YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY, 1936 The Book of St. Louisans A BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY OF LEADING LIVING MEN OF THE CITY OF ST. LOUIS AND VICINITY SECOND EDITION 1912 REVISED, ENLARGED AND BROUGHT DOWN TO DATE ST. LOUIS THE ST. LOUIS REPUBLIC 1912 Published by The St. Louis Republic Copyrighted, 1912, by Albert Nelson Marquis FOREWORD The Book of St. Louisans was first published in 1906, receiving a most gratifying reception. It was recognized at the outset as an inval uable book, alike in the business office and in the home. Time has con firmed this favorable opinion on the general merits of the work, its com prehensiveness and its accuracy. As a book of ready reference, it has from the first been in constant requisition. The up-to-date merchant, the professional man, the alert inquirer, whatever his vocation, keeps this handy volume upon his desk, within easy reach. A new edition, revised and brought down to date, has been called for, and the present volume is presented as the best possible response to that demand. This edition contains many names not listed in the earlier issue — names unavoidably overlooked in a first edition, as well as a large number representing new residents of St. Louis, and others who have come into prominence since the first edition was printed. The work of revision has been painstaking and thorough. Not only have many names been added, but each of the original sketches has been rewritten in order that the best possible arrangement of the data for easy reference purposes might be secured. A casual examination of these pages will disclose not only the presence of many new names, but also the absence of names which appeared in the earlier issue. The omissions are accounted for by reason of death (The Book of St. Loxjisans being confined to liv ing men only), removals from the city, impossibility to find present addresses, and a few because they are no longer regarded as of sufficient importance. The names of those whose life-sketches appeared in the first edi tion, but who have died or have been dropped for various reasons, have been inserted in this volume in their original alphabetical place, with a reference to the volume of 1906, in which the biographical sketch appeared, and, if deceased, the fact has been noted, with the date of death, when known. This feature will be of particular value to those who may wish to 7 8 FOREWORD secure reliable biographical information about many men who were prominent in the business or social life of St. Louis in the opening years of the twentieth century, but who have passed to the "great beyond," leaving no other printed record of their life-work. In the remaking of The Book of St. Lotjisans — for this is prac tically a new book from beginning to end— every source of available names has been drawn upon and every reasonable effort has been made to procure the requisite data from all who were deemed eligible ,for inclusion. Nevertheless, names which should have been included will be missed; but in practically all such cases the omission is not in the least due to inadvertence or the lack of effort on the part of those hav ing the preparation of the book in hand. . Not only were written requests sent by mail, but they were supplemented by personal solicitation when occasion required. The great majority of those applied to responded freely and in a courteous manner. To these, thanks are hereby extended. A few, however, furnished information with evident reluc tance, while others showed complete indifference, and some let the request for data go wholly unnoticed. Some names which frequently appear in the newspapers are con spicuous by their absence, for the reason that The Book of St. Lotjisaxs has endeavored to include only men of reputable vocation and high standing. Notwithstanding the reasons named, which prevented the inclusion of many persons, the publication may make just claim to greater com pleteness, a greater degree of accuracy, and a more dependable and authoritative record in regard to the leaders in the business, profes sional, industrial, official, and intellectual life of St. Louis than has ever before been collected. To make such a publication dependable, it is necessary that it should be unpurchasable. The Book of St. Louisans has been compiled as a permanent reference book, and all of the sketches in the volumes have been inserted with that fact in view. Not one has been paid for, nor inserted' for any financial consideration. To secure accuracy, the greatest care has been taken. In every case where possible, the facts were procured at first hands, and the sketches were submitted for verification and correction, thus giving to the book a quality practically autobiographical. In this painstaking- way its authenticity has been safeguarded and its value as a reference book greatly enhanced. The volume has been confined to living subjects, because the pur- FOREWORD 9 pose from the first has been to furnish a dictionary of contemporaries and to mirror the current progress and history of the city as reflected in the life-statistics of its citizens. The main object of bringing them together in this compilation is to place within easy reach such legitimate information in regard to the personal history of St. Louisans as it is natural that one interested in them should desire to possess. During the daily work and turmoil of life, in this city of strenuous endeavor and achievement, one finds, but little opportunity to get acquainted with those whose personalities are (outside of his own most intimate circles) of most interest. The reader can doubtless think of many leading citizens of whom he would like to know : Where did they come from; where and how were they educated; what is their home life, their religious, social, and political environment ; and what have been the chief steps in their career? If the reader will turn to such names, he Avill find just the information desired. Many and varied are the interests controlled or represented by those whose life-histories are here outlined. Business and professional lines are most largely represented, because St. Louis is, beyond every thing else, a business center. The city has made unprecedented strides toward business supremacy, standing first in many and prominent in all of the important branches of trade, production, and professional effort. Therefore this volume partakes largely of the nature of a busi ness dictionary, and contains more personal information about the living business men of St. Louis than can be found collectively in all other books ever printed. Business men can find here much that they never knew about their competitors and customers, together with a vast amount of personal knowledge in regard to their fellow citizens which is of value from a business as well as from a social standpoint. In fact, in all lines of useful achievement, the book furnishes as complete a compendium and epitome of personal data in regard to those St. Louisans most prominently identified with the best movements and interests of the city as it has been possible to procure by patient care, experienced methods, and large expenditure. To the press of St. Louis and other cities, this volume presents features of easily recognized usefulness. Here the newspaper man will find facts which are of great value, and by the use of the book in the city room the exasperating errors resulting from hasty picking up of details from unreliable sources may be in large measure avoided. The truth is here plainly stated, every item being presented in concise, con densed form, so that it may be at once grasped and understood. 10 FOREWORD In number and representative selection of subjects, accuracy of detail and authoritative usefulness as a work of reference, it is confi dently claimed that The Book of St. Louisans is the most complete compilation of St. Louis biography ever printed. Not only is this true, but by far the larger part of the information it contains is not procurable, in print, from any other source. The volume contains five or six times as many biographical sketches of representative St. Louisans as can be found in any other publication. While it is not claimed that the book represents infallibility or iner rancy, it is confidently put forth as the best that has so far been pro duced among books of local and contemporary biography in this city. The Book of St. Louisans is multum in parvo. It contains much in small compass. It is the best possible introduction that one can have to St. Louis, and the manifold activities of the city. It is a book of reference in the strictest sense of the term. By consulting its contents, even the oldest resident can acquire fresh information, and learn much about his city and his business associates which he has not known before. St. Louis, Sept. 1, 1912. PERSONAL SKETCHES THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS BIOGRAPHIES (*) The asterisk indicates that the person is said to have removed from St. Louis. ABBOTT, Augustus L., lawyer; born, Wey mouth, Mass., Aug. 6, 1858; son of L. A. (D.D.) and Mary A. (Preston) Abbott; edu cated at Brown University, Providence, R. I., A.B., 1880, A.M., 1883; Washington Univer sity Law Department, LL.B., 1885; married at Alton, HI., 1887, Annette Blair; children: John Blair, Marjory, Preston Obe4 Ad mitted to the bar of Missouri, 1884, and has since been engaged in general practice; mem ber firm of Abbott & Edwards. Member American, Missouri State and St. Louis Bar associations. Clubs: City, Glen Echo. Office: New National Bank of Commerce Bldg. Resi- dence: 5449 Maple Ave. ABEL, Frederick, president Abel & Ger hard Plumbing Co.; born, Denmark, July 4, 1842; son of Charles and Annie (Simpson) Abel; educated in public night schools; mar ried, St. Louis, Jan. 22, 1867, Mary L. Bump; five children: Walter C, Charles P., Louis P., Frederick E., Robert O. Came to America, 1854; entered plumbing business as member of firm of Werner & Abel, 1865, continuing until 1877; conducted business in own name, 1877- 80; associated with Oscar J. Gerhard, 1880, and incorporated the Abel & Gerhard Plumb ing Co., of which has since been president. Served as member Co. A, Fourth Missouri Regiment. Missouri Volunteers, for four months, Civil War. Bepublican. Protestant. Odd Fellow. Honorary member St. Louis Turn Verein. Recreations : hunting, fishing and traveling. Office: 909 N. 6th St. Residence: 3851 Page Boul. ABELES, Julius David, president Commer cial Bldg. Co.; born, St. Louis, Nov. 20, 1848; son of Adolph and Amelia (Taussig) Abeles; educated in public schools of St. Louis, grad uating from St. Louis High School, 1865; married, St. Louis, Apr. 23, 1874, Emilie Taussig (died Mar. 9, 1900); children: James A., John T., Robert L., Clifford, Charles T., Alfred T., Francis. Began business career with wholesale wool house in Philadelphia, 1862; returned to St. Louis in employ of sim ilar firm; became broker in wool, etc., in 1874, and remained in that business until 1879, when went to Leadville, remaining there near ly two years, engaged in mining. Beturned to St. Louis, 1881, and took charge of Union Depot Warehouse for three years, and then embarked in mining stock business as a broker; was president St. Louis Mining Stock Exchange for two years. Inaugurated enter prise now known as Terminal Hotel in 1895, and has had full charge of it ever since, now being president of Terminal Hotel and Arcade . Co. Took charge of Commercial Building, 1900, and has full control of its capital and management as president Commercial Bldg. Co. President Martha Realty Co.; vice presi dent Union Station Bank; president Tip Top Mining Co. Republican. Member Business Men's League, Civic League. Clubs: Univer sity, Noonday, City, Automobile. Recreation: travel. Office: Commercial Bldg. Residence: 4140 Washington Ave. ABELES, Samuel Charles, stock and bond broker; born, St. Louis, Oct. 15, 1875; son of D. and Theresa (Minzer) Abeles; graduated from Franklin (public) School and attended St. Louis High School; married, St. Louis, Nov. 29, 1899, Ricka M. Piatt. Began in news paper business as reporter on St. Louis Star- Sayings, September, 1892; left Star to become court reporter for the Globe-Democrat; later had charge of religious department, dramatic department and business news for Globe-Dem ocrat; went from Globe to Chronicle to handle special assignments; sent to Europe as special correspondent of Chronicle, 1895; upon return to St. Louis, appointed assistant city editor and dramatic editor of Chronicle; left Chron icle to do special work on the Star, and later returned to Globe-Democrat to take charge of financial, business and real estate columns; left newspaper work in summer of 1899 to go into bond and stock brokerage business with Bennett, Wasserman & Co., as floor broker and street man; was with Morris Glaser & Co., in similar capacity, 1901-Deeember, 1906. In 13 14 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS January, 1907, organized firm of Samuel C. Abeles & Co. and has since continued in busi ness as head of firm. Purchased seat on St. Louis Stock Exchange, 1904. Republican. Jew ish religion. Club: Columbian, Recreations: reading and travel. Office: 500 National Bank of Commerce Bldg. Residence: 5891 Washing ton Avenue. ABLE, George Dudley, manufacturer; born, Oxford, Miss., Feb. 25, 1861; son of Josiah and Martha Elizabeth (Stockard) Able; de scended on mother's side from Alexander Craighead, commonly known as father of the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence; educated in public and high schools, Oxford, and University of Mississippi; married, Hali fax Co., N. C, Dec. 30, 1886, Martha Elizabeth Thorne; five children: Sidney Thorne, Corrie Mae (Mrs. Robert C. Moss), Helen Dudley, Elise and Alice Mildred. Was member firm of Jackson & Able, merchants, Oxford, Miss., 1882-88; cashier Bank of Water Valley, Miss., 1888-1906, and also engaged as planter in Washington Co., Miss., during a large part of time named; vice president and general man ager Missouri Cannel Coal Co., Versailles, Mo., 1906-07; treasurer Corinth Woolen Mills (now Curlee Clothing Co.), St. Louis, 1907-08; since 1909 president Mellon & Storm Manufacturing Co., manufacturers of beds and bed springs; also president Link Fabric Co. of America. Formerly trustee Union Female College, Ox ford, Miss., Water Valley Military Academy, Water Valley, Miss. Member St. Louis Credit Men's Association. Independent Democrat. Presbyterian; elder Kingshighway Presby terian Church. Served as member City Coun cil and mayor of Water Valley. President- Mississippi Bankers' Association, 1898-99; vice president for Mississippi, of American Bankers' Association, 1899-1900. Member Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias, Woodmen of the World. Recreation: country life. Office: 10th and Mullanphy Sts. Residence: 5022 Cabanne Ave. Summer Residence: Cedar Gap, Mo. ABSOLOM, James H., president Absolom Dry Goods Co.; born, London, Eng., Mar. 8, 1856; lost mother at two years of age; came to America with father at seven; educated public schools New York State and Illinois; married, St. Louis, Sept. 24, 1884, Alice L. Gardner; two children: James H. and Alice L. Began active career in employ of nail mills at Belleville, 111., continuing seven years; then clerk in dry goods store of brother-in-law, R. B. Bullock, St. Louis; was made partner of the company upon its incorporation, 1894, and has since been president Absolom Dry Goods Co. Mason, Knight Templar. Episcopalian. Office: 4108 Easton Ave. Residence: 4243 Page Ave. ACKERMAN, Lee, vice president Sonnen- f eld Millinery Co. ; born, near Frankfort, Ger many, May 4, 1884; son of Isaac and Olga (Loeb) Ackerman; educated in public schools in Germany; unmarried. Came to St. Louis direct from Germany in 1898, and at once en tered employ of Sonnenfeld Millinery Co. (es tablished 1875) as clerk; became partner in spring of 1904, and is now vice president of company, dealers in millinery, fancy goods and cloaks. Recreations: motoring and fish ing. Office: 610 Washington Ave. Residence: 4719 Washington Ave. ACKERMAN, Leopold, president Sonnen feld Millinery Co.; born, Villmar, Germany, Mar. 8, 1863; son of Wolf and Gretchen (Levy) Ackerman; educated in public schools in Germany; married, St. Louis, Nov. 11, 1891, Josephine Emanuel; children: Lester Joseph, Melville Emanuel, Byron Wolf. Came from Germany direct to St. Louis in 1879; began business career same year with I. B. Rosenthal Millinery Co. as boy, then salesman, then on road for them for 13 years; in 1894 entered on present connection as president and manager of the Sonnenfeld Millinery Co., millinery, fancy goods and cloaks. Member Business Men's League. Republican. Member Society of B'nai B'rith, United Jewish Charities. Club: Columbian. Recreation: motoring. Of fice: 610 Washington Ave. Residence: St. Louis County. ACKERMAN, Louis, merchant; born, Vill mar, Germany, Feb. 9, 1865; son of Karl and Betchen (Marx) Ackerman; educated in com mon and high schools, Germany; unmarried. Came to America, 1882; after a residence of six months in this country entered employ of I. B. Rosenthal & Co. and traveled for the firm in the South until 1896 — a period of four teen years; then was placed in charge of mil linery department of Schafer Bros, and oper ated same until the house was burned out, 1900; became connected with Penny & Gentles Dry Goods Co. and rented the millinery de partment, conducting same until 1909; then leased the building which had been occupied by the J. G. Brand Shoe Co. ,and since has maintained business in millinery, cloaks and suits. President Louis Ackerman Millinery Co.; vice president Regent Realty & Invest ment Co.; director Sonnenfeld Millinery Co. Jewish religion. Clubs: Columbian, Westwood Golf. Recreation: golf. Office: 623 N. Broad way. Residence: 5243 Waterman Ave. ADAM, Frank, president Frank Adam Elec tric Co.; born, Freiburg, Baden, Germany, Feb. 2, 1838; son of Frederick and Maria E. Adam; educated in public schools in Germany; came to U. S., 1853; married, St. Louis, Jan. 7, 1869, Louisa M. Blattner; children: Frederick B., William (deceased), Anna M., Harry O, Edwin C. Began business career at 15 as watchmaker's apprentice in Newark, N. J., and at end of apprenticeship became journey man watchmaker with Mitchell & Tyler, Rich mond, Va., remaining with them through three THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 15 years of the war; then watchmaker with Leannont, Montreal, Canada. Worked for Jehu Sylvester, St. Louis, 1865-70; with Henry Blattner, son of Jacob Blattner, succeeded to latter's optical, mathematical and philosoph ical instrument business; dissolved partner ship in 1880, and has since continued in elec trical manufacturing and construction busi ness, as president of the Frank Adam Electric Co. Republican (with reservations). Member Legion of Honor. Office: .904-916 Pine St. Residence: 2326 Albion Place. ADAM, Fred Blattner, secretary and gen eral manager of Frank Adam Electric Co.; born, St. Louis, Aug. 9, 1869; son of Frank and Louisa M. (Blattner) Adam; educated in St. Louis public schools; married, June 15, 1909, Rose Schnelle, of St. Louis. On leaving school became connected with father, and engaged in electrical engineering and contracting busi ness, in which has since continued. The busi ness was incorporated in 1898, as the Frank Adam Electric Co., of which is secretary and general manager, the company being electrical engineers and contractors for electrical con struction in buildings, wholesale and retail manufacturers and dealers in gas and electric lighting fixtures, engineers and manufacturers of light and power switchboards and other electrical controlling apparatus. Associate member of American Institute of Electrical Engineers. Member Civic League, Business Men's League. Mason (32°), Shriner. Clubs: Mercantile, Union. Recreations: hunting and fishing. Office: 914 Pine St. Residence: 3138 Allen Ave. ADAMS, Charles Breck, manager Safety Car Heating and Lighting Co.; born, Philadel phia, Oct. 12, 1859; son of Alexander Hanson and Esther Y. (Tybout) Adams; educated in the Episcopal Academy at Philadelphia, Pa.; married, Alexandria, Va., 1885, Jennie, daugh ter of Col. Robert Andrews; children: Robert Andrews and Helen Marguerite. Was con nected with the operating department of the Wabash Railroad, 1880-Oct. 15, 1905, resigning as superintendent of transportation, in order to accept present position as manager of the Safety Car Heating and Lighting Co. Episco palian. Mason (32°), Knight Templar. Mem ber Society of the Cincinnati (Delaware), Sons of Revolution. Clubs: Mercantile, Mis souri Athletic, St. Louis Railway. Favorite recreations: yachting, riding and driving. Of fice: 1014, 705 Olive St. Residence: Fergu son, Mo. ADAMS, Charles McDougall; born, Fort Craig, N. M., April 5, 1855; son of John and Georgiana (McDougall) Adams; educated at St. Louis University; married, Indianapolis, Ind., June, 1902, Helen Shobe. Began railway service in 1877, with the Iron Mountain R. R., in St. Louis, later becoming clerk in general auditor's office same road, then consecutively, bill of lading clerk of same, chief clerk Mis souri Pacific and Iron Mountain railroads, contracting freight agent for both roads, and from 1889 to 1907 commercial agent for the Missouri Pacific R. R.; general agent El Paso & Southwestern Ry., 1907-11. Democrat. Mem ber Mound City Council, National Union. Clubs: Knobel Fishing (director), The Traffic of St. Louis. Recreations: fishing and hunt ing. Residence: 352 Whittier St. *ADAMS, Cleanthus W., millinery; moved to Centralia, Mo.; see Vol. 1906. ADAMS, Elmer Bragg, judge; born, Pom- fret, Vt., Oct. 27, 1842; son of Jarvis and Eunice (Mitchell) Adams; A.B., Yale Univer sity, 1865 (LL.D., University of Missouri, 1898, also LL.D., Washington University, 1907); married, Nov. 10, 1870, Emma Rich mond, of Woodstock, Vt. Went to Georgia under auspices American Union Commission and inaugurated system of free schools for white children at Atlanta and Milledgeville; returned to Vermont, 1866; studied law there and at Harvard Law School; admitted Ver mont bar, 1868; settled in practice, St. Louis, 1868; judge Circuit Court, St. Louis, 1879-85, declined reelection and resumed practice; U. S. district judge, Eastern District, Mo., 1895-1905; U. S. circuit judge, Eighth Judicial Circuit, since 1905. Special lecturer on succes sion and wills, University of Missouri. Di rector American Peace and Arbitration League; member New England Society, Sons of the Revolution. Presbyterian. Clubs: Com mercial, St. Louis, Country. Address: Custom House, St. Louis. Residence: 25 Westmoreland Place. ADAMS, John Hurley; deceased; see Vol. 1906. ADAMS, Stephen Seymour, vice president S. G. Adams Stamp and Seal Co.; born, St. Louis, Oct. 8, 1885; son of Stephen G. and Rose (Keiley) Adams; educated in St. Louis common and high schools, graduating June, 1905; unmarried. Engaged during school vaca tions, etc., for several years with S. G. Adams Stamp and Seal Co. (established, 1875, by father and incorporated on his death, 1893), and is now vice president of the company; also vice president Successful Realty Co. Of fice: 314 N. 6th St. Residence: Buckingham Hotel. *ADDIE, John Craigen, Salvation Army officer; moved to Chicago; see Vol. 1906. ADKINS, Benjamin Conklin, contractor; born, St. Louis, July 24, 1863; son of Henry and Isabelle B. (Conklin) Adkins; educated in public schools and two years at high school until June, 1880; then one year at Smith Academy and four years at Washington Uni versity in engineering course, being grad uated as B.E., 1886; married, St. Louis, Oct. 15, 1901, Anna Mae Bringer. Was connected 10 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS with City Water Department as draftsman, assistant engineer and engineer, 1886-1903; water commissioner of St. Louis, 1903-11; since associated with City Construction Co. Member American Water "Works Association (president, 1905-06). Democrat. Presbyterian. Recreation: outside athletic sports. Residence: 5185 Von Versen Ave. ADKINS, James, secretary and treasurer United Railway Co. of St. Louis; born, Cin cinnati, Ohio, Sept. 1, 1851; son of Henry and Isabelle B. (Conklin) Adkins; educated public schools of St. Louis, 1860-64, andWyman's City University, 1865-67; married, St. Louis, Oct. 23, 1873, Josephine M. Strassburger; children: James, Jr., Elmer C, Helen I. En tered Provident Savings Institution, 1868, as messenger, and served with it in various ca pacities, up to teller and assistant cashier, until its failure, July 14, 1886; assisted Wil liam H. Thompson, receiver, in liquidation of affairs of that bank, 1886-88; then with For est Park Improvement Association, owners of the ground now known as Westmoreland and Portland Places, and in June, 1890, became secretary and treasurer of the Lindell Rail way Co., and continued until consolidation of the railways of St. Louis, when was elected to present position of secretary and treasurer of the United Railway Co. of St. Louis and of the St. Louis Transit Co. Member of Business Men's League. Democrat. Presbyterian. Member Royal Arcanum, Royal League, Le gion of Honor. Recreations: reading and the fine arts. Office: 3869 Park Ave. Residence: 4404 Morgan St. ADREON, Edward Lawrence, brake manu facturer; born, St. Louis, Dec. 23, 1847; son of Stephen AV. and Emily Gates (Learned) Adreon; educated in Wyman's St. Louis Uni versity; married, St. Louis, Dec. 23, 1871, Josephine L. Young (died Dec. 21, 1911); chil dren: Edward Learned, Josephine M. (de ceased), Robert Enos. Entered office of Comp troller of City of St. Louis as clerk, March, 1865, and continued twenty years and one month, the last eight years (1877-85), as comptroller, to which office was twice elected. Was vice president and general manager the American Brake Co. from April, 1887, to 1910; now vice president same company, manufac turers of locomotive brakes, and since Aug. 1, 1888, southwestern manager Westinghouse Air Brake Co. and Westinghouse Traction Brake Co. Vice president Broadway Savings Trust Co.; secretary and treasurer Westinghouse Automatic Air and Steam Coupler Co.; direct or Adreon & Co.; president Railway Supply Manufacturers' Association; president Emery Pneumatic Lubricator Co. Republican.- Mem ber Business Men's League, Manufacturers' Association; vice president Latin-American Club. Episcopalian. Mason; member A. O. U. W., Legion of Honor. Clubs: St. Louis Repub lican, Noonday, Mercantile, St. Louis, Mis souri Athletic, Adirondack League (N. Y.). Recreations: fishing and hunting. Office: 31S Security Bldg. Residence: 5713 Cabanne Ave. ADREON, Edward L., Jr., railway supplies; born, St. Louis, Oct. 14, 1872; son of E. L. and Josephine L. (Young) Adreon; educated in manual training and public schools, fol lowed by two years electrical study and prac tical work; married, St. Louis, Sept. 16, 1901, Clemence Clark; children: William Clark, Clemence Josephine, Josephine Eleanor. Started in shops of American Brake Co. to learn trade, 1888; assistant to superintendent, Missouri Electric Light Co., 1890-93; in 1893 started with the Sargent Company of Chicago as southwestern agent to sell brake shoes and steel castings, and still continues that busi ness as St. Louis agent for the American Brake Shoe and Foundry Co., a. combination of the Sargent and other large companies. In 1904 formed the Adreon Manufacturing Co. (railway supplies), of which is president; vice president Acme Pipe Clamp Co. Mason. Club: Missouri Athletic. Recreation: motoring. Of fice: Security Bldg. Residence: 5713 Cabanne Avenue. ADREON, Robert Enos, general manager American Brake Co.; born, St. Louis, Nov. 1, 1876; son of Edward Lawrence and Josephine L. (Young) Adreon; educated in public schools of St. Louis; Smith Academy; Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind., graduating with degree of B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, 1902; unmarried. Began active career as as sistant engineer of Imperial Electric Light & Power Co., St. Louis, 1902; inspector Westing house Automatic Air and Steam Coupler Co., 1903-04, and mechanical engineer same com pany, 1905-06; southwestern representative Westinghouse, Church, Kerr & Co., engineers, 1907-08; assistant general manager American Brake Co., 1908-10, inclusive, and general manager same company since Jan. 1, 19li, also member board directors; director Emery Pneumatic Lubricating Co.; vice president and general manager Westinghouse Automatic Air & Steam Coupler Co. Member Business Men's League. Republican. Episcopalian. Member Sigma Chi college fraternity; secre tary Missouri Society, Sons American Revolu tion. Clubs: St. Louis, Noonday, Missouri Athletic, St. Louis Engineers, Meramec Canoe. Recreations: motoring and outdoor sports. Office: 1932 N. Broadway. Residence: 5713 Cabanne Ave. AEHLE, Charles Speck, jeweler; born, Boonville, Mo., July 5, 1867; son of Carl Franz and Eliza Jane (Mack) Aehle; attended pri vate schools until 1881, then at public school, Boonville, Mo., until 1884; married, St. Louis, Sept. 28, 1892, Jennie Lee Carver; two chil dren: Elise Rebecca, Charles Carver. Finished school June, 1884, and from June to August, THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 17 1884, was grocery clerk; in August, 1884, started as apprentice to S. S. Hannaca, Boon ville, Mo., to learn trade of watchmaker and jeweler, serving three years; came to St. Louis, Sept. 21, 1887, to work for Merrick, Walsh & Phelps Jewelry Co., remaining with them until 1890; then worked in china store at Boonville, Mo., 1890-91; employed with E. Jaceard Jewelry Co., St. Louis, 1891-98, then returned to Merrick, Walsh & Phelps Jewelry Co. until they retired from business, 1901, then joined in organizing the Whelan, Aehle, Hutchinson Jewelry Co., retailers of jewelry and silverware and manufacturers of diamond and other fine jewelry, of which he is secre tary and treasurer. Was president of Jury No. 5, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904. Democrat. Episcopalian. Favorite recreations: literature and music. Office: 621 Locust St. Residence: 4608 Morgan St. AG-LAR, Leslie, bond broker; born, St. Louis, Dec. 8, 1876; son of James Francis and lone (Armstrong) Aglar; educated in public schools, St. Louis, Macon, Mo. (one year), and Charlottesville, Va., 1896; married, Apr. 17, 1906, Gertrude M. Rockwood. Was with the Drummond Tobacco Co., as clerk, from 1896 until the company sold out in 1898; then with Union Pacific R. R., as clerk, for 18 months; clerk for Drummond, Betts & Co., bankers and brokers, 1901-02; member firm of John N. Drummond, Jr. & Co., brokers in stocks, 1902- 06; manager Tracy & Co., 1906-08; since man ager bond department Paul Brown & Co. Member St. Louis Merchants' Exchange. Democrat. Episcopalian. Clubs: St. Louis, Mercantile. Office: Pierce Bldg. Residence: 375 N. Taylor St. AHERN, Albert M., secretary Funsten Bros. & Co., raw furs; born, St. Louis, Feb. 17, 1880; son of Cornelius R. and Fannie L. (Matthews) Ahern; educated in Christian Brothers College, St. Louis; unmarried. Be gan business career with Funsten Bros. & Co., 1896; worked up through various positions, and elected secretary and director, May, 1907; secretary and treasurer Polk Land & Invest ment Co.; director Gausmann-Parker Furni ture Co.; secretary Funsten Fur Exchange. Independent in politics. Catholic. Club: City. Recreation: automobiling. Office: 2nd and Elm Sts. Residence: 5972 Von Versen Ave. AHERN, Cornelius Peter, musician, and principal dancing academy; born, St. Louis, Jan. 19, 1856; son of Jeremiah Bond and Bridget (Cannon) Ahern; educated in public schools and Christian Brothers College, Mem phis, Tenn.; married, St. Louis, May 29, 1905, Catherine T. Moran, of Cincinnati. Secured employment in St. Louis in 1877; went to Chicago, 1879, and was connected with orches tras in that city for a year and a half; was employed at Cincinnati Musical Exposition at time of flood, 1884; returning to St. Louis en gaged as clerk with Claflin-AUen-Thayer Shoe Co. and later with Giesekoke & Mysenberg, shoe manufacturers, for four years; spent one year with Bryn & Brown Shoe Co. and six years in employ of the Tennant & Walker Shoe Co. Established two dancing academies in the city, about 1896, and has ever since been identified with that line of business; principal Ahern & Albers Cave Hall Dancing Academy. Visited the musical centers of Eu rope in 1905 to make observations as to meth ods, etc.; member International Association Masters of Dancing. Democrat. Catholic. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Irish American, St. Louis, Democratic. Recreation: music. Office and Residence: 2837 Olive St. AHRENS, August; deceased; see Vol. 1906. AIPLE, Albert John, deceased; see Vol. 1906. AKIN, Thomas, grain commission; born, New Bedford, Mass., Oct. 21, 1838; son of Seth Kelley and Roby (Taber) Akin; edu cated in public schools of New Bedford, Mass., graduating from high school; married, New Bedford, Mass., Oct. 3, 1866, Annie T. Macomber; children: Thomas Russell, Robert Macomber. In grain business at Chicago, 1862- 79; came to St. Louis, July, 1879, and estab lished firm of E. A. Kent & Co., which firm dissolved in 1884; has since conducted busi ness under own name. Member St. Louis Mer chants' Exchange, Chicago Board of Trade, Citizens' Industrial Association. Republican. Member of the Society of Friends. Club: St. Louis. Office: Bank of Commerce Bldg. Resi dence: 5226 Washington Boul. AKINS, Thomas Jasper, postmaster of St. Louis; born in Cedar Co., Mo., Aug. 14, 1852 son of John and Mary J. (Halbert) Akins educated public and private schools in Mis souri; married, Humansville, Mo., Nov. 23, 1871, Sarah Elizabeth Green; children: James Duff, Zoe Byrd and Marie. Taught in public schools until 1872; engaged in merchandising and banking in Humansville, Mo., 1872-99. Elected chairman Missouri Republican State Committee, 1898, 1900, 1902; member Repub lican National Committee, since 1904; assist ant treasurer of United States at St. Louis from January, 1904, to May 15, 1909; ap pointed postmaster of St. Louis, May 15, 1909, term of four years. President Bank of Hu mansville, 1892-99. Baptist. Republican. Ma son, Knight Templar, Shriner; member Mod ern Woodmen of America. Recreations: hunt ing and fishing. Office: Custom House. Resi dence: 2427 McLaran Ave. ALBACH, James B., broker; see Vol. 1906. ALBERS, Claus Henry, grain commission merchant; 1836-1912; see Vol. 1906. ALBERS, Clifford Hugh, vice president and treasurer C. H. Albers Commission Co.; born, 18 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS St. Louis, Feb. 4, 1879; son of Claus Henry and Hetta May. (Hamlin) Albers; educated in Peabody School, St. Louis, 1884-85; Lach- mund's School, 1886-89; Smith Academy, 1891- 94; entered Missouri Military Academy, Mex ico, Mo., from which graduated, 1896; mar ried, Chicago, Nov. 1, 1911, Elizabeth Mary Aekhoff. Began business career with National Linseed Oil Co., Chicago, 1897, and continued to 1898; has since been connected with C. H. Albers Commission Co., grain; elected assist ant secretary, treasurer and director, 1900, now vice president and treasurer. Member Military Order Loyal Legion of the United States. Republican. Episcopalian. Clubs: St. Louis, Automobile, Noonday, Knobel. Recrea tion: tennis. Office: 626 Pierce Bldg. Resi dence: Washington Hotel. ALBERT, Leon Joseph, Jr., banker; born, Cape Girardeau, Mo., Sept. 12, 1869; son of Leon Joseph and Clara Given (Haydoek) Al bert; attended State Normal School, Cape Gi rardeau, 1886; Col. Huse Academy, Highland Falls, N. Y.; U. S. Military Academy, West Point, one year; married, Cape Girardeau, Sept. 24, 1890, Mary Juden; three children: Geraldine, Mary and Martha. Entered Sturde- vant Bank, Cape Girardeau, as clerk, 1887, and was made assistant cashier, 1892, and cashier, 1898, serving until 1909; organized three banks and one building and loan asso ciation; director and treasurer Commercial Trust Co., St. Louis, since July, 1909. Served four years, 1st lieutenant to major 6th Mis souri Infantry; organized and supervised Cen tennial Celebration of incorporation of Cape Girardeau, 1906; was delegate to first Deep Waterway Convention; for six years member Board of Education, Cape Girardeau; served on legislative committee during H. M. Ruby's term as president Missouri Bankers' Asso ciation. Democrat. Presbyterian. Member Knights of Pythias, B. P. O. Elks. Recrea tions: fond of arts; hunting. Office: Jefferson Ave. and Olive St. Residence: 5938 Romaine Place. ALCORN, J. Floyd, dental surgeon; born, Lapeer, Mich., May 12, 1883; son of John K. and Elnora L. (Read) Alcorn; educated pub lic schools of Saginaw, Mich.; graduated from Saginaw High School; School of Mechanical Engineering, Saginaw, May, 1902; D.D.S., Dental School, Washington University, June, 1906; married, St. Louis, Feb. 1, 1907, Belvie G; James. In practice in St. Louis since June, 1905. Member International Dental Associa tion, Missouri State Dental Association, St. Louis Dental Society, St. Louis Society of Dental Science, Washington University Alumni Association (secretary), etc. Repub lican. Methodist. Mason and Odd Fellow. Member Men's Club of Ethical Society. Of fice: 2905 N. Newstead Ave. Residence: 3126 N. Taylor Ave. ALEXANDER, Frank J., merchant; born, Piqua, O., July 1, 1878; son of Alexander Wal lace and Mary (Jarvis) Alexander; educated in public schools of Piqua; public schools of St. Louis one year and Manual Training School three years; married, St. Louis, Oct. 16, 1901, Maude L. Garber; two sons: Francis F. and Charles G. Has lived in St. Louis since 1892; president Rosedale Feed Co., dealers in hay, grain and coal; director Savings Trust Co. Member Merchants' Exchange. Repub lican. Episcopalian. Member board of direct ors Ohio Society; member Royal Arcanum. Club: Missouri Athletic. Recreation: baseball. Office: 943 Hodiamont Ave. Residence: Cates- Hamilton Apts. ALEXANDER, Moses Harvey, funeral di rector; born, Waynesboro, Augusta Co., Va., July 9, 1857; son of William Benton and Sarah (Maxwell) Alexander; attended schools in Virginia; married, Miami, Mo., Oct. 10, 1883, Eliza Hawkins Guthrey; children: Wil liam Guthrey, Sarah Seymore, Mary Gibson, M. Harvey, Jr., Elizabeth Lee, Marceline Emma. Left Virginia and went to Kansas City, Mo., remained but short time; engaged .in undertaking and livery business, at Mar shall, Saline Co., Mo., 1882-93; since in busi ness as funeral director in St. Louis. Also president Modern Realty Co.; director Bere- dith Realty Co. Member State Board of Em balming for four years; city undertaker of St. Louis four years and four months. Presi dent State, and vice president National Fu neral Directors ' associations. Democrat. Epis copalian; member Church of the Ascension. Mason (Occidental Lodge, St. Louis Chapter, St. Aldemar Commandery, Knight Templar, Missouri Consistory); Odd Fellow; member Maccabees. Club: Oasis. Recreation: fishing. Office: 2835 Olive St. Residence: 5603 Clem ens Ave. ALLAN, George Harvey, vice president Hargadine-McKittrick Dry Goods Co.; born, St. Louis, May 22, 1873; son of George Win chester and Nellie (Emslie) Allan; educated in public schools of St. Louis. Cash boy Wil liam Barr Dry Goods Co., 1885-87; then for five years with Janis, Saunders & Co., whole sale dry goods, in which worked up until be came partner in the house; since 1891 with the Hargadine-McKittrick Dry Goods Co., be ginning as salesman; later bought stock in the company and afterwards was elected di rector, secretary, and is now second vice president. Member Legion of Honor, Royal Arcanum. Office: 911-919 Washington Ave. * ALLAN, John Egbert, manufacturer; now living in Europe; see Vol. 1906. ALLCORN, Marion S., first assistant secre tary Wagner Electric Manufacturing Co.; born, Sacramento, Cal., Aug. 30, 1873; son of James W. and Amanda (Sanders) Allcorn; THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 19 educated in public schools of Missouri City and Atchison, Kan., and commercial colleges of Atchison and St. Louis; unmarried. After leaving school served as telegraph operator; manager of the Racket Store, Missouri City, 1889-91; engaged in poultry business at At chison, Kan., 1891-96; returned to St. Louis in 1896; became identified with S. M. Dodd and the American Brake Co. as stenographer in 1900; elected assistant secretary Broadway Realty Co., and Central Real Estate Co., 1905; first assistant secretary Wagner Electric Manufacturing Co., 1907; secretary and treas urer Chippewa & Oak Hill Realty Co., 1908; secretary Broadway Realty Co., 1909; vice president Jackson County Coal Co., 1909. Is now a member of the board of directors of all the above named companies except the Wag ner Electric Mfg. Co. and has been for nine years confidential secretary to S. M. Dodd. Independent in politics. Member Missouri Lodge, No. 1, A. F. & A. M.; Kilwinning Chapter, No. 50, R. A. M. Club: Arcadia Country. Recreations: hunting and fishing. Office: 1115, 415 Pine St. Residence: 4222 Cleveland Ave. ALLEN, Andrew" Aniel, railway official, re tired; born, Monmouth, 111., 1857; common school education. Entered railway service, 1871, as telegraph messenger C, B. & Q. R. R.; later operator, clerk, and ticket seller; oper ator, assistant train dispatcher and train dis patcher, Toledo, Peoria & Warsaw Ry., 1875- 81; ticket agent at Chicago and train master, Peoria, Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific Ry., 1881-82; on Wisconsin Central Ry. as division superintendent, superintendent, gen eral superintendent, and assistant general manager, 1882-89; general manager Chicago & Northern Pacific and Chicago & Calumet Terminal Rys., 1889-92; superintendent con struction, Everett & Monte Cristo R. R., 1892- 93; from 1893 with Missouri, Kansas & Texas Ry. Co. as general superintendent, assistant general manager, vied president and general manager and president; retired Apr. 1, 1912, and since consulting director M., K. & T. R. R. Clubs: St. Louis, Commercial, Missouri Athletic, Noonday, Racquet, Bellerive Coun try, Century Boat, Franklin and Round Table. Address: St. Louis. ALLEN, Charles Claflin, judge; born, St. Louis, July 25, 1855; son of John Arthur and Jane Elizabeth (White) Allen; educated Washington University; Princeton, A.B., 1875, A.M., 1878; LL.B., St. Louis Law School, 1877; married, St. Louis, Mar. 27, 1890, Carrie Louise Richards; children: Grace and Claflin. Admitted to Missouri bar, 1877; member law firm Johnson, Allen & Richards until 1907. Elected judge of Circuit Court, City of St. Louis, 1907, for a term of six years. Member Missouri House of Representatives, 1881-82; associate city counselor, St. Louis, 1895-1901; lecturer medical jurisprudence, St. Louis Medical College. One of organizers Civil Service Reform Association, Missouri (ex-president); author of corrupt practices act of Missouri, and active in promoting pas sage of Australian ballot law; one of organ izers Universal Congress Lawyers and Jurists, St. Louis, 1904. Republican. Presbyterian. Member American Bar Association (executive committee, 1895-1900), Missouri Bar Associa tion, Bar Association, St. Louis (president, 1895), Legion of Honor of Missouri. Clubs: Princeton, St. Louis. Contributor to law jour nals. Address: 6 Court House. Residence: 3727 Westminster Place. ALLEN, Charles Frederick; see Vol. 1906. ALLEN, Clifford Butter, lawyer; born, St. Louis, Nov. 6, 1863; son of Edmund T. and Sylvia Taber (Bowen) Allen; educated in St. Louis public schools; Yale University, A.B., 1885; Washington University, LL.B., 1887; married, St. Louis, Feb. 6, 1905, Jane Temple; three children: Jane, Edmund T. and Ruth. Admitted to bar in 1886; since 1887 engaged in practice of law in firm of E. T. and C. B. Allen. Captain and judge advocate, Missouri National Guard, 1895-98; served in war with Spain, 1898, as captain Company K, 1st Regi ment Missouri Volunteer Infantry. Repub lican. President of St. Louis Bar Association; member Civic League. Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner. Clubs : Mercantile, Missouri Athletic, City, Union. Office: 920 Wainwright Bldg. Residence: 2010 Longfellow Ave. ALLEN, Edmund Thompson, lawyer; 1836- 1912; see Vol. 1906. ALLEN, George Ball; see Vol. 1906. ALLEN, George D., paper merchant; 1857- 1910; see Vol. 1906. ALLEN, George L., born in St. Louis, 1852; son of Gerard B. Allen; public school edu cation; married, St. Louis, Lilly McCreery; children: Frances, Gerard B., George, Mary, Samuel H., Isabelle (Mrs. Tyson Dines), Sid ney, Wayman C. ' Was connected with the Fulton Iron Works (established by his father), of which was president until 1906; sinee one of trustees of father's estate. Also director Publishers: George Knapp & Co.; etc. Mem ber City Art Museum. Clubs: St. Louis, University, Noonday, St. Louis Amateur Athletic (life member), St. Louis Country, Log Cabin, Quivre. Office: 906 La Salle Bldg. Residence: 26 Westmoreland PI. ALLEN, George W., retired; born, St. Louis, Mar. 31, 1852; son of Thomas and Ann (Russell) Allen; educated in public schools and Washington University; married, Mount Pleasant, Pa., 1876, Lydia J. McMillan; chil dren: Thomas, Clare, Elizabeth W., George W. H., W. Reid; married, 2d, Atlanta, Ga., Mar. 18, 1893, Eliza Doherty, of Cincinnati. 20 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS Began at seventeen as express messenger on Iron Mountain R. R.; then private secretary to father (who was president Iron Mountain R. R.), so continuing until the road was sold to the Gould interests; assisted father in con struction of the Southern Hotel, 1880-81, and organized the Southern Hotel Co., of which was secretary and treasurer (now director); in railroad tie business with S. W. Crawford & Co., 1873-81; an organizer, 1902, and since vice president and treasurer East St. Louis Locomotive & Machine Shop Co.; etc. Had charge of Missouri exhibit and erected Mis souri building at Centennial Exposition, Phila delphia, 1876, receiving medal and diploma. Democrat; Cleveland presidential elector, 1884; president City Council, St. Louis, 1885- 89, and mayor pro tern, of St. Louis, January to April, 1889, on resignation of Mayor Fran cis; delegate-at-large, Democratic National Convention, Chicago, 1896. Presbyterian. Club: Missouri Athletic. Residence: 5861 Ca banne Ave. ALLEN, Henry Woodward, lawyer; born, Pittsfield, Mass., Sept. 6, 1876; son of William Russell and Louisa Billings (Woodward) Allen; educated at St. Paul's School, Con cord, N. H., 1888-93; Trinity College, A.B., 1897; Harvard Law School, LL.B., 1900; un married. Admitted to bar, December, 1900; in general practice until 1910; since counsel for Title Guaranty Trust Co. and American Trust Co. Secretary Syenite Granite Co., Southern Hotel Co.; secretary-treasurer Allen Estate Association; director Belcher Water Bath and Hotel Co. Republican. Episcopalian. Clubs: University, Racquet, Bellerive Country. Rec reation: golf. Office: 710 Chestnut St. Resi dence: 3737 Washington Ave. ALLEN, Howard Frank, fire insurance; born, Alton, 111., Feb. 13, 1880; son of George R. and Anna Elizabeth (Piatt) Allen; edu cated at private school, Alton; Smith Acad emy, St. Louis, graduating 1898; Yale Uni versity, graduating, Ph.B., 1901; married, May 3, 1911, Virginia Scott, of Los Angeles, Cal. Began in the brokerage business, Sep tember, 1901, with firm of Drummond, Betts & Co.; firm reorganized as John N. Drum mond, Jr., & Co., of which was member, 1903- 07; since second vice president Underwriters' Service Co. Republican. Episcopalian. Club: Noonday. Recreations: golf, tennis and other outdoor diversions. Office: 602, 506 Olive St. Residence: 1004 State St., Alton, 111. ALLEN, James Edward, railway official; born, Louisiana, Mo., Apr. 6, 1879; son of Flemin J. and Nancy (Jeans) Allen; edu cated in public schools; married, St. Louis, Apr. 8, 1903, Jessie Murray; one daughter, Helen Louise. Began as clerk in general freight office of Missouri, Kansas & Texas Ry., at St. Louis, and continued, Apr. 1, 1895- Oc tober, 1898; clerk freight claim department St. Louis Southwestern Ry., Oct. 1, 1898-Jan. 1, 1901; clerk general freight 'department M., K. & T. Ry., St. Louis, Jan. 1, 1901-June 1, 1906; chief clerk same office, June 1, 1906- June 1, 1908; assistant general freight agent St. Louis Southwestern Ry. of Texas, at Ty ler, Tex., June 1, 1908-June 1, 1909; since as sistant general freight agent at St. Louis, same road. Democrat. Protestant. Clubs: St. Louis, Liederkranz. Recreations: golf and baseball. Office: 1531 Pierce Bldg. Residence: 1402 Semple Ave. ALLEN, James Henry, president Allen- West Commission Co.; born, Baldwyn, Miss., Mar. 4, 1844; son of David M. and S. A. Allen; educated in Mississippi and Virginia; while attending school in Virginia the war broke out; enlisted in 42d Virginia Infantry, C.S.A., and served in Logan's Brigade, Stone wall Jackson's Division, Army of Northern Virginia; wounded at battle of Cross Keys in 1862; after recovery served under Gen. For rest until close of the war; married, Oct. 27, 1868, Miss Loraine Weston, of Tennessee. Af ter war engaged in cotton business, first at Mobile, Ala., and later at New Orleans and Memphis, 1875-1900; moved to St. Louis, 1890, and took charge with Mr. West of the Allen- West Commission Co. (incorporated, 1887), cotton factors and general commission mer chants, of which is president. Has been con tinuously in the cotton factorage business since 1865. Member St. Louis Merchants' Ex change, St. Louis Cotton Exchange; formerly member New Orleans Cotton Exchange, Mem1 phis Cotton Exchange. Member Christian Church. Recreation: church work. Office: 104 S. Main St. Residence: 5061 Lindell Ave. ALLEN, John Oran, commission merchant in grain, etc.; born, Milton, Pike Co., 111., Feb. 19, 1869; son of Charles I. and Louisa J. (Grimes) Allen; educated in public schools and in Bryant and Stratton Business College; married, St. Louis, Sept. 30, 1891, Virginia Nadeau; children: Virginia, Clara. Began business career in employ of Messmore, Gan nett & Co., grain commission merchants, 1888, and has remained with that firm and its suc cessors, Messmore, Morton & Co., and since 1900, as member of the firm of Morton & Co. Member Merchants ' Exchange of St. Louis. Recreations: shooting and fishing. Office: 509-510 Chamber of Commerce. Residence: 4 Shaw Place. ALLENDER, Samuel E., chief of detectives St. Louis Police Department; born at Balti more, Md., June 21, 1862; son of Charles W. and Mary E. (Aler) Allender; common school education; married, 2d, Los Angeles, Calv Apr. 30, 1912, Mrs. Minnie Gregg. Engaged in railroad business until twenty-five; became connected with police department of St. Louis, 1883; was made a detective, 1890; resigned, July 1, 1898, to assume office of chief of se- THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 21 cret service department of Frisco Ry.; re entered city police department as detective, 1911, was made assistant chief of detectives, May 27, 1911, and chief of detectives, June 1 following. Has been identified successfully with many important cases. Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner. Recreation: athletics. Of fice: Police Headquarters, 208 S. 12th St. Residence: 4946 McPherson Ave. ALLER, Harry Stone, wholesale jeweler; born, Albion, Mich., Jan. 13, 1876; son of A. L. and Lida (Stone) Aller; educated at Englewood High School, Chicago, 111.; mar ried, Chicago, June 7, 1900, Minnie L. Lee; children: Lotta Lee and Charles Lee. On leaving high school at age of 19, became clerk for five years in jewelry department of Mar shall Field & Co. (wholesale), Chicago; then became stock clerk in jewelry and watch de partment of Stein & Elbogen Co., wholesale jewelry, Chicago, for two years; then buyer for same firm six months; was buyer for three years for L. Bauman Jewelry Co. of St. Louis, until organized, May 1, 1905, the Aller-New- man-Wilmes Jewelry Co., wholesale jewelers, of which was secretary and treasurer until May, 1910, since president; treasurer of Aller- Wilmes Jewelry Co. (wholesale dealers). Re publican. Methodist. Favorite recreations: hunting, fishing and tennis. Office: 600-604 Globe-Democrat Bldg. Residence: Ferguson, Missouri. ALLISON, James William, glass manufac turer; born in Boone Co., Mo., Oct. 11, 1844; son of Dr. Nathaniel and Martha Frances (Sullinger) Allison; educated in private school, Mexico, Mo., one year, McGee College, Macon Co., Mo., three years, St. Charles (Mo.) College, 1857-60; married, St. Louis, Nov. 22, 1870, Addie Shultz; children: Dr. Nathaniel, Frances, Mrs.. J. P. Tirrill, of St. Louis. En tered retail drug business as apprentice, 1860, and after finishing apprenticeship clerked for several years; then established as retail drug gist on own account, and afterward was in jobbing drug business until 1872, when en gaged in the glass manufacturing business; vice president and business manager Eldred Window Glass Co. and American French Bel gian Co. Appointed chairman of the Board of Election Comissioners by Gov. Folk, 1906. Independent Democrat. Member Sons of American Revolution. Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner. Presbyterian. Club: Noon day. Office: 606 Security Bldg. Residence: 5003 Waterman Ave. ¦ ALLISON, Nathaniel, physician; born, St. Louis, 1876; son of J. W. and Addie (Shultz) Allison; educated in Harvard College and Har vard Medical School, M.D., 1901; married, 1909, Marion Aldrich. Began practice of orthopedic surgery, 1902; orthopedic surgeon City, St. Louis Children's, Washington University and St. Luke hospitals. Clubs: University, Rac quet, Bellerive Country. Office: Humboldt Bldg. Residence: 4917 Berlin Ave. ALOE, David B., vice president A. S. Aloe Co., opticians; born, St. Louis, June 26, 1869; son of Albert S. and Isabella Aloe; educated at Wyman Institute, Alton, 111., and Kemper School, Boonville, Mo.; unmarried. After leav ing school, 1886, entered business of A. S. Aloe Co., opticians (established by father, 1860), beginning in the factory and working through until became vice president, 1895. Mason (32°); member Knights of Pythias, Royal Ar canum, Elks (Past Exalted Ruler). Clubs: Columbian, Missouri Athletic, St. Louis Rid ing (president). Recreations: hunting and horseback riding. Republican. Office: 513 Olive St. Residence: Washington Hotel. ALOE, Louis P., merchant in optical goods; born, St. Louis, July 20, 1867; son of A. S. and Isabella (Hill) Aloe; educated at Stoddard School, Wyman Institute and Washington Uni versity; married, St. Louis, February, 1897, Edith Rosenblatt; children: Clara Belle, Vio la, Louise Isabelle. Engaged in optical busi ness from 1883, now president A. S. Aloe Co. President Nat. Assn. of Surgical and Optical Dealers. Member Associated Retailers of St. Louis, Merchants' League (ex-president). Re publican. Secretary Young Republican Asso ciation of Missouri; member Republican State Executive Committee; member Board of Elec tion Commissioners of St. Louis, Civic League. Club: Columbian (president). Recreation: golf. Office: 513 Olive St. Residence: 4535 Maryland Ave. ALT, Adolf (Gustav Friedrich Wilhelm), physician; born, Mannheim, Germany, Aug. 13, 1851; son of Dettmar (physician) and Maria (Ehebald) Alt; graduated from Uni versity of Heidelberg, Germany, M.D., 1875; served as volunteer throughout Franco-German War, 1870-71; military surgeon in Strassburg, 1875; married, Holley, N. Y., 1879, Miss H. B. Hpughtaling. Came to St. Louis, 1880, and now engaged in medical practice; clinical pro fessor of ophthalmology, Medical Dept., Wash ington University. Member Ophthalmological Society, American Otological Society, Ameri can Academy of Ophthalmology and Oto- Laryngology, American Medical Association, Missouri Medical Association, St. Louis Medi cal Society, Verein Deutscher Aerzte, St. Louis Academy of Science (ex-president), etc. Edi tor American Journal of Ophthalmology. Of fice: 316 Metropolitan Bldg. Residence: 3819 W. Pine Boul. • ALTHEIMER, Benjamin, bond and stock broker; born, Darmstadt, Germany, Mar. 6, 1850; son Moses and Salome (Loew) Althei- iner; educated at the Rheinhardt Institute and Realschule in Darmstadt, and by private in struction in mathematics and languages at Frankfort-on-the-Main; married, St. Louis, 22 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS Feb. 3, 1880, Jennie Eisenstadt (died 1883); one daughter: Selma E., who married Arthur W. Weil, attorney at law, New York. Began active career in general merchandise business with brother, at Forest City, Ark., continuing, 1868-72; moved to Memphis, Tenn., 1872, where he was connected with F. M. White & Co., wholesale grocers and cotton factors, until 1875; went abroad for a period and came to St. Louis in 1876, served as president for several years of the Eisenstadt Manufacturing Co., and is still a director of the company; en gaged as broker and dealer in bonds and stocks since 1886; president of the Altheimer & Raw- lings Investment Co. Member Board of St. Louis Public Library; founder, 1912, Citizens' Emergency Relief Association; national treas urer Jewish (non-sectarian) Hospital for Con sumptives, Denver, Colo.; director Jewish Or phan Asylum, Cleveland, O., and identified with educational, philanthropic and civic af fairs. Republican. Mason (33°). Clubs: Co lumbian, Noonday, Glen Echo Country, West- wood Country, Franklin (treasurer), Lieder kranz, Deutscher Verein (treasurer). Recrea tions: reading and walking. Office: 207 N. Broadway. Residence: Buckingham Hotel. ALTHOUS, Jacob, contractor and builder; born, Hessen-Nassau, Germany, July 5, 1860; son of Daniel and Elizabeth (Mueller) Alt- hous; educated in public schools; married, St. Louis, December, 1887, Catherine Marburger; five children: William J., Frieda M., Karl J., Ottilie R., Gustav Adolph. Learned carpen ter's trade in native land; came to America, 1884, and worked at trade in St. Louis; has engaged as general contractor and builder since 1893; head of Althous Construction Co. since 1905; erected the Federal Bldg. at Ft. Riley, Kan., the Post Office Bldg. at Pine Bluff, Ark., and many private residences in St. Louis and elsewhere. Republican. Member German Evangelical Church. Office: 609, 810 Olive St. Residence: 2248 Holly Ave. ALVORD, Bruce Clarke; 1837-1909; see Vol. 1906. *ALVORD, Everett Morton, railway official; moved to Muskogee, Okla.; see Vol. 1906. AMBLER, Arthur Burkardyke, insurance; see Vol. 1906. AMBLER, Edwin Price, heating contract or; born, Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 12, 1845; son of David and Mary (MeKinney) Ambler; educated in Philadelphia public schools; mar ried, Philadelphia, May 1, 1872, Mary A. Wil- lingmeyer; children: Cleason (of Mesa Grande, Cal.), Edwin P., Jr., Charles W., James F. (deceased), J. W. Owen (of Cananee, Mexico), Letitia (Mrs. Arthur Stone, of Mesa Grande, Cal.), Harry A. Served in Ninety- ninth Pennsylvania Infantry, from Gettys burg to Appomattox, in Army of Potomac, 1863-65; came to St. Louis, 1865, and began as steam fitter with Hunt Owen for four years; after that was steamboat engineer on all the rivers of the Mississippi Valley until 1871, then stationary engineer until 1883; city salesman for Vacuum Oil Co. for nine years, then heating contractor on own account from 1892 until April, 1905, when became sec retary and treasurer of the Missouri Heating and Construction Co., heating contractors, un til 1906; since in same line on own account. Member Brotherhood of Stationary Engineers; member Building Industries. Republican. Ma son (32°); member Polar Star Lodge, Mis souri Chapter, R. A. M., Ascalon Commandery, Knights Templar, Moolah Temple, Mystic Shrine; also member Occidental Chapter, O. E. S. Recreation: fishing. Office: 2822 La Salle St. Residence: 4050 Russell Ave. AMBLER, Thomas Marshall; see Vol. 1906. AMBRUSTER, William, embalmer and fu neral director; born, St. Louis, July 6, 1862; son of John and Mary (Kramer) Ambruster; educated St. Louis public schools and Lincoln night school, 7th and Chestnut Sts.; studied anatomy and embalming while superintendent of St. Louis Morgue; married, St. Louis, Aug. 9, 1893, Edith E. Reno; two children: Robert J. and Ruth. Worked at hard labor earlier years, such as railway section hand, farm la borer, teamster, etc.; superintendent St. Louis Morgue, 1898-1900; engaged in undertaking business since 1900 and now owns one of the finest establishments of the kind in the West. President and professor embalming and sani tary science, St. Louis College of Embalming; member Missouri Undertakers ' and Funeral Di rectors ' Association, St. Louis Undertakers' Association. Republican. Mason; member Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias, Royal Arcanum, Knights of Maccabees, Junior Order United American Mechanics; secretary General Re lief Committee, I. O. O. F., since 1896. As a boy met with Indians many times while they were in camp at 18-20 Randolph St. on their way to Washington. Recreation: fishing. Of fice and Residence: 4232-4234 Manchester Ave. AMEISS, Frederick C, physician; born, St. Louis, Feb. 16, 1859; son of David and Eliza beth (Eckert) Ameiss; educated in private school, St. Louis; graduated Concordia Col lege, Fort Wayne, Ind., 1879, and Missouri Medical College, M.D., 1882; married, St. Louis, Aug. 6, 1884, Therese Lindenschmit (now deceased) ; one daughter, Therese E. Engaged in general medical practice in St. Louis since 1882. Late clinical professor of gynecology, St. Louis Post-Graduate School of Medicine and Missouri Medical College. President since October, 1911, Wild Flower Honey Co., incor porated, with large apiaries in Missouri and Arkansas. Member St. Louis Medical Society, St. Louis Obstetrical and Gynecological Socie ty, American Medical Association, etc. Recre- THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 33 ations: hunting and fishing. Office: 3804 Olive St. Residence: 4908 Euclid Terrace. AMES, Clair Elwood, clergyman; born, Min neapolis, Minn., Dec. 4, 1873; son of James A. and Elizabeth A. (Ensign) Ames; educated in public schools of Minneapolis to 1892; North western University, 1892-94; University of Minnesota, 1894-95; Columbia University, New York City, 1901-04; graduated from Drew The ological Seminary, Madison, N. J., with degree of B.D., 1905; married, Chicago, Sept. 4, 1899, Olive M. Martinson; five children: Arthur E., Harold W., Marion F., Hazel V., Ensign D. Ordained to ministry Methodist Episcopal Church, 1903; pastor First Church, Pelican Rapids, Minn., 1899-1902, New York City, 1903- 09, St. Paul's Church, Hartford, Conn., 1909- 11; executive secretary The Men and Religion Forward Movement, St. Louis, 1911; executive secretary Federation of Churches in St. Louis, 1912. Republican. Member Masonic orders, Blue Lodge, Chapter and Council; also Knights of Pythias, Odd Fellows, Woodmen of America; associate member Grand Army of the Republic, Sons of Veterans. Recreations: baseball, fishing, hunting, outdoor sports. Of fice: 624 New Bank of Commerce Bldg. Resi dence: 2523 Clifton Ave. AMES, Frank, shoe merchant; born, Sher burne, N, Y., Nov. 17, 1855; son of Gilbert and Rosina L. (Huntley) Ames; lived at Onei da, HI., 1857-75; resident of St. Louis since 1875; educated in public schools and Wash ington University, St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Nov. 17, 1886, Julia Finch. Began in the shoe business as salesman with J. G. Brandt in 1880, and in 1892 Mr. Brandt sold out to the J. G. Brandt Shoe Co.; became treasurer and manager of latter company, 1895; left the company May 4, 1912; now president Harris Shoe Co., having assumed charge June 1, 1912. Member Royal Arcanum. Club: Mercantile. Recreation: motoring. Of fice: 410 N. 6th St. Residence: 947 Laurel Ave. AMES, Henry Semple, vice president Missis sippi Valley Trust Co.; born, St. Louis, Mar. 3, 1863; son of Edgar (died 1867) and Lucy V. (Semple) Ames; educated at Smith Academy to 1876; Paris, France, 1876-78; Hanover, Ger many, 1878-80; Smith Academy, St. Louis, 1880-82; Yale University, A. B., 1886; St. Louis Law School, LL.B., 1888; unmarried. After graduating from law school, 1888, managed affairs of Edgar Ames Estate and Ames Real ty Co. until September, 1898, when became connected with Mississippi Valley Trust Co., as assistant trust officer; now assistant executive officer and vice president. President North western Expanded Metal Co., Ames Steel Lath Co.; secretary Ames Realty Co., Expanded Metal Co. Republican. Episcopalian. Member Civic League. Clubs: St. Louis, Racquet, Bankers' (St. Louis), University (New York), University (Seattle, Wash.), Montana (Hel ena, Mont.). Principal recreation: yachting. Office: 201 N. 4th St. Residence: 3824 Lindell Boulevard. *AMOS, Benjamin F., manufacturer; moved to Philadelphia, Pa.; see Vol. 1906. ANDERSON, Charles Alexander, insurance; born, St. Louis, Nov. 26, 1874; son of George W. and Eliza L. (Marshall) Anderson; grad uated from St. Louis public schools; married. From 1893 to 1906 with the Baxter Moulding Co. (established 1875), manufacturers of mouldings, etc., working up to presidency in 1902; plant destroyed by fire August, 1906, and business not resumed. Now engaged in insur ance business. Independent Democrat and Single Taxer. Favorite recreation: reading. Office: Odd Fellows Bldg. Residence: Wells- ton, Mo. ANDERSON, Charles Henry, lawyer and real estate agent; born, Griggsville, Pike Co., 111., Nov. 9, 1854; son of William Franklin and Laura Eloise (Gilpin) Anderson; edu cated in Griggsville (111.) public schools and Cornell University, graduating B. Litt., 1883, and in law school of Washington University, LL.B., 1885; married, St. Louis, Dec. 15, 1896, Mrs. Mary M. Anderson. Worked on farms and taught school in Pike Co., 1873-75; taught district school in Calhoun Co., 111., 1875-76; came to St. Louis, 1876; became shipping clerk for Gibbs & Sterrett Mfg. Co., manufacturers of reapers, until 1876; then with Shapleigh Hardware Co., 1876-79. Practiced law from 1885 until 1898, when entered real estate busi ness as member of firm of Bunn & Anderson, which in 1901 became Greer-Anderson Realty Co., and in 1903 changed to Anderson-Stocke Realty Co., now Anderson-Stocke-Buermann Realty Co., of which he is president. Secre tary Vinita Realty Co., director Spring Ave nue Realty Co. Member St. Louis Real Estate Exchange. Member Phi Beta Kappa. Repub lican. Presbyterian. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Cornell. Office: 808 Chestnut St. Residence: West End Hotel. ANDERSON, Charles Vinton, publisher; de ceased; see Vol. 1906. ANDERSON, Felix Erastus, railway official; born, Cedar Hill, Tenn., Jan. 23, 1869; son of Jerome B. and Emily F. (Batts) Anderson; educated at Giles College, Pulaski, Tenn.; married, June 2, 1906, Miss M. Currie Martin, of Lexington, Ky. Began railway service as station agent, Louisville & Nashville R. R. Co. at age of 16; transferred to superintendent's office as stenographer and chief clerk; thence to chief clerk to president of Terminal Rail road Association, now assistant to president; also president St. Louis Merchants' Bridge Terminal Railway Co.; vice president St. Louis Terminal Railway Co. Democrat. Meth odist. Clubs: St. Louis, City, St. Louis Rail way, Bellerive Country. Recreation: golf. Of- 24 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS fice: 107 Union Station. Residence: 5811 Von Versen Ave. ANDERSON, J(ames) Arthur, laundryman; born, Goderich, Ont., Can* July 4, 1869; son of Thomas and Mary (McQuoid) Anderson; graduated from Clinton College, Ont., No vember, 1886; married, Kansas City, Oct. 26, ' 1894, Kathryn Myrtle White; one son: Arthur Donald. In employ of Munger's Laundry, St. Louis, 1887-1902; connected with the Dinks Parrish Laundry, 1902-06; entered business on own account as J. Arthur Anderson Laundry Co.; also organized Anderson's Family Laun dry, 1910, and is president of both companies. Republican. Methodist. Member Business Men's League, Credit Men's Association, Hor ticultural Society, Manufacturers ' Associa tion, Advertising Men's Association, Civic League. Club: Glen Echo Country. Recrea tions: golf, hunting, traveling. Office: 3970 Olive St. Residence: Normandy Heights, Mo. ANDERSON, James Maculloh, merchant; 1837-1907; see Vol. 1906. ANDERSON, Lorenzo E., stock and bond broker; born, New York City; educated Chris tian Brothers College and public schools of St. Louis; married, St. Louis, 1886, Viola O, daughter of Prof. M. A. Gilsinn; children: Adelaide, Mildred, Marie, Oliver, Georgia. Started in real estate business as L. E. An derson in 1886; later L. E. Anderson & Co., and then in connection with Festus J. Wade, the firm of Anderson-Wade Realty Co. was incorporated, and subsequently the firm of Hammett, Anderson & Wade Realty Co., then the Anderson-Wade Realty Co. Continued with latter company until organization of the Mercantile Trust Co., when real estate com pany was merged into Mercantile Trust Co. as its real estate department; since then in the stock and bond brokerage business. Di rector Mercantile Trust Co.; also director Mercantile National Bank, and of numerous real estate corporations. Member New York Stock Exchange, New York Cotton Exchange, Chicago Board of Trade, St. Louis Merchants' Exchange, St. Louis Cotton Exchange. Catho lic. Clubs: St. Louis, Mercantile, Noonday, Racquet, Missouri Athletic, Elks. Office: 710 Locust St. Residence: 20 North Kingshigh- way. : ANDERSON, Mark M., vice president Title Guaranty Trust Co.; born, St. Louis, Feb. 2, 1873; son of Richard S. and Laura (McCaus- land) Anderson; educated in public schools and for two years at University of Missouri; unmarried. With Union. Trust Co., 1893-1901, Missouri Lincoln Trust Co., 1905-07; Lincoln Trust & Title Co., 1907-09; vice president Title Guaranty Trust Co. since 1909, also manager title department. Democrat. Pres byterian. Member Phi Delta Theta college fraternity. Office: 710 Chestnut St. Resi- "dencB: 3726 Washington Ave. ANDERSON, Peter, inspector of weights and measures; born, Montreal, Canada, Aug. 27, 1864; son of Peter and Sarah Ann (Bell) Anderson; educated in public schools of To ronto; married, St. Louis, June 27, 1887, Frances A. Schroeder; six children: Frances A., Peter H., Adeline S., Eleanore, William H., Howard Hadley. Located in St. Louis, 1882; served apprenticeship in the plastering trade, worked about one year as journeyman and engaged as plastering contractor for self; among the contracts he executed were: Odd Fellows' Home, Liberty, Mo.; Supreme Court Bldg., Jefferson City, Mo.; Syndicate Trust Bldg., St. Louis; McKinley, Yeatman and Sol- dan High schools; etc. Elected from 34th District as member of Missouri State Senate, 1906; elected inspector of weights and meas ures of City of St. Louis, 1908, and resigned from Senate to qualify for that office, April, 1908; present term extends to April, 1913. Republican. Presbyterian. Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner; member Odd Fellows, Le gion of Honor. Club: Oasis. Recreations: hunting and fishing. Office: Municipal Courts Bldg. Residence: 5210 N. 20th St. ANDERSON, Robert B., Great Commander of Missouri Knights of the Maccabees of the World; born, Toronto, Ont., Canada, Apr. 7, 1860; son of George G. and Sarah Trombley Anderson; educated in schools of Toronto; married at Bay City, Mich., 1883, Annie Mooney; children: Mary Luella (Mrs. Harold M. Williams), Robert Percy, George B. Moved from Canada to Bay City, Mich., 1880; in employ of Symons Bros. & Co., wholesale grocers, Saginaw, Mich., 1885-95. Joined Sagi naw Tent, Knights of the Maccabees, 1885; became Lieutenant-Commander and later Com mander of the Tent. Came to St. Louis and took charge of the work in Missouri, 1892; appointed State Commander, 1898, and elected Great Commander, State of Missouri, 1898, and reelected at each Great camp of Mis souri since that time; also a supreme trustee of the order since 1904. Instituted St. Louis Division No. 1, Uniform Rank; was aid-de camp on staff of Gen. Scott several years, with rank of colonel, and at last encampment of Supreme Division was appointed Judge Ad' vocate Genera], Uniform Rank. Member Knights of Pythias. Independent in politics. Episcopalian. Recreation: hunting. Office: Metropolitan Bldg. Residence: 4335 Page Boulevard. ANDERSON, Thomas Lilbourne, lawyer; born, Louisiana, Mo., Nov. 7, 1874; son of Thomas L., Jr. and Fanny (McQuie) Ander' son; graduated from Louisiana (Mo.) High School; Central College, A.B., 1896; St. Louis' Law School, LL.B., 1898; married, St. Louis, Apr. 25, 1905, Margaret Gertrude Ballard. Admitted to bar, June 27, 1898, and since en gaged in general practice of law, first in THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS Louisiana, Mo., and later in St. Louis. Was city attorney of Louisiana; assistant city at torney of St. Louis and promoted to city at torney. Member American Bar Association, St. Louis Bar Association. Democrat; stumped State of Missouri three times under direction of the Democratic State Central Committee. Club: Mercantile. Recreations: fishing, hunt ing and golfing. Office: 705 Olive St. Resi dence: 4219 Westminster Place. ANDERSON, William, labor commissioner; s,ee Vol. 1906. i ANDERSON, William Benton, grain com mission; born in Scott Co., Mo., Oct. 12, 1842; son of James and Charlotte Temple (Old) Anderson; educated in public schools of Mis souri; married, Thebes, 111., 1865, Sarah Edith Ireland. Began business career as clerk in the general merchandise store of Gither & Baker, Commerce, Mo., 1863-65; then conducted gen eral store for self, 1865-71; came to St. Louis, 1881, and became identified with the grain firm of Nanson, Bartholow & Co.; later was with successors, Billingsly & Nanson, and the present Nanson Commission Co., as officer and director; has been president of the company since January, 1906. President of the Farm ers ' Bank, of Commerce, Mo., and of the Grand Claim Milling Co., of Commerce, Mo. Member Merchants' Exchange of St. Louis. Office: 202 Chamber of Commerce. Residence: Buckingham. Club. ANDREAS, Henry, real estate; see Vol. 1906. • ANDREWS, Eugene Douglas, lawyer; born, Vieksburg, Miss., Feb. 6, 1872; son of Wil liam Henry and Fannie Demarius (Fortner) Andrews'; 'educated in public schools, Vieks burg, Miss., McCabe's University School, Pe tersburg, Va., and academic and law courses, University of Virginia; finished studies in June, 1896; unmarried. Since Feb. 8, 1898, engaged in practice of law in St. Louis in state and federal courts; was counsel in Boyer e.t al. vs. Western Union Telegraph Co., an injunction suit to restrain the defendants from discharging employes because member bf labor union. Offered position of assistant cjty attorney, in Central District Police Court by Thomas L. Anderson, city attorney, 1903, but declined the office; assistant to general at torney of Missouri, Kansas & Texas Ry. Sys tem since May, 1910. Member St. Louis Bar Association., Democrat. Recreation: outdoor exercises. Office: Wainwright Bldg. Resi dence: 3930 Delmar Ave. . *ANDREWS, Launcelot Winchester, chem ist; moved to Davenport, la.; see Vol. 1906. ' ANDREWS, William Owen, life insurance; born, St. Louis, Apr. 29, 1866; son of William T. and Mary A.. (Evill) Andrews; educated in public schools of St. Louis; married, Louis ville, Ky./ Nov.' 4, 1895, Mary Thrustori Rogers; children: Olive, Carrie, Lucy, Mary, Mildred. Began in the grain commission busi ness, 1887, as president of the Andrews-Mc- Clelland Grain Co., in which continued until 1902, in which year embarked in the insurance business with the Equitable Life Assurance Society of United States; since June 1, 1911, manager Massachusetts Mutual Life Insur ance Co. of Springfield, Mass. Vice chairman Missouri State Committee Y. M. C. A.; mem ber Scruggs Memorial Methodist Church. Club: Mercantile. Recreation: baseball. Of fice: Third National Bank Bldg. Residence: 5178 Cabanne Ave. ANGERT, Eugene Henry, lawyer; born St. Charles, Mo., Oct. 21, 1877; son of Henry and Adelaide (Mlizko) Angert; graduated from St. Louis University, A.B., 1896; Harvard Law School, LL.B., 1899; unmarried. Prac ticed law in New York City in offices of Hon. Elihu Root and William H. Page, Jr., 1899- 1900; since October, 1900, has practiced in St. Louis; member Hocker, Hawes & Angert. Member St. Louis Bar Association. Democrat. Catholic. Clubs: Racquet, Noonday, City. Of fice: 506 Olive St. Residence: 626 N. Spring Avenue. ANNAN, Alfred Heacock, architect; born, Webster Groves, Mo., Oct. 1, 1875; son of Thomas B. and Victoria (Seofield) Annan; educated in public schools, Smith Academy and the Manual Training School of Washing ton University; married, St. Louis, July 18, 1900, Lillian Chestnut; children: Thomas and Mary. Studied architecture with T. B. Annan & Sons, architects, St. Louis, 1884-91; then took position with Koken Iron Works until 1893; with Columbian Fireproofing Co., Pitts burgh, 1893-94, and superintendent for same company at St. Louis, 1894-96; estimator American Bridge Co., 1896-98; practicing alone as architect, 3 898-1901; resident man ager The Roebling Construction Co. until 1908; now plan examiner in building commis sioner's office. Member Architectural League of St. Louis. Episcopalian. Office: City Hall. Residence: 6030 MePherson Ave. ,. .ANNAN, Roger Perry, flour, grain and mill feed; born, Cumberland, Md., Aug. 23, 1844; son of James R. and Priscilla Isabella (Perry) Annan; educated in private academy at Win chester, Va. ; served in Army of Northern Virginia under Robert E. Lee in Civil War; married, in Clark Co., Va., Oct. 23, 1867, Adelaide S. Hall; four children: Roger P., Jr., ISdward Hall, Katharine Smith, Caroline Stonestreet (the second and third are twins). Began business career as salesman in general s;tore of Wilson & Co., in Clark Co., Va., 1865- 70; came to St. Louis, 1870, and shortly after went to Boonville, Mo., but soon returned to St. Louis, and was employed with J. W. Booth & Sons until 1879; became member of the grain firm of Houseman, Annan & Co., 1879, 20 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS which changed in 1880 to present style of Annan, Burg & Co., flour, grain and mill feed. Member Merchants' Exchange, St. Louis Grain Club. Director St. Louis Provident As sociation. Mason. Episcopalian. Recreations: books and working with garden tools. Office: 107 Chamber of Commerce. Residence: ^11 Plant Ave., Webster Groves. ANTRIM, Charles Ambrose, lumberman; born in Butler Co., Ohio, Sept. 16, 1862; son of Jacob G. and Lydia (Neimeyer) Antrim; educated in public schools of Cass Co., Iowa; married, Hastings, Neb., Mar. 2, 1884, Lola May Kinney; children: Ethel Wyenda, Aura Belle, Celland Ambrose. Began business career as manager of a retail lumber yard in Ne braska, 1880-87; started in business for self, conducting a retail lumber yard at Greeley, Neb., 1887-1890; then worked for three years for a lumber manufacturer; organized, 1893, the Antrim Lumber Co., Limited, Antrim, La., manufacturers of yellow pine lumber; later or ganized the Antrim-Todd Lumber Co., Lim ited, Antrim, La., operating a number of retail lumber yards. Republican. Member Knights of Pythias. Clubs: Mercantile, Glen Echo. Recreation: traveling. Office: 1214 Wright Bldg. Residence: 25 Kingsbury Place. APEL, John F., manager Brooks Co., hat makers; born, Warsaw, 111., Nov. 26, 1867; son of James and Freda Apel; educated in public schools of Warsaw, 111.; unmarried. Was for five years on Merchants' Exchange floor as salesman for Mineh & Co., grain commission; twelve years with Guerdon Hat Co., until 1902, when resigned and took management of St. Louis store of Brooks Co., makers and re tailers of hats, having factory and main house in New York City. Recreation: theatre. Of fice: 614 Olive St. Residence: 727 Walton Avenue. ARBUCKLE, James the Graeme, president of Arbuckle Export Association; born, Ruth- erglen, Scotland, Feb. 12, 1840; son of George the Graeme and Margaret (Baird) Arbuckle; educated at Kings School, Rutherglen, 1848- 50; St. James School, Glasgow, 1851-55; Ander- sonian University and Athenaeum, 1856-59; married, Houston, Tex., Oct. 29, 1863, Mary Helen Castleton (died Feb. 20, 1912); chil dren: George Castleton (deceased), Maclyn, James, Jr., Thomas Castleton (deceased), Mary, Clyde, Alexandria Rutland (deceased), Andrew Eagon. Secured business education with M. Crindell Schaw & Co., Glasgow, while attending classical course at university, 1856- 59; with wholesale dry goods firm of Peet, Simms & Co., New Orleans, 1860; adjusted business of the company in Texas, Indian Ter ritory and Northern Louisiana; blockade run ning on Texas coast with Mexico and Cuba, 1862-65; established first bank in Eastern Texas, James Arbuckle & Co., Jefferson, Texas, 1866; moved to Galveston and entered ex port cotton trade, 1874; moved to Dallas, 1884, had stock interests, insurance business and was broker in securities; became auditor for Mexico Southwestern branch of Standard Oil Co. (Waters-Pierce Oil Co.); manager of Latin-American Club and Foreign Trade As sociation, St. Louis, 1895-1911, when resigned to organize the Arbuckle Export Association, of which he is president; also president Ar buckle Railway Supply Co., Latin-American Export Association. Royal vice-counsel for Spain. Editor La Revista, Hustrada and Bole- tin Commercial for twelve years. Decorated by King of Spain, 1908, for historical essay on "The Napoleonic Era and Its Lessons," de livered at the International Historical Con gress held to celebrate the Centenary xof Span ish independence from Napoleon; in 1910, again decorated by the King and created a Knight of the Royal Order of Isabella the Catholic "for duty well done"; also consul at St. Louis for Colombia and Venezuela. Christian Scientist. Conservative in politics. Was appointed commissioner from state of Texas to Vienna Exposition, 1873; was dele gate to Pan-American Congress at Philadel phia, 1897, and to International Commercial Conference at Philadelphia, 1899; president Galveston Chamber of Commerce, 1880. Mason. Member Merchants' Exchange since 1895. Clubs: Mercantile, Amateur Athletic Associa tion, Papyrus (president 1909, 1910). Recre ation: golf. Office: 314 N. 4th St. Residence: 5948 Maple Ave. ARGO, Ernest, secretary Blackmer & Post Pipe Co.; born on farm in Fulton Co., 111., Sept. 27, 1853; son of William and Clarissa (Bigelow) Argo; graduated from University of Nebraska, A.B., 1873; married in Mont gomery Co., 111., May 8, 1877, Nellie Brandt; one daughter, Jaclyn (Mrs. George Carhart, of Alton, 111.). Began business career in grain business in Montgomery Co., HI., 1873-75; res ident of St. Louis since 1875; general clerk, 1875-77, with Laclede Fire Brick Manufac turing Co. as bookkeeper, and in 1879 made secretary and treasurer; resigned 1884, to ac cept position as secretary of the Blackmer and Post Pipe Co. Member Citizens ' Industrial Association. Democrat. Mason. Club: Mer cantile. Favorite recreations: hunting, fish ing and billiards. Office: 613 Wainwright Bldg. Residence: 4110 Delmar Ave. ARMSTRONG, Fred, Jr., lawyer; born, Jer sey ville, HI., Feb. 9, 1883; son of Fred and Eva Hattie (Young) Armstrong; educated in St. Louis public schools; Central High School; A.B. Washington University, 1903, LL.B., 1905; unmarried. Admitted to bar, June, 1905, and since in general practice in St. Louis; special attorney to city chemist of St. Louis in prosecution of milk cases since January, 1909. Member St. Louis Bar Association, Sig ma Chi college fraternity, Royal Arcanum. THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 27 Episcopalian. Recreation: canoeing. Office: 1401-10 3d National Bank Bldg. Residence: 5766 DeGiverville Ave. ARMSTRONG, Lewis Robert, vice president and treasurer T. J. Moss Tie Co.; born, Aber deen, Miss., Dec. 31, 1860; son of Thomas Tem ple and Martha Washington (Pollard) Arm strong; moved with parents to St. Louis, 1866, and after two years family returned to Missis sippi, settling at town of Verona, Lee Co.; educated in common schools; married, Clarks- ville, Pike Co., Mo., Jan. 7, 1892, Lillian Hor ner Guy; one daughter: Martha Guy. Left school when 13% years old and began ac tive career as clerk with John Armstrong & Co., druggists, Verona, Miss.; went to Oko- lona, Miss., 1876, and studied bookkeeping un der a practical accountant, becoming book keeper for Darden Bros.; general bookkeeper R. B. Clark & Co., Shannon, Miss., 1879-83; with the Allen-West Commission Co., cotton commission merchants, St. Louis, 1883-94; be came connected with the T. J. Moss Tie Co., May, 1894, and was elected secretary and treasurer same, November, 1905; subsequently elected vice president and treasurer which po sitions he now holds; also one of the principal stockholders of the company, manufacturers and dealers in railroad ties and other railroad material. Democrat. Member Christian (Camp- bellite) Church. Recreation: fishing. Office: 720 Security Bldg. Residence: 5167 Cabanne Avenue. * ARMSTRONG, William Marvin, mechan ical engineer; moved to Buffalo, N. Y.; see Vol. 1906. ARNOLD, Frederick Wolff, furniture dealer; born, St. Louis, Nov. 9, 1867; son of L. L. and Amelia (Wolff) Arnold; educated in St. Louis public schools; unmarried. Started with Crow, Hargadine & Co., as elevator boy in 1882; made salesman on road, 1887; then became salesman with H. J. Nathan & Co., leaving to go into firm of D. Sommers & Co., 1892; now vice president and secretary of D. Sommers Furniture Co. Also secretary and treasurer of Schram Sealer Co. Director Associated Re tailers' Association. Member Civic League. Mason (32°), Shriner. Clubs: Columbian, Westwood Country, Million Population, St. Louis Country Gun. Recreation: golf. Office: 11th and Olive Sts. Residence: Jefferson Hotel. ARNOLD, Glendy Burke, lawyer; born, Frankfort, Ky., Jan. 30, 1875; son of Thomas Neal and Marion Frances (Pugh) Arnold; ed ucated public and private schools of Frank fort and at Kentucky Military Institute, leav ing school at 19; student St. Louis Law School, September, 1899- June, 1900; married, St. Jo seph, Mo., June 24, 1907, Cora Connett. Ad mitted to Missouri bar, February, 1901, and has since engaged in practice in St. Louis; associated with Boyle, Priest & Lehman and Boyle & Priest, September, 1903-November, 1909, as trial attorney for St. Louis Transit Co. and United Rys.; since practiced alone. Democrat. Member Christian (Campbellite) Church. Recreations: tennis and golf. Office: Times Bldg. Residence: 4385 Forest Park Boulevard. ARNOLD, Henry, soap manufacturer; see Vol. 1906. *ARNOLD, Thomas B., manufacturers' agent; moved to Indianapolis; see Vol. 1906. ARNOLD, William Bidston, lumber; see Vol. 1906. ARN STEIN, Albert, lawyer; born, New York City, July 26, 1856; son of Ephraim and Katherine (Popper) Arnstein; graduated from Charliers' private school, New York City, 1872, from Packard's Business College, 1873; LL.B., St. Louis Law School, 1878; married, New York City, Nov. 26, 1884, Clarissa Rosen heim; children: Herbert, Natalie, Frederic. Admitted to bar, 1877, and since engaged in practice. Lecturer on Law of Corporations, St. Louis University Law School. Director Westinghouse Automatic Air and Steam Coupler Co., Title Guaranty Trust Co., Amer ican Trust Co., Sanitol Chemical Laboratory Co. Democrat. Member City Council, 1891-95; chairman of Merchants' and Manufacturers' License Revision Board, 1902-04. Member St. Louis Bar Association, St. Louis Law School Alumni Association. Jewish religion; ex-pres ident United Jewish Educational and Chari table associations. Member Ethical Society. Clubs: Columbian, Westwood Country, Con temporary. Office: 415 Locust St. Residence: 4410 Westminster Place. ARSTE, William, publisher; born, St. Louis, Dec. 25, 1867; son of Frederick W. and Wil- helmina (Schwer) Arste; educated at Laclede School, Madison School, and St. Louis Poly technic; unmarried. Learned printer's trade in boyhood under father; became office boy under T. C. P. Tiedeman, city surveyor, 1880, advancing to positions as draftsman and sur veyor; was for five years with Julius Pitz- man; took up printing, 1888, and was con nected with the St. Louis Republic as com positor four and a half years, until machines displaced hand work; compositor on Globe- Democrat for one year; purchased the St. Louis Waterways Journal, Apr. 1, 1894, of which has since been in charge; general man ager The River Publishing & Investment Co., owners of Waterways Journal. Served as judge at elections in behalf of Republican party several times, but never asked for pub lic office; Republican. Lutheran. Member Harbor No. 28 Masters' and Pilots' Associa tion, Mississippi and Ohio River Pilots' So ciety, Red Cross Lodge No. 54, Knights of Pythias. Office: 203 N. 3d St. 28 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS ARTHUR, George Crosby, manager The Hawtin Engraving Co.; born, Aurora, 111., June 26, 1870; son of Florence M. and Ada- line (Sutherland) Crosby; (name originally was Arthur B. Crosby, but at 2% years of age lost father and was taken to Keesville, N. Y., by grandfather and adopted by Alexander A. Arthur of that town); educated Keesville High School; graduated from Burr & Burton Seminar, Manchester, Vt.; married, Kees ville, June 24, 1891, Avis Genevieve Pope; six children,: Lawrence K., Willis K., Lyle O, Madeleine A., ' Maida P., Margaret V. F. Served for several years as special corre spondent Montgomery Ward & Co., Chicago, beginning September, 1899; later had charge Of mail order department, Wells & Nellegar Co., hardware, Chicago; became connected as correspondent with The Hawtin Engraving Co., catalog engravings and advertising de signs, Dec. 1, 1903, and since Apr. 1, 1910, in charge of. plant established in St. Louis. Member Business Men's League, Advertising Men's League. Independent in politics. Bap tist. Club: St. Louis City. Recreations: ten nis, walking, horseback riding, and other out door diversions. Office: Navarre Bldg., 6th and Chestnut Sts. Residence: 767 N. Euclid Avenue. : ASHBROOKE, James, superintendent Meth odist Orphans' Home for Boys; born, Tablej^ Hill Farm, near Knutsford, Cheshire, Eng land, Jan. 9, 1856; son of Joseph and Sarah (Hewitt) Ashbrooke; educated in public schools, Tabley Hills Farm, England, to 1869; then one year M. Newlands ' Commercial Boarding and Day School; married, Jan. 2, 1884, at Chicago, 111., Margaret Webster, of Skelmersdale, Lancashire, England. Began business career,- 1871, with Platt-Dovell-Per- cival, wholesale commission merchants, of Manchester, England, continuing until 1881. Came to America, Jan. 8, 1882; engaged with Anglo-American Provision Co., Chicago, 1882- 84; with Stern & Adams, dry goods commis sion house, 1884-92; then connected with R. J. Gunning Co., for whom organized St. Louis Bill Posting Co., and remained in that busi ness until 1901; since with Orphans' Home. Republican. Methodist. Member Independent Order of Foresters. Office and Residence: 3533 Laclede Ave. ATKINS, Henry Skillman, physician; born in Fayette Co., Ky., Sept. 20, 1867; son of William Lewis and Mary E. (Moore) Atkins; 'educated in classical course of Kentucky State College, Kentucky University, and as private student of James Lane Allen; grad uated from Beaumont Medical College, St. Louis, 1888; married, St. Louis, Sept. 20, 1893, Anna M. North. Engaged in medical practice since 1888; was first assistant physician Ken tucky Insane Asylum, Lexington, Ky.; since then in St. Louis, making specialty ' of psy chiatry; -chief assistant physician St. John's Hospital, 1902-04; superintendent of St. Louis Asylum for Insane, 1904-10. Formerly in structor in general medicine, Beaumont Med ical College. Member St. .Lo.uis Medical So ciety, Missouri State Medical Association, Kentucky Medical Society, American Medical Association. Democrat. Presbyterian. Resi dence: Webster Groves. ATKINSON, Chilton, lawyer; born, St. Louis, Dee. 10, 1875; son of Robert C. and Mary Tandy (Bull) Atkinson; educated in public schools, Smith Academy, class of 1893, and Law School of Washington University, graduating, LL.B., 1895; unmarried. Admitted to bar, Sept. 5, 1895, and from Jan. 1, 1896, to Dec. 1, 1897, was associated in practice in the firm of Campbell & Ryan, St. Louis; then became local attorney for the City Trust Co., of Philadelphia, and since Jan. 1, 1901, has been individually engaged in general practice of law. Previous to entering practice was deputy jury commissioner under Fielding Mansfield. Member St. Louis Bar Association and Law Library Association; Past Command er Missouri Division, Sons of Confederate Vet erans; member of Virginia Society of St. Louis, Missouri Historical Society. Episcopalian; member of vestry Mt. Calvary Church. Dem ocrat. Favorite recreation: horseback riding. Office: 408 Olive St. Residence: 3000 Lafay ette Avenue. ATKINSON, Robert Chilton, physician; born, Smithfield, Va., Oct. 3, 1841; son of Archibald and Elizabeth Ann (Chilton) At kinson; educated at William and Mary Col lege, Virginia; University of Virginia, 1885- 86; Medical Department University of Louisi ana (now Tulane University), New Orleans, M.D., 1867; married, St. Louis, Feb. 23, 1875, Mary Tandy Bull; children: Chilton, May. Served in Confederate Army in Civil War as member of 13th and 10th regiments of Vir ginia Cavalry and Stewart's Horse Artillery (Chew's battery). Engaged in practice of medicine since March, 1867; professor dis eases of children, Medical Department, St. Louis University, until 1906; physician to St. Ann 's Foundling Asylum, St. Louis. Since 1908 connected with City Health Department (Hygiene Department), in charge of Wyman, Chouteau, Hodgen, Sigel and Charless schools. Democrat; has served ' as member of . City Board of Health, and of State Board of Health of Missouri; also for three years mem ber Board of Education, St. Louis; coroner of St. Louis, 1895. Office and Residence: 3002 Lafayette Ave. ATWOOD, John Cowan, general manager The National Ammonia Co.; born, Marshall, Saline Co., Mo., June 3, 1863; son of Le Grand (M.D.) and Eliza Jane (Cowan) At- wood; educated in public schools of St. Louis Co. to 1880; three years U. S. Naval Academy, THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS' 29 1880-83; married, St. Louis, Feb. 16, 1898, Georgie TunstaU Baker; six children: John C, Jr., Katherine M., George B., Ellen T., Eliza O, William L., Jr. Began business career as clerk Lindell Hotel, St. Louis, 1883, and con tinued to 1884; traveling salesman Mueller Bros. Furniture & Carpet Co., 1884-86; chief deputy collector under Freemen Barnum, first collection district, Missouri, Internal Revenue Service, 1886-89; manufacturer ammonia for refrigerating and ice-making purposes since Jan. 1, 1890; continuously with The National Ammonia Co., of St. Louis, Philadelphia and New York, of which has been secretary," treas urer and general manager since 1892; also secretary and treasurer Pacific Ammonia & Chemical Co., and The Ammonia Company of Australia; director Michigan Ammonia Co., Angelo Furniture Co., San Angelo, Tex. Mem ber Business Men's League (St. Louis), Amer ican Society Refrigerating Engineers, Amer ican Association of Refrigeration (chairman membership committee). Independent Demo crat. Presbyterian. Member Ferguson Lodge, No. 542, A. F. & A. M., Compton Hill Council, L. of H. Clubs: Mercantile, St. Louis Auto mobile. Recreations: gardening, farming, mo toring. Office: 3600 N. Broadway. Residence: "Atte Woode, " Ferguson, St. Louis Co., Mo. ATWOOD, LeGrand Lapsley, insurance agent, lawyer; born, Bridgeton, St. Louis Co., Mo., July 1, 1872; son of LeGrand and Eliza Jane (Cowan) Atwood; educated in public schools of St. Louis County and Smith Acad emy, St. Louis, graduating 1891; graduated St. Louis Law School, LL.B., 1893; married, Versailles, Woodford Co., Ky., Apr. 22, 1902, Jane Lyle Fishback; children: George Fish- back and Tom Cowan. Admitted to bar, June 21, 1893; since 1894 engaged in insurance business; now member of firm of Atwood, Johnson & Smythe, insurance; president Lippe Realty, Construction & Investment Co. Ma son. Democrat. Presbyterian. Office: 1133 Pierce Bldg. Besidence: Ferguson, Mo. *AUER, Isidor, wholesale jeweler; moved to Chicago; see Vol. 1906. AUGUSTINE, George Hershey, vice presi dent Carleton Dry Goods Co.; born, Massillon, O., Aug. 24, 1848; son of George and Amanda M. (Conkey) Augustine; educated in high school, Mansfield, O., 1862-64; Eastman's ¦Commercial College, Chicago, 1865; married, St. Louis, June 18, 1879, Florence Brush; children: M. Louise (Mrs. Warren Goddard), Anne (Mrs. Nelson D. Jay, of Milwaukee) and Floyd B. Began business career in whole sale dry goods house of Carson, Pirie & Co., Chicago, 1866, continuing until 1871; then cashier of the Abilene Bank, Abilene, Kan.; came to St. Louis, October, 1873, and was with Dodd,"Brown & Co., wholesale dry goods, until 1890; was connected with Ely & Walker Dry Goods Co. until 1894; joined Murray Carleton in purchasing controlling interest in Wear & Boogher Dry Goods Co., and in 1899 changed name to Carleton Dry Goods Co., of which is vice president. Republican. Presby terian. Clubs: St. Louis, Mercantile. Recrea tion: horseback riding. Office: Washington Ave. and 12th St. Residence: "Fairlawn, " Kirkwood, Mo. AULER, Hugo A., physician; deceased; see Vol. 1906. AVERILL, Alexander Trowbridge, mer chant tailor; born, St. Louis, June 21, 1876; son of Alexander M. and Louisa (Trowbridge) Averill; educated in public schools, St. Louis, and graduate of the Manual Training School, class of 1894; married, St. Louis, 1900, Lillian Ainheiter. Began with house of Mills & Averill, merchant tailors, as a boy in 1894, later became clerk and salesman in the house, to which was admitted as partner in 1900; became a director in the Mills & Averill Tail oring Co., in 1903, and in February, 1905, was elected president of the company. Republican. Baptist. Mason, Knight Templar. Clubs: Mercantile, Missouri Athletic. Recreations: Horseback riding, fishing and athletic sports. Office: 509 Olive St. Residence: 4953 Mc- Pherson Avenue. AVERILL, Walter Hollis, merchant tailor; born, St. Louis, Oct. 3, 1879; son of Alexander M. and Louisa (Trowbridge) Averill; edu cated in St. Louis public schools; married, St. Louis, Jan. 1, 1903, Marie J. Wise; children: Marie Josephine, Harriet Blanche, Walter H., Jr., Willis Wier, Alexander Morton. Entered the merchant tailoring business of Mills & Averill, 1897, as clerk, and later became sales man, admitted to the firm in 1900, and in February, 1905, elected vice president and treasurer Mills & Averill Tailoring Co. Re publican. Catholic. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Mercantile, St. Louis Chess. Recreations: baseball and chess. Office: 509 Olive St. Residence: 6018 Clemens Ave. AVIS, William Hamilton, merchant; 1838- 1912; see Vol. 1906. AYARS, Treston Reid, physician; born, Sa line Co., Neb., Sept. 17, 1876; son of Robin son and Annie S. (Palmer) Ayars; educated in district schools; Franklin Academy, Frank lin, Neb.; Lincoln Normal University, Lincoln, Neb.; Marion-Sims-Beaumont College of Medi cine, St. Louis, graduating with degree of M.D., 1902; married, St. Louis, Aug. 16, 1905, Mrs. Fannie H. Shedd, of Watseka, 111. Taught school for four years before taking up study of medicine; has practiced in St. Louis since 1902; served as junior assistant to Female Hospital, June, 1902- January, 1903; assistant to Dr. A. V. L. Brokaw, 1903-05; in structor in operative surgery, St. Louis Uni versity, 1906-09, inclusive; professor obstet rics, St. Louis College Physicians and Sur- 30 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS geons, 1910, 1911, 1912; clinical professor of obstetrics American Medical College and ob stetrician to Christian Hospital. Democrat. Member Christian (Disciples) Church. Mem ber American Medical Association, Missouri State Medical Association, St. Louis Medical Society, Medical Society of City Hospital Association, Alpha Kappa Kappa college fra ternity. Mason. Member Modern Woodmen of America. Recreations: tennis and bowling. Office: 3901 Easton Ave. Residence: 5881 Plymouth Ave. AYLETT, Patrick Henry, lawyer; see Vol. 1906. B BABBITT, Byron Fenner, lawyer, U. S. commissioner; born, Corry, Pa., Apr. 4, 1874; son of Charles O. and Susan (Thayer) Bab bitt; graduated from Corry High School, 1893, Corry Business College, 1894, Washington University Law School, St. Louis, LL.B., 1899; married, St. Louis, Nov. 6, 1901, Nellie A. Bagnell. Came to St. Louis from Corry, Pa., Nov. 6, 1895; resided with uncle, late Judge A. M. Thayer, U. S. circuit judge, 8th Circuit; was his private secretary and also later private secretary to Judge Elmer B. Adams, U. S. circuit judge, for four years; studied law under Judge Thayer and at law school. Admitted to bar, 1899; appointed U. S. commissioner in January, 1901; reap pointed Jan. 1, 1905, by Judge Adams, and again appointed Jan. 1, 1909, by Judge Dyer. Member American Bar Association, St. Louis Bar Association. Republican. Episcopalian (St. George's Chapel). Club: Masonic. Recrea tion: golf. Office: 1605 Pierce Bldg. Resi dence: 4477 Berlin Ave. B ABLER, Edmund Adam, surgeon; born, Appleton City, Mo., Oct. 11, 1875; son of H. J. and Sarah Saloma (Luehsinger) Babler; educated at El Dorado Normal and Business College and graduated from Missouri Medi cal College (now Medical Department Wash ington University), M.D., cum laude, 1898; un married. Was for two years interne St. Louis City Hospital; since 1900 engaged in general surgical practice. Surgeon Deaconess Hospital; visiting surgeon City Hospital; medical di rector International Life Insurance Co. Mem ber City Hospital Alumni Medical Society, St. Louis Medical Society (corresponding secre tary), Missouri State Medical Association. Associate editor St. Louis Courier of Medi cine, American Medical Association. Repub lican. Methodist. Clubs: Arcadia, Missouri Athletic. Recreation: chess. Office: 1204, 915 Olive St. Residence: 4826 Delmar Ave. BABLER, Jacob L., first vice president International Life Insurance Co.; born, Mon roe, Wis., May 3, 1872; son of Henry J. and Saloma (Luehsinger) Babler; educated in pub lic schools of El Dorado Springs, Mo., and Law Department, Washington University; unmar ried. Began in life insurance business, 1902; was appointed manager New York Life office at New Haven, Conn., 1904; transferred to Buffalo, N. Y., 1905, and was manager and agency director for company in that city for three years; appointed manager territory west of Missouri River for North American Life, of Newark, N. J., Feb. 1, 1907, and continued with the company until 1909; organized the International Life Insurance Co. of St. Louis and is now its first vice president, also gen eral manager agencies. Republican; former member Republican State Central Committee. Methodist. Member Knights of Pythias, B. P. O. Elks. Recreations: motoring and baseball. Office: Syndicate Trust Bldg. Residence: Mar quette Hotel. BACHMANN, Otto, optician; born, St. Louis, July 22, 1880; son of Francis Xavier and Mary (Hunckler) Bachmann; educated in pub lic schools of St. Louis; married, Nov. 18, 1905, Miss Katherine Moerschel; two chil dren: Irma Ida, Jacob Moerschel. Began act ive career with the Erker Bros. Optical Co., and continued for seven years, learning the business; became connected with the Western Optical Mfg. Co. in 1900; was its secretary and treasurer from Sept. 15, 1905, to Dec. 14, 1910, when acquired sole ownership in the business and became president of the com pany. Member Credit Men's Association. Catholic. Independent Democrat. Clubs: Mis souri Athletic, Century Boat, Liederkranz (director), Million Population. Recreations: tennis and golf. Office: 1002 Olive St.; fac tory: 703-709 Holland Bldg. Residence: 3444 Halliday St. BACON, Cary Harrison, grain commission; born, Louisville, Ky., Oct. 8, 1869; son of Byron and Fanny Young (Montgomery.) Ba con; educated in public schools of Louisville and Chicago; married, St. Louis, June 22, 1893, Leva Sherry. Began business career as settling cierk with E. W. Bailey & Co., Chi cago Board of Trade, 1886-93; then went to Louisville, Ky., and engaged in stock and bond brokerage business as the representative , of New York companies until 1902; came to St. Louis and acquired an interest in the Sherry-Bacon Grain Co., grain receivers and shippers, of which was at first vice president and is now president. Member St. Louis Mer chants ' Exchange, Chicago Board of Trade, Kansas City Board of Trade, Sons of Amer ican Revolution, Society of Colonial Wars. Presbyterian. Mason (Scottish Rite). Club: Traffic, of St. Louis. Recreation: reading. Office: 213 Chamber of Commerce. Residence: 5875 Cates Ave. BACON, Frederick Hampden, lawyer; born, Niles, Mich., May 5, 1849; son of Nathaniel and Caroline S. (Lord) Bacon; graduated from Niles High School, June, 1866; studied THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 31 in literary department, University of Michi gan, two years; married, Niles, Mich., July 18, 1882, Clara J. Cleland; children: Ethel E., Clare Marie. Engaged in practice of law since 1871, and in St. Louis since 1874; prac tices alone. Author of "Bacon on Benefit Societies and Life Insurance," a standard legal text-book. Lecturer Benton Law School since 1898. Republican. Presbyterian. Mem ber St. Louis Bar Association, St. Louis Law Library Association. Mason (33°), Knight Templar, Shriner. Club: Mercantile. Office: 211 N. 7th St. Residence: 5217 Raymond Ave. BAEHR, William Alfred; see Vol. 1906. BAER, Julius Adler, vice president Stix, Baer & Fuller Dry Goods Co.; born in Ger many, Sept. 1, 1861; son of Lazarus and Ernestina (Weil) Baer; educated in public and high schools at Sulzburg in Baden, Ger many; came to United States, 1878; married, Fort Smith, Ark., Apr. 16, 1890, Freda Adler; one son: Arthur Bernard. Began business ca reer at Fort Smith, 1878, and was connected with store of J. Adler until 1880; conducted general store, Magazine, Logan Co., Ark., 1880-85; opened store, "The Boston Store," Van Buren, Ark., 1885; also opened two stores at Springfield and Nevada, Mo.; sold out these two stores, 1888, in order to devote all his time to the Boston Store of Fort Smith, Ark., remaining there until 1892, when he came to St. Louis and joined in organizing Stix, Baer & Fuller Dry Goods Co., of which is vice president. Republican. Mason. Clubs: Columbian, Mercantile, Westwood Country, Triple A. Recreation: fishing. Office: cor. Washington Ave. and 6th St. Residence: 11 Washington Terrace. Summer Residence: Oden, Mich. BAER, Samuel Harold, vice president and treasurer Blanke-Baer Chemical Co.; born, Fort Smith, Ark., Jan. 4, 1876; son of Herman and Louise (Mergentine) Baer; graduated Michigan Military Academy, Orchard Lake, Mich., 1892; University of Michigan, B.S. in chemistry, 1896; A.M., Ph.D., University of Leipzig, Germany, 1898; married, St. Louis, Dec. 30, 1903, Ann Louise Brown. Was mem ber of firm of Mergentine & Lamm, New York, 1898-1906; in 1906 became secretary and treasurer, and Jan. 1, 1912, was elected vice president and treasurer, Blanke-Baer Chemical Co. (successors to The Arkwright Co.), manufacturers of flavoring extracts and essences, essential oils and colors, canned fruits, fountain fruits and syrups, and Dr. Arkwright Specialties. Secretary of Flavor ing Extract Manufacturers' Association of the United States; member American Chem ical Society, Society of Chemical Industry of London. Member Eureka Lodge No. 243, A. F. & A. M., New York. Clubs: Million Popula tion, also University of Michigan and Chem ists', of New York. Recreations: literature and tennis. Office: 212 S. 7th St. Residence: 5575 Waterman Ave. BAER, Sigmund, secretary and treasurer Stix, Baer & Fuller Dry Goods Co.; born in Baden, Germany, July 5, 1862; son of Lazarus and Ernestina (Weil) Baer; educated in pub lic and high schools in Germany; married, Fort Smith, Ark., Aug. 28, 1890,_ Marie Pap- penheimer; children: Lewis and Sidney. Came from Germany, 1879, to Fort Smith, Ark., arriving in America with less than $100 in his pocket. Began business career on a salary of $3.00 a week, and today is in the manage ment of one of the largest business concerns in the country, employing about 2,000 persons. Was a member of firm of Baer Bros. & Fuller, at Fort Smith, and is still director of the Boston Store there; came to St. Louis, 1892, and was one of the organizers of the firm of Stix, Baer & Fuller Dry Goods Co., incorpo rated, 1897, and has been secretary and treas urer of the company from the time of its or ganization. Republican. Clubs: Columbian, Mercantile, Westwoo_d Country. Recreation: European trips. Office: cor. Washington Ave. and Broadway. Residence: 5314 Waterman Avenue. BAGGOT, William, real estate; deceased; see Vol. 1906. BAGNELL, William, contractor, lumber man; born, Province of Quebec, Can., Apr. 14, 1843; son of Captain William and Amelia Bagnell; educated in public schools of To ronto, Canada; married, Kansas City, Mo., 1889, Sallie A. Adams, daughter of the late Andrew Adams and niece of the late Judge Washington Adams of the Supreme Court of Missouri (both of Boonville, Mo.); children: William (died in infancy), Effie A. (Mrs. W. S. Culbertson, of Louisville) and Robert A. Came to United States in 1864, and has ever since been located in St. Louis and engaged as a contractor in railroad construction under firm name of Bagnell Bros.; since 1889, presi dent of the Bagnell Timber Co., dealers in railroad material. Also director Mississippi Valley Trust Co. Episcopalian. Member A. F. & A. M. Clubs: St. Louis, St. Louis Country (life member), Noonday. Favorite recrea tions: golf, fishing and hunting, horseback rid ing. Office: 427 Title Guaranty Bldg. Resi dence: 12 Westmoreland Place. BAIER, Frank William, Grand Treasurer Knights of Honor of Missouri; born, Peoria, 111., Feb. 16, 1856; son of Henry and Marie (Glaenzer) Baier; educated in Peoria Gram mar School, Pekin (111.) High School, and graduated from Polytechnic College, Bayreuth, Germany, 1873; unmarried. Began in jewelry business as apprentice in Pekin, HI., 1873; came to St. Louis, May, 1876, and entered employ of J. Son & Co., then at 318 N. 4th St., succeeded the firm in business in 1886, 32 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS remaining at old stand until 1900, when re moved to 205 N. 8th St.; since retired from business in own name. .Member Red Cross Lodge No. 54, Knights of Pythias, St. Louis Council No. 6, Legion of Honor, and St. Louis Lodge No. 13, Knights of Honor; has held various offices in these lodges and is now Grand Treasurer of Knights of Honor of Mis souri. Favorite recreation: baseball. Office: 612 N. Broadway. Residence: 3447 Shenan doah Ave. BAILEY, Howard, dealer in live stock; born, Scott Co., Ky., Oct. 24, 1861; son of Leonidas and Susan H. (Cooke) Bailey; edu cated Georgetown College, Ky.; married, June 7, 1905, Louise Salmon. Has interest in a number of St. Louis enterprises; since 1898 vice president Maxwell & Crouch Mule Co., located at National Stock Yards, St. Clair Co., 111. ; director and stockholder " 09 " Ranch & Cattle Co. of Texas. Clubs: St. Louis, Glen Echo. Recreations: farming, golf. Office: Na tional Stock Yards, 111. Residence: St. Regis Apartments. BAILEY, Warren, dealer in live stock; born, Georgetown, Ky., Oct. 22, 1859; son of Leonidas and Susan H. (Cooke) Bailey; edu cated at Georgetown College, Ky. ; married, Jan. 5, 1897, Rena, daughter of James W. Morrison, of Fayette, Mo.; one daughter: Carolyn S. Came to Missouri in 1886; has in terest in several enterprises in St. Louis and elsewhere in this and other states; since 1898 president of the Maxwell & Crouch Mule Co., operating at the National Stock Yards, St. Clair Co., 111., and is actively engaged in that business. Member Business Men's League. Clubs: St. Louis, Bellerive. Recreation: golf. Office: National Stock Yards, 111. Residence: 4048 Westminster Place. BAIN, Robert Edward Mather, passenger agent; born, Chicago, 111., Aug. 9, 1858; son of George and Clara (Mather) Bain; edu cated at Washington University; married, St. Louis, Nov. 3, 1880, Mary Valle; children: Marie Zoe (Mrs. C. B. R. Fitz William), Catherine (Mrs. E. C. Bennett), George Valle, Marguerite Desloge (Mrs. Charles Henry Adams, of New Orleans), Lucie Clara. Was clerk in Atlantic Mills, 1875-79; broker in foreign exchange, 1879-82; foreign insurance and freight agent, 1882-84; freight and pas senger agent, Anchor Line, 1883-85; passen ger agent White Star Line, etc., 1884-96; gen eral Southwestern passenger agent, White Star and Holland-America Lines, for entire southwestern United States, 1897-1903; since Feb. 1, 1903, Southwestern passenger agent, International Mercantile Marine Co. Vice president Colonial Leaf Tobacco Co.; was cap tain of Bain Zouaves, 1879-86; member Mis souri legislature, 1884-86. Member Business Men's League, Civic League, Missouri His torical Society. Amateur photographer; trav eled through lower Egypt, Palestine, Turkey, Greece and Italy, taking photographs for pur pose of illustrating "Earthly Footsteps of the Man of Galilee," also illustrated "Child's Bible, " " Romance of Palestine, ' ' etc., and is contributor to various photographic journals and annuals. President St. Louis Photo graphic Society, 1895-1901. Inventor. Chair man of Group Jury and member Department International Jury of Award of St. Louis World's Fair. Recreation: gardening. Office: Century Bldg. Residence: 3801 Flora Boul. BAIRD, William Edward, associate city counselor; born, Cornersville, Marshall Co., Tenn., Oct. 7, 1876; son of William E. and Martha Elizabeth (Gordon) Baird; prepared for college at Webb School, Bell Buckle, Tenn., 1892-95; A.B., Vanderbilt University, 1899; LL.B., Columbia Law School, New York, 1899, 1902; AM., Columbia University, 1902; married, Moberly, Mo., Apr. 22, 1909, Anna Seelen. Editor of Columbia Law Review, 1901-02; admitted to St. Louis bar, 1902, and! since engaged in practice in St. Louis; in December, 1910, appointed associate city coun selor. Lecturer at St. Louis University Insti tute of Law. Assistant to general counsel of Louisiana Purchase Exposition Co., Septem ber, 1904, to May, 1905. Member of St. Louis, American and Missouri State Bar Associa tions, Law Library Association, American Historical Association, Legion of Honor. Pres byterian. Club: City. Office: City Hall. Resi dence: 3945 Lindell Boul. BAKER, Alfred Edward, treasurer P. C. Murphy Trunk Co.; born, Jefferson City, Mo., Dec. 10, 1865; son of Dr. John and Amelia (Steele) Baker; educated in public and pri vate schools; married, St. Louis, June, 1893, Mary E., daughter of P. C. Murphy; children: Jules Alfred, Hugh Edward, John Joseph, Thomas C, Mary Catherine. After leaving school in 1883, went to Stewart Co., Tenn., where was in the office of the LaGrange Iron Works, 1884-89; went to Montana, 1889, and was connected with the Granite Mountain Mining Co. at Granite Mountain, Mont., until 1893; also conducted from 1889, a general merchandise business at Rumsey, Mont., and Anaconda, Mont., and remained connected with that business until 1900. Since 1893 a resident of St. Louis, and since October, 1893, treasurer of the P. C. Murphy Trunk Co., manufacturers of trunks, traveling bags, etc. (established 1860, incorporated 1892.) Office and Factory: 13th and Papin Sts. Salesrooms: 707 Washington Ave. Residence: 938 Catalpa Street. BAKER, Allen H., dealer in grain and mill feed; born, Calvers, Tex., Dec. 20, 1871; son of William and Amanda (Harris) Baker; edu cated in public schools of Texas, and College of Texas, at Tehucany, Tex.; married, Fort, Smith, Ark., Oct. 5, 1896, Marie McLoud; two THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 33 children: Marie E. and William Allen. Presi dent Allen Baker Commission Co., grain and mill feed, since 1900; managing director truck department Brown Automobile Co. Member St. Louis Merchants' Exchange. Republican. Catholic. Office: 1057 Pierce Bldg. Residence: 4539 Washington Boul. BAKER, Charles Andrew, real estate; born, Dayton, O., Apr. 29, 1856; son of John G. and Sophia Dorothea (Schriefer) Baker; graduate Dayton High School, in class of 1874; mar ried, Fargo, N. Dak., Sept. 11, 1884, Mary W. Hime; children: Herbert Oliver, Edith May, Ralph Irving. Came to St. Louis, 1878; was salesman for Graham Paper Co. for twenty years; gave up position in 1898 to push the sale of Webster Park and other suburban property in vicinity of Webster and Kirk- wood; now engaged in general real estate business as the agent and one of the directors of Webster Park Realty Co.; secretary and treasurer Sherwood Forest Realty Co., West Webster Realty Co. Republican. Congrega tionalism Member Civic League. Clubs: Mer cantile, Algonquin Golf. Office: 903 Wright Bldg. Residence: Rosemont Ave., Webster Park. BAKER, George Arnold, Jr., president Stephens Lithographing and Engraving Co.; born, Helena, Mont., Aug. 21, 1866; son of George A. and Eleanor (Street) Baker; edu cated in public schools and Smith Academy, St. Louis, graduating, 1883; married, St. Louis, Nov. 2, 1892, Grace Heath. Began busi ness career as clerk for E. C. Meacham Arms Co.,' St. Louis, 1883-90; since 1890 with Ste phens Lithographing and Engraving Co.; in 1894, with associates, purchased the business and is now president of the company. Clubs: St. Louis, New England. Favorite recreations: horseback riding and driving. Office: 422 N. 2d St. Residence: 501 N. Clara Ave. BAKER, George Reason, banking; born, Tippecanoe, Harrison Co., O., July 4, 1875; son of John Wesley and Rebecca (Phillips) Baker; educated in common schools; married, Lancaster, Mo., Dec. 22, 1898, Heleena Figge; one son, Lorenzo E., born Mar. 28, 1900. Be came connected with the Farmers' and Mer chants ' Savings Bank of Lancaster, Mo., 1893, and advanced to cashier; appointed repre sentative of National Bank of Commerce, St. Louis, 1903, and was in charge of the World's Fair department of the bank, 1904; assistant cashier since Jan. 1, 1907. Secretary Group No. 1, Missouri Bankers' Association, 1902. Member American Institute of Banking, St. Louis Credit Men's Association. Methodist. Mason. Clubs: Masonic, Midland Valley Golf. Recreation: golf. Office: National Bank of Commerce. Residence: 6911 Kingsbury Boul. BAKEWELL, Paul, lawyer; born, St. Louis, Aug. 21, 1858; son of Robert Armytage and Nancy (de Laureal) Bakewell; educated at St. Louis University (LL.D., October, 1904), and graduated from law school of Washing ton University, LL.B., 1879; married, St. Louis, Apr. 30, 1884, Eugenia Stella McNair; children: Marie, Eugenia (Mrs. Charles V. H. Roberts), Paul, Jr., Edward, Claude, Nancy, Vincent. Admitted to bar at St. Louis in May, 1879, and since continuously engaged in practice as specialist in patent, trade-mark and copyright law. Member of St. Louis Bar Association, Missouri State Bar Association, American Bar Association. Trustee St. Louis University. Democrat. Roman Catholic. Clubs: St. Louis, Noonday, Sunset Hill Coun try; Lawyers (New York). Recreations: shooting, fishing and horseback riding. Office: La Salle Bldg. Residence: St. Louis. BALDWIN, Edward S., lumber; born, Mem phis, Tenn.; son of James W. and Rose Ann (Nicholas) Baldwin; came with parents to St. Louis and attended school at Carondelet, later student in private school of Dr. Mc- Anally; graduated Bryant & Stratton Com mercial College; married Jessie Buchanan, of Memphis; children: Gertrude Kyle, Irene Mil dred, Charles Sidney, Rose Lethenia. Began under uncle, George Baldwin, in stove, range and furnace business; became connected with the Clarkson-Christopher Lumber Co. and was made manager at Elmore, Ark.; returned to St. Louis, 1890, and entered employ of the Bonsack Lumber Co., of which is superintend ent. Member Christian (Disciples) Church. Republican. Mason. Member Royal Arcanum. Office: Angelica St. and Wharf. BALDWIN, Frederick Amos, professor pathology, etc.; born, Kalamazoo, Mich., May 14, 1877; son of Charles E. and Dora J. (War ren) Baldwin; educated in public schools of Jackson, Mich., 1885-93; Medical Department, University of Michigan, M.D., 1898; Depart ment of Literature, Science and Art, same, A.B., 1902, Sc.D., same, 1904. Served in Med ical Department of University of Michigan, as assistant in histology, 1896-97, assistant in pathology, 1898-1902, instructor in pathology, 1902-04; assistant city pathologist and bac teriologist, St. Louis, 1904-07; professor pathol ogy and therapeutics, Medical Department, Baylor University, Dallas, Tex., 1907-10; pro fessor pathology, bacteriology and medicine, American Medical College, St. Louis, since 1910, also secretary same; secretary National University of Arts and Sciences. Member St. Louis, Missouri State and Southern Illinois Medical societies, Nu Sigma Nu, Sigma Xi college fraternities. Recreations: baseball, football and tennis. Office: 4500 Olive St. Residence: 3509 Morgan St. BALDWIN, Richard Brackett, manager A. C. Lawrence Leather Co.; born, Boston, Mass., Feb. 18, 1873; son of W. H. and Mary Frances Augusta (Chaffee) Baldwin; educated in Bos- 34 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS ton public schools and Boston Latin School; married, Chicago, July 14, 1900, Belle Rob erts. Began active career in leather business with Arey, Maddock & Locke, continuing from 1890 to 1898; since with the A. C. Law rence Leather Co., first as manager at Chi cago until October, 1903, and since then as manager of the St. Louis office. Republican. Recreations: hunting, fishing and farming. Office: 705-707 Lucas Ave. Residence: Kirk- wood, Mo. BALDWIN, Walter; see Vol. 1906. BALL, Frank C, safe deposit officer Mis sissippi Valley Trust Co.; born, Staplehurst, Neb., Apr. 3, 1886; son of Rev. Albert Dil- worth, D.D., and Mary A. (Maeder) Ball; graduated at De Soto (Mo.) High School, 1903; unmarried. Began active career with Jefferson County Bank, De Soto, continuing May, 1903- June, 1906; has been connected with the Mississippi Valley Trust Co. at St. Louis since June, 1906, and safe deposit officer same, since Apr. 12, 1911. President St. Louis Chapter American Institute of Banking. Re publican. Methodist. Mason; member Lamb skin Lodge No. 460, A. F. & A. M.; St. Louis Chapter No. 8, R. A. M.; St. Aldemar Com- mandery No. 18, Knights Templar; Moolah Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S. Club: Amateur Athletic. Recreations: baseball and tennis. Office: Mississippi Valley Trust Co., 4th and Pine Sts. Residence: 2244 Red Bud Ave. BALL, James Moores, physician, oculist; born, West Union, Iowa, Sept. 4, 1862; son of Dr. James Moores and Martha (Glover) Ball; educated in public schools of Waterloo, Iowa; Iowa State University, Iowa City, M.D., 1884; post-graduate instruction in New York and in Europe; married, York, Pa., Oct. 14, 1890, Naomi Marshall; children: Logan Marshall, Mary Josephine. Engaged in practice of medi cine since 1886; practice confined to ophthal mology since 1890; professor diseases of the eye, American Medical College; oculist Amer ican Hospital and Christian-Centenary Hos pital; member numerous medical societies. Author of Ball's Modern Ophthalmology. Episcopalian. Office: 4500 Olive St. Resi dence: 4374 Washington Ave. BALL, Otho Fisher, editor Interstate Med ical Journal; born, Waterloo, Iowa, June 20, 1875; son of Dr. James Moores (Sr.) and Martha B. (Glover) Ball; educated in public schools of Iowa; took special science course in University of Wisconsin, and graduated from the College of Physicians and Surgeons, St. Louis, M.D., 1897; married, St. Louis, Feb. 19, 1901, Leonora Montgomerie Clague. En gaged in practice of medicine until 1902; as sistant editor, 1897-1903, since 1903 managing editor of the Interstate Medical Journal, also secretary and general manager Interstate Medical Journal Co., its publishers (incorpo rated 1901). Member various medical socie ties and social and local literary clubs. Club: University. Office: Metropolitan Bldg. Resi dence: 5337 Cabanne Ave. BALLARD, James Franklin, manufacturer proprietary medicines; born, Ashtabula, O., July 16, 1851; son of James and Elisa (Heath) Ballard; educated in public schools, Almont, Mich.; married, Vincennnes, Ind., June 24, 1878, Emma Hill Hadley; children: William J., Berenice C. (Mrs. H. H. Clark, Jr.), Nellie E. Came to St. Louis, 1874; was connected with Richardson & Co., wholesale drugs, until 1882, when established the Ballard-Snow Lini ment Co., of which is proprietor. Director Mechanics-American National Bank, of St. Louis, United States & Mexican Trust Co., of New York. Member Business Men's League (St. Louis). Clubs: St. Louis, Mercantile, Noonday (St. Louis), Salmagundi, Drug and Chemical (New York). Office: 500-502 Wash ington Boul. Residence: 4420 Washington Boulevard. BALLARD, John O., grain commission; born, Logan Co., O., Dec. 31, 1872; son of Theodore R. and Elizabeth (Depew) Ballard; educated in public grammar and high schools and course in business college; married, St. Louis, Dec. 24, 1895, Lydia W. Harting; one daughter: Elizabeth. Identified with the grain business in St. Louis since 1893; started with Ballard-Messmore & Co., and is vice presi dent and treasurer of the company; also sec retary and treasurer St. Louis Grain Clearing Co. Member St. Louis Merchants' Exchange. Democrat. Methodist. Mason (32°), Knight Templar. Clubs: St. Louis, Bellerive Country, Glen Echo Country. Recreation: golf. Office: 520 Merchants' Exchange. Residence: 5171 Waterman Ave. BALLARD, Theodore Reese, commission merchant; 1848-1909; see Vol. 1906. BALSON, William Lewis, president Balson Realty & Building Co. ; born, Bridport, Dorset shire, Eng., Oct. 8, 1842; son of Lewis and Susan (Wheadon) Balson; educated in na tional schools of England until eleven years of age; came to America with parents in 1853, and attended public schools of St. Louis, and night schools; married, St. Louis, Dec. 23, 1866, Ella Schofield, whose father, William Schofield, came from Manchester, Eng., 1845; nine children: William S. (who died 1903), Ella E., Susan O, Edith M., Mary J., Ethel O, Lewis E., Eva and Olive A. Was in employ of U. S. Government about two years at Fort Leavenworth and Jefferson Barracks; learned carpenter's trade; entered building business in spring of 1866, in which has since con tinued, adding real estate business about 1880; incorporated under title of Balson Realty & Building Co., of which is president. Democrat. Mason. Recreations: reading and home life. Office: 5899 Delmar Ave. Resi dence: Webster Groves, Mo. THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 35 BAMBER, Samuel Edward, secretary Hess & Culbertson Jewelry Co.; born, Batavia, 0., Oct. 17, 1876; son of Henry and Justine (Favre) Bamber; educated in public schools of Cincinnati, O.; married, St. Louis, June 10, 1901, Louise Jenkins; children: Ruth Marie, Louise Justine. Came to St. Louis in 1893, and was with the Merrick, Walsh & Phelps Jewelry Co. as salesman until 1897; then was salesman with the Hess & Culbertson Jewelry Co. until 1902, when became secretary of the company. Republican. Was a member of Com pany G, 1st Missouri Volunteers, during the Spanish- American War, and served one year in Cuba. Baptist. Mason (32°), Knight Tem plar, Shriner; member Knights of the Macca bees of the World, Woodmen of the World. Club: Missouri Athletic. Favorite recreation: baseball. Office: 501 N. 7th St. Residence: Kenwood Springs, St. Louis Co. BANDELIER, Gustav A., candy manufac turer; see Vol. 1906. BANISTER, Fred Arthur, real estate; born, St. Louis Co., Missouri, Nov. 28, 1861; son of John B. and Miriam (Voisey) Banister; edu cated in Webster School, St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Nov. 28, 1888, Nonie E. Morton; children: Marian, Edward W. Began business career as secretary to Gaius Paddock, presi dent of the Paddock-Hawley Iron Co., con tinuing for ten years; was for two years with E. S. Guignon & Bro., real estate; since then real estate and financial agent on own ac count. Member Business Men's League, St. Louis Real Estate Exchange. Republican. Episcopalian. Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner; secretary Masonic Temple Associa tion. Member Legion of Honor. Clubs: Mer cantile, Glen Echo, Oasis Fishing and Hunt ing. Favorite recreation: automobiling. Of fice: 1422-1424 Syndicate Trust Bldg., 915 Olive St. Residence: 4542 W. Pine Boul. BANNERMAN, James, harness and sad dlery; 1840-1911; see Vol. 1912. BARCK, Carl, physician; born, Karlsruhe, Germany, July 29, 1859; son of Herrman and Ema (Riester) Barck; educated in public school till 9th year, gymnasium and lyceum until 18th year, and in Universities of Frei burg and Berlin till 22; M. D., University of Freiburg, 1880; married, St. Louis, June 26, 1891, Maud Schroeder; children: Amy, Edna. Engaged in practice of medicine since 1882; practice confined to diseases of the eye and ear. Professor of ophthalmology, St. Louis University; member of various medical so cieties, America and abroad, St. Louis Acad emy of Science. Member Ethical Society, etc. Recreations: chess, mountaineering. Office: 202-207 Humboldt Bldg. Residence: 3301 Shen andoah Ave. BARCLAY, George Reppert, vice president Simmons Hardware Co.; born, Sacramento, Cal., Dec. 27, 1854; son of George R. and Julia (Johnson) Barclay; educated in public schools of Allegheny City, Pa., and Marietta, O.; married, St. Louis, Oct. 19, 1881, Lillie I. Swain; children: George F., Julia (Mrs. John D'Arcy), Thomas S. Began business career as clerk in the local freight office of the North Missouri R. R. Co., Oct. 1, 1870, remained with that company in various positions until March, 1875, when resigned to enter employ of Simmons Hardware Co., with which com pany continued, successively, as entry clerk, chief clerk of correspondence department, and manager of credit department; elected di rector, Jan. 1, 1898, office of assistant treas urer; and in 1904 elected to present position as vice president of the company. Was mem ber of Company G, 1st Regiment, National Guard of Missouri., Episcopalian. Clubs: Mer cantile, Algonquin Golf, Triple A, Officers of 1st Regiment, N. G. M. Recreation: travel ing. Office: 9th and Spruce Sts. Residence: 4305 Morgan St. BARCLAY, Robert, physician, specialist; born, St. Louis, May 8, 1857; son of David Robert Barclay (lawyer, journalist, author of Barclay's Digest, and proprietor and editor of the St. Louis Dispatch) and Mary Melinda (Shepard) Barclay, daughter of Capt. Elihu H. ,Shepard (soldier in four American wars, lawyer and teacher) ; of British and Norman ancestry on paternal side, and of Revolutionary ancestry on maternal side; at tended schools of St. Louis, Mo., and Alex andria, Va.; A.B., Trinity College, Hartford, Conn., 1880, A.M., 1883; M.D., College of Physicians and Surgeons (Medical Depart ment, Columbia University), 1883; married, Hartford, Conn., October, 1886, Minnie Genie, daughter of Thomas and Agnes (Gibson) Ham ilton (both of distinguished Scottish ances try); they have three sons: Robert Hamilton (with electrical department, Kansas City Terminal R. R. Co.), Shepard Gibson (member editorial staff, New York Sun) and McClel land (commercial artist and special marine painter, New York and Washington, D. C). Mrs. Barclay died Dee. 22, 1908. She was especially gifted as a musician and composer, 1 and served as musical director of the St. Louis Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution. Dr. Barclay has engaged in prac tice in St. Louis since October, 1885, as spe cialist in diseases of the ear, nose and throat; has served as chief, in his department, in St. Louis City Hospital, Missouri Pacific Railway Hospital, St. Louis Baptist Hospital, Missouri Baptist Sanitarium, St. Mary's Infirmary, South Side Dispensary, Maria Consilia Deaf and Dumb Institute, St. Philomena's Indus trial School, House of the Good Shepherd, etc. Among improvements devised by him in surgical instruments, may be named a special pattern of shaf t-and-handle for any instru: ment for operating in the depth of long narrow 30 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS cavities; also an improved and shortened aural operating-speculum. Vice president St. Louis Medical Society, 1906. Contributor to medical periodicals, encyclopaedias, society proceed ings, etc. Chief articles: "Medical Treatment of Acute Diseases of the Middle Ear," Hare's System of Practical Therapeutics, 1892; ' ' Closure of the Ear by Growths of Bone, ' ' in the St. Louis Medical Review of 1894; "Can You Cure Deafness Caused by Catarrh" ("A Reply"), in The Laryngoscope of 1897; "A Practical Suggestion Respecting the Removal of Foreign Bodies from the Larynx; illus trated by a Case of Cockle-burr upon the Vo cal Cords," in The Medical Fortnightly of 1905; "A Method of Radical Relief of Cases of Deafness Long Abandoned as Hopeless," Journal of Missouri State Medical Associa tion, 1907; "Relief of Chronic Deafness by Tympanic Resection," in The Railway Sur geon, 1907; "Some Practical Problems in Ear, Nose and Throat Practice," Journal of Mis souri State Medical Association, 1912; etc. Main Office and Address: 3894 Washington Boul. Supplementary Office: 3100 S. Grand Ave., cor. Arsenal St. BARCLAY, Shepard, lawyer; born, St. Louis, Nov. 3, 1847; son of Capt. Elihu H. Shepard, of pioneer American settlers; edu cated St. Louis public and high schools; A.B., St. Louis University, 1867; LL.B., University of Virginia, 1869; Paris, and University of Berlin, 1870-72; (LL.D., University of Mis souri, 1897, St. Louis University, 1904) ; mar ried, St. Louis, June 11, 1873, Katie Anderson. Practiced law, St. Louis, 1872-82; elected cir cuit judge, St. Louis, 1882; elected justice Su preme Court, Missouri, 1888; chosen chief. justice, 1897; resigned, 1898, and resumed practice; appointed judge St. Louis Court of Appeals, 1901; returned to practice, 1903; now member firm of Barclay, Fauntleroy & Cullen. Member Business Men's League. President University of Virginia Alumni, Beta Theta Alumni. Life member Missouri Historical So ciety. Clubs: University, Noonday, Bellerive, Schiller Verein, Mercantile, Alma Mater. Ofj fice: 214 N. 6th St. Residence: 3844 Delmar Boulevard. BARDENHEIER, Charles William, wine and liquor merchant; born, St. Louis, Nov. 4, 1869; son of John and Elizabeth (Schaub) Bardenheier; educated in St. Louis public school, Christian Brothers College, and Bry ant & Stratton Business College; married, Centralia, 111., June, 1896, Flora Kohl; one daughter, Fernanda. After leaving school, in 1881, entered employ of his father, in the wholesale wine and liquor business; learned wine-making in Europe, 1888-89; vice presi dent John Bardenheier Wine and Liquor Co., 1895-1905, since president. Catholic. Recrea tions: hunting and fishing. Office: 210-214 Market St. Residence: 5159 Fairmount Ave. BARDENHEIER, John Henry, wholesale wines and liquors; born, St. Louis, Aug. 15, 1873; son of John and Elizabeth (Schaub) Bardenheier; educated in St. Louis public schools, Christian Brothers College, and Bry ant & Stratton Business College; married, Nov. 28, 1906, Louise Lagomardino. In 1889 entered the wine and liquor house of John Bardenheier, thoroughly learning the business, and was sent by father to California, where, among the Italian-Swiss colony in the wine sections of that state, studied the processes of making, and especially of keeping, native wines; on return reentered the house and in 1895 when business was incorporated as the John Bardenheier Wine and Liquor Co., be came secretary of the company, continuing until death of father, June, 1905, when, with three brothers, succeeded to the business, be coming vice president of the company. Cath olic. Member of the Eagles, Knights of Pythias, Travelers' Protective Association. Office: 210-214 Market St. Residence: 6059 Kingsbury Boul. BARDENHEIER, Joseph Anthony, whole sale wine and liquors; born, St. Louis, Dec. 21, 1880; son of John and Elizabeth (Schaub) Bardenheier; educated in St. Louis public schools, Christian Brothers College and Bry ant & Stratton Business College; unmarried. Entered wholesale wine and liquor house of father (who established it in 1873) in 1894, and in 1895, when business was incorporated as the John Bardenheier Wine and Liquor Co., became assistant secretary of the company, so continuing until death of father in June, 1905, when succeeded, with three brothers, to the business and became secretary of the com pany. Office: 210-214 Market St. Residence: 5102 Maple Ave. BARKER, Harry Clark, lawyer; born, Hart ford, Kan., July 18, 1880; son of Rev. Joel Arlington and Alice R. (Smith) Barker; de scended from English ancestry, landing in America about 1752; educated Fairbury (Neb.) High School, graduating, 1898; stu dent University of Nebraska, 1898-1900; con tinued studies in MeKendree College, Leba non, 111., but left that institution in senior year to enter business; read law in office of C. C. Collins, St. Louis; entered Law Depart ment, Washington University, and graduated degree of LL.B., 1904; married, Webster Groves, Mo., May 29, 1906, Grace Lawrence Ferguson; one child: Harry C, Jr. (deceased.) In practice in St. Louis since 1904; member firm of Carter, Collins, Jones & Barker since 1905. Member St. Louis Bar Association, St. Louis Law Library Association, Beta Theta Pi college fraternity. Club: City. Office: 1016j 506 Olive St. Residence: Webster Groves, Mo. BARKER, William Shirmer, physician; born, St. Louis, Oct. 18, 1863; son of Dr. Wil liam S. and Virginia (Shirmer) Barker; edu- THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 37 cated in St. Louis public schools; Ph.B., Wash ington University, 1887; M.D., Missouri Med ical College, 1890; studied in Post-Graduate and Polyclinic schools in New York; married, St. Louis, Nov. 3, 1891, Mary E. Sprague; children: Sprague, Paul Shirmer, Ruth Lin coln, Elizabeth, Philip Charles, Virginia, Theo dore. Engaged in general practice of medi cine in St. Louis since 1890, with special work in diseases of children; member staffs Bethes- da and Foundling hospitals. Member City Hospital Medical, St. Louis Pediatric and St. Louis Medical societies. Presbyterian. Office: 3502 N. Grand Ave. Residence: 3855 Delmar Boulevard. BARKLAGE, Louis, stock and bond broker; born, St. Louis, Feb. 11, 1863; son of Fred erick and Margaret (Henger) Barklage; edu cated in public schools and Polytechnic High School, St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Apr. 26, 1893, Eugenia Ludwig. Began active career as clerk in Continental Bank, 1879; entered office of Wernse & Dieckman, stock and bond brokers, 1881, and has ever since been asso ciated 'with that firm. Member St. Louis Stock Exchange (president, 1910, and now director). Mason; member Tuscan Lodge No. 360, A. F. & A. M. Club: Union (charter member). Rec reations: fishing and traveling. Office: 317 N. 4th St. Residence: 6185 Kingsbury Boul. BARLOW, Stephen Douglas, secretary of the Collier estate; born, St. Louis, June 13, 1845; son of Stephen D. and Lucy A. (Dick son) Barlow; educated in public schools and Washington University; married, Rolla, Mo., Sept. 29, 1883, Missouri Williams; one daugh ter: Margaret D. After leaving school, en tered firm of W. H. Markham, wholesale iron dealers, continuing for six years; first assist ant comptroller of St. Louis during the ad ministration of Nathan Cole, Mayor; then be came secretary and treasurer of the Kellogg Bridge Co., of Buffalo, N. Y.; afterwards first assistant comptroller during Mayor Henry Overstolz's administration until ill health necessitated a change of climate; for ten years thereafter was accountant with different iron manufacturing companies, for three years secretary and treasurer of the St. Louis & Suburban Railway Co., then for a time with the Mercantile Trust Co.; became secretary of the Collier Estate, 1900. Republican. Favorite recreations: literature and music. Office: 711, 105 N. 7th St. Residence: 5502A Maple Ave. BARNARD, George D., manufacturing sta tioner; born, New Bedford, Mass., Oct. 6, 1846; son of Henry L. and Elizabeth Robin- ,son (Curtis) Barnard; educated in public school and half through high school, at New Bedford, Mass., leaving school because of -death of father; married, Alton, 111., 1874, Mary L. Tindall. Began in stationery business as employe in 1860; came to St. Louis, Sep tember, 1868, and was clerk in manufacturing stationery house until 1872, when with two others started in manufacturing stationery business; partners died in 1876 and 1877; business later incorporated as George D. Bar nard & Co., of which is president, and since 1895 has occupied the entire large factory building (345x212 feet) where is now located. Also vice president Art Metal Construction Co. Member Merchants' Exchange (ex-vice president). Vice chairman Committee on Fall Festivities; one of original World's Fair Com mittee of 200; chairman of many committees to raise money for public purposes. Mugwump, with Democratic tendencies. Episcopalian (Church of the Ascension). Clubs: Mercantile, St. Louis, University, Noonday, Round Table, St. Louis Country, Glen Echo. Recreations: motoring and traveling. Office: Vandeventer and Laclede Aves. Residence: 45 Portland Place. Summer Residence: Lake Geneva, Wis. BARNES, Algernon Sidney, retired physi cian; born, Mont Albion, Miss., Mar. 8, 1831; son of John (M.D.) and Caroline (Clark) Barnes; came to St. Louis, 1841; educated in private schools of St. Louis, and graduated from medical department, University of Mis souri, 1855; married, St. Louis, Apr. 26, 1859, Susan C. Bailey; children: Algernon Sidney, Jr., M.D., Percival Clinton, M.D., and Ida M. Crossed the plains with ox-team, 1850, walk ing from St. Joseph, Mo., to Salt Lake, and from Salt Lake to the gold mines of Califor nia, where joined a company of Texas rangers and dug gold for over two years; returned to Missouri, studied medicine, and engaged in practice at St. Louis, from 1855; now retired. Entered Government service, at beginning of Civil War, as surgeon, and served until close of war. Member American Medical Associa tion, Mississippi Valley Medical Association, Missouri State Medical Association, St. Louis Medical Society; member Military Surgeons of National Guards of United States. Repub lican. Methodist. Mason; member Legion of Honor. Residence: 6312 Washington Ave_. BARNES, Algernon Sidney, Jr., physician; born, St. Louis, May 18, 1871; son of Algernon S. (M.D.) and Susan C. (Sheckley-Bailey) Barnes; educated in Smith Academy, Perkins and Herpel Business College, St. Louis Col lege of Physicians and Surgeons, M.D., 1892; special course University of Pennsylvania, 1892; married, St. Louis, June 7, 1893, Flor ence I. Bethune; one son: John Algernon, born July 15, 1908. Practiced general medi cine, 1892-97; in 1897 took up specialty of ear, nose, throat and chest diseases, as office. assistant with late Dr. J. C. Mulhall; since then has practiced alone as specialist in ear, nose, throat and lungs. Professor microscopy, St. Louis College of Physicians and Surgeons, 1893-95; assistant to professor nose and throat, Beaumont Hospital Medical College, 1895-97. Member St. Louis Medical Society, 38 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS Missouri State Medical Association, American Medical Association, Obstetrical Society, Philadelphia, Pathological Society, Philadel phia; chairman Scout Masters Association, Boy Scouts of America, in St. Louis; chair man Tiny Tim fund; vice president Men's Club of Maple Avenue Methodist Church; delegate to Central Council of Social Agen cies. Member American National Red Cross, St. Louis Society of Social Hygiene, Social Service Conference, Washington University Association, Civic League. Republican. Clubs : City, St. Louis, Railway. Recreations: gym nastics and boy's work. Office: 210, 705 Olive St. Residence: 5589 Vernon Ave. BARNES, Charles Wardell, real estate; born, New York, June 5, 1845; son of George and Mary Louisa (Wardell) Barnes; educated in public school, New York, boarding schools at White Plains, N. Y., and Suffield, Conn., and private school, New York; married, St. Charles, Mo., Apr. 22, 1879, Lucie Belle Port- mess; children: George, Margaret Ellen, Shep ard, Charles W., Jr. Clerk in tea brokerage firm, New York, 1860-61, shipping and com mission firm, 1861; went to China, via Aspin- wall, Panama and San Francisco, to Shanghai (107 days) ; was with Olyphant & Co. at Shang hai, Kinkiang, Hankow, Hong Kong and Canton in various capacities until May, 1872; reached Shanghai when it was surrounded by the Tai- ping rebels, and joined the Shanghai Volun teers in defense of the settlement, in conjunc tion with English, French and Indian troops. Returned to New York and entered U. S. Sub-Treasury, 1873; came to St. Louis, June 30, 1875; treasurer Crystal Plate Glass Co., 1875-95; since 1900 engaged in real estate and loan business. Also vice president Buxton & Skinner Stationery Co. Member Real Estate Exchange. Republican. Episcopalian. While in China visited many parts of the empire, also Japan; made acquaintance of Generals Forrester and Burgevine and of Colonel (Chi nese) Gordon, commander of the "Ever Vic torious Army," and of Li Hung Chang (then known as General Li). Club: Mercantile (from start). Office: 722 Chestnut St. Residence: 3754 Westminster Place. BARNES, Rollin H., physician; born, Fred ericksburg, O., July 22, 1872; son of Dr. Wil liam T. and Almeda (Greer) Barnes; educated public schools of Ohio, Ohio Wesleyan Univer sity, Medical Department Wooster University and Marion-Sims Medical College, St. Louis, graduating from the latter with degree of M.D., April, 1897; unmarried. Has practiced at St. Louis since 1897; professor proctology, St. Louis College Physicians and Surgeons, 1905-09; professor proctology, American Med ical College, since 1910; publisher and editor of The Proctologist. Member American Proc tologic Society, American Medical Associa tion, Missouri State Medical Association, St. Louis Medical Society, Medical Association of the Southwest, Ohio Valley and Mississippi ¦ Valley Medical Associations; ex-president Alumni of Medical Department, St. Louis Uni versity. Republican. Member Ohio Society of St. Louis, B. P. O. Elks. Office: Rooms 219- 223 Metropolitan Bldg. Residence: 612 N. Grand Ave. BARNETT, George Dennis, architect; born, St. Louis, Oct. 7, 1863; son of George I. and Elizabeth (Armstrong) Barnett; educated at Christian Brothers College; married, St. Louis, 1889, Nellie R. Haynes; children: George H., Theodosia. Started with father, who was one of the most prominent architects in the United States, 1880, and was with him until 1885, when took position of head draughtsman for City of St. Louis. In 1889 organized firm of Barnett & Haynes, architects, which changed, 1894, to present style of Barnett, Haynes & Barnett, firm architects of Liberal Arts Bldg., Louisiana Purchase Exposition; Hotel Jefferson, New Roman Catholic Cathe dral, Star Bldg., Marquette Hotel, Hamilton Hotel, etc., St. Louis; also New Illinois Ath letic Club Bldg., New Southern Hotel, Chi cago; Mark Twain Hotel, Hannibal, Mo.; Colonial Hotel, Springfield, Mo.; New Joplin Hotel, Joplin, Mo., etc. Member American In stitute of Architects. Democrat. Catholic. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Illinois Athletic, Cabanne. Recreations: reading and study. Office: 313 N. 9th St. Residence: 5530 Delmar Avenue. BARNETT, Tom P., architect; born, St. Louis, Feb. 11, 1870; son of George I. and Elizabeth' (Armstrong) Barnett; graduated from St. Louis University, 1886; married, St. Louis, 1890, Lillian Armentrout; children: Leontine, Tom, Dorethia, George. Engaged in practice of architecture in St. Louis since graduation, as member of firm of Barnett, Haynes & Barnett, architects for many nota ble structures, including the Hotel Jefferson, New Cathedral, Star Bldg., Marquette Hotel, also for churches, hospitals and residences; Liberal Arts Bldg. at the World's Fair; St. Louis Cathedral, etc. Republican. Catholic. Member American Institute of Architects, St. Louis Artists' Guild. Clubs: Mercantile, Mis souri Athletic, Amateur Athletic Association (St. Louis), New Hlinois Athletic (Chicago). Recreations: golf and landscape painting. Of fice: 949 Century Bldg. BARNHART, Cary Lee, retired; born, In dependence, Mo., May 2, 1846; son of Robert and Susan (Randolph) Barnhart; educated in academy, Weston, Mo.; married, Kansas City, Mo., Dee. 28, 1876, Ann E. Woodson; chil dren: Cara Meade, Robert, Randolph, Everard (all 'deceased), and Susan Randolph, Sallie Carter and Francis Lee. Vice president of the Barnhart Mercantile Co., 1875-1910. Member Kentucky Society. Democrat. Methodist. Ma- THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 39 son (32°). Recreation: farming. Residence: 5817 Bartmer Ave. BARNHART, William Randolph, wholesale grocer; born, Streetsville, Can., Mar. 8, 1850; son of Robert and Mary Susan (Randolph) Barnhart; moved with father to Weston, Mo., 1853; educated in public and private schools, Weston; married, St. Louis, Sept. 17, 1884, Fannie Greenwood Woodson; children: Wood son, William Randolph, Jr., Nancy Elizabeth, Robert Everard, Fannie Carter, Mary Ran dolph. Clerk in drug store, Leavenworth, Kan., 1868-70; salesman and commercial trav eler for wholesale grocery house, 1870-75; es tablished business for self, 1873, in grocers' specialties; president Barnhart Mercantile Co. since 188,3. Also president Globe Realty Co., and director of Randolph Realty Co. Member St. Louis Merchants' Exchange, Business Men's League. Democrat. Methodist (South ern). Member Kentucky Society. Office: 200 S. Commercial Ave. Residence: Kirkwood, Missouri. BARNS, William Eddy, editor St. Louis Lumberman; born, Vevay, Ind., Aug. 29, 1853; son of R. M. and Susan S. (Smead) Barns; preparatory education at high school, Greens- burg, Ind.; B.S., Illinois Wesleyan Univer sity, Bloomington, 111., 1872; married, Bloom- ington, Nov. 1, 1875, Miss M. M. Rowe, who died Nov. 1, 1877, leaving one son, Frank Rowe; married, 2d, Indianapolis, Ind., Oct. 26, 1880, Louise Goode Gillett; one child: Helen Gillett. After graduation became city editor Daily' Republican, Decatur, 111., 1872-73 ; cor respondent Chicago Inter Ocean, 1874; asso ciate editor Central Christian Advocate, St. Louis, 1875-84; editor of The Age of Steel, St. Louis, 1886-1902; editor St. Louis Lumber man since 1886; also president of the Journal of Commerce Co., publishers St. Louis Lum berman. One of founders Concatenated Order of Hoo-Hoo (lumbermen's organization); sec retary House of Hoo-Hoo ; secretary Federal Rate Regulation Association; for years secre tary St. Louis Lumbermen's Exchange; mem ber Jury of Awards (forestry) Louisiana Pur chase Exposition. Member American Eco nomic Association, Missouri Historical So ciety. Secretary Forestry Commission for State of Missouri. Republican. Clubs: Mer cantile, St. Louis Railway. Author: The La bor Problem, 1888; Nobody Knows, 1889. Fa vorite recreations: aquatic sports and litera ture. Office: 1103 Wright Bldg. Residence: 4919 McPherson Ave. BARON, Jules, physician and coroner; born, St. Louis, Aug. 11, 1859; son of Jules C. and Euphrasia (Dubief) Baron; educated in pub- lie schools of St. Louis, Washington Univer sity and St. Louis Medical College, M.D., 1881; special courses in universities of Berlin, Paris and Vienna, 1881-84; married Frieda Rahner; married, 2nd, St. Louis, May, 1903, Josephine Hecker; one son: Jules, Jr. En gaged in general practice of medicine in St. Louis since 1884; coroner City of St. Louis since November, 1904. President Banner Clay Works. Member St. Louis Medical Society, Missouri State Medical Association. Repub lican. Mason (32°), Shriner; member Knights of Pythias. Recreations: hunting and fishing. Offices: 3357 California Ave. and City Hall. Residence: 3357 California Ave. BARRETT, Jesse W., lawyer; born, Canton, Mo., Mar. 17, 1884; son of Harry H. and Jean- nette A. (Bushman) Barrett; educated in common and high schools, Canton; B.Litt., Christian University, Canton, 1901, A.B., 1902; LL.B., Law Department Washington University, 1905; married, June 19, 1912, Miss Ethelyn Louthan, of Canton, Mo. Admitted to Missouri bar, 1905, and has since practiced in St. Louis; was with firm of Harlan, Jeffries & Wagner, 1905-08; associated in practice with Milton M. Dearing (then assistant U. S. attorney in charge of naturalization), 1908, but partnership was dissolved, 1909, when Mr. Dearing removed to California; has since practiced alone, confining attention to civil causes; served 1908-09 as special assistant U. S. attorney in conduct of revenue prosecu tions. Member St. Louis Bar Association, Thayer Law Club. Active worker in progres sive civic movements and has done consid erable work in social service. Republican; vice president Young Men's Republican Asso ciation of Missouri. Member St. John's Meth odist Church, South (member board of stew ards; ex-president Men's Club). Vice presi dent Arlington Chapter of Protected Home Circle; member Phi Sigma Kappa college fra ternity. Clubs: City, Lewis County (vice pres ident and ex-president). Office: 906 Third National Bank Bldg. Residence: 5205 Vernon Avenue. BARROLL, Joseph Rollinson, merchant; born, Brooklyn, N. Y., Mar. 22, 1867; son of Henry Ballard and Adelia (Rollinson) Bar- roll; educated in public grammar school, Chi cago; married, Chicago, Dee. 10, 1890, Kath- aryn E. Thorns, of Baltimore, Md.; two chil dren: Joseph Rollinson, Jr., Eugenia Vassar. Entered employ of Wilson Bros., Chicago, as stock clerk, 1883, and was promoted to de partment manager and foreign buyer at age of 20, making first trip to Europe before 21 years of age; came to St. Louis, 1898, as house manager to assist in organizing the business of Butler Bros., wholesale general merchandise, then being established in this city. Director Merchants-Laclede National Bank, American Automobile Insurance Co. Democrat. Episcopalian; vestryman St. Pe ter's P. E. Church. Vice president Business Men's League; member board directors St. Louis Symphony Society; member Civie League, Society for Relief of Tuberculosis, 40 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS Hospital Saturday and Sunday Association, St. Louis Academy Sciences, National Geo graphic Society. Clubs: §t. Louis, Noonday, City, Aero, Automobile (director), Bellerive Country (director), Round Table, Contempo rary. Favorite recreations: golf and fishing. Office: Butler Bros., 18th and Olive Sts. Resi dence: 4603 Berlin Ave. BARRON, Sterling Price, vice president and general manager American Asphalt Asso ciation; born, St. Louis, July 14, 1865; son of James C. and Jane (O'Brien) Barron; edu cated at Elleardville and Cote Brilliant schools, St. Louis, and at Sedalia Seminary, Sedalia, Mo.; married, East St. Louis, 111., Nov. 10, 1886, Margaret Ralls Foster; chil dren: Osmond Martin, Helen Dorothy. Began business career as stenographer for the Fa mous Shoe and Clothing Co., and after that was stenographer and correspondent, succes sively, for George P. Plant Milling Co. and E. G. Scudder & Bro.; then secretary of the Gilson Asphaltum Co. until 1902; since vice president and general manager of the Amer ican Asphalt Association, miners of Gilsonite and Bitumenite. Democrat. Catholic. Mem ber Royal League, United Commercial Trav elers. Office: Wainwright Bldg. Residence: 6321 Berlin Ave. BARROWS, John Chester, insurance; born, New York, July 23, 1858; son of Rev. N. (D.D.) and Isabel (Gibson) Barrows; pre pared for college at military school; entered Trinity College, Hartford, Conn., 1876, grad uating A.B., 1880, A.M., 1884; married, New York, 1887, Emma Louise Adams. Since 1886 in general insurance business; general agent for the Accident and Liability department of the iEtna Life Insurance Co. of Hartford, and general agent of the Title Guaranty and Sure ty Co. of Pennsylvania. Episcopalian. Mem ber Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity. Clubs: Mercantile, Glen Echo, Sunset Hill" Country. Recreation: golf. Office: Pierce Bldg. Resi dence: 5735 Von Versen Ave. BARRY, James, heating and ventilating en gineer; born, Newhall, Mo., Feb. 26, 1869; son of William and Elizabeth (Mulholland) Barry; educated in public schools of Newhall, Mo.; married, Belleville, 111., Feb. 26, 1895, Louisa Courar; children: James, Veronica, Anna May. Began business career with M. E. Herbert, heating contractor, St. Joseph, Mo., for six months; then was for two and a half years as steam fitter with Haxton Steam Heater Co., Kewanee, 111., and afterward for twelve years superintendent with Karr Supply Co., heating contractors, Belleville, 111., and represented same firm as superintendent in St. Louis, 1900-03; in April, 3903, with Fred Elliott, established the Elliott & Barry Engineering Co., heating engineers and contractors. Demo crat. Catholic. Member Knights of Columbus. Office: 705 Olive St. Residence: 5729 Cham berlain Ave. *BARRY, Thomas Francis, printers' inks; moved to Seattle, Wash.; see Vol. 1906. BARTH, J. David, president J. D. Barth Coal Co.; born in St. Clair Co., 111., Nov. 30, 1867; son of John and Catherine (Koob) Barth; educated in country school and at Cen tral Wesleyan College, Warrenton, Mo.; mar ried, Marshall, Tex., May 27, 1899, Lorena Cole; one daughter: Margaret Cole. Early life spent in railway service; secretary and man ager Consumers' Electric Light & Power Co., and De Soto Telephone Exchange, De Soto, Mo., 1891-96; secretary and treasurer Willis Coal & Mining Co., 1896-98; sales agent So- rento Coal & Mining Co., 1898-1901; in 1901, purchased the Sylvester Coal Co.; in 1908 or ganized J. D. Barth Coal Co., of which has since been president. Also secretary and di rector Consumers ' Electric Light & Power Co., De Soto, Mo., and director De Soto Telephone Exchange. Democrat. Episcopalian. Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner. Clubs: Mis souri Athletic, Glen Echo Country. Recrea tions: golf, automobiling. Office: Victoria Bldg. Residence: 4222 Maryland Ave. BARTHOLDT, Richard, congressman; born in Germany, Nov. 2, 1855; son of Gottlob and Caroline Louise (Wagner) Bartholdt; came to the United States in boyhood; classical educa tion; learned printing trade; married Caeeilie Niedner, of St. Louis, June 27, 1880. Editor- in-chief St. Louis Tribune, 1885-92. Member St. Louis School Board, 1888-92 (president, 1891-92); member Fifty-third to Sixty-second Congresses (1893-1913), Tenth Missouri Dis trict; Republican. President Inter-Parliamen tary Union for Promotion of International Arbitration. Residence: 4066 Flora Boul. *BARTLETT, George Morey, publisher; moved to Massachusetts; see Vol. 1906. BARTLETT, James A, fire insurance; born, Boston, Sept. 11, 1834; son of Hosea and Abbie (Tilden) Bartlett; educated in public schools of Boston; married, St. Louis, Jan. 7, 1857, Margaret M. Wineland; children, An drew W., Abbie T. (Mrs. Joseph Campbell), Hattie G. (deceased), James A., Jr., Warren G. Resident of St. Louis since 1851; began business career as clerk in mercantile house and in 1858 entered the insurance business as clerk for the Marine Insurance Co., with which remained many years, becoming . suc cessively secretary, vice president and presi dent until 1891; organized the present firm of Bartlett & Miller, in 1870, general fire insur ance business. Recognized as the dean of fire insurance men in St. Louis. Republican. Uni tarian. Office: Pierce Bldg. Residence: 2654 Terrace Lane. BARTLETT, Warren Goddard; see Vol. 1906. THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 41 BARTLETT, Willard, surgeon; born, Vir- den, 111., July 27, 1868; son of Dr. A. T. and Sue A. (Brown) Bartlett; A.B., Illinois Col lege, Jacksonville, 111., 1892; M.D., Marion- Sims College of Medicine, St. Louis,, 1895; post-graduate courses in universities of Berlin and Strassburg, Germany; married, St. Louis, 1899, Genevieve Wilson; children: Willard, Jr., Robert Wilson, Aurelius Twombly. Has been engaged in surgical practice in St. Louis since 1895. , Member St. Louis Medical Society, Mis souri State Medical Association. Club: St. Louis. Office: Metropolitan Bldg. Residence: 4257 Washington Ave. BARTLING, William Joseph, real estate; born, St. Louis, Feb. 12, 1873; son of William and Anna (Cerny) Bartling; educated St. Louis University and Christian Brothers College, graduating from Commercial Depart ment of latter in 1890; married, St. Louis, Feb. 19, 1901, Tillie Mueller; three children: Carlie, William and Marie. Began active career in employ of Henry Hiemenz, Jr., dealer in real estate, St. Louis, continuing for thirteen years; entered real estate, loan and insurance business on' own account after death of Mr. Hiemenz, 1902, which he has since con ducted in own name, making a specialty of south side properties and real estate loans. Member St. Louis Real Estate Exchange. Re publican. Catholic. Member Million Popula tion Club, Tower Grove Turner Hall, Shenan doah School Improvement Association. Rec reations: travel (both abroad and in United States), driving. Office: 909 Chestnut St. Res idence: 3319 Shenandoah Ave. BARTON, Harry Roszelle, physician; born, Hillsboro, Md., Oct. 23, 1869; son of Francis T. and Sara Josephine Barton; educated under tutor until entered Roanoke-Salem College, Va., 1885, graduating A.B., 1899; graduated from Jefferson Medical College, M.D., 1892; under private instruction in Jefferson Hos pital 1 year; censor to Medico-Chirurgieal Col lege, 1893; married, St! Louis, Dec. 16, 1903, Lucie Mae Goodbar; two sons: Harry Good- bar and Lucien Bonwill. Engaged in general practice in St. Louis since 1898; instructor in medicine and chief of outdoor clinic in Beau mont Medical College, 1898. Democrat. Mem ber M. E. Church, South. Office: Chemical Bldg. Residence: 4241 Maryland Ave. BARWICK, Oliver J., building contractor; born, St. Louis Mo., Mar. 21, 1873; son of James and Martha J. (Olney) Barwick; grad uate of St. Louis public , schools and Manual Training School; married, St. Louis, Jan. 10, 1900, Anna A. Cone. Engaged in business as building contractor" in St. Louis since 1894, and since 1900 president of the Barwick Con struction Co., general contractors. Member Tuscan Lodge No. 360, A. F. and A. M. Pres byterian. Clubs: Engineers, St. Louis Rail way, St. Louis Architectural, Missouri Ath letic, Algonquin. Office: 610 Chestnut St. Res idence: 460 Algonquin Place, Webster Groves, Missouri. BASCOM, Joseph Dayton, manufacturer; born, St. Louis, July 2, 1849; son Jonathan Dayton and Frances Ann (Newhall) Bascom; educated in old Benton Public School, St. Louis; married, St. Louis, May 31, 1877, Mary M. Frederick; one son: Charles Edward. Be gan business career, 1862, as an errand boy in retail clothing store in St. Louis, and in 1863 worked for A. M. Leslie (dental supplies) on Market St., between 3rd and 4th Sts.; mes senger for Chicago & Alton R. R. in East St. Louis, 1863-66; shipping clerk for D. M. Rich ardson Match Co., Detroit, Mich., in St. Louis office, 1867-68; shipping clerk for St. Louis Railway Supply & Manufacturing Co., 1869, then collector, assistant bookkeeper and sales man until 1876; started with Mr. Broderick as partner in firm of Broderick & Bascom, manufacturers of wire rope and tramways, etc., changing in 1882 to Broderick & Bascom Rope Co., of which is secretary and treasurer; also director St. Louis Union Trust Co. Re publican. Baptist. Member Merchants' Ex change, Business Men's League and Manufac turers' Association. Was vice president Old Missouri Gymnasium. Clubs: Commercial, Mercantile, St. Louis, Noonday, Missouri Ath letic, St. Louis Country, Racquet, Bellerive Country. Recreations: whist, golf and ath letic sports. Office: 805-809 N. Main St. Res idence: 45 Westmoreland PI. BASCOM, William Sheldon, manager Brod erick & Bascom Rope Co.; born, St. Louis, Sept. 17, 1852; son of Jonathan D. and Fran ces A. (Newhall) Bascom; educated in public schools; married, St. Louis, Oct. 1, 1874, Jane De Vanney; children: W. S., Jr., Mrs. Frances Ann Allenberg (deceased), Florence, George, Blanche, Frank, Arthur (deceased). Was for 18 years with the East St. Louis and St. Louis Transfer Co. as office boy, bookkeeper and cashier; then for fifteen years with the Hopkins-Weller Drug Co. as cashier, and, on dissolution of that company, became city salesman, 1900, of the Broderick & Bascom Rope Co., wire rope and cordage, from which position was promoted in 1903 to that of man ager. Republican. Catholic. Member Citizens ' Alliance, Legion of Honor. Office: 809 N. Main St. Residence: 3627 Cook Ave. BASS, George Arthur, president Hydraulic Press Brick Co.; born, Kankakee Co., 111., Aug. 16, 1864; son of Myron H. and Elizabeth (Kelly) Bass; educated in public schools, Chi cago, and Northwestern University, Evanston, 111.; married, Denver, Colo. Nov. 16, 1898, Zitella Ebert; two children: George Fred erick, Ruth Ebert. Began active career in Chicago in real estate and building business; went to Washington, D. O, as salesman for the Hydraulic Press Brick Co., 1895; appoint- 42 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS ed manager Washington branch, 1898; became manager Philadelphia branch, 1904, and at same time was elected second vice president, with full charge of eastern business; presi dent same company since June, 1909. Member Business Men's League. Republican. Clubs: Bellerive Country, Noonday. Recreation: golf. Office: Central National Bank Bldg. Resi dence: 4377 McPherson Ave. BASS, Simon Sterne, lawyer; born, Balti more, Md., May 10, 1852; son of Sigmund and Pauline (Sterne) Bass; educated in public schools, Meadville, Pa., and Baltimore, to 1865; under private tutor, Brother Gallagher, Loyola College, Baltimore, 1865-67; during same time received legal training with Archi bald Sterling, U. S. district attorney, Baltimore; attended Academy of Law, Balti more, 1877-80; came to St. Louis, December, 1880, and entered law offices of Carr & Rey nolds; student, St. Louis Law School, 1881- 83; post-graduate course, St. Louis University, 1883-85; married, Collinsville, 111., Feb. 22, 1885, Nellie Lanham Hedden; four children: Blanch, Ruth, Ethel, Sigmund Martin. Ad mitted to bar at St. Louis, 1885; member firm of Martin & Bass, 1885-.97, Bass & Brock, 1897-99, Zachritz & Bass, 1899-1902; now Bass & Bass. Member St. Louis and Missouri State Bar associations, Civic League. Ex-president Board of Charities, St. Louis; secretary to Mayor Noonan, for short time; special judge Court of Criminal Correction, at various times and under various judges; also provisional judge same court, 1898-99; candidate for judge Circuit Court, 1908. Democrat. Member congregation "Shaare Emeth. " Member Pat rons' Association of Public Schools, National Geographic Society, Washington, D. O, Mis souri Historical Society, Mississippi Valley Historical Society, Contemporary Club. Grand Officer, Royal Arcanum; Past Consul Com mander, Woodmen of the World; member Fraternal Congress. Clubs: Westwood Coun try, Columbian, St. Francis Hunting and Fish ing, Gilead Slough Hunting and Fishing. Rec reations: golf, fishing. Office: 303-4 Times Bldg. Residence: 4396 Forest Park Boul. BASSETT, Sheldon Hull; see Vol. 1906. BASSFORD, Homer, newspaper man; born, Mexico, Audrain Co., Mo., 1870; son of James C. and Catherine (Osborn) Bassford; educated in public schools and Barker Academy; mar ried, Cedar Falls, la., 1892, Etta Overman Chase; children: James C, Wallace O'Neill, Florence Osborn. Began journalism with R. M. White, of the Mexico Ledger; became, in 1889, Sunday editor and subsequently city edi tor of the Kansas City Times; moved to St. Louis, 1893; dramatic and music critic of St. Louis Republic until 1907; since associate general manager St. Louis Times. Member Missouri Historical Society. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Liederkranz. Office: 102 N. Broad way. Residence: 6 Shaw PI. BATES, Charles Woodson, lawyer; born in St. Charles Co., Mo., Jan. 23, 1864; son of Richard and Ellen (Woodson) Bates;, edu cated in public schools and at Westminster College, Fulton, Mo., graduating, 1883, and afterward completed course in St. Louis Law School. Practiced law in St. Louis until 1888; removed to Colorado and engaged in practice until 1891, when returned to St. Louis. City counselor of St. Louis for seven years; now member firm of Bates, Blodgett, Williams & Davis. Member American, Missouri State and St. Louis Bar associations, Business Men's League, Beta Theta Pi, Phi Delta Phi. Demo crat. Favorite recreations: hunting and fish ing. Office: 1117, 506 Olive St. BATES, Theodore P., industrial commis sioner; born, White Hall, Greene Co., HI., Aug. 25, 1873; son of Wesley P. and Mary M. (Baker) Bates; educated in public and high schools, White Hall. In employ of Swift & Co., 1892 and 1893; handling manufacturing properties, East St.' Louis, 1894-1906, and in same business in St. Louis and East St. Louis, 1906-09; sales manager for Kettle River Com pany's creosoting plant, wood paving blocks, etc., 1909 and 1910; industrial commissioner for Business Men's League since 1910. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Mercantile, Normandie Golf. Recreations: golf and motoring. Office: 510 Locust St. Residence: 11 Beverly PI. BATTEN, Eugene Cooper; see Vol. 1906. BATTLE, Cullen A.; deceased; see Vol. 1906. BATTLE, Jesse Mercer, manufacturing chemist; born, Centre Hill, Hertford Co., N. O, Nov. 10, 1850; son of Amos Johnston and Margaret Hearne (Parker) Battle; educated at Wilson Collegiate Seminary until fifteen years of age; married, Clayton, Johnston Co., N. C, Oct. 22, 1873, Laura Elizabeth Lee; one daughter, Helen May, who is the wife of Eugene Fleming Smith, of St. Louis. Began in manufacturing of chemicals at St. Louis, October, 1875, and, is now president of the Battle & Co. Chemists' Corporation; also manager Palace, Clayton, N. C. Served for four years as charity commissioner under Mayor Edward A. Noonan. Independent in politics. Universalist. Member Masonic Or der, Odd Fellows, Legion of Honor, Royal Ar canum. Author: "Why I Am Not a Roman Catholic," 1908; "Tributes to My Father and My Mother," and "Some Stories of My Life," 1910. Recreation: music; plays on the violin, mandolin, banjo, guitar and piano. Of fice: 2001 Locust St. Residences: Clayton, N. C, and 4463 Lindell Boul., St. Louis. BATTLE, Walter Grandin, leather; born, Tuskegee, Ala., Jan. 17, 1865; son John A. M. and Madeleine (Clitheral) Battle; edu- THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 43 cated at Shenandoah Valley Academy, Win chester, Va.; married, St. Louis, Sept. 17, 1900, Lutie K. Kimball; children: George Kimball, Helen Kimball. Came to St. Louis in 1881 and was with Withman, Gray & Ka- minski until 1883, then with Third National Bank until 1896; joined in incorporation, 1896 (as successors to James Clark & Co.), of the James Clark Leather Co., wholesale dealers in leather, shoe specialties, findings, shoe manu facturers' supplies, and shoe store outfitters, of which company was director, secretary and treasurer until January, 1909, since vice pres ident and treasurer. Democrat. Episcopalian. Club: Bellerive Country. Recreation: golf. Office: 1601 Washington Ave. Residence: 13 Washington Terrace. B AUDITS', Jerome Keating, physician; 1840-1909; see Vol. 1906. BAUM, Alexander; see Vol. 1906. BAUMAN, Alvin Louis, jewelry; see Vol. 1906. BAUMAN, Meyer, retired jeweler; born, St. Louis, Dec. 18, 1846; son of Louis and Marianna (Friede) Bauman; educated in St. Louis public and private schools and Jon athan Jones Commercial College; married, New York City, Sept. 11, 1872, Miriam Ro senblatt; children: Florence, Alvin Louis, Daisy Alice (now Mrs. S. P. Fischer, of Cleve land), Ellsworth Solomon, Louis Hyde. En tered jewelry house of father, 1861; was ad mitted to firm, 1869; business incorporated, 1882, as L. Bauman Jewelry Co., of which was treasurer, 1882-93, and president, 1893- 1900; retired from active business in 1912. Republican. Member of Temple Israel. Club: Columbian. Address: care Alvin Realty Co., Century Bldg. Residence: 3737 West Pine Boulevard. BAUMAN, Samuel H., wholesale jeweler; born, Wurzburg, Bavaria, Germany, June 25, 1853; son of B. H. and Esther (Goldsmith) Bauman; educated in public schools of Wurz burg; married, St. Louis, Oct. 15, 1882, Han nah Loewenstein; children: Leo, Ethel, Flor ence. Emigrated to St. Louis, January, 1872; salesman with the William Barr Dry Goods Co. until 1875; later in employ of L. Bauman & Co., as traveling salesman, until 1881; went into business for self as S. H. Bauman & Co., incorporated March, 1889, as the Bauman- Massa Jewelry Co., of which has since been president. Member Business Men's League. Republican. Hebrew. Mason. Office: Com mercial Bldg. Residence: 41 Kingsbury Place. BAUMGARTEN, Gustav, physician; 1837- 1911; see Vol. 1906. BAUMGARTEN, Walter, physician.; born, St. Louis, Oct. 31, 1873; son of Gustav and Aminda (Hillegeist) Baumgarten; graduated from Smith Academy, 1889; A.B., Johns Hop kins University, 1894; M.D., Medical Depart ment, Washington University, 1896. Engaged in general practice of medicine in St. Louis since April, 1896. Office: 405 Humboldt Bldg. Residence: 4310 A Maryland Ave. BAUR, Edwin, life insurance; born, Union, Franklin Co., Mo., Jan. 28, 1870; son of Anton and Marie (Lescher) Baur; educated Union public schools; Valparaiso (Ind.) Normal School, 1890; unmarried. Learned monumen tal business under brother and father; be came agent of Union Mutual Life Insurance Co., of Portland, Me., 1893; was made cashier of St. Louis office, 1896, and manager same, 1910. Also secretary C. H. Meinhard Cigar Co. Republican. Lutheran. Member Knights of Pythias. Club: Missouri Athletic. Recrea tions: baseball, hunting and fishing. Office: 323-324 Commercial Bldg. Residence: Wal dorf Apts., 4300 Lindell Ave. BAUR, Robert Francis, manufacturer; born, St. Louis, Mar. 17, 1861; son of L. S. and Amelia (Nelson) Baur; educated in public schools of St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Oct. 22, 1890, Marie Griesedieck; children: Jean- nette, Mildred. Began business career p as clerk in grocery business for three years; then with Baur Mercantile Co., merchant- millers, as clerk and manager till 1886; manufacturer of brick at Wichita, Kan., three years; in 1890 joined in organizing the Griesedieck Artificial Ice Co., and from organization has been secretary and manager of the company; secretary Oro.dol Chemical Co. since Septem ber, 1908; director Griesedieck Real Estate Co., Griesedieck Bros. Brewing Co.; secretary Vahlhaus Realty Co. Independent in politics. Methodist. Club: 20th Century Bowling. Rec reation: bowling. Office: 110 Vine St. Resi dence: 2835 Lafayette Ave. BAUSCH, Frederick Emil, mechanical engi neer; born, Mannheim-on-the-Rhine, Germany, Jan. 8, 1871; son of Bernhard and Emilie (Bender) Bausch; educated in St. Louis gram mar and high schools, graduating 1887; Wash ington University, graduating, E.E., 1892; post-graduate course at Cornell University, degree, M.M.E., 1896; unmarried. Instructor St. Louis Manual Training School in St. Louis public night schools (Polytechnic De partment), 1892-95; after course at Cornell became electrical engineer for Bell Telephone Co. of Missouri, 1896-98; mechanical engi neer, Missouri Edison Electric Co., 1898-1900; chief engineer at Crystal City (Mo.) plant of the Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., 1900-1901; southwestern manager at St. Louis for the Hooven, Owens, Rentschler Co., of Hamilton, O., since 1901. Proprietor Fire Clay Plant, St. Louis Co. Member American Institute of Electrical Engineers, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Engineers' Club of St. Louis. Member Civic League. Republican. Protestant. Clubs: Mercantile, Missouri Ath- 44 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS letic, City. Recreations: music and books. Office: 1316-1317 Chemical Bldg. Residence: 6139 Berlin Ave. ? BAUSCH, Robert, vice president Erker Bros. Optical Co.; born, Rochester, N. Y., Oct. 12, 1864; son of Edward E. and Amelia (Pack) Bauseh; educated in public schools of New York state; married, St. Louis, Aug. 22, 1903, Maude Carruthers; two daughters: Virginia May, Harriet E. Engaged in jewelry business in Rochester, N. Y., and after one and a half years associated with father, E. E. Bauseh & Son, opticians, Rochester, for three years; came to St. Louis in March, 1899, and entered the house of A. P. Erker & Bro. as salesman, and has been with the same house ever since, becoming vice president, 1907, of Erker Bros. Optical Co., general opticians and dealers in optical and photographic supplies. Republican. Member Knights of Pythias. Rec reation: gardening. Offices: 608 Olive St. and 511 N. Grand Ave. Residence: 518 Geyer Rd., Kirkwood, Mo. BAXTER, Charles Otto, retired manufac turer; born, Sauk City, Wis., Jan. 3, 1857; son of Charles 0. and Attilie (Neffz) Baxter; edu cated in public schools to fifteen; married, St. Louis, September, 1882, Mrs. Anna S. Gott- schalk, daughter of Louis Holm (she died, Jan. 17, 1909). Began as errand boy for Balke, Thonssen & Co., manufacturers of bil liard tables and picture molding; became salesman for the company and served as vice president, 1879-82; entered business on own account as C. O. Baxter & Co., 1882, the firm being reorganized as the Baxter Moulding Co., 1885; opened up the Gilson Asphaltum Mine in Utah, 1887, and organized the Gilson As phaltum Co. with headquarters in St. Louis; disposed of his interests in the company to the Barber Asphalt Paving Co., 1900, but con tinued as western manager for the company until Feb. 1, 1909, when retired; president St. Louis Catering Co., etc. Member Legion of Honor. Clubs: Liederkranz, City, Million Pop ulation. Recreation: motoring. Office: 914 N. Market St. Residence: 3145 Hawthorne Boul. BAYSE, Harry Van, vice president Amer ican Furnace Co.; born, New Haven, 111., Aug. 18, 1870; son of Thomas Butler and Jennie (Melvin) Van Bayse; educated district school, Ewing, 111., public schools Evansville, Ind., and Cairo, 111.; Jones' Commercial School, St. Louis; married, Dallas, Tex., Oct. 31, 1896, Agnes Robertson; one daughter, Allene. Be gan active career in St. Louis about 1889 in employ of the Front Rank Furnace Co.; be came a stockholder in the company and had charge of sales department; associated with others from same company, January, 1900, in organizing and starting the American Furnace Co. and has charge of sales department, also vice president. Member Sheet Metal Con tractors ' Association. Methodist. Recreations: hunting and fishing. Office: 27th and Morgan Sts. Residence: 6959 Hancock Ave. BEACH, Edward F., manufacturer rubber cement; born, Agency, la., Sept. 16, 1868; edu cated in public schools; married at Chicago, 1892, Corinne A. Shean. Began active career in a wholesale butter and egg house at Ottum- wa, la., 1885, continuing for five years; then became connected with the, Morrell Packing Co. as paymaster, in which position continued for one year; was manager and buyer ladies' cloak and suit department Carson, Pirie, Scott & Co., Chicago, and later With Mandel Bros.; came to St. Louis to take charge ladies ' cloak and suit department for the William Barr Dry Goods Co., December, 1898, and was identified with that concern for seven years; established in 1906 the St. Louis Rubber Ce ment Co., manufacturers of rubber cements. Republican. Catholic. Club: Missouri Ath letic. Office: 3046 Lambdin Ave. Residence: 6014 Cabanne Ave. BEACH, Edward N, secretary Union Dairy Co.; born, Newark, N. J., Mar. 31, 1858; son- of Henry O. and Emeline C. Beach; graduated from Wyman Institute, St. Louis; married, Chicago, 1888, Clare Evans; one daughter, Gladys (Mrs. C. R. Gray, Jr., of Portland, Ore.). Began business career with J. Weil & Bro., dry goods, as clerk, continuing for nine years; secretary E. C. Meacham Arms Co., fourteen years; since 1899 with Union Dairy Co., of which has been secretary since 1904. Presbyterian. Mason, Knight Templar; member Royal Arcanum. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Glen Echo Country, Liederkranz. Favorite recreation: golf. Office: 2311 Wash ington Ave. Residence: 4618 Westminster Place. BE ALL, John McCulloch, railway official; born in Davidson Co., N. C, May 29, 1869; son of Thomas B. and Elizabeth (Howard) Beall; educated in private schools, Salisbury, N. O, to June, 1883, University of North Carolina to June, 1884, and Davidson College, North Carolina, to February, 1885; married, Harrisonburg, Va., Dec. 6, 1892, Virginia Overton Harris; children: Mildred Howard, Burgess Harris, Virginia. Read law 1885. Entered railway service in auditor's office, Richmond & Danville R. R., 1886, and after two months entered transportation depart ment; freight conductor, Richmond & Dan ville R. R., 1887-88; freight and passenger conductor, -St. Louis, Arkansas & Texas Ry.,. Knoxville, Cumberland Gap & Louisville R. R., 1889-90; traveling freight and passenger agent latter road, 1891; traveling passenger agent, Richmond & Danville R. R. and Southern Ry., 1891-95; district passenger agent, South ern Ry., at Philadelphia, 1895-99; general agent, Southern Ry., at San Francisco, 1899- 1901; assistant general passenger agent, Mo bile & Ohio R. R., at St. Louis, 1901-04, and THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 45 general passenger agent, same, since Aug. 15, 1904. Presbyterian. Democrat. Member Kap pa Alpha Fraternity. Clubs: Mercantile, St. Louis (St. Louis), Chicago Athletic (Chicago). Recreation: horseback riding. Office: Fuller- ton Bldg. Residence: 4950 Lindell Boul. BEAM, Jerome Christopher, Jr., railway of ficial; born, Canton, 111., May 10, 1867; son of Jacob C. and Mary E. (Bricker) Beam; educated in Canton public schools to 1883; married, "Waco, Tex., Nov. 11, 1904, Lieith Gardner. Began railway career at Memphis, Tenn., as stenographer with assistant general passenger agent East Tennessee, Virginia & Georgia system, 1885, continuing with same company in various positions until 1894; city passenger agent, Memphis, 1888-91; western passenger agent, Little Rock, Ark., 1891-92; district passenger agent, Memphis, 1892-94; Florida passenger agent, Jacksonville, April- October, 1894; became western passenger agent Southern Ry., Kansas City, Mo., Oct. 1, 1894; transferred to Chicago as north western passenger agent, same road, Feb. 1, 1895; to Atlanta, Ga., as district passenger agent, Oct. 1, 1901; assistant general passen ger agent, same road, at St. Louis, since Aug. 1, 1907. Democrat. Methodist. Mason, Shriner. Clubs: Mercantile, Normandie Golf. Rec reation: golf. Office: Chemical Bldg. Resi dence: 4509 Washington Boul. BEATTIE, William John, architect; born. St. Louis, Jan. 28, 1860; son of David and Ann (Kirkwood) Beattie; educated in St. Louis public schools, Smith Academy, Wash ington University, being one of the first pu pils in manual training school, then part of scientific department of that university; educated as an architect; married, North Vernon, Ind., Aug. 25, 1886, Margaret Alley; children: Helen, Ruth, David, Margaret, Isa bella; married, 2nd, Tuxedo, St. Louis Co., Mo., June 10, 1903, Josephine Gillespie; chil dren: Maud Alice, W. J., Jr. Started in cab inet making business, March, 1882; estab lished the Beattie Manufacturing Co., Mar. 16, 1890, of which was president; established as architect, Jan. 1, 1909. Democrat. Presby terian. Served in Missouri National Guard, 1876-84. Mason (32°). Office: 810 Olive St. Residence: Webster Groves. BEATTY, William Allee; see Vol. 1906. BECHT, Edward Gustave; see Vol. 1906. *BECK, Charlton Tisdel, manufacturer; moved to Philadelphia, Pa.; see Vol. 1906. BECK, Clarence Benjamin, coal dealer; born in Kent Co., Md., Nov. 6, 1848; son of Horatio and Mary Matilda (Miller) Beck; educated in country schools of Kent Co. and at Washington College, Chestertown, Md. ; married, Baltimore, Dec. 28, 1875, Mary For- man Vickers; two children: Edith (Mrs. John W. Barriger, Jr.) and Clarence Vickers. Came to St. Louis, 1867, and began as clerk in a hardware store; after a little more than a year became connected with the A. F. Shap- leigh Hardware Co., with which was identi fied for thirty-two years; during his last years in the hardware business became interested in the coal business, in firm of Beck-Walker Coal Co., later was with the C. B. Beck Coal Co., and since 1905 has been president and treas urer St. Louis Coal Co. Democrat. Episco palian. Recreation: hunting. Office: 1016 Syn dicate Trust Bldg. Residence: 3949 Delmar Boulevard. BECK, Clarence Vickers, vice president St. Louis Coal Co.; born, St. Louis, Oct. 30, 1886; son o'f Clarence Benjamin and Mary Forman (Vickers) Beck; educated in St. Louis public schools, graduating from high school, 1905; married, St. Louis, April 18, 1911, J. Ethel Cannett. Began business career with St. Louis Coal Co., as clerk, 1905; advanced to sales man, 1907, and vice president, 1908; also di rector Cluley Multiplier Co., of Chicago. In~ dependent in politics. Presbyterian. Royal Arch Mason; member Tuscan Lodge, No. 360, A. F. and A. M. ; St. Louis Chapter, No. 8, R. A. M. Member Order Kokoal. Office: 1016 Syndicate Trust Bldg. Residence: 904 N. Euclid Ave. BECK, George F., lawyer; born, St. Louis, Jan. 15, 1871 ; son of Henry William and Helena ( Klein) Beck; educated at the Charles Pope School, one of the public schools of St. Louis, and at the Manual Training School of Washington University: graduated from St. Louis Law School, LL.B., 1896; attended Harvard Law School, taking special studies, 1896-97: unmarried. Admitted to bar in Oc tober, 1897, and has since engaged in general practice in St. Louis. Member American Bar Association, Missouri Bar Association, Law Library Association of St. Louis, St. Louis Bar Association. Republican. Clubs: Univer sity, Harvard (St. Louis). Office: 810 Rialto Bldg. Residence: 4312 Olive St. BECK, Henry William,' feed and forage business; born. Hanover. Germany, Mar. 16, 1837; son of H. W. and Elizabeth (Weiden) Beck: educated in public schools to sixteen; married. St. Louis, Apr. 25. 1865. Lena Klein; four children: Jacob William, Charles John, Harry George, George Ferdinand. Came to America, 1852: lived temporarily in New York City and Cincinnati, but located in St. Louis, 1858. First position was under Mr. Hall, and while in his employ. September, 1858, return ing on steamboat T. L. McGill (Capt. Obe Robbins, master") from Omaha to Lexington, he sold from 1,000 to 2,000 copies of the Mis souri Republican (now St. Louis Republic). The papers were three weeks old and sold at 25 cents apiece. Was connected with feed business during Civil War and for ten years afterwards maintained a tavern at 12th and Olive Sts.; established a feed and grain store, 40 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 1875, and is today the oldest representative of this business in St. Louis; president H. W. Beck & Sons Feed & Seed Co. Member Mer chants ' Exchange (one of its oldest members). Was vice president Lucas Market Savings Bank, 1876, until the institution was closed, paying depositors in full. Republican. Meth odist. Recreations: driving and amusements. Offices: 20th and Pine Sts. and 5701 Man chester Ave. Residence: 3319 W. Pine Boul. BECKER, George William, physician; born, St. Louis, Aug. 7, 1878; son of Henry Rudolph and Julia (Hohenschild) Becker; educated St. Louis public schools; Educational Institute (Toenfeldt's); Missouri School of Mines, Rolla, Mo. ; M.D., Marion-Sims-Beaumont Med ical College (St. Louis University), 1904; mar ried, St. Louis, June 26, 1907, Virginia Leeou- tour; one child, George Henry. In practice in St. Louis since May 30, 1904; medical exam iner John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Co.; assistant police surgeon, St. Louis, since Jan uary, 1912. Republican. Presbyterian. Mem ber American Medical Association, Missouri State Medical Association, St. Louis Medical Society. Recreations: fishing, motor touring. Office and Residence: 2115 Arsenal St. BECKER, Philip, life insurance; born in Monroe Co., 111., Mar. 19, 1864; son of Charles and Katherine (Hahn) Becker; educated in public schools and Perkins and Herpel Busi ness College, St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Oct. 10, 1887, Huldah K. Gutwald; five chil dren: Bertha, Edna, Cecelia A., Leonora A., Huldah K. On farm until sixteen years of age; connected with retail grocery business, St. Louis, 1880-89; since identified with life insurance, and general agent and manager at St. Louis, of Great Western Life Insurance Co. of Kansas City, Mo., since 1911. Repub lican. Episcopalian. Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner. Club: Masonic. Recrea tions: fishing and hunting. Office: 200 LaSalle Bldg. Residence: 5736 Etzel Ave. Summer Residence : ' ' Meadowbrook, ' ' Pulaski Co., Mo. BECKER, Philip August, secretary and treasurer The Geo. F. Dittmann Boot & Shoe Co.; born, Gros-Gerau, Germany, Aug. 25, 1872; son of John Philip and Anna (Camman) Becker; educated in Washington University, St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Nov. 14, 1900, Adele Dittmann; children: John William, Vir ginia D. Began business career as boy with John P. Becker dry goods house, East St. Louis, 1887, and remained in employ of that house until 1895; then in business under firm name of Becker & Aal until 1900; bought stock in the George F. Dittmann Boot & Shoe Co., of which later became a director, and is now secretary and treasurer. Member Western Association of Shoe Wholesalers (ex ecutive committee), Business Men's League, St. Louis Salesmanagers' Association (presi dent). Unitarian. Clubs: Union, Liederkranz, Apollo (executive committee). Recreations: tennis, motoring. Office: 1107-1109 Washing ton Ave. Residence: 3463 Longfellow Boul. BECKER, Rene L., musician; born, Bisch- heim, Alsace, Nov. 7, 1882; son of Edouard and Adele Antoinette (Schickel) Becker; edu cated in the Episcopal Gymnasium, Strass- burg; studied music in Municipal Conserva tory, Strassburg; married, St. Louis, May 3, 1910, Angela Landzettel; one daughter: Cath erine-Angela. Arrived in America, Sept. 24, 1904; vice president Becker Bros. Conserva tory of Music, June, 1905-October, 1910; has since conducted college of music in own name; organist St. Peter's Cathedral, Belle ville, 111. Democrat. Roman Catholic. Mem ber Knights of Columbus. Composer for organ and piano. Studio: 3830 Olive St., St. Louis. Residence: Belleville, 111. BECKER, William Dee, lawyer; born, East St. Louis, 111., Oct. 23, 1876; son of John P. and Anna A. (Camman) Becker; graduated from Smith Academy, St. Louis, 1895; A.B., Harvard, 1899; LL.B., from St. Louis Law School, 1901; married, St. Louis, June 10, 1902, Marguerite Louise Mcintosh; children: Alan Dee and Anna Louise. Admitted to bar, 1901, and was senior partner of law firm of Becker & Troll until election of Mr. Troll as public administrator in the fall of 1904; formed partnership with Judge W. W. Hen derson as Henderson & Becker, 1905; Wm. C. Marshall entered firm, 1910, and name changed to Henderson, Marshall & Becker. Republican. Unitarian. Member of St. Louis and Missouri State Bar associations. Mason (32°), Shriner. Clubs: St. Louis, Missouri Athletic, Union, City, Masonic, Glen Echo. Office: Security Bldg. Residence: 4048 Lindell Boulevard. BECKMAN, Henry H., vice president Schultz & Niemeier Commission Co.; born, St. Louis, Jan. 17, 1865; son of George H. and Louise (Otto) Beckman; educated in paro chial schools; married, St. Louis, Nov. 3, 1886; two children: Delia O, George A. Entered grain business at sixteen and was connected with one firm at St. Louis for sixteen years; then assistant superintendent of grain ele vator for farmers, at St. Louis, six years; vice president Schultz & Niemeier Commission Co. since 1898, in charge of elevator at Granite City. Republican. Protestant. Office: Granite City. Residence: 2902 A Sullivan Ave. BECKMANN, Edmund Camillo, wholesale leather; born, St. Louis, Oct. 30, 1861; son of Robert and Pauline (Bircher) Beckmann; edu cated in public schools of St. Louis; married, St. Louis, June 26, 1889, Annie Otto; children: Edna, George, Alma. Has been in the leather business in St. Louis from age of thirteen; first with Ganahl, Schallert & Co., until eight een years old;, then two years with Whitte- THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 47 man, Rost & Co.; then with father for three years, one year with Alfred Scannell, five years as traveler with James Clark & Co., and seven years with Otto Oters Leather Co. until they went out of business; since 1898 in busi ness for self as wholesale leather commission merchant; was secretary and treasurer of the California Tanning Co. until 1907, since pres ident. Scottish Rite Mason; member Missouri Lodge, No. 1, A. F. and A. M., Moolah Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S. Recreations: billiards and fishing. Office: 712 N. 4th St. Residence: 3509 Shenandoah Ave. BECKMANN, William Edward, wholesale confectioners' supplies; born, St. Louis, Jan. 13, 1854; son of William C. and Eliza (Frei- haut) Beckmann; educated in Wyman 's City University; married, St. Louis, 1876, Louisa Seidel; children: Olivia (Mrs. Louis Alewell), Louisa (Mrs. Albert Albrecht), Gussie (Mrs. Frank Albrecht). Began business career as salesman with Goodwin, Behr & Co., soap and candle manufacturers, 1871-73; then in retail grocery business at 708 South 4th St., until 1882, when embarked in present business as W. E. Beckmann & Co., wholesale dealers in bakers' and confectioners' supplies, utensils and machinery, of which is sole proprietor. Also vice president Aceomac Realty Co., and secretary and treasurer of St. Louis Bakers' Yeast Co. Member Merchants' Exchange. Of fice: 10-12 S. 2d St. Residence: 2217 S. Grand Avenue. BECKTOLD, William Baker, publisher; 1849-1909; see Vol. 1906. BECKWITH, Henry C, steel broker and manufacturers' agent; born in Brown Co., Ohio, Feb. 13, 1869; son of John Hull and Agatha (Smith) Beckwith; educated in pub lic schools of Hamilton Co., Ohio; married, Wyoming, Ohio, May 23, 1893, Bertha M. Schwarz. Began business career in Cincin nati, and during last eight years of residence there was manager of the Hamilton Canal Boat Co.; came to St. Louis, and in January, 1904, with brother, J. H. Beckwith, estab lished present business of Beckwith Bros., . brokers and manufacturers' agents in iron and steel products. Republican. Methodist. Office: 1017 Chemical Bldg. Residence: 758 Goodfellow Ave. *BECKWITH, Joseph H„ manufacturers' agent; moved to Florida; see Vol. 1906. BEDAL, William Sherwood, lawyer; born, Santa Rosa, Coahuila, Mex., Sept. 8, 1880; son of Sylvester Sherwood and Adelheid Charlotte (Wuerpel) Bedal; was brought to United States in infancy; educated Central High School, St. Louis, graduating, 1899; A.B., Har vard, 1903; LL.B., Harvard Law School, 1905; married, St. Louis, July 28, 1909, Susan Far- rington Dreas; one son, William Sherwood, born Aug. 22, 1910, and one daughter, Adel heid Wuerpel, born Dec. 9, 1911. Admitted to Missouri bar, 1905; associated in practice with firm of Nagel & Kirby, St. Louis, 1905- 07; with firm of Stewart, Eliot, Chaplin & Blayney, 1907-09, and member of same firm 1909-11; member firm of Eliot, Chaplin, Blay ney & Bedal since Jan. 1, 1911. Member St Louis Bar Association. Independent in poli tics, nominally Republican. Unitarian. Con ducted the Legal Aid Bureau at Self Culture Hall for two years, 1905-07; member housing and sanitation committee of Civie League; director St. Louis Pure Milk Commission. Club: Amateur Athletic Association. Recrea tions: tennis, walking. Office: 1711-1716 Third National Bank Bldg. Residence: 4316A Forest Park Boul. BEDELL, Orion Willis, dentist; born, Car- dington, O., Mar. 1, 1870; son of John E. a*nd Maggie A. (Thompson) Bedell; educated in public schools of Mount Vernon, O. ; grad uated from Dental Department of Washington University, D.M.D., 1892, Medical Department of same, M.D., 1894; married, Dec. 25, 1900, Birdie A., daughter of Emanuel Miller of Mount Vernon, O. ; children: Ethel, Everett. Entered office of Dr. W. E. Semple, Mount Vernon, as dental student, 1886; three years later became assistant in dental office at Ne braska City, Neb.; removed to St. Louis, Sept. 26, 1900; opened office as dentist, on gradu ation in 1902; professor of operative den tistry, dental embryology, and dental his tology in Dental Department of Washington University, 1905-09. Republican. Baptist. Rec reation: farming. Office and Residence: 1909 Lafayette Ave. BEECHER, John Lyman, proprietor Hand Goods Bakery; born, Washington, Mo., Aug. 22, 1853; son of Samuel and Mary Jane (Smith) Beecher; educated in public and pri vate schools, Newport, Mo.; public schools, St. Paul, Minn., and private schools, Pottstown and Philadelphia, Pa. ; married, St. Louis, Feb. 18, 1881, Mary Elizabeth O'Reilly; children: Samuel Lyman, Daniel Adrian. Began busi ness career as clerk with the Singer Sewing Machine Co., 1872, continuing until 1879; be gan Sept. 1, 1879, with Dozier, Weyl & Co., which later became Dozier Bakery, merged into The National Biscuit Co., and for many years was manager of "Hand Goods" Bakery at 205 North 6th St.; moved to 607 Pine St., 1906, purchased business (still known to the public as Dozier Bakery), Feb. 1, 1910. Demo crat. Recreation: motor boating. Office: 607 Pine St. Residence: 4929 Reber PI. BEEDLE, Horace Grant, secretary to the mayor; born, O 'Fallon, HI., Oct. 20, 1868; son of Samuel H. and Ellen (Bowler) Beedle; edu cated in public schools of Illinois, 1874-84, business college, 1885, Illinois State Normal University, Normal, 111., 1886-89; married, St. Louis, Apr. 4, 1899, Florence P. Children; 48 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS daughter: Clyde H. Taught school, 1890-91; newspaper reporter, 1892-95; secretary Mer chants' League Club, 1896-99; in wholesale paint and white lead .business, under the firm name of H. G. Beedle Paint Co., 1899-1909; secretary Election Board, 1909-11; since sec retary to the mayor. Republican. Member of House of Representatives in 40th General Assembly of Missouri. Baptist. Mason (32°), Shriner. Club: City. Recreations: fishing and hunting. Office: City Hall. Residence: 4130 Cleveland Ave. BEHEN, John Joseph, president Behen Au tomobile Equipment Co.; born, Litchfield, 111., Oct. 2, 1873; son of Simon and Mary (Farley) Behen; educated in public schools of Litch field; married, Litchfield, Sept. 11, 1905, Frances S. Faught; one child: May Frances. Began as messenger boy, Wabash R. R., Litch field, at age of fourteen, and remained in railway service until 1905; was identified with the Carnegie Steel Co., at St. Louis, 1905-11. In March, 1906, organized and be came president of the Behen-Faught Motor Car Equipment Co.; president of the U. S. Pump and Tank Company, 1909-11; manager of Faught Estate September, 1906-11, as cura tor of estate in probate; in September, 1905, organized the Behen Automobile Equipment Co., of which is president. Was one of the or ganizers of the St. Louis Automobile Manu facturers' and Dealers' Association, the St. Louis Motors' Accessories Association; an or ganizer and chairman of the Automobile Show Committee, 1908 and 1909. Recreations: golf, motoring, fishing. Office: 702 N. Kingshigh- way. Residence: 2127 Waterman Ave. BEHRENS, Albert A., treasurer, manager and assistant secretary St. Louis Sash and Door Works; born, St. Louis, Jan. 14, 1877; son of Charles W. and Margaret (Conrad) Beh- rens; educated in parochial school and busi ness college; married, St. Louis, Jan. 18, 1898, Henrietta Steinbach; children: Etta, Albert, Edgar, Grace. Began business career in office of St. Louis Sash and Door Works, 1894, and has continued in various positions, now being treasurer, manager and assistant secretary of the company, wholesale manufacturers of sash, doors, blinds, mouldings, etc. Club: Mis souri Athletic. Recreation: home diversions. Office: Broadway and Destrehan St. Resi dence: 3525 Crittenden St. BEHRENS, Louis H., physician; born, Gil lespie, 111., July 12, 1868; son of Henry H. and Wilhelmina (Basse) Behrens; educated in Gillespie public schools to 1882; Shurtleff College, Upper Alton, 111., 1882-84; entered St. Louis College of Pharmacy, 1886, graduating, Ph.G., 1888; M.D., Missouri Medical College, 1894; married, St. Louis, Apr. 17, 1895, Laura F. Kraft. Engaged in general practice of medicine. Evangelical Lutheran. Mason. Rec reations: flowers, agriculture, forestry. Office: Times Bldg.y 423 Chestnut St. Residence: 4229 Westminster Place. BEINKE, Henry F., contractor and buil'deT; born, Franklin Co., Mo., Jan. 14, 1848; son of John F. and Anna M- (Bruning) Beinke; edu cated in common schools and two years' course in a German school; married, Washing ton, Mo., Feb. 5, 1874, Mary C. Michael; five children: Frank O, Mrs. Metta C. Linder, Lydia L., Mrs. Adele L. Nesslag and Belmont W., all of St. Louis. Was apprenticed to car penter's trade at thirteen; worked for two years at Washington, Mo., and as journeyman for brother, Herman H., one year; was em ployed in Kansas City, Mo., for a year, and then came to St. Louis; after two years he went to Washington, Mo., and spent thirteen years there, returning to St. Louis, -1881; has since engaged in contracting. Republican. Member German Evangelical Church. Resi dence: 4807 Cote Brilliante Ave. BELL, Nicholas Montgomery, tobacco mer chant; born in Lincoln Co., Mo., Nov. 2, 1846; son of William A. and Caroline Page (Har vey) Bell; educated in schools of Lincoln Co., Mo.; married, St. Louis, Sept. 26, 1888, Maggie, daughter of Christian Peper (she died Aug. 7, 1912); children: Christian P., Marjorie. Came to St. Louis 1861; first employment was for three years in office of Ubbsdall, Barr, Duncan & Co.; emigrated to Salem, Ore., 1864, and was in general merchandise business there, in firm of J. C. & N. M. Bell, until 1868, t when returned to St. Louis and has been en gaged in tobacco business since 1869; now president Christian Peper Tobacco Co. (estab lished, 1852.) Democrat; delegate from Ore gon to National Democratic Convention that nominated Seymour and Blair, in 1868; mem ber of 26th and 27th General Assemblies Missouri, from St. Louis; member National Democratic conventions of 1876, 1880, 1884, 1892, and delegate to convention of 1896. Appointed by President Cleveland as super intendent of foreign mails, March, 1885, and resigned, 1889; was author of and nego tiated first parcels post treaties of United States with foreign countries, which added millions of dollars to the trade relations be tween the United States, Mexico, Central and South American States; author of and nego tiated general postal treaties between United States, Mexico and Canada, which virtually made the North American States one postal territory, as no books or financial accounts are kept between the United States and Mexico; appointed by Governor Stone first State ex cise commissioner, 1893, and resigned, 1897; increased public revenue without change of taxation for State and City of St. Louis, $750,000 over preceding four year period. Di rector Louisiana Purchase Exposition Co.; member International Superior Jury of Awards in same. Mason (33°); member Royal THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 49 Order of Scotland, Society Colonial Wars, Sons of the Revolution, Sons of the American Revolution, Odd Fellows. Club: Mercantile. Recreation: farming. Office: Main and Mor gan Sts. Residence: 4442 W. Pine Boul. BELL, William S.; see Vol. 1906. BEMIS, James Ward, vice president Ozan Lumber Co.; born, Jefferson, Tex., Feb. 28, 1876; son of James Hervey and Hannah (Knox) Bemis; educated in Manual Training School, St. Louis; widower. Engaged in lum ber business at Prescott, Ark., 1896; resident St. Louis since 1900; was secretary and treas urer, now vice pres. Ozan Lumber Co., whole sale manufacturers of yellow pine lumber, oaki lumber and oak and cypress piling, with mills at Prescott, Ark. Also director of the Prescott & Northwestern R. R. Co. Member Southern Lumber Manufacturers' Association. Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner. Clubs: Mer cantile, Glen Echo Country. Favorite recrea tion: golf. Office: 1600 Wright Bldg. Resi dence: 4535 Washington Boul. BEMIS, Judson Stephen, treasurer Bemis Bro. Bag Co.; born, San Francisco, Cal., Mar. 26, 1867; son of Stephen A. and Hannah Jane (Thomas) Bemis; educated public and private schools, St. Louis; married,- MurfreesbOro, Tenn., Sept. 8, 1896, Miss Martha Nelson Sikes; three children: Jane Thomas, Elizabeth Thompson, Louisa Sikes. Began business career with Bemis Bro. Bag Co., 1885; be came treasurer of the company, . 1894, which position still holds; also director Merchants- Laclede National Bank. Republican. Protest ant. Clubs: Noonday, St. Louis, Algonquin Golf. Office: 601 S. 4th St, Residence: 236 Oakwood Ave., Webster Park. BEMIS, Stephen Allen, manufacturer and importer of bags and burlaps; born, Fitch- burg, Mass., Feb. 6, 1828; son of Stephen and Mirian Thurston (Farwell) Bemis; came west with parents in 1838, and settled at Light house Point, Ogle Co., 111.; educated in private schools in Chicago; married, Chicago, May 31, 1854, Hannah Jane Thomas (died Jan. 21, 1903); children: Fanny A. (Mrs. Chester Sum mons, Minneapolis), Mirian Farwell (Mrs. Alonzo Hull, Seattle, Wash.), Judson S., Mary Sawtelle (Mrs. T. J. McLemore), Alice R. (Mrs. Charles P. Ladd), Florence E. (Mrs. Elliot K. Ludington.) Began active career as clerk in shipping office, Chicago, 1847; after nve years went to California, via Nicaragua, remained two years, then returned to Illinois and farmed in DeKalb Co. for five years; again went to California with a drove of live stock and remained until 1867; came to St. Louis and joined brother, then a member of the firm of Bemis & Brown, bag manufac turers, which later became Bemis, Bro. & Co., incorporated, 1885, as Bemis Bro. Bag Co., of which has since been vice president. Repub lican. Baptist. Club: Noonday. Recreation: fond of church work. Office: 4th and Poplar Sts. Residence: 5099 Westminster Place. BENDERSCHEID, Herman J., president Benderscheid Manufacturing Co., manufactur ers of show cases; born, Germany; educated in the old country; married, St. Louis, 1870, Bertha Hahne; one son: Herman. Came to America, 1880, and worked at cabinet maker 's trade in St. Louis; in manufacturing business on own account since 1893. Member Lieder kranz. Office: 2812 N. 9th St. BENHAM, George, St. Louis manager and general agent Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co.; born, Fort Wayne, Ind., Mar. 27, 1857; son of Byron H. and Almira A. (McKelvey) Benham (both of Ohio); removed to Norwalk, O., when 4 years of age; graduated from Nor walk High School, 1876; took special course in Cornell University; LL.B., University of Mich igan, 1880; married, Norwalk, Sept. 13, 1887, Eloise Kellogg; one daughter: Kathleen Adele. Admitted to bar of Ohio by Supreme Court, 1880; in land and loan business in Minnesota and Dakota, with headquarters at Crookston, Minn., 1882-85; went to Isthmus of Panama, 1886, and reported for newspapers on De Les- seps Canal; traveled as special correspondent for newspapers on agricultural and mining developments in lower California, Mexico, 1886-87; correspondent and special writer San Diego (Cal.) Union, 1886-89; special corre spondent and reporter for San Francisco Ex aminer, 1889-91; since April, 1892, manager and general agent for Penn Mutual Life In surance Co. at St. Louis. President Life Un derwriters' Association of St. Louis, 1905, 1906; vice president National Association of Life Underwriters, 1906; president The Board of Life Underwriters of St. Louis, 1909. Mem ber Business Men's League, Civic League, Ohio Society, Cornell Club, University of Michigan Alumni Association, Mississippi Val ley Association of D. K. E., Sons of Revolu tion. Democrat. Member Church of the As cension. Clubs: St. Louis, Mercantile, City, Aero, Normandie Golf. Recreations: litera ture, floriculture, golf. Office: northeast cor. 8th St. Residence: 5858 Clemens Ave. BENNETT, Alfred, lumberman; born, Han nibal, Mo., Apr. 26, 1877; son of Alfred and Lucetta A. (Decker) Bennett; educated in Woodland and Garfield schools and Central High School, Kansas City, Mo.; married, June 7, 1904, Florence MacCuaig, of Nebraska City, Neb.; one daughter: Dorris. Began business career as clerk in Southern Lumber Manufac turing Association, St. Louis, 1893; entered employ of Holladay-Klotz Land and Lumber Co., Greenville, Mo., 1896; director and as sistant secretary and treasurer, 1899-1902; salesman Missouri Lumber and Land Ex change, 1902-03; manager St. Louis branch of Wisconsin and Arkansas Lumber. Co., of' Mai- 50 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS vern, Ark., 1903-05; started for self as manu facturer and wholesale dealer in yellow pine and hardwood lumber, 1905, and incorporated business as Alfred Bennett Lumber Co., of which is president. Partner in Louisiana Cen tral Lumber Co.; president Alfred Bennett Lumber Co., of Texas; vice president Dayton Lumber Co., of Dayton, Tex., Two Mile Land and Timber Co., of St. Louis. Member Citi zens ' Industrial Association, Hoo Hoo. Repub lican. Baptist. Clubs: Mercantile, Missouri Athletic, St. Louis Amateur Athletic Associa tion, St. Louis Republican. Recreation: ten nis. Office: Lumbermen's Bldg. Residence: Ferguson, Mo. BENNETT, Tom Wightman, president Mort gage Trust Co. and vice president Mortgage Guarantee Co.; born in White Co., Ark., Nov. 30, 1872; son of Zaehray T. and Othelia (Har lan) Bennett; educated in public schools of Little Rock, Ark.; unmarried. Came to St. Louis, August, 1894; was with Jerome Hill Cotton Co., two years; then with Brown Shoe Co., from fall of 1896 to April, 1905, first four years of which time was traveling salesman in Northeast Texas, then for a period in entire charge of the selling forces in the southern states, and from April, 1903, to April, 1905, general manager of the company's factories; resigned and sold interest in company, and after a few months of rest and travel was elected, Oct. 8, 1905, to position as real estate officer of the Mississippi Valley Trust Co. Re signed position in December, 1908, and in Jan uary, 1909, organized the Mortgage Guarantee Co. of St. Louis, of which was president during 1909 and 1910. The Mortgage Trust Co. was formed, 1911, to operate in connection with the Guarantee Co., and he was elected presi dent of the Trust Co. and vice president of the Guarantee Co. Member Business Men's League, Civic League. In 1904 was treasurer and executive manager of the World 's Exhibit Shoe Factory, a corporation organized to con duct the manufacturing shoe exhibit at the World's Fair. Democrat. Methodist. Clubs: St. Louis, Noonday, Racquet, St. Louis Coun try. Office: Southeast corner 4th and Pine Sts. Residence: Racquet Club. BENNETT, William G., contractor; born, Blanchester, O., Nov. 23, 1868; son of Henry D. and Chalista (Granger) Bennett; educated public schools and Danville (Ind.) Normal School; married, Cora Brennan, of Philadel phia, Sept. 22, 1889; children: Raulston A., Beatrice O., Dolly A., William G., Jr., Rosaline. Began active career, 1883, as rodman in employ of Sooysmith & Co., bridge contractors, New York, and advanced, to position of superin tendent of construction; became connected with the Edgemoor Bridge Co., 1892, as fore man in construction of buildings of Colum bian Exposition, Chicago; after close of expo sition served as general superintendent Colum bia Salvage Co., the name later being changed to the Chicago House Wrecking Co.; removed to St. Louis, 1902, and organized the St. Louis Wrecking and Supply Co., the name being later changed to the Chicago Wrecking and Supply Co., of which was vice president and general manager until 1910; since in general contracting business. Republican. Scottish Rite Mason (32°), Shriner, Odd Fellow. Club: Missouri Athletic. Recreations: fishing and hunting. Office and Residence: 4561 Morgan Street. BENOIST, Conde Louis; born, St. Louis, Oct. 5, 1846; son of Louis Auguste (pioneer banker arid financier of St. Louis) and Esther (Hackney) Benoist; educated Jesuit College, St. Louis and Kentucky; married, St. Louis, 1870, Miss Clemence C. Christy; five children: Conde A., Louis M., Lami F., Clemence P., Marie Blanche. Has devoted his attention to management and development of inherited estate. Democrat. Catholic. Recreation: trav eling. Residence: 7 Lenox Place. BENOIST, Eugene Hunt; born in St. Louis, Apr. 2, 1853; son of Louis A. and Sarah E. (Wilson) Benoist; educated in private schools, St. Louis, 1861-63, Wyman School, 1863-64, St. Louis University, 1864-66, Notre Dame Uni versity, South Bend, Ind., 1866-68, Washington University, St. Louis, 1868-69, Seton Hall, South Orange, N. J., 1869-70, Fordham Col lege, New York, 1870-72; married, St. Louis, Feb. 20, 1878, Elmira Lee; children: Eugene Lee, Viola Marie, William Francis, Charles Eugene Theodore, Marie Louise, Lucille Jose phine. Began active career as clerk in St. Louis assessor's office under Charles Green, assessor, 1873-74; traveled in Europe, 1874-75; in real estate, steamship and brokerage busi ness, 1876-81; with Joseph P. Whyte, as Whyte & Benoist, wholesale and manufactur ing saddlery business (corporation of Heide- mann-Benoist Saddlery Co.), from 1881 until the company retired from business, 1895; real estate officer of Mississippi Valley Trust Co., 1898-1905; director Mississippi Valley Trust Co. since 1905. Also vice president Denver, Enid & Gulf R. R.; president Indian Creek Land Co.; vice president Overland Real Es tate Co. Was quartermaster St. Louis Light Cavalry, National Guard of Missouri, 1878-86. Catholic. Clubs: St. Louis, Bellerive. Recrea tion: traveling. Office: 319 N. 4th St., Room 803. Residence: 4414 McPherson Ave. BENOIST, Howard, capitalist; born, St. Louis, Mar. 6, 1866; son of Louis A. and Sarah E. (Wilson) Benoist; educated in St. Louis University; married, St. Louis, Nov. 11, 1896, Agnes Foy; children: Louis Lannan, Elizabeth Christy, Agnes. Devotes attention principally to personal holdings and investments. Catho lic. Clubs: St. Louis, St. Louis Country, Racquet, Florissant Valley. Office: Security Bldg. Residence: 4931 Berlin Ave. THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS ol *BENOIST, Lee, investments; moved to New Orleans; see Vol. 1906. BENOIST, Theodore, investments; born, St. Louis, Apr. 2, 1861; son of Louis Auguste and Sarah E. (Wilson) Benoist; educated St. Louis University; Georgetown University, Washington, D. C.; Stoneyhurst College, Eng land; married, St. Louis, Jan. 12, 1887, Mary E. Hunt; seven children: Charles, Miriam, John Hunt, Anna Wright, Theodore, Jr., Wil son, Francois. Has given attention to man agement of property inherited from father and to development of same. Democrat. Cath olic. Club: St. Louis Country. Office: 803, 319 N. 4th St. Residence: 4632 Berlin Ave. BENSBERG, Ferdinand August, president Bourbon Mercantile Co.; born, St. Louis, Aug. 13, 1855; son of Gerard and Catharina (Wei- jers) Bensberg; lived in St. Paul, Minn., 1862- 69; educated in public schools of St. Paul, Minn.; married, Covington, Ky., Apr. 25, 1892, Elizabeth Haldemann; children: Elizabeth and Marie. Entered father's wholesale liquor store in St. Louis (established 1852) in 1869, and in 1880 succeeded him as F. A. Bensberg & Co.; incorporated the business, 1895, under present style of Bourbon Mercantile Co. Dem ocrat. Catholic. Favorite recreations: driv ing and horseback riding. Office: 208 Walnut St. Residence: 5854 Cates Ave. BENSIEK, August W., undertaker; born, St. Louis, Feb. 15, 1877; son of John C. and Sophia (Birkenkemper) Bensiek; educated in St. Louis public schools and Jones Commercial College; graduated from Benton College of Law, and admitted to the Bar, February, 1912; unmarried. On leaving school in 1896, entered the undertaking business established by father, 1870, and, on death of father, Dec. 20, 1899, succeeded to the business (with brother, John C.) under present firm name of John C. Ben siek 's Sons. Member Knights of Honor. Of fice and Residence: 1134-1138 N. 6th St. BENSIEK, John C, undertaker; born, St. Louis, Dec. 6, 1875; son of John C. and Sophia (Birkenkemper) Bensiek; educated in public schools and Jones Commercial College; mar ried, St. Louis, June 17, 1903, Anna Michaels (now deceased). Served as deputy sheriff un der sheriffs Pohlmann and Traut, and Jan. 1, 1900, with brother, August W.; succeeded un der present style of John C. Bensiek 's Sons, to business established by father in 1870, as undertaker and embalmer. Mason/ Knight Templar; member National Union. Office and Residence: 1134-1138 N. 6th St. BENSTEIN, Julius A.„ president Benstein Manufacturing Co.; born Apr. 9, 1863; died Apr. 7, 1912. BENSTEIN, John W., lawyer; born, Soest, Germany, July 19, 1861; son of William and Minnie (Wallrabe) Benstein; educated in the old country; graduate Minden College, West phalia; married, Cincinnati, Sept. 12, 1895, Emma M. Koch; two children: William F. and Pauline A. Came to America, 1880; col lector for wholesale house, Detroit, Mich., 1880-84; studied law at Kansas City, Mo.; admitted to Missouri bar, 1889; in general civil practice in St. Louis since 1890; also investor in real estate. Christian Scientist. Recreations: music, literature, outdoor life. Office: 311 Times Bldg. Residence: Kirkwood, Missouri. BENTEN, Bernard J., clergyman; born, St. Louis, Nov. 16, 1868; son of Herman A. and Anna Benten; educated parochial school of the parish; St. Joseph's College, Tentopolis, 111., 1871-77; St. Francis Theological Seminary, St. Francis, Wis., 1887-91. Ordained priest hood Roman Catholic Church, June 21, 1891; appointed assistant rector of Holy Trinity Church, St. Louis, serving 1891-95; rector St. Stanislaus Church, Wardsville, Cole Co., Mo., 1895-1903; rector St. Paul's Church, St. Paul, St. Charles Co., Mo., 1903-06; organized St. Cecilia's Parish, October, 1906, and has since been rector of this church. Residence: 5418 Louisiana Ave. BENTZEN, Julius H., secretary of Col- cord- Wright Machinery and Supply Co.; born, St. Louis, Aug. 10, 1872; son of John N. A. and Louise (Adams) Bentzen; educated in public schools and commercial college; mar ried, St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 19, 1898, Ida H. Koester; children: Roy K., Edith C. Began business career with Bentzen Commission Co., wholesale produce, 1895-97; then salesman W. R. Colcord Machinery Co., of which was vice president and secretary, 1902-12; in Jan uary, 1912, company consolidated with J. W. Wright Co. and firm name was changed to Colcord-Wright Machinery and Supply Co., of which is secretary. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Rotary. Recreation: tennis. Office: 1223-1229 N. Broadway. Residence: 3931 Marcus Ave. BENZ, Eugene A., manufacturer of badges, banners and flags; born, St. Louis, Feb. 15, 1889; son of George E. and Jane (Toll) Benz; educated in public schools of St. Louis; mar ried, Minnie Aufderheide, of St. Louis, Nov. 16, 1910. Began business career working in German Savings Institution, afterwards for Merchants-Laclede National Bank; after the death of his father, in August, 1908, associ ated in business with his brother, George E. Benz, Jr., the firm being incorporated in March, 1910, under title of Geo. E. Benz Badge and Regalia Co., of which has been president and treasurer since March, 1911. New lines have been added to the business un til the company now carries a complete assort ment of badges, regalia, banners and flags. Re publican. Presbyterian. Mason. Clubs: Max- welton, American Wheel, Moose. Recreations: athletic sports. Office: 1014 Pine St. Resi dence: 2631 Wyoming St. 52 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS BENZ, George E., engraver; 1854-1908; see Vol. 1906. BERBLINGER, August, vice president Ess mueller Mill Furnishing Co.; born, Baden, Ger- .many, Dec. 18, 1861; son of Frederick and Mary (Gerber) Berblinger; educated in public schools and Polytechnic School, Baden, Ger many; married, St. Louis, May, '1886, Ella Kliefoth; children: Lulu, Erwin, Hilda, Oneida. Learned trade of millwright in Ger many; came to St. Louis in 188U, and was employed with firm of Mutchler & Essmueller, 1880-82, then with Dehner-Wuerpel Mill Build ing Co., 1882-8o ; returned to Essmueller & Barry (successors of Mutchler & Essmueller) in 1887, and became head foreman, and on in corporation of the business, 1897, as Essmuel ler Mill Furnishing Co., was elected vice presi dent and superintendent. Republican. Mason (32°), Shriner; member I. O. O. F., St. Louis Liedertafel Society, Concordia Turn Verein. Clubs: Victor Skaat, Goodluck Bowling, Brookland Hunting and Fishing, Calhoun Point Hunting and Fishing. Office: 1216 S. 8th St. Residence: 3819 Juniata Ave. BERGENDAHL, Gustave Storm, civil engi neer and contractor; born, Norway, Feb. 24, 1870; son of Johan Christian and Sophie (Shistad) Bergendahl; came to Ameriea, 1888; educated in high school in Norway and under private tutelage in Ameriea; married, June 11, 1892, Kristiane Augusta Gulbrandsen, of Christiania, Norway; four children: Augusta, Dagny, Ruth, Gustave Storm. Draughtsman until 1895 and until 1902 engineer in charge, American Bridge Co.; resident engineer, same company. 1902-06; began 1906, under G. S. Bergendahl, as engineer and contractor; pres ident Midland Erection Co., 1907-11, since president Bergendahl-Bass Engineering and Construction Co., St. Louis and Chicago. Member American Society Civil Engineers, Western Society Engineers, Engineers' Club of St. Louis, Chicago Engineers' Club. Bap tist. Mason (32°). Recreation: fishing. Office: Syndicate Trust Bldg. Residence : 4540 Dover St., Chicago. BERGER, Jacob, banker; born in Austria, Oct. 2, 1862; son, of M. and E. (Blumenfeld) Berger; self-educated; married, St. Louis, Nov. 8, 1883, Bertha Silverstone; eight chil dren: Esther, Samuel, Harry, David, Joseph, Anna, Ralph, Eveline. Came to St. Louis from Austria, in 1879; began in the office of the Prudential Insurance Co. of America, and later was for five years agent of same com pany; then in mercantile pursuits until 1893; from 1893 to 1899 was in the Sanitary Divi sion of the Health Department and from 1899 to 1903 was deputy assessor and collector of water rates; agent for the Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Co. of California 1903-05, sec retary City National Bank until 1910; since vice president Central National Bank. Mem ber B'nai B'rith. Office: 7th and Olive Sts. Residence: 5153 Von Versen Ave. *BERGER, William Elmer, banking; now living in Los Angeles, Cal.; see Vol. 1906. BERGFELD, George Frank, real estate and building; born, Chicago, Oct. 16, 1865; son of Alexander and Elizabeth Bergfeld; educated in St. Louis public schools; married, St. Louis, June 16, 1889, Ella M. Hufft; one son: Lucas Lee. Began in employ of Henry V. Lucas, real estate, 1880, remaining with him until 1887; with Scruggs, Vandervoort & Barney Dry Goods Co. as assistant cashier until 1889; president Bergfeld-Parker Real Estate Co., 1889-98; now president George F. Bergfeld Realty Co., George F. Bergfeld Investment and Construction Co. Member St. Louis Real Estate Exchange, Civic League. Mason. Re publican. Office: 610 Chestnut St. Residence: 5171 Cabanne Ave. BERGLAR, Frank B., president Rosedale Contracting and Supply Co.; born, St. Louis Co. (now St. Louis), Apr. 12, 1855; son of Henry and Margaretta (Lemke) Berglar; edu cated in parochial school and commercial col lege; married, St. Louis, 1893, Annie Whelan; four children: Frank B., Joseph H., Gertrude and Marguerite. Began active career in em ploy of the Sligo Iron Works at age of eleven, continuing until 1876; then associated with brother, J. H., in purchasing a farm (now one of the choice residence districts in the western part of the city), engaged in teaming business, which developed into the Rosedale Contract ing and Supply Co., of which is president; also a large holder of city property. Democrat. Catholic. Member Knights of Columbus. Rec reation: horses. Office: Hodiamont Ave. near Gates Ave. Residence: 6039 Maple Ave. *BERLINGER, Joseph, silks; moved to New York; see Vol. 1906. BERMEL, John, brewers' supplies; born, St. Louis, Sept. 12, 1859; son of John H. and Catherine (Sommers) Bermel; educated in public schools; married, Barbara Thummel; one daughter: Emma; married, 2d, Louisville, Ky., Feb. 16, 1901, Christina Gruen. First learned the harnessmaking trade and followed it from age of seventeen to age of twenty- two; then was with Henry Bermel, grocer, 11th and Morgan Sts., for one year; with the Bridge-Beach Stove Manufacturing Co. one year, when became connected with the Charles A. Drach Electrotype Co., in which remained in various capacities, and was president, 1897- 1906; now vice president and treasurer G. A. Link Supply Co. Republican. Member Knights of Pythias, T. P. A., Tower Grove Turn Verein. Recreation: walking. Office: 7 S. 2d St. Residence: 3544 Connecticut St. BERNAYS, Augustus Charles, surgeon; 1854-1907; see Vol. 1906. THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 53 BERND, Adolph, merchant; see Vol. 1906. BERNET, Christian, milling business; born, Berne, Switzerland, Oct. 4, 1850; son of John and Elizabeth (Bernet) Bernet; was brought to America, 1856; educated in com mon schools and business college, La Crosse, Wis.; twice married; children by first mar riage: John A. (deceased) and Harry M.; married, 2d, Sarah Huttig, of St. Louis; chil dren: Albert E., Arthur O, Fred Huttig, Milton E. and Dorothy Esther. Came to St. Louis, 1872, as representative of the La Crosse Milling Co.; entered business for self, 1874; organized firm of Bernet & Craft, flour merchants, 1886, and in 1902 formed the Ber net, Craft & Kauffman Milling Co., of which is vice president and manager. President St. Louis Merchants' Exchange; member Busi ness Men's League. Republican. Methodist. President Piasa Chautauqua (third term), Children's Home Society of Missouri; vice president Methodist Deaconess Association; director and member executive committee St. Louis Provident Association. Mason (Royal Arch). Clubs: St. Louis Millers', St. Louis Grain, Men's. Recreation: church work. Of fice: Pierce Bldg. Residence: 5557 Cates Ave. BERNHEIMER, Marcus, president Marcus Bernheimer Milling and Mercantile Co.; 1847- 1912; see Vol. 1906. BERNINGHAUS, Julius Arnold, cashier Central National Bank; born, St. Louis, Oct. 5, 1878; son of Edmund O. and Augusta P. Berninghaus; educated in public schools of St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Mar. 31, 1903, Ma bel Benedict. Entered the Mechanics-Amer ican National Bank as messenger boy in 1892, and advanced step by step until in 1902 be came assistant cashier; continued until Mar. 12, 1909, when was elected cashier of Central National Bank. Independent in politics. Mem ber St. Louis Credit Men's Association. Club: Mercantile. Recreations: fishing and hunting. Office: 7th and Olive Sts. Residence: 412 N. Union Boul. BERNTHAL, John Jacob, clergyman; born, Frankenmuth, Saginaw Co., Mich., July 13, 1855; son of George Konrad and Margareth B. (Hildner) Bernthal; educated in parochial school, Frankenmuth, to 1869; Concordia College, Ft. Wayne, Ind., 1876; Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, 1879; married, Wyan dotte, Mich., Jan. 1, 1880, Anna Calmbach, of Danville, 111.; children: Emil, August, William, Albert, Lilly, Martha, Edwin, Marie. Ordained Evangelical Lutheran ministry, 1879; pastor Scotland, S. D., 1879-83; Lewis- ton, Minn., 1883-87; Wyandotte, Mich., 1887- 97; St. Trinity Church, Vermont and Koeln Aves., St. Louis, since 1897. President board Concordia Seminary, also of board St. Paul's College, Concordia, Mo.; president Western District of Synod of Missouri, Ohio and Other States; secretary Concordia Publishing House. Republican. Office and Residence: 7416 Ver mont Ave. *BERRY, Harry Jay, hay and grain com missioner; moved to Indianapolis; see Vol. 1906. BERSCH, Arthur, insurance; born, St. Louis, July 28, 1873; son of William and Margaret (Richard) Bersch; educated in St. Louis pub- lie schools; married, St. Louis, 1902, Lula Kaltmeyer. Began business career in 1890, in office Bersch's Insurance Agency, established by father 1875; admitted as partner in 1900, and became secretary and treasurer of Bersch Insurance Agency Co. in 1906. Member St. Louis Insurance Agents' Association. Social ist. Office: Pierce Bldg. Residence: 3808 Sul livan Ave. BERSCH, Julius Richard, insurance; born, St. Louis, Apr. 18, 1867; son of William and Margaret (Richard) Bersch; educated in pub lic schools of St. Louis; married, Denver, Colo., 1889, Maud Miller; children: Robert, Ruth. Entire active career in insurance busi ness with father, now vice president Bersch Insurance Agency Co. Member Royal Arca num. Democrat. Office: Pierce Bldg. Resi dence: 3862 Botanical Ave. BERSCH, William, insurance; born, Balti more, Md., Nov. 14, 1831; son of Jacob and Elizabeth (Kranz) Bersch; came with parents to St. Louis, 1836; educated at St. Louis Uni versity; married, St. Louis, 1856, Margaret Richard; children: William, Jr., Albert, Ed mund, Emma (Mrs. Jacob Guhman), Clara, Julius R., Arthur, Maude, Ida (deceased). Be gan active career in wholesale dry goods busi ness, continuing until 1875; then embarked in insurance business, which carried on alone. until 1900; admitted sons Julius R. and Ar thur to partnership, under style of Bersch 's Insurance Agency; now president Bersch In surance Agency Co. Member St. Louis Insur ance Agents ' Association. Republican. Office: Pierce Bldg. Residence: 2118 John St. BESCH, Conrad George, sand and mate rials; born, St. Louis, July 7, 1867; son of Philip and Julia (Hoerner) Besch; educated in public and private schools, St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Feb. 15, 1905, Matilda Cramer. En gaged in brokerage business, 1893, continuing for three years; then in real estate business, 1896-98; treasurer and manager Mound City Sand and Gravel Co., 1898-1905; treasurer Union Sand and Material Co. since 1905; di rector Tower Grove Bank. Republican. Prot estant. Clubs: Glen Echo, Country, Mercan tile, Liederkranz, St. Louis Athletic Associa tion. Recreation: golf. Office: Liggett Bldg. Residence: 3522 Crittenden St. BEST, Earl Irvin; see Vol. 1906. BETTIS, James Ramsey, manufacturer of paints; born, Camden, Oneida Co., N. Y., Nov. 10, 1849; son of Reuben and Mary Clark 54 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS (Peck) Bettis; educated in common schools of Camden and Oswego, N. Y., 1856-67; married, Rochester, N. Y., 187.7, Emma Frances Hus band; children: James R., Jr., Marion Frances, Emma Eleanor; married, 2d, Webster Groves, Mo., October, 1900, Anne May Hime. In print ing business in Camden, Utica and Rochester, N. Y., Chicago, and St. Louis, 1866-72; super intendent Democrat Lithographing and Print ing Co., 1872-76; salesman, Snider & Holmes and Central Type Foundry, jointly, 1876-79; publisher, Arkansas Daily Democrat, Little Rock, Ark., 1879-90; vice president and mana ger, C. B. Woodward Printing Co., 1891-93; co- proprietor, with L. Ferguson, of the Thomas Manufacturing Co., manufacturers and job bers of paints until 1911; now president Zouri Manufacturing Co.; also director Webster Groves Trust Co. President Arkansas Edito rial Association, 1885; president 1889, and still member, National Editorial Association. Member Engineer Corps, St. Louis, 1872-75; served in Captain Ellerbee's Company during strike riots of 1877. Independent Democrat. Congregationalist. Clubs: Mercantile, Algon quin. Recreation: study of astronomy. Office: 2030 Pine St. Residence: Webster Groves, Mo. BETTS, John Frederic, stock and bond broker; born, Louisville, Ky., Mar. 9, 1871; son of John Frederic and Elizabeth (Potter) Betts; educated in public and high schools of Louisville; married, Wheeling, W. Va., 1901, Mary Belle Howell; children: Mary Howell, infant son (deceased) and John F., Jr. Began as clerk in leaf tobacco business, with Head & Head, Louisville, Ky., 1890; buyer for same firm until 1895; connected with Drummond Tobacco Co., St. Louis, 1895-99; in stock and bond business as member of Drummond, Betts & Co., 1900-02; since Jan. 1, 1903, conducting brokerage business under own name. Mem ber St. Louis Stock Exchange. Republican. Episcopalian. Office: Security Bldg. Resi dence: 5150 Westminster Place. BETZ, Charles F., secretary and treasurer Columbia Pretzel and Baking Co.; born, Wurt- temberg, Germany, May 14, 1873; son of Fred erick and Mary E. (Lang) Betz; educated in schools in Germany and at Columbus, O.; mar ried, St. Louis, October, 1897, Martha Hueb- ner; children: Charles, Jr., Dorothy. Came to United States in 1890 and traveled for about two years; learned baker's trade at Colum bus; came to St. Louis, 1894, and worked at trade; in 1900, with father-in-law, George Huebner, joined in organizing the Columbia Pretzel and Baking Co., of which is secretary and treasurer. Member Citizens' Industrial Association, Tower Grove Turn Verein, Schwaben Society. Mason (32°), Shriner, Knights of Pythias. Recreations: motoring, bowling, hunting and fishing. Office: 1719- 1723 DeKalb St. Residence: 3746 S. Grand Avenue. BETZ, Peter Edward, produce commission; born, Mobile, Ala., Feb. 27, 1859; son of Peter and Regina (Ceaser) Betz; attended public school at Pleasant Hill, Mo., for one year; married, St. Louis, June 5, 1888, Mary C. Tem- pleman; children: Marie, Ora, Edward Peter, Alice Ursula, John Vincent. Had to leave school when 10 years old to work for living; with mother, ran candy and cigar store at Pleasant Hill, Mo., until 1882; engaged in manufacture of tobacco at Pleasant Hill, Mo., 1882-86; in real estate business in St. Louis, 1886-88; since 1888 partner, with half interest, in firm of W. J. Templeman & Co., wholesale fruits and vegetables. Democrat. Roman Cath olic. Member Knights of Columbus and Cath olic Knights of America. Office: 808 N. Third St. Residence: 3822 Cleveland Ave. BEVIS, Philemon, general secretary Y. M. C. A.; born, Philadelphia, 111., Apr. 26, 1865; son of Henry and Sarah J. (Stout) Bevis; educated high school and University of Illi nois; married, Urbana, HI., Dec. 24, 1889, Laura B. Palmer; three children: Palmer, Ledru, Dorothy. Began in Y. M. C. A. work at Dixon, 111., February, 1890, continuing two years; then general secretary at Macomb, HI., 1892-96, Lafayette, Ind., 1896-1901, Du- luth, Minn., 1901-12; general secretary at St. Louis since May 15, 1912. Presbyterian. Rec reations: fishing and camping. Office: Y. M. C. A. Bldg., Grand and Franklin Aves. BICKEL, Charles, Jr., manager St. Louis office Habicht-Braun & Co., bakers' supplies; born, St. Louis, Feb. 4, 1877; son of Charles and Eva (Shoettel) Biekel; educated at pub- lie schools until 10th year; then attended Edu cational Institute (now out of existence) for three years and after that took private night courses for more than five years. Began business career at age of thirteen as office boy with the Western Candy and Bakers' Supply Co., dealers in raw material only for candy manufacturers and bakers, and remained with the same company twenty years; began to sell goods in 1895, and continued in that capacity until 1902, when became vice president and in sole control of sales department, so continu ing until 1910; since September, 1910, local manager for Habicht-Braun & Co., importers of confectioners', bakers' and grocers' sup plies, with offices in Chicago, St. Louis, New York and Hamburg, Germany. Republican. Member Concordia Turn Verein, T. P. A. Clubs: Liederkranz, Million Population. Office: 404-405 Granite Bldg. Residence: 3507 Cali fornia Ave. BIDDLE, WiUiam Baxter, railway official; born, Beloit, Wis., Nov. 12, 1856; son of Charles H. and Alice (Coffman) Biddle; grad uated high school, Beloit; married, Nov. 23, 1880, Ella Frost, of Beloit; children: Robert C, Wheldon F., Walter C. Began railway ca reer in 1887 as brakeman for Santa Fe Co.; THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 55 later station agent and, 1882-86, chief clerk general freight office Atlantic & Pacific R. R.; promoted to assistant freight agent, 1886, then division freight and passenger agent, and, in 1888, assistant general freight agent Santa Fe System; assistant traffic manager, 1890-94, and freight traffic manager, 1894 to Mar. 1, 1905; 3d vice president O, R. I. & P. Railway Co., Mar. 1, 1905 to Dec. 1, 1909; vice president Chicago & Eastern Illinois and St. Louis & San Francisco railways since Dec. 1, 1909. Clubs: Mercantile, Noonday, City, Glen Echo, St. Louis Railway and The Traffic (St. Louis) ; also Union League, Chicago Athletic, Midlothian, Traffic (Chicago). Offices: Frisco Bldg., St. Louis, and McCormick Bldg., Chi cago. Residence: Buckingham Hotel. BIEBINGER, Frederick William, banker; 1831-1908; see Vol. 1906. BIEBINGER, Oscar L., secretary Mallinck- rodt Chemical Works; born, St. Louis, Nov. 26, 1859; son of F. W. and Sophie (Koch) Bie- binger; educated in Eyser's German Institute and St. Louis public schools; married, St. Louis, Feb. 8, 1883, Nettie L. Luthy; children: Julia Elizabeth (Mrs. Clyde E. Ustick), Mar guerite, Frederick W., Adele. Began business career in employ of Udell, Schmieding & Co., in 1877; later in that year became connected with Fourth National Bank of St. Louis, with which remained until May, 1881, when be came cashier for George F. Dittmann Boot and Shoe Co., until 1884; in business on own ac count in Texas, from i January, 1884; returned to St. Louis, September, 1888, and after two months as accountant with St. Louis Republic, entered, Nov. 17, 1888, Mallinekrodt Chemical Works, with which has since continued as sec retary and director. Republican. Methodist. Member Business Men's League. Mason. Club: Mercantile. Recreation: baseball. Office: 3600 N. 2d St. Residence: Ferguson, Mo. BIEBINGER, William, shoe manufacturer; born, St. Louis, Feb. 27, 1864; son of Freder ick William and Sophie (Koch) Biebinger; educated in St. Louis public schools; Smith Academy; married, St. Louis, June 10, 1886, Bertha Bodemann; four daughters; Irmgard, Alice, Doris, Edna. Began business career at age of 17 as office-boy of Fourth National Bank of St. Louis; after several years en gaged in printing- and lithographing business with John W. Harrington as Biebinger & Har rington and later as William Biebinger & Co. ; business and plant were destroyed by fire in fall of 1886, when retired from that business and became traveling representative for Au gust Gast Bank Note Co., in the West, and in June, 1887, again took clerkship in Fourth National Bank of St. Louis, working through different departments to note, exchange and assistant paying teller; resigned in fall of 1894, and became credit man of George F. Dittmann Boot and Shoe Co., two years later being elected secretary and treasurer, and be came a director of the company; resigned Mar. 1, 1904; and was secretary of The Court ney Shoe Co. until January, 1910, when be came vice president Burrow, Jones & Dyer Shoe Co. Republican. Office: 1001 Washing ton Ave. Residence: 3458 Connecticut St. BIEL, Frederick Christian, secretary Tror- licht-Duneker Carpet Co.; born, Pilot Knob, Mo., Sept. 21, 1863; son of William and Edna Biel; educated in public schools of Pilot Knob and later attended college in St. Louis; mar ried, St. Louis, Nov. 4, 1887, Emma Engel; three children: Irvin F., William O, Edna M. Began at age of sixteen in employ of the Ralph Sellew Tin Plate and Metal Co., contin uing for five years; became connected with the Trorlicht-Duncker Carpet Co., 1884, of which has been secretary since 1906. Presby terian. Mason. Member Royal Arcanum. Rec reation: outdoor sports. Office: 508 N. 4th St. Residence: 3840 Hartford St. BIGGERS, William David; see Vol. 1906. BIGGS, Austin Wesley, labor commissioner; born, Jacksonville, 111., Mar. 17, 1868; son of Joseph G. and Mary E. (Smith) Biggs; edur cated public schools; married, St. Louis, July 16, 1890, Emma C. Birchard; two children: Austin W., Jr., Helen M. Began business ca reer in 1885 as apprentice in printing trade, with the St. Louis Chronicle, continuing until 1911; appointed state labor commissioner by Governor Hadley, June 14, 1911. Member 43d and 44th General Assemblies, Missouri. Re publican. President International Association of Labor Commissioners, 1912. Protestant. Mason and Odd Fellow. Offices: 104 N. 10th St., St. Louis, and Jefferson City, Mo. Resi dence: 107 W. McCarty St., St. Louis. BIGGS, David Clifton, treasurer Interna tional Shoe Co.; born, Pike Co., Mo., May 2, 1866; son of William K. and Martha Ann (Hawkins) Biggs; educated in public schools,. and at business college, Quincy, 111.; married, St. Louis, June 4, 1902, Ethel Goddard. Left farm at twenty-one and entered bank at Cur- ryville, Mo., with which was connected for three years; came to St. Louis, 1891, and se cured employment in Merchants' National Bank, after consolidation remaining with the Merchants-Laclede Bank until 1899; then asso ciated with Roberts, Johnson & Rand Shoe Co. as cashier and credit man; was treasurer of the company from 1907 to 1912, and also a member board of directors until firm name changed to International Shoe Co., of which is treasurer. Democrat. Mason. Clubs: St. Louis, Noonday. Recreation: stock farming. Office: 15th St. and Washington Ave. City Residence: 4370 Waterman Ave. Country Res idence: Clarksville, Mo. BIGGS, Davis, lawyer; born, Pike Co., Mo., Jan. 13, 1875; son of William H. and Eliza 50 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS (Shotwell) Biggs; educated in Smith Acad emy, Washington University, University of Virginia and St. Louis Law School, from which was graduated as LL.B., 1898; married, Sacramento, Cal., June 17, 1903, Alice Beatty Willis; children: William H., Jr., Peter O. Ad mitted to bar at St. Louis in 1898, and since engaged in general practice, now being a member of the law firm of William H. and Davis Biggs, formed in 1901. Member St. Louis Bar Association. Democrat. Mason. Clubs: Algonquin Golf, City. Recreation: ten nis. Office: 1626 Pierce Bldg. Residence: Kirkwood, Mo. BINDSCHADLER, Edward; 1843-1910; see Vol. 1906. BINTLIFF, Harry Burton, railway sup plies; born, Janesville, Wis., Sept. 22, 1876; son of Edward H. and Annie (Holmes) Bint- liff; educated in public schools of Illinois; married, East St. Louis, 111., Sept. 25, 1901, Jessie A. Jones; one son: Douglas J. Began business career as assistant city engineer of Kankakee, 111., 1892-93; then clerk in the mas ter mechanic's office of the "Big Four" R. R. at Kankakee, and in February, 1897, clerk in general office of the St. Louis & San Francisco R. R. at St. Louis; in August, 1902, was ap pointed purchasing agent for the St. Louis Dressed Beef and Provision Co., and in 1903 was also made treasurer of the company, con tinuing until October, 1906; since vice presi dent J. E. Duffield & Co., railway supplies, also member firm Bintliff & Herb, railway and mill supplies. Member St. Louis Railway Club. Office: 1412 New Bank of Commerce Bldg. Residence: 6023 Waterman Ave. BIRGE, Julius Charles, president Seymour Manufacturing Co. and vice president and manager Ames Shovel and Tool Co.; born, Whitewater, Wis., Nov. 18, 1839;, son of Wil liam and Mary (Noble) Birge (being first white child born in Walworth Co., Wis.) ; edu cated in public schools and academy, White water, Wis., and preparatory department of Beloit (Wis.) College; married, Dec. 4, 1873, Mary Patrick; children: Ernest N., Walter W., Arthur B., Ada A. (Mrs. Courtland Car rier, of Sewaren, N. J.), J. Stanley. Was en gaged in flouring mill business at Whitewater, Wis., until spring of 1866, when crossed the continent overland; came to St. Louis, 1867, and established in business as a dealer in agri cultural implements; was vice president Win chester & Partridge Manufacturing Co., of Wisconsin, 1870-80; was president St. Louis Shovel Co. until 1902, when assisted in organ izing the Ames Shovel and Tool Co., of which has since been director and vice president; also president Seymour Manufacturing Co. President American Hardware Manufactur ers' Association; president Charlevoix (Mich.) Summer Home Association. Member New England Society of St. Louis (ex-president). Trustee, from its foundation, of Marion-Sims Medical College. Member Pilgrim Congrega tional Church since 1873. Mason, Knight Tem plar. Clubs: St. Louis (one of its organizers), Mercantile, Congregational (ex-president). Office: Sarah St. and Duncan Ave. Business Address: care Ames Shovel and Tool Co. Res idence: 5076 Westminster Place. BDJGE, Walter W., tool manufacturer; born, St. Louis, Sept. 7, 1877; son of Julius C. and Mary (Patrick) Birge; graduated from Smith Academy, St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Sept. 28, 1903, MaBelle Brown; three children: MaBelle Claire, Julius, Grace Blaekmore. Be gan active career, in 1896, with the St. Louis Shovel Co., of which was assistant manager until July, 1907; then became secretary and sales manager Fayette R. Plumb, Inc., tool manufacturers; also vice president Seymour Manufacturing Co. Republicans Served one term in House of Delegates. Member Civic Improvement League. Congregationalist. Clubs: City, Bellerive Country. Recreation: golf. Office: 509 Commonwealth Trust Bldg. Residence: 13 Hortense Place. BISHOP, C(ampbell) Orrick, lawyer; born, Union, Franklin Co., Mo., Dec. 28, 1842; son of David H. and Sarah Lee (Lindsay) Bishop; graduated from St. Louis Central High School, 1858; Westminster College, Fulton, Mo., A.B., 1862, A.M., 1891, LL.D., 1903; graduated from Louisville (Ky.) Law School, LL.B., 1867; unmarried. Admitted to bar in 1867; was assistant circuit attorney, 1883-97, and 1901- 05; appointed circuit judge by Governor Folk, in March, 1905, and assigned to Division 12, and the Juvenile Court until January, 1907. Instructor in criminal law, Washington Uni versity, Law Department, 1894-1909; now holding similar position St. Louis University Law School. Democrat. Presbyterian. Mem ber St. Louis Bar Association, Missouri His torical Society, Washington University Asso ciation, Westminster Alumni Society, Virginia Society, Blackstone Society. Clubs: Mercan tile, Missouri Athletic. Office: 711-712 Secur ity Bldg. Residence: Missouri Athletic Club. BISHOP, Cyrus Henry, business manager; see Vol. 1906. BISHOP, Henry Warrick, cigar broker; 1859-1911; see Vol. 1906. BISHOP, John Edmond, lawyer ; born, Roche- port, Mo., Aug. 6, 1869; son of David and Ann Eliza (Stiee) Bishop; educated in Cali fornia (Mo.) High School, class of 1889; aca demic course, Missouri State University, and Yale Law School, class of 1895; unmarried. Assistant superintendent of public schools, California, Mo., 1892-93, and 1893-94; located in St. Louis, September, 1895, and practiced' law alone until Jan. 1, 1901, when formed partnership with Thomas H. Cobbs in present law firm of Bishop & Cobbs. Was city attor- THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 57 ney, California, Mo., 1892-94. Democrat. Mem ber Christian Church. Clubs: Noonday, St. Louis (secretary), Racquet, Glen Echo (vice president). Recreations: golf, motoring. Of fice: Third National Bank Bldg. Residence: St. Louis Club. BISHOP, William Threlkeld, cigar broker; 1835-1906; see Vol. 1906. BISSELL, French Rayburn; see Vol. 1906. BISSLAND, William Hope, railway official; born, Gourock, Scotland, Jan. 22, 1864; son of Robert and Mary (Hope) Bissland; educated in public schools of Thompsonville, Conn.; married, St. Louis, June 17, 1891, Irene C. Galloway ; two daughters : Grace D. and Irene H. Began railway service in 1885, and from June, 1885, to March, 1890, filled clerical posi tions with the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe R. R. Co. at Topeka, Kan., in the auditing, mechanical and general passenger depart ments; in March, 1890, became secretary to general passenger agent Townsend, of the Missouri Pacific Ry.; in November, 1895, pro moted to chief clerk, general passenger depart ment; assistant general ticket agent, Jan. 1, 1903, and assistant general passenger agent same road since January, 1908. Presbyterian. Recreations: golf and baseball. Office: Mis souri Pacific Bldg. Residence : 5443 Page Boul. BITTING, William Coleman, clergyman; born, in Hanover Co., Va., Feb. 5, 1857; son of Charles Carroll and Caroline (Shadinger) Bitting; educated at Lynchburg Classical and Commercial School to 1871; Richmond (Va.) College, M.A., 1877; Crozer Theological Sem inary, Chester, Pa., 1880; (D.D., Howard Col lege, Alabama, and Richmond [Va.] College) ; married, Baltimore, Md., Nov. 17, 1886, Anna Mary Biedler; children: William Charles, Frank Milton (deceased), Kenneth Hills. Or dained to ministry of Baptist Church, June, 1880; served as supply, Lee Street Church, Baltimore, July, 1880, to February, 1881; pas tor, Luray, Va., Februarv, 1881, to Dec. 31, 1883; Mount Baptist Church, New York City, Jan. 1, 1884, to Oct. 31, 1905; Second Baptist Church, St. Louis, since Nov. 1, 1905. Con tributor to magazines, papers, etc. Residence: 5109 Waterman Ave. BIXBY, David Alonzo, assistant purchasing agent American Car and Foundry Co.; born, Adrian, Mich., Sept. 24, 1854; son of Alonzo Foster and Emma Louisa (Keeney) Bixby; graduated from Adrian (Mich.) High School, 1870, and from Michigan University, A.B., 1875; married, Kirkwood, Mo.,, Feb. 18, 1901, Frances Buford McElroy. Read law in Ad rian, Mich., 1875-76; elected city clerk of Ad rian, Mich., 1877, and twice reelected; also held other city offices; member Michigan leg islature, 1882-84; in November, 1884, was elected county clerk for native county of Lenawee. Came to St. Louis, September, 1887; was for few months in employ of Mis souri Pacific Ry. Co.; since 1888 in employ of Missouri Car and Foundry Co. and its succes sor the American Car and Foundry Co., and since 1901 assistant purchasing agent. Mem ber Civic League, Tuscan Lodge, A. F. & A. M., Knights of Pythias. Clubs: Mercantile, Algonquin. Recreations: golf and gardening. Office: 1603 Syndicate Trust Bldg. Residence: 5071 Westminster Place. BIXBY, Fred Foster, manufacturer; born, Adrian, Mich., Aug. 9, 1866; son of Alonzo F. and Emma L. (Keeney) Bixby; educated in Adrian High School; married, 1907, Elizabeth J. Ranes. With purchasing department of the Missouri Pacific Ry., St. Louis, 1882-87; pur chasing department of the Texas & Pacific Ry., Dallas, Tex., 1887-90; purchasing depart ment, Wabash R. R., St. Louis, 1891-93; held various positions with Missouri Car and Foun dry Co., St. Louis, 1893-99; district manager at St. Louis of American Car and Foundry Co., 1899-1906; president Western Whiting and Manufacturing Co., 1904-11; since manager material department American Car and Foun dry Co., also president Republic Railway Ap pliance Co., Safety Switch Appliance Co. Dem ocrat. Presbyterian. Clubs: St. Louis, Mis souri Athletic. Recreations: hunting and fish ing. Office: 915 Olive St. Residence: 5824 Von Versen Ave. BIXBY, Sidney T., president Share and Mortgage Co.; born, St. Louis. Sept. 4, 1882; son of W. K. and Lillian (Tuttle) Bixby; educated at Smith Academy, St. Louis, and Amherst College, Mass.; unmarried. On leav ing college became, in November, 1904, con nected with the Holbrook-Blackwelder Real Estate Trust Co., of which was vice president until 1912; since president Share and Mort gage Co. Member Business Men's League, Civic League. Congregationalist. Clubs: St. Louis Country, University, Racquet, Noonday, Dardenne Shooting. Recreation: outdoor di versions. Office: 310 N. 4th St. Residence: King's Highway and Lindell Boul. BIXBY, William K., manufacturer; born, Adrian, Mich., Jan. 2, 1857; son of Alonzo Foster and Emma Louisa (Keeney) Bixby; graduated Adrian High School; married, San Antonio, Tex., June 13, 1881, Lillian Tuttle; children: Sidney T., Emma (Mrs. A. H. Jor dan), William H., Harold McM., Ruth, Ralph F., Donald C. President Laclede 'Gas Co., Provident Association, Essex Investment Co., Temple Realty Co., City Art Museum of St. Louis, Missouri Historical Society. Vice presi dent Washington University; ex-president of the Syndicate Trust Co. Director St. Louis & San Francisco Ry., St. Louis Union Trust Co. (member executive committee), National Bank of Commerce, American Central Insur ance Co., Wagner Electric Manufacturing Co., Union Sand and Material Co., First National 58 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS Bank of Lake George, N. Y., Consolidated In vestment Co., American Car and Foundry Co., Emporium Realty Co., Equitable Surety Co. Appointed, Dec. 18, 1911, one of the receivers of Wabash R. R. Congregationalist. Inde pendent in politics. Member National Mu nicipal League, American Red Cross, Self Cul ture Hall (St. Louis), Society for Study and Cure of Tuberculosis, Manual Training School (director), Civic Improvement League, Citi zens' Industrial Association, St. Luke's Hos pital (director), Hospital Saturday and Sun day Association (St. Louis), Bolton Improve ment Association (New York), Lake George Association (New York), Municipal Voters' League (St. Louis), New York State His torical Society, St. Louis Academy of Sci ences, Bibliophile Society of Boston, Artists' Guild (St. Louis), Archaeological Society (St. Louis), American Historical Preservation So ciety, American Anthropological Association, Sons of Revolution, Society of Colonial Wars, New England Society of St. Louis, Society of Ieonophiles (New York), Antiquarian Society of Worcester, Mass., Western Society for Pre vention of Vice, Teachers' Annuity Associa tion (St. Louis), New England Historic-Gen ealogical Society (Boston), Society for Pres ervation of New England Antiquities (Bos ton). Clubs: St. Louis, Noonday, Country, Bellerive Country, University, Racquet, Franklin (vice president), Burns (president); also Caxton and Society of Dofobs (Chicago), Rowfant (Cleveland), Club of Odd Volumes (Boston), Lake George, of New York (presi dent), Middle Bass (Ohio), National Arts and Grolier (New York). Recreations: golf and fishing. Office: Century Bldg. Residence: King's Highway and Linden Ave. BLACK, George Ewalt, general agent Mu tual Benefit Life Insurance Co. of Newark, N. J.; born, Schellsburg, Bedford Co., Pa., Oct. 29, 1867; son of Jeremiah Ewalt and Mary Lelia (Deal) Black; high school and business college education', married, Louisa Court House, Va., Oct. 24, 1901, Martha Walker Porter; one son: William Mallory. Began active career in Northern Kansas as clerk in bank; was assistant cashier of the bank at 18 and cashier at 21, when it was converted into a national bank; assisted in organizing three banks in Northern Kansas. and Western Missouri; on account of close confinement disposed of banking interests in 1896 and became solicitor for the Travelers Insurance Co. at Kansas City, Mo.; was called to home office at Hartford, Conn., as special agent, and later promoted to position of super intendent of agencies; resigned Jan. 1, 1907, removing from Hartford to St. Louis as junior partner of Darby & Black, general agents Mu tual Benefit Life Insurance Co. of Newark, N. J.; succeeded Darby & Black as general agents of the company, Apr. 1, 1911, owing to retirement of C. W. Darby after serving the Mutual Benefit Life in St. Louis for forty- three years. Republican. Baptist. Member Business Men's League, Civic League. Clubs: St. Louis, City, Missouri Athletic. Office: 10th floor Wright Bldg. Residence: 5085 Raymond- Avenue. BLACKBURN, Jasper, inventor and manu facturer Everstick Anchor; born, Hunnewell, Mo., Aug. 31, 1869; son of William Francis and Emily Jane (Ely) Blackburn; educated in public schools; married, La Belle, Mo., June 17, 1891, Margaret M. MeAnally; two children: Maurine E. and Francis M. Tele graph operator, 1888 and 1889; in dry goods business at Hunnewell, Mo., 1890-98; travel ing salesman for Geo. W. Perry Co., St. Louis, 1899-1906; president and general manager The Everstick Anchor Co. since 1906. Methodist. Member United Commercial Travelers' Asso ciation. Office: 1622-1624 N. 8th St. Resi dence: Kirkwood, Mo. BLACKMER, Clarence Eugene, retired; born on farm in Windsor Co., Vt., Mar. 31, 1853; son of Lucian and Elvira J. (Rich mond) Blackmer; educated in public schools in Vermont; widower. Came to St. Louis in December, 1868, and began business career as collector for the St. Louis Stoneware Co., re maining with that company until November, 1871, then entered coal business under style of C. E. Blackmer, and continued until sold out in 1893. In 1888 became proprietor of the Hart Coal Co., wholesale and retail coal and coke, and continued until May 1, 1907, when sold out to Union Fuel Co. and retired. Re publican. Universalist. Recreations: travel ing and reading. Residence: 1314 Pestalozzi Street. BLACKMER, Lucian Richmond, president Blackmer & Post Pipe Co.; born, Barnard, Windsor Co., Vt., Mar. 6, 1848; son of Lucian and Elvira J. (Richmond) Blackmer; common school education; married, St. Louis, Jan. 1, 1879, Caroline L. Jones; children: Lucian G., Albert E., Katherine (Mrs. C. H. Miller), Ed ward L., Percy R., Gladys (Mrs. V. E. Tay lor). Began business career as clerk in coun try store at Barnard, Vt., for three years; came to St. Louis in the early part of 1867; secured employment with St. Louis Stoneware Co., first as bookkeeper, later secretary and treasurer, until fall of 1877; sales agent for sewer pipe manufactory of East Alton, 111., 1877-78. In 1878, with L. W. Post, began business in St. Louis under firm name of Blackmer & Post, which continued until July 5, 1892. when the business was incorporated as the Blackmer & Post Pipe Co., manufac turers of sewer pipes and kindred products, of which he is president. Also director of Webster Groves Trust Co. Republican. Prot estant. Member Legion of Honor. Clubs: Mercantile, Algonquin, Maine Fishing and THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 59 Hunting. Recreation: fishing. Office: 613 Wainwright Bldg. Residence: Webster Groves, Missouri. BLACKMER, Rollin Clinton, physician and surgeon; born, Stockbridge, Vt., Apr. 3, i860; son of Joel and Sarah A. (Barnes) Blackmer; graduated Goddard Seminary, Barre, Vt., 1880; CM. and M.D., Medical Department of Bishop College (now united with McGill Uni versity), Montreal, Canada, 1884; married, Brooklyn, N. Y., Sept. 30, 1886, Helen Maud Tarleton; one son: Joel, born July 29, 1887. Began practice at Montreal; removed to St. Louis, 1884; professor obstetrics and legal medicine, Barnes Medical College (now united with the American • Medical College) since 1892; director The Faculty Realty Co. Demo crat. Universalist. Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner; also member Odd Fellows, Legion of Honor, Royal Arcanum. Author: Manual of Medical Jurisprudence, 1894; Sex ual Jurisprudence, 1911. Office and Residence: 6778 Manchester Ave. BLACKWELDER, George H., real estate; born in Montgomery Co., 111., Jan. 19, 1849; son of Peter and Nellie (Scherer) Black- welder; educated in public schools and Hills- boro Academy, Hillsboro, 111., and at Illinois State University; married, Hillsboro, Oct. 18, 1877, Ida K. Miller (died Apr. 2, 1906); chil dren: Bertha, Edith (now Mrs. Frank Soule), Lucille. Began real estate business on own ac count at Hillsboro, 111., 1869, and continued until 1884; moved to Wichita, Kan., 1884, and associated with Mr. W. J. Holbrook in firm of Blackwelder & Holbrook until 1892, when firm removed to St. Louis, and afterwards was incorporated, 1901, as the Holbrook-Black- welder Real Estate Trust Co. (now having capital and surplus of $1,250,000), of which he has been secretary and treasurer from or ganization. Member of Real Estate Exchange. Republican. Office: 812 Olive St. Residence: Buckingham Hotel. BLACKWELL, Arthur Malcolm, president Blackwell-Wielandy Book and Stationery Co.; 1849-1912; see Vol. 1906. BLACKWELL, William Hudson, coffee and tea merchant; born, Uniontown, Ky., 1869; son of Thomas Clayton and Virginia Evaline (Taylor) Blackwell; educated in public and private schools at Uniontown, Ky., and in military school at Hopkinsville, Ky., 1885-86; married, Wichita, Kan., June 15, 1901, Grace Nelis Richardson. Began business career as clerk in a retail grocery store in Uniontown, Ky., in 1890; became a traveling salesman in 1896, and in September, 1899, became con nected with Meyer Bros. Coffee and Spice Co., wholesale jobbers of coffees, teas and spices, of which is vice president. Member Travel ers' Protective Association. Democrat. Epis copalian. Office: 400 S. 7th St. Residence: 4567 Washington Ave. BLAGDEN, Edward Reynolds; see Vol. 1906. BLAIR, Albert, lawyer; born, Kinderhook, Pike Co., 111., Oct. 16, 1840; son of William and Mary (Jackson) BJair; attended public schools at Barry, 111., until seventeenth year, then three years at Chr/stian University, Can ton, Mo., one year at Phillips Academy, Ex eter, N. H., and three years at Harvard Col lege, graduating 1863; married, 1907, Mrs. Clara Urquhart Spencer, of St. Louis. Ad mitted to bar in March, 1876, and since en gaged in general practice of law; now member of law firm of Holmes, Blair & Koerner. Di rector American Brake Co., Chicago Railway Equipment Co., Wagner Electric Mfg. Co., Moon-Hopkins Billing Machine Co. Member Missouri Historical Society, American and Missouri State Bar associations, and Law Li brary Association, Civic League. Republican; candidate, 1898, for state senator from City of St. Louis. Baptist. Clubs: St. Louis, Belle rive Country, City. Recreation: literature. Office: 1054 Pierce Bldg. Residence: 5052 Westminster Place. BLAIR, Vilray Papin, physician; born, St. Louis, June 15, 1871; son of Edmund Har rison and Minnie (Papin) Blair; educated in Christian Brothers College, and Medical De partment, Washington University, M.D., 1893; married, 1907, Kathryn Lyman Johnson. En gaged in practice since 1893; clinical professor of surgery, Washington University, Medical Department; professor of oral surgery, Wash ington University, Dental Department; visit ing surgeon to St. Luke's Hospital, Washing ton University Hospital, City Hospital and City Sanitarium. Member Association of American Anatomists, American Medical As sociation, Southern Surgical Association, Western Surgical Association. Club: Univer sity. Office: Metropolitan Bldg. Residence: 4654 Berlin Ave. *BLAKE, Harry. M., agricultural imple ments; removed from city; see Vol. 1906. BLAKE, James Porter, real estate and financial agent; born, Richwood, Union Co., O., Oct. 3, 1866; son of Adoniram J. and Clotilda (Shur) Blake; educated in public schools of Ohio; married, St. Louis, Jan. 31, 1899, Fannie B. Batte. Began business career in newspaper work, in 1882, filling every position from com positor to editor; in latter years of news paper work was manager of Colman's Rural World, St. Louis; in March, 1897, entered the real estate and loan business, and in 1905 the business was incorporated as John S. Blake & Bro. Realty Co., of which is vice president and treasurer. Member St. Louis Real Estate Exchange (was its treasurer five years, 1898- 1903); second vice president of National Asso ciation of Real Estate Exchanges, 1909-10, and its treasurer, 1910-11; secretary for Gen- £ GO THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS tlemen 's Driving Club several years. Ap pointed, 1909, commissioner for Porto Rico . in state of Missouri. .Member Ohio Society of , St. Louis (charter member), Knights of Pyth ias, Knights of Khorassan (charter member). Republican. Clubs: Mercantile, Missouri Ath letic. Recreations: theater and baseball. Of fice: 812 Chestnut St. Residence: 5551 Von Versen Ave. BLAKE, John Shur, real estate agent and financial agent; born, Cardington, O., Jan. 6, 1865; son of Adoniram J. and Clotilda (Shur) Blake; graduated from Riehwood (Ohio) High School, 1882; attended Martin's Shorthand School, St. Louis, 1885-86, St. Louis Law School, 1896-97; married, Riehwood, O., Oct. 18, 1888, Martha Cheney. Engaged in news paper business at Riehwood, 1882-85; came to St. Louis, 1885, and after attending short hand college took position as stenographer in office of E. W. Warfield, superintendent of Railway Mail Service, St. Louis, 1886; pro moted to scheme clerk, 1889, to chief clerk, 1890, and to assistant superintendent in 1891; resigned in 1893 to engage in real estate busi ness, and in 1897 formed partnership with brother, James P. Blake, under firm name of John S. Blake & Bro., and in 1905 the business was incorporated as John S. Blake & Bro. Realty Co., of which is president; also presi dent of Marfan Investment Co. Organized, 1902, the Williamson-Blake Construction Co., which built the Hamilton Hotel and owned and operated same during the Louisiana Pur chase Exposition, and now president Claiborne Realty Co., owners of the Hamilton Hotel. Member (and was director) of St. Louis Real Estate Exchange; member Business Men's League, Citizens' Industrial Association. Re publican. Member Ohio Society of St. Louis (charter member and ex-president), Legion of Honor, Knights of Pythias, Royal Arcanum, Knights of Khorassan (charter member). Clubs: St. Louis, Mercantile, Missouri Ath letic (charter member), Automobile, Aero. Recreations: fishing and bowling. Office: 812 Chestnut St. Residence: Hamilton Hotel. BLAKE, Orville Prescott, assistant general manager of sales, Inland Steel Co.; born, St. Louis, Dec. 19, 1870; son of Elzy and Emma (Pearson) Blake; educated in public schools to 1882; Glendale Military Academy, 1882-84; Marietta College, Ohio, degree of A.B., 1892; married, Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 30, 1896, Lulu Carson; three children: Rhea, Howard, Eugene. Began active career at fourteen in wholesale grocery business, continuing until he entered college in 1888; was with Kingman & Co., implement dealers, St. Louis and Kan sas City, Mo., 1892-98; chief clerk Evans & Howard Fire Brick Co., 1898-1902; assistant manager sales American Sheet and Tin Plate Co., 1902-06; district sales manager Inland Steel Co., 1906-12; since assistant general manager of sales. Progressive Republican. Elder West Presbyterian Church; chairman board of managers Y. M. C. A.; director St. Louis City Rescue Mission; member Co-op erating Committee Laymen's Missionary Movement, Committee of 100 Men and Re ligion Forward Movement. Member Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity. Club: Mercantile. Recreations: outdoor athletics. Office: 504 National Bank of Commerce Bldg. Residence: 5909 W. Cabanne Place. *BLAKE, William Henry; moved to Wood- lawn, 111.; see Vol. 1906. BLAND, Charles Clelland; see Vol. 1906. BLAND, Theodoric Richard, lawyer; born, Lebanon, Mo., Nov. 25, 1877; son of Hon. Richard Parks Bland (member of Congress, 1873-95 and 1897-99) and Virginia Elizabeth (Mitchell) Bland; educated in district school near Lebanon, Mo., St. John's Academy, Washington, D. C, Christian Brothers Col lege, St. Louis, A.B., 1897; St.. Louis Law School, LL.B., 1899; married, St. Louis, Oct. 5, 1904, Winifred M. Vickery; children: Richard Parks, Vera Elizabeth, Harry Vickery, Vir ginia Mary, Theodoric Charles. Admitted to bar, Oct. 25, 1899, and since engaged, with Rhodes E. Cave as partner, under firm name of Bland & Cave, in general practice of law in St. Louis. Democrat; police commissioner, St. Louis, 1906-10. Roman Catholic. Member St. Louis Bar Association, St. Louis Amateur Athletic Association. Favorite recreations: golf and horticulture. Office: Pierce Bldg. Residence: 5228 McMillan Ave. BLANKE, Albert George, real estate and financial agent; born, Marine, Madison Co., 111., Feb. 1, 1866; son of Fred G. and Carolina (Ortgies) Blanke; educated in public schools, Marine, 111.; married, St. Louis, Apr. 24, 1901, Lilly M. Verborg; children: Janet, Albert G., Jr. Came to St. Louis in 1883; was in employ of L. H. Lohmeyer for several years, then bookkeeper until 1897; went into business for self in 1897, and has so continued. Director Title Guaranty Trust Co. Member Merchants' Exchange and Real Estate Exchange. Repub lican. Clubs: Union, Liederkranz. Recreation: horseback riding. Office: 803 Chestnut St. Residence: 3241 Copelin Ave. BLANKE, Cyrus Frederick, importer and jobber of teas and coffees; born, Marine, HI., Oct. 24, 1862; son of Frederick G. and Caro lina (.Ortgies) Blanke; educated in public school, Marine, 111., and one term at commer cial college, St. Louis; married, Clinton, Mo., Dec. 26, 1899, Eugenia Frowein; children: Augusta Caroline, Eugenia Linda. At age of 16 became clerk in a retail grocery, and after-- ward was with three wholesale houses, the- last being a wholesale tea and coffee house; in 1890 established for himself as importer and jobber in teas and coffees; now president THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 01 of the C. F. Blanke Tea and Coffee Co., St. Louis, C. F. Blanke Tea and Coffee Co., Dallas, Tex.; also president St. Louis Tin Sheet Metal Working Co., Blanke-Baer Chemical Co., Uni versal Exposition Co. Director of the World's Fair. Bought the log cabin built by General Grant near St. Louis, in 1854, in order to pre serve it trom destruction and save it for pub lic use as a memento of the great Union hero. Member Missouri Historical Society. Repub lican. Mason, Knight Templar, and Shriner; member Legion of Honor, Royal Arcanum, Knights of Pythias, Elks. Clubs: Union (ex- president), Glen Echo, Million Population (president). Was chairman for the day, enter taining President Taft during his visit to St. Louis, Sept. 23, 1911. Recreation: horseback riding. Office: 7th St. and Clark Ave. Resi dence: St. Regis Apartments. BLANKE, Louis William, president Blanke Manufacturing and Supply Co.; born, St. Louis, Mo., Feb. 17, 1852; son of William F. and Sophia (Bernbrock) Blanke; educated ten years in ¦private school and two years in pub lic school at Marine, 111., one year in commer cial college at St. Louis; married, Marine, 111., Mar. 25, 1880, Pauline Elbring; children: Oliver B., Robert L., Henry E. Employed in father's store (Blanke & Bro.), Marine, 111., 1869-71; clerk for G. Hafferkamp, retail gro cer, St. Louis, 1872, partner with same (Haf ferkamp & Blanke), 1873-1880; bought out in terest of Mr. Hafferkamp, and continued busi ness alone as L. W. Blanke until May, 1903, when sold out. In 1903, with W. F. Blanke and R. B. Hauk, bought business of H. MeWilson & Co., and continued same under style of Blanke & Hauk Supply Co., of which was president; engaged in wholesale business in dairy, cream ery and poultry supplies until March, 1911, when firm name was changed to Blanke Manu facturing and Supply Co., of which is presi dent. Protestant. Independent in politics. Member 12th District Congressional Commit tee for ten years; member House of Dele gates, St. Louis, 1889-90. Member and one of organizers of St. Louis Creamery Association; member Citizens ' Industrial Association, Civic League, St. Louis Public Museum. Clubs: Liederkranz, Union. Recreations: music, flori culture. Office: 1009-1013 Lucas Ave. Resi dence: 1724 S. Compton Ave. BLANKE, Richard H., secretary and treas urer C. F. Blanke Tea and Coffee Co.; born, Marine, 111. ; son of Frederick G. and Carolina (Ortgies) Blanke; educated in public schools of Marine, 111.; married Miss Hazel Thomp son, of St. Louis, Apr. 20, 1907. Began busi ness career as clerk in father's store at Ma rine, 111., for two years; came to St. Louis, 1888, and was with Steinwender-Stoffregan Tea' and Coffee Co., until 1890; since with C. F. Blanke Tea and Coffee Co., of which is now secretary and treasurer; also secretary of St. Louis Tin and Sheet Metal Working Co. Member Travelers' Protective Association. Republican. Club: Union. Recreations: horse back riding and walking. Office: 7th St. and Clark Ave. Residence: 4 N. Kingshighway. BLANKE, William F., manufacturer; born, Marine, 111., Apr. 7, 1870; son of William F. and Sophia (Bernbrock) Blanke; educated in public schools at Marine, 111., until 17; mar ried, St. Louis, June 2, 1908, Alma Trauer- nicht; one daughter: AUeen Gertrude. After leaving school clerked for two years in coun try store at Marine; came to St. Louis and was with Missouri Pacific R. R. Co. for four teen months; then bookkeeper and cashier for two years for Gildehaus, Wulfing & Co., whole sale grocers, two years bookkeeper for Charles Rebstock, wholesale liquors. Member firm of Vogler & Blanke until 1902, since as the W. F. Blanke Can and Manufacturing Co., of which is sole proprietor. Also vice president Blanke Manufacturing and Supply Co., wholesale creamery supplies. Member Civic Improve ment League, Universal Exposition Co. Re publican. Protestant. Club: Union. Recrea tions: horseback riding and motoring. Office: 116 Pine St. Residence: 3005 Allen Ave. BLANKENMEISTER, Arthur Albert, wholesale glassware merchant; born, St. Louis, Mar. 25, 1876; son of Ferdinand Henry and Josephine (Wulze) Blankenmeister; edu cated at Evangelical Bethania (private Ger man) School, Stoddard (public) School and St. Louis Manual Training School, graduating 1893; married, St. Louis, Apr. 14, 1898, Ella Marion Ostrander; children: Harold A., Ar nold F. While at Manual Training School, worked through summer vacations as assist ant draftsman, and in 1893 began work as draftsman for Hidgen & Longan, patent at torneys, until 1895; city salesman and trav eling salesman in Iowa and Nebraska for John Meier, shoe manufacturer, St. Louis, 1895-97; with St. Louis Glass and Queens- ware Co., 1897-1902; member firm of F. H. Blankenmeister & Son, 1902-10, since Blank enmeister Glass Co. Member United Com mercial Travelers' Association. Recreations: hunting and fishing. Office: 721-723 N. 11th St. Residence: 1393 A Arlington Ave. BLANKENMEISTER, Ferdinand Henry, wholesale glassware and queensware; born, Trier, Germany, Sept. 4, 1850; son of John Peter and Louisa (Wettendorf ) Blankenmeis ter; came to United States in 1851, with par ents; educated in private German schools, Boonville, Mo., and Kemper College, 1859-60; married, St. Louis, Apr. 29, 1873, Josephine Wulze; children: Arthur Albert, Clara, Oscar F., Edgar G., Julia, Edith. Clerk in quarter master department, Missouri State Militia, 1862-63; worked at bench of father's jewelry store, 1864; clerk in hat store at Milwaukee, Wis., 1865-66; clerk for M. J. Wertheimer; 02 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS clothing, Boonville, Mo., 1866-67; salesman for Gray & Guerdon, hats, St. Louis, 1867-68; stock clerk and salesman for Crow & Hill, hats, St. Louis, 1868-69; traveling salesman for Westermann & Meier, glass and queens- ware, 1870-85; president St. Louis Glass and Queensware Co., 1885-1902; in March, 1902, established firm of F. H. Blankenmeister & Sons, which changed to Blankenheimer Glass Co., 1910. Recreations: fishing and hunting. Office: 721-723 N. 11th St. Residence: 1803 Cora Ave. BLANTON, David Anderson, manufacturer of butterine; born in Pike Co., Mo., Mar. 26, 1875; son of Joseph P. and Anna Craig (Bell) Blanton; educated in Model School of State Normal School, Kirksville, Mo., Preparatory School, Academic Department and Law School, University of Missouri, graduating LL.B., 1898; married, London, England, Feb. 7, 1910, Eugenie D. Moulton. Came to St. Louis as representative of State Board of Agriculture; resigned to go into business in 1900; was elected secretary and treasurer of the Meinicke-Blanton Manufacturing Co., 1902; sold out interest in 1904, and organized the Blanton Co., of which he is president. Member Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Democrat. Club: Mercantile. Recreation: traveling. Of fice: 115-123 Spruce St. Residence: 5325 Savoy Court. BLASE, Arthur F(rederick) C(harles), vice president Security Title Co.; born, St. Louis, May 10, 1888; son of August F. and Sophie D. (Venz) Blase; educated at Ames and Blair schools, St. Louis; Yeatman High School; Benton College of Law; married, St. Louis, June 12, 1912, Ethel A. Wehrenbrecht. Be gan active career with the Title Guaranty Trust Co., St. Louis, Sept. 8, 1904; organized the Security Title Co., February, 1911, for the real estate men of St. Louis — the only com pany of the kind in the country; induced the City of St. Louis to change the system under which it was having its titles examined, thus saving the city $10,000 or $12,000 per year, the change being made about June, 1911; has been vice president and manager Security Title Co. from time of its organization. Mem ber St. Louis Real Estate Exchange. Evan gelical Lutheran; librarian Grace Evangelical Lutheran Sunday School. Secretary Demos thenes Society; member Concordia Benevolent Association. Recreations: reading and music. Office: 911 Chestnut St. 'Residence: 2037 Fair Avenue. BLASE, Louis, millinery; born, St. Louis, Mar. 2, 1869; son of Fred and Elenora Blase; educated in public and high schools of St. Louis; married, St. Louis, June, 1899, Mary Beverly; children: Adelaide, Marguerite, Flo rence. Began business career in subordinate capacity with wholesale millinery firm of Gaier & Stroh in 1883, became salesman, and has continued with same house ever since; upon incorporation of the business, 1894, as Gaier & Stroh Millinery Co., took position as vice president of the company, and in July, 1910, became president. Member Business Men's League, Salesmanagers ' Association. Member Evangelical Lutheran Church. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Liederkranz. Office: 1221 Washington Ave. Residence: 1824 La Salle Avenue. BLATTNER, August, merchant; see Vol. 1906. BLAYNEY, John McClusky, Jr., lawyer; born, Albany, N. Y., May 3, 1878; son of John McClusky and Lucy Weisiger (Lindsey) Blayney; A.B., Centre College, Danville, Ky., 1898; spent three years studying in Europe; LL.B., Harvard University Law School, 1904; married, Danville, Ky., June 6, 1906, Eva Clare Grant; two children: Frances Lindsey and John McClusky. Admitted to Missouri bar, 1904, and has since practiced in St. Louis; member firm of Eliot, Chaplin, Blayney & Bedal. Member St. Louis and Missouri State Bar associations. Office: 1711-1716 Third National Bank Bldg. Residence: 640 Linden Ave., St. Louis County. BLEHA, Charles Aug., clergyman; born, Bohemia, Austria, Mar. 11, 1864; son of Fran cis and Barbara (Kudrnka) Bleha; educated in parochial school, Zumberg, Bohemia", col lege in Chrudim, Bohemia, and University of Louvain, Belgium, graduating from latter in stitution, 1891. Ordained to priesthood, Bo- man Catholic Church, June 29, 1891; came to Ameriea November following and assumed charge of a congregation as assistant at New Orleans, continuing for about four years; was transferred to St. Louis, 1895, as assistant pastor to Monseigneur Hessoun, then pastor of St. John's of Nepomuk; later also served as pastor of St. Wenceslaus' parish; appointed administrator of St. John's parish, 1900, and has had full charge since July, 1906. Manager of the Hlas (The Voice), the oldest Bohemian Catholic paper published in the United States, and founded the Ceska Zena, a monthly maga zine for Bohemian women, 1908, which is now circulated extensively throughout the coun try. Has been instrumental in construction of an orphan asylum at Fenton, Mo., known as the Bohemian Catholic Hessoun Orphan Asylum, of which is director; director, man ager and treasurer Bohemian Literary So ciety of St. Louis. Residence: 1625 S. lltb Street. BLELOCK, William Mortimer, sewing ma chine attachments; born, London, England, July 19, 1832; son of John and Sarah (James) Blelock; was brought to America, 1833; edu cated in public schools of Rochester, N. Y.; married, Cairo, 111., 1857, Minnie Miller (died! THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS (S3 1902); five sons: George, Charles, Frederick, Frank, Percy. Began business career at Cairo, 111., as newsdealer and stationer, 1858; settled in St. Louis, 1874; head of Blelock Manufac turing Co. since 1883. Member Business Men's League. Office: 913 Locust St. Resi dence: 5397 Waterman Av. BLEVINS, John Alexander, lawyer; born Abingdon, Va., Oct. 29, 1860; son of Z. C. and Susan S. (Duff) Blevins; educated in common schools of Missouri, two years in Simpson In stitute, Versailles, Mo., and three years' law course in Columbian (now George Washing ton) University, Washington, D. O, receiving degrees of LL.B. and LL.M., 1886; married, Versailles, Mo., Apr. 29, 1884, Cerro Gordo McMinn; children: C. Malcolm, Gladys. Ad mitted to bar in 1882 and began practice of law at Versailles, Mo.; was confidential cor respondent to Postmaster General William F. Vilas, 1885-88, at Washington, D. C; returned to Versailles, and was prosecuting attorney of Morgan Co., 1890-94; moved to St. Louis, 1894, and was head of law firm of Blevins, Lyon & Swartz for two years, 1898 and 1899; was appointed judge of the Circuit Court of St. Louis, 8th Judicial Circuit, and served the two years, 1903 and 1904; was nominated by Democratic party for reelection, but defeated, in 1904; since in practice of law and member of firm of Blevins & Jamison since 1907. Member St. Louis, Missouri State and Ameri can Bar associations. Member M. E. Church, South. Clubs: Mercantile, Missouri Athletic, Triple A, Sunset Inn Country. Office: 703 Commercial Bldg. Residence: 4447 Washing ton Boul. BLEWETT, Ben, superintendent of instruc tion, St. Louis public schools; born, Russell- ville, Ky., Feb. 25, 1856; son of Benjamin T. and Avis Williams (Hedge) Blewett; pre pared for college at Augusta, Ky., graduated from Washington University, A.B., 1876, A.M., 1879; married, Aug. 8, 1907, Jessie H. Par sons, of Riverside,, Jefferson Co., Mo. Teacher of high school subjects at Cote Brilliante School, St. Louis, 1876-77, Eleardville School, 1877-78; principal Lowell School, 1878-80, Humboldt School, 1880-83, Carr Lane School, 1883-84, Divoll School, 1884-89, Stoddard School, 1889- 97; assistant superintendent of instruction, September, 1897-June, 1908, since superintend ent of instruction. During 1883-84, as corre sponding secretary of the Society of Peda gogy, conducted correspondence leading to movement for compulsory school attendance. Director for Missouri, National Educational Association, 1904 and 1905; president Mis souri State Teachers ' Association, 1904. Many years member of District School Board in St. Louis Co.; for eight years president of board of directors, Missouri School for the Blind. Past Master Tuscan Lodge, No. 360, A. F. and A. M. Member Business Men 's League. Clubs: Mercantile, City. Recreation: garden ing. Office: 9th and Locust Sts. Residence: 3405 Hawthorne Boul. BLEYER, Adrien S., physician; born, St. Louis, Jan. 17, 1878; son of William M. and Marie Rose (Sarrazin) Bleyer; graduated Smith Academy, St. Louis, 1896; M.D., Mis souri Medical College, 1899; unmarried. Has engaged in practice in St. Louis since 1899; lecturer on sanitation in Medical Department, Washington University; physician to out-pa tients, St. Louis Children's Hospital; assistant in pediatrics, Washington University Med ical Department; director St. Louis Pure Milk Commission; medical director of St. Louis Society for Relief and Prevention of Tuber culosis, 1910. Former editor Medical Bulletin, Washington University, and associate editor St. Louis Courier of Medicine. Secretary St. Louis Pediatric Society; member American and Missouri State Medical associations, St. Louis Medical Society, Washington Univer sity Alumni Association, Alpha Kappa Phi Chapter of Nu Sigma Nu medical fraternity. Republican. Presbyterian. Office: Delmar Bldg., 706 N. King's Highway Boul. Resi dence: 4339 Washington Boul. BLISS, Malcolm Andrews, phvsician; born, Warsaw, 111., July 2, 1863; son of Neziah Wright and Amanda Jessie (Andrews) Bliss; removed with parents, 1867, to Kingston Fur nace, Washington Co., Mo., where father was superintendent of mining company; attended public schools two years, studied three years under private tutor, attended Warsaw High School, 1878-79; graduated from Missouri Den tal College, D.D.S., 1884, Chicago Medical College, M.D., 1890; married, Farmington, Mo., Apr. 29, 1891, Clemmie Chilton Carter; chil dren: William Carter, Wyllys King, Helen Bliss. Engaged in farming and stock raising at Kingston Furnace, Mo., from age of 12 to 16; taught district school in Washington Co., Missouri, winter of 1880-81; went to Chicago, April, 1882; bookkeeper Marshall Field & Co., dry goods, during summer; attended Missouri Dental College, and after graduation was as sistant to Dr. Eames, winter of 1885, and to Dr. W. N. Morrison, spring, 1886, in St. Louis; located in practice of dentistry at Farming- ton, Mo., 1885-88; after medical graduation practiced at Bonne Terre, Mo., 1890-92; in practice at St. Louis since Sept. 25, 1902. Member St. Louis Medical Society, St. Louis Neurological Society, American Neurological Association. Specialist in nervous diseases; instructor in psychiatry, Washington Univer sity; neurologist St. Louis Mullanphy Hos pital. Republican. Episcopalian. Recreation: mechanics. Office: Humboldt Bldg. Residence: 4929 Lotus Ave. BLOCK, George M., lawyer; born, Aber deen, Pike Co., Mo., Dec. 10, 1856; son of 04 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS Henry V. P. and Alice V. (Meriwether) Block; educated at Washington University; LL.B., St. Louis Law School, 1878; married, St. Louis, Oct. 10, 1883, Helen L. Sylvester; one daugh ter: Helen B. Whittlesey. Has practiced in St. Louis since 1877; member law firm of Block & Sullivan; lecturer on bailments and carriers, St. Louis University Institute of Law. President, treasurer and counsel Born- land Investment Co.; director and general counsel Union Sand and Material Co.; coun sel and director O. J. Louis Mercantile Co. Member St. Louis Bar Association, St. Louis Historical Society, Beta Theta Pi. Episco palian. Clubs: Mercantile, City, Contempo rary. Recreation: travel. Office: 807 Carleton Bldg. Residence: 5092 Westminster PI. BLODGETT, Henry William, lawyer; born, St. Louis, Oct. 16, 1877; son of Wells H. and Emma (Dickson) Blodgett; educated St. Louis public schools; Manual Training School; Cor nell University, Ithaca, N. Y. ; St. Louis Law School (Washington University), graduating with degree of LL.B., 1900; married, St. Louis, Aug. 24, 1911, Alice Foot Borgess. Admitted to Missouri bar, 1900; practiced in partner ship with James L. Minnis, as Minnis & Blod gett, 1900-02; practiced alone, 1902-03, and then entered into partnership with Walter N Davis as Blodgett & Davis, so continuing until 1907; served as U. S. district attorney for Eastern district of Missouri, April, 1907-Jan. 1, 1910, resigned; associated in practice with Charles W. Bates, under title of Bates & Blod gett, January, 1910; in May, 1911, Charles P. Williams and. Walter N. Davis were admitted to the firm, the title now being Bates, Blod gett, Williams & Davis. Member St. Louis Board of Election Commissioners since Jan. 10, 1910. Republican. Unitarian. Member American Bar Association, St. Louis Bar As sociation, Phi Delta Phi, Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Clubs: Racquet, Glen Echo. Recreations: golf and fishing. Office: Third National Bank Bldg. Residence: 5428 Delmar Boul. BLODGETT, Wells Howard, lawyer; born, Downer 's Grove, Du Page Co., Illinois, Jan. 29, 1839; son of Israel P. and Avis Blodgett; educated at Illinois Institute (now Wheaton College), Wheaton, 111.; served in Union Army in Civil War, 1861-65; received congressional medal of honor for gallant and meritorious service in 1862, and in July, 1865, was mus tered out as colonel of the 48th Regiment of Missouri Volunteers; married, Waukegan, 111., July, 1865, Emma Dickson; children: Mar garet, Henry and Edith. Studied law previous to Civil War and was admitted to bar in 1861; resumed practice after war and has continued ever since; member Missouri House of Repre sentatives, 1866-68, and of State Senate, 1868- 72; assistant attorney, 1873-74, and general at torney, 1874-79, St. Louis, Kansas City and Northern R. R.; general solicitor of the Wa bash, St. Louis & Pacific Ry., 1879-84; gen eral counsel for the receivers, Wabash Lines, 1884-89; general solicitor, 1889-1900, vice pres ident and general counsel, 1900-1911, general counsel for receivers since Dec. 11, 1911, Wa bash R. R. Member St. Louis Bar Asso ciation. Member of Blair Post No. 1, G. A. R., and Missouri Commandery Loyal Legion. Clubs: Mercantile, Noonday. Office: R. 1110, 706 Chestnut St. Residence: 4449 W. Pine Street. BLODGETT, William Albert, vice presi dent American Central Insurance Co.; born, Boston, May 22, 1865; son of Samuel M. and Amelia C. (Cline) Blodgett; educated public schools of Boston and Chicago; married, Chi cago, Aug. 20, 1891, Virginia Livingston, of St. Paul, Minn.; children: Roswell Livingston (student Princeton), Dorothea Helen (student Wellesley, Mass.). Began as clerk in Chicago office of the Springfield Fire and Marine In surance Co. of Massachusetts, Aug. 1, 1881; was second assistant manager Western Depart ment of the company, 1897-1911; elected vice president American Central Insurance Co., September, 1911, and since resided in St. Louis. Democrat. Episcopalian. Member Sons of American Revolution. Royal Arch Mason. Clubs: St. Louis, Glen Echo (St. Louis), Union League (Chicago). Recreation: golf. Office: 816 Olive St. Residence: Washington Hotel. BLOMBERG, Charles Frederick, real estate; born, St. Louis, Sept. 25, 1872; son of Fred erick C. and Martha (Loeffler) Blomberg; educated in public schools and in Martin & Hay ward's Business College, St. Louis; mar ried, St. Louis, Sept. 25, 1901, Martha Kellers- man; two children: Dolores Martha, Arline Louise. In saddlery and hardware business with the P. J. Peters Saddlery Co., 1886-89; since May, 1889, engaged in real estate and financial agency and insurance business under firm name of C. F. Blomberg & Co. Also pres ident Standard Roofing Co. Republican. Meth odist. Mason, Knight Templar. Recreations: riding and driving and floral culture. Office: 1109 Chestnut St. Residence: 4958 Fountain Avenue. BLOODWORTH, James M., life insurance; born, Griffin, Ga., Apr. 30, 1871; son of James M. and Marie (Bonnell) Bloodworth; educated in public schools; married, Atlanta, Ga., June 27, 1894, Annie Laurie Brown; children: E. Carleton, Annie Laurie and James. Began active career at fifteen and was identified with retail shoe business for several years; in same line of business on own account, 1895-97; traveling salesman for a shoe manufacturing house of Cincinnati, 1897-1902; with Union Central Life Insur ance Co. at Cincinnati, 1902-12; general man ager at St. Louis department of Home Life Insurance Co. of New York since February, 1912. Baptist. Member Business Men's THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 05 League. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Adver tisers'. Recreation: fishing. Office: 512-514 Wright Bldg. Residence: Hamilton Hotel. BLOOM, Edgar Selden, telephone official; born, Bloomsbury, N. J., Dec. 17, 1874; son of Erastus Starner and Mary Taylor (Smith) Bloom; educated preparatory schools, Phila delphia; B.S., University of Pennsylvania, 1895, M.E., 1896; married, New York City, Oct. 16, 1905, May Gladys Wallace; one child: Eleanor Wallace. With the New York Tele phone Co. successively as service inspector, assistant traffic engineer, supervising foreman of construction and construction engineer, 1896-1906; superintendent plant, New York & New Jersey Telephone Co., 1906-09; Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co., 1909-10; en gineer of plant operation, American Telephone and Telegraph Co., since January, 1910; now second vice president Bell Telephone Co. of Missouri, Missouri & Kansas Telephone Co., Pioneer Telephone and Telegraph Co., South western Telegraph and Telephone Co. Presby terian. Member Telephone Society of New York, Mu Phi Alpha (honorary engineering fraternity University of Pennsylvania), Delta Upsilon fraternity. Club: Noonday. Recrea tions: fishing, golf, reading. Office: National Bank of Commerce Bldg. Residence: St. Regis Apartments. BLOSSOM, Henry Martyn, president the Insurance Agency Co.; born, Madison, N. Y., Mar. 6, 1833; son Rufus and Tirzah (Farns- worth) Blossom; educated in public schools in New York; married at Madison, N. Y., June, 1855, to Miss Susie S. Brigham; chil dren: Edmund D., Russell N. (deceased), May (Mrs. T. C. Kimber), Susie S., Henry M., Jr. (playwright, author of "Checkers," The Yankee Consul, Mile. Modiste, The Red Mill, The Prima Donna, The Slim Princess). Learned printer's trade in New York; came to St. Louis, 1852, and became second clerk under his brother who was first clerk, on the "Polar Star," a Missouri river steamboat of the first class. Later became first clerk and part owner of same boat and afterward of the steamer "Hiawatha"; quit steamboating in 1860; en tered insurance business and was secretary of the Globe Mutual Insurance Co. until Chi cago fire of 1871; then became local agent for several insurance companies and developed one of the largest insurance agencies in the West. The Insurance Agency Co., of which he is now president, is a consolidation of the insurance firms of Henry M. Blossom & Co., Peugnet & Hemmenway, Roeslin & Robyn and Moses Fraley & Co. Also president of Scar- ritt-Comstock Furniture Co. Member St. Louis Insurance Agents' Association (president, 1905). Prominent in various local musical or ganizations. Has for nearly a half-century been the leader of the choir of the church to which he belongs, the First Presbyterian Church, which is tho first Protestant organiza tion west of the Mississippi River that has maintained continuous life since 1817. Presi dent of the St. Louis Association of Music Committee Chairmen. Club: Mercantile. Of fice: 112 N. 4th St. (1426 Pierce Bldg.) Resi dence: 5617 Cabanne Ave. BLOSSOM, Howard A., deceased; see Vol. 1906. BLUE, Charles Frederic; see Vol. 1906. BLUMEYER, George, president Eagle Sup ply Co.; born, St. Louis, July 14, 1872; son of Conrad and Elizabeth (Spuehlman) Blu- meyer; educated in public and high schools of St. Louis, graduating from the latter, 1891; married, St. Louis, Aug. 13, 1908, Pearl Hughes. Began active career in retail gro cery business, 1891; assisted in organizing the George Blumeyer & Bros. Grocery Co., at Grand and Shenandoah Aves.; disposed of the business to J. F. Conrad & Co., Dec. 1, 1907, and has since been head of the Eagle Supply Co., which deals in general merchandise, through agents, by mail; also director Blu meyer Real Estate Co. Republican. Presby terian. Club: Missouri Athletic. Recreations: billiards, bowling, baseball. Office: 2209 Chest nut St. Residence: 5568 Waterman Ave. BOCK, Arminius Frederick, physician; born, in Monroe Co., 111., Oct. 19, 1846; son of Fred erick B. and Catherine (Lemen) Bock; edu cated in public schools, and at University of Wurzburg, Germany, M.D., 1868; married, St. Louis, 1875, Emma Beckman; children: Ber tha (Mrs. Dr. H. D. Brandt), Elsa (Mrs. Dr. L. H. Hempelmann), Alice, Frederick Louis. In practice as physician and surgeon in St. Louis since 1869. Was surgeon for sixteen years, and is now consulting surgeon, to Deaconess Hospital. Member American Med ical Association, St. Louis Medical Society. English Lutheran. Office and Residence: 1109 N. Grand Ave. BOCK, George Wilhelm, surgeon; born, Hameln, Province of Hanover, Germany, June 23, 1856; son of Herman (banker) and Elise (Wenzel) Bock; educated in schools in Ger many; studied medicine five years at Gottin- gen, Germany, and afterward at College Phy sicians and Surgeons, St. Louis, M.D., 1886; also from the Colegio de la Pharmacia y Cirurjia y Medicina, Guatemala, 1889; from youth a constant student of entomology; served in Prussian Army, 1875-76; married, Quincy, 111., Feb. 20, 1884, Lottie Ruff; chil dren: Kark, Hans, Lux. Engaged in practice of surgery since 1880; practiced for some time in Mexico and Guatemala; now surgeon, gynecologist and obstetrician. Founder and member of Naturalist Club of St. Louis; cor responding member of Washington Entomolog ical Society- Office and Residence: 2904 Allen Avenue. 66 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS BOCKSTRUCK, William F., homoeopathic pharmacist; born, Borgholzhausen, Prussia, Aug. 7, 1841; son of William H. and Mary C. (Brune) Boekstruek;, resident of St. Louis since 1852; educated in parochial schools and at Rohrer's Business College, St. Louis; mar ried, St. Louis, 1867, Elizabeth Herhold; chil dren: Albrecht H., William F., Jr., Henry O, Edmund F., Ferdinand R., Bertha, Lillie. Be gan business career, 1855, with Dr. D. R. Luyties, homoeopathic pharmacy, continuing until 1863; with John W. Munson, established homoeopathic pharmacy, 1868, under style of Munson & Co., of which, since the retire ment of Mr. Munson in 1886, has been sole proprietor, without change of firm name. Served in 11th Missouri State Militia for two years during Civil War. Member Evan gelical Church. Office: 306 Market St. Resi dence: 4034 Peck St. BODENHEIMER, Max M., president Boden- heimer Coffee and Tea Co.; born Speyer, Ger many, Jan. 23, 1852; son of Isaac and Sarah (Scharff) Bodenheimer; came to New York City, 1852; educated in public schools of New York; married, Philadelphia, Nov. 8, 1882, Ida Lehman; children: Leon and Blanche. Began business career in wine and liquor trade in New York City, 1865-75; came to St. Louis, 1875, and was with Scharff & Bernheimer, wholesale grocers, as general clerk, and ad mitted as partner in 1884; continued with the firm until Jan. 1, 1893, when organized firm of Bodenheimer, Landau & Co., which con tinued until Apr. 1, 1896, when became vice president of Edward Westen Tea and Spice Co., so remaining' until organized Dec. 1, 1903, Bodenheimer Coffee and Tea Co., of which is president. Member Temple Israel Congrega tion. Member Western Commercial Travelers' Association, Travelers' Protective Associa tion, Royal League, Royal Arcanum. Club: Columbian. Recreation: outdoor sports. Of fice: 402 N. Main St. Residence: 3842 W. Pine St. BOECK, Adam; see Vol. 1906. BOECKELER, Henry Adolph. president Boeckeler Lumber Co.; born, Berlin, Prussia, Oct. 25. 1871 (while Barents were abroad); son of Adolphus and Elise (Bereling) Boeck eler; educated at Smith Academy and Wash ington University. St. Louis: married, St. Louis, Apr. 24. i901. Elizabeth Clark; chil dren: Elizabeth, Benjamin Clark, Henry A., Jr. Entered lumber business as clerk for Schulenburar & Boeckeler Lumber Co., 1889. In 1895, with brothers William Lassen and Adolphus. organized the Boeckeler Lumber Co. Member St. Louis Lumber Exchange. Re publican. Enlisted in Light Battery A, of Missouri, 1896; participated in Porto Rican campaign, 1898: commissioned 1st lieutenant, Light Battery A, 1899; resigned, 1901. Clubs: Lumbermen 's, City, St. Louis Country. Office: Hall and Mallinckrodt Sts. Residence: Web ster Park, St. Louis Co. BOEFER, William, retired; born, Hanover, Germany, Apr. 4, 1842; son of Henry and Catherine (Bengjestorf) Boefer; educated in public schools in Germany and in Jones Com mercial College, St. Louis; married, St. Louis, 1873, Emily Hoyer; 2d, St. Louis, July 27, 1891, Eliza Barthels; children: William, Alex ander, Albertina (Mrs. John Stoertzenbach), John, Henry, Emily. Was apprenticed to father in Germany and learned blacksmith trade, and also served in German army; came from Germany in 1868, direct to St. Louis, and worked at his trade until 1878; in busi ness for self, 1878-85; then joined in organ ization of the B. Roth Tool Co., of which was president until September, 1907, when retired. Member Masonic Order, Social Singer Choir, St. Louis Turn Verein. Recreation: traveling. Residence: 1011 Dolman St. BOEGER, Louis, president North St. Louis Savings Trust Co.; born, Bay, Mo., Oct. 13, 1866; son of Simon and Charlotte Boeger; educated in public schools of Gasconade Co., Mo., Central Wesleyan College, Warrenton, Mo., and Bryant & Stratton Business College, St. Louis; married, Linn, Osage Co., Mo., Mary A. Finck; three sons: Herbert, Walter, and Louis, Jr. At age of 18 took charge of mercantile business belonging to father, at Drake, Mo.; later was appointed postmaster at Drake and manager Postal Telegraph and Cable Co. at that point; bought father's busi ness at Bay, Mo., 1893; sold out three years later and entered retail shoe business at 2610 N. 14th St., St. Louis; opened another shoe store and men's furnishing establishment at Grand Ave. and Hebert St., 1909; president North St. Louis Savings Trust Co., Boeger Shoe Co., North St. Louis Co-Operative Store; member board of directors Southern Surety Co. Republican. Methodist. President Colum bia School Fathers' Club, North St. Louis Y. M. C. A.; state treasurer Y. M. C. A. Mem ber Royal Arcanum, Modern Woodmen of America. Recreation: motor touring. Office: 3500 N. Grand Ave. Residence: 3512 Sullivan Avenue. BOEHM, Joseph Leopold, surgeon; born, St. Louis, May 13, 1876; son of S. and Jennie (Gross) Boehm; educated in St. Louis High School; St. Louis College of Pharmacy, Ph.G., 1896; Missouri Medical College, M.D., 1899; Post-Graduate Medical School, New York; un married. Since 1899 engaged in practice in St. Louis, with specialty in genito-urinary sur gery. Professor of genito-urinary surgery, St. Louis College of Physicians and Surgeons; surgeon-in-chief, genito-urinary clinic, Jeffer son Hospital. Member American and Mis souri State Medical associations, St. Louis Medical Society, Medical Society of City Hos- THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 67 pital. Club: Columbian. Office: 715 N. 8th St. Residence: 3806 Delmar Boul. aOEHME, Paul C; see Vol. 1906. BOEHMER, Gustavus Henry, president of G. H. Boehmer Shoe Co.; born, St. Louis, Apr. 25, 1863; son of Henry William and Wilhelm- ina (Linstroht) Boehmer; educated in St. Peter's (private) School and Mound City Col lege; married, St. Louis, Apr. 27, 1887, Jennie A. Campbell; children: G. Walter, Milton W., Raymond C, Clarence Henry, Gustavus H., Jr. Began business career as bundle boy in William Ogle's shoe store in 1876; then in C. E. Hill's shoe store, as manager, until 1887; started a small retail store in April, 1887, with George P. Kraemer, under firm name of Boehmer & Kraemer; succeeded as sole pro prietor in May, 1888, and on May 1, 1901, in corporated the business as the G. H. Boehmer Shoe Co., of which is president and treasurer. Member Legion of Honor, Knights of Pythias, Dramatic Order of Knights of Khorassan. Member Retail Merchants' Association. Rec reations: tennis, baseball. Office: 818 Olive St. Residence: Kendall Hotel. BOEHNKEN, Edward H., general manager Crane Co.; steam and plumbers' supplies; born, Warsaw, Russia, Apr. 4, 1856; son of Gottfried and Frederika (Wenz) Boehnken; educated in private school six years and in Government College, Warsaw, seven years, and one year in Dyrenforth College, Chicago, 111. Came to America, 1875, locating at Chi cago, 111.; naturalized Apr. 2, 1883; married, Chicago, 111., Jan. 17, 1884, Clarissa J. Louder- back; children: Olga and Susan Wanda. En tered employ of National Tube Works Co., Chicago, October, 1876, serving in various ca pacities until 1884, when was appointed super intendent, and so served until May, 1891 ; then director, secretary and treasurer the Thomas Brass and Iron Co., Milwaukee, Wis., 1891-99; since Mar. 15, 1899, connected with Crane Co., of • Chicago, manufacturers of steam and plumbers' supplies; first assistant manager at New York, 1899-1900; manager at St. Louis, Sept. 17, 1900; since Nov. 15, 1905, general manager at St. Louis, Dallas, Tex., Memphis, Tenn., and Little Rock, Ark.; also vice presi dent Crane Co. of Arkansas. Republican. Episcopalian; vestryman St. Peter's Episcopal Church. Member Business Men's League (di rector and member of executive committee and one of the members who made the Pan ama trip February, 1912). Clubs: St. Louis, Mercantile, Bellerive Country, Normandie Golf, St. Louis Bowling. Recreations: golf and bowling. Office: 16th and Walnut Sts. Residence: 5Q83 Washington Boul. BOERNER, Walter F.; see Vol. 1906. BOGUE, George Cook, treasurer Donk Bros. Coal and Coke Co.; born, Brunswick, Mo., May 21, 1871; son of Henry Clay and Mar- garette Eliza (Conger) Bogue; educated in public schools, Centralia, Mo., graduating in 1890; married, St. Louis, June 20, 1894, Jo sephine B. Donk; one son: Giles. Began busi ness career as clerk with Donk Bros. Coal and Coke Co.; treasurer same since April, 1903. Also assistant secretary and treasurer St. Louis, Troy & Eastern R. R. Co., and director and assistant secretary and treasurer Mer chants' and Manufacturers' Investment Co.; assistant secretary and treasurer East St. Louis & Columbian Waterloo Railway Co. Member Citizens' Industrial Association. Re publican. Episcopalian. Club: Missouri Ath letic. Favorite recreation: bowling. Office: 314 N. 4th St. Residence: 5402 Cabanne Ave. BOGY, Alexander M., secretary Ferguson- McKinney Dry Goods Co.; born, St. Louis, Nov. 2, 1856; son of Ben and Charlotte (Mac- kay) Bogy; educated in St. Louis public schools and Christian Brothers College; mar ried, June 10, 1878, Rosamond M. Dawker, of Chicago, 111.; children: Benjamin A., Marion E. (now Mrs. F. I. Morris), Alexander M., Jr., Vernon O, all now living at Los Angeles, Cal. Began business career May 1, 1869, in employ of Chase & Cabot, wholesale dry goods, with whom remained seven years; then for twenty years with Samuel C. Davis & Co., wholesale dry goods, until the firm retired, and after that with Rice, Stix & Co., until October, 1899, when joined with others in organization of ttie Ferguson-McKinney Dry Goods Co., of which is secretary. Also treasurer of the Cen tral Real Estate Co., and director Arkwright Realty Co. Member of Business Men 's League, Credit Men 's Association, Citizens ' Industrial Association. Democrat. Roman Catholic. Clubs: Mercantile, Los Angeles Commercial. Recreation: traveling. Office: 12th St. and Washington Ave. Residences: Jefferson Hotel, St. Louis, and Hollywood, Cal. BOHLE, Rudolph Henry, manager Western Union Telegraph Co., St. Louis; born, St. Louis, Sept. 2, 1850; son of Rudolph and Catharine M. (Schroeder) Bohle; educated St. Peter's (parochial) School, Franklin (public) School and Jones Commercial College; mar ried, St. Louis, Feb. 24, 1892, Matilda Schuler. Began active career as messenger U. S. Mili tary Telegraph, Sept. 1, 1862; learned teleg raphy and entered service of Western Union Telegraph Co. as manager Merchants' Ex change, May 10, 1866, promoted to manager ship, St. Louis, Sept. 28, 1886, and has so con tinued. Republican. Lutheran. Member Busi ness Men's League. Office: 514 Olive St. Resi dence: 4353 Morgan St. BOHMER, John George, principal Jones Commercial College; born, Riehfountain, Osage Co., Mo., Nov. 9, 1847; son of Henry and Margaret (Kindlein) Bohmer; educated in parochial school, Riehfountain, Mo., by pri- 08 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS vate special tutors, and at Jones Commercial College, from which was graduated, 1867; un married. After graduation from Jones Com mercial College, became assistant writing teacher, and a year later principal of the Pen manship Department and teacher of English; entered into partnership- with Prof. Jonathan Jones, founder of Jones Commercial College, in 1879, and at whose death in 1884 acquired ownership of the school as surviving partner, now principal same. Republican. Catholic. Member Young Men's Sodality. Member St. Xavier's Church Choir (considers singing half of his life). Favorite recreations: fishing, hunting, horseback riding. Office: 625 Locust St. Residence: 5146A Minerva Ave. BOISLINIERE, Louis Charles Cherot, phy sician; born, St. Louis, Oct. 24, 1861; son of Louis Charles Cherot and Mary Anne (Hite) Boisliniere; graduated from St. Louis Univer sity, A.B., 1879, A.M., 1880; St. Louis Medical College (now Medical Department, Washing ton University), M.D., 1882; Missouri Medical College, M.D., ad eundem gradum, 1895; mar ried, St. Louis, July 15, 1902, Nellie Portis; one son: Louis Charles Cherot. Engaged in general practice of medicine in St. Louis from 1882; associate professor medicine St. Louis University; medical director Mt. St. Rose Hospital for Tuberculosis. Member American Medical Association, Missouri State Medical Association, St. Louis Medical Society, Socie ty of City Hospital Alumni, New Mexico Med ical Society, Alumni Association of St. Louis University, St. Louis Medical History Society. Roman Catholic. Democrat. Recreation: ath letics. Office and Residence: 3561 Olive St. BOKERN, Edward A., real estate; born, St. Louis, Aug. 23, 1866; son of Anthony and Margaret (Printz) Bokern; educated at St. Vincent's (parochial) School, Christian Brothers College and Mound City Commercial College; married, St. Louis, May 19, 1891, Magdalena Bergs; children: Edith M., Ed ward F., Margaret Ruth. At age of sixteen entered real estate business as collector for Leon L. Hull & Co.; in 1889, with E. J. Ling- enfelder, formed firm of Lingenfelder & Bo kern; in 1891 incorporated business as Ling enfelder & Bokern Real Estate Co., and was secretary and treasurer until 1906; since then president E. A. Bokern Real Estate Co.; di rector Security Title Co. Vice president of the Real Estate Exchange; member Civie League. Republican. Roman Catholic. Clubs: City, Union. Recreations: reading, theater, bowling and walking. Office: 1015 Chestnut St. Residence: 2931 Allen Ave. BOLAND, Joseph M.; see Vol. 1906. BOLIN, Charles Darius, manufacturing and insurance; was born at Princeton, Ind., Aug. 29, 1866; son of Benjamin T. and Alta E. Bolin; educated in country school; married, Memphis, Tenn., June 5, 1889, Minnie T. Rich mond; children: Aleen, Ray, Mary Jane, Vir ginia, Dorothy. After leaving farm near Mem phis, began as life insurance solicitor in 1888; came to St. Louis 1892, as general agent of Provident Savings Life Insurance Co. of New York, and on Jan. 1, 1894, became general agent of the Union Central Life Insurance Company; holds record of largest personal pro ducer for the Union Central Life Insurance Company. President St. Louis Crystal Water and Soda Co., National Thermo Co.; Vice pres ident Easton Taylor Trust Co. Director Grand Avenue Bank. Republican. Baptist. Mason (32°), Knight Templar; member Moolah Tem ple Mystic Shrine. Clubs: Mercantile, Ma sonic, St. Francis Hunting and Fishing. Rec reation: fishing. Office: 1900 Pine St. Resi dence: 5505 Bartmer Ave. BOLLAND, John F., jeweler; born, St. Louis, May 14, 1857; son of John and Rose (Brewer) Bolland; educated in public schools of St. Louis and Christian Brothers College; married, Reading, Pa., Feb. 14, 1891, Mary M. Buck; children: Jack B., Helen E. From early years was clerk in father's jewelry store; went to New York City, 1876, and until 1884 was traveling salesman out of New York for large manufacturing jewelry firms; returned to St. Louis, 1884, and became partner in jewelry business established by father in 1839; after father's death, 1893, incorporated business as J. Bolland Jewelry Co., retail and manufacturing jewelers, of which is presi dent. Club: Mercantile. Recreations: auto- mobiling and traveling. Office: 513 Locust St. Residence: 5305 Delmar Boul. BOLLWERK, William, wall paper and painting; born, St. Louis, Feb. 14, 1866; son of Henry and Hendricka (Kaatmann) Boll- werk; educated at St. Agatha School, St. Vincent's School, St. Louis University; mar ried, St. Louis, Oct. 24, 1888, Lena Sehoen- born; ten children: William H., Valentine J., Leana Johanna, John Joseph, Ida Mary, Rose, Ottila, Francis, George Peter, Emile Herman. Started sign shop, 1887; began house paint ing business with William Kloer, as Kloer & Bollwerk, 1890; dissolved partnership, 1891, and opened wall paper establishment, 1894; incorporated in 1900 under title of the Wil liam Bollwerk Wall Paper and Painting Co., of which has since been president and treas urer. Democrat. Catholic. Member Catholic Knights of America. Recreation: fishing. Office: N. E. corner 7th and Arsenal Sts. Residence: 619 Arsenal St. BOLT, Richard Orchard, secretary Mermod, Jaecard & King Jewelry Co.; born in Corn wall, Eng., May 4, 1854; son of Richard and Jane (Orchard) Bolt; educated in schools in England; married, St. Louis, Mar. 4, 1879, Mary Virginia Belt; children: Richard Arthur, Edward Jenkins. Came from England to St. THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 0!) Louis in 1867; learned the jewelry trade with Boogher Bros., at 417 Olive St., 1868-73, and when that business was bought out by Mer- mod-Jaccard, entered employ of latter house in 1873, and from a minor position advanced to the position of secretary, and is a director of the company; has devoted special and suc cessful attention to development of the manu facturing and repairing features of the busi ness. Member M. E. Church, South; prominent in Sunday School work, and particularly in organizing Sunday School chorus; organized and is musical director of Sunday School Union Chorus of 6,000 voices, which sang at Exposition; is choir director of several large choirs in St. Louis. Scottish Rite Mason (32°); Past Master Polar Star Lodge, A. F. & A. M. Clubs: Mercantile, City. Recreation: music. Office: cor. Broadway and Locust St. Residence: 5610 Bartmer Ave. BOLZ, John T., treasurer Bolz-McBride Cooperage Co.; born, St. Louis, Jan. 13, 1843; son of John T. and Auguste (Wirth) Bolz; educated in Lutheran parochial school, Mil ler's school, O 'Fallon Polytechnic; married, St. Louis, Nov. 26, 1872, Tabitha Claus; six children: Paul T., Lydia, Hulda F., George C, Auguste, Adolph. Began active career as clerk in dry goods store of John T. Schuricht, 1856, continuing until 1865; bookkeeper, with Meyer Bros. Drug Co. and the Saxony Mills, Sept. 1, 1865- July 1, 1875; then in cooperage business for himself from 1875 to 1908, when firm incorporated as the Bolz-McBride Cooper age Co., of which is treasurer. Democrat. Lutheran; treasurer Lutheran Bethlehem Church and superintendent Bethlehem Ceme tery. Office: 1006 New National Bank of Com merce Bldg. Residence: 1509 Bremen Ave. BOLZ, Paul T., president Bolz-McBride Cooperage Co.; born, St. Louis, Aug. 26, 1873; son of John T. and Tabitha (Claus) Bolz; edu cated in Smith Academy to 1892; Washington University, 1892-94; married, St. Louis, Feb. 12, 1903, Emilie Halthaus. Started in cooper age business, which was founded by father, July 1, 1875; assisted in organizing the pres ent company, October, 1908, of which has since been president; also president Pulaski Cooper age Co., Little Rock, Ark., since organization, 1909; secretary Missouri Heading Co.; direc tor Luxora Cooperage Co. Club: Missouri Athletic. Recreations: outdoor sports. Office: 1006 National Bank of Commerce Bldg. Resi dence: 7012 Washington Ave. BONACHEA, Ramon Leocadio, consul of Republic of Cuba; born, Havana,- Cuba, May 30, 1881; son of Ramon Leocadio and Victoria (Sarduy) Bonachea; educated in Havana; graduated from Instituto de Segunda Ensen- anza, graduating May 1, 1899; married, Ha vana, Dec. 1, 1902, Elisa Lopez del Rincon y Demestre; children: Elisa, Noemi, Ramon Leo cadio, Louis and Enrique. Served as lieutenant in Cuban Army and aide-de-camp during war for independence; later as chief of Section of Health Department of the Interior of Cuba; chancellor of Cuban Legation and vice-con sul, Mexico City; consul at St. Louis since July 29, 1911. Office and Residence: 1530 Olive St. BOND, Henry Whitelaw, lawyer; born near Brownsville, Tenn., Jan. 27, 1848; son of Thomas and Ellen Owen (Whitelaw) Bond; educated in schools in Tennessee and at Har vard University; married, Bolivar, Tenn., Nov. 18, 1880, Mary D. Miller; four children: Thomas, Irene (Mrs. Alleyn von Schrader), Whitelaw and Marion. Bred to the bar and admitted in Tennessee, practicing there until 1879; then came to Missouri and engaged in practice at St. Louis until was elected judge of the St. Louis Court of Appeals for twelve- year term beginning Jan. 1, 1893; resigned Oct. 7, 1901, to reenter practice of law; formed partnership with son, Thomas Bond, in June, 1904, and Apr. 1, 1906, formed partner ship with Judge William C. Marshall, under firm name of Bond, Marshall & Bond; firm dissolved 1910, and as Bond & Bond continued until Apr. 11, 1911, when was appointed Su preme Court commissioner of State of Mis souri. Club: St. Louis. Office: 506 Olive St. Residences: 3744 Washington Boul., and Jef ferson City, Mo. BOND, Holdsworth Wheeler, physician; born in Calvert Co., Md., Sept. 29, 1867; son of Thomas Holdsworth and Susan Adelaide (Briscoe) Bond; graduated from Charlotte Hall (Md.) Military Academy, 1886; attended Missouri Medical College and College of Phy sicians and Surgeons, St. Louis, M. D., 1890; married, St. Louis, June 1, 1899, Isabelle Scud- der; two daughters: Mary Scudder and Isa belle Brooke. After graduation from military academy served for short time as clerk with Weems Line of Steamers, of Baltimore; came to ' St. Louis for medical study, September, 1887; has practiced in St. Louis since 1890; practice now limited to gynecology. Member St. Louis Medical Society, Missouri State Medical Association, Society of City Hospital Alumni, American Medical Association, Amer ican Public Health Association. Was assistant physician St. Louis City Hospital, 1890-92; teacher of anatomy, Marion-Sims College of Medicine, 1890-94. Democrat. Member St. Louis Board of Health, 1903-06; health com missioner, 1906-11; appointed by Mayor Kreis- mann member St. Louis Hospital Board, May, 1912; now in private practice., Appointed by President Taft April, 1911, first lieutenant Medical Reserve Corps, U. S. A. Episcopalian. Clubs: St. Louis, St. Louis Country. Recrea tions: golf and hunting. Office: Metropolitan. Bldg. Residence: 17 Vandeventer Place. 70 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS BOND, Sterling Price, lawyer; born, Car- lyle, 111., Aug. 27, 1862; son of Thomas and Jane (Allen) Bond; educated in public schools of Clinton Co., and Car lyle, 111.; graduated from Illinois College, Jacksonville, HI., in spring of 1885; married, St. Louis, Oct. 5, 1901, Ida Jane Alvord. Admitted to bar in 1887 and has since engaged in general prac tice. Democratic representative in Missouri House of Representatives, 1893. Office: Rialto Bldg. Residence: 5957 Horton Place. BOND, Thomas, lawyer; born, St. Louis, Feb. 19, 1882; son of Henry Whitelaw and Mary Dunlap (Miller) Bond; graduated Smith Academy, St. Louis, 1899; A. B., University of Missouri, 1902; LL.B., St. Louis Law School (Washington University), 1904; mar ried, St. Louis, Apr. 17, 1909, Jeanette B. Priest; one child: Thomas, Jr. Admitted to Missouri bar, June, 1904, and since engaged in general practice at St. Louis; member of Bond & Bond, 1905-06; Bond, Marshall & Bond, 1906-10; partnership dissolved June 21, 1910, and again associated with Henry W. Bond as Bond & Bond, so continuing until Apr. 10, 1911; has since practiced alone. Democrat. Episcopalian. Member American, Missouri State and St. Louis Bar associations, Phi Delta Theta and Phi Delta Phi college fraternities. Clubs: St. Louis, University, Bellerive Coun try. Recreations: golf, literature. Office: Third National Bank Bldg. Residence: 5646 Kings bury Place. BOND, Young Hance, physician; born in Calvert Co., Md., July 18, 1846; son of Hon. James A. and Sarah E. (Hance) Bond; edu cated at Charlotte Hall Military College, and later attended Princeton College; graduated from University of Maryland, M.D., 1867; (A.M., MeKendree College, LL.D., St. Louis University) ; married, St. Louis, Sept. 10, 1868, Minnie Slayback (deceased); children: Eliza beth (Mrs. A. C. Scales), Marie (Mrs. Fletcher R. Harris), Daisy C. (Mrs. Theodore Gowans), Nellie (Mrs. Walter SMelds) ; married, 2d, Brockville, Ont., 1907, Mary I. Forbes. After graduation, 1867, came to St. Louis and estab lished in practice of medicine, in which has ever since continued. During administration of Mayor Britton, was member of Board of Health of St. Louis, and was author of resolu tion establishing contract system for purchase of all supplies used in the Health Department, hospitals, etc., and author of the measure establishing the first Woman's Hospital, now known as the St. Louis Female Hospital. Founder, and for thirteen years dean of Mar ion-Sims College of Medicine; dean St. Louis University Medical Department, three years.; founder St. Louis Dental College. Member St. Louis Medical Society, Missouri State Medical Association, American Medical As sociation, American Medical College Associa tion. President Overland Real Estate Co. Club: St. Louis. Recreation: farming. Office: 916 N. Taylor Ave. Residence: Washington Terrace Apartments, 535 Clara Ave. BONE, John D.; see Vol. 1906. BONGNER, Jacob, president Palace Phar macy; born, Rockenhausen, Germany, May 25, 1861; son of Jacob and Marguerite (Marks) Bongner; educated at Rockenhausen; came to St. Louis, August, 1874; married, St. Louis, Nov. 30, 1881, Katie Sullivan. Connected with brewing and liquor interests in St. Louis from 1874 to November, 1910; secretary and treas urer of the Union Brewing Co., 1902-10; presi dent Palace Pharmacy since November, 1910. Member Masonic Order, Knights of Pythias, United Commercial Travelers' Association. Recreations: boating and fishing. Office: S. W. eor. Grand Ave. and Phiiney St. Residence: 3856 Utah Place. Summer Residence: Snow Islands, Mich. BONHAM, Archibald Kerfoot; see Vol. 1906. BONNY, George Lester; see Vol. 1906. BONSACK, Arthur A., manager Ingersoll- Rand Drill Co.; born, St. Louis, Nov. 16, 1875; son of Frederick C. and Catherine Bonsack; educated in public schools of St. Louis; mar ried, St. Louis, 1911, Helen Kingsland Fisher. Began business career in employ of Charles W. Melcher Machinery Co., 1894-97; then with Ingersoll-Sargent Drill Co., of Chicago, as salesman in Chicago territory, 1897-99; re turned to St. Louis, 1899, as manager of the St. Louis office of that company, which was recently succeeded by the Ingersoll-Rand Drill Co., a consolidation of the interests of the In gersoll-Sargent Drill Co., and the Rand Drill Co. Member Engineers' Club, St. Louis. Pres byterian. Club: Mercantile. Office: 1018 Ful- lerton Bldg. Residence: 4531 Westminster PI. BONSACK, William Andrew, lumber mer chant; 1857-1909; see Vol. 1906. BONTIES, Harry P., third vice president and department manager, Ely & Walker Dry Goods Co.; born, Petersburg, HI., Feb. 28, 1863; son of Jurgen and Anna (Linneman) Bonties; educated in public and private schools of Petersburg; married, Chicago, Sept. 15, 1884, Nancy Elinore Deerwester; one daughter, A. Katherine (Mrs. Paul Brown, Jr.). Began business career at age of 15, as clerk in a dry goods store at Petersburg, HI.; clerk in dress goods department of Burke, Walker & Co., Chicago, 1884; European buyer of dress goods for J. H. Walker & Co., Chi cago, 1889-93; left J. H. Walker to take charge of dress goods department, J. S. Brit- tan Dry Goods Co., St. Joseph, Mo., 1893; left there, 1895, to become manager and buyer of dress goods and wash fabrics for Ely & Walker Dry Goods Co., of St. Louis, in which continues; elected director of the company, 1901, and third vice president, 1909. Indepen- THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 71 dent in politics. Lutheran. Clubs: St. Louis, Glen Echo (St. Louis), Merchants' (New York). Recreation: farming. Office: Ely & Walker Dry Goods Co. Residence: Ball win, Missouri. BOOCH, Leopold Herman, stove manufac turer; born, Dubuque, la., Feb. 23, 1866; son of Henry H. and Louise (Lambrecht) Booch; educated in St. Louis public schools; married, Marble Falls, Tex., Aug. 9, 1904, Donna C. Turner. Began as a clerk with Bridge & Beach Manufacturing Co., manufacturers of stoves, of which has been vice president and man ager since 1911. Recreations: hunting and fish ing. Office: 503 S. First St. Residence: 5530 Delmar Boul. BOOGHER, Howard, wholesale hats; born, St. Louis, Jan. 2, 1876; son of Jesse L. and Sarah (Goodfellow) Boogher; graduated from Smith Academy, St. Louis, 1894, and from Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn., LL.B., 1898; married, Hillsboro, 111., Oct. 31, 1901, Bessie Lane; two sons: Lane and Howard. En gaged in general practice of law in St. Louis, 1898-1902; treasurer of the Boogher, Force and Goodbar Hat Co., 1902-05; secretary and treasurer of the company, 1905-07; president, 1907-11, now director. Member Business Men 's League, Civic League, Credit Men's Associa tion; member executive council St. Louis Man ufacturers ' and Exporters' Association. Re publican. Methodist. Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner. Clubs: St. Louis, Missouri Athletic, City, Algonquin Country, Bass Island Fishing. Recreations : golf, hunting and fish ing. Office; 1606 Washington Ave. Residence: 4145. West Pine Boul. BOOGHER, Jesse L., merchant; 1833-1907; see Vol. 1906. BOOGHER, Jesse Leland, physician; born, St. Louis, Aug. 11, 1868; son of Jesse L. and Sarah Jane (Goodfellow) Boogher; educated in, St. Louis public schools and Smith Acad emy; Hiawassee College, B.S., 1888; St. Louis Medical College, M.D., 1892; post-graduate study in universities of Berlin, Vienna and Paris, and in the hospitals of London, Eng land; married, St. Louis, Nov.- 9, 1899, Daisy Belle Eville; children: Marybel, Leland and Jane. Engaged in practice of medicine in St. Louis since 1892; specialist in genito-urinary diseases. Member St. Louis Medical Society, Missouri State Medical Association, Missis sippi Valley Medical Society, American Med ical Association, American Urological Society. Republican. Methodist. Clubs: St. Louis, Glen Echo, Amateur Athletic Association, Missouri Athletic, King's Lake Hunting. Office: 512- 514 Missouri Trust Bldg. Residence: 4429 Lac lede Ave. BOOGHER, John Hogan, lawyer; born, St. Louis, July 16, 1867; son of Simon L. and Sophie (Hogan) Boogher; graduated Central High School, St. Louis, 1885; B.Ph., Univer sity of Virginia, 1888; LL.B., St. Louis Law School (Washington University), 1890; mar ried, St. Louis, Mar. 8, 1907, Mrs. Elizabeth 8. White, who has two sons, Franklin M. White, an attorney of St. Louis, and William Russell White, commander U. S. N. Admitted to Missouri bar, 1890, and has since engaged in practice at St. Louis; member firm of Boogher & White. Democrat. Member M. E. Church, South. Member St. Louis Bar Associa tion, Law Library Association of St. Louis, Civic League, Merchants' Exchange, Society Colonial Wars, Sons of the Revolution, Beta Theta Pi college fraternity. Clubs: St. Louis, Sunset Inn Country, Aero (St. Louis), Colon nade (Virginia). Office: Suite 1000 New Bank of Commerce Bldg. Residence: Usona Hotel. BOOGHER, Lawrence, dry goods merchant; born, St. Louis, Apr. 18, 1874; son of Simon L. and Sophie E. (Hogan) Boogher; educated in public schools of St. Louis, and at Rugby Academy, St. Louis, two years; married, Men- don, Adams Co., 111., Apr. 29, 1903, Frances Benton Arnold; three children: Sarah, born Oct. 8, 1904, Arnold, May 21, 1908, Francis, July 11, 1910. After leaving school spent sev eral years on a ranch in Western N. M.; re turned to St. Louis spring of 1898 and en listed for war with Spain; entered employ of Wear-Boogher Dry Goods Co., Jan. 1, 1899, the firm being succeeded in 1900 by the Carle ton Dry Goods Co.; has since been identified with latter organization, first working in stock, then as traveling salesman and now as division manager, also stockholder in the com pany; director Western Commercial Travelers' Association. Democrat. Southern Methodist; member board of stewards and trustee Centen ary Church; assistant superintendent Centen ary Sunday School. Served fifteen years in Battery A, National Guard of Missouri; mem ber Battery A, United States Volunteers, and accompanied battery to Porto Rico, 1898; mus tered out of United States service fall of 1898. Scottish Rite Mason (32°). Member Sons American Revolution, Society Colonial Wars, Porto Rican Society. Clubs: St. Louis, Glen Echo. Recreations: golf, baseball, bowl ing, and other outdoor sports. Office: 1133 Washington Ave. Residence: 6241 Waterman Avenue. BOONE, Howard C, president Central States Life Insurance Co.; born, Fayette, Howard Co., Mo., Feb. 13, 1857; son of Wil liam C. and Lucy D. Boone; educated public schools, Jefferson City, Mo.; Kemper School, Boonville, Mo.; U. S. Military Academy, An napolis, Md., two years; married, Jefferson City, Nov. 25, 1900, Janet E. Ewing; three children: William E., Janet E., Howard C. In general merchandise business, Arizona, 1884- 90; auditor, bank examiner, chairman Board of Equalization, Arizona Territory, 1893-95; THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS general agent New York Life Insurance Co., Kansas City, Mo., 1895-1906; general manager Capitol Life Insurance Co., Denver, Colo., 1906-08; came to St. Louis, 1908, and organ ized Central States Life Insurance Co., of which has since been president. Member Busi ness Men's League. Democrat. Methodist. Mason; member B. P. O. Elks. Clubs: Mercan tile, Masonic. Recreations: hunting and fish ing. Office: 402-410 Central National Bank Bldg., 7th and Olive Sts. Residence: 5933 Cates Ave. BOOTH, David S., physician; born, Enter prise, McDonald Co., Mo., Apr. 6, 1863; son of Dr. David S. and Cynthia (Grounds) Booth; educated at Sparta (III.) public schools, grad uating in classical course from Sparta High School, 1882; attended Southern Illinois Nor mal University, and after preliminary medical training under father, and as private student of Dr. H. H. Mudd, attended Medical Depart ment Washington University, graduating M.D., 1886; married, Belleville, 111., June 30, 1892, Basmath Ariadne West (died June 5, 1905); children: David S., Jr., Basmath Ari adne (died 1901, aged 5), John West, Mary Agnes. Engaged in medical practice since 1886. Surgeon in charge International & Great Northern R. R. Hospital, Palestine, Tex., 1887-89; house surgeon Missouri Pacific Railway Hosp., St. Louis, 1886-87: local sur geon Air Line Ry., Belleville, 111., 1889-90; local surgeon St. Louis Southwestern Ry., 1899-1904; formerly physician to St. Louis Provident Association. Now neurologist to Baptist Hospital, the Missouri Pacific, Iron Mountain, and St. Louis Southwestern railway companies; examiner Pacific Mutual Life In surance Co., General Accident & Life Assur ance Corporation, German Commercial Acci dent Co. Late clinical instructor neurology and psychiatry, Barnes Medical College and Marion-Sims Medical College. Assistant editor and business manager Alienist and Neurolo gist, St. Louis, 1891-1900; collaborator The Alienist and Neurologist. Member American Medical Association, American Association Railway Surgeons, Missouri State Medical Association, St. Louis Medical Society, South ern Illinois Medical Association. Republican. Presbyterian. Was corporal of Douglas Corps Cadets (National), 1882-83; first sergeant Illi nois National Guard, 1883-86 (received badge as marksman). Office: Metropolitan Bldg. Residence: 5107 Von Versen Ave. BORCK, M. A. Edward, surgeon; 1834-1912; see Vol. 1906. BORDEN, Orland A., president Borden Var nish Co.; born, near Cincinnati, Feb. 17, 1870; son of Thomas L. and Marinda E. (Dunn) Borden; reared on farm; educated in public schools and at the Gem City Business Col lege, Quincy, 111.; married, St. Louis, Sept. 14, 1904, Blanche L. Voelker; children: Ralph Maheu, Dorothy E. When seventeen years of age came to St. Louis; attended night schools and did odd jobs for more than two years; kept books for George A. Kennedy, Sardinia, O., 1890-91; after completing course in busi ness college entered employ of Union Central Life Insurance Co. of Cincinnati, 1892; re signed, 1897, and wrote life and accident in surance for one year for .35tna Life Insurance Co. of Hartford, Conn.; engaged with the Glidden Varnish Co., 1899, as city salesman for St. Louis, and was given full charge of branch warehouse in 1901, so continuing until August, 1909; since president Borden Varnish Co. Republican. Presbyterian. Mason. Office: 816 S. Vandeventer Ave. Residence: 5006 Bartmer Ave. BORDLEY, Daniel Charles, retired; born, Baltimore, Md., May 15, 1857; son of Daniel Charles H. and Mary (Blake) Bordley; edu cated at St. Louis University; married, St. Louis, Nov. 20, 1889, Blanche Lynch. Began business career as employe in the tea and coffee business, 1869, and later in retail gro cery store; then with Missouri Pacific Ry. as chief clerk in superintendent's office; con tinued in railroad service with the Frisco System and the Wabash System, retiring from latter as cashier of general passenger and ticket office, in 1883; became connected, 1883, with James G. Butler, tobacco manufacturer, and was afterward with the American To bacco Co., of which has, since 1895, been resi dent manager at St. Louis. Also proprietor Continental Transfer Co. Democrat. Served with 3d Regiment, Missouri National Guard, becoming captain of Company B, and later ordnance officer. Roman Catholic. Member Legion of Honor. Club: Glen Echo Country. Recreations: fishing, traveling. Residence: Jefferson Hotel. BOREN, James Eaton; see Vol. 1906. BORGMANN, William, wagon manufac turer; born near Osnabroek, Hanover, Ger many, Nov. 8, 1848; son of Henry and Maria (Meier) Borgmann; educated in common schools, Dissen, Province of Hanover, to 1862; came to America, 1866; married, Black jack, St. Louis Co., Mo., Mar. 15, 1871, Anna Dieckmann; eight children: William, Jr., Er nest, Fred, John, Edward, Carrie (Mrs. Charles Ruegg), Anna, Ross. Began business at present location, 1876, continuously en gaged as wagon maker and blacksmith, car riage and wagon painting, etc.; also handles farming machinery and implements; director Baden Bank since its organization in 1910. Member North St. Louis Business Men's As sociation. Republican. Trustee St. Stephen's Evangelical Church. Member German Bene ficial Union, No. 141. Club: St. Louis Car riage, Wagon and Auto Builders. Recreation: THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 73 reading. Office: 8920 N. Broadway. Resi dence: 8947 Columbia Bottom' Rd. BORRESON, John Gilbert, president and treasurer Superior Shoe Manufacturing Co.; born, Hamar, Norway, Dec. 12, 1869; son of Guldbrand and Elie (Johansen) Borreson; removed from Norway direct to St. Louis, arriving Sept. 4, 1879; educated in St. Louis public schools, until fourteen years of age; student at Luther College, Decorah, la., 1888- 89; Smith Academy, St. Louis, 1890; Jones Commercial College, 1885, and 1890-91; com pleted law course at Benton College of Law, St. Louis, LL.B., 1907; married, St. Louis, Apr. 25, 1894, Elizabeth McFarland; children: Marjorie Elenor, John Kenneth, Gilbert Stan ley. .At fourteen left school and became er rand boy, office boy and press feeder with the Parker & Ritter Stationery and Printing Co., where remained about one year; on Nov. 5, 1885, entered employ of Johansen Bros., shoe manufacturers, remaining until 1888, when re sumed school work; after leaving school, re turned to same firm, and was employed at va rious duties, driving, packing, shipping and other work in factory and office, becoming credit man and cashier and, 'after incorpora tion of Johansen Bros. Shoe Co., was secretary and treasurer of the company until 1909; after taking a rest, organized, 1911, and is president and treasurer the Superior Shoe Manufacturing Co., wholesale shoe manufac turers, making a specialty of boys' and girls' shoes. Vice consul for Norway since 1907. Member M. E. Church, South; pursued course prescribed for the ministry of the church and received elder's orders at the hands of Bis hop J. B. Granberry, Sept. 17, 1899, at meet ing of St. Louis Annual Conference. Member Royal Arcanum. Recreation: home diversions. Office: 2801 Benton St. Residence: 7322 La Veta Ave., Richmond Heights. BOSTICK, Richard Hyde, banker; born, Franklin, Tenn., Apr. 2, 1850; son of Rich ard H. and Rebecca (Cannon) Bostick; edu cated in Franklin College, and Bryant & Strat ton Business College, Cincinnati, O.; married, Jackson, Tenn., May, 1881, Apphia Taylor Chester. Began business career in Memphis, Tenn., as bookkeeper for wholesale grocery house, 1872; moved to Jackson, Tenn., 1873, and engaged in retail grocery business until 1876; moved to St. Louis, October, 1876, and became cashier and bookkeeper for cotton firm of Houston, Sayle & Co.; bought interest in the Sayle-Stegall Commission Co., 1884, and continued in cotton business until 1893, when bought interest in J. M. Houston Grocer Co., of which was vice president until 1908; vice president Wellston Trust Co. since November, 1910. Democrat. Mason; member Jackson Commandery, Knights Templar. Recreation: fishing. Office: Wellston, Mo. Residence: 4007 Delmar Boul. BOSTWICK, Arthur Elmore, librarian; born, Litchfield, Conn., Mar. 8, 1860; son of Dr. David Elmore and Adelaide (McKinley) Bostwick; A.B., Yale, 1881, Ph.D., 1883, grad uate fellow physical science, 1881-84, substi tute instructor and proctor, 1883-84; married, Lucy Sawyer, of Carmel, N. Y., June 23, 1885; children: Andrew Linn, Esther and Elmore McNeill. Teacher high school, Montclair, N. J., 1884-86; on staff Appleton's Cyclopedia of American Biography, 1886-88; literary work, 1888-90; assistant editor The Forum, 1890-92; associate editor Standard Dictionary and of fice expert in physics, 1892-94; chief librarian New York Free Circulating Library, 1895-99; librarian Brooklyn Public Library, 1899-1901; chief of circulation department, New York Public Library, 1901-09; librarian, St. Louis Public Library, since Oct. 1, 1909. Editor, science department Literary Digest, since y 1891. President New York Library Club, 1897-99, Long Island Library Club, 1900-01, New York State Library Association, 1902-03; vice president New Jersey Library Associa tion, 1899-1901; president American Library Association, 1907-08; director People's Uni versity Extension Society, 1898-1909; member University Council, New York State Univer sity, 1904-09. Fellow American Library In stitute, 1906, president 1909-12, delegate' Copy right Conference, 1905-06. Vice president New England Society, St. Louis, 1910. Member Civie League. Episcopalian. Clubs: Authors (New York), City, Round Table, Franklin (St. Louis).' Author: Young Folks' Cyclo pedia of Games and Sports (with J. D. Champlin), 1890; The American Public Li brary, 19.10. Wrote many sketches in Apple- ton 's Cyclopedia of American Biography, 1888, Standard Dictionary, 1894; also numer ous articles Appleton's Annual Cyclopedia, including yearly review of progress of phys ics; contributor on physical science, literature and library economy. Office: Public Library. Residence: 70 Vandeventer Place. BOTHE, George, banking; born, Oldenberg, Germany, Nov. 27, 1841; son of Bernhard and Catharine Bothe; common school education ; married, St. Louis, Apr. 18, 1871, to Miss Catherine Altegraver; six children, all de ceased. Learned carpenter's trade in Ger many; came to America, 1866; located in St. Louis and was engaged as builder and con tractor for thirty years as member of firm of Bothe & Rathermann; retired from build ing operations in 1905. Assisted in organiz ing the Cass Avenue Bank, 1906, of which has since been president, also owner Onondaga Cave, at Liesburg, Mo. Catholic. Member Catholic Knights. Recreations: fishing, hunt ing and bathing. Office: Cass Ave. and 15th St. Residence: 1709 Cora Ave. BOTTGER, J. Frederick, president Century Saw Mill Co.; born, Zurich, Switzerland, Nov. THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 23, 1865; son of Johan Frederic Theodore and Wilhelmine (Meybohm) Bottger; educated in public and private schools of Switzerland and seminary at Hamburg, Germany; married, Williamsport, Pa., June 16, 1886, Mary J. Spades; children: Frederick A., Austin W., Richard E., Esther Marie, Catherine. Came to America with parents, 1880; was connected with hardware business at Milton and Wil liamsport, Pa., 1882-86, and in sawmill busi ness to 1887; chief bookkeeper for Calcasieu Lumber Co., Austin, Tex., 1888-90; located in St. Louis, 1890, engaged in various lines until 1902, when established wholesale lumber busi ness on own account, later incorporating as the Century Saw Mill Co., of which has since been president; also president Roth Lumber Co., Arkmo Saw Mill Co. Member Swiss Re formed Church. Recreation: traveling. Office: 803-810 Olive St. Residence:- 4329 Lee Ave. BOTTORFF, Oscar Bert, real estate; born Jackson Co., Ind., Sept. 28, 1880; son of Thomas J. and Olive (Roberts) Bottorff; edu cated Indiana University, Bloomington, Ind., graduating with degree of A.B., 1903; unmar ried. Began active career as principal Flora High School, Flora, Ind., 1903, in which posi tion continued for one year; then principal Seymour (Ind.) High School, 1904-06; in structor Central High School, St. Louis, 1906- 07; gave up teaching and engaged as sales man for Nicholls-Ritter Realty and Financial Co., 1907-08; in business on own account since 1908 as Bottorff Realty Co., operating in real estate, insurance and also as financial agent. Democrat. Presbyterian. Mason; member Tuscan Lodge, A. F. & A. M., and Kilwinning Chapter, Royal Arch Masons. Club: Business Circle. Recreations: fishing, horseback riding, tennis. Office: 4914 Delmar Boul. Residence: Kenwood Springs, Mo. BOUTON, William, surveyor; 1838-1912; see Vol. 1906. BOWERS, Fred W., state agent Phoenix In surance Co.; born, Geneva, Ashtabula Co., O., Mar. 30, 1863; son of Henry F. and Marana A. (Evens) Bowers; educated in public schools of Norwalk, O., and Smith Business College, Toledo, O.; married, Ottawa, Kan., Dec. 24, 1891, Pearl Simpson; one son: Wilbur S. (died in infancy, June 15, 1899.) Began career with Germania Fire Insurance Co. in Chicago, 1884- 87. Became identified with local agencies in Los Angeles, Cal., and Kansas City, Mo.; was chief clerk at Kansas City to resident man ager of North British & Mercantile Insurance Co. of England; four years later became spe cial agent of the Orient Insurance Co. of Hartford, Conn.; for Missouri, Kansas, Okla homa and Indian Territory, first at Kansas City, Mo., and later at St. Louis. Since Feb. 1, 1899, state agent for Missouri for Phoenix Insurance Co. of Hartford, Conn. Director Provident Loan and Securities Co. Member Fire Underwriters' Association of the North west, Chicago (vice president, 1903-04), Mis souri Fire Prevention Association (president, 1907-08-09). Republican. Congregationalist. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Automobile. Favor ite recreations: music, golf. Office: Pierce Bldg. Residence: 5560 Waterman Ave. BOWES, David; see Vol. 1906. BOWIE, Edward Hall; see Vol. 1906. BOWMAN, Charles Albert, lumber; born, Carrollton, 111., Feb. 5, 1874; son of John A. and Angie (Black) Bowman; educated in pub lic schools, graduating from high school in 1890; married, Carlinville, 111., June 5, 1901, Myra May Parker. Began business career in the general merchandise store of L. F. Wheeler, Carrollton, 111., continuing, 1890- 1900; came to St. Louis, 1900, and was with the South Arkansas Lumber Co., 1900-01; joined in organization, 1901, of Huie-Hodge Lumber Co., Limited, of which became vice president; now secretary South Arkansas Lum ber Co. Member Order of Hoo Hoo. Office: Fullerton Bldg. Residence: 5228 Von Versen Avenue. BOWMAN, Charles G.; see Vol. 1906. BOWMAN, D(avid) Arthur, investment banker; born, St. Louis, Dee. 29, 1881; son of Samuel and Ottilie ("Tillie") Bowman; edu cated St. Louis public and high schools and Western Military Academy (formerly known as the Wyman Institute), Upper Alton, HI.; unmarried. With firm of Wasserman, Bro. & Co., stock exchange brokers, 1898-1903; St. Louis representative of Farson, Leach & Co., New York and Chicago, 1903, until its dissolu tion; conducted business in own name, 1906-11, since as D. Arthur Bowman & Co., dealers in highest type municipal and corporation bonds; member bondholders' protective committee Denver Irrigation Projects; was member com mittee of eleven, 1912, on amendments to bring about formation of investment bankers' section in American Bankers' Association, re sulting in highly important changes in sub mission of investment securities to the gen eral public. Was for two years financial editor St. Louis Post-Dispatch and correspondent for various financial publications. Jewish religion. Member Economic Association. Clubs: City, Public Question, Amateur Athletic Associa tion, Westwood Country. Recreation: golf. Office: Third National Bank Bldg. Residence: 4617 Westminster Place. BOWMAN, Joel William, real estate; born, Cincinnati, Nov. 12, 1851; son of Henry All- ward and Margaret Ann . (Sands) Bowman; educated in public schools of St. Louis; mar ried, Chillicothe, Livingston Co., Mo., May '27, 1874, Marguerite Pepper (now deceased); children: Mrs. Olive Belle Shearer, Henry Paris Bowman; married, 2d, July, 1906, Miss M. R. Snell (now deceased). Entered employ THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 75 of United States Express Co. at age of four teen and remained there for several years; re ceived appointment in U. S. postal service, in which continued until appointed examiner in Department of Justice, serving until 1885; with Pacific Express Co., at St. Louis, until 1887; then in business for self at Omaha, Neb., until 1890; resident vice president and manager American Surety Co. of New York, 1890-1910; since in real estate business. Re publican. Methodist. Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Masonic. Office: Liggett Bldg. Residence: 4341 Olive St. BOWMAN, Samuel, real estate; born, Wes ton, Mo., Feb. 21, 1851; son of David" and Hannah Bowman; educated in St. Louis pub lic schools and attended night school in Jones Commercial College; married, St. Louis, Dec. 18, 1878, Tillie Schiele; five children: D. Ar thur, Edgar S., Mrs. Amy DeRoy (of Pitts burgh, Pa.), Walter H. and Edith. Began act ive career in real estate business, 1866, with the firm of Barlow, Valle & Bush; became a member of the firm of Isidor Bush & Co., growers and dealers in native wines, 1870; organized the firm of Bowman & Bleyer in 1877, and in 1882 organized the Bowman Dis tilling Co.; reengaged in the real estate busi ness in 1887, establishing the present firm of Samuel Bowman & Co.; now president of the Bowman Real Estate & Investment Co.; secre tary and treasurer Automatic Ticket Selling & Cash Register Co. Chairman of the lighting committee of the Real Estate Exchange, or ganized for the improvement of the downtown lighting system, resulting in the brilliant illu mination of the downtown district of St. Louis. Vice president and executive officer of the Progressive Downtown Improvement Asso ciation. Promoted the erection of the West End Hotel, Norvell-Shapleigh Building at 4th St. and Washington Ave., the Ferguson-Me- Kinney Dry Goods Co. 's building at 12th St. and Washington Ave., and other important buildings. Erected the Bowman Building at 11th and Locust Sts., the Fraternal Building at 11th St. and^ Franklin Ave., the Bowman Model Block, at Jefferson St. and Eads Ave., and the Jefferson Block, at 1801-1809 S. Jef ferson Ave. Independent Republican. Mem ber of the Jewish faith. Director of the United Jewish Charities; trustee of the Na tional Jewish Hospital for Consumptives at Denver, Colo.; secretary of the Laclede School Alumni Association. Member of the Missouri Historical Society; past president of District Grand Lodge No. 2, I. O. B. B. Clubs: City, Columbian, St. Louis Aero. Recreations: in terested in literature, music, arts and travel. Office: Third National Bank Bldg. Residence: 4617 Westminster Place. BOWN, William J. H., coffee and sugar broker; born, Pittsburgh, Pa., June 25, 1849; son of William T. and Mary Bown; educated in Pittsburgh public schools; married, Pitts burgh, Feb. 13, 1871, Mary L. Bigby; chil dren: Mrs. W. L. Bicker (of Chicago), Mrs. Guy P. Trulock, Walter T., Mabel P. (Mrs. S. J. Adams), William K. After leaving school was a reporter on the Pittsburgh Dis patch for two years, then for ten years mer chandise broker at Wheeling, W. Va.; came to St. Louis, 1880, and continued in same busi ness until 1890; with Hanley & Kinsella Cof fee & Spice Co., from 1890, being manager of coffee department, 1890-1901, elected secre tary, 190.1, vice president, from January, 1906, to January, 1911; since in coffee brokerage and sugar business on own account. Also di rector Kirkwood Building Association, Kirk wood Gymnasium and Hall Association. Sec retary National Coffee Roasters' Traffic and Pure Food Association. Christian Scientist. Member Kirkwood Lodge No. 484, A. F. & A. M. Recreation: golf. Office: 215 S. 7th St. Residence: Kirkwood, Mo. BOYCE, Anthony, real estate; born, St. Louis, Dec. 13, 1844; son of Patrick M. and Sarah M. (McLoone) Boyce; educated at parochial schools of St. Francis Xavier's, St. Patrick's, and old cathedral; unmarried. Be gan business life as clerk for James S. Chew, secretary of the Board of Underwriters, con tinuing xor three years; then for three years cashier with the Western Union Telegraph Co., four years with Chouteau, Harrison & Valle Iron Co., and ten years in tobacco manufac turing business with brother Joseph, later dealing in tobacco manufacturers' supplies as Boyce Bros. In 1903 joined in organization of Boyce Bros. Realty Co., of which is vice presi dent. Catholic. Democrat. Office: 19 S. Broad way. Residence: 5812 Clemens Ave. BOYCE, John Patrick, real estate and mer chandise broker; born, St. Louis, Mar. 12, lc>69; son of Joseph and Mary Elizabeth (Casey) Boyce; educated in parochial schools, then Franklin Institute preparatory to St. Louis University, to 1886; married, St. Louis, Apr. 4, 1893, Janet C. Pallen; children: John P., Jr., Janet E., Edmund J., Anthony, Claire N., Jerome M. Began business career in 1887, as messenger for the National Bank of Com merce, and advanced in that service until was in charge of the clearing house department when left, Dec. 31, 1890; then was in business with father as firm of Boyce Bros., tobacco manufacturers ' supplies, until 1902, when busi ness was changed to realty and loans, organ ized as Boyce Bros. Realty Co., of which is secretary and treasurer; also merchandise broker under own name. Democrat; commis sioner of supplies for City of St. Louis, 1903- 11 (appointed by Mayor Wells). Member St. Louis University Alumni Association, Bank Clerks' Association, Sons of Confederate Vet erans. Catholic. Club: St. Louis Amateur 16 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS Athletic Association. Recreations: hunting, fishing, baseball, tennis, golf. Office: 19 S. Broadway. Residence*: 4389 Forest Park Boul. BOYCE, Joseph, real estate; born, St. Louis, Apr. 4, 1841; son of Patrick M. and Sarah Monica (MeLoone) Boyce; educated in St. Francis Xavier's, St. Patrick's and Cathedral parochial schools; took courses in bookkeeping and commercial law at Jones Commercial Col lege; married, St. Louis, June 17, 1868, Mary Elizabeth Casey; children: John P., Sally M., Mary Frances (Mrs. Henry S. Kilbourne), Joseph A. Served through the four years of Civil War as captain Company D, (St. Louis Greys), 1st Missouri Confederate Infantry. Engaged in business as tobacco manufac turer, 1866-1876; discontinued manufacturing and conducted the business of tobacco manu facturers' supplies, 1876-1902; since July, 1903, president of Boyce Bros. Realty Co. Member Real Estate Exchange, Civic League. Demo crat. Was vice president of the City Council, 1901-04. Catholic. Member Missouri Histor ical Society, Confederate Veterans; com mander Military Order of the Blue and Gray; president and founder of the Veteran Volun teer Firemen's Historical Society. Office: 19 S. Broadway. Residence: 5812 Clemens Ave. BOYD, David Milton, treasurer T. B. Boyd Furnishing Goods Co.; born, Indianapolis, Aug. 1, 1878; son of Trustin Brown and Emily (Tousey) Boyd; entered Smith Academy, St. Louis, 1887, graduating, June, 1895; then Yale University, graduating with degree A.B., 1899 ; married, East Orange, N. J., Dec. 5, 1906, Josephine Drake; two children: Josephine and Emily. Began business career at New Paltz, N. Y., August, 1900, as general superintendent New Paltz & Poughkeepsie Traction Co., until May, 1901 ; general manager Shore Line Ry., St. Johns, N. B., 1901-02; then removed to New ark, N. J., engaged with Delaware, Lacka wanna & Western R. R. for seven years; sec retary to vice president, 1902-04; contracting agent, 1904-06; division freight agent, 1906-09; with T. B. Boyd Furnishing Goods Co., men's wearing apparel, since May 1, 1905, of which became secretary, treasurer and director. Presi dent Kirkwood Civic League year ended May 1, 1911. Republican. Methodist. Member Zeta Psi Fraternity. Clubs: City, Algonquin Golf, Noonday. Recreation: golf. Office: Olive and 6th Sts. Residence: Kirkwood, Mo. BOYD, Ingram Fletcher, men's furnishings; born, St. Louis, May 17, 1880; son of Trustin Brown and Emily (Tousey) Boyd; educated Smith Academy, 1890-95; graduated from the Lawrenceville (preparatory) School, Law- renceville, N. J., 1897; student at Princeton University; married, Kirkwood, Mo., Oct. 27, 1903, Louie Ray Brown. Secretary and treas urer of the T. B. Boyd Furnishing Goods Co., 1899-1911, since then president. Member Busi ness Men 's League. Republican. Episcopalian. Clubs: Mercantile, Algonquin, Noonday, Bel lerive Country. Recreation: outdoor sports. Office: 520 Olive St. Residence: Kirkwood, Mo. BOYD, James Edward, Jr., broker; see Vol. 1906. BOYD, Trustin Brown, retired merchant; born, Indianapolis, Ind., Dec. 25, 1853; son of D. M. and Elizabeth (Brown) Boyd; educated in Indianapolis in public and private schools; married, Indianapolis, Sept. 20, 1876, Emily Tousey; children: David M., Ingram F. Began as clerk in freight department "Big Four" railway system in Indianapolis, about 1873; was made cashier of the road in 1875; moved to St. Louis in fall of 1879; bought half in terest in firm of Wilson Bros., dealers in men's wearing apparel. Enlarged the business and purchased the entire interest in 1884, chang ing to title of T. B. Boyd Furnishing Goods Co. Served two years as president of the St. Louis Exposition. Member Civic League. Re publican. Methodist. Clubs: Mercantile, Maine Hunting and Fishing, Algonquin Country, Bellerive Country. Recreations: golf and trav el. Office: 514-516 Olive St. Residence: AVood- lawn. BOYD, William Goddin, stock broker; born, Richmond, Ky., June 22, 1853; son of William Washington and Sophie Rebecca j(Goddin) Boyd; educated at Kentucky University, Lex ington, Ky.; married, Dee. 15, 1875, Hallie, daughter of John B. Francis, formerly of Lex ington, Ky. (she died Dec. 30, 1893); chil dren: Sydney Frances (Mrs. Joseph Dickson, Jr.), Eli?a (Mrs. J. Bissell), Ware, Sophie Re becca (Mrs. Clifford Day), Boyd; married, 2d, Lexington, Ky., Nov. 27, 1897, Mrs. Slaughter Bassett. Engaged in business as stock broker since 1882; treasurer D. R. Francis & Brother Commission Co., 1883-1901; since January, 1901, vice president and treasurer Brown Bond and Stock Co. President Merchants' Ex change, 1894; vice president Business Men's League, 1895-96. Member Kentucky Militia three years, in Lexington Guards. Republican. Deacon of Grand Avenue Presbyterian Church. Member Sons of Revolution. Club: Mercan tile (president, 1897). Office': 400 N. 4th St. Residence: 43 Kingsbury PI. BOYLE, Richard Allen, real estate; born, Paris, HI., Nov. 18, 1869; son of John and Jennie (Looney) Boyle; educated in St. Louis public schools and Manual Training School; widower. Began business career as clerk in a bank at Sullivan, Ind., 1888, and after a year there went to the mining town of Pinos Altos in Southwestern New Mexico, where was en gaged in mercantile pursuits two years; then came to St. Louis, 1891, and established in real estate business, in which has since con tinued. Member of St. Louis Real Estate Exchange. Member First Christian Church. Club: Missouri Athletic. Favorite recreations: THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 77 hunting and fishing. Office: 209 Liggett Bldg. Residence: 25 Lenox Place. BOYLE, Wilbur Fisk, lawyer; 1840-1911; see Vol. 1906. BOYNTON, Charles Douglas, lumberman, merchant and real estate owner; born, Syca more, 111., Aug. 10, 1862; son of Charles Oakes and Lucetta Pauline (Stark) Boynton; edu cated public schools of Sycamore, 111., Racine College, Racine, Wis., and Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, N. J.; married, Syca more, 111., Oct. 27, 1891, Cora Belle Farrar. Began active career as cashier of the Bank of Arcadia, la., 18S6; went to Mexico, 1888, and soon afterwards to Austin, Nev. ; cashier Bank of Austin, 1889-91; engaged in mining, etc.; president First National Bank, of Carroll, la., 1892; was actively identified with banking and real estate until 1898; proprietor Boone Democrat, Boone, la., 1896 and 1897; manager Boynton Lumber Co., Cape Girardeau, Mo., 1900-06; organized the Boynton Land & Lum ber Co., 1906. of which has since been presi dent, the company maintaining offices at Boyn ton, Ark., and St. Louis; also director Inter national Bank. Independent Democrat. Mem ber Alpha Tau Omega college fraternity, B. P. O. Elks. Club: Mercantile. Recreations: hunt ing, baseball and athletics. Office: 508 Se curity Bldg. Residence : 44 Kingsbury Terrace. BBADBURY, Edgar Howard, vice president Bradbury Marble Co.; born, Bangor, Me., July 5, 1843; son of Simon P. and Mary A. (Gowen) Bradbury; educated in public schools of Bangor, Me.; married, Bangor, Me., 1870, Susan Hovey Trask; one son: Eben Trask Bradbury. Learned trade of marble cutter in Maine, and followed it at Bangor until 1870; then went to Chicago, and was secretary of the Gowen Marble Co., 1870-78; established wholesale marble business in St. Louis, 1878, as E. H. Bradbury Marble Co., incorporated, 1888, as Bradbury Marble Co., of which is vice president. President St. Louis Tile and Man tle Dealers' Association, St. Louis Marble Dealers' Association; member Master Build ers' Exchange. Republican. Congregational ism Member Tuscan Lodge, A. F. &. A. M. Recreation: church work. Office: 1229 S. 2d St. Residence: 6143 Westminster Place. *BRADFIELD, William D., clergyman; now in Little Rock, Ark.; see Vol. 1906. BRADFORD, Robert Elisha, casualty insur ance, and manufacturing; born, Troupe, Tex., Sept. 13, 1861; son of William A. and Mary E. (Tarbutton) Bradford; educated in Texas schools; married, Huntsville, Tex., Ella Cox (now .deceased) ; one son: Frank Cox; married, 2d, 1910, Mary Catherine Scott, of Galena, 111., sister of the late Jas. Scott, of the Record- Herald, Chicago. In railroad department of Occident insurance since 1886; district mana ger for the Continental Casualty Co. of Chi cago, since 1901. President Continental Power Development Co., a waterpower plant located on the Niangua River in Camden Co., Mo. Mem ber Knights of Pythias. Club: Missouri Ath letic. Recreations: fishing and hunting. Office: Century Bldg. Residence: 4949 Washington Boulevard. BRADLEY, Arthur Harry, physician and surgeon; born, Clinton, Mo., Dec. 16, 1869; son of James R. and Martha Bradley; educated in public schools of Henry and Phelps counties, Mo.; Missouri State Normal School, Warrens- burg, Mo., 1889-90 ; Missouri State University, Columbia, Mo., 1890-91; Marion-Sims College of Medicine, 1891-92, M.D., 1892; Barnes Med ical College, 1892-93, Berlitz School of Lan guages, 1903; post-graduate studies Vienna, Berlin and Paris; married, St. Louis, June 5, 1902, Gertrude M. May. In practice since 1892; first assistant surgeon St. Louis Female Hospital, 1892; lecturer on diseases of women, Barnes Medical College, 1894-1900; now pro fessor hygiene and sanitary science, Barnes University; clinician department nose, throat and ear, St. Louis Baptist Hospital. Member American Medical Association, Missouri State Medical Association, St. Louis Medical Socie ty; life member American Medical Associa tion of Vienna, Austria. Republican. Member Christian (Disciples) Church. Mason; member Knights of Pythias. Recreation: traveling. Office: 620 Metropolitan Bldg. Residence: 3714 W. Pine Boul. BRADLEY, Charles Capelle, architect, and real estate business; born, St. Louis, Oct. 13, 1881; son of Charles E. and Elizabeth (Ca pelle) Bradley; educated in St. Louis public schools and Smith Academy; married, St. Louis, Aug. 6, 1904, Helen Louise Streeter; children: Chas. O, Jr., Helen A. Began as of fice boy in real estate office of Bradley & Quinette. March, 1898; continued with that firm until Mar. 1, 1904, when established in real estate business for self; president Brad ley Real Estate Co. since Nov. 1, 1905; also practices architecture. Office: 806 Chestnut St. Residence: Glen Echo Park, St. Louis Co. BRADLEY, Douglas; see Vol. 1906. *BRADLEY, Henry Stiles, clergyman; re moved to Worcester, Mass.; see Voi. 1906. BRADY, Horace Learned, retired shoe man ufacturer; born, St. Louis, June 22, 1862; son of Horace D. and Susan Howe (Learned) Brady; educated in public schools of St. Louis; unmarried. Began business career in 1875 .with Hamilton-Brown Shoe Co., with which remained, being office boy one year, shipping clerk three years, house salesman one year, traveling salesman seventeen years; elected a director in 1898, and from 1900-09 secretary of the company; retired, 1909. Dem ocrat. Club: Mercantile. Recreations: travel ing and motoring. Residence: Jefferson Hotel. 78 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS BRADY, Hugh Joseph, president St. Louis Weighing Co.; born, St. Louis, Oct. 17, 1851; son of Bernard and Catherine Brady; educat ed St. Patrick's (parochial) School, and North St. Louis Institute until fourteen; married, St. Louis, Aug. 10, 1873, Jennie Annis; nine chil dren: May (Mrs. H. M. Noel), Jennie (wife of Arthur Helbig), Viola, Leroy A., Agnes (Mrs. James Vettus), Alma (Mrs. William Camp bell), Alice, Grace, Hugh J., Jr. Began active career in employ mailing department St. Louis Times, 1865, continuing until elected to state legislature, 1878; member House of Repre sentatives three terms, 1879-85; became buyer for St. Louis Elevator Co., 1885; associated with Edward J. McGroarty, as Brady & Mc- Groarty, hay and feed, 1889, the business de veloping into the St. Louis Weighing Co., of which is president. Member Merchants' Ex change. Democrat; chairman Democratic Cen tral Committee, 1894-98; election commission er, 1897-1900. Office: 122 Tyler Ave. Resi dence: 5008 Vernon Ave. BRADY, Jules M., physician; born, St. Louis, Nov. 18, 1876; son of Bernard S. and Mary (Musick) Brady; educated Christian Brothers College, St. Louis; M.D., St. Louis College of Physicians and Surgeons, 1898; B.S., St. Louis University; post-graduate student University of Vienna, Austria, 1902-04; un married. Interne St. Louis City Hospital, 1898-99, St. Louis Female Hospital, 1899- 1900; physician City Infirmary, 1900-02; in structor in pathology, St. Louis University, 1902-04; professor pathology, St. Louis Dental College, 1904-06; assistant professor diseases of children, St. Louis University, since 1908; attending pediatrician, St. Louis Infant Asy lum, since 1906. Roman Catholic. Member American Medical Association, St. Louis Med ical Society, St. Louis Pediatric Society, City Hospital Alumni Medical Society, Anglo-Aus trian Medical Society, Phi Chi Fraternity (St. Louis University), Knights of Columbus. Of fice and Residence: 1467 Union Boul. BRADY, Stephen J., clergyman; born, Cavan, Ireland, Sept. 17, 1870; son of Edward and Rose (Brady) Brady; completed classical studies at St. Patrick's College, Cavan; theo logical course, St. Patrick's Seminary, Carlow, graduating, 1896. Ordained priest in Kenrick Seminary, St. Louis, Dec. 19, 1896 (came to America same year) ; assistant to Rev. Wil liam Walsh, St. Bridget's Church, St. Louis, 1896-98; in charge of parish at Troy, Mo., 1898-1900; then assistant to Father Timothy Dempsey, of St. Patrick's Church, St. Louis, 1900-03; pastor at St. Patrick, Mo., 1903-07; irremovable pastor St. John's Church, since October, 1907. Member Knights of Columbus. Recreations: architecture, archaeology, athletic games. Residence: 1519 Chestnut St. *BRAGDON, Walter Lyman," thread; moved to New York; see Vol. 1906. BRANCH, Joseph Clark, saw manufacturer; born, St. Louis, July 16, 1860; son of Joseph W. and Annie (Clark) Branch; educated at Old Clay School, St. Louis, then two years at Lane's Seminary, Doncaster, Yorkshire, Eng., and later about two years at Washington University; married, St. Louis, Feb. 16, 1886, Emma C. Boehmer; children: Bertha L. (Mrs. W. L. Schroeder), Joseph O, Jr. At seventeen years of age apprenticed to Branch, Crookes & Co., to learn saw-making; traveled for same company a few years and made office manager. . Firm was succeeded by Branch-Crookes Saw Co., of which was elected vice president and secretary; company in 1897 became Branch Saw Co., of which was vice president and sec retary until 1903, when, upon the death of President Joseph W. Branch, was elected pres ident. Republican. Private in Branch Guards, Co. G, First Regiment, Missouri National Guard; commissioned second lieutenant, same company, June 27, 1884, captain and quarter master, July 23, 1885; now second vice presi dent Branch Guards Veteran Association. Ma son; member Knights of Pythias, Royal Ar canum, Knights of Honor, A. O. U. W. Epis copalian. Favorite recreations: hunting and fishing. Office: 3000 N. Broadway. Residence: 3955 Sherman Place. BRANCH, Joseph Gerald; see Vol. 1906. BRANCH, Lawrence O' Bryan, president White-Branch-Shelton Hat Co.; born, Colum bia, Tenn., Mar. 25, 1865; son of Joseph Ger ald and Mary Jones (Polk) Branch; educated at private school, Trinity, Ala., and Univer sity of Tennessee; unmarried. Came to St. Louis from Columbia, Tenn., January, 1883, and entered employ of Simmons Hardware Co.; after four months gave up position to become connected with the firm of Goodbar, White & Co.; president White-Branch-Shelton Hat Co., since 1897. Member Business Men's League. Democrat. Episcopalian. An organ izer and afterwards president Tennessee So ciety of St. Louis. Appointed by Gov. Lou •Stevens as member of his staff with, rank of lieutenant colonel. Clubs: St. Louis, Glen Echo Country, Bellerive Country. Recreations: golf and hunting. Office: 1511-1515 Washington Ave. Residence: Buckingham Hotel. *BRANDENBERGER, William Andrew, lands; moved to California; see Vol. 1906. BRANDEWEIDE, Leo R.; see Vol. 1906. BRANDT, John Lincoln, clergyman; born, Somerset, Perry Co., O., Oct. 26, 1860; son of Isaac and Elizabeth (Loveberry) Brandt; edu cated in high school, Somerset, and Philadel phia, Pa.; married, Indianapolis, Dec. 25, 1882, Nina E. Marquis (died May 7, 1907); chil dren: Marquis Freeman, Nina Virginia, John Richie; married, 2d, Grace' Lee Crutcher; one child: Bonni,e Belle. Ordained to ministry Christian (Disciples) Church, February, 1884; has served in various pastorates, and been an THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 79 extensive foreign traveler and contributor to magazines, etc.; now pastor First Christian Church of St. Louis. President Page and Union Realty Co., London Realty Co., Brandt- Folk Realty Co. Mason, Knight of Pythias, Maccabee, Modern Woodmen, Mutual Order of Protection. Member Actor's Church Alliance, Papyrus Club. Republican in National, inde pendent in local politics. Author: Turning Points in Life; Marriage and Home; The Lord's Supper; The False and the True; The Enfranchisement of Women; etc. Address: 4528 Westminster Place. BRASHEAR, J. Roy, accountant; born, Stephensport, Ky., Oct. 26, 1877; son of James C. and Elizabeth (Hawkins) Brashear; edu cated in common school at Stephensport to thirteen; married, St. Louis, Feb. 26, 1907, Elizabeth L. Reader; one son: Roy A. Began active career at Louisville, Ky., as messenger boy, continuing, 1891-94; platform checker for W. B. Belknap Hardware Co., 1895; as sistant bookkeeper J. T. S. Brown & Sons, dis tillers, 1896-1902; came to St. Louis, 1903, and now treasurer Trinidad Asphalt Manufac turing Co. ; secretary Heman Construction Co. ; proprietor of the Brashear Drayage Co. Dem ocrat. Christian Scientist. Was for two years a member Kentucky State Militia. Member St. Louis Society of Accountants and Book keepers, Lodge No. 9, B. P. O. Elks. Recrea tion: hunting. Office: 436-444 S. Theresa Ave. Residence: 4808 A Washington Ave. BRAUER, Arthur John, president Brauer Bros. Manufacturing Co.; born, St. Louis, July 5, 1875; son of Theodore J. and Amelia (O'Keefe) Brauer; educated in public schools to 1891; Hayward's College, 1895-98; married, St. Louis, June 4, 1902, Harriett Gamble; three children: Porthos Sylvester (died Nov. 29, 1910), Virginia May, Dorothy Jane (died Aug. 29, 1911). Founded firm of Brauer Bros., manufacturers leather sporting goods, Dec. 8, 1898; purchased brother's interest, July, 1909, continuing business alone until Jan. 12, 1902; then incorporated and since president and treasurer Brauer Bros. Manufacturing Co.; president Indestructible Fan Blade Co.; di rector Cinosam Catering Co.; treasurer St. Louis Kennel Supply Co.; speculator in real estate. Republican. Episcopalian. Mason. Club: Masonic (ex-president). Recreation: fishing. Office: 204 N. 14th St. Residence: 5528 N. Market St. BRAUER, August George, dealer in stove repairs; born, Pittsburgh, Pa., May 20, 1857; son of Ernst E. and Beata £Rhinemann) Brauer; became a resident of St. Louis, 1865; educated in public schools and Walter Col lege, St. Louis; married, St. Louis, 1882, Miss Lina Schmidt; six children: August E., Ella, Louisa, Walter, Oscar, Carrie. Began business as bookkeeper for M. & E. C. Curtis, foundry- men, 1879-83; since 1883 dealer in complete lines of repairs for stoves, and stove supplies. Member of Business Men's League. Member of the Board of Education of Concordia Col lege. Lutheran. Club: Mercantile. Recrea tions: hunting and fishing. Office: 316-318 N. 3d St. Residence: 2421 S. 18th St. BRAUN, Adolf, president A. Braun Manu facturing ;Co.; born in Germany, May 31, 1855; son of Carl Theodore and Elise (Steep ler) Braun; gymnasium education in Germany, then learned drug business, and after passing examination in 1873, came to United States; married, St. Louis, May 16, 1883, Emma M. Forster (who died in 1902); children: Adolph, Jr. (secretary and treasurer A. Braun Manu facturing Co.), Marquard F., Robert H., Ida H. Entered employ of Habicht & Co., pharma cists, under the Southern Hotel, 1873, and after six years engaged in business as phar macist for self, from 1880 until 1897; then joined in organization of Dodson-Braun Manu facturing Co., manufacturers of pickles, pre serves and grocers' sundries, of which was secretary and treasurer until 1906, company being successors to Dodson-Hijs Manufactur ing Co., established 1883; in 1906 organized the A. Braun Manufacturing Co., of which is president; also heavily interested in the Dod son-Braun branch of the National Pickle and Canning Co. Secretary M. Forster Real Es tate Co. Member St. Louis Credit Men 's Asso ciation. Evangelical Lutheran. Member Lie derkranz, West St. Louis Turn Verein. Recrea tion: traveling. Office: Clark Ave. and Com mercial St. Residence: Royal Astor Apts. BRAUN, Henry John; see Vol. 1906. BRECHT, Frank Alexander von, manufac turer of packers ' and butchers ' machinery and supplies; born, St. Louis, Nov. 30, 1875; son of Gustavus and Emilia von Brecht; grad uated from St. Louis public schools and Toensfeldt's (private) Educational Institute; married, St. Louis, Feb. 18, 1903, Flavia Car- mela Lynch; children: Frank Lincoln, Flavia Delphine, Corwin Hamilton, Leyden Richard, Janet Lucile. In 1890 entered business of the Brecht Co. (established by father, 1853), and as apprentice advanced through the different departments of the plant, 1890-92; held cler ical position in the office, 1892-93; manager of the Buenos Aires branch house, 1894-95; man ager of Central Asiatic branch at Samarkand (Turkestan, Asiatic Russia), 1896-97; travel ing from thence to Western China on the East, Afghanistan on the South and Southern Siberia on the North; manager of Hamburg house, 1897, traveling through Europe, Russia and Turkey; elected member board of direct ors, 1898, and had charge of all three foreign branches, 1898-1902; since 1902 vice president of the company, manufacturers of machinery for abattoirs, packing houses and butchers, so THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS furnishing complete equipment for same, with branch houses at New York, Denver, San Francisco, Hamburg, Samarkand and Buenos Aires. Republican. «Protestant. Clubs: Mer cantile, Missouri Athletic, Glen Echo; also various fishing and hunting clubs. Recrea tions: hunting and fishing. Office: 12th St. and Cass Ave. Residence: Forest Ridge, St. Louis Co. BRECHT, Gustavus Adolphus von, manu facturer; born, St. Louis, Mar. 31, 1869; son of Gustavus and Emilia (Reinhardt) von Brecht; educated in public schools of St. Louis and various commercial colleges; married, Springfield, 111., Aug. 15, 1906, Ethel Lucia Hull; three children: Gustavus Adolphus, Jr., Virginia Hull and Bourdon. After leaving school entered business which his father founded, 1853, passing through various depart ments; upon incorporation of the company in 1888 was elected vice president, which office he held until after his father's death, 1891, when he was elected president of the Brecht Co., manufacturers of equipment pertaining to the meat industry and its by-products; also importers and exporters of sausage casings. Director Merchants-Laclede Bank; also of the Share and Mortgage Co. Vice consul Argen tine Republic. Republican. Protestant. Mem ber Masonic Order, Knights Templar, Shrine. Clubs: St. Louis, Glen Echo, Mercantile, Mis souri Athletic. Office: 12th St. and Cass Ave. Residence: 4414 W. Pine St. BRECK, Daniel, civil engineer; born in Madison Co., Ky., July 27, 1863; son of Rev. Robert L. and Martha (Rodes) Breck; edu cated in Central University, Danville, Ky., class of 1882; post-graduate work at Univer sity of California; married, Oct. 14, 1907, Miss Frances Alina Fishback, of Glasgow, Ky.; one child: Frances Sarah. Began professional career in service of the United States Geodet ic Survey, in Colorado Mountain Survey, 3 883-85; engineer on Pacific Coast Ry. in California, 1886-87; with Louisville & Nash ville R. R., 1887-88; Oregon Railway & Navi gation Co., 1888, as locating and contructing engineer, with headquarters at Coos City, Ore.; returned to Louisville & Nashville R. R., 1889, and successively division engineer, road- master, clerk in the president's office, and division superintendent until 1899; manager of plant, Tennessee Phosphate Co., Mt. Pleas ant, Tenn., 1900; general superintendent St. Louis Terminal Ry., 1901, and as chief engi neer designed and executed the changes of that system to accommodate World's Fair conditions; since June, 1905, consulting engi neer and vice president of the Seldon-Breck Construction Co., general contractors and en gineers. Trustee Walters Preparatory School, Richmond, Ky. Member Engineering Associa tion of the South, Engineers' and Architects' Club of Louisville, Ky. Presbyterian. Mason. Member Kentucky Society of Sons of Revolu tion. Clubs: University, Bellerive Country, Memphis Country, Louisville Country, Log Cabin Hunting and Fishing, Kentucky Her mitage. Favorite recreations: hunting, fishing and golf. Office: 1108-1112 Fullerton Bldg. Residence: 4448 Forest Park Boul. BRECK, David Todd, insurance; see Vol. 1906. BREED, Maurice Edwards, physician and surgeon; born, St. Paul, Minn., Nov. 15, 1875; son of Rev. David R. (D.D.) and Mary Eliza beth (Kendall) Breed; educated in Chicago public and high schools; Northwestern Uni versity, 1897; M.D., University of Pennsyl vania, 1899; post-graduate student in Ger many and Vienna, Austria, 1900-01; married, June 28, 1907, Elsie Harriet, daughter of Geo T. Coxhead; one son: David K. Contract sur geon during Spanish- American War; resident physician St. Christopher's Hospital for Chil dren, Philadelphia, 1899; surgeon to Allegheny General Hospital, Allegheny City, Pa., 1899- 1900; since 1901 in general practice at St. Louis. Member St. Louis Medical Society. Presbyterian. Recreations: automobiling and photography. Office and Residence: 934 Ham ilton Ave. BREITT, Fred Charles, real estate; born, St. Louis, Dec. 23, 1880; son of John B. and Flor ence Frederica Breitt; educated Blair (public) School; graduated from Jones Commercial College; married, St. Louis, June 5, 1901, Lydia M. Sommers; two daughters: Constance Lydia, Florence Ida. Bookkeeper and collector for Malcolm & Macbeth, June 8, 1897, to June 8, 1903; took charge of renting and leasing department of the Holbrook-Blackwelder Real Estate Trust Co. June 9, 1903, and continued as manager of department. Member Board of Commissioners, Mullanphy Emigrant Belief Fund. Protestant. Member Irwin Lodge, No. 121, A. F. & A. M., Bellefontaine Chapter, No. 25, R. A. M.; also member Lodge No. 9, B. P. O. Elks, excelsior Council Legion of Honor, Zulema Lodge, No. 321, Knights of Pythias, North End Council Royal Arcanum, Royal League, Tower Grove Turn Verein. Club: Cen tury Boat. Recreations: fishing and baseball. Office: 812 Olive St. Residence: 3508 Hum phrey St. BREMERMANN, Frederick, president St. Louis Glass and Queensware Co.; born, Bremen, Germanv, Apr. 24, 1852 ; son of Frederick and Gesine Bremermann; educated in Bremen La- teinische Schule; married, St. Louis, Dec. 10, 1873. Ma.tliilde A. Meyer: children: Werner, Pauline (Mrs. Ralph E. Nutting), Else (Mrs. ^eorge L. Sto^-m, New York). Left Bremen, September, 1868, for St. Louis; entered em ploy of Manning & Co., wholesale glass and crockerv, later Campbell, Jones & Co.; became one of the incorporators of the St. Louis Glass and Queensware Co. in 1883; was elected sec- THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 81 retary and treasurer, and so continued until Feb. 10, 1902, since president and treasurer of the company. Unitarian. Clubs: Union, Nor- mandie Golf. Recreation: golf. Office: 620 Market St. Residence: 32 Nicholson Place. BRENER, Samuel M.; see Vol. 1906. BRENNAN, James Louis, merchant tailor; born, Valparaiso, Ind., Aug. 1, 1860; son of Joseph P. and Catherine (Garvey) Brennan; educated in public schools and St. Bonaven- ture's Lyceum, both at Terre Haute, Ind.; married, St. Louis, Oct. 28, 1897, Henrietta Phillips. Learned tailoring business and has been actively engaged at it for thirty years; resident of St. Louis twenty years; estab lished, Mar. 1, 1903, the business which now conducts on own account. Democrat. Catholic- Club: City. Recreation: baseball. Office: 509 Victoria Bldg. Residence: 5 E. Jackson Road, Webster Groves. BRENNAN, J. Wallace; see Vol. 1906. BRENNAN, Martin S., Catholic priest; born, St. Louis, July 23, 1845; son of William C. and Margaret (Hackett) Brennan; educat ed at Christian Brothers College, St. Louis, receiving degrees of A.B., 1865, A.M., 1869, Sc.D., 1896. Ordained priest of Roman Cath olic Church, 1869; since Jan. 1, 1892, pastor St. Lawrence O 'Toole Parish, St. Louis. Pro fessor of astronomy and geology in Kendrick Seminary, St. Louis, since 1892. Member of British Astronomical Association, Astronom ical Society of the Pacific, Astronomical and Astrophysical Society of America, St. Louis Academy of Science. Author: Electricity and Its Discoverers; What Catholics Have Done for Science; Astronomy, New and pid; Science of the Bible. Lectures on science at the Catholic summer and winter schools of America. Contributor of scientific articles to magazines. Address: 6304 Minnesota Ave. BRENNEKE, William George, consulting engineer; born, St. Louis, July 13, 1870; son of William and Caroline (Schenck) Brenneke; graduated from Manual Training School, St. Louis, 1887, Washington University, C.E., 1892; married, Toledo, O., Sept. 15, 1897, Jes samine May Richards; one daughter: Alice Barbara. Engaged in general engineering prac tice since 1892, and since 1899, with E. B. Fay, under firm name of Brenneke & Fay, practic ing as consulting engineers, with a specialty in designing and superintending construction of bridges, railroads, mill buildings, foundations, etc. Consulting engineers to St. Louis South western Ry. Co. (built bridge over Arkansas River at Rob Roy, Ark.), Chicago, Peoria & St. Louis Ry., Union Sand and Material Co.; of St. Louis; also consulting .engineers to J. W. Thompson, railroad contractor, St. Louis; asso ciate engineer with Boiler & Hodge on St. Louis Municipal Bridge (active charge of its construction). Among important, works are the glass factories of A. Busch Glass Co., Belleville, 111., Johnston Glass Co., Hartford City, Ind., N. Baltimore Bottle Co., Terre Haute, Ind., Midland Glass Co., Independence, Kan.; also reconstruction of west and oast approaches of the Merchants ' Bridge, and east approach of Eads Bridge, 1902-03; designed subway for Terminal Railroad Association, Union Station, 1903, bridges for Terminal Railway Belt Line, 1902-03, Apalachicola Northern Ry., Apalachicola, Fla., 1905, plant of Wagner Electric Manufacturing Co., St. Louis, and many other manufacturing plants. Member American Society of Civil Engineers, Engineers' Club of St. Louis. Republican. Club: Mercantile. Recreations: motoring, baseball and whist. Office: 1200 Fullerton Bldg. Residence: 5967 Von Versen Ave. BRETSNYDER, Ferdinand Charles, president Bell Oil Co.; born, Chicago, Oct. 14, 1868; son of Balthazar and Eliza (Farber) Bretsnyder; educated in public schools of Chicago to age of fifteen; married, Sturgeon Bay, Wis., July 5, 1896, Mamie Kofoed; eight children: Mil dred, Nina, Alta (deceased), Marvel, Francis, Hazel, Rudolph and Ferdinand, Jr. Engaged in engraving business in Chicago with brother William, 1883-90; then entered retail oil and coal business; sold out coal business, 1895, but continued sale of oil until 1903; removed to St. Louis and established retail oil business; incorporated, Mar. 25, 1905, Bell Oil Co., wholesale dealers in illuminating and lubricat ing oils. Member St. Louis Creditmen's Asso ciation, St. Louis Salesmanagers ' Association, Motor Accessory Association; organizer and member Independent Petroleum Market Asso ciation of United States. Independent Repub lican and formerly an active worker for the party. Was candidate for alderman while in Chicago, upon Municipal Ownership ticket headed' by John P. Altgeld as candidate for mayor. Christian Scientist. Member Knights of Pythias, Order of Columbus Knights. Clubs: Rotary, St. Louis Automobile. Recreations: motoring and home diversions. Office: First Ferry, Oak and Cornelia Sts. Residence: 1420 E. Obear Ave. BRIBACH, Benno, physician, deceased; see Vol. 1906. BRIBACH, Eugene, physician; born in Sax ony, Germany, Feb. 23, 1855; son of Florence and Eleanor (Ruehling) Bribach; educated in gymnasium in Saxony; graduated from Beau mont Hospital Medical College, St. Louis, M.D., 1890; married, Highland, 111., 1882, Mar- gareth Ambuehl (now deceased); children: Eugene J., Leonora M., Oscar N., Benno C. (deceased.) Came to St. Louis from Germany, 1871; began business career as drug clerk in St. Louis, 1871; and was in drug business for self, 1879-89; then sold out and attended col lege. Since graduation in 1890, continuously engaged in general practice; house physician, 82 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS St. Mary's Infirmary, since 1890. Office and Residence: 3648 S. Grand Ave. BRIDGE, Hudson Eliot, president Bridge & Beach Manufacturing Co., stoves and ranges; born, St. Louis, Apr. 4, 1858; son of Hudson E. and Helen Augusta (Holland) Bridge; edu cated in Washington University, St. Louis; married, St. Louis, 1885, Helen Durkee: chil dren, Lawrence Durkee, George Leighton, John Dwight, Marion. Has been actively identified with the Bridge & Beach Manufacturing Co. since 1876, beginning as shipping clerk, then cashier, traveling salesman, etc., until 1901, when became president and treasurer of the company, manufacturers of the ' ' Superior ' ' stoves and ranges. (Business founded by fa ther, Hudson E. Bridge, 1837, becoming Bridge & Bro., 1842, on admission of Harrison Bridge, who died 1850, Bridge & Beach, 1857, and in corporated 1870.) Director Belief ontaine Ceme tery Association. Member Civic League. En dowed Bridge Memorial Library on father's old homestead site in Walpole, N. H. Repub lican. Clubs: St. Louis, St. Louis Country, Commercial. Recreation: farming in New Hampshire. Office: 501 S. 1st St. Residence: 23 Westmoreland Place. ""BRIER, Robert Emmet, manufacturer; moved to California; see Vol. 1906. BRIGGS, Waldo, surgeon; born, Bowling Green, Ky., July 3, 1856; son of William Thompson and Anna (Stubbins) Briggs; M.D., Medical Department, University of Nashville, Tenn., 1876; married, St. Louis, April, 1906, Anita Blow Shipley. In practice in St. Louis since 1877, professor surgery Beaumont Med ical College, 1895-98; professor surgery St. Louis College Physicians and Surgeons since 1898, and superintendent Jefferson Hospital; also president and dean St. Louis College Phy sicians and Surgeons. Member Knights of Pythias, etc. Recreations: hunting and fish ing. Office: Marina Bldg., Grand and Lindell. Residence: 5409 Cabanne Ave. BRIGHAM, George French, Jr., general agent Chicago & Northwestern Ry.; born, Fredonia, N. Y., Jan. 12, 1863; son of George French and Aurilla (Douglass) Brigham; re moved with parents to Chicago, 111., 1865, and to Sharon, Wis., 1866; educated in public school of Sharon, Wis.; married, Kansas City, Mo., Jan. 14, 1891, Nellie Carrie, daughter of James N. Watkins, Kansas City; children: James Watkins, Aurilla Douglass, Godfrey Macdonald. Entered railway service at Shar on (Wis.) Station, with Chicago & North western Ry. Co., 1880, and remained with same road as clerk and cashier at Ishpeming, Mich., 1881-82, and as shipping clerk at iron ore docks, Escanaba, Mich., 1883. With Amer ican Express Co., Ishpeming, 1883-86; travel ing, freight agent, Nickel Plato Line, Chicago, 1886-89; agent same road, Kansas City, 1889- 93; contracting agent same road, Chicago, 111., 1893-94; general agent Chicago & Northwest ern Ry. Co. at St. Louis, since March 1894. Builder and owner of residence property on Blendon Place. Warden and treasurer of St, Augustine's Episcopal Church, St. Louis. Member of Ravenswood Lodge, A. F. & A. M., Northwestern Council, National Union, Chi cago, American Association of Traveling Pas senger Agents, Brigham Family Association. Republican. Member Business Men's League. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, St. Louis Railway, City, The Traffic of St. Louis and St. Louis Fly and Bait Casting. Favorite recreations: yachting, fishing and horseback riding. Office: 311 N. 9th St. Residence: 2101 Blendon Place. Summer Residence: Lake Delavan, Wis. BRIGHT, Charles William, proprietor Im perial Laundry; born, Lynchburg, Va., Jan, 21, 1849; son of Edwin C. and Martha Ward (Bigbee) Bright; graduated from Jones Com mercial College, 1869 ; married, Louisiana, Mo., Dec. 23, 1880, Alice M. Fagg; children: Kath erine Ward, Medora Fagg and Isabel. Kept books for Tinsley, Bright & Co., Louisiana, Mo., 1872-76; deputy U. S. internal revenue collect or, Fourth district of Missouri, 1876-80; in mercantile business, 1880-88; bought the Im perial Laundry, Aug. 19, 1889, and continues to conduct it as senior member of firm of C. W. Bright & Bros. Democrat. Office: 4701 Delmar Boul. Residence: 409 Westgate Ave. BRINCKWIRTH, Louis, brewer, deceased; see Vol. 1906. BRININSTOOL, Joseph L.; see Vol. 1906. *BRINKER, Joseph, railway official; moved to Amarillo, Tex.; see Vol. 1906. BRINKMAN, Benjamin George, banker; born, St. Louis, Dec. 8, 1885; son of William F. and Mary (Wolden) Brinkman; educated St. Mary's Institute, Dayton, O.; married, St. Louis, Sept. 1, 1909, Marie Doerr; one son, Jerome Doerr. Became identified with bank ing business, 1905; elected as director Lafay ette Bank Apr. 5, 1911; president Paragould Trust Co., Paragould, Ark., since May 1, 1911; vice president Park Circuit and Realty Co. since 1910. Catholic. Clubs: Century, Boat, Liederkranz. Recreations: hunting and fish ing. Office: Lafayette Bank. Residence: 3641 Flora Boul. BRINSMADE, Hobart, wholesale millinery; born, Trumbull, Conn., Nov. 20, 1845; son of Lewis and Elizabeth (Fairchild) Brinsmade; graduated from Stratford (Conn.) Academy and from Eastman Commercial College, Pough- keepsie, N. Y.; also took special course, under private tutors, preparatory to degree of civil engineer; married, Bridgeport, Conn., Jan. 3, 1872; children: Robert Bruce, Louis Lyon. Was principal of large graded schools in Con necticut for three years previous to 1868; was in book business in Bridgeport, Conn., in part- THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 83 nership with late William B. Hincks, under style of Brinsmade & Hincks; sold out in 1871, then became connected with the Howe Machine Co., first as general agent in Western New York; general western agent, Howe Ma chine Co., at St. Louis, from 1878 until the company went out of business in 1885; gen eral European manager for Wheeler & Wilson Manufacturing Co., with headquarters in Lon don, 1885-90; returned to St. Louis, 1891, join ing wholesale millinery firm of D. H. King & Co., which became King-Brinsmade & Co., and in 1895 was incorporated as the King, Brins made Mercantile Co., of which is president. Appointed police commissioner April, 1910, and reappointed April, 1911. Republican. Was eight years in Connecticut National Guard, and resigned in 1871 with rank of captain. Was resident commissioner of Lou isiana Purchase Exposition for State of Con necticut. Member Business Men's League; secretary of Missouri Society of Colonial Wars, Sons of Revolution. Member Pilgrim Congregational Church; trustee Missouri Con gregational Conference; director Y. M. C. A. Clubs: Mercantile, Republican, Congregational. Recreations: reading, and has found an agree able diversion in his duties as police commis sioner. Office: 1701-1709 Washington Ave. Residence: 4429 Morgan St. BRITT, Thomas James, president Britt Printing & Publishing Co.; born, Hastings, Sussex, Eng., Jan. 22, 1841; son of Thomas and Caroline (Earl) Britt; attended school in England; married, Bloomington, 111., Oct. 22, 1861, Sarah I. Corbett, of Wolverhampton, Eng.; children: Thomas (died August, 1911), Mrs. Carrie L. Adams, Paul A., Earl R., Mrs. Edith Whitehill, Archer O, Joseph O, Bryant H. Arrived in America, Dec. 31, 1855; learned printer's trade and worked in Bloomington, Springfield, Peoria and Chicago; returned to St. Louis, 1874, and was employed in Repub lican office, serving for twelve years as assist ant foreman; was foreman of Post-Dispatch, 1887-94, and of Star, 1896; worked for Mirror, 1896-1903; organized the Britt Printing and Publishing Co., 1903, of which has since been president. Mason; Master St. Louis Lodge, 1888, 1889, 1890. Office: 118 N. 3d St. Resi dence: 1415 Arlington Ave. BRITTON, Frank Hamilton, railway offi cial; born, Ovid, N. Y., Nov. 29, 1850; son Robert and Mary C. (Hamilton) Britton; edu cated in public schools; married, Ravenna, O., March, 1873, Ida F. Freeman; children: Edna L. (Mrs. N. A. Waldron), Robert F., Roy F., Ida, Ada. Began railway service August, 1868; was employed as operator, assistant train dispatcher and chief train dispatcher on various lines up to February, 1879; became master of trains, Louisville & Nashville R. R., February, 1879; superintendent of transporta tion, Chesapeake, Ohio & Southwestern Ry., June, 1882; superintendent of transportation, Baltimore & Ohio R. R., February, 1883; su perintendent same road, January, 1886; en gaged in other service, February, 1892, to June, 1893; superintendent Minnesota & Wis consin Ry., June, 1893; superintendent Great Northern Ry., September, 1894; assistant gen eral superintendent western district, same road, March, 1898; general superintendent St. Louis Southwestern Ry., June, 1899; elected vice president and general manager same road, Mar. 12, 1900, and president Apr. 22, 1912, also general manager; also president St. Louis Southwestern Railway Co. of Texas; vice president and general manager of Paragould Southwestern Ry. and of Pine Bluff, Arkansas River Ry.; president Southern Illinois and Missouri Bridge Co., Stephenville North & South Texas Ry. Mason (32°), Knight Tem plar, Shriner. Clubs: St. Louis, Mercantile, Noonday. Residence: 3671 Lindell Boul. Of fice: 112 N. 4th St. (1551 Pierce Bldg.) BRITTON, Roy Frank, lawyer; born, Cleve land, O., Mar. 18, 1881; son of Frank Hamil ton and Ida Frances (Freeman) Britton; edu cated public schools and University of Michi gan; LL.B. Law Department, University of Michigan, 1902, LL.M., 1903; unmarried. Ad mitted to Michigan bar, Jan. 21, 1902, and to Missouri bar, January, 1904; engaged in auto mobile business with brother Robert F. Britton, as secretary and treasurer A. L. Dyke Auto mobile Supply Co., the first concern of its kind in America, 1904-05; began practice of law, 1905; assistant general attorney St. Louis Southwestern Railway Co. (Cotton Belt Route) since 1906. Elected member Missouri House of Representatives from Second Dis trict of St. Louis Co., 1910, and served on Judiciary, Roads and Highways and Clerical Force committees of the House in Forty-sixth General Assembly; secured passage of Motor Vehicle Act, 1907. Republican. Congregation alism Member American, , Missouri and St. Louis Bar associations, American Automobile Association (director), Sons of Revolution. Mason; member Tuscan Lodge No. 360, A. F. & A. M.; St. Louis Chapter No. 8, Royal Arch Masons; Ascalon Commandery, Knights Tem plar; also member St. Louis Lodge No. 9, B. P. O. Elks. Secretary and treasurer, 1906-07, vice president, 1910-11, president, 1911-12, Au tomobile Club of St. Louis; other clubs: St. Louis and City. Office: 1527 Pierce Bldg. Res idence: 3671 Lindell Boul. Country Residence: Oakland, near Kirkwood, Mo. BROCK, James Ellison, banker; born, Rich mond, Ky., July 4, 1862; son of John W. and Elizabeth J. (Ellison) Brock; attended Tran sylvania University, Lexington, Ky.; mar ried, Paris, Ky., Sept. 28, 1896, Elizabeth Dun can Trundle. Began business life as account ant in Lexington, Ky.; afterward instructor in Commercial College of Kentucky University; 84 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS in St. Louis as cashier of Southwestern dis tributing office of the New Home Sewing Ma chine Co., 1883-91; since May, 1891, with Mis sissippi Valley Trust Co., of which is now secretary and director; also vice president Municipal Improvement Investment Co. of St. Louis. Democrat. Methodist (member of board of stewards of St. John's Methodist Episcopal Church, South). Scottish Rite Ma son (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner. Member Kentucky Society of St. Louis, Civic League of St. Louis, Business Men's League of St. Louis (committee on banks and banking). Member Hospital Saturday and Sunday Asso ciation of St. Louis, St. Louis Chapter of American Institute of Banking, American Academy of Political and Social Science, American Economic Association, National Geographic Society, National Conservation Association, National Municipal League, American Society for the Judicial Settlement of International Disputes, National Citizens' League for the Promotion of a Sound Banking System, Academy of Science of St. Louis, Washington University Association. Recrea tion: golf. Clubs: St. Louis, Noonday, Bank ers' (St. Louis), Glen Echo Country (ex-presi dent, and chairman finance committee). Of fice: Mississippi Valley Trust Co., 4th and Pine Sts. Residences: 10 N. Kingshighway Boul., and Normandy, Mo. BROCKMAN, F. W., commission; born, Westphalia, Germany, June 10, 1849; son of Casper H. and Wilhelmina (Pogenpohl) Brock- man; educated at St. Peter's German Evan gelical School, 1859-63; married, St. Louis, Sept. 16, 1874, Mary E. Cook; children: Lydia (Mrs. Jean Reutlinger, Little Rock, Ark.), Lotta (Mrs. Harry Boswell, St. Louis), Elsah (Mrs. F. L. Merrick, Seattle, Wash.), Irma (at home). Began business career as clerk for Peter Smith, dealer in books and station ery, April, 1863, to August, 1867; bookkeeper in North St. Louis Savings Association, 1867- 69, and for William Hake & Bros., commission and provisions, 1869-73. Partner in firm of Vogelsang & Brockman, commission and pro visions, 1873-76, and on its dissolution, March, 1876, formed partnership with Fred C. Trauer- nicht as Brockman & Trauernieht, which was dissolved December, 1896, and succeeded by F. W. Brockman Commission Co., of which is president. Built present business premises, 1901. Also president Elizabeth Investment Co. President Missouri Poultry and Game Co.; president for thirty years, Mt. Olive Building and Loan Association. Member, 1891-95, and president, 1893-94, St. Louis Board of Educa tion. President St. Louis Produce Exchange, 1907; St. Louis Butter, Egg and Poultry Ex change, 1909. Mason; member Elks, Royal Arcanum, Knights of Honor, Royal League. Clubs: Mercantile, Missouri Athletic. Repub lican. Congregationalist. Recreation: fishing. Office: 815-817 N. 4th St. Residence: 3710 N. Grand Ave. BROCKMANN, Frederick Philip, grain com mission; 1869-1912; see Vol. 1906. BROCKMEIER, Frederick C, secretary Engelke & Feiner Milling Co.; born, St. Louis, June 11, 1862; son of Christian and Anna Brockmeier; educated in parochial schools at St. Louis; married, St. Louis, 1886, Emily Blickendoerfer; children: Emily, Ella and Anna. After leaving school, engaged as clerk with various mercantile houses until 1884, when became connected with Engelke & Feiner, proprietors of the Southern Roller Mills, manufacturers of white corn products, and upon incorporation of the business in 1895, as the Engelke & Feiner Milling Co., was elected to present position as secretary of the company. Member Merchants' Exchange. Independent in politics. Office: 816-820 S; Broadway. Residence: 3705 Market St. BROD, John Henry, Jr., manager and attor ney Missouri Red Granite Monument Co.; born, St. Louis, Apr. 18, 1878; son of John H. and Rosa (Vogt) Brod; educated in public schools to fifteen; married, St. Louis, Oct. 23, 1902, Helen Young; one child: Helen. Com pleted apprenticeship of three years in hard ware store of William Richardson, 1896; in charge of commercial department of Perkins & Herpel Commercial College, 1896-1900; sec retary and treasurer Heman Construction Co., 1900-02; became connected with the Schneider Granite Co., 1902, and is now manager and \ attorney for the firm; admitted to Missouri bar, February, 1902; organizer and president Missouri Red Granite Monument Co., May,' 1907, to 1911, when sold out his interests and has since been manager and attorney for the company. Republican. Mason, Shriner. Rec reation: motoring. Office: 2134 De Kalb St. Residence: 1321 Temple. BRODERICK, John C; see Vol. 1906. BRODERICK, John James, wire rope manu facturer; born, Clare, Ireland, Dec. 29, 1846; son of Patrick and Ann (Duggan) Broderick; educated in classical course, St. Louis Univer sity, A.B., class of 1862; married, St. Louis, May 8, 1878, Emilie C. Kern; children: John K. (M.D.), M. Angela (Mrs. Edgar M. Jen nings), Arthur L. Began business career in hardware house of Pratt, Fox & Co., later with the St. Louis Railway Supply Manufac turing Co. In 1875 started in business for self as a manufacturer of wire rope and with partners incorporated the business in 1882 as the Broderick & Bascom Rope Co., of which is president. Member Merchants' Exchange. Office: 809 N. Main St. Residences: Bucking ham Hotel and Glencoe, Mo. BROEMMELSIEK, John Frederick, label printer; born in St. Louis Co., Mo., Jan. 18, 1856; son of Frederick and Francisca (Eberle) THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 85 Broemmelsiek; educated in private schools of St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Sept. 2, 1881, Minnie Stein; children: Florence (Mrs. Chas. H. Buss), Edgar W., Bertha B. Learned print ing business in office of Central Christian Ad vocate, continuing 1872-81; then went to work for E. F. Saylor, druggists ' printer; associated with J. J. Grauer and bought out Mr. Saylor, 18S6; incorporated business as St. Louis La bel Works, 1887, and is now president. Re publican. Protestant. Recreation: fishing. Of fice: 306 Morgan St. Residence: Jennings, Mo. BROKAW, Augustus Van Liew, physician; deceased; see Vol. 1906. BROKAW, Frederick Van Liew, physician; deceased; see Vol. 1906. BROKAW, Linn Roberts, lawyer; born, St. Louis, July 31, 1879; son of Frederick V. L. and Anna (Clotilda) Brokaw; graduated Cen tral High School, St. Louis, 1897; A.B., Prince ton University, 1901; LL.B., Law Department, Washington University, 1903; married, St. Louis, Feb. 3, 1908, Alice C. Gleeson; two children: Alice G., Marion R. Admitted to Missouri bar, 1903, and since in practice at St. Louis; member firm of Ellerbe & Brokaw. Independent in politics. Presbyterian. Rec reations: reading, billiards, fishing. Office: 610-614 Times Bldg. Residence: 6154 Wash ington Ave. BROLETTI, Alessandro, Royal Italian con sular agent; born, Bergamo, Italy, Feb. 29, 1864; son of Mauro and Elena (Meloncelli) Broletti; educated in private and public schools to 1876; entered Regio Instituto Tec- nico, Bergamo, Italy, 1876, graduated 1879; commercial course Santa Maria Hilf College, Schwitz, Switzerland, 1880, graduating 1883; unmarried. Appointed secretary Royal Italian Consulate, Chicago, 1893, serving until 1910 (several times entrusted with regency of the consulate); by decree of ministry foreign af fairs, Rome, June 4, 1910 (and obtained from U. S. Government exequatur issued by De partment of State, Washington, D. O, July 30, 1910), appointed royal consular agent at St. Louis, with territorial jurisdiction through out Missouri and central and southern Illinois. Catholic. Recreations: music and theatre. Of fice: 929 N. 7th St. BROMSCHWIG, Henry, tailors' trimmings; born, Germany, Aug. 7, 1837; educated in pub lic schools; married, St. Louis, May 15, 1872, Marie Sturwald; children: Joseph A., Edward H. (deceased), Angeline (Mrs. Charles A. Mueller), Marie (Mrs. Joseph Bockelmann). Began in tailors' trimming business in St. Louis as partner in firm of George F. Dieck- haus & Co., 1875, and in 1883 started business under firm name of Henry Bromschwig & Co.; firm name was changed, 1908, to Henry Brom schwig Tailors' Trimmings Co., of which is president. Office: 3d floor, 611 N. Broadway. Residence: 2643 Park Ave. BRONSGEEST, Henry C, S.J., Catholic priest; born, The Hague, Netherlands, Apr. 17, 1842; son of Leonard J. O, and Theodora (Tetteroo) Bronsgeest; educated in Seminary of Bois le Due, St. Stanislaus Seminary, Flor- rissant, Mo., and Woodstock College, Mary land. Entered Society of Jesus, 1868; or dained to priesthood, 1868; since Sept. 29, 1888, pastor of St. Francis Xavier (College) Church. Church: Grand Ave. and Lindell Boul. Residence: 3628 Lindell Boul. BROOKE, Abraham William, secretary and auditor American Refrigerator Transit Co.; born, Salt Lake City, Utah, Nov. 2, 1855; son of George and Anne (Homes) Brooke; re moved to St. Louis, July 3, 1857, and was edu cated in public schools; married, St. Louis, Apr. 2, 1877, Lucy Athalie Welles; eight children: Marie Grace (Mrs. Frank V. Grubs), Rosa Josephine (Mrs. Wilbur G. Miles), Lucy Claire (Mrs. F. F. R. Hesse), Agnes Welles, Constance Griffin (Mrs. J. P. Finkenaur), Emilie Claire, Georgene Christy, Adrian Welles. Became connected with the account ing department Missouri Pacific Ry., 1883; appointed auditor American Refrigerator Transit Co., 1889, and has also served as sec retary same since June 1, 1903. Republican. Presbyterian. Office: 915 Olive St. Residence: 3016 Shenandoah Ave. BROOKES, Henry Spence, physician; born, St. Louis; son of John E. and Julia (Spence) Brookes; educated in St. Louis grammar and high schools; graduated from St. Louis College of Pharmacy, Ph.G., 1882, St. Louis Medical College, M.D., 1884; married, St. Louis, May 13, 1886, Mary Louise, daughter of T. F. Prew- itt; children: Theodore Prewitt, Julia, Henry Spence, Jr., Elizabeth, Katharine, Jean In gram, Mary Louise. Engaged in general prac tice of medicine in St. Louis since 1884. Lec turer in Medical Department of Washington University. Member St. Louis Medical So ciety, Missouri State Medical Association, American Medical Association. Presbyterian. Office and Residence: Lafayette and Grand Avenues. BROOKES, Theodore Prewitt, phvsician; born, St. Louis, Mar. 8, 1887; son of Henry S. and Mary L. (Prewitt) Brookes; educated St. Louis public schools and Washington Univer sity, degree of M.D., 1909; married, Gratiot Beach, Mich., Sept. 12, 1911, Agnes H. Greene; one child, Theodore P. In practice in St. Louis since 1909; interne City Hospital, 1909- 10; resident assistant physician City Female Hospital, 1910-11; resident physician, same, 1911-12; assistant dispensary physician St. Louis Hospital Department. Presbyterian. Member Missouri State Medical Association, St. Louis Medical Society, Society of City Hospital Alumni. Recreation: tennis. Office and Residence: 3557 Lafayette Ave. BROOKES, Walter Stuart; see Vol. 1906. 86 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS BROOKINGS, Robert Somers, retired; born, Walnut Hills, Cecil Co., Md., Jan. 22, 1850; son of Dr. Richard and'Mary (Carter) Brook ings; educated at West Nottingham Academy, Maryland, A.M., Yale University, 1899; LL.D., University of Missouri, 1903; unmarried. Came to St. Louis from Maryland, 1867, and entered employ of Cupples & Marston, as clerk; admitted as partner in 1870, when firm name was changed to Samuel Cupples & Co., and in 1882, when business was incorporated as Samuel Cupples Wooden-Ware Co., became vice president and general manager; retired, 1909. Vice president St. Louis Union Trust Co. Organized St. Louis Terminal Cupples Sta tion and Property Co., and carried the con struction of the depot and warehouse to suc cessful completion; president board of trustees of Washington University since November, 1895, and raised the fund necessary to pur chase 100 acres of land, facing Forest Park, on which are erected the new college and scientific school; president St. Louis Choral Symphony Society, 1882-97; was also one of founders of St. Louis Music Hall and Exposi tion Building. Ex-president and director Mer cantile Library. Member Business Men's League. Clubs: St. Louis, University, Com mercial, City, Racquet, Bellerive Country, St. Louis Country. Office: St. Louis Union Trust Co. Residence: "Homewood, " St. Louis, Mo. BROOKMIRE, James H., broker; born, St. Louis, Oct. 3, 1869; son of James H. and Anna (Forbes) Brookmire; educated at Stoddard (public) School, Smith Academy and St. Louis Manual Training School, graduating 1887; married, St. Louis, Nov. 23, 1898, Anne Ken- nard; one son: S. K. Began business career in 1887, in wholesale grocery firm of Brook mire & Ranken; member firm of James H. Brookmire & Co., 1890-93; secretary and later vice president and general manager of Curtis & Co., manufacturers of saws, etc., until March, 1904; St. Louis representative of Tracy & Co., brokers, of Chicago and New York, 1904-06; since member Simon, Brookmire & Clifford, members of the New York and St. Louis stock exchanges and Chicago Board of Trade. Member Business Men's League, Civic League. Republican. Methodist. Clubs: St. Louis, St. Louis Country, Noonday, Racquet, City. Recreations: outdoor diversions. Office: 4th and Olive Sts. Residence: 4970 Berlin Avenue. BROOKS, Arlington Rand, wholesale jew elry merchant; born, St. Louis, Apr. 20, 1867; son of John Campbell and Elizabeth Frances (Rand) Brooks; attended school at Lebanon, 111., and St. Louis, Mo.; married, St. Louis, June 11, 1904, Harriet Alice Brown. Was with J. C. Brooks, wholesale jewelry, until Sept. 1, 1884, when A. R. and F. C. Brooks succeeded their father, as Brooks Bros. & Co., until Apr. 1, 1892; withdrew to establish the Brooks Jewelry Co., which later, June 25, 1898, in corporated as the Brooks Optical Co. Was its president until Sept. 11, 1903, when sold in terest and went into business on own account; on Jan. 1, 1904, consolidated business with that of I. Auer Jewelry Co. under style of Brooks-Auer Jewelry Co., now A. R. Brooks & Co., wholesale dealers in watches, jewelry and optical goods. Methodist. Office: Globe- Democrat Bldg. BROOKS, James William; see Vol. 1906. BROOKS, Orphred Henry, Jr., real estate; see Vol. 1906. BROWN, Alanson David, president Hamil ton-Brown Shoe Co.; born, Granville, N. Y., Mar. 21, 1847; son David and Malinda O. Brown; attended district school, Slyborough, N. Y., and three months at Lamsley's Com mercial College, Rutland, Vt., 1864; married, Waltham, Mass., Jan. 17, 1877, Ella" G. Bills; children: Estella G. (Mrs. W. F. McElroy), Jennie M. (Mrs. W. D. Collins), Alanson C, Helene C. (deceased), Vesta R., Ruth. First work was on father's farm, then in drug and grocery store, Granville, N. Y., for' a little over one year. In July, 1866, went to Colum bus, Miss., to work for uncle, Charles W. Brown; in three years became partner, and in two years more sold interest in business for $13,000; came to St. Louis, 1872, met James M. Hamilton, and with him established shoe firm of Hamilton & Brown; in 1875 firm be came Hamilton, Brown & Co., and in 1883 the business was incorporated with $400,000 capi tal, which has been increased from time to time until present capital is $3,500,000, title of company being Hamilton-Brown Shoe Co., of which is president. Also president Pitch fork Land and Cattle Co.; director Common wealth Trust Co. Independent in politics. Member Business Men 's League, Civic League. Member and deacon Third Baptist Church; president Missouri Baptist Sanitarium. Clubs: Mercantile, Glen Echo Country. Recreations: golf and motoring. Office: 12th St. and Wash ington Ave. Residence: 4616 Lindell Boul. BROWN, Alexander Hanks, stocks and bonds; born, Sherman, Tex., May 7, 1872; son of Charles Warren and Mollie (Hanks) Brown; educated in public schools, and Cap tain Latellier's private school, Sherman; mar ried, Arkadelphia, Ark., June 7, 1901, Joan MaeCallum (now deceased); children: Alex ander, Jr., Courtney Conrades. Began business career as a boy in 1886 with the Brown Shoe Co. of St. Louis, serving through all the de partments and ten years as traveling salesman until 1899, when health broke down and went to Europe for a year. Returned to St. Louis in fall of 1900, and organized the Brown Bond and Stock Co., of which has since been presi dent. Member Merchants' Exchange and St. Louis Stock Exchange. Republican. Baptist. Clubs: St. Louis, Mercantile. Recreations: THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 87 pool, billiards, golf, horseback riding. Office: 400 N. 4th St. Residence: 4253 W. Pine Boul. BROWN, Arthur August; see Vol. 1906. BROWN, Baxter Lamont, civil engineer; born, Rush, N. Y., June 20, 1864; son of J. Douglas and Mary Eva (Green) Brown; edu cated in public schools of Brooklyn, N. Y.; married, Fredonia, Kan., Feb. 26, 1889, Cora E. Cowgill; children: Clarence O, Alice M. and Lee M. (twins), Porter H. Began profes sional career as axeman and rodman on sur veys for proposed railroad in Pennsylvania, 1882; rodman Annapolis & Baltimore Short Line R. R., 1883; rodman and division engi neer Ohio River & Lake Erie R. R., 1884-85; division engineer Missouri Pacific R. R., 1886; assistant engineer and locating engineer Kan sas City, Wyandotte & Northwestern R. R., 1890; assistant engineer Sandusky & Colum bus Short Line Ry., 1891-92; assistant engi neer Toledo & Ohio Central R. R., 1893; assist ant engineer Chicago, Faducah & Memphis R. R., 1894-95; assistant engineer Shelby ville Southern R. R., 1896; assistant engineer Kan sas City, Pittsburg & Gulf R. R., 1897; locat ing engineer St. Louis, Peoria & Northern R. R., 1898-99; assistant engineer Wabash R. R., 1899; assistant engineer, and assistant to chief engineer Missouri Pacific Ry., 1900; chief en gineer St. Louis Valley Ry., 1901-03; assistant engineer Missouri Pacific Ry., 1904; from Jan. 1, 1905, in general practice as civil engineer, making a specialty of railroad construction and location. Member American Society of Civil Engineers, Engineers' Club of St. Louis. Presbyterian. Mason. Recreations: athletics, baseball. Office: 610 Laclede Bldg. Residence: 4233 Cleveland Ave. BROWN, Charles Henry, manager premium department of Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co.; born, California, Mo., Aug. 29, 1870; son of H. B. and Amanda (Miller) Brown; educated in public schools of California, Mo., and nor mal school at Moniteau, Mo.; married, St. Louis, 1896, Jennie N. Nicholson; children: Bessie, Harold, Dorothy. Came to St. Louis, 1893, and entered service of Drummond To bacco Co.; when company sold out to Ameri can Tobacco Co., became manager of advertis ing and premium departments of latter organi zation, now Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co; On organization, 1902, of the Florodora Tag Co., was elected secretary, and in 1905 became vice president and local manager. Republican. Active in bible school and church work among the Christian churches. Recreation : farming. Office: 206 N. 14th St. Residence: Webster Groves, Mo. BROWN, Charles Swing, president Hall & Brown Wood Working Machine Co.; born, Brown's Mills, N. J., Nov. 27, 1852; son of George C. and Harriet (Swing) Brown; edu cated in public schools; married, Pointville, N. J., Aug. 24, 1880, Sadie G. Warren; chil dren: Lillian J. (wife of Dr. C. F. Pfingsten), Alfred W. Learned trade of machinist with H. B. Smith Machine Co., Smithville, N. J., and continued, 1870-77, leaving as foreman; came to St. Louis, 1877, with G. O. Hall, and established firm of Hall & Brown, general manufacturers of woodworking machinery, in corporating the business in 1888 as Hall & Brown Wood Working Machine Co., of which is president. Also president Broadway Sav ings Trust Co., Parker Land and Live Stock Co. Member executive committee Business Men's League; director Citizens' Industrial Association; member executive council St. Louis Manufacturers' and Exporters' Asso ciation; member Civic League. Member Union M. E. Church. Mason (32°). Clubs: Mercan tile, Glen Echo. Recreation: golf. Office: 1913 N. Broadway. Residence:. 2337 St. Louis Ave. Brown, Daniel Sidney, vice president Pio neer Cooperage Co.; born, St. Louis, Nov. 15, 1854;' son of William and Mary A. (Cox) Brown; educated public and high schools of St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Nov. 19, 1879, Dora Mather; children: Louella Ray (now Mrs. Ingram Boyd), George Mather, Sidney Mather, Marjorie, Dora. Has been identified with the Pioneer Cooperage Co. (of which his father was founder) ever since boyhood, and head of the St. Louis branch of the business since 1889. Republican. Episcopalian. Office: 2212 DeKalb St. Residence: "Brownhurst," Kirkwood, Mo. BROWN, Eugene Le Vert, retired manufac turer; born in Jefferson Co., Ala., Jan. 22, 1851; son of John T. and Catherine E. (Green) Brown; educated in private schools of Elyton, Ala., and University of Alabama; married, Tuscaloosa, Ala., July 10, 1883, Annie F. Greene; one son: Eugene Le Vert Brown, Jr. Traveling salesman, 1868-83; secretary and treasurer Mansfield Drug Co., Memphis, 1882- 92; president Southern Paint and Glass Co., Atlanta, Ga., 1893-97; president of the D. T. Weir White Lead Co., 1902-06, since retired. Methodist. Democrat. Mason, Knight Tem plar. Recreations: hunting and fishing. Resi dence: 5545 Cabanne Ave. BROWN, George Marion, president General Roofing Manufacturing Co.; born in Audrain Co., Mo., Sept. 24, 1866; son of James S. and Nancy (Oliver) Brown; educated in Missouri public schools and at U. S. Military Academy at West Point, N. Y., graduating in class of 1890; married, June 16, 1892, Katharine, daughter of Judge and Mrs. D. D. Fisher of St. Louis, then resident at Fort Douglas, Utah; children: Daphne, Fisher. After grad uation served as officer in U. S. Army, 1890- 93; stationed among the Ute Indians, and at Fort Douglas, Salt Lake City, Utah, until re signed, April, 1893. Since 1893 engaged as manufacturer of roofing materials; now presi dent and manager of the General Roofing 88 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS Manufacturing Co. of East St. Louis, 111., manufacturers of asphalt and coal tar prod ucts, building and roofrhg papers, etc. Director Union Trust and Savings Co., East St. Louis. Member Business Men's League, National As sociation of Manufacturers, Illinois Manufac turers' Association. Republican. Member Pil grim Congregational Church. Clubs: Bellerive Country; also Army and Navy (Washington, D. C), and Army and Navy, New York. Rec reations: automobiling, golf. Owns and man ages the Brown Farm, a noted stock farm in Audrain Co., near Mexico, Mo. Office: 17th St. and Southern Ry., East St. Louis. Resi dence: 3658 W. Pine Boul. BROWN, George Warren, president The Brown Shoe Co. and pioneer shoe manufac turer of St. Louis; born, Granville, N. Y., Mar. 21, 1853; son of David and Melinda (Roblee) Brown; educated in public schools of Granville, and at Bryant & Stratton Busi ness College, Troy, N. Y., graduating 1872; married, St. Louis, Apr. 7, 1885, Bettie Bo- finger; two children: C. Hanbury Cooke and Wilbur George. Began active career in St. Louis as shipping clerk for a wholesale shoe house, May 1, 1873, and in ten months became traveling salesman for the firm, gaining a position as one of its leading men. Was great ly impressed with the possibilities of St. Louis as a shoe manufacturing center and being un able to induce his employers to attempt manu facturing, decided to enter the field on his own account. Accordingly he resigned a lucra tive position in November, 1878, and organ ized the first successful wholesale shoe manu facturing house of St. Louis under the name of the Bryan-Brown Shoe Co., now The Brown Shoe Co., of which has been the head from the time of organization. (The success of this pio neer concern caused others to follow, and St. Louis in comparatively a short time became the greatest shoe market [selling exclusively to retail dealers] in the United States.) Has been actively identified with many enterprises for the advancement of St. Louis and has served as director of Third National Bank; member executive committee Business Men's League; president Y. M. C. A.; director Provi dent Association and Methodist Deaconess' Association, etc. Independent Republican. Methodist. Clubs: St. Louis, St. Louis Coun try, Noonday, Mercantile. Office: The Brown Shoe Co. Residence: 40 Portland Place. BROWN, George Wyckoff, commercial teach ing; born, Fairview, Fulton Co., 111., Jan. 29, 1845; son of Isaac and Ruth (Stout) Brown, both natives of New Jersey, the former born in 1794 and the latter in 1798; educated in public schools of Fulton Co., 111.; Canton (111.) High School; Eastman's Business College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., graduating, 1866; mar ried, Jacksonville, 111., Jan. 2, 1872, Evelyn Hall Fairbank; three daughters: Mrs. Mabel Brown Waddell, of Jacksonville, Clara W., of Weaverville, N. O, and Mrs. Helen Brown Read, of Chemnitz, Germany. Teacher and principal, Jacksonville, 111., 1867-88; now president Brown 's Business Colleges, consist ing of twenty-nine schools. Also owner of a corn farm in Morgan Co., 111. Republican. Congregationalist. Member N. E. A., Business Educators' Association (president, 1889), Fed eration of Commercial Teachers. Author and publisher of a number of texts on subjects of accounting, calculations, penmanship, etc. Rec reation: fishing on East Coast of Florida. Of fice: 8th and Pine Sts. Residences: Marquette Hotel, St. Louis, and Jacksonville, 111. BROWN, Isaac Newton, secretary Brown Machinery Co.; born, St. Louis, July 24, 1873; son of David Newton and Margaret (McCor- mick) Brown; educated in public schools and Haight's Military Academy; married, St. Louis, July 24, 1894, Josephine Carson; chil dren: Helen, Mildred, David N, Henry O, Cathrine. Began business career in minor posi tions with the David N. Brown Machinery Co. (established by father, 1877), advancing in the business; manager St. Louis branch of the Erie Engine Works, Erie, Pa., 1895-1900; in 1900 reorganized the business of the David N. Brown Machinery Co., of which is secretary. Congregationalist. Mason. Club: Century Boat. Recreations: hunting and fishing. Office: 908 N. Market St. Residence: 6649 Marquette Avenue. BROWN, J. Bachman, vice president of Roth-Homeyer Coffee Co.; born, Lancaster Court House, S. O, Mar. 8, 1863; son of George H. and Ellen L. (Murray) Brown; educated in public schools of Atlanta, Ga.; married, Cartersville, Ga., Feb. 17, 1882, Julia G. Francis; children: Harry F., Leila D., Julia Alberta, Hayward. Began business career as clerk for father in china and glassware busi ness, Atlanta, for six years; came to St. Louis in 1884 and was for one year with J. Wagoner, in pickle business; with Steinwender & Stoff- regen Coffee Co., as salesman, 1886-99; in 1899 joined in organizing the Roth-Homeyer Coffee Co., importers of coffees, teas and spices, cof fee roasters and spice grinders, of which is vice president. Also president Maple Build ing Co. Democrat. Mason. Member and stew ard Cabanne Avenue M. E. Church. Recrea tions: fishing and hunting. Office: 601 N. Main St. Residence: Hamilton Hotel. BROWN, Nahum Thompson, general agent American Express Co.; born in Otsego Co., N. Y., May, 1846; son of Sanford and Mary A. (Holbrook) Brown; educated in public and private schools of Otsego Co., N. Y.; married, July, 1868, Clara A. Butler; married, 2d, Eagle Grove, la., August, 1901, Mary E. Correll; one daughter: Ethel L. After leaving school taught for nineteen years, beginning at eight een, and was superintendent of schools for THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 89 seven years at Cherry Valley, N. Y., and coun ty commissioner of schools for Otsego Co., N. Y., 1872-75; later taught graded school at Huron, S. D., until the fall of 1884; started as messenger with American Express Co. on Chi cago & North-Western Ry., and became agent in Fargo, N. D., and Duluth, Minn., then gen eral state agent for Montana, afterward gen eral agent at Minneapolis, Minn., and at New Orleans, La.; thence to St. Louis as assistant superintendent, afterward general agent at Pittsburgh and at Cleveland, and since May, 1904, general agent at St. Louis. Republican. Episcopalian. Member New England Society, Provident Association. Mason. Club: Mercan tile. Favorite recreation: driving. Office: 9th and Locust Sts. Residence: 4354 Maryland Avenue. BROWN, Nathaniel Smith, lawyer; born, Barry, 111., Aug. 28, 1872; son of James C. and Mary Sophia (Smith) Brown; educated in public schools, Barry, 111., Central College, Danville, Ind., A.B., 1898; Missouri State Uni versity, LL.B., 1901; married, St. Louis, Oct. 7, 1905, Nora B. Gentry. Admitted to bar in 1901, and since engaged in practice of law in St. Louis. Assistant counsel Louisiana Pur chase Exposition Co., 1901-06; assistant attor ney Wabash Railroad Co., 1907. Member of St. Louis and Missouri State Bar associations, Law Library Association. Republican. Office: 1110 Title Guaranty Bldg. Residence: 6224 Washington Ave. BROWN, Orville Harry, physician; born, Sabetha, Kan., July 18, 1875; son of Edward Matthew and Sarah Katherine (Hull) Brown; graduated Sabetha High School, 1892 ; student Brown's Business College, Kansas City, Mo., 1895; Ottawa University, 1897-99; University of Kansas, 1899-1902, A.B., 1901; University of Chicago and Rush Medical College, 1902-04, Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1905; St. Louis University Medical School, 1904-05, M.D., 1905; graduate work, Marine Biological Lab oratory, Woods Hole, Mass., summers of 1902 and 1905; medical work, Vienna and London, 1906; married, Litchfield, 111., Oct. 16, 1903, Margaret Paisley; one daughter: Paisley. After graduating from University of Kansas was retained as assistant in physiology, 1901- 02; went to University of Chicago fall of 1892 as fellow in physiology and was promoted to assistant in physiology, 1903; in fall of 1904 was called to St. Louis University as assistant professor of pharmacology; practiced in St. Louis, 1906, 1907; physician-in-chief Missouri State Sanatorium, 1907-09, and in 1908 was also made superintendent of that institution; returned to St. Louis, December, 1909; now assistant professor medicine, St. Louis Univer sity; visiting physician, St. Louis City Hos pital and City Sanatorium. Independent Dem ocrat. Baptist. First lieutenant, Medical Re serve corps, U. S. A. Member American Med ical Association, Missouri State Medical Asso ciation, St. Louis Medical Society, St. Louis Biological Society, American Association Bio logical Chemists, Anti- Tuberculosis societies, etc. Member Alpha Tau Omega, Alpha Kappa Kappa, Sigma Xi, Alpha Omega Alpha college fraternities. Joint editor Laboratory Manual of Physiology. Extensive contributor on med ical subjects. Office: Humboldt Bldg., Grand Ave. and Washington St. Residence: 3811 Westminster Place. BROWN, Orville Leroy, retired; born, Co lumbus, Miss., Feb. 16, 1861; son of Charles Warren and Henrietta (Fenet) Brown; edu cated in free school, Sherman, Tex.; married, Galveston, Tex., Aug. 16, 1886, Sue Dee Grain ger; two sons: Charles Conrad, Alanson David. Began active career on cow ranch in Texas, 1875; cash boy for Schneider Bros., Sherman, Tex., 1878-80; stock clerk and salesman Ham ilton-Brown Shoe Co., St. Louis, 1880-1901; sales manager for the Brown Shoe Co., 1901- 06; vice president Grand Avenue Bank, 1907- 09; retired from active business 1910; stock holder Brown Shoe Co. and several St. Louis banks. Democrat. Baptist. Member Masonic Order. Clubs: Mercantile, Masonic. Recrea tions: fishing and hunting. Office: 400 N. 4th St. Residence: 5806 Clemens Ave. BROWN, Paul; born, El Dorado, Ark., Aug. 20, 1848; son of Warner and Martha Ann (Spain) Brown; educated Missouri public schools and Warrenton College; married twice; children: Julia (Mrs. George A. Rad ford), Zelma (deceased), Georgie (Mrs. James Unruh), Robert, Nellie (Mrs.. Albert Keller), and Paul. Was engaged in business as tobac conist in St. Louis for over thirty years; now member of Paul Brown & Co., stock brokers. First vice president Mercantile Trust Co.; di rector Mercantile National Bank, Mechanics- American National Bank; president Conejo- Colorado Mining Co., Missouri Valley Mercan tile Co., Marshall, Mo. Member St. John's Methodist Church. Clubs: St. Louis, Noonday. Recreations: farming (raising saddle horses), horseback-riding. Office: Pierce Bldg. Resi dence: 10 Washington Terrace. *BROWN, Paul, Jr., broker; moved to Cali fornia; see Vol. 1906. BROWN, Paul Winthrop, editor-in-charge the Republic; born, Peru, Ind., 1870; son of Henry L. and Mary Osborne (Ballantine) Brown; privately educated, receiving six weeks of school training since age of thirteen; married, Lyons, Kan., Aug. 14, 1894, Alma Johnston; children: Hugh F., aged seventeen, and Neil W., aged sixteen. Ordained to Pres byterian ministry, 1892; editorial contributor to Kansas City Journal while assistant pastor (under Rev. Dr. Henry Hopkins) of First Con gregational Church, Kansas City, 1898-99; re signed from pastorate of First Congregational 90 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS Church of Moline, 111., to become special cor respondent on waterways, Chicago Record- Herald, Jan. 1, 1909; became editorial writer St. Louis Republic, Mar. 17, 1909; editor-in- charge since May 5, 1912. Democrat. Member First Presbyterian Church. Clubs: City, Pub lic Question, Artists' Guild. Recreations: row ing, riding, mountain climbing. Office: The Republic. Residence: 4414 Delmar Boul. BROWN, William Grayson, sales manager; born, Morris, 111., Nov. 5, 1869; son of John and Ann Brown; educated in public and high schools of Morris; unmarried. Began business career in general agent's office, in Chicago, of Cotton Belt Railway Co. ; removed to St. Louis two years later, and was three years in office of general traffic manager, same road; then two years with the First National Bank of Little Rock, Ark.; started in the electrical con struction and supply business, and was vice president Ewing-Merkle Electric Co., 1903-08, since general sales manager Continuous Frog and Crossing Co. Episcopalian. Mason. Club: Missouri Athletic. Office: 1408 Syndicate Trust Bldg. Residence: 4012 McPherson Ave. BROWNING, Lawrence Aaron, president Western Anthracite Coal and Coke Co.; born, Benton, 111., June 5, 1862; son of William Riley and Lydia (Dry) Browning; educated Ewing College, 111.; married, Marion, 111., Feb. 17, 1887, Luella Bainbridge. Began as clerk in general store at Benton, 111., 1877; became traveling salesman for Dodd, Brown & Co., wholesale dry goods, St. Louis, 1882 ; with Ely & Walker Dry Goods Co. as general salesman and director, until 1904; vice president West ern Anthracite Coal and Coke Co., St. Louis & O 'Fallon Railway Co., St. Louis & O 'Fallon Coke Co., 1904-08, and since president of the three companies named; also vice president Central National Bank since its organization, 1907. Democrat. Baptist. Member St. Louis Coal Traffic Bureau, Business Men's League. Clubs: Mercantile, Bankers', St. Louis Traffic. Recreation: European travel. Office: 316' Cen tral National Bank Bldg. Residence: 4358 W. Pine Boul. BROWNLEE, William Addison, president Wilson Coal Co.; born, Benton, Franklin Co., 111., Sept. 25, 1877; son of Addison M. and Mary I. (Cantrell) Brownlee; educated in pub lic schools at Benton; married, Pinckneyville, 111., Jan. 9, 1901, Viva M. Campbell. Was em ployed in office of Benton Standard until six teen years old; then in law office and after ward in the office of the chief grain inspector of Illinois, at Chicago; cashier of bank of Murphy, Wall & Co. from Aug. 1, 1899., to Aug. 1, 1905, when became secretary and treasurer of the Bessemer Washed Coal Co.; continued until Jan. 1, 1909, when organized the Wilson Coal Co., of which is president. Member of Order of Kokoal. Methodist. Fa vorite recreations: baseball and motoring. Of fice: 1407 Syndicate Trust Bldg. Residence: 4220 Maryland Ave. BROWNRIGG, Richard Thomas, lawyer; born, Columbus, Miss., Aug. 23, 1865; son of John and Elizabeth (Yerger) Brownrigg; grad uated from University of the South, Sewanee, Tenn., B.S., 1886; married, New York, Nov. 2, 1901, Miss Helen Reilly; one son: John. Ad mitted to bar in 1887, and since continuously engaged in practice of law; since Jan. 1, 1904, with William Mason, in firm of Brownrigg & Mason. Member Missouri State and St. Louis Bar associations, St. Louis Law Library Asso ciation, Kappa Sigma fraternity. Club: Mer cantile. Office: 1225, 705 Olive St. Residence: 6254 Washington Ave. BRUECKMANN, George, cooperage; 1850- 1910; see Vol. 1906. BRUECKMANN, John George, president Brueckmann Cooperage Co.; born, St. Louis, June 18, 1876; son of George and Elizabeth (Rohr) Brueckmann; educated in Lafayette (public) School to twelve, Toensfeldt Educa tional Institute to fifteen, graduating, 1892; unmarried. Began active career, 1892, as of fice boy with Picker & Beardsley, advancing as shipping clerk, cashier and confidential man, to 1906, then became connected with fa ther in cooperage business, incorporated as the Brueckmann Cooperage Co., 1906; presi dent of company since death of father, 1910. Republican. Protestant. Member Royai League, Royal Arcanum, Knights and Ladies of Honor, B. P. O. Elks. Member Missouri Manufacturing Association. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Century Boat, Liederkranz, Amphion (director). Recreation: singing. Office: 2700 Bismarck St. Residence: 3322 S. 9th St. BRUEGGEMAN, George Frederick Arthur, architect; born, St. Louis, May 8, 1873; son of George H. and Fredericka (Woerheide) Brueggeman; educated grammar and high schools, St. Louis; Ithaca High School, Ithaca, N. Y. ; B.S. in architecture, Cornell Univer sity, 1895; married, St. Louis, Dec. 9, 1905, Lillie Frances Mitchell. In practice in St. Louis since 1895; was connected with follow ing firms before practicing independently: Shepley, Rutan & Coolidge, Mauran, Russell & Garden, William B. Ittner, and Eames & Young. Member American Institute of Archi tects, St. Louis Architectural Club, Beta Theta Pi, Alpha Zeta. Republican. Was captain Na tional Guard of Missouri, 1897; served in Spanish-American War as captain Co. A, 1st Missouri Volunteer Infantry. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, St. Louis Amateur Athletic Associa tion. Recreation: athletic sports.' Office: Third National Bank Bldg. Residence: 727 Claren don Ave. BRUMAGER, Joel Edward; see Vol. 1906. BRUNAUGH, James, manager Diamond Match Co. ; born in Clermont Co., ,0., Nov. 17, THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 91 1832; son of William and Elizabeth (Young) Brunaugh; educated in country district schools; married, Mt. Pleasant, la., 1855, Sarah E. Brazelton; children: William (deceased), Samuel, James F. Went from Ohio to Mt. Pleasant, la., 1853; held position in bank a short time, then operated a line of warehouses at the terminals of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy R. R.; enlisted in 6th Iowa Volun teer Infantry, May, 1861, was appointed regi mental quartermaster; resigned before close of war on account of ill health. Removed from Iowa to St. Louis, 1864; engaged in manufac ture of matches in St. Louis, 1865, and con tinued in the business until the Diamond Match Co. purchased factories at St. Louis and other points in 1881; has since been man ager of the Diamond Match Co. Club,: Mis souri Athletic. Recreation: athletics. Office: 732 Pierce Bldg. Residence: 3634 Castleman Avenue. BRUNER, John A., general insurance; born, Alton, 111., May 19, 1861; son of William Henry and Nancy Ewing (Smith) Bruner; educated in public schools of Alton; married, St. Louis, Feb. 4, 1883, Tennie Martini. Be gan business career as clerk for Deere, Man- sur & Co., St. Louis, 1876-78; clerk with L. M. Rumsey Manufacturing Co., 1879-83; buyer Bridge-Beach Manufacturing Co., 1883-88; buyer St. Louis Stamping Co., 1889-94; in general insurance business for self, 1895-1910; one of the organizers and first vice president Chas. L. Crane Agency Co., general insurance, since April, 1910. Member Knights of Pythias, Royal Arcanum. Republican. Presbyterian. Club: Missouri Athletic. Recreation: automo- biling. Office: 1301 Pierce Bldg. Residence: 5976 Julian Ave. BRUNER, Preston Martin, president P. M. Bruner Granitoid Col; born in Lehigh Co., Pa., July 6, 1845; son of Peter and Juliana (Mohr) Bruner; educated in public schools and at Brown University; five children: Robert W., Preston M., Jr., Edwin E., Daniel E., Katha rine Isabel. Studied metallurgy in Europe; employed by Cambria Iron Co., Johnstown, Pa., 1870-72, then in Bessemer mills at Joliet, 111., 1872-76; with Vulcan Iron Works, St. Louis, 1876-78; in 1878 started on small scale in concrete and granitoid construction work, and incorporated business, Feb. 26, 1892, as P. M. Bruner Granitoid Co., of which is presi dent. Member St. Louis Association of Engi neering Societies, Civic League. Recreation: philanthropy. Office: 531-532 Frisco Bldg. Resi dence: 5143 Maple Ave. BRUSH, Samuel T.; see Vol. 1906. BRY, Nathan, president Bry & Bro. Cloak Co., manufacturers of cloaks, suits and skirts; born, Rawitsch, Germany, Nov. 24, 1854; son of Moses E. and Rosa (Rothstein) Bry; edu cated in Realschule (high school), Rawitsch; married, St. Louis, 1890, Julia Singer; three children: M. Erwin, Rosalind and Henry. Came to America, 1871; began business in Camden, Ark., 1872, as Bry & Bro., which in 1904 was changed to Bry & Bro. Dry Goods Co. and continued until 1911, when sold out; commenced in St. Louis, under firm name of Bry & Singer, 1893, manufacturing cloaks, etc.; sold out interest in this concern, 1897, and entered same line, 1898, under title of Bry & Bro. Cloak Co. (brother, Louis Bry, who is now living in New York, has been a partner since 1876.) President Bry & Bro. Cloak Co., Bry-Block Mercantile Co., of Memphis, Tenn., Premium Realty & Investment Co.; vice presi dent Lauran Realty Co.; director Mid-City Realty Co. Independent in politics. Jewish religion. Vice president Home for Aged and Infirm Israelites; director and treasurer Jew ish Hospital. Member Business Men's League, Civie League. Mason. Clubs: Mercantile, Westward Country. Recreation: golf. Office: 10th and Lucas Ave. Residence: 46 Washing ton Terrace. BRYAN, P. Taylor, lawyer; born, St. Louis, Oct. 30, 1861; son of Francis T. and Edmonia (Taylor) Bryan; educated at Washington Uni versity, St. Louis; Princeton University, grad uating A.B., 1882; St. Louis Law School, LL.B., 1884; married, Montgomery City, Mo., June 26, 1889, Katherine Clark; children, P. Taylor, Jr., Henry O, George F., Francis T., and Edmonia T. Admitted to bar, 1884, and since in general practice at St. Louis; mem ber of firm of Bryan, Richards & Rozier, 1896- 1900, Bryan & Christie, 1900-10, since Stewart, Bryan & Williams. Member American, Mis souri State and St. Louis Bar associations. Democrat. Episcopalian. Clubs: St. Louis, Mercantile, Noonday, Bellerive Country. Of fice: Pierce Bldg. Residence: 4346 McPher- son Avenue. BRYAN, W(illiam) Christy, lawyer; born, St. Louis, Apr. 6, 1868; son of Francis T. and Edmonia (Taylor) Bryan; educated in public schools, Smith Academy, Racine College, Princeton University, A.B., 1891; St. Louis Law School, LL.B., 1894; married, St. Louis, June 3, 1896, Mary Walker White; one son: William Christy, Jr. Admitted to bar in 1893, and since engaged in general practice. Demo cratic nominee for judge of the Circuit Court, 1904. Member St. Louis and Missouri State Bar associations, Law Library Association. Member of board of managers of St. Louis Industrial School. Democrat. Episcopalian. Clubs: City, Bellerive Country. Favorite rec reations: literature, music and outdoor athletic sports. Office: 1651 Pierce Bldg. Residence: 3689 W. Pine Boul. BRYAN, William Henry, mechanical and electrical engineer, deceased; see Vol. 1906. BRYAN, William James Samuel, assistant superintendent public schools; born, St. Louis, 92 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS Mar. 12, 1853; son of William and Martha Elizabeth (How) Bryan; educated in Central High School, St. Louis, graduating 1869, and Washington University, graduating B.A., 1873, M.A., 1905; twice married; children: Dr. Wm. M. O, Grace, Howard. Began as teacher Cen tral High School, May, 1873, became assistant principal, March, 1886, vice principal, August, 1893, principal, November, 1905; now assistant superintendent. Member Missouri State Teach ers ' Association, St. Louis Society of Peda gogy, National Society for the Scientific Study of Education, National Educational Associa tion, North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, Washington Univer sity Association. Member Civic League. Club: City. Recreation: literature, along classical and scientifical lines. Office: Board of Educa tion Bldg. Residence: 6102 Waterman Ave. BRYAN, William Morgan Case, physician; born, St. Louis, Nov. 24, 1875; son of William J. S. and Nethie A. (Case) Bryan; A. B., Washington University, 1897; M.S., Univer sity of Michigan, 1898; M.D., Johns Hopkins University, 1892; interne German Hospital, Philadelphia, twenty-seven months; married, Quincy, 111., June 24, 1908, Helen L. Kimlin. In practice in St. Louis since 1905; instructor ear, nose and throat diseases, Medical Depart ment, St. Louis University; oto-laryngologist Mt. St. Rose Hospital and Alexian Brothers Hospital. Member American and Missouri State Medical associations, St. Louis Medical Society, American Academy of Ophthalmol ogy and Oto-Laryngology; lieutenant Medical Reserve Corps, U. S. Army. Republican. Pres byterian. Member Civic League, Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Mason. Recreation: outdoor sports. Office: 306, 508 N. Grand Ave. Residence: 4163 Delmar Boul. BRYANT, Augustus Hager, glass manufac turer and importer; born, Bloomington, Ind., Mar. 28, 1870; son of James R. and Helen M. (Riley) Bryant; educated in Stoddard (pub lic) School and High School, St. Louis; mar ried, Philadelphia, Oct. 1, 1904, Mary Ford Pilling; children: James Ray, Augustus Hager, Jr., Mary P., Helen M. Began business career in employ of Simmons Hardware Co., Nov. 2, 1884, remaining with that company in vari ous capacities until October, 1897, when be came connected with firm of Featherstone & Co., bicycle manufacturers, Chicago; sales manager, 1900-01, for American Bicycle Co., controlling all large bicycle factories in Amer ica; purchased interest, 1901, in Missouri Glass Co., of which was vice president and general manager until 1910, at which time became president of company; also president of Bry ant, Gore & Bowman Co., a $300,000 corpora tion, distributors of foreign specialties and druggists ' sundries. Democrat. Episcopalian. Member Business Men's League, Interstate Merchants' Association. Club: Noonday. Rec reations: athletics, fishing and hunting. Office: 1723 Locust St. Residence: 6341 Washington Boulevard. BRYANT, William McKendree, instructor psychology, etc., in St. Louis Normal and High School to 1912; born in Lake Co., Ind., Mar. 31, 1843; son of Eliphalet W. and Esther Eliza Bryant; graduated Ohio Wesleyan Uni versity, 1868 (A.M., Ohio Wesleyan; LL.D., University of Missouri) ; married, 1867, Sarah Augusta Shade, of Columbus, O.; one son: Maxmueller. Private 3d Iowa Infantry, April 1861, to September, 1862; then adjutant 34th Iowa Volunteers until November, 1864 (spe cial honorable mention in the official history; assistant adjutant general brigade during last months of service). Superintendent schools, New Lisbon, O., 1868-69, Burlington, la., 1870- 73; then teacher in St. Louis city schools and lecturer St. Louis Kindergarten Normal. Au thor: Hegel's Philosophy of Art; Philosophy of Landscape Painting; The World-Energy and Its Self -Conservation; A Syllabus of Eth ics; Hegel's Educational Ideas; Life, Death and Immortality; also numerous monographs and magazine articles on psychology, ethical and pedagogical subjects. Address: Webster Groves, Mo. BRYARS, Robert, vice president and treas urer Huttig Sash and Door Co.; born, Dungan- non, County Tyrone, Ireland, June 1, 1854; son of James and Mary (Ritchie) Bryars; educated in national school of birthplace; married, St. Louis, Oct. 17, 1888, Catherine Huttig; children: Mildred Margaret, Helen Beatrice, Roberta Catherine. From 1880 to 1885 was traveling salesman for Gray & Hole- kamp and R. A. Holekamp, who were suc ceeded by Huttig Sash and Door Co., for whom continued to travel for about one and one-half years; manager Huttig Bros. Manu facturing Co., St. Joseph, Mo., 1888-90; then assistant manager Western Sash and Door Co., Kansas City; returned to Huttig Sash and Door Co., St. Louis, of which was secretary several years, and is now vice-president and treasurer. Democrat. Presbyterian. Recrea tion: horses and driving. Office: 1206 S. Van- deventer Ave. Residence: 5024 Raymond Ave. BRYSON, James Harper; see Vol. 1906. BRYSON, Joseph Montgomery, general counsel Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway Co.; born, Pittsburgh, Pa., Mar. 26, 1867; son of John Campbell and Nancy (Chambers) Bryson; attended public and high schools at Warrensburg, Mo., and later the State Nor mal School at same place, graduating, 1887, with degree of B.S.D.; married, St. Louis, Oct. 17, 1894, Mazie Barret Finney; children: Chambers Fulton, Mary Finney, Alice Dalton. Entered law offices of Warner, Dean & Hager- man, Kansas City, Mo., 1887, and studied law under immediate tutelage of James Hager- man of that firm; admitted to bar, 1889, and THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 93 ever since engaged in practice; now general counsel Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway Co. Member of St. Louis, Missouri State and American Bar associations. Republican. Pres byterian. Clubs: Mercantile, Missouri Ath letic, Automobile. Office: Wainwright Bldg. Residence: 5570 Chamberlain Ave. BUCHANAN, James Edward, manager Mis souri Athletic Club; born, Chicago, Dee. 4, 1869; son of Joseph O. and Jennie Buchanan; educated in Chicago public schools; married, Chicago, June 21, 1908, Louise Darnall. Pre vious to 1908 engaged in railroad service; manager Missouri Athletic Club since Oct. 1, 1908. Independent in polities. Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner. Address: Missouri Athletic Club. BUCHANAN, William John, wholesale gro cer; born, Gosport, Ind., Apr. 6, 1872; son of Henry M. and Hannah T. (Foreman) Buch anan; educated in public schools of Indiana and Illinois; married, St. Louis, Aug. 7, 1894, Helen G. Whitman. Began as clerk in retail grocery at Morrisonville, 111., continuing until nearly of age; then came to St. Louis and was with Adam Roth Grocery Co., later with Ben jamin W. Clark Grocer Co., until 1905; presi dent of the Krekeler Grocer Co. for several years, now president Buchanan Grocer Co. Office: 510 N. Main St. Residence: 3653 De Tonty St. BUCK, John, planing mill business; born, Holstein, Germany, Oct. 2, 1840; son of John and Kate Buck; educated in public schools of Germany; married, St. Louis, 1881, Fredericke Niehaus; children: Bertha, Albert, Eugene. Learned carpenter's trade in Germany, and in 1868 came from that country direct to St. Louis, where followed trade first as journey man and then for self; joined in organization, 1875, of the Mechanics ' Planing Mill Co., and in 1877 was elected treasurer and a director of the company. Member North St. Louis Turn- Verein. Office: 3742 N. Broadway. Resi dence: 3506 Sullivan Ave. BUCK, Ralph Sellew, stone manufacturer; 1860-1910; see Vol. 1906. BUCKLEY, William Jay; see Vol. 1906. BUCKWALTER, John Cassel; see Vol. 1906. BUDER, Edward, treasurer Mercantile Trust Co.; born, St. Louis, Dec. 27, 1863; son of Anton and Appolonia (Schmidt) Buder; educated in public schools to fourteen; mar ried, Sept. 17, 1910, Lulu F. Hammond, of St. Louis. Began active career in law office of Finkelnburg & Rassieur, continuing two years; after spending a year in a mercantile house became connected with the Mechanics' Bank (later the Mechanics' National Bank); as sisted, 1902, in organizing the American Cen tral Trust Co., of which was secretary and treasurer until 1904, when the company was absorbed by the Mercantile Trust Co.; was made assistant treasurer latter organization and has served as treasurer since 1907; also cashier Mercantile National Bank since its organization in December, 1908; director Mer cantile Trust Co. Member St. Louis Real Estate Exchange. Republican. Clubs: Mercantile, Cen tury Boat, Bankers', Lemp Hunting and Fish ing (president). Recreations: fishing and hunt ing. Office: 8th and Locust Sts. Residence: 5337 Delmar Boul. BUDER, Eugene, lawyer; born, St. Louis, Sept. 9, 1871; son of Anton and Appolonia (Schmidt) Buder; educated in St. Louis gram mar schools until 1887; graduated St. Louis High School, January, 1891; LL.B., St. Louis Law School, 1898; unmarried. Began active career, 1891, as bookkeeper for F. W. Feuer- bacher & Co., maltsters, and continued 1891- 92; bookkeeper for H. P. Philper & Co., re frigerating machinery, 1892-95; occupied a similar position with the Balmer & Weber Music House, 1895-99; in general practice of law in St. Louis since 1899. Democrat. Rec reations: golf and tennis. Office: 508 New Bank of Commerce Bldg. Residence: 3321 Shenandoah Ave. BUDGETT, Sidney Payne, educator, physi ologist; see Vol. 1906. BUDKE, Conrad, advertising agent; born, St. Louis, Jan. 23, 1859; son of Gerhard and Hannah (Caldemeier) Budke; educated at Kopf's private school, 1865-72; Clay public school during 1872; married, St. Louis, June 17, 1880, Carrie Vette; children: Conrad, Jr., and Louis. Started in newspaper advertising business (1872) at age of twelve with Sheffield & Stone, firm failing, 1873; was employed by receiver until business was wound up late in 1873. Sheffield started new agency under name of St. Louis Advertising and Publishing Co., and was employed by hyn late in 1873 and until his second failure in 1876. Entered employ, 1876, of Rowell & Chesman (estab lished 1874 as advertising agents), taking to them Sheffield's unfinished contracts; firm of Rowell & Chesman, changed to Nelson Ches man & Co., in 1879, of which became secretary on incorporation of the business in 1888, later vice president; now president and treasurer, company being extensive newspaper and maga zine advertising agents. Member St. Louis Advertising Men 's League ; trustee University Heights, Mo. Member Y. M. C. A. Republican. Presbyterian. Mason (Tuscan Lodge, St. Louis Chapter, St. Aldemar Commandery, Moolah Temple). Clubs: Mercantile (director), Mis souri Athletic, Arcadia. Office: 1127-29 Pine St. Residence: 7 Princeton Ave., University Heights, Mo. *BUEL, James William, author; moved to Los Angeles, Cal.; see Vol 1906. BUETTNER, Julius Henry, house furnish ing; born, St. Louis, June 23, 1874; son of Henry and Margaretha (Gaul) Buettner; 94 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS graduated from Red Bud, 111., public schools, 1889; from Christian Brothers College, St. Louis, as Master of Accounts, 1891; married, Belleville, 111., Oct. ?, 1897, Matilda Mohr; children: Marguerite Marie, Carl Theodore. Be gan as office boy with Excelsior Brewery, St. Louis, remaining two years and advancing to bookkeeper; then cashier Columbia Brewery, and later in wholesale drug business with Moffitt-West Drug Co.; credit man with St. Louis House Furnishing Co., 1901-03; organ ized, Feb. 8, 1903, the Union House Furnish ing Co., of which was president until 1909, when firm name was changed to J. H. Buett- ner Furniture and Carpet Co., of which is president. Independent in politics. Member Evangelical Church. Club: Missouri Athletic. Member Masonic Fraternity, Knights of Pyth ias, Odd Fellows, Royal League. Office: 7th and Washington Sts. Residence: American Hotel. BUFF, Jacob, Swiss consul; 1829-1911; see Vol. 1906. BUHMAN, Rudolph, physician; born, St. Joseph, Mo., Aug. 3, 1872; educated in public schools of St. Joseph, Mo.; M.D., Medical De partment, St. Louis University, 1894; unmar ried. In practice in St. Louis since 1894; spe cializes as pathologist. Protestant. Member American Medical Association, Missouri State Medical Association, St. Louis Medical Soci ety. Office and Residence: 5264 Page Boul. BUICK, James McNair, vice president American Car and Foundry Co. ; born, Detroit, Mich., Nov. 7, 1867; son of James S. and Ellen (McNair) Buick; educated in public and high schools of Detroit. Began active career, 1880, in shops of the Michigan Car Co., Detroit, and when original company was succeeded by the Michigan Peninsular Car Co., in 1892, was made assistant superintendent; later became auditor; was appointed general auditor Ameri can Car and Foundry Co., St. Louis, 1899, and has been vice president and executive officer at St. Louis since 1906; also vice president' Helmbacher Forge and Rolling Mill Co., Sligo Furnace Co., Sligo & Eastern Railway Co.; di rector American Street Flushing Machine Co., Rogers Ballast Car Co. (Chicago), National Dump Car Co. (Chicago.) Presbyterian. Ma son. Clubs: St. Louis, Noonday, University, Racquet, Glen Echo. Office: 915 Olive St. Residence: The Buckingham. BULLOCK, Richard Benbow, retired; born, Malvern, Worcestershire, England, Mar. 19, 1842; son of Richard and Violetta Bullock; educated in private school; married, St. Louis, 1873, Sarah S. Absolom; children: Richard A., George B., James A., Violet S. Started active career in England in 1854; began in dry goods business in St. Louis in 1872 with H. J. Powell under firm name of Powell & Bullock; after two years started for self in retail dry goods business, later incorporated as the R. B. Bul lock Dry Goods Co., of which was president until 1909, when sold out and retired. Also vice president Jefferson Bank. Republican. Episcopalian. Mason. Club: Glen Echo Coun try. Recreations: motoring and traveling. Residence: 16 Kingsbury PI. BUNCH, Rodney J., physician and surgeon; born, Cairo, 111., Dee. 13, 1880; son of Andrew J. and Minerva Isabell (Sams) Bunch; edu cated in Cairo public schools to 1898; Univer sity of Illinois, 1898-1900; entered medical de partment St. Louis University, 1901, graduat ing with degree M.D., May, 1905;- married. Served in St. Louis City Hospital as junior physician and surgeon, 1906-07; senior phy sician and surgeon, 1907-08; assistant superin tendent and surgeon, 1908-10; then began pri vate practice. Member St. Louis City Hos pital Alumni Association, St. Louis Medical Society, Missouri State Medical Society, American Medical Association. Protestant. Author: Surgical Treatment Amebic Dysen tery, 1908; Perforating Gun Shots of Abdo men, 1908; Diphtheria from Medical Stand point, 1910; Thoracic Aneurysms, 1909. Rec reations: outdoor sports. Office: 2601 Wash ington Ave. Residence: 4027 Maffitt Ave. BUNTIN, Davis Carpenter, contractor; born, Terre Haute, Ind., July 9, 1858; son of Tous- saint Campbell and Emma (Steele) Buntin; educated in graded and high schools, Terre Haute; graduated from Indiana State Univer sity, Bloomington, Ind., A.B., 1880; married, Indianapolis, Feb. 12, 1901, Stella Walcott; two daughters : Katherine and Sue. After leav ing college, 1880, entered service of Vandalia R. R. as clerk in general office, and later sec retary to general counsel and general man ager, and assistant paymaster, to 1887; con tractor for public work as member of firm of Buntin & Shryer, Duluth, Minn., 1887-94, and with Indianapolis as headquarters, 1894-1902; since 1902 in St. Louis; assisted in organizing and incorporating the Granite Bituminous Paving Co., of which has since been general manager, treasurer and a director, the com pany being engaged in contracting for all lands of public work. Republican. Methodist. Club: St. Louis. Office: 409 Pierce Bldg. Resi dence: 20 N. Kingshighway* BURG, Henry, flour and grain; born in St. Louis Co., Mo., Aug. 23, 1851; son of Henry and Katherine (Shoenling) Burg; educated/ in public schools and at Bryant & Stratton Busi ness College; married, St. Louis, Lillie Schuler; children: Ada C, Lydia L., Paul H. Began business career as clerk in store of David Nicholson, wholesale and retail groceries, and in 1878 in similar position in store of brother, Philip Burg; in 1879 entered office of August C. Miller & Co., commission merchants in flour, grain and mill feed; and after one year with that firm engaged in brokerage business for THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 95 self, later becoming member of present firm of Annan, Burg & Co., flour, grain and mill feed. Member St. Louis Merchants ' Exchango, St. Louis Millers' Club. Member Mound City Council Royal Arcanum. Office: 107 N. Third St. Residence: 3831 Cleveland Ave. BURG, William, iron and steel broker; born, St. Louis, Mar. 1, 1847; educated in pub lic and private schools of St. Louis; married Margaret Henderson, of St. Louis, Oct. 26, 1875; three children: Arthur H., Chester E. and William H. Began business career with James Archer, iron merchant, and later joined the firm of William H. Markham & Co., dealers in iron and steel; traveled for this concern throughout the middle west from 1870-75; when the Ewald Iron Co. (Tennessee Rolling Works, Ky.) was organized, he was elected first secretary and manager of the St. Louis house, and was connected with this company as stockholder and secretary until 1896, when he sold his interest to L. P. Ewald; has since been in business for himself as deal er and broker in iron and steel. Member Mer chants ' Exchange, Business Men 's League, St. Louis Academy of Science, Hospital Saturday and Sunday Association, St. Louis Pure Milk Commission, National Geographic Society (Washington, D. C), Civic League, Washing ton University Association, and for fifteen years a member of the board and now secre tary of the St. Louis Provident Association. Was a member of the February Grand Jury of 1902. Was appointed by the governor as a delegate to the Third National Peace Con gress, held at Baltimore, May 3-5, 1911; also a delegate by appointment of the governor to the Southern Commercial Congress, held at Atlanta, Ga., March, 1911. Member Second Presbyterian Church. Club: Mercantile. Rec reation: music. Office: 119 Merchants' Ex change Bldg. Residence: 4439 Washington Boulevard. *BURGENDAHL, Gustave Storm, manufac turer; moved to Chicago; see Vol. 1906. BURGER, Ferdinand, vice president of Feuerborn Toy Co.; born, Baden, Germany, Jan. 15, 1873; son of Joseph and Margaret (Huber) Burger; educated in public schools in Germany; married, St. Louis, July 1, 1895, Mrs. Mary (Hoer) Plasmeier; children: Ber nard Plasmeier, John Plasmeier, Marie, Joseph, Edward, William. Came to United States in 1889, and worked as stonemason at Boonville, Mo., having learned that trade in Germany. Located at' St. Louis in 1895 and started in the retail toy and notion business, in which continued until Jan. 1, 1905, when assisted in the organization of the Feuerborn Toy Co., of which is vice president. Roman Catholic. Member Knights of Columbus, United Com mercial Travelers. Favorite recreations: hunt ing and theatres. Office: 919 N. Broadway. Residence: 4587 Cote Brilliante Ave. BURGESS, Samuel Allen, lawyer; born, St. Louis, Sept. 15, 1877; son of Samuel Rostron and Eveline (Allen) Burgess; educated at Clay School to 1892; graduated Manual Train ing School, ,1896; student for two years at Smith Academy; A.B., Washington University, 1900; LL.B., St. Louis Law School (Washing ton University), 1902; unmarried. Admitted to Missouri bar, 1902, and since engaged in practice. Member Bar Association of St. Louis, St. Louis Law Library Association, Washing ton University Association, etc. Trustee and secretary Graceland College, Lamoni, la. Re publican. Member Reorganized Church of Je sus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Vice presi dent and general librarian of Z. R. L. S. Resi dence: 5920 Etzel Ave. BURKE, James Joseph, president Brooks Jewelry and Optical Co.; born, Stockport, England, Dec. 23, 1872; son of James J. and Ellen (McGough) Burke; came to St. Louis at age of two years; educated in Hamilton and Carr Lane public schools and Carr Lane night school; married, St. Louis, Sept. 23, 1893, Alvina Leiner; children: Jeanette, Vir ginia. Started to work as wagon boy with Pa cific Express Co. at age of thirteen; assistant bill clerk D. Johnson & Co., 1887; bookkeeper for McNellis, Campbell & Co., October, 1889; shipping and bill clerk Brooks Bros. & Co., 1892-93; returned to McNellis, Campbell & Co., 1893, and had charge of their optical busi ness until September, 1900, when bought half interest and became manager of Brooks Optical Co.; bought out interest of Mr. Brooks, 1903, and changed name to Brooks Jewelry and Optical Co., watches, jewelry and optical goods at wholesale, of which com pany has since been president and treasurer. Independent in politics. Catholic. Member Business Men 's League. Member Knights of Columbus, Elks (St. Louis Lodge No. 9}. Club: Century Boat. Favorite recreations: baseball and bowling. Office: Globe-Democrat Bldg. Residence: 3705 Humphrey St. BURKE, Joseph Edward, president Lough- man Cabinet Co,; born, St. Louis, Nov. 29, 1864; son of George M. and Esther (Whiston) Burke; educated in St. Louis schools; mar ried, St. Louis, June 15, 1892, Margaret Mok- ler; three children: J. Leo, Rhea, Margaret. Began active career as a boy with Faithman & Miller Planing Mill Co., 1882-86; with Broad way Planing Mill Co., 1886-89; with Crescent Planing Mill, 1889-1900; foreman Loughman Cabinet Co., 1900-05, manager, 1906-07, presi dent since 1907. Roman Catholic. Recrea tions: baseball, fishing and football. Office: Ranken and Rutger Sts. Residence: 3804 Windsor PL BURKHAM, Robert, lawyer; born, Sioux City, la., Dec. 25, 1881; son of Elzey G. and Harriet B. (Smith) Burkham; graduated An- dover Academy, Andover, Mass., 1899; A.B., 90 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS Princeton University, 1903; LL.B., St. Louis Law School (Washington University), 1905; married, St. Louis, Dec. 30, 1907, Ada P. Davis; two children* Margaret Davis and Robert, Jr. Admitted to Missouri bar at St. Louis, June, 1905; member firm of McPheet- ers & Burkham, 1905-May, 1909. Secretary Young Men's Republican Auxiliary, Novem ber, 1908-May, 1909, resigned; U. S. commis sioner, January-May, 1909, resigned; secretary to mayor of St. Louis, May, 1908-October, 1911, resigned; second associate city council lor since Oct. 1, 1911. Republican. Episco palian. Member Bar Association of St. Louis (treasurer and member executive committee, 1908-10), Civic League, Phi Delta Phi law fraternity, Blackstone (law) Club. Clubs: Racquet, City. Recreation: books. Office: City Hall. Residence: 5035 Westminster PI. BURKS, Eugene, real estate; born in Han cock Co., 111., Nov. 25, 1867; son of Allen J. and Mary S. (Wagner) Burks; educated in public schools of Missouri, and at Stanberry (Mo.) Normal School; married, Bismarck, Mo., Nov. 20, 1894, Eddie M. Wallen; children: Lelia Fern, Eugenia Irene. Began business career as clerk for Willard Case & Co. in 1894; began the manufacture of hardwood lumber in Arkansas, near Little Rock, and in 1900 became one of the incorporators of the Wil lard Case Lumber Co., of which was vice presi dent and secretary until 1909; since in real estate business. Democrat. Member Christian (Disciples) Church. Office: 706 Chestnut St. Residence: Webster Groves, Mo. BURLINGAME, Ira L., railway official; born, Franklinville, N. Y., Sept. 6, 1862; son of Ira L. and Harriet (Lyon) Burlingame; educated at Ten Broeck Academy, Franklin ville, N. Y.; married, Pana, 111., Oct. 4, 1883, Alice H. Eichelberger; children: Katharine H"., Ruth L. Began railway service as tele graph operator, on Ohio & Mississippi R. R., 1879-83; train dispatcher, 1883-95, and train master, 1895-1903, with the Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern Ry.; assistant superintendent, December, 1903, to March, 1904, superintend ent, March, 1904, to October, 1905, general superintendent since Nov. 1, 1905, Terminal Railroad Association of St. Louis. Republican. Presbyterian. Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, The Traffic of St. Louis, St. Louis Railway. Recreation: base ball. Office: 103 Union Station. Residence: 5655 Bartmer Ave. BURNES, Kennett Farrar, secretary Granby Mining and Smelting Co.; born, St. Louis, Feb. 15, 1878; son of Daniel Dee and Martha Sweringen (Farrar) Burnes; matriculated in Harvard University, 1897, graduating with degree of A.B., 1901; married, St. Louis, Aug. 24, 1907, Adele Mellier; one son: James Nel son. After leaving college engaged in bank ing business at St. Joseph, Mo.; secretary and director Granby Mining and Smelting Co. since 1905. Member Masonic Order. Clubs: St. Louis, Bellerive Country. Office: Third National Bank Bldg. Residence: 1 Lenox PI. BURNETT, Edwin Clark, physician; born, Mansfield, O., Jan. 19, 1854; son of Dwight and Mary Ann (Bristow) Burnett; educated in public schools and by private tutors at Olney, 111.; graduated from St. Louis Medieal College, 1883; unmarried. Began practice of medicine at Olney, 111., March, 1883; moved to St. Louis, June 14, 1884, and has since practiced in this city. Formerly clinical pro fessor genito-urinary diseases, Medical De partment of Washington University. Member St. Louis Academy of Science, St. Louis Med ical Society, Missouri State Medical Associa tion, American Association of Genito-Urinary Surgeons (ex-president). Republican. Clubs: University, Racquet. Recreation: field sports. Office: 547 Century Bldg. Residence: Univer sity Club. BURNETT, James Preston, deceased; see Vol. 1906. BURNHAM, Cyrus Barrett, retired; born, Strafford, Orange Co., Vt., June 6, 1822; son of John and Harriet (Barrett) Bnrnham; edu cated in public school in native town and at Norwich University, Vermont, 1837-39, receiv ing diploma of civil engineer; married, Stand- stead, Canada, 1845, Miss Mary J. Reed. Lived on farm until went to university; clerk in country store, Strafford, Vt., 1840-42; went to Canada, 1842, and was connected with mer cantile business there until September, 1847; arrived in St. Louis, Nov. 6, 1847, and in January, 1848, became associated with Greeley & Gale, which connection was continuous un der changes of name as wholesale grocers un til August, 1893, when became Greeley-Burn- ham Grocer Co. Elected, November, 1862, di rector in St. Louis Building and Savings As sociation, which was renamed Bank of Com merce, of which was president, 1875-83; from that bank was developed the present National Bank of Commerce in St. Louis; resigned as director of latter in August, 1893, after con tinuous service in directorate of the bank and its predecessors for thirty-one years. Now director Washington Land and Mining Co. Served as quartermaster-general State of Mis souri, from November, 1861, to August, 1862; was on staff of Gov. Hamilton R. Gamble un til death of latter, and on staff of his succes sor, Gov. Willard P. Hall, until the expiration of official term in 1865. Club: St. Louis Com mercial. Office: Wainwright Bldg. Residence: 456 N. Newstead Ave. BURNS, George MacCleary, sales agent Railway Steel Spring Co.; born, Coshocton, O., Aug. 25, 1858; son of Joseph and Mary (John son) Burns; educated in public schools of THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 97 Coshocton to fifteen. Entered employ of Penn sylvania Railway as timekeeper, 1876; divi sion storekeeper Texas Pacific R. R., 1881, and chief clerk to general superintendent Cin cinnati, Hamilton & Dayton R. R., 1882-85; Queen & Crescent R. R., at Meriden, Miss., 1885-86, to superintendent same road, at Bir mingham, Ala., 1886-91, and at Somerset, Ky., 1891-92; after serving as chief clerk to gen eral manager of the Big Four Road, 1892-93, he filled a similar office under the general manager of the Queen & Crescent R. R., 1893-96. Came to St. Louis, 1896, as fuel agent Wabash Railroad Co., also chief clerk to vice president and general manager; superintend ent Wabash Road at Detroit, Mich., 1900-06; then returned to St. Louis and has since acted as sales agent of the Railway Steel Spring Co.; also director Wagner Mercantile Co. Re-. publican. Episcopalian. Mason (32°). Clubs: St. Louis, Missouri Athletic, Mercantile, Al gonquin. Recreation: golf. Office: 1405, 915 Olive St. Residence: 5897 Washington Ave. BURNS, Louis N., motor cars; born, St. Louis, Jan. 16, 1866; son of Lewis H. and Julia (Hildebrand) Burns; educated in coun try district school and in business college at Peoria, HI.; married, Peoria, 111., May 17, 1887, Flora E. Bethard; children: Ray Alexander, Gladys, Julia, Robert, Florence Virginia, Don ald. Began in 1882 with Kingman & Co., at Peoria, HI.; in 1884 came to the St. Louis house of same firm; when in 1894 company was reorganized as the Kingman St. Louis Im plement Co., became manager and a few years later also vice president; now president Burns- Ramsden Motor Car Co. Republican. Metho dist. Member Implement and Vehicle Board of Trade, Business Men's League. Mason. Club: Missouri Athletic. Residence: 5541 Chamberlain Ave. BURNS, Patrick, president P. Burns Sad dlery Co.; born in County Roscommon, Ire land, June 29, 1834; son of Hugh and Cath erine (MeCauley) Burns; educated in schools in Ireland and United States; married in Cooper Co.; Mo., Oct. 31, 1865, Ann McCub- bin; children: Edward V., Robert A., Hugh J. Left Ireland in 1849, coming to Nashville, Tenn., where was employed as apprentice by uncle, M. Burns; remained in Tennessee until 1854, then went to Pisgah, Cooper Co., Mo., and established in business. Began in St. Louis, 1864, as Burns & Degnan, continuing until July, 1881, when firm was dissolved and the firm of P. Burns & Co. was established, thus continuing until December, 1904, when business was incorporated as P. Burns Sad dlery Co., of which is president. Democrat. Catholic. Office: 713-715 Lucas Ave. Resi dence: 4924 Berlin Ave. BURNS, Robert, surgeon; born, St. Louis, Aug. 17, 1879; son of Robert and Emily Mary (St. Gemme) Burns; educated in public schools, St. Louis University, Smith Academy and by private instruction; graduated from Medical Department, Washington University, M.D., 1901; married, St. Louis, Jan. 6, 1903, Kathrynne Frances Ziegler. Began practice of medicine, May 5, 1901; was appointed assist ant surgeon to Polyclinic Hospital and Clinic; . beeame associated with Dr. H. Tuholske as assistant at St. Louis Surgical Hospital (pri vate), September, 1901, and still remains with him as private assistant and anaesthetist; ap pointed junior assistant to surgical clinic and surgical staff, Washington University Hos pital, 1904; appointed senior assistant sur geon to Washington University, 1906; assist ant surgeon to Bethesda Hospital, 1911. Mem ber St. Louis Medical Society, Missouri State Medical Association, American Medical Asso ciation, Alumni Society of Medical Depart ment of Washington University. Independent in politics. Mason (Royal Arch). Club: Au tomobile. Recreations: motoring and fishing. Office: 4500 Olive St., Rms. 1 and 2. Resi dence: 4953 McPherson Ave.. BURNS, Robert Augustine, real estate; born, St. Louis, July 25, 1874; son of Patrick and Ann (McCubbin) Burns; educated at St. Theresa's (parish) School, Wyman Crow (pub lic) School, Christian Brothers College, A.B., 1894, A.M., 1896, and one year at St. Louis Law School; married, Aberdeen, Miss., Dec. 17, 1902, Mary Weller Carter; children: Robert Carter, Jane Carter. Entered firm of P. Burns & Co. as clerk in 1894, and worked in various departments and also as traveling salesman; took charge as general manager, 1902, and when business was incorporated as P. Burns Saddlery Co., Jan. 1, 1905, was elected vice president and secretary. Withdrew from the company, January, 1899, and organized the Bush-Burns Realty Co., of which is president. Member St. Louis Real Estate Exchange. Catholic. Club: Mercantile. Recreation: motor ing. Office: 1105 Chestnut St. Residence: 4521 Forest Park Boul. BURR, Henry Bell, president Carterville Coal Co.; born, Boonville, Mo., Dec. 27, 1860; son of William E. and Harriette (Brand) Burr; completed early education in St. Louis High School; married, Dallas, Tex., Apr. 28, 1906, Mrs. Eula W. Dayton; three children: Kinsey, Minnie G. and William E. Went to Texas, 1883, and engaged in business in that state for twenty-five years; was elected presi dent and general manager Carterville Coal Co., with mines at Carterville, 111., Nov. 27, 1908, and has since resided in St. Louis. Mem ber KoKoals; also Illinois Commercial Men's Association, International Travelers' Associa tion. Democrat. Episcopalian. Recreations: fishing and bowling. Office: 912 Rialto Bldg. Residence: 6132 Kingsbury Boul. BURRITT, William Henry, president Ban ner Rubber Co.; born, Huntsville, Ala., Feb. 98 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 17, 1869; son of Armatus Bobbins and Mary King (Robinson) Burritt; educated in private schools of Huntsville, Ala.;. Bingham School, North Carolina; Vanderoilt University, Nash ville, Tenn., M.D., 1890; married, St. Louis, Nov. 29, 1900, Mrs. Josephine T. Drummond. Engaged in general practice of medicine at Huntsville, Ala., 1890-1900 ; came to St. Louis, 1901; in July, 1902, was elected president and general manager of the Banner Rubber Co., manufacturers and wholesalers of rubber boots and shoes. Episcopalian. Clubs: Glen Echo, Missouri Athletic. Recreation: motoring. Of fice: 500 Bittner St. Residence: 4014 Lindell Boulevard. BURROWES, Alexander J., president St. Louis University; born, St. Louis, Oct. 14, 1853; son of Michael and Mary (Quirk) Bur- rowes; educated Christian Brothers School, St. Louis, six years, Niagara University, one year, Woodstock College, Maryland, seven years (mental and moral philosophy, theology, science and mathematics). Ordained priest, R. C. Church, 1886; vice president Detroit (Mich.) College, 1889-90; president St. Xa- vier's College, Cincinnati, 1893-97, Marquette College (chartered as university1 during his term of office), 1900-08, St. Ignatius College, Chicago, Feb. 11, 1908, to February, 1912 (Loyola University, established 1909, with departments of Law, Medicine and College of Arts and Sciences, is an expansion of St. Igna tius) ; president St. Louis University since February, 1912. Trustee St. Ignatius College and Loyola University, Chicago. Member Civic League, Federation of Catholic Societies. Address: St. Louis University. BURSON, Elbert Eugene; see Vol. 1906. BUS, Henry, life insurance; 1852-1911; see Vol. 1906. BUSCH, Adolphus, president Anheuser-Busch Brewing Association; born, Mayence-on-the- Rhine, Germany, July 10, 1842; son of Ulrich and Barbara (Pfeifer) Busch; educated at gymnasium at Mayence, the Academy at Darmstadt, and high schools at Brussels; mar ried, St. Louis, Mar. 7, 1861, Lilly Anheuser; children: August A. (Mrs. Jacob W. Loeb), Mrs. Hugo Reisinger, Mrs. Paul von Gontard, Mrs. Edward A. Faust, Wilhelmina, Carl. Came to United States, 1857; entered Union Army, June, 1861, and had four months' service un der General Lyon; became associated with E. Anheuser in the brewing business, and in 1865 was ' admitted to partnership in the E. Anheuser Brewing Co., later became the An heuser-Busch Brewing Association, of which is president. Also president South Side Bank, Manufacturers' Ry. Co., American Diesel En gine Co. (New York), Geyser Ice Co. (Waco, Tex.) ; director St. Louis Union Trust Co., Third National Bank, Kinloch Telephone Co., North American Co., American Car and Foun dry Co., American Bottle Co. Decorated by Emperor of Germany. Republican. Unitarian. Clubs: St. Louis, Noonday, University, Mer cantile (St. Louis), Engineers and Midday (New York). Office: Anheuser-Busch Brewing Association. Residence: Busch Place. BUSCH, August Anheuser, vice president Anheuser-Busch Brewing Association; born, ' St. Louis, Dee. 29, 1865; son of Adolphus and Lilly (Anheuser) Busch; educated at Lyon (public) School, St. Louis, Morgan Park Mili tary Institute, Chicago, 111., and Kemper School, Boonville, Mo.; married, St. Louis, May 8, 1890, Alice Zisemann; five children: Adolph, Jr., Marie, Clara, August, Jr., Alice. After leaving school was sent to Germany, where received practical course of instruction in the" brewing schools of that country; re turned to United States and spent time to similar purpose in New York; then served for three years as brewer's apprentice with the Anheuser-Busch Brewing Association; then entered general office as scale clerk; now first vice president of the association. Member A. F. & A. M., B. P. O. Elks, and Legion of Hon or. Clubs: St. Louis, Mercantile, Missouri Athletic, Noonday, Liederkranz, University, Racquet, etc. Recreations: hunting, fishing, yachting and all outdoor sports. Office: An heuser-Busch Brewing Association. Residence: Busch Place. BUSCH, Otto Schubert, brewers' supplies; born, Chicago, Mar. 6, 1871; son of Ulrich and Anna (Anheuser) Busch; nephew of Adolphus Busch; educated in public schools of Chi cago and at Racine (Wis.) College; married, Louisville, Ky., Apr. 28, 1893, to Miss Anna Bonn; one son, Ulrich. Resident of St. Louis since 1891; has been engaged in the brewers' supply business since 1898, now representing M. Seidenberger Sons, of Germany, hop grow ers and importers. Democrat. Member Ma sonic Order, Fraternal Order of Eagles, B. P. O. Elks. Clubs: Union, Liederkranz. Resi dence: 6152 Washington Boul. BUSH, Benjamin Franklin, railway official; born, Wellsburg, Pa., July 5, 1859; son of James and Rosella (Henry) Bush; educated in Wellsburg High School and Mansfield State Normal School; married, River Falls, Pierce Co., Wis., May 30, 1883, Catherine Idelia Hawkins; one daughter: Idelia Frances Bush. Began railway service with Northern Pacific R. R., 1882, as rodman, and later became as sistant and division engineer, same road, until 1887; division engineer Union Pacific R. R., in Idaho and Oregon, 1887-89; chief engineer and general superintendent of the Oregon Im provement Co., 1889-96; general manager of Northwestern Improvement Co. (which con trolled coal properties of Northern Pacific R. R.), 1896-1903; vice president and general manager, Western Coal and Mining Co. since Feb. 1, 1903, and vice president and general manager of the Consolidated Coal Co., of St. THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 99 Louis, since Nov. 1, 1903. Appointed fuel agent of the Missouri Pacific Ry., February, 1903; president Western Maryland. R. R., at Baltimore, 1907-08; receiver same road until reorganized, when again became president; president Missouri Pacific Ry. with headquar ters at St. Louis since April, 1911; also presi dent Denver & Rio Grande Ry. since January, 1912; director Maryland National Bank, Dur ham Coal and Iron Co. Appointed by Presi dent Roosevelt in 1907 as member Advisory Board on Fuels and Structural Materials. Member American Mining Congress, American Institute Mining Engineers, Business Men's League. Presbyterian. Clubs: St. Louis, Mer cantile, Noonday, The Traffic, Automobile, Bellerive Country (St. Louis), Maryland (Bal timore). Favorite recreations: tennis and fish ing. Office: 708 Missouri Pacific Bldg. Resi dence: 30 Portland PI. BUSH, Wade Hampton, real estate; born, Lancaster, Ky., Nov. 23, 1868; son of William N. and Osee (Salter) Bush; educated at pub lic school, Lancaster, until fifteen years of age; unmarried. Came to St. Louis at age of sixteen and began active career in employ of the Missouri Pacific Ry. Co., with which con tinued for two years; then engaged with Al bert Wenzlick in title business, 1888-99; cash ier Aiple & Hemmelmann Real Estate Co., 1899-1906; in real estate business for self since 1906; vice president Bush-Burns Realty Co.; secretary McPherson Ave. Development Co. Member St. Louis Real Estate Exchange. Democrat. Protestant. Recreations: billiards, baseball. Office: 1105 Chestnut St. Residence: 4778 Greer Ave. BUSHNELL, William Maxon; see Vol. 1906. BUTLER, Edward, capitalist, deceased; see Vol. 1906. BUTLER, Henry Stuart, treasurer Peters Shoe Co.; deceased; see Vol. 1906. BUTLER, James Gay, capitalist; born, Saugatuck, Mich., Jan. 23, 1840; son of Wil liam G. and Eliza (McKennan) Butler; edu cated in high schools of Suffield, Conn., and Allegan, Mich.; entered University of Michi gan as sophomore, 1858, missed senior year by enlisting in army, in 1861, and received B.S. degree forty-three years after, in 1904; served in Third Michigan Cavalry, in ranks eight months, and afterward as second lieutenant, first lieutenant, adjutant, quartermaster, and major, and commanded regiment during last eight months of its service of four and one- half years in the Civil War; married, Grand Haven, Mich., Oct. 15, 1868, Maggie Leggat. Engaged in the manufacture of tobacco in St. Louis from July, 1866, and was afterward director of the American Tobacco Co., until re tired from business (still large stockholder). Director and member of executive committee Mercantile Trust Co., and Mercantile National Bank. Served in Missouri National Guard, 1876-91, as colonel police reserves and of the Third and First Regiments. Republican; can didate for mayor, 1880. Director Louisiana Purchase Exposition. Presbyterian. Past Su preme Chancellor Legion of Honor; Past Com mander St. Louis Commandery Loyal Legion; Past Commander Ransom Post, G. A. R.; member Sons of the Revolution, New England Society, Society Army of the Tennessee. Clubs: St. Louis, Mercantile (St. Louis), New York Yacht (New York). Residence: 4484 W. Pine Boul. BUTLER, James Joseph, lawyer, congress man; born, St. Louis, Aug. 29, 1862; son of Ed ward and Ellen (O'Neil) Butler; attended St. Louis public schools, St. Xavier's Catholic School; graduated St. Louis University; ad mitted to bar, June 2, 1884; married, Aug. 11, 1896, Rose Mary Lancaster, St. Louis; one son: Edward Lancaster. Member St. Louis Board of Education one term; city attorney two terms, 1886-94; member of Congress from Twelfth Missouri District, 1901-05. Was twice elected to Fifty-seventh Congress and twice unseated by party vote, the second unseating bringing about the longest and bitterest fili buster in the history of the House of Repre sentatives; reelected to Fifty-eighth Congress and seated; Democrat. Engaged since 1905 in looking after family estate and private in terests. President Empire Circuit Co., an Ohio corporation, operating about fifty theaters in different parts of America. Member B. P. O. Elks. Residence: 3711 W. Pine Boul. BUTLER, Louie Picot, physician; born, Beaufort, S. O, Oct. 11, 1866; son of Pierce N. and Aurelia (Picot) Butler; educated in public schools until 1882; Wyman Institute, Alton, 111., 1883-85; graduated from St. Louis Medical College, M.D., 1888; post-graduate student in medical schools and hospitals in New York, Germany and England, 1900-02;- married, Buffalo, N. Y., 1892, Miss E. E. Thompson; one son: Ralph. Practiced as in terne at St. Louis City and Alexian Brothers hospitals, 1888-90; in practice in Franklin Co., Mo., 1890-1900; since 1902 in practice at St. Louis. Member medical staff St. Luke's Hos pital, St. Louis Maternity Hospital; instruct or St. Louis University. Member American Medical Association, Missouri State Medical Association, St. Louis Medical Society. Cath olic. Clubs: St. Louis, Missouri Athletic, Noon day. Office: 4661 Maryland Ave. Residence: 4475 Laclede Ave. BUTLER, Wallace Clark, insurance adjust er; born, Louisville, Ky., Sept. 21, 1833; son of Mann and Martha (Dedman) Butler; educat ed in Wyman 's School, St. Louis; served -in the Confederate Army as major and pay quar termaster; widower"; children: Julia B., Nina B. (wife of Dr. T. C. Witherspoon), Wallace C, Jr., Sadie B. (wife of Dr. R. D. Carman.) 100 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS In the insurance business in 1865 and since 1869 continuously engaged in business in St. Louis as an insurance adjuster; member of firm of W. C. Butler & fon, with W. C. But ler, Jr., as partner, 1899-1906, since alone. Presbyterian. Member Confederate Veterans. Club: St. Louis. Office: Pierce Bldg. Resi dence: 5530 Cates Ave. BUTLER, Wallace Clark, Jr., insurance; born, St. Louis, Mar. 17, 1873; son of Wallace Clark and Evie (Henly) Butler; educated Smith Academy, St. Louis, 1884-90; Rugby Academy, 1890-91; Hamilton College, Clinton, N. Y., 1891-93; married, St. Louis, June, 1899, Leila North Smith; one daughter: Elinor Witherspoon. Entered office of father, W. C. Butler, insurance adjuster, in 1893, as clerk, and in 1899 was made partner, the firm becom ing W. C. Butler & Son, adjusters for insur ance companies; in 1906 became connected with Chas. L. Crane & Co., and when the firm was incorporated in 1909 as Chas. L. Crane Agency Co., was made secretary; also mana ger and attorney Manufacturers' and Mer chants' Requitable Exchange and Inter-Insur ance Agency. Democrat. Presbyterian. Mem ber Sigma Phi, and Theta Nu Epsilon. Office: 1301-1322 Pierce Bldg. Residenece: 4916A Washington Boul. BUTTS, Cornelius Lillard, real estate brok er; born, Craig, Mo., June 13, 1879; son of Christopher Lillard and Wayne A. (Dennis) Butts; educated in private schools, Cameron, Mo.; married, St. Louis, Oct. 21, 1908, Caro line Cunningham; one child: Gordon Cunning ham. Began business career as office boy with Simmons Hardware Co., St. Louis, 1897, ad vanced to assistant buyer and continued with same house until 1900; engaged with Stanley Rule and Level Co., New Britain, Conn., in charge central west sales department, 1900-07; then with brother William organized present firm of Butts Realty Co. Member Real Es tate Exchange, Civic League, Business Men's League. Republican. Mason. Club: Nor- mandie Golf. Recreations: golf and motoring. Office: 118 N. 7th St. Residence: Clayton, St. Louis Co. BUTTS, William Wayne, real estate broker ; born, Hamburg, Fremont Co., la., June 10, 1875; son of Christopher Lillard and Wayne A. (Dennis) Butts; educated in private schools, Cameron, Mo.; married, St. Louis, Oct. 15, 1903, Susan A. Parker; two children: Katharine L., Francis W. Began business ca reer at St. Joseph, Mo., with C. D. Smith Drug Co., continuing until 1899; engaged in wholesale drug business, Denver, as member firm of Bridaham-Querean Drug Co., 1899- 1902; manager Philadelphia branch of Na tional Gum & Mica Co., of New York, 1902-03; Omaha representative H. K. Mulford Co., of Philadelphia, 1903-07; then with brother Cor nelius organized .Butts Realty Co., St. Louis. Member St. Louis Real Estate Exchange, Busi ness Men 's League. Republican. Congrega tionalist. Club: Normandie Golf. Recrea tion: golf. Office: 118 N. 7th St. Residence: 6907 Washington Boul. BYARS, William Vincent, journalist; born, Covington, Tenn., June 21, 1857; son of James and Mary (Vincent) Byars; educated by his father (principal Tipton Male High School, Covington), gaining classical and scientific education; married, Brownsville, Tenn., June 15, 1880, Loula Clement, daughter Rev. Charles Francis Collins. Associate editor Weekly Rec ord, Covington, Tenn., 1877-78; on city staff St. Louis Daily Times, 1879, St. Louis Globe- Democrat, 1880; city and editorial staff Mis souri Republican and its successor, St. Louis Republic, 1881-93 (except one year on edi torial staff St. Louis Chronicle) ; editorial staff Morning World and contributor to Eve ning World, New York, 1893-97; editorial and local contributor to Harper's Weekly, 1897-98; contributor to various journals. Author: Tann- hauser — a Mystery; The Tempting of the King; The Glory of the Garden; The Pools at Milburn; Old Songs to New Tunes; Studies in Verse — all verse; Homeric Memory Rhymes, and other papers on language; introductions to each play in Shakespeare 's Complete Dra matic Works. Editor: An American Common er, The Handbook of Oratory; was managing editor (original American and British edi tions) World's Best Essays (10 vols.), World's Best Orations (10 vols.). Also wrote Tales of a Schoolmaster, etc., serials, pamphlets, etc. Member Tennessee Society. Office: Temple Bldg. Residence: Kirkwood, Mo. BYERS, Morton L., railway official; see Vol. 1906. BYRD, Abraham Ruddell, Jr., secretary Alsop Process Co.; born, Jackson, Mo., Nov. 29, 1883; son of A. R. and Sallie (Hunter) Byrd ; educated Carlisle Training School, Jack son, Mo.; University of Texas, B.S., 1903. After graduation engaged in ranching and mining in New Mexico and at El Paso, Tex., until 1904; with Alsop Process Co., mill ma chinery, since 1904, secretary since 1905; also member A. R. Byrd & Sons, investments. Member Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Office: 420 Olive St. Residence: 5598 Water man Ave. BYRD, J. Hunter, president American For est Co.; born, Cape Girardeau Co., Mo., May 8, 1880; son of Abram Ruddell and Sarah Miner va (Hunter) Byrd; educated in University of Virginia and later became a student in Uni versity of Texas; married, Jackson, Mo., Nov. 30, 1904, Emma Evangeline Howard. Left col lege at twenty-one and spent several years prospecting and mining in New Mexico, Mex ico and on the border of Central America; flour salesman, 1904,. and in 1905 became con nected with the Alsop Process Co., dealers in THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 101 electrical equipment for flour mills, St. Louis, of which is treasurer; an organizer, 1906, and was director and cashier Central National Bank, St. Louis; president American Forest Co.; member firm of A. R. Byrd & Sons, in vestments. Democrat. Methodist. Clubs: Mer cantile, University. Office: 420 Olive St. Res idence: 4211 Westminster Place. BYRNE, Frank Thomas, railway agent; born, Albany, N. Y., May 3, 1859; son of Michael and Bridget (Price) Byrne; educated at Albany, N. Y., public schools; married, Albany, Apr. 18, 1893, Elizabeth Wilson; children: Margaret, J. Wilson. Began active career in fancy grocery business at Albany; came to St. Louis, 1882, and became con nected with local freight department of the Chicago & Alton R. R. ; then consecutively with the St. Louis Freight Committee as clerk for four years, agent for National Dis patch Fast Freight Line, and commercial agent for Grand Trunk Ry. until 1905, when became Southwestern agent for the Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton and Pere Marquette Sys tem; Southwestern agent of Pere Marquette System since Apr. 1, 1911. Was agent for Erie Dispatch from Nov. 11 to Dec. 31, 1905. Member Merchants' Exchange. Democrat. Catholic. Member National Union. Club: The Traffic (St. Louis). Recreation: baseball. Of fice: 817-818 Pierce Bldg. Residence: 5575 Maple Ave. BYRNES, James Williamson, belting manu facturer; born, Memphis, Tenn., Apr. 4, 1868; son of M. J. and Irene (Williamson) Byrnes; educated in private school, Memphis, prepara tory and collegiate departments of St. Louis University, A.B., 1886; graduated from East man Business College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., 1899; married, St. Louis, Oct. 10, 1903, Gene vieve von Phul. Began business career as clerk in hardware business of Caruth & Byrnes Hardware Co. for two years; then was con nected with Meacham Arms Co. for three years, and subsequently five years with the Revere Rubber Co., two years as manager of its St. Louis house. Organized, 1896, and was president and treasurer of the James W. Byrnes Belting and Hose Co., manufacturers of leather belting and jobbers of hose and packings; in 1909 name of firm was changed to Byrnes Belting Co., of which is president and treasurer. Also president and treasurer the St. Louis Fire Hose Co., dealers in fire hose and fire department supplies. Democrat. Catholic. Clubs: St. Louis, Noonday, Bellerive Country, Racquet. Recreations: shooting and fishing. Office: 2109-11-13 Locust St. Resi dence: 3800 W. Pine St. CABANNE, John P., vice president St. Louis Dairy Co.; born, St. Louis, Jan. 16, 1869; son of J. Charless and Susan (Mitchell) Cabanne; educated in public schools of St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Oct. 3, 1911, Mrs. Mary C. McDearmon. Since 1890, connected with the St. Louis Dairy Co., of which was manager until January, 1911, when was elect ed vice president: Clubs: Glen Echo Country, Missouri Athletic, Racquet. Recreations: hunt ing and golf. Office: 2008 Pine St. Residence: 316 Skinker Rd. CABANNE, Joseph Charless, president St. Louis Dairy Co.; born, St. Louis, Oct. 16, 1849; son of John Charles and Virginia E. (Carr) Cabanne; educated in public schools of St. Louis, and later attended Flushing (N. Y.) Institute; married, St. Louis, 1868, Susan Mar tha Preston Christy Mitchell; children: John P., Virginia (Mrs. E. W.' Little), Martha (Mrs. Robert J. Kayser), Susan (Mrs. J. Shep ard Smith), Mary (Sister Mary Ambrose of the Visitation Convent), Fannie (Mrs. E. Law rence Pearson), Arthur Lee. Began business career as a dairy farmer in 1868; has been continuously identified with this interest, and acquired other interests in same line from time to time, organizing them, 1882, into the St. Louis Dairy Co., producers and dealers in dairy products, of which is president. Mem ber Civic League, Citizens ' Industrial Asso ciation. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Amateur Athletic. Recreations: music and golf. Office: 2008 Pine St. Residence: 4334 Westminster Place. CABELL, Ashley, lawyer; born, Washing ton, D. C, Dee. 27, 1851; son of Hon. Edward Carrington and Anna M. (Wilcox) Cabell; educated in New York High School, Washing ton and Lee University, Va., 1870-1874, LL.B.; Polytechnic College, Carlsruhe, Germany, 1874- 75; married, Nashville, Tenn., Oct. 19, 1881, Margaret Hodges Stretch; children: Margaret, Carrington. Admitted to bar, 1874; jury com missioner, City of St. Louis, 1879-83; presi dent American School Book Co., 1883-85; en gaged in practice of law since 1891. Com mander De Soto Council, American Legion of Honor, 1889-91; chancellor Bonaparte Council, Legion of Honor, for several years; president Missouri Society Sons of the American Revo lution, 1905-06. Member of Missouri State Bar Association and Law Library Association. Episcopalian. Democrat. Residence: Kirk wood, Mo. CADWALLADER, Isaac Henry, physician; born, Waynesville, Warren Co., O., Aug. 29, 1850; son of John T. and Rachel (Farquhar) Cadwallader; educated in public schools, Lin coln, 111., and Lincoln University, finishing course 1868; graduated from Rush Medical College, Chicago, M.D., 1875; married, St. Louis, 1896, Ella C. Brown. Began practice of medicine in St. Louis in 1875, and continued in general practice until 1900; in 1891 became a member of the medical staff of the Missouri 102 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS Baptist Sanitarium, and in 1900 was appointed to present position as physician in charge of that institution. Specialist in gynecological surgery and practice. Member St. Louis Med ical Society, Missouri State Medical Associa tion, American Medical Association. Vice pres ident the Central Slate Quarrying Co. of Mis souri. President Eureka Auto Parts Manufac turing Co. Mason. Member Third Baptist Church. Office and Residence: Missouri Bap tist Sanitarium, 919 N. Taylor Ave. CADY, L. Bertram, tailoring; born, New York City, Dec. 10, 1857; son of Ira L. and Chlotilda (Yale) Cady; educated in New York City public schools, New York College and Co lumbia University, graduating, E.M., C.E., and Ph.B., from Columbia University; married, June 8, 1884, Ellen C. Brindle, of London, Eng. Private assistant to Professor Thomas Eggleston, Columbia School of Mines, 1877- 78; superintendent Moose Mining Co. 's mill, Dudley, Colo., 1878; general manager Dunn's Mountain Mines, North Carolina, 1879-81; general manager Chapin Mine, Chapin, Mich., 1881-82; partner James W. Bell & Son, 172 Fifth Ave., New York City, 1882-86; president Cady & Nelson Co., 226 Fifth Ave., New York City, 1886-92; president L. Bertram Cady Co., 327 Fifth Ave., New York City; from 1895 president and treasurer L. Bertram Cady Co., St. Louis, gentlemen's and ladies' tailoring, until 1912; business then changed from cor poration to firm, "Cady," of which is pro prietor. Member Civie League. Member Co lumbia Alumni, Phi Gamma Delta Society. Clubs: New York Athletic; also Noonday, Glen Echo Country, St. Louis Riding, Sunset Hill (St. Louis). Recreation: horseback rid ing. Office: 511 Olive St. Residence: 6158 Kingsbury Boul. CAHILL, Thomas Francis, plumbers' gas and steamfitters' supplies; born, St. Louis, May 22, 1857; son of Patrick and Ellen (Slat- tery) Cahill; educated in Christian Brothers (parochial) School; married, St. Louis, Feb. 20, 1884, Nora Sullivan; children: John, Jr., Mary B., Thomas F., Roswell B., Francis, Louis, Richard. Began business career in 1871, in employ of M. C. Bignall & Co., heavy hard ware, continuing until end of 1885; in 1886 joined in organizing firm of Clegg, Cahill & Collins, plumbers' supplies, which was suc ceeded by the Cahill, Swift Manufacturing Co. (incorporated in 1898), of which is president. Democrat. Roman Catholic. Member Knights of Columbus. Office: 20 S. 12th St. Residence: Old Orchard, Mo. CALE, Algernon Sidney; see Vol. 1906. CALE, Charles Allen, musician; see Vol. 1906. CALE, George William, deceased; see Vol. 1906. CALE, George William, Jr., chief surgeon St. Louis & San Francisco R. R. Co.; born, St. Louis, Dec. 31, 1866; son of George William and Matilda L. (Carvell) Cale; educated in public schools, Smith Academy of Washington University, St. Louis College of Physicians and Surgeons, M.D., 1887; attended University of Berlin, 1890, University of Heidelberg, 1891; married, St. Louis, Apr. 8, 1891, Neosho, daughter of B. F. Hobart, of St. Louis; chil dren: Emily Longwell, George William, 3d, B. F. Hobart, Julian D. Engaged in practice of medicine in St. Louis, 1887-90 and 1892-98; in November, 1898, organized Medical Depart ment of the St. Louis & San Francisco R. R. Co., which is "known as the Employes ' Hos pital Association of the Frisco Line, with headquarters at Springfield; moved to that place from St. Louis, where General Hospital of the company was located; in 1905, the new hospital of the Frisco System was erected on Laclede Ave. and King's Highway, St. Louis, when again took up residence in St. Louis, to which the Medical Department1 headquarters were transferred. Professor of clinical sur gery, Washington University; professor sur gery, St. Louis University; late professor of anatomy and clinical surgery in St. Louis Col lege of Physicians and Surgeons. First lieuten ant Medical Reserve Corps, U. S. Army. Mem ber Mississippi Valley Medical Association, St. Louis Medical Society, Missouri State Med ical Association, American Medical Associa tion; fellow Royal Microscopical Society of London. Director Hobart Lee Tie Co., Arkan sas Mining and Mercantile Co., Newton Coun ty Fruit Farm Co., American Fire Clay Co. Republican. Was for several years major and surgeon First Infantry, National Guard of Missouri. Episcopalian. Clubs: St. Louis, Army and Navy (Washington, D. C), Army and Navy (New York). Recreations: hunting, motoring and yachting. Office: Laclede Ave. and King's Highway Boul. Residence: 12 Lenox Place. CALFEE, Joseph Starke, cashier Mechanics- American National Bank; born near Graham, Va., May 22, 1868; son of John A. and Julia A. (Davidson) Calfee; removed to Windsor, Mo., in 1878; educated in public schools of Windsor; married, Kansas City, Mo., Nov. 16, 1904, Nellie A. Beedy; two children: Creighton Beedy and Arthur Davidson. Began business career with the Windsor Savings Bank, Wind sor, Mo., 1883 ; cashier Citizens Bank of Wind sor, 1885 to Feb. 1, 1904, when came to St. Louis to take position as first assistant cash ier of Mechanics National Bank; held same position with the Mechanics- American Nation al Bank, becoming cashier and director, in March, 1909 ; director Citizens Bank, Windsor, Mo. An active member of Missouri Bankers' Association for a number of years; served as secretary, vice president and president of THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 103 same, presiding at convention of Missouri Bankers' Association held in Missouri Build ing of Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904; elected, 1912, member of the Executive Coun cil of American Bankers' Association. Mem ber Business Men's League, Civic League. Member St. John 's M. E. Church, South. Dem ocrat. Clubs: St. Louis, Mercantile, City, Glen Echo Country. Recreation: golf. Office: Broad way and Locust St. Residence: 33 Kingsbury Place. CALHOUN, David Randolph, president Ely & Walker Dry Goods Co.; born, Hartford, Conn., Feb. 28, 1858; son of George W. and Sarah R. (Giles) Calhoun; educated in com mon schools, New Market, N. J., and Smith Academy, Dunellen, N. J.; married, New York City, Nov. 25, 1891, Marie Gardner Whitmore; children: Josephine C. (Mrs. C. Norman Jones), by previous marriage; David R., Jr., by present marriage. Began business career in New York with Noyes, White & Co., commis sion notions, 1876-78; came to St. Louis, 1878, and entered employ of Ely, Janis & Co., whole sale dry goods; firm was incorporated, 1883, as Ely & Walker Dry Goods Co., of which was elected president in 1903, and still continues in that capacity. Member Business Men's League. Independent in politics. Clubs: St. Louis, St. Louis Country, Log Cabin, Noonday, Racquet. Recreation: golf. Office: 1520 Wash ington Ave. Residence: 4446 Lindell Boul. CALHOUN, Gouverneur, commercial repre sentative American Telephone and Telegraph Co.; born, Chicago, September, 1868; son of John B. and Frances (Thompson) Calhoun; educated in Chicago High School and took four-year regular academic course at Yale University; married, 1902, Felicia, daughter of Frederick N. Judson, of St. Louis. Contin uously in service of American Telephone and Telegraph Co. (long-distance telephone) since 1893, serving successively as superintendent at Cincinnati, Indianapolis and at St. Louis, 1898-1911; now commercial representative. Member Civic League of St. Louis. Episco palian. Clubs: Mercantile, City, Algonquin. Office: Equitable Bldg. Residence: 3733 Wash ington Ave. CALHOUN, John Wolfinger,, lawyer; born, St. Louis, Mar. 17, 1885; son of John R. and Caroline E. (Wolfinger) Calhoun; educated St. Louis High School; Washington Univer sity; LL.B., St. Louis Law School (Washing ton University), 1907; unmarried. Admitted to Missouri bar, 1907, and has since engaged in practice in St. Louis; attorney for Legal Aid Society of Bar Association of St. Louis; secretary Grant Undertaking Co., Croasdaile Realty Co. Served as private in Light Bat tery A, 1908-10. Republican. Presbyterian. Member Bar Association of St. Louis, Delta Chi college fraternity; also member Anchor Lodge, A. F. & A. M. Recreations: outdoor sports. Office: 602 Board of Education Bldg. Residence: 3024 Geyer Ave. *CALL, Francis M., manufacturer; moved to Oklahoma; see Vol. 1906. *CALLFAS, William Frederick, physician; moved to Omaha; see Vol. 1906. *CALVIN, Francis N, clergyman; moved to Warren, O.; see Vol. 1906. CAMP, Edward Augustus; see Vol. 1906. CAMPBELL, Charles, president Campbell Iron Co.; born, Johnstown, N. Y., June 29, 1843; son of John S. and Margaret (McVean) Campbell; educated in the public schools of Wisconsin; married, Milwaukee, Wis., Feb. 14, 1877, Emma J. Webster; children: Emma M. (Mrs. Lee A. McLean), Stuart, Charles, Jr. From 1865 to 1876 was employed with Benjamin Young, Milwaukee; came to St. Louis, 1876, and was connected with Water man Bros. & Co., which later became the Wa terman, Campbell Iron Co., and afterward the Campbell Iron Co., wholesale iron, steel and wagon material, of which is president. Re publican. Presbyterian. Club: Missouri Ath letic. Recreation: traveling. Office: 809 Cass Ave. Residence: 5841 Julian Ave. CAMPBELL, Edward Taylor, president American Central Insurance Co.; born, Prince ton, Ky., Sept. 25, 1861; son of Edward P. and Caroline E. (Taylor) Campbell; educated at Bethany College and in law department of Cumberland University; married, Lebanon, Tenn., Dec. 16; 1881, Alice Cary Pennebaker; children: Edwin Taylor, Lucile Cary (Mrs. B. G. Chapman, Jr.). Entered service of Ger man-American Insurance Co. of New York as special agent and adjuster, in April, 1886; retired to engage in local insurance business at Kansas City, 1890; appointed, 1892, resi dent secretary of North British and Mercan tile Insurance Co. and advanced to general agent of that company, with residence in New York, 1892-94; appointed assistant secretary American Central Insurance Co. of St. Louis, Sept. 1, 1894, first vice president, 1903-08, president since January, 1908. Director of Mercantile Fire and Marine Insurance Co. of Boston; director National Bank of Commerce, St. Louis, Southern Surety Co. of St. Louis and Muskogee, Okla. Democrat. Formerly member Company D, Third Regiment, Ken tucky State Guard. Member St. John's M. E. Church. Clubs: St. Louis, Commercial, Noon day, Mercantile, Glen Echo Country. Office: Odd Fellows Bldg. Residence: 6119 Kings- berry Ave. CAMPBELL, Given, Jr., physician; born, New Orleans, Dec. 18, 1867; son of Given and Sue Betty (Woods) Campbell; educated pub lic schools; Smith Academy, one year; Manual Training School, one year; Kentucky Military Institute, one year; Pennsylvania Military Academy, Chester, Pa.; M.D., St. Louis Med ical College, 1889; post-graduate work in 104 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS King's College, London, England, Paris, France, and Columbia University, New York City; married, St. Louis, Oct. 30, 1900, Sarah Winter Bryson; one chijd: Given Campbell, III, born Nov. 1, 1910. interne St. Louis City Hospital, 1889-90; assistant physician St. Louis Insane Asylum, two years, 1890-91; stud ied in London and Paris one year, 1891-92; in general practice at St. Louis, 1892-1905; has specialized in diseases of the nervous system since 1905. Democrat. Presbyterian. Member American Neurological Association, St. Louis Neurological Association (secretary), Medical Society City Hospital Alumni (ex-president), St. Louis Medical Society. Recreation: motor ing. Office and Residence: 5165 Washington Avenue. CAMPBELL, James, capitalist; born, Ire land, Apr. 4, 1848; came to United States when two years old; lived at Wheeling, W. Va.; educated in private schools; married, 1882, Florence A. Platener; one daughter: Lois. At age of eleven was employed in gro cery store and at outbreak of Civil War be came attached to General Fremont's staff as messenger; after the war, went to New York, and in 1866 came to St. Louis and was identi fied with surveying and engineering until 1876; then engaged in bond and stock transac tions, and later became interested in street railways and other utility corporations. Di rector Republic Iron and Steel Co., etc. Di rector and member executive committee Lou isiana Purchase Exposition. Clubs: St. Louis, Noonday, Glen Echo, ' Racquet. Office: 441 Olive St. Residence: 2 Westmoreland Place. CAMPBELL, James Alexander, oculist and and aurist; born, Platteville, Wis., Jan. 12, 1847; son of Dr. James C. and Permelia C. (Oliver) Campbell; graduated from St. Louis High School, 1867; M.D., Homoeopathic Medical College of Missouri, 1869; post-graduate course in St. Louis University, also courses at Berlin, Vienna and Paris, 1872-73; married, St. Louis, Sept. 15, 1880, Eva B. Burden; children: Roy Alexander, Marjorie Evelyn, Ralph Burden. Began in general practice in St. Louis, 1869; later practice limited to eye and ear. Profes sor of chemistry in Homoeopathic Medical College of Missouri, 1869-72, professor of oph thalmology and otology in same since 1878. President of Homoeopathic Medical College of Missouri for ten years; oculist and aurist to St. Louis Children's Hospital, 1879-1910, to Good Samaritan Hospital, 1878-98, and to Girls' Industrial Home. Member American Institute of Homoeopathy, National Homoeopa thic Ophthalmological, Otological and Laryn- gologieal Association, Missouri Institute of Homoeopathy, Academy Science, St. Louis. Protestant. Member Sons of the Revolution, Legion of Honor, Royal Arcanum. Mason, Knight Templar. Office: 206-207 Mermod-Jac- card Bldg. Residence: 5097 Washington Ave. CAMPBELL, James Campbell, lawyer; born, St. Louis, Nov. 13, 1882; son of Given and Susan Elizabeth (Woods) Campbell; grad uated from Smith Academy, 1900; student Westminster College, 1900-02, University of Virginia, 1902-05; married, New York City, July 23, 1910, Hilde Depp; one child: James C. Admitted to Missouri bar, 1905, and since in practice at St. Louis. President Lawyers' Investment Co., Comet Realty and Investment Co.; secretary Jackson Park Realty Co. Mem ber St. Louis Bar Association. Democrat. Presbyterian. Member Beta Theta Pi college fraternity. Club: City. Office: 1811 Third Na tional Bank Bldg. Residence: Kirkwood, Mo. CAMPBELL, Oliver Howard, physician; born, Germantown, Pa., July 26, 1871; son of James R. and Mary Eliza (Douglas) Camp bell; educated in public schools, University of Kansas, Washington University Medical School, M.D., 1899; unmarried. Engaged in general practice of medicine in St. Louis since 1899; member staff Bethesda Foundling Home; instructor Medical Department, Washington University. Member City Hospital Alumni Medical Society, St. Louis Medical Society. Episcopalian. Recreation: tennis. Office and Residence: 3542 Washington Ave. CAMPBELL, Robert A., railway official; born, Mason, 111., Apr. 13, 1854; son of Wil liam M. and Anna C. (Foster) Campbell; edu cated in public schools, Mason; married, Vin- eennes, Ind., Dec. 27, 1876, Isadora Scott; children: Walter Scott, Una Bell. Began rail way service as telegraph operator, Illinois Central R. R. at Odin, 111., 1872-74; clerk in freight office, Evansville & Terre Haute R. R. at Vincennes, 1874-77, chief clerk to general freight agent at Evansville, Ind., 1877-79; agent at Vincennes, 1879-82, traveling freight agent, 1882-83, same road; general agent same road and Chicago & Eastern Illinois R. R. at Terre Haute, Ind., 1883-91; general passenger agent Evansville & Terre Haute R. R., Evans ville & Indianapolis and Louisville, Evansville & St. Louis Consolidated railroads, and Peoria, Decatur & Evansville Ry., 1891-93; general freight and passenger agent Louisville, Ev ansville & St. Louis Consolidated R. R. and Peoria, Decatur & Evansville Ry., 1893-94; general freight and passenger agent Louis ville, Evansville & St. Louis Consolidated Ry., 1894 to Jan. 1, 1901; assistant general freight agent Southern Ry., Jan. 1, 1901-Jan. 1, 1908; since general freight agent. Also from Mar. 1, 1905, to Mar. 1, 1910, manager Asheville Line Routes, at St. Louis. Republican. Methodist. Mason (32°, Scottish Rite), Knight Templar, Shriner (Moolah Temple). Member American Association of Freight Traffic Officers. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Mercantile, St. Louis Rail way, The Traffic of St. Louis, The Traffic of Chicago. Office: Chemical Bldg. Residence: 5457 Von Versen Ave. THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 105 CAMPBELL, Robert Scott, pianos; 1861- 1909; see Vol. 1906. CAMPBELL, Romey George; see Vol. 1906. CAMPBELL, Stuart, vice president and treasurer the Campbell Iron Co.; born, St. Louis, 1883; son of Charles and Emma J. (Webster) Campbell; educated public schools, and Manual Training School; unmarried. Be gan active career in employ of Campbell Iron Co., 1900; worked in various departments, now vice president and treasurer. Republican. Protestant. Member St. Louis Association of Credit Men. Clubs: City, Public Question. Recreation: tennis. Office: 819 Cass Ave. Resi dence: 5841 Julian Ave. CAMPBELL, Walter Taylor, fire insurance; born, Hopkinsville, Ky.; son of Edward P. and Caroline E. (Taylor) Campbell; educated' in public schools of Hopkinsville, South Kentucky College and Ferrall's Academy, Hopkinsville; unmarried. Began business ca reer in employ of the Bank of Hopkinsville, of which father was president; then was in insurance business at Kansas City, Mo., one year, and at Chicago one year, prior to 1897, when came to St. Louis and engaged in fire insurance business; since 1905 representing several companies as local and general agent. Republican. Member Civic League. Clubs: University, Noonday, City, Bellerive Country. Office: Pierce Bldg. Residence: Buckingham Hotel. CAMPFIELD, Charles Henry, fire and ma rine insurance; born, Savannah, Ga., June 23, 1836; son of Charles H. and Elizabeth Augusta (Schellmann) Campfield; educated in various schools in Savannah, Ga., and at Russell 's Mil itary Academy, New Haven, Conn.; married, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., 1857, Josephine J. Campfield (cousin) ; children: George A., Ralph E. (deceased), Clara Gihon (Mrs. W. I. Harri son). Continuously engaged in fire and marine insurance business in St. Louis since Novem ber, 1866. Agents Lloyds of London; corre spondent National Board of Marine Under writers of New York, Board of Underwriters of New York. Member St. Louis Fire Preven tion Bureau, Underwriters' Salvage Corps. Hereditary member of the Society of the Cin cinnati in the State of New Jersey, Sons of the Revolution, Military Order of Foreign Wars. Member Odd Fellows, Legion of Honor of St. Louis, Royal Arcanum. Favorite recre ations: music and books. Office: Pierce Bldg. Residence: 6974 Julian Ave. CANDY, Gilbert, merchant; born, Bath, England, Aug. 18, 1864; son of J. B. and Ase nath Candy; removed with parents to United States at age of six years; educated in public schools; resident of St. Louis since 1880; mar ried, 'St. Louis, Ida Marcum; one child: Mil dred Rosalind. ' Has been engaged in the candy business in St. Louis since 1885; was at 215 Chestnut St. until 1902 with Candy Bros. Manufacturing Co.; since 1902 manageT of the Busy Bee, retail confections. Member Civic League. Mason. Recreation: fishing. Office: 417 N. 7th St. Residence: 5927 Clemens Avenue. CANDY, William Edward, merchant; born, Burlington, la., Apr. 26, 1873; son of John B. and Asenath (Weaver) Candy; educated in Burlington (la.) public schools and Burlington Business College; married, St. Louis, Septem ber, 1902, May P. Allen; three children: Har old Weaver, Ruth Wentworth, Virginia Isa bella. Resident St. Louis since 1891, entering the Busy Bee Candy Co., and in 1903 succeed ing to present position as secretary and treas urer of the company. Recreation: fishing. Of fice: 417 N. 7th St. Residence: 5858 Etzel Avenue. CANNON, John Franklin, clergyman; born in Cabarrus Co., N. O, Jan. 3, 1851; son of John Maxwell and Eliza Deborah (Robinson) Cannon; graduated from Davidson College, North Carolina, A.B., 1869, post-graduate course, University of Virginia, 1869-70; grad uated from Union Theological Seminary, Vir ginia, 1873; (D.D., Southwestern Presbyterian University, 1888) ; married, Clarksville, Tenn., Feb. 24, 1880, Mary Lupton; children: Julia, John Franklin, Jr., Mary L. Licensed, May, 1873, ordained, October, 1873, to ministry of Presbyterian Church of the United States (Presbyterian Church, South); pastor of Presbyterian Church, Leesburg, Va., 1873-81, Shelbyville, Tenn., 1881-88; since November, 1888, pastor Grand Avenue Presbyterian Church, St. Louis. Was moderator General Assembly, Presbyterian Church of the United States, 1899. Democrat. Address: 3540 Pine Street. CANNON, Thomas Doherty, .lawyer; born, Killybegs, County Donegal, Ireland, Feb. 14, 1866; son of Patrick and Bridget (Doherty) Cannon; educated in National School of na tive town until sixteenth year, also by uncle, Rev. Francis B. Cannon, and at Jones Commer cial College, St. Louis, and St. Louis Law School; married, 1908, Marguerite Carroll, of Norfolk, Va. Landed at Castle Garden a few days after sixteenth birthday; first employed in Western Union Telegraph Co. 's office at Union City, Ind., as messenger, May 1, 1882; learned telegraphy in odd moments; admitted to bar, June, 1895, St. Louis Circuit Court, and since engaged in practice. Member fac ulty St. Louis University Institute of Law. Member St. Louis Bar Association, Law Li brary Association, St. Louis. Catholic. Repub lican. Member Young Men's Sodality of St. Louis University. Club: City. Office: Suite 418-419 Liggett Bldg. Residence: 5092 Ken sington Ave. CAPEN, Charles Pond, president Capen Belting and Rubber Co.; born, St. Louis, Dec. 4, 1877; son of George D. and Frances Isa- 106 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS bella (Pond) Capen: educated in Smith Acad emy, St. Louis, St. Paul's School, Concord, N. H., and Yale University, A.B., 1900; mar ried,. St. Louis, January, 1904, Clara Stegall; twin children: Frances Wentwoi'th and Laura Weldon. Since 1900 engaged in business in St. Louis; about 1903 was elected president and manager of Capen Belting and Rubber Co., distributers of belting, mechanical rubber goods, engine packings and fire protection. Member Civic League. Mason (Blue Lodge, Chapter, Commandery and Shrine). Clubs: City, Kings Lake Hunting and Fishing. Office: cor. Main and Chestnut Sts. Residence: 4701 Westminster Place. CAPEN, George Henry, insurance; born, St. Louis, Sept. 3, 1868; son of George D. and Frances Isabella (Pond) Capen; educated at Smith Academy, St. Louis, and Yale Univer sity, class of 1890, and St. Louis Law School; married, Cairo, 111., Nov. 7, 1893, Lila Halli- day; children: Lila, Esther Halliday. Ad mitted to St. Louis bar in 1892, then entered fire insurance office of George D. Capen & Co. and in same year became a partner in the firm and so continues. Also director H. L. Halli day Milling Co., of Cairo, 111. Member Mer chants' Exchange. Republican. Clubs: St. Louis, Noonday. Office: Fierce Bldg. Resi dence: 4920 McPherson Ave. CAPEN, Samuel Davis, fire insurance; born, St. Louis, Mar. 28, 1863; son of George D. and Frances Isabella (Pond) Capen; educated at Smith Academy, St. Louis; graduated from Yale University, A.B., 1885, Harvard Law School, LL.B., 1888; married, Milwaukee, Wis., Sept. 24, 1890, Effie Houghton; children: Ada- line, Frances Isabel, Lucile, Samuel Davis, Jr. Was with the Phenix Insurance Co., of Brook lyn, as adjuster in Chicago office of the com pany, 1888-93; removed to St. Louis, 1893, and in the same year became member of firm of George D. Capen & Co., general fire insur ance agents and brokers. Also president Capen Motor Car Co.; director Boatmen's Bank. Member Merchants ' Exchange, Business Men 's League. Republican. Presbyterian. Clubs: St. Louis, Noonday, Racquet, Automobile. Office: 1406 Pierce Bldg. Residence: Wentworth Ter race, Clayton, Mo. CAPLAN, Leo, physician; born, Kovno, Russia, May 27, 1865; son of Benjamin and Mary Caplan; educated in public and high schools in Russia, and University of Vienna, Austria, M.D., 1891; married, Vienna, 1892, Julia Levinson. Came to St. Louis from Aus tria, November, 1893, and has since engaged in practice in this city. Member St. Louis Med ical Society, Missouri State Medical Associa tion, American Medical Association, Academy of Laryngology and Otology. Club: Missouri Athletic. Office: 4500 Olive St. Residence: 5224 Delmar Ave. CARD, Edward Albert, superintendent St. Louis City Rescue Mission; born, Windsor, Nova Scotia, Oct. 16, 1852; son of Charles William and Caroline (Dymond) Card; edu cated in common schools to fifteen; married, Chicago, Dec. 24, 1876, Mary Alice Mills; three children: Clarence William, George Dymond, Olive Caroline (Mrs. S. Edgar Cope, of Spring field, Mo.). Began business career as a boy on his father's boat at Windsor, Nova Scotia, as a fisherman, continuing until twenty years of age; came to United States July 5, 1872; first position was with John Featherstone 's foun dry company, of Chicago, 1872-73; then with W. C. Ritchie, paper box manufacturer, 1873- 76; entered employ of United States Express Co., first as porter, later conductor on wagon service, then solicitor at Chicago, 1876-1902. Promoted to general agent United States Ex press Co. at St. Louis, 1902; resigned, 1903, to become superintendent of the St. Louis City Rescue Mission. Republican. Member Meth odist Church, South. Member Garden City Lodge No. 141, A. F. & A. M., Chicago. Club: Masonic. Recreation: attending annual meet ing of the Bible Conference at Winona Lake, Ind. Office: 616 Morgan St. Residence: 4265 Cleveland Ave. CARL, Otto, lawyer; born, Havana, HI., Mar. 1, 1859; son of August and Martha (Martin) Carl; educated in public schools, Havana; B.S., Notre Dame University, 1878; student Harvard Law School; LL.B., Washing ton University Law School, 1880; married, St. Louis, about 1892, Sadie Flint; children: Lora and Carl, Jr. Admitted to bar, 1880, and since continuously in practice. Democrat; active worker in politics and has been candidate of party for judge of Court of Criminal Correc tion, and also for circuit attorney. Mason. Clubs: Million Population, Good Fellowship (of King's Highway Presbyterian Church). Office: 318 N. 8th St. Residence: 5745 Clem ens Ave. CARLETON, Jesse L., wholesale dry goods; born, Cumberland, Md., Aug. 20, 1862; son of Henry Dunlap and Mary Ellen (Boogher) Carleton; educated in public schools and Nor mal School, Cumberland; married, St. Louis, Feb. 27, 1895, Sarah M. Legat; one daughter: Frances Ellen. Came from farm in Cumber land, Md., in 1883, at age of 20, and took posi tion of stock clerk in print department of J. H. Wear, Boogher Dry Goods Co., of which became a director in 1895, continuing as di rector with that corporation and its' successor, the Carleton Dry Goods Co. (to which it changed, December, 1899) to the present time. Began as traveling salesman in 1887 in Indian Territory, and later in Oklahoma' and a por tion of Texas, and now has three other sales men connected with him in that territory. Also director Curlee Clothing Co. Southern Methodist. Mason (32°), Knight Templar, THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 107 Shriner. Clubs: Glen Echo Country (presi dent), St. Louis, Mercantile, Bellerive Coun try, Normandie Golf, St. Louis Country, Rac quet, Sunset Hill Country, Noonday, Aero. Recreation: golf. Office: Carleton Dry Goods Co. Residence: 484 Lake Ave. CARLETON, John, president Carleton Cloth ing Co.; born, Ederny Co., Fermaugh, Ire land, June 2, 1868; son of John and Isabella (Maguire) Carleton; attended the Black Bog National School, Ederny Co., Fermaugh, 1875- 86; later took an academic course in the Model School, Omagh Co., Tyrone, graduating Dec. 1, 1888; married, St. Louis, Feb. 17, 1898, Helen Cahill; three children: Helen M., John J. and William P. Arrived in America Mar. 20, 1890; was secretary and general manager of the McGuire Clothing Co., St. Louis, 1892- 1905; organized the Carleton Clothing Co., Dee. 1, 1905, and has since been its president and treasurer. Republican. Roman Catholic. Recreations: hunting and fishing. Offices: 823- 825 Washington Ave. Residence: 1391 Temple Place. CARLETON, Murray, wholesale dry goods merchant; born, Cumberland, Md., Sept. 1, 1852; son of Henry D. and Mary Ellen (Boo gher) Carleton; educated in common schools, and later one year high school; married, St. Louis, June 26, 1884, Annie Laurie Hays; children: Murray, Jr., Susan Rebekah, Alex andria, Ruth, Dorcas, Hope Dunlap, Esther Mayne, Patricia, Annie Laurie. Entered of fice of Alleghanian (newspaper), Cumberland, Md., at thirteen years; worked, at printing- business for five years; then attended high school one year; came to St. Louis, July, 1873; entered employ of Henry Bell & Son, wholesale dry goods, first as an employe at $25 per month, and has continued with same house and its successors ever since — J. H. Wear, Boogher & Co., Wear & Boogher Dry Goods Co., and Carleton Dry Goods Co., of which is now president. Vice president Boat men's Bank; director United Railways Co., Laclede Gas Co., Mississippi Valley Trust Co., Title Guarantee Trust Co., and one of the trustees of the Robert Barnes Estate. Mem ber Merchants' Exchange, Business Men's League. Member M. E. Church, South. Trustee Y. M. C. A. Clubs: Log Cabin, Noonday, St. Louis, St. Louis Country, Glen Echo, Com mercial. Office: Washington Ave and 12th St. Residence: 4511 Lindell Ave. (after Oct. 1, 1912). *CARLIN, James L. D., business manager; now living in New York; see Vol. 1906. *CARLISLE, Samuel Stewart, grain dealer; moved to Omaha, Neb.; see Vol. 1906. CARMACK, Frank Owen; see Vol. 1906. CARPENTER, Abram Miller; 1834-1907; see Vol. 1906. CARPENTER, George Oliver, resident man ager National Lead Co.; born, Wakefield, Mass., Feb. 17, 1852; son of George Oliver and Maria J. (Emerson) Carpenter; educated Park Latin School and English High School, Boston, and special course, 1869-70, in Massa chusetts Institute of Technology; married, Boston, Apr. 7, 1880, Caroline G. Greeley; chil dren: George Oliver, Jr., Kenneth Greeley. Came to St. Louis, 1870, and began business career with St. Louis Lead and Oil Co. as entry clerk; filled, successively, all office posi tions, also chemical work in the laboratory and assistant superintendent of works; was made secretary of the company in 1876, and later vice president, and president in 1890. National Lead Co. was formed in 1891, pur chasing St. Louis Lead and Oil Co., Collier White Lead and Oil Co. and Southern White Lead Co. (all of St. Louis) and other concerns elsewhere; since that time in charge of the business of the company at St. Louis, and director National Lead Co. Vice president St. Louis Smelting and Refining Co.; director Na tional Bank of Commerce, Commonwealth Trust Co. (member executive committee.) Re publican. Was adjutant St. Louis National Guard, captain Co. C, same, and colonel First Regiment, Missouri National Guard, 1880-81. President St. Louis Public Library. Member board of directors Washington University, board of control Manual Training School. Uni tarian. Clubs: St. Louis, Noonday, Univer sity, Country, Commercial, Round Table. Rec reation: traveling. Office: Liggett Bldg. Resi dence: 12 Portland PI. CARPENTER, George Oliver, Jr., con tractor; born, St. Louis, Aug. 24, 1881; son of George Oliver and Caroline Gilman (Greeley) Carpenter; educated in Lachmund School, St. Louis; Volkmann School, Boston; Harvard University, A.B., 1902; married, Deephaven, Minn., February, 1911, Mary Douglas, of St. , Louis. In general insurance business with firm of W. H. Markham & Co. until Mar. 1, 1910; since secretary Unit Construction Co. Repub lican. Clubs: Noonday, University, City, St. Louis Country. Office: 801 Liggett Bldg. Resi dence: 5153 Waterman Ave. CARPENTER, James Burton, business man ager; born, Dixon, Lee Co., 111., Sept. 10, 1842; son of Burton and Mary P. (Richards) Car penter; educated, public and private schools of Griggsville, Pike Co., 111.; married, Perry, Pike Co., Apr. 24, 1866, Delia Ayres; six chil dren: Charles D. (deceased), Mary C. (Mrs. W. W. Howell), Maude (Mrs. I. P. Younglove), Nellie R. (Mrs. A. J. Austin), Clara L. (Mrs. J. M. Tompsett) and Fred Green. Was con nected with the United States claim agency, February, 1866- April, 1867; teller and assist ant cashier First National Bank, Knoxville, Tenn., until April, 1870; appointed manager for Singer Manufacturing Co., Nashville and .108 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS Memphis, Tenn., 1870, so continuing until July, 1885; since manager wholesale depart ment same company, at St. Louis. Enlisted August, 1862, in Co. B, 103d Regiment, Ohio Volunteers; commissioned first lieutenant, First Tennessee Artillery, Sept. 17, 1863; ord nance officer, Fourth Division Cavalry Corps, first part of 1864; then with Governor's Guard of Tennessee until resigned to enter business, February, 1865. Democrat. Member Loyal Le gion, Royal Arcanum. Author: History of the Burton Carpenter Family, 1785 to 1907. Rec reation: billiards. Office: Room 1018 Holland Bldg. Residence: 4403 Morgan St. CARPENTER, James M., real estate; de ceased; see Vol. 1906. CARPENTER, Wilbur Marvin, M.D.; see Vol. 1906. CARPENTER, William Guy, lawyer; born, Macoupin Co., 111., Dee. 20, 1872; son of Nor man C. and Sophia (Benion) Carpenter; se cured common and high school education and then attended the State Normal School, Nor mal, 111., later becoming a student at Univer sity of Chicago; matriculated in St. Louis Law School (Washington University), grad uating with degree of LL.B., 1901; married, St. Louis, Feb. 1, 1905, Josephine Wilcox; two children: Frank Leland and Dorothy. Ad mitted to Missouri bar, 1901, and has since engaged in general practice at St. Louis. In dependent in politics. Presbyterian. Club: City. Recreation: outdoor diversions. Office: Security Bldg. Residence: 7413 Murdoek Ave. CARR, Alfred Chambers, fire underwriter; born, St. Louis, Jan. 12, 1870; son of Alfred and Angelica Charlotta (Yeatman) Carr; edu cated in public schools of St! Louis and Wash ington University; married, Austin, Tex., Jan. 2, 1900, Maud E. Bremond; one son: Alfred Chambers, Jr. With father in real estate busi ness until Mar. 1, 1894, when with brother Charles Yeatman Carr, engaged under firm name of Carr Brothers, in fire insurance agency business, as representative of several strong companies. Democrat. Member Mer chants' Exchange. Recreation: outdoor diver sions. Office: 204 N. Third St. Residence: 5719 Cabanne Ave. CARR, Charles Yeatman, insurance under writer; born, Glencoe, Mo., Sept. 18, 1872; son of Alfred and Angelica Charlotta (Yeatman) Carr; educated at Smith Academy, St. Louis, and at Eastman College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., graduating 1891; married, St. Louis, Mar. 15, 1899, Virginia Scudder. Has been engaged in the insurance business since Jan. 3, 1893, and since Mar. 1, 1894, has with Alfred Carr, con ducted the insurance agency of Carr Brothers. President Yeatman Realty Co.; secretary and general manager Manufacturers ' Equipment Co.; director United Elevator and Grain Co. Was president of Carr-McGrow Scale Co., 1901- 02. Member Merchants ' Exchange. Democrat. Episcopalian. Clubs: St. Louis, Noonday, Me- ramec Canoe, St. Francis Hunting and Fish ing. Recreations: hunting and fishing. Office: 204 N. 3d St. Residence: Glencoe, Mo. CARR, Dabney; 1831-1907; see Vol. 1906. *CARR, John H., insurance; moved to Chi cago; see Vol. 1906. CARR, Joseph Samuel, cashier Chippewa. Bank; born, Howard Co., Mo., Nov. 11, 1877; son of Dr. Washington Means and Bettie (Rice) Carr; educated in common schools and later became a student of normal school at Kirksville and at Stanberry, Mo.; unmarried. At seventeen years of age became connected with the Farmers' and Merchants' Bank, of Center, Mo., advancing to position of cashier at age of nineteen; came to St. Louis, 1906, and organized the Chippewa Bank, of which has since been cashier and member board of directors. Democrat. Member Christian (Dis ciples) Church. Mason; member Knights of Pythias, B. P. O. Elks. Clubs: St. Louis, Mer cantile, Liederkranz, Bankers'. Recreation: hunting. Office: 3801 S. Broadway. Residence: 3635 Humphrey St. CARR, Peyton T., president Kehlor Flour Mills Co.; born, St. Louis, Nov. 24, 1864; son of Alfred and Angelica C. (Yeatman) Carr; educated in public schools, Smith Academy and Washington University, graduating in first class in the Manual Training School of the university; married, St. Louis, Nov. 15, 1893, Josephine Kehlor; three children: James Kehlor, Peyton T., Jr., Jessie Josephine. Be gan active career in machine shops of Frisco Ry., continuing for two years; then joined father in real estate business as junior part ner of the firm; elected vice president and general manager Citizens Insurance Co. of Missouri, 1895, remaining with the company until sold out to Hartford Insurance Co. of Connecticut in 1898; president United Ele vator and Grain Co., March, 1900-Sept. 17, 1907; president Kehlor Flour Mills Co. since 1906, plant having a capacity of 3,000 barrels per day. Member St. Louis Merchants' Ex change, Business Men's League. Democrat. Episcopalian. Clubs: St. Louis, Noonday, St. Louis Country, Bellerive, Racquet, City. Rec reations: golf and motoring. Office: 402 Cham ber of Commerce. Residence: 62 Vandeventer Place. CARR, Thomas Percy, lawyer; born, Han nibal, Mo., Mar. 27, 1871; son of Judge James and Mary (Hardy) Carr; graduated St. Louis High School, 1889; St. Louis University, A.B., 1891; St. Louis Law School (Washington Uni versity), LL.B., 1892; married, Cripple Creek, Colo., July 15, 1902, Zola Tucker; one daugh ter: Eleanor. Began practice, 1892, member of law firm of Carr & Carr, continuing two years; member of firm of Martin, Bass & Carr, 1894- THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 109 95; again member of Carr & Carr, since 1896. Member St. Louis Bar Association, St. Louis Law Library Association. Democrat. Presby terian; president board of trustees Richmond Heights Presbyterian Church. Served three years, in Co. G, First Regiment, National Guard of Missouri (Branch Guards), 1892-95. Recreation: horseback riding. Office: Roe Bldg., 510 Pine St. Residence: Bellevue Ave. and Arlington Boul., Richmond Heights. CARROLL, John Bryce, lawyer; born, St. Louis, Sept. 13, 1870; son of Capt. John W. and Belle (Castleman) Carroll; educated in Stoddard School, Foster's Academy, Manual Training School and Benton College of Law; married, Kansas City, Mo., June 12, 1895, Mary I. Baltz; children: John Bryce, Lee Grant. Engaged in general practice of law in St. Louis since May, 1899, with Lee W. Grant and Pierre B. Kennedy, in law firm of Grant, Carroll & Kennedy. Democrat. Presbyterian. Office: Carleton Bldg. Residence: St. Louis Co. CARROLL, John Haydock, lawyer; born in Erie Co., N. Y., June 27, 1857; son of Michael and Margaret Carroll; educated in Quaker schools in Ohio, 1880; married, Lynchburg, 0., 1880, Priseilla Woodrow1; children: John H., Jr., Frances M. Admitted to Ohio bar, Decem ber, 1880, and to Missouri bar at Unionville, Mo., 1881; engaged in practice ever since; was prosecuting attorney of Putnam Co., Mo., 1883-89; since 1899 in practice in St. Louis; now general attorney for the Chicago, Bur lington & Quincy R. R. Co., Northern Pacific Ry. Co. and the Great Northern Ry. Co. Also president of the Vinsonhaler Shoe Co., whole sale dealers in fine shoes. Democrat; was col onel on the staff of Governor D. R. Francis. Delegate to Democratic National conventions, 1888 and 1900; alternate-at-large to the Demo cratic National Convention, 1892, and has been delegate to many state conventions. Member Missouri State Bar Association. Ma son (32°). Clubs: Cabanne, St. Louis Field, Glen Echo Country, Mercantile, St. Louis, Noonday. Office: New National Bank of Com merce Bldg. Residence: 5465 Delmar Boul. CARROLL, Joseph Charles, retired; born, New York City, Mar. 25, 1847; son of John and Mary (Farrell) Carroll; educated in Rhode Island public schools; married, George town, D. C, Feb. 10, 1874, Eleanor Agatha Simms; six children: Joseph O, Jr., John H., Andrew J., Agnes M. (Mrs. Thomas D. Can non), M. Eleanora, Ruth. Was business man ager of the Evening News, Norfolk, Va., also engaged in the real estate and insurance busi ness there. Elected supreme trustee, Catholic Knights of America, 1891, supreme secretary, 1895-1901; removed to St. Louis from Nor folk, Va., 1900; elected, 1901, and reelected, July, 1905, supreme treasurer, Catholic Knights of America, so continuing until 1909, when retired. Catholic. Residence: 5642 Ma ple Ave. CARROLL, Winfield S., president Forbes Bros. Tea & Spice Co.; born, Dayton, O., June 15, 1848; son of John Carroll; public school education; married, Aug. 11, 1886, Miss Lizzie A. McDonald, of Boston, Mass. (who died Mar. 10, 1911). Began as a traveling salesman, at St. Louis, 1878; became connected with Forbes Bros. Tea and Spice Co., 1878, of which was vice president, 1911-12; president since January, 1912. Independent Republican. Protestant. Member United Commercial Trav elers' Association. Office: 112-116 Locust St. Residence: 4125 McPherson Ave. CARSON, Gibbon William, physician; born in Washington Co., Mo., July 8, 1854; son of James A. and Mary H. (Wingo) Carson; edu cated in public schools of Washington Co., Mo.; Bellevue College, Caledonia, Mo., 1872; Westminster College, Fulton, Mo., A.B., 1874 (Se.D., 1903); Missouri Medical College, St. Louis, M.D., 1878; married, Fulton, Mo., Oct. 2, 1879, Bettie N. King; one son: Gibbon King Carson (died in infancy). Assistant in City Hospital and Asylum, City Dispensary physi cian and secretary of Board of Health, 1878- 85. Engaged in general practice in St. Louis from graduation. Member American Medical Association, Missouri State Medical Associa tion, St. Louis Medical Society, Missouri Med ical College Alumni Association, Westminster College Alumni. Democrat. Trustee Grand Avenue Presbyterian Church. Mason; Past Master Blue Lodge, Past Grand 'High Priest Royal Arch Chapter, Past Illustrious Master, Past Master Royal and Select Masters, Past Grand Commander Knights Templar. Recrea tion: baseball. Office: 301 Century Bldg. Res idence: 4104 W. Pine Boul. CARSON, Norman Bruce, physician; born, Somerset, Pa., Nov. 9, 1844; son of James O. and Barbara (Bruce) Carson; educated in pri vate schools, Washington University and St. Louis Medical College, M.D., 1868; married, St. Louis, Apr. 23, 1888, Susan Reese Glas gow; one son, William B. Since graduation, March, 1868, continuously engaged in general practice of medicine and surgery in St. Louis. Member American Surgical Association, Amer ican Genito-Urological Association, Interna tional Surgical Association, St. Louis Surgical Society, American Medical Association, Mis souri State Medical Association, St. Louis Medical Society. Club: University. Recrea tions: hunting and fishing. Office: Humboldt Bldg. Residence: 4379 Westminster PI. CARTER, Charles Haynie, real estate and building; born, Como, Panola Co., Miss., Dee. 27, 1860; son of Richard Thomas and Sarah J. (Gilchrist) Carter; educated in private schools, Panola Co., to 1876; married, -St. Louis, June 5, 1906. After leaving school as- 110 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS sisted on plantations until 1882. Began active career at Fort Smith, Ark., and points in Texas, engaging in real estate business, 1882- 85; then purchased timber lands and operated saw mill in partnership with his brother-in- law, W. C. Swoope, of Memphis, Tenn., in Lin coln and Desha counties, Ark., 1885-90; with E. E. Meacham conducted real estate business at Memphis, Tenn., 1890-93; removed to St. Louis, June 1, 1893, and dissolved partner ship, 1896. Conducted general realty and building alone until 1903; partner in firm of Carter-Cowen-Evers Realty Co., 1903-06; treas urer Fraternal Home Hotel Co. during World 's Fair, 1903-05; organized Como Realty, Finan cial & Building Co., 1906, and subdivided and sold tract called King's Heights; now owner Shirley Hills and Maple Place subdivisions, doing business as Charles H. Carter. Member St. Louis Real Estate Exchange. Democrat. Episcopalian. Member Knights of Pythias, Knights of Khorassan, Mississippi Society of St. Louis. Recreations: automobiling and hunting. Office: 309 Liggett Bldg. Residence: 913 Bayard Ave. CARTER, Edwin Farnham, business man ager; born, Farmington, Mo., May 24, 1877; son of William and Maria (Mcllvaine) Car ter; graduated St. Louis Manual Training School, 1875; Washington University; mar ried, St. Louis, May 12, 1906, Mary Ida Bull; children: Edwin F., Jr., Jesse Mel. Employed July, 1910, by Bell Telephone Co. of Missouri, at St. Louis, and served, successively, as in spector and chief clerk in construction de partment, solicitor in right of way depart ment, St. Louis canvassing agent for long distance lines, contract agent and commercial manager; resigned, May 15, 1911, and entered employ of Eames & Young, architects, as gen eral business manager. Member American So ciety Engineering Contractors, Phi Delta Theta fraternity. Clubs: Noonday, St. Louis, City, Missouri Athletic. Recreations: litera ture and walking. Office: 1702 Wright Bldg. Residence: 3955 Connecticut Ave. CARTER, Howard, physician; born at Monkstown, County Antrim, Ireland, July 5, 1858; son of John T. and Grace (Larkin) Car ter; early education in public schools in Eng land, and Roxbury High School, Boston, Mass.; M.D., Beaumont Hospital Medical Col lege, St. Louis, 1893; post-graduate work at Johns Hopkins Medical School, Baltimore, un der Dr. Osier, 1901; unmarried. Commercial traveler for wholesale dry goods house of Boston for ten years before taking medical course. Spent one year in St. Louis City Hos pital, and five months in St. Louis Female Hospital; was appointed milk inspector by Mayor Walbridge, coroner's physician under Dr. R. M. Funkhouser, 1900-04; since 1899, en gaged in private practice at Webster Groves, specializing in internal medicine. Member St. Louis County Medical Society, Medical So ciety of City Hospital Alumni. Scottish Rite Mason; Master of the Kadosh, 1910-11. Office and Residence: Webster Groves, Mo. CARTER, John Scott, real estate; born, St, Louis, Aug. 1, 1871; son of Frank and Fannie Stone (Scott) Carter; educated in Smith Academy, St. Louis, and in University of Vir ginia, 1890-91; married, St. Louisj Nov. 5, 1896, Josephine H. Lane; children: John Scott, Jr., and Frances Lane. Engaged in real estate business as member of firm of Carter & McLanahan, 1891-96; with McNair & Har ris, real estate, 1896-1902; real estate officer Germania Trust Co., September, 1902, to Feb ruary, 1904; real estate officer Commonwealth Trust Co., February, 1904, to August, 1905; now treasurer and director McNair & Harris Realty Co., real estate and financial agents. Independent in polities. Episcopalian. Club: Racquet. Office: 8th and Locust Sts. Resi dence: 4944 Lindell Boul. CARTER, Lemuel Ray, grain broker; born, Mexico, Mo., July 29, 1874; son of T. W. and Mary L. (Lupton) Carter; graduated from Stoddard (public) School, 1883, Smith Acad emy, 1894; Ph.B., Sheffield Scientific School, Yale University, 1897; married, St. Louis, 1902, May Dillon; children: Elizabeth, Mary and Margaret (twins). In business as grain broker since 1897. Member St. Louis Mer chants' Exchange. Methodist. Clubs: St. Louis Country, Racquet, City. Office: Pierce Bldg. Residence: 5041 Waterman Ave. CARTER, Thomas Bailey; see Vol. 1906. CARTER, Thomas Whitman, grain commis sion; born in Callaway Co., Mo., Feb. 28, 1849; son of Lemuel and Clarinda (Hisey) Carter; educated at State University of Missouri; married, Mexico, Mo., Oct. 8, 1870, Mary Lou ise Lupton; children: Lemuel R., Clayton Le- Roy, Clara Louise (Mrs. John W. Higgins, of Worcester, Mass.), Thomas W., Jr. After leav ing university taught school, farmed, and was county surveyor ,of Audrain Co., six years; civil engineer for two years; in mercantile business at Mexico, Mo., for several years; in grain business as member of firm of Carter & Hisey; came to St. Louis, 1881, was with Bil- lingsley & Nanson (commission) two years; member of Fraley-Carter Commission Co., 1883-88, Carter & Bowman, 1888-98; since 1898 in business alone. Director Schultz Belt ing Co. Member St. Louis Merchants' Ex change. Episcopalian. Clubs: Commercial, St. Louis, St. Louis Country. Recreations: golf, fishing and hunting. Office: 313-316 Pierce Bldg. Residence: 5 Portland PI. CARTER, William Francis, banker, lawyer; born, Farmington, Mo., Oct. 30, 1867; son of William and Maria (Mcllvaine) Carter; edu cated in public schools at Farmington, Mo.; Smith Academy, St. Louis, 1882-86; Law, De- THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 111 partment of University of Michigan, LL.B., 1890; married, Ferguson, Mo., Nov. 15, 1893, Grace Thoroughman; two children: Emmet Thoroughman and Martha Wright. Continu ously engaged in practice of law since 1890; from Jan. 1, 1893, until his death, Dec. 25, 1896, was in partnership with late Thomas Thoroughman under firm name of Thorough- man & Carter; from Dec. 1, 1897, until Jan. 1, 1905, was in partnership with Arthur N. Sager (former circuit attorney) as Carter & Sager; then senior member of "Carter, Col lins, Jones & Barker (Charles Cummings Col lins, William T. Jones and Harry C. Barker) ; now vice president Mercantile Trust Co., Mer cantile National Bank. Member American and Missouri State Bar associations. Republican. Mason and Odd Fellow. Club: Noonday. Of fices: 721 Locust St. and Third National Bank Bldg. Residence: 5846 Cabanne Ave. CARTON, De Smet, bond and stock broker; born, St. Louis, Sept. 28, 1882; son of John F. and Helen A. (Benoist) Carton and descended on maternal side of ancestry dating back to time of Louis XIV, France; educated at St. Vincent ,'s Seminary, St. Louis University, and Manual Training School; married Dorothy Shapleigh, of St. Louis, Feb. 28, 1911; one son: Benoist. Was with National Bank of Commerce, 1900-05, since in bond and broker age business. Member Missouri Historical So ciety. Club: St. Louis Country. Recreation: golf. Office: 502, 509 Olive St. Residence: 19 N. Taylor St. CARTON, J. Benoist, broker in stocks and bonds; born, Utica, N. Y., July 10, 1878; son of John F. and Helen A. (Benoist) Carton; educated in St. Louis University, Smith Acad emy, and Cornell University; married, Kansas City, Mo., 1901, Julia Fay Hurt; children: Julia Fay, Helen Benoist and Mary Elizabeth. Began business career with A. G. Edwards & Co., and was afterward for four years with the St. Louis Union Trust Co., in various ca pacities, until November, 1904, then with Tracy & Co., as bond man, until Feb. 1, 1906; since member firm of Carton & Carton, stock brokers. Member St. Louis Stock Exchange. Member Delta Chi Chapter of Delta Kappa Epsilon. Roman Catholic. Clubs: Noonday, Bellerive Country. Recreations: motoring and aquatic sports. Office: 502 La Salle Bldg. Res idence: 4328 Westminster PI. CARTWRIGHT, Hugh Francis, first vice president The Banner Buggy Co. ; born, Collier- ville, Tenn., June 11, 1877; son of Monroe Giddings and Laura (Cross) Cartwright; edu cated in Collierville College and under pri vate tutelage; married, Mexico, Mo., Oct. 2, 1909, Stella Robertson; one daughter: Mariella Robertson. At the age of twenty became con nected with The Banner Buggy Co., manufac turers of vehicles, with which has since been continuously identified; passed through vari ous positions and is now vice president and general manager of the company. Member St. Louis Manufacturers' and Exporters' Associa tion, (executive board), Business Men's League. Democrat. Presbyterian. Member Masonic Order. Club: Missouri Athletic. Rec reations: hunting, fishing, tennis and all out door sports. Office: Main and Rutger Sts. Residence: 5649 Cabanne Ave. CASE, Clarence Theodore, lawyer; born, Chillicothe, Mo., Feb. 11, 1874; son of Henry and Matilda (Hoffman) Case; graduated from Chillicothe High School, 1892; attended Aca demic Department of Missouri State Univer sity, 1893-94; principal Second Ward School, Chillicothe, 1895-97; student St. Louis Law School, 1897-99, LL.B., 1899; married, Kirk wood, Mo., Sept. 16, 1907, Alice M. Kitchen; one son: Theodore Jackson. In practice of law at St. Louis since June, 1899. Member St. Louis Bar Association, St. Louis Law Library Association. Republican. Episcopalian. Ma son. Clubs: Mercantile, City, Public Question. Recreation: books. Office: Third National Bank Bldg. Residence: 5914 Clemens Ave. CASE, Willard; see Vol. 1906. CASEY, John Patrick, manufacturer; born, St. Louis, Apr. 4, 1874; son of John and Ellen (Brown) Casey; educated in St. Louis public schools to 1885; took electrical engi neering course, International Correspondence School, Scranton, Pa.; married, St. Louis, June 15, 1902, Mary E. Durkin; five children: John P., Jr., James, Ellen, Joseph and Marie. In employ Edison Electric Co., 1886-88; with Porter Electric Construction Co., 1888-90 ; with stock and sales department Southern Electric Supply Co., 1890-92; with St. Louis Electric Supply Co., 1892-94. Engaged with different contractors as inside wireman, 1894-96; super intendent construction with Singer Auto Fire Alarm Co., 1896-98; then city and traveling salesman St. Louis Electric Supply Co., 1898- 1901; traveling salesman, and subsequently sales manager Commercial Electric Supply Co., 1901-11; sales manager Maloney Electric Co., 1911-12; now president and general manager Eddy Arc Lamp Windlass Co., manufacturers, and vice president Guarantee Electric Co. Democrat. Catholic. Member Knights of Co lumbus. Office: 816 Spruce St. Residence: 223 Cedar St., Webster Groves, Mo. CASH, Laurence Erskine; see Vol. 1906. CASPARI, Charles Edward, chemist; born, Baltimore, Apr. 9, 1875; son of Charles and Leslie (Heinichen) Caspari; educated in pub lic schools of Baltimore, and Johns Hopkins University, degree of B.A., 1896, Ph.D., 1900; married, Baltimore, 1903, Emilie Ganz; three children: Florence L., Charles E., Jr., Emilie C. Instructor in chemistry, Columbia Univer sity, New York, 1900-1901; research chemist, Mallinckrodt Chemical Works, St. Louis, 1901- 113 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 03; professor chemistry, St. Louis College of Pharmacy, since 1903; chief chemist Meyer Bros. Drug Co. since 1904. Co-editor Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. Member American Chemical Society, Ameri can Pharmaceutical Association. Democrat. Unitarian. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, City (St. Louis), Chemists' (New York). Office: 2108 Locust St. Residence: 4060 Westminster PI. CASTLEMAN, Ben Tompkins, lawyer; see Vol. 1906. CATES, John Mullanphy, real estate; born, St. Louis, Feb. 11, 1864; son of Joseph Byron and Catherine Jane (Clemens) Cates; grad uated St. Louis University, 1883; attended St. Mary's (Kan.) College and Georgetown Col lege (Washington, D. C); married, St. Louis, Oct. 11, 1886, Elizabeth Patterson La Motte; children: Joseph Byron (deceased), John La Motte, Lucille Mullanphy (Mrs. Francis P. Hardaway), Kathleen Glendower, Joseph Sou- lard, Edith Elizabeth, Harriet Lane. After leaving college was ranching in West Texas, then came to St. Louis and engaged in real es tate business, Apr. 15, 1890, as partner in the firm of Giraldin Bros. & Cates until Oct. 1, 1905, when the firm was dissolved; since in business alone as real estate and financial agent under the firm name of J. Mullanphy Cates & Co.; ex-president of the Mullanphy Emigrant Relief Fund; director of the Trust Co. of St. Louis Co. Member St. Louis Real Estate Exchange. Member Missouri Council Knights of Columbus; ex-president Alumni Association of St. Louis University. Catholic. Democrat. Club: Noonday. Favorite recrea tions: hunting, fishing and golf. Office: 216 Wain wright Bldg. Residence: 4280 Washing ton Ave. Summer Residence: Normandy, Mo. CATHEY, James D., manufacturer; born near Columbia, Tenn., Sept. 4, 1872; son of James R. and Laura C. (Sowell) Cathey; self- educated; married, Newport, Ky., 1899, Louise W. Helm. Was engaged with brothers in lum ber business in Western Tennessee until 1891, when came to St. Louis to enter the buggy business. In 1893 went to Columbus, O., to en ter employ of Russell E. Gardner; returned to St. Louis with him when he moved his vehicle manufacturing industries to this city in 1897; with him as general manager of sales and ad vertising until 1907; since president Regal Buggy Co. Mason. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, St. Louis Chess. Recreations: fishing and chess. Office: 1700 N. 11th St. Residence: 1215 Amherst Boul. CATLIN, Daniel, retired manufacturer; born, Litchfield, Conn., Sept. 5, 1837; son of Dan and Emily E. (Merwin) Catlin; eighth in direct descent from Thomas Catlin, who set tled in Connecticut from England. Came to St. Louis, 1850; educated St. Louis schools; married, St. Louis, 1872, Justina G., daughter of Henry Kayser, one of early settlers of St. Louis; children: Daniel K., Irene, Theron E., Emily (deceased). In 1859, became manager of tobacco factory established by father in 1840, which became one of the largest tobacco factories in the country; incorporated, 1876, as Catlin Tobacco Co., of which became presi dent, until, in 1898, it was merged with Amer ican Tobacco Co.; since then has devoted at tention to management of private interests, including real estate holdings, interests in banks and other important St. Louis enter prises. For over forty years director State Bank, director St. Louis Trust Co., Security Building Co.; for many years member board of directors of Art School, and has assisted materially in development of interest in art in St. Louis. Member Business Men's League. Clubs: St. Louis, University, Noonday, Com mercial. Recreation: travel. Office: 603 Se curity Bldg. Residence: 21 Vandeventer PI. CATLIN, Ephron, vice president Mechanics- American National Bank; born, Litchfield, Conn., Apr. 6, 1840; son of Dan (pioneer to bacco manufacturer in St. Louis) and Emily Esther (Merwin) Catlin; came to St. Louis in infancy, and was educated in St. Louis public schools; married, St. Louis, 1880, Camilla Kayser; children: Ephron, Emily (Mrs. Ar thur Shepley). On leaving school was appren ticed to drug business, which he followed as wholesale and retail merchant until a few years ago, when retired. Elected vice presi dent of the Mechanics-American National Bank, in 1905. Member Business Men's League. Club: St. Louis. Office: 603 Security Bldg. Residence: 15 Vandeventer PI. CATLIN, Theron Ephron, ex-congressman; born, St. Louis, 1878; son of Daniel and Jus tina G. (Kayser) Catlin; A.B., Harvard, 1899, LL.B., 1902; unmarried. Admitted to bar, 1903, and since in practice at St. Louis. Mem ber Missouri House of Representatives, 1907- 09; member Sixty-second Congress, Eleventh Missouri District, but unseated in contest, August, 1912. Republican. Clubs: St. Louis, Racquet, University, Noonday, St. Louis Coun try. Office: Security Bldg., 319 N. 4th St. Residence: 21 Vandeventer PI. CAULFIELD, Henry Stewart, judge; born, St. Louis, Dec. 9, 1873; son of John and Vir- ilda (Milburn) Caulfield; educated in public schools; St. Charles College, St. Charles, Mo.; LL.B., Law Department, Washington Univer sity, 1895; married, Fannie Alice Delano, of Cuba, Mo., 1902; three children: Elizabeth, Frances, John. Admitted to Missouri bar, 1895; practiced in St. Louis; attorney Lincoln Trust Co., 1897-1904; candidate for Congress, November, 1904; elected to Congress, Novem ber, 1906, serving 1907-09; excise commissioner City of St. Louis, April, 1909-September, 1910; since judge Court of Appeals; term expires THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 113 Jan. 1, 1913. Republican. Presbyterian. Mem ber St. Louis Bar Association, Law Library Association. Club: Mercantile. Chambers: 1707, 112 N. 4th St. Residence: 6253 Wash ington Ave. CAULFIELD, William Edward, real estate; born, St. Louis, June 28, 1871; son of John and Virilda (Milburn) Caulfield; educated in St. Louis public schools; married, St. Louis, 1892, Edith Hinman; children: William Ed ward, Jr., Hazel. Began business career in employ of J. B. M. Kpehler, and St. Louis United Grain Elevator Co., continuing until 1899; in real estate department of Lincoln Trust Co. until 1905; with D. P. Leahy Real Estate and Investment Co. until Jan. 1, 1906, when associated with A. N. Lewis in organ izing present firm of Caulfield & Lewis, real estate. Member St. Louis Real Estate Ex change, Million Population Club. Republican; elected councilman November, 1911, to fill un expired term; was chairman 11th Congres sional District. Republican Committee; mem ber board directors of Piasa Chautauqua Asso ciation. Mason (Knight Templar) ; member Royal Arcanum. Recreation: management of Chautauqua amusements. Office: 700 Chestnut St. Residence: 1399 Union Ave. CAVENDER, John Howard, Jr., sales man ager; born, St. Louis, Dec. 23, 1877; son of John Howard and Effie Hodge (Greenleaf) Cavender; grandson Gen. John S. Cavender, Civil War, 1861-65; educated in Smith Acad emy, St. Louis, to 1895; married, St. Louis, Dec. 26, 1901, Blanche Phillippi, of Crystal City, Mo.; four children: John Howard, III, Louis Phillippi, Rogers Greenleaf, Florence Phillippi. With Missouri Edison Electric Light and Power Co., 1895-96; went west on account of health. Returned to St. Louis, 1896, engaged with Chicago, Burlington & Quincy R. R., 1896-1900; resigned to become salesman for The Philip Carey Co., continuing with this company since; manager Kansas City, Mo., branch, 1901-05, Little Rock, Ark., branch, 1905-10, then St. Louis branch, which district includes Missouri and six other states. Re publican. Unitarian. Club: Glen Echo Coun try. Recreations: golf, tennis, baseball. Of fice: 24 S. Main St. Residence: 5628 Cates Avenue. CHADDOCK, Charles Gilbert, physician; born, Jonesville, Mich., Nov. 14, 1861; son of Gilbert and Anna (Sinclair) Chaddock; grad uated from public schools of Jonesville, 1878; two years' work in literary department, and graduated from Medical Department, Univer sity of Michigan, M.D., 1885; student at Uni versity of Munich, Germany, 1888-89, Univer sity of Paris, France, 1897-99; married, Buf falo, N. Y., 1890, Adelaide Gowans Macpher- son. Assistant medical superintendent North ern Michigan Asylum, 1889-92; since 1892 en gaged in practice in St. Louis as a specialist in neurology; professor of diseases of the nervous system, St. Louis University since 1892; visiting neurologist, St. Louis City Hos pital. Member American Medico-Psychological Association, American Medical Association, Missouri State Medical Association, Chicago Academy of Medicine (honorary), St. Louis Medical Society. Author of various transla tions of German medical works, a text-book on insanity, articles in works on medical juris prudence and numerous contributions to peri odical medical literature. Independent in poli tics. Office and Residence: 3705 Delmar Boul. CHAMBERLAIN, Frederick Bradley, food products and cereals; born, St. Louis, Nov. 27, 1866; son of Frederick B. and Laura Ann (Simmons) Chamberlain; educated in Smith Academy and Washington University; mar ried, St. Louis, Apr. 22, 1897, Abby W., daugh ter of J. W. Goddard. Left college in junior year, 1887, to enter the business, founded by father in 1846, as a jobber of cereals and manufacturer of food products; as brother went to Kansas City and into business there, took charge of father's establishment, and when it was incorporated, in 1901, as the F. B. Chamberlain Co., was made president (father, who founded the business, died 1897). Mem ber Merchants' Exchange (director, 1912), Business Men 's League, Civic League. Repub lican in National politics. Clubs: Contempo rary, City. Recreations: travel, athletic sports and bowling. Office: 118-124 Vine St. Resi dence: 4312 McPherson Ave. CHAMBERLIN, Edward Carter; see Vol. 1906. CHAMBERS, George C, railway official; born, Tipton, la., Apr. 29, 1865; son of Dr. Charles L. and Anne Elizabeth (Hudson) Chambers; educated in public schools of Cedar Rapids, la.; widower. For past twenty-five years has represented the passenger depart ment of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Rail way Co., successively at Cedar Rapids, la., Des Moines, Peoria, 111., and St. Louis, in capacity of clerk, traveling passenger agent, and, since July, 1905, as general agent, passenger depart ment. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Elks, St. Louis Railway, The Traffic. Office: 209 N. 7tb St. Residence: 4399 W. Pine Boul. CHAMBERS, James Henry, publisher; born, Enon Valley, Pa., Dec. 19, 1836; son of James and Nancy (Taylor) Chambers; self-educated; married, Quebec, Canada, Oct. 2, 1884, May E. Terhune; children: John R., Ethel (Mrs. Frank Boone, of Alaska), Arthur T., Leslie T. In book publishing business in St. Louis since 1860; president J. H. Chambers Publishing Co.; president Dios Chemical Co. Democrat. Presbyterian. Member Merchants' Exchange. President Pennsylvania Society of Missouri. Club: Automobile. Recreations: fishing, hunt ing, traveling. Office: 2940 Locust St. Resi dence: 5001 Waterman Ave. 114 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS CHAMBERS, John Barbour, treasurer N. 0. Nelson Manufacturing Co.; born, Eufaula, Ala., Nov. 12, 1865; son of W. H. and Anna (Flewellen) Chambers;* educated at Vander- bilt University, Nashville, Tenn.; married, St. Louis, Apr. 28, 1892, Byrd M. Baker. Began business career in mercantile establishments at Montgomery, Ala., whence came to St. Louis in 1888; chief clerk of the St. Louis Re public until 1890, when entered employment of the N. O. Nelson Manufacturing Co., manu facturers and jobbers of plumbers ', steam fitters' and machinists' supplies, and since 1897 has been secretary and treasurer of the ¦ company. Independent in polities. Recrea tions: motoring and baseball. Office: 10th and Chestnut Sts. Residence: 320 Skinker Rd. CHAMP, Charles E. M., manufacturer ve hicle and automobile- springs; born, Cincin nati, Apr. 11, 1853; son of Charles and Sarah (Barnard) Champ; educated in public schools of Cleveland; married, Cleveland, Nov. 26, 1876, Sophia F. Farrell; children: Lulu M., Ina E., Norman B. Began business career as an apprentice in spring factory in Cleveland; removed to St. Louis, 1881, and established in manufacture of vehicle springs; in 1896 or ganized Champ Spring Co., of which is presi dent and general manager; in 1900 organized the Cincinnati and Hammond Spring Co., of Cincinnati, of which is president; vice presi dent and general manager Western Spring and Axle Co.; general manager Rice Coil Spring Co., of St. Louis. Member Business Men's League (made Panama trip, February, 1912). Member Implement and Vehicle Board of Trade. Republican. Presbyterian. Member Royal Arcanum, Legion of Honor. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Arcadia Country. Favorite recreations: farming and fishing. Office: 2109 to 2119 Chouteau Ave. Residence: Good Wood Farm, St. Louis Co. CHAMPLIN, David Warren; see Vol. 1906. CHANCELLOR, Eustathius, physician and surgeon; born, Chancellorsville, Spottsylvania Co., Va., Aug. 29, 1854; son of Dr. James Ed gar and Josephine D. (Anderson) Chancellor; educated in private schools, Locust Dale Acad emy, Rapidan, Va., 1870-72; graduated from University of Virginia, 1874, M.D., 1876; Uni versity of Maryland, M.D., 1877; St. Louis University, A.M., 1885; unmarried. Prosector to chair of anatomy, University of Maryland School of Medicine, 1878; clinical assistant University Hospital, Baltimore, 1878; prac ticed with father, Charlottesville, Va., 1879- 80; located in St. Louis, 1880; practice lim ited to skin and genito-urinary diseases. Pro fessor of cutaneous and venereal diseases, Beaumont Hospital Medical College, 1885-90; lieutenant-colonel and medical director Na tional Guard of Missouri, 1891-97; delegate Pan-American Congress, Washington, 1893, and City of Mexico, 1896. Member American Medical Association, Association of Military Surgeons of the United States, American Con gress of Tuberculosis, Virginia Society of St. Louis, Psychic Research .Society (New York), Medico-Legal Society of New York, 1895; honorary member Military Surgeons of Illi nois National Guard, 1893. Democrat. Meth odist. Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner; mem ber Knights of Pythias, Elks. Contributor to medical journals. Office: Oriel Bldg., 316 N. 6th St. Residence: American Hotel. CHANDEYSSON, Pierre Ismael, manufac turer electrical machinery; born, St. Marcel d'Ardeche, France, Aug. 20, 1875; son of Louis and Lisma (Datuit) Chandeysson; pre liminary education in various schools of na tive land, until eighteen years of age; arrived in America, Apr. 18, 1893; student Trinity University, Toronto, Canada, 1896-98, Wash ington University, 1898-1901; unmarried. Be gan in electrical manufacturing business at St. Louis, 1902; now president Pan Electric Manufacturing' Co., manufacturers of Chan deysson dynamos and motors. Democrat. Ro man Catholic. Office: 735 S. 4th St. Resi dence: 1337 Hickory St. CHANDLER, Albert B., lawyer; born, Kirkwood, Mo., July 2, 1878; son of John Goshen and Emeline (Barber) Chandler; edu cated at Kirkwood (Mo.) public schools, 1884; entered Smith Academy, St. Louis, 1892, grad uating, 1896; graduated Washington Univer sity, A.B., 1900; entered St. Louis Law School, 1902, graduating, 1904; married, 1906, Har riet Hunt, daughter of James G. and Victoria L. Duchouquette Whyte; one daughter: Vic toria Louise. Clerk in treasury department Lindell Ry., 1897; business manager 1898, editor 1899, Student Life; clerk Rice-Stix Dry Goods Co., 1900; on editorial staff St. Louis Republic, 1900-02; bailiff U. S. Circuit Court, St. Louis, 1903; admitted to bar, June 1, 1903, and entered law offices of Clinton Rowell; in World's Fair Law Department, 1904; in general civil practice in office of Rowell & Ferriss, 1905; city attorney of Kirk wood, Mo., Jan. 1, 1906-08; alderman, Kirk wood, 1912. Republican. Member St. Louis Society of Social Hygiene. Council legal fra ternity of Phi Delta Phi. Club: City. Recrea tions: camping and canoeing. Office: 504 Laclede Bldg. Residence: Kirkwood, Mo. CHANDLER, James Nicholas; see Vol. 1906. CHANDLER, Kelly R., lumber commission; born on farm in. Cooper Co., Mo., July 24, 1848; son of Leroy and Sarah Ann (Quarles) Chandler; educated in country public schools of Cooper Co., Mo., 1854-60; .afterward, in 1868, at Kemper Family School, Boonville, Mo. ; married, Savannah, Tenn., 1882, Mary C. Broyles; one son: Frank C. (formerly of U. S. Navy.) Began business career Apr. 20, 1870, as traveling solicitor for Harlow, Gels- THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 115 ton & Co., general commission merchants, and Feb. 12, 1871, in same capacity with W. N. R. Beall, in same line, and November, 1871, went in same capacity with Andrew McDowell & Co., with whom was later salesman; employed with W. K. Sherwood & Co., flour merchants, 1878-82; established on own account, 1884, as lumber commission merchant, in which busi ness has since continued, and in panic of 1893 was the only strictly commission lumber mer chant who paid 100 cents in cash on the dol lar. Democrat. Member Third Baptist Church of St. Louis. Mason (Blue Lodge). Office: 22 N. Second St. Residence: 4558 McMillan Ave. CHAPLIN, Trescott Fox, lawyer; born, Orono, Me., July 22, 1874; son of Winfield S. (chancellor of Washington University since 1891) and Harriet B. (Caldwell) Chaplin; graduated Washington University, A.B., 1896; University of Chicago, A.M., 1897; Washing ton University, LL.B., 1899; married, St. Louis, Apr. 16, 1904, Alice Luedeking; chil dren: Elise L., Harriet U., Alice. Admitted to bar, 1899, and has since engaged in practice; member of firm of Eliot, Chaplin, Blayney & Bedal. Member Missouri State and St. Louis Bar associations. Member Civic League. Re publican. Club: Missouri Athletic. Office: 506 Olive St. Residence: Clayton, Mo. *CHAPLIN, Winfield Scott, engineer; moved to San Antonio, Tex.; see Vol. 1906. CHAPMAN, Henry Normanton, physician; born, Halifax, Yorkshire, England, Sept. 24, 1866; son of George Edward and Mary (Nor manton) Chapman; removed to Waterford, Ireland, at age of six and to St. Louis at age of sixteen; attended national schools in Eng land and Ireland; continued studies in Missouri State University and Missouri Medical Col lege, M.D., 1893; married, St. Louis, Apr. 26, 1893, Isabella Mary Hodges; children: Dor othy Agnes, Henry Normanton, Abel Ward. At age of fourteen learned trade of wood-working machinist in Ireland, and worked at it a year or two after coming to St. Louis; took up stenography and worked in that capacity un til began medical studies in 1889; in general practice of medicine in St. Louis since 1893. Member Bethesda Pediatric Society, St. Louis Medical Society. Republican. Member Board of Health of St. Louis, 1899-1903. Member Protestant Episcopal Church. Recreations: athletic sports and church work. Office and Residence: 3814 Washington Ave. CHAPPELL, Edwin Rutherford, lawyer; born, St. Louis, Apr. 17, 1875; son of Edwin F. and Julia (Whitehill) Chappell; educated in Manual Training School, Washington Uni versity, and St. Louis Law School, LL.B.; married, St. Louis, Nov. 1, 1894, Esther C. Collins; children: Robert E. O, Esther Lin dell, Edwin Rutherford. . Admitted to bar, June 17, 1898, and since engaged in general practice in St. Louis; now member of firm of Collins & Chappell. Member St. Louis Bar Association, Law Library Association. Royal Arch Mason. Office: 700-704 Rialto Bldg. Resi dence: Kirkwood, Mo. CHAPPELOW, Branch Earl, secretary and treasurer Chappelow Advertising Co.; born, Logansport, Ind., Sept. 28, 1875; son of John Albert and Adelia C. (Griffith) Chappelow; graduate of Logansport High School and Wabash College, Crawfordsville, Ind.; mar ried, Kokomo, Ind., Sept. 20, 1905, Alpha Blackledge. Began active career as newspaper reporter, and continued for five years as city editor, special writer, advertising solicitor and manager at Logansport, Galesburg, 111., Louis ville, Los Angeles, Stockton, and San Fran cisco. Removed to New York City, 1900, and engaged in advertising agency business until 1903; then came to St. Louis; since secretary and treasurer Chappelow Advertising Co. ; also director Kutterer-Jansen Printing Co. Inde pendent in politics. Presbyterian. Member Phi Kappa Psi fraternity. Mason. Club: St. Louis Automobile. Recreation: motoring. Of fice: Liggett Bldg. Residence: 6331 Water man Ave. CHARLES, Benjamin Hynes, clergyman; born, Brandenburg, Ky., May 11, 1829; son of William B. and Elvira (Crutcher) Charles; A.B., Center College, Danville, Ky., 1853; graduated Danville Theological Seminary; (D.D., Parsons College, Fairfield, la., 1855); married, Chester, 111., Mar. 17, 1859, Achsah S. Holmes; children: Benjamin Hynes, Jr., Joseph William. Licensed to ministry of Presbyterian Church, Apr. 26, 1856; ordained, October, same year. Pastorates: Springfield, Ky., 1856-58; Chester, 111., 1858-67; Boonville, Mo., 1867-75; Marshall, Mo., 1875-77; presi dent Synodical Female College, Fulton, Mo., 1877-88; president Ward Seminary, Nashville, Tenn., 1891-93; pastor Clayton, Mo., 1895- 1900; Brank Memorial Church, St. Louis, 1900- 06. Author : ' ' The Interpretation of Certain Prophesies." Address: 5050 Maple Ave. CHARLES, Benjamin Hynes, Jr., lawyer; born, Chester, 111., Apr. 26, 1866; son of Ben jamin Hynes and Achsah Susan (Holmes) Charles; graduated from Westminster College, Fulton, Mo., A.B., 1885; taught school, 1885- 88; studied law, 1888-91, graduating from Law Department, Yale University, LL.B., 1891; married, Keokuk, la., June 30, 1903, Nancy McCandless Home; one son: Benjamin Hynes, III. Admitted to bar, 1892, and since engaged in practice; senior member of law firm of Charles & Lackey (W. G. Lackey), 1898-1900; second associate city counselor, 1903-05; first associate city counselor, 1905-10; since in private practice. Member American Bar Association, Missouri State Bar Assn., St. Louis Bar Association, Civic League. Demo crat. Presbyterian. Club: City. Favorite rec- 110 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS reation: fishing. Office: 604-605 Merchants- Laclede Bldg. Residence: 20 Parkland PI. CHARLES, Joseph William, physician, born, Boonville, Mo., Feb. 9, 1868; son of Benjamin H. and Achsah S. (Holmes) Charles; gradu ated from Westminster College, A.B., 1887, A.M., 1890; Medical Department of Washing ton University, M.D., 1891; married, St. Louis, 1902, Laura M. Foster. Engaged in general practice in St. Louis since 1891; clinical pro fessor Medical Department, Washington Uni versity. Member American Ophthalmological Society, St. Louis Medical Society. Presby terian. Clubs: University, Bellerive, City, Contemporary. Office: 505-511 Humboldt Bldg. Residence: 3739 McPherson Ave. CHARLOT, Fred S., cooperage and lumber; born, St. Louis, Dec. 19, 1871; son of Chap man S. and Virginia (Blodgett) Chariot; grad uated from St. Louis Manual Training School; married, Lexington, Ky., July 16, 1900, Willa Engman; one son: Harry. Began business career in minor position with the Taylor Manufacturing Co.; general sales agent Cher- okee-Lenyon Spelter Co., 1896-98; subsequent ly secretary and treasurer of the Crescent Iron Works, Springfield, Mo., and the Spring field Lumber and Cooperage Co.; vice presi dent and treasurer, Ozark Cooperage Co., from 1902; firm changed in 1906 to Ozark Cooper age and Lumber Co., of which became presi dent, 1908. Also director Pemiscot Land and Cooperage Co. Served as first lieutenant, 1st Missouri Volunteers, Spanish-American War, 1898. Member Society of Foreign Wars, Span ish War Veterans. Office: 1417 Liggett Bldg. Residence: University Heights. CHARTRAND, Mark R., stock, bond and insurance brokerage business; born, Caronde- let (now part of city), St. Louis, Jan. 19, 1858; son of Michael Chartrand (mayor of Caronde- let) and Amelia (Guion) Chartrand; ancestors on both sides located in Carondelet in 1760; attended Blow (public) School, Carondelet, 1866-72; married, Oct. 17, 1900, Anna M. Mc- Kasson, of Grand View, Ind. Appointed page in office under Mayor Joseph Brown, January, 1872; custodian of records in office of recorder of deeds, St. Louis, 1875-84; special rate clerk in auditor's office, Wabash Ry., 1884-89; spe cial agent Mutual Insurance Co. of New York, 1889-98; manager, for Missouri, of United States Life Insurance Co. of New York, 1898- 1901; appointed, 1899, by Circuit Court, as re ceiver of North End Building and Loan Asso ciation (the largest west of Philadelphia) ; paid dividends amounting, to 75 per cent to stockholders, making final settlement to court, March, 1905. District agent of John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Boston, August, 1905-March, 1909; since engaged in the stock, bond and insurance brokerage business. In October, 1899, incorporated the Leesberg Shoe Co. (now Kerens-Leesberg Shoe Co.) and was its first president. Republican; has been mem ber of City, Congressional and State Repub lican committees. Member Anchor Lodge No. 443, A. F. & A. M.; Supreme Vice Chancellor Legion of Honor, 1894; member National Union (Senate Deputy, 1887-90), Knights of Pythias. Club: Mercantile. Office and Resi dence: 3fercantile Club. CHASE, Edward C, dentist; 1848-1906; see Vol. 1906. CHASE, George Griffith, lawyer and trust officer; born, Topeka, Kan., Oct. 10, 1877; son of George S. and Alice Margaret (Griffith) Chase; educated in public schools of Topeka and high schools \of Washington, D. O; B.S., Columbian (now George Washington) Univer sity, Washington, D. O, 1900, LL.B., 1902; unmarried. Lived at Topeka, Kan., until 1894, when moved to Washington, D. C., with parents. Admitted to bar of District of Co lumbia, 1902, Indian Territory, 1903; came to St. Louis, December, 1903, and engaged in general -law practice until 1909; since assist ant trust officer St. Louis Union Trust Co. Member of St. Louis Bar Association. Repub lican. Club: Missouri Athletic. Recreations: tennis and golf. Office: 4th and Locust Sts. Residence: 4715 Westminster Ave. CHASE, Henry Leverett, with H. & L. Chase Bag Co.; born, New York City, June 30, 1867; son of Irah and Ellen Josephine (Leverett) Chase; educated in public schools, of Newport, R. I.; married, June 8, 1896, Frances Constable Robertson; four children: Eleanor Duane, Anne Leverett, Rebecca Duane, Frances. Since Feb. 27, 1889, has been engaged with H. & L. Chase Bag Co. Served three years ' enlistment in Massachusetts Volunteer Militia. Member Civic League. Republican. Episcopalian. Mem ber of the Sons of the Revolution. Clubs: City, St. Louis Country, Florissant Valley. Recre ation: tennis. Office: 18 N. Main St. Resi dence: 5836 Clemens Ave. CHASNOFF, Jacob, lawyer; born, Mitchell, S. D., June 21, 1883; son of Moses and Tobie (Agrant) Chasnoff; graduated Sedalia (Mo.) High School, 1899; A.B., University of Mis souri, 1903, AM., 1904; LL.B., Harvard Law School, 1909; married, Dorchester, Mass., Apr. 1, 1910, Julia Linenthal. Was manager Kan sas City Office of the Elliott-Fisher Co., 1904- 06; in practice in St. Louis since Aug. 10, 1909, associating with McDonald & Taylor. Independent Democrat. Jewish religion. Pro fessor law of suretyship, Law School of St. Louis University. Mason; member Odd Fel lows, B 'nai B 'rith. Clubs : Thayer Law, City, Harvard. Was associate editor Harvard Law Review, 1907-08. Office: 1806 Third National Bank Bldg. Residence: 5536 Page Boul. CHAUVENET, William Marc, analytical chemist; born at Naval Academy, Annapolis, THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 117 Md., Mar. 4, 1855; son William and Catherine (Hemple) Chauvenet; educated in academic, scientific and mining schools of Washington University; unmarried. Employed as expert special agent, United States Geological Survey, division of mining geology, 10th census, 1879- 83; chemist, United States Geological Survey, 1881-82, making reports on the iron ores of Alabama, Tennessee, Kentucky and Missouri, Tenth census; assistant United States Geolog ical Survey, Lake Superior Division, 1882-85; engaged in general practice since 1882 as analytical chemist and mining engineer. Author of Notes on Minnesota Geology on Northern Boundary, " and of reports on Mexico, Vene zuela, California and Missouri. Member Amer ican Institute of Mining Engineers, American Geographical Society and the Audubon So ciety; fellow American Association for the Advancement of Science. Member National Conservation Association, Simple Ballot League, American Red Cross, Civic League. Received Officer's Cross of civil merit, Bul garia. Clubs: Country, Noonday, University, Contemporary, City. Recreations: literature, art and athletics. Office: 620 Chestnut St. Residence: The Pendennis, 3737 Washington Avenue. CHENERY, Edward A., superintendent of telegraph, Missouri Pacific Railway; born on the Atlantic Ocean, Oct. 17, 1859; son of George and Eliza (Mison) Chenery; educated in public schools of Michigan; married, 1896, May, daughter of M. Sells, of Indianapolis. Began railway service 1872, as telegraph oper ator with Grand Rapids & Indiana R. R., serving until Jan. 6, 1879; then until June 15, 1886, successively telegraph operator, train dispatcher, car accountant and secretary to ¦general superintendent of Galveston, Harris burg & San Antonio Railway; secretary to general superintendent of the Union Pacific Railway, June 20 to Dec. 15, 1886; superin tendent of telegraph, Terminal Railroad As sociation of St. Louis and St. Louis Mer chants' Bridge Terminal Railway, Dec. 15, 1886, to May 15, 1903; since superintendent of telegraph, Missouri Pacific System. Vice pres ident Real Estate Building and- Loan Associa tion. Scottish Rite Mason (32°), and Shriner. Clubs: St. Louis Railway (ex-president and ex-secretary), Masonic. Office: Missouri Pa cific Bldg. Residence: 7207 Anna Ave., Maple- wood, Mo. CHENERY, Winthrop Holt, librarian; born, Belmont, Mass., Mar. 8, 1872; son of Winthrop Louis and Ruth Baldwin (Holt) Chenery; S.B., Massachusetts Institute Technology, 1896; A.B., Harvard University, 1897, A.M., 1898, Ph.D.. 1904; studied at University of Paris, 1904-05; unmarried. Instructor in Spanish, University of Michigan, 1901-04; instructor in Spanish and Italian, 1905-07, assistant profes sor Spanish, Italian and Romanic philology since 1907, Washington University. Appointed librarian, Library of Washington University, 1912. Member Modern Language Association of America/ St. Louis Academy of Science, Language and Literature Club of Washington University, Ethical Society, Civic League. Clubs: City, Public Question, Contemporary, Faculty of Washington University. Recreation: bibliography. Address: Washington Univer sity. Residence: 6030 Berlin Ave. CHENEY, Fred Nelson, manager The Mu tual Life Insurance Co. of New York; born, Areola, Washington Co., Minn., July 9, 1858; son of Frederick Porter and Louisa B. (Hill) Cheney; educated in public schools; married, Glover, Vt., 1882, Lula Irene Davis; children: Ruth Irene (Mrs. Erland Gjessing), Dorothy Zaphira, John Willoughby, Margaret Louise. Early life spent on farm; at age of 15 entered business career as clerk in retail store of O. D. Owen, Barton, Vt., continuing until 1883; then entered insurance business at Manchester, N. H., with brother, R. H. Cheney, opening agency for The Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York, under title Cheney & Cheney; firm soon advanced to general agents for states of Ver mont and New Hampshire; served in that ca pacity many years for the company, later em ployed in special work, and since 1902, has been manager of the general agency at St. Louis. Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner. Clubs: Mercantile, Arcadia Country (treas urer). Recreation: gardening. Office: second floor, Chemical Bldg. Residence: 3515 Long fellow Boul. *CHERRY, Robert Bell; moved to San An tonio, Tex.; see Vol. 1906. CHESBRO, Crombie Stuart, secretary Louis Werner Saw Mill Co.; born, Grand Rapids, Mich., Apr. 29, 1861; son of George J. S. and Isabella (McBain) Chesbro; high school edu cation. Began business career as bookkeeper with the LaCrosse Lumber Co., at Louisiana, Mo.; later was traveling salesman with the Eau Claire Lumber Co., St. Louis, and after wards southern purchasing agent for the Chi cago Lumber & Coal Co.; secretary Louis Wer ner Saw Mill Co. since Jan. 1, 1903. Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner. Republican. Club: Mercantile. Recreation: golf. Office: 510 Ful- lerton Bldg. Residence: 5653 Cabanne PI. CHESBROUGH, John Morrison; see Vol. 1906. *CHESSIN, Alexander S., college professor; appointed professor of mathematics, Washing ton University, 1901, and later in charge of mathematics and astronomy; now living in New York; see Vol. 1906. *CHILD, Andrew Jackson, mail order mer chant; moved to National City, Cal.; see Vol. 1906. CHILD, Philip Sheridan, merchant; born, Weybridge, Addison Co., Vt., Oct. 24, 1864; son of Andrew J. and Elizabeth M. (Burt) 118 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS Child; educated in public schools, Indepen dence, Mo., and St. Louis, and high school, St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Oct. 24, 1894, Lulu M. Messmore. After leaving school in 1882, became connected with the A. J. Child & Sons Mercantile Co. (established 1874), doing a general mail order business in everything used on farm, ranch, plantation, etc., in which has1 since continued, now being vice president and treasurer of the company. Independent Re publican. Member Valley Council, Royal Ar canum. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, City. Recre ations: hunting, fishing and gardening. Office: 515-517 N. Main St. Residence: 5244 Kensing ton Ave. CHILDRESS, Levi Wade, president Colum bia Transfer Co.; born, Murfreesboro, Tenn., Mar. 20, 1876; son of William S. and Inez (Wade) Childress; educated in public schools of Murfreesboro; married, Wickliffe, Ky., Oct. 7, 1903, Lucy Marshall Turner; two sons: Wade Turner, Fielding Turner. Came to St. Louis from Murfreesboro, 1893, and began with the St. Louis Drayage Co. as clerk; then was clerk in freight department of Illinois Central Rail road, and afterward clerk and freight agent in St. Louis for the Missouri, Kansas & Texas R. R.; was commercial agent for same road at Shreveport, La., until February, 1902, when returned to St. Louis and became traffic man ager of the Columbia Transfer Co., engaging in local freight transfer from depot to store door and vice versa; was made general man ager, October, 1903, and since May, 1905, has been president and general manager, same company; also president Columbia Taxi Cab Co. Independent in politics. Presbyterian. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Noonday, City. Of fice: cor. 9th St. and Clark Ave. Residence: 5934 Clemens Ave. CHILDS, Oliver W., civil engineer; born in Clinton County, Iowa, Jan. 11, 1866; son of Thomas P. and Kate Childs; educated in pub- lie schools, Nevada, Iowa, and State Univer sity of Iowa, graduating, with degree of C.E., 1889; married, Alton, 111., Sept. 15, 1900, Alma Wine. Engaged in engineering work with the Chicago Bridge & Iron Co., of Chicago, 1890- 94; chief engineer of Stupp Bros. Bridge & Iron Co., of St. Louis. 1894-1905; bridge engi neer of the City of St. Louis, 1905-11; now manager American Cement Tile Manufactur ing Co. Member St. Louis Engineers' Club, American Society of Civil Engineers, Western Society of Engineers. Democrat. Episcopalian. Member Civic League. Club: City. Office: 1230 Syndicate Trust Bldg. Residence: 4211 Flad Avenue. CHIVVIS, William Reinhart, lumber; born, Memphis, Tenn., June 3, 1858; son of Daniel S. and Harriet (Reinhart) Chivvis; educated in public, private and business schools of St. Louis; married, St. Louis, .Oct. 26, 1886, Ada Mary Chaphe; children: Leland, Norman, Ruth. Began business career in the employ of Liebke & Schrage, lumber manufacturers, as bookkeeper, Oct. 1, 1883; when firm was in corporated, 1894, became secretary and so con tinued until October, 1901; since in business for self. Member Lumbermen's Exchange of St. Louis. Independent in politics. Congrega tionalist. Clubs: Congregational, Lumber men's. Recreations: hunting and fishing. Of fice and Yards: Main and Lesperanee Sts. Residence: 4232 W. Pine St. CHOPIN, Felix Andrew, lawyer; see Vol. 1906. CHOUTEAU,' Pierre, capitalist, deceased; see Vol. 1906. CHRISTIE, Harvey Livingstone, lawyer; see Vol. 1906. CHRISTOPHEL, Caesar Joseph, trunk hard ware; born, St. Louis, Sept. 27, 1865; son of John and Frances (Dinzler) Christophel; edu cated in public schools of St. Louis; married, St. Louis, 1890, Anna Miller; children: Ger trude, Louis, Arthur. Began business career in 1881 in employ of John Baumann, trunk hard ware, and was with him twenty years. In 1901 joined in organizing the St. Louis Trunk Hardware Manufacturing Co., and was its sec retary and treasurer, 1901-03, since vice presi dent of the company. As traveling representa tive, has systematically covered principal points between New York and San Francisco. Mason (32°), Shriner. Member Royal Arca num, Knights and Ladies of Honor, Travelers ' Protective Association. Office: 609 Chouteau Ave. Residence: 6320 Washington Ave. CHRISTOPHERSEN, Louis, wholesale cof fees; born, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, Dec. 23, 1871; son of Peter and Maria (Lorenzen) Christophersen; educated in public schools in Germany and Perkins and Herpel's Business College, St. Louis; married, Belleville, 111., Oct. 7, 1896, Margaretha Schmidt; one daugh ter, Elsa. Came to United States at age of 17, and entered employ of uncle, John Lorenzen, retail grocer, at Belleville, 111., serving as clerk for three years; then, for six months, each, clerked for the St. Louis houses of Cor net Bros, and W. O. Gibson & Son; at age of 21 entered service of Edward Westen Tea & Spice Co., as city salesman, remaining with that house until joined in establishing, Jan. 1, 1902, the St. Louis Coffee & Spice Mills, of which is president. Mason, Knight Templar. Office: 407-411 N. Main St. Residence: 3519 Crittenden Ave. CHUBB, Percival, educator; born, Devon- port, Eng., June 17, 1860; son of James Pur- nell and Adelaide (Bell) Chubb; educated Sta tioner's School, London; technical education for English Civil Service ten years in Local Government Board, London; .married, Louise Walston, of Decatur, 111., Sept. 23, 1891 (died THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 119 1905); three children: Bronwen, Walston and Mavis; married, 2d, July 25, 1910, Anna Hartshorne Sheldon, of St. Louis. Formerly lecturer on literature, Brooklyn Institute Arts and Sciences; instructor pedagogy, Pratt In stitute; head English department, Manual Training High School, Brooklyn; principal high school department of Ethical Culture School, New York; director English and festi vals there; associate leader Society for Ethical Culture, New York; lecturer on English, Uni versity of New York School of Pedagogy. Leader of Ethical Society, of St. Louis, since September, 1911; director of the School of So cial Economy. Member National Education Association, Playground Association, English Teachers' Association, Civic League. Clubs: City, Town and Gown, Players (director). Edi tor: Emerson's Selected Writings, 1888; Mon taigne's Essays, 1891; Pope's Homer's Iliad (with William H. Maxwell), 1898; Dryden's Palamon and Arcite, 1899; Browning's Poems, Boy Life — Readings from Howell's, 1909; Se lect Writings of Lincoln, 1909; Travels at Home — Readings from Mark Twain. Author: The Teaching of English, 1903; Festivals and Plays, 1912. Also contributor to magazines. Recreations: woodcraft, boating and moun taineering. Office: Seldon Memorial Bldg. Residence: 4533 Westminster PI. Summer Resi dence: Center Lovell, Me. CHURCH, Alonzo Christy, lawyer; born, Ft. Washita, Indian Territory, Nov. 3, 1859; son of John R. and Mary F. (Christy) Church; educated Christian Brothers College, St. Louis, and later in France and Germany; LL.B., St. Louis Law School, 1880; married, June 25, 1895, Carlota Clark, of St. Louis. Has served as vice president and counsel for Wiggins Ferry Co., St. Louis Transfer Ry. Co., East St. Louis Connecting Ry. Co. Member Missouri legislature, 1890-92; Democrat. Clubs: St. Louis, Racquet, Noonday, St. Louis Country. Offiee: 901, 319 N. 4th St. Residence: 4 Lenox Place. CHURCHILL, Frederick Augustus; see Vol. 1906. CICARDI, Louis, produce merchant; re tired; born, Italy, Mar. 7, 1837; son of Man uel and Angela Cicardi; received limited edu cation in native land; married at St. Louis, Apr. 15, 1860, Katharine Canepa (now de ceased); children: Manual, Rosa (Mrs. Frank Devotoj. Victor, Angelo, Augustin, Louis, Olivia (Mrs. Alexander Bruce), Julia (Mrs. Herbert Fletcher), Catharine; also six children deceased. -Came to America, 1857; engaged in various lines of business in St. Louis until 1867 and then returned to Italy where he lived for six years; once more took up residence in St. Louis and for thirty years was identified with produce business; retired upon selling business to his sons, Louis J. and Victor, in 1907. Catholic. Recreation: gardening. Resi dence: 6203 Wagner Ave. CLAIBORNE, James Robert, lawyer; born, St. Louis, June 22, 1882; son of James R. (Colonel "Bob") and Fannie (Moore) Clai borne; educated in St. Louis public schools and High School; entered University of Mis souri, 1903, graduating LL.B., 1907; unmar ried. Admitted to Missouri bar, 1907; began practice with father, well-known criminal law yer, continuing principally in criminal law, with office opposite Four Courts until 1909; since practiced both civil and criminal law. Democrat. Methodist. Member Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity. Recreations: political and civic affairs.. Office: 714 Wainwright Bldg. Residence: 4295 Page Ave. CLARK, Alfred, manager St. Louis office Oneida Community, Limited; born, Baltimore, Md., Oct. 17, 1846; son of Robert R. and Mary Jane (Murray) Clark; educated St. Joseph's College, Bardstown, Ky., St. Mary's College, near Lebanon, Ky.; married, Shelby ville, Ind., Jan. 9, 1867, Clara De Witt (now deceased); four children: Alfred, Jr., Carrie C. (Mrs. George T. Higgins, of Los Angeles, Cal.), May (Mrs. W. L. Wingate, of Kansas City, Mo.), Robert R., of Indianapolis; married, 2d, St. Louis, Oct. 21, 1906, Addie Wilson Thorn. Began as traveling salesman, 1867, with Beld- ing Bros. Cincinnati office, continuing until 1872; with Nonotuek Silk Co., at Cincinnati office, 1872-79; sold goods on own account, 1879-83; became connected with Oneida Com munity, Limited, as salesman, 1883; in charge of St. Louis house, 1898-1902; then in charge of Chicago branch, 1902-1906; since at St. Louis. Independent Democrat. Scottish Rite Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner; mem ber Odd Fellows (Past Grand) and Encamp ment. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Glen Echo Golf. Recreations: golf, fishing. Offiee: 410 Victoria Bldg. Residence: 5015 Cabanne Ave. CLARK, Allen Walter, president American Paint Journal Co.; born near Topeka, Kan., Dec. 28, 1867; son of Rev. W. A. Clark, D.D. (well known Baptist minister and editor) and Jane Clark (Jordan) Clark; educated at Franklin College, Franklin, Ind.; married, South Whitley, Ind., June 9, 1889, Florence Shuh; children: Charles Allen, March Alicia, Florence June, Cummings Collins. Began jour nalistic work, 1888, as editor of Morning Rec ord, Chico, Cal., and after that was, suc cessively, manager of the Arkansas Baptist Publishing Co., Little Rock, Ark.; manager Arkansas Democrat, Little Rock; manager Morning Post, South Bend, Ind.; publisher New Era, Greensburg, Ind.; manager National Rural, Chicago; served with organization and press departments, National Democratic Com mittee, in 1896 and 1900 campaigns; left In diana in 1900, and settled in St. Louis in 1901, 120 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS and for one year was office manager Barnes- Crosby Engraving Co.; from Jan. 1, 1903, to July 1, 1908, president Kinloeh Paint Man ufacturing Co.; then established American Paint and Oil Dealer. Member Business Men 's League, etc. Democrat; in 1895-96 organized anti-administration forces for Indiana Demo cratic State Convention, which sent instructed delegation to Chicago. Baptist. Office: Kin- loch Bldg. Residence: 5524 Maple Ave. CLARK, Charles C, grain and milling busi ness; born, Buffalo, Scott Co., la., Apr. 10, 1860; son of Warner Lewis and Harriett (Baker) Clark; educated in country school at Buffalo; high school, Davenport, la.; State University of Iowa, Iowa City, la.; Bayles Commercial College, Dubuque, la.; married, St. Louis, Jan., 1889, Lilla Webb Cunningham, of Lexington, Ky. ; two children: Anna Cun ningham and Mildred Harriett. Engaged in grain and implement business at Buffalo, la., 1879 and 1880; in wholesale grocery business as Clark & Stuyvesant Grocery Co., at St. Louis, 1880-1901; president Valley Milling Co. since 1901; chief executor of Clark properties; also has property and business interests in Iowa. Was one of the organizers and for the first three years a member board of directors of the Lowell Bank of St. Louis. Formerly connected with Iowa State Militia; was mem ber of the grand jury which made the report on the city auditor that started the reform movement resulting in election of Folk as gov ernor and many important changes in public affairs. Liberal Democrat. Presbyterian. Mem ber Merchants' Exchange, Travelers' Protec tive Association. Clubs: Mercantile and Com mercial, of Davenport, la. Assisted in inter esting the late Austin Corbin, banker of New York, in the purchase of the old Anchor Line, . late in the 90 's, but soon after he secured con trol he died and the managers of the estate did not care to push the enterprise. The most of the property was destroyed by the cyclone. Recreations: motoring, hunting and fishing. Office: 422 DeSoto Ave. Residence: 5574 Chamberlain Ave. CLARK, Charles McLure, broker; born, St. Louis, Dec. 19, 1871; son of Charles and Sue (McLure) Clark; educated in public schools of St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Apr. 10, 1901, Lenore Scullin; one daughter: Mary Denman. Practiced two years as architect; since 1903 in bond and stock brokerage business; now associated with Lorenzo E. Anderson. Mem ber St. Louis Stock Exchange. Clubs: Rac quet, City. Office: 710 Locust St. Residence: 15 Hortense PI. CLARK, Charles Wright, architect and engineer; 1854-1910; see Vol. 1906. CLARK, Cyrus Edgar, president James Clark Leather Co.; born, Rahway, N. J., Feb. 19, 1853; son of Daniel and Harriet (Williams) Clark; educated in public schools of St. Louis/ graduating from high school; married, Stl Louis, Sept. 12, 1876, Mary Cliff Warren; chil-' dren: Celeste W., Warren D., Arline, Robert E. On leaving high school entered the leather establishment of which his father was the head and after filling various positions was admitted to partnership; in 1885, on death of father, organized James Clark Leather Co., of which is now president. Republican. Presby terian (trustee and treasurer Second Presby terian Church). Member Wholesale Saddlers' Association, Leather and Finders ' Association, St. Louis Shoe Manufacturers' and Jobbers' Association. Member Ancient Order of United Workmen, Legion of Honor. Club: St. Louis. Recreations: hunting and fishing. Office: 1601 Washington Ave. Residence: 4363 MePherson Avenue. CLARK, Edward P., Jr., secretary Materne Manufacturing Co.; born Georgia, Vt., Dec. 25, 1870; son of Edward P. and Mary (Jocelyn) Clark; removed to St. Louis, 1878; educated in St. Louis public and manual training schools; married, St. Louis, 1895, Florence D. Moore; children: Helen E., Edith J., David P. and Charles W. Learned trade in St., Louis as steamfitter and machinist and has been en gaged in steam fitting since 1888; in Feb., 1898, became connected with firm of J. P. Materne Manufacturing Co., manufacturers of wrought iron pipe fittings, and has been secre tary since its incorporation in Feb., 1900, as Materne Manufacturing Co. Mason, Knight Templar. Recreations: hunting, fishing and boating. Office: 800 S. 18th St. Residence: Wheaton, St. Louis County. CLARK, Hinman Holden; deceased; see Vol. 1906. CLARK, Samuel; see Vol. 1906. CLARK, Uriel L., lumber; born, Hunter's Creek, Mich., Oct. 1, 1854; son of John and Elizabeth Clark; educated in public and high schools of Lapeer, Mich.; married, Inlay City, Mich., Oct. 1, 1879, Lillie M. Lamb; one daughter: Lillie L. Began in lumber business in Michigan in 1875, and was member of firm of J. Clark & Son, lumber manufacturers, Hunter's Creek, Mich.; removed to St. Louis, 1896, and organized the Detroit Timber Co., of which is president. Also president Earl Mining & Smelting Co. Member Southern Lumber Manufacturers ' Association, Business Men's League. Mason, Knight Templar. Clubs: St. Louis, Mercantile, Glen Echo Country. Recreation: golf. Office: 506 Olive St. Resi dence: 29 Portland PI. Summer Residence: Hunter's Creek, Mich. CLARK, Warren Lewis; see Vol. 1906. CLARK, Willis Henry, lawyer; born, Cas cade Township, Kent Co., Mich., Nov. 20, 1861; son of Henry Morgan and Delia Ann (Waters) Clark; educated partly in public THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 121 schools but principally under private tuition; married, Lincoln, 111., Oct. 16, 1888, Inez Lang don Andrew; four children: Lucille (Mrs. M. S. Covington), Raymond, Martha and Howard. Admitted to Missouri bar, and has practiced at St. Louis since Feb. 6, 1888, except when on bench; judge Court of Criminal Correc tion, Dec. 1, 1898-Dec. 1, 1902. Republican. Recreation: reading. Offiee: 1111 Clark Ave. Residence: 5172 Kensington Ave. CLARKE, Charles S., railway official; born, Frederick, Md., July 16, 1862; son James C. and Susannah (Schaeffer) Clarke; educated in public schools and Soule University of New Orleans; unmarried. Began in 1880 as appren tice with Illinois Central Railroad at Weldon Shops, Chicago; then was machinist, mechan ical draughtsman and chief clerk to master mechanic, and later, master mechanic; moved to Mobile, 1890, as division superintendent Mobile & Ohio and Mobile & Bay Shore rail roads, continuing as general superintendent and general manager until Sept. 30, 1904; vice president Missouri Pacific Railway from Sept. 30, 1904, to May 1, 1911 (resigned) ; director Missouri Pacific Railway, St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern Ry. Co., National Bank of Commerce. Member American Railway As sociation, American Railway Guild, American Railway Engineering and Maintenance of Way Association (since organization), Mary land Society of New York, National Geo graphic Society. Clubs: St. Louis, Bellerive, Noonday, Mercantile, The Traffic of St. Louis; also Calumet (Chicago), Manassas, Athelston and Mobile Yacht (Mobile). Recreations: golf and walking. Address: Hotel Jefferson. CLARKE, Enos, retired lawyer; born St. Clairsville, O.; son of George and Nancy Clarke; graduated, Hamilton College, New York, A. M. ; studied law at Utica, N. Y., and there admitted to bar, 1863; same year re moved to St. Louis; married, 1863, M. Annette, daughter of Hon. John J. Foote, New York; one child: Rowena A. Served in 7th Regiment Missouri State Militia; practiced law in St. Louis with Ed. R. Bates, later with Geo. A. Madill, until 1868, when, by Chief Justice Chase, was appointed register in bankruptcy U. S. District Court, Eastern District of Mis souri, serving until 1880; prostrated by con tinued years of illness, 1882-93. Curator State University. 1865-68; member 23d General As sembly of Missouri. Republican. Member Committee of 200 of Louisiana Purchase Ex position, 1899-1901. Member American Eco nomic Association, American Bar Association, Missouri Historical Society, Academy of Sci ence, National Geographic Society; president St. Louis County Civic League, Ohio Society. Clubs: Contemporary, Papyrus, City, Wash ington University, Algonquin. Residence: Seven Gables, Kirkwood Branch P. O., St. Louis, Mo. CLARKE, Pat H., contractor and ex-sheriff of St. Louis; born, Dundalk, Ireland, Mar. 25, 1845; came to this country with parents and settled in Kenton Co., Ky. ; educated in schools there; married, Frankfort, Ky., June 24, 1873, Nancy Barton; children: Owen J., Mary (Mrs. Donald Neary), Elizabeth, Robert, Kevin, Margaret. During Civil War served in Union Army in Company H, 37th Kentucky Infantry; after the war learned the black smith 's trade in Cincinnati Locomotive Works; came to St. Louis in 1879 and worked at trade, and later in the Iron Mountain Railroad shops and Missouri Pacific shops, and was foreman blacksmith in the Fulton Iron Works. Served four years in the City Council; during Mayor Walbridge 's administration served three years as factory inspector; sheriff of St. Louis, 1905- 06; since engaged in general contracting. Re publican. Member Knights of Father Mathew, A. O. U. W. and Royal Arcanum. Office: 815 Chestnut St. Residence: 3133 Eads Ave. *CLARKSON, James E., glue manufacturer; moved to Chicago; see Vol. 1906. CLARKSON, Thaddeus Stevens; see Vol. 1906. CLARKSON, W. Palmer, attorney and sec retary Pioneer Cooperage Co.; born in Essex Co., Va., Feb. 13, 1867; son. of James L. and Loulie C. (Turner) Clarkson; graduated from St. Louis High School, 1888; LL.B., St. Louis Law School, 1889; married, St. Louis, Oct. 18, 1897, Marie Soulard Turner (daughter of late Gen. John W. Turner, who was street com missioner of St. Louis for eleven years) ; chil dren: John Turner, Marie Louise and Palmer. Practiced law in St. Louis from 1889 to Aug., 1902, and during that time was attorney for Missouri Southern Railroad Co., Fidelity and Casualty Insurance Co., Clarkson Saw Mill Co. and other corporations; since Aug., 1902, at torney and secretary of Pioneer Cooperage Co., devoting all his time to this corporation, which operates large factories in St. Louis and Chicago, and numerous stave and heading factories in the South, and also owns large hardwood timber properties in the South. Di rector Clarkson Lumber Co., Christian Board of Publication, and vice president National Benevolent Association. Democrat. Member Board of Education, City of St. Louis, ap pointed by Mayor Wells to fill vacancy in board in 1902; elected for term of two years, April, 1905, and elected vice president of board, October, 1905; on Apr. 20, 1909, appointed by Mayor Kreisman to fill unexpired term of John Schroers. Member Christian (Disciples) Church; chairman board Union Avenue Chris tian Church since 1906. Member Bar Associa tion of St. Louis, also Missouri State Bar As sociation. Member Virginia Society, Business Men's League, Manufacturers' Association, Citizens' Industrial Association, National 199-L -v -w THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS Cooperage Association (president for two years). Clubs: St. Louis, Noonday, City, Bel lerive Country. Recreations: golf and tennis. Office: 2212 DeKalb St. Residence: 4243 Mary land Ave. CLAUSEN, James; born in Denmark, Oct. 7, 1846; educated in public schools of nat've place; came to United States, 1871; married, Philadelphia, 1880, Julia Vincent; children: Maud and F. Joseph. Came to St. Louis, 1895, and formed present partnership with R. M. and D. W. Herriott, under the style of Her- riott Bros. & Co., manufacturers of shoe pol ishes; superintendent of factory. Republican. Episcopalian. Member Grand Council Royal Arcanum; first vice president Post A, St. Louis Travelers' Protective Association; mem ber Million Population Club, North St. Louis Business Men 's Association, Public Schools Patron's Alliance, etc. Recreation: trip east or west each summer. Office: 2801-2807 N. Broadway. Residence: 2232 St. Louis Ave. CLAXON, Alvin Wellington; see Vol. 1906. CLAYBERG, Perry C, physician; deceased; see Vol. 1906. CLEAGE, Thomas Alexander, storage and commission; see Vol. 1906. CLEAVELAND, Holbrook Gilson, lawyer; born, Plymouth, Ind., Aug. 13, 1870; son of Gilson S. and Jane N. (Thompson) Cleave- land; educated at Smith Academy, St. Louis, 1887-89; University of Michigan, graduating A.B., 1893, LL.B., 1894; unmarried. Located permanently in St. Louis, 1894, and has since engaged in general practice. Member of St. Louis Bar Association. Episcopalian. Demo crat. Member Psi Upsilon Fraternity. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, City, Century Boat. Recre ation: canoeing. Office: 410 Security Bldg. Residence: 4011 Cleveland Ave. CLEMENS, James Ross, physician ; born St. Louis, Sept. 19, 1866; son of Bryan Mullanphy and Mary Ross (Warfield) Clemens; went in 1884 to Stronghurst College, England, from there to London University and thence to Cambridge University, England, graduating, M. D., 1892; continued medical studies at St. Thomas and London Hospitals, London; ad mitted by examination Member Royal College of Surgeons and Licentiate Royal College of Physicians of England; married, Claverach, St. Louis Co., Mo., 1899, Katherine T. Boland; children: Mary Muriel, Cyril Coniston. On completion of medical studies came to St. Louis, where has since been engaged in prac tice of medicine, with specialties in diseases of children and internal medicine. Now pro fessor of diseases of children in medical de partment of St. Louis University, chief of clinic at St. John's Hospital and Grand Ave. Dispensary; physician on medical staff St. Louis Skin and Cancer Hospital; chief phy sician St. Anne's Infant Asylum, St. Joseph's Orphan Asylum, and Salvation^ Army Nursery; visiting physician City Hospital; pediatrician] to St. Louis Maternity Hospital. President St., Louis Pediatric Society; member St., Louis Medical Society; Bethesda Pediatric Society! Roman Catholic. Recreation: boating. Office: Metropolitan Bldg. Residence: 3720 W. Pine Boulevard. CLIFFORD, Patrick James, contractor; born, County Limerick, Ireland, Oct. 15, 1853; son of David and Honora (Cagney) Clifford; educated in Christian Brothers College, St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Dec. 14, 1875, Cath erine Hamm; children: Eugene L., Cora, Flor ence. Was for thirty-two years cashier for Forbes Bros. & Co., prior to Apr. 21, 1902; license collector of St. Louis, 1902-06; then with Gilsonite Construction Co., 1906-09; since in contracting business for self as the P. J. Clifford Contracting Co. President Midland Building & Loan Association for fifteen years. Democrat. Roman Catholic. Recreations: fish ing and boating. Offiee and Residence: 5191 Von Versen Ave. CLOPTON, Malvern Bryan, surgeon; born, St. Louis, Oct. 8, 1875; son of William H. and Belle (Bryan) Clopton; educated in St. Louis High School; University of Virginia, classical course, 1893-95; Medical Department of Uni versity of Virginia, M.D., 1897; Johns Hop kins Hospital, Baltimore, 1898-1900; widower. Engaged in practice of surgery in St. Louis since 1897; visiting surgeon, St. Luke's Hos pital; instructor in surgery, Medical Depart ment of Washington University. Member St. Louis Medical Society, American Medical As sociation, Western Surgical Association. Epis copalian. Clubs: University, Racquet, St. Louis Country. Office: 405 Humboldt Bldg. Residence: 5391 Waterman Ave. CLOPTON, William Hickman, lawyer; born, Madison Co., Ala., Aug. 24, 1847; son of James A. and Mary E. (Penney) Clopton; educated boarding school, Sulphur Springs, Ala.; La Grange Military Academy, Alabama, 1860-61; Southern University, Greensboro, Ala., 1861- 62; University of Virginia, 1865-68, graduat ing with degree of LL.B., 1868; married, St. Louis, Jan. 29, 1873, Belle Bryan (who died Nov. 9, 1893); three children: Dr. Malvern B. (of St. Louis), William H., Jr. (captain Thir teenth Cavalry, U. S. A.), Emily. Entered Confederate Army, 1864, and served under Gen. Dan Adams as member of his escort; later with scouts for Department of Alabama, and with General Buford 's escort. Admitted to Missouri bar and has practiced at St. Louis since November, 1868; appointed by Presi dent Cleveland as U. S. attorney for the East ern District of Missouri, Feb. 20, 1894, and served for one term. Democrat; was for sev eral terms member of Democratic State Cen tral Committee. Catholic. Member Sigma Chi college fraternity. Recreations: hunting and THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 123 fishing. Offiee: Wainwright Bldg. Residence: 5365 Cabanne PI. *CLULEY, John Pendleton, coal dealer; moved to Chicago; see Vol. 1906. CLYMER, Harry G., architect; born, Polo, 111., June 29, 1873; son of Henry L. and Mary M. Clymer; educated in public schools to four teen; married, St. Louis, Mar. 1, 1899, Miss Lottie Long; children: Dorothy, William H. Began in architecture in office of A. F. Rosen heim, St. Louis; became head draftsman for A. M. Beinke and after death of employer, 1901, assumed practice of architecture; now member of firm of Clymer & Drischler; has erected a number of residences and mercan tile and manufacturing establishments of St. Louis. Lutheran. Mason. Office: 619 Wain wright Bldg. Residence: 5228 Maple Ave. COAKLEY, Jeremiah Joseph, railway offi cial; born, Allenton, St. Louis Co., Mo., July 5, 1859; son of Jeremiah and Ellen (Callahan) Coakley; educated primary schools of Allenton and Kirkwood, St. Louis Co., and public schools, St. Louis; married, Agnes Bowe, of St. Louis, June 14, 1883 (died August, 1883); mar ried, 2d, Elizabeth Fairbank, of Seymour, Ind., Nov. 3, 1887 (died Aug. 28, 1900); one daugh ter by second marriage: Ruth Elizabeth (now Mrs. Donald Carlisle Welty, of Hamilton, Mont.). Began active career in employ of the Union Railway & Transit Co., St. Louis, Sept. 11, 1875, and ever since connected with said company or its successors; superintendent Ter minal Railroad Association, St. Louis Mer chants' Bridge Terminal Railway Co.; director St. Louis Belt Terminal R. R. Democrat. Cath olic. Served as member House of Delegates, City of St. Louis, 1886-87. Decorated Order of the Crown Prince of Prussia (confirmed by Emperor William) for courtesies extended Prince Henry on his visit to the United States. Clubs: Automobile, Sunset Inn, St. Louis Rail way. Recreations: motoring, fishing, billiards. Office: 101 Union Sta. Residence: 3232 Lafay ette Ave. COATES, Harold Penn-Gaskell, assistant ex ecutive officer Riee-Stix Dry Goods Co.; born, Chester, Pa., June 17, 1870; son of Isaac Tay lor (M.D.) and Mary (Penn-Gaskell) Coates; educated in Lawreneeville School, Lawrence- ville, N. J., 1884-88; Lafayette College, Easton, Pa., 1888-91; married, Philadelphia, July 2, 1891, Florence Elizabeth Jarvis; children: Rosalind Penn-Gaskell, Lucretia Jarvis. Left college, 1891, to enter real estate business with J. T. Jackson in Philadelphia; went to Salt Lake City, Utah, same year, in pursuit of health; engaged in mortgage loans and fire in surance business in Salt Lake, 1891-95; entered electric lighting business in Salt Lake, 1895-98, and was called to St. Louis, July, 1898, by financial interests behind former Imperial Electric Light, Heat and Power Co. ; was secre tary, treasurer and director, and so continued after the North American Co. acquired the company. In 1902, by consolidation local elec tric lighting interests were unified under name of Union Electric Light and Power Co., of which was secretary and assistant treasurer; also secretary, treasurer and director the Seck- ner Contracting Co., and officer and director of several companies subsidiary to these two; assistant executive officer Rice-Stix Dry Goods Co. (wholesale) since April, 1908. Member Delta Tau Delta, and Theta Nu Epsilon college fraternities. Republican. Episcopalian. Rec reation: athletics. Office: 1000 Washington Ave. Residence: 5638 Kingsbury Boul. COBB, Charles Simeon, president Southern Surety Co.; born, Jamaica, Windham Co., Vt., May 25, 1856; son of Roswell Lyman and Ellen (Howard) Cobb; B.S., Cornell Univer sity, 1877; LL.B., University of Michigan, 1879; married, West Schuyler, N. Y., Dec. 21, 1880, Icy Van Vleek; children: Myra (wife of Dr. J. W. Ousley, of Kansas City, Mo.), Abby, ley. Admitted to bar, 1879; practiced at Eaton Rapids, Mich., 1879-84; in banking business at Eaton Rapids, 1884-90, at Denison, Tex., since 1890; president Southern Trust Co. (bank stock investments), Atoka, Okla., since 1904; president Southern Surety Co. since 1907; also chairman of board National Bank of Denison, Tex.; treasurer W. C. Belcher Land and Mortgage Co., of Ft. Worth, Tex. Mem ber Business Men's League. Republican. Uni tarian. Clubs: St. Louis, Noonday, Normandie Golf. Recreation: chess. Office: 4th floor New Bank of Commerce Bldg. Residence: 5700 Bartmer Ave. COBB, Charles Willis Snow, president Glen coe Lime and Cement Co.; born, Rockland, Me., Oct. 6, 1849; son of Francis and Martha (Chandler) Cobb; educated in public schools, Rockland, Johnson's Academy, Topsham, Me., and Norridgewock (Me.) Academy; married, Augusta, Me., June 15, 1880, Sarah S. Haskell; children: Ruth Bradford, Helen Chandler. Be gan business career as clerk in grocery store in Rockland; later member of firm of Cobb, Wight & Co.; moved to St. Louis, 1880, and be came partner in firm of Goetz & Cobb, lime manufacturers, which dissolved 1889; then es tablished Glencoe Lime and Cement Co., of which is president. Member Francis Cobb & Co., wholesale grocers, and of Cobb, Butler & Co., shipbuilders, Rockland, Me. Republican. Congregationalist. Formerly trustee Drury College, Springfield, Mo. Clubs: Mercantile, Glen Echo, City. Office: 904 Syndicate Trust Bldg. Residence: 4415 Morgan St. COBB, Seth Wallace, merchant, ex-congress man; 1838-1909; see Vol. 1906. COBBS, Thomas Harper, lawyer; born, Na poleon, Lafayette Co., Mo., Aug. 26, 1868; son of Thomas T. and Catherine (Harper) Cobbs; B.S., Odessa College, Odessa, Mo., 1889; stu dent Missouri Valley College, Marshall, Mo., 124 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 1890-92; A.B., Washington University, 1896; studied law in St. Louis Law School and later in Yale Law School, Yale University, graduat ing with degree of LL.B., 1897; married, Car rollton, 111., Aug. 30, 1898, Lucie Mae Jones. Taught school at various times while receiving his education and earned money for expenses in college; superintendent schools, Roodhouse, 111., 1892-95; admitted to Missouri bar, August, 1896; associated with law firm of Flower, Smith & Musgrave, Chicago, 1897-1901; in practice at St. Louis with John E. Bishop, as Bishop & Cobbs since 1901. Democrat. Presby terian. Member American Bar Association, Missouri State Bar Association, St. Louis Bar Association, Sigma Nu college fraternity, Yale Alumni Association, Washington Univer sity Alumni Association. Mason (Tuscan Lodge); member Knights of Pythias. Club: Mercantile. Recreations: golf, fishing. Office: 1111-1115 Third National Bank Bldg. Resi dence: 6224 Waterman Ave. COBURN, Maurice, principal assistant engi neer Vandalia R. R. ; born, Cleveland, O., Dec. 5, 1875; son of Forrest A. and Helen A. (Stickney) Coburn; educated in Cleveland public schools and Case School of Applied Science, graduating with degree of B.S., 1897; unmarried. Engaged with Pennsylvania Lines West of Pittsburgh, 1897, since continuously with that system and the Vandalia R. R. ; principal assistant engineer Vandalia R. R. since May, 1909. Member American Railway Engineering Association. Clubs: University, City. Recreation: golf. Office: Century Bldg. Residence: 3737 Washington Ave. COCHRAN, Alexander G., lawyer; born at Allegheny City, Pa., Mar. 20, 1846; son of John Turner and Anna (Richardson) Cochran; educated in public and private schools and Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass.; studied law at Columbia Law School, and admitted to bar, 1866; married Mary Virginia Andrews, of Allegheny City, June 1, 1869. Practiced at Pittsburgh, 1866-74; member Forty -fourth Con gress (1875-77), Twenty-third Pennsylvania District; defeated for Forty-fifth Congress; Democrat. Member special committee to South Carolina to investigate Tilden-Hayes election and one of the objectors on the part of the House in the South Carolina case, before the Electoral Commission; member special com mittee to investigate whisky frauds in St. Louis. Appointed general solicitor Missouri Pacific Ry., 1888; vice president Missouri Pa cific and Iron Mountain lines, Oct. 1, 1904, to Dec. 1, 1909, when retired from railway serv ice; also was general solicitor Cotton Belt and International Great Northern Ry. Judge advo cate Missouri National Guard on staff of Brigadier General Clarke. Member American Bar Association, Missouri State Bar Associa tion, St. Louis Bar Association. Episcopalian. Clubs: St. Louis, St. Louis Athletic (one of governors), St. Louis Country. Office: Pierce Bldg. Residence: 7 Westmoreland PI. COCHRAN, William Arthur; see Vol. 1906. COCHRANE, Manning West, motor trucks; born, Bushnell, 111., Mar. 22, 1868; son of Thomas and Hannah M. (Hartman) Cochrane; educated in public schools and attended Tabor College, Tabor, la.; married, Lincoln, Neb., Feb. 7, 1894, Olive Ethel Moore; children: Dorothy (deceased), Ruth. Associated in grain business with father at Lincoln, 1888-1902; came to St. Louis as representative of father's business in 1902 and in 1903 was made a part ner in the firm under style of Cochrane Grain Co., being the resident partner until 1910; now manager Cochrane Motor Sales Co. Mem ber St. Louis Merchants ' Exchange (president, 1910). Methodist. Mason. Office: 1820 Locust St. Residence: 5109 Kingston Ave. COCKE, William Horner, president Commer cial Acid Co.; born, City Point, Va., Sept. 12, 1874; son of Henry Teller and Elizabeth (Horner) Cocke; educated Staunton (Va.) High School, Virginia Military Institute, Lex ington, Va., 1890-94, graduating, degree of C.S., 1894; professor of mathematics and com mandant of cadets, Kemper Military Academy, 1894-97; graduated from Law Department of Washington University, degree of LL.B., 1898; married, St. Joseph, Mo., Dec. 20, 1905, Annie Jeanette Owen. Admitted to bar, Apr. 22, 1899, and engaged in general practice in St. Louis from that date until December, 1906; senior member law firm of Cocke & Trigg, March, 1904-Jan. 1, 1906. Organizer, and pres ident of the Commercial Acid Co. since Jan/ 1, 1907. Member Business Men's League of St. Louis. First lieutenant Fourth Missouri Volun teer Infantry, 1898-99; captain and adjutant, First Regiment Infantry, N. G. Mo., 1903-04; major same regiment, 1904-06. Mugwump in politics. Club: Normandie Golf. Recreation: Golf. Office: 3943 Duncan Ave. Residence: 5432 Clemens Ave. COE, Edward Davis, merchant; born, Phila delphia, Pa., Apr. 14, 1843; son of Richard and Hannah Maria (Lippincott) Coe; edu cated at William Whitall's Private Academy of Friends ("Quakers"); served in Union Army as private Starr's battery, Pennsylvania State Militia, 1861; private Battery L, 1862, attached to Seventh Regiment Pennsylvania State Militia; attached to Thirty-second Regi ment Pennsylvania Militia, 1863, and 1864-65 was sergeant Company H, 196th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry; married, Philadelphia, Jan. 8, 1874, Maggie Emily Barr. Entered wholesale dry goods business at Philadelphia in 1858 with Joseph Lea & Co., and remained with the firm, during period of war service, until 1870. Came to St. Louis in October, 1870, and established in wholesale notion business, in which has since continued; since 1874 asso ciated with Robert G. Yonge, under firm name THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 125 of Coe, Yonge & Co. Republican. Member Ransom Post, No. 131, G. A. R. (historian since 1900), Legion of Honor. Mason. Office: 905 Lucas Ave. Residence: 4157 Washington Boulevard. COFFIN, Edward H., president Berry -Bergs. Coal Co.; born, Milton, Ulster Co., N. Y., Nov. 25, 1844; son of William and Rhoda A. (Bird- sail) Coffin; educated in district schools of Orange and Ulster counties, Nine Partners Boarding School, Dutchess Co., N. Y. (one term), West-town (Pa.) Boarding School one year, and one year at Post's Academy, Ellen- ville, N. Y. ; taught district school, winters of 1864-65 and. 1865-66; married, Moorestown, N. J., Jan. 24, 1882, Sarah A. Pancoast (died May 3, 1896); children: William II. and S. Frances; married, 2d, Sept. 5, 1906, Mrs. Lelia M. Jack, of St. Louis. Entered service of Mis souri Pacific Ry. Co., Dec. 1, 1866, as clerk in freight office at Jefferson City, Mo., and re mained with that company as clerk and tele graph operator at Holden, and agent and oper ator at Lees Summit, and Kansas City, Mo., until June 30, 1872; was agent for Kansas Central R. R. at Leavenworth, Kan., July 1 to Dec. 31, 1872; returned to Kansas City, Jan. 1, 1873, and was freight agent for Mis souri Pacific Ry. Co. until Jan. 31, 1875; came to St. Louis, Feb. 1, 1875, and entered service of Wabash R. R. as city ticket agent, and re mained with same company as city passenger and ticket agent until Apr. 7, 1902; engaged in coal business, Sept. 1, 1904, as president of the Berry-Bergs Coal Co.; also secretary and treasurer National Pickle and Canning Co. Republican. Friend ("Quaker"). Mason, Knight Templar. Club: Mercantile. Office: 1404-1406 New National Bank of Commerce Bldg. Residence: 3439 Lafayette Ave. COFFIN, William Halleck, secretary and treasurer Berry-Bergs Coal Co.; born, St. Louis, Oct. 28, 1882; son of Edward H. and Sarah A. (Pancoast) Coffin; educated at Smith Academy, St. Louis, Pennsylvania Military College, graduating C.E., 1902, and finished at Cornell University, 1902-03; married, St. Louis, Sept. 6, 1909, Esther Estey, of Eldon, Mo.; one son: Edward H. Entered office of Berry- Bergs Coal Co., wholesale and retail coal and coke, in August, 1903, and upon reorganiza tion of the company in September, 1904, was elected to present position as secretary and treasurer. Member Phi Gamma Delta Frater nity. Recreation: traveling. Office: 1404 New National Bank of Commerce Bldg. Residence: 2607 S. Compton Ave. COLBY, Branch Harris, civil engineer; born at Cherry Valley, O., July 20, 1854; son of Lewis and Celestia (Rice) Colby; brother of J(une) Rose Colby; C.E., University of Mich igan, 1877; post-graduate course in mining, engineering, 1877-78; married Minnie Bary, of Detroit, June 28, 1883; two children: Vine and Dorothy. Assistant on survey of Great Lakes, 1875-78; U. S. assistant engineer Mis sissippi River, 1878-84; in private practice, 1885-89; U. S. assistant engineer, in charge of survey of Portage Lake Ship Canal, 1888-89, for Straight Channel, Sandusky (O.) Harbor, 1889; U. S. assistant engineer Mississippi River Commission, 1889-90; principal assist ant engineer sewer department, St. Louis, 1890-95; sewer commissioner and member Board of Public Improvements, 1895-99; civil and consulting engineer, American Car and Foundry Co., 1900; in private practice since 1901; also city engineer of University City since 1906. Member American Society of Civil Engineers, American Society for Municipal Improvement (vice president), St. Louis En gineers' Club (ex-president). Member Com pany B, Michigan National Guards, 1873-76. Unitarian. Scottish Rite Mason (32°), Shrin er. Office: 812 Security Bldg. Residence: 5790 McPherson Ave. COLCORD, Walter Rea, machinery and sup ply merchant; born, St. Louis, Mar. 6, 1867; son of William and Sarah Maria (Cousins) Colcord; educated in public schools of St. Louis; married, St. Louis, June 1, 1896, Meta Elise, daughter of G. W. and Lena Garrels; children: Gerard Rea, Eunice. Engaged in business as machinery merchant since May 1, 1895; was president of W. R. Colcord Ma chinery Co., dealers in metal-working ma chinery and machine-shop equipment; now president Colcord-Wright Machinery and Sup ply Co.; director Franklin Bank. Independent in politics. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Midland Valley Golf. Recreation: golf. Office: 1223- 1229 N. Broadway. Residence: 4943 Parkview Place. COLE, Amedee B., president John Jackson Investment Co.; born, St. Louis, Sept. 21, 1855; son of Nathan and Rebecca Lane (Fagin) Cole; educated Franklin (public) School, Washington University and Shurtleff College; married, St. Louis, June 18, 1879, Annie, daughter of John Jackson, of St. Louis; children: Annie J. (wife of Dr. Wil liam B. Shields), John J., Ernest J., Reba J. (Mrs. Charles N. Morton), Marjorie (wife of Dr. G. D. Royston). Began business career as assistant in the management of his father's grain commission business, operating on the Merchants' Exchange until 1900. In 1892, when the estate of his father-in-law, who died in 1889, was incorporated under the name of John Jackson Investment Co., he became a director and in 1899 was elected, its president; retired from the grain business and devoted himself exclusively to the man agement of a large tract of mining land near Joplin, Mo., owned by the company". Member Business Men's League, St. Louis Merchants' Exchange, New York Produce Exchange, Trans-Mississippi Commercial Congress. Pres- 120 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS ident Missouri State Society, Sons of the American Revolution, 1911-12; first vice pres ident general of National Society, Sons of the American Revolution. Republican. Ma son (32°), Shriner. Clubs: St. Louis, Rac quet, Automobile, Aero. Recreations: out door life, motoring. Office: 318 N. 8th St. Residence: 3705 Lindell Boul. COLE, Howard, timber lands; born, Par- kersburg, W. Va., May 1, 1868; son of Joseph Howard and Bettie (Dudley) Cole; educated in public schools, Parkersburg, W. Va., to 1887. Cashier State Savings Bank, Roanoke, Va., 1887-89; in 1889 went South and was engaged in land business in Louisiana and Mississippi; was resident in Vieksburg, Miss., five years before coming to Chicago, Apr. 1, 1904. President Mississippi Realty Co., incor porated in 1899, and operating in timber lands in Mississippi and Louisiana; in 1908 organ ized firm of Howard Cole & Co., Incorporated, of which is president. Also president Colum bia Timber Co. (Vancouver, B. O), Howard Cole Timber and Investment Co. (Vancouver, B. C), Silver Lake Timber Co. (Florida), Florida Land and Timber Co.; director Mor ris Lumber Co., and vice president and direct or in a number of other concerns. Republican. Recreation: driving. Office: 235 Pierce Bldg. Residence: 4564 W. Pine St. COLE, John Gully, advertising; see Vol. 1906. COLES, Walter De Rosset, lawyer; born, Parkersburg, W. Va., Jan. 6, 1868; son of Walter and Anne Taylor, (Preston) Coles; at tended University of Virginia, 1884-88; grad uated from Law Department, Washington Uni versity, LL.B., 1889; unmarried. Admitted to bar, 1889, and since engaged in practice in St. Louis; assistant United States District Attor ney, 1894-98; referee in bankruptcy at St. Louis since 1898. Episcopalian. Democrat. Member of American Academy of Political and Social Science, Missouri Historical So ciety, St. Louis and American Bar Associa tions. Clubs: University, Noonday, Racquet, City, Bellerive Country. Office: Room 415, Security Bldg. COLLARD, Guy A., life insurance; born, Bremond, Tex., Feb. 11, 1876; son of James H. and Laura B. (Brown) Collard; educated Southwestern University, Georgetown, Tex.; married, Denver, Colo., Apr. 18, 1906, Minnie L. Body; one son, Sneed B. Engaged in min ing brokerage business principally in Mexico City, Mex., also in the United States and Alaska, until Feb. 15, 1906; then entered life insurance business in Denver, as solicitor, and became local superintendent of agents for The Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Co.; in July, 1908, was appointed manager at St. Louis for the Germania Life Insurance Co. of New York; supervisor of agents, same company, Jan. 1, 1911-Nov. 25, 1911; super visor of agents, Equitable Life Assurance Society, until June 25, 1912; since manager and general agent Union Central Life Insur ance Co. Democrat. Protestant. Recrea tions: hunting and fishing. Office: Fullerton Bldg. Residence: North University City, St. Louis Co., Mo. COLLETT, George Richard, vice president St. Louis National Stock Yards; born, Hart ford, Mich., Jan. 6, 1872; son of George F. and Serah A. Collett; educated in public schools of Hartford; married at Fort Worth, Tex., Apr. 29, 1902, Florence Marsden Heren- deen, of Chicago (died Mar. 29, 1908); one child: Nellie Herendeen. In railroad service at La Porte, Ind., and Chicago, 1890-96; con nected with Armour & Co. interests at Chi cago and Fort Worth, Tex., 1896-1905; vice president and general manager Milwaukee Stock Yards Co., 1905-07; vice president St. Louis National Stock Yards since February, 1907. Also president East St. Louis Rendering Works; vice president National Cattle Loan Co.; director National Stock Yards National Bank. Episcopalian. Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner. Clubs: St. Louis, Glen Echo, Missouri Athletic. Recreation: golf. Office: National Stock Yards. Residence: Buckingham Hotel. COLLIER, Charles Cox, cashier Union Sta tion Bank; born, Keokuk, la., Jan. 14, 1876; son of Alexander and Mary (Wilson) Collier; educated in public schools of Keokuk; un married. Began in banking business at Keo kuk as a messenger and became assistant cash ier 1904; moved to St. Louis and was teller Missouri Trust Co., 1904-06; assistant treas urer, 1906-07; then with Mercantile Trust Co. six months; assistant cashier Union Station Bank, January, 1909-July, 1911, since cashier. Republican. Presbyterian. Office: Union Sta tion Bank. Residence: 4058 Lindell Boul. COLLINS, Charles Cummings, lawyer; born, Memphis, Tenn., July 6, 1872; son of1 Charles Standish and Katherine Julia (Com fort) Collins; educated in public schools of Little Rock, Ark., until 1888; Washington University, A.B., 1892; St. Louis Law School (Washington University), LL.B., 1894; mar ried, St. Louis, Oct. 16, 1895, July Hargadine, daughter of William H. Thomson, of Boat men's Bank; children: Anne Acrata, Julia Comfort, Mary Virginia, Elizabeth Cummings. Taught school in Smith Academy,, department of Washington University, 1892-94; admitted to bar and engaged in practice, June, 1894; now member of law firm of Carter, Collins, Jones & Barker. Member St. Louis, Missouri State and American Bar associations. Mem- < ber Washington University Association. Dem ocrat. Methodist. Clubs: St. Louis, Mercan tile. Office: 1016 Third National Bank Bldg. Residence: 20 Lenox PI. THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 127 COLLINS, John Patrick, undertaker; born, St. Louis, Jan. 6, 1867; son of Patrick and Margaret (Mahoney) Collins; both, of Irish descent; educated in public schools; married, St. Louis, 1890, Isabella Scott (died 1905). Learned undertaking business and entered the office of Christ Schawacker, undertaker, after leaving Polytechnic High School, Oct. 1, 1882; entered undertaking business on own account Mar. 1, 1888; studied law and admitted to Missouri bar, 1902, but now devotes his at tention to undertaking business. Elected member Board of Education to fill unexpired term, 1891, and again elected, 1893; was can didate for State Senate, 1896 (defeated) ; elected to Senate 1900 and served term of four years; elected Democratic Presidential Elector of Twelfth Congressional District at Joplin, Mo., Feb. 20, 1912. Catholic. Elected president Undertakers' and Embalmers' Asso ciation, 1908, reelected, 1909, 1910, 1911 and 1912. Member Knights of Pythias, Knights and Ladies of Honor, Knights and Ladies of Security. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Million Population (director). Recreations: billiards and pool. Offices: 517 Walnut St.; 2732-2734 Park Ave.; 1917-1921 S. Jefferson Ave. Resi dence: 517 Walnut St. COLLINS, Monroe Robataille, real estate and financial agent, retired; born, St. Louis, Feb. 8, 1854; son of Monroe Robataille and Esther (Baker) Collins; educated at Washing ton University; married, Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 11, 1878, Clara Shewell; children: Mon roe Shewell, Robert Eli. Began in real estate business in St. Louis, Mar. 1, 1879, with Delos R. Haynes, under firm name of Haynes & Collins, which dissolved 1884; senior member of M. R. Collins, Jr., & Co., real estate and financial agents, 1884-1909, since retired. Vice president and secretary Collins Realty Co. Member Missouri Historical Society. Gold Democrat. Southern Methodist. Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner. Club: St. Louis. Favorite recreations: hunting, fishing, travel ing and baseball. Residence: St. Louis. COLLINS, Robert E., lawyer; born, Flor ence, Pike Co., 111., Jan. 7, 1851; son of Mon roe R. and Esther (Baker) Collins; descendant of Lindell family of St. Louis; educated Washington University, St. Lduis, and Wash ington and Lee University, Virginia, graduat ing with degree of A.B. from latter institu tion, 1871; studied law in the St. Louis' Law School and in office of Britton A. Hill, St. Louis; married, Baltimore, Md., Dec. 18, 1873, Ida Kate Bishop; two children: Esther C. (Mrs. Edwin R. Chappell) and Ida Kate (de ceased). Admitted to Missouri bar, 1873, and since in practice in courts of Missouri and federal courts; member successively of firms of Hill & Collins (Britton A. Hill), Collins & Carlisle (James L. Carlisle), Collins & Jami son (D. A. Jamison), and Collins & Chappell (Edwin R. Chappell). President and counsel Kirkwood Trust Co.; president and treasurer Collins Realty Co.; vice president and treas urer Lindell Real Estate Co., Joliet Real Es tate Co. Member St. Louis Bar Association, Phi Kappa Psi. Formerly member St. John's Methodist Episcopal Church, South (board of stewards), now Kirkwood Methodist Episco pal Church, South. Mason. Recreation: ama teur mechanic. Office: 702 Rialto Bldg. Resi dence: Kirkwood, Mo. COLLINS, Thomas Richeson, fire insurance ; born, St. Louis, Sept. 16, 1860; son of Martin and Mary Alice (Crabbe) Collins; educated in public and private schools, St. Louis, Ver mont Episcopal Institute, Burlington, Vt., and Washington University, scientific course; mar ried, St. Louis, 1891, Sara K. Ferguson (now deceased); one daughter: Sarah Dorothy; mar ried, 2d, June 1, 1911, Grace S. Parmly, of Chicago'. On leaving' school in 1878 entered the insurance agency established by father, Martin Collins, in April, 1867, and in 1891 be came a partner in the' firm, which is now known as Martin Collins, Son & Co., general fire insurance agents. Member St. Louis In surance Agents' Association. Member Busi ness Men's League, Civic League. Scottish Rite Mason (32°). Clubs: St. Louis, Noonday, St. Louis Country. Office: Pierce Bldg. Resi dence: 525 Clara Ave. COLMAN, Norman Jay, editor Colman's Rural World; 1827-1911; see Vol. 1906. COLNON, Redmond Stephen, contractor; born, Brownville, N..Y., June 29, 1862; son of John W. and Harriet (Perkins) Colnon; grad uated from Cornell University, C.E., 1887; married, St. Louis, Jan. 9, 1895, Catherine Fruin. After graduation engaged as assistant engineer in office of Emil Knichling, Roches ter, N. Y., 1887-89; assistant engineer in of fice of Charles H. Ledlie, 1889-90; assistant engineer Johnson & Flad, 1890-92; engineer Fruin & Bambriek Construction Co., 1892-95; engaged in contracting business for self, 1895- 1900; since 1900 with Jeremiah Fruin, gen eral contractors for street improvements, sew ers, railway work and buildings, and now vice president Fruin-Colnon Contracting Co. Also director New Union Sand Co. President Building Industries Association. Member Board of Education of St. Louis, 1903-09. Was member Municipal Bridge and Terminals Com mission. Democrat. Catholic. Clubs: En gineers', St. Louis, Noonday, Mercantile. Of fice: 502 Laclede Bldg. Residence: 6417 Co lumbia Ave. COMPTON, George B., president Compton & Sons Lithographing and. Printing Co.; born, St. Louis, Feb. 11, 1865; son of Richard J. and Ella Louise (Cleveland) Compton; edu cated in Alton (111.) public schools, and Illi nois College, Jacksonville, 111.; married, Nov. 128 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 7, 1893, Christine Eno; children: Coalter Bates, Eno, George Tarleton. Began, 1885, with Bradstreet Mercantile Agency, and later with Compton & Sons* Printing Co.; went to New York, June, 1899, to establish eastern branch of the company, which has since been in successful operation; returned to St. Louis, 1904, and was elected president of the com pany. Business was established, 1872, by fa ther, Richard J. Compton, who was first in city to manufacture fine color lithograph work, which is still the company's specialty. Mem ber Business Men 's League. Episcopalian. Mason. Club: Missouri Athletic. Office: 200- 212 Locust St. Residence: Kirkwood, Mo. COMPTON, William Randolph, president William R. Compton Co., investment bankers; born, Loc'kport, N. Y., June 27, 1866; son of James Robinson and Frances Hope (Lewis) Compton, the father being a pioneer banker of Lockport and for over fifty years cashier of Niagara County National Bank of that city; ancestors settled in New Jersey from England, 1650; public school education; mar ried, Dayton, 0., Sept. 24, 1889, Caroline Lou ise Parker; three children: Randolph, William Randolph and Frances Hope. Began active career as office boy in a factory of native town, at $2.50 per week; later received bank ing training under father; located in St. Jo seph, Mo., as clerk at eighteen, in wholesale dry goods establishment of Tootle-Hosea Co.; embarked in banking business on own account, at Arlington, Kan., 1886 (the youngest cash ier in the United States), and conducted the business for two years; bought interest in bank at Macon, Mo., 1888, which managed for ten years, during which period acted as agent for Eastern capital in securing loans on Missouri farms. Gradually became interested in municipal bonds; resigned as cashier Bank of Macon, 1898, and moved to St. Louis, 1908; now president William R. Compton Co., in vestment bankers, with branch office in Chi cago. Member Business Men 's League', St. Louis. Democrat. Presbyterian. Director Y. M. C. A. of St. Louis. Scottish Rite Mason; member Tuscan Lodge, A. F. & A. M.; Asca- lon Commandery, Knights Templars. Clubs: Noonday, St. Louis, Bellerive Country (St. Louis), Union League (Chicago). Recreations: literature, golf and motoring. Office: Mer chants-Laclede Bldg. Residence: 18 Kingsbury Place. COMSTOCK, Thomas Griswold, physician, deceased; see Vol. 1906. CONANT, Theodore P., president Sligo Iron Store Co.; born Irasburgh, Vt., Aug. 5, 1850; educated in public schools. Began business career in employ of G. D. Hall & Co., later becoming salesman, and in 1877 that firm was merged in the Sligo Iron Store Co., for which corporation became traveling salesman and later secretary, succeeding, 1905, to present position as president of the company, jobbers of iron. Clubs: Mercantile, Glen Echo Coun try. Office: 1301 N. 6th St. Residence: 4479 Washington Ave. CONDIE, Clarence Warner, vice president Condie-Neale Glass Co.; born, Philadelphia, Apr. 16, 1877; son of Thomas Douglas and Mary Clara (Husted) Condie; educated in public schools of Philadelphia and St. Louis, and St. Louis High School, 1893; married, San Jose, Cal., Aug. 6, 1902, Mary Standish Pit man; two children: Mary Virginia, Clarence Douglas. After leaving school traveled in this country and abroad. With Smith & Davis Manufacturing Co., 1894-98; resigned to fill duty with National Guard in Spanish-Amer ican war. Returned to St. Louis, 1898, and engaged with St. Louis branch Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., to 1901; then at general of fices of company, Pittsburgh, until 1902; agent same company, Wheeling, W. Va., 1902- 03. Returned to St. Louis, 1903, became sec retary Condie-Neale Glass Co., and vice presi dent since 1909. Also vice president Building Industries Association. Member Civic League, Zoological Society. Received medal from United States Congress for service with Bat tery A, Missouri Volunteers, Spanish-Amer ican war, Porto Riean Campaign, 1898.' City treasurer Ferguson, Mo., 1901. Republican. Episcopalian. Mason (32°), Shriner. Clubs: Bellerive Country, City. Recreations: golf, hunting and fishing. Offiee: 2500 N. Broad way. Residence: 5379 Cabanne Ave. CONDIE, Herbert Douglas, president Con die-Neale Glass Co.; born, Philadelphia, Pa., June 17, 1873; son of Thomas D. and Mary Clara (Husted) Condie; educated in public schools and Park Grammar School, Philadel phia, Central High School, St. Louis, and spe cial course in chemistry at Missouri Medical College; married, Ferguson, Mo., Nov. 3, 1897, Sallie Case King, of Chicago; children: Doug las King, Bertha Botsford, Margaret Hallo- well, Herbert Douglas, Jr., and Churchill Clarke. Entered employ of F. A. Drew Glass Co., St. Louis, October, 1891, and worked through every position in office up to general manager, until that company sold out to the Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., when removed to Milwaukee and became assistant manager in that city of Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co.; later removed to Pittsburgh upon opening of the company's branch in that city, and was man ager of its glass department for two years, until organizing in St. Louis the Condie-Neale Glass Co. in February, 1903, of which has since been president; director Broadway Sav ings Trust Co.; vice president Overland Auto mobile Co. Republican. Was member of Bat tery A, St. Louis, 1893-96. Ran on Citizens' ticket for mayor of Ferguson, 1905. Member Pennsylvania Society of St. Louis, Civie League. Mason (32°); member Missouri Con- THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 129 sistory, Moolah Temple, Mj stic Shrine. Epis copalian; secretary Vest>y St. Stephen's Church, Ferguson, Mo. (tubs: Aero, Auto, City, St. Louis, Noonday, Bellerive Country. Favorite recreations: gol/ and motoring. Of fiee: Broadway and Bei ton St. Residence: "Kinghurst, " Ferguson, Mo. CONGER, Charles P , general manager American Forest Co.; lorn, Jackson, Tenn., Feb. 4, 1876; son of Stephen Robert and Ame lia (Cox) Conger; educated in Ouchita Baptist College, Arkadelphia, irk., to 1890; South western Baptist University, Jackson, 1893-96; unmarried. Began business career with S. R. Conger's Saw & Planng Mills, Jackson, 1893, of which was manager until 1898; sales man ager with E. R. Daclington Lumber Co., St. Louis, 1905-09; then western sales manager American Forest ( o., Buffalo, N. Y., office at St. Louis, 1909-10 ; general offices of company removed to St. Louis, 1911; made general manager, also secretary and treasurer since 1911; secretary, treasurer and general Man ager Portland U Southwestern Railway Co., of Portland, Ark., with office in St. Louis. Demo crat. Baptist Member Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity. *Uub: Lumbermen's. Recreations: baseball, theater, fishing and hunting. Office: 718, 420 'Olive St. Residence: Windermere Hotel. CONKLING, Orville Caleb, photographer; born, Forrest, Livingston Co., 111., Mar. 9, 1870; son of George Lewis and Victoria (Freeman) Conkling; educated in public schools of Atlantic, la., to thirteen; married at Omaha, Neb., Nov. 2, 1892, Cora M. Rotton. Began active career in employ of photogra pher at Atlantic, la., 1883 ; removed to Omaha, 1886, and followed same business; located at St. Louis, 1896, and was connected with Guerin & Co., 1896-1901; since in business on own account. Member Zoological Society, St. Louis Photographers. ' Society. Republican. Clubs: Arcadia Country, Midland Valley Country, Adonis Tennis, St. Louis Railway. Recreations: fishing, tennis and billiards. Of fice and Residence: 3826 Olive St. CONN, Luther Henry, real estate dealer; born, Burlington, Boone Co., Ky., Mar. 14, 1842; son of Dr. James V. and Mary E. (Gar- nett) Conn; educated in private schools of Carrollton, Ky.; married, St. Louis, May 16, 1871, Louise G., daughter of Sir Charles Gib son; one daughter: Virgie May (Mrs. Frank V. Hammer). Served through Civil War in the Confederate army and attained rank of captain. Engaged in cotton planting at close of war; came to St. Louis, 1867, and went into real estate business under firm name of Conn & McRee. Became interested in sev eral corporations, engaged largely in mining and milling and farmed extensively, having become owner of the celebrated and historical farm of Gen. U. S. Grant in St. Louis Co. Director several mining companies, and of the Tiger Tail Mill and Land Co. Democrat. Ex- president board of commissioners of Lafayette Park. Member of St. Louis Confederate Vet erans. Office: 705 Olive St. Residence: 1728 Waverly PL CONNELL, John F., secretary and treas urer Procter-Connell Fish Co.; born, St. Louis, Jan. 21, 1865; educated at St. Louis Univer sity. Secretary Trask Fish Co., St. Louis, 1890-1902; organized Kansas City Salt Fish Co., Kansas City, Mo., which was incorpo rated in 1898 and was later absorbed by the Trask Fish Co., St. Louis. On Jan. 16, 1902, with William Otis Procter, of St. Louis, or ganized the Procter-Connell Fish Co., of which is secretary and treasurer. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Midland Valley. Office: 510-512 N. 2d St. Residence: The Buckingham. CONNETT, William Carroll, lawyer; born, Buchanan Co., Mo., Apr. 7, 1879; son of Wil liam Carroll and Perilla (Leonard) Connett; educated St. Joseph High School; graduated from Manual Training School of St. Louis, 1899; student Washington University Law School, 1901, and later at University of Vir ginia; married, St. Louis, Sept. 27, 1909, Jes sie Sehlafly; one daughter: Jane Allen. Be gan practice in St. Louis in July, 1902; secre tary to Mayor Rolla Wells, 1907-09; vice pres ident A. F. Mengee Music Co., Haight Or chard & Development Co., director Liberty Nassau Building Co.; secretary G. R. Schmidt Woolen Co. Democrat. Member St. Louis Bar Association, Thayer Law Club. Clubs: Mis souri Athletic (vice president), St. Louis Ama teur Athletic Association (vice president). Recreation: outdoor exercise. Offiee: Third National Bank Bldg. Residence: 4482 Mc- Pherson Ave. CONNOLLY, Joseph A., clergyman; born, July 13, 1855; educated, collegiate and the ological courses, under Lazarist Fathers, and two years, St. Francis Seminary, near Mil waukee, Wis. Ordained priest, Roman Cath olic Church, in St. John's Church, St. Louis, by Rt. Rev. P. J. Ryan, June 18, 1878; acting pastor St. Columbkill's Church, 1878; pastor New Madrid, Mo., 1878-82; assistant to Fa ther O 'Reilly, of Immaculate Conception Church, St. Louis, 1882-83, and then assistant to Rev. Wm. Walsh, of St. Bridget's Church; pastor DeSoto, 1886-92, St. Teresa's Church, St. Louis, since 1892; appointed vicar gen eral December, 1903. Under his administra tion the present church edifice in St. Teresa's parish was erected. Residence: 2413 N. Grand Avenue. CONNOR, James A., grain commission; born, St. Louis, Sept. 13, 1875; son of Patrick P. and Mary E. (Lawler) Connor; educated at St. Louis University; married, Springfield, 111., Oct. 27, 1897, Helen Griffith; one child: 130 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS Mary Elizabeth, born May 27, 1907. In grain commission business since March, 1893; now member of Connor Bros. & Co. Member St. Louis Merchants' Exchange. Recreations: fishing and baseball. t)ffice: 505 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Residence: 5253 Waterman Avenue. CONRAD, Harry Jacob; see Vol. 1906. CONRAD, John F., grocer; born, St. Louis, Mar. 1, 1850; son of Enoch and Frederika Conrad; educated in private schools at St. Louis; married, St. Louis, 1872, Sarah C. Stork; children: Frederick E., Julia (now Mrs. Eugene Ringler), Louis Philip, Oscar J., Car rie L., Alvina O., John F., Jr., Agnes N., Har old A. Began business career as clerk in gro cery, store; in 1874 started in business for self in small store at 2714 Franklin Ave.; opened branch store at 4470-4474 Delmar Ave., 1892, and same year incorporated business as J. F. Conrad Grocer Co., of which is president; started downtown store on Locust St. in 1897, and moved, in 1907, to 713-715 Washington Ave.; now conducts both wholesale and retail business. Honorary member of St. Louis Turn Verein. Clubs: Liederkranz, King's Hunting and Fishing, Log Cabin. Recreations: bowling, hunting and fishing. Office: 713-715 Washing ton Ave.; branch stores: Grand and Shenan doah Aves., Union and Suburban Aves. Resi dence: 4333 Morgan St. CONRADES, Edwin ' H., coal and coke ; born, St. Louis, July 22, 1861; son of John H. and Marie C. (Freese) Conrades; educated in public schools of St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Oct. 17, 1887, Louise R. Stifel; children: Paul E., Otto Stifel. Began business career in the finishing department of the chair factory of Conrades & Logeman, remaining in that es tablishment until, in 1883, became one of the incorporators of the J. H. Conrades Chair and Parlor Furniture Co.; resigned to become a partner in the firm of Donk Bros. & Co., coal merchants, and since business was incorpo rated as Donk Bros. Coal and Coke Co. has been vice president of the company. Also pres ident Conrades Chair Co., St. Louis, Troy & Easter Ry. Co., St. Louis & Illinois Belt R. R. Co.; vice president Merchants' and Manufac turers' Investment Co.; director German Sav ings Institution; etc. 32° Mason (Scottish Rite), Knight Templar, and Shriner. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Union, Liederkranz. Office: 314 N. 4th St. Residence: 2013 St. Louis Ave. CONRADES, John Henry, retired; born, Liebenau, Hanover, Germany, Aug. 22, 1832; son of William and Mary (Peters) Conrades; early education in Germany; attended public night school in St. Louis, 1852; Jones Commer cial College, St. Louis, 1854; married, Port Hudson, Franklin Co., Mo., Nov. 27, 1856, Mary C. Freese (died Dec. 15, 1897); children: Theodore .H., Edwin H., John Henry, Jr., Bel mont C, Emil W., Josie (Mrs. E. C. Donk), Adele (Mrs. C. Conradis), Ella (Mrs. Otto Stifel). Started at cabinet work at age of fourteen at Bremen, Germany, where learned trade; left there at age of seventeen for Amer ica; worked at trade for one and one-half years in Cincinnati, then six months in St. Louis as jqurneyman, foreman of shop for one and one-half years; in 1853 bought out the business and established the firm of Conrades & Logeman, chair manufacturers, which dis solved in 1883; organized and was president of J. H. Conrades Chair and Parlor Furniture Co., 1883-1910; since honorary president. Re publican. Served in militia in 1861. President German General Protestant Orphans' Home. Clubs: Union, Liederkranz. Recreations: mu sic and literature. Office: 1942 N. 2d St. Resi dence: 3643 Castleman Ave. CONRADES, John Henry, Jr., chair manu facturer; born, St. Louis, Jan. 24, 1866; son of John Henry and Mary C. (Freese) Con rades; educated in St. Louis public school and Smith Academy; married, St. Louis, Jan. 4, 1905, Mary Emma Wunseh; one son: Ralph Andrew. Began business career as collector for a coal company; then became shipping clerk and later traveling salesman for the J. H. Conrades Chair and Parlor Furniture Co., of which is now secretary and treasurer; presi dent Marshall Realty Co., Marshland Realty ' Co., Marshland Game Preserve. Republican. Unitarian. Member Knights of Pythias. Clubs: Union, Mercantile, Apollo. Favorite recrea tions: hunting, fishing, riding and music. Of fice: 1942 N. 2d St. Residence: 2919 Russell Avenue. *CONRADES, Theodore, manufacturer; moved to Omaha; see Vol. 1906. CONROY, Patrick Edward, pianos; born in Ireland, Mar. 2, 1864; son of Thomas and Mary (Welby) Conroy; educated in publie schools of North Easton, Mass.; married, 1890, Delia Mori arty; one son: Robert T. Began active career as traveling salesman in general merchandise; engaged in piano business since 1887; president since organization, of the Conroy Piano Co., wholesale and retail dealers in pianos, and vice president A. J. Conroy Co., of Cincinnati; also treasurer of the Reliable Specialty Co., 1108 Locust St. Independent in politics. Recreations: fishing and baseball. Offiee: 1100 Olive St. Residence: Usona Hotel. CONZELMAN, Oscar, dentist; born, Iron- dale, Mo., June 19, 1869; son of Jacob and Eva (Fisher) Conzelman; educated public schools; Columbia University, New York; Washington University, St. Louis, graduat ing from the Dental Department of same, de gree of D.D.S., 1894; married, Hannibal, Mo., Jan. 27, 1903, Marguerite Ryan; one daugh ter, Virginia Marie. Has engaged in practice in St. Louis since 1894. Republican. Luther an. Member Woodmen of the World. Club: THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 131 Liederkranz. Recreations: hunting and fish ing. Office: 3860 S. Broadway. Residence: 3415 Halliday Ave. CONZELMAN, Theophilus, second vice pres ident Crunden-Martin Woodenware Co.; born, St. Louis, Apr. 8, 1858; son of Gottlieb and Jorgine (Grunbeck) Conzelman; educated in public and high schools, St. Louis; married, St. Louis, October, 1882, Emma Lewis (died 1901); children: Theodore L., William L., Emerson; married, 2d, St. Louis, June, 1905, Jane Good; children (by second marriage) : James Good and Jane. Began in real estate business with Cavender & Rowse, real estate and loans, then engaged in looking after own private real estate interests for several years, and in 1892 entered the Crunden-Martin Woodenware Co., jobbers of woodenware and manufacturers of Diamond paper bags, of which is second vice president; president Con- zelman-Crunden Realty Co. Independent in politics. Unitarian. Member Merchants' Ex change. Clubs: Mercantile, Missouri Athletic, St. Louis, Algonquin Golf, Bellerive Country. Recreation: golf. Office: cor. 2d and Gratiot Sts. Residence: 5260 Washington Ave. COOK, Douglas G., president American Wine Co.; born, Chicago, 111., June 3, 1847; son of Isaac and Harriet (Norton) Cook; educated in public schools of Chicago and at Christian Brothers College, Notre Dame, Indiana; married, St. Louis, 1877, Carrie S. Dickson; children: Carrie D. (Mrs. Edward L. Preetorius), Douglas D., Ellis W. Began busi ness career in employ of American Wine Co. (of which father was president) as shipping clerk, and advanced from one position to an other until, on father's death, in 1886, suc ceeded as president, the company being manu facturers of champagne and controlling large vineyards in Northern Ohio. Member Busi ness Men's League, Merchants' and Manu facturers' Association. Mason,- Knight Tem plar; member B. P. O. Elks. Clubs: St. Louis, Mercantile, Glen Echo, Missouri Athletic. Recreation: fishing. Office: 3015 Cass Ave. Residence: 3828 Washington Ave. COOK, Isaac, Jr., manager Elizabeth Cook Estate; born, Fox River, Wis., June 21, 1867; son of Isaac and Mary Elizabeth (Udell) Cook; has lived in St. Louis since 1868; edu cated at Smith Academy, St. Louis; Adams Academy, Quincy, Mass.; A.B., Harvard Uni versity, 1890; married, St. Louis, 1896, Edith, daughter of Dr. Henry Hodgen Mudd; chil dren: Henry, Elizabeth. Engaged in the man agement of real estate in Chicago and St. Louis and in care of estate of the late Mary Elizabeth Cook. Democrat. Episcopalian. Clubs: St. Louis, University, Country, Mis souri Athletic; also Harvard Club of New # York City. Residence: 3 Hortense PI. COOK, Isaac Thompson, real estate; born in Fayette Co., O., Aug. 28, 1871; son of Major James F. and Mary Augusta (Myers) Cook; educated in public schools of Washing ton Court House, O.; married at Washington Court House, O., Feb. 28; 1894, Jessie Carle ton McCrea; children: Elizabeth Janet, Jessie Augusta and Carleton McCrea. Came to St. Louis, 1891; clerk in retail shoe stores until 1896; since engaged in real estate business and in management of office buildings. Secre tary and treasurer Chemical Building Co., Frisco Building Co., Wright Building Co.; president Seventh Street Building Co.; secre tary, treasurer and manager of the Neighbor hood Light, Power and Heating Co.; president Chaffee Real Estate Co. Member Business Men's League, St. Louis Manufacturers' As sociation, Civic League. Republican. Presby terian. Clubs: St. Louis, Noonday, Mercantile, University, Missouri Athletic, Normandie Golf, City, Aero. Recreations: hunting, fish ing and athletics. Office: 1412 Chemical Bldg. Residence: 4579 W. Pine Boul. COOKE, Henry von Phul, manager Com merce Safe Deposit Co.; born, Hannibal, Mo., Aug. 9, 1854; son of William M. and Eliza (von Phul) Cooke ;»educated at St. Louis Uni versity; unmarried. Began active career as clerk for Henry von Phul Commission Co., St. Louis; in 1881 became connected with the St. Louis Safe Deposit Co., and continued with that company and its successor, the St. Louis Safe Deposit and Savings Bank, until 1906; in mercantile pursuits, 1906-09; manager Com merce Safe Deposit Co. since 1909. Democrat. Catholic. Recreations: fishing and hunting. Office: National Bank of Commerce Bldg. Residence: 5005 Cabanne Ave. COOKE, John Kutherfoord, cashier Third National Bank; born, St. Louis, Sept. 27, 1856; son of (Judge) William Mordecai and Eliza (von Phul) Cooke (original Cooke came from Suffolk, England, settled in Virginia prior to 1650; on mother's side, Dr. Sangrain, great-grandfather settled in St. Louis, 1800); educated in Christian Brothers College, and St. Louis University; married, St. Louis, Oct. 17, 1883, Margaret L. Larkin. Began busi ness career with engineering corps, 1872, con tinuing until 1873; engaged with Third Na tional Bank, as clerk, 1873, advanced to junior official positions until 1911, when he was elected cashier and director. Democrat. Catholic. President Visitation Council, St. Vin cent de Paul's Society, and member Upper Council same; member St. Louis Credit Men's Association (ex-treasurer) , Missouri Historical Society. Clubs: St. Louis, Bankers'. Recrea tion: reading. Office: Third National Bank. Residence: 14 Lewis PI. COOMBE, Western B., insurance, deceased; see Vol. 1906. CORBITT, J. Arthur, fire insurance under writer; born, St. Louis, June 17, 1871; son of James M. and Maria E. (Jenkins) Corbitt; 132 THE BOOK. OF ST. LOUISANS educated in Smith Academy, St. Louis; unmar ried. Was connected with the Beck & Corbitt Iron Co., from September, 1889, to June 22, 1901. Since Mar. 1, 19Q2, has been engaged in a general insurance business. Member Busi ness Men 's League, Civic League. Republican. Presbyterian. Mason (32°), Shriner. Clubs: University, City, Automobile, Aero, Bellerive Country. Favorite recreation: motoring. Of fice: 1449 Pierce Bldg. Residence: 3662 Del- mar Boul. CORBY, Jerome Bauduy, president Corby Supply Co., railway supplies; born, St. Louis, May 21, 1875; son of Frank P. and Josephine A. (Robidoux) Corby; educated St. Louis public schools; married, St. Louis, June 9, 1899, Ann M. Woods; two children: Frank S. and Betty B. Began active career, in vaca tion, with D. Crawford & Co., 1887; entered railway supply business with Andrew Warren, 1889, continuing until he retired; became connected with the National Tube Works, 1896, and remained with this concern until it sold out to the Crane Co. and with the latter until November, 1903; then was made mana ger of C. A. Thompson's railway supply busi ness; organized the Corby .Supply Co., of which has been president and manager since Mar. 1, 1907; also southwestern agent of the Ashton Valve Co., Hayden & Corbett Chair Co., Pittsburgh Steel Products Co., Reading Chain Block Co. and southwestern manager Chicago Pneumatic Tool Co. Republican. Catholic. Member Order of Kokoal, Business Men's League. Clubs: Traffic, Missouri Ath letic. Recreations: motoring and athletic sports. Office: 1822-1824 Locust St. Resi dence: 5428 Clemens Ave. CORLIS, George L., lawyer; born, Metropo lis, 111., May 26, 1873; son of Edwin and Sarah (Scott) Corlis; LL.B., McKendree College, Lebanon, 111., 1891; married, Union City, Tenn., Oct. 15, 1895, Miss Bird Trevathan; two daughters: Marian and Catherine. Ad mitted to Illinois bar, 1891; in practice in East St. Louis, 1891-96, since in St. Louis; member firm of Corlis & Quinn. Dean of Ben ton College of Law. Democrat. Mason (R. A.). Author: Commercial Law; Business Law and Business Methods; Short Study of Real Property; Delineation of Some Phases of the Law. Recreation: literature. Office: Times Bldg. Residence: St. Regis Apts. CORNELI, Adolph, seed merchant; born, St. Louis, Aug. 20, 1860; son of Phillip and Marie (Mathias) Corneli; educated in public schools and Jones Commercial College, St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Oct. 8, 1894, Hector Ford. Began business career with the Plant Seed Co. as an employe in the office, later be coming salesman, then traveled for the firm on the road, 1876-95; in 1895, with brother, Ben P. Corneli and H. M. Schisler, joined in organization of the Schisler-Corneli Seed Co., of which is secretary and treasurer. Mem ber Merchants' Exchange, Royal Arcanum. Club: Rotary. Recreations: bowling and mo toring. Office: 813-815 N. 4th St. Residence: 5200 Minerva St, CORNELI, Ben Phillip, seed merchant; born, St. Louis, Apr. 3, 1855; son of Phillip and Marie Corneli; educated in public sehools of St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Nov. 10, 1881, Margaret Coudy; one son: Clifford. Has been connected with the seed business con tinuously from 1875, beginning with the St. Louis and Peoria Plow Co., until 1878; then with the Plant Seed Co., 1878-95, and in 1895 joined in organization of Schisler-Corneli Seed Co., of which is president. Member St. Louis Merchants ' Exchange, Royal Arcanum. Clubs: Automobile, Grain. Recreation: music. Office: 813 N. 4th St. Residence 4839 Cote Brilliante Ave. CORNELL, Robert Henry, farm lands; born in Adrian, Mich., Nov. 5, 1855; son of Wil liam Henry and Emily (Danforth) Cornell; educated in public schools; married, St. Louis, Mar. 8, 1878, Maria Hodges; children: Ethel H. (Mrs. Melville Williamson), Luda H. (Mrs. Julian Luckett), Oliver H. (deceased), Esther I., Florence L. Began business career in serv ice of Indianapolis & St. Louis R. R., contin uing for three years; then in St. Louis post office as paying teller of money order department; after that in railway mail serv ice, first in Seventh Division, and later as chief clerk of Eleventh Division, with head quarters at Fort Worth, Tex.; resigned, 1888, and returned to St. Louis, engaging in real estate business on own account, until was elected, 1905, as real estate officer of the Com monwealth Trust Co.; resigned, January, 1912, and organized Cornell-Miller Texas Farms Co., of which is president. Member St. Louis Reai Estate Exchange (director). Mem ber Church of the Redeemer. Charter member Hyde Park Council, No. 4, Legion of Honor. Club: City. Recreations: hunting and fishing. Office: 415 Locust St. Residence: 5041 Ca banne Ave. CORNET, Edward, president Edward Cornet Grocer Co.; born, St. Louis, Sept. 10, 1858; son of August and Margaret (Reich) Cornet; educated in parochial schools and Christian Brothers College; married, St. Louis, Sept. 11, 1883, Anna Jansen; children: August E., Clara L., Clemens J., Agnes A., Edward J. On leaving school, entered the grocery business founded by father fifty years ago, and has ever since continued with the house, and has served as president of the Edward Cornet Gro cery Co. since its incorporation, 1903. Member of the Merchants' Exchange, St. Vincent de Paul Society, and St. Vincent de Paul Orphan Society. Catholic. President Gentlemen's Driving Club. Office: 1241 N. 13th St., cor. O 'Fallon. Residence: 3819 S. Grand Ave. THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 133 CORNET, Henry Louis, real estate; born, St. Louis, Nov. 15, 1856; son of Francis and Annie (Blackmail) Cornet; educated in pri vate schools and in the Christian Brothers School, St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Septem ber, 1888, Annie Chapman; children: Frank, Harry, Lucille, Marjorie, Ruth. Began busi ness career as assistant secretary of the Mul lanphy Board of Charities, then went with Isaac H. Keim, real estate, in charge of Mullanphy, Biddle and Clemens estates; after that with Charles H. Turner, real estate, and then member of the firm of Bergman & Cornet, 1885-93; engaged in business for self as H. L. Cornet & Co., real estate, 1893-97; since 1897 member of firm of Cornet & Zeibig, real estate and financial agents. President Standard Realty Co. Member St. Louis Real Estate Exchange. Republican. Catholic Clubs: Mer cantile, Racquet. Recreation: fishing. Office: 719 Chestnut St. Residence: 4550 Berlin Ave. CORNWALL, Barnabas M., treasurer St. Louis House Furnishing Co.; born, Lawrence- ville, HI., Oct. 10, 1851; son of Francis and Jeannette (Delisle) Cornwall; educated in private schools of Cuba, Mo., 1861-69; mar ried, St. Louis, 1878, Lizzie Lincoln; children: Leeta, Nettie, Raligha, Clyde, Olive. Since 1887 in furniture business for self, establish ing at 1810 Franklin Ave.; H. J. Gobbles be came partner, 1889, and removed to 817 Frank lin Ave.; in 1892, P. J. Farrington entered as third partner and business was incorporated as the St. Louis House Furnishing Co., of which he is treasurer. Republican. Episcopa lian. Member Knights of Pythias. Recrea tions: hunting and fishing. Office: 902-906 Franklin Ave. Residence: 5173 Maple Ave. CORNWALL, Frederick Reid, attorney in patent causes; born, Washington, D. O, Feb. 23, 1872; son of James G. and Frances (Reid) Cornwall; educated in public schools of Wash ington, D. O, and studied law at National University there, receiving degree of LL.B., 1891, and M.L., 1892; married, Dec. 23, 1893, Annie May Bushall, of Beaufort, N. C; six children living: May Bushall, Frederick Reid, Jr., Paul Bakewell, Virginia, Ward Leacraft, Richard Randolph. Started to work in patent solicitor's office in Washington Nov. 1, 1886; ' after practicing before Patent Office six years, came to St. Louis, June 1, 1892, and entered the office of Paul Bakewell, and engaged in soliciting United States and foreign patents, and in the practice of patent, trade mark and copyright law; became partner, Aug. 1, 1897, in firm of Bakewell & Cornwall, which part nership was dissolved Dec. 31, 1908; since practiced alone. Member of several patent law associations. President American Phila telic Society; Fellow Royal Philatelic Society of London. Mason (Tuscan Lodge), Knight Templar (Ascalon Commandery), Shriner. Clubs: St. Louis, Racquet, Noonday. Office: 801 to 806 Chemical Bldg. Residence: 5052 Waterman Ave. CORNWELL, Frederick Leander, lawyer; born, St. Louis, Feb. 13, 1878; son of Ben jamin Sedgely and Helen Virginia (Jennings) Cornwell; married, St. Louis, Aug. 11, 1910, Daisy George Walker; one child: Frederick Leander, Jr. Member of Light Battery A, Missouri Volunteers, during war with Spain; began practice of law in St. Louis, Feb. 28, 1899; in same year went to Porto Rico and practiced there for eleven years; member Legislative Assembly of Porto Rico, 1900-04 inclusive, during which time was chairman of Judiciary Committee; member joint legislative committee that codified laws of Porto Rico,- also insular district attorney for judicial dis trict of Mayaguez; resumed practice in St. Louis, 1911. Director Choteau Trust Co. Re publican. Baptist. Member United Spanish War Veterans. Mason (Blue Lodge, Chapter, Commandery and Shrine). Clubs: St. Louis, Missouri Athletic. Recreations: fishing, hunt ing and baseball. Office: 805-808 La Salle Bldg. Residence: 53 Kingsbury PI. CORWIN, Alvin B., president Corwin Build ing and Construction Co.; born, Delaware, O., Dec. 21, 1854; son of Levi Jennings and Ange- line (Bradford) Corwin; educated in- public schools of Delaware;' married Emma F. Phil ips, of Lowell, Mass., Sept. 29, 1886 (died 1905). Began as architect and builder in Bonne Terre, Mo., 1885; located in St. Louis, 1891, and has since been actively engaged in business in and around the city; president Corwin Building and Construction Co., estab lished 1896, builders and general contractors, making » specialty of estimating and replac ing fire and wind-storm losses; also president Heinz- Young Construction Co. Republican. Methodist. Member Knights of Pythias. Rec reation: politics. Office: 601 Roe Bldg. Resi dence: 5500 Vernon Ave. *CORY, George Edward, roofing materials- moved to San Francisco; see Vol. 1906. CORYELL, John Barstow, physician and surgeon; born, Nichols, Tioga Co., N. Y., Sept. 6, 1867; son of Emanuel and Matilda (Thayer) Coryell; educated in public and private schools of Tioga Co., N. Y., and St. Louis Medical College (Washington University), M.D., 1886; married, St. Louis, March, 1905, Ellen Fraser (now deceased). Engaged in general practice in St. Louis since gradua tion in 1886. Member A. F. & A. M., Ancient Order United Workmen. Club: Union. Office and Residence: 309 S. Broadway. COSTE, Paul Felix, lawyer; 1856-1906; see Vol. 1906. COSTELLO, John Stephen, brush manufac turer; born in New York City, June 22, 1833; son of Michael and Bridget (McGowan) Cos- tello; educated in public schools in New York 134 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS City; married, New York City, 1854, Kath erine Sougherin; children: John E. (deceased), Katherine E. (Mrs. J. H. Wolfe), Mary (Mrs. M. J. Brennan), Frances Xavier. Learned trade of brushmaker in New York City, and worked as journeyman there; came to St. Louis, 1855, and was in charge of factory of Dings & Stein, until 1858, when established business for self, afterward admitting son, Francis X. Costello, and M. J. Brennan, under present style of J. S. Costello & Son. Roman Catholic. Member Catholic Knights of Amer ica, Ancient Order of United Workmen. Of fice: 1108 Pine St. Residence: 3744 Cook Ave. *COUDREY, Harry Marcy, insurance; moved to Washington, D. C; see Vol. 1906. COUGHLIN, William Thomas, surgeon; born, Ontario, Can., Apr. 25, 1873; son ' of Thomas and Ellen (O'Reilly) Coughlin; edu cated public schools of Ontario; Collegiate Institute, Barrie, Ont.; studied medicine at Trinity University, Toronto; Washington Uni versity Medical School, St. Louis, M.D., 1901; studied also in London Hospital, London, Eng., and universities of Paris, France and Heidelberg, Germany; unmarried. Interne St. Louis City Hospital, 1901-02; instructor in anatomy, Washington University Medical School, 1902-08; instructor in surgery, same, 1908-11, and lecturer on fractures and disloca tions in same, 1908-10; member staff Washing ton University Hospital, 1908-11; assistant professor surgery, St. Louis University, since June, 1911; on staff of Rebekah Hospital, since June, 1911. Roman Catholic. Member American Medical Association, Missouri State Medical Society, St. Louis Society of City Hospital Alumni, St. Louis Surgical Club, Washington University Alumni Medical Asso ciation; also member Knights of Columbus. Clubs: University, City, Western Rowing. Of fice: Metropolitan Bldg. Residence: 2713 Washington Ave. COURTNEY, Leslie, retired; born in Pettis Co., Mo.; son of Peter and Elizabeth (Bracht) Courtney; educated in public schools of Pet tis Co.; unmarried. Came to St. Louis, Janu ary, 1886, and engaged with Kelley, Good fellow & Co., wholesale shoes; in 1901, organ ized the Courtney Shoe Co., manufacturers and jobbers of boots and shoes, of which com pany was president until 1908, when sold out his interest and retired. Democrat. Club: Mercantile. Residence: Buckingham Hotel. COUSINS, John W., Salvation Army offi cial; born in Yorkshire, England, Feb. 7, 1861; educated in public schools and Interna tional Training College, London; married, Denver, Colo., Sept. 13, 1895, Martha J. Car penter; two children: Annie Catherine and John Lincoln. Followed butcher's trade for about three years; joined Salvation Army, 1882, became an officer, 1883, and engaged in evangelistic work until 1886; was sent to Canada and had charge of various commands there; promoted to adjutant and later to staff captain; in United States since 1881, and in St. Louis since Sept. 1, 1909, as brigadier provincial officer for Missouri, Kansas & Southern Illinois, with rank of lieutenant col onel. Office: Fullerton Bldg. Residence: 4218 Cook Ave. COUSSENS, Andrew Harwood, druggist; born, Nashville, Tenn., Mar. 12, 1847; son of John H. and Mary (Royster) Coussens; edu cated in private and public schools of Nash ville, and at Franklin College, Davidson Co., Tenn.; married, Gallatin, Tenn., Aug. 6, 1874, Bettie Prince; children: Andrew Hills, Bettie Prince, John R., Mary' Royster, Erie V. (Mrs. George Harsh). Engaged in drug business since March, 1869; since Feb. 26, 1894, presi dent and manager of the Anti-Monopoly Drug Co., wholesale and retail. Democrat. Member Christian (Disciples) Church. Member Royal 'Arcanum, Legion of Honor. Office: 700 Mar ket St. Residence: 5125 Von Versen Ave. COUTANT, Charles Albert; see Vol. 1906. COWAN, James English, insurance; born, Apple Creek, Cape Girardeau Co., Mo., Oct. 13, 1834; son of Rev. John F. and Mary E. (Eng lish) Cowan; educated in public schools of Washington Co., Mo.; married, St. Louis, Apr. 28, 1858, Henrietta S. Quinette; children: James Edward, J. Mortland, Mary E., Susie Q. (Mrs. G. F. Hulbert), Elenore J. (Mrs. O. G. Selden). Came to St. Louis, 1849, and was for years engaged in the book and stationery business; since 1872 has been in the insurance business, and now, with his son, conducts un der firm name of James E. Cowan & Son, an agency for fire, tornado, liability, accident, burglary and plate glass insurance. Presby terian and active church worker. Secretary of the Western Society for the Suppression of Vice, St. Louis branch. Member Royal Ar canum, Legion of Honor. Office: Pierce Bldg. Residence: 3017 Eads Ave. *COWDERY, Edward G., gas light official; moved to Chicago; see Vol. 1906. COWEN, William B., vice president Na tional Bank of Commerce; born, St. Louis, May 28, 1861; son of Alexander H. and Maria (May) Cowen; educated Catholic parochial school, St. Louis, 1868-70; private school, 1871-73; public schools, 1873-76; St. Louis High School, 1876-77; unmarried. Began active career as clerk in National Bank of Commerce, Oct. 1, 1878; passed through vari ous positions and was made assistant cashier, 1898, and has served as vice president since February, 1908; also director St. Louis Car Wheel Co., St. Louis Taxi Cab Co., St. Louis Coliseum, Independent in politics. Catholic. Member Business Men 's League, Civic League. Clubs: St. Louis, Racquet, Bankers', Bellerive, THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 135 Glen Echo, Aero, Automobile. Recreations: athletic sports and outdoor diversions, espe cially fishing. Office: Broadway and Olive Sts. Residence: 5964 W. Cabanne PI. COX, Charles Alexander, pork packer; born in Nelson Co., Ky., Aug. 31, 1846; son of John A. and Martha (Roberts) Cox; educated in public and private schools of native county; married, Eddyville, Ky., Nov. 1, 1871, Julia Rudy; one daughter: Julia E. (Mrs. Harris H. Johnston); married, 2d, Eddyville, Ky., July 20, 1876, Sarah Rudy; children: Charles Gor don, Virginia Roberts (wife of Rev. Rockwell S. Brank), Sarah Isabel, Ethel Lucy, Douglas A. Reared on farm when slaves did most of the work; quit farm, 1867, and entered en gineer corps of Louisville & Nashville R. R., making survey from Stanford to Richmond, Ky.; continued in engineering department of various railroads in Kentucky, Arkansas and Tennessee until 1874; then went into construc tion work as contractor. In April, 1877, owing to suspension of railroad building, went into pork-packing business (temporarily, as he sup posed), and has remained in it ever since; president Cox & Gordon Packing Co., manu facturers and wholesale dealers in fancy sugar cured hams, breakfast bacon, pure lard and other packing-house products. Director La clede National Bank, 1885-95, Merchants- Laclede National Bank since 1895. Director, 1885-86, and, 1890-91, vice president, 1887, and president, 1889, and still member Merchants ' Exchange. Independent in politics. Attepds St. Peter's Episcopalian Church. President Kentucky Society; member Royal Arcanum and Legion of Honor. Club: St. Louis. Office: 1019 S. Third St. Residence: 4052 Westmin ster PI. COX, LeGrand Marvin, oral physician born, Winslow, 111., Feb. 26, 1876; son of Le Grand Marvin and Eveline (Talmadge) Cox educated in Winslow district School to 1892 Warren Academy, Warren, HI., 1892-94; D.D.S. Chicago College of Dental Surgery, 1898 M.D., St. Louis College of Physicians and Sur geons, 1909; married, Hanover, 111., Aug. 23 1899, Alta Phoebe Miller; four children Hortense (died May 2, 1907), Mildred, Mar vin, Marian. In practice of dentistry in Jo Daviess Co., 111., 1898-1904, since in St. Louis. Professor anesthesia and minor surgery, and professor oral surgery, St. Louis College of Physicians and Surgeons, since 1906. Member St. Louis Dental Society, Missouri State Den tal Association. Clubs: Fellowship, Kings- highway Church. Recreation: fishing. Office: Central National Bank Bldg. Residence: 5064 Cates Ave. COYLE, Eugene, Catholic priest; born, Three-Mile House, Ireland, Feb. 15, 1847; son of Owen and Mary Coyle; graduated from St. McCarten's Seminary, Ireland, and entered on philosophical and theological course at St. Francis Seminary, Wisconsin, 1868, graduat ing, 1872. Ordained priest at St. Louis, Mar. 8, 1873; appointed assistant pastor, Church of the Immaculate Conception, St. Louis, and later took charge of missions in Knox, Audrain, Adair, Schuyler and Scotland coun ties, Mo., and still later in Monroe and Ralls counties; established a parish in Adair Co.; built a church in Schuyler and in Clark; priest in charge of St. Patrick's Church, Clark Co., about ten years; since 1885 at St. Louis, rec tor St. Louis Old Cathedral. Member Knights of Columbus. Address: 209 Walnut St. COYLE, Philip W., traffic commissioner of the Business Men's League; born, Greenwood, Steuben Co., N. Y., July 10, 1850; son of Ber nard and Susan (Killduff) Coyle; educated in common schools of Allegany Co., N. Y.; mar ried, Dunkirk, N. Y., Jan. 6, 1872, Ella Louise Mulkin; children: Gertrude S. (Mrs. F. J. Bates, of Washington, D. O), Clifford D. Be gan service with the Erie R. R., with which was telegraph operator and station agent, 1865-81; general freight and passenger agent, Lackawanna & Pittsburgh R. R., 1881-87; as sistant general freight agent, Wabash R. R., 1887-1906; was appointed traffic commissioner of the Business Men's League, St. Louis, May 1, 1906. Independent in politics. Mason, Knight Templar. Episcopalian. Clubs: Mer cantile, City, Alton Country. Favorite recrea tions: golf, chess. Offiee: fifth floor Mercan tile Library Bldg. Residence: Alton, 111. CRABB, Robert A., lawyer; born, St. Louis, Jan. 31, 1868; son of Robert M. and Mary L. (Manix) Crabb; educated in public schools; Washington University; St. Louis Law School, LL.B., 1895; married Miss Louisa Donnelly, of St. Louis, July 17, 1897; children: Dorothy A., Garland P. In general civil practice in St. Louis since 1895. Member St. Louis and Mis souri State Bar associations. Democrat. Cath olic. Member Legion of Honor. Recreations: fishing and hunting. Office: 610 Times Bldg. Residence: 5414 Page Boul. *CRABTREE, John Holt, investment securi ties; moved to New York; see Vol. 1906. CRAFT, William Braddock, vice president and general manager Merchants' Ice and Coal Co.; born, St. Louis, Apr. 24, 1857; son of M. B. and Elizabeth A. (Adcock) Craft; educated in public schools of St. Louis, Jones Commercial College and Henderson Commer cial College; married, St. Louis, January, 1890, Mary Wiethuchter. Has been in the sand business in St. Louis since 1875, consecu tively with the New Missouri Sand Co., of which was secretary until 1902; general man ager of the Colorado Sand and Gravel Co., 1902-September, 1910, when became vice pres ident and general manager Merchants' Ice and Coal Co. Republican. Member Union Ave nue Christian Church. Recreation: traveling. 136 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS Office: 402 Stock Exchange Bldg. Residence: 1233 Goodfellow Ave. CRAIG, John, contractor and builder; born near Londonderry, Ireland, June 10, 1867 son of Matthew and Margaret (Hutchison) Craig; educated in native land; came to Amer ica, March, 1888; married, Sterling, Mass. Jan. 8, 1902, Caroline L. Fitch; one son: Rob ert L. Engaged in carpentering at Princeton la., two years, and then went to Rock Island. 111., and continued at same trade; located in St. Louis, 1892, and for about twelve years was employed as journeyman; then entered general contracting business, in which has since continued. Republican. Presbyterian. Mason; Knight Templar, Shriner; also mem ber Knights of PythiasL Office: 7 24 Odd Fel lows Bldg. Residence: 0644 Von Versen Ave. CRAIGHEAD, John Thomas, merchandise broker; born, Fulton, Calloway Co., Mo., Nov. 7, 1866; son of John Alexander and Elizabeth M. (Adair) Craighead; educated in country district school .at Carrington, Mo., and West minster College, Fulton, Mo.; married, St. Louis, Apr. 27, 1892, Mary Elizabeth Dun- ville; two sons: Thomas Gorman, Norwood Dunville. Began business career as clerk with L. D. Farmer & Co., general merchandise, Ce dar' City, Mo., 1884-88; buyer Schweppe Gro cery Co., St. Louis, 1888-91; since Nov. 1, 1891, in business under style of J. T. Craig head & Co., as merchandise broker, selling borax for Pacific Coast Borax Co. to wholesale drug trade, grocers, spice mills, grocers' sun dries manufacturers, etc.; handles baking pow der, bicarbonate of soda, corn starch, tin cans, canned goods (canned meat, fish, vegetables and fruit), sugar, rice, molasses, dried and evaporated fruits, nuts, etc. Also director of J. C. Grant Manufacturing Co., baking pow der, bicarbonate of soda, etc. Member Mis souri Horticultural Society. Democrat. Ma son; Past Chancellor Knights of Pythias. Rec reations: horticulture and architectural work. Champion pistol shot. Protestant. Office: 502 S. 7th St. Residence: Webster Groves, Mo. CRAM, George Taylor, insurance; 1834- 1908; see Vol. 1906. CRAMER, Emile R., superintendent of Lab oratories anil Works, G. Cramer Dry Plate Co.; born, St. Louis, Apr. 17, 1874; son of Gustav and Emma R. (Milentz) Cramer; edu cated in St. Louis to 1882; Educational Insti tute (private), 1882-9T); Manual Training School, Washington University, 1890-93; left Manual Training School while in third year to take charge of exhibits and building at Chicago World's Fair; upon returning to St. Louis after the fair attended Perkins & Her- pel's Business College, 1893-94; in the fall of 1894 returned to Manual Training School, from which he graduated in 1895; married, St. Louis, Oct. 2, 1901, Ida A. Broeseljone child: Dorothy. Since leaving school has been continuously engaged within the chemical laboratories of which now superintendent. Republican. Protestant. Member of Washing ton University Association, St. Louis Horti cultural Society. Clubs: Amateur Athletic As sociation, Liederkranz. Recreation: fishing. Office: Shenandoah and Lemp Aves. Resi dence: St. Louis Co. CRAMER, F. Ernest, vice president G. Cra mer Dry Plate Co.; born, St. Louis, July 6, 1870; son of Gustav and Mathilde (Weber) Cramer; educated in public schools, 1870-80; Educational Institute, graduating, 1886; Washington University, graduating, 1887; at tended law school, 1887-88; learned photogra phy, 1888-89; married, San Francisco, Cal., July 31, 1901, Angela Le Prohon. Since 1889 . has been engaged in manufacture of photo graphic dry plates with father; vice president G. Cramer Dry Plate Co. since 1898. Presi dent Broadway National Bank, 1701 S. Broad way. Chilean consul. Republican. Former member of city council. Ex-president Latin- American Club, and Foreign Trades Associa tion; member Manufacturers' Association. Protestant. Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner. Clubs: Union, Liederkranz, Masonic (ex-president). Favorite recreation: fishing. Office: Shenandoah and Lemp Aves. Resi dence: Grand and Russell Aves. CRAMER, Gustav, president G. Cramer Dry Plate Co.; born, Eschwege, Germany, May 20, 1838; son of Emanuel and Dorothea (Viewe- ger) Cramer; educated in schools in Germany; married; children: F. Ernest, Emile R. and G. Adolf. Came to St. Louis in 1859; learned trade of photographer with John A. Scholten,. with whom remained for five years; then started in business as photographer on own account and remained in it until 1885; started as manufacturer of dry plates, 1880; in 1898 admitted his three sons, and incorporated the business as the G. Cramer Dry Plate Co., of which he is president. Vice president of the Board of Charity Commissioners of St. Louis; vice president German General Protestant Orphan Home; member board of directors of the St. Louis Provident Association and also of the Deutscher Schul Verein; member of St. Louis Liederkranz; president St. Louis Alten- heim. Mason; member Knights and Ladies of Honor, and Legion of Honor. Office: Lemp and Shenandoah Aves. Residence: 3306 S. 13th St. CRAMER, Otto, dry goods merchant; born, Hermann, Gasconade Co., Mo., Oct. 13, 1847; son of Dr. Edward and Margaret Cramer; educated public schools at Hermann to age of thirteen; St. Louis University; Jones Com mercial College; married, St. Louis, Septem ber, 1872, Sophia Ludewig; four children: John, Dorothy (Mrs. J. Yt. Hanley), Ottillia, THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 137 Elizabeth (Mrs. Chester L. Harvey). Entered employ of C. Heim, general merchant, of Boonville, Mo., 1863; next with the Jameson- Cotting Dry Goods Co., continuing until the company, dissolved, 1872; with the C. S. Davis Dry Goods Co., 1872-96; purchased an inter est in the Wear & Boogher Dry Goods Co., predecessors of the Carleton Dry Goods Co., and is a director of the latter; also director International Bank. Club: Liederkranz. Rec reations: athletic sports. Office: 12th and Washington Sts. Residence: 3626 Flora Boul. CRANDALL, Albert, fire insurance; see Vol. 1906. CRANDALL, Frank Wilber, vice president King, Brinsmade Mercantile Co., wholesale millinery; born, Sullivan, N. Y., Dec. 22, 1857; son of Warren D. and Lydia M. (Wilber) Crandall; educated in St. Louis public and high schools; married, St. Louis, Dec. 6, 1881, Mary G. Day; children: Harold W., Dorothy. At eighteen entered employ of wholesale dry goods firm of Simon & Gregory, continuing for twelve years; then with the Rice-Stix Dry Goods Co. for about sixteen years; since Feb. 1, 1902, associated as vice president with the King, Brinsmade Mercantile Co., in the whole sale millinery trade. Member and chairman National Railroad Committee, Travelers' Pro tective Association; chairman of Western Classification Committee of Millinery Jobbers ' Association. Independent in politics. Office: 1701-1709 Washington Ave. Residence: Nor mandy Hills, Mo. CRANDALL, George Clinton, physician; born near Elgin, 111., June 18, 1865; son of George W. and Caroline (Perry) Crandall; moved with parents at early age to Michigan; educated in country school, high school, and Michigan Agricultural College, Lansing, Mich., graduating B.S., 1887; M.D., Medical Depart ment, University of Michigan, 1890; married, Syracuse, N. Y., May 1-8, 1895, Nellie Merry; one son: George Washington. Worked on farm and taught school, previous to beginning med ical work; appointed, 1890, on medical staff Northern Michigan Asylum at Traverse City; resigned, 1894, to go abroad; spent a year and a half in hospitals of Europe; located in St. Louis, 1895, and appointed professor of gen eral medicine in Marion-Sims Medical College, and continues in same chair in Medical De partment of St. Louis University; president consulting staff of St. Louis City Hospital; medical director of St. Louis Society for Re lief and Prevention of Tuberculosis. Secre tary and director St. Louis Dental College. Member National Society of Tropical Medi cine, St. Louis Medical Society, Missouri State Medical Association, American Medical Association, American MedicoTFsychologieal Association, Civic League, Citizens' Industrial Association, Academy of Science. Clubs: Con temporary, City. Recreations: hunting and fishing. Office and Residence: 3674 Lindell Boulevard. CRANE, Charles L., insurance; born, Roch ester, Beaver Co., Pa., Nov. 13, .1861; son of Jonathan and Eliza M. (Reno) Crane; edu cated in public schools; married, St. Louis, 1883, Emma E. Rockwell; children: Frank H., Helen, Charles L. Has been a resident of St, Louis since 1872; in insurance business since 1876; established firm of Charles L. Crane & Co., 1886, incorporated as Charles L. Crane Agency Co., 1909, and became president same; president Provident Loan and Securities Co.; president Underwriters ' Salvage Corps, March, 1909, to March, 1911. Member Busi ness Men's League, Civic League. Clubs: Mer cantile, Missouri Athletic. Recreation: travel. Office: 1301 Pierce Bldg. Residence: 4512 Westminster PI. CRANE, Wilber Edgar, railway official; born, Warsaw, Hancock Co., 111., Apr. 13, 1865; son of Calvin Church and Sarah (Chambers) Crane; educated public schools, Warsaw; mar ried, New York City, Mar. 5, 1908, Estelle P. Barnwell, -of Los Angeles, Cal.; one daughter: Jocelyn. Began in railway service as tele graph operator, Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific Ry., at Warsaw, 111., 1883; operator Toledo, Peoria & Western Ry., at Hamilton, 111., 1884- 85, and operator same road, at Warsaw, 111., 1885-88; in charge local freight office same road, at Peoria, 111., 1888-89; cashier local freight office at Peoria, of Jacksonville South eastern Line, 1889-91; chief clerk general freight department same road, at Jackson ville, 111., 1891-94; chief clerk Chicago, Peoria & St. Louis Ry., Jan. 1-Nov. 15, 1894; general freight agent Jacksonville, Louisville & St. Louis Ry. (now Jacksonville & St. Louis Ry.), 1894-1902, and general manager same road, 1902-04; coal traffic manager Chicago, Bur lington & Quincy Railway System, April to Dec. 15, 1904; general manager Ft. Smith & Western R. R., Dec. 15, 1904-05; vice presi dent and general manager, 1905-08, and since 1908 vice president same road; also vice presi dent St. Louis, El Reno & Western R. R.; pres ident Illinois Steel Bridge Co., Walton & Co., Walton Stone Co.; receiver Sans Bois Coal Co., director Title Guaranty Trust Co. and Amer ican Trust Co., of St. Louis. Member Business Men's League. Democrat. Methodist. Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner. Club: Bel lerive Country. Recreation: golf. Office: 704 Title Guaranty Bldg. Residence: Hampton Park, St. Louis Co. CRANFILL, James Harvey, manufacturer; born, Rockbridge, III., Aug. 21, 1862; son of Zaehariah and Mary J. (Cato) Cranfill; edu cated in public schools; married, St. Louis, 1890, Mary S. Page; one son: Pha. Began act ive career in printing business, with which was connected until 1889; then became iden tified with firm of F. Applegren, manufactur- 138 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS ers of burnt sugar color, and since 1902. has engaged in same line of business on own ac count, as president J. H. Cranfill Manufac turing Co. Republican., Presbyterian. Scot tish Rite Mason; member Keystone • Lodge, No. 243, A. F. & A. M.; St. Louis Chapter, No. 1, R. A. M.; Moolah Temple, Mystic Shrine. Recreation: fishing. Office: 1623 N. 7th St. Residence: 3832 Russell Ave. CRAWFORD, Cary Russell, vice president Moon Bros. Carriage Co.; born, Brown Co., O., Jan. 15, 1862; son of Jackson and Elizabeth (League) Crawford; educated in public schools of Brown Co.; married, St. Louis, April, 1890, Agnes Coleman. Came to St. Louis at twenty- one years of age and secured employment with Moon Bros. Carriage Co.; advanced through various positions and was elected treasurer, 1893, later as secretary and treasurer and since 1900 has served as vice president; treas urer Moon-Hopkins Billing Machine Co.; sec retary and treasurer Landis Machine Co. Re publican. Member St. Louis Legion of Honor. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Mercantile, Glen Echo Country. Recreations: golf, shooting. Office: 4900 McKissock Ave. Residence: 27 Lewis PI. CRAWFORD, George Lacy, insurance; born, St. Louis, Nov. 29, 1870; son of James E. and Julia (Lyle) Crawford; educated in Smith Academy, St. Louis; married, St. Louis, June 18, 1895, Perlie Bevis; children: James E., Lida. Worked for National Bank of Com merce as assistant discount clerk, assistant paying teller, 1886-94; in 1894, with father, established firm of J. E. Crawford & Son, bond stock brokers, of which was the moving factor, and after death of father, October, 1901, was sole proprietor until 1908; since in general insurance. Member Business Men's League. Episcopalian. Mason (32°), member Missouri Chapter, R. A. M., Ascalon Com mandery, Knights Templar, and Moolah Tem ple, Mystic Shrine; member Eagles, B. P. O. E. President St. Louis Horse Show; director Cardinal Baseball Club, St. Louis. Clubs: St. Louis, St. Louis Country, Racquet (president), Kingslake Hunting and Fishing. Recreations: horseback riding, hunting, fishing and motor ing. Office: 1222 Pierce Bldg. Residence: 4251 W. Pine Boul. CRAWFORD, Hanford; born, Ossining, N. Y., 1856; son of Rev. M. D'C. and Charlotte (Holmes) Crawford; educated in public schools and high schools of New York City and College of the City of New York, graduat ing 1875; married, New York City, 1886, Ger trude Smith; one daughter: Ruth. Began busi ness career as clerk in wholesale men's fur nishing goods house of Fisk, Clark & Flagg, New York City, continuing, 1868-71; then, after graduation from college, taught school in New York City, 1875-77; traveled abroad for four years; returned to the United States, and was connected with the Yale Observatory at New Haven, Conn., 1881-82; with James McCreery & Co., dry goods, New York City, 1883-99; came to St. Louis, 1899, and bought interest in the Scruggs, Vandervoort & Barney Dry Goods Co., and from 1905-11 was presi dent of the company; now president Euston White Lead Co. President St. Louis Y.. M. C. A. since Dec. 27, 1911. Member Merchants ' Exchange. Director Boatmen's Bank, Busi ness Men's League, Civic League, Louisiana Purchase Exposition Co., Y. M. C. A. Repub lican. Member M. E. Church. Member Delta Kappa Epsilon Fraternity. Clubs: St. Louis, Mercantile, Noonday, Methodist, St. Louis Country (St. Louis), University, and Aldine Association (New York). Recreation: travel ing. Office: Security Bldg. Residence: 4442 Lindell Boul. CREAR, Celsus; see Vol. 1906. CREECY, Edmond Perkins, retired; born, Pasquotank Co., N. C, Dec. 9, 1847; son of Col. Richard Benbury and Mary Brozier (Per kins) Creecy; educated mainly under instruc tion of his father; married, St. Louis, May 9, 1878, Margaret Preston Kendall (died Dec. 1, 1899); nine children: Richard B. (deceased), Frank (deceased), Prewitt, John B., Margaret P., Mary P., Sarah B., Edmond H., Ellen F. Seryed as private in Company A, Sixty-eighth North Carolina Infantry, March, 1863, until discharged, latter part of 1864, on account of physical disability; prisoner of war in federal prison six months. Removed to Omaha, Neb., 1869; engaged in civil engineering until 1876; member police force of St. Louis, 1877-81; division engineer New York, Texas & Mexico R. R., 1881-82, and then practiced engineering in southwest; rejoined police force, St. Louis, and acted as patrolman, 1885-95, sergeant, 1895-99, captain, 1899-1906, chief of police, St. Louis, 1906-10. Democrat. Episcopalian. Mason; member B. P. O. Elks. Residence: 6608 Marmaduke Ave. CREMER, John Cameron, lumberman; born, Milton, England, Sept. 12, 1872; son of Wil liam J. and Jane (Matthews) Cremer; edu cated, Kent County College, City of London College and Gresham College; married, St. Louis, December, 1906, Pauline Pollock (died April, 1908). Emigrated to America, 1893, and became connected with the Chicago Lum ber Co. (now Chicago Lumber and Coal Co.), at Atchison, Kan.; removed to St. Louis when offices of the company were located in this city, 1896; advanced through various posi tions as bookkeeper, salesman, manager, au ditor and director and comptroller same com pany; resigned and Oct. 1, 1911, organized the Cremer Lumber Co., of which is president; was director Surtzer Lumber Co., Fullerton- Powell Hardwood Lumber Co., Bradley Lum ber Co., Fullerton-Stuart Lumber Co., etc., and comptroller Gulf Lumber Co., Gulf & Saline THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 139 River R. R. Co., and auditor Warren Johns- ville & Saline River R. R. Co.; resigned direct orship of above named companies Mar. 1, 1912. Independent in politics. Episcopalian. Clubs: St. Louis, Mercantile, University, Normandie Golf (St. Louis), Chicago Athletic, Lumber men's (Chicago). Recreation: golf. Office: 506 Olive St. Residence: St. Louis Club. CRENSHAW, John Holmes, osteopath; born, Amity, De Kalb Co., Mo., Aug. 11, 1877; son of Giles Young and Annie C. (Holmes) Crenshaw; graduated from Mayville (Mo.) High School, 1894, Birmingham (Ala.) Busi ness College, February, 1897, American School of Osteopathy, KirksVille, Mo., June, 1899; married, St. Charles, Mo., Jan. 26, 1901, Clara May Stokes. Was employed by Charles Coun- selman & Co., grain merchants, of Chicago, 111., conducting branch office for them at May ville, Mo., buying grain, for one year; prac ticed osteopathy in Illinois one year, since in St. Louis. Member State Board of Osteopathic Registration and Examination, 1903-08, St. Louis Osteopathic Association, Missouri Osteo pathic Association, American Osteopathic As sociation. Democrat. Residence: 957 Hamilton Avenue. CREVELING, Hanley Clay, physician; born in St. Louis Co., Mo., July 4, 1873; son of James G. and Clementina. (Hanley) Creveling; educated in public school of St. Louis Co., 1880-86; Smith Academy, 1887-89; Manual Training School, St. Louis, 1889-92; Missouri Medical College, 1892-95, M.D., 1895; married, St. Louis, Oct. 2, 1899, Katherine M. Rob- ison; children: Marie Adele, Henry Clay, Jr. Began practice of medicine in St. Louis, in March, 1895; since 1902 has confined practice to specialty of nose, throat and ear. Member American Medical Association, Missouri State Medical Association, St. Louis Medical Society, Alumni Society of Medical Depart ment of Washington University, American Academy of Ophthalmology and Oto-Laryn- gology. Independent Democrat. Was second lieutenant Cadet Corps, Washington Univer sity, 1891-92. Member Cumberland Presbyte rian. Recreation: poultry and live stock rais ing. Office: 324-326 Metropolitan Bldg., Grand and Washington Aves. Residence: 102 Plant Ave., Webster Groves. CRIGLER, Lebbeus Pindall, lawyer; see Vol. 1906. CROAK, Michael Edward, proprietor cloth ing house; born, St. Louis, Aug. 1, 1862; son of John and Hanora (Mahaney) Croak; edu cated in public schools of St. Louis; married, St. Louis, 1889, Nellie O 'Neil; children: Frank J., Edwin, Elmer, Josephine, Anthony O'Neil. Began business life as clerk with Atlantic and Pacific Telegraph Co., St. Louis, 1876, four months; clerk Star Clothing House, 1876-80, Finley &Hull Clothing House, 1880-86, F. W. Humphrey Clothing Co., 1886-95. Established M. E. Croak Tailoring Co., 1895, now con ducts business under style of M. E. Croak & Co. Member Business Men's League. Demo crat. Clubs: Missouri Amateur Athletic, City. Recreations: athletics, horseback riding and motoring. Office: 712 Washington Ave. Resi dence: 5127 Raymond Ave. CRONE, Charles Christian, real estate; born, St. Louis, Mar. 12, 1851; son of Chris topher and Elizabeth (Vogt) Crone; edu cated in public schools; married, St. Louis, Oct. 14, 1875, Wilma Kupferle; children: Es- telle (wife of Dr. A. F. Koetter), Edward C. In real estate business in the North End since 1876; expert in real estate values in that section of the city. Republican. Ex-president of North St. Louis Citizens' Association; member of North St. Louis Business Men's Association. Mason; member Legion of Honor. Recreations: horseback riding and driving. Office: 3618 N. Broadway. Residence: 5226 Waterman Ave. *CRONIN, Henry James, railway auditor; moved to Chicago; see Vol. 1906. CROSSEN, Harry Sturgeon, surgeon; born in Appanoose Co., la., Feb. 2, 1869; son of James and Affinity (Sturgeon) Crossen; edu cated Siloam Springs (Ark.) Academy, 1885- 88; Medical Department of Washington Uni versity, 1889-92, M.D., 1892; married, Oberlin, O., Mar. 28, 1895, Mary Frances Wright; chil dren: Theodore W., Ruth V., Robert J., Vir ginia M., David F. Appointed junior assistant City Hospital, 1892, senior assistant, 1893, and six months later assistant superintendent City Hospital, which held until appointed by Mayor Walbridge, superintendent St. Louis Female Hospital; since 1899 engaged in pri vate practice. Clinical professor of gyne cology Washington University; gynecologist to Washington University Hospital, Bethesda Hospital, Mullanphy Hospital and Missouri Baptist Sanitarium. Member American Gyne cological Society, American Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, American Medical Association, St. Louis Medical So ciety, Medical Socety of City Hospital Alum ni. Republican. Methodist. Extensive con tributor to medical literature of articles per taining' to gynecology and obstetrics. Recrea tion: hunting. Office: Metropolitan Bldg., Grand Ave. and Olive St. Residence: 5423 Bartmer Ave. CROSSMAN, Clarence Campbell, vice presi dent Skinner & Kennedy Stationery Co.; born, St. Louis, April 15, 1870; son of Robert Burns and Mary Frances (Finigin) Crossman; edu cated in St. Louis public schools; married, St. Louis, Mar. 24, 1892, Jessie A. Williams; two children: Marie Frances and Grayce Leigh. Began business career with C. B. Woodward Printing Co., 1890, and continued to 1895; with Con. P. Curran Printing Co., 1895-97, 140 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS Perrin & Smith Printing Co., 1897-1901; then engaged with Skinner & Kennedy Stationery Co., of which has been vice president since 1908. Expert rifle and revolver shot; won National Revolver Championship, 1911; estab lished world 's revolver record (highest possi ble score), 1907; also numerous state cham pionships, and many trophies. Member Na tional Rifle Association, Missouri State Rifle Association (secretary), United States Re volver Association (vice president), Colonial Revolver Club, St. Louis Revolver Club. Since 1908 associated with Colonel Spencer, First Infantry, Missouri National Guard, trying to increase efficiency of militia as well as to in struct civilians in rifle practice. Republican. Presbyterian. Mason. Office: 312 N. Broad way. Residence: Forsythe Boul., Clayton, Mo. CROUCH, Thomas W., retired; born, In dianapolis, Mar. 6, 1854; son of George W. and Martha E. (Ramsey) Crouch; educated at Mountbelle Academy, Nashville, Tenn.; mar ried, Winchester, 111., 1878, Nellie B. Simms; children: Lloyd F., Thomas W., Jr., Mrs. Irene Crouch Williams, Nellie B. (Mrs. Thomas W. Carter, Jr.). Began business career as a mem ber of the firm of George W. Crouch & Sons, dealers in horses and mules, and later of Max well-Crouch Mule Co., of which is treasurer; president St. Louis Dressed Beef and Pro vision Co., 1902-10, and director in various other stock yards and ranching interests; vice president Illinois State Trust Co., and direct or in various other corporations. Was presi dent of Colonial Trust Co. until the company merged with the Commonwealth Trust Co., of which is now vice president. Member Ten nessee Society. Baptist. Clubs: Mercantile, St. Louis, Glen Echo (life), Noonday. Recrea tion: traveling. Office: Commonwealth Trust Co. Residence: 4001 Delmar Ave. CROW, Edward Coke, lawyer; born, Ore gon, Holt Co., Mo., Dec. 19, 1862; son of George W. and Elizabeth Hopkins (Barnes) Crow; educated in public schools and grad uated at public high school, Carthage, Mo.; graduated from Law Department, Washington University, St. Louis, 1880; married, Marshall, Mo., Sept. 14, 1889, Gussie Hanna; children: Edward H., Margaret E., Tanye O, Gussie, W. R. Admitted to Missouri bar in 1881, and has been in practice ever since. Was appointed and then elected city attorney of Webb City, Mo., 1893; in 1896 appointed circuit judge of the circuit composed of Lawrence and Jasper counties, Mo.; nominated and elected on Dem ocratic ticket, 1896, and renominated and re elected in 1900, attorney general of Missouri, serving eight years; opened an office in St. Louis, Jan. 10, 1905, and now engaged in law practice in this city. Served nine years in National Guard of Missouri. Office: '717-718 Wainwright Bldg. Residence: Eureka, Mo. CROW, Edward Gay, real estate; see Vol. 1906. CROW, William Fisher; dry goods; 1838- 1908; see Vol. 1906. CROWDUS, James Caldwell, wool and hides; born in Marion Co., Ky., Aug. 15, 1860; son of Matthew W. and Phoebe Elizabeth (Caldwell) Crowdus; educated in public schools; married, Fort Wadsworth, Staten Is land, N. Y., Oct. 4, 1893, Elizabeth G. Elliott; children: Jeannette Elliott, James A.; Wil liam Warren, Walter. First engaged in the wool and hide business at Weatherford, Tex., 1878; removed to Fort Worth, Tex., 1885, and to St. Louis in 1886, as a member of the. firm of E. S. Brooks & Co., to which firm suc ceeded in 1892; since then has conducted a wholesale business in hides and wool under the firm name of J. C. Crowdus & Co. Also president of Janus Realty Co. Independent Democrat. Club: Mercantile. Recreation: fish ing. Office: 104-106 N. Main St. Residence: 5047 Washington Ave. CRUNDEN, Frank Payne, president of Crunden-Martin Woodenware Co.; born, St. Louis, May 18, 1859; son of Benjamin R. and Mary (Morgan) Crunden; educated in St. Louis High School; married, Keokuk, la., Aug. 25, 1887, Elizabeth Chittenden; children: Walter M., Mary B., Elizabeth B., Arthur C, Kathrine. Entered woodenware business with Udell, Schmieding & Co., 1876; started for self, 1884, in firm of Udell & Crunden, and in 1891 reorganized business as Crunden-Martin Woodenware Co., jobbers of woodenware and manufacturers of Diamond paper bags, of which is president. Also president Conzelman- Crunden Realty Co. Independent Democrat. Clubs: Stl Louis, Racquet, City, Country, Art ists' Guild. Recreation: golf. Office: 2d and Gratiot Sts. Residence: 4426 Westminster PI. CRUNDEN, Frederick Morgan, librarian St. Louis Public Library; 1847-1911; see Vol. 1906. CRUTTWELL, Julian Canning; see Vol. 1906. CULBERTSON, Stephen Duncan, jeweler; born in Perry Co., Pa., Oct. 12, 1846; son of David Hayes and Mary Galbraith (Linn) Cul bertson; removed to Philadelphia, 1849; to Princeton, la., 1860; to Carroll Co., la., 1869; educated in public and private schools, Prin,ce- ton, la., and Monmouth (111.) College; mar ried, Princeton, Feb. 1, 1872, Mary Eliza Hess; children: Stephen Roy, Robert Hayes, Cornelia May, Ethel Burchard, Rolla McClos- key and Linn Nicolls. Left college in 1869, to engage in stock business in Carroll Co., la. In 1883 formed partnership with George J. Hess in jewelry business in St. Louis, and the business was incorporated Mar. 2, 1904, as the Hess & Culbertson Jewelry Co., of which. THE BOOK OF 'ST. LOUISANS 141 is vice president and treasurer. Republican. Presbyterian, Scottish Rite Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner; member Royal Arcanum, St. Louis Legion of Honor, Royal League. Club: Mercantile. Office: 501 N. 7th St. Resi dence: 5060 Raymond Ave. CULLEN, James Joseph, heating contract or; 1863-1906;. see Vol. 1906. CULLEN, Michael James, undertaker; born, Ireland, Apr. 16, 1850; son of James and Ellen (Prendergast) Cullen; educated parochial schools of St. Louis; St. Louis University; Franklin (public) School; Central High School, graduating in English, French and German; married, St. Louis, Nov. 28, 1911, Josie Henebery. Came to America, 1850, at the age of nine months: entered livery, board ing and undertaking business Feb. 18, 1869, but later gave attention exclusively to em balming and undertaking; now at head of the firm of Cullen & Kelly, owning one of the largest and most completely appointed estab lishments of the kind in the country; also the oldest firm in the city as regards continuous partnership, having existed forty-two years. Member undertakers' local and state associa tions; delegate to National Convention of Un dertakers, 1876, also to state conventions. Democrat. Catholic. Member Mullanphy Emi grant Board six years. Member Ancient Or der United Workmen, Ancient Order of Hi bernians, Royal Arcanum, Ben Hur, Catholic Knights of America, Knights of Columbus. Clubs: Democratic, Irish- American Athletic, Hibernian Athletic. Recreation: traveling. Office: 2735 Cass Ave. Residence: 2731 Cass Avenue. CULLINAN, George Evans, manager West ern Electric Co.; born, Geneseo, N. Y., Aug. 5, 1878; son of Daniel C. and Mary (Evans) Cullinan; was graduated at Geneseo State Normal School, collegiate course, 1896, teach ers' course, 1897; B. A., Williams College, Mass., 1901; married, Williamstown, Mass., Oct. 30, 1905, Mary E. Neyland; three chil dren: Mary E., George E., Jr., Dorothy. Has been identified with Western Electric Co. con tinuously since 1901; began as stock clerk and became, successively, employment agent, ship ping clerk and assistant traffic manager; came to St. Louis, October, 1907, as assistant man ager and was made manager, May, 1909; was assistant manager same company at Chicago for three months in 1910, returning to St. Louis as manager Jan. 1, 1911; also director and- vice president Western Electric Co. of Missouri since 1909. Roman Catholic. Mem ber Business Men's League of St. Louis, also of Webster Groves. Clubs: Mercantile, City, Algonquin Golf. Was member Williams Col lege football team for four years, also mem ber of Williams College track team for four years. Recreation: golf. Office: 814 Spruce St. ¦Residence: 68 Marshall PL, Webster Groves, Missouri. CULP, William McGregor; see Vol. 1906. CULVER, William Wallace, retired; born near Columbus, in Franklin Co., O., July 30, 1835; son of John Milton and Lydia E. (How ard) Culver; attended district school in win ter, worked on farm in summer; married, 1869, Anna Amelia Scott, of Bowling Green, Ky. (who is now deceased); children: Lucius F., Stella Nora (now Mrs. C. C. Nichols), Anna Laura (deceased), Wallace O; married, 2d, 1878, Caroline Louise Cleaveland, of Plym outh, Ind. (who is also deceased). Went from Ohio to Decatur, 111., 1851, but returned same year and worked as carpenter at Decatur, Onarga and Springfield; came to St. Louis, 1856, but could not find work, and returned to Illinois; worked at Brighton until engaged to sell patent smoothing irons; the following fall employed by John McCreery to sell stoves from wagon, with whom remained six years; took course in Bryant & Stratton 's Commer cial College, Chicago, 1860; voted for Abra ham Lincoln there; began selling stoves for himself at Connersville, Ind., 1862; moved to Shawneetown, 111., 1865, where firm of Culver Bros, was established. Sold stoves in Iowa, Missouri and Kentucky until 1869, then moved to Kansas City; returned to Kentucky, 1870; firm located in St. Louis, 1874. Became presi dent Wrought Iron Range Co. (established 1880), but after death of brothers retired from the business. Founded, 1903, Asbestos Manu facturing and Roofing Co., of which was pres ident until 1905; now conducting own real es tate interests. , Republican. Member First Con gregational Church. Mason. Office: Culver Bldg. Residence: 5933 W. Cabanne PI. , CUMING, James Spencer, president Central Telephone and Electric Co.; born, St. Louis, May 6, 1872; son of George Edward and Emma M. (Powers) Cuming; educated in St. Louis common schools and passed examination for high school; married, St. Louis, June 26, 1895, Edna Earl Pleasants; children: Georgia Edna, Frances Marie. Started in wholesale grocery business, 1887, with Krafft-Holmes Grocery Co., and continued nine years; then bought interest in D. A. Kusel Telephone Manufacturing Co.; after three years bought out partner and incorporated, December, 1898, as the Central Telephone and Electric Co., of which is president. Republican (independent). English Lutheran. Member of various tele phone associations, national and state. Recrea tion: bowling. Office: 310 N. 11th St. Resi dence: 18 Parkland PL CUMMINGS, Campbell, lawyer; born, New Orleans, La., Aug. 20, 1871; son of Dr. John C. and Victoria A. (Nicholson) Cummings; grad uated from Manual Training School of Wash ington University, 1890; A.B., Washington 142 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS University, 1894; LL.B., St. Louis Law School, 1896; unmarried. Admitted to bar of Missouri in 1896 and to U. S. Supreme Court, 1912; assistant attorney general of Missouri, 1911- 13. Member St. Louis Bar Association, St. Louis Law Library Association, Phi Delta Theta, Phi Delta Phi. Club: Century Boat. Offiee: 801 Times Bldg. Residence: 4328A Lindell Boul. CUMMINGS, Henry Joseph, physician; born, St. Louis, Dec. 31, 1866; son of John K. and Annie M. (Mullin) Cummings; educated at St. Michael's School, St. Louis, 1873-77; St. Louis University, 1877-84; Trinity University, Toronto, Can., 1886-89, receiving degrees of M.D. and CM.; Middlesex College, London, 1889-92; member Royal College of Surgeons of England, 1892; licentiate Royal College of Physicians of London, Eng., 1892; married, May 30, 1894, Jane Hay, of Saginaw, Mich.; four children: James H., Jane H., John K. and Harriet. Engaged in practice of medicine in St. Louis Since 1893. Member St. Louis Med ical Society, American Medical Association; member visiting staff City Hospital. Former ly professor of medicine, Barnes University. Member Knights of Columbus. Catholic. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Dardenne Shooting. Recre ations: hunting and fishing. Office: Metropol itan Bldg. Residence: 1201 Grand Ave. CUNNINGHAM, Albert Deering, secretary Board of Trustees of the Missouri Botanical Garden, etc.; born, Morganfield, Ky., Oct. 11, 1848; son of Rev. John W. and Samantha (Ingram) Cunningham; educated in public schools of Kentucky; married, St. Louis, Oct. 28, 1880, Georgia Lee; one son: Albert Lee. Began business career in dry goods store in Owensboro, Ky.; later in book store in Louis ville, Ky., then with the Methodist Publishing House at Nashville, Tenn., and in 1869, in St. Louis, with Southwestern Book and Publish ing Co., continuing until 1874; manager Bel- videre Hotel, St. Louis, 1875; cashier, Gray, Baker Book and Stationery Co., St. Louis, 1876-77; publisher St. Louis Grocer, 1878-79; secretary Belcher Sugar Refining Co., 1880-89; since 1889 secretary of the Board of Trustees of Missouri Botanical Garden and business manager of the estate of the late Henry Shaw, devised to the Board of Trustees of the Missouri Botanical Garden for the support of the Missouri Botanical Garden, commonly known as Shaw's Garden. Member Civic League. Methodist. Republican. Was non commissioned officer of engineer corps, Mis souri State Militia. Recreation: gardening. Office: 415 Pine St. Residence: 5865 Von Versen Ave. CUNNINGHAM, Andrew Oswald, chief en gineer Wabash Railroad Co.; born, Rangoon, British Burmah, July 8, 1866; son of Gen. Percy S. (British Army) and Annie Sarah (Stroud) Cunningham; educated at South Eastern College, England, 1879-83; came to United States, 1883; student University of Minnesota, 1890-94, B.C.E., 1894; married, St. Louis, July 11, 1903, Georgia Townsend Quinn. Engaged as rodman and leveler with Northern Pacific R. R., 1886-88; land surveyor in North Dakota, 1890-91; student at university, and during same time engaged in making insur ance maps of the city of Minneapolis, Minn., and shop drawings for Gillette-Herzog Manu facturing Co., 1891-94; draftsman, 1894-95, as sistant engineer, 1895-96, Gillette-Herzog Man ufacturing Co., general contracting and en gineering, and southern agent for Schultz Bridge and Iron Co., of Pittsburgh, Pa., 1896- 98; with Pittsburgh Reduction Co., designing improvements in old buildings at Niagara Falls and making designs for new buildings and improvements at New Kensington Works, 1898-99; in general consulting and civil en- -gineering business, associated with others un der name of Pennsylvania Engineering Co., Pittsburgh, designing and making shop draw ings for buildings, bridges, coal tipples, head frames, etc., 1899-1900; contracting manager at Cleveland, O., in charge of estimates, de signs and bids, for American Bridge Co., 1900- 02; bridge engineer Wabash Railroad Co., 1902-05; chief engineer same road since 1905. Member American Society of Civil Engineers, National Geographical Society, St. Louis En gineers ' Club. Republican. Episcopalian. Club: Triple A. Recreations: golf and cricket. Of fiee: 828 Title Guaranty Bldg. Residence: 6334 Berlin Ave. CUNNINGHAM, Jesse, municipal reference librarian; born, Lebanon, Ind., May 24, 1882; son of William Alexander and Mary Catherine (Sicks) Cunningham; educated Indiana Uni versity, Bloomington, Ind., 1901-05; A.B., Uni versity of Nebraska, 1906; B.L.S., New York State Library School, Albany, 1910; unmar ried. Reference assistant, Indiana University Library, 1901-05; reference assistant in li brary of University of Nebraska, 1905-06; law, librarian, same, 1906-07; assistant in Law Department, New York State Library, 1908- 11; municipal reference librarian, St. Louis Public Library, since July 10, 1911. Member Christian (Disciples) Church. Member Ameri can Library Association, Missouri State Li brary Association, Delta Tau Delta. Club: City. Recreations: tennis, baseball. Contribu tor to National Municipal Review. Office: Room 206 City Hall. Residence: 3700 Hum phrey St. CUNNINGHAM, P. J., wholesale woolens; born, Bryansford, County Down, Ireland, Jan. 14, 1850; son of John and Sarah (Grant) Cun ningham; educated in national schools in Ire land; married, Pittsburgh, Pa., June 15, 1875, Ella Robinson; children: Katherine, Grace, Will, Carrie, John, Arline. Began in woolen business in Chicago in 1869; moved to St. THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 143 Louis, 1880, selling Chicago business and opened in St. Louis as a wholesale dealer in woolens; now president Cunningham Bros. Woolen Co., branch stores in St. Paul and Kansas City. Republican. Roman Catholic. Club: Mercantile. Office: 505 N. 7th St. Resi dence: Jefferson Hotel. CUPPLES, Samuel, merchant; 1831-1912; see Vol. 1906. : , CURD, Charles Paine, teacher; 1851-1906; see Vol. 1906. CURLEE, Francis Marion, lawyer; born, Corinth, Miss., Feb. 1, 1877; son of William Peyton and Mary (Boone) Curlee; educated in Academic Department University of Mis sissippi, 2y2 years; matriculated in Law De partment same university, graduating with de gree of LL.B., June, 1902; unmarried. Ad mitted to Mississippi bar, 1902, and began practice at Corinth, Miss.; removed to St, Louis, 1905, and has since engaged in prac tice in this city. Member St. Louis Bar Asso ciation. Democrat. Member Delta Psi college fraternity. Mason. Clubs: Mercantile, Nor- mandie Golf, Automobile. Recreations: golf and motoring. Office: 1306-1310 Wright Bldg. Residence: 5724 Chamberlain Ave. , ' CURLEE, John Rufus, wholesale dry goods merchant; born, Rienzi, Miss., Mar. 22, 1864; son of John McFerrin and Sarah (Norfleet) Curlee; educated in public schools and three year course at Gibson College; married, Mari etta, Miss., Dec. 28, 1887, Luna Rogers; chil dren: Eleanor, Katherine, John, Eila. Began St. Leuis career as a stock clerk with Crow, Hargadiae & Co., Jan. 15, 1886; after two years began traveling in the Indian Territory for Janis, Saunders & Co.; was admitted to a partnership in two years, and, on consolida tion of that firm with Wear & Boogher Dry Goods Co., was made director in the company, and afterward treasurer; now secretary of Carleton Dry Goods Co., successors to Wear & Boogher Co. Also vice president and director Curlee Clothing Co. and of Bank of Boonville. Member Business Men's League, St. Louis Cotton Exchange. Democrat. Baptist. Mem ber Mississippi Society. Clubs: Mercantile, Glen Echo Country (ex-secretary), Algonquin, St. Louis Automobile. Recreations: golf, mo toring and farming. Office: 12th St. and Wash ington Ave. Residence: Kirkwood, Mo. CURLEE, Shelby Hammond, clothing manu facturer; born, Corinth, Miss., Aug. 29, 1868; son of William P. and Mary (Boone) Curlee; educated in public schools of Mississippi; married, Corinth, Miss., June 7, 1893, Luella Duncan; one son, S. H. Jr. Began business career as traveling salesman for Janis, Saun ders & Co., dry goods, St. Louis, covering Texas and Indian Territory, 1890-97; in 1897 joined in organizing the Corinth Clothing Manufacturing Co., of which was vice presi dent and general manager; in 1900 joined in organization of the Corinth Woolen Mills, manufacturers of pants and children's cloth ing, of which was president until 1909, when firm name was changed to Curlee Clothing Co., of which is president. Member Business Men's League. Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner. Club: Mercantile. Office: 1128-1130 Washing ton Ave. Residence: 5724 Chamberlain Ave. CURRAN, Cornelius P., printer; born, Lon don, England, Jan. 9, 1866; son of Florence and Bridget (Keenoy) Curran; came to St. Louis in childhood; educated in St. Patrick's (parochial) School and St. Patrick's Acad emy, taught by Christian Brothers; graduated from academy, 1878; married, St. Louis, 1885, Margaret Ann Scully; eight children: Gene vieve (Mrs. F. W. Corley), Abigail, Margaret, Cornelius P., Florence, John, Eugene Philpot and Marie June. On leaving school, at age of twelve, engaged in business as huckster, but, finding that life distasteful, apprenticed him self to a wagon blacksmith, with whom re mained ten months; then was in employ of Rohan Bros. Boiler Works Co., until tendered, in 1882, position of copyholder at $4.50 per week with Chambers, Davis & Freegard Print ing Co. Entered service of Samuel F. Myer- son, printer, 1884; took charge of business and remained five years; then with Noble' & Fox, printers; bought Mr. Noble's interest, 1891, and Mr. Fox's, 1894, and incorporated the business as the Con. P. Curran Printing Co., of which is president and treasurer. Presi dent Bankers ' and Attorneys ' Publishing Co., publishers of Con. P. Curran Directory of Bankers and Attorneys; also president A. O. H. Investment Co. Member Business Men's League, Civic League, Salesmanagers ' Asso ciation of St. Louis, Advertising Men's League, Merchants' Exchange, St. Louis Cred it Men's Association. Catholic. Democrat. Member Legion of Honor, National Union, Ancient Order of Hibernians, Knights of Co lumbus. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Mercantile, Commercial, City, St. Louis Railway, The Traffic. Favorite recreation: motoring. Office: cor. 8th and Walnut Sts. Residence: Nor mandy, St. Louis Co. CURRAN, John Howard, land development; born, Maquoketa, la., May 17, 1871; son of John Philpot and Minerva Jane (Burnet) Cur ran; graduated from Parsons (Kan.) High School, May 1, 1887; married, Bismarck, Mo., Jan. 27, 1907, Pearl Lenore Pollard; one daugh ter : Julia Francis. Carried morning papers, Par sons, Kan., 1882-85; cowboy, 1885-91; timber inspector, 1892-97; in politics, 1897-1900; creamery superintendent, Topeka, 1900-04; manager creamery, St. Louis, 1905-09; in land development and investments since 1910; sec retary Haight Orchard and Development Co. Democrat; secretary Labette Co. (Kan.) Fu sion Committee, 1898-1900, Fusion State Com- 144 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS mittee, Kansas, 1900-04; Democratic candi date for secretary of state, Kansas, 1904 (de feated); appointed immigration commissioner of Missouri, by Gov. Hadley, 1909, served nearly two years, resigned. President Na tional Land Exposition Co.; secretary National Farm Homes Association; member Knights of Pythias, Elks. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Cify, St. Louis Athletic, Arcadia Country (presi dent), etc. Author: The Business Man Eack to Land, 1910; The People and the Railroads, 1911. Recreations: handball, golf, boating. Office: 628-629 Central National Bank Bldg. Residence: 5210 Ridge Ave. CURRIE, Dwight D., lawyer; born, St. Louis, Jan. 11, 1881; son of Daniel McNeil and Martha (Dent) Currie; received prelimi nary education in public and private schools; LL.B., St. Louis Law School (Law Depart ment of Washington University), June 20, 1901; unmarried. Admitted to Missouri bar, Jan. 11, 1902, and has since practiced at St. Louis. Member St. Louis Bar Association. Democrat. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, City, Amateur Athletic Association. Recreations: golf, handball. Office: 1305-1310 Third Na tional Bank Bldg. Residence: 4301 Washing ton Ave. CURRY, Charles Clemens, lumberman; born, Louisville, Ky., Aug. 29, 1874; son of George Wilson and Laura (McClaran) Curry; edu cated in St. Louis public schools; unmarried. Began business career as office boy with Sam uel Cupples Wooden Ware Co., June 1, to June 30, 1890; clerk with Schulenburg & Boeckeler Lumber Co., 1890-94; salesman St. Louis Re frigerator and Wooden Gutter Co. (name changed to Grayson-McLeod Lumber Co.), 1894-1900; department manager Louis Werner Saw Mill Co., 1900-02; vice president and gen eral manager of the Valley Lumber Co., 1903- 08; since in wholesale lumber business for self. Republican. Offiee: Wright Bldg. Resi dence: 5633 Julian Ave. CURTICE, Charles Christian, district pas senger agent Pennsylvania Lines; born, Big Springs, Va., Aug. 21, 1854; son of Homer and Orpha Gillman (Babcock) Curtice; edu cated at Kenosha (Wis.) High School and Lake Forest (111.) University to 1875; mar ried, Indianapolis, Ind., Sept. 15, 1876, Jennie Reed; one son: Homer Matilock; married, 2d, Washington, D. O, Oct. 11, 1888, Addie Beals; one daughter: Hila Aline. Entered service of Vandalia Line, Sept. 1, 1875, as brakeman un til Sept. 16, 1875; then baggage master, Sep tember, 1875, to July, 1877, freight conductor, 1877-80, passenger conductor, 1880-87; South western passenger agent at Ft. Worth, Tex., 1887-95; city passenger agent, St. Louis, 1895- 1905; since May, 1905, district passenger agent Pennsylvania Lines, at St. Louis. Republican. Senior warden at Church of The Redeemer (Episcopal). Mason (32°); member Ascalon Commandery, Knights Templar (Quartermas ter), Indiana Consistory, Moolah Temple, Mys tic Shrine. Clubs: Mercantile, Church (treas urer), The Traffic of St. Louis, Dallas (Dallas, Tex.). Recreation: fishing. Office: 10th and Olive Sts. Residence: 5164 Waterman Ave. • CURTIS, Samuel, superintendent embossing department George D. Barnard Printing Co.; born, Mystic, Conn., Nov. 11, 1865; son of Thomas C. and Phoebe J. (Wheeler) Curtis; educated in public schools to sixteen; married, Chicago, June 30,' 1890, Mollie Fitzgerald. Employed in various capacities in the East until twenty-one years of age; came to St. Louis, 1887, and has since been identified with the George D. Barnard Printing Co., serving as superintendent of the embossing depart ment since 1888; organized and was first president of Modern Machine Co., of Belle ville, 111., manufacturers of the Curtis emboss ing presses; has been a director of the com pany since 1912. Republican. Recreation: hunting. Office: 3845 Laclede Ave. Residence: 14 S. Sarah St. CURTIS, William S., educator; born, New port, Wayne Co., Ind., 1850; son of William C. and Elizabeth R. (Harker) Curtis; educated McKendree College, 1869-70; A.B., Washing ton University, 1873; LL.B., St. Louis Law School, 1876 (LL.D., 1905) ; married, St. Louis, 1881, Hope Goodson; one son: Edward G. Practiced law, Omaha, Neb., 1876-94; dean St. Louis Law School (Law Department, Wash ington University) since 1894. Delegate Uni versal Congress of Lawyers and Jurists, St. Louis, 1904; member American, Missouri State and St. Louis Bar associations, Missouri His torical Society, St. Louis Academy of Science. Unitarian. Independent in politics. Clubs: University, Round Table. Recreation: farm ing. Office and Residence: Washington Uni versity. CURTBIGHT, Henry T., manager Oliver Chilled Plow Works; born in Boone Co., near Columbia, Mo., Sept. 11, 1856; son of William H. and Catherine E. (Jenkins) Curtright; educated in country schools until fourteen, then in preparatory and collegiate depart ments of Missouri State University, graduat ing A.B., 1878; married, St. Louis, June 12, 1888, Alma Farris; one child: Henry Farris (died 1895). After graduation taught in pub lic schools of Boone and Clinton counties, Mo.; came to St. _ Louis, Apr. 1, 1882, enter ing employ of branch of the Champion Ma chine Co., of Springfield, O., traveling in har vester business six years; then for three years with P. P. Mast & Co., Springfield, from Peo ria (111.) branch of the company, of which was manager one year; then sales manager at home office, in Springfield, O., three years; manager St. Louis branch F. E. Myers & Bro., Ashland, O., and Bucher & Gibbs Plow Co., Canton, O., until October, 1899; came to THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 145 Oliver Chilled Plow Works, for which traveled three years; since October, 1902, manager St. Louis branch house. Member Implement, Ve hicle and Hardware Association of St. Louis. Democrat. Member of Christian (Disciples) Church. Office: 2516-2522 N. Broadway. Resi dence: 5100 Raymond Ave. CUSHING, Charles Clarence, vinegar and cider; born, New York City, June 7, 1857; son of John and Mary Cushing; removed to St. Louis, 1869; educated in St. Louis public schools; married, St. Louis, Oct. 4, 1881, Lula A. Shepherd; children: Fay Olive, Clarence C. Began business career, 1873, as shipping clerk for James Cushing & Co., vinegar manufac turers, Dubuque, la.; established branch for same firm at St. Louis, 1893, as manager, and in 1897 purchased the business, which has since conducted as C. C. Cushing & Co., pro prietors of St. Louis Vinegar Co., manufac turers of vinegar and cider. Republican. Uni tarian. Mason; member Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias. Office: 615 N. Main St. Resi dence: Webster Groves, Mo. CUTHBERT, Charles Mcintosh, secretary and treasurer Branch Saw Co.; born, St. Louis, May 21, 1849; son of Samuel and Eugenia (Jones) Cuthbert; educated in public schools and City (Wyman 's) University, graduating from latter in 1865; married, St. Louis, Oct. 25, 1877, Lily D. Morgan; children: Olive Morgan (wife of Dr. F. T. Fahlen), Charles Morgan. Was clerk with U. S. Express Co., 1865-66; went with Gilkeson & Sloss, 1866, and was secretary, from incorporation, 1883, to dissolution, 1896, of Gilkeson-Sloss Commis sion Co.; secretary and treasurer Branch Saw Co. since December, 1897. Independent in poli tics. Presbyterian. Member Sons of the Revolu tion, Society of Colonial Wars, Royal Arca num, Legion of Honor, Royal League. Office: 3000 N. Broadway. Residence: 5525 Bartmer Avenue. DACEY, James Aloysius, wholesale fruit and produce; born, St. Louis, Sept. 25, 1865; son of Patrick and Catherine (Cusack) Dacey; public school education; married, St. Louis, May 10, 1893, Louisa L. Pohle; three children: Kathleen, James A., Jr., and Elizabeth. Be gan in wholesale fruit and produce business at St. Louis, 1885, and has ever since been iden tified closely with that line; proprietor of Dacey & Co., fruits and produce. Member Merchants' Exchange, St. Louis Fruit and Produce Exchange. Member House of Dele gates two terms, 1891-95. Democrat. Catho lic. Member Knights of Columbus. Recrea tions: traveling, motoring. Office: 1209-1211 N. Broadway. Residence: 4565 Easton Ave. *DAHMANN, William H., manufacturer; now living on Long Island, N. Y.; see Vol. 1906. DALE, Alfred Nicholson, railway official; 1860-1911; see Vol. 1906. DALLMEYER, Herman, dry goods; born, Hanover, Germany, Mar. 16, 1846; son of Rudolph and Pauline (Horst) Dallmeyer; edu cated in private school in native land; mar ried, St. Louis, 1867, Louise Prasse (died 1898); 2d, St. Louis, Apr. 5, 1900, Mrs. Paul ine Goetsch. Came to America, 1862; in em ploy of brother in general store at Cooperhill, Mo., for three months; removed to St. Louis, March, 1863, and became connected with dry goods firm of Nieman & Co., continuing until 1868; then entered business on own account at 1301 Franklin Ave., three years later form ing partnership under title of Dallmeyer & Koestring, which was subsequently dissolved; since in business in own name. Republican. Member Evangelical Protestant Church. Di rector German Protestant Orphans' Home. Office: 1237 Franklin Ave. Residence: 2902 Dickson St. DALTON, Henry Clay, physician; 1847- 1911; see Vol. 1906. DALTON, John Davis, lawyer; 1872-1911; see Vol. 1906. DALY, Charles Joseph, real estate; born, St. Louis, July 1, 1871; son of John J. and Catherine (Whyte) Daly; educated in private school and St. Louis University; graduated from St. Louis Law School, LL.B., 1896; mar ried, St. Louis, July 10, 1900, Mary E. Magin- nis; children: Elizabeth, Charles J., Louise Brook, John J., Richard and Kathleen Ann. Began in employ of Pullman Palace Car Co., then for short time in postoffice. On Aug. 1, 1890, entered service of Joseph P. Whyte, and on Apr. 26, 1901, became vice president and treasurer or Joseph P. Whyte Real Estate Co.; with real estate department Commonwealth Trust Co. since, June 5, 1912. Member of the Real Estate Exchange. Democrat. Catholic. Office: Commonwealth Trust Co. Residence: 5937 Julian Ave. *DALY, Leo Louis, real estate; moved to New York; see Vol. 1906. DALZELL, Benjamin Wilson, life insur ance; born, Eldorado Co., Cal., Oct. 26, 1866; son of David F. and Marietta (Wilson) Dal- zell, the former reared at Penn 's Manor, Bucks Co., Pa., and the latter a lineal descendant of John Hancock, Daniel Boone and "Uncle Sam" Wilson; weighed 3y2 pounds when born and was passed around on a dinner plate be fore a tribe of Indians, in California; crossed the Isthmus of Panama on a burro when a child; educated Friends College of Philadel phia; Jerseyville (111.) High School; Interna tional College, St. Louis; studied law, medi cine and elocution and excelled as a young man in amateur theatricals; . married, St. Louis, Apr. 22, 1890, Eugenia Lambert (died 146 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 1904); three children, one son, Benjamin, now living; married, 2d, St. Louis, 1909, Florence Taylor. Engaged in real estate business with B. F. Hammett, St. Lojjis, 1887-90; then in same line of business for self; state superin tendent Insurance Department, Knights of Pythias, since 1896. Republican; stumped State of Missouri in both of the McKinley campaigns and was offered consulship by President McKinley, but declined. Member Free Bridge Committee, St. Louis. Clubs: Mil lion Population, Damon (a club of Pythians), Willow Slough Hunting. Owns a hunting lodge on the Mississippi River, and a launch thirty-six feet long. Author: A Few Thoughts for a Few Friends (containing poems, essays and excerpts of speeches), 1906. Recreations: reading, hunting, fishing and motoring. Offiee: 702 Carleton Bldg., Residence: 4128 Morgan Street. DAME, James Ebenezer, lawyer; born, Princeton, Ind., Dec. 29, 1872; son of Daniel Webster and Agnes (McMillan) Dame; gradu ated from Wabash College, Crawfordsville, Ind., A.B., 1895; A.M., 1903, Washington Uni versity, St. Louis, LL.B., 1899; married, Lila Belle Gelwicks, of St. Louis, Nov. 29, 1910; one son: James E., Jr. Engaged in general practice of law in St. Louis since 1901; has associated with Fred S. Hall, in firm of Hall & Dame, since Jan. 1, 1906. Member St. Louis Bar Association, St. Louis Alumni Association of Delta Tau Delta (secretary), West End Business Men's Association (chairman legis lative committee). Democrat. Member United Presbyterian Church. Recreations: tennis and canoeing. Offiee: 705 Olive St. Residence: 5940 Julian Ave. DAMERON, Ernest Patton, dental surgeon; born, Marionville, Lawrence Co., Mo., Nov. 9, 1873; son of John Haywood and Estelle (Slaughter) Dameron; A.B., Marionville Col lege, 1892; completed course in Spalding's Commercial College, Kansas City, Mo., 1893; D.D.S., Western Dental College, Kansas City, Apr. 2, 1898; married, Kansas City, April, 1900, Cora B. Nixon. Has practiced dentistry in St. Louis since May, 1898. Professor ma teria medica and therapeutics, Dental Depart ment, Barnes University, 1906-07. President National Dental Association; member board of governors National Mouth Hygiene Asso ciation; member Missouri State Dental Asso ciation, St. Louis Dental Society, St. Louis Society of Dental Science, Delta Sigma Delta fraternity; honorary member Tennessee State Dental Association. Democrat. Methodist. Served in Third Regiment Band, Missouri Na tional Guard, 1897; now member First Regi ment Band, Missouri National Guard. Mem ber Independent Order Odd Fellows. Author of several papers on professional subjects, read before various dental societies and pub lished in dental journals. Recreations: fishing1 and golf. Offiee: 58 De Menil Bldg. Resi dence: 3803 Windsor PI. DAMES, Alphonse Ferdinand, physician; born, St. Paul, Mo., June 15, 1877; son of Francis Joseph and Laura Renford (Ensor) Dames; educated in classics at Creighton Uni versity, Omaha, Neb.; M.D., Washington Uni versity, May 24, 1906; married, St. Louis, Sept. 19, 1905, Charlotte Ann Lynch; two chil dren: Violet Angela and Alphonse Ferdinand, Jr. Has practiced in St. Louis since Sept. 1, 1906; gave up general practice Jan. 1, 1909, to specialize in diseases of the nose, throat and ear; clinician in nose, throat and ear de partment Washington University Medical School and Mullanphy Hospital since 1906. Democrat. Roman Catholic. Member Ameri can Medical Association, Missouri State Med ical Association, St. Louis Medical Society, St. Louis Oto-Laryngological Society. Recrea tions: literature and athletics. Office: 816-818 Metropolitan Bldg. Residence: 3808 W. Pine Boulevard. DAMHORST, Henry, insurance; born, St. Louis, May 2, 1865; son of Herman and Fran ces (Grone) Damhorst; educated in St. Nicho las (parish) School till 1877, Brinker Acad emy, Denver, 1877-78, Smith Academy, Wash ington University and Jones Commercial Col lege; married, St. Louis, Sept. 19, 1888, Alice Hafferkamp; one daughter: Edith Josephine Frances (Mrs. Albert J. Werber). Traveled abroad, 1885-87; bookkeeper and cashier for Adam Boeek & Co., 1887-91; engaged in gen eral insurance business since 1891. Member Tower Grove Turn Verein, B. P. O. Elks. Recreations: riding and driving. Office: 604% Chestnut St. Residence: 3453 Crittenden St. DANA, George Davis, stove manufacturer; deceased; see Vol. 1906. DANA, J. D., treasurer Commonwealth Trust Co.; born, Lisbon, Me., Mar. 21, 1877; son of Frank W. and Emma J. (Davis) Dana; edu cated in public schools and graduated from Lewiston, Me., high school, 1895; then at tended Phillips Andover Academy, Andover, Mass., graduated, 1896; entered Yale Univer sity, 1896, graduating with degree of A.B., 1900; entered Harvard Law School, 1900; ad mitted to practice law in Massachusetts, 1902; married, Jacksonville, 111., Sept. 20, 1902, Clara Robb Brown; two children: Richard, Robert Brent. Removed to Missouri, 1903; secretary Sligo Furnace Co., Sligo, Mo., 1903- 05; came to St. Louis, 1905, where has been engaged in the iron business and associated with various real estate syndicates. Treasurer Missouri Iron Co. since 1907; elected treas urer Commonwealth Trust Co., 1910; president West End Light and Power Co. ; vice president King's Highway Apartments Co. Republican. Universalist. Clubs: Noonday, Racquet, Is land, City; also Yale (New York). Recrea- THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 147 tions: hunting, fishing and general outdoor sports. Office: Commonwealth Trust Co. Resi dence: 4483 Laclede Ave. DANA, Leslie, vice president Charter Oak Stove and Range Co.; born, St. Louis, Apr. 16, 1873; son of George Davis and Virginia (Lord) Dana; educated in public schools, Smith Academy and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, class of 1894; married, St. Louis, Nov. 6, 1901, Judith Bledsoe Brown, daughter of B. Gratz Brown; children: Judith Virginia, George Davis Dana, III, and Mary Leslie. After leaving college served in vari ous capacities with the Excelsior Manufac turing Co. from Jan. 1, 1894, to July, 1896; since July, 1896, with Charter Oak Stove and Range Co., manufacturers of stoves and ranges and other cooking and heating apparatus, of which is vice president. Also president Manu facturers' Equipment Co.; director Ludlow- Saylor Wire Co., Broadway Savings Trust Co. and Lafayette Mutual Building Association. Served with Battery A of St. Louis in Mis souri Volunteers, with Puerto Rican Expedi tion, 1898. Member Chi Phi fraternity, Sons of the Revolution. Clubs: Algonquin, Noon day, Ochtowan Hunting and Fishing. Favor ite recreations: reading, motoring, hunting and fishing. Office: Antelope and Conduit Sts. Residence: Brentmoor, St. Louis Co. DANIELS, Dudley Woodbridge, secretary and general manager Cole Bros. Lightning Rod Co.; born, Alton, 111., Jan. 5, 1869; son of Abram and Lydia Ann (Coleman) Daniels; removed to St. Louis, 1870; educated in pub lic schools and business colleges of St. Louis; married, Mar. 1, 1893, Irma Starck. Began working for Cole Bros, on a small salary, Feb. 7, 1884, and has since remained with the com pany, now being director, secretary and gen eral manager. Independent Republican. Of fice: 316 S. 7th St. Residence: 3851 Juniata Street. DANN, Albert Edward, treasurer Simmons Hardware Co. ; born, Dover, England, Sept. 22, 1851; son of George and Elizabeth (Brett) Dann; educated in national schools in Eng land; married, St. Louis, June 13, 1877, Mary Jane Carter; two sons: Edward Carter, Wil liam James. Came to St. Louis in April, 1871; took out final naturalization papers, May 11, 1883. Engaged in February, 1872, with E. C. Simmons '& Co., which was succeeded by Sim mons Hardware Co., January, 1874, and has been with that company ever since; since January, 1886, treasurer of the company. Non partisan. Elder Kingshighway Presbyterian Church. Club: Mercantile. Office: 900 Spruce St. Residence: 35 Lewis PI. DARBY, Clifford W.; born in Knox Co., 0., Mar. 22, 1851; son of Daniel H. and Harriet ¦ L. (Clark) Darby; educated in public schools, Charleston, 111., and two years in Christian Brothers i College, St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Dec. 10, 1881, Mary Rice; one son: Clifford T. Began as a clerk in the St. Louis agency of the Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Co., 1867; was appointed cashier in 1873, and served as general agent, 1901-07, resigned. Democrat. Residence: 34 Marshall PL, Web ster Groves. D'ARCY, Edward, lawyer; born, St. Louis, Jan. 8, 1875; son of Henry I. and Harriet Lombard (Cheever) D'Arcy; educated in Pea body School, four years; private school at Portarlington, Ireland, one year; St. Louis University about five years; Washington Uni versity, LL.B., 1900; unmarried. Was stenog rapher Medart Patent Pulley Co., 1891, sten ographer, George A. Madill, 1892, Wiggins Ferry Co., 1894; clerk U. S. Local Inspectors of Steam Vessels, St. Louis, 1895; admitted to bar, St. Louis, on examination before Circuit Court, October, 1899, and since engaged in practice. Member of St. Louis and American Bar associations. Secretary Manhattan Lead and Land Co. Member Ethical Society. Mem ber Blackstone Society. Trustee MeKendree College, Lebanon, 111. Clubs: Contemporary, City. Office: 724 Rialto Bldg. Residence: 5884 Bartmer Ave. DARST, James Waters, rear estate; born, St. Louis, May 1, 1856; son of James E. and Mary A. (Hartnett) Darst; educated in pub lic schools; married, Denver, Colo., Oct. 16, 1889, Julia A. Perkins; four children: James E., Nancy Lee, Julia Elizabeth and Mary Catherine. Began business career in New Mexico, in mining, until 1887; came to St. Louis and engaged in the coal business until 1890; since 1890 in real estate business; mem ber of firm of Darst & Downman, 1906-08; since alone. Democrat. Catholic. Office: Wain- wright Bldg. Residence: Ferguson, St. Louis County. DARST, Joseph Charles, real estate and financial agent; born, Ferguson, Mo., May 24, 1858; son of James E. and Mary A. (Hart nett) Darst; educated at St. Louis Univer sity; married? St. Louis, Oct. 13, 1886, Annie Miltenberger; children: Marian, Joseph, Lau rence, Alice and Eugene. Began business ca reer farming in St. Louis Co., until 1886; from 1886 to 1888 proprietor of the Cantine Coal Co., with mines at Marissa, Duquoin, Oakland and Freeburg. Since 1888 engaged in a gen eral real estate and financial agency business, making a specialty of railroad, manufactur ing, switching and terminal property. Demo crat. Recreation: tennis. Office: 621 Fullerton Bldg. Residence: 4157 Maryland Ave. DAUERNHEIM, Phillip Jacob, general manager Glencoe Lime and Cement Co.; born, St. Louis, Nov. 29, 1859; son of Phillip L. ani Elizabeth (Rathgeber) Dauernheim; educated in German Institute and Polytechnic Insti- 148 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS tute, St. Louis; married, Chicago, Sept. 12, 1894, Melanie Herrmann; one daughter: Emily M. After leaving school associated with father in manufacture o£ lime, with which business he has since been connected; general manager Glencoe Lime and Cement Co. since Mar. 1, 1909. Republican. Member Ethical Society. Club: Mercantile. Recreation: ath letic sports. Office: 901, 915 Olive St. Resi dence: 4142 Flora Ave. DAUES, August F., brick work contractor; born, St. Louis, Oct. 30, 1864; son of Fred J. and Fannie (Hiemaneck) Daues; educated in parochial schools of Cape Girardeau, Mo., and at Jones' Commercial College; married, Cape Girardeau, Nov. 26, 1891, Bertha Krueger; five children: August F., Jr., Gregory W., Ambrose C, Amelia and Mary. Learned brick layer's trade and entered contracting busi ness; secretary and treasurer Daues Bros.; president Girardeau Building Co. Member Catholic Knights of America, Knights of Co lumbus, Master Bricklayers ' Association. Dem ocrat. Residence: 2757 Chariton St. DAVENPORT, James E., division passen ger agent, Louisville & Nashville Ry.; born, Salem, 111., Jan. 10, 1866; son of James A. and Nancy C. (Jennings) Davenport; educated in public schools of Salem, 111.; married, at St. Louis, July 11, 1906, Mrs. Grace F. Tait. Assistant agent and telegraph operator at va rious points along the Ohio & Mississippi Ry., and agent for same road at Lebanon, ill., 1881-89; passenger and ticket agent for Cot ton Belt Route, St. Louis, 1889-91; joint pas senger and ticket agent for Cotton Belt Route and Clover Leaf Route, St. Louis, 1891-93; district passenger agent for Toledo, St. Louis & Kansas City Route, in charge of passenger traffic at St. Louis and all territory in the West and Southwest, 1893-1900; traveling pas senger agent Choctaw, Oklahoma & Gulf R. R., with headquarters at Cincinnati, October- December, 1900; since Jan. 1, 1901, division passenger agent Louisville & Nashville Ry., at St. Louis. Member A. F. & A. M. (Chap ter). Clubs: Mercantile, The Traffic of St. Louis. Recreation: tennis. Office: 312 N. 8th St. Residence: 5796 McPherson Ave. DAVENPORT, Richard H., life insurance; born, Sumner, 111., Mar. 23, 1868; son of Hen ry L. and Elizabeth M. (Hawkins) Daven port; educated in public schools of Sumner and St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Feb. 11, 1891, Amanda Norberg; children: Richard H., Jr., and Ruth L. Began active career in newspaper work, with Sumner Press, continu ing one year; then cigar salesman, 1884-87; in cigar business for self, 1887-89; since in life insurance business. Was general agent in St. Louis for Federal Life Insurance Co. of Chi cago, about seven years; supervisor of agen cies, St. Louis, for Security Life Insurance Co. of Chicago, two years; agency manager Pioneer Life Insurance Co. of America since i 1911. Democrat. Methodist. Recreations: fishing and reading. Office: 705 Olive St. Residence: 4736 Washington Boul. *DAVIDSON, Alfred James, railway offi cial; moved to Portland, Ore.; see Vol. 1906. DA VIES, William Harbin, lawyer; born, Richmond, Ind., Jan. 23, 1877; son of William and Sarah ((Ransford) Davis; educated in common, high and business schools of Rich mond; student University of Indianapolis, 1898 and 1899; LL.B., Columbian (now George Washington) University, Washington, D. C., 1901; LL.M., National University, 1902; mar ried, Washington, D. O, June 12, 1907, Nellie A. Everett, of Fremont, O.; one child: Everett Tindall. Admitted to practice in Missouri state and federal courts, 1902, and in U. S. Supreme Court, 1906, having previously prac ticed in Supreme Court and Court of Appeals, District of Columbia, the U. - S. Court of Claims, and the Patent and Pension bureaus at Washington; in office of general solicitor of Missouri Pacific By., 1902, then opened office on own account. Member St. Louis Bar Association. Republican. Methodist; trustee City Evangelization Union. Mason; member Odd Fellows. Club: Methodist. Office: Mer chants-Laclede Bldg. Residence: Hampton Ave., Clayton, Mo. DAVIS, Carroll Melvin, dean Christ Church Cathedral; born, Campo Seco,, Calaveras Co., Cal., Sept. 9, 1857; son of Thomas F. and Sarah M. (Chase) Davis; received primary education in public ^schools; entered Univer sity of California, 1875, and graduated, B.A., 1879, M.A., 1882; marrieo^SOLouis, Oct. 12, 1897, Miss Maud Reber (died, W03). Deacon, 1881, priest, 1883, Episcopal Cfturch; rector St. Paul's Church, Sacramento, Cal., 1881-87; diocesan missionary, Missouri, 1B87-89; dean Christ Church Cathedral, St. Louis, since 1889. Trustee School of Social Economy. Repub lican. Mason. Clubs: City, Contemporary. Recreation: fishing. Office:\1210 Locust St. Residence: 3141 Locust St. \ DAVIS, Charles B., lawyer; born, Hannibal, Mo., Mar. 9, 1877; son of William A. and Mary F. (Mills) Davis; graduated Hannibal High School, 1897; A.B., University of Mis souri, 1902, LL.B., 1905; unmarried. Admitted to Missouri bar, 1905, and has since engaged in practice in St. Louis; associated in prac tice with State Senator Charles F. Krone, 1905-09; appointed assistant circuit attorney, January, 1909, a position he now holds. Republican. Member Christian (Disciples) Church. Member St. Louis Bar Association, Phi Delta Phi, Phi Beta Kappa and Royal Arcanum. Formerly president Twenty-fourth Ward Improvement Association; now vice president Gratiot-Lindenwood Improvement Association. Mason. Club: St. Louis Railway. THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 149 Recreation: fishing. Office: Municipal Courts Bldg. Residence: 6717 Arsenal St. DAVIS, Charles Richard Harding, real es tate; deceased; see Vol. 1906. DAVIS, Dwight Filley, park commissioner; born, St. Louis, July 5, 1879; son of John Til- den and Maria (Filley) Davis; graduated from Smith Academy, 1895; A.B., Harvard, 1900; LL.B., St. Louis Law School, 1903; mar ried, Geneva, Switzerland, Nov. 15, 1905, Helen Brooks; two children: Dwight F., Jr., Alice. President Security Building Co.; di rector State National Bank. Member board of control St. Louis Museum of Fine Arts; member Public Library Board, 1904-07; pub- - lie baths commissioner, 1903-06; public recrea tion commissioner, 1906-07; member House of Delegates, 1907-09; member Board of Public Improvements and serving as park commis sioner since 1911; Republican. Vice president St. Louis Playgrounds Association, 1905-08; director St. Louis Tenement House Associa tion, St. Louis Association for Prevention of Tuberculosis, National Municipal League; member National Civic Association, etc. Clubs: Noonday, University, Missouri Ath letic, St. Louis Country, Racquet. Recrea tions: golf, fishing. Office: City Hall. Resi dence: 16 Portland PL DAVIS, Edgar Morrison, fire insurance; see Vol. 1906. DAVIS, Emery Emmett, vice president and general manager Davis Expansion Boring Tool Co., Inc.; born, Jefferson City, Mo., Jan. 4, 1874; son of Robert E. and Matilda (Abbott) Davis; educated in public schools; married, St. Louis, Aug. 25, 1898, Lotta Beatrice Koeln; one daughter: Theola Loyal. Came to St. Louis, at eighteen, and learned trade of machinist, filling position of foreman of the shop1, 1896-1900; invented the Davis expansion boring tool, adjusting to any size within its range, securing patent October, 1905; organ ized the Davis Expansion Boring Tool Co., of which is vice president and general manager. Republican. Baptist. Recreations: bowling and billiards. Office: 3722 Forest Park Boul. Residence: 1405 N. Park PL DAVIS, Everett, real estate; born, Pike- ville, Ind., Nov. 17, 1882; son of T. W. and Rachel L. (Russell) Davis; educated in public and high schools of Ava, Mo. ; married, Blanch M. Mepham, June 10, 1908; one son: Everett, Jr. Lived one year at Spokane Falls, Wash., returned to Ava, and from there came to St. Louis, in 1900; was private .secretary to George Warren Brown, of The Brown Shoe Co., for over two years; then established the Everett Davis Mail Order Co., and conducted same until July, 1904, when organized The Davis Realty Co., which later was changed to The Davis Realty Development Co., of which is president and manager. Member St. Louis Real Estate Exchange, Business Men 's League. Republican. Member Union M. E. Church. Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner. Clubs: Mercantile, City. Favorite recreations: music, tennis and rowing. Office: 816 Olive St. Resi dence: 6181 Westminster PL DAVIS, George Wesley, general freight agent Vandalia Railroad Co.; born, Baltimore, Md., Dee. 21, 1845; son of William B. and Mary E. (Purdy) Davis; educated public grammar and high schools, Cincinnati, until 1863; married Olivia R. Shearer, of Cincin nati, Jan. 7, 1869; two daughters: Lillian A. (Mrs. Frank B. Rutledge, of Zanesville, O.) and Nellie P. (Mrs. Clifford L. Myers, of Cin cinnati). Began railway service as clerk, Lit tle Miami R. R. (now Cincinnati division of the P., O, C. & St. L. Ry.), Cincinnati, Mar. 1, 1864, with which remained until 1869 as clerk, chief clerk, in general freight office; agent, same road, at Morrow, O., Apr. 1, 1869, to May 24, 1882, and at Dayton, O., May 25, 1882, to July 24, 1885; general freight and passenger agent Cincinnati & Muskingum Val ley Ry. (a part of Pennsylvania Lines), s-tt Zanesville, O., July 25, 1885, to Oct. 14, 1888; division freight agent Chicago and Richmoad divisions, P., O, C. & St. L. Ry., Richmond, Ind., Oct. 15, 1888, to Apr. 30, 1897; division freight agent, Cincinnati division, same road, at Cincinnati, May 1, 1897, to Mar. 20, 1903; general freight agent, C, A. & C. Ry., and commercial agent, P., O, C. & St. L. Ry., at Columbus, O., Mar. 21, 1903, to Jan. 20, 1907; general freight agent Vandalia Railroad Co., St. Louisa since Jan. 21, 1907. Member Na tional Geographic Society, Washington. Ma son (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner; member Royal Arcanum, National Union. Clubs: Mer cantile, Traffic Club of St. Louis. Office: 1308 Syndicate Bldg. Residence: 456 N. Newstead Avenue. DAVIS, John David, vice president Missis sippi Valley Trust Co.; born St. Louis, Mar. 30, 1851; son of Horatio N. and Margaret (Johnston) Davis; educated at Smith Acad emy, Washington University, St. Louis, and Princeton University, graduating, A.B., 1872, A.M., 1875; graduated from St. Louis Law School, LL.B., 1874; married, St. Louis, Nov. 6, 1877, Marion, daughter of John R. Lion- berger; one son: John Lionberger Davis (law yer, St. Louis). Practiced law in St. Louis from 1874 to 1903; since vice president of the Mississippi Valley Trust Co. Also president Lindell Real Estate Co., Atchison Water Co.; vice president St. Louis Cotton Compress Co. Democrat. Presbyterian. Trustee of Prince ton University. Member Business Men's League, Merchants' Exchange, Civic League. Member St. Louis Bar Association, Missouri Historical Society, St. Louis Academy of Sci ence. Clubs: University (president, 1898-1899, 1904, 1905), Noonday, Country, Bellerive 150 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS Country (president), St. Louis, Florissant Val ley and Princeton (St. Louis), University (New York City), Adirondack League (New York). Recreation: golf." Office: N.-W. cor. Fourth and Pine Sts. Residence: Brentmoor PaTk, Wydown and Pennsylvania Aves. DAVIS, John Lionberger, lawyer; born, St. Louis, Oct. 2, 1878; son of John D. Davis and Marion S. (Lionberger) Davis; educated at Smith Academy, St. Louis; Lawrenceville (N. J.) School; Princeton University, A.B., 1900; Harvard Law School; St. Louis Law School, LL.B., 1903; married, Nov. 1, 1906, Julie M. Vietor; children: Marion Lionberger, Anne Vietor and George Vietor. Engaged in practice of law from 1903; assistant counsel St. Louis & Suburban Railway System, 1904- 05; member of law firm of Jones, Jones, Hocker & Davis since 1907. Member Ameri can Bar Association, St. Louis Bar Associa tion, American Political Science Association. Member Civic League, Neighborhood Associa tion (president). Interested in settlement work. Member Missouri Historical Society. Clubs: University, Round Table, St. Louis Country, Bellerive Country, Noonday; also University, Princeton (New York). Office: 506 Olive St. Residence: Brentmoor Park, St. Louis Co. DAVIS, John T., capitalist; born in St. Louis; son of John T. and Maria J. (Filley) Davis; grandfather, Samuel C. Davis, and father, John T. Davis, were prominent mer chants of St. Louis, and in their lifetime were identified with such old firms as Davis, Tilden & Co., established 1835, and Samuel C. Davis & Co.; at death of father, John T. Davis, suc ceeded to management of father's estate. Di rector St. Louis Union Trust Co. Member City Council. Clubs: St. Louis, University, Noonday, Racquet, St. Louis Country. Office: 220 Security Bldg. Residence: 47 Portland PI. DAVIS, Joseph T., lawyer; born, Berger, Franklin Co., Mo., Aug. 13, 1881; son of Levi J. and Martha Jane (Mahon) Davis; educated district school, Berger; high school, Jefferson City, Mo.; Columbia (Mo.) Normal Academy, receiving degree of B.S., 1900; LL.B., Law Department, University of Missouri, 1904; married, St. Louis, Oct. 3, 1906, Laura May Strong; one child: Virginia May, born Aug. 12, 1910. Began practice at Union, Mo., 1904; removed to St. Louis same year and has since practiced in this city; associated with Judge R. E. and Edgar R. Bonbauer; member exec utive board Orodol Chemical Co. Democrat; nominee for prosecuting attorney of Franklin Co., Mo., 1904. Presbyterian. Brevet second lieutenant, Missouri National Guard; first lieutenant Company I, First Regiment, Mis souri National Guard, 1905-06. Member St. Louis Bar Association. Mason; was member Order Railway Telegraphers of America, 1898- 1906. Club: City. Recreations: fishing, hunt ing. Offiee: 808-810 Pierce Bldg. Residence: 4252A Cook Ave. DAVIS, Manton, lawyer; born, Mayfield, Ky., July 15, 1876; son of Robert Thomas and Sallie Elizabeth (Jenkins) Davis; edu cated in private schools and West Kentucky College, Mayfield; graduated with degree of accountant from Bryant & Stratton Business College, Louisville, Ky., 1895; LL.B., Univer sity of Virginia, 1901; unmarried. Began business career as shipping clerk in the May- field (Ky.) Woolen Mills, 1890-95; bookkeeper for same, 1895-99; admitted to bar in June, 1901; member firm of Pearee & Davis, 1903- 09, Pearee, Davis & Curlee, 1909-11, since alone. Member St. Louis Bar Association. Democrat. Baptist. Clubs: Normandie Golf, City, Code. Office: Wright Bldg. Residence: 5189 Raymond Ave. DAVIS, Robert Hill, physician; born, Uni versity, Va., Sept. 20, 1875; son of John Staige and Caroline Kean (Hill) Davis; edu cated in University of Virginia, B.A., 1899, M.A., 1900, M.D., 1901; post-graduate stu dent University of Berlin, Germany, 1902, Vienna, Austria, 1903, New York City, 1904; married, Ocean Springs, Miss., Dec. 28, 1910, Ora May Lewis; one child: Mathilde. Re moved to St. Louis in 1905; assistant phy sician to out-patients, Washington University, St. Louis Children's Hospital; lecturer on physiology and skin diseases, Bethesda Train ing School; chief department of dermatology, Jewish Dispensary, and alternate associate in dermatology, Jewish Hospital. Member Amer ican Medical Association, Missouri State Med ical Association, St. Louis Medical Society, Phi Kappa Psi and Nu Sigma Nu fraternities. Independent Democrat. Episcopalian. Recrea tion: outdoor sports. Offiee: 4500 Olive St. Residence: 770 A Aubert Ave. DAVIS, Thomas Dewees, manufacturer of machinery; born, Morristown, N. J., Mar. 4, 1856; son of Thomas D. and Helen (Roper) Davis; educated in public schools; married, St. Louis, Dee. 25, 1884, Fannie Myra Page; children: Montrose P., Eleanor Margaret, Fannie Myra, Thomas D., Jr., Louis P. Be gan business career at Smithville, N. J., as apprentice, and learned trade of machinist; came to St. Louis, 1877, and worked for Hall & Brown as machinist and later as foreman; established in business for self in 1882, and in 1888 became partner with CharlesB. Fisher in present firm of Fisher & Davis Manufac turing Co., manufacturers of machinery, etc. Office: 934 N. Main St. Residence: 5237 Ver non Ave. DAVIS, Walter Naylor, "lawyer; born, St. Louis, Nov. 29, 1876; son of Alexander (judge of the People's Court in Montana during the days of the Vigilantes, 1863-68) and Alice (Edwards) Davis; graduated from Smith THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 151 Academy, 1894; Vanderbilt University, Nash ville, Tenn., 1898; St. Louis Law School, 1900, LL.B.; married, St. Louis, Sept. 6, 1911, Miss Roberta Randolph Morrison. Admitted to bar, 1900, and since continuously engaged in prac tice of law; formerly member firm of Blodgett & Davis, and since May, 1911, of Bates, Blod gett, Williams & Davis. Member St. Louis Bar Association. Democrat. Member of Meth odist Episcopal Church, South. Member of Beta Theta Pi college fraternity. Club: Nor- mandie. Recreations: golf, hunting and fish ing. Office: 506 Olive St. Residence: 427 Lake Ave. DAVIS, Wheeler, physician; see Vol. 1906. DAVIS, William Work, manufacturer of leaded art glass; born, Meadville, Pa., Dec. 5, 1848; son of William and Mary (Johnson) Davis; educated Allegheny College, Mead ville, and Bryant, Stratton & Smith Commer cial College; married, Titusville, Pa., Aug. 26, 1874, Mary Frances Tefft (died 1898). Id banking business in Titusville and Oil City, Pa., 1869-87; represented the Standard Oil in terest in Mahoning Gas Co., Youngstown, O., 1887-89; associated with George W. Chambers, St. Louis, 1889, leaded glass and interior deco rations, until death of Mr. Chambers, 1897; since in business on own account; also vice president St. Louis Galveston Coal Co. Re publican. Presbyterian. President Pennsyl vania Society of St. Louis. Recresrtion: trav eling abroad. Offiee: 3922 Olive St. Resi dence: West End Hotel. *DAWLEY, Caleb W., ice machinery; moved to Oklahoma; see Vol. 1906. DAWSON, James Parrish, lawyer: born in Woodford Co., Ky., July 17, 1851; son of John D. and Mary J. (Bell) Dawson; gradu ated from Washington University, LL.B., 1876; married, Centralia, 111., Sept. 3, 1881, Dell Mead; children: James Clifford, Frances. Was admitted to bar at St. Louis immediately after graduation in May, 1876, and has been con tinuously engaged in practice of law at St. Louis ever since; practice confined exclusive ly to the civil courts, and chiefly to corpora tion and probate law; member of law firm of Dawson & Garvin, with William E. Garvin as partner. Republican. Club: Mercantile. Of fice: 820-823 Wainwright Bldg. Residence: Webster Groves, Mo. DAY, Asa Wilton, merchant in irubber goods; born, Marlborough, Hartford Co., Conn., May 6, 1844; son of Asa and Charlotte Potter (Jones) Day; educated at Bacon Academy, Colchester, Conn.; State Normal School, New Britain, Conn.; Wilbraham, Mass.; Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass., 1862, Yale College, 1864-65; left college, 1865, to engage in cot ton business; married, Detroit, Mich., June 10, 1869, Mary Rebecka Coit; children: Robert C, Marion (Mrs. F. D. Seward), Alice Coit. With brother, John W. Day, engaged in con struction and running of a cotton yarn mill, 1865, in Marlborough, Conn.; with Samuel J. Day, another brother, in construction and running of a cotton yarn factory in Bridge- water, Conn., but latter factory was destroyed by fire soon after completion; sold out all interest in the yarn business, 1869, and became state agent for Connecticut for the Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Co., of New Jersey; soon after associated with Capt. H. P. God- dard, as Day & Goddard, adding fire insurance, real estate and loans to the business; sold out in 1882 and removed to St. Louis and engaged in rubber business with brother, Samuel J. Day, as Day Bros. & Co.; bought out brother's interest in 1884 and incorpo rated business as Day Rubber Co., of which became president and treasurer, though since October, 1901, son Robert C. Day, vice presi dent, takes most qf the burden of active man agement of the company, which has a jobbing business in rubber goods, leather and cotton belting, pulleys, shafting, hangers, etc. Also president Buffalo Zinc and Copper Co.; di rector New York Zinc and Lead Co., Missouri Leadfields Co.; proprietor Day Metal Co. Member Business Men 's League. Democrat up to "free silver" craze, since independent. Member Connecticut House of Representa tives, 1868, as Democrat. Brought up Metho dist; Congregationalist since 1866. Clubs: Mercantile, Glen Echo Country. Recreations: golf and automobiling. Office: 415-417 N. 4th St. Residence: 5117 Westminster PL DAY, James Levi, physician; 1840-1910; see Vol. 1906. DEACON, Arthur Richard, secretary Lam bert Pharmacal Co.; born, Witham, Essex, Eng., Nov. 7, 1858; son of Arthur and Mercy Elizabeth (Tuck) Deacon; educated at With am School; married at Toronto, Can., 1897, to Miss Edith M. Harris; children: Arthur Philip, Edith Victoria, Virginia Kettering. Engaged in manufacture of pharmaceuticals since 1881; now secretary of the Lambert Pharmacal Co. Also vice president Allen & Hanburys Co., Ltd., Toronto, Can., and Niagara Falls, N. Y.; director Lambert-Deaeon-Hull Printing Co., St. Louis Surfacer Paint Co. Mason. Clubs: Algonquin (founder and first president), Mer cantile. Recreation: golf. Office: 2101 Locust St. Residence: Webster Park, Mo. DEACON, Robert Tuck, printer, stationer, etc.; born, Witham, Eng., June 21, 1866; son of Arthur and Mercy Edith (Tuck) Deacon; educated in public schools of Detroit, Mich.; married, Detroit, 1892, Ethelwyn Ruth Allen; children: Margaret, Ralph, Robert T., Jr., Richard, Dorothy. Came from England, with father, in 1873, and lived in North Carolina, 1873-75; moved to Detroit, 1875, and after leaving school was in newspaper work in De troit, from office boy with the Detroit Evening 152 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS News to manager of the Detroit Times; went to Cleveland, 1892, as advertisement manager of the Cleveland World, and afterward ran the Cleveland Voice; came from Cleveland to St. Louis and took position with the Buxton & Skinner Stationery Co., and in August, 1901, joined in organizing the Lambert-Deacon-Huli Printing Co., stationers, engravers, printers and blankbook makers, of which is secretary and treasurer; treasurer Ben Franklin Club of America; president Ben Franklin Club of St. Louis; director Kirkwood Building and Loan Association. Republican. Episcopalian. Clubs: Algonquin Golf (treasurer), Mercan tile. Favorite recreations: golf, tennis and other outdoor exercises. Office: 2100 Locust St. Residence: Kirkwood, Mo. DEALE, Morgan K., typewriters; born, Washington, D. O, Jan. 5, 1859; son of Wil liam Gott and Emmeline F. (Phillips) Deale; educated in public schools of Washington, D. O, and Virginia Military College; married, Apr. 23, 1905, Grace Dodson. Began business career in 1878, in stationery house at Wash ington, D. C; two years later engaged with Wilson Bros., Chicago, wholesale furnishing goods, remaining there three years when with brother established in grocery business. Owing to brother's ill health, sold out and in 1889 accepted position with the Remington Type writer Co., at Chicago, was made assistant manager in 1893 and in February, 1897, was transferred to St. Louis offiee, of which has since been manager. Independent in politics. Christian Scientist. Mason (32°); Knight of Pythias. Member T. P. A. Clubs: Mercantile, City. Recreation: fishing. Office: 821 Pine St. Residence: 5744 Cates Ave. DEAN, Charles Luther, retired; born, Dra- cut, Mass., Dec. 19, 1844; son of James and Sarah . Bowers (Chase) Dean; educated in grammar and high schools in Providence and Pawtueket, R. I.; married, St. Louis, June 8, 1865, Georgie E. Jenks; children: Charles L. (deceased), George J., William W., Harriet Allen (Mrs. William H. Johnston, of Easton, Md.), Duncan W., Louis F. Began business career, April, 1859, as office boy with manu facturing company at Providence, R. I.; mes senger, Bank of North Ameriea, Providence, May, 1861; clerk in Clark Bros. & Co., bank ing house, 1863-69; in railroad work from June 1, 1870, until Apr. 1, 1886; from Apr. 1, 1886, to Sept. 1, 1909, actively connected with the Ludlow-Saylor Wire Co., as vice presi dent. Also vice president and director St. Louis Transfer Co. Member Merchants' Ex change. Republican. Formerly member of Na tional Guard. Recreation: traveling. Resi dence: 1827 Longfellow Boul. DEAN, John McHale, physician and sur geon; born, St. Louis, Aug. 29, 1874; son of O. M. and Mary (Kilker) Dean; graduated from St. Louis University, A.B., 1893, A.M., 1896; M.D., Medical Department, Washington University, 1896; unmarried. Interne and assistant superintendent, City Hospital, 1896- 99; since engaged in general practice as phy sician and surgeon in St. Louis; practice lim ited to surgery since 1909; surgeon St. Mary's Infirmary since 1909. Independent in politics. Catholic. Member American Surgical Associa tion, Missouri State Medical Association, St. Louis Medical Society, City Hospital Alumni Association, Knights of Columbus. Club: Cen tury Boat. Office: Metropolitan Bldg. Resi dence: 2855 Meramec St. DEAN, Owen M., secretary and treasurer Hadley-Dean Glass Co.; born in Mayo Co., Ire land, Nov. 12, 1838; son of Martin and Ann (Gallagher) Dean; attended the Bellmullet Mercantile and Mathematical Academy until 14 years; on arrival in this country attended high school in Cincinnati; married, St. Louis, Nov. 14, 1858, Mary Kilker; children: Eu gene G., Cecelia (now Mrs. George F. Heffer- man), Alice (Mrs. Leo G. Hadley, who is now deceased), Agnes (now Mrs. Ralph W. War ner), Dr. John McHale and Julia. Arrived in United States in the early part of 1853, with parents, who expected to settle in this coun try, but they, and a younger brother, returned to Ireland in the spring of 1854. He remained with a friend, the leading grocer in Cincin nati, and entered his employ as a clerk; a year later he began to learn steam engine business; after mastering business came to St. Louis and helped to make machinery for gunboats during Civil War. In 1866 estab lished the firm of O. M. Dean &' Co., wholesale produce and commission merchants, which continued until 1896; since March, 1897, sec retary and treasurer the Hadley-Dean Glass Co. Roman Catholic. Joined in 1854 at Cin cinnati, O., the Young Men's Sodality and transferred membership to the mother society of the St. Louis University Sodality in St. Louis. Was member Merchants' Exchange, 1866-98. Recreation: chess. Office: 11th and Lucas Ave. Residence: 2855 Meramec St. DEARING, Milton Matthews; see Vol. 1966. DEBUS, Gustav Alois; see Vol. 1906. DE CAMP, Frank B., vice president De Camp Bros. & Yule Coal and Coke Co.; born, Cincinnati, July 8, 1866; son of Lambert and Lydia (Garwood) De Camp; educated in Cin cinnati public schools; married, Cincinnati, October, 1891, Helen M. Jewett; children: Ar thur L., Frank B., Jr., Cecelia, Joseph M. Began business career with Rogers, Brown & Co., pig iron, Cincinnati, and continued five years; came to St. Louis in 1890, and engaged in iron, coal and coke business with A. P. De Camp & Co., firm later becoming De Camp & Yule, to which was admitted in 1897; busi ness was incorporated in 1902 under present style of De Camp Bros. & Yule Iron, Coal and THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 153 Coke Co., of which is vice president. One of organizers, 1900, of St. Louis Blast Furnace Co., of which is vice president and general manager. Republican. Christian Scientist. Club: Normandie Golf. Favorite recreation: golf. Office: Missouri Trust Bldg. Residence: 940 Maple PL DECKER, Gustav F., lawyer; born, St. Louis, Aug. 21, 1869; son of Ernst W. and Effie (Bruns) Decker; educated in public and high schools of St. Louis, graduating 1888; St. Louis Law School, 1888-90; married, St. Louis, June 30, 1904, Magda Orbach; children: Doro thea M. and Gustav F., Jr. Read law while attending law school in office of Rassieur & Schnurmacher; admitted to bar in 1891; be gan practice in office of Paul F. Coste, and re mained with him until 1893, when entered office of Charles Nagel; became member of ¦firm of Finkelnberg, Nagel & Kirby, Jan. 1, 1903, and on dissolution of firm in June, 1905, became a member of its successor, Nagel & Kirby. Republican. Member American and St. Louis Bar associations, Ethical Society of St. Louis. Club: City. Office: 700 Security Bldg. Residence: Webster Groves, Mo. DE DONATO, Florian; born, Naples, Italy, Aug. 27, 1858; son of Dr. Otto and Angiolina (Di Franza) De Donato; twenty-second in a family of twenty-three children'; educated at College of Capuano; married, St. Louis, May 3, 1879, Theresa B. Keating; sixteen children, of whom following are living: Annie (Mrs. A. R. Fiorita), Mamie (Mrs. V. R. Fiorita), Florian, Jr., Kathryne (Mrs. James McGrath), Marguerita (Mrs. F. Silberstein), Otto, Vin cent, Loretta, Saveria. Learned hair dressing and wig making at Naples under uncle (who later came to America and established in busi ness in St. Louis) ; emigrated to United States, 1871, and became uncle's successor. Repub lican. Catholic. Member of Order of Elks, St. Vincent De Paul Society, Italian American Cavalry. Office: Basement Carleton Bldg. Resi dence: 4920A McPherson Ave. DEEDS, George Edward; see Vol. 1906. DEGENHART, Joseph Henry, real estate; born, St. Louis, Jan. 16, 1852; son of John C. and Rosina (Guckert) Degenhart; educated St. Vincent's College, Cape Girardeau, Mo., and later at St. Louis University; married, St. Louis, Oct. 6, 1874, Emma Koerntgen, of Arns- berg, Germany; children: Joseph O, Lulu (Mrs. Henry G. Garthoffner), Harry J., Alice (Mrs. James B. Purcell), Carl D. and Emma. Began active career in retail lumber business, continuing 1876-1904; sold out to H. F. Reis & Co.; proprietor planing mill, Joplin, Mo., 1904-07; in wholesale lumber business, 1907- 08; identified with the real estate business since 1909. Director of "Herold des Glau- bens." Democrat. Catholic. A patron of German Orphan Society. Office: 7428 Michigan Ave. Residence: 7128 Michigan Ave. DEIBEL, Frederick, flour, hay and grain commission; born, St. Louis, Feb. 10, 1854; son of Louis and Barbara (Wolf) Deibel; edu cated in public and private schools and night schools in St. Louis; married, St. Louis, April, 1879, Emma Meyer; children: Albert, Robert, Myra (Mrs. A. M. Wilson), Charles, George, Fred, William. Began business career at age of fifteen as clerk with Yaegei" & Co., flour, for about a year; then for two years with Holthaus & Bro., store and office fixtures; in wholesale drug business of Scott & Mellier and Donnell, Tilden & Co., until 1876, when re turned to flour, grain and hay commission business, in which has continued ever since; president of the Anchor Hay and Grain Co. Also president of the National Warehouse and Storage Co. Member Merchants' Exchange, Business Men's League. Republican. English Lutheran. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Rotary, Recreation: horseback riding. Office: 22d and Morgan Sts.; also 10th St. and Walnut Ave., East St. Louis, 111. Residence: 1737 Euclid Avenue. DEITERING, Charles H., architect; born, St. Louis; son of John and Maria M. Deiter- ing; educated public schools; Central High School; Massachusetts Institute of Technol ogy, Boston; married, St. Louis, Dec. 10, 1902, Emma Briedenbaeh. Began active career in office of Isaac S. Taylor, architect, continuing with him until 1897, since operating on own account. Architect of many buildings in St. Louis, including works of St. Louis Cordage Co., The Morrison. The Adams, the M. Jacobs loft buildings, works of Standard Bagging Co., St. Louis Screw Co., Pechman Hotel, Hotel Linden, the Chesterfield and Louise Apart ment buildings, Warwick Court, Knickerbock er Hotel, and many private residences. Drew plans for Chinese Government Building and Brazil Building, the Distillery (Old Times) and many minor structures at Louisiana Pur chase Exposition, the Chinese Government Building gaining the grand prize, and the Dis tillery a gold medal. Republican. Clubs: St. Louis Architectural, Century Boat. Recrea tions: boating, motoring and dancing. Office: 1320, 705 Olive St. *DELAFIELD, Clarence Edward; moved to Camden, N. J.; see Vol. 1906. DELAFIELD, Wallace, insurance; born in Cincinnati, O., May 1, 1840; son of John and Efiith (Wallace) Delafield; educated in Ed ward Wyman 's School and Durkan's School, St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Apr. 23, 1874, Elizabeth T. Hanenkamp; children: Agnes Hanenkamp (now Mrs. A. W. Niedringhaus), Wallace, Jr., Edith, Elizabeth, Edna Simmons. Began active career in 1854, and was clerk for F. A. Hunt & Co., 1854, for William N. Newell, 154 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 1856, Pomeroy & Benton, 1857; member of firm of William H. Benton & Co., wholesale dry goods, 1864-69; firm selling out in 1869 to Chase & Cabot, entered into partnership with Lewis E. Snow, under present style of Dela- field & Snow, and since 1869 has been engaged in general insurance business. Member Mer chants' Exchange. Member St. Peter's Ejiis- copal Church; was treasurer of Diocese of Missouri several years; now president Sunday School Missionary Host of Missouri. Member Sons of the Revolution, Society of Colonial Wars, Missouri Historical Society. Mason. Clubs: St. Louis (treasurer), Mercantile, Nor- mandie Golf, Bellerive Golf. Favorite recrea tions: golf and fishing. Office: 1415 Pierce Bldg. Residence: 5028 Westminster PI. DELAHUNT, William Vincent, trust officer Commonwealth Trust Co.; born, Chester, Pa., Feb. 24, 1870; son of Edward and Helen (Nolan) Delahunt; educated in public schools and at Gilbert's Academy, Chester; unmar ried. Read law in office at Chester, and was admitted to Pennsylvania bar in 1892; prac ticed law at Chester until came to St. Louis, 1896; was in office of Charles H. Turner until the organization, in 1901, of the Common wealth Trust Co., of which has since been trust officer. Secretary and treasurer of St. Charles and St. Louis County Bridge Co. Of fice: Commonwealth Trust Co., Broadway and Olive St. Residence: 775 N. Euclid Ave. DELANO, Frederic Adrian, railway presi dent; born, Hong Kong, China, Sept. 10, 1863; son of Warren and Catherine Robbins (Ly man) Delano (both natives of Massachusetts); lived most of boyhood at Newburg, N. Y.; A.B., Harvard, 1885; married, Matilda A. Peas- ley, of Chicago, Nov, 22, 1888; children: Cath erine, Louise and Laura. Began railway serv ice with the O, B. & Q. R. R. Co., with en gineering party in Colorado, Aug. 1, 1885; en tered Aurora (111.) shops, same road, Oct. 1, 1885, as apprentice machinist; appointed tem porarily acting engineer of tests at Aurora, April, 1887; placed in charge bureau rail in spection at Chicago, July 1, 1887; assistant to second vice president at Chicago, April, 1889; superintendent freight terminals at Chicago, July, 1890; superintendent motive power at Chicago, Feb. 1, 1899; general manager at Chicago, C, B. & Q. R. R., July 1, 1901-Jan. 10, 1905. After leaving service of Burlington was consulting engineer to War Department, in relation to railroads in Philippine Islands; Wheeling & Lake Erie R. R. Co., Wabash- Pittsburgh Terminal Railway Co. since May 1, 1905; first vice president W abash R. R., May 1-Oct. 5, 1905, president since Oct. 5, 1905, also one of receivers same. Member American Society Civil Engineers, American Institute of Mining Engineers, Western Society En gineers, American Association for the Ad vancement of Science, American Railway As sociation, Franklin Institute, American Mas ter Mechanics' Association, American Master Car Builders' Association, International Rail way Congress, Western Railway Club, Chi cago. Clubs: Union League, University, Chi cago, Chicago Literary, Commercial (Chi cago), St. Louis (St. Louis). Office: Title Guaranty Bldg. *DE LANO, Safford Stevens, car and foun dry business; moved to New York; see Vol. 1906. DELANY, John O 'Fallon, physician; born, St. Louis, Dee. 16, 1841; son of Dennis (M.D.) and Octavia (Mullanphy) Delany; general education at St. Louis University and abroad; M.D., Medical Department of Columbia 'Col lege, New York City, 1866; married, St. Louis, 1893, Elizabeth Sloan. Has never practiced medicine; devotes time to looking after the estate left by father. Catholic. Office: 16 N. 8th St. Residence: 5105 Lindell Ave. DELL, Jno., president of Missouri Fire Brick Co.; born, Covington, Ky.; came to St. Louis at fifteen years of age, with an elder brother; married in St. Louis, Dec. 21, 1892, Miss Mary Wash, youngest daughter of Capt. Martin W. and Margaret Jane (Humphreys) Wash, of St. Louis Co.; children: John Morri son, Dorothy, Gertrude, Virginia and Hum phrey Wash. In 1864 employed by Moody, Michel & Co., wholesale grocers, as assistant bookkeeper; went to Augusta, Ga., 1870; re turned to St. Louis, 1873, on account of ill health; with the Evens & Howard Fire Brick Co., as bookkeeper and traveling salesman, 1874-80; with Laclede Fire Brick Co., as trav eling agent, 1880-1900; in June, 1900, elected president and general manager Missouri Fire Brick Co., and holds same position at present. Mason; member Occidental Lodge No. 163, A. - F. & A. M. Democrat. Member Missouri Man ufacturers ' Association, American Gas Insti tute, New York. Club: Missouri Athletic. Of fice: Continental Bank Bldg., 411 Olive St. Residence: 5121 Von Versen Ave. DE LONG, Ralph Leighman, vice president Mill Shoals Cooperage Co. ; born, Oconto, Wis., Feb. 3, 1879; son of Charles Henry and A. Freddie (McCausland) De Long; educated in public schools at Omaha to 1894; from Oma ha High School, 1897; married, Omaha, Oct. 10, 1903, Mary Elizabeth Livesey; four chil dren: Ralph Lennard, Henry Livesey, Rebec ca, William J. Began active business career with Raber Printing Co., Omaha,- 1897-1899; with Omaha Packing Co. as purchasing agent until 1902; engaged as broker in packing house supply business, Omaha, 1902-03; re moved to St. Louis, July 1, 1903, when became salesman Ozark Cooperage & Lumber Co., un til resigned, Jan. 1, 1906; since vice president and sales manager Mill Shoals Cooperage Co. Republican. Congregationalist. Mason (32°), THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 155 Shriner. Club: Mercantile. Office: Syndicate Trust Bldg. Residence: Webster Groves, Mo. DE MENIL, Alexander Nicolas, literary edi tor, author and capitalist; born, St. Louis, Mar. 23, 1849; son of Dr. Nicolas N. and Emelie Sophie (Chouteau) De Menil; edu cated at Christian Brothers College and Wash ington University, St. Louis, and Central Uni versity, Indiana, receiving the degrees of B.S., M.S., AM., LL.B., Ph.D., and LL.D. Married twice; children: Henry Nicolas (M.D.), of Seattle, Wash., and George Shel ley; present wife formerly Miss Bessie Bacon, of Carlyle, 111. Admitted to the bar in 1871; practiced law until 1882; then abandoned the law. to devote his time to literature and his large property interests; owns the De Menil Building. Elected to the House of Delegates in 1877 and to the City Council in 1879; de feated for mayor in 1893. Served several terms as Grand Orator Ancient Order of United Workmen and Lieutenant Colonel Select Knights of America; president French Fete Association, Society of the Fourteenth of July and the French Benevolent Society. President Americus, Papyrus Club, Irving, and other literary societies; one of the three St. Louis ans elected member Poetry Society of Amer ica (New York). Was a member of the Lou isiana Purchase Centennial Committee of 200 and a director Louisiana Purchase Exposition Co. For forty years has been contributor to eastern and home Sunday newspapers, literary weeklies, magazines and reviews; has con ducted magazines himself, notably "The St. Louis Magazine" (1883-90), and since 1894 has edited and published "The Hesperian," a high-class review. Author: The Literature of the Louisiana Territory; Songs in Minority; Forest and Town; and other works in prose and verse. Wrote almost all the' literary .pa pers in the Encyclopaedia of the History of Missouri (6 vols.), and the Encyclopaedia of the History of St. Louis (4 vols.). Office: De Menil Bldg. Residence: 3352 S. 13th St. DENNIG, Louis E., vice president St. Louis Independent Packing Co.; born, St. Louis, Dec. 22, 1860; son of Emil G. and Margaret (Juengst) Dennig, both natives of Germany; educated in private schools and German Insti tute, St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Nov. 22, 1898, Marie Schaefer; one son: Louis S. Be gan active career, .1877, with firm of C. Conrad & Co., originators of Budweiser bottle beer; was serving as buyer for the firm when the business was acquired by the Budweiser Beer and Wine Co.; later became local manager Anheuser-Busch Brewing Association; was elected secretary and treasurer Delmar Garden Amusement Co., continuing, 1900-06; member firm of Busch & Everett, oil and gas business, 1906-08; now vice president St. Louis Inde pendent Packing Co.; director American Bot tle Co. Republican. Protestant. Member Business Men 's League, Civic League, T. P. A. Mason (Royal Arch); member B. P. O. Elks. Clubs: Racquet, Glen Echo, Liederkranz, Au tomobile, Cantine Hunting and Fishing Asso ciation, St. Louis Trap Shooters' Association. Recreations: hunting and fishing. Office: Se curity Bldg. Residence: 3229 Copelin Ave. DENVIR, John B., retired; born, Downpat- rick, County Down, Ireland, Jan. 25, 1847; son of William and Mary (Crickard) Denvir; came to United States in 1853; educated at St. Louis University; married, St. Louis, Jan. 13, 1875, Mary Agnes Gorman; children: Wil liam A., John B., Jr., James P., Francis X., Mary, Lucina, Agnes, Helen. Left college, Jan. 25, 1862, and on next day began as clerk in postoffice, St. Louis; gave up position in April, 1867, to become connected with the saddlery hardware business of Hayden, Wilson & Allen; continuing with this company and its successor, the P. Hayden Saddlery Hardware Co., of which was manager, until 1907, when retired. Democrat. Catholic. Residence: 4434 W. Pine Boul. DENVIR, John Bernard, Jr., lawyer; born, St. Louis, Aug. 23, 1877; son of John Bernard and Mary Agnes (Gorman) Denvir; graduated from St. Louis University, A.B., 1896, A.M., 1898; LL.B-, St. Louis Law School, 1898; un married. Admitted to bar, 1898, and since en gaged in general practice in St. Louis. Mem ber St. Louis Bar Association, St. Louis Law Library Association, Civic League. Democrat. Catholic. Clubs: City, Public Question. Office: 506 Olive St. Residence: 4434 W. Pine Boul. DENYVEN, Joseph McKay, general freight agent Mobile & Ohio R. R.; born, Boston, Mass., June 20, 1863; son of James and Alexy (Sutherland) Denyven; educated in public schools; married, St. Louis, Nov. 9, 1887, Ida Griffith; children: Raymond, Howard, Lucile (deceased), Marian and Elizabeth. Began rail way service with the Missouri Pacific R. R., and continued in clerical positions from Janu ary, 1882, to December, 1886; then entered service of the Mobile & Ohio R. R., in the general freight offices; promoted to assistant general freight agent, December, 1890, and to present position as general freight agent, April, 1905. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, St. Louis Traffic, Normandie Golf. Office: 910 Ful lerton Bldg. Residence: 5062 Maple Ave. DERLIEN, Peter, flour; born, Liverpool, England, June 2, 1868; son of George and Sabine (Schroeder) Derlien; educated in Liv erpool College, Liverpool, England. Began business career in wholesale flour trade in Liverpool, England, with Anton Kufeke & Co., and was later with Krueger, Darsie & Co.; came to America and entered employ of New Ulm Milling Co., at Minneapolis, Minn.; in 1900 went to Kansas City, Mo., and assisted in establishing business of Kansas Milling & 156 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS Export Co., removing to St. Louis in 1902 as general agent of the company. Member St. Louis Millers' Club, Illinois Traveling Men's Protective Association. •Episcopalian. Office: 215 Chamber of Commerce. Residence: 4342 Page Ave. *DERR, Jacob William, merchant; removed from city, 1909; see Vol. 1906. DESLOGE, Firmin, vice president and treas urer Desloge Consolidated Lead Co.; born, Potosi, Mo., Aug. 30, 1843; son of Firmin and Cynthian (Mcllvaine) Desloge; educated at St. Louis University, 1858-59, Bryant & Stratton Commercial College, Wyman Com mercial College; married, Lexington, Mo., Oc tober, 1877, Lydia, daughter of Col. Joseph and Rebecca Davis; children: Firmin, Joseph. Began business career in St. Louis as clerk with John B. Valle & Co.; i.n 1867 engaged in mining in Washington Co., Mo., and in 1873 organized the Desloge Lead Co.; operated in St. Francois Co., Mo., until March, 1887, when the mill was destroyed by fire and the com pany consolidated its holdings with the St. Joseph Lead Co., of Bonne Terre, Mo.; present Desloge Consolidated Lead Co. (of which is vice president and treasurer) was organized, 1890, taking over by purchase the well-known Mine A Joe property, and the St. Francois Lead Mining Co.; company engaged in min ing, milling and smelting lead ores in St. Francois Co., Mo. Catholic. Club: Mercantile. Office: Rialto Bldg. Residence: Washington Hotel. DESLOGE, Firmin Rene, bank cashier; born, St. Louis, June 22, 1875; son of Jules and Jennie (Thatcher) Desloge; educated in public schools to 1888; entered St. Louis Uni versity, 1888, and continued until 1892; at tended private schools, New York; married, St. Louis, Oct. 6, 1902, Ellen Jane Duross; three children: Zoe Jane, Elise, Rene Duross. Began business career as clerk, St. Louis Postoffice, 1893, resigned, 1898; then clerk Boatmen's Bank, 1899-1902; assistant cashier Olive Street Bank, 1902-08; also assistant cashier Grand Avenue Bank, 1908-11; since cashier and director Hodiamont Bank. Served as sergeant First Missouri Volunteers during Spanish-American War, 1898. Democrat. Cath olic. Member Knights of Columbus. Recrea tions: handball and swimming. Office: 6143 Bartmer Ave. Residence: 5859 Romaine PL DESLOGE, George Thatcher, lawyer; born, St. Louis, Nov. 5, 1880; son of Jules and Jane Chambers (Thatcher) Desloge; A.B., St. Louis University, 1901; A. M., Georgetown Univer sity, 1902; LL.B., Washington University, 1904; married, Apr. 17, 1912, Madeleine Stith. Admitted to Missouri bar, 1904, and has since practiced in St. Louis; lecturer on law in St. Louis University School of Commerce and Finance. Member St. Louis Bar Association, Military Service Institution of United States. Became member National Guard of Missouri as second lieutenant, 1905; now captain and assistant inspector small arms practice First Infantry Regiment. Democrat. Catholic. Member Knights of Columbus. Recreations: tennis and horseback riding. Office: Suite 621, Liggett Bldg. Residence: 4446 Laclede Ave. DESLOGE, Jules, retired banker; born, Po tosi, Washington Co., Mo., Sept. 26, 1845; son of Firmin and Cynthian (Mcllvaine) Desloge; educated in Miss Moulton's private school, Potosi, 1852-56; St. Louis University, 1856-64, graduating A.B.; married, St. Malachy's Church, St. Louis, Sept. 23, 1872, Jennie C. Thatcher; children: Zoe, F. Rene, George, Marian (Mrs. J. Hayes Campbell), Jane Pullis, Louis Francis, Marcel. Began business career as assistant bookkeeper in foundry of Kings- land, Alter & Clark, St. Louis, 1865; clerk in banking house of George H. Loker & Bro., 1865-67; teller in Butchers' and Drovers' Bank, St. Louis, 1867-77; after failure of the bank, 1877, was paying teller in St. Louis National Bank; resigned to go to Boatmen's Bank, Apr. 1, 1878, as teller; elected second assistant cashier, Apr. 23, 1891, and Nov. 27, 1894, was elected to assistant cashier Boat men's Bank, remaining until May 1, 1906, when retired. Member Bank Clerks' Associa tion of Missouri. Democrat. Roman Catholic. Member Young Men's Sodality, Alumni Asso ciation of St. Louis University, St. Vincent de Paul Society. Residence: 3847 W. Pine Boulevard. DESNOYERS, Jerome B., retired shoe man ufacturer; born on farm near Montreal, Can ada, Oct. 2, 1842; son of Jerome and Emelia (Bisson) Desnoyers; left orphan at ten years of age; attended school in country, near Ot tawa, Canada; served in Union Army during Civil War, from Dec. 13, 1863, to July 10, 1865, in Battery E, First Ohio Volunteer Ar tillery; married, Sept. 4, 1865, Mary T. Woods; children: Victor E., Willis. Left farm at fif teen years of age; began to learn shoemaking as apprentice, November, 1857; came to Cleve land, O., June, 1861, and worked at trade un til entered army; after honorable discharge, in 1865, took charge of a large shoe manufac turing concern in Columbus, O.; located in St. Louis, November, 1877, and was an organizer of the first successful manufacturing enter prise in St. Louis, then known as Bryan-Brown Shoe Co., afterwards as the Brown-Desnoyers Shoe Co., and changed, Oct. 1, 1893, to Des noyers Shoe Co.; sold out, Jan. 1, 1903, and retired from active business. Member Third Baptist Church. Extensive traveler. Mason, Knight Templar and Shriner. Club: Mercan tile. Residence: 5503 Vernon Ave. Summer Residence: South Haven, Mich. DEVOY, Edward, president Devoy & Kuhn Coal and Coke Co.; born, St. Louis, Aug. 8, 1846; son of Denis and Mary (Mullins) De- THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 157 voy; educated in St. Patrick's School and Benton School; married, St. Louis, July 11, 1867, Maria Fallon; children: Stella (Mrs. W. T. Cartwright), Joseph Alexis, George F., Charles L., Alice Dorothy (Mrs. M. B. Hein- richs). Engaged in the coal business continu ously since March, 1872. Member Merchants' Exchange, Business Men's League. Democrat. Roman Catholic. Member Missouri Historical Society, St. Vincent de Paul Society, Knights of Columbus, Legion of Honor. Club: Lieder kranz. Recreation: books. Office: 315 N. 7th St. Residence: 5837 Cates Ave. DICK, John Wilson; see Vol. 1906. DICKENSON, Griffith, dealer in stone; 1849-1907; see Vol. 1906. DICKINSON, William Calvin, commission merchant; born, Cincinnati, 0., Sept. 20, 1849; son of Darius L. and Lydia F. Dickinson; edu cated in Cincinnati public schools and at ' Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Bos ton; married, Alliance, O., Oct. 28, 1881, Eve lyn B. Osterstock; children: Ruth B., Gladys, Dorothy. Engaged in commission business since 1880; since August, 1895, member of firm of F. W. Goeke & Co.; wholesale dealers and commission merchants in flour and feed. Republican. Swedenborgian. Office: 22 N. 2d St. Residence: 5929 Cates Ave. DICKMANN, Joseph F., real estate; born, Paderborn, Westphalia, Prussia, Germany, Dec. 22, 1855; son of Bernard and Dina (Ha-' berhausen) Dickmann; educated at Catholic School, Paderborn; married, St. Louis, Nov. 11, 1879, Mary Eilers; children: Mary (Mrs. Otto J. Hezel), Joseph, Bernard, Anne (Mrs. George Huth) Otto, Charles. Came to America, 1875; engaged in grocery business, 1876-88, and in grain and seed business, St. Louis, op erating on Merchants' Exchange, 1888-1900; elected sheriff of City of St. Louis and served, 1-900-04; in real estate business since May 15, 1905. Member St. Louis Merchants ' Exchange, Real Estate Exchange. Member St. Vincent De Paul Society, Knights of Columbus. Recre ations: reading, motoring. Nominated for sheriff of St. Louis Aug. 6, 1912. Office: 19 N. 8th St. Residence: 3446 Halliday Ave. DICKS, William L., retired; born, St. Louis, Dec. 6, 1851; son of John R. and Mary (Har mon) Dicks; educated at Christian Brothers School and public schools, St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Oct. 17, 1878, Catherine, daughter of Francis Lepere (she died Jan. 21, 1910); chil dren: Francis Joseph, Catherine Lepere. Be gan business career as assistant cashier and afterwards bookkeeper for Robert H. Frank lin, dry goods, etc., 1868-74, James Duncan & Co., dry goods, Baltimore, 1874-75; began with William Barr Dry Goods Co., 1875, and be came secretary and treasurer 1903; retired January, 1907. Catholic. Residence: 5811 Plymouth Ave. DICKSON, Joseph, lawyer; 1845-1908; see Vol. 1906. DICKSON, Joseph, Jr., lawyer; born, St. Louis, Apr. 12, 1876; son of Joseph and Eliza beth (Robertson) Dickson; educated at Crow and St. Louis High schools; Washington Uni versity; Harvard Law School, 1896-98; St. Louis Law School, LL.B., 1899; married, St. Louis, Nov. 27,' 1901, Sydney Francis Boyd; one daughter, Mary Francis. Admitted to bar, Oct. 2, 1899, and has since been engaged in practice; partner with father since Aug. 1, 1905, firm of Dickson & Dickson. Member American Bar Association, St. Louis Bar Asso ciation. Director Tower Grove Bank, St. Louis Lumber Co. Member Civic League. Re publican. Clubs: Racquet, Bellerive, City, Noonday, Harvard (St. Louis), Harvard (New York City). Recreations: golf and motoring. Office: 712-716 Rialto Bldg. Residence: Brent moor Park, St. Louis Co. DICKSON, William Augustus; see Vol. 1906. DIECKMAN, John Henry, bond and stock broker; born, St. Louis, Dec. 20, 1848; son of Stephen H. and Gertrude (Honerkamp) Dieek- man; educated in German schools in St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Apr. 9, 1872, Elizabeth Al- bietz; children: George Edwin, Julia Ade laide (Mrs. Carl A. Niemeyer). Began busi ness career as teller of a bank (now out of existence), in which continued until April, 1881; then became associated with H. H. Wernse, establishing firm of Wernse & Dieck- man, who have ever since been engaged as brokers in bonds and stocks. Director Hope Mining Co. Member Merchants' Exchange, St. Louis Stock Exchange. Treasurer Martha Parsons Free Hospital for Children. Member Civic League. Republican; formerly member St. Louis School Board. Club: Noonday. Office: 317 N. 4th St. Residence: 4537 W. Pine Boul. DIECKMANN, Louis, retired; born, Ham burg, Germany, Aug. 30, 1851; son of Frantz Adolph Th. and Frederika C. (Langenbach) Dieckmann; educated in public schools in Hamburg; married, St. Louis, Nov. 9, 1881, Minna Hamel; children: Charles A., Otto A., Max E., Hugo E. Learned carpenter's trade when fifteen years old, and followed it for five years; emigrated to United States, Oct. 9, 1871, and was engaged in carpenter's trade until 1878; then as employe in cabinet and refrigerator business until October, 1896, when started business with George H. Hollrah as Hollrah & Dieckmann, incorporated, February, 1900, as the Hollrah-Dieekmann Refrigerator and Fixture Co., of which was vice president and manager until Oct. 15, 1911, when retired. Republican. Protestant. Member South West Turner Society. Recreation: gardening. Resi dence: Wellston, Mo. DIEDERICH, George Christ, furniture man ufacturer; born, St. Louis, Jan. 18, 1860; son 158 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS of George Henry and Charlotte Diederich; educated in public schools of St. Louis; mar ried, St. Louis, Oct. 16, 1888, Emily Kolusch; children: Emily Johanna, George Henry, Olga Charlotte. As a boy began to learn the cab inet-making business in father 's furniture fac tory, and has been connected with the busi ness ever since; after its incorporation, Mar. 17, 1885, was made president of the G. H. Diederich Furniture Co., manufacturers and wholesale dealers in all kinds of furniture, with specialties in bedsteads, extension tables and kitchen cabinets. Also director and vice president St. Louis Malleable Iron Works. Re publican. Member Evangelical Church. Di rector German Protestant Orphans' Home. Member I. O. O. F. Offiee: 1945 N. 2d St. Residence: 2933 University St. DIEDERICH, William Frederick, furniture manufacturer; born, St. Louis, June 3, 1865; son of George Henry and Charlotte Diederich; educated in public schools of St. Louis; mar ried, St. Louis, Oct. 29, 1890, Lillian E. Hol land. At age of fourteen entered father 's fur niture factory to learn the trade and has ever since been connected with that business, which was incorporated, Mar. 17, 1885, as the G. H. Diederich Furniture Co.; has charge of the mechanical departments of the business, and since 1897 has been secretary of the company. Republican. Member Evangelical Church. Member Liederkranz. Office: 1945 N. 2d St. Residence: 3214A Dodier St. DIEHM, Walter, lawyer; born, St. Louis, Feb. 8, 1882; son of Ferdinand and Bertha (Steigerwald) Diehm; educated in St. Louis public schools and Central High School; LL.B., St. Louis Law School, 1902; married, St. Louis, Feb1. 15, 1908, Alice H. Fisher; one child: Helen Virginia. Began practice of law, 1902; since 1910 member firm of Schulenburg & Diehm. Was member Light Battery A, Na tional Guard of Missouri, 1905-08. Member St. Louis Bar Association. Director Missouri Crematory Association; secretary St. Louis Altenheim. Republican. Ethical Society. Ma son (32°), Mystic Shrine. Clubs: City, Ma sonic. Recreation: motoring. Offiee: 912-914 Rialto Bldg. Residence: 5728 Bartmer Ave. DIEKMANN, Louis C, deputy commissioner of supplies; born, St. Louis, Sept. 1, 1857; son of Frederick W. and Elise (Wacker) Diek- mann, both natives of Germany; educated in public schools and one year in high school; married, St. Louis, 1881, Sophie M. Brede- meyer; six children: Arthur (with St. Louis Car Co.), Minnie, Elsie, Octavia, Verna, Esther. Began active career at thirteen as office boy with Garrett, McDowell & Co., man ufacturers and dealers in pig iron, continuing until 1883; then entered coal business in own name and in 1887 organized the Diekmann Coal Co., wholesale and retail dealers, of which was president until 1909. In 1910 be came connected with department of commis sioner of supplies, St. Louis, as auditor of ac counts, later chief clerk, and since June 1, 1912, deputy commissioner. Republican; elect ed to House of Delegates, 1890, for unexpired term, and reelected, 1891 and 1893; served as speaker of the house during last term and at times during 1905-07 as mayor, in the absence of the city's chief executive. Mason; mem ber Royal Arcanum, Knights of Pythias (rep resentative to Grand Lodge for about sixteen vears). Recreation: reading. Offiee: City Hall. Residence: 1119 N. Market St. DIEL, Emil; see Vol. 1906. DIEL, George; see Vol. 1906. DIEL, Gustav Frank; see Vol. 1906. DIGGS, William Purnell, proprietary medi cines; born, St. Louis, June 3, 1851; son of Francis W. (of Virginia) and Amelia R. (Hill) Diggs (of Maryland); educated in pub lic schools, St. Louis, until 1857; academy, High Hill, Mo., 1858; Towsley's School, New Albany, Ind., 1867; married, Forestall, Mo., Feb. 9, 1876, Eugenia N. May (now deceased) ; one child (deceased); married, 2d, Jan. 26, 1910, Mary 3j Ehrhardt; one child: William P., Jr. Began business career in retail drug store at High Hill, Mo., Jan. 1, 1872; removed to Wentzville, Mo., April, 1874, and was in retail drug business there until Sept. 30, 1883, when established on small scale the business which he now conducts as W. P. Diggs & Co., manufacturers proprietary remedies. Demo crat. Recreation: bowling. Office: 113-115 Lo cust St. Residence: 943 Laurel Ave. DINGS, William, hardwood lumber; born, St. Louis, Jan. 26, 1841; son of Frederick and Ida (Stein) Dings; educated under private instruction by Prof. Avery and Prof. Eno Saunders, and in Laclede School, St. Louis, also in Germany; married, in Owen Co., Ky., Dec. 31, 1868, Tinie Bristow; children: Wil liam Woods, Eleanor B. (Mrs. John S. Dob- yns). During Civil War was captain of Com pany C, 8th Missouri Infantry, C. S. A., until surrender at Alexandria, La., under General Buckner. After war, was engaged as farmer in St. Louis Co., 1867-73; in lime and cement business with H. D. Hatch, 1873-74; book keeper for William Zioek & Co., 1875-83, for Pratt, Todd & Co., 1884, Clarkson-Christopher Lumber Co., 1888, vice president and secre tary, same company, 1892-96; from 1896 to 1907 was vice president and secretary R. M. Fry Lumber Co.; since in lumber business for self. Member St. Louis Lumber Exchange. Democrat. Presbyterian. Mason. Member Royal Arcanum, Legion of Honor. Club: Lum bermen's. Favorite recreation: literature. Of fice: Branch and Hall Sts. Residence: 925 Beach Ave. DISBROW, Charles Wesley, president Amer ican Automobile Insurance Co.; born, New- THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 159 York City, Jan. 4, .1874; son of William and Harriet (Lusby) Disbrow; LL.B., New York Law School, 1896; married, Hoboken, N. J., Apr. 15, 1897, Anna M. Oesterreich; children: Ruth O., Marie K., Charles W., Jr., Franz O., John B. B. Practiced law'in New York City and Denver, Colo.; was manager mountain de partment United States Fidelity and Guaran ty Co. at Denver; later manager western de partment same, at St. Louis; president Amer ican Automobile Insurance Co. since Jan. 1, 1912. Republican. Presbyterian. Clubs: St. Louis, Racquet, City. Author: Digest New York Code of Civil Procedure, 1896; Analysis Banking and Currency System of the United States (brochure), 1909. Recreation: litera ture. Office: Pierce Bldg. Residence: 5146 Ca banne Ave. DISCHERT, William, vehicle manufacturer, retired; born, Germany, Oct. 9, 1861; son of Henry and Katherine Dischert; educated in St. Louis public schools; married. Began in 1876, in carriage and wagon shop of H. Wit- ticke, with whom remained seven years, learn ing trade and working as journeyman; started for self as manufacturer of business vehicles, 1883, incorporating, Jan. 16, 1902, as William Dischert Carriage and Wagon Co., of which was president until retired, 1911. Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner. Residence: 2209 A E. Athlone Ave. *DISTLER, Joseph A. M., Catholic priest; now living in Kansas City; see Vol. 1906. DITTMANN, William Henry, shoe manu facturer; born, St. Louis, Oct. 21, 1852; son of George F. and Caroline (Almstedt) Dittmann; educated in St. Louis public schools; married, St. Louis, Nov. 10, 1877, Emma Biebinger; children: Adele (Mrs. Philip A. Becker), Rob ert W. Engaged in manufacture of shoes since 1868; now president of the Dittmann Shoe Co.; was for several years vice president of the Fourth National Bank, resigning in 1902; also one of organizers of Germania Trust Co., and was its vice president and president for periods during its life; one of organizers of St. Louis Catering Co., and other corporations. Member board of directors, Tower Grove Park. Republican. Clubs: Mercantile, Liederkranz. Office: 1107 Washington Ave. Residence: 3463 Longfellow Boul. DOBSON, William Davis, osteopathist; born, Greenville, Tenn., Nov. 28, 1848; son of David and Nancy (McAmis) Dobson; educated Tus- culum College, Tennessee, graduating with de gree of A.B., 1870, A.M., 1880 (LL.D., 1895) ; taught school near Trenton, Mo., until 1891; president first district State Normal School, Kirksville, 1891-99; graduated at American School of Osteopathy, Kirksville, 1902; mar ried, Greenville, Tenn., July 5, 1878, Mantie J. Briton; three children: Walter N., Pauline (Mrs. George L. Gold), Robert Britton. Pro fessor chemistry, American School of Osteop athy, 1902-04; dean same school, 1904-07; in charge A. T. Still Osteopathic Sanitarium, St. Louis, 1907-08; since in private practice. Dem ocrat. Presbyterian. Member National, State and City Osteopathic societies. Mason, Shrin er. Recreation: outdoor sports. Office: 455, 313 N. 9th St. Residence: 4519 Westminster Place. DOBYNE, James Bell, president Champion Shoe Machinery Co.; born, Hollidaysburg, Pa., Dec. 29, 1846; son of Stevenson W. and Mar- garetta Grafius (Miller) Dobyne; educated in common schools and academy at Hollidays burg; married, Litehfield, HI., Oct. 9, 1869, Calista J. Evans; 2d, Mar. 12, 1894, Nellie H. Moakley; children: Etta Bell, George A., Ruth O., Jessie J. (Mrs. Louis F. Mahler). Was foreman of Missouri Pacific R. R. shop at age of 22, later foreman of old St. Louis & Cairo Short Line R. R., East St. Louis; master me chanic, Southwestern Car Works, Jefferson- ville, Ind.; superintendent Beach- Amsden Ma chine and Foundry Co., Litchfield, 111.; in mill ing and grain business, Hillsboro, 111.; in man ufacturing business, as vice president Fleming & Dobyne Manufacturing Co., Chicago; secre tary and manager Landis Machine Co., St. Louis; now president of Champion Shoe Ma chinery Co., manufacturers of shoe and har ness machinery. Member Citizens' Industrial Association. Served in Civil War in 1st bat talion, Pennsylvania Volunteers. Republican. Member Grand Army of the Republic (com mander Ransom Post); member Union Veteran Club, Chicago, Pennsylvania Society of St. Louis. Member Masonic Order. Club: City. Recreations: traveling in Europe and Amer ica; fond of arts. Office: 3727 Forest Park Boul. Residence: 6006 W. Cabanne Ave. DODD, Samuel Morris, merchant; 1832-1912; see Vol. 1906. DODDS, James T., city surveyor; born, Co lumbus, O., Aug. '5, 1866; son of Robert H. and Anna (Redpath) Dodds; educated public schools; academy, Ypsilanti, Mich.; National Normal University, Lebanon, O.; married, St. Louis, Oct. 16, 1901, Blanche B. Wegner; three children: James T., Jr., Douglas W., Albert R. In office of county surveyor, Columbus, O., 1888-89; came to St. Louis, 1889, and entered employ of city surveyor, J. G. Joyce, Sr.; vice president Joyce Surveying Co., 1892-98; in general surveying and civil engineering prac tice on own account since 1898; city surveyor since 1901; agent for North St. Louis Quar ries. Has laid out many of the suburban dis tricts of St. Louis and is responsible for much of the important engineering work in connec tion with the city during past twelve or fif teen years. Protestant. Member North St. Louis Business Men's Association. Clubs: En gineers, City. Recreation: reading. Office: 1G0 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 717% Chestnut St. Residence: 3843 Sullivan Avenue. *DODGE, Adiel Sherwood; moved to Chi cago; see Vol. 1906. DODGE, Ernest Cole, lawyer; born, Belle ville, 111., Feb. 11, 1862; son of Egbert and Sarah (Sherwood) Dodge; educated in St. Louis public and high schools; Salem (Mo.) Academy; State University, Columbia, Mo., 1880-82; taught schools in Scott Co., Mo., 1882-83; graduated from St. Louis Law School (Washington University), LL.B., 1885; mar- Tied, St. Louis, Apr. 17, 1895, Bertha G. Lay- ton; children: Odile Phyllis L., Mary Lois. Admitted to bar, June 12, 1885; since May, 1887, in general practice of law in St. Louis; member firm of Dodge & Mulvihill, 1887-1905, since practiced alone. Assistant city attorney under Mayor Walbridge, 1894-99. Commis sioned as notary public by Governors Francis, Stone, Stephens, Dockery and Folk. Member St. Louis Bar Association, Missouri State Bar Association, Illinois Society, Sons of the Rev olution (Missouri). Republican. Catholic. Member State Militia three years. Recrea tion: fishing. Office: 319 Commercial Bldg. Residence: 4149 W. Pine St. DODSON, George Rowland, clergyman; born, Jacksonville, Mo., Aug. 20, 1865; son of Shelley Martin and Susan Eleanor (Proctor) Dodson; A.B., University of Missouri, 1887; student Stanford University, 1894, University of California, 1901; A.M., Harvard University, 1902, Ph.D., 1903; married, Fulton, Mo., June 24, 1891, Nellie Wheeler; children: Rowland W., Eleanor, Proctor W. Ordained ministry, at Mexico, Mo., 1886; pastor First Unitarian Society, Alameda, Cal., 1891-1901, Church of the Unity, St. Louis, since Oct. 1, 1903. Mem ber Western Philosophical Association, Wash ington University Association, Contemporary Club. Address: Church of the Unity. Resi dence: 48 Nicholson PL DODSON, John William, retired; born, Kirksville, Adair Co., Mo., Oct. 10, 1851; son of Thomas and Lueinda (Grogan) Dodson; educated in district schools of Adair County and Normal School at Kirksville; unmarried. Engaged in farming with father until 1873; traveling salesman for Yarnall Bros., manu facturers of pickles and grocers' sundries, 1873-82; organized firm of Dodson & Hils, in same line, 1882, which later incorporated as Dodson-Hils Manufacturing Co., changing in February, 1897, to Dodson-Braun Manufactur ing Co.; retired, 1910. Republican. Club: Mer cantile. Address: Mercantile Club. DOELLING, John L., teas and coffees; see Vol. 1906. D'OENCH, Guido, retired banker; born, near Liegnitz, Prussia, June 22, 1839; son of Rudolph and Adelheid D'Oench; educated in Germany and at college in Texas; married, St. Louis, 1869, Pauline Limberger (now de ceased); two children: Lyda and Elizabeth F. Came to St. Louis from Texas in 1857, and was engaged in mercantile pursuits from 1858 until about 1866; then in banking, first with the Bank of the West, then for ten years as cashier of the South Side Bank; cashier of the Lowell Bank, May, 1905-08, when retired. Director of the Pocahontas Mining Co. Mem ber of the Merchants ' Exchange. Odd Fellow. Recreations: gardening and walking. Resi dence: 4914 S. Broadway. D'OENCH, Richard, hardware merchant; born, Liegnitz, Germany, July 1, 1843; son of Rudolph and Adelheid (Roessler) D'Oench; came with parents from Germany to Texas, in 1850; educated in Texas schools; located in St. Louis, 1860, and was employed with whole sale grocery firm of Meyer & Meister, first as shipping clerk and later as traveling sales man, 1860-67; started, in wholesale wooden ware business under firm name of Schmieding, D'Oench & Co., February, 1867, and continued until Jan. 1, 1879, when sold out interest in that business and became secretary of the Witte Hardware Co., St. Louis, from which re tired, Jan. 1, 1896; since fall of 1896 engaged as manufacturers' agent and dealer in hard ware specialties. Director Missouri Crematory Association, St. Louis Altenheim. Republican. Member Liederkranz, Royal Arcanum, Na tional Union. Office: 309 Olive St. Residence: 4914 S. Broadway. D'OENCH, William, vice president Fried man Shelby Shoe Co.; born, St. Louis, June 21, 1860; son of William and. Marie (Braasch) D'Oench; educated in public schools of St. Louis and Washington University until 1872; Realschule, Stuttgart, Wurtemburg, Germany, 1872-78; returned to United States in Septem ber, 1878; married, Jefferson City, Mo., Dec. 16, 1885, Nannie Bishop Berry; one daughter: Virginia Marie (Mrs. G. Pagenstecher, New York). Began as clerk for hardware broker in New York City, and after a few months entered employ of Giesecke, Meysenburg & Co., of St. Louis, working in factory at Jef ferson City, Mo., January, 1879; became one of incorporators of the Giesecke Boot and Shoe Manufacturing Co., of Jefferson City, 1881, and secretary until 1898; organized the D 'Oeneh-Hays Shoe Co., of Jeffersonville, Ind.; in 3901 consolidated D'Oench-Hays Shoe Co. and the Giesecke Boot and Shoe Manufactur ing Co. as the Giesecke, D'Oench, Hays Shoe Co., of which was president until Feb. 1, 1910, when this company was merged with the Friedman Shelby Shoe Co. and he became vice president. Democrat. Office: 1621 Wash ington Ave. Residence: 5503 Cabanne Ave. DOERR, Peter J., bank cashier; 1848-1911; see Vol. 1906. THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 161 DONAHOE, Martin Hassett, cotton duck; born, St. Louis, July 2, 1881; son of Martin P. and Mary J. (Shaw) Donahoe; graduated from St. Louis University, class of 1901; married, St. Louis, June 8, 1910, Helen Wertheimer; one son: Martin H., Jr. Began business career in December, 1901, as salesman at the St. Louis branch of J. Spencer Turner Co., man agers of sales for the Consolidated Cotton Duck Co., Baltimore, and has since continued with the company, becoming resident manager in St. Louis, Sept. 1, 1905. Recreation: golf. Office: 501 Silk Exchange Bldg. Residence: 4401 Forest Park Boul. DONAHOE, Martin Patrick, dry goods mer chant; born, Sibley, Jackson Co., Mo., Nov. 18, 1846; son of Thomas and Mary (Nolan) Dona hoe; educated at Sibley day school until 12 years old, afterward at St. Louis night school, as opportunity offered; married, St. Louis, Oct. 16, 1878, Mary J. Shaw; children: Mar tin H., Edgar T., Clarence G., Arthur J., John, Mary Frances, Alice Shaw. Was employed by Majors, Russell & Waddell, government freighters across the plains, 1860-62; came to St. Louis, 1863; employed by Samuel C. Da vis & Co., wholesale dry goods, from Sept. 3, 1863, to Jan. 1, 1896; made director, 1900, became fourth vice president, 1903, Harga dine-McKittrick Dry Goods Co. President Western Commercial Travelers' Association, 1905. Democrat. Roman Catholic. Club: Mer cantile. Recreation: traveling. Office: 911 Washington Ave. Residence: 5070 Westmin ster PL DONALDSON, Andrew Robert, broker; 1832-1911; see Vol. 1906. DONALDSON, Walter Scot, printing and engraving; born, St. Louis, Feb. 4, 1871; son of John and Katherine (Watson) Donaldson; educated in public schools of St. Louis; mar ried, St. Louis, 1897, Adelaide Daniels. Learned printing trade and has been continuously con nected with the Great Western Printing Co. since 1884; became manager, and, in 1900, president. The company is now the St. Louis branch of the National Printing & Engraving Co. of New York, of which he is vice presi dent. The business was originally the job office of the Globe-Democrat, changing to Great Western Printing Co. in 1884. Member Advertising Men's League, Typothetse. Re publican. Presbyterian. Member Royal Ar canum. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Creve Cceur Canoe Club. Favorite recreations: aquatic sports. Office: 513 Elm St. Residence: 2717 S. King's Highway. DONALDSON, William Rhind, lawyer; born, Murfreesboro, Tenn., Jan. 8, 1844; son of An drew and Ellen (Rhind) Donaldson; educated in St. Louis public schools; Central High School; A.B., Washington University, 1863; studied law with Sharp & Broadhead and ad mitted to St. Louis bar, 1865; LL.B., Harvard Law School, 1866; married, Pittsfield, Mass., Oct. 20, 1869, Elizabeth Lamed, daughter of Thomas Allen; children: Annie Maud (Mrs. Marshall Hodgman), William Rhind, Jr., Eliz abeth Allen (Mrs. George A. Randolph). In general practice of law in St. Louis since 1866; 1901, senior member of firm of Donald son & Donaldson. Vice president Southern Hotel Co.; director Allen Estate Association. Democrat. Episcopalian. Member Missouri Historical Society, St. Louis, American and Missouri State Bar associations, Tennessee So ciety of St. Louis. Clubs: St. Louis, St. Louis Country. Office: 818 Bank of Commerce Bldg. Residence: St. Louis Co. DONALDSON, William Rhind, Jr., lawyer; born, St. Louis, Aug. 16, 1875; son of William Rhind and Elizabeth Larned (Allen) Donald son; educated in Rugby Academy, St. Louis, 1890-94; Harvard University, 1894-98, A.B.; traveled in Europe, 1898-99; attended St. Louis Law School, 1899-1901, LL.B.; unmar ried. Admitted to bar at St. Louis, 1901, and since in practice. Member American Bar As sociation, St. Louis Bar Association, Law Li brary Association. Democrat. Episcopalian. Clubs: St. Louis Country, Racquet. Recrea tions: hunting and fishing. Office: 415 Pine St. Residence: St. Louis Co. DONK, Edmond Charles, president Donk Bros. Coal and Coke Co.; born, Crefeld, Ger many, Feb. 19, 1851; son of Henry and Jose phine Lucretia (Hinzen) Donk; came to United States in childhood; educated in pri vate schools of Peoria, 111., and St. Louis; married, St. Louis, 1882, Josephine Conrades; children: Edna M., Edmond C., Jr., Marie E. Spent earlier years in Peoria, 111., and came to St. Louis, 1863, to join brother, the late August Donk, who had established the coal firm of A. F. Donk & Co., in 1861. Entered employ of that firm in 1868, and later was ad mitted to partnership, the firm becoming Donk Bros. Firm later became incorporated as Donk Bros. Coal Co., of which has been presi dent since death of brother in 1894. Repub lican. Unitarian. Member Merchants' Ex change Benevolent Association, Royal Arca num, Legion of Honor. Clubs: Union, Mis souri Athletic, Liederkranz. Recreation: fish ing. Office: 314 N. 4th St. Residence: 3643 Castleman Ave. DONNELL, Forrest C, lawyer; born, Quit man, Mo., Aug. 20, 1884; son of John C. and Barbara Lee (Waggoner) Donnell; educated Maryville (Mo.) High School; A.B., Univer sity of Missouri, 1904, LL.B., 1907; unmarried. Admitted to Missouri bar, 1907, and since practiced in St. Louis. Appointed general at torney for enforcement of collateral inheri tance tax law of Missouri by Board of Cura tors of University of Missouri, 1909; member 162 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS firm of Spencer & Donnell since 1911. Direct or Southern Electric Co. Republican. Member American Bar Association, St. Louis Bar As sociation. Mason. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, University. Recreation?: tennis, reading. Of fice: Suite 510, Commonwealth Trust Bldg. Residence: Hamilton Hotel. DONNELL, John Walter, manager White Rabbit Dye Co.; born, Carrollton, O., Feb. 22 1847; son of James H. and Annie (Lea) Don nell; educated publie schools of Ohio; mar ried, St. Louis, Apr. 23, 1872, Maria Tilden 2d, Godfrey, 111., 1886, Fanny M. Bartlett children: John Tilden, Maria L. (Mrs. Will S. Thompson, Hutchinson, Kan.), Walter Bart lett, Harold Channing, Everett Malcolm. Was clerk in drug store; went to Colorado, 1862; lived in Rocky Mountains four years, mining and merchandising; returned to St. Joseph, Mo., 1867; removed to St. Louis, 1868, and was clerk with Vandwater, Loker & Co., wholesale druggists, one year, then with Wil liam D'Oench & Co., wholesale druggists, until 1870; business manager, A. A. Mellier Drug Co., 1870-72. Started in business for self 1872, firm of Donnell, Tilden & Co., wholesale druggists; consolidated with firm of Wengler, Blow & Co., 1875, and organized as St. Louis Drug Co.; burned out in 1876, and in March, 1877, organized firm of Donnell Manufactur ing Co., manufacturing grocers ' and druggists ' specialties, of which was president until 1910, since manager White Rabbit Dye Co. Mem ber Missouri Historical Society, Ohio Society. Mason (32°); member Legion of Honor. Re publican. Unitarian. Office: 1700 Morgan St. Residence: 4043 Westminster PL DONNELL, Thomas G., dentist; born, De catur, 111., Apr. 17, 1873; son of John Michael and Mary Alzino (Gresham) Donnell; re moved with parents to the Northwest in boy hood and was graduated at Umpqua Academy, Roseburg, Ore. ; subsequently attended Garden City Business College; student for one year at Cooper Medical College, San Francisco; en tered Dental Department, Washington Uni versity, graduating with degree of D.M.D., 1901; married Mabel Talbot, of England, Apr. 17, 1911. In practice in St. Louis since 1901; professor of metulurgy and dental anatomy, Barnes Dental Department of National Uni versity. Member Missouri State Dental So ciety, St. Louis Society of Dental Science. Formerly member Oregon National Guard, and served in volunteers, Camp Presidio, San Fran cisco, Spanish- American War. Mason (32°). Recreation: hunting large game in the Rockies. Office and Residence: 2247A S. Grand Ave. DONNEWALD, George Henry, wholesale coal and ice; born, St. Louis, June 21, 1857; son of Henry and Elizabeth (Miller) Donne- wald; educated in public schools; unmarried. Began business career as sales agent for the Excelsior Coal Mining Co., 1872, and became officer and director of the company, with head quarters at St. Louis; senior member Donne- wald & Herring, owning and operating coal mines at Lebanon, 111., 1875-85; bought inter ests of partner, 1885, and continued business as G. H. Donnewald & Co.; in 1897 organized Donnewald-Stephens Coal Co., and in 1900 in corporated under present style of Donnewald Ice and Coal Co., of/ which is president; also president Consumers' Ice and Fuel Co. Ro man Catholic. Favorite recreation: driving. Office: 602 Times Bldg. Residence: 5 Jameton Place. DONOVAN, Daniel C, president and man ager St. Louis Daily News; born, St. Louis, Dec. 4, 1862; son of Denis and Ellen (Milner) Donovan; educated at St. Louis University; married, St. Louis, Nov. 24, 1887, Annie V. Crowley; children: Nellie Francis, Marie Genevieve, Daniel O, Jr., Virginia Mary (de ceased) and Rosemary. Began business life with the M. M. Buck Manufacturing Co. (now the Handlan-Buek Manufacturing Co.) in a minor position, and was advanced until had full charge of the shipping and delivery de partments, remaining with the company for sixteen years until embarked in the newspa per business, in which has since continued. President and manager of the St. Louis News Publishing and Printing Co. (established Oc tober, 1895), printing and publishing St. Louis Daily News, and also the St. Louis News (weekly). Purchased the Daily Hotel Re porter, Dec. 20, 1905, and consolidated same with the St. Louis Daily News, paper being then known as the St. Louis Daily News and Daily Hotel Reporter; sold Hotel Reporter to Daily Record, Jan. 1, 1908. Member North St. Louis Business Men's Association, South Broadway Merchants ' Association, Southwest ern Mercantile Association, West End Busi ness Men's Association. Democrat; nominee for City Council, 1893, and three times candi date for police commissioner. Roman Cath olic. Offiee: 201 Temple Bldg., Broadway and Walnut St. Residence: 5087 Minerva Ave. DONOVAN, Francis Xavier; see Vol. 1906. DOOLEY, Patrick, clergyman; born, Parish of Murroe, County Limerick, Ireland; edu cated at Sacred Heart College, Limerick; Col lege of Native Diocese at Thurles; came to America, 1889, and pursued theological studies at St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore, Md. Or dained priest Roman Catholic Church, Dec. 17, 1892; assistant to Rev. Thomas J. Cooley, Assumption Church, St. Louis, 1892-96, then rector same; appointed by Archbishop Glen- non as rector St. John's Church; now serving as rector St. Bridget's Church. Residence: 1108 N. Jefferson Ave. DOOLITTLE, Charles Almond, treasurer Blackmer & Post Pipe Co.; born on farm in THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 163 Ontario Co., N. Y., May 22, 1868; son of Asa and Jane L. (Foster) Doolittle; educated in State Normal School, Geneseo, N. Y.; married, St. Louis, Oct. 18, 1900, Clara Seifarth. En gaged in farming in New York and Massa chusetts; came to St. Louis 1890, and was em ployed by Blackmer & Post, first as a stenog rapher and later as a bookkeeper; was elected treasurer of the Blackmer & Post Pipe Co., 1898. Republican. Scottish Rite Mason; mem ber Ascalon Commandery, Knights Templar, Moolah Temple^ Mystic Shrine. Office: 613 Wainwright Bldg. Residence: 5676 Cates Ave. *DORCHESTER, Liverus H., clergyman; moved to Scranton, Pa.; see Vol. 1906. *DORGELOH, Henry Frederick; moved to San Francisco; see Vol. 1906. DORR, Lorenzo Engelbert, president Dorr & Zeller Catering Co.; born, Hesse-Darmstadt, Germany, May 15, 1857; son of Victor and Elizabeth (Seherrer) Dorr; educated in pub lic schools of native land; married, St. Louis, Mar. 17, 1886, Rose Stein; three children: Victor, Oliver, Roy Henry. Learned catering business and followed same in old country un til twenty-five; came to America, 1882, and was_ connected with catering house in St. Louis, two years; started in business for self, 1886; organized firm of Dorr & Zeller, 1887, of which has since been the head. Director Vandeventer Trust Co. Member Business Men's League. Catholic. Member Royal Ar canum. Recreation: traveling. Office: 3924 Washington Ave. Residence: 3922 Washington Avenue. DORSETT, Walter Blackburn, physician and surgeon; born, St. Louis Co., Mo., June 13, 1852; son of Henry Leonidas Dorsett (born in Loudoun Co., Va.) and George Ann( Black burn) Dorsett (of Versailles, Ky.); course of study in civil engineering, Washington Uni versity; later took up study of medicine at St. Louis Medical College, graduating with degree of M.D., Mar. 4, 1878; married, Olney, 111., Oct. 20, 1880, Eleanor C. French; one son: E. Lee, now engaged in practice of medi cine. In practice at St. Louis since 1878; superintendent and surgeon in charge of Fe male Hospital, St. Louis, 1887-92; gynecolo gist Evangelical Deaconess Hospital, and Missouri Baptist Sanitarium since 1893; con sultant St. Louis Maternity Hospital; pro fessor gynecology and pelvic surgery, Medical Department St. Louis University. President St. Louis Medical Society, 1893; president Missouri State Medical Association, 1900; president American Association of Obstetri cians and Gynecologists, 1903; member South ern Surgical and Gynecol. Association, West- em Surgical Association, Southwestern Med ical Association, St. Louis Academy of Sci ence, American Clinical Congress. Democrat. Mason. Clubs: University, Glen Echo. Author of numerous monographs on medical subjects. Recreations: horseback riding, fishing. Of fice: 26 Linmar Bldg. Residence: 5070 Wash ington Ave. DOSTAL, Antoine Robert, merchant tailor; born, Hermanmestetz, Austria, July 1, 1852; son of A. R. and Anna (Bleeha) Dostal; edu cated in public schools in Austria and in Paris, France; married, Waterbury, Conn., Feb. 18, 1883, Augustine Brassart; children: Charles A., A. B., Jr., George B., Harry R., Louise Anna. Lived in Vienna and Paris for sixteen years; learned the tailoring trade in Vienna, Paris, London; came to United States first in 1882.; returned to France for a short period, then located in New York for three years as a designer with one of the leading tailoring establishments of the city; after ward came to St. Louis, 1889, and in 1890 es tablished for self as a merchant tailor in this city. Episcopalian. Mason (32°), Shriner. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Liederkranz. Favor ite recreations: traveling, fishing and hunting. Office: 209, 207 N. 8th St. Residence: 2828 Euclid Ave. *DOUGAN, James Russell; moved to Law rence, Kans.; see Vol. 1906. DOUGHERTY, Chester A., real estate; born, St. Louis, Sept. 18, 1883; son of Patrick J. and Ellen (Crowley) Dougherty; educated Ames (public) School, St. Louis, 1889-97; married, St. Louis, June 6, 1906, Winifred V. Walsh; one child: Ruth Mary. Began at age of fourteen and was engaged in various pur suits until entered real estate business at 929 Chestnut St., in March, 1903-; now president Dougherty Bros. Real Estate Co. Member St. Louis Real Estate Exchange. Roman Cath olic. Member Knights of Columbus. Clubs: Columbus, Automobile. Recreations: travel, motoring. Office: 818 Chestnut St. Residence: 5322 Wells Ave. DOUGHERTY, Frank Joseph, real estate; born, San Francisco, Cal., Nov. 11, 1880; son of P. J. and Ellen (Crowley) Dougherty; edu cated in St. Louis public school, to eighth grade, and two years at public night school; married, St. Louis, June 17, 1902, Mayme Clara Drumm; children: Francis Russell, Mel- vin Joseph, Frank J., Jr., and Rosemary. After leaving school worked at various positions, in printing office, drug store, shoe factory, type foundry, incandescent lamp factory, Gould's Directory, etc.; in 1897 began in real estate business with the Nicholls-Ritter Realty and Financial Co. as office boy at $3 per week, ad vancing to cashier and bookkeeper. On Mar. 1, 1903, started out for self with desk-room, and on Jan. 12, 1905, incorporated the Frank J. Dougherty Real Estate Co., now Dougherty Bros. Real Estate Co., general real estate and insurance, of which is president. Member St. Louis Real Estate Exchange. Roman Catholic. 164 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS Independent in politics. Member Knights of Columbus. Recreation: outdoor sports. Office: 818 Chestnut St. Residence: 1386 Clara Ave. DOUGLAS, Alexander,, railway official; born, Perthshire, Scotland, Mar. 31, 1848; son of James and Jane (Johnston) Douglas; edu cated in Blairgowrie (Scotland) public schools and Blairgowrie Academy, graduating 1865; married, Chicago, Aug. 14, 1881, Nancy, daugh ter of R. P. Kelly, M.D. Began railway serv ice, May, 1866, as clerk in general office of Fast Freight Line, at Detroit, Mich.; general clerk, 1866-70, chief claim clerk, 1870-71, Blue Line Fast Freight; chief freight clerk, St. Louis Station, Atlantic & Pacific and Mis souri Pacific railways, 1872-73; agent on line and in charge of train service, Carondelet branch, 1874-75; chief clerk, traveling auditor and general bookkeeper, auditor 's office, St. Louis & San Francisco Railway Co., and its receiver, 1876-78; auditor St. Louis & San Francisco Railway Co., 1879, to June 30, 1896, also auditor St. Louis, Kansas City & Colo rado R. R., June, 1890, to September, 1894, and auditor Central Division, Atlantic & Pa cific R. R., 1879, to June 30, 1896; acted as secretary of all auxiliary companies of Frisco System, and also filled special duties assigned by vice president and general manager in ab sence of latter, 1879-85. General auditor St. Louis & San Francisco R. R. Co., July 1, 1896, to June 7, 1900, vice president and general auditor, 1900-03, fourth vice president and general auditor same company, Oct. 22, 1903, to June 30, 1908, vice president and general auditor since June 30, 1908; now director in twenty-eight auxiliary companies, Frisco Sys tem. Was director Colonial Trust Co. until its absorption by Commonwealth Trust Co., and director Continental Bank until its absorption by National Bank of Commerce. Originally Democrat, now independent. Presbyterian. Clubs: St. Louis and Noonday. Office: Frisco Bldg. Residence: 3837 Washington Boul. DOUGLAS, Archer Wall, wholesale hard ware merchant; born, Key West, Fla., Jan. 26, 1858; son of Samuel J. and Elizabeth (Brown) Douglas; educated in public schools of Talla hassee, Fla.; married, St. Louis, Sept. 14, 1887, Hilda Clements; children: Winifred, Archer Donald, Beatrice Orme. Came to St. Louis, 1874, as clerk for Bellville Nail Mill Co.; in 1876 entered employment of G. & W. Todd & Co., in 1877 of Robert B. Brown & Co. In 1878 entered employ of Simmons Hardware Co., in buying department; elected secretary of the company, 1898, and vice president in 1904, in which position continues; also vice president of the Simmons Saddlery Co. Member Busi ness Men 's League. Independent in politics. Episcopalian. Member National Geographic Society, Sons of Revolution, Archaeological So ciety of America, Washington University As sociation. Chairman of Executive Committee St. Louis Symphony Society. Clubs: Noonday, Normandie Golf, Contemporary, City, Public Question. Office: 9th and. Spruce Sts. Resi dence: 5079 Waterman Ave. DOUGLAS, Scott Clive, physician; born, Fulton, Mo., May 2, 1879; son of John H. and Susan (Maehette) Douglas; educated public schools; A.B., Westminster College, Fulton, 1899; M.D., Medical Department, Washing ton University, 1903; unmarried. In practice in St. Louis since 1903; specializes in skin diseases. Democrat. Presbyterian. Member Missouri State Medical Association, St. Louis Medical Society, Phi Delta Theta, Nu Sigma Nu. Recreation: country walks. Office: Lister Bldg. Residence: 4922 Fountain Ave. DOUGLAS, Walter Bond, lawyer; born, Brunswick, Mo., Dec. 20, 1851; son of James Marsh and Caroline (Bond) Douglas; gradu ated from Westminster College, A.B., 1873; Harvard University Law School, LL.B., 1877; married, St. Louis, Apr. 29, 1891, Fannie B. Kimball; children: Antoinette, Marjory, James Marsh, Francis, William Cerre. Admitted to practice of law in Missouri, May, 1878; judge of the Circuit Court of the City of St. Louis, 1901-1906, inclusive. Secretary of the Judi cial Conference, 1903-1906. President for years 1893 and 1894, and since 1900 member of the Board of Directors of the Missouri Historical Society; member American Bar Association, American Historical Association. Democrat. Fond of country life. Office: Laclede Bldg. Residences: 4305 Delmar Ave., and Florissant, Missouri. DOUGLASS, John H., lawyer; born, St. Louis, May 6, 1873; son of John H. and Caro line A. (Durfee) Douglass; educated in pri vate schools, Stoddard (public) School, Cen tral High School; A.B., Yale University, 1896; LL.B., St. Louis Law School, 1898; married, St. Louis, Apr. 26, 1905, Bessee Barrett Fin ney; one daughter: Elizabeth Finney. Ad mitted to bar July 1, 1898, and became iden tified, in a legal capacity, with The Knapp, Stout & Co.; in January, 1899, became con nected with the law offices of Rowell & Ferriss, which firm changed to Ferriss, Zumbalen & Ferriss; engaged in general practice. Member St. Louis and Missouri State Bar associations. Republican. Congregationalist. Clubs: St. Louis, Noonday, New St. Louis Country, Rac quet, Bellerive Country. Republican. Favorite recreations: horseback riding, golf and boat ing. Offiee: 820 Rialto Bldg. Residence: 16 Vandeventer PL *DOWDALL, Elmo Joseph; moved, to Chi cago; see Vol. 1906. DOWDALL, William Thomas, insurance ad juster; born, St. Louis, Dec. 21, 1873; son of John T. and Lenora (Wooldridge) Dowdall; educated in Penrose, Devoll and Stoddard pub lic schools until twelve years of age; in fa- THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 165 ther's office. until fourteen, then attended high school two years; widower; one daughter: Catherine Lenora Loretta (died Dec. 11, 1910). Served with Missouri State Fish Commission seven years, first as attendant, then as fore man and later as superintendent. Appointed on St. Louis Metropolitan Police Force, Mar. 6, 1895 ; promoted to special officer, November, 1896, sergeant, Aug. 21, 1899; resigned Octo ber 1, 1904, to enter the business of general adjustment of fire losses for the assured, or ganizing, December, 1904, and was elected vice president, Mangson, Harding & Dowdall Adjustment Co., which later became Mangson, Weiss, Harding & Dowdall Adjustment Co., of which is vice president and city manager. The company has offices also in Kansas City, Louisville and Cincinnati. Member of Civic League. Democrat. Methodist. Mason (Rose Hill Lodge, Kilwinning Chapter, St. Aldemar Commandery, Knights Templar). Clubs: Mer cantile, Missouri Athletic, Blue Wing Hunting and Fishing. Office: 425 Pierce Bldg. Resi dence: 5072 Delmar Boul. DOWLING, John James, president John J. Dowling Real Estate Co. ; born, St. Louis, Mar. 23, 1883; son of James J. and Mary (Dowling) Dowling; educated St. Lawrence 0 "Toole (pa rochial) School, 14th and O 'Fallon Sts., to thirteen years of age; then entered Columbia (public) School, Garrison and St. Louis Aves., in which continued for three years; married, St. Louis, Jan. 14, 1903, Helen T., daughter of Owen J. Moran (wife died Sept. 24, 1909) ; married, 2d, Aug. 16, 1911, Katherine S. A. Moran, sister of first wife; two children by first marriage: L. Gregory and Dorothy Kath erine. Began active career as partner of fa ther in- mercantile business in East St. Louis under title of J. J. Dowling & Son; disposed of interest to brother (firm still in existence), and became identified with real estate Jan. 1, 1908; president John J. Dowling Real Estate Co.; director Security Title Co., titler examin ers exclusively. Secretary and director of St. Louis Real Estate Exchange since 1909, pres ent term ending 1914. Democrat. Catholic. President Irish-American Sons of Erin, of St. Louis; member Marquette Council of the Knights of Columbus. Clubs: Irish- American Athletic, Missouri Athletic, St. Louis Automo bile. Recreations: motoring, baseball. Office: 1134 Chestnut St. Residence: 5253 Maple Ave. DOWLING, Patrick, retired; born, County Roscommon, Ireland, Mar. 18, 1844; son of Mi chael and Mary (McCormack) Dowling; edu cated in public schools; married, Davenport, la., 1875, Mary Carroll (died Apr. 1, 1880); 2d, St. Louis, April 23, 1881, Jane Cullinen; six children: Daniel, Michael, Jennie (Mrs. William Clark), Patrick, Thomas, Annie. Came to America, 1864; employed as track and bridge builder on Iron Mountain R. R., 1864- 65; then as section man, Missouri Pacific, and later foreman section hands, Wabash R. R. ; was foreman Iron Mountain R. R. until 1873, when began as railroad contractor, in which continued actively for various railways in southwest for thirty years; retired in 1902. Catholic. Member Legion of Honor. Resi dence: 5152 Maple Ave. DOWNEY, Edward Augustine, sales man ager; 1855-1912; see Vol. 1906. DOWNMAN, Hugh Hamilton, vice president The Scudders-Gale Grocer Co.; born near Richmond, Va., Dec. 8, 1863; son of J. J. and Isabella (Hamilton) Downman; educated in private school at Fredericksburg, Va.; unmar ried. Came to St. Louis from Fredericksburg, Va., 1883, and began business career in office of Krafft-Holmes Grocer Co.; this firm was succeeded, in 1890, by J. W. Scudder & Co. (of which became a member), and when that firm and The Scudder-Gale Grocer Co. were consolidated in January, 1903, as The Scud ders-Gale Grocer Co., became secretary of lat ter corporation; vice president same since January, 1912. Episcopalian. Club: Mercan tile. Office: 712 Spruce St. Residence: 438S Laclede Ave. DOWNMAN, John Bartholomew, real es tate; see Vol. 1906. DOYLE, James Grafiin, president H. G. Doyle Bricklaying Co.; born, St. Louis Co., Dec. 12, 1832; son of Marcus Lafayette and Helen (Godfrey) Doyle; educated in public and private schools, St. Louis, to 1849; mar ried, St. Louis, Oct. 18, 1855, Mary Ann Gra ham (died 1883); married, 2d, St. Louis, May 27, 1885, Maggie B. Elam (died 1893) ; eleven children, six living: Lewis S., William G., Effie F., Harry G., Mrs. Birdell Cooney, James G., Jr., and five step-children. Began business career as brick-work contractor, St. Louis, 1855, then added brick-making in 1858, and continued both until 1861. Enlisted in Con federate Army at Springfield, Mo., December, 1861, under Gen. Sterling Price; was with Gen. F. M. Cockerel's command during most time in service, also served under McCullough, Van Dorn, Beauregard, Joseph Johnson, Hood, Maury and "Dick" Taylor; taken prisoner at fall of Vicksburg, July 4, 1863; last engage ment was at Fort Blakely, Mobile Bay, 1865; served until close of the war. Returned to St. Louis and reengaged in brick-making until 1872; made investments in Kansas City, Mo., and operated brick plant there until 1873. Be came president St. Louis Granite Wall Plaster Co., 1890, also of National Brick and Quarry Co., now known as the Continental Brick Co., until 1895; president of the Doyle Bricklaying Co., general brick contractors. Democrat. Methodist. Office: 521 Victoria Bldg. Resi dence: 5078 Fairmont Ave. DOZIER, Lewis D.; born in St. Charles Co., Mo., Aug. 25, 1846; son of Capt. James and 166 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS Mary A. (Dudgeon) Dozier; educated in pub lic and private schools and Bryant & Stratton Business College, St. Louis; married, St. Louis, 1886, Rebecca E. Lewis; IJwo children: Lewis D., Jr., and Eleanore. Early became partner in baking business of Garneau & Dozier, which expired by limitation in 1872; then became one of partners in Dozier, Weyl & Co., of which father was senior member; on father's death partnership was succeeded by corpora tion, under name of Dozier-Weyl Cracker Co., of which he was president; in 1888 purchased interest of Mr. Weyl, and conducted the busi ness as Dozier Cracker Co. until 1890, when the corporation was merged into the Amer ican Biscuit and Manufacturing Co.; in 1898 that corporation was purchased by the Na tional Biscuit Co., in which is a director. Di rector of Mercantile Trust Co., Mercantile Li brary, St. Luke's Hospital, Provident Asso ciation, Pure Milk Commission. Member Busi ness Men's League, Civie League. One of thir teen members of executive committee Louisi ana Purchase Exposition; member of Missouri Historical Society; trustee (life) Belief on taine Cemetery; ex-president Board of Trus tees Rankin School of Mechanical Trades; member Board of Trustees Y. M. C. A. Clubs: Commercial, St. Louis, Noonday, University, St. Louis Country, Racquet, Log Cabin. Rec reations: golf and traveling. Office: Security Bldg. Residence: Westmoreland PI. DRACH, Edward Charles, electrotyper; born, Cincinnati, O., Sept. 29, 1848; son of Louis and Barbara (Keller) Drach; educated in Cincinnati public schools; married, St. Louis, Sept. 16, 1872, Sybilla Bermel; chil dren: Edward R., Lucien, Eugene J., Walter O, Charles A., William H., Lillian (Mrs. Henry Steimke). Learned trade of electrotyper at Chicago, and in 1867 came to St. Louis; worked for Strassburger & Drach for a few years, and later on the organization of the Charles A. Drach Electrotype Co., of which became secretary and is now vice president. Catholic. Member Catholic Knights of Amer ica, Knights of Columbus, St. Vincent de Paul Society. Office: 325 Locust St. Residence: 3535 Wyoming St. DRAKE, George Silas, merchant; 1825- 1909; see Vol. 1906. DREES, Henry, clergyman; born, Freelands- ville, Ind., Sept. 21, 1856; son of Henry and Wilhelmine (Schoene) Drees; educated at Ger man Evangelical Bethel School, Freelandsville, from 1865-69, public school, Huntingburg, Ind., 1869-74, Proseminary (German Evangelical Synod of North America), Elmhurst, HI., 1875- 79, Eden College, St. Louis, same synod, 1879- 82, graduating June, 1882; married, St. Louis, Apr. 19, 1883, Martha Braschler; children: Hulda (Mrs. J. J. Gruetter), Lydia, Fritz, Karl, Arthur, Arnold. Pastor German Evan gelical St. Matthew's Congregation from July, 1882, to August, 1895, and again since Sep tember, 1899. From August, ' 1895, to April, 1899, had charge of a congregation at Buffalo- ville, Ind., and was engaged in mission work in Birmingham, Ala. Address: 2613 Potomac Street. DREES, William Frederick, secretary and treasurer Natural Power Co.; bom, St. Louis, Aug. 21, 1875; son of John H. and Maria C. (Imholz) Drees; educated in public schools, attending high school, to 1890; took course in Bryant & Stratton 's Business College, 1891; unmarried. Bookkeeper with Peters Shoe Co., 1892-95; then secretary to president, Henry W. Peters, 1896-99; and traveling salesman, 1900-1907; elected president Dover Place Real ty and Investment Co., 1908; secretary and treasurer Natural Power Co., since 1909. Re publican. Lutheran. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Million Population. Office: 209-210 Houser Bldg. Residence: 2908 Sullivan Ave. DRESCHER, Frederick B., physician; born, St. Louis, Sept. 4, 1861; son of Gustave Wil liam and Ernestine (Hirschfeld) Drescher; educated public schools; Washington Univer sity; St. Louis College of Pharmacy, Ph.G., 1882; Missouri Medical College, M.D., 1884; married, St. Louis, June 21, 1893, Ida E. Schade (died May 25, 1906). Practiced at Lebanon, 111., about three months, 1884, then became connected with the Wabash Hospital, Danville, 111., continuing about ten months; in practice in St. Louis since May 7, 1885; in charge of medical department Alexian Broth ers Hospital, 1887-90. Director Farmers and Merchants Trust Co. Member St. Louis Med ical Society, American Medical Association. Clubs: Western Rowing, Tower Grove Turn Verein. Office and Residence: 2154 Stansbury Street. DRESSELL, Harry Melvin, railway official; born, Cincinnati, Mar. 10, 1875; son of Wil liam and Elizabeth (De Vinney) Dressell; edu cated in public schools; married, St. Louis, Feb. 16, 1898, Stella Voerster; one child: Rolla Edwin. With Ohio & Mississippi Ry., auditor's office, Cincinnati, 1889-90, and in general passenger office, same road, 1890-92; with Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern Ry., 1892-97. Removed to St. Louis, 1898, and since connected with passenger department Wabash R. R.; general passenger office, 1898-99; city passenger agent, 1899-1908; since general agent passenger department. Methodist. Rec reation: fishing. Office: 8th and Olive Sts. Residence: 5516 Maple Ave. DREW, Francis A., glass merchant; 184*8- 1910; see Vol. 1906. DREW, John Graham, railway official; born, Hammondsport, N. Y., Feb. 12, 1864; son of John M. and Hannah (Graham) Drew; educated in public schools of St. Joseph, Mo.; married, St. Joseph, Mar. 19, 1890, Ella M. THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 167 Bender; two children: Charles, Elizabeth. Began as station clerk at Seneca, Kan., St. Joseph & Western (now St. Joseph & Grand Island) R. R., January, 1881; continued eighteen years, telegraph operator to auditor of road; appointed assistant comptroller Great Northern Ry., St. Paul, Minn., June 1, 1899, comptroller, June 1, 1902; general au ditor, Missouri Pacific-Iron Mountain Sys tem, June, 1911- July 9, 1912; since vice presi dent Missouri Pacific and St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern railways. Republican. Presbyterian. Mason, Knight Templar, Shrin er. Clubs: St. Louis, Triple A. Recreation: golf. Offiee: Missouri Pacific Bldg. Resi dence: 5092 Waterman Ave. DREW, Tankerville Joseph, glass broker; 1877-1910; see Vol. 1906. *DREY, Eugene; moved to New York; see Vol. 1906. DREY, Leo Albert, president Schram Manu facturing Co.; born, St. Louis, Sept. 4, 1876; son of Albert and Marie (Morgenstern) Drey; educated in St. Louis public schqols and at private schools in Germany; unmarried. Be gan in 1888, in employ of Drey & Kahn Glass Co., advancing to secretary in 1898, vice pres ident, 1902, later president, business being dis posed of, 1906; since president of Schram Manufacturing Co., manufacturers of fruit jars. Jewish in religion. Clubs: Columbian, Amateur Athletic Association, Westwood Coun try. Recreations: golf and fishing. Office: 812 Wright Bldg. Residence: Buckingham Hotel. DREYER, Eugene Charles, president Dreyer Commission Co.; born, St. Louis, Feb. 28, 1876; son of Charles and Fanny (Weisels) Dreyer; educated in St. Louis public schools from age of six to fourteen, then took six months' course in Perkins & Herpel Business College, St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Feb. 22, 1900, Irene Bender; children: Charles B., Fe lix S. and Stanley W. Began business career in country store, Stockton, Mo., for about year, then for six months in retail cigar store in St. Louis and for two years with Meyer, Bannerman Saddlery Co.; at National Stock Yards, East St. Louis, TIL, as assistant to superintendent of horse and mule department, until March, 1897; was connected with Hun ter Bros. Milling Co. as bookkeeper until 1901 and secretary and treasurer until firm liq uidated, January, 1910; since president Dreyer Commission Co. Jewish religion. Member St. Louis Merchants' Exchange. Clubs: Knobel, St. Louis Grain and St. Louis Millers'. Rec reations: hunting and fishing. Office: 412 Chamber Tenn., and com mercial college, Peoria, 111.; married, Nash ville, Jan. 2, 1872, Callie Lumsden; children: Horace Edgar, Jesse, Jr. Began business ca reer in office of secretary of state, Nashville, then became assistant secretary of state of Tennessee, continuing for seven years; com menced mercantile pursuits as a dealer in sheet music at Nashville, 1872; in 1875 be came partner in firm of Dorman, French & Smith, bought out Mr. Smith's interest, firm becoming Dorman & French, and later bought interest of Mr. Dorman, and continued under own name. In 1885 incorporated business as Jesse French Piano and Organ Co., Nashville, Tenn., of which was president until sold out interest, in 1902. Began business in St. Louis, 1887, as Field-French Piano Co., which was later absorbed by the Jesse French Piano and Organ Co. About 1900 the Krell-French Piano Co. was organized, of which was vice presi dent until August, 1905, when elected presi dent; now president Jesse French & Sons Piano .Co., of New Castle, Ind. Director Lib erty Mills (Nashville, Tenn.). Republican. Baptist. Recreation: traveling. Office: 1426 Central National Bank Bldg. Residence : 4133 Morgan St. FRENCH, Pinckney, surgeon; born in Aud rain Co., Mo., May 10, 1852; son of Isaac C. and Melinda Mourning (Mansfield) French; educated in public schools, Mexico (Mo.) Seminary and Miami Medical College, gradu ating, M.D., 1873; married, Mexico, Mo., Feb. 5, 1874, Lucy P. Quisenberry. Engaged in practice as surgeon in Mexico and St. Louis; vice president Vandeventer Bank; director of Lincoln Trust Co., Neighborhood Heat and Light Co. Founder and financial secretary Barnes University; founder and trustee Cen tenary Hospital. Member American Medical Association, Missouri State Medical Associa tion, St. Louis Medical Society. Methodist. Club: Mercantile. Recreation: literature. Of fice: Chemical Bldg. Residence: 6925 Delmar Boulevard. FRERICHS, Frederick William, manufac turing chemist; born, Etzel, Ostfriesland, Ger many, Mar. 23, 1849; son of Frederick and Magdalene (Frisius) Frerichs; educated in gymnasium, Oldenburg, Germany, and Univer sity of Gottingen, Ph.D., 1874; married, Oct.- 20, 1886, Amelia Zeller; children: Frederick W., Jr., Hildegarde Christine. Served as lieu tenant of the Reserves in the Second Hessian Infantry Regiment No. 82, Germany, until 1882. Engaged as manufacturing chemist since 1880, and since 1886 managing director of the Herf & Frerichs Chemical Co., also vice president. Member American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Society of Chemical Industry of Great Britain, American Chem ical Society, Deutsche Bunsengesellschaft, Academy of Science of St. Louis, St. Louis 210 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS Cheidcal Society, Chemists' Club (New York). Evangelical Lutheran. Club : St. Louis. Recreation: industrial research. Office: Pierce Bldg. Residence: 4320 Washington Boul. FREUND, Fred Siegfried, treasurer Ameri can Bakery Co.; born, St. Louis, Nov. 7, 1857; son of Moritz and Yetta (Steiner) Freund; educated in St. Louis public schools to 1873; married, Williamsport, Pa., Nov. 21, 1888, Fanny Wurzel; three children: Arthur J., Bertha O, Michael W. Began business career with A. Frank & Sons, wholesale dry goods, 1875-83; joined the L. Freund & Bros. Bakery and formed the Freund Bros. Bread Co., which on Mar. 1, 1907, was merged with the American Bakery Co., of which has since been treasurer and member board of direct ors. President Freund Bros. Real Estate Co. Republican. Member Temple Shaare Emeth (member board of directors), Jewish Charity and Educational Society. Mason (Cosmos Lodge, Scottish Rite Consistory, Moolah Tem ple Mystic Shrine); also B. P. 0. Elks. Clubs: Mercantile, Columbian, St. Louis Riding (treasurer). Recreation: horseback riding. Office: 901-911 Liggett Bldg. Residence: 4554 Berlin Ave. FREUND, Harry, department store; born, St. Louis, Oct. 10, 1874; son of Siegmund E. and Emma (Pfeiffer) Freund; graduated from public school, 16o9; one year in high school; unmarried. Employed by father, beginning March, 1891, and upon father's death, Decem ber, 1898, became general manager of the store; bought the business with brother and mother from estate, April, 1899, and incor porated it as S. E. Freund 's Sons Shoe and Clothing Co., conducting a department store business, and has been president from incor poration in 1904. Also president Favorite Amusement Co. Republican. Jewish religion. Mason. Office: 1560 S. Broadway. Residence:' 1622 Mississippi Ave. FREUND, Morris; see Vol. 1906. FREUND, Simon, baker, retired; born, Pil- sen, Austria, Apr. 30, 1847; son of Moritz and Yetta (Steiner) Freund; came to America with parents, 1849; educated in public schools; married, St. Louis, Feb. 25, 1872, Pauline Schwartz; ten children: Mrs. Martha Mange, Samuel, Louis S., Albert B., Charles J., Mrs. Jennie Gutf reund, Mrs. Augusta Litt- man, Walter L., Eleanor, Florence. Became identified with bakery establishment in youth which was founded by his father, and after death of latter, 1872, assumed control; one of incorporators of the Freund Bros. Bread Co., which was sold out to the American Bak ery Co., 1907, when he retired; vice president Freund Bros. Real Estate Co.; director Ameri can Bakery Co. Republican. Jewish religion. Member B'nai B'rith; vice president B'nai El Congregation. Mason. Office: 913 Soulard St. Residence: 3001 Longfellow Ave. FREY, Jacob A.; deceased; see Vol. 1906. FRICK, Frank J., real estate; born, Utica, N. Y., June 11, 1865; son of Joseph F. and Susan P. (Matt) Frick; educated in public school and Eastman Business College, Pough keepsie, N. Y.; married, Kirkwood, Mo., Nov. 6, 1901, Cornelia A. Luebbering; one son: Edward Louis. Came to St. Louis, 1888, and since treasurer and secretary of the F. H. & C. B. Gerhart Real Estate Co. Also secretary and treasurer Frick Realty Co.; secretary Gerhart Realty Co., secretary Flandrin Realty Co. Member of the Real Estate Exchange, Member Knights of Columbus, Royal Arca num. Office: Wainwright Bldg. Residence: Webster Groves, Mo. FRICKE, Frederick Henry, president Fricke-Hahn Drug Co.; born, St. Louis, Apr, 4, 1873; son of Henry and Christine (Eicker- mann) Fricke; educated in St. John's (paro chial) School, Webster (public) School, St. Louis College of Pharmacy, graduating with degree of Ph.G., March, 1892; married, Al- hambra, 111., Sept. 25, 1895, Lena Willig; one daughter: Ethel. Began active career as clerk in drug store, St. Louis, 1887; started a retail drug store at 19th and. Madison Sts., 1893; assisted in organizing the Fricke-Hahn Drug Co., 1902, of which has since been presi dent and treasurer. Democrat; chairman ' ' Major-f or-Governor ' ' organization of St, Louis, 1912. Protestant. Member American and Missouri State Pharmaceutical associations. Mason; member Keystone Lodge, A. F. & A. M.; Belief ontaine Chapter, Royal Arch Ma sons; St. Louis Commandery, Knights Tem plar; A. & A. Scottish Rite; Moolah Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S. Club: City. Recreations: motor touring, bowling and fishing. Office: 1637 N. 19th St. Residence: 3218 Hebert St. FRIEDMAN, Abraham, shoe manufacturer; born in Bavaria, Germany, Dec. 25, 1862; son of Joseph and Johanna (Hamburg) Fried man; educated in public schools of Germany; married, St. Louis, 1898, Cora Stix; children: William Stix, Agnes Dinah. Began business career in 1880 as clerk in the wholesale house of Friedman Bros., boots and shoes, Boston, remaining in the store' until 1884; traveling salesman for same firm until 1888, and assist ant general manager of Memphis, Tenn., branch, 1888-91; located in St. Louis, becom ing a member of the firm of Friedman Bros. & Schafer, boots and shoes, and in 1898, on organization of the Friedman Bros. Shoe Co.,, was elected secretary and treasurer df the company; in 1906 name was changed to Fried man-Shelby Shoe Co., of which is president. Member Business Men's League. Republican. Jewish religion. Clubs: Glen Echo, Colum- THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 211 bian. Recreation: golf. Office: 1621 Washing ton Ave. Residence: 4904 Berlin Ave. FRIEDMAN, August; see Vol. 1906. FRIEDMAN, Henry Arthur, cloak manu facturer; born, Detroit, Mich., Feb. 27, 1874; son of Nathan and Regina Friedman; gradu ated from University of Michigan, Ph.B., 1893; studied at Harvard Law School; un married. Admitted to the bar in 1894. After leaving college became associated in business with father and brother, Robert V., under present style of N. Friedman & Sons, manu facturers of ladies' wearing apparel, estab lished in 1875. Member Business Men's League. Member B'nai B'rith. Jewish re ligion. Clubs: Columbian, Westwood Country, Ann Arbor Club. Recreation: golf. Office: 1233 Washington Ave. Residence: 39 Kings bury PI. FRIEDMAN, Isaac, shoe manufacturer; 1842-1907; see Vol. 1906. FRIEDMAN, Jacob, shoe manufacturer; 1838-1906; see Vol. 1906. FRIEDMAN, Jacob, physician; born, St. Louis, Apr. 16, 1856; son of Moses and Helena (Meyer) Friedman; graduated from St. Louis High School, 1873; graduated in chemistry, Washington University, 1876; M.D., St. Louis Medical College, 1878; post-graduate studies, University of Vienna, Austria; married, St. Louis, 1888, Fannie Stern; two children: Maurice L. and Cecelia. In practice in St. Louis since 1878; professor of therapeutics, Medical Department of St. Louis University; member staff of Jewish Hospital. Republican. Jewish religion. Member St. Louis Medical Association, City Hospital Alumni Associa tion. Mason. Club: Columbian. Recreation: baseball. Office: Carleton Bldg. Residence: 4653 Berlin Ave. FRIEDMAN, Nathan, cloak manufacturer; born in Hungary, 1844; educated in schools in Austria; married, Budapest, Hungary, Miss Regina Rosenberg; children: Henry A., Rob ert V. Came to United States in 1870 and located in Michigan; established in the re tail dry goods business in 1875, and in 1894 came to St. Louis, admitting his two sons, under present style of N. Friedman & Sons, manufacturers of ladies' cloaks. Jewish re ligion. Director Jewish Hospital. Clubs: Co lumbian, Westwood Country. Member Tem ple Israel, B'nai B'rith. Office: 1233 Wash ington Ave. Residence: 39 Kingsbury PI. FRIEDMAN, Robert V., cloak manufac turer; born, Elkhart, Ind., Sept. 9, 1875; son of Nathan and Regina Friedman; graduated from University of Michigan, Ph.B., 1894; married, Chicago, Dec. 27, 1910, Florentine Foreman. Since leaving college has been asso ciated with father, Nathan Friedman, and brother, Henry A. Friedman, in present firm of N. Friedman & Sons, manufacturers of cloaks. Jewish religion. Member B 'nai B 'rith, Business Men's League. Clubs: Columbian, Westwood Country, Ann Arbor. Recreation: golf. Office: 1233 Washington Ave. Resi dence: 5561 Waterman Ave. FRIELING, Christ, president Frieling. Hardware Co.;, born in province of Hanover, Germany, Nov. 18, 1859; son of Henry and Anna (Viehe) Von Frieling; public school education; married, St. Louis, May 18, 1884, Clara Mary Ziegler; three children: Clara, Anna, Frederick. Learned carpenter's trade in old country; came to America, May 16, 1881, and worked as journeyman in St. Louis for five years; engaged in business for self, 1886; in hardware business with son since March, 1912. Republican. Member Evangel ical Lutheran Church. Member North St. Louis Business Men's Association, City Asso ciation. Office: 3511 Kossuth Ave. Residence: 3240 N. 20th St. FRIELINGSDORF, Hugo August, vice president Banner Iron Works; born, St. Louis, Apr. 25, 1871; son of Julius and Kate (Schroeder) Frielingsdorf ; educated in public schools and polytechnic school, graduating from latter, 1886 ; married, St. Louis, Sept. 26, 1894, Ethel C. Bruce; two children: John, William Koken. Began as office boy in em ploy of Scherpe & Koken, the title of the house being changed successively to the Scherpe & Koken Architectural Iron Co., and the Koken Iron Works; vice president Ban ner Iron Works since 1901. Republican. Ma son; member Royal Arcanum. Club: Century Boat. Recreations: fishing, bowling, rowing. Office: 4560 Shaw Ave. Residence: 4260 Flora Boulevard. FRIER, Thomas John, purchasing and sup ply agent Wabash R. R.; born, Keokuk, la., Feb. 12, 1866; son of John and Mary (Roach) Frier; educated in public and parochial schools, Keokuk, to 1883; married, Keokuk, la., Oct. 5, 1892, Anna Neyens; three chil dren: John, Thomas, Elizabeth. Began rail road career May 1, 1883, and continued with Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railway Co. until 1909; successively, clerk in master me chanic's office, Keokuk, 1883-89; storekeeper, St. Joseph, Mo., June 1899-1901; supply agent of Missouri .lines, at Hannibal, 1902-August, 1904; assistant supply agent, Chicago office, until 1907; general storekeeper entire Burling ton System, 1907-09; since with Wabash R. R. as purchasing and supply agent, St. Louis. Democrat. Catholic. Recreation: walking. Of fice: Title Guarantee Bldg. Residence: 5833 Julian Ave. FRIES, William August, physician; born, Mascoutah, HI., Jan. 12, 1861; son of John and Catherine (Oberling) Fries; attended Jef ferson (public) School near Fayetteville, HI., 212 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 1866-75, Franklin (public) School, Belleville, 111.,- 1876-77; Medical Department of Wash ington University, M.D., 1883; married, St. Louis, Oct. 3, 1888, Katie Dehner; children: Armand, William, Jr. Assistant physician City Hospital, 1883-84; since 1884 engaged in practice in St. Louis. President and treasurer South Broadway Pharmacy since 1892. Mem ber American Medical Association, Medical Society of City Hospital Alumni. Republican. Protestant. Office: 1544 S. Broadway. Resi dence: 3209 Shenandoah Ave. FRINK, Seth, chairman Southern Freight Association; 1831-1907; see Vol. 1906. *FRITCH, Edward Henry, manager busi ness colleges; moved to California; see Vol. 1906. FRITZ, Emile Henry, secretary and treas urer George J. Fritz Foundry and Machine Co.; born, St. Louis, July 21, 1875; son of George John and Minnie (Weisel) Fritz; edu cated in public school; Educational Institute; Smith Academy; Bryant & Stratton Business College; married, St. Louis, June 9, 1909, Josephine Lang; one son: James Lang. In 1892 engaged in service of Union Casualty and Insurance Co., as assistant bookkeeper until Feb. 17, 1898, when became secretary and treasurer of George J. Fritz Foundry and Machine Co., manufacturers of engines, boil ers, laundry machinery and general machine- shop work. Independent in politics. Protest ant. Member Liederkranz. Odd Fellow. Fa vorite recreation: bowling. Office: 2008-2028 S. 3rd St. Residence: 3422 Magnolia Ave. FRUMBERG, Abram M., lawyer; born, To- wanda, Bradford Co., Pa., Mar. 30, 1875; edu cated Susquehanna Collegiate Institute; A.B., Lehigh University, 1892; student Columbia Law School, one year; LL.B., New York Law School, 1895; married Lillian Nebenzahl, of New York City, Apr. 6, 1896. In offices of Judge George M. Van Hoesen, New York City, until 1898; since in practice in St. Louis. An authority in law of the theater; has been actively identified with congres sional contest cases, naturalization fraud eases, etc. Served as special judge Court of Criminal Correction, 1906 and 1907. Member Missouri State Bar Association, Law Library Association, Civie League. Democrat. Mem ber Temple Israel. Member Pennsylvania So ciety. Club: Columbian. Recreations: fishing, hunting, golfing. Office: 705 Olive St. Resi dences: 6327 Westminster PL and 722 Hamil ton Ave. FRUTH, Andrew, monuments; born in Rhenish Palatinate (Rheinpfalz), Germany, Sept. 23, 1849; son of Jacob and Christina (Muhler) Fruth; graduate of public schools and business college of Speyer-on-Rhine, Bava ria, Germany; married, Belleville, HI., Oct. 2,1, 1873, Caroline, daughter of William Brand- enburger; children: Dr. Otto J., Herman A.^ Hilda. When fourteen years of age began business life as clerk in' law and real estate office of Counselor George P. Suess, Speyer, Germany, remaining with him until 1868, when came to United States; became clerk in mercantile business, Belleville, 111., ad vanced to manager of George A. Bradford's store until 1872, when resigned to join Henry J. Filsinger in present firm of Filsinger & Fruth, manufacturers and dealers in marble and granite monuments, St. Louis. Repub lican. Evangelical Protestant. Member Lied erkranz. Mason. Recreation: music. Offiee: 1617 Washington Ave. Residence: 3066 Haw thorne Boul. FRUTH, Otto J., dentist; born, St. Louis, July 7, 1874; son of Andrew and Caroline (Brandenburger) Fruth; educated in public schools to 1889; then three years in St. Louis Manual Training School, graduating, 1892; entered Scientific Department of Washington University, two years' term, ending 1904; then entered Dental and Medical Department, graduating in dentistry, D.M.D., 1897, and in medicine, M.D., 1898; married, St. Louis, Feb. 12, 1910, Helen M. Gempp; one child: Helen Marie. Practiced dentistry since 1898; professor of porcelain dental art Barnes Den tal College, and treasurer same college. Mem ber National Dental Association, Missouri State Dental Association (former president), St. Louis Society of Dental Science (ex-presi dent), St. Louis Dental Society (vice presi dent). Republican. Member Compton Hill Council, Royal Arcanum. Clubs: Union, Lied erkranz. Recreations: travel and art. Office and Residence: 3060 Hawthorne Boul. FRY, Francis Rhodes, physician; born, Cin cinnati, O., Oct. 1, 1853; son of Rev. Benja min St. James and Eliza M. (Baldwin) Fry; educated in public schools; Smith Academy; A.B., Ohio Wesleyan University, 1877, A.M.; M.D., St. Louis Medical College, 1879; mar ried, Keokuk, la., Mar. 15, 1900, Emily Net- tleton Hamill; children: Edwin St. James, Elizabeth Valle. After graduation in medi cine' was interne of City Hospital one year; in general practice of medicine in St. Louis since 1881; professor of nervous diseases in Medical Department of Washington Univer sity. Member medical staff St. Luke's Hos pital and Martha Parsons Hospital. Member American Neurological Association, American Medico-Psychological Association, Missouri State Medical Association, St. Louis Medical Society. Clubs: University, Bellerive. Recrea tions: golf, motoring. Office: 505 Humboldt Bldg. Residence: 4609 McPherson Ave. FRY, Thomas W., secretary Charles F. Luehrmann Hardwood Lumber Co.; born, Minneapolis, Minn., July 29, 1868; son of Thomas W. and Jessie Comigys (Snyder) Fry; THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 213 educated in public schools of Cairo, 111., and Louisville, Ky.; married, St, Louis, June 29, 1898, Jessie Calvert Willcox (died, Mar. 12, 1912); children: Jessamine W., Thomas W. and Marie Louise (all deceased), William Willcox, Isabel Marie, Fanita Marie. Began business career as office boy with J. J. Syl vester, coal merchant, 1884-86; with Consoli dated Coal Co., then with Tennessee River Packet Co., as clerk; entered lumber business Sept. 1, 1889, with Russell-Massengale Com mission Co., remaining two years; employed by the Charles F. Luehrmann Hardwood Lum ber Co., of which became stockholder in 1897, and secretary and director since 1900; direct or Indiana & Arkansas Lumber and Manufac turing Co., Marianna, Ark.; treasurer Wayne Manufacturing Co., St. Louis; director of L'Augnelle Railroad Co. Republican. Epis copalian. Club: Missouri Athletic. Recrea tion: billiards. Office: 148 Carroll St. Resi dence: 5452 Vernon Ave. *FRYE, Charles Hervey, sole leather; moved to New Orleans; see Vol. 1906. FUCHS, Walter H., physician and surgeon; born, St. Louis, Sept. 21, 1869; son of Carl E. and Agnes L. (Guether) Fuchs; educated in public schools of St. Louis; Toensf eld's Educational Institute; Manual Training School, Washington University; Washington University, 1888-89; M.D., Beaumont Hospi tal Medical College, 1891; married, St. Louis, May 10, 1898, Paula Fallenius; two children: Ralph Fallen, Lola. In practice in St. Louis since 1891; junior surgeon Missouri-Pacific Railway Hospital, April-October, 1890; junior interne St. Louis City Hospital, April, 1891- April, 1892; assistant surgeon St. Mary's In firmary, April, 1892-November, 1893; first as sistant surgeon and gynecologist, Woman's Hospital, 1894-99; editor publications of St. Louis Medical Society, 1893-96. Republican. Member Civic League, St. Louis Society of Social Hygiene, St. Louis and Missouri State Social Service Conference; member commit tee of nine to organize Central Council of civic organizations of St. Louis; appointed by Mayor F. H. Kreismann as member St. Louis Board of Health, June, 1911. Unitarian; member board of trustees of Compton Hill Congregational Church; member board of councilors Drury Academy, Springfield, Mo. Member American Medical Association, etc. Clubs: City, Public Question. Recreations: sociology, music, tennis. Office and Residence: 3202 Lafayette Ave. FUESSEL, Fred G., Jr., fire insurance; see Vol. 1906. FULLER, Aaron, vice president Stix, Baer & Fuller Dry Goods Co.; born in Baden, Ger many, Mar.' 22, 1858; son of Leopold and Caroline Fuller; educated in public schools in Germany; married, Chicago, 111., Sept. 6, 1885, Freda Baer; children: Leo, Corinne. Came to United States in 1873 and was lo cated in Chicago until 1880, when went to Fort Smith, Ark.; clerked in dry goods stores in Chicago and Fort Smith; started on own account in 1880, with Julius A. and Sigmund Baer, as Baer Bros. & Fuller, proprietors of the "Boston Store," Fort Smith, Ark.; be came member of Stix, Baer & Fuller Co., pro prietors of the "Grand Leader," St. Louis, 1892, and removed permanently in 1894 from Fort Smith to St. Louis. President Boston Store, Fort Smith, Ark. Member Business Men's League. Republican. Jewish religion. Mason (32°). Clubs: Columbian, Mercantile, Glen Echo Country, Westwood Country. Rec reation: golf. Office: Cor. Broadway and Washington Ave. Residence: 32 Washington Terrace. FULLER, Albert Homer, dentist, retired; bom in Berkshire Co., Mass., Oct. 14, 1841; son of Albert and Julia (Judd) Fuller; at tended Castleton (Vt.) Seminary, 1853, Troy Conference Academy, Poultney, Vt., 1854, Academy North Granville, N. Y., 1855, and grammar and high schools at Warsaw^ 111., until 1860; graduated from St. Louis Medieai College, M.D., 1872, and from the Missouri Dental College, D.D.S., in same year. Served in 118th Hlinois Infantry Volunteers from August, 1862, until October, 1865. Engaged in practice of dentistry in St. Louis from 1872 until retired from active practice, 1906. Was professor of operative dentistry in Mis souri Dental College (now Dental Department of Washington University) and dean of same, for two years previous to resignation, until resigned in 1901; for several years emeritus professor of operative dentistry. Member (and ex-president) Missouri State Dental As sociation, St. Louis Dental Society, Society of Dental Science, St. Louis (honorary), Ameri can Dental Association, National Dental Assor ciation, Hlinois State Dental Society, Iowa State Dental Association. Member Missouri Historical Society. Residence: 4004 Delmar Boulevard. FULLERTON, Baxter P., clergyman; born, Pleasant Hope, Mo., Mar. 20, 1851; son of Andrew W. and Harriet A. (Landreth) Fuller- ton; educated McGee College, Missouri, 1871- 74; Drury College, Missouri, 1874-76, A.M.; B.D., Cumberland University, Tennessee, 1879; (D.D., Drury, 1887; LL.D., Central University of Kentucky, 1908); married, Kirksville, Mo., Dec. 14, 1881, Callie L. Mitchell; two chil dren: Hugh M., probation officer of Juve nile Court of St. Louis, and Lucile. Ordained Cumberland Presbyterian ministry, 1876; pas tor Kansas City, Mo., 1879-91, Lucas Avenue Church, St. Louis, 1891-1906; field secretary Board of Home Missions for District of the South and Southwest since 1906. President Cumberland Presbyterian Board of Missions, 214 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 1894-1906; editor Missionary Record, 1899- 1907; moderator Presbyterian General Assem bly, 1908; president of board of Presbyterian Theological Seminary of the South, Cincin nati; trustee Linwood College, St. Charles, Mo. Was member Board of Freeholders, 1885, that made present charter of Kansas City. Mason; member Royal Arcanum. Recreation: athletics. Office: Odd Fellows Bldg. Resi dence: 6128 Kingsbury Boul. FULLERTON, Hugh Mitchell, chief proba tion officer Juvenile Court; born, Kansas City, Mo., May 11, 1885; son of Baxter P. and Callie (Mitchell) Fullerton; educated in St. Louis public schools, graduated from Central High School, 1904; then entered Washington University, graduating, A.B., 1908; married, Chicago, May 8, 1912, Miss Mariquita Simp son. Continuously with Juvenile Court since graduation; deputy probation officer, 1908-10, chief probation officer since October, 1910. Presbyterian. Member Civic League, St. Louis Symphony Society, Sigma Chi fraternity. Club: City. Recreations: outdoor diversions, music. Office: Municipal Courts Bldg. Resi dence: 6036 Washington Ave. FULLERTON, Samuel Holmes, president Chicago Lumber and Coal Co.; born, Belfast, Ireland, Apr. 22, 1852; son of Samuel and Anna (Holmes) Fullerton; educated in pub lic schools in Ireland; maTried, Tecumseh, Neb., Jan. 17, 1877, Lucy Cook; children: Robert W., Ruby L. (Mrs. W. G. Horton, New York), Samuel Baker. Came to United States in 1871 and began with Robert Marshall, lum ber dealer and contractor, Pittsburgh, Pa. In same line at Tecumseh, Neb., two years; then went to Kansas, where remained until 1896, when came to St. Louis after a successful business career of twenty years in lumber business at Atchison, Kan.; now president and general manager Chicago Lumber and Coal Co., established 1866, and incorporated, 1895, with paid-up capital of $6,500,000, com pany owning and operating mills in Arkansas, Mississippi, Louisiana, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Idaho and Washington. Also president Gulf Lumber Co., Bradley Lumber Co., William Farrell Co., British-American Mills and Lum ber Co., Brown Lumber Co., Chicago Lumber and Coal Co. (of Texas), Fullerton & Stewart Lumber Co., Powell Hardwood Lumber Co., Chicago Gulf Export Lumber Co. President Fullerton-Moses Tie Co., Schultz Lumber Co., Silver Lake Manufacturing Co., Gulf & Sabine Railroad Co., Warren, Johnsville, Sabine R. R., Little Rock, Sheridan & Sabine River Ry. Vice president Wells Lumber Co., Colonial Lumber and Timber Co., Tioga & Southern Railway Co. Director Third National Bank of St. Louis. Member Business Men's League. Republican. Presbyterian. Clubs: St. Louis, Mercantile, Glen Echo Country, Commercial, Maine Hunting and Fishing. Office: 506 Olive St. Residence: 4569 W. Pine St. FULTON, Albert, physician and surgeon; born, Bloomington, 111, Nov. 4, 1857; son of David R. and Dorothy (Ogden) Fulton; edu cated in public schools in Illinois; Add Ran College, Hood Co., Tex.; St. Louis College of Physicians and Surgeons, M.D., 1883; mar ried, St. Louis, 1895, Laura Ford Elms; one daughter: Dorothy O. Since graduation in 1883 continuously engaged in practice of medicine in St. Louis; professor of mental and nervous diseases in College of Physicians and Surgeons. Was for one year assistant physician at St. Louis Poor House in the '80s. Member St. Louis Medical Society, American Medical Association. Member Tuscan Lodge, A. F. & A. M. Offices: 2401 S. Broadway and 2535 S. Jefferson Ave. Residence: Webster Groves, Mo. FULTON, Arthur Leonard, physician; see Vol. 1906. FULTON, Edwin H., general agent of Hart ford Life Insurance Co.; born in Seneca Co., N. Y., July 16, 1863; son of Hugh and Alice Gertrude (Dobbin) Fulton; educated in high school at Geneva, N. Y., and Starkey Semi nary, Yates Co., N. Y.; married, Oswego, N. Y., 1888, Viola V. Bidwell; children: Irene, Kate and Ruth. Began business career in railroad service as telegraph operator and clerk in the general offices of the Rome, Watertown & Ogdensburg Railroad Co., for five years; general secretary Young Men's Christian Association in five fields; began in surance career with the Prudential Insurance Co., at Sedalia, Mo., Jan. 20, 1895; promoted to assistant superintendent at Jefferson City, Mo., Apr. 25, 1895; superintendent for same company, Jan. 1, 1898, at South Bend, Ind., and afterward at St. Louis; since Feb. 15, 1905, general agent for the Hartford Life In surance Co. Democrat. Presbyterian. Favor ite; recreations: hunting and fishing. Office: 206-208 Frisco Bldg. Residence: 3129 Cherry Ave., Maplewood, Mo. *FULTON, Robert Moffett, postoffice in spector; moved to California; see Vol. 1906. FUNCK, George Washington, _, president Funek Lumber Co.; born, Muscatine, la., Aug. 18, 1860; son of George Frederic and Rosa (Huber) Funck; educated in the primary school, and while working days attended night school until 1875; married, St. Louis, Oct. 3, 1883, Gussie J. Lange; four children: William G., Maud K. (Mrs. G. Brandt Leitch), George F., Chester C. Began business career with Hershey Lumber Co., Muscatine, la., Mar. 19, 1872, and continued until Mar. 31, 1888; was shipping clerk from 1880 to 1888; removed to Kansas City, Mo., Apr. 1, 1888, became foreman Deatherage Lumber Co., then THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 215 secretary, 1891-94; vice president, treasurer and general manager Banner Lumber Co., St. Louis, Apr. 6, 1904, resigned Apr. 1, 1908; then organized Funck Lumber Co., of which is president. Democrat. Methodist. Member Eagle Lodge, No. 10, A. O. U. W., Muscatine, la. Recreation: fond of driving a good horse. Office: 5700 Natural Bridge Rd. Residence: 1225 Temple PL FUNSTEN, Robert Emmett, merchant in fruits and nuts; born near Winchester, Va., Dec. 10, 1851; son of David and Susan (Meade) Funsten; educated in common school, High School of Virginia and private school; married, Alexandria, Va., Dec. 1, 1875, Lillie Cook; children: Hortense F. (Mrs. Herbert Durand, of New York City), Robert Emmett, Jr. (deceased), Fitzhugh Lee, Eugene Meade, Edward Saunders, Randolph Fairfax. Was for fifteen years engaged on an extensive seale in the wool commission business, but sold interest in 1895 and engaged in present wholesale and manufacturing business in nuts and evaporated fruits; incorporated, 1900, and is now president of the R. E. Funsten Dried Fruit and Nut Co. Member Business Men's League, Webster Groves. Democrat. Episcopalian. Club: Algonquin Country. Rec reations: horseback riding, motoring. Offiee: 1521 Morgan St. Residence: Webster Groves, Missouri. FUNSTEN, William Fitzhugh; born, Alex andria, Va., Apr. 16, 1855; son of David and Susan (Meade) Funsten; graduated from Episcopal High School, Alexandria, Va., 1873; married, St. Louis, Oct. 19, 1886, Alice Forbes; children: Arthur Forbes, Kenneth Meade, Florence. Began business career, 1881, as Funsten & Co., St. Louis; president Fun sten Bros. & Co., wholesale furs, 1881-1907. Republican. Congregationalist. Club: Glen Eeho. Recreation: traveling. Office: 119 S. 2nd St. Residence: 5915 W. Cabanne PL *FUNSTON, Thomas Nelson, agricultural implements; moved to Milwaukee; see Vol. 1906. FURLONG, Thomas, secret service; born, Jamestown, Chautauqua Co., N. Y., Feb. 22, 1844; son of John and Mary (Fitzgerald) Furlong; educated in common schools of Jamestown; enlisted, Apr. 18, 1861, at Beni- zette, Elk Co., Pa., as private in Company G, First Pennsylvania Rifle Reserve Volunteer Corps; honorably discharged, May 28, 1864; married, Franklin, Pa., Oct. 4, 1864, Elizabeth Florence Hagerty; children: Etta D. (widow of Edward J. Dawson, and now secretary and treasurer of the company of which her father is the head), Mary A. (widow of Robert P. Johnstone), Thomas, Jr. Was elected first chief of police of Oil City, Pa., May 1, 1871, served two 2-year terms and was elected to third term, May, 1875, but declined to serve. Entered employ of Allegheny Valley R. R. (now part of Pennsylvania System) as chief special agent in 1876, serving until 1880; when came to St. Louis and became connected with the Missouri Pacific Ry., organizing spe cial service for the company, the first service of its kind ever organized for any railroad west of Mississippi River; in 1880 organized and in 1891 incorporated Furlong's Secret Service Co., of which is president and man ager. Republican. Member Trinity F-piscopal Church. Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner. In near future expects to write a realistic story detailing truthful incidents which have occurred in his work and showing a detective at work. Recreations: motoring, fishing and boating. Office: 1205-1207 Chem ical Bldg.; also branch offices at Cincinnati, Houston, Tex., Chicago, and Los Angeles, Cal. Residence: 1225 Goodfellow Ave. FURSTENWERTH, Detlef Nicolaus, jew eler; 1852-1909; see Vol. 1906. FURTH, Henry Hyman, lawyer; born, St. Louis, Mar. 4, 1871; son of Jacob and Jennie (Bloch) Furth; educated in public grammar and high schools and Law Department of Washington University; married, New York City, Mar. 11, 1897, Helen L. Scheider; chil dren: Jacob, II, Ernest L., Lambert. Was secretary and treasurer of the Jacob Furth Grocer Co., in the wholesale grocery business until Jan. 1, 1901, when the company with drew from the wholesale grocery business. Ad mitted to bar, 1899, and since engaged in gen eral practice of law. Member of St. Louis Bar Association and Law Library Association. In dependent in politics, inclining to Republican ism. Jewish religion. Mason; member Inde pendent Order B 'nai B 'rith. Office: 1416 Third National Bank Bldg. Residence: 3951 A Mc- Pherson Ave. FURTH, Jacob, general agent and member board of directors American Credit Indemnity Co. of New York; born, Bohemia, June 12, 1844; son of Lamberth and Cezilia (Treulish) Furth; educated in public school, high school and commercial college, St. Louis; married, St. Louis, May 9, 1869, Jenny Bloch, of Bo hemia (who died 1907); nine children: Mattie R. (Mrs. Myer Friedman), Henry H., Richard L., Clara (Mrs. Emil Nathan), George W., Florence N. (Mrs. Joseph Berlinger), Blanch S. (Mrs. E. D. Ullman), Hortense (Mrs. A. G. Jacobs), Nellie (Mrs. Milton Cahn). Came to America, 1853; in wholesale grocery business for thirty-two years, first with Lamberth Furth & Son, 1862-67, then as Jacob Furth Wholesale Grocery Co.; since 1901 with Amer ican Credit Indemnity Co. of New York. Was associate editor of Interstate Grocer for sev eral years. Member St. Louis Traffic Commis sion during its existence, and of first Library Board under present law; also of board of 216 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS managers of the Industrial School (formerly House of Refuge), etc. Chairman Covenant Endowment Fund; trustee Jewish Orphan Asylum. Republican. Mason; Past Master Comer Stone Lodge No. 323, A. F. & A. M. Member B'nai B'rith (executive committee), Free Sons of Israel, Missouri Historical So ciety (life). Clubs: City, Columbian. Recre ations: books; interested in social work. Of fice: 415 Locust St. Residence: 5243 Water man Ave. FUSZ, Louis, flour miller; born, Hericourt, France, May 2, 1839; son of Francis H. and Mary Regina (Tschaen) Fusz; educated in public school of France, 1843-50; public school at Kehl, Grand Duchy of Baden, Germany, 1850-51, then one year more in school in France; also took private lessons; married, St. Louis, Jan. 23, 1867, Josephine Desloge (now deceased) ; children: Rosalie (widow of Vincent P. Ring), Francois (de ceased), Firmin D., Louis J., Vincent (de ceased), Eugene A., Lucille (Mrs. Charles J. O'Malley), Paul F. (deceased), Genevieve (Mrs. William Moore). Arrived in St. Louis with father and mother as immigrants, Dee. 18, 1853; on Jan. 4, 1854, entered as junior clerk and continued for twelve years in office of Chouteau, Harrison & Valle, owner of St. Louis Roiling Mills, afterwards Laclede Roll ing Mills; member firm of Imbs, Meyer & Fusz, commission merchants in grain and flour, 1866-73; formed firm of Fusz & Backer, Jan. 1, 1873, and in 1885 firm bought the At lantic Mills, and formed the Regina Flour Mill Co., which in 1895 took over the business of the firm of Fusz & Backer. Now president Regina Flour Mill Co., and of Desloge Con solidated Lead Co.; director German Savings Institution, Continental Portland Cement Co. Member Merchants' Exchange. Democrat; member Board of Public Education, St. Louis, 1901-03. Catholic; member Young Men's So dality, St. Louis, and of St. Vincent DePaul Society. Recreations: farming, and study of agriculture, social questions and religion. Of fice: 601 South Main St. Residence: 1408 East Grand Ave. FUSZ, Paul A., mining; 1847-1910; see Vol. 1906. G GAEBLER, Adolph Nelson, manufacturer; born, St. Louis, 1863; son of Ernst and Mary E. (Maxwell) Gaebler; attended at public schools; M.D., American Medical College, St. Louis, 1890; inarried, 1886, Clara Converse, of Vergennes, Vt. (died 1887); married, 2d, St. Louis, May E. Borngesser; one daughter, Anita. In general practice for several years; organizer and proprietor of Hall Chemical Co., manufacturers chemical preparations, and King Manufacturing Co., manufacturers bak ing powders and extracts. Teacher chemistry, American Medical College, 1890-93. Recrea tions: hunting and fishing. Office: 1421 Olive St. Residence: 5336 Cabanne Ave. GAERTNER, Clifford Walter, surgeon; born, St. Louis, Nov. 27, 1882; son of Henry Ferdi nand and Margaretta (Dilly) Gaertner; grad uated old Lafayette (public) School, 9th and Ann Aves., 1897; Peabody School, 18th St. and Kennet PL, 1899; attended Central High School, 1899-1900; St. Louis College of Phar macy, Ph.B., 1903, Ph.G., 1904; St. Louis Uni versity, B.S., May, 1908, and M.D., Medical Department, same university, May 22, 1908; unmarried. Junior interne City Hospital, 1908- 09, and senior interne, 1909-10; resident phy sician in charge of St. Louis Female Hospital, Infection Hospital and City Infirmary, 1910- 11; located in private practice, Aug. 1, 1911. Republican. Methodist. Member American Medical Association, Missouri State Medical Society, St. Louis Medical .Society, Alumni Association St. Louis College of Pharmacy, Medical Society City Hospital Alumni. Mason (32°), Shriner. Recreation: horseback riding. Office: 7606 Michigan Ave. Residence: 3840 Russell Ave. GAFFNEY, Harry Francis, secretary Cahill- Swift Manufacturing Co.; born, St. Louis, July 16, 1878; son of John and Mary Gaffney; educated in public school and St. Bridget's (parochial) School; married, June 24, 1908, Adele V. Pietzseh; one daughter: Marie. Began business career in 1893 as a boy in employ of the Cahill-Swift Manufacturing Co., manufac turers and jobbers of plumbers', gas and steam fitters ' and engineers ' supplies, with which house has since continued, becoming secretary of the company in 1901. Democrat. Catholic. Club: Vandeventer Fishing and Hunting. Office: 24 S. 12th St. Residence: Webster Groves, Mo. GAITZSCH, Julius, president Mound City Duck and Rubber Co.; born Leipzig, Saxony, July 1, 1858; son of Christian and Mary Gaitzsch; educated in high schools in Ger many; married, St. Louis, Nellie Rowe. Came to America, 1882, prospected in various cities and in 1883, located in St. Louis; in 1884 went to work as traveling salesman for William Rowe, covering middle west and southwest territory in sale of tents, awnings, rubber clothing, etc.; when the business was incor porated in 1894, as the Mound City Duck & Rubber Co., bought stock and was elected treasurer of the company, later vice president and president since 1909. Recreation: music. Office: 832 N. Broadway. Residence: 4421 Anderson Ave. GALBREATH, George Washington, vice president Third National Bank; born, George town, O., July 31, 1861; son of Washington T. and Nancy (MeClain) Galbreath; graduated from public schools, Ripley, O.; married, Se- THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 217 dalia, Mo., Oct. 8, 1884, Lucie M. Newkirk; children: Ida Belle, Marguerite, George Don ald. Went to Sedalia, 1879, and was engaged in mercantile and banking business there un til 1892, when was appointed National bank examiner. Held that office until Mar. 1, 1896,. when resigned to become cashier of the Third National Bank of St. Louis; continued as cashier and director until May 1, 1911, when was elected vice president. Republican. Pres byterian. Clubs: St. Louis, Racquet, Bellerive, Bankers', Maine Fishing and Hunting. Recre ations: golf, motoring. Office: 506 Olive St. Residence: 5211 Washington Ave. GALE, Arthur Hamilton, vice president The Scudders-Gale Grocer Co.; born, St. Lottis, Sept. 3, 1852; son of Daniel B. and Caroline E. (Pettingill) Gale; educated in Washington University; married, St. Louis, 1876, Stella H. Honey; children: Leone C, Grace, Arthur H., Jr., Margaret. Began business career with C. B. Burnham & Co., and remained with the firm until it went out of business in 1893; was one of organizers of The Scudders-Gale Grocer Co., 1893, and in 1903 the house of J. W. Scudder & Co. was merged and the corporate style became The Scudders-Gale Grocer Co., of which he is vice president. Office: 714 Spruce St. Residence: 4301 W. Pine Boul. GALENTINE, William A., manager and State agent of Prudential Insurance Co.; 1862-1907; see Vol. 1906. GALLAGHER, Thomas M., vice president Scullin- Gallagher Iron & Steel Co.; 1840-1912; see Vol. 1906. GALLAHER, William, superintendent of electrical department Laclede Gas Light Co.; born, Ireland, June 19, 1863; son of William and Mary (Van Valkenburg) Gallaher; edu cated in public schools and business college; married, St. Louis, 1893, to Miss Ellen E. Walsh; children: Mary and Helen. Was con nected with Western Union Telegraph Co., on line construction work, 1886-88; entered service of the Laclede Gas Light Co., in fall of 1889, as foreman of construction, and was promoted, in 1899, to present position. Also superintendent Phoenix Light, Heat and Power Co.; director Gas and Electric Light Building and Loan Association, also of the National Conduit Co. Member American In stitute Electrical Engineers, League of Elec tric Interests. Member K. P., Royal Arcanum. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, City, Liederkranz. Recreation: outdoor sports. Office: 716 Locust St. Residence: 3649 Folsom Ave. GALLAWAY, Thomas Lenoir, manufacturer of carnival novelties; born on plantation at Boliver Landing, Miss., Dec. 13, 1869; son of Louis G. and Myra (Lenoir) Gallaway; edu cated Montgomery Bell Academy, public schools, and Vanderbilt University, all of Nashville, Tenn.; married, St. Louis, Nov. 30, 1909, Chauncey Virginia Clement; one daugh ter: Myra Virginia. Practiced dentistry one year at Henderson, Ky.; then gave up the profession. Having observed the extensive use made of confetti while on a visit to Paris, France, and Venice, Italy, he decided to intro duce the sport in America; came to St. Louis, 1901, with a crude model of a confetti ma chine, and failing to interest capital was obliged to work out the enterprise alone; was without funds but finally induced a machinist to permit the use of his shop and to assist in producing a machine that did the work to ex cellent advantage; began manufacturing con fetti in the shop and in two months was en abled to move to quarters at 9 N. 9th St.; after a year moved to larger quarters on Lom bard St,, and one and one-half years later bought a building at 12 S. Commercial St., where he now produces 9,000 pounds of con fetti daily under title of St. Louis Confetti Co., of which is the head. Democrat. Episco palian. Recreations: music and outdoor sports. Office: 12 S. Commercial St. Residence: 3918 Westminster PL GALLENKAMP, Charles Frederick, sur veyor of customs; born, Washington, Frank lin Co., Mo., Jan. 10, 1860; son of William and Marie (Stumpe) Gallenkamp; lost father when four years of age and was reared by mother; educated in local public school; grad uated from Central High School, St. Louis; studied law at Louisville, Ky. ; married, Wash ington, Mo., 1887, Alice C. Ruge; children: Agnes (Mrs. Arthur W. Schisler), Charles O., Marie, Kurt R. Admitted to Missouri bar, 1881; began practice in native town; prosecut ing attorney of Franklin Co., four terms, 1885-93; judge of Probate Court of Franklin Co., 1895-1902; surveyor of customs of the Port of St. Louis since 1902. Republican. Protestant. Member South St. Louis Turn Verein. Mason (32°), Shriner; member Knights of Pythias. Clubs: Mercantile, Mis souri Athletic, Liederkranz, Union. Recrea tions: reading, walking, outdoor life. Offiee: 202 Custom House. Residence: 3624 Cleveland Avenue. GALLOWAY, Charles Henry, musician; born, St. Louis, Dec. 21, 1871; son of William and Phoebe (Lidbury) Galloway; educated public schools and Smith Academy, St. Louis; married, St. Louis, June 1, 1905, Garfielda Miller; two children: Dorothy, Charles Miller. Was church organist when only seven years old; when young man was known as "the boy organist." For four years studied organ and theory with Alex. Guilmant, Paris; while there was organist American Church of the Holy Trinity; on return appointed organist and director music, St. Peter's Episcopal Church, St. Louis; musical director, St. Louis Apollo Club, Morning Choral Club. Official organist Louisiana Purchase Exposition. Epis- 218 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS copalian. Teacher of organ and theory; has given recitals throughout the United States. Address: 3459 Halliday Ave. GALOSKOWSKY, Theodore F., labor leader; born, Cross Plains, Wis., June 28, 1859; son of Albert and Margaret (Hess) Galoskowsky; largely self-educated; married, St. Louis, Aug. 13, 1883, Cornelia Harley; three children: Lucille (Mrs. O. B. Skinner), Morton, Edna Mae. Began active career at eleven as cash boy in the William Barr dry goods store; entered printing establishment at fourteen and became job pressman with Wood ward & Tiernan Printing Co.; for twenty years was connected with the Hogan Printing Co., eighteen years of that time as foreman. President International Printing Pressmen's and Assistants' Union of North America, 1892- 97; international secretary-treasurer and edi tor journal same, 1899-1908; now secretary St. Louis Printing Pressmen's Union No. 6. Democrat. Catholic. Member Knights and Ladies of Honor, Ancient Order United Work men. Office: 506, 406 Market St. Residence: 1906 Good Ave. GALT, Thomas Franklin, lawyer; born, St. Louis, Sept. .15, 1876; son of Smith P. and Frances O. (Franklin) Gait; educated at Smith Academy, Princeton University, B.S., 1899, and St. Louis Law School, LL.B., 1901; married, St. Louis, Jan. 1, 1903, Clarace G. Eaton; children: Clarace E., Frances F., Thomas F., Jr. Admitted to bar, 1901. Mem ber of Law Library Association. Republican. Congregationalist. Clubs: Bellerive Country, City. Recreation: golf. Office: 1111 Third Na tional Bank Bldg. Residence: 1530 Kensing ton Ave. GAMAGE, George A.; see Vol. 1906. *GAMAGE, William Everett, wholesale bread; moved to California; see Vol. 1906. GAMBLE, David Coalter, physician; 1844- 1908; see Vol. 1906. GAMBRILL, George Garvin, manufacturing and wholesale jeweler; born at Charleston, S. O, Jan. 26, 1872; son of Launcelot and Anna (Garvin) Gambrill; public and high school education, at St. Louis, Mo.; married, Anna Carlisle, of St. Louis, Oct. 16, 1897; one daughter: Elizabeth. Began as a clerk in dry goods house of. William Barr, 1888; became salesman for the Providence Jewelry Com pany in October, 1889, and for the Eisenstadt Manufacturing Company, April, 1896; elected treasurer of the company in 1905, a position he still holds. Methodist. Member Masonic order (Blue Lodge) and Elks. Recreation: reading. Office: Olive and 12th Sts. Resi dence: 1054 Thornby PL GAMBRILL, Howard, real estate; born, Augusta, Ga., Sept. 10, 1867; son of Launce lot and Anna (Garvin) Gambrill; educated in public schools; married, St. Louis, Oct. 19, 1899, Frances Thompson; children: Georgia, Merrydelle, and Howard, Jr. Began business career as messenger for Atlantic and Pacific Telegraph Co., at Augusta, Ga.; in 1882 with Branch Sons & Co., bankers and brokers, Augusta; later same year came to St. Louis, and was with the William Barr Dry Goods Co., and Scruggs, Vandervoort & Barney Dry Goods Co. In 1892 organized the Common wealth Savings Fund & Building Association, now out of business. In real estate business as Gambrill & MeDowall, 1895-1900, since as Howard Gambrill & Co. Member St. Louis Real Estate Exchange. Democrat. Methodist. Clubs: Mercantile, Bass Island Club of Ar kansas. Recreations: boating, hunting and fishing. Office: 917 Chestnut St. Residence: 5048 Westminster PL GANAHL, John George, president Fidel Ganahl Lumber Co.; born, St. Louis, Aug. 22, 1877; son of Fidel and Caroline (Schaefer) Ganahl; educated in Christian Brothers Col lege; married, Paducah, Ky., Feb. 2, 1901, Anna Shaefer. On leaving school, entered the retail lumber business established by father, in 1871, and has been connected with it ever since; became vice president and treasurer on incorporation of the business in 1903, as Fidel Ganahl Lumber Co., president since 1907; also director Vandeventer Bank. Vice president St. Louis Lumber Dealers' Associa tion. Democrat. Catholic. Club: Missouri Athletic. Recreation: motoring., Office: 3323 S. Broadway. Residence: 4503 Washington Boulevard. GANAHL, Louis Joseph, president Ganahl Planing Mill Co.; born, St. Louis, Nov. 29, 1868; son of John Joseph and Elizabeth (Steber) Ganahl; educated in parochial schools in St. Louis; married, St. Louis, 1900, Mary M. Dirk; children: Louis (deceased), Armella Cecelia, John Joseph, Theodore Hu bert. Began business career at age of four teen as employe of John J. Ganahl Lumber Co., becoming clerk, later secretary, and presi dent from 1899 to 1903; sold out interest in that company, and devoted attention to man agement of the Ganahl Planing Mill and Man ufacturing Co. (originally established by father, John J. Ganahl, in 1870), and presi dent and treasurer same from 1899; company re-incorporated May 1, 1909, as the Schaerff, Pfau & Ganahl Planing Mill Co., now Ganahl Planing Mill Co. Democrat. Roman Catholic. Club: Cedar Crest Country. • Recreations: traveling and home diversions. Office: 3320 S. Broadway. Residence: 3106 Allen Ave. GANNETT, John Wyllys, president Chel tenham Fire Clay Co.; born, Warren Co., Mo., Mar. 16, 1875; son of George Alfred and Julia (Kirk) Gannett; educated in public schools of St. Louis to fourteen; married, St. Louis THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 219 Co., Mar. 16, 1906, Josephine Bruno; two chil dren: Baptiste Bruno, John Wyllys, Jr. Began active career as office boy with Hoover-Gam ble Co.; after one year became connected with A. J. Child & Son Mercantile Co. and served as bill and order clerk for three years; later became receiving clerk Chicago, Bur lington & Quincy R. R., and engaged in sale of graphophones for the Columbia Grapho- phone Co.; entered employ of the Laclede- Christy Fire Brick Manufacturing Co. and advanced until had charge of factory office; secured leases on fire clay land and is now president Cheltenham Fire Clay Co.; member board directors and secretary Mitchell Clay Manufacturing Co. since 1904; director and secretary Mitchell Realty & Investment Co. Independent in politics. Protestant. Mason (32°), Shriner; Odd Fellow. Recreations: fish ing and hunting. Office: 5625 Manchester Ave. Residence: 6841 Mitchell Ave. GANZ, Eugene Robert, manager cloak and suit department of Rice-Stix Dry Goods Co.; born, Carlyle, 111., Nov. 9, 1874; son of John and Elizabeth (Eimer) Ganz; educated in public schools of Carlyle, 111.; unmarried. Be gan business career, 1888, in Carlyle and East St. Louis, 111., in the cloak business with Hogan Bros., continuing until 1892; came to St. Louis and was with Max P. Puf eles at the West End Bazaar, from 1892 until the organ ization, February, 1901, of the Pufeles-Ganz Cloak Co., of which was vice president; with Rice-Stix Dry Goods Co. since 1910. Catholic. Republican. Recreation: outdoor athletic sports. Office: 1000 Washington Ave. Resi dence: 2026 S. Jefferson Ave. *GARDEN, Edward Gordon, architect; moved to Los Angeles, Calif.; see Vol. 1906. GARDNER, Francis Marion, Jr., banker; died 1907; s<;e Vol. 1906. GARDNER, Frederick Dozier, president St. Louis Coffin Co.; born, Hickman, Ky., Nov. 10, 1870; son of William Henry and Mary (Dozier) Gardner; educated in common schools of Kentucky and Tennessee; married, St. Louis, Oct. 10, 1895, Jeannette Vosburgh; three children: William King, Dozier, and Janet. Came to St. Louis at age of seventeen, in 1887, and entered employ of St. Louis Coffin Co. as office boy and has advanced until is now sole owner, of the business. Estab lished, 189S, the Memphis Coffin Co., at Mem phis, Tenn., and is owner of same and chair man of board of directors. Member Business Men 's League. Independent in politics. Mem ber board of trustees, Lindell Avenue Meth odist Church. Clubs: St. Louis, Glen Echo, Bellerive Country; also one of the eight mem bers of the Mud Lake Club of Arkansas, own ing a game preserve of 3,000 acres. Recrea tions: golf and hunting. Office: 18th St. and Chouteau Ave. Residence: 4508 Pine St. GARDNER, Herbert Spencer, president Gardner Advertising Co.; born, Warsaw, Mo., Dec. 22, 1872; son of Nicholas Spencer and Susan Francis (Holmes) Gardner; educated in public schools, Appleton City, Mo., and St. Louis; Polytechnic Institute, St. Louis; mar ried, St. Louis, Apr. 8, 1896, Marie Piatt Read; two sons: Edward Read and Herbert Spencer, Jr. Began as office boy in 1888, and continued as clerk in auditor's office, St. Louis & San Francisco By., until 1894; clerk and later advertising agent Cotton Belt Route until 1902; successively office manager, secre tary, vice president and treasurer The Lesan Co., advertising agency, until 1904; vice presi dent Lesan-Gould Co. until July, 1908; vice president and treasurer Lesan Advertising Co., July-October, 1908; since president The Gardner Advertising Co.; also president Twin- plex Sales Co. since Apr. 1, 1911. Member Business Men's League, Hospital Saturday and Sunday Association. Democrat. Clubs: Mercantile, City. Office: Kinloch Bldg. Resi dence: Hampton Park, St. Louis Co. GARDNER, Russell E., vehicle manufac turer; born, Heckman, Ky., 1865; son of Wil liam H. Gardner, of Union City, Tenn.; edu cated in public schools; married, Union City, Tenn., 1885, Annie Cathey; children: Russell E., Jr., Frederick, Rodgers, Elsie. Began busi ness career as a manufacturer of hickory spokes for carriage wheels, in Union City; was a jobber of finished vehicles at Memphis, Tenn., and » manufacturer of spokes at Hum boldt, Tenn.; organized and was first presi dent of the Tennessee State Bank, Humboldt, Tenn., then organized and was first cashier of The Jefferson Bank in St. Louis. Began manu facturing vehicles in Columbus, O., in 1892, and moved factories to St. Louis, 1897; presi dent Banner Buggy Co., The Ozark Vehicle Co., and the Western Wheel Works. Member Business Men's League, etc. Office: Main and Rutger Sts. Residence: 4255 Westminster Ave. GARDNER, William Alfred, grain commis sion; born, Enterprise, Miss., Nov. 9, 1863; son of William H. and Mary Ella (Dozier) Gardner; came to St. Louis in 1879; attended Commercial College, secured position later and went to night school; married, St. Louis, 1891, Julia Sellner; three children: two boys, one girl. Began business career with S. W. Cobb & Co., grain commission, July 15, 1880, with which was employed for seven years; then be came a member of the firm until the retire ment of Mr. Cobb in 1902, when succeeded to the business under present style of W. A. Gardner & Co.; also member Gardner & Pad- dleford, Chicago. Member St. Louis Mer chants' Exchange, Chicago Board of Trade. Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner. Clubs: St. Louis, Country (St. Louis), Chicago (Chi cago). Office: Pierce Bldg. Residence: Chi cago, 111. 220 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS GARESCHS, Vital William, city attorney; born, Collinsville, 111., July 10, 1875; son of William A. and Mary A. (Brown) Garesche; educated St. Louis University, one year; St. Louis Law School (Law Department, Wash-. ington University) ; student Benton College of Law, two years, graduating with valedic torian honors, degree of LL.B., 1900; married, Rolla, Phelps Co., Mo., Apr. 10, 1905, Kath- eryn Lee Rowe; two children: Alexander Rowe and Rebecca Morrison. Admitted to Missouri bar, June, 1900; in active practice in St. Louis since 1900, making a specialty of corporation and real estate law; city attorney of St. Louis under appointment of Mayor Kreismann since Apr. 11, 1911. Republican; formerly member Twenty-seventh Ward Re publican Club (chairman 14th precinct com mittee), Twenty-fifth Ward Republican Club (chairman 10th precinct committee), now member Twenty-eighth Ward Republican Club. Catholic. Member board of commissioners Mullanphy Emigrant Relief Fund, 1907-11 (president, 1909-10); president and counsel Vromania Apartments Co.; director The Col lier Estate. Member American Bar Associa tion, St. Louis Bar Association, Law Library Association of St. Louis. Member Royal League, Order of Moose, Knights of Pythias. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Sunset Hill Country. Recreations: reading and fishing. Offiee: 709 Wainwright Bldg. Residence: 6121 Westmin ster PL GARETSON, James Sylvanus, lumber; born, Monroe City, Monroe Co., 111., Sept. 24, 1852; son of James L. and Sarah A. (Hartlow) Gar- etson; educated in common country school; married,Caroline M. Griffith (died November, 1890); children: E. Helen (Mrs. W. W. Dings), Katherine Griffith; married, 2d, Chicago, June 1, 1898, Mrs. Katharyn B. Beach; one son: J. Everett. Began business career as clerk with Adams Express Co., 1870-73; subsequently clerk with the auditing department of the Vandalia Railroad, 1873-77; in merchandise business in Missouri, 1877-80; bookkeeper for Harlow, Spencer & Co., St. Louis, 1880-85; in fire insurance business on the Pacific Coast, 1885-92; in 1892, with F. A. Garetson and A. H. Greason, incorporated the Garetson-Grea- son Lumber Co., manufacturers of hardwood lumber and box shooks, of which is president, the company having opened its office in St. Louis in 1895. Republican. Presbyterian. Recreation: baseball. Offiee: 1005 Times Bldg. Residence: 4954 Lindell Ave. GARLAND, Thomas Willoughby, retailer of ladies' clothing; born, Pinkerton, Ont., Can., June 23, 1867; son of Richard and Mary (Simpson) Garland; educated in public school in corner of father 's farm at Pinkerton, Ont. ; married, St. Louis, Apr. 15, 1902, Adelaide Elizabeth Hysinger; two children: Martha Adelaide and Eloise Simpson. Began business career in general store in village of Pinker ton, 1882; secured employment in neighbor ing village of Eden Grove, 1885, and went in 1887 to Chicago, where found position as groc ery clerk at $20 per month; three months later took place in dry goods store on State St., at $8 per week, and later became buyer in cloak department in same store; embarked in produce commission business in 1890; re turned to former employer in 1891; bought cloak department in West End Dry Goods Store, 1892; sold out in 1894, and served as buyer in Chicago retail store, 1894-97^ Came to St. Louis, 1897; began in business in St. Louis as a retailer of ladies' clothing in 1898, with one floor; now has largest business of kind west of the Mississippi. Vice president Associated Retailers of St. Louis; director Universal Exposition Co. Christian Scientist. Republican. Honorary member of Battery A. Principal recreation is had on Garland ranch, Jonesburg, Mo., where 1,707 acres of Blue Grass is devoted to stock raising. Office: 409- 413 N. Broadway. Residence: 5167 Raymond Avenue. GARNEAU, Henry Comstock, candy man ufacturer; born, St. Louis, Apr. 17, 1874; son of Joseph F. and Mary Louise (Withington) Garneau; graduated from St. Louis Univer sity, A.B., 1893 (A.M., 1895); Ph.B., Yale University, 1895; married, Nov. 14, 1908, Nancy,E. Johnson. Established in business as a broker in St. Louis, September, 1899, and in July, 1904, associated with J. J. P. Langton in firm of Langton & Garneau, mercantile brok ers; president Aubuchon-Garneau Candy Co. since February, 1911. Member Board of Edu cation, 1907-11 (president, 1908-09); member executive committee Centennial Association, 1909; member St. Louis Amateur Athletic As sociation; president Western Amateur Ath letic Union, 1904; member Olympic Games Committee, 1904. Democrat. Catholic. Clubs: Racquet, St. Louis Country. Office: 120 8. 4th St. Residence: St. Louis County. GARNEAU, James Withington, pork packer ; born, St. Louis, Oct. 3, 1858; son of Joseph F. and Mary Louise (Withington) Garneau; edu cated in Mrs. McDonough's private school, 1863-67, St. Louis University, 1867-76, grad uating A.B. (valedictorian), 1876; married, San Francisco, Cal., July 17, 1886, Frances Loughran (great-granddaughter of Emilien Yosti, one of original settlers of St. Louis) ; children: Marie Marguerite (Mrs. Theodore Murphy, of San Francisco), Frances Lough ran, Clemence. Began in cracker manufac turing business with father and brother in 1876 (business established by father, 1832), and continued (with exception of year, 1880) until 1897, when went into the pork packing business as vice president of the Krey Pack ing Co., which offiee he still holds. Also vice president Mound City Ice & Cold Storage Co.; THE BOOK OF ST.- LOUISANS 221 president Garneau Investment Co.;. ex-presi dent Merchants' Exchange; member Publicity Committee, Citizens Municipal Bridge Com mittee. Independent in politics. Roman Cath olic. President St. Louis University Alumni Association. Clubs: Bellerive, Missouri Ath letic, St. Louis, Aero. Recreations: billiards and pool. Office: 2100 Bremen Ave. Resi dence: 25 Washington Terrace. GARNEAU, John B.; see Vol. 1900.. GARNETT, Charles Downer, wholesale paper dealer; deceased; see Vol. 1906. GARRELS, Gerhard William, banker; 1842- 1911; see Vol. 1906. GARRETT, David Claiborne, clergyman; born, Burlington, la., Dec. 23, 1857; son of William and Martha (Borer) Garrett; grad uated from Burlington (la.) High School, 1875; A.B., Griswold College, Davenport, la., 1880, AM., 1883; A.B., Harvard College, 1882; married, Boston, Sept. 1, 1883, Lily Selmes; children: Lucy May (Mrs. William R. Beal), Claiborne Mauro, Jackson Russell. Ordained priest, Protestant Episcopal Church, 1883; rector Trinity Church, Davenport, la., 1883- 90, St. Mark's Church, Seattle, Wash., 1890- 97, Trinity Church, Portland, Ore., 1897-99, St. Luke 's Church, San Francisco, Cal., 1899-1900, Zion Church, Oeonomowoc, Wis., 1900-03, Church of the Redeemer, Chestnut Hill, Mass., 1903-06; sinee Jan. 1, 1906, rector St. Peter's Church, St. Louis. President St. Peter 's Club. Office and study: 124 N. Spring Ave. Resi dence: 4600 Maryland Ave. GARRETT, John T., president of the Mis souri Bridge & Iron Co.; bora, Galva, 111., Mar. 12, 1865; son of James and Jane (Skilli- corn) Garrett; educated in public schools of Missouri and in Missouri State University, graduating C.E., 1889; married, Mound City, Holt Co., Mo., 1898, Maud Jones. Came west with parents in 1871, and settled at Mound City, Mo.; lived on farm until graduation in engineering; worked seven years for St. Louis Bridge & Iron Co. as engineer; in 1896 en gaged in contracting and continued until 1902, when organized the Missouri Bridge & Iron Co., of which is president. Member American Society of Civil Engineers, Engineers' Club of St. Louis, Business Men's League. Dem ocrat. Mason (Rosehill Lodge). Office: 1000 Fullerton Bldg. Residence: 5262 Maple Ave. GARRETT, Thomas H., lumberman; born, Longwood, King William Co., Va., Jan. 31, 1859; son of Camm S. and Caroline Elizabeth (Harris) Garrett; married, Texarkana, Tex., Feb. 16, 1887, Estella Fowlkes; children: Caro line Elizabeth, Thomas Henry, John Wily, Es tella Wentworth, Anna Josephine. Began ac tive career in lumber business; in 1887, in conjunction with W. L. Whitaker and C. M. Putnam, organized the Arkansas & Texas Lumber Co., of Kansas City, Mo., which was succeeded, 1890, by Whitaker & Garrett Lum ber Co., which, in turn, was succeeded by the T. H. Garrett Lumber Co., of which is presi dent. Also vice-president Grant Timber & Manufacturing Co., of Selma, La.; president of Keystone Mills Co., Waukegon, Tex. Dem ocrat. Episcopalian. Mason. Favorite recrea tion: whist. Office: 1220 Chemical Bldg. Resi dence: 29 Kingsbury PL GARRISON, Arthur Clifton, manufacturer incandescent lamps; born, Brooklyn, N. Y., July 20, 1868; son of Daniel E. and Harriet (Beardslee) Garrison; educated in St. Louis public schools and Smith Academy; married, St. Louis, Nov. 9, 1898, Frances Billingsley; one daughter, Frances Lucille. Began business career as clerk for St. Louis branch office of American Surety Co. of New York, January, 1887, continuing to January, 1891. Secretary and treasurer, January, 1891, vice president and treasurer, January, 1899, president and treasurer since January, 1904, The Columbia Incandescent Lamp Co. Was also, from May, 1902, to December, 1903, second vice president of Whitaker & Weber Manufacturing Co., which sold out to the National Enameling & Stamping Co. Director Corrugated Bar Co., of St. Louis, and Buffalo, N. Y. Member Busi ness Men 's League, Civie League. Independent in politics. Episcopalian. Clubs: St. Louis, Mercantile. Office: 507 Equitable Bldg. Resi dence: 5240 Westminster PL Summer Resi dence: Wequetonsing, Mich. GARRISON, Daniel Edmund, president Corrugated Bar Co.; bora, Sharpsburgh, Pa., Oct. 27, 1839; son of Oliver and Louisa C. (Hale) Garrison; educated at Wyman Acad emy and Jones Commercial College, St. Louis; married, Millstone, N. J., Feb. 20, 1861, Har riet Beardslee (now deceased); children: Wil liam, Oliver (deceased), Cornelius Kingsland (deceased), Daniel E., Jr. (deceased), Arthur C. Began business career in commission busi ness in St. Louis in 1858; removed to New York City, opening branch in 1863; returned to St. Louis, 1869, to take charge of Kings- land Iron Co., later merged into Vulcan Steel Co., of which was vice president and general manager, making first iron and steel rails west of the Mississippi River; opened railway supply offiee, 1878; retired from active busi ness, 1890. Now president Corrugated Bar Co., manufacturers of corrugated steel bars and expanded metal ; also president Garrison Realty Co.; vice-president Columbia Incan descent Lamp Co. Independent in politics. Member Missouri Guard, 1857-61; member Business Men's League, Civic League. Epis copalian. Recreation: fishing. Office: 1411 New National Bank of Commerce Bldg. Residence: 5240 Westminster PL GARRISON, Flint, president Tradesmen's Publishing Co.; born, De Witt, Ark., Sept. 20, 1876; son of James Buchanan and Gulnare 222 THE BOOK -OF ST. LOUISANS (HalliBurton) Garrison; educated in public schools of Arkansas and Texas, but was com pelled to relinquish school and go to work at age of thirteen; married, Apr. 30, 1904, Kath arine Hewit, of St. Louis; three children: Paul, Flint J. and Mary. Began active career as stock boy for B. Kahn, merchant, Beeville, Tex., 1889, later being identified with D. H. Regan, Victoria, Tex., Mistrot Bros., and Fell- man Dry Goods Co., Galveston, Tex., and Younker Bros., Des Moines, la.; successive positions were stock clerk, buyer, assistant manager, advertising manager and general manager; came to St. Louis, 1899, as special writer on The Drygoodsman, advancing through various positions of editor, managing editor, secretary, vice president and finally, January, 1911, "became president and general manager of the company, a position he now holds. Also president Dixie Realty Syndicate; vice president Dixie Printing Co. Member advisory board of Y. M. C. A. course in salesmanship. "Liberal Democrat. Member Business Men's League, St. Louis Sales Man agers' Association, St. Louis Manufacturers' and Exporters' Association, Advertising Men's League, Equitable Taxation League. Clubs: City, Public Question. Recreation: athletic sports. Office: 1627 Washington Ave. Residence: 5835 Bartmer Ave. GARRISON, James Harvey, editor emeritus of Christian Evangelist; born, Ozark, Chris tian Co., Mo., Feb. 2, 1842; son of James and Diana (Kyle) Garrison; educated in Ozark High School, 1860-61; Abingdon (111.) College, graduating A.B., 1868; (LL.D., Bethany Col lege, W. Va.); married, Camp Point, 111., July 2, 1868, Judith Elizabeth Garrett; children: Arthur, Winfred Ernest. Served four years in Federal Army during Civil War; one year in Twenty-fourth Missouri Volunteer Infantry as orderly sergeant, three years as captain Company G, Eighth Missouri Cavalry; pro moted major at about close of war. Minister and editor in Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) since 1869. Editor of Christian Evan gelist for many years and was also president Christian Publishing Co. (incorporated 1873) until 1910, when firm name was changed to Christian Board of Publication. Trustee Mis souri Bible College, Christian College; life director American Christian Missionary So ciety, Foreign Christian Missionary Society. Author: Helps to Faith; Alone with God; Heavenward Way; Half Hour Studies at the Cross; A Modern Plea for Ancient Truths; The Old Faith Re-stated; Reformation of the Nineteenth Century; The Holy Spirit; Chris tian Union; The Story of a Century; and pamphlets upon practical subjects of religion. Office: 2712 Pine St. Residence: 5828 Bart mer Ave. GARRISON, Oliver Lawrence, president Big Muddy Coal & Iron Co. ; born, St. Louis, .Oct. 13, 1848; son Oliver and Louisa (Hale) Garri son; educated Wyman Institute, St. Louis; married, 1879, Mary S. Siegrist; children: Oliver L., Jr., Hazel Marie (wife of Geo. S. Elder, manager manufacturing department Ely-WTalker Dry Goods Co.), Clifford R. Has been identified with the Big Muddy Coal & Iron Co. since its organization, first as secre tary, and since 1897 as president; also presi dent St. Louis Paper Co.; director Merchants- Laclede National Bank, Missouri Pacific Ry. Co.; president New Kentucky Coal Co., Fisher Bldg., Chicago. Clubs: St. Louis, Mercantile, Glen Echo, Automobile (St. Louis), Union League, Chicago, and Chicago Automobile (Chicago). Completed a tour around the world between February and August, 1911. Recrea tion: fishing. Office: 105 N. 7th St. Resi dence: 4005 Westminster PL GARRISON, Oliver Lawrence, Jr., vice president and manager Superior Motor Sales Co.; born, St. Louis, Aug. 28, 1880; son of Oliver L. and Mary (Siegrist) Garrison; graduated from Smith Academy, St. Louis, 1900; married, Mexico, Mo., Nov. 16, 1904, Elizabeth Robertson; one son, Oliver Law rence, III. Began business life in 1900 as clerk with the Big Muddy Coal & Iron Co.; sales agent with the Western Anthracite Coal Co., 1901-04; secretary and treasurer of the Union Fuel Co., 1904-09. In 1910 organized the Superior Motor Sales Co., of which he is vice president and manager. Also director of the New Kentucky Coal Co., Chicago. Repub lican. Recreation: automobiling. Office: 2007 Locust St. Residence: 5746 Von Versen Ave. GARTSIDE, Robert W., lime; born, St. Louis, May, 1855; son of William and Caro line (Orme) Gartside; educated in public schools, and McKendree College, Lebanon, 111.; married, St. Louis, 1883, Kate Ritter; two sons: Arthur R., Robert J. Entered em ploy of the Gartside Coal Co. at seventeen and later was with the Nugent & Bro. Dry Goods Co.; was bookkeeper Singer Manufac turing Co., 1877-87; in mercantile business on own account, 1888-1900; vice president and general manager Colorado Coal & Lime Co., 1900-09; since with Glencoe Lime & Cement Co. Member Sons of St. George. Office: 901, 915 Olive St. Residence: 341 Westgate Ave. GARVEY, Lawrence, merchant; 1859-1912; see Vol. 1906. GARVIN, William Everett, lawyer; born, St. Charles, Mo., May 21, 1860; son of Alex ander and Elizabeth Jane (Boyd) Garvin; educated in private grammar school and pub lic schools, St. Charles, until 1876; graduated from Westminster College, Fulton, Mo., B.S., 1880; LL.B., St. Louis Law School, 1884; un married. Clerk in produce commission house; 1880-83; studied law and also taught a class in bookkeeping at St. Louis University, 1883- THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 223 84; admitted to bar, 1884, entered law offices of Nathan Frank, 1885, the firm later becom ing Frank, Dawson & Garvin, until dissolved in -1892; since 1893, member of law firm of Dawson & Garvin. Member American, Mis souri State and St. Louis Bar associations. Democrat. Presbyterian. Member Missouri Historical Association. Clubs: Mercantile, Missouri Athletic, Glen Echo Country. Office: 820-823 Wainwright Bldg. Residence: 4221 Westminster PL GAST, Alexander Tecumseh, manager Gast Brewing Co.; born, St. Louis, Mar. 26, 1869; son of Paulus and Emily (Senn) Gast; edu cated in public schools, St. Louis, Concordia Seminary, Ft. Wayne, Ind., and Smith Acad emy, St. Louis; married, Apr. 11, 1911, Blanche Sehuchmann Weil, of Muskogee, Okla. Entered office of Gast Wine Co., in 1886, and became secretary and treasurer of the company in 1890; in 1899 formed the Gast Brewing Co., which absorbed the Gast Wine Co.; was president of the company until 1907, when it was acquired by the Independent Breweries Co., since manager of the plant. Re publican. Lutheran. Mason, Knight Templar; member Knights of Pythias. Clubs: Lieder kranz, Union. Office: Broadway and Cass Ave. Residence: 2208 Holly Ave. GAST, Ferdinand, secretary Independent Breweries Co.; born, St. Louis, July 31, 1871; son of August and Marie (Barthel) Gast; edu cated in St. Louis Holy Cross Parochial School, Walther College, Smith Academy and Bryant & Stratton Business College; also took private course in drawing; married, Mil waukee, Wis., July 21, 1897, Helen Loeber; children: Walter, Elmer, Helen. Began in lithograph business, 1888, under father, presi dent of the August Gast Banknote and Lith ographic Co'.; continued until 1892, when en tered service of Gast Wine Co. and later be came director in that company; when Gast Wine Co. was changed, 1900, to Gast Brewing Co., was made secretary and treasurer; secre tary Independent Breweries Co. since June 1, 1907, also assistant treasurer. Republican. Evangelical Lutheran. Favorite recreation : all outdoor athletic sports. Office: 932 Pierce Bldg. Residence: 3621 S. Jefferson Ave. GAST, Paulus, brewer; 1841-1906; see Vol. 1906. GATCH, Elias S., president Granby Mining and Smelting Co.; born, Milford, Clermont Co., O., Feb. 14, 1859; son of John Newton and Georgianna (Hutchinson) Gatch; edu cated in public schools of Milford; National Normal School, Lebanon, O.; A.B., Iowa Wes leyan University, Mount Pleasant, Iowa, 1882; married, St. Joseph, Mo., June 7, 1887, Kath erine V.- Burnes; four children: James Nelson Burnes, Hayward Hutchinson, Katherine, Cal vin F. Was principal of the public schools of W.oodville, O., 1879-80, and engaged in various mercantile pursuits, 1882-94; secre tary Granby Mining and Smelting Co., 1894- 96, secretary and general manager, 1896-1906, president same since 1906; director Mer chants-Laclede National Bank, Member Amer ican Institute Mining Engineers, American Mining ^Congress, Bureau Geology and Mines of State of Missouri, Business Men's League. Democrat. Episcopalian. Trustee St. Luke's Hospital. Member Ohio Society of St. Louis, Beta Theta Pi Fraternity, Sons American Revolution. Clubs: St. Louis, Noonday, Belle rive. Office: 1706, 506 Olive St. Residence: 5266 Westminster PL GATELY, John Patrick, president Gately Credit Clothing Co.; born, Boston, Mass., Nov. 28, 1874; son of Michael and Kate (Brennan) Gately; educated in public schools of Bos ton to 1888; then preparatory course George town College, Washington, D. O, 1888-93; Harvard University, 1894-96; married, Den ver, Colo., June 13, 1912, Miss Eleanor Ritter, of New Athens, 111. Since leaving college has been president Gately Credit Clothing Co., operating stores in St. Louis, East St. Louis, Alton, Quincy, Springfield and Decatur, 111.-, Milwaukee, Wis., Philadelphia, Pa., and other cities. Independent in politics. Catholic. Rec reations: motoring and golf. Office: 501 Mer cantile Bldg.; store at 821 Washington Ave. Residence: 5575 Waterman Ave. GATEWOOD, James Edwin, trade journal ist; born, Bowling Green, Pike Co., Mo., Aug. 16, 1857; son of James Minor and Malinda (Hardin) Gatewood; educated in public schools; married, St. Louis, Aug. 14, 1889, Lillias Sinclair; children: Alice Sinclair, Jean Morrison. Was principal of four schools; read law, but preferred newspaper work, with which has been identified, in various capaci ties, since eighteen years of age. Since 1881 with the Journal of Commerce Co. (of which is now treasurer), beginning as editorial writer in March, 1881; was associate editor of the company's publication, "The Age of Steel," until 1902, and since 1888 has been as sociate editor of "The St. Louis Lumber man. ' ' Member Hoo Hoo, Yellow Piners and St. Louis Trade Press Association. Democrat; clerk Committee on Education, Missouri House of Representatives, 1879; clerk of Banking and Currency Committee of House of Representatives, Congress, 1880; member and secretary of celebrated "8 to 4" St. Louis Grand Jury, of July, 1892. Club: Mis souri Athletic. Office: Wright Bldg. Resi dence: 6126 McPherson Ave. *GAURY, Arnold Joseph, Catholic priest; removed from St. Louis; see Vol. 1906. GAUS, Henry, sash, doors, blinds, etc.; born, St. Louis, Mar. 12, 1858; son of Henry and Louisa E. (Richter) Gaus; educated in 224 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS German Protestant School and in public schools of St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Oct. 13, 1880, Emma L. Biermann; children: Harry G., Frederick J. Began business career at age of fifteen, in the box manufacturing business established by father, in 1863, and in 1879 added sash and blind business; on death of father, 1895, became president and treasurer of Henry Gaus & Sons Manufacturing Co. Republican. Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner. Office: 2100 N. Main St. GAUSS, Charles Frederick, wholesale hats, caps, etc.; born in St. Charles Co., Mc, May 30, 1838; son of Charles W. and Louisa A. (Fallenstein) Gauss; educated in public schools; married, St. Louis, 1861, Mary Lam- oureux (now deceased) ; 2d, St. Louis, 1879, Ida H. Smith; children: Adele (Mrs. C. W. Bullen), Emma (Mrs. Samuel H. Young), Lou isa (Mrs. J. P. Annan), Sadie (Mrs. George S. Tenney). Began business career as a clerk for Crow, McCreery & Co., wholesale dry goods, St. Louis, in 1855, and in fall of 1856 became clerk for Fallenstein & Gauss, whole sale boots and shoes. In 1860 started whole sale hat business in a small way; associated with partners as Krausse, Hunecke & Gauss, later becoming Gauss, Hunecke & Co.; the firm subsequently incorporated as the Gauss- Shelton Hat Co., afterwards changing to pres ent style of Gauss-Langenberg Hat Co., whole sale hats, caps, gloves, umbrellas, etc., of which is president. Director Merchants-La clede National Bank, American Central In surance Co. Was member of Co. A, First Reg iment, Missouri National Guard. Mason (Blue Lodge). Clubs: St. Louis Country, Noonday. Recreation: golf. Office: cor. 12th and St. Charles Sts. Residence: 17 Washington Ter race. GAUT, Oscar Hamilton; see Vol. 1906. *GAY, Charles Samuel, corset manufac turer; moved to Davenport, la.; see Vol. 1906. GEHM, Henry Valentine, president Venice Transportation Co.; born, Shelby ville, 111., Aug. 2, 1866; son of Jacob and Regina (Rei- singer) Gehm; educated in public and high schools of Shelby ville; married, Marshalltown, la., Nov. 19, 1898, Grace M. Upson; two chil dren: Harry Lester, Julia Antoinette. Began active career as clerk Indianapolis & St. Louis R. R., at Shelby ville, continuing 1881-82; tele graph operator, 1882-84, and station agent, same place, 1884-89; assistant ticket agent of Big Four road at St. Louis, 1889-90; general agent Southern Ry. at St. Louis, 1890-92; be came identified with Venice Transportation Co., of which has been general manager since October, 1892, and president since January, 1898; also president and general manager St. Louis Rail and Equipment Co. since Decem ber, 1905; director Southern Coal and Mining Co. Democrat. Office: 1208 Third National Bank Bldg. Residence: 325 Plant Ave., Web ster Groves. GEHNER, Albert Henry, real estate; born, St. Louis, Sept. 20, 1876; son of August and Minnie (Wehmueler) Gehner; educated at Smith Academy, St. Louis; unmarried. Ever since leaving school has been connected with father in the real estate and investment busi ness in St. Louis, becoming a partner in 1900, and since 1902, when the business was incor porated as the Gehner Realty and Investment Co., has been vice president of the company. Republican. Clubs: St. Louis, Union. Favor ite recreations: hunting and fishing. Office: 709 Chestnut St. Residence: 4494 Lindell Boul. GEHNER, August, banker; 1846-1910; see Vol. 1906. GEHRUNG, Eugene Charles, physician; born, Mulhouse, Alsace, France, June 10, 1840; son of Jean Christophe and Elise (Zurcher) Gehrung; educated partly in France and part ly in America, the latter by private tuition; professional education in St. Louis Medical College and (original) College of Physicians and Surgeons, graduating, M.D., from latter, 1870, also M.D., ad eundem, from Missouri Medical College; married, Denver, Colo., Oct. 25, 187,0, Beatrice R. Fahndric; children: Adolphe E., Dr. Julian A., Eugene S. Engaged in general practice of medicine in Denver and St. Louis since 1864. Honorary member St. Louis Medical Society, St. Louis Obstetrical and Gynecological' Society (president, two terms), Medico-Chirurgical Society, etc. Evan gelical Lutheran. Office: 3906 Olive St. Resi dence: 3857 Westminster PL GEISSER, Carl August, director Geisser Conservatory of Music; born, Burlington, Iowa, Oct. 17, 1871; son of Conrad and Anna Elizabeth (Best) Geisser; educated in public schools, Morrisonville, 111.; graduated from Beethoven Conservatory of Music, St. Louis, 1895; post-graduate medal, 1896; unmarried. Began profession as private teacher, Sept. 1, 1894, continuing to 1901; founded Geisser Pi ano School of Music, September, 1901, name of which was changed, 1909, to Geisser Con servatory of Music; composer of music and concert pianist. Presbyterian. Member Royal Arcanum. Recreation: travel. Office: 1300A N. King's Highway. Residence: 5849 Etzel Avenue. *GEITZ, Henry Arthur, physician; moved to New York; see Vol. 1906. GELLER, (Alexander) Henry William, hardware; born, Lage, Germany, Dec. 8, 1868; son of Henry William and Doris (Schaefer- meyer) Geller; educated at Rector School (private), Lage, Germany; came to United States when thirteen and a half years old; married, St. Louis, July 8, 1900, May Belle THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 225 Johnson; two sons: William Douglas, John Austin. Began business career in retail hard ware store of an uncle at Lexington, Mo., for one year, then was nineteen years with the Simmons Hardware Co. of St. Louis, of which twelve years were spent on the road, travel ing, at various times, in Mexico, Missouri, Iowa and Illinois. Started for self, Apr. 1, 1902, as president of Geller, Ward & Hasmer Hardware Co., wholesale and retail dealers in hardware, cutlery, sporting goods, tinware, etc. Member Business Men's League, Travel ers' Protective Association, Egyptian Hus tlers. Independent in politics. Evangelical. Mason; member Knights of Pythias, Elks. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Liederkranz, Kamp- ville Hunting and Fishing (Kampville, Mo.), Oasis. Favorite recreations: fishing and hunt ing. Office: 412-414 N. 4th St. Residence: 3914 Castleman Ave. GELLHORN, George, physician; born, Bres- lau, Germany, Nov. 7, 1870; son of Adolph and Rosalie (Pincus) Gellhorn; educated in gym nasium, Ohlau, Germany, 1876-90; medical edu cation at University of Wurzburg, 1890-92, University of Breslau, 1892-93, University of Wurzburg, 1893-95, M.D., 1894; married, St. Louis, Oct. 21, 1893, Edna Fischel; chil dren: George, Jr., Walter Fischel, Martha Ellis. Was assistant in clinics at Universities of Berlin and Jena, Germany, and Vienna, Austria, 1895-99; came to America, December, 1899, and engaged in practice of medicine in St. Louis, January, 1900. Member of medical staff of St. Luke's Hospital; gynecologist to the St. Louis Skin and Cancer Hospital and City Hospital; lecturer in Medical Department of Washington University. Fellow of German Gynecological Society; member American Gyn ecological Society (vice president), American Gynecological Club (secretary - treasurer), Gynecological Society of Berlin, Germany, American Medical Association, St. Louis Med ical Society, etc. Clubs: University, Town and Gown. Office: Metropolitan Bldg. Residence: 4366 McPherson Ave. GEMMER, John Phillip, gun manufacturer; born, Nassau, Germany, June 21, 1838; son of Henry and Maria (May) Gemmer; educated in old country to fourteen; came to America with father, 1855; married, St. Louis, Decem ber, 1872, Louise Grewe; two children: Julius and'Adela. Began active career in employ of a gun factory at Boonville, Mo., 1855, continu ing four years; located in St. Louis, 1859; in employ of Mr. Kleinhenn one year; became connected in 1860 with W. L. Watt, proprietor Hawken gun shop (established 1824), and pur chased the business, 1862. Protestant. Recrea tion: gardening. Office: 700 N. 3d St. Resi dence: 2336 Park Ave. GENTLES, John, dry goods, etc.; born, Stir lingshire, Scotland, Nov. 15, 1847; son of John and Margaret (Dobbie) Gentles; educated at Stirling High School, Scotland; married, St. Louis, Mo., 1877, Miriam Hunt; six children. After leaving school, entered dry goods busi ness at Falkirk, Scotland, where continued for seven years, then was in same business in London for four years and a half; came to St. Louis in 1871, and entered service of William Barr & Co. as clerk for three and a half years; in 1875, formed present partnership with Alexander Penny under firm name of Penny & Gentles, importers and retailers of dry goods, suits, millinery and house furnish ings; began at Franklin St. and Broadway, burned out in October, 1894; since 1900_ at Broadway and Washington Ave. Presbyterian. Member A. F. & A. M. Club: Missouri Ath letic. Recreation: fishing. Office: Broadway and Morgan St. Residence: Webster Groves, Missouri. GENTRY, William Richard,, lawyer; born, Columbia, Mo., Sept. 28, 1869; son of Thomas Benton and Mary E. (Todd) Gentry; educated in University of Missouri and in Paris and Berlin; taught modern languages three years in University of Missouri, then studied law in Law School of same, graduating, LL.B., 1896; married, Pattonville, Mo., Oct. 1, 1896, Mary Lee Payne (died Apr. 6, 1901); one son: William B., Jr.; married, 2d, Bridgeton, Mo., Dee. 9, 1903, Anna L. Heidorn; one son: Thomas Frederick. Practiced law at Colum bia, Mo., until 1898, when removed to St. Louis and has. since engaged in general prac tice. Member of St. Louis Bar Association. Republican. Presbyterian. Member Missouri Historical Society, Sons of Revolution. Mason, Knight Templar. Office: 809 Merchants-La clede Bldg. Residence: Pattonville, St. Louis County. GENTSCH, Frederick C; see Vol. 1906. GEORGE, Delmar Colby; see Vol. 1906. GEORGIA, William E., furniture and car pets; born, Elmira, N. Y., June 29, 1865; son of Roswell S. and Phoebe Jane Georgia; edu cated in public school, Elmira, N. Y. ; married, St. Louis, Jan. 25, 1892, Alice C. Coleman. Was clerk in dry goods house, Elmira, 1879-84, Buf falo, 1884-86; manager of drapery department of furniture house at Kansas City, 1886-90; manager drapery department of J. Kennard & Sons, St. Louis, 1890-97; salesman Lammert Furniture Co., St. Louis, 1898-1903; president of Georgia, Stimson Furniture and Carpet Co., 1903-07; with Scruggs, Vandervoort & Barney Dry Goods Co., 1907-10; since president W. E. Georgia Furniture Co. Republican. Episco palian. Clubs: Mercantile, Missouri Athletic. Recreation: motor boating. Office: 514 Locust St. Residence: 3821 Utah St. GERBER, Charles, commission merchant; see Vol. 1906. 226 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS GERBER, Frederick Albert, vice president Fidel Ganahl Lumber Co.; bora, St. Louis, Sept. 4, 1878; son of Frederick and Elsie S. (Hackman) Gerber; educated Toensfeldt's In stitute, St. Louis, 1886-88; Shepard (public) School, 1889-94; Central High School, 1894-98; unmarried. Began active career as office boy with Loyd G. Harris Manufacturing Co., 1898, advancing to position of bookkeeper; became connected as salesman with the Fidel Ganahl Lumber Co., 1903, and since 1905 vice presi dent of the company. Republican. Protestant. Member Legion of Honor, Order of Hoo Hoo, Civie League. Clubs: Union, Lumbermen's, Century Boat, Sunset. Recreations: fishing and bowling. Office: 3323 S. Broadway. Resi dence: 3405 Shenandoah Ave. GEREKE, Edward George, paper boxes; born, St. Louis, Sept. 4, 1869; son of Henry and Mary (Flynn) Gereke; educated in public schools of St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Oct. 17, 1900, Cornelia A. Broemmelsiek; children: Edward F., Carrol M. Secretary of the St. Louis Paper Box Co., 1906-11, since general manager. Also vice president Vieths Paper Mills. Recreation: fishing. Offiee: 2031-2039 Randolph St. Residence: 7114 Waterman Ave. GERHART, Charles Beauregard, real es tate; born, St. Louis, Aug. 20, 1862; son of Peter George and Oetavia Agnes (Flandrin) Gerhart; educated in public schools, Jones Commercial College, and under tutorship of Prof. James L. Seward; married, Indianapolis, Apr. 11, 1896, Julia Lyon MacFarlane; chil dren (by former marriage) : Frank Henry II, Enid Marie. Engaged in real estate business since 1880, and since Jan. 1, 1900, vice presi dent of F. H. & C. B. Gerhart Real Estate Co., real estate and financial agents. Also vice president P. G. Gerhart Investment Co.; vice president Gerhart Realty Co., Frick Realty Co. Member St. Louis Real Estate Exchange. Republican. Reared a Catholic. Member St. Louis Amateur Athletic Association and sev eral hunting and fishing clubs. Recreations: outdoor sports; fond of horses, both riding and driving. Office: 707 Chestnut St. Residence: 4484 Forest Park Boul. GERHART, Frank Henry, real estate and financial agent; born, St. Louis, June 28, 1860; son of Peter George Gerhart (father of St. Louis parks) and Oetavia Agnes (Flandrin) Gerhart (grand-daughter of Antoine Flandrin, who came to America with General Lafayette and fought in the Revolution) ; educated at Christian Brothers College, St. Louis Uni versity, St. Louis Law School, and by pri vate tutors; read law under late Judge Waldo P. Johnson and with Thoroughman & War ren, finishing legal training at St. Louis Law School; married, St. Louis, Feb. 10, 1904, Estelle Mary Dunn. Entered real estate busi ness with P. G. Gerhart & Co., until retirement of father, May 1, 1885, then continuing as F. H. & C. B. Gerhart until Jan. 1, 1897, when F. H. & C. B. Gerhart Real Estate Co. was in corporated, of which has since been president, the other officers being Charles B. Gerhart, vice president, and Frank J. Frick, secretary and treasurer. Also president P. G. Gerhart Investment Co., Flandrin Realty Co., Gerhart Realty Co., Frick Realty Co., and Managers of the Wainwright Building. Member St. Louis Real Estate Exchange (director since 1903; chairman Free Bridge and Grade Crossing Committee). Democrat. Roman Catholic. Takes lively interest in civic affairs; led the fight for the free bridge and level railroad crossing. Office: Wainwright Bldg., 707 Chest nut St. -Residence: 4900 Lindell Boul. GERHART, Thomas Slevin, real estate; born, St. Louis, Oct. 25, 1866; son of Peter G. and Oetavia A. (Flandrin) Gerhart; educated in public schools of St. Louis, followed by two years of private instruction; married, St. Louis, Jan. 15, 1891, Martha Lillian Brown (daughter of William and Mary A. Brown, the former being founder and president of Pioneer Steam Keg Works); five children: Peter George, Marian, Martha, Oetavia and William B. Since leaving school has been en gaged in real estate and financial business on own account for twenty-two years, and since Jan. 1, 1904, president of the Weisels-Gerhart Real Estate Co.; also president of the Thomas S. Gerhart Realty and Financial Co; vice president of the P. G. Gerhart Investment Co. Member Real Estate Exchange. Mason (32°), Knight Templar (Ivanhoe Commandery), and Shriner. Independent in politics. Clubs: Mis souri Athletic, Aero, Arcadia, Oasis Gun. Rec reations: athletics, such as boxing, bicycling, hunting, motoring, horses, etc. Office: 104-106 N. 8th St. Residence: 4609 Westminster PL GERNEZ, John A., lawyer; born, New York City, Dec. 8, 1861; son of John Daniel and Elizabeth (Broberg) Gernez; educated in public schools of native city and St. Louis; St. Louis High School; B.A., Washington Uni versity, 1882; LL.B., St. Louis Law School, 1884; married, Milwaukee, Wis., Jan, 3, 1902, Annie Miller. Admitted to Missouri bar, 1884, and has since practiced at St. Louis. Member Missouri House of Representatives, 1893; Re publican. Episcopalian. Recreation: books. Office: 1315 Market St. Residence: 1415 Belt Avenue. GERRITZEN, Frederick Theodore, blank book manufacturer; 1858-1910; see Vol. 1906. GERRITZEN, Herman Joseph; see Vol. 1906. GERST, Frederick, manufacturer; 1841- 1908; see Vol. 1906. GERST, John F., president Gerst Bros. Man ufacturing Co.; born, St. Louis, Apr. 24, 1869; son of Frederick and Caroline (Hem) Gerst; educated at St. Louis University; married, St. Louis, Nov. 24, 1897, Catherine Tegethoff; THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 227 children: John F., James, Caroline. Learned trade in shop established by father, 1849, and incorporated as Gerst Bros. Manufacturing Co. (foundry and structural iron), 1881; sec retary of the company, 1881-1908, since presi dent. Democrat. Catholic. Office: 800 Cass Ave. Residence: 4429 Elmbank Ave. GERST, Joseph, vice president Gerst Bros. Manufacturing Co.; born, St. Louis, December, 1875; son of Frederick and Caroline (Hem) Gerst; educated at St. Joseph Parochial School; unmarried. In 1890 entered the Cass Avenue Iron Works and Foundry, owned by Gerst Bros. Manufacturing Co., and after learning trade in the shops was given his pres ent positipn as vice president of the company, in 1895. Catholic. Office: 800 Cass Ave. Resi dence: 2220 Clarence Ave. GESSLER, Edward A., bond and stock broker; born, St. Louis, June 15, 1868; son of Emil and Fredericke (Bek) Gessler; educated in St. Louis public schools; married, St. Louis, Oct. 18, 1893, Alice Wippern; children: George E., Alice. Began business career as a clerk in the Laclede Bank, continuing until 1889; clerk for Wernse & Dieekman, 1889-90; since 1890, member of firm of Gessler & Krausnick, deal ers in bonds and stocks. Member St. Louis Stock Exchange, Merchants' Exchange, Civic League. Clubs: Union, Liederkranz, Sunset Hill Country, Automobile. Recreations: tennis, motoring, bowling. Office: 411 Olive St. Resi dence: 3838 Flad Ave. GESTRING, Henry William, wagon manu facturer; deceased; see Vol. 1906. GHIO, James C, retired; born, Monticello, Wayne Co., Ky., Nov. 4, 1843; son of John B. and Elizabeth (Garth) Ghio; educated at Christian Brothers College, and St. Louis Uni versity; married, at Hamburg, Germany, Aug. 31, 1870, Betty Heydorn; four children: John G., J. C. Martin, Bettie (Mrs. J. A. McMen- emy), Olivia (Mrs. Freeland Dunn). Came to St. Louis, 1848; engaged in wholesale liquor and importing business, 1872-1902; now vice president Barada-Ghio Real Estate Co. Roman Catholic. Decorated as Commander Order of St. Gregory the Great; Knight of Ecclesia et Pontificia Pius X; Knight of King of Italy. Clubs: St. Louis, Mercantile. Office: 17 N. 8th St. Residence: Wellston, Mo. GIBSON, William Judson, manager Corliss, Coon & Co., collars and cuffs; born, Toronto, Ont., Canada, July 22, 1873; son of William S. and Georgiana (Greenlaw) Gibson; educated in public schools of Brooklyn, N. Y.; married, New Haven, Conn., Dec. 14, 1904, Luella May Warner (now deceased) ; one daughter, Luella Warner. Began business career in minor posi tion in. mercantile house; salesman for Daniel D. Youmans, New York. City, 1891-95; travel ing salesman, Follmar-Clogg Co., umbrellas, 1895-97; traveled for Crown Perfumery Co. of England, 1897-1901; traveling salesman for Corliss, Coon & Co., collars and cuffs, Troy, N. Y., covering middle west territory, 1901- 02; since 1902 manager at St. Louis for same firm. Republican. Baptist. Clubs: Mercantile, Bellerive Country (St. Louis), Invincible (Brooklyn, N. Y.). Recreations: golf and mo toring. Office: 905 Washington Ave. Resi dence: 4458 Washington Ave. *GIESE, Alexander Franklin; moved to Kansas City; see Vol. 1906. GIESECKE, Otto, president Charles Ehler mann Hop and Mait Co.; born in Duchy of Brunswick, Germany, Aug. 18, 1856; son of A. F. and Louise (Jacoby) Giesecke; educated in gymnasium, Clausthal, Germany, 1867-71; married, Clayton, Mo., Apr. 8, 1886, Marie Koch; children: Herman, Gertrude, Elsa, Ma rie Luise. Came to America 1871; worked on farms in Missouri and Illinois. Began business career as clerk in grocery store of Overstolz & Sehrader, St. Louis, 1874; assistant book keeper, Leggat & Butler, 1877; bookkeeper, Charles Ehlermann & Co., 1879; salesman, 1885, secretary and vice president, 1886, vice president from 1905 to October, 1911, and since president, Charles Ehlermann Hop and Malt Co. Member Merchants' Exchange. Democrat. Member Leiderkranz, St. Louis Turn Verein, Schiller Verein. Recreation: traveling. Office: 1O0 S. 2d St. Residence: 3801 Cleveland Ave. GIESELMAN, Frank Henry, grain mer chant; deceased; see Vol. 1906. GIFFORD, William Logan Rodman, libra rian St. Louis Mercantile Library; born, New Bedford, Mass., Nov. 5, 1862; son of Humph rey A. and Alice P. (Francis) Gifford; edu cated in public schools of New Bedford, and Harvard University, A.B., 1884; married, Rochester, Mass., June 6, 1888, Eleanor R. Dexter; one son: Humphrey A. Assistant librarian New Bedford (Mass.) Free Public Library, 1884-1895; librarian of Cambridge - (Mass.') Public Library, 1895-1904; since Feb. 1, 1904, librarian St. Louis Mercantile Library. Member Civie League. Independent Democrat. Clubs: Round Table, Florissant Valley, City, Franklin. Office : St. Louis Mercantile Library. Residence: 4329 A Maryland Ave. GILBERT, Sidney Lawrence, resident man ager Armstrong Cork Co.; bora, Painted Post, N. Y, Mar. 18, 1854; son of William J. and Rachel E. (Erwin) Gilbert; educated in New York public schools; unmarried. Began busi ness career in 1874 in employ of the Arm strong Cork Co., at the headquarters of the company, Pittsburgh, and has ever since con tinued with same, becoming a partner in 1884, and a director; came, in 1884, to St. Louis, where has since been in charge of branch house. Office: 204 S. 3d st. Residence: 3015 Henrietta St. 228 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS GILDERSLEEVE, Frank D., assistant gen eral passenger agent, Baltimore & Ohio South western R. R.; born, Nashville, Tenn., Feb. 18, 1859; son of L. I. and Lucinda M. (Ste vens) Gildersleeve; educated in public schools, La Porte, Ind., and took four-year course in Northern Indiana College, Valparaiso, Ind.; married, St. Louis, 1887, Sarah Frank; chil dren: Laura M. (now deceased), Charles Ed- "win. After leaving school became telegraph operator and later train dispatcher on Van dalia Line and subsequently train master Illi nois Midland R. R., general traveling agent, and chief clerk traffic manager's office, same line; came to St. Louis in 1883 as general Western agent Toledo & St. Louis Line; ap pointed city ticket agent Bee Line and New York Central (now Big Four route) in 1884; city passenger and ticket agent Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern Ry., 1896; made district passenger agent, 1901, and assistant general passenger agent, 1902. President St. Louis Association General Passenger Agents, 1912 and 1913; member Business Men's League. Republican; central committeeman, St. Louis Co., four years. Mason (Forest Park Lodge, St. Louis Chapter, St. Aldemar Commandery, Knights Templar, Moolah Temple, Mystic Shrine). Member Royal League. Clubs: Mer cantile, St. Louis Railway, The Traffic of St. Louis. Favorite recreations: billiards, chess and baseball. Offiee: Central National Bank Bldg. Residence: 5516 Maple Ave. GILFILLAN, Francis, clergyman; born, Ag- havas, Co. Leitrim, Ireland, Feb. 16, 1872; classical education, St. Mary's, Moyne, Co. Longford, 1886-89; philosophy and theology, St. Patrick's College, Carlow, 1889-94; post graduate course in theology, Catholic Univer sity, Washington, D. C. 1894-96-. Ordained to the priesthood by Archbishop John J. Kain, St. Anthony's Church, St. Louis, June 24, 1895; assistant to Father James J. McCaffrey, 1896-98, and to Father P. F. O'Reilly, 1898- 1907, in New Cathedral Parish; appointed in charge of the parish, 1907. Member of Theo logical Conferences' Committee of the Board of Synodal Examiners; member Board of Di rectors of Kenrick Seminary. Residence: 4428 Maryland Ave. GILL, Felton David, grain commission; born, Clarksville, Tenn., Mar. 18, 1878; son of Benjamin F. and Mary (Yancey) Gill; edu cated in public schools of Tennessee and in University of Virginia, class of 1897; married, 1901, Augusta Haddox; children: F. D., Jr., Elizabeth. Began business career in 1898, with Gill & Smith, grain commission, Nashville, Tenn., for one year; engaged in grain business for self at Nashville, under style of F. D. Gill & Co., until 1903, when came to St. Louis, where has since continued business under same firm name as wholesale dealer and commission merchant in grain and hay. Member Mer chants' Exchange of St. Louis, St. Louis Grain Club. Recreations: hunting and fishing. Office: Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Resi dence: 5445 Page Boul. GILL, Patrick Francis, congressman; born, Independence, Mo., Aug. 16, 1868; son of Thomas and Rose (Murphy) Gill; removed to St. Louis at three years of age; educated in parochial schools and St. Louis University) married Alicia MeCarran, of Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 24, 1902; two children: Alicia and Patrick, Jr. Secretary Gill Bros. Grocery Co. Was clerk of Circuit Court four years; Demo cratic candidate for sheriff of St. Louis, 1906; member Sixty-first and Sixty-second Con gresses, Eleventh Missouri District (seat con tested after second election, but won in con test, August, 1912). Office: Marcus and Easton Aves. Residence: 4649 N. Market St. GILLIAM, John Apperson, lawyer; born, New Salem, Fairfield Co., O., July 15, 1848; son of William and Mary Elizabeth (Bryan) Gilliam; educated in public and private schools of Ohio; studied law in offices of Wal ker & Brower and Henry K. Boyle, at Otta wa, 111.; was admitted to the bar of Hlinois, Sept. 11, 1869, and began practice Sept. 1, 1870, at Ottawa; married, Frances Emily Brown, Oct. 18, 1871 (died Mar. 27, 1883); 2d, Dollie Hoxsey, Apr. 28, 1886; one son: Hoxsey Gilliam. Practiced in La Salle and Kendall counties, 111.; arrived in St. Louis, Oct. 4, 1878, and since has continuously practiced law in St. Louis, where he has been member of law firms of Gilliam & Hereford, Gilliam & Ferriss and Gilliam & Smith; alone since 1904. President Gallatin Investment Co. Republi can. Candidate for State Senate, 1886; elected presidential elector for Tenth District of Mis souri, 1904; candidate for United States Sen ate, 1905. Member St. Louis Bar Association. Presbyterian. Office: Fullerton Bldg. Resi dence: 4311 Washington Boul. GILMORE, Harold Grover, president of Wright-Gilmore Decorating Co.; born, Boston, Jan. 12, 1865; son of Homer S. and Virginia (Grover) Gilmore; educated public and pri vate schools; Academy of Art, Boston; Ken sington School, London, Eng.; Academy of Decorative Art, Brussels, Belgium; married, St. Louis, June 7, 1899, Olivia Orme Ferguson. Located in St. Louis, 1890; assisted in organ izing the Wright-Gilmore Decorating Co., 1899, of which is president; also president W. G. Art Glass Co. Mason. Recreation: traveling. Office: 3563 Olive St. Residence: 4957 Mc- Pherson Ave. , GILMORE, Stephen Henry, supervisor of plumbing City of St. Louis; born, St. Louis, Dec. 8, 1876; son of Thomas and Elizabeth (Kirk) Gilmore; educated in public schopls to 1891; St. Louis University, 1891-95; mar ried, St. Louis, Sept. 11, 1905, Mildred Kaiser; THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 229 two children: Thomas R., Mildred M. While attending college entered plumbing trade as an apprentice, serving five years; worked as journeyman for about seven years and en gaged as master plumber until appointed plumbing inspector City of St. Louis, 1909; continued until 1911; since supervisor plumb ing City of St. Louis. Member American So ciety of Inspectors and Engineers. Repub lican. Catholic. Member Knights of Father Mathew. Club: Irish- American Athletic. Rec reations: swimming, baseball. Office: Room 315, City Hall. Residence: 2303 Arsenal St. GIRALDIN, Charles Erwin, retired; born, St. Louis, Feb. 21, 1858; son of Charles and Ellen (Higgins) Giraldin; educated in public schools of St. Louis and also public schools and college at Cape Girardeau, Mo.; unmar ried. Began in real estate business with J. T. Donavan in 1873, remaining with him until 1890; when joined in organizing the firm of Giraldin Bros. & Cates, later changed to Giraldin Bros., real estate agents; retired from business, 1910. Democrat. Catholic. Fa vorite recreations: hunting and fishing, base ball, billiards. Residence: 5732 Julian Ave. GIRALDIN, William Aloysius, real estate; born, St. Louis, Nov. 26, 1864; son of Charles and Ellen (Higgins) Giraldin; educated in public school and in Bryant & Stratton Busi ness College; married, St. Louis, Nov. 13, 1889, Alice Mersman; children: William A., Jr., Charles Earl, Alice Loras. Engaged in real estate business from boyhood, beginning in minor capacity in real estate office in April, 1875; in business for self since 1890; now member firm of Giraldin Bros., real es tate and financial agents. Also president Earl Realty Co.; director Title Guaranty Trust Co., American Trust Co. Member Real Estate Ex change (ex-president); member board of as sessors, 1904. Catholic. Recreations: fishing, hunting and motoring. Offiee: 11,0 N. 8th St. Residence: 5338 Page Boul. GISEKE, August; see Vol. 1906. GIUSEFFI, Girolamo D., ladies' tailoring; born, Naples, Italy; son of Francisco and Fillomene (Cieffoni) Giuseffi; educated in schools of native city. Came to America at fourteen; entered employ of Weatherly & Co., New York City, and later was connected with the J. Farrington Tailoring Co., Boston; asso ciated with sisters, 1888, in organizing the Giuseffii Ladies' Tailoring Co., of St. Louis, importers of exclusive millinery, gowns, etc. Office: 3900 Westminster PL GLASER, Adolph, importer of lace, em broideries and handkerchiefs; born, Tereskau, Austria, June 30, 1854; son of Samuel and Catherine (Maurer) Glaser; educated in pub- lie schools in Europe; married, Philadelphia, Dec. 21, 1881, Rosalind Scherzer; children: Arthur S., Corinne (Mrs. Angelo J. Myers, of Philadelphia, Pa.). At age of thirteen went to work for Kramer & Loth, wholesale notions and furnishing goods, St. Louis; formed part nership with brothers, 1880, under firm namo of Glaser Bros., which continued until prem ises were destroyed by fire in 1898; since then engaged, under firm name of Adolph Glaser & Co., importing embroideries, laces and handkerchiefs. Member Business Men's League. Jewish religion. Club: Columbian. Recreation: traveling. Office: 1125-1129 Wash ington Ave. Residence : 4331 West Pine St. GLASER, Carl Samuel, broker in bonds and stocks; born, St. Louis, Nov. 5, 1878; son of Joseph and Carrie (Steinberger) Glaser; grad uated from. Western Military Academy, Up per Alton, 111.; married, St. Louis, Dec. 8, 1902, Stelia Tuholske, niece of Dr. Herman Tuholske; two children: Millard and Carl S., Jr. Was with the Mechanics Bank, 1894-99; since broker in stocks and bonds, as partner with father, Joseph Glaser, under the firm name of Joseph Glaser & Son. Member St. Louis Stock Exchange, Merchants' Exchange. Recreations: fishing and motoring. Office: 317 Olive St. Residence: 4619 McPherson Avenue. GLASER, Joseph, broker; born, Bohemia, Mar. 28, 1852; son of Samuel and Katy Gla ser; educated in Prague, graduating, 1865; married, St. Louis, Jan. 15, 1878, Carrie Stein berger; two sons: Carl S., Joseph, Jr. Came to America, 1866; in employ of Kramer & Loth, wholesale furnishing goods and notions, 1866-80; then entered same line of business as Glaser Bros., in which continued for fifteen years; since engaged in handling stocks, bonds and local securities; now member firm of Joseph Glaser & Son. Member New York Stock Exchange, St. Louis Stock Exchange, Merchants ' Exchange, Business Men 's League. Republican. Jewish religion; trustee Home for Aged and Infirm Israelites. Mason (32°). Clubs: Columbian, Westwood. Offiee: 317 Olive St. Residence: 5116 Washington Boul. GLASER, Julius, merchant; born, Austria, Feb. 28, 1862; son of Samuel and Catherine (Maurer) Glaser; educated in public schools; married, Cincinnati, June 20, 1900, Stella Sommers; two daughters: Kathryn, Ruth. Started in business with S. B. Merrill & Gla ser; later entered firm of Morris Gla ser & Co.; bought out Morris Glaser, 1900, and established firm of Julius Glaser & Co., whole sale dry goods commission merchants. Mem ber Business Men's League. Republican. Jew ish religion. Clubs: Mercantile, Columbian, Westwood Country. Recreation: golf. Offiee: 414 N. 11th St. Residence: 4541 Maryland Avenue. GLASER, Sigmund, laces and embroideries; born, Austria, Oct. 1, 1863; son of Samuel and Catherine (Maurer) Glaser; came to United 230 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS States at ten years of age and graduated from St. Louis public school at age of six teen; married, St. Louis, N,°v- 19> 1890, Hattie Bach; children: Clifford B., Helen Wilma. Be gan business career as stock boy with Rice, Stix & Co., wholesale dry goods, continuing two years; then with Glaser Brothers, in house two years and after that as traveling salesman, until they went out of business in 1897; with brother, Adolph, engaged in busi ness as A. Glaser & Brother until July 1, 1900, when branched out for self under style of Sig mund Glaser & Co., wholesale importers of laces and embroideries. Republican. Jewish religion. Club: Columbian. Recreations: gar dening and walking. Office: 1510 Washington Ave. Residence: 42 Kingsbury PL GLASGOW, Frank A., physician and sur geon; born, St. Louis, 1854; son of William and Sarah Louisa (Lane) Glasgow; graduated from Washington University, A.B., 1875; M.D., St. Louis Medical College (now Med ical Department, Washington University), 1878; post-graduate student Universities of Vienna and Strassburg, 1880-81. Engaged in practice as physician and surgeon in St. Louis since 1878; senior gynecologist St. Louis Mul lanphy Hospital. Member American Medical Association, St. Louis Medical Society, Mis souri State Medical Association, Southern Surgical and Gynecological Society, St. Louis Surgical Society, St. Louis Obstetrical and Gynecological Society, St. Louis Academy of Science, American Association for Advance ment of Science. Republican. Unitarian. Club: University. Recreations: traveling and hunting. Office: 3894 Washington Boul. Resi dence: 4371 Washington Ave. GLASGOW, William Carr, physician; 1845- 1906; see Vol. 1906. GLAUBER, Albert E., .dry goods commis sion merchant; born, Pittsfield, 111., Jan. 24, 1872; son of Leopold and Annie (Fishell) Glauber; attended public schools of Pittsfield, graduating, 1890; went to Cleveland, fall of 1890, and took course in shorthand and type writing in Spencerian Business College; un married. Began business career as salesman for the Crunden-Martin Woodenware Co., St. Louis, 1892; entered dry goods business with brother Samuel in spring of 1893, at 5008 N. Broadway, moving to 4832 N. Broadway, 1895; opened a second store at 4102-4104 N. Grand Ave., 1903, and enlarged store first es tablished; on account of ill health was com pelled to dispose of interest in both stores, 1911; director Home Advertising and Trad ing Stamp Co. Was one of seven to organize the N. St. Louis Business Men's Association, 1895; was a prime mover in securing free ex press delivery to 4900 N. Broadway. Hebrew; member B. P. O. Elks, B'nai El, Young Peo ple's Aid Society. Recreations: fishing and bowling. Office: Victoria Bldg. Residence: 1521 E. Grand Ave. *GLEDHILL, John James; moved to Cali fornia; see Vol. 1906. GLENNON, John Joseph, R. C. archbishop; born, Kinnegad, County Meath, Ireland, June 14, 1862; son of Mathew and Catherine (Kin- sella) Glennon; prepared at St. Mary's Col lege, Mullingar; graduated All Hallows Col lege, Dublin, 1883. Ordained priest, 1884; as sistant pastor St. Patrick's Church, Kansas City, 1884-87; pastor cathedral there, under Bishop Hogan, 1887-92; vicar-general of dio cese, 1892-94, administrator of diocese, 1894- 1904; appointed coadjutor bishop of Kansas City, with right of succession, and conse crated titular bishop of Pinara, June, 1896; coadjutor bishop of St. Louis, 1903. Appointed archbishop of St. Louis, Oct. 13, 1903, on death of Archbishop Kain. Address: 3810 Lindell Boul. GLOOR, Edwin, vice president Common wealth Feed Mills Co.; born, Aarau, Switzer land, January, 1849; arrived in America, 1854; educated St. Louis public schools, Fielding's Institute and Jones Commercial College; mar ried, St. Louis, Oct. 30, 1873, Ruth Murray; three daughters. Began active career as milir tary telegraph messenger, in 1862, continuing, 1862-63; was shipping clerk in Quarter master's Department, U. S. A., 1864-65; trav eling salesman, 1870-80; southwestern repre sentative Joseph Dixon Crucible Co., 1884-90; engaged as division sales manager Drummond Tobacco Co., 1890-99; vice president and sec retary Commonwealth Feed Mills Co. since 1907. Democrat. Baptist. Mason; member Royal Arcanum, United Commercial Travelers, Merchants' Exchange. Office: 2d St. and De Soto Ave. Residence: Webster Groves. GLOSEMEYER, Vincent H., president Glosemeyer Flour Co.; born on farm near Dutzow, Warren Co., Mo., Feb. 12, 1869; son of Joseph and Caroline (Krekel) Glosemeyer; educated parochial Catholic schools at Dutzow, 1876-83; later public schools of Washington, Mo., for two years; student Washington High School, 1887 and 1888, graduating June, 1888; married, St. Louis, June 26, 1894, Kathrine Wallrapp (died Nov. 18, 1908); six children: Alphonse J., sixteen; Olivia M., fourteen; Florence A., twelve; Adela K., ten; Raymond V., eight; Celeste F., six years of age. Arrived in St. Louis in 1891, at age of twenty-two, with $20 in his pocket; secured employment as industrial agent of Metropolitan Life In surance Co., continuing for eleven months; then became porter and general warehouse man with the flour firm of A. E. Brucker & Co., 603 S. 2d St., at a salary of $7 per week; held this position for six months, the firm then going out of business; entered flour com mission business in own name at suggestion of THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 231 several country millers who delivered their flour on consignment; associated with Joseph Zirnheld, 1899, under title of the Zirnheld- Glosemeyer Flour Co., of which was secretary for eleven years; sold out and organized the Glosemeyer Flour Co. with capital stock of $35,000, Feb. 1, 1910, and is president and general manager same. Catholic. Member Catholic Union of Missouri, in which is an active worker, having served on legislative and executive committees and Committee of Public Affairs; member SS. Peter and Paul's Church, St. Vincent de Paul Orphan Society, St. Vincent de Paul Poor Society (vice presi dent), etc. Member Merchants' Exchange, St. Louis City Drummers' Association. Club: St. Louis Millers' Recreations: interested in municipal and civic affairs; reading. Office: 309 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Residence: 2037 Sidney St. GOCKEL, Harry B., treasurer James H. Forbes Tea and Coffee Co.; born, St. Louis, July 28, 1868; son of Herman and Christiana (Behrens) Gockel; educated in public schools, to 1882; took course in Bryant & Stratton 's Business College, 1884; married, St. Louis, Oct. 9, 1901, Elizabeth Brandstetter; one child: Harry Charles. Began as office boy with the Forbes Company, May, 1884, served in various clerical positions, elected treasurer and director, 1910. Republican. Recreation: outdoor sports. Office: 908-916 Clark Ave. Residence: 2106 S. Compton Ave. GODDARD, Warren, wholesale grocer; born, Brookline, Mass., Aug. 29, 1871; son of Joseph W. and Maria (Pearson) Goddard; educated in Smith Academy, St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Nov. 18, 1897, Irene Wallace (now de ceased); children: Jane W., Mary Irene; married, 2d, Apr. 9, 1910, Louise Augustine; one daughter: Louise. On leaving school in 1890 entered the business of the Goddard Gro cer Co., of which is now vice president. Mem ber Business Men's League. Director Mer chants-American National Bank. Republican. Clubs: St. Louis, Country, City, Racquet, Round Table. Recreations: hunting and ath letic sports. Office: 415 S. 7th St. Residence: 4360 Washington Ave. GODFREY, James Aloysius, contractor; born, County Mayo, Ireland, Dec. 25, 1878; son of Thomas and Catharine (Henneghan) Godfrey; came to America with parents, 1882; graduated from Christian Brothers College, St. Louis, 1893; married, Jan. 6, 1907, Caro lyn Hayes, of Louisville, Ky. Began as car penter and stair builder; engaged in general contracting with William Steinhoff, 1896, suc ceeding to the business, 1905; now member- firm of Godfrey & Hirsch. Has been identi fied with construction of many of the promi nent buildings in St. Louis, among them the Mermod-Jaccard Building, the Carleton Dry Goods Company's Building, new Mullanphy Apartments, etc., also many fine residences. Independent in politics. Catholic. Recrea tion: athletics. Office: 804, 105 N. 7th St. Residence: 5775 Waterman Ave. GODWIN, Richard Henry W., real estate; bora in King and Queen Co., Va., May 28, 1856; son of Richard Henry W. and Effie A. (Gresham) Godwin; educated at Stevensville Academy, King and Queen Co., Va.; married, Cincinnati, Feb. 3, 1886, Mattie C. McKrell; four children: Howard, Effie, Clifford, Grover. Came to St. Louis from Memphis, Tenn., in fall of 1892; became connected with Wear & Boogher Dry Goods Co. and later with the Carleton Dry Goods Co., continuing until Jan. 1, 1905; entered real estate business on Del- mar Boul., 1905, also has erected several apartment houses and two business blocks; in charge of real estate department of the Sav ings Trust Co.; president Central West In vestment Co. Member Civic League. Mason. Recreation: motoring. Offiee: 4935 Delmar Ave. Residence: 5578 Clemens Ave. GOEBBELS, Henry J., president St. Louis Housei Furnishing Co.; born, St. Louis, Sept. 3, 1863; son of Henry and Minnie (Funke) Goebbels; educated at Webster (public) School, six years, and Christian Brothers Acad emy three years; married, St. Louis, June 19, 1889, Annie Rothert; children: William (de ceased), Lester, Earl. Started in house fur nishing business in partnership with B. M. Cornwall, Jan. 20, 1890, and in August, 1892, incorporated the business as the St. Louis House Furnishing Co., of which has since been president. Republican. Catholic. Mem ber Knights of Pythias. Recreations: fishing and outdoor sports. Office: 902-906 Franklin Ave. Residence: 5508 Cabanne Ave. GOEKE, Frederick William, grain, flour and feed; born, St. Louis, June 30, 1850; son of Philip William and Sophia (Horstemeyer) Goeke; educated in parochial and public schools and Jones Commercial College; mar ried, St. Louis, Apr. 15, 1875, Anna Eliza Riecke; children: Pauline Sophia Wilhelmine, Frederick William, Jr., Oscar Henry, Herbert Edward, Alma Louise, Mildred Emilie Wil helmine, Viola Jessie Anna, Lillian Wilhelm ine. Began business career as a clerk on 2d St. in 1862, and in 1877 started in the com mission business on own account as F. W. Goeke & Co., in which (with William C. Dick inson as partner) is still engaged. Member Merchants' Exchange, German American Al liance. Republican. Served on military duty in street car strike, Socialer Turn Verein,, Jackson School Patrons' Association. Office: 22 N. 2d St. and Main and Sidney Sts. Resi-. dence: 1501 Monroe St. GOETTLER, Joseph Arthur, president M. Goettler Hat Co.; bom, St. Louis, Jan. 31, 232 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 1872; son of Michael and Catherine (Saal) Goettler; educated Madison (public) School, Johnson's Commercial College and Jones' Commercial College; married, St. Louis, July 17, 1902, Emelia Biedenstein. Began active career in connection with the wholesale and retail hat business established by his father in 1853; president M. Goettler Hat Co. since 1900; vice president Lafayette Bank. Director South Broadway Merchants' Association. Clubs: Liederkranz (director), Elks. Recrea tion: motoring. Office: 1260 S. Broadway. Residence: 1125 Rutger St. GOLDBACH, Joseph; see Vol. 1906. GOLDMAN, Jacob D., cotton merchant; born, Essenheim, Germany, Apr. 26, 1845; son of Damascus and Hannah (Meyer) Goldman; educated in High School in Mainz, Germany; married, New Orleans, 1871, Hannah Hirsch (died 1877); 2d, Jacksonport, Ark., 1880, to her sister, Sarah Hirsch (died 1894); 3d, At lantic City, Dec. 26, 1904, Helen Rohr, of Bal timore; children (by second marriage) : Alvin D., Margaret N., Florence. Served in Confed erate Army in Civil War; general country merchant in Arkansas, 1865-75; removed to St. Louis, 1875, and formed the Adler-Gold- man Commission Co., of which is president. In 1891, with Julius Lesser, started the Lesser- Goldman Cotton Co., of which is president; also president Arkansas Fertilizer Co., Little Rock, Ark., Levi Mercantile Co., Maiden, Mo., Goldman & Levi Land Co., Dunklin Co., Mo.; director St. Louis Cotton Compress Co.; mem ber of firm of Henry Wolf & Co., Brinkley, Ark. Democrat. Was captain of Missouri Mil itia, 1877-78. Jewish religion. Club: Colum bian. Recreation: traveling. Office: 112 S. Main St. Residence: 9 Hortense PL GOLDMAN, Morris, home furnisher; born, St. Louis, May 3, 1863; son of Samuel and Barbara (Mathes) Goldman; educated in public schools of Cincinnati; married, Cin cinnati, 1885, Sidonia Klein; children: Stan ley, Jerome, Gilbert. Reared in Cincinnati; returned to St. Louis in 1890; began business career with house of Rothschild Sons, furni ture, Cincinnati, 1880-85; then with Goldman, Speyer & Co., 1885-90; in 1890, with brothers Samuel and Louis, established in St. Louis present firm of Goldman Bros., furniture and household goods. Mason (32°), Shriner; mem ber B. P. O. Elks, Knights of Pythias. Rec reations: hunting and fishing. Offiee: 1104 Olive St. Residence: 5129 Washington Ave. GOLDMAN, Samuel, home furnisher; born, St. Louis, Nov. 1, 1855; son of Samuel and Barbara (Mathes) Goldman; educated in pub lic schools of St. Louis and Cincinnati; mar ried, St. Louis, May 10, 1885, Rachel Myer; children: Sidney, Roy S. Began business ca reer as clerk in a furniture store, and in 1885 established for self in small way in Cincinnati; returned to St. Louis with brothers in 1890; member firm of Goldman Brothers, general house furnishers, 1890-1910, since in business for self; vice president Franklin Avenue Im provement Association. Jewish religion; mem ber Young Men's Hebrew Association, Order of B'nai B'rith, and Royal League. Club: Missouri Athletic. Office: 700 Franklin Ave. Residence: 4450 Morgan St. GOLTERMAN, Guy, lawyer; bom, St. Louis, Aug. 22, 1879; son of Charles E. and Emma (Hock) Golterman; educated in public schools of St. Louis; studied law in Law Department, Washington University; married, St. Louis, Oct. 9, 1901, M. Zoe, daughter of Mayor E. A, Noonan; two children: Guy, Jr., and Edward Charles. Admitted to Missouri bar, 1898, and since in practice at St. Louis; special counsel for the city Health Department during graft investigation, 1905; promoted New Coliseum in St. Louis and is now counsel for the com pany. Democrat. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, St. Louis Amateur Athletic Association. Rec reations: music, literature, athletics. Office: 919 Victoria Bldg. Residence: 310 S. Euclid Avenue. GOLTRA, Edward Field, iron and steel; born, Jacksonville, 111., Dec. 29, 1862; son of Moore Compton and Evelina (Parsons) Goltra; prepared at Illinois College and Williston Seminary, Easthampton, Mass.; entered Princeton University, 1883, and was grad uated, A.B., 1887; married, Jacksonville, HI., May 31, 1888, Kate Mary Brown; children: Edward Field, Jr., William Brown. Since 1889 engaged in iron, steel, banking and railroad interests, now president Missouri Iron Co.; director Commonwealth Trust Co. Democrat. Clubs: St. Louis, University, St. Louis. Coun try (St. Louis), Lawyers', Calumet, New York Yacht Club (New York), University (Chicago). Favorite recreation: yachting. Office: 509 Olive St. Residence: 4416 Lindell Boulevard. GONTER, Harry Carpenter, treasurer Globe Printing Co.; born, St. Louis, Oct. 27, 1864; son of Charles G. and Elizabeth A. (Reilly) Gonter; educated in St. Louis public schools, graduating from Central High School, June 15, 1883; married, Lincoln, Neb., July 19, 1890, Josie Collins, of Cedar Co., Mo.; two children: Charles G., Helen S. Began business career with St. Louis Globe-Democrat circu lation and business departments, Aug. 2, 1886, and continued until 1899; since treasurer Globe Printing Co., publishers Globe-Democrat. Republican. Member Legion of Honor (Alpha Council). Recreation: billiards. Office: south west cor. 6th and Pine Sts. Residence: 4297 ore Ave. GOOD, Aaron H., real estate; born, St. Louis, Feb. 25, 1869; son of Louis H. and Henrietta (Bader) Good; educated in private THE BOOK OF ST! LOUISANS 233 German school at Farmington, Mo.; high school, Cleveland, O.; Jones Commercial Col lege, St. Louis, 1886; married, St. Louis, Mar. 1, 1905, Minnie Dagwell; one daughter, Hen rietta Elizabeth. Taught school at Farming- ton at sixteen; began business career in em ploy of J. J. Mullaly, stocks and bonds, and continued, 1886-92; then entered service of Julius Pitzman, city surveyor, and was identi fied with him for fifteen years; resigned, Jan uary, 1907, to engage in real estate business on own account. Member St. Louis Real Es tate Exchange. Member Royal Arcanum, Royal League, National Union. Recreations: bowl ing, billiards. Office: 204-205, 706 Chestnut St. Residence: 3950 Shenandoah Ave. *GOODALE, Charles Arthur, insurance; moved to Texas; see Vol. 1906. *GOODALE, Loomis Farrington; moved to Philippine Islands; see Vol. 1906. GOODALL, John Richards, fire insurance agent; born, Mount Carmel, O., June 24, 1859; son of Henry Worthum and Rhoda Evelyn (Richards) Goodall; educated in public schools of Delaware, O., and Ohio Wesleyan Univer sity, graduating, 1879; unmarried. After grad uation came to St. Louis, 1881; entered in surance office of W. H. Markham as clerk, early in 1882; admitted to firm of W. H. Markham & Co. about ten years later, and has ever since continued in that connection. Republican in National politics. Member Merchants' Exchange, Civic League. Meth odist. Clubs: University, Bellerive, Norman die, City. Favorite recreation: golf. Office: Pierce Bldg. Residence: 3737 Washington Boulevard. *GOODBAR, Alvan B.; moved to Brooklyn, N. Y.; see Vol. 1906. GOODBAR, James William, retired; born, Livingston, Overton Co., Tenn., May 17, 1850; son of Andrew J. and Susan J. (Cullom) Good- bar; educated in private schools in Livingston and Sparta, Tenn.; married, Nashville, Tenn., Jan. 22, 1875, Lucy Lester Terrass; one daugh ter: Mrs. Lucie Mae Goodbar Barton. Began business career as saleseman in wholesale shoe and hat house of Cook, Settle & Co., Nashville, Oct. 2,1 1867; firm of Goodbar, White & Co. was organized in Nashville in January, 1872, and became member of that firm; went to Memphis, 1877, and organized firm of Lind sey, Goodbar & Co., selling out Jan. 1, 1883; came to St. Louis and joined firm of Goodbar, White & Co., the members of which came from Nashville, firm changing, 1889, to Good- bar, White, Branch & Co.; on Jan. 1, 1892, became member of the corporation Scott, Force & Goodbar Hat Co.; and was elected vice president; corporation of Boogher, Force & Goodbar Hat Co. was organized Jan. 1, 1898, of which was second vice president until No vember, 1911, retired. Mason, Knight Tem- plaf. Residence: 3908 Westminster PL GOODE, James Browne; see Vol. 1906. GOODE, Richard Livingston, lawyer; born in Henry Co., Ky., Feb. 4, 1855; son of Wil liam Thomas and Martitia Elizabeth (Guth rie) Goode; attended public schools, Louis ville, Ky., academy at Jeffersontown, Ky.; came to Missouri with parents, 1868; clerked in stores and taught school until twentieth year, then attended Drury College' (M.A., LL.D.); married, Springfield, Mo., Apr. 22, 1885, Miss Estelle B. Maurer; children: Grace (Mrs. Chauncey H. Clarke), and Kathryn. Taught schools in Springfield, Mo., three years, two years as principal of high school, one year as superintendent, meantime studying law with Jere C. Cravens; admitted to bar, June 6, 1879; practiced law in Springfield, and was for twenty years in partnership with Jere C. Cravens; served one year as city attorney and six years as president of the school board at Springfield; on bench of Court of Appeals at St. Louis, 1901-Sept. 1, 1910; since counsel Mercantile Trust Co. and Mercantile National Bank. Professor of equity, Washington Uni versity, 1906-10. Member Missouri State Bar Association, Washington University Associa tion (executive committee), Kentucky Soci ety. Clubs: Contemporary, Noonday, City. Recreation: books. Office: 8th and Locust Sts. Residence: 4429 W. Pine Boul. GOODMAN, Charles H., physician; born. Rochester, N. Y., Aug. 4, 1844; son of Edmund O. and Clarissa H. Goodman; educated in pri vate school in Cincinnati, until 1860; private and public schools, St. Louis, 1860-64; gradu ated Yale College, A.B., 1867; M.D., Hahne mann Medical College of Pennsylvania, Phila delphia, 1869; married, Feb. 28, 1899, Ellen Farrar Duke. Engaged in general practice as homoeopathic physician in St. Louis since 1869. Member St. Louis Academy of Science, St. Louis Homoeopathic Medical Society, Mis souri State Homoeopathic Medical Society, American Institute of Homoeopathy. Clubs: St. Louis, Round Table. Recreations: music and art. Office: Lister Bldg., 4500 Olive St. Residence: Buckingham Hotel. GOODMAN, Daniel Carson, physician and author; born, Chicago, Aug. 24, 1882; son of Louis C. and Hannah (Adelman) Goodman; educated Aurora (111.) High School; M.D., Washington University, 1905; post-graduate study, University of Heidelberg and Univer sity of Vienna, 1906-10; unmarried. Began practice in St. Louis, 1905; specialist in treat ment of diseases of ear, nose and throat. Mem ber American Medical Association, St. Louis Medical Society, St. Louis Laryngological So ciety, Washington University Alumni Associa tion, Phi Beta Pi fraternity. Clubs: City, Missouri Athletic, Players'. Author: "Un- 234 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS clothed, ' ' 1912. A new novel, ' ' The Gift, ' ' will appear fall of 1912. Contributor of many "lit erary articles and short stories to magazines; also composer of many compositions for the piano, among them "Red and Black March," published 1898. Recreations: golf, cricket, horseback riding. Office: 309 Century Bldg. Residence: Buckingham Club. GOODMAN, Herman; see Vol. 1906. GOODNOW, Richard Frederick, real estate; born, Salina, Kan., Mar. 5, 1883; son of Frank and Kate (Brown) Goodnow; educated in grammar schools of Kansas City; under-grad- uates' department Washington University; four years' course in law; married, St. Louis, June 1, 1905, Alice Jones; two children: Rich ard F., Jr., Ada Katherine. Spent two years as clerk in grain elevator; began in real es tate business with Nicholls-Ritter Realty and Financial Co., 1899; member and secretary Nicholls-Ritter-Goodnow Realty Co. since July 1, 1911; also president Jogood Realty and Investment Co., January Realty and Building Co., Regis Realty and Building Co. Member Advertising Men's League, Business Men's League. Congregationalist. Trustee Congregational City Missionary Society, Chil dren 's Industrial Farm. Member Sons of Revolution, New England Society, Ohio So ciety. Mason (Royal Arch and Knight Tem plar). Clubs: City, Masonic. Recreation: mo toring. Office: 718 Chestnut St. Residence: Kirkwood, Mo. GOODRICH, Frederick Augustus, president Consolidated Saw Mills Co.; born, Pleasant Farm, Mo., Apr. 13, 1859; son of Isaac M. and Rebecca (Burlingame) Goodrich; educated in public schools of Missouri; Mound City Com mercial College, 1881; graduated from Valpa raiso (Ind.) Normal College, 1883; married, Detroit, Mich., Oct. 1, 1889, Louise A. Silk. After graduation, 1883, began business career with Charles Himrod & Co., pig iron mer chants, Chicago, first as bookkeeper and later as salesman; then partner with William F. Jarvis & Co., pig iron, Detroit, Mich.; in 1895 established business of F. A. Goodrich & Co., iron and steel, Detroit, of which was vice president and treasurer until 1911; in October, 1902, organized the St Louis house" of F. A. Goodrich Iron and Steel Co., pig iron, steel and coke, of which was president until 1911, when sold out; since in lumber business. Vice president and treasurer of C. M. Hayes & Co., Detroit. Resident of St. Louis since 1902. Re publican. Member Christian Church but at tends Congregationalist. Mason (32°), Shriner. Clubs: St. Louis, Mercantile, Noonday, Glen Echo Country. Recreations: golf and Euro pean travel. Office: 1206 Wright Bldg. Resi dence: Buckingham Club. *GOODSON, Columbus Polk, clergyman; removed from St. Louis, 1909; see Vol. 1906. GORDON, Edward Clifford, clergyman; born, Richmond, Va., Sept. 1, 1842; son of John Newton and Louisiana (Coleman) Gor don; educated University of Virginia; first lieutenant artillery, C. S. A., 1862-65; gradu ated Union Theological Seminary, Va., 1872; (D.D., Hampden-Sidney College, 1886); stu dent in mathematics, proctor, secretary of, fac ulty and treasurer, Washington College (now Washington and Lee University), 1867-69; married Mary Frances Bell, of Goshen, Va., Nov. 12, 1873. Ordained Presbyterian min istry, 1872; pastor Lebanon, Va., 1872, Savan nah, Ga., 1874-80, Salem, Va., 1880-88; profes sor Biblical history, 1892-98, president, 1894- 98, Westminster College; pastor, Lexington, Mo., 1898-1910;. secretary and treasurer Home Missions, Synod of Missouri, Presbyterian Church in the United States, since Jan. 1, 1911. Address: 5556 Von Versen Ave. GORE, Stephen A., secretary Missouri Glass Co.; born, St. Louis, Dee. 23, 1861; son of Stephen D. Gore (of the old fur trading and grocery business of Helf enstein, Gore & Co.) ; educated in Washington University; unmar ried. On leaving college became connected with the Missouri Glass Co. (established in 1850), jobbers of china, glass and queensware, of whicn is now secretary. Club: St. Louis. Office: 1723 Locust St. GORIN, Marcellus George, physician; born, Memphis, Mo., Feb. 28, 1871; son of Rev. Marcellus Gladden and Joanna (Knott) Gorin; graduated from St. Louis High School, 1890; M.D., Missouri Medical College (now Medical Department of Washington Univer sity), 1895; married, St. Louis, June 18, 1902, Elizabeth Lawver; two daughters: Virginia and Marcella. Engaged in practice of medi cine in St. Louis since 1895; senior surgical assistant St. Louis City Hospital, 1896-98; demonstrator of anatomy, Missouri Medical College, 1896-97. Member American and Mis souri State Medical associations, St. Louis Medical Society (chairman surgical section, 1911), Medical Society of City Hospital Alumni, Alumni of Medical Department of Washington University. Presbyterian. Club: Amateur Athletic Association. Recreation: golf. Office: Linmar Bldg. Residence: 5033 Fairmount Ave. GORLY, Vincent Joseph, president Grimm & Gorly, florists; born, St. Louis, June 3, 1877; son of Vincent J. and Catherine (Grimm) Gorly; educated in St. Louis paro chial schools and Christian Brothers College, to 1885; married, St. Louis, June 12, 1901, Mary M. Kuhn. Began business career as member firm of Grimm & Gorly, 1899; ac quired partner's interest, 1900; incorporated, 1909, and became president. Republican. Catholic. Member B. P. O. Elks, Royal League, Royal Arcanum. Clubs: Liederkranz, THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 235 Missouri Athletic, Mound City Rowing. Rec reation: traveling. Office: 702 Washington Ave. Residence: 3019 N. Taylor St. GOSHERT, Henry Dove; see Vol. 1906. GOSSRAU, Otto Jacob, banking; born, Al ton, 111., Aug. 10, 1872; son of Reinhold and Katherina (Herrmann) Gossrau; educated in German school and public schools to fourteen; Jones Commercial College; instructed in mu sic by father; married, Alton, Sept. 19, 1894, Minnie Joesting; one daughter, Irma. Was with father two years in coal business; after serving as clerk in grain commission house and assistant bookkeeper Dey Rubber Co., engaged in fire insurance and real estate busi ness at Alton for six years; city treasurer, 1894-1896, and city comptroller, 1896-99; lo cated in St. Louis, 1903, and advanced through various positions in Washington National Bank to paying teller; then assistant secre tary to secretary and treasurer Jefferson Gravois Trust Co.; assistant cashier South Side Bank since Apr. 19, 1909. Democrat. Protestant. Member Southwestern Mercantile Association; treasurer German School Society; president Rose Fanning School Patrons ' Asso ciation. Office: 2931 S. Broadway. Residence: 3731 Wyoming St. GOTTSCHALK, Frederick Frank, job print ing; see Vol. 1906. GOULD, Edward Melville, publisher; born, St. Louis, Jan. 8, 1874; son of David B. and ' Emma (Allen) Gould; descendant of Welsh ancestry; educated private schools, St. Louis; Cheltenham Military Academy, Philadelphia; Phillips Exeter Academy, N. H.; Kenyon Mili tary Academy and Kenyon College, Gambier, O., to age of eighteen; married, St. Louis, Nov. 14, 1900, Lillian R. Holmes. Began act ive career, 1892, in employ of father, founder of the Gould Directory Co., publishers of St. Louis and East St. Louis city directories; secretary of the company, 1895, president since death of father, 1901. Clubs: St. Louis, Racquet, Bellerive Country. Recreation: golf. Office: 1324 Washington Ave. Residence: 4628 Berlin Ave. GOULD, Edwin John, vice president The Ludlow-Saylor Wire Co.; born, St. Louis, Nov. 1, 1864; son of Edwin and Sophia (Fisher) Gould; educated in St. Louis public schools; graduated from Bryant & Stratton Business College; married, St. Louis, Apr. 15, 1886, Lydia Roetter. Began business career, June 1, 1881, in employ of The Ludlow-Saylor Wire1 Co. (established 1856), manufacturers of wire cloth, iron and wire work, and has remained with that company in various capacities ever since; from 1893 to 1900 director and superin tendent of the company, and since 1900 vice president and superintendent. Republican. Episcopalian. Mason (Kilwinning Lodge, A. F. & A. M.; Keystone Chapter, R. A. M.; As calon Commandery, K. T.). Office: Wabash R. R. and Newstead Ave. Residence: Buck ingham Annex. *GOULD, William Todd, broker; moved to California; see Vol. 1906. GRABINSKY, Samuel, manufacturer; de ceased; see Vol. 1906. GRACE, Bernard Eugene, real estate; born, St. Louis, Feb. 16, 1881; son of P. F. and Margaret (Keane) Grace; educated in St. Louis public schools, St. Louis High School, Benton College of Law and American Insti tute of Bankers (charter member). After graduation from St. Louis High School served five years in various capacities with LincQln Trust Co.; with William Grayson, Jr. & Co., 1905-06; in stock brokerage business, 1906- 07; now member of P. F. Grace & Sons Realty Co. Director of Western Whiting and Manu facturing Co. Catholic. Club: Missouri Ath letic. Office: 100 N. 8th St. Residence: 711 Goodfellow Ave. GRACE, Oliver James, real estate; see Vol. 1906. GRACE, Thomas Mortimer, real estate; born, St. Louis, July 16, 1870; son of Patrick F. and Margaret M. (Keane) Grace; educated in public schools, St. Louis University and Christian Brothers College, until 1889; mar ried. In real estate business during entire ca reer; became vice president of P. F. Grace & Sons Realty Co. on its incorporation and act ing president after death of father in 1905. Member St. Louis Real Estate Exchange. Catholic. Democrat. Club: Missouri Athletic (director). Office: 100 N. 8th St. Residence: 5792 Waterman Ave. GRADOLPH, William Frederick, electrical engineer and inventor; born, Toledo, O., Aug. 21, 1870; son of William Frederick and An toinette (Jacobs) Gradolph; attended public schools of Toledo, O., and Chicago; remainder of education secured through correspondence schools; married, Oct. 18, 1893, Cornelia Lar- gent, of Rockford, 111.; children: Clinton L., Veronica and Mabel. Engaged from 1886 to 1889 at Toledo in learning the optical busi ness, the manufacture of surveying instru ments, fitting eyeglasses, and manufacture of opera glasses; employed by Western Electric Co. in telephone switchboard department, 1890-92; in employ of Chicago Telephone Co. in various capacities, 1892-93; spent year on farm, 1894-95; in employ of Hudson River Telephone Co., of Albany, N. Y., 1895-1901; foreman in cable department American Elec tric Telephone Co., Chicago, 1901-03, leaving as superintendent; chief engineer Central Telephone and Electric Co., St. Louis, May, 1903, to January, 1905; gave up position to perfect an invention and organize corporation to control patents; engaged in business, March, 1905, by buying the American Elec- 236 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS trie Co. of St. Louis, general electric con struction, contracting and engineering, with a specialty of telephone engineering, of which was proprietor until 1907; organized, 1906, the Gradolph-Hahne Electric Co., of which was director until 1910, when it was merged into the International Gradolph Electric Co., of which became president. Associate of American Institute of Electrical Engineers; member American Technical Society, Ameri can Electro-Chemical Society. Episcopalian. Member B. P. O. Elks, I. O. R. M., Moose. Formerly served in National Guard of New York, and other military organizations. Clubs: Gilbert Lake Hunting and Fishing, Edrus. Favorite recreations : hunting and fishing. Of fice: 913-914 Chemical Bldg. ^Residence: 4399 Forest Park Boul. GRADWOHL, Rutherford Birchard Hayes, physician; born, Baltimore, Md., Mar. 4, 1877; son of Emanuel C. and Sarah (Wetzler) Gradwohl; educated in public schools; St. Louis High School; M.D., Medical Department of Washington University, 1898; post-gradu ate work in University of Berlin and of the Pasteur Institute at Paris; married, St. Louis, Mar. 23, 1903, Fannie Lederer. Was interne at the City Hospital of St. Louis, 1898-99, then, after travel and study abroad, began practice in St. Louis as regular physician, in connection with bacteriological and patho logical laboratory work. Was autopsy physi cian of coroner's office of St. Louis, 1902-05. Member St. Louis Medical Society, Medical Society of City Hospital Alumni, Missouri State Medical Association, American Medical Association. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, City. Recreations: handball and swimming. Office: 222-224 Victoria Bldg. Residence: 5269 Ver non Avenue. GRADY, Henry Douglas, physician; see Vol. 1906. GRAF, Adolph August, secretary and treas urer A., Graf Distilling Co.; born, St. Louis, Nov. 8, 1873; son of August and Sophia (Rauer) Graf; educated in Madison (public) School and Smith Academy, St. Louis; un married. On leaving school, May 25, 1890, be came connected with A. Graf Distilling Co., of which is secretary and treasurer. Also di rector Broadway Building and Loan Associa: tion, Glencoe Distilling Co., of Louisville, Ky., and Broadway Investment Co. Member South St. Louis Turn Verein, South Broadway Mer chants' Association. Catholic. Republican. Office: 1240 S. 7th St. Residence: 1327 S. 7th Street. GRAF, Louis John, president A. Graf Dis tilling Co.; born, St. Louis, Oct. 8, 1877; son of August and Sophia (Rauer) Graf; educated in public and high schools, graduating 1895; then took commercial course in Bryant & Stratton College; married, Memphis, Tenn., February, 1905, Lucile Bass; one son, Louis J., Jr. Learned the distilling business under father, and after father's death, 1905, suc ceeded him as president of the A. Graf Dis tilling Co., which was incorporated in 1901. Republican. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Lieder kranz, Western Rowing, Gilead Hunting and Fishing. Recreations: baseball, fishing. Of fice: 1240 S. 7th St. Residence: 3622 Arsenal Street. GRAFEMAN, William, president Grafeman Dairy Co.; born, St. Louis, Nov. 24, 1861; son of William and Augustina Grafeman; edu cated in schools of St. Louis; married, St. Louis, 1888, to Miss Julia Mannebach; three children: Edith, Frank, Adele. Began busi ness career when fifteen years of age as driver of a milk wagon in St. Louis, later went west, and for a year resided at Albu querque, N. M.; returned to St. Louis, and, in January, 1883, engaged in the dairy busi ness in this city, incorporating business in January, 1894, as Grafeman Dairy Co., whole sale and retail dealers in ice cream and dairy products and manufacturers of condensed milk, of which company is president. Also president Hotel Buckingham; director St. Louis Catering Co., Mercantile Oil and Sup ply Co., and stockholder in numerous other corporations. Member Merchants' Exchange. Clubs: Buckingham, Mercantile. Recreation: traveling. Office: 2101 Morgan St. Residence: ' 2711 N. Grand Ave. GRAHAM, David Taylor, president Colum bia Novelty Manufacturing Co.; born, Lind- ley, Grundy Co., Mo., Dec. 14, 1857; son of Dr. George and Martha J. (Dobbins) Gra ham; educated in public schools of Gentry- ville, Mo., and Bayliss Commercial College, Keokuk, la., graduating, Dec. 26, 1876, as Master of Accounts; married, Gentry ville, Nov. 7, 1876, Mary C. McMillen (died 1906) ; 2d, Maude F. Grainger, of Illinois, Oct. 11, 1908; four sons by first marriage, all grown and associated with father in business; names: Dr. Thomas E., George, Willard W. and Grover C. Began active career in father 's woolen mill at Gentryville at age of sixteen (mill burned, no insurance, 1881); built mill at Lindley, Mo., but later sold out and bought mill with father at Trenton, Mo. (storm of 1883 blew this mill into the Grand River, in volving total loss); in flour and feed business at Trenton for several years; came to St. Louis, 1892, to start all over again; secured position as city salesman for Hall & Brown; now president and treasurer Columbia Nov elty Manufacturing Co., manufacturers of stag steel belt hooks and other metal fasten ers for machine belts. Democrat; served two terms of two years each as clerk of City Coun cil, Trenton, Mo. Member Christian (Dis ciples) Church. Office: 1431-1435 N. 8th St. Residence: 1302 Howard St. THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 237 GRAHAM, Henry Brown, wholesale paper; born, St. Louis, Apr. 12, 1875; son of Henry B. and Elvira (Price) Graham; educated Uni versity School, Cleveland, O., and Massachu setts Institute of Technology, Boston; mar ried, 3d, June, 1912, Miss Alice Bowerman, of Springfield, 111.; children, by former mar riages: Dorothy Moore, Marjorie Price, Henry B. In wholesale paper business since Febru ary, 1898, with Graham Paper Co., of which is secretary and director; president Bagnell Au tomobile Co. Member Sigma Chi (Alpha Theta Chapter). Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Mercan tile, Normandie Golf, Bellerive. Recreations: fishing, hunting, automobiling, photographv. Office: 1018 Spruce St. ''GRAHAM, Joseph Alexander, managing editor; moved to Salisbury, Md. ; see Vol. 1906. GRAHAM, Joseph P., president Graham Lumber Co.; born, Fredericktown, Mo., Mar. 24, 1863; son of Judge E. L. and Mary C. (Whitener) Graham; educated in public schools and Gem City Business College, Quincy, 111.; married, Celina, Tex., Dec. 22, 1888, Cora Tidwell; three children: Ethel, Ed gar, Edna. Entered lumber business at twenty- three years of age, at Doe Run, Francois Co., Mo.; traveling salesman Huttig Sash and Door Co., 1894-1903; organized Graham, Lum ber Co., 1904, of which has been president since incorporation; director Bankers Trust Co. Member Business Men's League. Inde pendent Democrat. Baptist. Mason (32°), Shriner. Club: Mercantile. Recreation: church work. Offiee: 614 Wright Bldg. Residence: 4019 Washington Boul. GRAM, Barnett, manufacturer and import er of furs; born in Russia, Dec. 23, 1868; son of Philip and Rachel Gram; educated in schools of Tilsit, Germany; came to United States in 1885; married, St. Louis, Mar. 12, 1908, Jennie Nassauer; two daughters: Ruth Mildred and Myra. Traveled as peddler, then engaged in business in Chicago, 1890, for one year, as Joshel & Gram, general merchandise; entered retail business for self in 1891; mem ber Jacob Shurman & Co., Geneva, HI., 1891- 93; then in general merchandise business un til 1894; was president of The Leader of El gin, at Elgin, 111.; engaged in the manufac ture of hats and caps, in St. Louis, 1896, un der the firm name of Gram & Glass, until 1904, then alone in business until 1905; from 1905 to 1910 president firm of Barnett & Glass; organized, May 5, 1911, the Hudson Bay Fur Co., of which is president. Member Masonic orders, Knights of Pythias, Travel ers' Protective Association. Office: 704 Wash ington Ave. Residence: 5512 Maple Ave. GRANT, Alexander David, broker, bonds and stocks; born, St. Paul, Minn., Oct. 31, 1867; son of Alexander M. and Mary (Lillis) Grant; educated in public schools; graduated from Central High School, St. Louis, 1886; married, St. Louis, Aug. 4, 1909, Katheryne M. Schultz; two children: Alexander D., Jr., and Ralph H. In bond business with W. C. Little & Co., St. Louis, 1886-88; with A. G. Edwards & Son, 1888-94; secretary A. G. Ed wards & Sons Brokerage Co., 1894-1902; in business on own account since 1902. Secretary St. Louis Stock Exchange since 1896. Repub lican. Presbyterian. Mason; member Occi dental Lodge No. 163, A. F. & A. M.; St. Louis Chapter No. 8, R. A. M.; St. Aldemar Com mandery No. 18, K. T. (recorder); Scottish Rite K. C. C. H.; Moolah Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S. (Past Potentate.) Club: Rotary (secre tary). Recreations: baseball and other ath letic sports. Office: 411 Olive St. Residence: 5172 Maple Ave. GRANT, John M., physician; born, Wil liamsburg, Mo., Jan. 11, 1864; son of Samuel and Martha V. (Yates) Grant; B.S., West minster College, 1886; M.D., Missouri Medical College, 1889; married, St. Louis, 1893, Mrs. Ida C. Streiff; children: Emily (Mrs. Albert W. Collier), Walter, Ida, Samuel, John, Ed ward. Engaged in general practice in St. Louis since 1889; associate surgeon, Jewish Hospital. Member St. Louis Medical Society, American Medical Association, City Hospital Medical Society, Washington University Alumni Association. Presbyterian. Club: St. Louis. Recreation: fishing. Office: 536 N. Taylor Ave. Residence: 5053 Westminster PI. GRANT, Lee Wiley, lawyer; born, St. Louis, Jan. 17, 1863; son of Barton S. and Frances A. (Palmer) Grant; graduated from St. Louis High School, 1881; A.B., Washing ton University, 1885; student St. Louis Law School, 1885-86; married, St. Louis, Jan. 21, 1891, Zoe R. Nelson; children: Barton N., Irma F., Esther R., Romaine P., Lee Donald. Admitted to bar June, 1886, and since en-. gaged in general practice of law; since May, 1899, senior member of law firm of Grant, Carroll & Kennedy. Member American, Mis souri State and St. Louis Bar associations, Sons of the Revolution. Democrat. Member Christian (Disciples) Church. Clubs: Mercan tile, Normandie Golf. Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner; member Maccabees. Office: 910 Carleton Bldg. Residence: 5710 Maple Avenue. GRANT, Robert Bower, boots and shoes; see Vol. 1906. GRATH, Walter Paul, president Illinois Supply and Construction Co.; bom, St. Louis, Nov. 4, 1863; son of Charles and Mary (Troutman) Grath; educated in public schools of St. Louis from ages seven to fourteen; married, St. Louis, May 30, 1902, Adeline Teuteberg. Began as office boy for Hydraulic Press Brick Co., remaining in various posi- 238 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS tions until 1891, when organized and became president of the Illinois Supply and Construc tion Co., press brick machinery, roofing tile machinery and builders ' supplies. Republican. Favorite recreation: literature. Office: 722 Century Bldg. Residence: 4564 A Laclede Ave. GRATIOT, Charles Billon, retired physi cian; born, St. Louis, Apr. 3, 1828; son of Paul M. and Virginia J. (Billon) Gratiot; educated in private school of Elihu Sheppard, 1835-36, Jesuit College on Washington Ave., 1838-39, then in private school of Father Jem- mison; began reading medicine in office of Dr. Thos. J. White, 1845; M.D., Missouri Medical College, 1849; married, in Franklin Co., Mo., Oct. 2, 1867, Edith Thornburgh. Began prac tice with the appearance of the cholera epi demic in spring of 1849; becoming broken in health from excessive work, for purpose of recuperation made trip on horseback from St. Louis to Sacramento in 150 days, remaining four years in mining districts of California; returned to St. Louis and engaged in general practice of medicine until retired about 1900. Residence: 6101 W. Park Ave. GRATZ, Benjamin, manufacturer of bag ging; born, Lexington, Ky., Feb. 26, 1851; son of Henry Howard and Minerva (Campbell) Gratz; educated at Kentucky University; married, Mansfield, La., Miss Clifford Bryan; five children: Hermine (Mrs. Edw. Howe Watson), Clifford B., Archibald Cary, Marion, Helen. Since 1874 engaged in manufacturing in St. Louis, and now member of the firm of Warren, Jones & Gratz. Also officer and di rector in various other corporations. Clubs: St. Louis, University, Noonday, St. Louis Country, Commercial, Bellerive, Racquet. Rec reation: golf. Office: Rialto Bldg. Residence: 5155 Lindell Boul. GRAUL, Henry Philip, physician; born, Burton, Tex., Jan, 31, 1881; son of Jacob and Wilhelmine (Stork) Graul; attended public schools of Fayette Co., Tex., until eighteen years of age; then entered Lutheran College, Brenham, Tex., pursuing an academic course for three years; came to St. Louis in 1900 and matriculated in Marion Sims College (now Medical Department of St. Louis University), graduating with degree of M.D., 1905; mar ried, Haven, Kan., June 14, 1911, Alice A. Hafner; one son, Henry Carl Robert, Jr. Has engaged in general practice in St. Louis since June, 1905. Republican. Member Evangelical Lutheran (English) Church. Member Ameri can Medical Association, Missouri State Med ical Association, St. Louis Medical Society. Recreation: motor touring. Office: 3353 Ne braska Ave. Residence: 3357 Nebraska Ave. GRAVES, Hugh Scott, coal and coke; born, Washington, D. O, Sept. 21, 1877; son of Wil liam P. and Hettie Richie (Scott) Graves; educated in public schools; married, St. Louis, June 1, 1904, Carmi Niemeyer; three children: Martha H., Hugh Scott, Jr., Emily Preston. On leaving school entered the coal business and in 1894 became identified with the Mis souri and Illinois Coal Co., of which was sec retary, 1899 to 1911; since member of Graves Coal and Coke Co. Episcopalian. Favorite recreations: tennis, literature. Office: 1315 Wright Bldg. Residence: 1224 Temple PL GRAVES, Spencer Coleman, surgeon; born in Montgomery Co., Ky., June 6, 1858; son of Dr. George O. and Keziah French (Hood) Graves; educated in country schools of Fay ette Co., Ky., Center College, Danville, Ky., and Cornell University; M.D., College of Phy sicians and Surgeons, New York City, 1884; unmarried. House surgeon Charity Hospital, New York City, eighteen months: located in St. Louis, 1887, and has since engaged in gen eral practice of surgery in this city. Member American Medical Association, St. Louis Med ical Society. Protestant. Recreations: hunt ing and fishing; study of languages, and chess. Office: 4500 Olive St. Residence: Buckingham Hotel. GRAVES, William Elliott, wholesale com mission merchant in china and fancy goods; born in Morristown, Tenn., Sept. 15, 1874; son of John Fielding and Mary (Carriger) Graves; graduated from Morristown (Tenn.) High School, and from Southern Business College, Asheville, N. C; also two years a student at Carson and Newman College, Mossy Creek, Tenn.; married, Nashville, Tenn., May 22, 1900, Mary Yandell Kelly. Began a general wholesale commission business during year 1896 covering southern territory, representing several eastern factories in queensware and fancy goods; operates under the name of American Factories Co. Democrat. Methodist. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Amateur Athletic Association. Favorite recreations: tennis, golf . Office: 907 Syndicate Trust Bldg. Residence: 5149 Westminster PL GRAVES, William Washington, physician; born, La Grange, Oldham Co., Ky., Nov. 13, 1865; son of David William and Julia A. (Crockett) Graves; educated in public and high schools and by private instruction at Montgomery City, Mo.; M.D., College of Phy sicians and Surgeons, St. Louis, 1888; mar ried, St. Louis, June 9, 1891, Helena J. Ses- singhaus. Clerk in general store, Montgomery City, Mo., 1882-84; taught school in Bollinger Co., Mo., two terms and then took up study of medicine; after graduation was engaged in general practice of medicine in St. Louis un til 1901; then went to Europe and engaged in study of nervous and mental diseases in uni versities and hospitals for three years; re turned to St. Louis, 1904, and has since made a specialty of those diseases. Assistant pro fessor in nervous and mental diseases, Medical THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 239 Department of St. Louis University. Member St. Louis Medical Society, St. Louis Neuro logical Society,. Missouri State Medical Asso ciation, American Medical Association. Demo crat. Mason (32°). Office: Metropolitan Bldg., Grand Ave. and Olive St. Residence: 5136 Von Versen Ave. *GRAY, Carl Raymond, railway official; moved to Portland, Ore.; see Vol. 1906. GRAY, Charles McLaughlin, president Gray-Wimmer Construction Co.; bom, Olney, 111., Sept. 15, 1868; son of Charles Corwin and Frances Margaret (McBride) Gray; gradu ated from public schools; married, August, 1911, Mrs. Isabel Carew; children (by pre vious marriage): Lawrence Corwin, Amelia Ruth, Donald McLaughlin. Resident of East St.' Louis since 1887; worked as journeyman carpenter there for three years, then began business for self as general contractor, and continued in same, organizing, in 1898, the Southern Illinois Construction Co., of which was secretary and manager until September, 1911; since president of Gray-Wimmer Con struction Co. Also president of the Sekking- Gray Realty and Investment Co. Member Business Men's League. Presbyterian. Mason (Royal Arch); member B. P. O. Elks, Odd Fellows. Clubs: Mercantile, Missouri Athletic (St. Louis), Commercial (East St. Louis). - Office: 407 N. 8th St., St. Louis. Residence: 1238 St. Louis Ave., East St. Louis. GRAY, Edward, civil engineer; born, Bel fast, Ireland, Dec. 6, 1877; son of James and Margaret Gray; received public school and technical education; married, Princeton, Ind., 1901, to Miss Lilly B. Branham; one daughter, Janice. In 1897 engaged in practice of land and municipal engineering; since 1898 in service of Louisville, Evansville & St. Louis Consolidated R. R. and its successor, the Southern Railway Co., as engineer of mainte nance of way, residing in St. Louis since 1902. Also was engaged, in 1907 and 1908, in municipal engineering and designing of sani tary sewerage systems. Member American Railway Engineering and Maintenance of Way Association, American Society of Civil Engineers, St. Louis Engineers ' Club. Demo crat. Protestant. Recreation: fishing. Offiee: 718 Chemical Bldg. GRAY, Herrick Johnson, investment securi ties; born, St. Louis, Nov. 23, 1873; son of N. Oscar and Mary T. (Johnson) Gray; educated in Smith Academy, Manual Training School, Washington University and Rugby Academy; married, St. Louis, Mar. 16, 1903, Mae Allen. After leaving school was in employ of Gree- ley-Burnham Grocery Co. for five years; trav eled abroad for one year; returned to St. Louis and entered soda fountain business with American Soda Fountain Co. 's St. Louis branch, eight years; vice president and gen eral manager St. Louis Carbonating and Manufacturing Co., 1902-10; now associated in business with John Nickerson, Jr. Repub lican; formerly member Battery A, First Regiment, ' Light Artillery, Missouri National Guard. Presbyterian. Mason (32°), Shriner; Past Chancellor and Past Deputy Grand Chan cellor of Missouri, Knights of Pythias; mem ber Knights of Khorassan. Club: Mercantile. Offiee: 405 Olive St. Residence: 4443 W. Belle Place. *GRAY, James Richard, clerk of courts; moved to California; see Vol. 1906. GRAY, William, general freight agent Chi cago, Burlington & Quincy Railway Co.; bora, Boston, Dec. 14, 1861; son of William and Catherine (Cunningham) Gray; educated in public schools in Boston, and Roxbury Latin School; married, Joplin, Mo., 1892, Miss Lallie Newman; one daughter, Frances. Clerk and salesman in dry goods commission house in Boston, 1880-86; clerk in general office of the Chicago, Burlington & Northern R. R., at St. Paul, Minn., February, 1886, to September, 1888; since September, 1888, with Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Ry. at St. Louis, suc cessively contracting freight agent, general agent, assistant general freight agent and, since December, 1902, as general freight agent. Member Business Men's League. Clubs: St. Louis, Racquet, Bellerive Country, Noon day, The Traffic (St. Louis), Benton (St. Jo seph, Mo.). Recreation: golf. Office: 208 N. Broadway. Residence: 5295 Waterman Ave. GRAY, William H.; see Vol. 1906. GRAYSON, William, Jr.; born, St. Louis, Oct. 4, 1878; son of William and Josephine (Hardey) Grayson; graduated from Smith Academy, 1896; University of Michigan, 1901; married, St. Louis, Apr. 10, 1902, Grace E., daughter of H. S. Priest; children: Elizabeth Parcell and Francis Priest. Was engaged in the stock brokerage business for several years previous to becoming president Louisville Base Ball Club. Director Grayson-McLeod Lumber Co. Republican. Presbyterian. Club: Mercantile. Office: 911 Wright Bldg. Resi dence: 4540 McPherson Ave. GREEN, Allen P.; see Vol. 1906. GREEN, Charles, real estate; 1838-1907; see Vol. 1906. GREEN, Edwin F., vice president and treasurer Stephens Lithographing and En graving Co.; born, London, England, Oct. 17, 1865; son of Caleb and Jane E. (Brown) Green; father naturalized in St. Louis about 1850, returning to England shortly after mar riage; educated in private schools in London; married, Old Orchard, Mo-., Nov. 23, 1898, Jennie M. Hill; children: George Arnold, Mary Rayner, Edwin Essex. Began business career in office of R. H. Thompson & Co., Lon- 240 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS don Bridge, London, England, shippers, 1880- 83; with Meacham Arms Co., St. Louis, 1883- 89; since 1889 connected with Stephens Litho graphing and Engraving, Co., of which has been vice president and treasurer since 1894. Independent in politics. Presbyterian. Mem ber Missouri Historical Society. Clubs: St. Louis, Normandie Golf. Recreation: golf. Of fice: 420 N. 2d St. Residence: 5564 Bartmei Avenue. GREEN, Francis X., real estate; born, St. Louis, Dec. 3, 1872; son of Charles and Hen rietta (Prenatt) Green; A.B., St. Louis Uni versity, 1895, A.M., 1897; unmarried. Asso ciated with father in real estate business un der firm name of Green & LaMotte, and later with Charles Green Real Estate Co.; was for a short time with St. Louis & Suburban Ry. and afterwards conducted real estate and in surance business on own account; with Com monwealth Trust Co. since December, 1911. Democrat. Catholic. Member Knights of Co lumbus. Was first lieutenant Missouri Infan try, resigned, 1910. Recreations: sailing, ten nis. Offiee: Broadway and Olive St. Resi dence: 1817 Longfellow Boul. GREEN, Hoyt H., president Green Car Wheel Manufacturing Co.; born, Colerain, Mass., Sept. 15, 1836; son of Square and Cath erine (Ayers) Green; educated in public schools; married, St. Louis, 1861, Julia Moore; children: Grace (Mrs. H. E. Hayes, of Cleve land, O.), Kenneth L. Learned trade in foun dry of George W. Sizer & Co., Cleveland, 1852- 54; went to Cincinnati with Mowry Car Wheel Works Co., and in 1856 came to St. Louis, starting with brother, D. P. Green, and later becoming partner under firm name of D. P. Green & Co., until 1864, when the busi ness was incorporated as Green Car Wheel Manufacturing Co. Also president American Hardwood Lumber Co.; vice president Wil liams Patent Crusher and Pulverizer Co. Re publican. Was member Missouri Home Guard during Civil War. Congregationalist. Mem ber of Masonic orders. Club: Mercantile. Recreation: traveling. Office: 9th and Dock Sts. Residence: 56 Kingsbury PL GREEN, James, chairman board of direct ors Laelede-Christy Clay Products Co.; born in Staffordshire, England, Sept. 23, 1829; son of William and Sophia (Guest) Green; edu cated in England, and learned trade of iron worker there; married, Worcestershire, Eng land, 1850, Sarah Talbot (now deceased); children: James, Jr., Thomas, Laura (de ceased); married, 2d, 1872, at St. Louis, May Weller (now deceased); children: Jack L., Mabel (Mrs. Walter D. Thompson) and Har old Rumsey. Came to America Mar. 2, 1852, and for several years worked at trade, in charge of several rolling mills in eastern states; came to St. Louis, 1857, and was in charge of Laclede Rolling Mills until 1874. Began manufacture of fire brick in 1865, and in 1869 the business was incorporated as Laclede Fire Brick Manufacturing Co., of which was president until 1909, when the firm name was changed to Laelede-Christy Clay Products Co., and he became chairman board of directors. Also director Mechanics-Ameri can National Bank, Commonwealth Trust Co. Enlisted in the Missouri State Militia in 1861, and in short time became lieutenant of a company, serving until close of war. Scot tish Rite Mason (Beacon Lodge, St. Aldemar Commandery, K. T.). Clubs: St. Louis, Noon day. Recreation: traveling. Residence: 5045 Lindell Boul. GREEN, James F., lawyer; born, Hillsboro, Mo., Mar. 9, 1856; son of Abner and Mary (Chapman; Green; educated in public schools and under private tutelage; married, Hills boro, Mar. 28, 1883, Essie Tetley; four sons: Leslie C, Ernest A., George H., Arthur W. Admitted to Missouri bar, 1878, and began* practice at Hillsboro; elected prosecuting at torney of Jefferson Co., 1880, and reelected, 1882, 1884, 1886 and 1888, serving for ten years; appointed by Governor Francis, 1890, as circuit judge Twenty-first Judicial Circuit, to fill unexpired term of Judge John L. Thomas (appointed judge Supreme Court of Missouri), and elected for full term of six years, 1892-98; appointed attorney St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern Railway Co., 1899; assistant general attorney Missouri Pacific Railway Co. since 1911. Member Missouri State and St. Louis Bar associations. Demo crat; delegate from Thirteenth District to Democratic National Convention, Chicago, 1896. President Missouri Conference of Judges for several years. Presbyterian. Mason, Knight Templar. Recreations: hunting, fishing, the ater, baseball. Offiee: 705 Market St. Resi dence: 6189 Kingsbury Boul. GREEN, John, A.M., M.D., LL.D.; born, Worcester, Mass., Apr. 2, 1835; son of James and Elizabeth (Swett) Green; graduated from Harvard, A.B., 1855, S.B., 1856, A.M., 1859, M.D., 1866; studied medicine at Cambridge and Boston, Mass., and in Europe, 1855-1860; resided in Boston, 1861-65; married, Oct. 23, 1868, Harriet Louisa, daughter of George Washington and Caroline (Partridge) Jones, Templeton, Mass.; children: John and Eliza beth. In medical service of Western Sanitary Commission and of U. S. Sanitary Commis sion, 1862, and acting assistant surgeon Armies of the Tennessee and in Maryland. Studied again in Europe, 1865-66; removed to St. Louis, 1866. Professor ophthalmology in St. Louis Medical College (Washington University), 1886. Clubs: University, Harv ard Club of St. Louis, Bound Table, Town and Gown, etc. Address: 2670 Washington Ave., and 520 Metropolitan Bldg. THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 241 GREEN, John, Jr., physician; bom, Tem- pleton, Mass., Aug. 2, 1873; son of John and Harriet Louisa (Jones) Green; A.B., Harvard University, 1894; M.D, Medical Department, Washington University, 1898; married, St. Louis, Oct. 29, 1902, Lucretia H. Sturgeon. Engaged in practice in St. Louis since 1898. Member St. Lpuis Medical Society (censor, 1910-12), Medical Society of City Hospital Alumni (president, 1905), American Medical Association, American Academy of Ophthal mology and Oto-Laryngology. Clubs: Univer sity, City. Office: 625 Metropolitan Bldg., Olive St. and Grand Ave. Residence: 243 West-gate. Ave., Parkview. GREEN, John Findley, lawyer; born in Clinton Co., Mo., Feb. 14, 1864; son of Cyrus E. #nd Wilmoth (Moberly) Green; graduated from Westminster College, Fulton, Mo., 1884; St. Louis Law School, 1888-90; married, St. Louis, 1893, Eleanor Ibbotson; children: Rae- burn, Estill, Wilmoth, Kathleen. Admitted to bar in 1890, and has since been engaged in general practice; since 1901 member of law firm of Judson & Green. Member St. Louis and American Bar associations. Democrat. Presbyterian. Member Knights of Pythias, Legion of Honor. Office: Rialto Bldg. Resi dence: 5621 Von Versen Ave.. GREEN, John Leigh, president Laelede- Christy clay Products Co.; born, St. Louis, Nov. 5, 1873; son of James B. and Marion Julia (Weller) Green; attended St. Louis pub lic schools four years, a private school two years, Wyman Institute six years and Smith Academy one year; then entered Washington University, where he continued one year; ma triculating in Princeton University, he prose cuted his studies for four years, graduating With degree of C.E., 1897; married, Buffalo, N. Y., June 6, 1899, Sarah Sloan; four children: Elsie Sims, Marian Emma, Sallie Sloan, John James. Began active career in employ of the Helmbacher Forge and Rolling Mill Co., con tinuing for five years and advancing to posi tion of. vice president; in 1903 was elected vice president Laclede Fire Brick Co. (estab lished by father), which was amalgamated, 1907, with Christy Fire Clay Co. under title of Laelede-Christy Clay Products Co., hi which was elected vice president; president same since February, 1911; director Common wealth Trust Co. Democrat. Member Amer ican Ceramic Society, Civic League, Business Men's League. Clubs: Glen Echo and Noon day. Recreations: hunting and fishing. Office: Manchester and Sulphur Sts. Residence: 5514 Clemens Ave. GREEN, Kenneth Lemoine, treasurer Green Car Wheel Manufacturing Co. ; born, St. Louis, Sept. 6, 1876; son of Hoyt H. and Julia (Moore) Green; educated in public schools and Smith Academy; married, St. Louis, Nov. 27, 1901, Lucy Scudder; one son: Kenneth L., Jr. Learned the foundry business practically in the foundry of the Green Car Wheel Manu facturing Co., and in 1900 was elected to present position of treasurer of the company. Also president Mowry Car Wheel Works, of Cincinnati. Republican. Congregationalist. Clubs: St. Louis, Bellerive Country. Recrea tion: golf. Office: 9th and Dock Sts. Resi dence: 56 Kingsbury PI. GREEN, Menko E., millinery; born, St. Louis, Feb. 14, 1864; son of Louis E. and Betty Green; educated in St. Louis public schools; unmarried. Began business career in employ of L. Bauman Jewelry Co., 1879-81; with Rosenthal-Sloan Millinery Co. as sales man, 1881-85; since 1885 in retail millinery business as member of firm of L. E. Green & Son, first at 604 Franklin Ave., then at south west corner of Broadway and Washington Ave., 1891, and since 1901 at present location. Republican. Jewish religion. Clubs: Mercan tile, Columbian, City, Westwood Country. Rec reation: motoring. Office: 408 N. Broadway. Residence: 4364 Delmar Boul. GREEN, Samuel McKnight, Jr., superin tendent of Missouri School for Blind; born, Cape Girardeau Co., Mo., Aug. 11, 1867; son of Samuel McKnight and Jane Elizabeth (Johnson) Green; educated in public schools of Cape Girardeau and graduated from Third District State Normal School, at Cape Girar deau, with degree, B.S.D., 1885; married, 1899, Emma, daughter of Maj. William D. Lumpkin, of Memphis, Tenn. After graduation taught four years in public schools of Missouri; be came principal of literary department of Mis souri School for the Blind, 1890, and since 1899 has been superintendent of the school. Member National Association of Charities and Correction, National Educational Association, National and State Conference of Charities and Corrections, American Association of Workers for the Blind, American Instructors of the Blind (executive committee), Missouri Association for the Blind (executive commit tee), Sons of the American Revolution. Demo crat. Baptist. Club: City. Office and Resi dence: 3815 Magnolia Ave. GREENSFELDER, Bernard, lawyer; born, Baltimore, Md., June 27, 1871; son of M. B. and Carrie B. (Levi) Greensfelder; educated in public schools and St. Louis Law School; married, Apr. 24, 1906, Martha Kalter; one son: Edward B. Admitted to bar in June, 1895, and since engaged in general practice in St. Louis. Member Missouri Historical So ciety, American, Missouri State and St. Louis Bar associations. Republican. President United Jewish Educational and Charitable Association; secretary Jewish Charitable and Educational Union. Clubs: City, Columbian, Westwood Country. Office: 415 Locust St. Residence: 5175 Cabanne Ave. 242 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS GREENSFELDER, Joseph B., lawyer; born, Baltimore, Md., Mar. 2, 1851; son of Bernard and Helen (Sutro) Greensfelder; educated Baltimore High School and St. Louis Law School; married, St. Louis', 1875, Ella Marx (died 1882); 2d, 1885, Sara Meyer, of Phila delphia; three children: Harry, Ella Belle (Mrs. Ralph Cohen, of Spokane, Wash.), Nel son Sutro. Came to St. Louis, 1875, and en tered wholesale drug business; established business in own name as dealer in sponges and chamois, 1885; began farming in St. Louis County, 1890. Opened justice's office in Clay ton, and was admitted to bar, 1894; married about 6,000 couples, and made Clayton the "Gretna Green" of Missouri, continuing as justice of the peace, 1894-1906. Treasurer and vice president St. Louis County Mercantile Agency Co.; -director Kirkwood Trust Co., St. Louis County Land and Title Co.; vice presi dent Kirkwood Laundry Co. Republican. Jew ish religion. Was first president Young Men's Hebrew Association, St. Louis; first president Hebrew Free Industrial School, St. Louis; for four years president school board, Olivette, St. Louis County. Mason. Clubs: Mercantile, City, Glen Echo Golf. Recreation: golf. Office: Clayton, Mo. Residence: Kirkwood, Mo. GREENWOOD, Moses, Jr., real estate; see Vol. 1906. GREENWOOD, Moses M., retired; born, Hubbardston, Worcester Co., Mass., June 20, 1834; son of Moses and Adeline (Ayres) Greenwood; educated in Leicester (Mass.) Academy and Yale College, class of 1858; married, New Haven, Conn., Sept. 16, 1858, Mary Mulford Whittelsey; children: Addie (Mrs. D. R. Hancher), Moses, Jennie Mulford, Charles Whittelsey, Walter Eichelberger. Lived for forty-six years at New Orleans, La., and was there engaged for thirty years in the cotton commission business. Since 1890 resi dent of St. Louis and engaged in the real es tate business with son, Moses Greenwood, Jr., under firm name of Greenwood & Co., until 1910, retired. Independent Democrat. Presby terian. Residence: 456 N. Newstead Ave. GREER, Edward Orlando, physician and surgeon; born, Brink Haven, O., Sept. 21, 1865; son of Mark and Matilda (Shaw) Greer; educated grammar school, Danville, O.; nor mal course at Lebanon, O.; scientific course at Glasgow, Ky.; medical course at Marion-Sims Medical College, St. Louis, M.D., 1893; mar ried, St. Louis, June 23, 1896, Agnes S. Mohan; one daughter: Margaret Matilda. Taught school two years at Danville, O.; then studied medicine and traveled, selling physicians ' spe cialties, four years. Engaged in general prac tice as physician and surgeon since 1893. Pro fessor practice of medicine, Barnes Univer sity, 1907-11; professor practice of medicine, American Medical College, 1911-12. Member St. Louis Medical Society, Missouri State Medical Association. State medical examiner A. O. U. W. of Missouri,. since 1901; examiner for Royal Arcanum, Knights of Honor, K. O. T. M. and D. of H. Republican; candidate for coroner of St. Louis, 1902. Office and Residence: 2750 Park Ave. GREER, Edward Willis, real estate; born, St. Louis, Nov. 4, 1868; son of Robert C. and Marie Josephine (Papin) Greer; educated in Stoddard School, Smith Academy, St. Louis, Wentworth Male Academy, Lexington, Mo.; unmarried. Began business career as clerk with the Greeley-Burnham Grocery Co., later, with the Western Wool and Commission Co., of which his father was president; in 1886 entered real estate and loan business with fa ther as R. C. Greer & Sons Realty Co., which later became the Greer Real Estate Co., and in 1911 the Greer Real Estate and Investment Co., of which is vice president. Member St. Louis Real Estate Exchange. Republican. Catholic. Clubs: Mercantile, St. Louis KenneL Office: 317 Fullerton Bldg. Residence: Usona Hotel. GREER, Robert Charles, real estate; born, Jacksonville, 111., Mar. 26, 1834; son of Wil liam and Eliza A. (Gordon) Greer; educated in public schools of Illinois, and at the Mack intosh Institution, Griggsville, Pike Co., 111.; married, St. Louis, Marie Josephine Papin; children: Robert Papin, Edward Willis. Served on provost duty during the Civil War and was a member of the Missouri Home and Hal- leck Guards. In employ of Battles, Crandell & Parsons, merchants, at Griggsville, two years; salesman with Bullock & Locke, linen importers, New York City, and later in dry goods house of Jemeay-Bumham & Co.; came to St. Louis, 1854, and was traveling salesman about two years; in 1857 with brother estab lished a wholesale produce commission busi ness which continued under various firm names until 1888; since in real estate business. Pres ident Greer Real Estate and Investment, Co. Member Merchants' Exchange, Real Estate Exchange. Republican. Episcopalian. Office: Fullerton Bldg. Residence: Usona Hotel. GREGG, Cecil Dudley, manufacturer, mer chant; born, Duncan, Mich., Sept. 20, 1867; son of Harris Hibbard and Amelia Stevenson (Hemenway) Gregg; educated in Moseley School and South Division High School, Chi cago, and Cornell University, class of 1890; married, St. Louis, Apr. 7, 1897, Jessie Marian Howard; children: Marian, Janet. President of the C. D. Gregg Tea and Coffee Co., Aroma Mills Co., Chicago Coffee Mills (Chicago), Evens-Howard Fire Brick Co., St. Louis. Mem ber Zeta Psi Fraternity. Presbyterian. Clubs : St. Louis, Mercantile, Missouri Athletic, Glen Echo (St. Louis), Union League (Chicago). Office: 405 N. 2d St. Residence: Webster Groves, Mo. THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 243 GREGG, Harris . Hibbard, Presbyterian clergyman; born, Buffalo, N. Y., Jan. 10, 1864; son of Harris H. and Amelia Stevenson (Hem- enway) Gregg; educated in grammar and high schools; Chicago; Williams College, 1882-86, degree of A.B.; McCormick Theological Sem inary, Chicago, 1886-89 (D.D.); unmarried. Ordained in- ministry of Presbyterian Church, 1889; pastor- First Presbyterian Church, Otta wa, 111., 1889-99; traveled and studied abroad in the British Museum, and lectin ed on Bib lical and kindred subjects in this country, 1899-1902; from March, 1902, pastor of the Washington and Compton Avenues Presbyte rian Church, St. Louis. Director, Westminster College, Fulton, Mo. Member Zeta Psi Fra ternity, Chi Alpha Club. Recreations:, horse back riding, tennis and mountain climbing. Office: Washington and Compton Aves. (church). Residence: 4411 McPherson Ave. GREGG, Norris Bradford, president Mound City Paint and Color Co.; born, St. Louis, Nov. 8, 1856; son of William Henry, Sr:, and Orian (Thompson) Gregg; educated at Wyman Academy and Washington University; mar ried, Nov. 26, 1884, May Hawley; one son: Norris Bradford, Jr. Engaged in the paint and color business since 1876, and in 1880 the business was incorporated as the Mound City Paint and Color Co., manufacturers of paints, colors, etc., and crushers of linseed oil, of which company is now president; also director Third National Bank, Title Guaranty Trust Co. Member traffic bureau of the Business Men's League. Was quet, Mercantile, Burns. Recreations: fond of arts and music. Office: Frisco Bldg. Resi dence: Jefferson Hotel. GRENNER, Henry C, oil producer; see Vol. 1906. GRETHER, John Leslie, real estate; see Vol. 1906. GREVE, Henry, president of John Wahl Commission Co.; born in Velen, Westphalia, Germany, Mar. 6, 1856; son of Herman and Maria Anna (Brueggemann) Greve; educated in gymnasium schools of Germany; married, St. Louis, Dec. 29, 1881, Josephine Wahl; chil dren: Bessie, Edwin J., Robert F. Came to United States in 1873, and was engaged in dry goods business consecutively at Dyersville, la., Quincy, 111., Helena, Mont., San Francis co, Cal., and St. Louis. In 1881 became asso ciated with the John Wahl Commission Co., extensive grain commission merchants and large operators in pig lead and spelter, be coming vice president of the company, 1890, and president in 1910; admitted two sons as officers of company, June 1, 1912. Member St. Louis Merchants' Exchange, Business Men's League, Civic League, Universal Exposition Co. Catholic. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Lie derkranz, Glen Echo, Aero, St. Louis Riding (director), also Siwanoy Country, of New York. Recreations: horseback riding, farming. Office: Merchants' Exchange. Residence: 4408 Morgan St. Summer Home: "Crystal Spring Farm," St. Charles, Mo. GREY, David Langton, certified public ac countant; born, Edinburgh, Scotland, July 22, 1875; son of John Edward Ogilvie and Lydia Margaret (Gavin) Grey; educated George Watson's College, Edinburgh; Edinburgh Uni versity, 1893; married, Glasgow, 1906, Wil helmina Isabella Christianson Hay, of Glas gow; two daughters: Wilhelmina Minnetta and Gladys Gavin. With A. & J. Robertson, Edinburgh, 1893-1901; came to America, 1901; with Patterson, Teele & Dennis, New York, 1901-03; removed to St. Louis, 1903, for Price, Waterhouse & Co., chartered accountants, New York, and is now St. Louis manager for the company. Member Chartered Accountants Society, Edinburgh, Certified Public Account ants, New York, Certified Public Accountants, Missouri. Member Business Men's League, Civie League. Episcopalian. Clubs: Noonday, Racquet, University. Recreations: books, mu sic, tennis. Office : Third National Bank Bldg. Residence: 5968 Cates Ave. GRIER, Robert Cooper, lawyer; born, Peo ria, 111., June 20, 1875; son of David P. (brig adier general U. S. Volunteers) and Anna (McKinney) Grier; educated, in St. Louis pub lic and high .schools, and Washington Univer sity Law School, LL.B., 1898; unmarried. Came with parents in 1881 to St. Louis, where father had built Union Elevator on East Side. After completing course at high school entered grain brokerage and commission business be fore taking up law as a profession, and was in business for self as a grain and commission broker on Merchants' Exchange for several years. Admitted to bar in 1898 and has since engaged in practice. Member of St. Louis Bar Association, Civic League. Republican. Club: City. Office: 1004-1008 La Salle Bldg. Resi dence: 326 N. Euclid Ave. GRIESEDIECK, Henry, Jr., president Inde pendent Breweries Co.; born, Westphalia, Ger many, Mar. 29, 1854; son of Anton and Jo hanna Griesedieck; educated in public schools of native land; married, St. Louis, Rosa Grone; six children: Anton August, Henry Ernst, Raymond B., Frances, Robert, Edward. Came to America with parents, 1870; was em ployed in Lafayette Brewery, St. Louis, two years, and later as office boy; spent two terms in Jones Commercial College; engaged in malt business with father and in 1878 associated with two brothers in purchase of the Stumpf Brewery, which was disposed of in 1881; pur chased the Christian Staehling Brewery, and the business was incorporated by father and sons as the A. Griesedieck Brewing Co., which was sold to St. Louis Brewing Association, 1889. In 1891, with brothers Bernard and Jo seph, erected National Brewery, of which was president until the property was acquired, 1907, by the Independent Breweries Co. (a consolidation of nine breweries), of which has since been president; director Jefferson Mu tual Fire Insurance Co., Merchants' & Manu facturers' Investment Co., Mercantile Trust Co. Offiee: 923, 112 N. 4th St. Residence: 3250 Hawthorne Rd. GRIESEDIECK, Paul, president H. Griese dieck Malting Co.; born, Quincy, 111., Mar. 20, 1863; son of Henry and Anna (Urbach) Griesedieck; educated in German Institute under John Eiser; married, St. Louis, Apr. 12, 1898, Ottillie C. Stiefel (died Oct. 6, 1909); two children: Henry C. and Clarence S.; mar- THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 245 ried, 2d, Dec. 6, 1911, Mrs. Bertha W. Pleuger. Began active career at sixteen in malting business established by his father; spent one year with L. Lemke & Co., in order to become acquainted with the commission business, then returned to malt business; has been president H. Griesedieck Malting Co. since its incorporation, June, 1900; was vice president Central Brewery until it was absorbed by other interests. Member Merchants' Ex change, Liederkranz, St. Louis Turn Verein. Recreation: traveling. Offiee: 1134 S. 12th St. Residence: 3127 Longfellow Boul. GRIFFIN, Everett Paul, assistant circuit attorney; born, St. Louis, June 29, 1881; son of Trunibull Dorrance and Mary Philomena (Davis) Griffin; graduate Lincoln (public) School, Central High School; A.B., Washing ton University, 1901 (commencement orator) ; LL.B., St. Louis Law School (Washington University), 1903; ranked first in class in final examination, and was awarded Thesis Prize for best thesis on ' ' Constitutional Limitations on the Power of the State to Control Business Affected with a Public Interest"; unmarried. Engaged in general civil practice, 1903-09; appointed assistant circuit attorney by See- bert G. Jones, Jan. 2, 1909, and has since been engaged principally in trial of felony cases for state of Missouri in criminal divisions of the Circuit Court, being in charge of Division No. 10, presided over by Judges George C. Hitchcock and James E. Witherow. Lecturer in City College of Law and Finance on "Wills and Administration. ' ' Republican. Episco palian; vestryman Church of the Holy Com munion. Member St. Louis Bar Association, Law Library Association of St. Louis, Civic League, Washington University Association, Alumni Association of Washington Univer sity (secretary, 1903-07), St. Louis Law School Alumni, Phi Delta Phi law school fraternity. Clubs: City, University, Public Question. Rec reations: reading and athletics. Office: 622 Security Bldg. Residence: 4045 McPherson Avenue. GRIMM, John Hugo, judge ; born, St. Louis, Jan. 17, 1864; son of Capt. Valentine and Mag dalen (Yaeckel) Grimm; educated in St. Louis public schools, graduating from Central High School, 1883; LL.B., Washington University (St. Louis Law School), with highest honors and first prize for thesis, 1886; post-graduate course St. Louis University, Ph.B., 1888; mar ried, St. Louis, Nov. 18, 1891, Sophie E. Gruen; children: Elmer H., Roland J. V., Thomas C, Horace F., Herbert H. Admitted to St. Louis bar in June, 1886, and engaged in general practice; elected circuit judge, 1908, for term of six years, ending 1915. Professor law of pleading, Law Institute of St. Louis University. Member Medico-Legal Society of New York, American Academy of Political and Social Science. Republican. First Judge Advocate of Missouri Division Sons of Vet erans. Unitarian. Mason, Knight Templar. Clubs: Union, Liederkranz. Chambers: Cir cuit Court No. 1, Court House. Residence: 3137 Lafayette Ave. GRINDON, Joseph, physician; born, St. Louis, Aug. 20, 1858; son of Arthur St. Leger and Kelis (Cherot-Dupavillon) Grindon; edu cated at St. Louis public grammar and high schools, 1868-74; M.D., St. Louis Medical Col lege, 1879; post-graduate course in philosophy, St. Louis University, Ph.B., 1885; married, St. Louis, Sept. 30, 1903, Lina Boisliniere; three children: Pauline, Dorothy, Joseph. Engaged in medical practice in St. Louis since March, 1879; assistant physician St. Louis City Hos pital, 1879-80, Female Hospital, 1880-81; phy sician St. Louis Smallpox Hospital, 1881-83; now dermatologist to O 'Fallon Free Dispen sary, St. Louis Mullanphy Hospital, St., Luke 's Hospital, Washington University Hospital; professor of physiology, Medical Department, Washington University, 1894-95; now profes sor of clinical dermatology and syphilology in same. Author: Diseases of the Skin, 1902; Cutaneous Therapeutics (jointly with W. A. Hardaway) ; also of several chapters in Amer ican Text-Book of Genito-Urinary Diseases, Syphilis and Diseases of the Skin. Ex-presi dent St. Louis Medical Society and Medical Society of City Hospital Alumni; member Missouri State Medical Association, American Medical Association, American Dermatological Association, American Institute of Archeol ogy, St. Louis Academy of Science, Engel- mann Botanical Club, Civic Improvement League; corresponding member Societee Fran- caise de Dermatologie et de Syphiligraphie. Trustee St. Louis Medical Library Association. First lieutenant Medical Reserve Corps, U. S. A. Roman Catholic. Recreation: botany. Of fice: 3894 Washington Boul. Residence: 4368 Morgan St. GRISWOLD, Harry Rumsey, assistant gen eral freight agent of Vandalia R. R.; born, Lake Mills, Wis., Mar. 5, 1865; son of George S. and Albina (Merriam) Griswold; educated in Lake Mills High School; married, Oak Park, 111., 1891, Bessie Hanson. Clerk in gen eral freight department Wisconsin Central Lines, Milwaukee, Wis., 1888-90; clerk, trav eling freight agent and chief clerk, general freight department, Wisconsin Central Lines, Chicago, 111., 1890-93; chief clerk and assist ant general freight and passenger agent of the Evansville & Terre Haute R. R., Evans ville, Ind., 1894-1901; since 1901, consecutive ly, commercial agent Peoria, 111., division freight agent, Terre Haute, Ind., division freight agent, St. Louis, and assistant general freight agent, St. Louis, of Vandalia R. R. Member National Geographic Society, Wash ington, D. C. Member I. O. O. F., Hoo Hoo. Clubs: Mercantile, The Traffic of St. Louis, 246 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS Normandie Golf. Recreations: golf and fish ing. Office: 1308 Syndicate Bldg. Residence: 1234 Oakley PL GRISWOLD, Joseph Lancaster, proprietor Laclede Hotel ; born on plantation in Spen cer Co., Ky., Apr. 13, 1843; educated at Willis- ton Seminary, Easthampton, Mass.; married, St. Louis, June, 1900, Laura Einstmann; one daughter: Nellie. Began business career in service of father, who was a railroad builder and manager in early days in St. Louis; came to St. Louis from Terre Haute, Ind., 1862; in hotel business since 1874; was one of the pro prietors of Lindell Hotel for seven years; since June, 1881, owner and proprietor, of Laclede Hotel. Democrat; was state fish com missioner four years, under Gov. Wm. J. Stone. Catholic Mason. Member of Indiana Society. Recreation: reading. Office: cor. 6th and Chestnut Sts. Residence: Laclede Hotel. GROESSLING, Valentine Joseph, merchant; born, St. Louis, Aug. 5, 1874; son of August and Anna (Feldman) Groessling; educated Christian Brothers School, at St. Vincent Church, and St. Louis University, graduating at age of seventeen; married, Quincy, 111., November, 1898, Ida Verne Kreitz; two chil dren: Gerald Augustus, Paul Henry. Began active career in dry goods business with fa ther; since 1897 associated with L. J. Meyer in the Meyer & Groessling Cloak Co.. Jewish religion. Office: 717 N. 11th St. Residence: 4016 Flora Boul. GROLOCK, Henry Alfred; see Vol. 1906. GROLOCK, William Albert, president Gro- loek Vehicle Material Co.; born, Kansas City, Mo., May 24, 1864; son of Albert and Clara (Heintze) Grolock; educated in public schools of Jefferson City and St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Nov. 15, 1892, Helen, daughter of Fred erick Kluender; children: Frederick Kluender, William Albert, Helen Charlotte. Entered em ploy of the Simmons Hardware Co. in 1884, and was with that firm until 1891, when ac cepted position with the Zittloson Manufac turing' Co.; remained with latter firm three years and then embarked in business for self; now president of the Grolock Vehicle Material Co., manufacturers and dealers in vehicle parts and finished vehicles. Independent in politics. Mason (Blue Lodge). Office: 1444 N. Broadway. Residence: 4957 Fountain Ave. *GROSECLOSE, William Bittle; moved to Chicago; see Vol. 1906. GROSS, Julius Henry, physician; born, St. Louis, Mar. 8, 1872; son of Julius and Lisette (Steffenauer) Gross; educated in St. Louis public schools, and graduated from medical department of Washington University as M.D., 1893; married, St. Louis, 1903, Marie Kuenzel; one daughter: Lisetta. Engaged in practice of medicine in St. Louis from grad uation in 1893; instructor in Ophthalmological Department, Washington University. Member of St. Louis Medical Society, Missouri State Medical Association, American Medical Asso ciation, American Association for Advance ment of Science. Office: 306 Oriel Bldg., 6th and Locust Sts. Residence: Webster Groves, Missouri. GROSS, Morris D., general agent Sunny Brook Distillery Co.; born, Tolcsva, Hungary, May 4, 1863; son of Nathan and Lina (Weiss) Gross; educated in public school in Hungary; married, New York, Aug. 27, 1895, Jennie Gross; children: Helen, Nathan] Marcus, Jack, Louis. In wine and liquor business in Hun gary, 1885-91; came to United States, 1891, and located at St. Louis; with Stone Hill Wine Co. as salesman for St. Louis until 1899; since then general agent at St. Louis for Sunny Brook Distillery Co., whose distilleries are at Louisville, Ky. In 1899 incorporated as Phoe nix Distillery Co., of which is president; also president M. D. Gross & Co., importers. Jew ish religion. Member B'nai B'rith. Club: Co lumbian. Offiee: 27 S. 4th St. Residence: 5053 Kensington Ave. GROSSMAN, Emanuel M., lawyer; born, Vienna, Austria, July 19, 1874; son of Jacob and Regina Grossman; educated in grammar and high school, Cleveland, O., 1880-92, Har vard- College and Harvard Law School, 1892- 97, A.B., Harvard, 1896; married. June 17, 1911, Althea Somerville. Admitted to bar, October, 1897, and since engaged in practice. Member local, State and American Bar asso ciations. Member of Board of Managers St. Louis House of Refuge, 1903-05, St. Louis Board of Education, 1905-07. Democrat. Clubs: University, City. Recreations: horseback rid ing, tennis. Office: 528 Rialto Bldg., 4th and Olive Sts. Residence: 5900 Nina PL *GROTE, Benjamin Allison, paint mer chant; moved to Oklahoma; see Vol. 1906. GROTE, Christian Henry, grocer; born, Westphalia, Germany, Jan. 21, 1841;' son of William and Dorothea (Grote) Grote; edu cated in public schools of native land; mar ried, St. Louis, January, 1863, Sophie Wessel (died October, 1907); five children, only one of whom is living: Lizzie (now Mrs. William J. Klein). Came to America, 1858; engaged in gardening at Carondelet two years, then began selling vegetables in St. Louis on own account; enlisted in Second Missouri Regi ment and served four years in Civil War; re sumed business in St. Louis after war and for thirty-nine years has been identified with re tail grocery business; also wholesale dealer in eggs and chickens, Republican. Member Amer ican Protestant Association, Protestant Or phans' Home. Odd Fellow; member Frank P. Blair Post No. 1, G. A. R., Hermann's Sonne. Office: 1107 N. 8th St. Residence: 801 Carr St. THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 247 GROTE, Henry Charles, secretary Edward Westen Tea and Spice Co.; born, St. Louis, Oct. 21, 1866; son of Henry and Christine (Behrens). Grote; educated in public schools, private school and Concordia Academy; mar ried, St. Louis, 1888, Ellen Hewitt Symons; children: Robert Edward, Raymond Hewitt, Henry Charles, Jr. Began business career in 1882 with Stansbury Paper Co., for one year; then with Haskell Engraving Co., three years, St. Bernard Dollar Store Co., three years; in 1889 became connected with the Edward Wes ten Tea and Spice Co., importers, manufac turers, jobbers and coffee roasters, with which _was salesman until 1892, and since has been secretary of the 'company. Also president Traders ' Investment Co.; vice president Lin- dell-Fairgrounds Realty and Investment Co.; director Piasa Chautauqua. Republican. Pres byterian. Recreation: literature. Office: 10th St. and Clark Ave. Residence: 5710 Bartmer Avenue. GROVER, James H., president Mortgage Guarantee Co.; bom, St. Louis, Oct. 24, 1873; son of Hiram J. and Charlotte T. (Blow) Grover; educated St. Louis public schools and high school; LL.B., Washington University, 1896; married, St. Louis, Oct. 17, 1899, Ethel Allen; two children: Allen and Charlotte Lo- raine. In mercantile business, 1892-96; in act ive practice of law, St. Louis, 1896-1910; bond officer Mississippi Valley Trust Co., 1910-12; president Mortgage Guarantee Co. since Feb. 20, 1912; vice president Mortgage Trust Co.; director Granby Mining and Smelting Co., Fruin-Bambrick Construction Co., etc. Mem ber Civie League.- Member Christian (Disci ples) Church. Clubs: Racquet, City, St. Louis Country. Recreation: golf. Office: southeast cor. 4th and Pine Sts. Residence: 5061 Lin dell Boul. GROVES, Albert Bartleton, architect; born, Providence, R. I., Dec. 8, 1868; son of John and Mary (Southall) Groves; graduated from Rome (N. Y.) High School, 1884, Cornell Uni versity, B.S. and B.Arch., 1888; married, St. Charles, Mo., Mar. 9, 1892, Cara Baker; chil dren: Theron A., Vera A., Mercedes O, John Marcellus, Mary Phyllis. After leaving col lege was in employ of F. E. Edbrooke & Co., architects, Denver, two years; then traveled and studied two years in France and Italy; engaged in practice, 1891, at St. Louis, in firm of Grable, Weber & Groves; bought out interests of Grable and Weber two years later and admitted A. Weber to partnership, which continued until his death in May, 1905; since independently in practice of architecture. Member Business Men's League. Member American Institute of Architects, St. Louis Chapter. Republican. Member of Public Build ings Commission, 1904-05. Presbyterian. Ma son (St. Aldemar Commandery, Knights Tem plar, and St. Louis Consistory, Scottish Rite). Clubs: St. Louis, Missouri Athletic, Norman die Golf, St. Louis Rotary, Maine Fishing and Hunting. Recreations: golf and fishing. Of fiee: Stock Exchange Bldg. Residence: 5419 Maple Ave. GROVES, William Dallas, superintendent Aresco Manufacturing Co.; born, Ellicott City, Md., Mar. 12, 1845; son of Josiah and Marietta (Enos) Groves; educated at White Hall Academy, Harrisburg, Pa.; Rock Hill College, Ellicott City; U. S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md.; married, 1872, Elenore R., daughter of Maj. William Irwin, Nashville, Tenn. (she died 1884) ; married, 2d, October, 1890, Elizabeth Breckenridge, daughter of George and Julia Breckenridge, of St. Louis; three children: Dall B., Julia E., George B. Served four years in United States Navy, and resigned as acting midshipman, Mar. 12, 1862;, engaged in hotel and real estate business with father (firm of J. & W. Dall, Groves), Ellicott City, 1865-70; disposed of interest, 1870, went to Memphis, Tenn., and took position with Rice, Stix & Co., wholesale dry goods; moved to St. Louis with the firm during yellow fever, 1879; resigned position with that firm, September, 1903. Vice president the Phoenix Planing Mill Co., Jan. 12, 1901- January, 1908; now director of company; superintendent Aresco Manufacturing Co. since October, 1909. Democrat. Presbyterian. Member Royal Ar canum. Favorite recreations: hunting and fishing. Office: 415 N. 11th St. Residence: 4947 Page Boul. *GRUBB, Frank, wholesale paper; moved to New York; see Vol. 1906. GRUEN, Jacob, wine importer; 1839-1907; see Vol. 1906. GRUEN, William Henry, architect; born, St. Louis, Nov. 13, 1876; son of Jacob and Sophia (Sommers) Gruen; educated public schools of St. Louis; Manual Training School; Washington University School of Engineering, two years, 1894-96; Technische Hoch-Schule, Darmstadt, Germany, two years, 1896, 1897; spent six months in travel, 1896-97; traveled four months in 1910, visiting Paris, Berlin, Rome, Budapest, Vienna, Venice, Milan, Mu nich, and the larger cities in America, study ing municipal art, etc.; married, St. Louis, May 19, 1900, Minnie Marie Gebhard. Was in charge of offices of W. Albert Swasey, St. Louis, 1898-1900, during which time he super vised construction of the Odeum and the Ma sonic Temple; had charge of the work for the Water Department of St. Louis and the New City Hospital for two years; has engaged in his profession on own account since 1901. Among the buildings for which he made plans may be named Church of the Redeemer; fac tory and warehouse of the Moser Box Co.; country residence and outbuildings, on the estate of John T. Millikin, and many other 248 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS buildings, including the entrance to Compton Hill Terrace, the Antrim residence in Kings bury PL and the Medart residence in Compton Heights, etc.; actively engaged in advancing projects for beautification of St. Louis, among which are the proposed city square scheme, opera circle and Memorial Square scheme, and Central Parkway connecting same. Mem ber St. Louis Chapter American Institute of Architects, American Institute of Architects, Municipal Arts Committee of Civic League of St. Louis, Washington University Association, Art Students' Association, Executive Board of Artists' Guild, etc. Clubs: Architectural, City. Recreation: art. Office: Suite 1101-1102 Chemical Bldg. Residence: 3542 Russell Ave. GRUENEWAELDER, John, German books and stationery; born, Klein, Bremen, Prussia, Germany, Oct. 12, 1840; son of Wilhelm and Minna (Hambaeh) Gruenewaelder ; educated in Realschule, Vlotho, Germany, 1846-54; mar ried, St. Louis, Jan. 14, 1866, Rosina Kurz; children: Wilhelm, Linda, Alma, Udo, Ewald. Came to United States, 1859; served in Union Army in Co. A, Second Missouri Volunteer Regiment, in Civil War; since Oct. 12, 1883, engaged in handling blank books, office sta tionery, etc Republican; member F. P. Blair Post, G. A. R. Office: 720 Pine St. Residence: 2605 Louisiana Ave. GRUET, John P.; see Vol. 1906. GRUETZEMACHER, Henry F., contractor; born, Osnabruck, Hanover, Germany; July 31, 1850; son of Herman and Marie Charlotte Gruetzemacher; came to America with parents at six years of age; educated in parochial and night schools, and commercial college, St. Louis; married, St. Louis, October, 1871, Marie Wingman; eight children: H. F., Ed ward O, William L., Albert, Oliver, May, Dora, Laura. Learned trade of stone mason; began stone contracting with father, 1870; now identified with a number of stone quar ries and sawmills in St. Louis and Missouri. Republican. Presbyterian. Office: 1408, 722 Chestnut St. Residence: 4111 Morgan St. GRUMME, August, optical business; born, St. Louis, Dec. 14, 1867; son of William and Marguerite (Kropp) Grumme; educated in public schools of St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Apr. 14, 1897, Matilda Haller; one daughter: Marguerite Evelyn. Began business career with the Erker Bros. Optical Co., continuing for five years, then with A. S. Aloe for four years, and in 1890 established business as member of the firm of Grumme & Durouaux; business incorporated, 1901, as the Western Optical Manufacturing Co., of which was presi dent until Dec. 14, 1910, when sold out inter est; organized present firm of August Grumme Optical Co., May 15, 1911. Republican. Mem ber Keystone Lodge No. 243, A. F. & A. M., Knights of Pythias Lodge No. 133; treasurer St. Louis Central Sharpshooters' Association. Office: 612 Pine St. Residence: 3830 Hum phrey St. GRUND, Adolph Robert, lawyer; bora, St. Louis, Feb. 12, 1882; son of Philip and Anna (Bothmann) Grand; educated in Peabody (public) School and night high school, grad uating, 1901; graduated from Missouri College of Law, LL.B., 1903; married, Aug. 10, 1906, Miss Marguerite Forkel, niece of artist, Chris topher W. Forkel, author The Wagon Black smith. After leaving Peabody School, worked during day and attended school at night; worked with Becktold Printing and Book Man ufacturing Co., while attending law school; admitted to bar, Apr. 6, 1.903, and has since been engaged in practice, chiefly as counsel for corporations; now represents several firms as counsel and attorney; was appointed, Oct. 15, 1904, as general attorney and elected a director of the Missouri, Arkansas & South western R. R. Co., an Arkansas corporation, but resigned Feb. 15, 1905. Member Missouri State Bar Association, St. Louis Bar Associa tion. Republican. Presbyterian. Author: (not yet published) Grund on the Laws of Private Corporation. Recreations: literature and art. Office: 415 Pine St. Residence: 3418 Grace Avenue. GRUNDON, Oliver Hazard Perry, real es tate; see Vol. 1906. GRUNER, Gustavus Adolphus, lumber mer chant; deceased; see Vol. 1906. GRUNER, Louis, lumber merchant; 1853- 1907; see Vol. 1906. GRUNER, Richard Emil president Philip Gruner & Bros. Lumber Co.; born, St. Louis, Oct. 16, 1880; son of Gustave A. and" Amy (Millow) Gruner; educated Clay and Peabody public schools and Central High School; un married. Has been identified with the lumber business since May, 1896 j president and treas urer Philip Gruner & Bros. Lumber Co. since 1909. Has served as private, second lieutenant and captain First Regiment Infantry, Missouri National Guard, now filling office last named. Independent in politics. Episcopalian. Mem ber Business Men's League. Mason; member Cache Lodge No. 416, A. F. & A. M.; St. Louis Chapter No. 8, R. A. M.; Ascalon Commandery No. 16, Knights Templar. Clubs: Midland Valley Country, Lumbermen's. Recreation: hunting. Office: 4006 N. Broadway. Resi dence: 5636 Cabanne Ave. GRUNERT, Louis C; see Vol. 1906. GUCKENHEIM, Emil, president of E. Guckenheim Bakers ' Supply Co. ; born, Frank fort, Germany, Aug. 20, 1865; son of Joseph and Fanny (Dann) Guckenheim; educated in St. Louis public schools; married, St. Louis, Nov. 6, 1892, Essie Haas. Came to America with parents at age of five; at age of thir- THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 249 teen entered employ of Jacob Strauss Sad dlery Co,, remaining eight years; then entered retail grocery business with Louis Kohner, as Guckenheim & Kohner, 1890-97; dissolved partnership, 1897, and established in whole sale business in bakers' and confectioners' supplies, incorporated Jan. 1, 1905, as E. Guckenheim Bakers' Supply Co., of which is president. Republican. Member Temple Shaare Emeth (Jewish) Congregation. Rec reation: traveling. Office: 15-19 N. 2d St. Residence: 5745 Bartmer Ave. GUERDAN, Albert James, vice president The Guerdan Hat Co.; born, St. Louis, Dec. 10, 1877; son of Nicholas and Caroline (Kerth) Guerdan; educated in Educational Institute, St. Louis; married, St. Louis, August, 1904, Alice Schlette; two children: Richards, Alice. After leaving school in 1894 became clerk in store of The Guerdan Hat Co. and so contin ued until 1902, when became vice president of the company; vice president Guerdan In vestment Co. Member Universal Exposition Co. Member F. O. of Eagles, Tower Grove Turn Verein. Club: Century Boat. Recrea tion: boating. Office: 13 S. Broadway. Resi dence: 3524 Utah St. GUERDAN, Frank Emil; born, St. Louis, July 18, 1862; son of Francis and Elizabeth. (Swille) Guerdan; educated in public schools of St. Louis; married, St. Louis, 1891, Amelie Tacke; children: Frank, Stephanie, Augusta, Irma. On leaving school entered the Pacific Iron Works and learned the trade; went to New York and worked at trade for three years, returned to St. Louis and reentered Pacific Iron Works; was admitted to part nership with father, 1901, under the style of Francis Guerdan & Son; since death of fa ther, October, 1911, has been sole proprietor. Republican. Office: 829 S. 7th St. Residence: 3838 Iowa Ave. GUERDAN, Nicholas, manager of The Guerdan Hat Co.; born, Hesse-Darmsdadt, Germany, May 15, 1839; son of Franz and Kathrina (Bergold) Guerdan; came with fa ther in 1847 to New Orleans and St. Louis; educated in St. Louis public schools; married, St. Louis, Apr. 5, 1862, Caroline Kerth; chil dren: George (deceased), Catherine, Ida, Clara, Nicholas, Jr., Hattie (deceased), Al bert J., Stetson (wife of Dr. W. F. Hardy). Began business career in 1852 in employ of Baldwin & Randall, hat merchants, which firm was later succeeded by Gray & Brust; later became partner with Mr. Gray, firm of Gray & Guerdan, until 1880, when the Guerdan Hat Co. was organized and succeeded to the busi ness as retail hatters, of which company is now president and general manager. Also president Guerdan Investment Co., German Mutual Life Insurance Co. of St. Louis. Mem ber Business Men's League, Civic League. Clubs: St. Louis Turn Verein, Liederkranz. Office: 13 S. Broadway. Residence: 2347 Al bion PL GUERNHEIM, Herman W.; see Vol. 1906. GUMMERSBACH, Joseph, bookseller; born, Bonn, Germany, 1844; married, St. Louis, Nov. 14, 1876, Elizabeth Bute. Since 1873 engaged as managing partner of St. Louis house of B. Herder, publisher and dealer in Catholic books and church goods. Also president of The Amerika, German daily and weekly news paper. Office: 17 S. Broadway. Residence: 3840 Westminster PL GUNDLACH, John Henry, real estate; born, St. Louis Co., Mo.," Oct. 6, 1861; son of Peter and Elizabeth (Reiff) Gundlach; edu cated at Frieden's (private) School, 1868-73; Henry Ames (public) School, 1873-76; Doug lass (4th branch) High School; Grier's Com mercial College, St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Apr. 19, 1884, Emma C. Dreyer; children: Alice (Mrs. Arthur Leschen), Ruth. Began business career with Boehl & Koenig, photog: raphers, St. Louis, 1877, continuing until 1880; assistant bookkeeper Mechanics' Planing Mill Co., St. Louis, 1880-81; in shipping depart ment Hunzinger Tobacco Co., Chicago, 1882- 83; bookkeeper with Auguste B. Ewing, com- jnissioner of supplies for City of St. Louis, 1883-84; then with the local freight depart ment of the Wabash R. R., as assistant cash ier and chief clerk at North End yards, 1885- 92, leaving February, 1892, to engage in real estate and insurance business under present firm name of J. H. Gundlach & Co. Also sec retary-treasurer of Plymouth Investment Co., Union Realty and Investment Co., O 'Fallon Park Realty and Investment Co. Member St. Louis Real Estate Exchange (ex-vice president), Business Men's League, Civic League (ex-vice president), North St. Louis Business Men's Association (ex-president), North St. Louis Citizens' Association, St. Louis Academy of Sciences, Horticultural So ciety, North St. Louis Turn Verein. Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner. Republican; president City Council since April, 1909. Clubs: Mercantile, City (director), Automobile, Franklin (vice president), St. Louis Riding (vice president), Arcadia Country. Recrea tions: horseback riding, rowing, fishing and floriculture. Offiee: 3615 N. Broadway. Resi dence: 5721 Florissant Ave. GUNN, John W., grocer; 1834-1910; see Vol. 1906. GURNEY, Robert Leonard, manager sav ings department Commonwealth Trust Co.; born, Chicago, 111., Feb. 20, 1866; son of Rob ert and Susan (Lockwood) Gurney; graduated from Colgate University, 1901; married, Syra cuse, N. Y., June 15, 1901, Clara Grace Seager. Was in employ of Waters-Pierce Oil Co., 1884-92; secretary St. Louis Sunday School 350' THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS Union, 1892-96; in college, 1896-1901; assist ant secretary Hamilton Trust Co., St. Louis, 1901-03; cashier Vandeventer Bank, 1903-05; manager savings department Commonwealth Trust Co. since Apr. 1, 1905*. Republican. Bap tist. Vice president Meramec Portland Ce ment and Materials Co.; treasurer Gem Medi cine Co.; assistant treasurer Bartlett Agricul tural and Industrial School; secretary St. Louis Concrete Machinery Co., Murmont Real ty Co. Director St. Louis Baptist Hospital. Office: Commonwealth Trust Co. Residence: Kirkwood, Mo. GUTH, Edwin F., chandelier manufacturer; born, St. Charles, Mo., Aug. 17, 1875; son of Fred and Louise (Schaefer) Guth; educated in public schools, St. Charles, Mo., graduating, 1892, and two years in St. Louis High School; married, St. Louis, May 19, 1910, Sally B. Black; one son: Frederick E. Began business career in 1893 with Interstate Electric Co., and in 1894-95 worked for Steinwender & Stoffregen, wholesale coffee; with David Nich olson, wholesale groceries, 1895-1902; presi dent St. Louis Brass Manufacturing Co. since May 1, 1902. Recreation: motoring. Offiee: cor. Jefferson and Washington Aves. Resi dence: 4515 Laclede Ave. GUTH, Oscar D., treasurer St. Louis Brass Manufacturing Co.; born, St. Charles, Mo., Dec. 4, 1877; son of Fred and Louise (Schae fer) Guth; educated in grammar schools and Central High School, St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Sept. 9, 1909, Marie Jageman. Began business career in wholesale grocery business as stenographer; then with David Nicholson, importer; since 1902 treasurer of St. Louis Brass Manufacturing Co., manufacturers of brass goods. Republican. Member Citizens' Industrial Association. Recreations: motoring and baseball. Offiee: 2611 Washington Ave. Residence: 4420 Laclede Ave. GUY, William Evans, retired; bom, Cin cinnati, Dec. 22, 1844; son of Alexander (M.D.) and Susan Ann Livingston (Wade) Guy; educated in private and public schools, Cincinnati and Oxford, O., 1849-59; Kentucky Military Institute (six months), 1859; Miami University, Oxford, O., 1860-62 and 1863; Princeton University, 1863-65, A.B., 1865, A.M., 1868; University of Heidelberg, Ger many, 1865-66; Freiberg School of Mines, 1866-69, M.E.; College de France, Paris, 1869; graduated from Cincinnati Law School, LL.B., 1879; married, St. Louis, 1894, Katharine, daughter of Dr. C. S. Lemoine; four children. Assistant superintendent Stewart Silver Re duction Works, Georgetown, Colo., 1870-71; as sistant geologist Missouri State Geological Survey, 1872; one of founders and vice presi dent St. Louis Bolt and Iron Co., 1879-81; or ganized and was president of Tudor Iron Works, 1879-81; consolidated the two as Tu dor Iron Works, of which was vice president, 1881-86; resigned and sold out on account of ill health, 1886; organized, built and was pres ident of St. Louis & Eastern Ry., 1889; or ganized and was president, 1889-99, Madison Coal Co.; organized, built and was president and general manager, 1895-99, of St. Louis', Peoria & Northern Ry., until it became part of the Illinois Central system; director Cen tral Lead Co., 1893-1905; organized, built and was president and general manager, 1901-03, St. Louis Valley Ry., also St. Louis & Gulf Ry., 1902-03; retired from active work and has traveled extensively. Enlisted private, May, 1862, promoted first sergeant, June, 1862, and mustered out with regiment, September, 1862, in Eighty-sixth Ohio Volunteer Infantry; reenlisted with 100-day men, 1863. Nominated for president of City Council of St. Louis, 1900; member executive committee Civil Serv ice Reform Association twenty years. Mem ber St. Louis Academy of Science, Archaeolog ical Society, National Geographic Society, Na tional Forestry Association. Presbyterian. Clubs: University, Noonday, Princeton, Com mercial, Round Table (St. Louis), Reform (New York). Offiee: 307 Laclede Bldg. Resi dence: 10 Portland PL Summer Residence: Cooperstown, N. Y. H HAANEL, Charles F., president Sacramento Valley Improvement Co.; born, Ann Arbor, Mich., May 22, 1866; son of Hugo Paul and Emma C. (Fox) Haanel; educated in St. Louis public schools; married, St. Louis, Nov. 22, 1888, Esther Martha Smith; children: Jane, Esther, Walter; married, 2d, July 6, 1908, Mar garet St. Clair Nicholson; one daughter: Bev erly. Began business career with the Na tional Enameling and Stamping Company in 1886, and remained with that company until October, 1904. Became identified with the Sacramento Valley Improvement Co. in 1905 and is now its president. Republican. Mason (32°), Shriner. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, City. Recreation: literature. Office: 915 Olive St. Residence: 5032 Cabanne Ave. HAARSTICK, Henry Christian, retired mer chant; born, Hohenhameln, Germany, July 26, 1836; son of Henry and Christina Haarstick; came with parents to St. Louis in 1849; edu cated in St. Louis at Saxony School of Ger man Evangelical Lutheran Church, Wykoff English School and Jones Commercial College; married, St. Louis, 1861, Elise Hoppe; chil dren: Ida (Mrs. Oscar Herf), William T., Emma H. (Mrs. C. L. Whittemore). After leaving school entered office of Molony & Tilton, distillers; in a few years became man ager, so continuing until 1863 ; then built and conducted distillery of his own, but sold out after a short time. In 1869 took charge of af fairs of Mississippi Valley Transportation Co.; in 1881 all large transportation interests on THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 251 the Mississippi River became consolidated as the St. Louis & Mississippi Valley Transporta tion Co., of which was president and general manager. Since November, 1904, has with drawn from all enterprises, now confining at tention to management of own private inter ests; vice president of St. Louis Union Trust Co. Member and ex-president Merchants' Ex change; chairman Board of Commissioners of Tower Grove Park. Clubs: Commercial, St. Louis, St. Louis Country, Bellerive, Noonday. Recreation: golf. Office: St. Louis Union Trust Co. Residence: 3300 Russell Ave. HAARSTICK, William Theodore; 1865-1909; see Vol. 1906. HAAS, Robert Theodore, president of Haas- Lieber Grocery Co.; born, St. Louis, Jan. 21, 1866; son of Eugene and Clementina (Zu- koski) Haas; educated in public schools of St. Louis; unmarried. Began business career in 1879 as a boy in the employ of F. Smith & Son, wholesale grocers, later shipping clerk, city buyer and traveling salesman until 1896; then traveling salesman for Knippenberg Gro cer Co., 1896-98; in 1898, with associates,, or ganized the Hans-Lieber Grocery Co., of which is president. Republican. Recreation: horse back riding. Office: 300-308 N. 2d St. Resi dence: 3948 Flora Boul. HAASE, August Carl Ludwig, merchant; deceased;' see Vol. 1906. HAASE, Edward Theodore, wholesale salt fish; bom, St. Louis, Sept. 9, 1863; son of August C. L. and Christiana (Spinzig) Haase; educated in public schools of St. Louis; mar ried, St. Louis, May 3, 1894, Clara Stracke; children: Margaret S., Walter S., Edward T., Jr. Began business career in 1880, as an em ploye in the packing room of August C. L. Haase, wholesale salt fish, and learned all branches of the fish business; in 1886 started as traveling salesman for the house, covering the middle West and western territory until 1893; business was incorporated in 1886 as A. C. L. Haase & Sons Fish Co., of which has been secretary since 1894. Also vice presi dent of the American Diagraph Co.; director Van Dyke Bitters Co. Member Business Men 's League, Civic League. Independent Repub lican. Clubs: Union, Missouri Athletic, Lie derkranz. Office: 415-417 N. 2d St. Residence: 3523 Longfellow Boul. HAASE, Louis Herman, vice president of The Independent Breweries Co.; born, St. Louis, Feb. 14, 1861; son of A. C. L. and Christiana (Spinzig) Haase; educated in the public schools; unmarried. Began business ca reer as salesman at the age of fifteen years with A. C. L. Haase & Sons Fish Co. (estab lished 1857 by his father), remaining with this company until 1901, when he became president of Empire Brewing Co. In 1907 this brewery and several others were bought by The Independent Breweries Co. and he was elected to present position as vice presi dent; also vice president of A. C. L. Haase & Sons Fish Co.; director of the Manchester Bank. Independent in politics. Clubs: Lie derkranz, King's Lake Hunting and Fishing. Recreations: hunting, fishing; fond of driving and motoring. Office: Sarah St. and Wabash R. R. Residence: 4390 Lindell Boul. HAASE, William, real estate; born, Mas coutah, St. Clair Co., 111., Nov. 6, 1875; son of Christian and Mathilda (Srocka) Haase; edu cated in public schools, graduating from Mascoutah High School; married, St. Louis, Jan. 8, 1900, Minnie Schulte; children: Marie M., Edna M., William E., Robert C. After graduation came to St. Louis, 1890, and was bookkeeper for W. J. Lewis, secretary of Tower Grove and Southwestern Building As sociation, until 1894; entered real estate office of Charles F. Vogel as collector, 1894, and after six months was given entire management of his rental department, and after five years in that capacity was promoted to chief sales man; established, Mar. 1, 1904, the Haase Realty Co. (incorporated Mar. 31, 1906), of which is president; company is engaged in general real estate and financial agency busi ness; secretary Walter G. Thielecke Title Co. Member of a number of civic organizations. Republican. Member Evangelical Church, Royal Arcanum. Active member South St. Louis Turn Verein. Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner. Office: 921 Chestnut St. Residence: 532 Bates St. HABERMAN, Phillip W., lawyer; born, St. Louis, Mar. 26, 1876; son of William and Ro- setta (Cohn) Haberman; educated in St. Louis public and high schools; LL.B., Law Department, Washington University, 1898; married, St. Louis, Nov. 11, 1902, Blanche C. Altheimer; two children: Phillip W., Julia. Admitted to Missouri bar, 1898, and since in practice in St. Louis; member of law firm of Stern & Haberman since Nov. 1, 1901. Mem ber St. Louis Bar Association, Law Library Association of St. Louis, Blackstone Society, St. Louis Law School Alumni. Member Knights of Pythias, B'nai B'rith. Clubs: Co lumbian, Westwood Country, City. Recrea tion: golf. Offiee: 1124 Central National Bank Bldg. Residence : 4706 Westminster PL HACKER, Martin, diamond setter and man ufacturing jeweler; born in Austria, Sept. 6, 1858; son of Peter and Marie (Fischer) Hacker; educated in Kansas City (Mo.) pub lic and private schools, 1867-71, then at Os wego (Kan.) High School, and afterwards in Spauldings' Business College, Kansas City; married, Philadelphia, 1880, Maize Lee. Be gan to learn trade in 1874, as diamond setter and jeweler, and after several years in Phila delphia, came to St. Louis; was manager of manufacturing department for E. J. Jaccard 252 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS Co. for five years until it was sold out to Merrick, Walsh & Phillips, from whom pur chased the business and has since conducted it under own name. Served five years in Pennsylvania State Militia. Treasurer Tenth Ward Improvement Association. Republican. Baptist. Mason (32°), Shriner. Clubs: Mil lion Population, Western Rowing. Favorite recreations: hunting and fishing. Office: 2d floor, 414 N. 7th St. Residence: 3718 Arkansas Avenue. HACKMAN, Frederick M., grocer; born, St. Louis, Sept. 25, 1869; son of John F. and Mary E. (Timmerman) Hackman; educated in parochial schools and St. Louis University; married, Dec. 11, 1907, Josephine Adamson, of Clinton, Mo. In grocery business ever since he began active career; member Hackman Bros. Grocery Co. and Hackman Bros. Real Estate Co. (groceries at 3735 Connecticut St. and 3901 Russell Ave.) Republican. Catholic. Recreation: fishing. Office: 3901 Russell Ave. Residence: 3906 Castleman Ave. HADDAWAY, Walter Scott, sales manager St. Louis & Carterville Coal Co.; born in Tal bot Co., Md., Sept. 28, 1854; son of Thomas Sherwood and Sarah Catherine (Thompson) Haddaway; educated in public schools of Tal bot Co., Md., 1860-70; St. John's College, An napolis, Md., 1870-72; University of Mary land, Baltimore, 1872-74; married, Niagara Falls, N. Y., Sept. 13, 1886, Alice Gordon Bull; children: Thomas Sherwood, Eunice Chase, Walter James, Roland, John Kersey. Admitted to bar, 1875; practiced law and taught school in Wellington, Sumner Co., Kan., and Talbot Co., Maryland, until February, 1885. Came to St. Louis and began coal business for self, jobbing and retail, until 1890; with Consoli dated Coal Co,, as chief clerk, 1890-1901; as sistant sales agent, 1901-03, and sales agent, 1903-04; president Union Fuel Co., May 1, 1904-February, 1906; general manager Black Band Coal and Coke Co., Charleston, W. Va., February, 1906-July, 1907, also general man ager and treasurer Kanawha & Coal River Ry.; sales manager St. Louis & Carterville Coal Co. since July, 1907. Democrat. Episco palian. Secretary Missouri Society, Sons of American Revolution; member Maryland So ciety, Masonic Order, Royal Arcanum. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Church. Recreations: hunt ing and fishing. Office: 1410 Liggett Bldg. Residence: 322 Clarke Ave., Tuxedo Park. HADLEY, Leo G., president Hadley-Dean Glass Co.; born, St. Louis, Dec 17, 1863; son of George C. and Anna A. (Noonan) Hadley; educated in St. Louis public schools, Christian Brothers College; married, St. Louis, Jan. 7, 1894, Alice M. Dean (now deceased); chil dren: Marie, Leo G., Jr., Willis Dean, Mil dred, Alice M. Began business career in em ploy of F. A. Drew Glass Co. as clerk in 1880; was manager and secretary until 1897, when withdrew, and, with father'in-law, O. M. Dean, organized the Hadley-Dean Glass Co., of which , is president, the company being dealers in polished plate, window and skylight glass, mir rors, looking glass, etc. Secretary National Plate Glass Jobbers' Association; member Business Men's League. Catholic. Member Knights of Columbus, Royal Arcanum. Club: City. Favorite recreation: automobiling. Of fice: 11th St. and Lucas Ave. Residence: 3247 Longfellow Boul. HAEFNER, Lucas, president Haefner Bros. Mercantile Co.; born, Kimmswick, Jefferson Co., Mo., Nov. 7, 1873; son of Gerhard and Elizabeth (Roesch) Haefner; attended Seck- man and Spitz public schools, Maxville Catho lic School and Seckman (public) School; mar ried, St. Louis, Nov. 7, 1899, Pauline C. Bouc- kaert; four children: Clarence, Lester, Mil dred and Loretta. Clerk' in general country store, 1892-94; in employ of J. V. Feldmann & Co., retail dry goods, St. Louis, 1894-1901; since in business on own account, first under- firm name of L. Haefner & Co., a few years, later under title of L. Haefner Dry Goods Co., and since 1907 as Haefner Bros. Mercantile Co., of which is president and treasurer; also vice president Lafayette Mercantile Co. Cath olic. Recreation: music. Office: 7631 Ivory Ave. Residence: 6712 Vermont Ave. HAEUSSLER, Harry H., lawyer; born, St. Louis, Oct. 3, 1879; son of Herman A. and Emilie (Sachleben) Haeussler; completed eighth grade work in public schools of St. Louis, 1894; attended Manual Training School for three years, graduating June, 1897; LL.B., St. Louis Law School, 1900; unmarried. Ad mitted to Missouri bar, 1900, and has since practiced at St. Louis; interested in real es tate and other investments; secretary Haeuss ler Investment Co., Down Town Realty Co., Roth Realty and Investment Co., J. G. Haas Soap Co.; vice president Adro Realty and In vestment Co.; director American Credit In demnity Co. Democrat. Clubs: City, Union, Century Boat. Office: 303 Merchants-Laclede Bldg. Residence: 3638 Flora Boul. HAEUSSLER, Herman Albert, lawyer; born in Butler Co., Pa., May 21, 1838; son of Dr. Ferdinand W. and Clara Leontine (Streh- ly) Haeussler; came to St. Louis in child hood; attended German and American schools; went overland with his father in 1850; re turned to St. Louis, 1855; studied law in of fice of Hart & Jecko; married, 1866, Anna Sachleben (died, July, 1874); children: Linna (Mrs. J. T. Rombauer), Anna H. (Mrs. William K. Roth), Martha (Mrs. Materne, now de ceased); married, 2d, August, 1877, first wife 's sister, Emilie Sachleben (died Jan. 25, 1900) children: Harry H., Walter L., Elsie (Mrs Thomas F. Loy), Alice (Mrs. A. H. Beckers) married, 3d, April, 1903, Fannie L. Beneke. Admitted to bar at St. Louis, Aug. 31, 1861 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 253 associated with firm of Sharp & Broadhead (Fidelo C. Sharp and Col. J. O. Broadhead), 1861-7Q; partner with Alonzo W. Slayback, as Slayback & Haeussler, Jan. 1, 1870, until ,1876, when Colonel Broadhead became partner, firm being Broadhead, Slayback & Haeussler, until the tragic death of Colonel Slayback, October, 1882, after that with Colonel Broadhead until 1887, when retired. Served in Enrolled Mis souri Militia as sergeant Company B, Sixth St. Louis Regiment, and was detailed to judge advocate, Department of State, Oct. 3, 1862. Member St. Louis Bar Association, Tax Pay ers ' League. Democrat. President Down Town Realty Co., Union Club Improvement Co. (president). Club: Union. Office : Laclede Bldg. Residence: 3117 Russell Ave. HAEUSSLER, Walter C, vice president Haeussler Investment Co.; born, St. Louis, Feb. 27, 1884; son of Herman A. and Emilie (Sachleben) Haeussler; educated in public schools of St. Louis and Smith Academy; un married. Identified with real estate interests since the beginning of his business career; vice president Haeussler Investment Co.; sec retary Clear Creek Stock Co., Union Club Im provement Co.; director Materne Manufactur ing Co. Club: Union. Office: 303 Merchants- Laclede Bldg. Residence: 3638 Flora Boul. HAFNER, Henry Frank, lumber manufac turer; born, Davenport, la., Sept. 15, 1870; son of Joseph and Julia (Bruning) Hafner; educated in St. Louis public schools, graduat ing from Manual Training School, June, 1889; married, St. Louis, June 5, 1894, Kate L. Pol lard; children: Mariel Esther, Richard Pol lard, Catherine Julia, Julia Alice, Ruth Adams. Since July 15, 1889, continuously connected with the Hafner Manufacturing Co. (presi dent, October, 1901), manufacturers of lum ber, sash, doors and blinds (established 1870); also president Hafner Realty Co. Republican. Congregationalist. Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner. Club: Mercantile. Recreations: walk ing and billiards. Office: Dock and Main Sts. Residence: 24 Windermere PL HAFNER, Joseph Aloysius, vice president Hafner Manufacturing Co.; bora, Webster Groves, Mo., Nov. 20, 1875; son of Joseph and Julia A. (Bruning) Hafner; educated in St. Louis public schools to 1889; graduated from Midland College, Atchison, Kan., 1894; took course in Hill's Commercial College, 1896; married, Atchison, Kan., Feb. 24, 1897, Mamie J. Leu; two children: Joseph A., Jr., Alicia Leu. Engaged as manufacturer and whole saler of hardwood lumber, sash, doors and blinds and general mill work, and has been vice president of the Hafner Manufacturing Co. since 1901. Republican. Presbyterian. Mason. Clubs: Mercantile, Gilead Hunting .and Fishing. Recreations: hunting, fishing and motoring. Office: Dock and Main Sts. Residence: 4534 McPherson Ave. HAGAMAN, George Joseph, vice president and manager of Faust Fulton Market Co.; born in Ogle Co., 111., Sept. 19, 1848; son of Joseph B. and Catherine (Lepper) Hagaman; educated in public schools of Ogle and Win nebago counties, 111., and attended University of Michigan; graduated from Arnold Business College, Rockford, 111.; married, 1875, Louisa Coller (died 1895); 2d, Belleville, 111., Dec. 7, 1904, Mattie B. Dexheimer. After leaving school was engaged for seven years in photo graphic business at Rockford and Galesburg, 111., then traveled in United States for pleas ure; came to St. Louis, 1871, and embarked in bakery, confectionery and notion business until 1879, when entered employ of Tony Faust as clerk and rose to be manager; with drew in 1897, and was out of active business until 1902, when upon the incorporation of Faust Fulton Market Co. became vice presi dent and manager. Methodist. Offiee: 704-706 N. 4th St. Residence: 3534 Humphrey St. *HAGAR, John Addams; moved to St. Louis Co.; see Vol. 1906. HAGAR, William Gardner, president W. G. Hagar Iron Co.; born, Plattsburgh, N. Y., Apr. 6, 1851; son of Jonathan Townsend and Cor nelia (Nichols) Hagar; educated in public schools and Port Edward Collegiate Institute; married, Nashville, Tenn., June 28, 1888, Mar garet T. Mitchell; children: T., Mitchell, Mary W., Margaret, William G., Jr. Began business career with Sligo Iron Store Co., 1878-79; then with Ripley & Kimball and successors, Ripley & Bronson, as department manager, and later as traveling salesman, covering southern and middle west territory; resigned, 1891, and or ganized the Western Iron and Supply Co., dealers in iron products, boiler supplies and heavy sheet metals; on Apr. 1, 1908, the firm name was changed to W. G. Hagar Iron Co., of which is president. (Since July, 1908, lo cated at present quarters which covers a floor space of 86,667 square feet.) Member Mer chants' Exchange, Business Men's League. Presbyterian. Clubs: Mercantile, Glen Echo, Algonquin Country (St. Louis), Duquesne (Pittsburgh, Fa.). Recreation: driving. Office; 2208-2222 N. 2d St. Residence: Kingsbury Apts., 501 Clara Ave. HAGEE, W. P., president Katharmon Chem ical Co.; born, Hillsboro, HI., Apr. 24, 1851; son of D. P. and J. N. (Floyd) Hagee; edu cated in public schools of Carlyle, 111.; mar ried, Flint Hill, Mo., 1886, Miss Bell Lewis (now deceased); children: Mildred N., George Myers. Has been engaged in the drug busi ness since 1871, first at Alton, 111., until 1880; then with George K. Hopkins & Co., whole sale druggists, until organized and incorpo rated, 1889, the Katharmon Chemical Co., of which is president. Mason (32°), Knight Tem plar, Shriner; member Knights of Pythias. 254 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS Office: 101 N. Main St. Residence: 5873 Plym outh Ave. HAGEMANN, Julius P.; see Vol. 1906. HAGERMAN, James, lawyer; born, Jack son Township, Clark Co., Mo., Nov. 26, 1848; son of Benjamin Franklin and Ann S. (Cow- gill) Hagerman; educated private schools, Alexandria, Mo., Christian Brothers College, St. Louis, and Jamieson's Latin College, Keo kuk, la.; married, Palmyra, Mo., Oct. 26, 1871, Maggie M. Walker; children: Lee Walk er, James, Jr. Admitted to bar, 1866, and has since practiced in state and federal courts at Keokuk, la., Palmyra, Mo., Topeka, Kan., and Kansas City and St. Louis. General at torney, Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe R. R. Co., 1884-86; general counsel of receivers of Missouri, Kansas & Texas Ry. Co., 1888-91; general solicitor, 1891-1904, and since. 1904 general counsel Missouri, Kansas & Texas Ry. Co. Member St. Louis Bar Association (presi dent, 1891-92), American Bar Association (president, 1903-04), Missouri State Bar Asso ciation, Kansas Bar Association (honorary life member). Member Merchants' Exchange, Civic League, Virginia Society of St. Louis. Government delegate and member of com mittee on plan and scope, Universal Congress of Lawyers and Jurists, St. Louis, 1904. Dem ocrat; presided over Democratic State conven tions of Missouri that nominated D. R. Fran cis .for Governor, 1888, and H. R. Trimble for Governor, 1879. Clubs: St. Louis, Mercantile, Noonday, University, Bellerive Country. Of fiee: 606 Wainwright Bldg. Residence: 3654 West Pine Boul. HAGERMAN, James, Jr., real estate; born, Keokuk, la., July 31, 1874; son of James and Maggie M. (Walker) Hagerman; educated in public schools of Keokuk, la., Topeka, Kan., and Kansas City (Mo.) University School; graduated from Benton College of Law, St. Louis, LL.B., 1902; married, Kansas City, Dec. 5, 1898, Myrtle Buckley; children: Anna- lee, Margaret, James, 3d. Employed in law de partment of Missouri, Kansas & Texas Ry. Co., 1893, and afterward attorney same com pany; collector of revenue, City of. St. Louis, 1905-09; since vice president and treasurer Hagerman-Fitzsimmons Realty Co. Democrat. Methodist. Member American Bar Associa tion, Missouri Historical Society, American Historical Association. Secretary Territorial Land Co. Member Real Estate Exchange. Clubs: St. Louis, Automobile (president, 1912). Favorite recreation: automobiling. Office: 800 Chestnut St. Residence: 3654 W. Pine Boul. Summer Residence: Hampton Park, St. Louis County. HAGERMAN, Lee Walker, lawyer; born, Keokuk, la., Dec. 6, 1872; son of James and Maggie M. (Walker) Hagerman; educated first by governess and at public schools, Kan sas City High School, 1888-89; by, tutor, 18S9- 91; Brown and Nicholls fitting school, Cam bridge, Mass., 1891-92; Harvard College, A.B., 1896; Harvard Law School, LL.B., 1899; mar ried, Jan. 14, 1911, Ninette Clark. Has prac ticed law in St. Louis since January, 1900; now general attorney for Missouri fdr M., K: & T. Ry. Co. Democrat; held seat in House of Delegates two years, 1903-05. Member St. Louis Bar Association, Missouri State Bar As sociation, American Bar Association, Harvard Law School Association, Civic League. Clubs: University, Harvard, also Harvard Union (Cambridge, Mass.), Harvard Club (New York). Office: 607 Wainwright Bldg. Resi dence: 4401 McPherson Ave. HAGGENJOS, Frank, president Eureka Brass Co.; born, St. Louis, Apr. 6, 1873; son of William and Mary (Sigmund) Hag- genjos; educated St. Lawrence O'Toole's (parochial) School, 14th and O 'Fallon Sts.; married, St. Louis, Nov. 23, 1904, Sarah Eliz abeth Martin; two children: Jean Mary and Ruth Frances. Began active career as a boy in employ of the Garratt Brass Foundry, of which became president; then general man ager of the Hewitt Manufacturing Co., which absorbed the Garratt company, continuing 1902-05, resigned; in 1905 organized the Eu reka Brass .Co., manufacturers of locomotive brasses and car journal bearings, and has since been president and treasurer of this company. Independent in politics. Catholic. Member Railroad Y. M. C. A.., Hoo Hoo, Busi ness Men's League. Recreations: motoring and baseball. Offiee: 2210-2218 Scott Ave. Residence: 3907 Sullivan Ave. HAHN, Peter, vice president Grafman Dairy Co.; born, Bavaria, Germany, Dec. 13, 1848; son of Jacob and Katharine (Fadel) Hahn; educated in public schools to fourteen; married, St. Louis, February, 1876, Margaret Miller. Came to America, 1866; worked in machine shop in Pennsylvania, eighteen months, and then located in St. Louis; in em ploy of Cole & Co., manufacturers of water pumps, 1868-70; connected with Lemp Brew ery, 1870-72, and with Wainwright Brewery for several years; has been identified with the Grafman Dairy Co. since 1894. Republican. Protestant. Mason. Recreations: fishing and bowling. Office: 2101 Morgan St. Residence: 1260 Bayard Ave. HAID, Edward Arthur, lawyer; born, St. Louis, Nov. 4, 1881; son of Frederick W. and Sophia C. (Kraemer) Haid; educated in Blair (public) School, and at Benton College of Law, 1901-04, graduating, LL.B., 1904; mar ried, St. Louis, Nov. 24, 1904, Princess A. Bailey; children: Edward O, Eula V., Lloyd Orr. Entered law office of L. Frank Ottofy, Sept. 23, 1897, at age of sixteen, and in March, 1899, became connected with law, of fice of Koehler & Reiss; on Dec. 1, 1901, was THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 255 appointed private secretary to Hon. Amos M. Thayer, judge of the United States Circuit Court of Appeals; studied law; admitted to bar, Aug. 1, 1904', and now attorney for St. Louis & San Francisco R. R. Co. Republican. Southern Methodist. Favorite recreation: out door athletic sports. Office: 825 Frisco Bldg. Residence: 5967 Cates Ave. HAILE, Columbus, vice president Missouri, Kansas & Texas Ry.; born, Dallas Co., Ala., Sept. 8, 1860; son Columbus and Louisa (Mc- Caa) Haile; educated Staunton (Va.) Male Academy, Hampden-Sidney College, and Uni versity of Virginia; married, Palestine, Tex., Dec. 25, 1883, Tempe Perry; children: Co lumbus, Elise Perry. Began railway service with Houston & Texas Central Ry., as clerk, in 1880; with International & Great Northern R. R., 1881-85; with Texas Traffic Association, 1885-89; assistant general freight agent and general freight agent Missouri, Kansas & Texas Ry., 1889-95; member Board of Admin istration, Southwestern Traffic Association, until 1896; freight traffic manager until Nov. 8, 1898; traffic manager until Jan. 1, 1907, since vice- president and traffic manager Mis souri, Kansas & Texas Ry. Co. Democrat. Episcopalian. Club: Mercantile. Office: Wain wright Bldg. Residence: Buckingham Hotel. HAIN, Henry C, diamond broker; born, Boonville, Mo., Dec. 26, 1856; son of George and Sophia (Aul) Hain; educated in public schools and business college; married, Boon ville, Apr. 16, 1883, Katie E. Fox; one daugh ter: Mary Eva. In confectionery business at Nevada, Mo., for four years; deputy post master, Boonville, 1882-86; came to St. Louis, 1886, and was connected with retail jewelry business four years; spent the next three years at Boonville; returned to St. Louis, 1893, and entered Eisenstadt Manufacturing Co.; also in diamond brokerage business on own ac count since 1907. Republican. Member Citi zens' Industrial League, Woodmen of the World. Recreations: outdoor sports. Office: 1220, 722 Chestnut St. Residence: 4146 Flora Boulevard. HALEY, Thomas Preston, Jr., president Peacock Chemical Co.; bora, Lexington, Mo., Feb. 25, 1861; son of Rev. Thomas Preston and Mary (McGarvey) Haley; educated in public schools and St. Louis High School; married, St. Louis, Apr. 25, 1900, Isabelle De Mun Che nie; one daughter: Isabelle Chenie. Began ac tive career in a retail drug store, continuing, 1880-82; in wholesale grocery business, 1882- 84; merchandise broker, Kansas City, 1884-86; secretary, 1886, president since 1892, Peacock Chemical Co., manufacturers of proprietary medicines. Also secretary and treasurer Sul tan Drug Co. Democrat. Member Christian (Disciples) Church. Member Business Men's League. Clubs: St. Louis, Racquet, Normandie Golf. Recreations: athletic sports. Office: 112- 114 N. 2d St. Residence: 9 Lenox PL HALL, Almon Danforth, chairman Southern Freight Association; born, Minonk, 111., Sept. 21, 1860; son of Benjamin and Abigail (Thomp son) -Hall; educated in St. Louis public schools, Mound City Business College. Began railroad career in 1878; became clerk South ern Freight Association, at St. Louis, 1895, chief clerk, 1903, and has been chairman since 1907; also acts as agent of numerous rail roads in the publication of freight tariffs. Member American Association of Freight Traffic Officers. Republican. Baptist. Member of old Police Reserves (private, sergeant and lieutenant), National Union, Maccabees, and Moose. Recreations: fishing and literature. Office: Wright Bldg. Residence: 3419 Lucas Avenue. *HALL, Charles, railway official; moved to San Francisco; see Vol. 1906. HALL, Claud Dudley, lawyer; born, Areola, 111., Dec. 6, 1873; son of John I. and Carrie1 (Bond) Hall; educated public schools, Areola; Ph.B., DePauw University, Greencastle, Ind., 1896; LL.B., St. Louis Law School, 1898; mar ried, St. Louis, Apr. 20, 1910, Laura C. Gays. In practice in St. Louis since 1898; has been attorney in a number of important causes in state and federal courts; counsel for com plainants and creditors in receivership pro ceedings against E. G. Lewis and Lewis cor porations involving capital of $6,000,000, re ceiver being appointed by U. S. Court July 20, , 1911. Democrat. Member American Bar Asso ciation, Missouri State Bar Association, St. Louis Bar Association, Law Library Associa tion. Member Civic League. Mason; member Pride of the West Lodge No. 179, A. F. & A. M.; Kilwinning Chapter, No. 50, R. A. M.; also Knights of Honor, and other fraternal organizations. Clubs: Mercantile, City. Rec reations: motoring, tennis. Office: 915 Cen tral National Bank Bldg. Residence: 5920 Plymouth Ave. HALL, Edward Femington, safes; deceased; see Vol. 1906. HALL, Fred Silvey, lawyer;' born, Areola, Douglas Co., 111., Mar. 23, 1875; son of John I. and Carrie (Bond) Hall; educated in Areola High School, four years; DePauw University, Greencastle, Ind.; Ph.B., University of Illi nois, 1898; LL.B., Law Department, Washing ton University, 1901; married, Chicago, June 5, 1911, Minnie L. Kauzler. Engaged in gen eral practice of law in St. Louis since June, 1901; now member of law firm of Hall & Dame. Democrat. Member Union Avenue Christian Church. Mason, Knight Templar. Clubs: University of Hlinois of St. Louis (sec retary), Young Men's Democratic, Masonic. Office: 915 Central National Bank Bldg. Resi dence: 5922 Washington Ave. 256 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS HALL, Frederic Aldin, professor of Greek, Washington University; born, Brunswick, Me., Nov. 20, 1854; son of James and Rebecca (Dixon) Hall; educated ,dn public schools of Brunswick, and Vineland, N. J., Olivet (Mich.) Academy; A.B., Drury College, Springfield, Mo., 1878, AM., 1881, Litt.D., 1901; Univer sity of Gottingen, Germany, 1891-92; married, 1881, Mary Alice Linscott, of Portland, Me.; children: William L., Elinor Alice, Elizabeth. Began teaching in district school, Waltham, 111.; principal Drury Aeadamy, 1878-91; stud ied and traveled in Europe, 1891-92; Goodell professor of Greek, Drury College, 1892-1901; dean of Drury College, 1898-1901; director of Summer School, Springfield, Mo., 1899-1901; since 1901, Collier professor of Greek, Wash ington University; acting dean of College, 1907-08, dean since 1912, Washington Univer sity; member American School for Classical Study, Athens, Greece, 1906-07. Member American Philological Association, American Institute of Areheeology (vice president of the St. Louis Society), Classical Association of Middle West and South, Washington Univer sity Association, St. Louis Classical Club; member Board of Trustees of Drury College. Congregationalist. Author: Homeric Stories for Young Readers; Iphigenia in Literature; also numerous articles pertaining to Greek literature. Lecturer for American Institute of Archaeology. Office: Washington Univer sity. Residence: 5203 Maple Avenue. HALL, George Hamilton, grain commission; born, Philadelphia, June 3, 1845; son of Na thaniel Hamilton and Martha (Kenderdine) Hall; educated in public school and high schools of St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Jan. 29, 1873, Naomi Tesson; children: George H., Jr., Louis Tesson, Elizabeth M. (Sister Mary Vincentia), Edward Polkowski. Began busi ness career in 1863 as a clerk in wholesale dry goods house of Homer, Rex & Tracy, and con tinued in mercantile business until 1880; then engaged in the grain commission business with Nanson, Bartholomew & Co., which changed in 1881 to Billingsly & Nanson; on incorpora tion of the business in 1884, as Nanson Com mission Co., became its ' treasurer, and later assumed present position as vice president and general manager of the company. Member Merchants' Exchange of St. Louis. Roman Catholic. Office: 202 Chamber of Commerce. Residence: 5531 Clemens Ave. HALL, George Washington; see Vol. 1906. HALL, George William, life insurance; born, Linden, Va., Jan. 24, 1851; son of Wil liam H. and Aisley (Taylor) Hall; educated in common schools of Virginia; married, Lu- ray, Va., 1877, Mary Ellis Young; twp chil dren: Elizabeth and George O. Engaged with the Singer Manufacturing Co. for eighteen years in managerial positions in Virginia, New York, Tennessee and southern Illinois; general agent New York Life Insurance Co. in St. Louis, 1897-1911; now general agent life and accident departments Travelers' Insur ance Co.; proprietor Hall Automobile Co^ managed by son in St. Louis. Democrat. Mem ber board of managers Central College for Women, Lexington, Ky. Member M. E. Church, South; superintendent Sunday School of Lafayette Park Southern Methodist Church for fifteen years. Mason. Offiee: 420 Olive St. Residence: 2848 Accomac St. HALL, Harry R., physician; born, Chitte- nango, N. Y., 1871; son of J. W. and Mary (Bell) Hall; educated at St. Louis grammar and high schools; A.B., Washington Univer sity, 1892; M.D., Missouri Medical College, 1895; married, St. Louis, 1898, Susan M. Thompson; two children. Member American Medical Association, Missouri State Medical Association, St. Louis Medical Society. Club: Mercantile. Office and Residence: 5894 Cates Avenue. HALL, Herbert, manager title department Trust Co. of St. Louis County; born, St. Louis, Dec. 5, 1880; son of Cyrus and Ellen Eliza beth (Worthington) Hall; graduated Stoddard (public) School, 1895, high school, 1899; six months' course' Barnes Business College; mar ried, St. Louis, March, 1901, Fannie M. Sher wood; two sons (twins): George Earl and Frank Herbert. Began as clerk for Grolock Carriage Co., continuing four months; clerk and stenographer Lewis & Hall, title examin ers, 1901-03, the firm then being absorbed by Trust Co. of St. Louis County, which was or ganized in 1903; immediately- entered employ ment of latter company, was promoted to as sistant manager title department, 1907; man ager same department since 1909. Republican. Episcopalian. Member Valley Council, No. 438, Royal Arcanum. Club: Midland Valley Coun try. Recreations: reading, tennis, fishing and hunting. Office: 612 Chestnut St. Residence: 1391 Clara Ave. *HALL, Howard Warren, electrical man ager; moved to Richmond, Va.; see Vol. 1906. HALL, Lester Melville, lawyer; born, La Salle Co., 111., Dec. 9, 1852; son of Zenas and Amanda Louisa (Alvord) Hall; educated in public schools and two years in Illinois Nor mal University, Normal, 111.; LL.B., Wesleyan University Law School, Bloomington, 111., 1876; married, St. Louis, Nov. 16, 1882, Eliza beth Beardslee; children: Melville B., Helen. Began active career on father's farm; then clerked in country store; worked four years as clerk in dry goods at Bloomington, 111., and studied law while so engaged; admitted to bar by Supreme Court of Illinois, June, 1876, St. Louis Court of Appeals, . October, 1876; since then in continuous practice of law at St. Louis. Acts as confidential investor of funds for large number of eastern and St. Louis investors. Secretary and treasurer Bell Place THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 257 Realty Co.; president and counsel New Sligo Colony Co.; director and counsel Kahama Chemical Co.; vice president and secretary Carbon Heights Fruit and Coal Co. Repub lican; secretary of the Republican State League, 1888-92; secretary of the Republican State Committee, 1892-94. Has served as sec ond lieutenant, first lieutenant, captain and judge advocate First Regiment, and captain Company B, First Regiment, Missouri National Guard; captain of posse during street car riot, 1900. Member Missouri Historical Society, Na tional Geographic Society, Civil Improvement League, St. Louis Law Library Association, Civie League. Baptist; vice president St. Louis Baptist Hospital. Club: Mercantile. Recreation: outdoor life. Office: 705 Olive St. Residence: 853 Goodfellow Ave. HALL, Marshall, president W. L. Green Commission Co.; born in Mason Co., Ky., Jan. 13, 1875; son of Carey" J. and Eudora E. (Syd- aor) Hall; educated in private school; mar ried, St. Louis, Apr. 27, 1897, Inez Bethune; children: Sydnor, Henry B., Marshall, Jr. Be gan business career in employ of the freight department of the Chesapeake & Ohio R. R. at Cincinnati, 1891-92; then with the Texas & Pacific R. R., with headquarters at New Or leans, 1892-94; removed to St. Louis, 1894, and' became connected with W. L. Green Commis sion Co., grain and hay commission merchants and grain exporters; later acquired an interest in the business and since 1903 has been presi dent of the company. President Burlington Grain Elevator Co. Member Merchants' Ex change (second vice president). Baptist. Clubs: St. Louis Grain, St. Louis Traffic. Recreation: reading. Office: 203 Merchants' Exchange. Residence: 5052 Kensington Ave. *HALL, Thrasher; moved to Chicago; see Vol. 1906. HALL, Willard Cotton, insurance; born Darksville, Randolph Co., Mo., Nov. 24, 1854 son of William A. and Oetavia (Sebree) Hall educated at Mt. Pleasant (Mo.) College, six years; married, Huntsville, Mo., 1884, Lotta A. Bedford; one son: Willard W. Lived on farm in Randolph Co., Mo., until twenty-seven years of age; then in cattle business in South ern Colorado for seven years; returned to Huntsville, Mo., and was mayor of that city, 1888-89; member Missouri House of Represent atives from Randolph Co., 1890-91 ; labor com missioner of Missouri by appointment of Gov ernor Francis, 1891-93; since Apr. 1, 1893, en gaged in general insurance business in St. Louis. Mason. Club: Mercantile. Recreation: reading. Office: Fierce Bldg. Residence: Hotel Berlin. HALL, W(illiam) Antoine, physician and surgeon; born in Clinton Co., Mo., Oct. 3, 1869; son of Jeremiah S. and Julia J. (Aker) Hall; educated in public schools; graduated from Plattsburg College, A.B., 1889, Marion-Sims Medical College, St. Louis, M.D., 1893; mar ried, Belleville, Kan., Dec. 9, 1903, Grace E. Caldwell; three children: Preston Caldwell, William C, Elizabeth L. Interne Baptist Hos pital, St. Louis, 1893-95; in general practice as physician and surgeon in St. Louis since July 1, 1895. Professor of physiology, St. Louis College of Physicians and Surgeons, 1896-1910; surgeon Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co., Amer ican Car Works, Carondolet Foundry, and other factories; medical examiner K. O. T. M. and L. O. T. M. Member American Medical Association, Missouri State Medical Associa tion, St. Louis Medical Society. Democrat. Prot estant. Royal Arch Mason; member I. O. O. F., K. of P., K. O. T. M., and Eastern Star. Club: St. Francois Literary Hunting- and Fishing. Recreation: fishing. Office and Residence: 1595 Tower Grove Ave. HALL, Willis, physician; born, Piqua, O., Jan. 27, 1857; son of William and Ann M. (Ward) Hall; educated at Piqua High School; M.D., St. Louis Medical College, Mar. 4, 1881; married, Chicago, 1891, Miss Emma Gesel- bracht; children: Clifford, Anita. Engaged in practice in St. Louis since March, 1881; in terne at St. Louis City Hospital, 1881, St. Louis Female Hospital, 1882-83; clinical as sistant (gynecological clinic) O 'Fallon Dis pensary, Medical Department, Washington University, 1885-1912; member staff, Gyne cological Department, St. Luke's Hospital. Member St. Louis Medical Society, St. Louis Obstetrical and Gynecological Society, Med ical Society of City Hospital Alumni. Meth odist. Clubs: Apollo, Bellerive Country. Rec reations: golf, fishing and hunting. Office: 512 Humboldt Bldg. Residence: 5219 Delmar Boul. HALLER, Julius, real estate; born, St. Louis, Aug. 19, 1868; son of Frederick and Maria C. (Daab) Haller; educated in common schools and three years at Toansf eld's Insti tute, St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Sept. 12, 1893, Emma Braeht; two daughters: Gladys and Imogene. Secretary William F. Crowe & Co., St. Louis, for fifteen years; then for five years secretary and treasurer of the Hy Himenz Realty Co.; secretary and treasurer Lenz-Haller Realty Co. since 1901; also secre tary and treasurer Helen Building and Realty Co. Member Real Estate Exchange. Repub lican. Methodist. Mason (32°) ; Master Polar Star Lodge No. 79, A. F. & A. M.; member St. Louis Chapter No. 8, R. A. Clubs: Masonic, Past Masters'. Recreations: reading, walk ing. Office: 807 Chestnut St. Residence: 3157 Portis Ave. HALSEY, Oscar Lawrence, dealer in auto mobiles; born, New York, Sept. 2, 1874; son of Oscar Augustus and Alice (Morley) Hal- sey; educated in public and high schools of New York; married, Brookline, Mass., Oct. 17, 1911, Martha Hope Fuller. Began active ca- 258 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS reer with R. Hoe & Co., New York, continu ing for one and a half years; then became connected with the Coats Thread Co. and was identified with this corporation for six years; located in St. Louis, 1900', and has since been engaged in the automobile business; head of the Halsey Automobile Co. Republican. Bap tist. Clubs: Mercantile, Automobile of St. Louis, Aero, Glen Echo. Recreation: golf. Office: 3908-3918 Olive St. Residence: St. Regis Apts. HAMILTON, Alexander, president Gartside Coal Co.; born, Hancock Co., 111., Nov. 5, 1843; son of Charles and Mary (McLean) Hamilton; educated in public schools of St. Louis, 1852-61; married, St. Louis, Oct. 15, 1874, Mary Wiegand (who died Oct. 8, 1896) ; four children: Minnie D. (Mrs. William H. Rover, of Clayton, Mo.), Henry A., Charles R. and May. Began active career as clerk in of fice of Joseph Gartside, 1864, continuing in this position for ten years; then was elected secretary of Gartside Coal Co., miners of Big Muddy Coal, an office he filled, 1874-1905; president of the company since 1905; also president Odd Fellows Hall Co. Republican. Presbyterian. Member St. Louis Lodge No. 5, I. O. O. F.; Mound City Encampment No. 19, I. O. O. F. ; Grand Treasurer Grand Encamp ment of Missouri, I. O. O. F. Member Mer chants' Exchange. Recreation: reading. Of fice: 515 Victoria Bldg. Residence: 2329 St. Louis Ave. HAMILTON, Charles, manager office build ings; born, St. Louis, Nov. 13, 1866; son of William and Susie (Sexton) Hamilton; edu cated in St. Louis public schools, leaving high school at age of 18; married, Washington, Mo., Sept. 8, 1898, A. Mattie Kiskadden; children: Jean Louise, Anne Kiskadden (deceased), C. Malcolm, Caldwell K., Hugh A. Was with Ber- thold & Jennings, lumber, 1885-87, Thomas Morrison Tent and Awning Co., 1887-89, Woer- hide & Garrell, title investigators, 1889-94; Lincoln Trust Co., 1894-97, secretary same, 1897-1904; vice president Missouri-Lincoln Trust Co., 1904-05; treasurer of the Lincoln Title and Trust Co., 1905-08; since manager Bank of Commerce buildings. Republican; mayor of Kirkwood, Mo., 1910-12. Presby terian. Office: 420 Olive St. Residence, Kirk wood, Mo. HAMILTON, Charles Dingee Pennock, shoe manufacturer; born, Cochranville, Chester Co., Pa., Dec 10, 1851; son of Ezekiel and Lydia A. (Pennock) Hamilton; educated in public schools and in private and normal schools of the Society of Friends, at West Chester, Pa.; also pursued a business course in Bryant & Stratton Business College, Philadelphia; mar ried, Easton, Pa., Jan. 5, 1888, Florence Night ingale; four children: Nightingale, Charles D., Jr., Florence and Nina N. Spent two years in Kansas teaching school; returned to Penn sylvania, 1872, and entered retail shoe busi ness at Easton, later engaging in manufacture of shoes; came .to St. Louis, 1898, as buyer and superintendent for the manufacturing de partment of Roberts, Johnson & Rand Shoe Co.; became a director of the company and its fourth vice president in 1902, remaining so until December, 1911, when name of company was changed to the International Shoe Co., of which is a director and a vice president. Re publican. Member Friends (Quaker) Church. Club: Glen Echo Country. Has been a life long student and reader and has gained recog nition as a Shakespearean scholar. Author: Modern Scientific Whist, 1904, a standard work now in its eighth edition, having been published in America, England and France; also composer of chess problems, many of which have appeared in chess magazines in leading countries of the world. Recreations: whist and chess. Offiee: 15th St. and Wash ington Ave. Residence: 5517 Cates Ave. HAMILTON, Charles R., lawyer; bora, St. Louis, Oct. 27, 1880; son of Alexander and Mary (Wiegand) Hamilton; educated in pub lic grade schools, high school, LL.B., Wash-. ington University, 1904; married, St. Louis, June 24, 1901, Jessie P. Flanders; one son: Robert A. In practice at St. Louis since 1904; member firm of H. A. & C. R. Hamilton. Re publican. Member Odd Fellows, Royal Ar canum. Office: 1201-1203 New Bank of Com merce Bldg. Residence: 1351 Aubert Ave. HAMILTON, Frank Hastings, secretary and treasurer St. Louis & San Francisco R. R. Co.; born, New York City, Sept. 5, 1865; gradu ated from University of France, Paris, 1883, with degree of B.S.; married, New York City, 1896, May, daughter of Frederick D. Tappen; one son: Frank H. Hamilton, Jr. Entered railway service, 1885, since which he has been consecutively to Dec. 31, 1887, secretary to general agent express department Baltimore & Ohio Ry. at New York City; January, 1888, to November, 1890, clerk to secretary and treasurer St. Louis & San Francisco Ry. at New York; November, 1890, to March, 1893, chief clerk to vice president same road at Boston; March, 1893, to December, 1893, act ing comptroller Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry., at Boston; January to September, 1894, deputy comptroller at New York, and Septem ber, 1894, to December, 1895, cashier for re ceivers, same road, same place; December, 1895, to July, 1896, treasurer for receivers, St. Louis & San Francisco Ry., at New York; July, 1896, to date, secretary and treasurer reorganized company, the St. Louis & San Francisco R. R. Co., at St. Louis. Club: Nor mandie Golf. Recreation: golf. Office: Frisco Bldg. Residence: 228 N. Newstead Ave. HAMILTON, Henry Alexander, lawyer; born, St. Louis, Feb. 1, 1877; son of Alex- THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 259 ander and Mary (Wiegand) Hamilton; edu cated St. Louis public schools and Central High School, graduating from latter, January, 1895; matriculated in St. Louis Law School, and was graduated with degree of LL.B., June, 1898 (awarded prize for best thesis) ; unmar ried. Admitted to Missouri bar, June 1, 1898; practiced alone until Sept. 1, 1907, and then formed partnership with brother under title of H. A. & C. R. Hamilton, which still exists; has practiced extensively in Circuit and Ap pellate courts. Member House of Delegates one term, 1909-11, as representative of Seven teenth (now Eighteenth) Ward. Republican. Episcopalian. Member American Bar Associa tion, Missouri Bar Association, St. Louis Bar Association, Civie League. Member St. Louis Lodge No. 5, I. O. O. F., and served as Grand High Priest of Grand Encampment of Mis souri, 1909-10; member Occidental Lodge No. 163, A. F. & A. M.; St. Louis Lodge No. 9, B. P. O. Elks. Club: Mercantile. Office: 1202 National Bank of Commerce Bldg. Residence: 2329 St. Loujs Ave. HAMILTON, James Harry, sales manager; born, Allegheny City, Pa., Aug. 27, 1867; son of James and Lizzie (Lovette) Hamilton; edu cated in public schools of Bellevue, Pa., and in the Polytechnic Institute of western Penn sylvania, at Pittsburgh; married, Wheeling, W. Va., 1890, Anna J. Davis. Began business career as secretary and general manager of the Hartman Manufacturing Co. at Ellwood City, Pa.; then sales agent of the Dillon-Gris- wold Wire Co., at Sterling, 111., and sales agent for the Pittsburgh Steel Co., of Pitts burgh, Pa., until 1907; since sales manager Zittlosen Manufacturing Co., cotton fabrics. Mason (32°), Shriner. Member Pennsylvania Society of St. Louis. Club: Missouri Athletic. Favorite recreations: hunting and fishing. Of fice: 1328 Dolman St. Residence: 2329 Park Avenue. HAMILTON, John Jonas, secretary of Sam uel Cupples Envelope Co.; born, Salem, 111., Mar. 12, 1859; son of Presley Porter and Lucy Minerva (Jones) Hamilton; educated in pub- lie school in Illinois; married, Kirkwood, Mo., June 14, 1900, Lucy Graham King; one son: Presley Porter Hamilton. After leaving school engaged in various business capacities, and for some time conducted a grocery store for W. E. Brookings at DuQuoin, 111.; came to St. Louis, October, 1885, and has since been con nected with the Samuel Cupples Paper Bag Co. and the Samuel Cupples Envelope Co., of which latter corporation he is now secretary. Republican. Methodist. Member Royal Ar canum, Western Commercial Travelers' Asso ciation. Office: 618-638 S. 6th St. Residence: Kirkwood, Mo. HAMILTON, William John, real estate; see Vol. 1906. HAMLIN, William Ebelin, printer; 1862- 1911; see Vol. 1906. HAMMAR, Frank Victor, white lead manu facturer; bora, Covington, Ky., Apr. 28, 1866; son of Frank and Victoria E. (Snider) Ham- mar; educated in public schools of Cincinnati; married, St. Louis, May 16, 1895, Virginia May Conn. Engaged in manufacture of paints, with Hammar Paint Co., 1881-1908; since president Hammar Bros. White Lead Co. Director Barnard Free Skin and Cancer Hos pital. Member St. Louis Paint, Oil and Drug Club, Business Men's League, Civic League. Clubs: St. Louis, Racquet, City, St. Louis Country. Office: East St. Louis, 111. Resi dence: 7 Hortense PL *HAMMAR, Park Godwin, paint manufac turer; moved to New York City; see Vol. 1906. HAMMRL, Michael, president M. Hammel Real Estate Co.; bora, Kirehheim-on-Eck, Rhein Province, Germany, Aug. 29, 1847; son of David and Elizabeth (Grether) Hammel; educated in public schools and commercial col lege, Germany; married at St. Louis, Sept. 23, 1875, Miss Regina Karleskind (died May 27, 1910); four children: Fred A., Waldemar, Ed gar R., Frank M. Began active career at thirteen in wholesale and retail grocery store, continuing four years; came to America, 1865; was connected with general country store at Pocahontas, 111., one year; clerk in Tift Mill, at Old Mines, Mo., 1866; later entered em ploy of real estate firm of Hill & Stephani, 6714 S. Broadway. Mr. Stephani died 1872, and title was changed to Hill & Hammel; Mr. Hill died, 1886, and the title became Hammel & Karleskind. After retirement of Mr. Karles kind, 1911, the business was incorporated as the M. Hammel Real Estate Co., with M. Hammel, president, Edgar R. Hammel, vice president, Fred A. Hammel, secretary, and Frank M. Hammel, treasurer. Republican. Member Royal Arcanum. Recreations: home diversions. Office: 6721 S. Broadway. Resi dence: 6631 Michigan Ave. HAMMERSTEIN, Charles Louis, secretary and treasurer Board of Education; 1852-1912; see Vol. 1906. HAMMES, William Eugene, merchant tailor; bora, St. Louis, July 24, 1881; son of William F. and Ida (Bernardin) Hammes; educated in the public schools of St. Louis; married, Aug. 12, 1907, Agnes Blessing, of St. Louis. Began business as traveling salesman for the John M. Hayes Woolen Co.; later traveled for Harrington & Goodman, of Philadelphia, with branch offices at St. Louis and Minneapolis; entered business with his father, 1904, under title of William F. Hammes & Co., of which he is an equal partner. Re publican. Episcopalian. Member Business Men's League. Recreations; hunting and fish- 260 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS ing. Office: Central National Bank Bldg. Resi dence: 4547 McPherson Ave. HAMMES, William F., merchant tailor; born, Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct. 4, 1848; son of Theodore and Mary (Breggelworth) Hammes; educated at St. Mary's College, Williamsburg (Brooklyn), N. Y.; married, St. Louis, June 30, 1879, Ida Bernardin; children: Maude E. (Mrs. Dennis Dawling), William Eugene. Learned tailoring trade in Brooklyn, N. Y.; came to St. Louis from Chicago, 1878, after following trade in all the large cities of the country; worked as cutter here, 1878-80; en tered business, 1880, as merchant tailor under firm style of William F. Hammes; later with his son, William, organized the present firm of William F. Hammes & Co. Republican. Pres byterian. Mason; member St. Aldemar Com mandery, Knights Templar, and Moolah Tem ple, Nobles of Mystic Shrine. Member An cient Order United Workmen, St. Louis Le gion of Honor. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Oasis. Favorite recreations: hunting and fish ing. Office: Central National Bank Bldg., 2d floor. Residence: 4016 Morgan St. HAMMOND, Ashley K., eastern representa tive of The Republic; born, Cedar Falls, la., July 16, 1861; son of Lewis J. and Louisa C. (Ashley) Hammond; educated in the public schools of Joliet, 111., and Illinois Wesleyan University, Bloomington, 111.; married, Blue Island, 111., Mar. 6, 1889, Jessie Robinson; children: Ashley Ballard, Lewis James, Jr. Be gan business career as a reporter on the Flor ida Times-Union at Jacksonville, Fla., 1882; since March, 1892, connected with the St. Louis Republic, first as advertising manager, now as eastern representative at New York. Clubs: Mercantile, Missouri Athletic ' Office: St. Louis Republic. Residence : New York City. HAMSHER, Frank, principal Smith Acad emy; born, Decatur, 111., May 4, 1873; son of Barnet Kline and Cecelia (Elwood) Hamsher; student Decatur High School, 1886-90, gradu ating, 1890; University of Michigan, 1891-95, A.B., 1895; married, Bloomington, 111., June 20, 1900, Lucy Coolidge; one child: Elwood Coolidge. Began teaching at Decatur, 111., 1895; principal Smith Academy since Septem ber, 1906. Member Board of Education, Uni versity City. Independent Republican. Con gregationalist. Office: Smith Academy. Resi dence: Cor. Delniar and Linden Aves., Clay ton, Mo. HANCOCK, Walter Scott, lawyer; born in Franklin Co., Va., Nov. 19, 1869; son of Abram Booth and Martha Elizabeth (Walker) Han cock; educated in public and high schools of Danville, Va.; graduated from four years' course in Virginia Military Institute, Lexing ton, Va., 1890; studied at Hampden-Sidney College, 1892-1893; LL.B., University of Vir ginia, 1896; married, St. Louis, Nov. 21, 1899, Anna Spencer, daughter of Dr. Horatio N. Spencer; five children: Walker Kirtland, Anne Spencer, Laura, Elizabeth Dwight and Deane. Admitted to bar of St. Louis at February term, 1897, and has since been engaged in practice of law; elected as assistant circuit attorney for St. Louis, 1900, and served to close of term, Dec. 31, 1904; had charge of all grand jury work during that period. Now as sistant attorney Missouri Pacific Ry. Co. President Bell Place Realty Co. Served as lieutenant U. S. Volunteers, detailed as adju tant Second Battalion; also ordnance officer, Sixth Missouri Infantry, Spanish-American War; was lieutenant Company B, First Regi ment, National Guard of Missouri. Member St. Louis Bar Association, American Bar As sociation, Virginia Historical Society, St. Louis Business Men's League. Democrat. Member Grand Avenue Presbyterian Church. Club: Young Men's Democratic. Author of various biographical sketches and articles for periodicals. Editor: The Spencer Family in England and America. Recreatiqjn: study of archaeology. Office: 705 Market St. Residence: 4332 McPherson Ave. HANDLAN, Alexander Hamilton, president of Handlan-Buck Manufacturing Co., railway supplies; born, Wheeling, Va. (now W. Va.), Apr. 25, 1844; son of Alexander Hamilton and Catherine (Kineon) Handlan; educated in pub lic schools and Herron Seminary, Cincinnati; married, Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 11, 1866, Mollie A. De Prez; children: Eugene W., Alex ander H., Jr., E. R., Marie (Mrs. H. T. Horns- ly), Kathryn, Vella, Lillian, May. Was a sol dier in the Civil War; in 1869 became con nected with the business of M. M. Buck & Co. in the general railway supply business. In 1895 purchased the interest of M. M. Buck and changed the name to M. M. Buck Manu facturing Co., and later changed to the Hand lan-Buck Manufacturing Co., of which is pres ident, the company manufacturing signal lamps, lanterns, headlights, track drills, metal flags, etc., and handling a general line of sup plies for railroads, contractors, machine shops, mills, foundries and mines. Also president Handlan Warehouse Co., M. M. Buck Manufac turing Co.; director of Calvary Cemetery, and of the California Improvement Co. Democrat. Catholic. Formerly president of Marquette Club. Clubs: Mercantile, Noonday, Glen Echo, Missouri Athletic. Office: 212 N. 3d St. Resi dence: 3700 Lindell Boul. HANDLAN, Alexander Hamilton, Jr., sec retary and manager Handlan-Buck Manufac turing Co.; born, St. Louis, Oct. 5, 1874; son of Alexander H. and Mollie A. (DePrez) Handlan; graduated from St. Louis Univer sity, 1892; married, St. Louis, Dec. 25, 1901, Ella Hill; one son: Alexander Hamilton Hand lan III. Entered, in 1892, the office of the M. M. Buck Manufacturing Co. (established 1845^ THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 261 as clerk, continuing with the successor of that company, the Handlan-Buck Manufacturing Co., manufacturers of railroad supplies, incor porated 1895, and since 1900 has been secre tary of the company, also now manager. Di rector Handlan Warehouse Co. Member Sales Managers' Association. Democrat. Catholic. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Mercantile, Elks. Fa vorite recreations: hunting and fishing. Office: 212-214 N. 3d St. Residence: 4323 McPherson Avenue. HANDLAN, Eugene Walter, vice president and treasurer Handlan-Buck Manufacturing Co.; born, St. Louis, Feb. 19, 1869; son of Alexander H. and Mollie A. (DePrez) Hand lan; graduated from St. Louis University, 1889; unmarried. Was errand boy, then in manufacturing department, charging depart ment and shipping department of M. M. Buck & Co.; then clerk in the Citizens' Bank; secre tary and treasurer of the M. M. Buck Manu facturing Co. and director Citizens' Bank; re signed from bank; since May, 1901, vice presi dent and treasurer of the Handlan-Buck Man ufacturing Co., wholesale jobbers and manu facturers of railroad and contractors' sup plies; secretary and treasurer Handlan Ware house Co.; president Citizens' Bank, Asiatic Exposition Co.; secretary and treasurer Mar quette Trust Co., Home Silver Mining Co.; manager Handlan Park. Democrat. Catholic. Member B. P. O. Elks. Clubs: Mercantile, Missouri Athletic, St. Louis Boat Association (commodore), St. Louis Railway, Point Isabel. Office: 212 N. 3d St. Residence: 3700 Lindell Boulevard. HANKLE, Charles Augustus; see Vol. 1906. HANLON, Richard, treasurer Robinson Fire Apparatus Manufacturing Co.; born Canton, O., Jan. 11, 1854; son of James and Alice (Kelley) Hanlon; educated in public and pa rochial schools in Missouri and Illinois; mar ried, St. Louis, 1891, Sarah A. Doyle; children: Richard, Jr., Josephine Alice Marie. Larger part of boyhood spent in La Salle Co., 111.; began business career there with the Mathew- son & Hegeler Zinc Works until 1878, when came to St. Louis; in wholesale millinery busi ness in St. Louis since 1878, and, after being connected with various firms, organized, in 1903, the Richard Hanlon Millinery Co., job bers, manufacturers and importers of millin ery goods and pattern hats, of which was president until 1911; since treasurer Robin son Fire Apparatus Manufacturing Co. Dem ocrat; was member of Board of Police Com missioners, 1903-05. Catholic Member Royal Arcanum, Legion of Honor, Knights of Co lumbus, Business Men's League. Office: 4250 N. 20th St. Residence: 4346 Cook Ave. *HANNA, John Venable; moved to Kansas City; see Vol. 1906. HANNEGAN, James E., railway official; born, Lafayette, Ind., May 11, 1863. In rail way service since age of fourteen, beginning in 1877 as office boy in passenger department of the Cincinnati, Lafayette & Chicago R. R.; clerk to assistant general passenger agent of Cincinnati, Indianapolis, St. Louis & Chicago R. R. at Lafayette, Ind., 1879-81; chief clerk in passenger department Burlington, Cedar Rapids & Northern Ry., 1881-84; in charge passenger department, same road, September, 1884- January, 1886; general passenger and ticket agent, same road, 1886 to January, 1894; also secretary of Western Association of General Passenger and Ticket Agents during same period; out of service one year; chief clerk in charge of passenger department In diana, Illinois & Iowa R. R., Kankakee, 111., Jan. 1 to Dec. 1, 1895; chief clerk of passen ger department Cleveland, Akron & Columbus Ry., 1895-96; assistant general passenger agent, same road, 1896-99; chief of records Southwestern Mileage Bureau, St. Louis, June 20, 1899, to Feb. 27, 1903; acting joint agent Southwestern Clergy, Excursion and Mileage bureaus, Feb. 27, 1903, to July 1, 1904; since chairman Southwestern Excursion bureaus and joint agent Southwestern Clergy and Mileage bureaus; also from July 11, 1899, to Jan. 1, 1908, secretary St. Louis Local Passenger Bu reau and Western Lines Mileage Ticket Bu reau, and chairman St. Louis Charity Bureau; chairman Southwestern Passenger Association, successor to Southwestern Excursion Bureau, since July, 1909. Office: 1007 Century Bldg. Residence: 5625 Cates Ave. HANNIGAN, Kauto Bernard, railway offi cial; born, St. Louis, Aug. 18, 1868; son of Wiliiam and Johanna (Hawe) Hannigan; edu cated in public school and St. Malachy's Col lege, St. Louis, to 1884; married, St. Louis, Apr. 7, 1894, Mary Mooney; children: Ellen, Julia, Mamie, Marion, Kenneth, Robert. En gaged since 1866 in railway service in St. Louis, beginning as messenger boy in offices of the Missouri Pacific R. R. until attained po sition of claim clerk; then became, consecu tively, claim clerk Cotton Belt Route, clerk with Consolidated Coal Co., claim clerk Cairo Short Line, claim and rate clerk and commer cial agent Louisville, Evansville & St. Louis C. R. R.; now commercial agent for Southern Railway, agent Blue Ridge Despatch. Member St. Louis Cotton Exchange, Merchants' Ex change. Democrat. Catholic. Member Catho lic Knights of America and Knights of Co lumbus, local Legion of Honor. Clubs: City, The Traffic. Recreation: baseball. Office: 218 Pierce Bldg. Residence: 3720 Humphrey St. HANPETER, Edward C, iron and steel broker; born, St. Louis, Jan. 24, 1862; son of F. W. and Amelia (Brinkman) Hanpeter; edu cated in St. Louis public schools; married, St. Louis, Feb. 12, 1890, Cornelia Meister; three children: Armenius, Hildegard and Wilbur. Began business career with St. Louis Bolt and 262 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS Iron Co., April, 1875, and continued with suc cessor, the Tudor Iron Works, of which was appointed manager, 1890. Tudor Iron Works was absorbed, 1898, by the 'Republic Iron and Steel Co., and he was district manager until 1901; president St. Louis Bed and Manufac turing Co., 1901-10, since broker in iron, steel and brass. Also director and member of board of Kregel Casket Co. Member Furniture Board of Trade. Member Bethel Evangelical Church. Club: City. Recreation: motoring. Office: 326 Victoria Bldg. Residence: 3213 Palm St. HANSER, Herman Albert, surgeon; born, Ft. Wayne, Ind., Sept. 22, 1877; son of Rev. C. J. Otto and Margarette (De Pres) Hanser; educated parochial school of Evangelical Lu theran Trinity Church, Ft. Wayne; Walther College, St. Louis, graduating, 1894; Concor dia College, Milwaukee, Wis., 1896; M.D., Mis souri Medical College, St. Louis, 1898; married, St. Louis, Oct. 24, 1900, Ida Gruen; one child: Helen Emile, aged six years. Has engaged in practice in St. Louis since 1898; instructor in Gynecological Department of Washington University, gynecologist and obstetrician to Lutheran Hospital. Member of St. Louis Med ical Society,' St. Louis Obstetrical Society, American Medical Association, Phi Delta col lege fraternity. Republican. Lutheran. Rec reation: traveling. Office and Residence: 3651 Delmar Boul. HANSON, Jay Ralph, glue manufacturer; born, Chicago, Nov. 3, 1863; son of Ralph and Catherine (Shear) Hanson; educated Ames and Clay (public) schools and Bryant & Strat ton Business College; married, St. Louis,' Aug. 31, 1887, Mary L. Ford; two children: Mrs. Harry B. Heinemann and Cora Bessie. Began active career as superintendent yards Eureka Brick Co; later was stationary engineer for P. B. Mathiason Manufacturing Co.; then be came a glue maker, tester, bookkeeper, secre tary,' salesman, stockholder in the company and finally director; sold out his interest and started in business on own account, 1903; now president St. Louis Glue Manufacturing Co. Republican. Member Ethical Society. Mason. Recreation: whist. Office: 2125 Division St. Residence: 5510 Cates Ave. HAPPEL, Charles, president Master Bak ers' Baking Co.; born, Romershousen, Hessen, Germany, May 10, 1863; son of John and Cath erine (Miiller) Happel; received grammar school education in native country; married, Anna Elizabeth Nicolaus, of Geismar, Hessen- Nassau, Germany, 1884; four children, two of whom are deceased; those living are Mrs. H. Muehlwig, twenty-six years of age, and Charles, Jr., aged twenty years. Came to America, 1881, and for several years engaged as stone cutter; was actively identified with grocery business, 1885-1908; entered wholesale bakery business February, 1908. President Master Bakers' Baking Co., Charles Happel Grocer Co.; director Independent Packing Co., Manchester Bank, Victor Motor Car Co. Be came a . citizen of the United States, 1886. Member Evangelical Lutheran Church. Mason. Member Business Men's League. Clubs: Rock Spring Turn Verein, Liederkranz, Hessen Ver ein. Office: Corner Chouteau and Taylor Aves. Residence: 4559 Gibson Ave. HARBAUGH, Simon James, printer, etc.; born, Manschoice, Bedford Co., Pa., July 18, 1873;' son of James and Josephine (Frings) Harbaugh; educated in public schools of Kan sas City, Mo., and St. Mary's (Kansas) Col lege; married, St. Louis, Apr. 19, 1898, Mamie O. Cummiskey; children: Olivia, Elise, Marie. Began career in life insurance business at age of eighteen, later in building line; engaged in printing business since July, 1901. President of Greeley Printery of St. Louis. Democrat. Roman Catholic. Member Business Men's League. Clubs: Mercantile, Glen Echo, Mis souri Athletic, St. Louis Amateur Athletic As sociation. Favorite recreation: golf. Office: 1424 Pine St. Residence: 2 Lenox PL HARD A WAY, William Augustus, physician; born, Mobile, Ala., Jan. 8, 1850; son of Wil liam Augustus and Mary (del Bareo) Harda- way; educated in private schools, St. Louis; special courses at Westminster College and University of Virginia; graduated Missouri Medical College, 1870; (hon. A.M., St. Louis University; LL.D., Westminster College); married, St. Louis, Jan. 8, 1877, Lucy Nelson Page; one son: Francis Page. Member Amer ican Dermatological Association (president, 1885), Sons of American Revolution. Lieuten ant Medical Rescue Corps, U. S. A. (inactive). Author: Essentials of Vaccination, 1882; Man ual of Skin Diseases, 1890. Editor (with L. B. Bangs) American Text-Book of Genito-Uri- nary Diseases, Syphilis and Diseases of the Skin, 1898. Contributor to various medical encyclopedias, dictionaries, etc. Office: 4500 Olive St. Residence: 4527 Maryland Ave. HARDING, Russell, railway official; 1856- 190.8; see Vol. 1906. HARDING, Thomas Manning, insurance adjuster; born, Newton, N. J., Dee. 16, 1868; son of Theodore and Louisa (Manning) Hard ing; educated in public schools of Newton, N. J.; married, Buffalo, Mo., Aug. 18, 1896, Effie Viola O'Bannon; children: Floyd O'Bannon, Helena. Began business career in employ of Rice, Stix & Co., wholesale dry goods, 1889-91; with the F. A. Steer Furnishing Goods Co., 1892-96, and with Salvester & Steward Fur nishing Goods Co., 1897-98; was made treas urer, 1898, of the Mangson, Harding & Dow dall Adjustment Co., which in 1911 became the Mangson, Weiss, Harding & Dowdall Adjust ment Co., adjusters of fire losses for the peo ple. Democrat. Member of Christian (Disci ples) Church. Mason (32°), Shriner. Recrea- THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 263 tion: motoring. Office: Pierce Bldg. Resi dence: 5462 Clemens Ave. HARDING, William Giles, railway official; born, Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 1, 1860; son of John and Margaret (Murphy) Harding; edu cated in Washington and Lee University of Virginia; married, Henderson, Ky., Feb. 9, 1898, Sally R. Crohwell. After leaving uni versity was appointed superintendent of the famous Belle Mead Stock Farm at Nashville, Tenn., continuing, 1882-98; since 1898 in serv ice of the Mobile & Ohio R. R. as general live stock agent. Member National Association of Railway Live Stock Agents, in which has held all official positions. Democrat. Was member of Rock City Guards of Nashville, Tenn. Recreations: fishing and hunting. Has one of the best and most complete outfits, and is as well equipped for fishing and hunting as any man in St. Louis. Office: 900 Fullerton Bldg. Residence: 5920 Washington Boul. HARDY, James, retired; born in County Clare, Ireland, Jan. 25, 1843; son of Daniel and Nancy (Eagen) Hardy; possessed limited opportunities of school training; married, St. Louis, Jan. 14, 1863, Eliza O'Neil; six chil dren: Ella, Mrs. Eugenia Eberle, Joseph, Frank, Edward E., Mrs. Lida Gallagher. Came to America, 1855; engaged in service in con nection with the Virginia, Lindell and Bar num hotels, and later for six years under John S. MeCune, at Keokuk, la.; passenger agent St. Louis & Keokuk Packet Co. fifteen years; had charge of disposal of the city garbage for eighteen years; then in livery business until 1905, when sold out and re tired. Democrat. Catholic. Member Royal Arcanum, Knights of Columbus, Knights of Father Mathew, St. Vincent de Paul Society. Recreations: baseball and reading. Residence: 5863 Maple Ave. HARDY, Joseph, physician; born, Ralls Co., Mo., Feb. 17, 1861; son of George Leo and Mary D. (Redman) Hardy; received prelimi nary education in public schools of Ralls Co. and taught school in the county for five years ; M.D., Washington University, 1892; married, St. Louis, Apr. 30, 1898, Katherine A. Neenan; two children: Joseph Arnold and Helen Vir ginia. Served as interne in Female Hospital, 1892-93; superintendent Quarantine Hospital, 1893-95; in general practice since 1895. Demo crat. Roman Catholic. Member American and Missouri State Medical associations, St. Louis Medical Society. Recreation: hunting. Office: 7602 S. Broadway. Residence: 6511 Michigan Avenue. HAREN, William Augustus, retired; bom, St. Louis, June 19, 1854; son of Charles and Josephine (Scherer) Haren; educated in pub- lie schools and Christian Brothers College, St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Jan. 7, 1879, Katie Byrne; children: Catherine, Grace, William E. After leaving schools was engaged in real estate business, 1871-76; made a tour of Eu rope, 1876, and then entered the Wainwright Brewery as clerk; in June, 1889, when the brewery became a branch of the St. Louis Brewing Association, was made manager of the Wainwright Brewery branch; was di rector of the St. Louis Brewing Association, 1895-1909, retired. Republican. Recreations: music and tennis. Residence: 4575 Forest Park Boul. HARKINS, John R., general insurance; born, St. Louis, Oct. 3, 1871; son of John A. and Mary J. (Williams) Harkins; educated Peabody (grammar) School, St. Louis; mar ried, St. Louis, Sept. 21, 1896, Esther O, daughter of Capt. W. R. Hodges, city auditor of St. Louis; four children: Ward Richard, Ruth Esther, J. Sterling, Thomas Hodges. Be gan active career at age of thirteen in employ of S. G. Burnham, stationer, 108 Olive St.; same year ran the elevator for Insurance Ex change Bldg., now Bank of Commerce Bldg.; also in same year entered law office of Tru man A. Post and Gen. J. S. Fullerton, continu ing four and a half years; became connected in insurance business with Charles L. Crane & Co., 1889, continuing until 1903; assisted in organizing firm of Byrne, Harkins & Co., which four years later became Harkins, Hodges & Co. and in 1910 changed to J. R. Harkins Agency Co., of which is president; also director Chippewa Bank. Member Busi ness Men's League. Served three years as member of Rainwater Rifles, Co. E, Missouri State Militia. Independent in politics. Bap tist. Clubs: Glen Echo Country, Apollo. Rec reations: golf, music. Offiee: 1042-1047 Pierce Bldg. Residence: 5077 Fairmount Ave. HARLAN, Edward E., merchant tailor; born, Corydon, la., Nov. 11, 1865; son of James S. and Maria T. Harlan; educated in public school of Corydon, la.; married, Ft. Smith, Ark., Mar. 27," 1889, Capitola Patrick; one daughter: Leone. Began in the merchant tailoring business at Springfield, Mo., in 1882, with the Herman Tailoring Co.; in 1885 re moved to St. Louis, remaining with the same company as cutter until 1895, when with brother, William C. Harlan, established pres ent firm of Harlan Bros., merchant tailors. Democrat. Member B. P. O. Elks. Club: St. Louis Riding. Recreations: hunting and fish ing. Office: 700 Washington Ave. Residence: 4304 Lindell Boul. HARLAN,. Thomas Bartlett, lawyer; born, Brooklyn, N. Y., Apr. 15, 1868; son of Thomas J. and Zelpha (Bartlett) Harlan; educated in public schools of Pike Co., Mo., University of Missouri (academic), and St. Louis Law School, graduating, LL.B., 1893; married, St. Louis, Lena L. Carroll; children: Carroll, Irene. Resident of St. Louis since Mar. 1, 1888; while student in law school was en- 264 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS gaged in fire insurance for about three years. Admitted to bar, October, 1892, and engaged in practiA; became member of law firm of Reynolds & Harlan, and Jater as Taylor & Harlan, Reynolds, Koehler, Reiss & Harlan, Harlan, Reiss & Wagner, Harlan, Jeffries & Wagner, and since 1909, Reynolds & Harlan. Vice president of St. Louis, Rocky Mountain & Pacific Ry. Co., and general counsel for said company and St. Louis, Rocky Mountain & Pacific Co. Member Legion of Honor, Pike County Colony. Club: Mercantile. Favorite recreations: travel, hunting, fishing and all outside athletic sports. Office: 705 Olive St. Residence: 5868 Cates Ave. HARLAN, William C, merchant tailor; born, Corydon, la., Nov. 11, 1865; son of James S. and Maria T. Harlan; educated in public schools of Corydon; married, St. Louis, Feb. 24, 1901, Mary Daesch; children: Wil liam O, Jr., Helen. Has been in merchant tailoring business for twenty-five years; first, for seven years, with Herman Bros., then with J. W. Losse, until 1895, when, with brother, Edward E. Harlan, established pres ent firm of Harlan Bros., merchant tailors. Republican. Club: Missouri Athletic. Recrea tions: walking and gymnastic exercises. Of fice: 7th St. and Washington Ave. Residence: 1172 A N. King's Highway. HARMS, Henry, tobacco merchant; 1855- 1910; see Vol. 1906. HARPER, Joseph Durfee; moved to Dallas, Tex.; see Vol. 1906. HARRIGAN, Lawrence P., president Har rigan & Sheehan Livery and Undertaking Co.; born, St. Louis, Sept. 5, 1860; son of Lawrence (for several years chief of police of St. Louis) and Susan (Kohl) Harrigan; educated in pub lic schools and St. Louis University; unmar ried. Clerk in St. Louis Postoffice for two years; then became identified with father in livery business, and purchased interest of father in the business after latter became chief of police; added undertaking business and is now president Harrigan & Sheehan Livery and Undertaking Co. Democrat. Cath olic. Member B. P. O. Elks. Recreations: hunting and fishing. Offices: 718 N. King's Highway Boul. and 2618 Morgan St. Resi dence: Washington Hotel. HARRINGTON, Timothy F., steamship agent; born, Maumee, O., May 17, 1850; son of Dennis and Joanna (Lynch) Harrington; educated in schools of Ohio; married, Chilli cothe, Mo., June 17, 1894, Mary Eleanor War ren. Began railroad career with Wabash R. R. Co. as telegraph operator at Toledo, O.; was promoted to various positions and on Apr. 1, 1902, was appointed passenger and ticket agent at St. Louis; resigned May 11, 1908; now general southwestern agent of the Cu- nard Steamship Co. Democrat. Catholic. Rec reation: baseball. Office: 219 N. 10th St., cor. Olive. Residence: 6018 Maple Ave. HARRIS, Downey L., physician; born, Franklin, Ky., Apr. 26, 1875; son of George C. and Amanda J. (Downey) Harris; graduated from Medical Department, University of Mich igan, M.D., 1899; post-graduate student Fried- rich Wilhelm Universitat, Berlin, Germany, 1905; married Olive Hrighes, of Dolgelley, North Wales, June 18, 1907; one daughter: Helen Jean. In St. Louis since 1902; formerly city bacteriologist, director of the city lab oratory of pathology and bacteriology since 1906. Instructor in pathology Medical Depart ment St. Louis University. Member American Public Health Association, American Associa tion of Pathologists and Bacteriologists, Mis souri State Medical Association, St. Louis Medical Society. Democrat. Address: City Hospital. Residence: 4496 Park View PL HARRIS, Julius, real estate; born, New York, Apr. 8, 1866; son of Simon and August (Potlitzer) Harris; educated in St. Louis pub- lie schools; married, St. Louis, Sept. 14, 1893, Rebecca Hecht; children: Sidney, Edith, Nel son. Began business career 1888; president Harris Shoe Co., 1889-1912; since in real es tate business. Republican. Mason. Club: Ro tary. Recreations: hunting and fishing. Of fice: 415 N. 6th St. Residence: 5479 Von Versen Ave. HARRIS, Loyd Grayson, lumberman; bom, Buffalo, Aug. 24, 1840; son of Albert and Priscilla (Scott) Harris; educated in public pchools of Buffalo and Milwaukee, Wis.; served three years in army (Iron Brigade) and three years in United States Marine Corps in Civil War; married, Memphis, Tenn., 1868; 2d, Milwaukee, Wis., Oct. 8, 1878, Alma Weis- kirch; children: Nettie (Mme. Etienne de Scanavi), Gertrude, Lloyd B., Florence (Mrs. John Herff) and Edith L. P. In lumber busi ness since 1869, and now president of the Loyd G. Harris Manufacturing Co., lumber manufacturers. Democrat. Episcopalian. Ex- president Lumbermen's Exchange; ex-com mander Loyal Legion; member board of La fayette Park commissioners. Recreations: mu sic and literature. Office: Levee, near Barton St. Residence: 1719 Waverly PL HARRIS, Tyre Crawford, vice president Harris-Polk Hat Co.; born, Fulton, Mo., Dee. 28, 1869; son of Thomas Berry and Mary Frances Harris; educated in public schools of Fulton, Mo.; unmarried. Began business ca reer as clerk in general store at Fulton, Mo.; came to St. Louis, October, 1889, and entered employ of Scott-Jones Hat Co. as traveling salesman; became stockholder in Boogher, Force & Goodbar Hat Co. (successors to Scott-Jones Hat Co.), 1889, and continued with that company until organization in Feb ruary, 1903, of Harris-Polk Hat Co., whole- THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 265 sale hats and caps, of which is vice president. Democrat. Baptist. Clubs: Mercantile, Nor mandie Golf. Recreation: golf. Office: 1227 Washington Ave. Residence: Buckingham Hotel. HARRIS, Virgil McClure, trust officer Mer cantile Trust Co.; born, Columbia, Mo., Jan. 21, 1862; son of John W. and Annie (Mc Clure) Harris; educated at Kemper's Family School, Boonville, Mo., Missouri State Uni versity, and law course at University of Vir ginia; (LL.D., St. Louis University, 1912); married, Champaign, 111., Dec. 10, 1884, Isa belle M. McKinley. Located in St. Louis, June, 1881; practiced law until Dec. 1, 1901, when left the law firm of Hornsby & Harris, and was appointed trust officer of the Mer cantile Trust Co., in which position continues. Lecturer on wills, St. Louis University. Dem ocrat. Episcopalian. Member Business Men's League, Civic League. Author: Ancient, Curi ous and Famous Wills. Contributor to news-. papers, magazines and law journals. Clubs: Mercantile, Franklin. Office: 8th and Locust Sts. Residence: Buckingham Hotel. HARRIS, William John, physician and sur geon; born, Shrewsbury, England, June 17, 1852; son of Thomas and Martha (Gould) Har ris; educated in grammar school, London, Eng land, until 1866, then London College (pri vate); M.D., Homoeopathic Medical College of Missouri (valedictorian), 1875; married, St. Louis, Sept. 26, 1878, Jessie Fremont Gibbs; children: Martha Gould, William John, Jr. Engaged in practice as physician and sur geon in St. Louis since 1875. Member of the first hospital board appointed in St. Louis, 1910; reappointed as member board by Mayor Kreismann, for term ending Apr. 14, 1916. Has held positions of professor of anatomy, professor of clinical medicine and professor genito-urinary surgery in Homoeopathic Med ical College of Missouri; surgeon to Christian Hospital and to Homoeopathic Hospital Asso ciation of Missouri. Member American In stitute of Homoeopathy, Missouri Institute ot Homoeopathy, St. Louis Society of Homoeo pathic Physicians and Surgeons, Phi Alpha Gamma Fraternity. Republican. Lutheran. Author: Alcohol, Its Rational Use; The Use of Ansesthetics; The Hygiene of Consumption. Office and Residence: 3514 Lucas Ave. HARRISON, Edwin, manufacturer; 1836- 1905; see Vol. 1906. HARRISON, James, telephone engineer; born, St. Louis, Sept. 25, 1874; son of Edwin and Laura (Sterne) Harrison; educated in Smith Academy, Manual Training School, Graduating 1891; two years m Washington University, class of 1896; three years m the Lawrence7 Scientific School of Harvard Uni versity, graduating, B.S., 1896; married, St. Louis Nov. 26, 1904, M. Persis Jones En ured employ of the Kinloch Telephone Co. m March, 1897, and now chief engineer of the company. Associate member of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers. Episcopa lian. Clubs: Harvard of St. Louis, Algonquin. Offiee: Kinloch Bldg., 10th and Locust Sts. Residence: 147 Cornelia Ave., Glendale. HARRISON, John A., lawyer; bora, Lex ington, Mo., Nov. 9, 1850; son of Rev. John A. and Emma E. (Mauro) Harrison; M.A., West Tennessee College, Jackson, Tenn., 1869; mar ried, St. Louis, Apr. 26, 1881, Metta F. Hall; nine children. Admitted to Missouri bar, No vember, 1871; in practice with Mason G. Smith as Smith & Harrison, 1882-97, since alone. Judge of Circuit Court, 1892-93, by appoint ment of Gov. D. R. Francis; nominated by Democratic and Republican conventions as member of School Board and elected for term of six years, in 1899, filling office of president of that body. Democrat. Senior warden and vestryman Trinity Episcopal Church (Amer ican Catholic). Office: 615 Merchants-Laclede Bldg. Residence: 2630 S. 12th St. HARRISON, John William, retired; born, Glasgow, Mo., Apr. 8, 1840; son of John and Permala (Marr) Harrison; graduated from Missouri State University, 1858; married, 1860, Laura, daughter of James Harrison; children: Laura (Mrs. George Hoblitzelle), Florence; married, 2d, Fort Smith, Ark., 1892, Mrs. Eliza A. Campbell; children: Stuart E., Per mala. Was superintendent Irondale Iron Fur nace, 1859-65; vice president Shickle, Harri son & Howard Iron Co., 1868-1900; president Howard-Harrison Iron Co., Bessemer, Ala., 1880-95; elected president Hillman Land and Iron Co., 1898. Engaged in manufacture of iron and steel products, 1859-1906, when re tired. President Harrison Land and Mining Co. Democrat. Methodist. Interested in geo logical research. Residence: 4386 Lindell Boul. HARRISON, Leon, Tabbi; born, Liverpool, England, Aug. 13, 1866; son Gustave and Lou isa (Nelson) Harrison; graduated from New York public schools into New York City Col lege, 1880, at head of 920 candidates, ranking entire city; went from New York City Col lege, 1882, to Columbia University, from which was graduated, A.B., in first honor class, 1886; graduated from Emanuel Theological Semi nary, New York, as rabbi, and took three years' post-graduate work in philosophy at Columbia University; unmarried. Ordained, Brooklyn, by Rabbis Gottheil and Kohler; since 1891 rabbi of Temple Israel (Reformed Jewish), St. Louis. Lyceum and Chautauqua lecturer, and orator on patriotic and memo rial occasions; at age of twenty-one delivered oration in Brooklyn before 3,000 people at funeral services of Henry Ward Beecher; de livered McKinley memorial address before 20,000 people at Coliseum, St. Louis, on invita tion of municipality; delivered Thanksgiving oration at Festival Hall, St. Louis Exposition, 266 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 1904; etc. Founder Social Settlement League and Fresh Air Society, with settlement at 9th and Carr Sts.; founder Sisterhood of Per sonal Service, with sections for kindergarten, evening classes, industrial school, and visiting sick and needy. Member Phi Beta Kappa (Columbia) ; vice president Columbia College Alumni of Missouri. Co-editor of Editors' Encyclopedia in department of Semitics. Clubs: Contemporary, Columbian. Residence: 5611 Cabanne Ave. HARRY, Owen Keff, sheet metal worker; born, Staunton, Va., Apr. 12, 1852; son of DeWitt C. and Matilda Chastine (Butler) Harry; educated by private tutors; married, Dallas, Tex., 1877, Ida Hart; children: Lillie (Mrs. F. L. Nelson), Grace. At age of nine teen came to St. Louis, and was first employed as a street ear conductor; then went to Dallas, Tex., where was engaged in the building ma terial business from 1873 to 1897; since 1897 engaged in the manufacture of steel tanks, roofing, etc., under style of O. K. Harry Steel Works. Democrat. Office: Jefferson Ave. and Papin St. Residence: 378 N. Taylor Ave. HARSH, Philip Whaley, grain and hay com mission; born in Smith Co., Tenn., Jan. 3, 1857; son of George and Talitha (Newby) Harsh; educated in Franklin College, Tenn.; married, Castalian Springs, Tenn., 1878, Lizzie B. Hall; children: Virginia, Edith, George, Mary (Mrs. John M. Hawkins), Ruth, Maud, Helen. Began as a farmer and stock raiser in Sumner Co., Tenn., and at same time became a minister in Church of Christ, and preached at McMinnville, Tenn., for about two years; then established in grain business at Nash ville, Tenn., organizing firm of Harsh & Wil liams; since 1899 member firm of Harsh Bros. & Co., commission merchants in grain and hay. Member St. Louis Merchants' Exchange, Na tional Grain Dealers ' Association, Nashville Grain Dealers ' Association, National Hay As sociation. Member Church of Christ. Recrea tions: motoring, reading. Office: 521 Cham ber of Commerce. Residence: 5554 Cabanne Avenue. HART, Edward, Jr., assistant general freight agent Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern R. R.; born, Allahabad, British India, Dec. 17, 1860; son of Edward and Harriet M. (Lang- ley) Hart; educated at St. Paul's School, Darjeeling, India; Park House Academy, Combe Down, Bath, Somersetshire, England; and school of Major Jones, Charlottesville, Va.; came to United States in 1875; married, Louisville, Ky., June 18, 1887, Lily Watts; children: Elizabeth Harriet, Clara Avis. Be gan railway service as clerk in auditor's of fice Louisville & Nashville R. R., June, 1881; later clerk in offices of Louisville, New Al bany & St. Louis R. R.; contracting agent Canada Southern Line, southern agent Cin cinnati, Wabash & Michigan R. R., general southern agent Traders' Despatch, and gen eral agent Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern R. R., all at Louisville, Ky.; since Jan. 1, 1902, assistant general freight agent Balti more & Ohio Southwestern R. R. at St. Louis. Clubs: Traffic of St. Louis, Normandie Golf. Recreation: golf. Office: Pierce Bldg. Resi dence: 1246 Amherst PL HART, Edward Studley, printer; born, Car rollton, Miss., Mar. 9, 1855; son of Charles C. and Olivia (Studley) Hart; educated in com mon and high schools of Shawneetown, HI.; married, Webster Groves, Mo., May 8, 1898, Florence Bate; children: Edward S., Jr., Eliza beth, Robert Page, Donald B. Began as ap prentice printer's trade with R. P. Studley & Co. in 1871, and has been with that establish ment (founded 1853) ever since. Became a member of the firm in 1876, and upon its in corporation in 1905 as R. P. Studley & Co., manufacturing printers, bookbinders and lith ographers, became its president and treasurer (R. P. Studley, the founder, died in 1890). First vice president of the Bank of Webster Groves. Republican; alderman seven years and seven years mayor, Webster Groves, Mo. Congregationalist. Member St. Louis Typothe- t£e. Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner. Clubs: Mercantile, Missouri Athletic. Recrea tion: motoring. Office: 511 Market St. Resi dence, Webster Groves, Mo. HART, Luke Edward, associate city attor ney; bora, Maloy, la., July 31, 1880; son of Michael N. and Margaret E. (Shay) Hart; educated Highland Park College, Des Moines, la.; Drake University, Des Moines; matricu lated in University of Missouri, graduating with degree of LL.B., June 6, 1905; married, Maloy, la., June 28, 1905, Katharine J. O 'Con nor; three children: Mary Margaret, Luke Ed ward, Jr., Katharine. Admitted to Missouri bar, 1904; practiced alone until June, 1908, at 809 Chemical Bldg., St. Louis; then formed partnership with Richard C. Hart under title of Hart & Hart, at 806 Chemical Bldg., the firm still continuing, offices being established in Suite 1200, La Salle Bldg., April, 19-10; was appointed by Mayor Kreismann as associate city attorney June 30, 1911; term expiring April, 1915. Republican. Catholic. Member St. Louis Bar Association, St. Louis Law Library Association, Knights of Columbus, Phi Delta Phi. Club: City. Recreations: golf, baseball. Office: 1200 La Salle Bldg. Resi dence: 6136 Washington Ave. HART, William; see Vol. 1906. HARTMANN, Gustav, contractor; born, St. Louis, Apr. 30, 1865; son of Henry and Caro line (Schwier) Hartmann; educated in private schools and Bryant & Stratton Business Col lege, graduating from latter in 1884; married, St. Louis, July 30, 1904, Emma Pankau; five sons: Edwin, Walter, George, Robert, Ralph. THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 267 Served apprenticeship at bricklayer's trade, under father, beginning 1880, and afterwards worked as journeyman; assisted in organizing the Hartmann Bricklaying and Contracting Co., 1890, and was treasurer until 1910; since president G. Hartmann Contracting Co. Re publican. Member Master Bricklayers' and Master Builders ' Association. Member Citi zens ' Industrial League. Office: Chemical Bldg. Residence: 2801 S. 18th St. HARTMANN, Henry, Jr., vice president and secretary Hartmann Bricklaying and Con tracting Co.; born, St. Louis, Aug. 12, 1861; son of Henry and Caroline (Sehwier) Hart mann; graduated from Walther College, St. Louis, 1878; married, St. Louis, June 8, 1866, Elenora Blickensdoerfer (died 1892); chil dren: Henry J. and Ella; married, 2d, St. Louis, June 4, 1893, Elizabeth Berg. Learned bricklayer's trade; superintendent firm of Hartmann & Debus, 1878-87; then devoted three years to making estimates for father; organized, 1890, Hartmann Bricklaying and Contracting Co., of which has since been act ive head, also vice president and secretary; treasurer St. Louis Contracting Supply Co., Master Bricklayers ' Benevolent and Protect ive Association. Member Universal Exposi tion. Erected the Mermod & Jaccard Bldg., the Carleton Bldg., the Brown Shoe Co.'s Bldg., the Anheuser-Busch Brewery buildings, the Lemp Brewery, and many other structures in St. Louis. Republican. Lutheran. Clubs: City, Gilead Hunting and Fishing. Recrea tions: hunting, fishing and bowling. Office: 415, 816 Olive St. Residence: 2801 S. 18th St. HARTMANN, Moses, lawyer; born, St. Louis, Nov. 26, 1872; son of Ignatz and Anna (Kohn) Hartmann; educated Madison (pub- lie) School; Bryant & Stratton Business Col lege; Art School (Museum of Fine Arts); graduated St. Louis Law School (Washington University), degree of LL.B., 1896; married, St. Louis, Nov. 16, 1898, Carrie A. Scooler; three sons: Sidney A., Raymond I., Edmund L. Engaged as stenographer for Hon. Charles Nagel, February, 1886- June, 1896; admitted to Missouri bar, Jan. 1, 1897, and has since con tinuously practiced in St. Louis, devoting at tention mainly to civil and commercial law; also president Bayard Realty and Investment Co. Republican. Hebrew; director B'nai El Congregation. Member St. Louis Bar Associa tion, St. Louis Law Library Association, St. Louis Law School Alumni Association. Ma son; member Polar Star Lodge No. 79, A. F. & A. M., Scottish Rite and Shrine; member Royal Arcanum. Club: Million Population. Recreations: music, art. Offiee: 310-312 Ful lerton Bldg. Residence: 5364 Ridge Ave. HARTMANN, Rudolph; bom, Dingelstaedt, Eichsfeldt, Prussia, Mar. 17, 1847; son of John G. and Elizabeth (Huether) Hartmann; educated in Domschule, Gymnasium Joseph- inum and Schaake Handelschule, Hildesheim, Germany; married, St. Louis, May 31, 1870, Louise Picker (died Jan. 20, 1883) ; four chil dren: Bertha, Rudolph (died Aug. 20, 1909), Charles I., Pauline; married, 2d, Apr. 17, 1884, Ada Ensor; three children: Elvira, Ada, Le- nore. Came from Germany to St. Louis Sept. 5, 1865, and was for one year employed as clerk in B. Hidacker Grocery and Dry Goods store; second year clerk for Charles Picker, justice of the peace, continuing 1867-70; book keeper for Andrew Geisel from May 1, 1870, also bookkeeper for Sehlegel & Wetzel; be came partner of G. E. Wetzel, 1873, and so continued until Jan. 1, 1883, when established under style of R. Hartmann & Co. as dealers in butter, cheese, eggs, beans, peas, honey, etc.; business incorporated, 1907, under firm name of R. Hartmann Produce Co., of which is president. Member Merchants' Exchange, Liederkranz. Office: 14 S. 2d St. Residence: 3859 Flora Boul. HARTNAGEL, John William, machinery; born, Belleville, 111., Sept. 3, 1851; son of Leonard and Catherine (Kilian) Hartnagel; educated in public schools of Belleville and Wesleyan (Central Western) College; mar ried, St. Louis, 1879, Katherine A. Lawrence; children: Mabel (Mrs. R. H. Patterson), Flor ence Amelia, Irma, Leroy Edward and Edna. Resident of St. Louis since 1874; was employed with the St. Louis Stamping Co., 1875-92, be ginning as shipping clerk and advancing until became assistant manager; in 1892 joined in organizing the McKee-Hartnagel Real Estate Co., of which was secretary and treasurer un til 1911; since connected with Imperial Ma chine Manufacturing Co. Republican. Meth odist. Favorite recreations: hunting, fishing and baseball. Office: Houser Bldg. Residence: 5236 Vernon Ave. HARTNETT, Joseph P., secretary L. M. Rumsey Manufacturing Co.; born, Limerick, Ireland; brought by parents to United States as a child in 1865; educated in Catholic paro chial schools, St. Patrick's Academy and Christian Brothers College, St. Louis, gradu ating, A.B. and A.M.; married, St. Louis, June 7, 1905, Estelle R. Roche; three children: Jo seph P., Jr., Mary, Ambrose. After leaving college taught school in Council Bluffs, la., one term, then returned to St. Louis and en tered the employ of the L. M. Rumsey Manu facturing Co., 1880, in a minor clerical posi tion; elected assistant secretary, 1893, secre tary, 1900. Executor of Moses Rumsey estate. President National Pipe and Supplies Associa tion. Democrat. Catholic. Actively identified with Irish and Catholic affairs and with tem perance societies. Was president of the Irish- American Society and of the Irish Catholic Parade Union for two years; was for seven years Supreme Chief Sir Knight of the Knights of Father Mathew; president Blessed 268 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS Sacrament Conference of St. Vincent de Paul Society and member Upper Council same so ciety; member board of governors St. Louis Settlement Association, "board of directors Catholic Orphan Asylum, etc. Formerly officer in the Latin- American Club; member Mer chants ' Exchange. Recreation: fishing. Office: 810 N. 2d St. Residence: 4902 Lotus Ave. HARTZOG, Henry Simms, state manager C. E. Merrill Co., publishers; born, Barnwell Co., S. O, July 17, 1866; son of Samuel J. and Mary (Owens) Hartzog; B.S., South Carolina Military Academy, 1886; graduated Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1889; (LL.D., Mercer University, 1900); married, Allendale, S. O, Corrie Harley, "of Allendale, S. O, Oct. 28, 1891; six sons: Henry Robbie, Wistar, Langdon, Gilmore, Kimberly. Principal Allen dale High School, 1886-87; superintendent Bamberg graded schools, 1890-93; superintend ent Johnston Institute, 1893-97; president Clemson Agricultural College and director South Carolina Experiment Station, 1897-1902; president University of Arkansas, 1902-05; president Ouachita College, Arkadelphia, Ark., 1907-11; resigned from that position, and be came state manager C. E. Merrill Co., publish ers, June 5, 1911. Lyceum and chautauqua lecturer; member advisory committee National Good Roads Association; ex-chairman Cecil Rhodes Committee for Arkansas. President Arkansas State Teachers' Association, 1909. Contributor to educational press. Recreation: chess. Residence: 5718 Vernon Ave. HARVEY, Charles Mitchell, journalist; born, Boston, Oct. 15, 1848; son of John, and Elizabeth (Flynn) Harvey; academic educa tion; married Louise M. Lettre, of Yonkers, N. Y., Nov. 25, 1874 (died May 11, 1911). Was with newspapers in New York, St. Louis and Chicago; since 1886, associate editor and editorial writer on Globe-Democrat, St. Louis, of which is leading political editorial writer. Contributor on historical, political, financial and sociological subjects to Atlantic Monthly, North American Review,'" Century, World's Work, Putnam 's Monthly, Review of Reviews, Leslie's Weekly and other leading magazines and periodicals; also to maiiy prominent news papers. Member advisory board of La Salle Extension University of Chicago. Member American Historical Association, American Political Science Association, American His torical League, Missouri Historical Society of St. Louis, Missouri State Historical Society of Columbia, Mo., Kansas State Historical Society, Citizens' Industrial Association of America. Author: History of the Republican Party; Handbook of American Politics; His tory of Missouri. Offiee: The Globe-Democrat. Residence: 3825 Westminster PI. HARVEY, George, secretary P. M. Bruner Granitoid Co.; born, London, England, Sept. 19, 1839; son of John and Elizabeth (Geth- ens) Harvey; educated in public schools in London; married, St. Louis, June 22, 1862, Catherine Miller; children: Lillian E. (Mrs. Charles James), William A., George Henry, Charles Bertrand, S. Cameron, Mary (Mrs. William Higham), Harry L. Apprenticed to an interior decorator in London at age of nineteen, and after serving his time came from London direct to St. Louis and worked at trade until 1876; then partner in firm of Alexander Yule & Co., 1876-79; became asso ciated with P. M. Bruner in organizing P. M. Bruner Granitoid Co., contractors for reen- foreed concrete construction, of which is sec retary. Office: 531-532 Frisco Bldg. Residence: 5036 Maple Ave. HARVEY, Thomas Brooks, lawyer; born, Crawford, Miss., Aug. 2, 1855; son of Theo- philus and Rebecca (Hutchison) Harvey; edu cated at University of Mississippi, Oxford, Miss.; married Helen Field, of St. Louis, June 30, 1906; one daughter, Harriette Elizabeth. Admitted to Mississippi bar in 1877; came to St. Louis in 1880 and has since engaged in general practice in state and federal courts; specializes in criminal law. Served as circuit attorney, by appointment, 1886 and 1887; ap pointed judge of Circuit Court by Governor Stone, and presided over one of the criminal divisions, 1905-06. Member American, Mis souri State and St. Louis Bar Assns. Demo crat; nominated for circuit judge, fall of 1896, but was defeated with rest of ticket. Prot estant. Club: City. Recreations: baseball, golf, fishing. Office: 415, 214 N. 6th St. Resi dence: 5539 Waterman Ave. HARVEY, William Augustus, secretary and treasurer Taxis-Harvey Construction Co.; born, St. Louis, July 22, 1878; son of George and Catherine (Miller) Harvey; educated pub- lie schools, Kirkwood Military Academy, Bry ant & Stratton Business College; married, St. Louis, Apr. 3, 1907, Pauline Virginia Gra ham; one son, George G. Clerk in employ of the Bruner Granitoid Co., 1895-1906; then as sociated with Frederick C. Taxis in organiz ing the Taxis-Harvey Construction Co, rein forced concrete work, with which has since been .connected. Offiee: Victoria Bldg. HASKINS, Frank Herbert, lawyer; born, Peoria, 111., Jan. 10, 1867; son of Lemuel F. and _ Juliet S. (Kincaid) Haskins; educated public schools of St. Louis, graduating from the High School, 1884; matriculated in Law Department of Washington University, from which was graduated with degree of LL.B., 1893; unmarried. Has engaged in general practice in St. Louis since November, 1892. Member St. Louis Bar Association. Episco palian. Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner; member Knights of Pythias. Clubs: St. Louis, Mercantile, Glen Echo Country. Recreations: THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 269 golf, pedestrianism, tennis, motoring. Offiee: 926-930 Title Guaranty Bldg. Residence: 3037 St. Vincent Ave. HASLAM, Lewis Scofield, counsel and as sistant treasurer Simmons Hardware Co.; born, Stamford, Conn., Aug. 29, 1866; son of Thomas and Mary A. (Scofield) Haslam; edu cated in Stamford (Conn.) public and high schools, graduating 1883; Oberlin College, 1885-86; A.B., Yale University, 1890; LL.B., Yale Law School, 1892; unmarried. Entered law office of Lord, Day & Lord, New York City, as clerk, July, 1892, and was associated with that firm for nearly ten years; admitted to bar in New York, November, 1893, and in January, 1903, formed a law partnership with George Chapman, under firm name of Chap man & Haslam; dissolved partnership, Jan. 1, 1904, in order to accept present position. Mem ber Association of the Bar in New York City, St. Louis Law Library Association, Business Men's League; treasurer of Neighborhood Association. Universalist. Clubs: St. Louis, Algonquin, City, Noonday (St. Louis), Uni versity, Yale (New York City). Office: 900 Spruce St. Residence: 4155 Lindell Boul. HASSETT, George L., capitalist; born, Lan caster, Erie Co., N. Y., Sept. 6, 1843; son of John G. and Elizabeth Hassett; educated in common school, Lancaster, N. Y.; married, Jerseyville, 111., 1870, Addie Corbitt, now de ceased; married, 2d, May 17, 1911, Mrs. Marie Gruenhagen, of Oakland, Cal. Engaged in the lumber business in 1866, and retired in 1886. Episcopalian. Mason. Clubs: Mercantile, St. Louis. Recreation: traveling. Residence: 4225 Westminster PL HATCH, Frederick Thomas, chief engineer Vandalia R. R.; born, Haverhill, Mass., Nov. 21, 1855; son of Nathaniel and Catherine P. (Harbach) Hatch; educated at Phillips Acad emy, Andover, Mass.; married, Steubenville, O., Aug. 13, 1884, Alice Gertrude Hill (died 1905); three children: Frederick N, Alice K., William S. Began railway service in engi neer corps, with the Pennsylvania Line, on what was then known as the Pittsburgh, Cin cinnati & St. Louis Ry., 1880; passed through various positions until became connected with the Vandalia Line in 1894 as superintendent of the Terre Haute & Logansport R. R. (now the Michigan division of the Vandalia); was made chief engineer of the Vandalia Railroad Co. on reorganization, Jan. 1, 1905. Repub lican. Congregationalist. Member American Society Civil Engineers, American Railway Engineering Society, St. Louis Engineers' So ciety. Mason. Club: City. Recreation: golf. Office: 850 Century Bldg. Residence: 27 Win- demere PI. HATTENHORST, Henry Frederick; 1868- 1909; see Vol. 1906. *HATTENHORST, William Henry; moved to Texas; see Vol. 1906. HATTON, Richard Daniel, manufacturer of clay products; born, St. Louis, Aug. 9, 1874; son of Daniel L. and Georgia (Holden) Hat- ton; educated in public schools and St. Louis University; unmarried. Began business career in office of the Christy Fire Clay Co., in 1892, becoming assistant secretary in 1897, and secretary and treasurer, 1903-07; treasurer Laclede Clay Products Co., 1907-11, since vice president and treasurer. Clubs: Mercantile, City, Traffic, Algonquin Country. Recreation: baseball. Office: Manchester and Sulphur Aves. Residence: 5139 Vernon Ave. HAUCK, Eugene Frederick, physician and surgeon; born, St. Louis, Oct. 12, 1856; son of Dr. Charles Ferdinand and Antonie (Zehner) Hauck; educated in private and public schools, St. Louis, St. Louis College of Phar macy, 1875, St. Louis Medical College, M.D., 1880; married, Omaha, Neb., May 19, 1888, Antonie Metz; one daughter, Eugenia An tonie. Engaged for several years with Rich ardson Drug Co., until 1877, when began study of medicine; became head assistant St. Louis City Hospital, 1880, and in 1881 head assistant St. Louis Female Hospital. Prac ticed medicine at Alma, Colo., 1882-83; since in practice at St. Louis. Member board of trustees and medical director German Mutual Life Insurance Co. Member St. Louis Med ical Society, Missouri State Medical Asso ciation, American Medical Association. Re publican. Presbyterian. Club: Union. Recre ations: fishing, bowling, billiards. Office: Grand and Lafayette Aves. Residence: 3654 Flora Boul. HAUCK, Louis, physician; see Vol. 1906. HAUEISEN, Frederick George, produce commission; born near Stuttgart, Germany, Nov. 21, 1846; son of Fred G. and Rebecca (Heberlie) Haueisen; came to America, 1854; educated in parochial schools to 1859; business course1 in Jones Commercial College, 1865 to 1866; married, St. Louis, July 12, 1868, Mary Fisher; two children: Jacob J., Frederick G., Jr.-. Began business career as porter in com mission business, with John Trimlitt, 1859, and continued until 1868; became partner firm Haueisen & Lang, March, 1868, continuing until Mr. -Lang's death, 1899; then name changed to Haueisen Bros., with two sons associated, doing general fruit and vegetable business. Member Merchants' Exchange since 1868; member St. Louis Produce Exchange. Trustee Walter College; president German Lu theran Zion Congregation. Republican. Recre ation: European travel. Office: 1017-1019 N. 3d St. Residence: 3109 Rauschenbach Ave. HAUER, Joseph John, real estate; born, St. Louis, Nov. 21, 1873; son of Joseph J. and Margaret (Knapp) Hauer; educated in St. 270 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS Louis public schools; married, St. Louis, June 12, 1890, Carrie Michael; children: Marguerite Anna, Edward J. Formerly connected with Bradstreet Commercial* Agency until 1899, when engaged in real estate business, in which has since continued; president of the Jos. J. Hauer Realty Co. Member Real Estate Ex change. Republican. Protestant. Mason; Odd Fellow; member Royal Arcanum. Offiee: 809 Chestnut St. Residence: 712 S. E. King's Highway. HAUK, Bernard Riley, dairy supplies; born, St. Louis, Jan. 8, 1871; son of William C. and Anna (Lambourne) Hauk; educated in St. Louis public schools; married, St. Louis, Nov. 8, 1890, Frances Ichtertz; ten children: Rob ert, Jeanette, Olive, Harry, Milicent, Dorothy, Evelyn, Bernard, Ruth, Loraine. Began busi ness career in 1884 as salesman with H. Mc Kay Wilson Co., continuing until 1903; pres ident Blanke & Hauk Supply Co., 1903-11; since president and manager B. Riley Hauk Supply Co., dairy supplies. Republican. Bap tist. Member Knights of Pythias, Royal Ar canum. Club: Arcadia Country. Recreation: baseball. Office: 1115-1119 S. 1st St. Resi dence: 4596 Garfield Ave. HAUMUELLER, Albert Carl, real estate; born, St. Louis, June 17, 1869; son of Henry and Eliza (Bruegmann) Haumueller; educated in public schools to thirteen; married, De troit, Mich., June 24, 1905, Jennie A. Obenier. Learned pattern and model maker's trade un der John A. Miller; joined father in building business and was a member firm of Haumuel ler & Sons until 1894; appointed clerk of the Seventh District Justice's Court and served, 1894-1902; since in real estate and investment business on own account. Republican. Prot estant. Mason (32°); Past Eminent Com mander Ivanhoe Commandery, Knights Tem plar; Shriner. Recreations: hunting and fish ing. Office and Residence: 2209 Salisbury St. HAUSCHULTE, William Henry, real estate; born, St. Louis, Feb. 26, 1866; son of B. H. and Mary (Eikel) Hauschulte; educated at St. Louis University; married, St. Louis, June 2, 1891, Lillie Druhe; one daughter, Lu cille. Began business career as office and er rand boy for Lewis Rosenbaum, who estab lished a real estate business at 2407 N. Broad way, in April, 1883; business was incorporat ed, as Rosenbaum-Hauschulte Real Estate Co., November, 1892, when became secretary and treasurer, and since retirement of Mr. Rosen baum has been president of the company. Clerk of the Circuit Court of St. Louis, 1902- 06; member City Council, 1907-11. Roman Catholic. Democrat. Favorite recreation: fish ing. Office: 2407 N. Broadway. Residence: 1109 Penrose St. HAUSMAN, Albert E., lawyer; born, St. Louis, Dec. 4, 1874; son of Charles A. and Ellen (Britt) Hausman; educated public schools of St. Louis; St. Louis Polytechnic; Law Department Washington University, graduating with degree of LL.B., June 21, 1900; married, St. Louis, Sept. 1, 1903, Gussie E. Mack; children: Ruth Emma, Virginia Lau- rette. Began active practice in St. Louis Oct. 1, 1900, with the late George W. Taussig, con tinuing with him until 1904; since in practice alone. Republican. Protestant. Member Bar Association of St. Louis, St. Louis Law Li brary Association, Code Club. Member of Knights of Pythias, also of Grand Lodge same. Member Maple Avenue Reformed Church. Club: City. Recreation: amateur photography. Office: 1111-1115 Third National Bank Bldg. Residence: 1362A Arlington Ave. HAVERSTICK, George W., physician; born, DeSoto, Mo., Jan. 8, 1868; son of William J. and Elizabeth (Vinyard) Haverstiek; educat ed in public schools; DeSoto School, Cape Gi rardeau, Mo.; Beaumont Medical College, St. Louis, graduating with degree of M.D., 1895; diploma Alexian Brothers' Hospital; married, Columbia, Mo., May 12, 1900, Julia Burgess; one daughter, Waynetta. In practice in St. Louis since 1895; formerly lecturer Beaumont Medical College and College of Physicians and Surgeons. President Clean Dairy Co. Member St. Louis Medical Library Association, St. Louis University Alumni Association. Mason. Recreations: motoring and walking. Offiee: 228, 508 N. Grand Ave. Residence: 4259 Mary land Ave. HA WES, Harry Bartow, lawyer; born, Cov ington, Ky., Nov. 15, 1869; son of Smith Nicholas and Susan Elizabeth (Simrall) Hawes; graduated from St. Louis Law School; married, St. Louis, Nov. 15, 1899, Miss E. Eppes Osborne Robinson; two children: Pey ton Elizabeth and Eppes Bartow. Admitted to bar in 1896, and since engaged in general practice in St. Louis; formerly member firm of Johnson, Houts, Marlott & Hawes, now practicing alone. Was president of St. Louis Police Board under Governors Lon V. Ste phens and Alex. M. Dockery. In 1904 was can didate for the Democratic nomination for governor of the state. Member St. Louis Bar Association, Law Library Association, Civie League, St. Louis Real Estate Exchange, Busi ness Men's League, Merchants' Exchange of St. Louis, Cervantes Society. Democrat; mem ber Lakes-to-the-Gulf Deep Waterway Asso ciation (chairman speakers' committee). Epis copalian. Clubs: St. Louis, Racquet, Missis sippi Valley Kennel. Favorite recreations: hunting and fishing. Office: 1201, 506 Olive St. Residence: Southern Hotel and "Ravine Hill," St. Louis County. HAWES, James Humphreys, treasurer Woodward & Tiernan Printing Co.; born, Han nibal, Mo., Mar. 15, 1854; son of George A. and Sarah (Humphreys) Hawes; educated in private schools, Hannibal, Mo., St. Paul's Col- THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 271 lege, Palmyra, Mo., Illinois College, Jackson ville, 111., 1873; married, St. Louis, Apr. 26, 1876, Catherine Crane. Began business career in 1873 with Commercial Bank of Hannibal, Mo., as bookkeeper; came to St. Louis in 1886, and entered the Woodward & Tiernan. Printing Co., of which was vice president until February, 1905, since treasurer. Episco palian. Republican. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Mercantile. Recreation: driving. Offiee: 309 N. 3d St. Residence: 3966 Westminster PL HAWES, Richard S., vice president Third National Bank; born, Covington, Ky., Dec. 15, 1874; son of Smith N. and Susan Elizabeth (Simrall) Hawes; married, St. Louis, June 30, 1897, Mary T. Kemp; four children: Richard S., Jr., Mary Bartow, Robert N. and Susan E. Began active career in retail jewelry store in Kansas City, Mo., 1889; then entered em ploy of U. S. Government, under the Missis sippi River Commission, at St. Louis, after which spent eighteen months in railroad busi ness at Cincinnati. Became connected as a pass-book boy with the Chemical National Bank, St. Louis, Jan. 1, 1892, this institution being absorbed by the Third National Bank in 1897; was appointed receiving teller of Third National, 1897, and successively paying teller, chief clerk, assistant cashier, and on May 4, 1911, was elected vice president same, a position he now fills. Treasurer Missouri Bankers' Association, 1912. Democrat. Epis copalian. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Bankers'. Recreation: fishing. Office: Third National Bank, Broadway and Olive St. Residence: 4014 Westminster PI. HAWKINS, Charles Martyr, clergyman; born, Glasgow, Mo., Apr. 25, 1858; son of Oscar Dunreath and Frances Ann (Martyr) Hawkins; educated in public schools of Mis souri and State Normal School, Warrensburg, Mo.; (D.D., Missouri State University, 1897); married, Kansas City, Mo., June 28, 1883, Mary Agnes Mathews; children: John Math ews, Robert Martyr, Phala (daughter), Oscar Menefee. Admitted to ministry of Methodist Episcopal Church, South, 1880. Pastorates: Pleasant Hill, Mo.; Washington Street Church, Kansas City, Mo.;. Boonville, Mo.; Independ ence, Mo.; Walnut Street, Kansas City, Mo.; Central Church, Kansas City; Troost Avenue, Kansas City; Trinity Church, Baltimore, Md.; Greene Memorial Church, Roanoke, Va.; Ca banne Church, St. Louis; now pastor Lafay ette Park Church, St. Louis. Presiding elder St. Louis District; delegate Ecumenical Con ference, Toronto, Can., 1911. Democrat. Ma son, Knight Templar. Address: 5747 Bart- mer Ave. HAWLEY, Edwin William, western agent for powder manufacturers; born, Chicago, 111., Jan. 17, 1869; son of Charles A. and Electa E. (Edwards) Hawley; graduated from high school, Muskegon, Mich., 1888; married, Lyons, Mich., Jan. 1, 1889, Estella D. Kelley; chil dren: Frank 8., Marie Louise (both of whom, as if by miracle, and unaided, escaped from the Chicago Iroquois Theater fire), Ruth Margaret. Began career with father in lum ber business at Muskegon, Mich.; since 1892 western agent for Aetna Powder Co. of Chi cago, American Powder Mills, Boston & Miami Powder Co., Xenia, O., with headquarters at St. Louis. Republican. Protestant. Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, St. Louis Amateur Athletic Asso ciation. Favorite recreation: golf. Office: 502 National Bank of Commerce Bldg. Residence: 6123 Kingsbury Boul. HAWLEY, Nelson Joy, physician; bom, St. St. Louis, July 15, 1872; son of Thomas S. and Caroline (Joy) Hawley; graduated from pub lic school, 1888; Manual Training School, 1891; M.D., Medical Department, Washington University, 1895; married, St. Louis, Nov. 17, 1897, Bessie H. King; children: Henry Nelson, Henryetta Louise. Acting resident physician St. Louis Medical College, 1895; assistant phy sician Insane Asylum, 1895-96, City Hospital, 1896; dispensary physician, 1897-98, superin tendent of Female Hospital, 1899-1903; since engaged in general practice. Hospital steward First Regiment, National Guard of Missouri, 1896-97. Member Missouri State Medical As sociation, St. Louis Medical Society. Repub lican. Recreation: photography. Office: 825- 831 Metropolitan Bldg. Residence: 3864 Cleve land Ave. HAY, Lyman Trumbull, hotel manager; born, Newton, 111., Nov. 23, 1858; son of Car son D. and Mary (Tansill) Hay; educated in public schools at Centralia, 111., and at the University of Illinois, Urbana, 111.; married, Hot Springs, Ark., Apr. 30, 1884, Lotawanna Fellows. Began hotel career as manager of the Hotel Hay, at Hot Springs, Ark., 1884-89; proprietor of same hotel, 1889-91; became manager of Hotel Arlington, 1891, and of Hotel Eastman, 1897, both being located at Hot Springs; general manager of Hotel Jeffer son, St. Louis, since the organization, Apr. 8, 1904, of the Hotel Jefferson Co., also secre tary and treasurer; general manager, secretary and treasurer Planters Hotel, St. Louis; treas urer and general manager, New York Hotel Co., and since 1904 general manager Eastman and Arlington hotels, Hot Springs, Ark. Mem ber Business Men's League, St. Louis. Repub lican. Episcopalian. Clubs: St. Louis, Nor mandie Golf. Favorite recreations: all outdoor athletic sports. Office: Hotel Jefferson. HAYDEL, Henry Louis, real estate; born in St. James Parish, La., Aug. 18, 1860; son of Dr. Francis L. and Mary E. (Byrne) Hay- del; parents removed to St. Louis, 1867; edu cated in Christian Brothers College, and, 1875- 79, at St. Louis University, graduating in classical course, 1879, and receiving degrees 272 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS of A.B. and A.M.; married, St. Louis, Apr. 15, 1890, Sophie A. Papin; children: Marie Eliza beth (Mrs. Charles L. Benoist), Dorothy. In 1879, entered the real estate business which was founded 1840, by grandfather, John Byrne, Jr., with whom father, Dr. Francis L. Haydel, became partner in 1867; firm was in corporated as Haydel Realty Co., of which is now president. Member St. Louis Real Estate Exchange (director), Civic League. Catholic. Democrat. Member of Knights of Father Mathew. Club: City. Favorite recreations: golf, reading, billiards. Office: 109 N. 7th St. Residence: 4211 W. Pine Boul. HAYDEN, Edwin, retired; born in western Oneida Co., N. Y., Oct. 22, 1822; son of Chauncey and Amelia Huntington (Waldo) Hayden; educated in common schools and academy at Fairfield, Herkimer Co., N. Y., 1836; then for three years, clerk in law office of Hon. Chester Hayden, Utica, N. Y.; mar ried, Buffalo, N. Y., June 1, 1859, Mrs. Jennie Smith, nee Potter; children: Edwin W. (de ceased), Frank C. (deceased), Maud G. In employ of the American Express Co., 1853- January, 1911, first as agent at different points, then route agent; superintendent at St. Louis, 1863-70; superintendent southwestern district with headquarters at Buffalo, N. Y., 1870-76; general agent at St. Louis, 1876-98; corresponding clerk, 1898-1911; retired with a record of fifty-eight years' service in one company. Was member of board of directors same company, 1872-76. Organizer and first president, and now honorary member, Mercan tile Club. Recreation: reading. Residence: 4018 Cook Ave. *HAYDEN, John A., slate roofer; moved to California; see Vol. 1906. HAYES, Joseph Magnor, wholesale woolens; born, Cincinnati, Feb. 17, 1846; educated in public schools, Fay's Academy, and took course in commercial law; married, St. Louis, October, 1873, Sarah E. Boyle (now de ceased); children: Sarah Adele, Marie Alexis, Clara (deceased), Joseph Jerome, George, Louis Lee, Florence A., Edith T., Robert Magnor. After leaving school, was employed in mercantile house until June, 1871, when started in business on own account in Chi cago; business wiped out by the great fire of October, 1871; removed to St. Louis, 1872, and established the present business under name of Jos. M. Hayes, incorporated 1884, as the Jos. M. Hayes Woolen Co., of which was president; now proprietor same company which is no longer a corporation. Also direct or Mechanics-American National Bank, and several other corporations. Roman Catholic. Clubs: St. Louis, Noonday, Country. Recrea tion: golf. Office: 7th and Morgan Sts. Resi dence: 4389 Lindell Boul. HAYES, Montrose W., weather forecaster; born, Charlotte, N. C, Nov. 21, 1874; son of Junius W. and Lucy Connor (Morrow) Hayes;' educated public and private schools, Char lotte; Columbian (now George Washington) University, Washington, D. C; married, Cairo, 111., March, 1908, Marie Leuschen; one child, Montrose H. Has been connected with U. S. Weather Bureau since 1892; district fore caster at St. Louis since 1910. Office: 1516 Chemical Bldg. Residence: 1917 S. Compton Avenue. *HAYNES, Edgar Allan Poe; moved to London, England; see Vol. 1906. HAYNES, John Ignatius, architect; born, St. Louis, Mar. 1, 1861; son of Thomas and Ellen (Farrell) Haynes; educated in public schools of St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Mar. 17, 1894, Harriet L. Helery. Began profes sional career as draftsman for Barnett & Taylor, architects, 1880-90; deputy commis sioner of Building Department, City of St. Louis, 1890-91; then partner with George D. Barnett, as Barnett & Haynes, until 1895, when Thomas P. Barnett was admitted, the firm assuming the present style of Barnett, Haynes & Barnett. Firm was appointed as one of the nine constituting the Commission of Architecture for the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. Architects for many, notable structures, including the Liberal Arts Build ing at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, the Hotel Jefferson, the new Roman Catholic Cathedral, the Star Building, the Marquette Hotel, the Hamilton Hotel, and a large num ber of churches, hospitals and fine private residences in St. Louis. Also architects for the New Illinois Athletic Club Building and the new Southern Hotel, in Chicago, the Mark Twain Hotel at Hannibal, Mo., the Colonial Hotel at Springfield, Mo., the new Joplin Hotel, Joplin, Mo., Hotel Adolphus, etc. Inde- ' pendent Democrat. Member Business Men's League. Roman Catholic. Member of Amer ican Institute of Architects. Club: Missouri Athletic Offiee: 949 Century Bldg. Residence: 4215 McPherson Ave. HAYNES, William Johnson, manufacturer of furnaces; born, Mount Airy, N. C, Mar. 16, 1851; son of Joseph and Lamira (Johnson) Haynes; educated at State Normal School, Warrensburg, Mo.; married, Springfield, Mo., 1883, Sallie Doling; children: Bessie (Mrs. W. B. Markham), William J., Jr., George D., Howard. Taught school for some years after leaving normal school; resident of Missouri since 1867; came to St. Louis from Pleasant Hill, Mo., in 1878, and began in mercantile pursuits as bookkeeper for Doling & Langen- burg, grain commission merchants; when Mr. Doling retired, 1886, became member of Langenburg Bros. & Co. In 1890 bought out Front Rank Steel Furnace Co., and in 1904 incorporated business as Haynes-Langenburg Manufacturing Co., makers of "Front Rank" steel furnaces and ranges, steam and hot THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 273 water heating, of which is president. Mem ber Merchants' Exchange. Democrat. Mem ber board of stewards of Cabanne M. E. Church, South. Member Royal Arcanum. Recreation: hunting. Office: 4045 Forest Park Boul. Residence: 6311 Westminster PI. HAYS, Frank Perin, investment bonds; born near Columbus, O., Mar. 12, 1861; son of William B. and Celina (Perin) Hays; edu cated in Lancaster (Mo.) High School, Kirks ville (Mo.) Normal School and H. B. Bryant Business College, Chicago (full course) ; mar ried, Milwaukee, Wis., Aug. 18, 1882, Harriet Lane Celleyham; children: Helen, Hilda, Elizabeth, Forrest Perin, Margaret Frances. Spent summers, from age twelve to twenty, working on farms belonging to father; in general store under firm name of W. B. Hays & Son, 1880-82; general merchant at Lan caster, Mo., 1882-86; started Hays Bank, Lan caster, Mo., 1886, owning one-half and father other half; bought control of Schuyler County Bank of Lancaster, 1888; in 1889 started Hays Banking Co. of Queen City, Mo., owning most of it; in 1891 started Merchants' Exchange Bank of Downing, Mo., owning most of it; in 1893 started the Atlanta State Bank, Atlanta, Macon Co., Mo., owning most of it. Began dealing in bonds, 1892, and in 1897 the busi ness had grown so large that came to St. Louis and formed partnership with William C. Little & Bro., as Little & Hays Investment Co. Was bond officer Mississippi Valley Trust Co., 1901-02; vice president Colonial Trust Co., 1903; resumed partnership with W. C. Little and others, May, 1904; now vice* president Little & Hays Investment Co., dealers in mu nicipal and corporation bonds and dividend paying stocks. Director Chicago Railway Equipment Co. since 1901. President Oregon- Washington Road, 1910. Was secretary seven years, and in 1899, president, Missouri Bank ers' Association. Democrat. Member M. E. Church, Lindell Ave., Y. M. C. A. (chairman finance committee general board of direct ors); treasurer City Evangelization Union, 1905-07, inclusive, president, 1908, 1909. Presi dent Missouri Sunday School Union, three years; president City of St. Louis Sunday School Union, one year, etc. Clubs: Noonday, St. Louis, St. Louis Country, Methodist (treas urer since 1905). Recreations: golf, motoring. Office: 303 N. 4th St. Residence: 14 Washing ton Terrace. HAYS, James M., president Audit and Bond Co. of America; born, Sharpsburg, Pa., July 3, 1860; son of Gen. Alexander (killed in the battle of the Wilderness, May 5, 1864) and Annie (McFadden) Hays; mainly self-edu cated; married, Aledo, 111., 1887, Olive Byers; two children: Frances B. and Alden F. Began active career at eleven, selling newspapers on railway train; learned printer's trade and later was connected with auditor's office of Pennsylvania Ry.; removed to Jefferson City, Mo., 1878; became identified with J. S. Sulli van Saddle Tree Co. as secretary and partner and is now president same; organized, 1898, the D'Oench-Hays Shoe Co., which consoli dated with the Giesecke Boot and Shoe Manu facturing Co., forming the Gieseeke-D 'Oench- Hays Shoe Co.; resigned from office of treas urer, 1905; organized, 1908, the Audit and Bond Co. of America, of which has since been president. Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner. Clubs: Mercantile, Bellerive (St. Louis), County (Jefferson City). Recreations: hunt ing, fishing and travel. Office: Olive St. and Broadway. Residence: 5133 Westminster PL HAYWARD, Harry Erwin, general agent New England Mutual Life Insurance Co.; born, Nashville, Tenn., June 20, 1857; son of George Albigence and Ellen (Erwin) Hay ward; came to St. Louis from the South with parents, November, 1866; educated in St. Louis public schools, by private tutors and at Washington University; unmarried. Went from university to Frisco R. R., in 1877, and soon became general car accountant and gen eral baggage agent; resigned on account of ill-health and went South for a winter, then came to Third National Bank for eighteen months; went to Mexico for a year and was engaged in mining; returned to St. Louis, 1882, and was associated with Frank D. and Louis E. Hirschberg in fire insurance business until Mar. 3, 1886, when took present position as general agent for the New England Mutual Life Insurance Co., of Boston, Mass. Inde pendent in politics. Episcopalian. Member Sons of the Revolution. Clubs: Racquet, Flo rissant Valley Country, St. Louis Country. Favorite recreation: hunting. Office: 507-508 Chemical Bldg. Residence: 4637 Berlin Ave. HAZZARD, Charles Edgar, medical and surgical supplies; born, St. Louis, 1873; son of Ambrose and Mattie S. (Wilcox) Hazzard; educated in public schools of St. Louis; un married. After leaving school engaged with St. Louis Physicians' Supply Co., as clerk and offiee man; in 1892 became secretary of the company, pharmaceutical chemists and manufacturers and dealers in physicians' and surgeons' supplies; organized, January, 1912, The Medical and Surgical Supply Depot, of which is proprietor, under firm name of Haz zard & Thompson. Baptist. Member A. F. & A. M., and Royal Arcanum. Office: 4219 Olive St. Residence: 4247 Delmar Boul. HEALEY, Edwin Sprague, lime and ce ment; born, Thomaston, Me., Oct. 1, 1859; son of William S. D. and Betsey Y. (Drinkwater) Healey; married, St. Louis, June 8, 1892, Martha Isabelle Hodgdon; children: Edwin H., Martha, Warren Cobb, Judith. Began business career as clerk in boot and shoe trade in Rockland, Me., 1876-79; then engaged with Hurricane Island Granite Co., Rockland, 274 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 1879-86, and represented the same company in St. Louis, 1886-89; since its organization in 1889, member of the Glencoe Lime and Ce ment Co., of which is now secretary and treas urer. Republican; president Board of Educa tion of Webster Groves. Congregationalist. Club: Algonquin Golf. Office: 901 Syndicate Trust Bldg. Residence: Webster Groves, Mo. HEALY, Francis Dennis, importer water color and oil paintings; born, St. Louis, Jan. 31, 1862; son of Dennis B. and Mary (Don nelly) Healy; educated in public and high schools, graduating, 1877; married, St. Louis, 1899, Odile Valle Pratte Layton; two chil dren: Jane Marie and Francis Wallace. Be gan active career in employ of Simmons Hardware Co. and advanced until he was placed in charge of sample department; trav eling salesman F. H. Thomas Law Book Co., 1886-94; pursued course of study in St. Louis Art School; importer water color and oil paintings since 1895. Roman Catholic. Rec reation: outdoor sports. Office: 10 S. Broad way. Residence: 4147 W. Pine Boul. HEALY, Jeremiah Daniel, real estate; born, Covington, Ky., Oct. 15, 1862; son of Jeremiah and Honora (Lane) Healy; educated in public schools of Covington, and one term at Polytechnic, St. Louis; unmarried. Began business career at fourteen as clerk in retail grocery business for father; started a store at age of twenty-one and conducted it success fully for eleven years; entered offiee of late Henry Hiemenz, Jr., real estate and financial agent, in sales department, and continued with The Henry Hiemenz Realty Co., incorpo rated 1902, and in 1903 was elected as presi dent of company. Member of St. Louis Real Estate Exchange. Democrat. Roman Catholic. Member of Knights of Columbus. Clubs: Union, Liederkranz. Office: 614 Chestnut St. Residence: 3118 Allen Ave. HEATH, George Millard, chemist; born, Milan, Mich., July 12, 1876; son of Charles A. and Alice (Dowcett) Heath; Ph.O, University of Michigan, 1896, B.Sc, 1900; honorary title of M.D., American Medical College, 1911; unmarried. Was instructor in chemistry, Uni versity of Michigan; assistant professor of chemistry, Albion College, Mich., 1900-01; be came professor American Medical College, St. Louis, 1910; since 1912, dean Pharmacy De partment and professor chemistry, National University of Arts and Sciences (successor to Barnes University and American Medical Col lege). President Camden Copper Co. Has done considerable research work and investi gation on sanitary conditions of cities, milk supply, food products, etc; advocate of cen tral milk station for St. Louis. Republican. Episcopalian. Member American Chemical So ciety, American Pharmaceutical Association, American Institute Chemical Engineers, Phi Delta Chi. Mason. Recreations: tennis, base ball. Office: Garrison and Lawton Aves. Resi dence: 4335 Maryland Ave. HEATH, Thomas J., auditor of ticket ac counts, Frisco Line; born, Sheffield, England, Sept. 29, 1852; son of William and Hannah (Cundell) Heath; educated in St. Louis pub- lie and high schools, 1858-69, and Professor Felton's Academy, 1869-72; married, St. Louis, 1880, Mary Ouhrabka; six children: William G., Thomas H., Catherine H., Mary E., Joseph Charles and Esther Victoria, Began business career in 1873, as clerk with the Singer Manufacturing Co., with which re mained until June 1, 1876; in mercantile busi ness in St. Louis, in firm of Heath Bros., Oct. 19, 1876, to Jan. 14, 1880; since July 1, 1880, auditor of ticket accounts, Frisco Line. Presi dent Suburban Supply Co., Webster Groves. Served as first lieutenant, Company F, First Regiment, Missouri National Guard, 1876-80; was alderman of Third Ward, Webster Groves, 1907-11. Episcopalian. Mason. Member Royal Arcanum. Recreations: baseball, driving. Of fice: 1210 Frisco Bldg. Residence: 338 Old Orchard Ave., Webster Groves, Mo. HEATH, Willard Price, wholesale dealer in lands; born, Vineland, Wis., Aug. 1, 1861; son of Emery and Harriett (Price) Heath; edu cated in public schools, Brookfield, Mo., to 1875; married, Clinton Co., la., Nov. 6, 1895, Sara Jane Campbell; two children: Dorothy, Margaret. Began business career as office clerk with Hannibal & St. Joseph Railroad Co., Brookfield and Kansas City, Mo., 1876- 77; clerk land department and assistant pay master, same road, at general office, Hannibal, Mo., 1878-80; bookkeeper Abbey Coal and Mining Co., St. Louis, 1881-86; secretary to general manager Consolidated Coal Co., St. Louis, 1887-88; secretary and treasurer Kan sas & Texas Coal Co., St. Louis, 1888-1903; then wholesale dealer in lands until 1907. Became president and general manager Col ony Farm Homes Association, 1908, continuing to 1911; presiding trustee Taney County Lum ber Co. since 1902; organized Heath Land Service, 1912, of which is proprietor and man ager. Member St. Louis Real Estate Ex change, Business Men's League. Republican. Christian Scientist. Served twelve years in Company A and Company I, First Regiment, Missouri National Guard, 1883-1895, retiring as captain of Company A. Recreations: hunt ing and fishing. Office: Equitable Bldg. Resi dence: 5014 Cabanne Ave. HEBARD, Alfred Partridge1, lawyer; born, New London, Conn., Dec. 16, 1867; son of Augustus Huntington and Alice Adelaide (Partridge) Hebard; graduated from Smith Academy, St. Louis, 1883; student Washing ton University, 1883-86; A.B., Harvard Uni versity, 1889; St. Louis Law School, winter of 1893-94; LL.B., Harvard Law School, 1896; married, St. Louis, Apr. 19, 1897, Daisy Brook- THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 275 mire; one son, Alfred Partridge, Jr. Admitted to bar in December, 1896, and since engaged in practice. Member St. Louis Bar Associa tion, Harvard Law School Association. Re publican. Clubs: Noonday, City, St. Louis Country, Harvard; also Harvard of New York. Office: 1748-1749 Pierce Bldg. Residence: 4934" Berlin Ave. HECHT, Herman, clothing; born, Coblenz, Germany, June 7, 1866; son of Simon and Henrietta (David) Hecht; educated in public schools and at Lyons Business Academy, Pa- ducah, Ky.; unmarried. Began business career as partner in firm of Hecht Bros. & Co., whole sale hats, Paducah, Ky., 1882; sold out in 1894 to brothers, and became traveling salesman for Schwab Clothing Co., St. Louis, in Illinois, Tennessee and Kentucky, 1894-99; in 1899 joined in organizing new firm of Hecht Bros. & Co., manufacturers and jobbers of clothing, and has charge of the office work and buying. Club: Missouri Athletic. Recreation: travel ing. Office: 1226 Washington Ave. Residence: 5172 Raymond Ave. HECHT, Max, manufacturer of clothing; born, Coblenz, Germany, Feb. 6, 1854; son of Simon and Henrietta (David) Hecht; edu cated in schools of Germany; married, Louis ville, Ky., Aug. 28, 1888, Rosa Harris; three sons: Lester I. Heyman, Sydney S. and Carl A. Came to United States in 1870; engaged in various business connections until May 1, 1899, when with Herman Hecht established the firm of Hecht Bros. & Co., manufacturers of men 's, boys ' and children 's suits and over coats. Member Business Men's League. Re publican. Jewish religion. Club: Columbian. Office: 1226 Washington Ave. Residence: 4756 Westminster PL HECKEMEYER, John Henry, wholesale grocer; born in Osage Co., Mo., Sept. 3, 1850; son of Henry and Clara (Peitzmeyer) Heeke- meyer; educated in public schools and Jones Business College; married, St. Louis, Feb. 17, 1876, Mary F. Walsh; six Children: George (deceased), Henry, Stephen, Anthony, Estelle and Mary. Began business career as clerk in general store of Stephen Ortmeyer, at West phalia, Mo., 1866-68; with L. A. Lambert, Castle Rock, Mo., 1868-71; came to St. Louis and was student and teacher in Jones Busi ness College until 1874, when became book keeper for Becker & Woestman, wholesale grocers; in 1887 the firm became F. H. Kren- ning & Son, for which was traveling salesman until August, 1902, when, upon incorporation of the business as the Krenning Grocer Co., became vice president. Democrat. Catholic. Office: 818 N. 3d St. Residence: 3815 Page Boulevard. *HEDGCOCK, George Grant, plant patholo gist; moved to Tacoma Park, D. C; see Vol. 1906. HEDGES, Isaac Angell, real estate; born, St. Louis, Oct. 5, 1872; son of Isaac A. and Dorothea Hedges; educated in St. Louis pub- lie schools, graduating from St. Louis High School Jan. 19, 1890; married, New York City, Feb. 12, 1902, lone Huse, daughter of William L. and Martha E. Huse; children: William Huse, Dorothea, Isaac Adair. Soon after graduation from high school, entered employ of John MeGuire Real Estate Co. as book keeper and cashier. In 1893 became secretary of estate of Wayman Crow, retaining this connection until estate was settled in 1897; then associated with Samuel Cupples and Robert S. Brookings in development of their property in the Cupples group. Upon the gift of this property by Messrs. Cupples and Brookings to Washington University, was re tained by the university as manager for the Cupples Station property, and so continues. Also an operator in St. Louis real estate on own private account. Member Real Estate Ex change. Republican. Unitarian. Scottish Rite Mason (Tuscan Lodge, Missouri Consistory and Mystic Shrine). Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Algonquin. Recreations: golf, tennis and handball. Office: Cupples Blk. Residence: Berry Rd., Glendale, Mo. HEDGES, Robert Lee, president St. Louis American League Baseball Co.; bora, Jack son Co., Mo., July 1, 1868; son of George S. and Elizabeth (Hayes) Hedges; common school education; married, Cincinnati, 1891, Pauline Davis; one son, Robert Lee, Jr. Be gan active career in Kansas City, but removed to Cincinnati and engaged in the manufacture of buggies and vehicles, 1892-1902; has been president of the St. Louis American League Baseball Co. since. 1902. Member Business Men's League. Clubs: Mercantile, Missouri Athletic, Glen Echo. Recreation: motoring. Office: 1304 New Bank of Commerce Bldg. Residence: Oxford Apts. HEDRICK, Tubman Keene; see Vol. 1906. HEHRLEIN, William Henry; see Vol. 1906. HEIBEL, Peter, box manufacturer; 1848- 1910; see Vol. 1906. HEIDBREDER, George Louis, coal dealer; born, St. Louis, May 8, 1871; son of John F. and Louise (Voss) Heidbreder; educated in St. Louis public schools and commercial col lege; married, St. Louis, Dec. 6, 1899, Matile L. Kunkel; one son, George I. Began business ' career as shipping clerk for Liberty Brewing Co., 1889, continuing until 1891; then joined in organization of the Superior Ice and Cold Storage Co., which was merged into the Heid breder Ice Co., of which was president until December, 1909; now president Heidbreder Coal Co. Member North St. Louis Business Men's Association. Mason (32°), Shriner. Clubs: Masonic, Edrus Hunting and Fishing, 276 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS Kokoal. Recreations: hunting and fishing. Offiee: 1502 St. Louis Ave. Residence: 3820 W. Pine St. HEIER, Henry, undertaker; bora, Califor nia, Mo., Mar. 20, 1870; parents died when he was in infancy; reared in German Protestant Orphans' Home, St. Louis Co., to sixteen; largely self-educated; married, St. Louis, June 5, 1895, Bertha Schumacher; four children: Eunice, Evelyn, Elvera, Edith. Began active career in employ of Doerr & Hackemeier, wholesale queensware, St. Louis; later worked for Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co. for sixteen months; studied embalming under C. L. Barnes, and at the Renaud Training School for Embalming and National Embalming School, graduating July, 1893; since in busi ness on own account. Republican. Member Evangelical Protestant Church. Mason, Knight Templar; member Royal Arcanum, Lieder kranz, Orphans' Aid Society. Office and Resi dence: 3432 Shenandoah Ave. HEIL, George Louis, president Heil Pack ing Co.; born, St. Louis, July 31, 1877; son of Charles P. and Rose (Reigel) Heil; educated St. Bernard's School, Gratiot and Hawk Sts.; married, St. Louis, Oct. 16, 1901, Gertrude M. Grabenschroer; four children: Gertrude Marie, Fred William, George Louis, Jr., Caroline. Began active career with his father, who was a pork packer, and learned the business from the bottom up; when father sold out, went into business for himself; was elected presi dent and treasurer Heil Packing Co., Oct. 1, 1903, a corporation then capitalized at $10,- 000; capital increased to $100,000 Mar. 1, 1908, and to $150,000 Aug. 10, 1909. Member American Meat Packers' Association. Catho lic. Member Knights of Columbus. Recrea tions: motoring, traveling; fond of horses. Office: Missouri and La Salle Sts. Residence: 3112 Allen Ave. HEIL, Henry, importer of chemical appa ratus and chemicals; born, Sehmalkalden, Ger many, Jan. 1, 1854; son of John Nicolaus and Fritze (Grau) Heil; educated in Realschule, of Sehmalkalden, to 1868; graduated from St. Louis College of Pharmacy, with highest hon ors, 1877; married, St. Louis, Mar. 22, 1887, Adele Rupprecht; children: Frederick John, Lina Cornelia (Mrs. Marquard F. Braun), Henry Adolph Herman. Apprentice in whole sale hardware house of Jonas Lutz, Sehmal kalden, where remained until December, 1872, when emigrated and arrived in St. Louis, Jan uary, 1873; was clerk of the coroner, three months, then took situation in drug store of H. E. Hoelke, where learned drug trade; en tered partnership with E. Hoelke, 1875, firm of E. Hoelke & Co.; went to Leadville, Colo., 1879, and conducted drug business there with H. E. and E. Hoelke, as Heil & Hoelke; sold out in 1882, went to Europe for one year; re turned, 1883, and bought business of Theodore Kolb (established, 1866), and from a small concern has developed it to one of the largest houses in its line in this country, with ex tensive American and foreign trade; incor porated business, 1888, as Henry Heil Chem ical Co., of which is president. Also secretary and treasurer of Prospect Investment Co., and vice president of Edler Realty and Mercan tile Co. Honorary member St. Louis College of Pharmacy; member Missouri Pharmaceu tical Association, St. Louis Chemical Society, Liederkranz. Clubs: St. Louis Turn Verein, St. Louis Paint, Oil and Drug. Republican. Recreation: bowling. Office: 210-214 S. 4th St. Residence: 1810 La Salle St. HEIMANN, Hugo; see Vol. 1906. HEIMANN, Morris Arthur, proprietor M. A. Heimann Manufacturing Co., show-cases and window dressers' supplies; born, Bonn- on-the-Rhine, Germany, Mar. 3, 1868; son of Jacob and Regina (Miller) Heimann; edu cated at University of Bonn (Germany); widower; one daughter, Melba. Came from Germany to St. Louis in 1889; learned the business of manufacturing show-cases and window dressers' supplies in Germany; was window dresser with D. Crawford & Co., dry goods, 1889-93; since 1893 engaged under style of M. A. Heimann Manufacturing Co., pioneer manufacturers of window dressers' supplies, manufacturers and inventors of show-cases, mirrors, window display and store fixtures, also manufacturers and inventors of balloons, aeroplanes and aeronautical supplies. Recre ations: motoring and aerial navigation. Sales rooms: 1122 Washington St. Factories: 13th St. from Rutger St. to Morrison Ave. Resi dence: 1209 Rutger St. HEINECKE, Walter Frederick, coal; born, Lenzburg, 111., Oct. 8, 1879; son of Herman J. and Elizabeth (Wildy) Heineeke; edu cated in public schools of DuQuoin and Belle ville, 111.; Fremont (Neb.) Normal School (commercial course), graduating, 1900; mar ried, St. Louis, Oct. 19, 1904, Laura Bruegge- mann. Began business career, while attending public school at Belleville, 111., as clerk for William Glasser, shoes, etc.; was with Martin Geiger, general merchandise, New Athens, HI.; then for short time with wholesale woolen house; in 1901 began with Lebanon Coal and Machine Association as collector, and on or ganization of International Coal and Mining Co., in 1905, became secretary; also proprietor Heineeke Coal Co. Mason. Member Evan gelical Church. Recreation: bowling. Office: 1940 S. Kings Highway Boul. Residence: 3456A Hartford St. HEINRICH, John Peter, president of Hein- rich Coal Co.; born in Hesse Darmstadt, Ger many, July 9, 1845; son of Johanes and Ger trude (Von der Muehle) Heinrich; educated in public schools and commercial college; THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 277 married, Belleville, 111., 1869, Margaretha Brandenburger; eight children. Began busi ness career in portrait business, in employ of Howard & Hall, photographers, until 1865; since in coal business, first, with Albion Coal & Mining Co., and in German Mining Co., 1866-67; organized firm of John P. Heinrich & Co., which was incorporated in 1873 as the Heinrich Coal Co., of which is president. Also president of the Heinrich Terminal Realty Co. Member German Evangelical Protestant Church of the Holy Ghost. Mem ber West St. Louis Turn Verein. Recreations: bowling and driving. Office: 408 Olive St. Residence: 2829 Thomas St. HEINRICHSHOFEN, Otto, lumber; see Vol. 1906. HEISEL, Arthur Oliver, president Grand Motor Car Co.; born, St. Louis, Mar. 10, 1880; son of Nicholas and Catherine (Miller) Hei- sel; received education in public schools and Bryant & Stratton Commercial College; mar ried, St. Louis, Oct. 10, 1901, Lilly J. Holl- mann. Began active career as office boy in produce business, 1896, and is now vice presi dent of the Henry C. Hollmann Produce Co.; treasurer A. Heisel Laundry Co., founded De cember, 1909; president Grand Motor Car Co., organized September, 1910. Member Corpora tion Washington University. Clubs: Century Boat, Missouri Athletic Recreations: bowling and motoring. Office: 1617-1619 S. Jefferson Ave. Residence: 3200 Halliday St. HEITZ, Robert, wholesale butter, cheese, etc.; born, St. Louis, Apr. 14, 1862; son of George and Mary Heitz; educated in public schools of St. Louis; married, St. Louis, June 1, 1882, Anna Rosenberger; children: Edna, Theodore. Began business career in 1878 in employ of Adam Roth Grocer Co., with which continued until 1890, when established in the wholesale butter, cheese and egg business, in which has since continued, now being head of the firm of Robert Heitz Commission Co. Scottish Rite Mason (32°); member Ivanhoe Commandery, K. T., Mystic Shrine. Member B. P. O. Elks. Office: 206-208 Market St. Residence:' 3526 Magnolia Ave. HELD, George A., cashier International Bank; born, St. Louis, Oct. 5, 1862; son of Henry and Annie Held; educated in public schools and Christian Brothers College, St. Louis, to 1880; married, St. Louis, May 20, 1891, Minnie Niemetz; one daughter, Elva. Began business career in 1880 as collector for the old Union Savings Bank, until 1884; then was engaged in tbe Wabash Railroad office two years; since 1886 employed with the International Bank of St. Louis, of which has been cashier since 1900. Mason. Club: Lieder kranz. Office: Rialto Bldg. Residence: 3627 Utah PL HELFERS, Henry; see Vol. 1906. HELLER, Otto, professor German language and literature, Washington University; born, Tietsch, Saxony, Germany, July 15, 1863; son of David and Emma (Feuerloescher) Heller; educated at Gymnasium at Briix and Dresden, Germany; universities of Prague, Munich, Vienna and Berlin, 1881-83; came to America, 1883; Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1900; studied at University of Berlin, 1900-01; mar ried Margaret Theresa Stevenson, of Boston, Feb. 21, 1893. Instructor in Greek, LaSalle College, Philadelphia, 1887-90; instructor mod ern languages, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1891; professor German language and literature, Washington University, since 1892. Trustee National German-American Teachers' Seminary, Milwaukee. Member Modern Language Association of America, American Philological Association, Goethe So ciety of Weimar, Schillerverein, Sehlaraffia. Clubs: Liederkranz, Town and Gown, Con temporary, Alma Mater, City. Author: First Course in German, 1886; Studies in Modern German Literature, 1905; Henrik Ibsen, Plays and Problems, 1912. Editor: Stifter's Das Heidedorf, 1890; C. F. Meyer's Gustav Adolf Page, 1894; Schuecking's Die Drei Freier, 1896; Frenssen's Gravelotte, 1897; Baum- bach's Der Schwiegersohn, 1908; Lessing's Minna von Barnhelm, 1909. Contributor to magazines and philological journals. Recrea tions: travel, music, drama, literature. Ad dress: Washington University. HELLMUTH, George W., architect; born, St. James, Mo., Feb. 6, 1870; son of J. G. and Julia B. (Ihmsen) Hellmuth; educated in pub lic school, St. James, Mo., until 1884; A.B., Christian Brothers College, 1889 ; student Mis souri School of Mines, 1889-91; married, St. Louis, 1906, Harriet Fowler; children: George Francis, Hildegard. Connected with various leading architects of St. Louis and Chicago until Oct. 1, 1898, when started the practice of architecture in St. Louis; formed partner ship with Harry I. Hellmuth, July 1, 1911, un der firm name of Hellmuth & Hellmuth. Has been architect for a number of handsome resi dences in St. Louis as well as for important mercantile establishments and public build ings. Member American Institute of Archi tects. Catholic Club: St. Louis. Recreation: fishing. Office: 1401 Chemical Bldg. Resi dence: 4468 Maryland Ave. HELLMUTH, Harry Ihmsen, architect; born, St. James, Apr. 17, 1884; son of J. G. and Julia B. (Ihmsen) Hellmuth; educated at St. Louis University; later studied architec ture in atelier of Don Barber, New York, where he gained special honors; married, Pittsburgh, Pa., Oct. 6, 1911, Christine Ihm sen Swearingen. Entered office of G. W. Hell muth, architect, St. Louis, in 1900, continuing until 1907; then went to New York City and spent about four years in offices of W. T. 278 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS Partridge, H. Van Buren Magneigle, Albert Sterner and York & Sawyer; returned to St. Louis and entered into partnership with G. W. Hellmuth, July 1, 1911, .under title of Hell muth & Hellmuth, which still continues. Rec reation: sculpture. Offiee: Chemical Bldg. Residence: 484 Lake Ave. HELLRUNG, Jacob Francis, president Hell- rung & Grimm House Furnishing Co.; born, Freeburg, 111.," Dec. 27, 1861; son of Frank and Catherine (Bumb) Hellrung; educated in Freeburg parochial and public schools; mar ried, St. Louis, May 7, 1883, Christiana Grimm (died Aug. 3, 1907); 2d, St. Louis, June 27, 1908, Louisa Theresa Perano; four children by first marriage: Joseph Benjamin, Jacob Francis, Jr., Catherine Mary (Mrs. George Dostal) and Amanda Emma. Began in stove and tinware business, 1887, later adding fur niture, carpets, etc.; erected new building at 16th St. and Cass Ave., 1891; opened second store at 904-908 Washington Ave., Sept. 2, 1911, conducting both stores at present time (their slogan: "You get the Girl, We'll do the Rest ' ') ; vice president Val Reis Piano Co., Cass Avenue Bank; director Stanard Separator Co. Member of Business Men's League, Citizens' Industrial Association. Catholic; member board of governors Guar dian Angel Home; trustee St. Vincent Orphan Home. Member Catholic Knights of America, Knights of Columbus, Ancient Order United Workmen, Royal League. Clubs: Elks', City, Century Boat, St. Louis Piscatorial, St. Louis Cruising, Alton Slough. Recreations: fishing and attending his society meetings. Offices: 904-908 Washington Ave. and 16th St. and Cass Ave. Residence: 4937 Lotus Ave. HELM, John, contractor; born, St. Louis, Apr. 16, 1860; son of Henry and. Elizabeth (Enderling) Helm; educated at Lafayette (public) School and Peabody Branch High School, St. Louis; married, Portland, Orev 1889, Mary A. Shelley; children: Henry O, William A., Lester J. Engaged in building and contracting business since 1876, and now, president of the Althaus-Helm Contracting Co. Independent in politics. Protestant. Resi dence: 4223 Louisiana Ave. HUMAN, August, contractor; born, St. Louis, Oct. 17, 1855; son of Frederick and Elizabeth (Schreifer) Heman; educated in St. Louis public schools; married, Percy, 111., Apr. 30, 1888, Leni Leota Lightner; one son, Alonzo G. In 1875 obtained first city contract for making and repairing sidewalks, and contin ued contracting for city. In 1888 obtained contract for what was known as Vandeventer Sewer, District No. 1; in 1901 obtained con tract for building the water works at Chain of Rocks, in name of Heman Construction Co., of which is president; built cascades at World,'s Fair Grounds, 1903; has built hun dreds of miles of streets and sewers in St. Louis, besides much railroad and bridge work outside of city. President Trinidad Asphalt Manufacturing Co.; vice president Georgia- Florida Land Co. Member Business Men's League. Democrat. Protestant. Club: City. Recreation: fishing. Office: 6361 Washington Ave. Residence: 444 S. Theresa Ave. HEMAN, Harry F., contractor; born, St. Louis, Sept. 14, 1874; son of John H. and Lottie (Kroeger) Heman; educated in public schools; married, St. Louis County, 1893, Kit- tie Busch; two sons: Harry F., Earl B. Began taking contracts for city streets, sewers and sidewalks, at age of nineteen, and has since been engaged in work along those lines, being one of the well known street contractors in the city. Independent in politics. Presbyte rian. Mason; member Westgate Lodge No. 445, A. F. & A. M.; St. Louis Chapter No. 8, , R. A. M.; St. Aldemar Commandery No. 18, K. T.; Moolah Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S. Club: Oasis. Recreations: hunting and fishing. Office: 1106, 721 Olive St. Residence: 4838 Cote Brilliante Ave. HEMENWAY, William D., fire insurance; born in Goderich Co., Ontario, Can., June 30, 1861; son of William O. and Ellen S. (Brown) Hemenway; educated in St. Louis public schools; married, St. Louis, Katherine Griffin; children: Louise (by previous marriage), Don aldson W., Virginia M. Began insurance busi ness in 1877, remaining with A. C. Travis un til his- death, in 1881; then purchased the business and continued as Peugnet & Hemen way until 1903; since then general manager of Insurance Agency Co. Member Missouri Association Local Fire Insurance Agents, Un derwriters' Salvage Corps, and St. Louis Fire Prevention Bureau. Director of North St. Louis Planing Mill Co., Schultz Belting Co., and Moon Motor Car Co. Commissioner of Mullanphy Emigrant Relief Fund, 1907-11. Recreation: motoring. Offiee: Pierce Bldg. Residence: 35 Kingsbury PL HEMMELMAN, Theodore, Jr., real estate; bora, Hanover, Germany, Mar. 30, 1867; son of Theodore and Fredericka (Semmelroegge) Hemmelman; educated in public schools and business college in St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Jan. 10, 1894, Louisa Lepold; children: Gertrude, Florence. Began business career at eighteen years of age as traveling salesman for William Schotten & Co., and resigned, 1888, to go into the real estate business with Henry Hiemenz, Jr.; was with him ten years, and in 1898 established business as partner with Albert J. Aiple, as Aiple & Hemmelman, real estate and financial agents, and incorpo rated the business, July 12, 1899, as Aiple & Hemmelman Real Estate Co., of which is president; also vice president International Bank of St. Louis. Appointed by Mayor Ziegenheim, July, 1899, as assessor and col lector of water rates and made the greatest THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 279 increase in collections ever made in history of department, resulting, on his recommenda tion, in a general reduction of rates to all consumers, having accomplished which, re signed, 1902, owing to press of private busi ness. Member, 1895-99, president, 1899, Mul lanphy Emigrant Relief Fund. Member St. Louis Real Estate Exchange (director). Re publican. Presbyterian. Clubs: Liederkranz, Union. Favorite recreation: boating. Office: 622 Chestnut St. Residence: 3227 Hawthorne Boulevard. HEMP, Lewis William, manufacturer of sheet metal goods; born, Baltimore, Md., July 4, 1838; son of John and Catharine Hemp; educated in parochial schools of Keokuk, la.;. married, St. Louis, Feb. 2, 1862, Mary F. Rey nolds; children: William H., Edwin J., Robert Emmett, Charles C, Joseph L., Stanislaus X., Jessie M, Laura M. (Mrs. George D. Mattis), Florence (deceased). Lived in Keokuk, la., 1848-55, and learned sheet metal working trade in shops there; came to St. Louis in 1855, and followed trade, consecutively, in shops of Hull & Cozzens, Noeal & Sutton and James Beakey & Co.; in 1862 established busi ness for self in small way, and developed it into present business of Hemp & Co., of which is president. Independent in polities. Member Essex Guards, State Militia, at the time of the Civil War. Roman Catholic. Member Knights of Columbus. Club: Knobel Fishing. Recreations: fishing and hunting. Office; 1939 S. Vandeventer Ave. Residence: 3669 Flad Avenue. HEMP, William Henry, manufacturer of sheet metal goods; born, St. Louis, Dec. 27, 1863; son of L. W. and Mary F. (Reynolds) Hemp; educated in Christian Brothers Col lege; married, St. Louis, 1898, Katherine M. Mahoney; children: Katherine, Norman, Net- ' tie. Was with the Drummond Tobacco Co. for three years, in factory and advertising depart ment; followed professional baseball for eight years; vice president of Hemp & Co. since 1899. Independent in polities. Catholic. Clubs: St. Clair County Country, Knobel Fishing and Botanical Avenue Baseball Association. Rec reations: motoring, fishing, baseball. Office: 1939 S. Vandeventer Ave. Residence: 4002 Botanical Ave. HEMPEL, Max, physician; 1863-1906; see Vol. 1906. HENCKLER, Edward Robert, secretary and treasurer Wulfing Grocer Co.; born, Nau- ¦voo, 111., Jan. 1, 1873; son of George and Carolina (Schmalenberger) Henckler; educat ed at Toensfeldt Educational Institute, St. Louis; married, St. L.ouis, Nov. 16, 1898, Lulu Roth; three children: Amelia Roth, June Caro line, Ruth Marian. Resident of St. Louis since 1878, coming from Millstadt, 111.; began busi ness career in 1889, with Wulfing, Dieckriede & Co., wholesale grocers, in the office, and be came successively collector, bookkeeper and credit man for the firm, and, since incorpora tion of the business in January, 1903, as the Wulfing Grocer Co., has been secretary and treasurer of the company. Member St. Louis Credit Men's Association, Citizens' Industrial Association, Civic League. Office: 106-110 N. 2d St. Residence: 2319 S. Compton Ave. HENDERSON, Frank L., physician; born, St. Loui3, Mar. 18, 1865; son of James Alex ander and Virginia L. (Royall) Henderson; educated in University of Missouri; M.D., Missouri Medical College, 1888; post-graduate courses, New York, London and Paris, 1889, 1893, 1902; married, Syracuse, N. Y., Dec. 31, 1895, Gertrude Parker Spalding. Active assistant surgeon, United States Army, 1888- 89; in Paris, France, 1889-90; division sur geon Great Northern Ry., 1890; medical ex aminer for Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Ry., 1890-93; attended New York and London clinics, winter of 1893-94; since summer of 1894 has been engaged in practice in St. Louis; ophthalmic surgeon to St. Mary's Infirmary; oculist of Wabash Ry. and the St. Louis Ter minal Association. Member American Medical' Association, Missouri State Medical Associa tion, St. Louis Medical Society (president, 1905), St. Louis Ophthalmological Society, American Academy of Ophthalmology and Oto-Laryngology. Democrat. Presbyterian. Clubs: Glen Echo Country, Contemporary. Of fiee: 5th floor, Humboldt Bldg. Residence: Normandy, Mo. HENDERSON, James Allen; seo Vol. 1906. HENDERSON, William Walter, lawyer; born, Columbia, Boone Co., Mo., June 25, 1869; son of James A. and Virginia L. (Royall) Henderson; educated public schools of St. Louis; LL.B., University of Missouri, 1895; married, St. Louis Co., Mo., Feb. 5, 1891, Rose McCausland; children: James A., Jr., Virginia Rose. Admitted to bar in 1895, and since engaged in general practice; now member of firm of Henderson, Marshall & Becker. Also president of Vandeventer Trust Co.; director Central National Bank, Stein- mesch Feed Co., Murad Realty Co., Smith Pig Iron Co. Before entering upon law practice was engaged in farming in Boone Co. and St. Louis Co.; still owns a farm in St. Louis Co., and raises Plymouth Rock chickens. President St. Louis Fanciers' Association. Republican; judge of Probate Court of City of St. Louis, 1898-1902. Presbyterian. Member Ancient Or der United Workmen, Legion of Honor, Royal Arcanum. Recreations: horseback riding and driving. Office: 922 Security Bldg. Residence: Bridgeton (at the old homestead which has been in possession of the family since 1847), St. Louis County, Mo. 280 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS HENGER, Henry William, retired; born, St. Louis, Feb. 2, 1848; son of John H. and Anna Henger; educated in St. Louis private school; married, 1909, Carrie Piper. Began business career as employe of bank and was bookkeeper in North St. Louis Savings Insti tution until 1868; joined in organizing the Ette & Henger Manufacturing Co., brass and iron founders, incorporated in 1888 as Pleuger & Henger Manufacturing Co., of which was president and treasurer until 1907, when re tired. Residence: 1907 N. Grand Ave. HENKE, August Frederick, physician; born, St. Louis, June 7, 1873; son of Philip J. and Louisa (Becker) Henke; graduated from Central High School, 1893; M.D., Missouri Medical College, 1896; married, Sept. 20, 1911, Alma A. Wiegand. Interne at City Hospital, 1896-97; since engaged in general private practice. Formerly assistant, medical clinic, and on staff of St. John's Hospital; also for merly assistant medical clinic in Medical De partment of Washington University, at O 'Fal lon Dispensary. Member St. Louis Medical Society, Missouri State Medical Association, American Medical Association, City Hospital Alumni Association, Washington University Alumni Association. Republican. Evangelical. Office: 1637 N. 19th St. Residence: 3201A St. Louis Ave. HENLEY, Henry C, chief inspector, St. Louis Fire Prevention Bureau; born, St. Louis, Feb. 24, 1857 ; son of Wilson and Eliza beth (Thompson) Henley; educated in St. Louis public schools; married, St. Louis, Feb. 24, 1881, Alice Trendall; one daughter, Sadie (Mrs. D. H. lsch). On leaving scnool became apprentice to brick mason; worked at trade until entered the Underwriters' Salvage Corps in 1881; since. September, 1887, in the service of the St. Louis Board of Fire Underwriters, becoming chief inspector of the St. Louis Fire Prevention Bureau; secretary Board of Ap peals of the City Building Department; mem ber executive committee of National Fire Protection Association. Episcopalian. Mem ber B. P. O. Elks, Knights of Maccabees, Royal Arcanum, Legion of Honor. Clubs: City, St. Louis Engineers', St. Louis Auto mobile, Gilead Hunting and Fishing. Recrea tion: fishing. Office: 7 34 Pierce Bldg. Resi dence: 3813 Page Ave. HENNEBERGER, Edward, vice president Knippenberg Grocer Co.; born, Hermann, Gas conade Co., Mo., Feb. 25, 1870; son of Michael and Louise (Riek) Henneberger; educated in public schools of Hermann; married, St. Louis, Nov. 6, 1894, Anna Westrich; one son, Rich ard Michael. Entered wholesale grocery house of Wulfing-Dieekriede & Co. at age of fif teen, in 1885, working up through various de partments to a position of responsibility; associated in wholesale business, in 1893, with Ed. Knippenberg, R. G. Upmeyer and W. C. Uhri, under title of The Knippenberg Grocer Co.; has ever since been identified with this organization and for past ten years has been vice president of the company. Independent Republican. Club: Carondelet Motor Boat. Recreation: motor boating. Office: 210 S. 7th St. Residence: 4432 S. Grand Ave. HENNEBERGER, John, v.-pres. Wulfing Grocer Co.; born, Hermann, Mo., Feb. 26, 1860; son of Michael and Louise (Riek) Hen neberger; educated in public schools, Her mann; married, Hermann, Sept. 18, 1883, Hen rietta Schneider; children: Edward, Armin. Began business career in 1874 in general store at Hermann, Mo., and in 1880 came to St. Louis to accept a position as bill clerk with grocery firm of Wulfing, Dieckriede & Co. (es tablished, 1847), which was succeeded, Janu ary, 1903, by the Wulfing Grocer Co., of which has since been vice president. Club: Prairie Slough Fishing and Hunting (treasurer). Rec reation: fishing. Office: 106-108 N. 2d St. Residence: 2940 Milton Ave. HENNERICH, Joseph Paul, surgeon; born, St. Louis, Mar. 19, 1859; son of John Paul and Franciska (Lutz) Hennerieh; educated in private schools and graduated from St. Louis Medical College, M.D., 1887; married, St. Louis, Sept. 24, 1883, Anna Butze; chil dren: Joseph P., Jr., Otto A., Anna M., Walter E., Frank A. Engaged in general practice of surgery since 1887. Member American Med ical Association, Missouri State Medical Asso ciation, St. Louis Medical Society. President Belcher Water, Bath and Hotel Co. Demo crat. Roman Catholic. Office: 2921 S. Broad way. Residence: 3603 N. Utah PL HENNINGS, Thomas Carey, lawyer; born, St. Louis, Sept. 11, 1874; son of John P. and Margaret (Carey) Hennings; educated in pub lic schools, graduating from St. Louis High School, 1892; graduated from St. Louis Law School, 1899; married, St. Louis, May 7, 1902, Sarah P. Wilson; children: Thomas C, Jr., and Ruth C. Started business career in 1892 as title examiner for the Lincoln Trust Co., remaining with that company until 1898; ap pointed, 1898, vice president and counsel American Bonding Co.; admitted to bar, 1899, and since engaged in general practice of law. Member Civic League. Member St. Louis Bar Association. Democrat. Member of military staff of Governors Dockery and Folk, with rank of colonel. Clubs: St. Louis, Missouri Athletic. Office: 620 Rialto Bldg. Residence: 6049 W. Cabanne PL HENRY, Frank Redman, vice president and secretary Majestic Manufacturing Co., ranges; born, St. Louis, July 3, 1867; son of William D. and Elizabeth (Harrison) Henry; educated in St. Louis public schools to 1884; married, St. Louis, June 30, 1891, Mary A. Voden; two children: Lucile V., Frances S. Began busi- THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 281 ness career as chief accountant Missouri Rail road Co., 1884, and continued until 1894; then secretary and treasurer same company to 1899; became general auditor United Rail ways Co., 1899, continuing until 1908; since vice president and secretary of the Majestic Manufacturing Co.; also an officer and di rector in subsidiary companies of the United Railways Co. Member Missouri Society of Certified Accountants. Independent in poli tics. Member Christian Church. Club: Noon day. Recreation: traveling. Office: 2018 Mor gan St. Residence: 3939 Westminster PL HENRY, John Porter, lawyer; born, Jeffer son City, Mo., Mar. 24, 1884; son of Jesse W. and Kate (Madison)' Henry; grandson of the late Judge John W. Henry of the Supreme Court of Missouri; educated in public schools; LL.B., Law Department of Washington Uni versity, 1908; married, Webster Groves, Mo., Jan. 5, 1911, J. M. Adams; one child, John Adams. Was secretary to Judge William C. Marshall of the Supreme Court of Missouri, 1904-05; admitted to Missouri bar, January, 1908; with firm of Judson & Green, 1907, be coming member firm of Judson, Green & Henry, 1912. Democrat. Member Church of Christ. Member St. Louis Bar Association, Phi Delta Phi, Sigma Chi. Member Civic League of St. Louis. Club: City. Office: 504 Rialto Bldg. Residence: Webster Park. HENSEL, Emil Richard, president E. R. Hensel Steel and Copper Co.; born, Lawn Ridge, 111., Dec. 8, 18V 3; son of Charles A. and Mary E. (Fendrick) Hensel; educated at Greer College, Hoopestown, 111., graduating from commercial course; married, St. Louis, Jan. 17, 1891, Lenora Bell Brown; one son, Richard Earl. Born and raised on farm; worked in a law offiee for two years before becoming connected in clerical capacity with iron and steel brokerage business of Freeman & Co., to which succeeded Jan. 1, 1903; presi dent and treasurer E. R. Hensel Steel and Copper Co. since Mar. 1, 1911. Member Busi ness Men's League. Republican. Presbyte rian. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Aero. Recrea tions: hunting and fishing. Office: 910-912 Security Bldg. Residence: 6252 Westminster Place. HENSKE, Andrew Adolphus, physician; born, Warburg, Germany, Jan. 2, 1852; son of Godlove and Wilhelmine (Drolshagen) Henske; educated at gymnasium, Padenborn, Germany, graduating in 1869; graduated St. Louis Medical College, 1875; graduated from Medical Department of University of New York, 1877; student Medical Department, Harvard University; A.M., St. Franciseus Xaverius College, New York, 1877; married, St. Louis, Oct. 11, 1881, Theresa A. Klaren; children: Andrew C, Angeline A., Joseph A., Henry August, Godfrey W., Edward O, Han nah, William C, Charles M., Margarita. En gaged in practice of medicine in St. Louis since 1875; physician to St. Ann's Lying-in Hospital and Infant Asylum from 1879 to 1905; formerly professor of diseases of women and obstetrics at St. Louis College of Physi cians and Surgeons; founder and professor St. Louis College of Midwifery. Member St. Louis Medical Society, American Medical As sociation. Democrat. Recreation: traveling. Office and Residence: 1504 St. Louis Ave. HERCHENROEDER, Louis Charles, phy sician; born, St. Louis, Feb. 18, 1872; son of John William and Margaret (Ruhl) Herchen- roeder; educated in public schools, St. Louis; M.D., from Homoeopathic Medical College of Missouri, 1896; graduated from St. Louis Col lege of Physicians and Surgeons, 1902; mar ried, Covington, Ky., Sept. 6, 1898, Louise Kate Grambs. At age of fifteen entered credit department of Samuel Cupples Wooden Ware Co., and served as clerk with that company for seven years and with the Granby White Lead Co. for six months, before entering Homoeopathic Medical College; on graduation, 1896, took competitive examination and served as house physician,. St. Louis Chil dren's Free Hospital, 1896-97; then engaged in practice, as physician, until entered senior class of College of Physicians and Surgeons, 1901; since April, 1902, engaged in regular practice of medicine. Member St. Louis Med ical Society, American Medical Association. Recreation: music. Office and Residence: 2900 Chouteau Ave. HERDT, Leonard, florist; born, Hessen, Germany, Dec. 11, 1851; son of Anton and Elizabeth (Rahn) Herdt; educated in Ger many, and came to America in 1870; married, St. Louis, June 16, 1881, Johanna Sabath; eight children: Stella, Johanna, William, Au guste, Leonore, Natalie, Leonard, Helmi. Be gan business career with retail grocer, St. Louis, 1870, and continued until 1874; then engaged in grain and feed business with C. H. Meyer, to 1876; visited Germany, 1876-79; re turned to St. Louis and conducted grocery, 1880-1892; then engaged in present business as wholesale and retail florist. Republican. Protestant. Recreation: bowling. Office: 1015 S. Broadway. Residence: 3863 Kosciusko St. HERF, Oscar, manufacturer of ammonia; bora, Crouznach, Germany, Mar. 20, 1846; son of Ludwig and Magdalene Herf; educated in schools of Germany; married, St. Louis, Apr. 30, 1884, Ida Haarstick. Engaged in business at Antwerp, Belgium, 1865, and later in Glas gow, Scotland, London, England, and in Ger many, prior to coming to St. Louis; in 1886 joined in organization of Herf & Frerichs Chemical Co., manufacturers of ammonia, of which is president. Clubs: St. Louis, St. Louis Country, Noonday. Office: Pierce Bldg. Resi dence: Washington Hotel. 282 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS HERKERT, Fred, trunk manufacturer; born, Baden, Germany, July 3, 1842; educated in schools of Germany; married, St. Louis, June 3, 1865, Barbara ghelling; children: Theodore, William,, Tillie, Oscar, Elsie. Came to United States, 1860; engaged in trunk busi ness, and in 1886 established the business now conducted as the Herkert & Meisel Trunk Co., of which is secretary and treasurer; since 1901, president of the St. Louis Trunk Hard ware Manufacturing Co.; president Herkert Realty Co.; director Union Station Bank. Re publican. Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner. Member Travelers' Protective Asso ciation. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Lieder kranz. Office: 609 Chouteau Ave. Residence: 3223 Copelin Ave. *HERKERT, Theodore, trunk hardware; moved to Chicago; see Vol. 1906. HERKERT, William Ferdinand, treasurer St. Louis Trunk Hardware Manufacturing Co.; born, St. Louis, Dec. 22, 1876; son of Frederick and Barbara (Shelling) Herkert; educated in public school of St. Louis; mar ried, St. Louis, Sept. 20, 1905, Katherine Schmidt. Was with St. Louis Chronicle from April, 1894, to January, 1901, when, upon the organization of the St. Louis Trunk Hard ware Manufacturing Co., was elected to pres ent position as treasurer of the company. Re publican. Mason (32°), Shriner. Office: 609- 615 Chouteau Ave. Residence: 3525 Pestalozzi Street. *HERMANN, Edward Adolph, civil engi neer; moved to Alton, 111.; see Vol. 1906. HERMANN, Henry, ice dealer; born in Westphalia, Germany, Mar. 28, 1836; son of Henry and Truda Hermann; educated In schools in Germany; married, St. Louis, 1868, Josephine Overberg; children: Joseph, Ger trude (Mrs. E. Simon, of Spokane, Wash.), William, John, Frances (Mrs. John B. Nie- naber), Rosa (Mrs. Ed. Pretzel). Learned trade of carpenter and followed it in Germany from 1850 until 1868; came to St. Louis, and continued in same business, becoming con tractor and builder, until 1890; established in ice manufacturing business, which was incor porated in 1900 as the Cherokee Ice Manufac turing Co., of which is president. Member of Catholic Knights of America. Office and Resi dence: 3329-3337 Wisconsin Ave. HERMANN, Henry William, physician; born, Hermansburg (now Dutch Mills), Ark., June 9, 1855; son of Charles F. and Lena (Wilhelmi) Hermann; educated in Eyser's Deutsches Institute, St. Louis, public schools and high schools, St. Louis; M.D., Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, 1878; attended universities of Strassburg, Liepzig, Heidel berg and Vienna; married, St. Louis, Nov. 18, 1896, Linda Hofmann; children: Vera Dor othy, Margaret Clara. Engaged in practice in St. Louis since 1878. Member Verein Deutseh- er Aerzte, St. Louis ' Medical Society, Mis souri State Medical Association. Physician in charge of St. Vincent's Institution, St. Louis County. Director Missouri Medical College Building Association. Democrat. Evangelical Lutheran. Office and Residence: 3654 Delmar Boulevard. HERMANN, Joseph Lawnin; see Vol. 1906. HERMANN, Louis Charles, leather manu facturer; born, Fayetteville, Ark., July 13, 1859; son of Charles F. audi Lena D. (Wil helmi) Hermann; educated at St. Louis public schools, Washington University and Heidel berg (Germany) Academy; married, Spring field, 111., 1889, Eda Helmle; children: Marie, Frederick, Alice, Anita, Norma. First busi ness was as clerk for C. F. Hermann & Co., and later for F. Tiedemann & Co. Began as apprentice in the tanning business in 1878, at $3 per week for first year, $4 for second year, and $5 for third year; started business for self, 1881, in small way, now president Hermann Oak Leather Co.; also president of the Hermann Oak Leather Co. of Tennessee. Democrat. Mason. Clubs: Union, Missouri Athletic, Liederkranz. Recreation: traveling. Office: Main and Angelica Sts. Residence: 3455 Longfellow Boul. *HERMANN, Oscar; moved to Arkansas; see Vol. 1906. HERRICK, William Hope, life insurance; born, Belleville, Ont., Nov. 4, 1852; son of Elijah Parmelee and Sarah E. (Granger) Her- rick; educated in common schools of Vermont, 1857-68; academy, Underhill, Vt., 1869-71; University of Vermont, 1871-73; married, Jonesville, Mich., Dee. 25, 1877, Minnie L. Benedict (died, December, 1909); children: Arthur Benedict, Ada Belle (now Mrs. Ne- bury). Engaged in reading law and acting as assistant to father, who was general agent for the Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Co. at Burlington, Vt., 1873-75; taught school in Hillsdale Co., Mich., 1875-76, Jackson Co., Mich., 1876-77; also law student at Jonesville, Mich.; in mercantile business, Jackson, Mich., 1878-80. Insurance solicitor, 1880-87; state agent for Michigan and Indiana, at Grand Rapids, Mich., 1887-89, general agent for Michigan, Indiana, Illinois and Iowa, at Chi cago, 1889-91, Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Co.; superintendent of agencies, western de partment, Home Life Insurance Co., at Chi cago, 1891-92; manager Northwestern Life In surance Co., Chicago, 1892-98; general agent Provident Savings Life Assurance Society of New York, at Chicago, 1898-99; manager for same company, St. Louis, 1899-1903; super visor of agencies, same company, January, 1903-07; since manager St. Louis agency Mas sachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Springfield, Mass.; also president Herrick- Andrews Agency Co., Inc. President Life Un- THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 28c derwriters' Association of St. Louis, 1907-08; vice president National Association of Life Underwriters, 1908; member Lambda Iota (college society). Republican. Mason (32°); Lodge (Past Master); Chapter; Council (Grand Master of Grand Council of Missouri, 1912); Commandery (Past Commander); Shrine. President Grand Avenue Masonic Temple Association. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Masonic. Recreations: floriculture, books. Of fice: Suite 1011, Third National Bank Bldg. Residence: 5245 Von Versen Ave. HERRIOTT, Richard M., manufacturer of shoe polishes, etc.; born in Johnson Co., Ind., Aug. 15, 1856; son of John and Elizabeth (Overstreet) Herriott; educated in private and public schools of Franklin, Ind.; married, Indianapolis, Apr. 2, 1889, Ella Behmer; one son, Richard M., Jr. Reared on farm until about sixteen; foreman of pork packing house of Wheat, Fletcher & Vawter, Franklin, Ind.; then foreman of packing house for Coffin, Greenstreet & Fletcher, Indianapolis; in live stock commission business in Indianapolis, East St. Louis, and Kansas City, with G. F. Herriott & Co., 1885-95; since July 1, 1895, manager and senior partner of Herriott Bros. & Co., manufacturers of shoe polishes, black ings and dressings. Republican. Presbyterian. Member Royal Arcanum. Office: 2801 N. Broadway. Residence: 3501 University St. HERRMANN, John Paul, real estate; born, St. Louis, Aug. 21, 1857; son of John P. and Caroline (Henzel) Herrmann; educated in Eyser's German Educational Institute, 1865- 67; public schools, 1867-70; night school, 1870- •72; Rice Commercial College, 1872-73; St. Louis Law School, 1879-80; unmarried. Be gan business career in 1870, as office boy in J. Redmond's employment agency, later clerk and private secretary to Martrom D. Lewis, public administrator, 1874-84; salesman Dug- gan-Parker Hardware Co., 1885-86; real estate broker, August, 1886; with S. F. & T. A. Scott, real estate, 1889-91; partner C. H. Glea- son & Co., real estate, 1891-93; organized, 1893, J. P. Herrmann, Jr. Real Estate Co., 1901, Pontiac Realty Co., 1903, Modoc Realty Co. Vice president Crescent Planing Mill Co., and director Jean Jameton Construction Co. Socialist; vice president for Missouri of Anti- Imperialist League. Served two terms, 1895- 1901, as commissioner Mullanphy Emigrant Relief Fund. Chairman for Citizens' Inde pendent Republican ticket, 1898. Favorite recreation: literature. Office: 1011 Market St. Residence: 3529 Pine St. HERTHEL, George William, secretary and treasurer Selden-Breek Construction Co.; bora, St. Louis, Mar. 9, 1879; son of John Washington and Louise Genia (Conrad) Her- thel; educated in public schools, graduating from Clinton School 1893; then attended high school until 1894; married, St. Louis, June 11. 1912, Margaret G. Naughton. Began business career as stock clerk with Ely & Walker Dry Goods Co., Jan. 14, 1895, and continued in various positions to 1904; resigned to engage with present company, of which has been sec retary a-nd treasurer since 1904. Republican. Protestant. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Belle rive Country, Apollo (associate member), Cen tury Boat, Automobile. Recreations: golf, mo toring and athletic sports. Office: 1108-12 Fullerton Bldg., 112 N. 7th St. Residence: 3819 Utah PL HERTLING, William, president Carondelet Packing Co.; bora, St. Louis, Oct. 28, 1862; son of William and Mary (Devine) Hertling; educated in Assumption Parochial School and Christian Brothers Colleee to 1878; married, St. Louis, 1885, Emma Steele; 2d, Kirkwood, Mo., 1903, Mary Ryan; children: William and Anna; married, 3d, St. Louis, 1909, Josephine Hammer; two children: Marguerite and Law rence. Has been connected with meat busi ness since childhood and conducted several markets, last one at 4163 Manchester Ave., until 1906; then engaged with company of which is now president, makers of tusk brand hams, bacon and lard. Catholic. Democrat; was member of Central Committee, Twenty- fifth Ward, 1904. Member Knights of Colum bus. Club: Western Rowing. Recreations: bowling and outdoor sports. Office: 8000 Ivory St. Residence: 4915 S. Broadway. HERZOG, Frederick J., manager and treas urer L. Herzog & Bro. Dry Goods Co.; born, Memphis, Tenn., Dec. 9, 1873; son of Herman and Isabelle (Cullman) Herzog; educated in public schools; married, Nashville, Tenn., 1902, Carrie Rothschild. Began business ca reer in banking and brokerage house in New York in 1893, continuing about five years; removed to St. Louis in 1898 and became treasurer and manager of the L. Herzog & Bro. Dry Goods Co., manufacturers and job bers of ladies' wearing apparel, laces, em broideries, knit goods, hosiery, millinery, rib bons, caps, and similar goods. Member Busi ness Men's League. Independent in politics. Jewish religion. Member (director) Society for Ethical Culture. Clubs: City, Westwood Country. Recreation: golf. Office: 1204 Wash ington Ave. Residence: 4251 Lindell Boul. HERZOG, Herman, secretary L. Herzog & Bro. Dry Goods Co.; born, Herxheim, Germany, Sept. 7, 1838; educated in schools of Ger many; married, New York City, Jan. 18, 1870, Isabelle Cullman; children: Lottie (Mrs. J. S. Weiner, of New York), Frederick J. Came to Ameriea from Germany in 1856, going to Memphis, Tenn.; began business there in retail dry goods upon a small scale, which continued until 1878; then removed to St. Louis and continued in retail business until 1886, when established in wholesale business, which, in 1890, was incorporated as L. Herzog & Bro. 284 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS Dry Goods Co., manufacturers of cloaks, skirts and waists, and importers and whole sale dealers in dry goods and millinery. Jew ish religion. Office: 1204, Washington Ave. Residence: 4251 Lindell Boul. HESS, Eugene Lester, manufacturers' agent; born, Quincy, 111., Aug. 17, 1875; son of Albert E. and Sarah (Fishback) Hess; educated in public schools of Quincy, 111.; un married. Learned telegraphy and was oper ator at Quincy, 111., 1893-95; then went to Chicago and was employed by Western Union Telegraph Co.; made a wire chief in main Chicago office, 1901; since 1902 manager and part owner of the Drymore system of brick drying and handling; since 1904 with E. M. Freese & Co., manufacturers of brick, tile and terra eotta machinery, of Galion, O., for whom is now western representative; also eastern manager and part owner of The Gled- hill Colony, of Sutter Co., Cal. Independent in politics. Office: 811 Wainwright Bldg. Residence: 3941 Lindell Boul. HESS, George Judson, jeweler; bora, Co manche, la., Apr. 6, 1854; son of Isaac and Hannah M. (Burchard) Hess; educated in public schools, Princeton, la.; married, St. Louis, Feb. 11, 1890, Maude Love Petree; chil dren: Burchard Oliver, Virginia Brua, Mil dred Asbury. After leaving school taught school for one winter in Iowa, then was en gaged on a farm in Illinois for two years; came to St. Louis, 1876, and studied telegra phy, then entered the employ of Edward Wright, jeweler, and was with him until 1883, when started on own account in firm of Hess & Culbertson, manufacturing and retail jewel ers; incorporated, March, 1904, as Hess & Cul bertson Jewelry Co., of which is president. Member Business Men's League, Retail Jewel ers' Association. Republican. Mason (33°); Past Commander Ascalon Commandery No. 16, Knights Templar, which went to Pittsburgh during conclave of 1895; treasurer Scottish Rite Cathedral Association; vice president and member board of directors of Grand Avenue Masonic Temple Association. Member Royal Arcanum, Royal League. Clubs: Mercantile, Masonic, Million Population, Civic League. Recreations: hunting, boating, horseback rid ing. Office: 7th and St. Charles Sts. Resi dence: 5755 Bartmer Ave. HESS, Harry Herbert, real estate; 1861- 1910; see Vol. 1906. HESSE, Frank Herman, envelope manufac turer; born, St. Louis, Oct. 11, 1865; son of Louis J. and Magdalen (Uhlein) Hesse; edu cated in St. Louis public schools; married, St. Louis, Dec. 28, 1892, Annie E. McDonald. Be gan in the job printing business as F. H. Hesse Printing Co., at 314 N. 3d St., Mar. 1, 1888, with a capital of $103; continued in this line until October, 1900, when organized the Hesse Envelope Co., now the Hesse Envelope and Litho. Co., in which holds controlling in terest and is president and treasurer. Repub lican. Member Royal Arcanum, Knights of Pythias. Recreation: automobiling. Office: 501 N. 1st St. Residence: 3437 Pestalozzi St. HESSE, Ludwig, secretary and treasurer Kehlor Flour Mills Co.; born, St. Louis, Nov. 14, 1866; son of George H. and Aline (Wach- ter) Hesse; educated in public schools; mar ried, St. Louis, Jan. 29, 1891, Alice Raacke; one daughter, Irma. In hardware store, 1878- 86; became connected with Kehlor Bros. Flour Mill Co., and since reorganization in 1903, as the Kehlor Flour Mills Co., has been treasurer of the company, also secretary since 1910; secretary Republic Building Co.; secretary and treasurer United Elevator and Grain Co. Mem ber Knights of the Maccabees. Clubs: Lie derkranz, Automobile. Recreations: motoring, music. Office: 402 Chamber of Commerce. Res idence: 3905 Cleveland Ave. HETTEL, Charles R., wholesale jeweler; born, St. Louis, Feb. 4, 1855; son of August and Augusta (Metten) Hettel; educated in public schools and St. Joseph Academy, St. Louis; married, St. Louis, 1890, Martha R. Freymark. Was engaged with wholesale jew elry firms in St. Louis prior to 1889, when em barked in business for self, and is now presi dent of the C. R. Hettel Jewelry Co., whole sale jobbers in watches, clocks, jewelry, dia monds and silverware. Recreation: fishing. Office: 901 Washington Ave. Residence: 3507 Pestalozzi St. HETZEL, Louis Valentine, merchant; see Vol. 1906. HEUER, Harry Dohrman, secretary St. Louis Merchants' Bridge Terminal Railway Company; born, St. Louis, Sept. 8, 1873; son of Philip J. and Kate (Jameson) Heuer; edu cated in St. Louis public schools; married, Washington, D. O, Sept. 28, 1898, Bertha, daughter of E. L. Richmond; children: Harry Richmond, Pearl Louise. In general auditor's office of the St. Louis & San Francisco Ry. Co., June, 1890, to June, 1891; became general ac countant for the St. Louis Merchants' Bridge Terminal Ry. Co., June, 1891, elected director and secretary, same company, Sept. 8, 1894; also assistant auditor, Terminal Railroad Asso ciation of St. Louis and St. Louis Merchants' Bridge Terminal Ry. Co. Clubs: Missouri Ath letic, St. Louis Railway. Recreations: fishing and outdoor diversions. Office: Union Sta tion. Residence: 3667 Botanical Ave. HEUER, Philip Jameson, physician; born, St. Louis, May 4, 1871; son of Philip J. and Kate (Jameson) Heuer; educated in public schools; M.D., Medical Department of Wash ington University, 1895; unmarried. Engaged in general practice of medicine in St. Louis since 1896, after serving as interne at City Hospital, 1895-96. Member St. Louis Medical THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 285 (Society, St. Louis Obstetrical and Gynecolog ical Society, Medical Society of City Hospital Alumni. Methodist. Recreations: hunting, fishing and Mississippi River motor boating. Offiee: 613 Humboldt Bldg., Grand Ave. and Washington Boul. Residence: 3520 Victor St. HEYER, Charles, physician; born in Gies- sen, Germany, Feb. 24, 1839; educated in the gymnasium and University of Giessen, grad uating from latter, 1863; later, studied medi cine and surgery in University of Vienna. Served as assistant physician St. Rochus Hos pital, Mainz, Germany; came to America, 1866, and located in St. Louis; has paid spe cial attention to diseases of heart and lungs. Formerly professor, of physical diagnosis and diseases of heart and lungs, Humboldt Med ical College. Republican. Recreations: litera ture and music \ performer upon the violin. Office and Residence: 910 N. 10th St. HEYMAN, William; see Vol. 1906. HIBBARD, George E., lumberman; born in Jefferson Co., Wis., Mar. 5, 1856; son of George S. and Julia (Hayward) Hibbard; educated in public schools of Wisconsin, and Arcadia (Mo.) College; married, St. Louis, Apr. 13, 1886, Caroline M. Fay (died June, 1908). Came to Missouri in winter of 1869; worked for un cle, John H. Hayward, in saw mill at Annapo lis, Mo., until 1872; came to St. Louis with uncle and engaged in lumber business as book keeper and salesman, and was taken into part nership, 1882, as Hayward & Hibbard; uncle died three months later; continued business with his widow three years, then William H. Steele bought widow's interest and firm be came Steele & Hibbard; in 1907 firm incorpo rated as Steele & Hibbard Lumber Co., of which is vice president and general manager. Also, since 1904, vice president S. C. Major Lumber Co., of Memphis, Tenn. President, 1900-04, now director, Lumbermen's Exchange; director National Hardwood Lumber Associa tion. Independent in politics. Club: Mercan tile. Recreation: motoring. Office: 3125 N. Broadway. Residence: West End Hotel. HICKMAN, Frank Moore, local treasurer Missouri Pacific Ry.; born, Shelby ville, Ky., June 20, 1850; son of Benjamin F. and Mary E. (Moore) Hickman; educated in Christian Brothers School, St. Louis; married, Kirkwood, Mo., June 26, 1889, Janie Belt; children: Ben jamin F., Arthur R. Began business career as assistant to father, who was clerk of the U. S. Circuit and District courts of St. Louis un til 1871 ; engaged in banking house of Bartho- low, Lewis & Co., St. Louis, 1871-75; since 1875 employed in treasury department of Mis souri Pacific R. R.; advanced through various positions, and since Jan. 16, 1906, has been local treasurer of the Missouri Pacific Ry. Co., St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern Ry. Co. and leased, operated and independent lines, with headquarters at St. Louis. Recreation: outdoor diversions. Office: Missouri Pacific Bldg. Residence: Kirkwood, Mo. HIEMENZ, Charles Henry, broker; born, St. Louis, Aug. 30, 1857; son of Jacob D. and Elizabeth (Albrecht) Hiemenz; educated in St. Louis public schools and Bryant & Strat ton Business College; married, Quincy, 111., Nov. 29, 1883, Clara C. Volm; one son, Ar thur. Began business career in 1872 as book keeper with Orthwein & Mersman, continuing until 1878, when became bookkeeper for D. R. Francis; was admitted to D. R. Francis & Bro. Commission Co., 1893, and since 1900 has been treasurer of the company. Also a member of Francis, Bro. & Co. Catholic Club: St. Louis. Office: 214 N. 4th St. Residence: 324 N. Newstead Ave. HIERTZ, Edmund John, president Theodore Hiertz Metal Co.; born, St. Louis, Oct. 26, 1866; son of Theodore and Renell (Yurgens) Hiertz; married, St. Louis, Jan. 16, 1890, Mar garet Anna Noll (died 1909) ; three daughters living: Irene, Eleanor and Isabel. Has been identified with metal business since boyhood, having commenced under father, who estab lished a smelting and refining plant in St. Louis, 1880; title was changed to Theodore Hiertz & Son, 1890; business was incorporated in 1903 as the Theodore Hiertz Metal Co., of which is president and treasurer; also treas urer Southern Security Co. Presbyterian. Member Red Cross Lodge Knights of Pythias. Recreations: hunting and fishing. Office: 10th and Poepping Sts. Residence: 3449 Humphrey Street. HIGBEE, Edward Henry, Jr., physician; born, Whitehall, Green Co., 111., Sept. 17, 1874; son of Edward Henry (M.D.) and Annie Eliza beth (Taylor) Higbee; educated in public schools of Roodhouse, HI., and Tottenville, Staten Island, N, Y; graduated from Rood- house High School; M.D., Missouri Medical College (Medical Department, Washington University), 1897; married, St. Louis, Oct. 23, 1903, Lily Lammert. Engaged in medical prac tice, limited to diseases of the eye. Member American Medical Association, St. Louis Med ical Society, Alumni Association of Medical Department of Washington University. Amer ican Academy of Ophthalmology and Oto- Laryngology, Medical Reserve Corps, U. S. Army. Republican: was sergeant Company C, First Regiment, Missouri National Guard, 1894-97; battalion adjutant, First Regiment, 1902. Episcopalian. Recreation: mechanics. Office: Metropolitan Bldg. Residence: 4952 Parkview PL HIGDON, John C, lawyer, specializing in1 patent law; born, Griggsville, HI., Jan. 7, 1860; son of John Erasmus and Sarah (Baldwin) Higdon; educated in public and high schools, Kansas City, Mo.; William Jewell College; 286 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS educated in law and in mechanical and elec trical engineering by taking courses in each line, for practice of patent law; married, March, 1888, Eunice Elmine Garretson, of St. Louis (she died 1907); children: Jacks G., Henry Longan, Eunice; married, 2d, 1908, Miss Gertrude Hortense Holloway, of St. Louis. At age of fourteen entered a machine shop, served a number of years and took up study of law; admitted to bar, 1884; founded, 1890, firm of Higdon & Longan, successors of Higdon & Higdon, established in Kansas City, 1887. Has for twenty-five years been counsel in impor tant cases relating to patents, trade-marks and copyrights. In recent suit of United States Court against the "bridge trust" at St. Louis, he prepared and filed a brief, as a friend of the court, in the United States Supreme Court; successfully defended the young wife in noted Clamorgan-Collins suit brought to dissolve the marriage contract on the ground that she is a negress. Republican; nominated for Con gress, from Eleventh District of St. Louis, 1892, but declined in favor of Charles F. Joy, who was elected. Christian Scientist. Member American Bar Association; associate member American. Society Mechanical Engineers, St. Louis Engineers' Club. Mason (32°). Clubs: Mercantile (charter member), Automobile, of St. Louis. Author of two books soon to be published: The Real Object of the American Patent Laws — To Benefit the Whole People, Not to Enrich a Few Owners of Patents; Ex tensions of Patents by Judicial Decisions. Office: Central National Bank Bldg. Resi dence: 4300 Maryland Ave. HIGGINBOTHAM, John H., retired; born, Macclesfield, Cheshire, England, Apr. 28, 1848; son of Edwin and Sarah (Brocklehurst) Hig- ginbotham; educated in private schools until fourteen; served seven years' apprenticeship to the engineering millwright and machinist business, 1862-69, while learning trade took evening courses School of Art at the Me chanics' Institute, Macclesfield, England; mar ried, Macclesfield, 1872, Harriett Barber; chil dren: William B., Lillian (Mrs. J. Branch), Ellen Anne, Elizabeth, John Wilson. Con tinued in millwright and machinist business, 1869-77; entered the insurance business in Liv erpool with the Prudential Insurance Co., of London, England; in July, 1880, joined Met ropolitan Life Insurance Co., of New York; superintendent for same company in St. Louis, 1886-1909, retired. Methodist. Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner; member Knights of Pythias. Recreations: gardening and reading. Resi dence: 6158 Simpson Ave. HIGGINS, Albert Willis, mechanical engi neer; see Vol. 1906. HIGGINS, Francis S., secretary and treas urer Higgins Leather Co.; born, City of Car- low, Ireland, Apr. 1, 1848; son of Richard and Elizabeth Higgins; came to United States in infancy; reared in Louisville, Ky.; educated in Jesuit College, Bardstown, Ky.; married, Louisville, Ky., 1875, Beatrice M. Kelly; chil dren: William F., May (Mrs. R. B. McMillan), Fanny (Mrs. Ralph Niedringhaus), Alma, Ed ward. Began business career in employ of J. H. Ryan & Co., Louisville, Ky.; purchased an interest, with brother, in 1876, and changed to the present style of the Higgins Leather Co., of which is secretary and treasurer; opened St. Louis branch in 1894 and in 1900 came to St. Louis and took charge; Louisville house was discontinued, 1903, and the business has since been centered in St. Louis; also presi dent Vandeventer Hotel Co., lessee West End Hotel. Catholic. Recreation: traveling. Office: 1107 Franklin Ave. Residence: 4434 Forest Park Boul. HIGGINS, John Wilfred, general manager Missouri Pacific Ry. ; born, Newport, R. I., Oct. 12, 1864; son of Hugh and Mary (Fitz gerald) Higgins; educated in public schools; married in Mississippi, 1893, Miss Kate Eloise Evans; children: Eloise Winifred, Jeannette Lupton. Began railway career as messenger boy, Hlinois Central R. R., 1879-81; laborer on track Illinois Central and Toledo, Peoria & Western R. R., 1881; with Illinois Central as switchman, 1881-83, telegraph operator, 1883, freight and passenger brakeman and bag gageman, 1883-84, freight conductor, 1884-89, chief clerk to superintendent, Chicago divi sion, 1889, trainmaster, Centralia district of Chicago division, 1890-91, chief clerk to gen eral superintendent, 1891, assistant superin tendent, Louisiana division, 1892, superin tendent same, 1892-93; superintendent of ter minals, Illinois Central and Yazoo & Missis sippi Valley railroads, at New Orleans, La., January- April, 1893; superintendent termin als, Chicago, 1893-96; superintendent Amboy division, 1896-99, superintendent transporta tion of Illinois Central R. R., and Y. & M. V. R. R., 1899-1901; general superintendent of transportation, same roads, 1901-03; assistant superintendent of eastern and middle divi sions of Grand Trunk Ry., 1903-04. Came to Missouri Pacific Ry., as inspector of transpor tation, December, 1904; assistant general man ager, Mar. 1, 1905-Sept. 6, 1911; acting gen eral manager, Sept. 16, 1911-Jan. 1, 1912, and since general manager. Recreation: outdoor sports. Office: 702 Missouri Pacific Bldg. Residence: St. Regis Apts. HIGGINS, William F., leather; born, Louis ville, Ky., Aug. 30, 1876; son of Frank S. and Beatrice M. (Kelly) Higgins; educated in Christian Brothers College, Louisville, Ky., and at St. Mary's College, Kansas; married, St. Louis, 1902, Clara Bouche. Began business career with Higgins Leather Co., of Louisville, Ky.; removed to St. Louis in 1900, to become connected with the St. Louis house of the same company, and was made vice president THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 287 in 1902; in 1903 the original house at Louis ville was discontinued and the business has since been centered at St. Louis. Democrat. Catholic. Club: Missouri Athletic. Recreation: hunting. Office: 1107 Franklin Ave. Residence: 4421A Greer Ave. HIGHLEYMAN, Locke Tiffin, real estate; born, Sedalia, Mo., Apr. 23, 1870; son of Sam uel L. and Laura Alice (Hull) Highleyman; educated in public schools of Sedalia, Mo., un til fourteen; then two years in St. Louis High School; married, Chicago, June 9, 1900, Kathryn A. Daily j children: Locke T., Thomas Daily, Samuel L. (deceased). Employed with Missouri Pacific Ry. for fourteen years, first as clerk and later as assistant tax commis sioner; left railway employment to take man agement of the Cooper Estate, and became president of the Columbia Investment Co., of Chicago; now engaged in real estate loans; also connected with real estate operations at Miami, Fla. Mason (32°), Shriner; member Knights of Pythias, Elks. Clubs: Mercantile, Missouri Athletic. Office: 1402-1403, 705 Olive St. Residence: 1617 Sunnyside, Webster Groves, Mo. HIGSON, John William, physician; born, Salt Lake City, Utah, Nov. 25, 1862; son of John and Caroline (Kidgell) Higson; gradu ated from St. Mark's School, Salt Lake City, 1880; A.B., Union College, Schenectady, N. Y., 1884; M.D., cum la/ude, Homoeopathic Medical College of Missouri, 1902; married, St. Louis, Oct. 18, 1893, Blanche Becker; one daughter, Eva Lewis. In general practice since 1901. Member Homoeopathic Society of Missouri. Republican. Episcopalian. Recreation: collect ing postage stamps. Offiee and Residence: 3242 S. Grand Ave. HILDEBRAND, Adolph John, dry plate manufacturer; born, Waterloo, 111., Mar. 2, 1854; son of Philip and Anna (Dressier) Hilde- brand; educated in public schools of Belle ville, 111., and St. Louis, and at Bryant & Stratton Business College, St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Dec. 9, 1879, Jennie G. Van Graaf ei- land; children: Van G., Lee B., Ernest A. Resident of St. Louis since 1868; began busi ness career With Joseph Emanuel & Co., retail dry goods, continuing twenty-five years; sec retary and treasurer Paul E. Wolff Shirt Co., 1895-1911; since assistant treasurer Central Dry Plate Co. Republican. Member Ancient Order United Workmen, T. P. A. Office: Lemp and Arsenal Sts. Residence: 3847 Humphrey Street. HILDENBRANDT, Ernst Adolph, real es tate; born, St. Louis, Dec. 17, 1863; son of Theodore and Lina (Decker) Hildenbrandt; educated in St. Louis public grammar and high schools; unmarried. Began business life in office of J. E. Kaime & Bro. as office boy, and remained with that firm until Mar. 1, 1896, when went into business for self; ad mitted Philip S. Noble as partner, June 1, 1897, forming firm of Hildenbrandt & Noble, and in June, 1909, O. J. McCawley became partner, firm name being changed to Hilden brandt & Noble Realty Co. Republican. Uni tarian. Member of Real Estate Exchange. Clubs: Mercantile, Glen Echo, City. Favorite recreations: hunting, fishing and golf. Office: 615 Chestnut St. Residence: 3176 Gustine Ave. HILDRETH, Arthur G., osteopathist; born near Kirksville, Mo., June 13, 1863; son of Harvey G. and Jane E. (Crosby) Hildreth; educated in public schools; State Normal School, Kirksville; American School of Oste opathy, graduating in the first class that com pleted the course under Dr. A. T. Still, 1894; married, Kirksville, Nov. 23, 1882, Lucinda M. Corbin; two children: Harvey Earl (deceased), Ina. Was connected with faculty of American School of Osteopathy, 1894 to 1903; in prac tice at St. Louis since 1903. Member Missouri House of Representatives from Adair Co. two terms, 1901-05. Member American Osteopathic Association (twice elected president, 1899 — served three months and resigned — and 1910- 11), Mississippi Valley Association of Osteop athy, etc.; appointed by Governor Hadley member Osteopathic State Board of Examin ers, May 1, 1909, for term of five years. Re publican. Mason, Knight Templar. Club: Al gonquin Golf. Recreation: golf. Office: 706 Century Bldg. Residence: Webster Groves. HILFER, Louis, grocers' specialties; born, Witten, Germany, Aug. 1, 1868; son of Ed ward and Dina (Oyhnhausen) Hilfer; educat ed in public and technical schools, Witten, Germany; married, St. Louis, June 4, 1895, Elsie Koenig; children: Louis Lawrence, Vera. Began business career in employ of B. T. Bab bitt (soaps), New York, as traveling sales man, 1888; appointed, 1891, manager South western branch of B. T. Babbitt, with head quarters in St. Louis. On Mar. 19, 1900, or ganized, at St. Louis, the Louis Hilfer Co., general agents and manufacturers of gro cers' specialties, of which is president. Inde pendent in politics. Mason (32°). Member Liederkranz, St. Louis Turn Verein. Club: Missouri Athletic. Recreation: fishing. Office: 201-205 S. 7th St. Residence: 3828 Victor St. HILGEDAG, William Henry, merchant tailor; born, St. Louis, Nov. 6, 1861; son of William and Elizabeth Hilgedag; educated in parochial schools; married, St. Louis, June 11, 1895, Magdalene Leiner; children: Helen, Raymond. Began business career in 1880, in store of H. Trieselmann, clothier and mer chant tailor, where learned the tailoring trade, and continued with same establishment until death of the proprietor in 1892; with John H. Kramer bought out the business and conduct ed it as Hilgedag & Kramer, until 1902, when incorporated as the Hilgedag-Kramer Tailor- 288 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS ing Co., of which is president and treasurer. Republican. Lutheran. Member Masonic or ders. Office: 816 N. 6th St. Residence: 1217 Hebert St. ? *HILL, Curtis, civil engineer; moved to Columbia, Mo.; see Vol. 1906. HILL, Harry McDonald; see Vol. 1906. HILL, John, president Hill-O'Meara Con struction Co.; born in Errol, Perthshire, Scot land, Mar. 13, 1854; son of James and Mary (Blair) Hill; educated in public schools of Scotland; married, St. Louis, 1888, Margaret Barker; children: Clara Barker, Florence Drys- dale, Margaret Maxwell, John Blair. Learned trade of stonecutter in Scotland, worked for seven years, and came to United States in 1880; since engaged in general contracting business in St. Louis; in 1893 joined in organ izing present corporation, Hill-O'Meara Con struction Co., of which is president. Com pany erected the Carrollton Building, the new Coliseum, St. John's M. E. and Lindell Ave nue M. E. churches, Church of Immaculate Conception, St. Mark's and other churches, and the new Supreme Court Building at Jef ferson City, St. Louis Insane Asylum, Syndi cate Trust Building, etc. Baptist. Democrat. Royal Chief, Order of the Scottish Clans; member Caledonian Society of St. Louis. Ma son, Knight Templar; member Engineers ' Club of St. Louis. Office: 1413 Syndicate Trust Bldg. Residence: 5916 Cabanne Ave. HILL, Roland, surgeon; born, Aylmer, On tario, Canada, Aug. 16, 1868; son of Richard and Margaret Hill; attended Aylmer (On tario) public and high schools, until 1887; graduated from Trinity Medical College, To ronto, Ont., degrees of M.D., CM., 1890, from Trinity University; married, Aylmer, Ont., Sept. 8, 1890, Ella Hurdon; one son, Roland Hurdon. Engaged in practice as surgeon since 1890. Member St. Louis Medical Society, Mis souri State Medical Association, American Medical Association, Western Surgical Asso ciation; member staff of Bethesda Hospital, St. Luke's Hospital. Republican. Club: Mis souri Athletic. Recreation: water sports. Of fice: 4500 Olive St. Residence: 535 Clara Ave. HILL, Walter, banker;, bom at Richmond, Va., May 27, 1855; son of Lewis and Mary Elizabeth (Maury) Hill; educated at home and private school; married Jeanie Morrison Lockwood, of St. Louis, Oct. 14, 1885; three sons: Lockwood, Walter, Jr., Maury. Messen ger, 1871-72, assistant teller, 1872, teller, 1872- 81, Planters National Bank, Richmond, Va.; cashier, City Bank, Richmond, 1881-88; cash ier, 1888-94, president, 1894-1905, American Exchange National Bank, St. Louis, and presi dent of .its successor, the Mechanics-American National Bank, since 1905. Ex-president Amer ican Bankers' Association; treasurer and di rector Business Men's League (ex-president), Hospital Saturday and Sunday Association, Humane Society of Missouri; member board trustees David Ranken Jr. School of Mechan ical Trades. Cleveland Democrat. Episcopa lian. Clubs: St. Louis, University, Racquet, Noonday (ex-president), St. Louis Country. Recreations: bowling, golf and whist. Office: Broadway and Locust St. Residence: 5505 Lindell Boul. HILL, Walter Henry, priest; 1822-1907; see Vol. 1906. HILLEARY, Clarence Lee, general agent New York Central Lines in charge of traffic and transportation; born in Frederick Co., Md., Mar. 19, 1862; son of John and Jeanette (Henderson) Hilleary; educated in common schools of Petersville, Md.; married, Charles town, W. Va., 1886, Miss Esther Burton. En tered railway service in 1878 as freight brake- man on the Shenandoah Valley R. R. at Charlestown, W. Va.; was advanced to extra passenger conductor; left that road July 4, 1881, to take service with the Indiana, Bloom ington & Western as lost car agent; later was made traveling passenger agent. When the I. B. & W. was absorbed by the Big Four, was made traveling passenger agent, Big Four, at Cairo, 111.; later division passenger agent, Co lumbus, O.; May 1, 1899, was promoted to as sistant general passenger agent, O, C, C. & St. L. Ry. (Big Four) at St. Louis; Oct. 17, 1903, was made traffic manager, World's Fair; in November, 1903, was made general man ager, World's Fair Terminal R. R.; Nov. 1, 1904, returned to Big Four as assistant gen eral passenger agent; on Mar. 1, 1908, made general passenger agent of the Lake Erie & Western, Ft. Wayne, Cincinnati & Louisville and the Northern Ohio railroads, at Indian apolis; Feb. 15, 1910, made general agent, New York Central Lines, St. Louis, in charge of traffic and transportation. Member execu tive committee Business Men's League. Ma son, Knight Templar, Shriner. Clubs: St. Louis, Mercantile, Noonday, City, Aero, Traf fic, Glen Echo. Favorite recreations: hunting, fishing, athletics and golf. Office: 515 Pierce Bldg. Residence: 4511 Washington Boul. *HILLER, Joseph C. A., factory inspector; see Vol. 1906. HILLIARD, Henry P., banker; born, New Iberia, La., Feb. 8, 1859; son of Robert Car ter and Mary (Walker) Hilliard; educated in private schools in Louisiana, and at Kentucky Eclectic Institute, Frankfort, Ky.; married, January, 1911, Mrs. Elizabeth Bissell North, daughter of Daniel Bissell, Sr., of St. Louis Co.; one daughter, Henri P. After leaving college in Kentucky went to Texas, and en gaged in civil engineering for four years on Texas & Pacific R. R., on preliminary and lo cation; later in charge of construction of water supply maintenance, etc., and in charge THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 289 of tracklaying and bridges on East Line and Red River R. R. Began banking business at Cisco, Tex., 1883; became cashier of the Citi zens ' National Bank, Weatherf ord, Tex., later cashier Bank of T. C. Frost, at San Antonio, Tex., and after that cashier of the Austin National Bank, Austin, Tex.; came to St. Louis, December, 1902, to take position as cashier of the Mechanics' National Bank and subsequently became second vice president and first vice president of the Mechanics-Amer ican National Bank; president Central Na tional Bank, since March, 1909. Member Busi ness Men's League, Civic League. President Texas Society of St. Louis. Cleveland Demo crat. Episcopalian. Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner. Clubs: St. Louis, Noonday, Bankers', Mercantile, Florissant Valley Country, Round Table. Established Hilliard Library of South ern Literature at Austin, Tex., in recognition of which was elected honorary member of the Alumni Association of University of Texas. Recreations: hunting, fishing and literature. Office: 7th and Olive Sts. Residence: Bissell, Missouri. HILTON, Alexander, general passenger agent St. Louis & San Francisco R. R.; born, Hamilton, Ont., June 19, 1864; son of Edward and Harriet (Hale) Hilton; educated in Ham ilton (Ont.) public schools; married, Hamil ton, May 10, 1886, Grace Barr; children: James Edward, Alexander. Began railway service as clerk Great Western Ry., Hamilton, 1878-79; clerk in various positions in the gen eral ticket offiee of the Chicago & Alton Ry., Chicago, 1879-84; city passenger and ticket agent, Chicago & Alton Ry., Kansas City, 1884-87; Pacific Coast agent same road, San Francisco, 1887-88, and general agent passen ger department' Kansas City, Mo., 1888-1901; assistant general passenger agent Kansas City, Fort Scott & Memphis Ry., Kansas City, 1901, and since consolidation in 1901, general pas senger agent St. Louis & San Francisco R. R. Independent in politics. Presbyterian. Scot tish Rite Mason (32°), Knight Templar. Clubs: Mercantile, Normandie Golf. Favorite recrea tions: fishing and golf. Office: 925 Frisco Bldg. Residence: 5537 Waterman Ave. HILTON, Warren; see Vol. 1906. HILTS, Erwin Philip; see Vol. 1906. HIMMELBAUM, Morris, broker; see Vol. 1906. HINRICHS, Carl Gustav, chemist; born, Iowa City, la., Feb. 14, 1878; son of Gustavus D. and J^nna (Springer) Hinrichs; educated St. Louis High School, St. Louis College Phar macy "and St. Louis University; graduated pharmaceutical chemist, 1899, M.S., St. Louis University, 1907; unmarried. Junior member in the Hinrichs Laboratories. Instructor chem istry, St. Louis College of Pharmacy, 1897; same, Medical Department, St. Louis Univer sity, 1903-07; professor chemistry, Marion- Sims Dental College, 1904-06; chemist for Agricultural Board of Missouri, 1899-1903; chemist National Health Society, 1902-03. Ex pert chemist before state and federal courts; originated centrifugal analysis of powders; devised course in micro-chemical analysis. Life member Chemical Society of Paris, 1904; member American Chemical Society. Author: Micro-Chemical Analysis, with Atlas of 64 plates, 1904; Pharmacy and Chemistry at the World's Fair, 1904. Address: 4106-4110 Shen andoah Ave. HINRICHS, Gustavus Detlef, chemist; born, Lunden, Holstein, Germany, Dec. 2, 1836; son of John Detlef and Caroline C. E. (Anderson) Hinrichs; studied eight years in Polytechnic School and University of Copenhagen, Den mark; married, April, 1861, Auguste S. F. Springer, of Marne Holstein (died October, 1865); 2d, July, 1867, Anna C. M. Springer (died Oct. 17, 1910); father of Carl Gustav Hinrichs. Was twenty-five years professor physical science, State University of Iowa; professor chemistry, College of Pharmacy, St. Louis, 1889-1903; professor chemistry, Med ical Department, St. Louis University, 1903- 07. Originated graded courses in laboratory work, managing classes of several hundred students, about 1870; founded, 1875, and sus tained, first state weather service in United States; has done practical scientific work for United States and state authorities; served as expert chemist before state and federal courts. Honorary and corresponding member many scientific societies in Austria, England, France, Germany and United States. Author of thirty- five volumes and many scientific memoirs in four languages (German, Danish, English French), main object of which is mathemat ical demonstration of Unity of Matter,_ by quantitatively determination of the physical, chemical and crystallographic properties of all chemical compounds known; many of his me moirs published in Trans. Academies of Sci ences of Vienna and Paris; also in Proceed ings of American Philosophical Society, Phila delphia. Latest works: The Proximate Con stituents of the Chemical Elements (32 plates), 1904; The Amana Meteorites (16 plates), 1905 (German edition, Berlin, 1906) ; La Matiere est Une, Paris, 1906; Absolute Atomic Weights Now Confirmed; fifty-five articles in Comptes Rendus, Academy of Science, Paris; since 1906 over 100 pages in Moniteur Scientifique, Paris, New Method for Determining Atomic Weights of All the Elements Entering in Any Given Reaction. Address: 4106-4110 Shen andoah Ave. HIRSCH, Bert Jefferson, railway material; born, St. Louis, May 27, 1884; son of Cal. and Emily (Kaufman) Hirsch; educated in Smith Academy and University School, St. Louis; unmarried. Has been connected with the Cal. 290 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS Hirsch & Sons Iron and Rail Co., railway ma terials, rails, iron, since 1902, first as treas urer and now secretary and treasurer. Mem ber Merchants ' Exchange of St. Louis. Clubs : Columbian, Westwood Country. Office: 2023 Locust St. Residence: 4368 Washington Boul. HIRSCH, Eugene D., railway material; born, St. Louis, Sept. 3, 1879; son of Cal. and Emily (Kaufman) Hirsch; educated at St. Louis High School; married, Cincinnati, Aug. 4, 1903, Florence Weil; children: Eugene D., Jr., James Marvin. Became connected with Cal. Hirsch & Sons Iron and Rail Co. in 1896, second vice president same 1902-06, since vice president and manager. Member Merchants' Exchange of St. Louis. Clubs: Columbian, St. Louis Gun, Westwood Country. Recrea tions: hunting, fishing and golf. Office: 2023 Locust St. Residence: 61 Kingsbury PL HIRSCH, Leonard B., railway material; bora, St. Louis, Oct. 16, 1878; son of Cal. and Emily (Kaufman) Hirsch; educated in public schools of St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Oct. 21, 1908, Florence Eiseman; one daughter, Emily. With the Cal. Hirsch & Sons Iron and Rail Co. since beginning of active career; be came vice president and general manager of the company in 1902, and since death of fa ther in January, 1906, has been president. Member Merchants' Exchange of St. Louis. Clubs: Columbian, Westwood Country. Rec reations: horseback riding and golf. Office: 2023 Locust St. Residence: 48 AVashington Terrace. HIRSCH, Marcus Aurelius, president Hirsch Rolling Mill Co.; born, St. Louis, Mar. 11, 1872; son of Caiman and Emily (Kaufman) Hirsch; educated in public schools, graduating from St. Louis High School, 1890; married, St. Louis, April, 1900, Viola Rosenblatt; children: Caiman R., Myer R., Marcus A., Jr. On leav ing school in 1890, engaged in the iron busi ness in St. Louis, and in 1900, on the organ ization of the Hirsch Rolling Mill Co., became president and general manager of the com pany, manufacturers of bar iron and steel, bolts, spikes, light rails; also deals in relaying rails, old railway material, etc. Republican. Jewish religion. Clubs: Columbian, Westwood Country. Recreation: traveling. Offiee: 6800 Manchester Ave. Residence: 4418 Pine Boul. HIRSCH, Ralph, clothing manufacturer; born, New Orleans, Dec. 25, 1867; son of Aaron and Amelia (Blockman) Hirsch; at tended school as boy in Jacksonport and New port, Ark.; married, St. Louis, Aug. 22, 1908, Josephine Ebert. Began business career in father's general store in Newport; afterwards in fire and life insurance business. Traveled for Rice-Stix Dry Goods Co., St. Louis, for ten years, and on Nov. 1, 1903, entered into partnership with L. B. Singer, under firm name of Singer & Hirsch, as manufacturers of clothing, remaining until February, 1911; since then member of firm of Ralph Hirsch & Co.; also secretary Simplex Carton Co. Demo crat. Jewish religion. Recreation: fishing. Office: 1009 Washington Ave. Residence: 6159 Westminster PL HIRSCH, Urban Sam, railway material; born, St. Louis, 1882; son of Cal. and Emily (Kaufman) Hirsch; educated in Smith Acad emy, St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Apr. 23, 1910, Florence Hellman; one son, Urban Sam, Jr. Secretary of the Cal. Hirsch & Sons Iron. and Rail Co., 1900-06, since vice president. Member Merchants' Exchange of St. Louis, Clubs: Columbian, Westwood Country. Office: 2023 Locust St. Residence: 4752 Westminster Place. HIRSCHBERG, Francis Devince, insurance; deceased; see VoL 1906. HITCHCOCK, George Collier,' judge; born, St. Louis, Dec. 28, 1867; son of Henry and Mary (Collier) Hitchcock; educated at Smith Academy, St. Louis, 1880-82; St. Paul 's School Concord, N. H., 1882-86; Yale University, 1886-90, B.A.; St. Louis Law School, 1890-91 Harvard Law School, 1891-93; married, Mil ton, Mass., Feb. 12, 1901, Elizabeth L. Fiske children: Annie Wilson, Mary Collier, Henry and Ethan Allen. Admitted to bar of Mis souri, February, 1894, and engaged in the practice of law. Member of Board of Commis sioners on Charitable Institutions, St. Louis, 1896-1900; assistant U. S. attorney, 1899- Apr. 1, 1902; member of City Council, 1904-07; elected, November, 1908, judge of Circuit Court, Eighth Judicial District of Missouri, for term expiring Dec. 31, 1914. Republican. Episcopalian. President of the Collier Estate. Member American, Missouri State and St. Louis Bar associations, St. Louis Academy of Science, Civic League, Loyal Legion; member board of trustees Missouri Botanical Garden. Clubs: University, Country, Florissant Valley (St. Louis), University (New York). Address: Court House. Residence: 54 Vandeventer Ave. HITCHCOCK, Guy N., banking; bora, St. Louis, Dec. 22, 1875; son of Charles O. and Anna V. (Newcomer) Hitchcock; educated in public schools to fourteen. Began as messen ger boy Continental National Bank, and be came assistant cashier; when the Continental National was absorbed by the National Bank of Commerce, 1902, was retained by the latter and has continued as assistant cashier. Dem ocrat. Episcopalian. Club: Bellerive. Recrea tion: golf. Office: 420 Olive St. Residence: Buckingham Hotel. HITCHINGS, Albert Hewish, insurance agent; born, Bristol, England, Nov. 25, 1869; son of Samuel P. and Henrietta (Hewish) Hitchings; educated in private schools in Bris tol and Clifton, England; came from England to St. Louis, 1882; married, St. Louis, Jan. 24, THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 291 1898, Nellie Grierson. Was offiee boy in gen eral passenger department, Missouri Pacific Ry., St. Louis, 1885-86;, entered office of W. H. Markham & Son, as office boy, Mar. 16, 1886, later stenographer and clerk, then chief clerk in 1901. On Jan. 1, 1903, taken in as member of the firm of W. H. Markham & Son, insur ance agents, and so continues. Republican. Methodist. Member Y. M. C. A. Clubs: Glen Echo, Amateur Athletic Association, Meth odist. Offiee: Pierce Bldg. Residence:, 5126 Delmar Boul. HITZ, Emil, produce commission merchant; born, Highland, 111., Oct. 31, 1863; son of Christian and Catherine (Wunderer) Hitz; educated in public school of Grantfork, 111.; married, Grantfork, 111., Apr. 17, 1890; chil dren: Ella O, Edna L., Earl Wi, Clarence G., Ruby M. Began business career in general store, Grantfork, 111., at age of fourteen; en gaged for self in general merchandise business at Grantfork and Alhambra, 111., 1883-98; re moved, 1898, to St. Louis, where has since been president of the Hitz & Wurth Commis sion Co., handling consignments of poultry, game, calves, eggs and all kinds of produce. Vice president of the Rhodes Transfer Co. Member St. Loiiis Egg and Produce Exchange, Citizens' Industrial Association. Presbyterian. Recreation: fishing. Office: 809 N. 3d St. Rec- - idence: 4649 Woegner PL HOAG, Wilbur Elery, financial agent North western Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Mil waukee, Wis.; born, West Union, Mo., Jan. 4, 1879; son of Wilbur C. and Alvira J. (Can- tonwine) Hoag; educated at Warrensburg Normal School and the University of Mis souri; married, Raymore, Mo., Oct. 20, 1900, Oetavia Wilson. Began business career in title department of Boone County Trust Co., Columbia, Mo., 1899, and continued until 1905; admitted to bar of Missouri in March, 1901; from 1905 to 1909, financial agent Northwestern Mutual Life at Moberly, Mq., since 1909 same position in St. Louis. Demo crat. Member Christian Church. Mason; mem ber B. P. O. Elks, Phi Gamma Delta. Clubs: Mercantile, Missouri Athletic Recreations: hunting, fishing. Office: 800 National Bank of Commerce Bldg. Residence: 5315 Savoy Court. *HOBART, Byron Frank, lumber and coop erage; moved to New London, Conn.; see Vol. 1906. HOBEIN, Charles A., Jr., electrical engin eer; born, Brooklyn, N. Y., Sept. 30, 1881; son of Charles Augustus and Eliza (Buell) Ho- bein; B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering, Iowa State College, Ames, la., 1903; married, St. Louis, Apr. 10, 1907, Elsie Maida Galbraith; two children: Margaret B. and Robert G. As sistant as draftsman and construction man in power department United Railways Co. of St. Louis, July, 1903-March, 1906; assistant elec tric superintendent East St. Louis & Suburban Railway Co., March- August, 1906; assistant superintendent power stations, August, 1906- January, 1911, superintendent power stations since January, 1911, United Railways Co. As sociate American Institute Electrical Engin eers; member American Electrical Railway Engineers' Association (power generating committee). Club: Engineers' (St. Louis). Contributor to technical press and engineering societies. Recreations: tennis, fishing. Office: 3869 Park Ave. Residence: 4127 Botanical Avenue. HOBEIN, Frank Anthony, lawyer; born, Taos, Cole Co., Mo., Oct. 9, 1852; son of Henry and Elizabeth (Nieters) Hobein; edu cated in parochial and private schools, Jeffer son City, and Holy Cross College, Montreal, Canada, B.A., 1875; later professor in same college for several years; B.A., St. Louis Uni versity, 1879, M.A., 1882; LL.B., Washington University, 1880; unmarried. In practice of civil law in St. Louis since 1880. Member St. Louis Bar Association. Democrat. Catholic. Recreation: books. Office: 220 Wainwright Bldg. Residence: 3710 W. Pine St. HOBLITZELLE, William Edward, works manager, Commonwealth Steel Co'. ; bora, Cum berland, Md., Aug. 4, 1871; son of Clarence L. and Ida A. (Knapp) Hoblitzelle; educated in public and private schools until 1888; United States Naval Academy, 1891; married, St. Louis, Feb. 14, 1899, Lucie Hall Simon; chil dren: Lucy Fitzhugh, Elizabeth, William E., Jr., Adelaide K. Held clerical positions with the ±soard of Public Works, City of St. Louis, 1892-97; with Howard-Harrison Iron Co., Bes semer, Ala., 1897-99; with the Shickle, Har rison & Howard Iron Co., and successors, the Leighton & Howard Steel Co., and the Amer ican Steel Foundries Co., 1899-1904; since 1904, works manager of the Commonwealth Steel Co. Member Civic League, St. Louis En gineers ' Club. Democrat. Episcopalian. Clubs: St. Louis Country, Racquet. Recreations: hunt ing and fishing. Office: Granite City, 111. Residence: 4380 McPherson Ave. HODDE, Cyrus E.; see Vol. 1906. HODGDON, Harry Herron, auditor Board of Police Commissioners; bom, Janesville, Wis., Nov. 10, 1866; son of Joseph Warren and Ella B. (Loucks) Hodgdon; educated in public schools of Janesville, Wis., married, Ramsey, 111., 1891, to Kate E. Bolt. After leaving school began business career in the newspaper office of the Janesville Gazette; then was in the railroad business with the Chicago, Mil waukee & St. Paul R. R., in division superin tendent 's offiee at Janesville, Wis.; in ticket office of Chicago & North-Western Ry., at Janesville; went to St. Paul, Minn., where was with Edison Electric Light and Power 292 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS Co. for three years as bookkeeper. Came to St. Louis in March, 1889, and was for two years with E. T. HoUister Commission Co.; on Aug. 15, 1891, became connected with F. A. Steer & Co., haberdashers, as bookkeeper, and was made secretary upon its incorporation as the F. A. Steer Furnishing Goods Co., in 1895 ; was appointed secretary Board of Police Com missioners February, 1907, and auditor June 1, 1911. Member Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). President St. Louis Christian En deavor Union, 1903-05. Office: 208 S. 12th St. Residence: 3110 Eads Ave. HODGDON, William, railway business; see Vol. 1906. HODGES, William Romaine, city auditor; born, South Hero, Vt., Aug. 23, 1840; son of Nathaniel and Clarissa (Phelps) Hodges; edu cated at Georgia Academy, Vt. ; married, Fond du Lac, Wis., 1860, Emma J. Ward; children: A. B. W. (mining engineer), Susan (Mrs. K. P. Alexander), Isabella (Mrs. H. N. Chap man), Esther (Mrs. John R. Harkins). Served as captain under Grant and Sherman during Civil War; in 1865 came to St. Louis as gen eral agent of the Connecticut Mutual Life In surance Co.; since 1886 engaged as builder of monuments and memorials, first as senior part ner in the firm of Hodges & McCarthy until 1901, since alone. Reproduced in bronze the equestrian statue of "St. Louis" in Forest Park; designed and erected monuments on the battlefield of Shiloh for the U. S. Govern ment and state of Wisconsin; also for state of Pennsylvania at Winchester, Va., and Val ley Forge, Pa.; designed and. erected many monuments and mausoleums in Bellefontaine and Calvary cemeteries, at St. Louis. Com mander and recorder Missouri Commandery, Military Order of the Loyal Legion continu ously since 1886. Republican; member City Council, 1899 to 1903; elected city auditor 1909. Clubs: St. Louis, Noonday. Recreations: art, anthropology and archseology. Office: City Hall. Residence: Hotel Beers. HODGKINS, Edward W., railway supplies; see Vol. 1906. HOEFFKEN, Dr. William Derrick, analyt ical chemist and manufacturing pharmacist; born, Norwood, Minn., Feb. 7, 1866; gradu ated from St. Louis College of Pharmacy, 1887; graduate University of Strassburg, Germany, 1893; married, Alton, 111., June 1, 1898, Emma Finke; one daughter, Erna. Came from Minnesota to St. Louis, 1894, and was with Meyer Bros. Drug Co. as chemist two and one-half years; then engaged in manufactur ing business, which was, Jan. 1, 1897, incor porated as the Hoeffken Laboratory Co., chem ists and manufacturing pharmacists, of which is president and general manager. Office: 412 S. 6th St. Residence: 2346 Klemm St. HOENER, Henry C, vice president Bridge & Beach Manufacturing Co.; born in West phalia, Germany, Mar. 7, I860; son of Fred and Wilhelmina Hoener; resident of St. Louis since 1866; educated in Evangelical. parochial schools of St. Louis; married, St. Louis, 1885, Minnie Koch; children: Walter, Percival, Lyd ia, Esther, Edgar, Ralph. Began business ca reer with the Charter Oak Stove and Range Co., continuing fourteen years, and when he' left was city salesman; since 1896 with the Bridge & Beach Manufacturing Co., first as city salesman, secretary, 1904-11, vice presi dent since January, 1911. Member Business Men's League. Republican. Evangelical. Mem ber A. F. & A. M., Knights of Pythias, Royal Arcanum, Legion of Honor. Recreation: fish ing. Office: 501 S. 1st St. Residence: 2150A Allen Ave. HOERR, Louis August, president Western Railway Equipment Co.; born, Denison, Tex., Apr. 27, 1876; son of John and Mary M. (Bergman) Hoerr; educated public schools., graduating from Madison School, and in 1894 from Manual Training School; married, St. Louis, Nov. 16, 1904, Susan M. Hinehman. Worked as draftsman fpr patent attorneys after school hours and during vacations, 1892- 93, and 1894; then for John Rauming Machine Works; became connected with the Brownell Car Co. as assistant superintendent, 1896; later entered employ of Western Railway Equipment Co., serving as mechanical engi neer, superintendent, assistant manager, man ager, vice president, and since 1905 as presi dent; also president South Side Auto Co., Railway Devices Co.; vice president John Ki- burz Pattern Co., Hinchman-Renton Construc tion Co. Has taken out over eighty patents on railroad devices which are in use on 500,- 000 freight cars. Unitarian. Scottish Rite Mason (Washington Lodge, Missouri Chapter, Ascalon Commandery, Moolah Temple). Clubs: Mercantile, Normandie, Missouri Athletic, Railway, Automobile, Normandie Golf, Lieder kranz, St. Louis Turn Verein. Recreations: golf and motoring. Office: 1412-1414 Central National Bank Bldg. Residence: 3522 Shenan doah Ave. HOFFMAN, George Edward, cashier Mer chants-Laclede National Bank; born, Waver- ly, la., Sept. 12, 1863; educated in public schools; married, St. Louis, Apr. 28, 1892, Nel lie Lee; one daughter, Ellen Lee. Came to St. Louis in 1880, and began banking career in a minor position with the Valley National Bank; after several promotions became assistant cashier of the Merchants-Laclede National Bank on the consolidation in June, 1895, from which was promoted, September, 1896, to pres ent position as cashier. Clubs: St. Louis, Bellerive, City. Office: Olive and 4th Sts. Residence: 5217 Westminster PI. THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 293 HOFFMAN, Henry Herbert, president Hoff man-Edwards Harness Co.; born, Macomb, 111., Aug. 17, 1861; son of Frederick J. and M. V. (Cannon) Hoffman; educated in public schools of Macomb, 111., married, St. Louis, Dec. 24, 1892, Rosa A. Lamping; one son, Frederick J. Learned harness making in father's shop at Macomb; came to St. Louis in 1880, and be gan work with Heidmann-Benoist Saddlery Co., continuing until 1890, then with J. B. Sickles Saddlery Co. until 1902, and was a director in the company; manager of harness business of Simmons Hardware Co. from 1902 until bought out that branch of their busi ness, Jan. 1, 1905, organizing Hoffman-Ed wards Harness Co., of which is president. Single Taxer. Member Business Men 's League. Office: 1115 Chestnut St. Residence: 4960 Co lumbia Ave. HOFFMAN, Samuel E., vice president Mis sissippi Valley Trust Co.; born in Union Co., Pa., June 22, 1834; son of John and Nancy (Bauss) Hoffman; educated in public schools of Stevenson Co., 111.; married, Leavenworth, Kan., May 12, 1870, Fannie Allen (now de ceased). Began active career in Waverly, la., in mercantile business; read law there and was admitted to the bar in 1858; went to Neo sho Falls, Kan., 1858, and practiced law until 1861; in 1860 was elected as a member of the State Senate of Kansas; at the breaking out of the Civil War, 1861, was appointed major of the Fifth Kansas Cavalry, but because of failing health served only one year. In 1863 went to Leavenworth, Kan., and engaged in transportation business across the plans, con tinuing until 1873, when came to St. Louis and engaged in the banking business under the firm name of Allen, Hoffman & Co., con tinuing until 1876; then purchased the Manu facturers' Savings Bank, and became its president, until 1878; bought controlling in terest in the Valley National Bank and be came its president; in 1885 bought interest in the Laclede Bank, increasing the capital stock from $500,000 to $1,000,000 and made it a na tional bank, of which was president until 1895. Suggested, 1890, the organization of the Mississippi Valley Trust Co., of which was one of the organizers, and is now vice presi dent; also director of the Merchants-Laclede National Bank. Republican. Clubs: St. Louis, Noonday, Country. Residence: 4450 Westmin ster PI. HOFFMANN, August H., banker; born, St. Louis, June 9, 1850; son of George and Maria M. (Wilke) Hoffmann; educated in public schools and Wyman Institute, St. Louis; un married. Began business career in fall of 1867 as clerk for Rubelman & Co., hardware mer chants, continuing until 1873; in grocery busi ness on own account, 1873-75; in hardware business from 1875 to 1900. Sold out hardware business in 1900, and was elected president of the Xorth-Westera Savings Bank; in 1910 name of bank was changed to Northwestern Bank and he continues as president; director Lakeside Sugar Refining Co., of Texas. Mem ber Civic League. Republican; member City Council, 1898-1902. Treasurer German School Association and Free Community of St. Louis; treasurer National German- American Alliance ; member German General Protestant Orphans' Home. Member of Social Turners, Schiller Society, Yeatman High School Patrons. Recre ation: music. Office: 1500 St. Louis Ave. Resi dence: 1452 Sullivan Ave. HOFFMANN, Philip, physician; born, St. Louis, July 28, 1870; son of Morris and Au gusta (Frankel) Hoffmann; educated in St. Louis public schools; M.D., Missouri Medical College (now Medical Department of Wash ington University), 1892; married, St. Louis, June 1, 1902, Rose Marks. Engaged in prac tice of medicine in St. Louis since March, 1892, limiting practice to orthopedic surgery. Orthopedic surgeon to Jewish Hospital and to the Bethesda Hospital. Member American Orthopedic Association, St. Louis Orthopedic Club, St. Louis Pediatric Society, Medical So ciety of City Hospital Alumni, St. Louis Med ical Society. Recreation: study of collateral sciences. Offiee and Residence: 3657 Delmar Boulevard. HOFFMANN, Reinhold Alexander, accident, health and burglary insurance; born, Augusta, St. Charles Co., Mo., July 10, 1862; son of Berthold E. and Louise (Toelle) Hoffmann; educated in public schools at Highland and Edwardsville, HI., and Kirkwood, Mo., and night school, Jones Business College; married, Huntsville, Mo., Dec. 24, 1889, Mary V. Estes; children: Mary V. E., Briggs A. Employed in hardware business with E. Hilger & Co., 1877- 80, St. Louis Hardware and Cutlery Co., 1881- 85, Quemheim & Heekel, 1887. Began in in surance business with Travelers Insurance Co., Kansas City, 1888-89, St. Louis, 1889; since Aug. 22, 1889, general agent at St. Louis of the Fidelity and Casualty Co. of New York. Member Civic League. Democrat. ' Methodist. Clubs: Mercantile, Missouri Athletic, City, Rotary. Recreations: theatre, baseball, fishing and other outdoor diversions. Office: 308-314 Rialto Bldg. Residence: 11 Windermere PI. HOFMANN, Ernst G., produce; born, Gies- sen, Germany, Nov. 20, 1837; son of Louis J. and Marie (Schleiter) Hofmann; educated in public schools in Germany and in New York state; married, St. Louis, July, 1867, Clara F. Steinwender; children: Louis A., Linda (Mrs. H. W. Hermann), Alwin, Silta (Mrs. Henry L. Baur), Emma (Mrs. Edward Baur). Began business career as clerk in store of C. P. Leonard, at Lowville, N. Y., and later at Rochester, N. Y., in grocery store of N. P. Os born; came to St. Louis, 1858, and worked for John D. Torlina, shoes, 1858-60; started in 294 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS produce business for self, incorporating the business, 1880, under its present style of Hof- mann Bros. Produce Co. Was member Com pany A., 7th Missouri Home Guards during Civil War. Member Civic League, St. Louis Turn Verein. Office: 700-702 N. 2d St. Resi dence: 3641 Cleveland Ave. HOFMANN, Frederick William, wholesale dried fruits and produce; born, Wieseck, Hesse Darmstadt, Germany, Oct. 1, 1840; son of Louis J. and Marie (Schleiter) Hofmann; came to America with parents, June 20, 1849, and settled on farm at Hawkinsville, Lewis Co., N. Y.; removed to Rochester, N. Y., 1852; educated in public and private schools of Dansville and Rochester, N. Y.; married, Mil- lersburg, Iowa Co., la., Nov. 10, 1863, Cecilia A. Schleiter; children: Flora Louisa (Mrs. C. A. Freudenstein), Oscar Schleiter. Began busi ness career at Rochester as clerk, 1854-57; re moved to St. Louis, November, 1857, and was clerk in shoe stores of J. D. Torlina and James Rutherford until 1860, when established the Hofmann Bros. Produce Co., of which is vice president. Member Civic League, Merchants' Exchange. Independent Republican. Served about two and one-half years in Company E, Seventh Regiment, Missouri Enrolled Militia. Recreation: the violin. Office: 700-702 N. 2d St. Residence: 3233 Hawthorne Boul. HOGAN, Michael Edward, railroad tie man ufacturer, banker; born in Albany Co., N. Y., Aug. 19, 1849; son of Christopher and Helen (King) Hogan; educated in district schools of Albany Co., N. Y., and Fayette Co., 111.; married, St. Elmo, 111., Aug. 25, 1873, Lucy Dial (deceased); children: Mary Ellen (Mrs. Murray), Lucy ' Mabel, Florence Eugenia, Thomas Edward, John Jerome, Verena An gela (Mrs. George P. Lamy), Madonna Laura, Cecilia Clara. Began business life, 1865, as clerk in store of Dieckman & Bradley, Van dalia, 111.; in merchandise business with Dr. Sumner Clark, as M. E. Hogan & Co., at Ram say, 111., 1872-77; bought out partner, 1877, and removed stock to Altamont, 111., in which has since continued; now head of firm of M. E. Hogan & Son, manufacturers of railroad cross- ties, Altamont, and M. E. Hogan, banker, Al tamont. Democrat. Catholic. Residence: 5564 Cabanne Boul. HOGAN, Thomas F., secretary and treas urer Hoffman-Hogan Construction Co.; born, St. Louis, May 2, 1868; son of Charles W. and Anastasia (Grace) Hogan; educated in Chris tian Brothers College; unmarried. Began act ive career at twenty-one, in contracting busi ness with father; after death of latter, in 1900, associated with brother in same line of business; organized, 1902, the Hoffman-Hogan Construction Co., general contractors, and con tinues as secretary and treasurer. One of the notable works completed by the company is the Harlin Creek Sewer, of reenforced con crete, the inside dimensions of which are 29 by 19 feet. Democrat. Catholic. Office: 2712 Wyandotte Ave. Residence: 2120 E. Harris Avenue. HOGE, Moses Woods, physician; bom in Cooper Co., Mo., Nov. 18, 1861; son of John James and Mary (Colhoun) Hoge; graduated from Kemper Academy, Boonville, Mo., 1879; M.D., St. Louis Medical College, 1883; unmar ried. Engaged in practice of medicine at Owensville, Mo., 1883-92; physician in State Hospital No. 1, Fulton, Mo., 1892-97; engaged in practice at St. Louis since 1897. Instructor in neurology and chief of clinic for nervous diseases, Medical Department of Washington University; member of visiting staff, St. Louis City Hospital. Member St. Louis Medical So ciety, St. Louis Neurological Society, Amer ican Medical Association. Office: Metropoli tan Bldg., Grand Ave. and Olive St. Resi dence: 3693 W. Pine Boul. i HOGENMILLER, John Alexander, live stock and general commission; born, St. Gene vieve Co., Mo., Dec. 12, 1860; son of Joseph and Cresentia (Fritseh) Hogenmiller; edu cated in district schools of native county.; Missouri State Normal School, at Cape Girar deau, Mo.; married, St. Louis, 1891, Ottilia Traudt; two children: Elvira, Ambrose John C. On farm to eighteen; began business ca reer as clerk in general merchandise store, later being placed in charge of store at Ivy Landing, 111.; came to St. Louis, 1888, and has since been identified with commission busi ness; proprietor Hogenmiller Commission Co. since 1901. Member St. Louis Egg and Poul try Exchange, Merchants ' Exchange, St. Louis Live Stock Exchange. Democrat. Catholic. Member Knights of Columbus. Club: Lieder kranz. Office: 707 N. 3d St. Residence: 2123A S. 12th St. HOGG, George Robert, wholesaler and manu facturer of yellow pine lumber; born, Hanni bal, Mo., Sept. 14, 1865; son of John Oliver and Jane (Thompson) Hogg; educated in pub lic schools and Weteh Academy, Hannibal; married, St. Louis, June 1, 1897, Antoinette Blood; children: Frances Margaret, George Robert, Jr. Began as a member of the firm of Hogg & Sons, builders, Hannibal, Mo.; found ed Independence Planing Mill Co., Indepen dence, Mo.; sold out, 1892. Manager of St. Louis sales office of William Buchanan, manu facturer of yellow pine lumber; since 1902, president of Hogg-Harris Lumber Co. Also assistant secretary and stockholder of the Big Pine Lumber Co., of Colfax, La., and stockholder in other yellow pine mills. Re publican. Member Royal Arcanum, Hoo Hoo. Club: Mercantile. Recreation: motoring. Of fice: Wright Bldg. Residence: 533 Hamilton Avenue. THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 295 HOHENGARTEN, Frank Henry, wholesale baker; born, Westphalia, Germany, Oct. 6, 1864; son of C. H. and Caroline (Johanning- meyer) Hohengarten; educated in common schools in Germany, 1871-79, night school, St. Louis public school, 1882-83; married, St. Louis, Nov. 26, 1888, Kate C. Finke; children: Ernest H., Frances, Pauline, Carl F. Learned baking trade in Germany, 1879-82; came to United States, 1882; followed trade as baker with different firms in St. Louis, 1882-88; es tablished retail bakery in spring of 1888, and conducted it .until 1904. When The Home Bak ery Co. was organized for wholesale baking, September, 1903, was elected its president and manager; in 1907 this company was bought by the American Bakery Co. and he has since served as a director and as manager of the home branch. Member North St. Louis Busi ness Men's Association. Republican. Presi dent German Evangelical Friedens Congrega tion. Mason, Knight Templar and Shriner, President United Master Bakers of America 1904-05; director North St. Louis Citizens Association, German Protestant Orphans Home (St. Charles Rock Road). Club: Bakers Bowling. Recreations: bowling and motoring. Office: Glasgow Ave. and Hebert St. Resi dence: 3216 Barrett St. HOKE, Charles Henry, candy manufacturer born, Canton, Mo., Aug. 2, 1857; son of Jo seph W. and Sarah E. (Storer) Hoke; mar ried, St. Louis, June 20, 1883, Blanche Cole children: Nelson, Paul, Mary, Charles, Blanche Began business career as secretary and treas urer of The Kelley-Goodfellow Shoe Co. of St, Loiiis, continuing, 1879-1900; secretary and treasurer of the St. Louis Candy Manufactur ing Co., 1900-11, since manager Peekham Candy Manufacturing Co. ; also president Hoke Engraving Plate Co. Formerly member of Company K, First Regiment, Missouri Na tional Guard. Clubs: Mercantile, Union, Mis souri Athletic. Office: 701 Spruce St. Resi dence: 3812 Castleman Ave. HOKE, William Eben; born, Memphis, Scot land Co., Mo., Oct. 26, 1865; son of Joseph Wilson and Sarah Elizabeth (Storer) Hoke; educated in St. Louis public schools; unmar ried. Since 1887 been engaged in the manu facture of ' ' chalk plates ' ' for the chalk plate process of illustrating used by newspapers, en gravers, etc.; secretary of the Hoke Engrav ing Plate Co. Presbyterian. Club: Mercantile. Office: 304 N. 3d St. Residence: 3816 Castle man Ave. HOLBROOK, Walter James, president Hol brook-Blackwelder Real Estate Trust Co.; bom, Lebanon, Conn., October, 1861; son of Charles A. and Eunice E. (Bailey) Holbrook; educated in public school of Lebanon, Conn.; married, Colchester, Conn., 1885, Jennie A. Foote; 2d, 1908, Miss Jessie Purcell, of St. Louis; two daughters: Lucille and Marguerite. Began business career conducting general store at Colchester, Conn., 1879, continuing un til 1885, and at the same time was connected with the Colchester Savings Bank; removed west in 1885, located at Wichita, Kan., and embarked in real estate business; came to St. Louis, 1892, and engaged in real estate and later, with George H. Blackwelder, estab lished the real estate firm which was organ ized in 1900 as the Holbrook-Blackwelder Real Estate Trust Co.; also director Title Guaranty Trust Co., St. Louis Gulf-Steel Barge Line. Member Real Estate Exchange, Merchants' Exchange, Business Men's League. Repub lican. Member First Congregational Church. Clubs: St. Louis, Mercantile, Noonday, Rac quet. Offiee: 812 Olive St. Residence: 5368 Cabanne Ave. HOLDOWAY, Edwin, publisher of subscrip tion books; bora, Island of Jersey, England, Aug. 1, 1845; son of John and Elizabeth Holdoway; educated in private and public schools in England and America; married, Springfield, 111., 1872, Isabelle Rose Gwynn; children: Hubert E., Florence L., Edith, Ed ward Watts, Alice G., Alberta, William J. Was apprenticed to tea business in London; came to United States, 1868; engaged as book solicitor; in 1869 formed partnership with Thomas Brown, and opened offices at Daven port, la.; moved to St. Louis, 1872. Firm was known until 1880 as Brown & Holdoway; in latter year opened offices as E. Holdoway & Co.; incorporated business, 1902, as E. Holdoway Publishing Co., of which he is president; the company publishing fine editions of the stand ard authors, by subscription only. Republican. Congregationalist. Member Anchor Lodge, A. F. & A. M., Missouri Chapter, R. A. M., St. Louis Commandery, Knights Templar. Fa vorite recreation: fishing. Office: 720 Victoria Bldg. Residence: 1521 Missouri Ave. HOLLAND, James Steedman, physician; 1872-1909; see Vol. 1906. HOLLAND, Robert Afton, Jr., lawyer; born, Covington, Ky., May 4, 1868; son of Rev. R. A. and Theodosia (Everett) Holland; grad uated from Harvard College, A.B. and A.M., 1892; unmarried. Admitted to bar in 1894, and hai since engaged in general practice in St. Louis; since Jan. 1, 1904, with James A. Seddon, of law firm of Seddon & Holland. Member St. Louis Bar Association. Democrat. Episcopalian. Clubs : St. Louis, St. Louis Coun try, Noonday, Contemporary. Office: 705 Olive St. Residence: 502 Lake Ave. HOLLIDAY, Joseph Glasby, lawyer; born, St. Louis, Sept. 14, 1861; son of Samuel New ton and Maria F. (Glasby) Holliday; edu cated in St. Louis public schools ; Smith Acad emy; A.B., Yale University, 1884; LL.B., St. Louis Law School, 1886; married, Kansas City, July 15, 1885, Hattie E. Alexander; children: 296 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS Samuel N, Ida R., Joseph H., Florence A., Elizabeth H., Richard A. Admitted to bar in 1886 and since engaged in practice in St. Louis, making a specialty of probate law. Member of St. Louis and American Bar asso ciations. Democrat. Presbyterian. Recrea tions: music and fishing. Office: 906 La Salle Bldg. Residence: 5137 Washington Ave. HOLLINGSHEAD, Thomas Murdoch, busi ness manager of the Globe-Democrat; born, Cincinnati, 0., Nov. 14, 1857; son of Mark and Rosalie (Murdoch) Hollingshead; edu cated in public and high schools of Cincinnati, and one year in Cincinnati University, 1875; married, St. Louis, Nov. 14, 1887, Fannie Mat thews. Began business career in employ of Commercial Bank of Cincinnati, May, 1877, continuing to December, 1880; went to North Dakota, and was in First National Bank and the Bank of Fargo, both of Fargo, N. Dak., December, 1880, to March, 1884; held position in office of fifth division, Railway Mail Serv ice, Cincinnati, March-September, 1884; with Continental Collection Agency, Cincinnati, September, 1884, to May 1886; came to St. Louis and was with Gilbert Book Co., May, 1886, to October, 1886; entered employ of Globe Printing Co., publishers of the Globe- Democrat, Oct. 16, 1886, as assistant book keeper, continuing until about 1893; adver tising manager, 1893-1900; business manager since 1900 of the Globe-Democrat. Unitarian. Club: Mercantile. Offiee: southwest corner of 6th and Pine Sts. Residence: 5963 Clemens Avenue. HOLLMANN, Henry C; see Vol. 1906. HOLLMANN, William F., commission mer chant; born, St. Louis, Dec. 4, 1881; son of Henry C. and Julia (Mueller) Hollmann; edu cated at Charless (public) School, Toenfeldt's private school and Perkins & Herpel Business College, graduating, 1900; married, St. Louis; Mar. 4, 1903, Ella Vogler; one daughter, Lydia Julia. Worked as errand boy for father after school hours and on Satur days from 1895; after graduation, in spring of 1900, from business college, worked as stenographer for father for several months; then became secretary of the Henry C. Holl mann Produce Co., and president since 1906. Protestant. Recreation: fishing. Office: 819 N. 3d St. Residence: 2812 Accomac St. HOLLOWAY, Henry Elwood, merchant tai lor; born, Bloomington, 111., Nov. 4, 1861; son of Henry D. and Mary S. (Taylor) Holloway; educated in Bloomington (111.) public schools; married, St. Louis, June 8, 1898, Blanche S. Block; one daughter, Blanche May. Began business career as cash boy in a dry goods store in Bloomington until age of fourteen, when entered tailor store, learning trade from bench to cutter; came to St. Louis, 1878, and worked in stores of Charles R. Lewis and then with Harris & French, until 1890; since in business for self as merchant tailor. Repub lican. Presbyterian. Member Legion of Hon or. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, City. Favorite recreations: hunting, fishing, motoring. Of fice: 406-409 Victoria Bldg. Residence: 4615 McPherson Ave. HOLM, Robert, secretary and treasurer of Anheuser-Busch Brewing Association; born, St. Louis, Aug. 4, 1863; son of Louis and An- tonia Holm; educated in public schools of St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Nov. 27, 1893, Minette Upmeyer; one daughter, Alice. Be gan business career in May, 1879, with C. Conrad & Co., and continuing until failure of the firm, Jan. 16, 1883; started with Anheuser- Busch Brewing Association, in humble ca pacity, November, 1883; elected secretary and treasurer, Dec. 26, 1900. Republican. Clubs: Liederkranz, Sunset Hill Country. Favorite recreation: automobiling. Office: 900 Pesta lozzi St. Residence: 3663 Cleveland Ave. HOLMAN, Charles Leavitt, president La clede Gas Light Co.; born, Lawrence, Kan., July 4, 1870; son of James E. and Libbie (Sherwood) Holman; educated in public schools of Kansas; married, Chicago, HI., Nov. 20, 1895, May Everett; children: Dorothy Everett, Sherwood E. (deceased), Elinor Ruth. Began business career in the office of the Land and Development Co., Topeka, Kan., 1887, and assistant in the street railway of fices of same company; went into bond and mortgage business in Topeka, 1891; after wards business manager Topeka Daily Capitol, two years; then went to Chicago as repre sentative of the Thayer Mining and Milling Co.; returned to Topeka and engaged with the treasurer's department of the Atchison, To peka & Santa Fe R. R.; in April, 1903, came to St. Louis and became connected with the Laclede Gas Light Co., of which he was secre tary from January, 1904-1909; elected first vice president and, in January, 1910, also made general manager; elected president Mar. 1, 1912. President Southern Improvement and Manufacturing Co., Phoenix Light, Heat and Power Co.; secretary and treasurer the Na tional Subway Co. Elected, October, 1911, at Denver, Colo., president National Commercial Gas Association; elected, October, 1911, di rector American Gas Institute; member Busi ness Men's League (executive committee), Civic League. Republican. Congregationalist. Clubs: Mercantile, St. Louis, City, Noonday, Racquet, Commercial. Recreations: motoring, golf and shooting. Offices: 716 Locust St.; 11th and Olive Sts. after November, 1912. Residence: Clayton and Warson Rds. HOLMAN, John Beriah, paper boxes; born, Cincinnati, O., Oct. 11, 1853; son of John Beriah and Jemima (MeFeely) Holman; resi dent of St. Louis since 1865; educated in Washington University, St. Louis; married, St. Louis Co., Dec. 20, 1875, Fannie Wash; THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 297 one son, John Edgar. Began business career with the Iron Mountain Railway Co., in gen eral ticket office as clerk for four years, 1870-74; then in hay and grain commission business as Holman Bros., 1874-79; in real estate business on own account, 1879-80; started in paper box business, 1880, with brother, William H. Holman, as Holman Pa per Box Co.; incorporated the business, 1885, and upon death of brother, 1891, succeeded to present position as president of Holman Paper Box Co. Republican. Methodist. Mem ber Occidental Lodge No. 63, A. F. & A. M., St. Louis Chapter No. 8, R. A. M., and St. Aldemar Commandery No. 18, Knights Tem plar. Office: 8th St. and Chouteau Ave. (1015 S. 8th St.). Residence: 3936 Westminster PI. HOLMAN, Minard Lafever, consulting en gineer; born in Oxford Co., Me., June 15, 1852; son of John Henry and Mary Ann (Richards) Holman; educated in public schools of Prescott, Wis., St. Louis and Boston, Mass.; graduated from Washington University, 1874, honorary M.A., 1905; married, at St. Louis, 1879, to Miss Margaret H. Holland; four chil dren : Charles Henry, Mary, Minard H., George R. Began professional career in United States Treasury Department, Supervising Architect 's Division, 1874-76; with Flad & Smith, en gineers, 1876-77; assistant engineer St. Louis Water Works, 1877-87; water commissioner of the City of St. Louis, 1887-99; in general en gineering work, 1899-1900; general superin tendent Missouri Edison Electric Co., 1900-04; consulting engineer of firm of Holman & Laird, since 1904. Consulting engineer Mis souri Waterway Commission. Member Amer ican Society of Civil Engineers, American So ciety of Mechanical Engineers (president, 1908), Engineers' Club of St. Louis. Congre gationalist. Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner; member Royal Arcanum, Legion of Honor of Missouri. Recreation: revolver shooting. Office: 1324 Chemical Bldg. Resi dence: 3744 Finney Ave. HOLMES, Jesse Harrison, retired; see Vol. 1906. HOLMES, John Andrews, financier; born, Coatesville, Chester Co., Pa., Oct. 18, 1838; son of John and Eliza (Schrack) Holmes; edu cated in public schools; married in Pennsyl vania, Sept. 18, 1867, Belle Robb; four chil dren: Mrs. Isabelle Holmes Thompson, Flor ence R., Robert and John Howard. Came to St. Louis, 1856; identified with the lumber business since 1857; organized John A. Holmes & Co., lumber dealers, 1864, incorpo rated as John A. Holmes Lumber Co., 1896; resigned presidency same, 1900, since chair man board; also director National Bank of Commerce, Hydraulic Pressed Brick Co., Amer ican Telegraph and Telephone Co. Republican. Chairman board trustees, Second Presbyterian Church. Office: 915 Spruce St. Residence: 9 Portland PL HOLMES, John Martin, lawyer; born, St. Louis, Jan. 25, 1848; son of John Martin and Sophia (Wyman) Holmes; educated in private schools, St. Louis; Hillsboro (111.) Academy; A.B., Illinois College, Jacksonville, 111., 1867, A.M., 1870; married, Mar. 7, 1888, Ina Meston (born Elgin, Scotland, Aug. 15, 1863, died Colorado Springs, Colo., Oct. 3, 1898); chil dren: Maud, Meston, Janet. Admitted to bar, October, 1868, and since engaged in general practice in St. Louis; senior member of law firm of Holmes, Blair & Koerner. Member American and Missouri State Bar associations, Law Library Association. Democrat. Member Civic League. Clubs: Mercantile, City. Fa vorite recreations: hunting, fishing and horse back riding. Office: Pierce Bldg. Residence: 3860 Page Ave. HOLTCAMP, Charles Wesley, judge Pro bate Court; born, Decatur, 111., Sept. 1, 1859; son of Charles and Catherine (Hoevner) Holt- camp; educated in public schools; Illinois Col lege, 1878-80; entered Law Department, Wash ington University, 1880, graduating with de gree of LL.B., 1882; degree A.M. conferred by Illinois College, 1911; married, St. Louis, May 1, 1888, Augusta Hausman (died 1893); one daughter, Dorothy; married, 2d, St. Louis, Sept. 23, 1903, Nellie Francisco Barker. Mem ber Hlinois National Guard, 1877-80, Missouri National Guard, 1883-1904. Served as senior captain of regiment in Spanish-American war, 1898. Resigned as lieutenant colonel First Regiment, Missouri National Guard, 1904. Member House of Delegates, St. Louis, 1899- 1901; elected probate judge City of St. Louis, 1906; reelected, 1910. Director Blanke & Bro. Realty Co.; vice president and director Fred P. Kaiser Publishing Co. Member Military Order of Foreign Wars, United Spanish War Veterans. Republican. Methodist. Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner, Scottish Rite; member Royal Arcanum, Royal League. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, City, Masonic, Normandie Golf. Recreations: fishing, hunting, baseball. Address: Court House. Residence: 5704 Bart- mer Ave. HOMANN, Henry Julius, secretary William Homann Saddlery Co. ; born, Dissen, Germany, May 12, 1857; son of William and Elizabeth (Bruns) Homann; educated in private schools in Germany; married, St. Louis, Sept. 6, 1887, Bertha Mueller; one daughter, Ilda. Came to St. Louis from Germany in 1862, and began business career at sixteen, in brother's store; learned the saddlery trade and was admitted to partnership in 1895; now secretary of the William Homann Saddlery Co., manufacturers of saddlery, etc. Member Liederkranz. Rec reations: bowling and singing. Office: 716-718 N. 4th St. Residence: 3507 Halliday St. 298 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS HOMANN, Rudolph Bernard, vice president William Homann Saddlery Co.; born, Hanover, Germany, Dec. 20, 1854; son of William and Elizabeth (Bruns) Homana; educated in pub lic schools in Germany and by private tutors; married, St. Louis, Lena Essman; children: Otto, Adele (Mrs. Julian Ellsner). Was ap prenticed in the harness-making business with firm of Homann & Hotze, in 1870, and has con tinued with same house; firm incorporated in 1886 as the William Homann Saddlery Co., manufacturers of saddlery, harness and turf goods, of which has been vice president since 1895. Member Tower Grove Turn Verein. Recreations: fishing and bowling. Office: 716 N. 4th St. Residence: 3631 Botanical Ave. HOMANN, William, manufacturer of sad dlery, etc.; born, Dissen, Germany, Mar. 4, 1842; son of William and Elizabeth (Bruns) Homann; educated in public schools; married, St. Louis, Josephine Krohne. Began to learn harness-making and saddlery trade with the P. J. Peters saddlery house in 1856; worked at the trade until 1865, when started in busi ness for self with partner, under firm name of Homann & Hotze; in 1886 the business was incorporated as the William Homann Saddlery Co., of which is president. Mason (Blue Lodge). Club: Liederkranz. Recreations: bowling, walking and traveling. Office: 716- 718 N. 4th St. Residence: 3515 Victor St. HOMER, William Bradford, judge; born, Brimfield, Hampden Co., Mass., July 29, 1849; son of Captain Alured and Ruth (Bliss) Homer; attended public schools and Hitchcock Free High School, Brimfield; graduated from Williston Seminary, Easthampton, Mass., 1867; A.B., Amherst College, Massachusetts, 1871; studied law in Columbia Law School, Colum bia University, New York; married, Hartford, Conn., Sept.- 20, 1876, H. Louise Hart; chil dren: Ruth Louise (now Mrs. George F. Al len, of Toronto, Can.), Roland M., Mary H., Bradford C. Admitted to Missouri bar, 1872; began practice in St. Louis, 1873; member bar of Supreme Court of the United States. Appointed, 1908, and served on Board of Equalization of Taxes; appointed judge St. Louis Circuit Court by governor, June, 1909; appointed excise commissioner, October, 1910, which office resigned to accept second appoint ment as judge of Circuit Court, Jan. 12, 1911, a position he now fills. Trustee Drury Acad emy, Springfield, Mo. Republican. Congrega tionalist. Member Missouri State and St. Louis Bar associations, Sons American Revo lution, Society Colonial Wars, New England Society. Clubs: Mercantile, Congregational, Million Population. Chambers: Court House. Residence: 4409 Morgan St. *HOMES, William Francis, insurance; now lives in Eureka, Mo.; see Vol. 1906. HOMEYER, Herman August, secretary, treasurer Roth-Homeyer Coffee Co.; born, Lemgo, Germany, Jan.. 26, 1860; son of Her man August and Louise Catherine (Boedeker) Homeyer; educated in gymnasium (high school), Lemgo, Germany; married, St. Louis, Oct. 2, 1889, Anna Charlotte Sehlater (now deceased) ; one daughter, Anna Louise. On leaving school at age of fifteen, apprenticed in grocery business at Dusseldorf, Germany, serving eight years and filling every position from clerk to bookkeeper and cashier; em ployed in office of tobacco factory at Biele feld, Germany, as correspondent, two years. Came to United States, July, 1884; employed in wholesale grocery house of Wulfing, Dieck riede & Co., as bookkeeper, 1884-87; with H. R. Krite & Co., wholesale toys, 1887-89; then to Steinwender, Stoffregen & Co., coffees, 1889-96, and when business was incorporated, became secretary-treasurer of the company; since 1889, secretary-treasurer Roth-Homeyer Coffee Co. Independent in politics. Congrega tionalist. Office: 601 N. Main St. Residence: 3818 Botanical Ave. HOPKINS, James Love, lawyer and law author; born, St. Louis, July 20, 1868; son of Christian R. and Anna (Love) Hopkins; grad uated from St. Louis public schools; LL.B., St. Louis Law School, 1894; married, St. Louis, 1892, Georgian Shields; one daughter, Anna Love. Engaged in practice in St. Louis since 1889, except the years from 1898 to 1902, when was located in San Francisco. Acted as special patent counsel for City of San Francisco. Member American Bar Asso ciation. Independent in politics. Author: Hopkins on Unfair Trade, 1900; Hopkins on Trademarks, 1905; Hopkins' Judicial Code, 1911; Hopkins on Patents (two volumes), 1911 (all published by Callaghan & Co., Chi cago). Also wrote monographs on "Disbar ment" in Encyclopedia of Pleading and Prac tice and on various legal subjects in the Cen tral Law Journal, also articles on medico-legal subjects in the Medical Mirror. Favorite rec reation: literature. Office: Chemical Bldg. Residence: 3931 Westminster PL HOPKINS, Milton J., physician; born, Bliss- field, Mich., Nov. 29, 1859; son of Samuel and Susannah (Loar) Hopkins; educated in coun try normal school; graduated in literary and business courses in college at Valparaiso, Ind., 1884; M.D. (with honors), Missouri Medical College, 1896; married, St. Louis, Oct. 22, 1896, Lina Vogeler; children: Alma Jeannette, Milton Julius. Brought up on farm until nine teen; went to Bear Lake, Mich., and was a clerk in general store, 1879-81; then brake- man three months, conductor one year and superintendent, 1882-87, of Bear Lake and Eastern R. R. (forty-nine .miles long), owned by brother; went South and was engaged in railroad survey and in mining industries until 1892; since graduation has been engaged in general practice of medicine at St. Louis. THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 299 Member board of Baptist Hospital. Member St. Louis Medical Society, Missouri State Medical Association, American Medical Asso ciation, Tri-State Medical Association, Wash ington University Alumni. Office and Resi dence: 3558 Lindell Boul. HOPKINS, Ross, physician; see Vol. 1906. HOPKINS, Thomas Andrews, physician; born, Ashtabula, O., Feb. 2, 1867; son of Thomas H. and Calphurnia (Andrews) Hop kins; educated Grand River Institute, Austin- burg, O.; Ph.B., Oberlin College, O., 1891, A.M., 1896; M.D., Missouri Medical College (Washington University), 1894; unmarried. In practice in St. Louis since 1894. Supreme medical director Legion of Honor of Mis souri, 1902-04; member of faculty of American Medical College, St. Louis College of Phy sicians and Surgeons, 1895-97, Barnes Medical College, 1909-10. Director Orodol Chemical Co. Editor Medical Fortnightly. Member St. Louis Medical Society, Missouri State Med ical Association, American Medical Associa tion, American Urologieal Association, Mis sissippi Valley Medical Association. Ex-presi dent Oberlin Association of St. Louis; mem ber Alumni Association of Washington Uni versity, Washington University Association, Ohio Society. Republican. Episcopalian. Rec reation: travel. Office: 319-320 Century Bldg. HORN, Thomas Lora, president T. L. Horn Trunk Co.; born, Dalis, Mo., May 8, 1868; son of Thomas B. and Melissa J. (Graves) Horn; educated in Henderson (Mo.) Academy; mar ried, Ozark, Mo., May 12, 1889, Blanche Lawing; children: William Leslie, Murray Lawing. Began business career as a boy help ing father in general merchandise business at Ozark, Mo.; was with James A. Quirk, 1890- 91; from 1891 to 1903 was traveling salesman for the Herkert & Meisel Trunk Co., of which company was. a director. Secretary of P. C. Murphy Trunk Co., 1903- April, 1906; then or ganized the T. L. Horn Trunk Co., of which he is president. Republican. Deacon Union Ave. Christian Church. Member board of di rectors Citizens' Alliance. Club: Mercantile. Recreation: motoring. Office: 1101 Washing ton Ave. Residence: 4221 Maryland Ave. HORNER, Edward Preston, secretary Allen- West Commission Co.; born, Columbia, Boone Co., Mo., June 15, 1854; son of John Preston and Mary (Lee) Horner; A.B., State Univer sity of Missouri, 1874; married, St. Louis, 1884, Margaret A. Brettelle; children: Pres ton King, Edward Lester. Came from Colum bia, Mo., to St. Louis thirty-five years ago; was bookkeeper for Fletcher Packing Co. for i / eight years; since secretary and salesman with the Allen-West Commission Co., cotton factors and commission merchants. Member Merchants' Exchange, St. Louis Cotton Ex change. Member Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Office: 104 S. Main St. Residence: 6131 McPherson Ave. HORNSBY, Joseph Louis, lawyer; born in St. Louis Co., Mo., Sept. 30, 1856; son of Nich olas L. and Madeleine (de Laureal) Hornsby; A.B., St. Louis University, 1874, A.M., 1878; LL.B., St. Louis Law School, 1878; married, June 12, 1906, Miss Louise Shaw: one daugh ter, Marie Louise. Studied law in office of Hon. Trusten Polk in St. Louis; admitted to bar, 1878; became member of law firm of Causey & Hornsby, later of firm of Bakewell & Hornsby (the senior member being Hon. Robert A. Bakewell, ex-judge of St. Louis Court of Appeals); later senior member of firm of Hornsby & Harris; now practicing alone. Member Missouri State and St. Louis Bar associations, Law Library Association. Member Public Service Commission since 1909. Member Civic League. Member board of trus tees and treasurer Calvary Cemetery Associa tion. Democrat. Member 32d General Assem bly of Missouri (1881-83); president City Council of St. Louis, 1901-05; was member State Executive Committee Sound Money Democratic Party in Missouri, 1896. Roman Catholic. President St. Vincent de Paul So ciety of St. Louis. Club: Noonday. Office: 520 Rialto Bldg. Residence: 4255 Virginia' Ave. HORTON, William Milton, real estate; born, Cincinnati, O., Jan. 26, 1854; son of Benjamin and Carrie (Hart) Horton; educated in St. Louis public schools; married, St. Louis, Mar. 20, 1878, Mary W. Broadhead; children: Caro lyn (Mrs. J. Edward Cowan), Eleanor, Wins ton, Benjamin, Mary S. Resident of St. Louis since 1859; upon leaving school went into manufacturing business (stove foundry) with his father for seven years; entered real es tate business in 1883, in which has since con tinued; developed Horton Place, Reber Place, Bartmer Place and Thornby Place. Repub lican. Was member of City Council for three terms, 1889-93, 1895-99, and 1899-1903, and was vice president of the Council most of the time; was member Republican State Commit tee two terms. Office: 307 Fullerton Bldg. Residence: 3227 Lafayette Ave. HOSKTNS, James H., bonds, investments; born, Auburn, N. Y., Dec. 21, 1859; son of James H. and Esther C. (Stoner) Hoskins; graduated, Auburn (N. Y.) High School, 1876; married, St. Louis, June 5, 1888, Sallie M. Cor- bitt; one son, Arthur C. From 1882 to 1887 was cashier and credit man for St. Louis branch of D. M, Osborne & Co.; established, 1887, and until 1894 was partner and manager of the Arizona Central Bank of Flagstaff, Ariz.; returned to St. Louis, 1894, and has since been engaged as dealer in bonds, in vestment securities and commercial paper; also president Hoskins-Camp Realty and In vestment Co. Treasurer St. Louis City Evan gelization Union. Member Civic League. 300 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS Clubs: Mercantile, Algonquin. Recreation: books. Office: Suite 506, Merchants-Laclede Bldg. Residence: 3662 Delmar Ave. HOTZE, John Kaeb,* saddlery; born, St. Louis, Aug. 20, 1862; son of Henry and Kath erine (Kaeb) Hotze; graduated from St. Louis High School; married, St. Louis, 1894, Miss Helene A. Bent (now deceased); children: Bent E., Henry K. From time of leaving school has been connected with the saddlery business, established 1855 by father, Henry Hotze, as Hotze, Meyer & Co., and in 1885 became partner in the firm, which then changed to Henry Hotze & Sons; after the death of father in November, 1904, succeeded, in partnership with brother Henry, to the ownership of the business. Member Royal Ar canum. Recreation: bowling. Office: 114 Pine St. Residence: 3922 Connecticut Ave. HOUGH, Warwick, lawyer; born in Lou doun Co., Va., Jan. 26, 1836; son of George W. and Mary C. (Shawen) Hough; moved to Missouri, 1838; A.B., University of Missouri, 1854, A.M., 1857 (LL.D., 1881); married Nina E. Massey, of Jefferson City, Mo., May 30, 1861; children: Warwick Massey, Alice Lee, Marie Withers (Mrs. A. P. Borden), Louis (M.D.) and Eleanor. Shortly after gradua tion appointed assistant state geologist, Mis souri; studied law, 1857-59; admitted to bar, 1859; partner of J. Proctor Knott, attorney general of Missouri, until 1861; secretary Missouri Senate, 1858-61; adjutant-general Missouri, 1861 and 1862; secretary of state of Missouri (appointed by Governor Reynolds) until December, 1863; resigned to enter Con federate Army; served on staff of Lieut.-Gen. Polk, Gen. S. D. Lee, Lieut.-Gen. Taylor; sur rendered in 1865; practiced law in Memphis, Tenn., 1865-67, Kansas City, 1867-74; judge Supreme Court of Missouri, Jan. 1, 1875-Jan. 1, 1885 (chief justice, Jan. 1, 1883-Jan. 1, 1885) ; member firm of Hough, Overall & Jud son, 1885-90, Hough & Hough, 1890-1901; judge St. Louis Circuit Court, 1901-07; now of counsel, with his son, W. M. Hough. Mem ber Missouri State and St. Louis Bar associa tions. Mason (32°). Office: 902 Rialto Bldg. Residence: 5884 Cates Ave. HOUGH, Warwick Massey, lawyer; born, Columbus, Miss., Sept. 29, 1862; son of Judge Warwick and Nina Elizabeth (Massey) Hough; educated in public schools of Kansas City, Mo., St. Louis University and Central College, Fayette, Mo., where completed aca demic course in 1883; married, Waterloo, la., Oct. 22, 1890, Elizabeth Gage. Studied law under guidance of father, 1883-86, also gained experience in office of clerk of Supreme Court of Missouri, where assisted in preparing opin ions of the court, for the official reporter; ad mitted to bar, Feb. 1, 1886, and engaged in practice of law in St. Louis. Was assistant U. S. district attorney of Eastern District of Missouri during last part of President Cleve land's first term and was called upon to make specially close study of internal revenue laws of the United States; therefore, although en gaged in general practice, has given special attention to litigation growing out of the en forcement of the revenue laws and the pure food laws and interstate commerce; member of law firm of Klein & Hough from 1901 to 1910, since in practice alone. Was very act ive in campaign of 1896, as a supporter of the principles of Bryan Democracy. Member of St. Louis and American Bar associations, Law Library Association, American Academy Political and Social Science. Member Business Men 's League, Citizens ' Industrial Associa tion, Civic League. Clubs: St. Louis, Racquet, Noonday, Country, Bellerive, Chevy Chase. Recreations: hunting, fishing, motoring, golf and literature. Office: 902 Rialto Bldg. Resi dence: 5286 Washington Ave. HOUSER, Daniel M., president and general manager St. Louis Globe-Democrat; born in Washington Co., Md., Dec. 23, 1834; son of Elias and Eliza Houser; high school educa tion; married, Nov. 25, 1862, Marguerite J. Ingram (died Feb. 18, 1880); one daughter, Lillie (Mrs. W. T. Aderton) ; married, 2d, Jan. 23, 1889, Agnes Barlow, St. Louis; children: Agnes Malotte (Mrs. Sears Lehmann), Ste phen Douglas Barlow, Duncan P. Began news paper work in minor capacity, St. Louis Union, 1851; bookkeeper and general manager, 1854- 62; became proprietor, 1862; business and financial manager, Missouri Democrat, 1862-72. Founder, July, 1872, general manager, St. Louis Globe, which three years later was con solidated with the Democrat under the present title; actively engaged in control of the paper since that date. Member Business Men's League, Civic League. Delegate-at-large and chairman Missouri delegation, Republican Na tional Convention, 1900; Republican presiden tial elector-at-large, 1904. Clubs: St. Louis, Mercantile, Country, Bellerive, Union. Recre ations: motoring, walking. Office: S. W. cor ner 6th and Pine Sts. Residence : 4545 W. Pine Boulevard. HOUSTON, David Franklin, chancellor of Washington University; born, Monroe, N. O, Feb. 17, 1866; son of William H. and Cornelia Anna (Stevens) Houston; educated in St. John's Academy, Darlington, S. C, to 1884; South Carolina College, Columbia, S. O, 1885- 88; entered Harvard University, 1891, in grad uate school until 1894; degree of A.B., South Carolina University, 1887; A.M., Harvard, 1892; LL.D., Tulane University, 1903, and Wisconsin, 1906; married, Austin, Tex., Dec. 11, 1895, Helen Beall; four children: Duval Beall (died 1899), David Franklin, Elizabeth (died 1908), Helen Beall. Began profession as tutor South Carolina University, 1887, and continued until 1888; superintendent city THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 301 schools Spartanburg, S. C, 1888-91. Graduate student, Harvard University, 1891-92; presi dent Harvard Graduate Club, 1893-94; Morgan fellow, Harvard, 1892-94. Adjunct professor, associate professor, and professor, political science, University of Texas, 1894-1902; dean, same university, 1899-1902; president Agri cultural and Mechanical College of Texas, 1902-05; president University of Texas, 1905- 08; chancellor Washington University since 1908. Trustee Missouri Botanical Board; member Southern Education Board, Slater Board, Rockefeller Sanitary Commission. Democrat. Episcopalian. Member American Economic Association, Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Delta Theta. Clubs: Commercial, City, Round Table, Country, University, Burns. Recrea tions: study of biography, history, govern ment, economics and outdoor sports. Office: Washington University. Residence: 6500 For sythe Road. HOUSTON, James McClung, insurance; born, Jacksonville, Ala., Feb. 7, 1840; son of Mathew McClung and Mary (Gillespie) Hous ton; educated in private schools and Andrew College at Trenton, Tenn.; married, Feb. 16, 1870, Mary L., daughter of Judge John L. H. Tomlin, of Jackson, Tenn.; children: Mary (wife of W. C. Witherspoon), Elvira (Mrs. Leonard Matthews, Jr.). Left college and joined Confederate Army, May, 1861; was with Co. H, Twelfth Tennessee Infantry, as lieutenant, until a short time before the Con federate Army evacuated Corinth, Miss.; then with an engineer corps about six months, and in commissary department under Gen. N. B. Forrest until close of the war in 1865. Sta tion agent for Mobile & Ohio R. R. at Tren ton, Tenn., September, 1865-68; with Duncan, Ford & Elder, wholesale grocers, Cincinnati, as traveling salesman, until 1871; in business at Jackson, Tenn., under the style of Houston & Sayle, wholesale and retail grocers, 1871-76; member firm of Houston, Sayle & Co., cotton factors, St. Louis, 1876-80; in wholesale gro cery business in firm of Houston, West & Co. and its successors, Houston, Meeks & Co. and James M. Houston Grocer Co., until 1908; now in general insurance business as James M. Houston & Co. Democrat. Presbyterian. Of fice: Pierce Bldg. Residence: 4538 Maryland Avenue. HOUTS, Charles Alfred, lawyer; born, War- rensburg, Mo., Dee. 13, 1868; son of G. Will and Annie (Duffield) Houts; educated in Warrensburg public schools, Warrensburg State Normal School, 1882-86, DePauw Uni versity, Greencastle, Ind., graduating, 1891, A.M.; married, Indianapolis, Apr. 8, 1896, Eleanor F. Wright; children: Josephine Bever ly, Henry Wright. Admitted to practice law in 1892, at Warrensburg, Mo., and in July of same year entered legal department of the Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway Co. at St. Louis; remained uutil 1895, when with George S. Johnson formed law firm of Johnson & Houts; in 1897, H. R. Marlatt entered the firm, and in 1898, Harry B. Hawes became a mem ber, forming firm of Johnson, Houts, Marlatt & Hawes; remained member of this firm until its dissolution, Jan. 1, 1912; appointed U. S. district attorney, January, 1910. Member American Bar Association, St. Louis Bar As sociation. Member Civic League. Republican. Member Lindell Avenue M. E. Church. Ma son (32°), Shriner. Member of the Blackstone Society, Legion of Honor, Phi Kappa Psi col lege fraternity. Clubs: Mercantile, City, Al gonquin Golf. Recreation: golf. Office: 330 Custom House. Residence: Webster Groves, Missouri. HOWARD, A (If red) Philo; see Vol. 1906. HOWARD, Clarence Henry, president Com monwealth Steel Co.; born, Centralia, 111., Feb. 22, 1863; son of Blake C. and Sarah (Saw yer) Howard; moved to Grand Island, Neb., September, 1871; attended public schools; learned machinist's trade at Union Pacific shops, North Platte, Neb., 1878-81; acted as fireman, 1881-82; entered Manual Training School, Washington University, St. Louis, 1882, and graduated in 1885 with highest honors of class, receiving Ralph Sellew medal; married, Minnie Morey, Denver, Feb. 22, 1894; one son, Thornton Clarence. Became foreman Missouri Pacific shops, March, 1886, and later same year was made general foreman; super intendent Missouri Car and Foundry Co., Cam bridge City, Ind., winter of 1886; moved plant to Birmingham, Mo., ten miles east of Kansas City, winter of 1887, remaining there one year; ,then made assistant master mechanic, Missouri Pacific Ry., St. Louis; after that manager Scarritt Car Seat Works, then assist ant general manager St. Charles, Mo., Car Co.; then for eight years western manager and sec retary Safety Car Heating and Lighting Co. (Pintsch System) ; vice president and general manager of the Shickle, Harrison & Howard Steel Co. until its consolidation with the American Steel Foundries; vice president of the American Steel Foundries for about a year, then resigned and bought controlling in terest in Commonwealth Steel Co., of which is now president. Also president Double Body Bolster Co., Davis Locomotive Wheel Co.; member board of directors Boatmen's Bank. Mason. Clubs: Mercantile, Noonday, Glen Echo (St. Louis), Union League (Chicago), Midday (New York). Recreation: motoring. Office: Pierce Bldg. Residence: 5501 Cham berlain Avenue. HOWARD, George Edmund, vice president Commonwealth Steel Co.; bora, Wapella, 111., Jan. 20, 1858; son of Blake Clinton and Sarah (Sawyer) Howard; educated in grammar school at Centralia, 111., and one term, 1875-76, in high school, Omaha, Neb.; married, Ran- 302 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS dolph, N. Y. Sept. 14, 1886, Frone Kautz; two sons: Karl Sharp and Blake Clinton. Machin ist's apprentice, Union Pacific R. R., Omaha, 1872-76, fireman Union Pacific R. R., Rawlins, Wyo., 1876-78; locomotive engineer, Novem ber, 1878, to February, 1884, on various lines of Union Pacific R. R.; in retail hardware business at Wood River, Neb., June, 1884, to August, 1890, in firm of HoUister & Howard, later George E. Howard & Co.; in October, 1890, became superintendent of Searritt Car Seat Works, in charge of manufacture and sale; since fall of 1906 vice president and sales manager of Commonwealth Steel Co. Member Business Men 's League, Civic League. Republican. Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner. Clubs: Mercantile, St. Louis Traffic, St. Louis Railway, also Western Railway, of Chicago. Favorite recreation: baseball. Office: 1628 Pierce Bldg. Residence: 5659 Bartmer Avenue. HOWE, Alphonso, lawyer; born, Shingle Springs, Cal., Nov. 16, 1865; son of Alphonso and Margaret Frances (Shields) Howe; LL.B., Missouri State University, 1890; married, South West City, Mo., Dec. 21, 1886, Ella Vir ginia Lanier; children: Hazel Belle, Ruth Vir ginia. Taught school in vicinity of South West City, 1884-89, and was principal of schools at South West City, 1888-89; admitted to bar, June 5, 1890; came to St. Louis and formed , partnership with Marshall F. McDonald, which connection continued until 1896; member firm of Fauntleroy, Howe & Fauntleroy, 1896-1901, since practiced alone. Member of Law Li brary Association. Republican. Recreations: billiards and bowling. Office: 415 Pine St. Residence: 5152 Raymond Ave. HOWE, Jeptha D., lawyer; bora, Shingle Springs, Cal., Sept. 13, 1870; son of Alphonso and Margaret Frances (Shields) Howe; edu cated in public schools, South West City, Mo., to 1889; read law while engaged on farm in Oklahoma and teaching school winters, in Ar kansas, 1887-91; entered St. Louis Law School, Washington University, 1891, graduating with degree of LL.B., 1893; married, South West City, Sept. 4, 1894, Lewis Irene Jones. Since graduation continuously practiced law alone. Was assistant circuit attorney, St. Louis, 1897- 1900; chairman Republican City Committee, 1904-09. Member Christian Church. Club: City. Recreations: hunting and fishing. Office: 1109-1112 New Bank of Commerce Bldg. Res idence: 5122 Washington Ave. *HOWE, John Clark; moved to Old Mission, Mo.; see Vol. 1906. HOWZE, James A.; born, Wall Hill, Miss., May 15, 1867; son of William Duke and Eliza beth (Newson) Howze; educated in public and private schools in Mississippi and two years at U. S. Naval Academy, but did not graduate; married, May 21, 1889, Edna Eliza Williamson, of Winona, Miss.; children: James A., Jr., William Duke, Jr., Robert W., George W. Went to Colorado and was en gaged in getting out cross-ties for eighteen months, then for seventeen years was en gaged in real estate and brokerage business at Denver and Cripple Creek, coming to St. Louis in 1902; joined in organizing, 1903, the Electrical Heating and Manufacturing Co., manufacturers of electrical heating devices, of which is secretary and treasurer.. Mason. Office: 1903 Locust St. Residence: 662 Elwood Avenue. HOXTON, William Winslow, manager St. Louis Clearing House Association; born, Jef ferson Co., W. Va., May 20, 1871; son of Llewellyn (late colonel C. S. A.) and Fanny (Robinson) Hoxton; graduated from Episcopal High School, near Alexandria, Va., 1889; mar ried, St. Louis,. Sept. 27, 1897, Abbie F. Haines (died 1901); two children: Llewellyn K., Ab bie F.; married, 2d, Sept. 10, 1904, Mabel F. Pearson, of England. Taught school in Louis ville, Ky., 1889-90, Episcopal High School, Va., 1890-94; removed to St. Louis, 1894; in news paper work, 1894-96; with Union Trust Co., 1896-97; assistant manager Clearing House, 1897-1905, manager since 1905. Secretary and treasurer National Currency Association of St. Louis. Connected for many years with Na tional Guard of Missouri as captain and ad jutant First Regiment; resigned, 1910. Mem ber executive committee St. Louis Council Boy Scouts of Ameriea. Member Virginia Society. Clubs: St. Louis, Bankers' (secretary), Mera mec Canoe. Recreations: horseback riding, tennis, camping. Offiee: Third National Bank Bldg. Residence: 4344 Maryland Ave. HOYT, Edward Randal, president Hoyt Metal Co.; born, Exeter, N. H., Nov. 26, 1856; son of Joseph Gibson and Margaret Tilton (Chamberlain) Hoyt; educated in private academy at Norwich, Vt.; married, St. Louis, Nov. 20, 1879, Merrydelle Thompson; one son, Randal Edward. Began business in metals with brother, C. C. Hoyt, in back of plumber 's shop at 218 Locust St., St. Louis, in 1873; re moved to small building at Main and Plum Sts., 1875; incorporated, Hoyt Metal Co., with capital of $50,000, 1879; built works on Wa bash R. R., 1885, and present works at Granite City, HI., 1904; capital now employed by Hoyt Metal Co., $1,250,000; is president of com pany. Sold controlling interest, 1903, to Unit ed Lead Co., of New York. President of Unit ed Lead Co., and was chairman board same company, 1903-07; president Fandel Realty Co., St. Louis; director American Type Foun ders Co., Jersey City, Magnus Metal Co., New York, Merchants-Laclede National Bank, St. Louis. Member of Artists' Guild. Clubs: Noonday, Country, St. Louis (St. Louis), Na tional Arts, Chemical (New York). Office: Merchants-Laclede Bldg. Residence: Wash ington Hotel. THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 303 HOYT, Frank Clarence, jewelry; 1848-1911; see Vol. 1906. HOYT, Frederick Wilson, wholesale jeweler; born, Bridgeport, Conn., Nov. 6, 1853; son of George J. and Frances Emiline (Beardsley) Hoyt; educated in public schools of Bridge port; married, Kirkwood, Mo., Oct. 26, 1881, Mary, daughter of John W. Andrews. Began business career as clerk in drug store in Bridgeport, 1867; went to Baltimore, Md., and was clerk in drug store, 1870-76; clerk in drug store, Chicago, one year, then bought out a drug store and commenced for self; sold out in January, 1881, and came to St. Louis, en tering employ of J. W. Andrews & Co., jewel ers; succeeded to the firm in August, 1896, un der style of F. W. Hoyt & Co., now Hoyt Jew elry Co., of which is president. Episcopalian. Club: Mercantile. Recreation: floriculture. Office: 306 Holland Bldg. Residence: Kirk wood, St. Louis Co., Mo. HUBBARD, Ernest Mortimer, cashier of the Boatmen's Bank; born, Florence, Ala., June 17, 1859; son of John M. and Lucy (Hawkins) Hubbard; A.B., University of Tennessee, 1878; married, St. Louis, July 2, 1890, Charlotte Woods; one son by adoption, William Evans Woods. After leaving college taught school at Navasota, Tex., 1878-80; came to St. Louis and became salesman with Nave & McCord, wholesale grocers, 1880-84; entered the Boat men's Bank, 1884, as discount clerk, and be came assistant cashier in 1894; cashier since Jan. 10, 1910. Member of Business Men's League. Democrat. Episcopalian. Mason. Clubs: St. Louis, Missouri Athletic, Bankers', Algonquin Golf. Recreations: fishing, golf. Office: Boatmen's Bank. Residence: 4538A Laclede Ave. HUBBARD, Robert Morris, grain commis sion; born, Charlestown, N. H., Sept. 21, 1830; son of Jenison J. and Eliza (Fitch) Hubbard; educated in public schools, Charlestown, and Springfield (Vt.) Academy; married, St. Louis, Aug. 5, 1858, Essie B. Ross (died 1879); 2d, St. Louis, 1881, Mary Ross Gilbert; children: Henry Fitch (died 1903), Eliza Ross (died 1890). Began as bookkeeper for a wholesale grocer, later teller in banking house of E. W. Clark & Bros., and subsequently in banking house of Darby & Barksdale; in grain business, 1856-61; moved to country until war was over, when reentered grain busi ness, in which has continued, now being presi dent Hubbard & Moffitt Commission Co. (es tablished 1882.) Mason. Member Merchants' Exchange, Civic League, Society Colonial Wars, New England Society, Sons of Revolu tion. Independent in politics. Unitarian. Of fice: 212 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Resi dence: 5280 Westminster PL HUBBELL, Harry Piatt, sales manager; born, Monticello, Piatt Co., 111., Dec. 4, 1871; son of Silas H. and Sarah Jane (Townley) Hubbell; educated in public school at Monti cello; married, St. Louis, June 21, 1898, Har riet Hanson; children: Howard Hanson, Eliza beth Burton. Connected with the sales office of the Cleveland Rolling Mill Co. from 1890 to 1898, starting at the Kansas City office, and removing to St. Louis in 1891; became sales agent Cambria Steel Co. for southwest ern territory, with offices at St. Louis, 1899, and now district sales manager same com pany. Memt,er Civie League. Republican. Presbyterian. Member United Commercial Travelers' Association and Y. M. C. A. Mem ber Rose Hill Lodge No. 550, A. F. & A. M. Clubs: Mercantile, Triple A. Office: 1210 Chemical Bldg. Residence: 5670 Cates Ave. HUDSON, Herbert Newton, vice president Hoyt Metal Co.; born, San Jose, Cal., Aug. 24, 1874; son of William Allen and Ella Gertrude (Dunham) Hudson; educated in St. Louis pub lie schools, graduating from high school, 1893 married, June 1, 1904, Florence Inez Jeffery of Chicago; children: Katharine Jeffery, Wil liam J. Began business career, September 1893, with Chicago branch of Hudson Bros Commission Co., until 1904; returned to St Louis, and started in December, 1894, with Hoyt Metal Co.; represented same in Chicago until 1898, when returned to St. Louis, becom ing assistant secretary of the company; in latter part of 1892 was made general manager and in 1907 vice president of the company; also director Hoyt Metal Co., of Great Brit ain. Member St. Louis Merchants' Exchange, Citizens' Industrial Association, American So ciety for Testing Materials (Philadelphia), Business Menjs League, Manufacturers' Asso ciation. Clubs: Mercantile (St. Louis), Union League (Chicago). Recreation: motoring. Of fice: Laclede Bldg. Residence: 5044 Westmin ster PL HUDSON, John Rogers; see Vol. 1906. HUEBNER, George, president Columbia Pretzel and Baking Co.; born, Wurttemburg, Germany, Jan. 6, 1848; son of Casper and Katherina Huebner; educated in public schools in Germany; married, St. Louis, 1873, Dinah Boda; children: Katharine, Dinah (Mrs. H. Winter), Martha (Mrs. Charles Betz), Minnie, Ernestine (Mrs. George Kaetchel). Learned baker's trade in Germany and came direct to St. Louis in 1868; one of the pio neers in introduction of pretzel baking in the United States. In 1893 joined in establishing the American Pretzel Bakery, and in 1900 changed the name to Columbia Pretzel and Baking Co., of which is president. Member Swabian Society. Recreation: traveling in Europe. Office: 1719-1723 De Kalb St. Resi dence: 3807 S. Grand Ave. HUFFT, Bernard Fellows, real estate; see Vol. 1906. 304 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS HUGHES, Charles Hamilton, physician, neurologist, alienist, medical editor and edu cator; born, St. Louis, May 23, 1839, of revo lutionary ancestry; son of Harvey Jackson and Elizabeth Rebecca fStocker) Hughes; educated in St. Louis public and private schools, St. Louis University, Denison Acad emy, Rock Island, 111., Iowa College (now Griswold College), Davenport, la., St. Louis Medical College (now Medical Department of St. Louis University), M.D., 1859; also vari ous medical schools abroad; married, St. Louis, 1862, Addie Case; 2d, St. Louis, 1873, Mattie Dyer Lawther (both deceased); children: Charles Case Hughes (deceased), Clarence Hamilton, Frank Stevens, Henry Lawther, Dr. Marc Ray, Bessie Virginia (deceased). Be gan study of medicine in 1855 at Davenport, la., and afterwards at St. Louis in physicians ' offices; year before graduation was interne at U. S. Marine Hospital; later after graduation was assistant surgeon in same, as a U. S. military hospital; was surgeon First Infantry, Missouri State Militia Volunteers; military surgeon in charge McDowell's College (Pris on) and Hickory Street U. S. Hospital, Scho field Barracks; since war engaged in private practice. Founder and, since 1880, editor of Alienist and Neurologist. U. S. Government delegate to Fourteenth, Fifteenth and Six teenth International Medical congresses. For merly superintendent Hospital for Insane at Fulton, Mo.; ex-member Board of Health, St. Louis. Member St. Louis Medical Society, American Medical Association, American Therapeutic Association, American Medico- Psychological Association, American Electro- Therapeutic Society; fellow American Asso ciation of Military Surgeons; honorary mem ber British Medico-Psychological Society; for eign member Russian Society of Neurology and Psychiatry; member and ex-president Mississippi Valley Medical Society; member Missouri State Medical Association, Medico- Legal Society of New York; vice president World's Peace Society; president Neurological Section, American Medical Congress of 1876, and of two subsequent Pan-American con gresses. President of board and joint founder Barnes University; associate founder of Ma rion-Sims Medical College (now Medical De partment of St. Louis University) ; former lec turer on nervous and mental diseases, St. Louis Medical College (now Washington Uni versity). Member Loyal Legion. Office and Residence: 3858 W. Pine Boul. HUGHES, Charles Walter, treasurer of Hoyt Metal Co.; born, Cincinnati, O.; son of Joshua Wells and Almira Louise (Martin) Hughes; educated in public schools of St. Louis; married, St. Louis, 1891, to Miss Nettie A. Wick (now deceased). Began business ca reer in the employ of the mercantile agency of R. G. Dun & Co., then with the E. C. Meacham Arms Co., until the firm retired from business, and for three years with the Mermod- Jaccard Jewelry Co.; on Feb. 5, 1900, entered the Hoyt Metal Co., of which is now treasurer; also treasurer of the St. Clair Lead Co. Member St. Louis Credit Men's Associa tion (vice president), Sons of American Revo lution. English Lutheran. Club: Apollo (sec retary-treasurer). Office: Merchants-Laclede Bldg. Residence: Newstead Apts. HUGHES, John, cloaks; see Vol. 1906. HUGHES, Marc Ray, physician; born, St. Louis, Feb. 15, 1878; son of Dr. Charles Ham ilton and Mattie Dyer (Lawther) Hughes; educated at Rugby Academy, Washington University, Kent (now Benton) Law School, and Barnes Medical College, graduating, M.D., 1898; unmarried. After graduation continued studies in Europe, and also made a psycho logical study of the Penitents of Old and New Mexico, concerning whom has contrib uted much both to scientific and fictional lit erature. Made special study of mental and neurological subjects, and has professionally specialized along these lines, being consultant in these branches to various hospitals. Ap pointed adjunct professor of neurology and psychology at the Barnes Medical College, and later became full professor at head of this department; in 1903 went professionally to Japan, thereby making one of the longest professional trips in the history of medicine; in 1905 became professor of criminal anthrop ology in Benton College of Law, St. Louis. Member St. Louis Medical Society, Academy of Science. Recreation: traveling. Office: Metropolitan Bldg. Residence: 3858 W. Pine Boulevard. HUGHES, William Edgar, banker, lawyer; born, Jacksonville, 111., Mar. 15, 1840; son of John and Eliza (Rutherford) Hughes; edu cated Jacksonville High School, and Illinois College to end of sophomore year; removed to Texas, 1860; was colonel C. S. A.; married Annie Clifton Peete, of Huntsville, Ala., Nov. 21, 1866; one daughter, Clifton Hughes Springer, now deceased, and one grand-daugh ter, Annie Clifton Springer (makes home with grandparents). Admitted to bar, 1865, and practiced law at Weatherford, Tex., 1865-73, at Dallas, 1873; still practicing law, with resi dences at Dallas and St. Louis. Organized, 1873, City Bank of Dallas (now City National Bank) and became its president; president Exchange National Bank, Dallas, 1884; presi dent Union Trust Co., of St. Louis, 1891-93, and later of Continental Trust Co., of Denver (about eight years). Since 1881 president Continental Land and Cattle Co. Permanent president Interstate Commerce Law Conven tion. Democrat. Unitarian. Member Phi Al pha Society of Illinois College. Clubs: St. Louis, Noonday, St. Louis Country (St. Louis), Dallas (Dallas, Tex.). Recreations: THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 305 coaching, horseback riding, golf, hunting and fishing. Office: 208 Security Bldg. Residences: Dallas, Tex., and 5399 Lindell Ave., St. Louis. HUKE, William, manufacturer willow- ware; see Vol. 1906. HULL, James Nixon, president Lambert- Deacon-Hull Printing Co.; bora, Kane, Greene Co., 111., Mar. 25, 1858; resident of St. Louis since 1860; son of James and Catherine (Nixon) Hull; educated in public schools of St. Louis; married, St. Louis, May 12, 1880, Lillian R. Sheble; children: William S., James N, Jr. Began business career with John Mc- Kittrick & Co., printers and lithographers, for six years; then was with the Woodward-Tier- nan Printing Co. for over twenty years, until 1901, when joined in organization of the Lambert-Deaeon-Hull Printing Co., of which is president. Catholic. Member B. P. O. Elks. Offiee: 2100 Locust St. Residence: 5364 Bart- mer Avenue. HULL, Leon L., president Leon L. Hull Real Estate Co.; born, St. Louis, Sept. 10, 1847; son of David P. and Rebecca (Zwei- dorf) Hull; educated in public and private schools and Jones Commercial College; mar ried, Louisville, Ky., Nov. 21, 1872, Lizzie Wooldridge; children: Nellie Lee (Mrs. John S. Leclercq), Clifton E. (deceased.) Began act ive career as bookkeeper for Porter & Wolff, real estate agents, 1866; collector for St. Louis, Alton & Terre Haute R. R., White Star Line and Erie Transportation Co., 1867-68; in real estate business since 1869; president Leon L. Hull Real Estate Co. (incorporated.) Organized St. Louis Real Estate Exchange. Protestant. Member Royal Arcanum, Legion of Honor. Club: Mercantile. Recreations: motoring, golf, hunting. Office: 804 Chestnut St. Residence: 4919 Forest Park Boul. HUMPHREY, Henry H., consulting elec trical and mechanical engineer; bora, Cool- ville, O., June 23, 1862; son of Shepherd and Emily (Cole) Humphrey; A.B., Ohio Univer sity, Athens, O., 1884, A.M., 1886; post-gradu ate work at Cornell University, M.S., 1886; married, Athens, O., Sept. 12, 1887, Louisa Dora Richardson; children: William Richard son, Harry Edward, Helen, Martha, Arthur Cole, Mary Louise. On U. S. Coast and Geo detic Survey, in southern Ohio, 1884-85; con struction engineer with Westinghouse, Church, Kerr & Co., 1886-87; superintendent Buffalo Electric Light and Power Co., 1888; superin tendent Brush Electric Light Co., Buffalo, 1889-90; agent Edison General Electric Co., at Omaha, Neb., and St. Louis, 1891; St. Louis manager General Electric Co., 1892; engineer and salesman with St. Louis Electrical Sup ply Co., 1893; engineer and sales agent, La clede Power Co., St. Louis, 1894-95; consult ing electrical engineer in partnership with Bryan & Humphrey, 1896-1900; since 1900 general consulting electrical and mechanical engineer. Designed electrical part of the plant of the Imperial Electric Light, Heat and Power Co., St. Louis, and the complete plant of the De Beers Explosives Works, Cape Town, South Africa. Member American Insti tute of Electrical Engineers, American Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers, Engi neers' Club of St. Louis and has read papers before latter on Design and Construction of Modern Central Lighting Stations, 1899; Street Lighting of Cities, 1900, and Notes on Use of Beaumont Oil as Fuel, 1902. Repub lican. Member M. E. Church. Mason. Clubs: Mercantile, Methodist. Office: 1312 Chemical Bldg. Residence: 5596 Bartmer Ave. HUNICKE, Herman, cashier German Sav ings Institution; born, Bremen, Germany, July 3, 1843; son of Henry August and Meta (Engelke) Hunicke; educated in private schools in Germany; came to America, 1858; served in Union Army in Civil War as ser geant Fourth Missouri Volunteer Infantry un til 1863; married, St. Louis, 1868, Helen Drey- sel (now deceased) ; six children, five dead, one living, Tillie (Mrs. E. W. Hughes). Be gan banking experience in minor position with the German Savings Institution in 1863, and has since been continuously connected with that bank in various duties and capaci ties until reaching present position as cashier. Member Frank P. Blair Post, G. A. R., Knights of Honor. Offiee: 4th and Pine Sts. Residence: Ferguson, Mo. HUNKINS, Franklin P., president Hunkins- Willis Lime and Cement Co.; born, Galena, 111., July 15, 1850; son of Darius and Ann (McCarthy) Hunkins; educated in public schools in Galena, and college at Racine, Wis.; married, St. Louis, Oct. 18, 1877, Fannie A. Blaetterman; children: Stella (Mrs. John T. Donnell, of Los Angeles, Cal.), Darius S., Ethel (Mrs. Rhodes Cave), Everett. Began as clerk in St. Louis office of Northern Line Packet Co. of St. Louis, which company con trolled the line of steamers running between St. Louis and St. Paul; after two years left, and in 1875 organized the firm of Thorn- Hunkins, incorporated in 1889 as Thorn & Hunkins Lime and Cement Co., which was succeeded in 1896 by the Hunkins-Willis Lime and Cement Co., of which is president and treasurer. President Peerless White Lime Co.; vice president Glencoe Lime Co., Mound City Roofing Tile Co. Member Business Men's League. Republican. Presbyterian. Office: Century Bldg.' Residence: 4266 Washington Avenue. HUNSICKER, Frank W.; see Vol. 1906. HUNSTOCK, Robert H., chemist; bora, Chicago, Sept. 7, 1856; son of George and Martha Hunstock; (when two years old lost mother by death) ; educated in public and pri- 306 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS vate schools until thirteen; graduated with honors from St. Louis College of Pharmacy, 1876; unmarried. Served apprenticeship of three years in drug store at Hannibal, Mo.; clerked for St. Louis dfiiggists until 1881, when went to San Antonio, Tex., and became associated with former preceptor, L. Orynski, first as manager, and then as partner, in wholesale and retail drug business; sold out in 1887, to engage in general drug brokerage and export business, in Mexico, Central Amer iea and South America. In 1890 became asso ciated with Samuel Moffitt under title Moffitt- Hunstock Chemical Co., and in 1895 purchased interest of partner; has since conducted busi ness alone, as the R. H. Hunstock Chemical Co., manufacturers and exporters of medical specialties, with trade confined to Spanish- American countries and some other foreign countries. Member Alumni St. Louis College of Pharmacy. Independent Republican. Ma son. Club: San Antonio (San Antonio, Tex.). Recreation: traveling. Offiee: 3122 Pine St. HUNT, John Thomas; see Vol. 1906. HUNTER, George William, railway official; born, Hubbardston, Mich., Jan. 4, 1862; son of Daniel F. and J. Frances (Fagan) Hunter; educated in public schools of Michigan, finish ing at Ann Arbor High School; unmarried. Left school in 1881 to become a telegraph operator on the Detroit, Lansing & Northern Road; then served in telegraph and station service, successively, the Lake Shore & Michi gan Southern, Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe, Kansas City, Fort Scott & Memphis, and To ledo, Ann Arbor & Northern roads; from 1885 to 1889 substitute clerk, clerk, assistant chief clerk, acting chief clerk, chief clerk, and su perintendent, Railway Mail Service, stationed at Kansas City, Mo., and Fort Worth, Tex.; during 1889 with Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Road, and the Pullman Co.; from 1890-99 with freight traffic department, Missouri Pa cific R. R., St. Louis; 1899-1900, superintend ent St. Louis Transit Co.; from 1901, suc cessively president and treasurer Searcy & Des Are Road, Arkansas Southern Road, and now of the Louisiana & Northwest Road. Member International Society of Psychical Research, National Geographic Society. Demo crat. Clubs: Mercantile, Normandie Golf. Of fice: 705 Olive St. Residence: 320 Skinker Rd. HUNTER, John, chief engineer Union Elec tric Light and Power Co.; born, Girvan, Scot land, Aug. 11, 1866; son of John and Eliza beth (Templeton) Hunter; educated at Ayr Academy; Hawthorne Academy, London; came to America, 1886; married, Detroit, Mich., Jan. ,18, 1899, Minnie L. Templeton; two sons: John, Jr., and Arthur Templeton. Apprentice in mechanical engineering, Ayr, 1881-86; sea-going engineer, 1886-95; senior first assistant, engineer Steamship St. Louis, American Line, New York, 1895-98; chief engineer Steamship St. Paul, American Line, 1898-1905; chief engineer Union Electric Light and Power Co., St. Louis, since August, 1905. Republican. Presbyterian. Served as chief engineer Steamship St. Paul with rank of lieutenant, U. S. Navy, under Captain Sigsbee, during war with Spain, May 4-Sept. 2, 1898; awarded three medals. Member American So ciety Mechanical Engineers, National Elec tric Light Association. Mason (32°), Shriner. Clubs: Circle, City, Engineers' of St. Louis, St. Louis Railway. Recreations: fishing and hunting. Office: 12th and Locust Sts. Resi dence: 4462 Laclede Ave. HURST, Benjamin; born, Hillsboro, Scott Co., Miss., July 21, 1855; son of Solomon and Theresa (Ries) Hurst; educated in schools in Mississippi and in Memphis, Tenn.; married, St. Louis, March, 1896, Jennie Kuhn. Began business career in wholesale liquor business at Memphis, Tenn., as traveling salesman, etc., continuing for twelve years; came to St. Louis, 1879, and traveled out of St. Louis until 1886; then went to Memphis, and en gaged in jobbing business till 1891; returned to St. Louis and engaged in specialty shoe business for six years; established business as manufacturer of men's neckwear and sus penders in 1898, as Hurst Neckwear Co.; busi ness was incorporated as the Hurst-Zucker Neckwear Co., of which was president, re tired, 1910. Hebrew religion. Mason; member Knights of Pythias. Home: St. Louis. HURST, Samuel, president Standard Heel and Counter Co.; born, Westville, Miss., March, 1850; son of Solomon and Theresa (Ries) Hurst; educated in public schools; married, Hamilton, O., 1885, Rose Koppel; one child, Fannie. Engaged in mercantile pur suits in Memphis, Tenn., until 1878, when came to St. Louis; traveled for the saddlery business, and engaged in manufacturing canned goods until 1893, when established the Standard Heel and Counter Co., of which has since been president. Member Legion of Honor. Recreation: golf. Office: 11th and Carr Sts. Residence: 5641 Cates Ave. HUSSEY, Dennis Bernard, tie and timber contractor; born in Lewis Co., W. Va., Sept. 28, 1863; son of John and Maria (Brennan) Hussey; educated in public schools of Lewis Co., W. Va.; married, Birmingham, Ala., Dec. 8, 1892, Tennie Oakley Nolan; children: Rob ert E., Edward, Nolan, Helen. Learned trade of carpenter, and in 1882 was at Sioux Falls; S. D., engaged in construction work until 1884; similarly employed in Comanche Co., Kan., and at Trinidad, Colo., 1884-86; superin tendent of bridges and buildings, Mobile & Birmingham R. R., 1886-87; had charge of building, and bridges on Clarksville Mineral Extension of Louisville & Nashville R. R., 1888, and on Clarksville Mineral Branch, same road, 1889; contractor oh Adirondack & THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 307 St. Lawrence R. R., Malone, N. Y., 1890-91; general foreman Missouri, Kansas & Texas R. R. at St. Charles, Mo., 1893-95; since en gaged as general tie and timber contractor. Democrat. Roman Catholic. Recreation: golf. Clubs: Mercantile, St. Louis, Noonday, Glen Echo, Normandie Golf, Essex Country. Office: 815-816 New Bank of Commerce Bldg.; branch office at Jefferson, Tex. Residence: 5811 Cab anne Avenue. HUSSMAN, Herman Henry, secretary Eddy & Eddy Manufacturing Co., grocers' sundries; born, St. Louis, Mar. 21, 1873; son of Frank and Florence (Hummert) Hussman; educated in public schools of St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Apr. 28, 1903, Henrietta C. Farrar; one child, Henrietta Marion (born June 19, 1906). After leaving school began business career, May 1, 1888, as office boy for the firm of Eddy & Eddy, manufacturers of grocers ' sundries ; has continued with the same house ever since, becoming secretary of the Eddy & Eddy Manufacturing Co., upon its incorporation, May 16, 1905. Independent in politics. Rec reations: riding, theaters and travel. Office: Main and Market Sts. Residence: 6179 Berlin Avenue. HUSTED, Edward Chapin; see Vol. 1906. HUTCHINSON, diaries Perley, jeweler; born, Bunker Hill, 111., June 10, 1872; son of Henry M. and Emily (Wood) Hutchinson; early education in St. Louis public schools; married, Webster Groves, Mo., June 25, 1903, Viola M. Hunt; one son, Charles Perley, Jr. Entered service of Mermod & Jaccard Jew elry Co., June, 1884, continuing until January, 1890; entered Merrick, Walsh & Phelps Jew elry Co., February, 1890, as stock clerk in plated ware and clock department; three years later took charge of silver department and general salesman, remaining with firm un til March, 1898, when left to establish a mail order business in general merchandise; soon returned to jewelry business with Merrick, Walsh & Phelps, and continued until the firm sold out to Mermod & Jaccard Jewelry Co., April, 1901. In fall of 1901 assisted in organ izing firm of Whelan, Aehle, Hutchinson Jew elry Co., retail jewelers, of which is vice president. Republican. Offiee: Locust and 10th, Sts. Residence: Webster Groves, Mo. HUTCHINSON, Orrin Willis, accountant and paymaster St. Louis plant of American Bridge Co.; bora, Charleston, S. C, Dee. 12, 1856; son of Francis Clifton and Susan .A. (Blake) Hutchinson; educated in private mili tary school and public schools, and attended Trinity College, Hartford, Conn.; married, Seneca, Mo., Apr. 24, 1888, Jennie Dean; one daughter, Grace. Began business career with American Publishing Co., of Hartford, Conn., 1872-80; then with Chickering Piano Co., Bos ton, until 1887; traveled for two years, and in 1889 came to St. Louis and became identi fied with Koken Iron Works, manufacturers of architectural and bridge iron work, and was secretary of the company, 1902 to April, 1911; the company was bought by the Ameri can Bridge Co., and he became accountant and paymaster of the St. Louis plant. Treasurer Fountain Park Congregational Church; di rector Children 's Industrial Farm Association, which provides a two-weeks ' outing on the farm of the association for 700 to 800 children between the ages of six and fifteen years, se lected from the poorest tenement districts, during the summer months. Formerly member of Hartford City Guard, Hartford, Conn. Rec reations: church work and fishing. Office: 1014 S. Vandeventer Ave. Residence: 1719 Bonita Ave. HUTTIG, Charles H., president Third Na tional Bank; born, Muscatine, la.; son of Fred, and Sophia (Schnell) Huttig; educated in public schools of Muscatine; married, Mus catine, Apr. 13, 1892, Annie E. Musser; chil dren: Charles Musser, Jeannette. Began act ive career as clerk in the banking house of Cook, Musser & Co., Muscatine; came to St. Louis and established in the manufacture of sash, doors and blinds, in which continued as president of the Huttig Sash and Door Co. Since 1897, president of the Third National Bank; president St. Louis Clearing House As sociation; also director American Central In surance Co., North American Co., Laclede Gas Light Co., United Railway Co., Equitable Surety Co.; vice pres. Business Men's League, Civic League; pres. Am. Bankers' Assn., 1912-13. Democrat. Member School Board, 1891-95. Methodist. Clubs: St. Louis (presi dent), St. Louis Country, Glen Echo, Mercan tile, Noonday, Commercial, Log Cabin, Belle rive Country, Racquet. Recreations: horse back riding, golf, hunting. Office: Broadway and Olive Sts. Residence: 37 Washington Terrace. HYATT, Harry Harding, president J. R. Webber Moulding Co.; born, Louisville, Ky., Oct. 13, 1872; son of Henry A. and Nellie M. (Harding) Hyatt; educated at Kirkwood (Mo.) Military Academy; married, Sedalia, Mo., June, 1899, Frances Bard; children: Harding, Dorothy. Began active career in the photographic supply house of his father, Henry A. Hyatt, in 1888, and on the incor poration of the business, in May, 1905, was elected vice president and secretary of the H. A. Hyatt Supply Co.; was manager of the business, also president and treasurer, Nov. 29, 1905-Nov. 1, 1910; since president and treasurer J. R. Webber Moulding Co.; also president and treasurer Daydark Specialty Co. Club: Hillcrest Golf. Recreation: golf. Office: 2110 Cass Ave. Residence: Kirkwood, Mo. HYPES, Benjamin Murray, physician and surgeon; born, Lebanon, HI., July 31, 1846; 308 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS son of Benjamin and Caroline (Murray) Hypes; educated in public school, Lebanon, 111.; A.B., McKendree Cqllege, 1866, A.M., 1868; M.D., St. Louis Medical College, 1872; unmarried. Engaged in practice of medicine in St. Louis since 1872; professor of obstet rics, St. Louis University. Member St. Louis Medical Society, City Hospital Alumni So ciety, Missouri State Medical Association, American Medical Association, St. Louis Ob stetrical Society. President St. Louis Dental College. Republican. Methodist. Recreation: athletics. Office and Residence: 1615 S. Grand Avenue. IKEMEIER, Anthony J., dry goods; born, St. Louis, February, 1862; son of Henry and Mary Ikemeier; educated in parochial and public schools and commercial college, St. Louis; married, St. Louis, June, 1903, Mar garet Casey. Began active career as cash-boy with Scruggs, Vandervoort & Barney, continu ing with the house in various capacities for thirty -four years; second vice president Wil liam Barr Dry Goods Co. since 1907. Clubs: Apollo and Amphion Choral. Office: William Barr Dry Goods Co. Residence: 5593 Bartmer Avenue. ILGEN, Reinhold Maurice Pedro, clergy man; born, Wiesbaden, Germany, July 5, 1866; son of -Maurice and Maria (Schwarz) Ilgen; educated in public and -classical high school in native city; University of Marburg, Theol. Preparandum; Ph.D., Universitas Sci- entia; et Litterarum, 1892; DM., College of Higher Therapeutics, Los Angeles, Cal., 1895; married, Chicago, June 30, 1888, Antonia Carstens; four children: Angelica, Alexander, Kurt, and Vato. Came to America, 1885; li censed, May, 1886, ordained, 1887, Lutheran ministry; pastor, Galveston, Tex., 1886-88, Highland, 111., 1889-95, Church of the Holy Ghost, St. Louis, since Jan. 1, 1896. Editor Fuer Geist and Gemiith (For Mind and Heart), and Church Messenger. Republican. Member Evangelical Protestant Ministers' Conference, German Writers (Berlin), Ger man-American Authors' Society (New York), Schiller Verein (St. Louis); honorary member German Military Society, Preussen and Hes sen Verein, Socialer Saengerchor (St. Louis), Washington (Mo.) Turn Verein, etc. Dele gate World's Congress of Religions, Berlin, 1910. Mason; member Knights and Ladies of Security. Author: Blumenkranz, 1887; Welt und Gottesreichsklaenge, 1892; Herzensleben, 1893; Steehapfel, 1895; Bluethenwehen, three editions, 1900-05; Unter Westlichen Sternen, 1905; Tiefgluth, 1905; Sulamith, 1906, edition de lux, 1908; Salve Regina, 1912; also lec tures, philosophical essays, a new book of Eng lish rhymes, German poems, etc. Residence: 3546 Page Boul. INGALLS, William Edgar, vice president F. H. Ingalls Mercantile Co.; born, Maquo- keta, la., Feb. 3, 1857; son of Moses and Susan Hill (Green) Ingalls; educated in dis trict schools; married, Milwaukee, Wis., Jan. 31, 1884, Susan E. Dickinson; one son, Fred G. Associated, 1889, with brother in. business which the latter established in 1880, and which was incorporated, 1905, as the F. H. Ingalls Mercantile Co.; has been vice presi dent of same since death of brother, 1905. Unitarian. Offiee: 1226 Olive St. Residence: 5088 Washington Ave. INGRAHAM, John Phillips Thurston, clergyman; 1817-1906; see Vol. 1906. IRLAND, Frank W., assistant secretary Missouri Pacific Railway Co.; born in Len awee Co., Mich., Oct. 26, 1861; son of Joseph G. and Amelia (Burrall) Irland; married, St. Louis, August, 1894, Marian Hood; children:- Amelia, Burrall, Frank, Marion (son). Began business career with the Lake Superior Ship Canal Railway and Iron Co. at Marquette, Mich., 1878-80; then with superintendent of the Pullman Co., in St. Louis office, 1880-81; chief clerk to vice president and general solicitor of the Texas & Pacific Railroad Co., 1881-83; chief clerk to vice president and general manager of Missouri Pacific Ry., 1883- 89; since assistant secretary Missouri Pacific Railway Co. Club: Missouri Athletic, St. Louis Railway. Office: Missouri Pacific Bldg. Residence: Webster Park. IRWIN, Chauncey Filley, freight agent St. Louis Transfer Co.; born, St. Louis, Mar. 14, 1866; son of Charles W. and Eliza (Risbey) Irwin; educated in St. Louis public schools and Smith Academy; married, St. Louis, July 21, 1883, Annie A. Spillman; children: Charles W., Chauncey F., Jr., Reginald Francis, Edith Eliza, Wilbur Risbey. Entered railway serv ice with Indianapolis & St. Louis R. R., Mar. 1, 1880; St. Louis & San Francisco Ry., Dee. 1, 1883; since Apr. 10, 1897, freight agent St. Louis Transfer Co. Member St. Louis Local Freight Agents' Association. Episcopalian. Member St. Louis Legion of Honor, National Union. Clubs: Mercantile, St. Louis Railway, The Traffic. Office: 400 S. Broadway. Resi dence: 5899 Clemens Ave. ISAACS, Eugene L., life insurance; born, St. Louis, Sept. 25, 1864; son of Jacob L. and Amelia (Loeb) Isaacs; educated in Eads and Elliot public schools, St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Jan. 22, 1888, Mathilda Einstein; chil dren: Jacob Leon, Amelia Loeb, Sophie Ruth. Left school in 1877, and started in business with father in decorating and furnishing line, and continued with him until 1898; in same business under own name, 1898-1900; entered insurance business, 1900; became connected with the Massachusetts Mutual Life Insur ance Co., December, 1901, and on Feb. 1, 1906, THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 309 was appointed general agent for that com pany for eastern Missouri and southwestern Illinois; since June 21, 1910, general agent for eastern Missouri and southwestern Illinois for Equitable Life Insurance Co. of Iowa. Mason (Missouri Lodge No. 1, A. F. & A. M.; Missouri Chapter No. 1, R. A. M.); member Compton Hill Council, Legion of Honor, Val ley Council No. 438, Royal Arcanum, Mercan tile Camp No. 14, Woodmen of the World, St. Louis Lodge No. 9, B. P. O. Elks. Member Temple Shaare Emeth. Recreation: fishing. Office: 401 Third National Bank Bldg. Resi dence: 4927 Washington Boul. ITTNER, Anthony, brick manufacturer; born, Lebanon, O., Oct. 8, 1837; son of John and Mary (Friday) Ittner; came to St. Louis with parents in fall of 1844; attended school until nine years of age; married, St. Louis, Feb. 27, 1862, Mary I. Butts; children: Wil liam B., Benjamin F, George W., Edith M. (deceased), Mary Isabel (Mrs. C. E. LaMont), Warren W., Anna R. (Mrs. John Hulett, of Detroit), Nellie B. (Mrs. Max Hulett, of De troit.) Began business career at age' of nine, working in a lead factory until twelve years of age, and in brick yards four years, from twelve to sixteen; then served apprenticeship as bricklayer. Worked as journeyman until 1859, when started for self with brother, Con rad 8., as Ittner Bros., later admitting other brothers, and continuing under that style un til 1886, when title of firm was changed to Anthony Ittner Brick Co.; incorporated under that style, Jan. 8, 1900, and has since been president. Member Business Men's League. Ex-president National Association of Build ers, and National Brick Manufacturers' Asso ciation; member National Association of Manufacturers (chairman committee on indus trial education for six years), St. Louis Manu facturers' and Exporters' Association, and St. Louis Building Industries Association; also director and member executive council St. Louis Citizens' Industrial Association (first member to pay membership fee and sign obligation, and has attended practically every meeting of main body and of executive council to present time). Republican (first vote east for Abraham Lincoln in 1860). Was member Enrolled Missouri Militia at begin ning of Civil War; elected to City Council in spring of 1867, and reelected in spring of 1868; elected to lower house of Missouri Legis lature, 1868, to State Senate, 1870, and re elected in 1874; elected to Congress, 1876, serving from 1877-79. For twenty years past actively interested in question of trade schools for the American boy, and will con tinue to do so until the fullest and freest opportunity shall be accorded every boy, whether native or foreign born, to learn a trade if he so desires. Prominent in move ment under auspices of Mechanics' Exchange to establish trade schools in 1891, which movement failed largely because of opposition of labor unions to any method of trade train ing that would increase the number of skilled mechanics; read paper on subject at Pitts burgh meeting, 1904, and as chairman of com mittee on industrial education, of National Association of Manufacturers, submitted an nual reports from 1905-10. In 1905 started an other movement for the establishment of a trade school at St. Louis, but having been confidentially advised by David Ranken, Jr., of his purpose to establish such a school, ceased further efforts in that direction. Uni tarian. Odd Fellow (St. Louis Lodge No. 5). Office: Odd Fellows Bldg. Residence: 2103 Park Ave. ITTNER, William B., architect; born, St. Louis, Sept. 4, 1864; son of Anthony and Mary Isabella Ittner; educated in public schools of St. Louis, Manual Training School of Washington University, graduating, 1884; graduated as special student in architecture, Cornell University, 1887; married, St. Louis, June, 1888, Lottie Crane Allan; children: Gladys Blanche, Helen May, William B., Jr. Engaged in practice as architect in St. Louis since 1888; elected commissioner of school buildings for Board of Education of St. Louis, June 22, 1897, holding said position to Mar. 8, 1910, at which date he was elected architect of the Board of Education. Designed the Mc Kinley, Wyman, Emerson, Yeatman, Soldan and Sumner high schools, Teachers' College, Lafayette, Hempstead, Humboldt, Ashland, Franklin and Madison schools, etc. Fellow (since 1890) American Institute of Archi tects, and fellow of local chapter of same (president of latter, 1893-95) ; member St. Louis Architectural Club (president, 1897-98), Architectural League of Ameriea (president, 1903-04, corresponding secretary, 1905-06), Civic Improvement League (corresponding secretary, 1902-03), Cornell Club (president, 1903-05). Office: Board of Education Bldg. Residence: 5553 Bartmer Ave. IVES, Halsey Cooley, artist, director Mu seum and School of Fine Arts; 1846-1911; see Vol. 1906. IVY, William, president Monument Plumb ing Supply Co.; born, New Orleans, Mar. 28, 1861; son of Virginius Henry and Marguerite (Watts) Ivy; educated at old Washington School, 1867-70, and Franklin School, 1870-75, graduating, 1875; married, Harper's Ferry, W. Va., Mar. 8, 1881, Isabella Miller; chil dren: John Reno, Marguerite, Courtney. En tered service of the N. O. Nelson Manufac turing Co. in 1881; elected second vice presi dent, 1897; served as first vice president, 1900-09, when he organized the Monument Plumbing Supply Co., of which is president; also president Central Supply Association. 310 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS Member Citizens' Industrial Association. Re publican. Episcopalian. Mason (Blue Lodge); member National Union, Royal Arcanum. Recreations: hunting and fishing. Office: 2210 Pine St. Residence: 5806 Clemens Ave. JACKES, Franklin R., sheet metal goods manufacturer; born near Toronto, Ont., Feb. 8, 1859; son of William and Henrietta (Jones) Jackes; educated in Toronto High School, and Day Commercial College, Toronto; mar ried, Milwaukee, Sept. 25, 1889, Margaret Campbell; children: Henrietta Lillian, Flor ence Julia, Margaret Elizabeth, Campbell, Dorothy, Stanley Franklin, Raymond Green (deceased) and Franklin R., Jr. Began busi ness career in employ of E. Gordon & Co., wholesale grocers, Toronto; went to Winni peg, Manitoba, Apr. 2, 1882, and was with hardware house of Horsman & Co. until 1885; removed to Milwaukee, Wis., and was inter ested in Acme Elbow Co.; came to St. Louis, March, 1889, and joined in establishing pres ent business, which was incorporated, Apr. 30, 1890, as Jackes-Evans Manufacturing Co., of which has been president since 1910; also vice president Broadway Savings Trust Co.; treas urer Patterson-Pope Marketing Co., Patterson Orchard Co. Member Business Men's League, Citizens' Industrial Association. Republican. Presbyterian. Clubs: Mercantile, Glen Echo. Recreation: motoring. Office: 1944 N. Main St. Residence: 10 Thornby PL JACKSON, Charles Christopher, lumber commission; born, Hannibal, Mo., Sept. 7, 1861; son of William T. and N. Louisa (Whaley) Jackson; educated in grammar and high schools, Hannibal, Mo., and Parsons Col lege, Fairfield, la.; married, St. Louis, June 27, 1894, Janie Gulledge; children: Charles O, Louise. Began business career as clerk in postoffice, Hannibal, Mo., 1882; with Bluff City Lumber Co. (wholesale), Hannibal, 1883- 86; city salesman of Schulenburg & Boeck eler Lumber Co., St. Louis, 1889-95, Boeckeler Lumber Co., 1895-1900, Philip Gruner & Bros. Lumber Co., 1901; vice president and man ager Laclede Lumber Co. until 1906, since in lumber commission business. Presbyterian. Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner; Odd Fellow. Member Missouri Society, Sons of Revolution. Office: Wright Bldg. Residence: 2334A Athlone Ave. JACKSON, George Edwards, professor of Latin; 1828-1910; see Vol. 1906. JACKSON, George Park B., lawyer; de ceased; see Vol. 1906. JACOB, Joseph Winship, vice president of Charter Oak Stove and Range Co.; born, Cir- cleville, O., July 7, 1861; son of John Thomas and Martha (Gill) Jacob; educated in St. Louis public schools until age of fifteen; mar ried, St. Louis, Oct. 27, 1890, Nettie Lyle Duncan. Began as errand boy in retail store in St. Louis at age of fifteen; afterwards col lector and salesman in same store. Left to go into railroad business as freight solicitor with Ohio & Mississippi R. R., and when that road* was consolidated with Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern R. R., was appointed agent of the consolidation at St. Louis; resigned, 1897, to go into manufacturing business with the Charter Oak Stove and Range Co., in the sales department, and in 1903 was elected vice president of the company. Member St. Louis Salesmanagers' Association. Congregational ist. Clubs: Mercantile, Glen Echo, The Traf fic, Congregational. Recreation: golf. Office: Antelope and Conduit Sts. Residence: 627 Clara Ave. JACOBS, Edgar Weinstein; see Vol. 1906. * JACOBS, Isaac Bernard, wholesale hats; moved to Chicago; see Vol. 1906. JACOBS, Michael E.; see Vol. 1906. JACOBS, Morris, retired; bora in Poland, Dec. 6, 1850; son of Isaac and Sarah Jacobs; educated in schools in England; married, Shreveport, La., May 1, 1876, Rachel Johlson; children: I. B., I. R., J. L., N. E. and S. S. Has been resident of United States for forty- five years and in business for self for thirty- four years, locating first at Shreveport, La., then at Magnolia, Ark., and afterwards as retail general merchant at Atlanta, Tex.; for sixteen years president of the First National Bank of Atlanta, Tex. Came to St. Louis in 1899, and in January, 1900, organized the Jacobs Hat and Glove Co., of which was president until 1905, when retired. Repub lican. Royal Arch Mason; member Knights of Pythias, Knights of Honor. Residence: 5266 Washington Ave. JACOBSON, Henry, physician and surgeon; born, St. Louis, Dec. 23, 1865; son of Simon and Ernestine (Bresler) Jaeobson; educated in public schools of St. Louis; Smith Acad emy; M.D., Missouri Medical College, 1886; post-graduate course in Berlin and Vienna; married, St. Louis, Oct. 14, 1890, Laura D. Davis. Assistant physician City Hospital, 1886-87; assistant physician Female Hospital, 1887; assistant physician City Dispensary, 1888-92. Chief surgeon Employers' Liability Assurance Corporation of London, Limited; medical director of Central States Life In surance Co.; consultant on genito-urinary dis eases to Lutheran and Ellen Osborn hospitals. In private practice, makes specialty of genito urinary diseases. Member American Medical Association, American Urological Association, St. Louis Medical Society, City Hospital Alumni Society; treasurer Missouri State Medical Association. Republican. Jewish re ligion. Club: Missouri Athletic. Recreations: THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 311 handball, swimming and fishing. Office: 429 Central National Bank Bldg. Residence: 4392 Laclede Ave. JACOBSON, Jacob, physician and surgeon; born, St. Louis, Dec. 11, 1869; son of Simon and Ernestine (Bresler) Jacobson; educated in public schools; Baptist College, Carleton Institute, Farmington, Mo.; Smith Academy, St. Louis; M.D., Missouri Medical College, 1902; married, Chicago, Apr. 5, 1898, Gussie Shrimski. In practice in St. Louis since 1902; physician in charge male department St. Louis Insane Asylum, October, 1903-July, 1904; assistant to clinical chair of gynecology, Missouri Medical College, 1902-03 and 1904-05. Democrat. Jewish religion. Member Ameri can Medical Association, Missouri State Med ical Association, St. Louis Medical Society, Smith Academy Alumni Association, Missouri Medical College Alumni Association. Mason (32°), Shriner. Offices: 1833 Cass Ave. and Century Bldg. Residence: 5598 Bartmer Ave. JACOBY, Hermann H., president Jacoby Art Glass Co.; bom, Bremen, Germany, Oct. 14, 1850; son of Ludwig S. Jacoby, D.D. (founder of German Methodism in St. Louis, 1841, and also in Germany and Switzerland, 1849) and Amalie (Huelsen) Jacoby; edu cated in private school, Bremen; college "Salon" near Ludwigsburg, Wiirtemberg, Germany; business college, Bremen; married, Reiehenberg, Austria, Nov. 28, 1878, Jennie C. Buder; two children: Charles C. and Emily S. Came to America, 1869; in general mer chandise and mail order business, 1875-97, With various partners, among them two broth ers, John W. and Theodore E. ; engaged in manufacture of ornamental leaded glass, mak ing a specialty of church windows, since Oc tober, 1897. Methodist; trustee and treasurer Central Wesleyan Orphan Asylum, Warren- ton, Mo., since 1888. Republican. President National Ornamental Glass Manufacturers' Association of United States and Canada, since Feb. 13, 1911. Offiee: 2700 St. Vincent Ave. Residence: 3000 Shenandoah Ave. JACQUES, Henry P., retired, formerly pur chasing and timber agent of the Frisco Sys tem; born, Tewksbury, Mass., Mar. 29, 1839; son of Nathan Eames Jacques and Permilia M. Jacques; educated at Tewksbury and Andover, Mass.; married, Hannibal, Mo., 1862, Amanda N. Westfall; three children: Ruby P. (Mrs. S. F. Pryor), Olive A. (Mrs. Frank A. Thompson, of Ferguson, Mo.), Henry W. (of Kansas City, Mo.). Began rail road career, Mar. 1, 1859, as junior clerk in mechanical department; Mar. 1, 1860, second clerk in same department; Sept. 1, 1861, chief clerk; Aug. 1, 1866, general storekeeper; Sept. 1, 1869, chief clerk and auditor of mechanical accounts; July 1, 1870, paymaster; Mar. 1, 1872, chief clerk and auditor of mechanical accounts — all on the Hannibal & St. Joseph R. R.; Mar. 23, 1873, car service agent, Apr. 1, 1874, assistant to president and general manager, on the Atchison & Nebraska R. R.; Sept. 1, 1877, purchasing agent, Kansas City, Fort Scott & Memphis R. R. and associated lines; Jan. 1, 1879, purchasing timber and fuel agent same road; purchasing and timber agent of the Frisco System, Sept. 1, 1901, to April, 1907, making a continual railroad service of about forty-eight years. Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner; member Humane Society, American Forestry Association (Washington, D. O). Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Monte Ne and Normandie Golf. Recreations: traveling, gardening; fond of flowers. Office: 610 Me chanics-American Bldg., 4th and Locust Sts. Residence: Ferguson, Mo. JAMES, Frank Lowber, editor National Druggist; 1841-1907; see Vol. 1906. JAMES, George Oscar, assistant professor mathematics and astronomy, Washington Uni versity; born, Bowers Hill, Va., Aug. 1, 1873; son of George W. and Augusta C. (Walker) James; A.B., Johns Hopkins University, 1895, scholar, 1895-96, 1897-98, fellow, 1898-99, Ph.D., 1899; unmarried. Instructor in physics, University of Utah, 1896-97; examiner U. S. Civil Service Commission, 1900-01; instructor mathematics and astronomy, Lehigh Univer sity, 1902-03; instructor mathematics and as tronomy, 1903-08, assistant professor since 1908, Washington University. Member Ameri can Mathematical Society, Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi. Club: University. Author: Ele ments of Rational Mechanics, 1905; also papers on Celestial Mechanics. Residence: 3737 Washington Ave. JAMES, John A. James, physician and sur geon; born, Oelwein, la., Feb. 23, 1866; son of Nathaniel and Lavinia (House) James; B.Sc, Iowa State College, 1886; M.D., Beaumont Hospital Medical College, 1891; post-graduate work at New York Eye and Ear Infirmary, Manhattan Throat Hospital, and courses in Vienna and Berlin; married, Louisville, Ky., 1904, Virginia Mathews; one daughter, Mar- jorie. Engaged in practice in St. Louis since 1891; specialist in diseases of ear, nose and throat. Member St. Louis Medical Society, Missouri State Medical Association, American Medical Association, American Folk-Lore So ciety. Episcopalian. Recreation: study of so ciology. Office: 1006 Carleton Bldg. Resi dence: 5251 Westminster PL * J AMES, Lewis Shelley, business manager; moved to Chicago; see Vol. 1906. JAMESON, Matthew Campbell; see Vol. 1906. JAMISON, Dorsey Albert, lawyer; born in Rutherford Co., Tenn., Nov. 22, 1853; son of Henry Downs and Sarah (Thomas) Jamison; literary education at Union University, Murf reesboro, Tenn.; LL.B., St. Louis Law School 312 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS (Washington University), 1875; married^, Franklin, Tenn., Jan. 6, 1892, Stella A. Sikes; one daughter, Sarah Elizabeth. Studied law in office of Cline, Jamison % Day, 1873-75; ad mitted to bar, June, 1875, and continued office with that firm until 1881, when firm of Col lins & Jamison was formed, continuing until May, 1902; since senior member of Jamison & Thomas. Democrat. Member St. Louis Bar Association, Missouri State Bar Association, Law Library Association. Member Second Baptist Church of St. Louis. President St. Louis Baptist Hospital. Mason (33°), Knight Templar, Shriner; Grand Master of Masons of Missouri, 1896-97; director Masonic Home for more than fifteen years. President of Tennes see Society of St. Louis, 1904-05. Was mem ber of State Militia during strikes of 1877. Club: Algonquin. Favorite recreations: horse back riding, driving and golf. Office: 1601 Pierce Bldg. Residence: 6300 Washington Avenue. JANIS, Paul Vincent, lawyer; born, St. Louis, Nov. 26, 1875; son of Adolph A. and Emily C. (Chatard) Janis; educated at St. Louis University; Washington University; LL.B., St. Louis Law School, 1900; unmarried. City attorney of Ferguson, St. Louis Co., 1903- 07; since in private practice. Member St. Louis Bar Association. Club: Missouri Ath letic. Recreations: travel, chess, study of languages. Office: 400, 408 Olive St. Resi dence: 5611 Bartmer Ave. JANNOPOULO, Demetrius, president Mis souri Tent and Awning Co.; born in Thessaly, Greece, Mar. 21, 1844; son of John and Maria Jannopoulo; educated in schools in Thessaly, Greece, and in Smyrna, Asia Minor; married, Chicago, 1892, Helen, daughter of Rev. Oicon- omos Phiambolis; children: Achilles Emanuel, Demosthenes Constantine, Aphrodite Maria, Aristotle George. Came to St. Louis in 1871; purchased a patent covering heating appa ratus for buildings and continued in that busi ness until 1873, when established the Mis souri Tent and Awning Co. Was Royal Greek Commissioner to the World's Columbian Ex position, 1893; decorated by King of Greece with Cross of Chevalier of the Royal Order of Savior. President of Greek Community in St. Louis, and president of the Greek Church, St. Louis. Office: 208 Chestnut St. Residence: Webster Groves, Mo. JANSEN, Frederick William, branch man ager James Cunningham Son & Co. (estab lished, 1836) ; born, Liberty, Adams Co., 111., Sept. 15, 1870; son of Frederick W. and Char lotte (Steinagle) Jansen; educated in country district school to 1883; then removed to Quincy, 111., and attended night school until 1884; married, Chicago, Apr. 15, 1905, Mrs. Frances G. (Merritt) Brown. Began business career with Koenig & Luhrs Wagon Co., Quincy, 111., 1885, and continued until 1893; with C. P. Kimball & Co., Chicago, 1893-99; then city salesman Chicago branch Koenig & Luhrs Co., to 1903; became traveling sales man for James Cunningham Son & Co. (manu facturers of high class coaches, hearses and ambulances since 1838, and now manufactur ers of same line in automobiles); traveled over states of Kentucky, Tennessee, Missis sippi, Alabama, Louisiana, and part of Ohio; manager St. Louis branch since February, 1909, having nine states under his supervision. Independent in politics. Methodist. Member Covington (Ky.) Lodge No. 119, B. P. O. Elks. Clubs: Mercantile, Triple A. Recrea tion: golf. Office: 2018-2020 Locust St. Resi dence: 4946 McPherson Ave. JANUARY, Harry Churchill, investments; see Vol. 1906. JARBOE, John W., president Columbia Box Co.; bom, Louisville, Ky., Oct. 5, 1858; son of Basil E. and Elizabeth A. (Bailey) Jarboe; educated in Louisville Collegiate Institute (Episcopal college) ; married, Indianapolis, June 9, 1880, Anna E. Fletcher (died May 31, 1905); married, 2d, Mar. 3, 1908, Rosa Mil dred Young, of Louisville, Ky. Began busi ness career as messenger boy with Western Union Telegraph Co., Indianapolis office, con tinuing until 1875; learned plumber's trade, 1875-77, but never followed it; with Louis ville Railway Co., 1879-1890; then engaged with C. C. Mengel Jr. & Bro. Co., as salesman at Louisville and St. Louis branch, until 1901 ; since connected with Columbia Box Co., of which was secretary and director until April, 1912, since president. Independent in politics. Episcopalian. Member Citizens' Industrial Association, Travelers' Protective Associa tion, Concatenated Order of Hoo Hoo. Clubs: Sunset Hill Country, Million Population, Buckingham. Office: 19th and N. Market Sts. Residence: 4931 McPherson Ave. JARVIS, Kent, real estate; born, Massillon, O., Dec. 21, 1869; son of Kent and Julia (Ran dall) Jarvis; educated at Case School of Ap plied Science, Cleveland, O., 1887-90; Univer sity of New York, class of 1892; married, St. Louis, Apr. 12, 1894, Hannah Case; children: Gardner, Carol, Stephanie, Eline. From 1894 to 1904 was with the Lincoln Trust Co., St. Louis, as assistant secretary and assistant treasurer; since 1904 engaged as real estate and financial agent. Republican. Episcopalian. Life member Western Reserve Historical So ciety of Cleveland. Clubs: Mercantile, Algon quin Golf . Office: 706 Chestnut St. Residence: Webster Groves, Mo. JASPER, Louis Anton, produce commission merchant; born, Washington, Mo., Jan. 27, 1865; son of Henry and Elizabeth (Voss) Jasper; educated in private school six years and public school two years; married, Wash ington, Mo., 1894, Annie Elizabeth Droege; THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 313 two children: Elmer A., Florence M. M. Came to St. Louis, October, 1885; went to work for Hackman & Gaupel until 1892, when with Mr. Sellmeyer bought out business of Hack- man & Gaupel, and started as Jasper & Sell meyer, general produce commission. Member Merchants' Exenange, St. Louis Fruit and Produce Exchange, St. Louis Game Dealers' Association, National League of Commission Merchants of America. Democrat. Catholic. Member Knights of Columbus. Office: 835 N. 3d St. and 830 N. 4th St. Residence: 3429 Halliday Ave. JEFFRIES, Samuel Broaddus, lawyer; born in Lewis Co., Mo., Feb. 3, 1869; son of Wil liam and Elizabeth (Smallwood) Jeffries; A.B., La Grange College, 1891; attended St. Louis Law School one term, 1892, and studied law also under private instruction; married in Lewis Co., Mo., Dec. 8, 1897, Lutie Ball. Read law under Judge Anderson, Canton, Mo.; admitted to Missouri bar, 1893, and was located in practice at Canton, Lewis Co., Mo., until January, 1897; two years member of law firm of Anderson & Jeffries, and then alone; prosecuting attorney of Lewis Co., 1894-96; assistant attorney general of Mis souri, located at Jefferson City, Mo., 1897 to January, 1905, when engaged in practice in St. Louis; now member of firm of Jeffries & Corum. Director Commonwealth Trust Co., Chippewa Bank, Baden Bank, American Bak ery Co., Bond Lumber Co., all of St. Louis, Dean Electric Co., Cleveland, O., Central Mis souri Trust Co., of Jefferson City, Mo., First National Bank of Canton, Mo., Home Tele phone Co., Detroit. Democrat. Baptist; mem ber board of managers of Baptist Sanitarium. Member of Law Library Association. Mason, Knight Templar and Odd Fellow. Clubs: Glen Echo, Mercantile. Favorite recreation: farm ing. Office:. 520 Bank of Commerce Bldg Residence: 5161 Cabanne Ave. JENNINGS, Curtis Morrison, president of Berthold & Jennings Lumber Co.; born, Ris ing Sun, Ind., Oct. 24, 1852; son of John and Sarah (Jones) Jennings; educated in public schools, and Methodist College, Quincy, 111.; married, St. Louis, Feb. 19, 1879, Jennie Pitcher; five children: Laura, Marguerite, Jeannette, Helen P., Curtis P. Began active career as a clerk with the lumber firm of Bogy & Fry, 1867, and advanced to position of manager; assisted, 1872, in organizing firm of Berthold & Jennings, incorporated as the Berthold & Jennings Lumber Co., 1909, of which has since been president; also president Excelsior Car Roof Co.; president and treas urer North & South Rolling Stock Co. Mem ber Lumbermen's Hardwood Exchange. Re publican. Episcopalian. Mason, Knight Tem- ular Shriner; member Odd Fellows. Clubs: Mercantile (president, 1908-09-10), Lumber men's. Recreations: fishing and reading. Of fice: 1303, 207 N. 8th St. Residence: 2846 Russell Ave. *JENNINGS, Edward J., pictures, mould ings, etc.; moved to Farmingham, Mo.; see Vol. 1906. JENNINGS, George M., pictures, mould ings, etc.; see Vol. 1906. JENNINGS, M(arshall) Dwight, physician; born in Marion Co., 111., Sept. 1, 1860; son of Z. C. and Mary J. Jennings; educated in dis trict school, 1868-77; public schools, Cen tralia, 111., 1877-78; Southern Illinois Normal University, 1878-84; began study of medicine, 1885; M.D., St. Louis College of Physicians and Surgeons, 1888; married, Carlyle, 111., Dec. 30, 1891, Cora Locey, children: Beatrice, Dorotha, Dwight Locey. Since 1888 engaged in practice at St. Louis. Established Micro scopical Laboratory, 1892, and conducted it until 1903, when changed to present title St. Louis Clinical Laboratory. Professor dis eases of the nose and throat, St. Louis College of Physicians and Surgeons, 1892-95-; professor diseases of the chest, bacteriology and director of biologic laboratory, Barnes Medical Col lege, 1895-1903; pathologist at Frisco Hospital since 1906. Member St. Louis Medical Society. Missouri State and American Medical associa tions. Democrat. Methodist. Office and Resi dence: 4101 Washington Boul. JENS, William, civil engineer; see Vol. 1906. JETT, Edward Thomas, bookseller and sta tioner; deceased; see Vol. 1906. JEUDE, Julius John, physician and surgeon ; born, St. Louis, Mar. 6, 1876; son of William and Minnie (Hirschfeld) Jeude; educated in public and high schools of St. Louis, Missouri Medical College, M.D., 1898, St. Louis College of Pharmacy, Ph.G., 1905; married, St. Louis, 1902, Aimee L. Flanigan; one daughter, Aimee M. In general practice in St. Louis since 1898. Member St. Louis Medical Society, Missouri State and American Medical asso ciations. Presbyterian. Office: 2521 A South Broadway. Residence: 936 Morrison Ave. JEWETT, Daniel Tarbox, lawyer; 1807- 1906; see Vol. 1906. JEWETT, Frank N, mechanical engineer; born, Tioga Co., N. Y., June 11, 1870; son of William Andrew and Arethusa Preston (Whit ley) Jewett; graduated from Elmira Free Academy, 1888; B.S., Cornell University, 1893; married, Elmira, N. Y., June 2, 1896, F. Angie Palmer; two children: Mary Arethusa and Elizabeth. Experimental engineer Payne En gine Co., Elmira, 1893-95; sales engineer same company, 1895-96; sales engineer, 1896-99, western manager in charge of Chicago office, 1899-1906, Evans, Admirall & Co.; Chicago district manager, 1906-09, sales manager, St. Louis^ since 1909, Wagner Electric Manufac- 314 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS turing Co. Member American Society Me chanical Engineers, American Institute Elec trical Engineers, American Society Heating and Ventilating Engineers, Sons of Jove, St. Louis League of Electrical Interests, also Delta Kappa Epsilon and Sphinx Head (col lege societies). Clubs: Mercantile, Engineers', Normandie Golf (St. Louis), Union League (Chicago). Recreation: golf. Office: 6400 Plymouth Ave. Residence: 6 Parkland PL JINKINS, Benjamin Cator, stock and bond broker; born, Columbus, Miss., Aug. 12, 1861; son of Elias and Susan M. (McNamara) Jin- kins; graduated from Goodman Business Col lege, Nashville, Tenn., 1878, and from East man Business College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., 1882; married, Decatur, 111., Jan. 25, 1905, Sallie Linn Scruggs. Cashier First National Bank, Aberdeen, Miss., 1882-91; discount clerk, Chemical National Bank, St. Louis, 1891-93; since 1893 in business for self in St. Louis, as a broker in stocks and bonds. Was city treasurer of Aberdeen; now director First National Bank, Aberdeen; treasurer St. Louis Stock Exchange. Democrat. Member M. E: Church, South. Member Mississippi So ciety. Club: Noonday. Recreation: books. Of fice: 421 Olive St. Residence: 5037 Washing ton Ave. JOEL, Julius Adler; see Vol. 1906. JOHANN, Frederick Augustus, dealer in railway supplies; bora, Philadelphia, Pa., June 29, 1845; son of George Mathew and Marian (Weigle) Johann; educated in com mon schools of St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Jan. 1, 1867, Virginia Steger; children: Mrs. Maude Virginia Holt, Frederick Augustus, Mrs. Effie May Williams, Alexander Hender son, Percival Donald (deceased), Eugene Meredith. Served, 1861-64, in the First Mis souri Light Artillery; in the railroad business with Pacific R. R. of Missouri (now Missouri Pacific), in various official positions, 1865-86; then traveled for various firms; since 1898 dealer in railway supplies. Member St. Louis Railway Club. Democrat; was deputy state and county tax collector, and dram-shop col lector in St. Louis before the adoption of the Scheme and Charter. Member St. Louis Le gion of Honor, Royal Arcanum, Ransom Post, G. A. R. Recreation: fishing. Office: 452 Pierce Bldg. Residence: 1915 S. Compton Ave. JOHANNING, John H., retired; born, West phalia, Germany, Mar. 5, 1837; son of Fried- rich W. Johanning; came to St. Louis with parents in December, 1847; educated in pri vate schools in St. Louis; married, St. Louis, May 5, 1867, Josephine F. Beimes; children: Alfred W,, Henry F., Selma M., Edward H., Louis J. Began business career as employe in grocery house, 1852-57; became clerk in Phili- bert & Branconier 's planing mill, 1857, and continued until in 1873, was made partner in business, as Philibert & Johanning, incorpo rated in 1882, as Philibert & Johanning Manu facturing Co. ; withdrew in 1887 and estab lished Johanning Lumber Co. (reincorporated 1897), of which is president, but not active since 1910. Served in Missouri Home Guards during Civil War. Recreation: walking. Of fice: 1512 S. 2d St. Residence: 1427 Missouri Avenue. JOHANSEN, J. A., shoe manufacturer; born, St. Louis, June 26, 1880; son of Johan and Augusta S. (Lofgren) Johansen; edu cated in Manual Training School and Smith Academy; married. Began business in 1898 in offiee of Johansen Bros. Shoe Co.; later served two years as salesman, and in 1903 was elected vice president, in 1910 secretary and treasurer, and in 1912 treasurer of the com pany. Office: 3634 Laclede Ave. Residence: 4342 Forest Park Boul. JOHANSEN, Johan, shoe manufacturer; born, Hamar, Norway, Sept. 4, 1851; son of Johan and Carrie (Gulbransen) Johansen; edu cated in country public school in Norway to age of fourteen; married, St. Louis, 1876, Augusta S. Lofgren; children: Mrs. Dr. A. G. Wichmann, John A., Harry G. Came to St. Louis from Norway, 1872; began business with brother, as Johansen Bros., 1876; incor porated, Jan. 1, 1902, as Johansen Bros. Shoe Co., of which is president. Congregationalist. Office: 3634-3650 Laclede Ave. Residence: 2856 Henrietta St. JOHNS, George Sibley, editor of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch; born, St. Charles, Mo., Dec. 27, 1857; son of John J. and Jane A. (Durfee) Johns; educated at private gram mar schools in St. Charles; Kemper's Family School, Boonville, Mo.; A.B., Princeton Uni versity, 1880; married, St. Charles, Nov. 17, 1885, Minnie McDearmon; children: George McDearmon, Orrick Glenday, Horace Durfee, Frederick Winston, John Jay. After gradua tion from Princeton studied law; founded St. Charles Journal, 1882, and conducted same as editor and proprietor until 1883; joined rep- ortorial staff of St. Louis Post-Dispatch, and filled positions as city editor, dramatic critic, managing editor, and, since 1898, as editor. Member Royal Arcanum, St. Louis Artists' Guild, National Federated Arts Club, Modern Historic Records Association (director), Princeton Alumni. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, St. Louis Amateur Athletic Association, City, Franklin, Burns. Recreation: golf. Office: St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 210-212 N. Broadway. Residence: 4548 Forest Park Boul. JOHNSON, Albert Sidney, freight agent Terminal R. R. ; born in Jackson Co., Ind., July 21, 1871; son of Daniel W. and Rebecca (McMinn) Johnson; educated in public schools of Indiana; married, St. Louis, Apr. 17, 1901, Susan Ohlman. Began railway service as mes- THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 315 senger for the Ohio & Mississippi R. R. at Seymour (Ind.) Station, 1887, and in Novem ber, 1889, came to St. Louis and took similar position with the Terminal R. R. Association of St. Louis, with which has been continuously employed ever since, advancing through vari ous departments to present position as freight agent of the association, St. Louis Merchants' Bridge & Terminal Ry. Mason (32°). Club: City. Office: 12th and Poplar Sts. Residence: 3827 Botanical Ave. JOHNSON, Andrew, lawyer; born, Alexan dria, Mo., Feb. 12, 1866; son of Cortes A. and Isabella Alicia (Henning) Johnson; B.S., La Grange College, 1886; LL.B., St. Louis Law School, 1892; married, Liberty, Mo., June 21, 1900, Katie R. Williams; children: Katharine, Louise Henning, Virginia G. After leaving college was in retail shoe store and grain warehouse until entering law school in 1890; admitted to bar in 1892, and since in practice. Member St. Louis Bar Association, Law Li brary Association. Democrat. Baptist. Fa vorite recreations: hunting, fishing and ten nis. Office: Title Guaranty Bldg. Residence: 4034 McPherson Ave. JOHNSON, Benjamin Hughes, coffee mer chant; son of Henry Clay and Harriet (Frier) Johnson. Formerly connected with the God dard Grocer Co., now president and treasurer of the Johnson-Allen Coffee Co. Member Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Club: St. Louis. Office: 211 Vine St. Residence: Kirk wood, Mo. JOHNSON, Charles Philip, lawyer; born, Lebanon, 111., Jan. 18, 1836; son of Henry and Elvira (Fouke) Johnson; educated McKendree College (A.M., LL.B.); married, Washington, June, 1861, Estella Parker; children: Harry T., Ralph O., Elvira F. (now Mrs. George Cook); married, 2d, 1881, Louise Stevens; children: Albert W., Louise E.; married, 3d, November, 1908, Annie, daughter of Dr. An- drae. City attorney, St. Louis, 1859; member Missouri House of Representatives, 1862-63, 1865, 1881; circuit attorney of St. Louis City and County, 1866-72; elected lieutenant gov ernor Missouri, 1871; devoted time to profes sion since 1881; lecturer on law in Washing ton University for a number of years. Clubs: Papyrus, Cervantes. Recreation: literature. Office: 605-607 Navarre Bldg. Residence: 4300 Washington Ave. JOHNSON, Charles Porter, lawyer; born near Danville, 111., Aug. 15, 1866; son of Jo seph S. and Matilda (Kemper) Johnson; edu cated public schools; Lee's Preparatory Acad emy to June, 1884; LL.B., Law Department, Northwestern University, Chicago, 1886; M.L., Chicago Law School, 1902; ' married, George town, 111., August, 1898, Derelle West (sister of' Roy O. West, of Chicago); one son, West. Began practice at Chicago as member of firm of Willett & Johnson, 1888; elected to Illinois State Senate from Second Senatorial District, 1891; Democratic candidate for Congress against William Lorimer, 1898; on account of loss of health from over-work, retired from practice and spent five years (1901-06) in Ok lahoma; resumed practice in St. Louis, 1906. Widely noted as a public speaker; delivered response to toast at banquet tendered Presi dent William McKinley by the Grand Army of the Republic, at Buffalo, N. Y., 1898; also the principal address in Chicago at memorial services in honor of Col. Robert G. Ingersoll, 1899, and oration on life of James G. Blaine before Illinois State Senate, by special request of that body. 32° Mason (Tuscan Lodge, St. Aldemar Commandery, Knight Templar, Shrin er) ; member B. P. O. Elks. Clubs: Mercantile, Universal Exposition, Masonic, Elks. Recre ation: fishing. Office: 502, 423 Chestnut St. Residence: 4521 McPherson Ave. JOHNSON, Christopher William, president St. Louis Basket and Box Co.; born near Chi cago, Apr. 12, 1863; self-educated; married, St. Louis, Jan. 9, 1889, Lilly G. Scherer. Early experience in northern Michigan pineries until 1881; came to St. Louis as superintendent of the St. Louis Basket Co., 1881; held various responsible positions until was elected vice president and general manager of the com pany in 1890; firm name changed to the St. Louis Basket and Box Co., of which he has been president since 1897; company manufac tures veneer and glued-up lumber, which is used extensively in this country and abroad. Also president Dolphin Land Co.; director South Side Bank. Member and director Board of Education since 1897 (president, 1907 and 1911). Republican. Presbyterian. Recreations: takes great interest in educational work, also fond of motoring. Office: 2d and Arsenal Sts. Residence: 3080 Hawthorne Boul. JOHNSON, Clarence Dean, lumber manu facturer; born, Caton, Steuben Co., N. Y., Apr. 1, 1866; son of Edward and Electa (Her- riek) Johnson; educated in schools of New York and Kansas; married, New Lewisville, Ark., Apr. 9, 1893, Dorothy Farrar; children: C. D., Jr., Ernest. Went from Kansas City to New Orleans, 1885, where he was a collector for a local firm for a few months; worked in a saw mill at Chopin, La., 1886-87; later worked in saw mills in Louisiana, Texas, Chi cago, and Clinton, la., 1888-89; foreman and later superintendent of the Sunny South Lum ber Co., New Lewisville, Ark., .1890-94; re moved to St. Louis, 1894, and became con nected with the R. L. Trigg Lumber Co. and its successor, the Frost-Trigg Lumber Co., of which was vice president and general mana ger until 1908, when firm was succeeded by Frost-Johnson Lumber Co., of which is first vice president. Also president of the Union Saw Mill Co., Huttig, Ark., Little Rock & 316 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS Monroe Ry. Member Business Men's League. Mason; member Tuscan Lodge, No. 360; St. Louis Chapter, No. 8, Royal Arch Masons; Ascalon Commandery, No. 16, Knights Tem plar, and Moolah Temple,* Ancient Order of the Mystic Shrine. Republican. Presbyterian. Clubs: Mercantile, Glen Echo Country, St. Louis, St. Louis Automobile. Recreations: golf and other outdoor sports. Office: 11th floor Wright Bldg. Residence: 6237 McPher son Ave. JOHNSON, Crary P., druggist; born, Jef ferson City, Mo., Aug. 19, 1866; son of Rev. J. Wesley and Mary E. (O'Neill) Johnson; educated in public schools of Kansas City, Mo.; married, Baldwin, Kan., June 3, 1891, Maude E. Leonard; one daughter, Hazel. Be gan business career at age of fifteen as boy in drug store, afterward becoming clerk in drug stores in Kansas City, Mo., until 1894; then in the druggist business for self in Kansas City, 1894-96; came to St. Louis, 1896, with brother, F. V. Johnson, and. established John son Bros. Drug Co., of which is president. Also, with brother, organized and is president De Lacy Chemical Co. Member St. Louis Re tail Druggists' Association, National Medi cine Association. Republican. Congregation alist. Member Knights of Pythias. Recrea tion: fishing. Offices: corner Broadway and Franklin Ave. and 7th and St. Charles Sts. Residence: 6177 Plymouth Ave. JOHNSON, E. Horace, physician; bora, St. Louis, Dec. 26, 1876; son of Anthony and Mar tha Huff (Munson) Johnson; educated in St. Louis public schools and Barnes University, M.D., 1897; married, Medoc, Jasper Co., Mo., Jan. 5, 1898, Lillian Maud Niebling; one son, Horace M. B. Attending physician Baptist Hospital. Member St. Louis Medical Society, Missouri State Medical Association, American Medical Association, Tri-State Medical Asso ciation. Presbyterian. Recreations: hunting and fishing. Office and Residence: 2433 N. Grand Ave. JOHNSON, Fletcher Vernon, manufacturer patent medicines; 1868-1912; see Vol. 1906. JOHNSON, Frank, local treasurer, Missouri, Kansas & Texas Ry.; born, Fond du Lac, Wis., Feb. 12, 1871; son of Christian F. and Cather ine M. (Nicholson) Johnson; educated in com mon schools of Fond du Lac, Wis., until 1888; married, St. Louis, May 21, 1896, Florence H. Marshuetz. Began business career as stenog rapher for Penokee Lumber Co., Morse, Wis., 1888-90; secretary to vice president, Anglo- American Provision Co., Chicago, 1890-92; clerk and stenographer for local treasurer, Missouri, Kansas & Texas Ry., St. Louis, 1892-93; chief clerk financial department, 1893-1903; since 1903 local treasurer, Mis souri, Kansas & Texas Ry. Co. Republican. Episcopalian. Scottish Rite Mason (32°); member Royal Arcanum. Club: Missouri Ath letic. Recreations: fishing and hunting. Office: 516 Wainwright Bldg. Residence: 4137 St. Louis Ave. JOHNSON, Frank Nicholas, president Scul- lin- Gallagher Iron and Steel Co.; 1847-1909; see Vol. 1906. JOHNSON, Fred, district manager Wagner Electric Manufacturing Co. of St. Louis; born, Fieton, Ont., Can., Sept. 17, 1875; son of Ja cob S. and Sarah Jane (Cory) Johnson; edu cated in public and high schools, Picton; mar ried, St. Louis, Apr. 10, 1898, Katherine May Smith; came to United States in 1892, and to St. Louis in 1898. Engaged in various lines until, in 1899, became connected with the Stanley-G. I. Electric Manufacturing Co.; be gan as salesman, looking after city business, but in a little more than a year was appointed manager of the St. Louis district office. In 1907 the Stanley-G. I. Electric Manufacturing Co. went out of business; now district man ager for the Wagner Electric Manufacturing Co., territory covering states of Missouri, Kan sas, Arkansas, Texas, Oklahoma, Iowa and Ne braska. Republican. Congregationalist. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Masonic, City. Favorite recreation: tennis. Office: 1115 New Bank of Commerce Bldg. Residence: Webster Groves, Missouri. JOHNSON, Harold, lawyer; born, Carroll ton, Greene Co., 111., Mar. 9, 1873; son of Henry and Mary (Brock) Johnson; educated in high school, Washington University (B. A.), and St. Louis Law School (LL.B.); special courses abroad; unmarried. Began business career as stenographer and worked up until became offi cial stenographer of St. Louis Circuit Court; one of the three official delegates appointed by the U. S. Government to the International Stenographic Congress held in Paris during the exposition in 1900; also sole delegate of National Shorthand Reporters' Association to same congress; official stenographic represent ative of St. Louis World's Fair to Buffalo Ex position in 1901, and chairman Committee on Stenographers of Louisiana Purchase Exposi tion, 1904. Admitted to bar in 1893, and since engaged in general practice of law in St. Louis. Commissioner of deeds for all states and territories, the District of Columbia, Alaska, Porto Rico, the Canadian provinces and territories. Director Bi-State, Metropol itan and Derrick Oil and Gas companies. Mem ber St. Louis Society of Philosophy and Psy chology, also of various Shakespeare societies in America and Europe; Illinois Society (for merly secretary), St. Louis, Missouri State and American Bar associations, Illinois State Bar Association; second lieutenant Naval Re serves. Member Knights of Pythias, Royal Arcanum, Legion of Honor, etc. Republican. Episcopalian. Clubs: Mercantile, Elks, Cur rent Topics. Favorite recreations: literature, THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 317 music, motoring. Offiee: Suite 1324, Central National Bank Bldg. Residence: Hotel Beers. JOHNSON, Harry McCrindell, surgeon; born in West Feliciana Parish, La., Jan. 14, 1867; son of Charles J. and Louisa Butler (McCrindell) Johnson; educated at private schools, St. Francisville, La.; Episcopal High School, Alexandria, Va.; M.D., Medical De partment, Tulane University, of Louisiana, 1890; married, Old Orchard, Mo., Apr. 25, 1902, Sophie Evelyn Blood. Engaged in practice since 1890; specialty in genitourinary sur gery. Clinical professor of genito-urinary sur gery in Medical Department of Washington University; associate genito-urinary surgeon, St. Louis Mullanphy Hospital. Member Amer ican Medical Association, Missouri State Med ical Association, St. Louis Medical Society. Democrat. Protestant Episcopalian. Clubs: Racquet, Bellerive Golf. Office: Linmar Bldg., Vandeventer and Washington Aves. Resi dence: 5567 Waterman Ave. JOHNSON, Jackson, president International Shoe Co., and ex-president Roberts, Johnson & Rand Shoe Co.; ,bom, La Grange College, Ala., Nov. 2, 1859; son of James Lee and Hel en (Rand) Johnson; educated in common schools; married in Mississippi, Dec. 30, -1880, Minnie Alva Wooten; children: Helen (Mrs. Lee I. Niedringhaus), Andrew, Florence (Mrs. Bradford Shinkle), Jackson, Ada Rand. Be gan business career at nineteen in general merchandise business in Mississippi, in which continued until 1892, when sold out, removed to Memphis, Tenn., and joined in organizing Johnson, Carruthers & Rand Co., of which was president five years; sold out and came to St. Louis, where, in March, 1898, was or ganized the Roberts, Johnson & Rand Shoe Co., wholesale manufacturers of shoes, of which was president; on Dec. 29, 1911, the Roberts, Johnson & Rand Shoe Co. consoli dated with the Peters Shoe Co. and incor porated as the International Shoe Co., and he became its president.- Also vice president Me chanics-American National Bank. Democrat. Presbyterian. Office: 15th St. and Washington Ave. Residence: 7000 W. Delmar Ave. JOHNSON, James Brooks, broker, capital ist; born in Warren Co., O., June 30, 1843; son of James and Elizabeth (Griffith) John son; educated in public and private schools, Richmond, Ind.; Friends' Boarding School, Providence, R. I.; married, Richmond, Ind., June 25, 1875, Ellen Marchant Myrick; chil dren: Ellen Brooks, Herbert Ray, Mildred M. (Mrs. E. R. Clarke), James Chester. Since 1875 engaged in business as broker in St. Louis; president Anchor Warehouse Co.; vice president Trinidad Asphalt Manufacturing Co., St. Louis. Republican. Protestant. Office: Roe Bldg., 510 Pine St. Residence: Hamilton Hotel. JOHNSON, John Davis, lawyer; born, Belleville, 111., Apr. 19, 1844; educated, public schools and McKendree College, Lebanon, 111.; came to St. Louis, Mar. 4, 1856; married, three times; 1st, Shawneetown, 111., 1864, Sarah Louise Loomis (died 1887) ; four children: Julia (Mrs. S. A. Bowles), Estelle (Mrs. Vir gil Rule), Loomis C, Helen (Mrs. Herman H. Steinwender) ; 2d, St. Louis, July 5, 1892, Miss L. K. de Jarnet (died 1895), one son, Carlyle; 3d, Mexico, Mo., Feb. 22, 1897, Annie Mclntire; three children: Warren, Ruth, Hes ter. Enlisted at seventeen as private in Bat tery F, Second Illinois Artillery; commis sioned first lieutenant, Thirty-eighth Mis souri Infantry, May, 1863; participated in many important engagements and movements of the Aimy of the West. Studied law at St. Louis and admitted to Missouri bar, 1870; was associated with Charles P. Johnson as C. P. & J. D. Johnson for twenty-six years, now practicing alone; has for many years made a specialty of corporation law. Repub lican. Christian Scientist. Member St. Louis Bar Association (ex-president), Law Library Association, Business Men's League, Civic League, Loyal Legion, G. A. B. Club: City. Recreations: hunting and fishing. Office: 704 National Bank of Commerce Bldg. Residence: 4268 Morgan St. JOHNSON, John Mitchell, vice president Missouri Pacific Ry.; born, Cincinnati, May 13, 1845; son of Henry and Mary (Mitchell) Johnson; educated in public schools, Cincin nati, to 1860; married, Franklin, Ind., Jan. 17, 1866, Ada E. Fisk; six children: William S. (deceased), Clara Maude (Mrs. W. E. Nichols, of Chicago), John M., Jr., Maggie (deceased), Ada F. (deceased), Mary Wini fred (Mrs. Tracy C. Field, of Chicago). En listed September, 1861, as private Company F, Seventh Indiana Infantry; served three years; mustered out account expiration of term, as sergeant, 1864; reenlisted, March, 1865, mustered out at close of war, May, 1865. Be gan railroad career as station agent Indian apolis, Cincinnati & Lafayette By., Franklin, Ind., Jan. 1, 1871, and continued until 1872; general freight and passenger agent Cincin nati & Martinsville Ry., which consolidated with Indianapolis, Cincinnati & Lafayette, Nov. 1, 1872- July 1, 1875; traveling auditor, I., C. & L. Ry., 1875-77; in charge local freight traffic same road, 1877-79; assistant general freight agent Indianapolis, Cincinnati & La fayette and Cincinnati, Lafayette & Chicago railways, Lafayette, Ind., Nov. 29, 1879-Jan. 1, 1883; assistant general freight agent Cin cinnati, Indianapolis, St. Louis & Chicago Ry., charge freight traffic originating Chicago and northwest, Jan. 1, 1883-Feb. 20, 1884; first assistant general freight agent Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Ry., Feb. 20, 1884-Mar. 1, 1888, then general freight agent until March, 318 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 1896; freight traffic manager, 1896-99; third vice president, same road, Chicago, Mar. 16, 1899-Apr. 1, 1903. Became assistant to vice president, Gould Lines, Chicago, Apr. 1, 1903, and continued until Nov. 1, 1907; since vice president in charge traffic Missouri Pacific, and St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern railways, St. Louis. Republican. Protestant. Clubs: Mercantile, Noonday, St. Louis Traffic. Office: 411 Missouri Pacific Bldg. Residence: Buckingham Hotel. Summer Residence: Lake Geneva, Wis. JOHNSON, Moses Wilbur; see Vol. 1906. JOHNSON, Oscar, vice president Interna tional Shoe Co.; born, Senatobia, Miss., Jan. 6, 1864; son of J. L. and Helen (Rand) John son; educated in public schools in Mississippi; married, Holly Springs, Miss., 1889, Irene Walter; children: Harvey Walter, Fredonia, Oscar, Jr. Began in the shoe business in 1893 at Memphis, Tenn., as member of firm of Johnson, Carruthers & Rand Shoe Co.; came from Memphis, 1898, to St. Louis, taking po sition as treasurer of the Roberts, Johnson & Rand Shoe Co.; later became vice president which position he held until company con solidated with the Peters Shoe Co., December, 1911, under firm name of the International Shoe Co., of which is vice president. Demo crat. Presbyterian. Clubs: St. Louis, Noon day, Glen Echo Country. Recreation: farm ing. Office: 15th St. and Washington Ave. Residence: corner Portland PL and Lake Ave. JOHNSON, Sewell M., publisher; born, Cambridge, Md., Mar. 31, 1878; son of Ed ward C. and Katherine F. (Radcliffe) John son; was graduated at Cambridge High School, June 20, 1894; studied law but was never examined for admission to bar; mar ried, Chambersburg, Pa., Nov. 22, 1905, Helen A. Skinner; two children: Helen Sewell and Kathleen Bayly. Was editor and half owner of the Democrat and News, Cambridge; came to St. Louis, 1908; in real estate department Mercantile Trust Co., 1908-10; in general real estate business on own account, 1910-12; since proprietor and publisher Evening Sun, East St. Louis. Independent Democrat. Methodist (Southern). Scottish Rite Mason (Southern Jurisdiction). Recreations: tennis and golf. Office: 19 N. Main St., East St. Louis, 111. Residence: 3959 A McPherson Ave., St. Louis. JOHNSON, Stephen, retired; born in Jef ferson Co., N. Y., Apr. 15, 1836; son of Stephen and Mercy (Pierce) Johnson; edu cated in public schools and Jefferson County Institute, Watertown, N. Y.; married, in Jef ferson Co., Jan. 21, 1864, Althea Pierce (now deceased); children: Minnie Clay (Mrs. E. H. Wuerpel) and Mary Ida (Mrs. Ormond H. Manhard). Began business career as clerk in Campbell & Lawyer's dry goods store, Water- town, N. Y., continuing eight years; came to St. Louis, 1864; in the bakery business for three years, in lumber business in southwest ern Missouri three years; associated in the oil business with H. C. Pierce, making St. Louis his headquarters, first with H. C. Pierce Oil Co., later re-organized as the Waters-Pierce Oil Co.; was manager lubricating department of same until retired, 1906. Republican. Prot estant. Residence: 5734 Von Versen Ave. JOHNSON, Sydney Carter, general auditor St. Louis Southwestern Ry. Co.; born, St. Louis, Dee. 13, 1861; son of Thomas Carter and Pattie B. (Scott) Johnson, both natives of Virginia (father was a lawyer and state senator in St. Louis at breaking out of Civil War, later colonel in Confederate Army on staff of General Price, and afterwards presi dent of Randolph-Macon College, Virginia, until his death in 1870) ; educated in private schools in St. Louis; married, June 30, 1896, Mary Eliza Waller, of Virginia; one son, Thomas Carter. Began railway service, 1873, as office boy, and later was clerk and book keeper in auditor's office, St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern Ry.; then bookkeeper in general auditor's office, Missouri Pacific Ry., and chief clerk in auditor's offiee, St. Louis, Arkansas & Texas Ry., until October, 1885; assistant comptroller, 1885-87, auditor, 1887-89, for same company; general auditor for receivers, same road, 1889-91; since June 1, 1891, general auditor of the re-organized company, the St. Louis Southwestern Ry., fa miliarly known as the ' ' Cotton Belt Route. ' ' Episcopalian. Member Hoo Hoo. Clubs: Mer cantile, Bass Island Club of Missouri. Favor ite recreations: change to country life, hunt ing and fishing. Office: 1503 Pierce Bldg. Residence: 5118 Waterman Ave. *JOHNSTON, John Thomas Morris; for merly a clergyman, now banker, Kansas City, Mo.; see Vol. 1906. JOHNSTON, Lendrum Gilbert, dry goods commission; born, Cincinnati, O., Apr. 25, 1853; son of Thomas and Mary Elizabeth (Mallory) Johnston; educated in public and private schools, Cincinnati; unmarried. Be gan business career in 1874, as employe of E. S. Jaffray Co., dry goods jobbers, New York City; since 1878 engaged in commission dry goods, locating permanently in St. Louis, 1894. Member Protestant Episcopal Church. Club: Mercantile. Offiee: 701 Stock Exchange Bldg. Residence: Buckingham Hotel. JOHNSTON, Robert, vice president of Scruggs, Vandervoort & Barney Dry Goods Co.; born in Kings Co., Ireland, Dec. 28, 1846; son of John and Elizabeth (Colboum) Johnston; educated in Ireland; married, New York City, Aug. 9, 1872, Helen A. Wilkie; children: May J. (Mrs. Ferguson), Helen L. (Mrs. Peters), Edith A., Robert J., J. Wynd- ham, Ruth A. Began business career in 1862 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 319 in Dublin, with Switzer, Ferguson & Co., silk merchants and general drapers, until 1870; came to New. York in March, 1870, and was with James A. Hearn & Sons, dry goods, 1870-72; in employ of James McCreery & Co., importers, jobbers and retailers, New York, 1872-99, consecutively, as superintendent of the window dressing, assistant manager of the silk and velvet department and then entire management of both departments. Came to St. Louis, August, 1899, and became connected with the Scruggs, Vandervoort & Barney Dry Goods Co., and on reorganization of the com pany was made vice president, also secretary. Presbyterian. Member Caledonia Society, Y. M. C. A. of New York and St. Louis. Club: St. Louis. Office: 10th, Olive and Locust Sts. Residence: 5111 Raymond Ave JONAS, Michael Benjamin, lawyer; born, Cincinnati, Nov. 18, 1843; son of Joseph and Martha (Oppenheim) Jonas; educated in pub- lie schools and Hughes High School, Cincin nati; studied law in office of Tilden, Reardon & Tilden, Cincinnati; unmarried. Admitted to bar, 1864; came to St. Louis, 1872; was law partner of Augustus Binswanger, as Binswan- ger & Jonas, 1874, and of Judge Chester H. Krum, as Krum & Jonas, 1883-87. Identified with many important cases. Republican. Served as member Ninth Home Guard Regi ment in defending Cincinnati from invasion by Gen. Kirby Smith; prosecuting attorney at Mobile, Ala., for three years after war. Jewish religion; secretary of Congregation Temple Israel since its formation, September, 1886. Member St. Louis Law Library Asso ciation. Club: Columbian. Office: 424-426 Roe Bldg. Residence: 4312 Olive St. JONES, Breckinridge, counsel and presi: dent Mississippi Valley Trust Co.; born, Boyle Co., Ky., Oct. 2, 1856; son Daniel W. and Rebecca Robertson (Dunlap) Jones; graduated from Centre College, Danville, Ky., 1875; taught school, Lawrenceburg, Ky., 1875- 76; studied law, 1876-78; attended St. Louis Law School, 1878-79, University of Virginia Summer School, 1879; married, Stanford, Ky., Oct. 21, 1885, Frances Reid (died Aug. 13, 1904); children: Reid, Breckinridge, Jr., Frances, Daniel W., Mary D.; married, 2d, Cazenovia, N. Y., Sept. 21, 1910, Sarah Brant Colwell. Practiced law in St. Louis, 1879-90; since 1890 officer of Mississippi Valley Trust Co., of which is now president and counsel. Democrat. Member Thirty-second General As sembly of Missouri. Member Christian (Dis ciples) Church. Clubs: St. Louis, Noonday. Country, Racquet, Log Cabin. Recreation: golf. Office: Mississippi Valley Trust Co. Residence: 45 Portland PL JONES, C. Drummond, president Common wealth Feed Mills Co.; born, St. Louis, Apr. 9, 1887; son of Clarence Newton and Frances (Pratt) Jones; educated, Peabody High School, Little Rock, Ark.; Smith Academy, St. Louis, graduating, 1904; matriculated in Yale University, graduating, degree of B.A., 1908; unmarried. Began business career with the Commonwealth Feed Mills Co., September, 1908; became its secretary, January, 1909, and after death of father was elected president of the company, Feb. 6, 1909; also vice presi dent Simplex Automobile Sales Co., National Invisible Print Co. Member Alpha Delta Phi. Clubs: University, Racquet, Traffic. Recrea tions: bowling, tennis and bridge. Office: 2d St. and De Soto Ave. Residence: 4929 Mc Pherson Ave. JONES, Charles Norman, secretary and treasurer of St. Louis Brewing Association; born, Barnet, near London, England, Mar. 11, 1864; son of Charles John and Caroline (Wil son) Jones; private education at Chicago and Austin, Tex., and London, England; married, November, 1901, Josephine Giles, daughter of David R. Calhoun, of St. Louis; children: Da vid Calhoun, Herbert Norman, Christine Caro line, Lawrence Wilson. Began business career in employ of the City of London Brewery until 1896, when came to St. Louis to repre sent the English interests in the St. Louis Brewing Association, of which is secretary and treasurer. Also president of the Pruden tial Fixture Co., Regal Plumbing Co., Crystal City Investment Co. Episcopalian. Clubs: St. Louis, Log Cabin. Favorite recreation: golf. Office: 702 Wainwright Bldg. Residence: 4552 McPherson Ave. JONES, Francis Joseph, clergyman; bora, Chelsea, Mass., Feb. 2, 1856; son of William and Bridget (Kiernan) Jones; educated in classics and theology at St. Vincent 's College, Cape Girardeau, Mo. Ordained priest Roman Catholic Church by Arehibishop Ryan, Dec. 8, 1878; assistant to Father Michael O'Reilly of St. Columbkill parish, two years; assistant pastor St. John's the Evangelist parish, four years; again assistant pastor St. Columbkill parish until 1888, then pastor, 1888-1908; pas tor of St. Thomas Aquinas parish since June 22, 1908. Residence: 3949 Iowa Ave. JONES, George W., secretary-treasurer Evens & Howard Fire Brick Co. ; born, Griggs ville, 111., Nov. 9, 1856; son of James H. and Ann Elizabeth (Goozee) Jones; educated in grammar and high schools of Griggsville; married at Richview, 111., 1880, Anna S. Mer- rell; one daughter, Winifred M. (Mrs. Charles A. Timmons, New York City). Began business career in St. Louis as clerk for W. W. Judy & Co., 1875-76; bookkeeper Bank of St. Louis, 1877-78, A. Sumner & Co., 1878-80; secretary St. Louis Stoneware Co., 1884; 1885 to 1896 bookkeeper and cashier; since 1896 secretary- treasurer Evens & Howard Fire Brick Co. Member St. Louis Manufacturers' and Ex- 320 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS porters' Association. Member Compton Ave. Presbyterian Church. Mason. Club: Mercan tile. Recreations: hunting, fishing and horse back riding. Office: 920 Market St. Resi dence: 5844 Maple Ave. JONES, Harry L.; see Vol. 1906. JONES, Henry Thornton, deceased; see Vol. 1906. JONES, Hugh McK., dry goods commission; born, St. Louis, Nov. 10, 1880; son of Robert McK. and Grace (Richards) Jones; educated iu Smith Academy to 1897; A.B., Harvard University, 1901; married, St. Louis, June 12, 1906, Carroll West; three children: Florence Terry, Robert McK., 2d, Grace Richards. Has been continuously connected as partner with Robert McK. Jones & Co. since 1906. Director St. Louis Mercantile Library. Republican. Unitarian; trustee Church of the Messiah. Clubs: Noonday, St. Louis Country (director). Recreations: golf and tennis. Office: 902 Co lumbia Bldg. Residence: McKnight Rd., Clay ton, Mo. JONES, Lorraine Farquhar; born, Charles town, Va. (now W. Va.), Nov. 9, 1837; mar ried Matilda Fontaine Berkley, Nov. 9, 1870; children: Berkley, Churchill (Mrs. John Pitt- man), Charlotte T. (Mrs. James Matthews), Lorraine F., Jr., Maury, Fontain (Mrs. Ben jamin Randolph), Mildred. Began business ca reer as office employe in cotton mill in Rhode Island, 1853-57; enlisted in Confederate Army, 1861; became captain Company 2, Richmond Howitzers, serving four years. Came to St. Louis in 1865, and engaged in the merchandise business; was one of the organizers of the American Manufacturing Co., manufacturers of bagging and cordage, of which was treas urer; now retired. President of the State Na tional Bank, 1906-09. Episcopalian. Club: Noonday. Residence: Kirkwood, Mo. JONES, Paul, real estate; born, Hunting ton, Carroll Co., Tenn., Jan. 31, 1861; son of LeGrand Michaux and Cassandra (Woods) Jones; educated at Peabody High School, Trenton, Tenn., and two years at Southwest ern Baptist University, Jackson, Tenn.; mar ried, Chicago, Apr. 15, 1895, Margaret Hum ble; three children: Paul, Jr., Margaret Cas sandra, Virginia Lee. Came to St. Louis, Oc tober, 1887, and began practicing law, but gave it up because of poor health; was for a time in life insurance business; in real estate business under firm name of Paul Jones & Co. from September, 1890, until 1911, when was incorporated as Paul Jones Realty Co., of which is president. Negotiated purchase and leases for the three big buildings at 12th and Washington Sts.; promoted the residence sub division, Hortense PL, and has been active in other large deals. Member St. Louis Real Es tate Exchange, Business Men's League, Civie League. Democrat. Baptist. Clubs: Mercan tile, Glen Echo Country. Recreation: golf. Of fice: 708 Locust St. Residence: 5438 Delmar Avenue. JONES, Richard A., lawyer; born, Bingham- ton, N. Y., Mar. 9, 1869; son of Evan R. and Sarah A. (Van Benschoten) Jones; high school and academic education; married, St. Louis, July 12, 1904, Alice E., daughter of Henry M. Pollard. Admitted to bar in April, 1893, and began practice of law at Omaha, Neb., 1894, as junior member of firm of Brome & Jones. Came to St. Louis and entered practice, 1896, as senior member of the firm of Jones & Crouch, later Jones & Herold, and since 1901 alone. Enlisted in U. S. Army as member of Battery A, Missouri Volunteers, April, 1898; was in service during summer in island of Porto Rico; mustered out, December, 1898. Member St. Louis Bar Association, Missouri State Bar Association, American Bar Associa tion. Methodist. Office: 1026 Century Bldg. Residence: 5221 Kensington Ave. JONES, Robert McKittrick, dry goods com mission; born in County Down, Ireland, May 8, 1849; son of William and Margaret (Mc Kittrick) Jones; fitted for college at Royal Academical Institute, Belfast, Ireland, but on account of ill health was obliged to give up college course; married, St. Louis, 1879, Grace Richards; one son, Hugh McKittrick. Served five years' apprenticeship to linen manufac turer, Banbridge, Ireland; worked a short time at trade, then came to United States, landing in New York, August, 1872; soon after came west to Chicago and then to St. Louis; entered dry goods house of Crow, Mc- Creery & Co., and remained four years; in 1877 bought half interest in Randell & Co., dry goods commission, which was established in 1862 by James S. Gary & Son, of Balti more; J. B. Noland was manager at time and firm became Noland, Jones & Co., 1877-83; Mr. Noland sold out to Mr. Jones, 1883, when firm name became as at present, Robert McK. Jones & Co.; in 1886 William V. Jones and, in 1906, his son were admitted to partnership. Director St. Louis Union Trust Company, and former director Boatmen's Bank. Director Mercantile Library; treasurer Mission Free School, Advisory Board of St. Louis Children's Hospital; member Saturday and Sunday Hos pital Association; honorary member Civic League. Chairman building com. Railway Ex change Bldg. Republican. Unitarian. Clubs: St. Louis, St. Louis Country, Commercial, Noonday, Racquet. Recreation: golf. Office: 318 N. 8th St. Residence: 6 Westmoreland PL JONES, Samuel Lloyd, president S. L. Jones Building Co.; born, Wales, Dec. 20, 1848; son of James and Sarah Jones; educated in na tive land; married, St. Louis, Sept. 19, 1883, Helen Frances Meiser; two sons: Ralph Ches ter and Leslie M. Apprenticed to carpenter's THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 321 trade at eighteen; worked as journeyman in England; came to America, 1873, and after one year in Chicago, located in St. Louis; was in employ of James Stewart & Co. three years, and J. H. Maurice, architect, three years; member firm of Bonsaek & Jones two years; operated in own name until 1900, when business was incorporated as S. L. Jones Building Co. Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner. Office: .304, 717 Locust St. Residence: 5183 Maple Ave. JONES, Seebert Granberry, lawyer; born, Black Jack Grove, Tex., Jan. 17, 1875; son of David C. and Pauline Annie (Circle) Jones; educated public and high schools of Southwest City, Mo.; LL.B., Law Department, University of Missouri, 1898; unmarried. Began practice in St. Louis June 28, 1898; assistant circuit attorney under Hon. Arthur M. Sager, 1905-08 inclusive; elected circuit attorney November, 1908, for term 1909-12 inclusive. Republican. Protestant. Clubs: City, Million Population. Recreations: hunting and fishing. Office: Mu nicipal Courts Bldg. Residence: 5122 Wash ington Ave. JONES, William Edward; born, Cincinnati, O., May 21, 1847; son of John and Mary Jones; graduate of Cincinnati High School, 1865, and of University of Michigan, LL.B., 1876; married, Niles, Mich., Jan. 11, 1871, Ada Anna Jewett (now deceased); children: Katharine Scovell (Mrs. Irwin Rew), George Bayard, Roland Jewett, Wilbur Boardman. Entered railway service as freight and ticket clerk, Union Pacific Ry., Lawrence, Kan., 1868; then terminal agent Leavenworth, Law rence & Galveston R. R.; became general eastern agent same road, 1871, and later gen eral western passenger agent Ohio & Missis sippi Ry. ; general western passenger agent St. Louis, Vandalia & Terre Haute Ry., 1872; general agent Atlantic & Pacific (now Mis souri Pacific) Ry., Atchison, Kan., 1873-74. Engaged in law practice at St. Louis, 1876-82; general western freight agent Missouri Pa cific System, 1882-83; general claim agent, Missouri Pacific System, 1883-1911, retired. Republican. Congregationalist. Mason (33°). Club: Mercantile. Recreation: walking. Resi dence: 535 Clara Ave. JONES, William Thomas, lawyer; born, Humphreys, Sullivan Co., Mo., Aug. 13, 1874; son of Augustin and Rachel (Haley) Jones; B.L., University of Missouri, 1896; LL.B., Washington University Law School, 1899; married Ida M. Swift, of St. Louis, Nov. 3, 1903; children: Mostyn, Augustin, William T., Jr. Admitted to Missouri bar, 1899; member firm of Carter, Collins, Jones & Barker since 1904. Democrat. Member St. Louis and Mis souri State Bar associations, Law Library Association (treasurer, 1902), Civic League. Protestant. President University of Missouri Alumni Association, 1910. Clubs: Mercantile, City. Office: 1016, 506 Olive St. Residence: 5554 Maple Ave. JORDAN, German Alexander, physician; born, St. Louis, Jan. 8, 1865; son of Robert M. (M.D.) and Emily (Alexander) Jordan; educated in St. Louis public schools; Academic Department of Washington University; Jones Commercial College; M.D., Medical Depart ment of Washington University, 1888; mar ried, St. Louis, Dec. 2, 1896, Louise Elizabeth Steber (died Apr. 29, 1898); one daughter, Eglantine Celeste. Entered City Dispensary, St. Louis Health Department, Apr. 1, 1888, as assistant physician, serving until 1895; chief physician, City Dispensary, 1895 to 1903; consulting physician to City Hospital, Female Hospital, Insane Asylum and Poor- house for diseases of skin and contagious and infectious diseases, 1895-1903; superintendent of City Isolation Hospital, 1900-03; resigned from public hospital service, May 13, 1903, to enter upon private practice; assistant health commissioner since 1908. Was professor der matology, St. Louis College of Physicians and Surgeons, 1906-08. Member of and surgeon, Tredway Rifles, Co. D, First Regiment, Na tional Guard of Missouri, 1888-90. Republican. Episcopalian. Recreations: hunting and fish ing. Office and Residence: 4161 Lindell Boul. JOST, Erwin Ferdinand, president and treas urer N. Jost Cork and Bottlers' Supply Co.; born, St. Louis, Dec. 17, 1864; son of Nicholas and Susan (Boeder) Jost; educated in public and high schools of St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Dec. 17, 1895, Emma B. Hahn (now de ceased) ; children: Veronica, Erwina; married, 2d, St. Louis, Sept. 16, 1903, Ida Bushmann. Entered the business with his father, 1879, as office boy; became collector, bookkeeper, and when his father died succeeded to the business and in 1896 incorporated as the N. Jost Cork and Bottlers' Supply Co., of which he is president and treasurer. Republican. Luther an. Mason. Favorite recreation: fishing. Of fice: 105 S. 2d St. Residence: 3535 Halliday Avenue. JOURDAN, Morton, lawyer; born, Platts burg, Mo., Dec. 19, 1864; son of William D. and Catherine M. (Savage) Jourdan; edu cated in Chillicothe (Mo.) public schools, and studied law with Col. Charles H. Mansur; married Lura B. Smith; one daughter, Byrd. Admitted to bar at Chillicothe, 1883; practiced law in Carroll Co., Mo., 1883-93; moved to Jefferson City, January, 1893; was four years assistant attorney general of . Missouri; re moved to St. Louis, Jan. 27, 1897, and since engaged in general practice. President Mis souri State Bar Association. Democrat. Chris tian (Campbellite). Clubs: St. Louis, Noon day, Glen Echo Country. Recreations: base ball and golf. Offiee: 1219 Third National Bank Bldg. Residence: 4445 Lindell Boul. 322 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS JOY, Charles Frederick, recorder of deeds, ex-congressman, lawyer; born, Morgan Co., 111., Dec. 11, 1849; son of Charles and Georgi- ana E. A. (Batchelder) Joy educated in pub: lie schools of Jacksonville, 111., and Clark Sem inary, Aurora, 111.; entered Yale, 1870, grad uating, A.B., 1874, LL.B.; married, Salem, Conn., Arabel Ordway, who survived only one year; married, 2d, San Mateo, Cal., May 11, 1895, Mrs. Elizabeth Ina Ryer (ne Grant). Admitted to bar, 1875; has since practiced in St. Louis; was elected to Congress, November, 1892, and reelected four times from Eleventh Missouri District, serving altogether from Mar. 4, 1893-Mar. 4, 1903; resumed practice of law until 1907; recorder of deeds of City of St. Louis since Jan. 1, 1907; present term ex pires Dec. 31, 1914. Republican. Congrega tionalist; member B. P. O. Elks. Clubs: St. Louis, Sunset Hill Country, Elks (St. Louis), Chevy Chase (Washington), Yale (New York). Recreations: fishing, golf. Office: 126 City Hall. Residence: St. Regis Apts. *JOY, Duncan, .cotton buyer; moved to New York City; see Vol. 1906. JOYCE, Michael David, general sales agent Bickett Coal and Coke Co.; bora in County Waterford, Ireland, Sept. 29, 1866; son of Maurice and Mary (McCarthy) Joyce; came to United States with parents in infancy; edu cated in public schools, South Glastonbury, Conn., and East St. Louis, 111., and Mound City Commercial College, St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Nov. 1, 1894, Emily F. Temm; chil dren: Harold Temm, Melvin Louis, Mary Marcella. Began business as bookkeeper for three years; reporter, St. Louis Globe-Demo crat, five and one-half years; railroad clerk with seven different trunk lines, for ten years; sales agent New River & Kanawha Coal Co. of Cincinnati, and Weaver Coal and Coke Co., Chicago, 111., three years; since 1902 sales agent of Bickett Coal and Coke Co. of Chi cago and St. Louis. Republican. Catholic. Member Knights of Maccabees, Catholic Knights of America. Favorite recreation: bowling. Office: 1416, 915 Olive St. Resi dence: 5239 Minerva Ave. JUDD, Max; merchant; deceased; see Vol. 1906. JUDGE, Charles Rogers, druggist; bora, Cincinnati, O., Jan. 31, 1859; son of John French and Mary (Rogers) Judge; educated at Woodward High School, Cincinnati, 1872- 76; Ph.G., Cincinnati College of Pharmacy, 1880; unmarried. In 1876 became connected in business as druggist with father at Cin cinnati; came to St. Louis, 1885, and organ ized, with Clifford M. Dolph, the firm of Judge & Dolph, incorporated, 1890, as the Judge & Dolph Drug Co., of which is presi dent. Member Business Men's League. Clubs: Mercantile, Missouri Athletic, Glen Echo. Of fice: 515 Olive St. Residence: 4401 McPherson Avenue. JUDGE, Sylvester Clarke, manufacturer ladies' and children's hats; born, Baltimore, Md., Dee: 27, 1866; son of Arthur J. and Cath erine (Clarke) Judge; removed to St. Louis, 1868; educated at St. Louis University; mar ried, St. Louis, 1888, Alice E. Woerner; chil dren: Alice E., Sylvester Clarke, Jr. Began business career in iron and steel business with father for six months; then for three years with his uncle, Sylvester Clarke, in hat frame business until 1888, when engaged in present business as a manufacturer of ladies ', misses ' and children 's straw and felt hats, bonnet and hat frames. Democrat. Catholic. Clubs: Un ion, Liederkranz. Recreations: handball and tennis. Office: 1819-1825 Pine St. Residence: 3464 Hawthorne Boul. JUDSON, Frederick Newton, lawyer; born, St. Mary's, Ga., Oct. 7, 1845; son of Dr. Fred erick J. and Catherine (Chapelle) Judson; A.B., Yale College (Bristed and Woolsey scholar and valedictorian), 1866, A.M., 1869; LL.B., Washington University, 1871; married, Nashville, Tenn., Feb. 8, 1872, Jane W. Eakin; one daughter, Felicia (now Mrs. Gouveneur Calhoun). Was private secretary to Gov. B. Gratz Brown of Missouri, 1871-73; admitted to bar, 1873, and since engaged in practice of law in St. Louis, now being senior member of law firm of Judson, Green & Henry. Was special counsel of United States in Santa Fe rebate investigation, 1905, and in injunction proceedings against Western Trunk Lines, 1910; appointed, 1911 by President Taft, member commission to investigate capitaliza tion of interstate railroads, and member1 (1912) of Board of Arbitration for. Eastern railroads and engineers. Independent Demo crat. Member Board of Education, St. Louis, 1878-82 (president, 1880-82), and again mem ber and president, 1887-89. Member St. Pe ter's Episcopal Church. Was chairman of Na tional Conference on Taxation, Buffalo, 1901; chairman Alumni Advisory Board of Yale Uni versity, 1906-10. Member American Economic Association (vice president, 1911), American Association of Political Science (president, 1907), American Bar Association , (vice presi dent, 1911), National Civic Federation, execu tive committee, 1911). Author: Taxation in Missouri, 1900; Power of Taxation, State and Federal (under U. S. laws), 1902; The Law of Interstate Commerce, 1904 (2d edition, 1912); article "United States" in American Ency-r clopedia of Law and Procedure, 1911; also numerous addresses on legal and economic sub-. jects: "What Shall the State Teach?" before St. Louis Commercial Club, 1887; "The State and Private Business Associations, ' ' St. Louis Commercial Club, 1890; "Liberty of Contract THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 323 under the Police Power, ' ' American Bar Asso ciation, 1891; "Taxation of Quasi Public Corporations," American Economic Associa tion, 1900; "The Quarter Century in Amer ican Jurisprudence," University of Colorado, 1902; "The Crisis in Representative Govern ment," University of Missouri, 1903; "The Future of American Jurisprudence," annual address before Tennessee Bar Association, 1910; and "The Progress of the Law," an nual address, 1910, before the Colorado State Bar Association. Clubs: University, Noonday, Country, Round Table, City (St. Louis), Cen tury (New York). Office: 500-508 Rialto Bldg. Residence: 3733 Washington Ave. JUNGHANS, Charles F., vice president and secretary Standard Furniture Manufacturing Co.; born, St. Louis, March 15, 1877; son of Edward J. and Johanna (Niemeyer) Jung- hans; educated in public schools of St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Sept. 9, 1906, Millie Eisen- beiss. On leaving school, in 1891, began busi ness career in the factory of the Standard Furniture Manufacturing Co., manufacturers of kitchen furniture, then located in North St. Louis, and learned trade, and in 1901 became vice president and secretary of the company; sold out old plant December, 1905, and moved business to present location. Independent in politics. Lutheran. Office: 2722-2730 S. 3d St. Residence: 3538 California Ave. JUNGHANS, Edward J., president Stand ard Furniture Manufacturing Co.; born, St. Louis, Feb. 14, 1875; son of Edward J. and Johanna (Niemeyer) Junghans; educated in public schools of St. Louis; married, Spring field, 111., Sept. 5, 1911, Marie Herzer. Began business career, 1890, in factory (originally established by father, 1885), of Standard Fur niture Manufacturing Co., manufacturers of kitchen furniture, of which became president in 1901; in December, 1905, with two brothers, sold out old plant at 17th and Clinton Sts., and opened up present plant. Independent in politics. Lutheran. Office: 2722-2730 S. 3d St. Residence: 3625 Minnesota Ave. KAHN, Joseph, insurance; 1836-1910; see Vol. 1906^ KAHN, Max, glass jobber, retired; born, Burgpreppach, Germany, Jan. 28, 1847; came to America in 1859; self-educated; married, St. Louis, Jan. 10, 1883, Tillie Rosenheim; one son, Milton Kahn. Began business career as clerk in a New York glass house in the early sixties; came t,o St. Louis in 1867 and founded the firm of Drey & Kahn; incorpo rated as the Drey & Kahn Glass Co., 1899; disposed of his interest in company in 1903 and organized the M. Kahn Glass Co., manu facturers of all kinds of glass for building purposes, of which was president until 1911, when retired. Member Shaare Emeth Temple. Mason. Club: Columbian. Favorite recrea tion: traveling. Residence: 4929 Washington Boulevard. KAIME, David Francis, real estate; see Vol. 1906. KAIME, Robert David, real estate; born, St. Louis, Jan. 12, 1878; son of David F. and Isabel (Eaton) Kaime; educated in Smith Academy, St. Louis, St. Paul's School, Con cord, N. H., and Yale University; married, New York, June 1, 1905, Miss Zoe B. Solari. On leaving college, 1899, entered service of the Wabash Ry. for one year, then became a member of the real estate agency (established 1860) now known as the J. E. Kaime & Bro. Real Estate Co., of which is president. Mem ber St. Louis Real Estate Exchange, Yale Alumni Association. Clubs: St. Louis, Belle rive Country, also Yale (New York). Favorite recreation: all outdoor athletic sports. Office: 711 Chestnut St. Residence: 10 N. King's Highway. KAISER, George E., president Kaiser-Huhn Grocer Co.; bora, St. Louis, Dec. 24, 1865; son of John G. and Maria (Meier) Kaiser; edu cated in public schools to 1880; business course Mound City Commercial College, 1882-84; un married. Began active career with J. G. Kai ser & Co., 1888, and continued until 1894, when the John G. Kaiser Grocer Co. was then formed, of which was secretary, 1894, until dissolved, 1910; then incorporated as Kaiser-Huhn Grocer Co., and since president of same. Republican. Protestant. Mason. Rec reations: baseball, bowling. Offiee: 901-903 Franklin St. Residence: 5069 Cabanne Ave. KAISER, George Frank, manufacturer; 1874-1911; see Vol. 1906. KAISER, Henry, grocer; 1851-1910; see Vol. 1906. KALLENBACH, Lewis Morris, dentist; born, Macon Co., HI., Jan. 1, 1875; son of Morris William and Louisa (Eckhardt) Kal- lenbach; educated district schools; high school,' Decatur, 111.; Marion-Sims College of Medi cine, St. Louis; Louisville College of Dent istry; Kansas City Dental College, graduat ing with degree of D.D.S., 1901; married, Kan sas City, Mo., Dec. 10, 1901, Gernita Quick; two sons: Travis Earl and Maurice Dines. In practice at Walnut, Kan., 1901-08, since at St. Louis. Member Missouri State Dental Society, St. Louis Dental Society, Southeastern Kan sas Dental Society. Republican. Presbyterian. Recreations: bowling and hunting. Office: 1825 S. Jefferson Ave. Residence: 2132 A Rus sell Ave. KALTWASSER, Louis Emil, furniture; born, St. Louis, Mar. 14, 1857; son of Karl and Frinciska (Riesen) Kaltwasser; educated St. Louis public schools, 1865-69; Polytechnic 324 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS evening school, 1870-72; married, St. Louis, Sept. 14, 1880, Mary. Anna Michel; children: Louis E., Jr., Walter Jacob, Karl, Aimee (Mrs. John J. Schulte), Elsa. ^Apprenticed and worked as paper hanger, 1870-75, then with H. "Westhus until 1886; member firm of Kalt- wasser & Bai'utio, carpets and wall paper, 18-86-92, - since president and treasurer Kalt- wasser Carpet Co. President South Broadway Building and Loan Association; treasurer Broadway Investment Co.; secretary South Broadway Merchants' and Manufacturers' Association. Grand Treasurer, Grand Lodge, Ancient Order United Workmen; treasurer German Workman Association, Active Work man's Association, Concordia Lodge, Ancient Order United Workmen. Mason, Odd Fellow; member Improved Order of Red Men, Knights and Ladies of Honor, Royal Arcanum, Legion of Honor, Loyal Order of Moose, Knights of Pythias, South St. Louis Sharpshooters' As sociation, St. Louis Central Sharpshooters' Association. Republican. Protestant. Recrea tion: fishing. Office: 2349-2351 S. Broadway. Residence: 4307 Oregon Ave. KAMMERER, William Alexander, cashier Southern Commercial and Savings Bank; born, St. Louis, Sept. 10, 1866; son of Louis G. and Kate (Hoffman) Kammerer; educated in St. Louis grammar and high schools; mar ried, St. Louis, Feb. 20, 1889; children: Webb Louis, Marie Rassieur, Dorothy Mildred, Helen Catherine. Entered employ of Mullanphy Sav ings Bank in 1885, as messenger, and occupied various positions up to that of teller, which was filling when bank failed in 1897; since 1897 cashier of the Southern Commercial and Savings Bank. Mason. Republican. Metho dist. Clubs: Bankers', Western Rowing. Of fiee: 7203 S. Broadway. Residence: 3656 Utah Place. KANE, R. Emmet, surgeon; born, St. Louis, Aug. 18, 1877; son of Dr. John Joseph and Mary Belle (Sweney) Kane; educated in St. Louis public schools, 1883-89; A.B., St. Louis University, 1896, A.M., 1898; M.B., Washing ton University, 1899; unmarried. Engaged in practice since 1899. Assistant in department of genito-urinary surgery, St. Louis Mullanphy Hospital, and in Medical Department of Wash ington University. Member American Medieal Association, Missouri State Medical Associa tion, Medical Society of City Hospital Alum ni, Medical Society of Washington Univer sity, St. Louis Medical Society, American Urological Association, American Association for the Advancement of Science, Knights of Father Mathew, Knights of Columbus. Ro man Catholic. Clubs: Aero, Normandie Golf. Recreation: golf, motoring. Office: 312 Hum boldt Bldg. Residence: 1117 N. Grand Ave. KARBE, Otto Ferdinand, lawyer; born, Neosho, Newton Co., Mo., July 18, 1874; pub lic school education; admitted to bar upon examination before the St. Louis Court of Appeals, 1905; married, 1895. In practice in St. Louis since March, 1905; member House of Delegates, from Tenth Ward, 1901-03. Pres ident Model Baby Shoe Co. Member board of Mullanphy Emigrant Relief Fund (president, 1911, 1912). Clubs: City, Million Population (secretary since 1905). Office: 712, 308 N. 6th St. Residence: 6 Nicholson PL KAEST, Emile, retired; born, Erstein, Al sace, France, Sept. 26, 1826; son of Joseph Aloysius and Catherine (Miltenberger) Karst; educated in public schools; married, 1855, Mina Tourny (famous singer) ; one son, Jer ome; married, 2d, St. Louis, 1874, Fannie Tay lor; children: Edgar T., Raymond O, Theo dore A., Emily, Blanche. Came to America with parents, 1838; lived in Illinois for sev eral years, then locating in St. Louis; was con nected with private bank of Clark Bros. & Co., 1856-64; cashier National Loan Bank, 1864-66, Continental National Bank, 1866-79; cashier Union Savings Bank, 1879-88; in insur ance business until 1910, when retired. Con sular agent for France in St. Louis, 1873-90. Democrat. Catholic For many years concert violinist and composer. Member Franco-Amer ican Society. Residence: 2736 Geyer Ave. KARST, Jerome, accident insurance; born; St. Louis, July 7, 1859; son of Emile Karst, former French Consul, and Mina Tourny Karst (famous singer) ; graduated from commercial course, St. Louis University; married, New Orleans, La., Feb. 14, 1901, Adele Marie Plai- sance; children: Clinton Jerome, Mina Tour ny; served in Merchants' National Bank, un der James E. Yeatman, ten years; since 1890 in accident and liability insurance business, now of Barrows & Karst, general agents for accident and liability department of the JEtna Life Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn. Mem ber Civic League. Republican. Catholic. Served in militia during strikes of 1877; mem ber St. Louis Cadets, and "Old Modocs. " Originated idea of utilizing public parks for games, such as tennis, golf, athletics, etc. Active in securing Olympic Championship Con test for World's Fair. Member St. Louis Amateur Athletic Association; member board of governors and former president Western Association of Amateur Athletic Union. Mem ber Royal Arcanum. Club: City. Recreation: outdoor sports. Office: Pierce Bldg. Resi dence: 6904 Washington Boul. KASSEBAUM, William, secretary Hermann Oak Leather Co.; born, Farmington, la., Aug. 18, 1870; son of Henry and Louise (Hadaway) Kassebaum; educated in public schools and business college; married, St. Louis, 1902, Adelyn Helmkamp; one son, Charles Edward. Began business career as bookkeeper with M. Wolfheim, hides, St. Louis, 1888-92; book keeper for Hermann & Koenitzer Oak Leather Co., 1892-1901; purchased an interest in the TUB BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 325 business, 1901, and on its organization as the Hermann Oak Leather Co., was made a di-, rector and secretary of the company. Inde pendent in politics. Methodist. Mason. Club: Missouri Athletic. Office: 4056 N. Main St. Residence: 3221 Greer Ave. KASTOR, Benjamin Herman, advertising agent; see Vol. 1906. KASTOR, Ernest Herman; see Vol. 1906. KASTOR, Herman William, retired; born, Bamberg, Bavaria, Germany, Oct. 26, 1838; son of Wilhelm and Gertrude (Ahlfeld) Kas- tor; educated in public and Polytechnic schools of Germany; married, New York, I860, Theresa Rudolph (died 1899); children: Benjamin H., Louis, Mollie (Mrs. H. A. Kahn), Ernest H., Fred W., Richard H., Wil liam B., Gertrude (Mrs. I. Seligstein), Arthur G. Arrived in New York, Sept. 1, 1852, and engaged in importing business with Mr. Ru dolph (afterward father-in-law). When war broke out was corporal in Sixth New York Regiment, and with it saw a short term of service at Annapolis, Md.; shortly afterward closed out business interests (1863) and came West; became clerk in store in Leavenworth, Kan.; served two years as second lieutenant, First Kansas Regiment, then went to Wyan dotte (now Kansas City), Kan., and started the first German newspaper in the state, Die Fackel; later removed paper to Atchison, Kan.; from there went to St. Joseph, Mo., where became editor and part proprietor of the daily and weekly Volksblatt, 1868-95 ; sold out in 1895, and came to St. Louis, and start ed the H. W. Kastor & Sons Advertising Co., which, with sons, built up to be one of the largest in country; withdrew from active par ticipation in the business, August, 1902, his seven sons since controlling and managing it. Independent in politics. Office: Equitable Bldg; offices also in Chicago, Kansas City, Mo., and Atlanta, Ga. Residence: 3811 W. Pine Boulevard. KASTOR, Louis, advertising; born, New York City, Nov. 26, 1862; son of Herman Wil liam and Theresa (Rudolph) Kastor; married at St. Joseph, Mo., June 19, 1901, Babette Bearman. Engaged in newspaper work at St. Joseph from time of leaving school and in 1895, with father and six brothers, came to St. Louis and established the H. W. Kastor & Sons Advertising Co., doing general news paper and magazine advertising in all publi cations in the United States and abroad; on retirement of father from active business in 1902 was made president of the company, which operates from offices in St. Louis, Chi cago, Kansas City and Atlanta, Ga. Club: Mercantile. Office: Equitable Bldg. Residence: 5535 Waterman Ave. KATZ, Abraham, maufacturer; bora, Gies- sen, Germany, Mar. 27, 1850; son of F. and Johanna (Rosenberg) Katz; educated in Real schule at Cologne, Germany; served one year in German Army; married, New Orleans, Oct. 19, 1881, Carrie Haber; children: Alma (de ceased), Miriam (Mrs. Alvin L. Moss, of New York), Edith, Arthur, Felix. Came to United States, 1870; since 1887 engaged in business as a manufacturer of pants for the trade; now president and treasurer of the Katz Pants Co. Independent in politics. Jewish religion. Office: 1120 Washington Ave. Residence: 5182 Cabanne Ave. KAUFFMAN, Frank Edgar, president of Bernet, Craft & Kauffman Milling Co.; born, Dayton, O., Apr. 6, 1852; son of Jacob and Sarah (Neff) Kauffman; educated at Iowa Wesleyan University, 1869-72; married, Mus catine, la., 1879, Kate Garrettson; one daugh ter, Myrle (Mrs. Dan Hill); married, 2d, St. Louis, Jan. 11, 1899, Nelle Dunham; children: Frank Edgar, Emily Dunham. Worked on farm from twelve to twenty-one years of age; taught country schools for two years; came to St. Louis, 1873; traveled ten years for E. O. Stanard & Co., millers; vice president Kauff man Milling Co., 1884-1902; president Bernet, Craft & Kauffman Milling Co. since 1902; president Corona Lemon Co. Member Mer chants' Exchange. Republican. Was member National Guard of Missouri. Methodist. Ma son, Knight Templar. Member Phi Delta Theta. Clubs: Algonquin Country, Knoble Hunting and Fishing. Office: Pierce Bldg. Residence: "The Arches," Kirkwood, Mo. KAUFFMAN, Harold Meredith, stocks and bonds; born, St. Louis, Dec. 20, 1874; son of John W. and Nellie (Bronson) Kauffman; ed ucated in Smith Academy, St. Louis; A.B., Yale University, 1897; married, May 22, 1906, Janet Morton; one daughter, Jane. After graduation entered the Kauffman Milling Co., of St. Louis, as vice president, and remained in that business until 1901, when withdrew and joined Mr. G. H. Walker in the firm of G. H. Walker & Co. Member Lindell Avenue M. E. Church. Clubs: Racquet, Noonday, St. Louis Country. Office: 307 N. 4th St. Resi dence: 51 Portland PL KAUFFMANN, Francis A., vinegar; born, West Prussia, Germany, Dec. 2, 1849; son of August and Johanna Kauffman n; educated in Realschule, Germany; widower; children: Ma rie, Gertrude, Bodo, Francis, Hans, Martha, Erwin. Was engaged as jewelry and merchan dise salesman in Germany until 1877, when came to St. Louis; was employed as newspa per carrier, 1877-80; in 1880 bought business from the estate of the Raaf Vinegar Works and conducted it as manufacturer of grape sugar and eider vinegars and sauerkraut under own name until 1898, when incorporated busi ness as F. A. Kauffmann Manufacturing Co., of which is president. Independent in politics. Protestant. Mason (32°), Knight Templar and 326 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS Shriner. Member Liederkranz. Office: 106-110 S. 2d St. Residence: 3503 Texas St. *KAUFMAN, Nathan, life insurance; moved to Chicago; see Vol» 1906. KAUFMANN, August Ernst, dry goods; born, Celle, Germany, Nov. 21, 1852; son of August E. and Elizabeth (Steuber) Kauf- mann; educated in native land; married, St. Louis, Jan. 8, 1879, Sidonie Braun; one son, August F. Came to America at age of thir teen and has since made his home in St. Louis; in employ of Hurt, Hellmers & Voorhis, 1866-70; was assistant salesman to general manager city department of Dodd, Brown & Co.; became connected with the Hargadine- McKittrick Co. as salesman, 1885, and for several years has been division manager of city department; is a large stockholder in the company. Republican. Protestant. Recrea tions: music and theatre. Office: 911 Washing ton Ave. Residence: 3130 Russell Ave. KAVANAUGH, William Kerr, railway and business management; born near Sweet Springs, Saline Co., Mo., July 13, 1860; son of Richard Parsons and Sarah (Talbot) Kava- naugh; educated in public schools, Fulton, Mo., and Westminster College; married, Pitts burgh, Pa., Aug. 21, 1890, Edna Lee Boggs; three children: Virginia (deceased), Josiah Boggs and Sarah Talbot. Began in 1876 in railroad tie contracting line; came to St. Louis, 1878; was with the State Savings In stitution five years; then in transportation and tie business on the Tennessee River; later became identified with transportation and sand business on Mississippi River, at Mem phis, Tenn., and has been in sand, transporta tion, railroad and coal mining business in St. Louis since 1892; president Southern Coal & Mining Co., Wiggins Ferry Co., St. Louis Transfer Ry. Co., East St. Louis Connecting Ry. Co. President Lakes-to-the-Gulf Deep Waterway Association since Nov. 16, 1906; chairman Missouri Waterway Commission since 1909; member executive committee Na tional Board of Steam Navigation, New York; member of Board of National Rivers and Har bors Congress, Washington, D. C. Southern Methodist. Clubs: St. Louis, Noonday, Mis souri Athletic. Recreations: horseback riding and tramping. Office: 916-919 Security Bldg. Residence: 525 Clara Ave. Country Home: "Selma Hall," Selma, Mo. KAY, Arthur Hayden; see Vol. 1906. KAYE, William Hounsfield, railway sup plies; born, Sheffield, England, Feb. 9, 1862; son of John and Elizabeth (Linley) Kaye; educated in private schools; Collegiate Col lege of England, graduating, 1878; married, St. Louis, September, 1892, Sarah J. Quigley; two daughters: Elizabeth and Lucille. Came to America, 1879; was connected with uncle, E. H. Linley, in railway supply business for twelve years; then went to Nebraska and en gaged in farming for five years; returned to St. Louis and acted as manager C. & W. Mc- Clean Sporting Goods Co., later becoming financially interested in the company; was manager E. H. Linley Supply Co., 1906-11; since manager of St. Louis branch of the Nathan Manufacturing Co. Member Business Men's League. Republican. Episcopalian. Clubs: Mercantile, Frisco Hunting and Fish ing. Recreation: fishing. Office: 603 Frisco Bldg. Residence: 6358 Washington Boul., Park View, St. Louis Co. KAYSER, Frederick Liborius, president Kayser Raw Hide Co.; born, Herstelle, West- falen, Germany, Nov. 14, 1857; son of Theo dore and Louisa (Hanecke) Kayser; educated parochial schools of Germany; married, St. Louis, Nov. 14, 1878, Maria Gramann; twelve children, eight of whom are living: Annie M. (Mrs. Henry Welsch), Theodore J., Elizabeth (Mrs. Harry Juergens), Dorthia (Mrs. Ger hart Spreckelmeyer), Mamie (Mrs. E. G. Blu- meyer), Louise, Ida and Beatrice. Arrived in America Sept. 2, 1872; entered butcher busi ness in 1875, and continued until 1900; presi dent and treasurer since January, 1900, of Kayser Raw Hide Co., manufacturers raw hide and surface tanned lace leather. Inde pendent Democrat. Catholic. President Holy Trinity Benevolent Society; member Knights of Columbus, Catholic Knights of America. Recreation: driving. Office: 3914 N. Broad way. Residence: 3606 N. 9th St. KEARNEY, Edward Francis, superinten dent of transportation Missouri Pacific Ry. and St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern Ry.; born, Logansport, Ind., Mar. 27, 1865; son of James and Margaret (Kane) Kearney; edu cated in public schools, Logansport, Ind., 1871- 82; married at Chicago, 1884, to Miss Emma Hoover; two children: William Edward and Clara Frances. Began railway service as tele graph operator Pennsylvania Lines West of Pittsburgh, 1882; train dispatcher, same com pany, 1893; chief clerk, train master's office, 1894-97, chief clerk superintendent's office, Richmond, Ind., same company, 1897-99; train master, same company, Indianapolis and Lo gansport, Ind., 1899-1903; superintendent Ter minal R. R. Association and Merchants' Bridge Terminal Ry., St. Louis, 1903; general superintendent of transportation Frisco Sys tem, 1904; appointed, Apr. 1, 1905, superinten dent of terminals Missouri Pacific Ry., serv ing until Feb; 15, 1908, at which time he be came superintendent of transportation of Mis souri Pacific Ry. and St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern Ry. Clubs: Missouri Athletic (president), St. Louis Railway (president, 1910-11), The Traffic of St. Louis (president, 1910). Recreation: baseball. Office: 302 Mis souri Pacific Bldg. Residence: 2138 Nebraska Avenue. v THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 327 KEHOE, Christopher Joseph, insurance; born, St. Louis, Feb. 19, 1861; son of Thomas J. and Mary (Carroll) Kehoe; educated at St. John's Parochial School and St. Francis Xav- ier School; unmarried. Began business career in employ for short time, of St. Louis News Co., 1875, then with S. F. Magurn, agent for Emerson files and binders, 1875-76; with W. J. Gilbert & Co., law book publishers, 1876-77; with the Slaughter & Hirschberg Insurance Agency, 1877-80, and on retirement of Mr. Slaughter, continued with successor, F. D. Hirschberg; in 1888 became partner in firm of F. D. Hirschberg & Co. St. Louis Under writers' Agency, general insurance business; on death of Mr. Hirschberg, December, 1908, the firm was incorporated and he became president. President Underwriters' Salvage Corps; treasurer and member executive com mittee St. Louis Fire Prevention Bureau, also of St. Louis Insurance Agents' Association. Member Merchants' Exchange of St. Louis, Business Men's League, Civie League (social service committee) ; member Board of Com missioners of Penal and Charitable Institu tions. Roman Catholic; member Young Men's Sodality, St. Vincent de Paul Society and Knights of Columbus. Clubs: St. Louis, City, Missouri Athletic. Office: Merchants' Ex change. Residence: 3553 Lindell Ave. KEHR, Edward C, lawyer; born in St. Louis Co., Mo., Nov. 5, 1837; son of Adolph and Elise (Zoller) Kehr; received academic education in schools of St. Louis; unmarried. Studied law in St. Louis and was admitted to the bar, Feb. 18, 1858; since continuously en gaged in practice of law in St. Louis, and since 1875 member of the firm of Kehr & Titt- mann (Mr. Tittmann died 1908). Democrat; was elected to and served in Forty-fourth Congress, 1875-77; member of the St. Louis City Council, 1879-83. Member, since organi zation, St. Louis Bar Association (ex-presi dent), and American Bar Association. Prot estant. Office: 806 Wainwright Bldg. Resi dence: 1800 Waverly PL KEHRMANN, Statius, insurance; see Vol. 1906. *KEIGHTLEY, George; moved to Clarks ville, Mo.; see Vol. 1906. KEIRSEY, William Harvey; see Vol. 1906. KEISER, Edward Harrison, professor chem istry, Washington University; born at Allen- town, Pa., Nov. 20, 1861; son of Bernhard and Katherine (Ffeifer) Keiser; B.S., Swarth- more College, 1880, M.S., 1881; fellow, Johns Hopkins, 1882-84, Ph.D., 1884; studied at Got tingen and Freiberg, Saxony; specialized in chemistry; married Elizabeth Harris, of Bryn Mawr Pa., June 18, 1896. Instructor chemis try, Swarthmore College, 1880-81, Johns Hop kins University, 1884-85; professor chemistry, Bryn Mawr College, 1885-99, Washington Uni versity, since 1899. Member American Chem ical Society, Society Chemical Industry, Eng land, Deutsche Chemische Gesellschaft, Acad emy of Science, St. Louis, St. Louis Chemical Society, American Philosophical Society. Au thor: Laboratory Work in Chemistry, 1895; also many papers on experimental chemical researches, American Chemical Journal, Jour nal American Chemical Society, and Berichte der Deutschen Chemischen Gesellschaft. Ad dress: Washington University. Residence: Clayton, St. Louis Co., Mo. KEISER, Robert Hough, bonds, stocks and investments; born, St. Louis, Dec. 7, 1872; son of John P. and Laura R. (Hough) Keiser; educated at Smith Academy and Washington University; unmarried. After finishing studies entered office of father, Capt. John P. Keiser, retired capitalist, and later was his private secretary until his death in July, 1901, when became executor of his estate. After settle ment of the estate was made its manager, in which position continued until estate was wound- up. Has served as director of the Rich Hill Water, Light and Fuel Co., the Vitrified Brick Co., and as vice president and secretary of the Gilman Mining Co. Member Civic League, Hospital Saturday and Sunday Assn. Republican. Episcopalian. Clubs: St. Louis, University, Noonday, Racquet, City, Aero, Automobile, Mississippi Valley Kennel, Sunset Hill Country. Favorite recreations: hunting and motoring. Office: 620 Security Bldg. Residence: 44 Portland PL KEITH, William F., physician, oculist; born, Louisiana, Mo., Mar. 14, 1876; son of Dr. Clayton and Mary (Barnard) Keith; graduated from Louisiana (Mo.) High School, 1892, Missouri Medical College (Medical De partment Washington University), M.D., 1897; unmarried. In 1896 was appointed attendant to general surgical clinic and to medical clinic of St. John's Hospital; later was in charge of the orthopedic clinic, same hospital, three years; then became attending physician to the eye clinic, and has since limited practice to the (eye) specialty. Examiner for several life and accident insurance companies in this spe cialty. Member Christian (Disciples) Church. Office: Carleton Bldg. Residence: "Keith Place," St. Louis Co., Mo. KELLEY, Taylor Dennis, sales agent Amer ican Steel Foundries; bom, Gratis, Preble Co., O., Nov. 27, 1862; son of William J. and Susan (Taylor) Kelley; educated in public schools; married, Connersville, Ind., Feb. 11, 1891, Otta Wood; children: Donald W., Eliza beth T. Began business career as assistant in the retail hardware store of father at Green ville, O., 1887-94; came to St. Louis as man ager railway supply department, Simmons Hardware Co., 1899-1901; third vice president of the Norvell-Shapleigh Hardware Co., July, 328 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 1901, to Nov. 1, 1904; since sales agent Amer ican Steel Foundries and Simplex Railway Ap pliance Co. Republican. Clubs: St. Louis, Mercantile, Glen Echo, Noonday, Racquet. Of fice: Frisco Bldg. Residence* 4416 Westmin ster PL KELLY, Harry Milton, glassware; born in Muskingum Co., O., Aug. 7, 1864; son of James A. and Martha M. (Peairs) Kelly; edu cated in public schools at Muskingum. Co.; Muskingum College, New Concord, O.; East man Business College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., 1883; married, Memphis, Tenn., July 11, 1901, Mary L. O 'Donnell. After two years in cler ical railroad position, entered glass business in an office capacity at Bellaire, O., January, 1887; in 1891, went with A. J. Beatty & Son, Tiffin, O., as traveling salesman; since 1892, with the United States Glass Co. of Pitts burgh, Pa., ten years as traveling salesman, three years as local sales manager at Pitts burgh, and since Dec. 1, 1904, local sales man ager at St. Louis. Republican. Mason, Knight Templar. Office: 613-617 Granite Blk. Resi dence: Overland Park, St. Louis Co. KELLY, John J., general agent State Mu tual Life Assurance Co.; bom, Albany, N. Y., May 23, 1871; son of Thomas and Mary (Ra leigh) Kelly; educated in schools of Albany, N. Y.; LL.B., St. Louis Law School, Wash ington University, 1899; married, St. Louis, July 30, 1912, Natalie Hewit. Began business career as clerk in First National Bank of Albany, N. Y.; came to St. Louis, 1893, and continued in the life insurance business, which line he entered just before leaving Albany; in 1893 received appointment to present position as general agent of the State Mutual Life As surance Co. of Worcester, Mass. Member Life Underwriters' Association of St. Louis. Club: Glen Echo Country. Favorite recreations: tennis, horseback riding, handball. Office: 812 Chemical Bldg. Residence: 5216 Waterman Avenue. KELLY, John Joseph, carriages; see Vol. 1906. KEMPER, William F., jewelers' supplies; born, St. Louis, Feb. 12, 1866; son of Capt. Herman H. and Julia (Kasten) Kemper; edu cated in Madison School and Toensfeldt's Educational Institute; married, St. Louis, Apr. 24, 1890, Jennie Goldstein; children: Fred- rieka Julia, Eunice Louise. Served as ap prentice in jewelry business 1881-84; journey man watchmaker, 1884-87; in business as re tail jeweler and dealer in diamonds and watches, 1887-1905; since in the wholesale jewelers' and watchmakers' supply business; now president W. F. Kemper Supply Co. Sec retary Association of Jewelry Jobbers since 1910; secretary National Retail Jewelers' As sociation, 1892-98; member Civic League. Re publican. Evangelical Lutheran. Recreation: the kodak. Office: 613 Locust St. Residence; 2350 Tennessee Ave. KEMPSTER, George Brazell, fire insur ance; bom, London, England, Dee. 2, 1854; son of Thomas and Harriett Kempster; edu cated public grammar school; B.A., on exam ination, King's College, London, 1874; Hat- cliffe scholar, Birkbeck Institute, London; married, London, 1878, Matilda Pitts; two children: Ernest Brazelle, Thomas George. Office apprentice in insurance business, Lon don; came to America, 1886, naturalized, 1900; during recent years exclusively in adjustment work, Omaha, Denver, Texas and the South; became connected with Western Adjustment and Inspection Co., of Chicago, at St. Louis, 1907, and ndw manager of St. Louis branch. Episcopalian. Mason; member Woodmen of the World, A. O. U. W. Served in London Rifle Brigade and London Scottish Volun teers. Club: Missouri Athletic. Recreation: golf. Office: 1151-1155 Pierce Bldg. Resi dence: 4059 Flad Ave. KENDRICK, Justin S.; see Vol. 1906. KENNARD, John Burton, merchant; born, St. Louis, Apr. 5, 1868; son of Samuel M. and Annie R. (Maude) Kennard; educated in Stoddard School and Smith Academy, grad uating June, 1886; married, St. Louis, Dec. 9, 1896, Elizabeth Boyd; children: Elizabeth Shapleigh, John Burton, Jr., Mary Lees. Began when a boy with J. Kennard & Sons Carpet Co. (established 1857 by John Kennard, his grandfather, who had previously been in the same line at Lexington, Ky.), and has contin ued with the same company, of which is now president, in the importing and jobbing trade in carpets, curtain goods, rugs, draperies, oil cloths, etc. Also vice president of the Ken nard Building Co., and of the Drannek Realty Co.; director Southern Coal and Mining Co. Independent in politics. Clubs: Noonday, Racquet, City, Bellerive Country. Recreation: golf. Office: 4th St. and Washington Ave. Residence: 4960 Berlin Ave. KENNARD, Samuel M., merchant; born, Lexington, Ky., January, 1842; son of John and Catherine (Fishburne) Kennard; edu cated in public schools of, Lexington, Ky.; married, St. Louis, 1867, Annie R. Maude; children: John B., Sa'Lees, Annie M. (Mrs. J. H. Brookmire), Mary R. (Mrs. H. B. Wallace), Samuel M., Jr., Richard S. Lived at Lexing ton, Ky., until 1857, when, at the age of fif teen years, came to St. Louis with father, who established in the carpet business; entered the house and grew up in the business. At out break of war, 1861, joined Landis Battery, C. S. A., attached to Cockrell's Brigade; saw active service in Mississippi, especially around Vicksburg in 1863, and command was sur- THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 329 rendered to Grant when that place fell; re mained prisoner of war until exchanged and became a lieutenant in Landis and Guiboir's batteries, which were consolidated; com manded a section of the battery at battle of Franklin, Tenn., Oct. 30, 1864, under Alexan der P. Stewart; during last six months of the war was with General Hood's army in Georgia and Tennessee and a portion of the time aide- de-camp to Gen. N. B. Forrest. Returned to St. Louis after war and became a partner with father, 1865, in firm of J. Kennard & Sons, and after death of father, November, 1872, business was incorporated under present style of J. Kennard & Sons Carpet Co., of which he was president and is now chairman of board. One of the original organizers of St. Louis Exposition and for twelve years was president of St. Louis Exposition Associa tion; president of first meeting of Autumnal Festivities Association (Veiled Prophet) in 1891; vice president Louisiana Purchase Ex position Co.; first president Business Men's League. Helped build new Planters' Hotel, , 1894; director National Bank of Commerce, Commonwealth Trust Co.; trustee Barnes Es tate (devotes spare. time to looking over plans and specifications for million dollar hospital to be built by the estate). Democrat. Meth odist (Southern). Member and was brigadier- general, 1897-98, Missouri Division United Confederate Veterans. Clubs: Mercantile (one of organizers), Commercial, St. Louis, Coun try. Office: corner 4th St. and Washington Ave. Residence: 4 Portland PL KENNEDY, Josiah Woodruff, architect and builder; 1828-1909; see Vol. 1906. KENNEDY, Pierre Beauregard, lawyer; 1869-1910; see Vol. 1906. KENNEDY, Samuel G., fire insurance; born, Davenport, la., Dec. 5, 1849; son of William and Margaret (Patterson) Kennedy; came to St. Louis, 1852; educated in St. Louis public schools; married, St. Louis, Oct. 26, 1881, Mary R. Kennard; children: Margaret R. and Annie Maude. Entered small retail dry goods store as errand boy, 1858; entered employ of David Nicholson, wholesale and retail gro cer, as errand boy, 1860; became clerk and collector in private banking houses of John M. Taylor and Miller & Karst, October, 1863 ; on April 1, 1865, entered insurance business with Union Insurance Co. of St. Louis and continued until company retired from busi ness in 1873; secretary of Marine Insurance Co. of St. Louis from 1873 until company re tired from business, December, 1891, then was president of that company in liquidation. In February, 1892, began business for self as agent of Girard Insurance Co., of Philadel phia, and now does general fire insurance busi ness. Member Merchants' Exchange of St. Louis. Methodist. Clubs: St. Louis, City. Of fice: 1214-1215 Pierco Bldg. Residence: 4947 Maryland PL KENNEDY, Walter Urban, surgeon; born, Murrayville, 111., Sept. 22, 1878; son of U. B. and Kathleen (Stuart) Kennedy; graduated from high school, Winchester, 111.; student University of Illinois, Barnes Medical College, M.D., 1898; student University of Berlin, 1904; married, Springfield, 111., 1902, Sada Vertrees; one son, Donald. Interne, and later superintendent of City Hospital, Jacksonville, 111., 1898; removed to St. Louis, 1899; founder and chief surgeon, North St. Louis Hospital; secretary of board of trustees and professor surgery College of Physicians and Surgeons. Member Missouri State Medical Association, St. Louis Medical Society, Tri-State Medical Society (president); fellow Royal Microscop ical Society. Director Aqua Pura Filter Manu facturing Co.; Melborne Realty Co.; secre tary Hammond-Garrison Co. Democrat. Pres byterian. Club: Masonic. Office: 1121 Cass Ave. Residence: 2258 Athlone Ave. KENNERLY, George Hancock, architect; born, St. Louis, Feb. 23, 1867; son of Pierre Menard and Florida (Whiting) Kennerly; grandson of Pierre Menard, first lieutenant governor of Illinois; educated in high school, Washington, D. O; St. John's Academy; graduated from Hanneman School of Technol ogy, 1888; married, Trenton, N. -J., Jan. 28, 1888, Kathrine E. Frucette. Began as archi tect in Washington, D. C, 1888; located in St. Louis, 1904; has designed and erected many buildings throughout the United States, among them: Hamilton County Court House, Florida, 1889; Parker Memorial Church, An- niston, Ala., 1890; entire plant for Armour & Co., Chicago and Omaha, 1893-97; eleetric power plant Chicago City Ry. Co. (largest in United States at time of completion), 1896; Princess Theatre, Hot Springs, Ark.; Vroo- man Apartments, St. Regis Apartments, Trimps Academy, etc., St. Louis. Democrat. Presbytreian. Member Knights of Pythias, Sons of Veterans. Served in National Rifles, Washington, D. O, three years; was lieutenant Light Battery D, National Guard, Washing ton. Author: Instructions and Information on Construction of Refrigerator and Cold Stor age Warehouses, 1900; also various mono graphs, etc. Recreations: boating, fishing, etc. Office: Benoist Bldg., 9th and Pine Sts. Resi dence: 4515 McPherson Ave. KENNERLY, John Hanger, dean Washing ton University Dental School; born, Hermit age, Va., May 2, 1856; son of Samuel and Frances Cathren (Hanger) Kennerly; educat ed in log school house, later New Hope Acad emy, New Hope, Va.; D.D.S., Missouri Dental College (now Washington University Dental .330 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS School), 1888; M.D., Marion-Sims Medical College, 1897; married, Dover, Fayette Co., Mo., July 23, 1890, Alice Virginia Starke. Began practice in St. Louis, 1888; professor prosthetic dentistry and secretary Faculty of Dental Department, Marion-Sims College of Medicine, 1894-1900; same to Faculty of Mis souri Dental College, 1900-01; since dean and professor clinical dentistry, Washington Uni versity Dental School. Secretary National Association Dental Faculties, 1897-1905, presi dent same, 1906; member Missouri State Den tal Association (president, 1904-05), St. Louis Dental Society (president, 1897), Delta Sigma Delta; honorary member Illinois State Dental Society. Democrat. Methodist. Mason. Rec reations: golf and automobiling. Office: 29th and Locust Sts. Residence: 10 Amherst Ave., University City. KENNETT, Alfred Quinton; born, St. Louis, July 25, 1854; son of William C. and Julia Sewall (Clapp) Kennett; educated in Academy of Washington University; Yale University, A.B., 1874; St. Louis Law School, 1874-75; unmarried. Admitted to bar at St. Louis, May, 1876, and engaged in practice; served in National Guard of Missouri, 1877-79, 1894-99; senior major First Missouri Volun teer Infantry, May to Oct. 31, 1898, during war with Spain; commanding officer provost guard, Camp George H. Thomas, Chiekamauga. For several years secretary and treasurer of Washington University. Member Missouri Historical Society, Archaeological Institute of America, Civic League. Club: University. Residence: 4366 Delmar Boul. KENNETT, William Potts, banker; born, St. Louis, Sept. 24, 1850; son of Mortimer and Mary Hempstead (Beebe) Kennett; educated in St. Louis public schools, Washington Uni versity and Westminster College, graduating from latter A.B., 1872; studied law; admitted to Missouri bar, 1874, U. S. bar, 1875; mar ried, St. Louis, Dec. 7, 1881, Jessie Simonds; children: Stephen Hempstead (deceased), Sid ney Gratiot (deceased), Press Graves, Mar garet Bond. Practiced law in St. Louis, 1875- 80; manager of grain and stock house of Francis J. Kennett & Co., New York City, 1880-81; entered employ of house of D. R. Francis & Bro., grain mechants, 1881, incor porated in 1884 as D. R. Francis & Bro. Com mission Co., in which was stockholder, di rector and secretary until 1898, then was mem ber of firm of Francis, Bro. & Co., bonds, stocks and general investments, until 1907. Was agent and acting receiver (during ab sence of D. R. Francis, the receiver, as Secre tary of the Interior) of the United Elevator Co., 1896-97; served as director, vice president and president, Merchants' Exchange of St. Louis, 1897-1901. Vice president German- American Bank until death of A. Gehner in 1910. since president. President St. Louis Clearing House Association. Trustee Marion- Sims College of Medicine (now St. Louis Uni versity College of Medicine). Democrat. Presbyterian; president board of Trustees First Presbyterian Church. Member Sons of the Revolution, Society of Colonial Wars, Beta Theta Pi, Alumni Club of Westminster College. Clubs: St. Louis, Noonday. Recrea tions: fly-fishing and hunting. Office: German American Bank, 4th St. and Franklin Ave. Residence: 3962 Delmar Boul. KENNEY, James Edward, shoe machinery; deceased; see Vol. 1906. KENT, Hervey Vasco, paint manufacturer; born, Stony Creek, Ont., May 26, 1845; son of Amos B. and Lucretia (Marks) Kent; educat ed in public schools; married, St. Louis, Mo., 1887, Clara Sebastian; children: Stella S., Alida N., Cora A. Clerk in a clothing store in Chicago for three years; then in wholesale jewelry house of W. B. Clapp & Bro., Chi cago, for ten years; with Chicago Dental Man ufacturing Co., 1879-81; in 1881 came to St. Louis, and was in partnership with A. M. Nelson until 1883, when incorporated the Kent & Purdy Paint Co., of which has since been president. Member Paint, Oil and Drug Club, Credit Men's Association. Republican. Congregationalist.' Club: Mercantile. Office: 18th and Pine Sts. Residence: 5045 Raymond Avenue. KENTNOR, John Harrison, treasurer of Smith & Davis Manufacturing Co.; born, St. Louis, Sept. 7, 1863; son of John A. and Sarah J. (Wallace) Kentnor; educated in pub lic schools of St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Feb. 9, 1887, Jessie H. Hall; one son, Frank Hall Kentnor. Began business career early in 1880 with the mercantile agency of R. G. Dun & Co., for six months; then, in August, 1880, entered employ of Smith & Davis Manufac turing Co., first as office boy, then general clerk and bookkeeper, assistant secretary, and, since 1891, treasurer of the company. Vice president St. Louis Furniture News. Member Civic League. Member Pilgrim Congregational Church. Club: Missouri Athletic. Recreations: fishing and billiards. Office: corner 20th and Locust Sts. Residence: 6906 Washington Ave. KEOUGH, John Benedict, carriages; de ceased; see Vol. 1906. KERCHOFF, Martin William, president Pevely Dairy Co.; born, Jarvis, Mo., June 24, 1852; son of C. H. and Louise (Rieve) Kerch- off; educated district schools Jefferson Co.; married, Pevely, June 8, 1876, Henrietta Kat- telman; two children: Daniel and Viola. Be gan business career on a dairy farm at age of twenty years; then engaged in dairy farming at Pevely until October, 1886; came to St. Louis, 1886, and started in the dairy business for himself on a small scale; organized the Pevely Dairy Co., 1903, of which has ever THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 331 since been president, his son Daniel being secretary of the company. Lutheran. Office: 3301 Park Ave. Residence: 3252 Lafayette Avenue. KERENS, Richard C, railroad builder; born, Killberry, County Meathed, Ireland, 1842; son of Thomas and Elizabeth (Gugerty) Kerens; educated public schools, Jackson Co., la.; married; children: Katharyne (Mrs. F. B. McKenna), Madeline (now Mrs. E. D. Kenna), Richard, Jr., Vincent, Gladys (Mrs. G. Ham ilton Colket, of Philadelphia). Came to United States in infancy; in Union Army, 1861-65; lived in Arkansas after war; became contractor for the Southern Overland Mail, controlling many frontier routes, residing at San Diego, Cal. In 1876 removed to St. Louis and acquired railroad interests; identified with construction of Cotton Belt System, West Virginia Central & Pittsburgh Ry. Sys tem, St. Louis & North Arkansas R. R., San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake Ry. System, Coal and Coke Railroad of West Virginia; also interested in the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe System. Active in politics; member of Republican National Executive Committee 1884-1900 inclusive; member for Missouri of National Republican Committee, 1892-1904; commissioner-at-large from Missouri to World's Columbian Exposition, 1892-93; re signed to accept appointment as one of three U. S. commissioners for Inter-Continental Railway Commission, 1892-1900; voted for as Republican candidate for U. S. senator three successive times as minority party's candidate in Missouri legislature; appointed ambassador to Austria-Hungary, Dec 21, 1909. Charter member and specially interested in the News boys' Home. Clubs: St. Louis, Union League (New York), Young Men's Republican Club (Philadelphia). Recreations: hunting and fish ing. Office: Times Bldg. Residence: 36 Van deventer PL KERENS, Vincent; see Vol. 1906. KERN, August, president August Kern- Weber Specialty Co.; born, Ste. Genevieve Co., Mo., Aug. 8, 1862; son of August and Barbara (Pfister) Kern; educated in public schools of St. Louis; married, St. Louis, 1886, Josephine Dierker; children: August, Jr., Irene. Began in 1874 in the barbers' supply business estab lished by father and has continued in it ever since; president August Kern Barber Supply Co., 1890-1911; since Oct. 2, 1911, president August Kern-Weber Specialty Co., manufac turers barbers' supplies. Republican. Recrea tions: bowling and. billiards. Office: 16 S. Broadway. Residence: 3848 Utah PL KERN, Charles, manager Union Biscuit Co.; born in Bergzabern, Bavaria, Mar. 26, 1858; son of Michael and Katherine (Kuhn) Kern; educated in schools of Bavaria; married, Bergzabern, Germany, 1879, Louisa Doppler; children: Louisa, Ida (Mrs. Albert Beyer). Learned trade of baker in Germany, begin ning at age of thirteen, and came to Missouri in 1879; was merchant miller at Hermann, Mo., several years; came to St. Louis, 1884, and engaged as miller with Southern Mills, two and one-half years; then started a bakery and restaurant in Frenchtown, which con ducted for sixteen years; since 1902 has been manager of the Union Biscuit Co., manufac turers of cakes and biscuits (incorporated 1899). Independent in polities. Catholic. Member Bakery Protective Association of St. Louis, Liederkranz, Tower Grove Turn Verein. Recreations: billiards, bowling and traveling. Office: 1106 N. 6th St. Residence: 3806 Flora Boulevard. KERN, Christian, secretary and treasurer August Kern-Weber Specialty Co.; born in Ste. Genevieve Co., Mo., Nov. 15, 1864; son of August and Barbara (Pfister) Kern; educated in public schools of St. Louis; married, St. Louis, 1892, Carrie Klinge (now deceased); one daughter, Violet; married, 2d, May 10, 1910, Anna Busch. On leaving school in 1877 entered the barbers' supply business original ly established in 1852 by father (who died in 1875), and upon its incorporation in 1890, as the August Kern Barber Supply Co., became secretary and treasurer; since Oct. 2, 19li, with August Kern-Weber Specialty Co., manu facturers of barbers' supplies. Republican. Knight of Pythias. Recreations: bowling and billiards. Office: 16 S. Broadway. Residence: 4730 Kennerly Ave. KERN, John Henry, physician and surgeon; born near Heidelberg, Germany, Mar. 10, 1863; son of James and Barbara (Kammer) Kern; educated in lyceum and Latin school in Ger many; graduated from Central Wesleyan Col lege, Warrenton, Mo., A.M., 1891; M.D., Mis souri Medical College, 1894; married at Cen tral Wesleyan College, June 6, 1905, Rosamond Reck; children: Rosamond, John, Barbara. Engaged in general practice in St. Louis since 1894. Member St. Louis Medical Society, Missouri State and American Medical asso ciations, Washington University Alumni Asso ciation, North St. Louis Medical Association, American Association for the Advancement of Science. Methodist. Mason. Office: 14th and Madison Sts. Residence: 3916 N. Grand Ave. KERN, Robert Horace, lawyer; born in Bourbon Co., Ky., Nov. 18, 1850; son of Strother and Margaret (Letton) Kern; edu cated in Kentucky University and University of Virginia; married, Chicago, 1883, Lelkie Murison; children: Robert and Mary (Mrs. Paul Tutt). Admitted to bar in 1874, and since engaged in practice. Democrat. Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner. Club: Mer cantile. Office: 506 Olive St. Residence: St. Regis Apts. 332 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS *KERR, Joseph H., railway service; moved to Chicago; see Vol. 1906. KERR, Joseph Willis, real estate; born, New Castle, Pa., July 13, 18S5; son of JohnD. and Margaret A. (Lutton) Kerr; educated in public schools of New Castle, Pa.; married, Meadville, Pa., Dec. 13, 1877, Ella J. Zimmer man; children: Mary E. (wife of Dr. O. A. Ambrose), Grace L. (Mrs. Charles A. Brady, of Los Angeles, Cal.), John D. Began busi ness career as clerk in law offiee of Gen. R. B. McComb, New Castle, Pa., 1873, continuing until 1877, and there acquired a knowledge of conveyancing; came west and engaged in real estate business in Kansas, first at New ton, Harvey Co., and later at Augusta and Wichita, until 1890, when located in St. Louis, where has since engaged in real estate busi ness; now president J. W. Kerr Realty Co. Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner. Rec reations: traveling, fishing and billiards. Of fice: 902 Chestnut St. Residence: 4157 Mc Pherson Ave. KERWIN, Edward F., president E. F. Ker- win Ornamental Glass Co.; born in Missouri; educated in public schools of Missouri; mar ried, St. Louis, 1884, Miss Nellie Maher; chil dren: Mary, Florence, Josephine. Resident of St. Louis since 1871; began in 1879 to learn the business of manufacturing mirrors and all kinds of ornamental glass, and in 1891 organ ized the E. F. Kerwin Ornamental Glass Co., of which is president. Office: 921-929 N. 6tfi St. Residence: 4117 Maffitt Ave. KESSLER, Alexander F., furrier; born, St. Louis, Sept. 13, 1869; son of J. C. and Mar garet (Doerbaum) Kessler; educated in Stod dard (public) School; married, St. Louis, Sept. 25, 1890, Tillie C. Schuerman; children: Paul A., Herbert C. Began business career in 1880 as errand boy with the M. J. Steinberg Hat and Fur Co., and remained with that firm for seventeen years, being manager of company when he left in 1897 to start for himself; joined in the formation of the Kessler-Helfers Fur and Hat Co., of which was president, 1897-1906; then firm name was changed to Alexander F. Kessler Fur and Hat Co., of which he is president. Also treasurer of the Simplex Reversible Sash Co. Republican. Member B. P. O. Elks, and Order of Eagles. Club: Missouri Athletic. Recreation: motor ing. Office: 511 Olive St. Residence: 4964 Wabada Ave. KESSLER, Emil Gustav Henry, certified public accountant; born, Bremen, Germany, Oct. 11, 1872; son of Gustav and Marie (Lewecke) Kessler; educated in public schools of Bremen, Germany, and attended Bryant & Stratton College, St. Louis, 1894; married, St. Louis, Aug. 23, 1899, Margaret Bamer; children: Gustav F., Gertrude, Walter, Her bert, Margaret, Kathrin. Began business ca reer as clerk for mercantile firm in Bremen, Germany, in 1887; came to United States in 1889, and was clerk for W. Tomworden, New York, until 1893; came to St. Louis, and was in employ of A. Moll Grocery Co., as clerk, 1893-94; with Adam Roth Grocery Co., 1894- 1900; in employ of Henry Hiemenz, Jr., as ac countant and confidential man, 1900-02; vice president of National Audit Co., 1902-07; since member of firm of Rodway & Kessler. Pres byterian. Member Missouri Society of Certi fied Public Accountants. Mason (32°), Shrin er. Offiee: 323-324 Frisco Bldg. Residence: 3715 Humphrey St. KESSLER, George Edward, landscape archi tect; born, Frankenhausen, Germany, July 16, 1862; son of Edward Carl and Clotilde Kess ler; came to America with parents, 1865; edu cated in public schools by private tutors, and special instruction in civil engineering, for estry and botany in Europe; married Ida Grant Field, of Kansas City, Mo., May 14, 1900. Engaged as landscape architect at Kan sas City since 1882; member firm of George E. Kessler & Co. since 1900. Landscape archi tect park department, Kansas City, since 1892; landscape and advisory landscape archi tect to commission of architects, St. Louis Exposition, and since 1904 director of restora tion of exposition site; designer of park sys tems and improvements for St. Louis, Mem phis, Cincinnati, Denver, Dallas, Syracuse and many other cities; planned ground improve ments for universities, cemeteries, etc. Mem ber City Plan Commission, Academy Science, Civic League (St. Louis), American Civic As sociation. Clubs: Commercial, Evanston Golf (Kansas City), Mercantile, City (St. Louis), Business Men's, Queen City (Cincinnati), Tennessee (Memphis). Offices: Waldheim Bldg., Kansas City; 423 Security Bldg., St. Louis. Residence: 14 N. King's Highway, St.- Louis. KEYSOR, William Winchester, lawyer, law professor; born near Plattsburg, N. Y., June 9, 1852; son of Clark and Amy L. (Johnson) Keysor; removed, when six years old, with parents to Mankato, Minn.; graduated from high school, Mankato; B.L., University of Minnesota, 1879; superintendent of public schools, Austin, Minn., 1879-81; LL.B., Law School, Washington University, 1883; also read law one year with Hon. Daniel Buck of Mankato, Minn.; married, June 21, 1884, Jen nie Ellis, of Austin, Minn.; two sons: William Ellis and Harold Clark. Admitted to bar, 1883, and engaged in practice at Omaha, Neb., eight years; then three terms judge of the Circuit Court of the Fourth Judicial District of Nebraska (Omaha), resigning in last year of third term, in order to accept present posi tion as professor of law in St. Louis Law School. Was member of Board of Examiners THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 333 of Teachers of public schools of Omaha, five years. Independent Republican. Congrega tionalist. Club: Monday Evening (Kirkwood, Mo.). Favorite recreations: baseball, litera ture and music. Address: Washington Univer sity. Residence: Kirkwood, Mo. KIEFFER, Alonzo Rouse, surgeon; born, Watertown, N. Y., Mar. 18, 1855; son of Major Luther and Polly (Rouse) Kieffer; edu cated in public schools of New York and Mis souri, Missouri Medical College, graduating, M.D., with honors of class, 1879; married, Versailles, Mo., Apr. 13, 1880, Belle Spurlock; children: Victor Barcroft, Bernice, Theodore Easley, Roland Spurlock, Lois, Alonzo Rouse, Jr., William Tolbert. Taught in public schools of Missouri four years. Practiced medicine in Benton Co., Mo., thirteen years, and since 1892 in St. Louis. Professor anatomy and clinical surgery, Barnes Medical College, eleven years; professor surgical diseases of women and clinical surgery, Barnes Medical College, five years; member board of trustees, Barnes University. Member St. Louis Medical Society (ex-president, also treasurer for eight years, 'during which time the savings effected made^possible the present hall of the society), Missouri State Medical Association (president 1908-09), American Medical Association (member House of Delegates), Medical So ciety of the Southwest. Republican. Congre gationalist. Office: Metropolitan Bldg. Resi dence: 4480 Westminster PL KIEL, Henry W., president Kiel & Daues Bricklaying and Contracting Co.; born, St. Louis, Feb. 21, 1871; son of Henry F. and Minnie C. (Daues) Kiel; educated in Pope and Hodgen public schools; Smith Academy, 1884-87; married, St. Louis, Sept. 1, 1892, Irene H. Moonan; four children: Henrietta, Edna, Elmer, Clarence. Learned bricklayer's trade under father and has ever since been identified with that industry; filled office of vice president and is now president of the Kiel & Daues Bricklaying and Contracting Co., established, 1868, and incorporated, 1887; secretary The Contracting and Supply Co. of St. Louis; secretary and treasurer Cliffdale Lime Co.; has executed many important con tracts in St. Louis. Republican; chairman Re publican City Committee; chairman 12th Con gressional Committee, of St. Louis; presiden tial elector-at-large, Missouri, 1908, and de livered the electoral vote of Missouri to the president of United States Senate, at Wash ington. Lutheran. Member Odd Fellows, Royal Arcanum, Elks. Club: Union. Office: 510 Odd Fellows Bldg. Residence: 1625 Mis souri Ave. KIELTY, Francis M., Catholic clergyman; 1830-1906; see Vol. 1906. KIER, William F., physician; born, Leech- burg, Pa., Aug. 4, 1849; son of Jacob Sherwell and Martha Jane (McBride) Kier; educated in West Newton Academy, West Newton, Pa.; entered St. Louis Medical College (now Med ical Department of Washington University), 1870, graduated with degree, M.D., 1871; un married. Since graduation has been engaged in practice, St. Louis. Member St. Louis Med ical Society, Missouri State Medical Associa tion. Office and Residence: 3609 Lindell Boul. KIESELHORST, Edwin Artus, president Kieselhorst Piano Co.; born, St. Louis, Dec. 7, 1874; son of John Albert and Emma Adele (Homeyer) Kieselhorst; graduated from Lin coln (public) school, St. Louis, January, 1890, followed by one year in high school and a few months in .Hayward 's Shorthand and Business College; married, Little Rock, Ark., Nov. 14, 1900, Estelle May Williams; chil dren: Wallace Williams, Earl Homeyer, Sid ney Barnes. After leaving business college, June, 1891, started as clerk for father (who established in piano business, 1879), learning each branch of the piano trade thoroughly, and at father's death, Dec. 22, 1895,. was gen eral manager; administrated the estate, which was left to self and two brothers (mother hav ing died in March, 1895), and continued piano business in own name until October, 1898, when incorporated Kieselhorst Piano Co., of which has since been president, company han dling at wholesale and retail pianos and player-pianos, and being manufacturers of the ' ' Kieselhorst ' ' pianos and player-pianos. Vice president National Bureau of Advice and Education, Chicago; member St. Louis Sym phony Society, Zoological Society of St. Louis, National Piano Merchants' Association of America, Business Men's League, St. Louis. Independent in politics. Mason (32°), also member Moolah Temple Mystic Shrine. Club: City. Recreations: literature, music and all outdoor sports. Office: 1007 Olive St. Resi dence: 4365 Forest Park Boul. KILGEN, Rudolph Frederick, real estate; born New York, Sept. 7, 1861; son of George and Caroline (Kuntz) Kilgen; educated in St. Louis public schools; married, St. Louis, May 18, 1886, Emma Hoppe; children: Viola, Ray mond. Started as office boy in H. M. Blos som's insurance office and later in same busi ness for self until 1885, since in real estate business; member firm of Kilgen & Rule, 1889- 91; president McCormick-Kilgen-Rule Real Estate Co., 1891-97, since president Kilken- Rule Real Estate Co. Member Real Estate Ex change. Republican. Mason (32°), Shriner. Clubs: Mercantile, Midland Golf. Recreation: golf. Office: 713 Chestnut St. Residence: 4346 Washington Ave. KILPATRICK, Alfred Bentley, president Alex. Kilpatrick & Sons Foundry Co.; born, St. Louis, Feb. 29, 1872; son of Alexander and Fanny (Brooks) Kilpatrick; educated in pub- lie schools, graduating, 1883; married, St. 334 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS Louis, October, 1910, Alice B. Kilpatrick. Went to work in father's establishment in 1883; learned the moulder's trade and later took charge of the works, ijutil 1902, when the Alex. Kilpatrick & Sons Foundry Co. was incorporated, as manufacturers of general foundry work, of which company has since been president. Recreation: motoring. Office: 12th and Howard Sts. Residence: 3950 Ash land Ave. KILPATRICK, Claude, real estate; born, Huntsville, Ala., Nov. 11, 1848; son of Dr. Thomas J. and Mary (Gibbons) Kilpatrick; educated Wyman University, St. Louis; mar ried, St. Louis, 1879, Dorothy S., daughter of John E. Liggett; children: Elizabeth (Mrs. Charles Scudder), Lois (Mrs. L. L. Hays). Was connected with quartermaster's depart ment U. S. Army, at Memphis, Tenn., 1866; later bookkeeper and cashier in employ of Jesse Arnot, livery and sales stables, St. Louis; identified with real estate and kin dred interests since 1884; one of executors of estate of John E. Liggett, and has been prom inently identified for many years with man agement of estates; now associated with Rut ledge & Kilpatrick Realty Co. Democrat. Episcopalian. Clubs: St. Louis, St. Louis Country, Racquet. Office: 717 Chestnut St. Residence: 3645 Delmar Ave. KILPATRICK, Frederick Morton, secre tary South St. Louis Foundry and Machine Shops; bora, St. Louis, May 22, 1869; son of Robert John and Susanah (Newman) Kilpat rick; educated in public schools; Bryant & Stratton College; married, St. Louis, Sept. 16, 1890, Lottie W. McBride; one daughter, Mil dred Helen. Served apprenticeship as pat ternmaker, moulder and machinist at South St. Louis Foundry and Machine Shops (found ed by his father, 1875) and became foreman; vice president of the company, 1904-10, secre tary since 1910. Republican. Presbyterian. Mason; member Good Hope Lodge No. 218, A. F. & A, M.; St. Loui,s Chapter No. 8, R. A. M.; St. Aldemar Commandery No. 18, K. T.; Moolah Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S.; member Modern Woodmen of America, Legion of Honor. Member Company H, Missouri Na tional Guard, 1889. Clubs: Western Rowing, Edrus, St. Louis Country. Recreations: hunt ing, fishing and motorboating. Office: 7514 S. Broadway. Residence: 348 W. Hurck St. KILPATRICK, Henry Theodore, plumber; born, Akron, O., July 30, 1863; son of Hugh Judson and Mary (Gaylord) Kilpatrick; edu cated in public schools of Akron until seven teen years of age; then three years at North ern Indiana Normal School and Business In stitute, Valparaiso, Ind.; married, Chicago, 1884, Annie Berry. Began as plumber's helper with J. J. Wade & Son, Chicago, working as apprentice, 1885-89, as journeyman, 1889-92, and as general superintendent, 1892-1900; moved to St. Louis, June 1, 1900, and estab lished in plumbing business in firm of Burke & Kilpatrick; bought out Mr. Burke, Mar. 1, 1902, and has since continued alone. Member Master Plumbers' Association. Member A. F. & A. M. Office: 1214 Pine St. Residence: 3158 Brantner PL KILPATRICK, Robert John, president of South St. Louis Foundry and Machine Shops; born, St. Louis, Jan. 19, 1839; son of Robert and Elizabeth (Grey) Kilpatrick; educated in Mound (public) School, 8th and Howard Sts.; married, Baltimore, Md., May 12, 1864, Su sanah Newman; five children: Joseph, Fred erick M., William, Susie (Mrs. T. H. Woods), Charles, Edwin R. Began active career in employ of the Peoples Iron Works, St. Louis, 1852. Served as chief engineer in Confed erate Navy; was in Mobile Bay with Admiral Buchanan, on gunboat Selma, with Capt. P. U. Murphy; captured by Admiral Farragut and confined as prisoner of war in the Union Warehouse, New Orleans; later served as en gineer on the "Erie," carrying troops and munitions of war to Grant at City Point, Va.; was chief engineer of river steamers, Mag nolia, Florence, and Victoria, 3865, 1866, 1867. After leaving river was superintendent of the Western Foundry, owned by Marshall & Kil patrick, Main and Florida Sts., St. Louis, un til entered business on own account; president South St. Louis Foundry and Machine Shop, Carondelet Electric Light and Power Co., Cen tralia Rolling Mills (one-third owner). Was owner of brick yard at Grand Avenue and Broadway, 1873, and established foundry at Carondelet. Member National Association of Stationary Engineers (vice president, 1883-84, president, 1885). Republican. Presbyterian. Mason; member Cache Lodge No. 416, A. F. & A. M.; St. Louis Chapter No. 8, R. A. M.; St. Louis Commandery No. 1, K. T.; member Knights and Ladies of Honor, Legion of Honor. Club: Carondelet Motor Boat. Office: 7514 S. Broadway. Residence: 338 W. Hurck Street. *KIMBALL, Albert Edward, Salvation Army official; moved to Chicago; see Vol. 1906. KIMBALL, Arthur Campbell, physician; born, St. Louis, June 10, 1879; son of Thomas Dudley and Belle (Campbell) Kimball; edu cated in Kirkwood public and high schools until 1893; was graduated from Central High School, St. Louis, 1895; A.B., Washington University, 1899; M.D., Medical Department of Washington University, 1903; unmarried. Junior physician City Hospital, . 1903-04; as sistant in gynecology, Mullanphy Hospital, 1904-10 inclusive; associate in department of pediatrics, same hospital, since Jan. 1, 1911; instructor Washington University Medical De- THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 335 partment, 1907-10. Engaged in general prac tice. First lieutenant and assistant surgeon, Missouri National Guard, Apr. 9, 1904; cap tain, June 7, 1906; major, Feb. 15, 1912; com missioned first lieutenant Medical Reserve Corps, U. S. Army, Apr. 10, 1911, unassigned list. Republican. Presbyterian. Member Ameri can Medical Association, Missouri State Med ical Association, St. Louis Medical Society, Phi Delta Fraternity; companion Missouri Commandery, Military Order of the Loyal Legion. Club: First Infantry Officers'- Of fice: 820 N. Grand Ave. Residence: 1119 Wal ton Avenue. *KIMBALL, Frederic L., bed manufac turer; now living in Santa Barbara, Cal.; see Vol. 1906. KIMBELL, Robert Emmet, assistant gen eral auditor St. Louis Southwestern Ry.; born, Little Rock, Ark., Jan. 19, 1867; son of John Dering and Josephine (Langtree) Kim- bell; educated in public schools of Little Rock and Hot Springs, Ark.; married, St. Louis, Nov. 2, 1893, Julia M. Rashcoe; children: Fordyce, Josephine Elizabeth. Entered serv ice of the St. Louis Southwestern Ry. at age of nineteen, and has filled various positions, traveling auditor, chief clerk and finally as sistant general auditor. Also auditor of the Memphis Union Station Co. Methodist. Ma son; member Legion of Honor, National Union. Clubs: Mercantile, Bass Island Hunt ing and Fishing (president). Favorite recrea tions: fishing and golf. Office: Pierce Bldg. Residence: 6178 Westminster PL KIMMEL, Karl, lawyer; born, Leaven worth, Kan., Nov. 29, 1874; son of Peter and Christina (Schmale) Kimmel; educated in public schools of Leavenworth; Baker Uni versity, Baldwin, Kan.; Law Department, University of State of Missouri, graduating, ¦degree of LL.B., 1897; unmarried. Admitted to Missouri bar, 1897, and has since prac ticed in St. Louis; judge First District Police Court since May, 1911. Republican. Member Twenty-fifth Ward Republican Club, Young Men's Republican Auxiliary. Member St. Louis Bar Association, Sigma Chi Fraternity, Missouri University Alumni Association. Club: Missouri Athletic. Recreations: study of sociology; tennis, golf and other outdoor sports. Office: 1105-1106 Fullerton Bldg. Resi dence: Washington Hotel. KINEALY, James Ralph, lawyer; born, Hannibal, Mo., July 17, 1862; son of Michael and Sarah Jane (Briscoe) Kinealy; educated in St. Louis public schools; College of the Christian Brothers ; E.M., Washington Univer sity, 1883; married, St. Louis, June 30, 1898, Sarah A. Piatt; one daughter, Emmeline. Ad mitted to bar, Oct. 6, 1884, and engaged in practice of law in St. Louis, in which has since continued, except period from Mar. 27, 1903, to Dec. 31, 1904, when was judge of Circuit Court, City of St. Louis. Supreme Chancellor of the Legion of Honor of Mis souri, 1892. Member of Missouri State Bar Association. Democrat. Catholic. Clubs: Noon day, City. Offiee: 705 Olive St. Residence: 20^34 E. Harris Ave. KINEALY, John Henry, mechanical engi neer; born, Hannibal, Mo., Mar. 18, 1864; son of Michael and Sarah (Briscoe) Kinealy; educated in public schools, Smith Academy, graduating, 1880, and Washington University, graduating from department of mechanical engineering, 1884; married, Raleigh, N. C, June, 1890, Grace Strong; children: Winifred (Mrs. W. E. Bryan), Grace, Virginia, Sarah Briscoe, Henry John. Engaged in engineering work of various kinds, 1884-86; tutor at Washington University School of Engineer ing, 1886-87; associate professor in Agricul tural and Mechanical College of Texas, 1887- 89, professor mechanical engineering Agricul tural and Mechanical College of North Caro lina, 1889:92; professor of mechanical engi neering Washington University, 1892-1902; practicing engineering and doing patent work in Boston, Mass., 1902-04; and in St. Louis since 1904. Has done engineering work in various parts of the United States. Inventor of the Kinealy air cooling and purifying ap paratus; of the Kinealy Thermal Valve for vacuum systems of heating; of the Kinealy Damper Regulator for steam and hot water- boilers; and "of other Kinealy steam special ties. Member American Society of Mechanical Engineers, American Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers (president, 1901), So ciety of Arts (England), St. Louis Engineers' Club (president, 1902), Franklin Institute, St. Louis Academy of Science. Democrat. Club: City. Author: Steam Engines and Boil ers; Charts for Low Pressure Steam Heating; Formulas and Tables for Heating; American edition of The Slide Valve, by Tennant; Cen trifugal Fans; Mechanical Draft; and contri butions to technical journals, etc. Recreation: reading. Office: 503, 406 Market St. Resi dence: Ferguson, Mo. KINEALY, William B., lawyer; born, St. Louis, Nov. 15, 1871; son of Michael and Sarah J. (Briscoe) Kinealy; educated in pub lic schools and Washington University; stud ied law under father; married Miss Lily Coale, of St. Louis, Feb. 12, 1904. Admitted to Missouri bar, 1897, and since junior mem ber of firm of Kinealy & Kinealy. Democrat; member Missouri State Senate, 1902-06. Cath olic. Club: Mercantile. Recreations: country life, outdoor diversions. Office: 1419, 705 Olive St. Residence: 8557 Mead St. KING, Alfred Byron, osteopathic physician; born, Kittening, Pa., July 4, 1862; son of George Adam and Caroline (Simpson) King; 336 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS educated in public schools of College Springs, la.; B.S., Amity College, College Springs, 1883; Queen City Business College, Quincy, 111., 1885 ; was graduated from S. S. Still Col lege of Osteopathy, Des Moines, la., degree of D.O., January, 1901; married, Dorchester, Neb., Oct. 13, 1892, Lora Maude Kepler; one daughter, Louise. Was with various retail stores, 1885-88; connected with the office of the McCord-Brady Co., wholesale grocer;-;, Omaha, 18S8- January, 1898; practiced at Springfield, Mo., February-November, 1901. since at St. Louis. Republican. United Pres byterian. Member American Osteopathic As sociation, Missouri State Osteopathic Associa tion, St. Louis Osteopathic Association (vice president since Sept. 19, 1911); member Iota Tau Sigma Fraternity. Recreations: fishing and outdoor sports. Office: 1718 Third Na tional Bank Bidg. Residence: 5818 Bartmer Avenue. KING, Edward Charles, commercial paper; born, Kirkwood, Mo., Jan. 17, 1876; son of Wyllys and Lucy (Graham) King; educated in public and high schools, Kirkwood; mar ried, St. Louis, 1900, Frances Rogers; one daughter, Katherine. After leaving school began as clerk in the Third National Bank, and later was with the A. G. Edwards Broker age Co., as exchange broker, until 1902; was connected with the firm of Steere & Burr, un til July 1, 1904, when that firm dissolved; then became resident partner in now firm of George H. Burr & Co., bankers and commer cial paper, with offices in Boston, New York, Chicago and St. Louis. Member Business Men's League, Civic League. Clubs: Mercan tile, Glen Echo, Algonquin, Sunset Hill. Of fice: 506 Olive St. Residence: New York City. KING, Goodman, president Mermod, Jac card & King Jewelry Co.; educated in St. Louis public and private schools and Clark's Academy; married, St. Louis, Apr. 30, 1884, Mary Hopkins; one son, Clarence Hopkins. Began business career, 1865, as employe with Mermod & Jaccard Jewelry Co., and continued with that company and its successor, the Mer mod, Jaccard & King Jewelry Co., of which he is now president. A founder and director of the Fall Festivities Association; vice president Business Men's League; member St. Louis Manufacturers' and Exporters' Association; judge and historian of Art Metal Section, De partment of Liberal Arts, World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893; director and de partment juror, Louisiana Purchase Exposi tion, St. Louis, also vice chairman of Liberal Arts', Manufactures', Anthropology and Eth nology departments of same, and special com missioner to Japan on behalf of Louisiana Purchase Exposition. Created in March, 1907, by the French Government a member of the Academie Francaise, with the title of "Offi- cier de 1 'instruction publique," in considera tion of his services to France in the Colum bian Exposition (1893) and the Louisiana Purchase Exposition (1904). Member of St. Louis Academy of Science, Missouri Histor ical Society. Presbyterian. Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner. Clubs: St. Louis, Noonday, Mercantile, Missouri Athletic. Office: Broad way and Locust St. Residence: 78 Vande venter Place. KING, Harry Bronson, treasurer King- Brinsmade Mercantile Co.; born, Medina, O., 1857; son of David H. and Helen M. King; educated in public schools, New York, and University of the City of New York. Began as clerk in AVall Street, New York; later en gaged in mercantile business in Minnesota; located in St. Louis, 1896, and was associated with father in firm of D. H. King & Co.; now treasurer King-Brinsmade Mercantile Co. Of fice: 1110 Washington Ave. Residence: 3916 Washington PL KING, Henry, managing editor The St. Louis Globe-Democrat; born, Salem, O., May 11, 1842; son of Selah W. and Eliza (Aleshire) King; removed in childhood to Illinois; learned printer's trade and became an editor, serving successfully in all departments of daily newspapers; married, Nov. 17, ' 1861, Maria Louise Lane (deceased); children: Henry Lane and Bessie H. (wife of Dr. N. J. Hawley). Has been in newspaper business since beginning of active career; served four years in Union Army during Civil War and was honorably discharged with rank of cap tain. Edited papers at Quincy, 111., and To- peko, Kan.; joined staff of Globe-Democrat, 1883; became editor, 1897. Clubs: St. Louis, University, Round Table. Office: Globe-Demo crat. Residence: 3864 Cleveland Ave. KING, J. Munliall, fire brick manufacturer; 1865-1908; see Vol. 1906. KING, James Emmet, lawyer; born, St. Louis, Mar. 7, 1879; son of Patrick and Han- orah (Long) King; educated in public schools, St. Louis; St. Alphonsus High School; Chris tian Brothers College, receiving degree of A.B., 1898, A.M., 1901; took full course of three years at University Law School, law department of Catholic University of Amer ica, Washington, D. C, graduating with de gree of LL.B., 1901; married, St. Louis, June 24, 1908, Jennie Mueller; one child, James Emmet, Jr. Admitted to practice in state courts of Missouri, Dec. 15, 1900, federal courts later; began practice in office of Faun tleroy & Howe, St. Louis, and in 1902 asso ciated with Seneca N. Taylor; appointed asso ciate city attorney of St. Louis by Mayor Wells, April, 1907, and served four years; now in general practice. Democrat; active in political affairs, municipal, state and national; member advisory board of Young Men's Democratic Club of St. Louis. Catholic. Mem- THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 337 ber Missouri State Bar Association, St. Louis Bar Association, Civic League, Royal Ar canum, Knights of Columbus. One of organ izers of Public Question Club. During term as associate city attorney revised and simplified many forms used by city officials in prosecu tion of ordinance violations and appeared in many cases in which legality of health and police regulations was sustained by the ap pellate courts. Recreations: reading and out door diversions. Office: 906-910 Third Na tional Bank Bldg. Residence: 5830 Page Boul. KING, John Corson, retired; born, Wil- liamsport, Pa., Nov. 12, 1837; son of Joseph and Mary (Corson) King; educated in public schools and Dickerson Seminary, Williams- port; married Ida Brecht, of Williamsport, March, 1869 (died, 1902); 2d, Delia B. Hogan, of St. Louis, June 14, 1905. Began active ca reer as associate with his father in farming; then in canal boat and lumber business at Williamsport; disposed of interest, 1881, and located in St. Louis, and became actively iden tified with real estate business, from which recently retired. Was incorporator of the King Electric Co., with which was connected, 1898-1906. Democrat. Recreation: motoring. Residence: 6370 Waterman Ave. KING, Lawrence L., fire insurance; born, London, England, Aug. 21, 1845; educated at schools in England; married, St. Louis, 1880, Mary E. Currier. Came from England, 1857, and was clerk with A. T. Stewart & Co., dry goods, New York, until 1860; then came to St. Louis, and was clerk for W. L. Vander voort Co., dry goods, until 1868; continued in mercantile line, 1868-72; has since conducted a fire insurance agency in St. Louis, and rep resents English and American companies in fire, tornado and accident insurance. Member Merchants' Exchange, Legion of Honor. Club: City. Office: Pierce Bldg. Residence: 4234 Morgan St. KING, Roscoe Cary, manager New York Belting and Packing Co.; born, Boston, Aug. 2, 1867; son of S. A. and M. E. King; edu cated in public schools of Philadelphia; mar ried, Philadelphia, May 12, 1893, Ida V. Bangs; one son, Russel F. Began business career as salesman, 1902; since May 1, 1904, manager St. Louis branch of the New York Belting and Packing Co., Ltd., manufacturers of rubber goods for mechanical purposes such as belting, hose, packing, etc. (established, 1846). Member Business Men's League. Re publican. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Rotary, Seranton Engineers' (Scranton, Pa.), Frank- lyn (Wilkes-Barre, Pa.). Office: 218-220 Chest nut St. Residence: 5228 Cabanne Ave. KING, William Jones; see Vol. 1906. KINGSLAND, David Ferguson, hardware; born, St. Louis, July 25, 1859; son of LeRoy and Melissa (Alter) Kingsland; educated in St. Louis public schools; married, St. Louis, 1883, Annie M. Billbrough; one daughter, Lily Rimmer. Entered Simmons Hardware Co. as boy in 1879, and remained with that company in various capacities until 1902, when joined in organization of the Geller, Ward & Hasner Hardware Co. (wholesale and retail), of which has since been vice president. Democrat. Member St. George's Episcopal Church. Club: Winfield Hunting (Winfield, Mo.). Recrea tions: hunting and fishing. Office: 412 N. 4th St. Residence: 3954 Washington Boul. KINGSLAND, Lawrence Douglas, president Convention Bureau; born, St. Louis, Sept. 15, 1841; son of George and Eliza A. (Ferguson) Kingsland; educated in Wyman School, St. Louis, and cadet at Western Military Insti tute, Nashville, Tenn.; served in Civil War, 1861-65, being commissioned second lieutenant by State of Tennessee, and later captain, C. S. A.; married, St. Louis, Nov. 5, 1867, Lizzie F. Tennant (now deceased); children: Doug las G., and Bessie (Mrs. Herbrand Harvey). Entered business, 1865, as bookkeeper for father, George Kingsland, of firm of Kings- land & Ferguson (established, 1844) ; suc ceeded him at his death in 1874, and was president of the Kingsland Manufacturing Co., manufacturers of agricultural and saw mill machinery, until 1908; now president Convention Bureau of St. Louis. Founder and president St. Louis Manufacturers' Associa tion (now the St. Louis Manufacturers' and Exporters ' Association) ; founder and ex- president Latin-American Club. Consul gen eral in St. Louis for Central American states of Nicaragua, Guatemala, Salvador and Hon duras. Commissioner from Nicaragua to the Louisiana Purchase Exposition; delegate for Guatemala to the International Library Con gress held in St. Louis, 1904; ex- vice presi dent for Missouri of National Association of Manufacturers of the United States. Member Merchants' Exchange, American Forestry As sociation of Washington, D. O, Missouri His torical Society. Democrat; police commis sioner and election commissioner during ad ministration of Gov. Lon V. Stevens. One of the original smoke abatement citizens, and president of St. Louis Smoke Abatement As sociation for several years; chairman of joint committee of the Free Bridge Bond Issue. Episcopalian. Member Royal Arcanum and Legion of Honor. Club: Mercantile. Office: 614 Commercial Bldg. Residence: Hotel Beers. KINNER, Hugo, physician; bora, Woerlitz, Germany, Mar. 17, 1840; son of Christopher Philip and Laura Kinner; student at universi ties of Jena, Leipzig and Greifswald, and completed studies and graduated, M.D., at Berlin, March, 1863; married, St. Louis, Apr. 30, 1868, Augusta Burgas (now deceased) ; children: Gertrude L., Otto B., Helmuth M., Fritz C. After graduation was commissioned 338 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS by family to settle certain family affairs in America, where the family has been repre sented since the early days of Virginia; set tled in St. Louis in 1864, wheije has since been engaged in practice of medicine. Member American Association for the Advancement of Science, American Anthropological Asso ciation, Archasological Institute of America. Has traveled among nearly all the tribes of American Indians as an archaeologist and an thropologist, and possesses a fine collection of Indian curios. Address: 1103 Rutger St. KINSELLA, William Joseph, president of Hanley & Kinsella Coffee and Spice Co.; born, Carlow, Ireland, June 8, 1845; son of Patrick and Ellen (Keating) Kinsella; educated at St. Patrick's College, Tullow, County Carlow, Ireland; married, St. Louis, October, 1885, Nellie M. Hanley; children: William J., Jr., Dalton L., Ella Marie. Began as clerk, Dub lin; came to St. Louis, 1870, agent Kingsford & Oswego Starch Co.; engaged as merchant and manufacturer, 1874-78, as W. J. Kinsella & Co.; in 1878 was incorporated as Hanley & Kinsella Coffee and Spice Co., of which is president. Vice president Mechanics-American National Bank; director Mercantile Trust Co., Louisiana Purchase Exposition Co., Business Men's League. Republican. Catholic. Clubs: St. Louis, Noonday, Mercantile. Office: 713 Spruce St. Residence: 442 Lindell Boul. KINSEY, William M., judge; born, Mt. Pleasant, Jefferson Co., O., Oct. 28, 1846; son of Caleb B. and Sarah (Metcalfe) Kinsey; educated at Hopedale Academy, Harrison Co., O., George K. Jenkins' private school, Mt. Pleasant, Monmouth College, 111., and Law Department of Iowa State University; mar ried, Durant, la., 1872, Miss Lorretta L. Cha pin; children: E. Raymond, Laura M., Robert Ralph and Edith. Admitted to practice in Missouri in 1875; judge of the Circuit Court of St. Louis since 1904. Elected to Congress, 1888, as a Republican, from the (then) Tenth District of Missouri, and served in Fifty-first Congress, 1889-91; renominated, 1890, but de feated at election; defeated for renomination in 1892. Director for thirteen years of South ern Commercial and Savings Bank of St. Louis. Member Ethical Society of St. Louis. Club: Century Boat. Chambers: Court House. Residence: 6638 Vermont Ave. KIRBY, Daniel Noyes, lawyer; born, Lyme, Conn., Aug. 22, 1864; son of Eliab B. and Caroline L. Kirby; educated in St. Louis High School; A.B., Washington University, 1886; LL.B., St. Louis Law School, 1888; unmar ried. Practiced at first in office of Charles Nagel; then became his partner in law firm of Nagel & Kirby; later of Finkelnburg, Nagel & Kirby, and since 1905 of firm of Nagel & Kirby. Lecturer at St. Louis Law School. Member of St. Louis and Missouri State Bar associations. Clubs: University, Noonday, St, Louis Country. Office: Security Bldg. Resi dence: 4142 Morgan St. KIRCHNER, Henry Charles Albert, physi cian; deceased; see Vol. 1906. KIRCHNER, Walter Charles George, phy sician; born, St. Charles, Mo., July 14, 1875; son of Henry A. and Caroline (Schneider) Kirchner; educated in grammar and - high schools of St. Louis, graduating, 1894; A.B., Washington University, 1897; M.D., Medical Department of Washington University, 1901; unmarried. In service of Health Department of St. Louis as assistant bacteriologist, 1899- 1901; instructor in bacteriology in Medical Department of Washington University, 1903; assistant physician, two years, assistant su perintendent, 1903-07, superintendent, 1907-11, City Hospital. European travel and study in Vienna, Berlin and London, during 1911; since return from Europe in private surgical practice. Member St. Louis Medical Society, Missouri State Medical Association, American Medical Association (ex-president), Medical Society of City Hospital Alumni, Washington, University Association, St. Louis Academy of Science, St. Louis Surgical Club, American Association of Obstetricians and Gynecolo gists, Southern Surgical and Gynecological Association, honorary society of Sigma Xi, Medical Reserve Corps U. S. Army. Club: Contemporary. Office: Metropolitan Bldg, Residence: 1127 N. Grand Ave. KIRKPATRICK, Halley Curry; see Vol. 1906. KIRKPATRICK, Thomas Scott, wholesale store fixtures; bora, Ripley, Tenn., June 27, 1878; son of Thomas C. and Susan (Scott) Kirkpatrick; educated in public schools of Ripley, Tenn.; unmarried. Began business ca reer as assistant cashier of the Lauderdale County Bank, Ripley, Tenn., for two years, and was also scretary of the Ripley Oil Mills; went to Louisville, Ky., and for two years was president of the Kentucky Printing Co.; came to St. Louis with brother, Halley C, and in January, 1904, established present firm of Kirkpatrick Bros., wholesale store fixtures, bank and office furniture, and fire and burg lar-proof safes. Democrat. Presbyterian, Club: Missouri Athletic. Office: 111*. Wash ington Ave. Residence: Missouri Athletic Club. KISSACK, Robert, merchant tailor; born on the Isle of Man, Great Britain, Aug. 22, 1838; son of Thomas and Jane (Kewish) Kis- sack; educated in common schools in native country; married, St. Louis, Jan. 25, 1872, Emily Ashton (died, Apr. 13, 1911); children: Robert A., Martha, Kathryn, Alfred, Philip. After learning the tailoring trade in native country, emigrated to the United States in 1866; came direct to St. Louis, where entered THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 339 the service of Rosenfeld Bros., in whose em ploy remained until going into business with partner, Julius C. Seaman, 1878, in the tailor ing business, now known as the Kissack & Seaman Tailoring Co., of which is president; formerly president of the Kissack Hat Co. Republican. Episcopalian. Member of the Masonic fraternity, Legion of Honor. Office: 201, 804y2 Pine St. Residence: 6918 Maple Avenue. KLAW, Isaac W., clothing; see Vol. 1906. KLEIBER, Frank ManueL justice of the peace; born, Washington, D. O, Nov. 17, 1860; son of Frank and Anna Maria (White) Kleiber; educated in public schools in Brook lyn, N. Y.; married, 1893, Isabella Little; children: Kathryn, Anna, Jane. Came west in 1874; worked in mill of Harrison Wire Co. until 1884; member of Benton Wire Co., manufacturers of barbed wire, 1884-87; assist ant cashier for assessor and collector of water rates, St. Louis, 1887-91; chief deputy clerk St, Louis Criminal Court, 1891-94; elected, 1894, justice of the peace of Third District, reelected in 1898 and 1902, and still serving; police judge South St. Louis Police Court, 1902-10. Treasurer Realty Mortgage Invest ment Co.; director United Building Co. Demo crat. Methodist. Recreations: hunting and fishing. Office: 1109 Chouteau Ave. Resi dence: 1827 Kennett PL KLEIN, Eugene Schreiber, architect; born, St. Louis, Mar. 11, 1876; son of Judge Jacob and Lily (Schreiber) Klein; educated in pub lic schools of St. Louis; graduated at Smith Academy, 1895; A.B., Harvard College, 1899; B.S. in architecture, Lawrence Scientific School of Harvard University, 1901; married, January, 1907, Nella M. Lambert, of Spring field, 111.; one son, Eugene L. On leaving col lege entered employ of Mauran, Russell & Garden (now Mauran, Russell & Crowell), architects, with whom has ever since been em ployed. -Republican. Member Pi Eta Society of Harvard, St. Louis Architectural Club, St. Louis Chapter American Institute of Archi tects. Club: Harvard (St. Louis). Office: 1620 Chemical Bldg. Residence: 5504 Cates Avenue. KLEIN, Jacob, lawyer; 1845-1910; see Vol. 1906. KLEIN, John S., manufacturer; deceased; see Vol. 1906. KLEINSCHMIDT, George Frank, treasurer Beck & Corbitt Iron Co.; born, St. Louis, Jan. 13, 1868; son of Frank and Maria (Moeller) Kleinschmidt; educated in St. Louis public schools to 1883; married, St. Louis, Aug. 7, 1889, .Rose Goessling; three children: Minerva Mary (Mrs. J. E. Scott), Lester George, Gladys Caroline. Began business career as office boy with Beck & Corbitt Iron Co., Apr. 23, 1883, then served as bill clerk, price clerk, city bookkeeper, general bookkeeper, cashier, assistant treasurer, and elected treasurer, also director, February, 1907. Republican. Mem ber Methodist Episcopal Church; trustee Eden Church. Recreations: tennis and music. Of fice: 1241 N. 1st St. Residence: 2209 Clarence Avenue. KLEINSCHMIDT, Sherman Henry, whole sale provisions, butter and cheese; born, St. Louis, May 7, 1864; son of Anton H. and Sophia (Luebbering) Kleinschmidt; educated in public schools and commercial college; mar ried, St. Louis, May 9, 1893, Minna L. Franz; one daughter, Helen. Began business career as clerk in retail grocery in 1880; shipping clerk in wholesale grocery house, 1882; book keeper for wholesale butter and cheese house, 1883-96; in 1896 formed partnership with Charles A. Sweet and bought out stock of former employers; incorporated, 1900, Charles A. Sweet Provision Co., of which is vice presi dent and treasurer. Director American Cen tral Trust Co., 1904; vice president E. W. Franz Estate from 1905; secretary and treas urer of Colonial Creamery Co. since 1905. Re publican. Presbyterian. Club: City. Office: 813 Spruce St. Residence: Webster Groves, Missouri. KLENE, Benjamin J., lawyer; born, July 4, 1858; son of Benjamin H. and Marie (Leiner) Klene; educated in. Sparta (111.) High School; LL.B., Law Department, Washington Univer sity, 1886; married, St. Louis, May 28, 1889, Anna Meyer; children: Leonard W., Wilbur M., Benjamin C, Homer Grant. Admitted to Missouri bar, 1886, and began practice in St. Louis; elected to State Senate, 1894; judge Court of Criminal Correction, by appointment of Governor Hadley, 1909-11; nominated for circuit judge, Aug. 6, 1912; Republican. Con gregationalist. Office: 906, 506 Olive St. Resi dence: 4919 Fountain Ave. KLETZKER, Albert J., photo-engraver; de ceased; see Vol. 1906. *KLICK, John Ferdinand, clergyman; now lives in Granite City, 111.; see Vol. 1906. KLINGE, Theodore John, president Mer chants' Basket and Box Co.; born, St. Louis, Sept. 24, 1865; son of Frederick and Mar garet (Maeder) Klinge; educated at Blow (public) School, Carondelet; Mound City Com mercial College, 1880-83; married, St. Louis, April 27, 1896, Elizabeth Stommel; one 'daugh ter, Norma. Began business career as yard clerk for Iron Mountain R. R., and promoted to bill clerk; superintendent Station B, Post Office of St. Louis, 1893-97; went into box and basket business, 1897, incorporating as Merchants' Box and Crate Co., 1899, and in 1901 changed name to Merchants' Basket and Box Co., of which is president. Democrat. 340 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS Past Regent South End Council, Royal Ar canum; member local Legion of Honor, Ger- mania Turn Verein, Carondelet. Office: 1101 N. 2d St. Residence: 7123 Michigan Ave. KLIPSTEIN, Ernest C, architect; born, St. Louis, Feb. 4, 1866; son of Christian and Louisa (Zoeckler) Klipstein; educated St. Louis Manual Training School; Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Polyclinic, of Mun ich, Germany; studied in Paris and traveled in Europe; married. St. Louis, Nov. 1, 1905, Grace Huiskamp; one daughter, Julia. In practice in St. Louis since 1897; senior mem ber firm of Klipstein & Rathmann since 1908. President St. Louis Chapter, American Insti tute of Architects; member St. Louis Society, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Civic League, Chi Phi Fraternity. Clubs: Univer sity, City, Missouri Athletic. Recreations: tennis and boating. Office: Chemical Bldg. Residence: 6244 Washington Boul. KLIPSTEIN, Theodore August, druggist and manufacturing chemist; born, St. Louis, Oct. 4, 1858; son of Christian and Louisa (Zoeckler) Klipstein; among ancestors were Philip von Klipstein, who devoted seventy years to teaching forest culture in Hessian Germany, and Jacob Christian Klipstein, who assisted against England in the American Revolution; attended school in St. Louis and graduated from high school in Germany after &ve years' course there; returned to St. Louis and studied chemistry in Washington Univer sity; graduated St. Louis College of Phar macy, 1880 (second honors) ; married, St. Louis, Dec. 27, 1904, Ida Kraft; twin daugh ters, Margaret and Emma. Assumed charge, 1880, of drug business established by father, which he has developed upon an extensive scale; also manufacturer of aniline colors. Davy disinfectants, etc., for the trade. Re publican. Protestant. Member Alumni Asso ciation, St. Louis College of Pharmacy, Royal Arcanum, West St. Louis Turn Verein (hon orary). Office and Residence: 2258 Cass Ave. KNAPP, Charles Welbourne, president Pub lishers: George Knapp & Co.; born, St. Louis, Jan. 23, 1848; son of John and Virginia (Wright) Knapp; graduated St. Louis Uni versity, A.B., 1865, A.M., 1867 (LL.D., 1904) ; graduated University of Kentucky, LL.B., 1867; married, Frances Shackelford, of St. Louis, Apr. 22, 1875; one daughter, Gene vieve (Mrs. Guthrie McConnell, of Philadel phia). Entered, 1867, service of the. Missouri Republican, of which his father was one of the principal proprietors; served in various capacities and long had charge of the paper 's Washington bureau; in November, 1887, be came president of the corporation, "Publish ers: George Knapp & Co.," owners of the paper, the name of which was changed to The St. Louis Republic, May, 1888. Director Associated Press (president, 1900). Clubs: St. Louis, Noonday, St. Louis Country, Log Cabin, also Gridiron (Washington). Recreation: golf. Office: The Republic. Residence: 4943 Mary land Avenue. KNAPP, Harry Gilmore, real estate; 1855- 1910; see Vol. 1906. KNAPP, Homer Pike, vice president Butler Brothers; born, South Owego, Tioga Co., N. Y., May 5, 1855; son of Ezekiel W. and Sarah (Smith) Knapp; educated in public schools of Cleveland, O.; married, Cleveland, Nov. 1, 1882, Fannie Tillotson. Began business career as salesman in a rubber house in Cleveland, and after seven years there joined the young firm of Butler Brothers, then (1879) starting in Chicago; assisted in organizing the firm's New York house, 1880; firm was incorporated, 1887, when became secretary; came to St. Louis, 1898, to open another branch house, and in 1902 became vice president of the cor poration, with houses in New York, Chicago, St. Louis, Minneapolis, and Dallas, Tex., firm being dealers in general merchandise, and the largest house in the world doing a strictly wholesale business solely by catalogue, no traveling salesmen being employed. Director National Bank of Commerce. President (1905) of Interstate Merchants' Association; member Business Men 's League, Civic League. Inde pendent in politics. Episcopalian. Clubs: Union League (Chicago), Union (Cleveland), St. Louis, University, Noonday, Mercantile, Glen Echo, Commercial, Bellerive Country. Office: 18th and Olive Sts. Residence: Wash ington Hotel, St. Louis, and Painesville, O. KNAUFT, Benjamin Franklin, real estate and investments; born, St. Paul, Minn., Dec. 21, 1866; son of Ferdinand and Christina (Ebel) Knauft; graduated from high school, St. Paul, 1885; married, St. Louis, September, ]904, Bertha A. Wahl. Engaged for a number of years in real estate and building business at St. Paul; came to St. Louis, 1907; erected and sold homes on monthly payment plan; now manager real estate loan department of Commonwealth Trust Co.; also president Realty Savings Investment Co. Member City Council of St. Paul three terms. Methodist. Mason. Office: Commonwealth Trust Co. Resi dence: 3652 Evans Ave. KNIGHT, George Harris, lawyer; 1856- 1908; see Vol. 1906. KNIGHT, Harry French, stock and bond broker; born, St. Louis, Feb. 18, 1864; son of Augustus and Fanny (French) Knight; edu cated in public schools, Smith Academy and Wyman Institute; married, St. Louis, June 22, 1888, Bertha Judith (now deceased), daugh ter of Rev. Dr. James H. Brookes; children: James B., Fanny F., Oliver D., Harry H. Be gan business career in 1881, as employe of Crow, Hargadine & Co., wholesale dry goods; THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 341 became director of Brown-Desnoyers Shoe Co., 1889; since September, 1894, vice president of A. G. Edwards & Sons Brokerage Co. Also member of firm of A. G. Edwards & Sons; vice president Third National Bank. Repub lican. Presbyterian. Clubs: St. Louis, Noon day, St. Louis Country, Log Cabin, Cuivre. Office: 410-412 Olive St. Residence: 4433 Wes'tminster PL KNIGHT, William Benjamin, manufacturer of machinery; born, Woodford, Canada, Feb. 19, 1865; son of Benjamin A. and Ann (Ed wards) Knight; educated in public schools of Ohio; married, Spiceland, Ind., 1894, Clara G. Edwards; children: Alice A., Gertrude S., Harold E., William Benjamin, Jr. Learned machinist trade in St. Louis, and engaged in business for self, 1887-90; went to Colorado and for one year was manager of Helena mines, Leadville, Colo.; returned to St. Louis in 1891, and established firm of W. B. Knight & Co., manufacturers of special machinery; since the incorporation of William B. Knight Machine Co., has been its president. Repub lican. Protestant. Member Royal Arcanum. Favorite recreation: hunting. Office: 2019- 2025 Lucas Ave. Residence: 4568 Cook Ave. KNOX, Charles Gordon, stock yards official; 1852-1907; see Vol. 1906. KOCH, Henry W., general manager Mis souri Cotton Yarn Manufacturing Co.; born, St. Louis, Sept. 24, 1865; son of Herman and Anna (Mattfield) Koch; educated in St. Louis public schools; married, St. Louis, 1895, Char lotte Bender; one daughter, Eloise. Began business career as clerk with W. F. Crow & Co., dry goods, two years; then for five years with Hargadine-McKittrick Dry Goods Co., and six years as traveling salesman with Ely- Walker Dry Goods Co.; joined, 1895, in organ ization of the Missouri Cotton Batting Co., under which style continued until 1902, when the name of the company was changed to Missouri Cotton Yarn Manufacturing Co., of which is general manager. Republican. Mem ber St. Louis Amateur Athletic Association. Recreation: tennis. Office: 300 Lynch St. Residence: 2738 Accomac St. KOCH, Julius William, railway official; born, St. Louis, June 24, 1855; son of Theo dore and Anna (Kirsehbaum) Koch; gradu ated from Eyser College, St. Louis, 1872; mar ried, St: Louis, Oct. 17, 1888, Adele C. Sach leben (died Feb. 21, 1892); one daughter, Anna Theodora. Began business career in the employ of F. E. Schmieding & Co., wholesale hardware, in 1872; served in various capaci ties until 1880, when business was incorpo rated as the Witte Hardware Co.; director same until Mar. 1, 1893, when, upon the or ganization and incorporation of the Inter national Steel Post Co., became its president, remaining so until 1909; since treasurer Co lumbia & Northern Electric Railway Co. Inde pendent in politics. Presbyterian. Mason. Club: Mercantile. Office: 207 Victoria Bldg. Residence: 5919 Etzel Ave. KOECHIG, William, hay, grain and feed; bom, St. Louis, May 31, 1858; son of George and Dorothy (Drager) Koechig; educated in public schools of St. Louis; married, St. Louis, June 1, 1887, Ella J. Buckland; children: Irene P., Jessie A., William Kenneth. Began business career in 1876, as boy in office of J. A. Buckland & Co., wholesale and retail hay, grain and mill feed, in which firm became successively clerk, bookkeeper, salesman and, in 1895, partner; upon retirement of father- in-law, Joseph A. Buckland, in 1900, became sole proprietor of the business under the old firm name of J. A. Buckland & Co. Member Merchants' Exchange. Republican. Member Second Baptist Church. Recreation: golf. Of fice: 103-107 S. 3d St. Residence: 5122 Water man Ave. KOEHLER, Casper, brewer; deceased; see Vol. 1906. KOEHLER, Henry, Jr., brewer; 1864-1912; see Vol. 1906. KOEHLER, Hugo Arthur, president The Independent Brewing Co.; born, St. Louis, Nov. 22, 1868; son of Henry and Ottilie (Schlapp) Koehler; educated in public and high schools of Davenport, la., and academic department of Griswold College, Davenport; unmarried. Vice president American Brewing Company, 1890-1910, since then president The Independent Brewing Co. Director Davenport Malting Co., since 1902; vice president and director of the St. Louis, Rocky Mountain & Pacific Co., owning and operating (in New Mexico) the largest coal fields in the West; also director St. Louis, Rocky Mountain & Pacific Railway Co. Member Ethical Society. Clubs: University, Noonday, St. Louis, Field. Recreation: golf. Office: 932 Pierce Bldg. Residence: 320 N. Union Ave. KOELLE, Hugo Albert, treasurer Edward Westen Tea and Spice Co.; born, St. Louis, Sept. 30, 1870; son of Ernst and Mathilda E. (Baer) Koelle; educated in private schools of St. Louis; unmarried. Began business career as clerk for two years with A. Moll Grocer Co.; then collector, four years, with Jacob Furth Grocer Co.; since 1894 with Edward Westen Tea and Spice Co., as salesman one and one-half years, then cashier until 1898; when, upon incorporation of the business, be came treasurer of the company. Also vice president Lincoln-Pope Mercantile Co. Mem ber Ethical Society of St. Louis. Club: Lieder kranz. Recreation: fishing. Office: 1000 Clark Ave. Residence: 4912 Spalding Ave. KOELN, Edmond, collector of revenue; born, Carondelet, Sept. 10, 1866; son of John Peter and Elizabeth (Bollinger) Koeln; eclu- 342 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS cated in public schools; married, Carondelet, 1896, Annie Jodd; four children: Francis, Geraldine, Margaret, Edmond, Jr. Engaged in iron, steel and tin worker's trade for seven years; became interested in politics and has served as collector of revenue for the city since 1909. Republican. Member Knights of Pythias, Odd Fellows. Clubs: Missouri Ath letic, Liederkranz, Elks'. Recreations: hunt ing and fishing. Office: City Hall. Residence: 3624 Loughborough Ave. KOENEMAN, William, commission mer chant; born at Hartum, Germany, Nov. 20, 1864; son of Christian and Christine (Rom- melman) Koeneman; educated in parochial schools in Germany, and also attended public school at Hoyleton, Washington Co., 111., 1881- 82; married, St. Louis, Aug. 5, 1888, Sophia Mueller; children: Clara (Mrs. J. H. Schulze) and Elsie. Came to America, 1881; began business career, at St. Louis, 1885, as clerk in a grocery store; then worked as porter in commission houses, and after holding various positions in that line started in wholesale commission business on own account, in which has since continued. Vice president Lowell Bank; member board of directors Jefferson Mutual Fire Insurance Co.; director and treas urer Walthers College; director Lutheran Hos pital. Member Fruit and Produce Exchange, North St. Louis Citizens' Association. Ger man Lutheran. Recreation: traveling. Office: 919 N. 4th St. Residence: 1125 E. Grand Ave. KOENIG, Frederick Augustus; see Vol. 1906. KOENIG, George Washington, physician; born, St. Louis, Oct. 10, 1872; son of William and Caroline F. (Gutbrod) Koenig; educated in public schools, graduating from St. Louis High School, 1893; entered Medical Depart ment, Washington University, 1900, graduat ing with degree of M.D., 1904; unmarried. Served as physician City Hospital, June, 1904, to June, 1905; then junior interne, assistant in surgical clinic, O 'Fallon Dispensary, Wash ington University, to January, 1911. Member St. Louis Medical Society, Medical Society City Hospital Alumni, Missouri State Medical Association, American Medical Association. Republican. Member Royal Arcanum, Phi Beta Pi Medical Fraternity. Office: 740 S. 4th St. Residence: 2626 A Louisiana Ave. KOENIG, Henry C, president Missouri Press Brick and Improvement Co.; born, St. Louis, Apr. 18, 1852; son of Henry and Mary (Kloepper) Koenig; educated public schools and Jones Commercial College, graduating from latter after taking a complete course, 1870; married, St. Louis, Sept. 5, 1875, Liz- zette Bruesselbach; two children: Edwin C. and Mrs. Adelaide Eggers. Learned bricklay er's trade; in dry goods business seven years; then began brick manufacturing, and in 1896 incorporated the Missouri Press Brick and Improvement Co., of which has since been president. Republican. Protestant. Mason. Member Legion of Honor. Recreations: hunt ing and fishing. Office: Marine Ave. and Osage St. Residence: 3836 Kosciusko St. KOENIG, Hugh J.; see Vol. 1906. KOENIG, Julius, city forester; born, St. Louis, Feb. 28, 1870; son of Julius and Martha (Gast) Koenig; educated in public schools and St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church to 1885; received botanical training until 1893; married, St. Louis, Mar. 1, 1901, Jessie Miller, of Chicago. Began career in his father 's florist establishment, continuing un til 1895, with exception of one year, 1890-91, in employ of Michel Plant and Bulb Co.; in florist business for self at 8321 N. Broadway, 1895-98; with H. G. Burning, wholesale flo rist, 1898-1906; manager for Ostertag Bros., retail florists, 1906-09; inspector City Forester Department, 1909-11; city forester since May 10,1911. Republican. Lutheran. Mason (32°). Club: Masonic. Recreation: study of plant life. Office: Room 418, City Hall. Residence: 6461 Florissant Ave. KOERNER, Ernst A., president Merchants ' Catering Co.; born, Altenburg, Germany, Mar. 21, 1860; son of Charles and Johanna Koerner; educated in public schools of native land to fourteen; married, South Bend, Ind., Nov. 8, 1882, Anna Lederer; three children: Albert J., Arthur E., Victor Herbert. Learned catering business in Germany; came to America, 1877; associated with brother in business until death of latter, 1883; later conducted old Merchants' Restaurant and Coffee House; or ganized, 1899, the Merchants' Catering Co., of which has since been head. Member Knights of Pythias, B. P. O. Elks. Office: 408 Washington Ave. Residence: 3423 Lafayette Street. KOERNER, Kent K., lawyer; bora, 1876. Admitted to Missouri bar, 1900, and since practiced in St. Louis; member of firm of Holmes, Blair & Koerner. Democrat. Served as sergeant major in Fourth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, Spanish- American War. Office : 1654, 112 N. 4th St. Residence: 4808 Fountain Ave. KOETTER, Albert F., physician; born, St. Louis, July 14, 1871; son of Charles and Anna (Bentzen) Koetter; educated at Smith Acad emy; M.D., Washington University, 1892; post-graduate study, Vienna, Berlin and Leip zig; married, St. Louis, Apr. 8, 1902, Estella Crone; children: Wilma Agatha and Estelle Marie. In practice in St. Louis since 1901, making a specialty of nose, ear and throat diseases; osteologist Deaconess Hospital; in structor in otology, Washington University. Republican. Presbyterian. Member American Medical Association, Missouri State Medical Association, St. Louis Medical Society; first THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 343 lieutenant Medical Reserve Corps, U. S. Army. Clubs: City, University. Office: Olivia Bldg. Residence: 5226 -Waterman Ave. KOHLER, Herman C; see Vol. 1906. KOHLER, Howard Franz, merchant tailor; born, Buffalo, N. Y., Nov. 10, 1865; son of Christian A. and Wilhelmina Victoria (Von Ende) Kohler; educated in St. Mary's Col lege, Buffalo, N. Y.; married, Maplewood, Mo., June 3, 1903, Nell March; one son, March Howard. Engaged in the merchant tailoring business since 1889, and since April, 1900, has been of the present firm of Kohler & Romer, makers of high grade clothing for men. Mem ber Business Men's League. Favorite recrea tions: golf and tennis. Office: 304 Carleton Bldg. Residence: 6911 Washington Ave., Uni versity Heights. KOHN, Anthony, clothing; 1857-1910; see Vol. 1906. KOHRING, Frederick H., president Kohring Distilling Co.; born, St. Louis, June 24, 1862; son of Gerhard and Anna Katherina (Sorber) Kohring; educated in public schools and John son Commercial College; married, St. Louis, Feb. 14, 1885, Lizzie Binkman; two daugh ters: Gertrude and Gladys. Began active ca reer in 'distilling business established by his father as the Kohring Distilling Co., of which has been president since July, 1905. Repub lican. Office: 803 N. 2d St. Residence: 4357 De Soto St. KOHRING, Otto G., secretary and treasurer Kohring Distilling Co.; born, St. Louis, Dec. 23, 1872; son of Gerhard and Anna Katherina (Sorber) Kohring; educated in public schools and' German School, St. Louis; married, Waterloo, 111., Dec. 27, 1893, Theresa C. Krone; two children: Valentine and Mans field. Began active career in electroplating business, under B. S. Saville, continuing three years; then entered employ of Pelton Bros., manufacturers silver plated ware, and three and one-half years later resigned and estab lished in electroplating jobbing business, in which continued until 1898; engaged in farm ing, 1898-1905; upon death of father, 1905, returned to St. Louis, as secretary Kohring Distilling Co., and has also been treasurer of company since 1906. Member St. Louis Pub lic School Patrons' Alliance, North St. Louis Saenger Bund, Harmonie Maennerchor, Ar- beiter Gesang, etc. Office: 803 N. 2d St. Residence: 2141 Obear Ave. *KOINER, Cyrus Wellington; see Vol. 1906. KOKEN, Ernest E., barbers' supplies; de ceased; see Vol. 1906. KOLKSCHNEIDER, Henry W., vice presi dent Schorr-Kolksehneider Brewing Co.; born, Rothenfelde, near Osnabruck, Hanover, Ger many, July 6, 1853; son of Henry W. and Louisa Kolkschneider; educated in common schools of native land; married, St. Louis; one daughter, Annie. Came to America, 1871; secured employment at Schulenburg lumber yard and later with the Joe Schneider Brew ing Co. and Anthony & Kuhn's Brewery; be came connected with Hyde Park Brewing Co., 1876, continuing until 1901; associated with Jacob B. Schorr in organization of the Schorr- Kolkschneider Brewing Co., of which is vice president. Office: 2537 Natural Bridge Rd. KOLLME, Otto, physician; born, St. Louis, Sept. 14, 1859; son of Theodore and Dorette (Sxiellerberg) Kollme; educated in public arid private schools and colleges in Illinois and Missouri; graduated from St. Louis College of Pharmacy, 1884; M.D., St. Louis Medical Col lege (Medical Department, Washington Uni versity), 1887; post-graduate study at univer sities of Heidelberg, Berlin, Prague, Vienna; married, St. Louis, Feb. 16, 1897, Agnes C. Pockels; children: Sidney P., Beraice S. D. Engaged in general practice as physician in St. Louis since graduation. Member St. Louis Medical Society, Missouri State Medical Asso ciation. Independent in politics. Protestant. Office and Residence: 2354 Park Ave. KONERT, George Henry, secretary and treasurer E. H. Kortkamp Jewelry Co.; born in Germany, Dec. 4, 1866; son of Henry and Wilhelmina (Feldman) Konert; came to St. Louis in 1871; educated in public schools and at Toensfeldt's private school, in St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Sept. 25, 1895, Emma Goschen. Began business career in 1882 with E. H. Kortkamp, with whom learned jewelry trade; when the business was incorporated, in 1891, was elected as vice president, and in 1894 as secretary and treasurer of the com pany. Independent in politics. Member of Masonic fraternity. Club : Elks. Favorite rec reations: hunting and fishing. Office: 805 Washington Ave. Residence: 3927 Juniata St. KOPPELMAN, John G, furniture; de ceased; see Vol. 1906. KOPPLIN, Philip, Jr., superintendent Mis souri Fish Commission; born, St. Louis, June 11, 1867; son of Philip Kopplin, Sr.; edu cated in public and high schools, St. Louis, Bryant & Stratton Business College; married, St. Louis, Olivia Schotto (died, April, 1905); one son, Edward Mortimer. Left school at seventeen to become identified with the work of the Fish Commission, with which has ever since been connected; now superintendent St. Louis Hatchery. Congregationalist. Mason, Knight Templar. Offiee: Forest Park. Resi dence: 905 Euclid Ave. KORNGOLD, Jacob Bernard, neckwear manufacturer; born, Krakau, Austria, Oct. 6, 1863; son of Morris and Jocha (Young) Korn- gold; educated in public schools of Krakau; married, St. Louis, Sept. 10, 1895, Eva Frey; children: Helen S., Otilia, Karl A., Lourine E., 344 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS Florence, Joseph J. Came to United States in 1877; engaged in the sale of neckwear, and a year later learned the trade of cutting neck wear; remained at this work two years, then moved to Tensas Parish, Louisiana, where re mained until 1891 as manager of a cotton plantation and merchandise store owned by Lucian Bland; went to Europe in 1891, and on return same year engaged in neckwear manu facturing business; now doing business as J. B. Komgold & Co. Republican. Mason; Knight of Pythias; member Independent Or der of B'nai B'rith. Favorite recreations: hunting and fishing. Office: Columbia Theatre Bldg. Residence: 4205 Page Ave. KORTJOHN, Henry, Jr., lawyer; born, St. Louis, Aug. 13, 1870; son of Henry and Eliza beth (Wolber) Kortjohn; educated in public schools and educational institute (private) to 1886; St. Louis Manual Training School, 1886- 89; LL.B., Washington University, 1893; mar ried, St. Louis, Aug. 11, 1894, Tillie Kerner. Admitted to bar, 1893, and since practiced with father as Kortjohn & Kortjohn. Elected member Republican City Central Committee from old Twelfth (now Fourteenth) Ward, 1908; chairman Board of Election Commis sioners, St. Lcrais, since 1909. Served on dif ferent occasions as provisional judge St. Louis Court of Criminal Correction. Secretary Amer ican Trench Machine Co., Norman Monument Co. Protestant. Clubs: City, St. Louis, West ern Rowing, Liederkranz. Office: Merchants- Laclede Bldg. Residence: 2129 Sidney St. KORTKAMP, Otto Henry, Jeweler; born, St. Louis, Mar. 6, 1862; son of E. H. and Ber-S tha (Steidemann) Kortkamp; educated in St. Louis public school and Jones Business College, St. Louis; married, St. Louis, June 6, 1893, Louise Koch; children: Otto Henry, Jr., Edith Clara. After leavin" school learned the jewelry trade under his father, who estab lished in business in St. Louis in 1849, and after the death of his father in 1891 incorpo rated the business under its present style of E. H. Kortkamp Jewelry Co., of which is president. Republican. Protestant. Member Royal Arcanum and St. Louis Bowling Asso ciation. Mason. Recreations: hunting and fish ing. Office: 805 Washington Ave. Residence: 5075 Raymond Ave. KORY, Morris, clothing manufacturer; born, Posen, Germany, June 18, 1836; son of Abra ham and Rebecca (Eichel) Kory; educated at public schools in Germany; married in Ger many, 1861, to Miss Bertha Eichel; children: Leo, Julius B., Mrs. Sol Morris (of Philadel phia), Mrs. Max Knoch, Nellie. Began busi ness as clothing manufacturer in 1879; since 1893 senior member of the firm of M. Kory & Son, wholesale and retail clothing. Offiee: 816 Lucas Ave. Residence: 1119 Morrison Avenue. KOSTUBA, Charles John, furniture manu facturer; born in Austria, Nov. 4, 1861; son of K. and T. Kostuba; came to United States, 1870, locating in Chicago; educated in Chi cago public schools; married, St. Louis, 1884, Josephine Heitkamp; children: Philippine (Mrs. F. J. Clement), Pauline C. Learned trade ol parlor furniture making and worked at same until 1880, when came to St. Louis and began business for self. Director Furni ture Board of Trade (president, 1900) ; vice president National Association of Furniture Manufacturers; member Furniture Manufac turers' Association of St. Louis. Member Knights of Pythias (Grand Chancellor of State of Missouri, 1910) ; member National Union, Woodmen of the World, B. P. O. Elks. Recreation: fishing. Office: 900-902 S. 7th St. Residence: 2704 S. 13th St. KOTANY, Ludwig, stocks and bonds; bom, Szegedin, Hungary, Sept. 5, 1860; son of Alex ander .and Maria Minna Kotany; educated in public schools, gymnasium and University of Vienna, Austria, Ph.D., 1885; married, Oct. 24, 1908, Miss Orrie L. Gregg. Began business career as cashier Wainwright Brewery; since 1895, engaged as broker in stocks and bonds in St. Louis, and since 1900 associated with G. H. Walker & Co. Author of a monograph on Hyperelliptic Integrals, published by the Imperial and Royal Academy of Sciences, of Vienna; an article on Modern Geometry, pub lished in a scientific journal in Germany; an article on Value, published by the Quarterly Journal of Economics, of Harvard University; article on v. Bohm-Bawerk's Theory on Cap ital, published in Conrad's Jahrbiichern. Of fice: 307 N. 4th St. Residence: 4438 Laclede Avenue. KOTANY, Max, stock broker; born, Sze gedin, Hungary, Dec. 7, 1853; son of Alexan der and Minna (Singer) Kotany; educated at Realschule, Szegedin, and at St. Louis night schools; married, St. Louis, June 5, 1895, Mil dred Wear. Employed in stock brokerage business by various firms until 1874, when started in business for self as stock broker, in which has since continued. Republican; member City Council of St. Louis, 1893-97; candidate for presidential elector on Mis souri Republican ticket, 1892. Member St. Louis Stock Exchange. Member Missouri His torical Society. Clubs: St. Louis, St. Louis Country, Noonday, Racquet. Office: 409 Olive St. Residence: 4384 Westminster PL KOTSREAN, Frank J., real estate; born, St. Louis, Feb. 12, 1857; son of Frank and Phillippine (Stradal) Kotsrean; educated in public schools to fourteen; married, St. Louis, Sept. 23, 1887, Adelaide Drescher, who died 1895, leaving three sons; Robert, Chester, William; married, 2d, Sept. 14, 1896, Jose phine Drescher, sister of first wife. Began THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 345 active career with dye works, and later in retail drug business; in employ of Meyer Bros. Drug Co., 1872-93; in city assessor's of fice, 1893-1901; since in real estate business; president Kotsrean-Althen Realty Co. since 1907. Member Real Estate Exchange. Repub lican. Presbyterian. Recreations : fishing, gar dening. Office: 813 Chestnut St. Residence: Webster Groves, Mo. KRABBE, Henry Joseph; see Vol. 1906. *KRABLER, John Aloysius Florentine, Catholic priest; now living in Chicago; see Vol. 1906. KRAMER, Carl, clergyman; born, Munster, Westphalia, Germany, May 8, 1865; son of Frederick and Rosine (Hoffmann) Kramer; educated at Evangelische Volkschule, 1872-77, and Konigliches Paulinisches Gymnasium, 1877-80, Munster; came to United States, 1881; graduated from Proseminar, Elmhurst, 111., 1883, Eden College, St. Louis, 1886; married, Pinckneyville, 111., Sept. 7, 1887, Emma Drie meyer; children: Rudolph, Oscar. Ordained to ministry, July 18, 1886; since 1887 member German Evangelical Synod of North America. Pastor of St. Paul's Evangelical Church, Pinckneyville, 111., 1886-90, German Evangel ical Church, Alton, 111., 1890-95, St. Matthew 's Evangelical Church, St. Louis, 1895-99; in 1899 organized and is now pastor of St. An drew's Evangelical Church. Recreations: hunt ing and fishing. Office (church): California Ave. and Juniata St. Residence: 2811 Juniata Street. *KRAMER, Herman Bernard, life insur ance; moved to Chicago; see Vol. 1906. KRAUS, Charles, secretary and treasurer Missouri Belting Co.; born, Mainz, Germany, July 17, 1865; son of Conrad and Anna (von Jungenfeld) Kraus; educated at Gymnasium, Mainz, Germany; married, St. Louis, 1894, Emma Conrad; children: Elsa, Ralph C., Car- lota. Came to St. Louis from Germany in 1884, and was for six months with the Con solidated Ice Machine Co.; then for one year with Anheuser-Busch Brewing Association; with Willemsen Belting Co., 1886-92; in 1892 joined in organization of the Missouri Belt ing Co., manufacturers of rawhide and oak- tanned belting and lace leather, of which has since been secretary and treasurer. Independ ent in politics. Club: Liederkranz. Recrea tions: hunting and fishing. Office: Grand Ave. and La Salle St. Residence: 3237 Longfellow Boulevard. KRAUS, Leo M., trunk and bag manufac turer; born, Cincinnati, O., Aug. 23, 1859; son of M. and Lena (Stromberg) Kraus; educated in private school, Huntsville, Ala., public school, New York City, and commercial col lege, Cincinnati; married, Louisville, Ky., Feb ruary, 1883, Mollie Laub; children: Ray (Mrs. B. J. Kaufman), Irma (Mrs. J. F. Seinsheim- er). Entered employ of Mack, Stadler & Co., clothing manufacturers, Cincinnati, 1875; moved to Louisville, and in 1884 started with Ben P. Stromberg and Henry Laub in the trunk manufacturing business; latter sold in terest to Stromberg & Kraus, 1892, and in 1894, plant was removed to St. Louis, and since conducted as Stromberg, Kraus & Co., manufacturers of trunks, etc. Republican. Hebrew. Mason. Office: 714 Washington Ave. Residence: Buckingham Hotel. KRAUSE, Alfred Arnold, lawyer; born in Milwaukee Co., Wis., July 6, 1854; son of Dr. G. and Rosalie Krause; educated at Carroll College, Waukesha, Wis., Spencerian Business College, Milwaukee, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis.; studied law and was admitted to bar in Wisconsin, 1879; married, Milwau kee, October, 1880, Julia A. Stoffel (now de ceased); children: Arno D., Walter G., Kurt A., Ralph H. Attorney and right-of-way agent for Wisconsin Central Ry. Co. at Milwaukee, 1881-92; was also member of the law firm of M. C. and A. A. Krause, Milwaukee, 1880-92; attorney and right-of-way agent, Missouri, Kan sas & Eastern R. R. Co. in Missouri, 1892-93; general agent Missouri, Kansas & Texas Sys tem, 1893-1901, and since May 1, 1901, general claim attorney for same system at St. Louis, Mo. Member Association of Railway Claim Agents of United States and Canada. Repub lican. Club: Missouri Athletic. Recreations: hunting and fishing. Office: Wainwright Bldg. Residence: 5252 Vernon Ave. KRAUSE, Charles Henry, wholesale coal; born, St. Louis, Nov. 21, 1873; son of John and Lucy (Bull) Krause; educated in public schools of Greenville, 111., and St. Louis; M.D., Homoeopathic Medical College of Missouri. 1893; married, St. Louis, Oct. 18, 1893, Cora Lee Stewart; one son, Edward Ernest. Began as offiee boy in Mullanphy Planing Mill; later worked for George D. Barnard & Co., and later in general office of Missouri Pacific Ry. Co. ; studied medicine, 1890-93, and practiced for three years after graduation, and was profes sor of chemistry in Homoeopathic Medical Col lege of Missouri. Organized, 1895, and since vice president and general manager of tho Willis Coal and Mining Co., wholesale coal. Also president Columbia Quarry Co., Midval- ley Oil Co.; vice president Krause Bros. In vestment Co. Protestant. Republican. Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Mercantile, Arcadia Country. Fa vorite recreation: fishing. Office: 710 Fuller- ton Bldg. Residence: 4454 Forest Park Boul. KRAUSE, Ernest John, president and treas urer Willis Coal and Mining Co.; born St. Louis, Aug. 26, 1871; son of John and Lucy (Bull) Krause; educated in public schools of Greenville, 111., and Chicago, 111.; married, St. Louis, Sept. 28, 1893, Louise R. Schmitt; chil dren: Harriette Lucille, Ernest J., Jr., Charles 346 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS H., Horace C, Ruth. Began business career in art department of the Woodward & Tiernan Printing Co., St. Louis; engaged, since 1897, in coal, banking and other lines of business, now being president and treasurer of the Willis Coal and Mining Co., operators of the Willisville, Percy and Sparta coal mines; also president and treasurer Krause Bros. Invest ment Co.; vice president and treasurer Colum bia Quarry Co.; treasurer Midvalley Oil Co. Republican. Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Automobile, Glen Echo Country. Favorite recreation: automo- biling. Office: 710 Fullerton Bldg. Residence: 4419 Forest Park Boul. KRAUSHAAR, Charles Frederick, retired; born in Prussia, Germany, Mar. 18, 1847; son of Henry R. and Rebecca (Schneider) Krau- shaar; educated in Germany; traveled exten sively in all the principal countries of Eu rope, and came to America in 1870; married, St. Louis, Dec. 2, 1874, Louise Beckman; chil dren: Arthur (deceased), Frederick, Henry, Emma (Mrs. Charles Richardson). Engaged in St. Louis as a manufacturer in brass, 1873- 1911; retired as president Kraushaar Brass Manufacturing Co. Mason (32°). Residence: 3627 California Ave. KREISMANN, Frederick Herman, mayor; born, Quincy, 111., Aug. 7, 1869; son of Fred erick and Frances (Bruner) Kreismann; edu cated in public schools of Quincy and St. Louis and Central High School, St. Louis; married, Jan. 25, 1902, Pauline Whitman; chil dren: Helma Frances, Ruth Josephine. Upon leaving high school engaged in civil engineer ing and surveying in St. Louis, 1888-90; en tered insurance business, 1890 as clerk in the office of the German Mutual Fire Insurance Co., St. Louis; special agent and adjuster of the Mtna Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn., for State of Nebraska, 1891-93; became con nected with local insurance business in St. Louis, 1893, and is now member of the Kreis mann- Theegarten Insurance Agency. Elected circuit clerk, November, 1905, mayor of St. Louis, April, 1909. Member Business Men's League. Republican. Episcopalian. Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, St. Louis, Mercantile. Offices: City Hall and Pierce Bldg. Residence: 4362 Mc Pherson Ave. KREMER, Daniel Henry, contractor; born, Springfield, O., Jan. 28, 1872; son of William H. and Rebecca Ann (Myers) Kremer; edu cated in public schools of Dayton, O., Indian apolis and St. Louis, and U. S. Naval Acad emy, Annapolis, Md.; married, St. Louis, June, 1895, Katherine O'Neil; children: Dorothy Eugenia, Richard Henry. Entered wire and iron business with Ludlow-Saylor Wire Co., 1887, and remained until February, 1903; sales agent for the Brown-Ketcham Iron Works of Indianapolis, 1903-10; since secretary and treasurer Kremer & Voirol Construction Co. Independent in politics. Presbyterian. Mem ber Royal Arcanum. Mason. Offiee: 810 Olive St. Residence: Webster Groves. KRENNING, Frank Frederick William; born, Hanover, Germany, Apr. 13, 1863; son of H. W. and Wilhelmina Krenning; educated in schools in Germany, and resident of St. Louis since 1879; married, St. Louis, Dec. 16, 1885, Emma Horstkotte. Began in 1879, as a boy with the Krenning Glass Co., wholesale china, glass and queensware (established 1862), was afterwards clerk and salesman until the incorporation of the business in 1896; then vice president Krenning Glass Co.; sold out interests, 1909, and retired. Repub lican. Protestant. Office: 510. Pine St. Resi dence: Washington Hotel. KRENNING, William George, physician; see Vol. 1906. KRESS, John Alexander, army officer, re tired; born in Tioga Co., Pa., Nov. 4, 1839; son of Benjamin and Margaret Ann (Wilcox) Kress; early education in schools of Tioga Co., Pa., and La Porte Co., Ind.; at West Point Military Academy, 1858, until resigned to go into active service, Oct. 31, 1861; mar ried, Vancouver Barracks, Wash., Sept. 20, 1888, Annie Augusta Muhlenberg; children: Helen, William, Jewett, John Alexander, Fran ces Lydia, Clarence Cameron, Henry Clinton, Anne. On resigning from Military Academy appointed by Gen. James S. Wadsworth, of New York, as first lieutenant Twenty-fifth New York Volunteer Infantry and aid-de camp to General Wadsworth; major Ninety- fourth New York Volunteers, July, 1862; lieu tenant-colonel, November, 1862; commanded regiment in battle of Fredericksburg; detailed as inspector general, First Division, First Army Corps; appointed second lieutenant, Ordnance Department, U. S. A., and later chief ordnance officer, Department of the James; lieutenant-colonel, 117th U. S. Colored Troops, and inspector general, Twenty-fifth Army Corps; assigned to Rock Island Arsenal, 1865, U. S. Arsenal, Pittsburg, 1867, Vancou ver Barracks, Washington, 1871, San Antonio, Tex., 1882, Indianapolis, 1883, St. Louis Pow der Depot, 1886, Benicia Arsenal, Cal., 1887, St. Louis Powder Depot, 1890; assigned as chief ordnance officer, U. S. A. Camp at Chiekamauga, Tenn.; served in Cuba as chief ordnance officer, First Army Corps, and chief ordnance officer of the entire island of Cuba, on staff of Major General Brooke; again com mander St. Louis Powder Depot, 1899, until promoted brigadier general, U. S. A., and re tired, Aug. 17, 1903. Baptist. Residence: 5030 Vernon Ave. KREY, Frederick, president Krey Packing Co.; born, Hilden, near Duesseldorf, Germany, Jan. 8, 1866; son of John and Elizabeth (An- weiler) Krey; educated in public schools of THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 347 Ohligs, Germany; married, St. Louis, Sept. 5, 1889, Anna Strotjost; six children: Flora, Elsie (Mrs. Adolph J. Westen), Leonia, Beat rice, Marie, John. Came to St; Louis, with parents, Sept. 4, 1879; employed in chair fac tory three years, and was foreman for C. Conrad & Co. six months; then associated with father in manufacture of sausage on a small scale and began killing hogs, gradually in creasing operations until plant now has ca pacity of 1,000 hogs daily; interest of father was sold to James and Pierre Garneau in 1896, and business was incorporated as the Krey Packing Co., of which has since been presi dent; also director St. Louis Independent Packing Co., Tulsa Corporation Co.; president Tulsa Packing Co., Tulsa, Okla. Democrat. Catholic. Member Merchants ' Exchange. Club: Liederkranz. Recreations: baseball and out door sports. Office: 2100 Bremen Ave. Resi dence: 3438 Russell Ave. KREZ, Julius Lothar, manufacturer steam- pipe and boiler coverings, etc.; born, Neu- stadt, Rhenish Bavaria, Germany; son of Paul and Helene Krez; graduate of gymnasium in Germany; married, Chicago, 111., Jan. 9, 1896, Katie Schumacher; children: Paul J. and Frank P. Landed in New York, Apr. 12, 1886, and proceeded to Chicago; entered business in insulating line, 1886, but left same in 1888, and went to Washington Territory. Returned in 1890, and reentered old position as sales man; removed to St. Louis, 1898, and in 1899 established, and has since been president of J. L. Krez Manufacturing Co., manufacturers and contractors for applying steam-pipe and boiler coverings, insulations for cold storage buildings, etc., and general western selling agents for Ehret's Magnesia Coverings, and Union Fiber Co. 's "Lith" cold storage insu lation, etc. Democrat. Mason. Recreation: baseball. Office: 518 N. 3d St. Residence: 4274 Hartford St. KRIEGER, Joseph Andrew; see Vol. 1906. KRIEGSHABER, David, wholesale whiskey; born, Louisville, Ky., May 27, 1867; son of William and Regina (Sommers) Kriegshaber; educated in Louisville High School; married, St. Louis, Feb. 19, 1901, Stella Weiner; chil dren, Edith, Amy. Engaged in wholesale whiskey business continuously since 1889; traveled for nine years for Louisville whiskey firm; then became connected with Edwin Schiele Distilling Co., wholesale whiskies, of which is vice president. Republican. Jewish religion. 32° Mason (Missouri Consistory). Club: Westwood Country. Office: 204 S. 4th St. Residence: 4939 Washington Boul. KROEGER, Ernest Richard, teacher of pi ano and organ, composition, etc.; born, St. Louis, Aug. 10, 1862; son of Adolph E. and Elizabeth B. A. (Curren) Kroeger; educated St. Louis; musical studies in St. Louis; mar ried, Oct. 10, 1891, Laura A. Clark, of Leba non, Mo.; four children: Mary Louise, Rich ard Clark, Eleanor Alice, Beatrice. Has com posed orchestral works, chamber and piano pieces, songs, church music, etc. Director Col lege of Music, Forest Park University for Women, Kroeger School of Music; conductor Amphion Club; concert pianist and organist. President Music Teachers' National Associa tion, 1897-99; founder American Guild of Or ganists. Master of programs, Bureau of Mu sic, St. Louis Exposition, 1904. Officer French Academy. Office: Musical Art Bldg., 459 N. Boyle Ave. Residence: St. Regis Apartments. KROEGER, Herman William, president Kroeger-Amos- James Grocer Co.; born Osna- bruck, Germany, Dee. 10, 1868; son of H. J. and Henrietta (Gehner) Kroeger; educated in public and private schools in Germany and St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Aug. 8, 1892, Au gusta Brahmeyer; children: Harry W., Eleo- nora, Clarence W. Arrived in New York from Germany, September, 1883, and later in same month came to St. Louis; clerk in retail gro cery store, 1883-88; became bookkeeper with Meyer, Schmid & Robyn Grocer Co., Decem ber, 1888, and in 1895 was elected treasurer of the Meyer-Sehmid Grocer Co., and secretary and treasurer of the same company in Febru ary, 1903; resigned in August, 1905, and until March, 1907, was occupied with financial mat ters. In March, 1907, organized the Kroeger- Amos- James Grocer Co., of which is president; also director Franklin Bank. Republican. Member Business Men's League. Mason (32°), Shriner. Member Legion of Honor. Clubs: Liederkranz, Union (director). Recreation: bowling. Office: 616-622 N. 3d St. Residence: 3850 Cleveland Ave. KRONE, Charles Ferdinand, lawyer; born, St. Louis, Dec 15, 1863; son of Charles A. and Catherine (Basler) Krone; educated in public schools, Central High School, and at Univer sity of Missouri, 1882-83; married, St. Louis, 1898, Edna V. Doyle; children: Lawrence Ar thur, Madeline Cecelia; married, 2d, Kate E. Moore, of St. Louis, 1910. Admitted to bar, '1889; assistant circuit attorney, 1887-1900. Republican; member Missouri State Senate, elected 1908. Member Missouri State Uni versity Alumni Association. Office: 723-726 Title Guaranty Bldg. Residence: 2322 Whitte- more PL KRUG, Frederick H., physician; born, Karlsruhe, Baden, Germany, June 28, 1869; son of Heinrich and Antonie (Brutsche) Krug; educated, Gymnasium, Karlsruhe; Ober-Real Schule, Karlsruhe, graduating, 1885; State Ag ricultural School (Emmendingen), Hochburg, Baden; Garten and Obstrumschule, Karlsruhe, graduating, 1887; M.D., Marion-Sims-Beau- mont College (Medical Department of St. Louis University), May 8, 1905; married, Lena Mull, of St. Louis, Apr. 20, 1893; two sons: Frederick and Eugene. Came to America, 348 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 1892; in practice in St. Louis since May 6, 1904; professor dietetics and clinical chemis try, National University. Member American Medical Association, Missouri State Medical Society, St. Louis Medical %>ciety. Mason; member Court of Honor, Knights of Pythias, German Military Veterans' Society. German Benevolent Society, Badisher Unterstuetzung Verein. Liberal Republican. Recreations: lit erature, music. Office and Home: 2249 St. Louis Ave. KRUM, Chester Harding, jurist, lawyer; born, Alton, 111., Sept. 13, 1840; son of Judge John M. and Mary (Harding) Krum; B.A., Washington University, 1863; LL.B., Harvard Law School, 1865; married, St. Louis, Oct. 26, 1866, Elizabeth H. Cutter; children: Mary F. (Mrs. Josiah Laselle), John M. (deceased), Clara R. (Mrs. Thomas O. Dix), Flora (Mrs. Chester Harding), Elizabeth H., Mabel. Ad mitted to bar, 1864, and located in practice of law in St. Louis; member firm of Krum; Decker & Krum, 1867. Appointed by Presi dent Grant U. S. district attorney, 1869, and served until elected, 1872, judge of St. Louis Circuit Court; served until 1875, then resigned and resumed practice. Member of faculty of St. Louis Law School, 1873-82; member of law firm of Krum & Madill, 1875-77, J. M. & C. H. Krum, 1877, Krum & Jonas, 1883-87, since has practiced alone. Appointed, January, 1912, special master in receivership proceed ings of Wabash R. R. Was Republican, 1864- 88, since Gold Democrat. Unitarian. Member Civic League. Member Law Library Associa tion. Favorite recreation: floriculture. Offiee: 500 Roe Bldg. Residence: 5551 Chamberlain Avenue. KRUTZSCH, Herman, vice president St. Louis Iron and Machine Works; born, Chem nitz, Saxony, Mar. 29, 1844; son of Carl and Wilhelmina (Schubert) Krutzsch; educated in schools in Germany, finally in Polytechnic School, Chemnitz, Saxony; married, St. Louis, 1875, Minna Koch; children: Paul, Karl Au gust, Hugo, Armin, Ernest, Clara. Learned profession of mechanical engineer in Polytech nic School, Chemnitz, Saxony; followed pro fession in England, 1866-70; came from Eng land to St. Louis, 1870, and became connected with the St. Louis Iron and Machine Works, and since 1885 has been vice president of the company. Member Society of Mechanical En gineers. Republican. Member Liederkranz. Recreation: music. Office: Chouteau Ave. and 2d St. Residence: 4254 Flora Boul. KUECHENMIESTER, John Henry, presi dent St. Louis Paper Can and Tube Co.; born, Chicago, Mar. 10, 1875; son of John and Ber tha (Schwarz) Kuechenmiester; educated in public schools of Chicago; married Martha Seidel, of Chicago, July, 1899; two children: Arthur, Alfred. Began in retail oil business in Chicago, 1896, continuing for three years; sold out and started in the paper box busi ness, in partnership with John Alexander, as Alexander & Kuechenmiester; disposed of in terest to Mr. Alexander, 1901, and came to St. Louis; associated with brother, Henry, in the establishment of the St. Louis Paper Can and Tube Co., manufacturers of round paper packages or cans, of which is president. Prot estant. Recreation: motoring. Office: 3111-3121 N. Broadway. Residence: 2363 Geraldine Ave. KUENZEL, Andrew, president A. Kuenzel Manufacturing Co.; born, Asch, Bohemia, Jan. 13, 1854; son of Johann and Elizabeth (Guen- thert) Kuenzel; educated in public school of Asch, and, 1871-73, in School of Engineering, from which was graduated, 1873; married, St. Louis, Dec. 2, 1876, Frances Hof; children: Marie A. (Mrs. J. H. Gross), Louise, Andrew, Tillie, Elizabeth, Frances. Came to St. Louis in fall of 1873, and was employed in planing mill as foreman; established own planing mill, 1883, conducting same under individual name until 1902, when it was incorporated as A. Kuenzel Manufacturing Co., of which is presi dent. Republican. Odd Fellow. Member Lie derkranz and St. Louis Turn Verein. Recrea tion: traveling. Office: 2720 S. 3d St. Resi dence: 2809 Accomae St. KUHLMANN, Frederick Carl Emil, physi cian; born, St. Louis, Mar. 21, 1871; son of Henry Frederick and Marie (Kanter) Kuhl- mann; educated Hamilton (public) School, 23d and Dickson Sts.; Perkins & Herpel Commer cial College, 4th St. and Washington Ave.; St. Louis Medical College (Medical Depart ment, Washington University), graduating, degree of M.D., 1896; married, St. Louis, Apr. 25, 1900, Caroline E. Ruhe; one daughter, Dorothy Marie. In practice in St. Louis since Apr. 25, 1896; medical examiner Benton Camp No. 248, Woodmen of the World. Member American and Missouri State Medical asso ciations, St. Louis Medical Society (secretary since 1910), Washington University Medical School Alumni, St. Louis Society of Members of Medical Reserve Corps, U. S. A., St. Louis Medical History Club. President Blair and Howard School Patrons Association. Club: Apollo (charter member). Recreations: base ball, tennis, bowling. Office: 1444 23d St. Residence: 2135 St. Louis Ave. KUHN, Charles Frederick, retired; born, Cusel, Bavaria, Dec. 10, 1836; son of Charles and Elizabeth (Boss) Kuhn; educated in pub lic and private schools; married, St. Louis, 1862, Margaret Kurtzeborn; children: Nettie (Mrs. William G. Orr), Hulda (Mrs. Charles J. Fuleher), Elizabeth (deceased). Served as private in Seventh Missouri Volunteers in Civil War; engaged as employe in various mercantile pursuits until 1867, when estab lished for self as a cloth merchant until 1871, when retired for eight years; became sales man for Browning, King & Co., clothing, 1879, THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 349 and in 1890 joined in organizing the Western Leather Co., of which was president and treas urer until April, 1911, retired. Unitarian. Member Legion of Honor, United Workmen, National Union. Residence: 3456 Iowa Ave. KUHS, August H., real estate and insur ance; bora, St. Louis, May 29, 1859; son of August and Christina (Schocke) Kuhs; edu cated in public schools and Rice 's Commercial College; married, St. Louis, Mar. 29, 1883, Emma Decker; eight children : August J., Oscar, Elmer, Walter, Adelia (Mrs. Charles L. Obert), Emma (Mrs. Peter A. Moskop), Hilda, Edna. Began active career under father; later entered employ of Uhrig Brewing Co., continuing two years; became connected with the Arsenal Brewery, 1878, and was made head bookkeeper, 1882, manager and cashier, 1885, and when company was incorporated he became director and secretary, continuing un til 1908; since in real estate business under the firm name of A. H. Kuhs & Son. Vice president Southside Welfare and Protective Association; member Concordia Turn Verein. Protestant. Member Knights of Pythias. Of fice: 1001 Chestnut St. Residence: 2720 S. 13th St. KUNZ, Charles Christian, real estate and loans; born, St. Louis, July 7, 1867; son of John and Louisa (Jacoby) Kunz; educated in St. Louis public schools; married, St. Louis, Jan. 20, 1903, Catherine Schomburg; one daughter, Emilia. After leaving school en tered the service of the St. Louis Real Estate Exchange as office boy, for two years; then, in 1885, entered employ of the real estate firm of January & Moffatt; since remained with that firm and its successors, L. A. Moffatt & Co., Moffatt & Franciseus, and, in 1902, be came partner with James M. Franciseus under style of James M. Franciseus & Co., which in 1907 changed to Franciseus & , Kunz. Also vice president Eagle Fork Realty and Invest ment Co.; secretary Catherine Investment Co., Szilassy Investment Co.; director Traders' In vestment Co., Lindell Park Land and Im provement Co., Lindell Fairground Co. Is identified with the subdivisions of Lindell Park, Lindell Place and Fairground Place and is actively interested in the upbuilding of Northwest St. Louis. Director St. Louis Real Estate Exchange ; member North i St. Louis Business Men's League. Clubs: Forest Lake Gun, St. Charles County, Arcadia Country. Favorite recreations: hunting and fishing. Of fice: 702 Chestnut St. Residence: 3218 Bailey Avenue. KUNZE, Albert Carl, general contractor; born, Detroit, Aug. 12, 1873; son of Carl and Bertha (Aulepp) Kunze; educated in common schools; high school, Marlette, Mich., graduat ing, 1887; special course Alma College, Alma, Mich.; married, St. Louis, Sept. 5, 1898, Min nie G. Rhoadman; one son, Albert R. Came to St. Louis at age of eighteen; salesman in grocery store five years; later in employ of J. C. Finck Mineral Milling Co. and secretary Heman Construction Co.; in 1904 assisted in organizing the Webb-Kunze Construction Co., contractors in grading, street paving and quarrying, of which has since been president; also president Tower Grove Quarry and Con struction Co. Republican. Protestant. Mem ber Missouri Game and Fish Protective Asso ciation. Recreations: hunting and fishing. Of fice: 5927 Fyler Ave. Residence: 4430 A Page Boulevard. KUNZE, Emil William, president Victor Iron Works; bora, Detroit, Nov. 3, 1864; son of Carl and Bertha" (Aulepp) Kunze; educated in country district schools; married, Mayme Bieber, of St. Louis, Mar. 10, 1900; two chil dren: Emil William, Jr., and Melba. Engaged in farming in Michigan until twenty-two years of age; came to St. Louis in 1886; in grocery business with H. Stoffregen as clerk for three and one-half years, then member of firm of Boever & Kunze; has been president Victor Iron Works since January, 1909; also secre tary Big River Lead Co. Republican. Mem ber Evangelical Lutheran Church. Mason. Member Tower Grove Turn Verein. Office: 2417-2419 S. 7th St. Residence: 4246A Arsenal Street. KUPFERLE, John C, plumbers' special ties; deceased; see Vol. 1906. KURTZEBORN, August, jeweler; born, Diez, Germany, June 1, 1840; son of Gottfried and Dorothy Kurtzeborn; educated in public schools in Germany, and private schools in St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Feb. 12, 1867, Eliza beth Probst; children: August, Jr., Louis G., Dr. Edwin E., Arthur, Mrs. William H. Gregg, Jr. Began in the jewelry business as an ap prentice with L. Bauman on Market St. in 1857, and in 1867 became a partner with him in the firm of L. Bauman & Co., of which later became president. Dissolved partnership, tak ing the retail department, and Mr. Bauman the wholesale business. Sold out to Mermod, Jaccard & Co. in 1898, but in 1900 started in business again, with sons, Louis G. and Ar thur Kurtzeborn, as A. Kurtzeborn & Sons, jewelers. Member St. Louis Jewelers' Asso ciation. Republican. Presbyterian. Member Royal Arcanum, Legion of Honor, Woodmen of the World. Club: Union. Recreation: trav eling. Office: 302 Carleton Bldg. Residence: 3626 Pine St. KUTTERER, Conrad, president Kutterer- \ Jansen Printing Co.; born, Mt. Vernon, 111., Sept. 12, 1872; son of Adam and Elizabeth (Zachelmayer) Kutterer; educated in public schools of Mascoutah, 111.; married, St. Louis, June 24, 1896, Ida Gausmann; children: Edna A., Ida E., Armin O, Raymond H. Began printing trade at Mascoutah; with Henry 350 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS Rauth Printing Co., St. Louis, 1890-93; with a Chicago printing house, 1893-94; returned to St. Louis and was employed in this city, 1894-97, in New Orleans, La., 1897-98; in 1898 entered the Gottschalk Printing Co., St. Louis, partner same 1899-1906, since president Kutterer Printing Co. and its successor, the Kutterer-Jansen Printing Co. Member Knights of Pythias, Royal Arcanum, West St. Louis Turn Verein. Member St. Louis Credit Men's Association. Favorite recreation: athletics. Residence: 1728 N. Leffingwell Ave. Office: 300-302 Olive St. LA BEAUME, Edmond Walter, general passenger agent Cotton Belt Route; born, St. Louis, June 4, 1856; son of Theodore and Eliza A. (Hammond) La Beaume; educated in Clay and Webster schools, and St. Louis High School; married, Chicago, Feb. 14, 1883, Delia M. Clark; three children: Edmond Irv ing, Adelaide Alice, Lesley Elizabeth. Began railway career with Iron Mountain Ry. at St. Louis at age of seventeen; held various posi tions with different railroads until entered service of the Cotton Belt Route, Sept. 1, 1884, and has been successively chief clerk passenger department, assistant general pass enger agent, and now general passenger and ticket agent, same road. Republican. Episco palian. Member Civie League. Clubs: Mercan tile, Normandie Golf. Recreations: golf and fishing. Office: 1330 Pierce Bldg. Residence: 4710 Westminster PL LA BEAUME, Louis E., architect; born, St. Louis, July 31, 1873; son of Louis T. and Angeline E. (Nance) La Beaume; educated public schools; Manual Training School, grad uating, 1890; studied architecture, Columbia University, New York; married, St. Louis, 1905, Emma Updike. After leaving university worked under architects of New York and Boston and traveled and studied abroad; re turned to St. Louis, 1902, and assisted M. Emanuel Masqueray upon designs for Louisi ana Purchase Exposition; since member firm of Mariner & La Beaume. Member St. Louis Chapter of American Institute Architects, So ciety of Columbia University Architects, Bos ton Architectural Club, etc. Clubs: Univer sity, Noonday, Florissant Valley. Office: 721 Olive St. Residence: 5340 Waterman Ave. LA BEAUME, Louis S., insurance; see Vol. 1906. LACKEY, William Gatewood, vice president Mississippi Valley Trust Co.; bom in Lincoln Co., Ky., Apr. 18, 1872; son of Gabriel A. and Mary E. (Welch) Lackey; attended Stan ford (Ky.) Male Seminary until 1888; Centre College, Danville, Ky., 1888-89; Central Uni versity, Richmond, Ky., 1889-92, graduating, A.B., magna cum laude, and class orator; mar ried, Louisville, Ky., Dec. 11, 1900, Rose Swiss- helm Wintersmith; one son, Harry Winter- smith Lackey. Taught in Hardin Collegiate Institute, Elizabethtown, Ky., 1892-96, while reading law in office of William H. Marriott; came to St. Louis, September, 1896, taking bar examination in October, and admitted to bar. Practiced law in St. Louis with Edmond A. B. Garesche, until his death in January, 1898, and afterwards with B. H. Charle's in firm of Charles & Lackey until January, 1900. Assist ant trust officer, Mississippi Valley Trust Co., 1900-05, bond officer, 1905-10; vice president since 1910, also member executive committee. President Litchfield Lamp Manufacturing Co.; director Oklahoma Ry. Co. Member Business Men's League, Civic League. Democrat. Southern Methodist. Member Kentucky Soci ety of St. Louis, Sigma Nu Fraternity. Clubs: St. Louis, Noonday, Bellerive Country, Al gonquin Golf. Recreations: golf, motoring, horseback riding. Office: 201 N. 4th St. Resi dence: Kirkwood, Mo. LACKLAND, Henry K., sales manager; born, St. Louis, July 1, 1867; son of E. C. and Elise (Kayser) Lackland; educated Washing ton University; married, Dresden, Germany, Mar. 25, 1907, Elise von Eude; two children: Oliva, Emily. Began business career as clerk with Iron Mountain Ry., 1881; department manager, St. Louis Sugar Refinery Co., 1882- 84; general assistant superintendent, Waters- Pierce Oil Co., 1885-1900; in business for self as manufacturer of clay products, 1902-09; sold his interests to Laclede Clay Products Co., 1909, and since has been manager sales department. Office: Manchester and Sulphur Aves. Residence: 4615 Maryland Ave. LACKLAND, Rufus I., banker; 1819-1910; see Vol. 1906. *LACY, David Luther, educator; moved to Nashville, Tenn.; see Vol. 1906. LAFONT, William A., secretary Rutledge & Taylor Coal Co., born, Metropolis, 111., July 16, 1879; son of Eugene and Marie (Bruner) Lafont; educated in public schools and Bryant & Stratton Business College; married, St. Louis, Oct. 4, 1905, Minnie Jones; one daugh ter, Lucille. Began business career in employ of McReynolds & Co., grain elevator, St. Louis, 1898-99; since with Rutledge & Taylor, whole sale coal, incorporated in 1902 as the Rutledge & Taylor Coal Co., in which, since 1905, has been director and secretary; also secretary Security Coal and Mining Co. Mason. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Kampsville Fishing and Hunting. Favorite recreations: music, fishing. Office: Security Bldg. Residence: 4228 Flad Avenue. *LAHEY, Harold Wands, commercial pa per; moved to Chicago; see Vol. 1906. LAIDLEY, Leonidas Hamlin, surgeon; 1844-1908; see Vol. 1906. THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 351 LAIRD, John Alfred, mechanical engineer; born in Knox Co., 111., July 13, 1861; son of John and Mary (Ragan) Laird; graduated from High School, Galesburg, 111., 1879, from Washington University, in mechanical engi neering course, with degree of Bachelor of Engineering, 1887; married, Woodhull, 111., 1887, Miss Isabel Woods. From time of graduation, 1887, was constructing mechanical engineer, St. Louis Water Department, until 1899, except during the period when was Captain Third U. S. Volunteer Engineers, in war with Spain, 1898-99; general manager Missouri Lead Fields Co., 1899-1901; chief en gineer Cupples Station property, 1901-03; from 1903 member firm of Holman & Laird, consulting engineers. Since September, 1904, has had charge of the producer gas tests at United States Geological Survey coal testing plant in Forest Park. President Gillett Brick and Tile Co., of Woodhull, 111. Police commis sioner of St. Louis (president, 1909-10, vice president, 1910-11). Member American Soci ety of Mechanical Engineers, St. Louis Engi neers' Club. Presbyterian. Mason (33°), Knight Templar, Shriner. Club: Missouri Ath letic. Recreation: music, revolver shooting. Office: 1324 Chemical Bldg. Residence: 4965 McPherson Ave. LAKE, Frederick Clinton, secretary-treas urer B. Nugent & Bro. Dry Goods Co.; bom, Nunda, N. Y., April, 1859; son of Edwin Phineas and Mary E. (Shave) Lake; gradu ated from Nunda (N. Y.) Academy; married, Brooklyn, N. Y., Sept. 13, 1883, Louise B., daughter of William H. Rogers, president of the Nassau Bank of New York City; children: Julia Florence (Mrs. Duncan I. Meier, of St. Louis), Frederick Clinton, Jr., Louise Rogers. Began business career with house of B. Nu gent, at Broadway and Franklin Ave., St. Louis, 1874; went to New York City in 1880 with jobbing dry goods house of Bates, Reed & Cooley, and continued one year; in 1882 took charge of the New York office of B. Nu gent & Bro., as the firm was then known, and later was admitted to the firm; came to St. Louis to live in 1894, and has since been sec retary and treasurer of the B. Nugent & Bro. Dry Goods Co. (incorporated 1893). President Associated Retailers of St. Louis (sixty-one largest retail stores); secretary of St. Louis Retail Merchants' Association; chairman of Jury of Awards No. 10 of Louisiana Purchase Exposition, for laces, embroideries, trimmings and costumes. Member Missouri Historical Society. Independent in politics. Episcopa lian. Clubs: St. Louis, Mercantile, Missouri Athletic, Glen Echo Country, Contemporary. Recreation: golf. Office: Broadway, Washing ton Ave. and St. Charles St. Residence: 4360 Westminster PI. LALOR, Willard Ambrose, railway official; born, Chicago, 111., Sept. 25, 1865; son of John and Margaret (Nyhen) Lalor; educated in public schools; unmarried. Began railway service as messenger in office of Chicago, Bur lington & Quincy Ry., at Burlington, la., in 1879; moved to Chicago, 1880, and passed through various promotions in the passenger department of same company until 1897, when appointed assistant general passenger agent of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Ry., Chi cago; transferred to St. Louis in 1904 and in 1907 became general passenger agent of Mis souri district, O, B. & Q. Ry. Clubs: Mercan tile, Traffic, Railroad. Office: 415 Pine St. Residence: 4058 Lindell Boul. LAMB, John, president Cuddy & Lamb Dry Goods Co.; bora, Magheraeloom, Carrick- macross, Ireland, Mar. 15, 1845; son of Luke and Margaret (McKown) Lamb; early educa tion in a "hedge" school (tuition four cents a week, each boy bringing two sods daily to keep up the fire), later attended National schools; married, St. Louis, 1869, Rose Roe (died 1871); one son, Louis Thomas; 2d, El- sah, 111., October, 1895, Agnes M. Daugherty; two children: Loretta Margaret (deceased) and Agnes Mary. Apprenticed for four years at age of sixteen to learn the retail dry goods business, and later saved money to pay for .passage to America; arrived in St. Louis, Au gust,, 1867, and secured position with dry goods firm of D. Crawford & Co., which he held for twenty-seven years, as buyer and de partment manager; began business on own ac count, October, 1895; now president and treas urer Cuddy & Lamb Dry Goods Co., also own er of real estate in city and St. Louis Co. Democrat. Catholic. Member Legion of Honor. Recreations: fishing and traveling. Offiee: 18th St. and Franklin Ave. Residence: 1704 Bacon St. LAMB, Louis Thomas, vice president Cuddy & Lamb Dry Goods Co.; born, St. Louis, Oct. 12, 1870; son of John and Rose (Roe) Lamb; educated, St. Louis University; married, St. Louis, June 12, 1895, Anna Gerst; one child, Virgil Fredrick. Began business career with the dry goods firm of D. Crawford & Co., con tinuing 1889-91; was with Hargadine-McKitt rick Dry Goods Co., 1891-95; since then has held his present position as vice president of Cuddy & Lamb Dry Goods Co. Member West St. Louis Turn Verein. Democrat. Catholic. Recreations: fishing and bowling. Offiee: 18th St. and Franklin Ave. Residence: 1706 Bacon Street. LAMBERT, Albert Bond, president Lam bert Pharmacal Co.; bora, St. Louis, Dec. 6, 1875; son of Jordan W. and Lily (Winn) Lambert; educated at Smith Academy, St. Louis, and at University of Virginia; married, St. Louis, Apr. 23, 1899, B. Myrtle McGrew; children: Donaldson, Albert Bond, Jr., George Lee. President Lambert Pharmacal Co. since 1896; lived several years in Europe and estab- 352 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS lished two factories, one in Paris, France, and one in Hamburg, Germany, for the Lambert Pharmacal Co., manufacturers of Listerine and other high-grade pharmacal specialties for the medical and dental professions. Also vice president of the Lambert-Deacon-Hull Print ing Co., Beard-Hayne Co.; director Mechanics National Bank. Vice president International Jury, Louisiana Purchase Exposition; member City Council, 1907-11. Member Business Men's League, Civic League. Democrat. Episcopa lian. Clubs: Automobile (ex-president), St. Louis Country, Bellerive, Glen Echo Country, St. Louis, Noonday, Aero of St. Louis (ex- president). Member National Association of Aero Clubs of America (executive committee). Ex-president St. Louis Golf Association. Fa vorite recreations: aviation, ballooning, auto- mobiling, golf. Office: 2101 Locust St. Resi dence: 2 Hortense PL LAMBERT, Arthur Wilson, treasurer Lam bert Pharmacal Co.; born, Alexandria, Va., May 26, 1867; son of William H. and Laura (Steer) Lambert; descendant of John Lam bert, commander-in-chief of Cromwell's Army; educated public schools; married, St. Louis, Nov. 20, 1889, Virginia Webb; four children: Arthur W., William H., Samuel B., Mary Webb. Began active career in a bank at Alexandria, Va.; came to St. Louis, 1887; has been identified with the Lambert Pharmacal Co. since 1887, treasurer since 1895; also di rector Commonwealth Trust Co., Grand Ave nue Bank; trustee Lambert Estate. Presby terian. Mason (32°). Clubs: Noonday, Mer cantile, St. Louis, Bellerive Country, Norman die Golf, Racquet. Recreation: outdoor sports. Office: 2101 Locust St. Residence: Kingsbury Apartments. LAMBERT, Jordan Wheat, proprietary medicines; born, St. Louis, Apr. 12, 1874; son of Jordan W. and Lily (Winn) Lambert; edu cated at Smith Academy, St. Louis, and at St. John's Academy, Salina, Kan., graduating from latter, 1895; married, St. Louis, 1897, Helen C. Smith; children: Jordan W., Jr., Barron Proctor. Since 1899 engaged as man ager of the Lambert Pharmacal Co., manufac turers of Listerine and other proprietary med icines. Clubs: St. Louis, Noonday, Missouri Athletic (St. Louis), New York Athletic. Rec reations: billiards, fishing. Office: 2101 Lo cust St. Residence: New York City and St. Louis. LAMBERT, Marion L. J., vice president Lambert Pharmacal Co.; bora, St. Louis, May 29, 1881; son of Jordan W. and Lily (Winn) Lambert; educated at Smith Academy, St. Louis; married, Richmond, Va., 1899, Florence Parker; children: Florence, Marion, Jr., and Stafford Leightburn. Since leaving school, continuously connected with the Lambert Phar macal Co., manufacturers of Listerine and oth er proprietary articles, and since 1903 vice president of the company. Clubs: St. Louis, University, Mercantile, Noonday, St. Louis Country, Glen Echo, Missouri Athletic, Rac quet, Aero, Dardenne Hunting and Fishing, Lone Gum Hunting and Fishing. Recreations: hunting and fishing. Office: 2101 Locust St. Residence: St. Louis Club. LAMMERT, Martin, Jr., secretary Martin Lammert Furniture Co.; born, St. Louis, Jan. 11, 1874; son of Martin and Elise (Krueger) Lammert; graduated from Smith Academy, St. Louis, 1890; married, St. Louis, Feb. 14, 1900, Mary Virginia Outten; children: Martin Out- ten, Warren Burnet, Mary Elise. After leav ing school became connected, in 1890, with the Martin Lammert Furniture Co., wholesale and retail furniture, established by his father in 1861, and incorporated in 1885, of which is now secretary and director. Member Business Men's League, St. Louis Sales Managers' Association. Mason (Blue Lodge). Recrea tion: motoring. Office: Washington Ave. and 10th St. Residence: 5142 Westminster PL LAMPEL, Franklin L., wholesale sponges and chamois; born, St. Louis, Mar. 20, 1866; son of Lorenz and Caroline (Dieckman) Lam- pel; educated Madison (public) School, 7th St. and Chouteau Ave.; Washington Univer sity; Bryant & Stratton Business College, graduating, 1883; married Ida Dick, of Quin cy, 111., Apr. 25, 1888; two children: Gertrude (now Mrs. Frank P. Mahoney) and Stella. Began active career at seventeen, in employ of the Anheuser-Busch Brewing Co. and con tinued as weighmaster for three years; as sisted in organizing the Moffatt-West Drug Co. after the Richardson Drug Co. fire, 1889; one of organizers of the Dougherty-Crouch Drug Co., December, 1891, with which con tinued for eight years, the concern then sell ing out to the Meyer Bros. Drug Co.; entered wholesale sponge and chamois business on own account, April, 1902, and is sole owner of the business; also president Lampel-Schlegel Man ufacturing Co., Inc., manufacturers of book binders' specialties, etc; secretary Lampel Land and Investment Co.; director Compton Hill Improvement Co. Republican. Recrea tion: traveling. Office: 315 Locust St. Resi dence: Clayton Rd. and Suburban Car Line, St. Louis Co. LAMPERT, Jacob, cigar manufacturer; born in London, England, of Hollandish par entage, Mar. 6, 1856; son of Moses and Esther Lampert; came to America with parents at age of two years; educated in German- Amer ican Seminary, Detroit; unmarried. Learned cigar trade under father; located in St. Louis, 1877, and worked at trade until 1884; and since in business for self as manufacturer of cigars; proprietor "Flor le Lampert." Re publican. Director Jewish Charitable and Edu cational Union of St. Louis; vice president Shelter Home for Children. Mason (33°), THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 353 Shriner; Deputy Grand Master of Masons in Missouri. Clubs: Columbian, Liederkranz. Rec reation: the violin. Office: 412 Market St. Residence: 4019A Lindell Boul. *LAMY, Joseph Francis, grain; moved to Chicago; see Vol. 1906. LANDAU, Leo A., secretary Globe Store; born, St. Louis, Jan. 26, 1881; son of Maurice and Annie (Wilier) Landau; educated in pub- lie schools, graduating, 1901, from St. Louis High School, where was president of High School Literary Society, editor of the High School News, president of the High School Athletic Association, director of the High School Or chestra and representative of high school in the. Interscholastic League; graduated from Beethoven Conservatory, 1901; married, St. Louis, Nov. 12, 1902, Edna Polskee; children: Hortense, Homer W. On leaving school en tered the Globe Store, of which is secretary and manager; also secretary and general man ager of the Gold Stamp Co. (trading stamps). Non-partisan in politics. Jewish religion. Ma son (32°), Shriner. Club: Mercantile. Recrea tion: hunting. Office: 7th St. and Franklin Ave. Residence: 307 Union Boul. LANDAU, Louis, wholesale grocer; born near Breslau, Germany, Oct. 15, 1853; son of Argo and Ernestina (Schlusfaver) Landau; resident of Lebanon, 111., 1860-72; educated at McKinley College, Lebanon; married, St. Louis, 1880, Jennie Lopez; 2d, St. Louis, Apr. 27, 1883, Annie Sehulhern; 3d, Chicago, 1905, Fannie Kleinmart;^ five sons: Seymour, Al bert, Milton, Leon, "Sidney. Came to St. Louis, 1872, with parents, and established, with fa ther and brother, firm of A. Landau & Sons, hides, wool and furs, the style of which was afterward changed to A. Landau & Co. In 1892 started in the wholesale grocery business as Bodenheimer, Landau & Co., which was changed in April, 1896, to Louis Landau & Co.; in 1906 firm was incorporated as Landau Grocery Co., of which is president. Mason. Offiee: 308-310 N. 2d St. Residence: 4051 Delmar Ave. LANDAU, Maurice, merchant, banker; born, Aperyes, Hungary, May 10, 1857; son of Leopold and Bertha (Reed) Landau; attended schools in Hungary, but had no American schooling; came to America alone, at thirteen years of age, with $15 in cash; married, St. Louis, Apr. 11, 1880, Annie Wilier; children: Leo A., Mrs. Amelia Landau Paul. Arrived in St. Louis, 1872; worked for Louis Behm five years and for E. Wedel two years; saved out of salary from $4 to $12 per week, $1,800 in the seven years; started Globe Store with Henry Harris, 1879; dissolved partnership with Mr. Harris, 1882; incorporated the busi ness, 1895, and has since been president of the Globe. Store. President City National Bank, 1905-10; formerly director Central National Bank. Non-partisan in politics. Jewish re ligion. Has no superstitions, and regards Fri day as one of the luckiest days — opened busi ness on Friday, began advertising on Friday, and never hesitates to start any important undertaking on that day; believes that hard work, honesty and keeping of promises is the key of success. Member Business Men's League. Mason. Recreations: horses and the theatre. Office: Globe, 7th and Franklin Sts. Residence: 3103 Locust St. LAND AY, Joseph Isaac, real estate; born, Kovno, Russia, May, 1870; son of Abraham and Gertrude Landay; educated to fourteen in native land; married, Brooklyn, N. Y., Feb. 12, 1908, Bertha Byk. Came to America at age of seventeen; arrived in St. Louis, 1891, and after three years as a canvasser began traveling for the Koenig Furniture Co., in Southern states; in furniture commission business for self, 1895-1909; president Landay Steel Range Co., 1905-10; now president Lan day Real Estate Co. Member B. P. O. Elks. Clubs: Columbian, Elks. Recreation: motor ing. Office: 6, 4500 Olive St. Residence: Bar wick Apts. LANDE, Solomon, secretary-treasurer St. Louis Cotton Compress Co.; born, Nashville, Tenn., June 28, 1866; son of Nathan and Ro- setta (Sigman) Lande; educated in public schools of Nashville, and St. Louis, and Bry ant & Stratton College, St. Louis; unmarried. Resident of St. Louis since 1875; began busi ness career Sept. 1, 1878, as office boy with the St. Louis Cotton Compress Co., advancing until reaching position as secretary and treas urer of the company in 1893; also assistant secretary and treasurer of Citizens Compress Co., of Helena, Ark. Member of St. Louis Cotton Exchange. Jewish religion. Club: Co lumbian. Recreation: traveling. Office: 506 Olive St. Residence: 5263 Vernon Ave. "LANDERS, Cole Cozzens, railway service; moved to Danville, 111.; see Vol. 1906. LANDRUM, Tom J., hotel manager; 1859- 1911; see Vol. 1906. LANE, Charles Edward, president Allan- Pfeiffer Chemical Co.; born, Greenfield, Tenn., Mar. 6, 1874; son of Thomas Benton and Mar tha (Carleton) Lane; educated in public schools of Greenfield; married, Marion, HI., Apr. 5, 1899, Lora B. Denison; children: Charles Denison, Marion. Left Tennessee at age of seventeen; came to St. Louis and be gan working for the Allan-Pfeiffer Chemical Co., and after six months in the house, was traveling salesman for same company for eight years; then was admitted to firm and a year later was promoted to position of vice president and general manager; has been pres ident of the company since 1906; also presi dent Denison Realty Co., Union Station Bank; director Central National Bank, Missouri- 354 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS Texas Land Co., Fort Scott Gas and Electric Co. Member of Business Men's League. Clubs: St. Louis, Mercantile, Glen Echo. Recrea tions: golf, automobiling. Office: 1700 Morgan St. Residence: 4160 Lindell Boul. LANE, Nathaniel T., retired; born, Quincy, 111., Aug. 30, 1857; son of Nathaniel T. and Helen E. (LeRoy) Lane; educated in schools in Quincy, 111., and Cambridge, Mass.; mar ried at St. Louis, Oct. 3, 1889, Miss Almira R. Lane; children: Nathaniel T., Jr., Helen Le Roy. Resident of St. Louis since 1875; was with the Gilkeson-Sloss Commission Co., cot ton factors, 1878-89; in 1889 became connected with the Goodwin Manufacturing Co., manu facturers of candles, glycerine and saponified red oil (established 1840), of which was sec retary and treasurer, 1893-Jan. 1, 1908, when retired, but still holds interests in the com pany. Also president Price Realty Co. and Almira Realty Co. Clubs: University, Belle rive Country, Contemporary. Recreations: golf, motoring. Residence: 3640 W. Pine Boul. LANFERSIECK, William, secretary Me chanics' Planing Mill Co.; born, Lubecke, Germany, Nov. 22, 1845; son of Charles and Sophie (Oestermann) Lanfersieek; educated in public schools of Germany; married, St. Louis, 1867, Louisa Feltman; children: Charles, Edward, Otto, Emma, William, Harry, George, Walter. Came direct from Germany to St. Louis, 1859, and began to work for Capt. J. P. Kaiser, in the commission busi ness, until 1864; learned carpenters' trade in William Rieke's shop and in planing mill of George Breckinridge, working there until 1875, when joined in organization of Mechan ics ' Planing Mill Co., of which has since been secretary. Republican. Member Evangelical Church. Member Legion of Honor. Office: 3742 N. Broadway. Residence: 4237 Gano Ave. LANGAN, Oliver Pierce, president Langan & Taylor Storage and Moving Co.; born, Col- linsville, 111., July 14, 1871; son of Oliver and Estelle Langan; educated in public schools of Collinsville, and St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Feb. 17, 1896, Blanche E. Walker; two sons: Walker Oliver, Oliver Pierce, Jr. Began busi ness career in 1892, as a clerk in a hardware store in St. Louis; engaged in storage and warehouse business in 1894, and in 1900 con solidated three storage companies under the style of Langan & Taylor Storage and Moving Co., of which is president, and has since con ducted it as general warehouse; also president Langan Bros. Furniture and Carpet Co. Mem ber Universal Exposition Co. Democrat. Ro man Catholic. Club: Normandie. Recreations: motoring and horseback riding. Office: 4908 Delmar Boul. Residence: St. Regis Apts. LANGE, Berthold, real estate; see Vol. 1906. LANGE, Edward L., box manufacturer; born, St. Louis, Sept. 17, 1866; son of Berthold and Jeanette (Vogel) Lange; educated in pub lic and private schools of St. Louis; married, St. Louis, 1896, Ottilie Karmatz; children: Raymond, Doris. Began business career as stock clerk in Witte Hardware Co. for two years; then with Charm Manufacturing Co.,. manufacturers of baking powders and gro cers' sundries until 1894, when became a member of the Standard-Eagle Box Co., which was succeeded in 1897 by the Loy-Lange Box Co., of which is treasurer. Independent in politics. Lutheran. Member Knights of Py thias. Office: 2104-2106 S. 3d St. Residence: 1825 Cora PL LANGE, Theodore Fredrick, president Louis Lange Publishing Co.; born, St. Louis, Oct. 26, 1866; son of Louis and Margaret (Schmidt) Lange; educated in parochial schools to thir teen; Northwestern University, Watertown, Wis., five years; married, New Orleans, Oct. 26, 1896, Louise Odendahl; two daughters: Amy L. and Edith L. At age of eighteen en tered public business under father (founder of Louis Lange Publishing Co.), succeeding as president and treasurer, 1896, after death of father; now one of large publishers of St. Louis; issues German family magazines which are circulated in principal countries of the world. Republican. Lutheran; president Lu theran Holy Cross Congregation; secretary Lutheran Hospital Board; treasurer German Hospital and Orphan Association. Recrea tions: motoring and music. Office: 3600 Texas Ave. Residence: 2631 Miami St. LANGE, William H., manufacturer; 1867- 1910; see Vol. 1906. LANGENBERG, Frederick John, wholesale hats; 1851-1910; see Vol. 1906. LANGENBERG, Henry Frederick, grain commission; born, near Hermann, Mo., Aug. 18, 1846; son of Casper H. and Elizabeth (Koch) Langenberg; educated in common schools, private grammar school and commer cial college; married, Lee's Summit, Mo., Sept. 19, 1872, Martha Letitia Haynes; chil dren: Ida (Mrs. J. S. Mclntyre), Carl Haynes, Harry Hill. Since 1877 has been continuously engaged in the grain commission business as a member of the firm of Langenberg Bros. & Co., receivers and exporters of grain. Member Merchants' Exchange. Member of Business Men's League. Democrat. Presbyterian. Office: Merchants' Exchange Bldg. Residence: 5244 Washington Ave. LANGSDORF, Alexander Suss, college dean; born, St. Louis, Aug. 31, 1877; son of Adolph and Sarah (Suss) Langsdorf ; graduated from St. Louis High School, 1894, Washington Uni versity, School of Engineering, B.S., 1898. Cornell University, M.M.E., 1901; married, THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 355 Newark, N. J., June 26, 1906, Elsie Hirsch; children: Helen, Alexander S., Jr. Instructor in physics and electrical engineering, 1898- l900; graduate ' student, Cornell University, 1900-01; employed during summers of 1897 and 1898, with Emerson Electric Manufactur ing Co.; spent summer of 1899 at Harvard Summer School, summer of 1900, as inspector International Electric Light and Power Co., of El Paso, Tex.; summer of 1901 in Testing De partment, General Electric Co., Schenectady, NT. Y.; assistant professor of electric engineer ing, Washington University, 1901-04; profes sor of electric engineering since 1904; dean, Schools of Engineering and Architecture, since July, 1910. In summer of 1904 member International Electrical Jury, Louisiana Pur chase Exposition; member committee on or ganization, International Electrical Congress, to be held at San Francisco, 1915. Has served as expert in numerous patent litigations. Fel low American Association for Advancement of Science; member Society for the Promo tion of Engineering Education, St. Louis Acad emy of Science, St. Louis Engineers' Club (president, 1912), League of Electrical In terests, American Institute of Electrical En gineers, Sigma Xi. Club: Town and Gown. Office: Washington University. Residence: 1205 Amherst PL LANGSDORF, Julius, wholesale jeweler; born, St. Louis, Feb. 18, 1866; son of Morris and Hannah (Hessel) Langsdorf ; educated in Peabody School, St. Louis; unmarried. Began business career, 1881, as office boy in whole sale grocery house of S. B. Sale & Co., con tinuing until was buyer for the firm; buyer for Scharff, Bernheimer Grocery Co., 1892- 1902; since 1902, vice president of the Langs dorf Bros. Jewelry Co., wholesale jewelers and dealers in bags, belts, combs, jewelry, etc. Also vice president Langsdorf Land and In vestment Co. Democrat. Jewish religion. Mem ber B. P. O. Elks, United Commercial Travel ers. Club. Missouri Athletic. Office: 1320 Washington St. Residence: 5310 Maple Ave. LANGSDORF, Sidney, jewelry; see Vol. 1906. LANGTON, John James Perez, merchandise broker; born in Lancashire, England, Jan. 30, 1862; son of M. J. P. and Mary (Perez) Lang ton; educated privately and entered Cam bridge University, England, later at Univer sity of Munich, Germany; married, St. Louis, Harriet Elizabeth Pullis; children: John C. and Mary M. Was originally engaged in lit erary pursuits in England; came to United States July, 1886; traveled over United States and located in St. Louis in 1888, and since en gaged as merchandise broker. Member St. Louis Merchants' Exchange. Member Royal Society of Arts, Hakluyt Society, Royal So cieties Club, London, England, Goethe So ciety, Weimar, Archasological Society. Demo crat. Catholic. Clubs: University, City. Rec reations: fishing and books. Office: 421 S. 7th St. Residence: 3640 Shaw Ave. LANIGAN, John R., real estate; born, New Haven, Mo., June 7, 1865; son of Edward and Mary (Lynch) Lanigan; educated, St. Mala- chy, St. Kevin and Compton schools; unmar ried. Has been engaged in real estate busi ness under title of J. R. Lanigan & Bro. since 1895; vice president and treasurer Easton- Taylor Trust Co. since July 8, 1911; treasurer Eas-Tay Investment Co. Democrat. Catholic. Member Royal Arcanum. Recreations: auto mobiling and traveling. Office: 4474 Easton Ave. Residence: 1809 Cora PL LANPHEAR, Emory, surgeon; born, Mitlis, Turkey, July 15, 1859; son of Avery and Hulda Raynor (Younglove) Lanphear; edu cated Hartford Institute; Kansas State Nor mal School; Missouri Medical College (Wash ington University), graduating with degree of M.D., 1881; studied at Chicago Post-Gradu- ate School, Chicago; Chicago Polyclinic, New York Post-Graduate School, Berne, Switzer land, etc.; A.M., Hartford College, 1880; Ph.D., Kansas City University, 1887; (LL.D., from Central College, 1898); married, Lillie Harris, of Ashland, Neb., 1881 (died 1884); 2d, Mary Maxson, of Parsons, Kan., 1885; two children: Mrs. Veda L. Martin and Ethan E. Began practice at Kansas City, Mo., 1885; located in St. Louis, 1894; professor nervous and mental diseases, University of Kansas City, 1885-89; professor orthopedic surgery, University Med ical College, 1889-92; professor operative sur gery, Kansas City Medical College, 1893-94; professor surgery, St. Louis College of Physi cians and Surgeons, 1894-95; Hippocratean College of Medicine, 1906 and 1910, American Medical College, 1910-11; professor clinical surgery, National University (successor to Barnes University), since October, 1911; pro fessor surgical gynecology, American Poly clinic, since 1911; first lieutenant Medical Reserve Corps, U. S. Army. Director Clinic Publishing Co., Abbott Alkaloidal Co., Orodol Chemical Co., American Medical College, Na tional University, American Hospital. Social ist. Ex-president Tri-State Medical Society; secretary St. Louis Academy Medicine; mem ber National Association Military Surgeons. Author: Surgical Therapeutics, 1907. Office: 3447 Pine St. Residence: 3655 Pennsylvania Avenue. *LANTERMAN, John Stonewall, roofing materials; moved to Cleveland, O.; see Vol. 1906. LANZ, Fred Charles Gustav, structural en gineer; born, St. Louis, Jan. 2, 1886; son of J. Fred and Emma (Radtke) Lanz; educated grammar school and night high school, St. Louis; course in bridge engineering, in In ternational Correspondence School; married, 356 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS St. Louis, June 12, 1907, Hattie English; one son, Fred M. Began as apprentice draftsman, the Union Iron and Foundry Co., 1900, and continued for seven years; #then secured an interest in the Century Iron Works but sold out in fall of same year; returned to the Union Iron and Foundry Co. and had charge of drafting department during 1908; in Janu ary, 1909, purchased interest in St. Louis Wire and Iron Co., manufacturers ornamental wire, etc., of which has since been vice president. Mason. Office: 512 Chouteau Ave. Residence: 1319 S. Grand Ave. LAREW, John Thomas, physician; see Vol. 1906. LASAR, Edward Frederick, president Lasar Manufacturing Co., manufacturers ornamental iron and bronze work; born, Canton, O., Jan. 9, 1861; son of Henry S. and Emily (John) Lasar; was brought to St. Louis by parents when three months old; educated in public schools; married, St. Louis, May 3, 1888, Delia Gibson (died June, 1904); four children: Ed ward, Robert (deceased), Delia, Lucy; mar ried, 2d, St. Louis, Sept. 19, 1907, Mrs. Ara bella Wolfe. Served apprenticeship in trade of ornamental iron work in Chicago; followed trade in New York, Detroit and Cleveland; returned to St. Louis, 1884, and began busi ness on own account as Lasar & McCarron, continuing until 1889; president Excelsior Wire and Iron Co., 1889-96; then organized Lasar-Letzig Manufacturing Co., of which was president until June 6, 1910, when firm name was changed to Lasar Manufacturing Co. and he became president. Member Business Men's League, Civic League. Independent in poli tics. Presbyterian. Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner. Clubs: Mercantile, Arcadia Country, Oasis, St. Louis, Automobile. Recre ations: hunting, fishing, motoring. Office: 1313 N. 16th St. Residence: 5092 Raymond Ave. LASHLY, Jacob M., lawyer; born, Ran dolph Co., 111., Feb. 16, 1882; son of George W. and Cora (Woolford) Lashly; educated in high school, Sparta, 111., to 1900; then entered St. Louis University, and graduated, A.B., A.M., 1903; LL.B., Washington University, 1907; married, Dayton, O., Dec. 28, 1911, Bes sie Henderson. Admitted to Missouri bar, 1906, and practiced alone until Jan. 1, 1912; then became junior partner law firm of John son, Rutledge, Marlatt & Lashly. Member Bar Association of St. Louis; on faculty St. Louis University Institute of Law. Democrat. Pres byterian. Royal Arch Mason; member Royal Arcanum. Clubs: City, Missouri Athletic, Mer amec Canoe. Recreations: horseback riding, fishing, hunting. Office: 1201-1205 Third Na tional Bank Bldg. Residence: Lucerne Apts. LATIMER, Alfred Wait, physician; born, Rock Island, Ind., Nov. 9, 1868; son of Abijah H. and Adelia P. Latimer; educated at public school of Camelton, Ind., until fifteen years of age; received diploma from Kentucky State Board of Pharmacy, 1888; M.D., Beaumont Hospital Medical College, St. Louis, 1893; mar ried, Pacific, Mo., Mar. 21, 1899, Clute B. Dunn. In general practice in St. Louis since 1893. Assistant physician City Hospital, 1893- 94; Female Hospital, 1894-95; clinician Beau mont College, 1895-96. Member St. Louis Med ical Society. Office: 1004 S. Vandeventer Ave. Residence: 4132 Flora Boul. LATZ, Robert, retired manufacturer; born, City of Posen, Prussia, Sept. 28, 1842; son of Louis and Jeanette (Spitzer) Latz; came to America, 1847; educated in public schools, St. Louis, to 1860, and took course in Jones Com mercial College; married, St. Louis, Aug. 9, 1898, Annie Judd. Began business career with father, 1860, and continued until 1872; then engaged in general merchandise business with brother at Osceola, and Appleton City, Mo., to 1883; was member firm of John Hughes & Co., manufacturers of cloaks and suits, 1898- 1911, then retired. Democrat. Jewish religion. Mason; member United Workmen. Residence: 230 N. Boyle Ave. LAUGHLIN, John Benedict, shoe dealer; born, Rome, la., Jan. 11, 1873; son of John and Celia (Smith) Laughlin; educated in pri vate and public schools; unmarried. Began on farm in Clinton Co., Mo.; left farm to enter railroad service; worked for Burlington R. R. Co., one year; then in restaurant business eighteen months, after that clerk in general store at Cameron, Mo., two years; came to St. Louis, March, 1891, worked in various pos- tions until 1892, when entered employ of G. H. Boehmer Shoe Co. as collector; worked up to manager, and later member same firm; withdrew in February, 1903, to join in organ izing Koers-Laughlin Shoe Co., and was vice president of same until 1908, when organized the Laughlin Shoe Co., of which is president and treasurer. Independent in politics. Mem ber Knights of Columbus. Catholic. Office: 708 Washington Ave. Residence: 3814 West minster Ave. LAUGHLIN, Julian, lawyer and author; born in Bath Co., Ky., Sept. 27, 1852; son of Tarlton Chiles and Anna (Hopkins) Laughlin; student Translyvania University, 1867-71; ad mitted to St. Louis bar, 1877; married Laura E. Vail, of St. Louis, June 28, 1898. President Arkansas Land Co. since 1898. Attorney for his company in litigation, commencing in 1903, involving more than $10,000,000 worth of land in Arkansas; engaged in litigation involving large interests in different parts of United States and necessitating a great deal of travel. Director Iron Mountain & Helena R. R. Co., St. Louis & Memphis Ry. Co. Racial expert for Naturalization Department, U. S. Govern ment. Socialist. Club: Papyrus. Author: His tory of Civilization, 1904. This work includes a histpry of life and also a history of ideas, and shows a vast amount of original research. THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 357 Presents an original theory of the formation of the solar system, which has been accepted by all astronomers instead of La Place's neb ular hypothesis. It classifies man into four races — White, Yellow, Brown and Black. This classification is generally accepted in the Unit ed States instead of Caucasian, Mongolian, Ethiopian, Malay and Indian. It describes the great inventions of ancient times with the names of the inventors, who became the "uni versal gods," and presents the origin of all of our principal ideas, both "good" and "bad," and gives the underlying cause of the decay of nations; and by tracing ideas in stead of men, the author claims to elucidate a new science — Ideology. Office: 510 Pine St. Residence: North and South Rd., near Clayton, St. Louis Co. LAUGHLIN, Randolph, lawyer; born, St. Louis, Mar. 21, 1875; son of Henry D. and Ella (Haynes) Laughlin; educated at University of Virginia; graduated from St. Louis Law School, 1897; married, St. Louis, June 21, 1898, Marie Highley; one son, Robert. Ad mitted to Missouri bar, 1897, and since en gaged in general practice. Member of several clubs. Recreations: athletics, numismatics, country life, archery. Office : 1722 Pierce Bldg. Residence: "Loch-Lin," St. Louis Co., Mo. (summer); Hamilton Hotel (winter). LAUX, Anton J.; see Vol. 1906. LAVERY, Daniel Joseph, clergyman; born, County Kerry, Ireland, Dec. 19, 1860; son of John and Ellen (Daly) Lavery; educated Na tional Schools; seminary at Killarney; was graduated at Maynooth College, near Dublin (highest honors of the institution), 1886; D.D., granted after public examination, at Rome, June 28, 1911. Ordained priest Roman Catho lic Church, at Maynooth, by the Most Rev. Dr. Higgins, May 23, 1886; came to America soon after ordination, in 1886, and was ap pointed assistant pastor to Father Brady of Annunciation Church, St. Louis; transferred, after one year, to St. Lawrence O 'Toole's Church, and there remained for five years; pastor Holy Rosary Parish, since 1892 (church edifice and parish school building erected un der his administration). Residence: 3916 N. Newstead Ave. LAWS, George Archer; see Vol. 1906. LAYMAN, Waldo Arnold, president and general manager Wagner Electric Manufac turing Co.; born, Smithton, Mo., Oct. 27, 1869; son of Morgan and Rhoda C. (Arnold) Lay man; educated in Terre Haute (Ind.) public and high schools, and Rose Polytechnic Insti tute, Terre Haute, Ind., graduating, B.S., 1892, M.S.. 1894, E.E., 1899; married, 1896, Laura • E., daughter of Anderson Toms, of Richmond, Ind.; children: Edith, Mary A., Laura, Grace. Came to St. Louis in 1892, and entered employ of Wagner Electric Manufacturing Co., manu facturers of electrical machinery, with which has been successively draftsman, assistant su perintendent, 1895, assistant manager and treasurer, 1898, general manager and member board of directors, 1902, vice president and manager and member of board, 1910, president and manager and member board, 1912. Presi dent St. Louis Engineers' Club, 1906; vice president National Metal Trades Association; member board of managers National Society for Promotion of Industrial Education; mem ber advisory board David Rankin, Jr., School of Mechanical Trades; member American In stitute of Electrical Engineers; associate mem ber British Institution of Electrical Engi neers. Republican in National politics. Mem ber Church of the Unity (Unitarian). Clubs: Mercantile, Noonday, St. Louis, Algonquin Golf. Recreation: golf. Offices: 6400 Plymouth Ave. and New Bank of Commerce Bldg. Resi dence: Webster Park, Missouri. LAYTON, Oscar Elzora, inspector weights and measures; see Vol. 1906. LAZARUS, Sam, president Acme Cement Plaster Co.; born, Syracuse, N. Y., Feb. 4, 1855; son of Henry L. and Annie (Isaacs) Laz'arus; educated in public schools; married, New Orleans, Apr. 19, 1883, Lillie N. Fisk; one daughter, Henrietta. Began business ca reer in employ of Wallace & Co., wholesale dry goods, New Orleans, 1868; went to Texas, 1869, and was in employ of Henry Levy, La- donia, Tex., in mercantile business, and later with Schneider Bros., and Ed. Moore in Sher man, Tex., until 1875; in mercantile business for self, Whitesboro, Tex., 1875, sold out, 1876; returned to employ of Schneider Bros., Sherman, until 1877, when started in cattle and ranching business, with which has ever since been identified; was vice president of American Live Stock Co. from 1889 until it went out of business in 1891; receiver for Texas, Louisiana & Eastern R. R., 1896; presi dent Red River, Texas & Southern R. R., 1901. President Acme Cement Plaster Co. since March, 1898. Director First National Bank of Gunter, Tex.; ex-president Galveston Ter minal R. R., Houston Belt R. R.; now presi dent Quanah Acme & Pacific Ry. Co. Demo crat. Jewish religion. Clubs: Mercantile, Glen Echo, Noonday. Office: 1015, 415 Pine St. Residence: 4481 W. Pine Boul. LEACOCK, Andrew Francois; born, Free- land, DeKalb Co., 111., Aug. 29, 1860; son of Samuel and Louise Anselme Leacock; educat ed in public schools of Piper City, 111.; mar ried, St. Louis, Apr. 11, 1888, Maggie Theresa Cody; children: Genevieve Agnes, Frances Loretta (Mrs. F. R. Nauman). Began business career as a house and carriage painter for six years, in Ford Co., HI.; came thence to St. Louis, 1881; served as patrolman in Police De partment, St. Louis, 1885-94; then with Saun ders Duck and Rubber Co. and Norvell-Shap- 358 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS leigh Hardware Co. as salesman until January, 1902, when became vice president of the R. J. Leacock Sporting Goods Co., dealers in sport ing goods; resigned, 'Nov. 1, 1911, to enter theatrical business. Independent in politics. Was for three years a member of the Illinois National Guard. Member Missouri Fish and Game League. Recreations: hunting and trap ping. Residence: 4236 Athlone Ave. LEACOCK, Robert James, president R. J. Leacock Sporting Goods Co.; born, Sandwich, 111., Feb. 17, 1863; son of Samuel and Louise (Anselme) Leacock; moved with parents .to Piper City, 111., when three years of age; at tended public schools, Piper City, 111., 1869-77; married, St. Louis, May 8, 1889, Luella Breen Hart; one son, Robert Breen. Came to St. Louis from Piper City, 111., 1881; clerk in gro cery store, 1881-82; with Philibert & Johan ning Manufacturing Co. (now W. G. Frey Manufacturing Co.) sash, doors, etc., 1883-84; employed in St. Louis postoffice, July, 1884, to March, 1896; manager city bicycle and ath letic department of A, F. Shapleigh Hardware Co., 1896-98, and manager and buyer of whole sale bicycle and athletic goods department, same company, 1898-1902; in November, 1902, organized R. J. Leacock Sporting Goods Co., of which has since been president and man ager. Was member of the old Missouri Ama teur Athletic Club, 1887-89, and a director of Pastime Athletic Club, 1892; prominent in athletics in St. Louis, 1887-94; promoter of athletics, 1892-1905; treasurer St. Louis Foot ball Association, 1904. Independent in poli tics. Catholic. Member Knights of Columbus, Missouri Fish and Game League. Clubs: Mis souri Athletic, Arcadia Country, Columbus, Irish-American Athletic. Recreations: boat ing, fishing and hunting. Office: 808-810 Pine St. Residence: 4101 Westminster PL LEAHY, David Patrick, real estate and financial agent; born, St. Louis, Oct. 15, 1864; son of Patrick and Mary (Carroll) Leahy; educated in St. Louis public schools and St. Louis Law School; married, St. Louis, June 27, 1892, Mary E. Horan; children: Helen Marie, Janet. After studying law entered real estate business on own account in 1889; was manager of real estate department of Lincoln Trust Co., 1900-04; bought out real estate business of that company and added it to his own business. In 1908 organized the David P. Leahy House and Home Co., of which is president; also president D. P. Leahy Realty Co., St. Louis & Jenning R. R. Mem ber St. Louis Real Estate Exchange. Demo crat. Catholic. Office: 800 Chestnut St. LEAHY, John Stephen, lawyer; bora, St. Louis, Aug. 4, 1872; son of Stephen and Jane M. (Doyle) Leahy; educated Christian Broth ers College; St. Louis University; Georgetown University; married, 1900, Julia V., daughter of F. A. Steer,, of St. Louis; children: Jane and John S., Jr. In practice of law in St. Louis since 1897; member firm of Leahy, Saunders & Barth. Republican; member City Council since 1910. Member American Bar Association, Missouri Bar Association, St. Louis Bar Association. Member Business Men's League. Member board of directors Father Dunn's Newsboys' Home, St. Louis Settlement Society, Father Dempsey's Exiles' Rest, Guardian Angel Settlement Association. Clubs: St. Louis, Noonday, Mercantile, Border Hunting and Fishing. Office: 1105 National Bank of Commerce Bldg. Residence: 325 N. Taylor Ave. LEATHE, Samuel Henry, deceased; see Vol. 1906. LEAVELL, Benjamin Roy, life insurance; born in Callaway Co., Mo., Jan. 16, 1877; son of J. A. and Addie Cecil (Nunnelly) Leavell; educated in public schools, Fulton, Mo., and Westminster College, Fulton, 1894-96; married, Centralia, Mo., Nov. 8, 1904, Nettie Glenn Mct Bride. Began business career as clerk in Home Savings Bank of Fulton; came to St. Louis, 1900; was with Mechanics' National Bank, and in 1902 became associated with I. D. Sperry, in firm of Sperry & Leavell, managers of the Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Co., for State of Missouri and Southern Illinois. Democrat. Methodist. Member Kappa Alpha. Club: Mercantile. Offiee: 310 Odd Fellows Bldg. Residence: 5153 Cabanne Ave. LEAVY, Charles Alonzo, physician; born, Palmyra, Mo., Sept. 25, 1873; son of James and Mary (Saunders) Leavy; educated in country schools, Ralls Co., Mo., and high school, New London, Mo., to 1894; Chillicothe Normal School, 1895-96-97; graduated from Marion-Sims-Beaumont Medical College, 1903; practiced medicine two years, 1903-05; then studied ear, nose and throat diseases at Vien na, Austria, Berlin and London; unmarried. Returned to St. Louis from Europe, 1906; since engaged in practice, specializing in ear, nose and throat diseases. Member American Medical Association, Missouri State Medical Association, St. Louis Medical Society, Oto- Laryngological Society, Marion-Sims-Beaumont Alumni. Republican. Baptist. Free Mason; member of Eastern Star, I. O. O. F., Rebekahs, B. P. O. Elks, Modern Woodmen, Royal Neigh bors; also Y. M. C. A. Recreation: bowling. Office: 426-431 Metropolitan Bldg. Residence: Hotel Beers. LEBRECHT, John Charles, physician and surgeon; born, St. Louis, July 28, 1859; son of John and Louise Josephine (Ludwig) Le- brecht; educated at St. Louis University and St. Louis Medical College, graduating, M.D., 1882. Engaged in general practice of medicine and surgery in St. Louis ever since Mar. 10, 1882, making a specialty of diseases of women and children. Member St. Louis Medical So ciety, Missouri State and American Medical THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 359 associations, Mississippi Valley Medical Asso ciation, Western Surgical and Gynecological Association, Alumni Association of Medical Department of Washington University, Wash ington University Association. Medical di rector on the staff of the Grand Division of the Sons of Veterans, with rank of Lieuten ant Colonel, 1883-96.. Republican. Member Civic League. Mason, Knight Templar and Shriner; member Knights of Pythias. Mem ber St. Louis Turn Verein. Recreations: hunt ing, fishing, horseback riding. Office: 1509 Chouteau Ave. Residence: 1737 S. Grand Ave. LEDERER, Samuel Morris, president Pickel Stone Co.; born, New York, Sept. 28, 1853; son of Samuel and Marie (Abels) Lederer; educated private schools of New York until fourteen; College of the City of New York, four years; Columbia College Law School, two years; married, New York, Jan. 2, 1884, Au gusta Bodenheimer; four children: Mrs. Jean- nette Lederer Herschberger, Lucile, Marie, James M. Began active career in mercantile business in New York, in which continued for three years; came to St. Louis Co., 1881, and engaged in stone quarrying; president Pickel Stone Co.. since 1892; also president Central Building Co., Forest City Building Co.; treas urer Building Industries' Association. Has erected many buildings in St. Louis and else where. Republican. Jewish1 religion. Club: Columbian. Recreations: home diversions. Of fice: 1320 S. Vandeventer Ave. Residence: 5277 Lindell Boul. LEDLIE, Charles Hees, consulting engi neer; born, Palatine Bridge, N. Y., July 26, 1-861; son of Gen. James H. and Catherine (Hees) Ledlie; educated in public schools; Adams Academy, Quincy, Mass.; graduated Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, N. Y., 1882; married, St. Louis, Feb. 11, 1885, Eliza beth Lucas Johnson; one son, John S. Began professional work with Old Nevada Central R. R.; first vice president and in charge of engineering construction and operation, New Orleans Railways Co., 1901-03. Member Amer ican Society of Civil Engineers, National Geo graphic Society. Clubs: Noonday, University (St. Louis), Strollers' (New York). Office: Rialto Bldg. Residence: 4162 Washington Ave. LEE, Edward William, real estate; see Vol. 1906. LEE, George Hastings, railway official; bom, Mt. Morris, N. Y.; son of Jay Elon and Harriet (Hastings) Lee; A.B., Hamilton Col lege, New York, 1885; married, 1891. Began railroad career at Little Rock, Ark., 1893, and continuously connected with different roads; general passenger agent Rock Island Lines at St. Louis since Jan. 1, 1910. Episcopalian. Scottish Rite Mason (32°), Knight Templar; member B. P. O. Elks. Clubs: Mercantile, St. Louis, Bellerive Country. Recreation: golf. Office: 1025, 705 Olive St. Residence: 5305 Delmar Boul. LEE, James Wideman, clergyman; bora, Rockbridge, Ga., Nov. 28, 1849; son of Zach- ary J. and Emily H. (Wideman) Lee; A.B., Emory College, Georgia, 1874; married, Dec. 26, 1875, Emma Eufaula, daughter of Rev. L. L. Ledbetter, of Cedartown, Ga.; three sons and three daughters. Ordained Methodist Episcopal Church, South, ministry, 1876; pas tor Carrollton, Ga., 1879-80, Dalton, Ga., 1881- 83, Rome, Ga., 1884-85, Trinity Church, At lanta, Ga., 1885-89, Park Street Church, At lanta, 1889-93, St. John's, St. Louis, 1893-97; presiding elder St. Louis District, 1897-1901; pastor St. John's, St. Louis (second time), 1901-05, Trinity Church, Atlanta (second time), 1905-09, Park Street Church, Atlanta (second time), 1909-10, St. John's, St. Louis (third time), since 1911. Head of expedition to Palestine, 1894, sent out with R. E. M. Bain, artist, to secure material for illustrating book on the Earthly Footsteps of Christ and His Apostles. Author: The Making of a Man, 1892 (translated into Japanese, Chinese and Korean languages); Christ, the Reason of the Universe (address before World's Parliament of Religions, Chicago), 1893; Earthly Foot steps of the Man of Galilee, 1895; Henry W. Grady, Editor, Orator and Man, 1897; Illus trated History of Methodism, 1900; History of Jerusalem, 1904; The Real Uncle Remus, 1908; Abraham Lincoln, 1909; The Religion of Science, 1912. Edited and illustrated Self- Interpreting Bible, 1897. Residence: 5068 Washington Ave. LEE, John Fitzgerald, lawyer; born, Wash ington, D. O, June 29, 1848; son of John Fitzgerald and Eleanor Ann (Hill) Lee; edu cated Mount St. Mary's College, Emmitsburg, Md.; Georgetown University, Washington, D. O; LL.B., University of Virginia, 1870; lo cated in St. Louis in 1870 and has since en gaged in practice of law; now a member of the firm of A. & J. F. Lee. Member St. Louis Bar Association (ex-president), Missouri State and American Bar associations. Director Wash ington University, president David Rankin School of Mechanical Trades; vice-president St. Louis Public Library, West St. Louis Water and Light Co.; director Union Sand and Material Co., American Central Fire In surance Co., Chemical Building Co., Chouteau Investment Co., Walter C. Taylor Realty Co., etc. Member Civic League. Democrat. Cath olic. Clubs: St. Louis, University, St. Louis Country, Noonday, City. Office: 600-608 Rialto Bldg. Residence: 3744 Lindell Boul. LEE, William H-, president of the Mer chants-Laclede National Bank of St. Louis". Was director Louisiana Purchase Exposition". 360 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS Clubs: St. Louis, Noonday, Commercial (ex- president), St. Louis Country. Office: S. W. cor. Olive and 4th Sts. Residence: 25 Van deventer PL *LEFAVOR, Nathaniel Harvey; moved to Kansas City; see Vol. 1906. LE GEAR, William Alan, vice president and general manager Dr. L. D. LeGear Medi cine Co.; born, Imlay City, Mich., Aug. 18, 1877; son of James and Jennie LeGear; edu cated in public schools of Imlay City; mar ried, Detroit, Mich., Sept. 16, 1908, Delia Foley. After leaving school became associated with brother, Dr. L. D. LeGear, at Austin, Tex., in the manufacture of remedies for dis eases of live stock, 1896, and continued there until 1905, when came to St. Louis to estab lish the house here, organizing the Dr. L. D. LeGear Medicine Co., of which is vice presi dent and general manager. Member B. P. O. Elks. Recreations: fishing and bowling. Of fice: 713 Howard St. Residence: 3837 Hum phrey. LEHMANN, Frederick William, lawyer; bora in Prussia, Feb. 28, 1853; educated in public schools of Ohio and Indiana, Tabor Col lege, Tabor, la., class of 1873; studied law privately; married, Des Moines, la., Dec. 23, 1879, Nora Stark; children: Sears, Frederick W., Jr., John S. Admitted to bar in Fremont Co., la., 1873, and began practice at Sidney, la.; removed to Nebraska City, Neb., in fall of 1873, and to Des Moines, la., 1876, where continued practice until came to St. Louis, 1890, as attorney for the Wabash R. R.; mem ber of the firm of Boyle, Priest & Lehmann, 1895, until 1905, when established, with sons, Sears and John S., firm of Lehmann & Leh mann. In 1910 was appointed by President Taft, solicitor general of United States and served until 1912; returned to St. Louis and resumed practice of law. Member American Bar Association (president, 1908-09). Chair man Committee on Congresses and Anthropol ogy, Louisiana Purchase Exposition; Govern ment delegate and chairman Committee on Plan and Scope, Universal Congress of Law yers and Jurists, St. Louis, 1904. President St. Louis Public Library, 1900-10; chairman Board of Freeholders, City of St. Louis, since 1909. Clubs: St. Louis, Noonday, Mercantile, University. Office: 600-601 Laclede Bldg. Res idence: 10 Benton PL LEHMANN, Sears, lawyer; born, Des Moines, la., July 22, 1881; son of Frederick W. and Nora (Stark) Lehmann; graduated from Smith Academy, St. Louis, 1898; A.B., Harvard University, 1902; LL.B., St. Louis Law School, 1903; married, Feb. 10, 1912, Agnes Mallotte Houser. Admitted to bar of Missouri, June, 1903; was connected with of fice of Boyle, Priest & Lehmann, 1903-05, and on dissolution of that firm, September, 1905, formed partnership with father, F. W. Leh mann, in present law firm of Lehmann & Leh mann. Member St. Louis and American Bar associations. Democrat. Clubs: University, Bellerive. Recreations: golf, tennis. Office: 601 Laclede Bldg. Residence: 239 Westgate Avenue. LED3ER, Engelhard Karl, leather; 1838- 1910; see Vol. 1906. LEIGHTON, William Elston, surgeon; born, Portland, Me., May 9, 1872; son of George Warren and Alexina Fischer (Drinkwater) Leighton; was graduated at Westbrook Semi nary, Portland, 1891; A.B., Bowdoin College, Maine, 1895; M.D., Harvard Medical School, Boston, 1900; married, St. Louis, November, 1910, Virginia Edwards. In practice at St. Louis since 1904; assistant professor surgery Medical Department St. Louis University since 1910; associate surgeon Barnard Skin and Cancer Hospital, since 1907; visiting sur geon St. Louis City Hospital since 1910. Re publican. Universalist. Member American Medical Association, Missouri State Medical Association, St. Louis Medical Society. Theta Delta Chi college fraternity. Mason; member Deering Lodge No. 183, A. F. & A. M. Club: City. Contributor to various medical journals. Recreation: outdoor life. Offiee: 208 Hum boldt Bldg. Residence: 5891 Washington Ave. LELAND, Fred Austin, chairman South western Tariff Committee; born, Central City, Colo., July 24, 1870; son of Charles M. and Mary A. (Seymour) Leland; educated in public schools of Denver, Colo., 1876-80; high school, Marysville, Kan., 1881-86 (graduated) and Central Business College, St. Louis; mar ried, St. Louis, 1901, Henrietta M. Brolaski; children: Florence A., Austin Porter. Printer and assistant editor Marshall County News, Marysville, Kan., 1886-87; clerk to commer cial agent of St. Louis Southwestern Ry., St. Louis, 1887-88; bookkeeper and clerk, A. L. Wolff & Co., cotton, St. Louis, 1888-89; secre tary to traffic manager, St. Louis Southwest ern Ry., St. Louis, 1889-90; chief clerk to traffic manager, Queen and Crescent Route, Cincinnati, 1890-93; chief clerk, traffic de partment, Missouri, Kansas & Texas Ry., St. Louis, 1893-96; assistant general freight agent, same road, Kansas City, 1896-1901; assistant general freight agent, same road, at St. Louis, January, 1901-08; chairman Southwestern Tar iff Committee since January, 1908. Repub lican. Baptist. Clubs: Mercantile, Normandie Golf, The Traffic. Recreation: golf. Office: 1050 Century Bldg. Residence: 5566 Clemens Avenue. *LEMEN, Don Morrison; moved to Denver, Colo.; see Vol. 1906. LEMEN, Joseph Robert, physician; bora in Madison Co., 111., June 5, 1853; son of Robert C. and Eliza J. (Johnson) Leirien; educated THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 361 in public school, Washington University and Missouri Medical College, graduating, M.D., 1875; married, St. Louis, 1884, Ida M. Chick; two children: Eugenia (Mrs. Russell I. Tol- son), J. Robert. Engaged in general practice in St. Louis since 1875; interne City Hospital, 1876; member St. Louis Board of Health; physician Rebekah Hospital, Deaconess Hos pital. Director St. Louis Clay Burning Co. Member Missouri State Medical Association, St. Louis Medical Society. Club: St. Louis. Recreations: hunting and fishing. Office: Vanol Bldg. Residence: 5401 Cabanne Ave. LEMKES, Emile J., clergyman;, born, St. Louis, Aug. 19, 1866; son of Theodore and Teresa (Teitscheid) Lemkes; educated, St. Francis College, Quincy, 111., graduating with degree of M.A., 1884; studied theology in St. Francis Seminary, Milwaukee, Wis. Ordained priest Roman Catholic Church, in St. John's Church, St. Louis, by Archbishop Kenrick, Jan. 14, 1889; served as assistant in St. Pe ter's Church, 1889-91; pastor, Manchester, St. Louis Co., 1891-1904 (built new church edifice and addition to parish school); pastor St. Barbara's Church, St. Louis, since June, 1904, new church building dedicated 1907. Member Catholic Knights of America. Favorite recre ation: music. Residence: 1371 Hamilton Ave. LEMP, William J., born, St. Louis, Aug. 13, 1867; son of William J. and Julia (Feickert) , Lemp; educated in public schools and Wash ington University, and took technical course in United States Brewers' Academy, New York City, graduating 1885; married, St. Louis, Oct. 24, 1899, Lillian Handlan; one son, William J., Jr. From 1885 regularly con nected with Wm. J. Lemp Brewing Co. (established, 1840) and in a comparatively short time took prominent part in manage ment of company's affairs; became superin tendent of the brewery, and upon incorpora tion of the business in 1892 was elected vice president; president since Nov. 7, 1904. Also president of Western Cable Railway Co., St. Louis, Joplin (Mo.) Ice and Cold Storage Co., Columbia Manufacturing Co., Dallas, Tex., Little Rock (Ark.) Brewing and Ice Co., Ard- more (Okla.) Ice, Light and Power Co.; direct or German Savings Institution, Kinloch Long Distance Telephone Co., St. Louis Consumers' Ice and Cold Storage Co., El Paso, Tex. Wa bash Clay Co., Veedersburg, Ind. Member Mer chants ' Exchange, Business Men's League. Democrat. Mason. Clubs: St. Louis, Mercan tile, Noonday, Glen Echo, St. Louis Country, Western Rowing, Aero, Automobile, Lemp Hunting and Fishing, Liederkranz. Office: 3322 S. 13th St. Residence: 3343 S. 13th St. LENZ, Philip Henry, real estate; bora, Pom- eroy, 0„ Feb. 1, 1851; son of John and Mary (De Jong) Lenz; educated in common schools; married, St. Louis, Mar. 8, 1882, Helen Brueg- gemann; four children: Alvin J., Adele (Mrs. Curtis P. Jennings), Elmer L., Helen R. Be gan as building contractor in 1877 and con tinued until about 1904, during part of the time (1893-1904) being also associated with Henry Hiemenz Realty Co.; entered real es tate business on own account, 1906, under title of the Lenz-Haller Realty Co., of which is president. Member Real Estate Exchange. Re publican. Club: Gilbert Lake Hunting and Fishing. Recreations: hunting and fishing. Of fice: 807 Chestnut St. Residence: 3536 Russell Avenue. LEONARD, Frank Patrick, printing; born, Brooklyn, N. Y., Apr. 17, 1863; son of Mich ael and Catherine (McNally) Leonard; edu cated in public schools of New York City; married, Dec 25, 1889, Edna L. Coon (now deceased). Began business career in employ of the Cotton Belt R. R., 1887-88; with Mc Carthy Construction Co., 1888-90, Cotton Belt Ry., 1890-91, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Ry., 1891-94, Wiggins Ferry Co., 1894, Chicago, Peoria & St. Louis Ry., 1894, Louisville & Nashville Ry., 1894-96, Illinois Central R. R., 1896-1902; from September, 1902, to July, 1910, secretary of John D. Man- ley Implement Co., wholesale dealers in farm implements and machinery, and secretary and treasurer of the Manley-Hill Carriage Co.; since July, 1910, partner in firm of Furlong & Leonard Printing Co. Democrat. Roman Cath olic. Member Knights of Columbus, National Union, Catholic Knights and Ladies of Amer ica (Supreme President). Recreations: paint ing and study of languages. Office: 210 N. 10th St. Residence: 4155 McPherson Ave. LEONARD, Loyal Lovejoy, lawyer; born, Oakland, Me., Feb. 7, 1873; son of Watson V. and Irene (Stuart) Leonard; graduated from Coburn Classical Institute, Waterville, Me., 1890; Trinity College, Hartford, Conn., 1896; Law Department, Washington University, 1902; unmarried. Was engaged in newspaper work while attending college, and in the in surance business while studying law; en gaged in general practice of law, 1902-04; since 1904 special counsel Louisiana Purchase Exposition Co. Member St. Louis Bar Associa tion, National Municipal League, American Civie Association; treasurer Civie League of St. Louis (executive committee). Member New England Society; vice president Maine Society of St. Louis. Republican. Universal- ist. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Meramec, City. Recreation: motoring. Office: Rialto Bldg. Residence: 4247 Washington Boul. LEONORI, Rufus Utley, president R. U. Leonori Auction and Storage Co.; born, New York City, Apr. 20, 1849; son of Rufus U. and Sarah (Lupton) Leonori; came to St. Louis with parents, Jan. 1, 1858; educated in St. Louis public schools; married, St. Louis, 1879, Fannie Hull; one daughter, Jessie (Mrs. E. A. Collins). Entered house of Murdoch & Dick- 362 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS son, auctioneers, as office boy, 1864, continu ing until 1873; then with Whedon, Tyler & Co., and their successors, Block, Tyler & Co., and C. H. Tyler, until January} 1884, when en tered business on own account, and in 1903 incorporated the business as the R. U. Leonori Auction and Storage Co., of which is presi dent. Democrat. Episcopalian. Mason, Knight Templar. Recreations: hunting and fishing. Office: Grand and Laclede Aves. Residence: 3507 Lafayette Ave. LEPPERT, Charles Joseph, president Leon- hard Roos Fur Co.; born, Newark, N. J., July 22, 1854; son of Charles and Louisa (Roos) Leppert; educated in public schools in New York City; married, St. Louis, March, 1884, Ida D. Strauss; one daughter, Lillian (Mrs. Charles G. Bittel). Came to St. Louis from New York in 1868, and entered the fur house of Leonhard Roos, later becoming salesman and also practically learning the furrier's trade; admitted to~ an interest on incorpora tion of the business in 1883, becoming vice president, and since the death of Mr. Roos, in 1900, has been president and treasurer of the Leonhard Roos Fur Co., importers of skins and manufacturers of furs; also director Cen tral National Bank. Member Business Men's League, Civic League. Independent in poli tics. Member B. P. O. Elks. Clubs: Glen Echo Country, Missouri Athletic, Liederkranz. Of fice: 809 Washington Ave. Residence: 1 N. Taylor Ave. *LESAN, Harry Edmund, advertising agent; moved to New York; see Vol. 1906. LESLIE, James Arthur, division superin tendent United Railways Co.; see Vol. 1906. LESSER, Julius, cotton merchant; 1853- 1908; see Vol. 1906. LEVI, Joseph M., real estate and financial agent; born, Memphis, Tenn., May 9, 1865; son of Marx and Rosa (Meyer) Levi; attended Pope's School one year, Stoddard School two years, and Illinois College (Jacksonville) one year; married, St. Louis, Mar. 31, 1896, Eve lyn Eiseman; children: Doris Henrietta, Jo seph Melvin. Began business career, 1882, in employ of Jacob Furth & Co. (grocers), con tinuing until January, 1883; then with Scharff, Bernheimer & Co., grocers, as traveling sales man, until Dec. 31, 1892. Entered real estate business, Jan. 1. 1893, under firm name of Levi & Epstein (dissolved Jan. 1, 1898), since as J. M. Levi & Co. ¦ President National Realty Co., Doris Realty Co., Melvin Realty Co.; di rector Mercantile Realty and Investment Co. Jewish religion. Member Real Estate Ex change. Club: Columbian. Office: 810 Chest nut St. Residence: 5047 Waterman Ave. LEVIS, Leo, president Levis-Zukoski Mer cantile Co.; born, Wiirttemberg, Germany, Feb. 21, 1839; son of Seligman and Jetta (Rosenheim) Levis; educated in public schools of Wiirttemberg and later at Wheeling, Va.; married, St. Louis, Jan. 12, 1870, Josephine Singer; four children living: George S., Wal ter, Edgar S. and Edna (wife of Dr. W. H. Hamburger, of Chicago). Came to America, 1854, and secured employment in dry goods store, Wheeling; joined uncle, Morris Rosen heim, wholesale millinery, in St. Louis, 1857, later admitted to partnership; upon retire ment of Mr. Rosenheim, 1893, the- Levis-Zu koski Mercantile Co. was formed, of which has since been senior partner. Member Busi ness Men's League. Republican., Member Hebrew Charities Association, Ethical Cul ture Society. Clubs: Columbian, Westwood Country, Mercantile. Recreation: traveling. Office: 1113 Washington Ave. Residence: St. Regis Apts. LEVIS, Robert H., glass manufacturer; born, Alton, 111., May 2, 1862; son of Edward and Mary (Morfoot) Levis; educated in pub lic schools of Alton; married, Alton, 1886, Mary Middleton; children: Thomas Middle- ton, Arthur R. Began business career as boy in the factory of the Illinois Glass Co., in 1875, and continued in various capacities in the service of the company until 1902, when was elected second vice president. Member Business Men's League. Republican. Metho dist. Recreations: hunting and horseback rid ing. Office: 612-616 N. 2d St. Residence: Alton, 111. LEVIS, Simon, vice president Levis-Zukoski Mercantile Co.; born, Freudenthal, Germany, May 17, 1857; son of Seiigman and Jetta (Rosenheim) Levis; educated in public schools, Germany, to 1871; married, St. Louis, June 22, 1886, .Hannah Singer; two children: Adele and Edwin. Began business career in a jobbing cotton goods house at Stuttgart, Wiirttemberg, Germany, 1871-74; came to America, 1874, and was employed as stock clerk with J. H. Wear & Co., wholesale dry goods, 1875-76, Dodd & Brown Co., -1876-79; department manager Rice-Stix Dry Goods Co., 1879-83; then in retail dry goods business for himself, 1883-94, since with present firm; was secretary, 1900-08, and has been vice-president Levis-Zukoski Mercantile Co. since 1908. Re publican. Jewish religion. Clubs: Mercantile, Columbian, Westwood Country. Recreation: golf. Office: 1113-1119 Washington Ave. Res idence: 4242 Westminster PL LEVY, Charles Frank, president the Hub Furniture Co.; born, New Orleans, La., Oct. 10, 1872; son of L. H. and Regina E. (Lengs- field) Levy; educated in public schools of St. Louis and manual training course at Wash ington University; married, Memphis, Tenn., Nov. 9, 1901, Dorothy Watson; children: Re gina, Charles Frank, Jr., Lawrence H. Began business career in 1889 as partner with father in Olive Street Furniture Co., selling out, 1897; joined in organizing, 1898, the Hub Fur- THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 363 niture Co., of which has since been president. Jewish religion; member United Jewish Char ities Association. Independent in politics. Member Knights of Pythias. Office: N. E. cor. Washington Ave. and Broadway. Residence: 4721 Westminster PL LEVY, Gustav Abe, jewelry business; born, Navasota, Tex., Sept. 7, 1874; son of Simon and Henrietta (Hyman) Levy; educated in public schools; married, St. Louis, Mar. 17, 1902, Nellie Stuart. Was engaged with father in general merchandise business at Navasota until 1895, when came to St. Louis, and was connected with Globe Shoe and Clothing Co, as offiee manager until Nov. 10, 1905; secre tary and treasurer S. A. Rider Jewelry Co. since its reorganization. Office: 1120 Washing ton Ave. Residence: 785 N. Euclid Ave. LEVY, Lee; born, New York City, Apr. 10, 1856; son of Meyer and Caroline Levy; edu cated in public schools and Hebrew Orphan Asylum, New York City; married, Gainesville, Tex., Apr. 3, 1886, Zetta Sproesser; children: Irene, Beebe (Mrs. Ben Wolfman) and Milton. Came west from New York City and located at Gainesville, Tex., 1881; traveled in Texas, in wholesale liquor business, and in 1888, es tablished in same line on own account at Gainesville, Tex., removing business to St. Louis, 1903, and since conducting it as Lee Levy & Co. Member Knights of Pythias. Of fice: 6 N. Main St. Residence: 5310 Vernon Avenue. LEVY, Leopold Henry, vice president the Hub Furniture Co.; born in Bavaria, Germany, July 6, 1839; came to United States at age of ten, settling in New Orleans, La.; educated in schools of New Orleans; served in Confeder ate Army as captain, and was a steamboat captain for a few years, before and after the Civil War; married, New Orleans, 1870, Re gina E. Lengsfield; children: Charles F., Lu cille (deceased), Nellie (Mrs. Bernard Woelen).. In retail dry goods store in New Orleans, 1865-76; removed to St. Louis, 1875, and engaged in wholesale grocery business in firm of S. B. Sale & Co., and remained in that firm until sold out to Mr. Sale; bought out stock of Ward Furniture Co., and in 1889, with son, Charles F., started the Olive Street Furniture Co., which sold in 1897. A year later joined son in establishing the Hub Fur niture Co., of which is vice-president. Demo crat. Jewish religion; member United Jewish Charities Association. Mason; member Knights of Honor, Knights of the Maccabees,_ Royal Arcanum. Recreations: fond of music and reading. Offiee: Broadway and Washington Ave. Residence: 4721 Westminster PI. LEWIS, Albert Nathan, Teal estate; born, Middletown, O., July 1, 1871; son of Charles and Henrietta (Crowley) Lewis; educated in public schools of Middletown; unmarried. Boyhood passed in Middletown, until 1883, in Central Illinois until 1887; came to St. Louis and entered employ of Rice, Stix & Co., whole sale dry goods, later with L. Herzog & Bro. Dry Goods Co. In real estate department of the Lincoln Trust Co., 1897-1905; with D. P. Leahy Real Estate and Investment Co., 1905- 06; since member firm Caulfield & Lewis, real esate. Member Real Estate Exchange. Re publican. Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner. Favorite recreations: hunting and fishing. Office: 700 Chestnut St. Residence: 945 Belt Ave. LEWIS, Bransford, surgeon; bora, St. Charles, Mo., Nov. 14, 1862; son of Judge Edward A. and Parthenia A. (Bransford) Lewis; graduated from Smith Academy, St. Louis; M.D., Missouri Medical College, 1884; post-graduate courses in surgery in London, Paris and Vienna, 1891, and in Berlin, 1902; married, Sedalia, Mo., 1896, Jennie Jaynes. Engaged in practice of surgery in St. Louis from 1884. Junior, senior and assistant su perintendent of City and Female hospitals, 1884-89; professor genito-urinary surgery in Marion-Sims College (St. Louis University); genito-urinary surgeon to Deaconess, Rebekah, Frisco, City and Female hospitals and St. Ann's Foundling Asylum. Member American Medical Association, American Association of Genito-Urinary Surgeons, Missouri State Med ical Society, Mississippi Valley Medical Asso ciation (president 1905), Medical Society of the City Hospital Alumni, St. Charles County Medical Society; ex- vice president St. Louis Medical Society. Democrat. Methodist. Clubs: St. Louis, Noonday, City, Glen Echo Country. Office: 550 Century Bldg. Residence: 4396 Lindell Boul. LEWIS, Edward Simmons; bora, Richmond, Mo., Aug. 22, 1848; son of Edward A. Lewis (late judge of St. Louis Court of Appeals, judge of Supreme Court of Missouri, grandson of Lund Washington, who was a cousin of George Washington) and Parthenia A. (Brans ford) Lewis; educated at St. Charles College, St. Charles, Mo.; married, Nashville, Tenn., Apr. 4, 1876, Pattie. Cooke; children: Watson Cooke, Bransford (Mrs. C. V. D. Hill),. Ed ward M., Marian. Began business career with wholesale firm of Wear & Hickman, St. Louis, September, 1867; then with Chase & Cabot, as buyer and department manager, until July, 1881; traveling salesman with Crow, Hargadine & Co. (established 1835 by Wayman Crow) in the wholesale dry goods business, and became member of the firm in June, 1884; second vice president of its suc cessor, the Hargadine-McKittrick Dry Goods Co. until 1906. In 1906 organized and became first president of the Central National Bank; then vice president Missouri-Lincoln Trust Co., two years, 1907-08, president of St. Louis Na tional Life Insurance Co. until 1911; now re tired from active business, but director in 364 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS several corporations. Was third vice president Colonial Trust Co., 1901, vice president St. Louis Water and Light Co., 1902; director Van deventer Bank, 1902; vice president Travel ers' Protective Association of Missouri, 1903. Ex-vice president National Wholesale Dry Goods Association; ex-president Interstate Merchants' Association. Curator St. Charles College. Democrat. Methodist; president board of trustees St. John's M. E. Church. Club: Mercantile (ex-president). Recreations: golf, genealogical research. Office: 705 Olive St. Residence: 4239 Washington Boul. LEWIS, John Ashbury, banker; born, St. Louis, Oct. 24, 1864; son of John and Mar garet (Bentz) Lewis; educated in Duvall and Franklin public schools and Central High School; married, St. Louis, Feb. 4, 1891, Kath arine Wilson; one son, Wilson. Left school to become messenger with Bank of Commerce, Jan. 17, 1881; left Bank of Commerce, Oct. 1, 1881, to become coin teller with Gen. A. G. Edwards, assistant treasurer of the United States at St. Louis, and remained with him until the end of his term, Apr. 1, 1887; trav eled in England and on European Continent until September, 1887; in employ of Conti nental Bank of St. Louis in various capacities from Sept. 16, 1887, until that bank was ab sorbed by National Bank of Commerce, May 31, 1902; became assistant cashier, and since 1904 cashier of the latter bank. Member Business Men's League (treasurer), Civic League. Clubs: St. Louis, St. Louis Amateur Athletic, Bankers ', Bellerive Country (elected president October, 1911). Recreation: golf. Office: National Bank of Commerce. Resi dence: 6 Windermere PL LEWIS, Joseph William, Jr., lawyer; born, Kansas City, Mo., Jan. 27, 1868; son of Rev. Joseph W. (D.D.) and Eliza (Silver) Lewis; graduated from Smith Academy, St. Louis, 1886; A.B., Princeton University, 1890, A.M., 1892; LL.B., Washington University (Law Department), 1893; married, Annis- quam, Mass., Aug. 28, 1902, Emily Augusta Westwood; children: William McMillan, Em ily Westwood. Was instructor in history and Latin, Smith Academy, St. Louis, 1890-94; since 1894 engaged in general practice; mem ber firm of Lewis & Rice since 1909. Member of St. Louis Bar Association. Democrat. Methodist (South). Club: City. Recreation: fishing! Office: 415 Pine St. Residence: 484 Lake Ave. LEWIS, Turner T., real estate and invest ments; born, St. Louis, Dec. 13, 1857; son of William J. and Rebecca (Turner) Lewis; edu cated in St. Louis public schools and Wash ington University; unmarried. Began busi ness with the banking house of Bartholow, Lewis & Co., continuing for three years; then became connected with the Meramec Iron Mining Co., of which was secretary and treas urer for nineteen years. In 1886 joined in organization of the Lewis Real Estate and Investment Co., of which is president. Also vice president Eagle Packet Co. Episcopalian. Club: St. Louis. Recreation: baseball. Office: 305 Wainwright Bldg. Residence: 368 N. Taylor Ave. LEWIS, Walter French; see Vol. 1906. LEWIS, Walter Jefferson, real estate agent ; bom, Morgan Co., O., Mar. 13, 1858; son of Walter and Nancy (Carter) Lewis; educated in what was known as the Federal School, Homer Township, Morgan Co., to 1878; then attended Atwood Institute, Albany, Athens Co., O., until 1879; married, Washington, Mo., May 20, 1890, Emma M. Simon; three chil dren: Rhea V., Grace L., Clifton C. After leaving school engaged in saw mill and tim ber camps in Florida and Alabama until 1880; in surveying and bridge construction Inter national & Great Northern Ry., Mexico, 1881; acquired interest in sheep ranch with Thom son Bros., Austin, Tex., 1882; in hotel busi ness, Abilene, Tex., 1883; purchased ranch fif teen miles south of Abilene, 1884, and re mained there until 1889. Began real estate business, St. Louis, 1889, and continuously engaged in same ever since; secretary Tower Grove and Southwestern Building Association, organized in 1889; vice president Jefferson Gravois Trust Co., from its organization until 1911, when sold out his interests; secretary and treasurer State League Building and Loan associations of Missouri, 1911; owner "Pine- olia" (resort, 4,000 acres, Citronelle, Ala.); president Clifton Realty Co.; and as W. J. Lewis conducts general real estate and finan cial business. Member Civie League of St. Louis. Republican. Protestant. Recreations: bee raising, and the production of fancy comb and pure extraction honey. Office: 2608 S. Jefferson Ave. Residence: 6255 Simpson Ave. LEYHE, Henry W., secretary and agent Eagle Packet Co.; born, Warsaw, 111., May 16, 1869; son of William and Mary (Godertz) Leyhe; educated in schools in St. Louis and La Grange, Mo.; married, St. Louis, 1901, Gula Hinrichs. Since 1890 engaged in busi ness in association with father, and is now secretary and agent of the Eagle Packet Co. (of which father is president), operating a line of packets from St. Louis to Lower Mis sissippi River points and Illinois River points. Member Business Men's League. Clubs: Mis souri Athletic, The Traffic. Recreation: mo toring. Office: foot of Vine St. Residence: 4630 Cook Ave. . LICHLITER, Mcllyar Hamilton, clergyman; born, Butler, Pa., Aug. 23, 1877; son of Mar cellus D. and Mary Florence (Mcllyar) Lich- liter; educated public schools of Allegheny City and McKeesport, Pa.; Ohio Wesleyan University three years; B.A., DePauw Uni versity, Greencastle, Ind., 1900; M.A., Ohio THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 305 Wesleyan, 1903; married, Greenfield, Ind., Jan. 15, 1902, Gertrude Larimore (classmate at DePauw); two children: Mary Florence (born Dec. 17, 1905), James Marcellus (Apr. 28, 1911). Ordained Methodist Episcopal minis try, 1900; pastor Pitcairn, Pa., 1900-01, South Fork, Pa., 1901-03, Verona, Pa., 1903-05, First Church, Olean, N. Y., 1905-08, Maple Avenue Church, St. Louis, since Sept. 30, 1908. Inde pendent Democrat. Chairman joint committee on public morals, organized April, 1912, to suggest a constructive program for control and repression of vice in St. Louis; member Civie League, Federation for Social Service, Religious Education Association, Phi Gamma Delta fraternity, etc. Mason (32°), Knight Templar; Odd Fellow. Clubs: Town and Gown, Mercantile, City: Recreations: boy scouts, hunting, fishing and tennis. Residence: 5545 Maple Ave. LICHTER, John J., mechanical engineer; bora, St. Louis, May 27, 1867; son of John J. and Mary E. (Arnoux) Lichter; M.E., Wash ington University, 1890; married, St. Louis, 1902, Miss Irene Anderson. Formerly em ployed with various St. Louis concerns, in cluding the St. Louis Transit Co., until 1901, when became associated with William Jens in present firm of Lichter & Jens, consulting en gineers; president St. Louis Frog and Switch Co. Member Engineers' Club and St. Louis Academy of Science. Recreation: music. Of fice: 1318 Chemical Bldg. Residence: 1740 Simpson PL LIDE, Basil Manly, manufacturer and wholesale dealer in white lead, linseed oil and colors; born, Dallas Co., Ala., Dec 29, 1859; son of David Robert and Louisa Elizabeth (DuBose) Lide; educated in preparatory de partment Howard College, Marion, Ala. (now at East Lake, Birmingham, Ala.), and one year in college; married, Marion, Ala., Dec. 3, 1889, Mollie Cobb Howze; two children: Claudia Clayton, Basil Manly, Jr. Engaged in retail drug business at Marion for several years; located in St. Louis, 1903, and entered lead and oil business; now proprietor Lide White Lead Co. (not incorporated). Mem ber City Council, Marion, two terms and was trustee, Judson College, Marion. Democrat. Baptist. Mason, Knight Templar. Recreation: fishing. Office: 514 Elm St. Residence: 3809 Russell Ave. LIEBER, Arthur, pianist, organist and composer; born, Louisville, Ky., Dec. 15, 1873; son of Isaac and Rosa (Sale) Lieber; edu cated in public and high schools of Louisville and St. Louis; studied piano, theory, composi tion, counterpoint and organ under competent masters in United States; married Clemence Samish, of St. Louis, Sept. 28, 1905. Began as teacher, 1888; organist Central Christian Church, St. Louis, 1888-90; Union Methodist Episcopal Church, 1890-97, Church of the Messiah, 1897-1902, Second Baptist Church, since 1902. Director Apollo Club, 1907-08, Grand Leader Choral Club, since 1911; also director music at Hosmer Hall and Smith Academy. Liberal Democrat. Member Civic League. Author: (operettas in one act) The Pilgrim's Prank, The Dancing Master, Miss Cupid of Chicago, Arlington Light Foot P. D.; (songs) The Sweetest Flower, Mother's Song, The Oblation, My Love; (suite for piano) Novelette, etc. Recreations: tennis, theater, fishing. Studio: Musical Arts Bldg. Resi dence: Kendall Hotel. LIEBER, Leslie, vice president Haas-Lieber Grocery Co.; born, Louisville, Ky., Apr. 5, 1875; son of Isaac and Rose (Sale) Lieber; removed to St. Louis, 1888; educated in public schools of St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Apr. 1, 1901, Rosalie Dillenberg; children: Dorothy, David. Began business career with the Son nenfeld Millinery Co., as clerk for two years, then cashier for S. B. Sale & Co., wholesale grocers; traveled for F. Smith & Son, whole sale grocers, until 1898, when joined in organ ization of the Haas-Lieber Grocery Co. Jew ish religion. Office: 2d and Olive Sts. Resi dence: 4523 Laclede Ave. LIEBKE, Christian F., manufacturer of hardwoods; born near Berlin, Germany, Aug. 13, 1836; son of Gottlieb and Christiana (AU- gier) Liebke; came in childhood with parents to Ameriea, settling in St. Louis; educated in public and parochial schools of St. Louis; married, Oct. 15, 1873, Mary Ruth Yore (died Dec. 14, 1902); children: Joseph, Frank, Paul, Marie (deceased), Ruth (deceased), Sadie Ruth. Began when fourteen years of age in furniture store; went to California, 1851, arriving in San Francisco with $6; hired out next day to work on ranch in Contra Costa Co., later in various employments in San Francisco; opened a hat store in Sacramento; at mother's request returned to St. Louis, 1856; interested in furniture store with James Craig, 1856-58; went into mill and lumber business in small way, with two partners, 1858; since 1886, in full control, becoming sole owner and manager; now pres ident C. F. Liebke Hardwood, Mill and Lum ber Co. (a million dollar corporation). Does his banking exclusively with the Boatmen's Bank. Member St. Louis Lumber Exchange (president 1905-06), Business Men's League, Civic League, Citizens' Industrial Association. Independent in polities. Catholic. Clubs: Mercantile, City, Algonquin Golf. Recreation: driving (especially fond of horses). Office: 2d and Buchanan Sts. Residence: 4188 W. Belle PL Country Residence: Berry Rd., St. Louis County. LIERMANN, John Clemens, hay and grain merchant; born, St. Louis, Dec. 14, 1855; son of Henry and Sophia (Hardebeck) Liermann; educated in parochial schools of St. Louis: 366 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS married, St. Louis, 1880, Frances Bollwerck (now deceased); children: John H., Agatha. After leaving school engaged in gardening with father until 1880, whens began on own ac count in grocery and feed store, now confining business to that of dealer in hay, grain and mill feed. Also secretary Cherokee lee Manu facturing Co. Member Merchants' Exchange. Roman Catholic; trustee of St. Agatha's Church. President St. Martin's Benevolent Society; secretary St. Vincent's Orphan So ciety; president St. Vincent de Paul Poor Conference. Member of Particular Council St. Vincent de Paul Society; member Widow and Orphan Fund. Democrat. Offiee and Resi dence: 3228-3230 S. 13th St. LIGHTHOLDER, William P., real estate; born, St. Louis, Nov. 10, 1869; son of James and Eliza Jane (Williamson) Lightholder; educated Miss Nolan's Select School, located on north side of Easton, east of Compton Ave.; St. Louis University; St. Mary's Col lege, Kansas, graduating, youngest member of the class, 1886; later took business course in Jones' Business College; unmarried. Was in employ of Green & La Motte, real estate deal ers, 1887-96; began in real estate business on own account, Aug. 1, 1896; member firm of Philibert & Lightholder (Paul A. Philibert), 1897-1903; chief deputy recorder of deeds, City of St. Louis, Jan. 1, 1903- Jan. 1, 1907; in real estate business on own account,- 1907-09; secretary and treasurer William J. Murray Realty Co., since October, 1909. Served as quartermaster sergeant Light Battery A (Rumbold's Battery), in. Spanish American War; member Missouri House of Representa tives, Sixth District, City of St. Louis, Forty- first General Assembly, 1901. Democrat. Catholic. Member Ivanhoe Tribe No. 68, Improved Order of Red Men (Great Chief of Records [state secretary] Great Council of the order in Missouri). Also member Alpha Council No. 1, Legion of Honor, and of St. Louis Lodge No. 9, B. P. O. Elks and Camp Walker Jennings, U. S. War Veterans. Club: Western Rowing. Office: 19 N. 7th St. Residence: 4015A Lindell Boul. LIMBERG, Rudolph, brewer; 1863-1910; see Vol. 1906. LINCOLN, Norman Lee, commission broker; born, Columbus, Miss., Sept. 15, 1870; son of Cicero Lee and Texana Minerva (Alex ander) Lincoln; educated in public schools of Columbus, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Ala., and Goodman's Business School, Nash ville, Tenn.; married, St. Louis, Dec. 14, 1904, Augusta Helm Porter; two sons: William Lee, Porter Alexander. Brgan business career, 1891, as clerk in postoffice, Columbus, Miss.; clerk in general merchandise store, Columbus, 1892; came to St. Louis, Mar., 1893, and se cured employment with Hamilton-Brown Shoe Co.; was superintendent factory until Janu ary, 1907, when resigned, and in 1908 went into brokerage business, handling shoe leather. Member Mississippi State Society. Club: Normandie Golf. Recreation: golf. Office: 903 Lucas Ave. Residence: 5537 Waterman Ave. LINDAS, Benjamin Franklin, real estate; see Vol. 1906. LINDAY, Joseph I., furniture commission; born, Kovno, Russia, May, 1870; educated to fourteen in native land; married, Brooklyn, N. Y., Feb. 12, 1908, Bertha Byk. Came to Ameriea at age of seventeen; arrived in St. Louis, 1891, and after three years as a can vasser began traveling for the Koenig Furni ture Co., in Southern states; in furniture com mission, business for self since 1896; president Linday Steel Range Co., Linday Real Estate Co. Member B. P. O. Elks. Club: Columbian. Office: 6, 4500 Olive St. Residence: Barwick Apartments. LINDENSCHMIT, Charles, grocer; born, St. Louis, Feb. 2, 1857; son of Joseph and Theresa (Wagenmann) Lindenschmit; edu cated in Stoddard Public School; married, St. Louis, Oct. 20, 1886, Minnie Breidenbach; two children: Carl and Julia. Began in grocery business with father, 1872; after death of father in 1886, took charge of business, which was incorporated 1887, as the Joseph Linden schmit Grocery Co., of which is president. Club: Missouri Camera. Recreation: photog raphy. Office: 4755 McPherson Ave. Resi dence: 5086 Westminster PL LINDENSCHMIT, Henry, groeer; bora, St. Louis, Apr. 27, 1870; son of Joseph and Theresa (Wagenmann) Lindenschmit; edu cated in public schools; married, St. Louis, Oct. 6, 1896, Nellie Leacock, who died June 15, 1903; three children: Louise H., Helen M., Joseph; married, 2d, at St. Louis, 1905, Mrs. Eva M. Shafer. Began as clerk in father's grocery store at fifteen and so continued until death of father, 1886; since vice president Joseph Lindenschmit Grocery Co. Republican. Presbyterian. Recreations: bicycling and handball. Offiee: 4753 McPherson Ave. Resi dence: 4424 W. Bell Ave. *LINDSAY, John Wise, commercial freight agent; moved to Vincennes, Ind.; see Vol. 1906. *LINDSLEY, Alfred E., printers' supplies; moved to Collinsville, Okla.; see Vol. 1906. LINK, J. Joseph, surgeon; bora in Ma coupin Co., 111., Apr. 1, 1863; son of Joseph and Kathrine (Roeder) Link; educated in public schools of Macoupin Co. and by private tutors; took business and academic course at Illinois Wesleyan University, Bloom ington, 111.; full course in Illinois College of Pharmacy, and graduated from Northwestern University Medical School, Apr., 1890, and was awarded the faculty prize; married, St. THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 3G7 Louis, June 10, 1891, Lina Michel; children: Alethea Maria, Lenore Clara. Engaged in practice of medicine at St. Louis since 1891; professor and head of the department of surg ery and president board of Trustees, Ameri can Medical College. Member of the St. Louis Medical Society, Missouri State Medical Association, American Medical Association, Tri-State Medical Society (111., Mo. and la.), Northwestern University Medical School Alumni Association; honorary member Ma coupin County (111.) Medical Society. Inde pendent in politics. Offiee: 212 Metropolitan Bldg. Residence: 910 Lami St. LINK, Theodore Carl, architect; born in Wimpfen, Germany, Mar. 17, 1850; academic education at Heidelberg, London and Paris, 1864-69 (was not graduated); married, 1876, Annie C. Fuller, Detroit; children: Karl Eu gene, Edwin Cary, Clarence Vincent. Won first prize in competition for St. Louis Union Station; consulting architect St. Louis City Hall; architect of the Mississippi State House, Mines and Metallurgy Building, St. Louis Exposition, and many public buildings, etc., in St. Louis and vicinity. Member commission of architects for Louisiana Purchase Exposi tion, St. Louis, 1904. President St. Louis Art ists' Guild; fellow American Institute Archi tects; member St. Louis Chapter American Institute Architects, Missouri State Society Architects, New York Architectural League; member Archaeological Institute of America, American Association for the Advancement of Science, Civie League; corresponding member Vienna Society of Architects. Club: St. Louis. Recreations: farming and out-door life. Office: 1000 Carleton Bldg. Residence: 628 N. Spring Avenue. LINN, Mortimer Palmer; see Vol. 1906. LIONBERGER, Isaac H., lawyer; born, Boonville, Mo., Aug. 30, 1854; son of John R. and Margaret (Clarkson) Lionberger; educated in preparatory department, Wash ington University, 1864-70; graduated, Prince ton College, 1875; St. Louis Law School, 1875- 76; married, St. Louis, June 9, 1886, Louise Shepley; children: Margaret, John S., Louise Marion, Anne, Ruth, Arthur. Admitted to bar, 1877; member of law firm of Lionberger & Shepley, 1886-96; assistant attorney general of the United States, 1896. Instructor in cor poration law, St. Louis Law School, 1892-1905. Democrat; expelled from Sedalia Democratic Convention, 1896, because he was a gold standard man. Member State Militia, 1876, posse eomitatus, 1877-1900. Episcopalian. Member American Bar Association, St. Louis Bar Association (president 1899), Missouri Bar Association, Missouri Historical Society; chairman Public Welfare Committee on char ter revision, 1901; secretary Committee of Public Safety, 1892. Clubs: St. Louis Uni versity (president 1900), St. Louis Country, Noonday, Bellerive, City, Recreations: walk ing and reading. Office: 815 Security Bldg. Residence: 37 Westmoreland PL LIPKIND, Goodman, rabbi;, born, London, Eng., June 27, 1878; son of John and Rebekah (Tuehman) Lipkind; educated, Jews' College, London, and University of Cambridge; B. A., London University, 1900; unmarried. Or dained rabbi at Jews' College, London, 1901; came to America, 1903; rabbi Emanuel Brotherhood Congregation, New York, 1903- 07; in Milwaukee, Wis., 1907-11, St. Louis, since September, 1911. President of Central Jewish Council, St. Louis; member B'nai B'rith, Knights of Pythias. Contributor to Jewish Encyclopedia of America. Recreations: motoring, riding, golf. Residence: Winder mere Hotel. LIPMAN, Edward, fancy poods; born, Cin cinnati, Jan. 13, 1865; son of Michael H. and Belle Lipman; educated in public and high schools of Cincinnati; married, St. Louis, Jan. 10, 1905, Miss Bertha Epstein; two children: Isabel Ruth, Berenice. Began business career in Cincinnati in firm of May & Lipman, dealers in novelties, bric-a-brac, jewelry, cut glass, toilet pieces, leather goods, fancy goods, etc., 1898-99; then removed to St. Louis, in firm of May & Lipman, establishing the store known as The Palace, Jan. 1, 1900; firm name changed to Lipman & Lipman, 1907. Member Masonic fraternity. Independent in polities. Offiee: 516 Washington Ave. Residence: 5238 A Waterman Ave. LIPPE, Meyer Jay, physician, surgeon; born, St. Louis; son of Jacob and Lena Lip- pe; educated at St. Louis High School; M.D., Missouri Medical College, 1895; unmarried. Served as physician to City Dispensary and as assistant superintendent of City Hospital; now engaged in general practice as physician and surgeon in St. Louis. Member St. Louis Medical Society, Medical Society of City Hospital Alumni, Missouri Medical Associa tion, American Medical Association. Jewish religion. Club: Columbian. Recreations: lit erature and automobiling. Office: 456-457 Century Bldg. Residence: 5349 Maple Ave. LIPPELT, Gustave Henry, dry goods com mission; 1858-1908; see Vol. 1906. LIPPELT, Lewis Andrew Jackson, real estate; 1852-1907; see Vol. 1906. LIPPMAN, George Edward, vice president Vinsonhaler Shoe Co.; born Maryville, Mo., v Dec. 14, 1879; son of Charles and Lisette (Nagel) Lippman; educated in public schools, Maryville, Mo.; married, Maryville, Dec. 24, 1902, Clella A. French; two children: Pierce French, Marjorie May. Began business career as clerk in a retail shoe store at Maryville, continuing about five years; on Mar. 1, 1901, entered the employ of Vinsonhaler Shoe Co. 368 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS as salesman, and became vice president and director Jan. 1, 1905. Republican. Presby terian. Member Woodmeii of the World. Office: 1512 Washington Avie. Residence: 5108 Kensington Ave. LITCHFIELD, Parker Howard, publisher The Modern Miller; born, Medford, Mass., Oct. 28, 1849; son of Parker R. and Maria H. (Tannatt) Litchfield; educated in public and high schools, Medford; married, Pittston, Me., Feb. 27, 1884. Began active career as sales man and bookkeeper in wholesale flour house, Boston, 1870; moved to Minneapolis, 1884, and became connected with the Northwestern Miller, Minneapolis; disposed of interests, 1896, and acquired control of The Modern Miller, of Kansas City; moved the paper to St. Louis and since president and manager Modern Miller Co. Republican. Episcopalian. Member St. Louis Merchants' Exchange (di rector two years), St. Louis Trade Press Asso ciation (president, 1911 and 1912), St. Louis Millers' Club (secretary and treasurer since 1901), McPherson Avenue Improvement Asso ciation (secretary and treasurer). Mason (Tus can Lodge No. 360, A. F. & A. M.). Club: Mercantile. Recreation: Horticulture. Office: Pierce Bldg. Residence: 5082 Waterman Ave. LITTLE, Alden Howe, bonds and stocks; born, St. Louis, June 22, 1881; son of William C. and May R. (Simon) Little; educated in Smith Academy, 1892-95; St. Louis High School, 1895-98, graduating 1898; Cornell Uni versity, 1899-1901; married, St. Louis, 1904, Blanche F. Niedringhaus; children: Marjorie A., William A. On leaving college, June, 1901, took present position as secretary and di rector of the Little & Hays Investment Co. Episcopalian. Mason. Clubs: St. Louis Coun try, Racquet. Office: 303 N. 4th St. Resi dence: 4650 Berlin Ave. LITTLE, Harry Joseph, bonds and stocks born in Jefferson Co., Va., July 20, 1853; son of George W. and Mary J. (Alden) Little educated in public schools; married, in Frank lin Co., Mo., Sept. 18, 1883, Nellie M. Pulliam one daughter, Vivian G. Was engaged in farming in St. Charles Co., Mo., until 1879 in merchandising business in grain buying and retail hardware at Wentzville, Mo., as junior member of the firm of Johnson & Co., until 1886; traveling representative of J. F. Seiber- ling & Co., harvesting machine manufacturers, until 1888, when located in St. Louis; cashier for W. C. Little, Scott & Co., stocks and bonds, later known as W. C. Little & Co., until incorporated under present style of Lit tle & Hays Investment Co., of which is second vice president. Member Merchants' Ex change, Bank Clerks' Association, Royal Arcanum. Office: 303 N. 4th St. Residence: 1246 Amherst PL LITTLE, Patrick Bernard, wholesale lum ber; deceased; see Vol. 1906. LITTLE, William Cyrus, bonds and stocks; born in Jefferson Co., Va., Feb. 23, 1849; son of George W. and Mary Jones (Alden) Little; educated in common schools of Virginia and public schools of St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Oct. 16, 1878, May Rose Simon; children: Alden Howe, Marie Louise (Mrs. Cary N. Weisiger), Margaret Alden. Entered banking house of Clark Bros. & Co., St. Louis, Apr. 20, 1864; became teller in Traders' Bank, Mar. 1, 1870; assistant cashier Continental Bank, 1871-76; member of firm of P. F. Keleher & Co., 1876-80; organized firm of Wm. C. Little & Co., May 1, 1880; on Aug. 1, 1883, removed to New York City, and, Oct. 1, 1883, joined Albert Kelley, a New York banker, in firm of Kelley & Little; returned to St. Louis, 1886, and reestablished firm of Wm. C. Little & Co.; changed name to William C. Little, Scott & Co., 1889, and in 1893, incorporated as William C. Little & Bro. Investment Co.; in May, 1898, changed to present style of Little k Hays Investment Co., of which is president. Ex-president St. Louis Stock Ex change. Member American Bankers' Associa tion, Missouri Bankers' Association, Bank Clerks' Association. Episcopalian. Clubs: Noonday, St. Louis Country. Recreations: mo toring, golf, pool, billiards, etc. Offiee: 303 N. 4th St. Residence: Lucerne Apts. LITTMANN, Max, president Nixdorff-Krein Manufacturing Co.; born, Germany, Jan. 8, 1846; son of Ezekiel and Johanna (Moses) Littmann; educated in public schools of Ber lin, Germany; Bryant and Stratton Business College, St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Feb. 18, 1877, Marie Baer; four children: Hannah (Mrs. Isidore Auer, of Chicago), Edgar, Ber nard and Sophie. Began active career as clerk in mercantile house, Berlin, Germany; emigrated to America, 1865, and came to St. Louis, 1869; was porter at the old Planter's House, continuing there until 1878; then be came partner in firm of Franz Krein, manu facturer of hames, chains, and singletrees; has since continued in same line of business, the firm being incorporated, 1880, as Franz Krein Manufacturing Co., and name changed later to the Nixdorff-Krein Manufacturing Co., of which is president and treasurer. Mem ber Business Men's League. Enlisted in the regular army, March, 1866, and served three years in the Second Battalion, Eighteenth U. S. Infantry, afterwards the Twenty-seventh U. S. Infantry; was sent with regiment to Da kota Territory to build Fort Philip Kearney, which was evacuated, 1868; was promoted during the Indian campaign to sergeant. Re publican. Jewish religion; vice president Jew ish Charitable and Educational Institute. Club: Columbian. Recreation: European THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 369 travel. Office: 900 Howard St. Residence: 4904 McPherson Ave. LLOYD, Hiram, contractor and builder; born in St. Clair Co., 111., July 27, 1863; son of Thomas and Hannah (Pepper) Lloyd; edu cated in public schools of Illinois; married, Rentchler, 111., May 27, 1888, Jane Ann Mait- land; children: Thos. H., Weston Robert. Es tablished in business as contractor and builder in 1890, and on May 14, 1903, business was incorporated as Hiram Lloyd Building and Construction Co., of which is president and treasurer. Also president Triangle Realty Co.; president Master Builders' Association, 1904- 5. Methodist. Republican; served four terms in Municipal Assembly, Lower House, 1895- 99, speaker of Lower House, 1897-99; member Forty-fifth and Forty-sixth General Assem blies; member Republican State Committee since 1900, Republican City Committee, 1900- 02; chairman Twelfth Congressional Commit tee, 1904-05; national committeeman Repub lican League Clubs of Missouri, 1899-1903. Member Citizens' Industrial Association, Academy of Science, St. Louis Architectural Club. Mason, Odd Fellow: Grand Patriarch, Grand Encampment of Missouri, 1901-02; Grand Master I. O. O. F. of Missouri, 1903; Department Commander, Patriarchs Militant, I. O. O. F., 1902-04. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Mercantile. Recreations: fishing and hunting. Offiee: 803 Odd Fellows Bldg. Residence: 3111 Laclede Ave. *LOCHER, W. Horace, life insurance; moved to St. Paul; see Vol. 1906. LOCKWOOD, George Robinson, lawyer; bom, St. Louis, Mar. 22, 1853; son of Rich ard J. and Angelica Peale (Robinson) Lock- wood; educated in preparatory department Washington University (now Smith Acad emy), and at University of Virginia, graduat ing as civil engineer; LL.B., St. Louis Law School; married, in Albemarle Co., Va., Nov. 23, 1881, Anna Preston Davis; children: Rich ard John, Louisa Saunders (Mrs. Gray Carroll Stribling), Angelica Peale, Thomas Preston. Since 1881 continuously engaged in practice of law in St. Louis. Also president of Belle- fontaine Cemetery Association, George D. Hall Real Estate Co., Lockwood Real Estate Co. Member Missouri State Bar Association, and St. Louis Bar Association. Democrat; organized, 1895, St. Louis Democratic Sound Money Club, and was its secretary until close of campaign of 1896; candidate for presiden tial elector on the Palmer and Buckner ticket, 1896. Elected, 1903, Democratic member of Board of Education of St. Louis, and served as vice president of that body. Episcopalian. Wrote pamphlets on the money question, and in 1898 wrote "Apprehension vs. Progress, a Defense of Trusts," in 1901, "The Tools to Him Who Can Handle Them, or a Protest Against the Anti-Trust Crusade," in 1912, "Why I Oppose Woman Suffrage." Office: 614 Rialto Bldg. Residence: 5710 Cates Ave. LOCKWOOD, William Morrison, assistant comptroller, City of St. Louis; born, St. Louis, July 15, 1848; son of Richard John and Jane Berenice (Morrison) Lockwood; educated in Washington University and public schools of St. Louis, until 1862; Highland Military Acad emy, Worcester, Mass., 1862-63; Chestnut Hill Academy, Baltimore, Md., 1863-66; married, St. Louis, May 25, 1875, Mary Gardiner Isaacs; children: Berenice Morrison (Mrs. Berenice Lockwood Marshall), Mary Wool- worth. Clerk with George R. Robinson & Co., 1866-68; partner of Archie Robinson, insur ance, 1868-75; partner Lockwood & Nisbet, insurance, 1875-81; partner Green, Lockwood & Co., and Green-Lockwood Grocer Co., whole sale grocers, 1881-85; clerk Advance Elevator Co., grain, 1886-89; secretary St. Louis Agri cultural and Mechanical Association, 1890-94; treasurer St. Louis Fair Association, 1894- 1901; since 1901 assistant comptroller, City of St. Louis. Episcopalian. Recreations: yacht ing, hunting and fishing. Office: City Hall. Residence: 5972 Cates Ave. LODWICK, Jason A.; born, Askeaton, Ire land; son of Christopher and Agnes Isabel Lodwick; educated in private and Episcopal schools; married, Feb. 6, 1878, Eugenie Mary Keating; children: Agnes Isabel, Eugenia K., Jason A., Jr., John Delmage. Moved to United States in early life, and entered em ployment of Howard, Sanger & Co., importers and manufacturers, New York, with whom he remained twenty-one years; settled in Bay- onne, N. J., in 1869. Elected secretary and treasurer of Mechanics' Trust Co., Bayonne, in 1885, and held this position until his ap pointment as manager of the Mississippi Glass Co. of Missouri, in 1892, when he moved to St. Louis; member Business Men's League, etc. Republican. Protestant Episcopalian. Residence: Darst, near Annette St. LOEB, Hanau Wolf, physician; born Phil adelphia, Pa., Aug. 25, 1865; son of Bernhard and Bertha (Myer) Loeb; A.B., University of Missouri, 1883, A.M. 1886; M.D., Medical De partment of Columbia University, New York, 1888; married, St. Louis, Apr. 12, 1893, Grace Sadler; one child, Jeanette Irene. Began prac tice of medicine at St. Joseph, Mo., 1888, bjit in 1890 came to St. Louis and has since been engaged in practice in this city; specialist in diseases of the nose, throat and ear. Profes sor of ear, nose and throat diseases, St. Louis University. Member American Laryngolo- gical, Rhinological, and Otological Society, American Otological Society, American Med ical Association, American Anatomical Asso ciation, American Academy of Ophthalmology and Oto-Laryngology. Editor of the Annals of Otology, Rhinology and Laryngology. Rec- 370 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS reation: golf. Office: 208 Humboldt Bldg., 537 N. Grand Ave. Residence: 5154 Westminster Boulevard. LOEB, Leo, pathologist; born in Germany, September 21, 1869; son of Benedict and Barbara Loeb; educated gymnasium, Ger many; studied natural science and medicine, universities of Heidelberg, Berlin, Zurich, Freiburg, 1889-96; research fellow, McGill University, 1903; unmarried. Adjunct profes sor pathology, University of Illinois, 1900-01; experimental pathologist, New York State Pathological Laboratory, Buffalo, 1902; assist ant professor experimental pathology, Uni versity of Pennsylvania, 1904-10; director de partment pathology, Barnard Skin and Cancer Hospital, St. Louis, since October, 1910. Fel low American Association Advancement of Science; member American Society, Natural ists, American Association Pathologists and Bacteriologists (member of council), Ameri can Physiological Society, Society Cancer Re search (president, 1911), International Asso ciation Cancer Research (vice president), American Association Anatomists, Society Ex perimental Medicine and Biology, Association American Physicians, American Philosophical Society (chairman section on pathology and physiology, 1912), American Medical Asso ciation. Contributor chiefly on tissue and tumor growth, physiology of generative or gans, pathology of blood and circulation, etc. Club: University. Office: Barnard Skin and Cancer Hospital, Washington and Theresa Aves. Residence: 5800 Clemens Ave. LOEWEN, David, retired; born, Branden burg, Prussia, Feb. 12, 1842; son of Aaron and Helene Loewen; educated in high school; married, St. Louis, Sept. 13, 1868, Emma Bie- nenstok; children: Albert (Enid, Okla.), Mil ton, Carrie (Mrs. Harry Wiener), Saydie (Mrs. Oscar W. Miller), Helene (Mrs. O. Haz- zard). Member firm of Loewen & Liepman, Fort Scott, Kan., 1866-70; moved to St. Louis, 1870, and went into wool business in firm of S. Bienenstok & Sons; moved to Philadelphia, 1878, and engaged in wool and broomcom business in firm of Mitchell & Loewen; re turned to St. Louis, 1885; president Loewen Broomcorn Co., 1885-1906; treasurer Boggs Broomcom Co., 1906-10, since retired. Repub lican. Member Shaare Emeth Congregation. Mason. Member B 'nai B 'rith, Legion of Hon or. Was for twenty years a member of the Merchants' Exchange. Residence: 4478 West minster PI. LOEWENBERG, Joseph, furniture; 1865- l'9l2; see Vol. 1906. LOEWENSTEIN, Ralph, wholesale jeweler; born, Schwabach, Bavaria, Germany, Mar. 5, 1859; son of Leopold and Mariana (Rosenfels) Loewenstein; educated in public and high schools of Schwabach, graduating from, high school, 1872; came to America, August, 1873; married Henrietta Berg, of Camden, Ark., Apr. 30, 1884; one son, Milton Berg. Employed as clerk in New York for one year; then went to Camden, Ark., and engaged in business for eight years; in 1882 established jewelry firm of Loewenstein Bros., which became the R. Loewenstein Jewelry Co., 1895, of which is president and treasurer. Republican. Member Masonic Order since 1887. Recreation: travel ing. Office: 406 Globe-Democrat Bldg. Resi dence: 5339 Vernon Ave. LOHMANN, Henry William, western man ager James Stewart & Co., general contrac tors; born, St. Louis, Jan. 8, 1870; son of Henry and Catherine (Herpel) Lohmann; educated in public schools and Polytechnic High School, St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Mar. 2, 1899, Minka Henke; children: Eunice Stuart, Janet Henke. Began business career with L. C. and William L. Bulkley, architects, 1887-88; since with James Stewart & Co., gen eral contractors, beginning as draughtsman and advancing through intermediate positions to present one of western manager for the firm. Also president Henry Lohmann Realty Co.; vice president Stuart Realty Co.; vice president and treasurer Gray Summit White Sand Company. Member American Society for Testing Materials, International Society for Testing Materials, Business Men 's League, Civic League. Republican. Member Evangel ical Church. Clubs: St. Louis, Noonday, Mer cantile, Liederkranz, Automobile, City, Glen Echo Country, Century Boat. Recreations: motoring and bowling. Office: 1312 Bank of Commerce Bldg. Residence: 3651 Botanical Avenue. LOKER, David Cartan; see Vol. 1906. LOKER, George Hubert, president Meyer Mining Co.; born, St. Louis, Oct. 9, 1845; son of George Hannibal and Mary Louise (Flem ing) Loker; educated in private school until 1853; Benton (public) School to 1857; Wash ington University to 1861; A.B., St. Louis University, 1864; A.M., College de la Paix, Namur, Belgium, 1866; unmarried. Clerk in wholesale tobacco house of William Seemuller & Co., 1867-70; organized St. Louis Smelting and Refining Co., 1870, and also several min ing companies of which was secretary for twenty-seven years; then became secretary of the Carbo-Aluminum Co. until it retired from business; now president Meyer Mining Co.; director Mikado Mining and Smelting Co. Roman Catholic. Office: 411 Olive St. Resi dence: 4474 McPherson Ave. LONG, (Samuel Miller) Breckinridge, law yer; born, St. Louis, May 16, 1881; son of William Strudwick and Margaret M. (Breck inridge) Long; educated, Stoddard (public) School and Smith Academy, 1894-96; St. Louis (now Central) High School, graduating. 1899; A.B., Princeton University, f 1904; St. Louis THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 371 Law School (Washington University), 1905- 06; M.A., Princeton, 1909; married, June 1, 1912, Miss Christine Alexander Graham. Ad mitted to Missouri bar, while still in law school, January, 1906; made trip around the world, 1906-07; opened office in St. Louis on return and since in general practice. Director Hughes Realty and Investment Co. Democrat. Presbyterian. Candidate for state legislature, 1908. Member Phi Delta Phi (legal frater nity). Clubs: University, Bellerive Country. Recreations: sailing, tennis, golf. Office: 318- 322 Rialto Bldg. Residence: 5376 Waterman Avenue. LONG, Edward Henry, school principal; 1838-1911; see Vol. 1906. LONGAN, Edward Everett, lawyer; bora on a farm in Moniteau Co., Mo., Sept. 8, 1865; son of William Ludwell and Polly Ann (Yows) Longan; graduated from University of Missouri, B.L.B.P., 1886, M.L., 1889; LL.B., Yale University, 1890; married, Sept. 2, 1895, Hattie Aronson. After leaving the University of Missouri, taught school at Boonville, Mo., and read law under W. M. Williams, ex-judge of the Supreme Court of Missouri; admitted to bar, 1888; after course in Yale, came to St. Louis, 1890, and has since been engaged in practice, confined exclusively to patent and trade mark litigation; has been identified with some of the most important patent and trade mark litigation in the West. Baptist. Mason (32°), Shriner. Recreations: hunting and literature. Office: Central National Bank Bldg. Residence: 6054 Cates Ave. LORTZ, L. Edward, secretary Fulton Iron Works; born, Ellis Grove, 111., Sept. 8, 1864; son of Henry and Alvina (Pape) Lortz; edu cated in public schools of Chester, 111., and Bryant & Stratton Commercial College, St. Louis; married, Alton, 111., 1885, R. Eugenia Moser; children: Edna, Russell, Adrian, Am brose. Resident of St. Louis since 1882; began business career as assistant foreman with the N. O. Nelson Manufacturing Co., continuing from fall of 1882 until April, 1884; since April, 1884, with Fulton Iron Works, succes sively, timekeeper, purchasing agent and traf fic manager, superintendent, and on reorgani zation of the company in November, 1905, was elected as secretary; also second vice president. Recreations: traveling and motor ing. Office: Plymouth Ave. and Wabash R. R. tracks. Residence: 37 Lewis PL LOTH, Jacob, president Loth-Hoffman Cloth ing Co.; born, St. Louis, Jan. 6, 1867; son of Adolph and Sarah Loth; educated at Stod dard School and Smith Academy; unmarried. Began business career as a traveling salesman for Kramer & Loth and A. Loth & Sons, 1883- 89; one of incorporators of. the Loth Jeans Clothing Co., 1889, and was secretary and treasurer, 1900-03; president after death ¦ of father, September, 1903, and in November, 1905, corporate name was changed to Loth Clothing Co., now Loth-Hoffman Clothing Co. Republican. Jewish religion. Trustee of Tem ple Israel. Office: 914 Pine St. Residence: 4167 Washington Ave. *LOTHROP, John Howland, railway offi cial; moved to Spokane, Wash.; see Vol. 1906. LOUDERMAN, Henry B., financial agent; born, Baltimore, Dec. 15, 1842; son of Henry R. and Leonora R. (Rabb) Louderman; edu cated in private schools of Baltimore; mar ried, St. Louis, Sept. 5, 1865, Sarah Marshall; four children: Henry B., William M., John H., Leonora (now Mrs. Frank J. Carlisle, of Los Angeles, Cal.). Came to St. Louis, 1860; be gan active career in employ of John J. Roe & Co., pork packers, advancing to membership in firm; withdrew, 1872, to engage in other lines of business; was elected vice president American District Telegraph Co., 1876, and assisted in introducing the first telephone line and exchange in St. Louis; president St. Louis Sectional Dock Co. and Carondelet Marine Railway Co., 1886-95; since manager of es tates. Member Business Men's League, Civie League. Protestant. Member Legion of Honor. Office: 320, 510 Pine St. Residence: 4038 Lin dell Boul. LOUDERMAN, William M., stock and bond broker; born, St. Louis, Mar. 4, 1868; son of Henry B. and Sarah Rowland (Marshall) Louderman; educated in St. Louis public schools and Manual Training School, grad uating from latter, 1886; unmarried. Began business career in 1886 with Sells & Co., com mission merchants; president of the Illinois Supply & Construction Co., 1891-99; actively interested in the brick industry until 1906, since in the stock and bond brokerage busi ness. President St. Louis Stock Exchange, 1911; director American Hydraulic Press Brick Co. Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner. Club: Missouri Athletic. Recreations: athletics and outdoor diversions. Office: 510 Pine St. Residence: 4038 Lindell Boul. LOVE, Ira Wallace, secretary Geller, Ward & Hasner Hardware Co.; bora on farm in Athens Co., O., Jan. 11, 1861; son of Isaiah and Mahala E. (Hoskinson) Love; educated in public schools, Odin, 111.; married, Odin, May 14, 1885, Lettie J. Jackson; children: Floy Winifred (Mrs. William Dickie), Charles Eu gene. Lived in Odin, 1865-1902; after leaving school was with the Ohio & Mississippi R. R. Co., as assistant agent in Odin, 1882-85; came to East St. Louis as assistant cashier in Ohio & Mississippi R. R. local freight office, 1885- 87; bookkeeper and cashier A. M. Woodward & Co., Odin, 1887-89; bought half interest in business, 1889, and continued in it until August, 1902, when sold out and came to St. Louis; since secretary Geller, Ward & Has- 372 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS ner Hardware Co. Republican; city clerk, Odin, 1884. Protestant. Mason. Recreations: traveling and reading. Officer* 412-414 N. 4th St. Residence: 3928 Flora Boul. LOVE, John Erwin, real estate; deceased; see Vol. 1906. *LOVE, Robertus, writer prose and verse; moved to New York; see Vol. 1906. *LOVEJOY, Arthur Oncken, educator; moved to Princeton, N. J.; see Vol. 1906. LOWENBAUM, Ralph, manufacturer of underwear; born, Lincoln, 111., Feb. 2, 1867; son of Selig and Fannie (Rosenthal) Lowen- baum; educated public schools, Grand Rap ids, Mich.; married, Chicago, Oct. 23, 1894, Martha Pollak, of Cincinnati; two children: Marjorie Pollak and Ralph, Jr. Began at Grand Rapids as messenger boy Western Union Telegraph Co.; went to New York, 1882, and became connected with the embroid ery firm of Einstein, Wolff & Co.; entered commission business in Chicago, 1896; came to St. Louis, 1898, and founded the Sterling- Manufacturing Co. in connection with the Ely Walker Dry Goods Co., 1900; retired from this company in 1902 and established ladies' underwear factory in connection with the Ferguson-McKinney Dry Goods Co., contin uing until 1911; since in business on own ac count as the R. Lowenbaum Manufacturing Co. Jewish religion. Club: Westwood Country. Recreation: golf. Office: 1813-1815 Olive St. Residence: 4916 Laclede Ave. LOWENHAUPT, Abraham, lawyer; born, Mt. Vernon, Ind., Dec. 22, 1878; son of Ben jamin and Rachel (Rosenbaum) Lowenhaupt; was graduated at Mt. Vernon High School, 1896; matriculated in University of Michigan, graduating with degree of Ph.B., 1900; studied law at same university and in Law Depart ment Lake Forest University, graduating, de gree of LL.B., 1901; married, St. Louis, Oct. 18, 1910, Bessie Cronbach, formerly of Mt. Vernon, Ind.; one child, Bettie C, born Sept. 1, 1911. Admitted to Illinois bar, September, 1901, and practiced for firm of Moran, Mayer & Meyer, until May, 1905; since in St. Louis; associated in office with Lyon & Swartz, An thony O'Halloran, William C. Connett and Dwight Currie. Member St. Louis and Mis souri State Bar associations. Jewish religion. Recreation: tennis. Office: 1305-1310 Third National Bank Bldg. LOWES, John Livingston, professor Eng lish, Washington University; born, Decatur, Ind., Dec. 20, 1867; son of Abram Brower and Mary Bella (Elliott) Lowes; A.B., Washing ton and Jefferson College, Pa., 1888, A.M., 1901; universities of Leipzig and Berlin, 1894- 95; A.M., Harvard, 1903, Ph.D., 1905; mar ried, Mary Cornett, of Madison, Ind., June 23, 1897; one son, John Wilber. Adjunct pro fessor mathematics, Washington and Jefferson College, 1888-91; professor English, Hanover (Ind.) College, 1895-1902, Swarthmore (Pa.) College, 1905-09, Washington University since September, 1909. Lecturer in English, sum mer session, New York University, 1902, 1904, 1905; Ropes lecturer comparative literature, University of Cincinnati, 1909. Member Mod ern Language Association, Ameriea, Mod ern Language Association, Great Britain, American Folk-Lore Society, Goethe Gesell schaft (Weimar, Germany), Societe des anciens textes frangais. Clubs: University, Florissant Valley, Round Table, Town and Gown, Players, Contemporary, Harvard (St. Louis). Editor (with George Lyman Kitt- redge) of synonyms in New International Dictionary; contributor to American and for eign philological and literary journals. Recre ations: walking, tennis. Residence: McMil lan Hall, Washington University. *LOWRY, John Selmes, financial agent; moved to Louisiana; see Vol. 1906. LOY, Lincoln K., box manufacturer; bora, St. Louis, Apr. 14, 1861; son of John and Kate (Kerwin) Loy; educated in St. Louis public schools and Jones Commercial College; married, St. Louis, June 16, 1890, Elizabeth Knight; children: Bessie Kerwin, Knight Sheridan and Doris. Began business career with father in the coal business; in 1883, be came identified with box manufacturing and in 1897 joined in forming Loy-Lange Box Co., wholesale box manufacturers, of which is president. Mason. Member Royal Arcanum. Club: Million Population. Office: 2106 S. 3d St. Residence: 2908 Accomac St. LUBKE, George William, lawyer; born, St. Louis, Feb. 22, 1845; son of H. William and Catherine (Pennigroth) Lubke; educated at German Lutheran School, Venedy, 111.; Ger man Evangelical School, public schools and private tutors, St. Louis; read law in office and under direction of Hon. Henry Hitch cock; married, St. Louis, Sept. 10, 1868, Hen rietta Luttercord; five children: George W., Jr., Ida H., Laura L., Edgar H., Arthur F. Ad mitted to bar, October, 1884, at 19 years of age, and has since been continuously engaged in law practice at St. Louis, except the period from 1883 to 1889, when served as judge of St. Louis Circuit Court. He has been for twenty years past one of the active members of the Board of Examiners of applicants for license to practice law in the federal courts in Missouri. Member of St. Louis and Mis souri State Bar associations. Member Civic League. Democrat. Member German Evangel ical Church. Club: Border Game and Fishing. Office: Title Guaranty Bldg. Residence: 6339 Berlin Ave. LUBKE, George William, Jr., lawyer; born, St. Louis, Mo., Dec. 16, 1869; son of George W. and Henrietta (Luttercord) Lubke; edu cated in St. Louis public schools; Smith Acad- THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 373 emy; Washington University; State Univer sity of Missouri; LL.B., St. Louis Law School of Washington University, 1891; married, Glendale, St. Louis Co., Mo., June 29, 1892, Bernice Woods; children: Percy N., Karl E., Dorothy. Admitted to bar, June, 1890, and since continuously engaged in general prac tice with father. Member of St. Louis and Missouri State Bar associations. Democrat. English Lutheran. Recreations: hunting, fish ing, amateur photography. Office: 706 Chest nut St. Residence: 3536 Victor St. LUCAS, Ernest, secretary Rubelmann-Lucas Hardware Co.; born in Gasconade Co., Mo., Feb. 2, 1860; son of George and Amelia (Proesch) Lucas; educated in public schools and Johnson's Business College; unmarried. Began business career as salesman in father's grocery store in 1877; in 1880 came to St. Louis, entering employ of Rubelmann & Co., hardware, and in July, 1885, on incorporation of the Rubelmann-Lucas Hardware Co., be came a director and secretary of the com pany. Member Legion of Honor. Clubs: Mis souri Athletic, Liederkranz. Recreation: fish ing. Office: 1934 N. Broadway. Residence: 2448 West Pine St. LUCAS, James Richard, grain commission; born, Williamstown, Grant Co., Ky., Dec. 14, 1867; son of Elisha C. and Louisa E. (Nix) Lucas; educated in public schools of Creston, la.; married, Lincoln, Neb., Sept. 20, 1899, Lyda G. Hyland; one daughter, Dorothy Frances. Began business career as bookkeeper in employ of father, retail dealer in agricul tural implements and buyer of grain and hay, Creston; became partner in business, 1888, under style of E. C. Lucas & Son; came to St. Louis, 1899, in employ of St. Louis Hay & Grain Co., and in 1900 established in same business under style of J. R. Lucas & Co. Member Merchants' Exchange. Catholic. Of fice: Pierce Bldg. Residence: 3450 Halliday Avenue. LUCAS. John B. C, capitalist; 1847-1908; see Vol. 1906. *LUCCOCK, Naphtali, clergyman; see Vol. 1906. LUDINGTON, Elliot Kingman, member of firm of H. & L. Chase Bag Co.; bora, St. Louis, June 8, 1876; son of Francis Henry and Almaria (Kingman) Ludington; graduated from Stoddard (public) School, 1891 ; attended high school one year and Manual Training School two years; C.E., Pennsylvania Military College, 1897; married, St. Louis, June 9, 1898, Florence Edson Bemis; children: Lucy Margaret, Francis Henry, 2d, Elliot Kingman, Jr., Florence Bemis, Jr. Since 1897 engaged with the H. & L. Chase Bag Co., manufac turers and dealers in bags of all kinds, and is now a member of the firm. Member Business Men's League. Republican. Baptist. Clubs: St. Louis, Noonday, Automobile, Racquet, Glen Echo Country, Algonquin Golf. Recrea tions: golf, automobiling. Office: 18 N. Main St. Residence: 26 Washington Terrace. LUDINGTON, Francis Henry, importer and manufacturer of bags; 1836-1910; see Vol. 1906. LUDWIG, William Henry; see Vol. 1906. LUEDDE, William Henry, physician; born, Warsaw, 111., Aug. 13, 1876; son.. of Henry J. M. and Emilie M. (Naumann) Luedde; edu cated in Warsaw public schools to 1893; M.D., Medical Department, Washington University, 1900; took post-graduate courses at Univer sity of Kiel, Germany, 1904-05, at London, Vienna and Utrecht, 1905, and at Laboratoire d 'Ophthalmologique, Sorbonne, Paris, France, 1906; married, St. Louis, Mar. 24, 1909, Net tie B. Shryock; one child, Philip S. Before attendance at European clinics, was assistant surgeon St. Louis City Hospital, 1900; assist ant to Dr. M. H. Post, 1901-04. Returned from France, 1906, and was assistant to Dr. John Green until 1908; since engaged in prac tice alone, and assistant surgeon eye clinic, Medical Department, Washington University. Member American Medical Association (oph thalmic section), Missouri State Medical As sociation, St. Louis Medical Society, Academy of Science, St. Louis, St. Louis Biological So ciety, Alumni of Medical Department, Wash ington University, and Societe Frangaise d' Ophthalmologic. Was chairman organization committee Independence Day Association, 1910 (later vice president) ; appointed first lieutenant, Medical Reserve Corps, U. S. A., April, 1911; president Medical Society of City Hospital Alumni, 1911. Member Civic League, Washington University Association. Repub lican. Congregationalist. Member Tuscan Lodge, No. 360, A. F. & A. M., St. Louis Chapter, Sons of the Revolution. Clubs: City, Apollo (associate). Recreation: out of door life. Office: 311-314 Metropolitan Bldg. Resi dence: 5056 Vernon Ave. LUEDEKING, Robert, physician; 1853- 1909; see Vol. 1906. LUEHRMANN, Edward H., lumber; born, St. Louis, Dec. 21, 1876; son of Charles F. and Mary (Voelker) Luehrmann; educated in pub lic and private schools of St. Louis; unmar ried. Began business career as office boy for the St. Louis Lumber Co., 1890-91; since 1891 with Chas. F. Luehrmann Lumber Co., begin ning as bookkeeper, later becoming secretary, and since 1902 vice president and auditor of the company. Treasurer The Wayne Manufac turing Co.; vice president Indiana & Arkan sas Lumber and Manufacturing Co., of Ar kansas; treasurer L'Anguille River Railway Co. Lutheran. Club: Missouri Athletic. Favor- 374 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS ite recreations: music, billiards and traveling^ Office: 148 Carroll St. Residence: 2223 S. Grand Ave. LUEHRMANN, George Ernest William, lumber; born, St. Louis, Mar. 25, 1868; son of Charles F. and Mary (Voelker) Luehrmann; educated in St. Louis public schools, graduat ing from St. Louis High School, 1884; unmar ried. Began business career on leaving school as bookkeeper for Verdin Lumber Co., 1886; manager St. Louis Lumber Co., 1886-90; in 1890 became secretary, treasurer and manager of the Charles F. Luehrmann Hardwood Lum ber Co., and after father's death in 1900 suc ceeded him as president and treasurer of the company. Also president Wayne Manufactur ing Co., Indiana & Arkansas Lumber & Man ufacturing Co., L'Anguille Railway Co. Lu theran. Club: Union. Office: 148 Carroll St. Residence: 2223 S. Grand Ave.. LUKENBILL, Jesse D., grocer; born, Cham- bersburpj, Ind., June 25, 1870; son of William W. and Elizabeth (Mahan) Lukenbill; educat ed in public schools of-Butler, Bates Co., Mo.; married, Jefferson City, Mo., Oct. 19, 1896, Hilda Glutz; one daughter, Bessie. Entered grocery business on own account, St. Louis, 1904; president firm of Lukenbill & Glutz; director St. Louis Wholesale Grocery Co., Marcus Heights Realty Co. Member price maintenance committee National Association Retail Grocers; director St. Louis Retail Gro cers' Association since 1904, secretary, 1906- 08; secretary St. Louis Master Butchers' As sociation since 1909. Democrat. Recreation: fishing. Offices: 3871 Shenandoah Ave. and 3866 Folsom Ave. Residence: 3868 Folsom Avenue. LUMAGHI, Joseph D., coal; born, Collins- ville, 111., Sept. 30, 1861; son of Octavius and Ann (McLaughlin) Lumaghi; educated in Catholic school and Christian Brothers Col lege of St. Louis; married, St. Louis, 1892, Daisy Blythe; two children: Octavius and Ann. Has been engaged in coal business in Collinsville and St. Louis, since 1881; came to St. Louis from Collinsville in 1886, and since 1894 has been secretary and treasurer of the Lumaghi Coal Co., miners and shippers of coal, operating mines at Cantine, Collinsville and Johnson City, 111.; also treasurer William son County Coal Co., of Illinois. Member Mer chants' Exchange, Business Men's League, Knights of Columbus. Club: Missouri Ath letic. Favorite recreation; hunting. Offiee: 606-613 Locust St. Residence: 4633 Berlin Avenue. LUND, Herluf G., physician; born, Aarhus, Denmark, June 20, 1882; son of Nicol R. and Caroline (Pedersen) Lund; educated under tutor, 1890-94; Soro Academy, Soro, Den mark, 1894-98; matriculated at Washington University, St. Louis, 1903, and was graduated with degree of M.D., June, 1907; married, Alma M. Johnson, of Webster Groves, Mo., Sept. 7, 1907; one child, Eugene H., born, July 8, 1909. Came to America, 1901, and was identified with Deaconess Hospital, St. Louis, from 1901 to 1907, serving the first four years as nurse, and as assistant superintendent for two years, continuing there until his grad uation; assistant in Genito-Ufinary Depart ment, St. Louis University, 1908;, genito-uri nary surgeon Evangelical Deaconess Hospital since May, 1911; makes a specialty of treat ment of genito-urinary diseases. Lutheran. Member American Medical Association, Mis souri State Medical Association, St. Louis Medical Society, Phi Delta medical fraternity, I. O. O. F. Recreations: drama, football, horses and baseball. Office: 703-704 Carleton Bldg. Residence: 6070 Maple Ave. LUNGSTRAS, Robert, vice president Lung- stras Dyeing & Cleaning Co.; born, St. Louis, July 3, 1874; son of Eugene and Elise (Springe) Lungstras; educated in public schools, to 1888; married, St. Louis, June 10, 1909, Edna Donk; one child, Marie Elise. En gaged in dyeing and cleaning business since boyhood, serving apprenticeship in Germany; engaged as journeyman in Germany, France and Scotland, until 1896; came to America, 1896, and organized the Lungstras Dyeing & Cleaning Co., of which is vice president. Re publican. Protestant. Office: 1300 Park Ave. Residence: 3405 Shenandoah Ave. LUTTMER, William Henry, hats; see Vol. 1906. LUTZ, Frank J., surgeon; born, St. Louis, May 24, 1855; son of John T. and Rosina (Miller) Lutz; educated in St. Louis public schools; St. Louis University, graduating in class of 1873; M.D., St. Louis Medical Col lege, 1876; married, Mexico, Mo., 1884, May Silver. Engaged' in practice of surgery in St. Louis since 1876; surgeon-in-charge Josephine Hospital, 1630 S. Grand Ave.; attending sur'-s geon Barnard Free Skin and Cancer Hospital of St. Louis; professor surgery in Medical Department, Washington University. Member St. Louis Medical Society, St, Louis Surgical Society, Missouri State Medical Associa'tion, American Medical Association, American Surgical Association. Office: 1630 S. Grand Ave. Residence: 3337 Lafayette Ave. LUYTIES, August Kaiser, president Luy- ties Market Co.; born, St. Louis, Apr. 16, 1867; son of Dr. D. R. and Anna Lucia (Ruy- ter) Luyties; educated in public and private schools in St. Louis; married, Toledo, O., Mar. 18, 1903, Susan M. Young. Began business ca reer as a boy and worked up to be a buyer and head manager for a large retail house, 1883-95; in business with brother, 1895-98; member Luyties Bros. Grocery Co., 1898:1902; president Luyties Bros. Mercantile Co., 1902- 08; now president Luyties Market Co., gro- THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 375 cers. Member Royal Arcanum. Recreation: traveling. Office: cor. 6th St. and Franklin Ave. Residence: 1322A Shawmut PL LUYTIES, Carl J., physician; born, St. Louis, Sept. 15, 1860; son of Diedrich Rein- hard (M.D.) and Anna Lucia (Ruyter) Luy ties; preliminary education in public and high schools of St. Louis; was graduated at Mound City Commercial College, 1877; Ph.G., St. Louis College of Pharmacy, 1881; M.D., Missouri Medical College, 1884; M.D., Hahne mann Medical College, Philadelphia, 1885; post-graduate work in clinics and hospitals of Vienna, Austria; married, St. Louis, Oct. 29, 1892, Ella Evangeline Augst; two chil dren: Dorothea and Walter Augst. In prac tice at. St. Louis since 1884; resident physi cian St. Louis Child's Hospital, 1885-88; mem ber visiting staff same, 1898-1909; member visiting staff City Hospital since May, 1910; professor chemistry, Homoeopathic Medical College of Missouri, 1885-88; professor dis eases of children, same college, 1898-1909. Lutheran. Member St. Louis Medical So ciety, Missouri State and American Medical Association, Royal Arcanum, Legion of Honor. Recreations: music, art, literature. Office and Residence: 2100 Lafayette Ave. LUYTIES, Frederick August, homoeopathic pharmacist; bora, St. Louis, June 23, 1867; son of Herman C. G. and Louise (Rein) Luy ties; educated in public schools and St. Louis College , of Pharmacy; married, St. Louis, June 12, 1895, Emma Thompson; children: William Herman, Elizabeth, Frederick Au gust, Jr. Began business career in retail drug trade as clerk for A. A. Mellier, 1886-88; since 1888, connected with the Luyties Homoe- pathic Pharmacy Co. (founded, 1853, by fa ther), of which is now vice president. Also president Walker Pharmacal Co. Presbyterian. Club: St. LOuis. ' Offiee: 3861 Laclede Ave. Residence: 4475 Lindell Boul. *LUYTIES, Frederick Wilhelm, merchant; moved to Chicago; see Vol. 1906. LUYTIES, Henry Ruyter, real estate; de ceased; see Vol. 1906. LUYTIES, Herman C. G., president Sanitol Chemical Laboratory Co.; born, St. Louis, July 26, 1871; son of Dr. Herman C. G. and Louise (Rein) Luyties; educated in public schools of St. Louis and St. Louis College of Pharmacy, graduating in class of 1891; mar ried, St. Louis, .1899, May C. Carlin; one son, Herman C. G. Luyties, Jr. From boyhood was connected with Luyties Homoeopathic Phar macy Co. (established in 1853 by father, who died 1896), and was vice president of the company until 1907, when he sold out his in terests; president Walker Pharmacal Co., 1890- 1907. Founder, and president since 1898, of Sanitol Chemical Laboratory, ,in connection with which originated the cooperative idea as applied to a connection between a manu facturer of tooth aid toilet goods, and the dentists and druggists of the United States. The Sanitol Co. is composed of over 5,000 den tists and druggists, stockholders, who par ticipate in the profits of the business; the ma jority of the dentists and druggists of Amer ica also actively cooperate in pushing the sale of Sanitol products. (Mr. Luyties has made St. Louis the greatest manufacturing center for tooth powder in the world. The plant, which is believed to be the most perfectly equipped of the kind in the world, includes seven acres of floor space. The machinery was invented and made under supervision of Mr. Luyties and is so thoroughly adapted for the work that no hand comes into contact with any of the preparations here manufac tured. Kenwood Springs, a suburban resi dence district of St. Louis Co., was devel oped by Mr. Luyties in 1907 and there he built over one hundred residences which he has disposed of on. the installment plan.) Recreations: traveling abroad, driving four- in-hand and automobiling. Office: Laclede and Boyce Aves. Residence: 36 Portland PL Sum mer Residence: Kenwood Springs, Mo. LYCETT, Edward Howes, general account ant Missouri Pacific Ry. Co.; born, Baltimore, Md., June 20, 1851; son of Edward Lyddon and Eliza Margaret (Wildgoss) Lycett; edu cated at private schools in Philadelphia, Pa.; married, Philadelphia, Oct. 14, 1871, Anna Heckley Fox; children: Edward Howes, Jr., Emily Montague (Mrs. Stevenson Crothers, of Philadelphia), Anna Elizabeth, George Rawle, Mary Foster (Mrs. Edward Hacker, of Philadelphia), Helen Montell (Mrs. Harold E. Webb, of Woldingham, Eng.), Eliza Margaret, Rebecca Alice. Employed with S. Fulton & Co., Philadelphia, 1866-72, St. Louis Gas Light Co., 1872-73, Life Association of America, at St. Louis, 1874-76; member of firm of Hatch, Lycett & Co., 1877-78; clerk of the Circuit Court of St. Louis Co., 1879-83; since 1883 with the Missouri Pacific Ry. Co., being au ditor of disbursements from 1888 to 1911, nqw general accountant. Republican. Episcopa lian. Mason. Royal Arcanum. Member Church Club, Hill Crest Golf Club. Recrea tion: golf. Offiee: 705 Market St. Residence: Kirkwood, Mo. LYLE, Charles L., railway supplies, etc.; born, St. Louis, June 10, 1876; son of Robert B. and Rebecca Gilman (Miller) Lyle; edu cated in public schools and high school; mar ried, St. Louis, Sept. 26, 1903, Jean Frances Dailey; children: Mary Mildred, Robert Paul. Began as shipping clerk in wholesale drug house, then became assistant superintendent of the Illinois Steel Co., Chicago; traveling salesman in railway supplies, etc., and now sales agent and manager St. Louis branch of Manning, Maxwell & Moore, railway supplies 376 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS and machine tools. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Columbia Yacht, St. Louis, Mercantile. Of fice: Frisco Bldg. Residence * 4141 McPherson Avenue. LYMAN, Harry W., physician and surgeon; born, Cedar Rapids, la., Mar. 10, 1873; son of James E. and Martha E. (Day) Lyman; resi dent of St. Louis since 1886; graduated from St. Louis High School, 1892; M.D., St. Louis College of Physicians and Surgeons, 1895; married, St. Louis, 1900, Sarah E. Long. En gaged in practice of medicine in St. Louis since 1895; house physician St. Louis Woman's Hospital, 1896; clinical study in ear, nose and throat at London Hospital, and Central Lon don Throat Hospital, 1900; practice limited to diseases of the ear, nose and throat. Professor of anatomy, College of Physicians and Sur geons, 1900-07; consulting physician, City Hos pital, 1905-10; assistant in otology, Washing ton University. Member St. Louis Medical So ciety, Missouri State Medical Association, American Medical Association. Member Royal Arcanum. Club: Normandie. Office: 700 Carle ton Bldg. Residence: 5657 Vernon Ave. *LYNN, Charles, postal official; moved to Fort Gage, 111.; see Vol. 1906. LYNN, Jacob Matthew, secretary and treas urer Allan-Pfeiffer Chemical Co.; born, Weak ley Co., Tenn., Mar. 22, 1868; son of Henry and Mary E. (Parks) Lynn; educated in pub lic and high schools; married Daisy E. Ezell, of Chapel Hill, Tenn., Jan. 4, 1899; three chil dren: Mary Elizabeth, Virginia, Jacob Mat thew, Jr. Began with Allen & Lynn Dry Goods Co., Greenfield, Tenn., Jan. 1, 1890; lo cated in St. Louis as secretary and treasurer Allan-Pfeiffer Chemical Co., January, 1907. Democrat. Methodist. Member Masonic Or der, Knights of Pythias. Recreations: fishing and hunting. Office: 1700 Morgan St. Resi dence: 4219 Maryland Ave. LYNN, John Thomas; see Vol. 1906. LYON, Elias Potter, educator, physiologist; born Cambria, Hillsdale Co., Mich., Oct. 20, 1867; son of Nelson J. and Mary (Hebard) Lyon; A.B., Hillsdale College, 1892; Ph.D. (in physiology), University of Chicago, 1897; M.D. (honorary), St. Louis University, 1911; married, Sept. 1, 1897, Nelle P. Eastman, of Limerick, Me. Instructor in Hillsdale College, 1890-92, Harvard School, Chicago, 1892-96, Bradley Polytechnic Institute, Peoria, 111., 1897-1900; assistant professor, Rush Medical College, 1900-04; assistant professor physiol ogy, University of Chicago, 1901-04; professor of physiology, St. Louis University Medical School since 1904 and dean of same since 1907. Investigator, U. S. Bureau of Fisheries, 1909- 11. Biologist Cook Greenland Expedition, 1894. Fellow American Association for the Advance ment of Science; member Society of Experi mental Biology and Medicine (New York). Clubs: City, St. Louis, Biological, St. Louis Medical Science. Contributor to American Journal of Physiology. Address: 1402 S. Grand Ave. Residence: 4326 Forest Park Boul. LYON, George Elmer, physician; born, Watervliet, N .Y., Apr. 13, 1863; son of Ran som and Eliza (Nowland) Lyon; educated Al bany Academy; Union University; M.D., Columbia University (Medical Department), 1887; unmarried. Engaged in practice of med icine from graduation, and since 1894 resident physician at the Planters Hotel, St. Louis; chief examiner at St. Louis for New York Life Insurance Co.; surgeon Medical Reserve Corps, U. S. Army. Member American Med ical Association, Missouri State Medical As sociation, St. Louis Medical Society, New York State Medical Society. Served as major and surgeon, Third Regiment United States Volunteer Engineers, in war with Spain. Member Society of Colonial Wars, Military Order of Foreign Wars. Protestant. Clubs: St. Louis, Normandie and Aero. Recreation: golf. Office and Residence: Planters Hotel. LYON, Montague, lawyer; born, St. Louis, Sept. 22, 1864; son of Henry and Caroline (Marks) Lyon; educated in public and high schools, graduating, 1880; matriculated in Washington University, from which was grad uated with degree of Ph. B., 1884; read law in offices of Dyer, Lee & Ellis; married, St. Louis, Aug. 30, 1894, Frances' Robnett Smith; three children: Montague, Jr., Randolph Smith and Mildred Frances. Admitted to bar, 1886, and since in practice in St. Louis; member firm of Blevins, Lyon & Swarts, 1898-1900, since mem ber Lyon & Swarts. Director and counsel La elede-Christy Clay Products Co. Member St. Louis and American Bar associations, Mis souri Historical Society. Clubs: Mercantile, Normandie Golf, City. Recreations: fishing, music and books. Offiee: 1305, 506 Olive St. Residence: 5865 Cates Ave. LYON, Myer Anthony, hats and furs; born, Mobile, Ala., Jan. 21, 1864; son of J. and Bettie Lyon; educated in public schools and at Eastman Business College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y.; married, Birmingham, Ala., Jan. 10, 1904, Edna Reinach. Lived at Mobile, Ala., until fourteen years of age, then eight years at Columbus, Ga. ; began business career in shoe business at Columbus, Ga.; later was com mercial traveler in various lines; came to St. Louis from Birmingham, Ala., in 1897, and since September, 1897, has been secretary M. J. Steinberg Hat and Fur Co. Jewish religion. Member A. F. & A. M. Office: 307 N. Broad way. Residence: 4376 W. Pine St. *LYON, Philemon B., business manager ; moved to Chicago; see Vol. 1906. LYONS, John, clergyman; born, County Cork, Ireland, Nov. 16, 1867; son of Daniel and Anna (Condon) Lyons; educated Mount Mellary Seminary three years and St. Pat rick's College, Carlow, Ireland. Ordained to THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 377 priesthood Roman Catholic Church by Bishop Comerford, May 31, 1890; came to United States same year and was appointed assistant to Father Fenlon of Visitation Parish, St. Louis; assistant to Father J. G. Harty, 1895- 1900; pastor at Indian Creek, Mo.; 1900-04, Holy Rosary Church, Monroe City, Mo., 1904- 05; since pastor St. Pius Church; erected new church edifice, 1906. Residence: 3310 S. Grand Avenue. LYTTLE, Garnet Crawford^ physician; bom, St. Louis, Dec 23, 1885; son of Joseph and Elizabeth (Beeket) Lyttle ; educated in public schools of St. Louis; M. D., Medical Depart ment, St. Louis University, 1907; unmarried. In general practice since 1907, making a spe cialty of surgery; district surgeon for the Ocean Accident and Liability Corporation. Republican. Presbyterian. Member City Hos pital Alumni Association. Recreations: boat ing and out-door sports. Office: 309 S. Broad way. Residence: 3844 Westminster PI. M McADAMS, Clark, writer; bom in Jersey Co., HI., Jan. 29, 1874; son of William and An nie E. (Curtis) McAdams; educated in public schools and Shurtleff College, Illinois; mar ried Laura S. Baker, of Alton, 111., July 12, 1904. Began newspaper work with Alton Sen tinel-Democrat, 1894; editor Alton Republi can, 1898-99; since 1900 with Post-Dispatch, St. Louis (writer humorous department). Member American Press Humorists' Associa tion, St. Louis Artists' Guild (president). Club: Cuivre Island (president). Author: The Archaeology of Illinois (published by the Illi nois Historical Society), 1909. Recreations: hunting, fishing, motor-boating, archaeology. Address: 5836 Cates Ave. McALINEY, Peter J., advertising; born, Carlinville, 111., Aug. 28, 1874; son of Peter and Catherine (Murphy) McAliney; educated in public schools of Macoupin Co., 111., and Hayward 's Business College, graduating in bookkeeping and stenography, 1892; married, St. Louis, May 6, 1903, Emilia von Pfleger. Engaged in advertising and bill-posting busi ness since October, 1894; president St. Louis Bill Posting Co., East St. Louis Bill Posting Co.; director Cincinnati Bill Posting Co. Pres ident Associated Bill Posters ' Associations of the United States and Canada; member Busi ness Men's League, St. Louis Advertising Men's League, member Citizens' Industrial Association. Democrat. Catholic. Clubs: Mis souri Athletic, St. Louis Automobile, Sunset Hill Country. Recreations: horseback riding, golf. Office: 631 S. 6th St. Residence: 4611 Morgan St. McARDLE, Montrose Pallen, architect; born, St. Louis, Feb. 1, 1868; son of Felix and Emma Christman (Pallen) McArdle; educated in public schools of eleven different states and took special course at Georgetown Uni versity, D. O; married, St. Louis, Apr. 20, 1892, Mary T. Reed; two children: Montrose Pallen and Alleyne. Entered Office of Eames & Young, architects, St. Louis, at age of eighteen; was under Pierce P. Furber, of Pea body, Sterns & Furber, Boston, 1889-94, as chief assistant in the St. Louis office; since in business on own account. Awarded gold medal for design of the Temple of Fraternity, at St. Louis Exposition, and was member Na tional Jury of Selection for Fine Arts, and International Jury of Awards, at the Exposi tion; architect of many public and private buildings in St. Louis and elsewhere; drew the plans for the St. Louis School of Fine Arts and was professor of architecture in that institution for three years; holds chair of ar chitecture, University of Kansas. Member American Institute of Architecture and St. Louis Chapter same,. Two-by-Fours (society of artists). Episcopalian. Club: Algonquin Golf. Office: 1103-1104 Chemical Bldg. Residence: Algonquin Lane, Glendale, Mo. McAULIFFE, Eugene, general coal agent Frisco Line; born, London, England, Oct. 3, '1866; son of John and Mary (Williams) Mc- Auliffe; educated in public and private schools; married Nell Shuler, of Springfield, Mo., June 17, 1896; two children: Kathleen and Marv. Was brought to America by par ents, 1869; entered railway service, 1884, as shop apprentice, and passed through various positions as locomotive fireman, locomotive engineer, shop foreman, superintendent of air brakes, road foreman of equipment, fuel agent, general fuel agent, and general coal agent, St. Louis & San Francisco R. R. and allied lines, having held the position last named since Sept. 1, 1911. General manager Crawford County Mining Co. Democrat. Mem ber American Institute Mining Engineers; organizer of the International Railway Fuel Association (president, 1908-09 and 1909-10). Member Masonic Order, Knight Templar, Shriner. Clubs: Mercantile, Missouri Athletic, St. Louis Railway (St. Louis), Union League, Western Railway (Chicago). Offiee: 916 Frisco Bldg. Residence: St. Louis. MacBRIDE, John L.; see Vol. 1906. *McBRJDE, Walter J., business manager; moved to Michigan City, Ind.; see Vol. 1906. McCABE, James J., clergyman; born, Ire land, May 10, 1843; son of Patrick and Mar garet (Grunan) McCabe; came to America, 1857; educated Christian Brothers College, St. Louis; St. Vincent's College, Cape Girardeau, Mo., 1859-63; Baltimore Seminary, Maryland, three years. Ordained to priesthood Roman Catholic Church at Baltimore, by Archbishop Spaulding. July 2, 1866; served as assistant St. Patrick's parish, St. Louis, during cholera epidemic; assistant St. Michael's, St. Louis, 378 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 1866-71; pastor Sacred Heart Church since 1871; church edifice bearing name of Shrine of the Sacred Heart erected under his admin istration. Member St. Vincent de Paul Soci ety, Parish Association. Residence: 2336 Uni versity St. MACCALLUM, James, printer and pub lisher; bora, Perth, Scotland, Jan. 31, 1862; son of Peter and Jeannie (Gray) Maccallum; educated eighteen months at grammar school, Dunfermline, Scotland, 1872-73; no other school except three months at Clay School, St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Dec. 15, 1888, Nan nie L. De Vol; one son, James. Arrived in United States May 1, 1873,. and in Novem ber, 1873, entered employ of William Barr & Co., continuing for five years; was in various other occupations until 1881, when was ap pointed overseer in street department of City of St. Louis, which position left in May, 1885, to engage in printing and publishing business in firm of Weiss & Maccallum; pur chased partner's interest, 1899, and incorpo rated business as James Maccallum Printing Co., of which is president and treasurer. Sec retary North St. Louis Citizens' Association. Republican. Presbyterian. Member Citizens ' Industrial Association. Member Masonic Or der, Legion of Honor, Royal League. Recrea tion: reading. Office: 3737 N. Broadway. Residence: 4403 N. 14th St. McCANDLESS, William A., surgeon; born, Macomb, 111., Oct. 28, 1849; son of William F. and Margaretta C. (Scroggs) McCandless; A.B., Knox College, Galesburg, 111., 1871 (A.M., 1876); M.D., Medical Department of Washington University, St. Louis, 1873; mar- ried,*St. Louis, 1884, Miss Alice Lansden. En gaged in practice in St. Louis since 1876, making a specialty of surgical practice; for merly professor surgery, Medical Department, St. Louis University; chief surgeon Terminal Railway Association. Member American Med ical Association, American Gynecological As sociation, Missouri State Medical Association, St. Louis Medical Society. Presbyterian. Rec reations: fishing, sailing, travel. Office: Metro politan Bldg. Residence: 5056 Westminster Place. McCARTY, Charles C; born near Mexico', Mo., Sept. 11, 1863; son of John B. and Susan E. (Cunningham) McCarty; educated in pub lic schools, followed by chemical education in St. Louis School of Pharmacy; married, St. Louis, Nov. 29, 1888, Florence R. Stratton; one daughter, Mildred E. Engaged in drug business, Nov. 12, 1879, to Aug. 5, 1886, at Joplin, Mo.; drug business at St. Louis, Jan. 1, 1887, to June 20, 1887; cashier and chief clerk St. Louis, Alton & Terre Haute R. R., East St. Louis, 1887-88, freight claim agent, same company, 1888-90; general southern agent, same, 1890-96; division passenger agent Illinois Central R. R., Apr. 14, 1896, to May 1, 1906; then general manager at St. Louis for Eureka Springs Water Co. Recrea tion: fishing. Residence: 4526 A Laclede Ave. McCHESNEY, Samuel Parker, lawyer; born, Lexington, Ky., Sept. 22, 1881; son of W. S., Jr., and Sallie Caldwell (Warfield) Mc- Chesney; graduated from Manual Training School of Washington University, 1902; stu dent Washington University for one year; entered St. Louis Law School and graduated, degree of LL.B., 1905; married, St. Louis, Mathilde C. Ferguson, Jan. 29, 1908; one child, W. S. III. In practice at St. Louis since Sep tember, 1905; associated with law firm of Boyle & Priest; general counsel Citizens' In dustrial Association of St. Louis; assistant general attorney Terminal Railroad Associa tion of St. Louis, and allied companies; di rector St. Louis Merchants' Bridge Terminal Railway Co., St. Louis Belt & Terminal Rail way Co., St. Louis Terminal Railway Co. Member St. Louis, Missouri State and Amer ican Bar associations, Sigma Chi and Phi Delta Phi college fraternities. Presbyterian. Office: 1204-1220 New Bank of Commerce Bldg. Residence: 5619 Clemens Ave. McCHESNEY, William Samuel, Jr., presi dent of Terminal Ry. ; born, Cynthiana, Har rison Co., Ky., Aug. 5, 1856; son of William S. and Martha (Curry) McChesney; educated in public schools and Transylvania Univer sity; married, Lexington, Ky., 1880, Sally Warfield (now deceased) ; children: Samuel T., Martha B. Began railway service as pas senger agent of Ohio & Mississippi R. R., 1879- 80; then general agent Louisville, Cincinnati & Lexington R. R., 1881-82; moved to Lexing ton as general agent for the Louisville & Nashville R. R., and remained until Decem ber, 1895, when came to St. Louis as superin tendent for same road; was connected with the St. Louis Terminal Association as vice president and general manager until March, 1903, when was elected president. Mason, Knight Templar. Member Business Men's League. Clubs: St. Louis, Noonday, Mercan tile, City, St. Louis Railway, The Traffic, St. Louis Country, Bellerive Country. Favorite recreations: hunting, fishing and outdoor sports. Office: 107 Union Station. Residence: 4406 McPherson Ave. McCLAIN, William H., charity worker; 1852-1911; see Vol. 1906. McCLELLAN, Thomas G., general Western agent Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis Ry.; born, Somerville, Tenn., June 14, 1865; son of Thomas G. and Fannie E. (Porter) McClellan; educated in schools of Culeoka, Tenn.; mar ried, Memphis, Tenn., Dec. 23, 1891, Walker Jones; children: Walker M. (girl), Thomas Greer, Margaret. Began railway service in 1885, as clerk in the auditor's department of the Texas Pacific R. R., Dallas, Tex.; traffic THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 379 department, Memphis & Charleston R. R., Memphis, Tenn., 1887-98; since 1898 general Western agent Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis R. R., St. Louis, Mo. Democrat. South ern Methodist. Member Knights of Pythias. Clubs: Mercantile, Missouri Athletic, The Traffic. Favorite recreation: general athletic sports. Office: 405-407 National Bank of Com merce Bldg. Residence: Vernon Apts. McCLELLAND, James Irwin, manager St. Louis agency American Real Estate Co.; born, Nashville, Tenn., Mar. 25, 1859; son of Wil liam A. and Louisa Morris (Edgar) McClel land; educated in public and private schools in Hughesville and Georgetown, Mo.; mar ried, New Brighton, Pa., Nov. 22, 1906, Louise , M. Merrick. First employment was in the city department of the Samuel Cupples Wood enware Co., 1878; then as traveling salesman for the Graham Paper Co., 1878-80; for John S. Hood Fruit Co., 1881-82; Jarratt, Gilliland & Roberts, wholesale grocers, 1882-85; J. M. Anderson & Co., wholesale grocers, 1885-1901; associate manager, American Real Estate Co., 1901-02, and since March, 1902, manager St. Louis agency American Real Estate Co. Inde pendent Democrat. Elder in Washington and Compton Avenue Presbyterian Church; chair man Auxiliary Cities Men ' and Religion For ward Movement; treasurer City Rescue Mis sion; ex-president St. Louis Christian En deavor Union (two terms), and ex-president Sixth District of Missouri Christian Endeavor Union (two terms). Club: City. Office: 605 Century Bldg. Residence: Lamb and Wayne Aves., Meridian Heights, St. Louis Co. McCLOSKEY, John, president St. Louis Carbonating and Manufacturing Co.; 1856- 1910; see Vol. 1906. *McCLUNEY, James, branch manager Li brary Bureau; moved to Chicago; see Vol. 1906. McCLUNEY, John Henry, president State National Bank; born, Wheeling, W. Va., Oct. 2, 1840; son of James and Isabella (Helm) McCluney; educated in St. Louis public schools and St. Louis High School; married, St. Louis, Nov. 4, 1874, Clara Esther Copp; children: Clara, Elizabeth Copp (Mrs. Allen W. Caldwell), John H., Jr., Samuel O, James, Mildred, Ethel (Mrs. Cyrus Loutrell), Daniel C. Began business career, Dee. 2, 1857, with State Savings Association, and since that in stitution was succeeded by the State National Bank has continued with the latter, of which was vice president until 1907; since presi dent. Republican; was member of the. Home Guards during the Civil War. Presbyterian. Clubs: St. Louis, Country, Noonday, Cuivre, Aero, Sunset Hill. Office: 4th and Locust Sts. Residence: 4427 Westminster PL McCLUNEY, John Henry, Jr., broker in commercial paper; born, St. Louis, Mar. 8, 1878; son of John Henry and Clara Esther (Copp) McCluney; educated at Smith Acad emy, 1890-97; Amherst College, 1897-99; mar ried, June 4, 1907, Margery Wessel, of Cin cinnati. Clerk in State National Bank of St. Louis, 1899-1900; with A. G. Edwards & Sons Brokerage Co., 1900-02; resident manager in firm of Benedict &' Copp, private bankers and note brokers, of New York and St. Louis, 1902-05; partner in firm of McCluney & Copp, note brokers and dealers in commercial paper, St. Louis and Chicago, January, 1906-January, 1907, since senior member McCluney & Co. Member Business Men's League. Republican. Was member of posse in street railway strike of 1900. Presbyterian. Clubs: St. Louis, St. Louis Country, Racquet, City. Recreation: golf. Office: 411 Olive St. Residence: 4421 McPherson Ave. McCLUNEY, Samuel Copp, commercial pa per; born, St. Louis, Aug. 29, 1879; son of John Henry and Clara (Copp) McCluney'; graduated from Smith Academy, St. Louis, 1898; A.B., Amherst College, Amherst, Mass., 1902; married, Katharine Robinson, of Co lumbus, O., May 17, 1905; two children: Kath arine and Samuel Copp., Jr. Member of firm of McCluney & Co., dealers in commercial pa per, with offices in Chicago and St. Louis, since 1902. Member Civic League. Republican. Presbyterian. Member Psi Upsilon college fraternity. Clubs: Noonday, Racquet, St. Louis Country. Recreations: golf and motor ing. Office: 411 Olive St. Residence: Hamp ton Park, Clayton, Mo. McCONKEY, James Gulliford, lawyer; born in Roanoke Co., Va., July 5, 1869; son of James G. and Elizabeth (Garwood) McCon- key; educated in public and graded schools of Roanoke Co., Va., 1875-89; Virginia Military Institute, Lexington, Va. (graduating C.E.), 1889-93; military instructor and commandant of cadets, Wentworth Military Academy, Lex ington, Mo., 1893-95; law student, University of Michigan, 1895-98, LL.B., 1898; married, Lexington, Mo., Oct. 5, 1903, Bell Gordon; three daughters: Mary Elizabeth, Mary Bell and Virginia Gordon. In practice of law for three years from admission to bar in 1898; secretary to Mayor Wells, of St. Louis, five years; associate city counselor, 1906-11; re sumed private practice. Democrat. Member St. Louis Bar Association. Member Grand Avenue Presbyterian Church. Club: Univer sity. Favorite recreation: golf. Office: 514 Rialto Bldg. Residence: 5591 Bartmer Ave. McCONKIN, William North, see Vol. 1906. McCONNELL, Guthrie; see Vol. 1906. McCORMICK, David, contractor; bom, Winchester, Va., Apr. 1, 1864; son of William A. and Charlotte (Foushee) McCormiek; edu cated at Winchester, Va., 1872-81; graduated Bryant and Stratton Business College, Balti more, 1884; unmarried. Civil engineer in Mexico, 1881-84; on New York Aqueduct, 380 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 1886; Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic Ry., 1886-87; superintendent water works, Hia watha, Kan., 1887; representative of A. J. McBean & Co., contractors, Kansas City, 1888, J. B. Smith & Co., contractors, Kansas City, 1889-90; representative the Barber Asphalt Paving Co., St. Louis, 1891-94; president the Parker-Washington Co., contractors, since 1896. Offices: Chicago, Kansas City, Okla homa City, Muskogee, Tulsa, San Antonio and 4500 Duncan Ave., St. Louis. Residence: 4500 Duncan Ave. McCREERY, Isaac Newton, wholesale lum ber; born, West Fairfield, Westmoreland Co., Pa., Mar. 18, 1846; son of Robert and Nancy (DuShane) McCreery; common school educa tion; married, Bloomington, 111., Apr. 16,1868, Jennie E. Hamill; five daughters: Gertrude, Edith (Mrs. S. D. McFarland, of Pasadena, Cal.), Lola (Mrs. R. D. Baldwin, of Oklahoma City), Jessie (Mrs. R. B. Oliver, of Cape Girardeau), Helen. Was manager retail lum ber yard for J. K. Tyler, Parsons, Kan., 1875- 78, and for his successor until 1881; engaged in lumber business with Lee Clark as partner under title of McCreery & Clark, 1881, and as McCreery Bros., 1887-90; maintained yard at Kansas City, Mo.; sold out at Parsons and Kansas City, 1890. In 1888 became inter ested with W. F. Creel in four retail yards un der title of McCreery-Creel Lumber Co., the partnership being dissolved 1889; engaged in retail lumber business at St. Louis, 1890- 1907; bought out J. R. Perkins' interest in the Bledsoe-Perkins Lumber Co., 1907, and incor porated under name of the Bledsoe-McCreery Lumber Co.; sold out to Bledsoe in 1908; in wholesale lumber business as the I. N. Mc Creery Lumber Co. since 1907; also director State Bank of Wellston, Eldorado Electric Light and Water Co., of Eldorado, Ark. En listed in U. S. Signal Corps, Indiana, Pa., Feb. 16, 1864; honorably mustered out at Washington, September, 1865. Republican. Congregationalist. Member Ransom Post, G. A. R. Recreations: motoring, bowling. Office: 611 Third National Bank Bldg. Residence: 5607 Clemens Ave. McCULLOCH, Richard, vice president and assistant general manager United Railways Co.; born in St. Louis Co., Mo., June 3, 1869; son of Robert and Emma (Paxton) McCul- loch; educated in public and high schools, St. Louis, Washington University, graduating, 1891, as engineer of mines (honorary A.M., 1905); married, Milwaukee, 1906, Mary Grace Beggs; two children: John, Robert. Chief en gineer National Railway Co. of St. Louis, 1893-99; engaged in construction of electric railways in France and Switzerland, 1899- 1901; assistant general manager Chicago City Railway Co., 1901-04; since June, 1904, assist ant general manager United Railways Co. of St. Louis, also vice president since 1907. Mem ber American Society of Civil Engineers, American Institute of Electrical Engineers, Engineers' Club of St. Louis, Society of -Colo nial Wars, Sons of Revolution, Society of the Cincinnati. Mason (Scottish Rite), Knight Templar, Shriner. Clubs: St. Louis, Racquet. Office: 3869 Park Ave. Residence: 4394 West minster PL McCULLOCH, Robert, president and gen eral manager United Railways Co. of St. Louis; born, Missouri, Sept. 15, 1841; son of Roderick Douglas MeCulloch, of Amherst Co., Va., and Elizabeth McClanahan (Nash) Me Culloch, of Roanoke, Va.; removed in in fancy, with parents, to Rockbridge Co., Va., where attended private schools and afterwards attended Virginia Military Institute, from which went to war, Apr. 19, 1861 (given di ploma of graduation after war closed) ; en tered Confederate service as drillmaster, then enlisted as private, promoted lieutenant, then adjutant, then captain Company B, Eighteenth Virginia Infantry, Garnett's Brigade, Pick ett's Division, Army of Northern Virginia; wounded at First Manassas, Second Manas sas, Seven Days' Fight Around Richmond, and twice at Gettysburg in Pickett's charge, July 3, 1863; accounted dead, prisoner, ex changed, surrendered, April, 1865; married in Rockbridge Co., Va., June 18, 1868, Emma Paxton; children: Richard, Roberta, Grace (Mrs. Thomas E. Powe). Came to St. Louis from Virginia, January, 1869; soon thereafter entering service of Bellefontaine Railway Co. in general utility work; continued in street railway work without a day of intermission from that time to present; has occupied every position and performed every duty connected with construction and operation of horse, ca ble and electric railways; was several years general manager Chicago City Railway Co., and in 1904 returned to St. Louis, becoming director, vice president and general manager United Railways Co. of St. Louis; remained so until 1907, when was elected president and general manager. Mason (32°), Knight Tem plar, Shriner (ex-Grand Commander of Mis souri). Democrat. Protestant. Clubs: St. Louis, Mercantile, Racquet, Bellerive Country. Office: Park and Vandeventer Aves. Resi dence: 4469 Westminster PL McDANIEL, Lawrence, lawyer; born, Sa vannah, Mo., Jan. 31, 1884; son of Gilbert (banker) and Sarah Jane (Hamm) McDaniel; educated, Savannah High School; University of Missouri; married Claire M. Webster, of Savannah, Aug. 30, 1906; two children: Gil bert Webster and Lydia Webster. Admitted to Missouri bar, 1905; practiced in office of Valle Reyburn, former appellate judge, 1905- 07, since alone. Director Royal Typewriter Co., Wrisberg Mining and Milling Co., Amer ican Seating Co., Bender Fish and Oyster Co., L. C. Smith & Bro. Typewriter Co. Member THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 381 St. Louis Bar Association. Democrat. Mem ber M. E. Church, South. Member Masonic Order, Legion of Honor. Recreations: cork- ball, bowling, billiards. Office: 520-523 New Bank of Commerce Bldg. Residence: 5340 Ridge Ave. McDARIS, Charles Marion, lumber; bora in Wright Co., Mo., Sept. 16, 1872; son of Robert H. and Martha N. (Claxton) McDaris; edu cated in public schools, Mountain Grove, Mo., and Drury College, Springfield, Mo.; married, Brinkley, Ark., June 3, 1896, Maude T. Good rich; children: Dean, Vivian. Began business career with the King-Ryder Lumber Co., Thom- asville, Indian Territory; was with Klondyke Lumber Co., Winthrop, Ark., and after that with the Bluff City Lumber Co., Pine Bluff, Ark., and Charles T. Abeles & Co., Little Rock, Ark.; came to St. Louis, 1900. Was with W. T. Ferguson Lumber Co., 1900-02; vice president and general manager of Fer- guson-McDaris Lumber Co., 1902-08, when he organized the Consolidated Saw Mills Co., of which became secretary and general manager; vice president Continental Lumber Co.; presi dent of Wyatt Lumber Co., Wyatt, La.; vice president and general manager A. J. Neimeyer Lumber Co., Little Rock, Ark.; manager Lit tle Rock, Maumelle & Western R. R.; secre tary Bryceland Lumber Co., of Bryceland, La. Mason, Knight Templar and Shriner; member Odd Fellows, Hoo Hoo. Club: Mer cantile. Recreation: baseball. Office: 1200- 1209 Wright Bldg. Residence: 6326 Waterman Avenue. McDERMOTT, John Francis, lawyer; born, St. Louis, Oct. 6, 1868; son of John Francis and Louise C. (Cortambert) McDermott; A.B., St. Louis University, 1887; LL.B., Washington University, 1890; married, St. Louis, Nov. 14, 1894, Mary Steber; children: Franklin, Ed gar, John F., Philip A. Admitted to bar, 1890, and since engaged in practice. Attorney for labor organizations for many years. Inter ested in real estate; developed Edgewood Park, Hanover Heights, and other properties; president Franklin Investment Co. Office: 515-516 Liggett Bldg. Residence: Clayton and Price Rds. McDONALD, Cornelius Martin, real estate; born, Port Jefferson, Long Island, N. Y.., May 1, 1875; son of John G. and Margaret (O'Callaghan) McDonald; removed with par ents to St. Louis, 1881; educated in paro chial schools and Jones Commercial College, St. Louis; married, St. Louis, July 11, 1906, Miss Stella C. Unland; children: J. Glennon and Lucille M. Began business career as office boy with the Griffin Real Estate Co., in 1889, becoming secretary in 1900. In 1908 bought out the firm and organized the C. M. McDon ald Real Estate Co., of which is president. Director Security Title Co.; treasurer St. Louis Real Estate Exchange. Member Civic League; secretary Irish-American Society, Irish-Amer ican Sons of Erin. Democrat. Catholic. Mem ber Knights of Columbus, Legion of Honor. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Columbus (secre tary). Favorite recreations: travel and base ball. Office: 1111 Chestnut St. Residence: 3519 University St. McDONALD, Edgar Baird, tobacco manu facturer; born in St. Charles Co., Mo., Aug. 4, 1861; son of Dr. Donald and Mary (Baird) McDonald; educated in public schools of St. Louis Co.; married, Nashville, Tenn., June 30, 1899, Mary Lou Banks; three children: Don ald, Edgar B., Jr., Banks. Began active ca reer in tobacco business with Evans Bros., 12th and Poplar Sts., 1882; became connected with Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co., 1884, and has ever since been identified with that com pany, of which has been vice president since December, 1911. Independent in politics. Presbyterian. Clubs: Mercantile, Racquet. Recreations: fishing and hunting. Office: 4241 Folsom Ave. Residence: 5082 Westminster PL *McDONALD, James Emmett, clergyman; removed from St. Louis; see Vol. 1906. McDONALD, Jesse, jurist; born in Wabash Co., Ind., Nov. 14, 1864; son of David W. and Sarah A. (Ramsey) McDonald; educated in Northern Indiana Normal School (now Val paraiso University), Valparaiso, Ind.; LL.B., Law Department of Washington University, 1890; married at Orange, N. J., Nov. 29, 1893, to Gertrude Dillon; children: John D., Ger trude. Admitted to bar in 1890; secretary of City Council, 1890; engaged in practice; as sistant circuit attorney of City of St. Louis, 1892-96; then in general practice until Jan. 1, 1903, when became judge of the Circuit Court of St. Louis, from which office he resigned January, 1908; since returned to general prac tice as member of firm of McDonald & Taylor. Member advisory board St. Louis University. Instructor in constitutional law, Law Depart ment, St. Louis University. Member Amer ican, Missouri State and St. Louis Bar asso ciations, National Geographic Society, Amer ican Economical Association, American Acad emy of Political and Social Science. Clubs: Racquet, Noonday. Recreation: hunting. Of fice: Third National Bank Bldg. Residence: 4542 Berlin Ave. MAC DONALD, Malcolm, president Mac Donald Manufacturing Co.; born, Detroit, Mich., Sept. 15, 1862; son of Christopher C. and Margaret (Gorrie) MacDonald; educated in Detroit public and high schools; married, Florence McGrath, of St. Louis, Nov. 25, 1897; one child, Lorna. Advertising manager and assistant general manager J. L. Hudson & Co., St. Louis, 1892-95; entered business on own account, 1895, as manufacturer of ladies' dresses, skirts and waists, and in 1898 incor porated the MacDonald Manufacturing Co., of 382 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS which has since been president and treasurer; also owner of the Barrie Co., mail order cata logue house. Club: St. Louis Amateur Ath letic Association. Recreations: golf and ten nis. Office: 612 N. 11th St. Residence: 4960 Park View PL McDONALD, Stewart, vice president Moon Motor Car Co.; born, Owatonna, Minn., Mar. 26, 1878; son of John J. and Elizabeth (Brown) McDonald; educated in public schools, Chicago, to 1889; then entered Cor nell University, graduating 1899; married, St. Louis, April 20, 1908, Grace Moon; one child, Carol. With Chicago & Northwestern Ry., Chicago, 1899-1904; connected with the In surance Agency Co., St. Louis, 1904-08; since vice president Moon Motor Car Co. Member Automobile Board of Trade, Licensed Associa tion of Automobile Manufacturers, National Association of Auto Manufacturers, Society of Automobile Engineers. During Spanish- Amer ican War was ensign in U. S. Navy, marine engineering service. Republican. Protestant. Mason (Blue Lodge). Recreations: hunting, fishing and baseball. Offiee: 4400 N. Main St. Residence: 5305 Delmar Ave. McDONALD, William Lee, vice president National Bank of Commerce; born, Washing ton, Mo., June 28, 1865; son of William P. and Sarah E. (King) McDonald; educated in public schools of Henry Co., Mo., and West minster College, Fulton, Mo.; married in Henry Co., Mo., Nov. 25, 1885, Creth E. Payne; two children: Lucile, James L. After leaving college was bookkeeper in a mill at Brownington, Mo., then clerk in general store; assessor, 1890-92, county collector, 1892-96, Henry Co.; receiver for Bank of Montrose, Missouri, 1898-1900; appointed bank examiner by Secretary of State Lessueur, 1900, re-ap pointed by Secretary of State Sam B. Cook, 1901; removed to St. Louis, January, 1902, and became connected with the Germania Trust Co. as vice president and treasurer, un til it was merged, January, 1904, into the Commonwealth Trust Co., of which was vice president until 1908; vice president National Bank of Commerce since 1908. Also director Grand Avenue Bank, Missouri State Life In surance Co., Southern Surety Co. Member Business Men's League. Democrat. Clubs: St. Louis, Racquet, Mercantile, Noonday, Glen Echo Country. Recreation: golf. Office: cor. Broadway and Olive St. Residence: 5093 Washington Ave. MCDONNELL, Edward O 'Meagher Condon, lime and cement; born, St. Louis, Oct. 23, 1876; son of Joseph and Catherine (Kerens) McDonnell; educated in public schools to 1892; attended Christian Brothers College un til 1894; married, Carlyle, 111., April 26, 1900, Anna R. Robinson; six children: Lester Vin cent, Edward Robinson, Gerald Joseph, Rus sell Adrian (died Dec. 10, 1906), Joseph Wil liam, Marion Francis. Began business career with father in plastering business, 1S95, be came partner, 1905, and continued until 1910; also engaged in general contracting and build ing business, 1907-10; since with the Inde pendent Lime and Cement Co., of which is secretary, treasurer and general manager. Member The American Wheel. Was member Co. I, National Guard of Missouri, 1895-98. Independent in politics. Catholic Member Knights of Columbus, Royal Arcanum. Rec reation: outdoor sports. Offiee: Vandeventer Ave. and Market St. Residence: 4560 Page Boulevard. McDONNELL, Joseph, contractor; born, Ballina, Ireland, July 3, 1850; son of Patrick and Ann (Kelly) McDonnell; educated in na tional schools of Ireland; married, 1S72, Cath erine Kerrens (died 1906); married, 2d, 1907, Catherine B. Knox; children: Patrick H., Ed ward, Catherine, Sarah, Mary, Thomas, Em mett. Came to Ameriea at age of seventeen; learned plasterer's trade; began with Joseph Doerr as plastering contractor, 1890, later with David Randford, until 1898; in partner ship with son, Edward, 1899-1909; since mem ber firm of McDonnell & Dunn. Vice presi dent Mullanphy Board, 1894-1900. Captain Company I, First Regiment, Missouri Volun teers, Spanish- American War. Catholic. Mem ber Knights of Columbus, Spanish War Vet erans. Office: 617 Wainwright Bldg. Resi dence: 5022 Devonshire Ave. McDOWALL, John L., real estate; born, Alton, 111., Nov. 17, 1865; son of John and Fannie (Shelly) MeDowall; educated in pub lic schools; married, Nashville, Cal., Jan. 11, 1904, Virginia Campbell Heald. Clerk with real estate firm of Rutledge & Horton, St. Louis, 1887-95; partner with Howard Gam brill in real estate firm of Gambrill & Me Dowall, 1895-1900; since in business alone; also vice president Lane Realty Co. Member St. Louis Real Estate Exchange. Presbyterian. Recreations: baseball, fishing. Office: 927 Chestnut St. Residence: 4162 Morgan St. McELROY, Warren Finlay, president Non- Royalty Shoe Co.; born in Ralls Co., Mo., June 14, 1865; son of J. A. B. and Cordelia Frances (Finlay) McElroy; reared on farm; educated in country school and Van Rensselaer Acad emy in North Missouri; married, St. Louis, Apr. 20, 1899, Estella G. Brown; children: Jane Blackburn, Warren Finlay, Ruth Eliza beth, David Brown. Went to work for Ham ilton-Brown Shoe Co., July, 1884, as time keeper and clerk; rose to assistant superin tendent, and in 1890 was sent out on the road as salesman, covering Georgia and Florida, until was made superintendent of the factory, 1891; elected director, 1898; vice president, 1901-11; president Non-Royalty Shoe Co. since June 1, 1912. Protestant. Democrat. Favorite recreations: shooting and traveling. Officer THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 383 22d and Pine Sts. Residence: 4933 Forest Park Boul. McELWEE, Lucien Claude, surgeon; born, Mt. Gilead, Ky., Mar. 26, 1862; son of John James and Laura (Goodman) McElwee; edu cated in public schools of Lincoln Co., Mo.; taught school in same county, 1878; read medi cine with father; M.D., Missouri Medical Col lege, 1882; M. D., ad eundem, Homoeopathic Medical College of Missouri, 1888; married, St. Louis, Nov. 18, 1891, Hallie Barnes; chil dren: Claude Webster, John James, Pinckney Glasgow. Engaged in general practice in St. Louis from 1888, making a specialty of sur gery since 1898. Professor of physiology, 1889, clinical medicine, 1890, physical diagnosis, 1893, materia medica, 1894, therapeutics and gynecology, 1897, and surgery since 1898, and dean, Homoeopathic Medical College of Mis souri. Former medical examiner National Life Insurance Co. Member American Insti tute of Homoeopathy, Missouri Institute of Homoeopathy, St. Louis Homoeopathic Medical Society (ex-president), Children's Hospital Alumni Society. Member Joint Medical Coun cil, St. Louis; member visiting staff Christian Hospital, attending staff Mothers ' and Ba bies ' Home; member Tuberculosis Sanatorium Commission. Democrat; served as second lieu tenant, Company E, National Guard of Mis souri (Rainwater Rifles). Recreation: motor boating. Office and Residence: 1221 N. Grand Avenue. McFARLAND, Bates Holland, lawyer; born, Brenham, Tex., Nov. 20, 1876; son of Bates and Betty Byrd (Holland) McFarland; edu cated in public schools, Rockport, Tex., to 1894; Agricultural and Mechanical College, Bryan, Tex., 1894-95; entered academic and law departments University of Texas, 1895, graduated, Litt.B., 1899, LL.B., 1901; mar ried, Jackson, Mo., June 12, 1907, Olga Evelyn Byrd (died 1908). Admitted to Texas bar and began practice in El Paso. 1901; member firm of McFarland & McFarland until 1907; removed to St. Louis and engaged in general law practice. Member St. Louis Bar Associa tion, Phi Delta Theta Fraternity. Democrat. Recreations: reading, outdoor life. Office: Bank of Commerce Bldg. Residence: Winder mere Hotel. McGEARY, Brian Gunning, secretary Regal Buggy Co.; born, Allegheny, Pa., Dec 28, 1878; son of Marshall H. and Ida (Riddle) McGeary; educated in public schools of Alle gheny, Pa., and St. Louis, arriving in this city from Allegheny, Pa., 1890; married, New York City, Dec. 5, 1905, Miss Maeme Durden; four children: Ruth Gunning, Judith Riddle, Marie Durden, Brian G., Jr. Began business career as messenger with Third National Bank, for one year; then with Rice, Stix & Co., dry goods, one year; with the Banner Buggy Co. three, years; member firm of McGeary Bros., brokers in stocks and bonds, 1904-07; since secretary Regal Buggy Co. Recreations: gar dening and raising chickens. Office: 1700 N. 11th St. Residence: Webster Groves, Mo. McGEARY, Lewis Irwin, stocks and bonds; born, Allegheny, Pa., July 2, 1880; son of Marshall H. and Ida (Riddle) McGeary; came to St. Louis Co. in infancy; educated in pub lic schools of Kirkwood, Mo., and St. Louis, and at Earlham College, Richmond, Ind.; mar ried, Kirkwood, Oct. 22, 1901, Mary Olive Hyatt; children: Lewis Irwin, Jr., Mary Ida. Began business career with the Twin Burner Vapor Stove Co., and afterwards with Ma jestic Manufacturing Co., stove manufactur ers; in brokerage business as member of Mc Geary Brothers, 1904-07; since member firm of Paul Brown & Co. Member Merchants ' Ex change, St. Louis and New York Stock ex changes. Member A. F. & A. M. Office: Pierce Bldg. Residence: 6903 Kingsbury Boul. McGEHEE, James Stewart, retired mer chant; born, Wilkinson Co., Miss., Mar. 9, 1860; son of John Burruss and Catherine Eliza (Stewart) McGehee; educated in Magruder Institute, Baton Rouge, La.; Episcopal High School, Alexandria, Va.; University of Vir ginia; married, in West Feliciana Parish, La., Dec. 5, 1882, Lise Courtney Johnson. Track walker and conductor on the West Feliciana R. R., 1881-86; general agent of same com pany at Woodville, Miss., 1886-88; came to St. Louis, 1891, secretary and treasurer of W. L. Green Commission Co., 1892-1903; president Burlington Elevator Co., grain elevator and warehouse, 1903-06. In 1906 retired from act ive business; director and stockholder W. L. Green Commission Co.; also has extensive farming interests in Wyoming, Missouri and Louisiana. Member Merchants' Exchange. Mason, Knight Templar. Universalist. Rec reations: hunting, fishing and reading. Resi dence: 4540 Westminster PL McGJNNIS, Burton, real estate; born, Ge neva, Henderson Co., Ky.,' Dec. 31, 1877; son of Strother and Annie (Sisson) McGinnis; completed eighth grade in St. Louis public schools; married, Virginia Louise Ferguson, of Columbia, Mo., Aug. 2, 1902. Clerked in coun try dry goods store 1894-96; office clerk and stenographer, 1896-1906; credit man for Swift & Co. six months and head of city depart ment R. G. Dun & Co. 's local branch one year; entered real estate business July 1, 1907, and since Apr. 1, 1911, senior member real estate firm of McGinnis Bros.; also di rector and secretary Economy Building and Loan Association. Vice president Missouri State League of Building and Loan Associa tions; member St. Louis Real Estate Ex change. Protestant. Recreations: baseball and billiards. Office: 200 Title Guaranty Bldg. Residence: 5974 Minerva Ave. 384 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS *McGRATH, Dennis, transfer business; moved to Kansas City, Mo.; see Vol. 1906. McGRATH, Edward C, assistant secretary John O'Brien Boiler Works Co..; born, St. Louis, July 12, 1863; son of James and Mary (Hughes) McGrath; educated in public and parochial schools of St. Louis; married, St. Louis, June 20, 1894, Jennie Byrnes; children: Patricia, Edward, Jane Isabelle, Josephine. Began business career with Waterman Bros. & Co., iron and steel, and afterwards was with the Samuel Cupples Woodenware Co., until Jan. 1, 1887, when became connected with Rosenheim, Levis & Co., wholesale millinery continuing with this firm and its successor un til organization, 1903, of the Richard Hanlon Millinery Co., wholesale millinery, of which was secretary and treasurer; now assistant secretary John O'Brien Boiler Works Co. Democrat. Catholic. Member Knights of Co lumbus. Office: 1601 N. 11th St. Residence: 1430 Granville PL McGREW, George S., manufacturing sta tioner; 1851-1912; see Vol. 1906. *McHOSE, Charles W.; moved to New York; see Vol. 1906. McINTIRE, Edwin B., president and treas urer Charles A. Drach Electrotype Co.; born, Barry, 111., July 18, 1868; son of Mathew W. and Mahala (Askew) Mclntire; educated in public and high schools of Barry; Gem City Business College, Quincy, 111.; married Carrie T., youngest daughter of Charles A. Drach, of St. Louis, Dec. 27, 1900; two children: Charles Edwin and Dorothy Rose. Began as shipping clerk in employ of the Dickason-Haas-Odi- orne Shoe Co., in 1886; traveling salesman for the company, 1889-92; traveling salesman Barton Bros., of Kansas City, 1892-96, and of George F. Dittman Shoe Co., of St. Louis (now Dittman Shoe Co.), 1896-98; western representative for J. S. Nelson & Sons Shoe Co., of North Grafton, Mass., 1898-1906; pres ident and treasurer Charles A. Drach Electro type Co. since 1906. Democrat. Baptist. Ma son (32°), Shriner; member United Commer cial Travelers of America. Clubs: Union (St. Louis), Dixon Hunting and Fishing (Dixon, Mo.). Recreations: hunting and fishing. Of fice: 325 Locust St. Residence: 3805 Cleveland Avenue. McINTYRE, Harry Herbert, auditor pas senger receipts, Missouri Pacific Ry.; born, Chester, Windsor Co., Vt., May 24, 1866; son of Willard Martin and Annette Elmira (Ord- way) Mclntyre; educated in district and graded schools of Chester, Vt.; married, Chi- copee, Mass., Dec. 3, 1890, Margaret Annie Smith; one daughter, Margaret Thompson Mc lntyre. Was page in legislature of Vermont when ten years of age (session of 1876) ; ran newspaper route, while attending school, for several years prior to 1882; then in postoffice and jewelry store at Chester, Vt., while con tinuing school work; began study of law but did not like it; entered office of Connecticut River R. R. at Springfield, Mass., May 12, 1885, as minor clerk; resigned as chief clerk of passenger accounts to accept position in office of Missouri Pacific Ry. Co., Mar. 20, 1889; promoted until appointed to present po sition of auditor of passenger receipts, same road, Apr. 25, 1900. Republican. Episcopalian. Member Royal Arcanum. Clubs: Church, St. Louis Railway. Office: Missouri Pacific Ry. Residence: 5936 Julian Ave. McINTYRE, Joseph Shelby, lawyer; born, Mexico, Mo., Apr. 4, 1871; son of Thomas A. and Helen (Sayers) Mclntyre; graduated from Mexico High School, 1892; P.B. and L.B., Missouri State University, 1897; LL.B., Law Department of same, 1899; married, St. Louis, Feb. 3, 1908, Ida, daughter of H. F. Langen berg. Taught school fall of 1892 and spring of 1893; taught in university while student, then located in practice of law at Mexico, Mo., June 30, 1899, and on July 3, 1899, was appointed assistant prosecuting attorney. Came to St. Louis Oct. 13, 1900, and entered general practice of law, making a specialty of corporation law; since January, 1910, member firm of Wilfley, Wilfley, Mclntyre & Nardin. Member St. Louis and Missouri State Bar as sociations, St. Louis Law Library Association, Blackstone Society. Edited Independent (col lege publication) 1896-97. Democrat. Mem ber Pilgrim Congregational Church. Mason (32°); chairman appeals and grievance com mittee Grand Lodge of state of Missouri. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Bellerive Country, City, Masonic. Recreation: golf. Office: 705 Olive St. Residence: 5244 Washington Ave. MACKAY, George Castleman, lawyer; born, St. Louis, Dec. 18, 1881; son of Andrew, Jr., and Helen (Dewey) Mackay; LL.B., Harvard University, 1904; married, Rock Island, 111., Feb. 21, 1911, Suzanne Benton, daughter of Hon. Ben T. Cable; one daughter, Suzanne Cable Mackay. In practice since 1905; mem ber firm of Mackay & Mackay (father and son). Member St. Louis Bar Association, Mis souri Bar Association, Harvard Law School Association, St. Louis Law Library Associa tion, National Geographic Society, Civic League. Episcopalian. Clubs: St. Louis, Con temporary, Harvard, Amateur Athletic Asso ciation, City. Recreations: travel, music, ten nis. Office: Security Bldg. Residence: 3802 Westminster PL *McKAY, Robert J., railway official; moved to Chicago; see Vol. 1906. McKEAN, Joseph Coulter; see Vol. 1906. McKEE, Charles Henry, vice president of the Globe-Democrat; born, St. Louis, July 5, 1852; son of Henry and Matilda Jane (Hill) McKee; educated in St. Louis public schools; married, Bethel, N. Y., Dec. 14, 1892, Carrie M. Pinney. First position was assistant coal THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 385 oil inspector, 1871-72, for his father, who was appointed by Gov. B. Gratz Brown; clerked and kept books for Globe-Democrat until 1891; was then made assistant secretary, and in 1897 was elected vice president, which posi tion now holds. Republican. Presbyterian. Club: City. Recreations: hunting, fishing and boating. Offiee: Globe-Democrat, 6th and Pine Sts. Residence: 5116 Cabanne Ave. McKEE, Flavius Arminius, retired; born, Edwardsville, 111., Dec. 12, 1848; son of James B. and Helen Frances (Otwell) McKee; edu cated in country school, Edwardsville High School and at Lincoln (111.) University, 1868- 69; married, St. Louis, May 22, 1877, Matilda Hartnagel; children, Ralph Edwin, Mrs. Leo- na May McKee Monteith (Kansas City, Mo.), Harold LeRoy, Flavius Royden. Was engaged in farming five years in Illinois; with St. Louis Stamping Co., 1879-92, when the McKee, Hartnagel Real Estate Co. was organized, of which was president until 1907, since retired. Member Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Residence: 1823 Bacon St. McKEEN, Benjamin, railway official; born, Terre Haute, Ind., Jan. 23, 1864; son of Wil liam Riley and Ann (Forbes) McKeen; gradu ated from Rose Polytechnic Institute, Terre Haute, as Mechanical Engineer, 1885; mar ried, Terre Haute, Ind., Oct. 20, 1891, Anna Massey Strong; one daughter, Mary Joseph ine. Entered service of Terre Haute & In dianapolis Railroad Co. (now Vandalia R. R.), Sept. 25, 1885, as draftsman in the office of the superintendent of motive power and ma chinery at Terre Haute; later was rodman on engineering corps, same company, and in April, 1886, was appointed resident engineer on work of cutting down the Rockville grade on the Logansport division; appointed, Jan. 1, 1887, engineer of maintenance of way, Lo gansport division, Jan. 5, 1894, superintendent of Peoria division, and of St. Louis division, same road, Jan. 10, 1901; appointed, Apr. 1, 1902, superintendent Chicago Terminal divi sion of Pennsylvania Lines west of Pitts burgh, with office at Chicago; appointed, Dec. 15, 1903, to present position as general man ager of the Vandalia R. R., with office at St. Louis. Director Merchants-Laclede National Bank, Louisiana Purchase Exposition Co.; vice president Missouri & Illinois Bridge & Belt Ry. Member American Society of Civil Engineers, Business Men's League of St. Louis. Republican. Congregationalist. Clubs: St. Louis Engineers', Commercial, St. Louis, Round Table, Noonday, St. Louis Country. Recreations: golf, hunting and fishing. Office: 806 Century Bldg. Residence: 4376 Westmin ster PL McKEEN, Milton M., produce merchant; born, New Hudson, Allegheny Co., N. Y., Sept. 30, 1834; son of Solomon and Susanna (Os good) McKeen; educated in public schools and Rushford Academy, Allegheny Co., N. Y.; married, Lanark, Carroll Co., 111., July 16, 1866, Emily Hayes; children: Charles S., Emma Stuart. Served three years in Civil War as regimental quartermaster sergeant of the Sec ond Colorado Cavalry. Since February, 1871, engaged in wholesale trade in butter, cheese, eggs and country produce (partner now be ing Charles S. McKeen) in firm of M. M. Mc Keen & Co. Democrat. Offiee: 6-8 N. 2d St. Residence: 3749 Delmar Ave. McKEIGHAN, John E., lawyer; 1841-1908; see Vol. 1906. McKELLEGET, Thomas P., contractor; born, Washington, D. O, Mar. 29, 1838; son of James and Harriet (Tracy) McKelleget; edu cated in public schools of Washington, D. C; married, St. Louis, 1864, Anne T. Amelia; five children: Laura, Thomas Francis, Charles Ed ward, George Tracy, Pearl. Worked in print ing offiee of Congressional Globe, Washington, D. O, three years, then learned plasterer's trade; removed to St. Louis, 1858. Member Missouri State Militia at outbreak of Civil War and was captured at Camp Jackson in 1862; served as mechanic in quartermaster's department of the Union Army at Camp Ben ton, Mo., Columbus, Ky., and Huntsville, Ala.; returned to St. Louis, 1865, and engaged as contracting plasterer. Director Builders' Ex change (president, 1890-91). Democrat. Cath olic. Member Knights of Father Mathew, Le gion of Honor, Catholic Knights of America. Recreations: baseball and theatre. Office: 202 N. 9th St. Residence: 1711 Grand Ave. McKELVEY, James N., commissioner of public buildings; born, Durham, County Gray, Canada, Oct. 4, 1864; son of Robert B. (died May 25, 1912) and Jane (Grey) McKelvey; educated, in public schools of Canada; mar ried, Kate Ambruster, of St. Louis, Aug. 15, 1893; three children: Grace H., James G., Maude M. Came to the United States at age of seventeen; began active career with the Chapline Construction Co. and became fore man of the company, a position he held for ten years; organized, in 1892, the McKelvey Construction Co. (a corporation), of which was president until May, 1911, when was ap pointed commissioner of public buildings; has since devoted entire time to duties of the office, having relinquished active management of the construction company. Republican; member Republican City Committee, repre senting Twenty-third Ward. President Tower Grove Citizens' Association four years; mem ber Million Population Club. Presbyterian. Mason (32°), Shriner; member Odd Fellows, Knights of Maccabees. Clubs: Western Row ing, Oasis. Recreations: fishing and motoring. Officer 310 City Hall. Residence: 4119 Wash ington Boul. McKENNA, John Francis, wool and furs; born, St. Louis, July 16, 1857; son of John 386 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS and Ann (Quinn) McKenna; educated in St. Louis public schools, graduating from high school, 1874; unmarried. .Began in wool and fur business in 1875, andin 1888, with two brothers, established present firm of McKenna Brothers; one brother died in 1895, and the other withdrew in 1903, to remove from the city; since has conducted the business under same firm name. Writer on subjects connect ed with wool trade; furnished Associated Press reports and quotations on wool for many years for St. Louis market. Democrat. Catholic. One of the original members and officers of Choral Symphony Society founded by Joseph Otten. Recreation: traveling. Of fice: 222-224 N. 1st (Main) St. Residence: American Hotel. McKENZIE, Benjamin; see Vol. 1906. MACKENZIE, William Alexander, physi cian, secretary and treasurer Lloyd Chemical Corporation; born, Chester, 111., Nov. 22, 1877; son of William Robert and Eleanor M. (Gor don) Mackenzie; educated at Monmouth Col lege, 111.; University of Pennsylvania; M.D., Marion-Sims-Beaumont College of Medicine (St. Louis University), 1903; special course in diseases of the chest and physical diag nosis, St. Louis City Hospital; married, Leb anon, HI., Dec. 22, 1903, Carrie Virginia Nichols. Began as general practitioner; as sistant to Dr. W. Porter two years; former physician in charge of Mt. St. Rose Hospital; lecturer in Medical Department, St. Louis University, 1903-04; since 1910 secretary and treasurer Lloyd Chemical Corporation, manu facturers of chemicals. Progressive in poli tics. Mason; member Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias, Modern Woodmen, Eagles. Club: Missouri Athletic. Office: 542 De Baliviere Ave. Residence: 5621 Minerva Ave. McKINLAY, John Fisher, mining machin ery; born, Glenham, Dutchess Co., N. Y., Dec. 24, 1842; son of Peter and Mary Louise (Sco field) McKinlay; educated in public schools in Glenham and Wappingers Falls, N. Y.; Dutchess Academy, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., 1856; private school, 1856-58; Williston Seminary, East Hampton, Mass., 1858-60; married, Chi cago, June 26, 1872, Caroline R. True; chil dren: Alice, Mary Louise, Howard True, Ar thur Ralph, Albert William True. Began busi ness career in office of Garner & Co., cotton mills, Wappingers Falls, until 1865, went west and engaged in insurance and banking until 1877; engaged in farming, 1877-80. Since 1880 in mining machinery business in St. Louis; represented the Jeffrey Manufacturing Co., of Columbus, O., until 1907 and still rep resenting the Norwalk Air Compressors of Norwalk, Conn., also H. W. Caldwell & Sons Co., of Chicago. Republican. Presbyterian. Mason (with Chapter and Templar degrees) ; Odd Fellow. Office: 913 Security Bldg. Resi dence: 1376 Blackstone Ave. McKINLEY, Crittenden, vice president and manager Tyler Estate; born, Frankfort, Ky., Aug. 18, 1854; son of Andrew and Mary (Wil cox) McKinley; educated in private schools and Wyman 's School, St. Louis, Washington University and Princeton University; mar ried, St.. Louis, Apr. 19, 1892, Lucy Bent; one son, Silas Bent McKinley. In auditing de partment of St. Louis & South Eastern Ry., 1877-80, until road was consolidated with Louisville & Nashville R. R.; in charge of St. Louis office of Carbondale Coal and Coke Co., 1880-83; then in coal business alone on own account and later bought an interest in the Western Anthracite Coal Co., of which was president for fourteen years; vice president and general manager Bessemer Washed Coal Co., 1902-06; vice president and manager Ty ler Estate since 1904. Member Civie League. Member Princeton Alumni Association. Epis copalian. Club: Bellerive. Recreations: horse back riding and golf. Offiee: Granite Bldg. Residence: 3817 Washington Ave. *McKINNEY, John Edward, vice president General Baking Co.; moved to New York; see Vol. 1906. McKITTRICK, Hugh, dry goods merchant; born, St. Louis, Aug. 16, 1868; son of Hugh and Mary Weber (Cutter) McKittrick; grad uated from Smith Academy, 1884; Ph.B., Washington University, 1888; married, St. Louis, May 9, 1895, Grace Kennett; children: William Kennett, Mary, John. Upon gradua tion in 1888, entered the Hargadine-McKit trick Dry Goods Co., of which is vice presi dent. Also director of the Mechanics-Amer ican National Bank; treasurer St. Louis Mer cantile Library. Member Business Men.'s League, Civie League. Republican. Unitarian. Clubs: Noonday, St. Louis Country, Round Table, Racquet, St. Louis Railway, The Traf fic, Aero (St. Louis), University, Merchants' (New York). Office: Hargadine-McKittrick Dry Goods Co. Residence: 4943 Berlin Ave. McKITTRICK, Thomas Harrington, presi dent of Hargadine-McKittrick Dry Goods Co.; born, St. Louis, Apr. 17, 1864; son of Hugh and Mary W. (Cutter) McKittrick; A.B., Washington University, 1883; married, St. Louis, May 9, 1888, Hildegarde Sterling; chil dren: Thomas H., Jr., Margaret, Sterling. On leaving school entered employ of Hargadine, McKittrick & Co., 1883 (business founded, 1835, as Crow & Tevis, and was successively Crow, McCreery & Co., Crow, Hargadine & Co., and Hargadine, McKittrick & Co.) ; con tinued in various capacities with that house and its successor, incorporated 1889, as the Hargadine-McKittrick Dry Goods Co., and be came president of company in 1895. Director National Bank of Commerce, St. Louis Union Trust Co., Broadway Savings Trust Co., Amer ican Central Insurance Co. Unitarian. Clubs: Noonday, St. Louis, University, St. Louis THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 387 Country, Florissant Valley (St. Louis), Uni versity, Merchants' (New York). Office: 911- 919 Washington Ave. Residence: 4949 Berlin Avenue. McKITTRICK, Walter; born, St. Louis, Mar. 19, 1873; son of Hugh and Mary W. (Cutter) McKittrick; educated in Smith Acad emy, 1891; A.B., Harvard University, 1896; married, St. Louis, Jan. 24, 1912, Marjory Hol land. In 1896 entered the employ of the Har gadine-McKittrick Dry Goods Co., advancing through various positions to present office of third vice president; manager of credit de partment of company; also director Mercan tile Trust Co. Clubs: St. Louis Country, Rac quet, Noonday. Recreation: golf. Office: 911- 919 Washington Ave. Residence: 525 Clara Avenue. McKITTRICK, William James, clergyman; born, Greenport, N Y., May 13, 1854; son of William and Isabella (Wasson) McKittrick; educated in public school and academy, Hud son, N. Y., Princeton University, and Union Theological Seminary, New York (D.D., West minster College, Fulton, Mo., 1903; LL.D., Missouri Valley College, 1909) ; married, Flor ida, N. Y., Oct. 3, 1889, Julia Humphrey Sew ard; one son, Seward McKittrick. Ordained to Presbyterian ministry, 1880. Pastorates: Hope Chapel, New York City; Presbyterian Church, Florida, N. Y.; Presbyterian Church, Batavia, N. Y.; Calvary Presbyterian Church, Buffalo, N. Y.; since 1899, First Presbyterian Church, St. Louis. Trustee Westminster Col lege, Missouri, Lindenwood College, Missouri. Vice president Religious Education Associa tion. Address: 4256 Westminster PL McLACHLIN, John Cyrus; see Vol. 1906. McLAIN, John T., commission merchant; born, Carlyle, 111., Mar. 31, 1854; son of Jo seph and Margaret (O'Connell) McLain; edu cated in public schools of Carlyle; married, St. Louis, April,. 1880, Florence O. Meyers; children: Merle (Mrs. J. D. Schierbaun), John T., Jr. (deceased). Began business life as driver, salesman and cashier for James A. Smith & Son, for three years; was in train service and assistant general baggage mas ter for Ohio & Mississippi Ry., fifteen years; during part of same period was also in com mission business, established, 1884; incorpo rated business, 1900, and since president of McLain-Alcorn Commission Co. Mason (32°), member Royal Arcanum. Clubs: Missouri Ath letic, Rotary. Office: 705 N. 3d St. Residence: 4490 Forest Park Boul. McLEAN, John J., life insurance; see Vol. 1906. McLEAN, Thomas Martin, carriage manu facturer; 1847-1910; see Vol. 1906. McLEOD, Nelson Wesley, lumberman and banker; born, Calais, Me., Apr. 28, 1860; son of Robert and Sarah (James) McLeod; edu cated in public schools; married, Cobden, 111., Oct. 22, 1884, Alice G. Albon; children: Eloise, Gertrude A. and Jean. Began business career as telegraph operator, 1874; train dispatcher, 1877; railroad station agent, 1879-84; con ducted retail lumber yard, 1885-87; lumber manufacturer since 1887; vice president of the Grayson-McLeod Lumber Co., which was the St. Louis Refrigerator and Wooden Gutter Co. from 1873, until changing to the present name in 1898, and is now exclusively engaged in the manufacture of pine lumber at wholesale. President German Savings Institution; di rector of the Mississippi Valley Trust Co., Frost-Johnson Lumber Co., National Lumber Manufacturers' Association and Southern Lumber Manufacturers ' Association. Demo crat. Presbyterian. Mason (32°). Clubs: Mer cantile, Glen Echo, Bellerive Country, Rac quet. Recreation: golf. Offiee: German Sav ings Institution Bank, 4th and Pine Sts. Residence: 15 Kingsbury PL McLURE, Charles Derickson, mining man, retired; born, Carrollton, Mo., Feb. 22, 1844; son of William R. and Margaret A. E. (Par kinson) McLure; educated in public schools of St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Nov. 10, 1885, Clara Edgar; eight children: Park, T. B. Edgar, William R., Mary Ann Edgar, Clara Edgar, Charlotte, Charles D. Began active ca reer freighting between Missouri River and Denver, 1860; in charge of herd of 450 cattle, from Denver to Virginia City, Nev., 1863; en gaged in freighting between Salt Lake City and points in Montana, 1864, and later be tween Ft. Benton and mining camps; mined in Confederate Gulch, 1865-66, and located the Western Extension of the Whitlatch Union, at Unionville, Mont.; took charge of Centennial Mills at Butte, Mont., 1873, and later of mills of the Hope Co., at Philipsburg, Mont. Dis covered Granite Mountain Lode Claim 1879, and organized the Granite Mountain Mining Co., one of the most noted silver mining com panies of the world. Purchased the James G. Blaine Lode, 1882, which formed basis of the Bi-Metallic Mining Co.; director Granite-Bi- Metallie Consolidated Mining Co.; has been promoter of numerous corporations in St. Louis and the West. Episcopalian. Clubs: University, Country. Offiee: 822, 319 N. 4th St. McMAHON, John F., contractor; born, St. Louis, Sept. 13, 1863; son of John and Brid get (Hogan) McMahon; educated Christian Brothers College; married, St. Louis, Feb. 12, 1890, Margaret E. Murphy; seven children: Joseph F., Bernard, Alphonse, Miriam, Girard, Katherine, Elizabeth. Began active career in real estate business, which he conducted alone, 1893-98; since engaged in construction of streets, sewers and public improvements. Dem ocrat. Catholic. Member Knights of Colum bus. Club:- City. Office: 801 Wainwright Bldg. Residence: 4544 Westminster PL 388 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS McMASTER, LeRoy, chemist; born, Mt. Pleasant, Md., Mar. 26, 1879; son of John Lincoln and Susan Catharine (Barrick) Mc- Master; Ph.B., Dickinson College, 1901, M.A., 1902; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University, 1906 (specialized in chemistry) ; married, Walkers- ville, Md., June 12, 1902, Anna B. Jones. In structor in chemistry, Dickinson College, Pennsylvania, 1901-04; fellow Johns Hopkins University, 1905-06; instructor and assistant professor chemistry, Washington University, since 1906. Member American Chemistry So ciety; fellow Johns Hopkins University. Mem ber Masonic Order, Royal Arcanum (Regent Cabanne Council No. 1204, 1912), Beta Theta Pi, Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi. Author of many articles on experimental chemical re search, published in American and foreign journals. Recreation: research work in chem istry. Address: Washington University. McMATH, Robert Emmett, civil engineer; born, Varick, Seneca Co., N. Y., Apr. 28, 1833; graduated Williams College, 1857; mar ried, Dec 29, 1859, Frances E. Brodie, De troit. Deputy county surveyor, St. Louis, 1860-62, U. S. Coast Survey, 1862-65; assistant engineer, U. S. A. rivers and harbors, Illinois, Arkansas and Mississippi rivers, 1866-80; with Mississippi River Commission, 1880-83; sewer commissioner, St. Louis, 1883-91; private practice, 1891-93; president Board of Public Improvements, St. Louis, 1893-1901; consult ing engineer, 1901-12. Offiee: 226 Title Guar anty Bldg. Residence: 512 Bompart Ave., Webster Groves, Mo. *McMEEKIN, James A.; moved to Chi cago; see Vol. 1906. McMENAMY, John, real estate and finan cial agent; born, Normandy, St. Louis Co., Mo., Oct. 28, 1858; son of Bernard and Mary A. (Bowles) McMenamy; educated in St. Louis University and St. Mary's (Kansas) College, returning to finish at St. Louis Uni versity, 1878; married, St. Louis, Nov. 3, 1886, Angela, daughter of late Hon. Joseph O'Neil; children: John Malcolm, Delphine. Began business in St. Louis as real estate and financial agent, 1879, incorporating, Jan. 26, 1903, as John McMenamy Investment and Real Estate Co., of which is president and treasurer. Treasurer Overland Real Estate Co.; director St. Louis Vitrified and Fire Brick Co., Ramsay Calendar and Printing Co. Member Universal Exposition Co., Real Estate Exchange. Catholic. Favorite recreations: horseback riding, bowling, hunting and fish ing. Office: 1308 N. Grand Ave. Residence: 5347 Cabanne Ave. McMILLAN, Cliff H., vice president Mer cantile Trust Co.; born, Bowling Green, Pike Co., Mo., Jan. 16, 1871; son of John T. and Nancy M. McMillan; educated in home schools; married, Feb. 15, 1904, Anne S. Sullivan. Came to St. Louis, 1891, entering employ of Anderson- Wade Realty Co., and continuing with that firm in various capacities until it was merged into Mercantile Trust Co. On or ganization, 1899, of latter company, was elected secretary and director, vice president since 1910. Officer and director of several real estate and investment corporations. Mem ber Business Men's League. Clubs: St. Louis, Noonday, Bellerive Country. Office: 8th and Locust Sts. Residence: 4626 Maryland Ave. McMILLAN, Neill Alexander, president St. Louis Union Trust Co.; born, Coosa Co., Ala.; son of Archibald A. and Scotta H. (McKenzie) McMillan; educated private schools and com mercial college; married, Dallas, Tex., Apr. 2, 1890, Mattie Caruth. Engaged in wholesale and retail grocery business, Waxahachie, Tex., 1880; organized private bank of Patrick Mc Millan & Co., Waxahachie, 1881; organized First National Bank of Waxahachie, 1882, and was its cashier until Dec. 31, 1886; one of organizers of National Exchange Bank, Dal las, Tex., January, 1887, and was cashier of same. Came to St. Louis in May, 1897; treas urer of Union Trust Co. of St. Louis, until its merger in April, 1902, into St. Louis Union Trust Co., of which was vice president until October, 1909, since president. Member Busi ness Men's League, Civic League. Democrat. Clubs: St. Louis, University, Bankers', Round Table, Noonday, St. Louis Country, Racquet., Bellerive. Recreations: golf, reading, motor ing. Office: 4th and Locust Sts. Residence: 5125 Lindell Boul. McMILLAN, Ross H., assistant cashier Mercantile National Bank; born, Maryville, Nodaway Co., Mo.,/ Jan. 20, 1879; son of Capt. Ira V. and Mattie L. (Hosmer) Mc Millan; educated in public and high schools at Maryville; married, Memphis, Tenn., Sept. 15, 1 904, Katherine, daughter of Gilbert D. Raine, editor and publisher of Memphis News-Scim itar; one daughter, Katherine. In employ of dry goods store at Maryville, Mo., 1895-98; enlisted in Company E, Fourth Missouri In fantry Volunteers, and served as quartermas ter-sergeant in Spanish-American War, until mustered out at Camp Wetherill, Greenville, S. C, Feb. 10, 1899; city salesman with Swof- ford Bros. Wholesale Dry Goods Co., Kansas City, Mo., 1899-1902; with Ferguson-McKin- ney Dry Goods Co. (wholesale) until Nov. 15, 1904; with the Mercantile Trust Co. (bond de partment), 1904-10; assistant cashier Mercan tile National Bank since 1910. Member Civic League. Was captain and commissary of Third Regiment, National Guard of Missouri, at Kansas City, 1902-03. Republican. Club: City. Office: 717 Locust St. Residence: 5897 Washington Ave. McMORROW, Peter J., secretary A. Geisel Manufacturing Co., sheet metal goods; born, St. Louis, Apr. 12, 1857; son of John and Margaret MeMorrow; educated in public and THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 38D parochial schools of St. Louis; married, St. Louis, 1882, Veronica Geisel; children: Albert, Leeola, Hazel. Began business career with Robert S. McCormick, grain merchant, as clerk, for fifteen years, then in business on own account as grain commission merchant for fifteen years; since 1901, secretary of the A. Geisel Manufacturing Co., manufacturers of steel enameled ware. Member Merchants' Exchange. Democrat. Catholic. Office: 221 S. 2d St. Residence: 2828 Eads Ave. *McMURRY, William Fletcher, clergyman; moved to Louisville, Ky.; see Vol. 1906. McNAIR, Charles Alfred, president St. Louist Blast Furnace Co.; 1831-1907; see Vol. 1906. McNAIR, Lilburn Gazzam, president Mc Nair & Harris Realty Co.; born, St. Louis, Feb. 7, 1856; son of Antoine de Reilhe and Cornelia (Tiffin) McNair; grandson of Alex ander McNair, last territorial governor and first governor of the state of Missouri; edu cated in St. Louis public schools; married, Belleville, 111., Jan. 23, 1893, Minerva Primm (now deceased); children: Jane, Cordelia Mar garet. Began business career with William Barr Dry Goods Co., then messenger for Kan sas Pacific Ry. Co.; treasurer for receiver of same, 1879; in stock brokerage business, 1879- 93; president of McNair & Harris Realty Co., and financial agent of the Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co.; also director in various financial and industrial corporations. Repub lican. Clubs: St. Louis Country, Noonday, Racquet (St. Louis), Country Club (Hartford, Conn.). Office: 8th and Locust Sts. Residence: Buckingham Hotel. McNICHOL, James Lee, traffic manager; born, St. Louis, Dec. 7, 1872; son of Daniel and Matilda (Griffith) McNichol; educated in public schools of St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Jan. 6, 1906, Minnette Wulze. In employ of transportation companies, 1888-99; with Amer ican Tobacco Co. and its successors since Feb ruary, 1899; division traffic manager, 1906-11; traffic manager Liggett-Myers Tobacco Co. since December, 1911. Democrat. Member Christian (Disciples) Church. Mason, Shriner (Moolah Temple). Office: 4241 Folsom Ave. Residence: 3937 W. Pine St. McNICHOLS, Henry J., furniture; born, St. Louis, Sept. 18, 1878; son of Henry and Mary (O'Neil) MeNichols; educated in St. Louis University, and St. Mary's College, St. Mary's, Kan., class of 1896; unmarried. Since leaving school has been continuously in the furniture business, starting in factory, and later succeeded to the business, established by father, May 5, 1865; in 1902 incorporated business as MeNichols Furniture Co., manu facturers and retailers of furniture, of which is president. Democrat. Roman Catholic. Mem ber Knights of Columbus, Marquette 606. Of fice: 1020-1024 Market St. Residence: 4724 Westminster PI. MACOY, Harold Chambers, secretary and treasurer Great Western Printing Co.; born, Des Moines, la., Apr. 18, 1887; son of Eugene H. and Theresa (Chambers) Macoy; educated in Chicago public schools to 1903; St. John's Military School, Delafield, Wis. (B. V. T. sec ond lieutenant), 1904-06; Brownsberger Busi ness College, Los Angeles, Cal., 1907; Winona Technical Institute, Indianapolis, 1907; mar ried, Covina, Los Angeles, Co., Cal., Oct. 4, 1911, Evelyn Fletcher. Began business career with National Printing and Engraving Co. at the plant of the company at Niles, Mich., and continued until 1907; assistant superin tendent National Printing and Engraving Co., New York, 1907-08; secretary and treasurer Great Western Printing Co., St. Louis, since 1908; retains an interest in the National Printing and Engraving Co., of which is sec ond vice president. Member Wisconsin Na tional Guard (second lieutenant), 1904-06. In dependent in politics. Episcopalian. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, St. Louis Athletic. Recrea tions: tennis and handball. Office: 7th and Elm Sts. Residence: 19 N. Taylor Ave. McPHEETERS, Samuel Brown, lawyer; bora, Bedford City, Va., Sept. 4, 1876; son of Alexander Miller and Sarah (Leftwich) Mc- Pheeters; educated public schools; McCabe's University School, Petersburg, Va.; LL.B., University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Va., 1900; unmarried. Began practice at St. Louis, 1900; member firm of McPheeters & Harris, October, 1900-April, 1905; has since practiced alone. Secretary Bar Association of St. Louis, 1907-10; secretary Reception Committee, Cen tennial Celebration Committee, October, 1909; secretary Board of Freeholders, St. Louis, 1909-January, 1911. Member Civie League, Beta Theta Psi college fraternity. Democrat. Presbyterian. Clubs: University, City. Rec reations: golf, horseback riding. Office: 902 Central National Bank Bldg. Residence: 3824 Delmar Boul. McPHEETERS, Thomas S., Jr., lawyer; born, St. Louis, Aug. 27, 1881; son of Thomas S. and Elizabeth (Polk) McPheeters; edu cated, Smith Academy, St. Louis; Lawrenee- ville School, Lawrenceville, N. J. ; A.B., Prince ton University, 1903; LL.B., Washington Uni versity Law School, 1905; married, Madeleine Taussig, of St. Louis, Sept. 1, 1910; one child, Thomas S., III. Admitted to Missouri bar, 1905; member firm of McPheeters & Burkham, 1905-09; practiced alone, 1909-11; with Benjamin A. Wood, under title of Mc Pheeters & Wood, since Apr. 1, 1911; presi dent Polk Estate Co.; director McPheeters Warehouse Co., Mack Motor Truck Co. Demo cratic primary nominee for legislature from Sixth District, 1908. Presbyterian. Member St. Louis Bar Association, Civic League, Pli 390 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS Delta Phi legal fraternity. Clubs: City, St. Louis Country, University (St. Louis), Cottage (Princeton University). Recreations: golf, sailing. Office: Rialto Bldg, Residence: 4931 McPherson Ave. McPHEETERS, Thomas Shanks, warehouse man; 1852-1909; see Vol. 1906. MACQUEARY, Thomas Howard, teacher of history, Soldan High School, author; born near Charlottesville, Va., May 27, 1861; son of Thomas H. and Sarah J. (Garland) Mac- queary; graduated Episcopal Theological Sem inary, Alexandria, Va., 1886; A.B., Univer sity of Minnesota, 1897, A.M., 1898; graduate student in history and economics, University of Chicago, summers 1897, 1899 and session 1900-01; married, Jan. 14, 1892, Emma Clark son, daughter of Hon. John T. Harris, of Har risonburg, Va.; children: Virginia H., Janet G. Deacon, 1885, priest, 1886, P. E. Church; pastor Fairmount, W. Va., and Canton, O., 1885-91; tried by ecclesiastical court at Cleve land, O., January, 1891, for denial of mira cles; suspended from P. E. ministry for six months; resigned, September, 1891, and en tered Universalist ministry, but finally re signed; engaged in sociological work; founded Unity House Social Settlement, Minneapolis, and taught in Morgan Hall Academy, Minne apolis, 1897-99; vice principal Northwestern Military Academy, Highland Park, 111., 1899- 1900; superintendent Parental School, Chicago, 1901-06; head department of history, Yeatman High School and Soldan High School, St. Louis, 1906-10. Author: The Evolution of Man and Christianity, 1889; Topics of the Times, 1891; also articles in magazines. Resi dence: 6108 McPherson Ave. McQUILLIN, Eugene, judge; bora in Lee Co., la., Dec. 14, 1860; son of B. and Hannah (Shane) McQuillin; educated in public and normal schools and private academies in Iowa; LL.B., Keokuk College of Law, 1883. Ad mitted, to bar, 1884, and engaged in practice of law. Elected circuit judge in 1908, for six years, ending 1915. Member St. Louis and Missouri Bar associations, St. Louis Law Li brary Association. Republican. Mason (33°). Author of following legal works: 2d edition of Murfree on Sheriffs and Ministerial Offi cers, 1890; Missouri Digest, 1891; Missouri Pleading and Practice (two volumes), 1892- 93; Municipal Code of St. Louis (annotated), 1901; Amended Charter of St. Louis (an notated), 1902; Treatise on the Law of Mu nicipal Ordnances, 1904; The Law of Instruc tions to Juries in Civil Cases, with approved forms, 1905; Missouri Civil Practice (two volumes), 1907; Code Pleading Forms, 1909; Municipal Corporations (six volumes), 1911, 12. Chambers: Court House. Residence: Ham ilton Hotel. McREE, William Griffith, retired capitalist; born in Planter 's House, St. Louis (first child born in that hotel), July 22, 1841; son of Col. Samuel (U. S. A.) and Mary (Urqu- hardt) Wheaton McRee; educated in private schools; married, St. Louis, Apr. 25, 1867, Rosalie G. Taylor; children: Mary (Mrs. How ard O 'Fallon), Rosalie (Mrs. T. J. Drew) William Griffith, Jr., James Fergus, Henry. Began active career in real estate business; was member John Flournoy & Co. and later was associated with Luther W. Conn under title of Conn & McRee; since 1887 has de voted attention to private affairs. Democrat. Member Society of the Cincinnati. Residence: 11 Hortense PL Summer Home: Biddeford Pool, Me. McTAGUE, James Hugh, caterer; born, Mor ris, 111., Jan. 25, 1858; son of Hugh and Rose (McCann) McTague; educated at Christian Brothers College, Prairie du Chien, Wis.; mar ried, Watertown, S. D., June 17, 1891, Cath erine B. Dunn; children: Florence, Pauline, Catherine, James D. Engaged in catering business in Omaha, 1884-96; located in St. Louis, 1896, and was originator of basement restaurants; general manager St. Louis Cater ing Co. (a consolidation of St. Louis restau rants) 1902-04; withdrew to devote attention to McTague 's Restaurant and later organized the Operating Co. for the Maryland Hotel — the only leading St. Louis hotel erected and oper ated without raising funds by selling stock. Now president Maryland Hotel Co., and The McTague Catering Co. Member Busi ness Men's League. Democrat. Catholic. Member B. P. O. Elks. Clubs: Norman die Golf, Algonquin, Triple A. Recrea tion: golf. Offices: Maryland Hotel and Cen tury Bldg. Residence: 5290 Westminster PL McVOY, James Alexander, secretary Cen tral States Life Insurance Co.; bom, Summer- field, Ala., July 21, 1875; son of Alexander D. and Anna Cannon (DuBose) McVoy; educated in public schools and Southern University; married, Jefferson City, Mo., June 19, 1906, Atwood Moss Robinson; children: Virginia, Alexander. Appointed clerk Missouri Insur ance Department, 1899; promoted to actuary; resigned, 1909; assistant secretary and ac tuary Central States Life Insurance Co., 1910- 11; secretary same since November, 1911, also director. Democrat. Methodist. Mason. Clubs: City, Masonic. Recreations: tennis, gardening, fishing. Office: 402 Central National Bank Bldg. Residence: 6048 McPherson Ave. McWILLIAMS, Charles Milton; see Vol. 1906. MAENDLEN, Eugene, leaf tobacco dealer; born, St. Louis, Oct. 27, 1868; son of William and Bertha Maendlen; educated in Toenfeldt 's Educational Institute; unmarried. On leaving school entered the leaf tobacco business (es tablished by his father, William Maendlen), in 1900; since the death of the founder, in THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 391 1898, firm known as The William Maendlen Leaf Tobacco Co., importers and dealers in Havana, Sumatra and seed leaf, of which has been proprietor since 1900. Office: 17 N. 3d St. Residence: 3412 Eads Ave. MAFFITT, Pierre Chouteau, president of Maffitt Realty and Investment Co.; born, St. Louis, Sept. 3, 1845; son of Dr. William and Julia (Chouteau) Maffitt; educated in Wash ington University; married, St. Louis, Aug. 15, 1868, to Miss Mary I. Skinker; children: "William, Thomas S., Julia C. From 1868 to a few years ago was actively engaged in vari ous industrial and financial enterprises, but has largely withdrawn from active business; now president of Maffitt Realty and Invest ment Co., comprising his private realty and financial interests. Formerly vice president of the Iron Mountain Co., and of the Chouteau- Harrison-Valle Iron Co. Clubs: St. Louis, Racquet, Noonday, St. Louis Country. Favor ite recreation: books. Office: Security Bldg. Residence: 4315 Westminster PL MAFFITT, Thomas Skinker, real estate; born, St. Louis, Mar. 6, 1876; son of Pierre Chouteau* and Mary I. (Skinker) Maffitt; graduated from Yale University, 1899; mar ried, St. Louis, 1902, Miss Sarah Pierce; chil dren: Thomas S., Jr., Edward P. Engaged in real estate and financial business in St. Louis since 1900. Director of the State National Bank; viee president Missouri Iron Co. Mem ber Business Men's League, Civic League. Clubs: St. Louis, St. Louis Country, Noonday, Racquet. Offiee: Security Bldg. Residence: 3715 Lindell Boul. MAFFITT, William, banker; bora, St. Louis, Aug. 15, 1869; son of Pierre Chouteau and Mary I. (Skinker) Maffitt; graduated Smith Academy, St. Louis, 1886; A.B., Yale Univer sity, 1893; married, St. Louis, Jan. 28, 1902, Ellen H. Walsh. Began business career with Missouri R. R. Co.; with Mercantile Trust Co., since Nov. 15, 1899, as assistant treas urer, later treasurer and since 1908 as viee president; also vice president Mercantile Na tional Bank. Member Civic League, Board of Public Library. Episcopalian. Clubs: St. Louis, Noonday, Country, Racquet (St. Louis), Graduates' (New Haven, Conn.), University (New York). Recreations: automobiling, ath letics. Office: 8th and Locust Sts. Residence: 4215 Lindell Boul. MAGILL, Edward Everett, merchant in woolens; born in McMinn Co., Tenn., Sept. 7, 1864; son of James H. and Sarah J. (Rankin) Magill; educated in high schools of McMinn Co., and Grant University, Athens, Tenn., quitting college, 1881, to enter railroad busi ness; married, Rome, Ga., Oct. 21, 1897, Caro line Clark. Was in railroad positions, 1881-86; in banking business at Athens, Tenn., 1886-89; at Rome, Ga., 1889-96; insurance business, St. Louis, 1897-99; since 1899 in wholesale woolen business, as president of the Ulman, Magill & , Jordan Woolen Co. ; also vice president Grand Avenue Bank of St. Louis. Presbyterian. Clubs: St. Louis, City, Normandie Country. Recreation: golf. Office: 914 Pine St. Resi dence: 30 Lenox PL MAGINN, James Patrick, lawyer; bora, Cincinnati, Aug. 1, 1851; son of John and Catherine (Gorman) Maginn; educated at St. Xavier's School, 1856-61, and College of St. Francis Xavier, 1861-68, Cincinnati, graduat ing A.B., 1868; LL.B., St. Louis Law School, 1877; married, St. Louis, Oct. 28, 1874, Cath erine A. McMenamy; children: Mary Brenda, Henry Bertram, Gertrude Florence, Edith. Clerk in wholesale clothing house of Edward Martin & Co., Cincinnati, 1868-71; removed to St. Louis, 1871, and was with wholesale cloth ing house of B. & J. F. Slevin & Co. until 1875; began study of law in office of Hon. William L. Scott; since May, 1877, engaged on own account in general practice of law. President and treasurer of Humboldt Realty Co., Slevin Realty Co., Maginn Investment Co. Member St. Louis Bar Association, St. Louis Law Library Association, St. Louis Law School Alumni. Member Knights of St. Pat rick. Democrat; member St. Louis Board of Public Schools for Twentieth Ward, 1879-82. Recreations: walking, rowing. Office: Times Bldg. Residence: 5588 Bartmer Ave. MAGNER, John F., editor; 1855-1907; see Vol. 1906. MAGOON, Ephraim, physician; born, Har mony, Me., Mar. 17, 1842; son of Joseph A. and Matilda (Watson) Magoon; educated in common schools; married, at Harmony, Oct. 24, 1863, Margaret Ellen Tenny; three chil dren living: Dr. Frank L., Charles E., Harry A. Enlisted in Union cause, Civil War, Sept. 29, 1862, and served until September, 1863; discharged on account of physical disability. Studied medicine in office of Charles A. Par sons, St. Albans, Me., and in Maine Medical School; practiced at Sebee, Me., 1865-69; then at Clarence, Mo., until 1893; removed to St. Louis, 1893. Republican. Member Methodist Church since 1856. Odd Fellow; member G. A. R. Office and Residence: 3837 Lee Ave. MAGOON, Frank L., physician; born in Sebec, Me., Nov. 3, 1867; son of Dr. E. and Margaret Ellen (Tenny) Magoon; graduated from high school, Clarence, Mo., 1884; M.D., St. Louis College of Physicians and Surgeons, 1892; post-graduate course in Missouri Med ical College (now Medical Department of Washington University), 1896; married, Clar ence, Mo., 1893, to Miss Kate Herron; chil dren: Fred Herron, Edith Louise. Engaged in general practice of medicine in St. Louis from 1892 to 1900, since which time practice limited to diseases of the eye. Member of Board of Education of St. Louis for term 1903-09. Member St. Louis Medical Society. 392 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS Methodist. Club: Masonic. Office: Metropoli tan Bldg. Residence: 4423 N. 21st St. MAGUIRE, James McManus, boys' cloth ing; 1854-1909; see Vol. 1906. MAGUIRE, Louis Thomas, manufacturer of glass; born, St. Louis, Nov. 9, 1863; son of John and Catherine (Hart) Maguire; edu cated in private school until fourteen years old, then at St. Louis University until eight een years old, followed by two years of pri vate studies; married, St. Louis, Oct. 5, 1893, Jane Elizabeth Franciseus; children: Fran ciseus Louis, Louis Thomas, Jr. At age of twenty entered manufacturing business as clerk, and in 1889 joined in organizing the Oriel Glass Co., manufacturers of bent glass exclusively, of which has since been president and manager. Republican. Catholic. Member Merchants' Exchange, Civic League, Legion of Honor. Favorite recreation: automobiling. Office: 722 Chestnut St. Residence: 1812 Longfellow Boul. *MAGUIRE, Robert Watson; moved to Se attle, Wash.; see Vol. 1906. MAGUOLO, Ferdinand D., president the Century Woodworking Manufacturing Co.; born, Venice, Italy, Feb. 2, 1862; son of Louis and Louisa (D'Epoli) Maguolo; educated in native country; married, Jan. 8, 1893, Fiorina Lashin, of Venice; five children: George, Nel lie, Amerigo, Louis, Ferdinand. Learned cab inet making in Venice; came to America, Oct. 9, 1888; founded the Venitian Woodworking Co.; 1898, at 1926 Washington Ave., and con ducted same until obliged to close up, on ac count of ill health, 1899; now president the Century Woodworking Manufacturing Co., in corporated, manufacturers of fine cabinet work, specializing in interior hardwood finish. Served in Italian Army. Catholic. Recreation: hunting. Office: 4215 N. Market St. Resi dence: 4217 N. Market St. *MAHER, John Nicholas; moved to Pacific Coast; see Vol. 1906. MAHLER, Louis Frank, consulting engi neer, and manufacturers' and financial agent; bora, Oshkosh, Wis., Sept. 19, 1876; son of A. H. and Mathilda (Dranger) Mahler; gradu ated King's Grammar School, Chicago, 1893; M.A., Armour Institute, Chicago, 1895; B.S. and E.E., Armour Institute Technology, 1899; married, St. Louis, Apr. 5, 1905, Jessie Jane Dobyne; three children: Margaret Ruth, Jane Dranger, Louis Frank, Jr. In June, 1899, ap pointed chief engineer for the construction of road and installation of light and power plant for the Waupaca (Wis.) Electric Light and Ry. Co.; appointed, December, 1899, sales and installation engineer for the De Laval Steam Turbine Co., of Stockholm, Sweden, and for two years had charge of business of the com pany in all of Europe, from London to Si beria, and from Scandinavia to Italy, with headquarters at St. Petersburg, Russia; trans ferred, 1902, to the American De Laval fac tory at Trenton, N. J.; appointed district manager for De Laval Steam Turbine Co. at Chicago; in July, 1903, appointed district manager at St. Louis for the Bullock Electric Manufacturing Co.; from February, 1904, to August, 1911, at head of L. F. Mahler Co., con tractors for complete electric, steam, gas, hy draulic, mill and mining power plants, and purveyors of electrical, mechanical, railway, mill and mining appliances, specialties and supplies; since 1911 with the Champion and Universal Shoe Machinery Co.; also president and treasurer Dobyne Realty and Investment Co. Presbyterian. Mason; member Tuscan Lodge, No. 360, A. F. & A. M.; St. Louis Chapter, No. 8, R. A. M.; Ascalon Command ery, No. 16, Knights Templar; Moolah Tem ple, A. A. O. N. M. S. Club: Masonic. Recrea tion: athletics. Office: 3727 Forest Park Boul. Residence: 6002 W. Cabanne PL MALLINCKRODT, Edward, manufacturer of chemicals; born, St. Louis, Jan. 21, 1845; son of Emil and Eleanore Didier (Luckie) Mallinckrodt; educated public and private schools in St. Louis, Webster College, and chemical education in Germany; married, St. Louis, June 7, 1876, Jennie, daughter of Charles R. Anderson; one son, Edward, Jr. Began business career in September, 1867, as member of the firm of G. Mallinckrodt & Co., manufacturers of chemicals, which was suc ceeded by the Mallinckrodt Chemical Works, incorporated, 1882, with works at St. Louis and Jersey City, N. J., of which has since been president. Organized, 1889, the National Ammonia Co., St. Louis, of which is president; also president National Ammonia Co. of Penn sylvania, with works in Philadelphia, Michi gan Ammonia Works, Detroit and Toronto, Ont., Pacific Ammonia and Chemical Co., Se attle, Wash., The Ammonia Co. of Australia, Sydney, N. S. W. Director St. Louis Union Trust Co. President Mercantile Library As sociation; director Washington University; member American Association for the Ad vancement of Science, American Pharmaceut ical Association, American Chemical Society, Society of Chemical Industries of Great Brit ain, Deutseher Chemiker Verein, of Berlin, Germany, St. Louis Academy of Science. Re publican. Clubs: Commercial, Round Table, St. Louis, University, Noonday, Country. Of fice: 3600 N. 2d St. Residence: 26 Vandeven ter PL MANCHESTER, John S., president and treasurer The Railway Supply Co.; born, St. Louis, Dec. 15, 1855; son of John and Mary (Vannata) Manchester; educated in St. Louis public schools; married, St. Louis, 1886, Annie Neff. Messenger boy with Western Union Telegraph Co., four years; with M. M. Buck & Co., railway supplies, 1871-93; since 1893 in THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 393 business for self as president of The Railway Supply Co., railway, foundry and machine supplies. Mason, Knight Templar; member of Moolah Temple, Mystic Shrine. Clubs: Mer cantile, Glen Echo, Liederkranz. Favorite recreations: fishing and hunting. Offiee: 514 N. 3d St. Residence: 5622 Cabanne Ave. MANEWAL, George, president Manewal Bread Co.; born near Darmstadt, Germany, Aug. 5, 1854; son of Jeremiah and Elizabeth (Kuehn) Manewal; came to America, 1859; educated in public and private schools, St. Louis, to 1868; married, St. Louis, Sept. 15, 1880, Amalia Claus; five children: Gustave, Elizabeth, Caroline (Mrs. George Will), Em ile F., Leslie. Began business career, 1873, and continuously engaged in bakery trade; organized the Manewal Co., September, 1906, at 107 S. 8th St., later moved to present quar ters. Republican. Lutheran. Recreations: driving and walking. Offiee: 2329 S. Broad way. Residence: 4174 Cleveland Ave. MANEWAL, Louis August, secretary Mane wal Bread Co.; born, St. Louis, July 7, 1866; son of August and Elvira (Kroeger) Manewal; educated in public schools of St. Louis; mar ried, St. Louis, 1888, Ella Vollmer; one son, Wilton Louis. After leaving school, in 1883, became connected with the Manewal-Lange Cracker Co., established in 1865 by father and Henry Lange; business was, in 1894, amalga mated with the National Biscuit Co., from which, in 1902, the two sons of original foun ders withdrew and organized the Manewal- Lange Biscuit Co.; was president of this com pany until 1908, when bought the Old Vienna Bakery and firm name was changed to the Manewal Bread Co., of which is secretary. Member Merchants' Exchange, Royal Ar canum. Republican. Club: Missouri Athletic. Recreations: bowling, walking and baseball. Office: Clark Ave. and 15th St. Residence: 4922 Wabada Ave. MANLEY, John David, president of imple ment and carriage company; born, St. Louis, June 1, 1859; son of William C. and Margaret (McVeigh) Manley; educated in public schools of Litchfield, 111.; married, Edwardsville, HI., September, 1884, Matilda Klugman; children: Caroline (Mrs. R. T. Watts, of Indianapolis), Agnes, Bernadotte (Mrs. Walter Mullen), John D., Jr., Helen. Boyhood spent at Litch field, 111.; returned to St. Louis in early sev enties and began business career with the Furst & Bradley Manufacturing Co., then be came shipping clerk, and afterward salesman on road for the Moline Plow Co., then with Kingman & Co., Peoria, HI., continuing until 1888, when, with Mr. Thompson, started in business for self as Manley & Thompson; later organized as the Manley & Thompson Implement Co., changing in 1902 to present style of John D. Manley Implement Co., farm implements, of which is president and treas urer. Also president of John D. Manley Car riage Co.; director Jackson Park Improvement Co. Member Farm Implement and Vehicle Board of Trade. Independent in polities. Catholic. Member Knights of Columbus, Le gion of Honor. Recreation: music. Office: 709 Cass Ave. Residence: 1639 S. Theresa Ave. *MANLEY, William Charles, vehicles; now living in Evansville, Ind.; see Vol. 1906. *MANN, Frederick Bayard, architect; moved to Illinois; see Vol. 1906. MANNING, Lewis Williams, builder; born, Ashby, Mass., Jan. 15, 1840; son of Asa and Adelaide (Williams) Manning; educated in public schools; married, East Haverhill, N. H., Dec 31, 1864, Louisa L. Ayer; children: Grace E., Lewis L. Served during Civil War for three years in Seventy-fourth Regiment, New York Volunteer Infantry, in Gen. Daniel E. Sickles' Brigade. Began business career after war as a carpenter and builder at Nash ville, Tenn., 1865-67; came to St. Louis, 1868, and established in same business, in which has ever since continued; in 1903 formed the present firm of L. W. Manning & Son, taking in his son, Lewis L. Manning. Presbyterian. Member Ransom Post, G. A. R., and of the Legion of Honor. Recreation: fishing. Office: 24 S. 11th St. Residence: 5152 Von Versen Avenue. , MANNY, Edmund A., architect; born, St. Louis, Dec. 19, 1863; son of Edmund A. and Mary (Goodyear) Manny; educated in St. Louis public and high schools, and finally at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Bos ton; married, St. Louis, 1895, Edith Scarritt; three children: Edmund S., Mary Sanford, Charlotte. Began business career with the Simmons Hardware Co. as boy, and afterwards was bookkeeper for Orr & Lindsley, whole sale shoe house, until age of twenty; traveled abroad, and began as architectural drafts man, 1885, and worked as such until 1890, meanwhile taking special course in architec ture at Massachusetts Institute of Technol ogy; returned to St. Louis, and was with Eames & Young, architects, 1890-91; went abroad and studied architecture, 1891-92; in practice for self since 1892. Presbyterian. In dependent in politics. ' Clubs: Missouri Ath letic, Glen Echo. Office: 906 Security Bldg. Residence: 5041 Westminster PL *MANSFIELD, Clifford Jones, lumber; moved to Warren, Ark.; see Vol. 1906. MANSUR, Charles Winthrop, secretary and manager John Deere Plow Co.; bora, Chilli cothe, Mo., Oct. 29, 1861; son of Charles H. and Demarious (Broshear) Mansur; educated in public schools and Quincy College; married, Coffeyville, Kan., Mar. 11, 1886, Frances Is- ham; one son, Charles I. Began business ca reer in employ of Deere, Mansur & Co., at Kansas City, Mo., 1881, and later was ship- 394 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS ping clerk, field expert and traveling sales man, and in 1891 came to St. Louis as sales manager for the Mansur & Tebbetts Imple ment Co., continuing until 1893, when was elected secretary; on sale of these interests to the John Deere Plow Co., assumed the man agement of the company, and on its incorpo ration, 1906, was elected secretary in connec tion with position as manager of the com pany, manufacturers and dealers in agricul tural implements and vehicles. Director Mer chants-Laclede National Bank, Frost-Johnson Lumber Co., St. Louis Deere Co., Moline, 111., John Deere Plow Co., Kansas City, John Deere Plow Co., Dallas, Tex. Director Citi zens' Industrial Association. Member Busi ness Men 's League, Civic Association, Mer chants ' Exchange, Manuf acturers ' Associa tion. Clubs: Mercantile (director), Glen Echo (first vice president), St. Louis, Sunset Hill Country, also Fort Smith (Ark.) Country. Recreations: fishing, golf and outdoor sports. Office: Broadway and Monroe St. Residence: 6227 McPherson Ave. MARDORF, William Charles, physician; born, St. Louis, Mar. 24, 1867; son of H. F. and Wilhelmine Mardorf ; educated in public and high schools of St. Louis; M.D., Medical Department of Washington University (for merly St. Louis Medical College), 1888; mar ried, June 8, 1907, Ella Spiegelhalter; two daughters: Elise, Marian. Since graduation in 1888, continuously engaged in general prac tice in St. Louis. Member American Medical Association, Missouri State Medical Associa tion, St. Louis Medical Society, Medical Soci ety of City Hospital Alumni, St. Louis Acad emy of Science. Mason; member Lodge No. 179, R. A. M., Chapter No. 8, Ivanhoe Com mandery, K. T., and Moolah Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S. Member Royal League. Club: Lieder kranz. Office and Residence: 2136 S. Grand Avenue. MARITZ, Edward Ferdinand, manufactur ing jeweler; born, New Orleans, Mar. 17, 1863; son of Edward and Celeste (Pogue) Maritz; educated in St. Louis public schools; married, St. Louis, Mar. 17, 1891, Fannie Gil- foy; children: Raymond E., James A. (now associated with father in business), Lloyd P. Began active career, 1878-80, as apprentice with L. Bauman Jewelry Co.; went to Cali fornia and finished learning his trade in jew elry and diamond setting, 1880-86; returned to St. Louis and entered the old firm of L. Bau man Jewelry Co., remaining for six months, and from 1887-88 was with Wild Bros., then went to Kansas City, Mo., and was manager for E. Jaccard Jewelry Co. until 1893; en gaged as diamond setter for the Edwards & Sloane Jewelry Co., Kansas City, 1893-96, when he returned to St. Louis; began business as a manufacturing jeweler in a small way at 617 Washington Ave., June 20, 1896; bought Wild Bros. ' manufacturing plant, Jan. 28, 1901; incorporated business, Feb. 1, 1905, under name of E. Maritz Jewelry Manufactur ing Co., of which is president, and moved, May 1, 1905, to present quarters, where com pany is engaged in manufacture of jewelry and diamond mountings, and also doing a dia mond brokerage business. Independent in politics. Christian Scientist. Member Knights of Pythias, Modem Woodmen, Independent Order of Foresters, St. Louis Turn Verein. Office: 217 N. 6th St. Residence: 3445 Mag nolia Ave. MARK, George William, president United States Assay and Refining Co.; born in St. Louis, Mar. 7, 1868; son of Emil and Ruth (Bobe) Mark; educated in public schools and Henderson Academy; took a special course in assaying and chemistry in private laboratory of Charles Luediking, Ph.D.; married, Dec. 2, 1896, Caroline Wetzel; children: Mildred O, Esther D. Appointed assayer in charge U. S. Assay Office, St. Louis, July 2, 1901, his com mission being one of the last, if not the last, signed by President McKinley; re-appointed by President Roosevelt Dec. 17, 1901, and again Nov. 28, 1905, remaining in office until June 30, 1911, when the U. S. Assay Office at St. Louis was discontinued. In October, 1911, incorporated the United States Assay and Re fining Co., of which is president. Member Washingon University Association. Club: City. Recreations: field sports and athletic games. Office: 321 Fullerton Bldg. Residence: 3858 Ashland Ave. MARKHAM, George D., general insurance agent; born, New Haven, Conn., July 25, 1859; son William H. and Margaret M. (Dickson) Markham; preparatory education at Kinne's School, Ithaca, N. Y. ; freshman and sopho more, Washington University, St. Louis, 1876- 78; at Harvard University, 1878-81, A.B., 1881; while in business took law course at Washington University Law School, LL.B., 1891; married, St. Louis, Feb. 5, 1902, Mary, daughter of Hugh McKittrick. In insurance business in St. Louis continuously since Au gust, 1881; fire insurance until 1900, when added all other departments; now head of in surance firm of W. H. Markham & Co., estab lished, 1873. Organized, 1902, Individual Fire Underwriters of St. Louis, which his firm still manages. Has been active in introducing im proved construction of buildings and in creased protective equipment; has also la bored to establish just and equitable rating arrangements, and has led two campaigns be fore Missouri legislature for more intelligent insurance laws. Has been president Missouri and National associations of local fire insur ance agents. Democrat. Member City Coun cil, 1901-05. Presbyterian. Member National and local academies of science, historical so cieties, National Geographic Society, etc. Was THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 395 chief of Bureau of Music, as well as director of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition; over seer of Harvard, 1907; president Civic League, 1910; chairman committee on charities, Busi ness Men 's League. President Associated Har vard Clubs. Clubs: Commercial (president), St. Louis Country (vice president), University (president), St. Louis, Noonday, Mercantile (St. Louis), Harvard (New York), University (Chicago). Office: 1226, 112 N. 4th St. Resi dence: 4961 Berlin Ave. MARKLE, Charles Noble, broker; see Vol. 1906. MARKMANN, Philip John, engineer; born in Grand Duchy of Baden, Germany, Feb. 3, 1857; son of George Adam and Katharina (Arnold) Markmann; educated in public schools, Grossachsen, to 1871, high school, Mannheim, Germany, graduating, 1876, and graduated from engineering school of Poly- technieum, Stuttgart, Germany, 1880; mar ried, Greenville, 111., 1891, Kate Merkel; chil dren: Carl Bennett, Lucy, Bertha. Came to United States, 1882; engaged in structural en gineering work at Chicago, 1882-85; Louis ville, Ky., 1885-90, Chicago, 1890-1901, St. Louis since 1901; was in charge of structural engineering and designing for the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Co.; office engineer of Sewer Department, St. Louis, since Aug. 22, 1910. Independent in politics. Protestant. Member Royal League. Club: St. Louis En gineers'. Office:' City Hall. Residence: 2154 Allen Ave. MARKS, David Anderson, president Conti nental Brick Co.; bom in Allegheny Co., Pa., Aug. 9, 1849; son of Samuel Breck and Eliza beth (Anderson) Marks; educated in public schools of Union Co., 111., until fourteen; mar- Tied, St. Louis, Jan. 12, 1887, Sarah W. Stobie; children: William Stobie, Mrs. Vida Anderson Gerhard, Mrs. Edna Frances Kempf. Began business career as a boy of fourteen; clerk in store at Cairo, 111., 1865-69; bookkeeper in St. Louis, 1869-73; in business in Columbia, 111., 1873-75; returned to St. Louis, 1875, and was employed with wholesale grocery firm two years; in 1877 founded the Stobie Cereal Mills, and was engaged in the manufacture of cereals from that date to January, 1905, when sold interests in that corporation. Since May, 1899, president and treasurer Continent al Brick Co.; formerly president Continental Portland Cement Co.; director American Ex change Bank, 1880-90. Republican. Member Legion of Honor (charter member of Benton Council). Clubs: Glen Echo, Duplex Hunting. Recreations: hunting and fishing. Office: 1112 Syndicate Trust Bldg. Residence: 5730 Cham berlain Ave. MARKS, Heine, Physician; born, Lake Providence, La., Dee. 6, 1859; son of Henry and Hannah (Bazinsky) Marks; educated in J. B. Stuart's Collegiate Institute, Memphis, Tenn., graduating, 1875; M.D., Cincinnati Col lege of Medicine and Surgery, 1878; married, St. Louis, 1882, Vivian Mildred Plougher. After graduation engaged in practice for a few months in 1878, but later same year came to St. Louis, where has since been engaged in general practice of his profession. Was pro fessor of anatomy in College for Medical Practitioners, 1882. Member St. Louis Med ical Society (ex-vice president), American Medical Association, Missouri State Medical Association, Tri-State Medical Society. For merly superintendent St. Louis City Hospital, and has served as member of managing board of the House of Refuge. Formerly member St. Louis City Council. Ex-president North St. Louis Gentlemen's Driving Club. Recreation: experiments in pure food products. Office: Marina Bldg., Grand Ave. and Lindell Boul. MARONEY, Andrew Charles, lawyer; bom, Decatur, 111., Sept. 23, 1862; son of John J. and Ellen (Godfrey) Maroney; educated in public schools of Decatur, 111.; LL.B., St. Louis Law School, 1894; married, Nov. 30, 1899, Maggie Addis; children: Arthur J. (de ceased), Helen: Engaged in general practice of law in St. Louis since 1894. Has filled of ficial positrons in the city as clerk recorder of voters, assistant circuit attorney, chairman of the Board of Election Commissioners, and vice president of the Board of Police Com missioners. Democrat. Roman Catholic. Of fice: 722 Chestnut St. Residence: 4767 West minster PL MARQUARDT, Henry Fred W., life under writer; born, Niagara Falls, N. Y., Jan. 1, 1866; son of Henry and Frederika (Heinze) Marquardt; educated in Lutheran parochial schools, at New Baltimore, Mich.; married; two daughters: Eleanore (Mrs. Rev. Theodore Hempelman) and Irma (Mrs. Arthur Boeken- kroeger). Began in dry goods store at De troit, Mich., at fifteen, in which remained three years; was with J. P. Becker, dry goods, at East St. Louis, 111., eighteen years, being vice president and general manager of the business the last nine years; engaged in life insurance underwriting since 1905; with the Bankers' Reserve Life Insurance Co., 1905-08; superintendent of the St. Louis department of the Great Western Life Insurance Co., 1908- 11; supervisor of agents of the Franklin Life Insurance Co., since July 15, 1911. Repub lican. Lutheran. Recreations: reading and the theatre. Office: 725-728 Frisco Bldg. Resi dence: 5045 Delmar Boul. MARSH, Charles Stewart, banker; born, Iron Co., Mo., Oct. 20, 1874; son of John Stewart and Nancy Armenta (White) Marsh; educated in rural schools, Iron and Madison counties, Mo., from six to thirteen years of age; Frederiektown (Mo.) public schools, from thirteen to eighteen; William Jewell College, Liberty, Mo., 1895-99, graduating, 396 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS with degree of A.B., 1899; Missouri State University, 1899-1901, LL.B., 1901; married Martha Gibbs, of Liberty, Mo., Sept. 12, 1902; two children: Pauline and Charles Stew art, Jr. Began active career as cashier Miners and Merchants Bank, Flat River, Mo., con tinuing, 1901-02; secretary Frederiektown (Mo.) Trust Co., 1902-06; secretary Bankers Trust Co., St. Louis, Feburary, 1906, to Feb ruary, 1912, since vice president; director West End Bank, St. Louis, First National Bank, Madison, 111., First National Bank, Eureka Springs, Ark. Mayor of Frederick- town, Mo., 1904-06. Member Business Men's League. Republican. Baptist. Member Ma sonic Order, Sigma Nu (social) and Phi Delta Phi (law) college fraternities. Clubs: St. Louis Amateur Athletic Association, Midland Valley Golf. Recreations: reading and bil liards. Office: 620 National Bank of Com merce Bldg. Residence: 6316 Waterman Ave. MARSHALL, Cloyd; see Vol. 1906. ?MARSHALL, Edward S.; moved to Dallas, Tex.; see Vol. 1906. MARSHALL, Samuel T., grain; see Vol. 1906. MARSHALL, William Champe, lawyer; born, Vieksburg, Miss., Nov. 13, 1848; son of Thomas A. and Letitia (Miller) Marshall; educated in Vieksburg by private tutors; University of Mississippi, 1865-67; B.L., Uni versity of Virginia, 1869; married, Vieksburg, Miss., Dec. 5, 1876, Katherine M. Reading (died, 1907); two children: Katherine Mar guerite, Letitia Love. Admitted to bar in 1870, and engaged in general practice; has been member firm of Henderson, Marshall & Becker since 1910. City counselor of St. Louis, 1891-98; judge Supreme Court of Mis souri, 1898-1906. Member of Missouri State and St. Louis Bar associations. Military cap tain engineer corps, National Guard of Mis souri, 1872; captain Company A, Third Regi ment, 1882, and Company K, First Regiment, 1883-84; judge advocate First Regiment for about ten years. Democrat. Episcopalian. Mason. Club: Noonday. Recreation: reading. Office: 921 Security Bldg. Residence: Buck ingham Annex. *MARSHEL, John Blaine, railway agent; moved to Dallas, Tex.; see Vol. 1906. MARTIN, Charles Landen, vice president Crunden-Martin Wooden Ware Co.; born, Maquoketa, la., Mar. 11, 1858; son of James W. and Lois (Weaver) Martin; educated in St. Louis public schools and Cornell College, Mt. Vernon, la.; married, Cedar Rapids, la., May 13, 1886, Eleanor Camburn; children: Leonard O, Frances E. Began business career as clerk in country store in Clinton Co., la., 1876; organized the Martin Wooden Ware Co., 1891, which was succeeded in 1892 by the Crunden-Martin Wooden Ware Co., manu facturers and dealers in wooden and willow ware, etc., of which is vice president. Presi dent Bank of Webster Groves; viee president Webster Groves Trust Co.; secretary Conzel- man-Crunden Realty Co. Republican. Congre gationalist. Clubs: Mercantile, City, Contem porary, Glen Echo Country, Algonquin Golf. Recreations: golf, tennis. Office: 2d and Gratiot Sts. Residence: Webster Groves, Mo. MARTIN, Charles Warren, fish nets; see Vol. 1906. MARTIN, John Irwin, lawyer; born, St. Louis, May 24, 1848; son of William and Frances (Irwin) Martin; educated in St. Louis public schools; married, St. Louis, June 11, 1871, Clara E. LaBarge; children: Mac Donald, Clara E. (now Mrs. M. C. Zederbaum), Frances O. (now Mrs. William M. Drumm). Elected, 1871, when twenty-three years of age, to Missouri legislature and twice re elected (speaker, 1875); admitted to bar, 1877, and since engaged in practice. Member Missouri State Bar Association. Has for many years been member Democratic State and City Committees; speaker in every na tional campaign since 1876; presidential elect or from Missouri and the messenger which cast Missouri's vote for Cleveland and Hen dricks' first election; sergeant-at-arms of Democratic National Committee since 1892, and managed National conventions held at Chicago, 1896, Kansas City, 1900, St. Louis, 1904, Denver, 1908, and Baltimore, 1912. Ser geant-at-arms of National River and Harbor Convention for seven years; sergeant-at-arms of Conservation Congress. Vice president Up per Mississippi River Improvement Associa tion (representing State of Missouri); vice president Mississippi to the Atlantic Inland Waterway Association. Was brigade inspector rifle inspector rifle practice, Missouri Na tional Guard, with rank of colonel; counselor for Great Camp of Knights of Maccabees for State of Missouri since 1902; chairman for twelve years Committee on Statutory Legisla tion of Missouri Fraternal Congress (com posed of all leading fraternal societies). Dem ocrat. Presbyterian. Club: Million Popula tion. Recreations: hunting, fishing and horse back riding. Office: 1111 Clark Ave. Resi dence: 3624 Cleveland Ave. MARTIN, Tilly Alexander, physician; born, Miami, Saline Co., Mo., January, 1854; son of Morris and Mary (Cole) Martin; educated in public schools; Pritchett Institute, Glas gow, Mo.; M.D., Bellevue Hospital Medical College, New York, 1870; Missouri Medical College, St. Louis, ad eundem degree; mar ried, St. Louis, Oct. 9, 1901, Mrs. M. E. Wright; children: Maria E. and Martin. Pro fessor diseases of children, Missouri Medical College, since 1902; professor pediatrics, Barnes Medical College. Democrat. Presby terian. Member American and Missouri State THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 397 Medical associations, St. Louis Medical So ciety. Mason (Tuscan Lodge). Has read a number of papers before medical societies. Office: 426 Metropolitan Bldg. Residence: 4509 Washington Boul. MARTIN, William McChesney, assistant trust officer; born, Lexington, Ky., July 2, 1874; son of Thomas L. and Hettie M. Mar tin; educated at private school and Alleghan Academy, Lexington, Ky., receiving from lat ter scholarship in Washington and Lee Uni versity, from which graduated A.B. (valedic torian), 1895; LL.B., St. Louis Law School, 1900; married, St. Louis, Nov. 21, 1905, Mary Rebecca Woods. Assistant secretary, 1892-94, secretary, 1895, Kentucky Agricultural and Mechanical Association (Lexington Fair); moved to St. Louis, as secretary to Superin tendent of Terminals, Louisville & Nashville R. R., Mar. 1, 1896; chief clerk to division passenger agent, same road, 1898-99; resigned to attend law school; admitted to St. Louis bar, June 15, 1900; substitute teacher English classics, Smith Academy, 1899; entered trust department Mississippi Valley Trust Co., 1900; safe deposit officer same, Apr. 1, 1904-De- cember, 1905, assistant bond officer same, since December, 1905; also assistant trust of ficer since 1910. Member Civic League, Amer ican Economic Association, American Acad emy Political and Social Science. Viee presi dent Kentucky Society. Member of St. Louis Bar Association. Presbyterian. Clubs: City, Normandie Golf. Office: 4th and Pine Sts. Residence: 422 Lake Ave. MARX, Henry, wool merchant; born, Frank - fort-on-Main, Germany, Mar. 25, 1851; son of M. and Rose (Rothschild) Marx; educated in schools in Germany; came to St. Louis di rect from Germany in 1874; married, Water loo, Ind., 1900, Julia Lowenstein. Began busi ness career in employ of Hartman & William son, and later was of the firm of Schott & Marx in the wool business until 1897, when established firm of Henry Marx & Co., since April, 1910, Henry Marx Wool Co. Member Business Men's League. Member A. F. & A. M. Club: Columbian. Recreation: traveling. Office: 221-225. N. Main St. Residence: 5133 Washington Boul. MASON, C(larence) Homer, real estate; born, San Saba, Tex., Oct. 28, 1877; son of Charles Anderson and Laura Anna (Kirkpat rick) Mason, and of English, Scotch, Irish and German descent; grandparents were pio neers in the West, those of father in Iowa and those of mother in Texas; early educa tion in San Saba; moved to Vernon, Wilbar ger Co., Tex., 1889, and attended grammar and high schools, graduating from high school, 1895; read law greater part of 1897; entered Eastman Business College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., 1902, and graduated, 1903; married, Hart ford, Conn., June 6, 1903, Miss Blanche Trav is, of Poughkeepsie; one child, Travis A. In contracting and building business until open ing of World's Fair at St. Louis, 1904; with John S. Blake & Bro. Realty Co., 1905; with Holbrook-Blackwelder Real Estate Trust Co., 1906; in partnership with Martin F. Trepp as the Mason-Trepp Real Estate Co. since 1907; carrying on general real estate business, rent collections, selling and leasing of city prop erty and management of estate properties. Member Real Estate Exchange. Enlisted at Austin, Tex., as private in Troop G, First Texas Volunteer Cavalry, Apr. 1, 1898, upon call for volunteers, Spanish-American War; was sent to Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio, Tex., ostensibly to guard the Mexican fron tier until ordered to front; honorably mus tered out at close of war. Republican. Meth odist. Member Occidental Lodge No. 163, A. F. & A. M. Club: Maple Avenue Men's. Rec reation: outdoor diversions. Office: 814 Chest nut St. Residence: 5570 Vernon Ave. MASON, Edward Martin; see Vol. 1906. MASON, Isaac M., mining; 1831-1907; see Vol. 1906. MASON, William Lowe, lawyer; born near Dublin, Ga., Jan. 9, 1877; son of Benjamin F. and Alameda (Walker) Mason; educated in public schools of Telfair Co., Ga., and the South Georgia College until 1897; LL.B., Uni versity of Virginia Law School, 1902; mar ried, June 12, 1912, Miss Siddie A. D. Stuckey, of Webster Groves, Mo. Taught in the public schools of South Georgia, 1895-96; principal of high school, Camilla, Ga., 1898-1900. From 1902 to January, 1905, was associated in prac tice of law with R. T. Brownrigg, and then formed partnership with him in present law firm of Brownrigg & Mason, in which con tinues. Democrat. Methodist. Member St. Louis Bar Association, Law Library Associa tion. Mason (Kilwinning Chapter, R. A.). Club: St. Louis Amateur Athletic. Recrea tions: golf and fishing. Office: 1225, 705 Olive St. Residence: 6142 Waterman Ave. MASSA, Edwin, wholesale jeweler; born, Keene, Coshocton Co., O., May 10, 1848; son of Anthony and Isabel (Falconer) Massa; educated in public schools and Keene Acad emy; married, Omaha, Neb., Apr. 10, 1890, Marie Comford; one son, Harrison. Began business career, 1865-1868, as clerk with Wil liam Blinn, jeweler, Columbus, O.; then went to Alton, ill., and was employed by Cary, Hawley & Co., continuing until 1869; re turned to Columbus, and was with Tress & Harrington, successors to William Blinn, and remained until 1877. Came to St. Louis, and began in wholesale jewelry business for self, 1877, as E. Massa & Co., firm subsequently changing to Massa, Cary & Co., and three years later to Massa, Lewis & Co., and in 1889 to present corporation of Bauinann-Massa 398 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS Jewelry Co., of which is vice president. Re publican. Presbyterian. Mason. Office: 210 Commercial Bldg. Residence* 5409 Maple Ave. MASSENGALE, James Rhea, wholesale lumber; bora, Nashville, Tenn., Apr/ 1, 1873; son of John E. and Jennie E. (Cunningham) Massengale; educated in public and high schools of St. Louis and Missouri State Uni versity until 1893; married, St. Louis, June 1, 1894, Eda J. Corwin; one daughter, Jane Rhea. Leaving university in June, 1893, es tablished at Halls, Tenn., for five years, oper ating spoke factory and meal mill under style of Massengale, James & Co.; sold out in 1898, came back to St. Louis, and became chief clerk of one of the steamers of the St. Louis and Tennessee River Packet Co., of which father, John E. Massengale, is traffic manager. In January, 1903, established the firm,, of Massengale Lumber Co., and incorpo rated same in March, 1905, of which is now secretary and treasurer. Member Tennessee Society of St. Louis, Order of Hoo Hoo. Ma son. Office: 2500 N. Main St. Residence: Webster Groves, Mo. MASTERS, Stanley Madison, president and general manager Masters Lumber Co.; born at Independence, Mo., Jan. 1, 1878; son of Moses Madison and Sallie (Scholl) Masters; edu cated Independence public schools, Kansas City High School; A.B., University of Mis souri, 1902; studied for one year in Benton School of Law; unmarried. Spent four years in banks of Kansas City, Mo., prior to 1902; at lumber plants, in Neame and Carson, La., of the Central Coal and Coke Co. of Kansas City, 1902-03; general manager Texarkana Lumber Co., of Texarkana, Ark., during early part of 1904; general sales agent for B. H. Pollock Lumber Co., of St. Louis, during lat ter part of 1904 and throughout 1905; man ager J. A. Wilson Lumber Co., St. Louis, 1906; member of Masters & Sleumer Lumber Co., 1907; president Masters Lumber Co. since 1908. While at University of Missouri served for one year as member Missouri National Guard. Republican. Member Christian (Dis ciples) Church, Sigma Alpha Epsilon college fraternity. Club: University. Office: Fuller- ton Bldg. Residence: Buckingham Hotel. MATESON, Henry Morell, president Alfred Scannell Leather Co.; born, New York, Dec. 8, 1871; son of Francis and Agnes (Frcy) Mateson; educated in public schools of New York; married Charlotte Scannell, of St. Louis, Feb. 12, 1903; two children: Morella Agnes, Charlotte Scannell. Began active ca reer as traveling salesman for a wholesale leather house of New York, 1889; traveled out of Cleveland, O., in same capacity, 1902- 07; came to St. Louis, February, 1907, and bought out the Alfred Scannell Leather Co., of which is president; also secretary The An other Building Co. Protestant. Member Com mercial Travelers' Association, Utica, N. Y., Travelers' Protective Association, St. Louis, Tower Grove Turning Society. Clubs: Cen tury Boat, American Wheel. Recreations: fish ing and bowling. Office: 1506-1508 Market St. Residence: 3516 Wyoming St. MATHES, Joseph, secretary G. Mathes Iron and Metal Co.; born, New York, Feb. 15, 1873; son of Mayer and Gertrude (Baum) Mathes; educated in St. Louis public schools ; married,' St. Louis, Jan. 8, 1901, Fannie Prince. On leaving school, entered the busi ness of G. Mathes Sons, dealers' in rags, scrap metals, scrap iron, etc. (established 1871), and in May, 1894, when the business was in corporated as G. Mathes Sons Rag Co., be came secretary of the company, the title later changed to G. Mathes Iron and Metal Co. Republican. Jewish religion. Mason (32°), Shriner. Club: Columbian. Office: 3120 N. Broadway. Residence: 5376 Waterman Ave. MATHEWS, William Tatum, real estate and financial agent; born in Chambers Co., Ala., Aug. 20, 1862; son of Rev. John (D.D.) and Mary A. (Menefee) Mathews; educated at military academy and by private tutor at New Orleans, and later graduated from Webb 's Training School, Culleoka, Tenn., then took course of study at Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn.j for M.A. degree; married, St. Louis, October, 1902, Sadie L. Hanford. Entered the dry goods business as a clerk in employ of Bullene, Moores & Emery, of Kan sas City, Mo., in 1881; entered dry goods business for self, in Kansas City in 1882, un der firm name of Moore & Mathews, and in 1885 bought the business of Leslie & Edwards, Kansas City; retired from dry goods business, 1890, and moved to St. Louis, to engage in real estate business, in which has since con tinued; president, treasurer and general man ager of the Mathews Real Estate Co.; presi dent Mathews-Sharp Real Estate Co. Inde pendent Democrat. Methodist. Recreation: motoring. Office: 615 Chestnut St. Residence: 3441 Pine St. MATHEY, Constant Fred, vice president Mermod, Jaccard & King Jewelry Co.; born, St. Louis, Sept. 15, 1866; son of Charles F. and Cecilia G. (Hutawa) . Mathey; educated at Washington University, St. Louis, in class of 1884. Entered house of Mermod, Jaccard & Co. (established 1829) in 1885 as clerk, then became an officer in the Mermod, Jaccard & King Jewelry Co.; has been treasurer since 1895, and after, Mr. Mermod 's death in 1902 was elected vice president. Club: Missouri Athletic. Office: corner of Locust and Broad way. Residence: 3444 Russell Ave. MATLACK, Ellwood Vandevere, electrical engineer; bom, Philadelphia, Pa.; educated in public schools. Began in the electrical busi ness in 1877, learning the mechanical and sci entific details in a practical way, and became THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 399 expert electrical engineer, and designer of numerous electrical plants, including the power house and electric light plant of the Laclede Power Co.; this company he assisted in organizing in 1889, becoming its secretary in 1890 and its president, 1907, until its ab sorption by the Union Electric Light and Power Co. Originated Department of City Lighting, of St. Louis, and was supervisor of city lighting in 1889. Member American So ciety of Mechanical Engineers, American In stitute of Mining Engineers, American Asso ciation for the Advancement of Science. Mem ber Pennsylvania Society. Club: Mercantile. Residence: Webster Groves, Mo. MATRfi, Anthony, Supreme Secretary Cath olic Knights of America; bora, Cincinnati, Dec. 16, 1866; son of Joseph and Magdalen (Seubert) Matre; educated at St. George's Parish School and St. Francis College, Cin cinnati, and Catholic Normal School, near Milwaukee, Wis.; married, Cincinnati, Nov. 29, 1888, Catherine Godar; children: Francis J., Victor, Richard, Lawrence. Was principal of St. Philomena's School, Cincinnati, for eighteen years, until appointment to present position as Supreme Secretary of the Cath olic Knights of America, Sept. 1, 1904; na tional secretary of American Federation of Catholic Societies. Member of Knights of Co lumbus, Catholic Knights of America, Cath olic Order of Foresters. Office: 717 Locust St. Residence: 3871 Utah PL MATTESON, David J., resident manager, Royal Insurance Co.; 1859-1907; see Vol.1906. MATTHEWS, Alfred, hats; bora, St. Louis, Aug. 31, 1864; son of George and Mary (Cun- nington) Matthews; graduated from public schools of St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Nov. 25, 1891, Mabel Alice Reed; children: Alfred Reed, Phoebe, Arthur Pollard, Mary Eliza beth. Engaged in retail hat business in St. Louis since March, 1887. Democrat. Presi dent St. Louis Sunday School Union, M. E. Churches. Member Methodist Episcopal Church; president City Evangelization Union; trustee Deaconess Home and Hospital, Emer gency Home. Member Missouri Historical So ciety. Mason; member Knights of Pythias, Legion of Honor, National Union, Royal League, Elks. Clubs: City, Methodist. Rec reations: hunting and fishing. Office: 700 Pine St. Residence: Glendale, Mo. MATTHEWS, George Thomas, oils and- en gineers' supplies; bora, St. Louis, Apr. 7, 1866; son of Thomas and Emma (Hopkins) Matthews; educated in St. Louis public schools; unmarried. Began business career _ in 1880 in employ of Rowe, Parmalee & Co., oils, etc., continuing with the firm and its succes sors, B. F. Parmalee & Co., Parmalee & Merse- man, and Pacific Oil Co., until 1887; in 1887 began business on own account as member of firm of Flachman & Matthews, and in 1898 bought out Mr. Flachman 's interest, since which time has conducted the business alone, as George T. Matthews & Co., manufacturers and jobbers of oils, mill and engineers' sup plies, belting, packing, etc. Also director National Oil Co. of Missouri. Republican. Episcopalian. 33° Mason (Scottish Rite), As calon Commandery, Knights Templar, Moolah Temple, Mystic Shrine; past presiding . officer of all Masonic bodies of which is a member. Clubs: Mercantile, Missouri Athletic, Glen. Echo Country. Office: 20 S. Main St. Resi dence: 5514 Cabanne Ave. MATTHEWS, Joseph R., milling business born, Kirkwood, Mo., Sept. 7, 1872; son of Joseph R. and Sara A. (Garnett) Matthews educated Kirkwood public schools and St Louis University; married, Kirkwood, Nov 14, 1901, Charlotte Thornton Jones; three chil dren: Charlotte Thornton, Joe Garnett, Lo- raine Churchill. In milling business since 1889; organized Corno Mills, 1904, and since presi dent; organized National Oats Co., 1910, of which is also president; director Universal Stenotype Co. Democrat; mayor of Kirkwood, 1912-13; member public school board since 1911. Catholic. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Hill Crest Golf. Recreations: hunting, tennis and hand ball. Office: 1020 Liggett Bldg. Resi dence: Kirkwood, Mo. MATTHEWS, Leonard, broker and banker; born, Baltimore, Md., Dec. 17, 1828; son of John, Jr., and Mary Righter (Levering) Mat thews; educated in Baltimore, 1834-36, later in various private schools and in 1851-54 took chemical and technical studies at Pope 's Med ical College, St. Louis; married, Oct. 2, 1861, Mary Spotswood, daughter of William Nisbet, banker and broker; children: Mary (Mrs. Robert L. Morton), Belle (Mrs. Saunders Norvell), Nina (Mrs. Percy Warren), Wil liam, Edmund Orville, Leonard, Jr., Lucy (Mrs. William Lionel Chambers), Claude Lev ering. First visited Missouri for a year, in 1838; after leaving school went to California, whence came to St. Louis in 1851, and began business career as retail druggist, with broth er, William; admitted Aaron Levering, 1854, as Matthews, Levering & Co., wholesale drug gists, and in 1857, firm became J. Matthews & Sons; sold out to Meyer Bros. & Co., 1865; traveled extensively through Europe, Asia, Africa and the islands, 1865-66. In 1870, with Gen. A. G. Edwards, opened brokerage and banking business of Edwards & Matthews; about 1873 took in Edwards Whittaker, as Matthews & Whittaker, and later Charles Hodgman also became partner; retired from firm 1888. When U. S. 5 per cent loan was placed on market, was western agent for same. ' Held various directorate positions. Trustee Missouri Botanical Garden since 1895. In 1886 was guest of brother, who was in 400 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS command of U. S. S. Brooklyn, hunting fili busters in Caribbean Sea, who was sent by ex-President Soto, against Honduras; was at Panama, and was among first to show failing condition of the Canal Co., in contribution to The Republic, Mar. 23, 1886. Clubs: St. Louis, Noonday. Recreations: floriculture and litera ture. Offiee: 300 N. 4th St. Residence: 5447 Cabanne Ave. MATTHEWS, Leonard, Jr., secretary Nor vell-Shapleigh Hardware Co.; born, Oakland, Mo., July 16, 1873; son of Leonard and Mary Spotswood (Nisbet) Matthews; educated in St. Louis public schools to 1886; St. Louis Manual Training School, until 1888; Smith's Academy, 1890; married, St. Louis, Feb. 20, 1906, Elvira Houston. Began business career with the Wagner Electric Co., 1890, and con tinued until 1893; with local insurance com pany, 1894; special traveling cutlery sales man with the Simmons Hardware Co., 1894- 1900; resigned and with brother, W. N. Mat thews, engaged in electrical specialty busi ness; buyer and manager of cutlery depart ment Norvell-Shapleigh Hardware Co., 1901- 10; became assistant secretary same, in 1910, secretary since 1911. Republican. Presby terian. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Noonday. Recreation: outdoor sports. Office: Norvell- Shapleigh Hardware Co. Residence: 4538 Maryland Ave. MATTHEWS, William Nisbet, manufac turer; born in St. Louis Co., July 9, 1869; son of Leonard and Mary (Nisbet) Matthews; educated in public schools of Kirkwood, Mo., and Smith Academy, St. Louis; married, Nov. 18, 1911, Mrs. Minnie L. McDowell, of Min neapolis, Minn. Began business life in whole sale drug house, 1884-86; made trip around world, 1886-87, as guest of uncle, Admiral E. O. Matthews, on old frigate "Brooklyn"; in 1891 bought interest in St. Louis Electrical Supply Co., of which was vice president and later president, until 1899, when sold out to enter present business of W. N. Matthews & Bros., mechanical specialties; also president Matthews-Davis Tool Co. Member League of Electrical Interests. Presbyterian. Clubs: Noonday, St. Louis, Aero, City. Office: 3722 Forest Park Boul. Residence: 5005 Cabanne Avenue. MAUCH, Herman, watchmaker and jewel er; born, St. Louis, Nov. 24, 1859; son of Henry and Augusta (Klosse) Mauch; edu cated in St. Louis public schools; married, St. Louis, 1881, Elizabeth Emling. Learned watch making and jewelry trade under his father (who established in business as a watchmaker and jeweler in St. Louis in 1852) and was as sociated with him until his death in 1888, when succeeded to the business, handling general lines of watches, diamonds, jewelry, clocks, silverware, umbrellas, optical goods, etc. Ex-president Retail Jewelers' Associa tion of Missouri and National Retail Jewel ers' Association of the United States; ex- president St. Louis Public School Patrons Alliance. Republican; elected a member Board of Education of St. Louis, 1911; mem ber Civic League, Franklin American Im provement Association. 32° Mason (Past Po tentate Moolah Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S.; Past President Missouri Association of Past Commanders, Knights Templar); member Royal Arcanum, Knights of Pythias, Wood men of the World. Clubs: Oasis, Montezuma Hunting and Fishing, Century Boat. Recrea tions: fishing and hunting. Office: 507 Frank lin Ave. Residence: 2918 Aecomae St. MAULL, Louis, president Louis Maull Cheese and Fish' Co.; born, St. Louis, Oct. 16, 1873; son of Charles and Doris (Ahlers) Maull; educated in St. Louis public schools; married, St. Louis, Apr. 22, 1896, Augusta Beckmann; children: Lewis, Lester. After leaving school was associated with father in produce commission business, 1891-97; then started in business, in 1897, for self, as whole sale dealer in cheese, sausage and salt fish, incorporating the business, Jan. 1, 1906, as the Louis Maull Cheese and Fish Co., of which is president. Member Woodmen of the World. Office: 422-424 N. 3d St. Residence: Fergu son, Mo. MAURAN, John Lawrence, architect; born, Providence, R. I., Nov. 19, 1866; son of Frank and Mary Louise (Nichols) Mauran; edu cated in Providence grammar and high schools and Massachusetts Institute of Technology; married, St. Louis, 1899, Isabel, daughter of J. G. Chapman; children: Isabel, Elizabeth Chapman. After completing studies at Mas sachusetts Institute of Technology, 1889, traveled abroad, completing architectural edu cation. Entered office of Shepley, Rutan & Coolidge, architects, Boston, and after two years in office of the firm went, in its em ploy, to Chicago, working on the Chicago Public Library and the Chicago Art Institute; •in 1893, came to St. Louis to represent Shep ley, Rutan & Coolidge, and later became St. Louis partner of the firm. In 1900, with Er nest John Russell and Edward Gordon Gar den, established firm of Mauran, Russell & Garden; in 1908 Mr. Garden retired from the firm, which remained Mauran & Russell until the present firm of Mauran, Russell & Crowell was formed in 1911. Chairman Public Build ings Commission, appointed by Mayor Wells; went as delegate from United States to Sixth International Congress of Architects, Madrid, Spain, 1904. Fellow American Institute of Architects (ex-president St. Louis Chapter); vice president Civic League; ex-member Board of Control of St. Louis Museum; member Public Library Board and School of Fine Arts; director St. Louis Skin and Cancer Hospital, Hospital Saturday and Sunday As- THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 401 sociation; treasurer Mercantile Library Asso ciation. Member Missouri Historical Society, American Arch ajologi cal Society. Unitarian; president board of trustees Church of the Messiah. Clubs: Round Table (ex-director), University (ex-vice president), St. Louis, Noonday (ex-president), Country (director), Florissant Valley (ex-president), St. Anthony, Tavern (Boston), Strollers (New York). Rec reations: tennis and motoring. Office: 1620 Chemical Bldg. Residence: 46 Vandeventer Place. MAURER, Charles J., lawyer; bora, St. Louis, Aug. 8, 1868; son of Henry and Cath erine Maurer; educated country schools, Oak Grove and St. Jacob, 111.; LL.B., McKendree Law School, Lebanon, 111., 1895; married, St. Louis, Aug. 15, 1900, Minnie C. Meyer. In practice in St. Louis since 1897; member law firm of Cunningham & Maurer for seven years; now practicing alone. Democrat; can didate for Congress, Tenth District of Mis souri, 1910. Protestant. Mason. Recreation: fishing. Office: 704 Houser Bldg. Residence: 1727 Longfellow Boul. MAUZe, Joseph Layton, clergyman; born, Montevideo, Va., Feb. 2, 1873; son of Joseph Nicholas and Margaret Jane (Yancy) Mauze; educated at Augusta Military Academy, Fort Defiance, Va., 1887-89, Hampden-Sidney Col lege, Virginia, A.B., 1896, Union Theological Seminary, Richmond, Va., B.D., 1899; mar ried, Lexington, Va., Dec. 11, 1900, Eleanor Harman; children: George Watts, Eugene Harmon, Eleanor Cameron, J. Layton, Jr., Margaret. Pastor Presbyterian Church, Tim ber Ridge, Va., June, 1899-January, 1902, Central Presbyterian Church, St. Louis, since February, 1902. President St. Louis Presby terian Bible Training School for Lay Work ers. Republican. Member Sigma Chi, Chi Alpha, Alpha Tau Epsilon. Club: Mercantile. Recreations: golf and baseball. Offiee (church) : Delmar Boul. and Clara Ave. Resi dence: 5635 Cates Ave. MAXWELL, Harold, vice president Samuel Cupples Woodenware Co.; born, St. Louis, Feb. 5, 1871; son of Thomas S. and Ida M. (Redfield) Maxwell; educated in public gram mar and high schools of St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Dec. 9, 1896, Clara M. Snyder; children: Margaret Eleanor, Robert Snyder, Dorothy Redfield. Began business career, July 12, 1887, as office boy with Samuel Cupples Woodenware Co., and has since remained with the company, occupying several office posi tions, then becoming traveling salesman for a time; made assistant secretary, 1899, secre tary in 1904, vice president in 1908. Repub lican. Clubs: City, Racquet, St. Louis Coun try. Office: 7th and Spruce Sts. Residence: 5033 Washington Ave. MAXWELL, Joseph Weitz, railway official; deceased; see Vol. 1906. MAXWELL, William, general traffic man ager Wabash R. R.; born, Keokuk, la., Feb. 20, 1865; son of John and Elizabeth Maxwell; educated in common schools; married, Colum bus, Ind., 1891, Persis Taylor Cochrane; one daughter, Elinor Agnes. Continuously con nected with the traffic department of the Chi cago, Burlington & Quincy System from 1881 to 1905; general agent, 1891-1902, at Keokuk, la.; assistant general freight agent, 1902-05, at St. Louis and St. Joseph, Mo.; assistant general traffic manager, 1905-08, and general traffic manager since 1908, Wabash System, at St. Louis. Episcopalian. Clubs: Mercan tile, Traffic of St. Louis. Office: Title Guar anty Bldg. Residence: 5922 Clemens Ave. *MAY, George Oliver, public accountant; moved to New York; see Vol. 1906. *MAY, Harry, insurance; moved to Texas; see Vol. 1906. MAYER, Emil, lawyer; born, Niedernoch- stadt, Rheinpfalz, Germany, June 24, 1874; son of Bernhard, II, and Babette (Frank) Mayer; received his preliminary education in Gymnasium, Landau, Germany; arrived in Ameriea, Oct. 29, 1888; LL.B., Law Depart ment, University of Missouri, 1894; unmar ried. Began practice at Fort Smith, Ark., July, 1894; came to St. Louis, 1896; member law firm of Taylor & Mayer since 1906; secre tary Multiplex Display Fixture Co. Repub lican. Member St. Louis Bar Association, Law Library Association. Past president Dis trict Grand Lodge, Independent Order B'nai B'rith; past president Young Men's Hebrew Association; director Jewish Charitable Edu cational Association; member board of trus tees of Temple Israel, Masonic Board of Re lief, Civie League. Club: Columbian (direct or). Recreations: reading and walking. Of fice; 1644-1646 Pierce Bldg. Residence: 5535 Waterman Ave. MAYER, Franc David; see Vol. 1906. MAYER, Frederick, president the Mayer Fertilizer Co.; born, Chicago, Oct. 4, 1861; son of Abraham B. and Minna (Feist) Mayer; educated, German private school, St. Louis; Jones Commercial College, St. Louis; mar ried Julia Haas, of St. Louis, Mar. 15, 1885; three children: Minnie (Mrs. Herman S. Wolf - heim), Irving I., Fay H. Has been identified, in St. Louis, with the manufacture of fer tilizers, and with the scrap iron business ever since boyhood; now president the Mayer Fer tilizer Co.; viee president Arkansas Fertil izer Co., Little Rock, Ark; Republic Metal and Rubber Co., Crown Millinery Co. Served as orderly in Simpson's Battery, 1870. He brew. Member B'nai B'rith, B. P. O. Elks. Recreations: fishing and motoring. Office: 2d St. and Withers Ave. Residence: 5257 Water man Ave. MAYES, Joseph Frank, physician; born, Cooy-yah, Indian , Territory (now Pryor, 402' THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS Okla.), Dec. 21, 1876; son of Samuel Houston (ex-cvhief , of Cherokees) and Martha Eliza beth (Vann) Mayes; educated, Cherokee Na tional Male Seminary, Tahlequah; University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Ark.; Central Col lege, Fayette, Mo., graduating with degree of Ph.B., 1900; Medical Department, Washing ton University, degree of M.D., 1904; mar ried Esmeralda Berry, of St. Louis, June 2, 1909. Practiced at Female Hospital, repre senting City Health Department, 1904-05; has since maintained office on own account, mak ing a specialty of gynecology. Democrat. Methodist. Member American Medical Asso ciation, Missouri State Medical Society, St. Louis Medical Society, Medical Society of City Hospital Alumni, etc. Member Anchor Lodge No. 443, A. F. & A. M.; Oriental Chap ter No. 78, R. A. M.; Ascalon Commandery No. 16, Knights Templar; Moolah Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S, Clubs: Masonic, South Broad way Athletic, Irish American Athletic. Rec reation: outdoor sports. Office: 1801 Olive St. Residence: 1124 A Morrison Ave. MAYFIELD,, Eli Burton, physician and surgeon; born, Patton, Mo., Jan. 6, 1862; son of George Washington and Mary E. (Cheek) Mayfield; educated at Will Mayfield College, Marble Hill, Mo.; afterwards attended State Normal School, Cape Girardeau, Mo.; M.D., College of Physicians and Surgeons, St. Louis, 1886; post-graduate course, New York Poly clinic, 1893; married Miss Ida Conrad, of Marble Hill, Sept. 17, 1890; two sons: Eli Burton, George Conrad. Began practice in St. Louis, 1886; removed to Grubville, Jefferson Co., Mo., same year and continued there until 1893; first assistant to chief surgeon of Mis souri Baptist Sanitarium, 1893-96; became as sistant surgeon and house physician Mayfield Sanitarium, 1896; removed to 2 Lewis PL, 1902, and has since engaged in private prac tice and continued as assistant ' surgeon of Mayfield Sanitarium. Democrat. Baptist. Member Tri-State Medical Society. Member Masonic Order, S. A. R. Recreation: driving. Office and Residence: 2 Lewis PL MAYFIELD, William Henderson, surgeon; born, Patton, Ballinger Co., Mo., Jan. 18, 1852; son of George Washington and Mary Borders (Cheek) Mayfield; educated, Carle ton College, Farmington; Mo.; Fruitland Nor mal Institute, Jackson, Mo.; began study of medicine under Dr. H. J. Smith, Sedgwick- ville, Mb., 1874; matriculated in St. Louis Medical College (Medical Department, Wash ington University), graduating with degree of M.D., 1883; married, Marquand, Mo., May 10, 187'4, Ellen Catherine Sitzes;' three chil dren; two died in infancy and William H., Jr., died at the age of twenty-one. Taught schqol for a number of years, beginning at age pi seventeen; practiced at Mayfield, Mo., 1873-74, since in St. Louis. Professor materia medica, therapeutics and diseases of children, College of Physicians and Surgeons, 1884-86; founded, 1884, and superintendent and sur- gBon-in-ehief until 1896, Missouri Baptist Sanitarium; founder, 1896, and since presi dent and surgeon-in-chief, Mayfield Sanita rium; vice president board of directors Will Mayfield College (founded by self, wife and friends as memorial to son), Marble Hill, Mo.; president Union Hill Mining Co.; vice presi dent Flat River Mining Co. Democrat. Bap tist; member managing board of 'Foreign Mis sionary Board of Northern Baptist Conven tion; executive officer American Baptist Hos pital Association. Contributed to erection of hospitals at Laichowfee, North China, Hu- ehow, South China (named William Mayfield, Jr., M.D., Hospital, in honor of son), and he and wife and W. G. Tyzzer erected hospital at Haka, Burmah (the three hospitals all controlled by Baptist denomination). Mem ber Tuscan Lodge No. 160, A. F. & A. M. ; St. Aldemar Commandery, Knights Templar; Moolah Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S. Has con tributed papers on abdominal, brain and bone surgery, "Medical Missions in Foreign Lands," "The Army of Invasion," etc. Ad dress: 920 N. Taylor Ave. MAYHALL, Frederick Arthur, lawyer; born, St. Louis, Mar. 18, 1872; son of Jeffer son Alsop and Mary Beattie (La Beaume) Mayhall; educated, Christian University, Canton, Mo. (theological course); Law De partment, Washington University, graduating with degree of LL.B., 1905; married, New London, Mo., June 19, 1896, Frances R. Bris coe; one child, John La Beaume. Ordained ministry Christian (Disciples) Church, 1897; held pastorates at Vandalia and Louisiana, Mo., and successively pastor of Fifth, Second, Hamilton Ave. and Maplewood Ave. churches in St. Louis; admitted to bar, 1905, and since in general practice in state and federal courts; member firm of Mayhall & Sanders; presi dent Mayhall Realty and Investment Co., capitalized at $40,000 (fully paid). Independ ent Democrat. Attorney Maplewood Business Men's Association, Maplewood Civic League; member Ministerial Alliance, Washington University Alumni Association, Bon Amis. Now writing a book entitled Novus Homo, or The Humorous and Pathetic in the Life of a Sky Pilot. Recreations: literature, music, flowers, swimming, baseball. Office: Suite 701- 715 Times Bldg. Residence: 7319 Marietta Ave., Maplewood. MAYO, William Henry, Masonic official; 1843-1907; see Vol. 1906. MEAD, Frank, vice president Equitable Surety Co.; born, Quincy, 111., Sept. 10, 1877; son of William E. and Laura E. (Steele) Mead; educated in public and private schools of Kansas City, Mo.; married, Nov. 29, 1904, Myra W. Skinner, of Webster Park, Mo.; one THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 403 oaughter, Virginia Elizabeth. Began with Na tional Surety Co., at Kansas City, 1895, con tinuing until 1899; with American Surety Co. of New York, at St. Louis, 1899-1911; vice president Equitable Surety Co. since April, 1911. Republican. Episcopalian. Recreation: athletic sports. Office: 506 Olive St. Resi dence: Webster Park, Mo. MECHIN, Gustave V. R., examiner of real estate titles; bora, London, Eng., May 6, 1856; educated in Birkbeek School, London; Protestant Grammar School; Pension Pillet, Paris, France; College of Onzain, France, to 1870; married, St. Louis, Apr. 2, 1894, Flora J. Mackenzie; one child, Rene J. Came to Ameriea in 1872, when began business career with J. G. McClellan, title examiner, St. Louis; with Sterling & Webster, title exam iners, 1873-78; with late August Gehner, 1878 until became examiner in Title Guarantee Trust Co.; since 1905, member firm of Mechin & Voyce. Secretary of Equality Saving and Building Association, Mount Olive Building and Loan Association, No. 2, General Han cock Building and Loan Association. Demo crat. Protestant. Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner. Recreation: reading. Office: 808 Chestnut St. Residence: 5088 Raymond Ave. MECKFESSEL, Frederick Bernard, treas urer Buettner Furniture and Carpet Co.; born, St. Louis, Sept. 8, 1875; son of Frederick W. and Caroline (Jostes) Meckfessel; educated in St. John's Evangelical (parochial) School and St. Louis public schools; married, St. Louis, Apr. 26, 1899, Millie Schrage; two daughters: Melba Caroline, Althea Minnie. Began business at age of fourteen as stock clerk with Standard Stamping Co., and con tinued in various positions (the last four years as city buyer) until 1896; then began with St. Louis House Furnishing Co., as ship ping olerk, and remained with that firm until Feb. 8, 1903, when joined in organization of the Union House Furnishing Co., now Buettner Furniture and Carpet Co., of which is treas urer. Mason. Member Evangelical Church. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Masonic. Offiee: 7th St. and Washington Ave. Residence: 3908 Greer Ave. MEDART, Philip, manufacturer; 1838-1910; see Vol. 1906. MEDART, Walter Rudolph, manager Me- dart Patent Pulley Co.; born, Ste. Genevieve, Mo., June 27, 1869; son of Philip and Eliza (Stange) Medart; educated in St. Louis pub lic schools to 1883; Toensfeldt's (private) School, 1884-85; Bryant & Stratton 's Com mercial College, 1885-86; married, St. Louis, Oct. 12, 1898, Katherine Reynolds. Began business career 1886, -since continuously con nected with Medart Patent Pulley Co.; ac quired practical experience in every depart ment, becoming manager in 1902, and has been part owner and manager since Decem ber, 1910; also director South Side Bank. Member United Engineering Society of New York. Republican. Clubs: Union, Lieder kranz, Aero. Recreation: fond of all outdoor sports. Office: 3500 DeKalb St. Residence: Forest Ridge, Mo. MEGGINSON, Lloyd McFall, commercial agent; born, Sandusky, O., Apr. 21, 1872; son of George W. and Sarah (McFall) Meggin- son; graduated from public schools of San dusky, 1889; married, Shrewsbury, Mo., Jan. 6, 1904, Ella Houston Williams; children: Leonard Pitt, Marion Annette. Entered local office of ' ' Big Four " R. R. at Sandusky, O., as clerk, 1889, and worked at various desks until 1894; then clerk in St. Louis office, same road, 1894-95; west-bound agent West Shore Line, 1894-98; agent Red Line, 1898-1911; now commercial agent of Lake Shore & Mich igan Southern, and Lake Erie & Western rail ways. Republican. Recreation: gardening. Office: 527 Pierce Bldg. Residence: Old Or chard, Mo. MEIER, Duncan Ivers, secretary and treas urer the Ludlow-Saylor Wire Co.; born, St. Louis, Feb. 27, 1882; son of Henry M. and Emily (Ivers) Meier; educated Smith Acad emy, St. Louis; St. Paul's School, Concord, N. H.; Taft School, Waterbury, Conn.; Har- strom School, Norwalk, Conn.; A.B., Yale, 1905; married, St. Louis, Apr. 4, 1907, Julia Lake; one son, Duncan Ivers, Jr. Began act ive career as stock clerk Simmons Hardware Co., 1905; in charge of city department of Ludlow-Saylor Wire Co., 1906-09; secretary and treasurer same company since September, 1909. Republican. Episcopalian. Club: City. Recreations: tennis and walking. Office: 634 S. Newstead Ave. Residence: Skinker Heights, Mo. *MEIER, Edward Daniel, mechanical en gineer; moved to New York; see Vol. 1906. MEIER, Frederick Charles, merchant; 1871- 1910; see Vol. 1906. MEIER, Henry, Jr., vice president Frank lin Bank; born, St. Louis, Aug. 1, 1859; son of Henry and Catherine Adelheide (Kaiser) Meier; educated in private school, Stoddard (public) School, and Central High School, graduating June 16, 1876; married, St. Louis, Dee. 28, 1887, Alvine Rehbein; one daughter, Lora Lois. On June 17, 1876, entered the wholesale grocery house of father, Henry Meier (established 1846), and on incorpora tion of the business in 1900, as Henry Meier Grocer Co., became vice president of the com pany, and after death of father, took his place as president, in 1901; since Mar..l, 1911, vice president of Franklin Bank. Republican. Lutheran. Member Royal Arcanum. Recrea tion: reading. Office: 720 N. 4th St. Resi dence: 5423 Cabanne Ave. 404 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS MEIER, John H., furniture manufacturer; 1842-1912; see Vol. 1906. MEIER, Theodore Gerasd, treasurer Heine Safety Boiler Co.; born, Bremen, Germany, Mar. 17, 1836; son of Adolphus and Rebeeca (Rust) Meier; was brought to St. Louis by parents, 1837; educated in St. Louis Univer sity; married Harriett Bessman, of Louisville, Ky. Began active career as clerk with Adol phus Meier & Co., 1852; went to Boston two years later and served as salesman in hard ware business, with Butler, Keith & Hill; re turned to St. Louis, 1856; partner in firm of Adolphus Meier & Co., 1859-84; treasurer Heine Safety Boiler Co. since Jan. 1, 1885. Office: 2449 E. Marcus Ave. Residence: 5220 Washington Ave. MEISEL, John A., trunk manufacturer; born in Cole Co., Mo., Sept. 13, 1859; son of John and Elizabeth (Fuchs) Meisel; educated in public schools of Jefferson City, Mo.; mar ried, St. Louis, April, 1882, Emma Kopmeyer; children: Joseph A., Alma L. Resident of St. Louis since 1872; began business career in chair manufacturing business, 1872-73; with P. C. Murphy Trunk Co., errand boy to trav eling salesman, 1873-88; in 1888, started firm of Herkert & Meisel, manufacturers of trunks and traveling goods; business was incorpo rated, 1891, as Herkert & Meisel Trunk Co., of which was secretary until 1901, since presi dent. Republican. Mason; member Ascalon Commandery, Knights Templar, and Moolah Temple, Mystic Shrine. Clubs: Missouri Ath letic, Liederkranz. Recreation: bowling. Of fice: 608 Washington Ave. Residence: 3211 Sullivan Ave. MEISENBACH, Albert H., surgeon; bom, St. Louis, June 3, 1852; son of Daniel and Franziska (Hagen) Meisenbach; educated in public and high schools, Mendota, 111.; Wes leyan Seminary, Mendota; M.D., St. Louis Medical College, Medical Department of Washington University, 1876; post-graduate work in Berlin, Vienna, Paris and London, 1889, 1890; interne St. Louis Female and City hospitals, 1876, 1877; married, Belleville, 111., July, 1877, Elizabeth Brandenburger (died June 20, 1912); four children: Hilda (Mrs. R. L. Tweedy, of Cleveland, O.), Roland Otto, Kurt Karl, Paul Laporte. Began practice in St. Louis, 1880. A founder (one of original faculty) Marion-Sims Medical College (now Medical Department of St. Louis University), 1890; professor anatomy and clinical surgery, same, 1890-92; professor surgery and clinical surgery, 1892-1900; resigned, 1900, and since engaged in private surgical practice. For merly consulting surgeon Female and City hospitals. Member St. Louis Medical Society, Hospital Alumni Medical Society (charter member), Missouri State Medical Association, American Medical Association, Southern Illi nois Medical Association. Mason. Club: Lieder kranz. Extensive contributor to medical lit erature on a wide range of subjects pertain ing to surgery. Recreations: outdoor life, fish ing, hunting, music, literature. Office: 2229 S. Broadway. Residence: 3627 Botanical Ave. MEISENBACH, Gustave, Jr., real estate agent; born, St. Louis, June 16, 1857; son of Gustav and Emma (Jaeger) Meisenbach; edu cated in public schools; married, St. Louis, Mar. 25, 1886, Alice Loewenstein; children: Emma A. (Mrs. George L. Hausner), Gustave C, Edna, Hulda, Mildred. Was engaged for years as carpet salesman with Jacob Stumpf, 1300 South Broadway; since August, 1893, member of the firm of Meisenbach & Schmitz, real estate agents. Member of the Legion of Honor. Office: 604 Chestnut St. Residence: 3304 Texas Ave. MEISER, Lewis John, dealer in men's fur nishing goods; born, Baltimore, Md., Jan. 12, 1853; son of John and Mary (Schrader) Mei- ser; educated in the St. Louis public and pri vate schools; married, St. Louis, Apr. 28, 1873, Anna Stinson; children: Mrs. Edward A. Feehan, Lewis J., Jr., Edna (deceased), Mrs. Robert Overstreet, Maud, Walter, Helen. Began business career in employ of N. H. Clark, October, 1867, and remained with Henry F. Gee & Co. (who bought out Mr. Clark in 1871) until January, 1878; was then with John V. Metlar until Dee. 30, 1884, when bought him out (with W. E. Hess), forming firm of Hess & Meiser; dissolved partnership Jan. 1, 1901, and took E. G. Becht as partner, under firm name of Meiser & Becht; bought out William E. Hess & Co., Aug. 1, 1903, and took into firm William L. Reingruber, forming the firm of Meiser, Reingruber & Becht, dealers in men's furnishing goods, clothing, hats, etc.; incorporated business, September, 1909, as the Meiser & Bauer Furnishing Goods Co. Democrat. Catholic. Grand Regent Royal Arcanum of Missouri, 1900-01; representative to Supreme Council, Royal Arcanum, 1901-04; member Knights , of Columbus, Catholic Knights of America, Independent Order of Foresters. Club: Missouri Athletic. Office: 211 N. 6th St. Residence: 4230 Morgan St. MEISSNER, George Nicholas, manager of McKinney Plant and director of General Bak ing Co. of New York City (largest corpora tion in baking business in Ameriea); bom, Bunker Hill, 111., May 28, 1872; son of W. C. and Matilda (Darlington) Meissner; educated in public schools of Bunker Hill, and Bryant & Stratton College, St. Louis; unmarried. On leaving commercial college, 1890, entered the factory of the McKinney Bread Co., manu facturers of bread and all kinds of bakery products, of which was secretary from 1893 to June 26, 1911; company was then sold out to the General Baking Co., of New York City, when he became manager of the McKinney Plant and a director of the company; also THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 405 vice president Jefferson Bank. Secretary and treasurer of Wholesale Bakers' Club of St. Louis; member National Master Bakers' As sociation of United States. Republican. Scot tish Rite Mason (32°), Shriner. Clubs: Mis souri Athletic, Mercantile, City, Rotary. Rec reation: traveling. Office: cor. Mills St. and Jefferson Ave. MEISTER, Otto F., zinc smelter; born, St. Louis, July 9, 1853; son of Frederick W. and Fredericke C. (Thilenius) Meister; educated at Washington University, taking technical course in applied chemistry and metallurgy, finishing in 1876; married, St. Louis, Apr. 9, 1900, Frieda K. Schlossstein ; four sons: Wal ter T., Arthur L., Edward H., Otto F., Jr. In 1888 joined in organization of the Collinsville (111.) Zinc Co., smelters of zinc ores, of which has since been secretary and treasurer; di rector German Savings Institution of St. Louis. Republican. Protestant. Club: Union. Recreation: motoring. Office: Collinsville, 111. Residence: 2935 Russell Ave., St. Louis. MEKEEL, Charles Haviland, journalist, philatelic expert, specialist in rare stamps for collectors; born in Westchester Co., N. Y., Dec. 1, 1863; son of George M. and Maria (Haviland) Mekeel; educated in public schools of Chicago, with courses in Union Col lege of Law, Chicago, and Law School of Washington University, St. Louis; married, St. Louis, July 28, 1885, Anna Maud, daugh ter of William Alexander Funk; children: Charles Haviland, Jr., Elsie Maria, Benjamin Van Cortright, Maud Marion, Robert Paxson. Author of technical philatelic works, special ist and expert; member and associate of phila telic societies of England, France, Germany and America. Editor and founder of The Philatelic Journal of America, the most im portant publication of its class in the United States. Member Missouri Society of the Sons of the American Revolution, Society of Colo nial Wars, New York Society of St. Louis, New England Society of St. Louis, Underbill Society of America (descendants of Capt. John Underhill, who came to America in 1630). Republican. Member Lindell M. E. Church. Member Tuscan Lodge, A. F. & A. M. Clubs: Mercantile, Glen Echo Country. Resi-' dence: Cortright Hall, St. Louis Co. (R. F. D. 29). MELETIO, George, vice president Meletio Fish and Oyster Co.; born of Greek parents in Smyrna, Asia Minor, Sept. 7, 1841; son of George and Despina (Pyrini) Meletio; in boy hood attended the Smyrna Greek College; at age of eighteen entered Barth 's English Col lege, Smyrna, and studied English and French two years; married at St. Louis, June 28, 1868, Julia M. Roy (died 1899); eight chil dren, six of whom are living: Julia (Mrs. Pat Givnan), William, Laura (Mrs. Julian Green), Monroe, May (Mrs. Walter Burk- hurst), Florence. Came to America, March, 1866; in vegetable and produce business until 1875; then in oyster and fish business as Eastman & Meletio; later as Meletio & Cous ins; business incorporated, 1901, under style of the Meletio Fish and Oyster Co., of which is vice president. Member Knights of Pythias, Woodmen of the World, National Union, Royal Arcanum. Office: 414-416 Franklin Ave. Residence: 3723 S. Jefferson Ave. MELLIER, Albin, manufacturing druggist; born, New Geneva, Fayette Co., Pa., Sept. 15, 1850; son of Amedee Augustus and Christine M. (Haverstick) Mellier; educated in Wy man and Washington universities, St. Louis, and Princeton University; married, St. Louis, Oct. 29, 1873, Laura T., daughter of George R. Taylor; children: Ida Christine, Rebecca Taylor (Mrs. Allan Pendleton), Adele (Mrs. Kenneth F. Burnes), Duncan, Taylor, Mar guerite. Started in business, Sept. 1, 1869, as clerk for Scott & Mellier, wholesale drug gists, St. Louis, and on July 1, 1873, became junior partner in firm of A. A. Mellier, suc cessor to Scott & Mellier; one of incorpo rators of Mellier Drug Co., organized Janu ary, 1887; served as its president until Jan. 1, 1901; since vice president of the company, manufacturers of proprietary medicines. Dem ocrat. Episcopalian. Member Royal Arcanum, Legion of Honor. Favorite recreations: hunt ing and fishing. Office: 2112 Locust St. Resi dence: 4903 Berlin Ave. MELLIER, Kennedy Duncan, manufactur ing druggist; born, St. Louis, May 23, 1849; son of Amedee Augustus and Christine M. (Haverstick) Mellier; educated in public school, City University and high school, St. Louis, graduating, 1865; A.B., Princeton Uni versity, 1869, A.M., 1875; married, St. Louis, 1895, Mrs. Alice Stoner Williams. Entered employ of Scott & Mellier, wholesale drug gists, 1869, which was succeeded by A. A. Mellier, in 1870; became member of firm in 1873, and in January, 1887, business was in corporated as the Mellier Drug Co.,' manufac turers of pharmaceuticals, of which is secre tary and treasurer. Episcopalian. Member Missouri Historical Society. Clubs: St. Louis, Noonday, St. Louis Country. Recreation: golf. Office: 2112 Locust St. Residence: 4 N. King's Highway. MELSON, Edmund P., president Missouri State Life Insurance Co.; born in Ralls Co., Mo., Oct. 29, 1866; son of Samuel J. and Sarah D. (Pendleton) Melson; educated in public school, New London, Mo., Gem City Business College, Quincy, ill., and four-year course U. S. Naval Academy, graduating in class of 1888; married, Monroe City, Mo., May 22, 1888, Virgie I. McClintic; children: Edna, Irene, Lena. Since 1889, in life insur ance business; president of the Missouri State Life Insurance Co. since 1897. Member Busi- 406 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS ness Men 's League. Democrat. Baptist. Clubs: Mercantile, Glen Echo, Automobile. Recrea tions: hunting and golf. Office: 410-424 Chem ical Bldg. Residence: 5164 Washington Boul. * MELTZER, Mark Carl, general manager Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States; born, Koenigsberg, Germany, Apr. 15, 1866; son of Simon and Theresa Melt- zer; educated abroad and at Metropolis Law School, New York; married, Feb. 22, 1890, Dora Sterne, of Columbus, Ga., and New York; children: Theresa M., Beulah R., Mark O, Jr. Came to America, 1879; began in life insurance business with Metropolitan Life In surance Co., April, 1888, continuing until 1900; since with the ¦ Equitable Life Assur ance Society, manager at St. Louis since Jan. 1, 1912. Also vice president General Paper Goods Manufacturing Co., New York; di rector Broad and Market National Bank, Newark, N. J., Commercial Casualty Co. Ma son (32°); member Bunting Lodge No. 655, A. F. & A. M., New York; New York Con sistory; Salaam Temple, A. A. O. N. M.. S., Newark, N. J. Clubs: Republican, Meridian (New York), Columbian, Westwood, Progress (Newark, N. J.). Recreations: reading, horse back riding. Offiee: Equitable Bldg., 6th and Locust Sts. Residence: Washington Hotel. MENESTRINA, Jules Francis, surgeon; 1866-1910; see Vol. 1906. MENG, Edwin Ruthven, physician; born, New Bloomfield, Calloway Co., Mo., Mar. 13, 1849; son of Dr. Samuel Thornton and El mira (Harrison) Meng; educated in public schools of Dover, Mo.; M.D., Missouri Med ical College, St. Louis, Mar. 2, 1876; married, Feb. 22, 1909, Mrs. Alice W. Johnson. En gaged in practice of medicine since Mar. 2, 1876; since 1893, professor of diseases of children, Barnes University, Medical Depart ment, and member of faculty of Barnes Uni versity. Member St. Louis Medical Society, Missouri State Medical Association, Ameri can Medical Association. Democrat. Member Christian (Disciples) Church. Office: 701 Met ropolitan Bldg. Residence: Washington Hotel. MENZENWERTH, Henry, general super intendent Anheuser-Busch Brewing Associa tion; born, Washington, Mo., Sept. 27, 1862; son of Frederick and Mary (Goeter) Menzen- werth; educated in public schools to fifteen; married, St. Louis, Nov. 11, 1891, Emelia Bergman; two children: Henry, Emelia. Be gan active career at fifteen under his father in Washington brewery; removed to St. Louis four years later and became connected with the Anheuser-Busch Brewing Association; general superintendent since 1890; also third vice president South Side Bank; director Diesel-Buseh-Sulzer Machine Co. Protestant. Clubs: Liederkranz, Apollo, Western Rowing. Recreations: motor touring, hunting and fish ing. Office: Pestalozzi, N. E. cor. 9th St. Resi dence: 3238 Coplin Ave. MEPHAM, George Saxby, manufacturer of colors; born, St. Louis, Dec. 11, 1856; son of M. S. and Maria Mepham; educated in St. Louis public and high schools; married, St. Louis, Dec. 4, 1889, Lizzie Lodge. Began business career in 1873, as clerk in the em ploy of M. S. Mepham & Bro., wholesale gro cers, who later began the manufacture of min eral colors; now head of firm of George S Mepham, organized, 1902. Member Merchants Exchange, Missouri Historical Society, Archse ological Association of America. Republican Clubs: St. Louis, Contemporary, Missouri Ath letic. Favorite recreation: archaeological re search. Office: 20th St. and Lynch Ave., East St. Louis. Residence: 4434 Westminster PL MEPHAM, Hampden D., Jr., electric rail way builder; born, St. Louis, Aug. 28, 1869; son of Hampden D. and Fidelia (Ludington) Mepham; educated in public and high schools, St. Louis; married, 2d, St. Louis, Dec. 26, 1911, Edith Morriss Kendrick; one daughter, Margaret Kendrick; also two children by first marriage: Hampden D., Ill, and Jessie May. Engaged in various pursuits until 1898; es tablished an exporting business between St. Louis and New York, and Cuba, in which continued until 1905; organized the Southern Traction Co. of Illinois, 1906, and is now in charge of construction of the road in south ern Illinois. Recreations: tennis and outdoor sports. Office: 915 Olive St. Residence: St. Regis Apts. MERCER, Sylvester Thompson, wholesale and commission lumber merchant; born, New Wilmington, Pa., Sept. 29, 1861; son of Lyle and Elizabeth (Thompson) Mercer; (father served in the Civil War; grandfather drove the first team of horses attached to a farm wagon across the Allegheny Mountains into Mercer Co., Pa., and was the first settler to purchase outright a tract of land there; a distant cousin, General Hugh, was aid-de camp to George Washington in the French and Indian War, was also a prominent figure in the War of 1812, was wounded in the bat tle of Princeton, N. J., and died a few days later) ; educated in public schools in prepara tory department of Westminster College, New Wilmington, Pa.; Grove City College, 1881- 82; married, Hermitage, Mercer Co., Pa., Sept. 30, 1891, Lucy J. Robison. Began active ca reer in general merchandise store at Turtle Creek, Pa., in 1882; in employ of Joseph Horne & Co., dry goods, Pittsburgh, 1883-87; returned to home in Mercer Co., Pa., 1887, and engaged in manufacture of oak lumber; came to St. Louis, 1891; managed general merchan dise store at Ferguson, Mo., and later was with dry goods house of Scruggs, Vander voort & Barney, part of time having charge of work-rooms on fourth floor Engaged in THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 407 lumber business in St. Louis, December, 1900, as manager Horace P. Coulter; member firm of Mercer & Holloway, 1902-03; became part ner in Coulter, & Mercer Lumber Co., Jan. 1, 1905, and on its incorporation, May 1, 1905, was elected president of the company; com pany is also local representative of Southern and Pacific Coast mills; also interested in Hattiesburg Lumber Co. Republican. Presby terian. Member Lumbermen's "Hoo-Hoo" organization; secretary Brotherhood Club of Webster Groves. Recreation: gardening. Of fice: 903-905 Wright Bldg. Residence: 211 Spring Rd., Webster Park, St. Louis Co. MEREDITH, Charles A., physician; bora, Pulaski, la., Apr. 21, 1868; son of Andrew F. and Mary (Wolf) Meredith; educated in dis trict schools; Southern Iowa Normal College, to seventeen; Marion-Sims Medical College, graduating, degree of M.D., 1893; married, New Haven, Mo., February, 1896, Julia Heid- mann; one son, Russell W. Engaged in prac tice in St. Louis since 1893. Member Tri-State Medical Association. Recreation: traveling. Office and Residence: 3903 Lee Ave. MERIWETHER, Lee, lawyer, author; born, Columbus, Miss., Dec. 25, 1862; son of Minor and Elizabeth (Avery) Meriwether; educated at Memphis, Tenn.; studied law; has prac ticed in St. Louis since 1892; married Jessie Gair, of Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 4, 1895; chil dren: Elsie, Lee, Jr. In 1885-86 took a "tramp trip" from Gibraltar to the Bos- phorus; later appointed by the Secretary of the Interior to write a report on condition of laborers in Europe; subsequently special agent Interior Department, and for three years collected data in regard to labor in United States and Hawaiian Islands; labor commissioner of Missouri, 1889-91 and 1895^ 96. His report led to laws against "truck store" system. Reports on municipal govern ment and street railway franchises led to his receiving Democratic nomination for mayor of St. Louis; Public Ownership Party candi date for mayor, 1901, and claimed election, but was counted out; again candidate, 1905. Took a trip, 1891, to the island prisons of the Mediterranean; on twenty-fifth anniver sary of his "tramp trip" through Europe traversed the same route with his wife in an automobile. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Lieder kranz. Author: A Tramp Trip — How to See Europe on Fifty Cents a Day, 1887; The Tramp at Home, 1890; Afloat and Ashore on .the Mediterranean, 1892; Miss Chunk, 1899; A Lord's Courtship, 1900; Seeing Europe By Automobile, 1911. Office: Wainwright Bldg. Residence: 3716 Delmar Boul. MERKLE, William S., contracting engi neer; born, St. Louis, July 15, 1868; son of Richard and' Charlotte (Bush) Merkle; edu cated in public and private schools of St. Louis; married, Bushberg, Mo., 1897, Emma Meissner; children: Hildegarde Alvina, Rich ard William, Edward Gustav. Began business career in father's wax candle and beeswax factory, 1886-90; since 1890 in electrical busi ness; and in 1892 was connected with the Municipal Light and Power Co.; with West ern Electrical Supply Co., as manager of engi neering department, for nine years; joined, in 1902, in organizing the Ewing-Merkle Elec tric Co.,' jobbers in electrical supplies and machinery, of which was vice president and general manager for three years; since has maintained office as consulting engineer. Member American Institute of Electrical En gineers, Electrical League of St. Louis. Favor ite recreation: hunting. Offiee: 1005 New Bank of Commerce Bldg. Residence: 2601 Louisiana Ave. *MERRELL, Albert, physician; moved to Wilmington, Del.; see Vol. 1906. MERRELL, George Robert, first vice presi dent J. S. Merrell Drug Co.; born, St. Louis, Nov. 13, 1869; son of Jacob Spencer and Catherine (Kellogg) Merrell; educated in public schools, St. Louis, Smith. Academy and St. Louis College of Pharmacy, graduating from latter, 1889; married, St. Louis, Apr. 12, 1893, Alice Atkins; five children: Spencer At kins, George Robert, Jr., Charles Marquis, Ruth Porter, Alice Jane. After leaving school began business career as clerk with the J. S. Merrell Drug Co. (established 1845, incorpo rated 1885), of which later became salesman, then treasurer, and, since 1901, has been vice president. Member Business Men's League, St. Louis Salesmanagers ' Association (direct or). Republican. Congregationalist. Member Tuscan Lodge of Masons and Royal Arcanum. Clubs: Mercantile, Normandie Golf, Arcadia' Country. Recreations: outdoor diversions. Office: 2-8 N. 4th St., cor. Market St. Resi dence: 6209 Washington Ave. MERRELL, Hubert Spencer, wholesale druggist; 1858-1911; see Vol. 1906. MERRICK, Harrison Hopkins, retired jew eler; born, Carmel, N. Y., January, 1841; son of Allen and Caroline (Hopkins) Merrick; educated in public schools, Carmel, to 1856; widower. Began business career with Ball. Black & Co., New York City, 1856; came to St. Louis and was with Eugene Jaccard, jew eler, 1866-78; resigned to engage in same line, firm organized as Merrick, Walsh & Phelps Jewelry Co., of which was continuously presi dent until retirement from active business, April, 1901. Republican. Christian Scientist. Recreation: traveling. Residence: 5174 Cab anne Avenue. MERRIWEATHER, Anthony, general sec retary Salvation Army; bom near York, England, Mar. 29, 1866; son of George and Susan (Spence) Merriweather; educated in Friends School, York, to 1880; then in Inter- 408 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS national Training College, Clapton, England, until 1885; married, Schenectady, N. Y., Mar. 22, 1888, Margaret A. Greenhalgh; four chil dren: George, William, Rachel, Margaret. Commissioned as lieutenant Salvation Army, by Gen. William Booth, July 19, 1885; came to Ameriea, Aug. 2, 1886; was one of the earliest Salvation Army officers in this coun try. Served in different important offices, such as overseer Training Schools, Oakland, Cal., and Chicago; in charge divisions of Connecti cut, Michigan, Florida and Hawaiian Islands; general secretary in Omaha, Minneapolis and Seattle from 1906, until appointed to Mid land Province, St. Louis, Sept. 5, 1909; St. Louis general secretary for various branches of the work in Missouri, Arkansas, Kansas and southern Illinois. Ordained minister of the Gospel of The Salvation Army, 1895. Rec reations: reading, walking. Office: 401 Ful lerton Bldg. Residence: 3920 Maffitt Ave. MERRYMAN, John F., lawyer; born, Mt. Vernon, Ky., Sept. 14, 1854; son of Joseph E. and Harriett N. (Gabriel) Merryman; edu cated, Gaylord's Academy, Platte City, Mo.; University of Missouri; Bethany College, West Virginia, graduating with degree of A.B., 1874; married, St. Louis, Feb. 1, 1886, Carrie P. Johnson, who died April, 1892; two children: Elvira F. and Frank Johnson; mar ried, 2d, St. Louis, Sept. 5, 1894, Florence Ruffner; three children: Catherine, Virginia, Florence. Admitted to the bar, 1874, and practiced at Platte City for one year, since at St. Louis. Elected member Missouri House of Representatives, 1880, serving one term. Democrat. Member Hamilton Avenue Chris tian Church. Office: 322, 705 Olive St. Resi dence: 5936 W. Cabanne PL MERSMAN, Otto Lewis, real estate; born, St. Louis, Sept. 18, 1864; son of Joseph J. and Claudine (Crusbar) Mersman; educated at Smith Academy and Manual Training School, graduating, 1883; married, St. Louis, Oct. 26, 1887, Mary, daughter of John A. Scudder; children: Scudder, Isabel and Otto L., Jr. Began business career as president of Pacific Oil Co., 1886-91; since 1891 engaged in real estate business in St. Louis. Clubs: Uni versity, Noonday, St. Louis Country, Racquet. Recreations: polo, automobiling and travel. Office: 719 Chestnut St. Residence: 71 Van deventer Place. MERTENS, Theodore William, president Heidbreder Ice Co.; bora, Westphalia, Ger many, Sept. 1, 1853; son of Henry John and Gerstine (Fausner) Mertens; educated in pub lic schools in Germany; married, Fort Madi son, la., Feb. 26, 1878, Lizzie Schulte; chil dren: Mary (Mrs. Frank Helman), John O, Otto, Theodore W., Jr., Herman B., Bernhard. Began business career in the brick yard and packing plant of Fischer & Kronenburger, 1870-71; soon after went into ice business for self, until 1892, when organized, and in 1902 was elected president and manager of the Heidbreder Ice Co., wholesale ice and coal; became sole owner, Nov. 16, 1909, and firm name was changed to T. W. Mertens Ice Plant. Catholic. Member Catholic Knights of America, Holy Trinity Benevolent Society. Office: 12th and Palm Sts. Residence: 3905 Parnell. MERTON, Seth D., contractor; born, Ra cine, Wis., July 14, 1863; son of John and Persis Valentia (French) Merton; educated in public schools, Chicago; married, St. Louis, May 27, 1903, Bernardine A. White; children: Julia, Sibley. Resident of Chicago, 1875-83; began business career as settling elerk on Chicago Board of Trade; resident of St. Louis since 1883; engaged in brokerage business on 'change six years, then in electric supply business three years, and with Heine Safety Boiler Co. the next six years; contractor in fire brick construction since 1899. Independ ent in politics. Unitarian. Club: Engineers'. Office: 500 Security Bldg. Residence: Clayton, Missouri. MESKER, Frank, manufacturer iron and sheet metal work; born, Evansville, Ind., Jan. 8, 1861; son of John B. and Elizabeth Mesker; educated in private schools and commercial colleges, Evansville, Ind., to 1878; married, St. Louis, June 11, 1903, Pauline Gehner. Began business career in St. Louis, March, 1879, since continuously engaged in manu facture of iron and sheet metal work as Mesker & Brother. Member Business Men's League, Academy of Science. Clubs: St. Louis, Century, Elks, etc. Office: 421 S. Sixth St. Residence: 4958 Forest Park Boul. MESSING, Henry J., rabbi; born, Gostyn, Posen, Germany; son of Joseph (rabbi and author) and Fannie (Barnett) Messing; re moved with parents to London, England, upon appointment of father as rabbi of the Ger man Synagogue on Broad St., W. E.; edu cated in Gymnasium, Glogan; University and Rabbinical Seminary, Breslau; studied the Talmud under Grand Rabbi Algas Gutmaster; married, Williamsport, Pa., January, 1872, Jennie May; eight children: Elsie Jane Ber- man (deceased), Lillian (Mrs. Egmont Dill- mont), Alfred H., Oscar, Hattie (Mrs. M. Fireside), Josphine (Mrs. Ben Roma), Flor ence (Mrs. Lawrence May), Roswell. Rabbi Hebrew Congregation, Dubuque, la., 1868-70, Williamsport, Pa., 1870-77, Peoria, 111., 1877- 78, United Hebrew Congregation, St. Louis, 1878-1907, rabbi emeritus since November, 1907. Under his administration a new temple was erected at corner of 21st and Olive Sts. which was occupied for twenty-one years, and then the present property at King's Highway and Morgan St. was acquired. For over thirty years (until obliged to retire on account of ill health) an active worker for the Hebrew THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 409 Relief Society and the Jewish Educational and Charitable Union, resigning as first vice president of latter; founded Hebrew "Free School Society, 1880 (now a branch of the Jewish Educational Union). Mason; member Free Sons of Israel, B'nai B'rith. Home: St. Louis. MESSMER, Ferdinand, retired; born in Baden, Germany, Oct. 11, 1833; son of Joseph and Marguerite Messmer; educated in paro chial school in Germany; married, St. Louis, 1856, Anna Stark; 'children: Louisa (Mrs. Al bert Bugg), Minnie (Mrs. Fred. Herming- haus), Sophie V., Charles, Emily (Mrs. Albert Seheckner), Clara (Mrs. J. T. Mack-ay), An nie (Mrs. F. J. Vellner), Ferdinand, Jr., Jo seph, Ida, Lena (Mrs. Gilbert Anderson), Ed ward (deceased). Came to St. Louis from Germany, 1855; metal worker in employ of the Pauly Jail Works, and the Fulton Iron Works, and assisted in erecting the dome of the St. Louis Court House; in 1863 became a government contractor, forging bridle bits for the U. S. Government, and later changed to locksmith, and brass worker, finally devel oping the Ferd. Messmer Manufacturing Co., brass founders, of which was president until January, 1907, when retired. Odd Fellow. Residence: 2845 Lemp Ave. MESSMER, Ferdinand, Jr., president Ferd. Messmer Manufacturing Co., brass foundry and machine shop; born, St. Louis, Aug. 20, 1871; son of Ferdinand and Anna (Stark) Messmer; educated in public schools of St. Louis; married, St. Louis, May 10, 1893, Rose Duerbeck; one son, Walter. Began active career in manufacturing business under father, 1888; was made secretary of the com pany, 1891, treasurer, 1902, and elected presi dent, 1908; now serving as president and treasurer. Director St. Louis Altenheim. Rec reations: baseball, motoring. Office: 2700 S. 7th St. Residence: 3307A S. Jefferson Ave. MESSMORE, John L., president Ballard- Messmore Grain Co.; born, Pancoastburg, O., Jan. 6, 1861; son of Alvan Lotan and Evaline Howard (Leach) Messmore; educated in high schools at London, O., and St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Oct. 18, 1893, Elizabeth A. Marks. Began active career as traveling salesman for Crowley, Eisner & Co., St. Louis, 1880-82; solicitor for Rosenbaum Bros., Chicago, 1882- 84; formed firm of Blair & Messmore, grain dealers, Pittsburgh, Pa., 1885; traveling sales man for H. & L. Chase Bag Co., St. Louis, 1887-91; assisted in organizing firm of Bal lard, Messmore & Braun, 1892, which in 1908 became the Ballard-Messmore Grain Co., of which is president. Member executive com mittee Council of Grain Exchanges of North America; first viee president St. Louis Mer chants' Exchange; ex-president St. Louis Grain Club; member Civie League. Repub lican. Protestant. Member Ohio Society of St. Louis (ex-president). Mason. Clubs: Glen Echo Country (vice president, 1911), Contem porary, Automobile. Recreations: golf, travel, motoring. Office: 520 Merchants' Exchange. Residence: 5848 Von Versen Ave. MESTON, Charles Robert, electrical engi neer; bora, Kilbagie, near Edinburgh, Scot land, Oct. 8, 1867; son of Archibald and Mag dalene Jane (Smart) Meston; attended schools at Elgin and Edinburgh, Scotland, up to 1876, and at Detroit, Mich.; married, St. Louis, 1896, Nancy Van Rensselaer Ashcroft; one son, Alexander William. Began business career as bookkeeper, Blackmer & Post Pipe Co., St. Louis, 1885-89; with Southwestern Electrical Engineering Co., St. Louis, 1889- 90; organized, 1890, Emerson Electric Manu facturing Co., in connection with A. W. Mes ton and Judge J. W. Emerson, to engage in general electrical manufacturing; since 1893 has had full charge of the manufacturing part of the business; now first vice president The Emerson Electric Manufacturing Co., whose specialty is manufacture of electric motors. Associate member American Institute Electrical Engineers; member Business Men's League, Citizens' Industrial Association. Independent Republican. Protestant. Clubs: Mercantile, Missouri Athletic, Noonday. Of fice: 21st St. and Washington Ave. Residence: 5 Kingsbury PL MESTON, Thomas M., second vice presi dent The Emerson Electric Manufacturing Co.; born, Elgin, Scotland, June 23, 1871; son of Archibald and Magdalene Jane (Smart) Meston; educated in public and high schools in Canada; married, St. Louis, Apr. 27, 1893, Mary Ella Sugru (now deceased); one son, Robert Scott; married, 2d, Nov. 10, 1909, Gertrude S. Phillips, of St. Louis; one daugh ter, Elizabeth. Came to St. Louis in 1886, and was engaged as clerk with the Simmons Hardware Co. until 1897; became secretary to The Emerson Electric Manufacturing Co., manufacturers of electrical apparatus, so con tinuing until 1905, when was elected second vice president of the company. Independent in politics. Clubs: St. Louis, Glen Echo, Noonday, Bellerive Country. Office: 2030 Washington Ave. Residence: 501 Clara Ave. MEYER, Alfred Charles Frederick, cashier South Side Bank of St. Louis; born, St. Louis, Aug. 6, 1873; son of John P. and Wilhelmina (Kueck) Meyer; educated in Peabody (pub lic) and St. Louis high schools; private school in Weisbaden, Germany; LL.B., Law Depart ment of Washington University, 1895; mar ried, St. Louis, Jan. 15, 1898, Christine Ar nold; children: Alfred Arnold, John Philip, Margaret (deceased), Arnold, Roderick Max, Richard Frederick. Practiced law in St. Louis with Rudolph Schulenberg, in firm of Sehulen- berg & Meyer, 1895-1904; dissolved, June, 1904, when assumed charge of South Side 410 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS Bank of St. Louis as caphier and also director. Member St. Louis Bar Association, Business Men's League. Republican. Clubs: Union, Liederkranz. Recreation: aiumismatics. Of fice: N. W. cor. Broadway and Pestalozzi St. Residence: .1605 Missouri Ave. MEYER, Carl Frederic, treasurer, St. Louis Cooperage Co.; born, St. Louis, June 11, 1880; son of George Frederic and Katherine (Plant) Meyer; attended St. Louis public schools un til 1897, then entered St; Louis Manual Train ing School, from which graduated in 1899; married, St. Louis, Oct. 30, 1907, Norburu Berry; one daughter, Elizabeth. On leaving school entered the service of the St. Louis Cooperage Co. (established by father in 1884), and is now treasurer of the company. Inde pendent in polities. Episcopalian. Recreation: tennis. Office: Main and Arsenal Sts. Resi dence: 24 S. Rockhill Rd., Webster Groves, Missouri. MEYER, Edwin John, secretary of insur ance companies; bora, St. Louis, Nov. 29, 1855; son of Frederick and Claudine (Hugo) Meyer; educated in public schools and Wy man 's School, St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Jan. 17, 1911, Louise Lee Rabuski. Began business career as boy in printing house, then was for some years^ in the passenger depart ment of the Frisco Line, and afterwards for nine years with Wickham & Pendleton, whole sale grocers. In 1888 became assistant secre tary and in 1902 was elected to present posi tion as secretary and trustee of the German Mutual Life Insurance Co. of St. Louis, and secretary, treasurer and director of the Wash ington Mutual Fire Insurance Co. of St. Louis. Republican. Protestant. Member Liederkranz. Recreations: fishing, music. Office: -506 Olive St. Residence: 3005 Lafayette Ave. MEYER, Ernest William, manager Eden Publishing House; born, Basel, Switzerland, Jan. 18, 1872; son of John Jacob and Verena (Kiefer) Meyer; educated in public schools and gymnasium, Basel; Elmhurst College, Elmhurst 111.; married, Cincinnati, May 30, 1893, Emilie Lehmann; four children: Ernest J. J. (deceased), Thusnelda E., Carl Armin, Verena Brunhilde. Came to America, 1887; learned printer's trade at Cincinnati; entered journalistic and publishing field at Cincinnati, 1894, continuing at Huntingburg and Crown Point, Ind., and Pittsburgh, Pa.; settled in St. Louis, fall of 1908, and since connected with Eden Publishing House, manager since fall of 1910. Member St. Paul's Friedens Evangel ical Church. Independent in politics. Recrea tions: baseball and fishing. Office: 1716-1718 Chouteau Ave. Residence: 2027 Russell Ave. MEYER, Frederick William, president Enno Sander Mineral Water Co., manufacturers of soda and mineral waters; born, Hanover, Ger many, June 15, 1862; son of Frederick W. and Charlotte (Waechter) Meyer; public school education; married, St. Louis, Dec. 20, 1881, Emma Lembach; one child, Gladys (Mrs. Ed win Ballman). Arrived in America in Novem ber, 1867; as a boy was employed as city lamp lighter during Mayor Brown's term at a salary of eleven dollars a month; began business career as clerk in store of Fred Net- terhut, 2310-2312 Chouteau Ave., 1875-78; then in hardware store of William Stutz, 1878-79; with older brother started a grocery store, continuing 1879-82; worked for Grone & Co., pioneer soda and mineral water manu facturers, 1882-90. Started in manufacturing business for self, June 17, 1890, at 1550 S. 7th St., continuing there until 1896; then lo cated at 211-213 St. George St. and continued for seventeen years; president Meyer-Mein- hardt Co., 1890-1912; bought out the business of Enno Sanders Mineral Water Co., 1912, and now president of the company; also pro prietor of Les-Cheneaux Hotel, Meyer, Mich. Republican. Protestant. Fotvnded Missouri Bottlers' Association, at Moberly, Mo., 1906, and was elected first president; again elected president, 1912, and now chairman board of directors; third vice president American Bot tlers' Protective Association; member Citi zens ' Industrial Association, German Protest ant Orphan Society, Rock Springs Saenger- bund, St. Louis Altenheim, West St. Louis Turn Verein, Elks, Knights of Pythias. Clubs: Million Population, Missouri Athletic, Olym- pia Athletic, Western Rowing. Recreations: fishing and hunting. Office: 2807 Lawton Ave. (new modern building, S. E. cor. Comp ton and Lucas Aves., after Nov. 1, 1912). Residence: 5619 Cates Ave. Summer Resi dence: Les-Cheneaux Hotel, Meyer, Mich. MEYER, George Adolph, banker, wholesale grocer; born, Burlington, la., Nov. 18, 1860; son of Adolph and Emma (Knust) Meyer; educated in private German school and pub lic schools of Burlington, la.; married, St. Louis, Nov. 14, 1883, Dora Ludewig; chil dren: Clara Louise, Georgia, Edwin, Carl. Began business career as office boy with Biklen-Winzer Grocer Co., 1876-78; salesman, 1878-82; removed to St. Louis, 1882; sales man Wulfing-Dieckriede & Co., and Fink & Nasse, 1882-88; president Meyer, Schmid & Robyn Grocer Co., 1888-94; president Meyer- Schmid Grocer Co., 1894-1909, since chairman of the board; president International Bank of St. Louis since Oct. 21, 1911; formerly di rector Mechanics-American National Bank; vice president Vane-Calvert Paint Co., Nie meyer Drug and Paint Co. Member Business Men's League, Civic League. Member board of Children's Industrial Home. Independent Republican. Clubs: Glen Echo, Union (presi dent, 1905-06), Liederkranz, King's Lake Hunting and Fishing. Recreations: outdoor life, principally motoring, hunting and fish ing. Office: 4th and Olive Sts. Residence: 3419 Hawthorne Boul.' THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 411 MEYER, George Theodore, adjuster for Meyer Bros. Drug Co.; born, Ft. Wayne, Ind., Jan. 10, 1867; son of J. F. William and Julia (Gerke) Meyer; educated in parochial school, Ft. Wayne, Ind., Ft. Wayne High School, Dr. Sachs' Collegiate Institute, New York, Har vard, academic course, three years, Har vard Law School, two years; married; St. Louis, Feb. 1, 1893, May Andrews; children: Ridgely William, Gladys Julia, Ella May. Since Sept. 15, 1890, engaged in present posi tion as adjuster for the Meyer Bros. Drug Co. Republican. Episcopalian. Club: Amateur Athletic Association. Recreations: fishing, tennis and golf. Office: Meyer Bros. Drug Co., 4th St. and Clark Ave. Residence: 5869 Cates Avenue. MEYER, Gustave John, wholesale druggist; born, New York, Sept. 23, 1848; son of Mar tin and Caroline Meyer; educated at Con cordia College, Ft. Wayne, Ind.; married, St. Louis, Apr. 22, 1875, Emma Hertel; children: Arthur F., Olivia F. (Mrs. Olivia F. Browne), Jerome G. Began business in 1863 as a clerk with Meyer Bros., retail drugs; came to St. Louis, 1867, and became connected with Meyer Bros. & Co., wholesale drugs; later .went back to Indiana for two years; returned to St. Louis, and on incorporation of the Meyer Bros. Drug Co., in 1889, was elected to present position as secretary of the com pany. Member Business Men.'s League, Latin- American Club. Was member First Regiment, Missouri State Guards. Episcopalian. Office: 219 S. 4th St. Residence: 3853 Westminster Place. MEYER, Harry Henry, physician; born, Labadie, Franklin Co., Mo., Oct. 8, 1872; son of Alfred William and Emilie (Mueller) Meyer; educated in country school and one year in high school; graduated from Missouri Medical College, M.D., 1897; married, St. Louis, Oct. 13, 1906, Olive Hill; two children: Delphina Roberta, Geraldine. Came from Labadie, Mo., to St. Louis, in 1889; entered employ of Gildehaus, Wulfing & Co.; studied medicine, 1894-97; interne at St. Louis Fe male Hospital one year; assistant physician St. Louis Insane Asylum, for one and one- half years; studied in Berlin, Germany, and Vienna, Austria, fifteen months; in general practice since 1901. Member Alumni Wash ington University, St. Louis Medical Society, Missouri State and American Medical associa tions. Awarded Chemistry (Curtmann) Prize, 1896. Protestant. Recreation: hunting. Of fice: 1823 N. Taylor Ave. Residence: 1723 N. Taylor Ave. MEYER, Isaac, retired; bora in Germany, June 27, 1849; son of Louis and Rebecca (Falk) Meyer; educated in schools of Shreve port, La.; married, St. Louis, May 6, 1875, Bertha Suss; children: Mrs. Florence M. Kirschbaum, Alex. S., Mrs. Adele M. Stix, Leon G., Lucille B. Removed to St. Louis from Shreveport, and at age of nineteen be came connected with the firm of Meyer, Ban- nerman & Co., manufacturers and wholesale dealers in saddlery, harness, etc.; was partner until 1911, when firm retired from business. Democrat. Member Royal Arcanum. Clubs: Columbian, Westwood Country. Recreation: golf. Office: 806 Chestnut St. Residence: 4378 Lindell Ave. MEYER, Jacob, retired; born in Bavaria, Dec. 5, 1847; son of Louis and Rebecca (Falk) Meyer; educated in common school; married, , Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 18, 1881, Blanche Hayman; children: Lester, Alvin, Arthur, Erma (Mrs. Abe Rosenberger, of Kansas City, Mo.). Began as clerk in retail store at Shreveport, La.; with earnings, and a small inheritance, entered business with Jacob Straus under firm name of Jacob Straus & Co., in 1866; dissolved in 1870, when with Isaac Meyer and James Bannerman estab lished firm of Meyer, Bannerman & Co., wholesale saddlery manufacturers, and job bers of saddlery hardware, which firm retired from business, 1910; president Meyer-Banner- man Real Estate Co. Democrat. Israelite. Founded and was first president of Columbian Club. Was formerly trustee of the Mullanphy Board; director Hebrew Charitable Associa tion of St. Louis. Recreations: traveling, hunting and fishing. Residence: 4236 Lindell Boulevard. MEYER, John Ferdinand, merchant miller; born in Westphalia, Germany, July 25, 1830; son of Adam and Maria (Hartmann) Meyer; educated in private schools in Germany; mar ried, 1862, Anna C. Fechtel (died, June, 1902) ; children: Herman, Anna, Henry, Ferdinand, Lutwig, Joseph, Rosa (Mrs. W. Barry), Elea nora. Learned to be a miller in Germany; came to St. Louis from Germany, 1860, and engaged in grocery business three years and four months; began in commission business in 1865, in firm of Imbs & Meyer, which be came Imbs, Meyer & Fusz in 1866, and Imbs, Meyer & Co. in 1872; changed to Meyer & Bulte, 1881, and in 1894 retired from com mission business and entered with sons into present business as merchant miller, under style of John F. Meyer & Sons, of which is president; also president of Meyer & Sons Milling Co., Springfield, Mo., operating two mills, the Queen City and the Model. Demo crat. Was in German Army, 1851-53. Catho lic; member St. Vincent de Paul Society (was president eleven years) ; ex-president Catholic Orphans' Society. Office: 724 Laclede Bldg. Residence: 1739 Pennsylvania Ave. MEYER, John Jacob, clergyman and con sul of Switzerland; born, Basel, Switzerland, May 8, 1859; son of John Jacob and Verena (Kiefer) Meyer; educated in public schools, Realschule, Realgymnasium and Trade School, 412 THE BOOK OF ,ST. LOUISANS Basel, to 1874; French school Neuveville, Can ton Bern, six months; in banking house of Benedict La Roche, Basel, 1875-78; Theolog ical Seminary University of Basel, 1879-82; Ph.B., and A.M., Taylor University, Indiana; married, Basel, May 30, 1882, Clara Allen- spach; children: Rev. Paul J. (of Cincinnati), Richard (of St. Louis), Rev. Achilles B. (of Pendleton, Mo.), Alfred T., Werner S. (de ceased), Theodora, Hedwig, Martha V. Came to America, 1882; ordained Evangelical min istry, 1882; pastor Stearley ville, Ind., 1882- 83, Princeton, Ind., 1883-85, Cincinnati, 1885- 90; superintendent Deaconess' Hospital, Cin cinnati, 1890-92; pastor circuit, Lebanon, Ma son, Foster, O., 1892-98, Boonville, Ind., 1898- 1905, St. Paul's Friedens Church, St. Louis, since Aug. 1, 1905; also consul of Switzerland for Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska and southern Illinois, since Mar. 8, 1912. Member German Evangelical Synod of North America. Trustee Good Samaritan Hospital, Emmaus Asylum for Epileptics and Feeble Minded. Recrea tions: study of history and languages; fishing. Residence: 2006 S. 13th St. MEYER, Otto Paul, vice president Meyer Bros. Drug Co.; bom, St. Louis, Feb. 28, 1870; son of C. F. G. and Frances (Schmidt) Meyer; educated in University of Michigan, graduating with degree of Ph.O, 1890; mar ried, Grand Rapids, Mich., June 6, 1894, Alice Hewett McGowan; two children: Frances Theodora and Adelaide Virginia. Began busi ness career in laboratory of Meyer Bros. Drug Co., 1891; manager of laboratory, 1894; assistant secretary of the company, 1896, vice president since 1909. Republican. Recreation: motoring. Office: 4th St. and Clark Ave. Resi dence: 4112 Westminster PL MEYER, Robert, president Meyer Bros. Coffee and Spice Co.; born on farm in Frank lin Co., Mo., Sept. 20, 1865; son of Alfred William and Emilie (Mueller) Meyer; edu cated in public schools in Franklin Co., Mo., and in Bryant & Stratton Business College, St. Louis, 1884-85; married, St. Louis, Nov. 18, 1896, Amanda Endres; children: Aimee Elise, Robert Endres. Left farm in 1881 and clerked in general store in Augusta, Mo., until 1884; came to St. Louis to attend business college; kept books for commission house two. years; traveling salesman, 1888-94; assistant general manager local coffee firm, 1894-99; organized Meyer Bros. Coffee and Spice Co., September, 1899, and has since been president of the company. Member Business Men's League, St. Louis Manufacturers ' Association. Protestant. Mason. Club: Masonic. Recrea tions: hunting and fishing. Office: 400 S. 7th St. Residence: 7 Shaw PL MEYER, Rudolph J., clergyman; born, St. Louis, Nov. 8, 1841; son of George Henry and Anna Mary (Kemper) Meyer; educated St. Louis University, Boston College, George town College and Woodstock (Md.) College. Entered the Society of Jesus, July 11, 1858; ordained priest, Roman Catholic Church, 1873; in Europe, 1874-75; minister and prefect of studies, St. Xavier College, Cincinnati, 1876- 77; prefect of studies, St. Ignatius College, Chicago, 1877-79; president St. Francis Xavi er 's College, Cincinnati, 1879-81; president St. Louis University, 1881-85; provincial of Missouri, 1885-89; commissary or visitor of the California Mission Society pf Jesus, 1889; prefect of studies and, later, rector, Marquette College, Milwaukee, Wis., 1890-92; delegated to assist at the General Congregation, Society of Jesus, Loyola, Spain, 1892; assistant for English; speaking provinces of Society of Jesus, with residence in Rome, 1893-1906; su perior of Buffalo Mission Society Jesus, whose colleges and houses he annexed to the Ameri can provinces of the order, 1906-07; provin cial of Missouri since 1907. Author: First Lessons in the Science of the Saints, 1902; The World in Which We Live, 1908; also many articles on religious subjects in news papers and magazines. Address: St. Louis University. MEYER, Theodore Frederick, president of Meyer Bros. Drug Co.; born in Ft. Wayne, Ind., June 4, 1857; son of Christian F. G. and Franciska Therese (Schmidt) Meyer; edu cated in German Lutheran parochial schools and public schools in St. Louis; Concordia College, Ft. Wayne, Ind., graduating, 1876; University of Michigan, College of Pharmacy, graduating, 1878; married, San Antonio, Tex., June 20, 1888, Eda Hampmann; children: Theodore F., Jr., Elizabeth K. Entered em ploy of Meyer Bros. & Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind., 1878; transferred to house of Meyer Bros. & Co., Kansas City, Mo., 1879; transferred to Meyer Bros. & Co., St. Louis, 1883; in charge of Dallas, Tex., branch, 1887-89; elected vice president and manager of Meyer Bros. Drug Co., 1889, holding that position until 1906, since which time has been president of the company, importers and wholesale druggists, manufacturers of pharmaceutical prepara tions, Imperial Crown Perfumes, drug millers and paint grinders (established in Ft. Wayne, Ind., 1852, opened in St. Louis, 1865, incor porated, 1889). Independent in politics. Presi dent National Wholesale Drug Association. Clubs: St. Louis, Commercial, Glen Echo; Rec reation: driving. Office: cor. 4th St. and Clark Ave. Residence: 4930 Lindell Boul. MEYERS, John Christian, general agent Reliance Life Insurance Co. of New York; bora, Bremen, Germany, Feb. 23, 1857; son of Henry and Elizabeth (Petersen) Meyers; educated in Realschule and High School (Gymnasia), Bremen; came to America, 1879, and took course in commercial college; mar ried, St. Louis, Oct. 25, 1882, Louise Schopp; three children: Louise (director of musie at THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 413 University of Hlinois), Arthur C. (lieutenant U. S. Navy), and- Ruth. Established American Sporting Goods Co., 1887; started "Force" magazine, 1900; built Crystal Natatorium, 1908; manager at St. Louis of the Germania Life Insurance Co., 1909-12; since general agent Reliance Life Insurance Co. Served as volunteer in German army one year; was spe cial dispatch messenger in war between Ger many and France, 1870-71; commodore U. S. Volunteer Life Savers for Western Waters since 1904. Member board of directors Muegge Institute; member Society for Phys ical Education, Schiller Verein, Ethical So ciety. Owner of medal awarded by German Government, 1872, for saving life of drown ing person. Became citizen of United States, 1884. Independent in poltics. Member Ger man Protestant Church. Clubs: City, St. Louis Turn Verein, Western Rowing, Missouri Athletic Recreation: general athletics. Of fice: 11th floor, New Bank of Commerce Bldg. Residence: 3611 McDonald Ave. MICHAEL, Elias, president of Rice-Stix Dry Goods Co.; born, Eschau, Bavaria, Ger many, Sept. 28, 1854; son of Simon and Sarah (Ottenheimer) Michael; educated in public schools of Memphis, Tenn.; married, Cincin nati, June 17, 1886, Rachel Stix; one daugh ter, Selma (died, 1894). When fifteen years of age entered employ of Rice, Stix & Co., wholesale dry goods, at Memphis, Tenn., Sept. 15, 1869, as stock clerk; when nineteen, ap pointed buyer for notion department; in 1879, owing to yellow fever in Memphis, firm con cluded to open at St. Louis, and, upon locat ing here, he was made buyer of the hosiery, notions, furnishing goods and white goods departments; was admitted to interest in business in 1884 and made full partner, 1885; upon incorporation of firm, 1899, was made secretary; served as vice president, 1903-06, since president of the company, original cap ital of which was $2,000,000, increased in 1902 to the present capital of $4,000,000. President Premium Manufacturing Co.; di rector Commonwealth Trust Co., National Bank of Commerce. Independent in politics. Member Board of Education of St. Louis, 1904-10 (finance committee); appointed by Mayor Wells as vice chairman Bridge and Terminals Commission. Jewish religion; mem ber of board of directors of Jewish Charitable and Educational Union of St. Louis. Trustee St. Louis Provident Association, Self Culture Hall Association; member executive board Hospital Saturday and Sunday Association (chairman trades committee). Member Busi ness Men's League (vice president), St. Louis Manufacturers' Association, National Whole sale Dry Goods Association (president, 1910- 11), and identified with all prominent charita ble and educational organizations. Director Louisiana Purchase Exposition. Clubs: Co lumbian, Mercantile (president, 1902), Noon day, Contemporary, Glen Echo Country. Prin cipal recreation: golf. Office: 1000 Washing ton Ave. Residence: 4383 Westminster PL MICHEL, Charles Eugene, physician, ocu list; born, Charleston, S. C, May 9, 1833; son of John and Anna (Febve) Michel; edu cated in private schools of Charleston, and Charleston College (literary) ; graduated from Medical College of State of South Carolina, Charleston, March, 1857; post-graduate study in medical schools and hospitals of Paris, France, 1857-60; married, Celeste E. Nidelet; two chidren. Served in Confederate Army as surgeon in the field, and later was in charge of hospitals at Graysville, Marietta, Atlanta and Macon, Ga.; engaged in practice at St. Louis after war; specialist in ophthalmology; professor of ophthalmology in Missouri Med ical College, 1869-1907. Ex-member St. Louis Medical Society and Missouri State Medical Association. Independent Democrat. Recrea tions: hunting and outdoor sports. Office and Residence: 2925 Washington Ave. MICHEL, Joseph A., cashier Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co.; born, St. Louis, May 8, 188.1; son of Joseph and Maria (Mascheck) Michel; educated in SS. Peter and Paul's Pa rochial School, St. Louis, to 1895; unmarried. Began business career as clerk with J. W. Teasdale & Co., 1895, continuing until 1896; then engaged with Penn Mutual Insurance Co., St. Louis office, of which has been cashier since 1899. Catholic. Recreations: fishing and bowling. Office: 510 Chemical Bldg. Resi dence: 2237 Missouri Ave. MICHEL, Pierre A., dentist; born, New Orleans, Jan. 25, 1878; son of Pierre and Minnie A. (Fulkerson) Michel; educated in grammar and high schools, New Orleans, to June, 1895; D.D.S., Dental Department, Uni versity of Maryland, Baltimore, Mar. 31, 1898; married, St. Louis, Aug. 13, 1901, Anna F. Brettelle; one daughter, Pearl A. Prac ticed in New Orleans, May 20, 1898-Dec. 31, 1903; demonstrator operative technics, New Orleans College of Dentistry, sessions of 1899- 1900 and 1900-01; came to St. Louis, Jan. 4, 1904, and opened offiee at 3903 W. Belle PL on Jan. 20 following; moved to present address Dec. 27, 1910. Democrat. Roman Catholic. Member Xi Psi Phi dental fraternity, Royal Arcanum, National Union, Knights of Colum bus. Recreation: bowling. Office: 4908 Del mar Ave. Residence: 5863 Etzel Ave. MICHENER, Walter Lewis, life insurance manager; born in Montgomery Co., Pa., Aug. 2, 1871; son of Theodore and Lydia D. (Pugh) Michener; educated in public schools of Phila delphia; married, Philadelphia, June 16, 1896, Alice H. Hancock; children: Edward Russell, Walter Lewis, Jr. Served three years in printing business; in 1887 entered employ of 414 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS Provident Life and Trust Co. of Philadelphia, as errand boy, and was promoted from time to time until 1901, when was made cashier of the insurance department. In April, 1904, was sent to St. Louis to take the general agency for the company, which (with Edwin S. Wil liams) now conducts under style of Michener & Williams, general agents. Republican. Epis copalian. Mason (Chapter, Commandery, Shrine). Clubs: Mercantile, Normandie Golf. Recreation: golf. Office: Central National Bank Bldg. Residence: 5108 Vernon Ave. MICHENFELDER, Charles John, president Missouri Cider and Vinegar Co.; born, St. Louis, June 5, 1855; son of Francis and Jo sephine (Schiehle) Michenfelder; educated in St. Mary's Parochial School to 1867; Chris tian Brothers College, 1867-68; then Poly technic High School to 1869; three years in Central High School, 1869-72; married, St. Louis, May 10, 1881, Margareth E. Buse; four children: Harry A., Mae, Albert A., Adele. Began business career as bookkeeper Frank lin Savings Bank, St. Louis, 1872, and con tinued until 1878; then engaged in general commission business to 1899; acquired owner ship of Green & Clark's cider business, 1899, which was incorporated, 1902, as the Mis souri Cider and Vinegar Co., of which has since been president. Catholic. Member Catho lic Knights of America/ Royal Arcanum. Rec reations: rowing, bowling and billiards. Of fice: 205-207 S. 16th St. Residence: 2345 S. 13th St. MIDDLEKAUFF, Frank Gibson, brick manufacturer; 1863-1906; see Vol. 1906. MIDDLETON, John Alexander, freight traffic manager; born, Kingston, Ont., Oct. 11, 1856; son of Lewis and Sophia (Lyall) Mid- dleton; educated in public schools; married, St. Louis, July 22, 1885, Jean B. Murray; children: Lewis L., Bessie (Mrs. James A. Work, Jr., of Elkhart, Ind.), Vera, Will M. Began business career, 1870, as telegraph messenger; tinner and cornice maker, 1870-78; clerk Simmons Hardware Co., 1879-82; entered service of St. Louis & San Francisco R. R., as clerk in freight department, Jan. 11, 1883, and became chief clerk in same, July 1, 1884; assistant general freight agent, Jan. 1, 1890; general freight agent, July 1, 1900; since July 1, 1904, freight traffic manager of the St. Louis & San Francisco Railroad Co.; also freight traffic manager of the Chicago & East ern Illinois Railroad Co., since Jan. 1, 1912. Independent in politics. Member National Geographic Society, Business Men's League. Episcopalian. Member Royal Arcanum, Na tional Union. Clubs: Mercantile, Traffic of St. Louis, Normandie Golf. Office: 1013 Frisco Bldg. Residence: 5830 Clemens Ave. MIDLAM, William Thomas; bom, Erie, Pa., June 23, 1860; son of Charles E. and Helen E. Midlam; educated in public schools of Erie, Pa., until fifteen; married, Hartwell, O., Apr. 8, 1896, Edith May Hancock. Began business with Empire Transportation Co., as office messenger, in Erie, Pa., and promoted to different clerkships from April, 1876, to January, 1889, during which time name of the company was changed to Empire Line, authorized fast freight line of the Philadel phia & Erie Division of the Pensylvania R. R.; promoted to agent at Evansville, Ind., Feb. 1, 1889; promoted to agent at Cincin nati, Jan. 1, 1892; was agent at St. Louis, Jan. 1, 1895, to May 31, 1908; freight solicitor for Star Union Line and Anchor Line since June 1, 1908. Republican. Served three years in militia of Pennsylvania. Methodist. Club: The Traffic of St. Louis. Recreation: baseball. Office: 226 Pierce Bldg. Residence: 583S Maple Ave. MILBRADT, Gustave A., president Mil- bradt Manufacturing Co.; born, Bielefeld, Germany, Oct. 13, 1858; son of August and Hattie (Strochine) Milbradt; educated in public schools of St. Charles, Minn.; married, St. Paul, Minn., Apr. 24, 1907, Hanna Luecke. Began manufacture of rolling step ladders in St. Paul, 1886; came to St. Louis, 1896; incor porated, 1906, as the Milbradt Manufacturing Co., of which has since been president and treasurer. Methodist. Member of Business Men's League, Civic League. Club: Automo bile. Recreation: motoring. Office: 1436-1442 N. 8th St. Residence: McKnight Rd., Clayton, Missouri. MILIUS, George Washington, shoe manu facturer; born, Cincinnati, May 7, 1854; son of William S. and Eva (Wolf) Milius; edu cated in Cincinnati public schools; married, St. Louis, Apr. 14, 1886, Pauline Stix; chil dren: Evelyn, William Stix, Dorothea, Helen. Was connected with shoe manufacturing con cern as traveling salesman before forming a similar connection with the Wertheimer- Swartz Shoe Co. on its organization in De cember, 1891, of which company he is now vice president. Republican. Hebrew; director Jewish Hospital; member Young Men's He brew Association. Mason. Clubs: Columbian, Glen Echo, Westwood Country. Recreation: golf. Office: 18th and Locust Sts. Residence: 5143 Westminster PL *MILKS, Lewis Lyon, agricultural imple ments; moved to Indianapolis; see Vol. 1906. MILL, Milton, sales agent; bora, Chicago, Mar. 22, 1870; son of James W. and Alice (Slack) Mill; educated in public schools of Chicago; married, St. Louis, Dee. 5, 1904, Anna Blow Johnson; one son, William Blow. Began business career with Thomas Kane & Co., machinery manufacturers, as clerk and office man for five years, and became man ager of the machinery department; member firm of Brown Electric Co., electrical con- THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 415 tractors, Little Rock, Ark., four years; then came to St. Louis and engaged with Western Electrical Supply Co., as assistant manager, remaining until 1902, when, on organization of Ewing-Merkle Electric Co., jobbers of elec trical supplies, became secretary; since April, 1907, representative of Weston Electrical In strument Co., Chicago Fuse Manufacturing Co. and American Conduit Manufacturing Co. Member League of Electrical Interests. Re publican. Protestant. Office: 915 Olive St. Residence: 6021 Berlin Ave. *MILLARD, Clifford I., lumber; moved to Norfolk, Va.; see Vol. 1906. MILLER, Alfred I., railway purchasing agent; 1865-1911; see Vol. 1906. MILLER, Edward Joseph, president of St. Louis Screw Co.; born, Vienna, Austria, June 11, 1863; son of Edward and ' Josepha (Thaute) Miller; educated in grammar school, Cincinnati, until July, 1871, and grammar school at Jefferson City, Mo., until 1877; mar ried, Feb. 8, 1888, Caroline F. Jaeger; chil dren: William H.- (deceased), Rosabel (Mrs. Charles Moody, of Jennings, Mo.), Irene, Ed ward, Marguerite, Roy, Roland, Carroll (de ceased), Lawrence. Began business career at Jefferson City, as grocery clerk, 1877-80; lum ber clerk and bookkeeper, 1880-83; came to St. Louis, October, 1883, and worked for Medart Pulley Co., successively as laborer, machine helper and shipping clerk, to 1886; started St. Louis Screw Co. as co-partnership, 1886, incorporated Nov. 26, 1888, and has since been president of the company. Mem ber Business Men's League, Citizens' Indus trial Association, Manufacturers' Association, Metal Trades' Association. Independent in politics. Non-sectarian. Club: Rotary. Rec reations: hunting and fishing. Office: Clarence and Bulwer Aves. Residence: Jennings, Mo. MILLER, Edward Terhune, general attor ney St. Louis & San Francisco Railroad Co.; born, Keytesville, Mo., Dee. 29, 1870; son of John Caskie and Ann Almeria (Hawes) Mil ler; educated in public schools of Keytes ville, graduating 1886; Wentworth Military Academy, Lexington, Mo.; Westminster Col lege, Fulton, Mo., graduating with degree of B.S., 1889, M.S., 1892; married Bessie Town- send, of Gallatin, Mo., Jan. 20, 1904; one child, Edward Hawes, born May 26, 1907. Admitted to bar, 1892, and practiced at Keytesville, 1892-98; Brunswick, 1898-1901, again at Keytesville, 1901-03; removed to St. Louis, January, 1903, and entered office of Boyle, Priest & Lehmann; became connected with legal department of the Frisco R. R., Feb. 1, 1908, and has served as general at torney of same since Jan. 1, 1909. President West End Bank. Democrat. Presbyterian. Member Missouri Bar Association, St. Louis Bar Association, Sons American Revolution, Beta Theta Pi fraternity. Mason, Knight Templar. Clubs: Mercantile, Normandie Golf. Recreation: golf. Office: Frisco Bldg., 9th and Olive Sts. Residence: 6318 Waterman Avenue. *MILLER, Frank E., dining car service; moved to Oklahoma; see Vol. 1906. MILLER, Franklin, lawyer; bom, Lan caster, Mo., Mar. 25, 1878; son of Henry A. and Ella (Potter) Miller; educated in public schools of Lancaster and Memphis, Mo., grad uating from Memphis High School, 1892; A.B., University of Missouri, 1901; LL.B., St. Louis Law School, 1903; unmarried. Ad mitted to bar, 1903, and engaged in general practice; member firm of Harlan, Jeffries & Wagner, 1905-07; since 1909 member of firm of Wagner & Miller. Member St. Louis Bar Association (treasurer, 1910-12), Missouri State Bar Association, Law Library Associa tion, St. Louis Code Club, Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternities.. Recrea tions: literature and music. Office: 830 Pierce Bldg. Residence: 5871 Washington Ave. MILLER, George Washington, wholesale wallpaper; bora, Wooster, O., Mar. 23, 1859; son of George W. and Amanda (Conner) Mil ler; educated in public schools of Wooster; married, Taylorsville, 111., June 5, 1902, Mary E. Carroll. Clerk in the wallpaper store of Holland & New, Des Moines, la., 1879-82; went to California, 1882, and was employed by Marsh, Eckstrom & Strassburg of Los An geles in same line; later represented the Na tional Wall Paper Co., as traveling salesman, covering western territory, and on dissolution of that company, in 1901, joined with asso ciates in organizing the G. W. Miller Wall Paper Co., of which is president. Office: 1504 Pine St. Residence: 1321 Blackstone Ave. MILLER, Gregory Sears, physician; born, St. Louis, Aug. 17, 1867; son of Tom, Jr., and Jane Ann (Sears) Miller; educated in Clin ton (public) School, 1875-82; Smith Academy of Washington University, 1881-85; M.D., St. Louis Medical College, 1888; married, St Louis, Apr. 9, 1890, Lillie B. Holland; chil dren: Frank G., Katherine J. Engaged in general practice of medicine in St. Louis since Mar. 10, 1888; now Supreme Medical Director of Legion of Honor of Missouri. Republican. Episcopalian. Club: Masonic. Offiee and Resi dence: 3866 Russell Ave. MILLER, Haiden Curd, freight traffic man ager Mobile & Ohio R. R. and Southern Rail way Co. in Mississippi;, born, Louisville, Ky., Jan. 16, 1858; son of George R. and Mary (Curd) Miller; educated at Cecilian College, near Elizabethtown, Ky.; married, Louisville June 26, 1880, Nettie M. Smedley; children: Haiden Curd, Jr., Josephine Edrington. Be gan railway service as bill clerk for Louis ville & Nashville R. R. in office of local 416 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS freight agent, Louisville, Apr. 1, 1883; chief clerk general freight office, same road, at Montgomery, Ala., December, 1887; general freight and passenger agent, Alabama Mid land R. R., February, 1890; general freight agent Georgia Pacific R. R., November, 1892; assistant general freight agent Southern Ry., November, 1895; general freight agent Mo bile & Ohio R. R., 1898, freight traffic man ager from 1906. Democrat; was for five years member State Guard Kentucky. Episcopa lian. Member Sons of Confederate Veterans, Southern Society. Club: Missouri Athletic. Recreations: fishing and hunting. Office: 910 Fullerton Bldg. Residence: 5802 Julian Ave. MILLER, Howard Eliot, secretary Miller Coal and Coke Co.; born, St. Louis, Nov. 16, 1870; son of Charles E. and Anna R. (Dodge) Miller; educated in public and high schools of St. Louis; unmarried. Studied law for two years, but abandoned same to enter U. S. postal service; was connected with the St. Louis Postoffice for twenty years, resigning to enter the coal business; assisted in organ izing the Miller Coal & Coke Co., of which has been secretary since January, 1910, com pany soliciting railroad, government and mu nicipal steam contracts, and operating coal mines at O 'Fallon and Belleville, 111. Inde pendent in politics. Unitarian. Recreation: bowling. Office: 1234 Syndicate Bldg. Resi dence: 1108 S. 18th St. MILLER, John Clark, merchant tailor; 1857-1907; see Vol. 1906. MILLER, John J., physician; bora, Fayette, Howard Co., Mo., May 3, 1842; son of James and Martha J. (Woodson) Miller; educated in grammar school until fourteen years of age; at St. Charles (Mo.) College, 1856-57; Univer sity of Nashville and Western Military In stitute, Nashville, Tenn., graduating, A.B., and receiving a lieutenant's commission, 1860; entered Missouri State Guard as in structor of tactics, with rank of captain, in spring of 1861; wounded and permanently dis abled from active service, September, 1861; M.D., St. Louis Medical College (now Med ical Department, Washington University), March, 1864; in May, 1864, appointed assist ant surgeon Confederate States Army, and served at Winder General Hospital and Libby Prison Officers,' Hospital, Richmond, Va., un til the occupation of Richmond by Federal troops, 1865; married, St. Louis, Dec. 28, 1865, Mary Elizabeth Burd; children: Richard Burd, Mary Evelyn (Mrs. Frederick Vierling), Clara Maud (Mrs. Edison B.'Sherzer). After war practiced in suburbs of St. Louis until 1892, when moved into the city. Member St. Louis Medical Society, Missouri State Med ical Association, American Medical Associa tion. Democrat. Member M. E. Church, South. Office: S. E. cor. Taylor Ave. and Suburban Ry. Residence: 4439 W. Morgan St. MILLER, Joseph Gilinan, broker in steel rails and railroad material; born, St. Louis, May 11, 1859; son of Joseph Gilman and Adele (Shirmer) Miller; graduated from St. Louis High School, 1877; married, St. Louis, 1889, Caroline O 'Fallon; children: Caroline O'F., John O'F. From 1877 to 1887 was em ployed in traffic department of "Vandalia," < ' Wabash, " " Big Four ' ' and St. Louis South western railroads; with Tudor Iron Works, 1887-90; secretary Madison Car Co., 1890-94; since 1894, in business for self as broker in railroad material. Presbyterian. Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner. Clubs: St. Louis, Noonday, Missouri Athletic, Racquet, Belle rive Country, Dardenne. Recreations: golf, motoring, and fishing. Office : Commonwealth Trust Bldg. Residence: 32 Portland PL MILLER, Lewis Bennett, author; born in a settler's cabin on Blocker Creek, Cooke Co., Tex., May 27, 1861; son of Henry and Lurilla (Osborn) Miller; early education in frontier school houses of Texas; A.B., Texas Christian University, Thorp Spring (now Fort Worth), Tex., 1881; unmarried. Teacher Greek and Latin, Texas Christian University, 1881-84; teacher public schools of Texas, 1885-87; in office work, Keokuk, la., and St. Louis, Bur lington and "Big Four" railways, 1888-91; in employ publishing company (now Crowell Publishing Co.), Springfield, O., 1892-93; writer of short stories of adventure for lead ing magazines, 1894-1903; took up homestead in Western Oklahoma, 1904. Club: Papyrus. Member Christian (Disciples) Church. Au thor: The White River Raft, 1910; A Crooked Trail, 1911; Saddles and Lariats, 1912. Resi dence: 3749 Laclede Ave. MILLER, Oscar Winston, president Boggs Broom Corn Co.; born, Evansville, Ind., Apr. 10, 1875; son of Charles P. and Marie (Pree- torius) Miller; educated in public schools of Evansville; married, St. Louis, Sept. 29, 1902, Sadye Loewen; two children: Ruth Loewen and Oscar Winston. Began active career with the German-American Press Association, 1891, continuing until 1902; with Loewen Broom Corn Co., 1901-06; since 1906 in charge of the Boggs Broom Corn Co., of which is president and manager; also president Kalkaska Broom Handle Manufacturing Co., Kalkaska, Mich. Republican. Episcopalian. Member Business Men's League. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Latin American. Recreation: outdoor sports. Office: 1206-1212 N. 1st St. Residence: 5622 Cabanne Ave. MILLER, Owen, musician and editor; born near Camden, N. J., Oct. 23, 1850; son of George and Margaret (Stuart) Miller; edu cated in home public schools to 1864; married, St. Louis, Feb. 12, 1902, Margaret Heben- streit. Served in United States Army, sta tioned at St. Louis Arsenal and Jefferson Barracks, 1873-83. Trombone player with St. THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 417 Louis Symphony Orchestra, 1885-1900; en gaged in St. Louis theaters since 1883. Had charge of the music for St. Louis Centennial celebration, 1909; editor International Mu sician since 1901. Member American Federa tion of Musicians (secretary), St. Louis Mu sicians' Union (president), Missouri State Federation of Labor (president), Central Trades and Labor Union (ex-president) ; also member Board of Freeholders, and advisory board of Rankin School. Was state senator from Thirty-first Missouri District, 1889-93. Democrat (progressive). Quaker. Member Knights of Pythias, Maccabees. Clubs: Mil lion Population, Asehenbroedel. Office: 3535 Pine St. Residence: 2820 La- Salle St. MILLER, Richard Bernard; see Vol. 1906. MILLER, Richard Burd, treasurer O. J. Lewis Mercantile Co.; born in St. Louis Co., Mo., Sept. 26, 1866; son of Dr. John J. and Mary E. (Burd) Miller; educated in public schools and in Manual Training School of Washington University. Bookkeeper for Al- kire Grocery Co., St. Louis, 1882-86; book keeper, 1886-97, to president of Collins Bros. Drug Co., until its retirement from business; in 1897 became secretary, and is now treas urer, of the O. J. Lewis Mercantile Co., salvage commission merchants; also president Well ston Pharmacy Co. Member M. E. Church, South. Member Masonic orders. Office: 616 N. 8th St. Residence: 4439 Morgan St. MILLER, Richard E., artist; born, St. Louis, Mar. 22, 1875; son of Richard L. and Essie (Story) Miller; educated in St. Louis public schools to 1893; while engaged at newspaper work, began study in art at St. Louis School of Fine Arts, 1885, and con tinued until 1889; went abroad, 1899, and student in Julien Academy, Paris, France, un til 1901; married, London, England, Novem ber, 1907, Harriet, daughter of Joshua Adams, of Providence, R. I.; one daughter, Elsbeth. First picture exhibited, Paris, France, award ed gold medal Salon, 1901; second gold medal Salon, 1904; awarded medal, St. Louis, 1904; medal, Leigh, Belgium, 1905; medal Portland (Ore.) Exposition, 1905; French Government purchased Salon, pictures, 1908 and 1909, for the Luxemburg galleries. Knighted by Presi dent of France, Chevalier of The Legion of Honor, 1906. Represented in galleries at St. Louis, Mo.; Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, Pa.; Peta Pala, Paris, France; Florence and Venice, Italy; private collection King of It aly, Rome; Budapest, Hungary; Berlin, Ger many; Stockholm, Sweden; Christiania, Nor way; The Hague, Holland; Leigh, Belgium, etc. Member International Society of Paint ers and Sculptors, Paris Society of American Painters, American Art Students' Associa tion, Artists' Guild, St. Louis. Address: 14 Rue Boisanade, Paris, France. Residence: 3806 Arsenal St., St. Louis. MILLER, Webster L., wholesale coal mer chant; bora, St. Louis, Mar. 2, 1875; son of Charles E. and Anna Robertson (Dodge) Mil ler; educated in St. Louis public schools and St. Louis High School; married, June 1, 1908, Miss Edna Simpson, of Troy, Mo.; two chil dren: Eugene H., Webster L., Jr. Clerk in au ditor's office, Cairo Short Line, 1891-96; clerk in auditor's office of Illinois Central R. R., at Chicago, 1896-99; traveling auditor, St. Louis, Peoria & Northern Ry., St. Louis, 1899-1900. Started in coal business, 1900, with Consolidated Coal Co. of St. Louis, in sales department; sales agent Madison Coal Co., 1901-02; on Apr. 1, 1902, when Cluley-Miller Coal Co. was organized, became president of the company, wholesale jobbers and, shippers of coal, and also operating mine under name of Fullerton Coal Co., at Belleville, HI; so remained until March, 1911, when he organ ized the Miller Coal and Coke Co., of which is president. Member Order of Kokoal. Ma son (George Washington Lodge, Consistory and Shrine). Recreations: billiards and hunt ing. Office : 1234 Syndicate Trust Bldg. Resi dence: 6120 Waterman Ave. MILLER, William A., elevator manufac turer; born in Effingham Co., 111., Oct. 11, 1869; son of A. W. and Elizabeth (Hoggie) Miller; educated in public schools of Hlinois and St. Louis; married, St. Louis, 1891, Sarah Hackmann; children: William, Olind, August, Irene, Esther. Came from Illinois to St. Louis in 1881; learned trade in shops of Charles D. Hoffman, with whom remained four years, then, in 1886, established as a manu facturer of passenger and freight elevators; incorporated the business, 1895, as William A. Miller Elevator Manufacturing Co., of which is president. Lutheran. Recreations: motor ing, hunting and fishing. Office: cor. 9th and Vietor Sts. Residence: 3110 New Ashland PL MILLER, William Jackson, surgeon; born in Davis Co., Mo., July 29, 1869; son of John and Isabella C. (Allen) Miller; graduated from high school, Jameson,' Mo., 1887; M.D., Marion-Sims Medical College, 1893; married, St. Louis, Apr. 18, 1900, Ella E. Hammerstein; one son, William Chester. Began practice in St. Louis, with Dr. A. C. Bernays; afterwards in clinical work at Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore; located in St. Louis, 1900, and has since made specialty of surgery. Democrat. Member St. Louis Medical Society, Missis sippi Valley Medical Association, American Medical Association. Mason. Recreation: out door life. Office: 307 Humboldt Bldg. Resi dence: 3227 Geyser Ave. MILLS, Charles Smith, clergyman; born, Brockton, Mass., Jan. 17, 1861; son of Charles Lewis and Rebecca Bartlett (Smith) Mills; educated in Boston public schools, 1866-73; Eliot High School, Boston, 1873-74, Roxbury Latin School, Boston, 1874-76, Phillips Acad- 418 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS emy, Andover, Mass., 1876-78, graduating, 1878; Amherst College, 1878-82, A.B., 1882, Hartford Theological Seminary, 1882-84; An dover Theological Seminary, 1884-85, grad uating 1885 (D.D., Oberlin College, 1901, Am herst, 1907) ; married, Hartford, Conn., June 17, 1885, Alice Morris; children: Margaret Morris, Charles Morris. Ordained to min istry of Congregational Church at Springfield, Vt., July 2, 1885; pastor of Congregational Church, Springfield, Vt., 1885-88, First Con gregational Church, North Brookfield, Mass., 1888-91; secretary Brookfield Service Asso ciation, 1886-88, designing and publishing Sunday Evening Responsive Services, reach ing circulation of nearly a million copies, and president same, 1891; pastor Pilgrim Congre gational Church, Cleveland, 0., 1891-1905; moderator Ohio State Association Congrega tional Churches and Pastors, and president Ohio Home Missionary Society, 1897-98; was made corporate member American Board Commissioners for Foreign Missions, 1897 chairman Committee of Reorganization Con gregational Home Missionary Society, 1905 pastor of Pilgrim Congregational Church, St. Louis, since 1905. Trustee Oberlin College since 1896, Drury College since 1905, Hart ford Theological Seminary since 1906, Chicago Theological Seminary since 1906. Director St. Louis Congregational City Missionary So ciety. Club: Glen Echo Country. Residence: 5130 Washington Boul. MILLS, Edwin Weller, lawyer; born, Web ster Groves, Mo., Nov. 22, 1878; son of Ralph W. and Mary Wilda (McKinney) Mills; edu cated at Webster Groves grammar and high schools; A.B., Centre College, Danville, Ky., 1899; instructor Centre College, 1900-01; LL.B., Centre College Law School, 1901; mar ried, McAfee, Ky., June 14, 1905, Addie Cle- land Lapsley. Admitted to bar, Jan. 18, 1902; has been assistant prosecuting attorney for St. Louis Co.; appointed by Governor Hadley, probate judge of said county, July 27, 1909; elected prosecuting attorney and served since January, 1911. Attorney for Webster Groves Loan and Building Association. Member of Law Library Association. Republican. Pres byterian. Favorite recreations: hunting and fishing. Office: Clayton, Mo. Residence: Web ster Groves, Mo. MILTENBERGER, George, cider manufac turer; bom, Pittsburgh, Pa., Dec. 28, 1844; son of Anthony and Mary Letitia (Bryan) Miltenberger; removed to St. Louis in child hood; educated in private and public schools and Central High School, St. Louis; married, St. Louis, May 15, 1881, Kittie Lassen; chil dren: George, Jr., William Paul, Alexander Lassen. Began business career as assistant shipping clerk to Bryan & Miltenberger, wholesale grocers, 1859; then clerk for the Pacific Insurance Co. and Citizens' Insurance Co., until 1862; was employed continuously on river steamers for twenty-five years; man ager cotton seed purchasing department of American Cotton Oil Co. of New York, at Memphis, Tenn., 1886-87; left Memphis, 1888, came to St. Louis, and was member of James W. Scudder & Co., until Sept. 10, 1895, when bought controlling interest in the Clarksville Cider Co., of which has since been president and treasurer; also treasurer and director R. U. Realty Co. Democrat. Episcopalian. Mem ber Legion of Honor. Recreations: fishing and walking. Office: 3601 Selena St. Residence: 3758 Pine St. MILTENBERGER, Mansfield Banton, mer chant; 1847-1910; see Vol. 1906. MINNIS, James Louis, lawyer; bora in Carroll Co., Mo., Nov. 6, 1866; son of Thomas W. and Emeline (Templeman) Minnis; edu cated at William Jewell College, Liberty, Mo., studied law in law office, and admitted to bar, 1887; married Martha A. Standley, of Carlisle, Ky., Oct. 30, 1889; children: Milton Stanley, Marie Louise, James Louis, Wells Blodgett. Prosecuting attorney, Carroll Co., 1889-91; member Missouri legislature, 1896- 98; delegate, 1896, delegate-at-large, 1900, Republican National conventions; moved to St. Louis, 1900; general attorney, 1906-07; general solicitor since Nov. 1, 1907, Wabash R. R. ; also general counsel Pacific Express Co. Clubs: St. Louis, Noonday. Recreations: boating and hunting. Offiee: Lincoln Trust Bldg. Residence: 6 Beverly PL MITCHELL, George W., contractor and builder; born, Independence, Mo., Jan. 7, 1870; son of Isaac N. and Mary J. (Carver) Mitchell; descendant on mother's side of the Carver family of Masaschusetts; educated public schools of Leavenworth, Kan.; mar ried, St. Louis, Apr. 25, 1895, Susan C. Bal son; children: Calvin B., Eva B., George M. Located at St. Louis, 1886; early became ac quainted with building trade, to which has applied himself as. contractor since 1897. Re publican. Methodist. Member Knights of Pythias. Recreation: athletics. Office: 5899 Delmar Boul. Residence: Webster Groves, Mo. MITCHELL, Isaac McGirk, treasurer Crun den-Martin Woodenware Co.; born, Lexing ton, Mo., May 2, 1868; son of Z. J. and Lizzie I. (McGirk) Mitchell; educated in St. Louis High School; married, St. Louis, 1898, Anna D. Wheat; one son, Daragh1 G. Began busi ness career in 1884, with Udell & Crunden, changing in 1891 to Martin Woodenware Co., and in 1892 to present style of Crunden-Mar tin Woodenware Co., of which is treasurer. Member Credit Men's Association. Independ ent in politics. Presbyterian. Recreations: hunting and fishing. Office: 2d and Gratiot Sts. Residence: Kirkwood, Mo. MITCHELL, John E., manufacturer, in ventor; born near Tullahoma, Tenn., Oct. 10, THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 419 1871 ; son of Jefferson Franklin and Sidney (Hix) Mitchell; educated in public schools of Tullahoma and by private tutor; married, Tullahoma, Dec. 24, 1894, Libbie Laurent (now deceased); two children: John Elvin, Jr., Orville. Began designing special ma chinery at age of eighteen; in 1895 became connected with Knickerbocker Co., of Jack son, Mich., the company manufacturing his inventions; in 1901, incorporated the Mitchell- Parkes Manufacturing Co., for manufacture of special machinery; during 1904, designed and perfected the Alsop Process, for purify ing flour and other substances; now president Alsop Process Co., of Toronto, Can.; vice president and general manager The Alsop Co., St. Louis; director in other manufactur ing concerns and interested in lands in the South. Has obtained over 100 U. S. and for eign patents on own inventions. Democrat. Member Tennessee Society of St. Louis. Mem ber Christian (Disciples) Church. Recreation: automobiling. Office: 506 Olive St. Residence: 6205 Simpson Ave. MITCHELL, Lee F.; see Vol. 1906. MITCHELL, Leonard Francis, vice presi dent Mitchell Clay Manufacturing Company; born, Maysville, Mason Co., Ky., Oct. 12, 1851; son of Stanislaus and America (Bay- less) Mitchell; educated Maysville public schools and at University of Maysville; un married. Began active career in manufacture of fire brick with father in St. Louis, 1872; later firm became S. Mitchell & Sons, and in corporated, 1886, as the Mitchell Clay Manu facturing Co., of which is vice president; also secretary Cheltenham Fire Clay Co.; vice president Mitchell Realty and Investment Co. Democrat. Office: 5625 Manchester Ave. Resi dence: 1915 America Ave. MITCHELL, Leonidas Stratton, assistant to the president National Bank of Commerce; born in Montgomery Co., 111., Aug. 11, 1863; son of James B. and Martha (Dysart) Mitch ell; educated in public schools, Kirksville, Mo., and at State Normal School, Kirksville, Mo.; married, Clinton, Mo., Aug. 17, 1886, Lura Owen; children: Owen, Helen, Frances. Taught school in Randolph and Caldwell coun ties, Mo.; was connected with what is now the Citizens' National Bank, Kirksville, Mo., 1883-87, and with Citizens ' National Bank, Kansas City, Mo., 1887-92; came to St. Louis and was With St. Louis Trust Co., 1892-1902; secretary of Colonial Trust Co. from 1902 until it was merged, in May, 1903, into the Commonwealth Trust' Co., of which was treas urer until . January, 1909; since assistant to the president National Bank of Commerce. Democrat. Presbyterian. Offiee: . 701, 420 Olive.lSt. Residence: 4426 Lindell Boul. MITCHELL, Samuel Alfred, lawyer; born nea,r Cincinnati P. O., Washington Co., Ala., May 27, 1883; son of John C. and Mary (West) Mitchell; A.B., University of Arkan sas, Fayetteville, Ark., 1903; LL.B., Univer sity of Michigan, 1906; married, St. Louis, Jan. 14, 1910, Ruth Young; one child, Samuel West. Admitted to Missouri bar, 1906, and engaged in general practice in St. Louis, 1906-10; connected with Mercantile Trust Co. since June, 1910. Democrat. Presbyterian. Member St. Louis Bar Association, St. Louis Law Library Association, Kappa Sigma Fra ternity, Civie League. Clubs: University, City. Recreations: reading and outdoor diver sions. Office: Mercantile Trust Co., 721 Locust St. Residence: 5564 Von Versen Ave. MITCHELL, Stanislaus, president Mitchell Clay Manufacturing Co.; born, Maysville, Ky., Oct. 6, 1855; son of Stanislaus and America (Bayless) Mitchell; educated district schools of St. Louis Co.; business course at Christian Brothers College; public schools of Maysville; unmarried. Associated with father in clay manufacturing business, 1875-80 ; mem ber firm of S. Mitchell & Sons, 1880-86; presi dent Mitchell Clay Manufacturing Co. since 1886; vice president Cheltenham Fire Clay Co.; president Mitchell Realty and Invest ment Co.; director Chouteau Trust Co. Demo crat. Member Royal Arcanum, Legion of Honor, Columbian Knights. Club: Missouri Athletic. Recreation: traveling. Office: 5625 Manchester Ave. Residence: 1915 America- Avenue. MIX, George Edward, lawyer; born, Water- ville, Oneida Co., N. Y., Aug. 21, 1876; son of- Daniel and Ida (Bigelow) Mix; educated in public schools of New Britain, Conn., and at Williston Seminary, East Hampton, Mass.;- LL.B., Yale University, 1904 (elected perma nent secretary of his class); was president Yale-Kent Debating Club and held record for championship in Indian club swinging; married, Belleville, 111., Feb. 29, 1908, Irene: Zent, daughter of Morris F. Zent, of Belle1- ville. Began practice in New York City, July, ¦ 1904; came to St. Louis, February, 1905, as attorney for Chicago House Wrecking Co.; in general practice since January, 1907. Ap pointed, 1909, by St. Louis Circuit Court, as special commissioner in case of Johnson vs. the United Railways Co., wherein nearly $3,000,000.00 was involved. Member American Bar Association, Civic League. Member Pole Star Lodge No. 79, A. F. & A. M.; St. Louis Chapter No.. 8, Royal Arch Masons. Club:; Yale (New York).- Recreations: golf, swim ming and gymnastics. Offiee: 1312, 506 Olive St. Residence: 5830 Westminster PL MOBERLY, Alfred Frederick, carriage manufacturer; born, Buford, O., Dec. 20, 1866; son of James and Sarah (Foreman) Moberly; , educated in public schools; married, Buford, Feb. 15, 1893, Myra Moon; children: Mabel, Ralph. F. Early life spent on father's farm 420 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS in Ohio; went, to Council Bluffs, la., 1890, and entered employ of Keys Bros. Carriage Co., and in a short time had charge of the ship ping department and assembling department; in 1894 came to St. Louis and became con nected with Joseph W. Moon Buggy Co., in which purchased an interest, becoming a di rector, later secretary, and is now vice presi dent of the company; also treasurer Moon Motor Car Co. Member Christian (Disciples) Church. Recreations: hunting and fishing. Of fice: Main and Douglas Sts. Residence: 3223 A Dodier St. MOBERLY, Jerire Barling, director Mer cantile Trust Co.; born in Saline Co., Mo., Dec. 3, 1874; son of James B. and Rebecca Moberly; educated in Stoddard School and Branch High School at 7th and Chestnut Sts., until 1890; married, St. Louis, June 15, 1895, Alice Babcock; one son, Milton. Began busi ness career in 1890, and was employed by Hammett & Morrison, in tie and timber busi ness until 1892; private secretary of B. F. Hammett, president of the Hammett-Ander- son-Wade Real Estate Co., until he sold his interest in that company; then in employ of Anderson- Wade Realty Co., until organization of the Mercantile Trust Co., of which was assistant secretary until 1909, since director and real estate loan officer same. Member Mt. Cabanne Christian Church. Club: St. Louis. Office: 721 Locust St. Residence: 5561 Water man Ave. MODER, Ferdinand Joseph, art goods; born, Schlesselburg, Bohemia, June 3, 1842; son of John and Catherine (Cervenka) Moder; edu cated in private schools in Bohemia and in America; married, St. Louis, Feb. 2, 1865, Mary E. Harding; children: Mary E., K. Matilda, John F., George Edward. Began as apprentice to gilding trade with George M. Harding, finishing in 1865; associated with him as shop manager until 1881; then with old firm of Pettes & Leith, 1881-88; in 1888 established for self in art goods line, making a specialty of artistic framing, re-gilding, etc.; now head of firm of F. J. Moder & Son. Member Knights of America. Office: 910 Pine St. Residence: Shrewsbury Park. MODISETTE, James Breading, general pas senger agent Pennsylvania Lines (Vandalia R. R.); born, Uniontown, Pa., Apr. 19, 1859; son of Robert M. and Mary (Austin) Modi- sette; educated in public and private schools, Uniontown, Pa., to 1872; attended Chelten ham Academy until 1876; Hills School, Potts- town, Pa., class of 1879; married, Pittsburgh, June 19, 1888, Edna Jeffery Ford; three chil dren: Robert M., De Mott, Ellen Ford. Be gan railroad career at Cincinnati, 1885, and continuously engaged in various clerical and official positions; general passenger agent of the Vandalia R. R. at St. Louis, since 1910. Member Business Men 's League. Republican. Episcopalian. Member Royal Arcanum, Na tional Union. Clubs: Mercantile, Traffic. Rec reations: hunting, fishing, golf. Office: 1301 Syndicate Trust Bldg. Residence: 15 Park land PL MOELLMAN, William August, president Nelson Distilling Co.; born, Venedy, Wash ington Co., 111., Sept. 1, 1860; son of Henry and Catherine (Wortman) Moellman; edu cated in public schools and Johnson's Com mercial College; married, Venedy, Nov. 2, 1882, Olga E. Eckelman; children: William Henry, August Henry, Olga H. Was in the retail grocery business at St. Louis for fif teen years; salesman in wholesale grocery firm for eight years; in 1903 became secretary, and in January, 1906, secretary and treasurer, of the Nelson Distilling Co., wholesale liquors; since July, 1909, president and sole owner of the business; president Phos-Ferrone Manu facturing Co. Republican; member-at-large of the City Council, elected April, 1905, for term expiring April, 1909. Is president Teu tonic Hall Association. 32° Mason (Ascalon Commandery, Knights Templar) ; member Elks, I. O. O. F., Knights of Pythias. Mem ber Christian Church. Member Liederkranz Society. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Oasis, Ce dar Crest Country. Favorite recreations: bowling, literature and music. Office: 922 N. Broadway. Residence: 2355 Louisiana Ave. MOFFITT, Nathaniel Lyon, grain commis sion; born, St. Louis, Oct. 17, 1862; son of William and Mary (Stewart) Moffitt; educated in public schools of St. Louis; married, St. Louis, 1895, Olive Boogher; children: Sophie Josephine, Olive, Natalie. Began business ca reer in 1879 as clerk at the East St. Louis Elevator; clerk with Hubbard & Bartlett Commission Co., 1882-86; was secretary of the same company from 1886 until firm changed to present style of Hubbard & Mof fitt Co., grain commission merchants, of which is now vice president. President St. Louis Grain Clearing Co.; member St. Louis Mer chants' Exchange (ex-vice president), St. Louis Grain Club, Chicago Board of Trade, Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce, Kansas City Board of Trade. Member St. Louis Man ufacturers' and Exporters' Association (di rector), Civie League. Methodist. Mason (32°); member Tuscan Lodge No. 360, A. F. & A. M., Knights Templar, Missouri Con sistory, Moolah Temple, Mystic Shrine. Clubs: St. Louis, City. Recreations: literature and travel. Office: 212 Chamber of Commerce. Residence: 48 Kingsbury PL MOLITER, Frederic Albert; see Vol. 1906. MOLL, Adolph Arthur, president A. Moll Grocer Co.; born, St. Louis, Sept. 25, 1873; son of Adolph and Hedwig (Ballaseux) Moll; educated in public schools, St. Louis; Toens feldt's School; Manual Training School; un married. Began active career with Wagner THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 421 Electric Co., continuing for two years; en tered grocery business as clerk with the A. Moll Grocer Co., June, 1895; was acting gen eral manager, and after death of brother, Paul, 1903, became vice president and general manager; president since 1907. Recreations: hunting, fishing and traveling. Office: 618 Franklin Ave. Residence: 4530 Berlin Ave. MOLLENHAUER, Louis Christopher, real estate; born, Lewiston, Lewis Co., Mo., Sept. 8, 1868; son of John and Elenora (Feigenspan) Mollenhauer; educated in paroehial schools of Quincy, 111.; married, Minnie Florence Retemeyer, of Quincy, Apr. 20, 1887. Engaged in the contracting and building business in Quincy, 1889-90; reporter on the Quincy Jour nal, 1891-92; operated fancy poultry farm, 18,92-94; salesman for Swift & Co., 1895-99; engaged in dyeing and cleaning business, 1899-1905; since Apr. 19, 1905, in real estate business; with Fischer & Co. Real Estate Co., 1905-07, since with A. R. Schollmeyer. Mem ber Real Estate Exchange. Republican. Lu theran. Club: Arcadia Country. Recreations: theatre, reading, gardening. Office: 705 Chest nut St. Residence: 767 Aubert Ave. MOLLMANN, Herman, secretary of the Campbell Iron Co.j. bora, St. Louis, July, 1865; educated in public schools of St. Louis. Began business career in 1885, as a minor em ploye of Waterman, Campbell & Co., and continued with that firm until it was incor porated, 1891, as the Campbell Iron Co., job bers of heavy hardware, of which has since been secretary. Office: 809 Cass Ave. Resi dence: 2300 Holly Ave. MONNIG, Joseph A., president Tyler Ware house Co.; born, St. Louis, May 2, 1860; son of Otto and Emma Monnig;, educated in Christian Brothers College to 1876; entered Missouri State University, 1877, graduated, 1879; married, St. Louis, September, 1885, Lena Burger; three sons: Emil J., Eugene G., Joseph T. Began business career with' Wul fing, Dieckriede & Co., wholesale grocers, 1880, and continued until 1897; then secretary St. Louis Syrup and Preserve Co. to 1910 (re tired); secretary Dickson Street Realty and Investment Co.; director Monnig Dry Goods Co., Fort Worth, Tex.; since May, 1912, presi dent Tyler Warehouse Co. Independent in politics. Protestant. Office: 315 Fullerton Bldg. Residence: 3036 Hawthorne Boul. MONROE, Charles M., wholesale stationer; born, St. Louis, Sept. 18, 1858; son of George W. and Sarah Elizabeth (Randall) Monroe; educated in public schools; married, St. Louis, May 4, 1903, Lillie L. Gates; one son, Charles M., Jr. Engaged in stationery and notions business since Sept. 23, 1877; incorporated business in August, 1905, as the Charles M. Monroe Stationery Co., of which is president and treasurer. Democrat. Was first lieutenant of Company K, First Regiment, National Guard of Missouri, 1883-87; resigned. Offiee: 209 N. 3d St. Residence: 5374 Maple Ave. MOON, Edward W., elevator manufacturer; born, Louisville, Ky., Feb. 22, 1844; son of John L. and Jane P. (Lindsay) Moon; edu cated in St. Louis public schools; married, Farmington, la., 1876, Emma S. Smith; chil dren: Russell (deceased), Gertrude, Edward W., Jr., Sarah. Served apprenticeship as ma chinist and foundryman with McCord & Co., 1862-66; engineer of steamboat on Mississippi River, 1866-67; stationary engineer for Em pire Flour Mills, St. Louis, 1867-68; superin tendent for Smith, Beggs & Rankin, general machine and engine builders, 1868-83; then went into business for self as E. W. Moon & Co., manufacturers of elevators, incorporated May, 1895, as Moon Elevator Co., of which was president until 1907; was connected with Otis Elevator Co. Member Business Men's League. Democrat. Presbyterian. Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner. Clubs: Mer cantile, Missouri Athletic. Office: Security Bldg. Residence: 5910 Washington Ave. MOON, John Corydon, carriage manufac turer; born in Brown Co., O., July 3, 1853; son of Alva and Delila (Sewell) Moon; edu cated in public schools of Ohio; married, Barry, 111., Jan. 1, 1880, Lelia M. Davis; one daughter, Maude M. (Mrs. James P. O'Neil). Has spent entire business life in business for self; first as photographer for two years; then bought and sold buggies on own account until 1878, when located at Barry in livery business, until 1881; in 1882 joined in organ izing and became president of the Moon Bros. Carriage Co., wholesale manufacturers of car riages; president Landis Machine Co., Moon- Hopkins Billing Machine Co., Mutual Wheel Co., of Moline, 111. Member Business Men's League. Clubs: St. Louis, Mercantile, Glen Echo. Office: 4900 McKissock Ave. Resi dence: 3843 W. Pine Boul. MOON, Joseph W., carriage and automo bile manufacturer; born in Brown Co., O., Mar. 29, 1850; son of Alva and Delila (Sewell) Moon; educated in public schools; married, Buford, O., 1873, Rebecca A. Wood; children: Earl Joseph, Grace Alma (Mrs. Stewart Mc Donald), Stanley Alva. Began business career as a photographer, and practiced for four years; later engaged in sale of buggies and wagons, and in 1882 began as a manufacturer of vehicles in St. Louis; now president Joseph W. Moon Buggy Co.; also president Moon Motor Car Co. Republican. Member Ohio So ciety of St. Louis. Recreation: fishing. Office: Main and Douglass Sts. Residence: 24 Wash ington Terrace. MOONEY, Arthur E., court reporter; born, St. Louis, May 25, 1852; son of Jonathan and Nancy Ann Mooney; educated in publie schools, St. Louis, DeSoto, Mo., and Keokuk, la.; married, Keokuk, Oct. 16, 1879, Dora L. 422 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS Bradford; two children living: Arthur B., Ralph E. Began as clerk in life insurance of fice, Keokuk, 1871, removing to St. Louis in same capacity, 1872; entered office of Wal- bridge, Holland & Brown,* shorthand report ers, 1874, and has ever since been identified with work of reporting; member firm of Allen & Mooney, court reporters, since 1883. Took testimony in litigation relating to the Ames Estate, extending over many years, from early in the '70s; in the noted bribery cases tried in the St. Louis Circuit Court; in the case of the United States against the North ern Securities Co.; in the case of Missouri vs. the State of Illinois for polluting the Missis sippi River; reported and transcribed proceed ings of the Universal Congress of Lawyers and Jurists, St. Louis, 1904, etc. Recreations: amateur photography, boating and fishing. Offiee: 122, 220 N. 4th St. Residence: 11 Parkland PL *MOORE, Bernard Wise, physician; left St. Louis, 1910; see Vol. 1906. MOORE, Charles Ludwig, Jr., insurance and bonds; born, Union, Franklin Co., Mo., Nov. 23, 1880; son of Charles Ludwig and Mary Elizabeth (McFad'den) Moore; educated in public and high schools; Warrensburg (Mo.) State Normal School; Missouri State Univer sity; unmarried. Began in insurance business at Cape Girardeau, Mo., 1905; now junior member of L. S. Joseph' & Co., insurance and bonds; resident vice president Empire State Surety Co. of New York; manager Inter Ocean- Life and Casualty Co. of Springfield, 111.; agent Continental Fire Insurance Co., St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Co. Repub lican. Presbyterian. Member Knights of Pythias, B. P. O. Elks, Sons of Revolution. Club: City. Recreations: reading, chess, out door sports. Office: Pierce Bldg. Residence: 5863 Bartmer Ave. MOORE, Charles W., broker; born, St. Louis, Apr. 2, 1880; son of Robert and Alice (Filley) Moore; educated in Smith Academy; Washington University; A.B., Harvard Uni versity, 1901; married, St. Louis, Jan. 10, 1906, Frances G. Wickham; one son, Charles. Member of the firm of A. G. Edwards & Sons. Clubs: St. Louis Country, Noonday. Office: 410-412 Olive St. Residence: 28 Van deventer PL MOORE, George Francis, president Manu facturers' Railway Co.; born, Bloomington, Monroe Co., Ind., Feb. 22, 1862; son of Samuel J. and Mary Geneva (Otwell) Moore; edu cated at State University of Indiana, Bloom ington, Ind., college course interrupted to be come a wage earner; married, Florence Moore (no relative), of Georgetown, Scott Co., Ky., Aug. 26, 1884; two daughters: Genevieve (now deceased), Mary Frances. Was for twenty-eight years, 1880-190'8, in railway serv ice, spending about nine years in each of the three departments — accounting, transportation and traffic; reached the head of each depart ment and served as auditor, traffic manager and general manager of various roads; presi dent and general manager Manufacturers' Railway Co. since Feb. 22, 1909. Was acting consular agent for United States at Parral, Mexico, few months, 1906; examiner with Interstate Commerce Commission, 1908-09. Republican. York Rite Mason. Clubs: Mis souri Athletic, St. Louis Railway and The Traffic of St. Louis. Recreation: baseball. Offiee: South Side Bank Bldg. Residence: 4170 Lindell Boul. MOORE, George Thomas, botanist; born, Indianapolis, Feb. 23, 1871; son of George T. and Margaret (Marshall) Moore; B.S., Wab ash College, 1894; A.B., Harvard, 1895, A.M., 1896, Ph.D., 1900; married Emma L. Hall, of Indianapolis, Dec. 30, 1896; two chil dren: Harriett Hall, Thomas Gaunt. Assistant in cryptogamie botany at Harvard and taught at Radeliffe College; in charge of botany, Dartmouth College, 1899-1901; physiologist and algologist, Bureau Plant Industry, Depart ment of Agriculture, 1901; in charge Labora tory of Plant Physiology, Department of Agri culture, 1903-05; in charge of botany, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Mass., since 1905; director Shaw's Garden, St. Louis, since 1912; professor applied botany and plant physiology, Shaw School of Botany (Washing ton University) and physiologist to Missouri Botanical Garden, since September, 1909. Consulting expert in applied botany; discov erer of a method for preventing pollution of water supplies by algaa and certain pathogenic bacteria; perfected method for inoculating the soil with bacteria which enable certain crops to use atmospheric nitrogen. Reviser for "algae," Century Dictionary; contributor to scientific journals and Department of Agri culture bulletins, upon Pollution of Water Supplies by Alga?, with recommendations for preventing these growths, and upon Fixation of Nitrogen by Bacteria, etc. Botanical editor American Year Book; American editor, physi ology, Botanisches Centralblatt. Fellow A. A. A. S.; member American Philosophical So ciety, Washington Academy of Sciences, St. Louis Academy of Science, Botanical Society of America, Botanical Society of Washington, Society of American Bacteriologists, Phi Gamma Delta fraternity. Clubs: University, Round Table, Town and Gown (St. Louis). Address: (winter) Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis; (summer) Woods Hole, Mass. MOQRE, Harry Morgan, physician; born, California, Mo., Mar. 1, 1874; son of John W. and Charlotte (Curtis) Moore; graduated from California High School, 1891; student West minster College, Fulton, Mo.. 1892-93; A.B., Princeton University, 1896; ' M.D., Medical THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 423 Department of Washington University, 1898; married, Rockport, Ind., June 8, 1912, Jamie H. Jones. In practice in St. Louis since 1898; chief surgeon St. Louis Police Department since January, 1912; first lieutenant Medical Reserve Corps, U. S. Army. Republican. Pres byterian. Member Beta Theta Pi. Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner. Clubs: University, Bellerive Country. Recreation: golf. Office: 27 Linmar Bldg. Residence: 5614 Waterman Avenue. MOORE, Hiram N., lawyer; born in Lin coln Co., Mo., Nov. 18, 1868; son of J. C. and Mary Elizabeth (Ripley) Moore; educated in public schools, high school, and Simonson's Academy, all at Troy, Mo.; married, 1893, Jennie Porter; one child, Mary Porter. Ad mitted to bar, 1888; practiced law at Troy, Mo., until 1889; formed partnership with late Nat. C. Dryden, at Mexico, Mo., 1890, under firm name of Dryden & Moore; removed to St. Louis, 1897, and in practice here until 1902; judge of the St. Louis Court of Crim inal Correction, 1902-08; then resumed prac tice. Democrat. Club: Missouri Athletic Favorite recreations: horseback riding and hunting. Office: 220 Wainwright Bldg. Resi dence: 5375 Cabanne Ave. MOORE, John, manager of St. Louis branch of General Fire Extinguisher Co.; born, Brook- line, Mass., July 28, 1859; son of George and Sarah (Sheriden) Moore; educated in public schools of Boston and Cambridge, Mass. ; mar ried, Cincinnati, Nov. 26, 1899, Louise J. Deprez; one daughter, Helen Meyers. En gaged in automatic sprinkler business continu ously since 1880; now authorized agent in Missouri for the General Fire Extinguisher Co. of New York (organized, 1893), manufactur ers and jobbers of all kinds of fire extinguish ing apparatus. Independent in politics. Epis copalian. Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner. Clubs: Mercantile, Missouri Athletic, Elks. Office: Pierce Bldg. Residence: Clayton Rd. MOORE, John William, retired; born in Licking Co., O., Mar. 7, 1858; son of Solomon and Catherine (Kimmel) Moore; educated in public school and business college at Macon, Mo.; M.D., Missouri Medical College, St. Louis, 1882; married, Macon, Mo., Jan. 24, 1882, Susie Graves; children: Waldo W., Claudia G., Mary Helen. Practiced medicine four years in Macon; became associated with A. M. Leslie Instrument Co.; bought out the company, 1892, and joined in organization of Holekamp-Moore Instrument Co. ; retired from that company, 1897, and associated in organ ization of Blees-Moore Instrument Co., of which was secretary, treasurer and general manager until July, 1911, when sold out to Aloe & Co., and retired. Recreation: fishing.. Residence: 2341 Whittemore PL MOORE, Philip North, geologist and mining engineer; born, Connersville, Ind., 1849; son of Henry C. and Susan (North) Moore; A.B., Miami University, Ohio, 1870; student School of Mines of Columbia University, New York, 1870-72; married, Rockford, 111., 1879, Eva Perry; two children: Elizabeth, Perry North. Assistant Michigan Geological Survey, 1872, Missouri Geological Survey, 1873, Kentucky Geological Survey, 1873-77; metallurgist and engineer, Leadville, Colo., 1878-81; managing director and treasurer, Slate Creek Iron Co. of Kentucky, 1882-89; consulting mining engi neer at St. Louis since 1889. President and treasurer Rose Run Iron Co. of Kentucky since 1889; president Tecumseh Iron Co. of Alabama, 1890-1908; manager German Bar Mining Co. of Montana, 1897-1900, Courey Placer Mining Co., Montana, 1897-1900; con sulting engineer Black Mountain Mining Co., of Chicago and Mexico, 1904-09; consulting engineer Pittsburgh Silver Peak Mining Co., 1906-07. Member American Institute Mining Engineers, Mining and Metallurgical Society of America, American Geographical Society, Engineers ' Club of St. Louis, Civic League. Clubs: Country, Round Table, Noonday. Of fice: 611 Laclede Bldg. Residence: 3125 La fayette Ave. MOORE, Robert, consulting civil engineer; born, New Castle, Pa., June 19, 1838; son of Henry C. and Amelia (Whippo) Moore; A.B., Miami University, Ohio, 1858, A.M.; married, St. Louis, 1878, Miss Alice Filley; one son, Charles W. Practicing as civil engineer since 1863; was assistant United States engineer in military service in central Kentucky, in 1863; sewer commissioner of St. Louis, 1877-81; since 1897, member, and twice president of the Board of Education of St. Louis. Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers of Lon don, and past president of the American So ciety of Civil Engineers. Member of the Eth ical Society of St. Louis, Civie League. Clubs: Noonday, Commercial, Round Table, Engi neers' (twice president). Recreation: read ing. Office: Laclede Bldg. Residence: 61 Vandeventer PL MOORE, Stanley Holmes, head assistant McKinley High School; born, St. Louis, No vember, 1874; son of George R. and Anna M. (Bretz) Moore; graduated from Manual Train ing School, Washington University, 1893; later taking special evening course at same; married, April, 1897, M. Katherine Wayland; two children, one living, Merle Wayland. Was engaged as draftsman, Ranken-Fritsch -Co., St. Louis, 1893-95, inspector . of drawings, same, 1895-96; on engineering staff of Web ster, Camp & Lane, Akron, O., 1897; director of: manual training, Manual Training High. School, Kansas City, Mo., 1897-1904; since.- 1904, head assistant and director of mechanic 424 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS arts, McKinley High School, St. Louis. Mem ber or associate American Society Mechanical Engineers, American Institute Electrical En gineers, American Association Advancement of Science, American Chemical Society, American Federation of Mathematics and Sci ence, Society Promotion Engineering Educa tion, National Geographic Society, National Education Association, Engineers' Club, Franklin Institute. Author of a technical ref erence work, "Mechanical Engineering and Machine Shop Practice." Recreation: archi tecture. Residence: Forest and Selma Aves., Webster Groves, Mo. MOORE, Thomas Anthony, Jr.; see Vol. 1906. MOORE, William Dunn, lawyer; born, Pa cific, Mo., Aug. 1, 1876; son of Samuel L. and Annie J. (Miles) Moore; was graduated at St. Louis Manual Training School, 1893; gradu ated Bryant & Stratton Business College, 1894; A.B., Missouri State University, 1901; course in St. Louis Law School; married, St. Louis, Mar. 18, 1904, Ethel P. Sledd; two chil dren: Ruth E. and Norman G. Was employed as an instructor by Board of Education, St. Louis, 1901-06; began practice of law, 1907; elected justice of the peace, Ninth District, St. Louis, November, 1910, for term extending to November, 1914. Graduated from Missouri State Military School and commissioned brevet lieutenant by Governor Dockery; served in Spanish-American War as member Company L, First Regiment, Missouri Volun teer Infantry. Republican. Methodist. Mem ber St. Louis Bar Association, Hamilton Fish Camp, Spanish-American War Veterans. Ma son; member Lambskin Lodge No. 460, A. F. & A. M.; Chapter No. 8, Royal Arch Masons. Clubs: Masonic, Army and Navy, Rod and Gun. Recreation: fishing. Office: 4006 Chou teau Ave. Residence: 4236 Russell Ave. MOORE, William Grant, physician; born, Lexington, Ky., Feb. 16, 1853; son of Wil liam Grant and Sarah Banks (McConnell) Moore; educated in district schools of Ken tucky, Kentucky University, Washington and Lee University; M.D., Jefferson Medical Col lege, Philadelphia, 1875; married, St. Louis, Mar. 27, 1878, Etolia Tevis North; children: Jessie Atkins (Mrs. Roger E. Simmons, of Hagerstown, Md.), North, William Grant, Jr. Engaged in general practice of medicine in St. Louis since 1875. Member American Med ical Association (vice president, 1910), Mis souri State Medical Association (ex-presi dent), St. Louis Medical Society (ex-presi dent), St. Louis Obstetrical Society (ex-presi dent). Democrat; member Board of Educa tion, St. Louis, for six years. Methodist. Club: Jefferson. Recreation: field sports. Of fiee and Residence: 86 Vandeventer PL MORE, Edward Anson, president of More- Jones Brass and Metal Co.; bora, Philadel phia, Pa., Nov. 7, 1848; son of Edward B. and Margaretta (Rambo) More; educated in West Jersey Academy to 1863; married, St. Louis, Mar. 20, 1879, cousin, Mary C. More; chil dren: Lucius Elmer, Enoch Anson, Cyrus Burnham, Katherine Alice (deceased). Was clerk for More & Co., on North 2d St., 1865- 76. Started as manufacturer of journal and railroad engine bearings, solders, babbitt metals, etc., in 1874, but retained clerkship until 1876, when gave up position in order to devote entire attention to metal business; in corporated business in 1899, as More-Jones Brass and Metal Co., of which is president and treasurer, continuing the manufacturing branches above named, and also being jobbers of all kinds of metals except iron. Also presi dent and treasurer of St. Louis Chilled Bear ing Co. Member Business Men's League, Civic League, Citizens ' Industrial Association. Republican. Presbyterian; trustee West Pres byterian Church. Clubs: St. Louis Country, Mercantile, Bellerive Country. Recreation: golf. Office: 3138-3144 N. Broadway. Resi dence : 4526 W. Pine Boul. MOREY, Richard, contractor; born, Seda lia, Mo., Feb. 16, 1870; son of A. P. and E. Jennie (Bard) Morey; educated in high school, Sedalia, Mo.; Missouri State University, 1889- 90; Washington University, 1890-92; Massa chusetts Institute of Technology, 1893-95, de gree of B.S. in civil engineering, 1895; mar ried, Sedalia, Nov. 16, 1898, Mary G. Maekey; one son, Richard, Jr. City engineer of Sedalia, 1895-97; manager and engineer for Gilsonite Roofing and Paving Co., of St. Louis, at Kan sas City offiee, 1897-1902; since 1902, president of the Morey-Faulhaber Construction Co., en gaged in railroad and municipal contracting work. Member American Society of Civil En gineers. Republican. Episcopalian. Clubs: Bellerive, St. Louis Engineers'. Office: Chem ical Bldg. Residence: 5509 Clemens Ave. MORFIT, John Campbell, surgeon; born, Baltimore, Md., Apr. 4, 1874; son of Mason and Elizabeth Meigs (Garrison) Morfit; edu cated in public schools of Baltimore; M.D., College of Physicians and Surgeons, Balti more, 1895; post-graduate course Johns Hop kins Medical School; resident gynecologist Baltimore City Hospital, 1895-96; married, Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 17, 1900, Josephine H. Nations; one daughter, Josephine Gregory. Engaged in practice in St. Louis, with spe cialty in surgery, since 1897. Formerly in structor in surgery, Washington University; surgeon St. Louis Mullanphy Hospital; con sulting surgeon Mount St. Rose Sanitarium. Member Clinical Society of Maryland, Med ical and Chirurgical Faculty of Maryland, St. Louis Medical Society (viee president, 1905; president, 1907), St. Louis Surgical Club (sec retary, 1904), Missouri State Medical Asso ciation, American Medical Association, West- THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 425 era Surgical Association, Mississippi Valley Medical Association (viee president, 1898). President Joint Medical Council, 1907-10; ap pointed first hospital commissioner, City of St. Louis, 1910. Office and Residence: 3534 Washington Ave. MORFIT, Thomas Garrison, president The Rice & Hutchins St. Louis Shoe Co.; born, Baltimore, Md., June 12, 1868; son of Mason and Elizabeth Meigs (Garrison) Morfit; edu cated in public schools of Baltimore; married, Apr. 28, 1908, Belle T. Sloss; one daughter, Elizabeth G. Entered business as traveling salesman for Lawrence Gould & Co. (whole sale shoes), of Baltimore; a year later be came traveling salesman for the Chesapeake Shoe Co. of Baltimore, in which position con tinued until January, 1900, when came to St. Louis and was elected president of the Rice & Hutchins St. Louis Shoe Co., in which posi tion has since continued. Also director (for merly president) Frisco Building Co. Member Business Men's League, Civie League. Secre tary of Maryland Society of Missouri. Demo crat. Member Third Baptist Church. Clubs: University, City, Bellerive Country. Principal recreations: golf, horseback riding. Office: 1025 Washington Ave. Residence: 5155 West minster PI. MORGAN, David Evart, see Vol. 1906. MORGAN, George Hagar, secretary Mer- ' chants' Exchange; 1838-1911; see Vol. 1906. MORGAN, William Edgar, merchant; born, Monmouthshire, England, July 3, 1854; son of Solomon D. and Jane (Davies) Morgan; edu cated in public schools in England; married, St. Louis, Dec. 15, 1885, May Kimball; chil dren: Frederick E., William E., Jr. Was ap prenticed to the David Morgan dry goods es tablishment at Rhymney, Glamorganshire, Wales, 1869, for five years, at expiration of which time went to London and was employed by Spencer, Turner & Boldero (dry goods), 1874-77; came to United States, 1877, and was two years buyer for Owen Jones, New York City; came to St. Louis, 1879, and after a short time in the employ of Burns & Eckstein entered employ of Ely, Janis & Co., and be came second vice president of its successor, Ely & Walker Dry Goods Co.; resigned, May 1, 1912, to become vice president William Meyer & Co. Member Business Men 's League, Advertising Men's League, Civic League; for merly manager St. Louis Salesmanagers ' Asso ciation. Clubs: Mercantile, Normandie. Rec reation: golf. Office: 483 Broadway, New York. Residence: 5339 Page Boul., St. Louis. Summer Residence: Siasconset Island, Nan tucket, Mass. MORISSE, J. Ernst F., lace importer; born, Bremerhaven, Germany, Nov. 22, 1852; son of J. H. and Louise (Ehringhaus) Morisse; edu cated in public school of Bremerhaven, Ger many; married, St. Louis, Nov. 8, 1882; chil dren: William J., Herbert. Came from Ger many to St. Louis in 1870, and was engaged with Chase & Cabot and afterwards with Rice, Stix & Co., wholesale dry goods, until May, 1886, when established business of Morisse & Maure, importers of embroideries, laces, lace curtains and dress trimmings, of which is now sole owner. Member Royal Arcanum. Recrea tion: traveling. Office: 1627 Washington Ave. Residence: 3531 Sidney St. MORITZ, Gustave, M.D., oculist and opti cian; born, Paris, France, Aug. 24, 1867; son of Samuel and Emma (Aroon) Moritz; moved to San Antonio, Tex., in 1872; graduated from public high school of San Antonio, 1884, Tu- lane University, New Orleans, 1886; M.D., University of Illinois, 1889; post-graduate work at University of Vienna, Austria, 1892; married, St. Louis, June 7, 1900, Jennie Lyons; one daughter, Erma. In practice as specialist in diseases of the eye and ear since 1889; since 1896, as oculist and optician. Member board of trustees of United Hebrew Congregation. Member Young Men's Hebrew Association, Independent Order B'nai B'rith. Mason. Recreations: chess and billiards. Of fice: 609 N. Broadway. Residence: 5037 Cab anne Ave. MORLEY, William Jarman, proprietary medicines; born, Dillsboro, Ind., Mar. 24, 1848; son of William and Melinda (Addison) Morley; educated in public schools of Car rollton, Ky.; married, Austin, Tex., Dee. 22, 1880, Sudie Hansbrough; children: William Hansbrough, Annie Myrtle (Mrs. S. C. Wool- ley), Guilford S. Lived at Carrollton, Ky., until seventeen; then went into drug business at Cincinnati; located at Austin, Tex., and from 1875 operated jobbing house and medi cine manufacturing business under firm name of Morley Brothers; in 1885 moved laboratory to St. Louis and still operates business under firm name of Morley Bros.; business at Aus tin, Tex., conducted as Morley Bros. Drug Co., since 1912. Democrat. Member Christian (Disciples) Church. Knight of Pythias. Office: 214-216 S. Main St. Residences: 5018 Cabanne Ave., St. Louis, and Austin, Tex. MORRELL, Michael Pinckney, physician; born, Greenville, Miss., Sept. 9, 1850; son of Michael Pinckney and Mildred Ann (Bledsoe) Morrell; entered St. Louis University, 1865; afterwards went to Transylvania University, Lexington, Ky.; M.D., University of Virginia, 1873; married, St. Louis, Sept. 14, 1893, Caro lyn Louise Shelp; children: Loris Pinckney, Helenice Louise. Was in Europe from 1874 to 1880, attending medical schools and hospitals in London, Paris, Vienna and Berlin ; returned to St. Louis, 1880, and has been in general practice ever since; was until recently attend ing physician St. Mary's and St. Ann's Catho lic orphan asylums; connected with the City 426 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS Health Department since July, 1911. Member American Medical Association, St. Louis Med ical Society. Democrat. Club: Mercantile. Recreation: traveling. Office and Residence: 3693 Olive St. MORRILL, Charles Henry, general insur ance agent; born, Marshalltown, la., Nov. 23, 1878; son of i Henry Leighton and Clara (White) Morrill; educated at Stoddard School and Smith Academy, St. Louis; A.B., Harvard University, 1900; married, Nov. 30, 1909, Lenita Collins, of St. Louis; one son, Charles L. After graduation entered the insurance business m the employ of W. H. Markham & Co., and on Jan. 1, 1903, was made member of the firm. Member Loyal Legion (by inherit ance). Clubs: Noonday, St. Louis Country, Harvard (St. Louis). Office: Pierce Bldg. Residence: 6142 Westminster PL MORRIS, Calvin S.; see Vol. 1906. MORRIS, Charles Marion, local freight agent Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Co.; born, Hannibal, Mo., Jan. 10, 1877; son of George F. and Sarah (Edmiston) Morris; educated in Hannibal public schools to 1892; married, June 3, 1901, Inez Smith; one child, Charles, Jr. Began railroad career with Chi cago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Co., 1892, and continuously engaged with same com pany; clerk local freight office, Hannibal, Mo., 1892-97; chief clerk, 1897-1903; agent, Louisi ana, Mo., 1903-05; then agent at Hannibal to January, 1906; since local freight agent at St. Louis, and in charge of East St. Louis sta tion, Chicago, Burlington & Quincy R. R. Democrat. Methodist. Mason (Blue Lodge, Chapter and Commandery). Club: St. Louis Railway. Recreations: hunting and fishing. Office:. 107 Franklin St. Residence: 908 N. Euclid Ave. MORRIS, Christopher Columbus, surgeon; born in Putnam Co., Ind., Dec. 27, 1858; son of Joseph M. and Sarah E. (Owen) Morris; educated in public schools of Indiana, Lick ing Academy, Licking, Mo.; M.D., Missouri State University, 1884; post-graduate work at New York Polyclinic, winter of 1890-91; (A.M., Ewing College, 1896); married, June 17, 1885, Willa Raines; one daughter, Ina. Engaged in general practice of medicine in northeast Missouri until 1890; moved to St. Louis, 1891; in 1893, organized the St. Louis Baptist Hospital, of which is now superin tendent and surgeon-in-chief. Member St. Louis Medical Society, Missouri State Medical Association, American Medical Association, American Electro-Therapeutic Association, American Hospital Association. Independent Republican. Baptist. Mason (both York and Scottish rites). Clubs: Glen Echo Country, Racquet. Recreation: golf. Office: Baptist Hospital, N. E. cor. Garrison and Franklin Aves. Residence: 5550 Bartmer Ave. *MORRIS, William Cullen, fire clay; moved to Los Angeles, Cal.; see Vol. 1906. MORRISON, Gilbert Burnet, principal of McKinley High School; born in Rutland Co., Vt., Apr. 21, 1852; son of John and Mary (Burnet) Morrison; early education by mother and private tutors in New York; later, chiefly self-taught, while gaining a livelihood by un aided, individual effort; honorary A.M., Wash ington University, St. Louis, 1903; married, Hamlin, Kan., Nov. 8, 1879, Jean Ernest; chil dren: Jean (Mrs. Alfred H. Wagner, of Kan sas City), Eva. Began teaching in country schools of Missouri, 1876; taught in country schools in Kansas, 1878-79; returned to Mis souri, 1879; principal Barry, Mo., public schools, 1880-81; principal of Liberty, Mo., public schools, 1882-83; teacher of physical sciences, Central High School, Kansas City, Mo., 1883-97; prineipalManual Training High School, Kansas City, Mo., 1897-19Q3; principal McKinley High School, St. Louis, from 1903. Author of ' ' Warming and Ventilation of School Buildings," in Appleton's Interna tional Educational Series; editor Educational Advance for three years; presented paper, "Some Thermal Determinations in the Heat ing of Buildings, ' ' at the Columbus meeting of the American Association for the Advance ment of Science; wrote monographs, "The School Buildings of the United States," for the U. S. Commission to the Paris Exposition (silver medal), "School House Architecture and Hygiene ' ' for Louisiana Purchase Exposi tion (gold medal), and "Content of Cosmo politan High Schools." Also wrote pam phlets of "Studies of Shakespearian Charac ters, ' ' numerous papers for National Educa tional Association and other professional so cieties, and numerous articles for newspapers and magazines. Commissioned by Board of Education to travel in Europe, 1908, studying the schools abroad. Active member of Na tional Educational Association, American As sociation for the Advancement of Science, National Geographical Society, National Asso ciation of Science and Mathematics, Missouri State Teachers' Association. Office: McKin ley High School. Residence: Webster Groves, St. Louis Co., Mo. MORRISON, John William, secretary and treasurer R. W. Morrison Construction Co.; born, St. Louis, Sept. 14, 1881; son of Robert W. and Ella V. (Paden) Morrison; educated in St. Louis public schools, Smith Academy, and Washington University; unmarried. Af ter leaving school entered father's office, in 1901, and in 1903 was elected to present posi tion as secretary and treasurer of the R. W. Morrison Construction Co., engineers and con tractors. Member Missouri Athletic Club and St. Louis Amateur Athletic Association. Of fice: 306 Liggett Bldg. Residence: 5800 Von Versen Ave. THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 427 MORRISON, Robert Wakefield, contractor; born, Sistersville, Va. (now W. Va.), Aug. 19, 1848; son of James and Martha (Corbitt) Morrison; educated in private school, Sisters ville, and college at Pittsburgh, Pa.; married, in Virginia, 1879, Ella V. Paden; children: John W., Robert W., Jr., Florence Ella, Mar tha. Resident of St. Louis since 1873; entered contracting business as a member of the firm of Barnes & Morrison; after 1879, conducted business alone until Mar. 31, 1899, since presi dent R. W. Morrison Construction Co.; di rector Winona Oil Co., Bartlesville, Okla.; treasurer Morrison Oil Co., Bridgeport, 111. Scottish Rite Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner. Member Legion of Honor. Club: Mercantile. Favorite recreation: music. Of fice: 113 N. 8th St. Residence: 5553 Maple Avenue. MORRISON, Thomas, tent manufacturer; 1824-1907; see Vol. 1906. MORROW, Charles E., lawyer; born in Johnson Co., Mo., Jan. 20, 1869; son of Baxter E. and Mary (O'Neill) Morrow; educated in public schools, and Missouri State Normal School; married, Warrensburg, Mo., Dec. 24, 1891, Flora Anderson; two chidren: O'Neill S. and Charles A.. Admitted to Missouri bar, 1892, and practiced at Warrensburg, Mo., un til 1905, since practiced in St. Louis; profes sor torts, St. Louis University Law School, since 1909. Member St. Louis and Missouri State Bar associations. Prosecuting attorney Johnson Co., Mo., 1900-04; regent Warrens burg State Normal School, 1898-1906. Demo crat. Presbyterian. Member Knights of Pyth ias, Elks. Club: Missouri Athletic. Recrea tion: fishing. Office: 311-316 Third National Bank Bldg. Residence: 1354 Belt Ave. MORSE, Hiram Boardman, publisher St. Louis Daily Record; born, Forsythe, Macon Co., 111., Nov. 10, 1864; son of Lemuel R. and Anna M. (Boardman) Morse; educated in pub- lie school near Warrensburg, 111.; academy at Valparaiso, Ind., 1881-82; Illinois State Uni versity, Champaign, 111., 1883-84; Columbian Law School, Washington, D. C, 1885-87; mar ried, St. Louis, Oct. 9, 1898, Olive Beatrice Bell; children: Beatrice Southwood, South- wood Bell, Lucius Boardman. Lived on farm at Forsythe, 111., 1864-66, and near Warrens burg, 111., 1866-85; appointed under civil serv ice rules, 1885, to clerkship in War Depart ment at Washington, D. O, serving until 1887; practiced law at Kansas City, Mo., 1887-89; in 1891 became member of firm of Morse & Van Buren, publishers of the St. Louis Daily Record; on death of Mr'. Van Buren, 1897, paper passed into hands of St. Louisans, and in 1899 the owners incorporated as Daily Record Co., of which is president and manager. Member American Court Press Association. Republican. Club: City. Office: 1003 Fullerton Bldg. Residence: 6219 West minster PL MORSE, John Jay, secretary and treasurer St. Louis Car Wheel Co.; born, Orwell, Addi son Co., Vt., Oct. 16, 1864; son of Jay Dana and Eliza Adell (Olmsted) Morse; boyhood spent on farm; educated in public schools in Iowa and Missouri, graduating from Wells- ville (Mo.) High School, 1886; then Stansr bury (Mo.) Normal School, Bryant & Strat ton Business College, St. Louis, and Lewis College, Glasgow, Mo.; married, St. Louis, Rosalyn Spurgin Knowles; one son, John Jay, Jr. Taught in Wellsville (Mo.) High School; stenographer for D. Snitzer & Co., wholesale sewing machines and bicycles, February to May, 1889; stenographer to master mechanic, Missouri Pacific Ry., 1889-90; successively stenographer, bookkeeper, exchange teller and note teller Merchants' National Bank of St. Louis, 1890-92; since March, 1892, with St. Louis Car Wheel Co., beginning as book keeper, and afterwards successively chief clerk, assistant treasurer, treasurer and assist ant secretary, and March, 1898, secretary, treasurer and a director of the company, also general manager since December, 1908. Re publican. Congregationalist. Member Business Men's League. Mason (Tuscan Lodge); mem ber Royal Arcanum. Clubs: Mercantile, Glen Echo Country, St. Louis, Traffic, Million Popu lation. Favorite recreations: horseback rid ing, golf and tennis. Offices: Spring Ave., Mis souri Pacific and Wabash rys., and Room 511 Bank of Commerce Bldg. Residence: 3834 Flad Ave. *MORSEY, William Louis, lawyer; now lives in Warrenton, Mo.; see Vol. 1906. MORTON, Claude Austin, grain commis sion; bom in Pike Co., 111., Aug. 12, 1876; son of Turner B. and Jane L. (Allen) Morton; educated in public schools; married, St. Louis, June 1, 1898, Jessie Gilmore; children: Aline, Jessie, Austin, Judith. Began in grain busi ness in 1895 as employe of Messmore, Gan nett & Co., and later with Messmore, Morton & Co., becoming, in 1900,- a member of the firm of Morton & Co., grain commission. Mem ber St. Louis Merchants' Exchange, St. Louis Grain Club. Congregationalist. Offiee: 509-510 Chamber of Commerce. Residence: Webster Groves, Mo. MORTON, David Lee; born, Morton's Gap, Hopkins Co., Ky., March, 1865; son of John G. W. and Sophia W. (Price) Morton; edu cated in public schools of Kentucky and Glas gow (Ky.) Normal School; married, St. Louis, Nov. 29, 1893, May Kraus; children: Ray mond (deceased), Marguerite (deceased), Elizabeth May, Eveline. After leaving school worked on father's farm in Hopkins Co., Ky., and later, at age of twenty, taught in schools 428 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS of same county; then clerk in general stores in Nortonville and Madisonville, Ky.; came to St. Louis, 1890, and was bookkeeper for St. Louis Varnish Co., 1890-93; Feb. 1, 1894, became connected with Powitzky & Collins Carriage Wood-Work Co. as secretary; also secretary Paul Realty Co. Democrat. Mem ber Fourth Christian Church. Recreation: traveling. Office: cor. Main St. and Grand Ave. Residence: 2352 Holly Ave. *MORTON, Frank, clergyman; now living in Oran, Mo.; see Vol. 1906. *MORTON, John; moved to Birmingham, Ala.; see Vol. 1906. MORTON, Stratford Lee, life insurance; born, Dixon, 111., Dec. 14, 1887; son of Robert Lee and Ella (Stratford) Morton; graduated Central High School,, St. Louis, 1906; Wash ington University, 1910; married, Appleton City, Mo., Mar. 2, 1912, Anna K. Dierfeld; one- daughter, Katharine Ysabel. Began in in surance business May 18, 1908, with Connecti cut Mutual Life Insurance Co.; reentered col lege in the fall; returned to insurance busi ness, June, 1909; appointed as superintendent local agency, same company, January, 1910, and since January, 1912, general agent for eastern Missouri and East St. Louis. Member Washington University Association, Beta Theta Pi, New England Society, Sons of American Revolution, Civic League. Clubs: City, Beta Theta. Recreations: canoeing, swimming, collecting rare books. Office: Chem ical Bldg. Residence: 107 Joy Ave., Webster Groves, Mo. MORTON, Turner Bynem, grain commis sion; 1849-1910; see Vol. 1906. MOSBERGER, Jacob, wholesale hardwood lumber; born in Canton St. Gall, Switzerland, Feb. 21, 1861; son of Frank J. and Mary (Sehieble) Mosberger; educated in public schools in Switzerland and at Troy, N. Y. ; married, St. Louis, November, 1883, May Nolte; children: Mary (Mrs. Anthone Han- hardt), Herman, Grace. Began business ca reer as an inspector of lumber for Frank H. Smith, and afterwards became yard foreman, buyer and salesman for the Little Lumber Co.; in 1899 formed partnership with Richard O 'Reilly under firm name of Mosberger & O'Reilly, and in 1905 incorporated the busi ness as Mosberger-0 'Reilly Lumber Co., of which was president until 1907, when sold out his interests to O'Reilly Lumber Co.; later started for himself as the Mosberger Lumber Co., of which is sole owner. Member St. Louis Lumbermen's Exchange. Roman Catholic. Office: 653 Mbrin Ave. Residence: 2206 Red Bud Ave. MOSBY, Charles V., publisher; born near Nevada, Mo., Aug. 18, 1875; son of John S. and Mary Frances (Hilliard) Mosby; edu cated in public and high schools of Nevada, graduating, 1893; student Beaumont Medical College two years; M.D., College of Physi cians and Surgeons, 1900; married, St. Louis, Apr. 10, 1901, Margaret Cavanaugh; two chil dren: Charles V., Jr., Highland Mary. Prac ticed for a short time in St. Louis; became connected with D. Appleton & Co., publishers, 1901, and continued until 1906; then organ ized the C. V. Mosby Medical Book Co., pub lishers of medical works, of which is presi dent. Congregationalist. Clubs: Million Popu lation, Knoble Hunting and Fishing. Recrea tion: gardening. Office: 806, 508 N. Grand Ave. Residence: 425 Fairlawn Ave. MOSELEY, Arthur Guyon, lawyer; born in Buckingham Co., Va., Feb. 23, 1859; son of Arthur and Lavinia Blanchard (Williams) Moseley; graduated from Peabody Normal College, degree of L.I., 1878; A.B. and A.M., University of Nashville, 1879; married, Yazoo City, Miss., Mar. 3, 1890, Lucy K. Gadberry; children: Ellen Douglas (by former mar riage), and Arthur Guyon, Jr. Principal of Clarksville (Tenn.) High School, 1879-81, and principal of school at Mexia, Tex., until 1884; admitted to bar in Texas, 1884, and practiced at Sherman and Denison until 1907; since in St. Louis. Member Missouri State Bar Asso ciation, Texas State Bar Association; dele gate to American Bar Association, 1887. Democrat. Episcopalian. Member Sons of American Revolution. Clubs: Missouri Ath letic, Triple A, City, Midland Valley. Recrea tion: golf. Office: 415 Pine St. Residence: 1230 Amherst PL MOSER, Byron Wallace, publicity manager ; born, Ironton, Mo., Sept. 23, 1884; son of Flora Ellen Moser; educated Stoddard gram mar school, St. Louis; graduated from Cen tral High School, June, 1903; continued edu cational work in local chapter of the Ameri can Institute of Banking (educational section American Bankers' Association) and gradu ated, 1911; married, St. Louis, Oct. 24, 1911, Ella V. E. Starke. Has been connected with the St. Louis Union Trust Co. since June, 1903; publicity manager same, since Mar. 21, 1911. Member board of governors local chap ter American Institute of Banking. Repub lican. Methodist. Member Alpha Omega. Clubs: City, St. Louis Amateur Athletic Asso ciation. Recreations: tennis, baseball, golf. Office: 4th and Locust Sts. Residence: 5796 McPherson Ave. MOSER, Leo, hotel keeper; born, Baden Baden, Germany, July 1, 1841; son of Ignatz and Magdalene (Ruhl) Moser; attended school in Germany, then went to school of Paulist Fathers at Cincinnati, O., until ten years old; later, for a short time, in a business college in St. Louis; twice married; one daughter, Kate, by former wife, is now a Sister of Mercy (Sister Mary Anita); married, 2d, June 6, 1893, at Carliuville, 111., Elizabeth L. THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 429 Murphy; children: Leo, Jr., Joseph Edgar, Elizabeth L. WThen ten years of age was ap prenticed to a shoemaker; did not like it, so ran away from home and enlisted as a drum mer boy; when facts were learned was dis missed. Found a place on an old Mississippi River steamboat, helping at everything, where remained until 1872, advancing until was steward; left to open the Lindell Hotel, where also served as steward until opening of Moser Hotel, about 1875, which conducted until 1906. Republican. Catholic. Residence: 3725 Lindell Boul. MOSER, Otto, president Moser Cigar and Paper Box Co.; born, St. Louis, Oct. 28, 1855; son of Joseph G. and Annie (Brack) Moser; educated in public schools of St. Louis; mar ried, St. Louis, May, 1881, Bertha Seidel; children: Otto, Jr., Louis, Fritz, Ernst, Ella. Began business career with Louis Hock, file cutters, for four and one-half years, then en tered business of father in manufacture of cigar boxes and paper boxes (established, 1853); succeeded to business on father's death in 1874, and in 1884 incorporated it as Moser Cigar and Paper Box Co., of which is presi dent and manager. Republican. Member Liederkranz, A. F. & A. M., and Ascalon Com mandery, K. T.; also St. Louis Turn Verein, Schiller Verein, German-American Alliance, Sharpshooters, and other German societies. Office: 200 Elm St. Residence: 2213 S. Grand Avenue. MOTT, Frederick W., real estate, loans and insurance; born, New York City, Dec. 2, 1849; son of John and Anna (Thiel) Mott; educated in common schools; Blackburn University, Carlinville, 111.; St. Louis High School; mar ried, Mar. 27, 1871, Isabella S., daughter of Archibald S. Rutherfurd, of St. Louis; two sons: Frederick R., and Edwin Webster who lost Ms life at age of seventeen while at tempting to rescue a companion from drown ing in the Mississippi River. Messenger to assistant actuary, Life Association of Amer ica, St. Louis, to 1878; organized and built the Carondelet Electric Light and lee Plant; as vice president and manager Carondelet Street Ry., extended and built railway to Howard St., reducing fare from Carondelet to St. Louis from fifteen cents to five cents; or ganized the Syenite Granite Co., 1882, with capital of $300,000, and served as secretary; in real estate business since 1883; president F. W. Mott Realty Co. since 1905. Member Missouri House of Representatives four years, 1879-82, inclusive; succeeded State Senator J. C. McGinnis on his death, serving two years of his unexpired term, and reelected to Sen ate for four years, term ending in 1900 — 39th and 40th General Assemblies; assessor and collector of water rates under Mayors Ewing and Francis, 1883-87, during which time had noted controversy with Gen. W. T. Sherman; secretary Republican State Committee eight years, 1879-87; member Republican National Convention, 1884. Director St. Louis Real Estate Exchange (ex-vice president and now chairman public service committee) ; organ ized and now member Carondelet Business Men's Association; member Saturday and Sunday Hospital Association (auditing com mittee). Presbyterian; ex-president board of trustees Carondelet Presbyterian Church. Ma son; member Ascalon Commandery, K. T. Club: Masonic. Recreations: fishing, hunting. Office: 617 Wainwright Bldg. Residence: 6604 Virginia Ave. MOTT, Henry T., insurance and real estate investments; born, New York City, Dec. 6, 1853; son of John and Annie (Thiel) Mott; educated in public schools and at Hillsboro Academy; married, Valparaiso, Ind., June 9, 1881, Martha E. Bartholomew; one daughter, Marguerite D. In shoe business at St. Louis, 1872-92 (except two years, 1882-84, at Fargo, Dak.); since in general insurance and real estate business. For many years a member of St. Louis National Guard. First man in St. Louis, outside of organized militia, to offer services for the Spanish- American War; was selected assistant adjutant general for mobil ization of troops, on the staff of General Bell, with rank of lieutenant colonel; served with that officer in the state and at Washington, D. O, from April to November, 1898; brought 350 fever-stricken volunteers back to Mis souri on special trains and organized Spanish- American War Committee for relief work; was treasurer of Citizens' reception commit tee for returning soldiers, and was awarded gold medal by citizens for service to volun teers. Republican. Methodist. Mason. Mem ber Missouri Historical Society, Spanish War Veterans. Offiee: 213-217 Navarre Bldg. Resi dence: 6146 Gambleton Ave. MOULTON, Julius, civil engineer; bora, St. Louis, Nov. 15, 1844; son of Jonathan B. and Jane E. (Smith) Moulton; educated in public schools and Washington University; married, St. Charles Co., Mo., Nov. 27, 1871, Marion P. Nelson. Associated with his father in engineering business after leaving univer sity; appointed engineer sewer department' of St. Louis, 1874; chief engineer department of harbor and wharfs since 1883. Episcopalian. Member Engineers' Club of St. Louis. Office: 305 City Hall. Residence: 5176 Maple Ave. MUCKERMANN, Ignatius C, general man ager Polar Wave Ice and Fuel Co.; born, St. Louis, Dec. 7, 1865; son of Christian and Wil helmina (Schulte) Muckermann; educated in public schools, St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Sept. 12, 1888, Helena Nyhof (now deceased) ; children: Richard O, Helena W.; married, 2d, St. Louis, May 15, 1907, Lena Jucker; one son, Louis T. After leaving school began busi ness career with old Bremen Bank, with 430 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS which remained until Oct. 17, 1888, when en tered service of the Polar Wave Ice and Fuel Co., wholesale and retail dealers in ice, coal, coke, hardwood and kindling, of which is now general manager. Office: 1326 Chestnut St. Residence: 5049 Raymond Ave. MUCKERMANN, John C, vice president Polar Wave Ice and Fuel Co.; born, St. Louis, Nov. 8, 1868; son of Christian and Wilhelmina (Schulte) Muckermann; educated in Catholic parish school at North St. Louis until thirteen years of age; when fifteen, went to St. Fran cis College, Quincy, 111., where remained one year; married, St. Louis, Nov. 19, 1890, Paul ina Leber; six children: Chris., Frank H., Walter I., Rose Laura, Ruth Clara, Alice Paul ina, Gladys. On leaving college assisted father in ice, wood and coal business, as Chris. Muckermann, and in 1889, when busi ness was incorporated as Muckermann Ice and Coal Co., became treasurer and manager of the company, until it was absorbed, 1903, by the Polar Wave Ice and Fuel Co., of which is viee president. Catholic. Recreations: hunt ing and fishing. Office: 1326 Chestnut St. Residence: 6054 W. Cabanne Ave. MUDD, Harvey Gilmer, surgeon; born, St. Louis, Aug. 29, 1857; son of Henry Thomas and Sarah Elizabeth (Hodgen) Mudd; edu cated in public schools, Kirkwood, Mo., and St. Louis High School, graduating, 1876; M.D., St. Louis Medical College, Washington Uni versity, 1881; studied in Berlin, Vienna, Paris, London, Edinburgh, 1885-87; married, St. Louis, Jan. 20, 1892, Margaret de la Plaux Clark; one son, Stuart. Professor of clinical surgery, Medical Department of Washington University; member board of directors and president medical staff, St. Luke's Hospital; surgeon and member board of directors Barn ard Free Skin and Cancer Hospital. Member St. Louis Medical Society, St. Louis Surgical Society, City Hospital Alumni Medical So ciety, American Medical Association,, Ameri can Association of Genito-Urinary Surgeons, American Surgical Association, International Association of Urology. Republican. Clubs: St. Louis, University, St. Louis Country, Rac quet, Bellerive, Dardenne Shooting, Army and Navy (Washington, D. C). Recreations: golf and shooting. Office: 408 Humboldt Bldg. Residence: 4144 Washington Ave. *MUDGE, Solomon Hinckly, telegraph offi cial; moved to Chicago; see Vol. 1906. MUEHLBERG, F. W. Richard, traffic man ager Anheuser-Busch Brewing Association; born, Leipzig, Germany, Dec. 31, 1855; son of Frederick W. and Wilhelmina (Krause) Muehlberg; educated in public schools and college, Leipzig; married, St. Louis, June 1; 1892, Alvina Kahlbaum; two children: Ellen O, Clarence E. Came to America, 1883; later went to Mexico and engaged in railroad build ing for two years; located permanently at St. Louis, 1887; was placed in charge of the railway claim department of the Anheuser- Busch Brewing Association, and since 1902 has served as traffic manager; also traffic manager Manufacturers' R. R.; president In terstate Warehouse and Realty Co.; secretary St. Louis Refrigerator Car Co. Republican. Protestant. Mason; Keystone Lodge No. 243, A. F. & A. M.; St. Louis Chapter No. 8, R. A. M.; St. Aldemar Commandery No. 18, K. T.; Moolah Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S. Clubs: Liederkranz, Railway of St. Louis, Traffic of St. Louis. Recreations: outdoor sports. Of fices: Pestalozzi, N. E. cor. 9th St., and South Side Bank Bldg., Pestalozzi and Broadway. Residence: 3920 Cleveland Ave. MUELLER, Charles Fred August, real es tate agent; bom, St. Louis, Dec. 8, 1850; son of Dietrich and Wilhelmina (Luttercord) Mueller; educated in St. Louis public schools, German Institute, and Rohrer's and Jones Commercial colleges, receiving diplomas from two latter; married, St. Louis, Oct. 16, 1878, Annie Hafferkamp; children: Alfred, Clar ence, Irene. In employ of Oesterly & Zeppen- feld, wholesale mattress manufacturers, 1867- 69; collector and bookkeeper for Grether & Boeck, real estate agents, 1869-90; with Booth, Barada & Co., real estate, until July, 1891; member firm of Mueller & Faribault, real estate, 1891-1907, now alone. Member St. Louis Real Estate Exchange. Member Legion of Honor of Missouri, Royal Arcanum. Of fiee: 20 N. 7th St. Residence: 4821 Cote Bril- liante Ave. MUELLER, Henry, furrier; 1860-1910; see Vol. 1906. MUELLER, Otto G., sales agent; born in Sachsa, Germany, Apr. 28, 1866; son of Au gust F. W. and Wilhelmina (Seiter) Mueller ; came to United States in fall of 1867; edu cated in public schools, St. Louis; married, Belleville, 111., July, 1886, Katie E. Laubach; three children: Augusta Anna, Elsie Louise, Harry G. Began business career in 1879, as messenger for the Western Union Telegraph Co., then storekeeper for the old Vulcan Steel Works; in 1883 clerk in purchasing depart ment of the Wabash R. R.; in 1885 cleric transportation department Missouri Pacific R. R., chief clerk, 1893; superintendent of car service, September, 1899, and assistant superintendent of transportation, 1900, same road. Resigned from latter position, 1901, to enter mercantile pursuits, in which has since engaged; served with Republic Railway Ap pliance Co., American Car and Foundry Co., St. Louis Refrigerator Car Co., and, since 1910, sales agent for Scullin & Gallagher Steel Co. Democrat. Presbyterian. Scottish Rite Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner. Club:: St. Louis Railway. Favorite recreations: base- THE BOOK OB1 ST. LOUISANS 131 ball and other athletic sports. Offiee: 1401, 915 Olive St. Residence: 3631A Nebraska Avenue. MUENCH, Francis Anthony, candle manu facturer; born, Syracuse, N. Y., Apr. 7, 1879; son of William and Elizabeth (Baumer) Muench; educated in Catholic parochial school, Assumption Academy, Syracuse High School, and Henley State Regent Commercial College of New York State, graduating June 30, 1897; married, St. Louis, June 19, 1905, Lucille F. Marshall (deceased) ; one daughter, Frances Elsbeth; married, 2d, St. Joseph, Mo., Aug. 2, 1910, Marie Davis; one son, William Norbert. Began business career as clerk in father's drug store, Syracuse; came to St. Louis, Sept. 8, 1898, and was bookkeeper for the Richard Merkle Co., manufacturers of candles, refiners and bleachers of beeswax, and when it was incorporated, Nov. 3, 1900, was elected secretary, treasurer and director, and on July 1, 1901, was also appointed man ager. Member National Credit Men's Asso ciation. Democrat; appointed, Sept. 7, 1905, by Governor Folk delegate to represent Mis souri at convention in New York of National Civic Federation. Roman Catholic. Recrea tions: horseback riding and shooting. Office: 405 N.Main St. Residence: Richmond Heights, Park and Belleview. MUENCH, Hugo, judge; born in Warren Co., Mo., July 14, 1851; son of Friedrich and Louise (Fritz) Muench; early education from father (who -had been minister in small vil lage of Hessen, and who, with other former students of the University of Giessen, organ ized an emigration society and settled in War ren Co., Mo., in 1834), later at Augusta, Mo., and from 1867-71, Washington University; LL.B., St. Louis Law School, 1873; married, St. Louis, Nov. 12, 1874, Eugenia F. Thamer (died May 9, 1908); children: Julius Thamer, Paula Emilie, Alice Frances, Hugo, Jr. Con tinuously" engaged in practice of law in St. Louis, 1873-1902; U. S. consul at Zittau, Ger many, April, 1902, to July, 1903, then Ameri can consul at Plauen, Germany, until resigned, Oct. 1, 1905. Elected judge Circuit Court, No- vember^ 1906, for term of six years. Member St. Louis Bar Association. Director German Mutual Life Insurance Co. of St. Louis. Mem ber Board of Public Schools, 1886-88; presi dent National Turner Bund, 1888-92. Club: Liederkranz. Chambers: Court House. Resi; dence: 3117 Longfellow Boul, , MUENCH, Julius Thamer, lawyer; born, St. Lou,is, Aug. 11, 1875; son of Hugo and Eugenia (Thamer) Muench; educated in Irving School, St. Louis High School, Washington Univer sity; LL.B., St. Louis Law School, 1897; mar ried, St. Louis, June 18, 1898, Elsa von Starkloff; one son, Max Starkloff; Engaged in practice alone, in office: 'OfLubke- &.. Muench, from June, 1897, to April, 190.2; then with Lambert E. Walther, in firm of Walther & Muench; on Dec. 1, 1905, the firm was changed to Muench, Walther & Muench, and on Jan. 1, 1906, back to Walther & Muench; has prac ticed alone since July 1, 1909. Professor of medical jurisprudence at Marion-Sims-Beau mont College of Medicine, now Medical De partment, St. Louis University, 1902-05. Re publican. Member Mullanphy Board, 1905-08 (president, 1908); member board of directors St. Louis Altenheim since 1904. Member St. Louis Bar Association, Internationale Vereini- gung fiir Vergleichende Rechtswissensehaft und Volkswirthschaftslehre (Berlin), Missouri Historical Society (St. Louis), Deutsche Ge sellschaft. Clubs: City, Liederkranz.- Favor- - ite recreation: tennis. Office: 710-714 Times Bldg. Residence: 2956 Milton Ave. MUETZE, Henry, physician (oculist and aurist); born, Marburg, Germany, Feb. 21, 1863; son of Johann Peter and Louise (Garthe) Muetze; graduated from Realgymnasium, Marburg, Germany, 1879; came to St. Louis, 1879, and was apprenticed to an apothecary, served time, matriculated, 1882, and gradu ated, 1884, from St. Louis College of Phar macy, as Ph.G.; D.D.S., Missouri Dental Col lege, 1888; M.D., Missouri Medical College (now Medical Department, Washington Uni versity), 1891; was resident physician at St. Louis Polyclinic, Jefferson and Lucas Aves. (now Washington University Hospital), 1891- 95; went to Germany in 1895, devoting him self to special studies at University of Mar burg; returned to St. Louis in 1896; married, St. Louis, Mar. 23, 1892, Lulu Charlotte Fried- rich; children: Hazel Eisie, Henry Alvin, Juanita Victoria. Engaged in practice ' of medicine in St. Louis since 1891, specializing as oculist and aurist. Oculist to Missouri Pa cific Ry., Iron Mountain and Southern Ry. and Cotton Belt Line; lectured on ophthalmocopy, and was clinician at Beaumont Hospital Med ical College, 1898-99; oculist to Alexian Broth ers Hospital, 1898-1908. Member St. Louis Medical Society, Missouri State Medical Asso ciation. Independent in polities. Lutheran. Member St. Louis Turn Verein. Club: Lieder kranz. Office: 1703 S. Grand Ave. Residence: 3201 Shenandoah Ave. MUGAN, M(arion) Durand, professor of law; born, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Can., Nov. 11, 1870; son of P. J. and Mary Catherine (Mugan) Mugan; educated Woodstock Insti tute, Canada, Oberlin College, Ohio, and Val paraiso University, Ind., graduating from lat ter with degree of A.M. Principal in public- schools of Memphis, Tenn., five years, and in public schools of St. Louis ten years; since' 1901 has been professor law in various col leges; now member Faculty Law Department, University of Alabama. Owner of several valuable properties in St. Louis. "Mugwump" in politics. Author: Graded Method in Eng- 432 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS lish Grammar, 1891; The English Language by Way of English Grammar, 1902. Address: Tuscaloosa, Ala. Home: 4000 Delmar Ave., St. Louis. MULLALY, John, commission merchant; born, County West Meath, Ireland, Dee. 25, 1834; son of Martin and Bridget (Murray) Mullaly; educated in public schools; married, St. Louis, 1854, Margaret Kelley; children: Margaret (Mrs. George McNulta), Mamie (Mrs. Henry M. Wise), Theresa (deceased), Martin J., Agnes (deceased). First engaged in the dray business at St. Louis, in 1854, and afterwards, while still in that business, estab lished as a retail dealer in grain, hay, feed, etc.; became wholesale grain commission mer chant in 1864, and in 1887 incorporated busi ness as John Mullaly Commission Co., of which is president. Member Merchants' Exchange of St. Louis. Roman Catholic. Office: 405 Chamber of Commerce. Residence: 4419 W. Pine Boul. MULLALY, Martin James, grain commis sion; born, St. Louis, Oct. 4, 1868; son of John and Margaret (Kelley) Mullaly; educated at St. Louis University; married, St. Louis, Jan. 31, 1894, Clara Gugerty; children: John, Ma rie, Martin J., Jr., Clara, Thomas, Margaret. After leaving the university, in 1887, entered the service of the John Mullaly Commission Co., grain, hay and seeds (of which father was founder and is president), and in 1890 acquired an interest and became a director of the company, of which is now vice president. Member St. Louis Merchants ' Exchange, St. Louis Grain Club. Roman Catholic. Recrea tion: outdoor diversions. Office: 405 Chamber of Commerce. Residence: 5170 Cabanne Ave. MULLARKEY, Patrick, president St. Louis Cloak Manufacturing Co.; born, Ireland, May, 1858; son of Patrick and Kathleen (Kehoe) Mullarkey; educated in schools in Ireland; married, St. Louis, Nov. 11, 1891, Nora Finan; children: Patrick, Mary Loretto, Catharine, Marguerite, Norine, James, Cecelia, John. Reared on farm in Ireland; came to United States, 1878, and followed farming in Minne sota and Wisconsin; came to St. Louis in 1880, and engaged in liquor business until 1889; in manufacture of men 's and ladies ' hosiery, 1889-91, then established the St. Louis Cloak Manufacturing Co. Democrat; member House of Delegates, St. Louis, 1891-92. Originator of street car fender bill. Catholic. Member Knights of Columbus, Ancient Order of Hiber nians. Offiee: 901-905 Washington Ave. Resi dence: 4600A Vernon Ave. MULVIHILL, Michael John, retail furni ture dealer; born, Toronto, Can., Mar. 15, 1859; son of Patrick and Mary (Carmody) Mulvi- hill; moved with parents to St. Louis when two- years of age; educated in St. Lawrence O 'Toole School; married, St. Louis, June 4, 1890, Mary A. Fay; one daughter, Veronica. At age of ten became cash boy in one of city department stores, then errand boy in whole sale house, then five years in press-room of St. Louis Times, and after that with St. Louis Dispatch and Post-Dispatch as pressman, for two years. Traveled on the road, selling goods, and in 1884 established in business on a small scale at 1427 Franklin Ave.; now president Mulvihill Furniture Co. and sole owner, the company occupying a seven-story building. President National Retail Furniture Dealers' Association; member Business Men's League. Member Democratic State and City committees from Eleventh Congressional Dis trict. Catholic. Member Knights of Colum bus, A. O. U. W., Irish-American Society. Club: Missouri Athletic. Offiee: 112-114 N. 12th St. Residence: 2414 N. Grand Ave. MULVIHILL, Thomas Edward, lawyer; born, County Clare, Ireland, May 25, 1862; son of Lawrence and Mattie (Finucan) Mulvihill; was brought to America, 1866; educated in public schools of Illinois; LL.B., St. Louis Law School (Washington University), 1885; married, St. Louis, Sept. 28, 1892, Katie M. Daily; five children: Mary M., Thomas E., Jr., Francis X., Virginia, Josephine Folk. Came to St. Louis, 1882; first employment was with B. Nugent & Bro.; admitted to Missouri bar, 1885; formed partnership with E. C. Dodge, 1886, which continued until 1905; excise com missioner, 1905-09, since in practice of law. Member firm of Schaeffer & Mulvihill, hard ware, Fairfield, 111. Has been an active worker in Democratic party ever since reaching twen ty-one years of age. Was for four years a mem ber Company I, Missouri State Militia. Lec turer on Negotiable Instruments, St. Louis Uni versity Institute of Law. Member Knights of Columbus, Legion of Honor, ex-Confederate Historical Society, St. Louis Bar Association, Civic League, St. Louis Law School Alumni Association, St. Louis Law Library. Clubs: Knights of Columbus, Irish-American Ath letic. Recreation: fishing. Offiee: 814 Rialto Bldg. Residence: 5104 Cabanne Ave. MUNGER, Carlton Austin, manufacturer; born, Hannibal, Mo., Aug. 17, 1871; son of Henry E. and Anne Gilbert (Snyder) Mun- ger; educated in grammar and high schools, Hannibal; married, Alton, 111., Aug. 18, 1895, Nelle Gordon Brown; three children: Nelle Buelah, William Carlton, Lucy Anne. Began active career in employ of the Illinois Glass Co., Alton, continuing in various capacities for fifteen years; gave up the glass business, Jan. 1, 1907, to become vice president and gen eral manager of the Wayne Manufacturing Co. and the American Washer Co., manufac turers of washboards and hand power, water power and electrically driven washing ma chines (the oldest manufacturing plant for washing machines in the United States); also has large farming interests in Pike Co., 111. THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 433 Republican. Recreations: his library, and fish ing. Office: 118-124 Sidney St., St. Louis. Residence: 712 State St., Alton, 111. MURCH, Abraham Jarvis, contracting build er; bom in Devonshire, England, Nov. 5, 1864; son of William H. and Jane ((Jarvis) Murch; educated in public schools; married, St. Louis, 1892, Laura Widdicombe; children: George H., Edith, Jessie, Lucile, Mildred, Ethel Susan. Learned carpenter's trade in London, England; came to St. Louis, 1886; started in business, 1889, as contracting builder, with two broth ers, F. and W. Murch, under name of Murch Bros.; incorporated in 1895, as Murch Bros. Construction Co., of which is president. Ma son (32°), Shriner; member Odd Fellows. Of fice: 508 Odd Fellows Bldg. Residence: 5070 Cabanne Ave. MURPHY, David, soldier, lawyer, retired; born in Artillery Barracks, Woolwich, Eng land, Oct. 20, 1835; son of John and Ann (Mason) Murphy; came to America with par ents at six years of age; educated in public schools, New York City; LL.B., St. Louis Law School (Washington University), 1871; mar ried, De Soto, Jefferson Co., Mo., Nov. 14, 1866, Mary Jane Bainbridge. Worked on farm in New Jersey until 1851; carpenter's apprentice and journeyman to spring of 1860; taught school in Franklin Co., Mo., until spring of 1861. Lieutenant First Regiment, Missouri In fantry, April, 1861; captain Battery F, First Regiment, Missouri Light Artillery, January, 1862; major same regiment, March, 1863; re signed July 13, 1863; lieutenant and adjutant Forty-seventh Missouri Infantry, AugUBt, 1864; lieutenant colonel Fiftieth Missouri In fantry, October, 1864; colonel same regiment, May, 1865, so continuing to close of war. In general practice of law, Franklin Co., Mo., and St. Louis, 1865-1910. Appointed circuit attor ney Ninth Judicial Circuit and served October, 1865-August, 1866; special agent post-office de partment, 1866-69; acting circuit attorney St. Louis, 1880-82; Republican nominee for judge of Court of Criminal Corrections, 1886 (de clined) ; fusion nominee attorney general of Missouri, 1884; Republican nominee attorney general of Missouri, 1892; elected judge of Court of Criminal Corrections, St. Louis, and served 1894-98. Member St. Louis Law School Alumni Association, Washington University Association. Was president board trustees Mullanphy Emigrant Relief Fund and member same two terms, 1877, 1894. Member G. A. R. and was president of the first Missouri Asso ciation. Was editor and publisher Franklin County Observer, Washington, Mo., 1867-70. Residence: 1320 Goodfellow Ave. MURPHY, Fred Towsley, surgeon; born, Detroit, Oct. 23, 1872; son of Charles Edmund and Helen P. (Towsley) Murphy; graduated Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass., 1893; A.B., Yale, 1897; M.D., Harvard Medical School, 1901; married, Cornelia Brownell Gould, of Andover, Mass., Aug. 8, 1904 (died, 1907); one son, Charles B. G. Assistant in anatomy, Harvard. Medical School, 1903-04; assistant surgeon Infants' Hospital, Boston, 1904-08; Austin teaching fellow in surgery, Harvard Medical School, 1905; surgeon to out-patients, Massachusetts General Hospital, 1907-11; vis iting surgeon to clinic, Harvard Medical School, 1909-11; assistant in surgery, Harvard Medical School, 1910-11; professor surgery, Washington University, since 1911. Trustee Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass. Republican. Member American Medical Association, So ciety of Clinical Surgery, Massachusetts Med ical Society. Clubs: Racquet, St. Louis Coun try. Office: 1806 Locust St. Residence: 5738 Cates Ave. MURPHY, John C, surgeon; born, St. Louis, Aug. 3, 1871; son of John C. and Eliza beth (Keane) Murphy; educated in private school; M.D., John A. Creighton Medical Col lege, 1895; unmarried. Engaged in practice in St. Louis since 1895, specializing in surgery and gynecology. Medical examiner for the Bankers Life Association of Des Moines, la. Member St. Louis Medical Society, Missouri State Medical Association, Tri-State Medical Society, American Medical Association. Rec reation: music. Office and Residence: 4263 Morgan St. *MURPHY, John H., lawyer; moved to St. Paul; see Vol. 1906. MURPHY, Michael Joseph, lawyer; born, New York, Aug. 20, 1834; son of Thomas and Mary (Hogan) Murphy; educated in Old Ca thedral Parish School, public schools; LL.B., St. Louis Law School, 1870; married St. Louis, Jan. 22, 1863, Annie Louise Arnot; children: Jessie Arnot, Joseph A., Annie Lou ise Hemenway (deceased), George Gill, Fred. B., Bradford. Engaged in general practice of law in St. Louis from 1870; also, since 1895, with son, Fred. B. Murphy, engaged in general real estate and financial agency business, as M. J. Murphy & Son. Democrat. President Board of Public Schools, 1879; harbor and wharf commissioner, 1887-90; street commis sioner, 1890-95; member Board of Public Im provements, 1887-95; member Board Mullan phy Commissioners (president, 1901-02). Fa vorite recreations: hunting and fishing. Of fice: 1023 Chestnut St. Residence: 3741 W. Pine Boul. MURPHY, Patrick C, manufacturer of trunks and traveling bags; born, County of Cork, Ireland, Mar. 17, 1836; son of Charles and Johanna (McCarthy) Murphy; educated in common schools; married, St. Louis, 1867, Nora Maloney; seven children: Charles L. (de ceased), Marie E. (Mrs. Alfred E. Baker), Kate L., Frank Leo, Josephine (Mrs. George D Rosenthal), Nona May (Mrs. B. B. Linton, 434 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS of Peoria, 111.), Julius (deceased). Came to United States direct to Philadelphia in 1852; worked there for two yfars in the saddlery, harness and trunk business; in 1854 removed to St. Louis, and engaged with S. F. Sommers, trunk manufacturer, three years; established for self, in St. Louis, in 1859; in 1892 the business was incorporated as the P. C. Mur phy Trunk Co., of which is president, the company manufacturing all kinds of trunks, traveling bags, suit cases and traveling goods of every kind. Democrat. Catholic. Recrea tion: traveling. Office and Factory: 13th and Papin Sts. Retail Store: 707 Washington Ave. Residence: Jefferson Hotel. MURPHY, Robert Brent, physician; born, Washington Co., Mo., Feb. 16, 1867; son of William S. and Eliza Grace (Brent) Murphy; educated in public schools, Fenton, St. Louis Co., Mo.; graduated from Christian Brothers College (Commercial Department), 1884; M.D., St. Louis Medical College, 1889; mar ried, Memphis, Tenn., Aug. 19, 1903, Mayde Williamson; three children: Robert Brent, Jr., William Talbot, Mayde. Assistant physician to St. Louis Female Hospital, 1889-90. Mem ber American Medical Association, Missouri State Medical Association, St. Louis Medical Society, Medical Society of City Hospital Alumni. Democrat. Catholic. Office and Resi dence: 6120 Victoria Ave. MURRAY, Henry Ray, secretary American Manufacturing Co.; born, Cincinnati, Sept. 8, 1855; son of Henry and Ann (Ray) Murray; educated in public schools of St. Louis; mar ried, Webster Groves, Mo., 1882, Helen Braun; children: Grace B., Harry L., Helen M. (Mrs. Z. J. Mitchell). Was for twenty-one years with the St. Louis Bagging Co., until the com pany discontinued in 1889; entered employ of The American Manufacturing Co., manufac turers of bagging for covering cotton, Jan. 1, 1890, and represented the company as state agent in Texas for ten years; now secretary same company. Secretary and treasurer Mingo Land and Lumber Co. Member Business Men 's League. Presbyterian. Club: Noonday. Of fiee: 102 Rialto Bldg. Residence: 5048 Water man Ave. MURRAY, Matthew P., Jr.; see Vol. 1906. MURRAY, Matthew Peter, lawyer; born, Carlyle, 111., Jan. 31, 1847; son of Peter and Mary Ann (Cummins) Murray; educated in public school and Illinois State Normal Uni versity; married, Carlyle, 111., Nov. 9, 1869, Mary A. McGaffigan (died Oct. 8, 1901) ; chil dren: Hugh Vincent, Julia M., Nano A., Ce celia B., Matthew Paul, Mark D., Andrew P., Richard L., Irene Edna, George E., Dolor P., Ruth. Admitted to bar by Supreme Court of Illinois, March, 1871; since in general prac tice in courts of Illinois; member firm of Moore & Murray, 1871-73, Murray & Andrews, 1873-86; state's attorney for Clinton Co., 111., 1880-96 (declined to serve longer); in 1902, the firm of Murray & Murray was formed at Carlyle, 111., the business since then being chiefly conducted by son, Hugh V. Murray. Counsel and trust officer of Missouri-Lincoln Trust Co., 1902-05. Member St. Louis Bar As sociation. Democrat. Catholic. Offiee: 421 Liggett Bldg.; also Carlyle, 111. Residence: 4143 Maryland Ave. MURRAY, William Joseph, real estate; born, Cincinnati, Nov. 8, 1864; son of Joseph and Mary (Stanton) Murray; graduated from St. Louis University, 1876; unmarried. In office of Hemp, Cuno & Co., 1876-79; clerk in the post-office department at St. Louis, 1879- 99; in the real estate business as secretary of the D. J. Hayden Realty Co., which later be came the Murray-Hayden Realty Co., of which was president until February, 1910; now presi dent William J. Murray Realty Co. Served as second lieutenant Light Battery A, Missouri Volunteers, in Porto Rico expedition, 1898; retired after twenty-five years' service as first lieutenant Light Battery A, National Guard of Missouri. Catholic. Office: 17-19 N. 7th St. Residence: 4106 A Michigan Ave. _ MURRAY, William Michael, second vice president St. Louis Coffin Co.; bom, Potosi, Mo., July 16, 1866; son of Hugh and Mary (Moloney) Murray; educated in public schools of Missouri; married, Richwoods, Mo., Sept. 6, 1893, Mary Flynn;. children: Aloyse, Greg ory, William, Vivian, Mary. Began as school teacher in Washington and St. Francois coun ties, Mo., continuing for five years; came to St. Louis, 1889, and became employe of the St. Louis Coffin Co., with which has ever since been connected, and now second vice presi dent. Roman Catholic. Member Knights of Columbus, Knights of Father Matthew. Of fice: 1821 Chouteau Ave. Residence: 3918 Iowa Ave. MUSICK, U. S., secretary Louisiana Lum ber Co.; born, Robertsville, Mo., Feb. 7, 1875; son of Francis M. and Martha A. (Twitty) Musick; educated in local grammar schools and commercial schools at Springfield, Mo.; married, Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 19, 1906, Miss Sallie Selena Spangler. Taught commer cial course in Queen City Business College at Springfield, 1893-98; engaged in wholesale and manufacturing lumber business since 1898, and secretary and director of the Colonial Lumber and Timber Co., 1901 to Feb. 1, 1909; since secretary Louisiana Lumber Co., manu facturers and wholesale dealers in yellow pine lumber. Democrat. Member of Hoo Hoo. Club: Missouri Athletic. Recreations: hunting and fishing. Office: Wright Bldg. Residence: 6042 Westminster PL MUSICK, William H., electro-plater; born, Creve Coeur, St. Louis Co., Mo., Aug. 25, 1859; son of William W. and Julia A. (Ohlmausen) THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 435 Musick; educated, Fee Fee School, St. Louis Co.; Kirkwood public schools; Stoddard (pub lic) School, St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Oct. 26, 1882, Mollie E. Bowe; six children: Ed ward, Bessie, William, Venita, Ida, George. Began in electro-plating business in St. Louis, 1878; general manager firm of Degge & Mu sick, electro-platers, 1881-86; now head Musick Plating Works. Democrat. Baptist. Member Masonic Order, Knights of Honor, Royal Ar canum. Club: St. Louis Rotary. Recreation: bowline'. Office: 717-719 Market St. Resi dence: 4814 Labadie Ave. *MUSSON, William H., CM., clergyman; moved to Perryville, Mo.; see Vol. 1906. ' MUTH, John Benedict, lawyer; born, St. Louis, Dec. 5, 1878; son of Lorenz and Maria A. (Reuter) Muth; educated St. Louis Uni versity and St. Louis Law School (Law De partment, Washington University), graduat ing with degree of LL.B., 1899; married, St. Louis, July 31, 1896, Catherine Ahrens; three children: Marion, Celeste, Paul. In practice in St. Louis since June, 1899. Secretary Muth Dry Goods Co., Muth Realty Co., Clayton Road Lumber and Supply Co., Argus Realty and Improvement Co. Democrat. Catholic. Member Real Estate Exchange, St. Louis, University and Washington University Alumni associations. Member B. P. O. Elks, Knights of Columbus. Club: City. Recreations: hunt ing, fishing, boating. Office: 4111 Manchester Ave. Residence: 6724 Oakland Ave. MYER, Jesse S., physician; born, Salisbury, Mo., Dec. 17, 1873; son of Jacob and Mary (Shire) Myer; A.B., Missouri State University, 1893; M.D., Marion-Sims College of Medicine, 1896; post-graduate study in universities of Berlin and Strassburg, 1897-98. Engaged in practice of internal medicine, in St. Louis, since 1898. Instructor in Medical Department of Washington University; associate physi cian to Jewish Hospital. Member American Medical Association, Missouri State Medical Association, St. Louis Medical Society. Jew ish religion. Office: Linmar Bldg. Residence: 5021 Waterman Ave. MYER, Max W., surgeon; born, Salisbury, Mo., Feb. 22, 1878; son of Jacob and Mary (Shire) Myer; A.B., University of Missouri, . 1897; M.D., Marion-Sims College of Medicine, St. Louis, 1899; post-graduate work at Berlin, Strassburg and Munich, Germany, and Vienna, Austria, for three years, 1900, 1901 and 1902; unmarried. Began practice at Columbia, Mo., 1902; removed to St. Louis, 1908, and has since engaged in general practice in this city. Member Phi Beta Kappa, Pi Beta Omicron. Office: 3894 Washingon Boul. Residence: Washington Hotel. MYERS, Eugene Lee, physician; born, St. Louis, May 22, 1880; son of Lee and Sarah (Greengard) Myers; was graduated at Divoll (grammar) School, St. Louis; attended Cen tral High School two years; privately tutored to equivalent to B.S. degree; matriculated in College Physicians and Surgeons, St. Louis, graudating, summa cum laude, 1909 ; unmar ried. Junior and senior interne, City Hospital, eighteen months, 1909-10; private assistant, and in association with Dr. Max A. Goldstein, 1910-11; since in practice on own account. Member American Medical Association, Mis souri State Medical Society, St. Louis Medical Society, City Hospital Alumni Association. Member Forest Park Lodge No. 578, A. F. & A. M. Club: Masonic. Recreations: music, science and athletics. Office and Residence: 3904 Laclede Ave. MYERS, John B., contractor; born, St. Louis, Mar. 26, 1866; son of John B. and Ada- line (Motrin) Myers; educated in public schools of St. Louis Co. until 1881, then one year in Smith Academy, and afterwards in Washington University, degree of B.E., 1886, and C.E., 1887; married, St. Louis, Oct. 4, 1905, Florence Fletcher; three children: Mary Adaline, Florence and Jane. Began profession al-career as engineer in Water Department of St. Louis, 1887-89; engineer of bridge and building department of the Missouri Pacific B. R., 1889-90; engineer for Penney Surveying Co., 1890-92; vice president Penney-Myers Construction Co., 1892-96; since 1896, presi dent Myers Construction Co. Member Civie League, Engineers' Club of St. Louis. Cath olic. Member Royal Arcanum. Club: Mercan tile. Recreation: fishing. Office: 1109, 506 Olive St. Residence: 5723 Bartmer Ave. MYERS, Rudolph Herman, president R. H. Myers Hardware Co.; born, St. Louis, Nov. 9, 1867; son of Charles H. and Jennie (Bodeck- er) Myers; educated Webster (grammar) School, Polytechnic High night school, Toens feldt's School, and under private tutelage in German and Spanish; married, St. Louis, Dec. 3, 1889, Wilhelmi Ley, ' of Belleville, 111.; three children: Ralph, Irene, Eugene. Began active career as errand boy for 0- -A-- R- Hardware Co. and resigned after eight years, when in charge of tool department; then was with Charles Humes Hardware Co., in charge builders' hardware department and salesmen on street for five years; gave up this position, May 10, 1892, to enter into partnership in hardware business with Herman Kreibohm; bought out partner's interest, Jan. 1, 1897, and since president and treasurer R. H. Myers Hardware Co. Also manufacturers ' agent for the Allith PrOuty Co., of Danville, 111., and Oscar Rixon Co., of Chicago. Member Retail Hardware Dealers' Association (ex-president), North St. Louis Business Men's Association, North St. Louis Citizens' Association, North St. Louis Turn Verein, T. P. A.; secretary Hook Worm Club of U. S. A., founded by Saunders Norvell, at Little Rock, Ark. Con- 436 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS gregationalist; trustee Hyde Park Congrega tional Church. Member Keystone Lodge, A. F. & A. M. (Past Master); Bellefontaine Chapter No. 25, R. A. M.; Ascalon Commandery, Knights Templar; Shrine; and Eastern Star Lodge No. 69, Order of Eastern Star. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, St. Louis Railway, Brook lyn Hunting and Fishing (Arkansas). Recrea tions: fishing, hunting, swimming. Offiee: 3711-3713 N. Broadway. Residence: 2912 Uni versity St. MYERSON, Samuel F., printer; born, St. Louis, May 13, 1861; son of Samuel F. and Louise G. (Chouteau) Myerson;' educated in St. Louis public schools and Christian Broth ers College; married, Jefferson, Tex., Jan. 14, 1885, Leila L. Perry; children: Samuel F., Jr., Leila L. Entered printing business, 1879, in corporated Samuel F. Myerson Printing Co., 1893, and is now president and treasurer of company; treasurer Myerson Real Estate Co. Republican. Clubs: Mercantile, Missouri Ath letic, Normandie Golf, Million Population. Recreation: golf. Offiee: 3d and Chestnut Sts. Residence: 5739 Cabanne Ave. N NABORS, John McHenry, vice president Burrow, Jones & Dwyer Shoe Co.; born, Union Co., Ark., Oct. 30, 1855; son of John Henry and Susan (McHenry) Nabors; educated in country district schools to 1876; married, Keaehie, La., Dec. 30, 1880, Mary Lee; seven -children: Irma Lee, James T., J. Baehman, Susie, J. M., Jr., W. O, Morris. Began busi ness career as traveling salesman for John Henry & Co., shoe jobbers, New Orleans, Oc tober, 1889, and continued until 1892; engaged with Walden-Parcels-Jordan Shoe Co., St. Louis, 1892-94; then with Brown Shoe Co., un til 1903; was one of sixteen traveling sales men that organized the Desnoyers Courtney Shoe Co., 1902, which name changed to Court ney Shoe Co., in 1904, again changed to pres ent firm of Burrow, Jones & Dyer Shoe Co., of which has been second vice president since its organization, and traveling salesman through out Louisiana. President of Nabors Oil and Gas Co., Logan Oil Co., Grand Bayou Planting Co.; second vice president Peoples Bank of Mansfield, La.; vice president South Mansfield Mercantile Co., De Soto Industrial Co. Demo crat. Methodist. Member Masonic Order, Knights of Pythias, Hoo Hoo. Club: Missouri Athletic. Recreations: quail shooting and fish ing. Office: 1001-1002 Washington Ave., St. Louis. Residence: Mansfield, La. NAGEL, Charles, lawyer; born, Colorado Co., Tex., Aug. 9, 1849.; son of Dr. Hermann and Friedericke (Litzmann) Nagel; graduated high school, St. Louis, 1868; LL.B., St. Louis Law School, 1872; studied Roman law, polit ical economy, etc., University of Berlin, Ger many, 1873; (LL.D., Brown University, 1911); married Fannie Brandeis, of Louisville, Ky., Aug. 4, 1876; 2d, Anne Shepley, of St. Louis, May 5, 1895. Admitted to bar, 1873, and practiced at St. Louis; member firm Finkeln- burg (Gustavus Adolphus), Nagel & Kirby, 1903-05, Nagel & Kirby, 1905-09; lecturer, St. Louis Law School, 1885-1909. Member Mis souri House of Representatives, 1881-83; presi dent St. Louis City Council, 1893-97; member Republican National Committee, 1908-12; Sec retary of Commerce and Labor in cabinet of President Taft, since March, 1909. Trustee Washington University; member board of con trol St. Louis Museum Fine Arts. Clubs: Met ropolitan, Chevy Chase (Washington), Uni versity, Commercial, St. Louis, Round Table, Country, Noonday. Address: Department Commerce and Labor, Washington. Residence: St. Louis. NAHM, Gustav A., coffees and spices; see Vol. 1906. NAMENDORF, Charles H., maker of um brellas; born, Xenia, O., Oct. 21, 1860; son of Frederick William and Barbara (Gabler) Namendorf ; educated in public schools of Day ton, O., and Chicago, 111.; married, Dayton, O., 1888, Minnie Glaser. Worked as embosser and gilder for seven years in Dayton, and after wards for four years at Chicago branch of Gane Bros. & Co., of New York, bookbinders' supplies; came to St. Louis, 1887, and with Frederick F. Namendorf established in the umbrella business, succeeding as sole proprie tor, on the death of partner, in 1894. Member Ohio Society of St. Louis. Office: 416 N. 6th St. Residence: 3529 Lafayette Ave. NAPIER, Robert Christian, grain commis sion; born, Milwaukee, Wis., May 8, 1869; son of John and Anna Napier; educated in public schools and Evangelical Lutheran School; married, Carlinville, 111., Oct. 16, 1901, Rose J. Brockmeier; two children: Robert O, Jr., and Ruth Janet. Began active career Feb. 19, 1883, as office boy for Hubbard & Bartlett Commission Co., with which has ever since been connected, the title being changed to Hubbard & Moffitt Commission Co.; now secretary of the company and member board of directors. Club: Missouri Athletic. Rec reation: bowling. Office: 212 Chamber of Com merce. Residence: 5160 Waterman Ave. NARDIN, William T., lawyer; born, Schuy ler Co., 111., Oct. 2, 1874; son of James F. and Sarah E. (Thompson) Nardin; educated, Van dalia (Mo.) High School; A.B., University of Missouri, 1903, A.M., 1904; LL.B., Law De partment, same university, 1907; married, Vandalia, Oct. 27, 1910, Mary E. Conway. On farm until twenty-two years of age; began practice of law in St. Louis, in office of X. P. Wilfley and J. S. Mclntyre, September, 1907;. was associated with Blevins & Jamison, 1909- THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 437 10; member firm of Wilfley, Wilfley, Mclntyre & Nardin since February, 1910. Republican. Unitarian. Member American Bar Associa tion, St. Louis Bar Association, Phi Delta Phi legal fraternity, Phi Beta Kappa, Theta Kappa Nu, Club: City. Offiee: 815 Central National Bank Bldg. Residence: 5701 Julian Avenue. NASH, Lawrence Eugene; see Vol. 1906. NASH, W(ade) Hampton, physician and surgeon; bora, Fleming Co., Ky., Jan. 22, 1877; son of James Samuel and Adah Lilse (Walk er) Nash; educated at Cote Brilliante gram mar school; Franklin High night school; learned carpentering and building and spent six years in Wyoming; returned to St. Louis and began study of medicine under Dr. Waldo Briggs; matriculated in College of Physicians and Surgeons, 1899, and graduated, with de gree of M.D., 1903; married, St. Louis, Nov. 14, 1905, Julia Antoinett Pesold; two chil dren: Wade Hampton Nash, Jr., and Phillips Kereheval Nash. Has practiced in St. Louis since 1903; chief clinician of genito-urinary surgery, " Barnes Medical College, 1906-07; professor genito-urinary surgery, St. Louis College of Physicians and Surgeons, 1909. Member American Medical Association, Mis souri State Medical Society, St. Louis Medical Society. Served in state militia, Douglas, Wyo. Democrat. Member Protestant Methodist Church, South. Mason; Past Master St. Louis Lodge No. 20, A. F. & A. M.; Scottish Rite (32°); Moolah Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S.; also member Walnut Lodge, Knights of Py thias. Clubs: Masonic, Business Men's, Gym nasium. Recreations : hunting, fishing and any outdoor sports. Office: 405-406 Commercial Bldg. Residence: 4807 Cote Brilliante Ave. NASSE, August, wholesale grocer; born in St. Charles Co., Mo., Dec. 29, 1837; son of August C. and Matilde (Wuerdeman) Nasse; educated in public schools of Gasconade Co., Mo., and St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Mar. 24, 1869, Caroline Fink (died Apr. 21, 1908) ; children: Albert T. (died Nov. 21, 1910), Wal ter C. Came to St. Louis from Gasconade Co., Mo., in 1856; was employed with Collins, Kel- log & Kirby, dry goods, until 1861; served through Civil War in Third Regiment U. S. Reserves in Missouri and the Southwest; later member Seventh Regiment, Missouri Na tional Guard. On Jan. 1, 1867, organized wholesale grocery firm of Fink & Nasse, which continued until the death of Mr. Fink; has since continued the business alone. Member Merchants' Exchange; director Lafayette Building and Loan Association. Republican. Member Hassendeubel Post No. 13, G. A. R. Office: 209-211 N. 2d St. Residence: 2323 La fayette Ave. NATHANSON, Henry, president Phoenix Furniture Co.; born, Johnstown, Pa., Feb. 16, 1865; son of Lewis and Amelia (Engel) Na- thanson; educated in public schools in Penn sylvania; married, Cincinnati, 1891, Emma Stern; children: Amy, Herman. Began busi ness career in wholesale clothing house of Hilbroner Bros. & Co., Philadelphia, 1879, working in stock first and afterwards as trav eling salesman, covering the middle West; in business in men's furnishing goods at Sun- bury, Pa., 1887-90; in furniture business, New ark, O., 1890-92; since 1892 in furniture busi ness in St. Louis, now president of the Phoe nix Furniture Co. Jewish religion. Recrea tion: motoring. Office: 1101-1103 Olive St. Residence: 6145 McPherson Ave. NEALE, Harry George; living in England; see Vol. 1906. NEELEY, Charles E., president of the South Arkansas Lumber Co.; born, Marion City, Mo., Jan. 28, 1851; son of Solomon C. and Esther (Carpenter) Neeley; attended public schools until seventeen years of age, then attended Whipple Academy, Jacksonville, 111.; married, Kane, Greene Co., 111., Aug. 25, 1874, Martha Emma King; one daughter, Lotta King (wife of S. W. Reyburn, president Union Trust Co., of Little Rock, Ark.). Learned telegraphy at Whitehall, 111., 1872; agent and operator on Chicago & Alton R. R. four years; then with St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern Ry. as relief agent and later as district operator and traveling auditor until 1884, when resigned and engaged in lumber manufacturing and building short-line railroads; in 1886, with others, built the South-Western R. R., from Smithton, Ark., to Okolona, Ark.; organized the Citizens' Bank, Arkadelphia, Ark.; later organizing the South Arkansas Lumber Co., Limited, of which is president, and the Huie- Hodge Lumber Co., Limited; built the Arkan sas Southern R. R., from El Dorado, Ark., to Winfield, La.; finally lumber manufacturing interests grew so that it was necessary to establish a St. Louis office for marketing the product; organized and is president Mignon ette Mining Co., of Joplin, Mo.; director Union Trust Co., Little Rock, Ark. Demo crat. Baptist. Mason (King Solomon Lodge No. 197, Kane, 111.). Clubs: Mercantile, Buck ingham. Favorite recreation: motoring. Of fice: 1209 Fullerton Bldg. Residence: Buck ingham Hotel. NEILSON, Henry Wilson, vice president Campbell Glass and Paint Co.; born, Belle ville, Ontario, Can., May 6, 1858; son of George and Sarah (Leavens) Neilson; edu cated in public schools of Belleville and col lege at Kingston, Ont.; married, Boston, Mass., June, 1904, Florence E. Butters. Began busi ness career as clerk in bank at Belleville, five years; then went to Kansas City, Mo., where was bookkeeper for Campbell & Cutler, and when in 1884 the firm became incorporated as the Campbell & Cutler Paint and Glass Co., was manager of city store; in 1892 the cor- 438 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS poration divided and the Campbell Glass and Paint Co. was formed and incorporated in 1893; was elected vice president and since 1896 has resided in St. Louis in charge of company's branch house here. Member Mer chants' Exchange, Business Men's League. Independent in polities. Presbyterian. Clubs: Amateur Athletic Association, Mercantile, Glen Echo, Sunset Hill. Recreation: golf. Of fice: 801 S. Main St. Residence: Kingsbury Apartments. *NEIMEYER, Andrew Johnson, wholesale lumber; moved to Pasadena, Cal.; see Vol. 1906. NEKULA, John, clergyman; born, Moravia, Jan. 3, 1871; son of Jacob and Katherine (Prokas) Nekula; was graduated at gym nasium in native country, 1891; pursued theo logical studies at University of Louvaine, Bel gium, and later at Kenrick Seminary. Or dained to priesthood Roman Catholic Church by Archbishop Kain, June 8, 1895; assistant pastor St; John's of Nepomuk Church, 1895- 1901; pastor St. Wenceslaus Church since 1901. Member Bohemian Catholic Central. Union, Bohemian Bowling League. Recreations: gar dening, poultry raising, bowling. Residence: 3014 Oregon Ave. NELSON, Clement William, assistant gen eral manager St. Louis Southwestern Ry. Lines; born, Morristown, 111., July 12, 1870; son of John and Charlotte E. (Mcllroy) Nel son; educated in public schools of Cambridge, 111., 1878-82, and of Larimore, N. D., 1884-89; married, Larimore, 1895, Ann Kenney; chil dren: Agnes K., Clement William, Jr., Charlotte E. Agent and messenger American Express Co., June, 1889, to September, 1890; clerk, time keeper, etc., in various departments of Great Northern Ry., 1890-96; chief clerk to superin tendent on various divisions of Great Northern Ry., 1896-99 ; chief clerk to general superintend ent St. Louis Southwestern Lines, 1899-1900; chief clerk to vice president and general man ager St. Louis Southwestern Ry. Lines, March, 1900-May, 1906; since assistant general man ager same. Director Frost-Johnson Lumber Co., St. Louis, Gray's Point Terminal Ry. Co., Memphis Union Station Co., Memphis Railroad Terminal Co. Member Business Men 's League. Episcopalian. Mason (Scottish Rite). Clubs: St. Louis, Mercantile, Glen Echo (di rector), St. Louis Railway. Favorite recrea tions: golf, fishing and hunting. Office: 1551 Pierce Bldg. Residence: 5152 Vernon Ave. NELSON, Edwin Mills, physician; deceased; see Vol. 1906. NELSON, French Louis, president O. K. Harry Steel Co.; born, Bunceton, Cooper Co., Mo., July 2, 1871; son of Wyan and Adelia (French) Nelson; educated in grammar and high schools of Kansas City, Mo.; married, St. Louis, Apr. 9, 1903, Lillie Belle Harry; two children: Ida Harry and French L., Jr. Began active career as clerk in employ of Wabash R. R. at St. Louis, 1890, and con tinued with the road for ten years; agent Lackawanna R. R. at St. Louis, 1900-03; sales man O. K. Harry Steel Co., 1903-05, and presi dent and manager of the company since 1906; director Morris Fire Appliance Co. Democrat; member Democratic City Central Committee from Twenty-second Ward, 1898. Member Christian (Disciples) Church. Club: Rotary. Recreation: baseball. Office: 2333 Papin St. Residence: Knickerbocker Apts. NELSON, Henry Philip; see Vol. 1906. NELSON, James Martin, Jr.; born, Fort Scott, Kan., Mar. 7, 1876; son of Lewis C. and Louise (Bradford) Nelson; collegiate educa tion; married, June 28, 1910, Virginia M.. Dines. Has charge of properties of father. Clubs: St. Louis, University, Noonday, Glen Echo Country, Bellerive. Office: 900 Security Bldg. Residence: "Nelsonia, " St. Louis Co. NELSON, John Gustaf, Swedish consul; born, Bastad, Sweden, Aug. 1, 1861; son of John and Christina (Benson) Nelson; edu cated in public schools, Sweden; went to sea until 1882, when came to America, and to St. Louis in 1884; studied at Y. M. C. A., St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Nov. 17, 1888, Laura E. Lund (died July, 1893); one child, Lau- rentia; married, 2d, St. Louis, Dec. 16, 1896, Emma C. Carlson. In employ of an iron sup ply house until 1896; engaged in fire insurance business until 1906; since in business as John G. Nelson, real estate and insurance, Maple wood, Mo., and St. Louis. President Maple wood Storage Co., and director Bank of Ma plewood. Vice consul, Sweden, since 1909. Prohibitionist. Congregationalist. Member Knights of Pythias. Offices: 1423 Pierce Bldg., and 7344 Manchester Ave. Residence: 2629 Margaut Ave., Maplewood, Mo. , NELSON, Lewis C, retired banker; born, Boonville, Mo., Sept. 18, 1848; son of James M. and Margaret (Wyan) Nelson; educated at Kemper School, Boonville, Mo.; A.B., Mis souri State University, 1867; Yale University; married in Saline Co., Mo., 1874, Louise Brad ford; one son, James Martin, 2d. Began busi ness career as private secretary to late Hon. Joseph L. Stephens, of Boonville, 1867; in 1869 was assistant cashier of the Central Na tional Bank of Boonville; in 1871 organized the First National Bank of Fort Scott, Kan.; came to St. Louis, 1880, as cashier of Valley National Bank; subsequently operated exten sively in Texas bonds and lands, and gas and water works; president of St. Louis National Bank from 1892 to 1899, when retired perma nently from all active business. Presbyterian. Clubs: St. Louis, Noonday, Glen Echo. Rec reation: farming. Offiee: 900 Security Bldg. Residence: "Nelsonia," St. Louis Co., and 23 Lenox Ave., St. Louis. THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 439 NELSON, Nelson O., manufacturer; born in Norway, Sept. 11, 1844; son of Anders and Gertrude Nelson; came to United States in childhood; educated in schools of Buchanan Co., Mo.; married, St. Joseph, Mo., April, 1868, Almeria Posegate; two daughters: Julia (Mrs. L. D. Lawnin, of Leclaire, 111.), Char lotte (Mrs. E. L. Burroughs, of Edwardsville, 111.). Established, 1872, as manufacturer of plumbers' and steam fitters' supplies; has headquarters in St. Louis and factories at Leclaire, 111., and Bessemer, Ala. Adopted profit-sharing with employees in 1886. Estab lished cooperative village Leclaire (Edwards ville, 111., P. O.), 1890. Active in single tax and social reform movements; also in intro ducing farmers' cooperative associations and rural industrial education in the South. Of fice: 10th and Chestnut Sts. Residence: Ed wardsville, 111. NETTLESHIP, James Douglas, auditor freight accounts, St. Louis & San Francisco R. R. Co.; born, Lockerbie, Scotland, Aug. 22, 1869; graduated from Lockerbie High School, 1886; married, St. Louis, Sept. 16, 1896, Mary Letitia Taylor; children: Margaret Wayland, Caroline Taylor. Came to United States, June 1, 1887, and immediately entered service of the St. Louis & San Francisco R. R. Co. as jun ior clerk, accounting department; promoted to freight accountant, Dee. 1, 1898; since Oct. 1, 1501, auditor freight accounts, same road. Member Royal Arcanum. Recreations: hunt ing and fishing. Office: Frisco Bldg. Resi dence: 5700 Clemens Ave. *NETTLETON, William A., railway official; moved to Chicago; see Vol. 1906. NEUHOFF, Fritz, physician; born, Belle ville, 111., Oct. 2, 1863; son of George L. and Mary (Knoebel) Neuhoff; educated at Belle ville grammar school; Smith Academy; A.B., Washington University, 1884; M.D., St. Louis Medical College, 1887; married, St. Louis, Feb. 15, 1894, M. Ethel Coulter; children: Ralph, Sidney, Dorothy. Assistant physician, St. Louis City Hospital, 1887-88; assistant phy sician, St. Louis Female Hospital, 1888-89; since in general private practice in St. Louis; physician-in-chief to men 's medical depart ment of St. Mary's Infirmary; consultant to Mt. St. Rose Hospital for diseases of lungs; medical examiner Legion of Honor since 1895. Member St. Louis Medical Society, Missouri State ^Medical Association, American Medical Association. Office and Residence: 3206 La fayette Ave. NEUN, Walter J. G., lawyer; born, St. Louis, June 17, 1881; son of Charles H. and Augusta (Scharringhausen) Neun; graduated from Smith Academy, 1899 (president of class); then at Washington University; LL.B., with honors, St. Louis Law School, 1902; mar ried, St. Louis, Jan. 23, 1909, Miss Marie E. Nagel; one son, Frank A. Admitted to bar, July 10, 1902, and since in practice; assistant counsel Simmons Hardware Co., 1908-09; as sistant circuit attorney, 1909-10; since assist ant counsel National Bank of Commerce. Member St. Louis Bar Association. Repub lican. Presbyterian. Mason (32°), Shriner. Recreation: tennis. Office: 420 Olive St. Resi dence: 5915 Clemens Ave. *NEUSTADT, Jules Henry; moved to Cali fornia; see Vol. 1906. NEWBERY, Frederick Ernest, contracting electrical engineer; bora, Milton Ernest, Bed ford, Eng., Nov. 10, 1864; son of Frederick and Jane (Day) Newbery; preparatory educa tion, Bedford schools; E.E., Finsbury Tech nical College, 1883; married, Buchanan, Mich., Mar. 8, 1897, Gertrude Hanley. After leaving college was in employ of Patterson & Cooper Electrical Works, of London, Eng.; came to United States, 1888; with Thomson-Houston Central Station, at Maiden, Mass., 1888-89; Westinghouse Electric Co., 1890, North Amer ican Construction Co., 1890-94, in construction and engineering work for L. K. Comstock Co., of Chicago, 1894-97; entered business on own account at St. Louis, 1897; now president F. E. Newbery Electric Co. of St. Louis, New- bery-Bowers Electric Co., of Los Angeles, Cal., Newbery-Bendheim Electric Co., of San Fran cisco, F. E. Newbery Electric Co., of Illinois. Episcopalian. Member National Electrical Contractors' Association, League of Electrical Interests, Citizens' Industrial Association. Clubs: Bellerive Country, Glen Echo Country. Recreations: golf and hunting. Office: Cen tury Bldg. Residence: Glen Echo Country Club. NEWBY, James Broadhead, dentist; born, Flint Hill, St. Charles Co., Mo., Nov. 23, 1850; son of John H. and Mary Anne (Broadhead) Newby; educated in high school in St. Louis, college in St. Charles, Mo.; D.D.S., Missouri Dental College, 1870; married Lesbia A. North, of Gray's Summit, Mo.; children: Mrs. Mary Newby Boyd and Florence Newby Anderson. Engaged in practice of dentistry in St. Louis since 1871. Member, vice president and act ing president of the Dental Department of Washington University; member (president two terms) St. Louis Dental Society; member Missouri Historical Society. Methodist. Clubs: University, Normandie Golf. Offiee and Resi dence: 434 Harrison Ave., Kirkwood. NEWCOMB, Charles Lawrence; vice presi dent Newcomb Bros. Wall Paper Co.; born, St. Louis, May 24, 1872; son of George Amos and Julia Augusta (Floyd) Newcomb; edu cated in public and high schools; married, St. Louis, June 27, 1900, Anna Heron; children (by adoption) : Charles DeForest, Heron and Harry. Associated with brother Norton, in es tablishment of the Newcomb Bros. Wall Paper Co., with which has been identified since be ginning of business career; was for thirteen 440 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS years traveling salesman and has been vice president and secretary of the company since 1905. Member Business Men's League, Credit Men's Association, Business Men's League of Webster Groves (chairmam), Sons American Revolution, Civic League. Republican. Epis copalian. Club: Missouri Athletic. Recrea tions: gardening and raising chickens. Office: 416-418 N. 4th St. Residence: 102 Mason Rd., Webster Park, Mo. NEWCOMB, George Amos, wall paper; 1841-1906; see Vol. 1906. NEWCOMB, Norton, president Newcomb Bros. Wall Paper Co. (originally established, 1852); born, St. Louis, Feb. 13, 1871; son of George Amos and Julia Augusta (Floyd) New comb; educated in public and high schools of St. Louis; married, Peoria, 111., July 17, 1903, Pearl M. Spaulding; three children: Julia, Norton, Jr., Robert S. Has been connected with Newcomb Bros. Wall Paper Co. ever since beginning of active career; was travel ing salesman fifteen years; was elected presi dent of the company, January, 1907 (after death of father, which occurred Dec. 12, 1906). Member Business Men's League (board of governors), Civic League, Citizens' Indus trial Association. Republican. Presbyterian. Club: Missouri Athletic. Recreation: outdoor sports. Office: 416-418 N. 4th St. Residence: 56 Marshall PL, Webster Groves, Mo. NEWLON, Hiram Samuel; see Vol. 1906. NEWMAN, Louis Edward, physician; born, St. Louis, Sept. 3, 1861; son of Socrates and Lina (Vitalis) Newman; A.B., St. Louis Uni versity, 1880, A.M.; M.D., Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, 1883; married, Inde pendence, Mo., Feb. 8, 1899, Mrs. Martha B. Sherwood, Engaged in general practice of medicine in St. Louis since 1883. Member American Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, St. Louis Medical Society, St. Louis Obstetrical and Gynecological Society, Missouri State Medical Association. Office: 512 Humboldt Bldg. Residence: 5381 Water man Ave. NEWMAN, Samuel Victor, president S. Newman & Co., department store; born, Rolla, Mo., Feb. 15, 1878; son of David and Bertha (Victor) Newman; educated in public schools of St. Louis; unmarried. Began active career as errand boy at same location where he now carries on business, 1891; advanced through various positions until he became president of S. Newman & Co., owners of Newman's De partment Store. Member Independent Order B'nai B'rith. Recreation: fishing. Office: 1800- 1802 S. 9th St. Residence: 1723 Longfellow Boulevard. NEWMAN, William T., merchant tailor; born, Gillingham, Dorsetshire, Eng., Nov. 3, 1854; son of Joseph and Elizabeth (Lambert) Newman; educated in common schools; mar ried, St. Louis, July 22, 1886, Alice M. M. Pierson; two children: Adelaide A., George Lambert. Served apprenticeship of four years to dry goods merchant, at Sherbourne, Eng.; later was employed in various cities of Eng land; came to America, 1881, and has for many years been identified with merchant tai loring business of St. Louis; president New- man-Biehle-Joyce Tailoring Co. since 1898. Mason (32°), Knight Templar. Episcopalian. Recreation: outdoor sports. Office: 1009 Olive St. Residence: 5754 Waterman Ave. *NEWTON, Albert W., civil engineer; moved to Chicago; see Vol. 1906. NEWTON, Charles Henry, freight claim agent Wabash R. R.; born, Cosumnes, Cal., Dee. 31, 1855; son of John Clark and Mary Jane (Chapman) Newton; possessed limited advantages of education in boyhood, but later graduated from business college and Chautau qua Reading Circle; married, Ft. Wayne, Ind., June 19, 1878, Mary J. Wilding (died 1904); 2d, Hanford, Cal., Nov. 10, 1909, Louise C. Newport; three children from first marriage: Dr. Charles A., Mabel O, Mrs. George John ston. Served as apprentice in printing offices at Clayton, 111., and Clinton, Mo., and with brother, O. L. Newton, published the Clinton Advocate, 1873-74; entered railway service as telegraph messenger, June, 1874; promoted to agent Wabash R. R., at Ft. Wayne, Ind., Au gust, 1883; transferred as joint agent Wabash and Wheeling & Lake Erie roads, at Toledo, O., June, 1900; freight claim agent Wabash R. R. at St. Louis since July 1, 1907. Repub lican. Presbyterian. Member Sons American Revolution. Mason. Recreations: golf, fish ing and shooting. Office: 506 Title Guaranty Bldg. Residence: Webster Groves, Mo. NEWTON, William Presley, railway official; born Portersville, Pa., Oct. 4, 1854; son of James and Mary Jane (Hall) Newton; edu cated in private school; married, St. Louis, Mar. 4, 1881, Ida S. Sidebothem; one daughter, Florence (Mrs. L. M. Rumsey, Jr.). Began railway service, 1875, as bill clerk Leaven worth, Lawrence & Galveston Road at Kansas City, Mo., since which time has been consecu tively, 1877-1879, auditor, secretary and treas urer Joplin Road at Girard, Kan.; May, 1879, to March, 1881, traveling auditor St. Louis & San Francisco Ry.; March, 1881, to Septem ber, 1900, chief clerk and general bookkeeper same road and its successor, St. Louis & San Francisco Ry. Co.; since Sept. 1, 1900, assist ant general auditor St. Louis & San Francisco Railway Co.; also director in a number of auxiliary companies of the Frisco System. Re publican. Protestant. Mason.. Favorite recrea tion: hunting. Office: 1127 Frisco Bldg. Resi dence: 4156 Morgan St. NICCOLLS, Samuel, banker; born, Emporia, Kan., Nov. 3, 1871; son of William T. and Mary (Thomas) Niecolls; common school edu- THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 441 cation; married, De Soto, Mo., Feb. 16, 1896, Sarah E. Thomas; two children: Mary Ann and Samuel. Began active career, 1889, in em ploy of Peoples Bank, De Soto, Mo., and re signed as assistant cashier, 1901; established State Bank of Poplar Bluff, Mo., and served as cashier until 1904; cashier Peoples Bank, De Soto, until Jan. 1, 1905; state bank exam iner for Missouri, 1905- July, 1907; secretary Missouri-Lincoln Trust Co., St. Louis, until January, 1910; then became cashier Washing ton National Bank, continuing until Febru ary, 1911, when same was merged into the American Trust Co., of which has since been vice president. Republican. Presbyterian. Ma son, Knight Templar. Club: City. Recrea tions: reading and music. Office: 710 Chestnut St. Residence: Kirkwood, Mo. NICCOLLS, Samuel Jack, clergyman; born, Greenfield Farm, Westmoreland Co., Pa., Aug. 3, 1838; son of William Todd and Elizabeth (Jack) Niccolls; educated at Eldersridge Academy, Pennsylvania; A.B., Washington and Jefferson College, 1857; B.D., Western Theological Seminary, 1860 (D.D., LL.D., Princeton University, New Jersey, Centre College, Kentucky, and Washington and Jef ferson College) ; married, 1860, Margaret A. Sherrick; two children: Mary (Mrs. E. M. Samuel) and Grace. Pastor Presbyterian Church, Chambersburg, Pa., 1860-64, Second Presbyterian Church, St. Louis, since 1865. Chaplain 126th Regiment, Pennsylvania Vol unteers, in Civil War; now chaplain Missouri Commandery, Loyal Legion. Moderator Gen eral Assembly of the Presbyterian Church, 1872; president Board of Directors, McCor- mick Theological Seminary; member Commit tee on Revision of the Committee to Revise Confession of Faith; president of Board of Lindenwood College; president Church Exten sion Society, Board Westminster College; member Board of Missions of Presbyterian Church for fifteen years. Recreations: lectur ing and writing. Address: 8 Hortense PL, St. Louis. NICHOL, William Fosdick, president St. Louis Seed Co.; born, Clinton, Mo., Mar. 4, 1870; son of Alfred M. and Fannie T. Nichol; educated in public schools, Granville, O.; mar ried, St. Louis, Jan. 26, 1906, Miss E. Drayer. Began business career with Nichol & Hervey, of Granville, nurserymen and garden stock and seed growers, remaining six years and ad vancing to foreman; then member of A. M. Nichol & Son, seed growers, of Granville, nine years; with Livingston Seed Co., Colum bus, O., as traveling man, three years; came to St. Louis in December, 1900, and was trav eling salesman for the Plant Seed Co. until Oct. 1, 1903, when the St. Louis Seed Co. was organized, of which has since been president and general manager. Republican. Presby terian. Member Merchants' Exchange, St. Louis Credit Men's Association. Recreation: fishing. Offiee: 619-621 N. 4th St. Residence: 5872 Bartmer Ave. NICHOLLS, Charles Chamberlain, real es tate and financial agent; born, Camden, N. J., Jan. 4, 1855; son of Ebenezer and Rebecca Young (Anderson) Nicholls; educated in Qua ker School, Camden, N. J., public school and high school, Philadelphia; married, St. Louis, June 1, 1881, Julia Cleaveland Chamberlain; children: Julie O, Charles O, Jr. When four teen years of age entered employ of Lee & Walker, music publishers, Philadelphia, re mained with them five years; came to St. Louis at nineteen and was one year with Mullanphy Planing Mill Co.; in 1875 entered employ of Beard & Bro., dealers in cotton ties and safes, and two years later, when firm was incorporated as Beard & Bro. Safe and Lock Co., was made secretary; continued in this business until 1885, when the death of Eleazer J. Beard necessitated the winding up of the business. Administered upon the estate of Mr. Beard, amounting to about $250,000, also closed out the business of the Beard & Bro. Safe and Lock Co., selling patents, good- will, etc. In 1885 started in the real estate busi ness, continued by himself until 1892, when he sold a half interest to E. P. V. Bitter, or ganizing the Nicholls-Ritter Realty and Finan cial Co., of which was president; company re incorporated under the name of the Nicholls- Ritter-Goodnow Realty Co., of which is presi dent. Director Citizens' Insurance Co. of St. Louis. Member Merchants ' Exchange, Busi ness Men's League, Y. M. C. A. Member Grand Avenue Presbyterian Church, of which has been an elder for a number of years. Clubs: Mercantile, City. Office: 718 Chestnut St. Residence: 5638 Kingsbury PL NICHOLS, Andrew Bascom, physician; born, Charlestown, Va., Sept. 28, 1852; son of Isaac and Mary (Morrison) Nichols; gradu ated from Slade College, Bell Co., Tex., 1871; M.D., Missouri Medical College (Washington University), 1875; married, Jonesboro, 111., 1890, Carrie A. Roberts. Began practice of medicine in St. Louis in 1875, and has since continued; also a registered physician of the State of Illinois. Director St. Louis Baptist Hospital Laboratory. Recreations: study of bacteriology and pathology. Office and Resi dence: 3877 Washington Ave. *NICHOLS, Charles Clinton, asbestos manu facturer; moved to California; see Vol. 1906. NICHOLS, Howard Edward, president Wal- nutta Manufacturing Co.; born, near San Se bastian, Spain, Nov. 1, 1872; was brought to America at age of four years; educated in grammar and high schools, Case School of Ap plied Science, Cleveland; married, St. Louis, February, 1901, Nellie Wheallen; four chil dren: Mabel E., Clarence J., John H., Eugene 442 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS T. Manager laboratory of Strong, Cobb & Co., Cleveland, 1890-91; traveling salesman for a Baltimore firm until 1898; came to St. Louis and entered into partnership with E. G. Lewis as secretary and treasurer Progressive Watch Co., later Winner Magazine, until 1902; start ed The Walnutta Manufacturing Co., 1902, of which has since been president and treasurer; vice president Proprietary Manufacturing Co. of Canada; director Kirkwood Trust Co. Mem ber National Wholesale Druggists' Associa tion, National Retail Druggists' Association, Proprietary Association of America. Repub lican. Member School Board, Kirkwood. Ma son (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner; Past Pa tron O. E. S. Club: Automobile. Recreations: home diversions and motoring. Office: 2208 Clark Ave. Residence: Oakland Terrace, Kirkwood, Mo. NICHOLS, Robert Mathew, lawyer; bom on farm in St. Louis Co., Dee. 19, 1855; son of Thomas W. and Anna (King) Nichols; edu cated in private and public schools; Washing ton University; Central College, Fayette, Mo.; Bryant & Stratton Business College; LL.B., St. Louis Law School, 1879; married at St. Louis, June 24, 1885, Lizzie M. Nichols (same name, but no relation); eight children: Violet P., Anna K., Robert W., John M., Addel C, Julia E., Katherine L., Dorothy. Admitted to Missouri bar, 1880, and since in practice at St. Louis. Has never engaged in polities or sought public office. Democrat. Methodist. Trustee Methodist Orphans' Home Association. Rec reations: reading, motoring, horseback riding. Office: Rialto Bldg. Residence: 4059 West minster PL NICHOLS, Walter, railway official; born near Newport, Ky., Jan. 3, 1862; son of Nathan B. and Harriet (Brown) Nichols; edu cated in Indianapolis (ind.) public schools graduating from Indianapolis High School 1881; married, Philadelphia, Dee. 13, 1887 Laura Belle McConahy; children: Lester Helen, Marjorie. Clerk in freight department Pennsylvania Lines, at Indianapolis, 1881-86 chief clerk Cincinnati, Jackson & Mackinaw Ry. at Toledo, O., 1886-92; chief clerk freight department, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Ry., St. Louis, Aug. 1, 1892-May 1, 1896; general agent, May 1, 1896-Feb. 1, 1902; division freight agent, Feb. 1, 1902-Dec. 1, 1903; assistant general freight agent, Dec. 1, 1903- Jan. 1, 1911; since division freight agent same railway. Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner; member National Union. Clubs: Mis souri Athletic, Traffic of St. Louis. Office: 517 Pierce Bldg. Residence: 1239 Amherst PL NICHOLS, William Lewis, cashier Grand Avenue Bank; born, St. Louis, Dec. 9, 1869; son of William and Austine (Jolls) Nichols; educated in public schools; Manual Training School; Washington University (selective course) one year; married, Chicago, Apr. 22, 1896, Eugenia Carr; three children: Eugenia, Minerva, Margaret. Began as clerk in the Commercial Bank and continued through vari ous positions until its consolidation with the State Bank, remaining with last named insti tution three years; was with Commonwealth Trust Co. two years; one of organizers, 1905, and cashier of the Grand Avenue Bank; also president Lewis Blind Stitch Machine Co. Re publican. Episcopalian. Member Royal Arca num, Legion of Honor. Club: Gilbert Lake Hunting and Fishing. Office: 507 N. Grand Ave. Residence: 3821 W. Pine Boul. NICHOLSON, Charles Benson, president C. B. Nicholson Printing Co.; born, Beards town, 111., Dec. 1, 1865; son of John 8. and Jemima (Harris) Nicholson; educated in pub lic schools of Beardstown, 111.; married, St. Louis, Sept. 14, 1892, Agatha L. Hencke; chil dren: Benson Edgar, Charles Harris, Louise Agatha. Worked at printing trade as com positor and foreman, 1880-90; started in busi ness as partner in firm of Merry & Nicholson, 1890, and when firm was incorporated, Mar. 23, 1895, as the Merry & Nicholson Printing Co., became secretary and treasurer, and. in 1900 president of the company, so continuing, until Sept. 1, 1910, when firm changed to C. B. Nicholson Printing Co., of which he is presi dent. Republican. Protestant. Scottish Rite Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner; mem ber Royal Arcanum, Royal League. Recrea tions: raising tropical plants and motoring. Office: Main and Walnut Sts. Residence: 6147 Columbia Ave. NICHOLSON, Clarence Maurice, surgeon; born, Kansas City, Mo., Jan. 15, 1868; son of Eugene Pendleton and Elizabeth (Griffin) Nicholson; educated in Kansas City and St. Louis; B.S., St. Louis University; M.D., Mis souri Medical College, 1891; New York- Post- Graduate Medical School, 1892; clinics and hospitals in London, Paris, Vienna and Berlin, 1893; married, St. Louis, June 7, 1899, Clara, daughter of Norman J. Colman (secretary of agriculture, Cleveland's Cabinet); children: Norman and Clarence. Engaged in general practice of medicine in St. Louis 1891-1903, when limited his practice to surgery. Profes sor of general descriptive anatomy, Beaumont Hospital Medical College, 1897-1901; Marion- Sims-Beaumont College of Medicine, 1901-03; professor of surgery, Medical Department, St. Louis University, 1903-12; chief surgeon Re- bekah Hospital; consulting surgeon St. Ann's Hospital. Ex-president St. Louis Medical So ciety and Missouri State Anatomical Board; member American Medical Association, Mis sissippi Valley Medical Association, Missouri State Medical Association, Western Surgical Association. Office: Lister Bldg. Residence: 5499 Delmar Boul. NICHOLSON, David Grace, grocer; 1851- 1912; see Vol. 1906. THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS' 443 NICKERSON, John, retired banker; born, LeRoy, N. Y., July 25, 1837; son of Major Anson and Susan (Camp) Nickerson; attend ed district school and academy at Stillwater, N. Y., and Smith Academy, Troy, N. Y.; mar ried, St. Louis, Oct. 15, 1878, Mary Wyman King; children: Lucy Wyman, Susan Camp (Mrs. W. Scott Bryan), John, Jr. Clerk in the Bank of Troy, 1852-56; teller National Bank of Albany, N. Y., 1856-57; in 1857 took charge of assorting department m New York Assort ing Association, formed for the purpose of clearing and returning for redemption the circulation of the state banks of New York; in 1862 became teller of the State Bank, after ward The First National Bank, of Detroit, Mich.; went into brokerage business there in 1865; removed to St.. Louis, 1867, and became paying teller in State Savings Association; elected cashier of St. Louis National Bank, 1878; became cashier Merchants' National Bank, 1890; elected president St. Louis Na tional Bank, 1896, and in 1898 became director and vice president National Bank of Com merce, retiring February 1, 1912. Member Merchants ' Exchange, Civie League. Repub lican. Episcopalian. Clubs: St. Louis, Bank ers', St. Louis Country. Recreations: golf, music and theater. Office: 405 Olive St. Resi dence: 4336 McPherson Ave. . NICKS, Harry George, physician; born, Cardiff, Wales, Apr. 23, 1861; son of William .J. and Mary (Bunker) Nicks; educated in, Chicago public and Hinsdale (111.) grammar and high schools, graduating 1878; M.D., Ens- werth Hospital Medical College, 1890, St. Louis College of Physicians and Surgeons, 1899; student Post-Graduate Medical School of Chicago, 1903; married, Chicago, Oct. 22, 1891, Mary Grey; one daughter, Marion. En gaged in general practice of medicine since 1890. Member St. Louis Medical Society, Mis souri Medical Association, Tri-State Medical Association, American Medical Association. I Independent Republican. Presbyterian. Club : Masonic Recreation: study of birds. Office and Residence: 933 Goodfellow Ave. NICOLAUS, Henry, president St. Louis Brewing Association; born, Rhein-Pfalz, Ger many, Aug. 14, 1850; son of Gottfried and Caroline (Fuhrmann) Nicolaus; educated in public and polytechnic schools in Germany; widower; children: Stella (Mrs. August An heuser), Louis, Elsa. Resident of St. Louis since 1867; began business career in the malt house o'f Becker & Hoppe, then was with the National Brewery, as a practical brewer, and afterwards with E. Anheuser & Co., brewers, as brewer; went to Europe and worked in Munich and Vienna breweries, learning dif ferent brewing processes for ten months; re turned to the United States and located in Cincinnati; for three years in the Windischer, Muehlhauser Brewery of that city as brewer; then for four years was superintendent of Leisy Bros.' Brewery, Keokuk, la.; was brau- meister of the Green Tree Brewery, St. Louis, and one year later became part owner and superintendent, until the brewery was merged into the St. Louis Brewing Association, of which became director, but has remained man ager of the Green Tree Brewery, and, Jan. 1, 1903, became president of the St. Louis Brew ing Association, which operates ten breweries in St. Louis; also president Brewers' Associa tion of St. Louis and East St. Louis. Presi dent Gilsonite Construction Co.; director Kin loch Telephone Co., Hammer Dry Plate Co.; formerly director Mechanics-American Na tional Bank. Director Merchants' and Manu facturers' Association; member Merchants' Exchange, Business Men's League, Civic League. Democrat in National polities. Ger man Lutheran. Member Liederkranz Society. Mason (32°); member Moolah Temple Mystic Shrine. Clubs: St. Louis, Mercantile, Log, Cabin, Union, Glen Echo. Recreation: golf. Office: 7th floor, Wainwright Bldg. Residence: 2149 S. Grand Ave. NIEDERLANDER, Donald Ralph, railway supplies; bom Bowma'nsville, Erie Co., N. Y.,, June 2, 3 870; son of Nicholas Frederick and, Cynthia Henrietta (Slosson) Niederlander; educated in public schools and Lewis Acad emy, Wichita, Kan., and Phillips Exeter (N. H.) Academy, 1890-91; married, St. Louis, Oct. 10, 1900, Anne Louise Fraser; children:, Edith Roberta, Donald Ralph, Jr. Began busi ness career, 1891, as clerk in office of N. F. Niederlander & Co., real estate and insurance, Wichita, Kan.; removed to St. Louis, Aug. 13, 1895; in bicycle business until April, 1898; traveled for Simmons Hardware Co., April- December, 1898; treasurer Western Engraving Co., Jan. 1, 1899, to July, 1902; organized In^ land Equipment Co., railway supplies, Octo ber, 1902, and on Jan. 1, 1904, combined latter company with Adreon Manufacturing Co., of which is director, secretary and treasurer; also director and secretary Separable Body Bolster Co. Republican. Episcopalian. Club: Missouri Athletic. Recreation: golf. Office: Security Bldg. Residence: 9 Parkland PL NIEDERLANDER, Nicholas F., president Westinghouse Automatic Air and Steam Coupler Co.; born, Buffalo, N. Y., Oct. 2, 1844; son of Nicholas and Anna Marie (Wise) Niederlander; educated in public schools and graduated from Hicks' Commercial College, Buffalo, N. Y.; married, 1875, Blanche Huson, of Sandusky, O.; children: Marion H. (Mrs. U. S. Houghland, of Kansas City), D. Ralph, Ethel N. (Mrs. Fred J. Bleakley, of Franklin, Pa.), Stacy N. (Mrs. Thomas K. Cooper, of Clayton, Mo.), June N. (Mrs. A. C. Hoyt, of New Castle, Pa.), Rene N. (Mrs. Kurt V Moll), Bess N. (Mrs. Merrell P. Walbridge). Served in the Civil War as captain, Co. I, 444 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS New York National Guard Regiment, enrolled in United States service. After graduation from commercial college succeeded father in the tanning business, in which continued un til 1877; moved to Wichita, Kan., and en gaged in real estate, loan and insurance busi ness; organized and became president, 1885, of the Kansas Loan and Investment Co.; also was one of organizers and vice president of the Wichita & Colorado R. R. (now part of the Missouri Pacific System) and is still presi dent of the town companies along the line of that road; came to St. Louis, 1891, and en gaged in real estate business; in 1895 elected president of the Westinghouse Automatic Air and Steam Coupler Co. Also president Acme Pipe Clamp Co. Republican. Member of Gar field Post, G. A. R., Wichita. Club: Mercan tile. Member Knights of Pythias, Woodmen of the World. Recreation: traveling. Offices: Broadway and Tyler St., and Security Bldg. Residence: 4462 Washington Boul. NIEDRINGHAUS, Albert William, assist ant superintendent Granite City Steel Co.; born, St. Louis, Mar. 24, 1869; son of William F. and Mary (Bittner) Niedringhaus; edu cated in public schools of St. Louis; Wyman Institute, Alton, 111.; Riverview Military Academy, Poughkeepsie, N. Y.; Phillips Acad emy, Andover, Mass.; married, St. Louis, Apr. 10, 1907, Agnes Delafield; one son, W. Dela- field. Assistant superintendent of the Granite City Steel Co., manufacturers of steel, tin plate and sheet iron, 1896-1907, now general superintendent same; trustee Granite City Real Estate Co.; director Granite City Na tional Bank. Methodist. Clubs: St. Louis Country, Racquet, Automobile, Sunset Hill. Recreation: motor touring. Office: Granite City, 111. Residence: 4937 Berlin Ave., St. Louis. NIEDRINGHAUS, Arthur C, secretary and treasurer Charles Niedringhaus House Fur nishing Co.; born, St. Louis, Jan. 16, 1869; son of Charles and Louisa (Koenig) Niedring haus; educated in public schools of St. Louis; married, Newport, Ky., 1890, Amelia Hum- mitsch; children: Maude, Clara, Helen. On leaving school in 1886 entered the business conducted by father, and after serving as clerk and salesman advanced to present posi tion as secretary and treasurer of the com pany in 1892; also president Niedringhaus Furniture and Carpet Co., Granite City, 111.; secretary Franklin Avenue Improvement As sociation. Republican. Member Royal Arca num. Recreation: fishing. Office: 1001-1005 Franklin Ave. Residence: 5808 Maple Ave. NIEDRINGHAUS, Charles, president of Charles Niedringhaus House Furnishing Co.; born in Westphalia, Germany, June 10, 1843; son of William F. and Mary (Siebe) Niedring haus; educated in public schools in Germany and night schools in St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Oct. 31, 1867, Louisa Koenig; children: Arthur C, Mrs. Lillie A. Eisenmayer (de ceased), Edwin A. (of Los Angeles, Cal.), John W., Ben F., Alice (Mrs. Dr. Hamm, of Granite City, 111.), Irving C. (of Homestead, Pa.), Edith (Mrs. William Schmidt), Louise (Mrs. Charles Gillespie), Walter S., Norman H., Edna. Came from Germany to St. Louis 4- 1858 and learned tinner's trade, which fol lowed for ten years; then became identified with a stove and house furnishing store, and in 1867 became sole proprietor of the busi ness; in 1896 incorporated as Chas. Niedring haus House Furnishing Co., of which he is president. Republican; served in Fourth Mis souri Infantry in Civil War; now -member General Lyon Post, G. A. R. Member German Methodist Church. Mason. Office: 1001-1005 Franklin Ave. Residence: 6024 W. Cabanne Avenue. NIEDRINGHAUS, Frederick G., chairman of board of National Enameling and Stamping Co.; born in province of Westphalia, Ger many, Oct. 21, 1837; son of Frederick W. and Mary Niedringhaus; educated in schools in Germany; married, St. Louis, 1860, Dena Key; children: Thomas K., Alexander, Samuel C., Amalia (Mrs. J. B. Cozzens), Lennie (Mrs. F. C. Bonsack), Nellie (Mrs. Tyrrell Wil liams), Olive (Mrs. F. C. Sharp), Addie, May (deceased), Blanche (Mrs. AJden H. Little). Emigrated from Germany to United States in 1855, coming direct to St. Louis; began work at a tinner's bench, and at end of six months was joined by brother, William, and they worked together at the tinning business for two years, then turned their attention to the manufacture of stamped tinware in 1862, of which made a success from the first; incorpo rated business, 1866, as St. Louis Stamping Co., of which was president until it was united with others in forming the present Na tional Enameling and Stamping Co., of which was president until 1908; retired and since chairman board, same company. President Granite Realty and Investment Co.; director Blanke-Wenneker Co.; president St. Louis Pressed Brick Co.; viee president Granite City Gas Co. Elected to Fifty-first Congress from Eighth Congressional District of Missouri, and served from Mar. 4, 1889, to Mar. 4, 1891. Republican. Methodist. Clubs: St. Louis, Country Club, Noonday, Commercial (St. Louis), Union League, Republican (New York). Recreations: reading and walking. Office: 909 New National Bank of Commerce Bldg. Residence: 4532 Lindell Boul. NIEDRINGHAUS, George W., second vice president and manager steel mills, National En ameling and Stamping Co. ; bora, St. Louis, May 28, 1864 ; son of William F. and Mary (Bittner) Niedringhaus; educated at Smith Academy, St. Louis, and Williston Seminary, Massachu setts; married, St. Louis, Nov. 14, 1889, Fanita THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 445 Hayward; children: George Hayward, Erwin, William Francis, George W., Marion. From 1884 to 1899 treasurer St. Louis Stamping Co., which was absorbed, 1899, by the National Enameling and Stamping Co.; factory man ager at Granite City, 111., 1900-08, since sec ond vice president and manager steel mills. Also president Granite City National Bank, Granite City Gas and Fuel Co.; trustee and manager Granite City Realty Co.; vice presi dent Granite City and Eastern R. R. Member Business Men 's League, Civic League. Repub lican. Methodist. Clubs: St. Louis, St. Louis Country, Florissant Valley, Racquet. Office: Granite City, 111. Residence: 3745 Lindell Ave. NIEDRINGHAUS, Henry P., cashier Na tional Enameling and Stamping Co.; bora in Westphalia, Germany, Apr. 3, 1850; son of Frederick William and Mary (Kroeger) Nied ringhaus; came to St. Louis, 1858; educated in common schools of St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Oct. 14, 1875, Lydia Boeshenz; three children: Ralph E., Edgar H., Lyde May. Began business career with the St. Louis Stamping Co.; employed with R. Sellew & Co., 1870-86; in 1886 reentered service of St. Louis Stamping Co., with which remained until it was merged, 1899, into the National Enamel ing and Stamping Co., of which has since been cashier. Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner. Recreation: fishing. Office: Granite City, 111. Residence: 5939 Clemens Ave., St. Louis. NIEDRINGHAUS, Oliver Bittner, general supt. National Enameling and Stamping Co.; born, Jan. 12, 1874; son of William F. and Mary (Bittner) Niedringhaus; educated in private schools of St. Louis, Wyman Institute and Princeton Preparatory School, Princeton, N. J.; married, Nov. 13, 1903, Louise Riley; one daughter, Marie Louise. Since 1896 en gaged in the stamping works of the National Enameling and Stamping Co., of which is gen eral superintendent, and is also a director of the company; director of the Granite City Gas Light and Fuel Co.; director Granite City National Bank, and interested in the Granite City Realty Co. Methodist. Clubs: Florissant Valley Country, Racquet, Bellerive Country, Automobile, Aero. Recreations: golf and mo toring. Office: 2d St. and Cass Ave. Resi dence: St. Regis Apts. NIEDRINGHAUS, Thomas Key, vice presi dent and manager National Enameling and Stamping Co.; born, St. Louis, Oct. 21, 1860; son of F. G. and Dena (Key) Niedringhaus; educated in St. Louis public schools, Wash ington University, St. Louis, and Wesleyan University, Middletown, . Conn. ; married, St. Louis, Apr. 18, 1888, Hennie B. Johnson; chil dren: Dorothy, Thomas Key, Jr. Became sec retary of St. Louis Stamping Co., 1880, which position held until that company was merged into the National Enameling and Stamping Co., of which is vice president and a director. Also vice president of the Commonwealth Steel Co., and secretary of the Granite Realty and Investment Co. Republican; received caucus nomination for U. S. senator, Jan. 5, 1905, but failed of election by a bolt in the legislature in joint session, Jan. 18, 1905. Methodist. Member Business Men's League. Clubs: St. Louis, Noonday, University, St. Louis Country, Cuivre, Log Cabin, Racquet (St. Louis), Chicago (Chicago), Union League (New York), Cumberland (Portland, Me.). Recreations: golf and shooting. Office: suite 909, New National Bank of Commerce Bldg. Residence: 79 Vandeventer PL NIEDRINGHAUS, William F., manufac turer; 1835-1908; see Vol. 1906. NIEHAUS, August William; see Vol. 1906. *NIEHOFF, Barney A., Jr.; wholesale gro cer; moved to Jefferson City; see Vol. 1906. NIEKAMP, Charles Henry, wholesale hard ware; born, Osnabrueck, Hanover, Germany, Mar. 31, 1851; son of Casper H. and Catherine (Lammert) Niekamp; came to United States with parents in 1854; educated in German Lutheran parochial school; married, St. Louis, May 12, 1874, Sophia Miller; children: Charles O. (deceased), Mary G. (deceased), William L., Laura O, Gertrude M. (deceased), Nellie M. (Mrs. W. L. Rathmann), Blanche (de ceased), Frances, George H.; married, 2d., St. Louis, Sept. 11, 1894, Margaret Popp; children: Charles A., Margaret H., Robert. Started in business Apr. 7, 1873, as A. Burman & Co.; firm name changed four years later to Nie kamp & Baker; incorporated, June 18, 1891, as Globe File and Hardware Co.; name changed, Feb. 25, 1895, to Globe File and Iron Co., which consolidated, Jan. 1, 1901, with the Beck & Corbitt Iron Co., wholesale heavy hardware (established, 1852), of which was vice presi dent and general manager until 1906; since president and general manager. Also presi dent Shelter Top Co.; director St. Louis Screw Co. Republican. Protestant. Mason (Scottish Rite). Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Glen Echo. Recreation: billiards. Office: 1st and Ashley Sts. Residence: Jennings Station, St. Louis County. NIEKAMP, William Louis, secretary Beck & Corbitt Iron Co.; born, St. Louis, June 21, 1877; son of Charles H. and Sophia (Miller) Niekamp; educated in public schools to 1891; married, St. Louis, Jan. 21, 1899, Engie M. Schultz; one child, William L., Jr. Began business career with Globe File and Hardware Co., June 22, 1893, and continued to present time with successors; reorganized as Globe File and Iron Co., 1895; merged with Beck & Corbitt Iron Co., 1901, of which has been sec retary since 1907. Member Business Men's League, Manufacturers' and Exporters' Asso ciation, National Geographic Society. Mem ber Beacon Lodge, No. 3, A. F. & A. M. 446 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS Clubs: Mercantile, Missouri Athletic, Masonic, City, Glen Echo, Arcadia Country. Recrea tions: golf and swimming. Offiee: 1232 N. Main St. Residence: 5242 Cabanne Ave. NIEMAN, Fred Henry, president Mechanics Paint Co.; born in Oldenburg, Germany, Apr. 16, 1864; son of Alite and Dina (Mahlman) Nieman; attended schools at Germantown, 111., until was twelve years of age and after wards received private instruction; married, St. Louis, Oct. 8, 1905, Anna Von Eschen. Journeyman painter until 1896; then in busi ness on own account and later as Nieman Bros. Paint Company; opened store, 1902, as Great Western Paint and Color Co.; president Mechanics Paint Co. since 1906. Republican. Catholic. Member Knights of Columbus. Of fice: 707 S. 4th St. Residence: 1908 La Salle Street. NIEMANN, Gustave William, financial and real estate agent; born, St. Louis, July 27, 1857; son of William and Minna (Trauer- nicht) Niemann; educated in public schools of St. Louis, and Washington University until 1873, and a few years later in law school of Washington University; unmarried. Began business career with August Gehner, title in vestigators to real estate and abstractors, from Aug. 1, 1873, until February, 1901, when that firm sold out to the Title Guaranty Trust Co. Admitted as partner in firm, 1881, and on Feb. 1, 1901, became secretary and treasurer of the Title Guaranty Trust Co., continuing until January, 1904, when was made president of the company. Resigned, January, 1910, to become member firm of Niemann & Weber, financial and real estate agents; also vice president German- American Bank; director of Title Guaranty and Trust Co, American Trust Co. Republican. German Lutheran. Scottish Rite Mason (33°); Past Master Tuscan Lodge; Past Eminent Commander, Ascalon Commandery, K. T.; Past Potentate Moolah Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S. Clubs: St. Louis, Union, Apollo. Favorite recreations: hunting, fishing, literature and music. Office: 703 Chest nut St. Residence: 4472 Lindell Boul. *NIEMANN, Oscar; removed from city; see Vol. 1906. NIEMEIER, Charles Louis, grain commis sion; bora, Columbia, 111., Nov. 28, 1867; son of Christian and Catherine (Kraus) Niemeier; educated in Columbia (public) School, Bryant & Stratton College, graduating from both; married, St. Louis, Jan. 14, 1891, Emma K. Wissmath. Shipping clerk Schwartz Bros. Commission Co., 1884-87, and grain buyer same firm, 1887-97; member firm of Schultz & Niemeier, 1897-1900; since secretary and treas urer Schultz & Niemeier Commission Co. Also president Lindell Park Land and Improve ment Co.; director Lindell Fair Grounds Real Estate and Investment Co. Republican. Mem ber Merchants' Exchange, St. Louis Grain Club. Treasurer Zion's Evangelical Congrega tion. Mason (32°), Shriner. Recreations: fish ing, baseball. Office: 305-306 Chamber of Commerce. Residence: 3211 University St. NIEMEYER, Charles August, president of Vane-Calvert Paint Co.; bom, Lebanon, 111., Dee. 14, 1873; son of Louis and Marie (Gerne) Niemeyer; educated in public schools and McKendree College; married, St. Louis, April, 1905, Julia Dieckman; one daughter, Eliza beth D. Began active career in employ of Herman Bockels, drug merchant, also attend ing College of Pharmacy, from which was graduated, 1894; purchased business of the Gempp Drug and Paint Co., 1897, and organ ized the Niemeyer Drug and Paint Co.; in 1898 acquired the Vane-Calvert Paint Co., of which has since been president; also president Haas Soap Co.; secretary Warner- Jenkinson Manufacturing Co. Republican. Member Mis souri Pharmacists ' Association. Clubs : Union, Automobile, Apollo. Recreation: motoring. Office: 1601 N." Broadway. Residence: 4257 Maryland Ave. NIESEN, Frederick E., financial agent ; bora in St. Louis Co., Mo., Dec. 18, 1856; son of William and Alwina (Rahm) Niesen; edu cated in public school in St. Louis Co., and in private school of Frederick Steines, at Oak- field, Franklin Co., Mo.; married, St. Louis, May 18, 1880, Julia Ambs; children: Adela J., Laura C. (Mrs. H. W. Kramer), Paula I. Be gan business career in grocery business, 1874, but branched out in 1878 into the grain and feed business; in fancy grocery business, 1880-92; since 1892 in business as real estate and financial agent. President West St. Louis Land Co., Ozark Water Co.; vice president General Improvement Co.; secretary and treasurer Skinker Road Land and Leasing Co. Member Business Men's League, Civic League. Republican. Favorite recreation: automobil ing. Office: Bank of Commerce Bldg. Resi dence: Frontier Ct., St. Louis Co., Bellevue and Highland Aves. NIETERT, Herman Lewis, surgeon; born, Edwardsville, 111., Feb. 22, 1866; son of Fred. and Minnie (Schlueter) Nietert; educated in public schools of Madison Co., 111., Shurtleff College, Upper Alton, HI.; M.D., St. Louis Medical College, 1889; post-graduate work at University of Heidelberg two years; married, St. Louis, Oct. 29, 1902, Katherine Ziegenheim. Engaged in practice in St. Louis since 1891; connected with surgical clinic St. Louis Med ical College, 1891-99; superintendent St. Louis City Hospital, 1899-1903; since in private practice as surgical specialist; now surgeon to Deaconess Hospital and to Lutheran Hospital. Member City Hospital Alumni Association, St. Louis Medical Society, Missouri State Medical Association, American Medical Association. Republican. Protestant. Member Liederkranz. THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 447 Mason (Knight Templar). Recreations: auto mobiling and mountaineering. Office: 500 Cen tury Bldg. Residence: 3614 Russell Ave. NIMS, Eugene Dutton, telephone and bank ing business; born, Fond du Lac, Wis., Apr. 3, 1865; son of Alexander R. and Sarah Nims; educated in public schools; unmarried. Went from Kansas City to ' Oklahoma in 1893 and engaged in lumber business; became inter ested in banking and telephone business; re turned to Kansas City as vice president Bell Telephone Co., 1911; came to St. Louis, May 12, 1912, and since first vice president and treasurer Southwestern Bell System, including Bell Telephone companies in Missouri, Kan sas, Oklahoma, Arkansas and Texas. Also viee president Commercial National Bank, Muskogee, Okla.; director National Bank of Commerce, Kansas City, Mo., Security Na tional Bank, Oklahoma City. Republican. Scottish Rite Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner ; member Elks and Hoo-Hoo. Clubs: St. Louis, Noonday. Recreations: golf and motoring. Office: 912 New National Bank of Commerce Building. NIPHER, Francis Eugene, professor phys ics, Washington University, since 1874; born, Port Byron, N. Y., Dec. 10, 1847; son of Peter and Roxalana P. (Tilden) Nipher; graduated State University of Iowa, 1870; married, Iowa City, la., July 1, 1873, Matilda Atkins. Mem ber Academy of Science, St. Louis (president, 1885-90), American Physical Society; fellow American Association for the Advancement of .Science; president Engineers' Club, St. Louis, 1890. Author: Theory of Magnetic Measure ments; Introduction to Graphical Algebra; Nature of Electricity; and other works. Also has contributed to scientific journals and socie ties, many articles, reports, etc., on physics, magnetic measurements, photography and oth er topics. In 1889 showed that positive or re versed photographic pictures could be best produced by development in the light instead of in the dark room. He has developed perfect pictures on the most sensitive plates with the developing bath fully exposed to direct sun light. Member an^ addressed International Congress Arts and Sciences, St. Louis, 1904, also chairman section cosmical physics; mem ber Royal Society of Arts (London, England), Physical Society of France. Club: Authors' (London). Recreations: boating and fishing. Residence: Kirkwood, St. Louis County. NISBET, Fritz, secretary and assistant treasurer The Bell Telephone Co. of Missouri; born, Berwick, England, Jan. 19, 1848; son of Christopher and Marianne (Boehm) Nisbet; educated at gymnasium and Handels Acad emy, Danzig, Germany; married, Kirkwood, Mo., Oct. 21, 1897, Jennie Edwards Nisbet. Was in cotton exporting business in various southern ports, 1870-84; clerk in Kansas City and Cawker City, Kan., 1884-89; clerk with St. Louis general agency, the Mutual Life In surance Co. of New York, 1889-99; since Oct. 12, 1899, secretary of The Bell Telephone Co. of Missouri, also assistant treasurer. Mem ber Civic League. Unitarian; secretary and treasurer of trustees of the Church of the Messiah. Clubs: Mercantile, .Contemporary, City. Office: 910 New Bank of Commerce- Bldg. Residence: 5702 Clemens Ave. NIXON, William C, railway official; born, Earlville, 111., Feb. 15, 1858; son of William and Sarah C. (Musselman) Nixon; public school education in Illinois; married, Brook lyn, Mich., Sept. 13, 1891, Hettie E. Pitcher; one son, Jack. Began railway service with Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe By., 1879; superintendent terminals, Chicago, to 1896, general agent freight department, 1896-97, superintendent Chicago division, 1897-1900, same railway; served in capacity of general superintendent, 1900-02, general manager, 1902-04, second vice president and general manager, 1904-06, Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe Ry.; vice president and general manager St. Louis & San Francisco R. R. Co. (Frisco Lines), Aug. 1, 1906-11, vice president same since May 1, 1911. Clubs: St. Louis, Noonday, Mercantile (St. Louis), Pickwick (New Or leans), Aziola (Galveston), Dallas (Dallas. Tex.). Office: .Frisco Bldg. Residence: 16 Windemero PL NOBLE, John Willock, lawyer; 1831-1912; see Vol. 1906. NOBLE, Philip Schaff, real estate; born, Pittsburgh, Pa., May 30, 1868; son of Fred erick A. and Lucy (Perry) Noble; graduated from Yale University, in class of 1890; mar ried, Mar. 10, 1907, Frances Teale; one daugh ter, Mary Frances. Began business career with Estey & Camp, pianos and organs, and with that firm in Chicago and St. Louis about eight years; then one year with National Lin seed Oil Co., and in 1905 engaged in real es tate business as member of firm of Hilden- brand & Noble Realty Co.; also director In vestment Loan Co. Member of St. Louis Real Estate Exchange. Republican. Congregation alist. Club: Algonquin. Office: 615 Chestnut St. Residence: Webster Groves, Mo. NOEL, Henry Graves, bonds and stocks; born, St. Louis, Aug. 18, 1868; son of Henry M. and Julia Edwards (Graves) , Noel; edu cated in St. Louis public and high schools, and Princeton University, A. B., 1889; married, St. Louis, June 3, 1890, Lena B. Wylie; children: Lois Edwards, Henry Martyn, Alice Rose, Lena Lovett and Cynthia Wylie. Has been in the bond and stock business since 1890, enter ing house of H. M. Noel & Co. and continuing with its successor, Noel- Young Bond and Stock Co., of which is vice president. Member St. Louis Stock Exchange. Presbyterian. Club: 448 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS Normandie Park Golf. Recreations: golf and music. Office: 304 N. 4th St. Residence: 5065 Waterman Ave. NOEL, Henry Martyn, banker and broker; born in Polk Co., Mo., Apr. 12, 1841; son of Rev. E. P. and Jane A. Noel; educated in Troy, Mo.; married, Springfield, Mo., Nov. 12, 1S67, Julia E. Graves; children: Henry G., Mary (Mrs. J. N. Carpenter, Jr.), Helen (Mrs. Frank Ellis), Charles, Ephraim Percy. Came to St. Louis, 1861, and engaged as dry goods salesman until 1876. Bank cashier, 1876-79; established partnership of Nelson & Noel to handle municipal bonds and local securities; later formed present corporation of Noel- Young Bond and Stock Co., of which is presi dent. Member Merchants ' Exchange, St. Louis Stock Exchange. Republican. Presbyterian; treasurer Presbyterian Church Extension So ciety of St. Louis. Clubs: St. Louis, Mercan tile. Recreation: automobiling. Office: 304 N. 4th St. Residence: 4930 Berlin Ave. NOHL, Walter H., lawyer; born, St. Louis, May 24, 1876; son of Charles F. C. and Doro thea (Buddecke) Nohl; preparatory education in public schools of St. Louis; matriculated in Benton College of Law, graduating with de gree of LL.B., 1904; unmarried. Spent five years in jobbing district on Washington Ave., St. Louis, as secretary and credit man and one year on staff of the St. Louis Republic; began practice in St. Louis, May 1, 1905; vice president Point Milling and Manufacturing Co.; secretary Arab Realty Co. Member Mis souri Bar Association. Vice president Elev enth Congressional District Missouri League of Republican Clubs. Member Masonic Order, Knights of Pythias. Club: Century Boat. Recreation: literature. Office: 1018-1022 Chem ical Bldg. Residence: 3610 Wyoming St. NOLAN, John Andrew, real estate; born, St. Louis, Oct. 14, 1876; son of Michael and Margaret (Meagher) Nolan; educated at St. Bridget's Parochial School; married, St. Louis, Feb. 6, 1902, Winifred M. Comer; one son, John A., Jr. Began business career as office boy with William A. Meagher, real es tate; then successively clerk, assistant book keeper, and assistant manager, and after the death of Mr. Meagher, Mar. 22, 1900, became president and manager of the William A. Meagher Real Estate Co., house and real estate agents, and so continues. Democrat. Catholic. Member Knights of Columbus. Fa vorite recreation: baseball. Office: 826 Chest nut St. Residence: 3538 Halliday Ave. NOLDE, John Theodore; see Vol. 1906. NOLKER, Louis Theodore, electrical sup plies; bora, St. Louis, Sept. 7, 1877; son of William F. and Louisa (Brinckwirth) Nolker; educated in Jackson (public) School, Chris tian Brothers College, Smith Academy, gradu ating, 1898; unmarried. Was connected with Kinloch Telephone Co. for short time; vice president and treasurer of Commercial Elec trical Supply Co., March, 1899, to 1906, since president and treasurer of company. Also sec retary and treasurer St. Louis Tin and Sheet Metal Co.; treasurer Kinloch & Bloomington Telephone Co. and Citizens' Indiana Tele phone Co., of Terre Haute, Ind.; director Guarantee Electrical Co. Member advisory board of National Irrigation Association. President Smith Academy Alumni Association, 1906, now member of board. Mason (Tuscan Lodge). Clubs: Glen Echo Country, Union, Missouri Athletic, Sunset Hill Country, Cen tury Boat. Favorite recreation: horseback riding. Office: 15th and Pine Sts. Residence: 4504 Lindell Boul. NOLKER, William Frederick; see Vol. 1906. NOLTE, Edward F., architect; born, St. Louis, Nov. 15, 1870; son of F. William and Henrietta (Krueger) Nolte; educated in pub lic schools, and Washington University; mar ried, St. Louis, June, 1897, Marie A. Birke- meyer; three children: Edward, Esther Marie, Helen. Began active career as clerk with N. T. Thompson Publishing Co., continuing three years; then entered university, and aft er completing his studies there was connected with office of L. Cass Miller, architect, for five years; began on own account, 1894. Among buildings erected by him are: Park view and Blenheim apartments, and many smaller apartment buildings, R. B. Bullock's residence, etc. Member West End Business Men's League. Republican. Evangelical. Ma son. Recreation: automobiling. Office: 1101 Fullerton Bldg. Residence: 4955 A Terry Ave. NOLTE, Louis, sheriff and dealer in real estate; born, North St. Louis, Oct. 28, 1871; son of Louis and Louise Nolte; educated in common schools and commercial college; mar ried, St. Louis, Nov. 9, 1897, Mary H. Hau- schulte. Entered real estate business, 1890, and is now member of firm of Nolte & Will- mann. Was elected sheriff, November, 1906', for term of two years; reelected, November, 1908, for term of four years, by a majority of 28,000 votes; Republican. Catholic. Member Knights of Pythias, B. P. O. Elks. Club: Mis souri Athletic. Recreation: outdoor diversions. Office: 2207 N. Broadway. Residence: 1129 Penrose St. NOONAN, Edward Aloysius, lawyer; born, Reading, Pa., Dec. 20, 1852; son of Martin and Nano (Nagle) Noonan; educated in pub lic schools of Reading; LL.B., Albany Law School, 1871; married, St. Louis, 1875, Mar garet Brennan; children: Edward A., Jr. (de ceased), Zoe (Mrs. Guy Goltermann), Florence (Mrs. W. H. Gemmer). Admitted to bar, 1871, and engaged in practice of law; member of firm of Noonan & Crouch. Twice elected as- THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 449 sistant circuit attorney, twice judge of the Court of Criminal Correction, and served four years as mayor of St. Louis (1889-93). Demo crat; seven terms member of Democratic State Committee. Catholic Office: 212 S. 12th St. Residence: 310 S. Euclid Ave. NOONAN, Robert McGinnis; see Vol. 1906. NORTH, Emmett Pipkin, physician; bom, Labadie, Mo., Aug. 13, 1877; son of Eugene B. and Mary S. North; educated in Labadie public schools; Central College, Fayette, Mo.; M.D., Beaumont Medical College, 1900; mar ried, Washington, Mo., Dee. 2, 1903, Maud Is- bell; one daughter, Mildred Isbell. Assistant physician, St. Louis City Hospital, 1900-01; house surgeon Missouri Pacific Railway Hos pital, St. Louis, 1901-03; physician in charge, St. Louis South Side Dispensary, 1903-04; since in general practice. Member St. Louis City Hospital Alumni Association, St. Louis Medical Society, Missouri State Medical Asso ciation, American Medical Association. Demo crat. Presbyterian. Office: 2124 S. Grand Ave. Residence: 3901 Park Ave. NORTONI, Albert Dexter, jurist; born, New Cambria, Macon Co., Mo., Jan. 26, 1867; son of Dr. Edward Warren and Hannah T. (Howell) Nortoni; educated in common schools and by private instruction; admitted to bar, 1888; married, Dec. 22, 1892, Maggie H. Francis (died, 1894); 2d, July 3, 1906, Emma T. Belcher. Engaged in practice of law from age of twenty-one, in counties of Ma con, Linn and Chariton, and in the City of St. Louis. Served as school director, New Cam bria, Mo., one term; city attorney two terms; private secretary to Congressman C. N. Clark, First Missouri District, one term; in 1894 nominated by Republicans for probate judge of Macon Co., declined; Republican nominee for state senator in Ninth Missouri District, 1896, defeated; nominated by Republicans, 1898, for circuit judge Second Circuit, de feated; appointed, Jan. 1, 1903, assistant U. S. district attorney and located in St. Louis; elected, November, 1904, judge of the St. Louis Court of Appeals for twelve-year term. Progressive party candidate for Governor of Missouri, 1912. Presbyterian. Odd Fellow, Woodman. Club: Noonday. Chambers: 1741 Pierce bldg. Residence: 775 Goodfellow Ave nue. NORVELL, Saunders, publisher The Hard ware Reporter; born, St. Catharines, Canada, Aug. 12, 1864; son of Louis C. and Sarah (Saunders) Norvell; educated in St. Louis public and high schools; married, St. Louis, Apr. 14, 1886, Belle Matthews; children: Lucy, Edward Simmons, Mary Spottiswood, Isabel. Entered employ of Simmons Hardware Co. in 1880, serving in various capacities until 1898, vice president same, 1898-1901; president Nor vell-Shapleigh Hardware Co., 1901-10. Now publisher of The Hardware Reporter. Director Mississippi Valley Trust Co., Norvell-Shap leigh Hardware Co. Juror at Louisiana Pur chase Exposition, 1904. Ex-president Civic League; trustee Self-Culture Hall Association. Presbyterian. President Washington Univer sity Art School; trustee Shaw's Botanical Garden; member Artists' Guild of St. Louis; honorary life member National Hardware As sociation. Clubs: St. Louis, University, Noon day, St. Louis Country. Recreations: collect ing rare books, prints and pictures; horseback riding; also golf enthusiast. Office: 509 Olive St. Residence: 9 Kingsbury PL NORWINE, Floyd E., president Norwine Coffee Co.; born, Mineral Point, Mo., June 23, 1877; son of Andrew Jackson and Mary Anna (Clarke) Norwine; educated in country public schools, Washington and St. Francois counties, Mo.; married, St. Louis, Apr. 17, 1900, Blanche Burton; three sons: Floyd E., Jr., J. Burton and John Clarke. Began business career at seventeen in employ of the C. F. Blanke Cof fee Co., first as bookkeeper and later as credit man, continuing until August, 1899; then asso ciated with others in organization of the Meyer Brothers Coffee Co. and was secretary and manager of the office, 1899-1908; organ ized, in 1908, the Norwine Coffee Co., import ers and dealers in coffee, tea and spices, of which is president. Independent Democrat. Presbyterian. Member St. Louis Coffee Roast ers ' Traffic Association (director), St. Louis Association of Credit Men (director and ex- president), Business Men's League. Club: Missouri Athletic. Recreation: shooting. Of fice: 311 N. 2d .St. Residence: 7387 Maple Boul., Maplewood, St. Louis Co. NUGENT, Byron, merchant; 1842-1908; see Vol. 1906. NUGENT, Charles Wesley, dry goods; 1857- 1911; see Vol. 1906. NUGENT, Daniel C, president B. Nugent & Bro. Dry Goods Co.; born, Belmont, Canada, 1855; son of Thomas and Eleanor (Morgan) Nugent; educated in London (Canada) High School; married, Mt. Vernon, 111., Carrie Casey; three children: Louise A. (Mrs. Rich ard S. Kennard), Daniel O, Jr.,. Morgan Thomas. Began business career with Byron Nugent at Mt. Vernon, 111., 1870-73; since 1873 in St. Louis in dry goods business as member of firm of B. Nugent & Bro.; upon in corporation was elected first vice president; has served as president since 1908. Clubs: University, St. Louis, Mercantile, St. Louis Country, Racquet. Recreation: golf. Office: Broadway and Washington Ave. Residence: 3701 Westminster PL NUGENT, Edwin Thomas, insurance; born, St. Louis, Mar. 1, 1876; son of "Byron and Julia (Lake) Nugent; educated in public schools; Smith Academy; St. Paul's School, 460 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS Concord, N. H.; student Yale University, class of 1899; married, Philadelphia, Dec. 18, 1901, Olga Clinton; one child, Olga Marie. Clerk in father 's store, 1899-1901j in charge New York offiee of B. Nugent & TBro. Dry Goods Co., 1901-06; upon return to St. Louis was identi fied with business interests of father for two years; established E. T. Nugent & Co., insur ance company, of which has since been the head; vice president Douglass Loan and In vestment Co. Episcopalian. Member Delta Phi. Clubs: St. Louis, Racquet, Bellerive Country, Aero, Automobile, City. Recreations : golf, motoring. Office: 600 Chestnut St. Resi dence: 5228 Westminster PL NUGENT, Francis V., clergyman; born, Oconomowoc, Wis., Jan. 16, 1855. Educated in St. Vincent's College, -Cape Girardeau, Mo.; St. Vincent's Seminary, Germantown, Pa.; Congregation of Mission. Ordained Roman Catholic priesthood, May 2, 1884, by Bishop Shanahan, of Harrisburg, P,a.; at St. Vin cent's College, Cape Girardeau, ten years, the last five years as president; pastor St. Jo seph's Church, New Orleans, 1893-97; presi dent Kenriek Seminary, St. Louis, 1897-1903; pastor St. Vincent de Paul's Church since 1903; also director of missions, western prov ince, of Vincentian fathers. Residence: 1427 S. 9th St. NUGENT, James Gillespie, vice president and general manager B. Nugent & Bro. Dry Goods Co.; bora, Picton, Ont., Canada, June 6, 1852; son of Thomas and Eleanor A. (Mor gan) Nugent; educated in public schools, Bel mont, Canada, Victoria College, Cobourg, Can ada, and Eastman Business College, Pough keepsie, N. Y.; married, Mt. Vernon, 111., Nov. 3, 1886, Lillian Patton; children: Eleanor (Mrs. H. G. Bosler, of Indianapolis), James Byron, Harry Hodgen, Charlotte (Mrs. W. Adams, of St. Louis), Lulu, Fred, Lily. After leaving school entered store of Hewitt Hard ware Co., Toronto, continuing for two years, then was prospector in Manitoba, Canada, for two years. Came to St. Louis in 1874, and be came a clerk in the dry goods store of his brother, B. Nugent; was admitted to the firm about 1888, under the style of B. Nugent & Bro., and in 1899 the business was incorpo rated as B. Nugent & Bro. Dry Goods Co., of which is vice president and general manager (elected vice president Jan. 1, 1912). Repub lican. Clubs: Mercantile, Glen Echo. Recrea tions: horseback riding and fishing. Office: cor. Washington Ave. and Broadway. Resi dence: cor. Maple Ave. and Thornley PL NUGENT, William, clergyman; born in Limerick, Ireland, Aug. 23, 1879; son of Mau rice and Honora (Ryan) Nugent; began his education at national schools in Ireland; came to America, 1898, and entered Christian Brothers College, St. Louis; left college in junior year and entered Kenriek Seminary in fall of 1900; was selected by the late Arch bishop Kain to represent the archdioceses of St. Louis in the North American College, Rome, 1902, spending three years in Rome. Was1 ordained to priesthood of Roman Catho lic Church, June 17, 1905; visited parents and relatives in Ireland and then returned to St. Louis; served as assistant pastor Church of Our Lady of Good Counsel, North St. Louis, 1905-08; assistant" pastor Church of Notre Dame de Lourdes, Wellston, since June, 1908. Church and Residence: 6309 Cote Brilliante Avenue. NULSEN, Albert George, president Nulsen, Klein & Krausse Manufacturing Co.; born, St. Louis, Feb. 1, 1870; son of John C. and Al- bertine (Kreutzbauer) Nulsen; educated at Peabody (public) School, St. Louis; Toens- f eldt 's Educational Institute, St. Louis ; Smith Academy; Bryant & Stratton Business Col lege; St. Louis Manual Training School, grad uating, 1888; also student Washington Univer sity for one year; married, St. Jjouis, Oct. 15, 1890, Maude Kreher; six children: Mildred E., Joe K., Albert G., Jr., Norman, Richard, Jack C. Began active career in employ of Smith & Davis Manufacturing Co. at age of nineteen; entered firm of George S. Mepham & Klein, 1891, and was identified with that concern for eleven years; assisted in organ izing the Nulsen, Klein & Krausse Manufac turing Co., manufacturers of barytes and whiting, 1891, which was incorporated in 1892, and has been president of same since 1907. Republican. Christian Scientist. Clubs: Mer cantile, Automobile. Recreations: motoring and yachting. Office: Levee and Sidney Sts. Residence: 5315 Waterman Ave. NULSEN, Anthony Joseph, vice president and treasurer of Missouri Malleable Iron Co.; born, St. Louis, June 10, 1856; son of John C. and Albertine (Kreutzbauer) Nulsen; educat ed at Smith Academy and Washington Univer sity; married, St. Louis, 1879, Mollie Hester; two children: Bernice, Doris (Mrs. Samuel Stocker). Left Washington University at age of seventeen; spent two years for business training in retail and wholesale grocery busi ness; entered firm of Nulsen & Co., wholesale liquor dealers, and succeeded to sole owner ship of same in 1879, and continued until 1882, when the Missouri Malleable Iron Co. was established; has been treasurer of same ever since and is now also vice president; plant moved to East St. Louis, 1891. Director German Mutual Life Insurance Co., St. Louis, Southern Illinois National Bank, and Illinois Trust Co., East St. Louis. Republican. Club: Union. Recreation: fishing. Offiee: Missouri Malleable Iron Co., East St. Louis, 111. Resi dence: 3133 Hawthorne Boul., St. Louis. NULSEN, John Clemens, president Missouri Malleable Iron Co.; 1845-1906; see Vol. 1906. THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 451 NUTE, John Wesley, car wheels; 1860-1909; see Vol. 1906. OBEAR, Bryan, engineer and inventor; born, St. Louis, Apr. 17, 1855; son of Josiah H. and Maria Jane (Bryan) Obear; educated in Clay (public) School; Franklin School; German Institute; Washington University; Virginia Military Institute, Lexington, Va.; also studied law, but never practiced; wid ower. Engaged in farming in Boone Co., Mo., 1875-79; in real estate business, 1879-82; engi neer for contractors in Arizona, 1882-87; sec retary and treasurer Julian Mining and Mill Co., St. Louis, 1887-89; manager Western Smoke Preventer Co., Chicago, 1889-1894; en gaged in stock raising at Crescent, Mo., 1894- 1900; patentee of smoke preventer, 1892, also of other mechanical devices; now manager The Montague Compressed Air Co., manufac turers of machinery. Was captain of the Thir teenth Ward Guards in 1877, at the time of the railroad strike. Democrat. Episcopalian. Recreations : study of metaphysics, philosophy, sociology. Office: 1108 Chemical Bldg. Resi dence: 19 N. Spring Ave. OBERNIER, Robert A.; see Vol. 1906. OBERSCHELP, Henry Herman, lawyer; born, St. Louis, Mar. 24, 1875; son of Herman J. and Johanna (Wiegand) Obersehelp; edu cated in public grammar schools of St. Louis; A.B., Washington University, 1896, LL.B., 1898; married, St. Louis, June 27, 1900, Grace Cottrill; children: Vera J., Grace M. Engaged in general practice of law in St. Louis since admission to the bar; vice president and counsel North St. Louis Savings Trust Co. Member of St. Louis Bar Association. Prot estant. Member Civic League. Mason. Clubs: City, Contemporary, Public Question. Office: Rooms 902-909, 705 Olive St. Residence: 3502 Palm St. OBERT, Louis, president Louis Obert Brew ing Co.; bora, Baden, Germany, Feb. 8, 1845 son of Louis and Theresa , (Wuelman) Obert educated in public schools, Baden, to 1859 married, St. Louis, Sept. 20, 1870, Elizabeth Kolb; four children: Louis, "William A., Karl, Eliza. Served apprenticeship in brewing busi ness, 1859-62; journeyman brewer in Germany until 1866, when came to America. With Pes- wich Brewery, St. Louis, 1866-67; foreman Arsenal Brewery, 1867-70; foreman Louis Cook Brewery, 1870-74; first superintendent of Casperloosic Brewery, New Orleans, La., until 1876; foreman short time for Repple & Ehler mann, malt house, St. Louis, 1876; then with Mathias Weis purchased Obert Brewing Co., becoming president in 1881; principal owner of West End Heights property. Republican. Catholic. Recreation: music Office: 2700 S. 12th St. Residence: 2631 S. 12th St. O' BOYLE, Francis Joseph, clergyman and professor of philosophy; born, London, Ont., Canada, Oct. 9, 1870; son of Andrew and Julia (Delaney) O 'Boyle; was brought to De troit, Mich., at two years of age; acquired his primary education in public schools of De troit; entered Detroit College, 1882, and was graduated with degree of A.B., 1889; entered Jesuit Order, July, 1889, and spent three years in the novitiate of order at Florissant, Mo.; then took a post-graduate course of three years in philosophy at St. Louis University, 1892-95, and a course in divinity, 1900-04; went to Europe, 1908, and pursued special course in theology at University of Innsbruck, Austria, 1908-10; also visited the leading uni versities for the purpose of studying condi tions and methods. Appointed professor of languages in College Department, St. Louis University, 1895; ordained to priesthood of the Roman Catholic Church by Archbishop Glennon, 1903; appointed professor classical literature, St. Xavier College, Cincinnati, 1905, and in August, 1906, was made vice president and chancellor of St. Louis University; in June, 1907, was appointed acting rector of the university to succeed Rev. W. Banks Rogers; has served as professor philosophy and moral theology, St. Louis University, since September, 1910. Address: St. Louis University. O'BRIEN, Dennis P.; see Vol. 1906. O'BRIEN, John Cornelius, vice president T. J. Reid Shoe Co.; born, St. Louis, Jan. 24, 1869; son of John and Catherine (O'Connor) O'Brien; educated in public and parochial schools; married, St. Louis, Apr. 17, 1901, Mae Reid; four children: Thomas Reid, Dorothy Mae John Glennon, Lelia Moon. With Scruggs, Vandervoort & Barney Dry Goods Co., 1883- 89; then entered employ of Mermod, Jaccard & King Jewelry Co. and became diamond salesman; resigned, 1908, to take charge of diamond department of the Hess & Culbertson Jewelry Co.; vice president T. J. Reid Shoe Co. since Mar. 4, 1912. Democrat. Catholic. Member Knights of Columbus, Knights of Father Mathew, Ancient Order of Hibernians. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Columbus. Recrea tion: athletic sports. Office: 711 Washington Ave. Residence: Ferguson, Mo. O'BRIEN, John J., lawyer; born, St. Louis, June 26, 1867; son of Patrick and Alice (Han- rahan) O'Brien; educated in St. Bridget's parochial school; Benton College of Law; un married. Teamster from 1882 to 1887; in coal and ice business, as member of firm of John J. O'Brien & Bro. since 1887. Admitted to the bar, 1908, and since engaged in practice. Dem ocrat; member of House of Delegates from Twentieth Ward, 1903-09, speaker of House, 1905-07. Member Royal Arcanum, Knights of Columbus, Knights of Father Mathew. Fa vorite recreations: hunting, fishing. Office: 452 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 410 Fullerton Bldg. Residence: 1521 N. Jef ferson Ave. OCHTERBECK, Henry Conrad; born, St. Louis, Aug. 25, 1861; son of John A. and Caroline (Kunter) Ochterbeck; educated in St. Louis public schools, graduating from high school, 1881; married, New Philadelphia, O., June 17, 1890, Magdalen Gilgen; two children: Irene, Paul G. Began business career with George Wolff & Son clothing house, 1884, and continued until 1898; then became credit man with Logwood, DeCamp & Co., operators of mines at DeCamp, 111., as DeCamp Coal Min ing Co., of which is vice president; Christian Science practitioner since 1910. Member Civic League of St. Louis. Was mayor Kirkwood, Mo., 1906-08. Democrat. Recreations: garden ing and raising chickens. Office: Odeon Bldg. Residence: Kirkwood, Mo. OCKER, Louis Henry, manufacturer of wood partition bottle packing; born, Wash ington, Mo., Feb. 21, 1868; son of Henry W. and Charlotte (Beeke) Ocker; educated in Shepard and Lyon public schools, St. Louis, and Toensfeldt Educational Institute, graduat ing, 1883; married, St. Louis, Apr. 4, 1893, Regina A. Schoenthaler; children: Erwin Louis, John Raymond (deceased), Arthur Regi nald. Began business life as shipping clerk, 1883-87, and bookkeeper, 1887-90, in whole sale grocery house in St. Louis; bookkeeper, Collier Shot Tower Co., St. Louis, 1890-91; assistant manager of the Le Roy Shot and Lead Co., New York City (branch of Amer ican Shot and Lead Co.), 1891-92; in Decem ber, 1892, became interested in the Schoen thaler Manufacturing Co., manufacturers of wood partition bottle packing, of which was secretary and treasurer until 1905, since viee president and treasurer. Republican. Evan gelical Lutheran. Member St. Louis Lieder kranz, Turn Verein, Altenheim. Club: St. Louis Rotary. Office : 1013-1019 Chouteau Ave. Residence: 3820 Flora Boul. OCKERSON, John A., consulting engineer; born, Sweden, 1849; came to United States, 1851; graduated University of Illinois, B.S. and C.E., 1873; married, June, 1890, Clara W. Shackelford, of Kentucky. Served in Civil War in 132d Hlinois Volunteer Infantry and First Minnesota Heavy Artillery; in milling business in Minnesota, 1865-68, recorder and later assistant in field and office on survey Great Lakes, 1871-79; assistant engineer, lo cation and construction Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe R. R., 1872; U. S. assistant engi neer Eads jetties, 1876; survey Mississippi River, 1879-87; manager and engineer gold and silver mine in Colorado, 1888-89; principal assistant engineer, 1889-98, and since Aug. 4, 1898, member Mississippi River Commission; in general practice as consulting engineer. President American Society Civil Engineers, 1912; member National Geographic Society, Engineers' Club of St. Louis. Author numer ous papers on topographical, hydrographical and engineering subjects, especially with ref erence to Mississippi River (hon. D.E., 1903). Chief department of liberal arts, St. Louis Exposition, 1904; member International Jury of Awards, Paris Exposition; delegate Inter national Congress of Navigation, 1900; dele gate Congress of Merchant Marine, Paris. Decorated Knight Crown of Germany, Order of the Double Dragon, China, Officer Public Instruction (France), Knight Crown of Italy (Italy), Knight Order of Vasa, Commander Order of Vasa (Sweden), Knight Order of Leopold. Clubs: Noonday, Bellerive. Recrea tions; hunting and fishing. Office: 1301 Lig gett Bldg. Residence: New Kingsbury Apts. O'CONNELL, John William, master painter and decorator; born, Shangarry, County Cork, Ireland, Oct. 7, 1843; son of William and Ellen (Cullinane) O'Connell; was brought to Amer ica, 1851; educated at the old Benton School, then on 6th St. between Locust and St. Charles Sts., 1853-56 inclusive; also attended night school in same building for parts of three years; secured membership in private libraries, from which received great encour agement and benefit; married, St. Louis, Sept. 19, 1865, Annie Dolan; eight children: Harry W., John W., Jr., Phillip Leo, Frank E., Elli- nore, Genevieve (Mrs. James Spencer, of Se dalia, Mo.), Margaret. Apprentice to H. Farm er & Son, painters and decorators, 1857-62; began business, 1872, in St. Louis, with boy hood friend, Patrick H. Tobin; bought out partner's interest, 1873, and continued alone until associating with sons in 1900, in vari ous branches of decorating and painting; now president of the J. W. O 'Connell Painting Co., which has been highly successful in securing work in different parts of the United States and is one of the leading concerns of the kind in America; also president St. Louis Building and Contracting Co. Has traveled extensively in this country and Europe and made many observations about harmonization of colors, etc., which have been of special ad vantage to the company. Member School Board, 1874-92. Democrat. Catholic. Member Knights of Father Mathew, Business Men's League. Was one of the original members of the Empire Baseball Club and played with the first nine for seven years, beginning about 1860, the same ball grounds at Grand and Sullivan Aves. now being used by the Amer ican Association. Recreations: extensive trav eling, and baseball. Offiee: 1011 N. Broadway. Residence: 5939 Bartmer Ave. O'CONNOR, Patrick J., clergyman; bom, Listowel, Ireland, Jan. 2, 1883; son of Cor nelius and Mary (Corridon) O'Connor; edu cated in national schools to fourteen; com pleted classical course in St. Michael's Col lege, Listowel; matriculated in Carlow Col- THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 453 lege and completed preparation for the min istry. Ordained priest Roman Catholic Church by Archbiship Patrick Foley, June 9, 1907; came to Ameriea, November, 1907; since as sistant pastor St. Edward's Church, St. Louis. Recreations: hunting and fishing. Residence: 2709 Clara Ave. O 'DONNELL, Edmund Ronayne, cotton linters and cotton; born in Ireland, May 10, 1867; son of Patrick E. and Elizabeth (Green) O 'Donnell; educated in National schools and Jesuit College in Ireland; twice married; children by first wife: Edmund A., Mary; married, 2d, St. Louis, Aug. 3, 1905, Elizabeth J. Mackey. Employed by Macdonald & Co. as clerk, 1883-93; since 1893 in St. Louis as dealer in cotton linters and cotton. Member Cotton Exchange. Roman Catholic. Office: 5 Spruce St. Residence: 3823 Flora Boul. O'DONNELL, Patrick, retired; born near Westport, County Mayo, Ireland, Mar. 5, 1852; son of Owen and Winifred (Hester) O 'Donnell; educated in public schools; came to America, 1864; married, Fulton, Mo., Sept. 15, 1885, Nannie L. Hook; two children: Winifred, Maud. Began contracting business, St. Louis, 1871, and as John O 'Donnell & Brother engaged in construction of water mains for city of St. Louis until 1909, when retired. Democrat. Catholic. Residence: 5015 Raymond Ave. OEHLER, Emil E., manufacturer pressed brick; 1865-1911; see Vol. 1906. OEHLER, Otto C, president Enterprise Brick Works Co.; born, St. Louis, Dec. 2, 1863; son of Paul and Franziska (Zuhm) Oehler; educated in St. Louis public schools; married, June 30, 1892, May T. Werbarg; chil dren: June, Paul, Linetta. Began business ca reer as a boy in the brickyard (established in 1863) owned by his father, Paul Oehler, and learned the business practically; at age of seventeen went to work for the South St. Louis Foundry Co., as a pattern maker; in 1896 again became identified with the original brick business, which had been incorporated as the Enterprise Brick Works Co., acquiring an interest in the business and becoming a director and president of the company; di rector and secretary Continental Brick Co. Member I. O. O. F. Club: Liederkranz. Rec reation: fishing. Office: 915 Olive St. Resi dence: 3139 Russell Ave. O' FALLON, Charles Pope, manager of es tates; born in Madison Co., Ala., Aug. 3, 1868; son of John J. and Caroline (Mastin) O 'Fallon; educated in St. Louis public schools, Smith Academy, private schools and Prince ton University, in class of 1890; married, Feb. 24, 1910. Mrs. Mary G. Overton, of Mem phis, Tenn. Began business career in 1889 as clerk with Merchants ' National Bank, then in real estate business for one year; since has been engaged as manager of estates, having charge of the affairs of John J. O 'Fallon, and since 1902 of estate of Mrs. Caroline Pope. President Shultz Belting Co. Member Busi ness Men's League. Republican. Member M. E. Church, South. Clubs: St. Louis, St. Louis Country, City. Favorite recreations: motoring and riding. Office: 421 Olive St. Summer Resi dence: Manchester and Barrett Station Rds., St. Louis County. O 'FALLON, Eugene Peter, printing; 1865- 1908; see Vol. 1906. O'FALLON, John Julius, capitalist; born, St. Louis, Mar. 6, 1840; son of Col. John and Caroline Ruth (Sehuetz) O 'Fallon (father was aide-de-camp to Gen. William Henry Harri son in War of 1812; and came to St. Louis in 1818); educated in Washington University and at private school at New Haven, Conn.; married, Huntsville, Ala., Apr. 10, 1860, Caro line Mastin; children: Frank M. (deceased), Caroline (Mrs. J. G. Miller), Charles Pope O 'Fallon. After leaving school devoted him self to management of his real estate inter ests. Director Merchants-Laclede National Bank. Member Business Men's League, Civic League. Republican. Trustee Methodist Or phans' Home. Clubs: St. Louis, St. Louis Country. Office: 415 Locust St. Residence: 28 Westmoreland PL OGLESBY, Rube, railroad and warehouse commissioner; born, Knobnoster, Mo., June 22, 1874; son of Charles T. and Ella (Rubey) Oglesby; educated at Warrensburg (Mo.) State Normal School; married, Warrensburg, Oct. 1, 1908, Mary B. Shouse; two children: Harriett Frances, Ella Katherine. Engaged in live stock and livery business at Warrens burg fifteen years; in service of Missouri Pa cific R. R. two years; railroad and warehouse commissioner of Missouri since Jan. 1, 1907. Democrat. Presbyterian. Member Masonic Or der, Knights of Pythias, Modern Woodmen of America, B. P. O. Elks. Office: 418 Chamber of Commerce. Residence: Jefferson City, Mo. O' GORMAN, Daniel D., physician and sur geon; born in County Cork, Ireland, Feb. 13, 1865; son of Daniel and Catherine (Naughten) O 'Gorman; educated at French College, Black- rock, Dublin, Ireland, 1878-82; Royal Univer sity of Ireland, Ledwitch School of Medicine, 1882-86; Royal College Physicians and Sur geons, Canada, and Trinity University Med ical College, Toronto, 1886-88, M.D., 1888; married, St. Louis, July 24, 1895, Kate M. Rilliet; children: Daniel R., Catherine M., John E., Richard J., Thomas Charles. En gaged in medical and surgical practice at Lincoln, Neb., 1888-94, then moved to St. Louis, where has since been in active prac tice. Supreme medical director Catholic Knights and Ladies of Ameriea; medical ex aminer, Knights of Columbus, Knights of 454 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS Father Mathew. Independent Democrat. Ro man Catholic. Office and Residence: 2839 Park Ave. O'HALLARON, Anthony A., lawyer; born, St. Louis, Jan. 5, 1875; son of Edward S. (resident of St. Louis since 1856) and Mary (Dunphy) O'Hallaron; educated in public schools of St. Louis; St. Louis High School, graduating, 1892; LL.B., Washington Univer sity, 1899; married, St. Louis, Aug. 1, 1900, Eugenia O'Neil; five children: Frances, Frank O'Neil, Anthony A., Jr., Margaret and Eu genia. Was in employ of U. S. postoffice while attending high school and of the N. O. Nelson Manufacturing Co. while a law stu dent at the university; admitted to bar, 1899, and since in practice at St. Louis; president Vandeventer Realty Co.; vice president Mc Kinley Bread and Baking Co., Mortgage Real ty Co., United Building Co., Vandeventer Amusement Co.; secretary and director Star Tile and Mantel Co.; director Hagerman-Fitz Simmons Realty Co., St. Charles Amusement Co. .Served as justice of the peace for the Fifth District of St. Louis, 1904-10. Demo crat. Catholic. Member St. Louis and Mis souri State Bar associations, Washington Uni versity Alumni Association, Knights of Co lumbus, St. Vincent de Paul Society. Clubs: Catholic, Missouri Athletic. Recreations: fishing and hunting. Office: 506 Olive St. Residence: 5875 Von Versen Ave. OHLSEN, Henry Richard, treasurer J. B. Sickles Saddlery Co.; born, St. Louis, July 8, 1868; son of Christian W. and Meta (Luhrs) Ohlsen; educated in public schools of St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Sept. 22, 1897, Paulena Hinzpeter; children: Irving Richard, May Virginia. Entered service of the J. B. Sickles Saddlery Co. (established 1834, incor porated 1881) in 1885, as entry clerk, and after serving in various capacities became treasurer of the company about 1900. Mem ber Royal League, Royal Arcanum. Club: Gilead Hunting and Fishing. Favorite recrea tions: handball, . hunting, fishing. Office: 21st St. and Washington Ave. Residence: 3834 Juniata St. OHMANN-DUMESNIL, Amant Henry, phy sician; bora, Paris, France, Sept. 30, 1857; son of F. L. and Mary Celestine Caroline (Dumesnil) Ohmann; graduated from College of Christian Brothers, 1873; State University of Missouri, M.E., C.E., A.M., 1877; St. Louis Medical College, M.D., 1878; married, 1891, Mrs. Lillie P. Beecher; 2d, Algiers, May 4, 1901, Mrs. E. A. Loring. Specialist in derma tology; professor of dermatology and syph- ilology, St. Louis College for Medical Practi tioners, 1881, St. Louis College of Physicians and Surgeons, 1882, Marion-Sims College of Medicine, 1895-97. Editor and proprietor of the St. Louis Medical and Surgical Journal; ed itor Medico-Legal Journal. Member American Geographical Society, International Congress of Dermatology, International Congress on Tuberculosis, St. Louis Academy of Medicine (president), St. Louis Medical Society, Mis souri State Medical Association, American Medical Association, International Medical Congress, etc. Author of Handbook of Derma tology, 1898; History of Syphilis (3 volumes), 1899; also many articles and monographs on same subjects. Office: Times Bldg. Residence: 3966 Lincoln Ave. O'MEARA, John Baptiste, quarry operator and general contractor, retired; born, St. Louis, June 4, 1850; son of Patrick and Mary (Dunn) O'Meara; educated in public schools and St. Louis University, graduating, A.B.; graduated Jones Commercial College as Mas ter of Accounts; married, St. Louis, June 4, 1874, Sallie Helm Ford (now deceased), who was a granddaughter of Governor Helm of Kentucky (grandfather, John Baptiste O 'Meara, was lieutenant in Walsh 's Regi ment of the Irish Brigade that served under Count de Rochambeau in the Revolutionary War). Was teller and assistant cashier Citi zens' Savings Bank, 1873; was in the stock and bond brokerage business with P. F. Kele her & Co. until 1880; in 1880 went into the quarry and contracting business established by father in 1833; was secretary and treas urer of the Hill-O'Meara Construction Co.; now president and treasurer O'Meara Real Estate and Investment Co. and vice president St. Louis Vitrified and Fire Clay Co.; retired from active business, January, 1912. Built all the roads and driveways at old St. Louis Fair Grounds (afterwards Jockey Club, now Fair Grounds Park), all roads and driveways in Vandeventer PL, Chamberlain Park, Clemens PL, Horton PL, Portland, Westmoreland and Fairmount places, Gibson Height, also many miles of paving and sewers, intake tower and tunnel at Chain of Rocks, two settling basins, Carleton Building, St. John's M. E. Church, Second Presbyterian, St. Luke's Catholic Church, Lindell Ave. M. E. Church; recon structed Exposition Hall into the Coliseum; built Syndicate Trust Co. Building; built Meramec Highlands Electric R. R. and changed the whole Lindell R. R. from horse power to electric. Democrat; was lieutenant governor of Missouri, 1892-96. Was a member of the original committee of 200 which organ ized the St. Louis World's Fair, for which he raised a large sum of money amongst his fel low contractors, his own firm donating the largest amount, and materially assisted in Washington, D. C, in obtaining the $5,000,- 000 appropriation. Member of National Guard since 1870, as private, captain, major and chief paymaster (now holds latter office). Catholic. Recreations: horseback riding, THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 455 dumbbell exercising, and fishing. Office: 306 Wainwright Bldg. Residence: 5347 Cabanne Avenue. O'NEIL, David N, lumber; born, St. Louis, July 23, 1874; son of Joseph and Catherine A. O'Neil; educated Manual Training School; LL.B., St. Louis Law School, 1898; married, St. Louis, June 10, 1903, Barbara Blackman; four children: David Blackman (deceased), George Blackman, Horton, Barbara. Began business career at age of eighteen in the real estate business, continuing until 1899, when became vice president and secretary of the O'Neil Lumber Co., wholesale and retail dealers in lumber (established 1867) ; presi dent same since 1908. Member Business Men 's League, Civic League. Clubs: University, St. Louis, City, Noonday, Racquet, Bellerive Country. Recreation: golf. Office: 1232 S. King's Highway Boul. Residence: 6300 For sythe Ave. O'NEIL, Frank R., journalist; 1851-1908; see Vol. 1906. O'NEIL, Henry, lumber; born, St. Louis, Nov. 29, 1855; son of Joseph and Eliza (Dwyer) O'Neil; educated in part at St. Louis University, then two years at Notre Dame University, South Bend, Ind., and re turned to St. Louis University; married, St. Louis, July 30, 1890, Sidney Rowley; children: Joseph, Henry, Jr., George Rowley. Began business career as clerk in Citizens' Savings Bank (of which father was president) and later became receiving teller; since February, 1881, in lumber business; in 1899 became pres ident of the O'Neil Lumber Co., wholesale and retail lumber merchants, from which busi ness he retired in the spring of 1910 to organ ize the Henry O'Neil Lumber and Land Co., of which concern he is now the president and treasurer. Formerly president Retail Lumber Merchants' Association. Catholic. Office: 1430 S. Vandeventer Ave. Residence: St. Regis Apts. O'NEIL, John Francis, president Fulton Iron Works; bora, Brockport, N. Y., Apr. 23, 1857; son of Daniel and Ellen (McMahon) O'Neil; educated in public schools of Corry, Pa.; mar ried, Dubuque, la., 1885, Jessie Bird Winall; children: Lawrence W., Sarah F. (Mrs. J. H. Wallace) and Ellen D. Learned trade of ma chinist at Corry, Pa., and followed it there un til 1879, when went to Dubuque, la., and worked at trade until 1888, becoming super intendent of Dubuque Iron Works; came to St. Louis, 1888, to assume position of general superintendent of the Fulton Iron Works, of which was later made viee president and gen eral manager; so continued until November, 1905, when was elected president. Member American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Club: Glen Echo. Favorite recreations: driv ing and automobiling. Office: 6300 Plymouth Ave. Residence: 4236 W. Pine Boul. O'NEILL, Edward Joseph, railway official; born, Newry, Ireland, Feb. 15, 1869; son of Peter J. and Anna (McGough) O'Neill; came to America with parents at age of two and one-half years; educated in St. Columbkill 's Parish School, and St. Louis University; mar ried, St. Louis, November, 1895, Mary E. Gavin; children: Florence, Marian, Esther, Dorothy. Bill clerk and chief bill clerk, Mis souri Pacific R. R., 1889-93; chief bill clerk, Iron Mountain & Southern, Missouri Pacific and Frisco railways, at Carondelet, 1893-1902; chief clerk Wabash R. R. freight department, 1902-03; contracting freight agent, 1903-04, and from 1904 to 1906 general agent Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific R. R. Co.; from 1906 to 1910 general agent for Frisco Lines; since general representative of all departments at St. Louis of the Chicago, Rock Island & Pa cific R. R. Co. Member Business Men's League. Was member of House of Delegates of St. Louis, one term, 1903-05; member Board of Education, April, 1907-1913. Catholic. Member Modern Woodmen, Knights of Co lumbus. Clubs: Mercantile, St. Louis Rail way, Missouri Athletic, Traffic of St. Louis. Recreations: hunting and fishing. Office: 703 Olive St. Residence: 6641 Vermont Ave. OPEL, Louis, wholesale merchant; 1842- 1910; see Vol. 1906. OPIE, Eugene Lindsay, pathologist; bom, Staunton, Va., July 5, 1873; son of Thomas and Sallie (Harman) Opie; A.B., Johns Hop kins, 1893, M.D., 1897; married Gertrude Lovat Simpson, of Montreal, Can., Aug. 6, 1902 (died May 2, 1909). Medical house offi cer, Johns Hopkins Hospital, 1897-98; assist ant, instructor, and associate in pathology, Johns Hospkins University, 1898-1904; pathol ogist to Bay View Asylum, 1898-1904; mem ber Rockefeller Institute for Medical Re search, 1904-10; visiting pathologist to Pres byterian Hospital, New York, 1907-10; pro fessor pathology, Washington University, since July 1, 1910, also dean Medical School same. Published studies on malarial para sites, 1898, on the anatomy and pathology of the pancreas, and relation of pancreas to dia betes, 1899-1902; studies of inflammation, tuberculosis and diseases of the liver and kid neys, 1902-12. Member Association of Amer ican Physicians, American Association Pathol ogists and Bacteriologists, American Medical Association, Medieo-Chirurgical Faculty of Maryland, New York Pathological Society, Society for Experimental Biology and Med icine, St. Louis Medical Society, St. Louis Academy of Science; fellow American Asso ciation for the Advancement of Science. Epis copalian. Author: Diseases of the Pancreas, 1902, second edition, 1911. Co-editor Journal of Experimental Medicine, 1904-10. Office: 1806 Locust St. Residence: 4474 Washington Boulevard. 456 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS OREAR, Celsus, secretary Blackwell-Wie- landy Book and Stationery Co.; born in Sa line Co., Mo., Apr. 6, 1869; son of Belvard J. and Margaret (Brenham) jprear; educated in public school and high school; married, Mar shall, Mo., 1898, Ida Noble; one daughter, Genevieve. Began in stationery business, 1888, as manager of a retail store at Mar shall; removed to St. Louis, 1892, and became connected with John L. Boland Book and Sta tionery Co., as traveling salesman in Texas for ten years; was one of the original stock holders and took part in organization, 1902, of the Blaekwell-Wielandy Book and Sta tionery Co., of which has been secretary' since 1904. Baptist. Mason, Knight Templar. Of fice: 1601 Locust St. Residence: 6111 Berlin Avenue. O'REILLY, Andrew J., civil and mechan ical engineer; born, Montgomery Co., Mo., Jan. 13, 1863; son of Thomas (M.D.) and Helen Barbour (Dunlop) O'Reilly; educated St. Louis public schools, 1869-74; Christian Brothers College, 1874-75; West Newton (Mass.) English and Classical School, 1875-77; Smith Academy, 1875-81; Washington Uni versity, 1881-82 and 1886-87; married at Wentzville, Mo., Nov. 3, 1883, Mary E. How ard, of North Brookfield, Mass.; seven chil dren: Thomas, Andrew and Mary, who are deceased, the others being Helen (Mrs. Thom as Caldwell, Jr.), Elizabeth, Janette and Mar garet. Began in engineering, 1887; conducted a pattern shop and draughting office until 1889; then assisted in erection of Municipal Electric Light and Power Co. 's plant and in stallation of electric light system for streets of St. Louis; supervisor of city lighting, 1890- 1903; engineer St. Louis Fire Prevention Bu reau during Louisiana Purchase Exposition; president Board of Public Improvements, 1905-09. Member American Institute Elec trical Engineers, American Association for Advancement of Science, St. Louis Engineers ' Club, St. Louis Academy of Science, St. Louis Museum of Fine Arts (board of control), Busi ness Men's League. Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner; member B. P. O. Elks. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Masonic, Circle. Recreations: reading, experimentation. Of fice: 1720 Pierce Bldg. Residence: 2207 S. Grand Ave. O'REILLY, Gerald Basil, real estate and financial agent; born, St. Louis, March 2, 1876; son of Michael B. and Mary C. (Dono van) O'Reilly; educated in St. Louis Univer sity, Bryant & Stratton Commercial College and St. Louis Law School; married, St. Louis, Nov. 15, 1899, Stella R. Reilly. In 1893 be came associated with father in real estate business (established, 1859), incorporated, 1901, as the M. B. O'Reilly Realty and In vestment Co.; was made vice president, and on death of father in 1907 became president; also secretary and treasurer of the Annex Realty Co. Interested in a number of realty and investment companies. President Cham- berlin Park Improvement Association. Presi dent St. Louis Real Estate Exchange, 1911; member Business Men's League, Mississippi Valley Kennel Club. Democrat. Roman Cath olic Fancier ot dogs. Office: 723 Chestnut St. Residence: 5334 Page Boul. O'REILLY, James Archer, physician; born, St. Louis, Sept. 24, 1879; son of Thomas and Mary (Archer) O'Reilly; educated in Frank lin (public) School; Smith Academy; A.B., Harvard University, 1902; M.D., Harvard Medical School, 1906; married, Cambridge, Mass., June 20, 1906, Jane Edith Lever; two sons: James Archer, Jr., Noel Lever. In prac tice in St. Louis since 1907; specializing in orthopedic surgery. Republican. Catholic. Member American Medical Association. Clubs : City, University, Bellerive. Recreations: golf, etc. Office: Metropolitan Bldg. Residence: 6369 Berlin Ave. O'REILLY, Joseph M., real estate; bom, St. Louis, Apr. 21, 1877; son of Michael B. and Mary C. (Donovan) O'Reilly; educated in St. Louis University until 1895; unmarried. Be gan business career, 1895, as clerk with the M. B. O'Reilly Realty and Investment Co., real estate and loans, and has continued with that company ever since, becoming secretary and treasurer Mar. 15, 1901. Served as cor poral of Company C, First Regiment, U. S. V., in Spanish- American War. Democrat. Office: 723 Chestnut St. Residence: 4498 Forest Park Boulevard. O'REILLY, Luke John, merchant tailor; born, St. Louis, Oct. 27, 1874; son of John and Mary (Corrigan) O'Reilly; educated in Cath olic parochial schools, St. Louis; married, St. Louis, June 23, 1903, Elizabeth Byrne. Began business career in J. G. Brandt shoe store as office boy for two years; clerk in American District Telegraph Co. 's office for six years, then for six years with M. E. Croak & Co., clothiers, until August, 1904, when became member of present firm of O'Reilly & Erd mann, tailors. Democrat. Catholic. Member Knights of Columbus, Knights of Father Mathew. Clubs: Tower Grove Turn Verein, Irish- American Athletic. Favorite recreation: baseball. Office: 613 Locust St. Residence: 3436 Utah St. O'REILLY, Michael Byrne, lawyer; 1838- 1907; see Vol. 1906. *0' REILLY, Patrick Francis, Catholic priest; now living in .Springfield, Mo.; see Vol. 1906. O'REILLY, Richard J., wholesale hardwood lumber; born, St. Louis, Aug. 24, 1870; son of Richard and Catharine (Duane) O'Reilly; educated in public schools of St. Louis, and in Christian Brothers College, in class of 1890; THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 457- married, St. Louis, 1903, Mary Ryan. Began business career in a minor office position with the Little Lumber Co.; later represented the company as a traveling salesman, until 1899, when with Jacob Mosberger established in wholesale hardwood lumber business under firm name of Mosberger & O'Reilly; in 1905 the business was incorporated as Mosberger- O 'Reilly Lumber Co., of which was secretary and treasurer until 1907, when firm name was changed to O'Reilly Lumber Co., of which is president. Roman Catholic. Recreation: motoring. Office: Main and Chambers Sts. Residence: 4773 Labadie Ave. O'REILLY, Robert Joseph, physician; born, Virginia, County Cavan, Ireland, Oct. 6, 1845; son of Michael and Mary (Smith) O'Reilly; came to St. Louis, June 9, 1854; educated in St. Louis public schools, 1854-56, St. Louis University, 1856-61, receiving certificate from commercial course of the school; M.D.,. St. Louis Medical College, 1868; studied at Halle- Wittenberg University, Vienna High School of Medicine, 1869-70, and at British schools of medicine, 1870-73; married, St. Louis, Apr. 19, 1887, Mary Agnes Martin; children: Cath erine, Edward M., Thomas A., Paul, John, Ruth, Annette, Charles D., also Joseph (de ceased). Served in U. S. commissary and aft erward as clerk in quartermaster's depart ment, during Civil War, as member of Com pany G, Ninth Regiment, Missouri State Mili tia. Engaged in practice of medicine in St. Louis ever since completing courses in med ical schools. President Dr. Thomas O'Reilly Estate Co., capitalized at $800,000; also presi dent National Investment Co., and director Mississippi Valley Trust Co. Member Amer ican Medical Association, Missouri State Med ical Association, St. Louis Medical Society. Republican. Roman Catholic. Recreation: lit erature. Office: 1107 N. Grand Ave. Resi dence: 27 Washington Terrace. ORB, Charles Jordan, physician; 1866-1908; see Vol. 1906. ORE, Edward Stevens; see Vol. 1906. ORR, 'Isaac Henry, lawyer; born, Louisiana, Pike Co., Mo., Feb. 14, 1862; son of Judge William Campbell and Eliza (Jordan) Orr; graduated from Louisiana High School, 1880; LL.B., St. Louis Law School (Washington University), 1883; married, San Jose, Cal., July 19, 1893, Ella V. Pitman. Began practice of law in offiee of Garland Pollard, 1883; partner with Harvey L. Christie, in law firm of Orr & Christie, 1885-96, then of Orr, Chris tie & Bates (Charles W. Bates), 1896-1900; dissolved the partnership and retired from general practice to devote entire attention to management of the Trust Department of St. Louis Union Trust Co., as trust officer. Mem ber American Bankers' Association (execu tive committee, trust company section, and law committee); member Civie League. Mem ber of St. Louis, Missouri State and American Bar associations. Republican. Presbyterian. Clubs: Noonday, Glen Echo, Bellerive Coun try, Maine Fishing and Hunting. Recreation: golf. Office: 401 N. 4th St. Residence: 5608 Cabanne PL ORRICK, Allen Cromwell, lawyer; born, St. Louis, Apr. 18, 1871; son of John C. and Penelope (Allen) Orrick; educated in Stod dard School; Smith Academy; A.B., Yale Uni versity, 1892; Harvard Law School, 1894; un married. Admitted to bar, 1894, and has since been engaged in practice in St. Louis; since Jan. 1, 1903, in present firm association, firm becoming Nagel & Kirby, June 1, 1905. Mem ber St. Louis and American Bar associations. Republican. Captain Company H, First Regi ment of Missouri National Guard, 1904-06; during Spanish-American War was corporal of Light Battery A, and went to Porto Rico. Clubs: University, Florissant Valley Country. Noonday, Bellerive. Office: 700 Security Bldg! Residence: 4512 Westminster Ave. ORTHWEIN, Max Robert; see Vol. 1906. ORTHWEIN, William D., grain merchant; born, Wiirttemberg, Germany, Feb. 9, 1841; educated in schools in Germany; came to United States in 1855, but later returned to Germany to complete education, coming back to United States in 1860; married, St. Louis, June 9, 1870, Emily H. Thuemmler; children: Fred O, Walter E., Alice S. (Mrs. Edward Heissler), Edgar T., William R., Nellie F., P. James, Mildred. Located in St. Louis in 1862; in employ of Haenshen & Orthwein, grain commission, until 1870; member Orthwein & Mersman, 1870-79, then Orthwein Bros, until 1893, when organized the William D. Orth wein Grain Co., of which is president; presi dent Kinloch Telephone Co. since 1905; di rector Mississippi Valley Trust Co. Clubs: Union, St. Louis, Log Cabin. Office: 10th and Locust Sts. Residence: 15 Portland PL ORVIS, Frank Ernest, automobiles; born, Girard, Kan., Apr. 12, 1871; son of Otto A. and Hattie P. Orvis; educated in public schools of Kansas City, Mo., and classical course in Washburn College, Topeka, Kan.; married, Kansas City, Dec. 19, 1892, Alice Swan; one daughter, Marguerite. Began busi ness career as teller and bookkeeper in Se curity Savings Bank, Kansas City, 1886-90; traveling salesman for Eudora Milling Co., Kansas City, 1890-92; in charge of branch house depot, Armour Packing Co., 1892-96; eame to St. Louis, September, 1896, and con nected with E. B. White, grain exporter, until 1897; then for a short time with William D. Orthwein, grain exporter;. secretary Orthwein Investment Co., 1898-1905; in bond business for self, 1905-11; since general manager War ren Garage and Renting Co. Member Mer chants' Exchange. Member Wagner Place M. 458 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS E. Church. Mason (32°), Shriner. Office: 4919 Delmar Boul. Residence: Webster Groves, Missouri. » ORVIS, Otto A., grain dealer; born, Edin- burg, Portage Co., O., Feb. 15, 1852; son of Reuben H. and Sarah E. (LaDue) Orvis; edu cated in district schools to thirteen; married, Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 8, 1878, Harriet P. Mcintosh; one son (stepson), Frank E. Orvis. Began as messenger with Western Union Tele graph Co.; learned telegraphy, worked as oper ator and entered railway service; was con nected with various railroads as station agent and train dispatcher altogether about twenty- two years. Entered grain commission business at Kansas City, 1890; since 1902 president The Orvis Grain and Sacking Co., shippers of grain, domestic and export. Member St. Louis Merchants' Exchange, St. Louis Grain Club. Christian Scientist. Member Ohio Society. Club: Missouri Athletic. Recreations: books, whist. Office: Chamber of Commerce. Resi dence: 5401 Cabanne Ave. OSTRANDER, Lewis Fay, president and general manager of the Continental Radiator and Foundry Co.; born, Bath, N. Y., Apr. 28, 1867; son of John J. and Ella E. (Fay) Os- trander; educated public schools,. St. Louis, 1872-81; Haverling University, Bath, N. Y., until 1885; married, Wheaton, 111., May 20, 1902, Jennie L. Perrine, of Lebanon, O.; one child, Richard Huntington. Began business career at St. Louis and Little Rock, Ark., as a salesman for father, 1885; apprentice steam and hot water heating trade, with firm of Rumsey & Sickemeier Co., 1886-87; traveling salesman for same firm, 1887-93; western dis tributing agent for The H. B. Smith Co., of Westfield, Mass., with headquarters at De catur, 111., 1893-1908-; engaged in the boiler radiator and foundry business, as first vice president and general manager of the Conti nental Radiator and Foundry Co., 1908-12; president and general manager same, since Jan. 1, 1912; also president and general man ager of Continental Foundry Corporation, of Fort Madison, la. Member Business Men's League, Grand Lodge and Local Council United Commercial Travelers, Travelers' Pro tective Association, Civic League of St. Louis. Republican. Congregationalist. Scottish Rite Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner; also member B. P. O. Elks, White Cross, and Mod ern Woodmen of America. Club: Arcadia Country. Recreations: fishing and hunting. Office: Continental Bldg., 1409 Olive St. Resi dence: 4922 Forest Park Boul. OTTOFY, Ladislaus M., physician; born, 1867. Homoeopath. Member St. Louis Society of Medical Research. Opponent of vaccina tion. Democrat. Office: 5233 Delmar Boul. Residence: 5228 Vernon Ave. OTTOFY, Leopold Frank, lawyer; born, Budapest, Hungary, Sept. 5, 1861; son of Leo pold and Aloysia (Lauffer) Ottofy; early edu cation in private schools in Europe; came to United States, 1874, and to St. Louis, 1876; attended public schools in Cincinnati and St. Louis; LL.B., St. Louis Law School (Law De partment of Washington University), 1882; married, Oct. 20, 1891, Mrs. Sarah Baker Sitlington, of Columbia, Mo.; children: Bessie (stepdaughter), James Carlisle, Frank Baker. Studied law with Judges D. D. Fisher and Franklin Ferriss, Clinton Rowell, and Frank M. Estes, then attended law school; admitted to bar, 1882, and since engaged in general practice. Jan. 1, 1900, originator of the cus tom now prevailing in state courts of St. Louis, of rising by members of the bar, on convening of the courts, as a mark of respect to the bench. Inventor of street flushing ma chine in general use in United States. Mem ber Civic League. Democrat until 1896, since Republican. Member American, Missouri State and St. Louis Bar associations. Mason (32°); member Missouri Consistory No. 1, A. & A. S. R., Knight Templar and Shriner. Club: City. Recreation: motoring. Office: Merchants-La clede Bldg. Residence: 5820 Clemens Ave. OUTTEN, Warren Bell, surgeon; 1844- 1911; see Vol. 1906. OVERALL, John Henry, lawyer; born, Co lumbia, Mo., Aug. 28, 1881; son of John Henry and Mary E. (Rollins) Overall; descendant of Bishop John Overall, dean St. Paul's Cathe dral, London, 1602-32, and one of principal translators of King James I Bible; grandson of Maj. James S. Rollins, founder of Univer sity of Missouri; grandson of Eliza Ann Over all, first woman in America to own and edit a newspaper; educated, public schools of St: Louis; Smith Academy, graduating, 1899; Yale University, Ph.B., 1902; St. Louis Law School, degree of LL.B., 1904; married, St. Louis, May 25, 1910, Martha Cupples Scudder, granddaughter of Samuel Cupples; one daugh ter, Amelia Cupples Scudder. Admitted to Missouri bar, 1903, and began practice in of fice of father, whose death occurred in same year; associated with F. N. Judson, father's former partner, 1903-10; now practicing alone; specializes in municipal bonds and law of in terstate commerce. Member St. Louis Bar As sociation, American Bar Association, Civic League. Formerly a member Battery A, Na tional Guard of Missouri. Democrat. Presby terian. Member Delta Psi. Clubs: Racquet, St. Louis Country. Author: Overall on Mu nicipal Bonds, 1912. Co-author: Judson on In terstate Commerce, 1905. While at college was a member of Yale track team and estab lished intercollegiate records, mile and half mile. Recreations: athletics in general. Of fice: New Bank of Commerce Bldg. Residence: Kingsbury Apts., 501 Clara Ave. THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 459 OVERSTOLZ, Herman Ludwig, steamship agent; 1861-1910; see Vol. 1906. OWEN, Charles William, secretary and treasurer North St. Louis Savings Trust Co.; born, New Albany, Ind., June 5, 1874; son of Charles Curtis and Emily (Collins) Owen; educated public schools; married, St. Louis, Nov. 14, 1907, Lena C. Koehler; two children: Bessie A., Charles William, Jr. Began as in vestigator of titles, 1889; then successively with the Lincoln Trust Co., Missouri Trust Co. and Missouri-Lincoln Trust Co., until 1906; assisted in organizing the West St. Louis Trust Co., with which continued, 1906-09; was an organizer, August, 1909, of the North St. Louis Savings Trust Co., of which has since been secretary and treasurer; director State Bank of Bay, Mo. Republican. Episco palian. Member National Union, Arlington Circle of the Protected Home Circle. Recrea tion: baseball. Office: 3500 N. Grand Ave. Residence: 4855 Maffit Ave. OWEN, WiUiam Henry, capitalist; 1840- 1911; see Vol. 1906. PADBERG, Lorenz Frederick, secretary Padberg Mercantile Co.; born, St. Peter, Minn., Sept. 28, 1867; son of Lorenz and Mar garet (Filler) Padberg; educated in parochial schools to 1883; married, St. Louis, May 4, 1892, Margaret Tiefenbrunn; six children: Lorenz J. V., Florence M., Margaret, Edwin M., George J., Lambert A. Engaged with father in mercantile business, 1881, and con tinued same ever since, now being proprietor. Also president of Mutual Brewing Co., and vice president Chippewa Bank. Member Na tional Association Retail Grocers; president St. Louis Retail Grocers' Association; presi dent Retail Liquor Dealers' Association. Re publican. Catholic. Recreation: home diver sions. Office and Residence: 3903 S. Broadway. PADDOCK, Gaius Foster, insurance; born, Alton, 111., Apr. 3, 1866; son of Gaius and Josepha (Foster) Paddock; educated at Smith Academy, St. Louis;- Episcopal Academy, Cheshire, Conn.; Ph. B., Yale University, 1890; unmarried. Began business career as chemist with the Carnegie Steel Co., Pitts burgh, Pa., 1891-92; engaged in mining opera tions in Sonora, Mexico, 1892-93; with Pad- dock-Hawley Iron Co., 1893-1906, since insur ance broker. Member Civic League. Episco palian. Club: University. Office: 118 N. 4th St. Residence: 3928 A Lindell Boul. PALAN, Abraham, wholesale and retail shoe dealer; born, Poland, Russia, June 26, 1871; son of Samuel and T.obia (Palan) Palan; self-educated; married, Poland, Oct. 3, 1890, Lillie Spalenitz; six children: Jacob A., Rob ert, Louis, Harry, Blanche, Jennie. Came to America, 1891; started shoe shop, 1892, and since 1906 has also engaged in wholesale shoe business. Republican. Jewish religion. Of fice: 805-7-11 Morgan St. Residence: 5885 Bartmer Ave. PALLETTE, W. Baird; see Vol. 1906. PALMER, Samuel Cornelius, clergyman; bora, Windham, Portage Co., O., Nov. 2, 1847; son of Sheldon and Hannah Eliza (Gifford) Palmer; A.B., Western Reserve College, Hud son, O., 1873; graduated Lane Theological Seminary, 1876; (D.D., Blackburn University, Carlinville, 111., 1895); married, Cincinnati, June 27, 1876, Annie J. Goodman (died 1906); children: Paul Gifford, Charles Goodman, Hor ace Ray, Robert Conrad, Leroy Sheldon. Pas tor of Presbyterian churches, Monroe, Butler Co., O., 1876-79, Lockland, O., 1880-83, Rush- ville, 111., 1884-88, Lafayette Park Church, St. Louis, 1889-1909, Macon, Mo., 1909-12; re turned to St. Louis. Member from its begin ning of Ohio Society of St. Louis (president, 1905-06). Republican. Mason. Club: Chi Alpha, X. A. Residence: St. Louis Co., Mo. PALMISANO, Charles Lawrence, president M. Longo Fruit Co.; born, Terminie, Sicily, July 12, 1874; son of Lawrence and Mary (Russo) Palmisano; received limited educa tion in Sicily; married, St. Louis, Sept. 15, 1900, Margerita Lapperito; three children, two deceased, one son living, Lawrence. Emi grated to America, 1899, and became con nected with fruit trade in St. Louis; one of organizers, 1903, of the M. Longo Fruit Co., wholesale dealers in fruits, of which has been president since 1906. Member board of di rectors St. Louis Fruit Buyers' Exchange Auction Co.; member St. Louis Fruit and Produce Exchange. Independent in politics. Catholic. Office: 713 N. 3d St. Residence: 2335 St. Louis Ave. PALMORE, William Beverly, clergyman; born, Fayette Co., Tenn., Feb. 24, 1844; son of William Pledge and Elizabeth Ann (Hob- son) Palmore; educated in private schools and Vanderbilt University (D.D., Central College, Fayette, Mo.). Served under Gen. John S. Marmaduke, C. S. A., and surrendered his division flag at close of Civil War; ordained to M. E. Church, South, ministry and began preaching in Kansas City, Mo., 1877; entered editorial work in St. Louis, 1890; editor and publisher St. Louis Christian Advocate. Has lectured and preached in nearly every coun try of the world since 1880; assisted in estab lishing Collegio Palmore in Mexico and Pal- more Institute in Japan. Member Second Ecumenical Methodist Conference, Washing ton, 1891, Third Ecumenical Methodist Con ference, London, 1901, and Four general con ferences of the church. Founder of Order of New Century Knighthood (boys). President board of curators of Central College for Women; ex-chaplain Missouri Senate, Mis souri State Penitentiary. Chosen Prohibition 460 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS nominee for Vice President of the United States, 1908, but declined. Prohibitionist. Recreations: literature and travel. Office: 3504 Washington Ave. Residence: 1414 Locust Street. PALTZER, Adolph Phillip, retired; born, Binsfeld, near Trier, Germany, Aug. 20, 1850; son of Jacob and Catherine (Faber) Paltzer; came to United States with parents in 1857 and to St. Louis in 1859; educated at St. Louis University; unmarried. Began business career July 1, 1868, as clerk with Forbes Bros. & White, wholesale tea dealers; two years later, Mr. White retired and the business was continued by A. P. and M. S. Forbes, under the firm name of Forbes Bros. & Co., until the death of A. P. Forbes in 1902, when it was in corporated as Forbes Bros. Tea and Spice Co., of which was vice president until 1910; now director of company. Director Midland Build ing Association. Catholic. Recreation: fish ing. Office: 112 Locust St. Residence: 2241 University St. PANCOK, Edward, expert accountant and chirographist; born, St. Louis, Apr. 15, 1862; son of Charles and Johanna (Holtmeyer) Pancok; graduated from the Jefferson public school, St. Louis, 1878, and from Jones Com mercial College, 1879; married, St. Louis, Sept. 19, 1888, Millie Milfeil; three children: Norma, Adeline and Louis. Was employed in the auditor's office of the Missouri Pacific Railway Co. until 1890, when he entered busi ness on his own account; was one of the or ganizers of the North St. Louis Savings Trust Co., 1909, and is vice president same, and in charge of the bond department; also secretary and treasurer North St. Louis Cooperative Store. Republican. Presbyterian. Mason (32°), Shriner. Club: Business Men's. Rec reations: rod and gun. Office: Grand Ave. and Hebert St. Residence: 3505 Sullivan Ave. PANK, C(hristopher) Waller, manager for Fairbanks, Morse & Co.; born, Port Rowan, Canada, Sept. 2, 1868; son of Christopher W. and Lucy Burroughs (Wakely) Pank; edu cated in common and high schools and Colle giate Institute at Port Rowan; married, Chi cago, Sept. 2, 1890, Marguerite Ella Gibson; children: Marguerite Waller, Phyllis Waller, Dorothy Gibson, Beatrice Marsden. In Janu ary, 1886, entered in employ, at Chicago, 111., of Fairbanks, Morse & Co., manufacturers and jobbers of Fairbanks Scales, gas and gasoline engines, steam pumps, windmills, rail road supplies, motors and generators, and en tire business life has been with that corpora tion; beginning as stenographer, January, 1886, becoming correspondent, 1887, and two years later a salesman; became department manager, 1891, city manager, 1896, at Chicago, and in January, 1901, was placed in charge of the firm's branch house in Kansas City, Mo., and in 1904 promoted to management of the St. Louis branch, the most important of the nineteen branch "houses of the company, con trolling the business in Missouri, Arkansas, Indian Territory, Texas, and the Republic of Mexico. Member Business Men's League. Episcopalian. Clubs: Mercantile, Normandie Golf. Recreation: golf. Offiee: corner 8th St. and Clark Ave. Residence: 5734 Bartmer Ave. PAPIN, Edward Villere, fire insurance; born, St. Louis, Dec. 2, 1869; son of Theo- phile and Emily (Carlin) Papin; educated at Smith Academy, St. Louis and Washington universities, and St. Louis Law School; mar ried, Pierremont, South St. Louis, Marie Julia, daughter late Charles P. Chouteau; children: Julia Maria, Edward Chouteau. Since 1890 engaged in general fire insurance business in St. Louis; also president Chouteau Investment Co.; vice president Julia Building Association. Democrat. Roman Catholic; ap pointed, j 912, private chamberlain at the Vat ican by Pope Pius X. Member Missouri His torical Society. Clubs: Racquet, Bellerive. Favorite recreations: traveling, hunting and photography. Office: 610 Rialto Bldg. Resi dence: 4642 Berlin Ave. PAPIN, Harry Edward, fire insurance; born, St. Louis, Feb. 1, 1870; son of Dr. T. L. and Lida (Yarnall) Papin; educated in public school and St. Louis University; married, St. Louis, Dee. 10, 1895, O'Lint Niedringhaus (now deceased); children: Pierre Loisel, Har ry Edward, Jr. Began business career with Boatmen's Bank, but on account of ill health went to Eureka Springs, Ark., and organized the Citizens' Bank, of which became cashier; then accepted position with the Chemical Na tional Bank, St. Louis, but resigned, 1896, to - become treasurer of Moffit-West Drug Co., wholesale drugs; since February, 1906, in the fire insurance business. Member Merchants' Exchange. Republican. Catholic. Clubs: St. Louis, Bellerive Country, Automobile, Mer cantile. Recreations: golf and motoring. Of fice: Pierce Bldg. Residence: 5055 McPherson Avenue. PAPIN, Theophile, Jr., real estate; born, St. Louis, Apr. 23, 1857; son of Theophile and Julia (Henrie) Papin; educated in youth in Paris, France, afterwards at St. Louis Uni versity, finishing at the University of Mar burg, Germany; unmarried. Has been engaged in the real estate business in St. Louis since 1882; member firm of Papin & Tontrup, es tablished originally by S. V. Papin and Theo phile Papin, Sr., in 1848, under style of S. V. Papin & Bro.; organized present firm in 1886, with Louis H. Tontrup. Member Real Estate Exchange. Club: St. Louis. Favorite recrea tion: old pictures. Office: 626 Chestnut St. Residence: 3765 Lindell Boul. PAPIN, William Booth, real estate; born, St. Louis, Dec. 2, 1868; son of Eugene and Mary T. (Booth) Papin; educated in public THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 461 schools of St. Louis; unmarried. Began busi ness career in office of his grandfather, Wil liam Booth, in 1890; and continued with him until 1899, when succeeded as sole proprietor of the real estate and financial agency under the old name of William Booth & Co. Member St. Louis Real Estate Exchange. Office: 108% N. 8th St. Residence: 4925 Berlin Ave. PAQUIN, Ozias, physician and surgeon; born, St. Andrews, Can., Aug. 28, 1864; son of Julien and Celina (Degardin) Paquin; edu cated in common schools and first college course at Rigaud, Can., to 1878; Missouri State University, 1885-87; graduated from St. Louis College of Physicians and Surgeons, 1888; then Post-Graduate College, New York, to 1894; married, St. Louis, Aug. 28, 1889, Jen nie F. Mullally; two children: Ozias M., Fran ces L. Since completing studies has been con tinuously engaged in practice of medicine and surgery. Democrat. Catholic. Member B. P. O. Elks, Royal League, Maccabees, Knights of Columbus. Recreation: motoring. Office: Cen tury Bldg. Residence: 7103 Waterman Ave., University City. PARK, John P., general freight agent, St. Louis Southwestern Ry. Co.; born, Blooming ton, 111., Aug. 21, 1860; son of Robert and Catherine (McSwiney) Park; educated in pub lic schools of Illinois; married, St. Louis, Mo., 1885, Sarah E. Connell; two sons: Robert and Harry E., and two daughters: Hannah W. (Mrs. George Woolley, Jr., of Columbia, S. O), and Mary V. First employment was with the St. Louis Transfer Co. as messenger, beginning August, 1876; continued with that company in various capacities, including the position of chief clerk, also foreman, leaving its service in 1888 to enter the railroad business. Was for several years thereafter in local office of the Missouri Pacific Ry. at St. Louis; later transferred to the freight traffic department of the same company, occupying the positions of rate clerk, chief rate clerk, assistant chief clerk; entered the employ of St. Louis South western Ry. Co. (Cotton Belt Route), July, 1896, filling the position of chief clerk in the rate department; transferred to Texas in Sep tember, 1898, remaining at Tyler until Mar. 8, 1901, during which period held position of chief clerk of freight traffic department of the St. Louis Southwestern Ry. Co. of Texas; returned to St. Louis, Mar. 9, 1901, as assist ant general freight agent of the St. Louis Southwestern Ry. Co. ; promoted, Sept. 1, 1902, to present position as general freight agent, same company. Member Legion of Honor of Missouri, Knights of Columbus. Clubs: The Traffic of St. Louis and The Traffic of Chi cago. Office: 1531 Pierce Bldg. Residence: 5706 Chamberlain Ave. PARKELL, Julius Burrett; see Vol. 1906. PARKER, Frank Stuart, real estate; see Vol. 1906. PARKER, George Washington, lawyer and railway official; bora, Springfield, 111., Aug. 12, 1836; son of Leonard Buford and Eliza beth (Fairleigh) Parker; father a native of Pennsylvania and mother of Kentucky; in in fancy taken by mother to Kentucky, on ac count of death of father, and reared in Ken tucky; educated in common schools; Eliza bethtown Academy; studied law in office of Col. Thomas B. Fairleigh, of Brandenburg, Ky.; LL.B., University of Louisville, 1861; married, Charleston, 111., Oct. 20, 1863, Nellie, daughter of Dr. Aaron Ferguson; five chil dren: Clarence F. (vice president Illinois Central R. R.), Charles M. (vice president and treasurer American Radiator Co.), Letticia, Bessie (wife of A. H. Brueggeman, of St. Louis), Gertrude (wife of Ewing Hill, Jr., of St. Louis). Learned printer's trade; editor and proprietor Elizabethtown (Ky.) Intelli gencer, two years, Glasgow Free Press, one year; member law firm of Wiley & Parker, Charleston, 111., 1861-76; successively local at torney, general counsel, viee president, gen eral manager, and elected president, 1887, St. Louis, Alton & Terre Haute R. R. (now part of Big Four System), continuing until road was sold to the Big Four, 1889; built St. Louis & Cairo Short Line, 1869-70, and in charge un til 1896, when it was sold to Illinois Central Ry. Located in St. Louis, 1876; was vice president Continental National Bank for more than twenty years; organized Union Trust Co., 1890, and served as its president; re signed, 1892, on account of ill health and made trip around the world. Republican; ex- mayor Charleston, 111.; member Illinois legis lature, 1868-69; Republican candidate for mayor of St. Louis, 1901. (Has never sought public office.) Methodist. Was director Lou isiana Purchase Exposition, now trustee; president American Railway Association, 1885-86; member Business Men's League, Civie League, Sons of Revolution. Mason. Clubs: St. Louis, Noonday, Methodist, City. Interested in civic affairs. Office: 705 Olive St. Residence: 4474 Westminster PL PARKER, Herbert Lawrence, manufacturer of electric motors; born, Pepperell, Mass., June 28, 1854; son of John Loring and Ma- rinda Corcoran (Blake) Parker; educated in district schools, Worcester (Mass.) public schools, and Worcester Polytechnic Institute; married, Morgan Park, 111., Apr. 2, 1892, Em ily L. King; children: King Lawrence, Her bert Lloyd, Katharine Amanda, Elizabeth Blake, Patricia. Was with John L. Parker & Co., manufacturers of seamless wrought iron goods, Worcester, Mass., 1870-72; served ap prenticeship as engraver, 1872-76; with King & Eisele Jewelry Co., Buffalo, N. Y., 1877-79; began railroading in 1880, with Fitchburg Railroad Co., Boston; went to Paso del Norte, Mexico, with Mexican Central Ry., 1882, Santa Fe R. R., Topeka, Kan., 1886, Mexican 462 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS National Ry., Chicago, 1888, Santa Fe general agent, City of Mexico, 1890; since 1892 presi dent of The Emerson Electric Maufacturing Co., manufacturers of eiectric motors and electric fans. Member Business Men 's League. Republican. Clubs: Glen Echo, Missouri Ath letic, Dardenne Hunting and Fishing, Lone Gum Island Outing, Maine Hunting and Fish ing. Recreations: hunting and fishing. Office: Washington Ave. and 21st St. Residence: 39 Washington Terrace. PARKER, John Carr, distiller and whole sale liquor dealer; born, Cincinnati, May 5, 1840; son of Benjamin Franklin and Cather ine (Carr) Parker; educated at Haire's Acad emy, Reading, O., 1850; College Hill (Ohio) Academy, 1852; Farmer's College, College Hill, 1853; Bartlett 's Commercial College, Cincinnati, graduating, 1856; commissioned, Apr. 20, 1861, first lieutenant Company D, Sixth Ohio Infantry; served under McClellan in West Virginia Campaign; resigned, Feb. 15, 1862; commissioned May 24, 1862, third master, U. S. Navy; promoted to acting mas ter, U. S. Navy, Oct. 1, 1862, upon recom mendation of Admiral D. G. Farragut, com manding West Gulf Squadron; promoted, Mar. 29, 1864, to acting volunteer lieutenant, U. S. Navy, for gallant and meritorious con duct, upon recommendation of Rear Admiral D. D. Porter, commanding Mississippi Squad ron; commanded U. S. ironclad steamer Essex; resigned July 15, 1865; married, Memphis, Tenn., Oct. 5, 1865, Laura M. Ayres; one son, John O, Jr. Member of firm of Wilshire, Parker & Co., bankers and brokers, Memphis, Tenn., 1865-71; removed to St. Louis, 1871, and engaged in distilling business; became member of firm of Fisher, Parker & Co., 1880, and upon consolidation of that firm with Mound City Distilling Co., was elected vice president of the company; resigned, February, 1895, and became vice president of Louisiana Distilling Co., and Southern Re-distilling and Rectifying Co., at New Orleans; returned to St. Louis, 1900, and founded Parker Distilling Co., of which is president. Episcopalian. Member Ohio Society of St. Louis, Missouri Commandery Military Order of the Loyal Legion, Order of Naval Veterans, Ransom Post, G. A. R., Navy League. Club: Mercan tile. Recreations: literature and art. Office: 213 Market St. Residence: 5404 Maple Ave. PARKER, Lemon, manufacturer of refrac tories; born, St. Louis, July 5, 1857; son of George W. and Russella Lucy (Russell) Parker; educated at St. Paul's School, Pal myra, Mo., and Jones Commercial College, St. Louis; married, St. Louis, 1895, Emily C. Mac- donald; two sons: George Macdonald and Harry L. In employ of Parker-Russell Mining and Manufacturing Co., 1872-80; with Dug- gan-Parker Hardware Co., 1880-84; at Key West, 1884-85; returned to St. Louis, 1886, and started in the factory of the Parker- Russell Mining and Manufacturing Co., manu facturers of gas retorts, etc.; in 1899 was made superintendent and later also vice presi dent; director Ellis Adding Typewriter Co. Member American Ceramic Society, Engi neers' Club of St. Louis. Republican; repre sented Twenty-fourth Ward in House of Dele gates, 1899-1901. Episcopalian. Recreation: motoring. Office: 3314 Morganford Rd. Resi dence: 3413 Oak Hill Ave. PARKER, Luman F., lawyer; deceased; see Vol. 1906. PARKER, Wilbur Fisk, real estate; 1855- 1908; see Vol. 1906. PARKHURST, William A. S., general man ager The N. K. Fairbank Co.; born, La Salle, 111., Feb. 8, 1863; son of James H. and Joseph ine (McCourt) Parkhurst; resident of St. Louis since 1871; educated in public schools ; married, Collinsville, 111., June 5, 1889, Flor ence Reynolds; children: Ruth, Tom, Adelaide and Bill. Began business career with Alkire Grocer Co., five years; became clerk in office of The N. K. Fairbank Co., in 1885, later bookkeeper and other positions, and since 1902 manager of the St. Louis branch of the company; also director R. B. Brown Oil Co. Member Merchants' Exchange, Business Men's League. Republican. Clubs: Mercan tile, Missouri Athletic, City. Recreations: hunting, fishing and physical exercise. Office: 1100-1200 S. 3d St. Residence: 3684 Lindell Boulevard. PARKS, James Julius, superintendent of Franklin Life Insurance Co.; bora in Rock Island Co., 111., Jan. 10, 1852; son of Henry H. and Martha (Gingles) Parks; A.B., A.M., Knox College, Galesburg, 111., 1872; married, Rock Island, 111., Sept. 30, 1875, Flora Con way; two daughters: Cleland (Mrs. W. M. Huntt), Elizabeth (Mrs. W. R. Bright). Ad mitted to bar in Illinois, 1874, practiced law for twenty years at Rock Island, 111., Wichita, Kan., and Missouri, and was city attorney of Rock Island for two years; began in insur ance business in Iowa in 1896, for the New York Life Insurance Co.; since 1902 with the Franklin Life Insurance Co., of Springfield, 111., and since 1903 superintendent of office at St. Louis. Member First Presbyterian Church. President Presbyterian Brotherhood of St. Louis, State Sunday School Association; mem ber Young Men's Christian Association. Ma son; member Knights of Pythias. Favorite recreation: baseball. Office: 1314 Syndicate Trust Bldg. Residence: 4323 Morgan St. PARRISH, Dinks Lucien, laundryman: born, Bowling Green, Va., Mar. 7, 1855; son oi Rev. John G. and Elizabeth (Bunbury) Par- rish; mainly self-educated; married, St. Louis, Nov. 28, 1878, Aggie Cooper; three children: Williamina, Grace, Isabel. Began active ca- THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 463 reer in men 's furnishing goods business, at 211 N. 5th St., St. Louis, 1876; continued un der title of Sellers & Parrish, 1876-1902, when sold out, became connected with laundry busi ness, 1892, and is now president of the Dinks L. Parrish Laundry Corporation, St. Louis; also president Dinks Parrish 's Slowest Laun dry Co., Oklahoma City, Okla. Member Mis sissippi Valley Kennel Club (board of gov ernors), St. Louis Horse Show Society (exec utive committee). Mason (32°), Knight Tem plar. Club: Missouri Athletic Recreations: saddle horses and athletic sports. Office: 3126- 3128 Olive St. Residence: 5607 Cabanne Ave. *PARRISH, John George, Jr., physician; moved to Portland, Ore.; see Vol. 1906. PARSON, John R., Grand Secretary of Masonic Grand Lodge of Missouri; born, Buf falo, N. Y., Feb. 24, 1839; son of Timothy and Agnes (Templeton) Parson; educated in pub lic and high schools of Buffalo, N. Y.; mar ried, St. Louis, July 8, 1872, Emmeline Woods; one daughter, Eva Templeton. Came to St. Louis in 1859, and engaged in regalia and flag business as a member of the firm of Parson & Co. Organized corporation of John R. Parson Flag and Regalia Co., and was its president until 1.904, when gave up business to accept position of Grand Secretary of Grand Lodge of Masons of Missouri, to which was appoint ed Oct. 22, 1904. Has attained thirty-third degree in Scottish Rite, and has held highest office in all the Masonic grand bodies of Mis souri, viz.: Grand Lodge, Grand Chapter, Grand Council, Grand Commandery, and Con sistory. Presbyterian. Office: 313 Roe Bldg. Residence: 5639 Cates Ave. *P ARSONS, Robert Edward, business man ager; moved to Kansas City, Mo.; see Vol. 1906. PARSONS, Scott Elijah, surgeon; born, St. Louis, Jan. 21, 1872; son of Scott Burrill and Henrietta (Knight) Parsons; educated in pub lic schools of St. Louis, Foster Academy, Washington University; graduated from Per kins & Herpel Mercantile College; M.D., Homoeopathic Medical College of Missouri, 1894; married, April, 1894, May Frances Claphamson; children: Scott Ghion, Jane F. Engaged in practice in St. Louis in 1894, spe cializing in surgery. Member St. Louis Sur gical Club, St. Louis Medical Society, Mis souri Institute of Homoeopathy, American In stitute of Homoeopathy, Hahnemann Club, American Homoeopathic Surgical Society. Episcopalian. Member Phi Alpha Gamma. Mason; Tuscan Lodge, Missouri Consistory, Moolah Temple, Mystic Shrine. Member Le gion of Honor. Recreations: billiards, hunt ing and fishing. Office and Residence: 4052 Washington Boul. PARTENHEIMER, Edwin Frederick, treas urer Geller, Ward & Hasner Hardware Co.; born, Brunswick, Mo., May 30, 1862; son of Frederick and Verona (Meyer) Partenheimer; educated in St. Louis public schools until 1878; married, St. Louis, Mar. 27, 1884, Amelia Selb; children: Edwin B., Percival H., Arthur R., Esther E. Went to Paris, Ky., 1878, and engaged with William Davie & Co., distillers, and learned trade of compounder of spirits, continuing until 1880; returned to St. Louis and entered employ of C. Conrad & Co., original Budweiser Beer bottlers, with whom remained until 1882; then in under taking business, with August Kron Livery and Undertaking Co. until 1888, as credit clerk; with Simmons Hardware Co. until May 1, 1902', when joined in organization of the Geller, Ward & Hasner Hardware Co., whole sale and retail hardware, of which has since been treasurer. Republican. Member Knights of Pythias. Favorite recreations: hunting and fishing. Office: 412 N. 4th St. Residence: 1426 Penrose St. PARTRIDGE, J. Ashley, vice president and treasurer American Bed Co.; born, White water, Wis., Sept. 28, 1849; son of John S. and Henrietta (Johnson) Partridge; educated in public schools, Whitewater; Milton (Wis.) College; also under private tutors; married, Whitewater, Nov. 7, 1872, Ella Branch; one daughter, Grace (Mrs. F. W. Smith, of Phila delphia). Began active career as bookkeeper for Winchester & Partridge Manufacturing Co., Whitewater, 1870; became secretary and later president same, continuing with the company until 1892; secretary Standard Smelting and Refining Co., Durango, Colo., 1892-96, and engaged in mining and smelting enterprises until 1900; financial manager at Winthrop, Cal., for J. R. De Lamar's Bully Hill Mining and Smelting Co., 1900-04; since April, 1904, with American Bed Co., St. Louis. Republican. Christian Scientist. Director St. Louis Furniture Board of Trade (president, 1910) ; secretary adjustment bureau St. Louis Credit Men's Association; member Business Men's League, etc. Office: 18th St. and Park Ave. Residence: 2225 Park Ave. PASQUIER, Joseph, assessor; 1835-1912; see Vol. 1906. PATTERSON, James Milton, business man and foreign missionary secretary; born on farm in Tennessee, July 15, 1865; son of Al len H. and Adaline (Wilder) Patterson; pub- lie schools and two years at University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn.; married, Evans ville, Ind., 1890, Mary Johnson; two children: C. Edward and Virginia. Served as book keeper and accountant for fifteen years; came to St. Louis, 1899; organized and successfully promoted the Arkansas Orchard Planting Co., Highland, Ark., also The Patterson Orchard Co. and The Patterson-Pope Marketing Co., both of St. Louis; president of two companies last named, growers and packers of fancy peaches (more than 80,000 trees) in south- 464 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS west Arkansas. Democrat. Presbyterian (U. S. A.) ; secretary Presbyterian Board of For eign Missions for the South and Southwest since 1899. Member Kappa Sigma Fraternity. Mason. Club: Mercantile. Recreation: fishing. Office: 1421 Wright Bldg. Residence: 10 Parkland PL PATTISON, Everett Wilson, lawyer; born, Waterville, Me., Feb. 22, 1839; son of Robert Everett and Frances (Wilson) Pattison; A.B., Waterville (now Colby) College, Maine, 1858; A.M., Shurtleff College, Illinois, 1867; married, June 15, 1861, Marcia Scott Whitehouse (died May 20, 1884); 2d, Sept. 24, 1892, Alice M. Gould. Principal West Gardiner Academy, Maine, 1859; professor in Oread Institute, Worcester, Mass., 1859-61; volunteered at Bos ton, May 28, 1861, as private in Company I, Second Massachusetts Infantry; made first sergeant same company; second lieutenant and first lieutenant Company E; captain Company F, same regiment. In practice of law at St. Louis since 1865; was attorney of the St. Louis School Board for two terms, beginning 1877. Author of Digest of Missouri Reports (nine volumes); a work on Missouri Code Pleadings, and one on Criminal Instructions — also four articles in American and English Cyclopedia of Law; has contributed to vari ous law journals. Republican. Member Loyal Legion, Grand Army of the Republic, Phi Beta Kappa Society. Clubs: City, Normandie Golf. Office: Rialto Bldg. Residence: 4254 Olive St. PATTON, Fred William, physician and sur geon; born, Pierpont, O., July 29, 1855; son of C. H. and Charlotte (Shave) Patton; gradu ated from Mt. Vernon (111.) High School, 1877; M.D., Miami Medical College, Cincin nati, 1884; married, Covington, Ky., Feb. 25, 1885, Maggie Barney; children: Lottie May, Charles Heywood. Went to Garfield, Kan., 1878; farmed two years, then returned to Mt. Vernon, 111.; after graduation practiced at Mt. Vernon, 1884-97; appointed local surgeon for the Louisville & Nashville R. R., 1884, Louisville, Evansville & St. Louis, 1889, Jack sonville & Southeastern R. R., 1894, Chicago, Paducah & Memphis R. R., 1894, Chicago & Eastern Illinois R. R., 1897; appointed U. S. examining surgeon at Mt. Vernon, 1884, and served eight years; in general practice in St. Louis since 1897. Member Southern Illinois Medical Society, St. Louis Medical Society. Republican. Methodist. Office: 925 Belt Ave. Residence: 5572 Vernon Ave. PAULEY, Frank Charles, president St. Louis Vitrified and Fire Brick Co.; born near Berlin, Germany, Oct. 20, 1843; son of Wil liam H. and Wilhelmine (Grueneberg) Pauley; educated in public schools of Lockport, N. Y.; served two years in Second New York Mount ed Rifles, Army of the Potomac; married, St. Louis, June 26, 1869, Lena Kaut; children: Marie (Mrs. F. W. Christmann), Dr. William H., Estelle (Mrs. Dr. Pritchard), Lillian (Mrs. Ed. Damaske), Helen (Mrs. H. Erneman), Daisy, Frank O, Jr. After being mustered out of army at Petersburg, Va., Aug. 10, 1865, came to St. Louis; embarked in retail drug business as F. C. Pauley, at corner of Easton and Compton Aves.; sold out in 1901, and in corporated the St. Louis Vitrified and Fire Brick Co., manufacturers of fire brick, tile, cupola blocks and fire clay goods of all kinds, of which is president. Republican; served two terms in House of Delegates, 1895-99. Presbyterian. Member Legion of Honor, Ran- some Post No. 131, G. A. R. Recreation: gar dening. Office: 306 Wainwright Bldg. Resi dence: 939 Maple PL PAULL, Cornelius H.; born, Berkley, Mass., Oct. 22, 1848; son of Joseph S. and Laura E. (Lothrop) Paull; educated in Berkley district schools, Myricksville (Mass.) Academy, and Pierce Academy, Middleboro, Mass., graduat ing, 1865; married at Buffalo, N. Y., 1905, to Alma A. Mitchell. Began business career June 1, 1866, with Taunton Tack Co., Taun ton, Mass., of which was clerk and book keeper, 1866-72, traveling salesman, 1872-79, local agent at Chicago, 111., 1879-87; recalled to factory office, Taunton, as manager, 1887-90; traveling salesman, 1890-92; since Taunton Tack Co. was merged, with others in same line, into the Atlas Tack Co., has been in service of latter company; traveling salesman, 1892-96; since 1896, located in St. Louis as agent for St. Louis and west to the Pacific Coast. Episcopalian. Mason. Office: 801 Na tional Bank of Commerce Bldg. Residence: 6003 Etzel Ave. PAULY, George A. ("Ed" Pauly), vice president G. A. Pauly Hardware Co.; born, St. Louis, May 30, 1881; son of Gerhard A. and Lena (Heekman) Pauly; educated at Divoll Grammar School and Central High School, St. Louis; unmarried. Entered employ of the G. A. Pauly Hardware Co., 1898, and has ever since been connected with the or ganization; upon incorporation of company, 1902, was elected secretary and has served as vice president since 1906; assisted in organ ization of the Hodiamont Bank, 1910, and has since filled office of vice president same. Re publican. Methodist. Mason; member Rose Hill Lodge No. 550, A. F. & A. M.; St. Louis Chapter, R. A. M.; St. Aldemar Commandery No. 18, K. T. Recreation: traveling. Office: 6072 Maple Ave. Residence: 6229 Washington Boulevard. PAULY, Peter Joseph, president Pauly Jail Building Co.; born, Miesenheim Rhein, Ger many, May 23, 1832; son of Christian and Catherine (Holzhauer) Pauly; educated in schools in Germany; came to St. Louis from Germany, with parents, in 1846; educated self in English; married, Oct. 9, 1853, Catherine THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 465 Hahn (born in St. Louis Co., 1836; celebrated golden wedding, Oct. 9, 1903; died Sept. 1, 1911); children: Peter J., Jr., Josephine (de ceased), Mary V. (wife of Dr. William J. Pohrer), John W., Katie E. (deceased). Learned trade of blacksmith at Gaty Foun dry, St. Louis; established firm of P. J. Pauly & Bro. (with brother, John Pauly), as steam boat blacksmiths, 1856; on decline of steam- boating, 1870, made jail and prison building a specialty; incorporated, 1885, the Pauly Jail Building Co., of which is president; also president of Lafayette Bank. Member Busi ness Men's League. Catholic. Progressive Democrat; was member Missouri legislature, 1871, 1872. One of old volunteer firemen, be longed to St. Louis No. 4, and now member of the Volunteer Firemen's Historical Society and Missouri Historical Society. Favorite rec reation: playing billiards at his home. Office: 2215 De Kalb St. Residence: 2232 S. Grand Avenue. PAVEY, Frederick Charles, president of Pavey Fuel Co.; bora, St. Louis, Oct. 17, 1875; son of Reuben Wilson and Margaret Jane (Lynn) Pavey; educated in public schools of St. Louis; married, St. Louis, June 15, 1898, Lottie May Morrison; one son, Frederick Wil liam Wilson Pavey. Left school at fourteen because of poor health; began business career in 1890 with Hon. Rolla Wells, and in 1892-93 was with the Missouri-Illinois Coal Co.; was connected with the St. Louis Big Muddy Coal Co., 1893-1902, until The Hurricane Coal Co. was organized, June 1, 1902, when was elected secretary-treasurer, also director and as sistant general manager; firm dissolved, Feb. 28, 1909, and on Mar. 1, 1909, became presi dent Pavey Fuel Co. Republican. Methodist. Mason. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, King's Lake. Recreations: motoring, hunting and fishing. Office: 339-340 Pierce Bldg. Resi dence: 5221 Kensington Ave. PAVEY, Reuben Wilson, retired; born, Al- lensville, Boone Co., Ky., Aug. 11, 1843; son of Eli R. and Catherine (Wilson) Pavey; edu cated in public schools of Kentucky and Illi nois; married, Warsaw, 111., June 16, 1862, Margaret J. Lynn; children: Clara E. (Mrs. Arnold Bassett), Maude K. (Mrs. B. Taylor), Fred C. Began business career on the Mis sissippi River as a boy, followed steamboating on Mississippi, Missouri and Ohio rivers and the Gulf of Mexico for thirty-three years, and was for twenty-nine years chief engineer of the Anchor Line, plying between St. Louis and New Orleans. General sales agent of the St. Louis & Big Muddy Coal Co., 1893-1902; vice president and general manager Hurricane Coal Co., 1902-10, when retired. Methodist. Mason. Odd Fellow. Residence: 4774 Ham mett PL *PAVYER, Benjamin J., machinist; see Vol. 1906. PAXSON, Alfred Allen, lawyer; born, Win chester, Scott Co., 111., Dec. 10, 1844; son of Stephen and Sarah (Pryor) Paxson; A.B., Illi nois College, Jacksonville, 111., 1868, A.M., 1870; LL.B., Law Department of Washington University, 1870; married, St. Louis, Oct. 8, 1873, Julia L. Hart; four children: Nellie, Harry, Pryor and Ruth. Practiced in St. Louis, 1870-73, when removed to Texas and con tinued practice, also serving as district attor ney under appointment of Judge M. H. Bon ner; returned to St. Louis, 1877, and since in general practice; provisional judge Court of Criminal Corrections for six months in 1890, and judge of the Second District Police Court, 1891-95. Member American Bar Association, Legion of Honor. Democrat. Member Eng lish Evangelical Lutheran Church. Recrea tions: walking, fishing. Office: 1723 Pierce Bldg. Residence: 5558 Vernon Ave. PAYKEN, John Rudolph Herman, retired manufacturer; born, Bremen Lehe, Germany, Oct. 21, 1837; son of Nicholaus and Elizabeth (Trentephol) Pay ken; educated in common schools, Germany; came to America, 1853; married, St. Louis, July 20, 1861, Katherine Hofferberth (died April, 1911); six children, three living: Rudolph, Herman, Alma. Began business career as grocery clerk, New York, 1853, and continued until 1857; engaged in business for self, 1857-59; removed to St. Louis, 1860, and worked as a laborer on steamboats for a few months; then was con nected with wine and liquor business continu ously for twenty-five years; in 1886 engaged in manufacturing chains, singletrees, yoke hangers and saddlery hardware; was vice president and manager of Nixdorff-Krein Manufacturing Co., 1886-1911, when retired from active business, but still holds interests in company as before. Director Protestant Orphans' Home; president St. Louis Bundes- ehor. Republican. Protestant. Odd Fellow. Recreations: singing, traveling and charitable work. Residence: 2253 Holly Ave. PAYNE, Benjamin Howard, general pas senger agent Missouri Pacific Ry.; born, Lex ington, Ky., Nov. 1, 1861; son of Walter S. and Maria Louise (Ingels) Payne; educated in schools in Kentucky; married, St. Louis, Oct. 28, 1891, Chaille F., daughter of Col. Wm. Hyde; children: Chaille Howard, William Hyde. Entered railroad service, October, 1879, as offiee boy in general passenger office, Kentucky Central R. R., Covington, Ky.; af terwards worked for several roads in Cincin nati, became rate clerk in general passenger department of Missouri Pacific Ry., Jan. 1, 1887, and in June, 1892, was appointed assist ant general passenger and ticket agent, same road, which position he occupied until Jan. 1, 1908, when he became general passenger agent. Democrat. Episcopalian. Club: Mer cantile. Favorite recreation: horticulture. 466 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS Office: 203 Missouri Pacific Bldg. Residence: 343 Oakwood Ave., Webster Park. PAYNE, Samuel Goodman, stock broker; bom, Morris, 111., Jan. 16, 1866; son of Peter Clark and Martha (Hawkins) Payne; educat ed in Wentz private school, 1871-72; St. Charles Military Academy, 1872-73, and St. Louis public and high schools; married, St. Louis, February, 1892, Ruth Buck; children: Ruth K., S. Gaylord, Goodman B. Began busi ness career as messenger on 'change and later telegraph operator for the Western Union Telegraph Co.; telegraph operator for St. Louis & Iron Mountain Ry. Co.; telegraph operator in general manager's office of Wab ash Ry., under Col. A. A. Talmage; then re porter Globe-Democrat; afterward operator in 'change at Chicago; since 1888 in brokerage office; now senior member of Payne & Becker, stock, bond and grain brokerage. Member Chicago Board of Trade, St. Louis Merchants ' Exchange. Member First Christian Church. Clubs: Mercantile, Glen Echo, St. Louis Elks. Office: Ground floor Chemical Bldg. Resi dence: 5575 Chamberlain Ave. PEABODY, William Russell, general freight agent, St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern R. R.; 1849-1909; see Vol. 1906. PEACHY, John Robert, railway official; see Vol. 1906. PEARCE, Stanley Dodd, lawyer; born, Bloomfield, Ky., July 5, 1877; son of Eugene Hamer and Annie Elizabeth (Armstrong) Pearee; educated at Centre College, Danville, Ky., 1891-95; Kentucky Wesleyan College, Winchester, Ky., 1895-96, A.B., 1896; LL.B., University of Virginia Law Department, 1899; married, Nashville, Tenn., Nov. 4, 1903, Odie- lein McCarthy; children: ' Stanley Dodd, Jr. (deceased), Odielein, Nellie Lee. Admitted to bar, June 17, 1899; has been engaged in prac tice of law in St. Louis since Nov. 14, 1899; member firm of Boogher & Pearee, 1900-02, Webb, Boogher & Pearee, 1902-03, Boogher, Pearee & Davis, 1903-05, Pearee & Davis, 1905-07, Pearee, Davis & Curlee, 1907-11; has since practiced alone. Democrat. Southern Methodist. Member of Missouri Historical Society, St. Louis Bar Association, Civie League. Alderman of Kirkwood, Mo., 1911. Past Chancellor Knights of Pythias. Inter ested in Boy Scout work. Office: 1307 Wright Bldg. Residence: Kirkwood, Mo. PEARCY, Claude Otis, lawyer; born, Thorn field, Mo., Jan. 6, 1881; son of George Wash ington and Josephine M. (Lyon) Pearcy; edu cated in Marionville (Mo.) public schools: Stanberry Normal School; Mountain Grove public schools; Thornfield Normal School University of Missouri, 1897-1900; Law De partment, University of Missouri, 1903-06 graduating with degree of LL.B., 1906; mar ried Isabel Frances Johnston, of St. Louis Aug. 17, 1911. Admitted to Missouri bar 1906; assistant attorney for Missouri, Kansas & Texas Ry., 1906-10; in general practice alone since 1910. Served in Spanish-American War for seven months. Republican. Protes tant. Member St. Louis Bar Association. Odd Fellow. Recreations: reading, fishing. Office: 624 Wainwright Bldg. Residence: 4126 Con necticut St. PEARCY, Elmer E., lawyer; born, Thorn- field, Ozark Co., Mo., July 8, 1879; son of George W. and Josephine (Lyon) Pearcy; educated in Marionville (Mo.) public schools; Stanberry (Mo.) Normal School; Mound Grove High School, 1891-93; Thornfield Nor mal School, 1893-95; student University of Missouri, 1896-97, 1898-99 and 1900-04, gradu ating from Law Department, degree of LL.B., 1904; married, St. Louis, July 2, 1910, Patri cia McCord; one daughter, Ruth. Admitted to bar, 1904, and engaged in general practice in St. Louis; associated with firm of Klein & Hough, 1907-09; appointed third assistant city counselor, January, 1910, now first assistant. Instructor in City College of Law, 1911. Re publican. Member St. Louis Bar Association, St. Louis Law Library Association; Royal Arcanum. Served as private Fifth Missouri Regiment, U. S. Volunteer Service, May 1- Nov. 12, 1898, Spanish- American War; major Cadet Battalion at University of Missouri, 1904; captain Company H, First Regiment, Missouri National Guard, 1908-09. Clubs: City, Million Population. Recreation: litera ture. Office: 234 City Hall. Residence: 718 Clara Ave. PEARSON, Edward J., first vice president Missouri Pacific Ry.; born, Rockville, Ind., Oct. 4, 1863; son of Leonard and Lucy (Jones) Pearson; educated in public schools to 1879; entered engineering department Cornell University, 1879, graduated, 1883; married, Evanston, HI., 1899, Gertrude S. .Simmons; one child, Harlow S. Began railroad career in engineering department Missouri Pacific R. R., 1881, on the extension from Atchison to Omaha, for about five months; railway con struction in Indian Territory and Texas, 1882; terminal construction at Portland, Ore., 1883- 84. Became supervisor of St. Paul and Minne sota Division, Northern Pacific Ry., 1884, in charge of construction train service until 1890; division engineer same road on lines east of Livingston, 1890-92; principal assist ant engineer Wisconsin Central Ry., Chicago & Calumet Transfer Co., and Chicago Termi nals (leased by Northern Pacific Ry.), 1892- 94; with Northern Pacific By., 1894, as super intendent of Yellowstone, Rocky Mountain and Pacific Divisions, and assistant general superintendent in charge transportation, then chief engineer, same road, 1905; chief engi neer O., M. & P. S. Ry., 1906-11; first vice president Missouri Pacific Ry. since June 1, 1911. Member American Society Civil Engi- THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 467 neers. Clubs: St. Louis, Mercantile, Noonday (St. Louis), Kansas City (Kansas City). Rec reation: outings. Office: Missouri Pacific Bldg. Residence: 24 Kingsbury PL PEARSON, Orin F., lumberman, retired; born, Potosi, Mo., Dec. 16, 1866; son of Wes ley R. and Lucy J. (Woolford) Pearson; edu cated in public schools and Washington Uni versity; married, Oct. 20, 1897, Lela M. Bird; three children: Lucile, Orin Ford, Richard Bird. Entered lumber business under father, firm of G. & W. R. Pearson, incorporated, 1897, as W. R. Pearson Lumber Co. of Arkan sas, of which was treasurer; became president and secretary after death of father, Jan. 9, 1898; sold out, 1901, removed to St. Louis, and was elected first vice president Big Four Lumber Co.; an organizer and general man ager Grant Lumber Co., a Louisiana corpora tion; retired from active business, 1902. Resi dence: 28 Windemere PL PECK, John Adams, trustee of estate of Charles H. Peck; bora, St. Louis, Feb. 13, 1859; only living male child out of seven brothers, and two sisters; son of Charles H. Peck (who died July 3, 1899, at age of eighty- two years) and Rebecca (Adams) Peek (who died May 10, 1909, at age of eighty-nine years) ; parents came to St. Louis in 1837, and were married May 31, 1840, by Rev. Dr. William S.- Potts; educated in Washington University and in Illinois Industrial Univer sity, leaving latter while a member of sopho more class, in 1879; married, St. Louis, Dec 5, 1882, Alice J. Hilton; one daughter, Mar garet Mary Peck. Was buyer for drug firm of Jacob S. Merrell in 1877, but in fall of 1877 went back to college; became collector for Goulds & Ostrander, 1879, continuing until 1881, when went to Wellington, Kan., where was in drug business with cousin until 1882; returned to St. Louis and collected father's rents until 1887; in employ of L. M. Rumsey Manufacturing Co., 1887-89; then in real es tate business with brother Stephen; now one of the trustees of .estate of Charles H. Peck. Member Real Estate Exchange. Chairman Grand Lodge Finance Committee, Ancient Or der United Workmen, from 1902 to 1907. Formerly Great Keeper of Wampum Improved Order of Red Men and member Missouri Fra ternal Congress. Office: 207 Liggett Bldg. Residence: 3954 Westminster PL PECK, Stephen, real estate; 1847-1911; see Vol. 1906. PECKHAM, Osgood H., president National Candy Co.; born in New York state, Sept. 9, 1844; son of George T. and Cynthia M. (Os good) Peckham; educated at Pulaski Acad emy, Pulaski, N. Y.; married, Utica, N. Y., Oct. 12, 1876, Fannie Sherwood; children: Frank E., Marie Frances (Mrs. S. Graham Wil son); married, 2d, Syracuse, N. Y., Mar. 3, 1891, Susie H. Clark. Was traveling' salesman in grocery line out of Chicago for seven years before coming to St. Louis in 1873 and estab lishing in candy business as O. H. Peckham Co.; later became successively Dunham, Peck ham & Co., O. H. Peckham & Co., and O. H. Peckham Candy Manufacturing Co., which, with seventeen other candy manufacturing concerns, formed in 1902 the National Candy Co., of which has been president since 1903. President Clinton Sugar Refining Co., of Clin ton, la.; director Merchants-Laclede National Bank. Member Business Men's League, Civic League. Republican. Presbyterian. Clubs: St. Louis, Noonday, St. Louis Country, Commer cial. Recreations: golf and motoring. Office: 415 Pine St. Residence: 4382 Westminster PL PEITZMEIER, John Anton, business man ager of "Amerika"; born, St. Louis, Mo., Apr. 12., 1851; son of Frank and Elizabeth (Holtkamp) Peitzmeier; educated in parochial schools and Christian Brothers College; mar ried, St. Louis, July 8, 1891, Clara Druhe; children: John, Frank. After leaving school was for seven months cashier for the Vorn- boeck Furniture Co., and then, until Dec. 24, 1881, was general bookkeeper of the Biddle Market Savings .Bank, which was consoli dated with the German- American Bank; left latter in January, 1882, to become business manager for the German Literary Society, publishers of the daily, Sunday and semi- weekly German journal "Amerika." Demo crat. Catholic; member St." Vincent 's Orphan Society, St. Vincent de Paul Society, Catholic Knights of America. Favorite recreation: lit erature. Office: 18 S. 6th St. Residence: 3853 Page Ave. PENDERGAST, Richard, secretary Nelson Chesman & Co.; born, St. Louis, Aug. 14, 1867; son- of Richard and Mary (Gannon) Pender- gast; educated in Annunciation School to 1878; Christian Brothers College, 1879-80; married, St. Louis, Apr. 22, 1902; one daugh ter, Anna Dell. Began business career, St. Louis, 1881, and continuously engaged with Nelson Chesman & Co., general newspaper and magazine advertising, since 1881, becom ing secretary, 1899. Member Advertising Men's League. Democrat. Catholic. Recrea tion: outdoor sports. Office: 1127-1129 Pine St. Residence: 216 N. Elm Ave., Webster Groves, Mo. PENDLETON, Louis Baylor, architect; born, Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 19, 1875; son of Henry Clay and Nancy (Robinson) Pendle ton; educated in Atlanta, first at private schools, to 1887; Georgia Military Academy, 1887-90; then Georgia School of Technology until 1893; married, St. Louis, Dec. 17, 1908, Bertha Evans; one child, Nancy. Began pro fessional career at Nashville, Tenn., but first engaged in linotype departments of Nashville Banner and Advocate Publishing Co., 1890- 95; entered an architect's office at Nashville, 468 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS and continued until 1895; engaged with promi nent architects, Chicago and Detroit, 1895- 1900; architect, division ^pf exhibits, World's Fair, St. Louis, 1900, since then permanently located in St. Louis. Was appointed advisory architect to Missouri State Capitol Commis sion, Dec. 13, 1911. Member American Insti tute of Architects. Democrat. Baptist. Rec reation: outdoor sports. Office: 920-921 Cen tral National Bank Bldg. Residence: 304 Skinker Rd. PENNEY, Joseph Lewis, traffic manager Terminal Railroad Association; born, Morches, L. I., N. Y., Sept. 14, 1860; son of Usher H. and Mary Louise (Stevens) Penney; educated in public schools; married, Ida May Fisher; ehildren: Garner W., Cleves S., John S., Fran cis E., Usher H. Began business career with Midland Construction Co., of New York, and New York, Ontario & Western Ry., 1879-80; North River Construction Co., 1880-81; New York, West Shore & Buffalo Ry., 1881-84, serv ing in engineering department of these com panies; then with freight department, West Shore Ry., 1884-88; came to St. Louis, 1888, and entered freight department of the St. Louis Bridge and Tunnel Co., with which com pany and its successor has remained, now be ing traffic manager and industrial commis sioner of the Terminal Railroad Association of St. Louis. Independent in polities. Metho dist. Member A. F. & A. M., K. T., Shriner. Clubs: St. Louis Railway, Mercantile, Mis souri Athletic, Bellerive Country. Favorite recreation: golf. Office: 120 Rialto Bldg. Residence: 5362 Maple Ave. PENNING, Herman E., secretary Polar Wave lee and Fuel Co.; born, Peru, La Salle Co., 111., Apr. 3, 1856; son of William and Mary (Miller) Penning; educated in Peru High School; married. Began business career with the Peru National Bank as clerk, later bookkeeper and assistant cashier; city clerk at Peru, 1878; came to St. Louis, 1887; for merly secretary of Huse & Loomis Ice and Transportation Co., Creve Cceur Lake Ice Co., Crystal Lake Ice Co., Huse Goodell lee Co.; since February, 1903, secretary of Polar Wave Ice and Fuel Co. Member A. F. & A. M. Fa vorite recreations: outdoor sports. Office: 1326 Chestnut St. Residence: 5186 Vernon Avenue. PENNY, Alexander, dry goods merchant; bora in Scotland, July 9, 1845; son of William Penny; educated in schools in Scotland; mar ried, New York, Sept. 5, 1874; Jennie Mor rison; children: Elizabeth J., William A. Since Jan. 10, 1859, continuously engaged in the dry goods business. In 1873 the present firm of Pennj' & Gentles was formed, and has since been identified with the retail dry goods business in St. Louis. Congregationalist. Of fice: Broadway and Morgan St. Residence: Webster Groves. PENNY, William Alexander, treasurer Penny & Gentles Dry Goods Co.; born, St. Louis, Nov. 25, 1878; son of Alexander and Jane (Morrison) Penny; was graduated at Smith Academy, St. Louis, 1897; matriculated at Yale, graduating with degree of B.A., 1901; married, Ottawa, Kan., Apr. 18, 1906, Laura Strong Sheldon; one daughter, Elizabeth Jane, born May 4, 1907. Has been identified with dry goods business since September, 1901; treasurer Penny & Gentles Dry Goods Co. since Feb. 1, 1909. Republican (usually). Congregationalist. Member Delta Kappa Ep- silon college fraternity. Recreations: base ball, swimming, yachting. Office: Broadway and Morgan St. Residence: 20 W. Sarah St., Webster Groves, Mo. PERKINS, Albert Thompson, president and syndicate manager of railroads; born, Bruns wick, Me., Oct. 2, 1865; son of Charles S. and Mary S. (Murray) Perkins; graduated from Boston Latin School, 1883; then entered Har vard University, graduating 1887; married, St. Louis, Feb. 17, 1898, Eva Spotswood Le- moine; one child, Katherine Lemoine. Began railroad career with Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Ry., Chicago, October, 1887, and con tinued as clerk, traveling agent, chief clerk, general agent, local freight agent, superin tendent of terminals, and superintendent, in both traffic and operating departments, until Mar. 31, 1906; engaged as adviser to Munici pal Bridge and Terminals Commission of St. Louis, giving exclusive time until Jan. 1, 1908, then part time to March, 1909; one serv ice was investigation of railroad terminals in principal American and European cities, 1906- 07. Since Jan. 1, 1908, has been railroad ad viser to St. Louis Union Trust Co., and syn dicate manager. President of New Iberia & Northern R. R., Marshall & East Texas R. R., Chicago, Milwaukee & Gary R. R., B. & M. Bridge Co.; first vice president St. Louis, Brownsville & Mexico Ry.; director and mem ber executive committee Missouri & North Arkansas Ry. Member St. Louis Engineers' Society, Association of Harvard Engineers, Academy of Science. Director St. Louis Pure Milk Commission. Served on sheriff's posse thirty-one days during street car strike, 1900. Clubs: Noonday, Bellerive Country, Round Table, Harvard (of St. Louis), St. Louis Rail way (St. Louis), University (Chicago), Har vard (New York). Recreations: golf, tennis, and hunting. Office: St. Louis Union Trust Co. Residence: 470 Lake Ave. PERKINS, Clarence M.; see Vol. 1906. PERKINS, Henry Clay; born, Crafton, Pa., July 22, 1857; son of William and Cath erine Perkins; educated in public schools near Crafton and at Pittsburgh, Pa., and Select Academy, Leechburg, Pa.; graduated from Duff's Mercantile College, Pittsburgh, 1877, and from Perry School of Oratory and THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 469 Dramatic Art, 1895; married, Sarah O'Neal, 1885; married, 2d, St. Louis, July 17, 1901, Idora V. Sharp; children: Elmer W., Harry H., Jennie L. With partner, Philip J. Herpel, established, Aug. 1, 1882, the Perkins & Her pel Business College, 4th St. and Washington Ave.; February, 1909, sold out to New St. Louis Business College; secretary and treas urer of Brown Business College, 1910-June 1, 1912. Republican. Christian Scientist. Ma son; member Royal Arcanum. Recreations: fishing and hunting. Residence: 1701 Marcus Avenue. PERKINS, Joseph Russell, wholesale lum berman; born, Brookhaven, Mass., Oct. 24, 1863; son of John R. and Mary A. Perkins; educated in public schools of Brookhaven, Mass.; married, St. Louis, June 24, 1895, Sal- lie D. Wilson, of Duquoin, 111. Was formerly engaged in the banking business, and cashier of the First National Bank of Duquoin until January, 1900, when came to St. Louis and established in the lumber business under present style of J. R. Perkins Lumber Co. (wholesale), in which has since continued; interested in saw-mills in Arkansas. Demo crat. Baptist. Mason. Favorite recreation: baseball. Office: Fullerton Bldg. Residence: 6169 Berlin Ave. PERKINS, Nathan Wait, retired manufac turer; born, Medford, Mass., Apr. 3, 1824; son of Jonathan and Elizabeth (Wait) Perkins; descendant of old New England stock; edu cated in grammar and high schools of Med ford to fourteen; has been twice married; first wife died, 1863, and was mother of two children, one of whom, Nathanial W., Jr., is now living; married, 2d, December, 1865, at Groton, Mass., Sarah O. Spaulding, born Charlestown, Mass.; four children, two of whom are living: Robert Fulton and Fannie Elizabeth. Learned shoe making trade; came to St. Louis, 1850, and secured employment with general merchandise firm of Davis, Til den & Richards, and later was with Samuel C. Davis; partner in firm of Samuel C. Davis & Co., 1853-73; then bought out the shoe de partment of the house and entered business on own account; closed out in 1878; became iden tified with the Whitmans in 1880 and as sisted in organizing the Whitman Agricul tural Co., manufacturers of agricultural im plements, of which is now a director. Mem ber Home Guards in Civil War, under Major Leighton. Republican. Unitarian. Recreation: reading. Office: 6900 S. Broadway. Residence: 3645 Laclede Ave. PERBIN, Thomas Harrison, printing; 1843- 1910; see Vol. 1906. PERRIN, William Harrison, printer and publisher; born, Alton, 111., Dec. 23, 1868; son of Thomas Harrison and Martha A. (Logan) Perrin; graduated Alton High School, 1887, and from Bryant & Stratton Business College, 1889; married three times, first two wives deceased; present wife, Rosaline Baker, to whom was married at Upper Alton, 111., Aug. 17, 1910; two children: Courtney Kauffman, by first wife, Viola Virginia, by second wife. Began in printing business at Alton, 111., 1891; was connected with the Perrin & Smith Printing Co., and was elected vice president upon incorporation of the company, 1898; was elected president, January, 1911, to suc ceed father, deceased. Served as assistant postmaster at Alton, 1887-89. Democrat. Presbyterian. Past Exalted Ruler of B. P. O. Elks, Alton. Clubs: Ben Franklin, St. Louis Railway. Offiee: 217-219 Olive St. Residence:' 616 State St., Alton, 111. PERRY, George W., wholesale rubber goods; born, Randolph, Mass., May 24, 1856; son of William W. and Ellen (Kenyon) Perry; educated in public schools; married, Temple ton, Ind., 1888, Ida V. Templeton; children: George T., Marguerite V. Began business ca reer as traveling salesman for the American Rubber Co. of Boston, 1877-86; then went to Chicago and established business under the firm name of Perry, Stearns & Co., agents of the American Rubber Co. of Boston; in 1888 came to St. Louis and started an agency un der the same name and for the same company, until 1893, when changed to present style of G. W. Perry, agent for the United States Rub ber Co. Member Business Men's League. Clubs: Mercantile, St. Louis, Noonday, Maine Fishing and Hunting. Recreation: farming. Office: 1605-1607 Washington Ave. Residence: 5355 Vernon Ave. PERRY, Ira William, pie manufacturer; born, New York City, March 24, 1862; son of Ira and Sallie (Keating) Perry; resident of St. Louis from infancy; educated in public schools; Manual Training School and Jones Commercial College; married, St. Louis, Nov. 27, 1901, Elsa Riedel; one son, Ira John. In 1878 entered the pie manufacturing business established by father in 1862, and incorpo rated in 1887 under the present style of Ira Perry Pie Co., and upon death of father in 1898 assumed position as secretary, treasurer and manager of the company; in August, 1907, the Perry Pie Co. and the Whiting Pie Co. consolidated under name of Perry-Whit ing Pie Co., of which is president and treas urer. Christian Scientist. Member A. F. & A. M., and Royal Arch Masons, Royal Ar canum, Knights of Pythias, T. A. W. Office: 1008 Dillon St. Residence: 5078 Delmar Boul. PETERS, Henry William, first vice presi dent International Shoe Co. and ex-president Peters Shoe Co., shoe manufacturers; born, St. Louis, Feb. 14, 1856; son of Francis H. and Charlotte Peters (maiden name not changed through marriage) ; early training entrusted to tutelage of Miss A. E. Carroll, a cultured Southern woman; also attended public schools 470 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS of St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Sept. 25, 1879, Anna E. Stoenner (died June 6, 1911); children: Ella C, Edwin H., Oliver F. At age of sixteen began as shipping clerk in em ploy of Claflin, Allen & Co., shoe jobbers; became salesman at eighteen and traveled ten years; then member of firm for three years; bought out the firm in 1892 and organ ized the Peters Shoe Co., manufacturers of fine shoes, of which was president from 1892 to 1912 inclusive; on Dec. 29, 1911, the Peters Shoe Co. consolidated with Roberts, Johnson &. Rand Shoe Co. and incorporated as Inter national Shoe Co. (with a capital of $25,000,- 000.00) and he became its first vice president. Although not an active club man, he is a mem ber of several clubs and is also interested in the following banking institutions, organiza tions and associations: director Mississippi Valley Trust Co., Boatmen's Bank, St. Louis Coliseum Co.; ex-president Missouri Manufac turers' Association, St. Louis Manufacturers' and Jobbers' Association; member executive committee Business Men's League, Million Population Club; member National Boot and Shoe Manufacturers' Association, Mississippi Valley Trust Estates Committee, Parkview Trustees, Washington University Association, American National Red Cross, Civic League. Ex-member Republican State Committee. At tends Pilgrim Congregational Church. Mem ber board of governors Amphion Club, Sym phony Society. Clubs: Commercial, St. Louis, Mercantile, Aero, Automobile. Office: 13th and Washington. Residence: 6245 Westmin ster PL PETERSEN, Julius, commission merchant; born, Germany, July 22, 1837; educated in Germany, went to sea as boy and followed sea for twelve years; came to St. Louis when twenty-seven years of age; married, St. Louis, 1864, Mary Dieckmann (now deceased) ; chil dren: Amelia (Mrs. John Krings), Dorothea (Mrs. Barufio), Julius J., Rosalia (Mrs. E. T. Hezel), Edward. On coming to St. Louis first engaged in business with brother, and at the close of the Civil War went into business for self as a general commission merchant, in which has since continued, now being presi dent of the Julius Petersen Commission Co., produce commission; also proprietor Julius Petersen Hotel and farm yard. Member of the Merchants' Exchange. Recreations: fish ing, hunting and traveling. Office: Broadway and Carroll St. Residence: 2117 Russell Ave. PETERSEN, Julius Joseph, commission mer chant; born, St. Louis, July 5, 1877; son of Julius and Mary (Dieckmann) Petersen; edu cated at SS. Peter and Paul School, St. Louis University, and graduated from St. Joseph's College, Teutopolis, 111.; married, St. Louis, Feb. 20, 1909, Isabelle M. Goessling; one son, Julius August. On leaving college, 1895, en tered employ of Simmons Hardware Co., re maining until 1901; in employ of B. Barutio, commission merchant, 1901-02; treasurer Ju lius Petersen Commission Co. since November, 1902. Member Merchants' Exchange. Clubs: Windsor Lake, Rod and Gun. Recreations: hunting and fishing. Offiee: 709 Carroll St. Residence: 2007 S. Compton Ave. ' PETERSEN, Lauritz, sash, doors and blinds; born, Schleswig-Holstein, Denmark, May 25, 1852; son of Lars and Annie Petersen; edu cated in public schools in Denmark; married, St. Louis, 1878, Ottillie Quade; children: An nie (Mrs. A. Botfield), Isadora (Mrs. A. Del- porte), Lily (Mrs. Charles Weisert), Theo dore, Emil, Adolph, Laura. Learned trade in old country and, coming to United States in 1873, worked at it for eight months in Chi cago; came to St. Louis, and after working as journeyman for other firms started for self in 1881 in present enterprise as a manufac turer of sash, doors and blinds. Independent in politics. Lutheran. Member Concordia Turn Verein. Recreations: driving; fond of horses. Office: cor. Lynch and Lyon Sts. Resi dence: 2814 Lyon St. PETERSON, Cyrus Asbury, physician; bom in Burke Co., N. C, Mar. 30, 1848; son of Daniel and Eliza (Wilson) Peterson; educated in little log schoolhouse until thirteen years of age (1861); after that purely self-educated until entered Missouri Medical College, 1877; graduated M.D., 1878; married, Frederick- town, Mo., July 20, 1872, Christina A. Hart- kopf ; children: Darwin Paine, Winona, Julian Ingersoll (deceased), Tyndall Humboldt. Was farmer's boy until seventeen; taught school at age of twenty; read law, a full course, but did not practice; now practically retired from practice of medicine, and devoting leisure to scientific study. Vice-president Thiel Detect ive Service Co. Ex-president Missouri His torical Society. Republican. Agnostic. Office: Century Bldg. Residence: Webster Groves. PfiTING, Amedee, stationery business ; born, St. Louis, June 9, 1860; son of Amedee and Celestine (Aymond) Peting; educated in a private school, now out of existence; married, St. Louis, Dee. 6, 1882, Mary Virginia Diggs; two children: Mrs. Hazel Virginia Sullivan and Lillian Gertrude. Began active career in employ of George D. Barnard & Co., July, 1876; has continued with the company in all departments to the present time — a period of more than thirty-five years; director George D. Barnard & Co., Vandeventer Trust Co. Served three years in Missouri State Militia. Democrat. Past Grand Regent Royal Ar canum of Missouri; Past Chancellor Grove Council Legion of Honor; member B. P. O. Elks, Knights of Pythias, Travelers' Protect ive Association. Office: Laclede and Vande venter Aves. Residence: 4112 W. Pine Boul. PETTENGILL, Heman Judson, telephone official; born, Brunswick, Me.; son of Heman THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 471 and Rebecca (Hamilton) Pettengill; educated in public schools; married at Boston, 1875, Elizabeth Keene (died 1897); three children: Harrison V., Heman J., Jr., Russell A.; mar ried, 2d, Nov. 2, 1904, Mrs. Elizabeth Lee Mur phy, of Kentucky. Learned telegraphy and was employed by Western Union Telegraph Co. as operator, and served as manager, 1875- 82; manager American Rapid Telegraph Co. and superintendent Postal Telegraph Cable Co. for New England states, 1882-99; since identified with companies affiliated with the American Telephone and Telegraph Co. Presi dent Southwestern Telegraph and Telephone Co., with headquarters at Dallas, Tex., 1903- 11; now president Southwestern Bell Tele phone System, headquarters in 13t. Louis, in cluding Bell Telephone Co. of Missouri, Mis souri and Kansas Telephone Co., Pioneer Tele phone Co. (Oklahoma), Southwestern Tele graph and Telephone Co. (Arkansas and Tex as). Member Business Men's League. Repub lican.. Episcopalian. Ex-president Old Time Telegraphers' Association, Boston Electric Club; was chairman executive and finance committees of the Commercial Secretaries and Business Men's Association of Texas. Scottish Rite Mason (32°); Past Commander Hugh de Paynes Commandery, Knights Templar, of Melrose, Mass.; Shriner. Clubs: St. Louis, Noonday. Recreation: golf. Office: 914 Na tional Bank of Commerce Bldg. Residence: St. Louis Club. *PETTIS, Clifton D., railway official; moved to Chicago; see Vol. 1906. PETTKER, Henry, grocer; born, Dissen, Westphalia, Germany, Mar. 30, 1841; son of Mathias and Charlotte (Struwe) Pettker; edu cated in Germany; came to America, 1865; married, Fairfield, la., Apr. 17, 1870, Hannah Stuetzer (died 1891); 2d, St. Louis, 1896, Car oline Hartman; four children: Marie (Mrs. Charles Houston, of Mansfield, Ind.), William, Henry Mathias, Marie Elsie (deceased). En gaged with different merchants. 1866-77; asso ciated with brother, Frederick W., in grocery business, 1877-81; since continued alone. Re publican. Lutheran. Mason; also member I. O. O. F. Office and Residence: 2300 Cass Ave. PETTUS, Charles Parsons; born, St. Louis, Oct. 15, 1876; son of W. H. H. and Mary A. (Saugrain) Fettus; graduated from Smith Academy, 1894, Washington University, A.B., 1899; married, June 11, 1902, Georgia A. "Wright. Secretary and treasurer of the Han nibal Water Co. Member of the Interna tional Congress of Arts and Science, St. Louis, 1904 (secretary of section "The Library"); secretary Missouri Historical Society; mem ber of board of control City Art Museum; member of board of directors St. Louis Mer cantile Library, St. Louis School of Social Economy; acting president St. Louis Society for Relief and Prevention of Tuberculosis; member St. Louis Academy of Science, Archae ological Institute of Ameriea, Civic League, Business Men's League, etc. Clubs: Univer sity, Racquet, Noonday, City, St. Louis Coun try. Office: 611 Security Bldg. Residence: 33 Westmoreland PL PFEFFER, Francis Joseph, physician; born, Columbia, 111., Mar. 17, 1873; son of John A. and Johanna K. (Funk) Pfeffer; educated in Catholic parochial schools and public schools of Columbia, 111., St. Louis University; M.D., Medical Department of Washington Univer sity, 1895; married, St. Louis, June 7, 1899, Margaret J. Field; children: Francis J., Mar garet A. (deceased), Marie Louise, Gabriella Frances, Louis John. Engaged in general prac tice of medicine in St. Louis since March, 1896. Member City Hospital Alumni Associa tion, American Medical Association, Lieder kranz. Independent in polities. Roman Cath olic. Recreations: automobiling and shooting. Residence: 1653 S. Jefferson Ave. PFEFFER, Otto John, president St. Louis Clock and Silverware Co.; born, St. Louis, July 20, 1860; son of J. G. and Maria (Hau- ser) Pfeffer; educated in St. Vincent's Paro chial School and St. Louis University; mar ried, St. Louis, Apr. 3, 1894, Elizabeth Fehl; one daughter, Adele Marie. Began business career with the L. Bauman Jewelry Co., con tinuing for fourteen years; organized, 1890, the St. Louis Clock and Silverware Co., whole sale jewelers, of which has since been presi dent; also vice president George Fehl Blue Ribbon Cigar Co. Independent Democrat. Fa vorite recreations: hunting and fishing and baseball. Office: 412 N. 7th St. Residence: 3527 Crittenden St. PFEIFER, Herman J., engineer of main tenance of way, Terminal R. R. Association of St. Louis; born, St. Louis, Feb. 23, 1871; son of Charles and Marie (Rotteek) Pfeifer; edu cated in public schools of St. Louis, St. Louis University, B.A., 1889, and Washington Uni versity School of Engineering; married, St. Louis, Nov. 26, 1901, Pauline Wuerpel; chil dren: Katherine, Carl, Mildred, Pauline. En gineer with Scherpe & Koken Architectural Iron Co., 1891-92; in various capacities up to engineer of maintenance of way with St. Louis Merchants' Bridge & Terminal Ry. ,Co., and Terminal R. R. Association of St. Louis, 1892-1902; in private engineering practice, 1902-03; secretary of committee of American Society of Civil Engineers to arrange for par ticipation in the Louisiana Purchase Exposi tion, August-November, 1903; general super intendent of construction, Street Department, St. Louis, 1903-05; since September, 1905, en gineer of maintenance of way, Terminal R. R. Association of St. Louis. Member American Society of Civil Engineers, Engineers' Club 472 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS of St. Louis. Catholic. Member Civic League, Royal Arcanum. Clubs: City, St. Louis Rail way (president). Recreations: baseball and pool. Office: 206 Union Station. Residence: 2102 Blendon PL *PFEIFFENBERGER, James Mather, phy sician; moved to Alton, 111.; see Vol. 1906. PFEIFFER, Gustavus A., druggist; see Vol. 1906. *PFEIFFER, Henry, manufacturer drug gists' specialties; moved to Philadelphia; see Vol. 1906. PFINGSTEN, Christian Frederick, physi cian; born, St. Louis, May 11, 1875; son of Fred erick and Sophia (Lohmeyer) Pfingsten; edu cated public schools, St. Louis; Beloit College Academy, Beloit, Wis. ; M.D., St. Louis College of Physicians and Surgeons, 1898; post-graduate studies in diseases of the ear, nose and throat, Royal University, Berlin, 1907, Royal Univer sity, Vienna, 1908; married, St. Louis, Oct. 30, 1909, Lillian Janvier Brown; one daughter, Marian Grace. In practice in St. Louis since March, 1898; specializes in diseases of ear, nose and throat; instructor in diseases of ear, nose and throat, Medical Department, St. Louis University; oto-laryngologist, visiting staff, St. Louis City Hospital, Sanitarium, Fe male Hospital, Koch Hospital. Member Amer ican Medical Association, St. Louis Medical Society, Alma Mater. Scottish Rite Mason (32°); Occidental Lodge, No. 163, A. F. & A. M.; Moolah Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S. Clubs: Missouri Athletic. Offiee: 813-820 Metropoli tan Bldg. Residence: 2918 Dodier St. PFLAGER, Harry Miller, senior vice presi dent Commonwealth Steel Co.; born, St. Louis, Nov. 29, 1866; son of Harry W. and Jessie (Miller) Fflager; educated in- schools of St. Louis, Manual Training School, and Washing ton University; married, Milwaukee, Wis., Apr. 5, 1903, Alyce Louise Barber; one son, Harry Barber Pflager. After leaving school entered employ of the Pullman Co. in St. Louis shops; worked up in various positions to that of mechanical superintendent, with offices in Chicago, remaining there until 1901; from 1901 to September, 1903, in manufac turing business in Chicago; from Sept. 1, 1903, to Sept. 1, 1904, associated with American Steel Foundries, at St. Louis; since Sept. 1, 1904, associated with Commonwealth Steel Co., with' offices in St. Louis, Mo., as senior vice president. Also vice president American Steel Body Double Bolster Co., Davis Locomotive Wheel Co. Member Business Men's League. Republican. Congregationalist. Member Royal Arcanum. Clubs: St. Louis, Glen Echo (St. Louis'). Chicago Athletic. South Shore Coun try (Chicago), Railway (New York). Recrea tion: golf. Office: 1632 Pierce Bldg. Resi dence: 5403 Maple Ave. PHELAN, Francis William, paint manufac turer; born, St. Louis, Aug. 29, 1854; son of William and Bridget C. (Cooney) Phelan; student St. Louis University, 1865-67; A.B., Notre Dame University, Ind., 1873; married, St. Louis, Nov. 15, 1879, Mary T. Walsh ; eleven children, seven now living: William, Frank, Georgiana, Anna, Leo, David S. and Mary Rose (now Mrs. Claude H. Smith). First employment was in 1874 with Frank A. Drew; later with Norton and Wieder Glass and Paint Co. until 1886; in employ of Wieder Paint Co., 1886-92; associated with John Hazard in forming corporation of Buehler- Phelan Paint Manufacturing Co., 1901, later disposing of the business; organizing the Phe- lan-Faust Paint Manufacturing Co. of East St. Louis, 111., 1902, of which has since been senior member. Democrat. Catholic. Member Knights of Columbus, Royal Arcanum. Club: Missouri Athletic. Recreation: fishing. Office: 1008-1010 Pine St. Residence: 5599 Bartmer Avenue. PHELAN, J. Percival, credit insurance; 1870-1910; see Vol. 1906. PHELAN, Sidney Marcellus, life insurance ; born, Talladega, Ala., Apr. 15, 1851; son of Joseph H. and Laura (Powell) Phelan; edu cated at the University of Alabama, at Tusca loosa, and was a cadet in the Alabama State Service during the Civil War; married, St. Louis, 1899, Charlotte Willis; children: Sid ney M., Jr., William Balfour. Began business career as clerk in Montgomery, Ala.; came to St. Louis in 1891; president The Amer ican Credit Indemnity Co. of New York, 1893- 1909; since city manager Prudential Life In surance Co. Episcopalian. Club: Mercantile. Office: Chemical Bldg. Residence: 4917 Wash ington Ave. PHELPS, John Lester, president Phelps- Donley Coal Co.; 1850-1909; see Vol. 1906. *PHELPS, William Harlow; moved to Carthage, Mo.; see Vol. 1906. PHILLIPS, Alroy S., lawyer; born, St. Louis, Nov. 6, 1879; son of Douglas A. and Josephine (Scollay) Phillips; educated Stod dard (public) School, St. Louis, 1885-94; St. Louis High School, Central Branch, 1894-98; Westminster College, Fulton, Mo., 1900-01; Princeton University, 1901-05, graduating, 1905, with degree of A.B.; St. Louis Law School (Washington University), 1905-08, LL.B., 1908; unmarried. Owned and operated the Phillips Dairy, St. Louis Co., 1898-1900; in office of the Mississippi Valley Transporta tion Co., St. Louis, summer of 1902; ax-man Missouri Pacific engineering corps, construct ing the Farmersville & Southern Ry., Louisi ana, summer of 1903; director Fowler Play Grounds, St. Louis, summer of 1904; partner in law firm of Erd & Phillips, St. Louis, 1906- 07; has practiced alone since July 1, 1907; THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 473 president and treasurer Norfolk Investment Co., Maplewood Building and Realty Co.; sec retary Canterbury Investment Co. Elected, 1910, to State Senate from Thirty-second Dis trict of Missouri. Republican. Presbyterian. Member Missouri Bar Association, St. Louis Bar Association, Law Library Association of St. Louis, Civic League, Alpha Eta Chapter of Kappa Alpha Fraternity, American Cleo- sophic Society, Royal Arcanum. Club: City. Office: 1605-1614 Pierce Bldg. Residence: 5665 Cates Ave. PHILLIPS, George Marquet, surgeon; born, Hanly, Jessamine Co., Ky., Aug. 11, 1862; son of Judge William H. and Selma V. (Spears) Phillips; educated in public schools of Jessa mine Co., Bethel Academy, Nicholasville, Ky., Kentucky Wesleyan College, Millersburg, Ky. ; M.D., College of Physicians and Surgeons, Baltimore, Md., 1887; married, Washington, Mason Co., Ky., Sept. 7, 1887, Hattie Lee Cutter; children: Rebekah (Mrs. Lang Whar ton), Virginia Spears. Engaged in practice of Medicine and surgery since 1887; professor of genito-surgery in Barnes University. Mem ber of American, Missouri State and St. Louis Medical associations. Democrat. Club: Mis souri Athletic. Office: 405-406 Commercial Bldg. Residence: 4172 Delmar Ave. PHILLIPS, Hiram, civil engineer; born in Boone Co., Mo., Nov. 9, 1859; son of Hiram C. and Frances (Pemberton) Phillips; graduated from the State University of Missouri with , degree of Topographical Engineer, 1880, Civil Engineer, 1889; married, Nellie, daughter of Frank and Elizabeth Horine; children: Paul P., Elizabeth. U. S. assistant engineer with the Mississippi River Commission, 1880-84; U. S. deputy mineral surveyor for the District of Colorado, 1884-89; assistant professor of civil engineering, Missouri State University, 1889-92; in consulting practice as civil engi neer, 1892-1901; president of Board of Public Improvements, St. Louis, 1901-05; since in pri vate practice. Member American Society of Civil Engineers. Democrat. Clubs: Noonday, Railway, Engineers' Office: Liggett Bldg. Residence: 5161 Kensington Ave. PHILLIPS, John Howell, automobiles; born, Cairo, 111., July 27, 1872; son of John H. and Emily F. (Koester) Phillips; educated in pub lic schools of Cairo and Davenport, la.; mar ried, Chicago, Apr. 7, 1896, Clara Frances Mil ler; one son, Gerald H. Engaged as stenog rapher, Davenport, 1888-89; bookkeeper, San Antonio, Tex., 1889-92; stenographer, Chicago, 1892-93; traveling salesman, bicycles, Chicago, February -October, 1893; advertising solicitor, 1893-95; advertising manager, 1895-96, at Chi cago; manager retail bicycle store, Erie, Pa., 1PPP.Q7: manaser Mead Cvcle Co., Chicago, 1897-1903; president Art Study Co., Janes ville, Wis., 1903-04; vice president Langan & Phillips Mercantile Co., 1904-06; since in au tomobile business, now secretary Phillips Au tomobile Co. Office: 5033 Delmar Boul. Resi dence: St. Louis County. *PHILLIPS, Richard Harvey, civil engi neer; moved to Mexico, Mo.; see Vol. 1906. n™^S' Harry Arthur, manager O. K. Houck Piano Co.; 1865-1910; see Vol. 1906. t,.5iCKEL' £efnard George, cut stone con tractor; see Vol. 1906. iQnoI0KEL^ Ge.°„rge' wholesale stone; 1845- 1909; see Vol. 1906. *PICKEL William, Jr., manager Pickel S "vol &liof tS C°-; m°Ved t0 California; co^EPTE,^FranZ^UgUSt °tt0' President Con cordia Lutheran Theological Seminary since W 97 1Ufi^°aTltZ' Fomerania, Germany, CWhJL ' p '' ed.ucated at Dom-Gymnasium Ooiberg, Pomerama; came to United States - graduated Northwestern University" Water- mWn' ^V872' Concordia Seminary, 1875; Cnl'wf 7 th+weStern .U.niversity and Decorah Vr?^" Lutileran lister, Manitowoc, Wis., 1875-78; professor theology, 1878-87, Concor- ^r,Jem*n*TJ; P^ident-general Lutheran ?fi?Q ion ^1SX°UI\ °hi0 and other sta*es, 1899-1911 Author: Grundbekenntniss der Lu theran Kirche, 1880; Lehre von der Rechtfer- d^W i889^ Di« Ev^lical Lutheran Kirche die Wahre Sichtbare K. auf Erden, 1890; Die Lutheran Lehre von d. Rechtfertigung 1891 Gesetz und Evangelium, 1892; Distinc tive Doctrines of the Lutheran Church, 1892- Das Geistliche Leben d. Christen, 1893; Un- sere Stelling in Lehre und Praxis, 1896; Lehr- stellung d. Missouri-Synode, 1897; Christ's Work, 1898; Wie Studiert Man TheXie A8„9f '' S°ia ^dT',19,°0; La^e ^ Kirche?™ Anfang des 20 Jahrhunderts, 1901; Das Wesen des Christenthums, 1903. Editor:'. Lehre unS Wehre. Address: 2627 Winnebago St. RaWv1? BTm' ma™facturer; born, Buffalo NY Nov. 6, 1856; son of Col Carlo and Elizabeth Piepho; educated in public schools; widower. At eleven years of age be came connected with a book publishing house with which was connected about fifteen years; then for twenty-four years a manufacturer of vehicles at Cincinnati; was connected with various enterprises in St. Louis until 1906 then organized the St. Louis Tin and Sheet Metal Working Co., of which is vice president and general manager. Office: 6th St. and Clark Ave Residence: Lucerne Apts, 377 N. Taylor Ave. *PIERCE, Andrew Burt; see Vol. 1906. PIERCE Clay Arthur, president Waters Pierce Oil Co.; born, Cote Brilliant, Mo Dec %¦ i ?; -d8-011 °f ?enry ^y aDd ^me (Finlay) Pierce; educated, Misses Thomp son School, St. Louis; Smith Academv- 474 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS Pickwick School; St. Paul's School, Concord, N. H.; Harvard University, class of 1896; married, Chicago, Oct. 15, 1898, Irene Tewks bury. Began active career as assistant in lu bricating departrnent of Waters Pierce Oil Co., 1899. Was made assistant treasurer and assistant secretary of the company, 1900; member executive committee, 1900; became acting president, May, 1905, and has served as president since June, 1905; also vice presi dent Pierce Investment and Trust Co.; direct or National Railways of Mexico, Tennessee Central Ry. Co., Briar Hill Collieries Co. Democrat. Episcopalian. Clubs: Racquet, St. • Louis Country, Essex County, etc. Offiee: 420 Olive St. Residence: 23 Kingsbury PL PIERCE, Francis Ruskin, president Louis Werner Saw Mill Co.; born in Alleghany Co., Va., Aug. 19, 1862; son of John N. and Emma (Curtice) Pierce; educated in, public schools; married, Springfield, Mo., Sept. 18, 1893, Lou ise Noetling. Began business career as book keeper with the Richard Ritter Co., retail lum ber dealers, 1881, and after a short time there went with W. J. Young & Co., Clinton, la., first as traveling salesman and later as superintendent of yard until 1886; southern purchasing agent for Chicago Lumber Co., 1886-90; then acquired an interest in Louis Werner Saw Mill Co., of which was vice presi dent, 1899-1912, since president of company. Also director Vandeventer Trust Co., Griffin, Magnolia & Western R. R., Saline Bayou R. R. Mason (Chapter). Member Order of Hoo Hoo. Clubs: Mercantile, Noonday, Lumbermen's, Masonic Recreation: fishing. Office: 510 Ful lerton Bldg. Residence: 5545 Bartmer Ave. PIERCE, H(enry) Clay, financier; born, St. Lawrence, Jefferson Co., N. Y.; son of Dr. Dyer Ensworth and Mary Jane (Ackert) Pierce; educated Jefferson Co. high schools; married, London, Mrs. Virginia (Prickett) Burrowes, of New York, Aug. 2, 1909. Chair man New York board National Railways of Mexico; chairman board Waters-Pierce Oil Co. (St. Louis), Pierce Fordyce Oil Associa tion, Mexican Central Ry. Co., Ltd.; president Pierce Investment Trust Co. (St. Louis); di rector Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern R. R. Co., Seaboard Air Line Ry., Mexican Pacific Ry. Co., Central Mexico R. R. Co., Tennessee Central R. R. Co. and Tennessee Construction Co. (Nashville), Mexican-American Steamship Co., Mexican & Northern Steamship Co., Mex ican National Construction Co., Tampico Har bor Co., Brier Hill Collieries (Nashville), In ternational Banking Corporation (New York), National Bank of Commerce, Mississippi Val ley Trust Co., American Central Insurance Co., Title Guaranty Trust Co. (St. Louis), Bank of Commerce and Industry (City of Mexico), Mercantile ' Fire and Marine Insurance Co. (Boston), Mexican Fuel Co., City of Mexico. Offices: 25 Broad St., New York, and 420 Olive St., St. Louis. Residences: 15 E. 57th St., New York, and 40 Vandeventer PL, St) Louis. PIERCE, Lawrence Blunt, investments; born in Greenville, Co., Va., March 30, 1859; son of Rice B. and Martha (Blunt) Pierce; educated in Pa-ducah, Ky.; married, St. Louis, Apr. 14, 1886, Lucie Alexander; children: Helen, Richard, Katharine. Came to St. Louis from Kentucky, 1879; began business" career as entry clerk for wholesale dry goods house of Crow, Hargadine & Co.; in 1883 was ap pointed active secretary of St. Louis Exposi tion and Music Hall Association, continuing three years; became chief clerk in real estate and financial firm of Charles H. Turner & Co., and became active member of the firm in 1889; organized Commonwealth Trust Co., 1901, and was its vice president until 1905, when resigned to devote entire time to per sonal affairs and railroad interest, though still a director of the company, and member of its executive committee. "Was one of the five syndicate managers who merged the Cin cinnati, Hamilton & Dayton Ry. and the Per^e Marquette Ry. into one system. In 1901 erected the Pierce Bldg. President Income Leasehold Co. (owners and operators of Pierce Bldg.); chairman of board American Auto mobile Insurance Co.; president City Improve ment Association. Member Business Men's League. Member St. John's M. E. Church, South. Member Missouri Historical Society; director St. Louis Symphony Society. Clubs: St. Louis, Noonday, Bellerive. Recreations: motoring and travel. Office: 1615 Pierce Bldg. Residence: 39 Kingsbury PL PIERCE, Thomas Murray, lawyer; born, Union City, Tenn., July 18, 1877; son of Rice A. and Mary (Hunter) Pierce; educated at Georgetown Preparatory School and George town University, Washington, D. C, graduat ing, A.B., 1898; Cumberland University Law School, Tennessee, LL.B., 1899; married, Leb anon, Tenn., May 30, 1899, Miss Mary Beard; children: Julius Walsh, Thomas M., Jr., Dick son W. Engaged in practice of law since 1899; since 1905 in St. Louis; general counsel for the St. Louis & Suburban Ry. Co. during 1905 and 1906; now general counsel for Ter minal Railroad Association; vice president St. Louis Merchants' Bridge Terminal Ry. Co.; general counsel Wiggins Ferry Co. Member St. Louis and American Bar associations. Member of Law Library Association, Business Men's League, Civie League. Democrat. Ro man Catholic. Clubs: Noonday, St. Louis, Racquet. Recreations: outdoor athletic sports. Office: Union Station. Residence: 4550 Mc Pherson Ave. PIETZCKER, Ezra James, southwestern manager Standard Underground Cable Co.; born, Rochester, O., Dec. 22, 1857; son of Dr. August F. and Mary Ann (Bittermann) THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 475' Pietzcker; educated in public schools of East Massillon and West Massillon, O.; married, Sour Lake, Tex., Apr. 8, 1880, Vaturia Eliza beth Merchant; children: George Sealy, Mar garet Elizabeth. Began business life as a newsboy, 1865-66; clerk in news and wall paper store, 1873, in grocery store, 1874, man ager of same, 1875; in general merchandise business in Texas, 1877-82; traveling sales man, 1882-91; Texas, Mexico and South Amer ican representative of the Washburn & Moen Manufacturing Co., 1891-99 ; then with the Amer ican Steel and Wire Co., which acquired the Washburn & Moen Manufacturing Co., 1899- 1902 ; was special representative of the American Steel and Wire Co, at the Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1900; since 1902 with Standard Under ground Cable Co., southwestern manager same since 1905. Republican ; was member of the Ohio State Militia, 1875-77, and in active service during mining riots in Ohio and Pennsylvania in 1876; deputy U. S. marshal in Eastern District of Texas, 1878-84. Member American Society of Electrical Engineers, Chicago Elec trical Society. Methodist. Mason. Member Sons of Veterans. Recreations: golf and ath letics. Office: 521 Security Bldg. Residence: 5646 Clemens Ave. FILCHER, John E., vice president Baldwin Forging and Tool Co.; born, Dover, Kent, England, July 19, 1844; son of John and Eliz abeth V. (Brett) Pilcher; educated in com mon schools in England and United States.; married, St. Louis, Aug. 6, 1866, Charlotte Gunnell; children: Florence Elizabeth (Mrs. Brainard Allison), Lillie (Mrs. A. B. Pierce^, Charlotte G. (Mrs. A. M. Myers), Edna M. (Mrs. Stuart E. Knappen), Edward Sim mons. Began business career in 1860, as clerk with Charles Blow & Co., wholesale druggists; on Jan. 11, 1863, entered employ of Wilson, Levering & Waters, wholesale hardware, as shipping clerk; later traveling salesman for its successors; the firm became Levering, Waters & Co., then Waters, Sim mons & Co., E. C. Simmons & Co., and incor porated as the Simmons Hardware Co., of which was vice president, retiring Apr. 1, 1905; joined Aug. 1, 1905, the Baldwin Forg ing and Tool Co., of Columbus, O., manufac turers of shovels of all kinds, and drop forg- ings, of which company is vice president; vice president First Infantry Armory Association; treasurer Coliseum Co.; charter member, di rector from organization Business Men's League (now vice president), Civic League. Independent in polities. Club: Mercantile (vice president two terms). Office: 1412-1414 New Bank of Commerce Bldg. Residence: 5034 Washington Ave. PILLEY, Charles A., manufacturer; 1832- 1909; see Vol. 1906. PIM, Louis Tousard, physician; born, St. Louis, Jan. 20, 1872; son of Louis Tousard (M.D.) and Celeste (Picotte) Pim; educated in St. Louis public schools, 1880-83; St. Louis University, 1884-87; University of Notre Dame, special literary and preparatory course in medicine, 1887-89; M.D., graduated from Missouri Medical College, 1893; married, St. Louis, July 9, 1901, Mrs. Edwina Bixby Ladd; two step-children: Pelagie Berthold Ladd, Bixby Ladd. Member of American Medical Association, Missouri State Me'dical Associa tion, St. Louis Medical Society (has been sec retary and vice president). Joined State Mili tia (Battery A), 1889, and now major surgeon of same; was recruit examiner for Spanish- American War. Democrat. Catholic Office: Humboldt Bldg. Residence: 4960 Lotus Ave. PINGREE, Samuel Smith, commission mer chant; born, Jefferson City, Mo., Feb. 26, 1867; son of Joseph W. and Ann Eliza (Smith) Pingree; came to St. Louis at age of two years; educated in public schools of St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Mar. 19, 1890, Elizabeth A. McKay; children: Samuel Joseph, Grace. When only eleven years of age worked as water-boy in lumber yard; when thirteen be came helper in small candy factory; receiving and warehouse clerk for large fur and wool dealer, 1881-87; entered employ of F. C. Tay lor & Co. (established 1871) as assistant book keeper and soon purchased an interest in the business, and when F. C. Taylor died in 1889 became sole owner of the business, which has since continued under old name, firm being raw fur merchants; president of the St. Louis Fur Exchange. Member Merchants' Ex change. Clubs: St. Louis, Glen Echo Country. Office: Fur Exchange Bldg. Residence: 4228 Pine B6ul. PIPE, Edward Harry, theater manager; born, St. Louis, June 14, 1873; son of Edwin and Anna (Nixon) Pipe; educated public schools and Central High School; married, St. Louis, Dee. 29, 1897, Edna C. Lennox; chil dren: Lucile P., Lenore L., Edward H., Vir ginia. Began in contracting business with fa ther, but after four years became interested in hotel enterprises; organized E. H. Pipe Realty Co.; directing manager of the Delmar and Olive theaters; proprietor Lennox Hotel, 1907-1910. Republican. Offiee: 4938 Delmar Boul. Residence: Usona Hotel. PIPER, Edmund J., president and treasurer Bollman Bros. Piano Co.; born, Decatur, 111., Mar. 20, 1860; son of Edmund A. and Sarah (Querrey) Piper; brought up on farm in Ma con Co., 111.; educated in country schools in Macon Co.; married, Decatur, 111., Oct. 8, 1885, Mattie Givler; children: William M., Linn T., Edith L., Edmund J., Jr. Left the farm in 1883; worked in photograph gallery, Decatur, 1883-85; came to St. Louis, 1885, and engaged as collector for Bollman Bros. Piano Co.; has continued with the house ever since, successively as cashier, bookkeeper, sec- 476 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS retary, March, 1904, and in September, 1905, on becoming the largest stockholder, was elected viee president and general manager; since June 16, 1911, has been president and treasurer of the company,., wholesale and re tail dealers in pianos, organs and musical merchandise. Protestant. Republican. Clubs: Mercantile, St. Louis Rotary, Universal Ex position Co. Favorite recreations: horseback riding, bowling, tennis. Office: 1120-1122 Olive St. Residence: 1239 Amherst PL PITTMAN, William Daviess, sales manager; born, St. Louis, Apr. 29, 1863; son of Wil liamson H. (died 1874) and Hannah (Daviess) Pittman; educated in public schools of Louis ville, Ky., New Orleans, La., and St. Louis, and high school in St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Oct. 12, 1887, Sarah Duncan Patterson; children: Velona Angeline (deceased), Marie Daviess, Cora Sophronia, William Daviess, Jr. Clerk for Henry Amelung and George J. Kinskey, 1879-81, Udell-Schmieding Wooden- Ware Co., 1881-83; from 1886 to 1898 was with the Drummond Tobacco Co.; secretary Drummond Realty and Investment Co., 1897- 1907; bond officer Mississippi Valley Trust Co., 1902-05; president W. Daviess Pittman Investment Co., 1909-12; since sales manager Woodward & Tiernan Printing Co. Democrat. Member Christian (Disciples) Church. Office: 307 N. 3d St. Residence: 4918 McPherson Ave. PITZMAN, Julius, surveyor and civil en gineer; born, Halberstadt, Prussia, June 11, 1837; son of Frederick G. and Amalia (Ebers) Pitzman; educated in Real Gymnasium, Hal berstadt, Prussia, and private instruction in engineering at St. Louis; came to United States, 1854; married, St. Louis, Oct. 1, 1867, Emma R. Tittmann; children: Florence H. (Mrs. Edward A. Hermann), Edwin Sherman, Otto Hilgard (died in infancy); married, 2d, St. Louis, March 31, 1879, Caroline Marsh Wislizenus; children: Julius (died in infancy), G. Marsh, Harold W., Frederick, Louise Na talia. Entered office of city engineer, St. Louis, 1856; chief of county surveyor's of fice, 1857-58; started private surveyor's of fice, 1859; acting county engineer, St. Louis Co., 1861. Resigned and entered army as first lieutenant of engineers, fall of 1861; trans ferred to staff of Gen. William T. Sherman as chief topographical engineer, Fifteenth Army Corps, 1862, and promoted to captain; seri ously wounded in front of fortification at Vieksburg, May, 1863; resigned after recov ery and was elected county surveyor, St. Louis Co., November, 1863; volunteered in fall of 1864, and acted as major of engineers for army organized to repel invasion of Gen eral Price. Held offiee of county surveyor un til separation of city from county; served as commissioner in dividing nearly all big es tates in St. Louis since 1863. and served sev eral times on Board of Equalization to revise the assessment; chief engineer of Forest Park from 1874 until plan was completed and drives laid out; city surveyor since 1877. Designed and laid out Vandeventer, Westmoreland and Portland places, Compton Heights, Flora Boul., and introduced system of selling prop erty under restrictions. One of the three com missioners appointed by the mayor and City Council to prepare plans and specifications for King's Highway Boul. President Pitz man 's Company of Surveyors and Engineers, St. Clair Ferry and Transfer Co., Lake View Improvement Co.; vice president Merchants' and Manufacturers' Railroad Warehouse Co. Member of the commission to frame the new charter of St. Louis, submitted, 1911. Mem ber Engineers' Club, Missouri Historical So ciety, Academy of Science, American Society of Civil Engineers. Club: Noonday. Office: 615 Chestnut St. Residence: 1900 S. Compton Avenue. PLACKE, L(ouis) Ferdinand, cashier Ger man-American Bank; born, St. Louis, June 9, 1858; son of August and Elizabeth (Ballman) Placke; educated in private and public schools and colleges, St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Aug. 23, 1893, Lillie Caroline Sodt- mann; three children: Wesley Owen, Clarence Walter, Clifford. Has been connected with German-American Bank since sixteen years of age; assistant cashier, 1901-07; since cash ier. Member Legion of Honor, Tower Grove Turn Verein. Club: Liederkranz. Recreations: golf and fishing. Office: 400 Franklin Ave. Residence: 3849 Hartford St. PLANT, Alfred, seed merchant; 1821-1907; see Vol. 1906.- PLANT, Samuel, merchant miller; born, St. Louis, May 31, 1872; son of George H. and Alby (Easton) Plant; educated Smith Acad emy and St. Louis Manual Training School ; married, St. Louis, Jan. 10, 1900, Clara Ewing ; one daughter, Mary. Began active career, 1889, in manufacturing department of the George P. Plant Milling Co., and learned the miller's trade; was transferred to the office, 1892, and since 1908 has been vice president and general manager of the company. Re publican. Congregationalist. Member St. Louis Merchants' Exchange, St. Louis Mil lers' Club, Civie League. Clubs: Racquet, St. Louis Country. Recreations: hunting and mo toring. Office: 501 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Residence: "Easton," Clayton, St. Louis Co. PLATT, Albert Binns, contractor; see Vol. 1906. PLAYER, James Yeatman, retired; born, Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 14, 1851; son of Thomas Trezevant and Emma (Yeatman) Player; educated in schools of Nashville and various preparatory schools in the East, and in Sheffield Scientific School of Yale Univer sity; married, Ashwood, Tenn., Mar. 7, 1877, THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 477 Susan S. Polk; children: George Polk, James Y., Jr., Susan T. (Mrs. W. P. Graves), Thom son T. and Sallie H. Came to St. Louis after leaving college and was employed for one and one-half years in the old Merchants' Bank; then for three years in Philadelphia in employ of Townsend, Whelen & - Co. and with Philadelphia & Reading Ry. Co.; re turned to St. Louis, 1875, and for twenty- two years was connected with the Board of Edu cation as, consecutively, secretary to the su perintendent, secretary of committee for fif teen years, and secretary and treasurer of the board for seven years; then in real estate business for three years; comptroller of the City of St. Louis, 1901-09; president Mid- Continent Casualty Co., 1910-11; retired. Dem ocrat. Episcopalian. Member of Tennessee Society, St. Louis Academy of Science, Civic League. Favorite recreations: hunting and fishing. Residence: 5549 Vernon Ave. PLOCHMAN, Oscar Emil, secretary and di rector Hamilton Brown Shoe Co.; bora, St. Louis, Jan. 5, 1857; son of Emil and Lisetta (Renner) Ploehman; started to German pay school at age of five years; at seven started to Eiser's German College; at ten entered the Hodgen (public grammar) School, from which was graduated January, 1872; married, Wash ington, D. O, June 23, 1876, Emma C. H. Rackaway; three children: two sons (who died in infancy) and one daughter, Mabel S. (Mrs. H. A. Linneman). Began active career as collector in real estate business, for John Maguire, summer of 1872, continuing until 1878, when resigned; engaged with F. R. Rice & Co., cigars, etc., 1878-1892; identified with Hamilton Brown Shoe Co. since 1892 and has been secretary and director same, since Janu ary, 1909. Republican. Presbyterian. Mem ber Odd Fellows and Royal Arcanuum. Clubs: Glen Echo Country, Devil 's Elbow Fishing. Recreations: golf and fishing. Office: 12th St. and Washington Ave. FLOESER, Louis, president J. B. Sickles Saddlery Co.; born, St. Louis, May 14, 1852; son of Christian and Elizabeth (Luft) Ploe- ¦ser; educated in public schools, Eyser's Ger man Institute, Jones Business College; mar ried, St. Louis, Oct. 3, 1888, Alice Kreher; -children: Sterling Louis (with Brown Shoe Co.), Chester Ralph. First business experi ence was in 1868, during school vacation, as office boy with Fourth National Bank; en tered regularly on business career as office boy with Grimsley & Co., manufacturers of har ness, saddlery and collars, in 1869, and when that firm retired in 1872 started in with J. B. Sickles & Co. in same line; traveled for firm ¦sixteen years; was elected vice president of J. B. Sickles Saddlery Co. on its incorporation, 1881, and on death of J. J. Kreher, president ¦of the company, 1897, purchased his stock in the firm and was elected president and gen eral manager, in which position continues. Member Business Men's League. Member Sales- managers' Association of St. Louis (executive committee), Million Population Club. Repub lican. Presbyterian. Member Legion of Honor. Favorite recreations: horseback riding and driving. Office: 2100 Washington Ave. Resi dence: 5231 Washington Ave. PLUMB, Joseph Hudson, manufacturer of tools; born, Cape May, N. J., Sept. 4, 1882; son of Fayette Rumsey and Kathryn Carroll (Middleton) Plumb; educated at Delancey School, Philadelphia, 1892-99; Hotchkiss School, Lakeville, Conn., 1899-1902; Harvard University, 1902-05; married, Geneva, N. Y., June 22, 1912, Ma Belle Cole Houghton, of Geneva. Worked in shops of Philadelphia plant of Fayette R. Plumb, Inc. (founded 1856), 1905-06; in office, paying special atten tion to sales, 1906-07; traveled as salesman in United States, 1907-08; general work in office, special attention to finances, 1908-10; elected treasurer of company, 1909; has represented company in St. Louis since November, 1911. Republican. Episcopalian. Member Business Men's League. Clubs: University, Racquet. Recreations: outdoor sports. Office: Wellston. Residence: Colchester Apts., Kingshighway. PLUMMER, Theodore, lumber merchant; see Vol. 1906. POAGE, Franklin Riley, clergyman; see Vol. 1906. POHLMANN, Frederick Ludwig, physician; born, St. Louis, Sept. 3, 1874; son of Henry and Caroline (Rieckenberg) Pohlmann; edu cated in St. Louis public schools, commercial college, Missouri Medical College (now Medi cal Department, Washington University), M.D., 1897; married, St. Louis, Aug. 8, 1900, Katie Yost; children: Lucille, Evelyn. En gaged in general practice of medicine in St. Louis since 1897. Member St. Louis Medical Society, Missouri State Medical Association, American Medical Association. Republican. Recreation: fishing. Office: 2202 N. Market St. Residence: 2931 A Greer Ave. *POINDEXTER, John St. Louis, life insur ance; moved to Minneapolis, Minn.; see Vol. 1906. POLK, Charles Martin, lawyer; born Hel ena, Ark., June 28, 1878; son of Rufus J. and Cynthia (Martin) Polk; LL.B., University of Arkansas, 1898; LL.M., Columbian (now George Washington) University, Washington, D. O, 1900; married Nannie Lee, Nov. 6, 1907; children: William Lee, Cynthia. Ad mitted to St. Louis bar, Apr. 21, 1903, and since engaged in practice. Member St. Louis Bar Association. Democrat. Episcopalian. Clubs: St. Louis Country, Noonday, City. Of fice: Rialto Bldg. Residence: 3707 Westmin ster PL 478 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS POLLARD, William Jefferson, ex-judge Second District Police Court; born, Kingston, Mo. ; son of William S. and Mary Ann (Parks) Pollard; (father at the ofltbreak of the Civil War was a large land and slave owner; devo tion to the "lost cause" deprived him of his fortune) ; unmarried. Began business life as messenger for Western Union Telegraph Co.; proprietor of a grocery store eight years; ad mitted to practice law in 1897; first attracted attention in politics as personal representative of David R. Francis in gubernatorial cam paign of 1888, reading clerk of national, state and city (Democratic) conventions, and other conventions, not political. At Chicago, 1896, called roll when stampede was made to Wil liam J. Bryan, resulting in nomination of Mr. Bryan for President; reading clerk, House of Representatives, Thirty-ninth, Fortieth and "Forty-second General Assemblies of Missouri; justice of the peace in St. Louis for two terms (8% years) ; four years member and treasurer Board of Managers, Missouri School for the Blind; member A. F. & A. M., 32° Scottish Rite; Shriner. Favorite recreation: literature. Originated the ' ' Pollard plan ' ' for those charged with drunkenness or petty of fenses in Police Court, releasing accused on his signing a total abstinence pledge for one year; plan widely copied. Has served as delegate to various conventions, temperance and reform, in America and Europe. Resi dence: 518 Whittier St. POLLMAN, Henry C, president H. C. Poll- man & Bro. Coal and Sprinkling Co.; born in New York Harbor, Oct. 7, 1848; son of Fred erick and Elizabeth (Prange) Pollman; resi dent of St. Louis from infancy; educated partly in public schools, but largely self-edu cated; married, 1869, Violet M. Morange; one child, Florence (Mrs. Harry Braun); married, 2d, St. Louis, 1891, Helena Koops; five chil dren: Marguerite, Henry O, Jr^, Marie, Isa belle, Walter, Roy Philip. Learned trade of plasterer in St. Louis and followed it until 1879, when with brother, F. C. Pollman, or ganized H. C. Pollman & Bro. Coal and Sprinkling Co., of which is president and treasurer. Also president St. Louis College of Midwifery. Served in Fourth Missouri Volun teers three years and six months as drummer boy in Civil War; participated in actions at Wilson's Creek, Booneville and Frederiek town. Member Harding Post, G. A. R. Con gregationalist. Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner. Odd Fellow. Club: Brookland Hunt ing and Fishing. Recreation: fishing. Office: 14th St. and Bremen Ave. Residence: 3808 N. 11th St. POLLOCK, Benton Hall, lumberman; born, Burlington, la., Nov. 27, 1862; son of Frank and Josephine (Hall) Pollock; educated in public schools of Burlington, la., and Notre Dame University, South Bend, Ind., 1879-81; married, Burlington, Nov. 21, 1888, Kate Hutchinson. Began business career in 1883 in lumber business at Burlington; afterwards with Chippewa Lumber and Boom Co., Chippe wa Falls, Wis.; organized, with others, Colo nial Lumber and Timber Co., St. Louis, Janu ary, 1900, and was vice president of the com pany. Since 1902 in wholesale and retail lum- i ber business in St. Louis under style of B. H. Pollock Lumber Co. Republican. Episcopalian. Clubs: Glen Echo Country, Bellerive Country, Mercantile. Favorite recreation: golf. Offiee: 714 Wright Bldg. Residence: 5859 Von Versen Avenue. POLLVOGT, Henry L., proprietor Hornet Mantel Co.; born, St. Louis, May 30, 1862; son of Henry and Frances (Witte) Pollvogt; educated in St. Louis public schools and John son's Commercial College; married, St. Louis, Anna Koppelman: five children: Eleanora, Ar thur, Florence, Mamie, Elsie. After leaving business college engaged as bookkeeper with lumber company and continued until 1884; with Simmons Hardware Co., 1884-91; since conducted the mantel business. Member Evan gelical Church. Office: 1112-1120 Market St. Residence: 2710 N. 21st St. POLSTER, Oscar M., brewers' supplies; born, Breslau, Germany, Oct. 2, 1863; son of William and Ottilie Polster; educated in Ger man public schools and in University of Bres lau; married; children: William G., Olga, Os car M., Jr. Lived in New York, 1880-81, and was engaged with various firms in brewers' supply business; removed to St. Louis, 1888, and engaged as bookkeeper with Meyer & Hoffman, in same line; vice president and secretary of Meyer Supply Co., 1895-1901; since October, 1901, engaged in business for self. Member Eleventh Infantry, National Guard State of New York, 1884-86. Protes tant. Favorite recreation: music. Offiee: 106 S. 1st St. Residence: 2643 Armand PL FOMMER, Robert W., seed merchant; born in Germany, 1856; educated in public schools in Germany; unmarried. Resident of St. Louis since 1872, and in 1875 became connected with the house of D. I. Bushnell & Co., wholesale seed merchants, in which has been a partner since 1882. Member Merchants' Exchange. Club: Liederkranz. Office: 105 N. 2d St. Res idence: 1931 S. Compton Ave. POPE, Edmund Orson, fruits and produce; born, Rochester, N. Y., Nov. 2, 1866; son of Henry O. and Elizabeth (Schaffner) Pope; moved to St. Louis, 1876; educated in public schools of St. Louis; married, St. Louis, 1894, Annie Moody; one son, Nelson Moody Pope. Began business career with Jones-Pope Pro duce Co. as viee president, 1888-1903; secre tary and manager the Lincoln-Pope Mercan tile Co., wholesale general merchandise and mail-order business, 1903-11; since vice presi- THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 479 dent Patterson-Pope Marketing Co. Repub lican. Member West Presbyterian Church. Member A. F. & A. M. and St. Aldemar Com mandery, Knight Templar. Office: 825 N. 4th St. Residence: 931 Laurel Ave. POPPER, Morris, physician; born, Mlasov, Bohemia, Feb. 11, 1869; son of Adalbert and Johanna (Mahrer) Popper; educated in public schools, Staats Realschule, and Staats Gewerb- schule, Pilsen, Austria; graduated and passed Missouri State Board of Pharmacy, Ph.G., 1890; received medical education in Europe and at Barnes University, St. Louis, graduat ing, M.D., 1899; married, Quincy, 111., Oct. 10, 1900, Bella Kingsbaker; children: Jeanette May, Thelma Alberta. Professor in Barnes University (Medical Department). Engaged in general practice of medicine since Apr. 12, 1899. Member St. Louis Medical Society, Mis souri State Medical Association. Republican. Jewish religion. Club: Missouri Athletic. Ma son, Knight Templar. Office: 518 Mermod & Jaccard Bldg. Residence: 5192 Vernon Ave. *PORTER, Valentine Mott, lawyer; see Vol. 1906. PORTER, William, physician; born, Beaver, Pa., Mar. 18, 1852; son of Byron and Agnes (Rankin) Porter; educated at Elderton (Pa.) Academy, Westminster College, Pa., 1870; M.D., Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, 1873; London Hospital, 1874, Golden Square (London) Throat and Chest Hospital and assistant to Sir Morell MaeKenzie, 1874-75; Vienna, Paris and Berlin, 1875-76; married, Memphis, Mo., 1885, Pearl E. Dickinson. En gaged in practice of medicine, since 1876, in St. Louis; medical director State Sanitarium for Tuberculosis; physician in charge, Mount St. Rose Throat and Chest Sanitarium; physi cian to Protestant Hospital. Director of Na tional Association for Prevention of Tubercu losis; vice president St. Louis Society for Pre vention of Tuberculosis; professor of clinical medicine in Medical Department of St. Louis University. Member American Medical Asso ciation, Mississippi Valley Medical Associa tion, American Medical Editors' Association, St. Louis Medical Society, American Thera peutic Society. Recreation: outdoor life. Of fice and Residence: 3886 Washington Boul. PORTERFIELD, Elmo Pattin, physician; bora Commerce, Mo., Sept. 16, 1874; son of John Donalson and Fannie V. (Cullum) Por- terfield; educated grammar school, Cape Gi rardeau, Mo.; South East Missouri Normal School, Cape Girardeau; University of Mis souri, Columbia, Mo.; Ph.G., Northwestern University, Chicago, 1895, Ph.C., course, 1896; M.D., Rush Medical College (University of Chicago), 1899; married, St. Louis, June 4, 1901, Clyde Elizabeth Musick; three chil dren: Margaret, Francis, Mary Elizabeth. Practiced at Cape Girardeau, 1899-1905; since at St. Louis; assistant and instructor in medi cine, Medical Department St. Louis Univer sity, 1907-10; professor histology, Dental De partment, same, 1909-10; professor clinical medicine, American Medical College, since 1911; chief medical examiner at St. Louis for the Fidelity and Casualty Co. of New York, since 1906; house physician Scruggs- Vander- voort-Barney Dry Goods Co., since 1911. Mem ber American Medical Association, Missouri State Medical Association (delegate, 1909 and 1912), South East Missouri Medical Associa tion, St. Louis Medical Society, Knights of Pythias, B. P. O. Elks, Alpha Kappa Kappa, Phi Delta Chi. Served as captain Sixth Bat talion Missouri National Guard, 1902; coroner, Cape Girardeau County, 1903. Republican. Methodist. Author of numerous original arti cles on medical subjects in various medical journals. Office: Century Bldg. Residence: 5232 Maple Ave. POST, Henry M., lawyer; born, Jackson ville, 111., Nov. 27, 1840; son of Rev. Truman M. (D.D.) and Frances Alsop (Henshaw) Post; came to St. Louis with parents, 1847; preparatory education in private school; Yale College, class of 1861; A.B., Illinois College, 1861; admitted to bar, 1862; married, Jack sonville, 111., June 14, 1866, Emma Reed Robb; four children: Harriet (wife of Professor Wil liam A. Rawles, of University of Indiana), Truman M., Margaret Stanley (Mrs. Henry H. Niemeyer), Clara B. In practice in St. Louis since 1862; for many years partner with brother, Truman A. Post, but since his death, 1902, has practiced alone. Disqualified from service in U. S. army on account of infirmity in hearing, but served as army correspondent for St. Louis newspapers, 1862-63; first lieu tenant Company B, Tenth Regiment, Enrolled Missouri Militia; also first lieutenant of vol unteer company during railroad strike, 1877. Congregationalist. Member Alpha Delta Phi college fraternity. Assisted brother (then offi cial reporter), 1869-77, in editing Missouri Re ports, Vols. 42 to 64, inclusive. Recreations: literary. Office: 410 Liggett Bldg. Residence: 5678 Cabanne Ave. POST, Lewis Walter, safes; born, Essex, Conn., Mar. 6, 1847; son of David Rawson and Maria Philips (Urquhart) Post; educated in common school at Essex, Conn., until fifteen; married, Hartford, Conn., Dec. 19, 1879, Mary Ingham Rockwell; children: Malcolm Phelps, Walter Urquhart, Marjorie. In April, 1862, shipped "before the mast" in London packet ship (sailing) American Eagle; in 1869 was chief mate of ship Good Hope in same line; came to St. Louis, 1872, engaging in minor ca pacity in sewer pipe manufacturing business; formed partnership, in same line, with L. R. Blackmer, as Blackmer & Post, in 1878; in corporated business, 1893, as Blackmer & Post Pipe Co., of which was vice president and 480 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS general manager until 1907, when retired; in 1910 organized and became president of Hall Safe and Fixture Co. Democrat. Episcopalian. Club: Mercantile. Office: #108 N. 4th St. Resi dence: Chesterfield Apts. POST, M. Hayward, physician; born, St. Louis, Mar. 31, 1851; son of Truman Marcellus and Frances Alsop (Henshaw) Post; educated in St. Louis public schools, Smith Academy; A.B., Washington University, 1872; St. Louis Medical College, M.D., 1877; post-graduate study in London, England, and Utrecht, Hol land, 1881; married, Louisville, Ky., May 6, 1885; Mary Lawrence Tyler (died Jan. 2, 1888); children: M. Hayward, Jr., Lawrence Tyler; married, 2d, Jacksonville, 111., Jan. 4, 1906, Mary Brown Tanner; children: Edward Tanner, Frederick Woodford. Was principal in St. Louis public schools before studying medicine; since 1877 engaged in practice in St. Louis. Member American Ophthalmolog ical Society, American Academy of Medicine, St. Louis Academy of Science, American Med ical Association. Independent Republican. Congregationalist. Clubs: University, St. Louis Country, The Round Table. Office: Met ropolitan Bldg. Residence:' 5371 Waterman Avenue. POTTER, Clarkson, commercial paper bro ker; born, Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 19, 1880; son of Henry S. and Margaret (Lionberger) Potter; educated in Mrs. Dozier 's School, 1887-90; Rugby Academy, 1890-91; Smith Academy, 1891-94; St. Paul's School, Concord, N. H., 1894-97; Yale University, 1897-1901, graduating A.B.; married, St. Louis, June 21, 1902, Amy Holland; children: George Holland, John Clarkson, Henry S., 2d. With Mississippi Valley Trust Co., November, 1901, to March, 1904; with Mercantile Trust Co. (bond depart ment), March to September, 1904; assistant St. Louis representative of F. S. Moseley & Co., of Boston, commercial paper, until Janu ary, 1908; since vice president W. R. Compton Bond and Mortgage Co. Member Business Men's League, Civic League. Episcopalian. Clubs: Noonday, St. Louis Country, Racquet, City (St. Louis), University (Chicago), Yale (New York). Recreations: golf, football, ten nis. Office: 408 Olive St. Residence: 42 West moreland PL POTTER, Oscar F., physician, retired; born near Watertown, N. Y., Oct. 13, 1829; son of Levi Warren and Betsey Burns (Mills) Pot ter; descendant of Vincent Potter, who was one of the signers of the death warrant of King Charles I of England; Anthony Potter, the emigrant ancestor, arrived in America 1648; descendant in maternal line from the patriot, Gen. Joseph Warren, who was killed at Bunker Hill; educated principally at Mc Kendree College, Lebanon, 111.; M.D., Missouri Medical College, 1856; married, New Orleans, Apr. 2, 1874, Alice La Fontain Mayerton (died Aug. 12, 1897). Began practice in St. Louis, 1852; has traveled extensively in Eu rope and America; was for a number of years member and dean St. Louis College of Phar macy; was also editor St. Louis Medical and Surgical Journal for three years; retired from active practice, 1900. Residence: 2556 N. Grand Ave. POTTER, William Bleecker, mining engi neer and metallurgist; born, Schenectady, N. Y., Mar. 23, 1846; son of Rt. Rev. Horatio P. (P. E. bishop of New York) and Mary Jane (Tomlinson) Potter; A.B., Columbia Univer sity, 1866, A.M., 1869; E.M., School of Mines, Columbia, 1869 (Sc.D., 1904); assistant in ge ology there, 1869-71; also assistant geological survey of Ohio; married, St. Louis, Nov. 14, 1888, Agnes Kennett Farrar; children: Min nie Chauncey, Anna, Horatio, Kennett Farrar. Assistant in geological survey of Missouri, 1872-74; engineer of Pilot Knob Iron Co., 1874-78; metallurgist of Vulcan Iron and Steel Works, 1876-78; engineer of Iron Mountain Co., 1882-93; member board of managers Mis souri Geological Survey, 1889-93; professor mining and metallurgy, Washington Univer sity, St. Louis, 1871-93. Founder and manager St. Louis Sampling and Testing Works. Presi dent St. Louis Engineers' Club, 1887; presi dent American Institute of Mining Engineers, 1888; member American Institute of Mining Engineers, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Mining and Metallurgical Society of America; corresponding member New York Academy of Science, Wisconsin Academy of Science; member National Geographic Soci ety. Recreations: books and country life. Of fice: 713 Clark Ave. Residence: 4021 Wash ington Boul. POTTS, Jerome Dillard, physician and sur geon; born in Henry Co., Mo., Apr. 7, 1854; son of James Frederick and Cornelia E. (Me- Quitty) Potts; educated at Rocheport, Mo., under tutelage, 1863-75; University of Mis souri, 1876-78, M.D., 1878; post-graduate work, Philadelphia Polyclinic, and New York Post- Graduate Medical School, 1903 ; married, Boon ville, Mo., May 4, 1880, Carrie L. Mills; four children: Erla, Jerome F., Vibert E., Martha U. Practiced at Rocheport, 1878-79; in Cooper Co., Mo., 1879-84, Boonville, 1887-1904, St. Louis since November, 1904; professor dis eases of rectum and anus, American Medical College (formerly held same chair in Barnes University). President Faculty Realty Co., a company organized to hold the realty of Barnes Medical University. Democrat (since 1875). Baptist (since 1882). Member Amer ican Medical Association, Missouri State Med ical Association (ex-vice president), St. Louis Medical Society; ex-president Cooper County Medical Society. Royal Arch Mason; Forester. Author of various monographs and papers re lating to the rectum, etc., and has now in THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 481 preparation a text-book on Proctology. Rec reations: fishing and hunting. Office: 423 Del mar Bldg. Residence: 5018 Raymond Ave. POTTS, Jerome F., physician and surgeon; born, Boonville, Cooper Co., Mo., May 24, 1886; son of Jerome D. and Carrie Lee (Mills) Potts; graduated from high school, Boonville, 1904; removed to St. Louis, 1904; M.D., Barnes University, May, 1909; unmarried. House physician Centenary and St. Luke 's hospitals, 1909-10; in general practice since September, 1910. Member Medico-Chirurgical Association. Democrat. Baptist. Mason. Recreations: horseback riding and motoring. Office: 423 Delmar Bldg. Residence: 5018 Raymond Ave. POULIN, Remy Napoleon, president Mer cantile Grocery Co.; born, Marieville, Canada, Dec. 6, 1847; son of Dr. Joseph Napoleon (for sixteen years a member of the Canadian Par liament) and Josephte (Bourdages) Poulin; great grandson of Hon. Louis Bourdages, called ' ' the great Bourdages, ' ' for many years a leading statesman of Canada; was giadu- ated at Marieville College, and from the Royal Military School of Quebec, March, 1865, being awarded first honors; married, St. Johns, Can ada, Aug. 12, 1872, Onesime B. Saint-Aubin; thre^e children: Hortense Beatrice (now wife of Capt. O. W. Bell, U. S. A.), Remy B., Al bert J. Came to St. Louis Apr. 9, 1865, and se cured employment as clerk in the retail dry goods store of Porter Worthington; in 1869 opened a grocery with the late Joseph Garman at 17th and Morgan Sts.; firm dissolved, 1872, and he has ever since conducted business on , own account; now president of the Mercantile Grocery Co. Served as lieutenant in British Army in Canada. Roman Catholic. Recrea tion: baseball. Office: 4653-4657 Maryland Ave. Residence: 336 Newstead Ave. POWE, Thomas E., lumber merchant; born, Cheraw, S. C, Jan. 5, 1872; son of James Har rington and Josephine E. (Robbins) Powe; ed ucated in local schools and Cheraw Academy, Cheraw, S. O; special student at Harvard Uni versity, 1899-1904; married, St. Louis, Nov. 10, 1910, Miss Grace, daughter of Captain Robert McCulloch; one daughter, Josephine Paxton. Assistant lumber inspector Powe & Warren Lumber Co., St. Louis, 1896-97; buyer and in spector for Little Lumber Co., 1897, and man ager of the company's branch office and yard at Memphis, Tenn., 1899; secretary Plummer- Benediet Lumber Co., St. Louis, 1901; from 1903 vice president and director Plummer Lumber Co., until Sept. 1, 1909, when this company was succeeded by the present firm of Thomas E. Powe Lumber Co., of which he is owner. Also president St. Louis Lumber Ex change; director Hardwood Manufacturers' Association of the United States; member Na tional Hardwood Lumber Association; direc tor Lumbermen's Club (St. Louis). Member Business Men's League. Democrat. Episco palian. Past Commander United Sons of Con federate Veterans. Clubs: Field, Missouri Ath letic (member board of governors), Normandie Golf. Recreations: golf and literature. Offiee: 3100 Hall St. Residence: 304 Skinker Rd. POWELL, George F., dealer in grain; born, Baltimore, Md., May 17, 1869; son of Robert and Elizabeth (Grace) Powell; educated in public schools of Baltimore; married, Atlanta, Ga., Mar. 3, 1908, Comie Robertson; three children: John G., Nancy E., Robert M. Came to St. Louis, 1884; was employed as clerk by Connor Bros., 1884-1900, and became a partner of the firm, so continuing until 1909; assisted in organizing firm of Powell & O'Rourke, 1909, of which is senior member. Member St. Louis Merchants' Exchange. Democrat. Cath olic. Member Knights of Columbus. Clubs: Normandie Golf, St. Louis Grain, St. Louis Traffic. Recreations: -golf, automobiling. Of fice: 836 Pierce Bldg. Residence: 4440 Mary land Ave. POWELL, German Green, vice president F. A. Steer Furnishing Goods Co.; born on farm near Lebanon, Tenn., July 13, 1859; son of William T. and Sarah J. (Duncan) Powell; educated in country schools, Lebanon; mar ried, St. Louis, Nov. 25, 1887, May Berry; one daughter, Marguerite. Lived on farm un til nineteen; came to St. Louis in 1881, and in 1882 entered employ of Mr. F. A. Steer in furnishing goods business; admitted as part ner in 1884 in one of the branch stores, since consolidated at the present address, and since incorporation of the business has been vice president and manager of the company. Of fice: 213-215 N. Broadway. Residence: .304 Skinker Rd. *POWELL, Thomas Carr, railway official; moved to Cincinnati; see Vol. 1906. POWELL, Walker V., life insurance; bom, Simcoe, Canada, Dee. 4, 1864; son of Isaac A. and Lizzie M. Powell; educated in public schools; married, Wichita, Kan., Jan. 28, 1894, Katie Vennard; one daughter, Josephine. Be gan railroad work as telegraph operator and railroad agent in 1880; served in these capaci ties and as train dispatcher until 1893, when was elected president of the Order of Rail road Telegraphers, the International Associa tion representing that class of railway em ployes; resigned, 1900, to aeeept employment with Russell Harding, viee president and gen eral manager of the Missouri Pacific Ry., as his right-of-way agent; served in that ca pacity until March 15, 1905, when resigned to engage in other business. Started in life in surance, 1907, as manager Dominion Life In surance Co. of New York, at Little Rock, Ark., for Arkansas and Oklahoma; general agent for National Life Insurance Co. of U. S. A. for State of Missouri since 1910. Di rector and officer in various stock companies. 482 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS Democrat. Mason (32°), K. T., Shriner. Club: Masonic. Recreations: boating, hunting and fishing. Offiee: 505-506 Victoria Bldg. Resi dence: Albemarle Hotel POWERS, J. Hugh, assistant treasurer Mer cantile Trust Co.; born, St. Louis, Sept. 15, 1880; son of John Edward and Theresa (Long) Powers; educated in St. Louis Catholic and public schools, and took course in Bryant & Stratton Business College; married, St. Louis, June 2, 1906, Mary Blong; three children: Mary, Frances T., J". Hugh, Jr. Began busi ness career with Wabash R. R. Co., 1893, and continued until 1901; then entered savings de partment Mercantile Trust Co., and has been manager of bond department and assistant treasurer since 1907. Lecturer on investments and comparative values, School of Commerce and Finance, St. Louis University. Democrat. Catholic. Member Knights of Columbus. Club: Noonday. Recreations: music, books. Office: Mercantile Trust Co. Residence: 3536 Connecticut St. POWITZKY, Henry Frank, manufacturer carriage wood-work; born, Leipzig, Germany, Jan. 2, 1856; son of Charles and Caroline (Hardmann) Powitzky; educated in public schools in Germany and St. Louis, coming with parents direct to this city when twelve years of age; married, St. Louis, Nov. 2, 1879, Louisa Werremeyer (now deceased); children: H. Frank, Jr., Clara M. (Mrs. C. O. C. Max) ; married, 2d, 1907, Mrs. Malcom Ulch. Began business career in shop of Nathan Card, with whom served over three years as apprentice and journeyman at carriage making; later was foreman for Haydock Brothers until started business for self, 1886, and in 1891 the firm became Powitzky & Collins and later was incorporated as Powitzky & Collins Car riage Wood- Work Co., of which is president. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Union, Liederkranz. Office: E. Grand Ave. and 1st St. Residence: 3555 Longfellow Ave. PREDOCK, George Edward, furniture man ufacturer; born, Washington, Mo., Nov. 26, 1862; son of Antoine and Georgia (Gay) Predoek; educated in public schools; married, St. Louis, Apr. 30, 1901, Emma Gore. Came to St. Louis in 1883, and was employe and later superintendent of the N. O. Nelson Man ufacturing Co., manufacturers of plumbers' supplies, until 1891; engaged in business for self as manufacturer of plumbers' specialties, 1891-93; superintendent of A. P. Bohlinger Table Co., 1893-99; since organization, July 1, 1899, vice president and superintendent of the Udell-Predock Manufacturing Co., manu facturers of furniture. Member St. Louis Furniture Board of Trade (director), North St. Louis Business Men's Association. Re publican. Presbyterian. Favorite recreation: automobiling. Office: 2305-2315 N. Broadway. Residence: 5229 Paulian PL PREETORIUS, Edward Louis, journalist; born, St. Louis, July 14, 1866; son of Dr. Emil and Madalene (Smith) Preetorius; educated at public school, Peabody School, Manual Training School, and Washington University, graduating, 1884; married, St. Louis, Apr. 9, 1902, Carrie Dickson Cook. Began newspaper work in St. Louis, Sept. 1, 1884; now presi dent and general manager of the German- American Press Association, publishers of the St. Louis Times and Westliehe Post. Director Commonwealth Trust Co., Mortgage Trust Co., Free Library Board. Member Business Men's League. Republican. Clubs: St. Louis, Union, Glen Echo, Racquet, Noonday, Missouri Ath letic, Century Boat. Recreation: athletics. Of fice: Times Bldg., Broadway and Chestnut St. Residence: 4534 W. Pine Boul. PRENDERGAST, James, president of Pren- dergast Lumber Co.; bora in St. Louis Co., Mo., Feb. 8, 1859; son of Edmund and Mary (McCullough) Prendergast; educated in pub lic school, Holy Cross (parochial) School and Christian Brothers College, St. Louis; mar ried, St. Louis, Nov. 24, 1896, May Dowling. Born and reared on farm; went into lumber business in 1891; started Prendergast Lum ber Co. in 1900, and has since been at its head as president; also president Equality Saving and Building Association. Democrat. Catholic. Member Business Men's League. Member Knights of Columbus, Knights of Fa ther Mathew. Recreations: motoring and fish ing. Offiee: 826 Cass Ave. Residence: 3630 Cook Ave. *PRENTICE, Thomas Junius; moved to De catur, 111.; see Vol. 1906. PRESCOTT, James Allen, motor trucks; born, Paterson, N. J., Dec. 30, 1871; son of George H. and Hattie A. (Whipple) Prescott; educated in public schools, Westfield, Mass., and business college at Springfield, Mass.; married, St. Louis, Dee. 18, 1901, May L. Greeley; one son, James Allen, Jr. Began business career as mechanic in the factory of the Rand Drill Co., at Tarrytown, N. Y., for four years; was representative of that com pany in Chicago for three and one-half years, and at St. Louis, 1898-1905; sales manager for the Blaisdell Machinery Co. of Bradford, Pa., Exeter Machine Works of Pittston, Pa., and Jeanesville Iron Works Co., of Hazleton, Pa., 1905-07; president .Prescott Motor Car Co. since 1908. Member American Society Me chanical Engineers. Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner. Club: St. Louis Railway. Recreation: motoring. Office: 222 Title Guar anty Bldg. Residence: 5838 Westminster PL PREUSS, Arthur, author; born, St. Louis, Mar. 22, 1871; son of Dr. Edward and Con cordia (Schuricht) Preuss; educated parochial schools (Catholic), St. Louis; Canisius Col lege, Buffalo, N. Y.; St. Francis College, Quin cy, 111., graduating with degree of A.B., 1888, THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 483 AM., 1889; married, East St. Louis, Oct. 23, 1900, Pauline Beuckmann; seven children: Isabella, Edward, Alma, Eleanor, Alfred, Wil frid, Charles Arthur. Associate editor St. Louis Daily Amerika, 1889-92; chief editor Catholic Sonntagsblatt and Volkszeitung, Chicago, 1892-96; founded the Catholic Fort nightly Review, Chicago, 1894, of which con tinues as editor and publisher; associate ed itor Daily Amerika, 1896-1903; chief editor same, 1903-05. Independent in politics. Cath olic; member board governors Catholic Ex tension Society of United States. Vice presi dent German Literary Society of St. Louis, publishers of Daily Amerika. Member Mis souri Historical Society. Author: The Funda mental Fallacy of Socialism, 1908, second edi tion, 1909 ; A Study in American Freemasonry, 1908; God, His Knowability, Essence and At tributes, 1911; The Divine Trinity, 1912; God, the Author of Nature and the Supernatural, 1912. Office: 18 S. 6th St. Residence: Bridge- ton, St. Louis Co., Mo. PRICE, Robert Coleman, president Colum bia Box Co.; born, Lexington, Ky., May 18, 1861; son of Gen. Samuel Woodson and Mary Frances (Thompson) Price; graduated from Louisville (Ky.) High School; married, Louis ville, Ky., June 1, 1893, Sally Green Hum phrey; children: Jessamine H., E. Humphrey, Mary Frances. Began business career as rail way mail clerk for some months in 1881, then in Louisville postoffice until end of 1882, and after that deputy collector of internal revenue at Louisville; afterwards with the C. C. Mengel, Jr., & Bro., lumber and box manufacturers (and was one of the incorpo rators of that business as C. C. Mengel, Jr., & Bro. Co. in 1888) ; came to St. Louis, 1895, to represent the company, and started a factory in this city; in 1899 the lumber interests of the company were separated from its box manufacturing interests, the latter being or ganized as the Mengel Box Co., of which he was secretary and also manager of St. Louis branch until 1901, when the Columbia Box Co. was organized, of which has since been presi dent. Republican. Was member of First Ken tucky Regiment (Louisville Legion). Mem ber Second Presbyterian Church. Member Kentucky Society. Club: Missouri Athletic. Recreations: athletic sports of all kinds. Of fice: 19th and N. Market Sts. Residence: 4600 McPherson Ave. PRICE, Thomas E., grain commission; born in St. Louis Co., Mo.; son of Fred and Vir ginia (Minor) Price; educated Washington University; twice married; children: Thomas E., Jr., Virginia M. and Leslie. In grain com mission business since 1877 as head of firm of T. E. Price & Co. Member St. Louis Mer chants' Exchange, St. Louis Grain Club. Clubs: Mercantile, Missouri Athletic. Office: 111 N. 3d St. Residence: 26 N. King's Highway. PRICE, Vincent Leonard; born, Waukegan, 111., July 30, 1871; son of Dr. Vincent C. and Harriet (White) Price; educated in public schools of Waukegan, Racine (Wis.) College, and graduated from Sheffield Scientific School of Yale University, 1894; married, Mineral Point, Wis., Oct. 3, 1894, Marguerite C. Will cox; children: Harriet, James Mortimer, Lauralouise, Vincent L., Jr. Since 1894 has been actively identified with the interests of his father, Dr. V. C. Price, of Chicago, and since 1894 has also been identified with the candy trade; came to St. Louis from Chicago when the National Candy Co. was organized, Oct. 1, 1902, becoming vice president; also vice president and director Price Cereal Food Co., Chicago. Chairman -executive committee of the National Confectioners' Association of the United States. Republican. Episcopalian. Clubs: Noonday, Racquet, Bellerive, City, Aero, Automobile. Office: 415 Pine St. Resi dence: 5227 Washington Ave. PRICHARD, James B., physician and sur geon; born, Ray Co., Mo., Mar. 18, 1860; son of Enoch Smith and Ruth (McClung) Prieh- ard; educated, Richmond (Mo.) High School, and Missouri Medical College (Washington University), graduating with degree of M.D., 1885; married, St. Louis, Jan. 12, 1897, Es-. telle F. Pauley; four children: Violet, Arline, James and Marion. In practice in St. Louis since 1887; demonstrator anatomy, Marion- Sims Medical College, 1893-97; professor gen eral pathology, Barnes Medical College, 1904- 08; U. S. examining surgeon for pensions, Sfe Louis; captain and assistant surgeon National Guard of Missouri. Member Board of Health, City of St. Louis. Republican. Methodist. Member American Medical Association, Mis souri State Medical Society, St. Louis Medical Society. Member Masonic Order, also various fraternal insurance societies. Recreation: out door sports. Office: Metropolitan Bldg. Resi dence: 3746 Windsor PL PRIEP, Fred William, foundryman; bom, Mecklenburg, Schwerein, Germany, Mar. 8, 1870; son of Henry and Sophia (Blohm) Priep; was brought to America, 1874; edu cated in Evangelical Lutheran School, St. Charles, Mo., 1878-1883; married, St. Charles, Aug. 4, 1897, Minnie M. Halbruegge; two children: Wilma and Cora. Began as an iron moulder at St. Charles, 1890; entered business on own account, Jan. 8, 1904, as viee presi dent, and has been president Tower Grove Foundry Co. since 1908. Republican. Evan gelical Lutheran. Recreation: country life. Office: 4444 Hunt Ave. Residence: 4528 Areo Avenue. PRIESMEYER, William Henry, retired; born, Westphalia, Germany, June 25, 1846; son of William and Caroline (Quaebe) Pries- meyer; educated in schools in Germany; came to United States in 1867; married, St. Louis, 484 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS Mar. 23, 1872, Anna Gaus (died Jan. 6, 1912). Became identified with the salt business as employe of H. F. Priesmeyer in 1872, and from July 22, 1873, to Mar. 1, 1909, engaged in business for self as a salt dealer and lye manufacturer in St. Louis; retired from busi ness, 1909; president Priesmeyer-Stevens Au tomobile Co. Director of the German General Protestant Home. Folk Democrat. Attends Christian Science Church at King's Highway and Westminster PL Member St. Louis Single Tax League. Residence: 1541 S. Grand Ave. PRIEST, Henry Samuel, lawyer; born in Ralls Co., Mo., Feb. 7, 1853 ; son of Thomas J. and Amelia Elliott (Brown) Priest; educated at Van Rensselaer Academy, Ralls Co., Mo., and Westminster College, Fulton, Mo., in class of 1872 (LL.D., Westminster College); mar ried, Moberly, Mo., Nov. 9, 1876, Henrietta K. Parsell; children: George T., Grace E. (Mrs. William Grayson, Jr.), Jeannette B. (Mrs. Thomas Bond), Wells Blodgett; married, sec ond time, St. Louis, Aug. 19, 1912. Admitted to bar in 1873, and since continuously engaged in general practice of law; since July 1, 1905, associated with Wilbur F. Boyle under firm style Boyle & Priest. Director National Bank of Commerce. Appointed by President Cleve land in 1894 U. S. district judge, resigning about one year later. Member St. Louis, Mis souri State and American Bar associations. Democrat. Presbyterian. Clubs: St. Louis, Noonday, Missouri Athletic, Country, Log Cabin, Kinloch, Cuivre, Bellerive. Recrea tions: golf and shooting. Office: 415 Pine St. Residence: 4320 Westminster PL PRIEST, WeBs Blodgett, lawyer; bom, Webster Groves, Mo., July 13, 1888; son of Henry Samuel and Henrietta King (Parsell) Priest; educated, public schools; Smith Acad emy; Lawrenceville Preparatory School, Law- renceville, N. J.; Westminster College, Ful ton, Mo.; University of Virginia; St. Louis Law School; married, St. Louis, Apr. 12, 1909, Marjorie Ruth Everts; two children: Marjorie Jean and Wells Blodgett, Jr. Admitted to Missouri bar, 1909, and since in practice in St. Louis; member firm of Boyle & Priest. Member Missouri State Bar Association, Kappa Alpha, Phi Delta Phi. Presbyterian. Club: City. Recreations: fishing, hunting. Office: 12th floor Bank of Commerce Bldg. Residence: 5537 Waterman Ave. PRIMM, Alexander Timon, Jr., vice presi dent J. Kennard & Sons Carpet Co.; born, Belleville, 111., Apr. 12, 1864; son of Alexander Timon and Jane E. (Sharp) Primm; educated in Belleville public schools and Smith Acad emy, St. Louis; unmarried. Began business career in employ of J. Kennard & Sons Car pet Co., 1882; served in various positions and as salesman, then manager of wholesale de partment, in which position still continues; was elected vice president of the company, January, 1912. Treasurer Park Automobile Co. Clubs: University, St. Louis, St. Louis Country, Noonday, City, Racquet. Recreation: polo. Office: 400 Washington Ave. Residence: 607 N. Grand Ave. PRIMM, L. J. Clawson, artist; born, Belle ville, 111., Feb. 4, 1859; son of A. T. and Jane Elizabeth (Sharp) Primm; graduated from Belleville High School and from Smith Acad emy; entered Washington University, but left during senior year on account of illness; un married. After leaving university was en gaged in business with father; since Septem ber^ 1902, has been engaged, as artist, in the applied arts of interior decoration. At his studio may be seen many artistic treasures, among them an Italian room of the Renais sance period. Clubs: University, St. Louis Country, Imperial, Choral Symphony, Morning Choral, Apollo. Recreation: music. Office: 507-508 Mermod & Jaccard Bldg. Residence: Washington Hotel. PRIMM, Samuel Stookey, president Park Automobile Co.; born, Belleville, 111., Jan. 31, 1868; son of Alexander Timon and Jane Eliza beth (Sharp) Primm; educated in Belleville public schools to 1882; entered Washington University, 1882, from which graduated, 1886; married, St. Louis, July 22, 1909, Lulu G. Cot- ty; one daughter, Minerva Clawson. Began business career with St. Louis News Co., 1887, and continued until 1895; with George D. Bar nard Stationery Co., 1896-1900; salesman with Mississippi Valley Automobile Co., 1900-04; then organized present company of which has since been president. Independent in politics. Recreation: motoring. Office: 5201 Delmar Ave. Residence: 727 N. Union Ave. PRENUE, Zachariah, manufacturer ladies' underwear; born, New York City, March 28, 1870; son of Benjamin and Lena Prince; ed ucated in public schools; unmarried. Began business career as clerk in retail store, and in 1889 started in business as a manufacturer of ladies' underwear in the firm of S. Grabinsky & Co., St. Louis, which afterwards changed to Prince, Evans & Co.; in 1906 Abraham L. Evans died and firm name was changed to Prince & Co.. Jewish religion. Member Mis souri Lodge B'nai B'rith. Club: Columbian. Recreation: horseback riding. Office: 420 N. 8th St. Residence: 5376 Waterman Ave. FRINZ, Hermann, dental surgeon; born near Halle, Germany, June 13, 1868; son of August and Frederica Prinz; educated in lyceum at Leipzig, universities of Halle and Berlin, Ger many, University of Michigan and Harvard University, D.D.S., M.D., 1896; married, St. Louis, July 5, 1905, Lily Koop. Professor ma teria medica, dental pathology and therapeu tics, and director of the research laboratory, Washington University Dental School. Mem ber American Medical Association, Missouri State Dental Association, St. Louis Dental So- THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 485 ciety, St. Louis Medical Society. Office: 29th and Locust Sts. Residence: Webster Groves, Missouri. PRIOR, Christian H., real estate and loan agent; born, St. Louis, Sept. 10, 1865; son of Frederick G. and Marie D. Prior; educated in public schools to 1875; Eiser German Institute, 1875-77; also two terms in Greer's Commer cial College; married, St. Louis, Apr. 28, 1898, Edna Shield; one son, Christian H., Jr. With Ponath & Buse, real estate, 1884-88; book keeper and cashier with Charles Vogel, 1888- 1904; entered business for self as member of firm of Prior & Hartig. Republican. German Evangelical. Mason. Recreations: hunting and fishing. Office: 616 Chestnut St. Residence: 5946 Von Versen Ave. PROCTER, William Otis, president Procter- Connell Fish Co.; born, Gloucester, Mass., Oct. 11, 1844; son of Joseph J. and Eliza Ann (Gilbert) Procter; educated in public and high schools, Gloucester; married, St. Louis, June 19, 1901, Lydia M. Rohlfing. Retired from Trask Fish Co., Jan. 15, 1902, to join Mr. J. F. Connell in organizing Procter-Connell Fish Co., importers and wholesale dealers in dry, salted, pickled and canned ocean and lake fish, of which company is president. Re publican. Member Pilgrim Congregational Church; member Society of Pilgrim Brother hood. Office: 510-512 N. 2d St. Residence: 6120 Washington Ave. PROVENCHERE, Peter WiUiam, lawyer; born, St. Louis, July 23, 1852; son of Ferdi nand and Mary J. D. (Linton) Provenchere; A.B., St. Louis University, 1871; attended Law Department, Washington University, St. Louis, one term; then in law school of Uni versity of Virginia, graduating B.L., 1873; unmarried. Admitted to bar in 1873, and since engaged in the general practice of law in St. Louis. Roman Catholic. Democrat; served one term in House of Representatives of Mis souri legislature, 1881-82. Member of St. Louis Bar Association, Law Library Association. Residence: 5628 Clemens Ave. PRUFROCK, William, manufacturer of par lor furniture; born, Lucknetz, Germany, Mar. 20, 1843; son of Frederick and Louisa (Bon ing) Prufrock; educated in public schools of Germany; married, St. Louis, Jan. 4, 1872, Ma tilda Hampeter; children: Cornelia (Mrs. John Materne), Adelia (Mrs. Henry Pope), Matilda (Mrs. A.. Bauer), Harry. Served as apprentice in cabinet making trade for four years at Stettin, Germany, then worked at bench in Berlin until was twenty-one years of age, when entered upon military service and remained in German Army three and one-half years; saw service in two German wars during 1864 and 1866. Came to United States in 1868, and di rect to St. Louis, where worked at trade until fall of 1869; since in business for self as man ufacturer of upholstered furniture, first under individual name, and now as president of the William Prufrock Furniture Co. Presbyterian. Member St. Louis Turn Verein, Liederkranz. Office: 1439-1447 6th St. Residence: 2630 Ten nessee Ave. PRYOR, Edward Bailey, railway official; born, Fayetteville, W. Va., Mar. 8, 1854;. son of Joseph William and Frances Frazier (Bai ley) Pryor; educated in public schools of Pal myra, Mo. Entered railway service with the Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific Ry. Co. as clerk in auditor's office, December, 1879; has con tinued successively in various positions as clerk, chief clerk, assistant auditor, assistant secretary, assistant to president and as vice president Wabash R. R. as follows: with Wa bash, St. Louis & Pacific Ry. Co., 1879-84, Wa bash Western R. R. Co. to Aug. 1, 1889, Wa bash R. R. Co. since Aug. 1, 1889. Also vice president Wiggins Ferry Co., East St. Louis Connecting Ry. Co., St. Louis Transfer Ry. Co., Pacific Express Co., Wabash R. R. Co.; director Missouri Pacific Ry. Co., State Na tional Bank. Congregationalist. Clubs: Noon day, Round Table, St. Louis Country. Office: 1108 Title Guaranty Bldg. Residence: 5256 Westminster PL PUCKETT, Robert Butler, president Hodia- mont Bank; born, Centerville, Hickman Co., Tenn., June 10, 1862; son of James Wiley and Elizabeth J. (True) Puekett; removed to Ken tucky, 1865; educated public schools, Bland- ville, Ky., and Blandville College, paying tui tion by working in printing office; married, Cairo, 111., Dec. 10, 1884, Ella M. Batty; three children: Edith F., Alfred Kelley and Ber- neyce R. Began active career at eighteen as clerk in retail dry goods store at Cairo, salary of $35 a month; went on the road as sales man for wholesale shoe house, 1887; later be came general salesman for Roberts, Johnson & Rand Shoe Co., now International Shoe Co., and continued in that position for thirteen years, 1898 to 1911 (now stockholder in the company) ; president Hodiamont Bank since Nov. 1, 1910, and also vice president Amer ican Shoe Stock Co. Republican. Director Tennessee Society of St. Louis. Member Chris tian Church. Member Rose Hill Lodge, No. 550, A. F. & A. M.; St. Aldemar Command ery, No. 18, Knights Templar; also Safford Lodge, No. 67, I. O. O. F., of Cairo. Clubs: Masonic, Normandie Golf, Bankers'. Recrea tion: golf. Offiee: 6143 Bartmer Ave. Resi dence: 6235 Waterman Ave. PUFELES, Max Peter, merchant; see Vol. 1906. PUFELES, Sigmund Henry, manufacturer cloaks; born, Nokomis, HI., Jan. 1, 1880; son of M. P. and Dora (Weinstein) Pufeles; grad uated from Smith Academy, St. Louis, 1897; married, St. Louis, Dee. 26, 1904, Rosalind more. Came to St. Louis Jan. 13, 1867, and shortly after entered employ of S. A. ^ant- ham & Co., commission merchants; about two years later formed co-partnership with J. -N.. Crouch; dissolved partnership about three years later and soon after became member of Charles P Burr & Co.; withdrew fiom ttiat SrmXteniber, 1881, and entered Uo,— business alone, continuing until 1895, member firm of Small & Crouch, real estate 1900 '08 , since retired. Resident viee president National Surety Co" of New York. Democrat; appoint ed police commissioner by Governor Francis, 1889 to fill unexpired term of two years, and of the United States at St Louis 19°| 09. Member Missouri Historical Society, Ken tuckv Society, Legion of Honor, and Camp St Louis No 731, Confederate Veterans Rec- rea«on: reading.' Residence: 4236 Westmin ster PL 558 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS SMALL, Harold Rainey, lawyer; born, De catur, 111., Feb. 19, 1877; son of Dr. Archibald Robertson and Minerva (Rainey) Small; edu cated in public schools of Decatur, Chicago and Belleville, 111., graduating from Belleville Public High School, 1894; graduated from Smith Academy, St. Louis, 1896; LL.B., Law Department, University of Michigan, 1899; married, St. Louis, Mar. 8, 1910, Edna W. Ramsay. Since 1899 has engaged in law prac tice in state and federal courts of Missouri and Illinois. Member of St. Louis Bar Asso ciation. Democrat. Presbyterian. Club: St. Louis Amateur Athletic Association (presi dent, 1911-12). Recreation: tennis. . Office: 1605-14 Pierce Bldg. Residence: 5415 Maple Avenue. SMITH, Alexander Hamilton, retired; born, Burlington, Lawrence Co., 0., May 22, 1833; son of Russell and Matilda Miller (Runner) Smith; educated in district school in Farming- ton, 'la., and Jones Commercial College, St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Feb. 1, 1858, Ade- laine E. Proctor; children: Mary Isabel, Helen Churchill (wife of Jordon W. Lambert). Be gan business career at age of fourteen as clerk in country store at Farmington; after short course at, commercial college, 1850, became clerk for George Pegram & Co., commission merchants, and was with their successors, Rhodes, Pegram & Co. until 1860. Began for self as flour manufacturer, and in 1861 joined with Mr. Pegram in consolidation of milling interests under firm name of Alex. H. Smith & Co.; in 1870, with S. G. Sears, formed Em pire Mill Co.; in 1880 promoted the Victoria Mill Co., and built the Victoria Mill; severed connection with latter, 1899, and retired. Dem ocrat. Captain Enrolled Missouri Militia, commissioned by Governor Gamble, 1861; cap tain of Police Reserves in Strike of 1877. Member Merchants' Exchange, St. Louis Mil lers' Club, Knobel Fishing Club (president). Office: Merchants' Exchange. Residence: 5108 S. Broadway. SMITH, Charles August, manager of The Great Eastern Coffee and Tea Co.; born, St. Louis, Mar. 11, 1865; son of Charles A. and Christina (Wittich) Smith; educated in public schools of Belleville, 111., and St. Louis; mar ried, St. Louis, Nov. 30, 1893, Ottilie Koelle; children: Herbert, Doris. Began business ca reer in shoe department of John P. Becker, East St. Louis. 1879-81; in retail toy business, with Ernest Koelle, 1881-83, H. R. Krite & Co., wholesale toys, 1883-86; then traveling salesman for Charles Schmidt Toy and Notion Co., 1886-94, and for KipD Bros., Indianapolis, 1894-97; now manager Great Eastern Coffee and Tea Co. Republican. Presbyterian. Rec reation: home diversions. Offiee: 801 Franklin Ave. Residence: 4840 Cote Brilliante Ave. SMITH, Charles Burgess, manager St. Louis district for R. G. Dun & Co.; born, George town, O., Dec. 24, 1841; son of Abram and Mary (Jones) Smith; educated in common schools; married, Chicago, July 26, 1868, Em ma E. Fee. Worked on farm until 1863 and taught in country schools; enlisted jn' Ohio regiment, Civil War, May, 1864, saw active service in Maryland, under Gen. Lew Wal lace, and was discharged, August, 1864. In- employ of R. G. Dun & , Co since 1866, first at New York, then at Chicago; removed to St. Louis, 1871, and assistant manager St. Louis district until 1884, since manager. Member St. Louis Merchants' Exchange, Business Men's League, Civic League, Million Population Club. Democrat. Member Christian (Disciples) Church. Member B. P. O. Elks. Clubs: Mer cantile, St. Louis Country. Recreation: shoot ing. Office: 314 Pine St. Residence: 4849 Cote Brilliante Ave. SMITH, Clarence Norton, manager Bur roughs Adding Machine Co.; born, Muscatine, la., Mar. 15, 1868; son of John Jay and Fan nie Mary (Brownwell) Smith; educated in public schools of Keokuk, la.; married, Chi cago, Apr. 11, 1890, Bertha K. Buehlar; one child, Dorothy Elizabeth. Began active ca reer as clerk in a bank at Keokuk, 1882, and held various positions until 1884; with whole sale stationery house at Cedar Rapids, 1884- 87; salesman for Standard Oil Co., at Omaha, Neb., 1887-92; with Baker-Vawter Co, of Chi cago, 1893-1900, and National Cash Register Co., 1902-04; manager system department Bur roughs Adding Machine Co. at Detroit, Mich, 1905-10; manager St. Louis district same com pany since January, 1910. Member St. Louis Credit Men's Association. Democrat. Episco palian. Clubs: City, Missouri Athletic, Rotary. Recreations: baseball and bowling. Office: 312 N. 12th St. Residence: 6008 Washington Boul. SMITH, Edward Ashwell, treasurer Perrin & Smith Printing Co.; bora, Sutton, Bedford shire, England, May 19, 1846; son of Thomas and Elizabeth (Boston) Smith; came to Amer: ica with parents, 1852; educated in public schools of Alton, 111.; married, Boston, Mass., June 16, 1869, Edna Cushing Jewett (died 1907); eight children: Luey Emery, Edna Cushing (Mrs. Allen Keiser), Frank Jewett (deceased), Edward Harris, Jewett, Ruth Asli- well (Mrs. F. J. Worden, of Muskogee, Okla.), Walter Morgan, Herbert Cushing. Began in printing business at Alton, 111, in 1870, under firm name of E. A. Smith, later as Perrin & Smith; removed to St. Louis, March, 1880, firm name became The Perrin & Smith Print ing Co. (incorporated May 28. 1898), of which has since been treasurer. For a number of years firm owned the Alton Daily Democrat which was merged into the Alton Sentinel Democrat and sold in 1890. Independent in politics. Congregationalist; trustee Alton Church of the Redeemer. Vice president Alton Y. M. C. A. Clubs: Ben Franklin, Alton Coun- THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 559 try. Recreations: golf, fishing, hunting. Of fice: 217-219 Olive St. Residence: 520 Semi nary Sq., Alton, 111. SMITH, Elsworth. Jr., physician; born, St. Louis, Jan. 1, 1864; son of Dr. Elsworth F. and Isabella (Chenie) Smith; educated in St. Louis public schools; A.B, St. Louis Uni versity, 1884, A.M., 1899; M.D, St. Louis Medical College, 1887; married, St. Louis, Feb. 2L 1900, Grace, daughter of Henry S. Piatt; children: Elizabeth Piatt, Elsworth Alexan der McDougal, Isabella Chenie, Phillip Piatt. Served as junior and senior physician and as sistant superintendent St. Louis City Hos pital, 1887-90; since engaged in private prac tice. Clinical professor of medicine, Medical Department of Washington University; physi cian St. Louis Mullanphy Hospital, Barnard Free Skin and Cancer Hospital, O 'Fallon Dis pensary. Member Medical Society of City Hospital Alumni (ex-president), American and Missouri State Medical associations, St. Louis Medical Society, St. Louis Society of Internal Medicine (president). Independent in politics. Roman Catholic. Clubs: St. Louis, Racquet, Bellerive Country, University. Of fice: 505-511 Humboldt Bldg. Residence: 4502 Maryland Ave. SMITH, Eugene, secretary Merchants' Ex change; born, Warrensburg, Mo, Oct. 8, 1869; son of William G. and Mary Virginia (Dil- lard) Smith; educated public and private schools, graduating from high school ; Keatehie College, Keatehie, La, 1886-88; graduate com mercial course, same college, 1887; married, Mexico, Mo, 1904, Frances Newman Karnes; one daughter, Eugenia. Reporter on Globe- Democrat, 1888-89; studied law but gave up law on account of father 's health, and entered his brokerage office at Little Rock, Ark.; re turned to St. Louis after father's death and with Globe-Democrat, 1892-94, with Chronicle, 1894-1906; secretary St. Louis Manufacturers' Association, 1905-06; assistant secretary Mer chants ' Exchange, 1906-12, since secretary and treasurer same. Democrat. Episcopalian. Ma son (32°), Shriner. Club: Mercantile. Recrea tion: literature. Office: Merchants' Exchange. Residence: 6019 McPherson Ave. SMITH, Frederic Augustus, real estate; 1850-1907; see Vol. 1906. SMITH, French Weems, grain commission merchant; 1840-1910; see Vol. 1906. SMITH, George E, lawyer; born, Clermont Co, O, Mar. 20, 1839; son of Eratus and Mar tha (Hulick) Smith; educated Knox College, Gajesburg, 111, graduating with degree of A.B., 1861; married, Port Byron, 111, Sept. 25, 1871, Mary P. Lyford; three children: Bell (Mrs. Charles D. Perrine), Clara L. and Reno. Entered Union Army immediately upon leav ing college and served as first lieutenant and captain Company H, Thirty-third Regiment, Illinois Volunteers, from September, 1861, to Nov. 19, 1865, participating in many of the important battles and movements of the war; admitted to Missouri bar, November, 1867, and has since engaged in practice in St. Louis. Republican. Member Missouri House of Repre sentatives, 1880-81. Member Ransom Post, G. A. R. Recreations: books, flowers. Offiee: La clede Bldg, 408 Olive St. Residence: 5953 Page Ave. SMITH, George Kimball, lumberman; born, Rosemond, 111, Feb. 23, 1862; son of Brainard and Nancy O. (Hawley) Smith; educated in public schools; married, Kansas City, Mo, June 3, 1885, Lora A. Allen. Engaged in lum ber business from 1886; secretary of the Yel low Pine Manufacturers' Association since 1890; also secretary National Lumber Manu facturers ' Association. Republican. Protest ant. Clubs: Mercantile, Glen Echo Country. Favorite recreation: golf. Office: Wright Bldg. Residence: 4239 Delmar Ave. SMITH, Henry M, produce and fruits; born in Hanover, Germany, Dec. 3, 1848; son of Wilhelm and Kate (Bonameyer) Smith; educated in public schools of Germany; mar ried, St. Louis, Feb. 1, 1872, Fredrica Hart- man; seven children living, three deceased, Came to United States from Hanover in 1866; lived three years in Philadelphia, where learned the trade of cabinet maker; came to St. Louis in 1869, and in 1870 established H. M. Smith & Co., general commission mer chants and dealers in fruits and produce; in corporated the business, 1903, as H. M. Smith Produce Co., of which has since been presi dent. Member St. Louis Produce Exchange. Office: 819 N. 4th St. Residence: 4344 Hart ford St. SMITH, Huntington, real estate; 1847-1907; see Vol. 1906. SMITH, Irwin Z.; born, St. Louis, Aug. 19, 1862; son of Irwin Z. and Elizabeth (Kerr) Smith; educated at Washington University, St. Louis, and mining engineering course at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Bos ton; married, St. Louis, Aug. 14, 1893, Emma Bailey; children: Frances, Marian. Began business career as manager of an orange grove in Florida, continuing for three years; then was with the Union Trust Co. of St. Louis for seven years as clerk, secretary and director, resigning 1909; in real estate busi ness as a member of the Junior Realty Co. until November, 1910; since looking after personal investments. Independent in politics. Clubs: St. Louis, University, St. Louis Coun try, Noonday, Racquet. Favorite recreations: hunting , and fishing. Office: 805 Chestnut St. Residence: 87 Vandeventer PL SMITH, J. Campbell, physician; born, Win chester, Va, Oct. 30, 1860; son of John Alfred and Elizabeth (Campbell) Smith; M.D, Uni versity of Maryland, 1885; married, St. Louis, 560 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS Dec 7, 1892, Georgiana Anderson. Began practice of medicine at Dawson, Pa, 1886-89; then went to Clifton Springs, N. Y, where was on medical staff^ of Clifton Springs Sani tarium, 1889-94; after one year of travel abroad came, in 1896, to St. Louis, where has since engaged in practice. Member of Amer ican Academy of Ophthalmology and Oto- Laryngology, St. Louis Medical Society, Mis souri State Medical Association, American Medical Association. On medical staff St. Luke's Hospital, St. Louis Skin and Cancer Hospital, Evangelical Deaconess Hospital. Episcopalian. Club: St. Louis Country. Rec reation: golf. Office: 505-511 Humboldt Bldg. Residence: 3750 Westminster PL SMITH, J. Sheppard, member Francis, Brother & Co.; bom, St. Louis, Feb. 3, 1871; son of Elsworth F. and Isabelle (de Mun Chenie) Smith; educated in public schools, and at St. Louis University; married, St. Louis, Oct. 11, 1893, Susan Mitchell Cabanne; five children: Susan, Elsworth F, J. Shep pard, Jr., Cabanne, Mary Ambrose. Began active career as clerk for Greeley-Burnham Grocer Co, 1888; became credit man, same company, 1889, and continued in that position four years; then was made director and man ager credit department of Scudders-Gale Gro cer Co., continuing, 1893-1902; member Fran cis, Brother & Co. since 1902, and manager bond department same; director St. Louis Dairy Co. Republican. Catholic. Club: St. Louis Country. Recreations: golf, baseball. Office: 214 N. 4th St. Residence: 4516 West minster PL SMITH, James Elwood, president Equitable Surety Co.; bora, Schelisburg, Bedford Co., Pa, Feb. 12, 1851; son of John and Jane (Rea) Smith; educated in public schools of Schelisburg; married, Pottsville, Pa, Dec. 15, 1880, Sallie Bryant; children: James Elwood, Jr., Gladys Bryant. Clerk in hardware house in Bedford, Pa, until 1870, when removed to St. Joseph, Mo, becoming traveling salesman with William Fairleigh & Co., wholesale hard ware; removed to St. Louis, 1875, and became connected with the Simmons Hardware Co.; elected a director of the company in 1889, secretary, 1893, vice president, 1898, which latter position he held until Apr. 1, 1911, when he became president of the Equitable Surety Co. of St. Louis. In 1902 was sent to Japan as honorary commissioner to invite that country to participate in the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. Japanese Consul for St. Louis; decorated by the Emperor of Japan with Order of the Rising Sun. Director, chair man of committee on electricity, member committee of fine arts and member of Inter national Jury of Awards, Louisiana Purchase Exposition. Member Business Men's League. Democrat. Presbyterian. Clubs: St. Louis, Commercial, Glen Echo. Recreation: golf. . Office: Third National Bank Bldg. Residence: 8 Lenox PL SMITH, James Michael, Supreme Recorder Legion of Honor of Missouri; born, Chilli cothe, O, Mar. 12, 1856; son of Matthew and Johanna (Parle) Smith; educated in Chris tian Brothers School, principally in St. Pat rick's Academy (left before graduating); married, St. Louis, Feb. 18, 1890, Mary C. Meaney, of Litchfield, 111. ; one daughter, Mary Margaret. Held clerical position with Wheel er & Wilson Sewing Machine Co, 1871-76; associated with L. Kenny, in manufacture and sale of ice cream, 1877-81; entered ac counting department of St. Louis Transfer Co, 1881, and was chief accountant for eighteen years prior to Jan. 23, 1903, when was elected as Supreme Recorder, Legion of Honor of Missouri. Catholic. Democrat. Mem ber Knights of Columbus. Favorite recreation: baseball. Office: 211 Granite Blk. Residence: 4390 Gibson Ave. SMITH, James Walter, surgeon; see Vol. 1906. SMITH, Jay Herndon, stock and bond broker; born, Urbana, 111, Apr. 8, 1871; son of William H. and Mary (Herndon) Smith; educated in public schools of Urbana and Champaign, 111, and University of Illinois, but was not graduated; married, St. Louis, 1899, Lida Brookings Wallace, daughter of A. A. Wallace; children: Wallace Herndon, Rob ert 'Brookings, Katherine Herndon. With Lobdell, Farwell & Co., bankers and brokers, Chicago, 1890-96; in business for self at Chi cago, 1896-99; came to St. Louis in 1899, and has since been member of firm of A. G. Ed wards & Sons, stock and bond brokers; vice president A. G. Edwards & Sons Brokerage Co. Member Business Men's League, Civic League. Member St. John 's Methodist Church. Clubs: Racquet, City, Noonday, St. Louis Country. Recreations: golf and horseback riding. Office: 412 Olive St. Residence: 6500 Ellenwood Ave. SMITH, John Van Ortwick, retired; see Vol. 1906. SMITH, Lansing Furman, president Amer ican Educational Society, publishers; born, Monsey, N. Y, Mar. 8, 1873; descendant of Revolutionary ancestry; son of Nelson and Marietta (Furman) Smith; educated in dis trict school, Township of Ramapo, Rockland Co., N. Y.; left school at seventeen to take position in New York City and has attended no other school except that of experience; married, St. Louis, Dec. 7, 1898, Fannie Belle Biggers. Began business career as clerk with Dunham, Buckley & Co., dry goods, New York, 1890; became subscription book salesman, 1893; entered business on own account at In dianapolis as member of firm of Tichenor & Smith, 1896, later L. F. Smith & Co, and THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 561 moved to St. Louis, 1897; organized the Amer ican Educational Society, 1907, of which has since been president. Independent in politics. Presbyterian; elder Second Presbyterian Church. Secretary of Good Citizenship League of Missouri; interested in Sunday School and Brotherhood Work; and member of executive committee of city and state Sunday School associations. Member Mis souri Historical Society, Sons American Revo lution. Office: 625 Locust St. Residence: 5514 Cabanne Ave. SMITH, Luther Ely, lawyer; born, Down er's Grove, Du Page Co, 111, June 11, 1873; son of Luther R. and Adaline (Ely) Smith; educated in public schools of Monmouth Co., N. J, and Washington, D. C, Emerson Institute, Washington, D. O; graduated Williston Seminary, Easthampton, Mass., 1890, Amherst College, 1894, and St. Louis Law School, 1897; married, St. Louis, Nov. 17, 1909, SaLees Kennard; one daughter, Ade line Ely. Was teacher in Smith Academy, St. Louis, 1894-98; began practice of law in St. Louis in 1899; lecturer St. Louis Institute of Law since 1908. Member St. Louis, Missouri State and American Bar associations. Repub lican. Served in United States and Cuba in Third United States Volunteer Engineers, 1898-99. Baptist. Clubs: University, City. Office: Pierce Bldg. Residence: 5321 Water man Ave. SMITH, Marcius Cortias, lumber manufac turer; see Vol. 1906. SMITH, Michael E, president Nash-Smith Tea and Coffee Co.; born in County Cavan, Ireland, Aug. 14, 1841; son of Michael and Margaret (McCabe) Smith; educated in Na tional Schools in Ireland; married, St. Louis, 1871, Mary A. Riley (now deceased) ; chil dren: Margaret A. (Mrs. S. J. Smith), Walter M, Cecelia (Mrs. Phil. A. Broadhurst), Mary A. Came direct from Ireland to St. Louis, in spring of 1865; began business career in city as clerk in the grocery house of Nash Brothers until 1870, when with George Nash and Charles Espenschied established in the im porting and jobbing trade in teas, coffees and spices, as Nash, Smith & Espenschied; latter withdrew in 1878, and firm continued as Nash & Smith until 1887, when business was incor porated as Nash-Smith Tea and Coffee Co., of which is president. Independent in politics. Catholic. Member United Irish Land League, Irish- American Society, Knights of Columbus. Offiee: 918-920 N. 6th St. Residence: 5202 Vernon Ave. SMITH, Richard Francis Xaviour, paper merchant; born, St. Louis, Dec. 4, 1866; son of Philip and Julia (Farrell) Smith; educated in schools of St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Sept. 18, 1901, Marie A, Luke; four children: Gertrude, Veronica, Mary Agnes, Richard F. Began business career with F. O. Sayer Paper Co., 1880, advancing to secretary of the com pany; organized the National Paper Co, Feb ruary, 1904, and is president same. Offiee: 9-11 S. 3d St. Residence: 5136 Minerva Ave. SMITH, Samuel T. G, lawyer; born, Kan sas City, Mo, Dec. 11, 1869; son of Charles J. and Carrie E. (Parkinson) Smith; educated' in Leavenworth, Kan, public sehools and St. Louis Law School; married, Sept. 2, 1908, Anna L. Force, of St. Louis. Continuously en gaged in the general practice of law in St. Louis since admission to bar on Dec. 1, 1892. Club: Glen Echo Country. Office: 821 Mer chants-Laclede Bldg. Residence: 4931 Mc Pherson Ave. SMITH, Wayne, physician; born, Salt Lake City, Utah, Jan. 31, 1876; son of Amos K. and Cordelia Tyrell (Allen) Smith; educated in Salt Lake City High School; University of Utah; Washington University Medical School, degree of M.D, 1902; married, St. Louis, Nov. 26, 1901, Elizabeth Bell; three children. Began practice in St. Louis, 1902; registrar Washington University Medical Scnool, 1903-11, and secretary same, 1908-11; superintendent Washington University Hos pital, January, 1904-December, 1911; since superintendent City Hospital. Republican. Episcopalian. Member American Hospital Association (ex-vice president), Phi Delta Theta, Nu Sigma Nu; honorary member Canadian Hospital Association, British Hos pital Association. Mason. Office and Resi dence: City Hospital. SMITH, William Adolphus, civil engineer; born, Upperville, Loudoun Co, Va, Dee. 2, 1868; son of Ohanning Meade and Lucy (Davenport) Smith; educated under private tutelage and later general course and civil engineering, Bethel Academy, Virginia; mar ried, St. Louis, Sept. 26, 1904, Ida S. Stevens; one son, Channing. Taught school in Virginia, 1884-86; with surveyor's office, St. Louis Co., under B. E. Johnson, 1886-90; also in city surveying work, and ran level line to Chicago and line for electric railway under Dr. Adams; assistant editor Clayton Argus one year; traveled for Liggett & Myers, 1891-97; entered employ of Laclede Power Co. as con tract agent, 1901, continuing until absorption of same by the Union Electric Co.; an incor porator of the Light and Development Co., 1908, and now vice president; director Paris Light and Power Co, Cape Girardeau Water Works and Electric Co. Democrat. Episcopa lian. Recreations: fly fishing and hunting. Office: 1116 Wright Bldg. Residence: 3516 Vietor St. *SMITH, William Dickinson Griswold; moved to Vermont; see Vol. 1906. SMITH, William John, president J. R. Smith Cork Co.; born, Elkton, Washington Co., Ill, Aug. 6, 1847; son of William and Jane (Hind- 562 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS man) Smith; educated at the Gamble (public) School, 20th and Randolph Sts, St. Louis, un til breaking out of Civil War; unmarried. Associated with brother, J. R. Smith, in cork business, 1S80; brother died, 1902, and the business was incorporated as the J. R. Smith Cork Co., of which is president and treasurer. Served as orderly sergeant Company A, Eleventh Enrolled Missouri Militia. Repub lican. Member Reformed Presbyterian Church. Club: Horseshoe Hunting and Fishing. Rec reations: hunting and fishing. Office: 110 Wal nut St. Residence: 1401 N. Euclid Ave. SMITHER, Alexander C, clergyman; born, Frankfort, Ky,, June 10, 1865; son of L. N. and Keziah (Curry) Smither; student Ken tucky University, Lexington, Ky, 1882-86; studied two years at Butler University, In dianapolis, graduating, degree of A.B., 1890; married, Los Angeles, Cal, July 29, 19ll, Miss Gertrude Clough; one child, Chester Camp bell. Ordained Christian (Disciples) minis try, 1890; pastor First Christian Church, Los Angeles, 1890-1911; general manager Chris tian Board of Publication, St. Louis (a cor poration controlled by the Disciples of Christ), since October, 1911. Trustee Pomona College, Claremont, Cal. Office: 2712 Pine St. Resi dence: Usona Hotel. SMYTHE, Edgar Rutherford, fire under writer; born, London, Ont, Can, May 10, 1877; son of Charles E. and Mary E. (Young) Smythe; educated in St. Louis public schools, graduating from Pope School, January, 1895; married, St. Louis, Dee. 17, 1897, Meta E. Davis, of San Francisco; one daughter, Mary Adelaide. Since leaving school has been con tinuously and exclusively engaged in the fire insurance business; established business for self, -Jan. 1, 1900, under style of Edgar R. Smythe & Co., continuing until May 1, 1911,* when consolidated with Atwood & Johnson under firm name of Atwood, Johnson & Smythe (Mercantile Insurance Agency, Inc.); now in business alone. Democrat; member of House of Delegates of St. Louis from Twenty- seventh Ward, 1905-09. Episcopalian. Mem ber Knights of Pythias, Royal Arcanum, Knights of Maccabees, Modern Maccabees, Fraternal Order of Eagles. Favorite recrea tion: automobiling. Office: 1144 Pierce Bldg. Residence: 5899 Theodosia Ave. SNIDER, Denton Jaques, lecturer, author; born, Mount Gilead, O, Jan. 9, 1841; son of John R. and Catherin (Prather) Snider; grad uated Oberlin College, 1862; unmarried. Au thor: Commentaries on the Literary Bibles (9 volumes — 3 on Shakespeare and 2 each on Goethe, Dante and Homer), 1877-93; Walk in Hellas, 1882; The Freeburgers (novel), 1889; World's Fair Studies, 1895; Commentaries on Froebel's Play-Songs. 1895; Psychology and the Psychosis, 1896; The Will and Its World, 1899; The Psychology of Froebel's Play-Gifts, 1900; The Life of Frederick Froebel; The Father of History, Herodotus; Social Institu tions, 1901; The State, 1902. Also (verse): Delphic Days, 1878; Agamemnon's Daughter, 1885; Prorsus Retrorsus, 1890; Homer in Chios, 1891; Johnny Appleseed's Rhymes, 1894; Ancient European Philosophy, 1903; Modern European Philosophy, 1904; Architec ture, 1905; The Psychology of Feeling; The American Ten Years' War, 1906; European History, 1907; The Father of History, 1907; A Tour in Europe, 1908; Abraham Lincoln, 1908; A Writer of Books, 1909; Cosmos and Dracosmos, 1909; Lincoln in the Black Hawk War, 1910; The Broeosmos, 1911. Address: 210 Pine St. SNODGRASS, George, typewriters' sup plies; 1859-1912; see Vol. 1906. SNOW, Lewis Eben, insurance; deceased; see Vol. 1906. SNOW, Marshall Solomon, educator; born, Hyannis, Mass., Aug. 17, 1842; son of Rev. Solomon P. and Maria J. (Pratt) Snow; edu cated at Phillips Exeter Academy, 1858-62; graduated Harvard, A.B, 1865, A.M., 1868; LL.D, Washington University, 1905; married, July 9, 1867, Ellen Frances Jewell, Exeter, N. H. Submaster High School, Worcester, Mass., 1865-66; principal High School, Nashville, Tenn, 1866-67; professor Latin and principal of Montgomery Bell Academy, Nashville Uni versity, 1867-70. Since 1870 at Washington University, St. Louis, as professor belles let- tres, 1870-74, professor history since 1874, reg istrar of college, 1871-76, dean, 1877-1912, act ing chancellor, 1887-91, and 1907-08. Member Missouri Historical Society (president 1894- 1900), New Hampshire Historical Soeiety, Minnesota Historical Society, American His torical Association, American Economic Asso ciation. Clubs: University, Harvard, Round Table. Secretary Standing Committee P. E. diocese of Missouri; junior warden Christ Church Cathedral. Secretary Episcopal Resi dence Corporation; secretary and treasurer Parochial Trust Fund. Author: The City Gov ernment of St. Louis; also various magazine articles. Residence: McMillan Hall, Washing ton University. SODEMANN, Christian, radiators; born in Schleswig, Germany, Nov. 16, 1862; son of Christian Jacob and. Lucie (Fischer) Sode- mann; educated in public school and gymna sium at Schleswig, Germany, and later in pub lic schools at Concordia, Mo.; married, Co lumbia, 111, Jan. 1, 1893, Tillie Niemeier; children: Clarence, Dorothy. Became connect ed, June, 1886, with the Detroit Heating and Lighting Co, Detroit, Mich, and in following October returned to St. Louis as representa tive of the company; entered employ of Rin- gen Stove Co, St. Louis, May 1, 1887, and on amalgamation of that company with the Amer ican Stove Co, bought out heating department THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 563 of the Ringen Stove Co. (in fall of 1900), and reorganized it as the Sodemann Heat and Power Co.; in 1910 became district manager United State Radiator Co. Republican. Evan gelical Protestant. Scottish Rite Mason. Clubs: Mercantile, Missouri Athletic. Recreation: traveling. Office: 204 N. 14th St. Residence: 3501 Pestalozzi St. SOLOMON, Isaac M, furs, pelts and wool; born, Philadelphia, October, 1866; son of Mar tin and Delphina (Pommer) Solomon; educat ed in Philadelphia public schools; married, New York City, 1902, Louise T. Woolner. Was a member of the firm of Henry Cohn & Co., hides, furs and wool, at Salt Lake City, Utah, for fourteen years; went to New York City, and from there came to St. Louis, 1899; mem ber of firm of Henry Marx & Co, 1899-1910, since vice president Henry Marx Wool Co. Member of the Produce Exchange of New York, I. O. O. F, B. P. O. Elks. Club: Mer cantile. Office: 221-225 N. Main St. Resi dence': Washington Hotel. *SOMERMEIER, Thomas George; moved to Nampa, Ida.; see Vol. 1906. SOMMER, Otto Aloysius, vice president Gunn Fruit Co.; born, St. Louis, Nov. 6, 1870; son of Joseph and Barbara (Maschek) Som- mer; educated at SS. Peter and Paul (paro chial) School, and at St. Louis University; married, St. Louis, Oct. 24, 1894, Julia Dirk; children: Otto, Walter, Julia Cornelia, Francis and Richard. Began business career as offiee boy in lawyer's office in 1885; clerk for John Wahl & Co, grain dealers, 1888-89; book keeper St. Louis Lead and Oil Co, 1890-92; bookkeeper, 1892-95, and since vice president and secretary Gunn Fruit Co., wholesalers, im porters and jobbers of fruit. Republican. Ro man Catholic. Office: 3d and Carr Sts. Resi dence: 3704 Juniata St. SOMMERS, Edgar P.; see Vol. 1906. *SOMMERS, Samuel Alexander, distiller; moved to Grand Rapids, Mich.; see Vol. 1906. SOMMERS, William Frederick, retired man ufacturer; born in Westphalia, Germany, Mar. 8, 1850; son of Henry and Caroline (Lind- stroth) Sommers; educated in private schools in Germany; married, St. Louis, 1875, Fred- erika Sophia Beckman; children: Lena (Mrs. August Niehaus), Louisa, Fred H, Louis G, Arthur B, Carl J, Albert Ph., Freda G. Emi grated to America in 1864, coming direct to St. Louis, and worked in brick yard of Hanni bal Brothers until 1869; then worked for Kul- age Brick Manufacturing Co., until 1872; learned the trade of horse collar making with D. Hussman, 1872-79; began business for self in 1879, and in 1889 erected present building, incorporating the business, 1897, as the Som mers Bros. Manufacturing Co, manufacturers of horse collars, of which was president; re tired, October, 1906. Mason, Knight Templar, Odd Fellow. Residence: 3814 N. 11th St. SONNEMANN, Charles, proprietor West End Carriage and Automobile Factory; born, Carlinville, 111, Oct. 1, 1861; son of Henry and Christiana (Giesking) Sonnemann; educated in public schools and six months at college, Carlinville; married, St. Louis, Apr. 28, 1888, Emily Walter; five children: Charlotte, Carl, Edward G, Alma, Marvel. Learned carriage making trade and was employed in John Kim- pel Wagon Factory, St. Louis, two years, and ley James A. Wright four years; in business on own account since 1889. Republican. Lu theran. Office: 3432 Lindell Ave. Residence: 3628 Folsom Ave. SOPER, Horace Wendell, physician; born, Hillsboro, 111, Aug. 25, 1867; son of William L. and Delilah (Homrighaus) Soper; educated in Ramsey (111.) public schools, Jacksonville (111.) High School; M.D, Medical Department, Washington University, 1894; post-graduate work, Vienna, Berlin and Paris, 1906 and 1907; married, Aug. 12, 190S, Mary Reynolds Holeombe, of Rochester, N. Y. Assistant phy sician, City Hospital, 1894-95; in general medical practice in 'St. Louis until 1908; prac tice since limited to diseases of the digestive system. Member Medical Society of City Hospital Alumni (ex-president), St. Louis Medical Society, Missouri State Medical Asso ciation, American Medical Association. Demo crat. Member Ethical Society. Club: Univer sity. Office: Metropolitan Bldg. Residence: 4731 Westminster PL SORAGHAN, John Thomas, physician; born- in Morgan Co, Mo, June 21, 1867; son of Peter and Catherine (Cahill) Soraghan; edu cated in public schools, Cape Galena, Mo, un til sixteen years of age, then high school, Mt. Pleasant, Mo, one year, Aurora Springs (Mo.) Academy, one year, and graduated; taught school in Miller and Morgan counties, four years; M.D, Missouri Medical College, 1891; married, St. Louis, Apr. 23, 1895, Mallie A. Dunn (died Aug. 31, 1909); children: Justin Raymond, Matie Loretta, Katherine Virginia, John Thomas, Jr., Peter Joseph, Aurora Ag nes. Began practice of medicine at Cape Ga lena, Mo, 1891; removed to St. Louis, 1892, and since in practice here. Member St. Louis Medical Society, American Medical Associa tion. Democrat'. Catholic. Office: 1505 N. Jef ferson Ave. Residence: 4417 Greer Ave. SOUTHER, Eustace Everett, iron mer chant; 1834-1906; see Vol. 1906. SOUTHWARD, Arthur Woodbridge, whole sale dry goods; bora, Washington C. H, Fay ette ¦ Co, O, Nov. 8, 1860; son of Austin Buchanan and Lavinia Jane (Stitt) South ward; educated Greenfield (Ohio) High School, graduating, 1878; matriculated at 564 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS University of Wooster and graduated with de gree of A.B, 1883; married, St. Louis, June 4, 1890, Lillie K. Parrish; one son, Dudley Woodbridge. Came to St. Louis, 1883, and was employed by Wilson Bros. & Boyd until 1889; then entered employ of the Wear & Boogher Dry Goods Co, now the Carleton Dry Goods Co., of which was stock clerk, 1889-91; held various other positions until he became cashier in 1896; has been a stock holder in the corporation since 1898. Repub lican. Presbyterian. Member Phi Kappa Psi college fraternity. Clubs: Mercantile, Glen Echo Country. Recreation: golf. Office: Wash ington Ave. and 12th St. Residence: 6135 Kingsbury Boul. SPALDING, George Messenger, president Spalding Stationery Co.; born, Ravenna, 0, Dec. 10, 1863; son of Ebenezer and Frances Louisa (Day) Spalding; educated at Benton (public) School, St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Oct. 31, 1888, Lucie Josephine Pettit; chil dren: Georgia Cooper, Frank, Virgil Pettit, Charles Thomas, Lucille. Engaged in business for self as partner with Edwin E. Miller (firm Miller & Spalding), Sept. 1, 1888; incorpo rated, 1895, as the Miller & Spalding Sta tionery Co.; purchased Mr. Miller's interest, December, 1900, and changed the name to Spalding Stationery Co., wholesale and retail stationery business and conducting printing office. Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner. Mem ber Legion of Honor. Office: 324 Olive St. Residence: 6024 Cates Ave. SPANGLER, Peter Abraham, proprietary medicines; 1836-1906; see Vol. 1906. SPAULDING, Wilbur Berry, claims attor ney, Frisco System; born, Mt. Pleasant, la, Jan. 23, 1860; son of Wesley J. and Martha (Berry) Spaulding; graduated from Iowa Wesleyan University, 1881 (M.A.); LL.B, St. Louis Law School, 1898; unmarried. From 1881 to 1888 was in the engineering, construc tion and traffic departments of the New York, West Shore & Buffalo, R. R.; since 1888 in claim department of the St. Louis & San Francisco R. R. Co. Republican. Office: 842 Frisco Bldg, 9th and Olive Sts. Residence: 809 N. Grand Ave. SPAUNHORST, Henry John, insurance; 1828-1906; see Vol. 1906. SPEAR, George B, president St. Louis Edible Nut Co.; born near Cincinnati, Apr. 8, 1856; son of Samuel B. and Rachel (Carey) Spear; educated in public schools and was graduated from Hughes High School, Cin cinnati; married, Mar. 29, 1885, Jennie E. Crank, Cincinnati; 2d, Apr. 11, 1900, Mary G. Cluff, of Ottawa, Can.; children: Gladys, Jean, James D, George Blake, Jr., Mary Spear. Began business career in 1878 in Cincinnati, as a member of the firm of Bishop & Spear; removed to St. Louis in October, 1884, and continued to fire of 1887, when bought out Bishop's interest and changed firm name to George B. Spear, which was succeeded in 1893 by the St. Louis Edible Nut Co, of which is president. Swedenborgian. Club: Noonday. Office: 2201-2211 Scott Ave. Resi dence: 5121 Washington Ave. SPEIGHT, Jesse, bookseller; born, Waco, Tex, Dec. 15, 1879; son of Joseph Warren and Mary (Bolton) Speight; educated in Waco High School and Baylor University; married, McKinney, Tex, Oct. 23, 1907, Irma Clifton. Gained first business experience in charge of Baylor Book Concern, of Baylor Univer sity, beginning 1900; went to Dallas, Tex, 1903, as clerk for the Dallas branch of Amer ican Baptist Publication Society of Phila delphia, Boston, Chicago and St. Louis, being appointed manager of the Dallas branch, 1906; located in St. Louis as manager St. Louis branch same society, 1909,' a position he now occupies. Democrat. Baptist. Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner. Recreation: fishing. Office: 514 N. Grand Ave. Residence: 5600 Cates Ave. SPENCER, Eugene Jaccard, consulting en gineer; see Vol. 1906. SPENCER, Horatio Nelson, physician; bora, Port Gibson, Miss, July 17, 1842; son of Horatio N. and Sarah (Marshall) Spencer; educated by private tutors and at Fort Gibson Academy, 1848-56; A.B, University of Ala bama, 1862; served as private three years in Confederate Army, Cowan's Brigade, Loring's Division, Army of Tennessee, under Generals Bragg and Johnson; M.D, College of Physi cians and Surgeons (Medieal Department Co lumbia University), New York, 1868; hon orary LL.D, Westminster College, 1890; mar ried, New York, Sept. 28, 1868, Anna Kirt- land; 2d, Charleston, S. C, July 6, 1887, Eliza beth P. Dwight; children: Mrs. Laura Spencer Edmunds, Mrs. Dean Spencer Du B.ose, Mrs. Anna Spencer Hancock, Selden (M.D.), Ho ratio N, Jr. Engaged in practice of medicine since 1868; specialist in diseases of the ear; professor of diseases of the ear in Medical Department of Washington University. Dem ocrat. Presbyterian. Member American Oto logical Society, Society of Colonial Wars in the state of Missouri (Governor), Sons of Revolution. Clubs: St. Louis, City, St. An thony's, Delta Psi. Office and Residence: 2723- 2725 Washington Ave. *SPENCER, Richard Franklin; moved to New York; see Vol. 1906. SPENCER, Richard Perry, lawyer; born, Ashland, Boone Co, Mo, Jan. 11, 1874; son of Richard and Annie (Gibbs) Spencer; grad uated from Windsor High School, 1891; at tended Central College, Fayette, Mo.; mar ried, Fayette, Feb. 14, 1901, Jeannette Leon ard; children: Jane, William Leonard. Prin- THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 365 cipal public schools at Moberly, Mo, 1893-95, at Marshall, Mo, 1895-97; engaged in practice of law since 1897, having been city counselor of Marshall, 1897-1903; came to St. Louis, January, 1903, and has since been engaged here in general practice. Appointed, August, 1911, by Governor Hadley, Democratic mem ber Board of Election Commissioners of St. Louis and is its secretary (was one of six en dorsed by Democratic State Central Commit tee). Southern Methodist. Member St. Louis Bar Association, Missouri State Bar Associa tion and American Bar Association. Mason (Royal Arch); member Knights of Pythias. Office: 1212-1220 Central National Bank Bldg. Residence: 5520 Cabanne Ave. SPENCER, Selden, physician; born, St. Louis', Mar. 23, 1873; son of Horatio Nelson and Anna E. (Kirtland) Spencer; educated, Stoddard (public) School, St. Louis; Miss Jennie Alexander's private school; Smith Academy; Manual Training School; St. Paul's School, Concord, N. H. ; Princeton University, graduating, degree of A.B, 1897; Missouri Medical College, St. Louis, M.D, 1899; post graduate studios in England, Scotland and Germany; married, New York, June 3, 1903, Mabel Williams; two daughters: Elizabeth and Louise Castree. In practice in St. Louis since March, 1899; chief of clinic and lecturer in otology, Washington University; aural sur geon, St. Louis Children's Hospital; surgeon Missouri Baptist Sanitarium. First lieuten ant Medical Reserve Corps, U. S. A. Demo crat. Presbyterian. Member American Oto logical Society, Nu Sigma Nu medical frater nity. Club: City. Recreations: architecture, canoeing and long tramps. Office: 2723 Wash ington Ave. Residence: 63 Marshall PL, Web ster Groves. SPENCER, Selden Palmer, lawyer; born, Erie, Pa,, Sept. 16, 1862; son of Samuel Selden and Eliza D. (Palmer) Spencer; educated in public, schools of Erie; Hopkins Grammar School, New Haven, Conn.; A.B, Yale Uni versity, 1884; LL.B, Law Department, Wash ington University, 1886; received degrees of A.M. and Ph.D., from Westminster College (honorary M.D, Missouri Medical College) ; married, St. Louis, Dec 8, 1886, Susan M. Brookes; children: James Brookes, Selden Palmer, Jr., Oliver Wade. Admitted to bar at St. Louis, 1885; member of the Missouri legislature, 1895-96; judge of the Circuit Court, 1897-1903. Was for several years pro fessor of medical jurisprudence in Missouri Medical College and Washington University. Republican. Presbyterian. Member Sons of the Revolution, American Bar Association, Missouri Bar Association, Society of Colonial Wars, New England Society, Military Order of Foreign Wars; president International Committee Y. M. C. A, 1907. Clubs: St. Louis, Mercantile, Missouri Athletic. Office: 802, 421 Olive St. Residence: 4457 Washing ton Boul. SPERRY, Isaac Dunham, manager Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Co.; born, Clarksburg, O, June 7, 1857; son of Jacob and Emily A. (Dunham) Sperry; educated in public schools of Frankfort and Newark, O, and graduated from Fairfield Union Academy, Pleasantville, O, 1880; married, 1st, Topeka, Kan, 1887, Delia Akin (died 1893); 2d, Tuxedo Park, Mo, July 18, 1895, Eleanor E. McLain. Reared on farm in- Ohio to age nineteen; then in dry goods business at Topeka, Kan, with Steven son & Peckham; came to St. Louis, 1887; With Scruggs, Vandervoort & Barney, as dress goods salesman, four years; then with Aetna Life Insurance Co. six months; since Septem ber, J.891, manager for the Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Co. for Missouri and Southern Illinois with headquarters at St. Louis. Gold Democrat. Clubs: Algonquin Golf, Missouri Athletic. Favorite recreations: hunting and fishing. Office: 310 Odd Fellows Bldg. Resi dence: 4476 Washington Ave. Winter Home: Dade City, Fla. SPIEGELHALTER, Joseph, physician and surgeon; 1834-1909; see Vol. 1906. SPIEKERMAN, Bernard Edward, station er; born, St. Louis, Sept. 20, 1858; son of Bernard H. and Mary (Keitz) Spiekerman; educated in German schools, St. Louis, and graduated from St. Louis Polytechnic School; married, St. Louis, May 18, 1903, Hortense Brackett. Began business career with C. Witer, stationer, etc, 1875-77; since 1877 with Buxton & Skinner Stationery Co., first as salesman, secretary, 1890-1909, and now sales man. Entered First Regiment, Missouri Na tional Guard, 1877; captain of St. Louis Hus sars, 1887-89; now honorary member National Guard of Missouri and of Branch Guard Vet erans. Catholic. Member St. Louis Advertis ing Men's League. Member Knights of Co lumbus, Legion of Honor, T. P. A. (ex-presi dent, Fost A). Club: Union. Recreations: bowling, baseball. Office: 306 N. 4th St. Resi dence: Normandy, Mo. SPIERING, Louis C, architect; 1874-1912; see Vol. 1906. SPIES, Charles, vice president C. F. Blanke Tea and Coffee Co.; bora .on farm in Madison Co., Ill, June 13, 1850; son of Jacob and Katherine (Kaufman) Spies; educated in pub lic schools of Madison Co., 111.; graduated from McKendree College, Lebanon, 111, 1872 (A.M.) ; married, Marine, 111, August, 1874, Emma Blanke; children: Mrs. V. M. Seiter (of Kansas City), Linda. After leaving col lege was principal of public schools, St. Jacob, 111, for two years; then in drug business on own account for twenty-five years; also sec retary Valier & Spies Milling Co., St. Jacob, 111, 1889-1903; came to St. Louis, 1899, and entered C. F. Blanke Tea and Coffee Co, in 566 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS charge of sales department, becoming vice president, January, 1904. Republican; was township treasurer in Madison Co., 111. Office: 7th St. and Clark Ave* Residence: 2918 Allen Avenue. -SPIES, Louis Alexander, president Union Dairy Co.; bora near St. Jacob, 111, Feb. 12, 1853; son of Jacob and Katherine (Kaufman) Spies; educated in country schools; private school, Marine, 111.; McKendree College, Leb anon, 111, degree of A.B, 1875; married, St. Louis, Apr. 12, 1876, Minnie Dzengolewski. Taught country school fall of 1875 to spring of 1878; managed mills at St. Jacob, 1878-81; has since been identified with dairy farming; president State Bank of St. Jacob, and of Union Dairy Co., St. Louis; owner of Calla Lily Farm (conducted for the purpose of demonstrating dairy farming to farmers who supply milk to St. Louis), his country home,- near St. Jacob, where he produces' certified milk for St. Louis market. President Madi son Co. (111.) Farmers' Institute twelve years, Illinois State Dairymen's Association three years; member dairy division of ad visory board Illinois Agricultural College, Urbana, 111, two terms; member staff of lec turers for Illinois Farmers ' institutes eighteen years. Republican. Presbyterian. Member Masonic Order, O. E. S. Recreation: going to country home and watching the improved growth of the finely-bred young stock which he has produced. Offiee: Union Dairy Co. Residence: 3007 Hawthorne Boul. Country Residence: St. Jacob, 111. SPINK, Alfred Henry, newspaper publish er; see Vol. 1906. SPRAGUE, Frank Addison, sales manager John Deere Plow Co.; born, Vermontville, Mich, Jan. 22, 1861; son of Pandora A: ancl Amanda (McNeil) Sprague; educated in pub lic schools and Albion (Mich.) College, class of 1879; married, Sandwich, 111, Sept. 24, 1885, Stella Wright; nine children. Taught school in Eaton Co., Mich, and at Sandwich, 111, 1879-84; sales manager for the Sandwich Manufacturing Co. at Council Bluffs, la, 1884- 92; in life insurance business, 1892-94; with Moline Plow Co., Moline, 111, in charge of branch house, #1894-96, then manager for same company's branch at St. Louis, 1896-98; with J. I. Case Plow Co:, on special work, 1899- 1900; since 1900 sales manager at St. Louis for John Deere Plow Co., and since 1908 a director of the company. Member St. Louis Sales Managers' Association. Congregation alist. Mason. Club: Hillcrest Golf. Recrea tions: golf and tennis. Office: 2204-2220 N. Broadway. Residence: Kirkwood, Mo. SPRAGUE, Harry E, lawyer; born, St. Louis, Mar. 13, 1876; son of Rodolphe A. and Ada M. (Clements) Sprague; educated in St. Louis public schools to 1893; LL.B, St. Louis Law School, Washington University, 1899; married, Boston, Oct. 3, 1904,- Ethel Nye Gibbs. While attending law school, was en gaged with Woerheide & Garrell, title investi gations; appointed trust officer Lincoln Trust Co, 1901, and continued until 1907; since en gaged in general law practice. Member St. Louis Bar Association (secretary grievance committee). Republican. Episcopalian. Of fice: 1819 Third National Bank Bldg. Resi dence: Kirkwood, Mo. SPROULE, Andrew, merchant; 1831-1912; see Vol. 1906. SPUCK, John, president Spuck Iron and Foundry Co.; born in Germany, Sept. 29, 1850; son of William and Margaret (Stork) Spuck; educated in public schools and gym nasium in Germany and night schools in St. Louis; married, St. Louis, 1880, Anna Freese; one daughter, Flora. Learned trade of black smith and locksmith with Henry Geyer in St. Louis in 1865, and in 1880 started a shop of his own, which conducted until in 1900 organ ized the Spuck Iron and Foundry Co., of which is president. Mason; member Odd Fel lows, Knights of Honor. Office: 14th and Branch Sts. Residence: 2935 Barrett St. SQUIER, Edward E, coal and foundry sand; born, Hanover, N. J,. Feb. 14, 1842; son of Abner and Nancy (Morris) Squier; resi dent of St. Louis from Dec. 25, 1843; educated in Mound and Webster (public) schools, ancl Jones Commercial College; married, St. Louis, Apr. 9, 1878, Carrie M. Wilson; children: Ed ward Eugene, Bessie Louisa, Robert Harold, Marjorie Charlotte. Began business career as train boy on North Missouri R. R, and was the first on the Wabash Ry, West, 1854-60; clerk and pilot on Mississippi, White, Red, Cumberland and Tennessee rivers, 1861-70; real estate dealer, 1870-88; in 1888 bought land and began mining and manufacturing foundry moulding sand, in which has since continued as president of Ed. E. Squier Company; also since 1908 has represented the Chesapeake & Ohio Coal and Coke Co. Was secretary and treasurer of company building the mortar boats, and nine tugs to tow them to Vieksburg, Miss, 1861. Demo crat. Member and for past ten years treas urer Clifton Heights Lodge No. 520, A. F. & A. M. Office: 1520 Bank of Commerce Bldg. Residence: 4930 Washington Ave. *STACY, Charles Aurelius; moved to Cali fornia; see Vol. 1906. STAHLHUTH, Samuel Gottlieb, manager Hynson Tool and Supply Co.; born, St. Charles, Mo, Aug. 25, 1866; son of Gottlieb and Mary (Boellner) Stahlhuth; educated in public schools of St. Charles Co., Mo.; mar ried, St. Louis, Dec. 5, 1899, Lydia S. Kraft; children: Raymond S, Helen D. Began busi ness career in father's brick yard at New Melle, St. Charles Co, in 1878; came to St. THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 567 Louis, 1881, and was employed in brick yard of Henry Heman until 1883; then with the St. Louis Stamping Co., 1883-89; started in house and sign painting business in 1889, and in 1896 was joined by brother, Bon F. Stahl- huth, forming present firm of Sam G. Stahl- huth & Bro, house and sign painters. Also secretary-treasurer ancl general manager of Hynson Tool and Supply Co. Baptist. Mem ber Masonic orders. Recreation: fishing. Of fice: 4756-4758 Easton Ave. Residence: Web ster Groves, Mo. STAHMANN, Christian Conrad, superin tendent Children's Home Society of Missouri; born, Bremen, Germany, Jan. 25, 1860; son of Henry and Johanna (Bruns) Stahmann; came to America with parents, 1869; educated pub lic schools of St. Louis; completed theological course Central Wesleyan College, 1883; mar ried at Jamestown, Mo, July 22, 1885, Ma tilda Muri; one daughter, Florence (now Mrs. Charles F. Reimers, of Springfield, Mo.). Or dained M. E. ministry, 1885; pastor at Jef ferson City and Drake, Mo, 1883-86; field agent Missouri Sunday School Association, 1886-89; pastor in St. Louis County and Caron delet M. E. Church to 1900, when resigned to become superintendent Children's Home So ciety of Missouri. Republican. Mason, Knight Templar. Recreation: horseback riding. Of fice: Newstead and Margaretta Aves. Resi dence: 4026 Labadie Ave. STAMM, Edward John, president St. Louis Cut Stone Co.; born, St. Louis, Sept. 27, 1850; son of Carl and Henrietta (Hoeken) Stamm; educated in pub. schools; married, St. Louis, June, 1875, Anna Mentrup; five children liv ing: Jacob Edward, Henrietta (Mrs. Charles A. Maclill), Oscar Leo, Alfred Alexander, Har ry Mathias. Learned stonecutter's trade under Jacob Pickel & Bros, and continued with the firm, advancing to position of foreman and manager; entered stone cutting business on own account, 1878; organized, April, 1890, St. Louis Cut Stone Co., of which has since been president. Independent in. politics. Protest ant. Office: 3535 Gratiot St. Residence: 1519 S. Grand Ave. STANARD, Edwin Obed, flour manufac turer; born, Newport, N. H, Jan. 5, 1832; son of Obed and Betsy Ann (Webster) Stanard; family came west with colony in 1836, and settled in southern Iowa before there was a territorial organization there; educated in- country school; married, Iowa City, la, June 19, 1856, Hettie A. Kauffman (now deceased); children: Cora Z. (Mrs. E. D. Tilton, de ceased), William K, Ella (Mrs. J. F. Shoe maker), Edwin (deceased). Came to St. Louis, 1853; taught school in Madison Co, 111, three winters; graduated from St. Louis Commer cial College, 1855; bookkeeper and part of time traveling salesman for commission house in Alton, 111, 1856-57; in grain commission business in St. Louis, 1857-66; since 1866 in milling business; was president E. O. Stanard Milling Co., with mills at Alton, 111, and Dallas, Tex, until 1907, when firm name was changed to Stanard-Tilton Milling Co., of which is president.' Director Boatmen's Bank, St. Louis Union Trust Co. Member Mer chants' Exchange (president, 1866). Repub lican; elected lieutenant governor of Missouri, 1868; elected to Congress from St. Louis, 1872; member Indianapolis Monetary Confer ence, 1897-98. Member Lindell Ave. M. E. Church. Clubs: St. Louis, Mercantile. Office: Pierce Bldg. Residence: 4499 Lindell Boul. STANARD, William Kauffman, vice presi dent Stanard-Tilton Milling Co.; born, St. Louis, Oct. 4, 1861; son of Edwin O. and Het tie A. (Kauffman) Stanard; educated in pub lic schools, Washington University, and one year at Virginia Military Institute, Lexing ton, Va.; married, June 24, 1885, Mary Tillay (now deceased); children: Edwin and Mar garet (Mrs, Joseph R. Brown) ; married, 2d, St. Louis, Nov. 6, 1895, Anne Chew; one daughter, Eleanor. Began business career with the E. O. Stanard Milling Co, in 1882, as cashier, and in 1886 was elected secretary, and later to present position as vice president of the company, large manufacturers of red winter and hard wheat flours. Director Boat men's Bank. Republican. Member M. E. Church. Clubs: St. Louis, St. Louis Country, Glen Echo Country, Racquet, Bellerive Coun try. Recreation: music. Office: 1015 Pierce Bldg. Residence: 4548 W. Pine Boul. STANLEY, Charles P, cigar manufacturer; born, County Wicklow, Ireland, 1859; came to St. Louis at age of seven; educated St. John's (parochial) School, Christian Brothers Col lege, Eads School; married, St. Louis, Rose Murphy. Entered cigar business with brother at sixteen; now operating several cigar stores in St. Louis and two factories at Tampa, Fla.; director Central National Bank, Park Circuit Realty Co, Ft. Scott (Kan.) Public Utilities Co., etc. Clubs: Mercantile, Aero, etc. Of fice: 606 Olive St. Residence: 4241 Westmin ster PL STANOWSKI, Urban, clergyman; born, Opole-Slazk, German Poland, Sept. 2, 1856; son of Antoni and Johanna (Barteeko) Stan- owski; educated at Humaniora, Opole, seven years; came to United States, 1875; attended school at Teutopolis, 111, one year; studied philosophy at St. Francis College, Quincy, 111, two years, theology at -Franciscan Fathers School, St. Louis, four years. Ordained to priesthood Roman Catholic Church by Arch bishop Ryan, May 16, 1880; in charge of Polish Church at Radom, 111, 1880-85; pastor St. Stanislaus Parish, Si. Louis, since 1885; instrumental in erection of present church edifice, also parish house and convent, etc.; president and treasurer Polish Roman Cath- 568 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS olic St. Stanislaus Parish (inc.); director Po lish Catholic St. Stanislaus Kostka's School. Author of several works in Polish language. Business Address: L113 N. 20th St. Resi dence: street between Cass Ave. and 0 'Fallon Street. STARCK, Charles F, builder and contract or; born in Madison Co, O, June 19, 1870; son of Charles Philip and Sophie Starck; re moved with parents to Missouri, 1882; edu cated in public schools; married, St. Joseph, Mo, October, 1892, Margaret E. Kelly; two children: Martha B, Burdette C. Went to Seattle, Wash, 1889, and learned plumber's trade; in plumbing business in St. Louis, 1894-1904; since engaged as builder and con tractor. Republican. Presbyterian. Member Ohio Society of St. Louis. Offiee: 3008 S. Grand Ave. Residence: 3640 Shaw Ave. STARK, Louis John, vice president and treasurer Stark Distillerv Co.; born, Hermann, Mo, Mar. 29, 1882; son "of George and Laura (Feldmann) Stark; educated in public schools of Hermann; Christian Brothers College, St. Louis; Smith Academy, St. Louis; Bryant & Stratton Commercial College, St. Louis; mar ried, Mae Walrond, of St. Louis, Mar. 16, 1908. Has engaged in distillery and wine growing business ever since leaving college; vice president and treasurer Stark Distillery Co.; treasurer Stone Hill Wine Co, Hermann, Mo. Club: Stark Bowling. Recreations: auto mobiling and bowling. Residence: 2322 Vir ginia Ave. Office: 217-219 Pine St. STARK, Ottmar George, liquor merchant; born, Hermann, Mo, Jan. 11, 1873; son of George and Laura (Feldmann) Stark; edu cated in public schools, John Toensfeldt's Educational Institute, St. Louis, and Bryant & Stratton Business College; married, St. Louis, Sept. 12, 1901, Helen A. Hahn; six chil dren: Mignon Gladys, Marguerite Helen, Lawrence Ottmar, Lee George, Lucille Char lotte, Yvonne. Vice president and secretary Stone Hill Wine Co., of Hermann, Mo.; also president and secretary of Stark Distillery Co, of St. Louis. Member Business Men's League. Member Lodge No. 9, B. P. O. Elks, St. Louis, Odd Fellows, Royal Arcanum, T. P. ,A, Fraternal Order of Eagles. Recreations: fishing, automobiling. Office: 217-219 Pine St. (6-story building) . Residence : 3714 Humphrey Street. STARKE, Bruce, lawyer; bom near Johns town, Bates Co, Mo, May 30, 1874; son of Return J. and Mary E. (Poage) Starke; edu cated in public schools of Bates Co., Mo, and at Georgetown University, Washington, D. O; LL.B, St. Louis Law School, 1900; unmarried. Deputy circuit clerk of Bates Co, 1887-92; stenographer Twenty-ninth Judicial Circuit of Missouri, 1892-94; secretary of Hon. David A. De Armond, M. C, Sixth District of Missouri, 1894-96; in office of general attorney of Mis souri, Kansas & Texas Railway Co, 1896-1901; secretary to president St. Louis Police Board, 1901-03; clerk of Probate Court, 1903-07; since in practice of law. Democrat. Member St. Louis Bar Association. Mason. Club: City. Office: 548 Pierce Bldg. Residence: 1375 Burd Ave. STARKLOFF, Hugo Maxmillian von, phy sician; born, Stuttgart, Germany, Oct. 3, 1842; son of Carl and Sophie von Rapp (Frauen- feld) von Starkloff; gymnasium education at Stuttgart and Ulm, Germany, and univer sities of Tubingen; M.D, 1854, Heidelberg and Prague; twice married; children: Emil Arthur, Max Carl, Elsa Sophie (married to Julius F. Muench), and Irma Louise (married to Edgar Bombauer), both of St. Louis. On completion of medical education came to the United States, and was acting assistant sur geon, U. S. Army, before Civil War; during war became surgeon Forty-third Illinois In fantry, U. S. Volunteers, and medical director First Division, Seventh Army Corps; after war engaged in general practice as physician and surgeon in St. Louis; formerly professor of orthopedic surgery in Marion-Sims Medical College. Republican; served as U. S. Consul to Bremen, Germany; ex-member of School Board of St. Louis. Member St. Louis Acad emy of Science, American Historical Associa tion, Historical Society of St. Louis, German- American Historical Society, etc. Member Liederkranz, St. Louis Turn Verein, German- American Alliance. Recreations: literature and music. Residence: 3623 Cleveland Ave. STARKLOFF, Max C, physician; born, Quincy, 111, Dee. 30, 1859; son of Dr. Hugo M. and Hermina von Starkloff; educated in pub lic schools and Pennsylvania Military Acad emy, Chester, Pa.; studied medicine under Dr. John T. Hodgen, St. Louis Medical College, 1882; married, 1879, Mary E. Flynn, of Mex ico, Mo. (who is now deceased) ; two children, one surviving, Adele; married, 2d, Genevieve Baldwin, 1903. In practice in St. Louis since 1882; health commissioner of St. Louis, 1895- 1903, and re-appointed, 1911. Surgeon Vulcan Iron Works for fifteen years, also surgeon for Missouri Pacific R. R. Republican. Clubs: City, Century. Recreations: boating, hunting and fishing. Office: 7619 S. Broadway. Resi dence: Carondelet. *STAUDTE, William L, cabinet maker; moved to Chicago; see Vol. 1906. STAUFFER, William H, physician; bora, Canton, O, Oct. 22, 1862; son of J. E. and Barbara (Hoffman) Stauffer; educated in Canton Normal Schools and University of Michigan, graduating from regular Medical Department, degree of M.D, 1887; married, Arkansas City, Kan, June 1, 1892, Elizabeth Earlougher; one daughter, Katherine. En- THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 569 gaged in practice of medicine and surgery since July 1, 1887; member of staff, Missouri Pacific Railway Co.'s Hospital, Evangelical Deaconess Hospital, St. Louis Maternity Hos pital; pays especial attention to diseases of the rectum. Member American Medical Asso ciation, Missouri State Medical Association, St. Louis Medical Society, Medical Associa tion of the Southwest, Civic League, of St. Louis, Michigan Alumni, Ohio Society. Re publican. Member Pilgrim Congregational Church. Member A. F. & A. M, Knights of the Maccabees. Office: 202 Humboldt Bldg. Residence: 5328 Page Boul. STEARNS, Melvin H, varnish; see Vol. 1906. *STEBBINS, George Peirce; moved to Omaha, Neb.; see Vol. 1906. STECHER, Rudolph, cooperage; bora, Ger many. Came from Germany to Cincinnati, O, and soon after to St. Louis, and was employed in Anheuser-Busch Brewery seven years. President of the Stecher Cooperage "Works. Republican. Mason: Itasca Lodge, Belief on taine Chapter, R. A. M, Ascalon Com mandery, K. T.; also member Murphysboro Lodge, B. P. 0. Elks; St. Louis Badensehen Verein, Central Sharpshooters of St. Louis. Office: 3d and Barton Sts. Residence: Mur physboro, 111, STEEDMAN, Edwin Harrison, vice presi dent Curtis & Company Manufacturing Co.; born, St. Louis, Dec. 31, 1873; son of I. G. W. and Medora (Harrison) Steedman; educated, Smith Academy; Manual Training School, 1891; Washington University, one year; Harv ard College, 1895; married, Philadelphia, Oct. 20, 1906, Almira McNeely; one child, Almira. After leaving college became connected with the Curtis & Company Manufacturing Co., manufacturers of saws, saw mills and pneu matic machinery; spent a period of appren ticeship in various departments and became superintendent; now viee president and man ager of works; director Bucyrus Co. Episco palian. Clubs: St. Louis Country, Racquet. Recreations: golf, shooting, motoring. Office: Hamburger and Kienlen Aves. Residence: 4417 McPherson Ave. STEEDMAN, George Fox, machinery; born, St. Louis, Jan. 5, 1871;. son of I. G. W. and Medora (Harrison) Steedman; educated at Smith Academy, 1880-84; Manual Training School, 1884-87; Washington University, 1887- 88; B.S, Harvard University, 1892; married, St. Louis, June 27, 1903, Carrie R. Howard; two daughters: Katherine, Medora. Father bought control of Curtis & Company Manufac turing Co. -for his sons; entered the business immediately after graduation from Harvard, 1892, and since 1903 president of the com pany. Independent in polities. Episcopalian. Member Business Men's League. Clubs: St. Louis Country, Florissant Valley, Racquet, Bellerive Country. Recreation: golf. Office: Wellston, St. Louis County. Residence: West moreland PL and Lake Ave. STEEDMAN, James Harrison, machinery; born, St. Louis, June 24, 1867; son of Dr. I. G. W. and Medora (Harrison) Steedman; edu cated in St. Louis Manual Training School, graduating, 1885; B.S, Washington Univer sity, 1889; married, New York, February, 1900, Virginia Chase. With the St. Louis Steel Foundry Co. as president from 1889 to 1891; secretary Curtis & Company Manufac turing Co., 1901-08, since vice president same company. Clubs: University, Racquet, Florris- sant Valley Country. Favorite recreation: au tomobiling. Office: Wellston, Mo. Residence: 401 N. Newstead Ave. STEELE, Aaron John, surgeon; born in Rochester, N. Y, Nov. 20, 1835; son of John and Anna (Coon) Steele; educated in public schools and academies at Rochester, colleges at Lima and Rochester, N. Y, medical college at Buffalo; M.D, Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, 1859; post-graduate work in Eu ropean cities at different times; married, Brooklyn, N. Y, 1870, Cassie Leonard (now deceased); children: Corinne, Helen, Murray; married, 2d, Sept. 1, 1886, Cornelia Sanborn. Medical interne Buffalo General Hospital, 1859; demonstrator of anatomy, Buffalo Med ical College, 1863; served as surgeon in Union Army during whole of Civil War; in 1867 en tered general practice at St. Louis; held vari ous professorships at the Humboldt Medical College and the College of Physicians and Surgeons, the Beaumont Medical College, the Polyclinic and Post-Graduate Medical schools, the Missouri Medical College, and more re cently in the Medical Department of Wash ington University. Orthopedic surgeon to the Missouri Baptist Sanitarium. Congregational ist. Member and ex-president American Ortho pedic Association. Frequent contributor to medical literature. Office: 5871 Maple Ave. Residence: 2 Parkland PL STEELE, William Hamilton, lumber; born in Halton Co, Ontario, Canada, Nov. 1, 1848; son of James R. and Margaret (Hamilton) Steele; educated in public schools and Univer sity of Toronto; married, St. Louis, 1892, Mary Schmieder. Began business career as boy in employ of the Hutchinson Navigation Co. (Baird & Son), Toronto, Ont, 1865-66; went to New York City and was employed by the Cunard Line, 1866-70; came to St. Louis and was; traveling salesman for J. H. Lewis & Co., of which was partner, 1870-79; assisted in organization of St. Louis Coffin Co, 1879, and was with it as secretary and treasurer until 1883; engaged in lumber business on own account, 1883-85; in 1885 organized lum ber firm of Steele & Hibbard, wholesale yard dealers in hardwood lumber; in 1907 the firm 570 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS was incorporated^ as the Steele & Hibbard Lumber Co, of which is president. Assisted in organizing, 1892, the Jefferson Bank; was" a charter member and one of original directors and is now president of same. President of S. C. Major Lumber Co. of Memphis, Tenn. Was member local militia, Halton Co, Ont, before leaving Canada; served as emergency deputy sheriff during street car riots in 1902; member Republican Club, Citizens' Industrial Asso ciation, Civic League. Episcopalian. Member Royal Arcanum, Legion of Honor (St. Louis). Recreations: literature and arts. Office: JS1. Broadway and Dock St. Residence: 2941 Sul livan Ave, N. E. cor. Garrison Ave. STEER, Frank Albert; president of F. A. Steer Furnishing Goods Co.; born, St. Louis, March, 1849; son of John and Catherine (Heitzig) Steer; educated in public and pri vate schools of St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Dec. 17, 1870, Maggie Crawford; children: Mamie (now Mrs. Raleigh), Daisy (Mrs. Way), William C, Julia V. (Mrs. Leahy). Be gan business career in employ of Graff, Ben nett & Co, iron manufacturers, 1864; started firm of Steer, Harrington & Co., iron mer chants, 1870, but sold out to Paddock, Hawley & Co, 1872, and established business of F. A. Steer & Co., furnishing goods, later incorpo rated as F. A. Steer Furnishing Goods Co, retail haberdashery and men's clothing, of which is president. Republican. Episcopalian. Club: Glen Echo Country. Office: 213-215 N. Broadway. Residence: 4365 Lindell Boul. STEER, Justin, physician; .1849-1909; see Vol. 1906. STEGALL, Harry West, secretary and treasurer Union Biscuit Co.; born, Jackson, Tenn, June 23, 1874; son of J. N. and Laura (West) Stegall; educated in public schools and Smith Academy, St. Louis, and Wyman Institute, Alton, III.; married, St. Louis, Oct. 9, 1901, Alby R. Watson. Began business ca reer in employ of the Samuel Davis Dry Goods Co, and was afterwards with the Missouri Electric Co. and the Meeks-West Grocer Co. until 1899, when became secretary and treas urer of the Union Biscuit Co, manufacturers of biscuits and crackers. Also president Wat son Investment Co. Independent in politics. Baptist. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Rotary. Office: 1101 N. 6th St. Residence: 4931 Mc Pherson Ave. *STEGALL, Jasper Newton, commission; moved to Little Rock, Ark.; see Vol. 1906. STEGEMAN, John D, president Koppel man Furniture Co.; born, Badbergen, Han over, Germany, Nov. 25, 1840; son of John H. and Mary (Hegewisch) Stegeman; educated in schools in Germany and in public schools in St. Louis and Petersburg, 111.; married, St. Louis, 1866, Louisa Stegeman; children: Clara (Mrs. Charles A. Gewe), Bertha (Mrs. John F. Brockhouse), Walter, Harold, Adele, Viola. Came to Missouri in 1860, and after leaving school entered grocery business, in 1864, as member of firm of August Rode & Co., in which continued until 1869, when became associated with John H. Koppelman in the furniture business, incorporated, 1877, as the Koppelman Furniture Co.; was secretary and treasurer until death of partner, John H. Kop pelman, 1909, since which time has been presi dent. Republican. Evangelical Lutheran. Mem ber Erwin Lodge, A. F. & A. M. Recreation: bowling. Office: 911-913 N. Broadway. Resi dence: 3942 Sullivan Ave. STEIGERS, William C, vice president, di rector and business manager of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch; born, St. Louis, Sept. 15, 1847; son of Francis I. and Sarah (Price) Steigers; educated in Wyman School, Christian Brothers College and public grammar and high school in St. Louis; married, New York, Sept. 4, 1896, Helen Martha Wadsworth, daughter of Charles Chester Wadsworth and grand-niece of Gen. James Wadsworth, of New York state. Served in Eighth Missouri Volunteers and U. S. Signal Corps in Civil War, in Federal Army; enlisted September, 1862, and dis charged October, 1863, on account of physical disability contracted at siege of Vieksburg. Began business career as bookkeeper in Eagle Foundry; became collector for the Evening Dispatch, Apr. 10, 1868, and later served as advertising agent, same paper; resigned to be come advertising manager of St. Louis Times, January, 1872; advertising manager the Eve ning Post, July, 1878, until Dec. 10, 1878, when Joseph Pulitzer bought Evening Dis patch and consolidated it with Evening Post; continued as advertising manager Post-Dis patch until October, 1895, then advertising manager New York World until June, 1897; returned to Post-Dispatch, and has since been its business manager. Director Louisiana Pur chase Exposition. Member Business Men's League, Civic Improvement League, Million Population Club. Past Exalted Ruler, St. Louis Lodge, B. P. O. Elks. Clubs: St. Louis, Glen Echo Couutry, Missouri Athletic, City. Golf enthusiast. Office: St. Louis Post-Dis patch. Residence: 5156 Von Versen Ave. STEIN, Samuel A, wall paper; see Vol. 1906. STEINBISS, Herman W, general secretary- treasurer International Building Trades Coun cil; born, Aschersleben, Germany, Sept. 4, 1853; son of Frederick William and Johanne (Hellsinger) Steinbiss; graduated from high school at Aschersleben, Germany, 1867; mar ried, Memphis, Tenn, Nov. 9, 1870, Mary M. Knabel; children: Herman W, Jr. (deceased), Genevieve M. (Mrs. F. E. Pernoud), Frederick M. After serving apprenticeship as fresco painter, came to America, 1870; enlisted in regular army and served in Thirteenth Infan- THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 571 try, U. S. Army, 1871-76; honorably dis charged; followed trade in various cities, '1876-83; came to St. Louis, 1883. General sec retary-treasurer International Building Trades Council since 1897. Was director Louisiana Purchase Exposition Co. Editor The Labor Compendium since September, 1896. Member Missouri Historical Society, Missouri Press Association, Legion of Honor of Missouri, National Union (financial secretary), North American Union. Member Children's Protect ive Alliance of Missouri. Democrat. Office: 2422 N. Sarah St. Residence: 4221 Labadie Avenue. STEININGER, Edward A, president E. A. Steininger Construction Co.; born, St. Louis, Jan. 5, 1868; son of George and Christina (Lanitz) Steininger; educated in St. Louis public schools to 1883; married, May 27, 1890, Emma Roenfeldt (died, 1900) ; one child, Adele. After leaving school engaged in con struction work with father, continuing until his death, 1892; conducted business alone to 1904, when present company was incorporated, of which has since been president. Repub lican. Lutheran. Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Oasis, Liederkranz. Recreation: hunting. Office: 824, 407 N. 8th St. Residence: 5810 Bartmer Avenue. STEINMESCH, Henry, president Stein- mesch Feed and Poultry Supply Co.; bora, St. Louis, Oct. 7, 1850; son of John Herman and Catherine (Huelsmann) Steinmesch; educated in public schools and • at Jones Commercial College, St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Dec 27, 1876, Adelaide C. Caldwell; three children: Harry J, Jessie H, Henrietta May. > Began active career in employ of Plant & Bro, deal ers in agricultural implements and seeds, 1866; in seed business for self, 1876-81; with the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy and Indian apolis & St. Louis railways for three years and with the Wabash road for twenty years; in feed and poultry supply business since 1904. Member National Feed Manufacturers' Association of Milwaukee, the St. Louis Mer chants' -Exchange since 1891, and the Citi zens' Industrial Association. President Silver Wyandotte Club of America; also officer American Poultry Association. Republican. Presbyterian. Mason. Club: Missouri Ath letic. Favorite recreation : raising fancy Chickens. Office: 220 Market St. Residence: Normandy, St. Louis Co, Mo. STEINMEYER, August, president Niese Grocer Co.; bora, St. Louis, June 11, 1863; son of David and Christiana (Kuenne) Stein- meyer; educated in Lutheran parochial schools, St. Louis; married, St. Louis, 1888, Lillie Niese; children: Edith, Herbert. Be gan business career, on leaving school, in produce business, in which continued until 1888, when entered the Niese Grocer Co., with which has continued ever since, becoming president of the company in 1903. Lutheran. Member Liederkranz. Recreations: music and automobiling. Office: 19-21 S. Main St. Resi dence: 3962 Flora Boul. STEINWENDER, Herman August, whole sale liquor merchant; 1839-1909; see Vol. 1906. STEINWENDER, William J, vice presi dent The Steinwender Co.; bora, St. Louis, Mar. 18, 1879; son of Gustav A. and Mary (Medart) Steinwender; was graduated at Smith Academy, 1898; B.S, Princeton Univer sity, 1902; LL.B, Washington University, 1904; married, St. Louis, Sept. 20, 1910, Kath erine Schuyler Tutt; one daughter, Katherine Elise. Began active career as secretary Stein wender & Sellner Mercantile Co, 1904, con tinuing for six years; succeeded to presidency of the company, October, 1910, on death of father; in July, 1911, formed consolidation of the Steinwender & Sellner Mercantile Co. with H. A. Steinwender & Co, ancl incorpo rated the two firms under title of The Stein wender Co., distillers, importers and whisky merchants, of which has since been vice presi dent and secretary. Presbyterian. Clubs: Union, Missouri Athletic, St. Louis Amateur Athletic Association, Normandie Golf, Auto mobile of Missouri. Recreation: athletics. Of- nce: 820 N. Broadway. Residence: 1753 Mis souri Ave. STELTEMEIER, Frederick Casper, lawyer; bora, St. Louis, Dec. 16, 1871; son of William and Maria Angela (Heitkamp) Steltemeier; educated in parochial and public schools, St. Louis, Jones Commercial College, School of Architecture; LL.B, State University of Mis souri, Law Department, graduating May, 1897; unmarried. Admitted to bar at St. Louis, June, 1897, and since engaged in gen eral practice. Member of St. Louis Bar Asso ciation. Democrat. Catholic. Member Royal Arcanum, Royal League, Knights of Colum bus. Favorite recreations: hunting and fish ing. Office: 706 Carleton Bldg. Residence: 2846A Lafayette Ave. STEPHAN, William (Charles Frederick), coal merchant; born, Hofgeismar, Germany, Nov. 10, 1855; son of William and Marie (Kohlhepp) Stephan; educated in Realschule, Hofgeismar, Germany, and in business college at St. Louis ;- married, St. Louis, May 22, 1879, Helen M. Klein; children: Charles Robert William, Oscar Henry. Began business career as apprentice clerk in- retail hardware busi ness in Germany; came to United States in 1874, and was in employ of The Germania Life Insurance Co. of New York at St. Louis, 1874-77; in July, 1877, entered coal business as sales agent for Trenton Coal Co., and in 1886 started business on own account as wholesale and retail dealer in anthracite and bituminous coal, incorporating business, 1896, under present style of Stephau Coal Co., of 572 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS which is president. Also president Bulwer Investment Co. since 1907. Member Home Rule Club, St. Louis Turn Verein. Mason. Recreation: country, life. Office: 117 N. 3d St. Residence: 3932 Hartford St. STEPHENS, Lawrence Vest, banker, ex- governor, ex-state treasurer; born, Boonville, Mo, Dec. 21, 1858; son of Joseph L. and Martha (Gibson) Stephens; educated in pub lic school, Cooper Institute, and Kemper Fam ily School, Boonville, and Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Va. ; (LL.D, Uni versity of Missouri, 1898) ; married, Boonville, Oct. 5, 1880, Margaret Nelson. Learned print er's trade; was editor of the Boonville Adver tiser; was for a time bank clerk, then tele graph operator. Entered Central National Bank of Boonville as bookkeeper, afterwards becoming assistant cashier and later vice- president; also proprietor of the Boonville Advertiser; appointed Government receiver of the Fifth National Bank of St. Louis, 1887; paid depositors 98 cents on the dollar. Was state treasurer of Missouri, 1889-97; governor of Missouri, January, 1897, to January, 1901. Democrat; was colonel on staffs of Governors Marmaduke and Francis; promoted to general by Governor Francis. Now vice president and director Central National Bank of Booneville; director Bank of Versailles, and of Boonville, St. Louis & Southern R. R, and stockholder in many corporations. Founded Bank of Bunceton, Bunceton, Mo, and Central Mis souri Trust Co, of Jefferson City, Mo. Metho dist; curator of Central College, Fayette, Mo; Member board of trustees of Barnes Hospital, St. Louis, which' is conducted under the aus pices of the M. E. Church, South. Mason, Knight Templar. Clubs: Jefferson, Mercan tile, Delta Psi, Methodist. Recreation: travel ing. Residence: 5836 Cabanne Ave. *STEPHENSON, Edgar Kaercher, sales manager; moved to New York; see Vol. 1906. STERN, Meyer L, commission merchant; deceased; see Vol. 1906. STEVENS, Charles Dillon, physician; born, St. Louis, Feb. 10, 1852; son of Charles Whit tlesey and Susan Francis (Dillon) Stevens; educated in public and private schools and Washington University; M.D, St. Louis Med ical College, 1878; married, St. Louis, Jan. 18, 1888, Lena Tarrant; children: Dillon Tarrant, Barbara Francis, Robert Louis. Engaged in practice of medicine in St. Louis since 1878. Member St. Louis Academy of Science, St. Louis Medical Society, Missouri Historical Society. Republican. Was in military hospital service (not enrolled) at ten years of age, and later was with the Army in southern Mis souri ; was -druggist and assistant physician at St. Louis Insane Asylum. Office and Resi dence: 5352 Vernon Ave. STEVENS, George F, life insurance; born, San Francisco, Aug. 7, 1870; son of George and Anne (Picken) Stevens; educated Wash ington (California) College; Lytton Springs (California) College; married, Corsicana, Tex, Dec. 27, 1902, Ida L. Walker; one son, George W. Engaged as commercial traveler in western states, until 1896; then entered life insurance business at Houston, Tex, and was successively superintendent at Dallas, Sher man and San Antonio, Tex, and Sedalia, Mo.,; since 1908 superintendent South St. Louis dis trict for Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. of New York. Presbyterian. Mason; member Alamo Lodge, A. F. & A. M, San Antonio, Tex.; Order Eastern Star (Belief ontaine Chapter); also B. P. O. Elks, Sedalia, Mo. Club: Masonic (St. Louis). Recreations: fish ing and hunting. Office: 1410 S. Jefferson St. Residence: 5065 Maple Ave. *STEVENS, John Henry David, secret so ciety official; moved to Alberta, Canada; see Vol. 1906. STEVENS, Walter Barlow, author, news paper correspondent; born, Meriden, Conn, July 25, 1848; son of Rev. Asahel Augustus and Mary Comstoek (Bristol) Stevens; youth passed at Peoria, 111.; A.B, University of Michigan, 1870, A.M.. 1872; (LL.D, Wash ington University, St. Louis, 1908). Con nected with St. Louis newspapers, as reporter, city editor, and staff correspondent, since graduation from college; Washington corre spondent St. Louis Globe-Democrat, 1884- 1901; president Gridiron Club, Washington, 1895; traveled extensively and corresponded for Globe-Democrat through United States, Canada, Mexico, Cuba, Porto Rico, Jamaica, and Panama. Writer of letters over signature "W. B. S," which appeared in serial form in the Globe-Democrat under titles: The New States,- Convict Camps, Missouri Mineral, Sil ver in a Silver Country, Black Labor in the South, Washington Topics, Signs of the Times, Recollections of Lincoln, etc. Secretary Lou isiana Purchase Exposition Co. from organ ization, 1901; director of exploitation, and member Superior Jury of Awards, same, 1904; secretary National Prosperity Association, 1908; secretary St. Louis Centennial Associa tion, 1909; secretary City Plan Commission of St. Louis, 1912. ICciight of Crown of Italy, 1904; First Grade, Third Class, Order of Double Dragon, China, 1905; Chevalier Order of Leopold, Belgium, 1905; medal of honor, First Class, Philippine Government, 1905; Fourth Class, Order of Rising Sun, Japan, 1906; Officer's Cross, Order of Red Eagle, Germany, 1907; Officier de l'lnstruction Pub- lique, France, 1907. Congregationalist. Repub lican. Member Missouri Historical Society, National Geographic Society, Phi Beta Kappa; Clubs: St. Louis, Mercantile, Round Table, Burns, Franklin (St. Louis), Gridiron (Wash ington). Author: Through Texas, 1892; The Ozark Uplift, 1900; The Forest City, 1904; THE BOOK. OF ST. LOUISANS 573 A Trip to Panama, 1907; Introduction and Notes on Facsimiles of Poems and Letters of Robert Burns, 1907; The Building of St. Louis, 1908; St. Louis, the Fourth City, 1909; The Log of the Alton, 1909; One Hundred Years in a Week, 1910; The Brown-Reynolds Duel, 1911; Water Purification at St. Louis, 1911; History of St. Louis, two volumes, 1911. Recreation: farming. Office: 231 Municipal Courts Bldg. Residence: 5918 Washington Avenue. STEVENSON, Charles A, merchant; see Vol. 1906. STEWART, Alcee, lumber; born, New Or leans, Feb. 27, 1869; son of Alcee William and Elizabeth Floyd (Greene) Stewart; educated in Peabody and Stoddard schools, and Smith Academy, until 1884; married, St. Louis, June 1, 1898, Abigail Webb Sergeant; children: Dorothy Valeria, Alcee William, Mary Eliza beth. Began business career at fifteen years of age in employ of O. H. Peckham & Co., St. Louis, later holding clerical positions in vari ous lines until May 1, 1893, when branched out for self, becoming a member of Powe & Stewart, which firm dissolved Dec. 31, 1894; since alone as Alcee Stewart & Co., wholesale hardwood lumber. Episcopalian. Club: Mer cantile. Office: 402 Security Bldg. Residence: 6249 Waterman Ave. STEWART, Alphonso Chase, lawyer; born, Lebanon, Tenn.,. Aug. 27, 1848; son of Lieut.- Gen. Alexander P. and Harriet Byron (Chase) Stewart; educated in private schools of Ten nessee; served in Stearns' .Fourth Tennessee Cavalry, C. S. A.; cadet on staff of Lieut.-Gen. Alex. P. Stewart; Alabama Military Corps Cadets; married, Winchester, Tenn, July 19, 1871, Elizabeth Smith; children: Dr. Samuel Smith Stewart, Harriet Chase (Mrs. George H. Williams). Admitted to bar, 1867; member firm of Turney & Stewart, lawyers, Win chester, Tenn, 1869, Evans & Stewart, Enter prise and Meridian, Miss, 1871. Since 1873 engaged in practice in St. Louis; member of firm of King, Phillips & Stewart, 1873, Phil lips & Stewart, 1874, Phillips,' Stewart, Cun ningham & Eliot, 1889, Stewart, Cunningham & Eliot, 1897, Stewart, Eliot & Williams, 1904, Stewart, Bryan, Christie & Williams, 1911; now Stewart, Bryan & Williams. Member St. Louis, Missouri State and American Bar asso ciations. Since October, 1889, counsel St. Louis Union Trust Co.; director Shultz Belt ing Co., Tower Realty Co., Vinita Realty Co. (president and treasurer), Spring Avenue Realty Co. (president and treasurer), South western Improvement Association (secretary and treasurer), Mermod, Jaccard & King Jewelry Co.; president Fulton Fire Brick Co.; director Christian-Peper Tobacco Co. Was secretary, treasurer and counsel Northwestern Building and Loan Association, 1873-79. Democrat. Was president of Board of Police Commissioners, City of St. Louis; member St. Louis Board of Health. Cumberland Presby terian; president Sabbath School Assembly, Synod of Missouri. President St. Louis Pub lic Museum; member Missouri Historical So ciety. Clubs: St. Louis, Noonday, Racquet. Recreations: motoring, reading. Offiee: 1605 Pierce Bldg. Residence: 5727 Cabanne Ave. STEWART, Arthur Tipton, assistant to vice president Missouri Pacific Railway Co.; bom, Humboldt, Kan, May 11, 1872; son of Watson and Elizabeth (Tipton) Stewart; graduated from Independence (Kan.) High School, 1889; married, Independence, Sept. 7, 1892, Zell Wilson; children: Donald, Morna. Entered railway service as clerk for the Rock Island Ry. at Topeka, Kan, July, 1890; re moved to St. Louis, September, 1891, entering office of general manager of the St. Louis Southwestern Railway Co.; in June, 1892, en tered service of freight traffic department of the Missouri Pacific Railway Co., at St. Louis, in which occupied various positions until ap pointed assistant general freight agent, May 1, 1903, so continuing until Sept. 1, 1908; since assistant to vice president same road. Republican. Congregationalist. Clubs: Mis souri Athletic, St. Louis Railway. Recreation: baseball. Office: Missouri Pacific Bldg. Resi dence: 5563 Clemens Ave. *STEWART, Charles Carroll; moved to Memphis, Tenn.; see Vol. 1906. STEWART, Hugh Henry, real estate; born in St. Louis Co, Mo, June 25, 1871; son of Henry and Mary (Burke) Stewart; educated in public and parochial schools and St. Louis University; married, St. Louis, Apr. 19, 1904, Cecelia E. Gallagher; children: Charles Henry, Mary Louise. Began business career as clerk for Adams Express Co., 1884-85; clerk for J. T. Donovan Real Estate Co, 1885-1901; since September, 1901, in business for self as general real estate and financial agent. Mem ber Real Estate Exchange (director, 1904-05). Democrat. Catholic. Member Knights of Co lumbus. Club: Irish- American Athletic. Fa vorite recreations: baseball and other athletic sports. Office: 1002 Chestnut St. Residence: 4138 Russell Ave. STEWART, James, supervisor of Hygiene Department, Public Schools, St. Louis; born, Glasgow, Scotland, Sept. 22, 1874; son of Alexander and Mary (McClain) Stewart; eame to America, 1883; educated in St. Louis public schools to 1889; entered Barnes Med ical College, 1892, graduating, 1895; married, Warren Co, Mo, Mar. 10, 1898, Laura Char lotte Jasper; one child, Myrtle Jasper. Began official and professional career as coroner, Warren Co, elected, 1898, reelected, 1900, and served until 1902; was health officer Warren Co, 1904-06. Member Forty-third General As sembly of Missouri, 1905-06; was author of bill which created the Missouri State Sana- 574 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS torium for incipient pulmonary cases; also in troduced bill to compel physical examination of all applicants for marriage certificates, which created much comment but was de feated; looked after other bills for State Board of Health, was on Ways and Means Committee, and chairman Commission of Sani tation. Appointed medical adviser Board of Education, St. Louis, 1908, and changed to supervisor of hygiene, 1910. Member Ameri can Medical Association, Missouri State Med ical Association, St. Louis Medical Society. Republican. Presbyterian. Recreations: out door sports, hunting, etc. Office: Board of Education Bldg. Residence: 6053 McPherson Avenue. STEWART, Seymour, retired; born in Thomaston, Ga, Sept. 30, 1867; son of Alcee William and Elizabeth Floyd (Greene) Stew art; resident of St. Louis since 1875; educated at Smith Academy, St. Louis; unmarried. Be gan business career with Samuel C. Davis Dry Goods Co, St. Louis, 1885-90; in 1890 joined Charles C. Salveter in forming firm of Sal- veter & Stewart, dealers in men's furnishing goods, clothing and hats; also secretary and treasurer of Evanston Realty Co. and JEtna. Realty Co.; retired from active business, Jan uary, 1908. Democrat. Commissioner Mullan phy Emigrant Relief Fund since 1903. Epis copalian. Member Sous of Revolution; com mander Missouri Division, United Sons of Confederate Veterans. Clubs: St. Louis, Mer cantile, Gleu Echo, Automobile. Office: 402 Security Bldg. Residence: 5261 Washington Boulevard. STICKNEY, William Albert, president Wil liam A. Stickney Cigar Co.; born, Townsend, Mass., Aug. 5, 1844; son of Dr. Augustus G. and Louise ("Wilson) Stickney; educated in public schools in Massachusetts; married, Covington, Ky, 1873, Millicent M. Taylor; children: Albert Taylor, Stuart Grosvenor, William Arthur, Mildred Lemoine. Went to Boston, 1862, and was clerk in a coffee, tea and tobacco store for two years; then enlisted in Sixth Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry; after term of service expired went to New York City and became identified with cigar trade; came to St. Louis, 1872, and later es tablished William A. Stickney Cigar Co., im porters, jobbers and wholesalers of cigars and tobacco, of which is president; company has branches at Kansas City, Denver and Salt Lake City. Member Business Men 's League, Civie League, Grand Army of the Republic. Clubs: Mercantile, St. Louis, and Country. Recreation: golf. Office: 209 N. 4th St. Resi dence: 46 Westmoreland PL STICKNEY, William Arthur, broker; born, St. Louis, May 28, 1879; son of William Al bert aud Millicent M. (Taylor) Stickney; edu cated in public schools; graduated from Smith Academy, St. Louis, 1897; A.B, Yale Univer sity, 1901; unmarried. Began business career, Dec. 8, 1901, with A. G. Edwards & Sons, brokers, and member of firm since 1907. Pres byterian. Clubs: Noonday, Racquet, St. Louis Country. Recreation: golf. Office: 412 Olive St. Residence: 46 Westmoreland PL STIERLIN, Frederick Charles, president Stierlin Piano Co.; born, St. Louis, Oct. 10, 1865; son of Henry J. and Amanda (Welcker) Stierlin; attended Marquam College, Bloom ington, UL, seven years; graduated from Fos ter Academy, St. Louis, 1882; married, St. Louis, Dec. 21, 1891, Annie Eichele; children: Annette L, Mary M. Began business career as assistant bookkeeper with Christian Peper Tobacco Co.; chief bookkeeper Dozier Bakery, 1888-93; vice president and treasurer Thiebes- Stierlin Music Co., 1893-1907; since president Stierlin Piano Co. Also president of Koerber- Brenner Music Co., exclusive jobbers of mu sical instruments. Republican. Episcopalian. Member Compton Heights Bowling Club, St. Louis Railway Club, Heine Stein Gesellschaft, St. Louis Credit Men's Association. Favorite recreation: amateur photography. Office: 4812 MeKissock Ave. Residence: 3S12 Vander- venter PL STIFEL, Herman Charles, stock and bond broker; born, St. Louis, June 7, 1860; sou of Christopher A. and Emelia (Hammerstein) Stifel; educated in public schools, Washing ton University and Polytechnic Institute; married, St. Louis, Sept. 30, 1891, Clara Forster; children: Arnold G, Florence E. Be gan business career as mechanical engineer with Gerard B. Allen Iron Works, 1877-81; assistant superintendent for Kupferle Bros. Manufacturing Co, 1883-85; in charge of fac tory of N. O. Nelson Manufacturing Co, 1885- 97; since 1897 in bond and stock business as vice president and treasurer of the Altheimer & Rawlings Investment Co. Director Toledo- Telephone Co, Detroit Telephone Co., Inde pendent Breweries Co. Member St. Louis Stock Exchange (ex-president). Republican. Member board of the Mullanphy Emigrant Relief Fund, under Mayor Walbridge. Mason (32°), Shriner. Clubs: St. Louis, Mercantile, Union, St. Louis Republican, Glen Echo Coun try, Big Lake Shooting Club of Arkausas, The Triton Fish and Game Club of Canada, King's Lake Hunting and Fishing. Recreations: horseback riding, hunting and fishing. Office: 207 N. Broadway. Residence: 3127 Longfellow Boulevard. STIFEL, Hugo B, second vice president Gaier & Stroh Millinery Co.; bora, St. Louis, Mar. 13, 1868; son of Christopher A. and Emelia (Hammerstein) Stifel; educated in public and private schools and Smith Acad emy, St. Louis; married, St. Louis, April, 1900, Emelie Gaier; children: Ernest Christ- THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 575 opher, Elva. Began business career as clerk with A. Moll Grocer Co., remaining a few years, then with Adam Roth Grocer Co. as salesman; was for several years with Herman & Koenitzer, tanners; in 1887 entered employ of Franklin Bank and held various positions until 1901, when became salesman with the Gaier & Stroll Millinery Co., jobbers of mil linery goods; after death of Mr. Gaier, in January, 1906, was elected treasurer of the company, so continuing until 1911, when be came second viee president. Independent in politics. Member Royal Arcanum. Clubs: Liederkranz, Kampville Hunting and Fishing, Jerseyville Hunting and Fishing, Mangua Fishing and Game Preserve, Tannhauser Hunting and Fishing, Tower Grove Turn Ver ein, St. Louis Trap Shooters ' Association. Recreations: hunting and fishing. Office: 1221 Washington Ave. Residence: 1723 Pennsyl vania Ave. STIFEL, Otto Frederick, president Otto F. Stifel 's Union Brewing Co.; bom, St. Louis, Nov. 4, 1862; son of Col. Charles G. and Louise Stifel; educated at Washington Uni versity, St. Louis, and later at School of Tech nology, Stuttgart, Germany; married, St. Louis, 1893, Ella Conrades; two children-: Charles G, Marie Louise. Father being a prominent brewer of St. Louis, entered his establishment after returning from studies abroad; carefully studied science of brewing in Chicago, Milwaukee and New York; was partner of his father until 1894, when the Stifel Brewery passed into hands of St. Louis Brewing Association, and lie served as presi dent until the formation of the Union Brew ing Co., of which became president; in 1908 name was changed to Otto F. Stifel 's Union Brewing Co,, of which is president. Also director Commonwealth Trust Co., Northwest ern Savings Bank, Washington Mutual Life Insurance Co., and Jefferson Mutual Fire In surance Co. Republican. Mason (32°); mem ber B. P. O. Elks. Clubs: Mercantile, St. Louis, Glen Echo Country. Office: Cor. Gra- vois and Michigan Aves. Residence: 2007 Hebert St. STINDE, George C, life insurance; born, St. Louis, Aug. 18, 1857; son of Conrad R. and Augusta- (Whist) Stinde; educated public schools and Washington University; married, Cincinnati, June 4, 1889, Ellen F. Joyce. Be gan active career in employ of father (whole sale and manufacturing boot and shoe house, established, 1852), and continued about ten years, during latter part of time being in charge of manufacturing department; then traveling salesman, same line, for a Chicago house, until 1892; general agent accident de partment of Aetna Life Insurance Co. at St. Louis, 1892-94; in real estate business, 1894-98; special agent New York Life Insurance Co. since 1898. Member Acad emy of Science, Missouri Fish and Game League. Served three years in Missouri Na tional Guard. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Trip- pie A, Million Population, Ha Ha Tonka. Recreations: hunting and fishing. Office: 625 Locust St. Residence: 5146 Waterman Ave STINE, William I, railway official; born, Amboy, 111, Feb. 3, 1875; son of William H. and Cornelia (Tompkins) Stine; educated, high school, Amboy, and Western Normal College, Shenandoah, la.; married, Under wood, Minn, Mar. 9, 1896, Edith Harang. Entered railway service as brakeman Illinois Central Ry, 1891; stenographer to general manager Chicago, §t. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha R. R, 1894-96; chief clerk to same, 1896-1905; traveling car agent, Missouri Pa cific Ry, 1906-07; chief clerk to superintend ent of transportation, 1907-June 1, 1912; since superintendent car service Missouri Pacific System. Republican. Methodist. Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner. Clubs: Mis souri Athletic, St. Louis Railway. Recrea tions: hunting and fishing. Office: 705 Market St. Residence: 1409A Aubert Ave. STINSON, Charles Herbert, railway offi cial; born, Weaver Falls, Pa,. Nov. 19, 1871; son of Robert J. and Mary .1. (McCleary) Stinson; educated in grammar schools, Pa.; married, Dec. 12, 1893, Lillian C. Hunter, of Chicago; four children: Herbert H, H. Grace, Harry P. and R. John. Entered railway ser vice at Chicago at age of 14, as messeuger iu office of Chicago, Minneapolis & St. Paul R. R, and held several clerkships until 1889; has since been connected with Wabash Road; in various clerical positions, traveling freight agent and general agent at Chicago until 1906; located at St. Louis since Jan. 1, 1906; chief clerk in general office, 1906-07; assistant general freight agent, 1907-08; general freight agent since Aug. 20, 1908. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Normandie Golf, St. Louis Traffic. Office: 706 Chestnut St. Residence: Ferguson, Missouri. STITES, William M, contractor; born, Washington, Mo, Mar. 21, 1871; son of A. T. and Sarah (Goff) Stites; educated in public schools, Washington, and private school, St. Louis, graduating as draughtsman; married, St. Louis, Apr. 27, 1894, Gertie D. Freer; one son, Dinsdale. Began active career under Robert L. Macey, general coutractor, and ad vanced to position of foreman; in business ou own account since 1907. Democrat. Methodist. Member Master Builders ' Association, Busi ness Men's League, Civie League. Recrea- . tions: shooting, boating. Offiee: 329, 816 Olive St. Residence: 7340 Maple Boul, Maplewood. STITH, Wilmer Curtis; born, St. Louis, June 21, 1858; son of James W. and Fannie -576 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS L. (Taylor) Stith; educated in Blow School, South St. Louis, and St. Louis High School; married, Carondelet, Sept. 22, 1886, Elizabeth Wardner Staples (now deceased); children: Wilmer Curtis, Jr., Edwin Emerson, Laura Phelps. Entered service of St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern Ry, Aug. 7, 1877; chief clerk of the consolidated Missouri Pacific and St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern general freight office until September, 1886, when was appointed assistant general freight agent; general freight agent, Kansas City, Ft. Scott & Memphis R. R, Kansas City, Mo, 1890-91; returned to St. Louis, Jan. 1, 1892, as general freight agent Missouri Pacific Railway Co., and promoted, Dec. 18, 1899, to freight traf fic manager; was chairman executive commit tee Southwestern Traffic Bureau; retired from railway service, December, 1907; traffic man ager Waters-Pierce Oil Co, 1908-11. Demo crat. Episcopalian. Residence: Antlers Apts, 5585 Waterman Ave. STIX, Charles Aaron, president Stix, Baer & Fuller Dry Goods Co.; born, Cincinnati, O, June 27, 1861; son of Aaron and Hannah (Rice) Stix; educated in public schools of Cincinnati, graduating from Hughes High School, 1880; married, St. Louis, May 14, 1890, Sadie Fraley; one daughter, Winifred. Began business career as stock boy with Stix, Krouse & Co., Cincinnati, September, 1880; began traveling for same firm, 1883; was given in terest in firm, 1885, but left, 1886, with inten tion of going to Wichita, Kan, but remained at St. Louis and, with John Manning, bought gentlemen's furnishing goods department of "The Famous" (firm of Stix & Manning), February, 1887; bought out Manning's inter est, 1891, and late in same year ' ' The Fa mous" was destroyed by fire. Practically out of business until Sept. 1, 1892, when the firm of Stix, Baer & Fuller went into business un der the trade name of "Grand Leader" on Broadway, between Morgan and Franklin Sts, moving to Broadway and Washington Ave. in 1897; now in mammoth department store building on the site of old Lindell Hotel; firm incorporated as Stix, Baer & Fuller Dry Goods Co., of which is president. Also viee president Grand Leader Realty Co. and of Arthur Realty Co. Was vice president Civic Improvement League; treasurer St. Louis Retail Merchants' Association; ex-president Washington Avenue Improvement Co. Member executive commit tee Business Men's League, Manufacturers' Association; director Louisiana Purchase Ex position; member City Council, 1907; president Civie League; director Jewish Orphan Asylum, of Cleveland, O, Jewish Charitable and Edu cational Alliance. Republican in National, in dependent in State and municipal polities. Jewish religion. Clubs: Mercantile, Colum bian, Glen Echo, King's Lake. Recreations: traveling, reading and fishing. Office: Wash ington Ave. and 6th St. Residence: 26 Port land PL STIX, Charles Henry, wholesale leather; born, Cincinnati, May 26, 1880; son of Henry S. and Clara F. Stix; educated in public schools of Cincinnati; A.B, Harvard Univer sity, 1901; unmarried. Began business career in shoe manufacturing at Cincinnati, and in 1902 came to St. Louis as manager of the St. Louis branch of Charles Stem & Co., whole sale leather merchants of Rochester, N. Y.; established independently, 1906, as successor to above firm in St. Louis. Republican. Mem ber Civic League. Clubs: Columbian, City, Harvard, Westwood Country. Office: 14th and Locust Sts. Residence: 5570 Cabanne Ave. STIX, William, wholesale dry goods; born, Demmelsdorf, Germany, Apr. 25, 1838; son of Solomon and Deborah (Cohn) Stix; educated in public schools, Cincinnati, and Farmer's College, College Hill, O.; married, Cincinnati, Apr. 1, 1863, Dinah Rice; children: Pauline (Mrs. Milius), Rachel (Mrs. Schwab), Alma (Mrs. Einstein), Cora (Mrs. Friedman), Ern est William, Edith (Mrs. Wasserman). Started in retail business in Springfield, 111. (Stix & Marcuse), 1854; in wholesale and retail dry goods (Stix & Eckhart); St. Joseph, Mo, 1856; formed partnership in wholesale and re tail dry goods business with Henry Rice, as Rice, Stix & Co., in Memphis, Tenn,, 1862; moved to Cincinnati, 1868, retained interest in Rice, Stix & Co., and at same time became partner in Stix, Krouse & Co, wholesale clothing, Cincinnati; gave up interest in Stix, Krouse & Co, 1884, and moved to St. Louis to devote entire time to Rice, Stix & Co., of which was vice president until 1909, when be came viee president advisory board. Also vice president Premium Manufacturing Co. Member Business Men 's League, Civic League. Independent in politics. Jewish religion. Presi dent Jewish Orphan Asylum, of Cleveland, O.; treasurer Jewish Charitable and Educa tional Union; treasurer Jewish Hospital; vice president Hospital Saturday and Sunday Asso ciation. Clubs : Columbian, Mercantile. Office: 1000 Washington Ave. Residence: 4642 Lin dell Ave. STOCK, Bernard, merchant; born, Osnabe- ruek, Germany, May 21, 1849; son of Conrad Stock; educated in common schools; married, St. Louis, 1875, Julia Schwartzenthal; seven children: Bernard A, Joseph F, Edward J, William A, Mamie (Mrs. Frank Peterman), Clara A, Annie R. Learned carpenter's trade in old country; came to .America, 1867; worked at trade in Cincinnati three years; then lo cated in St. Louis, continuing in employment of others ten years; began contracting on own account, 1880, and was, head of firm of Bernard Stock & Son until 1910; now presi dent Stock-Peterman House Furnishing Co. and Stock-Daniel Hardware Co. Catholic. THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 577 Member Catholic Knights of America. Office: 3719 N. 14th St. Residence: 5717 Florissant Avenue. STOCKE, Jacob, Sr, retired; born, St. Louis, Feb. 10, 1833; son of George V. and Lena (Breitensten) Stocke; educated in St. Louis public schools; married, St. Louis, Annie Schill; six children: Sophia (Mrs. Henry Fruch), Mary (Mrs. Louis Schurk), Katie (Mrs. Adolph Klinger), Anna (Mrs. Henry C. Beckmann), Juliette (Mrs. William Sehroeter), Jacob, Jr. After leaving school had charge of vegetable stand in old market; then engaged as dealer in fruits and vegetables until 1910. President of the Progress Pressed Brick and Machine Co. since 1892. Served through Civil War with Fifth Militia Regiment. Repub lican. Office: 3205 S. Kingshighway. Resi dence: 4177 Magnolia Ave. STOCKHO, Louis, vice president Martin Lammert Furniture Co.; born, St. Louis, Aug. 9, 1855; son of Christ ancl Maria Louisa (Wortman) Stockho; educated in Emanuel Lutheran School; married, St. Louis, Aug. 23, .1879, Emma Campen; children: Edwin F, Walter, Irene (Mrs. Rev. Theodore Stiege- meyer, of Memphis, Tenn.), Anita. Began business career in 1868 as offiee boy with Martin Lammert in the furniture business, and has continued with the same business ever since; in 1885, became vice president of the Martin Lammert Furniture Co., upon its incorporation. Member Traveling Men's Pro tective Association. Republican. Lutheran. Club: Missouri Athletic. Recreations: bowl ing and music. Office: 920 Washington Ave. Residence: 3011 Rausehenbach Ave. STOCKHOFF, Walter William, pianist, composer and teacher; born, St. Louis, Nov. 12, 1876; son of Herman Henry and Catherine Louise (Huning) Stockhoff; educated in Pea body (public) School and St. Louis High School; musical development in St. Louis; un married. Devotes attention especially as teacher of piano, many professional musicians having been benefited by his instruction; les sons by correspondence, in harmony, counter point and composition; is well known as a composer, and his works are published both in America and Europe. Author of Twelve Quodlibets (for piano), published by- Breit- kopf & Hartel, Leipzig, Germany, 1903; and other compositions. Studio and Residence: 2024 Rutger St. STOCKSTROM, Louis, secretary American •Stove Co., and general manager Quick Meal Stove Co.; bora, Oldenburg, Germany, Nov. 10, 1858; son of Heinrich and Maria (Kra mer) Stockstrom; educated in public schools, Germany, to 1872; came to Ameriea, 1880; married, St. Louis, Apr. 1, 1889, Bertha Meis- ler; three children: Eleanor (Mrs. D. A. Mc- Millen, of South America), Arthur Louis, Jessie. Served two years in Eisenbahn Regi ment, German Army, 1876-78; also served ap prenticeship in machinist's trade, Germanv. Began businoss career, St. Louis, 1882, as a stove manufacturer, and since continuously engaged in same business; name of Quick Meal Stove Co. was adopted, 1883, and busi ness incorporated, 1901, as the American Stove Co. (a corporation of New Jersey with main offices at St. Louis) ; has been secretary of latter company since 1909. Member Busi ness Men's League, Civic League, American Manufacturers ' Association. Independent in politics. Member Ethical (culture) Society. Clubs: Union, Missouri Athletic, Dardenne Shooting. Recreations: hunting, fishing, shooting. Office: 2001 S. King's Highway, corner of Daggett St. Residence: 3263 Haw thorne Boul. STOCKTON, Robert Henry, manufacturer of Majestic Ranges; born, Mt. Sterling, Ky, July 5, 1842; son of George Jouett and Gusta Ann (Somersall) Stockton; went to common schools of Kentucky until was twelve years of age, then, parents both dying, went to work and never had advantage of further schooling; served all four years of Civil War, and was lieutenant of Company I, Second Mis souri Regiment, Cockrell's Brigade, C. S. A.; married, Richmond, Mo, December, 1868, Bet tie Mae, Warder (died Nov. 29, 1904). Was the first secretary of the Simmons Hardware Co., serving in that capacity for ten years, then as vice president of same company ten years; since 1891 president of Majestic Manu facturing Co., manufacturers of charcoal iron and malleable iron ranges, which are sold to dealers in forty states in the United States, and in Canada and Mexico. Director Missis sippi Valley Trust Co.; director Louisiana Purchase Exposition (chairman of press and publicity committee). Member Christian Church. Member Business Men's League, Board of Washington University. Clubs: Mer cantile, Noonday, St. Louis. Inclination and recreation is to go to the country and spend his vacation in the woods, fields ancl on farm. Office: 2014 Morgan S't. Residence: 4528 Maryland Ave. STOFFEL, Remy Joseph, physician; born, Paris, France, Dec. 1, 1851; son of Remy and Adelahaid (Marque) Stoffel; educated in pub lic schools of St. Louis, St. Vincent College, Cape Girardeau, Mo, graduating in Commer cial Department, 1874; taught school in Ran dolph Co, 111, 1874-77; attended St. Louis Medical College, and was graduated as M.D, 1880; married, St. Louis, 1880, Mary E. Green; children: Leonie (Mrs. Dr. Charles R. Burnett, of South Hampden, L. I.), Remy E, Irene (Mrs. William Hess, of St. Louis), Clarence. Engaged in genera] practice of medicine since Mar. 3, 1880. President Empire Supply and Manufacturing Co. (established, 1908), of which his son, Remy E, is secretary and gen- 578 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS eral manager. Also proprietor of Lemp Ave nue Pharmacy, and treasurer of Josephine Hospital Corporation. Royal Arch Mason. Of fice: 2868 Lemp Ave. Residence: 2752 Ar- mand St. STOFFREGEN, Charles, coffee merchant; bora in Germany, July 9, 1851; educated there and came to this country and direct to St. Louis, in 1866; married, Quincy, 111, May 20, 1875, Augusta Kespohl; children: Herman C, Charles H, Otto G. and Ida M. Kept books for several years and in 1873 embarked in grocery business with his brother, Herman. In 1876 with his brother and Julius Stein wender started in the wholesale coffee, tea and spice business under the firm name of Steinwender, Stoffregen & Co, and incorpo rated in 1896 as Steinwender, Stoffregen Cof fee Co., of which is president. In 1885 estab lished the importing house of Steinwender, Stoffregen & Co., in New York, at present and for many years past located at corner of Water and Wall Sts. The members of the firm are Julius Steinwender, Charles Stoff regen and Christian Arndt. Director German Savings Institution, St. Louis. Member New York Coffee Exchange. Republican. Lutheran. Club: Leiderkranz. Office: Broadway and Clark Ave. Residence: 3514 Hawthorne Ave. STOFFREGEN, Herman, secretary Koken Realty Co.; deceased; see Vol. 1906. STOLLE, Henry Jasper, treasurer J. S. Merrell Drug Co.; born, St. Louis, June 7, 1856; son of Matthias and Catherina (Polil- mann) Stolle; educated at St. Liborius School until 1870, then at Christian Brothers School until 1872; married, St. Louis, Jan. 25, 1905, Lily Zwarts. Began business career with Hor ace E. Dimmick, gunsmith, 1872; with Pettus & Leathe, pictures, 1874; individual book keeper with Bank of St. Louis, 1876-77, until its affairs were liquidated; became bookkeep er with Jacob S. Merrell (who had been pres ident of the Bank of St. Louis) in his whole sale drug business; was made cashier in 1880 and continued in that capacity after the J. S. Merrell Drug Co. was incorporated (1885) un til 1900, when succeeded to his present posi tion as treasurer of the company. Catholic. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Liederkranz, West ern Rowing. Recreation: driving. Office: 2 N. 4th St. Residence: 920 Lami St. STOLTMAN, Bernard Herman, real estate; born, St. Louis, Nov. 8, 1872; son of Mathias and Clara M. (Specht) Stoltman; received primary education in parochial schools; grad uated from classical department of Christian Brothers College, St. Louis, 1892; married, St. Louis, Apr. 29. 1903, Minnie Ritter; three children: Catherine Marie, Bernard H, Jr., Adele Louise. Began active career in emploj of the Lammert Furniture Co., continuing onl> a short time; entered real estate business with Albert J. Aiple, 1890, and after seven years bought out his West End offiee; since in business on own account; president B. H. Stoltman Real Estate Co.; director Manches ter Bank, of St. Louis; secretary M. Stolt man Investment Co. Roman Catholic. Mem ber Civic League, Knights of Columbus. Club: St. Louis Automobile. Recreation: mo toring. Office: 4003 Chouteau Ave. Residence: Clayton, Mo. STONER, Stanley, lawyer; born, Griggs ville, 111, Jan. 19, 1865; son of Eben R. and Ann E. (Whitaker) Stoner; B.S, Cornell Uni versity, 1886; LL.B, St. Louis 'Law School, 1891; married, Lake Minnetonka, Minn, Sept. 18, 1902, Evadne Rumsey; one daughter, Ma rian. Admitted, to St. Louis bar, 1891, and engaged in general practice. Was commis sioned American consul general at Calcutta, India, Mar. 8, 1905, but resigned the office Sept. 29, 1905, and resumed practice of law. Lecturer on philosophy and political economy, Washington University, 1887-1901. Member St. Louis and Missouri State Bar associations, Law Library ' Association, Civic League. In dependent in politics. Member Lake Mohonk Peace Conference. Clubs: University, St. Louis Country, Racquet, City. Automobile (St. Louis), Cornell (New York); honorary member Bengal Club, Calcutta, India. Office: 608-609 Security Bldg. Residence: Brentmoor Park. STORM, John Francis, real estate; born, Emmitsburg, Md, Aug. 6, 1845; son of James A. and Margaret A. (Baumgardner) Storm; commercial education at St. Benedict's Col lege, Atchison, Kan, 1859-62; served as pri vate in Missouri Militia during last two years of Civil War; married, Florissant, Mo, Nov. 7, 1871, Lizzie J. Powers; children: Frank P., Edith D. (Mrs. George A. Mellon), John M.. James A, Lloyd A. Employed in father's planing mill, 1862-66; in produce business with father (Storm & Co.), 1866-73; with St. Jo Gazette as market reporter, advertising agent and with a two-year lease on city cir culation, 1874-75; with produce firm of Chase & Blanchard, 1876-77; in assessors' office, St. Louis, 1877-78; in registry department of the postoffice, 1878-79; again in assessor's office, 1879-84; with Fisher & Co, real estate, 1884- 88; member firm of Lohmeyer & Storm, 1889- 92, of Storm & Farish, 1893-1912, since alone. Democrat. Roman Catholic. Member Knights of Columbus. Recreation: fishing. Office: Lig gett Bldg. Residence: 3506 Pine St. STOUT, Perry Gillett, advertising contrae-' tor; born, Germantown, Pa, Apr. 20, 1865; son of Samuel Barclay and Mary Elizabeth (Lewis) Stout; educated in public schools, Dayton, Mich, one year, and Plymouth, Ind, three years; married, Dubuque, la, Sept. 20, 1886, Fannie Winterer; one child, Samuel Jerome. Advertising manager Collins Bros. Drug Co., St. Louis, 1886-87; became show THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 579 card writer for Scruggs, Vandervoort & Bar ney Dry Goods Co, 1887, and for the Mer- mod-Jaccard Jewelry Co., 1888; started in sign painting business at 2601 Morgan St., Apr. 19, 1888; president P. G. Stout Sign and Advertising Co, and Stout Sign Co.; director Baldwin Manufacturing and Supply Co., Ru- bayat Cigarette Co., Mayaguez Fruit Culti vating Co., San Juan, Porto Rico. Repub lican. Member Christian (Disciples) Church. Member Illinois National Guard, 1882-85; member Washington University Association, Million Population Club, Travelers' Protect ive Association, West End Business Men's Association. Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner. Clubs: Rotary, Masonic. Office: 3930- 3932 Morgan St. Residence: 5223 Raymond Avenue. STRAUS, Jacob David, wholesale saddlery manufacturer; 1857-1910; see Vol. 1906. STRAUSS, Adalbert, president Malvern Lumber Co.; born in Berlin, Germany, Aug. 25, 1848; son of Theodore and Emilie Eleo- nore (Eckelt) Strauss; educated in New Col lege, London, England, graduating from Col lege of Preceptors; widower. Came to St. Louis, 1864; was assistant librarian of the Mercantile Library , to 1866; with Theo. Strauss & Co., lumber dealers, St. Louis, and Shreveport, La, 1866-72; in sash and door business as Adalbert Strauss & Co., 1872-77; in commission business and lumber dealer at Little Rock, Ark, 1877-80; erected manufac turing plant at Perla, Ark, 1880, and began as A. Strauss & Co., manufacturers of yellow pine and hardwood lumber, which business was incorporated, 1888, as Malvern Lumber Co., of which is president. Congregationalist. Club: Mercantile. Recreation: gardening. Of fice: 1012 Chemical Bldg. Residence: 3114 Longfellow Boul. STRAUSS, David Max, millinery mer chant; born, St. Louis, Nov. 4, 1863; son of Simon and Caroline (Block) Strauss; edu cated in Franklin and Peabody schools to 1872, and Washington University, 1873-79; unmarried. Started employment with S. Strauss & Co., continuing in various positions; left in 1892 to engage in business for self, renting the millinery department of The Fa mous; in 1896 rented the millinery depart ment of Grand Leader; in 1900 joined in or ganization of the corporation of Strauss & Stumer Mercantile Co., retail millinery; was secretary and manager of the company until Feb. 1, 1911, when firm name was changed to Strauss-Frank Mercantile Co., of which is treasurer. Jewish religion. Mason (32°), Shriner; member B. P. O. Elks. Club: Sai El Corte Fishing. Favorite recreations: automo biling and fishing. Office: 518 Washington Ave. Residence: 4242 Lindell Ave. STRAUSS, Herman, treasurer and manager M. J. Steinberg Hat and Fur Co.; born, Wies baden, Germany, July 4, 1861; son of R. and Amelia (Elkan) Strauss; educated in public schools of Wiesbaden; unmarried. Came to United States in 1879 and went to Hot Springs, Ark, where he lived until 1895; em ployed there with I. Trepp & Co, hats and clothing, 1879-83; then in business on his own account as H. Strauss & Co., Hot Springs, of which is still senior partner. In 1895 came to St. Louis, buying interest in M. J. Steinberg Hat and Fur Co., of which is treasurer and manager; also director Savings Trust Co. Re publican. Jewish religion. Clubs: Columbian, Westwood Country. Office: 307 N. Broadway. Residence: Jefferson Hotel. STREETT, James Clark, oil merchant; bora, St. Louis, Mar. 20, 1879; son of James Douglas and Maud (Miller) Streett; edu cated in Smith Academy and Washington Uni versity; married, St. Louis, Nov. 12, 1902, Maud Wells; children: Rolla Wells, Maud Miller, James D. Streett, II. On June 1, 1896, entered the house of J. D. Streett & Co., oils and supplies, and has ever since been active ly engaged in that business, filling all posi tions up to his present one of managing part ner. Member Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Clubs: St. Louis Country, Missouri Athletic. Recrea tions: golf and all outdoor sports. Office: 809 N. 2d St. Residence: 4218 Lindell Boul. STREETT, James Douglas, merchant in oils, railway and mill supplies; born, St. Louis, June 29, 1854; son of James and Mary (Ferguson) Streett; educated in St. Louis public and high schools; married, St. Louis, June 12, 1878, Maud Miller; children: James Clark, Florence Miller. Began as clerk for George P. Whitelaw, wholesale dealer in oils, June, 1867, and continued until 1877, when established business for self at 316 N. Main St., removing to present location in June, 1884; now head of firm of J. D. Streett & Co. (his partners being J. Clark Streett, Capt. George H. Shields, Jr., and Charles J. Mil ler), wholesale jobbers of oils, railway and mill supplies. Also director of Mechanics- American National Bank. Democrat. Presby terian. Clubs: Noonday, St. Louis, Missouri Athletic. Office: 809 N. 2d St. Residence: 14 Kingsbury PL STREUTKER, Charles E. F, physician; born, St. Louis, June 25, 1873; son of George and Johanna (Hunike) Streutker; educated public and private schools; Walther College, graduating, 1890; Ph.G, St. Louis College of Pharmacy, 1892; M.D, St. Louis Medical Col lege, 1895; post-graduate work Vienna, Aus tria, 1908. In practice since 1895; house physician Home of Aged and Infirm Israel ites; medical examiner State Mutual Life In surance Co. of Massachusetts. Member Amor- 580 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS iean Medical Association, Missouri Medical Association, St. Louis Medical Society. Of fice: 3772 S. Broadway. Residence: 2410 S. 10th St. STRIBLING, William Clarkson, retired merchant; born, Markham, Va, Oct. 13, 1853; son of William C. and Mildred (Clarkson) Stribling; educated in school at Markham; married, St. Louis, Nov. 6, 1889, Martha Mc Kittrick; children: William C, Jr., Mildred C. (Mrs. Harry Blackwell) ; married, 2d, Mag nolia, Mass, Aug. 15, 1903, Mrs. Florence (Plimpton) Thornburg; wife's children: Mar jorie Thornburg (Mrs. John H. Holliday), Edwin Thornburg, William Henry Thornburg. After leaving school came from Virginia to St. Louis and entered the employ of the wholesale shoe house of Tennant, "Walker & Co.; upon withdrawal of Mr. Walker became a member of the firm, which re-organized as the Tennant, Stribling & Ely Shoe Co., and afterwards the style was changed to Tennant- Stribling Shoe Co., with which continued un til 1900, when retired. Member Civic League. Clubs: Noonday, St. Louis Country. Office: Security Bldg. Residence: 23 Portland PL STRODTMAN, George William, real estate and insurance agent; born, St. Louis, May 23, 1869; son of George and Sarah J. (Myers) Strodtman; educated at Ames and Clay schools and three years in Educational Insti tute; married, St. Louis, Sept. 28, 1895, Gene vieve E. Richardson. Engaged in real estate, insurance and loan business since May 1, 1887, at 3607 N. Broadway, in firm of Strodt man & Strodtman, of which is now sole prin cipal, and also has safe deposit boxes to rent. Secretary of the Penrose Investment Co.; president of the Holly Real Estate Invest ment Co. Member Real Estate Exchange and" St. Louis Insurance Agents' Association. Re publican. Episcopalian. Club: City. Recrea tion: motoring. Office: 3607 N. Broadway. Residence: 4407 N. 21st St. STROH, Eugene R, millinery; 1859-1911; see Vol. 1906. STROMBERG, Benjamin P, trunk manu facturer; born, Cincinnati, Sept. 4, 1860; son of Philip and Lena (Stein) Stromberg; lived in Aschaffenburg a/M, Bavaria, and Stutt gart, Wurttemberg, 1869-74; educated in pub lic schools and Cincinnati High School, and graduated from Gewerb Schule, Aschaffen burg a/M, Bavaria, Germany, for university; married, Louisville, Ky, May, 1883, Fannie Laub; children: Minnie (Mrs. M. Frankel, of Greenville, Miss, now deceased), Myra, B. Hunt. Beginning in 1878, was employed for five years in trunk manufacturing establish ment of N. Drucker & Co, Cincinnati; estab lished business of Laub, Stromberg, Kraus & Co. in Louisville, Ky, 1883; traveled for Cin cinnati concern and for self for about twelve years; bought out Henry Laub in Louisville, 1903, and in January, 1905, removed business to St. Louis, where it has since been con ducted as Stromberg, Kraus & Co., manufac turers of trunks. Member St. Louis Board of Education. Republican. Jewish religion. Rec reations: boating and fishing. Offiee: 714 Washington Ave. Residence: St. Regis Apts. STRONG, Henry R, publisher The Na tional Druggist, and The Medical Brief; born in North Carolina, Dec. 19, 1858; son of Hen ry R. and Sally A. (Coleman) Strong; edu cated in schools of North Carolina; married, St. Louis, 1898, Louise Maschmeyer; two children: Grace, Henry R, Jr. Began busi ness career as editor and publisher; in 1893 bought The National Druggist (established 1882), of which has ever since been publisher. Also publisher of The Medical Brief, and viee president of the Hale Publishing Co; Student of politics and has taken active part in political affairs. Democrat; voted with Democratic party always, until 1896, when began to vote with Republicans, but is not a Republican, still believing in historic doc trines of Democratic party. Episcopalian. Clubs: Mercantile; also Drug Trade Club of New York. Recreation: literature. Office: 914 Century Bldg. Residence: 5133 Vernon Ave. STUBBLEFIELD, William Raens, under taker; see Vol. 1906. STUBINGER, William Frederick, manufac turer of hotel kitchen outfits; bora, Cincin nati, Aug. 21, 1868; son of Frederick and Adelaide (Lemle) Stubinger; educated in pub lic schools of Leavenworth, Kan.; married, St. Louis, Sept. 14, 1897, Cecelia MeCormick; one daughter, Adelaide. Began in retail shoe trade at Leavenworth, Kan, 1885-88; then in wholesale shoe house of Joseph Baum Shoe Co., St. Louis, and later entered employ Thomas Sexton & Co, manufacturers of hotel kitchen ranges and outfits; became an officer of the company on its incorporation as the Sexton-Stubinger Range Co., 1896, and presi dent since June, 1905. Republican. Club: Missouri Athletic. Office: 15 S. Broadway. Residence: 2837 S. Jefferson Ave. STUCKSTEDE, Henry, bell manufacturer; 1836-1911; see Vol. 1906. STUDNICZKA, Henry, retired; born, Aus tria, Jan. 6, 1851; son of Adolph (who was a government official of high standing in the Austrian Empire) and Caroline (Strobach) Studniczka; educated as a chemist in his na tive country; came to America, 1872; married, St. Louis, 1874, Miss Katherine Lumelius; one son: Adolph (deceased). Chemist St. Louis Sugar Refinery, 1872-79; then engaged in erecting and operating beet, cane and glu cose refineries, also conducted fertilizer busi ness, in which was engaged for nearly thirty years, when retired and resigned from various THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 581 busiuess, literary and social organizations with which had been actively identified. Sec retary Business Men's Taft Club. Visited Europe as agent of Department of Commerce and Labor, 1910-11, to investigate the trade and labor conditions; has written and spoken extensively on industrial and patriotic sub jects; advocate of free text-books in public schools. Lectures: What Is Masonry? Abra ham Lincoln, etc. Published addresses: The Beet Sugar Industry (before Trans-Missis sippi • Commercial Congress, Salt Lake City, 1897) ; Our European Competitors (before American Hardware Manufacturers ' Associa tion, Atlantic City, N. J, 1911, and has had a publication of 200,000 copies), etc. Partici pated in the war between Austria and Prus sia in 1866. In the battle of Koeniggraez was wounded four times within two hours, for which received a bravery medal. Mason (32°), Knight Commander of Court of Honor. Speaks seven languages. Recreations: music, high class theatres and rustic outings. Inter ested in charitable institutions, particularly the St. Louis Altenheim and Scottish Rite Cathedral Association. Residence: 2012 St. Louis Ave. STUDY, Guy, architect; born, Richmond, Ind, Nov. 29, 1880; son of Abel Lomax and Mary Alice (Hittle) Study; educated public schools, Richmond; Phillips Exeter Academy, Exeter, N. H.; Architectural Department, Washington University; Atelier Laxoux 1 'iiicole des Beaux Arts and Academy Julian, Paris, France; traveled for three years in England, France and Italy, studying architec ture; married, Paris, France, Apr. 14, 1909, Georgette Avelin. Began practice in St. Louis, 1902; member firm of Roth & Study. Trustee Hittle Estate. Member Society Beaux Arts Architects of America, St. Louis Chapter American Institute Architects, Phi Delta Theta; patron of the Atelier St. Louis Archi tectural Club. Republican. Episcopalian. Clubs: City (St. Louis), American Art (Paris). Contributor articles "The Renais sance of Gothic Architecture" and "The St. Louis Public Library," to American Archi tect, and "The Reredos of Christ Church Ca thedral, St. Louis," and "Washington Uni versity, St. Louis," to Architectural Record. Recreation: travel. Office: Liggett Bldg. Res idence: 5736 Clemens Ave. STUEVER, Anton C, brewer; born in Clinton Co, 111, Feb. 28, 1866; educated St. Peter's and St. Paul's School, and St. Louis University; married, St. Louis, 1886, Cather ine Sweeney; two children: Charles and An toinette. Almost entire business career spent in brewery business; president and treasurer Home Brewing Co.; also president Highlands Fire Clay Co. and Forest Park Highlands. Democrat; member, 1888, treasurer, 1890, Democratic City Central Committee; member Tenth District Congressional Committee, 1888; elected member Democratic State Committee, 1892; appointed police commissioner of St. Louis by Governor Stephens, January, 1897. Office: Forest Park Highlands. Residence: 4601 Magnolia Ave. STUMPF, Louis, president Louis Stumpf Grocery Co.; born, Baden, Germany, Dec. 13, 1839; son of Christian and Theresa (Eiten- benz) Stumpf; came to America with father, 1851 (father became naturalized as citizen of United States, 1855, and served five years in Union Army, enlisting three times) ; educated in common schools, Munich, Germany, and St. Louis public schools; then took course in Jones Commercial College; married, St. Louis, Jan. 1, 1867, Anna Elizabeth Weber; children: Louis C, M. Elizabeth (Mrs. Alvin H. Sippy), Carrie Eleanora (Mrs. Carl Stoffregen). After leaving school engaged as clerk in grocery at eight dollars a month about 1856; went to Ne braska City, Neb, about 1859; returned to St. Louis, 1861, and later went to Memphis, Tenn, and Helena, Ark, and had charge of store and of cotton plantation; returned to St. Louis on account of sickness, 1862, and was placed in charge of store on Island 92, owned by Col. J. W. Bissell. Entered busiuess for self in St. Louis, 1866; president of Louis Stumpf Grocery Co., which was incorporated June 28, 1888. Was president of the first Re tail Grocers' Association of St. Louis; presi dent West End Grocers' Club. Republican; has served as judge of election for many years. Lutheran. Recreation: fishing. Office: 1007 N. Vandeventer Ave. Residence: 3905 W. Belle PL STURDEVANT, Willard L, lawyer; born, Chestnut Hill, Ind, Apr. 21, 1865; son of Francis M. and Samantha (Wyatt) Sturde- vant; A.B, Central Normal College of In diana, 1886; read law in offices of Hogate (dean of Law School, Indiana State Univer sity), and Blake, Danville, Ind.; admitted to bar, 1888; unmarried. Practiced in Wichita, Kan, 1888-95, since in St. Louis under firm name of Sturdevant & Sturdevant, of which is surviving member. Acted as special coun sel for U. S. Government in suits to recover lands in the Oklahoma town site fraud trans actions; was chief counsel for Creek tribe of Indians in test suit to determine the power of Congress to extend its guardianship over the lands and Indians of the five civilized tribes since statehood; also chief counsel for Creek and Choctaw tribes in suits to deter mine right of state of Oklahoma to tax the homesteads and other lands of members of the five civilized tribes, in violation of treaty agreement entered into prior to statehood. Republican; active in politics, but never sought or held office, except was a member of Municipal Assembly, St. Louis, 1899 to 1901. Member American, Missouri State and 582 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS St. Louis Bar associations, St. Louis Law Li brary Association, Civic League. Club: City. Recreation: study of history, economics and civil government. Office: 826-827, 705 Olive St. Residence: Hamilton Hotel. STURGEON, Isaac Hughes, railway official ; 1821-1908; see Vol. 1906. STURTEVANT, Myron Richard, banker; bora, North Dana, Mass, Mar. 12, 1866; son of Thaddeus H. and Abbie Eliza (Lindsay) Sturtevant; educated in public schools. North Dana, and Hinman's Business College, Spring field, Mass.; LL.B, Law Department, Univer sity of Michigan, 1896; married, Tolono, 111, March, 1900, Florence W. Morgan. Served as national bank examiner from March, 1901, to February, 1907; removed to St. Louis, 1907, as cashier of Central National Bank, becom ing vice president March, 19Q9; director Southern Surety Co. Republican. Presbyterian. Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner. Clubs: Mer cantile, Masonic, Normandie Golf. Offiee: Cen tral National Bank, 7th and Olive Sts. Resi dence: 5591 Waterman Ave. STUTE, Frederick William, vinegar and pickles; born, Bremen, Germany, Oct. 13, 1853; son of Henry and Frederica (Blome) Stute; educated in public schools in Ger many; unmarried. Came to United States in 1870, and was in grocery business in Cin cinnati, 1870-74; came to St. Louis, 1874, and was employed with W. Leo, vinegar manu facturer, until 1879, when started the Eagle Vinegar and Pickle Works, which has since conducted as sole proprietor under present firm name of Stute & Co. Republican. Recre ations: hunting and fishing. Office: corner Lj'nch and Lyon Sts. Residence: 4264 Arsenal Street. SUDHOLT, Frederick August, shoe manu facturer; born, St. Louis, June 30, 1863; son of John Henry and Henrietta L. (Brinkmann) Sudholt; educated in parochial schools of Evangelical Church, and public schools of St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Sept. 14, 18S7, An nie F. Briekenkamp; children: Ruth A, Es ther H, Aloys A. Began business career, July, 1S78, in office of Claflin, Allen & Co, shoe jobbers, and remained with the house in of fice positions through the successive changes as Claflin-Allen Shoe Co. and Peters Shoe Co., serving in office of secretary, 1892-1912; on Dec. 29, 1911, Peters Shoe Co. consolidated with Roberts, Johnson & Rand Shoe Co., and incorporated as International Shoe Co., and he became its secretary; also secretary and treasurer Diamond Foot Support Co. Member Business Men's League. Republican. Evan gelical. Treasurer Y. M. C. A. since Decem ber, 1908. Clubs: Automobile, Aero. Recrea tion: motoring. Office: 13th St. and Wash ington Ave. Residence: 3537 Sidney St. SULLIVAN, Albert W, railway official; bora, New York City, Sept, 17, 1854; educat ed in public and high schools of Boston; mar ried, New Orleans, La, Feb. 6, 1893, Mary Spelman; two children: Andrienne Franeoise, Mark Rollo. Began railway service, Nov. 10, 1870, with Illinois Central R. R, with which continued until Sept. 30, 1904, as follows: machinist apprentice five years; mechanical draughtsman three years; chief clerk machin ery department four years; assistant superin tendent machinery three years; division su perintendent three years; superintendent lines in Illinois two years; general superintendent eleven years; assistant second vice president three years; came to St. Louis, Oct. 1, 1904, and was general manager Missouri Pacific Railway Co. until Jan. 1, 1912, resigned. Pres ident American Railway Association, October, 1901, to October, 1904; chairman American section International Railway Congress, Wash ington, D. C, 1905. Clubs: St. Louis, Noonday (St. Louis), Union League (Chicago). Ad dress: 75 Church St, New York, N. Y. SULLIVAN, Andrew McClure, lawyer; born, Lexington, Ky, Mar. 11, 1847; son of James Wilson and Maria Louisa (Fleming) Sullivan; educated in public and preparatory schools; entered Kentucky University, gradu ated in several departments and finally from College of Law, LL.B, 1869; married, St. Louis, 1885, Jesse Peel Young. Admitted to bar, 1869; has practiced in St. Louis since 1870. Member St. Louis Bar Association. Di rector and attorney The Commercial Build ing Co. Served in Missouri National Guard ten years, first in Engineer Co., later old Com pany A and St. Louis Light Cavalry Co. Dem ocrat. Member Christian Church. Member Sons of the Revolution, Society of Colonial Wars. Recreation: literature. Offiee: 609-610 Commercial Bldg. Residence: 5119 Raymond Avenue. ' SULLIVAN, Frank Hugh, lawyer; born in Caldwell Co, Ky, Jan. 2, 1869; son of Dr. Flavius J. and Lucy Mary (Beckner) Sullivan; educated in public schools in Kentucky; pre pared for university at Princeton (Ky.) Col legiate Institute; LL.B, Cumberland Univer sity, Lebanon, Tenn, 1890; married, Para gould, Ark, June 12, 1894, Susie Hope Hicks; one son, Hugh Hicks. Reared on farm and worked with farm hands when not at school; father a country physician. After graduation went to Paragould, 1891, and engaged in prac tice of law there until 1898, when removed to St. Louis, where has since practiced; member firm of Block & Sullivan since June, 1904. Member of St. Louis and Missouri Bar asso ciations. Democrat. Baptist. Club: Mercan tile. Recreations: hunting and fishing. Office: 807-815' Carleton Bldg. Residence: 6254 Water man Ave. THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 583 SULTAN, Frederick William, manufactur ing chemist; born, Baltimore, Md, Mar. 28, 1864; son of Henry and Marie Therese (Hen ning) Sultan; educated in public schools of Baltimore; graduated from Maryland Univer sity School of Pharmacy, 1884; took special course in analytical chemistry under Pro fessors Simon and Dickery, receiving degree Phar.D.; married, St. Louis, June 11, 1890, Ida B. Froebel; children: Ethel Marie, Thomas Preston, Frederick William, Jr., Isabelle. Con nected with laboratory of Sharp & Dohme, Baltimore, manufacturers of chemicals and pharmaceuticals, 1879-89; purchased retail drug business at Washington and Vandeven ter Aves, St. Louis, 1889; sold retail store and embarked, 1890, as manufacturing chem ist and manufacturer of proprietary medi cines; president Sultan Drug Co.; secretary and treasurer of the Peacock Chemical Co., and stockholder in other similar enterprises. Member American Pharmaceutical Associa tion, St. Louis Manufacturers' Association, Business Men's League, Civic League and St. Louis Paint, Oil and Drug Club. Lutheran. Clubs: St. Louis, King's Lake Fishing and Hunting. Recreations: music and sports. Of fice: 112-114 N. 2d St. Residence: 6151 Kings bury Boul. SUMMA, Henry Hermann Fredrick, physi cian and surgeon; born, Oettingen, Bavaria, May 16, 1853; son of Dr. Ulrich (counsellor at law, Bavarian Court) and Fanny (Schrei- ¦ ber) Summa; educated in Latin School and Progymnasium (high school), Windsbach, Ba varia, 1868; studied natural sciences, Nurem berg, Bavaria, 1870; came from Germany to St. Louis, 1870; passed Missouri State Board of Pharmacy examination, 1874; M.D, St. Louis Medical College, 1875; post-graduate studies at University . of Wurzburg, 1900, Hamburg Eppendorf City Hospital; married, St. Louis, May 16, 1878, Emma Wurmb; 2d, St. Louis, Nov. 23, 1901, Anna Berthold; chil dren: Mrs. Frieda Eggmann (East St. Louis), Marie, Henry T. N. Served as assistant in Wurmb 's Drug Store, 1871-72; in general prac tice in St. Louis since 1875. Member- St. Louis Medical Society, Missouri State and American Medical associations. Protestant. Office: 3707 N. 11th St. Residence: 5703 Florissant Ave. *SUMMERFIELD, Moses, wool, feathers, etc.; moved to Ft. Wayne, Ind.; see Vol. 1906. SUMMERFIELD, Simon, wool and furs; 1852-1912; see Vol. 1906. SUMMERS, Charles Edwin, lawyer; see Vol. 1906. SUMMY, Charles David, express official; born, Wyoming County, N. Y, May 28, 1867; son of Mortimer and Desdemona (Sweet) Summy; educated, public schools, New York and Iowa; married, St. Louis, Apr. 19, 1897, Florence E. Whitaker; three adopted chil dren: Florence, Myrtle and Charles. Clerk in bank at Corning, la, four years, and in gen eral merchandise store and bank, Faulkton, S. D, five years. Entered express business as agent American Express Co., at Barnesville, Minn, 1892 and has ever since been identified with the company; chief clerk to superin tendent at Dallas, Tex, 1893-94; route agent, 1894-1903; assistant superintendent at Dallas, 1903-06; superintendent at Omaha, Neb, 1906-11; manager southern division at St. Louis since February, 1911. Republican. Cath olic. Member Business Men's League. Mem ber Knights of Columbus. Clubs: Mercantile, Algonquin Golf. Recreation: golf. Office: Liggett Bldg. Residence: 504 Oakwood Ave, Webster Groves. SUPER, Daniel Ruediger, secretary St. Louis Glass and Queensware Co.; born in Perry Co., Pa, Jan. 9, 1850; son of Henry and Mary (Deiner) Super; educated in public schools of Perry Co.; married, Pottsville, Pa, Oct. 10, 1873, Valeria C. Schoener; children: Edwin S, Paul and Mary L. Went from Pennsylvania to Cincinnati, 1877; traveled for C. E. Brockmann, manufacturer of queens ware; came to St. Louis in January, 1882; traveled for E. F. W. Meier; in 1885 pur chased an interest in the St. Louis Glass and Queensware Co., of which was made vice pres ident, and in 1902 was elected to present posi tion as secretary of the company. Indepen dent in politics. Lutheran. Recreation: church work. Office: 620 Market St. Residence: 4581 Gibson Ave. *SURBER, Henry, manufacturer; moved to Nebraska; see Vol. 1906. SURKAMP, Henry B, real estate; born, Hamilton Co, O, July 18, 1856; son of Henry and Elizabeth (Hatke) Surkamp; educated parochial schools of Cincinnati; married, St. Louis, Apr. 27, 1886, Emma Sebastian; three children: Helen, Florence, Harry. Came to St. Louis, 1880; engaged in grocery business, 1884-1900; president Surkamp Real Estate Co. since 1900; vice president First National Bank of Wellston. Catholic. Member Knights of Columbus. Office: 6209 Easton Ave. Resi dence: Normandy, Mo. SURMEYER, George, wholesale lumber; born, Quincy, 111, Dec. 7, 1868; son of Henry and Crescentia (Metzger) Surmeyes; educated at St. Boniface School, St. Francis College and Gem City Business College, Quincy; married, Kansas City, Mo, Apr. 30, 1S"U, Agnes Bowles. Before entering the lumber business was stockholder and credit man of the Tenk Hard ware Co, of Quincy; resident of St. Louis since 1898; engaged in lumber business on own account, Feb. 16, 1902; incorporated the business, Aug. 1, 1904, as George Surmeyer Lumber Co. of St. Louis, wholesale yellow pine and hardwood lumber, of which is presi- 584 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS dent. Member Order of Hoo Hoo. Indepen dent in politics. Catholic. Favorite recrea tions: driving and motoring. Office: 800 Ful lerton Bldg. Residence: 7100 Washington Ave. SUTHERLAND, George W, barbers' sup plies; born, Detroit, Mich, Oct. 24, 1862; son of David and Sena (Port) Sutherland; educat ed in Detroit graded and high schools and at St. Louis High School; married, St. Louis, Oct. 14, 1890, Olla I. Barnett; children: David Bar nett, Catherine Eleanor, Sena Margaret. Be gan business career as clerk for Missouri Car and Foundry Co. (of which father was gen eral superintendent for many years) ; later entered service, in clerical capacity, of Deere, Mansur & Co, and continued with successor, Mansur & Tebbetts Implement Co, of which was cashier; in 1892 became interested in the Koken Barbers' Supply Co., manufacturers of barbers' chairs, barbers' furniture, etc, of which was treasurer until 1909, since presi dent and treasurer. Republican; was three years in Missouri State Militia. Presbyterian. Member Business Men's League, Civic League. Clubs: City, Mercantile. Recreation: church work. Office: 915 Market St. Residence: 3815 Botanical Ave. SUTHERLAND, William Methuen, contract ing builder; born, Peterhead, Scotland, Apr. 5, 1868; son of John and Jane (Bain) Suther land; educated at Peterhead Academy; mar ried, St. Louis, Sept. 17, 1896, Darlie Wilkins. Learned building trade and worked at it as journeyman until 1891, since actively engaged in business on own account in St. Louis as a contracting builder. In April, 1906, organized and became president of W. M. Sutherland Building and Contracting Co.; president Wa terman Improvement Co. Independent in poli tics. Scottish Rite Mason. Clubs: Mercantile, Normandie Golf, Maine Hunting and Fishing. Recreation: golf. Office: 312, 114 N. 7th St. Residence: "Keith Inch," St. Louis Co. SUTTER, Charles; born, Louisville, Ky, Feb. 23, 1858; son of Adolph and Charlotte Sutter; educated in public schools of Louis ville and Deutsche Institut, St. Louis; mar ried, 1889 (wife died 1900) ; married, 2d, 1904, Anne Block. Has resided in St. Louis since close of Civil War; began active career in employ of a St. Louis bank but has given at tention principally to manufacturing and com mercial enterprises. Secured first contract to light St. Louis by electricity, 1888; built first conduits for burial of electric wires, 1889; ac quired franchise upon which Kinloch Tele phone system operates, 1896; inaugurated, in conjunction with the Brazilian Government, steamship line between New Orleans and Bra zil, 1912. President Sanitary Street Flushing- Machine Co.; director Quincy Home Telephone Co., etc. Universalist. Member Southern So ciety of New York, Royal Arcanum. Clubs: St. Louis, Missouri Athletic, New York Ath letic. Office: Carleton Bldg. Residence: 4 N. Kingshighway. SUTTER, Otto, physician and surgeon; born, Sutter, St. Louis Co, Mo, Feb. 24, 1863; son of John and Catherine (Killian) Sutter; edu cated in public schools of St. Louis; Ph.G, St. Louis College of Pharmacy, 1883; M.D, Marion-Sims-Beaumont Medical College, 1891. Engaged in general practice of medicine in St. Louis from 1891; was superintendent of City Hospital, 1895-1900; professor clinical ab dominal surgery, American Medical College, Member St. Louis Medical Society, Missouri State Medical Association, American Medical Association. Office: 906 Olive St. Residence: 6360 Washington Ave. SWAINE, Frederick John, stamping press and die manufacturer; born in Leeds, York shire, England, Feb. 16, 1848; son of Thomas and Eliza (Theaker) Swaine; educated at Kier Academy, England; married, St. Louis, June 15, 1870, Louise Avison (died Nov. 17, 1911); four children: Louise (Mrs. T. R. Thomas), Charles A, Fred J, Jr., Edith E. (Mrs. Theodore Hallstrom). Came to America, 1869, with Joseph Boyer; engaged in machine business (moulds and dies), 1870-74; superin tendent of Copper Alloy Co., 1874-77; then returned to die manufacturing business on own account until 1907 when, with sons, in corporated as Fred J. Swaine Manufacturing Co., of which is president. Democrat. Club: St. Louis Yacht. Recreations: cruising and motoring. Office: corner 7th and O 'Fallon Sts. Residence: 5233 Maple Ave. SWARTS, Charles Louis, shoe manufac turer; born, Cincinnati, Feb. 25, 1859; son of Joseph L. and Caroline (Stix) Swarts; edu cated at Cincinnati public schools, Charlier's Institute, New York City, and Pennsylvania Military College, Chester, Pa, graduating as civil engineer, June, 1879; married, Milwau kee, Wis, December, 1883, Emma S. Weil; children: Joseph Louis, Elsa (Mrs. Howard R. Heydon, of Providence, R. I.), Charles Eugene. With Louis Stix & Co., wholesale dry goods, Cincinnati, 1879-83; associated with J. J. Wertheimer and J. H. Schafer in establishing the firm of Schafer, Swarts & Co., jobbers of shoes, 1883; early perceived necessity of es tablishing factories; in 1901, with Mr. J. J. Wertheimer, bought interest of J. H. Schafer, and organized present corporation of Wer- theimer-Swarts Shoe Co., of which is secre tary and treasurer. "Mugwump" in polities. Jewish religion. Clubs: Mercantile, Glen Echo Country, Westwood Country (St, Louis), Ves per Country and Boat (North Chelmsford, Mass.), Elysium (Boston), Woodlawn Coun try (Newton, Mass.). Recreations: golf , horse back riding, automobiling, fishing and all out door exercises. Office: 18th and Locust Sts, Residence: St. Regis Apts. THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 585 SWARTS, Solomon Louis, lawyer; boru, Cincinnati, Apr. 17, 1866; son of J. L. and Caroline (Stix) Swarts; A.B, Harvard, 1888, LL.B, 1891; married, St. Louis, Feb. 14, 1898, Florence Eiseman; two sons: Frederick and John. Practiced in Cincinnati, 1891-96; since in St. Louis; member firm of Lyon & Swarts since 1898. Member St. Louis, Missouri State and American Bar associations. Hebrew. Clubs: University, Harvard, St. Louis Coun try. Recreations: fishing, music and golf. Of fice: 1305, 506 Olive St. Residence: 4476 W. Pine Boul. SWARTZ, Harry Rolinson, president Colo nial Lumber and Timber Co.; born, Topeka, Kan, May 5, 1872; son of George and Aurelia (Coklren) Swartz; educated at Washburn Col lege, Topeka, Kan.; 'married, St. Louis, 1899, May Williams; one son, George, Jr. Began business career with Central Coal and Coke Co. at Kansas City, Mo, 1892-1900; then came to St. Louis in 1900 and represented the Chi cago Coal and Lumber Co. for one year; es tablished business in wholesale and retail lumber for self; in 1903 joined in organizing the Swartz Lumber Co., of which was viee president until 1909; also from 1903 vice president of the Eau Claire-St. Louis Lumber Co., and of the Monroe & Southwestern Ry. Co. until 1909, when he became president of the Colonial Lumber and Timber Co. Director West End Bank. Clubs: St. Louis, Mercantile, Glen Echo. Office: Third National Bank Bldg. Residence: 6902 Washington Boul. *SWASEY, William Albert, architect; moved to New York; see Vol. 1906. SWEET, Charles Arthur, president Charles A. Sweet Provision Co.; born, Oswego, N. Y, Aug. 24, 1855; son of C. O. and Martha (Al len) Sweet; educated in public schools of Oswego; married, St. Louis, Dec. 17, 1895, Sadie' Dodge. Came from Oswego to St. Louis in 1874 and was for seven years salesman for Owen & Co, commission merchants, then with John Purcell & Co., commission merchants, 1882-95; in 1895 organized the Charles A. Sweet Provision Co., of which is president. Republican. Member Royal Arcanum. Club: Missouri Athletic. Office: 813 Spruce St. Resi dence: 4399 W. Pine Boul. SWIFT, Edgar James, psychologist; born, Ravenna, O.; son of Charles Edgar and Emily (Folger) Swift; educated Phillips Academy, Exeter, N. H.; A.B, Amherst College, 1886; post-graduate study, University of Leipzig, University of Berlin, Clark University; mar ried, Worcester, Mass, Dee. 22, 1907, Claire Martha Coburn. Professor psychology and education Washington University since Sep tember, 1903. Fellow American Association for the Advancement of Science; member American Psychological Association, Society College Teachers of Education, Western Phil osophical Association, Phi Beta Kappa. Clubs: City, Algonquin. Author.: Mind in the Mak ing, 1908. Recreation: golf. Address: Wash ington University. SWIFT, William Henry, president Fruin- Bambrick Construction Co.; born, Cayuga Co., N. Y, Mar. 27, 1832; son of Joseph P. and Abigail (Tousley) Swift; educated in public schools; married, January, 1885, Josephine Verc'lin; children: Margaret, James V. and William H. Began business career in news paper offiee, apprentice with Auburn (N. Y.) Advertiser, 1844-49 (setting type with Amos J. Cummings, Gov. Charles P. Johnson, John Wittinger and Charles Gonter) ; removed to St. Louis, 1850; engaged as journeyman print er, foreman, then owner, State Journal, until paper was discontinued, 1861; with St. Louis Dispatch as city editor, 1865-67, and as busi ness manager, 1867-68; political writer and commercial editor Missouri Republican (now St. Louis Republic), 1868-71. Became part ner with Fruin & Co., contractors, 1873, con tinuing to 1885; then incorporated as Pruin- Bambrick Construction Co., and has since been president; member Rust, Swift & Co, general contractors, since 1910. Democrat; secretary Democratic State Committee, 186S- 76; clerk of City Circuit, 1866-67 and 1871-76. Catholic. Recreations: literature and writing. Office: 800 S. Spring Ave. Residence: 4335 W. Pine Boul. SWINGLEY, Charles Ernest, chief of St. Louis Fire Department; bora, Mount Morris Township, Ogle Co, 111, Jan. 4, 1849; son of George and Anna Elizabeth (Locker) Swing- ley; attended country school in Ogle Co., 111., until 1858; went to Olathe, Kan, attending school until 1861, when came to St. Louis, where was graduated from the public schools; married, St. Louis, June 1, 1869, Eliza Charl ton; three sons: Charles W, Edward C, B. E. Apprentice in bricklaying trade, 1867-69; joined St. Louis Fire Department, 1869, and filled positions in each branch of the service until April, 1895, when was promoted to pres ent position as chief. Ex-president Interna tional Association Fire Engineers. Member of Masonic fraternity, Knights of Pythias. Meth odist. Recreation: attending yearly conven tion of International Association of Fire En gineers. Office: 104 City Hall. Residence: 3890 Washington Ave. SWITZER, Frederick Michael, proprietor Missouri Candy Co.; born, St. Louis, Aug. 25, 1865; son of Michael and Margaret (Markin) Switzer; educated in public schools of St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Mar. 25, 1905, Eliz abeth Kern. Began business career as em ploye in the candy factory of John S. Dun ham, 1885; started for self in 1887 as candy salesman and proprietor of small portable candy business; later became permanently es tablished under name of Murphy-Switzer 586 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS Candy Co., wholesale, and' in 1896 established for self as sole owner of the Yellow Jacket Co., manufacturers and jobbers of candy. Office: 612-618 N. Mam St. Residence: 3811 Greer Ave. SWITZER, Roland W, treasurer Fulton Iron Works; bora, St. Louis, July 10, 1866; son of Henry R. and Caroline A. (Stockwell) Switzer; educated in public schools of St. Louis; married, St. Louis, April, 1904, Stella Cook; three children: Grace, Frank, Stella. Began business career with Gregory, Stagg & Co, 1881-84; tnen with the Plant Milling Co, with which continued until 1890, when en tered employment of the Fulton Iron Works, of which was made secretary in 1891 and treasurer'in 1903; since reorganization of the company in November, 1905, has continued as treasurer. Episcopalian. Recreation: motor ing. Office: Plymouth Ave. and Wabash R. R. tracks. Residence: 4419 Morgan St. SWOPE, Meier, retail shoes; bora, St. Lengsfeld, Germany, Apr. 17, 1850; son of H. and B. (Sondheimer) Swope; educated in public schools in Germany, and in private school at Frankfurt-on-Main; married, Mem phis, Tenn, January, 1883, Jennie Marks; one son, Horace M. Came to St. Louis from Ger many in 1866, and from 1867 has been con tinuously in the retail shoe business, original ly established by Joel Swope, later becoming Joel Swope & Bro, and in 1901 incorporated as the Swope Shoe Co., of which is president and treasurer. Republican. Jewish religion. Clubs: Columbian, Westwood Country. Rec reation: golf. Office: 311 N. Broadway. Resi dence: 4466 Westminster PL TALBOT, Frank Layng, theatrical man ager; born, Salt Lake City, Sept. 17, 1871; son of Major Presley and Anna M. (Layng) Talbot (one of the first families of gentiles settling in Utah); public school education; married Miss Marie Flood, of Montreal, Can., September, 1899. Was with the Paine Fire works Display Co., 1892-97, and had charge of pyrotechnical displays at World's Fair, Chicago, 1893; later built summer resort known as Presque Isle, on Maumee River, be low Toledo, O.; with "Carnival of Madrid," Saltair Beach, Salt Lake City, 1897, later at Portland, Ore.; in charge of "Battle of Ma nila" at Seattle, etc.; in general advertising business, Omaha and Minneapolis, 1900-02. Came to St. Louis, 1902, and published the St. Louis Police Book; secured several im portant concessions at Louisiana Purchase Ex position; in amusement business, St. Louis, since 1905; proprietor Talbot's New Hippo drome. Mason, Knight Templar; member Knights of Pythias. Club : Friars. Recrea tions: outdoor and athletic sports. Offiee: 16 S. 6th St. Residence: 15 S. 6th St. TALBOTT, Hudson, surgeon; born in Saline Co, Mo, Feb. 10, 1874; son of Dr. Edward M. and Mary Mildred (Hudson) Talbott; edu cated in district schools of Saline Co. and Missouri State University; won scholarship in competitive examination in Marion-Sims Med ical College, St. Louis, and was graduated at head of class of 1877 (gold medal), M.D, 1898; married, Kansas City, Mo, June 25, 1902, Frances P. Tabb; children: Mary Fran ces, Charles Hudson, Peyton Tabb. Also sur geon Rebekah Hospital; instructor in surgery, St. Louis University. Member American Med ical Association, Missouri State Medical As sociation, St. Louis Medical Society, Medical Society of City Hospital Alumni. Vice presi dent Scott-Madden Iron Works Co. Demo crat. Baptist. Office: Metropolitan Bldg. Res idence: 4229 Washington Ave. T ALLEY, Willis Edward, investments; born, Scottsville, Ky, Mar. 27, 1866; son of Willis Hill and Martha (Rector) Talley; edu cated in schools of Millersville and Oak Ridge, Mo.; State Normal School, Cape Girar deau, Mo.; also Marvin College, Frederick- town, Mo.; married, Frederiektown, Oct. 3,' 1898, Byrd May Graham; five children: Her bert, Edward, Mary Louise, Graham, Eliza beth. Began in banking business at Hayti, Mo, continuing, 1897-99; was for three years cashier of bank at Caruthersville, Mo, and spent one year on the road for the Bankers' Trust Co.; then served as cashier of the First National Bank of Jonesboro, Ark, and later as president State Savings Bank, Springfield, Mo.; vice president Bankers' Trust Co. of St. Louis, 1910-12; president Bank of Marma duke, Ark, Talley Timber and Tram Co.; vice president National Securities Co. En gages in farming and owns three large planta tions in Arkansas and Louisiana; buys and sells real estate on own account; now building a short line of railroad in Arkansas to de velop lands adjoining. Democrat. Baptist. Member Knights of Pythias. Club: Amateur Athletic Association. Recreations: golf and motoring. Office: 622 Bank of Commerce Bldg. Residence: 4452 Washington Boul. TAMM, Max, president Tamm Bros. Glue Co.; born, St. Louis, Feb. 1, 1853; son of Ja cob and Julia (Schroeder) Tamm; educated in public schools and German Institute, St. Louis, and at schools at Cuxhaven, Germany, Stuttgart, Wurtemberg, Zurich, Switzerland, and Bryant & Stratton Business College, St. Louis; unmarried. At age of nineteen learned the glue manufacturing business, and a year later started east and worked in Chicago, Philadelphia and Louisville; bought smali factory, at the location still occupied, in 1873, conducting the business as Max Tamm & Co. THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 587 until 1889, then incorporating under the pres ent style of Tamm Bros. Glue Co., of which is president and treasurer. Established, 1891, The Tamm Ice and Coal Co., also the Man chester Cotton Batting Mills, 1901. Democrat. Club: Union. Recreation: reading. Office: Vandeventer Ave, between Wabash and Mis souri Pacific R. R. Residence: 4136 Pine Boul. TANSEY, George Judd; born, Alton, 111, Mar. 25, 1865; son of Robert Park and Maria (Mangum) Tansey; educated in Stoddard (public) School, St. Louis; graduated St. Louis High Seheol, 1884; B.L, Cornell Uni versity, 1888; entered St. Louis Law School, 1888; admitted to bar, June, 1889; married, St. Louis, Feb. 15, 1900, Grace Fisher. As sistant secretary and auditor St. Louis Trans fer Co, June, 1889, to March, 1890. Member law firms of Laughlin, Kern & Tansey, Laugh lin & Tansey, and Laughlin, Tansey & Laugh lin, 1890-99; since April, 1899, president and general manager St. Louis Transfer Co. First vice president, 1901, president, 1902, St. Louis Merchants' Exchange; director Louisiana Purchase Exposition Co.; vice president Lou isiana & Missouri River R. R. Co. Member Business Men's League, St. Louis Manufac turers' and Exporters' Association. Demo crat. Unitarian. Member Delta Upsilon. Clubs: St. Louis, Noonday. Office: 400 S. Broadway. Residence: 226 N. Newstead Ave. TAUSSIG, Albert E, physician; bora, St. Louis, 1871; son of Joseph S. and Mary L. (Cuno) Taussig; A.B, Harvard University, 1891; M.D, Medical Department of Washing ton University, 1894; married, St. Louis, 1903, Harriet Palmer Learned; four children: Jo seph Bondy, Barrett Learned, Lucelia Wake field, May Cuno. Clinical professor- of medi cine in Medical Department of Washington University; member of staff of St. Luke's Hospital. Associate member Association of American Physicians. Club: University. Rec reation: canoeing. Office: Metropolitan Bldg. Residence: 4201 Washington Ave. TAUSSIG, Frederick Joseph, physician; bora, Brooklyn, N. Y, Oct. 26, 1872; son of Joseph S. and. Mary L. (Cuno) Taussig; grad uated, from Smith Academy, St. Louis, 1889; A.B, Harvard College, 1893; M.D, Medical Department of Washington University, 1898; unmarried. Interne and assistant superintend ent of the St. Louis Female Hospital, 1898- 1901; interne Imperial and Royal Elizabeth Hospital, Vienna, Austria, 1902-03. Member of staff of Barnard Free Skin and Cancer Hospital, Washington University Hospital, St. Louis Maternity Hospital; -visiting gynecolo gist to the City Hospital and City Sanitarium. Member American Gynecological Society, American Association for Cancer Researcn, American Association of Anatomists, St. Louis Surgical Club, American Medical Association, Chicago Gynecological Society, St. Louis Med ical Society. Member Ethical Society. Clubs: Harvard, University, City, Contemporary. Recreations: music and work in social hy giene. Offiee: Metropolitan Bldg. Residence: 4462 Maryland Ave. TAUSSIG, Hubert Primm, civil engineer; born, St. Louis, Mar. 8, 1854; son of Charles and Anna (Abeles) Taussig; educated in St. Louis public schools; C.E, Washington Uni versity, 1873; married at St. Louis, Mar. 8, 1880, Miss Amanda Jolivet; three children: Amadee J, Gladys (Mrs. B. S. Lang), Anna Abeles. In civil engineering ever since be ginning of active career; president Western Manufacturers' Building Co.', Eureka Explora tion Co. Member American Society of Civil Engineers. Unitarian. Clubs: City, Glen Echo. Recreation: golf. Offiee: 321 N. 14th St. Res idence: Buckingham Hotel. TAUSSIG, J(ohn) Clarence, lawyer; born, St. Louis, Feb. 5, 1872; son of John J. and Leonore Taussig; educated at Smith Acad emy; Manual Training School; A.B, Harvard College, 1893; LL.B, St. Louis Law School, 1895; unmarried. Admitted to bar in St. Louis, Sept. 25, 1895, and since engaged in general practice. Member of St. Louis Bar Association. Republican; member House . of Delegates, 1909-11 (speaker pro tem). Uni tarian. Clubs: University, City, Florissant Valley. Recreation: tennis. Office: Rialto Bldg. Residence: 3501 Lafayette Ave. TAUSSIG, John J, banker and broker; born, Prague, Austria, July 9, 1843; son of John L. and Charlotte (Bondy) Taussig; came with parents to United States in 1848; edu cated in public schools of St. Louis and Wash ington University, to 1857; married, Dec. 21, 1865, Miss Leonore Taussig; children: Bella L, Grace A, Charlotte E, Leonore J, Clar ence, Garfield J. Entered office of Shryock & Rowland, grain commission, continuing four years; then embarked in business on own ac count, and in 1865 became senior partner in firm of Taussig & Fisher, bankers and brokers, out of which grew the firms of Taussig, Fisher & Co, of New York, and Gempp & Taussig, Frankfort-on-the-Main, all of which were swept away in panic of 1873; has since eon- fined operations to St. Louis and since 1874 member firm of J. & J. Taussig, bankers and brokers. Director Hope Mining Co. Repub lican. Unitarian. Member Civic League. Club: Noonday. Office: 621 Security Bldg. Residence: 3501 Lafayette Ave. TAUSSIG, Joseph Seligman, banker; 1832- 1911; see Vol. 1906. TAUSSIG, Knox, secretary and treasurer William R. Bush Construction Co.; born, St. Louis, Oct. 2, 1885; son of Charles Sumner and Sarah Augusta (Knox) Taussig; educated Lockwood School until 1898; Smith Academy, St. Louis, graduating, 1902; A.B, Harvard 588 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS University, 1906; unmarried. Began business career with W. H. Markham &.Co, insurance, continuing until fall of 1909; since with Wil liam R. Bush Construction Co. as secretary and treasurer; also treasurer Mack Motor Truck Co., of St. Louis; secretary and treas urer Simplex Automobile Sales Co. Repub lican. Presbyterian. Clubs: City, University, St. Louis Country. Recreations: tennis and automobiling. Office: Holland Bldg. Resi dence: 4241 Washington Boul. TAUSSIG, Samuel, president St. Louis Leaf Tobacco Co.; born, Bohemia, Austria, Dec. 21, 1854; son of Lazarus and Eleanor (Federer) Taussig; educated in common schools, Hos- toun, Austria, to 1867; married, Bohemia, Feb. 4, 1885, Flora Bondy; four children: Ir- ma, Blanche, Frances, Lester. In notion busi ness until 1887; then came to America and engaged, with brother William, in leaf to bacco business at Chicago until 1893; removed to Minneapolis, Minn, and conducted whole sale tobacco house alone, 1894-1904; since president of St. Louis Leaf Tobacco Co. Jew ish religion. Member B'nai B'rith. Office: 221 Market St. Residence: 3902 Lindell Boul. TAUSSIG, William, president St. Louis Bridge Co.; born, Prague, Bohemia, Feb. 28, 1826; son of John L. and Charlotte (Bon dy) Taussig; graduated from University of Prague, 1844; M.D, St. Louis School of Medi cine, 1850; (honorary LL.D, Washington University, 1905); married, St. Louis, May 3, 1857, Adele Wuerpel; children: Jennie (Mrs. Alfred Brandeis, of Louisville, Ky.), Frank (now professor of political economy, Harvard University), and Walter M. Began business career in practice of medicine, 1851, continu ing to 1864; mayor of Carondelet, 1852; mem ber, 1859-65, and presiding justice, 1863-65, St. Louis County Court; president Traders' Bank, 1866-69; director and general manager of St. Louis (Eads) Bridge, 1867-96; president Terminal Railroad Association, 1889-96'; re tired from that position, and from business, in 1896, but continues as president of St. Louis Bridge Co.; director and member execu tive committee of St. Louis Union Trust Co. Member Board of Education, 1899-1911 (presi dent, 1903-04) ; president Self-Culture Hall As sociation twelve years; president Tenement House Association of St. Louis, 1905-08. Mem ber Ethical Society of St. Louis. Clubs: St. Louis, University, Commercial, Noonday. Resi dence: 3447 Lafayette Ave. TAXIS, Frederick C, civil and consulting engineer; born, Besigheim, Wuerttemberg, Ger many, Sept. 9, 1881; son of Frederick C. and Caroline (Keck) Taxis; graduated from gym nasium, 1898; graduated as civil engineer from Technikum, Stuttgart, 1902; married, Clayton, Mo, Jan. 16, 1906, Mary Suess. Practiced at Stuttgart, 1902-04; came to St. Louis, 1904, and shortly afterwards engaged in the construction and engineering line. Ma son. Office: 825-826 Victoria Bldg. Residence: Clayton, Mo. TAYLOR, Amos Riley, lawyer; born near Owensboro, Ky, Jan. 23, 1842; son of How ard and Elton (Riley) Taylor; descendant of Revolutionary ancestry; educated seminary, Owensboro; entered junior class, Yale Uni versity, 1860, but did not graduate owing to outbreak of Civil War; married, Louisville, Ky, Nov. 26, 1868, Anna Rudd; four chil dren: Nannie (Mrs. Evariste Retailliau, of Poitiers, France), Howard, Alexandrine, Elea nor (deceased). Enlisted in Confederate Army as private, Company A, First Kentucky Cav alry; commissioned second lieutenant, July, 1862; after three years' service enrolled a company, serving to end of war as captain Company H, consolidated Eighth and Twelfth Regiments, Kentucky Cavalry; paroled at Columbus, Miss, May 15, 1865. Admitted to bar, 1865; county attorney, Daviess Co., Ky, 1866-68; resigned, located in St. Louis and has since engaged in general practice. Demo crat. Member Missouri State Constitutional Convention, 1875. Recreation: reading. Of fice: 212, 706 Chestnut St. TAYLOR, Daniel Gilchrist, lawyer; born, St. Louis, Apr. 23, 1868; son of Daniel G. and Emilie (Le Beau) Taylor; educated at Stod dard (public) School, 1873-78; University of Notre Dame (Indiana), 1879-84; LL.B, Law Department of Washington University, 1891; married, St. Louis, December, 1891, Emma Leslie Whitelaw, daughter of George P. White- law; children: Jane, Grace. Admitted to bar in June, 1891, and was engaged in practice until January, 1903; judge St. Louis Circuit Court, 1903-09; since member firm of McDon ald & Taylor. Member St. Louis, Missouri State and American Bar associations. Inde pendent Democrat. Roman Catholic. Clubs: Noonday, St. Louis, St. Louis Country, Mer cantile, Racquet. Office: 1806, 506 Olive St. Residence: 4906 Berlin Ave. TAYLOR, Isaac S, architect; born, Nash ville, Tenn, Dec, 1850; son of Isaac W. and Mary (Stacker) Taylor; obtained classical education at St Louis University, from which later received degree of M.A. on completion of World's Fair work; unmarried. Began pro fessional career in offiee of George I. Barnett, architect, 1869; for over twenty years has been in business for himself. Architect of Southern Hotel, Liggett & Myers Bloek, Drummond Tobacco Factory, Globe-Democrat Building, Public Library, Republic Building, National Bank of Commerce, Planters ' Hotel, etc, and many buildings in Illinois and Texas. Director of works for Louisiana Purchase Ex position. Member American Institute of Ar chitects and of St. Louis Chapter of same. THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 589 Member Business Men's League. Clubs: St. Louis, Mercantile. Office: 717 Locust St. Resi dence: 5814 Bartmer Ave. TAYLOR, Joseph Bogy, grain commission merchant; born, St. Louis, Sept. 21, 1869; son of Philip C. and Leontine (Stout) Taylor; both born in St. Louis, the father, July 14, 1831, and the mother, Mar. 17, 1840; educated Nash Private School and Stocldard School un til 1886; married, St. Louis, June 24, 1893, Belle Rude; one child, Joseph B, Jr. Began business career as cashier T. C. Taylor & Co, 1889, continuing until 1900; member firm of P. C. Taylor & Son, 1900-07; secretary and member firm Chris Sharp Commission Co., 1907-09; an organizer and partner Taylor- Hunter Grain Co., 1909-11; since head of J. B. Taylor Grain Co. Member St. Louis Mer chants' Exchange, St. Louis Grain Club. Dem ocrat. Club: Apollo (since 1899). Recreation: music. Office: Pierce Bldg. Residence: 4377 Delmar Boul. TAYLOR, Perry Post, lawyer; bora, Litch field, 111, Apr. 29, 1867; son of Daniel W. and Mary Belle (Post) Taylor; educated in public schools, Litchfield, 1872-83; Litchfield High School, graduating, 1883; Smith Academy, 1884-5, graduating, 1885; Washington Univer sity, 1885-86; Cornell University, 1886-89, Ph.B, 1889; St. Louis Law School, 1889-90; Union College of Law, Chicago, 1890-91; mar ried, Newfield, N. Y, June 14, 1893, Alice L. Dudley; two children: Dudley Post (died in infancy) and Lucy. Admitted to Illinois bar, November, 1891; came to St. Louis, December, 1891, and was admitted to Missouri bar, Feb ruary, 1892; member law firm of Boogher & Taylor, 1891-1900, Taylor, Harlan & Powers, 1901, Taylor & Harlan, 1902, Taylor & Mayer since Mar. 1, 1907. Assistant city attorney St. Louis, 1898-99, city attorney, 1899-1903. Re publican. Presbyterian. Member American and St. Louis Bar associations, St. Louis Law Library Association, Civic League, Citizens' Industrial Association. Club: City. Office: 1644-1646 Pierce Bldg. Residence: 5944 Cates Avenue. TAYLOR, Richard Vipon, railway official; bora, Newbern, N. C, Aug. 11, 1859; son of Richard Nixon and Susan (Stevenson) Taylor; educated at Barton Academy and Mobile, Ala, public school; married, Mobile, Ala, Aug. 10, 1882, Helen Buck; children: Adrian Steven son, Richard Vipon, Jr., William Buck, Helen Buck. Was librarian of law library, 1871-73; clerk in various establishments, 1873-75; worked at cooper's trade, 1875-77; since Sept. 27, 1877, in service of Mobile & Ohio R. R. Co, engaged in accounting- department from lowest position to head of department until Oct. 1, 1904; since general manager and now also vice president. Democrat. Baptist. Office: Fullerton Bldg. Home: Mobile, Ala. *TAYLOR, Sam Frank, clergyman; see Vol. 1906. TAYLOR, Seneca Newberry, lawyer; born, Oakland, Mich, Jan. 1, 1836; son of John and Leah (Shannon) Taylor; educated Oakland (Mich.) public schools; Dickinson Institute, Romeo, Mich, 1855-56; Agricultural College, Lansing, Mich, 1857-59; University of Michi gan, Law Department, 1860; married, Niles, Mich, 1863, Letitia Wayland Chester; chil dren: Mrs. Mary L. Nettleship, Seneca C, Caroline W. (Mrs. Newell S. Ferry, of De troit) ; married, 2d, Washington, D. C, Sept. 21, 1896, Mary Morrison; one daughter, Leah -Shannon. Practiced law at Niles. Mich, 1861- 6'5, and was master in chancery there 1862-64; in practice in St. Louis since 1865; member of firm Seneca N. .and S. C. Taylor. Delegate to Divorce Congress at Washington in 1906. Member St. Louis, Missouri State and Amer ican Bar associations. Republican. Presbyte rian. Clubs: Mercantile, Contemporary. Office: 530 Pierce Bldg. Residence: 4220 Washington Boulevard. TAYLOR, Walter Cerre; bora in St. Louis Co, Mo, July 7, 1866; son of George R. and Therese (Paul) Taylor; educated at St. Louis University; Georgetown College, D. O; Phil lips Andover Academy, and Princeton Uni versity, class of 1888; married, St. Louis, June 15, 1892, Martha Lowman (now de ceased). Began business career in 1886, and has since continued as president of the Mel lier Drug Co.; also president Walter C. Tay lor Realty Co. Catholic. Clubs: St. Louis, Noonday, Racquet, St. Louis Country. Recrea tions: hunting and fishing. Office: 2112 Locust St. Residence: 3800 Delmar Boul. TAYLOR, William E, secretary Pulitzer Publishing Co.; born, St. Louis, July 25, 1861; son of William N. and Mary Jane (Everett) Taylor; educated public schools, Mound City Business College, and by home study; married, St. Louis, Mar." 17, 1886, Carrie B. Wright; two children: W. Everett, Edith Wright. In employ of St. Louis branch of D. Appleton & Co., publishing house, until 1879; then became identified as collector with Post-Dispatch and was successively superintendent of circula tion, purchasing agent and manager of want advertising department; since 1906 secretary Pulitzer Publishing Co. Congregationalist. Member Royal Arcanum, Legion of Honor. Clubs: St. Louis Amateur Athletic Associa tion, City. Recreation: golf. Office: 210 N. Broadway. Residence: 5241 Maple Ave. TAYLOR, Wilson Allen, judge; born, Texas Co., Mo, Jan. 27, 1875; son of John L. and Martha E. (McCurrey) Taylor; received pre paratory education in Salem (Mo.) High School ; matriculated in Law Department, Uni versity of Missouri, from which was gradu ated with degree of LL.B, 1896; unmarried. 590 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS Admitted to Missouri bar, 1896, and began practice in St. Louis in September of that year; judge Court of Criminal Correction, 1906-10; elected jutge of Circuit Court, 1910; term expires, 1917. Lecturer Benton College of Law. Member St. Louis Bar Association. Republican. Recreation: walking. Chambers: Municipal Court Bldg. Residence: Hotel Beers. *TEAS, Charles Royal, express official; moved to San Francisco, Cal.; see Vol. 1906. TEASDALE, Everett Pattison, merchant; see Vol. 1906. TEASDALE, James Waller, grain commis sion; born, St. Louis, Aug. 17, 1850; son of James H. and Lucy (Waller) Teasdale; edu cated in public schools and Wyman 's Acad emy; married, St. Louis, Jan. 11, 1882, Fannie Barney; one child, Edith May (Mrs. A. J. Cal houn). Began business life as local agent of St. Louis and San Francisco R.- R, and at same time as local express agent at Pierce City, Mo, 1871-73; in 1874 entered the grain commission business established by father in St. Louis in 1848, first as employe, and later as partner, in firm of J. H. Teasdale & Co.; business incorporated, 1891, as J. H. Teasdale Commission Co., of which was president until 1900, vice president until 1909, now director. Member Merchants' Exchange. Member Royal Arcanum, Legion of Honor, Royal League. Recreations: hunting, fishing. Office: 103 Chamber of Commerce. Residence: 2852 Aceo- mac St. TEASDALE, John Warren, dried fruits; born, Fredericksburg, Va, Nov. 13, 1838; son of Rev. John and Susan B. (Losey) Teasdale; educated in public schools and for three years at Shurtleff College, Upper Alton, 111.; mar ried, Centralia, HI, Oct. 1, 1863, Mary E, daughter of Capt. George W. Willard; chil dren: George W, Mamie W. (Mrs. Joseph Wheless), John W, Jr., Sarah T. In mercan tile business since 1857; served in Home Guards at beginning of the Civil War, enlist ing under Gen. Frank P. Blair, and sworn into service by Captain (afterwards General) Lyon. Since 1865 at head of J. W. Teasdale & Co, of which is president. Member Mer chants' Exchange. Republican. Member Third Baptist Church. Recreation: horses. Office: 806-808 Spruce St. Residence: 38 Kingsbury Place. TEASDALE, Thomas Bowker, grain com mission; born, St. Louis, Apr. 7, 1862; son of James H. and Lucy (Waller) Teasdale; edu cated in public schools of Missouri, and later attended Shurtleff College; married, St. Louis, 1889, Rebecca Murphy. Began business career in 1880, in employ of grain commission house of J. H. Teasdale & Co., and on its incorpora tion as the J. H. Teasdale Commission Co., in 1891, became one of the officers; elected presi dent, 1900, and vice president since 1909. Member St. Louis Merchants' Exchange, St. Louis Grain Club, St. Louis Millers' Club. Recreation: horseback riding. Office: 103 Chamber of Commerce. Residence: 5830 Cates Avenue. TEBBETTS, Lewis Bates, retired banker ' and carriage manufacturer; born, Great Falls, N. H, Aug. 30, 1834; son of Lewis B. and Rebecca (Roberts) Tebbetts; removed when a few weeks old to Newbury, Vt, and in 1844 to Lowell, Mass.; educated chiefly in public and high schools of Lowell; married, 1859, Ellen Mansur; children: George S, Alice (wife of A. P. DeCamp), Alvah M, Mabel, Rebecca (wife of Lloyd* H. Rickart). When twenty-one years of age, in 1855, went to Bal timore and, about 1859, became connected with the manufacturing concern of Poole and Hunt, now Robert Poole & Son; during the Civil War had charge of the firm's large fac tory, which furnished the Government with lighthouses, engines for gunboats, and ammu nition. Came to St. Louis, 1874, and estab lished agricultural implement business, first known as Deere, Mansur & Co., and later as the Mansur & Tebbetts Implement Co., of which he later became president; in 1900 sold interests in the company and established the L. B. Tebbetts & Sons Carriage Co., and Com monwealth Carriage Co., of which was presi dent until 1910, when sold out business and retired. Offiee: 712, 705 Olive St. Residence: 5465 Bartmer Ave. TECKEMEYER, Harry W, lumber; born, St. Louis, Jan. 26, 1872; son of Rudolph and Elizabeth (Dreyer) Teckemeyer; educated in St. Peter's (Evangelical) Parochial School; married, St. Louis, June 26, 1905, Emily C. Springmeyer; one daughter, Ethel. Began busi ness career as clerk in employ, of Verdin Hardwood Lumber Co, 1887-90; bookkeeper in employ of D. O. Strifler, and Strifler & Wehinger, 1890-98; on Jan. 1, 1898, enterecl lumber business on own account with H. W. Giese, in firm of Giese & Teckemeyer; on Feb. 1, 1900, with A. Hader, formed firm of Teckemeyer & Hader, which, on Feb. 1, 1902, was succeeded by Teckemeyer, Hader & We hinger; in June, 1902, with F. J. Wehinger, purchased interest of A. Hader; business since conducted as Teckemeyer & Wehinger Lumber Co., wholesale and retail hardwood lumber. Republican. Member Bethel Evangelical Church. Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shrin er. Member of Hoo Hoo. Clubs: Liederkranz, Oasis. Recreation: fishing and motoring. Of fice: 2d and Wright Sts. Residence: 3833 Greer Ave. TEICHMANN, Charles Henry, commission merchant; born, Celle (Hanover), Germany, July 27, 1832; son of Fred and Christiane (Holekamp) Teichmann; graduated from col- THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 591 lege at Celle, 1847; married, St. Louis, Sept. 5, 1857, Emily Bang (now deceased); chil dren: William C, Anna, Otto L. Entered com mercial business at Brunswick, Germany, 1847- 49; arrived in New York, Oct. 5, 1849; held position in large importing house there, 1849- 53; bookkeeper in wholesale house in St. Louis, 1853-57; began commercial business un der firm name of Teichmann & Co, September, 1857, incorporated, September, 1882, as Teich mann Commission Co., of which has since been president. Member Merchants' Ex change since 1856 (second vice president 1872, first vice president 1886). Republican; en rolled May 28, 1861, and discharged Aug. 17, 1861, in Company H, U. S. Reserve Corps. Member Mullanphy Emigrant Relief Board two terms. Evangelical Lutheran. Office: Gay Bldg. Residence: 1610 Mississippi Ave. TEICHMANN, Otto Louis, secretary and treasurer Teichmann Commission Co.; bom, St. Louis, May 12, 1865; son of Charles H. and Emily (Bang) Teichmann; educated un til tenth year in Eyser Institute, St. Louis; then for two years in Brunswick, Germany, and after that at Smith Academy of Wash ington University until sixteen years of age; married, St. Louis, Nov. 21, 1890, Vivian Holm; children: Irma Holm, Vera Holm. Be gan business career at sixteen with the Teich mann Commission Co., of which has been sec retary and treasurer since 1886. Member Merchants' Exchange (president, 1905). Mem ber Civic League. Republican. Member Board of Police Commissioners, 1909-11. Member Ethical Society (executive committee), St. Louis Turnverein, Schiller Verein, Deutsche Gesellschaft, Altenheim, St. Louis Society of Hygiene. Clubs: Liederkranz, City, Traffic, Aero, Public Question (ex-president), St. Louis Grain. Office: Gay Bldg, 3d and Pine Sts. Residence: 3401 Longfellow Boul. TEMM, Francis A, A.M., Ph.G, M.D.; born, St. Louis, Aug. 1, 1866; son of Hermann Henry and Mattie M. (Tooker) Temm; edu cated parochial and public schools; Christian Brothers College; was graduated at St. Louis College of Pharmacy, 1887; M.D, Missouri Medical College (now Medical Department, Washington University), 1890; married, St. Louis, June 5, 1894, C. Virginia Crawley (died June 27, 1909); three children: Francis Von Lien, Aurelia Virginia, Agnes Nadine. Iden tified with drug business from boyhood; be gan practice of medicine in St. Louis, March, 1890; assistant to clinic in Diseases of Women Polyclinic, under Dr. G. J. Englemann, 1890- 96; lecturer on materia medica and pharmacy, Missouri Medical College, 1890-93; attending physician, Convent of Mercy, 1896-1902; at tending physician and gynecologist to St. John's Hospital since 1896; physician to Christian Brothers College since 1900; in structor gynecological clinic, St. John's Hos pital (Medical Department St. Louis Uni versity). Member Alumni Association St. Louis College of Pharmacy (vice president, 1892). Democrat. Roman Catholic. Member Knights of Columbus (St. Louis Council, No. 143). Recreations: baseball, tennis and hand ball. Office and Residence: 5115 Page Boul. TEMPLE, John B., manager J. A. Fay & Egan Co.; born, LaFayette, Ind, Jan. 24, 1857; son of O. H. and Emily Temple; edu cated in public schools and Ford High School until 1875; married, Rossville, 111, Nov. 28, 1882, Nettie M. Winans. Began business ca reer by learning machinist, boiler making and molder's trades, 1875-81; was half owner in machine business, building engines, boilers, etc, 1881-86; became connected with J. A. Fay & Co., manufacturers of woodworking ma chinery, of Cincinnati, 1886, as salesman, and in 1893 this firm consolidated with The Egan Co., in the same line, as the J. A. Fay & Egan Co., with which continued as salesman till 1898, when was made manager of the com pany's St. Louis branch. Republican. Metho dist. Mason (32°), Shriner. Club: Missouri Athletic. Offiee: 410-412 Bank of Commerce Bldg. Residence: 9 Amherst Ave, University City. TEMPLE, Joseph, general agent Adams Ex press Co.; born, Galena, 111, Nov. 24, 1838; son of Henry and Kate Temple; educated in public schools of Cincinnati, Vincennes (Ind.) College, and Herring College, Cincinnati; mar ried, Odin, 111, February, 1872, Jennie Russell; one daughter, Mrs. C. B. Allen. Began busi ness career as messenger at Cincinnati in serv ice of Adams Express Co, and continued as clerk, etc, until 1865; with same company in St. Louis, 1865-79; general agent Pacific and United States Express companies, at St. Louis, 1879-83; in livery stable busiuess, 1883-93; since 1893 general agent Adams Express Co. Served four years in City Council of St. Louis in early '80s; later collector and assessor of water rates under Mayor Francis. Episco palian. Royal Arch Mason. Recreation: farm ing. Office: 410 N. 4th St. Residence: Ashley, Illinois. TEMPLEMAN, William James, fruit and produce merchant; born, St. Louis, July 29, 1857; son of John and Elizabeth (Kinsella) Templeman; educated in public and parochial schools, St. Louis, to 1868; married, St. Louis, June 25, 1884, Elizabeth Menaugh; children: Genevieve Agnes, Mary, Rose Margaret, Louis Francis and John. Began business career as Templeman & Co., wholesale fruit and produce dealer, 1883, and continued in St. Louis until 1885; removed to Pleasant Hill, Cass Co, Mo, 1885, and engaged in grocery business one and one-half years; returned to St. Louis, 1887, and since conducted general wholesale 592 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS fruit and produce business as W. J. Temple man & Co. Democrat. Catholic. Member Knights of Columbus, Catholic Knights of America, Royal Arcanum. Recreations: fish ing and hunting. Office: 808 N. 3d St. Resi dence: 3829 Flad Ave. TEN BROEK, Gerrit Hendrik, lawyer; born, St. Louis, Mar. 30, 1859; son of Hen drik and Gepke (Diekenga) Ten Broek; edu cated in St. Louis grammar and high schools and St. Louis Law School (Law Department of Washington University); married., Cleve land, O, Oct. 18, 1893, Frances Lorraine Colby. Admitted to bar, St. Louis, 1885, and ever since engaged in practice of law. Founder and editor "The Mercantile Register"; presi dent and treasurer of The Mercantile Ad juster Publishing Co.; president Cullman Coal and Coke Co.; secretary of Associated Law Offices; secretary St. Louis Protestant Hos pital Association. Director Western Society for the Suppression of Vice; manager Nied ringhaus Memorial Mission. Member Civie League, Merchants' Exchange. Vice consul of The Netherlands for Missouri, Iowa, Kan sas, Tennessee, Kentucky, Arkansas, Texas, New Mexico and Arizona; commissioner-gen eral of The Netherlands to Louisiana Pur chase Exposition; Knight of the Order of Orange-Nassau (Netherlands). Republican; delegate to Republican Judicial Convention, Joplin, Mo, 1902. Member St. Louis and Mis souri State Bar associations, Law Library As sociation. Episcopalian. Club: Mercantile. Favorite recreations: music, literature and mineralogy. Offiee: 717 Locust St. Residence: 1103 Jackson PL TERPENNING, Frank Wallace, secretary, treasurer and general manager Trinidad As phalt Manufacturing Co.; born, Ira, Cayuga Co, N. Y, July 3, 1860; son of Isaac S. and Sarah E. (Wallace) Terpenning; educated in public and high schools of Auburn, N. Y.; married, Auburn, January, 1882, Margaret M. Armstrong (now deceased); children: Laura J, Helen A. Since 1895 in asphalt business at St. Louis, and since January, 1898, secretary, treasurer and general manager of the Trini dad Asphalt Manufacturing Co. Republican. Congregationalist. Club: City. Office: 444 S. Theresa Ave. Residence: 33 Marshall PL, Webster Groves, Mo. TERRELL, William Edmonds, merchant tailor; born, Toronto, Ont, Oct. 7, 1859; son of Thomas and Jennie (Fountain) Terrell; educated Chicago public and grammar schools; married, Chicago, Dec. 25, 1880, Louise Timp- son; children: Harold Cross, Edgar Russell, Ethel Irene (Mrs. W. T. Days). Since Feb ruary, 1896, president of the William E. Ter rell Tailoring Co. Republican. Methodist. Club: Mercantile. Recreation: motor-boating. Office: 304 Globe-Democrat Bldg. Residence: 4380 Forest Park Boul. TERRY, Albert Oregon, real estate; born, Otterville, Jersey Co, 111, Mar. 22, 1843; son of Jasper M. and Mary A. (Waggoner) Terry; educated common and high schools, Otterville ; Shurtleff College, three years; Literary ancl Law Department, University of Michigan, LL.B, 1874; married, Jerseyville, 111, Aug. 29, 1862, Mary G. Felter; children: Anna A, William H. and George L.; 2d, Malone, N. Y, Aug. 6, 1891, Lizzie Culver. Practiced law at Ann Arbor, Mich, 1873-74, St. Louis, 1874-77, Rico, Colo, 1879-81; developed a mine in Colo rado which was sold in 1882 for $225,000; in cattle business in Kansas, 1883-86; supply and construction contractor Southern Kansas R. R, 1886-87; in real estate and building busi ness since 1887; associated with L. C. and T. F. Terry and organized and put on the' mar ket the town of E. Newkirk, Okla, still own ing a large interest in the town; also opened up an oil field at Sandoval, 111, with six pro ducing wells. Was first lieutenant Grafton Guards, Hlinois State Militia, 1861; probate judge Dolores Co., Colo, 1879-80; nominated for Congress Eleventh Missouri District, 1892, but declined. Republican. Baptist. Mason (32°). Residence: 3458 Pestalozzi St. TERRY, Albert Todd, real estate; born, St. Louis, Dec. 19, 1869; son of John H. and Eliz abeth (Todd) Terry; educated in public schools and Smith Academy, St. Louis, and Cornell University; married, St. Louis, Oct. 24, 1897, Bessie D. Whitelaw; children: White- law, Elizabeth, Lucy. After leaving school in 1890, entered father's real estate office; in 1893 became a member of the firm of John H. Terry & Sons and later organized the firm of Albert T. Terry & Co., real estate and financial agents. Director Trust Co. of St. Louis County. Member Real Estate Exchange. Democrat. Unitarian. Member Loyal Legion. ¦ Clubs: St. Louis, St. Louis Country, Round Table, Cornell, Dardenne Shooting, Automo bile, Aero. Recreations: hunting, fishing, golf and horseback riding. Office: 823 Chestnut St. Residence: 5231 Westminster PL TERRY, John Henry, lawyer, retired; born, Covert, Seneca Co, N. Y, July 30, 1835; son of James and Anor (Hopkins) Terry; edu cated in public schools and academy, Tru- mansburg, N. Y, and academy, Ithaca, N. Y, and graduated from Albany Law School; married, St. Louis, Nov. 5, 1868, Elizabeth H. Todd; 2d, Trumansburg, N. Y, Oct. 3, 1891, Vashti Boardman; children: Albert Todd, Robert James, John Hopkins, Howard Leslie. Served as captain in Union Army in Civil War. Admitted to Missouri bar, 1865, and after army service engaged in practice of law in St. Louis until 1880, then engaged in the real estate business under firm name of Terry & Scott, until 1890, when Mr. Scott withdrew and the firm became John H. Terry & Sons until 1903, when retired from active THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 393 life, but remained president of Terry Realty Co. until 1904, and is now president of Covert Property Co.; also president St. Louis Public Museum. Democrat; has served as assistant U. S. attorney, member of House of Repre sentatives of Missouri, land commissioner of St. Louis, state senator, and member Munici pal Assembly of St. Louis. Ex-president of St. Louis Real Estate Exchange. Unitarian. President New York Society of St. Louis; was one of the incorporator^ of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. Member Missouri His torical Society (ex-president), National Geo graphic Society, Civic Improvement League, St. Louis Public Museum, Citizens' Industrial Association, Mercantile Library, Public Li brary, Loyal Legion, Sons of the Revolution, Legion of Honor (organizer and is known as father of the legion). Mason, Knight Tem plar. Member Grand Army of the Republic. Clubs: Mercantile, Unitarian (ex-president). Recreations: art collector, also collector of antiques; traveling. Residence: 5825 Clemens Avenue. TERRY, Robert James, professor anatomy, Washingon University; born, St. Louis, Jan. 24, 1871; son of John Henry and Elizabeth Helen (Todd) Terry; Cornell University, 1890-92; M.D, Missouri Medical College, 1895; A.B, Washington University, 1901; studied in Edinburgh, 1898, Freiburg, 1903; Austin teach ing fellow, Harvard, 1906-07; married Grace Vernon Speck, of St. Louis, Nov. 24, 1897; children: Celeste, Robert, Charles. Demon strator anatomy, Missouri Medical College, 1896-99; assistant professor anatomy, 1899- 1900, professor since 1900, Washington Uni versity. Fellow American Association for Ad vancement of Science; member American As sociation of Anatomists (executive commit tee), Anatomische Gesellschaft, American Breeders' Association, St. Louis Medical So ciety, St. Louis Academy of Science, Sigma Xi, Zeta Psi. Member Civic League, St. Louis. Clubs: University, City, Town and Gown, Contributor chapter Respiratory Organs, in Morris's Human Anatomy, 1907; also papers on medical education, human and compara tive anatomy, etc. Office: 1806 Locust St. Residence: Crescent, St. Louis Co. TEUSCHER, Emil Charles, machinery; born, Halle, Germany, Aug. 12, 1839; son of John Frederick and Rosa (Eckert) Teuscher; educated in public schools in Germany and at Niagara Falls, N. Y.; married, St. Louis, Nov. 2, 1871, Rosa Dienstbach; children: Adele, Edward O, Fannie T. Learned trade of machinist and mechanical draughtsman at Buffalo, N. Y.; came to St. Louis, 1861, and worked at trade; served as orderly sergeant in the Fifth Missouri Militia during Civil War. President Teuscher & Son Machinery Supply Go. Republican. Protestant. Member Liederkranz. Office: 527 N. 2d St. Residence: 3304 Shenandoah Ave. TEVIS, Hupp, transfer business; born in Wheeling, Va, Apr. 24, 1852; son of John and Elizabeth (McNamee) Tevis; educated in public schools of Iowa and two years at Wil ton Seminary, Wilton, la.; married, St. Louis, Dec. 4, 1872, Sarah Pamelia Park; children: John F, Charles P, Clarence H, Hupp, Jr., Wallace R, Gertrude C. (Mrs. Thomas Kopp- lin), Minnie P. (Mrs. H. R. Tresouthic). Worked on a farm in Iowa; then came to St. Louis, July 27, 1870; began as clerk in gro cery store, Easton and Webster Aves.; in grocery business for self at Muscatine, la, September, 1872-March, 1874; clerk, then cap tain of steamer W. D. Smith, 1874-75; in commission business, 1875-76. Has been con nected with transfer business in St. Louis since 1876; member firm of Tevis & Kopplin Transfer Co.; also owner of farm in Nebraska. Republican. Congregationalist. Clubs: Rotary, Congregational. Office: 113 Pine St. Resi dence: 5085 Cabanne Ave. TEVIS, Norman Eugene, proprietary medi cines; born, Philadelphia, Pa, Jan. 26, 1863; son of Norman and Eugenia (Caldwell) Tevis; educated in public schools of Camden, N. J.; married, Woodbury, N. J, Oct. 11, 1888, Mary E. Dobbs; one son, N. Dean. Has been con nected with the proprietary medicine business since 1879, and was traveling salesman in the South in that line until came to St. Louis, Mar. 1, 1900; secretary, treasurer and resident officer of the C. E. Simmons Medicine Co., 1900-10; since vice president and manager same. Democrat. Member Second Baptist Church. Mason; member Royal Arcanum. Of fice: 500 N. 2d St. Residence: 4740 Wash ington Ave. THACHER, Arthur, mining engineer; born, Newtonville, Mass., May 8, 1857; son of Thomas and Catherine ("Worcester) Thacher; educated in schools of New York City and in the School of Mines of Columbia University, from which was graduated, C.E. and E.M, 1877; married, St. Louis, 1890, Carrie Greene; children: Theodora, Arthur Worcester. In pri vate practice since 1877; also western man ager of mines of New Jersey Zinc Co. of New York since 1908. Member American Institute of Mining Engineers, Mining and Metallur gical Society of America, Academy of Sci ence, St. Louis, Civie League. Republican. Clubs: St. Louis, University, Country, Noon day, Round Table. Office: 420 Roe Bldg. Resi dence: 5185 Lindell Ave. THAL, Gustav, wholesale grocers' sundries; born, St. Louis, May 19, 1861; son of Meyer and Henrietta (Gutterman) Thai; educated in public schools of St. Louis; unmarried. Began business career with S. J. Brittain, 'dry goods, for two years; then with E. Wedell, clothing, 594 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS for ten years; in retail clothing business for self for five years, until 1889, when became identified with brother in National Molasses Co., of which is vice, president; also vice presi dent Red Cross Vinegar Co. Republican. Member Shaare Emeth Congregation. Member B. P. 0. Elks. Club: Columbian. Favorite rec reations: riding, driving and automobiling. Office: 204 S. Main St. Residence: 4163 Wash ington Ave. THAL, Robert, president National Import ing Co.; born, New York City, Mar. 12, 1859; son of Meyer and Henrietta (Gutterman) Thai; educated in Jefferson School and Jones Commercial College, St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Oct. 16, 1881, Laura Marks; children: Adele, Herbert, Gladys. In employ of Alden Vinegar Co. for ten years; started the Red Cross Vinegar Co. in 1887, and is now its sec retary and treasurer; also secretai'3r and treas urer of the National Molasses Co., and presi dent of National Importing Co. Republican. Jewish religion; member board Temple Shaare Emeth. Mason (32°). Club: Columbian. Rec reations: motoring and golf. Office: Granite Bldg. Residence: 5115 Washington Boul. THALMANN, Bernard, printing ink; 1838- 1907; see Vol. 1906. THEEGARTEN, Paul, insurance; born in Rhein Province, Germany, Feb. 14, 1859; son of Carl and Emilie (Dahlmann) Theegarten; college education; married, St. Paul, 1886, Tinie Gutenberg; children: Edward P., Elsie M, Adele F. Came to United States as a youth, and since 1885 has been engaged in fire insurance business; member firm of Kreismann & Theegarten since 1909. Republican in na tional, independent in local politics. Mason (32°), Shriner. Club: Liederkranz. Recrea tion: hunting. Office: Pierce Bldg. Residence: 3829 Russell Ave. THIELECKE, Walter George, examiner of land titles; bom, St. Louis, Aug. 17, 1877; son of Emil and Mary (Schima) Thielecke; edu cated in Peabody and Charless public schools; LL.B, Benton College of Law, 1903; married, St. Louis, Mar. 9, 1904, Anna Schoepf; chil dren: Walter Louis, Harold Robert. Was in employ of D. Inde Neudorf, title examiner, from March, 1892, to February, 1901; at time of death of Mr. Neudorf succeeded, with Wil liam Stukenberg, to the real estate and loan business of Mr. Neudorf; at death of Mr. Stukenberg, in February, 1904, formed part nership with William Haase in real estate business under style of Haase Realty Co., of which is secretary; also president "Walter G. Thielecke Title Co. Democrat. Mason. Rec reation: fishing. Office: 921 Chestnut St. Resi dence: 601 Dover PL THOMAS, Charles Edward Livingston, law yer; see Vol. 1906. THOMAS, Charles Edwin, president Thomas & Proetz Lumber Co.; born, St. Louis, Apr. 17, 1872; son of George and Martha (Ed wards) Thomas; educated in St. Louis public schools; married, St. Louis, Apr. 17, 1893, Minnie C. Roosevelt; one son, Edwin Roose velt Thomas. Started in lumber business in 1888, at age of sixteen, in employ of the Rus- sell-Massengale Lumber Co., 1896; since Au gust, 1896, president and manager of the Thomas & Proetz Lumber Co.; president of Charles E. Thomas Land and Timber Co.; viee president North Wharf Land Co. Member St. Louis Lumber Exchange. Office: 3400 Hall St. Residence: 4310 W. Pine Boul. THOMAS, Hugo Frederick, real estate; 1836-1910; see Vol. 1906. THOMAS, John Richardson, merchant and manufacturer, retired; born in St. Louis Co., Mo, Apr. 19, 1855; son of Benjamin Franklin Thomas and Jane Chambers, granddaughter of John Mullanphy; educated at Christian Brothers College, Washington University; married, St. Louis, Oct. 4, 1898, Mary M. Winslow, of New York City; one daughter, Jane Winslow, born Jan. 3, 1902. Began with firm of Shorb & Boland, Sept. 9, 1S74, later John L. Boland and incorporated as John L. Boland Book and Stationery Co., of which he was vice president and treasurer for sixteen years; was in wholesale book and stationery business thirty-one years. Vice president and treasurer Kindel Manufacturing Co., manufac turers of bed davenports, 1906-11, retired. Was member Missouri National Guard twelve and one-half years ; volunteered in First Regi ment, Police Reserves, 1877 (railroad strike), later First Regiment, Missouri National Guard; subsequently joined Troop A, St. Louis Light Cavalry, of which was second lieuten ant; troop disbanded, 1889, but continues civil organization; holds gold service medal. Democrat. Roman Catholic. Member St. Louis Academy of Science, City Art Museum (Forest Park), National Geographic Society, Citizens' Industrial Association, Civie League. Clubs: University, Noonday, New St. Louis Country, King's Lake Hunting and Fishing; also Tour ing Club of France. Recreations: hunting, fishing and horseback riding. Residence: 4128 Washington Boul. THOMAS, Nelson, lawver; bom in Crockett Co, Tenn, Jan. 26, 1878;" son of David Hamil ton and Emma (Parker) Thomas; educated in common schools of Tennessee; studied in law office in Brownsville, Tenn, for three years; LL.B, St. Louis Law School, June, 1901; un married. Member of law firm of Jamison & Thomas, 1901-11, since alone; assistant prose cuting attorney, 1905-06. Democrat. Member Tennessee Society of St. Louis .(secretary, 1904-06), Alumni St. Louis Law School, Law Library Association. Mason (32°). Club: Ma- THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 595 sonic 'Favorite recreation: power boating. Office: 907-911 Pierce Bldg. Residence: 5223 Von Versen Ave. THOMAS, William Sherman, treasurer of Wagner Electric Manufacturing Co.; bora, Pleasant Hill, Pike Co, 111, Aug. 21, 1867; son of John A. and Sophie (Blair) Thomas; educated in Pleasant Hill public schools to 1885; State Normal University, Normal, 111, 1885-89; married, St. Louis, Oct. 20, 1892, Frances R. Moore; four children: Maurice L, Ralph R, Nelson R, Dwight D. Began busi ness career as teller in Maverick Bank, San Antonio, Tex, Jan. 1, 1890, and continued un til June 1, 1890; engaged in general merchan dise business as member firm of Thomas Bros, Pleasant Hill, 111, 1890-94. Became president Aroma Coffee ancl Spice Co., St. Louis, June 1, 1894, and continued until July 1, 1902; then general manager D. G. Evans & Co., import ers of teas and coffees, St. Louis, to Dee. 1, 1907; since treasurer Wagner Electric Manu facturing Co. Member National Credit Men's Association of America, National Electric Light Association. Republican. Baptist. Mem ber A. F. & A. M, Knights of Pythias, Mod ern Woodmen of America. Clubs: City, Nor mandie, Triple A Golf. Recreations: golf, fishing, baseball. Office: 6400 Plymouth Ave. Residence: 4135 Delmar Boul. THOMAS, Winthrop Orr; bora, Seneca, O, June 24, 1854; son of Cushing and Prudence (Grant) Thomas; educated in common schools and high school at Forest City, 111.; married, Omaha, Neb, 1887, Emma E. Evans; one daughter, Jennie G. Engaged in real estate business in St. Louis, 1875-98, since retired. Republican. Methodist. Recreation: motor touring. Residence: 3214 Morgan St. THOMPSON, Arthur Lee, real estate; 1856- 1911; see Vol. 1906. THOMPSON, Brady Stilwell, secretary of Hoyt Metal Co.; born, Point Pleasant, W. Va, June 29, 1857; son of James D. and Louise (Stilwell) Thompson; married, St. Louis, 1882, Alice Pettes; four children. Engaged in coal mining and identified with other mining inter ests in Colorado until 1903; since secretary Hoyt Metal Co. Club: City. Offiee: 408 Olive St. Residence: 5960 Clemens Ave. THOMPSON, C. McClung, insurance; born, St. Louis, Dec. 17, 1864; son of Charles L. and Betty S. Thompson; educated in public schools of St. Louis; married, St. Louis, March, 1905, Leonora E. Scott; one son, Charles L. Member Merchants' Exchange, Royal Arcanum. Democrat. Office: Pierce Bldg. Residence: 4947 McPherson Ave. THOMPSON, Collins, secretary and treas urer St. Louis Republic; born, Sedalia, Mo, Aug. 9, 1875; son of James C. and Sally C. (Sneed) Thompson; educated Phillips Exeter Academy, Exeter, N. H.; Wabash College, Crawfordsvillo, Ind.; married, St. Louis, Nov. 15, 1910, Nellie Lutz; one son, Frank Lutz. ' With General Electric Co., City of Mexico, 1895-99; with Wabash R. R. Co, 1899-1901; secretary to David R. Francis, 1901-08; with New York Life Insurance Co., 1908-10; sec retary and treasurer St. Louis Republic since 1910. Democrat. Presbyterian. Director Louisiana Purchase Exposition; member Beta Theta Pi Fraternity. Decorated Officer French Academy, Order of Chinese Dragon. Clubs: City, Algonquin, Missouri Athletic. Recrea tion: golf. Office: 7th and Olive Sts. Resi dence: 640 E. Monroe St., Kirkwood. THOMPSON, Frank A, lawyer; born, St. Louis Co, Oct. 4, 1880; son of Frank A. and Kate (Edmonstone) Thompson; educated St. Louis High School; University of Missouri; University of Michigan, LL.B, 1904; mar ried, Ferguson, Mo, Oct. 19, 1910, Olive Jacques. Admitted to Missouri bar, 1904, and since in practice in St. Louis. Director State Bank of Webster. Democrat; candidate for Congress on Democratic ticket, 10th District of Missouri, 1908. Episcopalian. Member Bar Association of St. Louis, Phi Delta Theta, Phi Delta Phi college fraternities. Recreation: tennis. Office: Rialto Bldg. Residence: Fer guson, St. Louis Co., Mo. THOMPSON, Harry Clay, vice president Buck's Stove and Range Co.; born, Milwau kee, Wis, Sept. 27, 1847; son of Jared and Minerva (Hayden) Thompson; educated in public schools at Milwaukee to 1863; married, St. Louis, Dec. 30, 1876, Minnie S. Maurice; two children: J. Maurice, Harry O, Jr. En listed in Union army, Thirteenth Wisconsin Battery, 1863, became gunner, and remained in service until close of war. Began business career as traveling salesman with the Chicago wholesale hardware house of Jewett & But ler, 1865, and continued until 1870; traveling representative with Excelsior Manufacturing Co., St. Louis, 1870-83; removed to Memphis, Tenn, and was manager for H. Wetter Manu facturing Co. until 1888. Returned to St. Louis and engaged as traveling salesman with Buck's Stove and Range Co., October, 1888; advanced to assistant secretary, 1891; elected to present position as vice president, 1907. Republican. Member National Union (Mound City Council No. 104). Club: Missouri Ath letic. Recreations: country life and motor ing. Office: 3500 N. 2d St. Residence: 7127 Lanham Ave. THOMPSON, Leslie Helfenstein, publisher; born, Webster Groves, Mo, Aug. 8, 1878; son of Nathan David and Katie Gore (Helfen stein) Thompson; graduated from Smith Acad emy, St. Louis, 1896; Ph. B, Yale University, 1899; married, St. Louis, 1908, Violet Kauff- mann. Entered employment of N. D. Thomp son Publishing Co., in clerical capacity, Sept. 596 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 11, 1899; continued so until Oct. 9, 1902, and has been president of The Thompson Publish ing Co. since Oct. 27,»1902; company engaged in publishing and selling high class subscrip tion books (usually special editions) ; secre tary and general manager of The Dalworth Realty Co. (Company owns 1172 acres of land midway between Dallas and Fort Worth, Tex, and is building a suburban city.) Since July 6, 1905, secretary and treasurer of the Graphic Compendious Co.; director Eclipse Land and Mining Co. Congregationalist. Independent in politics. Clubs: Algonquin, Missouri Athletic, Chicago Press. Favorite recreations: horse back riding, tennis and golf. Office and Resi dence (at present) : Dalworth, Tex. THOMPSON, Nathan David, publisher; born in Metcalfe Co, Ky, Jan. 5, 1842; son of Lewis Morgan and Mary (Robertson) Thomp son; educated at Camden Seminary, Barren Co., Ky, and at Georgetown College (Ky.) ; married, Webster Groves, Mo, Oct. 20, 1877, Katie Gore Helfenstein; children: Leslie Hel- fenstein, Nathan David, Jr. Since 1875 en gaged in publishing business in St. Louis. Vice president and general manager of The Thompson Publishing Co., which he organ ized in 1888. Publishes many miscellaneous publications of popular character, extending through many years; undertook and success fully carried out two especially notable pub lishing enterprises, one being an expedition under combined direction of an author and skilled outdoor photographer to go to Egypt, Palestine, Asia, Minor and Rome to trace the journeyings of Christ and His apostles, and of Old Testament characters, and to photo graph and describe 500 actual places of Bible occurrences, the result of which a four volume quarto Bible illustrated with photographic views of the definite places of Bible events as those places appear today; has had a sale in England, Canada and Australia almost equal to that in Ameriea; also sent similar expedi tion to Cuba, Porto Rico, the Isle of Pines, Hawaii and the Philippines, after Spanish War, the result of which was a two-volume publication on Our Island Possessions which had the phenomenal sale of 400,000 sets. Member Civic League. Democrat. Congrega tionalist. Clubs: Mercantile, Papyrus. Recrea tion: horseback riding. Office: 1127 Pine St. Residence: Webster Groves, Mo. THOMPSON, Ralph L, physician and pro fessor pathology; born, Lisbon, Me, Nov. 15, 1872; son of Haley P. and Mehitable (Smith) Thompson; A.B, Bates College, Lewiston, Me, 1896, A.M., 1901; M.D, Harvard Medical School, 1900; unmarried. Pathological interne, Boston City Hospital, 1901-2; fellow Rocke feller Institute for Medical Research, 1902-03; first assistant in pathology, Boston City Hos pital, 1903-04; removed to St. Louis, 1904; associate professor pathology, St. Louis Uni versity, 1904-06, and professor pathology, same institution, since 1906; first lieutenant Med ical Reserve Corps, U. S. army. Member Hos pital Board, City of St. Louis; member Ameri can Medical Association, American Association of Pathologists and Bacteriologists, Ameri can Association for Cancer Research; fellow American Association for the Advancement of Science. Clubs: University, City. Author: Glimpses of Medical Europe, 1908; Surgery and Pathology of the Thyroid and Parathy roid Glands (with A. J. Ochsner), 1910; also contributor to medical journals and reviews. Recreation: European travel. Office: 1402 S. Grand Ave. Residence: 4448 Olive St. THOMPSON, Robert Holmes, lumber; born, St. Louis, Oct. 18, 1855; son of A. B. M. and Rebecca (Andrews) Thompson; educated in private and public schools of St. Louis; mar ried, St. Louis, 1881, Fannie Virginia Weng- ler, who died Feb. 20, 1894; children: Robert H, Jr., Estelle (deceased), Abraham. Began business career 1869 with H. & L. Chase Bag Co, remaining until 1874; from 1874 to 1879 with Granby Mining and Smelting Co.; since 1879 with J. A. Holmes Lumber Co., of which is secretary and treasurer. Mason (32°). Rec reation: reading. Office: 915 Spruce St. Resi dence: Webster Groves, Mo. THOMPSON, William B, lawyer; born, Vir ginia, Cass Co, 111, June 20, 1843; son of Nathaniel B. and Louisa (Dutch) Thompson; educated in public and private schools; LL.B, Law Department, University of Michigan, 1865; married, St. Louis, 1869, Camilla Stiles; children: Camilla (deceased), Ford W, Wirt L, Grace and Ethyl. Came to St. Louis, 1865, and has since been engaged in practice of law. Democrat; member Missouri State Senate, 1876-80. Member St. Louis, Missouri State and American Bar associations, Missouri His torical Society (life member). Clubs: St. Louis, Noonday, Glen Echo Country (St. Louis), York (Me.) Reading Room and York (Me.) Country, Recreation: golf. Office: 510, 408 Olive St. Residence: Si Louis Club. Summer Residence: York Harbor, Me. THOMPSON, William M, lawyer; born, Brooklyn, N. Y, Sept. 17, 1867; son of- Corne lius and Louisa A. (Benoist) Thompson; edu cated at Johns Hopkins University; LL.B, St. Louis Law School (Washington University), 1893; University of Vienna, Austria, 1897-98; unmarried. In practice in St. Louis since 1893; lecturer, St. Louis University Institute of Law. Member St. Louis Bar Association, Phi Delta Phi. Republican. Catholic. Clubs: University, Florissant Valley. Recreation: ten nis. Office: Rialto Bldg. Residence: 5027 Westminster PL THOMSEN, Thomas, manufacturer of sash, doors, etc.; born in Husum, near Hamburg, THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 597 Germany, Jan. 16, 1851; son of Thomas and Elizabeth Thomsen; educated in public schools; married, St. Louis, Apr. 4, 1878, Catherine Lauermann; children: George P., Otto T, Lulu C, Francis T, Tillie C. Learned rudiments of trade of carpenter and builder in Germany, and followed it as journeyman until engaged as general contractor and build er in St. Louis, 1875-82; president and general manager Great Western Planing Mill Co., 1882-87; moved to California for two years; returned, and in 1890 was one of incorpo rators, and secretary and treasurer until 1898, of the Orescent Planing Mill Co. Conducted a sash and door factory in his own name, and in 1901 incorporated the business as Thomsen Planing Mill Co, of which is president. Ma- Son, Odd Fellow. Recreation: traveling. Of fiee: 1700 S. Vandeventer Ave. Residence: 4169 Flora Ave. THOMSON, John Edwin, banker; born, St. Louis, 1851; son of Almon and Emma (Lewis) Thomson; educated in public schools of Bos ton and St. Louis, graduating from St. Louis High School; married, Muskogee, Indian Ter ritory, Oct. 2, 1876, Frances H, daughter of Rev. S. W. Marston, D.D. Began business life as cashier in St. Nicholas Hotel, St. Louis; later with Valley National Bank, St. Louis; with the Bank of Commerce, St. Louis, until 1896; cashier Citizens National Bank,i St. Louis, 1896-98; now engaged in professional banking. Member Civic League. Unitarian. Clubs: St. Louis, Mercantile, Bellerive, Harbor Point Yacht, St. Louis Field. Office: 503 La clede Bldg. Residence: Buckingham Club Hotel. THOMSON, William Holmes, viee president Boatmen's Bank; born in Frederick Co., Md, Apr. 16, 1837; son of William James and Mar garetta Ann (Davis) Thomson; attended com mon school in Frederick Co. in early boyhood, and, 1852-55, boarding schools at Strausburg and Mount Joy, Pa.; married, St. Louis, July 16, 1862, Margaret Lewis Foote Larkin; one daughter, Maggie Larkin (deceased) ; mar ried, 2d, St. Louis, Jan. 23, 1872, Annie Lou Hargadine; children: Julia Hargadine (Mrs. C. C. Collins), Annie Lou, Mary McCreery, William Hargadine, Susan Larkin (wife of Capt. A. B. Coxe, U. S. Army), Virginia Mc- Cullough (Mrs. George W. Tracy), Georgia Betts (deceased), Holmes Lackland (wife of Dr. A. G. Fuller). On leaving school in 1855 entered civil engineering corps and continued for about a year, surveying Metropolitan R. R, from Washington City to "Point of Rocks," on B. & O. R. R.; then entered em ploy of Love, Martin & Co., western produce merchants, Baltimore, Md. On leaving there, after a year or so, came to St. Louis; entered employ of Boatmen's Bank, Apr. 16, 1857 (twentieth birthday) ; served as clerk, teller, etc, till Oct. 26, 1869, when was appointee! assistant cashier; on May 17, 1870, was ap pointed cashier, and on Jan. 10, 1911, was elected vice president. Member Business Men's League. President St. Luke's Hospital (one of its organizers). Democrat. Member Trinity Episcopal Church (one of its organ izers, ancl senior warden for many years). Clubs: St. Louis, Missouri Athletic, Noonday, Aero, Bankers', Million Population. Recrea tions: reading and outdoor diversions. Office: Boatmen's Bank. Residence: 3805 Lindell Boul. Summer Residence: Arcadia, Mo. THORPE, Burton Lee, dental surgeon; edu cated in public schools, Belmond, Iowa; began study of dentistry under private tutor, 1889, and continued until 1892; then entered West ern Dental College, Kansas City, Mo, gradu ated with degree D.D.S, 1895; M.D, Barnes University, 1904; married, Gallatin, Mo, Dec. 4, 1895, Miss Berta Scott. Began practice of dentistry, St. Louis, 1899, and continued ever since; appointed member Missouri State Board Dental Examiners by Gov. A. M. Dock ery, 1900; reappointed, 1903, 5-year term, to 1908 (president, 1903); was dean of faculty, also professor operative dentistry and dental history, Barnes Dental College, 1903-05. Mem ber National Dental Association (president, 1909), Missouri State Dental Association (president, 1901), St. Louis Dental Society, St. Louis Society of Dental Science (president, 1905), National Association Dental Examin ers (president, 1903); honorary member Vir ginia, Tennessee, Ohio," Iowa, Kansas, Colo rado an-d Southern Illinois Dental societies, and National Dental Association of France; corresponding member of The National Dental Society of Germany; member Delta Sigma Delta Fraternity (president St. Louis Auxil iary Chapter, 1904-05). Was originator Fourth International Dental Congress, St. Louis, 1904, and received commemorative diploma and gold medal, conferred for this service by The Universal Exposition Co.; organized Jamestown Dental Convention, Norfolk, Va, 1907, and was chairman committee on organi zation; assistant orgajiizer Fifth Interna tional Dental Congress, Berlin, Germany, 1909; then elected delegate to organize Sixth .International Dental Congress, London, Eng, 1914; elected assistant secretary International Dental Federation and reelected for five years, 1909. Associate editor The Dental Brief since 1904; devoted to dental history, and chairman, several occasions, of committee on history for different dental societies. Author: Biographical History of Pioneer American Dentists and Their Successors (800 pages), 1909; History of the Missouri State Dental Association (150 pages), 1909. Recreations: golf and automobiling. Offiee: 3605 Lindell Boul. Residence: "Four Acres," St. Louis Countv. 598 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS TIEMANN, Fritz; born in Augusta, St. Charles Co, Mo, Mar. 10, 1853; son of Charles F. and Susanna (Mueller) Tiemann; educated in public schools of ^Augusta; married, St. Louis, October, 1880, Frances Helmkampf; children: Frances, Fred, Otto, Alma, Walter. Came to St. Louis, 1894, and established F. Tiemann Stove and Hardware Co., of which is proprietor. Member Royal Arcanum, Inde pendent Order Odd Fellows. Club: Lieder kranz. Office: 210-214 Walnut St. Residence: 3029 Shenandoah Ave. TIEMEYER, John Henry, carpet merchant; 1848-1910; see Vol. 1906. TIESLER, Theodore R, president St. Louis Wire and Iron Co.; born, Schlesien, Germany, June 13, 1855; son of Gottlieb Tiesler; edu cated in public schools in Germany; married, St. Louis Co, Mo, Feb. 28, 1889, Matilda Greb; children: Bertha, Ida, Delia, Flora, Theodore R, Jr. Came to St. Louis, 1872; es tablished St. Louis Wire and Iron Co., 1885, incorporated, 1903, and has since been presi dent. Republican. Lutheran. Member A. F. & A. M. Office: 516-522 Chouteau Ave. Resi dence: 8918 Nebraska Ave. TIFFANY, Dexter, lawyer; born, St. Louis, Aug. 28, 1846; son of Dexter and Hannah (Kerr) Tiffany; A.B, Harvard University, 1868; married, 1870, Annie H. Shepley, of Portland, Me.; children: Dexter, Jr., George S. Admitted to Missouri bar, 1871, and since in practice in St. Louis; formerly member of firm of Funkelnburg & Rassieur, and later of Rassieur & Tiffany until 1894, since alone. President Tiffany Real Estate Co. Was asso ciated with late Judge J. Klein in the man agement of the Knox Estate. Member St. Louis Bar Association. Episcopalian. Mem ber Delta Kappa Epsilon. Clubs: St. Louis Country, Racquet. Recreation: golf. Office: 200 Market St. Residence: 72 Vandeventer Place. TIFFANY, George Shepley, cotton buyer; born, St. Louis, Dec. 22, 1877; son of Dexter and Annie (Shepley) Tiffany; educated at Harvard Academy, St. Louis, 1889-90; Smith Academy, 1890-91; St. Paul's School, Concord, N. H, 1891-95; A.B, Harvard University, 1899; married at 3535 Lucas Ave, 1905, Marie Therese Scanlan; children: Mary Christy, George Shepley, Jr., Phillip F, Nicholas Jar- rot. Engaged in business in St. Louis as cot ton buyer since 1901. Member Business Men's League, Civic League. Episcopalian. Clubs: Noonday, St. Louis Country, City, Racquet. Office: 200 Market St. Residence: 14 Lenox Place. TILLES, Cap. A, capitalist; born in St. Louis, Nov. 27, 1865; son of Louis and Rosalie (Peck) Tilles; educated in public schools of Fort Smith, Ark, and University of Arkan sas. In wholesale cigar and tobacco business at Fort Smith, 1883-87, and in same line of business in St. Louis under title of Missouri Cigar & Tobacco Co. until 1896; was iden tified with bond and stock brokerage business for several years; now engaged in looking after own investments and real estate prop erties. President St. Louis Fair Association, 1896-1905. Traveled abroad, 1906-09. Repub lican. Member Business Men's League, Trav elers' Protective Association, Y. M. C. A. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Automobile, Sunset Hill Country, Canteen Hunting and Fishing. Office: 525, 705 Olive St. Residence: St. Louis County, Mo. TILTON, Edgar Disbury, secretary Stan ard-Tilton Milling Co.; born, Tiltonville, Jef ferson Co., O, July 14, 1852; son of Noah and Eliza Ann (Robinson) Tilton; educated in public school, Tiltonville, and public night school in the old Polytechnic Bldg. at 7th and Chestnut Sts, St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Feb. 14, 1884, Cora V. Stanard; children: Owen Stanard, Esther Cornelia, Edgar, Jr., Webster. In 1864 until close of the Civil War was messenger for the Military Telegraph Co.; later with the Western Union Telegraph Co.; with wholesale shoe firm of Maclay & Vimont, 1870-74; bill clerk, 1874, and later manager, until 1888, for O. J. Lewis & Co.; in 1888 be came secretary of the E. O. Stanard Milling Co., flour manufacturers (incorporated 1886), succeeded by the Stanard-Tilton Milling Co, of which is also secretary. Member Business Men 's League, Civic League. Republican. Member Lindell Avenue M. E. Church (trustee and president of the official board). Trustee Evangelical Deaconess Home. Clubs: Mercan tile, St. Louis, Glen Echo, St. Louis Country, Noonday, Racquet, Bellerive. Office: Pierce Bldg. Residence: 4511 Pine St. TIMMERMAN, Arthur Henry, chief engi neer of Wagner Electric Manufacturing Co.; born, New York City, May 1, 1871; son of John Henry and Celia (Lussen) Timmerman; educated in public schools of New York City; B.S, College of City of New York, 1891; M.E. in electrical engineering, Cornell University, 1892, M.M.E, 1893; married, Ithaca, N. Y, 1894, to Mary E. Pearson; one son, Arthur Pearson. Instructor in physics, Washington University, 1893-94, professor of physics ancl electrical engineering in School of Mines and Metallurgy, University of Missouri, Rolla, Mo, 1894-99; engineer in employ of Wagner Electric Manufacturing Co, 1899-1900; assist ant superintendent, 1900-02, superintendent and electrical engineer, August, 1902, to Jan uary, 1908; since then chief engineer same company. Member St. Louis League of Elec tric Interests, American Institute of Elec trical Engineers', Academy of Science of St. Louis, Engineers' Club and Cornell Club, St. Louis, National Geographic Society, Phi Gam ma Delta Fraternity, and Sigma XL Office: The book of st. louisans 599 6400 Plymouth Ave. Residence: 5364 Vernon Avenue. TIMMERMAN, Gerhard Henry, president St. Louis Iron and Machine Works; 1824- 1910; see Vol. 1906. TIMMERMAN, John Henry, president and treasurer St. Louis Iron and Machine Works; bora, St. Louis, Nov. 1, 1849; son of Gerhard Henry and Mary C. (Hackman) Timmerman; educated in parochial schools, Christian Brothers College, and Bryant & Stratton Busi ness College; married, St. Louis, 1873, Mary M. Kugler; children: Mamie (Mrs. Louis Retter), Ida (Mrs. Gratz B. Self), Frederick C. Began to ieam trade of patternmaker in shops of St. Louis Iron and Machine Works, forty years ago, and has continued with com pany ever since; elected secretary and treas urer of the company, 1891, president, 1910. Democrat. Catholic. Recreation: traveling. Office: 126 Chouteau Ave. Residence: 3803 Castleman Ave. *TINKER, Zachariah Wainwright, brewer; moved to New Orleans; see Vol. 1906. TIRMENSTEIN, Martin Samuel, business manager; 1858-1907; see Vol. 1906. TIRRILL, Jacob P, vice president Graham Paper Co.; born, Alton, 111, Oct. 22, 1864; son of Henry and Louisa (Kleinfelter) Tirrill; educated in grammar and high schools; mar ried, St. Louis, 1907, Frances Allison. En tered employ of Graham Paper Co., 1882; served as salesman and secretary, and is now vice president of the company. Republican. Member Sons of the Revolution. Clubs: Mer cantile, Noonday, Bellerive. Offiee: 1018 Spruce St. Residence: 5291 Washington Ave. TITTMANN, Eugene C, lawyer; 1852-1908; see Vol. 1906. TITTMANN, Harold H, manufacturer of forest products; born, Belleville, 111, 1854; son of Edward and Rosa (Hilgard) Tittmann; educated by private instruction; married, St. Louis, Oct. 26, 1886, Emma Roe Copelin; chil dren: Harold Hilgard, Winifred. Employed in U. S. consular service, 1873-74, attached to U. S. Consulate at Lyons, France, 1873, by ap pointment of President U. S. Grant; promoted to U. S. Consulate General at Rome, Italy, 1874, by Hamilton Fish, Secretary of State. Since 1884 engaged as a manufacturer of forest products, and now president of the St. Louis Stave and Lumber Co. (plant at Fay- etteville, Ark.) Member Archreological Insti tute of America, Legion of Honor. Vice presi dent Board of Education; member Civic League, St. Louis. Protestant. Clubs: Coun try, University. Office: Roe Bldg. Residence: 5024 Westminster PL TOBERMAN, Walter H, grain and hay commission; bora, Fillmore, 111, Apr. 19, 1879; son of Isaiah and Mary (Harris) Toberman; educated in district school and Fillmore High School, graduating from latter, 1899; mar ried, Fillmore, Sept. 16, 1903, Estelle Short; one son, Walter I. Began active career in grain business at Coffeen, 111, and continued 1901-03; was connected with V. C. Tiee & Co., 1903-05; member firm of Tice, Toberman & Mackey, 1905-07; president and senior mem ber Toberman Mackey Co. since 1907; also co partner in firm of Toberman Bros, Coffeen, 111. Member St. Louis Merchants' Exchange. Member St. Louis Grain Club. Democrat. Baptist. Member Knights of Pythias, Modern Woodmen of America. Recreation: baseball. Offiee: 1136 Pierce Bldg. Residence: 3603 Humphrey Ave. TOBIN, Thomas J, general auditor Wabash Railroad Co.; born, St. Louis, May 17, 1859; son of Richard and Mary (Cantwell) Tobin; educated in St. Louis University; married, St. Louis, Sept. 12, 188.1, Mary C. Cluney; chil dren: Paul S, Fred J. (deceased), John C, Edward L, Frank, Thomas, Jr. Has spent practically whole business life with Wabash R. R, beginning as clerk in auditor's offiee, then chief clerk, then assistant auditor and auditor, and now general auditor Wabash Railroad Co. Secretary-treasurer East St. Louis Relay Passenger Station Association; treasurer Parnell Saving and Building Asso ciation, 1905-10. Member American Associa tion of Railway Accounting Officers (member of standing committee on corporate, fiscal and general accounts) Was member Board of Aldermen of City of Ferguson, Mo. Favorite recreation: baseball. Office: Title Guarantee Bldg. Residence: 4202 W. Pine Boul. TODD, D. Clay, physician; bora, St. Louis, April 26, 1875; son of Dr. James A. and Lib- bie M. (McClay) Todd; educated in Evans (Colo.) public schools; Presbyterian Academy of Payson, Utah; B.S., Geneva College, Beaver Falls, Pa, 1898; M.D, Marion-Sims- Beaumont Medical College, St. Louis, 1902; A.M., St. Louis University, 1908; married, Meadville, Pa, 1904, Belle 'Mac-Fate. Assist ant physician and surgeon, St. Mary's Infirm ary, 1902-03; now professor anatomy, Amer ican Medical College; consulting gynecologist, American Hospital. Office: 4503 Page Boul. Residence: 4523 Page Boul. *TODD, Henry Rhine; moved to Birming ham, Ala.; see Vol. 1906. TODEBUSH, Charles Wilmont, vice presi dent Cornelius Mill Furnishing Co.; born, St. Louis, Jan. 9, 1860; son of John and Frances (Chapman) Todebush; educated in public schools; married, at St. Louis, Jan. 18, 1881, Frances M. Hamschmidt; one son, Charles D. Began as boiler-maker's helper with John Rohan & Sons; after learning the trade, en tered employ of Todd & Stanley, and con tinued for twenty years, advancing to posi tion of foreman of corrugating department; resigned to become superintendent of the Cor- 600 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS nelius Mill Furnishing Co., of which has viee president since 1900. Republican. Presbyte rian. Member Royal Arcanum. Recreation: traveling. Office: lllfl JST. 6th St. Residence: 5245 Maple Ave. TOLSON, Russell I, lawyer; born, Fayette, Mo, Dec. 21, 1881; son of John Downing and Katherine (Crigler) Tolson; educated in pub lic schools of Fayette; A.B, Central College, Fayette, 1902; LL.B, Washington University, 1904; married, St. Louis, June 18, 1910, Eu genia Chick Lemen; one daughter, Eugenia Chick. Admitted to Missouri bar, 1904; prac ticed at Fayette, 1904-09, since at St. Louis. Democrat. Baptist. Member St. Louis Bar Association. Organized chapter of Sigma Nu Fraternity at Washington University, 1903. Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner; Odd Fellow. Recreations: reading, music and ath letics. Office: 1654 Pierce Bldg. Residence: ,1013 Clarendon Ave. TOMKINS, Logan, bank cashier; 1839- 1910; see Vol. 1906. TONNIES, August G, president Colorprint Label Co.; born, Welsede, Province of Han over, Germany, Jan. 13, 1844; son of Forester Christian and Susanna (Hoenkohl) Tonnies; educated in public schools of Amelgatzen, Duingen, Aschendorf, and Rothenfelde, and high school at Dissen, Germany; married, St. Louis, April 11, 1867, Henriette Louise Pet ers; children; Fred. L, George F. (deceased), August H, Susanna W, Henriette E. C, Louis G. (deceased), Alfred K, Harry A. Came to St. Louis from Germany in 1858; em ployed in a book store, 1859-1875; in same line of business for self, 1875-90; manager , Eden Publishing House, 1890-1910; since president Colorprint Label Co. Served in En rolled Missouri Militia, 1862-64. Republican. Member German Evangelical Church, Evan gelical Deaconess Society. Recreation: phil ately (stamp collecting). Offiee: 617-623 N. Main St. Residence: 2602 N. 14th St. TONTRUP, George Henry, general man ager American Car Co.; born, St. Louis, Oct. 25, 1876; son of Louis Henry and Georgie (Corwin) Tontrup; educated in public schools of St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Nov. 6, 1901, Clara Belle Rowe. Began business career, after leaving school, as clerk with American Car Co., 1891, and has held all office positions from the bottom to the present one as general manager; also vice president and general manager Danville Car Co.; partner in firm of Harkins & Tontrup, fire insurance. Member Business Men's League, Citizens' Industrial Association, American Electric Railway Man ufacturers' Association, American Automobile Association. Baptist. Mason (Scottish Rite), Knight Templar, Shriner. Clubs: St. Louis, Glen Echo, St. Louis Automobile, St. Louis Railway, Sunset Hill Country, King's Lake Hunting and Fishing, and Manufacturers' Club of Philadelphia. Office: 1518 S. Vande venter Ave. Residence: 4200 Washington Boulevard. TONTRUP, Louis Henry, real estate; born, St. Louis, June 29, 1842; son of Jobst H. and Sophia (Bramseh) Tontrup; educated in pri vate and public schools, and St. Louis High School; graduated from Bryant & Stratton Business College; married, St. Louis, June 18, 1867, Georgie Corwin; children: Ella May, Alice Eva, George Henry. Began as clerk in grocery store; later collector for produce firm; with J. Weil & Bro, wholesale dry goods, 1861-83; began real estate and financial agency business on own account, March, 1884; since 1886 member firm of Papin & Tontrup, successors of S. V. Papin & Bro.; treasurer American Car Co., 1891-1902; president Mound City Real Estate and Investment Co.; secre tary and treasurer Hutchinson Realty Co., Glades Realty and Investment Co. Repub lican; member St. Louis City National Guard during Civil War. Protestant. Member Mer chants ' Exchange, St. Louis Real Estate Ex change. Favorite recreations: hunting and fishing. Offiee: 626 Chestnut St. Residence: Hamilton Hotel. TORRENCE, Frederick A, president Jones Business College; born, Gallipolis, O, Sept. 12, 1869; son of Benjamin Franklin and Isa bel Charlotte (Thomasson) Torrence; educated in public schools, Gallipolis, to 1879; high school, Ashland, Ky, until 1885; Richeson's (private) Academy, Ashland, Ky, 1885-86; entered Jones Commercial College, St. Louis, 1887, graduated as Master of Accounts, 1888; married, St. Louis, Dec. 30, 1891, Frances M. Prevot; two children: Charl Joseph, Louis Joseph Prevot. Began teaching at Jones Com mercial College immediately after graduation, 1888; dean of faculty, 1896, vice president, 1906, president since 1909. Has practiced pub- lie accounting twenty-four years, now consult ing accountant. Member National Teachers', Owners' and Managers' Association, Educa tional Society. Independent in politics. Catho lic. Recreations: horseback riding and base ball. Office: 625 Locust St. Residence: 3506 Magnolia Ave. TORWEGGE, Henry John, retired; born in Hanover, Germany, Nov. 15, 1844; son of Henry J. and Catherine (Tepe) Torwegge; educated in public schools in Germany and came from there to St. Louis in 1859; mar ried, St. Louis, 1887, Emma Ruwart. Learned trade of hat making with brother, F. W. Tor wegge, and was associated with him until his death in 1890, when succeeded to an interest in Raymond & Torwegge Hat Manufacturing Co., continuing until April, 1909, when retired. Lutheran. Residence: '3950 Sullivan Ave. *TOTTEN, William J.; moved to Chicago, 111.; see Vol. 1906. THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 601 TOWLER, John R, general manager of Scruggs-Vandervoort-Barney Dry Goods Co.; bom, Brecksville, O, Mar. 1, 1866; son of Rev. Thomas and Mercy (Adams) Towler; educated in high schools, and Olivet College, Michigan; married, June 20, 1907, Mrs. Annie McLean Moores, of Mt. Pleasant, Ky. Began business career as clerk in general store in Michigan, 1883, and in 1887 became traveling salesman for Wilson, Larrabee & Co., Boston, remaining until 1890; traveling salesman with W. G. Hitchcock, of New York, 1890-92, with James McCreery & Co, New York, 1892-1901, visiting St. Louis and the Southwest; with Cheney Bros, silk manufacturers, 1901-05; be came member and secretary of Scruggs-Van dervoort-Barney Dry Goods Co., 1905, and in December, 1907, became general manager of the company. Clubs: Racquet (St. Louis), New York Athletic (New York). Office: Olive, 10th and Locust Sts. Residence: Buckingham Hotel. TOWNSEND, Henry C, passenger and ticket agent, Missouri Pacific Railway Co.; 1847-1909; see Vol. 1906. TRACY, Daniel O'Connell, lawyer; born, Liverpool, England, Mar. 10, 1844; son of James M. (native of Ireland) and Esther (Hamilton) Tracy; came to United States when eight years of age; educated in Benton (public) School, St. Louis, and public schools of New Orleans, La, and part of post-gradu ate course at St. Louis University; married, St. Louis, Aug. 5, 1869, Caroline R. Kernan; children: Esther (now Mrs. H. D. Risdon), Joseph F. and Daniel J. Admitted to bar at St. Louis, May 19, 1877; city attorney of St. Louis, 1877-83; city register, 1885-89; appoint ed, June 16, 1902, judge Second District Police Court, to serve unexpired term of Judge Wiz- lezness, resigned; judge First District Police Court, February, 1903-1911, resumed practice of law. Served ~ in militia in states of Cali fornia and Missouri for ten years. Member St. Louis Law Library Association. Demo crat. Catholic. Member Knights of Father Mathew, Knights of Columbus. Favorite rec reation: baseball. Office: 524 Granite Bldg. Residence: 4413 Delmar Ave. TRAUNMILLER, Frank Joseph, manager Excelsior Brewery; 1859-1908; see Vol. 1906. TRAUTMANN, Theodore J, physician; see Vol. 1906. TRAVERS, N. Lee, real estate; deceased; see Vol. 1906. TRA VILLA, James C, street commissioner City of St. Louis; born, Philadelphia, July 11, 1865; son of Henry C. and Mary (Coxey) Travilla; educated in public schools, Philadel phia, and State Normal School; then entered University of Pennsylvania, graduating as civil engineer, 1886; married, St. Louis, Mar. 30, 1892; three children: Helen, Dorothy, James C, Jr. With engineering department Missouri Pacific Railroad Co. until 1890; engi neer with board of public improvements City of St. Louis, 1890-94; with George Barnett as firm of Travilla & Barnett, civil engineers, 1894-96; returned to city service as superin tendent street department, 1896, continuing to 1897; then appointed by Mayor Rolla Wells as street commissioner. Member Civic League. Methodist. Member Pennsylvania Society. Mason. Office: City Hall. Residence: 1395 Union Ave. TRAVOUS, Charles Norton, lawyer; 1857- 1907; see Vol. 1906. TREAT, Edwin Miles, president American Credit Indemnity Co.; born, Mobile, Ala, Aug. 10, 1867; son of Edwin M. and Kathar ine H. (Bull) Treat; educated at Barton Academy, Mobile (high school) ; married, St. Louis, Oct. 25, 1895, Clara B. Foster; chil dren: Edwin M, Jr., Katharine V. N, Fran ces, Foster. Was chief clerk traffic depart ment of Mobile & Ohio R. R, at Mobile, and later at St. Louis; became secretary arid di rector of the American Credit Indemnity Co. upon its incorporation in April, 1893, vice president, 1907, president, 1909, same com pany. Democrat. Presbyterian. Club: Mer cantile. Office: 7th floor, 415 Locust St. Resi dence: 5949 Woodland PL TREICHLINGER, David, merchandise brok er; born, Strakonitz, Bohemia, Dec. 18, 1852; son of Herman and Anna (Bloch) Treich- linger; graduated from Gymnasium, Pisek, Bohemia; married, Hudson, Mich, Jan. 14, 1880, Bertha Frensdorf; one daughter, Flor ence (Mrs. Isadore Salinger). Came to St. Louis and was member of firm of Jacob Furth & Co., 1869-85; then in business alone until 1891, when admitted Meyer L. Stern, the firm continuing as Treichlinger & Stern. Member Civie League. Member Temple Israel (Jew ish). President Jewish Educational Alliance. Mason. Clubs: Columbian, Westwood Coun try. Office: 813-815 Spruce St. Residence: 4531 Maryland Ave. TRELEASE, William, botanist; born, Mt. Vernon, N. Y, Feb. 22, 1857; son of Samuel R. and Mary (Gandall) Trelease; B.S, Cor nell, 1880; Sc.D, Harvard, 1884; (LL.D, Uni versity of Missouri, 1903, Washington Univer sity, 1907) ; married, Julia M. Johnson, of Madison, Wis, July 19, 1882. Was in charge of Summer School of Botany, Harvard, 1883- 84; lecturer on botany, Johns Hopkins, 1884; instructor botany, 1881-83; professor botany, 1883-85, University of Wisconsin; Engelmann professor botany, Washington University, 1885-1912; director Missouri Botanical Gar den, 1889-1912; member board of commission ers, Tower Grove Park, 1889-1912. Secretary Wisconsin Horticultural Society, 18S2-85, Cambridge Entomological Club, 1883 (pres., 1889); chairman organization committee Bo- 602 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS tanical Society of Ameriea, 1893, president, 1894-95, and secretary same during reorgan ization, 1906; viee president Society American Florists, 1893; directeur (president) Academie Internationale de Geographie Botanique, 1896; secretary Academy of Science, St. Louis, 1896- 1903 (president, 1909-11); vice president (chairman in botany) American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1900; presi dent American Society of Naturalists, 1903, Botanists of. Central States, 1906; honorary president Engelmann Botanical Club since its organization. Honorary commissioner from Missouri at Buffalo and Charleston exposi tions; chairman plant morphology (also medal ist), World's Fair Congresses, St. Louis, 1904; honorary representative U. S. Department of Agriculture in West Indies, 1907; etc. At various times associate editor Psyche, Ameri can Naturalist and Botanical Gazette; chair man American board of editors, and special editor in systematic botany, Botanisches Cen- tralblatt; councillor American Association for the Advancement of Science, Botanical So ciety of America, and American Philosophical Society; chairman committee on botany, Na tional Academy of Sciences; member advisory committee City Plan and Municipal City Plan Commission, St. Louis, etc. Member various scientific organizations herein named, also So ciety for Promotion of Agricultural Science, American Forestry Association, St. Louis Hor ticultural Society, etc. Editor: Botanical Works of George Engelmann (with Asa Gray) ; Reports Missouri Botanical Garden, I to XXII; Transactions Academy Science, St. Louis, and Reports of Wisconsin Horticultural Society; Proceedings American Philosophical Society; Proceedings and Memoirs Boston So ciety of Natural History; contributions to va rious entomological and botanical journals, etc. Translator of Poulsen's Botanical Micro- Chemistry, Salomonsen 's Bacteriological Tech nology. In research work in Europe, 1912. Address: Missouri Botanical Gardens. TREMBLY, Charles Z, real estate; born, Murphysboro, 111, Jan. 25, 1868; son of Jo seph and Oetavia (Lucier) Trembly; educated in public schools of Murphysboro; married, St. Louis, Nov. 25, 1895, Ida J. Park; one daughter, Ida J. Came to St. Louis from Mur physboro, January, 1890; read law and studied bookkeeping. Began as bookkeeper and cash ier, September, 1893, with Keeley & Co., real estate, and in 1894 became salesman for same firm; upon incorporation, 1898, was elected vice president, and in 1904 president, of The Keeley Real Estate Co. President Trembly- Miller Real Estate Co. Member Royal Arca num. Recreations: hunting and fishing. Of fice: 105 N. 9th St. Residence: 5571 Bartmer Avenue. TREPP, Martin Frank, real estate; born, St. Louis, June 27, 1881; son of Isaac and Mathilda (Frank) Trepp; educated in St. Louis, graduating from Pope School, 1896, Central High Schobl, 1900, and Ralph Sellew Institute, 1905; married, St. Louis, July 25, 1911, Freda Levis, of Freudenthal, Germany. Began business career, 1900, with A. G. Ed wards & Sons, bonds and stocks, and continued two years; in newspaper work as reporter, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 1902-04; entered real estate business as rent collector with a local firm, November, 1904, advancing to position of salesman; associated with C. Homer Mason as the Mason-Trepp Co., general real estate, loans and rent collections, since May 1, 1907. Republican. Member B 'nai B 'rith. Recrea tions: tennis, baseball. Office: 814 Chestnut St. Residence: 3933 W. Pine Boul. TRIGG, Alfred, dentist; born, St. Louis, May 31, 1874; son of Alfred and Catherine (Bagnell) Trigg; educated in public schools; entered employ of Mermod & Jaccard Jewelry Co. at fourteen; later became connected with H. W. Kiess, mechanical dentistry, ancl con tinued for twelve years; received instruction in dentistry under Dr. A. H. Fuller, and Drs. Eames, Bowman and Morrison; D.D.S, Dental Department of Washington University, 1904; married, St. Louis, 1895, Annie E. Brune; one son, Clifford Alfred. In practice since 1904. Member St. Louis Dental Society. Recrea tion: outdoor sports. Office: 718, 508 N. Grand Ave. Residence: 2910 Bailey Ave. TROLL, Harry, lawyer; born, St. Louis, May 3, 1881; son of Henry and Francisca (Ruegg) Troll; educated in local colleges and Law Department of Washington University, graduating with degree of LL.B, 1901; mar ried, St. Louis, Mar. 15, 1910, Lily Schubert; one child, Charles Ferdinand. Admitted to Missouri bar, 1901, and since practiced in St. Louis; elected public administrator, 1904, and reelected, 1908, for term ending 1912. Mem ber St. Louis, Missouri State and American Bar associations. Republican. Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner. Clubs: Glen Echo, Union, Missouri Athletic, Oasis. Recreation: flower gardening. Office: Security Bldg. Resi dence: 3635 Shaw Ave. TRUEBLOOD, Alva Cooper, lawyer; born, St. Louis, Sept. 12, 1881; son of Elisha T. and Mary C. (Cooper) Trueblood; educated in public schools of St. Louis; St. Louis High School, graduating, January, 1901; matricu lated at Washington University, graduating with degrees of A.B, 1904, and LL.B, 1907; unmarried. Admitted to Missouri bar, March, 1906, and has since practiced at St. Louis. Member St. Louis Bar Association. Baptist. Club: City. Recreation: canoeing. Office: 303 Chemical Bldg. Residence: 5705 Vernon Ave. TRUEBLOOD, Wilson David, cotton goods commission; born, Salem, Ind, July 9, 1871; son of Abram and Abigail (Wilson) True- blood; educated at Blue River Academy, near THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 603 Salem, Danville (Ind.) High School (graduat ing 1890), and Lake Forest (111.) University; married, Hillsboro, Tex, 1898, Grace S. Slater; four sons: Wilson D, Jr., Edward Gatewood, Lorman Chancellor and Howard Jerome. Began business career with Marshall Field & Co, wholesale, Chicago, 1890-93; with T. E. Wells & Co., Chicago, proprietors of the International Packing Co., 1893-98; went south and engaged in the cotton goods busi ness; came to St. Louis in 1903, representing southern ' cotton mills, and has established business connections in practically every part of the United States. Republican. Presby terian. Club: City. Office: 1118 Chemical Bldg. Residence: Kirkwood, Mo. *TRULOCK, Guy Percy, broker; moved to New York; see Vol. 1906. TRUMBO, George M, banking; bora, Lin- neus, Mo, Feb. 28, 1881; son of Charles W. ancl Mary (Carter) Trumbo; educated in pub- lie schools of Linneus; Gem City Business Col lege, Quincy, 111, graduating, 1898; unmar ried. In employ of Farmers & Merchants Bank, Linneus, July 1898- June, 1899; cashier Sumner Exchange Bank, Sumner, Mo, 1899- 1900; became connected with American Ex change Bank, St. Louis, as clerk, 1900, and advanced to position of assistant cashier in February, 1905; after consolidation of Ameri can Exchange Bank with the Mechanics Na tional Bank, May, 1905, forming Mechanics- American National Bank, was made assistant cashier same, an office he now holds. Demo crat. Recreations: baseball, bowling. Office: Mechanics- American National. Bank. Resi dence: 4476 Washington Ave. TUHOLSKE, Herman, surgeon; born, Me- seritz, Prussia, Mar. 27, 1848; son of Newman and Johanna (Arnfleld) Tuholske; educated in public school and gymnasium, Meseritz, Berlin, Vienna and London Medical univer sities; M.D, Missouri Medical College, 1870; married, St. Louis, 1874, Sophie Epstein; children: Rose (wife of Dr'. Ernst Jonas), Lister. Engaged in practice in St. Louis since 1870, specializing in surgery; was for a time surgeon to First Regiment, National Guard of Missouri. Is now surgeon-in-ehief, Jewish Hospital. Member American Medical Asso ciation, St. Louis Medical Society (ex-presi dent), St. Louis Surgical Society, Southern Surgical and Gynecological Association, West ern Surgical Association, der Deutscher Chi- rurgischen Gesellschaft; honorary member Southeast Missouri Medical Society, Inter national Gynecological Association. Emeritus professor of surgery, Medical Department of Washington University. Club: St. Louis. Office: 453 N. Taylor Ave. Residence: 4495 Westminster PL TULLY, Kivas Keeldar, architect and civil engineer; born, Toronto, Canada, Feb. 10, 1852; soil of John Aspinwall and Anne Helena (Watson) Tullv; student in Government Model School, Toronto; pupil of William H. Willcox and Charles C. Miller (Willcox & Miller), of Chicago; married, St. Louis, Apr. 24, 1889, Mary W. Kennedy; one son, James Kivas, born, 1892, now a student in Washing ton University. Member of firm of Tully &¦ Clark, architects, 1886-1912; built Central Y. M. C. A. Building, American, Central Insur ance Company's Bldg, St. Peter's Church, St. George's Church, 1895-1906; architect of Christ Church Cathedral, 1908-12; etc. Repub lican. Episcopalian. Fellow American Insti tute of Architects; corresponding member of Society Central of Architecture, Brussels, Bel gium, etc. Office: 906 Security Bldg. Resi dence: 5875 Cabanne Ave. TUNE, Lewis T, division superintendent The Bradstreet Co.; born, Shelbyville, Tenn, April, 1865; son of William T. and Christine Tune; educated in public schools of Tennes see and University of Tennessee; unmarried. Entered service of The Bradstreet Co., as re porter, at Nashville (Tenn.) office, 1882; su perintendent Houston (Tex.) office, December, 1885, Dallas (Tex.) office, April, 1890; super intendent state of Texas, 1891; division super intendent, since 1896, at St. Louis, covering all Southwest, including offices in Tennessee, Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Missouri and part of Illinois; also superintendent (direct) of St. Louis offiee. President Tune Bros, Terre Haute, Ind.; sec retary St. Louis, El Reno & Western R. R. Independent Republican. 32° Mason (Scot tish Rite), Knight Templar, Shriner. Member Merchants ' Exchange, Business Men 's League. Member state board of managers Sons of the Revolution. Clubs: St. Louis, Noonday, Glen Echo Country, Oasis. Recreations: travel and art. Office: 219 Security Bldg. Residence: St. Louis Club. TUPPER, Paul Yoer, physician; born, Washington, Ga, Mar. 1, 1858; son of Henry Allen and Nancy (Boyce) Tupper; educated in Norwood High School, Richmond, Va.; Richmond College; M.D, Medical Department of Central University, Louisville, Ky, 1880; married, St. Louis, Nov. 26, 1890, Marie Papin Moses; one son,. Gregory. Interne Louisville City Hospital ancl Forest Hill Lying-in Hos pital, Louisville, Ky, 1880-81; in practice in St. Louis since 1881. Professor of applied anatomy and operative surgery in Medical Department of Washington University; mem ber of staff of surgeons, Missouri Baptist Sanitarium and Bethesda Hospital. Member St. Louis Surgical Society, St. Louis Medical Society, Missouri State Medical Association, American Medical Association. Baptist. Mem ber Masonic orders. Clubs: Racquet, Bellerive Country, Log Cabin Hunting and Fishing. Recreation: European travel. Office: Linmar Bldg. Residence: 4629 Berlin Ave. 604 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS ?TURNER, Henry Smith; see Vol. 1906. TURNER, John E, lawyer; born on farm in Randolph Co, Mo.; son of Andrew Jackson and Marie E. (Draper) Turner; educated in country schools; military school, Salisbury, Mo, four years, 1891-95; graduated with de gree of LL.B, from Valparaiso University, Indiana, 1898; married, Virginia, 111, Mar. 15, 1899, Julia Katherine Carr; one child, Mar- garete Katherine. Taught school, 1890-91; as sistant cashier Citizens' Bank, Higbee, Mo, 1895-96; began practice of law at Macon, Mo, Aug. 1, 1898; removed to St. Louis, 1905, and since engaged in practice in this city. Chair man of Head Camp Modern Woodmen of America Sanitarium Commission, now oper ating largest and most completely equipped tuberculosis sanitarium in the world, at Colo rado Springs, Colo, which furnishes free treat ment to members, and is., supported by more than 1,250,000 members in the order; member Brotherhood American Yeomen, Fraternal Aid Association, West End Business Men's Asso ciation (president). Presbyterian. Recreation: reading. Office: 415 Merchants-Laclede Bldg, Residence: 1393 Goodfellow Ave. TURNER, Voluntine C, secretary and treas urer Scullin-Gallagher Iron and Steel Co.; born, St. Louis, Aug. 2, 1870; son of John W. and Blanche (Soulard) Turner; educated at Smith Academy; Graylock Institute; A.B, Williams College, 1894; married, St. Louis, Oct. 10, 1895, Beatrice Clark; children: Blanche Rose, Beatrice Chouteau, Mary Soulard. Since its organization, 1900, secretary and treasurer Scullin-Gallagher Iron and Steel Co. Roman Catholic. Clubs: St. Louis, Sunset Hill Coun try. Recreation: hunting. Office: Manchester Ave. and Kraft St. Residence: 5679 Cabanne Avenue. TURNER, Wilson P. H, real estate; born, Normandy, Mo, Oct. 28, 1862; son of Henry S. and Julia (Hunt) Turner; educated at Washington University; married, St. Louis, Jan. 17, 1887, Maud Valle; children: Henry, Isabel Anstes (Mrs. H. C. Carr), Wilson P. H, Jr. Since Jan. 1, 1890, president of the Tur ner Real Estate Co. Roman Catholic. Mem ber Business Men's League, Civic League, Missouri Historical Society. Clubs: St. Louis, City, St. Louis Country, Florissant Valley, Round Table, Racquet, Cuivre. Offiee: 406, 411 Olive St. Residence: Normandy, Mo. TUSTIN, Joseph S, freight claim agent; 1857-1912; see Vol. 1906. TUTTLE, Daniel Sylvester, P. E. bishop of Missouri; bora, Windham, Greene Co., N. Y, Jan. 26, 1837; son of Daniel B. and Abigail C. (Stimson) Tuttle; educated in public schools there, and at Delhi (N. Y.) Academy; gradu ated Columbia College, New York, 1857 (A.M., 1860, S.T.D, 1866); graduated General Theo logical Seminary, New York, 1862; married, Sept. 12, 1865, Harriet Minerva Foote, of Morris, N. Y.; four children: Dr. George M, Herbert E, Arthur L, Christine (Mrs. S. M. Ramsay). Ordered deacon, 1862; priest, 1863; rector Zion Church, Morris, N. Y, until 1867. Consecrated, 1867, missionary bishop of Mon tana, Utah and Idaho; transferred to the dio cese of Missouri, 1886. Presiding bishop since 1903. Recreations: golf and swimming during summer vacation. Address: 74 Vandeventer Place. TUTTLE, George Marvine, physician; born, Morris, Otsego Co, N. Y, Sept. 21, 1866; son of Daniel Sylvester (now bishop of Missouri) and Harriet Minerva (Foote) Tuttle; edu cated at St. Paul's School, Concord, N. H.; A.B, Columbia University, 1888; M.D, Med ical Department, Columbia University, 1891; Married, Salt Lake City, Sept. 26, 1899, Grace Dean Wallace; two sons: Daniel Sylvester, 2d, and Wallace. Served for two years as resi dent physician at St. Luke's Hospital, New York, then for six months resident physician in Nursery and Child's Hospital, New York; came to St. Louis, 1894. Professor clinical pediatrics, Medical Department of Washing- tqn University; president staff St. Louis Chil dren's Hospital. Member St. Louis Medical Society. Episcopalian. Recreation: golf dur ing vacations. Office and Residence: 4917 Maryland Ave. TYRRELL, Warren Ayres, civil engineer; born, Mexico, Mo, Feb. 16', 1875; son of George J. and Fannie (Shootman) Tyrrell; educated St. Louis public schools, graduating from high school, 1893; Washington Univer sity, B.S. in civil engineering, June, 1897; married, St. Louis, June 16, 1909, Flora B. Hess. Engaged in railroad engineering two years after graduation; employed about two years in St. Louis Water Department; after wards engaged in structural engineering for local iron companies and for various archi tects, during which time designed steel work for addition to Chemical Building, St. Louis; opened office, 1903, and has since engaged in general engineering practice. Consulting en gineer for Department of Concessions and Ad missions, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904. Associate member American Society of Civil Engineers. Club: St. Louis. Recreations: fish ing, golf and baseball. Office: Room 3, 620 Chestnut St. Residence: 322 N. Boyle St. TYZZER, Walter Granville, physician; bora, Wakefield, Mass., Aug. 8, 1863; son of George R. and Matilda J. (Edwards) Tyzzer; edu cated public schools; B.S, Will Mayfield Col lege, Marble Hill, Mo, 1899, M.D, Barnes Med ical College, St. Louis, 1903 ; married, Wakefield, Mass, Apr. 6, 1886, Emily Eunice Seaver; three children: Marion Roberts, Robert Neal, Margaret Seaver. Came to St. Louis, 1893; has been identified with the Mavfield Sani- THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS go; tarium since its inception, 1897, and is now general manager, house physician and sur geon, and also member board of trustees; as sociate professor obstetrics American Medical College; professor gynecology, Barnes Univer sity, and secretary of faculty, 1910-11; secre tary board of trustees Centenary Hospital, 1910-11. Member Tri-State Medical Society. Republican. Baptist; moderator of St. Louis Baptist Association since 1907; member board directors Central Y. M. C. A. Member Mt. Moriah Lodge No. 40, A. F. & A. M.; vice president St. Louis New England Society. Recreations: church work, athletic sports and music. Office: 920 N. Taylor Ave. Residence: 4488 West Belle PL u UDE, Octavius A, cashier of Wainwright Brewery; born, St. Louis, Oct. 10, 1882; son of George and Barbetta (Anschel) Ude; edu cated public and high schools and Jones Busi ness College; unmarried. Began active career in employ of C. F. Liebke Lumber Co, con tinuing for two years; then became connected with Wainwright Brewery as stenographer; cashier since 1907. Mason; member Oriental Chapter No. 78, R. A.; also member Compton Hill Council No. 555, Royal Arcanum (Past Regent), Polar Star Lodge No. 79, B. P. O. Elks. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Century Boat. Recreation: theatre. Office: 1015 Papin St. Residence: 3550 S. Grand Ave. UDELL, Clinton Edwin, cheese merchant; born, Jefferson, O, Oct. 6, 1848; son of Cor nelius and Lois (Langworthy) Udell; edu cated in high school of Jefferson and Grand River Institute, Austinburg, O.; married, Jef ferson, Sept. 25, 1872, Laura Hawley; one daughter, Elizabeth Lenore. In wholesale cheese business from 1872, and later joined firm established by S. R. Udell, title being S. R. Udell & Co. until 1882, when S. R. Udell retired and firm assumed present style of C. E. Udell & Co. Also vice president Provident Chemical Works, and director of American Credit' Indemnity Co. Member Merchants' Exchange, Missouri Historical Society. Re publican; was appointed by the Hon. Carl Sehurz, Secretary of the Interior, inspector of Indian supplies for the Southwest, 1877. Mem ber Second Baptist Church of St. Louis, and of Y. M. C. A. Clubs: Mercantile, Glen Echo Country, Hamilton. Recreation: golf. Office: 410-412 N. 2d St. Residence: 4009 Westmin ster PI. UDELL, Frank Lincoln, furniture manufac turer; born, St. Louis, July 13, 1868; son of Matthias R. and Anna (Pease) Udell; edu cated at St. James Military Academy, Macon, Mo, and at Washington University; married, St. Louis, Jan. 21, 1891, Minnie Lou Knott (now deceased); one daughter, Gladys K.; married, 2d, St. Louis, Sept. 28, 1899, Sonora N. Maize (now deceased); married, 3d, St. Louis, Apr. 18, 1911, Marie Donnell. Treas urer of the Udell-Predock Manufacturing Co. since 1899. Member Business Men's League, Legion of Honor, Royal Arcanum. Recrea tion: fishing and bowling. Office: 2305-2315 N. Broadway. Residence: 5332 Vernon Ave. UDELL, Matthias R, president of Udell- Predock Manufacturing Co.; born, Westerloo, Albany Co, N. Y, Oct. 2, 1843; son of Gardi ner and Minerva (Bennett) Udell; attended district school, Westerloo, until sixteen; mar ried, Springfield, Mass, Aug. 23, 1864, Anna M. Pease; children: Frank L, Edna (now Mrs. J. F. Michaels), Lillian I. (now Mrs. L. D. Fischer, of Joliet, 111.). Served in Union army in thirtieth unattached company of heavy artillery (of Springfield, Mass.), from August, 1864, to close of war. In May, 1867, came to St. Louis and established a branch of the business of his brother, C. G. Udell, who was a manufacturer of ladders and wooden ware at Chicago. In 1875 consolidated the business with that of Udell, Schmieding & Co., the latter retiring from business in 1882; in 1883 established firm of Udell & Crunden, and in 1891 incorporated the Udell Wooden ware Co., in which continued until 1899, when entered the Udell-Predock Manufacturing Co., of which has been president from its in corporation. Republican. Member Legion of Honor, Royal Arcanum, Woodmen of the World. Recreation: fishing. Office: 2305-2315 N. Broadway. Residence: 5323 Vernon Ave. UHL, Arthur, wholesale jeweler; born, St. Louis, Dec. 8, 1866; son of William and Mag- deline (Hoeltze) Uhl; educated in public schools of St. Louis; married, July 7, 1910, Catherine Weber. Began business career with St. Louis Agricultural and Mechanical Asso ciation as office boy; was secretary, eight years later, when took charge of wholesale and retail department William Prufrock, with whom remained fourteen years; joined, in 1901, in organization of Furstenwerth-Uhl Jewelry Co., of which is vice president. Of fice: 1009 Washington Ave. Residence: 4009 Hartford St. UHL, Oscar Ferdinand, wholesale jeweler; born, St. Louis, May 1, 1869; son of William and Magdeline (Hoeltze) Uhl; educated in public schools of St. Louis and Bryant & Stratton Business College; married, St. Louis, Oct. 5, 1890, Matilda Hain; children: Ida, Florence, Mildred. Began business career as errand boy with the Providence Jewelry Co., April, 1884; and in 1892 entered into business for self with C. R. Hettel Jewelry Co. as a member of the corporation; since 1901 presi dent and treasurer of Furstenwerth-Uhl Jew elry Co. Republican. Office: 1009-1011 Wash ington Ave. Residence: 3871 Connecticut St. 606 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS UHLENHAUT, William Andrew Frederick, president Uhlenhaut Bros. Wagon Co.; born, Casey ville, 111, Nov. 5, 1860; son of Henry Hermann and Elizatoeth (Swaine) Uhlenhaut; educated in Casey ville public schools to 1876; Herdicks (private) Technical Carriage Draft ing School, St. Louis, two terms, ending 1882; married at St. Louis, Nov. 29, 1893, Anna Werminghaus ; four children: Adele, "William, Corinne, Dorothy. Served apprenticeship in southern Illinois factories two years and fin ished in Kimball carriage works, St. Louis, 1878; worked as body builder about two years for Yeckel Carriage Co. Began business career, with H. H. Bothe, carriage builder, as foreman, St. Louis, 1881, and continued until 1889; then engaged in business as Uhlenhaut Bros, 1889, incorporated as Uhlenhaut Bros. Wagon Co., 1906, since president of company, manufacturers of wagons and automobiles. Patentee of milk cabinet used for delivery of bottled milk by wagon; designer and builder of one of the first fire apparatuses in use by salvage corps. President Carriage and Wagon Builders' Club; member Implement, Vehicle and Hardware Association, American Auto mobile Association, St. Vincent's German Or phan Society; honorary member of Harmoni Sangerbund. Clubs: St. Louis Automobile, Edrus Hunting and Fishing. Recreation: mo tor touring. Office: 1322-1324 Merchant St. Residence: 1130 Morrison Ave. UHRI, William Conrad, ice and coal; born, St. Louis, June 15, 1854; son of Andrew and Frederica (Lang) Uhri; educated in public schools; married, St. Louis, May 21, 1889, Emilie Rose; five children: Edward William, William Clarence, Ida Rose, Eugenia Mar guerite, Henry Andrew. Engaged as clerk with Long Bros, wholesale grocers, Kansas City, Mo, two and one-half years; returned to St. Louis and learned carpenter 's trade under father, also studied architecture; partner An drew Uhri & Son, contractors, 1880-92, when father retired; conducted business alone until 1892 when became president Colorado Sand & Gravel Co. of St. Louis, later absorbed by Union Sand & Gravel Co.; president Mer chants' Ice & Coal Co.; vice president German Savings Bank and director in a number of business organizations. Republican. Mason (32°), Shriner; treasurer Tuscan Temple As sociation. Member Legion of Honor. Clubs: Union, Oasis, Owls Bowling, Liederkranz. Of fice: 405, 314 N. 4th St. Residence: 2163 S. Grand Ave. ULRICH, Frederick, vice president Caron delet Milling Co.; bora, Badwilduning-Wal- deck, Germany, July 29, 1850; son of Daniel and Katherine (Hiekenmann) Ulrich; edu cated in Germany; came to America, 1868; married, St. Louis, Nov. 2, 1871, Elizabeth Khor. Began business career as grocery clerk, with Fred Beeek (founder of Beeckville), 1868, and continued until 1870; engaged in bakery and confectionery business for self, 1870-72; later removed to South St. Louis. Organized St. Louis Baking Co., 1899, and served as president until disposed of interest, 1904; president Banner Bottling Co.; director Southern Commercial Savings Bank; vice pres ident Carondelet Milling Co. since 1897. Mem ber German Singing Society (president), Al- tenheim Society, and Germania Turn Society (president). Republican. Evangelical. Mem ber Woodmen of the World. Club: Carondelet Gun. Recreations: hunting and music. Office: 7020 S. Broadway. Residence: 7720 Ivory Avenue. UNGLES, Frank A, insurance; born, Den ison, Tex, Mar. 31, 1881; son of Frank D. ancl Anna B. (Hall) Ungles; educated in public schools of Texas; married, Denison, Jan. 9, 1907, Daisey B. Gardner; one daughter, Eliza beth G. Began active career June, 1902, as stenographer Graham Dry Goods Co. (whole sale), Denison, continuing until March, 1903, when concern moved to Dallas, Tex.; then became bookkeeper Denison Bank & Trust Co. and was elected treasurer same October, 1905; while still holding this office was elected assistant secretary Southern Surety Co. (or ganized May, 1907); resigned treasurership -in bank and trust company, February, 1909, and moved to Muskogee, Okla, the Southern Sur ety Co. having established its general offices there; was elected vice president of the com pany, which moved to St. Louis, June, 1911, and still serving in that capacity. Secretary School Board, Denison, 1908-09. Republican. Club: Normandie Golf. Recreation: golf. Of fice: fourth floor, New Bank of Commerce Bldg. Residence: 6127 Berlin Ave. UPSHAW, Richard Webb, secretary-treas urer Napoleon Hill Cotton Co.; bora, Suffolk, Va, Aug. 28, 1860; son of Thomas E. and Mary Diana (Webb) Upshaw; educated in village school of Bolivar, Tenn, and Univer sity of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn, gradu ating June, 1879; married, St. Louis, July 10, 1895, Blanche Kendall; one son, Richard Webb, Jr. Began business career as clerk in house of Hill, Fontaine & Co, cotton factors, St. Louis, which was afterwards incorporated as Napoleon Hill Cotton Co., of which is sec retary and treasurer. Also director St. Louis Cotton Compress Co. Has served two terms as president of St. Louis Cotton Exchange. Democrat. Episcopalian. Office: 116 S. Main St. Residence: 5227 Westminster PL URBAUER, Hugo Frederick, contractor; born, Linz, Austria, Sept. 29, 1868; son of Frederick William and Lina (Atz) Urbauer; educated in public school, Linz, Austria, 1874-78; Institute Garnier, Homberg, Ger many, 1878-79; Realschule, Linz, Austria, THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 607 1879-83; Handels Academie, Linz, Austria, 1883-87, graduating, 1887; passed examina tion to enter Austrian Army as officer; took course in mechanical drawing, Washington University, St. Louis, 1890-91. Began busi ness career in wholesale commission house in Milwaukee; afterwards with H. Moores & Co.; heating contractors. Took charge of heating department of Front Rank Street Furnace Co, St. Louis, 1894-99; sold interest and es tablished Urbauer-Atwood Heating Co., of which is president. Member Engineers' Club of St. Louis, and of Architects' Club of St. Louis. Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shrin er. Clubs: Mercantile, Missouri Athletic, Ro tary, King's Lake Hunting and Fishing, Oasis Hunting and Fishing, Mozark Hunting and Fishing. Office: 106-108 S. 12th St. Resi dence: 210 N, Sarah St. USHER, Roland Greene, associate profes sor; born, Lynn, Mass., May 3, 1880; son of Edward Preston and Adela Louise (Payson) Usher; educated Grafton High School, 1893- 97; A.B, summa cum laude, Harvard Uni versity, 1901, A.M., summos honores in his- toria, 1902; studied Oxford, Paris, Cambridge University (England), 1902-04; married, St. Louis, June 9, 1910, Florence Wyman Richard son; one daughter, Florence Richardson. As sistant in history, Harvard University, 1904- 07; instructor in history, 1907-10, assistant professor, 1907-12, associate professor in charge of department of history, since July 1, 1912, Washington University. Republican. Episcopalian. Member American Historical Association, Mississippi Valley Historical As sociation, Missouri Society of Teachers of History and Government, Missouri Historical Society. Club: Public Question. Author: Presbyterian Movement in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, 1905; The Reconstruction of the English Church, two volumes, 1910. Also con tributor on current history to leading Amer ican and English magazines and reviews. Rec reation: music. Address: Washington Uni versity. Residence: 5737 Cates Ave. USTICK, Clyde Ebright, mechanical engi neer; bora, Washington Court House, O, July 1, 1879; son of Harlan P. and Elizabeth (Ebright) Ustick; graduated from engineer ing department of University of Nebraska, 1901; married, St. Louis, Mar. 14, 1907, Eliza beth Biebinger. Came to St. Louis in 1904 as Western manager for the Continental Car and Equipment Co; since 1908, manager Amer ican Appraisal Co, of Milwaukee. Republi can. Member Beta Theta Pi. Office: 420 Olive St. Residence: 6015 McPherson Ave. USTICK, Foskitt H, railway official; bora. Lyons Valley, la, Apr. 18, 1858; son of Thomas and Roxanna (Yours) Ustick.; edu cated in public and high schools of Hannibal, Mo.; married, Hannibal, Apr. 10, 1894, Norah Crahan; two children: Thomas Clark and Ina May. In employ of railroad shops, Hannibal, 1875-78; entered service of Hannibal & St. Joseph R. R, 1878, and continued with that road and its successor, the Chicago, Burling ton & Quincy R. R, successively as brake- man, freight conductor and passenger con ductor, until 1896; then appointed general yardmaster at St. Louis, continuing, 1890- 1902, superintendent terminals, St. Louis, 1902-04; division superintendent at Brook field, Mo, 1904-06; superintendent Aurora di vision, Aurora, 111, 1906-08; since general su perintendent Burlington Route at St. Louis. Republican. Presbyterian. Member Business Men's League. Clubs: Mercantile, St. Louis Railway, and Benton (St. Joseph, Mo.). Rec reation: fishing. Offiee: 415 Pine St. Resi dence: 3509 University St. VAHLKAMP, Henry, secretary William J. Lemp Brewing Co.; born, Lippstadt, West phalia, June 26, 1845; son of Henry and Hen rietta (Blankenburg) Vahlkamp; educated in public schools and one year in college; mar ried, St. Louis, December, 1872, Helen Hay (who died 1878, leaving two children) ; 2d. September, 1879, Caroline Hay, sister of first wife; has had fifteen children, twelve living. Served in German Army one year; in employ wholesale dry goods house, Brussels, Belgium, until June, 1867; then came to America, locat ing in St. Louis, 1870; since identified with William J. Lemp Brewing Co., secretary since 1892; also interested in various other enter prises, St. Louis ancl elsewhere. Member Mer chants' Exchange. Member Odd Fellows, Red Men, Liederkranz. Office: 13th and Cher okee Sts. VALIER, Charles, miller; born in Wiirtem- burg, Germany, Jan. 1, 1841; son of Francis and Annette (Lebetgem) Valier; educated in schools of Germany; married, Marine, Mad ison Co., Ill, 1872, Louisa Spies; children: Nellie, Annette, Louis A, Robert, Charles E. Served in Civil War as second lieutenant of Seventh Illinois Cavalry; after war engaged as miller at Marine, 111. In milling business at St. Jacob, 111, 1870, in partnership with James Stafford as Valier & Stafford, and in 1875 at Marine, 111, as Valier and Spies, in corporating the business in 1886 as Valier & Spies Milling Co., proprietors of the Cable Mills at Marine, and Enterprise Mills at St. Jacob, 111, as well as grain elevators at nine Illinois points, and is still at head of that company as president. Went to Greenville, 111, 1886, and organized The Greenville Ex port Milling Co, thence came to St. Louis, 1894, where has since maintained main offices. Member of Merchants' Exchange of St. Louis. Member G. A. R, Loyal Legion, Masonic or- 608 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS ders. Office: 913 Pierce Bldg. Residence: 4362 Washington Boul. VALLe, Jules Felix, physician; born, St. Louis, Dec. 29, 1859; son of Jules and Isa bella (Sargeant) Valle; educated in public schools; Washington University; M.D, St. Louis Medical College, 1885; married, St. Louis, 1881, Mary Clover (died 1912); chil dren: Jules F, Elizabeth (Mrs. C. A. Leonard, of Pittsfield, 111.), Isabel. In general practice of medicine in St. Louis since 1885; member staff St. Luke's Hospital; member St. Louis Medical Society, Medical Society of City Hospital Alumni, Si. Louis Obstetrical and Gynecological Society. Director of Iron Mountain Co, and of Chouteau, Hamilton & Valle Iron Co. Clubs: St. Louis, Racquet, Bellerive. Recreation: golf. Offiee and Resi dence: 4955 Maryland Ave. *VALLIANT, Leroy Branch; now chief jus tice Supreme Court of Missouri, Jefferson City; see Vol. 1906. VAN BLARCOM, Jacob Craig, banker; 1849-1908; see Vol. 1906. VAN BRUNT, Osborn, manager traffic de partment Simmons Hardware Co.; born, Bos ton, July 17, 1875; son of Henry and Alice Sterrett (Osborn) Van Brunt; educated in private schools at Cambridge; Mass., and Kansas City, Mo, and at State University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kan, 1891-93; married, St. Louis, Oct. 27, 1909, Edith C. Morrill. Moved from Cambridge to Kansas City, 1887; en tered a real estate office in Kansas City in summer of 1893; resigned, 1898, to enter serv ice of Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Ry. at Kansas City; served there until 1899, at Leavenworth, Kan, until January, 1900, and at St. Louis in various positions from clerk to contracting freight agent until Mar. 6, 1905, when entered house of Simmons Hard ware Co.; became manager of traffic depart ment Dec. 8, 1905. Member Civic League. Episcopalian. Clubs: City, Florissant Valley. Recreation: tennis. Office: 9th and Spruce Sts. Residence: 412 N. Union Boul. VANCLEAVE, Arville Aaron, proprietor Grand View Fire Clay Mines; born Lebanon, Ind, Mar. 30, 1880; son of C. A. and Sarah (Pavey) Vancleave; educated in the public schools of Grant City, Mo.; married, St. Louis, 1901, Miss Blanche Barrioz; three children: Arville, Melba, Hazel. Began active career in car building business at St. Louis, in which continued for seven years; has been identified with mining of fire clay since 1902 and ships to principal states in the Union, also to Mex ico and Canada; secretary and treasurer Grand View Realty Co. Democrat. Protestant. Club: Western Rowing. Recreations: hunting, fish ing and outdoor sports. Office: Watson Rd. Residence: 2555 Clifton Ave. VAN CLEAVE, James Wallace, stove man ufacturer; 1849-1910; see Vol. 1906. VANDIVER, Willard Duncan, ex-congress man, life insurance; born in Hardy Co., Va. (now West Virginia), Mar. 30, 1854; son of Rev. Louis Hyder and Mary Ann (Vance) Vandiver; moved to Missouri, 1857; Ph.B, Central College, Fayette, Mo, 1877; married Alice Louise Headlee, of Caledonia, Mo, June 17, 1880; children: Dean Vance, Helen Louise, Lillian. Professor natural science, 1877-80, president, 1880-89, Bellevue Institute; pro fessor natural science, 1889-93, president, 1893-97, State Normal School, Cape Girar deau, Mo. Member Fifty-fifth to Fifty-eighth Congresses (1897-1905), Fourteenth Missouri District; Democrat; chairman of committee that managed campaign of Joseph W. Folk for governor of Missouri, 1904; insurance commissioner State of Missouri, 1905-09. Vice president Central States Life Insurance Co., St. Louis, since December, 1909; treasurer same, 1909-11. Proprietor dairy farm at Co lumbia, Mo. Member M. E. Church, South. Mason, Knight Templar; member Woodmen of the World. Clubs: Masonic, St. Louis Rid ing. Recreation: horseback riding. Office: 402 Central National Bank Bldg. Residence: 227 Westgate Ave, University City. VANDIVER, William Knox, railway offi cial; bora, Louisville, Ky, Dec. 25, 1867; son of Jerome Alexander and Jane (Rutherford) Vandiver; graduated Male High School, Louis ville, Ky, 1886; married, Louisville, Nov. 17, 1892, Sarah Elizabeth Walker; one son, Je rome A. Began as clerk in general freight of fice of Louisville & Nashville R. R, Louis ville, Ky, June 1, 1886; became assistant chief clerk, 1892; resigned, Dec. 1, 1894; chief clerk South Eastern Freight Association, At lanta, Ga, 1894-99, resigned; chief clerk gen eral freight office Mobile & Ohio R. R, St. Louis, Sept. 15, 1899-Oct. 1, 1906, since assist ant general freight agent same road. Demo crat. Presbyterian. Recreation: fishing. Of fice: 910 Fullerton Bldg. Residence: 5377 Ca banne Ave. VAN DYKE, Adolphus Wilson, job printer; 1848-1908; see Vol. 1906. VAN HOEFEN, Siegfried' Arthur, phy sician; born, Augusta, Mo, Oct. 15, 1877; son of Samuel and Rebecca (Gast) Van Hoefen; preliminary education, public schools and Walthers College; M.D, St. Louis College of Physicians and Surgeons, 1902; married, Cher; okee, Okla, Sept. 5, 1902, Minnie M. Statler; one son, Harry Statler. In practice' in St. Louis since April, 1902. Member St. Louis Medical Society, Tri-State Medical Society, American Medical Association, Mississippi Valley Medical Association, Missouri State Medical Association. Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner. Club: St. Louis Automobile. Recrea- THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 609 tion: motoring. Office and Residence: 8309 Halls Ferry Rd. VAN ORNUM, John Lane, professor of civil engineering, Washington University; born, Hartford, Vt, May 14, 1864; son of A. Judson and Josephine (Lane) Van Ornum; graduated from civil engineering course, University of Wisconsin, B.S, 1888, C.E, 1891; married, 1894, Carrie Beattie Scott; one son living, ThurwOod. Engaged as civii engineer on mu nicipal works, Waukesha, Wis, 1888; assistant engineer War Department of United States on river and harbor improvements at Sa vannah, Ga, Fernandina, Fla, and Brunswick, Ga, 1889-90; assistant engineer Chicago & North- Western R. R, 1890; in charge of hy- drographic survey of Tennessee River, Knox- ville to Chattanooga, 1891; chief topographer Mexican Boundary Survey, El Paso to Pacific Ocean, under Department of State, 1892-94; instructor in Washington University; trav eled in Europe, 1897; appointed captain and promoted to major Third U. S. Volunteer En gineers, in war with Spain, 1898-99; professor of civii engineering, Washington University, since 1899. Fellow American Association for .the Advancement of Science; member Amer ican Society Civil Engineers, Engineers ' Club of St. Louis (past president), Society for the Promotion of Engineering Education, Interna tional Association for Testing Materials, In ternational Association of Navigation Con gresses, Academy of Science of St. Louis, American Society for Testing Materials, New. England Society. Congregationalist. Office: Washington University. Residence: Clayton, , Missouri. VAN RIPER, John C, president Title Guaranty Trust Co. and American Trust Co.; born in Cass Co, Mich, Feb. 22, 1863; son of George and Parthania (Crowell) Van Riper; educated in public schools of Ypsilanti, Mich, and St. Marys, O.; taught school, Ohio, 1880; married, Decatur, 111, May 25, 1886, Anna Moore Prather; children: Walker Moore, Leah M, John C, Jr., George P. Organized Peo ple's Bank of Sedalia, Mo, 1891; studied law, and admitted to bar, 1898. Sold interest in bank, and moved to Lincoln, Neb, 1900 and had charge of gas and electric properties there. Came to St. Louis in 1901; purchased control of First National Bank of East St. Louis, 111.; organized Illinois State Trust Co., of which was president until 1908; since May, 1909, president Title Guaranty Trust Co., and since November, 1909, president of American Trust Co.; president St. Louis, El Reno and Western Ry. Co., Apalachicola Northern R. R. Co. Republican. Episcopalian. Clubs: St. Louis, St. Louis County, Bellerive Country, Noonday, Maine Hunting and Fishing. Rec reations: golfing, hunting and fishing. Office: 710 Chestnut St. Residence: 5357 Waterman Avenue. VAN SANT, Robert L, civil engineer; born in Frederick Co., Va. (now West Virginia), Jan. 11, 1853; son of Thomas M. and Mary E. (Sappington) Van Sant; educated in private schools of Hannibal, Mo, and Hannibal In stitute; unmarried. Since 1895 engaged in civil engineering. Member American Society of Civil Engineers since 1884, Engineers, Club of St. Louis since 1888, Engineers' Club of New York. Mason (32°). Clubs: Missouri Athletic, St. Louis Railway. Office: 719 Ful lerton Bldg. Residence: 4.20A N. Vandeventer Avenue. VAN SLYKE, James Rogers, lawyer; bora, Cottage Grove, Minn, Jan. 23, 1875; son of John and Letitia Ann (Rogers) Van Slyke; graduated from high school, Hastings, Minn, 1892; B.Litt, Carleton College, Northfield, Minn, 1896; LL.B, St. Louis Law School, 1901; unmarried. Admitted to the bar in 1901, Member of St. Louis Bar Association. Demo crat. Presbyterian. Club: Amateur Athletic Association. Recreations: golf and hunting. Office: 705 Olive St. Residence: Berlin Hotel. VASTERLING, Paul Frederick, chief sur geon Missouri Pacific Ry.; born, Cape Girar deau, Mo, Oct. 20, 1862; son of Julius and Johanne (Luekefette) Vasterling; educated in State Normal School, Cape Girardeau; M.D, St. Louis Medical College (now Medical De partment of Washington University), 1883; married, June 10, 1908, Adelaide Elliott. First house surgeon in charge of the Missouri Pa cific Ry. St. Louis Hospital; appointed assist ant chief surgeon Missouri Pacific Ry, July 1, 1907, chief surgeon July 1, 1909. Member St. Louis Medical Society, American Medical As sociation. Lutheran. Offiee: Missouri Pacific Railway Hospital. Residence: 2125 Nebraska Avenue. VAUGHAN, John Clay, lawyer; bora, Car thage, Mo, May 14, 1877; son of James B. and Anne E. (Weller) Vaughan; educated in St. Louis public schools; LL.B, Benton Law School, St. Louis, 1900; married Louise Paine, of Louisville, Ky, June 28, 1910; one son, Jack Terrell. Was connected with the Hop kins- Weller Drug Co. as credit man, and after graduation in law was admitted to the bar at St. Louis, 1900; since attorney Meyer Bros.' Drug Co. Treasurer Weller-Stephens Saddle Bag Co. Member St. Louis Bar Association. Democrat. Member M. E. Church, South. Club: City. Recreation: fishing. Office: 215 S. 4th St. Residence: 5110 Von Versen Ave. VAUGHAN, John W, surgeon; born in St. Louis Co., Mo, 1857; son of William Russell and Harriet Newel (Patton) Vaughan; edu cated at Bridgeton Academy, St. Louis Co.; Ph.B, Central College, Fayette, Mo, 1880; M.D, St. Louis College of Physicians and Surgeons, 1884; University of Vienna, Austria, 1885; married, Austin, Tex., 1900, Bessie Far ris Walsh; one daughter, Harriet. Taught in 610 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS Bridgeton Academy, 1877; principal Lineville (Iowa) graded schools, 1880-82; engaged in practice in St. Louis since 1884. Professor of physiology and demonstrator of anatomy, St. Louis College of Physicians and Surgeons, 1885-92; professor of surgery, Barnes Medical College, 1892-1903; professor orthopedic and clinical surgery, St. Louis College of Physi cians and Surgeons, 1906. Secretary of Alumni Society of St. Louis College of Physicians and Surgeons; secretary Missouri State Board of Anatomy, 1890. Member St. Louis Medical Society, Missouri State and American Medical associations. Curator of Central College. Mem ber Virginia Society, St. Louis. Club: Method ist. Recreation: fishing. Office and Residence: S. W. cor. Euclid Ave. and Washington Boul. VELLNER, Frederick Julius; born, St. Louis, Feb. 7, 1863; son of Henry and Johanna (Evers) Vellner; educated in St. Louis public schools; married, St. Louis, Feb. 4, 1891, Anna Messmer; children: Irene, Clarence, Marguer ite. Began business career as clerk in meat market at age of fifteen, and next worked one year on farm in St. Louis Co.; in 1879 en tered employ of Ferd. Messmer, brass founder and manufacturer of saloon supplies (estab lished 1864) and has been continuously in same business; in 1891, when business was in corporated as Ferd. Messmer Manufacturing Co., was elected viee president. Republican. Evangelical Lutheran. Recreation: home di versions. Office: 2700 S. 7th St. Residence: 3624 Minnesota Ave. VERDIER, Albert Rock; 1874-1910; see Vol. 1906. VETSBURG, Karl M, lawyer; born, Jeffer son City, Mo, June 22, 1879; son of Sigmund and Carrie (Loth) Vetsburg; was graduated at Charles Pope (public) School, St. Louis, 1891, and Central High School, St. Louis, 1895; student Washington University, two years; LL.B, Law School of Columbia University, New York, 1903; unmarried. Admitted to Mis souri bar, Oct. 16, 1903, and since in practice at St. Louis. Member St. Louis Bar Associa tion, Civic League. Republican. Member Young Men's Hebrew Association (president, 1907) ; financial secretary Congregation Tem ple Israel. Mason; member B'nai B'rith. Club: Amateur Athletic Association. Recrea tion: tennis. Office: 1502-1506 Liggett Bldg. Residence: 4153 McPherson Ave. VICKROY, Samuel Percy; see Vol. 1906. VICKROY, Wilhelm Rees, principal Manual Training School; born, Shrewsbury, York Co, Pa, Apr. 28, 1859; son of Thomas Rees and Ettie (Stahl) Vickroy; educated in Lebanon College Preparatory School, 1866-71; St. Louis public schools, 1871-76, graduating from High School; Washington University, 1879-83, grad uating Ph.B, summa cum laude; studied. Eng lish at Harvard during summers of 1893 and 1894; studied English literature at University of Chicago, graduate course, suriimers of 1895 and 1899; married, St. Louis, 1898, Clara Ses- singhaus; one son, Theodore S. Spent three years, 1876-79, learning matrix fitting with Schraubstadter & St. John, St. Louis; after leaving college spent four years, 1883-87, as principal in the public schools of St. Louis, three years at Baden, and one year at the old Edward Bates School; assistant-in-charge of the first year classes, 1887-1904, principal since 1904, in the Manual Training School. Mem ber National Educational Association, Acad emy of Science, Civic League, Citizens ' Indus trial Association. Office: Manual Training School. Residence: 2901 Rauschenbach Ave. VIERLING, Frederick, trust officer Missis sippi Valley Trust Co.; born, St. Louis, Jan. 2, 1871; son of Frederick and Helena (Knecht) Vierling; educated in public schools of St. Louis; read law in offices of Breckinridge Jones and Judge L. B. Valliant, and took three-year course in evening law school of Benton College of Law; admitted to bar, July, 1901; married, St. Louis, June 11, 1901, Evelyn M, eldest daughter of Dr. John J. Miller; one son, John Frederick. Entered employ of Hon. Breckinridge Jones, as clerk and stenogra pher in law office; later, when Mr. Jones had offiee with Judge Valliant, was so employed 'for both until 1888; then clerk and stenogra pher for the Decatur (Ala.) Land and Im provement Co, a year, and then for Judge R. C. Bricknell, formerly chief justice of Ala bama Supreme Court, until fall of 1890, when returned to St. Louis; clerk and stenographer, January, 1891, to February, 1897, trust officer Mississippi Valley Trust Co. since 1897. Demo crat. Member University M. E. Church, South; member Y. M. C. A. (secretary and member committee of management St. Louis Central Branch). Mason (Rose Hill Lodge, Missouri Chapter, R. A. M, St. Aldemar Commandery). Member Legion of Honor of St. Louis, St. Louis and American Bar associations, St. Louis Law Library, Blackstone Society. Clubs: St. Louis, Mercantile, City. Writer and lec turer on legal, financial and commercial top ics. Office: N. W. corner 4th and Pine Sts. Residence: 6255 Waterman Ave. VIETHS, Oscar Henry, manufacturer; born, St. Louis, Apr. 8, 1874; son of Claus and Mar garet (Mueller) Vieths; educated in public school to 1889; Smith Academy to 1892; Ph.B, Yale University, 1895; married, St. Louis, Apr. 17, 1901, Mary Louise McCreery; chil dren: Christine McCreery, Wayman, Mar garet. Is president and treasurer of Claus Vieths Realty and Financial Co., St. Louis Paper Box Co. and Vieths' Paper Mills. Re publican. Episcopalian. Club: St. Louis Coun try. Recreation: outdoor sports. Office: 21st and Randolph Sts. Residence: 3841 Westmin ster PL THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 611 VINNEDGE, Charles Albert, railway of ficial; born, Indianapolis, Jan. 14, 1859; son of John Albert and Ellen (Espy) Vinnedge; edu cated in public schools of Indianapolis; mar ried, Indianapolis, Nov. 10, 1880, Jennie L. Vinson; one daughter, Rosanna Margaret (Mrs. James F. Bailey, of Indianapolis); mar ried, 2d, Mar. 12, 1906, Miss Sarah Hesley, of Indianapolis. Secretary and auditor Terminal Railroad Association of St. Louis and its as sociate companies since 1903, and auditor of the St. Louis Merchants' Bridge Terminal Co. and its associate companies; secretary and auditor Illinois Dredging and Construction Co. Presbyterian. Recreations: fishing, hunt ing and baseball. Office: Union Station. Resi dence: 4611 Maryland Ave. VINSONHALER, Harry; born in Nodaway Co., Mo, June 2, 1870; son of George and Sarah (Rea) Vinsonhaler; educated in public schools of Maryville, Mo.; married, Mary ville, Mo, Dec 12, 1893, Elizabeth Saunders (now deceased). Joined in organization of Vinsonhaler Shoe Co., 1901, of which has since been secretary, treasurer and manager. Member Business Men's League. Republican. Episcopalian. Mason. Clubs: Mercantile, Nor mandie Golf. Recreation: golf. Office: 1512 Washington Ave. Residence: 4411 McPherson Avenue. VITT, Rudolph Simon, physician; born, Washington, Mo, May 29, 1874 (father died when son was an infant) ; reared on a farm by grandparents; received preliminary educa tion in schools of Washington, Mo, and at age of thirteen began apprenticeship in drug store of Ludwig Muench; graduated from St. Louis College of Pharmacy, 1893; M.D, Med ical Department, St. Louis University, 1904; married, St. Louis, Oct. 26, 1899, Caroline Fischer; one child, Edwin F. Engaged in drug business for twelve years previous to gradua tion in medicine; has practiced in St. Louis since 1904. Was for two years treasurer Na tional Association Retail Druggists; member American Medical Association, Missouri State Medical Association, St. Louis Medical So ciety. Mason (32°), Shriner; member Knights of Pythias, Royal Arcanum, Maccabees, Wood men of the World. Club: Western Rowing. Recreation: bowling. Office and Residence: 3924 S. Broadway. VOELKER, William David, president Voel ker Products Co.; born, St. Louis, June 14, 1874; son of John A. and Sarah Jane (Sprin kle) Voelker;, educated public schools of St. Louis and Drury College, Springfield, Mo.; married, Boonville, Mo, Jan. 1, 1901, Emily Gibson. Began active career as secretary and treasurer of O. Voelker Commission Co, 1894, continuing for two years; secretary and treas urer Western Poultry and Game Co, 1896- 1900; department manager Armour & Co., 1900-10; president and general manager since 1910 of Voelker Products Co., dealers in but ter, eggs, poultry and fruit and produce. Member St. Louis Butter, Poultry and Egg Exchange, New York Produce Exchange, Chi cago Produce Exchange, St. Louis Merchants' Exchange, St. Louis Fruit and Produce Ex change. Presbyterian. Author of monographs: Grading of Eggs; Packing of Poultry for Shipment; Packing of Poultry and Eggs for Storage. Recreations: hunting and fishing. Office: 826 N. 3d St. Residence: 5741 Mc Pherson Ave. VOGEL, Charles Frederick, real estate; born, Neuchatel, Switzerland, Mar. 22, 1845; son of John and Anna (Christinger) Vogel; educated in Christian Brothers College, 1855, and public schools of St. Louis, and after war attended night schools; served in Civil War as drummer-boy, Company I, Second U. S. Reserve Corps, Missouri Volunteer Infan try, three months' service; then private Com pany E, Twenty-ninth Missouri Volunteer In fantry (three years' service), Fifteenth Army Corps, Army of the Tennessee; discharged June 12, 1865, at Washington, D. O; married, St. Louis, Sept. 22, 1869, Laura M. Fisher; children: Oliver C, Estella A. (Mrs. Stephen Saum), Edna M. (Mrs. George A. Luecking). Clerk of police court, St. Louis, 1866-70; dep uty clerk of County Court, 1871-77; clerk of Council (first Upper House under new char ter), 1877-78; clerk of Circuit Court, 1879-86; since Jan. 1, 1887, engaged as real estate and financial agent. Member Merchants' Ex change, Real Estate Exchange, Concordia Turners, and other German societies. Repub lican. 32° Scottish Rite Mason; member Mis souri Lodge No. 1, A. F. & A. M, for over forty-three years (Worshipful Master, 1877, treasurer over thirty-one years, also Past Dis trict Deputy Grand Master) ; Missouri Royal Arch Chapter No. 1; St. Louis Commandery No. 1, Knights Templar; Moolah Temple, Mys tic Shrine. Odd Fellow for forty-four years; Past Brigadier General Uniformed Division, Past Grand Patriarch and Past Grand Repre sentative to Sovereign Grand Lodge; Grand Treasurer of Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows of Missouri. Member Frank P. Blair Post No. 1, G. A. R. (Past Post Commander) ; served fif teen years as member, treasurer and president Federal Soldiers' Home Board, St. James, Mo.; also treasurer Odd Fellows' Home, Lib erty, Mo. Recreation: reading. Office: 624 Chestnut St. Residence: 3150 Allen Ave. VOGEL, Henry F, general insurance, and manufacturers' agent; born, St. Louis, June 6, 1861; son of Henry and Mary (Weiss) Vogel; educated in public schools and Jones Commercial College, St. Louis; married, St. Louis, 1889, Bertha M. Kappesser (died Oct. 18, 1911); children: Harry F. C. (in engineer ing department of American Car and Foundry Co.), Olivia, Viola, William Alexander. Be- 612 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS gan with father in bakery and grocery busi ness for several years; then taught Spen- cerian penmanship in#colleges at Altoona, Pa, and Chicago, and for some years was illus trator of the Chicago Daily Graphic; with drew from that field of work in 1888, because of failing eyesight; returned to St. Louis; was in auditor's office of the American Re frigerator Transit, then in private office of President McMillan of the old Missouri Car and Foundry Co., and became traffic manager same company, continuing until 1898; also, from 1893, in same capacity with St. Louis Car Co.; in 1898 was appointed assistant gen eral manager of the St. Louis Car Co., ad vancing to office of manager in 1900; vice president and general manager same company, 1903-06; president Danville (111.) Car Co, 1907-08. Returned to St. Louis in 1909 and embarked in the life insurance business as district manager of Germania Life Insurance Co.; now also in general insurance, and manu facturers' agent; represents St. Louis Car Co., Railway Utility Co., etc. President Nat ural Power Co.; director Paris Lamp Co. Ger man Protestant. Mason (32°); member St. Aldemar Commandery, Knights Templar, and Shriner. Recreations: collector of books and papers and medallions; also walking. Office: Houser Bldg. Residence: 3203 Harper Ave. VOGEL, Louis D, vice president and secre tary Charier Oak Stove and Range Co.; bom, St. Louis, July 31, 1852; son of William and Amelia (Coleman) Vogel; educated at Benton and Laclede public schools, 1859-67; married, St. Louis, May 1, 1877, Cornelia L. Krausse; one son, Clifford A. In 1868 became office boy for Excelsior Manufacturing Co., and remained ever since with that company and its suc cessor, the Charter Oak Stove and Range Co., of which became secretary in 1896, and vice president in 1903. Member St. Louis Credit Men's Association. Republican. Member Le gion of Honor. Club: Union. Recreations: horseback riding, driving, billiards. Office: Antelope and Conduit Sts. Residence: 2929 Lafayette Ave. VOGEL, Valentine, teas and coffees; born, St. Louis, May 2, 1868; son of Joseph and Margaret (Buehlheller) Vogel; educated in public schools; married, Minneapolis, Minn, October, 1899, Anna May Weaver; five chil dren: Kenneth Weaver, Willard Robert, Loren Henry, Valentine May, Katherine Ellwood. Began in employ of Great Atlantic and Pa cific Tea Co.; at age of seventeen associated with brother, Robert, in tea and coffee busi ness; sold out to Frederick Roth, 1897. Was identified with theatrical profession for one season; in 1900 again entered tea and coffee business as member Athletic Tea Co. Meth odist. Recreation: horseback riding. Office: 709 Lucas Ave. Residence: 5179 Cabanne Ave. VOGT, William H, physician; bora, St. Louis, Sept. 9, 1877; son of Gustavus W. and Lina (Merckel) Vogt; educated public and private schools of St. Louis; M.D, Medical Department, Washington University, 1897; post-graduate course, Vienna, Berlin and Dresden, 1899-1903; married, New York City, Apr. 8, 1908, Edna Nichols; one son, William H, Jr. In practice in St. Louis since 1903, specializing in diseases of women and sur gery; assistant in obstetrics, Medical .Depart ment Washington University; gynecologist to Lutheran Hospital; assistant to Dr. A. C. Ber- nays, 1903-06. Republican. Protestant. Mem ber American Medical Association, Missouri State Medical Association, St. Louis Medical Society, Mississippi Valley Medical Associa tion, Society of German Physicians, St. Louis Gynecological and Obstetrical Society. Mason (32°), Shriner. Translator of Leopold's Very Young Human Ovum; contributor to medical journals. Recreation: automobiling. Office: 733 Metropolitan Bldg. Residence: 4953 Lotus Avenue. VOIGHT, Lewis, Jr., wholesale wall paper; born, Cincinnati, Nov. 28, 1873; son of Lewis and Susanna Voight; educated in public schools and Woodward High School, Cincin nati, and commercial college; married, Cin cinnati, Nov. 19, 1896, Florence Keeler; chil dren: Lewis, III, Helen K, Elaine M. Began business career as bookkeeper in father's wall-paper house at Cincinnati, known as Lewis Voight & Sons Co., and in 1888 became traveling salesman for the house; came to St. Louis July, 1897, and opened up a branch of the United States Wall Paper Co.; later bought out the company and has since con ducted a wholesale business in wall paper and decorations; president Empire Wall Paper Co.; also vice president United States Wall Paper Co., of Cincinnati. Lutheran. Mason. Club: Missouri Athletic. Office: 1105 Olive St. Residence: 4552 Westminster PL VOLLMER, Frank, real estate investments; born, Westphalia, Germany, Jan. 9, 1845; son of Henry and Gertrude (Eisenbach) Vollmer; educated in parochial schools, Germany, to 1859; came to America, 1869; married, St. Louis, Aug. 25, 1875, Maria Hoelscher; eight children, four living: Maria (Mrs. Henry Wurm), Agnes, Josephine, Frank. Engaged as tailor, 1869-73; with Henry Knabe con ducted tailoring business as Vollmer & Knabe, 1873-92; then continued alone until retired, 1903 ; has since given attention 1:0 real estate investments. Democrat. Catholic Member St. Vincent de Paul Society, St. Mary's School Society; trustee St. Vincent's Orphan So ciety, etc. Residence: 2133 California Ave. VON BRECHT, Frank Alexander, see Brecht, Frank Alexander von. THE BOOK -OF ST. LOUISANS 613 VON SCHRADER, George Morrison, real estate; see Vol. 1906. VOSBURGH, Charles Augustus, surgeon; born at Red House Shoals, W. Va, Oct. 4, 1878; son of Augustus Jacob and Rachel Ellen (Rowley) Vosburgh; educated, Ravenswood (W. Va.) public and high schools; Ohio Val ley College, Ravenswood; Ph.G, Barnes Col lege of Pharmacy, St. Louis; M.D, Medical Department, Barnes University, 1904; post graduate courses, University of Austria, Vien na, and New York Post-Graduate School; un married. House surgeon Centenary Hospital, 1904-05; appointed pathologist to Barnes Uni versity, 1905; clinical professor surgery, same, 1909; professor clinical surgery, American Medical College, since September, 1911; pro fessor clinical surgery National University, St. Louis, since 1912. Secretary board direct ors, Faculty R'ealty Co. Member American Medical Association, Missouri State Medical Association, St. Louis Medical Society, South ern Illinois Medical Society. Republican. Presbyterian. Mason; member Tuscan Lodge No. 360, A. F. & A. M.; St. Louis Chapter No. 8, R. A. M.; Ascalon Commandery No. 16, Knights Templar; Moolah Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S. Recreations: big game hunting, and fishing. Office: 832-833 Metropolitan Bldg. Residence: Buckingham Club. VROOMAN, Herbert Alexander, real es tate; 1868-1912; see Vol. 1906. w WACHTEL, Max, millinery; 1861-1910; see Vol. 1906. WADE, Festus John, banker; born, Lim erick, Ireland, Oct. 14, 1859; son of Thomas and Catherine (McDonough) Wade; educated in public schools of St. Louis until ten years of age, Bryant & Stratton Business College from twenty to twenty-four; married, St. Louis, Aug. 28, 1883, Kate V. Kennedy; chil dren: Mrs. Stella Marie Seullin, Marie L. (Mrs. Charles Sewell Thomas, Jr.), Florence J, Festus ' J, Jr. Secretary St. Louis Agri cultural and Mechanical Association (St. Louis Fair), 1883-88; secretary Aug. Gast Bank Note and Lithographing Co., January, 1888-August, 1889; vice president Hammett- Anderson-Wade Real Estate Co., August, 1889- November, 1899; since November, 1899, pres ident Mercantile Trust Co.; also president Mercantile National Bank since January, 1909. President Commerce Realty Co, Cor ner Realty Co., Eleventh Street Realty Co, Hotel Realty Co, Republic Building Co, and Twenty-first Street Realty Co.; viee president Emporium Realty Co.; secretary-treasurer Ri alto Realty Co.; vice president Henderson Realty Co.; director Hotel Jefferson Co, Haw Real Estate Co. Member Merchants' Ex change, Business Men's League. Catholic. Clubs:. St. Louis, Commercial, Bellerive, Rac quet, Mercantile, Noonday, Glen Echo. Office: 8th and Locust Sts. Residence: 4451 Lindell Boulevard. WAGGONER, Edward Le Roy, grain com mission; born, Waggoner, 111, Sept. 28, 1863; son of William R. and Sarah (McCollough) Waggoner; educated in public schools and Blackburn University; married, Hillsboro, 111, Dec. 17, 1883, Ella Clotfelter (now deceased). Clothing salesman at Hillsboro, 1881-83; mem ber of firm of Sawyer & Waggoner, abstracts and real estate, Hillsboro, until 1887; travel ing representative of the Redmond-Cleary Commission Co., grain, until 1890; resided at Boise City, 1890-94; agent Mutual Life In surance Co. of New York, 1894-96; in grain business with E. F. Catlin & Co, 1897-98; vice president Brinson-Judd Grain Co., later president of the Brinson-Waggoner Grain Co. and its successor, the Waggoner Grain Co., until 1908; now vice president W. L. Green Commission Co. Member Merchants' Ex change of St. Louis. Mason, Knight Templar. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, St. Louis Grain, St. Louis Millers'- Office: Chamber of Commerce. WAGGONER, Sol E, insurance; bora in Richland Co, O, Mar. 8, 1851; son of Wil liam and Malinda (Small) Waggoner; edu cated at grammar and high schools, Oska- loosa, la, and graduated from Oskaloosa Col lege, June, 1870; married, Macon, Mo, Apr. 30, 1872, Catherine White (died 1892); chil dren: Zella M. (Mrs. F. G. Myers), Martha L. (Mrs. L. E. Smith), William C. With H. S. Glaze & Bros, at Macon, wholesale grocers, 1870-72; began insurance career with the North British- and Mercantile Insurance Co. as local agent at Macon, Mo, 1872-74, special traveling agent, 1875-82, state agent and ad juster, 1883-88, and resident secretary at St. Louis, 1889-94; With Citizens ' Insurance Co. of St. Louis, as secretary, 1895-98, and from January, 1899, to 1907, as president, now a director. Director Masonic Home of Mis souri; was president of Salvage Corps; Grand Commander of Knights Templar of Missouri, 1880-81; chairman building committee of Ma sonic Home of Missouri ancl chairman board of trustees of Endowment Fund of same. Re publican. Methodist; chairman building com mittee Union M. E. Church; treasurer Metho dist Deaconess Association and branches, Ep- worth Institute and Epworth Emergency Home. Clubs: Mercantile, Aero, Automobile. Office: 1415 Pierce Bldg. Residence: Cam bridge Apts. WAGNER, Edward, president Model Bot tling Machinery Co.; born, Breslau, Germany, Dee. 25, 1857; son of Ignatz and Caroline (Willgus) Wagner; educated in Elizabeth College, Breslau, to 1872; came to America, 1874; married, Chicago, Oct. 20, 1879, Wil- 614: THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS helmine Maurer; four children: Ida (Mrs: Paul Lehmann), Edward, Jr, Emma (Mrs. Gus. Koopman), Clara. Began as proprietor Bavarian Brewing Co, Chicago, 1884, and continued until 1889; 'engaged with American Brewing Co, St. Louis, 1890, and was vice president when withdrew from company, 1907. Built Wagner Brewery, Granite City, 111, 1903, and president until consolidated with Independent Breweries Co., 1907; di rector and technical manager latter company, 1907-10; organized Model Bottling Machin ery Co., 1893, and now president. Member United States Brewmasters' Association (president, 1903-07, now honorary president), Braumeisters ' Association of St. Louis, Mer chants ' Exchange. Democrat. Catholic. Mem ber Turn Verein. Clubs: Missouri AtMetic, Liederkranz. Recreations: billiards and mo toring. Offiee: 3662 Forest Park Boul. Resi dence: 3506 Hawthorne Boul. WAGNER, Edwin Harris, auditor and credit manager; born, Laramie, Wyo, Oct. 6, 1873; son of Henry and Susan (Cantwell) Wagner; educated Laramie parochial and pub- lie schools; Jesuit College, Denver, Colo.; University of Wyoming; took partial law course in St. Louis Law School (Washington University) ; married, Denver, June 10, 1900, Corinne Shevnin; six children: Corinne M, Edwin H, Virginia S, Warren A, Ellen, John S. Began active career as messenger in audit ing department Denver & Rio Grande Ry, Denver, 1890; removed to Pittsburgh, 1894, and became bookkeeper for the Westinghouse Co.; later with O'Neil Coal Co.; came to St. Louis to study law, October, 1898; secretary and treasurer Columbia Lead Co., 1899-1901, Catherine Lead Co, 1899-1904, Madison Lead and Land Co, 1904-09; auditor and credit manager of Hanley & Kinsella Coffee and Spice Co. since Oct. 4, 1909. Republican. Catholic. Member Knights of Columbus, also first state treasurer same. Office: 715 Spruce St. Residence: 5017 Maple Ave. WAGNER, Hugh Kiernan, patent lawyer; born, St. Louis, Sept. 29, 1870; son of Hugh K. and Mary Ann (Elliot) Wagner; descend ant of German and English ancestry; educat ed in St. Louis public schools, leaving Cen tral High School, 1886; married, St. Louis, June 7, 1893, Annette Elliott Hill; children: Elliott Goodwyn, Paul Brookes. Employed in railroad offices, 1886-92; began study of law, 1892, at same time entering employ of a leading patent lawyer of St. Louis, with whom remained until August, 1899; admitted to bar, October, 1897; engaged in practice of patent, trade-mark and copyright law under own name in August, 1899, and has been identi fied with much important patent, trade-mark and copyright litigation. Member St. Louis, Missouri and American Bar associations; member local council for Missouri of Amer ican Bar Association, 1910-11, 1911-12; repre sentative of Associated Advertising Clubs, of America in American Publishers' Copyright League, etc. Member Business Men's League, Civic League, Washington University Asso ciation, Missouri Historical Society, Sons of American Revolution, and many other na tional and local organizations. Life member Society of Authors, Incorporated, of London. Lecturer at Benton College of Law, St. Louis, 1901-11. Republican; one of the earliest mem bers of St. Louis Republican Club; ex-presi dent Young Men's Republican Auxiliary of St. Louis. Secretary board of trustees, and formerly Bible class teacher, West Presby terian Church. Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner. Clubs: St. Louis, Mercantile, City, Missouri Athletic, St. Louis Amateur Ath letic, Century Boat, Glen Echo Country, Nor mandie Golf, Aero, Union, Automobile, West ern Rowing, Million Population, Liederkranz, Contemporary, Public Question, Apollo, Am- phion, St. Louis Orchestra Club. Author: The Relations of Sessions and Trustees, 1906; also pamphlets and articles on various subjects; read paper entitled Mechanical Equivalents, August, 1910, before patent section American Bar Association; etc. Recreations: motoring, golf, bowling; collector of art, statuary and books. Address: suite 503, Fullerton Bldg. WAGNER, Hugo Carl, business manager; born, Milwaukee, Wis, Feb. 25, 1873; son of Robert and Alwina (Ehlert) Wagner; edu cated in public and grammar schools and East Side High School, Milwaukee; married, Milwaukee, Dec. 10, 1902, Gertrude Louise Boynton; three children: John Phelps, Marie, Helen. Began active career as bill clerk with J. C. Iversen Co, Milwaukee; was salesman Standard Oil Co, 1892; with Milwaukee Fur niture Co., in charge Wisconsin territory, 1892-97; became connected with the Simmons Manufacturing Co., manufacturers of metal beds, Kenosha, Wis, 1897, and has been in charge of St. Louis branch since 1906. Re publican. Member Masonic Order, Knights Templar, Scottish Rite and Shrine. Club: Glen Echo. Offiee: 810 Spruce St. Residence: 5315 Delmar Boul. WAGNER, Peter, carriage manufacturer; see Vol. 1906. WAGNER, Stephen Mary, president Wag ner & Reis Commission Co.; bom, New Or leans, May 9, 1872; son of Joseph A. and Louisa (Minervia) Wagner; educated in pub- lie schools; married, St. Louis, June 10, 1896, Belle Peck; two children: Ruth J. and Ed ward W. Was with Dodd, Brown & Co., whole sale dry goods, four years; then for two years with H. T. Simon Gregory Dry Goods Co.; next entered employ of E. H. Wenglin & Co., and continued for thirteen years; associated, 1905, with Gordan L. Reis, as Wagner & Reis THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 615 Commission Co., wholesale notions and dry goods, of which has since been president. Member St. Louis Laundrymen's Association, United Commercial Travelers. Mason (32°), Shriner; member Order of Owls. Club: Mil lion Population. Office: 619 N. 8th St. Resi dence: 3420 Eads Ave. WAGNER, Thomas Hall, lawyer; born, Memphis, Mo, Sept. 22, 1861; son of Levi J. and Mary C. (Gray) Wagner; educated in public schools of Memphis and Central Col lege, Fayette, Mo.; married, Fayette, June 22, 1887, Byrd E. Ewin; children: Annie, Mar garet, Catherine, Thomas H, Jr., Byrd. Ad mitted to bar, 1885, and practiced at Mem phis, Mo, until 1901; was insurance commis sioner for the State of Missouri, 1901-02; en gaged in practice of law in St. Louis since June, 1903; member of law firm of Harlan, Jeffries & Wagner, 1905-09, since Wagner & Miller. Member Business Men's League. Democrat. Member M. E. Church, South. Clubs: Mercantile, St. Louis, Glen Echo Coun- . try. Office:' Pierce Bldg. Residence: 5046 Washington Boul. WAGONER, George C. R, president Wag oner Undertaking Co.; born, Cincinnati, Sept. 3, 1863; educated public schools of St. Louis; later student Beaumont Hospital Medical Col lege; married, Greenville, 111, Sept. 1, 1887, Lulu L. Blanchard. Was connected with Richardson Drug Co. two years; then book keeper Graves & Goldsmith, Louisiana, Mo, one year; entered employ of father in under taking business, 1881; was admitted to part nership, 1900; now president Wagoner Un dertaking Co. Republican; member Fifty- seventh Congress. Mason (32°), Shriner; member Knights of Pythias (Fast Grand Chancellor), Legion of Honor. Clubs: Mer cantile, Missouri Athletic. Offiee: 3621 Olive St. Residence: 4159 Lindell Boul. WAGONER, Harry Epply, president Wag oner Mercantile Co.; born, Cincinnati, Sept. 24, 1865; came with parents to St. Louis, 1867; son of Henry H. and Sophronia Z. (Wil son) Wagoner; educated in public schools of St. Louis; married, Chicago, Feb. 5, 1890, Adeline P., daughter of Frederick and Louise (Palmier) Myers; one son, Harry Stanley Blewett. Began business career with Good year Rubber Co. as traveling representative and office man, continuing, 1885-94; in 1894 organized the Monarch Rubber Co., of which was president until 1902; built first rubber shoe factory in St. Louis, which was the only rubber factory west of the Allegheny Moun tains making a general line of rubber boots and shoes; manager rubber department of Roberts, Johnson & Rand Shoe Co, 1902- March, 1910; then organized the Wagoner Mercantile Co., of which is president. Also president of Tocomaeho Rubber Co., of Hon duras. Methodist. Member B. P. O. Elks, and Order of Hoo Hoo. Mason (32°), Knight Templar and Shriner. Clubs: Mercantile, Glen Echo. Recreation; golf. Office: 19th and Pine Sts. Residence: 5137 Kensington Ave. WAGONER, Henry Hoover, undertaker; 1824-1906; see Vol. 1906. WAHL, John, president German Savings Institution; 1840-1910; see Vol. 1906. WAINWRIGHT, Samuel Hayman, clergy man; born, Columbus, 111, Apr. 15, 1863; son of Daniel Thomas and Amanda (Fitzallen) Wainwright; reared from infancy in Lewis Co, Mo.; M.D, Missouri Medical College, 1886; (D.D, Central College, of Fayette, Mo.) ; married Margaret Miller Todd, of Shel- byville, Mo, Dec. 30, 1886; three children: Daniel Todd, Samuel Hayman, Jr., Elizabeth A. Practiced medicine at Pierce City, Mo, 1886-87; went to Japan under Board of For eign Missions, 1888; licensed to preach by Japan Annual Conference, 1893; principal Kwansei Gakuin, Kobe, 1890-1906; twice elected president Japan Annual Conference; delegate to General Conference in America three times; transferred to St. Louis Annual Conference, 1906, and appointed presiding el der St. Louis district (the most important appointment of the kind in the denomina tion); pastor University Methodist Church, since 1911. President Evangelical Alliance, St. Louis, 1910. Member M. E. Church, South. Democrat. Member American Sociological As sociation. Clubs: Mercantile, Chi Alpha. Translator of Wesley's Sermons and J. W. Lee's "Making of a Man" into Japanese; contributor to magazines and reviews on Ori ental and sociological subjects; versed in Oriental classical literature and was fre quently called upon to deliver addresses and lectures before learned assemblies in Japan. Residence: 5562 Von Versen Ave. WALBRIDGE, Cyrus Packard, wholesale druggist, ex-mayor; born, Madrid, N. Y, July 20, 1849; son of Arlo Judson and Althea Ma ria (Packard) Walbridge; educated in public schools of DeKalb Co., Ill, and Stanton, Minn, to 1868, Carleton College, Northfield, Minn, to 1871; LL.B, University of Michi gan, 1874; married, St. Louis, October, 1879, Lizzie Merrell (now deceased) ; one son, Mer rell Packard. Practiced law at Minneapolis, Minn, 1874-76, at St. Louis, 1876-79; house attorney for J. S. Merrell, wholesale drug gist, 1879-85; president of J. S. Merrell Drug Co. since 1885. President of Bell Telephone Co. of Missouri, 1904-10. Republican; served eight years in National Guard of Missouri, retiring in 1885 as lieutenant-colonel First Regiment; served in House of Delegates of St. Louis, 1881-83; president City Council, 1889-93; mayor of St. Louis, 1893-97; endorsed by Republican Convention of Missouri for 616' THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS vice president of United States; Republican nominee for governor of Missouri, 1904. Vice president Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904; chairman City Plan Commission, etc. Member First Trinitarian Congregational Church, Business Men's League, Manufac turers' Association, Masonic order. Clubs: Mercantile, Round Table, Bellerive Country. Recreation: golf. Office: 2 N. 4th St. Resi dence: 3714 Westminster PL WALBRIDGE, Merrell Packard, wholesale druggist; born, St. Louis, Sept. 5, 1884; son of Cyrus P. and Lizzie (Merrell) Walbridge; educated, Smith Academy, graduating, 1903; Amherst College, Mass, graduated with de gree of A.B, 1907; married, St. Louis, Nov. 10, 1910, Bess Dorothy Niederlander. Began active career with the J. S. Merrell Drug Co. and served as director and secretary same from Jan. 20, 1908, to Jan. 1, 1912, since sec ond vice president. Republican. Presbyte rian. Member Sons of American Revolution, Alpha Delta Phi college fraternity. Club: Bellerive Country. Recreation: golf. Office: 4th and Market Sts. Residence: 501 Clara Avenue. WALDO, Clarence Abiathar, professor of mathematics and applied mechanics, Wash ington University; born, Hammond, St. Law rence Co, N. Y, Jan. 21, 1852; son of Orange Gersham and Barbara Ellen (Zoller) Waldo; A.B, Wesleyan University, Conn, 1875, A.M., 1878; universities of Leipzig and Munich, 1882-83; Ph.D., Syracuse University, 1894; married, Stamford, Conn, Abby Wright, daughter of late Levi W. Allen, of South Had ley, Mass., Aug. 2, 1881; one child, Alice God dard Waldo. Instructor in mathematics and registrar, Wesleyan University, 1877-81; pro fessor mathematics, 1883-91, acting president, 1885-86, 1888-89, Rose Polytechnic Institute, Terre Haute, Ind.; professor mathematics, DePauw University, 1891-95; head professor mathematics, Purdue University, 1895-1908; professor mathematics, Washington Univer sity, since 1908, Thayer professor of mathe matics and applied mechanics, since 1910. Fellow American Association for Advance ment of Science (vice president Section D, 1902-03, secretary council, 1903-04, general secretary, 1904-05) ; president Indiana College Association, 1890, Indiana Academy of Sci ence, 1898; member Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi, etc.; arbitrator Chicago Conference Col leges (Big Eight), 1901-12, Ohio Conference Colleges (Big Six), 1903-05. Author: Manual of Descriptive Geometry, 1888. Editor Pro ceedings Indiana Academy of Science, 1896- 97-98, Proceedings Society for Promotion of Engineering Education, 1901-03. Editor Pro ceedings North Central Association of Col leges and Secondary Schools, 1898-1900. Con tributor to various societies. Residence: Wash ington University. WALDSTEIN, Franz Falk, lumber mcht.; born, in Berlin, Germany, Apr. 22, 1861; son of Nathan and Rosa (Kiefer) Waldstein; graduated from Johannes Gymnasium, Bres-. lau, Germany, 1879; studied elocution; came to St. Louis, 1885; married, August, 1902, Mary Louise Stunkel. Entered, 1885, lumber business of N. Waldstein in St. Louis, which was incorporated in 1892 as the Waldstein Lumber Co., of which became president in 1900. Member St. Louis Lumbermen's Ex change. Republican. Recreation: reading. Of fice: 2501 S. 7th St. Residence: 1736 Simpson Place. WALKER, David Davis, merchant; see Vol, 1906. WALKER, Henry, furniture; born, Brock- ville, Can, Sept. 1, 1849; son of James and Sophia (Grew) Walker; educated in public schools; married, Rochester, N. Y, 1879, Mary Armstrong; one daughter, Edna S. (Mrs. . Louis Yeckel). Learned upholstering trade and worked in various cities in the United States; engaged in upholstery business at Lyons, la, two years; located in St. Louis in same business, 1880; president Henry Walker Furniture Co, 1880-1908; now member firm of Walker & Armstrong. Republican. Christian Scientist. Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner. Office: 1306 Olive St. Resi dence: 3969 Westminster PL *WALKER, Herbert Newton; moved to California; see Vol. 1906. WALKER, Joseph Sidney, secretary and treasurer Ely & Walker Dry Goods Co.; born, St. Louis, Oct. 11, 1863; son of David D. and Martha A. (Beakey) Walker; educated at St. Louis University, graduating in class of 1883; married, St. Louis, Nov. 14, 1898, Katherine Mudd. Began business career in employ of the Ely & Walker Dry Goods Co. in 1884; was elected secretary and treasurer of the com pany, 1900. Member Business Men's League, Civie League, Saturday Hospital Association. Clubs: St. Louis, Noonday, St. Louis Country, Racquet. Recreations: golf, tennis, automo biling. Office: 1520 Washington Ave. Resi dence: 5 Hortense PL WALKER, Robert Franklin, lawyer; born, Florence, Morgan Co, Mo, Nov. 29, 1850; son of Belford Stephenson and Abigail Lewis (Evans) Walker; A.B, Missouri State Uni versity, 1873, LL.B, 1875; married, Fayette, Mo, Sept. 20, 1877, Nannie A. Wright (died Nov. 24, 1892); children: Katharine (now Mrs. F. K. Smith), Leland R.; married, 2d, Brooklyn, Sept. 28, 1895, Geneva C. Percy. Admitted to Missouri bar, Apr. 26, 1876, to Supreme Court of United States, Jan. 12, 1894; practiced in Morgan County until 1897; prosecuting attorney, Morgan County, 1877- 85; assistant attorney-general Missouri, 1885- 89, attorney-general, 1893-97; since 1897 prac- THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 617 ticing law in St. Louis. Non-resident lecturer on public service corporations, University of Missouri. Member Revising Commission Mis souri Statutes, 1889, and chairman of like commission, 1909; counsel for Merchants' Ex change of St. Louis, 1899-1909. Member Mis souri Bar Associatiou (president, 1906-07), American Bar Association, Missouri Histori cal Society; delegate Universal Congress of Lawyers and Jurists, St. Louis, 1904. Mem ber editorial staff Cyclopedia of Law and Procedure. Democrat. Author of addresses and articles on legal and literary subjects. Office: Rialto Bldg. Residence: 5537 Cabanne Avenue. WALKER, Samuel Asbury, vice president Acme Cement Plaster Co.; born, Savannah, Mo, July 7, 1854; son of Henry T. and Mar tha (Earls) Walker; educated in public schools of Missouri and Westminster College, Pulton, Mo.; married, Plattsburgh, Mo, Dee. 11, 1879, Harriet Davis; children: Georgia (Mrs. R. R. Richardson, of Chicago), Louis R., Paul A. Was engaged in the banking busi uess in various cities and towns of Kansas and Missouri until 1894, when he became vice president and manager of the Acme Cement Plaster Co. and moved to St. Louis, Jan. 1, 1899. Democrat. Clubs: Glen Echo Country, St. Louis, Noonday, Hillcrest Golf. Recrea tion: golf. Office: 1015, 415 Pine St. Resi dence: 4272 Washington Boul. WALKER, William M, hotel manager; born, Washington, D. C, Oct. 21, 1867; son of William J. and Marion E. (Ross) Walker; educated Emerson Institute, Washington, D. O; married, Washington, June 19, 1900, Maud MaeSween; one son, Burton Rodgers. Began as night clerk in a hotel in Washington, Oct. 2, 1885; served in various capacities in hotels in Washington, Bay Ridge, Md, Crescent Springs, Pa, Winter Park, Fla, Chicago, Mackinac Island and Eureka Springs, Ark.; came to Jefferson Hotel, St. Louis, 1899, and has been manager Planters Hotel since 1908. Served ten years in District National Guard, Washington, D. C. ; was sergeant drill corps, National Fencibles. Baptist. Member St. Louis Hotel Men's Association. Club: Cen tury Boat. Residence": Planters Hotel. WALL, Charles Watson, treasurer Meyer Brothers Drug Co.; bora, Fort Wayne, Ind, Aug. 23, 1855; son of Watson and Mary A. (Barnett) Wall; educated in public schools of Indiana; married, St. Louis, Feb. 27, 1879, Mary G. Holmes; children: Charles W, Jr., Harry G, Theodore M. Came to St. Louis in 1869 and began business career as office boy and later bookkeeper for the wholesale drug house of Meyer Bros. & Co., continuing until 1873; in credit department of Samuel Cup ples & Co, 1873-75; returned to financial de partment of Meyer Brothers & Co., with which house has continued, having been treasurer of the Meyer Brothers Drug Co. from incorpora tion of the company in 1889. President and treasurer Holland Realty and Power Co, Alada Oil Co., Sussex Realty Co., Stratford Hotel and Realty Co.; president Hanover Realty and Power Co., Watsonia Realty Co. Democrat. Episcopalian. Clubs: Glen Echo Country, Normandie Country. Recreations: golf, athletics. Office: 4th St. and Clark Ave. Residence: 4946 Berlin Ave. WALL, Louis J. W, manager August Gast Bank Note and Lithographing Co.; born, Gra- vois Settlement, St. Louis Co., Mo, Dec. 30, 1848; son of Rev. George W. and Julia F. (von Turnau) Wall; attended German school connected with father's church, 1855-57; La fayette (public) School, 1857-63; Wyman 's City University, 1863-64; unmarried. Began business career, 1865-67, with George W. Cur tis & Co., coal oil and lamp dealers; then in office of Barr, Duncan & Co., and its suc cessor, William Barr & Co. (later William Barr Dry Goods Co.), 1867-69; clerk First Na tional Bank, 1869-72; bookkeeper Provident Savings Institution, 1872-76; purchased inter est in the firm of August Gast & Co.; formed August Gast Bank Note and Lithographing . Co., 1884, and was its president, 1903-12, now manager same. Republican; delegate from Tenth Congressional District of Missouri to National Republican Convention, 1896. Mem ber German Evangelical Church. Recreation: fishing. Office: 21st ancl Morgan Sts. Resi dence: 4532 Virginia Ave. WALL, Nicholas Roe, insurance; vice presi dent Title Guaranty Trust Co., American Trust Co.; born, St. Louis, Dec. 15, 1861; son of Nicholas and Frances Elizabeth (Calvert) Wall; educated in Stoddard School and Wash ington University; married, St. Louis, June 3, 1885, Queen Reynolds; children: Dorothy, Winifred. Went as a boy to Washington, 'D. C, with his uncle, who was in the army sup ply business, and remained two years; re turned to St. Louis and was clerk in the post- office two years, then clerk for Samuel Cup ples Wooden Ware Co. until 1881. Clerk with H. M. Blossom & Co., insurance, 1881-84; then with W. G. Bently & Co., as special agent for Continental Insurance Co. of New York; mem ber firm of Wall & Whittemore, 1887-1906; since 1906 vice president Title Guaranty Trust Co., and American Trust Co.; also since 1911 local manager American Central Fire Insur ance Co. of St. Louis. Secretary and treasurer Missouri Association of Local Fire Insurance Agents, 1905-06; member St. Louis Insurance Agents' Association (president, 1905-06); chairman insurance committee Merchants ' Exchange, 1905. Republican. Methodist. Ma son (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner; member Legion of Honor. Served four years in in fantry (St. Louis Cadets), and in battery of CIS THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS St. Louis Light Artillery Co. Clubs: Mercan tile, Glen Echo Country. Recreation: golf. Offices: 104-106 N. 4th St. and 710 Chestnut St. Residence: 4228 Westminster PL WALL, Otto Augustus, Ph.G, M.D.; born in St. Louis Co, Mo.; son of Rev. George W. and Julia Friedericka (von Turnau) Wall; educated at St. Marcus (parochial) School un til 1856; Lafayette School, St. Louis, 1856-60; Missouri College, Warren Co, Mo, 1860-61; Wyman 's City University, 1861-64; Ph.G, St. Louis College of Pharmacy, 1866; student Humboldt Medical College, 1868-69; M.D, Missouri Medical College (now Medical De partment of Washington University), 1870; M.D, Bellevue Hospital Medical College, New York, 1871; married at Jefferson City, June 29, 1871, to Miss Julia Rieger; children: Otto A, Jr, Mrs. Henrietta Wall Stith, and Alice Irene. Druggist with Enno Sander & Co., 1864-68; retail drugist, 1868-73; practicing physician, 1871-83; since 1882 engaged as man ufacturing pharmacist, and now president of the Otto Wall Laboratory. Professor of ma teria medica, botany and pharmacognosy in St. Louis College of Pharmacy; formerly pro fessor of materia medica and therapeutics in Missouri Medical College. Member of Com mittee for Revision of U. S. Pharmacopoeia, 1880-90, and 1890-1900; vice president of Con vention for Revision of U. S. Pharmacopoeia, 1900-1910; presiding officer Pharmacopoeia! Convention, 1910. Member American Pharma ceutical Association. Was a member of the St. Louis School Board, 1874-77. Residence: S. Dakota St. between Virginia and S. Comp ton Aves. WALL, Otto Augustus, Jr, physician; born in St. Louis, Aug. 17, 1873; son of Dr., Otto Augustus and Julia (Rieger) Wall; educated in St. Louis public schools; Smith Academy; Ph.B, summa cum laude, Si. Louis College of Pharmacy, 1895; M.D, cum laude, Missouri Medical College, 1898; post-graduate course in Medical Department of Johns Hopkins Uni versity, Baltimore, Md, 1898; married at Ei Dorado Springs, Mo, June 29, 1904, Miss Emma Elizabeth Babler. Resident surgeon, Emergency Hospital, Louisiana Purchase Ex position (World's Fair), 1904; instructor in pharmacognosy and lecturer on accidents and emergencies, St. Louis College of Pharmacy. Member of Charter Board of Directors and now associate medical director of the Inter national Life Insurance Co., St. Louis. Ed itor of Weekly Bulletin of the St. Louis Med ical Society. Officer of Acadcemie des Beaux Arts, Paris, France; member Alumni Associa tion of Washington University Medical De partment, St. Louis Medical Society; Missouri State Medical Association, American Medical Association. Club: Contemporary. Office: N. E. cor. Grand Ave. and Hartford St. Resi dence: 3122 S. Grand Ave. WALLACE, Fred Lamot, grain commission; born, Raymond, Union Co, O, Mar. 31, 1865; son of John James and Elvira J. (Lockwood) Wallace; educated in public schools; married, Chattanooga, Tenn, June 17, 1896, Mabel O'Neal; children: Marion, Helen, Grace and Ruth. Began as employe in insurance office, Champaign, 111, 1880-82; then in merchandis ing as clerk, 1882-84; in service of Peoria & Pekin Union Ry, and other railroads, until 1887; in grain business as employe of S. C. Bartlett & Co., Peoria, 111, representing the company in Buffalo, and later with Bartlett, Frazier & Co., Chicago; came to St. Louis, 1902; secretary and treasurer Burlington Ele vator Co., then in grain commission business under firm name of F. L. Wallace & Co.; man ager Security Warehouse and Elevator Co. since 1908. Member Merchants' Exchange. Office: Chamber of Commerce. Residence: Kirkwood, Mo. WALLACE, Harry Brookings, vice presi dent Samuel Cupples Woodenware Co.; born, St. Louis, Aug. 6, 1877; son of Asa A. and Mary Jane (Brookings) Wallace; educated in Smith Academy to 1895; B.A, Yale Univer sity, 1899; married, St. Louis, Oct. 29, 1902, Mary R. Kennard; two children: John Ken nard, Anne. Began with Samuel Cupples Woodenware Co, Sept. 1, 1899, engaged in , sample and stock room, then city desk clerk, until 1901; next entered buyer's department as assistant, and became buyer and manager manufacturing department; elected assistant secretary, 1907, secretary, 1909, and viee pres ident, 1912. Member Business Men's League, Civic League, City Plan Commission, Munici pal Voters ' League. Viee president Mercan tile Library Association; member board of control Kingdoms House. Republican. Meth odist. Clubs: City, Round Table, St. Louis Country, Racquet. Recreations: golf, tennis. Office: Samuel Cupples Woodenware Co. Resi dence: 4976 Berlin Ave. WALLACE, John Thomas, first vice presi dent Blackmer & Post Pipe Co.; born, Freder icksburg, Va, Aug. 31, 1858; son of Howson H. and Betty S. (Crouch) Wallace; educated in public schools of Fredericksburg; married, at St. Louis, 1898, Mrs. Lulu Meriwether (nee Norvell). Began business career in 1880, in employ of the firm of Blackmer & Post, manu facturers of sewer pipe and a full line of vit rified clay goods; and has been with the same business ever since as bookkeeper, salesman, general agent, and, since 1909, as first viee president Blackmer & Post Pipe Co., and of the Post Pipe Co. Presbyterian. Mason. Clubs: St. Louis, Algonquin Golf. Recreation: golf. Office: Wainwright Bldg. Residence: 501 Clara Ave. WALLACE, Mahlon Brookings, president and general manager Samuel Cupples Wood enware Co.; born, St. Louis, July 29, 1871; THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 619 son of Asa A. and Mary J. (Brookings) Wal lace; educated Smith Academy, St. Louis; married Miss Grace Lathrop Whitelaw, of St. Louis, Feb. 15, 1898. Began active career as stock clerk with Samuel Cupples Woodenware Co., 1890, and has since continued with the company, of which has been president and general manager since 1912. Also president Escanaba Manufacturing Co.; director State National Bank, Commonwealth Trust Co. (St. Louis), Union Bag and Paper Co. (New York). Methodist. Clubs: "St. Louis, St. Louis Coun try, Noonday, Racquet, Commercial. Office: 401 S. 7th St. Residence: Clayton, Mo. WALLS, Gaston B., secretary and treasurer St. Louis Transfer Co.; born, Warsaw, Benton Co., Mo, Mar. 5, 1851; son of William and Lydia B. (Halpain) Walls; educated in St. Louis public and high schools; married, St. Louis, July 11, 1882, Margaret Gould Schaub; one son, Robert Gould Walls. Began as a clerk with A. M. Leslie & Co, St. Louis, 1866, and held various clerical positions until 1879; became identified with the St. Louis Transfer Co., which served successively as collector, assistant cashier and cashier until 1888, when was elected treasurer of the company, of which is now secretary and treasurer. Member Royal Arcanum, National Union. Office: 400 S. Broadway. WALSH, C(harles) K(ay) Dickson; born, St. Louis, Oct. 30, 1872; son of Julius S. and Josephine (Dickson) Walsh; educated in Christian Brothers College, St. Louis, and Georgetown University, Washington, D. O; married, Dec. 2, 1898, Jessie Kehlor. Former ly secretary and director Kehlor Flour Mills Co.; vice president and director St. Louis Merchants ' Bridge and Terminal Ry. Co. Cath olic. Clubs: University, Noonday, Country, Racquet. Residence: 14 Hortense PL WALSH, Julius S, chairman of the board of directors Mississippi Valley Trust Co., and Terminal Railroad Association; born, St. Louis Dec. 1, 1842; son of Edward and Isabelle (de Mun) Walsh; educated in schools of St. Louis, St. Louis University (A.M., 1865, LL.D, 1904) and St. Joseph's College, Bardstown, Ky, graduating, A.B, 1861; graduated from Law Department of Columbia College, LL.B, 1864; married, St. Louis, Jan. 11, 1870, Josephine Dickson; children: Julius S, Jr., Robert A. B, C. K. Dickson, N. S. Chouteau, Isabelle (Mrs. Charles L. Palms, Detroit, Mich.), Ellen (Mrs. William Maffit), Josephine (Mrs. Capt. J. S. Bates, of St. Louis). Admitted to practice law in New York, 1864; came to St. Louis same year and engaged in business. In 1870 was made president of the Citizens Railway Co., and in 1873 president of the Union Rail way Co.; in 1875 became the first president of the South Pass Jetty Co., organized for the purpose of providing an open mouth to the Mississippi River; in 1877 became president of the People 's Railway Co., and of the Tower Grove and Lafayette Railway Co.; in 1885 built the Northern Central Ry.; president St. Louis Bridge Co., 1875-90; in 1895 was made viee president of the St. Louis Terminal Asso ciation, in 1896 succeeded to its presidency, and is now chairman of its board of directors. Organized, 1890, the Mississippi Valley Trust Co., and was its president; was president of the St. Louis & Suburban Railway Co. until it was merged into the United Railways Co. of St. Louis; also president of the Mississippi Glass Co., and Union Electric Light and Power Co. Clubs: St. Louis, Noonday, University, Racquet, Commercial, St. Louis Country, Kin loch, also Union Club (of New York). Rec reations: motoring and traveling. Office: Mis sissippi Valley Trust Co., N. W. cor. 4th and Pine Sts. Residence: 3628 Delmar Boul. WALSH, Julius Sylvester, Jr.; born, St. Louis, Oct. 22, 1876; son of Julius S. and Josephine (Dickson) Walsh; A.B, Georgetown University, Washington, D. C, 1898; married, Dec. 30, 1905, Clara, daughter of D. D. Bell, of Lexington, Ky. Began business career, No vember, 1898, with Terminal R. R. Associa tion as yard clerk and later served in various capacities; formerly vice president and gen eral manager St. Louis & Suburban Ry. Assist ant secretary Terminal R. R. of St. Louis. Catholic. Clubs: University, Noonday, St. Louis Country. Recreations: horseback riding, driving, automobiling. Residence: Pine Lawn, Missouri. WALSH, Robert A. B, vice president and general manager Mississippi Glass Co.; bora, St. Louis, Dec. 25, 1878; son of Julius S. and Josephine (Dickson) Walsh; educated in St. Louis University, Georgetown University, and Princeton University to 1900; unmarried. On leaving college became connected with the Mississippi Glass Co., assisting in the super intendent's office; in 1902 was elected secre tary of the Mississippi Glass Co. of Missouri, continuing until 1909, when he became vice president and general manager; also second vice president of the Mississippi Glass Co. of New York, the company manufacturing wired glass, a late invention for fire protection in place of iron shutters; also manufacturing fire brick and fire clay products. Republican. Clubs: University, St. Louis Country, Noon day. Recreation: horseback riding. Office: Main and Angelica Sts. Residence: 3628 Del mar Ave. WALTER, A. J, secretary National Candy Co.; born, Brooklyn, N. Y, Oct. 16, 1859; son of Anthony and Clara (Rhein) Walter; edu cated in college at Aix-la-Chapelle, Germany; unmarried. Came from Brooklyn to St. Louis, 1869; began business career in 1876 with F. Walter, candy manufacturer, and remained with him until 1888, when bought out Mr. Hymers, of Flohr, Hymers & Co.; style was 620 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS later changed to A. J. Walter, and so re mained until 1902, when consolidated with National Candy Co., the factory on S. 3d -St. becoming the A. J. ^W alter branch of the Na tional Candy Co., of which company has been secretary since the consolidation. Independent in politics. Member Liederkranz. Office: 711, 415 Pine St. Residence : 3447 Longfellow Boul. WALTHER, Lambert Edward, city counsel or; born, St. Louis, July 4, 1872; son of Lam bert and Sophia (Gundlach) Walther; edu cated in St. Louis public and high schools and Law Department of Washington Univer sity; married, St. Louis, Dec. 6, 1898, Con stance Lynn; children: Gertrude L, Constance and Hugo M. Admitted to bar at St. Louis, June 14, 1894; joined Julius T. Muench in forming the law firm of Walther & Muench, Apr. 1, 1901; firm dissolved June, 1909, upon appointment of senior member as city coun selor; was member City Council for unex pired term November, 1908-April, 1909. Di rector of the German Mutual Life Insurance Co., Broadway Savings Trust Co. Member St. Louis and American Bar associations, 'Civic League. Republican. Member Ethical Culture Society. Member A. F. & A. M, Royal Ar canum. Clubs: City, Masonic. Offiee: 234 City Hall. Residence: 3512 Palm St. WALTKE, Louis Henry, soap manufac turer; born, St. Louis, June 1, 1855; son of William and Anna Waltke; educated in Lu theran parochial and high schools, College of Pharmacy and Jones Commercial College; married, St. Louis, May, 1880, Annie Stoffre gen; children: Louis A, Richard, Herbert, Annie (Mrs. H. Heitner), Laura. Entire busi ness career has been with father's firm of William Waltke & Co. (established 1858), soap makers, perfumers and chemists, begin ning in 1888, and learning all the technical de tails of the manufacture as well as of man agement, and is now vice president of the company. President Lutheran Altenheim, Lu theran Homeless Children's Society; member board of directors Walther College; member Humane Society of Missouri. Member St. Louis Chemical Society, Manufacturers' Asso ciation, Business Men's League, Merchants' Exchange, Latin American and Foreign Trade Association, North St. Louis Business Men's Association, North St. Louis Citizens' Asso ciation. Republican. Lutheran. Clubs: Mis souri Athletic, Missouri Hunting and Fishing. Recreations: traveling and motoring. Office: 2d St. and E. Grand Ave. Residence: 2002 Obear Ave. WALTKE, William, soap manufacturer; bora in Prussia, Nov. 18, 1822; son of Fred erick and Christina Waltke; educated in ele mentary schools of Germany; served in Prus sian Army; married at St. Louis, 1853, to Miss Anna Koring (now deceased) ; one son, Louis H. Came to United States from Ger many in 1851, and later to St. Louis, and for seven years was employed in the soap works of Becker & Brand; in 1858 started in busi ness for self in small way, which has always been conducted as William Waltke & Co. (now a corporation, of which is president). Lu theran. Recreation: reading. Office: E. Grand Ave. and 2d St. Residence: Algernon and Harris Aves. WANGLER, Charles J, vice president Jo seph F. Wangier Boiler and Sheet Iron Works Co.; born, St. Louis, 1867; son of Joseph Fran cis and Matilda (Carpenter) Wangier. Began in shops of father's boiler and sheet iron work business in 1885, serving apprenticeship of five years, and in 1891, on incorporation, became vice president of the company. Clubs: Mercantile, St. Louis Railway, Century Boat. Recreation: stock farming. Office: 1547 N 9th St. Residence: Kirkwood, Mo. WANGLER, Joseph Francis, manufacturer of steam boilers, tanks, etc.; born, Pittsburgh, Pa, Mar. 4, 1837; son of Conrad and Teresa (Steigers) Wangier; educated in parochial schools, Pittsburgh, and O 'Fallon Polytechnic School, St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Nov. 30, 1865, Matilda Carpenter; children: Charles J, Joseph A, Clara, Matilda (Mrs. Franck), Anna, Teresa. Left Pittsburgh Feb. 15, 1851, and arrived in St. Louis, after quick passage of steamer Isaac Newton, on Feb. 22, 1851. Started, Feb. 25, 1851, to serve apprenticeship at boiler-making and sheet-iron work at Broadway Foundry on Broadway, between Cherry and Biddle Sts.; worked at the trade until starting for self, Mar. 28, 1864; was in U. S. Navy, building gunboats at St. Louis, 1862; since 1864 conducting general boiler and sheet iron works, incorporated, 1891, as Joseph F. Wangier Boiler and Sheet Iron Works Co., of which is president. Also president Joseph F. Wangier Realty Co. Member Merchants' Exchange, St. Louis Merchants' Library, Citi zens' Industrial Association, St. Louis School of Fine Arts, St. Louis Bowling Association. Independent voter, with Democratic leanings. Roman Catholic. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, En gineers', St. Louis Railway. Recreations: mu sic, art and reading. Office: 1547 N. 9th St. Residence: 2241 St. Louis Ave. WANSTRATH, George J, real estate; born, Bersenbruck, Hanover, Germany, Jan. 29, 1866; son of Henry and Minnie (Budke) Wan- strath; married, St. Louis, Apr. 16, 1891, Car rie Alfeld; children: George B, Minnie. Be gan business career in 1888, conducting a res taurant at Topeka, Kan, until 1889; in res taurant business at St. Louis three years and in grocery business until 1901; established in real estate business, now owner of George J. Wanstrath Real Estate Co. President Carrie Investment Co. Member St. Louis Real Estate Exchange, Business Men's League, North St. Louis Business Men's Association. Catholic. THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 621 Member Knights of Columbus. Office: 717^ Chestnut St. Residence: 4270 Athlone, cor. of Carter St. *WARE, Charles Alexander, physician; moved to Virginia; see Vol. 1906. WARE, Charles Edward, manager railroad department Buxton & Skinner Printing Co.; born, St. Louis, Mar. 23, 1850; son of Joseph E. and Evelyne (Crary) Ware; educated in public schools; married, St. Louis Co., June 25, 1874, Eliza Bissell (deceased) ; four chil dren: James Bissell, Edwin Stanley, Eloise, Charles E. Engaged with father in sewing machine business, Jaeksonport, Ark, 1861; taught detail of men to operate machines in making uniforms for Confederate forces; was in charge father's salt and saltpeter works when First Indiana Cavalry destroyed plant, 1862; was guide and mail-carrier for Confed erate army, 1862-63; served on supply boat, Blue Wine, under Maj. C. C. Rainwater, for Confederates; when Confederates abandoned Arkansas, made way to Potosi, Mo, March, 1864; was pressed into service as guide to Shelby's forces, to whom Potosi surrendered, October, 1864. Served thirteen years as mem ber Missouri State Militia, in Light Cavalry, 1877-91; was in service during three strikes, 1884-85, 1886 and 1887; appointed colonel Flambeau Battalion, 1886; member St. Louis Light Cavalry Association, United Confeder ate Veterans ' Association. Began business ca reer with newspaper conducted by George B. Clark, Potosi, Mo, 1867; became member firm of Clark, Ware & McGrain, adding book store to printing business, 1868, and continued until 1870; then engaged with New Orleans Pica yune to February, 1871. Removed to St. Louis, 1871, since connected with printing business; acquired interest in job department Times Printing Co, 1871, and Continued until 1885; engaged with Buxton & Skinner, 1885-86; with Woodward & Tiernan, 1886-1900; since department manager Buxton & Skinner Print ing Co. President Ozark Land and Fruit Growing Co.; was treasurer West Cabanne Improvement Co. Formerly member Manufac turers' Association of St. Louis, and Civic League; also Historical Society. Democrat. Methodist. Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner; member B. P. O. Elks. Clubs: formerly mem ber of Mercantile, St. Louis Field, Aerial. Office: 306 N. 4th St. Residence: Usona Hotel. WARE, J.. Allen, railway construction: bom in Salem County, N. J, Mar. 5, 1845; son of Clement A. and Lydia (Allen) Ware; educated in public schools; widower; chil dren: J. Allen, Jr., Mrs. Lydia Bortoii. En gaged in railroad tie business in Jefferson City, Mo, until 1875; then located in St. Louis, and has since been identified with railway construction. Member Business Men's League. Mason. Club: Noonday. Office: 509 Chestnut St. Residence: Bridgeton, St. Louis County, Mo. WARNER, Erastus Herrick, retired; born in Erie Co, N. Y, Mar. 20, 3 833; son of Hyman and Sallie (Richards) Warner; edu cated at Aurora (N. Y.) Academy; married, Omaha, Neb, Sept. 7, 1870, Ella N. Barney; children: Ralph W, "Walter T. Came west in 1852 to Chicago, and in 1855 went to Omaha, by way of St. Louis and up the Missouri River; in 1858, to Denver; in 1874 came to St. Louis for the Union Pacific R. R. Co., to buy lumber. In May, 1877, established in lumber business under the firm name of Warner & Hanpeter, later Warner & Moore, Warner & Alf ord, and Warner & Pearman, and conducted business alone until July, 1909, when retired. Republican. Congregationalist. Member Royal Arcanum and Legion of Honor. Office: Ma rion and Kosciusko Sts. Residence: 1905 S. Grand Ave. WARNER, George Ketchum, treasurer St. Louis Southwestern Railway Co.; bora, Mo bile, Ala, Sept. 2, 1860; son of George O. and Martha D. (Horn) Warner; graduated from Barton Academy, Mobile, Ala, 1875; married, Mobile, 1882, Helen R. Ewing; children: Mar tha E. (Mrs. Miller Patterson, of Kansas City, Mo.), Robert H, Ann T, James L, George O, Lula D, Margaret. Began railway service February, 188.3, as storekeeper for Louisville & Nashville R. R. at Mobile, until December, 3883; chief clerk in mechanical department, Texas & St. Louis My. Co. (now St. Louis Southwestern Ry. Co.), at Jonesboro and Pine Bluff, Ark, December, 1883, to July, 1884; bookkeeper accounting department, same com pany, St. Louis, 1884-85; chief clerk, 1885-88; since Dec. 5, 1888, treasurer St. Louis South western Ry. Co. Also secretary and treasurer of Paragould Southeastern Ry. Co, Pine Bluff Arkansas River Ry, Grays Point Terminal Ry. Co, and treasurer The Shreveport Bridge and Terminal Co., Central Arkansas & Eastern R. R. Co.; assistant treasurer Stephen ville North & South Texas Ry. Co. Office: 1524 Pierce Bldg. Residence: 6003 Clemens Ave. WASS, James K, general auditor The Southwestern Bell Telephone System; born, Addison, Me, Aug. 28, 1869; son of Warren and Josephine (Longfellow) Wass; educated in public schools of Massachusetts ;. married, Boston, Oct. 21, 1890, Mabel Studley; chil dren: Roland S, Mildred L, Arnold C. Began business career in 1886 in the offices of the New England Telephone and Telegraph Co, at Boston; auditor of the Bell Telephone Co. of Missouri, 1903-12, since general auditor The Southwestern Bell Telephone System. Club: Noonday. Office: 611 Locust St. Resi dence: 1926 Louisiana Ave. WASSERMAN, Bennett, broker; deceased; see Vol. 1906. WATERWORTH, James Alexander, Mis souri Actuarial Bureau; born in County Down, Ireland, May 14, 1844; son of John and Jane 622 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS (Davidson) Waterworth; educated in private schools and Belfast Academy, 1856-62; mar ried, St. Louis, Jan. 21, 1875, Lillie Brooks; two sons: John, Edward. Began business ca reer as clerk in Ulster Bank, 1862-67; came to St. Louis, November, 1867; clerk in United States Insurance Co., 1868, director in same, 1871; partner in insurance agency of H. I. Bodley & Co., 1871; president St. Louis Board of Fire Underwriters from 1881 until dissolu tion of the board in 1899; began, 1899, in business of publishing insurance surveys, making surveys of buildings, their construc tion, occupancy and protection, and furnish ing data for estimating fire insurance rates; now conducts business as Missouri Actuarial Bureau (fire insurance). Democrat, until 1896; since independent. Member of Public Service Commission, Business Men's League, Civic League. Assisted in organizing, 1877, and several years member of Light Battery A, National Guard of Missouri; was president of Board of Charity Commissioners under ad ministration of Mayor Francis. Protestant Episcopalian; secretary of the Chapter of Christ Church Cathedral. Member Archaeo logical Institute of America, Missouri His torical Society. Clubs: Noonday, Commercial, Round Table, Church (ex-president), City. Office: Pierce Bldg. Residence: Bellevue Apts, 14 N. Kingshighway. WATKINS, John Arthur, real estate; bora, St. Louis Co, July 6, 1870; son of Benjamin Franklin, and Anna Jerusha (MacArthur) Watkins; educated in public schools, Wash ington University, Law School of Washing ton University; also took a course in Perkins & Herpel Commercial College'; unmarried. Be gan in real estate business at St. Louis, June 20, 1893; head of firm of John A. Watkins & Co. Member Real Estate Exchange. Repub lican. Protestant. Member Tuscan Lodge A. F. & A. M. Clubs: City, Missouri Athletic. Recreations: travel, golf and chess. Office: 307 Liggett Bldg. Residence: 4334 Cook Ave. *WATROUS, William C; moved to St. Paul, Minn.; see Vol. 1906. WATSON, Archie E, lawyer; born, Alli ance, Stark Co., 0, Nov. 21, 1863; son of James and Mary (Slaven) Watson; educated in Kansas State University, to end of junior year; LL.B, University of Michigan, 1890; married Capitola Robaugh, Oct. 11, 1905; one son, Ralph A. Admitted to bar, Juty, 1890; practiced profession at Kansas City, Kan, as member of law firm of McGrew, Watson & Watson, from July, 1890, until April, 1905, when came to St. Louis; attorney for iEtna Life Insurance Co., at St. Louis. Republican. Recreations: hunting and books. Office: 607 Pierce Bldg. Residence: Lackland Ave, St. Louis County. WATSON, James D, railway official; born, Port Huron, Mich, June 30, 1870; son of Wil liam J. and Isabell (Taylor) Watson; educat ed in public schools of Little Rock, Ark.; married, Little Rock, June 20, 1894, Ida Gor don Harrell; three children: Lillian Arline, Cedric, Melvin. Entered railway service, Au gust, 1880, as messenger St. Louis, Iron Moun tain & Southern Ry, at Little Rock; served in operating, machinery, car and traffic de partments same for fifteen years; became con nected with the St. Louis Southwestern Ry. (Cotton Belt Route), Oct. 15, 1895; identified with traffic department same at Little Rock, in various capacities, and assistant general freight agent at St. Louis since July 15, 1906. Republican. Presbyterian. Mason (32°); member B. P. O. Elks. Clubs: Missouri Ath letic, St. Louis, Liederkranz. Recreation: reading. Office: 1531 Pierce Bldg. Residence: 3503 Park Ave. WATSON, Rolla S, finance and real estate; born, St. Louis, June 3, 1883; son of Selma- and Athelia (Coffmann) Watson; member of one of the oldest St. Louis and county fam ilies; grandfather, Wesley Watson, arrived at St. Louis from Virginia in 1827 and pur chased several thousand acres of land, part of which now comprises the site of Shaw's Garden (Watson Road is named in honor of this early pioneer) ; educated in public schools of St. Louis County and Webster Groves High School, graduating from the latter; married, St. Louis, Dec. 7, 1909, Ethel Connon Shu mate. Entered real estate and financial field as associate of Edward K. Love, directly after graduating from high school; this busi ness connection continued until 1905-, when withdrew and organized the Rolla S. Watson Realty Co., of which has since been presi dent; has promoted numerous large deals and launched a number of business and financial organizations; president Berclid Realty Co, Re-Claim Land Co., June Realty and Invest ment Co.; vice president Pueblo Construction Co. Independent in politics. Presbyterian. Member St. Louis Real Estate Exchange, Mis souri Historical Society; Clubs: Amphion, St. Louis Amateur Athletic Association. Recrea tion: outdoor life. Office: 606 Chestnut St. Residence: 5156 Westminster PL WATTERS, William Hugh, retired; born in England, Oct. 14, 1847; son of John and Charlotte (Tregoning) Watters; removed to Pennsylvania in childhood and was educated there as a civil and mining engineer; mar ried, Ishpeming, Mich, Dec. 7, 1874, Miss Amelia Mitchell; one daughter, Laura. In 1873 entered the gunpowder and high explo sives business, in which was connected with a New York concern and afterwards in Mich igan until removed to St. Louis in December, 1882; became general agent of the Atlantic Dynamite Co, and was located in Chicago for a short time until returned to St. Louis, 1904, as general agent for E. I. Du Pont Co.; THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 623 retired, 1908. Methodist. Member Royal Ar canum. Residence: 5831 Clemens Ave. WATTS, Frank Overton, banker; born, Pa ducah, Ky, Nov. 14, 1867; son of Thomas Lacey and Ruth (Caldwell) Watts; educated public and preparatory schools, Tennessee; married Helen Moore, of Helena, Ark, Jan. 16, 1894; children: Lawson, Helen, Frank O. Cashier First National Bank, Union City, Tenn, 1888-97; cashier, 1897-1903, president, 1903-12, First National Bank of Nashville; vice president Third National Bank, St. Louis, since July, 1912. Was chairman executive committee First Savings Bank and Trust Co., also director Cumberland Telegraph and Tele phone Co., Nashville Railway and Light Co. Chairman executive committee, 1908-09, vice president, 1909-10, president, 1910-11, Ameri can Bankers' Association. Independent Demo crat. Address: Third National Bank. WATTS, Millard F, lawyer; born, Ran dolph Co, Mo.; son of James J. and Martha (Lewis) Watts; educated in Central College, Fayette, to 1874; Cornell University, 1874-76; then entered Washington University, gradu ating 1879; married, New Harmony, Ind, Jan. 1, 1880, Laura Gambrel; two children: Laura May (Mrs. Oliver C. Smith), Martha E. Admitted to bar, 1879, and was associated with Judge S. M. Breckenridge until 1892; later associates include Judge Shepard Bar clay, Judge McKeighan, Judge Horatio D. Wood; present firm of Watts, Gentry & Lee, corporation lawyers, was formed 1911. Mem ber American Bar Association, Missouri State Bar Association, St. Louis Bar Association, Missouri Historical Society, Academy of Sci ence, Cornell Alumni. Odd Fellow. Repub lican. Episcopalian. Clubs: Noonday, Belle rive. Recreations: motoring, fishing and traveling. Office: 408 Olive St. Residence: 5740 Cabanne Ave. WATTS, Thomas Gillum, real estate" agent; born in Halifax Co., Va, June 5, 1844; son of Brackett Barnes and Mary Elizabeth (Over ton) Watts; educated in public schools; en tered Confederate Army, April, 1861, at Lynchburg, Va, being then sixteen years of age, and served in First Tennessee Regiment, after that rejoined the Forty-first Tennessee and served until close of war; during the bat tle (Resaca, Ga.) was wounded and captured; married, St. Louis, Jan. 27, 1876, Honora Theresa Keane; children: Brackett Barnes, Viola Rebecca (Mrs. R. W. McBride), Thomas G, Jr., Alexander Hamilton. Was in real es tate business in Jefferson, Tex, from 1865-67; came to St. Louis and was engaged as builder and contractor from September, 1867, until June, 1876; since June, 1876, engaged in busi ness as real estate agent; president Watts Realty Co, T. G. Watts Real Estate Invest ment Co., Roland Stock and Dairy Co, Roland Coal and Mining Co. Democrat. Presbyte rian. Member Merchants' Exchange. Mem ber Confederate Veterans. Office: 821 Chest nut St. Residence: 5900 Cates Ave. WEAKLEY, Raymond DeKamp, architect; born, Cincinnati, 1878; son of John W. and Emma (Merriman) Weakley; educated Cin cinnati public schools; Cedar Rapids (la.) High School: special training in architecture, Des Moines, la.; married, St. Louis, 1903, Al berta Gieger; two children: Raymond D, Jr, Elsbeth Alberta. In practice as architect in St. Louis since 1905; has been identified with construction of some of the principal build ings of the city. Served in Philippine cam paign, 1898-1900; captain Company L, 1st In fantry, National Guard of Missouri, until October, 1911. Protestant. Member St. Louis Chapter, American Institute of Architects. Mason; member Loyal Legion and other mili tary societies. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Ma sonic. Office: 15th floor, 705 Olive St. *WEAR, David Walker, contractor; see Vol. 1906. WEAR, Joseph Walker, dry goods commis sion; born, St. Louis, Nov. 27, 1876; son of James and Nannie E. (Holliday) Wear; edu cated in St. Louis public schools to 1890; graduated from Smith Academy, 1895, then entered Yale University, graduating 1899; married, Philadelphia, Apr. 14, 1903, Adaline Coleman Potter; one child, William Potter. Began business career with Arthur Yancey Wear, 1899, as Wear Brothers, and has since continued with same firm. Republican. Pres byterian. Clubs: St. Louis Country, Racquet, St. Louis Amateur Athletic. Recreations: golf, tennis. Office: 318 N. 8th St. Residence: 6 Hortense PL WEBB, James Avery, lawyer; born, Mem phis, Tenn, July 2, 1868; son of M. D. and Minerva Caroline^ Webb; graduated from Lauderdale Institute, Ripley, Tenn, A.B.; Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn, LL.B.; took business course in Southern Nor mal School and Business College, Bowling Green, Ky.; married, Brownsville, Tenn, June, 1907, May Folk. Admitted to bar, June, 1889, and since engaged in practice. Director and treasurer Mercantile Metal Milling Co.; treas urer Wyoming Power Co. Democrat. Club: Missouri Athletic Author of numerous finan cial and legal writings, including: Webb & Meigs' Digest of Tennessee Decisions; Webb on Interest and Usury; Webb on Passenger and Freight Elevators; Webb's Pollock on Torts; etc Office: 1427 Central National Bank Bldg. Residence: 4233 W. Pine Boul. WEBB, William, physician; born, Hills boro, N. C, Sept. 6, 1825; son of Dr. James and Anne (Huske) Webb; educated in Bing ham's School, Hillsboro; Calwell Institute, Greensboro, N. O; M.D, Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, 1849; married, Lex- 624 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS ington, Ky, Oct. 2, 1856', Mary' Ann Castle- man (died 1902); children: David Castle- man, Anne Huske, Mary Castleman, Mrs. Virginia Castlemam Webb Lambert, Mrs. Willie Webb Davis. Came to St. Louis, June 1, 1850, and engaged in general practice of medicine and surgery; served as surgeon in Confederate Army through Civil WarJ and at its close resumed practice in St. Louis. Hon orary member St. Louis Medical Association (vice president, 1856); member United States Medical Association, Cincinnati, May, 1850. Elder Grand Avenue Presbyterian Church. Residence: 5569 Delmar Boul. WEBER, Charles Christian, wagon manu facturer; born, St. Louis, June 4, 1861; son of Philip J. and Eliza (Becktold) Weber; edu cated in public schools; married, St. Louis, 1890, Clara Ziegengeist; children: Adelaide, Lucille: Began business career in father's wagon shop, in which learned the business practically; upon incorporation, 1888, became a director in the Weber & Damme Wagon Co., and later bought other interests and was elected to presidency. Member Citizens ' In dustrial Association. Republican. Evangel ical. Member Masonic order. Recreations: hunting, fishing and bowling. Office: 1609- 1621 N. Broadway. Residence: 2925 Univer sity St. WEBER, Charles L, real estate; see Vol. 1906. WEBER, George Christian, wagon manu facturer; born, St. Louis, Mar. 28, 1855; son of Philip J. and Eliza (Becktold) Weber; ed ucated in public schools of St. Louis; mar ried, St. Louis, 1879, Maggie Schlattweiler; one son, George P. Began business career as a blacksmith in wagon shop of father. Upon incorporation of the business, 1888, as the Weber & Damme Wagon Co., became a di rector and secretary of the company. Repub lican. Evangelical. Offiee: 1609 N. Broadway. Residence: 3817 Flora Boul. WEBER, Harry Charles; born, Philadel phia, June 25, 1879; son of William P. and Henrietta (Meister) Weber; educated in high school at Philadelphia; married, Philadelphia, Jan. 4, 1905, to Miss C. E. Holthaus. Began business career in 1897, as clerk in the house of F. Weber & Co., artists' materials, Phila delphia, and remained in the service of the house' there until July, 1903; since manager of branch house of same firm in St. Louis. Office: 1825 Washington Ave. Residence: 4033 Flad Ave. WEBER, Philip Christian, wagon manufac turer; born, St. Louis, Feb. 4, 1858; son of Philip J. and Eliza (Becktold) Weber; edu cated in public schools of St. Louis; unmar ried. Began business career in the black smith department of the wagon works estab lished by father in 1861. In 1888, when busi ness was incorporated as the Weber & Damme Wagon Co., became a director of the com pany, later treasurer. Republican. Evangel ical. Member Masonic order. Recreations: hunting and fishing. Office: 1609 N. Broad way. Residence: 2925 University St. WEBSTER, George B, lawyer; born, Madi son Co., Ill, June 26, 1869; son of Benjamin F. and Mary E. (Bragg) Webster; attended Smith Academy, St. Louis, 1883; Phillips Exeter Academy, Exeter, N. H.; A.B, Am herst College, Massachusetts, 1889; married, Springfield, Mo, June 28, 1899, Pansy Sher wood; two children: Barbara Heriot, John Sherwood. Admitted to Missouri bar, Oct. 1, J 890, and since in practice at St. Louis. Gen eral counsel Cairo, Truman & Southern R. R, Westinghouse Machine Co.; general attorney Ozark Cooperage and Lumber Co. Served as captain and adjutant First Missouri Volunteer Infantry in Spanish-American War. Repub lican. Episcopalian. Member Chi Psi college fraternity. Recreation: reading. Office: Lig gett Bldg. Residence- 4473 McPherson Ave. . WEDEMEYER, John H, retired; born, Ra cine, Wis, Sept. 20, 1858; son of H. F. and Catherine (Pelke) Wedemeyer; educated in public schools of Racine, and at commercial college; married, Hartford, Wis, June 30, 1879, Florence Wagner; children: Henry F, Matie (Mrs. A. S. Bigley). In mercantile business, and postmaster at Bloomer, Wis, 1885-89; department store in Oklahoma City, 1889-1902; came to St. Louis, 1902, and bought out Wright, Green & Wilkinson Manufactur ing Co., clothing, etc, which conducted as Red Diamond Clothing Co., of which was pres ident; sold out, 1909, and retired. President Guipure d'Art Manufacturing Co. Recrea tion: traveling. Residence: 5335 Delmar Boul. WEDEMEYER, William, architect and su perintendent; born, St. Louis, Oct. 31, 1869; son of Henry and Phillipene (Wuest) Wede meyer; educated in St. Louis public schools to 1884; graduated from O 'Fallon Polytechnic High School, 1884; married, Beardstown, 111, June 20, 1903, Adaline Willmann; two chil dren: Geneva, Wesley. Began architecture with J. S. Lee, as Lee & Wedemeyer, 1893, and continued until 1895; then practiced in southern Hlinois to 1898; returned to St. Louis, 1898, and since engaged in profession alone. Member St. Louis Architectural Sketch Club, North St; Louis Business Men's Asso ciation (director). Vice president Webocko Realty and Investment Co.; secretary and treasurer The Wedemeyer Realty Co. Presby terian. Club: City. Recreations: hunting and fishing. Office: 824-25 Wainwright Bldg. Resi dence: 1522 N. 17th St. WEHINGER, Frank J, lumber; bom in Tyrol, Austria, Oct. 31, 1860; son of Joseph A. and Francisca (Feinkart) Wehinger; edu- THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 625 cated in parochial schools in Austria; mar ried, St. Louis, Oct. 1, 1883, Anna M. Ste- phensmeier; one son, Anthony A. Learned trade of cabinet maker in Austria and con tinued at trade, after arrival in United States; in employ of Phoenix Furniture Co., St. Louis, 1882-84, and with William Pru frock, St. Louis, 1884-90, becoming foreman of factory; in May, 1891, with C. E. Strifler, formed firm of Strifler & Wehinger, which was dissolved January, 1902; joined firm of Teckemeyer & Hader, February, 1902; con tinued business as Teckemeyer, Hader & We hinger until June, 1902, when, with II. W. Teckemeyer, purchased interest of A. Hader; business since conducted as Teckemeyer & Wehinger Lumber Co. Republican. Catholic. Club: Liederkranz. Office: 2d and Wright Sts. Residence: 2939 University St. WEHMILLER, Fred, president Barry-Weh- miller Machinery Co.; born, St. Louis, Nov. 10, 1873; son of John Henry and Henrietta Eleanor (Yebker) Wehmiller; educated in Shepard (public) School to June, 1888; St. Louis Manual Training School, graduating, June, 1891; married, St. Louis, May 16, 1905, Lillie Widmann;. three children: Eleanor Lil lie, Dorothy Helen, Frederick Widmann. Be gan active career as surveyor assistant St. Louis Merchants' Bridge Terminal R. R, 1891, continuing until December, 1893; drafts man for Essmueller & Barry, 1893-97; secre tary Barry-Wehmiller Machinery Co., 1897- 1903, and president same company since Au gust, 1903 (company makes a specialty of manufacturing bottling machinery) ; director Union Station Bank; president Barry- Weh miller Machinery Co., Ft. Worth, Tex. Repub lican. Member St. Louis Manufacturers' and Exporters' Association. Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner. Club: Liederkranz. Recre ations: hunting and fishing. Office: 21st and Walnut Sts. Residence: 3909 Flora Boul.; 6501 Florissant Ave, cor. Kingshighway, N. W, after Jan. 1, 1913. WEIDLICH, Ernest Cochran, wholesale jewelry; see Vol. 1906. WEIDLICH, William, president Weidlich Jewelry Co., wholesale watches, diamonds, clocks, jewelry and silverware; born, Sey mour, Conn, Sept. 24, 1870; son of Charles A. and Frances A. (Cochran) Weidlich; edu cated public and high schools at Akron, O.; married, Bridgeport, Conn, June 24, 1897, Antoinette Godfrey; children: Godfrey Wil liam, Clifton Fairchild, Marian Evelyn. Be gan business career as traveling salesman With the New England Watch Co, covering all sections of the United States and Canada, 1886-97; came to St. Louis and was manager of sales for middle west, 1897-99; in 1899, with brother, Ernest C, established business of William Weidlich & Bro, succeeded by Weidlich Jewelry Co, incorporated, 19l0, wholesale dealers and manufacturers' agents in watches, clocks and silverware. Also one of partners in Wright Pen Co, manufacturers of fountain pens. Member Business Men's League. Methodist. Club: Missouri Athletic. Offiee: 510 Locust St, 4th floor. Residence: 6905 Washington Boul. WEIGELT, Arthur Oswald, glass and mir ror manufacturer; born, Berlin, Germany, Apr. 25, 1853; son of Fred, and Sophie (Scheffler) Weigelt; educated in private school at Berlin, 1861-68; married, Berlin, Germany, Mar. 7, 1876, Selma Reinhardt; served two years in German Army (infantry) as junior officer. Learned profession of fresco artist in Ger many; came to United States in 1881; started own business in 1883, and continued until 1893, when established in glass and mirror business; president Weigelt Glass and Mirror Manufacturing Co.; also president National Oil Co. Lutheran. Independent Republican. Member Liederkranz. Office: 615-617 S. 6th St. Residence: 2020 Victor Ave. WEIL, Julius, insurance; see Vol. 1906. *WEIL, Maurice, merchant; moved to Chi cago; see Vol. 1906. WEIL, Max, clothier and men's outfitter; born in Alsace, France, Apr. 4, 1860; son of Lazard and Rachel Weil; was educated in schools in Alsace, and moved to Dijon in 1873; married at Dijon, 1885, to Miss Eugenie Metzger; two children: Elma (deceased), Ralph. Three years' experience in largest de partment stores in Paris, Magasin du Louvre, and Bon Marche, from age of seventeen to twenty. Came to United States in 1880, and was" employed as clerk in clothing store in In dianapolis until 1885; engaged in business in Kansas City, Mo, from 1885 to 1902; pro prietor of "The Model," 1902-09; since presi dent Weil Clothing Co. Member Business Men's League. Clubs: Mercantile, Columbian. Recreation: travel. Offiee: 801 Washington Ave. Residence: 4950 Lindell Boul. WEINBERG, Jacob, coal; bora, St. Louis, Jan. 17, 1863; son of Isaac and Emma (May- field) Weinberg; educated in public schools of St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Dee. 2, 1897, Helen Emrich. Began business life at age of fourteen in railroad ticket broker's office, re maining five and one-half years; then in whole sale wine and liquor business until 1890; be gan in coal business in 1890 with the Con solidated Coal Co., continuing until 1894; with Berry-Horn Coal Co., 1894-97; manager of Hart Coal Co. until 1907; since in charge of retail department Union Fuel Co. Recreation: fishing, Office: 915 Olive St. Residence: 5812 Clemens Ave. WEINERT, John F, president Broadway Laundry Co.; born, Racine, Wis, Jan. 22, 1854; son of Joseph and Josephine (Ludwig) Weinert; educated in public schools at Her- 626 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS mann, Mo.; married, St. Louis, May, 1874, Margaret Schubert; children: Frank L, Ar thur (deceased), Rudolph L, Meta (Mrs. Niek- los Martin), Dorothy, Juliette. Began business career as clerk in retail grocery in St. Louis, 1870; in 1875 embarked in same line on own account, continuing until 1886; vice president Charm Manufacturing Co., 1886-87; again in retail grocery business, 1887-92; when he went into the laundry business which was incorpo rated, December, 1896, as the Broadway Laundry Co., of which is president and treas urer. Also president Big River Lead Co. Dem ocrat. Catholic. Member Liederkranz, Alten- heim, St. Louis Laundrymen's Association. Club: Million Population. Office: 615 Barton St. Residence: 1937 Victor St. WEINSBERG, Charles Henry, physician; born, Hofgeismar, Germany, Apr. 30, 1866; son of Justus and Sabine (Sasse) Weinsberg; educated in public and high schools of Hof geismar, Germany, 1872-81; attended St. Louis College of Pharmacy, 1884; passed examina tion before Missouri State Board of Phar macy, as pharmacist, 1885; M.D, St. Louis College of Physicians and Surgeons, 1889; at tended private clinics for diseases of women, of Professors Landan and Oltshausen, Berlin, Germany, 1892; married, St. Louis, Apr. 3, 1895, Alma Reisse; children: Laura, William, Flora. Member St. Louis Medical Society. President German-American Alliance (St. Louis branch); member St. Louis Liederkranz, St. Louis Gymnastic Society. Republican. Protestant. Recreation: traveling. Office and Residence: 2805 Lafayette Ave. WEINZETTEL, Emil, fire insurance; born, St. Louis, Mar. 11, 1859; son of Charles and Catherine (Scheifel) Weinzettel; educated in public schools and Franklin High School, St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Sept. 11, 1889, Hen rietta Josephine Hurter (now deceased) ; chil dren: Arthur H, Corinne. Has been identified with the fire insurance business since the be ginning of his business career; was connected with John R. Triplett, 1879-1902; purchased the business and has since conducted it alone. Republican. Office: 1204 Pierce Bldg. Resi dence: 2207 Missouri Ave. WEISELS, Henry Richard, real estate; born, St. Louis, Sept. 26, 1874; son of Wil liam and Rose (Magmts) Weisels; educated in Clinton and Pope public schools of St. Louis and finished with a, three-year course in Toensfeldt's College; married, St. Louis, Dec 4, 1901, Martha, oldest daughter of late Frank Block; two daughters: Jane Arline and Mar tha Virginia. Entered real estate business, November, 1892, with firm of S. F. and T. A. Scott, and after one year associated with Frank H. and Charles B. Gerhart, realty agents and managers of the Wainwright Bldg. ; was with them as salesman until Jan. 1, 1902, when was elected secretary of the F. H. & C. B. Gerhart Real Estate Co.; resigned, Decem ber, 1903, and Jan. 1, 1904, with Thomas S. Gerhart, organized the Weisels-Gerhart Real Estate Co., of which became vice president and secretary, general real estate, financial and rental collection business. Also secretary of the T. S. Gerhart Realty and Financial Co. Republican. Jewish religion. Mason (32°), Shriner. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Columbian, St. Louis Amateur Athletic Association, St. Louis Riding. Recreations: tennis, fishing, hunting, horseback riding. Office: 104-106 N. 8th St. Residence: 4548 Westminster PL WEISS, Max Louis, diamond importer; born, Budapest, Hungary, Feb. 23, 1869; son of Samuel and Janette Weiss; educated in Polytechnic School, Budapest; married, St. Louis, Apr. 30, 1896, Gizella Loewenstein; one son, Sidney I. Learned diamond setting and jeweler's trade at Budapest, and was engaged' in manufacturing jewelry business there, 1884- 94; came to St. Louis, 1894, engaging in busi ness as manufacturing jeweler. Served in Im perial Austrian Artillery. Republican. Jew ish religion. Member of B'nai El Congrega tion. Mason. Member B'nai B'rith. Office: Globe-Democrat Bldg. Residence: 2844 Acco- mac St. WEITZEL, George T, diplomat; born at Frankfort, Ky, June 23, 1873; son of Jerome and Caroline (Boland) Weitzel; A.B, Har vard, 1894; LL.B, 1897. Practiced law at St. Louis, 1897-1907, and admitted as attorney Supreme Court of United States; with St. Louis Battery, Porto Riean campaign, Span ish-American War, 1898; secretary American Legation to Nicaragua and Costa Rica, Au- gust-1907-July, 1908; to Panama, July, 1908- 10; diplomatic adviser to Admiral Kimball, commanding Niearaguan expeditionary squad ron, Dec. 17, 1909; appointed second secretary American Embassy at Mexico City, Mar. 31, 1910; assigned to duty in Division Latin- American Affairs, Department of State, July, 1910- January, 1911; special duty at American Embassy, Mexico City, Mar. 22-May 23, 1911, during Madero revolution; assistant chief, Division Latin-American Affairs, June-Decem ber, 1911; envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary to Nicaragua, since December, 1911. Clubs: University, Country, Greenleaf Law. Recreation: riding. Address: American Legation, Managua, Nicaragua. WELCH, Aikman, lawyer; see Vol. 1906. WELLER, Leroy Ashton; moved to Cali fornia; see Vol. 1906. WELLPOTT, William Henry, varnish manu facturer; born, St. Louis, Aug. 21, 1869; son of Charles H. W. and Katherine (Broker) Wellpott; educated in public school and at tended Central Wesleyan College, Warrenton, Mo, and Jones Business College. Began busi ness career in the varnish works established, THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 627 1869, by father, C. H. W. Wellpott, and be came practical varnish maker; succeeded to the management of the business on the death of father in 1888. Member Legion of Honor. Office: 514 De Soto St. Residence: 2310 Ben ton St. WELLS, George E, consulting engineer; bora, Apr. 29, 1875, in Vigo Co, Ind.; son of Benjamin and Rose (Cornell) Wells; B.S. in electrical engineering, Rose Polytechnic Insti tute, Terre Haute, Ind, 1896; married, Mar. 14, 1903, Eloise C. Long; children: George E, Jr., Willis, David, Eloise. Served three years in engineering department of the Wagner Electric Manufacturing Co.; in 1901 became a member of the firm of Ruebel & Wells, con sulting engineers; in 1908 resigned from this firm to become consulting engineer for the Anheuser-Busch Brewing Association; work includes design and supervision of new work and improvements in power plants, refriger ating plants, etc. Episcopalian. Member American Institute of Electrical Engineers, American Society of Refrigerating Engineers, Engineers' Club of St. Louis. Mason. Club: Missouri Athletic. Office: 9th and Pestalozzi Sts. Residence: 4308 Washington Boul. WELLS, Hal Prescott; see Vol. 1906. WELLS, Harry Sherman, manager St. Louis branch of Otis Elevator Co.; bora, Milwaukee, Wis, Oct. 24, 1862; son of George H. and Dora L. Wells; educated in public schools of Chi cago. Came to St. Louis from Moline, 111, 1894, and was with Smith-Hill Elevator Co. until 1899, when it was merged into the Otis Elevator Co., and has since been manager of St. Louis branch of that company. Clubs: Noonday, Mercantile. Office: 321 Security Building. WELLS, Rolla, ex-mayor of St. Louis; born, St. Louis, June 1, 1856; son of Hon. Erastus and Isabella Bowman (Henry) Wells; edu cated in Washington University, St. Louis, and Princeton University; married, St. Louis, Oct. 2, 1878, Jennie Howard Parker; children: Maud (Mrs. J. Clark Streett), Erastus, Lloyd P., Jane H, Isabella. Began business career as assistant superintendent of street railway corporation, and afterwards general manager, 1879 to 1883; then was associated with his father in various business enterprises until death of latter in 1893; was president of the American Steel Foundry Co., 1903, which was consolidated and is now, known as the Ameri can Steel Foundries; director Mississippi Val ley Trust Co, State National Bank. Demo crat; delegate to Democratic National Con vention, 1896; mayor of St. Louis two terms, 1901-09; treasurer Democratic National Com mittee, 1912. President Business Men's League. Received decoration of Red Eagle, third class, from Emperor William III, of Germany, 1902; order of the Double Dragon, from Emperor of China, 1905; order of the Rising Sun, from Emperor of Japan, 1905. Episcopalian. Clubs: St. Louis, University, Noonday, Log Cabin, Kinloch, Country, Belle rive Country, Quivre. Office: 306 La Salle Bldg. Residence: 4228 Lindell Ave. WELLS, William B, banker; 1847-1910; see Vol. 1906. *WEMPNER, Charles Mulford; moved to Kansas City; see Vol. 1906. WENNEKER, Charles Frederick, manufac turer, corporation president; born, St. Louis, Oct. 10, 1853; son of Clemens and Henrietta (Blanke) Wenneker; educated in public schools and Bryant & Stratton College; mar ried, St. Louis, June 18, 1875, Johanna Heid breder; four children (three deceased). Has been engaged in the manufacture of candies, chocolate and cocoas since fifteen years of age; now president of the Blanke-Wenneker Candy Co., now the largest independent candy manufactory of the West; also president Wen neker Chemical Co. Served four years as U. S. collector of revenue under President Harrison for the First District of Missouri; also as col lector of revenue for the City of St. Louis, having been elected on the Republican ticket by 22,000 majority in the spring of 1896; was delegate to the Republican National Conven tion that nominated President Harrison and also President McKinley. Republican. Metho dist. President Million Population Club; mem ber Business Men's League, Missouri Manu facturers' Association, and Merchants' Ex change, also National Geographic Society, Missouri Society of New York. Trustee Ger man Protestant Orphan's Home. Scottish Rite Mason; member Legion of Honor. Clubs: Ad Men 's League, Missouri Athletic, Liederkranz, Blue Wing Gun. Recreation: fishing. Office: 608-616 Market St. Residence: 5567 Water man Ave. WENNEKER, Edward Frederick Henry, secretary Blanke-Wenneker Candy Co.; born, St. Louis, Dec. 24, 1862; son of Clemens ancl Henrietta (Blanke) Wenneker; educated in public schools of St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Oct. 31, 1890, Alice D. Schleuter; one daugh ter, Hope Florence. Began business career in the Blanke Bros. Candy Co., 1883, continuing until 1889; organized and was member of the Wenneker-Morris Candy Co, 1S89-1900; pur chased Morris interests and continued as the Wenneker Candy Co. until 1905, when, by consolidation, reorganized under present style of Blanke-Wenneker Candy Co., manufactur ers and wholesalers of confections, of which is secretary. Member Million Population Club, Business Men's League. Methodist. Member Union Methodist Club. Mason, Knight Tem plar (St. Louis Commandery). Club: Lieder kranz. Recreations: automobiling, tennis, handball. Office: 608 Market St. Residence: 6221 Simpson Ave. 628 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS WENZEL, Hermann, president H. Wenzel Tent and Duck Co.; bora in Cassel, Germany, May 31, 1850; son of Frederick and Mary (Geelert) Wenzel; educated in military school at Cassel; married, St. Louis, 1877, Emma Buch; children: Mary (Mrs. David Ridge- way), Martin, Frederick, Tillie (Mrs. William H. Richling), Rosa. Learned trade of machin ist in Germany, came to United States, 1866, and lived in Springfield, Mass., working at machinist's trade, 1866-68, and in St. Louis, 1868-71; then became foreman for Martin Zit tlosen, tents and awnings, 1871-81; since 1881 in business for self as manufacturer of tents, wagon covers, awnings, tarpaulins, horse cov ers, etc, and jobber of cotton duck. Repub lican. Protestant; treasurer Immanuel Ger man Evangelical Church. Member St. Louis Turn Verein. Recreations: traveling and bowl ing. Office: 1035 Paul St. Residence: 3828 Botanical Ave. WENZLICK, Albert, real estate and finan cial agent; born, St. Louis, Apr. 22, 1860; son of Peter and Marie (Voldraht) Wenzliek; edu cated in public schools of St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Apr. 17, 1888, Emma Schall; chil dren: Adelbert, Roy W, Ruth L. Began busi ness career at tailoring in 1872; clerked in the title examining business, 1877-85; entered firm of George Wenzliek & Bro, Mar. 1, 1885; bought out brother's interest, 1899; continued in title business until February, 1901, then sold out to Title Guarantee Co, and engaged in general real estate and loan business. Presi dent Excelsior Press Brick Co.; for past twenty-five years secretary of Columbia Build ing and Loan associations, Nos. 1 and 2; also secretary of Gas and Electric Building ancl Loan Association. Member Real Estate Ex change, Business Men's League, Civic League. Republican. Presbyterian; superintendent of Markham Memorial Presbyterian Sunday School. Mason, Knight Templar; member Le gion of Honor, Royal Arcanum, Royal League. Office: 1010 Chestnut St. Residence: 3630 Flad Ave. WERNER, Benjamin; bora, St. Louis, July 26, 1864; son of Morris and Theresa Werner educated in St. Louis public schools; married St. Louis, 1891, Carrie Emanuel; children Gladys, Harold. In retail business at Cairo 111, 1881-91; removed to St. Louis, 1891, be coming a, member of firm of Werner Bros. changing in 1906 to Werner & Werner, of which is vice president and treasurer. Mem ber Business Men 's League. Republican. Jew ish religion. Member Ethical Culture Society Clubs: Columbian, Westwood Country, Mis souri Athletic. Office: Locust and 6th Sts Residence: 6178 Kingbury Boul. WERNER, Jacob M, clothing; bom, St. Louis, Dec. 27, 1863; son of Morris and The resa Werner; educated in Carr Lane School and Central High School; married, St. Louis, Sept. 16, 1885, Beckie Sandfelder. Was trav eling salesman for eighteen years; then mem ber of firm of Werner Bros, retail clothing, 1899-1905; withdrew from' the firm and with his brother, Benjamin, established firm of Werner & Werner. Member Business Men's League, Associated Retailers. Republican. Jewish religion. Member B. P. O. Elks. Clubs: Columbian (director), Westwood Country, Mil lion Population, Missouri Athletic. Recrea tion: golf. Office: 6th and Locust Sts. Resi dence: Washington Hotel. WERNER, Morris, clothing; born, Zempel- burg, Germany, Aug. 16, 1837; son of Hirsch and Yetta Werner; educated in schools in Germany, and came to St. Louis in 1852; married, St. Louis, 1858, Theresa Punch; children: Henrietta (Mrs. M. M. Myer), J. M, Benjamin, Rosa (Mrs. Myer Stern), Ray (Mrs. Max Stern), Edward, Simon, Frederick. Has been engaged in business in St. Louis since 1852, and for thirty years was in whole sale clothing business under firm name of Werner & Isaacs; since 1900 member of firm of Werner Brothers (incorporated), of which is president. Residence: West End Hotel. WERNER, Percy, lawyer; born, Cincinnati, Oct. 29, 1857; son of Friedrich and Hedwig (Guhrauer) Werner-Steinbreeher; educated in public schools and Woodward High School, Cincinnati; B.S, University of Cincinnati, 1878; LL.B, Cincinnati Law College, 1880; married, St. Louis, Nov. 6, 1889, Nina, daugh ter of Leonard Matthews; children: Howard B, Dorothea Spottiswood, Percy, Jr., Walter Courtney, Matthews, Saunders Norvell. Ad mitted to bar, 1880; was member of firm of Pollard & Werner (Garland Pollard, died, 1898). Was assistant general counsel Ohio & Mississippi Ry. Co., 1883-86; general counsel American Refrigerator Transportation Co. and Associated Car Companies, 1888-98; gen eral counsel Union Casualty and Surety Co. of St. Louis since 1899, and of St. Louis Merchants' Exchange since 1909. Independ ent Republican. Member New Church (Swed- enborgian). Member Civie League, St. Louis Artists' Guild. Clubs: St. Louis, University, Noonday, Contemporary, City, The Franklin (secretary). Office: 720 Rialto Bldg. Resi dence: 5505 Cates Ave. WERNER, Samuel, secretary Swanson- Crawford Film Co.; born in Poland, Nov. 14, 1S68; son of Aaron and Bessie Werner; edu cated in Europe and United States; married, May 15, 1892, Miss Ernestina Wagner; chil dren: Bertha, Isadore. In cigar manufactur ing business in St. Louis, 1889-94; established the St. Louis Leaf Tobacco Co., incorporated, 1904, and was president until 1908; since sec retary Swanson-Crawford Film Co. President Samtine Realty Co. Republican. Jewish re ligion. Mason. Offiee: Century Bldg. Resi dence: 4832 Fountain Ave. THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 629 WERNER, Simon, clothier; see Vol. 1906. WERTHEIMER, Jacob J, president Wertheimer-Swarts Shoe Co.; born, Troy, O, June 12, 1852; son of Joseph and Jennette (Barnett) Wertheimer; educated at 2nd In termediate School, Cincinnati, and at Troy public and high school, graduating, 1870; at tended Dartmouth College, 1871-72; married, Cincinnati, April 2, 1879, Amelia S. Swarts; children: Louis, Joseph, Charles, Dora (Mrs. C. E. Pritz, of Cincinnati), Alfred, Jeanne. Came to St. Louis, Feb. 14, 1873. Since 1882 in boot and shoe business; organized the Wertheimer-Swarts Shoe Co., of which is pres ident. Also director of Merchants-Laclede National Bank. Member Business Men's League. Republican. Jewish religion. Clubs: Commercial, St. Louis, Noonday, Columbian, Glen Echo. Recreations: golf and fishing. Office: 18th, Locust and St. Charles Sts. Resi dence: 6075 Cabanne PL WESCOAT, Clarence Ford, lawyer; born, Clarksville, O, Aug. 10, 1879; son of Sabirt Fillmore and Mary Ellen (Ford) Wescoat; educated public and high schools of Wilming ton, 0.; Benton College of Law, St. Louis, degree of LL.B, 1906; unmarried. In gen eral practice in St. Louis since Dec. 1, 1906. Member Bar Association of St. Louis, Alumni Association Benton College of Law (presi dent, 1912), Ohio Society of St. Louis (secre tary), Civic League. Republican. Methodist. President Mound City Council No. 154, Na tional Union. Club: City. Recreation: tennis. Office: 810 Central National Bank Bldg. Resi dence: 4803 Fountain Ave. WESSELER, Frederick William, physician; bora in Dubois County, Ind, Dec. 28, 1841; son of William and Catherine Elizabeth (Ot- ting) Wesseler; attended common schools of Indiana and Illinois; served as private Com pany F, 87th Illinois Volunteers, from Aug. 9, 1862, to May 4, 1865, and as medical cadet, U. S. Army, from June 21, 1865, until June 21, 1866; 'M.D, St. Louis Medical College, March 1, 1866; married, St. Louis, March 7, 1872, Sophia Splete; children: Frances Agnes (Mrs. Walter L. Hughes), William Julius, Lillian (Mrs. Frank C.< Harvey), Ella B, Addie C, Edwin H. For short time after graduation was medical officer at U. S. Marine Hospital; then attended U. S. Ordnance Corps Cold Arsenal), also House of Refuge and City Work House; had medical charge of Alexian Brothers' Hospital, 1871-89; president U. S. Pension Examining Board since 1880, except 1885-89 and 1893-97; since 1897 president of South Board at St. Louis. Member American and Missouri State Medical associations, St. Louis Medical Society. Republican. Presby1 terian. Member Blair Post No. 1, G. A. R, ''oncnrdia Turn Verein. Recreation: travel- in°\ Office and Residence: 3195 S. Grand Ave. WEST, Allen T, broker in stocks and bonds; born in Mississippi, Aug. 2, 1872; son of Thomas H. and Florence (Terry) West; educated in St. Louis public schools and by private tuition; married, Minneapolis, Minn, Nov. 8, 1908, Rebekah Semple; children: Al len T, Jr., Katherine. In employ of St. Louis Trust Co. from 1891 to 1903; since 1903 mem ber of firm of G. H. Walker Co. Clubs: Noon day, St. Louis Country, Racquet. Office: 307 N. 4th St. Residence: 48 Westmoreland PL WEST, Courtney H, secretary Granite City Gas Light & Fuel Co.; bora, Sniithsburg, Washington Co, Maryland, Sept. 11, 1854; son of David N. and Elizabeth F. West; edu cated in public schools of Maryland and pri vate school, Greencastle, Pa.; married, St. Louis, Dec. 5, 1882, Lida M. Niedringhaus. Came to St. Louis from Cincinnati in 1876; began business career with the Adams Ex press Company in Cincinnati; and was with the St. Louis Stamping Company, 1883-1889, when joined in the incorporation of the Mof- fitt-West Drug Co., importers and wholesale druggists, of which was secretary until the company sold out its business in February, 1906; since 1907 connected with the Granite City Gas Light & Fuel Co., as secretary, also identified with the Granite City Realty Co. Republican. Clubs: St. Louis Country, Gran ite City Commercial. Recreation: golf. Office: Granite City, 111. Residence: Buckingham Hotel. *WEST, James Lee; moved to Dallas, Tex.; see Vol. 1906. WEST, Samuel Harris, lawyer; born in Washington County, Arkansas, June 14, 1863. Came to St. Louis in 1889 as assistant attor ney St. Louis Southwestern Ry. and a few years later became general attorney. Mem ber St. Louis, Missouri State and American Bar associations. Office: Pierce Bldg. Resi dence: 5807 Bartmer Ave. WEST, Thomas Henry, banker; born. Mif flin, Henderson Co., Tenn, July 27, 1846; son of John and Martha F. West; educated in schools of Tennessee; entered Confederate service early in 1863 and served under Gen eral Forrest until close of war; married, 1868, Miss Florence Terrv; children: John Terry, Allen T, Thomas H, Jr., Florence, Walter H, Carroll; married, 2nd, 1900, Virginia Hodges; one daughter. Frances. Was engaged in business in Louisville, Ky.. for about five years immediately after the Civil War; then moved to Mobile, Ala, and was engaged in the cotton business for several years, coming to St. Louis. 1880. President St. Louis Union Trust Co.. 1889-1909, since chairman of board.' Baptist. Clubs: Commercial, St. Louis Coun try, Pacouet, Bellerive. Office: 4th and Locust Sts. Residence: 11 Westmoreland PL WEST, Thomas Henry. Jr, secretary St. Louis Union Trust Co.; born. Mobile, Ala, Jan. 8. 1875; son of Thomas H. and Florence (Terry) West; educated in St. Louis public 630 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS schools to 1890; Wyman Institute, Upper Alton, 111, 1890-92; Smith Academy, St. Louis, 1892-93; entered Yale University, 1893; grad uated, Ph.B, 1896; ^married, Detroit, Mich, Oct. 21, 1898, Wilhelmina Crapo Cristy; four children: Thomas H, 3d, and Wilhelmina John and Ann. Began business career as clerk with Hamilton Brown Shoe Co., 1896, and continued until 1900; was secretary La- Prelle Shoe Co., 1900-04; secretary Broadway Savings Trust Co. until 1908; since secretary St. Louis Union Trust Co. Member Credit Men's Association. Baptist. Clubs: City, Noonday, Bankers', Racquet, St. Louis Coun try. Recreations: golf, tennis, automobiling. Office: N. W. cor. 4th and Locust Sts. Resi dence: Clayton, Mo. WEST, Walter Hart, secretary Equitable Surety Co, born, Mobile, Ala, Jan. 7, 1878; son of Thomas Henry and Florence (Terry) West; educated in Smith Academy, St. Louis, to 1895; A.B, Yale University, 1899; mar ried, St. Louis, Jan. 11, 1892, Laura May Scott; three children: Walter H, Jr, Eliza beth, Virginia. Began with Ferguson-McKin ney Dry Goods Co, credit department, 1899, continuing until 1904; in credit department Ely- Walker Dry Goods Co, 1904-09; secretary Wm. Barr Dry Goods Co, 1909-11; since with Equitable Surety Co., and now secretary and member advisory board. Baptist. Member Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity. Clubs: City, Racquet, St. Louis Country. Recreations: golf and tennis. Office: Third National Bank Bldg. Residence: 5362 Waterman Ave. WESTEN, Edward, president Edward Westen Tea and Spice Co.; born, Moravia, Austria, Aug. 3, 1850; son of Anton and Eva Westen; educated in private school and busi ness college in Moravia; married, St. Louis, Aug. 3, 1887, Marie Rottmann; children: Adolf, Adele (Mrs. F. B. Gill), Reinhold, Hugo. Was officer in Austrian army, 1871-73; since 1874 has been in mercantile business on own account, first in Europe, and since 1885 in the United States. Established, 1893, the Edward Westen Tea and Spice Co, of which is president. Member Business Men's League. Republican. Catholic. Clubs: Mer cantile, Glen Echo: Office: 10th St. and Clark Ave. Residence: 4959 Wabada Ave. WESTERBECK, Emil J, secretary and treasurer of the Columbia Can Co.; born, St. Louis, Dec. 1, 1878; sbn of Fred L. and Anna Westerbeck; educated in Blair School, St. Louis, and Was graduated from Perkins & Herpel's Business College, 1896; married, Belleville. Ill, Sept. 19. 1906, Lillian Seib; one son, Colin Leslie. Began business career May 1, 1897, with Mound City Can Co.; this company was absorbed by American Can Co. March 22, 1900, and was traveling salesman for latter company until 1902. On May 10, 1902, joined in the organization of the Co lumbia Can Co. (which bought out the busi ness of Fred L. Westerbeck), and is secretary and treasurer; also secretary Westerbeck Realty Co. Director Citizens' Industrial As sociation; member Civie League. Member Royal Arcanum. Recreation: baseball. Office: 2nd and Madison Sts. Residence: 2920 Greer Avenue. WESTERBECK, Frederick L, president of Columbia Can Co.; born, Germany, July 3, 1851; son of Frederick Westerbeck; educated in public schools of St. Louis; married, St. Louis, 1874, to Miss Anna Wernemann; chil dren: Frederick H, Annie (Mrs. Charles Doerman), Emil J, Clara (Mrs. Gustave Bier- man), Emma (Mrs. John M. Briggs), Laura (Mrs. Valentine Beiser) ; married, 2d, St. Louis, 1893, Marie Koestring; one daughter, Ilda. Learned trade of sheet metal worker, and in 1878 became a partner in the Western Can Co., which was later merged into the Mound City Can Co, and in 1902 reorganized as the Columbia Can Co., manufacturers of tin cans, of which he is now president. Also director of the Northwestern Bank; president Westerbeck Realty Co. ¦ Member for a number of years and treasurer St. Louis Paint, Oil and Drug Club. Lutheran. Recreation: mo toring. Office: 2d and Madison Sts. Resi dence: 2233 St. Louis Ave. WESTERMANN, Henry, merchant; see Vol. 1906. WESTERMANN, William Henry, vice pres ident Westermann China and Glass Co. since 1905; born, St. Louis, Nov. 21, 1857; son of Henry and Caroline (Wenkel) Westermann; educated in private schools and at Washing ton University; married, St. Louis, Septem ber, 1882, Bertha Gockel; children: Oscar W, Walter E, Alice B. In china business since 3880. Office: 916 N. Sixth St. Residence: 5139 Ridge Ave. WETMORE, Claude Hazeltine, author; see Vol. 1906. WETTERAU, George Henry, wholesale grocer; born, Germany, Oct. 14, 1842; son of John and Regina (Meytrott) Wetterau; edu cated in schools in Germany and at Bryant & Stratton Business College, St. Louis; mar ried, St. Louis, 1872, Christine Trautwein; children: George C, Otto J. C, Theodore, and five daughters, Minnie M, Louise, Anna, Mrs. W. Pinckert, Ella. Early life spent in Ger many, where was engaged in farming and in the grocery business; came from Germany to St. Louis in 1868, and began as clerk with the firm of John F. Laumann & Co., wholesale grocers, in 1869; started in business on own account in 3877 as a member of the firm of Goebel & Wetterau, wholesale grocers, which continued until 1899, when firm dissolved, and with his sons, George C. and Otto J. C. Wet terau, established present firm of G. H. Wet- THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 631 terau & Sons. Office: Cupples Block, 433 S. 7th St. Residence: 3242 Copelin Ave. WHARTON, Joseph Jackson, general con tractor; born, St. Louis, Mar. 1, 1851; son of Robert and Rebecca (Painter) -Wharton; edu cated in public schools, night school and two terms at Art Museum (drawing) ; married, St. Louis, Nov. 2, 1876, Amelia M. Behrend; five children: Grace E. (Mrs. T. R. Clemow, of Billings, Mont.), Charles P, Flora V. (Mrs. A. H. Beardsley), May A, Robert L. Worked at carpenter's trade until 1873; associated with John J. Roosevelt in contracting busi ness, 1873-78; has operated independently since June, 1879; Independent Democrat. Methodist. Member North St. Louis Business Men's Association. Mason, Knight Templar; member O. E. S. and A. O. U. W. Recreation: fishing. Offiee: 2844 Glasgow Ave. Residence: 2829 University St. WHEELER, Harry S, department manager, Rice-Stix Dry Goods Co.; born, Rockford, 111, Jan.' 7, 1866; son of Henry C. and Nettie (Beattie) Wheeler; educated in public- schools of Lincoln, Neb, until thirteen years of age; married, Atchison, Kan, Feb. 28, 1889, Sweetie Ulah Woods, of Weston, Mo.; chil dren: Rexford, Esther. Began business career as stock boy with Janssen & Freyschlag, wholesale notions, Atchison, 1881, continuing nine years in Atchison and four years in Kan sas City; with John S. Brittain Dry Goods Co., of St. Joseph, Mo, nearly five years, as salesman and buyer; in July, 1899, became connected with the Rice-Stix Dry Goods Co., and is now manager of the notion, fancy goods, ribbon and ladies ' ready to wear depart ments; was elected director of the company in January, 1905. Clubs: Mercantile, Glen Echo Country, Sunset Inn, Country, Aero. Recreation: golf. Office: Rice-Stix Dry Goods Co. Residence: 6195 Kingsbury Boul. WHEELER, Herbert Allen, mining engi neer; born, Brooklyn, N. Y, Feb. 25, 1859; son of John, Jr, and Martha (Meriam) Wheeler; educated in public and private schools; EM, School of Mines, Columbia Uni versity, 1880; unmarried. Assistant geologist, U. S. Geological Survey, 1880; assistant engi neer Denver & Rio Grande R. R, 1881; su perintendent Ely Copper Mine, Vermont, 1882; professor of mining, Washington Uni versity, 1883-95; assistant geologist, Missouri Geological Survey, 1890-95; manager Standard Tile Co, 1895-1900; president Elizabeth Lead Co., 1900-03; now manager and viee president Central Oil Co.; manager Penicaut Lead Co.; treasurer Siva Oil Co. Member American In stitute of Mining Engineers, St. Louis Engi neers' Club, St. Louis Academy of Science, American Ceramic Society. Clubs: Mercan tile, Contemporary, Amateur Athletic Associa tion. Office: 510 Pine St. Residence: 3437 Lucas Ave. WHELAN, Patrick Thomas, president Whe- lan-Aehle-Hutchinson Jewelry Co.; born, At lanta, Ga, Oct. 13, 1854; son of Michael and Anne (Toole) Whelan; educated in parochial schools of St. Louis; unmarried. Began in the jewelry business in St. Louis with Eugene Jaccard & Co, July 27, 1870, continuing for twenty- three years; was connected with Mer rick, Walsh & Phelps Co, Oct. 1, 1893, to April, 1901. In fall of 1901, with partners, formed the Whelan-Aehle-Hutchinson Jewelrv' Co., of which has since been president. Dem ocrat. Catholic. Office: 621 Locust St. Resi dence: 3833 Iowa Ave. WHELESS, Joseph, lawyer; born, Nashville, Tenn, Nov. 13, 1868 ; son of Joseph and Ellen Thomas (Malone) Wheless; educated in pub- lice schools, Nashville, and Webb Bros. School, Bell Buckle, Tenn, eighteen months in all; studied law with Hill & Granbery, attor neys, Nashville, 1888-89; married, St. Louis, June 17, 1904, Mamie Willard Teasdale, daughter of John Warren Teasdale. Admitted to bar in Nashville on 21st birthday, Nov. 13, 1889; admitted to St. Louis bar, June 3, 1895; member of bar of U. S. Supreme Court; engaged in general practice of law. Member Business Men's League, Civic League. Repub lican. Methodist till Nov. 13, 1904, when joined Third Baptist Church of St. Louis. Member American, Missouri and St. Louis Bar associations. Royal Arch Mason. Served as corporal, Company C, 1st Tennessee Regiment, during Coal Creek Miners' War, 1892; 1st lieutenant Company B of "posse" in street car strike in St. Louis, June, 1900; enlisted in Company L, 6th Missouri Regiment, Spanish- American War. Is conversant with the French, Italian, Spanish and German lan guages, which he largely uses in his practice. Author: Compendium of the Laws of Mexico, 1910; Digest of Tennessee Reports. Clubs: City, Million Population. Office: 907 Carleton Bldg. Residence: 6'251 Washington Ave. WHELPLEY, Henry Milton, medical editor and educator; born, Harmonia, Battle Creek, Mich, May 24, 1861; son of Dr. Jerome Twin ing and Charlotte (Chase) Whelpley; edu cated at Cobden (111.) grammar school, 1868- 76, Otsego (Mich.) High School, 1876-80, also by private instruction; Ph.G, St. Louis Col lege of Pharmacy, 1883; M.D, Missouri Med ica] College, 1890, St. Louis Post-Graduate School of Medicine, 1896; married, St. Louis, June 29, 1892, Laura Eugenie Spannagel. Ed itor National Druggist, 1884-87; editor and manager Meyer Brothers Druggist since 1888; collaborator Medical Fortnightly and Medical Standard since 1892. Professor microscopy since 1884, dean since 1904, St. Louis College of Pharmacy; professor physiology and his tology, director of biological laboratory, and secretary of faculty, Missouri Medical Col lege, 1890-1900, and lecturer in materia med- 632 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS ica and pharmacy in same, 1886-89; professor of physiology and secretary of St. Louis Post- Graduate School of Medicine, 1890-98; pro fessor of- materia medica and pharmacy, Mis souri Dental College, 1900-03; professor ma teria medica and pharmacy, Medical Depart ment of Washington University, 1900-11. Au thor of Chemical Lecture Notes, and Thera peutic Terms. Trustee and secretary U. S. Pharmacopoeial Convention, 1900-10 (member and secretary board trustees same since 1910); vice president American Institute Archaeology, St. Louis Society, 1911-12; member American Medical Association, American Microscopical Society, Royal Microscopical Society (Lon don), American Association for the Advance ment of Science, American Anthropological Society, American Pharmaceutical Associa tion (president, 1901-02, secretary of council, 1902-08, treasurer since 1908), American Con ference of Pharmaceutical Faculties (presi dent, 1905-06), Missouri State Medical Asso ciation, Missouri Pharmaceutical Association (secretary since 1890), Missouri Historical Society, St. Louis Medical Society, St. Louis Academy of Science, St. Louis Biological So ciety, St. Louis Naturalists' Club, St. Louis Microscopical Society, St. Louis Public Mu seum, etc. Republican. Unitarian. Club: Contemporary. Office: 222 S. Broadway. Resi dence: 2342 Albion PL , WHIPPLE, Alphonzo, retired; born in Car roll County, Illinois, Nov. 29, 1842; son of Rev. Lorenzo (Methodist clergyman) and Nancy (Gaston) Whipple; educated in com mon district schools of northern Illinois; mar ried, Jan. 3, 1871, Elenora Harman. Worked on farm until eighteen; enlisted, 1861, in 15th Illinois Infantry and served as private in the ranks until 1864; worked on farm, then six months in a bakery; clerk in a hotel at Toledo, O, 1866-67; in May, .1867, started re porting fires for insurance companies in Chi cago; sold out, 1868, and came to St. Louis, and started the fire reporting and inspecting business for insurance companies, in partner ship with Austin P. Oliver; in 1869 added in surance surveying and insurance maps to the business; bought Mr. Oliver's interest, 1871; sold out entire business to the Sanborn Map Co, of New York, Jan. 1, 1903, and retired. Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner. Re publican. Member Frank P. Blair Post No. 1, G. A. R. Club: Mercantile. Recreations: fish ing and pool. Office: Temple Bldg. Residence: West End Hotel. WHITAKER, Alexander Edward, piano dealer; born, St. Louis, Oct. 5, 1866; son of Frederick and Minnie (Rethage) Whitaker; educated in common and high schools of St. Louis; married, Washington, D. C, March 10, 1904, Mildred G. Campbell. Began business career as clerk for Edward Nennstiel, piano dealer, in 1882 purchased business in 1890, and had stores at 1518 Olive and 2512 N. 14th St. until 1898, when sold out to F. G. Smith, manufacturer of pianos, New York; opened store for him at 1012 Olive ¦ street, .1898, as manager; incorporated business as F. G. Smith Piano Co. on Jan. 1, 1905, and became secre tary and manager. Independent Republican; aide to marshal of inauguration parade, March 4, 1901, and March 4, 1905. Member M. E. Church, South; for some years president Mis souri State Epworth League and president City Union Epworth League; now member executive. committee St. Louis Sunday. School Union. Clubs: Mercantile, Normandie Golf. Recreation: golf. Office: 1115 Olive St. Resi dence: 5638 Kingsbury Boul. WHITAKER, Edwards, banker, stocks and bonds; bora, St. Louis, Aug. 29, 1848; son of William A. and Letitia (Edwards) Whitaker; educated in public schools of St. Louis; mar ried, Kirkwood, Mo, 1874, Sophia Taylor; one daughter, Emma C. (Mrs. Samuel C. Davis). After leaving school served as clerk under Col. L. S. Metcalfe, quarter-master's depart ment, U. S. Army; clerk in U. S. sub-treasury office at St. Louis, under Gen. Albert G. Eel- wards, assistant U. S. treasurer;' after that with firm of Edwards and Matthews, bankers and brokers; became junior member Matthews & Whitaker, and in 1890, when Matthews re tired, firm became Whitaker & Hodgman, changing later to present style of "Whitaker & Co. (Edwards Whitaker and H. Blakesley Col lins and E. J. Costigan). President Boatmen's Bank since 1910; director St. Louis Union Trust Co. President Missouri Botanical Gar den. Member Business Men's League, Civic League. Clubs: St. Louis, University, Noon day, Mercantile, Cuivre, Commercial, Country, Bellerive; also Union, Manhattan, Mid-Day (New York). Recreations: traveling, golf. Offices: Boatmen's Bank, and 300 N. 4th St. Residence: 13 Westmoreland PL *WHITE, Clarence Alexander, expert in precious stones; see Vol. 1906. WHITE, Frank M, lawyer; born, Stockton, Cal, Aug. 30, 1880; son of William Jonathan and Elizabeth S. (Kincaid) White; educated in public schools of Arizona; Lincoln (public) School, St. Louis; Manual Training School, St. Louis, two years; Drury College, Spring field, Mo.; A.B., St. Louis University, 1901, A.M., 1905 ; LL.B, Law Department of Wash ington University, 1904; married, St. Louis, May 8, 1909, Florence E. Kramer. Admitted to Missouri bar, 1904, and since in practice in St. Louis; member firm of Boogher & White since 1908. Democrat. Episcopalian. Member St. Louis Bar Association. Club: St. Louis. Recreations: fishing, reading. Office: 1000 New Bank of Commerce Bldg. Residence: 723 Clarendon Ave. WHITE, John Sibley, retired; bora, Brewer, Me, July 3, 1827; son of Augustin and Mary THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 633 (Sibley) White; educated in district schools in Maine; married, St. Louis, June 5, 1873, Emilie H. Juvet; one daughter, Bernardine Antoinette (Mrs. S. D. Merton). Entered the Bradbury Marble Co. in 1892 and was treas urer until 1907, when retired. Member Na tional Manufacturers' Association. Repub lican. Unitarian. Club: Contemporary. Office: 510 Pine St. Residence: Clayton, Mo. WHITE, Thomas William, lawyer; born, St/ Louis, Aug. 2, 1883; son of Thomas William and Marion (Carpenter) White; educated in public schools of Memphis, Tenn.; University School, Memphis; A.B, University of Missis sippi, 1903; LL.B, Washington University, 1905; special courses in law, Harvard Law School, 1906; married, St. Louis, June 2, 1910, Mary • Humphreys Weisiger. Began practice .at St. Louis, June, 1906; associated in prac tice with S. W. Fordyce, Jr, 1906-08; member law firm of Fordyce, Holliday & White since Jan. 1, 1908; secretary James M. Carpenter Realty Co. Democrat. Presbyterian. Member St. Louis Bar Association, Sigma Chi and Phi Delta Phi fraternities. Clubs: City, Harvard, Racquet. Recreations: reading and travel. Of fice: 1401-1410 Third National Bank Bldg. Residence: 4256 Maryland Ave. *WHITE, Willard Claude; moved to Peoria, 111.; see Vol. 1906. WHITE, William S, banking; born, Rich mond, Va, Apr. 4, 1871; son of William S. and Clara Edwards (Hunt) White; went to south ern Georgia, 1874; to Helena, Ark, 3878; edu cated in private schools, Helena; married, Fort Smith, Ark, Oct. 17, 1900, Ruth. Mat thews. Began business career in 1885 in re tail dry goods store at Helena; located in St. Louis, 1892, and was engaged with Brown Shoe Co. until 1901; became connected with Desnoyers Shoe Co, which changed to Des- noyers-Courtney Shoe Co, and one year later to Courtney Shoe Co., of which was treasurer until 1910; now cashier Night and Day Bank. Director Burrow, Jones & Dyer Shoe Co. Member Travelers' Protective Association. Democrat. Club: Missouri Athletic. Office: 808 Olive St. . Residence: 6175 Westminster PL WHITEHEAD, Samuel Asa, grain commis sion; born, Hanover, Jefferson Co, Mo, Mar. 15, 1860; son of George Edwards and Ann Marie (Woodson) Whitehead; educated in public schools; married, Kimmswick, Mo, Sept. 7, 1882, Susan M. Waters; children: Walter H, Orrick W, Edna, Lawrence Ed wards, Murray Nanson. Began at age of eighteen, when became partner in general store of T. J. Lovelass & Co, Festus, Mo.; sold interests shortly after, and became member of the firm of Waters & Co, Kimmswick, Mo, until 1886, when became connected with the Nanson Commission Co, St. Louis, as wheat buyer, later becoming a stockholder and officer in the company, of which is now second vice president. Member Merchants' Exchange of St. Louis. Republican. Mason, Knight Temp lar, Shriner; member Royal Arcanum. Recrea tion: fishing. Offiee: 202 Chamber of Com merce. Residence: Kimmswick, Mo. WHITELAW, Oscar Livingston, assistant treasurer of United States, St. Louis; born, Ryegate, Vt, May 10, 1841; son of William T. and Lucy (Morse) Whitelaw; educated in dis trict schools in Vermont, and three terms in Peacham (Vt.) Academy; married, St. Louis, May 8, 1873, Lillie Dwight Lathrop; children: Mrs. Grace L. Wallace, Mrs. Bessie D. Terry, Mrs. Lucy L. Rexford, Hamilton D. Served in Civil War as Private in Company K, Fifteenth Vermont Volunteers, from which was honor ably discharged on expiration of term of en listment, July, 1863. Since 1866 in paint and oil business, and in 1885, with brother, ac quired the business, established 1853, now con ducted as Whitelaw Brothers, wholesale deal ers in oils, paints, naval stores, drugs and chemicals. In June, 1909, was appointed by President Taft as assistant treasurer of United States at St. Louis, for term of four years. Member Merchants' Exchange (second vice president, 1897, first vice president, 1898, president, 1899); president National Paint, Oil and Varnish Association, 1889; president National Transportation Association, 3 897- 3.900; member Business Men's League, Civic League. Republican; member of board, and president several years, St. Louis Public Li brary. Congregationalist; was president Con gregational City Missionary Society; now treasurer St. Louis Bible Society; was regis trar St. Louis Association of Congregational Ministers and Churches; trustee Iberia (Mo.) Academy. Member New England Society, Ransom Post, G. A. R. Clubs: Commercial, Round Table, Mercantile, Bellerive Country. Recreation: golf. Offiee: Federal Bldg. Resi dence: 3631 Washington Ave. WHITELAW, Robert Henry, merchant; born, Ryegate, Vt, Sept. 11, 1847; son of Wil liam Trotter and Lucy Wells (Morse) White- law; educated in public schools, Ryegate; married, St. Louis, February, 3876, Mary Gray Westgate (now deceased); children: Margaret Gray (Mrs. E. S. Wilson), Ralph Thomas, Rob ert Malcolm. Since February, 1866, engaged in present line of business, and in 1885, with brother, Oscar Livingston Whitelaw, succeed ed, under firm name of Whitelaw Brothers, to wholesale jobbing and commission in heavy chemicals, oils, paints and drugs. Republican. Congregationalist. Clubs: St. Louis, Round Table. Offiee: 409-411 N. 2d St. Residence: The Buckingham. WHITMARSH, Thomas Calvin, general manager W. T. Ferguson Lumber Co.; born, Chicago, 111, July 15, 1870; son of Lewis C. and Julia E. (Winship) Whitmarsh; educated in public schools in Sherman, Tex, and Par- 634 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS sons, Kan.; married, Parsons, July 15, 1891, Nannie Doty; one son, Thomas Cecil. For merly with William Buchanan, lumber, Tex arkana, Ark, and in 1893 was given charge of W. T. Ferguson Lumber Co., the offices being removed to St. Louis in 1898, and since then general manager in St. Louis for the company, which operates many mills in Texas, Arkansas and Louisiana. Member Hoo Hoo, Elks. Re publican; formerly member Texas National Guard at Sherman, Tex, and Kansas National Guard at Parsons, Kan. Clubs: Mercantile, Missouri Athletic, Glen Echo Country, Arca dia Country, Bass Island Hunting and Fish ing. Recreation: motoring, hunting and fish ing. Office: Suite 1710 Wright Bldg. Resi dence: 4614 Westminster PL WHITTEMORE, Benjamin Merrill, treas urer St. Louis Embroidery Co.; born, Charles ton, 111, Nov. 18, 1860; son of William A. and Esther Olive (Merrill) Whittemore; educated in public schools of Charleston, and Univer sity of Illinois; married, Onarga, 111, Nov. 18, 1884, Alice George; children: Dora, Clara, Paul Dalrymple. Independent; served two terms as alderman and three terms as school director of Webster Groves. Congregational ist. Mason; member Royal Arcanum. Office: 1009 Washington Ave. Residence: Old Orchard, Missouri. WHITTEMORE, Frederick Churchill, insur ance; bora, St. Louis, Aug. 31, 1864; son of Robert Blackwell and Katherine Spain (Lev ering) Whittemore; educated in private school, Peabody Branch High and Central High schools, but did not complete course; married, St. Louis, Nov. 17, 1892, Elenore De- Luce Englesing; children: Frederick Church ill, Jr., Edith, Robert Lawrason. In general insurance since 1887; member firm of Wall & Whittemore, 1887-1906, since as F. Churchill Whittemore Co. Also president of the Lever ing Investment Co.; secretary and treasurer Foundry Investment Co. Member Business Men's League, Civic League. Republican. Episcopalian. Clubs: University, Noonday, Racquet, Bellerive, Florissant Valley. Recrea tion: golf. Office: 118-120 N. 4th St. Resi dence: 68 Vandeventer PL WHITTEMORE, Robert Blackwell, invest- 'ments; 1826-1910; see Vol. 1906. WHYTE, Joseph Patrick, real estate; born in Galway, Ireland, Mar. 15, 1850; son of Richard and Catherine (Brooke) Whyte; edu cated in public schools of New York, 1856-63, and in Notre Dame University, South Bend, Ind, 1863-67; married, St. Louis, Feb. 17, 1886, Sarah A. Maguire; children: Mary Louise, Joseph P., Jr., Sarah M. Began business ca reer as messenger and bookkeeper with the Butchers' and Drovers' Bank, St. Louis, 1867- 6S ; bookkeeper for Daly & Bros, stationers, 3 868-73; in 3873 engaged in business as agent for European steamship companies, and in 1875 added the real estate business, which was incorporated in 1900 as Joseph P. Whyte Real Estate Co., of which was president until 1912; sold out to Commonwealth Trust Co. and is now manager real estate department same. Ex-president Real Estate Exchange, S.t, Louis Catering Co. Democrat; license collector, 1901; harbor and wharf commissioner of City of St. Louis, 1903-11. Catholic. Club: St. Louis. Office: Commonwealth Trust Co. Resi dence: 5824 Cates Ave. WICH, Joseph Frank, secretary and treas urer Columbia Box Co.; bora, St. Louis, Jan. 29, 1879; son of John and Victoria (Bern- inger) Wick; educated in Catholic parochial schools; married, St. Louis, 1901, Angeline Hellrung; children: Joseph Frederick, Cath erine Frances, Victoria Rose, John Anthony. Began business career with father, John Wich, box manufacturer, for three years; then solcl out to the C. C. Mengel, Jr. & Bro. Co., who later sold out to the Mengel Box Co, from which, in 1901, business was bought by the Columbia Box Co., of which has since been treasurer, also secretary since Apr. 27, 1912. Catholic; member Knights of Columbus. Of fice: Cor. 19th and N. Market Sts. Residence: 2231 N. Market St. WICHELMAN, William, Jr, coffees and spices; 1875-1909; see Vol. 1906. WICHMANN, Hermann Louis, physician; born, Rock Island, 111, Feb. 1, 1866; son of Hermann and Ida (Stein) Wichmann; edu cated in public schools; Toensfeldt Institute; St. Louis School of Pharmacy, degree of Ph.G, 1885; M.D, St. Louis Medical College, 1888; married, St. Louis, May 6, 1891, Ida E. Kiel. In practice in St. Louis since 1888; phy sician Lutheran Hospital, 1890-92; physician South Side Day Nursery since 1888, and Lu theran Altenheim since 1908. Formerly part owner of South Broadway Pharmacy and South Jefferson Avenue Pharmacy, both incor porated. Republican. Lutheran. Member Mis souri State Medical Association, St. Louis Medical Society. Clubs : Century, Vietor Skat. Recreations: skat, bowling. Office and Resi dence: 3229 S. Jefferson Ave. WIDEN, Joseph Barada, president Barr & Widen Commercial Agency Co.; born, St; Louis, Aug. 5, 1864; son of Joseph and Ellen (Barada) Widen; educated at St. Louis Uni versity, graduating, 1879; married, Pulaski, N. Y, July 30, 1885, Eleanor Augusta Gra ham; one daughter, Vera Graham (Mrs. Le Grand Jones). Established in the mercantile agency business in 1882, and in 1886 incorpo rated the business as the Barr & Widen Com mercial Agency Co. (of which is president), furnishing credit reports on firms, corpora tions and individuals, and making collections. Member Business Men 's League, Civic League. Republican in national, independent in local affairs. Club: Mercantile. Office: 515 Com- THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 635 mercial Bldg, 520 Olive St. Residence: 4647 Berlin Ave. WIDMANN, Frederick, architect; born in Wurtemberg, Germany, May 30, 1859; son of Frederick and Wilhelmine (Schillinger) Wid mann; educated in public ancl high schools in Germany, and in art branch of Washington University, St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Oct. 30, 1888, Sophie Sander. Began professional ¦career with Walsh and Jungenfeld, as draughtsman and later as superintendent, 1877-84; in 1884, on death of Mr. Jungenfeld, joined with Robert W. Walsh and C. D. Bois- selier in firm of Widmann, Walsh & Boisselier, architects; title changed to Widmann & Walsh, 1906; designed all buildings for Anheuser- Busch Brewing Association in St. Louis and elsewhere, and St. Louis Brewing Association; also designers of Machinery Hall at Louisiana Purchase Exposition, the Kinloch Building, 10th and Locust Sts, and many mercantile and manufacturing buildings. Director South Side Bank of St. Louis. Member Industrial Association. Member American Institute of Architects and of St. Louis Chapter, same, St. Louis Turn Verein. Clubs: St. Louis, Lieder kranz. Office: 902 Wainwright Bldg. Resi dence: 3545 Longfellow Boul. WIEDMANN, August Henry, cigar box manufacturer; 1870-1909; see Vol. 1906. WIEDMER, Frederick, vice president of Springfield Filler Co.; born in Bond Co., Ill, Oct. 20, 1866; son of John and Catherine (Grob) Wiedmer; educated in public schools; married, St. Louis, 1890, Margaret Miller; children: Nellie L, William F. Learned trade of millwright with Todd & Stanley, 1886-90; engaged as stationary engineer, 1890-92; be came connected with mechanical department of Gratiot Street Warehouse Co., grain deal ers and handlers of salvage grain, until 1899, when acquired an interest in the business; became a director, and later vice president, of the company until it was dissolved in 1911; now vice president Springfield Filler Co., manufacturers of fertilizers. Was one of the proprietors of the Mound City Elevator at 2d and Branch Sts. until 1910. Member St. Louis Merchants' Exchange. Democrat; member of House of Delegates from Thirteenth Ward, 3904-10. Odd Fellow. Club: Century Boat. Recreations: hunting and fishing. Office: 630 Pierce Bldg. Residence: 3872 Hartford St. WIEGAND, Charles, vice president Stand ard Stamping Co.; born, St. Louis, Dee. 1, 1861; son of George John Conrad and Caro line (Godron) Wiegand; educated first for a few years in Soldan's (private) School; then in public schools until 1874; married, Atchi son, Kan, May 14, 1890, Carrie M. Sterner; two children: Herbert, Charles Oliver. Began manufacture of tinware, 1874, since continu ously engaged in same business; elected vice president Standard Stamping Co., 1908. Demo crat. Member Business Men 's League. Clubs: Mercantile, Missouri Athletic, Automobile, Aero. Recreation: motoring. Office: 2000 A". Broadway. Residence: 43 Washington Terrace. WIEGAND, Charles Frederick William, vice president Nelson Distilling Co.; 1864- 3908; see Vol. 1906. WIEGAND, George, manufacturer; 1833- 1908; see Vol. 1906. WIEGAND, George, president of Standard Stamping Co.; bora, St. Louis, July 16, 1863; son of George and Caroline (Godron) Wie gand; educated in public schools; married, St. Louis, Feb. 16, 1887, Mattie L. Porter; chil dren: Porter, Caroline R, James J, George G, Eliza L. At age of fourteen started to work in father 's shop, where learned tinner 's trade, and later assisted in retail store; in 1881, when Standard Stamping Co. was incorpo rated, represented same as traveling sales man; was vice president of the company until death of father, 1908, since which time has been president. Director of Broadway Savings Trust Co. Member of Business Men 's League. . Clubs: Mercantile, St. Louis. Office: 2000-2006 N. Broadway. Residence: 35 Washington Ter race. WIELANDY, Paul J, books and station ery; born, Jefferson City, Mo, June 5, 1864; son of John F. and Kunigunde (Wagner) Wielandy; educated in St. Louis public schools; married, St. Louis, June 28, 1904, Louise Angermueller; one daughter, Louise Dorothy. Entered employ of Shorb & Boland, wholesale booksellers and stationers, 1879; traveled for John L. Boland, successor of Shorb & Boland in Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona, 1884-1901; in January, 1902, with A. M. Blackwell, of Las Vegas, N. Mex, or ganized the Blackwell- Wielandy Book and Stationery Co., of St. Louis, of which was vice president, now president. (The Black- well-Wielandy Book and Stationery Co. bought out the firm of John L. Boland Book and Sta tionery Co., June 18, 1910.) Member Business Men's League. Member executive Committee Civic League. Republican. Protestant. Ma son (32°), Knight Templar. Club: Mercantile. Favorite recreations: fishing and hunting. Of fice: 16th and Locusts Sts. Residence: 3515 Dodier Ave. WIENER, Meyer, oculist; born, St. Louis, Jan. 10, 1876; son of Isador M. and Julia (Meyer) Wiener; educated at Pope (public) School to January, 1890; St. Louis Manual Training School to 1893; M.D, Missouri Med ical College, 1896; attended universities of Berlin, Heidelberg and Paris, until 1899; un married. Chief of eye clinic Washington Uni- veristy Hospital and Dispensary; chief of eye clinic Jewish Hospital Dispensary; oculist to Bethesda Hospital, Jewish Hospital, Washing ton University Hospital; clinical professor 636 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS ophthalmology, Washington University Med ical Department. Editor: Annals of Ophthal mology. Member St. Louis Medical Society, American Medical Association, Medical So ciety of City Hospital Alumni, Verein Alter Deutscher Studenten. Democrat. Recreation: outdoor sports. Office: 500 Carleton Bldg. Residence: 3854 Westminster PL WIESE, Edward W, lumber; bora, St. Louis, June 12, 1882; son of Frederick W. and Louisa (Roethemeyer) Wiese; graduated from Webster School, 1896, and from Jones Com-. mercial College; married, St. Louis, Mar. 22, 1905, Adelia L. Heidbrink; four children: Ethel Adeline, Edward Louis, Harold Walter, Raymond. Since June, 1897, engaged in the wholesale hardwood lumber business, and now vice president of the Thomas & Proetz Lum ber Co. Also vice president of Belzoni Hard wood Lumber Co., Birmingham Sawmill Co., Charles E. Thomas Land and Timber Co. Re publican. Member Reformed Church. Office: 3400 Hall St. Residence: 2242 Holly Ave. WIGET, Frank J, lawyer; bora, St. Louis, May 21, 1882; son of Xavier and Amanda (Nadig) Wiget (both natives of Switzerland) ; educated in SS. Peter and Paul's (parochial) School; St. Vincent's School; Jones Commer cial College, graduating, 1898; Benton College of Law, degree of LL.B, 1904; married, St. Louis, Nov. 26, 1907, Ottilia, daughter of Anton Laux, retired pork packer of South St. Louis; children: Marcella and Lester. Began practice in St. Louis, August, 1904; associated with Bounds E. Hamilton, under title of Wiget & Hamilton, until Feb. 1/ 1906, when firm was dissolved; has since practiced alone. Viee president and counselor Farmers ' & Mer chants ' Trust Co., St. Louis, since 1908. Inde pendent in politics. Catholic. Member Knights of Columbus, Western Catholic Union, Tower Grove Turn Verein. Recreation: motoring. Office: 908 Wainwright Bldg. Residence: 3409 Pestalozzi St. WIGHTMAN, Frank A, railroad and ware house commissioner; born, Genco, Minn, Aug. 19, 1863; sou of Frank H. and Mary A. (Gar field) "Wight-man; educated in public schools, Springfield, Mo, to 1878; married, Spring field, Mo, Sept. 7, 1890, Daisy Thomas. Began railroad career as machinist with St. Louis and San Francisco Railway, 1879, and contin ued until 1881; then engaged in freight train service as brakeman and conductor to 1885, and passenger conductor until 1904. Nom inated by acclamation, state offiee of railroad and warehouse commissioner, Republican con vention, St. Joseph, June, 1904; elected for six-year term, and reelected, 1910. Director First National Bank, Monett, Mo.; president Masonic Burial Association. Member Order of Railway Conductors. Republican. Presby terian. Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner; member B. P. O. Elks, Woodmen of the World. Recreations: fishing, hunting. Office: Chamber of Commerce Bldg, St. Louis; also Jefferson City, Mo. Residence: Monett, Mo. WILCOX, Charles Arthur, vice president Great Eastern Coffee and Tea Co.; born, Ux- bridge, Mass., Jan. 6; 1856; son of David and Mary J. (Dodge) Wilcox; educated in public schools of Uxbridge and Blackstone, Mass.; married, Atlanta, Ga, Apr. 9, 1884, Ada Bryan; children: Charles A, Jr., Lucy Louisa. After leaving school was salesman in shoe store, and later in grocery store, Fall River, Mass.; with brothers formed Boston Branch Grocery Co., Woonsocket, R. I.; subsequently in Cincinnati as salesman in tea business; went to Wichita, Kan, where' was in business for self as Imperial Coffee and Tea Co., 1886- 88; came to St. Louis, 1888, ancl has since been connected with the Great Eastern Coffee and Tea Co. (established 1878), and since its incorporation in 1898 has been viee president of the company, importers and jobbers. Re publican. Presoyterian. Member Royal Arca num. Office: 801 Franklin Ave. Residence: 5210 Waterman Aye. WILCOX, Thomas Daniel, books and sta tionery; born, Clarksville; Tenn, Aug. 13, 1855; son of Dr. Thomas E. and Ann Eliza (Merritt) Wilcox; educated in private school at Paducah, Ky, and high school at Cairo, 111, graduating from latter; married, St. Louis, Aug. 13, 1878, Jennie Johnson; chil dren: Mrs. I. Boyce Gates, of New York, and Mrs. Myrtle Wilcox Lindsay, of Jackson, Tenn. Began business career with Shorb & Bpland, and remained for twenty-five years with that firm and its successor, the John L. Boland Book and Stationery Co.; with Black- well-Wielandy Book and Stationery Co. since its organization, 1902, now vice president. Member Civic League. Democrat. Methodist. Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner. Club: Mer cantile. Office: 3601 Locust St. Residence: 3651 Washington Ave. WILD, William W.; born, Manchester, Eng land, May 31, 1867; son of William Frederick and Adaliza Jane (Wilson) Wild; educated in public schools of Stockport and Manchester; married, St. Louis, Oct. 29, 1902, Mary T. Jones; children: Caroline Annie, William Wil fred, Dorothy May, Frank Edmondson, Lionel Richard. In employ of the Stockport (Eng land) Chronicle, 1882-84; in 1884, appointed to position in ticket office of London & North Western R. R, Manchester, from which re signed in March, 1891; came to United States, May, 1891; with Simmons Hardware Co., St. Louis, 1891-92; since November, 1892, in em ploy of Crunden-Martin Woodenware Co., as factory manager. Episcopalian. Office: S. W. cor. Main and Cedar Sts. Residence: 5974 Garfield Ave. WILDER, Edward Bliss, secretary of Day Rubber Co.; born, Columbia, Cal, Mar. 15, THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 637 1862; son of Nahum C. and Sarah J. (Bliss) Wilder; educated in public and high schools of Hartford, Conn.; married, Kirkwood, Mo, May 9, 1888, Frances Isabel Allen; children: Allen Bliss, Wentworth. Began business ca reer with John W. Gray & Co., Hartford, at age of sixteen; was made bookkeeper and given char,ge of the office at seventeen; came to St. Louis in April, 1882, with Messrs. Day Bros. & Co., assisting in purchasing stock and opening up the business, which was incorpo rated in 1885 as the Day Rubber Co., of which has since been secretary. Republican. Con gregationalist. Member Sons of the Revolu tion and the Colonial Society. Recreation: fishing. Office: 415 N. 4th St. Residence: 5702 Maple Ave. WILES, John Henry, vice president Loose- Wiles Biscuit Co.; born, Flemingsburg, Ky, April 28, 1861; son of Peter Blackstone and Jennie W. (Jones) Wiles; educated in public- schools, Covington, Ky, to 1877; then entered Georgetown (Ky.) College, graduated, 1880; married, Indianapolis, Nov. 29, 1882, Ella G. McKnight; one child, Richard E. Began busi ness career with D. P. Erwin & Co., wholesale dry goods, Peoria, 111. (firm removed to In dianapolis, Ind, 1881), and continued until 1883; then organized Mount Cracker & Candy Co, manufacturers and wholesalers, Kansas City, Mo, continuing to 1902. The Loose- Wiles Biscuit Co. was organized, May, 1902, first at Kansas City, Mo, since incorporated; vice president all Loose-Wiles companies, also Brown Cracker & Candy Co, Dallas, Texas, and Bliss Syrup Refining Co., Kansas City. Republican/ Member Church of Christ. Scot tish. Rite Mason (Past Master of Blue Lodge, Past Eminent Commander Knights Templar, Shriner). Clubs: Kansas City, Midday, Com mercial, Rotary. Recreations: golf, fishing, shooting. Has summer cottage at Minnesouri Angling Club, on Lake Miltona, near Alex andria, Minn. Office: 15th and Clark Sts, St. Louis. Residences: 2838 Troost Ave, Kansas City, Mo, Jefferson Hotel, St. Louis. WILFLEY, Lebbeus Redman, lawyer; born in Audrain County, Mo, March 30, 1866; son of James Frank and Sarah (Pindall) Wilfley; graduated from Central College, Fayette, Mo, with degree of A.M., 1889; LL.B, Yale Law School, 1892 (LL.D, Clark University, 1909) ; unmarried. Admitted to bar, 1893, and was engaged in general practice in St. Louis until 1901; attorney-general of the Philippine Is lands, 1901-06; first judge U. S. Court of China, 1906-09; was member Wilfley, Wilfley, Mclntyre & Nardin. U. S. delegate Universal Congress Lawyers and Jurists, St. Louis, 1904. Democrat. Methodist. Offiee: 705 Olive St. Residence: 5401 Cabanne Ave. WILFLEY, Xenophon Pierce, lawyer; born in Audrain County, Missouri, March 18, 1871; son of James Frank and Sarah (Pindall) Wil fley; graduated from Clarksburg (Mo.) Col lege, 1891; AM, Central College, Fayette, Mo, 1895; LL.B, St. Louis Law School, 1899; married, Rosamond Guthrie, of Mexico, Mo, Oct. 28, 1908; one son, John Franklin. Taught in Central College one year; then for three years held chair of mathematics in Sedalia (Mo.) High School before entering law school; began law practice in 1899; now member of Wilfley, Wilfley, Mclntyre & Nardin. Member of St. Louis, Missouri State and American Bar associations. Democrat. Member of Southern Methodist Church. Clubs: Mercantile, Belle rive, City. Recreation: golf. Office: 705 Olive St. Residence: 5085 Vernon Ave. WILHELMI, Otto J, architect; born, Gray 's Summit, Franklin Co, Mo, Aug. 20, 1853; son of Julius and Louise (Landfried) Wilhelmi; educated in St. Louis High School and at Polytechnic, Carlsruhe, Germany, 1878-79; married, St. Louis, Nov. 23, 1882, Emilie Stifel; children: Gertrude, Paula, Tillie, Otto, Curt. Treasurer and secretary Missouri Cre matory Association, Liederkranz Building As sociation. Was architect of Board of Public Schools, three years. Republican. Freethinker. Member Liederkranz. Office: 402 Granite Bldg. Residence: 1537 S. Grand Ave. WILKES, Benjamin A, physician; born, Ar kansas, June 15, 1858; son of Henry C. and Anna E. (Whitely) Wilkes; educated in pri vate schools in Virginia until 1876, New Lon don Academy, 1876-78, Hospital College of Medicine, Louisville, Ky, 1879-82, M.D, 1882; post-graduate work in Medical Department, University of New York, 1882-83; married in Virginia, Oct. 3, 1883, Margaret S. Irvine; one daughter, Anna Lois. Reared on farm in Vir ginia; practiced at Bowling Green, Mo, 1883- 96; was elected superintendent and house physician, Missouri Baptist Sanitarium, 1896, when came to St. Louis; resigned position and re-entered private practice, Nov. 1, 1900, in St. Louis. Member Board of Managers and med ical staff, Missouri Baptist Sanitarium, and physician to Christian Orphans' Home. Mem ber American Medical Association, Missouri State Medical Association, St. Louis Medical Society. Democrat. Baptist. Office: 719-720 Metropolitan Bldg. Residence: 4515 Washing ton Ave. WILKINSON, Melville Le Vaunt, president Scruggs-Vandervoort-Barney Dry Goods Co.; born, Maysville, Ind, Jan. 31, 1865; son of Rev. Charles H. and Mary (Hawkins) Wilk inson; completed college preparatory course in high schools of Elkhart, Ind.; married, Dela ware, O, June 11, 1890, Miss Minerva Evans; one daughter, Jessie Jua'nita. Began business career at Butler, Ind, 1880; received a work ing interest in Knisely Brothers Dry Goods Co., 1888, and was admitted as partner in 1890; sold interest in 1898 and became con nected with The Root & McBride Co., of 638 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS Cleveland, O.; was director and manager of the William Taylor Sons Co., retail dry goods, Cleveland, 1901-06; moved to Buffalo, N. Y, 1906. He is now president of The William Hengerer Co., dry goods, and the J. N. Adam Co., of Buffalo; also since Jan. 16, 1911, presi dent of the Scruggs- Vandervoort-Barney Co., of St. Louis; general manager The Root Co., of Terre Haute, Ind. Republican. Congrega tionalist. Member Buffalo Chamber of Com merce. Member Knights of Pythias, I. 0. 0. F. Member Business Men's League. Clubs: Noonday, St. Louis, Racquet, Country, Sunset Inn (St. Louis), Buffalo (Buffalo). Recreation: golf. Office: Olive and Tenth Sts. Residence: 4401 Westminster PL WILKINSON, William Robert, commission merchant; see Vol. 1906. WILL, Lawrence Leopold, cashier Lowell Bank; bom, St. Louis, Aug. 10, 1884; son of Ludwig G. and Ernestine F. (Kolb) Will; ed ucated in St. Louis public schools, to 1898; apprentice, printers' trade, one year, and ma chinists' trade, one year; then graduated as accountant from Bryant & Stratton Business College, Feb. 11, 1901; married, St. Louis, June 19, 1907, Corinne M. Riepenhaus; one child, Lawrence L, Jr. Began business career as office boy, later keeper cash sales book, with Flohr-Walter Candy Co, Mar. 6, 1901, and continued with firm until September, 1904; engaged with David Nicholson Grocer Co. as bookkeeper for retail city accounts, 1904-05. Became messenger and bookkeeper Lowell Bank, May 1, 1905, teller Jan. 23, 1907, assistant cashier Oct. 17, 1910, and cashier since Jan. 18, 1911; also director Missouri Bottle & Label Co. Member American Insti tute of Banking. Republican. Lutheran. Rec reation: baseball. Office 5000 N. Broadway. Residence 2231A Athlone Ave. WILLARD, William G, manufacturer of steel ranges; bora in New York City, June 7, 1852; son of Joseph and Albertina Willard; educated in public schools of Jersey City, N. J.; married, St. Louis, 1882, Augusta Weber; nine children: William G, Jr., Dora (Mrs. Beri Funk), Joseph, George, Edward, Napoleon, Fred, Theodore, Albertina. Canal boy on Mor ris and Essex canal, and afterwards in same capacity on Erie Canal; located on farm near Bloomington, 111, for five years; came to St. Louis, 1870, and was workman of the Eads bridge and St. Charles bridge; then for seven years at Rock Island, 111, at United States arsenal, and helped to build the Rock Island bridge; came back to St. Louis and engaged in manufacture of clothes wringers, and later in manufacture of steel ranges, and also of various articles of household furniture. Mem ber National Union. Recreation: theatre mat inees. Office: 316-320 Chestnut St. Residence: St. Clair Co, 111. WILLIAMS, Charles B, lawyer; born, Buena Vista, Miss, July 1, 1869; son of U. S. and Martha (Pulliam) Williams; educated in public schools, Buena Vista, to 1887; attended University of Mississippi, 1889-91; married, Atlanta, Ga, Dec. 29, 1905, Lorena Mcintosh; one child, Catherine. Admitted to bar at Meridian, Miss, 1891; practiced there till 1893, then at Okoloua, Miss, 1893-1900; re moved to St. Louis, 1900, since member law firm of R. P. & C. B. Williams. Member St. Louis and Missouri State Bar associations. Democrat. Presbyterian. Member Knights of Pythias, Maccabees. Club: City. Recreations: hunting and fishing. Office: 1416 Third Na tional Bank Bldg. Residence: 5617 Clemens Avenue. WILLIAMS, Charles P., lawyer; born, Mansfield, La, Jan. 8, 1872; son of Thomas J, Jr. and Florence (Parker) Williams; B.A., Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn, 1895, M.A, 1897; married, Sandusky, O,- June, 1903, Mabel Annette Megginson; chil dren: Sarah McFall, Florence Parker. Ad mitted to bar, 1898, and since in practice in St. Louis; member firm of Bates, Blodgett, Williams & Davis since 1911. Prosecuting at torney, 1902-05; 2d associate city counselor, 1905-00. Lecturer Washington University Law School. Democrat. Methodist. Member St. Louis Bar Association, Phi Delta Theta. Clubs: City, Missouri Athletic. Recreation: fishing. Office: Third National Bank Bldg. Residence: 6215 Washington Ave. WILLIAMS, Edmund Alfred, railway offi cial; see Vol. 1906. WILLIAMS, Edwin Satterthwaite, general agent Provident Life and Trust Co., of Phila delphia; bom, Riverton, N. J, Feb. 4, 1870; son of Joseph S. and Anna (Satterthwaite) Williams; educated at Friends' School, River- ton, N. J, from age of seven to twelve; mar ried, New Britain, Pa, June 24, 1896, Bertha. V. Kratz. Began business life at age of thir teen, as eashboy with Strawbridge & Clothier (dry goods), Philadelphia; eight months later resigned and secured position with Whitall, Tatuin & Co., manufacturers of druggists' glassware and sundries, Philadelphia, remain ing in various capacities, from mail clerk to- traveling salesman, for sixteen years; travel ing salesman with National Lead Co., St. Louis, 1899-1902; went east in 1902 and became life insurance solicitor for Provident Life and Trust Co. o'f Philadelphia; on April 1, 1904,. was appointed, with Walter- L. Michener, as. Miehener & Williams, general agents for the company in eastern half of Missouri, with office at St. Louis. Independent in politics. Member Society of Friends. Member Capitol Lodge, 110, A. F. and A. M, Des Moines, la. Clubs: Mercantile, Normandie Golf, Bellerive. Recreations: golf and hunting. Offiee: Centra! THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 639 National Bank Bldg. Residence: 917 Belt Avenue. WILLIAMS, George Howard, lawyer; born, California, Mo, Dec. 1, 1871; son of John M. and Alice Gray (Howard) Williams; gradu ated from California high school, 1889; Drury College Academy, 1890; A.B, Princeton Uni versity, 1894; LL.B, St. Louis Law School, 1897; married, St. Louis, June 12, 1900, Har riet Chase Stewart; children: Stewart, How ard. Taught in California high school, 1894- 95; admitted to bar at California, March, 1896; in practice of law in St. Louis since 1897; member firm of Stewart, Eliot & Wil liams, 1900-07; judge of Circuit Court, 1907- 11; now member firm of Stewart, Bryan & Williams. Member St. Louis and Missouri Bar associations. Republica'n. Congregationalist. Clubs: Noonday, Bellerive. Office: 1605 Pierce Bldg. Residence: 7 Windermere PL WILLIAMS, James Edward, roofing; born, Ottawa, Can, Feb. 24, 1864; son of Francis and Ann Williams; educated in public schools; married, Toronto, Can, August, 1884, Kate Quillinan; four children: Edward J, Gordon, Kate, Mabel. Learned merchant tailoring business under father; later entered employ of W. D. Hutson, slate roofing, Toronto, and con tinued for five years; came to St. Louis, 1886, and was connected with Jayden Slate Co. four years; in business on own account since 1890. Democrat. Episcopalian. Office: 1548 S. Van deventer Ave. Residence: 4319 McRee Ave. WILLIAMS, John Richard, president Libby & Williams Paper Co.; born, Baltimore, Md, June 19, 1839; son of Richard W. and Martha W. (Loane) "Williams; educated in public and private schools of St. Louis and Baltimore; married, May 21, 1863, Mary E. Wallace (died April 3, 1899); children: John R, Jr, Carrie, Annie; married, 2d, Sept. 30, 1903, Dorothea E. Jorgenson. Came west with parents to St. Louis, 3843; returned to Baltimore, 1850; re turned to St. Louis, 1855. Served as 1st ser geant in National Guard of Missouri several years, and for short time as 1st sergeant of U. S. Volunteers. Established in 1861 firm of Libby & Williams (with M. C. Libby), which firm was incorporated in 1884, with M. C. Lib by as president; succeeded him as president of the company on death of the latter in Octo ber, 1884, in which position continues. Mem ber Business Men 's League, Civic League. Re publican. Unitarian. Member I. O. O. F, Le gion of Honor. Club: Mercantile. Recreations: riding and driving. Office: 419-421 North 2d St. Residence: 5520 Clemens Ave. WILLIAMS, Joseph Green, lawyer; born, Goldman, Jefferson County, Missouri, Oct. 1, 1870; son of Forkland H. and Fanny C. (Frazer) Williams; educated in public school of Sandy, Mo, high school at Hillsboro, Mo, graduating, 1889; graduated from Jones Busi ness College, St. Louis, 1890; graduated from Law School of University of Missouri, LL.B, cum laude, 1893; married, DeSoto, Mo, Dec. 25, 1905, Miss Alice Bell. Admitted to bar, June, 3*93; entered law practice with Judge Sherer; removed to Hillsboro, June, 1894; was assistant prosecuting attorney of Jefferson County, 3894; elected prosecuting attorney, November, 1894, und served four terms; began general practice of law at DeSoto, Mo, 1898; prosecuted, while in office, several murder cases, and afterwards defended nine murder cases, losing none; owned controlling interest in newspaper, the Jefferson County Crystal Mirror, 1894-99; appointed, 1904, assistant U. S. District Attorney of Eastern District of Missouri, at St. Louis. Member law firm of Williams, Miller & Frazier until 1907; since member Williams & Rollins. Member Missouri State Bar Association. Defended the Spaugh murder eases, the Seidel murder case, and many others. Republican. Baptist. Mason, Odd Fellow; member of Knights of Pythias, Eagles, Elks, Modern Woodmen of the World, Select Knights and Ladies of Honor. Favorite recreations: horseback riding, hunting and fishing. Office: 603, 604% Chestnut St. Resi dence: 4068 Flad Ave. WILLIAMS, Milton Franklin, president Williams Patent Crusher & Pulverizer Co.; born, Somertou Tp, Belmont Co., Ohio, Oct. 13, 1846; son of Robert and Sarah Anu (Hampton) Williams; possessed very limited advantages of early education; attended a country school for a short time, and later was pupil in a school in a small town of Monroe Co., Ohio, and one winter in graded school in Martin's Ferry; married, Gillespie, Macoupin Co, 111, Nov. 23, 1875, Emily Priscilla Stev ens; four children: Milton Judson, Arthur Franklin, Oliver Julian, Florence I. (wife of Dr. Carson). Worked as a journeyman mill wright, for Messrs. Foreman & Shanafelt, at 1417 N. 2d St., St. Louis, and a portion of the time for A. K. Halteman & Co, at 1611 S. 3d St., also assisted in building a mill in Illinois, up to Jan. 1, 3 875; then formed a co-partner ship in general millwright work, with Wm. H. Foreman, until Jan. 1, 1880; went on the road selling mill machinery for one year for the LaCroix Purifier Co, of Indianapolis; in em ploy of Downton & Miller, as superintending draftsman and estimator, 1881-83. Purchased a half interest in a millwright shop from Wm. H. Scott, and went into partnership with him at 311 Convent St.; after ninety days pur chased partner 's interest and remained in the millwright business under the name of M. F. Williams & Co, company being nominal, until Feb. 6, 1886; then formed a co-partnership with W. D. Rinehart, of Terre Haute, Ind, in millwright and machine business, until Jan. 1, 1887, under firm name of Williams & Rine hart; purchased Mr. Rinehart 's interest and continued in the business under the name of 610 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS Williams, Rinehart & Co, until Feb. 6, 1890; started in the same business at 2705 N. Broad way, as M. F. Williams & Co, and remained under that title until 1892; incorporated, 1892, as the M. F. Willia'ms Manufacturing Co. (father and sons), and during this time, and in the year 3895, invented and started to place upon the market the Williams Patent Crusher and Pulverizer, and continued to manufacture and sell same until Jan. 28, 3897; then incorporated the Williams Patent Crusher & Pulverizer Co., M. F. Williams being president of both corporations; con tinued in this line of business, each corpora tion operating separately, until May 1, 1906, when the two corporations consolidated as the Williams Patent Crusher & Pulverizer Co., of which is president. Republican. Con gregationalist. Mason; member Cosmos Lodge No. 282, A. F. & A. M.; Belief ontaine Chap ter No. 25, R. A. M.; Ivanhoe Commandery No. 8, Knights Templar. Office: Broadway and Montgomery St. Residence: 5153 Vernon Avenue. WILLIAMS, Robert Elliott, secretary and treasurer Bellefontaine Cemetery Associa tion; born near Front Royal, Va, June 11, 1846; son of Dr. G. A. and Mary R. (Blake- more) Williams; educated in country schools in Virginia; married, St. Louis, March 22, 1892, Lillie M. Miller; one daughter, Ellenore Blakemore Williams. Resident of St. Louis since 1864. Democrat. One of the original members of Battery A, National Guard of Missouri, and was its captain, 1890. Member and vice president Virginia Society of St. Louis. Office: 514 Security Bldg. Residence: 508 Lake Ave. WILLIAMS, Robert James, state manager Fidelity Mutual Life Insurance Co.; born near Keytesville, Mo, Nov. 18, 1864; son of John P. and Polly S. (Watts) Williams; edu cated in public school near Keytesville, and later at Central College at Fayette, Mo.; married, St. Louis, December, 1906, Emeline N. Easton; one daughter, Elizabeth, by previous marriage. Early life was spent on farm; came to St. Louis as young man, and soon after began in insurance business with the Equit able Life Assurance Society of New York, until 1902; since manager, state of Missouri, for the Fidelity Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Philadelphia. Democrat. Member Life Underwriters' Association of St. Louis (sec retary for a number of years). Member Knights of Pythias. Club: Mercantile. Rec reations: motoring and billiards. Office: 615 Central National Bank Bldg. Residence: 5182 Vernon Ave. WILLIAMS, Robert Pulliam, lawyer; bom in Chickasaw County, Mississippi, April 14, 1857; son of Uriah S. and Martha B. (Pul liam) Williams; educated in Summerville (Miss.) Institute; A.B, Emory and Henry College, Virginia, 1878; taught country school in Mississippi one year, reading law at same time, then attended St. Louis Law School one year, 1880; married, Okolona, Miss, Dec. 13, 1883, Alice Mcintosh; children: Robert S, Edward R, Evelyn, Alice. Admitted to bar, May, 1881; practiced law in Nebraska eigh teen months, and in Mississippi until 1893; removed to St. Louis as special counsel Mo bile & Ohio R. R. Law partner with Silas B. Jones, 1894-96; then for a time with Edward T. Farish; since June 1, 1900, with brother, C. B. Williams, engaged in general law prac tice under style of R. P. and C. B. Williams, in addition to being counsel for Mobile & Ohio R. R. Member St. Louis, Missouri State and American Bar associations, St. Louis Law Library. Democrat. Presbyterian. Mason, Knight Templar (Ascalon Commandery). Club: Mercantile. Recreation: fishing. Office: 506 Olive St. Residence: 5369 Maple Ave. WILLIAMS, Tyrrell, lawyer; born, San dusky, O, July 17, 1875; son of Rev. Dr. Meade C. and Elisabeth (Riddle) Williams; educated in public schools of Princeton, 111, until 1892; Rugby Academy, St. Louis, 1892- 94; A.B, Princeton University, 1898; LL.B, Washington University, St. Louis, 1900; mar ried, Aug. 17, 1906, Miss Eleanor Niedring haus, of St. Louis; one son, Meade. Admitted to St. Louis bar in June, 1900, and has since been engaged in general practice of law. Member of St. Louis Bar Association, Mis souri State Bar Association, American Bar Association, Missouri Historical Society. Re publican. Presbyterian. Joint Author (with the late G. A. Finkelnburg) : Missouri Appel late Practice, 1906. Member Civic League. Clubs: University, Bellerive Country, City, Meramec Canoe. Office: 400, 408 Olive St. Residence: 20 N. Kingshighway (Aberdeen Apartments') . WILLIAMSON, Harry Edwin, general agent United States Express Co.; born, Win chester, Ind, Jan. 14, 1866; son of Charles C. and Sarah E. (Clark) Williamson; educated in public schools of Columbus and Dayton, O, and Jamestown, N. Y.; unmarried. After leaving school, 1882, entered the employ of the United States Express Co., at age of six teen, at Jamestown, N. Y, as clerk, later cashier and agent at Bradford, Pa, four years; in superintendent's office at Cleveland, O, one year; traveling auditor Ohio, In diana, Missouri and Illinois for sixteen years, until in June, 1903, came to St. Louis and took present position as general agent for the United States Express Company. Republican. Protestant. Mason (32°); member Erie Com mandery No. 23, Knights Templar, Sandusky, O.; Consistory, Cleveland, O. Member B. P. O. Elks. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, St. Louis Railway. Office: 421 N. 4th St. Residence: 1263 Euclid Ave. THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 641 WILLIAMSON, William James, cleryman; bom near New Bloomfield, Mo, Oct. 13, 1869; son of Andrew Jackson and Barbara S. (Kyger) Williamson; educated, public schools of Fulton Mo.; Westminster College; A.B, William Jewell College, 1893, D.D, 1902; Ph.D., Westminster College, 1897; also is a graduate of Kirksville (Mo.) State Normal School, and was post-graduate student of Chicago University; married, Kansas City, Mo, Apr. 12, 1894, Jessie Lee Warinner; two children: Augusta Barbara, Virginia Lee. Or dained Baptist ministry, 1891; pastor Bales Ave. Church, Kansas City, 1891-1901, Third Baptist Church, St. Louis, since 1901. Trustee Stephens College, William Jewell College, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. President Baptist Young People's Union of America. Independent in politics. Mason, Knight Templar; member Modern Woodmen. Clubs: City, Mercantile. Residence: 6235 Washington Ave. WILLIS, Gordon, vice president and secre tary Hunkins-Willis Lime and Cement Co.; born, Galena, HI, May 29, 1859; son of W. B. and Ellen T. (Pratt) Willis; resident of St. Louis since 1865; educated in St. Louis public schools; married, St. Louis, 1891, Letha Tin- del; one son, Barnard. Began business career with Wiggins Ferry Co., as superintendent of car ferry for eight years; then for four years with R. S. McCormick & Co.; in 1889 became secretary of the Thorn & Hunkins Lime and Cement Co. (established 1875), which was in 3896 succeeded by the Hunkins-Willis Lime and Cement Co, of which is viee president and secretary. Elected president, Jan., 1906, of the National Builders' Supply Association. Member Business Men's League. Club: Mer cantile. Recreations: travel, athletics. Office: Century Bldg. Residence: 4553 Washington Avenue. WILLMANN, Joseph W, distiller; born, St. Louis, Feb. 7, 1874; son of John and Mary (Riegert) Willmann; educated in St. Louis public schools; married, St. Louis, Nov. 30, 1893, Clara E. Hase, of Bloomington, 111. President Wiegand-Boeker Distilling Co., wholesale wines and liquors, and importers, since 1910. Republican. Protestant. Clubs: Western Rowing, Ole Kaintuckee Kernel Hunting and Fishing. Recreations: tenpins, hunting and fishing. Office: 11 N. 2d St. Residence: 4130 Nebraska Ave. WILSON, Allen, physician; born, St. Louis,- Feb. 23, 1850; son of Dr. B. F. and Mary E. Wilson; educated at Louisiana Military Acad emy, Alexandria, La, 1866-67, and Washing ton College, 1868-70; M.D, Missouri Medical College, 1879; unmarried. Taught school in Texas, 1870-76; removed to Kansas, 1876; practiced medicine in that state until 1893, when returned to St. Louis. Member St. Louis Medical Society, Missouri State Medical Asso ciation. Independent Democrat. Presbyterian. Offiee ahd Residence: 1514 Wagoner PL WILSON, Arthur Orville, banker; born, Paoli, Orange Co., Ind, May 16, 1869; son of James S. and Susan (Dunnington) Wilson; educated in public schools of Paxton, 111, graduating from Paxton High School, 1883; attended Paxton Collegiate and Normal Insti tute a short time; A.B, Tarkio (Mo.) College, 1888 (being first classical graduate from that college) ; married, Rockford, 111, Sept. 30, 1897, Mabel S. Penfield; children: Genevieve, Marion, James. Began business career as bookkeeper in the First National Bank of Tarkio; assistant cashier and a director of same for several years, and during same period secretary to Hon. David Rankin, cattle feeder and banker; on May 8, 1901, entered Government service as national bank exam iner for St. Louis and the Missouri district; also acted as special examiner in Iowa, Minne sota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Kentucky, Indian Territory, Oklahoma and Texas; resigned, Mar. 16, 1906, to accept present position as a viee president of State National Bank of St. Louis. Member Missouri Bankers' Associa tion (treasurer, 1908, viee president, 1909, president, 1910-11), Business Men's League. Republican; was for several years a member of the Atchison County (Mo.) Republican Central Committee, and of the Senatorial Committee for the First Senatorial District of Missouri. United Presbyterian. Clubs: Noon day, Bellerive Country. Recreation: reading. Office: State National Bank. Residence: 14 Windermere PL WILSON, Charles Alonzo, physician; born, South Royalston, Mass, April, 1842; son of Wheaton and Jerusha (Chase) Wilson; edu cated in public schools of Massachusetts; M.D, Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts, 1869; married, Gardner, Mass., 1865, Harriet S. Brick (died Mar. 1, 1902); one son, Dr. Charles Frederick Wilson; married, 2d, 1904, Caroline Reinguber. Enlisted in Twenty-fifth Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteers, and was soon detailed into the Medical Department; in 1863 was transferred to the Navy, on board U. S. S. Delaware, later to U. S. S. Onward, to capture and sink privateers of the Con federacy; studied medicine and engaged in general practice, but since 1890 has devoted entire attention to diseases of the ear, nose, throat and lungs. Member American Medical' Association, St. Louis Medical Society, Tri- State Medical Association, Sons of the Revo lution. Republican. Baptist. Member Ransom Post, G. A. R. Office : 633 Century Bldg. Resi dence: 1355 Granville PL WILSON, Eugene Smith, lawyer; born in Bloomfield, N. J, May 30, 1879; son of Robert Patterson and Mary Jeanette (Smith) Wil son; graduated from Adelphi Academy, Brook lyn, N. Y, 1898; A.B, Amherst College, 1902; 642 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS LL.B, Law Department, Washington Univer sity, St. Louis, 1904; married, St. Louis, Sept. 20, 1904, Margaret Grey Whitelaw; children: Eugene Smith, Jr, Rqbert Whitelaw, Potter. Admitted to bar, June, 1904, and is associated in practice with Nagel & Kirby. Member St. Louis Bar Association, Civic League. Repub lican. Member First Congregational Church, Royal Arcanum, Psi Upsilon Fraternity. Clubs: Algonquin, City. Office: 700 Security Bldg. Residence: Webster Groves, Mo. WILSON, George Washington, vice presi dent Mercantile Trust Co.; born, New York City, July 4, 1862; son of George W. and Mary (Mulhollancl) Wilson; educated at St. Francis Xavier Catholic School and night public school, St. Louis; married, St. Louis, July 24, 1890, Mary H. Long; one child, George W, Jr. Began business career with Scruggs, Vander voort & Barney, dry goods, St. Louis. June 29, 1874, continuing* until Oct. 1, 1887, and serving as cash-boy to cashier; then for over one year engaged in mining business in Mex ico; secretary, 1889-93, treasurer, 1893-99, An derson-Wade Realty Co.; treasurer Mercantile Trust Co. (successor to Anderson- Wade Realty Co.), 1899-1906, and second vice president same since 1906. Dean of School of Commerce and Finance (St. Louis University). Demo crat. Roman Catholic Member Knights of Columbus. Clubs: St. Louis, Noonday. Rec reations: reading and motoring. Office: 721 Locust St. Residence: 3647 Page Ave. WILSON, George Williams, secretary Wolff- Wilson Drug Co.; born, Cynthiana, Harrison Co, Ky, July 8, 1860; son of Charles T. and Sarah (Williams) Wilson; educated in com mon schools of Cynthiana to 1878; Ph.G, Col lege of Pharmacy, 1881; married, St. Louis, January, 1886, Minette Mayer; one son, Charles T. Clubs: Mercantile, Missouri Ath letic Office: Cor. Washington Ave. and 6th St. Residence: 5357 Bartmer Ave. WILSON, Goldburn H, physician; born, Rock Island, 111, Apr. 29, 1864; son of Thomas P. and Sarah E. (Quick) Wilson; educated in public schools, Henry Co., Mo, to 1882; en tered State University of Missouri, 1883, and graduated, 1887; then continued medical stud ies in St. Louis College of Physicians, from which graduated, 1889; married, at Union, Franklin Co, Mo, June 20, 1896, Laura Phil lips; three children: Goldburn H, Jr., Thomas Phillips and Laura. Since graduation has con tinuously practiced in St. Louis; professor of chemistry Marion-Sims Medical College, 1892- 94, also in Woman 's Hospital Medical College, 1894-95. Member American Medical Associa tion, Missouri State Medical Society, St. Louis Medical Society, Mississippi Medical Associa tion. Was elected to state legislature, 1896, several times reelected and has continuously served since, with exception of year 1903; was speaker pro tem. of House, 1905. Repub lican. Methodist. Member Mt. Moriah Lodge No. 40, A. F. & A. M, and Montrose Lodge No. 383, I. O. O. F. Recreation: traveling. Office and Residence: 2410 N. 14th St. WILSON, Guy, life insurance; born in Christian Co, Ky, May 1, 1878; son of Rich ard H. and Maggie (Smith) Wilson; educated in public schools, Hopkinsville, Ky. ; married, St. Louis, May 21, 1910, Louise May. Em ployed in operating department of various railroads, 1893-1904; entered life insurance business as cashier of Prudential Insurance Co., at St. Louis, 1904; since Aug. 5, 1907, member firm of Rowland & Wilson, general managers state of Missouri for Prudential In surance Co. of America. Mason; member B. P. O. Elks. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Union. Of fiee: Chemical Bldg. Residence: 1143 Union Boulevard. * WILSON, Herbert George, freight agent; moved to Kansas City, Mo.; see Vol. 1906. WILSON, James, president Wilson Stove and Manufacturing Co.; born in Scotland, Aug. 16, 1846; son of Gordon and Susan (Gray) Wilson; educated in schools of native land and Brown's Business College, Brooklyn, N. Y.; married, Columbia, Mo, Dec. 19, 1876, Mary Bedford; children: James Bedford, Catherine (Mrs. S. H. Long), Susan Gray. Came to America, 1865; engaged in hardware business in Texas seventeen years; located in St. Louis, 1894; organizer "Wilson Stove ancl Manufacturing Co., manufacturers of' stoves, ranges and heaters, with plant at Valley Park. President Washington National Bank, 1905- 08, then vice president until consolidated with Title Guaranty Trust Co., of which is a di rector; also president "Wilson Investment Co. Member Caledonian Society (president, 1908- 30). Presbyterian. Recreation: reading. Of fice: Odeon Bldg. Residence: 4327 W. Bell PL WILSON, John Timothy, labor union offi cial; 1861-1908; see Vol. 1906. WILSON, Massey, lawyer, life insurance; born, Grove Hill, Ala, Oct. 10, 1869; son of Hon. Jack R. and Emily Jane (De Woolf) Wilson; educated public schools and Univer sity of Alabama, LL.B, 1897; married, Wil cox County, Ala, Dec. 20, 1892, Julia Dale. Admitted to Alabama bar, 1891, and immedi ately began practice; in 1903 became member of firm of Wilson & Martin; attorney general Alabama, 1903-07; since member law firm of Tyson (ex-chief justice Supreme Court of Alabama), Wilson & Martin, of Montgomery, Ala.; also since 1909 president International Life Insurance Co. of St. Louis. Served as clerk of House of Representatives of Ala bama, 1892-95; member House of Represen tatives, 1900; member Alabama State Con stitutional Convention, 1901. Democrat. Methodist. Member Knights of Pythias. Club: Mercantile. Recreation: hunting. Office: 915 Olive St. Residence: 4348 Maryland : Ave. THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 643 WILSON, Robert Edward, surgeon; born, Chester, 111, Apr. 2, 1870; son of Johnson and Maggie (McConkey) Wilson; educated in pub lic schools and University of Illinois; M.D, Washington University Medical College, 1890 ; married, St. Louis, Nov. 21, 3900, Grace M. Cunningham; children: Ella Marie, Virginia Marguerite, Robert Edward, Jr., Grace Kath arine. Member St. Louis Medical Society, American Medical Association. Catholic. Clubs: St. Louis, Missouri Athletic, Glen Echo Country. Recreation: raising fine chickens at his summer home in the country. Office: 817- 819 Third National Bank Bldg. Residence: 4259 Lindell Boul. Country Home: 14 miles from city on St. Charles Rock Rd. WILSON, Robert Monroe, lawyer; born, St. Louis, Aug. 9, 1875; son of late Robert Mon roe and Mary (Robertson) Wilson; educated at Smith Academy, graduating, 1893; student in Washington University one year; matricu lated in St. Louis Law School, graduating with degree of LL.B, 1903 ; .unmarried. Was with Simmons Hardware Co, 3894-98; re signed from position at beginning of Spanish- American War; began practice in offices of Dawson & Garvin, June, 1901; assumed posi tion in law department of Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes of Indian Territory, June, 1902, at Muskogee, Okla.; resumed prac tice in St. Louis, September, 1904, in which still continues. Enlisted in National Guard of Missouri, 1894, as member Company C, and served successively as private, corporal, ser geant, second lieutenant, first lieutenant and captain, same company, to 1900, when' re signed. First lieutenant Company C, First Missouri Volunteer Infantry, Spanish- Ameri can War; mustered in with regiment, May, 1898, and mustered out with regiment, Oct. 31, 1898; served at Chickamauga Park, con tracting typhoid fever there. Democrat; ex- president Twenty-fifth Ward Democratic Club; Democratic nominee prosecuting attor ney of St. Louis, November, 1910. Episcopa lian. Member St. Louis Bar Association, United Spanish War Veterans, Phi Delta Theta, Phi Delta Phi, Civic League of St. Louis. Club: St. Louis Amateur Athletic As sociation (director). Recreation: tennis. Of fice: Rialto Bldg. Residence: 4049 Washing ton Boulevard. WILSON, Samuel Graham, treasurer Carle ton Dry Goods Co.; born, Petersburg, Va, June 14, 1852; son of William Venable (D.D.) and Grace Anne Wilson; educated in private schools, Lynchburg, Va, and Holston Male Academy, Marion, Va.; married, Greensboro, Ga, Jan. 6, 1876, Sarah N. Poullain (now de ceased) ; married, 2d, Greensboro, Ga, June 19, 1883, Felixina Poullain; children: Grace Evelina (Mrs. H. A. Nickell), Samuel Gra ham, Jr, Mrs. Sarah P. Hennings, William Venable, Julia Celeste, Foster Poullain, Eula. Began business career as clerk in country store; came to St. Louis, 1871, and traveled twenty years and general salesman for Chase & Cabot, Crow, Hargadine & Co., and Wear & Boogher Dry Goods Co.; since Dec. 1, 1894, treasurer Carleton Dry Goods Co. Democrat. Presbyterian. Clubs: Mercantile, Glen Echo, Bellerive Country. Recreation: golf. Office: 32th St. and Washington Ave. Residence: 38 Washington Terrace. WILSON, William E, dentist; born in Michigan, Sept. 23, 1882; son of William H. and Esther A. (Parkinson) Wilson; educated in public and high schools; dental course at University of Michigan; continued studies in Dr. Angle 's School of Orthodontia, St. Louis ; married, August, 1909, Gladys Powers; one daughter, Julia Lee. In practice at St. Louis since 1907, devoting attention entirely to orthodontia. Member St. Louis Dental So ciety, St. Louis Society of Dental Science, Angle Alumni Society. Club: Missouri Ath letic, Office: 808, 508 N. Grand Ave. Resi dence: 309 Big Bend Rd, Webster Groves, Missouri. *WILSON, William Singleton; moved to Pinckneyville, 111.; see Vol. 1906. WINCHELL, Benjamin L, president Frisco Lines; born, Hannibal, Mo, July 8, 1858; son of Joseph Rice and Katherine Anna (La Fon) Winchell; educated in public and private schools of Hannibal, graduating from Hanni-/ bal High School, June, 1874; married, Hanni bal, Sept. 15, 1880, Jeanette Helm (her father of Helm family of Kentucky) ; one son, Ben jamin L, Jr. Entered railway service, July, 3 874, in mechanical department, Hannibal & St. Joseph Ry. ; occupied positions in various departments of Atchison & Nebraska R. R, at Atchison, Kan, Kansas City, Fort Scott & Memphis R. R, at Kansas City, Mo, and Colo rado Southern Ry, at Denver; elected vice president of latter, March, 1899; president Kansas City, Fort Scott & Memphis R. R, October, 1900; president Rock Island Lines, April, 1904; president Frisco Lines since De cember, 1909; also president Chicago & East ern Illinois Railroad Co., Kansas City, Fort Scott & Memphis Railroad Co., New Orleans, Texas & Mexico Railroad Co. Presbyterian. Clubs: St. Louis, St. Louis Country, Racquet, Noonday (St. Louis), Kansas City, Kansas City Country (Kansas City), Pickwick (New Orleans), Tennessee (Memphis), Chicago, On- wentsia, Saddle and Cycle (Chicago). Office: Frisco Bldg. Residence: Buckingham Hotel. WINKELMEYER, Adolph Eiias, president Union Biscuit Co.; born, St. Louis, Oct. 12, 1860; son of Julius L. and Christiana F. (Stifel) Winkelmeyer; educated at Eiser's private German Institute, 1865-67; Eads (pub lic) School, 1867-73; Washington University, 1873-77; unmarried. Began business career learning trade of carriage builder with John 644 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS Kimple, 3879; worked for Zenas Varney, car riage builder, 1879-81; J. B. Brewster & Co., New York, 1881-84; quit the carriage trade and worked for Missouri* Glass Co., 1884, and in 1885 became member of Alkire Grocery Co. (established 1852, incorporated 1885), in which continued until 1902, to give entire at tention to business of Union Biscuit Co., of which has been president from its organiza tion in 1899. President of the Missouri Sports man 's Game and Fish Protective League. Member Business Men's League, St. Louis School of Fine Arts, Horse Shoe Society. Democrat. Clubs: Liederkranz, Gilead Hunt ing and Fishing (president), Diamond Hunt ing and Fishing, Canteen Hunting and Fish ing, Big Lake Shooting (of Arkansas), Mis sissippi Valley Kennel and Edrus. Recrea tions: hunting and fishing. Offiee: 1101 N. 6th St. Residence: 4373 W. Pine Boul. WINN, William B, physician; born, Mem phis, Tenn, July 22, 1856; son of K. J. B. L. and Juliet Fillingim (Strong) Winn; A.B, Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Va, 1873; M.D, Medical Department of Co lumbia University, 1878; married, Charleston, S. C, Apr. 10, 1878, Cordelia M. Cohen; chil dren: Hettie M. (now Mrs. W. E. Hazard), Buford B, Virginia O, Harry S, Dorothy, Anna S. and Ruth. Member Howard Medical Corps, yellow fever epidemic, Memphis, 1878- 79; medical inspector National Board of Health, in charge Mississippi River Inspec tion and Quarantine Service, 1879-85; located at St. Louis, 1893; surgeon major Fifth U. S. Army Corps, at Santiago, July, 1898, War with Spain, and later with Eighth U. S. Army Corps, Philippines, as chief surgeon and med ical supply officer second district, Department of the Visayes, at Cebu; assistant health com missioner City of St. Louis, 1907-08. Lecturer at St. Louis University on Public Hygiene and Sanitation, 1907-08. In addition to prac tice of medicine is general agent for Missouri of Federal Life Insurance Co. of Chicago. Episcopalian. Member American Medical As sociation, Missouri State Medical Assn., St. Louis Medical Society, Spanish-American War Veterans (chief surgeon Department of Mis souri), Society of Santiago. Recreation: travel. Office: 3821 Humphrey St. Residence: 614 Fullerton Bldg. WINSTEAD, George Wellsley, lawyer; born in Weakley Co, Tenn, Dec 28, 1856; son of Seth M. and Priscilla (Hearn) Winstead; edu cated in public and private schools of Weak ley Co, 1865-76; B.S. and A.M., East Tennes see Wesleyan University, 1881; married, St. Louis, Nov. 14, 1894, Carolyn Lackland Scott; children: George Neal, Marion, James L. Reared on farm and did first work as farmer; taught school and after graduation practiced law in Tennessee and incidentally engaged for several years in banking business; removed from Knoxville, Tenn, to St. Louis, 1900, and has since practiced in this city. Republican. Was superintendent public schools ¦ of Weak ley Co., Tenn, 1882-84; on Republican elect oral ticket of Tennessee, 1884; delegate from Tennessee to Republican National Convention, 1888; Republican candidate for governor of Tennessee, 1892; caucus nominee of Repub lican members of Tennessee legislature for U. S. senator, 1893. Methodist. Member Civic League. Clubs: Mercantile, City. Office: Pierce Bldg. Residence: 4238 Maryland Ave. *WINSTON, Ambrose Pare, university pro fessor; moved to Maryland; see Vol. 1906. WINTER, George B, dentist; born, Brook lyn, N. Y, Apr. 14, 1878; son of Ernest D. and Matilda (Ravensdorf) Winter; educated in public schools of Brooklyn and St. Louis University; unmarried. In practice of den tistry since 1900; specializes in extraction of teeth. Secretary and treasurer Missouri State Dental Association; member St. Louis Dental Society. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Union, Liederkranz, Century Boat. Office: 906 Olive St. Residence: 3711 S. Broadway. WINTER, Samuel' Drew, editor; born, Clin ton, La, Dec. 28, 1845; sou of William D. and Lucretia (Bass) Winter; attended Virginia Military Institute, but before graduation the corps was ordered into service and attached to the "Stonewall Brigade"; served through Civil War in Washington Artillery, Longstreet Corps, Army of Northern Virginia; married, Frankfort, Ky, Jan. 23, 1881, Elizabeth Sneed. After war engaged as cotton planter in Lou isiana, 1865-66; came to St. Louis, 1867, and was employed as bookkeeper and cashier for Brown & Hofman, sugar dealers; engaged in various commercial pursuits; now editor Agri cultural Review and representative Press Cor respondence Bureau. Member Washington Ar tillery, Camp No. 15, New Orleans, and Camp .St. Louis No. 731, United Confederate Veter ans, Society of Colonial Wars, Sons of the Revolution, Legion of Honor. Mason. Office: 915 Olive St. Residence: 4444 Laclede Ave. WINTERER, Charles, retired; born, Baden, Germany, Jan. 18, 1840; son of Kasper and Petronela (Weber) Winterer; limited com mon school education in his native land; came to America at seventeen, landing at New Orleans, Nov. 18, 1857; married, St. Louis, Aug. 3, 1865, Caroline F. Futscher; nine children: Edwin A. (deceased), Louise E. (deceased), John G, Otto L, Ottilia P. (now Mrs. Arthur A. Vogel), Charles W, Caroline F. (now Mrs. John Kormann), Aloise A, Maria Antonia. Began active career in a foundry at St. Louis, 1857; later learned baker 's trade and served in Civil War as member Company F, Second Regiment, U. S. Volunteers, 1864-65. pursuing his work as a baker; honorably discharged at close of war. Engaged as cracker baker at St. Louis, 1865- THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 645 67; in employ of Z. F. Wetzel & Co, 1867, until plant was destroyed by fire, 1870; with J. S. Merrill Drug Co., filling many respon sible positions, 1870-1903; resigned and re tired from active labors, 1903. Catholic. Residence: 1000 Russell Ave. WINTERMANN, Rudolph, president St. Louis Syrup and Preserving Co.; 1853-1909; see Vol. 1906. WITHERS, John William, principal St. Louis Teachers' College; born, Ben Lomond, W. Va, Sept. 23, 1868; son of John M. and Sarah Ann (George) Withers; brought up on farm; educated in public schools of Mason County, W. Va.; Gallia Academy, Gallipolis, O.; B.S, National Normal University, Leb anon, O, 1890, B.A, 1891, Ped.D, 1896; M.A, Yale University, 1902, Ph.D., 1904; Univer sity fellow at Yale, 1902-04; married, Leb anon, Jan. 10, 1895; Margaret C. Mathews; children: John Edwin, Herbert William, Charles Robert. Taught in country schools of West Virginia three years; principal Ken tucky Normal School, two years; dean of pre paratory school, and teacher of higher math ematics at National Normal University, Leb anon, O, 1893-96, vice president, 1896-97, and president, 1897-1901; principal Yeatman High School, St. Louis, 1904-05; principal St. Louis Teachers' College, since 1905. Director Gei'- ling Realty and Investment Co. Member Civic League. Author of "Euclid's Parallel Postulate: an Essay in the Philosophic Foun dations of Geometry," 1905 (Open Court Publishing Co.). Member National Educa tional Association, American Mathematical Society, Missouri Society of Mathematical and Science Teachers, St. Louis Society of Teachers of Mathematics, National Society of Teachers of Mathematics and Science, St. Louis Schoolmasters' Club. President Mis souri State Teachers' Association, 1910-11; ex-president of Missouri Society of Teachers of Science and Mathematics; member board of directors School of Social Economy of Washington University; member Advisory Council Abbotsholme (school for boys), Der byshire, Eng.; member National Council of the National Educational Association. Member Methodist Episcopal Church. Club: Town and Gown. Recreation: walking. Office: Teach ers' College, Park and Theresa Aves. Resi- dencce: 5169 Vernon Ave. *WITHERSPOON, Thomas Casey, physi cian; moved to Tacoma, Wash.; see Vol. 1906. WITHROW, James Edgar, jurist; born, Rushville, Schuyler Co, 111, May 22, 1843; son of William Edgar and Harriet Eliza CChase) Withrow; educated in the schools of Illinois (L.L.D.); married, St. Louis, April 25, 1872, Addie S. Patridge; one son, Edgar P. Admitted to St. Louis bar, January, 1868; assistant city counsellor, St. Louis, 1877-79; judge St. Louis Circuit for two terms from January, 1889, to January, 1901; in practice of law, 1901-05; again elected judge St. Louis Circuit Court for six-year term, from Janu ary, 1905, and reelected to serve from Janu ary, 1911, to January, 1917. Was member Company I, 78th Illinois Volunteer Infantry, serving ' in Civil War from 1862-1865. Was secretary of St. Louis Bar Association seven years, and of Missouri State Bar Association three years. Republican. Methodist. Member Sons of the American Revolution (first vice president since 3.904), Ransom Post, G. A. R. Club: Mercantile. Residence: 3721 West minster PL WITT, Thomas Dudley, merchant, retired; born, Albion, Orleans Co, N. Y, May 6, 1833; son of Thomas and Electice (Cole) Witt; re1 moved to Illinois with parents, 1842; edu cated in public schools of Rushville, 111, to fourteen; unmarried. Began learning watch maker's trade in jewelry store of E. J. Har per, Alton, 111, 1847; came to St. Louis, 1849, to continue trade with S. C. Jett; entered jewelry business under firm name of Prouhet & Witt, 1857; sold interest to partner, Feb. 1, 1862, to join Union Army; employed by former partner after Civil War, the business being absorbed by E. Jaccard & Co., 1872; continued with latter firm, which was incor porated as E. Jaccard Jewelry Co, 1880, and was elected secretary; became vice president, 1883, and president, in 1884, succeeding Eu gene J. Cuendet. Was appointed executor of the estate, without bond, by will of Mr. Cuendet; resigned as president of E. Jaccard Jewelry Co., November, 1899, and in Decem ber following resigned as executor of E. J. Cuendet 's estate, turning the property over to his son, Eugene R. Cuendet, after having been engaged in business fifty-two years, with only three months of unemployed time. - Has traveled extensively during past twelve years. Joined St. Louis National Guards, 1858; went with South West Expedition, 1860, to repel threatened invasion of Kansas by Kansas "Jay hawkers"; resigned from state militia, 1861, when Governor Jackson refused to cooperate with President Lincoln in sup port of the Union; joined Union army Feb. 2, 1862, as second lieutenant K Battery, First Regiment Missouri Light Artillery; partici pated in battles of Ft. Donaldson, Pittsburgh Landing, capture of Corinth, battle of Cor inth (1862), battle" of Helena and capture of Little Rock; promoted, first lieutenant, 1863; appointed ordnance officer, department of Arkansas, 1863, so continuing until honor ably mustered out of service, Aug. 4, 1865. Republican. Member Academy of Science, Mercantile Library, Ethical Society, Sons of Revolution, Loyai Legion, . Elks, G. A. R. Recreations: spending the winters in southern California and the summers on the lakes in the North. Residence: 4378 Laclede Ave. 646 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS WITTE, Frederick A, vice president Witte Hardware Co.; born, St. Louis, Oct. 2, 1868; son of Frederick A. and Cornelia (Lieber) Witte; educated at Smith Academy, St. Louis, until May, 1881; graduated from Real Gym nasium, Oldenburg, Germany, April, 1885; married, St. Louis, April 18, 1900, Lillian T. Gehner. Entered employ of Witte Hardware Co. (wholesale hardware) as a clerk, Nov. 1, 1885; advanced through the different depart ments; on Jan. 1, 1896, was elected secretary of the company, and on January 1, 1910, vice president. Republican. Protestant. Member Business Men's League, Salesmanagers ' Asso ciation, Missouri Historical Society. Clubs: Mercantile, Glen Echo Country, Traffic of St. Louis. Favorite recreations: golf, horseback riding, music. Office: 704 N. 3rd St. Resi dence: Kingsbury Apts, 501 Clara Ave. WITTE, Oscar Rudolph, general insurance; born, St. Louis, Jan. 4, 1870; son of John F. and Marie (Schmieding) Witte; educated in public schools of St. Louis to 1886 married, Evansville, Ind, July 10, 1895, Marie Wack; one daughter, Elsa Clara. In the insurance business since 1893; was member of John F. Witte & Sons until 1900; since head of Oscar R. Witte & Co. Republican. Life member St. Louis lodge No. 9, B. P. O. Elks. Clubs: Elks, Million Population. Office: Navarre Bldg, 6th and Chestnut Sts. Residence: 3522 Halliday Ave. WITTE, Otto H, hardware merchant; born, Wehdem, Germany, June 18, 1846; son of Frederick August and Charlotte (Williams) Witte; graduated from gymnasium at Min- den, Germany; came to United States in 1862; married, St. Louis, Oct. 26, 1873, Minna Lieber. Entered hardware firm of F. E. Schmieding & Co., St. Louis, 1862; bought out the firm (with brother, the late F. A. Witte) in 1873, and continued the business under firm name of F. A. Witte & Co., until death of F. A. Witte, December, 1880; incorporated as the Witte Hardware Company, January, 3 881, and has since been president and treas urer of the company, engaged exclusively in wholesale hardware business. Member Mer chants' Exchange, Business Men's League, Missouri Historical Society. Republican. Protestant. Was a member of International Jury at Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904. Club: Glen Echo Country. Office: 704-706 N. 3d St. Residence: 3427 Longfellow Boul. WITTE, Otto W, second vice president Witte Hardware Co.; bora, St. Louis, Dee. 30, 1871; son of Frederick A. and Cornelia (Lieber) Witte; educated in St. Louis public schools until May, 1881; pursued studies fur ther in Germany, graduating from Gymna sium, Oldenburg, April, 1888; unmarried. Be gan active career as clerk for Witte Hard ware Co., wholesale hardware, July 1, 1888; passed through various departments, and has served as second vice president since Jam 1, 1910. Republican. Protestant. Member Mis souri Historical Society. Clubs: Missouri Ath letic, Glen Echo Country. Recreations: music and literature. Office: 704-706 N. 3d St. Res idence: 3427 Longfellow Boul. WITTER, Frank J, president Union Soda Water Co.; born, St. Louis, June 17, 1861; son of Joseph and Anna Maria (Ueberger) Witter; educated in SS. Peter and Paul (parochial) school to 1875, also took private business course; married, St. Louis, April 8, 1900, Bertha Holzman. In retail grocery until 1892; soda water salesman, 1892-1902; since president and treasurer Union Soda Water Co. Member South Broadway Merchants' As sociation. Democrat. Catholic. Member Knights of Pythias. Clubs: St. Louis Rowing, South Broadway Athletic, Irish American Athletic, Concordia Turn Verein. Recreation: bowling. Office: Cor. 18th St. and Allen Ave. Residence: 1725 Allen Ave. WOERHEIDE, Arthur Albert Bernhard, president Board of Police Commissioners of St. Louis; born, St. Louis, Oct. 24, 3864; son of Jobst H. and Anna M. (Laker) Woerheide; educated in public schools; married, St. Louis, 1889, Ida M. F. Zelle; four children: Berenice Garrell (Mrs. Arthur B. Brueggemann) ; Edith Ophelia, Ralph Edwin and Arthur William. Began business career in employ of August Gehner, examiner of titles, 1880-88; then, with partner, established firm of Woerheide & Garrell, examiners of titles and financial agents, in which continued, 1888-94; secre tary Lincoln Trust Co., 1894-1900, president same, 1900-1905; president Lincoln Title and Trust Co, 1905-08; president Texas Sugar Land Co. since June, 1908; secretary and director Woerheide Realty & Improvement Co.; vice president National Pickle & Can ning Co. Republican. Appointed September, 1910, president Police Board of St. Louis. Member Evangelical Church. Club: Mercan tile. Recreations: music, reading. Residence: 4929 Wabada Ave. Office: 610, 415 Pine St. WOERNER, William F, lawyer; born, St. Louis, Aug. 20, 1864; son of J. Gabriel and Emilie (Plass) Woerner; educated at St. Louis public schools, graduating from Central High School, January, 1883; clerk in Probate Court, spring and summer of 1883; attended St. Louis Law School, 1883-85, graduating, LL.B, 1885; married, 1907, Agnes T. Judge; three children. Admitted to bar, 1885; prac ticed law as partner with Charles W. Bates, 1885-87; after that alone, except during years of 1895-99, in partnership with father; as sisted J. G. Woerner in preparation of law books, American Law of Administration and American Law of Guardianship, and prepared subsequent editions of former work. Demo cratic candidate for judge of Probate Court, 1898, receiving highest vote of any Demo- THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 647 eratic candidate that year, but was defeated with rest of ticket. Appointed police commis sioner, Feb. 23, 1901, by Governor Dockery; resigned from police board, Mar 9, 1901; ap pointed associate city counselor, Jan. 24, 1902; reappointed, April, 1903, and served to September 26, 1905, when resigned; appointed by Mayor Wells, Sept. 27, 1905, to revise ordinances of St. Louis, and completed same, 1906; same officially printed, 1907, as "Re vised Code of St. Louis." Conceived and drafted what is known as the Mill-tax Street Car Ordinance, and successfully defended same through the Federal Courts, the United States Supreme Court sustaining it in 1908. Re-entered private practice of law in Octo ber, 1905. Democratic candidate for mayor in 1909, but the entire ticket was defeated. Holds chair on "Wills and Administration" at St. Louis University Institute of Law. Member St. Louis and American Bar associa tions, Law Library Association. Mason. Mem ber Phi Delta Phi Fraternity. Club: City. Recreations: tennis, handball, writing and reading. Offiee: 800-802 Times Bldg. Resi dence: '2124 S. Compton Ave. WOESTENDIEK, Herman Henry, wagon manufacturer; born in Westphalia, Germany, Apr. 30, 1854; son of Carl and Mina (Schaep- erkoetter) Woestendiek; educated in public schools in Germany, 1860-68; Webster Even ing School, St. Louis, 1877-78; O 'Fallon Poly technic Institute, St. Louis, 1878-79; married, St. Louis, May 1, 1890, Sophie Olfe; children: Alma, Clara. Engaged in wagon manufactur ing business in St. Louis since 1870, and is now president of the Linstroth Wagon Co. (established 1848, incorporated 1886). Re publican. Evangelical. Member Citizens' In dustrial Association. Recreation: floriculture. Office: 2622 Chouteau Ave. Residence: 2850 Shenandoah Ave. WOESTMAN, John Bernard, insurance; 1883-1909; see Vol. 1906. WOESTMAN, Louis Henry, retired; bora, Hanover, Germany, Sept. 2, 1839; son of John Henry and Maria (Ellbrech) Woestman; edu cated in the public schools of Hanover, Ger many; married, St. Louis, Nov. 7, 1872, Au gusta Bergesch; children: Ida, Alma. Came to St. Louis from Germany in 1857; was a dry goods clerk in Carondelet from 1859 to 1868; traveled in Germany, 1869; engaged in wholesale grocery business in St. Louis, 1871- 1902, retired; viee president and treasurer Nelson Distilling Co. until January, 1906, when became president, retiring March, 1911. Was a member of the Home Guards of St. Louis during the Civil War. Republican. Presbyterian. Residence: 2703 N. Grand Ave. WOLF, Benjamin J, lawyer; born, Gnaden- hutten, O, May 31, 1881; son of Jacob and Catherine (Miller) Wolf; graduated from high school, and from Ohio State University, degree of LL.B, 1906; unmarried. In general practice since 1907. Democrat; was president of Thurman Club (Democratic) at University. Moravian. President Hunter Law Society (Ohio State University) ; member Maccabees, American Yeomen, Tower Grove Turn Verein. Recreation: amateur photography. Office: 1128 Central National Bank Bldg. Residence: 3644 Cleveland Ave. WOLFF, George Trask, secretary and treas urer Shallcross Printing and Stationery Co.; born, St. Louis, Nov. 2, 1865; son of George M. and Harriet E. (Trask) Wolff; educated in public schools of St. Louis until 1879; mar ried, St. Louis, January, 1901, Edith L. Long- lands; children: Florence Adele, Amy Edith, Edward, William. Began business career as boy, and later stock clerk, with Humphrey Clothing Co., 1879-85: then bookkeeper and later cashier with Buxton & Skinner Station ery Co, 1885-95; in 1895, with Messrs. Shall cross and Hamlin, organized the Shallcross Printing and Stationery Co., of which is sec retary and treasurer. Republican. Methodist. Member A. F. & A. M, and of Royal Arca num. Recreation: reading. Office: 419 N. 4th St. Residence: Maplewood, Mo. WOLFF, Julius Rivesell, real estate; born, Flensburg, Germany, June 28, 1869; son of C. A. and Sophie (Petersen) Wolff; educated in public and high schools in Germany; mar ried, St. Louis, Sept. 28, 1904, Minnie Thomas; one daughter, Clara. Came from Germany to St. Louis in 1886, and was engaged in seeds and produce commission business for sixteen years; member of firm of Thomas & Wolff, real estate and insurance agents, 1905-10; since in business on own account. Republican. Recreations: traveling and hunting. Offiee: 1538 S. Broadway. Residence: 1546 Missis sippi Avenue. WOLFF, Paul E, shirt manufacturer; born, Stettin, Germany, May 30, 1854; son of Charles and Countess Mathilde (von Meusel) Wolff; graduated from high school, Stettin, 1872; married, St. Louis, May 4, 1884, Tessie Clements; children: Mrs. E. T. Orthwein, Mrs. George T. Priest, Maude E. (Mrs. John T. Taylor), Hazel T. Started to learn business in Germany in wholesale grocery house of De la Bar & Klein, 1873; manager of coal and iron export house of E. T. Salvesen & Co., Glas gow, Scotland, 1878; came to New York, 1881, learned practical part of shirt manufacturing and started a factory at Warrensburg, N. Y.; removed to St. Louis as manager of manufac turing plant of F. J. Dexter & Co, 1883; be came partner in 1886; bought out F. J. Dex ter, 1889, and started firm of A. T. Hunger- ford & Co. in 1890; bought out Mr. Hunger- ford, 1895, and on Jan. 1, 1896, incorporated the Paul E.' Wolff Shirt Co., wholesale manu facturers of shirts, of which is president. 648 THE BOOK. OF ST. LOUISANS Democrat. Presbyterian. Office: 815-821 Wash ington Ave. Residence: 4543 Westminster PL WOLFNER, Henry Lincoln, physician-ocu list; born, Chicago, Nov. 1, 1860; son of Ignatius and Josephine (Saxl) Wolfner; edu cated in Chicago , public schools, Springfield (111.) High School, St. Louis College of Phar macy; M.D, Missouri Medical College, 1881; attended University of Berlin and other Eu ropean clinics; married, St.' Louis, Sept. 6, 1885, Miss Mary Wolfner; children: Fannie R. (Mrs. Roy M. Edmonds), Bessie J. Engaged in practice since 1881; practice now confined to diseases of the eye; formerly professor of clinical ophthalmology, Washington Univer sity Medical Department. Oculist to Bethesda Homes, Episcopal Orphans' Home, St. Louis Jewish Hospital; consulting ophthalmologist to Passavant Hospital, Jacksonville, 111. Mem ber American Medical Association, St. Louis Medical Society. Republican. Jewish religion. Club: Westwood Country. Recreations: me chanics, photography and automobiling. Of fice: 500 .Carleton Bldg. Residence: 4563 For est Park Boul. WOLTER, Otto L, physician; born, Sheboy gan, Wis, Jan. 22, 1875; son of Dr. John G. and Louise (Englishkircher) Wolter; educated public schools, Beaver Dam, Wis.; Park Re gion College, graduating, 1898; University of Minnesota; M.D, Medical Department, Wash ington University, 1904; married, St. Louis, Nov. 10, 1905, Elizabeth Merz; three children: John G. Etton, Otto L, Elizabeth. Interne City Hospital, 1904-05; since in general prac tice in St. Louis. Professor hygiene and sani tary science, College of Physicians and Sur geons, since 3 907, also professor of physical diagnosis. Member American Medical Associa tion, Missouri State Medical Association, St. Louis Medical Society, City Hospital Alumni Association. Member Modern Woodmen of America, National Union. Recreation: farm ing. Office and Residence: 1446 Blair Ave. WOLTERING, William, secretary and treas urer Hall & Brown Wood Working Machine Co.; born, St. Louis, Oct. 14, 1867; son of John Bernard and Anna M. (Berger) Wolter- ing; educated at St. Joseph's (parochial) School and St. Louis University; married, St. Louis, May 17, 1894, Anna Gebauer; children: WiRiam, Jr., John F, Hildegarde Maria, Re gina Cecelia, Rose Lillian. Began business ca reer in office of R. Sellew Hardware Co., continuing until 1883; then in employ of Western Stove Co. until 1886; entered employ of Hall & Brown Wood Working Machine Co. in 1886 and became stockholder, director, and secretary and treasurer. Roman Catholic. Of fice: 1913 N. Broadway. Residence: 1805 Ben ton St. WOOD, Benjamin Artie, lawyer; born near Rose Hill, Johnson Co, Mo, Nov. 18, 1876; son of William L. and Laura Helen (Smith) Wood; educated public schools; Holden (Mo.) College; Warrensburg State Normal School, graduating, 1896; A.B., University of Mis souri, 1902; LL.B, Law Department, Wash ington University, 1905; married, St. Louis, Sept. 25, 1909, Edith T. Smith; one daughter, Laura Emily Newbold. Admitted to Missouri bar, 1903; practiced at Warrensburg until 1904, since at St. Louis; member firm of Mc Pheeters & Wood. Member Phi Delta . Phi. Office: 620 Rialto Bldg. Residence: 5652 Cates Avenue. WOOD, Ernest Edward, lawyer, ex-con gressman; see Vol. 1906. WOOD, Francis Coolidge; see Vol. 1906. WOOD, Frank Henry, real estate; see Vol. 3.906. , • WOOD, Frederick Hill, lawyer; born, Leb anon, Me, Jan. 2, 1877; son of Frederick An sel and Mary Calista (Hill) Wood; graduated from Central High School, Kansas City, 1894; A.B, University of Kansas, 1897, LL.B, 1899; unmarried. In practice at Kansas City, Mo, 1899-1904; assistant professor law, University of Kansas, October, 1903-February, 1905; member firm of Piatt, Lea & Wood, Kansas City, 1904-10; assistant general solicitor, Kan sas City Southern Ry. Co., 1905-10; general attorney and commerce counsel, St. Louis & San Francisco R. R. Co., since Jan. 1, 1910. Member Kansas City Bar Association, Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Kappa Psi, Phi Delta Phi. Republican. Congregationalist. Clubs: St. Louis,. Mercantile, Normandie Golf (St. Louis), Kansas City Country, University (Kansas City). Recreation: golf. Office: 906 Olive St. Residence: 5875 Cabanne Ave. WOOD, Henry, retired; born, England, Mar. 17, 184.6; son of William and Mary Jane (Cheeksfield) Wood. Came to United States in 1866, locating in Springfield, 111, and en gaging in the general merchandise business; later removed to Chicago, and thence, in 1881, to St. Louis, continuing in mercantile busi ness until 1890; president Union Dairy Co., 1890-1907, now director; vice president Bur roughs Adding Machine Co.; director Jeffer son Bank. Member Merchants' Exchange of St. Louis. Episcopalian. Clubs: Mercantile, University, Glen Echo Country. Recreations: European travel and motoring. Office: Metro politan Bldg. Residence: Buckingham Hotel. WOOD, Horatio Dan, lawyer; 1841-1906; see Vol. 1906. WOOD, John McKee, lawyer; bora in Franklin Co., Ky, Aug. 8, 1855; son of Rich ard Julian and Sarah Margaret (McKee) Wood; A.M., La Grange (Mo.) College, and later LL.D.; married, Kahoka, Mo, June 10, 3 886, Marparet A. McKee; children: Cordelia May, Margaret Louise, Eleanor. Until twen ty-six years of age lived and worked on farm with father in Clark Co., Mo, on which father THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 649 settled in 1855; admitted to bar, 1878; in 1879 became partner with T. L. Montgomery as Wood & Montgomery, practicing law at Kahoka, Mo, until Jan. 1, 1889; attorney gen eral of Missouri, 1889-93; practiced law in firm of Laughlin, Wood & Tansey, St. Louis, 1893-95; appointed circuit judge, 1895,- and on retirement entered firm of Wood & Douglas; since election of Judge Douglas to circuit bench has practiced alone. Director and lec turer Benton College of Law since 1901. Mem- v ber American, Missouri State and St. Louis Bar associations. Democrat; served several terms in Missouri House of Representatives (ex-speaker). Member Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Mason. Member Kentucky So ciety of St. Louis. Office: suite 802, Laclede Bldg. Residence: 5535 Clemens Ave. WOOD, Nathaniel Scudder, real estate and loans; born, Mason Co., Ky, Mar. 31, 1863; son of David and Elizabeth (Baker) Wood; educated in public schools, Maysville, Ky, to 1882; married, St. Louis, May, 1889, Lulis S. Shackleford; two children: Elizabeth May and Neal Shackleford. Came to St. Louis in 1884 and entered employ of Browning, King & Co., wholesale clothing department, contin uing until 1893; since in real estate business. Member Real Estate Exchange. Office: 915 Chestnut St. Residence: 5061 Cabanne Ave. WOOD, William Thomas, army officer; bom, Irving, Montgomery Co, 111, June 19, 1854; son of Preston and Jane K. (Christian) Wood; graduated from U. S. Military Academy, 187/ ; married, Danville, 111, Sept. 27, 1877, Janet Judson Sandford; one daughter, Janet (Mrs. Henry C. Pillsbury). Cadet military acad emy, July 1, 1873; additional second lieuten ant, Fourth Infantry, June 15, 3 877; second lieutenant, Eighteenth Infantry, June 30, 1877; first lieutenant, Oct. 15, -1886; captain, June 6, 1894; major Thirtieth Infantry, Feb. 20, 1901; transferred to Twentieth Infantry, Sept. 20, 1901; inspector general, Nov. 28, 1903; lieutenant colonel of infantry, July 3, 1906; colonel Nineteenth Infantry, Mar. 12, 1910. Served during Spanish-American War and during Philippine Insurrection in Philip pine Islands. Episcopalian. Member Loyal Legion, U. S. Infantry Association. Clubs: Army and Navy (New York, Washington, D. C, and Manila), St. Louis, Missouri Athletic (St. Louis). Recreations: golf, horseback rid ing. Address : Jefferson Barracks. WOODRUFF, Frederick Eno, oculist; born, Ferguson, St. Louis Co, Mo, Apr. 26, 1872; son of Frederick C. and Mary Humphrey (Newton) Woodruff; educated in St. Louis public and high schools, graduating 1890; Missouri State University, 1891; Washington University, 1891-94; then taught in St. Louis High School two and one-half years; grad uated from Missouri Medical College, 1897; married, St. Louis, Dec. 9, 1897, Flora L. Man ning (died Jan. 13, 1905); one daughter, Mary Louise; married, 2d, Apr. 19, 1911, Florence R. Holmes. Assistant in eye department of Washington University Medical College; as sistant oculist at Bethesda Hospital. Member St. Louis Medical Society, Missouri State Medical Association, City Hospital Alumni Association, Bethesda Pediatric Association, Alumni Medical Society. Republican. Congre gationalist. Office: 825-831 Metropolitan Bldg. Residence: 5290 Waterman Ave. WOODS, Charles Carroll, clergyman; born at Rocky Mount, Va, July 4, 1838; son of Samuel Hairston and Sicily (Patterson) Woods; educated Trinity College, North Caro lina, 1855; Central College, Missouri, 1859-60; (D.D, Trinity, N. C, 1878); married Anna M. Nicolds, of Howard Co, Mo, July 30, 1866; children: Samuel H, Mrs. Minnie C. Hall, Charles R, Mrs. Bessie M. Childs, Eu gene A, Mrs. Nell Stuckey, Mabel A. Or dained M. E. ministry, 1860; chaplain Par son's division, Missouri state troops, in C. S. A, and of camp, St. Louis, U. C. V.; pastor iu various Missouri cities, beginning 1867; pre siding elder, 1875-79, and 1882-86; president Scarritt College, Neosho, Mo, 1888-96; asso ciate editor St. Louis Christian Advocate suice 3 898; secretary S. W. Missouri Confer ence M. E. Church, South, since 1876. 'Demo crat. Scottish and York Rite Mason (Grand Master, 1882-83, Grand High Priest, 1883-84, Grand Prelate thirteen years, Grand Primate, 3908-09). Author: The Passing Years (poems), 1913. Address: 3504 Washington Ave.' Win ter Address: Sarasota, Fla. WOODS, Glen Howard, supervisor music, public schools; born, Sedalia, Mo, July 17, 1875; son of Richard and Hattie V. (Fish) Woods; graduated Sedalia High School, 1894; graduated National Summer School of Music, Chicago, 1902; post-graduate study same school, 1905; married, Kansas City, Mo, June 22, 1909, Dorothy Lyle. Began active career as supervisor of music, Sedalia public schools, 1901, continuing three years; occupied a sim ilar position with the Manual Training High School, Kansas City, Mo, 1904-09, and has had charge of music in the McKinley High School, St. Louis, since January, 1909. Or ganist and choirmaster St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Kansas City, 1904-09; organist and choirmaster Episcopal Church of the Holy Communion, St. Louis; was director Kansas City Oratorio Society, Kansas City Choral Club, Kansas City Ladies' Lyric Club; con ductor Arion Club, Webster Groves. Won two first prizes Missouri State Music Teachers' Association, for the best two musical compo sitions, 1906; also won first prize for best chorus, at. May Festival, Kansas City, 1900. Member Missouri State Music Teachers ' As sociation; secretary Missouri Chapter Amer ican Guild of Organists. Republican. Episco- 650 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS palian. Author: Songs for Male Voices, 1908. Office: McKinley High School. Residence: 3661 Washington Boul. WOODS, John Matthews., secretary Com monwealth Trust Co.; born, Webster Groves, St. Louis Co, Mo, Aug. 11, 1867; son of Ar chibald and Mary (Matthews) Woods; edu cated in public schools; married, St. Louis, Feb. 14, 1901, Susan Earl Miller; children: Mary Miller, Archibald. Began business ca reer in employ of Anchor Line Boat Store, 1883-85; with National Bank of Commerce, 1885-91; cashier First National Bank of East St. Louis, 1891-1901; since organization of Commonwealth Trust Co., May 20, 1901, has been secretary of the company. Member Civic League. Presbyterian. Clubs: Mercantile, City. Office: Broadway and Olive St. Resi dence: 5241 Waterman Ave. WOODS, Woodson Kidder, vice president and treasurer Ralston Purina Co.; born, Frankfort, Ky, Dec. 30, 1871; son of George M. and Louisa F. (Woodson) Woods; public school education; married, Kansas City, Mo, Oct. 1, 1903, Elizabeth S. Halloway; children: Woodson K, Jr, James Halloway. Began business career as office boy with J. B. Sickles Saddlery Co, St. Louis, 1887-89; then in em ploy of St. Louis Dairy Co, as bookkeeper, 1889-91; was for several years identified with Andrews & Robinson, and secretary and treas urer Robinson Forage Co.; became connected with the Ralston Purina Co, manufacturers cereals and stock feed, about 1895, and has been vice president and treasurer of the com pany since 1910. Member St. Louis Mer chants' Exchange. Democrat. Trustee Web ster Groves Presbyterian Church. Clubs: City, Webster Racquet. Recreation: fishing. Office: 821 S. 8th St. Residence: Webster Groves, Mo. WOODSON, Robert Everard, vice president Barnhart Mercantile Co.; born, Bloomington, 111, Mar. 8, 1857; son of Robert Everard and Sarah Temberlake (Carter) Woodson; edu cated in public schools, Kansas City, Mo, and graduated from high school, 1873; married, St. Louis, June 1, 1892, Ada Lee Cowan; two children: Roberta E, Robert Everard, 3d. In country store, Belton, Mo, 1874-75; librarian Kansas City Law Library, 1877-80; engaged in wholesale grocery business, Kansas City, 1880-84. Removed to St. Louis, 1884, engaged as traveling salesman, with Barnhart Mer cantile Co., and since continuously connected with same house, now vice president. Presi dent Euelid-Genessee Realty Co., Cleveland, O, Falfurrias Farm and Trading Co., Wood son Nut Lock Co.; secretary and treasurer Globe Realty Co., Randolph Realty Co. Dem ocrat. Presbyterian. Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner. Offiee: 200 S. Commercial St. Resi dence: 5723 Vernon Ave. WOODWARD, Calvin Milton, university dean; born, Fitchburg, Mass., Aug. 25, 1837; son of Isaac Burnap and Eliza (Wetherbee) Woodward; A. B, Harvard, 1860; (hon. Ph.D., 1883, LL.D, 1905, Washington University; LL.D, University of Wisconsin, 1908) ; mar ried Fanny Stone Balch, of Newburyport, Mass, Sept. 30, 1863; children: Clara L, Fan nie L, Margaret. Principal Brown High School, Newburyport, 1860-65; captain Com pany A, Forty-eighth Massachusetts Volun teers, 1862-63, serving in Louisiana. Vice principal Smith Academy, St. Louis, 1865-70; professor descriptive geometry, 1870-71, dean School of Engineering, 1871-96, dean School of Engineering and Architecture, 1901-09, pro fessor mathematics and applied mechanics, 1871-1909, since professor emeritus, Washing- ington University. Originator and director since organization, 1879, of St. Louis Manual Training School; lecturer on manual training. Member St. Louis Board of Education, 1877- 79, and since 1897 (president of board, 1899- 1900, 1903-04); regent (president of board), University of Missouri, 1891-97. President North Central Association College and Sec ondary Schools; fellow A. A. A. S. (president, 1905-06) ; member Society for Promotion of Engineering Education (past president), St. Louis Academy of Science (president, 1907, 1909), St. Louis Engineers' Club (ex-presi dent). Author: History of St. Louis Bridge, 1881; The Manual Training School, 1887; Manual Training in Education, 1890; Ap plied Mechanics for Engineering and Archi tectural Students. Residence: 3013 Hawthorne Boulevard. WOODWARD, Edgar Berkeley, printing and lithographing; 1867-1911; see Vol. 1906. WOODWARD, Louis Bierman, vice presi dent and general manager Woodward & Tier- nan Printing Co.; born, St. Louis, Sept. 27, 1874; son of William H. and Maria (Knight) Woodward; educated in public schools, St. James Military Academy, Macon, Mo, Mar maduke Military Academy, Sweet Springs, Mo, Smith Academy, graduating 1894, and one year at Washington University;, married, Brunswick, Mo, Oct. 27, 1897, Ora Magruder Woodward; one daughter, Dorothy (deceased). In 1895 became connected with the Woodward & Tiernan Printing Co.; was elected secretary of the company, February, 1904, vice presi dent, 1912. Also associated with Edgar B. and Walter B. Woodward as executors of the estate of W. H. Woodward. Democrat. Epis-^ copalian. Member Smith Academy Alumni. Odd Fellow, Mason (32°), Knight Templar, Shriner; member Royal Arcanum and Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Clubs: St. Louis, Mercantile, Missouri Athletic, Noonday. Favorite recrea tions: billiards and reading. Office: 309 N. 3d St. Residence: 6233 Westminster PL THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 651 WOODWARD, Samuel Lippincott, briga dier-general U. S. Army; born, Burlington Co., N. J, Oct. 28, 1840; son of John E. and Elizabeth L. (Hornor) Woodward; educated Philadelphia public schools, 1848-58; unmar ried. Served in volunteer army, from private to major, Feb. 1, 1862-Sept. 29, 1865; in reg ular army, second lieutenant, June 18, 1867, to brigadier-general, retiring from active ^service after more than forty years' service, July 9, 1904. Member Ransom Post, G. A. R, Loyal Legion. Club: Missouri Athletic. Resi dence: 5710 Clemens Ave. WOODWARD, Walter Bliss, president of Woodward & Tiernan Printing Co.; born, St. Louis, Aug. 27, 1869; son of William H. and Maria (Knight) Woodward; educated in St. Louis public schools; married, St. Louis, Nov. 28, 1894, Emma Belle Buchanan; children: Knight, Mary Willie. Began work with the Woodward & Tiernan Printing Co., 1885, and on Jan. 1, 1905, was elected vice president and general manager; elected president, 1912, the company now employing 950 persons. Member Business Men's League. Democrat. Episcopalian. Mason (32°); member Mis souri Consistory, St. Louis Commandery, Moo lah Temple; life member Elks. Clubs: St. Louis, Mercantile, Noonday, Missouri Ath letic, Normandie Golf, Dardenne Shooting, King's Lake Hunting and Fishing. Favorite recreations: hunting and fishing. Office: 309 N. 3d St. Residence: Forest Ridge, St. Louis County: *WOOLF, Alfred Eugene, vice president Morris Woolf Silk Co.; moved to Chicago; see Vol. 1906. WOOLF, George, merchant; see Vol. 1906. *WOOLF, Morris^ president Morris Woolf Silk Co.; moved to Chicago; see Vol. 1906. WOOLGER, Elbert Mortimer, president Monarch Laundry Co.; bora, Denton, Mich, Oct. 30, 1869; son of Henry C. and Alice C. (Mendell) Woolger; educated public schools, Topeka, Kan.; Washburn College, three years; Cleary Business College, Ypsilanti, Mich.; married, Topeka, Nov. 19, 1890, Anna Mautz; three children: Agnes, Frances, Frank. Began active career in Topeka as manager Topeka Steam Laundry, 1889; sold out in 1895 and bought laundry at 928 N. Broadway, St. Louis; moved same to N. Market St, 1896, and changed name to Monarch Laundry, locating on Franklin Ave. in 1903; purchased interest in Anchor Laundry, 1909; now president Mon arch Laundry Co.; vice president Jefferson Bank; secretary Anchor Laundry Co. Viee president St. Louis Laundrymen's Associa tion (ex-president) ; member Missouri Laun- drymen's Association (ex-president), Citizens' Industrial Association (executive committee), Missouri Manufacturers' Association (execu tive committee). Republican. Methodist. Ma son (32°), Shriner; member Modern Wood men. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Oasis Hunt ing and Fishing, Richfield Hunting and Fish ing, Coleman Hunting and Fishing. Recrea tions: hunting and fishing. Office: 2719-2725 Franklin Ave. Residence: 4537 Forest Park Boulevard. *WOOLLEY, Edgar Mott; moved to Cin cinnati, O.; see Vol. 1906. WORCH, Otto Henry, general manager Simmons Saddlery Co.; born, Galena, 111, Sept. 12, 1863; son of Herman and Mary Worch; educated in public schools of Daven port, la.; married, Dallas, Tex, 1892, Alice Holker; one daughter, Mary Alice. Has been in saddlery business ever since leaving school; manager Simmons Saddlery Co. since 1901. Club: Algonquin Golf. Recreation: golf. Of fice: 314-316 S. 9th St. Residence: 5445 Von Versen Ave. WRAPE, Henry, manufacturer of tight bar rel staves and heading, also manufacturer of carbon products; born on farm near North Vernon, Ind, Jan. 15, 1851; son of Henry and Ann (Bible) Wrape; educated in country schools of Indiana; St. Mary's College, Mar ion Co, Ky, 1866-68; Notre Dame (Ind.) College, 1868-70; married, North Vernon, June 29, 1886, Emma T. Davis; four children: Harold J, Emma Euphrasia, Bible Marie, Mar tha Helene. Began manufacturing business in North Vernon, Ind, 1870, and removed to St. Louis, 1890; president Henry Wrape Co, manufacturers of tight barrel staves and heading, since 1882; also president American Carbon and Battery Co, manufacturers of carbon products, since 1900. Democrat. Cath olic. Member Knights of Columbus. Offices: 509 Chestnut St, and 509 Olive St. Residence: 5602 Von VeTsen Ave. WRIGHT, George Morrison; born, New York City, Feb. 12, 1844; son of John and Margaret (Finnie) Wright; educated in Ward School No. 35, and at Mt. Washington Uni versity, New York; married, Philadelphia, January, 1874, Sarah Sterrett; children: Jes sie B, Jean F. (Mrs. J. L. Ford, Jr, of St. Louis), Mary S. (Mrs. L. Sturgis Day, of St. Louis), Margaret. Entered employ of the house of which the present corporation of William Barr Dry Goods Co. is the successor, in April, 1860, as assistant cashier, at the nominal salary of $4 per week; was elected a director and secretary and treasurer, Jan. 15, 1880; elected viee president and general man ager, Jan. 15, 1905; president of the company, July 6, 1905 to 1909, when retired from act ive business. President Wright Building Co.; director State National Bank. Served with Seventh Missouri Enrolled Militia, 1862-64. Republican. Episcopalian. Member L^gion of Honor. Clubs: St. Louis, Noonday, Mercan tile, Commercial, Log Cabin, Country, Cuivre, Racquet. Favorite recreations: golf, hunting 652 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS. and motoring. Office: Security Bldg. Resi dence: 4457 Westminster PL WRIGHT, John Fenton, railway paymaster; 1870-1908; see Vol. 1906. WRIGHT, John H, wholesale and retail ci gars; 1847-1911; see Vol. 1906. WRIGHT, John Lewis, grain commission; see Vol. 1906'. WRIGHT, Joseph Alexander, lawyer; born in Bartholomew Co., Ind, Feb. 8, 1872; son of William and Pamela (Wynn) Wright; Ph.B, De Pauw University, Greencastle; Ind, 1894; A.M., Columbia University, New York City, 1896; university fellow in comparative jurisprudence, Columbia University, 1895-96; graduate student, University of Goettingen, Germany, 1895; unmarried. Admitted to St. Louis bar, Dec. 3, 1898, and since engaged continuously in general practice of law in St. Louis. Member Missouri State Bar Associa tion, St. Loui's Bar Association, American Economic Association; viee president Na tional Union (fraternal beneficiary society). Democrat. Methodist. Recreations: fishing and hunting. Office: 1416-1420 Third National Bank Bldg. Residence: 5338 Bartmer Ave. WRIGHT, Joseph Potter, manufacturer; 1852-1908; see Vol. 1906. *WRIGHT, Lealon Burgess, contractor; moved to Murphysboro, 111.; see Vol. 1906. WRIGHT, Thomas, retired merchant; born, New York City, Jan. 27, 1841; son of Robert and Martha Wright; educated in New York public schools; served through the Civil War in the Army of the Potomac, enlisting in May, 1861, as private, and being mustered out in November, 1865, as major and brevet lieu tenant-colonel; married, NeW York, Mar. 3, 1869, Emilie Garrigue; children: Waldemar R, Guy H, Ralph Garrigue, Charlotte (de ceased), Roy H. (deceased). Established in the cigar business at Third and Olive Sts. in March, 1866, as T. Wright & Co, and con tinued until 1896, when retired from business, which has been conducted by brother, John H. Wright, and son, W. R. Wright (incorpo rated as T. Wright & Co. Cigar Co.), at 800 Olive St, and at 300 Olive St. President Chemical Building Co., Monetary Realty and Building Co, Thomas Wright Investment Co.; vice president Third National Bank; director Missouri-Lincoln Trust Co., Lincoln Trust and Title Co. Member Business Men's League, Loyal Legion, G. A. R. Mason. Clubs: Mer cantile, St. Louis. Recreation: fishing. Office: 1601 Third National Bank Bldg. Residence: Beers Hotel. WRIGHT, Waldemar Robert, president T. Wright & Co. Cigar Co.; bora, New York City; son of Thomas and Emilie (Garrigue) Wright; removed to St. Louis 1871; educated at Stod dard and Franklin public schools, St. Louis, Lititz, Pa, Smith Academy, St. Louis, and Michigan Military Academy, Orchard Lake, Mich.; married, Sharon, Mass, Oct. 20, 1898, Marion E. Wyeth; children: Margaret Emilie, Roy Thomas, John Wyeth, Elizabeth. On leaving school, 1886, entered house . of T. Wright & Co.; business later incorporated as T. Wright & Co. Cigar Co., of which is presi dent. Also secretary of Thomas Wright In vestment Co. Republican. Mason; member Loyal Legion, Elks. Office: 800 Olive St. Resi dence: 5478 Clemens Ave. WRIGHT, William Long, financial agent heirs of James B. Eads; born in St. Louis Co., Mo, June 30, 1849; son of Thomas Edmund and Mary Ella (Long) Wright; educated in Clay, Benton and Everett schools and high school; Stewart and Jones commercial col leges; married, St. Louis, Oct. 7, 1873, Olive S. Shirland; children: Pearl Ella (Mrs. John H. Clarkson, Jr.), Elva Talcott . (Mrs. Walter T. Booth). Began business career at thirteen at Overstoltz & Dryden 's saw mill; . book keeper for Strode, Rubey & Co. and successor, E. G. Morse, until 1866; clerk and collector in Mercantile Library for short time, and with the Grafton Stone Co. until Aug. 7, 1867; took charge of office of Col. James Andrews, con tractor stone work St. Louis Bridge, also with Capt. J. B. Eads until the latter's death; was in charge of his estate for the executors;, now financial agent for the various heirs of Captain Eads, Mrs. Eads, Colonel How and Mrs. Switzer. Secretary and treasurer Etta Mining and Milling Co., Indiana Improve ment Co.; secretary El Blanco Silver Mining and Milling Co. Democrat. Baptist. Mason (Royal Arch). Club: Masonic. Qffice: 3111 Chemical Bldg. Residence: 337 Gray Ave, Webster Groves. WRIGHT, Wirt, banker; born, Liberty ville, 111, June 6, 1878; son of C. Frank and Emma Jane (Price) Wright; educated, Libertyville public schools; Jefferson Park High School, Chicago; graduated from Beloit Academy, Be loit, Wis, 1897; A.B, Beloit College, 1901; married, Chicago, Oct. 15, 1901, Addie Wis- well Stafford; one daughter, Katherine. Book keeper with N. W. Harris & Co., bankers and bond dealers, Chicago, 1901-04; cashier First National Bank, Edgarton, Wis, 1904-07; be came cashier Stock Yard Bank, National Stock Yards, Illinois, April, 1907, bank na tionalized under name of National Stock Yards National Bank, May 1, 1908; president same since Jan. 1, 1910; also president Na tional Cattle Loan Co.; director East St. Louis Rendering Co. Independent in politics. Pres byterian. Member East St. Louis Commercial Club, Business Men's League of St. Louis. Clubs: St. Clair Country, Missouri Athletic. Recreations: motoring, golf, fishing. Office: National Stock Yards, Illinois. Residence; 5604 Waterman Ave, Si. Louis. WUERKER, Carl A, secretary J. B. Sickles Saddlery Co.; born, Alton, 111, Apr. 9,- 1869; THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 653 son of Christian and Magdalene Wuerker; ed ucated in Alton public schools and Shurtleff College; married, Alton, Dee. 12, 1893, Edith Hamill. Began business career in 1886 in em ploy of the P. Hayden Saddlery Hardware' Co., serving in various capacities until 1902, when became actively associated with the J. B. Sickles Saddlery Co. (established in 1834, in corporated 1881), in the reorganization of that company, of which has since been secre tary. Presbyterian. Club: Alton Country. Recreation: golf. Office: Washington Ave. and 21st St. Residence: Alton, 111. WUERPEL, Edmund Henry, artist; bora, St. Louis, May 13, 1866; son of Edmund M. and Minnie (Taussig) Wuerpel; pupil of the St. Louis School of Fine Arts; W. A. Bougue- reau, Tony Robert-Fleury, Gabriel Ferrier, and Edmund Aman-Jean, Paris; married Min nie Clay Johnson, of St. Louis, June 25, 1895. Formerly instructor, director since Apr. 1, 1909, St. Louis School of Fine Arts. Exhib ited at Paris Salons. Member St. Louis Ar tists' Guild, Society of Western Artists (president); honorary member American Art Association, Paris. Exhibited at Paris Expo sition, 1900; member National Jury, Paris Exposition, 1900; corresponding secretary American Jury in Paris for Chicago Exposi tion, 1893; member Jury of Selection, and of International Jury of Awards, St. Louis Ex position, 1904; represented by pictures in St. Louis Museum of Fine Arts, Indianapolis Art Museum. Lecturer and writer on history of art. Residence: 5637 Von Versen Ave. WUERTENBAECHER, John Jacob, secre tary The Ruemmeli Dawley Manufacturing Co.; born, St. Louis, Jan. 8, 1869; son of Ja cob and Bertha (Lautenschlaeger) Wuerten- baeeher; educated in public schools; Smith Academy; Manual Training School; mechan ical training Julius Hurter's (private) School; married, St. Louis, Sept. 21, 1892, Estella Lei- ber; one child, Winona. Began active business career as apprentice with Smith, Beggs & Rankin, and became draftsman, then pat tern maker, draftsman, and millwright for Tilman Puetz; foreman Essmueller & Barry; draftsman St. Louis Iron and Machine Works; draughtsman and foreman American Ice Machine Co.; then engaged as consulting engineer and as contractor for Featherstone" Foundry and Machine Co., of Chicago; sales man and engineer Fred W. Wolf Co, Chicago; became connected with the Ruemmeli Dawley Manufacturing Co, 1892, and has served as secretary since 1910. Member American So ciety Refrigerating Engineers. Republican. Protestant. Mason (33°), Knight Templar, Shriner; member Royal Arcanum. Clubs: Lie derkranz, Rotary. Recreations: fishing, base ball, music. Office: 3900 Chouteau Ave. Resi dence: 3315 Russell Ave. WULFING, Charles, wholesale grocer; born, Lennep, Germany, July 7, 1832; son of Gus tavus and Christiane F. (Schmieding) Wul fing; educated in public and private schools and Jones Commercial College; married, Osna- bruck, Germany, 1857, Hermine Dieckriede; children: John Max, Julia Krausnick, Helen Herber (deceased), Alice. Emigrated from Germany with parents in 1835, and after residence in Ohio and Kentucky came to St. Louis, 1842. Clerked for several hardware houses, and in 1849 established for self in hardware business as member of firm of Schmieding & Wulfing; in 1856 disposed of interest and in 1858 established in the whole sale grocery business under firm name of H. Gildehaus & Co. ; the firm was for many years Wulfing, Dieckriede & Co., and in 1902 was incorporated as Wulfing Grocer Co, of which is president. Unitarian. Member Civic League, Industrial League, Washington University Association. Office: 106 N. 2d St. Residence: 3439 Longfellow Boul. WULFING, John Max, wholesale grocer; born, St. Louis, Dec. 8, 1859; son of Charles and Hermine (Dieckriede) Wulfing; gradu ated from Smith Academy, 1876; studied in Germany, 1876-78; married, St. Louis, Nov. 20, 1888, Lillie Guye; children: Hildegarde, Lucy, Charles (deceased), Helen, John Alfred, Lillie Guye. Engaged in business since Jan. 1, 1882, with Charles Gildehaus, under firm name of Gildehaus. Wulfing & Co., of which is senior member. Democrat. Chairman board of trustees Park Unity Church. Member Mis souri Historical Society, St. Louis School of Fine Arts, Citizens' Alliance, Wisconsin Ar chaeological Society, Anthropological Society of Washington, D. C, Archaeological Institute of St. Louis (treasurer), Washington Univer sity Association; member executive commit tee Civic League. Clubs: City, Town and Gown, Franklin, Contemporary (executive committee). Office: 19 S. 2d St. Residence: 3448 Longfellow Boul. *WULZE, William Henry, milling; moved to California; see Vol. 1906. WUNDERLICH, Charles, cooperage manu facturer; born, St. Louis, Dec. 20, 1862; son of Charles and Rosa (Binz) Wunderlich; edu cated in Webster (public) School to 1875; married, St. Louis, May 11, 1886, Lizzie Har- bart; four children: Gertrude, Irene, Carl, Mabel. Began, 1875, in cooperage business with father (who established in 1861), con tinuously engaged in same line; incorporated as Charles Wunderlich Cooperage Co., 1892, of which since father's death, January, 1900, has been president and treasurer; established branch shops Springfield, Mo, and Clinton, 1897; president Manila Stave Co. (Manila, Ark.), Luxora Cooperage Co. (Luxora, Ark.), Monette Cooperage Co. (Monette, Ark.) ; sec retary Bolz McBride Cooperage Co, Pulaski 654 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS Cooperage Co.; director Northwestern Bank.. Republican. Protestant. Mason, Knight Tem plar, Shriner; Odd Fellow. Recreation: trav eling. Office: 2210 N.^th St. Residence: 3230 Bailey Ave. WURMB, Theodore H, druggist; bora, St. Louis, May 4, 1861; son of Theobald and Wenig (Theresa) Wurmb; educated in paro chial and public schools and University of Michigan, graduating as pharmaceutical chem ist, 1882; married, St. Louis, Feb. 16, 1909, Ida Hoevel Simon. Entered drug business un der father, 1882, and now proprietor drug store at 1923 E. Grand Ave. Republican. Protestant. Recreations: laboratory experi ments. Office: 1923 E. Grand Ave. Residence: 1921 E. Grand Ave. WYCHE, Charles, physician, ear, nose and throat specialist; born, "Wheatland," Wil- liamsboro, N. C, July 20, 1871; son of Ben jamin and Sarah (Hunter) Wyche; educated Roxboro Academy, University of North Caro lina; M.D, College of Physicians and Sur geons, Baltimore, 1893; post-graduate work, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Central London Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital, 1902-03; married Miriam Gratz, daughter of Rear Admiral Peirce Crosby, U. S. N, Washington, D. C, Aug. 24, 1911. Began practice in North Caro lina; acting assistant surgeon U. S. A, 1900- 02; located in St. Louis, 1900; first lieutenant and assistant surgeon Medical Reserve Corps, U. S. A, since 1911. Episcopalian. Member American Medical Association, Missouri State Medical Association, St. Louis Medical So ciety, National Geographic Society. Clubs: Army and Navy (Manila, P. I, and Washing ton, D. O). Offiee: 537 N. Grand Ave. Resi dence: Kirkwood, Mo. *WYLIE, Walter Harwood; see Vol. 1906. WYMAN, Frank, ex-postmaster of St. Louis; born, St. Louis, July 25, 1850; son of Edward and Elizabeth Frances (Hadley) Wy man; educated in Washington (public) School, and from 1863 to 1866 attended Wyman City University; married, St. Louis, Dec. 1, 1875, Mary J. Manny; children: Mabel E. (Mrs. John Waterworth), Edmund Allan, and Flor ence Isabel. Began business career in 1867 with the firm of Waters, Simmons & Co., which, a few years later, became the firm of E. C. Simmons & Co, these two firms being the foundation of the Simmons Hardware Co., with which remained for thirty- two years; resigned from the corporation in 1902, and retired from business. Postmaster of St. Louis, 1904-09. President of Silverine Co. of St. Louis, manufacturers of silver polish; presi dent Scott Drill Co. Republican. Episcopa lian. President Children's Industrial Farm As sociation of St. Louis. Club: St. Louis Re publican. Offiee: 1613 Chestnut St. Residence: 5845 Cabanne PL WYMAN, Henry Purkitt, real estate and! financial agent; born, Hillsboro; 111, Oct. 25, 1841; son of Edward and Elizabeth Frances (Hadley) Wyman; resident of St. Louis since .1843; educated at Wyman 's English and Clas sical High School, St. Louis; married, St. Louis, Oct. 29, 1863, Annie E. Leigh'; chil dren: Edward, Ella (Mrs. W. M. Tuttle), Leigh, Hadley. Began business career at age. of seventeen in wholesale, grocery house, 1858- 61; in United States Quartermaster's Depart ment, as assistant to Gen. L. B. Parsons, in charge of transportation, 1861-67; in United States Customs Service as special deputy sur veyor of St. Louis, 1867-80; secretary ancl treasurer of St. Louis and Mississippi Valley Transportation Co, 1880-1903; assistant post master of St. Louis, 1904-1907; since in real estate business. Member St. Louis Real Es tate Exchange, Business Men's League. Re publican. Presbyterian (elder First Church). Member Missouri Historical Society; secre tary and treasurer Lindenwood Female. Col lege; member Sons of the Revolution, Society of Colonial Wars, New England Society. Of fice: 1001 Chestnut St. Residence: 228 N. Taylor Ave. WYNNE, Edward J, clergyman; born, Luglin Bridge, County Carlow, Ireland, Mar. .6, 1849; son of Richard and Mary' (Moore) Wynne; attended national schools; came to United States, 1866; pursued classical and theological studies St. Francis de Sales Semi nary, Milwaukee, Wis. Ordained priest Ro man Catholic church by Archbishop Heis, of Milwaukee, June 28, 1880; assistant pastor St. John's Church, St. Louis, 1880-82; pastor Byrensville, Mo, 1882-86, Siver Lake and St. Mary's, Mo, to 1893; organized, 1893, St. Ed ward's parish, St. Louis, of which has since been pastor (church edifice, parochial resi dence and school building erected under his administration). Residence: 2709 Clara Ave. WYRICK, Taylor Blow, lawyer; born, Batesville, Ark, Feb. 5, 1870; son of Mordecai L. and Martha J. (Moore) Wyriek; educated, Marshfield Grammar School; Batesville High School; Benton College of Law, St. Louis, graduating with degree of LL.B, 1906; mar ried, St. Louis, Dec. 27, 1904, Stella E. Fis cher. Was for nearly twenty years with Re public, in advertising department of compos ing room; in practice of law in St. Louis since 1906; member firm of Wyriek & Eaken. Republican. Episcopalian. Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner. Club: Masonic. Recreation; fishing. Office: Central National Bank Bldg. Residence: 3634 Connecticuut St. YAGER, Charles M, editor; born, Alton, 111, Sept. 5, 1872; son of John H. (dean Madi son Co. bar) and Ida E. (Hess) Yager, of St. Lpuis; educated, Alton High School, graduat- THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 655 ing, 1892; studied law in offices of John H. Yager one year; married, June 21, 1898, Kath- ryn M, daughter of Thomas Pates, of the Hapgood Plow Co, Alton; four children: Wil liam, Kathryn, Charles, Jr., Richard. In news paper and trade paper work seven years; ed itor of the Modern Miller, St. Louis, since 1902, also vice president of the company. Has made several trips through Cuba to study flour trade, banking and traffic facilities. Re publican; member Alton City Council eight years. Member Alton Board of Trade. Presi dent Alton High School Alumni Association. Club: City (St. Louis). Author: Flour Trade of Cuba, 1899. Recreation: hunting. Office: 1032 Pierce Bldg. Residence: Alton, 111. YANTIS, William Gray, first viee presi dent Norvell-Shapleigh Hardware Co.; born, Davenport, la, Nov. 15, 1863; son of John M. and Johanna M. Yantis; educated in Chicago public and high schools; married, Chicago, Aug. 20, 1901, Mayme E. Dwight. Began busi ness career in the hardware house of Pribyl Bros, Chicago, in various capacities, 1881-86; came to St. Louis, 1886, and was with the Simmons Hardware Co, 1886-1901, and in lat ter year when the A. F. Shapleigh Hardware Co. was reorganized and incorporated as the Norvell-Shapleigh Hardware Co., entered the latter as second vice president, remained in this position until January, 1911, when was elected first vice president. Independent in politics. Member Christian Church. Clubs: St. Louis, Noonday, Bellerive Country. Rec reation: golf. Office: 4th St. and Washington Ave. Residence: 5077 Westminster PL YAWITZ, Joseph Jay, president National Chair Co.; born, June 15, 1887; son of David and Jennie (Holzman) Yawitz; came to Amer ica with parents in childhood and educated in public schools of St. Louis; unmarried. Began as office boy in Mound City Chair Factory; went on the road at sixteen and at twenty- three was elected president of the National Chair Co. (which he organized), a position he now holds; also treasurer of Yawitz Dyeing and Cleaning Co. Independent in politics. Jewish religion. Mason; member St. Louis Lodge No. 20, A. F. & A. M. and Royal Arch Chapter No. 50; also Missouri Lodge No. 22, I. O. B. B.; Pacific Lodge No. 304, Knights of Pythias. Clubs: Masonic and Y. M. H. A. Recreation: motoring. Office: Main and Clark Sts. Residence: 4611 McMillan Ave. YOCH, J. Edward, president International Coal and Mining Co.; born, Belleville, 111, Mar. 12, 1882; son of Bernhard and Agnes (Acker) Yoch; educated in parochial and high schools, Belleville, 111, Quincy (111.) Col lege, and Belleville Commercial College, 1898; married, Belleville, June 10, 1902, Catherine L. Karr; five children: Martha A, Bernard T, Theodore E, Edward A, and Eleanor M. Be gan business career as clerk with Southern Illinois National Bank at East St. Louis, 111, 1898; with Lebanon Coal and Machine Asso ciation, first as clerk, 1900, secretary, 1903, and president of company, 1905; became presi dent of International Coal and Mining Co. (wholesale), 1906; also president St. Agnes Coal Co. (retail with yards throughout St. Louis); president O 'Fallon Teaming Co. Treasurer Coal Operators ' Association. Mem ber Knights of Columbus. Club: Western .Rowing. Office: 6012 S. Broadway. Residence: 6017 S. Broadway. YONGE, Robert Gage, general merchandise; bora, Rising Sun, Ind, Sept. 17, 1843; son of Robert Gage and Eunice (Hull) Yonge; edu cated in public schools of Rising Sun, Ohio Co., Ind.; married, Bowling Green, Mo, 1873, Elizabeth Griffith. Enlisted in 1861 in Sev enth Indiana Infantry and served three years and three months in Army of Potomac; wounded at Petersburg, Va, 1864, and three months in hospital; was orderly at headquar ters of Generals Doubleday, Rice, Wadsworth and Cutler. After war returned to Indiana, then came to Pike Co, Mo, and ran sawmill and stave factory at Louisiana for three years; removed to St. Louis and began mak ing a patent door and gate spring; entered general merchandise business, 1872, as mem ber of Coe, Yonge & Co. (now Coe-Yonge Mercantile Co.), importers and jobbers of general merchandise. Republican. Recreation: fishing. Office: 905 Lucas Ave. Residence: 2226 University St. YORK, Frank B.; born, Hermon, Me, Feb. 25, 1846; son of John B. and Sarah B. (Fletch er) York; educated in public schools and Hampden Academy, of Hampden, Me.; mar ried, St. Louis, Jan. 8, 1880, Mary L. Harda- way; children: Florence (Mrs. William Rus sell Allen, Jr.), Margaret, Frances B. Clerk in grocery store, 1863-65; in general mer chandise business at Junction City, Kan, 1865-69; in general merchandise and banking- business at Parker, Kan, 1869-75; then started a line of general stores at Dodge City, Kan, Caldwell, Kan, and Fort Griffin, Tex, as York & Draper. In 1881 organized the York-Parker-Draper Mercantile Co., at St. Louis, later changing name to York-Key Mer cantile Co., of which has since been president; also operates in cattle in Kansas and Texas. Now practically retired from active business. Clubs: St. Louis, Algonquin. Office: 308 N. 6th St. Residence: 5214 Washington Ave. YOST, Walter Burt, physician; born, Man- nington, W. Va, Jan. 29, 1873; son of Perme- tus David and Martha Adele (Grymes) Yost; educated in St. Louis public schools until 1883; Philadelphia and Baltimore public schools, 1883-85; Maryland Agricultural Col lege, 1885-87; student Medical Department, West Virginia University, 1889-90; matricu lated in Baltimore Medical College, 1890, grad- 656 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS uating, degree of M.D, 1894; post-graduate studies in New York Polyclinic and Bellevue Hospital Medical College; married, St. Louis, Aug. 10, 1907, Grace^Emily Hockmuth; one child, Virginia Grace. Began practice at Man- nington, W. Va, 1894; removed to St. Louis, 1896; was resident physician of the Inside Inn at World's Fair, St. Louis, 1904; has since engaged in general practice. Member Amer ican and Missouri State Medical associations, St. Louis Medical Society. Democrat. Mason (32°), Shriner. Recreation: automobiling. Of fice: 1115 Union Boul. Residence: 950 Belt Avenue. YOUNG, Allyn Abbott, professor economics; bora, Kenton, O, Sept. 19, 1876; son of Sut ton Erastus and Emma Matilda (Stickney) Young; Ph.B, Hiram College, Ohio, 1894; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, 1902; married Jessie Berniee Westlake, of Madison, Wis, Aug. 10, 1904; one child, John Westlake. Teacher economics, University of Wisconsin, Western Reserve University, and Dartmouth College; head of department of economics, Leland Stanford Jr. University, 1906-1911; professor of economics, Washington Univer sity, since 1911; lecturer on economics, Har vard, 1910-11. Fellow Royal Statistical So ciety; member of a number of American learned societies, economic, historical and sta tistical, and of Sigma Alpha Epsilon Frater nity. Joint Author: Outlines of Economics, revised edition, 1908. Contributor numerous articles and monographs on economic and sta tistical subjects; * member board of editors American Economic Review. Address: Wash ington University. Residence: 704 Central Avenue. YOUNG, Anthony Obediah, physician; born on farm near Butler, Montgomery Co., Ill, Dec. 25, 1868; son of William Albion and Mary Ellen (Ware) Young; educated in dis trict school, Butler, 111, Bunker Hill (111.) Academy, Brown's Business College, Jackson ville, 111, Bryant & Stratton Business College; M.D, Beaumont Hospital Medical College, 3 893; married, Houston, 111, Sept. 15, 1893, Allie Holt. Began, Mar. 31, 1893, as general practitioner, making a specialty of surgery. Member St. Louis Medical Society, Missouri State Medical Association, American Medical Association. Democrat. Baptist. Recreations: hunting and fishing. Office: 3906 Olive St. Residence: 8136 Page Ave. YOUNG, Anthony W, merchandise broker; see Vol. 1906. YOUNG, Charles Everett, general engi neer; 1868-1909; see Vol. 1906. YOUNG, Felix Warner, paymaster Frisco System; born, St. Louis, June 16, 1868; son of William and Adelia M. (Coone) Young; edu cated in public schools of St. Louis; unmar ried. Began business career, 1881; for six months in employ of mercantile agency of R. G. Dun & Co.; since 1882 in employ of the ac counting and treasury departments of St. Louis & San Francisco R. R. Co.; was assist ant secretary and assistant treasurer, 1903-10, since paymaster. Club: Frisco Railway. Fa vorite recreation: billiards. Office: Frisco Bldg. Residence: 5626 Julian Ave. YOUNG, Frank Heber; born, Pittsburgh, Pa, Feb. 17, 1849; son of William P. and Minerva W. (Woodward) Young; educated in private schools, Milwaukee, Wis, and at Ra cine (Wis.) College; married, St. Louis, Dec. 7, 1875, Mary Kate; children: Frank J, Grace Mary, Lily W, William E. Since 1904 man ager at St. Louis for the National Glass Co, of Pittsburgh. Democrat. Episcopalian. Royal Arch Mason. Offiee: 325 Locust St. Resi dence: 4325 Delmar Boul. YOUNG, Henry McClure, surgeon; born, St. Louis, Sept. 19, 1877; son of Daniel Comstock and Clara Harrison (Post) Young; A.B, Yale, 1899; M.D, Washington University, 1908; un married. Resident physician St. Louis City Hospital, 1908-09; post-graduate study in Ber lin, 1909; assistant in Royal Surgical Univer sity clinic, Konigsberg, 1910; now instructor in surgery, St. Louis University School of Medicine. Republican. Congregationalist. Member American Medical Association, Mis souri State Medical Association, St. Louis Medical Society, Nu Sigma Nu, Alpha Omega Alpha, Deutsche Gesellschaft. Member Med ical Reserve Corps, U. S. Army. Club: Public Question. Recreation: tennis. Office: 303-307 Metropolitan Bldg. Residence: Buckingham Hotel Annex. YOUNG, Paul, Jr.; see Vol. 1906. YOUNG, Samuel Hart, vice president Gauss- Langenberg Hat Co.; born in Carroll Co, Miss, Apr. 25, 1850; son of Samuel Hart and Catherine (Small) Young; educated in private schools in Mississippi; married, St. Louis, May 12, 1887, Emma J. Gauss; children: Ida H, Marie H. Began, 1873, as shipping clerk for Gauss-Hunicke & Co.; became traveling salesman for the company, and in 1900, when firm changed to Gauss-Langenberg Hat Co., was elected vice president. Office: corner 12th and St. Charles Sts. Residence: 6142 Kings bury Boul. YOUNG, Taylor Robert, lawyer; born, Brandenburg, Meade Co, Ky, Dec. 18, 1872; son of Davis and Sallie (Ashcraft) Young; educated in an old log school house, Meade Co, Ky, and public schools, Sandy Hill, to 1887; graduated from Forest Home College, 1888; studied telegraphy in Whittemore & Hooker's School, Independence, Mo, 1889; read law in office of J. R. W. Smith, Louis ville, Ky, 3 894; then entered St. Louis Law School, graduated, 1896; married, St. Louis, June 3, 1897, Lulu Denny Thompson; 'three children: Ruby Ruth, Lulu Laverne, Gene vieve Lorraine. After taking course in teleg- THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 657 raphy, 1889, engaged with railroads, Asso ciated Press, and Western Union Telegraph Co., as operator at Barronett, Clayton, Cum berland, New Richmond and Spooner, Wis, Windom, Minn, Whitehall, Bozeman and Liv ingston, Mont, Minneapolis, Minn, Louis ville, Ky, Nashville, Tenn, and St. Louis, 1894. Admitted to Missouri bar, 1896, since engaged in general practice of law in state and federal courts; counsel for important in terests, including organized labor. Member St. Louis Bar Association. Republican. Mem ber Christian (Disciples) Church. Mason; member Keystone Lodge No. 243, A. F. & A. M.; St. Louis Chapter No. 8, R. A. M.; As calon Commandery No. 16, Knights Templar; Moolah Temple, A. A. 0. N. M. S.; also mem ber Apollo Tent, Maccabees. Recreation: working with tools. Office: suite 926-930, 706 Chestnut St. Residence: 6928 Plateau Ave. YOUNG, Thomas Crane, architect; born, Sheboygan, Wis, Feb. 28, 1858; son of Van Epps and Arelisle (Seaman) Young; grad uated from high school, Grand Rapids, Mich, 1876; special student Washingon University, 1878-79; student University of Heidelberg, Germany, 1880, £cole des Beaux Arts, Paris, 1881; married at St. Louis, June 12, 1887, Miss Ruth Hodgman; children: Dorothy (Mrs. Wil liam B. Jones), Ruth (Mrs. S. A. Mitchell) and Marjorie. Engaged in practice in partner ship with William S. Eames, as firm of Eames & Young, architects, in St. Louis, since 1885; for number of years in general practice, in cluding many of the first dwellings in St. Louis; architects for "Cupples Plant," con sisting of about ten city blocks of wholesale warehouse buildings, 1889; were architects of Lincoln Trust Building, Ferguson-McKinney Building, Hargadine-McKittrick, Mississippi valley Trust Co., Victoria, Missouri-Lincoln, Frisco Annex, Liggett, Augusta, Third Na tional Bank and other office buildings in St. Louis; architects for Art Building, Trans-Con tinental Exposition, Omaha, Neb, 1897, for Federal Prison, Leavenworth, Kan, 1897, and Federal Prison, Atlanta, Ga, 1899; member Board of Architects for Louisiana Purchase Exposition (Educational Building), 1903; ar chitect for U. S. Custom House,.. San Fran cisco, Cal, 1904; for Alaska Building, Seattle, Wash, 1906. Director Frisco Annex Building Co. Fellow American Institute of Architects. Member Loyal Legion, Sons of American Rev olution. Served two years in Michigan militia, 1877-78; twice elected mayor of Webster Groves, serving 1901-03, and resigning before completing second term. Member Business Men's League, Civic League; member City Plan Commission. Clubs: Mercantile, City. Recreation: reading history. Office: Wright Bldg. Residence: 5388 Waterman Ave. YOUNG, Truman Post, lawyer; born, St. Louis, Sept. 19, 1877; son of Daniel C. and Clara H. (Post) Young; educated at Smith Academy and Rugby Academy, St. Louis; B.A, Yale University, 1899; LL.B, St. Louis Law School, 1901; unmarried. Admitted to bar in state and federal courts, 1901; assist ant U. S. district attorney, 1907-10; since as sistant city counselor. Republican. Member Civic League, Law Library Association, Zeta Psi, Phi Delta Phi. Member First Congrega tional Church. Clubs: Missouri Athletic, Mera mec Canoe, City, Public Question. Recrea tions: canoeing, boating, horseback riding. Offiee: City Hall. Residence: Buckingham Annex. YOUNG, Will H, retired; born, Troy, Mo, Dec. 25, 1842; son of William and Sarah Cole man (Russell) Young; educated at Lincoln County Academy, Troy; unmarried. Began business career as deputy in the county clerk 's office of Lincoln Co.; afterwards clerked in general store at Cap-au-Gris, Mo.; then with grain commission house in St. Louis, and bill clerk with wholesale grocery house of F. Mitchell & Bro. for nine years; began, 1883, in brokerage business; secretary and treas urer, Noel & Young Bond and Stock Co, until 1911, when retired. Democrat. Residence: 5948 Cates Ave. YOUNG, William, chief of police; born, St. Louis, July 5, 1856; son of Anton and Cath erine (Kimmel) Young; common school educa tion; married at Sedalia, Mo, June 5, 1901, Mrs. Anna Bryne Young. Joined the St. Louis police department, 1878; was promoted to sergeant, 3884, captain, #889; left the de partment in 1893, but returned three months later as captain; chief of police since Apr. 9, 3910. Member board of governors National Bureau -of Identification. Mason (Knight Templar). Offiee: 208 S. 12th St. Residence: 1727A Longfellow Boul. YOUNG, Willis Brock, surgeon; born, Sioux City, la, Oct. 21, 1868; son of James H. and Caroline F. (Ganter) Young; edu cated in public schools; M.D, Homoeopathic Medical College of Missouri, 1891; married, .Apr. 30, 1908, Lucy Hosmer Stoughton. Vis iting surgeon, City Hospital. Member St. Louis Homoeopathic Medical Society, Missouri Institute of Homoeopathy, Southern Homoeo pathic Medical Association, American Insti tute of Homoeopathy. Republican. Club: City. Office: Metropolitan Bldg. Residence: 3620 Blaine Ave. YULE, Alexander, coal and coke; born, Manchester, Eng, Sept. 19, 1870; son of Alex ander and Ann (Swallow) Yule; educated in public schools of Manchester and Liverpool, Eng, and in business college in St. Louis; married, St. Louis, 1896, Ruth Matson; one daughter, Helen. Began in pig iron and coke business, 1891; was assistant secretary of the St. Louis Blast Furnace Co.; secretary and director of the DeCamp Bros. & Yule Iron 658 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS Coal and Coke Co, 1905-11; since secretary and treasurer Pioneer Coal and Coke Co. Mem ber Citizens' Industrial Association. Meth odist. Club: Missouri Athletic. Recreations: horseback riding, hunting, fishing. Office: Syndicate Trust Bldg. Residence: 5155 Ken sington Ave. YULE, William, president of DeCamp Bros. and Yule Iron, Coal and Coke Co, since 1905; born, Manchester, Eng, Jan. 1, 1867; son of Alexander and Ann (Swallow) Yule; educated in Radnor Street Wesleyan Schools of Man chester, Eng.; married at St. Louis, 1891, to Helen Davenport (now deceased) ; one son, Edward Davenport. Came to United States in 1885. Republican. Member Lindell Ave. M. E. Church. Clubs: Mercantile, Missouri Athletic. Office: 705 Olive St. Residence: 5926 W. Ca banne PL Z ZACH, Max Wilhelm, musician; born, Lem- berg, Austria, Aug. 31, 1864; son of Heinrich and Julie (Deim) Zaeh; educated in Lower and Middle School (Gymnasium), Lemberg and Vienna; musical education, Conservatory of Music, Vienna; married, Boston, Mass., July 4, 1891, Blanche Going; three children: Leon Henry, Philip, Eleanor. Came to Amer ica, October, 1886; member Boston Symphony Orchestra, 1886-1907, also conductor of popular concerts in Boston; conductor St. Louis Sym phony Orchestra since 1907. Served as non commissioned officer in Austrian Army. Mem ber Sehlaraffia, St. Louis. Clubs: Liederkranz (St. Louis), St. Botolph (Boston). Recrea tion: reading. Office: 1120 Olive St. Winter Residence: Hotel Jefferson, St. Louis. Home Address: 36 Atherton St., Roxbury, Mass. ZACHRITZ, William, lawyer; bora, St. Louis, Aug. 28, 1859; son of Frederick W. and Elizabeth (Strauss) Zachritz; educated at grammar school, Central High School and St. Louis Law School; admitted to Missouri bar, 3 881; married Emma Hinzpeter, of St. Louis, Aug. 12, 1885; three children: William O, Edgar F. and Walter. Appointed assistant city attorney, 1885, and elected assistant cir cuit attorney, 1888; elected circuit attorney, 1892; judge of Circuit Court, 1896; resumed private practice Jan. 1, 1903; member law firm of Zachritz & Zachritz. Republican. Prot estant. Mason; member Royal Arcanum, Le gion of Honor. Club: Liederkranz. Recrea tion: fishing. Office: 415 Pine St. Residence: 2921 Lafayette Ave. ZAHORSKY, John, physician; born in Hun gary, Oct. 13, 1871; son of John and Amelia (Gura) Zahorsky; educated in grammar school, Cleveland, O, 1878; public schools, Steelville, Mo, 1880-87; A.B, Steelville Nor mal and Business Institute, 1891; M.D, Mis souri Medical College, 1895; post-graduate work, Johns Hopkins Hospital, 1899, New York Polyclinic, 1899; married, St. Louis, June 27, 1900, H. Elizabeth Silverwood; two children: Theodore Saunders and Elizabeth. Engaged in general practice of medicine since 1895; assistant to Dr. E. W. Saunders, 1897- 1900. Lecturer in Latin and prescription writ ing, Missouri Medical College, 1896; chief of children's clinic, St. John's Hospital, 1896- 1902; attending physician to Bethesda Found ling Home for twelve years; chief of chil dren 's clinic, Washington University Dispen sary, 1902-05; attending physician to Episco pal Orphans' Home; lecturer on children's diseases, Washington University, for several years; clinical professor of pediatrics in same, 1905-12; professor of pediatrics, St. Louis University School of Medicine, 1912. Editor St. Louis Courier of Medicine, 1902-06; con tributor to medical press, on children 's dis eases. Member St. Louis Medical Society, Academy of Science, St. Louis Pediatric So ciety, Missouri Medical Alumni Association, American Medical Association, American As sociation of Teachers of Children's Diseases, St. Louis Pure Milk Commission, Civic League. Republican. Presbyterian. Address; 1460 S. Grand Ave. ZEIBIG, Frederick Gustav, real estate agent; born, Ottawa, 111, Aug. 21, 1860; son of G. A. and Eliza (Madja) Zeibig; educated in St. Anne's School, Normandy, Mo, and Jones Commercial College; married Virginia McKinney, of Ferguson, Mo, Sept. 17, 1888; children: Virginia A, Mary Prudence, Charles Hunt, Elsa Louise, Douglas Churchill, Georgia Augusta. Began business career as collector with Charles L. Hunt, real estate, July, 1873, remaining with him until his death in 1885; in real estate business on own account until May, 1889, since member Cornet & Zeibig. Vice president Mortgage Guarantee Co., St. Louis. Ex-president St. Louis Real Estate Exchange. Democrat. Roman Catholic. Clubs: St.. Louis, Racquet, Bellerive. Recreations: reading, hunting, fishing, ball game. Office: 719 Chestnut St. Residence: 37 Kingsbury PL ZETZSCHE, Julius Franco, wholesale hat merchant; born, Okawville, 111, Dec. 25, 1857; son of John F. and Margaret J. (Beckham) Zetzsche; educated in public schools and Mc Kendree College, and later attended Union College of Law, Chicago; married, Richview. Ill, Sept. 5, 1878, Flora, daughter of Rev. Levi S. Walker. Boyhood spent on farm; entered retail store at fifteen and remained there dur ing school vacations for five years; later be came proprietor and conducted country store for seven years; was traveling representative in southern Illinois for twenty years; since February, 1903, president Harris-Polk Hat Co, wholesale hats and caps. Republican. Methodist. Member Masonic Order, Modern Woodmen of America. Club: Mercantile. Rec reation: farming. Office: 1227 Washington Ave. Residence: 5806 Bartmer Ave. THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 65!) ZIEGENHEIN, Henry, ex-mayor, banker; deceased; see Vol. 1906. ZIEGLER, Charles Calvin, secretary Amer ican Brake Co.; born, Rebersburg, Pa, June 19, 1854; son of Isaac and Catherine (Kern) Ziegler; educated in public schools of Re bersburg, Pa.; Ph.B, State University of Iowa, 1878, A.M, 1880; A.B, Harvard Col lege, 1884; married, St. Louis, Apr. 13, 1888, Mary Catherine Conser; children: Laura Alpha (died Nov. 30, 1899) and Calla Alpha. Engaged in clerical work after leaving col lege; became cjerk, 1887, with the American Brake Co., of which, Oct. 19, 1901, was elected to present position as secretary and treasurer. Independent in politics. Member St. Mark's Evangelical Lutheran Church. Member Penn sylvania German Society (of Pennsylvania), Pennsylvania Society (St. Louis), and Forest Park Lodge No. 457, A. F. & A. M. Clubs: Harvard, St. Louis Railway. Author of "Drauss un Deheem, " a small volume of poems in the Pennsylvania German dialect, published in Leipzig, Germany, 1891. Recrea tion: roller skating. Office: 1932 N. Broad way. Residence: 5726 McPherson Ave. ZIELINSKI, Simon J, clergyman; born, Poland, Germany, Aug. 17, 1875; son of Jacob and Mary (Kaminska) Zielinski; attended elementary schools of native land; caino to America, 1893; classical course, St. Stanislaus College, Chicago, and St. Bede College, Peru, 111.; philosophy and theology, Kendrick Sem inary, St. Louis. Ordained to priesthood Ro man Catholic Church by Archbishop Kain, June 14, 1902; assistant pastor St. Stanislaus' parish, eight months, St. Casimir's parish, 1903-04; temporarily in charge of mission at Owensville, Mo, and then re-organized con gregation and built parish residence at Doni phan; officiated for a short time at St. Cas imir's Church; pastor St. Hedwig's Church since Feb. 1, 1906. Favorite recreation: school work. Residence: 3212 Pulaski St. ZILLE, Frederick E, commission merchant; deceased; see Vol. 1906. ZIMMER, Nicola P, lawyer; born, Pough keepsie, N. Y, Dec 29, 1869; son of Thomas J. and Catherine (Sehroeder) Zimmer; edu cated public schools, Poughkeepsie, and Northwestern Law School, Chicago; married, Barre, Vt, Sept. 24, 1896, Julia Blanchard. Admitted to bar at St. Louis, Oct. 1, 1895, and since in general practice. Republican. Prot estant. Member St. Louis Law Library Asso ciation. President Mullanphy Emigrant Relief Fund Commissioners. Mason (32°). Recrea tion: reading. Office: 908 Wainwright Bldg.i Residence: 4475 Evans Ave. ZIMMERMAN, Harry Murray, superintend ent of shoe factory; born, St. Louis, Jan. 24, 1877; son of John J. and Melinda (McLaugh lin) Zimmerman; graduated from Christian Brothers College, 1894; unmarried. Began business career in 1894 as bookkeeper in the office of a shoe factory; and in 1895 went on road for John Meier Shoe Co.; became con nected with the Hamilton-Brown Shoe Co., 1902, representing the company in Tennessee and Kentucky; superintendent Union Fac tory, same company, 1904-09; then superin tendent "Full Value" factory, Peters Shoe Co, now International Shoe Co. Clubs: Mer cantile, Glen Echo. Recreation: golf. Office: Glasgow and N. Market Sts. Residence: Hotel Beers. ZIMMERMANN, Christian Friedrich, pav ing contractor; born, Stuttgart, Germany, Feb. 10, 1850; son of Christ D. and Caroline (Zielfieisch) Zimmermann; educated in public schools in Stuttgart; married, St. Louis, Oct. 18, 1875, Ottilia Schleuter; children: Clara (Mrs. George W. Hazelroth) , Christ, Julius Albert, Elenora, Laura. Came from Germany direct to St. Louis, arriving Oct. 1, 1867. ' Be gan as paver and mason journeyman, working first for S. Skrainka & Co., and later for Vietch & Allen; started in business for self, 1885, and since 1895, when the business was incorporated, has been president of Christ Zimmermann & Co, contractors for stone, brick and granitoid paving, cement concrete foundations, etc; also director Dunderberg Mining Co., of Nevada. Republican. Luther an. Member Legion of Honor, Schwabian Unterstaziug Verein. Office: 502 Howard Bldg, 709 Pine St. Residence: 3443 California Avenue. ZIMMERMANN, Theodore Frederick Wil liam, lawyer; born, Neumark, Prussia, Mar. 7, 1843; son of Gottfried and Caroline (Theme) Zimmermann; came to America with parents, 1848; educated in district schools and took high school course, Sheboygan, Wis, to 1858; attended Concordia College, 1859-61, and branch at Fort Wayne, Ind, 1861-62; returned and graduated from same college, St. Louis, 1863; married, St. Louis, Feb. 24, 1864, Eliza beth M. Ameiss; five children: Theodore F. W, Jr, Arthur (deceased), Agnes (Mrs. Philip Haller), Alexander (deceased), Eugene (deceased). Engaged as school teacher, Terre Haute, Ind, one term, 1863; became overseer House of Refuge, St. Louis, 1864, and con tinued until 1870; then assistant superintend ent City Work House to 1879. Appointed jus tice of peace under Mayor Ewing, also police court justice, South St. Louis, 1881, continu ing until 1902; since engaged in general prac tice of law. Independent Republican. Prot estant. Member South Broadway Merchants' and Manufacturers' Association, Southwest Turner Association. Member Meridian Lodge, No. 2, A. F. & A. M.; Missouri Chapter, No. 1, R. A. M.; and Red Men. Recreations: hunt ing, fishing. Office: 2626 S. Broadway. Resi dence: 3843 Minnesota Ave. 660 THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS ZINK, William, real estate and financial agent; born, St. Louis, June 13, 1861; son of Michael and Elizabeth (Boulinger) Zink; edu cated in St. Louis public schools and St. Fran cis Solanus College, Quincy, 111, graduating in general commercial studies; married, April, 1890, Beatrice Farrington. Since July 1, 1889, in real estate business as William Zink & Co.; secretary Real Estate Building and Loan As sociation. President Orpheus Musical Society and Symphony Orchestra. Democrat. Roman Catholic. Member Legion of Honor, Royal Arcanum. Clubs: St. Louis Yacht, St. Louis Trap Shooters' Association. Recreations: vacating, shooting and fishing. Offiee: 15 N. 7th St. Residence: 3620 Folsom Ave. ZOLLMANN, George Henry, fruit and prod uce merchant; 1864-1909; see Vol. 1906. ZOLLMANN, George Louis, president of George H. Zollmann Produce Co.; born, St. Louis, Jan. 20, 1887; son of George H. and Catherine CDauseh) Zollmann; educated in Blair ("public) School to 1900; then entered Manual Training School, Washington Univer sity, and continued until 1902; took course in Draughan's Business College, 3903; unmar ried. Began business career as clerk with United Railways Co, St. Louis. Nov. 3, 1903. and continued until Feb. 1, 1906; engaged with father as cashier and bookkeeper, be came treasurer Mav 1, 1907. and since father's death, Nov. 5. 1909, has been president of George H. Zollmann Produce Co. Secretary and treasurer St. Louis Fruit and Produce Ex change; member St. Louis Butter. Egg and Produce Exchange. Republican. Protestant. Member Erwin Lodge. No. 121, A. F. & A. M. Office: 833 N. 3d St. Residence: 2307 Sullivan Avenue. ZOLNAY, George Julian, sculptor; born. Pecs, Hungary. July 4, 1863; son of Ignatius and Caroline Zolnav; although intended for diplomatic career, he chose art. graduating with highest honors from Royal Art Institute at Bucharest, and Imperial Aca'^mv of Fine Arts, Vienna. 1890; married, 3 902, Miss Abi gail Rowan Gillim, of Owensboro, Ky. ; two children. Began American career, 1892 (Co lumbian Exposition, Chicago); settled, 1894, in New York City and achieved national rep utation; came to St. Louis, 1903, in charge of sculpture division, Art Department World's Fair, and instructor St. Louis School of Fine Arts (Washington University) ; resigned, 1909. to become director University City Art Academy. Principal works abroad: Vienna, St. Poelten, Bucharest and Budapest. In America: Universitv of Virginia (E. A. Poe and Tympanum) ; Richmond, Va. (Jefferson Davis monument, Hayes and Winnie Davis memorials); Savannah, Ga. (General MeLaws and General Barton monuments) ; Owensboro, Ky. (soldier monument) ; Louisville, Ky. (Duncan Jacob memorial) ; San Francisco (groups on U. S. courthouse) ; New Bedford, Mass. (public monument to Industry) ; St. Louis (Pierre Laclede monument, City Hall, Colossal Lions, University City Gates) ; Nash ville, Tenn. (Sam Davis and Confed. soldier monument). Portrait busts of Emperor Francis Joseph, Vietor Hugo, Gen. Stonewall Jackson, Gen. Fitzhugh Lee, Clara Hoffman, Walter S. Sheldon, W. H. Thompson, Maj. James S. Rollins, F. Louis Soldan, etc. Past President St. Louis Artists' Guild; vice pres ident National Arts Club, New York; secre tary International Sculpture Scfry, St. Louis World's Fair, 1904; chairman Missouri Art Commission, Portland Exposition, 1905. Member Union Internationale des Arts et Sciences (Paris), Society of Western Artists, Art Committee of St. Louis Civic League. Clubs: Public Question, St. Louis, Noonday, etc. Decorated by King of Roumania, first class Order Pour le Merit. Recreations: plays the violin and raises flowers. Studio: eleventh floor Security Bldg. Residence: 362 N. Taylor Ave. ZUCKER, David Irving, editor Real Estate Bulletin; born, St. Louis, Dec. 6, 1871; son of Simeon S. and Esther Phoebe (Levi) Zucker; educated in public schools, Memphis, Tenn, td 1881; married, St. Louis, May, 1899, Eliza beth K. Drysdale, of Lexington, Mo. (died 1903); two children: Sabella, David, Jr.; mar ried, 2d, St. Louis, Apr. 17, 1909, Florence Hazel Pierce; one child, Richard G. ' Began business career as office boy with Scott-Rick- arz Pressroom Co., 1888, and continued until 1898; with Simmons Hardware Co, 1899-1901; offiee manager Stewart-Scott Pressroom Co, and confidential man, to 1905. Engaged with Real Estate Printing and Publishing Co. (pub lishers of Real Estate Bulletin, official organ St. Louis Real Estate Exchange), 1906, and elected secretary, 1907, vice president, 1909, president, January, 1912. Member St. Louis Real Estate Exchange, Business Men's League. Was member Speed Zouaves, Memphis, Tenn, 1886'; also old Busch Zouaves, under Captain Roemner, St. Louis, 1890; with Company F, First Regiment, National Guard of Missouri, private to first sergeant, 1889-96; organized independent company, 3 897, later merged with Company K, National Guard of Missouri, dur ing Spanish-American War. Independent in politics. Hon. member St. Louis Society of Ac countants. Mason. Recreations: books, gar dening (flowers). Offiee: 9 and 11 N. 8th St. Residence: 513 East Lockwood, Webster Groves, Mo. ZUCKER, Harry H, neckwear manufac turer; born, New York City, May 28, 1871; son of Isidor and Annie (Seheyer) Zucker; educated in Chicago ; married, New York City, Oct. 31, 1893, Rose Symons; one son, Alvin Harvey (deceased). Fresident Hurst-Zueker THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 661 Neckwear Co. Republican. Jewish religion. Mason. Office: 1322 Washington Ave. Resi dence: 1311 Clara Ave. ZUKOSKI, William Aloysius; born, Zbaraz, Galicia, Austrian Empire. June 21, 1836; son of Peter and Anna Zukoski; educated in schools in Austria; married, St. Louis, Dec. 31, 1862, Josephin Haas; children: Edmund L, Charles F. Came to St. Louis from Aus tria in 1851, and in 1855 entered millinery business, in which he has since continued; now vice president Levis-Zukoski Mercantile Co. Member Business Men 's League. Served in Civil War as a member of the Home Guard, in McNiel 's regiment. Club: Mercantile. Rec reation: reading. Office: 1115 Washington Ave. Residence: 3262 Hawthorne Boul. ZUMBALEN, Joseph Henry, lawyer; born, St. Louis, July 4, 1861; son of Henry and Augusta (Wurz) Zumbalen; educated in Ger man Lutheran Evangelical School, public grammar and St. Louis high schools; LL.B, St. Louis Law School, 1887; unmarried. Now member law firm of Ferriss, Zumbalen & Fer riss. Member Missouri State Bar Association, St. Louis Bar Association. Member Board St. Louis Public Library. Republican. Protestant. Office: 820 Rialto Bldg. Residence: 2358 Ten nessee Ave.