Yale University Library 39002027104869 LUUmiDAKT jKe3^ Copy 2 YALE UNIVERSITY ART AND ARCHITECTURE LIBRARY Philadelphia Silversmiths 1682-1850 SILVERSMITHS' MARKS <$ Q£ m mm 33133 As Ql D IP D w Qffl^fflgQ The Marks of the Syng Family- — Father, Son and Grandson ID OS SB (ESSE loareana John Leacock Thomas Shields John David John Myers BKSfipam KSgJBT^ OSS 051 Joseph Lownes HSSHB li»il:tMI:4:4 John Le Telier ummm masasm (g) John McMullin Christian Wiltberger fmssm © © (D LIST OF Philadelphia Silversmiths AND Allied Artificers From 1682 to 1850 By MAURICE BRIX PHILADELPHIA PRIVATELY PRINTED I920 Copyrighted 1920 by Maurice Brix Three hundred and twenty-five copies of this book have been printed, of which twenty-five are on Italian hand-made paper. This is number X-Or f..'A ><-£ PRESS OF EDWARD STERN & CO., INC. PHILADELPHIA preface The work of early American silversmiths, already of more interest in our eyes than that of foreign craftsmen of the same periods, will be enhanced in value by a knowledge of its history and associations, by systematic identification and cataloguing of the men, their marks and productions. Philadelphia, then the metropolis of North America, affords a peculiarly interesting field for such research, because of the number and ability of the trade and the importance of their work. Early New England artificers followed the style of the Mother Country; New York craftsmen produced silver after the Netherlandish fashion; the Philadelphia silversmiths developed a type of their own. Philip Syng, the friend of Franklin, a citizen of local note, and eminent in his trade, fitly produced the work historically of cardinal importance in American silver. It would indeed not be rash to challenge, not merely America, but the world, to show another piece linked with such momentous associations as the silver inkstand preserved in Independence Hall, from which the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States were written across its history. First in the United States, Philadelphia had a directory — or it might be said directories, for in 1785 the idea came to two men, Francis White, who kept what he called an "Intelligence Office," and Captain John Macpherson, an eccentric retired privateersman. From these and succeeding directories, from contemporary newspapers, public and private records, this list has been made up. [v] PREFACE The data so gathered lay a foundation for a History of Phila delphia Silversmiths, to be illustrated with photographs of their marks and work, which the author has in preparation. Owing to the nature of the proposed book, especially the difficulties attending the collecting and exact engraving of the marks, its completion must be a matter of time; and, having had many inquiries concerning Philadelphia silversmiths, he believes the present list may be helpful, pending the completion of the larger work. From White's Directory the writer borrows a fitting apologia for this present list: "The Publisher of this Directory has endeavoured to remedy the frequent complaints made at his office, by strangers and others, for the want of a more easy guide to find out any person they might have business with; and notwithstanding his care to render it correct, it being the first of the kind published here, it cannot be expected to be wholly complete. He, therefore, hopes the indulgent public will excuse any errors or omissions which may appear, as he intends to have the next as correct as can possibly be collected." The reproduction of silversmiths' marks, from pieces in the collection of the writer, here given as frontispiece, are the exact size of the originals. The forthcoming work will exhibit all the different forms of marks used by the silversmiths, which are to be found on the silver, whether in his collection, or in that of others who for this purpose kindly put their plate at the disposal of the author. He will greatly appreciate any sugges tions or information enabling him to add to its completeness. Two hundred and sixty silversmiths and goldsmiths are listed prior to 1800; and, in all, that is to say to 1850, there are fourteen hundred names, exclusive of the allied trades, such as watch and clock makers, engravers, chasers, die-sinkers, lapidists, sword-smiths, etc. The dates given are those when [vi] PREFACE the silversmiths were in actual practice of their art. Owing to the naturally faulty methods and incompleteness of the early directories, much care has been necessary to avoid con fusion; and it is hoped that this has been measurably success ful. At the end of the book will be found an Appendix containing the names of silversmiths outside of Philadelphia which are not contained in any other list. Previous contributions to the history of early American silver are: Mr. R. T. Haines Halsey's valuable contributions to the catalogues of the various exhibitions held in New York and Boston; Early Silver of Connecticut, by Mr. George M. Curtis; The Old Silver of American Churches, by Mr. C. Alfred Jones; A List of Early American Silversmiths and Their Marks, by Mr. Hollis French; Historic Silver of the Colonies, by Mr. Francis H. Bigelow; Harper's Magazine for September, 1896, contains an interesting article by Dr. Theodore S. Woolsey. To Mr. John H. Buck, late Curator of Plate of the Metro politan Museum, New York, the writer was indebted for infor mation and advice; his works on Old Plate, 1888 and 1903, are also very valuable. The author has also had the advantage of the collaboration of Mr. Alfred Coxe Prime, in collecting silver smiths' marks and photographing heirlooms in the possession of old Philadelphia families. His acknowledgments are due to Mr. Bunford Samuel, of the Ridgway Library, and particularly to Miss Edith V. Lamberton, his assistant, for her interest and able assistance in the com pilation of this work. c u o u c dl-i j 1 l- Maurice Brix. 125 South 18th Street, Philadelphia September, 1920 NOTE — On the title page is an engraving of the medal struck from dies made by Edward Duffield in 1756, to commemorate the destruction of the Indian town, Kit- tanning, by Col. John Armstrong. [Vii] Abbreviations b. — born Adv. — advertised in newspapers d.— died D. — directories PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Aaron, Joseph Abbott, George Abel, Robert Abel, Robert K. Abel, Robert K. Abercrombie, John D. Abrahams, John D. Adams, Dunlap Adams, Henry B. Adams, Jonathan Adams, Wesley Addison, William Adolph, Duff Aherns, Adolph Aitken, John Aitken, William Aitken, William Aitkin, or Aitkins, John, Akins, Samuel Albertson, Anthony Albright, Thomas F. Alcorn, George Alexander, A. Jeweller Watchmaker Jeweller WatchmakerWatch Case Maker Jeweller JewellerEngraver SilversmithGoldsmith Jeweller Jeweller Watchmaker Watchmaker SilversmithSilversmithSilverplater see Aitken, John Jeweller Jeweller Watchmaker Jeweller Silversmith D 1798 D 1822 D 1844 D 1 840-1 841 D1846-1850 D 1 8 23-1 843 D1835 Adv. 1764 D 1848 Adv. 1783 D 1 849-1 850 D 1845-1850 D1837 D1837 D 1785-1813 D 1825 D1837 D 1841-1842 D 1848 D 1 835-1 847 D 1 830-1 833 D 1802 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Alexander, Samuel Goldsmith & Jeweller D 1797-1808 Alexander, see also Wiltberger & Alexander Alford, Samuel Goldsmith & Jeweller Adv. 1759-1762 Alford, Thomas Goldsmith & Jeweller Adv. 1762-1764 Allardice, Samuel Engraver d. 1798 Allen, Cairns Silverplater D 1837- 1845, 1848 Allen, James Goldsmith Adv. 1720 Allen, John Silversmith D 1814 Allen, Richard Silversmith D 1816-1817 Allen, Robert Silversmith D 1794,1796 Allibone, W. A. Jeweller D 1 828-1 833 Allison, William Jeweller D1839 Alsop, Thomas Watchmaker D 1842 Alsop, Thomas Jeweller D 1 849-1 850 Amant, Fester Clock & Watchmaker D 1794 Anatotte, Martin Jeweller D 1818 Ancker, Adolph Jeweller D 1 806-1 807 Anderson, Albert A. Jeweller D1837 Anderson, Alexander J. Engraver D 1848 Anderson, Stephen Silverplater D 1802 Anderson, Thomas & William Silverplaters D 1 8 14-18 17 Anderson, see also Buckhey & Anderson Andrews, Abraham Silversmith D 1795-1796 Andrews, Henry Silversmith D 1795-1796 Andrews, Jeremiah Jeweller Adv. 1776-1780 Aniston, Isaac Watchmaker D1785 Annelly, William F. Silversmith D 1850 Anners, Robert M. Jeweller 1 D 1824 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Annin (John) & Dreer (Ferdinand J.) Jewellers Ansbey, George Ansbey & M'Euen Anthony, Joseph, Jr. D 1837-1841 D 1837-1850 D 1825 Anthony, Joseph & Son Goldsmiths Anthony, Michael H. Goldsmith Anthony, Michael H. & Thomas Goldsmiths SilverplaterSilverplatersGold & Silversmith Adv. 1783, D 1785-1809, d. 1814 D 1810-1814 D 1814 Antrim, Charles Antrim, Charles Antrim, Charles W. App, Samuel Arbuckle, John Arbuckle, Joseph Archibald, Dumm Archibald, John Armitage, George Armstrong, Allen Armstrong, John Arnold, Jacob Arrison, John Ash, Lawrence Ashburn, James C. Ashburn, John D 1816-1817 Watchmaker D 1837-1839, 1844-1847 Jeweller Watchmaker WatchmakerSilverplater WatchmakerSilverplaterSilverplaterSilverplate Worker Goldsmith & Jeweller Silversmith Clockmaker Watchmaker Watchmaker Jeweller Jeweller Jewellers Ashburn & Shannon Ashburn, see also Clements & Ashburn Ashburner, John Jeweller 3 D1837 D 1840 D 1837-1850 D1843 D 1 847-1 848 D 1837 • D 1 844-1 850 D 1 800-1 825 D 1806-1817 D 1810-1813 D 1848 D1837 Adv. 1762-1763 D 1 840-1 850 D 1850 D 1841 D 1 840-1 841 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Ashman, James Ashmead, William Silversmith Ashmen, James J. Silverplater Ashton Watchmaker Ashton, Isaac Watchmaker Atherton, Matthew Watchmaker Atherton, Nathan, Jr. Watchmaker Atkin, see Aitken Atkinson, Harrison Silverplater Atkinson, Isaac Silversmith Atlee, Charles Goldsmith Atmore, Edward Jeweller Atmore, Edward W. Jeweller Atmore, see also Roberts & Atmore Attmore, Marshall Austen, David Austin, Isaac SilverplaterD 1831-1835, 1840-1841 D 1797 D 1839-1841 D 1797 Census 1790 D 1 837-1 840 D 1825-1850 D 1823-1824 D 1825-1833 D1837 D 1 846-1 848 D 1850 Clock &? Watchmaker D 1821-1837 Silversmith D 1 837-1839 Watchmaker Adv. 1781, D 1785-1801 d. 1801 Austin, John Ayers, John Ayres & Warden Babcock & Co. Baen, John Baggs, William Bagnall, Benjamin Bailey, Gamaliel Bailey, J. T. Jeweller SilverplaterSilverplaters B Jewellers Jeweller SilversmithWatchmaker Watchmaker Jeweller 4 D 1 802-1 809 D 1817-1819 D 1817 D 1831-1833 D 1 849-1850 D 1850 Adv. 1749-1753 D 1828-1833 D 1847 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Bailey, J. T., see also Bailey & Kitchen, Bailey & Co. Goldsmith JewellerJeweller Watchmaker D1785 D 1 843-1 845 D 1842 D 1820-1850 Bailey, John Bailey, T. A. Bailey, Westcott E. J. Bailey, William Bailey, William, Jr. Bailey & Kitchen Bailey & Co. Baily, John, see Bayly, John Baily, William, see Bailey, William Bain, Henry Jeweller D 1849 Baker, Benjamin H. Clock & Watchmaker D 1 823-1825 Baker, Edwin G. A. Jeweller D 1837, 1 842-1 850 Baker (Edwin G. A.) & Shriver (Thomas) Clock & Watchmaker D 18 16-1822 Jewellers D 1 833-1846 Jewellers D 1 848-1 850 Jewellers JewellerJeweller Jeweller JewellerWatchmakerJeweller D 1837-1841 D 1841, 1843 D 1840 D1835 D 1828-1831 D 1842 D 1816 Baker, George A. Baker, George M. Baker, J. G. A. Baker, J. M. S. Baker, James M. Baker, Nehemiah Baker, see also Knorr & Baker Baldwin, Joseph Jeweller D 1823-1824 Baldwin, Matthias Jeweller D 1819-1822 Baldwin, see also Colton & Baldwin Ball, William Goldsmith Adv. 1752-1782, d. 1810 Banks, Joseph Watchmaker D 1819 Banstein, John Clockmaker D 1791 5 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Barbeck, C. G. Watchmaker D 1835 Barber, James Clockmaker D [842, 1845- 1850 Barber, J. C. Die Sinker D 1844- 1846 Barbere, Stephen Jeweller D 1841 Barbier, G. Jeweller D 1837, 1842 Barbier, P. Goldsmith D 1823- 1824 Barbier, Stephen Jeweller D 1847 Barbier, Stephen P. Jeweller D 1810- 1843 Barclay, James Silverplater D 1848 Barclay, Orin Silverplater D 1849 Bard, Conrad Silversmith D 1825- 1850 Bard (Conrad) & Son (E. Milford) Silversmiths D 1850 Bard & Hoffman Silversmiths D 1837 Bard & Lamont Silversmiths D 1841- 1845 Bardeer, Connard Silversmith D 1830- 1833 Bardick, George, see Burdock, George Bardick, John Silversmith D 1805- 1808 Bardon, Stephen Jeweller D 1785 Barge, Thomas Silversmith D 1848 Barger, George Watchmaker D 1844 Barnes, James Watch Case Maker D 1841- 1844 Barnes, James M. Watch Case Maker D 1845- 1850 Barnhill, Robert Watchmaker Adv. 1776- 1778 Barnhurst, Joseph Die Sinker & Chaser D 1813 Barnhurst (T. & J.) & Walker Brass Founders & Die Sinkers D 1814 6 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Barralet, John J. Engraver Adv. 1794, D 1798 Barras, Joseph J. Jeweller D !833- 1850 Barrass, Joshua L. Jeweller D 1837 Barrington & Davenport Goldsmiths D 1806- 1807 Barrow, Samuel Watchmaker Adv. 1771 Barry, William Silverplater & Grocer D 1801- 1802 Bartholomew, Charles Silverplater D 1843- 1846 Bartholomew, John Silverplater D 1846- 1848 Bartholomew, Joseph Silverplater D 1818 Bartholomew, Joseph Silversmith D 1833- 1835 Bartlett, Edward M. Silversmith D 1843- 1850 Bartley, S. Silversmith D 1841 Bartram, William Silversmith Adv. 1769 Basset, George Francis Watchmaker D 1797 Basset, John Francis Watchmaker D 1798 Bataud, see Butaud Baton, Augustine, Jr. Jeweller D 1828- 1837 Baton, Augustus Jeweller D 1839- 1845 Baton, Charles Jeweller D 1833- 1835 Baton, see also Dubosq. & Baton Batting, Joseph Watchmaker D 1850 Baumford, Henry Silverplater D 1806- 1807 Baxter, DeWitt Engraver D 1850 Bayley, Simeon C. Watchmaker D !794 Bayly, John Goldsmith Adv. 1754-1763, 1770- 1783 Beam, Jacob Silversmith D 1821- 1822 Beam, Jacob C. Silversmith D 1818- 1820 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Bean, Henry Bean, Jacob Beatty, Albert L. Beau, John Anthony Bechtel, Henry Bechtler, Christopher Beck, Henry Beck, John O. Beck, Thomas Jeweller Silversmith Watchmaker Chaser Watchmaker Jeweller D 1848 D 1819-1822 D1833 Adv. 1772 D 1817 D 1 830-1 83 1 Watchmaker & Jeweller D 1 837-1 839 Jeweller D 1847 Chaser & Silversmith Adv. 1773-1777 Bedwell, see Norman & Bedwell Beesleyhaven, John Jeweller Beidt, Julius Beigel, Henry Belgord, Maxim Belin, Lewis Belk, William D 1 839-1 840 D 1848 D 1816-1817 D 1848 D 1818-1819 WatchmakerClockmaker Silverworker SilversmithWatch & Clock Maker D 1797-1800 Jeweller D 1818-1825, 1830-1850 Watchmaker D 1837 Watchmaker D 1837 Clock & Watchmaker D 1 805 Belnap, Stephen, see Belknap, Stephen Benjamin, Theodore Jeweller D 1 823-1 824 Benner, Whiteman Silverplater D 1818-1824 Bennet Jeweller D 1811 Bennett, Alfred Watchmaker D 1837, 1844-1847 Belknap, Stephen Bell, S. W. Bell, Thomas W. Bell, William PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Bennett, Jacob Jeweller Bennett, James Silversmith Bennett, Purden Jeweller Bennett, Purnell Jeweller Bennett, Robert H. Jeweller Bennett & Caldwell Watchmakers Bennett, see also Fletcher & Bennett Bentson (or Bentzon), Peter Silversmith Benyard, Eugene C. Jeweller Benyard, Hugh G. Jeweller Benyard, John Jeweller Benyaurd, see Benyard Bera, Ferdinand Berard, Andrew Berd, Samuel Berger, Joseph Berniard, A. & J. Bero, see Bera Berrgant, Peter Besselievre, John Besselievre, John A. Besselievre, Thomas Besslievre, A. Best, Joseph Bettle, Samuel Betton, Charles Betton, Thomas W. Jeweller Goldsmith Jeweller Jeweller Jewellers D 1825-1850 D1839 D 1837,1839 D 1835, 1841-1843 D 1 849-1 850 D 1 843-1 848 D 1817-1833, 1849 D 1839, 1842-1849 D 1841 D1837 D 1839-1850 D 1797 D 1840 D 1 829-1 833 D 1 806-1 807 Clockmaker Jeweller Jeweller Silversmith JewellerGoldsmithMerchant & Jeweller Jeweller Jeweller 9 D 1 829-1 833 D 1825-1833, 1840 D 1841-1850 D 1829-1833 D1837 Adv. 1723 D 1803 D 1850 D 1830-1833 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Clockmaker D 1810-1813 Watchmaker Adv. 1764-1770, d. 1799 Bevans, William Biddle, Owen Biegel, Henry Bigger & Clarke Billon, Charles Billon (Charles) & Co Bingham, James Bingham, Thomas Clockmaker WatchmakersWatchmaker Watchmakers Jeweller D 1810-1813 Adv. 1784 D 1798-1819 D i795-I797 D 1839-1850 Engraver, Die Sinker D 1797-1798, 1 800-181 1 Bingham (Thomas) & Breorbey Engravers & Watchmakers D 1799 Binneau, Theodore Silversmith *Bioren, John Jeweller Bird, Albert G. Engraver Bird, Conrad, see Bard Bird & Hoffman, see Bard & Hoffman Bird, William Birnie, Lawrence Bishop, Benjamin F. Bishop, Edward Bishop, Edwin Bishop, Erwin Bishop, Joachim Bishop, Jodquin Bishop, Joseph Bishop, Peter S. Black, James Silverplater WatchmakerJewellerJewellerJewellerJewellerJeweller Jeweller Jeweller JewellerGoldsmith D 1820-1822 D 1 829-1 833 D 1829-1850 D 1848-1850 Adv. 1774-1779 D 1 846-1 847 D1839 D 1825-1833 D 1835-1837 D1835 D1837 D 1 829-1 833 D1837 D 1795-1822 10 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Black, John Black, John Blanc, Lewis Blancan, P. Bland, Samuel Blank, Charles Blank, John Blatt, John Blome, George Blondel, Anthony Silversmith Watchmaker Watchmaker Turner in Metal D 1811-1819 D 1839-1850 D 1810 D 1811-1813 Watchmaker Jeweller SilverplaterClock Dealer D 1837, 1845-1850 D 1850 D 1837-1839 D 1841 Watch Case Maker D 1 845 Goldsmith D 1797, 1 808-1 809 Blondel (Anthony) & Descuret (Louis) Goldsmiths Blowe, George Bode, William Bodoano, Lorenzo Boggs, Thomas Watchmaker Watchmaker Jeweller Silverplater Bogue, Thomas H. & Co. Electrotype Platers D 1844 Bolton, William SilverplaterD 1797, 1799, 1801-1813 D 1798, 1799 D 1837, 1 846-1 850 D 1796-1798 D 1819 D 1849 Bolton & Horn Silverplaters Boning & Co. Jewellers Boning, William Jeweller Boning, see also Holden & Boning Bonnaud Watchmaker Bonsall, Edmund C. Jeweller Bonsall (Edmund C.) & Jacot Jewellers Bonsall (Edmund C.) & Scheer Jewellers D 1808 D1843 D 1 844-1 850 D 1799 D 1844, 1 848-1 850 D 1849 D 1 845-1 847 11 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Bonsall, Edward C. Jeweller D 1 839-1 840 Boon, Michael Jeweller D 1840 Boone, Jeremiah Goldsmith Census 1790, D 1791-1796 Boone, see also Webb & Boon Booth, Thomas Silverplater D 1 841 Bordeaux, Augustine Jeweller D 1798-1799 Borduck, see Burdock Borhek, Charles G. Watchmaker D 1 829-1 840 Borhek, Edward Jeweller D 1835-1850 Bosardet, Frederick Jeweller D 1840-1841, 1843, 1 846-1 847 Boshardt, see Bosardet Bosier Jeweller D 1811 Boss, James Jeweller D 1 846-1 847 Bossardet, see Bosardet Bossordet, Peter Jeweller D 1 847-1849 Botton, William, see Bolton Boudinot, Elias Silversmith Adv. 1747-1749, d. 1770 Boullien Boulton, see Bolton Bourgeois, Francis Boute, Lewis Charles Bouvar, Joseph Bowen, John Bower, C. Bower, Michael Bowers, George Goldsmith D 1811 Enameller & Engraver D 1799 Watchmaker D1839 Jeweller D 1797 Engraver D 1809 Silversmith D 1828-1833 Clockmaker D 1799 Watchmaker D 1850 12 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Boyce, James Boyce, Joseph Boyd, Ezekiel C. Boyd, Thomas Boyd & Richards Silversmith D 1849 Silverplater & Brass Founder D 1802-1810 Jeweller Watchmaker Watchmakers D 1 830-1 833 D 1 807-1 809 D 1808 Boyd, see also Coats & Boyd Bradbury, Edward Engraver, Etc. Bradford, Joseph Bradier, John Bradshaw, William Brady, John Brakman, Barnet Brandt, Aime D 1819-1822 D 1 842-1 843 D 1 802-1 804 D 1809-1810 D1835 D 1840 Silverplater WatchmakerJeweller WatchmakerJewellerWatchmaker & Jeweller D 1816-1831 Brandt, Aime & Charles Watchmakers D 1800-18 14 Brandt, Charles & Co. Jewellers D 18 16-18 18 Brandt & Mathey Watchmakers Adv. 1795, D 1797-1799 Watchmakers D 1795-1796 Jeweller D 1840 Watchmaker D 1842, 1846, 1848 Brandt, Brown & Lewis Brannan, Barnet Brannan, Bernard Brant, Brown & Lewis, see Brandt, Brown & Lewis Brasier, Amable Brasier, Francis Bray, Henry Brazier, see Brasier Watchmaker & Jeweller D 1794-1828 Jeweller D 1824 Silversmith D 1799-1800, 18 13 13 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Bready, C. L. Breans, John Brearley, James Brechemin, Louis Clockmaker D 1808 Jeweller D 1825 Watchmaker D 1795-1822 Jeweller D 1816-1819, 1825-1850 Brechemin, see also Laret & Brechemin BreidEnbauch, L. Watchmaker Brennan, Barnabas Clockmaker Brenno, John Jeweller Brenno (John) & Co. Jewellers Breorbey, see Bingham & Breorbey Breslin, John Brewer, Thomas A. Brewer, William Bricknall, Samuel Brier, Joseph Brier, Robert Bright, Anthony Bringhurst, Joseph Brintzinghoffer, F. Brittin, see Britton Britton, Isaac Britton, Jacob Britton, Thomas Brocha, Charles P. Brochet, Charles Brochett, Charles B. SilverplaterWatchmakerWatchmaker D 1785-1791, 1803-1804, 1813-1824 D 1807 D 1843 D 1824 D 1818 D 1828-1833 D 1 830-1 850 Adv. 1774-1775 Lapidary Silversmith SilversmithSilversmithWatchmaker Watchmaker D 1817 D 1849-1850 D 1848 Adv. 1739, d- J749 D 1813 D 1804 D 1811 SilversmithSilversmith D 1807-1814, 1842, 1848, 1850 Jeweller D 1848- 18 50 Jeweller D 1833 Jeweller D 18 19-1822 Jeweller D 1831 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Goldsmith & Seal Cutter D 1793 D 1833, 1837 D1835D1837 D 1846-1850 D 1825, 1850 D 1829-1831 1 Adv. 1772-1773 D 1830-1835 Brooks, Samuel Broom, William Jeweller Broom, William, Jr. Jeweller Broom & Clement Jewellers Broomall, Lewis R. Watchmaker Broome, William Jeweller Broshey, Peter S. Jeweller Brothears (or Brothers), Michael Goldsmith Brothers, T. Silverplater Brown, Alexander Silversmith D 1 840-1843, 1 845-1 847 Brown, Brant, see Brandt, Brown & Lewis Brown, Charles Jeweller D 1 829-1833 Brown, Chancey Engraver D 1845 Brown, Henry (Guest) Silversmith Adv. 1777 Silversmith D 1844 Goldsmith Adv. 1785 Silversmith D 1813-1817 Gold & Silversmith D 1785-1793, 1796 Silverplater D 1796, 1798, 1801-1824 Brown, Isaac C. Brown, James Brown, Jesse Brown, John Brown, John Brown, John Brown, John Brown, Philip Brown, William Brown, William Brown, William H. Watchmaker Silversmith Silverplater JewellerWatchmakerJeweller 15 D 1819-1822 D 1842 D 1841 D 1831-1835, 1847 D 1823, 1824, 1837 D 1 848-1 849 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Brown, William S. Jeweller D 1849-1850 Brown & Stout Jewellers & Seal Engravers D 1811 Browne, Liberty Goldsmith D 1801-1819 Browne (Liberty) & Seale Jewellers D 1810-1811 Browne, see also Clement & Browne Bruder, Thaddeus Silverplater D1837 Bruleman Jeweller (worked under Milne) 1760 Bruneau, Paul Jeweller D 1819 Bryan, Philip Silversmith D 1 802-1 803 Buard, Charles W. Watchmaker D 1849 Buchey, John B. Jeweller D 1818-1819 Buckhey & Anderson Jewellers D 1804 Buckley, J. B. Goldsmith D 1807 Buckley, Samuel Watchmaker D 1811 Buckloe, see Burkelow Bucknell, Samuel Lapidary, Etc. D 1825 Buddy, Daniel Goldsmith Adv. 1769 Buly, John Silverplater 1778 Bumm, John Silverplater D 1837, 1840- 1844, 1848-1850 Bumm, John S. Silverplater D 1 845-1 848 Bumm, Peter Silversmith D 1814-1833 Bumm & Shepper Silversmiths D 1818-1823 Bumm, see also Whartenby & Bumm Bunting, Daniel Watchmaker D 1844 Burd, Albert Silverplater D 1823-1824 Burd, Charles Watchmaker D 1850 16 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Burdock, George Silversmith Census 1790, D 1791-1796, 1799, 1801-1803, 1810-1811 Burdock, Nicholas Burger, Joseph Burk, Charles Burkelow, Samuel Silversmith D 1797 Jeweller D 1 830-1 831 Watchmaker D 1848 Clockmaker Census 1790, D 1791-1793, 1796-1813 Silverplater D 1 837-1843 Clockmaker D 1839, 1841-1846 Burkhard, Thomas F. Burkhart, Trubert Burkloe, see Burkelow Burn, John Silverplater D 1 823-1 824 Burney, Lawrence, see Birnie, Lawrence Burns, Anthony Goldsmith D 1785 Burns, Hugh Watchmaker D 1809-1811, d. 1812 Burns, James, see Byrne, James Burrows, William Burton, Jacob Busches, M. Bushea, John Bushwry, Francis Bussarec, see Bosardet Busshwry, see Bushwry Butaud, Isaac Butler, Courtland Butler, Franklin Butler, Henry Butler, Henry W. SilversmithSilversmith Jeweller Jeweller Engraver D 1 829-1 837 D1839 D 1810 D 1 808-1 809 D 1798-1799 Engraver D 1813-1814, 1817-1818 Jeweller D 1 843-1845 Watchmaker D 1846, 1 848-1 850 Silversmith D 1 837-1845, 1847 Silversmith D 1833, 1846, 1847, 1849, l85° 17 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Butler, N. H. Silversmith D1837 Butler, Thomas R. Engraver D 1820-1822 Butler, William H. Silversmith D 1 842-1 843 Butler & Keim Silversmiths D1843 Butler, Wise & Keim Silversmiths D 1842 Buzzel, Columbus Jeweller D1837 Byrne, James Jeweller Adv. 1784, d. 1785 Cable, Charles C Jeweller D 1816-1818 Cadwell, Jay Silverplater D 1850 Cadwell, see also Filley, Mead & Cadwell Cahn, Abraham Jeweller Calderwood, Andrew Watchmaker D 1 800-1 807, 1 D 1850 • 1522 Caldwell, James E. Watchmaker Caldwell (James E.) & Co. Watchmakers Caldwell, Samuel Chaser Caldwell, see also Bennett & Caldwell Cameron, Samuel Cammer, William Camoin Campbell, Alexander Campbell, Andrew Campbell, Charles Campbell, Isaac D 1 840-1 850 D 1850 d. 1825 D 1828-1830 D 1 839-1 842 D 1797 D 1798-1799 Silverplater D 1829-1833,1837-1842 Watchmaker D 1794-1797, 1799-1803 Watchmaker D 18 13 Watch Case Maker D 1 8 1 8- 1 8 22 Watchmaker D 1821-1824 18 Jeweller Silverplater GoldsmithWatchmaker PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Campbell, John Campbell, Thomas Cannon, William Capper, Michael Carbin, Theodorus Carels, Joseph Cario, Michael Carlisle, Abraham Jeweller D 1 828-1 831 Jeweller D. 1 828-1 833 Apprentice to Clockmaker 1738 D 1798-1800 Adv. 1758-1759 D 1817-1818 Adv. 1736-1748 WatchmakerJeweller Watchmaker Jeweller Silversmith Census 1790, D 1791-1794 Goldsmith Adv. 1 771-1777 Jeweller D 1 845-1846 Jeweller D 1835 Watchmaker Census 1790, D 1792-1793, Adv. 1794 Carrel, John & Daniel Goldsmiths & Watchmakers D 1785 Carnan, John Carr, B. D. Carr, Thomas, Jr. Carrel, John Carrell, Daniel Carribec, Peter Carribee, Peter Carrigan, Jacob Carrigan, J., Jr. Carrow, John Jeweller Jeweller Jeweller SilverplaterSilverplater Jeweller Carrow, see also Dubosq. & Carrow Carrows, John Carson, Allen Carter, George M. Carter, Jacob Carter, Thomas Carter, William Jeweller Silversmith JewellerWatchmakerWatchmakerWatchmaker l9 D 1806 D 1796 D 1795 D 1825-1829 D 1 830-1 835 D 1839-1850 D1837 D 1849 D1839 D 1 806-1 808 D 1 823-1 824 1683, d. 1738 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Carter, William Carvalks, D. N. Carver, Franklin L. Carver, G. Carver, Jacob Carver, Samuel Cashell, Randall Cashell, Randall H. Cassaday, William Cassal, Abraham Cassedy, Andrew Cassiday, see Cassaday Castan, Stephen Castan, Stephen & Co. Cauchais, John Caulette, B. Cave, Joseph Cavenaugh, Nich. Cecil, Charles Certier, George Jeweller D 1844- 1847 Watchmaker D 1846 Silverplater D 18 18 Watchmaker Adv. 1797 Watchmaker D 1785-1805, 1811-1813, 1825-1833 Silverplater D 18 14 Jeweller D 1811 Goldsmith & Jeweller D 1807 Jeweller D 1846, 1850 Watchmaker & Pawnbroker D 1825 Silversmith Watch Case Maker Watchmakers & Jewellers Jeweller JewellerWatchmakerSilverplater Clocks mi th Watch Spring Maker D 1 845-1850 D 1840 D 1818 D 1819 D 1816 D 1828-1833 D 1837, 1 842-1 847 D 1 829-1 833 D 1808-1809 Chadron, Edward, see Chaudron, Edward Chadwick, Thomas Chamberlain, Charles Chamberlain, Lewis Chamberlin, Lewis Chandlee, Benjamin Silversmith D 1 809, 1 8 1 1 , 1 823-1 825 Watchmaker D 1833, 1839 Watchmaker D 1829-1833, 1837, 1841-1842 Watchmaker D 1 831-1833, 1840 Clockmaker I7io5 d. 1745 20 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Watchmaker Charles, Lewis Chap, see Chat Chat, Claudius Chaudron, Edward Chaudron, J. Chaudron, P. Chaudron, Simon Chaudron (Simon) & Co. Chaudron & Rasch Chaysenholder, Charles Jeweller Cherry, James Silversmith D1837 GoldsmithJeweller Watchmaker Watchmaker D 1793- D Adv. Adv. Jeweller D 1798-1806, 181 1- Jewellers D 1807- Jewellers Adv. D D Cherry, James Watchmaker D 1 849 Chevalier, Clement E. Jeweller D 18 16-18 18, 1823 Chevalier (Clement E.) & Tanguay Jewellers Child, Henry T. Child, John Child, Samuel T. Child, S. T. & T. T. Child, Thomas T. Childs, Ezekiel Childs, George K. Chittery, Peter Choate, Robert W. Chollot, John B. Chrystler, William Churchwell, Charles Clark, Benjamin Watchmaker Watchmaker Watchmaker WatchmakersWatchmaker Watchmaker Silversmith Silversmith Jeweller Clockmaker Watchmaker Silversmith D 1816, 1817, D 1840- D 1813- D 1843- D 1848- D D 1830- D 1828- D D 1829- D 1816- D 1828- Adv. Watchmaker Adv. 1 79 1 , D 1 793 21 1798 1816 179817971814 18111812 1814 18241850J833 18191842 1847 1848 18501845183518501814 18371819 18351781 1848 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Clark, Benjamin & Ellis Watchmakers Clark, Benjamin W. Watchmaker Clark, Charles Clark, Edward Clark, Elias Clark, Ellis Clark, Ephraim D 1811-1840 D 1831 D 1809, 1813-1814 D 1797 D 1802 WatchmakerDi 8 16-1825, 1 831-1848 Watchmaker WatchmakerWatchmakerWatchmaker Adv. 1780, D 1785-1811, d. 1822 Clark, Ephraim & Charles Watchmakers D 1806-1811 Clark, George Clark, Henry Clark, Henry Clark, Jesse Clark, John Clark, Patrick F. Jeweller D 1 842-1843 SilversmithD 1813-1814, 1818-1824 Silverplater Watchmaker Silverplater Silversmith D 1816-1817 D 1 809-1 8 14 D 1837, 1 840 D 1 842-1 843 Clark, Richard, see May & Clarke Clark, Thomas W. Watchmaker D 1830-1833, 1837-1841, 1849,1850 Clark, William Silverplater Clark & Hartley Silverplaters Clarke & Hutchinson Watchmakers Clarke, see also Bigger & Clarke Claude, Chat, see Chat, Claudius D 1 831-1833 D 1839-1841 D 1813 Clausen & Maull Clayton, Barns Clayton, Elias B. Clein, John Clement, James W. Silverplaters D 1 830-1833 Jeweller D 1850 Watchmaker D 1848-1850 Watchmaker D 1 830-1 833 Jeweller D 1833-1835, 1847-1848, 1850 22 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED' ARTIFICERS Clement & Broom, see Broom & Clement Clement & Browne, see Broom & Clement Clements, James Clements & Ashburn Cline, Charles Cline, Charles Cline, Charles, Jr. Cline, C. & P. Cline, Philip Cline & Curtz Coates, Isaac Coats, A. W. Coats & Boyd Cockman, George Cockrell, James Coffman, William Cohen, M. A. Cole, Jacob Coleman, James Coleman, John Coleman, John F. Collom, David W. Colnenn, John Colonel, John Colton, Oren Jeweller D 1847 Jewellers D 1847 Silversmith D 18 29-1 837 SilverplaterD 1829-1833, 1837-1850 Silverplater D 1849 Silverplaters D 1 842-1 847 Silverplater D 1 8 19-1822, 1 837-1 840, 1843 D 1819-1822 D 1835, 1839 D 1833, 1837 D 1831 D 1818, 1820-1822 Silverplaters Watchmaker Jeweller JewellersJeweller Watchmaker D 1843-1846, 1848-1850 Jeweller & Silversmith D 1839-1841, 1843-1850 Jeweller D 1840-1843 Goldsmith D 1785 Watchmaker D 1833 Watchmaker D 1848 Watch Case Maker D 1850 Watchmaker D 1846, 1 848-1 850 Jeweller D 1825-1833 Jeweller D 1 804-1806, 1 820-1 822 Jeweller D 1818, 1820-1822 23 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Colton & Baldwin Jewellers D 1819- 1822 Commel, William Silverplater D 1837 Connell, John Jeweller D 1831- 1833 Conrad, G., Jr. Engraver D 1830 Conrad, George Die Sinker D 1839- 1843 Conrad, Godfrey Engraver D 1 831-1837, 1847- 1848 Conrad, Osborn Watchmaker D 1841- 1850 Cook, Charles L. Jeweller D 1843, 1845- 1850 Cooke & Co. Jewellers Adv. 1784, D 1785 Cooke, Joseph Jeweller D 1785- 1796 Cooper Silversmith D 1816 Cooper, David Silverplater D 1829- 1833 Cooper, Joseph B. Watchmaker D 1842- 1846 Cooper, Robert H. Watchmaker D 1850 Cooper, Samuel B. Watchmaker D 1840 Cooper, William Silversmith D 1844 Copson, John {Medals) Adv. 1720 Corby, John Silverplater D 1806 Corew, Ferdinand Jeweller D 1837 Corey, William Jeweller D 1828- 1833 Corgee, Arthur Clockmaker D 1823- 1824 Cork, John Silverplater D 1 837-1 839, 1849- 1850 Cornelius, Christian Silversmith D 1810- 1819 Silverplater D 1820- 1831 Corrin, Josiah Silversmith D 1823- 1824 Corvazier, Ed wd. Watchmaker D 1846 Costen, Ezekiel Jeweller D 1845- 1850 Cottey, Abel Watchmaker d. 1712 ^4 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Couzens, see Cozens Cowan, see Cowen Cowdrick, Charles Cowdrick, Charles H. Cowell, Robert Cowen, William D. COWPERTHWAIT, C. J. Cox, Albion Cox, Benjamin Cox, John Cox, see also Ward & Cox Cozens, J. B. Cozens, Jacob B. Cozens, Josiah B. Craup, V. Craven, Alfred Crawford, John Crawley, C. Crawley, Edmond Crawley, Edmund T. Silverplater D 1 833-1 839 Silverplater D 1 840-1 846, 1 848-1 850 Jeweller Adv. 1777 Silversmith D 1808, 1811-1814 Galvanic Plater D 1846, 1 848-1 849 Crawley, John, see Crowley, John Crepu, V. Creswell, James Creswell, S. J. Creuse, Benjamin Crider, Peter Crocks, Frederick d. 1795 D 1809-1813 D 1818 D 1823-1829 D 1818 D 1819-1824 D 18161843 D1837 D 1 842-1 843 D 1 829-1 833 D 1817-1824 D 1824 D 1820-1822 Silverplater Adv. 1794, D 1795-1799 German Silver Mfr. D 1 840 Servant, Watchmaker Adv. 1772 Silversmith D 1845 Silverplater D 1 835-1 839, 1 843-1 845, 1 847-1 850 ^5 Assayer at Mint Watchmaker SilversmithWatchmakerWatchmaker Watchmaker Jeweller Watchmaker Silversmith Silverplater Watchmaker Jeweller Jeweller Jeweller PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Crocker, William Croix, see Crocks Cronsberry, T. Crooks, see Crocks Crouss, Victoire Crowell, David B. Crowley, E. Crowley, John Crowley & Farr Crowley, see also Somers Crox, see Crocks Crump, Henry Crumpton, Thomas Crumpton, William Cumming, David B. Cummings, Henry Cummings, John Cummings, John B. Cummings, William Cure, Jule F. Cure, Lewis Curran, James Currin, James W. . Currin, Joseph Currin, see also Owens & Curry, John Curry & Preston Watchmaker Jeweller D D Jeweller D Watch Case Maker D 1849- Watchmaker D Watchmaker D 1803- Watchmakers D 1823- & Crowley Jeweller D Silverplater D 1823- Silverplater D1811-1813, 1816- Gold & Silversmith D Silversmith D 1849- Jeweller D 1839, x843- Jeweller D Jeweller D 1841, 1845- Watchmaker & Jeweller D 1839- Jeweller D 1811-1813, 1816- Jeweller D 1843, Jeweller D 1843, J846- Silversmith D 1829- Currin Silversmith D1831-1841, 1845- Silver Mfrs. 01825,1828- 26 1837 1848 1817 1850 J83318251825 184818241822181118501848 1837 1850 1840 1819 1845 1850 J8331850 1831 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Curtis, Solomon Czekayski, Stanislas Daft, Thomas Dagon, Henry Dallon, John Dalton, John Daniel, James Daniel, James H. Daniel, Joshua Danul, see Daniel Darragh, John Daubayson, Victoire Dauce, Simon Dauci, Simon Davenport, Robert Davenport, see also Barrington & Davenport Watchmaker Jeweller D Watchmaker Watch Case Maker SilversmithSilversmithJewellerJeweller D 1793, d. 1793 D 1822-1824 Adv. 1775 D 1 847-1 850 D 1791 Census 1790 D 1 830-1 837 D 1839-1850 Jeweller D 1830-1837, 1840-1850 Engraver D 1785 Goldsmith D 1820-1822 Goldsmith D 1798-1809, 1811-1819 Jeweller D 1 823-1833 Jeweller D 1808-1809, 1811-1822 David, John David, John David, Lewis A. David, Peter Davie, see Davy Davis, Aaron Davis, John Davis, Richard Davis, Samuel Davis, Samuel B. Silversmith Adv. 1763-1777, d.1794 Gold & Silversmith D 1785-1793, i795-!799 Silversmith 01823-1824,1837-1840 Goldsmith Jeweller WatchmakerWatchmakerJeweller Jeweller 27 Adv. 1738, d. 1755 D 1811-1818 D 1818 D1837 D 1837, 1 844-1 848 D 1841, 1850 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Davis, William Jeweller D1843 Davy, Adam Silversmith D 1795- 1796, 1798 Dawes, Simon Jeweller D 1829-1833 Dawkins, Henry Engraver Adv. 1758-1760 Dawson, James, see Dawson, Jonas Dawson, Jonas Watchmaker D 1813-1824 Dawson, William Goldsmith D 1793 Deacon, Samuel R. Silverplater D 1 823-1 824 Deas, David Silversmith D 1 829-1 833 Deas, Philip Silverplater D1837 De Benneville, N. Watchmaker D 1820-1822 De Bour, Abraham Jeweller D 1805 Debrot, John Watch Case Maker D 1819 Decatrell, Joseph Jeweller D 1816-1822 Delachaux, Philip H. Watchmaker D 1820-1822 Delagrow, Andrew Goldsmith D 1795 Delauney, John Jeweller D 1816 Deleker, see Young & D; ELEKER Delleker, Samuel Silverplater D 1819-1825 Delleker & Richardson Silverplaters D 1819 Denham, John Watchmaker D 1848 Denning, John Silverplater D 1 833-1 835 Dentz, Conway Jeweller D 1850 Derr, John Silverplater D 1825-1848 Deschamps, Francis Watchmaker D 1 846-1 849 Descuret, Lewis Goldsmith D 1799- 1 801, 1 803-18 1 1 Descuret, see also Blondel & Descuret Desquet & Tanguy Jewellers 28 D 1805 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Dester, see Doster Desueret, see Descuret Deuconer, G. Develin, J. & M. Devine, James Devitt, Charles Devlin, see Develin Dey, John Dickerson, John Dickinson, John Dickinson, Jonathan Dickinson, William Dickinson & Henry Clockmaker Watchmakers Plater Silversmith Plater SilversmithWatchmaker Jeweller D 1817 D 1 848-1 850 D 1 848-1 849 D 1 844-1 846 D 1846 D 1797 D 1822-1825 D 179*4-1796 D 1 843-1 845 Watchmaker Jewellers & Hair Workers D 1793 Dickinson & Robeson, see Dickinson & Robinson Dickinson & Robinson Jewellers Adv. 1796, D 1797 Dickson, White & Co. Watchmakers D1837 Diehr, Philip Silverplater D 1 840-1 850 Dix, see Dixon Dix, Joseph Watchmaker Adv. 1769 Dixon, Isaac Watchmaker D 1 843-1 850 Dobleman, Frederick Silversmith D 1813-1818 Docey, see Dauci Dodge, Daniel Jeweller D 1816-1818 Dodge, Daniel H. Jeweller D 1819-1824 Dodge, E. Jeweller D 1 828-1 833 Dodge, also see Wood & Dodge Doflein, Philip Chaser D 1845-1850 DOMINICK, BERNHARDUS Watchmaker 29 Adv. 1775 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Dominick, Frederick Donovan, William Done, Abel Donle, see Doull Donleavy, see Dunlevy Donnaud, A. Watchmaker Adv. 1768-1777 Goldsmith Adv. 1784-1785, D 1785 Jeweller Jeweller Donnaud, see also Duche & Donnaud Donnelly, Charles Silversmith Dontremei, G. Silversmith Dorflinger, Joseph Watchmaker Dorgy, Peter Goldsmith Dorie, George Silversmith Dorn, C. W. Chaser Dorsey, John Dorsey, Joshua Dorsey, Samuel Dorsey, Simon Dorsey, see also Garrow & Dorsey Doster, Michael Silversmith Douglass, Jeremott William Silversmith D 1818-1819 D 1816 D 1 847-1 848 D 1805 D1837 D 1816-1817 D 1845 D 1 847-1 848 Silver & Plated Ware D 1793-1794 Goldsmith, Etc. D 1796-1800, 1 802-1 804 Silversmith D 1804 Goldsmith D 1 820-1 822 D 1831-1850 Douglass, John Douglass & Heckman Doull, James Doutiemer, Gille Census 1790, D 1791-1793 Silversmith D 1 840-1842 Silversmiths D 1837 Watchmaker D 1 823-1 840, 1 843-1 849 Silversmith D 1791 3° PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Douty, Henrick Clockmaker Dover, Joseph Silverplater Dowdney, Burrows Clockmaker Dowell, George Silversmith Dowell, George G. Silversmith Dowell, see also Dunlevy & Dowell Dowig, George Silversmith Dowig, George Christopher Jeweller, Etc. Dreden, R. Jeweller Dreer, Ferdinand Jeweller Dreer, Ferdinand J. Jeweller Dreer, see also Annin & Dreer Adv. 1774 D 1 820-1 822 Adv. 1768-1771 D 1 843-1 845 D 1 846-1 847 Adv. 1 770- 1 77 8 Adv. 1765 D1839 D 1 837-1 840 D 1837, 1841-1850 Dreer & Hayes Drewrey, George Dreyfous, Joseph Dreyfous, Simon Dreyfous & Bro. Dreyfous Fils Aime Driiding, see Druding Dropsie, M. A. Dross, see Droz Droz, Charles Droz, Charles A. Droz, Hannah Droz, Humbert Jewellers D 1 842-1850 Goldsmith Adv. 1763 Importer of Watches D 1825 Importer of Jewelry D 1 825-1837 Importers of Jewelry D 1 820-1 822 Jewellers, Etc. D 1819 Watchmaker D 1 842-1 849 Watchmaker D 1811-1814 Watchmaker D 1816-1841 Watchmaker D 1 842-1850 Watchmaker D 1793-1797, 1799-1811 Droz, Lambert, see Droz, Humbert 31 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Droz & Son Drudding, see Druding Druding, Arnold Druding, Francis Drunnin, Arnold Drysdale, William Drysdale, William, Jr. Dubasee, Edward Dubois, Abraham Watchmakers D i 806-1 8 14 Jeweller Jeweller Jeweller Watchmaker Watchmaker JewellerGoldsmith Adv. 1777, D 1785-1793, 1798-1802, d. 1807 Dubois, Abraham, Sen. & Jr. D 1 843-1 847, 1850 D 1847, 1 849-1 850 D1837 D 1816-1850 D 1 842-1 843, 1845 D 1 847-1 850 Dubois, Francis Dubois, George Dubois, Henry Dubois, John Dubois, Peter Dubois, Thomas Dubois & Co. DubosqDubosq, Francis P. Dubosq, George Dubosq, H. & W. Dubosq, Henry, Jr. Dubosq, Peter Dubosq, Philip L. Goldsmiths JewellerJeweller Jeweller JewellerJewellerJewellerGoldsmiths JewellerJeweller Jeweller D 1839, iS Silversmiths D 1 805-1 807 D 1831-1833 D 1 841 D 1825,1833 D 1831-1833 D 1841-1843 D 1849 D 1803 D 1 829-1 830 D 1 837-1 850 42, 1845-1850 D 1 846-1 850 Jeweller D 1818, 1 829-1850 JewellerD 1 835-1 839, 1 843-1 847, 1 849-1 850 Jeweller D 1 837-1 842, 1846, 1 848-1 850 V- PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Dubosq, Theodore Dubosq, William Dubosq, William A. Dubosq & Baton Dubosq, Baton & Co. Dubosq & Carrow Dubosq, Carrow & Co. Dubosq & Jardella Dubosq & Scheer Dubosq, see also Rickards Duche & Donnand Duchi, R. R. Ducomman, A. L. Ducommun, Henry Ducommun, Henry, Jr., & Ducray, Lewis Dudley Duff, George Duffield, Edward Dumourier, Joseph Dumoutet, Elizabeth Dumoutet, John Dumoutet, John Baptist Dundas, Pratt Dunkerley, George Dunlevy, Robert Jeweller D 1 829-1850 Jeweller D 1 835-1837 Jeweller D 1839 Jewellers D 1 835-1837, 1841 Jewellers D 1 839-1 840 Jewellers D 1 839-1 843 Jewellers D 1 844-1 850 Jewellers D 1833 Jewellers D 1 849-1 850 & Dubosq Silversmiths D 1 820-1 822 Jeweller D 1 823-1 824 Watch Case Maker D 1795-1798 Watchmaker D 1818-1850 Co. Watchmakers D 1 843-1844 Lapidary Adv. 1771 Watchmaker Adv. 1784 Watchmaker D 1837 Watchmaker, Die S inker & Engraver Adv. 1756-1775, d. 1803 Goldsmith D 1814-1816 Jeweller D 18 17-1822 Jeweller D 1 795- 1 801, 1803 Goldsmith D 1793-1816 Silversmith D 1837 Watch Case Maker D 1 844-1 847 Silversmith D 1 830-1837 33 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS D i 839-1 850 D 1 843-1 846 D 1847, 1 849-1 850 D 1 823-1 824 Dunlevy, Robert, Jr. Silversmith Dunlevy & Dowell Silversmiths Dunlevy & Wise Silversmiths Dunlevy, see also Shaw & Dunlevy Dunn, John Silverplater Dupuy, Daniel Silversmith Adv. 1745, D 1791, d. 1807 Dupuy, Daniel, Jr. Silversmith Adv. 1782, D 1791-1800, 1802-1808, 1811-1813, d. 1826 Dupuy, John Watchmaker Adv. 1769-1774,01803 Dupuy, John & Daniel, Jr. Goldsmiths Adv. 1783,0 1785 Dupuy, Qdean Watch Finisher Du Simitiere, Pierre Eugene Engraver Dutens, Charles J. Jeweller Dutens & Harper Jewellers Adv. 1735 1776, d. 1784 Adv. 1751-1757 Adv. 1755-1756 Eakins, Samuel Eaton, Timothy Eckel, Andrew Eckerman, David Eckert, Valentine Eckfeldt, Adam Eckfeldt, Charles Eckfield, Jacob Eckhart, John Edler, Charles E Jeweller SilversmithSilverplater JewellerJeweller Die Sinker SilverplaterDie Sinker Silverplater Die Sinker D1837 D 1793-1794 D 1 837-1 840 D 1819 D1839 D 1 800-1 850 D 1 839-1 843 1783, d. 1818 D 1845 D 1 844-1 846 34 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Edler, J. C. Die Sinker D 1 841 Edmond, William Watchmaker D 1848 Edwards, Peter Watch Case Maker D 1850 Elder, William Watchmaker D 1841 Eler, Jacob H. Silverplater D 1829- 1833 Elliot, James Jeweller D 1804 Elliott Teacher & Watchmaker D 1818- 1822 Elliott, Benjamin P. Watchmaker D 1843- 1850 Ellis, Benjamin Watchmaker D 1829- 1833 Ellis, George Watchmaker D 1850 Ellis, Hugh Silverplater D 1810- 1825 Ellis, Lewis W. Goldsmith D 1837 Ellis, Samuel (or S. 0.) Jeweller D i 839> ] 842, 1844- 1847 Elmes, Thomas Watch Case Maker D 1 841 Elson, Hermann Watchmaker D 1843- 1848 Elson, Julius Watchmaker D 1842- 1844 Eltonhead, W. B. Jeweller D 1849- 1850 Eltonhead, William D. Spectacle Maker & Jeweller D 1850 Emerick, Albert Silversmith D 1847, 1850 Emerick, Augustus Silverplater D i 825, 1828, 1829 Emmons, Samuel Silverplater D 1831- 1833 Endt, Theobald Clockmaker 1742 Engard, Samuel Clock & Watchmaker D 1837- 1842 England, William Goldsmith 1717 Englebert, C. W. Gold & Silversmith D 1839 Englehart, Charles M. Jeweller D '839, 1845- 1850 Englehart, M. Jeweller D 1837 35 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS English, John Ent, John Eppelsheimer, John Epps, Ashman Erwin, Andrew Erwin, Henry SilverplaterDiSig, 1 823-1824, 1828 Clockmaker Adv. 1763, Census 1790, d. 1794 Silverplater D 1845 Engraver D 1848 Goldsmith D 1837 Silversmith D 18 17-1829 Watchmaker D 1 837-1842 Erwin, see also Lownes & Erwin Esler, Jacob Silverplater D 1829-1833 Eter (or Etter, or Ettris), George Jeweller D 1 833-1835, 1 839-1 850 Evans, Oliver Jeweller D 1833 Evans, William M. Watchmaker D 1813-1825, 1839-1848 Evard, Charles C (or E.) Watchmaker D 1837 Everest, Cornelius Engraver & Jeweller D 1 847-1850 Eyre, Matthias Watch Spring Maker Adv. 1775 Eytinge, Simon Jeweller D 1829-1831 Faber, William Faber & Hoover Faff, Augustus P. Fagley, George M. Fairman, Gideon Fairman, Draper & Co. F Silversmith D 1 828-1 850 Spoon & Fork Mfr. D 1 837 Clockmaker D 1837 Jeweller D 1806 Engraver 1800, D 1811-1822, d. 1827 Engravers D 1823-1825 36 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Farr, John C. Watchmaker Farr & Co. Jewellers Farr, see also Crowley & Farr Fatman Brothers Fatton, Frederick Fatto n & Co. Favre, John James Felton, Robert Ferguson, George Ferguson, John Watchmakers WatchmakerWatchmakersWatchmakerDie Sinker WatchmakerSilversmith Ferguson, see also Moore & Ferguson Ferit (or Ferret), Louis Jeweller Ferrey, Lewis Jeweller Ferris, Benjamin Watchmaker Ferris, Edward B. Watchmaker Ferris & M'Elwee Watchmakers Fertig, Jacob (or J. W.) Clockmaker Fest, Alfred Watchmaker Fest, Edwy Watchmaker Fest & Bro. Watchmakers Fichner, Godfrey Seal Maker Fidler, James B. Jeweller Field, Charles D i 824-1 840 D 1 837-1 842, 1850 D1843 D 1 830-1 839 D 1 840-1 841 D 17971683 D 1820, 1822 D 1803-1810 D 1819-1822, 1825 D 1837 D 1802-1811 D 1 846-1 848 D 1813 D 1810-1811 D 1850 D 1 842-1 850 D 1850 D 1811-1813 D 1850 Silverplater D 1835-1839, 1841-1842,1844-1850 Jeweller D 1840 Silversmith & Plater D 18 16-1829 Field, see also Henderson, Field & Co., Steel & Field File, see Pheil 37 Field, George Field, Samuel PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Filley, Mead & Cadwell Silverplaters Finney, Francis Silversmith Fireng (or Firing), John P. Jeweller Fisher, Henry Fisher, John P. Fisher, Martin Fisher, Robert Y. Fisher, Thomas Fister, Amon Fitch, David D 1850 D 1844 D 1823-1833 Jeweller D 1 849-1 850 Silverplater D 1 820-1 822 Silver & Gold Turner D 1798-1799 Sword Maker D 1824 Silversmith D 1797 Watchmaker Adv. 1794 Jeweller D 1835 Fitzgerald, George R. (or G. K.) Silversmith D 1 841-1 843, 1 846, 1 848 Fitzgerald, James Flanagan, James Fleegal, George Fletcher, C. & G. Fletcher, Charles Fletcher, George Fletcher, Leonard Fletcher, Samuel Fletcher, Thomas Fletcher & Bennett Fletcher & Gardiner Flexion, John Fling, Daniel D 1841-1846 D 1833 D 1819, 1821-1824 D 1819-1824 Silversmith Jeweller Armourer JewellersJeweller D 1817-1818, 1824-1825, 1829-1833 Jeweller D 1821, 1825, 1829-1831 Jeweller D 1819 Jeweller D 1804 Jeweller D 18 14-1850 Silversmiths D 1 837-1 839 Silversmiths Adv. 1812, D 1813-1825 Silverplater D 1837 Watchmaker D 1809-1814, 1818-1822 38 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Flood, James Flood, William Floto, William Flower, Henry Flower, Joseph Fobes, Charles Folkrod, William Folwell, Godfrey G. Folwell, John T. Folwell, Samuel Folwell & Haines Ford, Samuel Ford, William Forde, William Fortune, Anthony Foster, Abraham Foster, Carl Foster, Hiram FournierFox, John Francis, Thomas Francks, William Franks, Jacob Franks, Jacob Franks, J. & S. Franks, William Fraser, William Jeweller D 1839, l843-] 850 Watchmaker D ] 837 Watchmaker D i 1849 Watchmaker Adv. 1753-] 755 Silversmith D i 844 Jeweller D ] 850 Watchmaker D 1 849-] [850 Die Sinker 1832, D 1 844-) ^845 Jeweller D 1847- [850 Engraver & Li mner Adv. 178,8- [793 Die Sinkers D [844 Goldsmith D [797 Watchmaker D [848 Silverplater D 1820, 1822- [828 Silversmith Adv. [767 Silversmith D [816 Silverplater D 1831- <»33 Silversmith D 1817- [818 Jeweller Adv. [796 Jeweller D [809 Silverplater D 1841, 1843-] [848 Silverplater. D 1839- [840 Goldsmith D 1785-1 [794 Jeweller & Watchmaker D 1845, : 847-5 849 Watchmakers D i 850 Silversmith D i 839 Watchmaker D 1825-] 833 39 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Frazier, William Watchmaker D 1824 Frederick, Daniel Silverplater D 1 847-1 850 Frederick, John Jeweller D 1823-1824 Frederick, John H. Jeweller D 1825- 1833. 1837-1850 Frederick, K. L. Jeweller D1835 Fredericks, Daniel Silverplater D 1841 Fredline, or Freidline, see Friedlein Freeman, William Silversmith D 1 839-1 840 Freeston, Robert Silverplater D 181 8-1833 Friedeberg, Henry Jeweller D 1849-1850 Friedlein, John L. Jeweller D 1835-1850 Fries, John Watchmaker D 1 830-1 850 Fries, J. & P. Watchmakers D1837 Fries, P. Watchmaker D 1 839-1 850 Frinth, J., see Frith Frith, James Silversmith & Plater D 1840, 1 842-1 843, 1845- 1846, 1848, 1850 Fritz, C. Clock Repairer D 1 848-1 850 Fry, N. L. Silversmith D 1 844-1 848 Fry, see also Titlow & Fry Funston, Thomas G. Silversmith D 1850 Furst, Moritz Engraver 1807, D 1809, 1813, 1814, 1830-1833 Fury, John W. Jeweller D 1850 Gadeken, Henry L. Gaely, see Geley G Jeweller 4° D 1845-1850 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Galbraith, Patrick Watchmaker D 1794-1798, 1800-1817 Gal lard, Peter Jeweller D 1807-1811 Gallard & Co. Jewellers D 1811-1822 Gamble, Charles Jeweller D 1 847-1 849 Garde, John Silversmith D 1849-1850 Gardiner, Baldwin Jeweller D 1814-1817 Gardiner, Sidney, see Fl etcher & Gard] NER Gardner, George Jeweller D 1841-1842 Garllow, Shavelier Goldsmith & Taylor D 1813 Garren, Anthony Goldsmith D 1811-1814 Garrett, Philip Watchmaker D 1801-1835 Garrett, Philip & Sc IN Watchmakers D 1828-1835 Garrett, Thomas C. Watchmaker D 1 829-1 840 Garrett, Thomas C. & Co. Watchmakers D 1841-1850 Garrett & Hartley Watchmakers D1837 Garrett & Haydock Watch Case Makers D 1 837-1 840 Garrigues, Jacob J. Silverplater D1837 Garrow & Dorsey Jewellers D 1800 Gatham, see Gethen Gaudechaud, Peter Jeweller D 1 8 14-1833 Gause, Gotleib Sword Maker D 1 840-1 841 Gaushier, J. B. Jeweller D1835 Gaw, William (or W. P.) Watchmaker D 18 16, 1819-1822 Gaw, see also Widdifield & Gaw Gealey, see Geley Gee, Joseph Goldsmith D 1785, Adv. 1788 Geley, Peter Goldsmith D 41 !793- ¦1814, d. 1815 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Georgeon, Bernard Georgeon & Philipe Gerg, see Gery Geriung, see Guerin Germon, Greenberry D. Germon, John Gero, Francis Gery, Herman Gessler, Christian Gethen, John Gethen, William Geyley, see Geley Ghiselin, Caesar Ghiselin, William Gibbons, Thomas Gibbs, James Giberson, William Gibson, William Gigon, C. & Bros. GlGON, GUSTAVUS Gigon, Z. & G. Gilbert, Charles Gilbert, John Gilbraith see Galbraith Giles, Edward Gillard, see Gallard Silversmith Goldsmiths Goldsmith Silversmith D I795-J798 D 1794 D 1813-1833 Adv. 1782, D 1785-1825 Goldsmith D 1818 Watchmaker D 1848, 1850 Jeweller D 1 841, 1 843-1 844, 1 846-1 850 Silversmith D 1811-1818 Silversmith!) 1797-1798, 1800-1808 Goldsmith ^95, d. 1733 Goldsmith Adv. 1750-1762, d.1782? Watchmaker Adv. 1751-1752 Watchmaker SilverplaterGoldsmithWatch Case Makers Watch Case Maker Watch Case Makers Jeweller Jeweller Silverplater D 1847 D 1823-1825 D 1 845-1 849 D1839 D 1 845-1 847 D 1842-1850 D 1835-1837 D 1828-1833 D 1 841 42 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Gilley, see Geley Gilpin, Vincent C. Jeweller D 1837-1843 Gilpin & Taylor Jewellers D 1837, 1 840-1 842 Gilpin, see also Taylor & Gilpin Girard, Francis Goldsmith D 1817 Girreaun, Stephen Goldsmith D1785 Gistner, John Engraver D 1794-1796 Gleaves, John W. Die Sinker D 1850 Glenford, George Jeweller D 1848 Glenn, William Silverplater D 1811 Gobrecht, Christian Engraver D 1819, 1 823-1 844 Gobright, see Gobrecht Godichew see Gaudechaud Godschalk, Jacob Watchmaker Adv. 1 77 1 Goforth, Jeremiah Silversmith 1700 GOLDSTONE, B. Watchmaker D1839 Gombach, John Goldsmith D 1802 Gooddy, Henry Engraver Adv. 1767 (Servant to Anthony Fortune) Goodfellow, William Watchmaker D 1793-1799, 1805, 1808-1813,1818 Goodfellow & Son Watchmakers D 1799 Goodrich, see Smith & Goodrich Goodwin, Samuel Watchmaker D 1 820-1822 Gordon, George Watchmaker D 1 847-1850 Gordon, James Samuel Jeweller Adv. 1769-1771 (Servant to Edmund Milne) Gorgeon & Philipe, see Georgeon & Philipe 43 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Goshea (or Gosher), John Jeweller Goudchaud, see Gaudechaud Gouge, Jesse W., & Co. Jewellers Gouiran, Michael Gould, John (or J. H.) Govett, George D 1824, 1 828-1 833 Jeweller Silversmith D Watchmaker D 1811 Watchmaker Silversmith D Govett, James Govett, see also Ward & Govett Gowran, see Gouiran Graham, John Graham, Mitchell Graham, Samuel Graham, William Grant, William (or Wm. Jr.) Goldsmith Graval, Gerard Jeweller Gravelle, Louisa M. Jeweller Gravelle, Rene L. Jeweller Gravelle, see also Lefevre & Gravelle D 1828 D 1 820-1 833 1 840-1 846, 1850 .1814, 1818-1819 D 1 842-1 850 1802, 1 805-1 8 13 Chaser & Jeweller Watchmaker JewellerWatchmaker Gray, John Gray, William H. Green, Glover Green, John Greene, William Greene & Bros. Greffin, Peter JewellerSilverplater JewellerWatchmaker Jeweller JewellersJeweller 44 D 1 837-1 840 D1837 D 1825 Adv. 1733 D 1785-1814 D 1807 D 1 820-1 830 D 1813-1831 D 1811 D 1 845-1 846 D 1844 D J794> !796 D 1837-1841 D 1835-1837 D 1801 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Jeweller D1837 Jewellers D1837 Jeweller D 1841-1850 Watchmaker D 1 842-1 843 Watchmaker D 1847 Silversmith D 1791 Silversmith D 1841-1850 Watchmaker D 1841-1850 Silverplater D 1841-1842 Silverplater D 1845-1850 Watchmaker D 1816 Gregory, James Gregory & Shuber Griffee, see Griffith Griffith, George F. Griffith, L. Griffith, Samuel Griscom, George Groff, J. (or J. R.) Gropengiesser, J. L. Gross, Francis Gross, Francis J. Grout, William Gudichaud, see Gaudechaud Gueries, see Guerin Guerin, Anthony Silversmith D 1791-1796, 1799-1811, 1814 Guesnard, Theodore Jeweller D 1818-1822 Guest, Henry Brown, see Brown, Henry Guetnard, see Guesnard Guild (or Guile), John Watchmaker D 1818-1819, 1823-1824 Guirna, see Guerin Gurine or Gurnine, see Guerin Guyer, Benjamin Watchmaker D 1848 H Haas, James A. Watchmaker D 1846, 1849 Haas, N. Watchmaker 45 D 1846-1850 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Hacker, Joseph Silversmith & Plater D 1 831-1850 Hacker, William Silverplater D 1 848-1 849 Hadder, William Watchmaker D 1837 Hafline, John Lapidary D 1785-1803, d. 1804 Haggenmacher, J. H. & Co. Silver Mfrs. D 1 836 Hahn, C. G. Watchmaker D 1798 Haine, Moses Jeweller (Servant) 1775 Haines, Imlah Watchmaker D 18 29-1 833 Haines, see also Folwell & Haines Halfpenny, William Silverplater D 1835 Hall, David Silversmith Adv. 1765, d. 1779 Hall, George Silverplater D 1 823-1 824, 1 835-1 837, 1842 Hall, John Watchmaker D 1 804-1 840 Hall, Peter Watchmaker D 1818-1819, 1823-1824 Hall, see also Lefferts & Hall Halley, see Healey Halliday, Elias H. Watchmaker D 1 828-1 833 Halliday, James H. Silversmith D 1841-1843 Halsel, Charles Silverplater D 1839 Halsted, Benjamin Silversmith Adv. 1783 Hamilton, James Watchmaker D 1848 Hamilton, R. J. Watchmaker D 1 837-1846 Hamilton, Samuel Watchmaker D 1837 Hamman, Crosby Silverplater D 1 823-1 825 Hamman, Peter Watchmaker D 18 17 Hammond, see Hamman 46 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Hancock, Robert Hand, J. Hand, Joseph S. K. Hand, see also Spencer & Handle, John Hano, L. Hano & Co. Hansell, James Harden, James Hardwood, see Harwood Harker, William Harker, Willis Harkins, James Harman, Alexander Harper, Alexander Harper, Benjamin Harper, David (Dutens Harper, John M. Harper, Thomas E. Harper, Thomas W. Harpur, William W. Harrall, Francis Harrington, William Harris, Edward Harris, Thomas Hart, John Silverplater D i793-J794 Jeweller D1837 Jeweller D 1833-1850 Hand Silversmith D 1839, 1841- ¦1842, 1 844-1 848 Jeweller D 1849 Jewellers D 1848 Clockmaker D 1816-1850 Clock Dial Maker D 1818-1824 Jeweller D 1850 Jeweller D 1845 Jeweller D : 1840, 1842, 1847 Silverplater D1835 Goldsmith D 1819 Watchmaker D1843 & Harper) Goldsmith Adv. 1755-1756 Watchmaker D 1841-1850 Watch Case Maker • D 1 847-1 850 Silversmith D 1813-1817 Watchmaker D 1 839-1 850 Jeweller D 1828-1830 Clockmaker D 1 849-1 850 Silversmith D 1848 Silverplater D 1818-1822 Jeweller Adv. 1776 47 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Hart, Walter Hart, William Hartford, George Hartley, Jeremiah Hartley, Samuel D 1 849-1 850 D 1818-1824 D 1794 D 1837-1850 SilversmithSilversmith Silversmith Watchmaker Silversmith D 1818-1819, 1824-1825, 1839-1850 Hartley, see also Clark & Hartley, Garrett & Hartley Hartman, Philip Gold '& Silversmith D 1813-1814 Hartwell, Samuel S. Jeweller Harwood, Benjamin Silverplater Harwood, John Silversmith Harwood, see also Robinson & Harwood Haselwood, George W. Chaser Chaser D 1842 D 1819 D 1816-1821 Haselwood, William Hassan, see Hassell Hassell, Charles Hatch, Israel (or I. A.) Haterick, see Hattrick Hattrick, James (or J. R.) Silverplater D 1848 D 1848-1850 Silverplater Jeweller Hattrick & Shannon Hattrick & Smith Haushall, John Haverstick, William Hawkins, James Haws, John Haydock, Eden Haydock, James B. D 1 837-1 842 D 1 844-1 845 D 1839, 1 842-1 850 Silverplaters & Locksmiths D 1 844 Silverplaters D 1837 Watchmaker D 1816-1817 Goldsmith Adv. 1781, Census 1790, D 1791-1793 Jeweller D 1841 Silversmith D 1837 Watch Case Maker D 1 839-1 850 Jeweller D 1 846-1 849 48 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Haydock, Thomas O. Jeweller D 1850 Haydock, see also Garrett & Haydock Hayes, George Jeweller D 1 842-1 850 Hayes, see also Dreer & Hayes Head, Joseph Silversmith D 1798 Headman, William Watchmaker D 1 828-1 850 Healey, William Silverplater D 1785-1795, 1799 Heber, see Herbert Hechstetter, John David Engraver Adv. 1796 Heckman, Archimedes Silverplater & Jeweller D 1 839-1 840 Heckman, see also Douglas & Heckman Heilig, John Watchmaker D 1801-1802, 1809, 1839-1850 Heineman, Daniel Jeweller D 1837 Heineman, George Watchmaker D 1 847-1 849 Heineman, L. C. (or L. G.) Watchmaker D 1 849-1 850 Heiss, James P. Watchmaker D 1 849-1 850 Helgefort, Henry Goldsmith D 1849 Helig, see Heilig Heller, Jacob (or J. J.) Silverplater D 1 837-1 850 Heller, John Silverplater D 1837 Helly, see Healey Helm, Christian Watchmaker D 1 802-1804 Helm, Thomas Watch Case Maker D 1 835-1 850 Hemphill, Alexander Goldsmith 1741 Hemphill, Thomas J. Watchmaker 01836,1839-1841 Henderson, A. A. Jeweller D 1837 Henderson, Stephen Silverplater D 1803-18 16 49 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Henderson, Field & Co. Silverplaters D 1816 Hendricks, John Silversmith D 1848 Hendrickson, William Silversmith D 1848-1850 Henry, see Dickinson & Henry Hepton, Frederick Watchmaker D1785 Herbert, Lawrence Engraver Adv. 1748-1751 Herils, Francis Goldsmith D 1 804-1 833 Heringer, Charles Jeweller D 1 844-1 850 Heringer, John C. Jeweller D 1 849-1 850 Heron, Isaac Watchmaker Adv. 1763-1764 Herrican, William Watchmaker D 1850 Herrils see Herils Hester, Jacob Silverplater D 1823 Heyde, Charles Jeweller D 1 839-1 840 Heyley, see Healey Hight, Christian Watchmaker D 1819-1822 Hildeburn, Samuel Watchmaker D 1810-1837 Hildeburn, Woolworth Clockmaker D 1816-1819 Hildeburn & Bros. Watchmakers D 1 849-1850 Hildeburn & Watson Watchmakers D1833 Hildeburn, see also Watson & Hildeburn Hillworth, Frederick Watchmaker D 1 844-1 849 HlLLYARTINER, PHILIP Watchmaker D 1844 Hilton, William Silversmith D 1814 Hinckley, Richard Jeweller D1837 Hinckley, Robert H. Jeweller D 1839-1841 Hind, John Jeweller d. 1775 Hindman, D. B. & Co. Wholesale Jewellers D i833-!837 5° PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Hines, Robert W. Hinman, see Hindman Hinkin, Benjamin Hinkle, Benjamin Hinkle, John P. Jeweller JewellerJeweller Watchmaker Hinkle, see also Thirion & Hinkle Hocker, Joseph Hocker, Willis Hodgson, William Hoffman, Frederick Hoffman, John H. Silverplater Jeweller Watchmaker SilversmithSword Maker Hoffman, see also Bard & Hoffman Hoffner, Henry Hoffner, John Hognet, see Hoguet Hoguet, Augustus Hoguet, A. F. Holden, Eli Holden & Boning Hollinger, A. HOLLINGSHEAD, JOHN HOLLINGSHEAD, WlLLIAM Holmes, George H. Holmes, J. Holmes & Rowan Holton, John Watchmaker Armourer D 1848-1850 D1837 D 1 840-1850 D 1824 D 1 829-1 833 D 1 846-1 849 D1785 D 1 820-1 849 D 1848-1850 D 1791 D 1818 Watchmaker D 1 8 14, 1 8 19, 1 823-1 833 Jeweller D 1825 Watchmaker D 1 843-1 850 Jewellers 1 843 Watchmaker D 1839 Goldsmith Adv. 1768 Goldsmith 1754, Adv. 1757-1774, D 1785 Lapidary D 1 840-1850 Clockmaker D 1842 Lapidists D 1 847-1850 Silversmith D 1794 5i PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Hood, Jacob Jeweller D 1825 LIooker, William Engraver D 1813-1814 Hoop, Jacob Jeweller D 1823-1824 Hoover, Henry Silverplater& Smith D 1816-1822 Hoover, Joseph E. Silversmith D 1 837-1 841 Hoover, see also Faber & Hoover Hopkins, Henry Watchmaker D 1831-1833 Hopkins, Robert Watchmaker D 1833 Hopper, B. C. Watchmaker D 1 844-1 848 Hopper, Benjamin Watchmaker D 1850 Hopper, Joseph (or J. M.) Watchmaker D 1 835-1841 Hopper, Joseph M. Clockmaker D 1816-1822 Hopper, Samuel Silversmith D 1835 Hopper, Samuel M. Jeweller D 1845-1850 Horn, Henry Silverplater D 1 809-1 840 Horn, see also Bolton & Horn Horn & Kneass Silverplaters D 1811-1837 Hoskins, Samuel Jeweller D 1835 Houlton, John Silversmith D 1797-1798 Houston, Henry Engraver d. 1799 Houtzell, Jacob Jeweller 01801-1804,1807-1808 How (or Howe), William Silversmith D 1842- 1846 Howard, John Silversmith D 1819-1822 Howard, Thomas Watchmaker Adv. 1775, D 1785-1791 Howell, James Silversmith D 1802-18 13 Howell, William Silversmith D 1841 Howland, John (or J. L.) Jeweller D 1 828-1 833 5^ PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Hubbs, John Huber, Henry, Jr. Hubert, John L. Hubert, Lafayette Huckel, Samuel Huddy, Henry Huddy, William M. Huggins, Joseph Hughes, Charles Hughes, George W. Huguenail, Charles T. Huguenin, C. A. Huguenin, Charles Frederick Hugunin, Davis L. Hulbeart, Philip Huling, Alexander Humphreys, Richard Humphreys, Thomas hunlock, bouman Hunt, Edward Hunt, William Hupp, Jacob huquenele, john h. Hurt (or Hurtt), John Husband, John Huston, William Die Sinker D 1830- 1837 Silverplater D 18 18, 1823- 1824 Jeweller D 1848 Jeweller D 1846, 1849- 1850 Watchmaker D 1818- 1829 Jeweller D 1843- 1844 Chaser D 1835 Jeweller D 1837 Goldsmith D 1849 Watchmaker D 1829- 1833 Watchmaker D 1799 Jeweller CD TPV D 1820- 1825 Watchmaker D 1797- 1802 Watch Case Maker D 1830- 1833 Goldsmith Adv. 1761 -1763, d. 1763 Silverplater D 1837 Goldsmith 1754, Adv. 1772 , D 1785- 1796 Silversmith D 1809- 1814 Goldsmith Adv. 1752 Goldsmith 1717 Silversmith D 1819- 1822 Chaser & Die Sinker D 1828- 1833 Jeweller D 1843 Jeweller D 1839- 1842 Silversmith D 1795- 1796 Watchmaker 1767- 1771 53 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Hutchinson, Samuel Watchmaker D 1 828-1 839 Hutchinson, Thomas Watchmaker D 1816-1824, d. 1820 Hutchinson, see also Clarke & Hutchinson Hutton, John Strangeways Silversmith d. 1792 Hutton, Samuel Silversmith D 1850 Hyde, Charles L. Jeweller D 1842 Hyman, H. Jeweller D 1818-1819 Hymas, William Silverplater D 1818-1822 Inglehart, Charles Ingraham, Henry Ingram, Charles Ingram, Charles W. Inman, Benjamin Irving, David I JewellerWatchmaker Silverplater SilverplaterSilversmithJeweller D 1840 D 1 829-1 833 D1835 D 1837, 1 844-1 846 D 1814-1819 D 1849-1850 J Jeweller Adv. 1797, D 1799 Jeweller D 1798-1800 Silverplater D 18 13-18 17 Chaser & Die Sinker D 1 837-1849 Importer of Watches D 1 840 Jacobs, George (or G. W.) Jeweller D 1 839-1 846 Jacob, Moses Jeweller (Indented Servant) 1775 Jacot, Henry (or H. W.) Jeweller D 1841-1850 54 Jacks, James Jacks, William Jackson, Ephraim Jackson, Thomas Jacob, Celestin PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Jacot, Julius Watch Case Maker D 1848-1850 Jacot, see also Bonsall & Jacot James, Jacob S. Jeweller D 1837 Jardella, see Dubosq & Jardella Jeanes, Thomas Watchmaker D 1835-1837 Jeangu, John Jeweller D 1804 Jeanneret, Theophilus H. Watchmaker D 18 18 Jeannert see Sleeper & Jeannert Jefferies, David (or D. H.)Jeweller Jefferies, E. Jeffreys, Samuel Jenkins, Edward J. Jenkins, James Jenkins, John Jenkins, John Jenner, B. Jennings, Thomas Jerome, Chauncey Job, John D 1846-1850 D 1 837-1 839 Adv. 1771-1778 D 1 843-1 850 D 1794 Jeweller WatchmakerJeweller Silversmith Goldsmith Adv. 1777, D 1791-1793, 1796 Jeweller D 1844- 1848 Galvanic Plater D 1846 Silverplater D 1837 Clockmaker Watchmaker D 1 846-1 849 D 1819 Johnson (or Johnston), Robert Watchmaker Johnson, William E. Johnson & Crowley Johnson & Lewis Jolineth, John Jolivet, John D 1823-1825, 1831-1850 Jeweller D 1841 Watchmakers D 1 830-1 833 Watchmakers D 1 837-1 842 Jeweller D 1841-1843 Jeweller D 1 829-1833, 1 844-1 850 55 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Jonas, Joseph Watchmaker D 1817 Jones, George W. Silverplater D 1 840-1 841 Jones, James Silversmith d. 1815 Jones, John Goldsmith d. 1768 Jones, John Watchmaker Adv. 1772 Jones, Levi Silverplater D 1 845-1 846 Jones, Samuel S. Jeweller D 1844 Jones, William G. Silverplater D1837 Joubert, Peter Goldsmith D 1 807-1 830 Jourdan, Peter Goldsmith D 1 823-1 824 Journot, Michael Jeweller D 1 809-1 8 10 Joyce, Thomas (or T. F.) Watchmaker D 1 820-1 825 Jubart see Joubert Julian, Cadmus Jeweller D 1840 Justice, Joseph (or J. JO Watchmaker D 1 844-1 848 Kahmer, William K Silverplater D ] : 843-1 847, 1850 Karbin, see Carbin Karl, J. N. Silverer D 1810 Karn, A. L. Watchmaker D 1 809-1 8 10 Karner (or Karrar), c. Watchmaker D 1809-1811 Kean, John W. Jeweller D 1 837-1 850 Keating, see Warner & Keating Keatting, Lambert, _ [R. Watch Case Maker D 1 831-1843 Keel, John Watchmaker D 1835-1837 Keiff, Joseph Silversmith D 1828-1833 Keim, Alexander Silversmith 56 D 1841-1850 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Keim, see also Butler & Keim Keller, Charles Jeweller D 1841 Keller, George Silverplater D 1846 Kellinger, John V. Silverplater D 1837 Kelley, David Watchmaker D 1806- 1816 Kelly, Robert Jeweller D 1843- 1844 Kennedy, Hugh Watchmaker D 1837- 1850 Kennedy, Nathan Silversmith D 1825 Kennedy, Patrick Watchmaker D x795- 1 801 Kensell, William Silverplater D 1835 Kerrison, Robert M. Watchmaker D 1842- 1850 Kessler, John, Jr. Watchmaker D 1806- 1807 Kew, George Watchmaker D 1840 Key, F. C. Die Sinker D 1848 Key & Sons Die Sinkers D 1850 Keyser, Joseph Watchmaker D 1828- 1833 Keyser, William Silversmith D 1850 King, John Silverplater D 1817- 1819 King, William Silverplater D 1806- 1816 Kinkead, James Clockmaker Adv. 1765 Kinley, A. Silversmith D 1841 Kinsel, William & Jesse Silverplaters D 1837- 1839 Kirchoff, J. H. Clockmaker D 1805 Kirckhaff, E. H. Clockmaker D 1803 Kirk, Joshua Silverplater D 1848- 1849 Kirk, Robert Jeweller D 1829- 1833 Kitchen, Andrew (or A. B .)Jeweller D 1835- 1837 Kitchen, see also Bailey & Kitchen 57 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Klein, John Watchmaker Kleiser (or Kleizer), Jacob Clockmaker Kline, Bartholomew Jeweller Kline, B. & Co. Silversmiths Kline, Charles, see Cline, Charles Kline, John, see Klein, John Kline, Peter Silverplater Kline, Philip, see Cline Klingle, Joseph Watchmaker Knappe, Philip Jeweller Kneass, Christian Silverplater Kneass, William Engraver Kneass, see also Horn & Kneass Knipe, Philip Knock, Julius Knorr, James Knorr & Baker Knowles, John Koch, Augustus Koch, Carl kocksperger, henry Kolb, Peter Kolby, John Kramer, William Kucher, Jacob Kurtz, John D 1828-1850 D 1822-1824 D 1 837-1 850. D1837 D1835 D 1 823-1 825 D 1839-1841 D 1811-1837 D 1805-1842 D 1829-1833 Jeweller Die Sinker & Chaser D 1 845-1850 Jeweller D 1 828-1 829 Jewellers D 1830 Watchmaker Adv. 1784 Jeweller D 1850 Jeweller D 1 846-1 848 Watchmaker D 1837 Silverplater D 1829-1833, 1839, 1845-1850 Silverplater D 1 807-1808 Silverplater D 1848 Silversmith^ 1806-1817, 1825-1833 Silverplater D 1823-1824 58 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS L La Blanc, Augustus Jeweller D 1819 Lacey, John Watchmaker D 1819-1825 Lackey, Henry Clockmaker D 1808-1811 Ladomus, Jacob Watchmaker D 1843-1850 Ladomus, Lewis Watchmaker D 1845-1850 Lagazze, John, & Joseph Sonnier Jewellers D 1814-1816 Lalande, John Jeweller D 1 844- 1 8 50 Lalarde, see Lalande Lamar, see Lemaire Lambers, E. J. Gold & Silversmith D 1821 Lamesiere, Peter Goldsmith 1811 Lamione, A. see Lemoine Lammel, Lewis Chaser D 1 843-1850 Lamont, Robert Silversmith D 1 842-1 845 Lamont, see also Bard & Lamont Lamoyne, Augustus Watchmaker D 1816 Lamvine (or Lemvine), Augustus Watchmaker D 1811-1816 Lancaster, Americus Jeweller D 1842-1850 Lancaster, Arman Jeweller D1837 Lancaster, M. Jeweller D1839 Lancaster, Richard Jeweller D 1818-1822 Lancaster, see also Rickards & Lancaster Lane, James Watchmaker D 1803-1818 Lang, Abraham Jeweller D 1850 Lang, Lewis Jeweller 59 D 1844 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Lang, Lewis W. Jeweller D1837 Langer, Joseph Goldsmith D 1811 Laquain, Francis Watchmaker D 1794 Larer, Alexander (or A. E.) Jeweller D 1 846-1 850 Laret, Michael Jeweller D 1814, 1818 Laret & Brechemin Jewellers D 1816-1818 Larit, see Laret La Rue, William Silverplater D 1 847-1 849 Latimer, James Watchmaker D 1813-1822 Latta, A. Watchmaker D1837 Laval, George Silverplater D 1 842-1 843 Laval, Peter Silverplater D 1842 Law, William Jeweller D 1 837-1 850 Law, William Watchmaker D 1 839-1 841 Law, William P. Jeweller D 1848-1850 Lawrence Silversmith D1835 Lawrence, John Watchmaker d. 1798 Lawrence, Joseph Jeweller D 1818-1822 Lawrence, Joseph Silverplater D 1 839-1 850 Lawrence, Joseph H. Jeweller D 1823-1825 Lawrence, Josiah Silversmith D 1817, 1837 Lawrie, Robert (or R. D.) Silversmith D 1 840-1 850 Lawrie, see also Taylor & Lawrie Laws, John Silverplater D 1818-1830 Lawson, Alexander Engraver 1794, D 1799 Lazarus, Moses Jeweller D 1830 Leach, Samuel Engraver 60 Adv. 1741 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Leacock, John Goldsmith Le Blanc, Lewis Goldsmith Le Dorc Silversmith Lee, George Jeweller Leeds, Gideon H. Watchmaker Leeds, Howard G. Watchmaker Leevell, Peter Silverplater Lefevre, F. Silversmith Lefevre, John Felix Lefevre & Gravelle Lefevre, Theodore Silver Chaser Lefferts, Charles Watchmaker Lefferts & Hall Watchmakers Le Huray, Nicholas Watchmaker Le Huray, Nicholas, Jr. (or N. J.) Watchmaker Le Huray, Theodore Leland, Joseph Lelurge, Joseph Lemaire, Baptiste Lemaire, Benjamin Lemaire, Matthias Adv. 1751-1767, 1799 D 1818 D 1797 D 1 837-1 850 D 1841-1842 D 1840 D 1841 D 1818 Silversmith D 1806-18 13, d. 18 13 Gold £5? Silversmiths D 1811 D 1 820-1 822 D 1818-1822 D 1818-1822 D 1 809-1 83 1 D 1821-1846 D 1 843-1 850 D 1846 D 1817-1822 D 1804 D1785 JewellerJewellerJeweller Silversmith Goldsmith Silversmith Census 1790, D 1794-1803 Lemar, see Lemaire Le Merre, Matthew Silversmith' Adv. 178 1 Lemist, William & Tappon, W. B. Watchmakers D 18 16-18 19 Lemoine, A. Watchmaker D 1810-1817 61 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Lemvine, see Lamvine Lendner, see Lindner Lenoir, William Lenon, see Lenoir Lentner, see Lindner Lentz, George K. Leonard, Allen Leonard & Wilson Le Page, Alexander Jeweller WatchmakerDie Sinker Silversmiths Silver Founder Lesqure, Edward (or E. P.) Silversmith D 1 843-1 850 D 1825 D 1844-1850 D 1 847-1 850 D 1818 D 1822-1850 Leslie, Robert Leslie & Parry Leslie & Price Le Telier, John Levering, Lewis Levi, Garretson Levi, Isaac Levis, William Levy, Henry (or H. A.) Levy, Lewis B. Levy, Martin Levy, Michael Levy, M., & Co. Lewis Lewis, Harvey Watchmaker Adv. 1788, D 1791, 1795, 1803, d. 1804 Watchmakers D 1803 Watchmakers D 1793-1800 Goldsmith Adv. 1770-1780, D 1793 Silverplater Watchmaker Watchmaker Silversmith Watchmaker Watchmaker Watch Case Maker Watchmaker Clockmakers Watchmaker D1835 D 1 840-1 843 Adv. 1780 D 1810-1814 D 1841-1850 D 1841-1845 D 1814-1817 D 1802-1816 D 1816-1817 D 1796 D 1811-1825 Silversmith Lewis, John (or John M.) Watchmaker & Jeweller D 1830-1850 62 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Lewis & Smith Silversmiths D 1805-1811 Lewis, see also Brandt, Brown & Lewis, Johnson & Lewis Lhulier, Cassimer (or Cashmere) Jeweller D 1 825-1850 Lhulier, Lewis Jeweller D 1 829-1 849 Lhulier & Co. Jewellers D 1846 Limeburner, John Watchmaker Census 1790, D 1791 Limone, see Lemoine Lind, John Watchmaker Adv. 1775, Census 1790, D 1791, 1794, 1799-1801, 1805 Lindner (or Linder), George Silversmith WatchmakerWatchmaker Goldsmith Lindsey, Thomas Linerd, John Link, Peter Linn, see Lind Lisset List, John List & Smith D 1837-1850 Adv. 1799 D 1816 D 1811, 1817-1-822 Silverplater JewellerJewellers List & Smith, see also Smith & List Little, Archibald Little, Thomas Little, William Locton, Laetitia Loew, John J. lofland, purnel Logan, James Watchmaker Silverplater SilverplaterSilver Burnisher Watchmaker SilversmithSilversmith (Servant to Milne) 63 D 1819 D 1837-1850 D 1847 D 1840 D 1831 D 1813-1819 D 1811 D 1 846-1 848 d. 1825 Adv. 1769 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Lohse & Kayser Importers of Watches D 1831- 1835 Long, Andrew (or A. K.) Silversmith D 1837- 1844 Long, George W. Jeweller D 1837- 1850 Long, Samuel (or S. . *.) Watchmaker D 1842- 1846 Long, William Silversmith D 1807- 1822 Lorange, John Silverplater D 1837- 1850 Lord, Joseph Silversmith Adv., d. J795 Lormger, Lorronge, Lorronger, see Lorange Lotier, Benjamin C. Silversmith D 1846- 1847 LOUDERBACK, BENJAMIN Jeweller D 1830- 1845 Loughlin, George Jeweller D 1849- 1850 Loughlin, Lawrence Jeweller D 1848 Louiset, A. D. Jeweller D 1816- 1817 Lovell, A. E. Clockmaker D 1844- 1849 Lovell, Peter Silverplater D 1837 Lovell & Smith Clockmakers D 1841- 1843 Lovett, Robert Engraver D 1818- 1824 Lovett, Robert, Jr. Engraver D 1840- 1850 Low, Joseph J. Jeweller D 1843- 1850 Low, Mark Watch Case Maker D 1847- 1850 Lowens, see Lownes Lower, Isaac Silversmith D 1844- 1846 Lower, Jacob Silversmith D 1833- 1850 Lower, Joseph Silversmith D 1806- 1850 Lower, Theodore 0. Jeweller D 1844 Lower, William Silversmith D 1837- 1848 Lownes, Caleb Die Sinker Adv. 1779 Lownes, David Watchmaker a D 1785, 1800 64 -1807, d. 1810 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS D 1817-1833 Lownes, Edward Lownes, Joseph Silversmith Silversmith 1754, Adv. 1780-1792, D 1785-1816 Lownes, Joseph & Josiah H. Silversmiths D 181 6- 1822 Silversmith D 1 820-1 822, d. 1822 Silversmiths D 18 16 Silversmith D 1 847-1 849 Watchmaker D 1849 Watchmaker Census 1790, D 1791 Lownes, Josiah H. Lownes & Erwin Lowrie, R. B. Lucke, John P. Ludwig, John Luhlier, see Lhulier Lukens, Isaiah LUKENS, J. Lukens, William Lunier, see Lhulier Lyburn, John Lycett, John Lyndall, William Lyng, Philip Clockmaker Clockmaker Jeweller SilverplaterSilverplater Watchmaker Goldsmith D 1 823-1 83 1 D1837 D 1847 D 1820-1822 D 1818-1822 D 1844 D 1785, Adv. 1778 M'Adams, William M'Allister, James M'Calvey, Daniel M'Cann, Michael M'Carter, John M'Carty, Edward M'Carty, John, see M'Carter, John M Silverplater D 1 846-1 850 Jeweller D 1840-1841, 1 845-1850 Silverplater D 1837 Jeweller- D 1 839-1 845 Jeweller & Lapidist D 1 845-1 850 Silversmith D 1 845-1850 65 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS M'Clain, William Jeweller D 1848 M'Clean, W. S., Jr. Jeweller D 1837 M'Cleary, Daniel Silverplater D 1837- 1 841 M'Clever, James Jeweller D 1828- 1833 M'Closkey, F. Watchmaker D 1850 M'Collin, John Watchmaker D 1823- 1824 M'Collin, Thomas Watchmaker D 1824- 1833 M'Connel, Hugh Silversmith D 1811- 1813 M'CONNELLY, H. Silversmith D 1811 M'Cormick, Bernard Jeweller D 1844- 1850 M'Cormick, Henry Watchmaker D 1833 M'Cormick, John Silversmith D 1837 M'Cosker, Patrick Jeweller D 1842- 1846 M'Coy, George W. Watchmaker D 1837- 1850 M'Crea, Robert Goldsmith D 1785 M'Culley, George H. Watchmaker D 1829- 1850 M'Cully, William Watchmaker D [841, 1850 M'Cutchen, Francis Jeweller D 1844- 1846 M'Daniel, John Silversmith D 1848- 1849 M'Daniel, William H. Watchmaker D 1825 M'Dermott, Charles C. Jeweller D 1850 M'Dermott, Edward Jeweller D 1848 M'Dermott, James Silverplater D 1835 M'Donald, Daniel Silversmith D 1828- 1837 M'Donald, Richard Silverplater D 1820- 1824 M'Donnel, see M'Donald M'Donough, John Goldsmith *775 M'Donough, Patrick* Goldsmith 66 D 1811 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS M'Dowell, James M'Dowell, John M'Elwee, James M'Elwee, see also Ferris M'Ewen, John M'Farlane, William M'Fee, John M'Fee & Reeder M'Fee, M. M'Glensey, John MTlhenney, Joseph E. MTlhenney & West M'Ilvaine, John K. MTlwain, see M'Ilvaine MTntire, James M'Keen, Henry M'Keever, James M'Kinley, Edward M'Lean, Daniel J. M'Lean, William S. M'Mahon, John M'Manus, John M'Master, John M'Masters, Hugh A. M'Minn, James M'Mullen, Edward M'Mullen, James Watchmaker D 1794- 1808 Clockmaker D 1817 Watchmaker D 1813- 1814 i M'Elwee Silverplater D 1830- 1833 Watchmaker D 1805 Goldsmith D 1797 -1799, d. 1800 Goldsmiths D 1793- 1796 Silversmith Adv. 1769 Jeweller D 1845- 1850 Watchmaker D 1818- 1825 Watchmakers D 1818- 1822 Jeweller D 1823- 1837 Silversmith D 1840 Watchmaker D 1823- 1850 Jeweller D 1829- 1850 Watchmaker D 1830- 1837 Watch Case Maker D 1850 Jeweller D 1845- 1850 Silversmith D 1803- 1804 Watchmaker D 1840 Silversmith D 1805 Watchmaker D 1839- 1850 Jeweller D 1846, 1850 Clockmaker D 1846- 1848 Goldsmith D 1814 67 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS M'Mullen, John M'Mullen, William M'Mullen & Black M'NamaraM'Neare, William M'Neir, William M'Nutt, Ezra M'Pherson, John M'Pherson, Robert M'Pherson, Robert M'Stocker, Francis Machon, Austin Mackey, John Maher, Matthew Maholland, Robert Mahony, William A. Mahve, see Maher Mander, Henry Manley, Matthew Manly, James Manning, John Mansfield, Samuel A. Mansfield, Thomas Mansure, John Manuel, Jules Marce, see Maree Silversmith Census 1790, D 1795- 1841 Silversmith D 1791, J794 Silversmiths D 1811- 1813 Watch Finisher Adv. 1765 Watch Case Maker D 1828- 1833 Watch Case Maker D ] 835> l844- 1848 Watchmaker D 1848 Die Sinker D 1846- 1850 Silversmith D ] 828-1841, 1850 Watchmaker D 1837- 1850 Watchmaker D 1831- 1850 Jeweller Adv. J759 Silversmith D 1841- 1842 Watch Finisher Adv. 1761 Watchmaker D 1850 Jeweller D 1837-] 841, 1848- 1849 Silversmith D 1848- 1850 Jeweller D 1843 Die Sinker Adv. 1790 Silverplater D 1819- 1822 Watchmaker D 1848- 1850 Silversmith D 1804 Jeweller D 1844- 1850 Watchmaker D 1849- 1850 68 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Marceloe, Isaac Silversmith Adv. 1735 (Apprentice to Fr. Richardson) Maree, Henry Jeweller D 1845 Maree, Henry S. Jeweller D 1848-1850 Marks, Isaac Dealer in Watches D 1795-1799 Marrs & Stewart Silverplaters D 1802 Marrs, Robert Silverplater D 1803-1818 Marshall Jeweller D 1833 Marshall, Alexander D. Jeweller D 1 847-1848 Marshall, Joseph Goldsmith D 1 818-1850 Marshall & Smith Jewellers D 1 837 Marshall & Tempest Goldsmiths D 18 13-1850 Marshall, see also Spencer & Marshall Martin Jeweller D 1811 Martin, Ambrose Jeweller D 1 840-1 850 Martin, Anthony, see St. Martin Martin, John Silverplater T) 1 823-1 824, 1 829-1835 Martin, John J. (or J. L.) Clockmaker D 1 844-1 850 Martin, Lewis Jeweller D 1811 Martin, Patrick Watchmaker D 1820-1822, 1831-1850 Mascher, John F. Watchmaker D 1 845-1 850 Mason, Charles A., see Masson Mason, Samuel, Jr. Watchmaker D 1820-1830 Massey, Charles R. Watchmaker D 1 837-1839 Masson, Charles A. Jeweller D 1 829-1850 Mathey, Lewis Watchmaker D 1797-1803 Mathey, see also Brandt & Mathey 69 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Mathieu, Peter Silverplater Matlack, White Clockmaker Matlack, White & William Clockmakers Matlack, William Watchmaker Matlack, William Silversmith Matthews, Peter Silverplater Matthias, Charles Jeweller Maull, John Jeweller Maull, Joseph (or J. E.) Silverplater Maull, see also Clausen & Maull Maurice, Meyer Maus, Frederick Mautz, John Mawdsley, John Maxwell, A. Jeweller Watchmaker Adv. Watchmaker Watchmaker Clockmaker May, Samuel (May & Clarke) Watchmaker Mayer, Elias Jeweller Maysenhaelder, Charles Jeweller Mead, John O. Silverplater Mead, see also Filley, Mead & Cadwell Mears, Charles Mears, Lewis Mears, Lewis J. Mecke, John Megear, Thomas J. WatchmakerJewellerJewellerWatchmaker Watchmaker D i 837-1 843 Adv. 1777 Adv. 1780 D 1797 D 1828-1833 D 1845 D 1849 D 1 848-1 849 D 1 830-1 837 D 1849 1782, D 1785-1793 D 1841 D 1 846-1 847 D 1805-1811 Adv. 1765 D 1831-1833 D 1810-1825 D 1850 D 1828-1835 D 1848 D1839 D 1837-1850 D 1833-1850 70 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Megonegal, F. Jeweller D 1841- 1842 Megonegal, W. H. Watchmaker D 1844 Menard, Stephen Jeweller D 1817 Mendenhall, John Silversmith D 1841- 1846 Mends, Benjamin Watchmaker D 1796- 1797 Mends, James Watchmaker D 1795 Mens, see Mends Menzies, John Watchmaker D 1804- 1850 Menzies, John, Jr. Watchmaker D 1835- 1850 Merkle, Perry (or Parry) Silverplater D 1840- 1848 Merry, F. Watchmaker D 1799 Mesker, see Mexter Mestier, B. Watchmaker D 1817 Mexter, Godfrey Silverplater D 1837- 1840 Meyers, Albert (or A. G.) Silversmith D 1837- 1846 Meyers, Elijah Jeweller D 1829- 1830 Meyers, John, see Myers, John Meyrick, Richard Engraver Adv. 1729 Mignard, Lewis Jeweller D 1829- 1835 Miles, John Silversmith D 1785- 1796 Miles, Robert Silverplater D 1828- 1850 Miley, John Silverplater D 1829- 1850 Milhe, Stephen Goldsmith d. 1798 Millard, George Silversmith D 1816 Miller, George Watchmaker 1809 Miller, George Watchmaker D 1829- 1833 Miller, S. W. Clockmaker D 1843 Miller, Thomas Watchmaker D 1 8 1 9- 1833,1840, 1 841 71 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Miller, William Jeweller Miller, William S. Clockmaker Miller & Son Silversmiths Miller, see also Ward & Miller Milloudon, Phillippe Goldsmith Mills, Edmund Goldsmith Mills, Edward Silversmith Mills, John, see Miles, John Mills, John Milne, Edmund Milne, Robert MlNDEL, GUSTAVUS Minshall, William Missing, Charles Mitchell, Henry Mitchell, James Mix, Thomas Silversmith D i 8 10-1840, D 1844- D 1833- DD D D 1811- Goldsmith Adv. 1757-1773, d. Clockmaker Watchmaker JewellerJeweller Silversmith SilversmithSilverplater MOELLINGER, See MoLLINGER Moffett, Benjamin Jeweller Mollinger, Henry Watchmaker Monfay, Benedict Jeweller Monier, Daniel Watchmaker Monteith, Benjamin Watchmaker Monteith, Charles Clockmaker Monteith & Co. Clockmakers Monteith & Shippen Watchmakers Moollinger, see Mollinger Moore, Charles Silversmith 72 D D Adv. D D 1844- D 1845- D D D i794> i799> D 1828- D 1825- D D 1847- D D [847[848 '835 811 785 794 819 :8i3 :8i7 :85o 773 847 :85o 846 (803 839 (804:8351850 :8i8 848 :845:8i7 D 1 803- 1 809 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Moore, Robert Moore, Thomas Moore & Ferguson Moreland, Thomas F. Morgan, Aaron Morgan, Arthur Morgan, John, see Morin, John Morgan, Thomas Morin, Alexander C. Morin, Anthony Morin, Augustus Morin, John Mormagea, Michael Morozzi, Angelo Morris, James Morris, John Morris, William Morris, William, Jr. Morrison, Israel Morrissey, C. R. Morrow, B. Morrow & Barnard Morton, George Moses, Jacob Moton, George Mountain, Samuel P. Mountford, John Jeweller D 1 829-1 840 Silversmith D 1805 Silversmith D 1801-1805 Silversmith D 1850 Jeweller D 1 842-1 850 Jeweller D 1849 John Watchmaker Adv. 1779-178: ¦., D 1785-1793 Jeweller, Etc. D 1813-1850 Chaser D 1 849-1 850 Watchmaker D1835 Goldsmith D 1 808-1 83 1 Goldsmith D 1817 Jeweller D 1 839-1 842 Silverplater D 1844 Jeweller D 1817, 1842 Watchmaker D 1 837-1 850 Watchmaker D 1 844-1 850 Silversmith D 1823-1824 Watchmaker D1837 Jeweller D 1 806-1 808 Jewellers D 1805 Silverplater D 1 829-1 850 Jeweller D 1 820-1 822 Jeweller D 1 849-1 850 Watchmaker D 1842 Importer of Watches D 1818-1819 13 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Mudge, M. A. Jeweller D 1837 Mulen, see Mullin Mulholland, William Jeweller Mulhollen, William Jeweller Mullin, William (or W. ].)Jeweller Murdoch, John Goldsmith Murphy, James Silversmith Murphy, Robert (or R. E.) Watchmaker Murray, Alexander Chaser Murtel, Perry Silverplater Musgrave, James Goldsmith Musgrave, see also Parry & Musgrave Myers, Christalar Jeweller Myers, John Goldsmith (Apprentice to Richard Humphreys, 1773) Myers & Jacob Silversmiths D 1839 Myring, Joseph Lapidary D 1811-1825 Mysendhender, see Maysenhaelder N Nagel, see Nagle Nagle, George (or G. P.) Silverplater ~D 1823-1824, 1840-1850 D 1 837-1 844 D 1817-1818 D 1 829-1 833 Adv. 1779, D 1785 D 1846 D 1 848-1 850 D 1814-1816 D1839 D 1795-1811 D 1844 D 1785-1804 Nagle, R. Nagle, R. C. Naglee, John Nangle, Martin Nangle, William Nardier, John F. Nardin, F. J. SilverplaterSilverplater Silversmith Silversmith LapidaryWatch Case Maker Watch Case Maker D 1828 D 1828-1833 1748-1755, d. 1780 D 1842 D 1833-1837 D 1819-1822 D 1823-1824 74 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS D 1816 Neagt, Joseph Jeweller Neely, Samuel Jeweller Neill, Daniel Watchmaker Neise, see Kneass Neiser, George Neisser, Augustine Neisser, George B. Jeweller Neitt, Joseph Jeweller Nelson, Richard W. Silverplater Neuss, Jan Silversmith Newberry, J. & R. Watchmakers Newberry, James (or J. W.) Watchmaker Newlin, Edward G. Gold Dial Maker Newlin, see also Warner & Newlin Newman, John Jeweller Newman, John A. Jeweller Newman, see also Witham & Newman Nice, see Neuss Nicholas, Casper Jeweller Nicholas, Michael Jeweller Nickels, Casper Jeweller Nicolette Watchmaker Nicollett, Joseph Marce Watchmaker Nicollett, Joseph W. Watchmaker Nicollett, Mary Watchmaker Nihet, Joseph Jeweller Nitch, see Nihet 75 D 1842 D 1823-1833 Jeweller D 18 23- 18 24 Watchmaker Adv. 1764-1772, d. 1780 D 1829-1839 D 1813 D 1829-1837 1698, d. 1719 D 1816 D 1819-1850 D 1848 D 1833-1837 D 1833-1850 D1837D 1793 D 1823-1824 D 1793 D 1797 D 1798 D 1799 D 1817-1819 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Nixon, Richard Noble, George Noe, Alpheus Norman, John Norman & Bedwell Norman & Ward Norris, George Silversmith D 1 820-1 835 Silverplater D 1846, 1850 Silversmith D 1850 Engraver Adv. 1774-1779, d. 18 17 Adv. 1779 Adv. 1774 Adv. 1776 Engravers Engravers Silversmith (Servant to William Ball) Watchmaker D 1844- 1845 Watchmaker D 1844, 1 849-1 850 Watch Case Maker D 1 820-1 822 Watchmaker Adv. 1786, D 1800, 1808-18 1 1 Norton, see also Waage & Norton Norris, Patrick Northey, Elijah Norton, John F. Norton, Thomas Nowland, Thomas Nys, see Neuss Oathret, John O'Brien, James O'Brien, John O'Brien, Patrick O'Daniel, Perry O'Ertell, see Oertelt Oertelt, Charles E. Oertelt, Charles G. Oertelt, E. C. Ogle, William O'Hara, Charles Watchmaker O JewellerWatchmaker Clockmaker JewellerWatchmakerSilversmith Jeweller Jeweller Watchmaker Watchmaker 76 D 1 806-1 808 D1843 D 1850 D 1844, 1849 D 1848, 1850 D 1837-1850 D 1 830-1 850 D 1847, l849 D1833 D 1828-1829 D 1799, 1800 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS O'Hara, John Die Cutter D 1844- 1849 Oldwine, see Olwine Oliver, Griffith Watchmaker D 1785 Oliver & Graham Jewellers D 1823- 1824 Olivier, Peter Goldsmith D 1797 Olwine, Henry Watchmaker D 1840- 1850 O'Neil, Thomas Jeweller D 1837- 1842 O'Neill, John Silverplater D 1841 Oram, John Silverplater D 1809- 1811 Ormsby, Henry Watchmaker D 1839- 1850 Orr, Thomas Watchmaker D 1809- 1817 Ortelett, C. E. Jeweller D 1828- 1831 Ott (or Otto), David Refiner of Gold in Mint D 1797- 1809 Oudin, Joseph Watchmaker D 1814 Ouram, see Oram Owen, Ann Jeweller D 1837 Owen, Griffith Watchmaker Census 1790, D 1791 -1793, 1801- 1814 Owen, J., & Co. Jewellers D 1839- 1840 Owen, Jesse Silversmith D *794 Owen, Jesse Turner & Refiner D 1801-1802, 1805, 1808- 1816 Owen, Jesse Silversmith D 1841-1843, 1848 Owen, John Silversmith D 1804- 1831 Owen, John Clockmaker D 1818- 1819 Owens, Jesse Silverplater D 1836 Owens, Samuel W. Jeweller 11 D 1846- 1850 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Owens & Currin Jewellers D 1846-1850 Pain, Jacob Paine, Washington Painter, Isaac Painter, Isaac, Jr. Painter, John S. Palmer, James Palmer, John Palmer, John J. P Engraver SilverplaterSilverplaterSilverplaterSilversmithJewellerWatchmaker D 1793 D 1841-1850 D 1837-1842 D 1845-1850 D 1835-1848 D 1831-1835 D i795-I796 D1839 D 1 837-1 840 Jeweller Palmer,William (or W. H.) Silverplater Pancoast, Samuel Goldsmith D 1785-1794, Adv.1795 Pancoast, Stacy Silverplater D 1835 Paradice, William Anthony Silversmith Apprentice Adv. 1799 Silversmith D 1811 Goldsmith D 1785-1791, d. 1794 Jeweller D 1811 Watchmaker D 18 17-1822 Watchmaker D 1806-18 10 Watchmaker D 1791-1796, 1802-1822 Watchmakers D 1 797- 1 801 Watchmakers D 1806 Watchmaker D 1818-1825, 1835-1850 Goldsmith D 1785 78 Paraset, William Parham, William Parie, Joseph Parke, Augustus W. Parke, Charles B. Parke, Solomon Parke, Solomon, & Co. Parke & Son Parker, Isaac Parker, Richard PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Parker, Thomas Watchmaker Parker, Thomas, Jr. Clockmaker Parker & Co. Watchmakers Parker, T. H. Clockmaker Parker, William Watchmaker Parker, William, Jr. Jeweller Parkins, Joseph Clockmaker Parmier, John Peter Watchmaker Parrot, Frederick (or F. W.) Watchmaker Parrot, Joseph Watchmaker Parry, Francis Silversmith Parry, John Watchmaker Parry, John F. Watchmaker Parry, John J. Watchmaker Parry, Rowland Goldsmith Parry, Thomas Jeweller Parry & Musgrave Goldsmiths Parry, see also Leslie & Parry Parsons, Henry R. Watchmaker Paschall, William Patterson, James Pattison, Joseph Patton, Abraham Patton, Thomas Patton & Jones D 1840- Silversmith Jeweller SilverplaterTurner in Metals Watchmaker SilversmithWatchmakers 79 D 1785-1817 D 1817-1822 D 1818-1819 D1833 D 1823-1824 D 1835 D1837 D 1793 D 1 847-1 850 D 1 835-1 843 D 1846-1850 D i795-J797 D 1824 D I793-J835 D 1795-1797 D 1848-1850 D 1793-1796 1841, 1849-1850 d. 1696 D1837 D 1 845-1 848 Adv. 175 1 D 1799-1819 D 1824 D 1804-1814 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Paul, Philip Paul, Simon Paul, S. & P. Paulgreen, see Polgrain Paxson, John Jeweller Paxson, John A. (or J. I.) Silversmith Paxton, see Paxson Peake, Daniel Silverplater Peake, Daniel, Jr. Silverplater Peake, Edward Silverplater Peake, Thomas Silverplater Peake, see also Walker & Peake Peale, Charles Willson Silversmith Peale, James Clockmaker Peck, Lawrance M. Silversmith Pedosy, S. Silversmith Peirce, William S. Watchmaker Peiri, Joseph Goldsmith Pendrell, William F. Silversmith Pendren, see Pendrell Pepper, H. S. Watchmaker Pepper, Henry J. Silversmith Pepper, Henry J. & Son Watchmakers Pepper, Joel S. Jeweller Pepper, S. W. Jeweller Pepper, see also Stockman & Pepper Perdriaux, S. Jeweller 80 Watch Case Maker D 1835, 1 839-1 840 Watch Case Maker D 1 839-1 840 Watch Case Makers D 1 839-1 840 D 1807 D 1810-1811 D 1 837-1 840 D 1839-1850 D 1829-1850 D 1850 1765, d. 1827 D 1814-1817 D1837 D 1810 D 1841 D 1811 D 1 843-1 846 D1837 D 1828-1850 D 1846-1850 D 1850 D 1848-1850 D 1 829-1 833 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Peres, William Perkins, Jacob Perkins, Thomas Perpignan, Peter Jeweller Die Sinker Watchmaker Goldsmith Perpignan, S. & Varnier, ^.Goldsmiths Perraux, Peter Goldsmith Perrott, see Parrot Perry, Elias Watchmaker Perry, Felicity Peterman, William Jeweller Peters Silversmith Peters, James Silversmith Peters, R. Goldsmith Peters, William S. Silverplater Petty, Henry Clockmaker Pfaff, August Clockmaker Pfaff, Henry Clockmaker Pfluefer, Hermann Watchmaker Pheil, David Silverplater Philbert, see Philpot Philip Ranard Guyeon & Yver Silversmiths Philipe, see Georgeon & Philipe Philley, Edward Silver Chaser Phillips, James Jeweller Phillips, John W. Jeweller Philpot, William H. (or W. H. C.) Silversmith D 1820-1822 d. 1841 D 1785-1793, 1799 D 1 809-1 825 D 1 800-1 801 D 1797 D 1804 Watch Case Polisher D 1 820-1 822 D1837D 1813 D 1821-1850 D 1 807-1 809 D 1833, 1839-1850 D 1 829-1 833 D 1 830-1 850 D 1 829-1 833 D 1849-1850 D 1798, 1810-1817 D 1796 D 1846 D1839 D 1842-1850 D 1 846-1 849 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Pickering, Charles Goldsmith 1683 d. 1749 Pickering, John Silverplater D 1823-1824 Pickering, Joseph Watchmaker D 1 816-1837, 1846 PlERRET, MATTHEY Watchmaker D 1795-1796 Pignolet, John Peter Jeweller D 1814-1816 Pilling, George P. Silversmith D 1845 Pincheon, see Pinchon Pinchin, William Silverplater D 1818-1824 Pinchon, William Goldsmith Adv. 1779, D 1785-1802, 1809 Pine, Charles Jeweller D 1 844-1 850 Pine, Edwin Watchmaker D 1850 Pine, H. S. Jeweller D 1849 Pink, Edward Silverplater D1843 Pinkard, Jonathan Watchmaker Adv. 1773 (Servant to Samuel Jeff ery s) Pinney, George Silverplater D 1849 Piquet, Joseph (or J. N.) Jeweller D 1835-1850 Pittman, John Watchmaker D 1818 Pitts, Richard Silversmith Adv. 1741-1745 Plain, Edward Silversmith D 1841-1850 Platt, John Clockmaker D1843 Plint, John Frederick Jeweller D1839 Poincignon, Francis Silversmith D 1794-1799 Poincy, Peter Goldsmith D 18 13-1814, d. 1815 Pointe, James Jeweller D 1811-1814 Pointe & Tanguy Goldsmiths D 1811 Poissenot, N. J. Silversmith D 1806 82 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS POISSONNIER, F. Goldsmith D 1797 Poitevin, Peter Jeweller D1813 Poland, D. R. Jeweller D1837 Poland, P. Silversmith D1837 POLEGREEN, See PoLGRAIN POLGRAIN, CjUOM Silversmith D 1797-1799 Pollock, Hyman Jeweller D 1841-1850 Ponson, Peter Watchmaker D 1796 Pool, James Silverplater D 1 837-1 844 Pool, Thomas Silverplater D 1842-1850 Poole, William W. Jeweller D 1828- ¦i833. 1 841-1843 Porter, John Jeweller D 1842 Porter, William S. Silverplater D1835 Poupard, James Engraver Adv. 1772-1774, D 1793-1799 Poupon, Auguste Jeweller Poussard, see Poupard Powell, Christopher Frederick Jeweller Powell, John B. Jeweller Praefelt, John Clockmaker Pratt, Henry Goldsmith Pree, Charles Silverplater Preston, see Curry & Preston Price, Isaac Watchmaker Price, Isaac, see also Leslie & Price Price, Philip Watchmaker Price, Philip, Jr. Watchmaker 83 D 1813-1814 Adv. 1764 D 1850 D 1797-1798 1709, d. 1749 D 1818-1822 D i79i-J797 D 1824 D 1813-1825 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Price, William H. Silverplater D 1818-1822 Probasco, Jacob Watchmaker D 1822 Promise, G. Jeweller D 1816-1817 Promise, William Jeweller D 18 10-1814, 1818 Pugh, Jonathan (or J. H.) Silverplater D 1845-1850 Pullen, Robert Silverplater D 1798-1811 Purse, John Watchmaker D 1803 Pursell, Henry Engraver Adv. 1783, D 1785 Pyle, George Watch Case Maker D 1850 Q Quandale, Lewis Watchmaker D 1813-1845 Quercau, see Quereau quereau, j. v. d. Quinn, Joseph Thimble Manufacturer!) 1841-1845 Jeweller D 1 849-1 850 Raine, Nathaniel R Watchmaker Adv. 1773 (Apprentice to Jacob Godschalk) Silverplater D 1837 Silverplater D 1 837-1 841 Silverplater D 1837 Clockmaker D 1 829-1833 Dealer in Watches D 1796 Jeweller D 1 828-1 850 Silversmith!) 1 807-1809, 18 13-18 19 Jewellers D 1818-1819 Rambo, John Rambo, Peter Rambo, William Rankin, Alexander Raphael, Solomon Rapp, William (or W. D Rasch, Anthony Rasch & Willig, Jr. Rasch, see also Chaudron & Rasch Ravee, Xavier Silversmith 84 D 1796-1797 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Ravel, see Ravee Read, Daniel I. Watchmaker D ] 1798 Read, Isaac Watchmaker D 1819- [822 Read, William H. J. Watchmaker D 1831- [850 Reak, Thomas Silverplater D t835 Redifer, Jacob Jeweller D 1844- [850 Reed, Frederick Watchmaker D 1814- [823 Reed, G. Washington Watchmaker D 1839- [850 Reed, Isaac Watchmaker D 1820- 1829, 1837- [846 Reed, Isaac & Son Watchmakers D 1830- [850 Reed, John W. Clockmaker D 1846- [847 Reed, Osmon Watchmaker D 1831- [841 Reed, Osmon & Co. Jewellers D 1841- [850 Reed, Stephen Jeweller D 1846, 1850 Reeder, Abner Silversmith D 1797- [800 Reeder, John Silversmith D [835 Reeder, see also M'Fee & Reeder Reeve, George Watchmaker D 1804- [805 Reeve, Richard Watchmaker D 1803-1 [807 Reeve, Richard & Geoi *ge Watchmakers D [804 Reeve, Y. Watchmaker D [808 Reeves, David S. Watchmaker D 1830- '835 Regin, Abraham Silverplater D 1820-1 [822 Reibley, Joseph Watchmaker D 1 845-] 846 Reich, John Engraver D 1803-] 808 Reicke, Frederick Engraver D 1 794-1 798 Reid, James Silverplater 85 825 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Reily, see Riley Reilly, John C. Renaud, John Renaud, John M. Renowd, see Renaud Reynolds, George (or G. Reynolds, Theodore Reynolds, Thomas Silverplater JewellerJeweller W.) Jeweller SilversmithStone-Cutter & Rice, William (or W. C.) Watchmaker Richard, Augustus Goldsmith Richards, A. Jeweller Richards, George Jeweller Richards, Hervey M. Jeweller Richards, John, see Rickards, John Richards, Samuel, Jr. Goldsmith Adv. Richards, S. R., see Richards, W. & S. R Richards, William Jeweller Richards, William, Jr. Watchmaker Richards, W. & S. R. Silversmiths Richards & Williamson Goldsmiths Richards, see also Boyd & Richards Richardson, Francis Goldsmith Richardson, Francis Goldsmith Richardson, John Lapidary, Etc. D D 1811- D D 1837- D 1830- Jeweller Adv. 1784, D D 1835- D 1818- D D 1829- D 1839- 1833 18171811 1843 J83317851850 1819 18091840 1842 1791, D i793-!8i8 Richardson, Joseph Silversmith 1733, Adv 86 D 1823- D D 1818- D 1797- 1710, d. Adv. 1735- D 1793, 1819, 1736-1771, d. 1824181318291800 17291737 1831 1784 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Richardson, Joseph Silversmith Adv. 1777, Census 1790, D 1793-1805 Assay er in Mint D 1806-18 29 Richardson, Joseph & Nathaniel Silversmiths D 1785-1791 Richardson & Delleker Silverplaters D 18 19 Richie, see Reicke, Ritchie Richman, Isaac Watchmaker D 1850 Richmond, William Silverplater D 1 835-1 848 Rickard, Joseph Silver Refiner D 1796-1797 Rickards, George, see Richards, George Rickards, John Jeweller D 1841-1850 Rickards, Nutter Jeweller D 1 829-1 850 Rickards, William Jeweller 01825-1833,1842,1845 Rickards, William, & Son Jewellers D 1850 Rickards, William D. Jeweller D 1841-1850 Rickards & Dubosq Jewellers D 1 828-1 833 Rickards & Lancaster Jewellers D 18 17 Rickards & Snyder Jewellers D 1842 Rickardus, see Rickard, John Rickett, see Rickards, Nutter Ricketts, see Rickards Riehl, George Watchmaker D 1805 Riggs, William H. C. Watchmaker D 1819-1850 Rihl, Albert (or A. M.) Watchmaker D 1 849-1 850 Riley, Bernard Silversmith D 1845-1850 Riley, Conrad Silverplater D 1 837-1 841 87 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Riley, John Riley, Robert Riley, William Ritchie, George Watchmaker Adv. 1783, D 1785-1818 Watchmaker D 1806 Silverplater D 1818-1822 Watchmaker D 1785-1793, 1807-1811 Clocks Rittenhouse, David Rively, see Reibley Robbins, Amos Robbins, Elisha Robbins, George Robbins, Jeremiah Robbins, John Roberts, Daniel F. Roberts, Daniel F. & Co. Jewellers Roberts, Enoch Watchmaker Roberts, F. Roberts, Franklin Roberts, George SilverplaterSilversmith Watchmaker Jeweller Silverplater Jeweller Roberts, John Roberts, John Roberts, John Roberts, Michael Roberts, N. H. Roberts, Thomas Roberts, William Roberts & Atmore Robertson, Alexander Clockmaker JewellerJeweller WatchmakerJeweller Silverplater JewellerWatchmaker Jeweller Watchmaker Jewellers Silversmith 1768, d. 1796 D 1 846-1 849 D 1831-1843 D 1833-1850 D 1 847-1 850 D 1835-1850 D 1 840-1 850 D 1850 D 1816 D 1828-1829 D 1850 D 1835, J%39> J843 D I797-J799 D 1841-1849 D 1847 D 1791 D 1 848-1 850 D 1842 D 1821 D 1850 d. 175 1 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Robertson, Robert Jeweller Robeson, Isaac Watchmaker Robeson, see also Robinson Robins, see Robbins Robinson, Anthony W. Jeweller Robinson, Benjamin Silversmith Robinson, Isaac Watchmaker Robinson, Israel Silversmith Robinson, James Jeweller Robinson, William D. Jeweller Robinson, William F. Watchmaker Robinson & Harwood Silversmiths Robinson, see also Dickinson & Robinson Rock, William B. Silversmith Rode, William Watchmaker Rodgers, William Watchmaker Rohr, John A. Watchmaker Rouse, Emanuel Watchmaker Roush, see Rasch Rowan, see Holmes & Rowan Rudolph, Samuel Watchmaker Rue, Henry Watchmaker Rush, see Rasch Russell, George Watchmaker Rutter, Peter Jeweller Adv. 1777 D 1 843-1 846 D 1798-1803 D 1818-1844 D 1 829-1 835 D 1840 D 1831-1833 D 1 846-1 850 D1835 D 1819-1822 D 1850 D 1795 D 1824 D 1 807-1 8 13 Adv. 1747-1768 D 1803 D1835 D 1 833-1 850 D 1837-1850 Sacheverel, John S Engraver 89 Adv. 1733 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Sailor, Washington Watchmaker Saint-Martin, Anthony Goldsmith Saint-Maurice, James Silversmith (Servant to Richardson) Sampson, William Watchmaker Sandoz, Charles H. Watchmaker Sandoz, Louis Watchmaker Sandoz, Philip Augustus Jeweller Saur, Christopher Saurman, William S. Sause, Richard Savage, Edward D 1825-1833 D 1 794- 1 796 Adv. 1748 D 1 802-1 803 D 1 800-1 802 D 1845 D 1814-1822 Clock & Mathematical Instrument Maker 1724 Silverplater D 1829 Jewellery, Hardware, Etc. Adv. 1778 Goldsmith & Engraver 1794, d. 1817 Savil (or Saville), William Silverplater Saxton, Joseph Watchmaker Scarret, see Skerret Scerad, see Serad SCHAFFIELD, JEREMIAH Scheer, J. C. Scheer, John C. D 1820-1829, 1837 D 1 823-1 824 Goldsmith D 1785 Jeweller D 1835 Jeweller D 1 845-1 850 Scheer, see also Bonsall & Scheer, Dubosq & Scheer Schell, Samuel F. Watchmaker D 1829-1835 Silversmith D 1848, 1850 Clocks D 1 843-1 850 Watchmaker D 18 10 Schern, Frederick Scherr, Lewis Schinkle, John 90 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Schmid, John G. Watchmaker D 1850 Schmidt, John Jeweller D 1850 Schmidt, see also Smith Schmitt, John Jeweller D 1846 SCHRADER, F. V., & Co. German Silver Store D1837 Schreiner, Charles W. Watchmaker D 1813-1833 Schriver, see Shriver SCHULLER, J. Clockmaker D 1 845-1 846 SCHULTZ, GOTTLEIB Watchmaker Schumo, Thomas Schwartz, Michael schwekert, b. Schwing, see Shiving Scot, Robert D 1821-1824, 1831-1844 Watchmaker D 18 24- 18 25 Jeweller D 1 849-1 850 Jeweller D 1842 Engraver Adv. 1781-1785, D 1785-1822 Silversmith D 1847 Watchmaker D 1 823-1824 Silversmith Adv. 1775 D 1816-1822 Scranton, Edward Scummo, Thomas Seal, William, Jr. Seale, see Browne & Seale Searl, Joseph Sears, Samuel Seckel, John D. Seckler, see Seckel Seddinger, Margaret Seddinger, Matthias Seeger, Conrad F. (or Seger, Frederick C Silverplater 91 Silverplater D 1 840-1 850 Jeweller D 1 839-1 850 Jeweller D 1837-1850 Watchmaker D 1846 Silverplater!) 1819-1822,1831-1850 D 1823-1850 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Segn, George Sehro, see Sekro Sekel, Lawrence Sekro, William (or W. C. Selby, Lemuel T. Selby, Samuel Sellers, Joseph Senemaud, John B. Serad, John Serrill, J. Servoss, Charles Servoss, Joseph S. Sevrin, Lewis Seydell, Joseph Seymour, Edward Shade, John V. Shallus, Francis Shannon, Robert Shannon, see also Ashburn Sharp, George (or G. B.) Sharp, William Sharp, W. & G. Sharpe, William H. Shartle, Jacob A. Shaw, Edward Shaw, Edward G. Shaw, James Shaw, John Silversmith D 1820-1822 Jeweller D 1841 ) Silverplater D 1 837- 1 8 50 Silversmith D 1 842-1 844, 1850 Silversmith D 1841 Silverplater D 1 828-1 850 Goldsmith D 1798-1800, 1811-1822 Jeweller D 1 835-1 850 Silverplater D 1837 Clockmaker D 1849 Clockmaker D 1850 Silversmith D 1 837-1840 Watch Case Maker D 1 848-1 849 Jeweller D 1 839-1 84 1, 1850 Watchmaker D 1 845-1847 Engraver D 1797-1822 Jeweller D 1841-1842 & Shannon, Hattrick & Shannon Silversmith D 1 844-1 850 Jeweller D 1 835-1850 Silversmiths D 1 848-1850 Jeweller D 1843 Silverplater D 1844 Silverplater D 1837 Silversmith D 18 25-1830 Jeweller D 1 839-1 841 Watchmaker D 18 19 92 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Shaw & Dunlevy Shearman, Robert Sheed, Walter Sheed, William W. SilversmithsWatchmaker Jeweller Watchmaker Sheer, see Scheer, Scherr SHEHUM, JdT'ScHERN Shepherd, Cumberland Jeweller Sheppard, George L. Silversmith Sheppard, George M. Engraver Shepper, John (or J. D.) Silversmith Shepper, see also Bumm & Shepper Sherman, Robert Watchmaker Sherman, see also Shearman Shermer, John Watchmaker Shewell, Walter (or W. D.) Jeweller Shields, Jesse C. Shields, Thomas Shimer, John Shinkle, John P. Shippen, William A. Shiving, Godfrey Shoemaker, Abraham Shoemaker, Joseph Shoeman, see Shuman Shriver, Thomas (or T. H.) Jeweller Shriver, see also Baker & Shriver 93 SilverplaterGoldsmith Adv. 1769- Watchmaker WatchmakerWatchmaker GoldsmithWatchmaker Silversmith D1833 D 1799-1804 D 1831-1833 D 1840 D 1850 D 1 846-1 848 D1837 D 1818-1819 D 1799 D 1 803-1 8 13 D 1 829-1 840 D 1845 1776, D 1785-1794 D 1811 D 1824-1825 D 1818-1824 Adv. 1779 D 1846 D 1793-1839 D 1 837-1 843 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Shuber, see Gregory & Shuber Shuler, John Clockmaker Shultz, Gottleib, see Schultz, Gottleib D 1849 WatchmakerJeweller Silverplater Silverplater D 1825-1833 D 1813, 1818-1822 D 1818 D 1818-1837 Shultz, Gustavus Shultz, John Shuman, Frederick Shuman, John Shumo, see Schumo Sickel, see Seckle Sickle, see Seckle Siddall, Joseph Siddons, John Siddons, Josiah C. Sigler, Amos Sikler, William Simmonds, see Simmons Simmons, Andrew Simmons, Anthony Simmons, Joseph Simmons, Joseph Simmons, Robert (or R. H.)Jeweller Simons, George W. Silversmith Simpson, David Silverplater D 1 807-1 81 8, 1825, 1835-1837, 1844-1850 Simpson, J. Alexander Watch Case Maker D 1 848-1 850 Jeweller D 1840 Jeweller D 1839, 1 845-1850 Jeweller D 1 839-1 841 94 Watch Case Maker Jeweller Chaser Silversmith Silver Finisher SilversmithSilversmith Engraver Silversmith D 1 846-1 847 D 1841-1850 D 1835-1837 D 1 847-1 850 D 1850 D 1795-1798 D 1797-1808 Adv. 1765 D 1828-1833 D 1 837-1 850 D 1 844-1 850 Simpson, James Simpson, John W. Simpson, Thomas W PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Simpson, William Watchmaker D 1801 Simpson, William Jeweller D i 830-1 831, 1844 Simpson & Bro. Watch Case Makers D 1 846-1 850 Sinclair, William Watchmaker D1837 Sivrin, see Sevrin Sixte, Joseph A. Silversmith D 1837-1850 Sixte, Vincent B. Silversmith D 1 837-1 840 Skerret, Joseph Silversmith D 1797-1798, d. 1804 Skerret, Joseph Jeweller D 1 804-1 850 Slack, William Jeweller D 1850 Sleeper & Jeannert Jewellers D 1850 Small, William Silverplater D 1795-1796 Smart, John Watchmaker D 1839-1850 Smick, Peter Watch Case Maker D 1 846-1 848 Smith, Allen Jeweller D 1841 Smith, B. Watchmaker D1835 Smith, Benjamin C. Jeweller D 1850 Smith, Charles Goldsmith D 1848-1850 Smith, Charles (or C. R.) Watchmaker D 1837-1850 Smith, Christian Silversmith D 1820- 1822, 1 829-1 833 Smith, Ernest Watchmaker D 1 830-1 833 Smith, F. C. Clockmaker D 1844 Smith, Francis W. Jeweller D1837 Smith, Frederick Jeweller D i833-l843 Smith, George Jeweller D 1823-1833 Smith, George Jeweller D 1829- 1840, 1 847-1 849 Smith, George C. Jeweller D 1839, 1 844-1 845 Smith, George M. Jeweller 95 D 1 845-1 849 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Smith, Hezekiah Watchmaker D 1845 Smith, Isaac Watchmaker D 1 840-1 843 Smith, Jacob Silversmith D 1 809-1 822 Smith, Jacob C. Jeweller D 1839-1850 Smith, James Silversmith D 1 807-1 808 Smith, James S. Clockmaker D 1837-1850 Smith, John Silverplater D 1818-1822 Smith, John Silversmith D 1819-1822 Smith, John Watchmaker D1835 Smith, John Jeweller D 1 849-1 850 Smith, John Silverplater D 1 840-1 850 Smith, John Silversmith D 1 845-1 848 Smith, John Creagh Jeweller D ] 839, 1 846-1 850 Smith, John E. Silverplater D 1825 Smith, Joseph Silversmith D 1804, 1810 Smith, Joseph E. Jeweller D 1 839-1 850 Smith, Levin H. Silversmith D 1 837- 1 843 Smith, Philip Watch Case Maker D 1 847-1 850 Smith, Robert Watchmaker D 1818-1822 Smith, Robert Silversmith D 1&20-1831 Smith, Roderick D. Jeweller D 1 846-1 850 Smith, Samuel Jeweller D1785 Smith, Samuel Watchmaker D 1845 Smith, Samuel Silversmith D 1845 Smith, William Watchmaker D 1818-1825 Smith, William Silversmith D1837 Smith & Bro. Clockmakers D 1 843-1 844 Smith & Goodrich Clockmakers 96 D 1850 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Smith & List Jewellers D 1848-1850 Smith, see also Hattrick & Smith, Lewis & Smith, Lovell & Smith Engraver Adv. 1768-1769, D 1791-1819 Plater & Watchmaker D 1 844-1 847 Smither, James Smitten, R. T. Smoker, John Silversmith Snell, Lewis Jeweller Snelling, Henry Watchmaker Snyder, Charles F. Jeweller Snyder, George Watchmaker Snyder, George (or G. H.) Silversmith Snyder, Joseph (or J. H.) Jeweller Snyder, Robert Jeweller Snyder & Bros. Jewellers Snyder, see also Rickards & Snyder D 1 846-1 847 D 1831-1835 Adv. 1776-1777 D 1842, 1846 D 1801 D 1816-1818 D 1848-1850 D 1850 D 1847-1850 WatchmakerJeweller Silversmith Watch Case Maker Watchmakers Solliday, Daniel H. Solomon, Lewis Solomon, Samuel Somerdike, William Somers & Crowley Somerville (or Sommerville), John Silverplater Sonnece, Joseph Jeweller Sonnier, Joseph Goldsmith Sonnier, see also Lagazze & Sonnier Soumain, Samuel Goldsmith South, George Jeweller 97 D 1829-1850 D 1 840-1 841 D 1811 D 1848-1850 D 1828-1833 D 1 844-1 846 D 1816 D 1818 Adv. 1754-1765 D 1823-1824 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS South, William Souty, A. Souza, Samuel Sowerlt, Anthony Sowerwall, Anthony Spackman, George Sparrow, Henry Spencer, Oliver Spencer & Hand Spencer & Marshall Sperry, William Sprogell, John Jeweller JewellerWatchmaker Silversmith Silversmith Watchmaker Silversmith JewellerJewellers Jewellers Clockmaker Watchmaker Adv. 1 7 64- 1 77 9, WatchmakerWatchmakerWatchmaker Silverplater Sprogell, John, Jr. Spurck, Peter Spyers, Moses Stackel, Jacob Stanislas, see Czekayski Staple (or Staples), George Silversmith Starr, Richard Die Sinker Statzell, P. M. Watchmaker Stedman, Alexander Goldsmith Stedmetz, John Silverplater Steel, Robert Silverplater Steel & Field Silverplaters Steeper, John Engraver Stein, Abraham Watchmaker 98 D 1828-1850 D 1811 D 1819 D 1811 D 1 823-1 824 D 1 824-1 825 D 1811 D 1 833-1 843 D1843 D 1 829-1 833 D 1 843-1 849 D 1791, d. 1794 Adv. 1 77 1 D 1794-1806 D 1830 D 1825 D 1848, 1850 D 1813, 1814 D 1845-1850 D 1793-1814 D 1 829-1 833 D 1811-1831 D 1814-1825 Adv. 1762 D 1795-1828 D 1840- 1848 l*39> 1843- 1846 D 1820- 1822 D 1845- 1848 D 1823- 1825 D 1843 D 1837 D 1824 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Stellwagen, Charles K. Watchmaker Stephen, Thomas H. Silversmith Stern, William Watchmaker Stetzell, see Statzell Stevens, George Silverplater Stevens, Thomas H., see Stephen Stevenson, Charles Jeweller Steward, Aaron Watchmaker Steward, James, see Stuart Stewart, George Watchmaker Stewart & Co. Watchmakers Stewart, James, see Stuart Stewart, T. Silverplater D 1849 Stewart, Thomas, see Stuart Stillas, John Watchmaker Adv. 1784, D 1785-1793, d. 1793 Stillman, Alexander Silversmith D 1806 Stockman, Jacob Silversmith D 1828-1850 Stockman, S. Thimble Mfr. D 1837 Stockman & Pepper Thimble Mfrs. D 1828-1831 Stockton, Samuel W. Watchmaker D 1 823-1 831 Stokeberry, George Watchmaker D 1837 Stollenwerck, P. M. Watchmaker D 1813-1814 Stott, Edwin Watchmaker D 1850 Stott, Samuel Jeweller D 1 846-1 850 Stout, see Stott Stout, see Brown & Stout * Stowee, Frederick Watchmaker D 1 802-1 803 99 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Strembeck, Jacob Stretch, Isaac Stretch, Peter Stretch, Samuel Stretch, Thomas Strock, Edmund Strong, William Stuart, James Stuart, Thomas Stuckert, Isaac Sturgis, Joseph Sumaine, see Soumain Supplee, Jacob Swain, see Swan Swan, Robert Syderman, Philip Syng, John Syng, Philip Syng, Philip Syng, Philip, Jr. Silverplater D 1 820-1 822 Watchmaker J732, Adv. 1752 Watchmaker 1708, Adv. 1737-1738, d. 1746 Watchmaker 1715, d. 1732 Watchmaker Adv. 1754-1764, d. 1765 Jeweller Silversmith Watchmaker WatchmakerGoldsmith Watchmaker D 1850 D 1807-1811 D 1 837-1 850 D 1 839-1 850 D 1809 D 1813-1817 Silversmith Census 1790, D 1791 Silversmith D 1799-1831 Watchmaker D 1785 Goldsmith Adv. 1734, d. 1738 Goldsmith Adv. 1720-1723, d. 1739 Silversmith Adv. 1726-1772, D 1785, d. 1789 Silversmith 1738, Adv. d. 1761 T Taber, William Silversmith D1835 Taf, John James Watchmaker D 1794 Tanguy, John Jeweller D 1801, 1805-1822 100 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Tanguy, John & Peter Jewellers D 1808 Tanguy, Peter Jeweller D 1810-1819 Tanguy, Repiton Jeweller D 1806 Tanguy, see also Chevalier & Tanguy, Desquet & Tanguy, Pointe & Tanguy Tanner, Benjamin Engraver D 1800 Tappan, William B. Clockmaker D 1818-1819 Tappan, see also Lemist & Tappan Taylor, George W. Taylor, John G. Taylor, Luther Taylor, Robert Taylor, Samuel Taylor, William Taylor, William Taylor & Gilpin Silversmith Jeweller Watchmaker Silversmith Watchmaker Goldsmith D 1823-1850 D 1 837-1 843 D 1823-1835 D 1839-1850 D 1798-1799 Adv. 1772-1778 Jeweller D 1 829-1 833, 1 849-1 850 Jewellers D 1843 Jeweller Engraver Taylor & Lawrie (or Lowrie) Silversmiths Tempest, Robert Tempest, Robert Tew, David Thibarult, see Thibault Thibault, Felix Thibault, Francis Thibault, Francis Thibault, Francis & F. Thibault, Francis, Frederick & Felix Jewellers D 1837-1850 Goldsmith D 1814-1816, d. 1816? D 1818-1850 D1785 JewellerGoldsmith D 1814-1837 D 1 800-1 802, d. 1802? Jeweller D 1816-1831, 1846-1850 Jewellers D 1 807-1 809 D 1813 101 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Thibault, Frederick Thibault & Co. Thibault & Brothers Thirion, Lewis Thirion & Hinkle Thomas, Benjamin Thomas, Joseph Thomas, Richard Thompson, Henry Thompson, Jeremiah Thompson, John P. Thompson, Peter Thompson, Robert Thomson, John L. Thorn, John Thornton, Andrew Thornton, John, Jr. Thornton, Joseph Thran, see Trahn Thum, Charles Tibolt, see Thibault Tierney, John Tit low, J. Titlow & Fry Tittle, Charles T. Titus, James Townsend, Charles Townsend, Charles, Jr. GoldsmithGoldsmithsJewellers D 1810- JewellerJewellers Silverplater D Jeweller Silverplater Watchmaker Silverplater Watchmaker D Silversmith Silverplater Jeweller Silverplater Watchmaker Silverplater D 1 8 25 Watchmaker Watchmaker WatchmakerSilversmith Silversmiths Silversmith Watchmaker WatchmakerWatchmaker 102 D 1818-1835 D 1797-1798 1811, 1816-1835 D 1828-1850 D 1850 1813, 1823-1850 D 1 805-1 808 D 1 802-1 808 D 1 847-1 850 D 1 840-1 841 1819, 1823-1824 D 1835-1850 D 1 840-1 841 D 1849 D1837D 1811 -1835,1844-1847 D 1819 D 1828-1833 D 1 820-1 824 D 1 844-1 850 D 1 844-1 847 D 1841-1847 D 1833 D 1799-1850 D 1829-1850 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Townsend, Elisha Watchmaker D 1828-1829 Townsend, John Watchmaker D 1849 Townsend, John, Jr. Watchmaker D 1813-1833 Townshend, see Townsend Towson, Obadiah (or 0. W.) Silversmith D 1819-1824 Tracy, Charles Watch Case Maker D 1 842-1 850 Tracy, C. & E. Watch Case Makers D 1 847-1 850 Tracy, E. Jeweller D 1841-1 842, 1 846-1 850 Tracy, William Watchmaker D 1 843-1 850 Trahn, Peter C. Clockmaker D 1 843-1 849 Treadwell, Oren B. Clockmaker D 1 847- 1 849 Trenchard, James Engraver 1777, D 1785-1793 Trenchard & Watson Engravers D 1800 Trenson, John Watch Case Maker D 1817 Troll, William Goldsmith D 1810-1811 Trone, Peter Clockmaker D 1844 Troth, William Jeweller D 1 804-1 808, 1813-1819 Troth, William Silverplater D 1833-1835 Trout, George Silverplater D 1 837-1 843 Turner, James Engraver Adv. 1758 Turner, William Jeweller D 1 847-1 850 Tuthill, Christopher Goldsmith Adv. 1730 Twelbib, M. Jeweller D 1 828-1 833 Twybill, William Jeweller D 1 841 Tyson, Leech Watchmaker D 1823-1831 Ubelin, Frederick U Silversmith Adv. 1773 Ulman, A. & J. Jewellers 103 D 1829-1835 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Ulman, J. Ulman, Jacob Underwood, John Updike, George M. Urwiler, George Urwiler, J. Usher, Austin Jeweller Jeweller JewellerJeweller Silver Refiner D 1829-1830 D1843 D I797-J798 D 1848 D 1814-1824, 1831, 1837-1839, 1841, 1844 Silver Refiner D 1 83 1 Jeweller D 1842 Vallee, F. D. Vanarsdale, James Vanderslice, W. Vanhorn, David Vanlone, James V Jeweller Plater Silverplater Silversmith Watchmaker (Indented Servant) Silverplater WatchmakerGoldsmith Vanstavoren, James Vantine, John L. Van Voorhis, Daniel Varnier, see Perpignan & Varnier Varney, John Jeweller Varrick, Robert Silversmith Vaughan, D. Watchmaker Vensal, Bordo Jeweller Vivant, William Goldsmith Voigt, Henry (or Voight) Watchmaker D Voight, Sebastian Watchmaker Voigt, Thomas (or T. H.) Watchmaker Vondyk, Hermanus Silverplater 104 D1835D 1849 D 1840 D 1801 Adv. 1775 D 1818 D 1 829-1 847 Adv. 1780-1782 d. 1802 D 1 844-1 845 1695 D 1850 Adv. 1725 1785-1791, d. 1814 D 1793-1800 D 1811-1835 D 1 820-1 822 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Vonneida, Jacob Voute, Lewis C. Vouty, see Voute Waage & Norton Wade, Jacob B. Waglin, Thomas Wait & Wright Waite, George Waitt, Frederick Wakefield, Charles Wakefield, Thomas Walker, Calvin Walker, George Walker, Hannah Walker, John, Jr. Walker, Richard Walker, William Walker, William & George Walker & Peak Walker, see also Barni Waller, John Wallin, Robert Wallis, Thomas Waln, Richard Walter, Abm. 105 Jeweller D 1 837-1 840 Watchmaker D 1835-1850 W Watchmakers D 1798 Jeweller D 1 820-1 822 Silversmith D 1818-1819 Silversmiths D1837 Jeweller D 1 847-1 850 Jeweller D 1 843-1 850 Silverplater D1835 Jeweller D1837 Jeweller D1831 Goldsmith D 1797-1822 Goldsmith D 1816-1817 Goldsmith D 1798-1799, 1802- -1807, 1816-1833 Silverplater D 1 837-1 846 Goldsmith D 1793-1816 GE Goldsmiths D i795-J796 Silverplaters D1843 st & Walker Silversmith (Servar, it) Adv. 1763 Watchmaker D 1845-1850 Silversmith D 1 804-1 808 Jeweller D1837 Jeweller D 1849-1850 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Walters, Edward Walters, John Walto, John J. Walton, Daniel Waples, Nathaniel Ward, Anthony Ward, Charles Ward, Charles Ward, Edward H. Ward, Isaac Ward, Jehu Ward, J., & Co. Ward, J. & W. L. Ward, J. & W. L., & Co. Ward, John Ward, John Ward, William L. Ward & Cox Ward & Govett Ward & Miller Ward, see also Norman & Warden, Abijah B. Warden, see also Ayres & Wark, William Warner, Cuthbert Warner, John S. Warner, Joseph Warner, Joseph P. Jeweller Engraver Jeweller Silversmith Watchmaker Clockmaker Jeweller Gold Chaser Watchmaker D 1847 Adv. 1779, 1784 D 1 849-1 850 D 1816-1817 D 1816-1819 1717 D 1824 D 1 839-1 840 D 1 839-1 842 Watchmaker D 1811-1814, 1818 Silversmith D 1808, 18 13-1848 Watchmakers D 1843 Watchmakers D 1837, 1 845-1 850 Watchmakers D 1 839-1 842 Watchmaker D 1803, 1839 Silversmith D 1810-1811 Watchmaker D 1831-1850 Silversmiths D1811 Watchmakers D 1813-1814 Goldsmiths D 1 822-1824 Ward Jeweller D 1 842-1850 Warden Watchmaker D 1 848-1 850 Watchmaker D 1 837-1850 Watch Case Maker D 1 825-1 839, 1 844-1 846 Silversmith D 1811-1850 Watch Case Maker D 1839 106 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Silverplater Watch Case Maker Silversmith Watch Case Maker Watch Case Makers Watch Case Makers Gold Dial Makers Silversmith Watchmaker Warner, Philip Warner, Robert P. Warner, Samuel Warner, William Warner, William, & Co Warner & Keating Warner & Newlin Warren, Benjamin Warrington, John Warrington, John, & Co. Watchmakers Warrington, John & S. R. Watchmakers Warrington, Samuel R. Watchmaker Warrington, S. R., & Co. Watchmakers Wart, F. A. Jeweller Warwick, William Gold Refiner Watkins, John Jeweller Watling, James Silversmith Watson, Isaac (or I. S.) Silversmith Watson, James Watchmaker Watson, Joshua Silverplater Watson, Robert Jeweller Watson & Hildeburn Jewellers D1835 D 1839-1850 D 1797 D 1814-1850 D 1844-1850 D 1 840-1843 D 1848-1850 D 1809-1817 D 1811-1822, 1833 D 1828-1831 D 1822-1825 D 1828-1850 D 1841-1850 D 1841 D1837 D 1831-1833 D 1837-1850 D 1 843-1 846 D 1 820-1 850 D 1819-1824 D 1842-1850 D 1 840-1 849 Watson, see also Hildeburn & Watson, Trenchard & Watson Wattenby, see Whartenby Watts, James Silversmith D 1835-1850 Watts, William Silversmith D 1841-1850 Watts, J. & W. Silversmiths D 1 839-1 845 Weatherly, David Watchmaker D 1 805-1 850 107 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Weaver, Emmor T. Webb, Charles Webb, Charles Webb, Robert Webb, Thomas Webb, William Webb & Boon Weedaman, George Weeks, John Wein, John Weiss, George Weiss, Jedediah Weller, Francis Wentz, Henry, see Wentz, Hilary Silversmith & Sword Maker D 1 808-1 833 Jeweller Adv. 1738 Jeweller D 1850 Jeweller Census 1790, D 1791-1817 Jeweller Jeweller Jewellers Jeweller Silverplater Silverplater Silversmith Watchmaker Watchmaker D 1818-1819 D 1801 D 1785 D 1807 D1835 D 1811 D 1847 Adv. 1777 Adv. 1777-1778 D 1822-1824 D 1 839-1 850 D 1 829-1 833 Adv. 1776, d. 1780 D 1798, 1 807-1 808 D 1819-1822 Wentz, Hilary Watchmaker Wenzell, Benjamin Jeweller West, James L. Jeweller West, Joseph Goldsmith West, Josiah Watchmaker West, Thomas G. Watchmaker Westfall, see Westphall Weston, Benjamin Westphall, Charles Westphall, Charles William Goldsmith Westphall, Ferdinand Watch Case Maker Wetham, see Witham Weyman, Jacob (or J. G.) Silverplater D 1 844-1 846 108 Silversmith (Apprentice) Adv. 1797 Goldsmith D 1801 D 1802-1822 D 1 8 14-1824 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Whartenby, James Silversmith Whartenby, John Silversmith Whartenby, Thomas Silversmith Whartenby, Thomas & Co. Silversmiths Whartenby, William Silversmith Whartenby & Bumm Silversmiths Whartenberry, see Whartenby Whartonby, see Whartenby Wheaton, Benjamin Whitaker, John White, Alfred White, Alphine White, Francis White, Joseph White, Sebastian White, Thomas White, William White, William H. & Co. Jeweller Jeweller Silversmith Jeweller Watchmaker WatchmakerWatchmakerWatchmaker Silversmith Watch Dealers White, see also Dickson, White & Co. Whitecar, see Whitaker Whitehead, John Clockmaker Whitehead, William W. Clockmaker Whitham, see Witham Whitney, Leonard Watchmaker Widdifield, William Clockmaker Widdifield, William, Jr. Watchmaker Widdifield & Gaw Watchmakers Widman, Frederick W. Die Sinker, Etc. 109 D 1 847-1 848 D 1 829-1 835 D 1811-1850 D 1 847-1 850 D 1844 D 1816-1818 D1835 D 1814-1822 D 1 807-1 809 D 1805 D 1849 D 1808-1818 D 1795-1796 D 1810 D 1 805-1 806 D 1 835-1 837 D 1 848-1 849 D 1850 D 1841-1842 D 1817 D 1820-1822 D 1820-1822 D 1817, 1825-1848 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Wieland, Frederick Watchmaker D 1848 Wieland, T. Jeweller D1835 Wien, John, Jr., see We« r Wiggins, Thomas & Co. Watchmakers D1833 Wilbank, John Watchmaker, Etc. D 1 839-1 841 Wilder, L. H. & Co. Clock Dealers D 1845 Willar, see Weller Williams, A. & R. Jewellers Adv. 1812 Williams, Alexander Goldsmith D 1 807-1 81 1 William, George Jeweller D 1 843-1 848 Williams, Henry Jeweller D 1804 Williams, John Watchmaker D 1818 Williams, Joseph Jeweller D 1816 Williams, Margery & Mary Silver Burnishers D 1823-1824 William, Samuel Silversmith D 1795-1796 Williamson, Samuel Silversmith D 1794-1813 Willig, George, Jr. Silversmith D 1819-1822 Willig, see also Rasch & Willig Wills, Joseph Clockmaker Adv. ¦ *753, d. 175$ Wilmer, J. Jeweller D 1849 Wilson, Andrew Jeweller D 1844-18.47 Wilson, George Silversmith D 1848-1850 Wilson, John Silversmith d. 1787 Wilson, P. G. Jeweller D 1840 Wilson, Robert Silversmith D 1814-1 824, 1 837-1 846 Wilson, Robert Clockmaker D1835 Wilson, Robert Silverplater no D1837 PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Wilson, Robert & William Silversmiths Wilson, Thomas Silversmith Wilson, Thomas Watchmaker Wilson, William Silversmith Wilson, see also Leonard & Wilson Wiltberger, Christian Goldsmith Wiltberger, Christian, Jr. Silverplater Wiltberger & Alexander Goldsmiths Wimer, Andrew Watchmaker Winslow, Isaac Silversmith Winson, see Wenzell Winters, Isaac Watchmaker Winzel, see Wenzell Wise, George (or G. K.) Silversmith Wise, see also Butler, Wise & Keim, Dunlevy & Wise D i 825-1 846 D 1 837-1 839 D1839 D 1829-1850 D i793-l8l7 D 1819 Adv. 1797 D 1818-1819 D 1 847-1 848 D 1 844-1 848 D 1 842-1 850 WlSHART, B. Witham, A. Witham, Ebenezer Witham, William Witham & Newman Withington, James Withington, Samuel Wolf, Francis H. Wolf, J. Wolff, G. James Wolfe & Wriggins Silver Burnisher JewellerJewellerJeweller JewellersJeweller JewellerSilversmith Jeweller Silversmith Silversmiths D 1 839-1 840 D 1828-1831 D 1833-1850 D 1846-1850 D 1837-1850 D 1823-1824 D 1 820-1 841 D 1829-1845, 1849 D 1828-1833 D 1 830-1 833 D1837 in PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Wolwart, see Woolworth Wood, Bazel Silverplater Wood, Charles Wood, John Wood, John Wood, Thomas Wood & Dodge Woolley, Charles Woolworth, Charles Woolworth, Danforth Woolworth, R. C. Woolworth, R. C. Woolworth, Richard Woolworth, Richard C Worn, James W. Worrell, Goodwin Worrell, John worthington, samuel Worton, Robert Wriggins, Thomas Wriggins, T. & Co. Wriggins & Co. Wriggins, see also Wolfe & Wriggins Wright, James Chaser Wright, John Jeweller Wright, John F. Silversmith Wright, Joseph Die Sinker JewellerWatchmaker Watchmaker Adv. 1762, Jeweller Jewellers Jeweller Jeweller Jeweller WatchmakerJeweller JewellerJewellerWatchmaker Jeweller Jeweller Jeweller Clockmaker JewellerJewellers Silversmiths D 1 823-1 833 D 1 829-1 830 Adv. 1734, d. 1761 D 1785-1791, d. 1793 D 1837, 1848 D 1816-1817 D 1 848-1 849 D 1829 D 1823-1824 D 1816-1817 D1835 D 1 830-1 833, 1839 D 1 822-1 824 D 1849-1850 D 1 837-1 849 D1837D1833D 1849 D 1 837-1 846 D 1 842-1 846 D 1831-1833 D 1841-1844 D 1845-1850 D 1 830-1 833 d. 1793 n: PHILADELPHIA SILVERSMITHS AND ALLIED ARTIFICERS Wright, see also Wait & Wright Wyand, John Wyant, John Wyatt, Joseph Yeager, Edward Yeager, J. M. Yeager, Joseph Yeager, William Yeoman, Alexander Yetton, Randall Young Young, Francis Young, James H. Young, William Young & Deleker Zane, Jacob Zeissler, G. A. Zeller, William Zepp, Samuel Watchmaker D 1847 Silverplater D 1 829-1 833 Silversmith D 1797-1798 Y Engraver D 1844-1850 Stone Engraver D 1839-1846 Engraver D 18 16-1847 Watchmaker D1837 Plater D1837 Goldsmith Adv. 1739 Engraver D 1 829-1 83 1 Watchmaker Adv. 1777 Engraver D 1817-1850 Goldsmith Adv. 1761-1768 Engravers D 1823-1824 Z Jeweller D 1 837-1 846 Clockmaker D 1848 Jeweller D 1835-1850 Jeweller D 1 842-1 850 "3 Appendix APPENDIX Ainsworth, Michael Bagnall, Benjamin Beau, John Anthony Billings, Joseph Boemper, Abraham Bruff, Joseph Silversmith 1755 FREDERICK CO., VIRGINIA Watchmaker I77° BOSTON Chaser 1770 NEW YORK Clockmaker I77° READING, PENNA. Silversmith d. 1793 BETHLEHEM Goldsmith 1767 TALBOT COURT HOUSE, MD. Bruff, Charles Oliver Goldsmith 1770 NEW YORK Clockmaker 1765 CARLISLE, PENNA. Goldsmith 1774 BALTIMORE Clockmaker 1710, d. 1745 WILMINGTON, DEL. Watchmaker 1763 CHESTER CO., PENNA. Silversmith Il44 FREDERICKSBURG, VIRGINIA Watchmaker 1784 BALTIMORE Campbell, William Carnan, John Chandlee, Benjamin Chandlee, Benjamin Clark, Andrew Clarke, A. 117 APPENDIX Crow, Thomas Dickinson, Richard Dowig, George Dupuy, Daniel Dupuy, John Eberman, Gottlieb Eberman, John, Jr. Eccleston, D. Eckart, John Edwards, John Edwards, John Ellicott, Joseph Elliott, Joseph Evans, David Clockmaker 1770-178 2 WILMINGTON, DEL. Clockmaker 1768 MT. HOLLY, N. J. Watchmaker 1 7 8 4 BALTIMORE Silversmith 1777 READING, PENNA. Watchmaker 1777 READING, PENNA. Clockmaker 1782 LANCASTER, PENNA. Clockmaker 1771-1772 LANCASTER, PENNA. Die Sinker 1805 LANCASTER, PENNA. Silverplater 1 848-1 8 50 CAMDEN, N. J. Watchmaker 1735 ANNAPOLIS, MD. Silversmith 1773 LANCASTER, PENNA. Watchmaker 1778 BUCKS CO., PENNA. Silversmith (Apprentice) 1768 NEW CASTLE COUNTY, DEL. Clockmaker 1773-1778 BALTIMORE Il8 APPENDIX Ewing, John Jeweller LANCASTER, PENNA. b. 1755 Fisher, John Clockmaker YORK, PENNA. 1790 Fitch, John Silversmith TRENTON, N. J. I769- ¦1775 Fitzer, James Silverplater CAMDEN, N. J. I849 Forrey, Christian Watchmaker 1773 LAMPETER TOWNSHIP, LANCASTER CO., PENNA. Francis, Basil Clockmaker BALTIMORE I766 Fraser, William Silversmith 1738 PHILADELPHIA, PENNA. (Unclaimed Letter ¦ in Philadelphia Post Office) Gayhart, S. Clockmaker CAMDEN, N. J. 1846- -I849 Geddes, Charles Watchmaker NEW YORK I778 Getz, Peter Silversmith LANCASTER, PENNA. 1790 Greer, John Watchmaker CARLISLE, PENNA. d. 1774 Hackle, William Goldsmith BALTIMORE I766 Hall, Charles Silversmith LANCASTER, PENNA. II9 I765. -I780 APPENDIX Haverstick, William Heck, Ludwig Henderson, William Hoff, George Goldsmith 1798 LANCASTER, PENNA. Silversmith 1780 LANCASTER, PENNA. Clockmaker I77° APPOQUINIMINK, NEW CASTLE, DEL. Clockmaker I77° LANCASTER, PENNA. Hoff, George Frederick Watchmaker b. 18 10 LANCASTER, PENNA. Hoff, John Clockmaker x776, d. 1818 LANCASTER, PENNA. Hoff, John George Clockmaker 1765, d. 1816 LANCASTER, PENNA. Hollingshead, Morgan Clockmaker 1775 MOORESTOWN, N. J. Watchmaker 1768-1772 SALEM, n. j. Silverplater 1 848 CAMDEN, N. J. hollinshead, jacob Horner, George Huff, see Hoff Hughes, Christopher Goldsmith Humphreys, Richard Hutchinson, Thomas BALTIMORE Goldsmith WILMINGTON, DEL. Silversmith LANCASTER, PENNA. 120 177417711773 APPENDIX Jacks, James Jones, John Keim, John Key, F. C. Kinkead, James Krause, John Samuel Lampey Le Roy, Abraham Levely Little, Archibald M'Cabe, John M'Graw, Daniel MTntosh, John Mendenhall, Thomas Jeweller 1797 CHARLESTON, S. C. Silversmith I784 AUGUSTA COUNTY, VIRGINIA Watchmaker 1777 READING, PENNA. Die Sinker 185O CAMDEN, N. J. Watchmaker 1774 CHRISTIANA, DEL. Silversmith d. before 1815 BETHLEHEM, PENNA. Watchmaker 1782 BALTIMORE Clockmaker 1757, d. I763 -I764 LANCASTER, PENNA. Silversmith I788 BALTIMORE Chronometer Maker I839. -I84O CAMDEN, N. J. Watchmaker *773 BALTIMORE, MD. Silversmith 1772 CHESTER, PENNA. Silversmith 1761 FT. STANWIX Watchmaker 1772 LANCASTER, PENNA. 121 APPENDIX Miksch, John Matthew Silversmith BETHLEHEM, PENNA. 1754- T823 Miller, Philip Watchmaker NEW YORK I763 Morgan, John Silverplater CAMDEN, N. J. 1844- ¦I848 Morgan, John Silverplater 1846- ¦I85O CAMDEN, N. J. ^ Morgan, Thomas Watchmaker BALTIMORE 1771. 1774 Morgan & Gibson Silverplaters CAMDEN, N. J. 184I- .1843 Myers, Albert G. Silversmith CAMDEN, N. J. 1847 •I85O Neilson Watchmaker ANNAPOLIS, MD. 1734 Ormsby, James Watchmaker BALTIMORE 1771 Parke, Solomon Watchmaker SOUTHAMPTON, BUCKS CO., PENNA. I782 Peck, Moses Clockmaker BOSTON I789 Perot, James Silversmith BERMUDA 1753 Pine, David Clockmaker I772 • STRASBURG, PENNA. 122 APPENDIX Reeves, Stephen Rice rlttenhouse, benjamin Robbins, E. Sayre, John Schwartz, Peter Shields, Caleb Shipherd, Arthur Shreiner, Martin Shreiner, Philip Siebenlist, Michael Skidmore, Thomas Smith, John Silversmith 1766 COHANSEY BRIDGE, CUMBERLAND CO., N. J- Silversmith I788 BALTIMORE Clockmaker I760 NORRITON, PENNA. Silversmith 1846 -I848 CAMDEN, N. J. Silversmith l800 NEW YORK Watchmaker 1770 YORK, PENNA. Goldsmith *773 BALTIMORE Watchmaker 1764 NEW YORK Clockmaker b. 1767, d. 1866 LANCASTER, PENNA. Clockmaker 1760 LANCASTER, PENNA. Silverplater 1846 -1850 CAMDEN, N. J. Watchmaker 1767 LANCASTER, PENNA. Jeweller 1850 CAMDEN, N. J. 123 APPENDIX Somers, Albertus Spangler, Rudolph Starrett, James Stoner, Rudy Stout, Samuel Stow, John Syng, Daniel Taylor, John Watchmaker 1821 GLOUCESTER CO., N. J. Clockmaker & Silversmith lll4 YORK, PENNA. Watchmaker 1796 BRANDYWINE MANOR Clockmaker ll&4 LANCASTER, PENNA. Goldsmith 1779 PRINCETON, N. J. Goldsmith 1772 WILMINGTON, DEL. Goldsmith 1733, d. 1745 LANCASTER, PENNA. Silversmith PHILADELPHIA, PENNA. {Unclaimed Letter in Philadelphia Post Office) Todd, Richard Troth, James Watchmaker STRASBURG, PENNA. Silversmith PITTSBURG, PENNA. Vogt, Ignatius Christian Watchmaker NEW YORK Clockmaker BALTIMORE Ware, George D. Watchmaker CAMDEN, N. J. 124 17861769 Vuille, Alexander 17641766 1 849-1 850 APPENDIX Warner, Joseph Silversmith (?) WILMINGTON, DEL. 1768 Weiss, Jedediah Watchmaker & Silversmith 1815 BETHLEHEM, PENNA. Wilson, James Silversmith TRENTON, N. J. 1769 Wood & Hudson Clockmakers MT. HOLLY, N. J. J773 Woodcock, Bancroft Goldsmith WILMINGTON, DEL. J754 -1772 125