wooden gate that was now shut. Over the gate there appeared to be a platform for the purpose of defending the gate, for the wall was not quite so high in that part as elsewhere. Two battering machines were standing against the western angle of the wall, opposite to which a large practicable breach had been made by means of one of those machines. They were both very simple in their structure, but calcu lated to be very powerful in their effects. I could distinctly see and examine with my eyes the one nearest to us. It was formed, as it appeared to me, in the first place, by laying down two large logs of Wood at right angles with the wall, and about fifteen feet apart, the ends of the logs butting against the wall. (See plate, figure 4.) Into the upper side of each of these logs a nitch or mortise was cut, to receive the thick ends of two uprights, consisting of two rough trunks of trees, of about twelve inches in diameter at their base, of equal lengths, and rising to the height of about twenty-five or thirty feet. Each Upright had a crotch in its upper end, formed by the natural branching of the two principal limbs of the tree, like a common coun try well-post in America. These crotches being rounded out by art, a stout piece of knotty timber, of about from twelve to eighteen inches id thickness, was placed horizontally in them. To the centre of the cross-piece, a pole of ten or twelve inches in circumference was lashed with a strong rope, and to the lower end of this pole a huge rough rock was fastened, weighing from appearances several tons. Trie rock was slung and fastened to' the pole by means of thick ropes, formed by braiding many thongs of camels' skins together. After the machine had been fitted together on the ground, it had been raised all in a body by the help of long shores or sticks of timber, not so thick as the uprights, but nearly twice as long ; these shores were tied fast to the uprights, near their crotches, by ropes, and served to raise and lower the machme at pleasure, apd also acted as braces to support SUFFERINGS IN AFRICA. l2l it when in action. Two short props or braces were fixed between, the uprights apd the wall, with one end resting against its hase, and tho other in a notch cut on the inner side of the uprights, to help to keep them steady, and tp prevent them from falling against the walls. The rock hung within two or three feet of the ground, like a huge pendu lum; and having a long rope fastened to its slings, stretching off from the wall at least one hundred and fifty feet. The manner of applying it, was by the assailants laying hold of this rope in great numbers, and then hauling off the rock to its greatest extent ; all let go at the same instant, and the rock swung back with such impetuosity against those ill constructed walls, that its repeated strokes soon opened a breach, through which the besiegers entered, sword in hand. The other ma chine was made of four roufjh sticks of timber, of nearly equal lengths, lashed together at their smallest ends, and raised in form of a common triangle, or rather a quadrangle ; from the point of juncture, a large rock was suspended by a rope of camel's skin, braided to the thickness of a man's leg, and slung in such a manner as to be struck against the wall in the same way as the one first described. My companion, Rais bel Cossim, gave me all the information 1 desired, relative to these machines. The ground about the breach and near the gate was strewed over with dry human bones; and my curiosity being much excited to know the history of this melancholy scene of carnage and desolation, 1 requested Rais to communicate to me the particulars; but not being, it seems, acquainted with them himself, he applied to Sidi Mohammed on the subject, who thereupon gave the following relation, while Rais translated into Spanish for me such parts as I did not perfectly understand in Arabic, by which means 1 was enabled thoroughly to comprehend the whole narrative. "That city (said Sidi Mohammed, pointing towards it with his Staff) was built by Omar Raschid, about forty years ago ; he named it Widnah. He was a very brave and pious man ; and the number of his family and friends, consisting at first of np mpre than five hundred souls, when the city was built, increased so rapidly, that in a few years they ampunted to several thousands: they planted those fig, date, pomegranate, olive, and other trees which you now see near the walls; they cultivated the fields round about, and made gardens; had abun dance of bread, beasts, and cattle of every kind, and became exceed ingly rich and great, for God was with them in all their transactions. They were respected, loved, and feared by all their neighbours, because they were wise and just. This man was called Omar el Mil lion, (or Omar the good ;) he was my best friend whep livipg, (said Sidi,) and helped me when 1 was very low in the world ; but the best mep nave enemies — so it was with Omar ; he had an inveterate enemy from his youth, who lived among the mountains to the southward of his city, whose name was S/ieick Sulmin. This Sheick, about twenty years ago, came down with a great host and invested the city of Omar ; but Omar, taking advantage of the darkness of the night, sallied out of his city at a private passage, with all his forces, and falling upon his besiegers unawares, killed a great number, and put the remainder to a shameful flight: from that time until the time of his death, (which happened two years ago,) he enjeyed a profound peace on every side. After Omar's death, his eldest sop, Muley Ismael, (for 11 16 "122 ne caused himself to be called a prince,) took upon him the govern ment of the city! He was a very effeminate man, entirely devoted to sensual pleasure, and had a great number of wives and ccncubines. The people had long enjoyed a profound peace, and confided in their strength; when, about a year ago, one of the brothers of Ismael, named Kesh-bah, who was very ambitious, and being fired with resent ment at the conduct of Muley Ismael, in taking away from him his betrothed wife, left the city and repaired to the mountaihs, where having found his father's old enemy still living, he stirred him up to war against the city. The old Sheick soon collected a powerful army of hungry and rapacious Arabs on the borders of the desart, and came down the mountains, bringing on their camels the battering machines you now see standing there. When this host approached the city, it was in the dead of the night, and all within were asleep, for they dwelt carelessly and dreamed of no danger, and felt so secure, that they did not even keep a watch. The Sheick and his host drew near the walls in perfect silence, and raised their battering machines undiscovered: it was now nearly daylight, when both machines were put in operation at the same instant, and the gate was also attacked by means of large stones hung from the upper extremities of Jong poles by ropes, which poles stood up on end, and were managed by the hands of the Arabs. The first strokes against the walls and gate, shook them to their very foundations, and awakened the slothful in habitants, who flew to the walls in order to make a defence ; but it was too late ; the enemy were thundering against them; all was con fusion within; those who attacked the gate were repulsed wiih great slaughter by those who mounted the platform over it, but the walls were already shattered to pieces, and the assailants entered the breaches over heaps of their dead and dying enemies. " It was now daylight, and an indiscriminate slaughter of the inhabi tants ensued ; all was blood and carnage ; every male was put to death, except two, who escaped "over the wall to carry tidings of the fate of the town to their friends and neighbours. All the women and chil dren shared the same fate, except two hundred virgins, who were spared for the use of the conquerors. They next plundered the slain of their clothing and ornaments; gathered up all the spoil, and drove off the oxen, sheep, camels, and asses, and departed, leaving the city before mid-day a heap of ruins, covered with the mangled carcasses of its once highly favoured inhabitants : they were in such haste as to leave the battering machines standing, and made off by way of the plain southward. The inhabitants of the neighbouring towns soon collected, and pursuing them with great vigour, came up with them on the side of the mountain the next morning, while the invaders sending forward their spoil, took a station in a steep narrow pass, and prepared for battle. It was a very long and bloody fight, but Sulmin's men rolled down great stones from the precipices upon their pur suers, who were at last forced to retreat, leaving about half their num ber dead and wounded on the ground." Sidi Mohammed was one of the pursuers, and now showed me a very large scar from a wound he then received on his breast by a musket ball. Sidi Ishem, a very powerful prince, had in the mean time heard the news, and assembled a very large army, and pursued SUFFERINGS IN AFRICA. 123 the enemy by anether way ; but they had fled te -the desart and could not be overtaken. The dead bodies in and about the city had become so putrid before the pursuit was over, that none could approach to bury them, and they were devoured by dogs, and wild beasts, and birds of prey. "They had offended the Almighty by their pride, (observed Sidi Mohammed,) and none could be found to save them. Thus perished Widnah and its haughty inhabitants." 1 was at that time riding along on a mule next to Rais bel Cossim and Sidi Mohammed, whilst the latter recounted the transaction in a most solemn tone. My sensations at beholding the desolate ruins of a once populous town, whose inhabitants had all been cut off in a few hours by the unexpected irruption of a ferocious and unsparing foe, may easily be conceived. I was at first induced to consider the story as fictitious, but my eyes warranted the belief of it, and the sight of the battering machines, together with the breaches in the wall, and the dry human bones scattered around, afforded conclusive evidence 'even to the minds of my fellow prisoners, who did not understand the narrative, that here had once stood a town, which had been sacked and destroyed. After leaving these ruins, we continued on about an east course for three hours, when we came ' to the bank of a stream, or fresh water river, which was now no larger than a brook, owing to the dryness of the season. It flowed from the southeast, and bent its course through a broad valley in a crooked channel, nearly north, towards the seashore. On its left bank, which was very high land, stood two considerable walled villages, and a great number of small square-walled enclosures on the same bank southward, some in ruins and some apparently in good repair. The walls were made of rough stones laid in clay, apd the houses had flat roofs. On the margin of the brook were a great number of gardens fenced in with dry thorn bushes, placed on the ground, and planted chiefly with the prickly-pear ; but some with squashes, cabbages, &c. At a distance on both sides of this stream, we saw a number of square stone sanctuaries, or saint houses, with round domes : they did not appear to be more than ten or fifteen feet square, and were all nicely whitewashed. This bank of the riVer bore strong marks of having been -washed to a very great height from the place where the stream then flowed ; and on inquiring of Sidi Mo hammed, I was informed that the whole of the valley between the two high banks (which from appearance must be five or six miles wide) was entirely covered with water during some part of the season, or when great rains fall ; at which times travellers were obliged to go up the banks three days' journey to a fall, before they could cross it : that he himself had once been that way, but for the last five years the land had been so cursed with droughts, that it had not once overflowed its present bed where we crossed it, and where it was not more than twenty yaids wide and one foot in depth. As we passed along close to the prickly-pears, which hung over the thorn, bushes, bearing yellow fruit, some of my men plucked them and put them in their mouths, without regarding the sharp prickles with which these pears were covered, so that their tongues and the roofs of their mouths were literally filled with them : on the first touch, they were extremely painful, and were extracted afterwards with much di£V 124 CAPTAIN RILEY'S NARRATIVE. Acuity. There were also on both sides of this river near where w« crossed it, numerous herds, and many inhabitants. We travelled along the right bank of the river for several miles, until it became bdth wide and deep, for it met the tide water from the sea ; when coming within sight of a,city op the high right bank, we made towards it. On our approaching within two miles of its walls, we passed large fields of Indian corn and barley, and gardens filled with most kinds of common vegetables. The borders of these fields and gardens were planted with date, fig, pomegranate, orange, and other fruit trees in great numbers, and many clumps ef grape vines : the spil of this spot appeared te be of the richest black mould. As we passed along ip a high foot-way, formed by throwing up the turf from the enclosures, (apparently to make them perfectly level, or all of a gentle descent,) we saw hundreds of the inhabitants busily- employed m gathering the Indian corn and barley into heaps, for it was now their harvest time, while others (men and boys) were loading it in sacks and baskets on camels, mules, and asses, and driving them, thus loaded with the rich products of the soil, into their city. These several enclosures contain ed, I should judge, one hundred acres of land, divided from each other by mud walls, strewed with dry thorn bushes ; the whole were Water ed by means of a considerable stream, brought from the heights near the city in a large ditch, and carried round each enclosure in small gutters dug for the purpose ; so that any one of the owners could either water the whole or any part of his field or garden, at pleasure. Hundreds of oxen and cows, sheep and goats, were feeding in the newly cleared fields, whose thin and famished appearance proved they "had been forced to feed on scanty and dried up herbage during the summer months, and that on account of the long arid excessive droughts, they had merely been able to exist. Rais also informed me, that the lecusts had nipped off and destroyed nearly every verdant thing in the whole country ; and that for the last five years they had laid waste whole provinces in the empire of Morocco. We now arrived at the city, and entered it at a very large gateway, with our camels and mules, and took up our quarters in a smith's shop, neat the gate. It was after sunset when we entered this town, and I could observe one broad street that appeared to run its whole length. The heuses were built of rough stones, principally laid in clay, but some ip lime — all of one story high, and flat roofed : there were no Wiridews next the street, except a small aperture in each one not a foot square, for the purpose probably of admitting light. They had each a stout plank door strongly made, and furnished with a big clumsy iron lock. The corn continued to pass into the city till dark 5 all the camels, oxen, cows, sheep, goats, and asses, belonging to the inhabi tants, and which were very numerous, were also driven into the city, and the gate shut and barred with four large pieces of timber : this was about eight o'clock, and a watch was then stationed on the Wall. On entering the city, Rais bel Cossim and Sheick Ali waited on the governor or chief, and obtained permission to remain in his town over night ; and a few dates were brought by Rais for our suppers. The Shop in which we were permitted to stay was about twenty feet square ; a kind ef forge was fixed in one corner ; two skins were curiously ap • plied, so as to form a bellows to blow this lira with, which was of char- SUFFERINGS IN APR1CA.( 125 Coal ; a man stood between them with a hand pn each skin, which h« raised and depressed alternately, and thus kept up a small and irregu lar stream of air. They had a large piece of iron for an anvil, which lay so lew on the ground, that when they worked on it with the ham mer, which was a very clumsy sort of one, they were obliged to squat down. I believe every man and boy in this town came to look at US by turns, and ask questions concerning ourselves, our country, &c. so that we were surrounded with people during the whole night, chat ting with each other, and asking our Arab guides an endless string of questions. These people were qf the same nation we had been in the habit of seeing since we came to the river Nun, yet they appeared to be more civilized. Several of them asked me in Spanish how I did, and uttered many other words in that language, the meanirig of which they did not seem to understand, the most of them being vile oaths apd exe crations ; which proved satifactorily to me that they had frequent com munications in some way or other with people of that nation. Sheick Ali had all the day after we left Sidi Mohammed's house been lost in a seeming reverie : he would seldom speak, and when he did, it was in a low voice apart with Seid, and 1 strongly suspected that some plot was in preparation between them. We had travelled the last day about five hours, at the rate of four miles an hour, before we came abreast of the ruins of the city 1 have described, and we had pro ceeded five hours afterwards at the same rate, making together forty miles. On the 30th of October, we made ready to start before daylight, and as soon as it dawned the gate was opened, and we proceeded on our journey. The walls of this city or town, were built of rough stone laid in clay, and were four feet thick at their base in the gateway, and about twenty feet high, but had no outer ditch to defend them, nor any cannon mounted. It appeared to cover a space of about three hun dred yards in length along the river's bank, north and south, and one hundred and fifty yards in breadth from east to west. The channel of the river at low stages of the water is about one mile west of the town : this river is called by the natives Woed Seldem, or river Sehlem, and the town, Rais told me, bore the name, i. e. Sehlemali : it is, 1 should judge from its appearance, fifty yards in width/ opposite the town at nigh water, and proportionably deep. I was now informed by Rais bel Cossim and Sidi Mohammed, that there was once a large and flourishing Christian town and settlement near the mouth of this river, and only thirty miles from us; that the town was taken by storm about eight centuries ago, and all the Christians massacred. An Arabian century contains forty lunar years, and is called Zille, and they reckon twelve moons to the year. Both Rais bel Cossim and Sidi Mohammed said they had been to the spot, and seen some of the remains of the walls, which were still standing, though nearly all buried up in sand drifted from the seashore. They further stated, that there was dow a village at a little distance from the ancient ruin, inhabited by fishermen ; that the old Christian town was situated on a bay or arm of the sea, and five or six miles broad at its entrance, and that it is an excellent harbour both for large and small vessels ; that there was no bar across its mouth, but that the usual bar was formed of sand a J * 128 CAPTAIN riley's NARRATIVE. few miles below the town we had left. From my pwn observations on the increasing breadth of the river, I am inclined to think that this bay may contain a fine harbour, particularly as Rais and his companion could have no motive for deceiving me. Rais bel Cossim had been many times in Europe, as captain under the Moorish flag, in the grain trade, and insisted that this was a better harbour than Cadiz : if so, it is the only one on that coast, from Cape Spartel, in latitude 34. 30. to the latitude of 19. north. Travelling on at a great rate, we entered on a vast plain, over whose surface a few shrubs, and weeds, and clumps of trees were thinly scattered : the boughs of these trees were bending under the weight of a bright yellow fruit, and I learned from Rais that it was the arga tree, from the nut of which is extracted the argan oil, very much esteemed by the natives; and it was also highly relished by my companions. Ihis nut, when ripe, much resembles the ripe date in appearance ; so much so, indeed, thai seeing some of them scattered on the ground, I took one up and bit it, when I found out rny mistake, as its bark was extremely bitter. The trees generally grew in clusters of from three to tep trunks, that seemed to spring from the same seed ; these rise in a shaft of from ten to fifteen feet in height, and then branch off ip all directions, forming a diameter of at least one hundred feet; the trunks are from one to three feet in diameter ; the branches are covered with thorns, which fall and lie so thick on the ground, as to make it almost impossible to approach them near enough to shake or knock offthe'nuts, and they are consequently left to ripen and drop off spontaneously.- We were now going on at a small trot, mostly all mounted on the camels, mules, and two asses that were in company. The Atlas moun tains were now full in view, stretching as far as the eye could reach from northeast to southwest, at some distance on our right. We had seen these mountains for several days past, in the distant horizon, when we were on the high ridges, which we were obliged to pass ; but we now beheld them from this wide spreading plain in all their awful magnitude: their lofty summits, towering high above the clouds in sharp peaks, appeared to be covered with never melting snows. This sight was calculated to fill the mind of the beholder with won der and astonishment. The cold and chilling blasts of wind which blew directly from the Atlas, almost congealed our impoverished blood, and made our feeble frames shake almost to dissolution, notwithstand ing the good cloaks and shoes with which we were provided. Seid and the other Arabs were also shivering with cold, and ran on foot to make themselves warm, for the sky was overcast and obscured by thick and heavy clouds, portending torrents of rain. 1 was now sure we were very near the emperor of Morocco's dominions, and began to imagine myself a free man — I felt myself at peace with all mankind; my mind expanded with gratitude towards the great Author of my being, and I viewed this stupendous ridge of mountains as one of the strongest proofs of Divine goodness to his creatures; fori considered that all the rivers, a'-d streams, and springs, that water and refresh the northern part of Africa, from the borders'of that immense andthirsty desart over which I had travelled, to the straits of Gibraltar, and Which empty into the Atlantic ocean.-or into the Mediterranean sea,. SUFFERINGS IN AFRICA. 127 westward ef Tripoli, and from the 26th to the 35th degree of north latitude, must either take their rise or have their sources in this vast chahi of Atlas. On these burning coasts, seldom refreshed by rains, (and that only in small quantities, and during the winter season,) the great bodies of accumulated snow on these mountains, tend in the summer season to cool the atmosphere in their vicinity, as well as to supply water for the use of the animal and vegetable creation. In the course of this morning, Thomas Burns became so weak (being benumbed with cold) that he could no longer hold on the camel, and tumbled off over the beast's tail with greatviolence, falling on his head and back, which deprived him for a considerable time of all sen sation : with much exertion, however, on our part, he at length revived, and was again placed on his camel. Proceeding on the plain, we saw a large number of cities, or walled towns, 1 should reckon at least fifty, some on one side of our path, and some on the other; but mostly on our right, and extending as far as the eye could reach towards the meuntains. Those pear the path appeared to be three or fourhundred yards square : the walls were built of rough stones laid in clay, and with only one gate ; they were from twenty to thirty feet ill height, apd crowned with short turrets about three yards apart all around ; at each corner oP the top was built a kind of circular sentry box, also of stone, something in the manner of all European castles. Most of the land, at some distance from the vicinity of these towns, was prepared for sowing, and many of the inhabitants were engaged in ploughing. A little nearer, were numerous orchards of fig, date, and other fruit trees ; and close to the walls, many gardens pf fine vegetables, such as onions, cabbages, turnips, squashes, &c. Round about these gardens, we saw many dung-hill fowls, and at a distance, herds of neat cattle, asses, and flocks of sheep and goats, were feeding upon the scanty and dried up herbage, under the eye of their respective keepers or herdsmen. These beasts were very poor, yet the whole seemed to promise abundance of food to the apparently industrious inhabitants, and brought to my mind the ancient Jewish history. Sheick Ali had been very attentive to me all this morning : he had in imitation of Rais bel Cossim, called, me captain, and endeavoured to convince me that I had better go with him to the mountains south ward, where he had large possessions, and would give me one of his daughters for a wife, and make me a chief in his nauon. He had stopped the whole company two or three times to talk over his own affairs, and I now supposed that Seid was leagued with him, and bent on doing me and my men some mischief. We had travelled on thus for ten hours, (say from four in the morning till two in the afternoon,) at the rate of five miles an hour, making a distance of fifty miles, when turning aside from our path, as if by choice, we approached the gate of a city. We were both hungry and thi-sty, and we seated ourselves down by a ve~y deep well, within one hundred yards of the city gate : Seid and Sheick Ali went immediately into the town, as I supposed, to get some provisions — Sidi Mohammed and Rais bel Cossim were soon invited in also, to partake with them, leaving us on the outside, and under charge ef Bo-Mohammed, who stood in Sidi Hamet's stead, and two others. A great many men, and I believe all the boys belong ing to the place, now came cut to lock at and make remarks on the 128 CAPTAIN RILEY'S NARRATIVE. slaves ; most of them, no doubt, froni mere curiosity. The boys, by Way of amusement, began to throw stones and dirt at, and to spit on ns, expressing, by that means, their utter contempt and abhorrence of ns and of our nation. Burns and Clark were so far exhausted as to ' be unable to support themselves sitting, and were obliged to lie down on the ground ; out one man brought a bucket from the town, and drew water, that we might allay our thirst : this revived us in some measure. Mr. Savage, Horace, and myself, were in so weak a state, that I much feared we should not be able to keep on for the remainder of this day. Burns' fall had proved him to be too weak to hold on the camel, and had besides bruised him.verymuch. 1 tried my utmost te encourage them and keep up their spirits, by representing to them that we were now free, and would soon be in the emperor's dominions, where 1 presumed we should be out of the reach of the rapacious Arabs ; tor I had been informed by Rais bel Cossim, that in the space ef one day's journey we should be within the territories of the emperor. Whilst Rais bel Cossim and the rest of his company remained within the walls, the winds from the mountains, driving before them thick masses of dark clouds, loaded with vapour, brought on a copious dis charge of rain, and we were directed to enter under the gateway for shelter, which we did, supporting each other iu our weakness, and seated ourselves in the gate. This was the first rain I had witnessed in this country ; and it continued to fall for about an hour. 1 had for a long time looked for Rais bel Cossim and his companions to come out, and began to apprehend some disaster or treachery on the part of Sheick Ali, whose harsh and loud voice I now heard roaring within, This tremendous clamour between the Sheick and other persons, con tinued for about two hours, when Rais bel Cossim made his appear ance, escorted by a number of men : his intelligent countenance bespoke fear, grief, and indignation — he called me aside from my com panions, and told me that Sheick Ali was the intimate friend pf Muley Ibrahim, (pr prince Abraham,) the king or governor of the city ; that Shkck Ali had claimed us as his property, alleging that Sidi Hamet was his son-in-law, and owed him a great deal of money, and that he (Sidi Hamet) was now held as a hostage or slave to a Christian in gwearah ; that he had insisted we should not proceed one step further until fifteen hundred dollars were produced, together with Sidi Hamet, the husband of his daughter ; and that in conjunction with Seid, he had contrived to stop us here by the power of the prince. This news was to me like a clap of thunder ; it bereft me of all my fortitude ; the fair prospects 1 had entertained of a speedy liberation from slavery, particularly for the last two days, were now suddenly darkened. Rais oel Cossim further informed me, that he had argued the matter every way, but all to no purpose — that he had promised the money required, namely, six hundred dollars, as soon as we should get to Santa Cruz, in the emperor's dominions, and that he would agree to have the prince and Sheick go along with him and receive it there, and there wait for the return of Sidi Hamet ; " but they will not listen to me (added he,) and 1 must set off immediately and carry this discouraging news to Mr. Willshire, leaving you here until 1 return, which will be in six days ; and may God preserve you in the mean time from their Sufferings In AMIGA, 1S9 6V1I machinations." This was more than I could bear : — tears bt auguish, which 1 had Pot the power to control, now gushed from my eyes, and my almost bursting heart vented itself in bitter groans of de spair. My companions heard my distress, though at a considerable dis tance frem me, and turning fearfully on me their almost extinguished eyes, begged for an explanation of the cause. Rais belCossim was just in the act of mounting his mule to ride off, when Sidi Mohammed, who went in the first place with my master to Swearah, came near him and said, " Rais, — Muley Ibrahim and Sheick Ali have determined you shall not go to Swearah ; they fear you will cause a war to break out between them and the Sultan." Observing me in tears and in great affliction, he took me by the hand, aod said, " Don't be cast down, Riley, I will go to Swearah, and carry : letter from Rais, and one from you to Willshire; and if he wants a hostage, 1 will stay with him. I nave two wives and seven children to leave, and houses, and lands, and herds of cattle; and shalfbe a more valuable hostage than Sidi Hamet— he is your friend, and will come immediately down and relieve you. God is great and good, (added ne,) and will restore you to your family." I kissed his hand in gratis tude, and called him father, and hoped the Almighty would reward him for his benevolence. Rais now joined Sheick Ali and the prince, who with many attendants were seated on the ground in a circle) out side of the city gate — here they debated the matter over again. Rais insisted we were his slaves ; that neither the prince nor Sheick had a right to detain what he had bought with his own money, much less to stop him like a criminal ; that it was contrary to their religion (which made them all brothers) to commit such an outrage on hospitality Sheick Ah, on the other hand, contended, that Sidi Hamet and Seid owed him money to a large amount ; that we were their joint property, ahd that consequently he had an undoubted right to detain add to carry us off into his own tribe or family, and there to keep us until Sidi Hamet should return and pay his debt. Rais insisted he had paid his money for us, and had nothing to do with Sheick Ali's claim ; however, after extolling the justice and virtue of the prince to the highest pitch, they both at last agreed to leave it to Muley Ibrahim to decide what should be done. Muley Ibrahim now asked Sidi Moham med and Bo-Mohammed what they knew concerning this business, and they gave testimony in favour of ftais bel Cossim's previous claim : thusprepared, Muley Ibrahim said — "You, Sheick Ali, my old friend, and Rais bel Cossim, both of you claim these-five Christian slaves as your uwn property, and each of you has some reason on your side— - et, as it is pot in my power to decide whose claim is the best founded, am resolved, with a strict regard to justice, and without going into further evidence, to keep the slaves in my own city. Carefully guarded, until messengers can be sent to Swearah, who shall bring down Sidi Hamet, when you three being confronted,, may settle your claims as shall be found most consistent with justice." He then proposed that Rais should remain with him, like a friend, and without having any thing to fear. This plan was agreed to by all parties, and they shook hands upon it like friends. This done, we were copducted into the city, and into a house adjoining that where the prince lived. A mat was spread for the I 130 captain riley's NARRATIVE. Sheick and Hals, and their companions to sit on, while we wits placed ip a narrcw cci'ner op the ground, among the saddles apd other stuffs : sentinels with muskets and scimitars were stationed at the door of our apartment and the other doors, and at the city gate. It was after dark when the dispute was settled, and soon afterwards a dish of cous-koo-soo was brought in, of which all partook after due ablutions ;' and they then performed 'their evening prayers most devoutly. My companions were very much cast down, and their bodies and minds were so much exhausted and debilitated by their sufferings, that they had become like children, and wept aloud. I was certain that it would have been impossible for Clark and Burns to have proceeded further on that day, and 1 tried to persuade them alr*that it was better for us lo be detained a little, as it would give us ap opportunity of taking some rest, without which we should be in danger of fainting on our route. Muley Ibrahim, the Sheick, and Rais, were conversing during the whole night, and when daylight appeared, (the 2d of November,) Rais furnished me with pen, ink, and paper, and told me to write to Mr. Willshire, stating our present situation as near as 1 was able : this 1 accordingly did, while a talb er scrivener was employed in writing a letter for him, as he could pot write himself. At an early hour Seid, Sidi Mohammed, and Bo-Mo hammed set out for Swearah, taking our letters, and promising tp return as soon as possible. Sheick Ali also, sopn afterwards left u3, promising tp return in four days. CHAPTER XXII. Rais bel Cossim gains the friendship of the prince — Good provisions are procured — Sheick All's plans miscarry — They set off for, and arrive at Santa Chez, in the empire of Morocco. Being now left alone with Rais bel Cossim, 1 questioned him con cerning our detention : he said it would be but for a few days, and that we needed a little time to refresh ourselves, in order to enable us to bear the fatigues of the remainder of our journey ; that he trusted we should make a friend of the prince, in whose power we all now were, and that he hoped to be able to effect this by making him a small present. I told him I almost despaired of living to regain my liberty, as I waS extremely feeble, and must soon perish. "What! (said he,) dare you distrust the power of that God who has preserved you so long by miracles? No, my friend, (added he,) the God of hea ven and of earth is your friend, and will not forsake you, but in his own good time restore you to your liberty and to the embraces of your family; we must say, 'his will be done,' and be contented with our lot, for God knows best what is for our good." To hear such sentiments from the mouth of a Moor, whose nation I had been taught to consider the worst of barbarians, I confess, filled my mind with awe and reverence, and I looked up to hirn as a kind of superior being, when he added, " We are all children of the same heavenly Father, who watches over ill eur actipns, whether we be BUFFERINGS itf AflftlfiA. 131 Moot, bf Christian, or Pagan, or of any other religion j we must per forming will." _ Rais then called Muley Ibrahim, and had along con ference with him. This prince Ibrahim was a man of very mild aspect, of a light complexion, about five feet ten inches in height, and rather thin : his countenance was intelligent, and he was very active, though apparently sixty or seventy years of age. By the tenor of the conversation, I could understand that Rais was flattering him highly, but in a delicate way: he asked very affectionately about the prince's wives; and understanding he had but one, he inquired if she had any children ; and was answered, she had none : he next wished to know if she had any tea or sugar, and was answered in the negative. We had not seen the faces ot any of the women since we arrived at the town where Sidi Mohammed dwelt. Rais now managed to get a little wood and some water, and we made a fire and boiled some coffee; this was done by the help of a small negro girl who was a slave to Muley Ibrahim, and during the absence of the prince. Rais, by giving the girl a small lump of loaf sugar, persuaded her to carry a large lump to her mistress, and also a cup of coffee thick with su gar. The prince had gone out before Rais attempted to bribe the girl. After carrying in the coffee and the sugar, the girl returned and told Rais that her mistress was much obliged to him, and would keep the cup and saucer, for she had never seen One before, and thought them very pretty, and begged to know how she might serve him in return. Rais sent back word that she could serve him most essen tially by striving to make the prince his friend. About one hour after this, Muley Ibrahim entered our apartment, and asked Rais what he had been doing with his wife? saying, at the same time, "you had no need of gaining my friendship through her influence, for you had it already ; "but I could perceive a very great difference in his man-' ner. He wished to know if Rais did not want to go to the mosque, which he said was not far distant. Rais accompanied him thither, and I discovered at his return, about two hours after, that all was right be tween him and the prince, and that he had all the liberty he required. I had in the mean time made some coffee, of which my companions and myself drank as much as we wanted, and nibbled our biscuits; for our Arab friends had before taken care to eat up all our boiled tongue. We were all of us so excessively weak, that we were not able to fetch water for ourselves, and our diarrhoea also continued with the most distressing hemorrhoids ; this day, however, had passed away more smoothly than 1 had expected. In the evening the prince came, and prayed in company with Rais, and appeared very friendly. After the prince retired, Rais informed me that he (Rais) had sent off to a rich man, ap old acquaintance of his, who lived about one day's journey south of us, for money to pay Sheick All's demand, and that he ex pected his friend would come to him the next day — "but (said Rais) God has made Muley Ibrahim my firm friend ; and he has givep his princely word that he will protect both me and my slaves, and in case force is necessary, he will provide a sufficient escort for us into the emperor's dominions ; he will also provide some fowls and eggs for you in the morning, and you may tell your shipmates they have nothing to fear, for to-morrow M- Shallah, (i. e. if it is God's will) |hey shall have'plenty of good food." This news cheered their spirits, U% tJAI'TAiN RILey's NARRATIVE, hud as but apprehensions hud in some measure subsided1, we featBo* comfortably. Early in the morning of November the 3d, Muley Ibrahim brought in some eggs, which we boiled for our breakfast : he gave us salt to season them with, and soon after brought half a dozen fowls, and Rais taking the fowls' wings in his left hand, and turning his face towards the east, after saying aloud, Besmillah, (in the name of the most holy God) he cut their throats, and we soon dressed them after our fashiop, and put them into an earthen pot with water, and set it a boiling. The prince had furnished us with wood, apd brought us water with his own hands ; he next went into his garden, and pulled some onions, turnips, and small squashes, with which we enriched our soup ; and he also gave us salt and green peppers to season it with. We put in four fowls, and this Soup would have been thought good in any country. A more grateful and wholesome dish could not possibly have been prepared for our poor disordered stomachs, that had been so long harassed with the most cruel griping pains, and felt as if they had lost all power of digestion. The prince and Rais had a bowl of the soup, with a part of the fowls, and seemed to relish it exceedingly. The prince insisted on my eating from the same dish with them : inquired concerning my wife and children, wished to know their sex : and continued from that time during our stay in his city to administer all the relief and comfort in his power, both to me and my desponding and wretched companions, whose last ray of hope had faded away on our being stopped here; although in fact they were not iu a condition to continue their journey, particularly Burns and Clark, for they had sunken into a lethargic state, bordering on dissolution. Yet, when 1 was enabled to explain the causes of opr Retention, and to inform them that the prince was our friepd, apd gave them nourishing soups, their spirits came again, and hope raised them from the ground. To the circumstance of this stoppage alone, and the friendship and protection of this good chief, I attribute, under Providence, the salvation of our lives. On the second day of our detention, in the afternoon, the old man, Rais bel Cossim's friend, to whom he had written for assistance, came to see him; he had been riding all night to be with Rais in time. Their meeting was a friendly one ; the old man had two mules, on one of which were two baskets, containing a dozen of fowls, and some dry cous-koo-soo; these tie E resented to Rais, and said he had brought five hundred dollars for is use, as he requested, and that he would bring it in : but Rais had now become the friend of Muley lbrahini, and therefore did not peed the money; yet this old friend insisted on his taking the fowls as a present, with some eggs he had also brought with him: these Rais accepted, for he said they were meant as a present to me, t I had some fowls cooked already, and the old man sat down and ate with Rais, and would have me to be one of the company : he told Rais that if he would but say the word, he would go and collect his friends and take the slaves by force of arms, and in spite of Sheick Ali's opposi tion, would carry us safe to Santa Cruz, and beyond his power : but as Muley Ibrahim had given his word, on which Rais said he couldL depend, to see us all safe to Santa Cruz, and to use all his force and influence, if that should be necessary, the old man, whose name 1 am « SUFFERINGS IN AFRICA. 1&& sorry to say 1 have forgotten, left us and returned to his home. We npw lived for three days as well as we could wish. On the fourth day after Seid's departure, a kind of fair was held at a short distance from our city, and Rais told me lie was going to it, and wPuld try by some manoeuvre to liberate ns, and to get us oil to wards the sultan's dominions. — A man of great influence lived about five leagues distance from that City. He was called a son of the holy prophet, or Shariff; had been to Morocco, and was also called elajjh ; (tpe pilgrim :) he was looked upon by all, far and near, as possessing supernatural powers, and was obeyed and almost worshipped as ai superior being ; and his word or dictate was equivalent to a law. Raist went to the fair and from thence to the place of worship, and did not return until the afternoon, when he informed me he had bought a bullock at the fair, the best and fattest he could find, though it was but a small one. lie had sent one half of it to the son of the prophet (or Shariff) by the hand of a messenger, on a mule, saying, " when you deliver the flesh to the el ajjh, und he as Its. you who sent it to him, ell him a pious man, who has lately come from Swearah, and is ndw a guest with Muley Ibrahim, and wishes to be remembered in your prayers." This, Rais said, was all the message he sent, but he was sure that if the Shariff accepted the present, he should see him before the sun went down. Rais had given the other half to Muley Ibrahim, and remarked, that it was nol so much, the i eal value of a present that was taken into consideration by the Moors, but the manner of giving it, which laid the receiver under such an obligation as to make him your friend for ever. This notion ! was at a loss to understand, and therefore supposed if to he some peculiarity in the customs of these singular people, llais went out to prayers about sunset, and returned in a short time, when he mentioned that he had been waited upon by the Shariff, who had asked him what favour he wanted, that made him send such a present to a stranger. Itais told him our story, and that he had paid his money for myself and my companions, and begged his assistance to force Sheick Ali (ivho.se power all dreaded) to consent to have us removed quietly to Santa Cruz, where Rais thought his property would he safe : this the Shariff promised to do, and even to exert all his power and influence, if necessary, to remove and protect Rais and his property by force of arms, and requested to be ipformed without delay when Sheick Ah' returned. On the following day (November 4th) the Sheick did return ; apd, relying on the friendship of Muley Ibrahim, had oply one attendant : the Shariff was immediately informed of his arrival by express, and came to see hiin as an old friend ; then taking him aside, he advised the Sheick to remove his slaves to Santa Cruz as soon as possible, as serting, at the same time, that he was certain that Sidi Ishem, whom the Sheick well knew and dreaded, would set out from his city on the morrow with a force, in order to seize upon the slaves, whom he had before strove hard to purchase for money without success, and if they were not in the dominions of the emperor before he came, another day would place them in his hands, when the Sheick would not only lose them, but it must also kindle a war between him and that powerful chief, which would set the whole country in a blaze, and after all it would be impossible te deliver them from his grasp by force. When the Sheick 134 CAPTAIN RILEY 's NARRATIVE. heard the advice of the Shariff, he returned to our prison, and Rais contrived to find out what had passed between them, by again meet ing the Shariff at the city gate alone, as had been before agreed upon. Rais being thus fully informed and let into the secret, came into the apartment and informed me how matters stood. Sheick Ali, in the mean time, was unfolding his plan to Muley Ibrahim, and trying to fain his consent to let the slaves be carried off in the night by surprise, ut the prince wculd not consent; they were now within his walls, antl he had given his word they should not be removed uniil the dis puted right of property was settled by all parties face to face : this he should insist on. Finding that plan would not answer any good pur pose, and fearing Sidi Ishem's expected arrival, and wishing to make a merit of necessity, this crafty chief addressing Rais bel Cossim, told him, in a flattering way, that he had found him to be a geod and an hpnpurable man, andwished to be called his friend ; that he did net doubt Rais's word, since he knew his character, and would there fore consent to go on with the slaves on the morrow morning, as far as Santa Cruz, where they would wait for the arrival of Sidi Hamet, and settle the right of property amicably. Rais, on the other hand, as crafty as the Sheick, took care not to evince any desire of going ; and being in the whole secret, now told Sheick Ali, that he had stopped him and his Christian slaves at first contrary to the laws of justice and hospitality, and that as he had kept them so long a time, he had no wish to remove them at present, but'would wait with patience until Sidi Hamet should come down and convince the Sheick that he had done wrong in detaining him. At last, however, he suffered himself to be persuaded by the united voices of Sheick Ali and Muley Ibrahim, but on the express condition of being escorted to Santa Cruz by the prince, who was a party in the whole secret. He was also to procure camels for us to ride on, and went forth to engage, and have them ready for a start at daylight the next morning, llais bel Cossim now informed me, that Muley Ibrahim had previously agreed to accompany us ; that we were to ride on camels, and that two hundred horsemen were to guard us on the road, in order to prevent any treachery on the part of Sheick Ali, who might already have troops stationed on the way to seize and carry us oft'to themountains: he had also given pri vate orders tp his friends and his vassals, to hold themselves in readi ness in case of an alarm. The two hundred horsemen were to take statiens, so as to keep us in continual view withnut exciting suspicion, and tu be ready te carry intelligence. Rais then bade me kill and boil what fowls and eggs remained, which I did, with the assistance of my men, who had very much recovered. CHARACTER OF SIDI ISHEM. While the fowls and eggs were cepking, 1 asked Rais wha this Sidi Ishem was, as his name afone had seemed capable of inspiring such dread. " This Sidi Ishem," said Rais, " is a descendant of the for mer kings of Suse, before it was conquered by the Moors ;— he is a man of between fifty and sixty years of age, possessed of great wealth and power; is very crafty, and very brave, but rapacious and cruel : he has under, his command fifteen thousand horsemen, well armed ; SUFFERINGS IN AFRICA.* 13$ they are of the race of the ancient inhabitants of the country, from whom the whole country derives the name of Berberia, corrupted by the Europeans into Barbary ; — these Berberians are extremely fierce and warlike, and are joined by all the renegado Moors, who escape •from the emperor's dominion, to evade punishment for crimes they had committed. These men are always ready to join him ip any of his enterprises, for they always get a share of the spoil. He lives in the gorge of a mountain, 'near the town of Widifoon, on the great route from Morocco across the great desart, to Soudain, the country beyond the desart, and the city of Tombuctoo. All the caravans that travel either to or from the desart, are obliged to go close to Widnoon, and as the Atlas mountains are on the one side, and the ridge next the sea on the other, they find it highly necessary to secure his friendship and protection by presents. Between this chief and the emperor of Morocco there exists the most implacable hatred, and a continual jea lousy, which a few years ago broke out into an open war. The em peror sent a powerful army against him, (said to be 30,000 strong,) but Sidi Ishem was apprized of its approach in time, and sent off all the women, children, and old men,, with all their substance, to the south foot of the Atlas mountains, and on the great desart. The emperor's army entered his territory, where they found nothing to subsist upon : yet as they met with no resistance, they carried on their work of destruction, by burning all the towns and eveey thing that was combustible, tearing down thehouses and walls oftheir cities, so that nothing escaped their violence and rapacity. They continued pursuing Sidi Ishem (who hovered about them with most of his men) until they were exhausted by fatigue and hunger ; when this chief fell upon them by surprise with his infuriated followers, who had been rendered doubly desperate by the sight of their ruined cities. They slew more than ten thousand on the spot; those who escaped this dreadful carnage, and fled, were hunted down, and nearly all destroy ed, before they could reach the city of Tarudant, (the southern and westernmost town in the emperor of Morocco's dominions,) where the few that were left found shelter, and spread such terror and dismay throughout that part of the empire, by the horrid accounts they gave of their disasters, as to render it impracticable to raise another army for the purpose of reducing Sidi Ishem and his men to submission. All the inhabitants were soon recalled by their chief from the moun tains and desarts— took possession of their country anew, rebuilt their cities and dwellings, and are at this time more powerful, more feared and respected, than they were previous to that event." This is the account Rais bel Cossim gave me in Spanish, as nearly as my memory served 'me, when I took it down at Mogadore: — he also said that we had escaped falling into his hands only by groping our way along a private path on the seashore. The substance of this account of Sidi Ishem was copfirmed, after my arrival at Mogadore, by Mr. Willshire apd others. Our food being prepared, and every thing packed up tight for a start, we took a short nap, and at daylight on the morpipg of the 4th of November, we were placed on five camels, which were saddled much better than any we had hitherto rode : they had on them also bags of barley, and empty sacks, made of tent cloth, that would hold, 136 Captain riley's narrative. I should suppose, ten or twelve bushels ; these all together made quite a comfortable seat, though rather a wide one, and we could hold ourselves on by the ropes that secured the lading. They placed me on the largest camel I had yet seen, which was nipe or tep feet in height. The camels were now all kneeling or lying down, and mine among the rest. I thought I had taken a good hold to steady myself while ne was rising, yet his motion was so heavy, and my strength so far exhausted, that I could not possibly hold on, and tumbled eff over his tail, turning entirely ever. 1 came down upon my feet, which pre vented my receiving any material injury, though the shock to my frame was very severe. The owner of the camel helped me up, and asked me if I was injured ? 1 told him no : '.' God be praised," said he, "for turning you over ; had you fallen upon your head, these stones must have dashed out your brains ; but the camel," added he, " is a sacred animal, and heaven protects those who ride on him! had you fallen from an ass, though he is only two cubits and a half high, it would have killed you ; for the ass is not so noble a creature as the camel apd the horse." I afterwards found this to be the prevailing opinion among all classes of the Moors and the Arabs.. — When they put me on again, two of the men steadied me by the legs until the camel was fairly up, and then told me to be careful, and to hold on fast : they also took great care to assist my companions in the same way. Being now aU mounted, we set off to the northeast, leaving Stuka, (for that was the name of the place where we had been confined,) accompanied by Rais bel Cossim, Muley Ibrahim, and his two ser vants, and Sheick Ali, with his attendant, all ridipg on mules and asses : the five owners of the camels went on foot, each driving his own camel, apd taking care of its rider. Stuka is built in a Quad rangular form ; its walls would measure about three hundred yards on each angle ; they are built of rough stone, laid in clay, and appeared to be four or five feet thick at their base, and twenty feet in height, tapering off to two feet thick at the top, and were crowned with turrets alt around. It has but one gate, which is at its north angle, very strongly made, and swinging on the ends of its back posts, which are let into large stone sockets at the bottom and at the top : the gate consisted of two folding leaves, and at night was secured by four heavy wooden bars. The town was divided within into as many compart ments as there were families in it, which I should think might amount to three hundred, probably containing in all five thousapd souls. The houses are built of the same materials as the walls — only one story high, and flat roofed : excepting the door, they looked like heaps of mud and stone : even that of the prince bore the same appearance, without any other distinctiop or ornament than being closer jointed, and more bedaubed with mud. All the flocks and herds were driven within the walls every night, and each owner makes those that belong to him lie dowp in nis own yard or enclosure. As we travelled on, we passed between a great number of cities or towns, similar in appearance to Stuka, with which this truly vast plain is chequered. The whole plain seemed very fertile, was planted with numerous groves and oichards of fig and other fruit trees, with here and there a clump of the arga tree, yellow with fruit. The inhabitants were busied in ploughing up the soil, with a kind of plough which I SUFFERINGS IN AFRICA. 137 shall hereafter describe. We proceeded on very rapidly, keeping those on foot running constantly, and had been travelling about six hours, when we came to the ruins of many towns on our left, similar in appearance to Stuka ; near the shattered walls of some of which stood: several battering machines, but they were at the distance of a mile or more from us. These places appeared to have been recently inhabited ; for the gardens near the walls were still green with vegeta tion. Wishing to know what had been the cause of such desolation, I was informed by Muley Ibrahim and Sheick Ali, through Rais bel Cossim, that a family quarrel happened about one year ago between the chiefs of two of these towns, which soon broke out into the most dreadful kind of warfare : each party engaged their friends to assist them in fighting what each termed their righteous battles : the neigh bouring towns joined, some on one side, and some on the other, and the plain was deluged with blood. This quarrel being only of a family nature, Sidi Ishem did not interfere, and it was finally settled by the destruction of seven of those small cities, and most of their inhabi tants. These ruins were now entirely abandoned, and their environs laid desolate, though the war continued only one month. 1 could scarcely believe it possible for such devastation to have been commit ted in so short a time, or on such trivial grounds ; but Rais bel Cossim (who was born near Santa Cruz) assured me that nothing was more common than such feuds between families in those parts ;• that he had known many himself, with every circumstance attending them, and that they were very seldom finished until one family or the other was exterminated, and their names blotted out from the face of the earth. We continued our journey until about mid-day, still on the plain, when Santa Cruz or Agader was distinctly seen, and pointed out to me. It is situated on the summit of a high mountain ; its walls are white, and can be descried at a great distance. The plain on which we travelled was nearly level ; not a brook or stream of water had we passed since leaving the last mentioned river, but the towns afld vil lages bad many deep wells near their walls, from which the inhabitants drew water for themselves and their numerous cattle. — Innumerable clumps of the ever-green arga tree, loaded with the rich oil nut, were scattered over the plain in every direction. Vast numbers of leafless fig trees, and enclosures of grape vines with date, pomegranate, almond, orange, and other fruit trees, promised abundance in their seasons, and delightfully variegated the scene. Hundreds of the in habitants were busied in ploughing the soil (which appeared rich, though dry) and sowing their barley ; while their herds were browsing on the shrubs round about, for the want of grass. Many unarmed men, with dro'es of camels and asses leaded with salt and other mer chandise, were meeting and passing us almost continually. We saw also from time to time, bands of armed men on horseback, of about fifty in each band, most of whom I learned from Rais Were the friends of Muley Ibrahim, whom he had requested to ride guard, as I before mentioned, and to be ready to act in our behalf in case of treachery, ot of any emergency whatever. Our pathled us in aN. E. direction, and the camels were kept most of the time on a great trot, while their drivers were running on foot, and kept up with us, seemingly, with 12 * 18 138 great ease ; though I compute we rode at the rate of seven or eight miles an hour. About two P. M. approaching the coast, we fell in with huge drifts of loose sand on our left, which extended to the seashore. This sand had been driven from the sea-beach by the constant trade winds, apd as the sea had retired, (for it was cleau coarse beach sand,) it had un doubtedly for ages been making its way gradually from the coast, (which was now about twenty miles distant,) and had buried, as 1 was informed, several flourishing villages, towns, and cities, the tops of whose walls were still visible ; the circular domes of a considerable number of saint-houses, or sanctuaries, whose bodies were entirely enveloped, were yet to be seen among these barren heaps of over whelming sands; for the. inhabitants take great care to clear away around them, and to give them a whitewashing every year. Muley Ibrahim informed me, that a large town called Rabeah, whose ruins we had passed in mounting over the sand hills, was a flourishing place within his remembrance ; (probably fifty years ago ;) that he himself was born in it — but that large bodies of sand had already encroached upon its northern wall ; that as soon as it was overtopped it fell in, and the whole city was filled with sand in the course of one year.after, and its inhabitants forced to seek a new shelter. These drifts extend ed as far as we could distinguish sand on our right. Having got past the high heaps, which filled a space of eight or ten miles in width, we came to the high banks of an apparently once large river, now called by the natives el Woed Sta. This river's ancient bed, and the high banks, which are still perfectly distinct, bear the strongest marks of having been once laved by a stream of four or fire miles in breadth, and nearly one hundred feet in depth, or by a part of the ocean. The steep, barren, and craggy mountains, rising before us to the eastward and southward, though very high, appeared to serve only as a base to the mighty range of Atlas, whose towering height and grandeur filled my mind with awe and astonishment. Notwith standing my frame was literally exhausted, yet my imagination trans ported me back to a time when this region might have been inhabited by men in a higher state of civilization, and when it was probably one of the fairest portions of the African continent. My reasons for ima gining this are, first, that it is well known by historians, that the Ro- mans had settlements along this coast as far south as Salee at least, and no doubt much further. Second, that the Portuguese and Spa niards had possessed the settlements of Mamora, Mazagan, Asbedre, Santa Cruz, &c. Third, by the traditional information obtained from Rais bel Cossim and Sidi Mohammed, I have no doubt that a large city and settlement of civilized men existed at a former period near the mouth of the river Schelem, from sixty to one hundred miles west of Santa Cruz, and I am firmly of opinion, that the convenience of these harbours, the luxuriaucy of the surrounding soil, and the commercial advantages this part of the country offers, were a sufficient inducement for colonization. We had now approached to within two miles of Santa Cruz or Aga- der, (the lower town or port,) when rising an eminence, the ocean opened to our view at a distance, and near by appeared Santa Cruz bay, which was then quite smooth. Nearly one hundred good looking SUFFERINGS IN AFRICA. 139 fishing boats were hauled up op the beach out of the reach of the surf, apd numbers of long fishing nets were spread out to dry on the sand and over the boats. This view gave a most favourable idea of the importance of this bay as a fishery. The sun had not yet set, and Rais informed me he did not wish to enter the lower town till dark, and did not mean to go nearer the for tress than he could help, for fear of insult and detention ; so we stop ped about a mile short of it, to the southward, where I had an oppor tunity of examining this bay with a seaman's eye. It is spacious and perfectly well defended from the common trade winds, say from N. N. W. all around the compass by the east, and as far as S. W. ; thence to N. N. W. it is entirely open, and of course is a very dan gerous anchorage in the winter months, when westerly winds prevail on these coasts, at which times, as there is no possibility of getting to sea, vessels at anchor in this bay must remain where they are; not, however, without the greatest risk of being driven on shore in spite of the best of anchors and cables, and large vessels must ride too far out to make it a good harbour for them at any season of the year. The port of Santa Cruz, or, as it is called by the natives, Agader, has been shut by order of the Sultan for many years-; yet there are parts of the wrecks of vessels still visible, sticking up through the sand en the beach. A little while after sunset we entered the lower town, or port, as it is called : this village is situated on the steep declivity of the moun tain's base, on which the upper town is built, and near the sea, which washes the south end of the principal street. The steep side of the mountain on which this village is erected, has been apparently sloped down by art, so as to make it practicable to build on it ; has one prin cipal street, and several small alleys : the houses are built of rough stone laid in lime mortar, and are but one story in height, with flat roofs terraced with lime and pebbles. We could see the tops of many houses below us, and the whole made but a miserable appearance. It was not quite dark when we entered the village. The street was soon filled with Moors, (men and boys,) and they saluted us by spit ting on us, and pelting us with stones and sticks, accompanied with the Spanish words " Carajo a la Mierda le Sara, perro y bestias," and mapy other chosen phrases, equally delicate and polite; but some of the old men now and then uttered a "How de do, Christianos?"' in broken English and Spanish. We were conducted through the street to its further extremity towards the north, where we took up our quar ters for the night in the open air, alongside a smith's shop ; our camels and asses were then fed with barley. Some of the inhabitants kindled a fire for our company, whilst others were preparing a rich repast for them of boiled and baked fish, and cous-koo-soo, of which, after they had eaten, they gave us the remains, and we found it excel lent food. Numbers of men, driving asses before them, loaded with fish, had passed us going into the country, the day before, and they were of the same kind as those we had tasted soon after our entrance into Suse, and we had also seen the same kind of fish at Stuka : they .carry them from Santa Cruz, or Agader, about the country in every ¦ direction, where they sell them for a good price, being much in request. This fish very much resembles the salmon, both in size, shape, and 140flavour'— weighing, from appearance, from eight to sixteen or twenty pounds ; and is extremely fat and delicate. 1 then recollected to have seen in my several voyages to the Canary Islands, numbers of small vessels arrive from the coast of Africa, laden with this species of fish, and to have been told they were caught near that coast: they are highly esteemed in the Canaries, where they call them Bacalao Africano, or the African codfish, and are sold at from five to ten dol lars per quintal, or at least one-third higher than the best of American codfish": they are dried, without' salting, on the vessels' decks, and their scent is so strong as nearly to suffocate the crews of merchant vessels that lie near tliem while discharging. I have been told that no less than one hundred barks, of from fifteen to fifty tons burden, are continually employed in this fishery near the African coast, from the Canary Islands, and that scarcely a year passes without more Or less of them being driven on shore by tempests or other accidents, when the crews either perish with the vessel, or upon their reaching the shore are massacred by the natives, or else carried off into the interior as slaves, where they are never after heard from, After my arrival in Mogadore, or Swearah, 1 was informed that the crew of a bark of this description landed imprudently on the beach not far froth Santa Cruz, about two years since, where they were surprised by a sudden attack, but all escaped into the boat except one man, who was seized and carried off. On ihe return of the bark to Tenerifle, the wife of the man who had been left, upon inquiring for het husband, was informed that he was made a slave : distracted by this shocking event, she ran, raving as she was, to the archbishop, and begged of him either to take her life, or restore to her arms her lost husband, the father of five helpless children: she was poor, but her case excited general pity- — a subscription was opened, and the sum at about five hundred dollars soon raised. The archbishop in themean time wrote to Alexander W. Court, then Spanish agent at Pdogadore, to ransom this unfortunate man, which he effected with much difficulty ; but as the money did not come on in time, or from some other cause, this poor Spaniard, whose name wan- Ferritin, remained in Mogadore for nearly a year without being permitted to go home, when Sir. William WiH- shire and Don Plabo Riva, of Mogadore, aud Mr. John O'Sullivan, of New-York, interfered in his favour; furnished him with clothing; procured for him a passage, and sent him to his disconsolate family. This is said to be the only Spaniard who has been redeemed in that part of Barbary for many years past. CHAPTER XXIII. Sheick Ali out-manauvred again by Rais bel Cossittt — They setfiffik the night — Meet with Sidi Hamet and his brother, accompanies tfit some Moors with mules sent by Mr. Wiltshire for the sufferers to Has on — Occurrences on the road — Meeting with Mr. Wiltshire near Swearah or Mogadore — They go into that city — are ordeted before the Bashaw — are cleansed, clothed, and fed by their deliverer. After supper, Rais bel Cossim told me to keep a good look out i that he would watch the motions of Sheick Ali, who he still feared BUMfiRiMSg IN A^ftftJA, 141 was plotting against our liberty. After I had informed my enfeebled fend desponding cpmpanions that we were ppw out of danger from the Arabs, (having ccme about fifty miles from Stuka,) and in the empe ror of Morocco's dominions, and, consequently, sure of being libera ted, and that too in a very few days ; and after telling them that we must bear up under our fatigues with fortitude, and exert our remain ing strength apd spirits, in order to reach Mogadore, we all laid our selves down to rest ; and my companions, though they had the bare ground for their bed, yet as they were wrapped up in cloaks, and had their stomachs well filled with good and nourishing food, soon fell asleep. As for myself, fear, hope, and various other sensations, kept me awake, and 1 could not close my eyes, but waited with extreme anxiety for the appearance of Rais bel Cossim. Soon after midnight Rais came, and finding me awake, he roused me and the owners of the camels, and requested them to get ready to go on speedily, and then told me that on entering this place, while he was busied in feed ing his mule, Sheick Ali had stolen off privately to the town, and visited the governor, who had agreed, on his representation, to take us into custody in the morning at daybreak, and assist in extorting what money the Sheick demanded ; or to connive at our being stolen and carried back by Sheick Ali's men to Suse. " I have learned this (said he) from an old friend of mine, whom I met and commissioped to watch Sheick Ali's motions when we were coming into this place : awaken your shipmates: you must depart this instant: the drivers know the road : it is very rocky : you must tell your men to hold on as tight as possible; and remember, if you are four leagues from this town before daylight, your liberty is secured, if not, you will be again the most miserable of slaves. Encourage your men to use their utmost exertions, apd 1 hope, with God's blessing, in three days-more you will be in Swearah with your friend. I will join you as soon as possible." The camels were* by this time ready: we wore placed on them, and proceeded up the rocky steeps as fast as possible, but with the most profound silence. Sleep seemed to have literally sealed the eyes of ali the Moors in the lower town, and in the batteries near the path through which we passed ; these batteries rose one above another like an amphitheatre towards the fortress. The quadrangular walls of the town and fortress of Santa Cruz, or Agader, crowned the summit of this mountain on our right, and stand, from appearance, not less flian fifteen hundred feet above the level of the sea. Wo went fast forward, in profound silence, which was not in the least disturbed by the tread of the camels, because their feet are as soft as sponge or lea ther : only the hoarse roaring of the surf breaking among the rocks below us, startled the ear, and excited iu my mind frightful images of direful shipwrecks, and the consequent miseries bf the poor mariner driven on this inhospitable coast. We had been hurrying on as fast as possible for about two hours, and had gained the distance of probably three leagues from Santa Crqz, when our ears were struck with the clinking sound of iron against the stones, which announced the approach of horses or mules that were shod ; and in an instant, though dark, we discovered close by us on our right, a considerable number of mep riding on mules, and passing the other way. Not a word was uttered op either side, nor 142 CAPTAIN RtLEV's NARRATIVE. could the faces of any be distinguished, though we were not mote than three pr four yards asunder. A thought darting across my mind, spg fested to me that it was my old blaster : I instantly called out, Sidi Tamet.' and was quickly answered, Ascoon Riley? (Who is it, Riley?) The whole company stopped in an instant, and the next moment I had the joy of kissirig~tlie hand of my old master and benefactor. Sidi Mohammed, Seid, and Bo-Mohammed, where in his company, to gether with three or four Moors, whom our kind friend had sent down, charged with the money and mules for our ransom and conveyance. The principal Moor, and who had charge of the money until we were delivered over according to the wish of Sidi Iiamet, spoke Spanish fluently : he wanted to inquire of me where Rais bel Cossim was : 1 told him at Santa Cruz. Sidi Hamet wished to question me himself, and asked me " Where is Sheick Ali ?" and when I informed him that I had left him in Santa Crux, in company with Rais bel Cossim and Muley Ibrahim, he was satisfied : and said Sheick Ali was a bad man, and did not fear'God. Seid also pretended to be much rejoiced at our being on the road to Mogadore, and yet I thought 1 could dis cover that he was trying to play a deep game of artful duplicity : but old Sidi Mohammed was in truth rejoiced to find us in the emperor's dominions. — Having now been absolute ly delivered} over to Bel Mooden, the Moor who had charge of the money, he paid it over to Sidi Hamet, and three of us were mounted on mules, and proceeded on, while ali all those whom we met went towards Santa Cruz, except the three Moors who owned and brought the mules down for us to" ride on, and who remained and proceeded northward with us. All the time we had stopped to make the necessary arrangements above mentioned, the owners of Ihe camels were urging us to go for ward, thereby showing a disposition to obey the orders of Rais bel Cossim, and would not for a long time believe, that those who stopped us were not our enemies. The backs of the mules were covered with large saddles made of coarse cloth, stuffed with straw, and formed very broad, so as to fit their shape, and reached almost from their heads to their tails': this kind of saddle is too broad for a man to attempt to stride. Over the saddles were placed what the Moors and Arabs call a shwerry, which is made, like a double basket, and formed of palm leaves woven together like mat work : each of these baskets might contain about, two bushels ; they are attached together by a mat woven in with and like the rest, of about a foot and a half in width, sufficiently strong to bear a burden, and long enough to let them hang down easily on ihe sides of the mules : the outer part of this shwerry is held up by means of a rope passing through the handle on one side, and tied to that on the other, passing over the mule's back. In this shwerry, they carry their provisions, merchan dise, and spare clothing, (if any they have,) when on their journeys. The rider sits on the saddle above the shwerry, with both legs on one side, balancing his body exactly, and rides extremely easy, as he can shift his position at pleasure, and the mule's gait is an easy, fast am bling walk, which they are taught when very young ; their motion is very slight, and was a seasonable relief to our almost dislocated limbs : the change, with respect to jolting, was so great from the camel to the mule, that we could not keep our eyes open from mere drowsiness, SUFFERINGS IN AFRICA. 148 arid Burns getting asleep, dropped off his mule, and Was so badly hurt as tp be from that time incapable of supporting himself; so that a Mopr was obliged to sit before or behind him, and keep him on, driving the mule at the same time : and this was continued during the remain der of pur journey. * ¦: We had proceeded in this way until about ten o'clock, when we werejoined by Rais bel Cossim, Sidi Hamet, Seid, Sidi Mohammed, and Bel Mooden. I now inquired of Rais what had become of Muley Ibrahim and Sheick Afi, with their attendants, and he told me they had set out for their respective homes. I wanted to know all the par ticulars of their proceedings, and Rais promised to satisfy me after breakfast, which we now stopped to eat (viz. biscuit and butter) near a well that afforded us good water, though nearly on a level with the sea. After we were again mounted, he began to relate as follows : — " When my friend told me of Sheick Ali's plan, I stole away softly, and came and sent you off without the Sheick's knowledge ; but Mu ley Ibrahim was in the secret, and remained with the Sheick to pre vent alarm if he should awake during my absence." Rais bel Cossim further told me in substance, that as soon as we were on our journey, he returned and laid himself down to sleep across the door-way, where Sheick Ali slept, and in such a manner as to make it impossible for the Sheick to go out without alarming (rim ; the Sheick awoke at the dawn of day, and finding himself blockaded in the house, awakened Rais, and told him that they had better wait on the governor this morning, to which Rais consented, but wanted to see the slaves first, so as to have some coffee made : this was agreed on ; but'when they came where we had slept, and found none of us there, nor the camels, nor their drivers, Rais broke out into the most violent passion apparent ly ; accused the Sheick of having robbed him of his slaves during the night, and said he would instantly have him seized and delivered up to the governor, to be punished according to the Moorish law. Muley Ibrahim, who knew the whole affair, joiued with Rais, protesting he could no longer hold friendship with a man who was capable of com mitting such an act, which he considered to be one of the worst breaches of faith that ever disgraced a man of his (the Sheick's) high character. Sheick Ali was thunderstruck by this unexpected event — declared, in the most solemn manner, that he knew nothing about our escape ; begged he might not be delivered up to the governor; acknowledged he had laid a plan the preceding evening for our detention ; wished Rais to leave the governor a small present, and proceed on the road towaids Mogadore in the hope of finding us, saying, we must have gone that way, as the gates were shut on the other side, and there was no possibility of turning back by any other route. The Sheick added, " I am in your power, and will go on with you and my friend Muley Ibrahim, without any attendants, to prove to you that I am in nocent, and that I place the greatest confidence in your friendship." Thus they agreed to pursue and endeavour to overtake the supposed runaway slaves ; but soon after they had mounted the hills north of Santa Cruz, meeting our former masters, with Bel Blooden and Sidi Mohammed, who had seen us, (as I before mentioned,) they stopped and talked over their several affairs. Sheick AH insisted, that Sidi Hamet had treated him very ill : that he and Seid owed him four hun- 144 CAPTAIN RILEY^ NAftRAfiVfi. dred dollars, which they were to pay him on their return from trifl desart, bpt that they had passed by his lands three days' journey with tneir slaves, without even calling on him to eat bread : he added, he would have gone with them himself, and with an armed force through Sidi lshem's county, to prevent that chief from taking their property — " but you wished to cheat me of my money, as yon did of my daugh ter," said he, addressing himself to Sidi Hamet. Sidi Hamet, whose voice had been very high before, now lowering his tone, said, it was better to settle their disputes than to quarrel ; so he acknowledged he owed his father-in-law three hundred and Sixty dollars for goods, but asserted that they were not worth half the money : he would, how ever, pay the principal, but no interest, which ^'ould have swelled the amount of debt tp more than five hundred dollars : the Sheick agreed to take the principal, which was counted out in silver, as he would not take gold doubloons in payment, because he did not know their real value. He. then delivered up Sidi Hamet's bond, and said he would return to his tribe. Rais bel Cossim gave Muley Ibrahim a present in cash, and they separated, having first vowed everlasting friendship, and joined in prayer for the success ef their several journeys. Our company now consisted of Rais bel. Cossim, Bel Mooden, Sidi Hamet, Seid, Sidi Mohammed, and three muleteers, all armed with muskets, swords, or daggers — -the five Bereberies with their camels, who had brought us on from Stuka, and myself and four shipmates. We proceeded along the coast, sometimes on a sand beach, now climbing an almost perpendicular mountain of great height, by a winding kind of zigzag road that seemed to have been cut in the rock in many places by art; then descending into deep valleys by this kind of natu ral steps; the rocks on our right for a great distance, rising nearly perpendicularly. The path we were now obliged to follow, was not more trian two feet wide in one place, and on our left it broke off ip a precipice of some hundred feet deep to the sea — -the smallest slip of the mule or camel, would have plunged it and its rider down the rocks to inevitable and instant death, as there was no bush or other thing tp lay hpld pf by which a man might save his life. Very fortunately for us, there had been no rain for a considerable time previous, so that the read was now dry. Rais told me when it was wet it was never attempted, and that many fatal accidents had happened there within his remembrance ; though there was another road that led round over the mountains far within the country. One of these accidents he said he would mention. " A company of Jews, six in number, from Santa Cruz for Morocco, came to this place with their loaded mules in the twilight, after sunset ; being very anxious to get past it before dark, and supposing no other travellers would venture to meet them, or dare to pass it iu the night, they did not take the precaution to look out, and call alriud before ihey entered on it; for there is a place built out on each end of this dangerous piece of road, from whence one may see if there are others on it : not being quite half a mile in length, a person by hallooing out can be heard from one end to the other, and it is the practice of sdl who go that way, to give the signal. A company of Moors had entered at mi Other end,. and going towards Santa Cruz at the same time, and they Sufferings In AStoteA. 148 also supposing that no others would dare to pass it at that hour, came On without the usual precaution. About halfway over, and in the most difficult place, the two parties met : there was no possibility of passing each other, nor of turning about to go back either way : the Moors were mounted as well as the Jews : neither party could retire, nor could any ope, except the foremost, get off of his mule. The Moors soop became outrageous, and threatened to throw the Jews down headlong : the Jews, though they had always been treated like slaves, apd forced to submit to every insult and indignity, yet finding them selves in this perilous situation, without the possibility of retiring, and being unwilling to break their necks merely to accommodate the Moors, the foremost Jew dismounted carefully over the head of his mule, with a stout stick in his hand : the Moor nearest him did the same, and came forward to attack him with his scimitar: both were fighting for their lives, as neither could retreat — the Jew's mule was first pitch ed dowp the craggy steep, and dashed to atoms by the fall — the Jew's stick was next hacked to pieces by the scimitar ; when finding it was impossible for him to save his life, he seized the Moor in his arms, and springing off the precipice, both were instantly hurled to destruction : two more of the Jews and one Moor lost their lives in the same way, together with eight mules; and the three Jews who made out to escape, were hunted down and killed by the relations of the Moors who had lost their lives on the pass, and the place has ever since been called " the Jew's leap." It is, indeed, enough to produce dizziness, even in the head of a sailor, and if I had been told the story before getting on this frightful ridge, I am not certain but that my imagination might have disturbed my faculties, and rendered me incapable of proceeding with safety along this perilous path. The danger over, however, and the story finished, we found ourselves mounting the first bank from the sea on Cape Geer. When we came on the height, at the pitch of the Cape, 1 rode up to the edge of the precipice to look down upon the tumultuous ocean. The present Cape is about one hundred feet in height, and appeared to have been much shattered and rent by the waves and tempests : huge masses of rocks had been undermined, broken off, and tumbled down one upon another, forming very wild and disorderly heaps in the water all around it. 1 could not help shud dering at the sight and sound of the surf as it came thundering on, and burst against the trembling sides of this rocky, Cape, which is about a a mile in length, and is already undermined in a such a manner, that the whole road along which we passed will very probably soon tumble down among the assailing billows. On our right, the land rose gradu ally like an inclined plane, and was covered with pebbles and other round smooth stones that bore strong marks of having been tossed about and worn by the surf on the sea beach : it rose thus for about two miles, when it was interrupted by perpendicular and overhanging cliffs of craggy and broken rocks, three or f'ourhundreed feet in height : these rocks, and the whole face of the upper Cape, bore as strong marks of having once been washed and beat upon by the ocean, as did the cliff below us, against which it was now dashing with dreadful violence. Along most parts of the inclined plane, and particularly near the upper cliff, were large mounts of loose sand in form of snow drifts. This sand was now flying up from the beach below, being ', 48 6A?TAiN RILey's NARRATIVE. blown out frorii amoug the rocks by the strong trade winds at eVery" lew tide, and almost as soon as the dashings of the waves among them had prepared it : this sand, and in fact all we had seen since we came tc the cultivated country, was the same in appearance as that which we saw and passed through on the desart, and must have been produced and heaped up by the same causes. After passing the Cape about one hour's ride,, we came to the high bank of a river, and descending to its left shore, we found its mouth was filled up with sand that had been washed in by the sea, though the river was about a half a mile wide at its end, and appeared quite deep : here we stopped to take some food, namely, biscuit and butter. Bel Mepden had also brought some dried figs, dates, and nuts. Ha ving finished our repast, we were again placed on our beasts, and pro ceeded round the mouth of the river on a sandy beach, about one hundred yards wide, and twenty feet above the level of the freshwater within, and thirty feet above the sea water on the beach at high tide. Our guides informed me that this river was called "el woed Tensha;" that it had formerly been a very wide and deep one, and used to empty itself into the sea ; that in the rainy season it was impossible to pass. it without going twenty miles up the country ; but for the last few years ere nad not been rain enough in this part pf the country to force open its mouth. Having left the margin of the river, we entered on a plain, and struck off to our right in a direction nearly east, and we went forward as fast as possible towards the high land. We had passed many sanctu aries, but had not observed a single dwelling house, nor even a tent, since we left Santa Cruz. We now beheld several square walled places, which answer the double purpose of dwelling house and castle, crowning the top of the high mountain, which appeared'very dry and sterile, mostly composed of layers of huge rocks ahd very steep, with a few dry shrubs scattered thinly about the crevices and small flat spots or spaces. Approaching the foot of the mountain, we came to a very deep hollow, apparently formed by the washings of a small stream of water, assisted by rains that have poured through it from time immemorial. Our way wound up through this steep hollow, and alongside of the little brook before mentioned. As we entered it, the eye was delighted with the beauty of the scene. The bottbm of the hollow had been made level by art, and was covered from its base with gardens, which rose one above another in the form of an amphitheatre : they were kept up to a level by means of solid stonewalls laid in lime, and had been filled in with rich soil : the longest was not greater in extent than twenty yards by ten. The sides of the hollow were so steep, that the upright walls were not less than ten or fifteen feet in height between each garden : they were well stocked with most kinds of vegetables cultivated in kitchen gardens, and with melons : gutters were curiously disposed around these gardens, to cpnvey water to every part, at the pleasure of the proprietor : they had growing on their sides an abundance of fig and date trees, and grape vines running up the sides of the rocks ; and a little higher up, hundreds of the dwarf arga tree, whose yellow fruit contributed to enliven the prospect. We were at least two hours in gaining the summit, when it had beccme dark, and we had to pass down the meuptain on its east side through Sufferings In" AfffcicAi 14) another hollow, though not a fertile one ; for here was' no funning water. The narrow path we travelled in, had been worn into the lime* stone rock, by the feet of mules and horses that had passed along it, no doubt, during the course of many centuries ; and, assisted by the rain water streaming- through it from above, it was in some places channelled put to the depth of ten or fifteen feet, and just wide enough for a camel or mule to pass. In one place it became necessary, forthe wapt of sufficient room to get through, to take the lading from the mules and carry it down by hand. After descending about three hours we came to a plain, and kept on in an eastern direction until about midnight, when we approached the walls of a small city, or dwelling- place, and took up our lodgings near it on the flat top of a long cis tern, which afforded pleoty of water. The chief men of the city, alarmed by the barking of their dogs, soon came out and welcomed their visitors by the well known Arabic salutation, " Salerno Alikom, Labez," &c. They furnished our company with a supper of cous-koo-soo, while [ and my men ate some dates and dry figs. The night was damp and cold, and this, with my fatigues, rendered it imppssible for me to sleep. We stayed here for about three hours, when daylight appearing, (Oc tober the 6th,) we were again mounted, and proceeded on our journey. My companions, as well as myself, were so weak, being really worn out, and completely exhausted, that it was with the greatest difficulty they could be supported on the mules. As daylight increased, we saw a number of towns or dwellings handsomely enclosed with high walls of stone, cemented with lime : the land on the plain was divided off' and fenced in with rough stone walls made with great labour : nu merous flocks of goats were feeding on the oil nut : some herds of cattle, with a few old horses, asses,' and camels, were nibbling off the green leaves and branches of small shrubs, for the want of grass : we also saw many regularly planted orchards of fig trees ; and the land was in many places ploughed and ready to receive the seed barley, so soon as rain should fall sufficient to ensure its vegetation. We went forward to the northeastward, and on rising a hill, we saw two mountains before us to the north, over which I was informed we must pass : the farthest one north appeared to be twenty miles distant. We soon began to climb the nearest, and when we reached its summit, looking to the east, the Atlas was fairly in view, and all its lofty peaks covered with snow. Descending this mountain, we met large droves of camels, mules, and asses, laden with salt and other merchandise, and driven by a considerable number of Moors and Arabs. The Moors were easily distinguished by their dress : they had each, besides his haick, a caftan or close jacket next his skin, and the most of them , had turbans on their heads. They were armed with daggers, or scimi tars, suspended from their necks by a cord of red woolen yarn thrown over the left shoulder : the scabbards were such as 1 have before de scribed. The dagger is worn outside of the haick ; its handle is made of wood, handsomely wrought. The point of the dagger hooks in ward like a pruning knife : when they have occasion to use it, they seize it with their right hand, the lewer side of the hand being next to the blade, and strike after raising it above their heads, ripping open their adversary : they never attempt to parry a stroke with their daggers. 148 CAPTAIN RttEr's NARRATIVE, The valley between these two mountains had been well cultivaterl , and would be very productive with seasonable rains, but at this time those dreadful scourges, severe droughts, and myriads of locusts, had destroyed almost every green thing : even the leaves of the trees and shrubs had not escaped their devastations. I was informed by Rais bel Cossim that we were now in the province ot Hah hah, and that the locusts had utterly laid waste the country for the last six years, so that the land now groaned under a most grievous famine ; nor could oui company procure any bailey or other food for their beasts. This pro vince must be naturally a very strong military country ; it is very mountainous, and rendered almost inaccessible by the craggy steeps and narrow roads, or defiles, through which an army would be under the necessity -of inarching. The cities, or rather castles, in which the inhabitants reside, are built strong with stone and lime, and are fifteen or twenty feet in height, generally of a quadrangular form of from fifty to two hundred yards square, and the tops crowned with turrets : within these walls all the flocks and herds are driven every night for safe keeping. All the men in these parts are well armed with long Moorish muskets, and with sabres, or daggers, by their sides : there are no Arabs dwelling in this part of the country, as they always live in tents, and will not be confined within walls ; nor had we seen a tent since our arrival at the dwelling of Sidi Mohammed. The valley now spread out to the right, and might be termed a considerably extensive plain, on which but few castles or dwellings appeared, and we saw no river or stream of water, though there were high mountains on both sides. The little herbage that had sprung up, in consequence of the recent rains, was destroyed by the locusts, which were to be seen thinly scattered over the ground, and rose in considerable numbers on our approach, skipping like grasshoppers. Rais bel Cossim informed me that the flights of locusts, from which these few had strayed, had gone to some hitherto more favoured part of the country to continue their ravages. While we were tranquilly travelling along, 1 asked Rais in what 'manner the oil was extracted from the nuts that grew in such quantities on the arga tree, which entirely covered the sides of the hills. He told me that in the country these nuts were swallowed by the goats, (and in fact we saw these animals picking them up under the trees;) that the nut passes through, after being deprived of its bark, which, though very bitter, was highly relished by the goats, and when voided, the women and children, who tend them, pick up the nuts and put them into a bag, slung about them for the purpose, and carry them home, where they crack them between stones, get out the kernel, and expressing the oily juice from them, they boil it down in a jar until it becomes of a proper consistence, when it is poured off and fit for use. The appearance of this fruit growing thickly on the trees, different ip size, and variegated in colour from green to red, and from that to bright yellow, had a pleasing effect : " the ground beneath the trees was also covered with them. Having come to the foot of the high mountain, we ascended it, winding up its steep side in a zigzag path very difficult of ascent, and indeed almost impracticable. On our left was a deep gully, with a considerable stream 6f water running down through it, like a small SUFFERINGS IN AFRICA. 149 mill-stream: it poured ever the precipices, making a loud roaring, that might be heard at a great distance ; though the whole stream seemed to lose itself entirely in the sand before it reached the bottom of the mountain. The sides of this gully were shaded by the arga and bean tree, and many other bushes ; and near the water 1 disco vered a few yew or hemlock bushes, that reminded me of scenes I had been familiar with in my own country. As we rode near the top of the mountain, this gully assumed the appearance of a rich valley, filled with gardens one above another, supported by strong stone walls in the same manner as those I have already described, though much larger, and they were apparently well watered by the stream that was carried around them in gutters fitted for that purpose. These gardens looked as if they were well cultivated, and stored with vegetables ; and numbers of men and boys were at work tilling and dressing them. On the highest part, of the mountain that we reached, 1 was much surprised to find a considerable plain spot, nearly covered with stacks of salt, which stood very thick, and must, 1 think, have amounted to several hundreds. To sec marine salt in such quantities on the top of a mountain, which I computed to stand at least fifteen hundred feet above the surface of the ocean, excited my wonder and curiosity ; but we stopped short of them, for ihe camels we had started with from Stuka, were to carry loads of this salt back ; so that after Rais had paid the owners of them for their trouble and assistance, they went towards the salt heaps, wishing us a prosperous journey. While we were stopped to settle with tliem, we were taken from the mules and seated on the ground, when many of the inhabitants came near to have a look at us, Christian slaves. They brought with them a few raw turnips, which they distributed among us : they were the sweetest I had ever tasted, and very refreshing. We were soon placed upon the mules again, and I rode a little to the left, in order to find out in what way this great quantity of salt had been procured and deposited in this singular situation ; and on a near approach, I saw a great num ber of salt pans formed of clay, and very shallow, into which water was conducted by means of small gutters cut for the purpose in the clay. The water issues in considerable quantities from the side of the moun tain, in the northwest part of the plain, (which has been levelled down, and regulated with great labour,) and is very strongly impregnated with salt : the pans or basins being very shallow, the water is soon evaporated by the heat of the sun, and a crystallization of excellent salt is the result. It is small grained, and tinged by the reddish colour of the clay of which the pans ale formed. The highest peak of the mountain did not appear to rise above the salt spring more than about one hundred feet. A great number of men and boys were employed in raking and heaping up the salt, and numbers more in sell ing and measuring it out, and loading it on camels, mules, and asses. Rais bel Cossim informed me that this spring furnished the greatest proportion of the salt that is made use of in the Moorish dominions, and in Suse; and I should estimate the number of camels, mules, and asses that were there at that time waiting for loads, at from four to five hundred. We had met hundreds on the route since we left Stuka, loaded with this article, and I afterwards saw many loads of the same kind pf salt enter Mogadore, Saffy, and Rabat. 13 * l&d CAPTAIN RILEY'S NARRATIVE^ We proceeded tc the nerthward dpwn the mouptain, which is pot so steep op its porth as op its sputh side. The country, after de scending it, was tolerably smooth, with much of the arga wood flour ishing on every side. Soon after dark we came to a wall that enclosed a space of ground forty or fifty yards square : it was built of stone and lime, six or eight feet in height, with an open space like a gateway on its northern side, through which we entered, and took up our lodgings on the ground, which was very smpoth. A walled village was near this yard on the west, and on the north, outside of both walls, stood a mosque, or house of worship: the inhabitants were chanting their evening or eight o'clock prayers when we entered the yard ; yet none of them came out to look at us, their attention being wholly confined to their religious duties. We were taken from the mules and placed near the wall, which kept off the night wind, and after we had nibbled a little biscuit and drank some water, we thanked God for his good ness, and tried to get a little sleep. The wind did not molest us, and we rested until about midnight, when we were awakened by the noise occasioned by a company of men with loaded camels and mules : they had already entered the yard without ceremony, to the number probably of thirty men, with three times as many camels, mules, and asses. I was awakened by the bellowing of the camels, as they were forced to lie down with their heavy loads. The men did not speak to ours, and as soon as they had tethered their mules by tying ropes round their footlock joints, and fastening them to pegs driven into the ground for that purpose, they laid themselves down to sleep, wrapped up in their haicks. Our whole company being awake, they saddled their mules, put us thereon, and we proceeded on our journey. It was very dark, and the path lay through a rough stony country. We were so weak, that we could not sit on the mules without one being behind to steady our tottering frames : at daylight we found ourselves near some substan tial buildings, and 1 begged of Rais to .buy some milk if it was possi ble : he rode near the gates and asked some of the inhabitants fpr milk ; but they would not sell any. This to me was a sore disap pointment, as I was benumbed with cold, and so much fatigued that I thought it would be impossible for me to ride much further ; which Rais observing, said to me, " Keep up your spirits, Captain, only a few hours longer, apd you will be in bwearah, if God Almighty con tinues his protection." I was so reduced and debilitated, that I could not Support even good news with any degree of firmness, and such was my agitation, that it was with the utmost difficulty 1 could keep on my mule for some moments afterwards. We had been constantly travelling for three days and most of three nights, and though I con cluded we must be near Swearah, 1 did not think we should reacli it before late in the evening. Passing along a narrow footway between high bushes, we came to a long string of sand hills on our left, drifted up like the sand heaps ,on the desart, apd alopg the coast: it was thep about eight o'clock in the morning, when mounting the side of one of those hills, the city of Swearah broke suddenly upon our view, with the island of Mogadore forming a harbour, in which was a brig riding at anchor with English colours flying : — " Take courage, Cap tain," said the good Rais ; " there is Swearah," pointing towards the SUFFERINGS IN AFRICA. l5l town ; " and there is a vessel to carry you.tp your country aud family : if God please you will soon see the noble Willshire, who will relieve you from all your miseries. 1 thank my God your sufferings are nearly at an end, and that 1 have been found worthy to be an instru ment in the hands of the Omnipotent to redeem you from slavery." He next returned thanks to the Almighty in Arabic, with all that fer vour and devotion, so peculiar to Mohammedans, and then he ejacu lated in Spanish, " May it have pleased Almighty God to have preser ved the lives of my wife and children." We now proceeded down the sand hills towards the city — but very slowly. Sidi Hamet had been for some time missing: he had gone privately forward, to be first to carry the news to our deliverer of pur approach ; and now Bel Mooden and Sidi Mohammed left us for a similar purpose, and made the best of their way towards the city. It would be idle for me to attempt to describe the various emotions of my mind at this exquisitely interesting moment : I must leave that to be conceived by the reader. We soon approached the walls of an imperial palace, which is situated about two miles southeast of Swea rah, or Mogadore. The walls are built in a square of probably one hundred yards at each side, and about twenty feet in height- — they enclose four small square houses, built at'the four corners within, and which rise one story above the walls : the houses have square roofs, coming to a point in the centre, and handsomely covered with green. tiles — they, as well as the other walls, are built with rough stone, cemented with lime, "plastered over and whitewashed. Near the western angle of the walls we stopped, and were taken off our mules and seated on the green grass. A small stream of fresh water, running from the east, was spreading over the sand near its northern wall, flowing and meandering slowly towards the bay over the beach, in a number of small rills. The water in the bay was quite smooth; small boats were moving gently on its glassy surface, or were anchored near its entrance, probably for the purpose of fishing :' this, together with the sight of great numbers of men driving camels, cows, asses, and sheep, and riding on horses, all at a distance, and going different ways, together with the view of the high steeples in Mogadore, infused into my soul a kind, of sublime delight and a hea venly serenity that is indescribable, and to which it had ever before been a stranger. The next moment I discovered the American flag floating over a part of the distant city: at this blessed and transport ing sight, the little blood remaining in my veins gushed through my glowing heart with wild impetuosity, and seemed to pour a flood of now life through every part of my exhausted frame. We were still seated on the green sward near the western wall, and the mules that brought us there were feeding carelessly before us at a little distance. Our deliverer, who had received news of our coming from Sidi Hamet, having first directed the flag of our country to be hoisted as a signal, had mounted his horse, ridden out of the city, and came to the eastern side of the palace walls, where Rais bel Cossim met him — unknown to me. I expected him soon, but did not think he was so near. He had dismounted, and was prepared to behold some of the most mise rable objects his imagination could paint. He led his horse along the south angle, and near the wall : Rais was by bis side, when opening 152 CAPTAIN RILEY'S NARRATIVE. past the corner, I heard Rais exclaim, in Spapish, " Alia estap" — "there they are:" — at this soupd we looked up aud beheld our deli verer, who had at that instant turned his eyes uppn us. He started back one step with surprise. His blood seemed to fly from his visage for a moment, but recovering himself a little, he rushed forward, and clasping me to his breast, he ejaculated, " Welcome to my arms, my dear sir; this is truly a happy moment." He next took each of my companions by the hand, and welcomed them to their liberty, while tears trickled down his manly .cheeks, and the sudden rush of all the generous and sympathetic feelings of his heart nearly choked his utterance : then raising his eyes towards heaven, he said, " 1 thank thee, great Author of my being, for thy mercy to these my brothers." He cculd add no more ; his whole frame was so agitated that his strength failed him, and he sunk to the ground. We, en our part, could only look upwards in silent adoration, while our hearts swelled with indescribable sensations of gratitude apd love to the all wise, all powerful, and ever merciful God of the universe, who had conducted us through so many dreadful scenes of danger and suffering ; had con trolled the passions and disposed the hearts of the barbarous Arabs in our favour, and had finally brought us to the arms of such a friend. Tears of joy streamed from our eyes, and Rais bel Cossim was so much affected at this interview, that in order to conceal his weeping, he hid himself behind the wall ; for the Moors as well as the Arabs, hold the shedding of tears to be a womanish and degrading weakness. After a short pause, when Mr. Willshire had in some measure recover ed, he said, " Come, my friends, let us go to the city ; my house is already prepared for your reception." — The mules were led up, and we were again placed on them, and rode off slowly towards Mogadore. Mr. Savage and Clark were on one mule, and Burns and Horace on another, for the purpose of mutually supporting each other ; but their debility was such, that they fell off on the beach two or three times before they reached the city; — however, it was on the soft sand, and as they were very light, they seemed tp have received no material injury : they were again placed on the inules, and steadied until our arrival at the gates of Swearah, by Moors walking beside them. The gateway was crowded with Moors, Jews, and negroes — the news of our ccming having spread through the city, and a curiosity tc see Christian slaves, had brought them together in great numbers ; and the men and boys of the rabble were only restrained from committing violence on us, by the gate-keepers and a few soldiers, who voluntarily escorted us to Mr. Willshire's house, and in some measure kept off the crowd : there we were taken from our mules ; but some soldiers coming in at that instant, said it was the Bashaw's orders that we should appear before him immediately, and we were constrained to obey: it was but a few steps, and we were enabled to walk there by supporting one another. When we came to the door, we were ushered into a kind of entry-way, which served as an audience chamber, by Mr. Willshire's Jew interpreter, who in token of submission, was obliged to pull off his cap and slippers before he could enter. We were ordered to sit down on the floor, and we then saw before us a very respectable look ing Moor, of about sixty years of age: he was sittipg cross-legged on a mat or carpet that lay on the floor, which was terrace work, drinking Q z c — r. .t, SUFFERINGS IN AFRICA. 153 tea from a small cup — his dress was the haick. After he had finished his cup of tea apd looked at us a moment, he asked me, through the interpreter, what countryman I was ? where my vessel was wrecked ? how many men I had in all, and if the remainder were alive ? how long I had beep a slave, and if the Arab, my last master, had treated me Ttindly? He wanted, further, to know how much money from my vessel fell into the hands of the Arabs, and what other cargo she had on board. Having satisfied his inquiries in the best manner I was able, he said we were now free, and he would write to the emperor respecting me and my men, and hoped he would give us leave to go home to our ccuntry : he then dismissed us. Mr. Wdlshire was with us, aud apswered all the questiops the Bashaw chose to put to him, and then assisted us in returning te hishouse. CHAPTER XXIV. The author and his companions are cleansed, clothed, and fed — He be - comes delirious, but is again restored to reason — The kindness of Mr. Wiltshire — Letter from Horatio Sprague, Esq. of Gibraltar — Au thor's reflections on his past sufferings, and on the providential chain of events that had fitted him for enduring them, and miraculously supported and-restored him and his four companions to their liberty. Upon our arrival at Mr. Willshire's house, some Jews were ready to shave off our beards ; and as the hair of our heads was also in a very unpleasapt condition, being literally filled with vermin, that, as well as our beards, underwent the operation of the scissors and razor: the hair was cut off at least as close as the horrible state of our skin and flesh would admit of: this may be imagined, but it is absolutely too shocking for description. Our squalid and emaciated frames were then purified with soap and water, and our humane and generous friend furnished us with some of his own clothing, after our bodies, which were still covered with sores, had been rubbed with sweet oil. Mr. Willshire's cook had by this time prepared a repast, which consisted of beef cut into square pieces, just large enough for a mouthful before it was cooked ; these were then rolled in onions, cut up fine, and mixed with salt and pepper ; they were in the next place put on iron skewers and laid horizontally across a pot of burning charcoal, and turned over occasionally, until perfectly roasted : this dish is called Cubbub, and in my opinion far surpasses in flavour the so much adrai red beef-steak ; as it is eaten hot from the skewers, and is indeed an excellent mode of cooking beef. We ate sparingly of this delicious food, which was accompanied with some good wheaten bread and butter, and followed by a quantity of exquisite pomegranates : for our stomachs were contracted to such a degree by long fastings, that they had lost their tope, and could ppt receive the usual allowance for a healthy man. A doctor then appeared, and administered to each of us a dose oft physic, which he said was to prepare our stomachs for eating. He was a Jew, who had been bred at Moscow in Russia, had studied medicine there, and had since travelled through Germany, Italy, and 154 CAPTAIN RILEY'S NARRATIVE. Spain ; he spoke the Spanish language fluently, and I was ccpvinced, before I left Mogadore, that he possessed much medical as well as surgical skill. He had only been in Megadpre two months, and there was ne other physician in that city, or in that part cf the country, except jugglers or quacks. Good beds had been fitted up for myself apd Mr. Savage in the same room, and after being welcomed by Mr. John Foxcroft and Don Pablo Riva, who had heard of pur arrival, we retired terest. My mind, which (though my body was worn down to a skeleton) had been hitherto strong, and supported me through all my trials, distresses, and sufferings, and enabled me to encourage and keep up the spirits of my frequently despairing fellow sufferers, could no longer sustain me : my sudden change of situation seemed to have relaxed the very springs of my soul, and all my faculties fell into the wildest confusion. The unbounded kindness, the goodness, and whole attention of Mr. Wiltshire, who made use of all the soothing language of which the most affectionate brother or friend is capable, tended but to ferment the tempest that was gathering in my brain. 1 became delirious — was bereft of my senses — and for the space of three days knew not where 1 was. When rny reason returned, I found I had been constantly attended by Mr. Wiilshire, and generally kept in my room, though he would sometimes persuade me to walk in the gallery with him, and used every means in his power to restore and compose my bewildered senses : that 1 had remained continually bathed in tears, and shud dering at the sight of every human being, fearing I should again be carried into slavery. 1 had slunk into the darkest corner of my room ; but though insensible, I seemed to know the worth of my friend and deliverer, and would agree to, and comply with his advice and directions. In the mean time, this most estimable and noble minded young man, had neither spared pains nor expense in procuring for us every com fort, and in administering, with his own hands, night and day, such relief and refreshment as our late severe sufferings and present debility required. He had sent off persons on mules to the vicinity of the city of Morocco, more than one hundred miles, and procured some of the most delicious fruits that country can produce, such as dates, figs, grapes, pomegranates, &c. He gave us for drink the best of wines, and I again begap to have an appetite for my food, which was prepared with the greatest care. My men were furnished with shirts, trowsers, and jackets, and being fed with the most nourishing soups and other kinds of food, gained a considerable degree of strength. Captain Wallace, of the English brig Pilot, then being in the port, furnished us with some pork, split peas, and potatoes, and seemed very friendly. Clark and Burns were but the skeletons of men : Mr. Savage and Horace were nearly as much reduced, but not having been diseased in bo great a degree, they were consequently stronger. Many of my bones had appeared white and transparent through their thin apd grisly co vering, like dry bones, when on the desart'; but they were now nearly covered again with skin, though we still might with some reason be termed the dried skeletons of Moorish slaves. At the instance of Mr. Wiilshire I was weighed, and fell short of ninety pounds, though my usual weight for the last ten years had been over two hundred and SUFFERINGS IN AFRICA. 155 forty pounds : the weight of my ccmpanions was less than 1 dare to mention. The sight of my face in a glass called to my recollection all the try ing scenes I had passed through since my shipwreck. I could con template with pleasure and gratitude the power, and wisdom, of the Supreme Being, as well as his mercy and unbounded goodness. I could plainly discover that the train of events which, in my former life, I had always considered as great misfortunes, had been directed by unerring wisdom, and had fitted me for running the circle marked out by the Omnipotent. When I studied the French and Spanish lan guages, I did it from expectations of future gain in a commercial point of view. All the exertions I had hitherto made to become acquainted with foreign languages, and to store my mind with learning and a knowledge of mankind, had procured forme no wealth; without which acquirement a man is generally considered on the stage of the world as a very insignificant creature, that may be kicked off' or trampled upon by the pampered worms of his species, who sport around him with all the upstart pride of (in many instances) ill-gotten treasure. I had been cheated and swindled out of property by those whom I con sidered my friends ; yet my mind was formed for friendship ; — I do not speak of this in the way of boasting. My hand had never been slack in relieving the distresses of my fellow men whenever 1 had the power, in the different countries where I had been ; but I had almost become a stoic, and had very nearly concluded, that disinterested friendship and benevolence, out of the circle of a man's own family, was not to be found ; that the virtuous man, if poor, was not only despised, by his more fortunate fellow creatures, but forsaken almost by Providence itself. 1 now, however, had positive proof to the con trary of some of those hasty and ill-founded opinions ; and I clearly saw that 1 had only been tutored in the school of adversity, ip order that 1 might be prepared for fulfilling the purpose for which 1 had been created. In the midst of those reflections, 1 received, by a courier from Con sul General Simpson, at Tangier, to Mr. Wiilshire, the following let ter : — it speaks the soul of the writer and needs no comment. Gibraltar, 13th November, 1815. MY PEAR RILEY, 1 will not waste a moment by unnecessary preamble. 1 have wrote to Mr. Wiilshire, that your draft on me for twelve hundred dollars, or more, shall be duly paid for' the obtainment of your liberty, and those with you. I have sent him Iwo double barrelled guns to meet his promise to the Moor. — In a short time, after ihe receipt of this, I hope to have the happiness to take you by the hand under my roof again. You will come here by the way of Tangier. Your assured friend, Horatio Sprague. My sensations on reading this letter, and on seeing that written by Mr. Sprague to Mr. Wiilshire, 1 must leave to the reader to imagine, and only observe that my acquaintance with that gentleman was but very slight, (of about ten days,) while I remained at Gibraltar, imme diately before my disaster— It was sufficient for him to knpw his 156 fellow creatures were in distress, and that it was in his power to relieve them. Mr. Sprague is a native of Boston, the capital of the state of Massachusetts, and had established himself as a respectable merchant in Gibraltar a little before the breakipg out of the late war. In the early part pf that war a number of American vessels were despatched by individuals with cargoes of provisions, &c. for Spain and Portu gal — these vessels were navigated under enemies' licenses, but from some cause or other, many of them were seized on the ocean by British ships of war, and conducted to Gibraltar, where both the vessels and their cargoes were condemned, and their crews turned adrift in the streets without a cent of money in their pockets, and left to the mercy of the elements. Mr. Gavine,the American ccnsul, wpuld npt act in their behalf, because (as he stated) his functicns had ceased by reasen pf the war ; — when this humane and genereus gentleman took them under his protection, hired an old vessel for them to live in, fur nished them with provisions and other necessaries and comforts for the term of one whole year or upwards, and in this manner supported for the greater part of that time as many as one hundred and fifty men : this he did from his own purse, and out of pure philanthropy : of this I was informed by Mr. Charles Moore, of Philadelphia, and other gentlemen of respectability and veracity. He also furnished and sent a considerable sum of money to Algiers, which bought from hard labour our unfortunate countrymen, comprising the officers and crew of the brig , Captain Smith, of Boston, who were made slaves by that regency ; in this he was assisted by Messrs. Charles H. Hall &, Co. merchants at Cadiz, and several other worthy and respectable Americans ; but the loss of the United States' sloop of war the Eper- vier, (this ship was spoken with, when homeward bound, by a Genoese schooner eighty miles from Mogadore, all well, and was probably Wrecked and destroyed, on the iron bound coast of South Barbary,) having on board all the redeemed slaves after the peace with Algiers, rendered it impossible for them to communicate their sense of grati tude for Mr. Sprague'3 humanity. These facts were stated to me by several respectable individuals in Gibraltar, and can be fully authen ticated. After my mind had been again tranquillized by a refreshing night's sleep, my reflections returned to my providential preservation, when my vessel was wrecked, I was endued with presence of mind, judg ment, and prudence, whereby my whole crew was saved in the first instance, and safely landed. When 1 was seized on afterwards by the Arabs, a superior intelligence suddenly suggested to my mind a stra tagem by which my life was saved, though one of my unfortunate companions was sacrificed to glut the brutal rage of the natives, whilst 1 was conducted to the wreck in safety through a tremendous surf that rolled over me every instant. The ways of Providence were next traced out to my wondering eyes in the smoothing down pf the sea so- that we were enabled to row our shattered boat out with safety to the ocean, and in our preservation in an open boat amidst violent galea of wind, though her timbers and planks seemed only to hpld together by the pressure of the sea actiug upop their ooter side. When des titute of provisions and water, worn down with privations and fatigues, we were again landed on the coast, carried on the top of a dreadful SOTFERiNes MTAtfRtCAi IS? wave 6Vei' the heads of craggy rocks that must have dashed us and our boat to atoms, without a particular divine protection. We were next forced to climb over the most formidable precipices and obstructions, before it was possible to arrive on the dreary desart above us : these delays were necessary to bring us, at a proper time, within sight of fires kindled by Arabs, whp had arrived there that day, (and who were the first, as I was afterwards informed, who had been there to water their camels within the last thirty days,) and whe were providentially sent' to save our lives, as we could not have existed a day longer with out drink. Though my skin was burned off by the sun's rays, and myself given a slave to those wandering wretches — the same Almighty power still preserved my life, endowed me with intelligence to com prehend a language I had never before heard spoken, and enabled me to make myself understood by that people, and in some degree re spected. Sidi Hamet (though a thievish Arab) had been sent from the confines of the Moorish empire before I left Gibraltar : he was conducted by the same unerring wisdom to my master's tent ; his heart was softened at the recital of my distresses, and instead of trading in the article of ostrich feathers, (which was his whole business there, as he believed,) he was persuaded by a wretched naked skeleton of a slave, merely retaining the glimmering of the vital spark, against his own judgment, and whilst directly and strenuously opposed by his brother and partner, who insisted that if even I told the truth, and had a friend in Morocco to purchase me on my arrival there, yetmy death must certainly happen long before it was possible to get me to that place : yet this same brother, one of the most barbarous of men, was forced, though against his will, to agree, and to lend the aid of his property in effecting the purchase, and to exert himself to support and to defend myself and four companions, through the desart, whilst all his schemes for selling and separating us had constantly proved abor tive. A Spanish barque had been destroyed by the natives on the coast of Suse, north of Cape Nun, and nineteen men had been either massacred by the natives, or were then groaning out a miserable exis tence in the worst kind of barbarian slavery — this event had furnished a piece of paper on which 1 wrote the note, at a venture, to Mogadore : my note fell into the hands of a perfect stranger, whose name I had never even heard of, and who was as ignorant of mine. This excellent young man was touched by the same power who had hitherto protect ed me : he agreed to pay the sum demanded without reflection, though his utter ruin might have been the consequence, trusting implicitly to the written word of a wretched naked slave ; a persop of whom be had no knowledge, and who was then three hundred miles distant, and even out of the power of the government that protected him; and his impatience to. relieve our distresses was so great, that he instantly paid the money demanded by my master, on his simply agreeing to stay in Swearah (Mogadore) until we came up, but without the power to keep him one instant if he chose to go away ; nor would he allow time to the magnanimous Moor, who kindly volunteered to go down after us, at the imminent risk of his life, scarcely to take leave of his family : mounting him on his own mule, and begging him to hurry on, day and night, until he reached us, and to spare neither pains or ex pense in fetching us to Mogadore. 14 1£§ CAPTAIN raLEv's'NARRAfiV'K. I canriot here omit mentioning the maimer in which Mr. Willshir'8 get my first note. Sidi Hamet (the bearer of it) was one of those Arabs belonging to a tribe, surnamed by the Moors, sons of lions, on account of their unconquerable spirit; when he came to the gate of Swearah, or Mogadore, he providentially was met by Rais bel Cos sim, who, though a perfect stranger, asked him, "From whence come you, son of a lion?" Upon which Sidi Hamet stopped, and made known his business. This Mooi was the only one which Mr. Wiilshire placed confidence in, or treated as a friend : he conducted Sidi Hamet to Mr. Willshire's house, and offered to leave his family, who were then sick, and to do his utmost to restore me and my men to liberty. Providence had also caused us to be stopped at Stuka, where we had time to recover, in part, from our illness, and to gain strength enough to support us through the remainder of our journey ; nad turned the contrivances and wisdom of Sheick Ali into nothingness, and finally provided for us such a friend as Mr. Sprague of Gibraltar, one of the most feeling and best of men. This providential chain of events, thus planned and executed, even against the will of the principal agents, employed, .filled my mind with unutterable thankfulness and wonder at the wisdom, the goodness, and the mercy of God towards me ; and the emotions which these reflec tions excited, kept me almost constantly batned in tears for the greatest part of a month. When 1 retired to rest, and sleep had closed my eyes, my mind still retaining the strong impression of my past suffer ings, made them the subjects of my dreams. I used to rise in my sleep, and think 1 was driving camels up and down the sandy hills near the desart, or along the craggy steeps of Morocco ; obeying my mas ter's orders in putting on the fetters, or beckets, on the legs and knees of his camels, and in the inidst of my agonizing toils and heart-sick ening anxieties, while groping about my room, I would hit my head against something, which would startle and awaken me: then I would throw myself on my bed again to sleep, and dream, and act over sim ilar scenes. Fearing 1 should get out of my chamber and injure myself in my sleep, I always locked the door, and hid the key before I went to bed. There was a grating to the windows of the apartments I slept in, and 1 often awoke and found myself trying to get out. My mind at length became more composed and serene, as my strength increased, and by the first of December 1 was able to ride out, and to walk about the city. Mr. Wiilshire, whose whole attention had been shown to me and my companions, tried every means to divert my mind from the subject of my reflections, and would ride out with me to a garden two miles out of the city, accompanied by a Moor, where we passed away many pleasant hours, which were en deared by every feeling and sentiment of gratitude and esteem on the one part, and of generous sympathy and godlike benevolence on the other. In this garden stood a venerable fig tree, whose body and boughs were covered with the names, and initials of the names, of almost all the Europeans and Americans who had visited Mogadore, carved out with knives in the thick bark, accompanied with the dates of their seve ral visits, &c. This was a kind of monument I delighted to examine ; it seemed to say that Mogadore was once a flourishing city, when its bBsKRVAxtdNS 6ii Africa. 1s9 cflmmerce was fostered by .the Moorish government ; but now, that superstition, fanaticism, and tyranny bear sway, they have swept away, with their pernicious breath, the whole wealth of its once industrious and highly favoured inhabitants ;— have driven the foreigner from their shores, and it seems as if the curse of Heaven bad fallen on the whole land, for in spite of all the exertions of its cultivators, and the fertility of the soil, severe droughts, and the ravages of the locusts, have fre quently caused a famine in. that country, from whence wheat was ex ported in immense quantities but a few years past for Spain and Por tugal, at half a dollar per bushel. Not a single bushel had been ship ped for some years past, and at this time nope was to be had at any price, except now and then a few bags, brought from the province of Duquella, which could only be purchased by the most wealthy : the others were provided with scanty portions of barley, of which they made their cous-koo-soo. CHAPTER XXV. The author's motives for requesting of, and writing down, his former master's narrative of Travels on the Desart when in Mogadore, toge ther with Sidi Hamet's narrative of a journey across the great Desart to Tombuctoo, and back again to Widnoon, with a caravan. Frpm the time I had a prospect of being redeemed from slavery, I had determined (if that should ever happen) to write an account . of our sufferings, which I considered greater than had ever fallen to the lot of man, and also to embody such observations as I had been ena bled to make while a slave, in travelling the great desart, &c. &c. for the satisfaction of my family and the friends of my fellow sufferers. My late master was yet in Mogadore, for he remained in the house of my deliverer about two weeks after our arrival, and he now mentioned to me, that he and his brother had been three times to Tombuctoo (as he had before informed Mr. Wiilshire) with caravans, and had crossed the desart in almost every direction. I felt •interested in making every inquiry that could suggest itself to my mind, respecting the face and the extent of the desart and the countries south of it: and although 1 was convinced, by my own observations, that both he and his bro ther, probably in common with the Arabs of the desart, knew the courses they steered, notwithstanding they had no compass or any other instrument to direct them in their journeys, yet wishing to be fully- satisfied in this particular, I took them up upon the roof of the house (which was flat and terraced with stones laid in lime cement, and smooth like a floor) one clear evening, and then told them that 1 wanted to know by what means they were enabled to find their way across the trackless dssart. Sidi Hamet immediately pointed out to me the north or polar star, and the great bear, and told me the Arabic names of the principal fixed stars, as well as of the planets, then visi ble in the firmament, and his manner of steering and reckoning time by the means of them. His correct observations on the stars, per fectly astonished me : he appeared to be much better acquainted with 160 captain riley's narrative. the motiotts of the heavenly bodies than 1 was, who had made itmy study Tor a great many years, and navigated to many parts of the globe by their assistapce. Tp convince rhe that he knew the cardinal points, he laid twe small sticks across at right angles, one pointing directly towards the polar star — he next placed two others across, dividing the circle into eighths, apd then in like manner into sixteenths, so that 1 was satisfied he knew the- requisite divisions of the compass: and on the next day I requested him to give me a narrative of his journey- ings on, apd across the desart, with which he very readily complied, and related as follows ; — while 1 sat in my room with pen, ink, and paper, and noted it dow,n, having the Moor Bel Mooden to interpret and explain to me in Spanish such parts of the narrative as 1 did not perfectly comprehend in Arabic. 1 give it to the reader as nearly as possible in the words of the narrator, and do not hold myself respon sible for Sidi Hamet's correctness, or his veracity, though for my own part I have no doubt he meant to, and did tell the truth as near as his recollection served him ; and as he had' a retentive memory, and the incidents related were calculated to impress themselves strongly on his intelligent mind, I have no doubt that his whole narrative is sub stantially true. SECTION I. Sidi Hamet's narrative of a journey from Widnoon across the great Desart to Tombuctoo, and back again to Widnoon. " The first time 1 set; out to cross the great desart, was several years ago, (about nine or ten,) being in the vicinity of Widnoon, where I had the year before been married to the daughter of Sheick Ali, (a beautiful woman, who is now my wife, and has two fine boys and one girl.) I, with my brother Seid, joined the caravan at Widnoon, by the advice of Sheick Ali : we had four camels loaded with haicks and some other goods. The whole caravan consisted of about three thousand camels and eight hundred men, with goods of almost every kind that are sold in Morocco. The men were all armed with good muskets and scimitars, and the whole under the command of Sheick ben Soleyman of Waldejeim, (Woled Deleim on the map,) with four competent guides. We set out from Widnoon in Suse, which is a great place of trade, late in the fall of" the year, and travelled six days to the west, when we came to the last mountain — there we stopped ten days, and let our camels feed on the bushes, while half the men were employed in getting wood from the mountain, and burning it into charcoal, which we put into bags, as it was light, and laid it on the camels over the other goods; then setting off for the desart, we mounted upon its level, which is a great deal higher than the country near it to the north, and travelled four days on the hard level; we then passed amongst the high sand hills, which you saw when we were coming up, in order that we might keep along by the great sea, so as to be sure of finding water: we travelled through and among these great mountains of sand, which were then very, bad to pass, beciuse the wind blew so hard we could scarcely keep together, being almost covered up by the flying sand : it took us six days to get through them ; after which the ground was smooth, and almost as hard as the OBSERVATIONS ON AFRICA. Ifit floor of a house, for ten days more, when we came to a watering place, called Biblah; there we watered eur camels, for they were very^ thirsty, and eight of them had died and served us for food. We stopped at that great well seven days, and afterwards kept on our journey to the S. W. twenty days, to apother well, called Kibir Jibl, but there was no water in it, apd we were obliged to go six days' jpuroey to the sea Coast, where there was a well close to the sea, the water of which well was very black and salt : here we were forced to unload the camels, and get them down the bank to the water, and after drinking, they yielded us some milk, which had been almost dried up before : we found, however, nothing for them to feed on, and had been obliged to give them of the coals to eat once a day for many days : this kept them alive, hut it made their milk almost as black as the coals them selves ; yet it was good, and we were glad to get it. It took up six days to water the whole of them, when we set out again and travelled pear the sea, where we found wells about every tep days, like the ope we had already visited, but very few green leaves on the little bushes, in the few small Valleys we saw; for no rain had fallep for a great while on that part of the desart. " After a journey of four moons, we came to the south part of the desart, and went down into the country of Soudan, where we found a little stream of good running water, and some bushes, and grass, and a very large tribe of Bessebes Arabs, (Libdessebas on the map,) who had plenty of barley and maize or Indian corn, of which we bought some and made bread, and stopped here one moon. We lost on the desart more than three hundred camels, which died of fatigue, and the want of water and food, but not one man. All the tribes of Arabs we came near, took their stuff on their camels, and rode away as fast as they could, so as not to be robbed, and we did not find any party strong epough to attack us, although we saw a great many tribes, but they were very poor on the Zaharah, or great desart." I then asked him how the face of the desart looked in general, as he passed over it, taking the whole together, or if there was any material difference in different parts of it, near the sea coast I to Which he answered : — ¦ , "The whole extent of the desart near the sea coast, is like that we came over in bringing you up here, except ip one place, where we travelled for nearly one moon without meeting with so much as a val ley with green hushes in it for the camels to feed on : the whole isra trackless waste. Cjose by the sea we were obliged to pass mountains of sand that was blown up from the shore, before the wind, but the guides always went before us, to show which way the caravan rmist go, and to find a place to stop in. Our camels had eaten up all the coals we had laid upon them before we got off the desart, and two pf them had died, so that, my brpther and I had only two remaining, but we kept all our goods. After We had rested one moon, and got our camels recruited, we setoff to the east on 'the border of the desart, close by the low country, with mountains in sight to the south, most of the way, and in two moons more we came near Tombuctoo, where ¦ we stopped in a deep valley with .the. caravan, and went every day close to the strong walls of the city with our goods (but without our guns) to trade them' off with the negroes, who had gpm, and gold rings, and gold powder, and great teeth, such as are sold ip Swearah, (i. e. ele U * 31 1§3 . CAPTAIN RiLfiv's NARRAfiVI. phant's teeth,) ahd slaves, and fine turbans : they had p'ierity of cow^ aPd asses, and a few sheep, and barley, corn, and rice : but the little river that runs close to the wall on the west, was quite dry, and all the people in the city were obliged to fetch water for themselves to drink, with asses, from the great river south of the city, (about one hour's ride on a camel,) and we were forced to go there to water our camels, and get our drink. " After staying near Tombuctoo one moon and a half, the season being far advanced, we set out again for Widnoon. I had not been in the city all the time we stopped here, because I was chosen cap tain of two hundred men that kept guard all the time about the caravan, to keep off the thievish Arabs and the bands of negroes that were hovering around us to carry off our camels, if any of them strayed away: but we lost only twenty during our whole stay at Tombuctoo, and the, Sheick gave me for my trouble a fine young negro girl slave, which I carried home with me, and she now lives with my wife. We set out for home from Tombuctoo, in the month of Rhamadan, after the feast, and went back by the same route we Had come — that is to say, we went first to the west one moon, along the border pf the desart. We durst not take any thing without paying for it, because we were afraid of the inhabitants, who were a mixture of Arabs and negroes, and all of them Mohammedans, but very bad men : they had also many white men slaves. I saw sixteen or eighteen myself, and a great many blacks. These true believers have very fine horses, and they go south to the country of the rivers, and there they attack and take towns, and bring away all the negroes for slaves, if they will not believe in the prophet of God; and carry off all their cattle, rice, and corn, and burn their houses ; but if they will adopt the true faith, they are then exempt from slavery, and their houses are spared, upon their surrendering up one half of their cattle, and half of their rice and corn ; because, they say, God has delivered their enemies into their hands. The negroes live in small towns, fenced in with. reeds or bushes, and sometimes with stones, but the Arabs live only in tents, and can move off in a minute on their horses, whilst their wives and children ride on camels and asses. Before we struck off N. W. on the desart for the sea coast, we stopped in the hill country and fatted our camels, and bumed wood to make charcoal to carry with us : we were encamped on the bank of a Uttle river, one day's journey from a large town of negroes, named Jathrow. 1 did not go to it, but the Sheick went and bought some corn and barley, and forty oxen for our provisions. " After we had prepared our coals, and laid in our provisions, we went up on to the level desart, and set off to the N. W. and in three moons and a half more we reached Widnoon again, having been gone almost a year and a half. We had lost about five hundred camels, that either died, cr were killed tp give us meat ; and while we stayed at Tpmbuctoo, and were coming home, thirty-four of our men had died, and we lost eighty^slaves." 1 asked him what 'were the goods they carried down at that time ? he answered : — ' " We had about one hundred camels loaded with iron and knives, and two hundred with salt ; all the others carried haicks, and blue and white cloth, and amber, and tobacco, and silk handkerchiefs, and chilly weed, and spices, and a great many other articles. Seid and myself OBSERVATIONS ON AFftlCA. 163 had lost t*6 of oiif camels, but had got two negro slaves, and some gold dust, worth six camels, and ornaments for our wives ; but Sheick Ali was not satisfied because I did not give him two slaves ; so that he made war against me, and battered down my town which 1 built, (it was but a small one,) and took away all I had, together with my wife, because he said 1 was a bad man, and he was stronger than me : 1 myself, however, escaped, and after one year I asked him for my wife again, and he gave her to me with all he had taken, for he loved his daugh ter : but I had no house, so I removed into the sultan's dominions, near the city of Morocco, close by the Atlas mountains, and lived there with my father and brothers two years without going forth to trade." SECTION II. Sidi Hamet sets out on another journey far Tombuctoo — The caravan is mostly destroyed for want of water, by drifting sand, and bymutiny, $)C — The few that escape get to the south of the Desart. " About that time one of our party, when we first went to Tom buctoo, named bel Moese', came to see me — he was going to join the caravan at Widnoon again, and persuaded Seid and me to go with him ; so we bought eight camels between us, and sold off our cattle and sheep, and bought goods and powder, and went with him to Wid noon, and joined the caravan. Sheick Ali came to meet me like a friend, and gave me two camels laden with barley, and wished me a safe journey. The Sheick who was chosen by all the people to com mand the caravan, was named Sidi Ishrel; he was the friend ef Sidi Ishem, who owned almost one half of the whole caravap, and we set out from Widnoon with about four thousand camels, and more than 'one thousand men, all well armed. We laid in an abundant store of barley, and had a great many milch camels, and it was determined to go south across the desart, nearly on a straight course for Tombuc too, by the way the great caravans generally travelled : though there had been several of them destroyed on that route, that is to say, one within every ten or twelve years. We went to the south, around the bottom of the great Atlas mountains, six days' journey ; then we stop ped close by it, and cut wood and burned coals for the camels, for the caravans never attempt to cross the desart without this article : four hundred camels out of the number were loaded with provisions and and water for the journey, and after having rested ten days, and given the camels plenty of drink, we went up op the desart and steered off southeasterly. — We travelled~along, and. met with no sand for fifteen days ; it was all a smooth surface, baked together sp hard that a load ed camel could not make a-.track on it to be seen : we saw no tracks to guide us, and kept our ccurse by the stars, and sun^ and moon. We found only one spot in all that time where our camekv could satisfy their appetites by eating the shrubs in a shallow valley, but the great well in it was filled up with stones and sand, so we could procure no water there ; at the end of fifteen days, however, we came, to a very ruie deep valley, with tweoty wells in it ; but we found water in only six of them, because the desart was very dry : here we watered all our camels, and replenished our bottles or skins, and havipg rested seven J 64 Captain Riley's NARRATIVE. days, we departed for the southeastward, our camels being well filled with leaves and thorn bushes. " We travelled along three days on the hard sand, and then arrived araoog innumerable drifts of fine loose sand ; not such coarse sand as you saw near the sea ; it was as fine as the dust on a path, or in a house, and the camels' feet sunk in it every step up to their knees : after travelling amongst this sand' (which in the day-time was almost as hot as coals of fire) six days, there began tp blpw a fierce, wind from the southeast, called the wind of the desart, bringing death and de struction with it : we could not advance nor retreat, so we took the loading from off our camels, and piled it in one great heap, and made the camels lie down. The dust flew so thick that we could not see each other nor our camels, and were scarcely able to breathe — so we laid down with our faces in the dust, and cried aloud with once voice 10 God — ' Great and merciful God, spare our lives !' but the wind blew dreadfully for the space of two days, and we were obliged to move ourselves whenever the sand got so heavy on us that it shut out all the air, and prevented us frpm breathing ; but at length it pleased the most High to hear our supplications : the wind ceased to blow ; all was still again, and we crawled out pf the sand that had buried us for so long a time, but not all, for when the company was numbered, three hundred were missing1 — all that were left having joined in thanks to God for his mercy ip sparing our lives ; — we theu proceeded to dig out the camels from the sand that had buried their bodies, which, together with the re-loading of them, took us two days. About two hundred of them were dead — there was no green thingtp be seen, and we were obliged to give the camels a little water from the skins, to wash their parched throats with, and some charcoal to eat : then we kept en twenty-four days as fast as we could through the dry, deep, and hot sand, without finding any greenbushes worth noticing for our- camels to eat, when we came to a famous valley apd watering place, called Haherah. All our camels were almost expiring, and could not carry the whole of their loads ; so we threw away a great deal of the salt before we got to Haherah, where we intended to stop twenty days to recruit our beasts, but who can conceive our disapppintment and distress, wherfwe found there was no water in any of the wells of this great valley : not one drop of rain had fallen there for the last year. The caravan, that amounted to upwards of pne thousand men and four thousand camels when we set out, was already reduced to about six hundred men, and thirty-five hundred camels. The authority of Sheick Ishrel could now scarcely restrain those almost desperate men ; every one was eager to save his own life and property, and separately sought the means of relief by running about the valley in a desultory mariner, looking for water ; this disorder continued for two days, when being convinced that nothing could be done without union, they be came obedient, and joined together in great numbers ip diggipg out the different wells. After digging five days without the smallest sign of water, all subordination was entirely at an end. The Sheick, who was a wise and a prudent man, advised and insisted that all the camels should be killed but three hundred, so that the little water found in them, together with their blood, might keep the rest alive, as well as all the men, until, by the aid of Providence, they should reach some OBSERVATIONS ON AFRICA. 165 place where they could find water ; but the company would not hear ken te this advice, thcugh the best that could possibly be given ; no one being willing to have his own property sacrificed. Sli£ick Ishrel, however, directed thirty of the oldest and most judicious men to pick out the three hundred camels that were to be spared, who acccrdingly selected the most vigorous ; but when they began to kill the others, a most furious quarrel and horrible battle commenced. The Sheick, though a man of God, was killed in a moment — two or three hundred more were butchered by each other in the course of that dreadful day ; and the blood of the slain was drank to allay the thirst of those who shed it. Seid was badly vvoupded with a dagger ip his arm. About five hundred camels were killed this day ; and the others drank the water from their bodies and also their blood. " Fearing there weuld be no end to this bloody conflict until all had perished, and as I had been a captain in the other caravan, and knew how to steer a course oh the desart ; and as both Seid and my self were very strong men, we killed four out of six of our own camels that remained, in the first part of the night, and gave their water and blood to the other two : we saved a small package of goods, and some barley, and some meat, and persuaded thirty of our friends privately to do as we had done, and join us, for we meant to set off that night. This was agreed on, for to stay there Was certain death, and to gd back was no less so. We were all ready about midnight, and without making any noise, we moved off with our company of thirty men and thirty-two camels. The night was very clpudy and dark, and it thun dered at a distance, as if the Almighty was angry with us for fighting together ; but there was no rain. We went towards the southwest, in the hope of reaching Tishlah, another watering place, before our camels died : the desart was dry and hard, and as we went alnng, we found only now and then a little hollow, with a few prickly shrubs in it: these the camels devoured as we passed among them; but many died, so that on the twelfth day we had only eighteen camels left; when the great God saved our lives by sending a tempest of rain, but he thundered so as to make the whole earth tremble, because of our sins, and we all fell upon our faces and implored his forgiveness. The rain that fell upon the ground gave plenty of water t5 our camels, and we filled thirty skins with it; when we steered to the south, to wards the borders of the desart. Nine of our company had died, and many of our camels, before we went down from the desart to the cul tivated land, and we then made to the south towards a little river' of fresh water, to which some Arabs whom we met with directed us, after they had first given us some rice and some milk, for all our milch ca mels had died on the desart." SECTION III. Sidi. Hamet's journeyings— His arrival on the banks of the river called by the natives Gozen-Zair, and at Tombuctoo — Description of that city — Its commerce, wealth, andinhabitants. " Those of us who had escaped with our lives from the desart, only twenty-one in number, with twelve camels, out of a caravan of one thousand men and four thousand camels, slopped near a small town, 166 CAPTAIN RILEY'S NARRATIVE. called Wabilt, on the bank of a river abput half as broad as from the city of Mogadore to the islaud, that is to say, fifty yards We had po provisions,hut the negroes seeing us in distress, came out and gave us some meat, and bread made of barley-corn : here we remained ten days to recruit ourselves and our camels, which were just alive. The river on whose bank we remained, was called by those who spoke in Arabic, el Woed Tenij, and by the negroes, Gozen-Zair. A very high ridge of mountains, great like Atlas seen from Suse, (but not capped with snow,) lie to the southwestward, and at a distance. After resting ourselves and our camels for ten days, we set forward for Tom- ihuctoo. We travelled for four days to the eastward through Soudan, » hilly country, but of a very rich soil, and much pf it cultivated with the hoe." 1 then asked him what he meant by Soudan ? and he said, " The whole country south of the great desart from the great ocean, a great way east, and including the district of Tombuctoo, is called by the Arabs and Moors, Soudan ; of which Tombuctpo is the capi tal. Having watered our camels again, and finding the hill country tedious to get through, by reason of the trees, we bought some bar ley-corn, and killed two cows, and went northward to the border of the desart, and travelled on to the eastward for eight days, when we fell in with the great path used by the caravans, and in two days more came near to the walls of Tombuctoo. We had seen a great many ne groes near the river : they live in small towns, fenced in with large reeds, to keep off enemies and the wild beasts in the night ; they dwell in small round huts made with cane standing upright, are covered with the same materials, and daubed with mud, to fill up the openings between them. The negroes were afraid of us when we came near their little towns, and those who were outside rah in and blocked up the passage in a minute ; but finding we did not come to rob them, as the large companies of Arabs often do, but that we were poor and hungry, they were willing to exchange barley-corn and meat for some of our goods. Nearly all the few things we had were expended to keep us alive until we came near Tombuctoo. The king and the peo ple of that city had been looking out for the caravan from Widnoon for two moons, but not one soul had arrived before us, and we were permitted to go into that city after delivering up our guns, powder, and lead, to the King's officers to keep until we should wish to depart. Tombuctoo is a very large city, five times as great as Swearah : it is built on a level plain, surrounded en all sides by hills, except on the south, where the plain continues to the bank of the same river we had been to before, which is wide and deep, and runs to the east ; for we ,were obliged to go to it to water our camels, and here we saw mapy boats made of great trees, some with negroes in them paddling across the river. The city is stropgly walled in with stone laid in clay, like the towns and houses in Suse, only a great deal thicker : the house of the king is very large and high, like the largest house in Mogadore, but built of the same materials as the walls : there are a great many more houses in that city built of stone, with shops on one side, where they sell salt, and knives, and blue cloth, and haicks, and an abun dance of other things, with many gold ornaments. The inhabitants are blacks, and the chief is a very large and grey-headed old black man, who is called Shegur, which means sultan, or king. The prin- OBSERVATIONS ON AFRICAi 167 cipalpavt of the houses are made with large reeds, as thick as a man's arm, and stand upon their ends, and are covered with small reeds first, and then with the leaves of the date trees : they are round, apd the tops come to a point like a heap of stones. Neither the Shegar nor his people are Moslemins, but there is a town divided off from the princi pal one, in one corner, by a strong partition wall, and one gate to it, which leads from the main town, like the Jews' town, or Millah in Mogadore : all the Moors or Arabs who have liberty to come into Tombuctoo, are obliged to sleep in that part of it every night, or go put pf the city entirely, and no stranger is allowed to enter that Millah without leaving his knife with the gate-keeper ; but when he comes out in the morning it is restored to him.\ The people who live in that part are all Moslemin. The negroes, bad Arabs, and Moors, are all mixed together, and marry with each other, as if they were all of one colour : they have no property of consequence, except a few asses: their gate is shut and fastened every night at dark, and very strongly guarded both in the night and in the day time. The Shegar or king is always guarded by one ljundred men on mules, armed with good guns, and one hundred men on foot with guns and long knives. He would not go into the Millah, and we only saw him four or five times in the two meons we stayed at Tombuctoo, waiting for the caravan : but it had perished on the desart — neither did the yearly caravan from Tunis and Tripoli arrive, for it had also been destrpyed. The city pf Toqibuctoo is very rich, as well as very large ; it has four gates to it ; all of them are opened in the day time, but very strongly guarded and shut at night. The negro women are very fat and handsome, and wear large round gold rings in their noses, and flat ones in their ears, and rold chains and amber beads about their necks, with images and white fish-bones, bent round, and the ends fastened together, hanging down between their breasts ; they have bracelets on their wrists and on their ankles, and go barefoot. I had bought a small snuff-box filled with snuff in Morocco, and showed it to the women in the principal street of Tombuctoo, which is very wide : there we're a great many about me in a few minutes, and they insisted on buying my snuff and box ; one made me one offer, and another made me another, until one, who wore richer ornaments than the rest, told me, in broken Arabic, that she would take off all she had about her and give them to me for the box ahd its contents. I agreed to accept them, and she pulled oft' her nose-rings and ear-rings, all her neck chains with their ornaments, and the bracelets from her wrists and ankles, and gave them to me in ex change for it : these ornaments would weigh more than a pound, and were made of solid gold at Tombuctoo, and I kept them through my whole journey afterwards, and carried them to my wife, who now wears a part of them. Tombuctoo carries on a great trade with all the cara vans that come from Mprroeco and the shores of the Mediterranean sea. From Algiers, Tunis, Tripoli, &c. are brought all kinds of cloths, iron, salt, muskets, powder, and lead, swords or scimitars, tobacco, opium, spices, apd perfumes, amber beads, and other trinkets, with a few other articles ; they carry back in return elephants' teeth, gold dust, and wrought gold, gum Senegal, ostrich feathers, veiy curiously worked turbans, and slaves ; a great many of the latter, and mapy other articles of less importance : the slaves are brought in from the I 168 Captain riley's narrative. southwest, all strongly ironed, and are sold very cheap ; so that a good stout man may be bought for a haick, which costs in the empire of Morocco about two dollars. The caravans stop and encamp about two miles from the city, in a deep valley, and the negroes do npt mo lest them : they bring their merchandise near the walls of the city, where the inhabitants purchase all their goods in exchange for the above mentioned articles ; not more than fifty men from any one ca ravap beipg allowed to enter the city at a time, and they must go out before others are permitted to enter. This city also carries on a great trade with Wassanah (a city far to the southeast) in all the articles that are brought to it by caravans, and get returns in slaves, elephants' teeth, gold, &c. The principal male inhabitants are clothed with blue cloth shirts, that reach from their shoulders down to their knees, and are very wide, and girt about their loins with a red and brown cotton sash or girdle : they also hang about their bodies pieces of different coloured' cloth and silk handkerchiefs : the king is dressed in a white robe of a similar fashion, but covered with white and yellow gold and silver plates, that glitter in the sun ; he also has many other shining ornaments of shells and stones hanging about him, and wears a pair of breeches like the Moors and Barbary Jews, and has a kind of white turban on his head, pointing up, and strung with different kinds of ornaments ; his feet are covered with red Morocco shoes : he has no other weapon about him than a large white staff or sceptre, with a golden lion on the head of it, which he carries in his hand : his whole countenance is mild, and he seems to govern his subjects more like a father than a king. The whole of his officers and guards wear breeches that are generally dyed red, but sometimes they are white or blue ; all but the king go bareheaded. The poor people have only a single piece of blue or other cloth about them, and the slaves a breech cloth. The inhabi tants in Tombuctoo are very numerous ; 1 think six times as many as in Swearah, besides the Arabs and other Moslemin or Mohammedans, in their Millah, or separate town ; which must contain nearly as many people as there are all together in Swearah." NOTE BY THE AUTHOR. Swearah or Mogadore contains about thirty-six thousand souls ; that is, thirty thousand Moors and six thousand Jews: this may be a high estimation for Tombuctoo, making it two hundred and sixteen thousand inhabitants ; yet considering the commercial importance of the place, and the fertility of the country around it, there can be no doubt but it contains a.vast number of inhabitants ; and 1 must also observe, that if it was a small town, and contained the riches attribu ted to it, they would require a very strong force to prevent the Arabs from the desart, together with the caravans, from taking it by surprise or by storm. "The women are clothed in a light shirt or under-dress, and over it a green, red, or blue covering, from their breasts to below their knees — the whole girt about their waists with a red girdle : they stain their cheeks and foreheads red or yellow on some occasiops. and the mar ried women wear a kind of hood on their heads, made of blue cloth or silk, and cotton handkerchiefs of different kinds and colours, and go barefooted. The king and peeple of Tombttctoo do riot fear and OBSERVATIONS ON AFRICA. , 169 wbrship God, like the Moslemins, but like the people of Spudan they only pray one time in twenty-four hours, when they see the moon, and when she is not seen they do not pray at all : they cannot read or write, but are honest, and they circumcise their children like the Arabs : they have no mosques, but dance every night, as the Meors and Arabs pray. The Shegar or king had collected about one thousand slaves, some gums, elephants' teeth, gold dust, &c. to be ready for the yearly caravans \ but as three moons had passed away since the time they ought to havearrived, he gave them up for lost, and concluded to send a caravan with part of his goods that came across the desart ; viz. some salt, iron, clothes, &c. to a large city at a great distance from Tom buctoo : and having formed a body of about three thousand men, well armed with muskets, long knives, and spears, and three thousand asses, and about two hundred camels, which were all lqaded with heavy goods, such as iron, salt, tobacco, &c. he hired my brother Seid and myself, (with ten more of our companions,) to carry loads on our two camels to Wassanah, for which he was to give us, when we came back, two haicks each and some gold. As we were com pletely in his power, we did not dare to refuse to go, and he put us under the care of his brother, whose name was Shelbaa, who had com mand of the whole caravan. It was in the month of Shual ( ) when we departed from Tombuctoo for a place we had never before heard of. We had in the company about two hundred Moslemin, but the master of the caravan would not permit us Moslemin to keep our guns, for fear we should turn against him, if he was obliged to fight. SECTION IV. Sidi Hamet sets out for Wassanah — His arrival there, and description of that city, the country, and its inhabitants; of the great river which runs near it, and of his return to Tombuctoo — Containing also the author's geographical opinions, founded on this narrative, on the sources of the river Niger ; its length, course, and outlet, into the Atlantic ocean. * " All being prepared, we went from Tombuctoo about two hours' ride, tewards the south, to the bank of the river which is called at that place Zolibib, and was wider than from Mogadore to the island ; (i. e. about five hundred yards ;) here was a miserable village built with canes, and mudded over: it had about two hundred small houses in it, but no walls. We then set off near the side of the river, and travelled on in a plain even country for six days, every day within sight of the river, which was on our right hand, and running the same way we travelled, and our course was a little to the south of east; when we came to a small town called Bimbinah, walled in with canes and thqrn bushes, and stopped two days near it, tp get previsipns and rest cur beasts : here the river turned mere tp the sputheastward, because there was a very high mountain in sight to the eastward : we then went from the river side, and pursued our journey more south wardly, through a hilly and woody country, for fifteen days, when we came to the same river again. Every night we were obliged to make up large fires all around the caravan, to keep off the wild beasts, such as lions, tigers, and other animals, which made a dreadful howling 15 23 5 70 CAPTAIN RILEY'S NARRATIVE. Here was a small town of black people belongipg to another nation, who were enemies to the king of Tombuctoo, but were friendly to the king of Wassanah ; and not beipg stropg, they did pot molest us, but furnished us with what corn we wanted, and twenty oxen. We saw a large number of armed black men, nearly naked, on the pthei side of the river, whp seemed tp be hostile, but they could pot get across to attack us : we also saw two very large tpwps, but walled in like the others we had passed. We stopped here aud rested pui camels and asses five days, and then went onward again in about a S. E. direction, winding as the river ran, for three days ; and then had to climb over a very high ridge of mountains, which took up six days, and when we were on the top of them, we could see a large chain of high mountains to the westward ; those we passed were thickly covered with very large trees, and it was extremely difficult to get up and down them ; but we cculd not go any other way, for the river ran against the steep side of the mountain; so having gotten over them we came to the river's bank again, where it was very narrow and full of rocks, that dashed the water dreadfully ; then finding a good path, we kept . on tp the S. E. winding a little every day, sometimes more to the east, then to the south again. We kept travelling this way for twelve days after leaving the mountains, during which time we had seen the river nearly every day on our right hand, and had passed a great many small streams that empty into it : it was now very wide and looked deep — here we saw many trees dug out hollow, like the boats at Tom buctoo, and they were used to carry negroes across the river, and were pushed along with flat pieces of wood : we also saw the high mouatains on the west side of the great river, very plainly. Having rested seven days at the ferrying place, we then travelled op for fifteep days, most of the time in sight of the river. When we came close to the walls of the city of Wassanah, the kipg came out with a great army, consisting of all his soldiers, to meet us, but finding we had only come to trade by the orders of, and with the goods of, liis friend Shegar of Tombuctoo, he invited the chief, and the whole of the caravan, to abide within a square enclosure near the walls of the city : here we remained twp mppns, exchanging our goods for slaves, gold, elephants' teeth, &c. " The city of Wassanah is built near the bank of the river, which runs past it nearly south, between high mountains on both sides, though not very close to the river, which is so w)de there that we could hardly see a man across it on the other side : the people of Tombuctoo call it Zolibib, and those of Wassanah call it Zadi. The ' walls of the city are very large, and made of great stonesj laid up like the stone fences in the province of Hah Hah, in Morocco, but without any clay or mud amongst them : they are very thick and strong, and much higher than the walls of Tombuctoo. I was permitted to walk round them in company with six negroes, and it took me one whole day : the walls are built square, and nave one large gate on each side. The country all around the city is dug up, and has barley, corn, and Other vegetables planted on it : and close by the side of the river ail the land is cpyered with rice, and there ate a great many oxen, and cews, and asses, belpnging to the city, but no camels, nor horses, mules, sheep, nor goats ; but all abput and in the city, speckled fowls OBSERVATIONS ON AFRICA. 171 jibeund, and there are plenty pf eggs. The peeple ef the caravan were allewed to enter the city, but only twenty at a time, and they were all obliged to go out again before night. "We had beep there more than a moon, when it came to my turn to gp in. 1 found almost the whole of the ground inside of the walls was covered with huts made of stones piled tip without clay, and some reeds, laid across the tops, covered over with the large leaves of the date or' palm tree, or of another tree which looks very much like a date tree, and bears a fruit as large as my head, which has a white juice in it sweeter than milk ; the inside is hard, and very good to eat: the trees that bear this big fruit grow in abundance in this oountry, and their fruit is very plenty : their huts have narrow passages between them'. The king or chief is called Oleeboo, which means, in the negro talk, good sultan : he is a very tall, and quite a young man : his house is very large, square, and high, made of stone, and the chinks filled up with something white like lime, but not so hard : they would not let me go into his house, and told me he had one hundred and fifty- wives, or more, and ten thousand slaves : he dresses in a white shirt, that looks like the one worn by Mr. Wiilshire, and long trowsers made like them you have on, and coloured like an orange." Those I then had on were common wide sailor trowsers. " He has over his shirt a caftan cr robe with sleeves to it, made of red cloth, tied about wilh a girdle that goes from his breast to his hips, made of silk hand kerchiefs of all colours, and has slips of fine coloured silk tied round his arms and legs : his hair is also tied in small bunches, and he wears on his, head a very high hat made of canes, coloured very handsomely, and adorned with fine feathers : he has sandals on his l'eet, bound up with gold chains, and a great gold chain over his shoulder, with a bunch of ornaments made of bright stones and shells, that dazzle the eyes, hanging on his breast, and wears a laige dagger by his side in a gold case. He rides on the back of a huge bea,st, called Ilfement, three times as thick as my great camel, and a great deal higher, .with a very long nose and great teeth, and almost as black as the negroes : he is so strong, that he can kill an hundred men in a minute when he is mad ; this is the animal that'the teeth grow in which we bring from Tombuctoo to Widnoon, which you call elephants' teeth, and thiswas the only one of the animals I ever saw, but ithey told me these crea tures were very plenty down the'river from Wassanah." This answers to the description of, and no doubt is, the elephant. " The king of Wassanah has a guard of two hundred negroes on foot, one hundred of them armed with muskets, fifty with long spears, and fifty with great bows and arrows, with long knives by their sides : they always atteud him when he goes out on his beast : he has also a very large army : they fight with guns, spears, and bows and arrows. The city has twice as many inhabitants in it as Tombuctoo, and We saw a great many towns near it on the-other side of the river, as well as several small settlements on the same side below. The king nor the people do not pray like the Moslemins, but they jump about, fall down, tear their faces as if they were mad when any of their friends die, and every lime they see the new moon, they make a great feast, and dance, all night to music made by singing and beating on skins tied across a hollow stick, and shaking little stones in a bag or Shell; 172 CAPTAIN RILEY'S NARRATIVE. but they do not read nor write, and are heatheps. Though the frefl people in this place do pot steal, and are very hospitable, yet 1 hope the time is near when the faithful, and they that fear God and his pro phet, will turn them to the true belief, er drive them away from this goodly land. " The principal inhabitants of Wassanah are dressed in shirts of white or blue cloth, with short trowsers, and some with a long robe over the whole, tied about with a girdle of different coloors : the free females are generally very fat, and dress in blue or white coverings tied about their waists with girdles of all colours ; they wear a great many ornaments of gold, and beads, and shells, hanging to their ears and noses, necks, arms, ankles, and all over their hair ; but the poorer sort are only covered about their loins by a cloth which grows on the tree that bears the big fruit I have told you about before." This fruit, I imagine, must be the cocoa-nut, and 1 have often in the West-Indies, and elsewhere, observed the outer bark of this singular palmtree: it is woven by nature like cloth, each thread being placed exactly over and under the others. It appears like regular wove coarse bagging, and is quite strong: it loosens and drops from the trunk of the tree of its own accord, as the tree increases in size and age. I had long be fore considered that this most singular bark must have suggested to man the first idea of cloth, and taught him how to srjin, and place the threads so as to form it of other materials that have since been used for that purpose, and this first hint from nature has been improved into our present methods of spinning and weaving. " The male sjaves go entirely naked, but the women are allowed a piece of this cloth to cover their nakedness with : they are very nume rous, and many of them kept chained : they are obliged to work the earth round about the city. The inhabitants catch a great many fish : they have boats made of great troes, cut off and hollowed out, that will hold ten, fifteen, or twenty negroes ; and the brother of the king told one of my Moslemin companions who could understand him, (for I could not,) that he was going to set out in a few days with sixty boats, and to carry five hundred slaves down the river, first to the southward, and then to the westward, where they should come to the great water, and sell them to pale people, who came there in large boats, apd brought muskets, and powder, and tobacco, and blue cloth, apd knives, &c. : he said it was a long way, and would take him three moons to get there, and he should be gone twenty moons before he could get back by land, but should be very rich." 1 then asked, him how many boats he supposed there were in the river at Wassanah ? he said, " A great many, three of four hundred, 1 should think ; but some of them are very small : we saw a great many of these people who had been down the river to see the great water, with slaves apd teeth, and came back again : they said the pale people lived in great boats, and had funs as big as their bodies, that made a noise like thunder, and would ill all the people in a hundred negro boats, if they went too near them. We saw in the river and en the bank a great number of fish with legs and large mouths, and these would run into the water in a minute, if any man went near them, but they told us they would catch children, and sometimes men, when in the boats : (these are, no doubt, croccdiles pr hippopptamus'.) The negroes are very kipd, and would Observations on A#RicA. HA always give US barley, corn, or rice, milk or meat, if we were hungry, though we could pot speak a lapguage they understood. While wo stopped at. Wassanah, it rained almost every day. Havipg traded away all the gopds we carried there, Shelbar took three hundred slaves and a great many teeth, dazzling stones, and shells, and gold — with these we set off again, and went the same way back to Tombuctoo, which took us three moons, and we were gone from the time we left it, to the time we returned, eight rpoops. On my arrival at Tombuctoo, we were paid by the chief of the caravan according to promise, and a few days afterwards a caravan arrived there from Tunis, which we join ed, to return by that way to our own country." 1 must here beg the reader's indulgence for a moment, in order to make some remarks, and a few geographical observations that this part of the narrative has suggested. Ihis narrative 1, for my own part, consider strictly true and correct, as far as the memory and judgment of Sidi Hamet were concerned, whose veracity and intelligence I had before tested : he had not the least inducement held out to him lor. giripg this account, further than my own and Mr. Willshire's curiosi ty ; and his description of Tombuctoo agrees in substance with that given by several Moors, (Fez merchants,) who came to Mr. Willshire's house to buy goods while Sidi Hamet was there, and who said they had known him in Tombuctoo several years ago. From these con siderations combined, and after examining the best maps extant, 1 conclude that I have strong grounds on which to found the following geographical opinions, viz. 1st, That the great Desart is much higher land oo its southern side (as I had proved it to be on the north by my own observations) than the surrounding country, and consequently that its whole surface is much higher than the land near it that is susceptible of cultivation. SJdly, That the river which Sidi Hamet and his companions came to within fourteen days' ride, and west of Tombuctoo, called by the Arabs el Woed Tenij, and by the negroes Gozen-Zair, takes its rise in the mountains south of, and bordering on, the great desart, being pro bably the northern branch of that extensive ridge in which the Sene gal, Gambia, and Niger rivers have their sources ; and that this river is a branch of the Niger, which runs eastwardly for several hundred miles to Tombuctoo, near which city, many branches uniting in one great stream, it takes the name of Zotibib, and continues tp run nearly east, about two hundred and fifty miles from Tombuctoo ; when meet ing with high land, it is turned more southeastwardly, and running in that direction in a winding course, about five hundred miles, it has met with some obstructions, through which it has forced its way, and formed a considerable fall : for Sidi Hamet, having spent six days in passing the mountains, came again near the river, which was then filled with broken rocks, and the water was foaming and roaring among them, as he observed, " most dreadfully." This must be a fall or rapid. 3diy,That from these falls, it runs first to the southeastward/and then more to the south, till it reaches Wassanah, about six hundred miles where it is by some called Zolibib, and by others Zadi. 4thly, Thai. as the inhabitants of Wassanah say they go first to the southward, and then to the westward, in boats to the great water; this 1 conceive must be the Atlantic ocean, where they have seen pale men apd great 1T4 CAPTAIN ftltEV's NARRATIVE. boats, &6. These 1 should naturally conclude were Europeans, witil Vessels ; and that it takes three moons to get there, (about eighty-five days,) at the rate of thirty miles a day, which is the least we can give them with so strong a current : it makes a distauce from thence to the sea of about two thousand five hundred miles : in computing this dis tance, one-third or more should be allowed for its windings, so that the whole length of the river is about four thousand miles, and is probably the longest and largest on the African continent. 5thly, That the waters of this, river in their passage towards the east, have been ob structed in their course by high mountains in the central regions of this unexplored continent, and turned southwardly ; that they are borne along to the southward, between the ridges of mountains that are known to extend all along the western coast, from Senegal to the gulf of Guinea, and to round with that gulf to the south of the equator ; that they are continually narrowed m and straightened by that immense ridge in which the great river Nile is known to have its sources, and which mountains lie in the equatorial region ; that this central river receives, in its lengthened course, all the streams that water and ferti lize the whole country between the two before mentioned ridges of mountains : the waters thus accumulated and pent up, at length broke over their western and most feeble barrier, tore it down to its base, and thence found and forced their way to the Atlantic ocean, forming what is now known as the river Congo. In corroboration of this opinion, some men of my acquaintance, who have visited the Congo, and traded all along the coast between jt and the Senegal, affirm, that the Congo discharges more water into the Atlantic, taking the whole year toge ther, than all the streams to the northward of it, between its mouth and Cape de Verd. SECTION V. Sidi Hamet's journey from Tombuctoo to Morocco by the eastern route — His description of the Desart, and of the country on both sides of it — Of a dreadful battle with the wandering Arabst — Sidi" Hamet takes his leave, and sets out to join his family. " The caravan we joined at Tombuctoo, was a very large one, be longing to Algiers, Tunis, Tripoli, and Fez, four united together. They remained near that city two moons, and bought twp thousand slaves, besides a great deal of gold dust, and teeth, and turbans, and gold rings, and chains, and gum ; but Seid and I had only our twp camels, and they were but partly loaded with gum, for account of Ben Nassar, the Sheick of the Tunissian part of the caravan, for there were three Sheicks in it. When every thing was r?ady, we set off from Tombuctoo, and travelled east-northerly twenty days through the hilly country, crossing a great many little streams Of water that ran to the south and west towards the great river, it having rained very hard almost every night whilst we were at Tombuctoo. "When we were going amongst the hills and trees, we saw a great many small towns or cities, most of them fenced in with good stone walls, but some with cane and thorn bushes. The land of that coun try is very good, and pleuty of corn grows on it, and some rice and dates, and we saw some oxen, sheep, arid asses, and a few horses. OBSERVATIONS ON AFRICA. l7fl The inhabitants ai'e Moors and Arabs mixed with the hegrfleS, and almost as black as the latter ; all of our own religion : they are very stout fierce men, but they did not attempt to molest us, and sold us every thing we wanted at a cheap rate : they wear no clothing but a strip of cloth about their middles, and a ring of bone or ivory round the women's ankles and wrists, and some beads in their hair ; they are peaceable people, and never attack the caravans unless the latter attempt to rob them : they are armed with muskets, and with long knives, and with bows and arrows. When they are forced to fight, they do it with the greatest fury, and never take prisoners1 or receive quarter, and oply defend their rights. Some of the people in our caravan told us, that a few years ago a caravan, going from Tombuctoo to Tunis, Algiers, &c. in passing through this country, surprised apd stole about four hundred of the inhabitants for slaves, and a great number of cattle and much corn, and went towards the desart; but these people assembled a large host, and came up with them in the night near the edge of the desart, and cut the whole "of them to pieces, though they were more than two thousand men strong, and well armed ; only about fifty of the people of the caravan escaped and got back to Tunis to tell the news, and they only by riding on the swiftest camels'without any loads. After having refreshed our camels for ten days in a beautiful valley, where there was a good stream of water for them to drink, and filled the sacks with coals, we mounted up to the desart, and steered on the flat level away to the north. As we went. along we came to some small valleys, where the Arabs feed their camels and live on their milk, and think themselves the most learned,' virtuous, and religious people in the world, and the most happy too, though they have neither bread, nor meat, nor honey, nor any clothing but a rag tied round their waists, and live in tents, wan dering about. We steered about north for eighteen days, when we came to the usual watering place, called Weydlah ; here was a great deal of water in a pond, but it was black and quite salt, like the water in the wells close by the great sea : it was very dead and stinking, and tasted of sulphur: it is in a very deep pit and difficult to get at, there being only one place by which we could lead the camels down to the water : it is said to be very deep in the middle, and was never known to be dry : it was almost covered over by a thick green scum : we could see the tracks of wild beasts, such as tigers and lions, near the water. We had seen a great many of these animals in our travels to Wassanah, and when we were coming from Tombuctoo to the eastward. Our caravan' ccnsisted of about fifteen hundred men, mest of us well armed with double barrelled guns and scimitars, and we had about four thousand camels. It was a long journey to the next well ; so we stopped here six days peaceably, having encamped in a valley a little distance west of the pond or lake. We had always made the camels lie down in a circle, placing the goods in the centre, and the men between the camels and the goods : we had two hundred men on guard, and always ready for any emergency. In the pight of the sixth day, about two hours after midnight, we were attacked by a very large body of wandering Arabs : they had got to within a few yards of us' before they were discovered, and poured in a most destructive fire of musketry, at the same time running in like hungry tigers, with spears \1& CAPTAIN RILEy's NARRATIVE. and scimitars in their hands, with dreadful ycllings : they threw the whole caravan into confusion for a moment ; but we were in a tight circle, formed by the camels, which with the guards kept them off for a short time, till the whole of our men seized their arms and rallied. The battle now raged most furiously : it was cloudy aod very dark ; the blaze ef the powder making enly a faint light, whilst the cracking of musketry, the clashing ef swords, the' slwuts pf the combatants, and the bellowings of the weunded andfrighteped camels, tcgether With the groans of the wounded apd dyipg men, made the most dread ful and horrid uproar that can be conceived. The fight continued for about two hours, hand to hand and breast to breast, when the assail ants gave way and ran off, leaving their dead and wounded on the field of battle. We rernained with our arms in our hands all night. I was wounded with a ball in toy thigh, and Seid with a dagger on his breast." They then showed me their scars. " In the morn ing we numbered our men, and found that two hundred and thirty were killed, and about one hundred wounded : three hundred of the camels were either slain or so badly wounded that they could not walk, and so we killed them. We found seven hundred of our enemies lying on the ground, either dead or wounded ; those that were badly wpunded, we killed, tp put them eut of pain, and carried the others that could walk along with us for slaves ; of these there were about one hundred. As the enemy fled, they took all their good camels with them, for they had left them at a distance, so that we only found about fifty poor ones, which we killed ; but we picked up two hundred and twenty gcpd double barrelled guns from the ground: the gun which Seid now uses is one of them; we got also about four hundred scimitars or long knives. We were told by the prisoners that the company who attacked us was upwards of four thousand strong, and that they had been preparing for it three moons. We were afraid of another attack, and went off the same day, and travelled all the night, steering to the N. E. (out of the course the caravans commonly take) twenty-three days' journey, when we came to a place called the Eight Wells, where we found plenty of good water. Fifty of our men had died, and twenty-one of the slaves. We remained near these good wells for eleven days; our camels feeding on the bushes in the valleys near them, when we again travelled to the northwestward ten days to Twati, a good watering place. For the last three days wc waded through deep sands, like those we passed among while going from Widnoon. We rested here two days, and then went down north, into the country of dates, and came to the town of Gujelah, a little strong place belonging to Tunis — there we found plenty of fruit and good water, and meat and milk : we stopped there ten days, and then the part of the caravan going to Tripoli left us and went towards the east, by the mountains, and the rest went on northeasterly twelve days to Tuggurtah, close by a mountain near the river Tegsah, that is said to go tp the sea near Tunis; here we stopped twenty-five days, and the caravan for Tunis left us. Tuggurtah is a very large city, with high and thick walls, made tight, and has a great many people in it, all of the true religion, and a vast number of black slaves, and a few white ones. After stopping here twepty-five days, we set off to the northwestward through a very fipe couutry, full of date and fig trees, OfellftVAfiOlil ON AMtOAi lft ted cattle, and goats, camels, sheep, and asses ; we then travelled ten nays to the high mountains, where the caravan for Algiers parted from us, and we remained with about two hundred camels and eighty men going to Fez. We then travelled over the great mountain, which we Were told belongs to the same ridge we see close to Morocco and in Suse ; (the Atlas ;) and in two moons more wc passed through Fez, where what remained of the caravan stopped, and we returned to our father's house, and our families, op the side of the Atlas mountains, near the city of Morocco, having been gone more than two years. We brought back only one camel, and a' small load of merchandise, out of the eight camels richly loaded when we set out ; yet we thank ed God for having preserved our lives ; for the whole caravan with which we started. had perished on the desart, and out of the twenty- eight men who left it with us,-only four reached their homes, apd they on foot, and eptirely destitute of property. 1 foupd my wife and all my children and my father's family in good health. Sheick Ali came to see me as soon as he got the news of my arrival, and after staying with me one moon, he invited me apd Seid to go with him to his place, which invitation we accepted, apd he furnished us with one camel and some haicks and blue cloth, and advised us to go up on the desart and trade them away for ostrich feathers, to sell in Morocco or Swea rah; so, being poor, we accepted his offer, bought his goods and his camel, and he was to have been paid when we came back. We set off for the desart, and had passed a great many tribes of Arabs without finding any feathers of consequence, when the great God directed our steps to your master's tent, and 1 saw you. I was once as bad a man as Seid, but 1 had been in distress and in a strange land, and had found friends to keep me and restore me to my family; and when 1 saw you naked and a slave, with your skin and flesh burnt from your bones by the sun, and heard you say you had a wife and children, I thought of my own former distresses, and God softened my heart, and I became your friend. 1 did all 1 could to lighten the burden of your afflictions : I have endured hunger, thirst, and fatigues, and have fought for your sake, and have now the high pleasure of knowing I have done some good in the world; and may the great and universal Father still pro tect you : you have been true and kind to me, and your friend has fed me with milk and honey ; and 1 will always iu future do what is in my power to redeem Christians from slavery." Here Sidi Hamet finished his narration : he then said he wished to go and see his wife and children, and that as soon as he had rested for a few days, he would set off again with a large company to seek after the rest of my men. The next morning I made him a small present, and Mr. Wiilshire also gave him some fine powder, and many other small articles. After he was prepared to go, he swore by his right hand, he would bring up the remainder of my crew if they were to be found alive, and God spared his life : he then took his leave ol me by shaking hands, and of all my companions, wishing us a happy sight of our friends, and setoff for his home. I did not part with him without feelings of regret and shedding tears; for he had been a-kind master to me, and to him I owed, under God, my life and deliverance from slavery; nor could I avoid reflecting on the wonderful means employed by Providence to bring about my redemption, and that of a part ol my late unfortunate crew, 23 captain Riley's NARRATiv£, CHAPTER XXVI. An account of the face of the great African Desart, or Zahahrah ; of its inhabitants, their customs, manners, dress, Sfc. — A description of the Arabian camel or dromedary. 1ft giving an account of the great western desart, or Zahahrah, and of its iphabitants, &c. it must be remembered, that in journeying across, or on the desart when a slave, I did not go over but a very small part, comparatively speaking, of that extensive region ; I can not therefore undertake to describe what did not come under my own observation. I can, however, state, without fear of future contradic tion, the following facts, viz. that the face of this desart, from about the latitude of 20 to 22 degrees north, where we were forced ashore in our boat, to near the latitude of 28 degrees north, and from the lon gitude of Cape Barbas, about 19 to 11 degrees west, is a smooth sur face, consisting partly of solid rocks, of gravel, sand, and stones mixed, and in some places of what is commonly called soil ¦.this mass is baked down together in most places, by the extreme heat of the sun, nearly as hard as marble, so that no tracks of man or beast are discoverable ; for the footstep leaves no impression. The whole surface is as smooth, when viewed on every side, as the plain of the ocean unruffled by winds or tempests, stretching out as far as the eye can reach ; not a break that might serve as a landmark, or guide to the traveller ; not a tree, shrub, or any other object, to interrupt the view within the hori zon ; the whole is in appearance a dreary waste : the soil is in colour of a light reddish brown: not a stream of water (at least for many centuries past) has refreshed this region, which is doomed to eternal barrenness ; but as we went forward on this flat hard surface, we met . from distance to distance with small valleys or dells, scooped out, in appearance, by the hand of nature, from five to thirty feet below the plain — those we saw and stopped in were ten, fifteen, and twenty miles apart, and contained from one to four or five acres each — they seem to serve as receptacles for the little rain water which falls on the desart ; for the inhabitants always expect some in the winter months, though they are frequently disappointed ; and none had fallen on those parts on which we were thrown for the last two years. It was already September, and they were offering up prayers to the Almighty every day, and most fervently imploring him to send them refreshiPg rains. These little valleys appear mostly in the form of a bowl, though in some the sides are steep, and bottoms nearly level, and the whole irregular. Here grows a dwarf thorn bush, from two to five feet in height ; it is generally scattered thinly over the valley. The leaves of this shrub, which is almost the only one that is to be found on that part of the desart, are a fourth of an inch in thickness, one and.a half inches in width, and from two to two and a half inches in length, tapering to a sharp point, and are strongly impregnated with salt, so much so, that neither myself nor my companions could eat them, though nearly perishing with hunger and thirst, and a green fresh leaf would have been a great relief to us, when neither meat por OBSERVATIONS On AMIGA. 170 drink Was to he procured. Such is the face of the desart ovet' which we passed, until we came within a short distance of Cape Bajador, where we fell in with immense heaps of loose sand, forming mountains of from one to three or four hundred feet in height, blown and whirled about by every wind, and dreadful to the traveller, should a strong gale arise from the southward whilst in the midst of them ; for he and his beasts must then inevitably perish, overwhelmed by flying surges of suffocating sand. The face of this part of the desart is still the same as that before de scribed, when laid bare and seen between the sand hills, by reason of the sand being blown oft'. This sand has evidently beep drivep from the seashore, and in the same degree as the ocean has retired, by means of the trade wind blowing constantly on to the desart, and that too very strongly in the night time, through a long succession of ages. The heavy surf dashing perpetually among the rocks, gradually re duces diem to grit, which then mixes with the sand that is washed up upon the shore, where it is left by the tides that rise on this coast to the height of twelve or fourteen feet, and only once in twenty-four hours ; this becomes dried by the excessive heat of the sun, and is whirled about and driven before this constant gale, upon the surface, and then into the interior of the desart. Such have unquestionably been the causes which have produced such astonishing accumulations of sand on that part of the desart ; and I am further confirmed in this belief by the enormous strings of sand hills to be found all along the coast of Suse and Morocco, near the seashore. These accumulations are in many parts so great, as to have raised new bounds to the ocean some miles beyond its original limits, which have evidently been wash ed by the sea at a former period, and the intermediate spaces are filled up with loose sand Hills ; which circumstances all together amount, in my opinion, to a demonstration of the origin of the sand on this pan of the desart. Some authors have supposed that there were many fertile spots on the great western desart which were cultivated, &c. &c. but this is, 1 think, an impossibility : the whole desart being a level plain, it can produce neither spring or stream of water, and no herbage can conse quently grow unless by means of rain, and this falls on the desart so seldom, and is so soon evaporated, as to render even a passage across it with a caravan of Arabs and camels, at all times dangerous in the ex treme, as is proved by Sidi Hamet's narrative of his journeys, con nected with my own observations. That there are more shrubs grow ing in some parts than in others, is true, from natural causes. This smooth dry surface can produce no vapour, and if it did, there are no breaks or mountains to arrest it, and it flies off to the north or south, where more is produced : the neighbourhood of mountains condenses the atmosphere and produces the rain, which is driven sometimes only from thence on to the desart by strong gales, and even then in scanty quantities. The small valleys or dells which now furnish a , scanty subsistence for the hardy camel, and that only by feeding on the coarsest shrubs and leaves, serve as basins to catch the little water that sometimes falls there : this is immediately dried away by the intense heat of the sun, which beats down upon the surface in all parts most violently, and scorches like actual fire ; — yet that moisture, little as it ISO eAM'AIN rILey's NARftAWfl, is, causes the growth ol" the dwarf thorn bush, and of two 6r three other1 prickly plants,' resembling weeds ; these grow only among sand, and there are spots on the desart which produce a shrub that grows up in a bunch at the bottom as thick as a man's leg, and then branches off in every direction to the height of two feet, with a diameter of four Of five feet. Each branch is two or three inches in circumference, and they are fluted like pillars or columns in architecture, and almost square at their fops : these are armed with small sharp prickles all over, two or three inches long, and yield, when broken off, a whitish liquid that is very nauseous, and bites the tongue like aqua-fortis,so that the camels will nip it off only when they can find nothing else : they are so numerous in some places, that it is difficult for the camels to get along amongst them, and they are obliged to< dodge about between these bUnehes. This plant resembles a chandelier in appearance : the barren moun tains of Suse are nearly covered with it : 1 believe it is a species of euphorbium, and each of the branches were surmounted at that time with a red blossom of three or four leaves, half an inch long, resem bling in some degree the blaze of a candle ; from this flower the bees that are found in such quantities in Suse extract their honey. In many valleys the thorn bushes.furnish a few snails. A few ground nuts are also to be found, resembling in shape and size small onions ; and there are also to be seen under the shade of the thorn bushes, an herb known by the name of shepherd's sprouts in America ; but like the other things before mentioned, they are very rarely to be met with. These are, as far as came within piy knowledge, the whele pf the pro ductions of the desart. It has been imagined by many, that the desart abounded in noxious animals, serpents, and other reptiles ; but we saw none, nor is it pos sible for any animal that requires water to exist on the desart of Za hahrah, upless itis under the care of, and assisted by man in procuring that necessary article. I saw no animal that was wild, except the ostrich, nor can 1 conceive how that animal exists without fresh water, which it is certain he cannot procure, nor what kind of nourishment he subsists on. There are neither beasts, nor birds, nor reptiles, to be seen on that dreary waste on which we travelled, and itis certain that there are other districts still worse, bearing not the smallest herb nor bush wherewith the camel can fill his stomach ; but near the borders of the desart, where more shrubs are produced, sheep and goats are fed in considerable numbers, and we saw many of those light-footed and beautiful animals called the Gazelle, tripping across the sand hills, and near watering places ; some tigers also now and then made their appearance. Such is the great western desart, or Zahahrah, which cap only afford a description as dry and as barren as its dreary surface. For its extent, see the map. Nearly all parts of this vast desart are inhabited by different tribes of Arabs, who live entirely on the milk of their camels, and wander from valley to valley, travelling nearly every day for the sake of finding food for their camels, and consequently food for themselves : they live in tents formed of cloth made of camels' hair, which they pull off by hand, and spin with a hand spindle ; this they twist round with the fore-finger and.thumb of the right hand, after they have pulled out the thread sufficiently long from a bunch of camels' hair; which they hold OBSERVATIONS ON AFRICA. l8l in their left haud, whilst the spindle descepds to tho ground, when they take it up in their hand again, and wind off the yarn in a ball, apd thep spin another length in like manner : they afterwards double and twist it by hand, making a thread as thick as a goose quill. When they have spun a sufficient quantity, and have agreed to stop for two or three days in one place, (which they always do when they can find sufficient food for their camels,) they drive into the ground two rows of pegs, in parallel lines, sufficiently wide for a tent cloth, that is, about two and a half feet apart : they then warp the yarn round the pegs, and commence weaving it by running a kind of wooden sword through the yarn under one thread and over another, in the manner of darn ing : this sword they carry with them, and it appears to' have been used for ages : they then tuck through the filling by hand, after turn ing up the sword edgeways, haul it tight, and beat it up with the sword, as represented in plate No.*6. They weave it the whole length which they intend the tent to be, and then roll up the pieces or length, until they have niade enough to finish a tent. This, in my opinion, must have beeo the very first method of weaving practised in the world, and the idea, I imagine, was takep from a view of the outer bark of the cocoa-nut tree, as I have before obseived. The tent is then sewed together with the same kind of twine, through holes made with an iron bodkin. After it is sewed together to a proper width, from six to ten breadths, they make four loops on its ends, by fastening short crooked sticks to the cloth, and two on each side. When they are about to pitch the tePt, they spread it out, stretching the cords by which it is fastened, and driving a stout peg into the ground for each cord ; this is done with a hard smooth stone, which they always carry with them, in place of a hammer ; then getting under the lent and raising it, they place a block, whose top is rounded like a wooden bowl, under its centre, and set the tent pole into a hole made for that purpdse, and set the pole upright, which keeps the lent steady in its place. After the tent is raised, all the ropes that hold and steady it (ten in number) are tautened : these ropes are made of skins partly dressed, or of ca mels' hair, so that the tent is suspended in form of an oblong um brella, and the lower edge is about two feet from the ground. In the day time they raise up the south part of their tents (as those on the desart are always pitched facing the south) with two small stanchions fixed under the cords that hold it in front, so that they can go under the tent by stooping : this tent serves all the family for a shelter. Each family has a mat, which serves as a bed for the whole : they lie down on it promiscuously, only wrapped up in their haick or blanket, if they have one ; if not, in the skin that covers their loins only, and lie close together, to keep off the cold winds which blow under the tents in the night : the children lie between the grown persons; their heads are as low, and frequently lower than their feet, and their long bushy hair, which is never combed, and resembles a woollen thrumb mop, serves them instead of a pillow. The families consist of the father, and one or more wives, and the children that are unmarried, (generally about four to a family, but sometimes six or eight,) and their slaves, who are blacks. The rich Arabs have one, two, or three slaves, male^and female; these are allowed, to sleep op the same mat with their masters andmis- 16 182 captain riley's narrative^ tresses, and are treated in all respects like the childrep of the family in regard to apparel, &c. ; they are pot, however, permitted to marry or cohabit with the Arab women, under pain of death, and are obliged to take care of the camels and follow them, and to do other drudgery. such as getting fuel, &c. but they will not obey the women, and raise their voices higher than their master or any of his children in a dis pute, and consequently are considered smart fellows. They marry among their own colour while they are slaves, with the consent of their masters, but the children remain slaves. After a slave has served his master faithfully for a long time, or has done him some essential service, he is made free : he then enters into all the privileges that the free Arabs enjoy, and can marry into any of their families, which he or she never fails to do, and thus become identified with the fami lies of the tribe in which they were slaves^ and may rise to the very head of it. The negroes are generally active and brave, are seldom punished with stripes, and those who drive the camels do not scruple to milk them when they are thirsty, but take care not to be discovered : they are extremely cunning, and will steal any thing they can get at to eat or drink, from their masters, or indeed any one else. If they are caught in the act of stealing, they are only threatened, and pro mised a flogging the next time, (this being the common practice of their masters.) 'The father of the family is its absolute chief in all re spects, though he seldom inflicts punishment: his wives and daugh ters are considered as mere slaves, subject to his will or caprice ; yet they take every opportunity to deceive or steal from him : he deals out the milk to each with his own hand, nor dare any one touch it until it is thus divided : he always assists in milking the camels, then ' puts the milk into a large wooden bowl, which has probably been in the family for ages : some of the largest bowls will contain five gallons: they are frequently split in every direction, and the split parts are fastened together with small iron plates, with a rivet at each end, made of the same metal. All the milk is thrown into the great bowl ; then, if in the old man's opinion, there is a sufficient quantity for a good drink round, he takes a small bowl, (of which sort they generally have two or three,) and after washing or rubbing it with dry sand, he begins to distribute the milk, by giving to each grown person an equal share, and to the children in proportion to their size, measuring it very ex actly, and taking a proportionate quantity to himself. If there is any left, (which was very seldom the case with those 1 lived among,) he has il put into a skin, to serve for a drink at noon the next day : if there is not a sufficient quantity of milk for a good drink all round, the old man fills it up with water (if they have any) to a certain mark in the bowl, and then proceeds to divide it as before related. The camels are driven out early in the morning, and home about dark, when they are made to lie down before the tent of their owner, very near, with their tails towards it : a doubled rope with a large knot in one end is then put round the knee joint when the leg is dou bled in, and the knot being thrust through the doubled part at the other end, effectually fastens the knee bent as it is, so that the camel cannot get up to walk off, having but the use of three of his legs. This kind of bepket is also fixed on the knees of the old camels that lead the drove ; apd the others remain quiet when their leaders observations on africAi 183 are fast: in this manner they are suffered to lie until about mid night, when they have had time to cool and the milk to collect in their bags — the beeket is then taken off, and as soon as they get up, the net which covers the bag to prevent the young ones from consuming the milk, is loosened : this is fastened on by two cords, that go over the back of the camel, and are knotted together. As each camel is milked, the net is carefully replaced, and she is made to lie down in the same place again : here they lie until daylight, when all the ca mels are made to get up ; a little milk is then drawn from each, and the young ones are suffered to suck out the remainder, when the net is put in its place again, not to be removed until the following mid night. While the head of the family is busied milking the camels and suckling the young ones, assisted by all the males, the wife and females are striking and folding up the tent, selecting the camels to carry the stuff, and bringing them near, where they make them lie down and pack on them the tent and all their other materials. This being done, they fasten a leather or skin basket, about four feet wide, fitted with akind of tree, like a saddle, on the back of one of the tamest camels, in which the women place the old men and women that can not walk, and young children, and frequently themselves, and proceed forward according to their daily custom. The women take care of the stuff and the camels that carry it, and of the children : the other camels are driven oft' by slaves, if they have any, if not, by some of the boys, and kept where there are some shrubs to be found, until night. The old man, or head of the family, generally precedes the women and stuff, after having described to them the course they are to steer. He sets off on his camel, with his gun in his hand, at a full trot, and goes on until he finds a. fit place in which to pitch the tent, when he gives the information to his wife, who then proceeds with all possible des patch to the spot, unloads her camels, and lets them go ; then she spreads her tent, puts all the stuff under it, clears away the small stones, and spreads her mat, arranges her bowls, hangs up the skins, containing water, (if they have any,) on a kind of horse or frame that folds together, &c. &c. They start long before sun-rising in the morning, and calculate to pitch their tents at about four o'clock in the afternoon, if they can find a convenient spot ; otherwise a little sooner or later. When one family sets off, the whole of that part of the tribe dwelling near travel on with them ; and 1 have frequently seen from five hundred to one thousand camels in one drove, all going the same way, and I was greatly surprised to see with what facility they could distinguish and separate them ; each knowing his own camels, even to the smallest : they would sometimes march together for half a day ; then in a few minutes they would separate,, and each take his own course, and would generally pitch within a few miles of each other. As soon as the place is agreed on, the men go out on their camels, with their guns, different ways, to reconnoitre and see if they have enemies near. When they rise in the morning, after having first milked their ca mels, and suckled the young ones, they next attend to prayers, which is done in the following manner : they first find a sandy spot, then un wrap themselves, and take up sand in both their hands; with this they rub their faces, necks, arms, legs, and every part of their bodies, 184 captain riley's narrative. except their backs, which they cannot reach: this dor*., as if they washed with water, they stand erect, facing towards the east; Wrap themselves up as neatly as they can in their blankets or skins ; they look up towards heaven, apd then bow their heads, bending their bodies half way to the ground, twice, crying aloud at each lime, Allah Hooakibar. They next kneel down, and supporting themselves with their hands, they worship, bowing their faces ip the dust, twice suc cessively ; then, being still on their knees, they bend themselves for ward, nearly to the ground, repeating, Hi el Allah-Shcda Mohammed — Rahsoot Allah ; then rising, they again repeat, Allah Hooakibar, two or three times ; and this -is the common mode of worshipping four times a day. In addition to this, at sun-setting, they implore the Al mighty tp send rain to moisten the parched earth ; to cause the food to grow for their camels ; to keep them under his special care, with their families and tribes ; to enrich them with the spoils of their ene mies, and to confound and destroy them that seek their hurt : they thank the Almighty for his past mercies, for food, raiment, and his pro- tectipp, &c. &c. ; they then repeat part of a chapter from the Koran, in which God's pretended promises to the faithful are made known by their prophet ; and repeating at all times the Hi el Allah, or, " Great is the Almighty God, and Mohammed- is his holy prophet." Their times of prayer are, before sun-rising in the mornipg, about Poon, the the middle of the afternoon, about sun-setting, and again two or three hours after the sun has set : this makes five times a day, washihg themselves (at least their faces and hands, when they have water) be fore praying ; when they cannot get water, (which is always the case with those on the desart,) they perform their ablutions by substituting sand. Mohammed, their prophet, when he arrived with an army on the desarts of Arabia, found that there was no water either for himself or his followers to wash in ; yet by the laws he had already promulga ted, ablutions could not be dispensed with ; a new chapter, however, of revelation, soon relieved him from this dilemma, and he directed his followers to use sand, when no water was to be had. In the ninth chapter of the Book of Numbers, it appears that Moses, in a similar dilemma, found it necessary to apply for a new command from the Lord on a particular subject. The Arabs always wash when it is in their power, before they eat, nor does any business divert them from the strict observapce of their religious ceremouies : and with respect to particular stated times, while pursuing their journeys, and going on in the greatest haste, when the time for prayers arrives, all step, make the camels lie down, and perform what they conceive to be their indispensable duty ; praying, m addition to the usual forms, to be directed in the right course, and that God will lead them to wells of living water, and to hospitable brethren, who will feed them, and not suffer them to perish far from the face of man ; that he will enrich them with spoils, and deliver them from all who lie ip wait to do them mischief : this done, they mount again cheerfully, and proceed, encouraging their camels by a song, a very lively one, if they wish them to go on a trot ; if only to walk, something more slow and solemn. The Arabs who inhabit the great western desart, are in their persons about five feet seven or eight inches in height ; and tolerably well set Observations on Africa. 185 in their frames, though lean : their complexion is of a dark olive : they have high cheek bones, and aquiline noses, rather prominent ; lank cheeks, thin lips, and rounded chins : their eyes are black, spark ling, and intelligent : they have long black hair, coarse, and very thick; and the men cut their's oft' with their knives, to the length of about six pr eight inches, and leave it sticking put in every directicn from their heads : they all wear long beards : their limbs are straight, and they can endure hunger, thirst, hardships, and fatigues, probably better than any other people under heaven : their clothing in general is nothing more than a piece of coarse cloth, made of camels' hair, tied round their waists, hanging nearly down to their knees; or a goat-skin so fastened on, as to cover their nakedness ; but some of the rich ones wear a covering of linen or cotton cloth over their shoulders, to their knees, hanging something like a shift or shirt, without sleeves ; and some have, besides, a haick or a woollen blanket, about four feet wide, and four yards long, which they wrap about them ; but this is the case only with the rich, and their number is very small. These haicks and blue shirts they get from the empire of Morocco, in ex change for camels' hair and ostrich feathers ; the only commodities in which they can trade. The Arab women are short and meager, and their features much harder and more ugly than those of the men ; but tliey have long black hair, which they braid and tuck up in a bunch on their heads, and fasten it there by means of thorns. They gene rally wear strings of black beads round their necks, and a white cir cular bone, of three inches in diameter, in their hair, with bands of beads or other ornaments around their wrists and ankles. Their cheek bones are high and prominent ; their visages and lips are thin, and the upper lip is kept up by means of the two eye-teeth. They take great pains to make these teeth project forward, and turn up quite in front of the line of their other fore-teeth, which are as white and sound as ivory. Their eyes are round, black, and sparkling, very expressive, and extremely beautiful, particularly" in the young women, who are generally plump and lascivious. The women wear a dress of coarse camels' hair cloth, which they manufacture in the same way they make their tent cloth:, it covers their shoulders, leaving their arms and breasts naked ; it is sewed up on each side, and falls down nearly to their knees ; they have a fold in this, like a sack, next their skiu on their shoulders, in which they carry their little children ; and the breasts of the middle aged women become so extremely long, lank, and pendulous, (being in appearance not unlike a wrinkled stocking with a small bunch at the bottom,) that they have no other trouble in nursing the child which is on their backs, when walking about, than to throw up their breasts over the top of their shoulders, so that the child may apply its lips. All the Arabs go barefoot ; the children, both male and female, be fore they come to the age of puberty, run about entirely naked, and this exposure to the sun is one great cause of their black cofour. The males are all circumcised at the age of eight years, not as a religious rite, but because it is found necessary as a preventive of a disease in cident to the climate, (the venereal.) The men are very quick, ac tive, and iptelligent — more so, taken collectively, thap apy other set of men 1 had ever ceme across in the different parts of the world 1 had 16 * U 18(3 captain riley's narrative. before visited. They are the lords and masters in their families, and are very severe and cruel to their wives, whom they treat as mere ne cessary slaves, and they do not allow them even as much liberty as they grant to their negroes, either in speech or action : they are con sidered by the men as beings without souls, and consequently, they are not permitted to join in their devotions, but are kept constantly drudging at something or other, and are seldom allowed to speak when men are conversing together. They are very filthy in their per sons, not even cleansing themselves with sand, and are covered with vermin. The continual harsh treatment, and hard drudgery to which they are subject, have worn off that fine edge of delicacy, sensibility, and compassion, so natural to their sex, and transformed them into unfeeling and unpitying beings; so much so, that their" conduct towards me and my companions in distress, was brutal in the extreme, and betrayed the extinction of every humane and generous feeling. The Arab is high-spirited, brave, avaricious, rapacious, revengeful ; and, strange as it may appear, is at the same time hospitable and com passionate : he is proud of being able to maintain his independence, though on a dreary desart, and despises those who are so mean and degraded as to submit to any government but that of the Most High. He struts about sole master of what wealth he possesses, always ready to defend it, and believes himself the happiest of men, and the most learned also ; handing down the tradition of his ancestors, as he is persuaded, for many thousands of years. He looks upon all other men to be vile, and beneath his notice, except as merchandise: he is content to live on the milk of his camels, which he takes great care to rear, and thanks his God daily for his continual mercies. They consider ed themselves as much above me and my companions, both in intellect and acquired knowledge, as the proud and pampered West-India plan ter (long accustomed to rule over slaves) fancies himself above the meanest new negro, just brought in chains ffrom the coast of Africa. They never correct their male children, but the females are beat with out mercy. The men were not cruel to us farther than they thought we were obstinate, and always gave us a small share of what they them selves had to subsist on. I never witnessed a marriage among them, but was told that when a young man sees a girl that pleases him, he asks her of her father, and she becomes his wife without ceremony. Polygamy is allowed, but the Arabs of the desart have but very seldom more than one wife, unless amongst some of the rich ones, who have need of servants, when they take another wife, and sometimes a third. They all learn to read and write : in every family or division of a tribe, they have one man who acts as teacher to the children : they have boards of from one foot square to two feet long, and about an inch thick by eighteen inches wide : on these boards the children learn to write with a piece of pointed reed,; they have the secret of making ink, and that of a very black dye : when a family of wandering Arabs pitch their tents, they set apart a place for a school : this they surround with broken shrubs in tho desart to keep off' the wind: here all the boys who have been circumcised of from eight to eighteen or twenty years old, attend, and are taught to read and to write verses OBSERVATIONS ON AFRICA. 10? from the Koran, which is kept in manuscript by every family on skins : they write their characters from right to left— are particular in the for mation of them, and make their lines very straight: all the children attend from choice or for amusement. The teacher, I was told, never punishes a child, but explains the meaning of things, and amuses him by telling tales that are both entertaining and instructive; he reads or rehearses chapters from the Koran or some other book, for they have a great many poems, &c. written also on skins : when the boaud is full of writing, they rub it off with sand, and begin again : they enu merate with the nine figures now in use among all European nations, and in America, and were extremely astonished to find that 1 could make tliem, and understand their meaning, saying one to another, " This man must have been a slave before to some Arabian merchant, who has taught him the manner of using the Arabic figures, and con trary to his law, unless indeed he is a good man and a believer." The boards on which they wrote seemed to have lasted for ages — they had been split in many places, and were kept together by small iron plates on each side, fixed by iron rivets : these plates, as well as their rude axes, of which each family has one, are made of tempered iron by the smiths which belong to and journey with the tribe : 1 saw several of them at work : they burn small wood into charcoal, and carry it with them on camels: their anvil is made of a piece of iron a foot long, and pointed at the end — this they drive inio the ground to wprk on; the head of the anvil is about six inches over: they make their fire in a small hole dug in the ground for that purpose, and blow it up by means of two skins curiously fixed : so that while one is filling with air, they blow with the other, standing between them — with a hand placed on each, they raise and depress them at pleasure. By means of a clumsy hammer, an anvil, and hot irons to bore with, they manage to fix the saddles for themselves to ride on, and to make knives and a kind of needles, and small rough bladed axes. This forge is carried about without the smallest inconvenience, so that the Arabs even of the desart are better provided in this respect than the Israelites were in the days of Saul their king, Samuel, chapter xiii. verses 19 to 23 — "Now there was no smith in all the land of Israel; for the Philistines said, Lest the Hebrews make them swords or spears." There appeared to be no kind of sickness or disease among the Arabs of the desart during the- time I was with them: I did not hear of, nor see the smallest symptom of complaint, and they appear to live to a vast age: there were three people 1 saw belonging to the tribe in which 1 was a slave, namely, two old men and one woman, who from appearance were much older than any I had ever seen: these men and the woman had lost all the hair from their heads, beards, and every part of their bodies ; the flesh on them had entirely wasted away, and their skins appeared to be dried and drawn tight over the sinews and the bones, like Egyptian mummies: their eyes were extinct, having totally wasted away in their sockets, the bones of which were only covered by their eye-lids : they had lost the use of all their limbs, and appeared to be deprived of every sense, so that when their breath should be spent and their entrails extracted, they would in my opinion be perfect mummies without further preparation; for from their appear ance there was not sufficient moisture in their frames to promote cor- 188 CAPTAIN RILEy's NARRATIVE. ruption; and I felt convinced, that a sight of such beings (probably on the desarts pf Arabia) might have given the Egyptians their first idea of drying and preserving the dead bodies of their relations and friends. An undutiful child of civilized parents might here learn a lesson pf filial piety and benevplence from these barbarians: the old people always received the first drink of milk, and a larger share than even the acting head of the family when they were scanted in quantity : when ever the family moved forward, a camel was first prepared for the old man, by fixing a kind of basket on the animal's back; they then put skins or other soft things into it, to make it easy, and next lifting up the old man, they place him carefully into the basket, with a child or two oh each side, to take care of and steady him during the march, while he seems to sit and hold on, more from long habit than from choice. As Soon as they stopped to pitch the tents, the old map wa3 taken from his camel, and a drink of water or milk given him, for they take care to save some for that particular purpose. When the tent was pitched, he was carefully taken up and placed under it on their mat, where he could go to sleep : — this man's voice was very feeble, squeaking, and hollow. The remarkably old man I am speaking of belonged to a family that always pitched their tent near ours, so that 1 had an opportunity of Witnessing the manner of his treatment for several days together, which was uniformly the same. After 1 was redeemed in Mogadore I asked my master Sidi Hamet of what age he supposed this old man to have been, and he said about eight Zille, or Arabic centuries. Now an Arabic century, or Zille, is forty lunar years of twelve moons in each year, so that by this com putation he must have been nearly three hundred years old: he also told me, that it was very common to find Arabs, on different parts of the great desart, five Zille old, retaining all their faculties, and that he had seen a great many of the ages of from seven to eight Zille. He further said, that my old master from whpm he bought me had lived nearly five Zille or centuries, though he was very strong and active j and from the appearance of a great many others in the same tribe, 1 could have no doubt but they were much older. I then asked him how they knew their own ages, and he answered, " Every family keeps a record of the ages and names of its children, which they always pre serve and pack up in the same bag in which they carry the Koran." Each family had a bag as large as a camel's skin, full of manuscripts, written on skins prepared for the purpose, resembling parchment, but not stiff; they were whole goat or sheep skins, covered on all sides by writing : one skin, I understood, contained the whole Koran. I told him that few people ip other parts of the world lived to the age of two Zille and a half, and the people of those countries would not believe such a story. " The Arabs who live on the desart (said he) subsist entirely on the milk of their camels ; it is the milk of an animal that we call sacred, and it causes long life : those who live on nothing ^Ise, have no sick ness nor disorders, and are particularly favoured by heaven; but only carry the same people off from the desart, and iet them live on meat, and bread, and fruits, they then become subject to every kind of pain and sickness when they are young, aod only live to the age of about two Zille and a half at the most, while a great many die very yonng, 68!§MVAtI0NS ON AtfftieA. 160 ftnd not one tenth part of the men ot women live to the age of one SrVille. I myself (added he) always feel well when I live on the milk bf the camel alone, even though 1 do not get half as much as 1 want, for then I am Strong and can bear heat, and cold, and fatigue, much better than whew I live on flesh, apd bread, and fruit, and have plenty bf good fresh water to drink, and if 1 could always have as much camels' milk' as I could drink, I would never taste of meat again; but 1 love bread and honey very much." This account from an Arab who was my friend and the preserver of my life, and one who had traversed the desart in many directions, and who was alsp a good scholar for an Arab, and on whose veracity I could rely, together with what fell under my own observation, has removed all doubt from my mind on that subject, and 1 am fully of opinion, that a great many Arabs on this vast expanse of desart, actually live to the age of two hundred years and more of our calendar. My reasons for this belief, in addition to those already given, are, 1st. That their lives are regular, from the day of their birth to the day of their death. 5jd. That there is no variation in their food, which is of the most pure and nutritive kind, and cannot cause in them disorders originating from indigestipn, &c. &c. 3d. That the climate they inhabit, though hot, is perfectly dry, and consequently must be healthy for those born there; and, 4th. That in their wandering life they are never subjected to hard bodily labour, and their daily movements afford them sufficient exer cise to promote a due circulation of the fluids; nor do they ever taste wine or any ardent spirits, being entirely out of the way of those arti cles, and are besides strictly forbidden by their religion. 1 am no physician, and cannot therefore enter into any learned disquisition on this subject, but merely give my own impressions respecting it, with out pretending to be less liable to err in judgment than others. It cannot be doubted but that the Arabs existed as a wandering race long before the time of the Greeks, and it is possible that they possessed irt those early ages the art of writing, and reckoned time by the same method they do at this day ; say forty lunar years for a Zille or cen tury, and that in translating or quoting from their writings, a Zille may have been taken for a hundred of our years. The tribe of Arabs to which I belonged owned four horses, or rather mares : they were the general property, and were fed on milk, and watered every two days : with these animals ihey hunt the ostrich, ahd with this view, having agreed on the time and place, the whole of the men assemble before daylight on their camels, and surround a certain spot of ground where they calculate on finding ostriches, with the horses to windward, and their riders with loaded muskets in their hands : they then approach each other until they start the ostriches, who seeing themselves surrounded on all sides but one, run to the southward before the wind, followed by the horses, which itis said run extremely swift, and pressing on the ostrich very hard, the bird runs himself out of breath in about three hours, when the men on horse back come up and shoot him : but let these birds run against the wind, and no horse can overtake them, for then they do not lose their breath. 130 CAPTAIN RtLEv's NARRATIVE. After my arrival at Mogadore, 1 heard of the Heirie, or small swift camel of the desart, but I never saw any camel that differed from the common one either in size or shape,, and can only suppose that it may be a camel of the same race trained for running sivift, and fed on milk like the horses. The common camel can easily travel one hundred miles in a day. A good new milch camel gives at one milking when on the desart about one quart, which is very rich and good : this is be sides what suffices to sustain the young camel, and is drawn at mid night — they only draw about a gill in the morning. Most of the Arabs are well armed with good double barrelled French fowling pieces, (which have excellent locks,) and with good scimitars and knives : each has a kind of bag to carry his slugs, &c. in, slung by his neck and hanging down to his waist on the left side : their big powder-horn is suspended in like manner : this contains coarse pow der, and is used for loading the muskets, but they all have a little horn in which to carry their fine powder for priming. Many of the gun barrels that I saw were worn through, and the holes were stopped up by brazing: they have procured many of their guns, no doubt, by ship wrecks on the coast of the desart ; many more from caravans that they have overpowered, and others in the way of trade from the French settlements of Senegal, and from Tunis, Tripoli, and other ports on the Mediterranean sea, and Morocco. 1 did not see a single Moorish musket or lock during the time I was among the Arabs of the desart : they were all made in Europe, and generally in Paris, with themaker's name on the locks. They have tolerably good powder, which they say.they know how to manufacture, but do not make it fine, so that the first rate English pr French musket powder is much in request, and looked upon as invaluable for priming. Their swords or scimi tars they most probably obtain by the same means as their muskets, or from Turkey : they are ever ready to attack an inferior, pr even ap equal force, and fight for the sake of plunder. Their language is the ancient Arabic : is spoken with great fluency, and is distinguished for its powerful emphasis, and elegant cadence. When they converse peaceably, (and they are much given to talking with each other,) it thrills on the ear like the breathings of soft wind- music, and excites in the soul the most soothing sensations ; but when they speak in anger, it sounds as hoarse as the roarings of irritated lions, or the most furious beasts of prey. They attack the small towns in the vicinity of the desart, on all sides ; which are walled in to ward off their incursions : if they are successful, they put all to the sword, burn the towns, and retire again to the desart with their spoil. Such is the wandering Arab of the great African desart : his hand is against every man, and consequently every man's hand is against him. DESCRIPTION OF AN ARABIAN CAMEL OR DROMEDARY. The Arabian camel, called by the ancients and by the naturalists the dromedary, is, perhaps, the most singular, and at the same time oue of the most useful animals in nature. He is, when full grown, from eight to nine feet in height, and about twelve or fourteen feet in length, from the end of his nose to the root of his tail : his body is small, compared with his height : his neck resembles in shape that of a goose more than any other animal, being long and slender, and it OBSERVATIONS ON AMIGA. Ill Seems to grow out of the lower part of his body, between his fore legs « lie raises his head to the height of his back, poking his nose out hori zontally, so that his face looks directly upwards, and his nose bene so high as to be on a line with the top of the bunch on his back : his head is small, his ears short : his eyes are of various colours, from a black to almost a white ; bright, and sparkling with instinctive intelli gence, and placed on the sides of his head in such a manner that he can see before, behind, and one very side at the same time. His tail is short, and hangs like that of a cow, with a, small bunch of hair at the end : his legs are long and slender, though their joints are stout and strong : his feet are divided something like those of an ox, but he has no hoof except on the extreme points of the toes — in other parts they are only cpvered with skin, and are soft and yielding : the soles of his feet are not thicker than stout sole leather : he is generally of a light ash colour, but varying from that to a dark brown, and sometimes a reddish brown : many of them are also marked with white spots or stripes on their foreheads, and on different parts of their bodies : the hair on his body is short and fine,-like the finest of wool, and serves the Arabs instead of that necessary article, with which they make their tent cloth and coarse covering : it is pulled or else falls off once a year : the hair about the throat and on the hump is eight or ten inches in length, and hangs down : he has a high bunch on his back, which rises from his shoulders, and comes to a blunt point at about the centre of his back, and tapers off to his hips : this bunch is from one to two feet high above the back bone, and not attached to it nor to the frame ot the camel, so that in skinning him the Arabs take off the bunch with it, which is larger or smaller, as the camel is fat or lean. He who rides on a camel without a saddle (which saddle is peculiarly constructed, so as not to touch the bunch) is forced to get on behind it, where the breadth of the body keeps the rider's legs extended very wide, while he isobliged to keep himself from slipping off over the beast's tail, by clenching both hands into the long hair that covers the bunch. The camel is a very tractable animal ; he lies down on his belly at the command of his master, folding his legs under him something like a sheep ; there he remains to receive his rider or his burthen, when he rises at a word, and proceeds in the way he is driven or directed, with the utmost docility and readiness, while his master encourages him by singing. The Arabs use neither bridle nor halter, but guide, and manage the camel (whose head is quite at liberty) by means of a stick, assisted by words and sounds of the tongue ; having one sound to urge him on faster ; one to make him go slower; and a third, which is a kind of cluck with the tongue to make him stop. He chews his cud like an ox, and has no fore teeth in his upper jaw ; but his lips are long and rough, so that he nips off the rugged shrubs without dif ficulty, on which he is obliged to feed. The carpel seems to have been formed by nature to live on desarts : he is patient, fleet, strong, and hardy ; can endure hunger and thirst better than any other ani mal ; can travel through deep and dead sands with great ease, and over the flinty parts of the desart without difficulty, though it is hard for him to go up or down steep hills and mountains, and'to travel on muddy roads, as he slips about and .strains himself; but he is sure footed, and walks firmly on a hard dry surface, or on sand. I have 10i CAWAiM RILeVs NARRATIVE. never Matle ttie natural history of animals my study, and1 it cahftot be expected that 1 should be acquainted with the particular formation pf their interier parts ; but 1 will venture to say a few words in regard to those of the camel, without fear of contradiction from any pne who shall see and examine for himself, having assisted ip butchering three camels while a slave. The camel is described by naturalists as having, besides the fofif Stomachs common to ruminating animals, a fifth bag, exclusively as a reservoir for water, where it remains without corrupting or mixing with the other aliments : this is a mistake — for the bag that holds the water contains also the chewed herbage, and is in the camel what a paunch is in an ox. Into this bag all the rough chewed herbage enters, where it is spftened by the water, thrown again into the.mouth, chewed over, and passes off by another canal, and the fceces are so dry that the day after they are voided, the Arabs strike fire on them instead of touch wood or spunk. Having to draw water for these animals, 1 am certain that the largest sized ones drink at leaSt two barrels of water at one time, when they have been long without it, and that the whole of the camels belonging to the tribe by whom I was made a slave, which were then at a well, did not again get a drop of water within twenty days : these camels were at least two thousand in number, and were then on one of the hottest apd dryest parts of the great western desart, where there was scarcely a green leaf or shrub to be found, and their owners knew how far it was back to the same watering place at which myself and Crew were seized, and to which they drove them again at the end of that period — and even that water was almost as black as ink, owing probably to its stagnant state in the well, and very brackish, because it filtered through the sand beach from the ocean, which was not more than three hundred yards from the well ; and these camels went twen ty days without water under such circumstances ; and 1 have not the smallest doubt that they can go thirty or forty days without water be fore they would die with thirst. At the end of fifteen days after wa tering the camels, my old master, Mohammed Bessa, killed an old and very poor camel, and I was obliged to assist in dressing, though not in eating it, for its flesh, bones, and intestines, were divided among the whole tribe ; a small piece to each family : they cut open the paunch of this camel, (for he had no other bag to'contain water,) and dipped out the contents, though thick with fceces, in order to boil the intes tines in it, as well as to drink. When my master, Sidi Hamet, killed a camel to give me and my companions some meat, and procure some thing to sustain us on our journey across the desart, the paunch was rolled out of the camel, and the water taken from it, thick as it was, to boil the uncleansed intestines. After drinking this stuff, we put the remainder (about two gallons) with the filth it contained, into one of our bottles, or goat skins, and it served to sustain life, though the most rank and nauseous both to the smell and taste that can be imagined. These bottles sufficiently explain why Christ said, " Put new wine into new bottles," in order to preserve both, as an old skin bag, being in scripture termed a bottle, is evidently weaker than anew one, and more liable to burst during the fermentation of its contents. The camel is considered by the Arab as a sacred animal : with him he can transport a load of merchandise of several hundred weight with observations on africa. 193 tefertalnty and celerity through desarts utterly impassable with any other animal : on him the wandering Arab can flee with his family from any enemy, across the trackless waste, one hundred miles or more in a single day if he wishes, and out of the reach of his pursuers, for the desart, Uke the ocean, neither retains nor discloses any trace of the traveller. Its milk is beth food and drink for the whole family, and when they have a sufficiepcy ef that article, they are contented, apd desire nothing more : with his camel the Arab is perfectly inde pendent, and cap bid defiance to all the forces that civilized' pr up- pivifized foes can sepd against him : with him they collect ip strong bands, all well armed, apd fall upop the caravans, slaying without mercy ail they can overpower, and divide their spoil : should they meet with a repulse, they cap flee and soon be out of sight : they also attack the settlements and small walled towns in the cultivated country near the desart, and if strong enough, destroy all the inhabitantSi and drive off the cattle : all the goods of the slain they carry away on their camels, and return to the desart, where no force can pursue them without meeting with certain destruction. The camel's motions are extremely heavy and jolting: his legs being long, he steps a great distance, and though he appears to go slowly when on a walk, yet he proceeds at about the rate of four miles ap hour, and it is difficult for a man to keep pace with him without run ning. When the camel trots, he goes very fast ; the small trot being about six, and the great one about eight miles an hour — this they can do with great ease with light loads for awhole day together, and will re plenish their stomachs at night with the leaves and twigs' of the sullen thorp-bush, that is barely permitted by nature to vegetate in that most dreary and desolate of all regions. The flesh of the camel is good for food ; and that of the young ones js esteemed preferable to that of the ox : they bring forth a single young one at a time, and generally opce ip about two years, their time of gestation being about ope year. Whep the camel is ip heat, he is extremely vicious, so that none dare come near him : they are said to pair like doves, apd not to have pro miscuous intercourse like horses, neat cattle, &c. The formation of the camel, in one particular, resembles that of a horse, but it has a contrary direction, so that the .water is voided behind ; and whep obey ing pne of the most important instincts of nature, he is obliged to make his approach in a retrograde manner. In the year 1804, I was ip (he islapd of Lanzarote, one of the Canaries, and loaded my vessel (the brig Eliza and Mary, of New- York) with barilla, which I carried to Belfast, in Ireland ; — the barilla is brought from the interior of the island to the port, on camels, from whose backs I received apd weighed it, Their common loads were from nine to twelve quintals of ooe hundred pounds ; hut many loads overran that weight, and one lqad in particular weighed over fifteen hundred pounds. Those were the same kjpd of camels used in Barbary, and op the desart, and indeed 1 never saw any other kind : they are said to come to their full growth in six or eight years, and to.live in many instapces, te the ageefnfty er sixty. 17 25 194 CHAPTER XXVII. Some account of Suse, or South Barbary, and of its inhabitants, cities, fyc. — the primitive plough and made of using it — primitive churn, and method of making butter. The country of Suse, ox South Barbary, is bounded by the Moorish province of Rah-Hah, on the east, by the Atlas mountains and the great desart, south, and by the Atlantic ocean on the north and west : its length from east to west is about two huodred apd fifty miles ; its breadth from north to south one to two hundred miles. In coming from the desart, its principal towns are, Waldeleim, which is said to be very large and strong, and to contain ten thousand inhabitants. Akka is much the largest town in Suse, and its inhabitants are computed by the Arabs at thirty thousand. Widnoon is said to contain twenty thousand. Schelem contains four thousand. Stuka, where I was shut up a slave, does not appear to be a principal town, but is made up of a cluster of small ones, nor could I learn the names of the many little towns or castles, in sight of which I passed coming up. Suse was formerly a kingdom, and was afterwards united to those of Morocco and Fez, which now forms the Moorish empire : it has, however, be come entirely independent, for though the emperor of Morocco claims jurisdiction over the whole of Suse, and indeed of the whole desart as far south as Soudan, yet, all those countries are in fact independent, and the emperor's power extends only a few leagues south and west, from a line drawn through Santa Cruz or Agader, and Tarudant, southeast to the Atlas. The soil of this country is very rich and fruitful : here wheat, barley, and Indian corn, or maize, are cultivated, and most kinds of kitchen garden vegetables thrive with great luxuriance ; the date, fig, pome granate, olive, orange, lemon, sweet and bitter almond, arga, and many other fruit and forest trees, thrive exceedingly well, and pro duce, it is said, great abundance in their seasons : the gum arabic and sanderach are also produced there ip great quantities. The country being speckled over with small cities, towns, and castles, all strongly walled in with stone, laid in clay, is calculated to remind one of the times of the feudal system ; each place is under the government of its own chief, who is by common consent the head of the family : they are under a kind of patriarchal government, and each individual feels himself perfectly free and independent. In case of attack or danger, all unite for the general defence, under such leaders as shall have proved themselves brave, enterprising, and worthy of command : and by this means they are enabled to secure themselves, in some measure, against the frequent inroads and insults of the wandering Arabs, who inhabit the great desart in their vicinity, and to repel the more formidable attacks of the forces of the Moorish emperor. They raise great numbers of camels, horses, asses, mules, oxen, goats, and sheep, which are guarded by their pegro slaves, (of whom they have many) or by the young boys, and they are driven into their towns or castles every night, to prevent their being surprised and carried off by OBSERVATIONS ON AFRICA. 195 the Arabs, or other predatory neighbours : their horses are very hand some, strong, and fleet, of the real Arabian kind, apd very high spirited. The inhabitapts are, of a tawny colour, like the Moors,, though not quite so dark, and I was informed they were principally descendants of the ancient inhabitants of the country before it was overrun by the Arabs or Saracens : they are in their persons about five feet eight or nine inches in height, stout built, robust, and athletic, and are very straight limbed : they have rather a roimd visage, with prominent features, black hair, sharp pointed noses, and great bushy beards : their eyes are black, but not so lively, expressive, or intelligent, as those of the Arabs: their mouths lire wide, and their lips plump. Their dress consists of a kind of shirt made of blue Guinea or linen cloth, or coarse white muslin, that passes over their, shoulders, and falls down near their knees, but without sleeves : over this, they wear a haick or blanket made of woolen cloth, of about five yards in length, and an ell in width : this they wrap round them; some of them also wear the cloak, or sulam, and Moorish trowsers ; and have on their heads either turbans or white cotton cloth, or a fold of their haick. The heads of the men are generally shaved smooth, at least once a month : their women, like those of tbe Moors, are not to be seen by the men, except their husbands or fathers; the men are very indus trious, and work their land by ploughing itup with a plough formed out of the trunk of a tree, hewn sharp to a point that projects about two feet forward, from a stout crooked limb, that serves as a beam to the plough ; while a smaller, and particularly formed limb, is used as a handle to steady and govern it. In order to fix their animals to the plough, they first attach them tegether, say a cow and an ass, (for this seemed to make a favourite pair, and I observed a great many such pairs, yoked together) by fastening a rope round the horns of the cow, and about the nose of the ass, in form of a halter: they next place a short piece or stick of wood, hollowed out like one end of an ox yoke across the neck of each animal, and fasten it by means of a rope tied to one end of the stick ; this going (round under their necks, is made fast to the other end of the -short yoke; they then run a long pole through under their bellies, just behind their fore legs, and fasten it there by means of two ropes, like the draw ropes or traces of a horse's harness : these are fixed to the rope that goes round the animal's neck at one end, and the pole under their bellies serves for a yoke, and projects out a foot or two on each side : to the centre of this pole, the end of the plough beam is lashed fast. The point which enters the ground, is hewn in a triangular shape, but the edges soon wear off, so that it becomes nearly round. In loamy and sandy soils they plough with the naked wood, but in stony places tbey pointy- it with a round piece of iron, tapering to a sharp point that lets on with a socket: it lums up the earth on both sides, and goes into the ' ground about eight inches "de*. The people of Suse, and those of Morocco, use only one pair of beasts, whatever they may be, and have lines leading from the heads of the animals into the hands of him who steadies the plough, by means of which he directs and governs them : he also carries a thick stick sufficiently long to reach them with a sharp-pointed iron like a spear in its end ; by the help of which he pricks and goads his beasts aleng at .pleasure. This iustrumept is an 196 CAP? A1N RILEv's NARRATIVE. ox goad, and no doubt is similar to those spoken of in Sacred Wrjt— « 1st Samuel iii. 1. But these Maors do not obey that part pf the Jaw of Moses ; " Thou shaft not plough with an ox and an assi together." See 22d chapter of Deuteronomy, 10th verse, except by seipetimes substituting a cow instead of an ox. This, I imagine, was the primi tive plough, or something very near it, and the first method hit upon for using it. I have also promised to treat of the primitive churn, and manner of making butter, which is simply this. The Arabs, or people who inhabited the country near the river Euphrates, as long agci as the time of Abraham, the father of the Jews, and probably much earlier, knew the use of the camel, and actually kept.him ip auomestfo state : they would very naturally feed on its-milk, and they, no doubt, in those days, made use of the same means to carry their ni'dk about with them, that the wandering Arabs do at present — that is, whatever milk is left of what the family has been usiug over night or in the morning, is put into a goat skin, or some other skin, and slung on u camel to serve for drink in the heat of the day ; thus equipped, they set off together: and when they stop to take refreshment, or tp pitch their tent, they find a lump of butter in the milk ; for the violent and continued agitation, occasioned by the heavy motions of the camel, has churned, or forced it to produce butter: this simple method was suggested to my mind by seeing a lump of butter in my old master's milk bag, when we were wandering on the desart, and this must, with out doubt, have been the first mode found out by chance of making butter; for what reason would he have, who had never seen such a thing as butter, for supposing milk could be converted into that sub stance, more than any other fluid? For a further illustration of tips subject, and a view of the camel, see plate, figure 7, copied from an original drawing by the author. The country of Suse, altogether, resembles the narrow country as described in Holy Writ, called the land of Canaan : its vast number of small cities, or rather castles, with high and strong walls, with gates and bars, each under its own sovereign, must be similar to the cities there described, as taken and destroyed by the Jews, (together with their kings) soon after they emerged from the desarts of Arabia, uiuje'r the command of their chieftain and prophet, Joshua, and have, doubt less, been constructed for the same purpose ; i. e. to guard against the irruptions of the wandering inhabitants of the contiguous desarts, <&.c. The inhabitants are brave and warlike: all well armed with single barrelled muskets, stocked and mounted in the Moorish man ner, and with Moorish locks ; they have also knives, daggers, scipii- tar^, and swords, and are the best of horsemen: they seldom' or eYer go out of their little cities unarmed; but like the wanderiqg Arab on the desart, they are completely equipped either for offence or defence, even when they go to visit their nearesffriends. They are said to be, like the Arabs, warm and sincere in their friendship ; in their ennii- ties implacable, cruel, and revengeful; and in trade, cunning and deceitful. The whole number pf inhabitants in Suse, includipg white and black slaves, is estimated at more than one million: they are all strict observers of the Mohammedan doctrine and ceremonies, and appear to OBSERVATIONS ON AFRICA. 197 be enthusiasts in religion, though like the Moors they are not geoe- raily taught the arts of reading and writing, and are in consequence considered by the, wandering Arabs much beneath them in acquire ments, as well as in point of natural abilities. Their language is the corrupt Arabic, not easily understood by the Arabs of the desart, who pretend to speak and write that ancient and beautiful lapguage ip its greatest purity. CHAPTER XXVIII. .Sortie account of an insurrection in Morocco — The Bashaw of Swearah is seized and put in irons — change of governors — the Jews are forced to pay their tribute or turn Mohammedans — their treatment by the Moors — a Jew buried — a circumcision — a Jexvish Priest arrives from Jerusalem — f/ie author obtains from him some account of the present Jerusalem, and its inhabitants, and of the method pursued by the priests for getting money from the Jews in Europe and in Barbary — a Moorish execution and maiming — of tile Jews in West Barbary. Thkre had beep an insurrection in the province of Duquella the last year, (1815) which had spread itself into the provinces of Abdah and Siedmah, and was said to have originated from a false report of the emperor's death. The governor or Bashaw of these provinces, whose name was Mohammed ben Absedik, resided in Swearah, and had been a Bashaw and a man of great power during nearly the whole reign of Muley Soliman, the present emperor — he was the officer be fore whom I was carried on my arrival at Swearah, or Mogadore. I was informed that he had used all the means in his power to quell this insurrection, but could not succeed until the emperor joined him with an army of thirty thousand men, when a most desperate battle was fought, which terminated in the destruction of more than fifteen thou sand of the rebels, and the remainder were reduced to unconditional submission. The whole of their flocks, herds, and substance, fell into the hands of the Sultan, or rather his black troops, who showed them not the least mercy, but seized on ihe wretched fugitives wherever they could be found, massacred many thousands, and carried thosev that remained of the revolters, with their families, ipto the provinces that had not rebelled, where they were distributed as slaves. This war being thus terminated, Mohammed ben Absedik had re turned in triumph to Mogadore, or Swearah, a few days previous to my, arrival there, when he caused presents to be made to him, as if he had taken possession of a new government. In the mean time the death of the Sultan's first minister, named Ben Slowy, was announced : he had beep the firm friend of Mohammed ben Absedik, and with the aid of Muley a Tea, (the Sultan's princely tea maker,) who was always about his person, managed the whole affairs of the Moorish empire^ Ben Slowy being dead, and Muley a Tea sent to Fez to transact the imperial business in that quarter, the emperor then at Morocco, the enemies of Mohammed ben Absedik, (for he had been long in power, and had a host of them) found means to transmit heavy ccmplaints to 17 * 198 the Sultan against him, (Ben Absedik) and his administration, who perceiving the cloud lowering upon him, set out for Morocco about the 20th of November, 1815, hoping by an early interview with the em peror, to dispel the impending storm — he had only been gone from Mogadore, or Swearah four days, when late in the evening a new go vernor arrived, accompanied by six hundred horsemen. The gates had been shut for the night ; the brother of the Bashaw was civil governor of the city and port: the emperor's order was sent to him over the wall ; — the gates were soon opened, and the new governor, or alcayd, entered amidst the general and joyful acclamations of the inhabitants, both Moors and Jews. These ignorant and discontented people (ever fond of change) flattered themselves that this arrange ment would be for the better, and in the morning all were ready to pre fer complaints against their former governor, when they waited on the new one, and made their customary presents. This governor took charge of the civil affairs of the city and the custom-house, in the room of Ajjh Haniet, (or Hamet the pilgrim,) the Bashaw's brother, who was ordered to repair with his family to Morocco, and set out for that city the next day, accompanied by a strong guard of black troops. In the eveping ol the same day, a commander of the troops, or military governor, arrived : he was a black man, and had three hun dred horsemen for an escort, all of the same colour : he was received with considerable pomp, and took on himself the immediate command. We now learned that Mohammed ben Absedik had been put in irons on his arrival at Morocco, and sent off to Fez, and, that all his proper ty was seized by order of the Sultan, as soon as it could be found. " New lords, new laws," says the old adage : — a small vessel had ar rived from Gibraltar — no goods could be landed — new duties were an nounced, and new regulations, by which no vessel was allowed to be supplied with provisions except for daily consumption : the duties and impositions to be paid every day amounted to more than the first ccst of the articles consumed. The Moors, who had rejoiced at the fall of the old Bashaw and civil governor, or aicayd, soon changed their tone, and began to wish them back again : all the Moors in the town, up to that time, were consider ed as imperial soldiers or sailors, and accordingly received a monthly allowance out of the Beetle mell, or treasury — this was now ordered to be stopped from the white Moors, but that all the black Moors, or negro tropps, should be paid double : new officers were appointed, and many of the old ones confined and sent to Morocco, or despoiled of their property. The Christian merchants residing there, four in number, were obliged to make costly presents to the new governor. The Christians are, William' Wiilshire, Esq. my deliverer, of the house of Dupuyand Wiilshire, the most respectable there in point of property, as well as op every other account, being connected in business with James Rensluiw if Co. of London, and George Allardyce Sf Co. of Gibraltar, both houses of long standing and great respectability ; Don Estevan Leonardi, and his nephew, Don Antonio, French, Por tuguese, and Genoese consular agents ;— Don Pablo Riva, a respec table Genoese, and Alexander W. Court, and Mr. John Foxcroft. The Jews, that were overjoyed at the recent change, soon turned their joy into mourning, when they received, a day cr two after, an order to OBSERVATIONS ON AFRICA. 199 pay their Gazier, or yearly tribute to the Sultan : the order was for about three thousand five hundred dollars, including expenses, (for the Moor who brought the order must be paid,) in a gross sum to be raised directly : the gates, of the Jews' town, or Millah, were imme diately closed upon them, nor were any suffered to go out until the money was forthcoming. The whole number of Jews here does not probably exceed six thousand souls, and they are very poor : the priests or rabbie3 soon convened them in their synagogues, and apportioned the tax accord ing to their law ; they were classed thus : the four Jew merchants, Ben Guidallas, Macnin, Abilbol, and Zagury, formed the first class, and I was told their share was two thousand dollars or more ; the few petty traders the seeaed,,, the mechanics the third, and the lowest order of miserable labourers the fourth class : the priests and rabbies (who are a great proportion of their number) were of course exempted, as the other classes support them at all times : not a Jew, either man, wo man, or child, was allowed to go out of their town for three days, ex cept they were wanted by the Moors or Christians to work, and not then without an order from the alcayd. During this period I visited the Jews' town several times, but never without seeing more or less of these miserable wretches knocked down like bullocks by the gate-keepers, with their large canes, as they at tempted to rush past them, when the gates were opened, to procure a little water or food for their hungry and thirsty families^ On the fourth day, when the arrangements had been made by the priests and elders, they sent word to the governor, and the three first classes were order ed before him to pay their apportionment. 1 knew of it, because 1 was informed by Mr. Willshire's interpreter and broker, who was a Jew of considerable understanding, named Ben Nahory — he was one of the committee of arrangement to wait on the governor. I wished to see the pperation, and went near the house of the alcayd for that purpose. The Jews soon appeared by classes ; as they approached, they put off their slippers, took their money in. both their hands, and holding them alongside each other, as high as the breast, came slowly forward to the talb, or Mohammedan scrivener, appointed to receive it; hetook it from them, hitting each one a smart blow with his fist on his bare forehead, by way of a receipt for his money, at which the Jews said, Ncdima Sidi, (thank you, my lord,) and retired to give place to his companion. Thus they proceeded through the three first classes without much difficulty, when the fourth class was forced up with big sticks : this class was very numerous, as well as miserable: they approached very unwillingly, and were asked, one by one, if they were ready to pay their gazier: when one said, yes, he approached as the others had done, paid his money, took a similar receipt, and then went about his business; he that said, no, he could not, or was not ready, was seized instantly by the Moors, who throwing him flat on his face to the ground, gave him about fifty blows with- a thick stick upon his back and pos teriors, and conducted him away, I was told, into a dungeon, under a bomb proof battery, next the western city wall, facing the ocean : there were many served in this way— the Jews' town was all this time strongly guarded and striptly watched. At the end of three days more, I was 200 CAPTAIN RILEY'S NARRATIVE. informed that those who were ccnfined in the. dungepp were brought forth, but I did put see them : the friends of some of these poor crea tures had made up the money, and they were dismissed; whilst the others, after receiving more stripes, were remanded and put in ireps. Before the pext three days had expired, many ef them changed their religien, were received by the Moors as brothers, and were taken to the mosque, and highly feasted, but were held responsible for the last tax notwithstanding. The foui- above-named Jew merchants, in Swea rah or Mogadore, live in high style ; are absolute in the Jews' town, and manage nearly all the English trade at Mogadore: at present, their stores are allowed to be kept in the fortress part of the towp, or el Ksebbah. where Guidallas and Macnin axe permitted to reside and stay at nignt, by paying a handsome sum to government : Guidallas wears European cut clothing, the others the Jew dress. I had the pleasure to see two brigs arrive from England, and to receive a letter from Mr. Simpson at Tangier, and a kind letter from Mr. Sprague at Gibraltar, which are before mentioned and inserted. Two days after the arrival of these vessels from London, the one com manded by captain Mackay, and the , other by captaip Hepdersop, 1 went down to the water port to see these geptlemen when they should land in the morning: on my arrival there, I saw a great concourse of soldiers, and on inquiring the cause, found that an execution was about to take place, and some malefactors were at the same time to be maimed. The governor arrived at this moment, and the prisoners were driven in with their hands tied : the order for punishment was read by the Cadi or Judge, and the culprits told to prepare them selves, which they did by saying, Hi el Allah Sheda Mohammed Rah- sool Allah, and worshippipg. They were then made to sit down in a line upon their legs on the ground: a butcher next came forward with a sharp knife in his hand ; he seized the first in the line on the left, by the beard, with his left hand ; two men were at the same time hold- ipg the prisoner's hands : the butcher began cutting very leisurely with his knife round the neck, (which was a very thick one,) and kept cutting to the bones until the flesh was separated ; he then shoved the head violently from side to side, cutting in with the point of the knife to divide the sinews, which he seemed to search out among the streams of blood, ope by ooe : he finally got the head off, and threw it on a mat that was spread to receive the mutilated limbs of the others. There were eight more who were sentenced to lose a leg and an arm each, and nine to lose only one arm. The butcher began to amputate the legs at the knee joint, by cutting the flesh and sinews round with his knife, which he sharpened from time to time on a stone : he would then part the joint by breaking it short over his knee, as a butcher would part the joint in the leg of an ox. Having in this manner got off the leg, and thrown it on the mat, he proceeded to take off the arm at the elbow, in the same leisurely and clumsy manner; he seemed, however, to improve by practice, so that he carved off the hands of the last eight at their wrists, in a ve*ry short time — this done, they next proceeded to take up the arteries, and apply a plaister, which was soon accomplished by dippipg the stumps into a kettle of boilipg pitch that stood near, or something that had the same appearance and smell. Is not this last circumstapce an improvement in surgery 1 They then OBSERVATIONS ON AFRICA. 20l carried the lifeless trunk and mutilated bodies, with the head and other limbs, to the market : the head and limbs were carried on a mat by six men, who were making as much sport as possible, for the specta tors : the bodies were thrown across jack asses, and they were ex posed in the most public part of the market place, nearly the whole (lay. The twp governors, and other, officers who were present during the execution of the sentence, were sitting on the ground next to a wall, appearing quite unconcerned, and were conversing gaily oo other subjects. The Moors, who came from mere curiosity, did not shew' the least mark of disapprobatipn, or any signs of horror : they jested with the butcher, who seemed highly gratified with the part he was acting. 1 now asked Itais bel Cossim, who attended me, concerning the mode of procuring an executioner, &c. &c. He told me, that when an order came to execute or maim any culprits, it generally embraced Several at the same time, so as to make but one job of it: that the butchers were called on by the alcayd or governor, and forced to find one out of their pumber to do this work : that they then made up a purse agreeably to a rule, made among themselves in such cases; that is, two and a half ducats per man for cutting off heads, and two ducats per man for maiming ; (two and a half ducats make one dol lar; or forty cents per ducat;) they then question each other to knpw who will accept of the money, and do the job : if no one appears will ing, they cast lots, and the one on whom it falls, is obliged to undertake it : this man is protected by the governor for twenty-four hours after the execution, when he is left to take care of himself, brave the public odium, and the revenge of the friends of the sufferer ; or else to fly : he generally goes off the first night afterwards to some other place, and never returns : his wife, if he has one^ can be divorced from him by applying to the Cadi or Judge, and swearing, that as her husband has served as an executioner, she is afraid to live with him, lest he should be tempted to commit some violence on her, in a similar way. The butcher who acted on the present occasion, was a voluntary executioner for forty-eight ducats, and he decamped the next night, leaving, as I was informed, a wife and seven children to shift for them selves: he was poor, and carried away his wages of death with him. Mr. Wiilshire and Don Pablo Riva, confirmed this statement, sub stantially. Taking a walk round the walls of the city one day, to make obser vations on it at low water, in company with Mr. Savage, and being esc&rted by a Moor, in order to protect us from insults, we came to the Jews' burial place : it is situated a little without the walls, and on the north side of the City, near the ruins of a couple of wind-mills, which I was informed, used to do all the grinding for the city; but this work is now performed in the town by horse-mills. On our ap proach, we observed a great concourse of Jew women, and heard a great outcry : curiosity led us to the spot where they were collected : here was a uewly dug grave, and the dead body of a man lying on the ground Pear it, enveloped ip a cotton wrapper, with his face partly covered : some men were busied in clearing out and preparing the grave; others had brought and were bringipg lime, mortar, and stones, to fill it up with : whilst upwards of one hundred women were stand- 37 202 CAPTAIN RILEY'S NARRATIVE. ing in a circle eastward of the grave, hpwling ip an extraordinary manner. On a nearer approach, 1 observed about a dozen women in tattered garments, who formed an inner circle. As I gazed with pity on this spectacle, these twelve women, who were before quiet, seemed to be seized with a sudden paroxysm pf grief; and they began to approach each other with their hands uplifted above their heads ; stretching the palms towards each other's faces, and ccrpmenced howl ing, at first moderately, but which soon increased to wailings the most violent, and yellings that it is impossible to describe ; they tore their faces with their long finger-nails, and made the most hideous contor tions of their features : the mania was now communicated to all the womeu present, who joined in the lamentation, but the others did not tsar their faces like the twelve, who kept it up, stamping with their feet, and going round in their circle; their blood and perspiration mixing together, and streaming from their faces, ran all over their filthy gar ments, and dyed them red in streaks from head to foot : this paroxysm lasted fifteen Pr twenty minutes, when they were so much exhausted ns to be under the necessity of ceasing for a few moments, to take breath, when they commenced again, and went over the same cere mony, seemingly wiih redoubled vigour. The grave being at last ready, the body was put in by the men, who then built up over it a wall, of mason work, even with the surface of the ground. The grave was dug in a direction north and south; the head was placed towards the south, and space enough left on one side of the body to support the weight of the mason-work, without bearing upon the corpse : they next rolled a stone on it, formed of lime and small pebbles about two feet square, and as long as the grave; this they placed level on a bed of lime mortar, and then retired without speaking, except as much as was necessary to prompt mutual assistance: the women all this time keeping up their howlings. After the men had retired, the women ceased their wailings, and seating themselves alongside the wind-mill, were refreshed by eating cakes, and drinking copious draughts of anniseed, Jew brandy, which had been previously preparedfor the purpose, and they soon became as merry in reality, as they had before appeared to bo sad. While these women were regaling themselves in this manner, I observed an old woman washing the corpse of a child of about two years old, in the surf: she then wrapped it up in a dirty piece of woollen cloth, and carried it to a man who had been digging a hole for it in the side of another grave, where he shoved it in ; put a flat stone before it ; filled up the hole with stone and lime, and went away: one woman only attended the burial of the child, besides her ¦ who wrapped it up ; and this must have been its mother, as I judged from her emotions : she sobbed aloud, while an abundance of tears trickled down her wo-worn, and furrowed cheeks. I concluded she was poor and a widow : not a soul seemed to join her, or pay the least attention |,o her grief: after a short pause, she kissed passionately the stone that covered, I presume, the remains of both her husband and child ; wet it with her tears ; wiped it with a clean white cloth she had jn her hand, and returned weeping, amid the brutal scoffs of the Moorish boys, as she dragged herself along towards her cheerless abode. The women who had assisted at the other burial, had by this time eqrfod their repast, and they went round amongst the graves ; OBSERVATIONS ON AFRICA. 203 many kissed their hands and laid them on the grave-stones of their deceased relations, while others kissed the rude resemblance of a face carved on the stone : others plucked up the weeds and grass that encroached on the grave, or replaced the earth and small stones which had been dug out by the rats, or broken off by the corroding tooth of time. On my way home to Mr. Willshire's house, 1 learned that the corpse ot the man that was buried, was that of a rabbi, Who was> poor, and had not been able for a long tiuie to perform the duties of his office, and was buried by charity ; i also learned from Ben Nahory, Mr. Willshire's interpreter, that a priest, or rabbi, had arrived from Jerusalem, to gather the tribute paid yearly by all the Jews in Barbary, towards the support of the few Jewish priests, or Levites, who are permitted to reside in Jerusalem, by paying a tribute to the^ Grand Seignior, or Sultan of the Turkish empire, and for purposes of traffic : this is called a voluntary contribution for the support of Jerusalem. All the Jews in these countries believe that their nation is one day to sway the sceptre of universal dominion, and that Jerusalem must be kept as a kind of possession until the time arrives predicted by their prophets, when the little stone is to be cut out without hands from the mountain of Jerusalem, and is to fill the whole earth. This and other predictions, constantly and adroitly handled by their crafty teachers, together with, the miseries inflicted on the Jews in Barbary by the merciless Moors, tend to nurse their natural superstitions, and render them completely subservient to the will of those who are considered their spiritual guides, and who rob them without mercy, under the pretext of applying the money to good purposes. A schooner arrived from Gibraltar under the English flag, though a Genoese vessel, as the Barbary powers were at war with Genoa : she brought a cargo of dry goods, iron, steel, cotton, &c. to Ben Zagury, a Jew : one of his sons came passenger in the vessel ; his name was Elio Zagury; he was a young Jew, was dressed in the European fashion, had been educated in England, and spoke the English lan guage fluently. As soon as he had sjeen his father, he called on Mr. Wiilshire, and to. see me; expressed great joy at my deliverance, and invited Mr. Wiilshire, myself, and Mr. Savage, to dine with him at his father's the next Saturday : the invitationwas accepted, because I wanted to learn some of the Jewish customs, and get acquainted with the priest from Jerusalem, who was a guest in his father's house. On our arrival there, I was presented to the priest: he was a man of mid dling stature, dark complexion, short hair, and a most venerable, manly beard, that reached down nearly to his eeinture, or girdle: his dress was a brown striped mantle, that buttoned close round his neck, and fell loosely to his feet, on which he had a pair of black slippers, . down at the heel, as is the custom of Moorish Jews : his head was covered with a camblet coloured turban, very high : in his hand he held a string of very large beads, which he was continually counting or telling over: his mantle was girt above his hips with a brown silk gir dle that took several turns round him; and was about six inches wide. I accosted him in Spanish, which he spoke very fluently — and made inquiries of him respecting the present city of Jerusalem and its in habitants, From -his answers (as he was very intelliger.fi 1 learned. 204 Captain riley's narrative. that Jerusalem now contains thirty thousand Turks, and twenty thou sand Jews, Armenians, and Greeks : that a very brisk trade is carried on there, principally by Jews, between it, Persia, Constaptinople, apd Jaffa, which Jews are permitted to reside there apd trade, op paying a tribute to. the Grand Seignior: that the language mostly spdkenhy the Jews and Christians at Jerusalem is the Spanish : that there is a convent of Christian monks near it, containing a number of St. Fran cisco's order, &c. The walls of Jerusalem are strong and well built : all religious deno minations ate there tolerated by paying contributions, and protected by order of the Grand Seignior, provided they pay the scldiers well for their trouble. The name of this priest was Abraham ben NdsSar : he said he should get about twenty thousand dollars from the Jews in the Bloorish dominions, and carry the amount of contributions in gold, 'embarking again at Tangier for Gibraltar, where he should deposit the money while he went to England, France, Holland, and Germany, for the same purpose : that there were six more associated With him on the collecting expeditions : one of them had gone to Alexapdfia, ahd other parts of Egypt, to collect from the Jews there, from whence he would return by way of the different islands in the Archipelago : one had sailed for Tripoli, who would take money from the Jews there and at Malta; thence to Italy and back; one had gone to Tunis and its various towns, and would go from thence to Sicily and Sardinia, and back; one had gone to Algiers and the towns in that regency, and would go from thence to ancient Greece, including Venice, ahd that part of Germany bordering on the Venetian gulf; one had gone over land to Russia, and would meet him in Germany, after passing through Poland, Sweden, Denmark, Prussia, &c. 1 wished to haVe an estimate of the sums likely to be collected in all those places, and then he began to be a little reserved. However, after considerable Conversation and solicitation, he one day gave me what he stated to be the amount of collections as per the last returns of 1813, which he had with him in Hebrew, and I set it down as he interpreted, after he had first brought the several sums into Spanish dollars ; it made up in the countries already mentioned, five hundred and eighty thousand dol lars ; this was exclusive of the expenses of collecting, and travelling out and returning again to Jerusalem. Mapy individuals of the priests also came from Jerusalem to Barbary, begging on their own account. Out of this fund a yearly tribute is paid to the Grand Seignior, besides impositions in the form of presents to the Turkish officers ; add the remainder serves to support the rabbies, who are very numerous in Jerusalem, and for commercial purposes : thus the superstition and credulity of the ignorant Jews in all Europe and Africa, as well as in Asia, are made subservient to the purposes of the elders of that sin gular people, who still reside, by permission, at Jerusalem. The city of Jerusalem lies from thirty to forty miles east of Jaffy, a small port on the Mediterranean sea : from thence to Jerusalem the road is good, aod the priest told me he had walked the distance io two days. Jaffy is the port apciently called Joppa : it has a small town and fortress, and considerable trade with Jerusalem, the islands m the Archipelago, and with Egypt, and some with Malta and Italy ; here the Jewish priests, who are sent out pn begging expeditions, embark, OBSERVATIONS. ON AFRICA. 206 anci return by way of the same place, generally in Greek vessels pf small burthen, but very well built and manned. The priest asked me many questions respecting America, of which he knew but very little, and thought it was a wilderness or a desart. After I had put him right in regard to those poipts, and informed him we had many Jews in America, where they enjoyed every kind of pri vilege in common with people of other religions ; that they could hold landed estates, &c. and that many of them were very rich, he declared that as soon as he should have finished his present tour, which would still detain him more than a year, he would try to obtain leave to visit Amprica, and collect the dues there. 1 informed him that our Jews were pot so superstitious, nor in such bad repute, as those in Africa or Europe, where they were looked upon as a set of sharpers and villains : 't That may be, (said he,) but if they are Jews, they must conform to the laws pf Moses, and must contribute towards the support of those pf their nation who reside in the Holy Land, in order to be ready for the future conquest of Jerusalem, which would be the fulfilment of God's promises to his people." I asked him in what manner they collected this contribution 1 and he told me, that " having letters front the chief rabbies and elders at Jerusalem, the collectors (who are always rabbies) were kindly received and well treated by all Jews wherever they came ; that soon after their arrival in any place where synagogues qre established, they convene all the Jews together, and helving laid before them the authority by which they make the demand, they then proceed, with the assistance of the priests and chief Jews of the place, to cjass them, and apportion the sum to he raised amongst therh according to their ability : when this is done, the tax must be paid without de|ay : it takes up six or eight months time to make up the sums and finish the collections in the empire of Morocco." The Jews in West Barbary are as completely under the control of the Moors, as if they were slaves, though they fancy themselver in some measure free : even theft dress is regulated by a Moorish law ; that of the pien consists of a shirt, without a cpllar, and wide petticoat drawers that come tight below the knees ; the sleeves of the shirt, which are of the full breadth, of coarse muslin cloth, fall a little below their elbows, apd are not plaited in apy way, but hang flowing : they wear above the shirt, a jacket with short sleeves to their elbows — the jacket is generally made of green woollen cloth, with a small collar, buttoned tight round the lower part of the neck ; it is sorpelirnes wrought wifh needle-wqrk frbni the collar to the waist in front, with which, and small round buttons, made from the same materials, it is almost covered : they hook this together with wire hooks ; and again over this, those who cap afford it have a black cotton mantle, which comes over their shoulders, and falls dpwp tp the calves pf their legs — this, is so contrived, that one end can be thrown over the left shoulder in. such a planner as to discover the drawers : they are girded with sashes of various colours over the mantle round about their loips: they wear long beards, and black woollen caps on the back part of their heacjs, leaving the forehead uncovered, which is shaved often, and kept smooth. The four merchants, that lived in Mogadore, wpre coloured silk handkerchiefs on their heads, covering their caps, and tied loosely under their chins : they also go bare legged, and wear black slippers 18 206 on their feet, as the luxury of coloured slippers is forbidden them. In riding, they were formerly restricted to the ass alone, but now they use mules, which they are not, however, allowed to mount or ride within the gates of the city. When Jews or Jewesses are about to pass a mosque, or place of worship, they must take off their slippers, and carry them in their hands, going barefoot past it, and that too, until they enter another street. The dress here described, is that of the wealthy who can afford it, but the greater part of the Jews in West Barbary, are poor, miserable, and covered with rags and vermin. A Jewess of the first class, is clad with a shirt made of muslin', that is very wide ; the sleeves, not less than a yard, hang loosely down to the elbow, when the two hinder parts are doubled and fastened together behind their backs ; the bosom of this shirt is wrought with fine needle-work on both sides ; it laps over before, and covers part of the breasts : a white waistcoat, wrought in like manner, is superadded : the lower extremity of this is covered by a wrapper, in form of short petticoats, wrapped around above the hips, and just laps over in front ; this is commonly made of green broadcloth, and falls down below the knees : the two lower corners in front, are covered with a fancifully cut piece of red broadcloth — the whole is fastened together by a girdle round the hips, to which are suspended behind a number of red woollen cords of different lengths, hanging down with a piece of plated silver, or other metal, bent round each at its lowest end; these make a kind of tinkling when they walk by, striking against each other. Their hair is long, coarse, and black, and the principal part turned up, and fastened on the top of the head, while two small braids from behind each ear, are attached together at their extremities, and fall down to their girdles. Married women of the first class, cover their heads with a flowing silk handkerchief. Both married and single women^ are extremely fond of ornaments, and are generally corpulent : they wear amber and pearl necklaces, with golden hearts, set about with fine diamonds and other precious stones : many other ornaments are also hung to their necklaces, which are frequently connected by golden chains: they wear silver or gold bracelets around their wrists and ankles, from one to two inches wide, enriched with enamel and precious stones. I ex amined several of these ornaments : they are made of the finest gold, silver, and stones, and the best amber : the weight of the four bracelets on the wrists and ankles of a young girl, (a broker's daughter,) was fourteen ounces, and they cost, together with her necklaces, ear and finger-rings, apd other ornaments, about two thousand dollars. Those of the Jews who can get money, are excessively fond of ornamenting their wives and daughters, and setting off their charms to the very best advantage ; but there are very few of them that have the ability : not more than twenty Jews in Mogadore can afford this expense ; and but few of the rest can furnish their wives and daughters with bracelets of even base metal, washed over with silver or gold; yet every wo man feels as if she were naked, without some ornaments of this de scription. The Jews are forced to live in a town by themselves, called el Mil lah, but the Moors enter it whenever they choose, without the smallest restraint. Should a Jew attempt to resist a Mopr on any occasion, OBSERVATIONS ON AFRICA. 207 he is sure of, getting- a sound drubbing, and as his testimony cannot be taken against a Moor, any more than that of a negro slave in the West Indies and the soothem states of America, cap be given against a white man ; he is forced to pocket every affront, and content himself therewith. The Jews' Sunday begins on Friday evening at sunset, after which time no Jew can even light a candle or lamp, or kindle a fire, or cook any thing until Saturday night, at the same hour; so that they heat their ovens on Friday ; put in their provisions before night, for their next day's meals, and let it stand in the ovens until Saturday noon, when it is taken out, and set on the table, or on the floor, by' Moors, whom they centrive to hire for that purpose. Every Jew who can af ford it, has brass or silver lamps hanging up in his house, which are lighted on Friday and not extinguished until Sunday morning : they burn either olive or argan oil. Their principal ' and standing Sunday dinner, is called skanah ; it is made of peas baked in an oven' for pearly twenty-four hours, with a quantity of beeves' marrow bones, (having very little meat on them) broken to pieces over them : it is a very luscious and fattening dish, and by no means a bad one : this, with a few vegetables, and sometimes a plum-pudding, gopd bread, and Jews' brandy, distilled from figs and anniseed, and bittered with wormwood, makes up the repast of the Jews who call themselves rich. The poor can only .afford skanah and barley-bread on their Sunday, ' and live the rest of the week as thfey can. The men and boys attend their synagogues, (on their Sundays,) but these are no more than small rooms, where all join in jabbering -over prayers in Hebrew, as fast as they can speak, every one in his own natural tone of voice, making altogether a most barbarous kind of jargon. The Jewish women are considered by the men as having no souls, nor are they allowed generally to enter the synagogues, nor do the women partakeof their sacraments. The sacraments consist of bread and wineV and of circumcision. While in Mogadore, 1 attended a Jewish.circumcision. The child being ready, and the friends present, the priest took him on his left arm, having a pair of silver tongs in his left hand, with which he gauged and prepared the parts, and performed the operation with a sharp knife he had in his right hand, cutting off a piece of the flesh, as well as all the foreskin : this appeared to me to be a painful and cruel operation, and it made 'the infant scream out most piteously. The Jews circumcise at the age of eight days, and the Moors and Arabs at the age of eight years ; the Arabs cut the foreskin and flesh off square, as well as the Jews ; but with the Arabs, as 1 have before observed, it is a preventive of venereal, disease, and not a religious rite. For a view of the* Jewish costume, and manner of performing this ceremony in West Barbary, see plate No. 8. During my journey towards Tangier, we put up at Saffy, during the Jews' Sabbath, having two Jews in company, who had friends or relations in that place that entertained them, and furnished a sup per. Before eating, they brought forward a cup in the form of a tan kard, and some white bread, ip which some green herbs had been chopped up, and mixed with it before baking : they all arose at once, formed a circle round the supper dish, consisting of boiled fowls, which was set op the floor, and when standing, all begap to chant 808 CAPTAIN RiLEY's NARRATIVE. over their prayers in Hebrew, as fast as they could speak : there vy$ri spout twenty in all, relations and visitors. As I was ignorant of the Hebrew language, which they spoke, and which I am told, differs ma terially from that taught in the schools and colleges of our country. 1 pqujd npt joip with them. This chant, discordant enpqgh to be sure, ip my ear", took up at least a quarter of an hour. When they were abput tp finish, they passed round the bread, of which each one topk a pjece, and pot tp he singular, 1 took one also and ate it. After saying oypr a-fow more words, they handed round the cup to all, and each topk a. jjrink, keeping up their chant all the time — when it capie round to Kip, 1 topk it and drank a little : it was wine, made by steeping dry iraisips in water, and to me not very palatable, being somewhat sour apd bittpr. After the cup had goneround^ all turned their faces tp the cast, bowri'd thrice, bending their bodies more than half way tp the ground, still going on with their chant. As soon as they had done Worshipping, they resumed their places round the dish, seized each other by the hand, giving it a convulsive grasp, and stamping at the samp rime with their feet : this terminated the ceremony. The chapt being finished, all took their seats around the dish as near as fhey cppld get, on their legs and on the floor, having first washed their hands ; some vigorously seized the boiled fowls, which they soon carved, by pulling them to pieces, and then passed those pieces round to the company. Their bread was made of barley-meal ; this .they dipped in the dish, after each bite, and called it a sop : the ¦jravy ip which they dipped their bread, was the liquor in which the owls had heep boiled, mixed with vinegar- This was on Friday eve ning, January the Oth, 1816, about iTo'dock, P. M. On the next evening, they repeated the same ceremonies. After supper, they amused themselves by singing songs in Arabic, and telling stories, which they kept up with great glee until near midnight, when, at my entreaty, they retired for the night, as I wished to get some rest. £ CHAPTER XXIX. Nty> orders arrive from the emperor — Mr. Wiilshire is grossly insulted by Moors — A description of the city and port of Swearah, or Moga dore — Us inhabitants, commerce, manufactures, fyc. About the last of November, a courier came to Mogadore from the emperor tp the governor, ordering him not to suffer a Moor to serve either a Christian or Jew, under any pretence whatever, or to live in their hpuses, under the severest penalty : this letter was no sooner read, thap the news flew to every part of the town. In consequence of this order, ilais Bel Cossim, Bel Mooden, and a Moor of the name of Soliman, who had been constantly in and about Mr. Willshire's house, dursf npt return even to take their leave : the fife of a Christian pre vious to this was hardly safe, even ip the city, without a Moor iu com pany to ward) off the insults of the boys and those of the Moors who wefe vicious or fanatical, tiew orders had also beep given to the guards of the water-pert, npt tp alfow apy one to go op board ves- observations on Africa, 209 *|U, except the captalni and crews, without a special order from the governor. Op pew-year's day, captaips Mackay and Henderson, of whom I liave before spoken, dined with Mr. Wiilshire : when they went down to goon board their vessels, Mr. Wiilshire and myself went to take a walk ropnd the water-port, it being low tide : the guards ran after us, seized holfj pf Mr. Wiltshire, and turning hint round, bid him, in an insulting tone, to go back, uttering the most abusive language ; and drawipg their spimitars, they threatened to cut him down. We had no Moor with us to witness this insult, but Mr. Willshire's spirit could not brook this indignity, apd he rebuked these fellows ip a very resolute manner, biddipg defiance to them and the alcayd, and told them that if they pffered to touch him again, he would revepge himself instantly, apd at apy rate would complaiu to the emperor, aod would cause them to lose their heads for insulting a consul and a merchant. 1 advised him to return to the port, which he did ; but the Moors were so en raged, that they ran with all speed to the alcayd, and told him that Mr. Wiilshire had beat them ; that he called them hard pames, and defied the power of the Sultan. Immediately soldiers were sept after him, who came up with us before we got to his house : they insisted on taking him before the alcayd forthwith by force, if he wpuld npt fp withput ; he told them, however, that he must and wopid wait for is JeV interpreter, Nahory, and that theu he would come : this an swer was carried to the alcayd, apd in a few mpments Ben Nahpry made his appearance, and they went hefbre the alcayd together. The alcayd reprimanded Mr. Wiilshire for having cursed the Sultan, and advised him to settle the business, by giving a present to the guards, as they would depose against him before the Cadi, which if they should dp, he wpuld be obliged to go up to Morocco tp the emperor, and he (the governor) said he could not be answerable for the resujt. Mr. Wiilshire defended himself so well by the help of his interpreter, who was a cunning Jew, that his accusers began tp lower their tone a little : he stated that he had the Sultan's letter, which ordered the go vernors apd alcayds to see his person protected from insult, as welj as bis property, and that the late order had deprived him of the aid and evidence pf a Moor, to which he was entitled by that letter ; he added, that h? would write the Sultan an account of the insult imme diately, apd of the villainy pf the pert guards, but would not pay a blapqujlle, (i. e. a farthipgj to any one. The alcayd said he was ordered to protect him and the other Christians in the port, and wished them to be respected, but they must respect themselves, apd byway pf ap excuse, remarked that the consuls at Tangier did npt go dowp with tiie captaips that have the hopour of diping with them, to their bpats after dinner ; that this was derogatory to the etiquette due to their office ; but, at the same time, calling the guards, he told them that Mr. Wiilshire was the Sultau's consul ; that they must never lay a finger on him ; but if he should wish tp go off in one of the boats pf the vessels jp port, they rpust permit him to get into the boat, but pre vent it from going off until they sept him information, ip order that he might give a permit for him to go op board. He further told the guards that they had dope very wropg, apd if they were not careful ip future he should dismiss them. The guards were very angry, and said 18 * 27 210 CAPTAIN RILEy's NARRATIVE. it was intolerable for a Mpor to be insulted with impunity by a Chris* tian dpg ; that they would swear against him before the Cadi that instapt ; that they did not fear his (the governor's) power, and they would appeal to the Sultan and abide his decisicn. As they were gping to the Cadi, the alcayd told them if they did contrary to his orders it would cost them their heads, and bid them return to their duty immediately ; and in order that there might be no further com plaint on their part, he would make inquiry, and have justice done to them as well as to the consul : thus ended the affair, which I at first was apprehensive would be attended with more serious consequences. Mr. Wiilshire, however, took care tp send presents tp the Addals, or four assistants of the alcayd, who took occasion to convince the alcayd, that the guards were in the wrong — however, we durst not go out walking or riding as formerly, but were obliged to restrict ourselves to the city, and I had time to examine it within and round about. The city pf Mogadore, called Swearah by the Mocrs and Arabs, pr the beautiful picture, is situated pn the Atlantic ccean, in latitude 31. 15. (thirty-one degrees, fifteen minutes) north, and longitude 9 — (nine degrees) west from London. It is built somewhat ip form of an oblong square : its length from north to south is about three-fourths of a mile, and its greatest breadth is not more than half a mile: it stands on a peninsula that has been recovered from the sea, which washes its walls on the W. N. W. and south sides every tide, and is sometimes completely surrounded by water at high spring tides. The walls are built of stone and lime, generally six feet thick at their base, and about twenty feet in height, surmounted with small turrets ; and have batteries of cannon on them at every angle : the walls generally are made of rough stone and small sea pebbles, mixed and cemented together by liquid lime-mortar, filling up every crack solid ; they are plastered over with this kind of stucco within and without, and are thick, solid, very firm, and hard. On the eastern angle, as jfcu approach the gates, there is a round tower built of hewn stone, thirty feet high, mounted with about forty pieces of brass ahd iron cannon, that command the approaches of the city on the east side, assisted by the four batteries on the N. E. angle, and a heavy battery on the water- port. If is divided into- three parts — el Ksebah, or, the strong and lion-like fortress, is the southernmost, and is surrounded by a double wall on the east and south sides ; a single wall, but very thick, next the sea, where there is a strong bomb-proof battery, mounting about forty pieces of cannon of different calibers, and mest of them are of brass: this is its whole defence, on the seaboard. Vessels of war might anchor, in smooth weather, within half cannon shot pf the town, in thirty fathoms water, rocky bottom. This town is separated from the main town by a strong wall, whose gates are regularly shut at 8 o'clock every evenipg, and not opened until broad daylight the next morning. The Christian merchants reside in the fortress, and the four Jew merchants keep their goods in it. The next is the main town, where the market is held, and where the artificers live : there is a very, handsome square set apart in that section of the town for a grain market, surrounded by small shops, kept by Moors and Jews : these shops are on the ground flppr, have a depr, but np windnw to OBSERVATIONS ON AFRICA, 211 • diem, and are so very small that the keeper can sit at his ease in the centre and reach nearly every article in them. They, among other things, manufacture at Mogadore large quaptities of haicks, which are made ef wpollep yarn, spun by hand with a common ircn spindle, and weve in common rough loqms similar to such as we made use of, even in America, pot mpre than fifty years ago — they throw the shut tle by hand, and weave their pieces about five yards long and five feet, wide, and they are sold from thelooms at about two dollars each, but are pot allowed to be exported by sea : they also make axes apd mapy other iron tools, such as adzes, scimitars, knives, &c. East of the main town is the town occupied by the blacks, in a corner or kind of a triangle made by the outer wall: it is said to contain two thousand free blacks : this part is also walled in by itself, and has its gates shut every night. The negroes that are free enjoy nearly all the privileges of the Moors, being of the same religion ; still they are not allowed to live together with the Moors promiscuously. The fourth division is the Jews' town, or Millah: it is very confined,' and occupies the northwest angle of the city : the sea washes its outer wall every tide, and has nearly beat it through on the west side : it is divided from the principal town by a high strong wall. The Millah has but one outer gate, which is on its eastern side, near the north city gate; this is always strongly guarded by Moors, and has a gover nor or alcayd to adjust and settle disputes between the Jews, and between them and the Moors. The water-port is two hundred yards south of the city, within the outer wall — this is a wall built of hewn stone, with several broad and lofty arches, through which the tide flows and ebbs : the wall is about twenty feet thick, and has a strong battery of heavy cannon well mounted on it, for the defence of the harbour : it is extremely well built ; its arches are well turned, and the whole work would bear a comparison with a European fortress. v The harbour spreads itself before the town to the south, and is shield ed from the sea by an island about two miles long, and half a mile broad, only distant from the water-port poipt about'five hundred yards. Between the island and the water-port, the vessels enter, keeping the island side close on board, until they run down half- the length of it, when they may anchor in two and a half fathoms at low water, within a cable's length of the island, and with good cables and anchors ride safe during three quarters of the year ; but vessels drawing over four teen feet water cannot ride secure on account of the shallowness of the harbour. In the months of December, January, and February, strong gales prevail from the westward, which heave in such heavy swells round the two ends of this island, that what seamen call the send or swing of the sea, breaks the strongest cables, and forces all the vessels in this port on shore. In the winter of 1815, an English brig was driven on shore with a full cargc, and totally Ipst ; another parted her cables, and was driven fast towards the water-port, when the master and crew deserted her in their boat, in hopes of saving their lives ; but the boat was upset, and all hands were either drowned or dashed to pieces against the rocks ; the, brig's cables, however, caught round some craggy rocks, which held her through the remain der of the gale, though within a few feet of the rocks astern. An American schopuer's crew were also lost in this port a few years ago, gl2 CAPTAIN RILEY*S NARRATIVE. together with her supercargo, in consequence of quitting the vessel, apd taking to their boat, while the captain, whc was soliciting assist ance from the other vessels in port, was saved, and the schooner was also finally saved, though she had been totally abandoned : it is in the winter a very dangerous port, and any vessel entering it should have three good cables and anchors, to moor her head and stern by, and should strike her yards and topmasts immediately. The island is called Mogadore by the Europeans, and was thus named by the Portuguese or Spaniards, when they first partially sur veyed this coast, and thence the Europeap pame of Mogadore, is derived for the towo, and not from the sanctuary or saint-house near it, which in Arabic is called Milliah. This island serves as a State Prison for the Moorish empire ? it is fortified and strongly guarded, commonly containing not less than one thousand state prisoners, who have mostly been alcayds and military men, and who are fre quently pardoned and restored to their former posts again, after a few years' trial of their fortitude and patience there in irons. Provisions are sent to the island twice a week in good weather. All communi cation with the island is forbidden to strangers, under pain of death. On a rocky point, without the water-port, nearest to the island, stands a circular battery, to defend the entrance of the harbour, and protect the island : on the east side of the harbour, near the Sultan's palace, there is also a circular battery, well built of stone, calculated te mount twenty guns, but the guns that had been mounted on it were taken away, under an impression that they might fall into the hands of the Arabs, who attacked Swearah during the quarrel for the succession, which was terminated in the elevation of the present Sultan, Muley Snliman, to the Moorish throne. Swearah or Mogadore was built by Sidi Mohammed, the father of Muley Soliman, who spared no pains or expense in making it corres pond with its name : it is the only tolerable seaport in the Moorish dominions, except Tangier, and the only one in which foreign vessels are allowed a kind of free trade, or one without special licenses : the houses are built of rough stone and lime ; are from one to three stories high, and nearly all have flat terraced roofs : the streets are narrow, and some of them almost entirely covered with houses arched or pro jecting over them, particularly in the fortress part : the buildings at first, it is said, were erected under the inspection of artisans, who were brought from Europe for the purpose; it is by far the neatest town in the empire, and is computed to contain about thirty thousand Moors and blacks, and six thousand Jews. During the contest for the succession, at the death of Muley Eitzid, who reigned a short time after the death of Sidi Mohammed, Swearah was attacked by surprise in the night, and about three thousand of the assailants enter ed the fortress part over the walls, and actually got possession of the streets ; but they were soon destroyed by the garrison and town's people, from the roofs of their houses; and the army1 before it, con sisting of field-Moors and Arabs, were put to flight. It has been since visited and nearly depopulated twice by the plague, which spread ter ror and devastation in all foe western part of the empire. Mercantile , trade was here epcouraged by its founder, and flourished to a great extent; large quantifies of wheat were sent from hence to Spain and OBSERVATIONS ON AFRICA. 21 3 Portugal ; sheep's wool and the gums were also shipped in great abundance; namely, gum-sandaraeh, arabic, &c. &c. — almonds, olives, dates, dried figs, and large quantities of olive oil, bees-wax, and honey — annls, cummin, worm, and other medicinal seeds — pome granate peel, aod many other drugs—goat, calf, and a few camels' skins, and camels' hair — haicks for the Guinea trade, and mapy other articles. Their imports were bar-iron add steel, knives, and other cutlery, raw cotton, and many kinds of manufactured cotton goods, woollen cloths, sdks, and silk- handkerchiefs, teas, sugars, spices, gold and silver ornaments, pearls, amber beads, small Dutch looking-glasses, German goods, platillas, nankeens, lumber, &c. &c. There were at one time no less than thirty Christian mercantile houses established there : the duties on imports are ten, per centum, taken in kind when the goods are Janded, except on the article's of iron, steel, and cotton, on which the duties are paid in cash at the same rate : (the govern ment allowing the importer a short credit on the duties :) this is the duty the Sultan is entitled to by the Koran as tithes, or'tenths, accord ing to their sacred code, for he is the religious, as well as the temporal sovereign. The duties on exports are regulated by an imperial order, and are not steady. Trade has been depressed of late years by enormous duties on exports, and by prohibitions, so much so, that there are now only two or three respectable Christian establishments in Mogadore, and those who conduct them are forced to put up with frequent insult and impo sition : they do little business to a profit, and must, if it does not soon alter for the better, quit the place altogether. It is the policy of the present emperor, who is absolute, to keep the people as poor as pos sible, that they may not have it in their power to rebel ; for a rebel- lious army cannot be supported there without money, or kept together without an immediate hope of plunder, and the Moorish government has very little to fear from a partial and ill organized insurrection, the chiefs of which must have money as well as bravery, and display good conduct, or they will soon be forsaken. The Sultan commenced his system by shutting the ports of Santa Cruz, Saffy, Rhabat, Azamore, Darlbeida, &c. and ordering the foreign merchants residing in them to go to Mogadore or Swearah, where he said they should be protected. Soon afterwards they began to prohibit the introduction of some arti cles, then the exportation of many — such as wool, wheat, olive oil, &c. and laid a duty that amounted to a prohibition on several other articles of exportation; when the people murmured, they were told it ' was a sin to trade with men who did not follow the true and only holy religion on earth : that their prophet had strictly forbidden such traffic as would be liable to corrupt their morals and defile them in the sight of God : that this sin had been committed, and that God was now taking vengeance of his people by sending the locusts add the plague that followed them, laying waste the country, and unpeopling so many Tine cities. These were arguments which had great weight with the superstitious Moors, aided by the plague which at that time raged with dreadful fury, and swept off three-fourths of the inhabitants of Mogadore, Saffy, and several other towns ; the whole garrison of el Ksebbah, on Tensift fiver, &c. &c. Several .of the Christian mer chants died also of the plague, and many of the most respectable 214 CAPTAIN RILEY'S NARRATIVE. mercantile Moors : this caused an almcst total stagnation of business, which stagnation has been increasing, if possible, ever since, owing to these causes and other heavy commercial restraints imposed by the presept emperor. Should any of the maritime nations declare war against the Moors, Mogadore might be easily taken and destroyed, though the place could not be retained any length of time: a few stoops of war of a light draught of water might enter the harbour and sail down near the south end of the island, where they might land troops and take possession of it, which being high, commands the town ; here they might con struct batteries, and beat down its walls at their leisure. The country near it is covered-witb nothing but drifts of sand for a distance beyond cannon shot. The Moors are very awkward gunners, though as brave as men can be, believing that if they venture even up to the very mouth of a cannon, they cannot die one moment before the time ap pointed by fate, nor in any other manner than that which was predes tined by the Almighty before they were created, and even from the fo undation pf the world. CHAPTER XXX. Of the Moors and Moorish Arabs— -feast of erpiation — a Moorish review and sham fight — horsemanship — of the Arabian horse and his furniture. The Mpors are a stout athletic race of men, and are generally of about five feet ten inches in height. They sprung from the Berebe- ries, or old inhabitants of the north and western parts of northern Africa, together with the descendants of the Carthageniaps, and va rious Greek and Roman colonies on those coasts, conquered by apd commixed with the Arabs or Saracens who passed the isthmus of Suez, and subjugated the north of Africa under the caliphs of the pre tended prophet Mohammed. Fez is at present the great capital of the empire, and chief residence of the emperor, who is styled by the Moors and Arabs el Sultan, (the Sultan,) or as they propouuee it, Sooltan. Suse has become independent of the Moors. The Moors are all strict followers of the Mohammedap doctrine, and firm predes- tinariaps. I call the doctrme Mohammedan instead of Mahometan, because the name of their prophet is pronounced, both by the Moors and Arabs, Mohammed, and both of them pronounce their letters very distinctly, and with their mouths open like the Spaniards, giving to every letter its full soupd ; for though they write with characters, and do not know how to form a Roman letter with a pen, yet a person understanding letters, who hears them speak, would say they were perfectly familiar with the Roman alphabet, and laid more emphasis and stress on the letters, by means of which they speak their language, than any other people on earth. The Moots, in general, do not learn to read and write, but their Talbs are learned men, who take great pains to become acquainted with the principles of their own and the ancient Arabic language, and OBSERVATIONS ON AFRICA. 215 with the laws of the Koran, which is held by them, as the Bible is by Christians, to be a sacred book, and to contain nothing but divipe reve lation. The Talbs transact all the business that requires writing, and serve alternately as scriveners, lawyers, and priests. The Moors use no bells for their places of worship, but in die towns and cities, their religious houses have high minarets or steeples, with flat tops and a kind of balustrade round them : to the tops of these the Talbs ascend to call the people at stated times to prayers, and as the steeples are very high, and the Talbs are accustomed to call aloud, they are heard' at a great distance, particularly when all is still in the city. Their times of prayer are before daylight in the morning, at about mid-day, about the middle of the afternoon, at sunset, and again before they retire to rest, about 8 or 9 o'clock in the evening. The Talbs, who are on the steeples before daylight in the morning, commence by call ing all the faithful to prayers : their voices sound most harmoniously, and thrill through the air in a singular manner. I was always awaken ed by them myself while I staid at Mogadore, and often went to the window to hear them ; their call reminded me of my duty also. After ' they summoned all the faithful to attend prayers, they either rehearsed particular passages from the Koran, or sang some sacred poetry with a loud and piercing, but at the same time a very melodious and plea sing tone of voice. The Moors 'who live near the places of worship go in, join with the Talbs, and pray aloud together ; but by far the greatest number perform their devotions in their own rooms. The Talbs, 1 am informed, perform their religious duties, which are very fatiguing, merely from motives of piety — they do not receive the smallest remuneration either from the prince, or people, in any shape or way whatever. All worship by turning their faces to the east, and bow their heads in the dust like the wandering Arabs : they wash their bodies all over with water before prayers, as well as their hands and faces, for which purpose, within the walls of their mosques or churches, they have wells or fountains of water, and large stone basins in which to bathe. When they appear before God (as they call it) in their places of worship, they divest themselves of all superfluous ornaments and clothing, and even of their breeches ; after purifying with water, they wrap themselves decently up in their haick or blanket only, and fo through their ceremonies with signs of the most profound devotion. fa Christian enters a Mohammedan place' of worship, without one of the Cadi, or with a guard, he must either change his religion, by- having his head shaven, undergoing the operation of circumcision, and confessing thbre is but one God, and that Mohammed is his holy pro phet, &c. or suffer instant death — but I have ventured to look into them from the street. The court leading to the mosque was paved with tiles, and kept very clean, with stone basins filled with pure wa ter on each side for the purposes of purification ; though I durst not approach so near as to see in what manner the interior part was ar ranged, but 1 was informed they were entirely free from ornaments. The women are not generally permitted to enter their houses of reli gious worship, nor even to appear in the streets, unless they are com pletely covered by their clothing, which going over their heads, is held in such a manner by their hands on the inside, as only to permit them to peep- out with ene eye, to discover and pick their way ; so that no 216 captain riley's narrative. Moor or Christian can see their faces. In the streets, they are very seldom seen, and ate so extremely fleshy, that they waddle, rather than walk along, like fat and clumsy ducks. No Moot will marry a wife until she is well fatted by her father ; and if it is npt in the hus band's puwer afterwards to keep her in the same geod case and con dition, or rather, to improve upon it, he Is dissatisfied, and endeavours to get dear of her, which he very often effects, for he will not keep a wife uuless she is very fleshy, or bed with what he calls "d death skele ton." The women visit each other, and walk together on the tops pf their houses, but evep the husband capnot "epter the room they are in when uncovered, or get a sight of his neighbour's wife or daughter, being strictly forbidden by his religion to look op any other woman than his own wife or wives : — thus the Moors, when they receive com pany, sit down with them on the ground outside of their nouses, where they converse together ; but notwithstanding all these precautions, as the women are very amorous, they manage to introduce their gallants by means of the female covering, and the privilege they enjoy of visiting each other, and get their lovers off by the same means un discovered. The Moors go off in large numbers every year, forming a great ca ravan, on a pilgrimage to Mecca, and return in three or four years ; every Moslemin being by law obliged to visit the tomb of his prophet once in his lifetime, if he can afford to pay the expenses of his journey. The men who have been to Mecca and returned, are dignified by the name of el ajjh, (or the pilgrim,) and the women who go and return, (for there are a few who venture,) are allowed the privilege of wearing the haick, or man's blanket ; of walking the streets uncovered, like men, and of conversing with them promiscuously, as they may deem fit, being considered holy women, and as- possessing souls by special grace and favour. Every Moor who is bom an idiot, or becomes de lirious, is cousidered a saint, and is treated with the greatest atteption and respect by every one ; is clothed, and fed, and taken the greatest care of by the whole community ; and; do what he will, he cannot commit a crime in the eye of their law. Soon after my arrival at Mogadore, about the 15th of November, 1815, the feast of expiation was celebrated by the Moors, at which every Mohammedan is by law obliged to kill a sheep, if it is possible for him to procure one ; if not, each kills such other animal as he can obtain : the rich (if liberal) kill a number proportipned to their wealth and inclination, and distribute them amongst their relations, or the poor who have none to kill. Rais belCossim (i. e. Captain bel Cos sim) killed seven sheep : they had been bought lopg before, apd were well fatted for the purpose. The first day of the feast was spent in visiting, and in giving and receiving presents or gifts ; apd the secopd in military parade. On the morning of that day, 1 accompa nied Mr. Wiilshire to the top of a house, formerly occupied by a Mr. Chiappi, deceased, who was the Portuguese Consul at Mogadore for many years : this house was, before it went to decay, the largest and most elegant in that city : it stood near, and overlooked the eastern wall.- From that place, we saw from thirteen to fifteen hundred Ara bian horses, fleet as the wind, and full of fire, mounted by Moors and Arabs, who sat on strong Moorish saddles that came up high before OBSERVATIONS ON AFRICA. 217 and behind, covered with rich quilted scarlet broadclcth. They were paraded between the outer and main walls of the city : — the horsemen were dressed with red caftans or vests, not generally worn by them, except on great occasions : these were covered with worsted haicks, wove transparent like bunting for ships' flags : each rider was armed with a long Moorish musket, and had a knife or scimitar hanging loosely by his side : they wore on their heads either white turbans, twisted and wound many times around, or a red cap, in token of their Being regular imperial soldiers, or else a fold of their haick : their bridle-bits were the most powerful of the Arabian kind. The horses were all studs, and wore their whole natural quantity of main and tail unniutilated in any part, and consequently retained all their natural fire, beauty, strength, and pride : each horse was furnished with a head-piece, resembling the stall of a bridle at top, and a halter below — this stall or head-piece, was made of the richest scarlet cord and vel vet, with fringe hanging down over, and nearly ccvering his eyes, and a large pendulous pad of scarlet velvet cloth under each ear: the neck of each was adorned with a very elegant scarlet cord, havipg a hand some knob and tassel underneath :' these trappings were solely for ornament, and not for use, and put on before the bridle. Each had besides, a small red cord about his neck, to which was fastened a num ber of Uttle bags, made of fine red Morocco leather — these bags, 1 learned on inquiry, were stuffed with scraps of paper, covered with Arabic writing, furnished to the owner of the horse by jugglers ; and, as they pretend, serve as a charm to ward off the effects of " evil eyes," or witchcraft, in which they all believe : the Moors and Arajis . are so firmly attached to this superstitious opinion, that they believe both themselves and their horses are in imminent danger without this favuurite charm. ., The Moorish and Arabian saddle, which 1 consider to be the very best that can be invented by man to keep the rider steady in his seat, is fastened on by a strong girth under the horse's belly, and by one round his breast, but without any crupper : the stirrups are made of broad piecesof sheet iron or brass, and for the most part plated with Bilyer — the bottom of them is as long as a man's foot, so that he can shift the position of his feet in them at pleasure : they are kept exceed ingly bright, and are taken up short and tied to the saddle by braided leather thongs, so that in order to support himself firmly in his saddle, the rider has only to press his feet to the horse's sides, near his flanks, his knees on the lower part of the saddle; thus resting at five points at one and the same time. The bridle is of that kind which will either Stop the fiercest horse in an instant, or snap off his lower jaw — so that the rider has his horse under the most perfect command possible. This body of horsemen, thus mounted and equipped, were reviewed by the Bashaw and Alcayd, or military and civil governors. There Were also five or six thousand foot soldiers assembled for the same purpose: these were dressed in haicks and red caps, and armed with muskets and daggers. After the review, the exercises began by a dis charge of twenty-four pieces of cannon, mounted on the different bat teries about the city, and then followed a kind of sham fight, which was begun near the northern gate, between two bodies of infantry ; they marched forward to the attack, and each poured in an irregular 19 38 218 CAPTAIN RILEY'S NARRATIVE. fire, which was supported and kept up in almpst pne continual blaze by successive advancing lines, until it seemed necessary to bring for ward the heavy cavalry, in crder to arrest the progress of a solid column of men, that kept slowly and constantly advancing upon the opposing troops. The expected signal was at length given : the whole of the cavalry was instantly in motion : it advanced in squadrons of about one, hundred, in close order, and at full speed, and seemed to fly like the wind : the distance between the opposing forces was near one fourth of a mile : the horsemen shouting loudly, " hah-hah! hah- hahl" raised themselves on their stirrups, took a deliberate aim with their long muskets, when within five yards of the enemy's lines, and poured in their fire while going at their greatest speed. .1 expected they would inevitably dash in amongst the infantry, and trample many of them to death ; but the moment the men had fired, they brought their horses down upon their haunches, and stopping them short, reined them instantly round, to make room for the next approaching squadron, while the horses of the first squadron walked steadily and leisurely back, giving time for the riders to re-load their muskets at their ease : thus furiously attacked by numerous squadrons, in quick succession, and so closely, the .infantry were soon broken and dis persed, by which means the cavalry remained apparent masters of the field. Nothing of the kind could exceed the ardour, activity, and intelli gence, displayed by those noble looking apd well traiped horses ; they seemed almost to fly to the attack, and looked as if determined to rush through the opposing host, and trample it to atoms ; but when the riders had fired their muskets, and the Horses were turned about the other way, they were perfectly calm in an instant, and walked on leisurely until they were again faced round towards the enemy ; then their eyes seemed to kindle with fire ; they pawed up the dust, which they seemed to snuff up into their wide-stretched nostrils, and into which one might see, as they then appeared, nearly up to their eyes : they snorted and pranced about in such a manner, that nothing short of the heavy and true Arabian bridle could have been capable of checking or keeping them in subjection, and nothing short of the Moorish or Arabian saddle, could have prevented their riders from being dashed against the ground. The long spurs of the horsemep had gored their flanks, so as to make the blood stream out, which, uniting with their sweat, formed a kind of streaked froth, that nearly coveriog their sides, dropped fast upou the ground, whilst the severe workipg of the bit upou their mouths, caused them to bleed profusely. The dazzling of their stirrups and arms in the sun, the rattling of their spurs against their stirrups, and the clashing of their arms against each other; the beautiful appearance of the squadrons of horses; the cracking of musketry, and continual shouting of the mock combatants, produced an effect truly imposing, and I was of opinion that no iines of infantry, of equal numbers, however well formed and commanded, would be capable of withstanding their impetuous and repeated shocks, when actually attacked : this was truly a superb schopl for horse manship. Sidi Hamet, my old master, had borrowed and mounted Mr.'Will- ahire's Sue horse, and seemed to be in all his glory while exercising OBSERVATIONS 'ON AFRICA. 219 him like the others. After they had nearly finished the sham-fight, he, tpgether with a line of Moors, consisting of about fifteen or twenty, commenced, their last career towards the enemy: they had a quarter of a mile to ride, and all with long muskets in their hands : they set off their horses at full speed, in a line when on their seats ; then turn ing over, they placed their heads upon their saddles, and rode with their feet iu the air, and their backs towards the horse's heads, for a considerable, part of the distance ; then regaining their seats by a sud den movement, they rose in their stirrups, fired off their pieces close to the wall, reined their horses around, and returned again to their post. Many of these horses were extremely fleet and beautiful, and seemed as much to exceed in spirit, strength, and courage, the first- rate racfe horses I Jlyd ever seen in Europe or America, as those fine animals excel the common plough horse. ' The Moors soon wear their horses down by hard service, and then prrt them into mills to grind their grain, as there is scarcely such a thing as a wind or water-mill, wherewith to grind their breadstuff, to be found in the Moorish empire. The mares are never rode or worked, and are kept solely for the purpoSe of breeding ; and 1 found that what I had considered as an exaggerated account of the good qualities attributed to the Arabian horse, fell far short of his real merits ; for though the most proud, fierce, and fiery of the horse kind, he is, at the same time, the most docile of those noble animals. The true Arabian horse is about fourteen to sixteen hands in height; .his body as long, round, and slender; his limbs small, clean, and straight; he is square- breasted and round-quartered ; his neck well set and slender, with a beautiful natural curve ; his head small, with a face inclining to a curve, from the top of the head to the nostrils, with eyes full, bright, quick, and intelligent — many of them are of a beautiful cream colour, and frequently spotted with black, and. vary in colour from a light sorrel, through all the shades of bay and chesnut, to the deepest jet black : they are strong-jointed, and full of sinew — naturally docile, and very active ; but if they become in the least vicious, they are doomed to the mill for the remainder of their days. It was with much regret 1 learned that these beautiful and serviceable animals could not be exported from either the Moorish dominions, or any other of the Barbary states, without a special permission, as a pri vate favour from the reigning prince, which is very seldom granted, and only on particular and important occasions. The Arabs inhabiting Morocco, live in tents, in a wapderjpg state ; for the true Arabs will not be confined within walls, and are a distinct race of men from the Moors. They keep large herds/ff cattle, horses, camels, sheep, goats, and asses, making use of the milk of all the females for butter and for drink : they supply the cities with butter, which they make by the simple process of putting the milk into a goat skin, the. hair side in, hanging it up by the legs, and shaking it by the help of a rope, by which it is fastened : when the butter is made, they pack it, hair and all, into earthen jars that hold from two to four pounds each, and in that state, carry it to market .without salting, selling the butter, jar, and all, for a mere trifle : they cultivate nearly all the plain land that is cultivated in the empire of Morocco, (as the Bereberies^till the hilly country and sides of mountains,) except 220 captain riley's narrative. the grounds in the immediate vicipity cf the cities, which they de net approach for the purposes of agriculture, those being cultivated and dressed by the Moors and their slaves. They live in families or sec- tibns of tribes, and pitch their tents in companies of from twenty to one huudred and fifty tents, each tent containing one family : these tents when pitched, are called a Douhar ; they elect a chief to each of these douhars, whom they dignify with the title of Alcayd or Sheick, for the time being; their authority, however, is rather of an advisory than mandatory kind. Near seed time, they remove and pitch their douhar (or eucampmept) near the spot they mean to cultivate, and plbUgh and sow the land with wheat, barley, corn, or peas : they fepce in some parcels of land with good high stone fences, particularly orchards of fig-trees, but for the most part they ate entirely open : the sowing being finished, they remove, again, for the sake of pasture, to other parts of the same province, in which they continue to reside, as they cannot move out of a province without leave being first obtained from the emperor : thus they wander from place to place, until near harvest time, when they return and gather in their crops which they have sowed, and which are considered safe from the flocks, herds, and hapds of other tribes, by common consent or interest, as all rove about in a similar way, having po fixed habitatiops ; yet sometimes one tribe sows, apd another reaps the fruit of its labour, but that is only done by force of arms. The Moorish Arabs are rather below the middle stature : of a dark complexion, resembling that between the mulatto add a white man, with long black hair and black eyes : they are strong ahd healthy : they wear round their bodies a woollen haick, which does not cover their heads, aod go without any other clothing : their legs and feet are generally bate ; their beards long ; their cheek-bones high ; their noses regularly hooked ; , their lips thin ; and they are as hardy a race of men as exists ; perhaps, indeed, with the exception of the wander ing Arabs. The women wear a kind of a garment made of a haick, through the midst of which they thrust their head and arms to keep it up — it hangs down to their knees, and nearly covers their breasts ; they have a fold behind, like those living on the desart, in which they carry their young children ; they all stoop forward very much ; are treated by their husbands as mere necessary* slaves; are obliged to milk the cows, camels, mares, goats, sheep, and asses ; make the butter, and spin and weave the tent-cloth apd clothing by hand for themselves and families. They both spin and weave in the same mapper as the Arab women of the desart, and bring all the water they use in large pitchers on their shoulders, let ihe distance be ever so great : they take car© of, apd help to draw the water for the flocks of sheep, and goats, and herds of cattle ; but the men manage the camels and horses. They grind their wheat and barley in their hand-mills, which are the same as on the desart and in Suse, as already described, and they make cakes, which they roast in the fire. The women are, in fact, complete slaves : they are obliged to strike their tents when they remove, and pack them on camels, with all the other stuff that is possessed by the family — to pitch the tent again, and pack away the stuff, &C. &C. while the men take upou themselves to lord it over them, and drive them about at pleasure, only looking after the flocks and herds, and punish- OBSERVATIONS ON APRjCA. 221 ing the women and girls, if any are lost : the men also plough and sow the lapd, apd attend tp the reaping apd threshing eut the ecru. The Sickle they reap with is nothing more than a knife with a blade of about a fopt lppg, with the point bept inwards : the principal part cf the labour in this bps'mess, they alse pblige the women to perform. Their law permits them to have sevep wives, but it is recommeuded to thenj by their prophet to have only one, ip order to prevent conten tion in the family. When they increase, however, in wealth or sub- Stance, they need more help, and instead of hiripg or buying slaves, they take more wives ; apd on this economical and agreeable plan, they make out to manage the affairs of their household. They are the same race of people in appearance and manners, as the Arabs of the desart, and have bartered their liberty for the comforts afforded by a country susceptible cf cultivaticn. The Arabs are said to have con- tinued migrating gradually from the desarts and other parts of Arabia into Africa, ever since the irruptions of the first Saracens, by joining themselves ip small pumbers to the returning caravans which go yearly from Mprocco, Algiers, Tunis, Tripoli, &c. on a pilgrimage to visit the tomb of their prophet at Mebca. These caravans carry large quantities of gopds with them, and make a trading trip of it, as well as a religious duty ; and many of the pilgrims return home very rich for Moors. CHAPTER XXXI. The present Arabs and ancient Jews compared. Soon after I was seized on as a slave by the wandering Arabs of the great Western Desart, I was struck with the simplicity of their lives apd manners, apd contrasted the circumstapces of their keeping ca mels, living ip tents, apd wandering about from day to day, with the simplicity of the lives of the old Jewish patriarchs, who also lived in tents, had camels, and wandered about from place to place; possessed men-sevants and maid-servants — that is, they owned slaves ; but as they for the most part lived in countries where the soil was capable of culture, they also had flocks of sheep and goats, and herds of cattle, apd asses ; yet the patriarchs lived in a thirsty land for a part of the time, and were often in want of water, as well as of bread. My mind was also strongly impressed with the similarity between the patriarchal form of government, and that prevailing among the Arabs at the pre sent day, which is, in the strictest sense of the word, paternal ; the father of each family being its supreme and absolute head : the wan dering Arabs will submit to no other control, and they actually reve- repce their fathers and the old mep of their tribe pext to the Deity himself, and pay, without the least apparent compulsion, the most cheerful and implicit obedience to their orders and wishes. When 1 became more acquainted with the Arabs, I observed that the manner of salutation between strarfgers was very much like that of the Jewish fathers, as recorded in Holy Writ, and which also prevailed among the inhabitants pf the ccuntry where they se 222 CAPTAIN riley's NARRATIVE. jeufned. When a stranger approached an Arab's tent, he first finds out which way it hf pitched ; then, going round until he gets directly in front, he draws hear slowly, until within about one hundred yard9, and stops, but always with his weapon in his hand, ready for defence, and then turns his back towards the tent : when he is perceived by those in and about the tent, (who are always upon the look-out,) and they come forth, he bows himself nearly to the earth twice, and wor ships : upon which one from the tent takes some water in a bowl, and advances towards him ; this is done by the head of the family, if he be at home, or by his eldest son : if none of the males are present, one of the women goes forward with her bowl of water, or something else, either to eat or drink, if they have any ; if not, they take a skin, or roll of tent-cloth, to make a shelter with for the stranger. As they come within a few yards of the stranger, they ask, " Is it peace ?" and being answered in the affirmative, they mutually say, " Peace be with you, with your father's house, your family, and all you possess ;" then touching the fingers of the right hands together, they snap them, and carrying them to their lips, kiss them, which is the same with them as to kiss each other's hand ; and thence, 1 presume, is derived the com pliment now in such general use among the polite Spaniards, which is to say, in saluting a gentleman, " Beso de usted las manos" — I kiss your hands ; if a lady, "I kiss your feeh" The Arab manner of worshipping the Deity, as 1 have already de scribed, is by bowing themselves to the earth, and touching their faces to the ground : after bowing to the ground six times, they say, " God is great and good, and Mohammed is his holy prophet :" this is their confession of faith. After that, they offer up their petitions, that God will keep them under his special protection ; that he will direct them in the right way ; that he will lead them to fountains or wells of living water ; that God will scatter their enemies, and deliver them from all those who lie in wait to do them mischief; that he will prosper their journeys, and enrich them with the spoil of their enemies,- &c. and they afterwards recite some poetry, which they call sacred. Since my being redeemed, I have been told that the form of worship now in practice among those people, was taught them by Mohammed ; but as these forms do not differ materially from the forms of worship prac tised by Abraham and the other old patriarchs, and those of the peo ple among whom they dwelt in the land of Canaan and elsewhere, I am inclined to believe that the artful prophet did not change their ancient mode of worshipping the Deity, but on the contrary, simplifi ed and sanctioned their long established customs, which had continued among that singular race of men ever since the time of Abraham; and that the only innovations or alterations he ventured to make in that respect, were in appointing set times for performing those religious duties ; enjoining, besides, frequent purificatiens, by washing them selves with water, and thus inculcating cleanliness,! so indispensably necessary to. preserve health in hot countries, as a religious duty. When travelling along the great desart, near its northern border, we fell in with flocks of sheep and goats, which were kept by the women and children, who were also obliged to water them ; and when, after our arrival in Suse, while we were travelling on its immense plain, and many small cities or towns were in sight at the same time on every observations on africa, 223 »idei with high stone walls, gates, and bars,- and I learned that each bne was independept, and under the command or government of its own chief, who generally styled himself a prince ; and when 1 heard the story of the destruction of Widnah, and other devastations commit ted by the wandering Arabs in their vicinity, I could not avoid figuring to myself, and observing to my companions at the same time, that the country of Suse must now resemble in appearance the land of Canaan in the time ef Joshua, both in regard to its numerous little walled cities ; its fertile soil ; and in many other respects ; and that the fre quent irruptions of the hordes of wild Arabs from the desart, destroy ing and laying waste the country, and the cities they are able to over- f lower, bore a strong resemblance to the conduct of the ancient Israe- ites, when led from the desarts of Arabia into the cultivated country near them ; with this difference, however, that the Israelites were then particularly guided, supported, and protected by Divine power, and consequently were enabled to act in unison, and with decisive effect against those small, feeble, and ill-constructed cities. In travelling' from Mogadore to Tangier, in the empire of Morocco, and Goming to those parts of the provinces of Abdah and Duquella, which are entirely peopled by Arabs living in tents, and in a primitive - or wandering state, (their tents being formed of the same materials, and pitched in the same manner as those of the Arabs on the desart,) I observed, that these people were of a much lighter complexion than those on the desart ; but that circumstance, in all probability, was owing to the climate's being more temperate ; to their being less ex posed to the rays of the sun, and better clothed ; yet their features were nearly the same, and those of both bear a strong resemblance to those of the Barbary Jews, who also have black eyes and Arab noses, lips, hair, and stature, and whose complexion is but a shade or two lighter than that of the Moorish Arabs, which is chiefly occasioned by their different modes of life, the Jews all living in cities, and the Arabs in the fields : the Jews, however, are stouter men than the Arabs, owing, most likely, to the unrestrained intercourse between the lusty Moors and Jewesses, &c. That these Arabs and those who live on the desart, are the same race of men, I have not the smallest doubt : their height, shape, eyes, noses, and other features, together with their customs, manners, and habits, being essentially the same. Between the Barbary Jews and the present Arabs, there is only a slight diffe rence in their religious ceremonies and belief, and both very much re semble those forms which were followed by the old Jewish patriarchs, and their fathers and brethren, as recorded in the Book of Genesis. There is one more singular coincidence between the customs of the old Israelites and present Arabs, which, though seemingly unimpor tant, 1 shall, nevertheless, mention. The Arabs, both on the desart and in Morocco, when they have occasion to go abroad from their tent, in order to obey one of the most pressing calls of nature, always carry a stick or paddle with them, in the manner and for the same purpose as is mentioned of the ancient Israelites in the twenty-third chapter of Deuteronomy, the twelfth and thirteenth verses. The men always sit close to the ground to urinate, and compelled us, while slaves, to do the same : the men never touch the virile member with their hands, 92.4 captain riley's narrative. In journeying through the province of Duquella, I learner) fjroffl occular demonstration what was meant when certain personages are described in Holy Writ as having an abundance of floCks and herds, &c. We stopped and pitched our tent one night within a douhar, which I found in the morning to consist of one hundred and fifty-fopr tents : they were pitched in form of a hpllow square, and about fifty yards apart, occupying a large space of ground, and all of them facing inwards : before each of these tents, the owner had made his beasts lie down for the night. I felt a desire to know the number of animals each man possessed, and in order to make an estimate of the whole - with correctness, I stopped^ counted, and set down the whole number that lay in separate flocks before thirty of the tents nearest tp where 1 was, and then made an average of their numbers for each tent, which were nineteen camels, eleven head of neat cattle, six asses, fifty-five sheep, and fifty-two goats : the whole of the horses within the douhar, 1 couuted separately ; they amounted to one hundred apd eighty-six. I think the flocks 1 counted were a fair average of the whole, apd I compute them accordingly ; that is, two thousand nine hundred and twenty-six camels; one hundred and eighty-six horses ; eight thou sand seven hundred and seventy sheep ; eight thousand and eight goats ; apd nine hundred and twenty asses : — they had besides a considerable number of dung-hill fowls, and a great plenty of dogs. I also counted the number of inhabitants occupying fifty tents, which averaged, including slaves and children, nipe to a tent, or pne thousand three hundred and eighty-six in all. These Arabs lead a pastoral life, and though the amount of their flocks, at first sight,, ap pears great, yet when it is taken into view that their enly emplpyment is to feed cattle, in which consists their whole riches or wealth, and their daily support, the number will not be considered as unreasonably great. This douhar was said to belopg to the Sheick Mohammed ben Abdehla, a very old man, (whom I saw,) and to consist of his family only; if so, this Arab must have been very rich and powerful, even like Abraham the patriarch, who had three hundred and eighteen servants born in his own house, able to go forth to war, (Genesjs xiv. 14,) or like pious Job, who was pre-eminently blessed with flocks and herds, and was also, most probably, an Arab. CHAPTER XXXII. The author ships his companions on board a vessel for Gibraltar, and sets out himself to travel by land for Tangier — Villany of his Jewcom- panion^Account of a great Moorish saint — Description of ihe coun try — of the town of el Ksebbah and Saffy. Having recovered my strength, sp as to be able to uudertake a journey by land, and being desirous pf viewing that part of the empire of Morocco which lies between Mogadore and Tangier, and also to visit the American Consul General residing at that place, in order to make effectual arrangements for the redepiption of the remaipder of my unfortunate crew, should they be yet alive, I shipped my compa nions op board a Genoese scboooer that navigated uuder the English TlAViiJ In MoA6rJfc6i I^i file, bounti for Gibraltar^ Where 1 intended to meet them, 1 flfe* bills oh my ffiepd, Mr. Horatio Sprague, of Gibraltar, for the amount of Cash actually expended by Mr. Wiilshire ip Obtaining our rederhp- tion, and in furnishing us with clothing, though he had given, both to me and my mep, many articles of his own clothing, for which he would not receive payment, por would he accept of any Compensation for his trouble, for our board, nor for the extraordinary expenses incurred in consequence of his exertions to render us every assistance, as Well as every service and Comfort in his power, during the whple of our stay with him for about two months. Elid Zagury, the Jew whom I haVe before mentioned, was also go ing to set out for Tangier by land, and as my friend did not wish me to 06 troubled with the arrapgements for provisions, &c. op the road, he agreed with Zagury, for him to furnish me every thing necessary duribg the journey, except a bed, and paid him the amount agreed on beforehand, which was a handsome sum. On the 4th day of January, 1816, all being previously prepared, the schooner sailed with Mr. Savage, Burns, Clark, and Horace on board. After seeing her safe out of the harbour, I went, accompanied by Mr. Wiilshire, into the Jews' town, to the house of old Zagdry, where 1 took my leave of the Jew priest before meotioned, and we proceeded without the northern city gate, where the Jews are permit ted to mount their mules or asses. I then found that the mule on which I was to travel, was already loaded with two large trupks, one mattress, and provisions in proportion, and was told by Zagury that I must get on the top of this cargo, and ride the best way I could, as he should procure no other mule on my account. I was not at all pleased at this plan, but my frieud told me it was only a Jew's trick, ahd SUCh a one as every man may expect to be served who has any dealings with those villains : he then ordered his own mule to be brought for rne, which was ready saddled in the gateway, and kept there, I believe, for the purpose, anticipating deceit on the part of the Jew ; though in this, as in every other instance, he endeavoured to lighten as touch as possible, the weight of the obligations he had laid trie under. His mule Was one of the handsomest and fipest I had ever Seep : to have refused riding it at that time, would have been to doubt his friendship ; so I mounted the mule, and proceeded northward in Company with Mr. Wiilshire and his trusty friend, Rais bel Cossim, on horseback, We rode on, conversing together, for about two hours, along the sand beach, when we stopped a few moments, and took some refreshments. It was there I took my leave of my benefactor. This painful parting I shall not attempt to describe : a last look was at length taken, apd a final adieu uttered, when he rode back towards th* city, apd I proceeded on my journey. We went silently along, and mounted up the bank. Our company consisted of young Zagu ry-'; an old Jew named David ; a Jew servant ; two Moors, who were the rfiuleteefs, and an imperial soldier for our guide, well mounted on a high Spirited horse, and fully armed : he was a fine looking fellow, though half negro, and possessed all that suavity of manners so Con spicuous in a first rate Modr Or Arab. From these soldiers the enn> BeTOr chcbses his alcayds and cfficers for the army; if they only . possess tareltts and bravery, their Colour is disregarded. The Jews @2 consequently, all droSvrted, £38 CAPTAIN riley's. NARRATIVE. That two days afterwards, a vessel arrived at Tangier from Gibraltar' the captain of which confirmed his conjecture, by assuring him that vast numbers of dead locusts had been driven ashore on the rock of Gibraltar, and along the coast of Spain, from Algeciras to Tariffa, a distance of nearly twenty miles, and that there were still greater num bers of their carcasses floating in tlje straits, near the Spanish shore. I was also informed, that several years ago, nearly all the locusts in the empire, which were at that time very numerous, and had' laid waste the country, were carried off in one night, and drowned in the Atlantic ocean; that their dead carcasses a few days afterwards were driven by winds and currents on shore, all along the western coast extending from near Cape Spartel to beyond Mogadore, forming, in many places, immense piles on the sand beach : that the stench arising from their remains was intolerable, and was supposed to have produced the plague which broke out about that time in various parts of the Moorish dominions. I have thus faithfully embodied what in formation I could obtain regarding the locusts, from living authority, which I deem indubitable, and to which I have added such facts and circumstances as fell under my own observation, unassisted by books ; and I trust the whole will be found essentially correct. As I do not profess to be a naturalist, it cannot be expected that I should under take to give a description of his interior formation, &c. — but for a side view of this famous and formidable animal, sec plate No. 9. To return to my Journal : Leaving this beautiful valley, embellished and enriched by many thousands of fig and other fruit trees, as well as many clumps of grape vines that seemed to thrive exceedingly well, we ascended the hill on our right, and about dark approached a douhar or encampment that was surrounded by a stone wall: the chief of the douhar was not will ing to let us enter within the walls, but our soldier telling him that I was the Sultan's doctor, and must go in, he reluctantly consented, telling my guard, however, we must take care of our baggage our selves, as the whole of the people in the douhar, both men and women, were ill of the venereal disease. They offered us milk and eggs, and asked my advice in regard to their disorder. I told them, 1 had no medicine with me — 1, however, recommended a milk or light diet, and a drink to be made by steeping a certain root, having an affinity, in appearance, to sarsaparilla, that is common in this part of the country ; and to let all drink plentifully of this decoction, for ten weeks, not doubting but it would prove beneficial. We slept here without molestation, started early on the morning of the 9th, and passed, iu the course of the day, many douhars of tents in the open fields ; many orchards regularly planted, consisting of several hundred fig-trees, feuced in with stope walls very thick, and from five to six feet in height: the land on both sides of the path was principally cultiva ted. Zagury had despatched our guide on to Azamore before us, to a Jew in that towp, in order to engage him to prepare some provisions against our arrival ; for they are so superstitious, that they would not even eat bread that had been baked in any other but a Jew's oven, and received the priest's blessing, for which, of course, he has his tithe. Proceeding forward, at about teo, A. M. we saw at some dis tance on our left, what David and Elio told me was 'the famous old Travels In MORoecdi 25V fowa of Mazagan! stopping here to take refreshment, a large ntifhber of Arab women came from some neighbouring douhars, to stare at me and my dress : some of them were quite young, and Zagury began to rally them in a very coarse and rude manner, asking them if they loved Christians, &c. upon which one very old woman said to him, " there is Mazagan ; (pointing towards the .distant town;) when that place was taken from the Christians, 1 helped to cut off one of their lieads, and yet I love Christians better than the mean, cheating, infidel Jews." Zagury, not relishing this retort, dropped the conversation. Riding on briskly, we arrived at Azamore about 3 o'clock, P. M. On our approach, our Jews were obliged to dismount, and walk for about two miles to pass a saint-house, which the Moors hold in high veneration . this was the fiftieth saint-house I had seen since I left Swearah. Azamore is a town strongly walled in : it lies on the left bank of the river Ormorbear, one league from its mouth : it is built in the form of an irregular quadrangle, and is about one mile in circum ference : the river washes its eastern wall, while the other sides are defended by a deep ditch. We did not enter it, butfrom it appearance, it is an old-fashioned Portuguese town, badly built, and within and about the walls, very dirty. This stream was the only one I had yet passed on this continent, that deserved the name of river : it has a dangerous bar at its mouth, which is said to be navigable only for ves sels drawing six feet water at high tides and in smooth weather ; these may come alongside the walls of Azamore, where there is a very neat water-port for the reception of their cargoes, but it has now no exter nal commerce whatever : there are, however, some large manufactories of Morocco leather, and coarse earthen ware, in the suburbs outside the walls. We passed this river, which is here about two hundred yards wide, in a good boat, built after the Spanish manner, large and well managed by expert hands. We found here a good shad fishery : there were ten large nets, and about one hundred and fifty stout Moors employed in this business at that time, and in the proper season, which is from the first of January to April : they catch large quantities of shad, which are much esteemed in this country, and are sold at the landing for about six cents apiece : they are carried from hence to Fez, Mequinez, Morocco, Mogadore, and all the adjoining country. We remained on the bank of this river until dark, waiting for our pro visions, which came at last, and we pitched our tent under three date trees, about one mile from the bank. We had bought some shad, which, when roasted, afforded us an excellent supper, as they were very fat and delicious. On the 10th, at two o'clock in the morning, we started from this place, and owing to the darkness, lost our path, and wandered about for two hours before it was found : we rode all the day through a fine even country, passing many douhars, and travelling as usual ; and at night pitched our tent in the midst of one of the douhars, which I shall here describe, (having made mention of them frequently before,) and this description will answer for the whole of them, with little variation. On our approach to within fifty yards, we halted, and were soon met by the chief, for they all have one head man, whom they honour by the title of Sheick: he welcomed us in very handsome terms; invited us to advance ; pointed out a place which was the safest t$ BA^TAiM fliLliA NAHftA'llV^I Within the douhar tot out relit; and fdfhisherl ds with milk and e£0 gratis, while the Moors that accompanied us were plentifully regaled With bread, water, apd coos-coo-soO. This douhar was composed of one hundred ahd fifty-four tents, pitched in the form of a hollow square ; the tents being placed about fifty yards apart; an equal num ber occupying each side, and at equal distances— all made of very boarse strong woollen cloth, of the same colour, and set up ih the same manner as those on the desart, and all facing inward. Before each teht, ahd at a very short distance from it, all the camelSj iiattle, goats, and asses, are made to lie down, where they are taught 10 re main until they are roused up to be milked in the mornihg, when the Shepherds or herdsmen drive them out into the open country to feed, and return with them again at night-fall. They milk the mares, ca mels, cows, asses, goats, and sheep ; and in order to effect this with the two last mentioned animals, which are very tame, they divide the sheep and goats into two rows, facing each other; as soon as they approach so as to interlock their necks, they are caught by two ropes which are ready strung for the purpose, and by this means they are kept close together, while the women and gills go behind and milk them between their hind legs ; the lambs having been previously tied or secured in a similar way. A good ewe will yield a pint of milk in a morning, and a goat more : sheep's milk is reckoned the richest by the natives, but 1 preferred that of the goat or the camel to any Pf the others, though asses' and mares' milk is very rich and good. They make butter by putting the new milk into a goat-skin, the hair on the inside ; the butter is of course a little hairy, but they can pick it clean With their fingers, and they generally have white-haired goat-Skihs for churns. The Arabs who inhabit exclusively these douhars, are ex tremely hospitable, and not only furnish the traveller with the best they have to eat an'd drink, but also set a watch over his tent and bag gage, which they strictly take care of : the Sheicks themselves are responsible for every article that may be missing in the morning, and which if not immediately found, they pay the stranger his own price for it in money without hesitation. Thus the Moorish and Arab tra vellers can pass from one end of the empire to the other without ex pense, and at their leisure, and transact ftieir commercial business in a cheap Way, only buying the barley for their beasts which early their burdens when they travel on mules or horses, being obliged to feed them on barley and straw ; but when they use camels, which is by far the most common method, these hardy beasts Jive on the herbage add shrubbery which they nip passing alpng the road, taking a bite now and then as they continue walking, and as soon as they stop, their two fore legs are tied within a foot of each other, and they are turned out to feed. Without this precaution, the camel is such a wandering crea ture, not unlike his Arab master in that respect, that be the herbage ever so good and plentiful where he is turned out, he is continually restless, and keeps moving on, so that in the course of an hour or two he will stray many miles from the place where he was first turned loose. On the 1 1th, at daybreak, we left this dpuhar, and proceeded ever a Brwooth beautiful plain, every where covered with fields of grain Or grass and flowering shrubs, with uumerous herds of cattle, camels, *tnnu in Maaoeea. S4t ftsses, and nocks of sheep and goats ) while the road, of father foot* path, (for such they all are in this country,) was covered with loaded camels travelling each Way to and from Darlbeda, and at about 8 o'clock, A. M. we reached that city. Darlbeda is a walled town of about two miles in circumference, situated at the bottom of a broad bay ; its port is tolerably good for landing cargoes, although the bay where vessels lie is very rocky, and can only be approached with safety in the sum mer months and in mild weather. Large quantities of wheat were for merly shipped at this port for Spain and Portugal. I peeped into it for a few minutes *, it is much on the decay ; the houses, which are built chiefly of stone and clay, as well as the walls, are falling down in every direction, and evep the gateway is ip a totteriog condition : itis a very dirty place : the houses are from one to three stories high, and the streets very narrow : there still remains an open aqueduct, that used to convey water for a distance of several miles into this town ; it is in good repair, being built of stone and lime ; the water runs in it to within twp hundred yards of the wall, where it has been cut off for the convenience of roads : thus the destructive hands of the Moors are employed in marring and spoiling even their own town, which must soon become no better than a heap of ruins. We passed Darlbeda, and came to Afidallah, a town built by Sidi Mohammed : this town is enclosed by a tolerable mud and stone wall, and is situated about one mile from the sea. The whole coast from Darlbeda to far beyond Afidallah, is lined with huge heaps of beach sand, hove up by the almost coustant trade winds, blowing direct on shore. Afidallah stands on a beautiful plain: it was built for the purpose of receiving and storing the large quantities of wheat and barley that usually grew near its site; and its harbour, only one mile distant from it, is sheltered by a long and narrow island, within which vessels of a small size can anchor, and be tolerably safe. This is said, by Mo hammed, one of our muleteers, and an old sailor, to be by far the safest open harbour in the empire during the winter months ; but the land ing is bad, apd can only be effected in light winds and good weather. Large quantities of wheat, barley, big acorns, fruit, &c. were shipped from Afidallah during thereigp of Sidi Mohammed, and a part of the presept reign ; but Muley Soliman, the present Sultan, Pas of late become sohigoted, that he thinks, or pretends it is a sin for his sub jects to trade with the Christians ; he has, therefore, forbid the expor tation of almost all the articles of commerce, and rendered, by this means, his people poor ; ruined most of his towns, and involved him self in many broils with his subjects, while he is straining every nerve to take away the little remains of their property, in contributions and presents extorted from them by rapacious officers appointed for the purpose. The goods for shipping were carried from Afidallah on ca mels, across the sand hills that shelter the town from the violent sea- gales^ This place is about six hundred yards square, flanked by four square forts joined to each corner, and so constructed as to be able to rake the whole length of the wall on the outside, with cannon and musketry. We passed on, and pitched our tent at night withip the walls of an old town called Sebilah ,' there is no house standing in it, except a part 31 31 242 CAP* AtN RILEY'S NARRAflVfi. of a large fnesqfie, and a tall well-built tower, though it Was phce a cea=> siderable place. Within these walls, in one corner, was a large gar den, well stocked with vegetables, and about a hundred tents were pitched, as if in the open field ; so we pitched our tent near the walls of the mosque. There were several women here that wanted medi cines, and though 1 had none to give them^yet my mere advice, which was thought important, procured milk and eggs sufficient for our sup pers. Soon after sunset, all the flocks and cattle belonging to the inhabitants were driven within the walls, and disposed of as in the common douhars, when the stout gate was shut and strongly barred. Many travellers arrived in the evening, and wished to enter, but found no admittance, and they took up their lodgings outside of the walls. January the I2th, at daylight, our soldier had the gate opened, and we went forward : there were outside of the gate several large droves of camels with their owners, which had put up there in the night — they were principally loaded with sacks of salt or barley, and going towards Rhabat. We rode on fast, and passed three considerable streams, which the Moors call rivers, and say they are not fordable in the rainy season; but we got over without difficulty, being then only brooks: the country was ievel and well cultivated, and we passed innumerable droves of light and loaded camels, mules, and asses. At about eight o'clock, A. M. we saw a high tower east of us, which stands at the head of the aqueduct that conveys waterto Rhabat : 'and at about three, P. M. we came to the outer wall of that city, which stands half a mile from the main wall, and encloses a great number of fine gardens of fruit and vegetables, besides some wheat fields : it ex tends from the palace (which is spacious, and situated on the left upon the bank of the sea between the outer and main walls) round to the river eastward of the city : here the Jews were obliged to dismount be fore they could enter the town, and there I left them, and proceeded with my guard, followed by my muleteer into the city. My friend Mr. Wiilshire, had given me an introductory letter to Mr. Abouder- ham, the English Vice Consul at Rhabat, and we proceeded directly to his house, which is situated in the principal town. On my arrival, I was received by that gentleman with every mark of politeness and respect 1 could wish : he furnished me with a room and every thing I needed for my comfort. The next day being the Jews' Sabbath, I had time to visit different parts of the city, and the Jews' town, or Millah. Rhabat is situated at the mouth of the river Beregreb — on its left bank, within a mile of the sea ; it is defended on the south by a dou ble wall and some batteries of cannon ; on the west, facing the sea, by a very strong fortress ; and along the river on the north, by very high and steep cliffs, a wall, and a number of strong batteries. I should compute the circumference of the outer walls at six miles, but the inner one not more than three. The city is situated on uneven ground ; is very well built for a Moorish town, though the streets are narrow, crooked, and dirty ; yet the houses in general are in good repair, and two stories high, built of stone apd lime mortar, and flat roofed, with ap inner court ; a few win dows next the streets, which are only air holes, and secured with TRAVELS IN MOROCCO. 243 w&bden shutters and grates, without glass. There are in this city ten mosques of different heights and shapes : it is the largest seaport town in the Moorish dominions, though at present the bar at the river's mouth is so heaped up with sand, as only to admit of vessels drawing six feet water, and yet the tide rises within it about ten feet, and runs very rapidly. The Millah, or Jews' town, is walled "J.sePa- rately, to prevent the Jews from mixing with and defiling the Moors, and that they may more easily be kept in subjection with the/ aid of the bastinado. This Millah has been built only about six years ; has but one gate, which is guarded and kept by Moors ; and , there are some very good Houses in it. It is said to contain eight thousand Jews, who are (for the most part) very poor, miserable, and depraved, and live in the most degraded condition : they worship in twelve rooms called synagogues, and 1 was told that nearly one half of the male in habitants were rabbies. , ' . Rhabat is very well peopled : the whole number of its inhabitants is computed by Mr. Abouderham to exceed sixty thousand. Many of the Moors here are rich, and live in great luxury, keeping large se raglios of women, and havipg beautiful gardens. Vast quantities of haicks, and other woollen and cotton cloths, are here fabricated, and great quantities of sole and Morocco leather, and coarse earthen ware, such as pots, bowls, jars, &c. are also manufactured in this city. It carries on a brisk inland trade, and the Moorish inhabitants seem to be more civilized than in any other town 1 passed through. Here is the principal navy-yard of the emperor, where his ships are built ; for the Moors have none for commerce. Here was one new frigate iying by the walls, partly fitted ; she appeared to be about five hundred tons burden ; was pierced for 32 guns, and the Moors said she would be ready to go round to Laresch, where their ships of war are fitted out^ in two or three months : to get them over the bar at the mouth of the , river, they are obliged to go out perfectly light ; to buoy them up as much as possible, and lay them sideways on the bar, at high tide, and in mild weather, where they are steadied by means of cables and an chors, until the yielding sand is washed away, and they are forced over by the power of the ebb tide, which runs like a mill-race. Rhabat is supplied with water by a considerable stream led into the city by means of an old fashioned aqueduct from the south, that is four or five leagues in length: the aqueduct was either built or tho roughly repaired by the old and liberal emperor Sidi Mohammed. I wished to visit the town of Salle, so famous in history for its piracies on the ocean, situated on the other side of the river, and directly opposite Rhabat, but I was dissuaded from making the , attempt, by Mr. Abouderham and my guide, who said that the whole people of Sallee still retained their ancient pride, prejudices, and patural fero city : that no Christian, or even a Barbary Jew in a Christian dress, could enter their walls if he was ever so well guarded by imperial soldiers, without beiog in imminent danger of losing his life. Mr. Abouderham said he had visited it twice ; that it coptained about forty thousaud fierce apd haughty Meprs, and four thpusand misera ble Jews. 244 eAfTAitf RtLEYn NA&fHTlVfi CHAPTER XXXIV. Description of a horrid show of two venemous serpenis-^Sets out front Rhabat — Of Salle, Marmora, Laresch — Spanish Missionaries-*, Moorish Navy — Arrival at Tangier. On Sunday, the 14th January, 1816, being anxious to get forward pn my journey, I went into the Jews' town to make the necessary pre parations ; for I intended to proceed without my Jew's ccmpanV, whom 1 had found out to be deceitful and dishonest, having already- manoeuvred me out of most of my money. The soldier and muleteer wept along with me : this muleteer, as I before observed, had been a sailor; had visited Spain and Portugal, and spoke the Spanish lan guage so that 1 could understand him ; his name was Mohammed. Soon after our entrance into the Millah, we saw a concourse of people, consisting of Moors and Jews, crowding about one of the single storied houses, which stood alone. Going near it, 1 inquired the cause of this assemblage, and was informed that a couple of that kind of Moors,' called serpent-eaters, were about to amuse the Moors and Jews with a sight of two of the most venemous serpents on earth; together with their manner of attacking the human species : and that each one who chose to see the exhibition through the windows, (for it was to take place in that room,) must pay half a dollar. Being desirous of havipg a look, I offered a dollar for a station at a window ; but all the win dows were already occupied, and the places paid for. My guard, observing my disappointment, asked me if 1 wished for a birth ? which 1 answered by putting two dollars into his .hand : whereupon he called out to the Jews at one of the windows to clear a place for el Tibib del Sultan. (The Sultan's doctor.) Those, however, who had paid their money, not liking to lose their places, were unwilling to move: upon which my guard brushed them away with hishig cane without cere mony; giving me a whole window to myself, saying he would keep guard; and Hooked into the room without interruption : it was about twenty feet long, and fifteen feet broad, paved with tiles, and plastered within. The windows had also been secured by an additional grating made of wire, in such a manner as to render it irdpossible for the ser pents to escape from the room: it had but one door, and that had a hole cut through it, six or eight inches square; this hole was also secured by a grating. In the room stood two men who appeared to be Arabs, with long bushy hair and beards ; and I was told they were a particular race of men that could charm serpents. A wooden box. about four feet long and two feet wide, was placed near the door, with a string fastened to a slide atone end of it: this string went through a hole in the door. The two serpent-eaters were dressed in haicks only, and those very small ones. After they had gone through with their religious ceremonies most devputly, they appeared te take an eternal farewell of each other : this done, one of them retired from the room, and shut the door tight after him. The Arab within seemed to be in dreadful distress : I could observe his heart throb and his bosom heave most violently; and he cried put very loudly, "Allah huuaki- TRAVELS IN MOROCCO. §45 bar!" three times, which is, as I understood it, "God have mercy upon me !" The Arab was at the farthest end of the room : at that instant the cage was opened, and a serpent crept out slowly ; he was about four feet long, and eight inches in circumference ; his colours were the most beautiful in nature, being bright, and variegated with deep yellow, a purple, a cream colour, black and brown spotted, &c. As soon as he saw the Arab in the room, his eyes, which were small and green, kindled as with fire : he erected himself in a second, his head two feet high, and darting on the defenceless Arab, seized him between the folds of his haick, just above his right hip bone, hissing most horribly : the Arab gave a horrid shriek, and another serpent came out of the cage. This last was black, very shining, and appeared to be seven or eight feet long, but not more than two inches in diame ter : as soon as he had cleared the cage, he cast his red fiery eyes on his intended victim, thrust out his forked tongue, threw himself into a round coil, erected his head, which was in the centre of the coil, three feet from the floor, flattening out the skin above his head and eyes in the form and nearly of the size of a human heart ; and, spring ing like lightning on the Arab, struck its fangs into his neck, near the jugular vein, while his tail and body flew round his neck and arms in two or three folds. The Arab set up the most hideous and piteous yelling, foamed apd frothed at the mouth, grasping the folds of the serpent, which were round his arms, with his right hand, and seemed to be in the greatest agony — striving to tear the reptile from around his neck, while with M3 left he seized hold of it near its head, but could not break its hold : by this time, the other had twined itself around his legs, and kept biting all around the lower parts of his body, making apparently deep incisions : the blood, issuing from every wound, both in his neck and body, streamed all over his haick and skin. My blood was chilled in my veins with horror at this sight, and it was with difficulty my legs would support my frame. Notwith standing the Arab's greatest exertions to tear away the serpents with his hands, theytwined themselves still tighter, stopped his breath, and he fell to the floor, where he continued for a moment, as if in the most inconceivable agony, rolling over, and covering every part of Ifis body with his own blood and froth, until he ceased to move, and appeared to have expired. In his last struggle he had wounded the black serpent with his teeth, as it was striving, as it were, to force its head into his mouth ; which wound seemed to increase its ra South Barbary, making their continual round. Ships bound from Europe, say England, France, Holland, &c. to the West Indies, the Cape de Verd Islands, the coast of Guinea, Brazils, or India voyages, or to the west coast of America, generally steer south ward along the coast of Portugal, until they cross the mouth of the straits of Gibraltar, where if they meet with southerly winds they are drawn towards the coast of Africa by a small indraught setting to wards the strait, where a current always runs in ;' for the waters of the rivers which empty into the Mediterranean sea are not sufficient to supply the loss from evaporations rendered necessary in order to moisten in some measure the parched earth and sand on its southern border, and to cool the heated atmosphere, and support by dews the scanty vegetation on the coast, during the greater part of the year, where no rain falls except a little in winter ; so that the surface of the Mediterranean sea is always lower than that of the adjoining Atlantic. The same causes, viz. great evaporations, tend also to reduce the quantity of water in the open ocean near the west coast of Africa, and particularly that part bordering on the desart, where very little or no rain ever falls, and the smooth surface of which, baked almost as hard as stone by the heat of a vertical sun, is during the night in some de gree refreshed by the strong winds and vapours which come from the sea, as before noticed. These reasons, together with the facts which 1 have before stated, demonstrate to my understanding, satisfactorily, that in the offing all along this Coast, the water must incline towards it, contrary to any general principle of currents ; and this is proved, if any doubt did exist, by the vast number of vessels that, have from time to time been wrecked on these wild and inhospitable shores, gene rally near Cape Nun, and from thence to Cape Bajador, and as far south as Cape de Verd. Ships from Europe, bound round the south ern capes of Africa and America, generally stop at Madsira pr Tene- APPENDIX. 261 riffe for refreshments, and are not unfrequently obliged to run for Ma deira after they get in its latitude, and their reckoning by account is up one, and sometimes two degrees westward before they find that island ; when, had they kept on the courses which they would natural ly have steered to reach Teneriffe, they would have been sucked or drawn in by the current between Lanzarote and Cape Captin, and driven ashore near Cape Nun, before they could' suspect they had > reached the latitude of that island, and in the firm belief that they were near the longitude of Teneriffe, and consequently two hundred and fifty miles from the coast where they in fact are, and where no human effort can save them from either perishing in the sea, or be coming slaves to the Bereberies, Moors, or Arabs, who inhabit this country. Most merchant vessels steer courses that ought to carry them within sight of the Canary Islands when bound to the southward, or from the strait of Gibraltar; they generally experience a southerly current after passing the latitude of Cape Blanco, and have a fait wind when near the coast, with thick hazy weather, so that they cannot get an altitude of the sun : this is a sure sign they are in the southeast current, over which hangs a vapour similar to that observed over the Gulf Stream near the American continent, and when these portending signs occur, they should stand directly off W. N. W. or N. W. until they reach the longitude of Madeira, and never pass the latitude of Teneriffe or Palma, without seeing one of them. , Near these Islands the atmosphere is more clear, and they can be seen from sixty to one hundred miles distant in clear weather. I am particular in advising those ship-masters who are bound that way, by all means to make the island of Madeira ; it takes them but a little out of their route, and from whence they will be sure of making Teneriffe or Palma, in steer ing the regular courses, when by due precaution against indraughts southward of those islands, they avoid the dangers of this terrible coast, and the dreadful sufferings or deaths which await all that are so unfortunate as to be wrecked on them : I have learned from a long experience in trading and navigating from Europe as well as America, to the Madeira and Canary Islands, to the coast of Brazil and South America ia general, thence northward across the southern Atlantic, all along the coast of Guyanna and Terra Firma, from the river Ama zon to the Bay of Honduras, through the passages between Trinidad and the Main, Cape Catoche and the island of Cuba — in the gulf of Mexico, and in the Mississippi river, to Cuba ; — through the Gulf Stream backwards and forwards — along the coasts of Florida to and from different ports in the United States, thence to and from all the West India islands, and to and from almost every part of Europe, and I can assert, without fear of contradiction from any practical man, that the particular currents 1 have here mentioned do in reality exist in all those parts of the ocean. 1 have endeavoured to find out their causes, apd pow give the reader those 1 judge to be the correct ones. 1 pre sume no man ever took more pains to examine and ascertain the facts on which this theory is founded ; having tried the currents whenever I had an opportunity, in different parts of the Atlantic, and very few men have had better opportunities : how far 1 have succeeded, must hereafter be determined. When I tppk my departure from Cape Spartel, bpund to the Ca.p« 268 APPENDIX. de Verd Islands, on my