Yale University Library 39002028242296 S3 Of (ZONA IV< DVt Ull II I l ,1, I. Is • ILUBIBJ&ISBr • 1935 The History of Arizona FROM THE EARLIEST TIMES KNOWN TO THE PEOPLE OF EUROPE TO 1903 By SIDNEY R. DeLONG Written under the auspices of the Pioneer Historical Society of Arizona W&t aai&ttattet & l&ag Company (Incorporated) PUBLISHERS San Francisco 1905 Copyright, spoj by The Whitaker & Ray Company dal^.ZX ¦\ Beincatton $o f0e (Jrigona pioneers anb (pioneer %ist foricaf ^ociefg (reaftg one Sociefg), f0is fittte toorft is bebtcafeb. Coming i o @rigona as a goung man, 3 0a«e Been ftnown in f0e £erriforg for nearfg gaff a cenfurg, anb since f0e gear 1862, 3 0a«e Been a permanent resibenf. £o me efjerg name upon f0e fist" of ofb pioneers is f amifiar, anb as i Beir names are caffeb, f0eir faces anb acts appear from fBe bistanf pasf ; mang 0atte crosseb f0e "sifenf riser," anb from f0e farffier sBore t»e see f0em (n breams t»a»ing f0eir Banbs in f»ef * come. 0»e toeff 6not» f0af in f Be course of nature toe must" Oerg soon foffbtt f0em. HU (pioneers' .Society of ©rigona was composeb of men aBote reproacB, most of f0em afife, anb aff enfirefg fearfess. £>f necessity eacB anb aff fooft mang c0ances, as f0e Bfoob? f0irsfg (&pac0e was for mang gears on f0e t»atc0 fo ttagfag anb murber f0e unprotecfeb frafjefer. £6is Bobg of resofufe, stern men 0a ee bone more for me tfan 3 0ab reason fo erpecf, anb fo f0em f0is Booft is respecffuffg bebicafeb. £0e @uf0or. PREFACE Often the preface to a book becomes a public declara tion of what the author does not do, and in many instances never intends to do. What is wished to be presented in this work is a history of Arizona from the time it first became known to Europeans down to the present time. A glance at the antiquities show it to have been inhabited at one time in the distant past, by a race that carried the arts of agriculture beyond that known by the Indian races in the Territory of the present day. The design of the work is to show the progress made under 250 years of Spanish rule, when the priest and the warrior ruled absolutely. Mexico, from 1821 until 1856, exercised merely nominal sway, and from that time until the present, the United States have exercised jurisdiction, and much has been done to civilize the wild Indian tribes and develop the agricultural and mineral resources. The object of the historian should be to write truth re gardless of whom it may please or displease. In the past, historians of empires and of states have allowed themselves to be partisans, therefore, much that we have been taught to revere as truth, some as Divine, reads like fiction and will not bear analysing at cold Reason's tribunal. The en deavor in this work has been to present the history of Arizona, not particularly in an attractive form, but in a truthful one. The work has been written under the auspices of the Arizona Historical Society, and to that Society the author offers his sincere acknowledgments for their consideration and universal kindness. Another great object of this work is to draw attention to the vast resources of Arizona, which has been considered 6 THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA by many people a desert. Novels have been written, and obtained quite extensive circulation, of "The Country that God Forgot," in which the scenes were located in Arizona. Truth must brush away such cobwebs. The author acknowledges his obligations to the Hon. Samuel Hughes, to Charles A. Shibell, Hon. William J. Osborn, Charles Connell and to Governor Brodie, for im portant documents, public or private, and to the citizens of Arizona generally, for their kindness and consideration. The book is put forth, — the reading public must be the judges. Well wishes and happiness to all. The Author. CONTENTS Introduction 9 PART I CHAPTER I The Acquisition of Arizona — The Gadsden Pur chase — Topography and Resources of Arizona — The Apache Indian 13 CHAPTER II Exploring Expeditions — Territorial Organization and Government — Governmental Surveys — Emigration 37 CHAPTER III The Oatman Tragedy — Early Means of Transpor tation — Establishment of Military Stations — Scientific Explorers — Crabb Massacre 52 CHAPTER IV Missions and Building of Churches — The Grand Canon of the Colorado — Montezuma's Well. . 75 List of Governors of Arizona and Length of Ser vice 85 PART II CHAPTER V Apache County 89 CHAPTER VI Coconino County 94 CHAPTER VII Cochise County 101 8 CONTENTS (Continued) CHAPTER VIII Gila County io5 CHAPTER IX Graham County IIJ CHAPTER X Maricopa County ll7 CHAPTER XI Mojave County i25 CHAPTER XII Navajo County 128 CHAPTER XIII Pinal County 130 CHAPTER XIV Pima County 138 CHAPTER XV Santa Cruz County 161 CHAPTER XVI Yavapai County 167 CHAPTER XVII Yuma County 178 CHAPTER XVIII Closing Remarks 190 List of Original Members of Arizona Pioneer His torical Society 195 List of Members of Arizona Pioneer Historical Society Who Came to the Territory After January i, 1870 199 INTRODUCTION In writing the " History of Arizona " the same ground has to be gone over that has been gone over before, and of its early history, Mr. H. H. Bancroft, in his exhaustive work, "Native Races of the Pacific Coast," has said about all that can be said; the form may be changed somewhat, but details must be the same. In describing the productive ness of the country, especially the mines, there could be no real guide; only from personal observation could that be found out. While there are desert wastes in Arizona that no industry can render productive, there is a vast amount of land, which, if water can be gotten upon it, can be made productive and serviceable for the uses of mankind. Arizona is a vast country, comprising nearly 114,000 square miles, and at least one-fourth of this vast area is fit for cultivation, so it is evident this Territory, can support a great population. The writer remembers when, in the East ern world, California was looked upon as mostly desert; it was thought there were a few spots where something might be done in the way of stock-raising, and the rest was given over to coyotes, wolves and bears. About 1852 there was a work published in Germany in the German language, in which the author could see no good in California, and he, evidently, had traveled over it. I do not know whether the work was ever published in English ; if it were it would prove a contradiction now, in face of the great strides Cali fornia has made, is making, and will continue to make in spite of carpers. The great majority of people is strongly inclined to be gregarious, and this, in connection with the prejudice in favor of the country in which they have been reared, keeps many from going into new countries. It is only the hardy 10 THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA and venturesome that go first ; then, when it is learned they have made a success, others will timidly follow. Had the Spaniards realized what a country California was to be, they would have left Spain in a body for the new El Dorado. Had the people cultivating the bleak and stony hills of New England realized what the Western States really were ca pable of, they would have left all to go to the great West ; but it was not to be. Only as necessity drives populations will the great mass seek new homes. The West, however, and the Pacific Slope, in particular, will eventually control the world's commerce. PART I f CHAPTER I The Acquisition of Arizona — The Gadsden Purchase — Topography and Resources of Arizona — The Apache Indian. That portion of the United States now known as Ari zona Territory was acquired from Mexico by two separate and distinct treaties. By that of Guadalupe Hidalgo at the close of the Mexican War, February 2, 1848, was acquired all territory north and west of a line that left the Rio Grande some eight miles above El Paso, runs west three degrees on a parallel, and thence north on about the 109° meridian to the first branch of the Gila River, thence down this branch and along the main river to its junction with the Colorado of the west, at the town of Yuma as it is now. The boundary commission which made this survey was in charge of Major John R. Bartlett on the part of the United States, and John C. Cremony was Spanish inter preter. At that time Cremony had not acquired the Apache language, in which he afterwards became so proficient that he wrote a glossary and grammar, which is believed to be buried in the archives of the Smithsonian Institution at Washington, and attributed to the erudition of General James H. Carleton, who commanded the military department of New Mexico and Arizona at that time, but who never understood a word of Apache language. Among- the first acts of President Franklin Pierce, after his inauguration in 1853, was the sending to Mexico, as minister plenipotentiary, Hon. James Gadsden. The object of his mission was to obtain from Mexico a concession for a feasible route for a railroad to the Pacific Ocean, as the more northern routes, which have since been utilized, were 14 THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA not deemed practicable, or at least only by men like the Hon. Thomas H. Benton, of Missouri, and a few others. On December 30, 1853, the treaty was ratified by the United States Senate by which, for the sum of $10,000,000, Mexico relinquished all claim and jurisdiction over that portion of territory, the southern line of which was as follows, viz.: Commencing at a point in the center of the Rio Grande, north latitude 31" 7,/, thence west one hundred miles; thence south to north latitude 31° 20'; thence west to in0 meridian west from Greenwich ; thence to a point in the center of the Colorado River, twenty miles below the mouth of the Gila River; thence up the Colorado to southeast corner of the State of California. The Gadsden Purchase embraced that portion of New Mexico west of the Rio Grande and all of Arizona, situated south of the Gila River. The iii° meridian of longitude is about twelve miles west of the present town of Nogales, the county seat of Santa Cruz County. The American portion of this boundary commission was in charge of Major Emory, afterwards a major-general of the United States army. The late Hon. Peter R. Brady, our brother pioneer, was with the expedition as Spanish interpreter, but left it when it reached the angle point at 111° meridian of west longitude— the rest of the line was not run by compass and chain for a year, or so, and when it was surveyed it was from the Colorado River principally, as the party from the angle monument did not get over seventy-five or eighty miles before meeting the party from the west, and, as the first lines did not meet, it was neces sary to go over the whole work to find the error, which was finally found and rectified, and the boundary line stands today as it was finally left, as the re-survey of a few years ago did not alter it. There was a draft of three treaties brought back from Mexico by General Gadsden from which the President and THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA 15 Senate of the United States could choose. The most south ern was to start from a point in the center of the Rio Grande and run west on the parallel of latitude 360 north to the Gulf of California, and thence take in the whole of Lower California for which the United States were to pay $25,000,000. This would have embraced about one-third of the Mexican states of Chihuahua and Sonora and all of the peninsula of Lower California. The second proposition was to start as now from the center of the Rio Grande some eight miles above El Paso, north latitude 31° 37'; thence west one hundred miles ; thence south to north latitude 31" ; thence west to the Gulf of California, and this, also, was to include Lower California, for which the United States were to pay Mexico the sum of $15,000,000. Third and last was the Skeleton Treaty, which embraced the country within the boundaries as already described and known as the Gadsden Purchase. The treaty for the most northern portion of Mexico and for the smallest monetary consideration, after much wrang ling and friction in the Senate at Washington, was finally agreed upon. When the necessity of a port upon the Gulf of California was urged by some of the Senators of broader views upon national questions, it was answered that a port at Yuma on the Colorado River, where a camp of soldiers had just been established, hardly permanent yet, would answer all purposes. The real fact even at that early day was that the subject of slavery was looming into view — a subject that a few years later swallowed up all other politi cal questions. This will account for the sensitiveness of northern and eastern senators as to the extension of terri tory to the south being then considered, that all southern territory would be slave territory. As it has since turned out that all which was then slave territory in the United States has become free territory, it may be questioned whether those men who so strongly opposed the extension of our possessions to the south, were not blinded to the real 16 THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA public interest by their prejudice against an institution in its very nature evanescent and fleeting. The admission of Texas into the Federal Union as a State was opposed by quite a strong party, principally in the northern and northeastern States, for no other real rea son than the fear that it would strengthen the slave power. All men are not philosophers, had they been so the great strife over this institution, which in its nature was doomed to extermination through natural causes, would never have taken place. In some parts of the country this oppo sition to the admission of Texas was the issue that divided the political parties in 1844 and made it possible to elect James K. Polk of Tennessee over the unrivalled orator and statesman of Kentucky, Henry Clay. The elec tion of i860 was deemed by the secession leaders the aus picious moment to plunge the country into a fratricidal war under the pretext that the institution of slavery was in danger, and the extreme Southern States commenced arming and taking forcible possession of Federal forts, arsenals, mints, etc. The Federal government urged on, perhaps, by the impetuosity of some of the States called out troops to suppress rebellion or rather to enforce its author ity, until finally both sides had powerful armies in the field, and it was left to gigantic veteran armies under most efficient captains to decide the question. It was decided after over four years' of struggle that the general govern ment was supreme. Slavery was forcibly eliminated but left roots of bitterness, from which have sprung up crops of hatred even to the present day. Arizona embraces that portion of the earth's surface in cluded within a line from east to west between meridian of 109° on the east, to about 114° on the west, and from the parallel of 31" 20' north to 37° north. The actual square miles of territory in Arizona are 113,916, or nearly three times the size of the State of New York. At the time of the acquisition of that portion of Arizona known as the THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA 17 "Gadsden Purchase," there were but few Americans settled within its boundaries; some few' came in soon after and settled about Tubac and Tucson and at the mines then working or about to start up : as the Mowry and Cerro Colo rado. There being no organized territorial government, Arizona was, by act of Congress, attached to New Mexico, or rather, perhaps, to Donna Ana County of New Mexico, for governing purposes — so any violators of law had to be taken to Mesilla, New Mexico, for trial. The result, prac tically, was that for some years in Arizona every man was a law unto himself, and men went about their daily avoca tions armed to the teeth and doing what seemed good in their eyes. There were soon a few hardy spirits, who could hardly be called settlers, encamped along the Colorado River upon the western boundary, mostly within the limits of what is now Mojave County. Arizona has been greatly misunderstood by people out side its borders and misrepresented as well ; and it is largely held even at this present writing, to be a vast, sand plain, with here and there an oasis in it and these, only, at long intervals. This false opinion has been largely catered to by a class of writers, who have, perhaps, been here, wish ing to make themselves appear as heroes and martyrs, and who indulge in fairy tales of their own exploits and deeds of daring, as well as sufferings and privations endured upon those sun-scorched, sirocco swept, desolate plains of what, in reality, is beautiful Arizona. Much was said in the halls of Congress and outside about the arid wastes of the new purchase; especially by those of opposite politics, to the party in power at the time of the acquisition. It is a curious freak of human nature that is unable to see anything good in whatever opponents may advocate and carry out, throwing every obstruction in the way to prevent an honest execution of wholesome acts. Such has ever been the case in this republic from its inception down to the present hour. 18 THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA During the administration of George Washington the obstructionists and fault-finders were clamorous, denounc ing him as an imperialist seeking to found an empire on the nation's ruins, yet these spot-finders have passed from the memory of men, while the name of Washington and his acts of unselfish statesmanship shine brighter and brighter as the ages recede from his day; an example of a perfect character for the world to wonder at. Some of those who have written what they denominated a "History of Arizona," have displayed as much ignorance of the topography of the country as the romantic tale writ ers. Samuel W. Cozzens, for instance, in "The Marvelous Country," gets to Tucson from Mesilla, on the Rio Grande, in New Mexico, and comes over the one direct wagon route and does not discover the San Pedro River or the Cienega de los Pimas, thirty miles southeasterly from Tucson. The inference would seem to be that he was at Mesilla on the Rio Grande now in Donna Ana County, New Mexico, but there was an attempt made in or about i860 to organize a territory out of what is now Arizona, up to latitude 33° 45' north, and run east to the western line of Texas, and a full set of officers were appointed, mostly self-ap pointed. (Cozzens was one of the "Supreme Court" judges of this "Provisional Government.") A map was gotten out in i860 under the supervision of Sylvester Mowry, showing this new "State" as has been indicated, but that was as far as the scheme proceeded. Cozzens seems to have been quite intimate with matters upon the Rio Grande, but probably took much of his description of what is Arizona now from the writings of others; therefore, when he at tempts to describe scenery at different points en route, he shows an utter lack of knowledge of the real conditions, and what mountain peaks are or are not visible; as an instance he tells us that Dos Cabezas was visible in the west and Cook's Peak to the eastward, neither of which are visi ble from the point indicated, viz. : in Doubtful Canon. From THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA 19 the top of Stein's Peak, the points mentioned could be seen, but he does not state that he ascended that precipitous peak, and doubtless did not as it would take a day of hard labor, besides being considered dangerous. That portion of New Mexico upon the map referred to, of the contemplated "State" lying east of the Rio Grande, and between it and the west line of Texas, was designated as the county of Donna Ana, and from the Rio Grande west to a line passing north and south at about the western side of the Chiricahua Range of mountains, at the western mouth of Apache Pass, through the said range of moun tains, was called the county of Mesilla, and from that point west to the 112° 30' meridian of west longitude was called Ewell County, in honor of Major Ewell at that time United States army commander of the troops then in Arizona, after wards Major-General Ewell of the Southern Confederacy. From the 1120 32' meridian of west longitude to the west ern boundary was called Castle Dome County, from the most prominent mountain peak to be seen north of Yuma, some thirty miles, and is principally embraced in what is now the county of Yuma. This map is certified to by Syl vester Mowry, who signs it as "Delegate to Congress from Arizona," though he was never allowed to take the seat of a delegate as the territory was not organized. .The advance of the California troops, known as the "Cali fornia Column," reached Tucson on May 20, 1862. The small body of Confederates, under a Captain Hunter, who had occupied Tucson about four months, left upon the ap proach of the California troops, as they were not in suffi cient force to make a successful resistance, withdrawing to the main body of their army under Sibley at Mesilla, New Mexico. On June 8, 1862, Colonel James H. Carleton, commanding these volunteer troops from California, by gen eral orders placed the whole Territory under martial law until such time as a civil government should be organized under the jurisdiction of the United States. For the few 20 THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA people then in Arizona, perhaps, a military government was the best attainable, as under its direct methods every man knew his duty and the consequences of a violation of that duty, and governed himself accordingly. On February 20, 1863, the United States Congress passed an act organizing the Territory of Arizona and ap pointing civil officers. The first governor appointed was Hon. John Gurly, but as he died in New York City before the officials got ready to leave for their post of duty, Hon. John N. Goodwin received the appointment to fill the va cancy; Richard C. McCormick, secretary; William F. Turner, chief justice; William F. Howell and Joseph A. Allyn, associate justices; Almon Gage, district attorney; Levi Bashford, surveyor-general; Milton B. Duffield, marshal and Charles D. Poston, Indian agent, or rather superintendent of Indian affairs. The Territorial .govern ment was formally organized on December 29, 1863, at Navajo Springs, forty miles northwest of the famous Zuni pueblo. Richard C. McCormick, secretary, upon the rais ing of the flag announcing the sovereignty of the United States, made an appropriate speech. The party remained but a short time at the springs, moving on westward, and early in 1864, they reached the site of the city of Prescott, where a permanent halt was made, as this town was des tined for some years to be the seat of government for the Territory. If, to get the capital in the geographical center of the Territory were the object, it could not have been bettered. Shortly after the capital was located at Prescott, the publication of the Arizona Miner was commenced by Secretary R. C. McCormick, and has been published ever since, now as the Journal Miner. The capital was removed from Prescott in 1868 to Tucson and was moved back in 1877, but did not long remain as it was transferred to Phoenix where it is at this pfesent time, and where it will probably remain in permanence, as a fine capitol has been erected there, and the railroad facilities make it easy of access to all. THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA 21 Arizona is entirely upon the Pacific slope of the conti nent and the drainage of the whole Territory is into the Gulf of California. Arizona in its physical aspect consists of a series of table-lands that rise up from a few hundred feet on the southwest, to some six to eight thousand feet above sea level on the north and east, and mountain ranges run from three thousand up to eight and nine thousand feet and a few isolated peaks to a much higher elevation. The valley land along the streams is very productive when cultivated, and with water gotten out upon the plateaux or table-lands much of that can be rendered as remunera tive for certain products as the valley lands. Rains cannot be depended upon to afford a sufficient moisture to make certain or reasonably so, a remunerative harvest. What Arizona requires and must have before she can become a great producer of the necessities of life is a thorough and extensive system of irrigation. There is enough water go ing to waste each year to answer the end desired could the surplus be saved during the flood season, in large reservoirs, and in the dry season let out as needed, to moisten and vivify the vast plains, which need only water to make them "blossom as the rose." Artesian water has been brought to the surface in several localities, which will greatly assist in fertilizing the soil when obtained and no good reason can be given why it should not be obtained at many more points than it has been up to this time. The mountains are filled with minerals: gold, silver, lead, copper, iron and many more. Some of the great producing mines of the world are in Arizona, and her vast mineral resources have but been glanced at. There are in Arizona, also, vast forests of the finest timber, mostly north of the Gila River, al though considerable lies south of that stream in the large mountain ranges in the southeastern portion. We have also a petrified forest of great extent, — the largest known tipon the globe. 22 THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA In the year 1857 a line of stages was put on to run from San Antonio, Texas, to San Diego, California, via El Paso, Texas, Mesilla, New Mexico, Tucson and Pima villages, Arizona and Fort Yuma, California (then there was no settlement on the Arizona or eastern bank of the Colorado River opposite the fort newly constructed.) This mail line ran twice a month each way, with a subsidy from the United States of $125,000 yearly. Some of the employees of this pioneer stage line across the continent are still liv ing, among whom may be mentioned John G. Capron, of San Diego, California, and a Mr. St. John, who visits Tuc son occasionally. This line brought the first regular mail into Arizona and was finally taken off or merged into the Overland Mail Company, which began operations in 1858, starting from St. Louis, Missouri, with a branch line from Memphis, Tennessee, to Fort Smith on the Arkansas River at the western boundary of the State of Arkansas. The line ran twice a week each way, starting simultaneously from St. Louis and Memphis, and connecting at Fort Smith, through San Antonio and El Paso, Texas ; Mesilla, New Mexico; Tucson, Pima Villages, Yuma and crossing the great desert via Alamo Mucho, Indian Wells, Sackett's Well, Carizo Creek, Warner's Ranch, Oak Grove to Los Angeles and up the Coast via Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, Salinas and San Jose to San Francisco, carrying the United States mail, with a subsidy to start upon of $600,000 a year, which was increased to $1,200,000. The schedule time allowed from St. Louis was twenty-four days, but it was generally ended on the twenty-second day, so it kept the steamers via both Panama and Nicaragua busy competing. Of course while it ran the Tehuantepec route from New Orleans via the Coatzacolcas River and Tehuan tepec Isthmus could get mails through from New Orleans to San Francisco in twelve days, but this company was too weak to continue and failed early in 1859. THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA 23 The Overland Mail line did Arizona much good, open ing a safe, and, for that day, a speedy line of communica tion with the commercial centers east and west. This line continued to make its semi-weekly trips with regularity until the breaking out of the Civil War in 1861, when the property of the company was forcibly taken possession of by some of the States through which the line ran, notably, the State of Texas ; such property of the company as could be controlled was moved to the more northern route via Salt Lake, and Arizona was left without mail or any public facilities for communicating with the outside world for several years. The first public mail that reached Tucson after the Civil War came from California on horseback, arriving September 1, 1865, and the first through mail from the Eastern States, Barlow Sanderson and Company, arrived in Tucson, August 25, 1866. The great impediment to Arizona's progress has been the Apache Indian, who has always been at war even when at peace, paradoxical as it sounds. These Indians have always shown themselves the determined foe of all civiliza tion, and have never, so far as is known, had other means of living than by plunder, — a band of the human race who have ever plumed themselves upon the- amount they could steal and rob from others, yet who perfectly comprehended the law of right and wrong when applied to themselves ; for no one could proclaim his wrongs more vociferously than an Apache Indian were the least thing taken from him. The Apache Indian, as a whole, is one of the worst characters that has ever been brought forth upon this earth, unless it may be said that all races have passed through the same phases in their advance from the lowest stage of bar barism up to civilization. It could not be said that the Apache Indians inhabited any country. They roamed over the country and by their ruthless, exterminating wars pre vented more peacefully inclined tribes, even of their own race, from settling down to cultivate the soil. Cruel, 24 THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA rapacious, indolent, with no redeeming quality, except pa tience to lie in wait and attack weaker parties when least expected, and at most advantageous points, these Indians were for centuries a terror and a scourge to all northern Mexico, Arizona, New Mexico and even extended their raids into Texas. These freebooting Indians had succeeded by the time of the close of the Mexican War, in 1848, in driving from what is now Arizona, every vestige of civilization, and were fast depopulating the Mexican State of Sonora and much of New Mexico. After the Gadsden Purchase in 1853, and between that time and i860, some Americans came into Arizona and two military posts were established by the United States Government, which afforded as much protection to the settlers as the paucity of numbers per mitted. These posts were Buchanan upon the Sonoite, near which the post of Crittenden was established soon after the close of the Civil War, and in 1859, a Post was estab lished upon the lower San Pedro River and just below where the Aravaipa stream enters that stream from the east, called Breckenridge, in honor of the Vice-President as the former post was named in honor of President Bu chanan. The great Overland Mail Company's stages were put on in 1858, fully opening up communication with the outside world. Some mines were opened and worked to a limited extent, notably the Mowry, Cerro Colorado, Ajo and a few others, all in southeastern Arizona; the great mining region about where Prescott now is and the west ern portion of the Territory were unknown. This same year of 1858 Superintendent James H. Leech and Lieu tenant Hutton with a strong party opened up what has been since known as the "Leech" wagon route, coming west from the Rio Grande in New Mexico; leaving it at La Mesilla and following the old trail of the '49ers to a point west of what is known as Cook's Pass, thence west, in stead of deflecting to the southwest, through Guadalupe THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA 25 Canon on the boundary line of Mexico, crossing the Rio Miembres, thence via Ojo de Vaca (Cow Springs), and Leidendorf Wells and Picacho de Gabilan (Hawk Peak), now called Granite Peak, to Cienega de Sanz, Willow Cienega, in the valley of the San Simon, then down this valley to a point where it is now or about that "San Simon" Station on the Southern Pacific Railroad, thence across the valley about west to what was then and is yet known as Railroad Pass at the northwesterly end of the Chiricahua Mountains and through the pass some seven miles, thence southwesterly to Croton Springs, across the valley of Sul phur Springs, thence about west some forty miles to San Pedro, touching that river at a point some nine miles below Tres Alamos, or some eighteen miles below the present town of Benson upon the Southern Pacific Railroad, thence down the San Pedro River about forty-five miles to a point where afterwards was located Fort Breckenridge, thence westerly through a long, sandy canon and over hard, rocky mesas, sandy plains and arroyos to the Gila River, a dis tance of about fifty miles, striking that stream some ten miles below where the town of Florence now is, following on down that river and coming into the main traveled road just above where now is the Sacaton Indian Agency. From this point the expedition followed the traveled road via Pima Villages, Gila Bend, Oatman Flat and Yuma, where it crossed the Colorado River, Pilot Knob, Alamo Mucho, Indian Wells, Sackett's Wells, Carizo Creek, Warner's Ranch and Oak Grove to Los Angeles, California, where the expedition was broken up, as the object for which it was brought together had been accomplished. In 1 861 the Civil War broke out, caused by the attempted secession of some of the Southern States from the Federal compact, which led to the withdrawal of all the United States troops from Arizona and nearly all from New Mexico, so that the dreaded Apache Indians were again in the ascendancy, a position which they were not slow to 26 THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA take advantage of to the fullest extent, deeming in their egotism and ignorance that the troops were withdrawn out of fear of Indian prowess. Near the close of the year i860 and before the troops were withdrawn from Fort Buchanan, an event happened which greatly aggravated the atrocities of the Indian war which swept over the Territory of Ari zona until 1872. The events leading up to this war, have not been published as far as the author is aware, in any work giving a history of those times, and were about as follows : There lived upon the Sonoite, some distance below the Post of Buchanan, at that time, an Irishman, known as Johnny Ward, who had a Mexican woman as housekeeper. This woman had a son, at that time a small boy, whose paternal ancestor was an Apache Indian, as the mother had been a captive among them and the boy was a result of this captivity. In the absence of Mr. Ward the mountain Apaches, as it was afterwards ascertained, visited the ranch and packed off everything of value to them, including the boy. The mother they did not take along or kill, they had not then got to killing unarmed people as they did a little later, and, perhaps, she was looked upon as too old to be worth taking off, at any rate she was not taken. When Ward returned to his ranch and found the Apaches had visited the place and taken the boy, he at once proceeded to Fort Buchanan some twelve miles distant, and reported what had been done and asked that steps be at once taken to recover the woman's boy. The commanding officer of the fort sent out a new lieutenant named Bascom, accompanied by twelve men under Reuben F. Bernard, then sergeant, who after wards became a captain in the First Cavalry, and was retired a few years since as lieutenant-colonel of the Ninth Cavalry, with orders to proceed to Apache Pass in the Chiricahua Range of mountains, that being an overland stage station, where he would likely find Indians THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA 27 who could give some information regarding the lost boy and what band of Indians had committed the depredation. The lieutenant, who was not long out from West Point, upon arriving at the station with his party found there Chief Cochise and another Indian. Cochise professed entire ignorance of the depredation or what band of Apaches had committed it, but said he would find out and see that the boy was returned. This explanation and promise did not satisfy Lieutenant Bascom and he at once made prisoners of the two Indians and he, with his com mand, proceeded about two miles from the station to near the mouth of the Apache Pass canon on the northern or San Simon side, and there pitched camp giving his two captives a Sibley tent to themselves, stationing a guard in front and rear of the tent but with unloaded muskets. Cochise, not relishing the confinement, and not having com mitted any hostile act was looking for an avenue of escape, and as he had been left his sheath knife, which every In dian carries in his belt, he slashed a long cut in the tent and darted through, followed by his fellow-prisoner. The guard in the rear of the tent struck Cochise with his gun and knocked him down, but Cochise, having the agility of a cat, arose and upon his hands and feet slid off like a flash into the bushes and among the rocks, and in a moment was gone beyond hope of pursuit; the other Indian was se cured. Lieutenant Bascom with his command and remain ing prisoner returned to the station in the Apache Pass where he found there more Indians and took them into custody also. The next day the stationkeeper named Wal lace, who spoke the Apache language fluently and had always been on friendly terms with those Indians, thought by his influence he could arrange matters and make peace and in this confidence ventured too near or too far among the hills surrounding the station and the Indians made him a prisoner but did not put him to death at that time. In the course of the day two more Indians came in who had 28 THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA been on a stealing expedition into Sonora and they, also, were made prisoners by Lieutenant Bascom. About 4 p. m., of the same day, Cochise, in full war paint and mounted, appeared upon the hill within gunshot of the station and with an imperial haughtiness demanded that the Indian pris oners be set at liberty, and stated that those he held would be liberated and sent in as he had captured three Ameri cans, besides Wallace. This was done through Wallace, who acted as interpreter, and who begged that it be ac cepted as he stated they would be all killed were it re jected. Lieutenant Bascom would not accede to the propo sition and the Indians disappeared from the vicinity of the station, at least their hailing cries were no longer heard. During the night another Indian, who turned out to be a half brother of Cochise, came in from Sonora, and he was made prisoner by the orders of Lieutenant Bascom, who now had seven prisoners. The next morning no Indian signals ; no Indians were to be seen. The command of Lieu tenant Bascom, with the seven prisoners, started to return to Fort Buchanan. Upon reaching the mouth of the Apache Pass, some three miles west from the station, where it opens out into Sulphur Spring Valley, on the side of the road were the bodies of four Americans, and that of Wal lace was one of them, showing how clearly he had under stood matters the night before. Lieutenant Bascom halted his command; about one hundred yards north of the road, an oak tree, which is yet standing, was selected, trimmed up to suit the purpose, and without ceremony the seven Indian prisoners were hanged and the command proceeded on to Fort Buchanan. It is but justice here to state that Sergeant Reuben F. Bernard refused to have anything to do in the proceedings and was placed in arrest by the lieu tenant, but released by the commanding officer at Fort Bu chanan upon investigation. This was the commencement of one of the most lengthy and cruel Indian wars that have THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA 29 ever broken out in this country, and it could have been en tirely obviated had an officer of judgment and discretion been in command. The captive boy was never recovered, but was adopted into the White Mountain Apache Indian Tribe, and became in after years known as "Mickie Free," the worst Indian of a bad lot. From this failure of Lieu tenant Bascom to retain Cochise, the war was carried on in Apache style and with relentless vigor. Small parties trav eling through the country were ambushed and ruthlessly murdered; lone ranches were attacked and all killed ex cept young women and children, who were reserved for a fate, in comparison to which death would be a kindness. Outlying settlements were broken up and terror ruled the country. Arizona was reduced, the greater part of it, to its original wild state; only a few inhabitants remaining at Tucson, Tubac and some of the mines. A few hardy ranch men like Peter Kitchen, King S. Wolsey, Max Grinell and one or two more, made fortifications of their residences and braved it out, attacked every few days and, perhaps, en joyed the fierce excitement of battles. Surely the Indians were causing every trace of civilization to disappear from Arizona and northern Sonora. In 1862 the California Volunteers, known as the Cali fornia Column, came in but their business was to drive out the Confederates who had come into New Mexico in force, and, through weakness, or worse, of the Federal commander at Fort Fillmore on the Rio Grande, some eight miles from Mesilla, occupied all southern New Mexico except Fort Craig. One troop of cavalry under a Captain Hunter got as far west as Tucson in February, 1862, and only with drew as the column was approaching in force falling back upon their main body at Mesilla, New Mexico. The in structions given the troops of the column were, not to fire upon Indians unless fired upon by them : a forbearance of 30 THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA which the Apache Indians were not slow to take advan tage; however, the Confederates soon abandoned the Ter ritory of New Mexico, and from that time until the vol unteer troops from California were discharged or taken from the Territory to be discharged, good service was done against the Indians, now more formidable than ever, as, early in 1863, Mangus Colorado, (Red Arm), an able chief of the Hot Springs or Miembres Indians, was killed at or near old Fort McLain in New Mexico, in a manner that might be considered most treacherous — he was invited in under the pretext of making a treaty and deliberately killed while under the protection of a military guard and by them. Upon the death of Mangus Colorado, Cochise, being a near relative, succeeded to the absolute command of all these fierce tribes, who considered they had personal grievances against the white race to avenge, and for the succeeding nine years exercised over Arizona and New Mexico in the United States, Chihuahua and Sonora, in Mexico, such a reign of terror as rendered it unsafe any where outside of a military garrison or in the larger towns; all trains with stores and supplies traveled with military escorts ; also stages with the United States mail and even they were frequently attacked, men killed and animals ran off. After the California Volunteers were withdrawn from the Territory and their places supplied by regulars in 1866, and for some years, the commanders, though personally brave men in regular warfare did not seem to understand how to organize expeditions against an enemy always hiding and who never made an attack except from ambush. Subordinate officers made dashing expeditions and in a few instances succeeded in punishing the Indians, as wit ness some expeditions of Captain Reuben F. Bernard, Cap tain Gerald Russell, Lieutenant Winters, Lieutenant Cush- ing, Captain Smith, Captain Tidball, Major Sanford and some others, but until General George Crook, in 1871, THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA 31 came to the command no thoroughly organized expedition against the Apache Indians was carried out. To show the indifference of some of the officers of the army, who have commanded here, to the sufferings of the people at the hands of these human fiends, General George Stoneman was heard by the author to declare that the news of any Indian outrage should be suppressed and that it was not the business of the army to pursue depredating Indians, but that such pursuit should be left to the civil authorities. With officers in high command, holding such views, what wonder that the army was inefficient or the people restless and dissatisfied. After great suffering and much loss, both of life and property, and many fruitless endeavors to enlist the general government in their behalf, the citizens were driven to desperation and in 1871 an event took place that compelled the general government to take notice of these outrages and to take these Indians under her immediate control, viz., what has since been known as the Camp Grant Massacre, April 30, 1 87 1. The circumstances that immediately led up to the on slaught upon these Indians may be worthy of a place in these records and they will be related as succinctly as pos sible. About the month of February, 1871, the band of Apache Indians known as Aravaipa or Pinal Apaches be ing short of rations came into what is now known as old Camp Grant, situated upon the lower San Pedro upon the eastern bank about fifteen miles above its point of junction with the Gila River, then occupied as a military station, and made a sort of verbal treaty whereby they were to be sup plied with rations and were to live in the vicinity of the camp. It was expected by the people, generally, that In dian depredations around Tucson and San Pedro would now cease, but on the contrary, the Indians were more ac tive than ever and the trail of the depredators led to the Indian camp in the vicinity of old Camp Grant whenever 32 THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA followed. When these facts became known a number of public meetings were held in Tucson, resolutions were passed; petitions were sent to military headquarters, then at Los Angeles, California, setting forth facts in the case, but all resulted in no action being taken by those in au thority to stop the outrages. Parties were attacked, robbed and killed upon the traveled roads, and ranchmen were driven from their ranches into the towns in all directions ; stock was driven off from near Tres Alamos, upon the San Pedro River, and four men killed; a man named Wooster and his wife, from the upper Santa Cruz, near Tubac, were killed and the trails led direct to the Indian rancheria near old Camp Grant in the canon of the Aravaipa. To settle the matter past all dispute a party of three Papago Indians were hired to follow each trail of depredators and find where they led, without its having been explained to them why this was wished to be ascertained. Three dif ferent trails of depredators were followed and three re ports made and all agreed that the trails led to the Aravaipa Canon, where this Indian encampment was, drawing ra tions from the United States and using it as a base of sup plies to depredate upon the peaceful citizens of the sur rounding country. It was claimed and the question was ably argued to be the duty of the United States to protect the citizens pursuing their lawful avocations to make a liv ing, but the Government though repeatedly solicited, seemed to turn a deaf ear and some of her arrogant and selfish officers even went so far as to say if the citizens could not protect themselves here they best go where they could do so. So this expedition to exterminate, as nearly as possible, this nest of vipers whom the United States Government was unwittingly nourishing was in silence organized, the thinking ones well understanding that if it was made at all, it really should be upon those who had them in charge and guarded THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA 33 them so loosely. The expedition consisted of some fifty Pa- pago Indians under their head war chief, forty-five Mexi cans and five Americans ; and was entirely successful com ing upon their camp just at break of day, Sunday, April 30, 1 87 1, an entire surprise, slight, if any resistance, was made. Some eighty-seven Indians were killed and not a man of the expedition even wounded. If any doubts had existed in the minds of any persons as to the fact of these Indians having been committing the recent depredations, as charged, upon the inhabitants while living under the protection of the United States military authorities at Camp Grant, it was now set at rest as among the plunder of their camp was found the dress of murdered Mrs. Wooster and a pair of long legged moccasins with Mr. Wooster's initials upon them, and identified by sworn testi mony, also, seven horses recently taken from the vicinity of Tucson and among the rest, one that was identified as belonging to Don Leopoldo Carillo, so recently taken that he had not missed it. This killing of Indians made a great commotion in the Eastern States and General W. T. Sher man, then commanding the army, recommended that all the parties engaged in the affair be taken from the Territory and tried for their lives. Of course General Sherman knew nothing of the depredations these Indians had been continually making upon the settlers, all this had been sed ulously kept from him, and he had nothing to guide him but the one-sided lying reports of Lieutenant Whitman, who had these Indians directly in charge. All the partici pants in the Camp Grant affair were finally arrested and tried in our Territorial Court, Judge Titus, presiding, and acquitted as no jury at that time in Arizona would convict parties for killing Indians known to be hostile. This kill ing of Indians at Camp Grant, whether strictly in accord ance with law or not, led to the sending of General George Crook here to command and he arrived in the Territory in the month of June, 1871. 34 THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA One Vincent Collier, an agent of the ultraphilanthro- pists of the East was sent out soon after to try the sooth ing method upon the hostile Indians, but all the visible ef fects his negotiations seemed to have was to delay the movements of General Crook, who finally, with troops and scouts, had to settle the question by punishing the Indians until they humbly begged to be allowed to come in upon reservations. In this way, step by step, a few at a time, as they became tired of being hunted from one watering place to another, and after many failures and outbreaks, the Indians were gathered upon reserves but the well meaning but mis guided philanthropists have always to be counted upon as a counteracting influence that is on the Indian's side throughout all our Indian troubles. In 1872 General O. O. Howard was sent out from Washington and made peace with Cochise, but this only embraced the original Chiri cahua Apaches, and two or three small bands of others who were inclined to embrace the opportunity of living upon a reservation and being fed at the expense of the United States. The reserve upon which these Indians were placed was known as the "Chiricahua Reservation," and embraced the larger share of what is now Cochise County. The terms of the treaty between General Howard and Cochise were peculiar in this respect, that while Cochise and the Indians over whom he exercised jurisdiction were bound by its terms to keep the peace and commit no dep redations in the United States, nothing was said in re gard to Mexico, and from this reservation, parties were continually going into the neighboring Mexican States of Sonora and Chihuahua and even farther into Mexico and committing all kinds of depredations of which the Mexi can Government justly complained. Permission was given our Government for its troops to pursue hostile bands of Indians into Mexican territory, and for a short time such a privilege was likewise accorded to Mexico, but the writer THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA 35 can find only one instance where it was taken advantage of and the privilege on the part of the United States was soon withdrawn as it was on the part of Mexico. How ever, in 1876, a portion of the Indians upon the Chiricahua Reservation broke out and committed several murders, starting in with the killing of Rodgers and Spence at Sul phur Springs, and this disturbance led to the breaking up of the Chiricahua Reservation, and the removal to San Carlos of all the Indians that could be induced to leave. Those who would or did not go, took to the mountains under Jeronimo and Hoo and for several years by their lawless acts of atrocity terrorized over southeastern Ari zona, southwestern New Mexico and northern Mexico. Arizona was settled through many privations and much slaughter. The advancing tide of civilization has borne in its front a windrow of human bones. A large part of the most venturous and hardy of the advance guard of pio neers were sacrificed to the ruthless spirit of the savage by the tender hearted and self-styled philanthropists of the older communities of the United States, who could sympa thize with the savage, but had no feeling for the suffer ings of their own race. There seems to have been, from the time of the first settlements along the shores of the Atlantic up to the last upon the coasts of the Pacific, a great sympathy for the "poor Indian" among those who did not come in personal contact with him. The savage man has ever been misjudged by civilized races until they have come in personal contact with him, then as a general thing the civilized or partially civilized man goes as far the other way and judges the savage man not to be capable of improvement, but wholly corrupt. The fact seems to be that all savages are but children in intellect, but not in innocence. It has been found necessary to use force to bring sav age nature into the ways of civilization and many times this force has been used in all the brutality characteristic 36 THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA of savage warfare. Had the United States announced the declared policy of extermination to the Indian race, and carried it out, they could not have more directly reached the end in view, than by the vacillating, halting policy that has been pursued, in its results cruel to both races. Troubles with the Apache Indian for a long time kept the bulk of immigration from Arizona ; turning it aside to other and more peaceful fields, and although organized as a Territory many years, yet in population she seems to lag behind later Territorial organizations. CHAPTER II Exploring Expeditions. — Territorial Organization and Government. — Governmental Surveys. — Emigration. The name Arizona is of doubtful origin and has been given by different writers to mean various things, more or less fanciful. One has it "silver bearing," and becomes poetical over it, another has it to mean a "dry zone," etc. The probability seems to be that it is a whole sentence in the Papago language and really means, to give it a liberal interpretation, "a place where the innocent children were tormented and slaughtered," from "ari," children, "zona," where scourged and slaughtered. In 1695, or about that time, in the vicinity of Tubutama, now Sonora, a Lieutenant Solis of the Spanish army committed and ordered committed some great atrocities, punishing the innocent for acts of the guilty; among the acts putting to death at one time fifty who had come in as peaceful. After this, as great numbers of children had been butchered, the Indians, especially the squaws, upon coming into that vicinity kept repeating, "Ari-zona, Ari-zona" (this is the slaughter ground), until it was designated and known by that name, and it gradually spread and has named this Territory, and wrongfully per petuates the infamous acts of a subaltern of the Spanish army of occupation. The first European that set foot within what is now Arizona is believed to have been an Arabian negro slave, known as Estevancio, a man of gigantic stature and her culean personal strength, who, with his master, belonged to the Coronado expedition of 1540 in search of the seven cities of Cibola. Estevancio was continually roaming 37 38 THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA ahead of the command and crossed over the Colorado River, above where Yuma now is, and thus became the first human, except Indians in Arizona. On the return of this exploring army of Coronado one of his captains discovered the Grand Canon of the Colorado that prob ably was not looked into again for another century. The name of this lieutenant of Coronado was Cardenas, and he was styled "Maestro de Campo," in the place of one Samaniego, whom he succeeded. Estevancio, the slave, the first of the expedition to set foot upon Arizona soil, never returned, but was killed by the Moqui Indians as a witch, he being far in advance of the expedition. The claim was that he bewitched and killed their women. The probability is that this brave, bold man lost his life through jealousy of the Indians of his mental and physical quali fications. Many of the exploring expeditions of these early days seem to have been led by Catholic priests, in their zeal anxious for the spreading of Christianity, but the lasting effect was to make known to the nations of savages the emblem of the cross. Some of these expeditions to the north were to discover a fancied strait through the con tinent, connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, even some old maps of the sixteenth century show this strait, and the first explorers of Hudson Bay thought they had struck upon it. The continent of North America had to be explored on both oceans before this idea of a short pas sage to India through it was abandoned, and then attempts were made for two centuries, and many valuable lives lost, in attempting to get around the north end of the North American continent by what has been known as the "north west passage." A route has finally been found, but it is not practicable, as it is generally blocked up with ice. In 1520 Magellan was the first to circumnavigate the globe, or rather the first who had the daring and hardihood to attempt it. His proposition was to sail west continually THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA 39 from the starting point (Cadiz, in Spain), and eventually come round to the same point. The voyage was accom- ' plished by the good ship San Vittoria, though Magellan did not live to return. He was killed by the savages on the Ladrone Islands in the vast Pacific. He discovered the straits near the south end of South America, and named them "San Vittoria" after his staunch ship, but a grateful posterity has insisted on calling those straits by the name of their discoverer, so, till the end of time his name will be handed down, by the straits that bear his name. It was left for a man named McClure to finally dem onstrate, in 1852, that there was a northwest passage through a narrow waterway among islands north of the main land of the continent of North America, but it was too much among the snow and ice of that high latitude to be of any value. The Spaniards of the sixteenth, seventeenth and eigh teenth centuries appear to have been the most adventurous and enterprising of any of the nations of Europe, though they colonized their vast possessions, obtained by conquest during these centuries, but slowly, and it would seem but little attempt was made to colonize. Could the inhabitants, not only of Spain but of all Europe, have been made to comprehend the great possibilities for the downtrodden and oppressed peoples to better their condition in life in the Americas, they would have emigrated in a body from those king and priest-ridden shores to the new land of promise. The Spanish possessions upon the western con tinent were at one time very extensive, embracing most of South America, all of Central America and Mexico, including what is now Texas and what is known as the Louisiana Purchase in North America, and adjacent islands. The adventurous spirits of Spain went out from her and overran distant and barbarous nations, extermin ating many, to spread the knowledge of the Christian re ligion and to gather gold to be spent in Spain. Spain had 40 THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA occupied, and, to a considerable extent, explored her vast possessions before France or England became really alive to the importance of the Americas and made permanent settlements in the new world, as it was called. The French for a time exhibited a greater, energy in the matter of colonizing their new possessions than the Eng lish, and their colonies seemed to be firmly bound by con sanguinity to the parent country. England did not take much interest in the first settlements within what is now the United States. Only after they had fought their way, cut down the forests, subdued the aborigines in a measure and became productive and able to protect themselves, did the English government manifest interest in the Ameri can possessions, and then she became interested enough to be willing to extend the British flag over the colonies and claim the right of taxation without representation, which caused much dissatisfaction in the colonies, and on that issue the War of the Revolution was fought to the bitter end. The Jesuits were the first to carry the emblem of the Christian religion, the cross of Christ, into these newly dis covered lands supported by the armed power of Spain. When the Society of Jesus was finally abandoned or abolished by Pope Clement XIV., in the eighteenth century, the Order of Franciscans came in, but it may be considered a matter of doubt whether they succeeded as well in con trolling the red man as the expelled society had done; but Spain, ever faithful to the commands of the Pope, saw that through the whole extent of her vast possessions the priests of the society ceased to exercise their priestly functions. The Jesuits were not restored to their functions as priests until the pontificate of Pius IX., late in the nineteenth cen tury, and within the memory of living men. After the Gadsden Purchase, several efforts were made by different statesmen in the Senate and House of Repre sentatives to have a Territorial organization for Arizona. Several efforts were made within the Territory by the few THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA 41 citizens within, its boundaries, but without success. The first attempt of this kind was in 1856, soon after the United States, by having troops stationed at different points, had formally taken possession of the then new purchase. A mass meeting was called at Tucson, August 29, 1856, as Tucson was then, as it has remained since, the important point in Arizona. At that time there were no settlements north of the Gila River. One Nathan P. Cook, was chosen as delegate to Washington, he was not admitted to a seat, but his mission was brought to the attention of the House of Representatives in 1857, and referred to the Ter ritorial Committee, who reported adversely to allowing a Territorial Government, on account of the sparse popula tion, but acknowledged the unfortunate condition of the people without any recognized government and recommend ing a bill be passed organizing a judicial district south of the Gila River; to appoint a surveyor-general and to pro vide for representation at Santa Fe, New Mexico, as well as for the registration of land claims and mining titles. Such a bill was passed by the United States Senate in Feb ruary, 1857, but was not reached in the House of Repre sentatives before final adjournment. President Buchanan, in his message of 1857, recommended a Territorial Gov ernment. Senator Gwin in December, 1857, introduced a bill to organize such a government for the Gadsden Pur chase under the name of Arizona. The legislature of New Mexico in February, 1858, passed resolutions in favor of the measure, but recommended a boundary line north and south on the meridian of 1090 west from Greenwich, also the removal of all New Mexican Indians to northern Arizona. Several petitions from various people and from different States were received favoring the organization of Arizona into a separate Territory. In an election held at Tucson, September, 1857, the people had gotten up a new petition and chosen Sylvester Mowry as Delegate to Congress. Mowry was not admitted to a seat in Congress 42 THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA as Delegate from Arizona, nor did the bill of Senator Gwin for a Territorial organization pass. The bill of Sena tor Gwin did not include all of what was finally settled upon as Arizona, but only went north to 33 ° 45', and in cluded all southern New Mexico up to that parallel through to the western line of Texas. Mowry got out a map in i860 of this "Arizona," dividing it into four counties, but not attaching to them generally the names by which they are now designated. On the west, about what is Yuma County, was called "Castle Dome" County; then came "Ewell" County, now Pima, which extended east to the western base of the Chiricahua Range of mountains at Apache Pass. Mesilla County extended eastward to the Rio Grande and Donna Ana County from the Rio Grande eastward to the line of Texas. The remainder of what is now embraced in Arizona, north of 330 45', was left to New Mexico; being at that time inhabited by the wild Indians. Sylvester Mowry was elected delegate to the United States Congress and Congress memorialized in 1858-1859, but with no success as far as Territorial organization is concerned. In i860 a self-styled constitutional convention met in Tucson, which held session from April 2 to 5, inclusive; composed of thirty-one delegates, who proceeded to "ordain and estab lish a provisional constitution to remain in force until Congress shall organize a Territorial Government and no longer." This convention chose a governor in the person of Dr. L. S. Owings, of Mesilla; three judicial districts were created. Judges were to be appointed by the Gov ernor as were also a lieutenant-governor, attorney-general and some other officials. A legislature, consisting of nine senators and eighteen representatives, was to be elected and convened upon the proclamation of the Governor. Steps were to be taken for organizing the militia, and an elec tion for county officers was called for May. The general THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA 43 laws and codes of New Mexico were adopted, and the rec ords of the convention, schedule, constitution, and Gov ernor's inaugural address were printed at Tucson in what was, so far as is known, the first book ever published in Arizona. The Governor's appointments, under this provisional regime, were as follows: Lieutenant-Governor, Ignacio Orantia; Secretary of State, James A. Lucas; Controller, J. H. Wells; Treasurer, Mark Aldrich; Marshal, Samuel G. Bean ; District Judges, Granville H. Oury (chief jus tice) ; Samuel H. Cozzens and Edward McGowan (as sociate justices) ; District Attorneys, R. H. Glenn, Rees Smith, Thomas J. Mastin; Major-General, W. C. Words worth; Adjutant-General, Valentine Robinson. Nothing seems to have been done by this self-constituted list of officials beyond the election of themselves, at least no rec ords have come to light of their transactions. In Novem ber of that year one of the associate justices, Edward Mc Gowan, better known as "Ned" McGowan, of unsavory fame and record in San Francisco, was elected under the new regime as delegate from the State of Arizona to the United States Congress to succeed Mowry, but it does not appear that he went on to Washington to participate in National affairs. Public sentiment in Arizona at this time was largely with the South in its attempt to set up a separate govern ment by breaking up the United States, and no secret was made of the feeling in this respect. Those who still clung to the old flag had little to say and it was openly asserted, perhaps, with some shadow of truth, that Arizona's mis fortunes were in a great measure due to the neglect of the Federal government, and that this neglect arose from Ari zona's patriotic devotion to the Southern cause. In 1861, a self-styled "convention" at Tucson formally declared the Territory a part of the Southern Confederacy, and in August of that year Granville H. Oury was elected delegate 44 THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA by a small vote to the Southern Congress. Many of the military officers serving at army posts in the southwest were of Southern birth and made haste to lay down their commissions and join the army of the Confederates, though to their honor be it said the enlisted men of the United States army, with rare exceptions, remained true to the government and flag they had sworn to uphold. Captain R. S. Ewell, who had commanded in Arizona, be came prominent as a Confederate general. In time of rev olution the promises and agreements of men became as unreliable as ropes of sand, and men, too, who in private life have been above reproach. One of the associate justices in this provisional govern ment scheme, Samuel W. Cozzens, published a book on Arizona, which came out in 1874, called "The Marvellous Country." From its careful perusal one can hardly avoid the conclusion that the author was never in what now is Arizona, but only in that portion along the Rio Grande at Mesilla, and Donna Ana, which finally fell to New Mexico ; so his "book" is largely made up of fancied adventures and descriptions of scenery that are fictitious or taken at sec ond-hand from descriptions of others. Cozzens' descrip tion of the country he traversed in company with Cochise, to visit the stronghold, or residing place of this remarkable In dian chief, describes such a country as does not exist either in Arizona or New Mexico, showing it to be a fancy sketch. To point out some of his inaccuracies as to topography, he gets to Tucson over the old stage route from the Rio Grande at Mesilla, without noticing the San Pedro River or Cienega de Los Pimas, some thirty miles southeast of Tucson; makes the Miembres River forty miles from Me silla, when it is a good seventy; passes "Ajode Vaca," (Cow Springs), a noted watering place that never dries up; has Colonel C. D. Poston killed by Indians in 1859, THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA 45 when the facts are he represented Arizona one term in Congress since that time and died in Phcenix in 1902, at an advanced age. In i860 a Mr. Green, of Missouri, introduced a bill in the House of Representatives of the Federal Congress to organize the Territory of Arizona, but this, also, failed. Several other attempts were made to have Congress grant a Territorial organization, among others the Governor of California called attention to the peculiar condition of the Territory, but with no avail, as the minds of the states men of that day had already begun to be engrossed with the absorbing question of slavery that was soon to plunge the Nation into a war, which, while it lasted was the most destructive the world has ever known — a war that will go down through all time as remarkable for the number of its great battles ; the magnitude of the armies engaged ; the ability with which vast bodies of troops were handled, and the importance to the world of the results. For some years before the final outbreak of the War of the Rebellion the statesmen of the north and more especially of New Eng land, looked with a suspicious eye upon any extension of territory towards the south or southwest ; had this not been the case the Gadsden Purchase would have included much more of Mexico than that finally settled upon. Mr. Gadsden returned to Washington from Mexico with the skeleton of three treaties, either of which if accepted by the United States the others were to be of no effect. These treaties are numbered according to their importance or size as to acquisition of territory, viz. : First. From latitude 300 center of the Rio Grande, di rectly west to the Gulf of California and then including the whole peninsula of Lower California, at that time deemed but a barren rock ; all north of line indicated, to belong to the United States, for which $25,000,000 was to be paid. 46 THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA Second. All north of a line from head or most northerly point of the Gulf of California directly east to the Rio Grande, which would have been at or near the present city of El Paso. This would have embraced about the same extent of territory as the one finally adopted, but with this point its favor, the United States would have procured a seaport at the head of the Gulf of California. For this concession of territory the United States were to pay Mexico $15,000,000. -Third. The one agreed upon after much debate gave to the United States about the same extent of territory as the second, but afforded no seaport upon the Gulf of Cali fornia ; for this the United States paid Mexico $10,000,000. In the discussion of the treaty it was remarked by a Senator that the United States could have her port of en try at Yuma; thereby showing himself to be deficient in information as to the navigation of the Colorado River from the Gulf of California up to that point. The osten sible reason given to the country for the necessity of the Gadsden Purchase was, that the United States required a feasible country over which to build a railroad upon our own territory to the Pacific Ocean, as the more northern routes over which railroads have been since constructed, were at that time not considered practicable. By this treaty the United States gained two important points. First, by Article 11 a release was gained from the responsibility for outrages committed by Indians from United States terri tory upon the inhabitants in Mexico; Article 12 of the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo being abrogated. Second, by Article 8 for a railroad to be built across the Isthmus of Tehuantepec of which no advantage was taken and the concession lapsed. A line of stages in connection with weekly steamers was put in operation in 1858 to run from the head of canoe THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA 47 navigation on the Coatzacolcas River, to the city of Tehuan tepec and the Pacific shore, a distance of about one hun dred and forty miles; from New Orleans to the town of Minititlan, upon the Coatzacolcas River, twenty miles above its mouth on the left bank. From here passengers and the United States mail were taken in small boats to the head of canoe navigation, to a place called Suchil, where they took stages connecting on the Pacific shore, with a small steamer, which transported them to Acapulco where con nection was made with the San Francisco and Panama steamers. This route was abandoned about May, 1859, as under the management it could not be made remunera tive, though there is now a railroad across that isthmus, under the supervision of the Mexican government, which it is claimed does a fair business. Explorations and surveys looking to a transcontinental route for a railroad were made through Arizona as early as 185 1. During that year the first governmental survey was made across northern Arizona by Captain L. Sit- greaves, who had instructions to follow the Zuni, Colorado Chiquito and Colorado Rivers down to the Gulf of Califor nia. In September of that year he left the Zuni Villages with a party of twenty men to execute instructions, but found it impracticable with the means at his command to follow the river through the great canons, so turned off to the west on the 8th of October, crossing the country just north of the 35" north latitude, being substantially the route trav eled by Pedro Garcis in 1776, reaching the Mojave region on the Colorado River, November 5th, and following down the main river south to where Fort Yuma was later estab lished, arriving there at the end of November, 1851. The scarcity of supplies and the poor condition of his animals did not permit this expedition to accomplish as much as had been anticipated of it, but the result of this first ex ploration was an interesting itinerary, and a map of the route traveled and various scientific reports upon a new 48 THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA and intensely interesting region of our country. The en tire party consisted of Captain L. Sitgreaves, Lieutenant J. G. Parke, Dr. S. W. Woodhouse, physician and natural ist; R. H. Kern, draughtsman; Anton Leroux, guide; five American and ten Mexican packers, etc. ; an escort of thirty men of the Second Artillery was commanded by Major H. L. Hendricks. (History of Arizona and New Mexico, P- 3i-) The exploration and survey of Captain Sitgreaves was followed in 1853-54 by the 35° parallel Pacific railroad sur vey under Lieutenant A. W. Whipple. Lieutenant J. C. Ives was chief assistant in a corps of twelve, and an escort of the Seventh Infantry, under Lieutenant John M. Jones. Lieutenant Whipple, having completed the survey from Fort Smith, on the Arkansas at the western boundary of that State, across the Indian Territory and the State of Texas and across New Mexico, left Zuni Villages on No vember 23, 1853. The route followed by the Whipple Expedition was somewhat south for the most of the way of that gone over by Sitgreaves, though his survey em braced the same region. Going down the Zuni and Colo rado Chiquito, the Santa Maria and Bill Williams Fork, they reached the greater Colorado River in latitude 340 51' north, and in March continued the survey across the State of California. The resulting report, as published by the United States Government, though of similar purport, is much more elaborate and extensive than the report of Sit greaves, containing an immense amount of the most valu able descriptive, geographic and scientific matter on north ern and central Arizona, extensively illustrated with colored engravings and maps of great accuracy. The government of Mexico, having given permission a little in advance of the confirmation of the Gadsden Treaty then being considered, a survey for a railroad south of the then boundary line, Lieutenant John G. Parke and a party of some thirty men, with an escort of forty men under THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA 49 Lieutenant George Stoneman, left San Diego, California, January 24, 1854, and began a survey at Pima Villages on the Gila River. This party reached Tucson on the 20th of February, proceeding thence to the San Pedro River and eastward a part of the way by a route north of Cooke's wagon road; then known as Nugent's Trail, coming into Cooke's wagon road on March 7th, at or near the Miem bres River and following it to the Rio Grande. Again in May, 1855, Lieutenant Parke with another fully equipped party started from San Diego, California, for the Pima Villages, and by several routes made a more careful sur vey of that portion of the country stretching eastward from the Rio San Pedro.* It is in place here to note that all these surveys made by government officers through Arizona were made at the sug gestion and under the orders of Hon. Jefferson Davis,. then Secretary of War. Even at that day there was no excuse, at least no well founded excuse among our statesmen for the utter ignorance shown as to this newly acquired terri tory. Arizona, notwithstanding the fact that entire and elaborate reports have been made topographically and other wise, has been generally, and is yet, considered as com posed of bare, bald mountains and desolate plains of wind swept sand, which changed positions like light snow with the varying currents of air over these silent wastes. How different is this generally received opinion of the territory abroad from the facts of the case. The Territory has riv ers and valleys equaling the famed valley of the Nile of Egypt, which, since the dawn of history, has been cele brated in "song and story," sacred and profane, and for ests of timber, more extensive in area than many of the States, and only surpassed upon our globe by the great tropical forests of Africa and of South America. * See Parke's Report of Explorations from Pima Villages to the Rio Grande, 1854-55, in Pacific Railroad Reports. 50 THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA After the discovery of gold in 1848 in California, emi grants in great numbers commenced to cross what is now southern Arizona from Sonora and other states of Mexico, and from the southwestern parts of the United States as well. The routes followed by the stream of Mexican emigration were either to strike the Santa Cruz River near where the boundary line now is, and follow that stream down to Tucson and the old wagon road to Yuma, or to go. through the Papagoria, striking the Colorado River and crossing it at Yuma. Those emigrants from the States who struck the Rio Grande at various points in New Mexico and Texas, concentrated largely at Donna Ana in the county of that name, crossed the Rio Grande at what is yet known as California, crossing some miles above Donna Ana, and struck west for Cook's Pass following General Philip St. George, Cook's wagon road of 1846, on to the headwaters of the Santa Cruz River and down it to Tuc son and so into the Colorado at Yuma. These different streams of gold-searchers all met at this crossing of the great Colorado at Yuma and at once made of it an important point. In these early days before the Gadsden Purchase was accomplished, from the time the emigrant left the Rio Grande until he crossed the Colorado at Yuma, he traveled for about six hundred miles upon Mexican soil, yet to their credit be it said no depredations were committed, and as far as could be done with the limited means at their com mand, protection from hostile Indians was afforded the emigrant by Mexican officials. After leaving the Colorado either for San Diego or Los Angeles in California, much of the way across the great Colorado Desert was still upon Mexican territory. It was a journey of much hardship, as well as perils from hostile Indians, though, perhaps, not more so than other routes at that time. The experiences of those who joined in the great race for gold in any of the processions of emigrants crossing the plains in those THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA 51 days, would supply material for many a fascinating volume. There are but few diaries extant and fewer still of the thousands that traveled over these routes thought of such things as diaries, their attention was wholly engrossed with the duties of the hour, and the feverish anxiety to get on, — to reach this new El Dorado before its precious treasures had been gathered in by those in advance. CHAPTER III The Oatman Tragedy. — Early Means of Transporta tion. — Establishment of Military Stations. — Scien tific Explorers. — Crabb Massacre. Both exploring and emigrant parties occasionally had trouble with the Apache Indians, who could not resist the temptation to steal animals or to attack weak parties and kill them if out of all danger of detection and punishment. Their chief animosity seemed to be against Mexicans, and they often professed friendship for Americans and even aided them on their way, but expected to be well compen sated. Large, well armed parties, who exercised due dili gence in traveling through the Apache land, were not in terfered with, but companies that were confident and care less or small, learned there were hostile Indians in the country. After 1854 the depredations of these hostiles seemed to increase. The most noted, or at least best re corded, of these Apache outrages before that date, was the massacre in 1851 of the Oatman family, which occurred upon the Gila River route, some one hundred miles east of Yuma, upon a steep hill on the western side of a small valley, since known as "Oatman Flat," and where the bodies of the murdered family are buried. As far as is possible this work will endeavor to present a succinct history of the sad affair. Roys Oatman and his wife, together with seven children, left Independence, Missouri, in August, 1850, with a party of some fifty other emigrants bound for California, "The Land of Gold." When their band arrived at Tucson a large portion of them concluded to stop for a time, at least, 52 THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA 53 until their jaded animals could be recruited. The re mainder of the band went on to Pima Villages, where all except the Oatmans concluded to halt for a time with the hospitable and friendly Pima Indians. Unfortunately for themselves, the Oatmans at once pushed forward, it being now February, 185 1. On February 15th the Oatman team was passed by John Le Count, by whom Mr. Oatman sent a letter to the com manding officer of Fort Yuma, who at that time was Major Heintzelman, asking aid. Three days later, February 18th, while under way, they were visited by a party of Indians who appeared to be friendly and helped push the wagon up the steep' hill before mentioned. The Indians were given tobacco and some trinkets and seemed satisfied, but without warning they commenced their murderous attack upon the iamily, killing father, mother and four children, leaving the son, a boy of fourteen years, named Lorenzo, stunned, presumed by them to be dead. They threw his body over a bluff, at least twenty feet, and carried off as captives the two daughters, Olive, aged sixteen and Mary Ann, aged ten years. This outrage was attributed to the Tonto Apaches, though it has never been ascertained who the miscreants really were; these murders have never been avenged. Lorenzo Oatman, the boy, recovered from his stupor and after great suffering, at last succeeded in get ting back to the Pima Villages, and went on with the other families to Fort Yuma and finally to San Francisco. The post-commander at Yuma on receipt of the letter sent by Mr. Oatman, despatched two men with supplies, but on learning of the massacre did not feel at liberty to pursue the savages, as the depredation had been committed upon Mexican territory, and .Mexican authorities might protest against any armed party of another nation coming within their jurisdiction. By whatever Indians the outrage was committed, the captives were found in the hands of the Mojaves, who claimed to have purchased them from a band 54 THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA of Tontos. The younger, Mary Ann, after a few years of most degrading slavery, died in captivity. The elder, Olive, was kept as a slave and captive until 1857, when she was ransomed through the strenuous exertions of Mr. Grinnell and brought to Fort Yuma, where she joined her brother, Alonzo, and the two soon went to New York. Be ing considered a war captive and under the jurisdiction of a man whose word was law and whose power might mean death, her sufferings were intense, yet strange to say the most vindictive treatment she received was from her own sex, and more than once during her captivity she would have been sacrificed to the envious rage of the; squaws had not her more humane master interfered. Once in particular the squaws had firmly bound her to a tree and surrounded her with pine fagots piled high and about to ignite this combustible material, when her master discovered the situa tion and with a howl of execration and a slash of his keen knife released her from her perilous position. After that episode the chief never trusted her to the ferocious "kind ness" of the squaws, but kept her near him.*- The crossing of the Colorado River by all emigrants who entered California by the southern route at Yuma, made that point for the time being one of the most import ant business points in the country, as it has been estimated that for the year 185 1 some 60,000 people crossed into Cali fornia, probably an exaggeration, still it was a very import ant point, and the numbers crowding into the new El Do rado were very large and continued its importance for several years. The Yuma Indians were not hostile though they required constant watching to keep them from stealing all animals that should inadvertently be left within their reach, and the different tribes along the Colorado and Gila Rivers were * See Straton's Captivity of the Oatman Girls. THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA 55 constantly at war; plundering each other and making pris oners of each other's women. The Yuma Indians fre quently rendered valuable aid to bodies of emigrants in crossing the river, and required a fair remuneration, but were not extravagant in charges. They established a ferry of their own across the Colorado (a little below where the railroad bridge now is), and had in charge of the boat a white man, said by some to be a deserter from the United States army ; this could hardly have been the case with -the military post of Yuma so close, be that as it may, there was an opposition ferry established by one John Glanton, sometimes known as "Doctor," who originally came from Tennessee at the head of some thirty of as precious and as select a gang of desperadoes as the world ever saw together outside a pirate ship. After committing many high handed extortions and many murders and robberies, which they laid upon the Indians, one night they made a descent upon the Indian ferry killing the white man in charge and two Indians, and destroying the ferry boat. After this out rage upon the Indians not an Indian was to be seen, un til one morning just at break of day they gathered in upon the Glanton party in battle array and exterminated the whole party with the exception of one boy whom the avengers did not wish to kill, or who may have shown them some kindness, for which he was allowed to escape. The acts of brutality committed by this Glanton band are al most too outrageous for belief, but were passed over with little comment in the whirl of events, until they had aroused the hatred of the Yuma Indians, who executed upon them savage justice. Glanton, some years before had been released from the Tennessee penitentiary through the in tercession of some influential friends who had known him in younger years, when he gave promise of becoming a use ful man ; but he had chosen the evil side ; had been a mem ber of the "John A. Murrill" band of outlaws, who in fested the lower Mississippi Valley along in the '30's and 56 THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA early '40's of the nineteenth century, and for which he was sent to the penitentiary, but was past reformation as he did not wish to reform. In November, 1849, there arrived at Yuma, the mouth of the Gila River, a flatboat which had made the voyage down the Gila River from the Pima Villages with a Mr. Howard and family and two men, a doctor and a clergy man on board. During this trip down the river, a son was born to Mrs. Howard, undoubtedly the first child of American parents born within the limits of Arizona, i. e., as we understand the term "American," as all born upon the western continent are "Americans," and the Indian above all, as far as any evidence we have to the contrary may go. He is indigenous to this continent, he sprang from the soil. This child was named "Gila," after the river upon which it was born and a few years ago was living in Lake County, California. * A little later in the year another company composed of L. J. F. Jaeger and Hartshorne, established a ferry at Yuma across the Colorado River, hauling lumber from San Diego, across the desert, suitable for the construction of a good sized, strong, ferry boat and continued the business with profit for over a year, at least Jaeger did. On November 27, 1850, Major Heintzelman of the United States army arrived from San Diego, California, at the junction of the Gila and Colorado Rivers for the purpose of establishing a garrison of strength to protect the great stream of emigration then rolling into California by this avenue, as all the southern emigration was crossing the Colorado River at this point. This post was first called "Camp Independence," but in March, 1851, was transferred to the site of the old Spanish mission upon the rising ground on the California side of the Colorado River and soon was named "Fort Yuma." There was considerable * See Diary of Lieutenant Cave J. Coutts. THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA 57 trouble about getting supplies, but the Indians were not hostile, and in June the fort was left in charge of Lieutenant L. W. Sweeney with ten men. It might have been that the Yuma Indians seeing the weakness of the garrison were emboldened to commit depredations, at least they soon be came troublesome; killed some emigrants and even at tacked the post; scurvy made its appearance among the troops and the supplies were exhausted. A Captain David son took command in November; in December, post and ferry were abandoned. Fort Yuma seems to have been unoccupied from De cember, 185 1, to February, 1852, when Major Heintzelman returned to rebuild the fort and permanently re-establish the garrison. Indian hostilities, mostly on the California side of the Colorado, continued until late in that year when a treaty was made, still the Cocopas and Yumas would oc casionally, among themselves, have a war dance. Fort Yuma was upon the western bank of the Colorado River, on the Arizona side of the same stream,' there was no per manent settlement until 1854. Temporary structures were erected at different times, but either were washed away by high water of the river or taken away for other more profit able purposes, at least those that were deemed so to be. In 1854 a store building was erected and a townsite called "Colorado City," was laid out in Arizona, upon the eastern bank of the Colorado River, just below where the Gila and Colorado unite, but in 1861 there was but a building or two and these were washed away by the floods of water com ing down the Colorado in the winter of 1861-62, so the growth of a town later called "Arizona City," and finally "Yuma" seems really not to have been commenced in earnest until about 1864. When Major Heintzelman was ordered to establish a military post at Yuma, an exploration of the Colorado River was ordered to determine the practicability of the 58 THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA river being utilized for transportation of supplies. Lieu tenant George H. Derby, later famous as a humorous writer, known by the signature of "John Phcenix," was in charge of the party and sailed from San Francisco, November i, 1850, on the schooner Invincible, Captain A. H. Wilcox. The month of January, 1851, was spent in the Colorado River, up which the schooner, drawing eight or nine feet of water, could ascend only some twenty-five miles to north latitude 300 51', but in his boat Derby went sixty miles further up the river, meeting the commanding officer, Major Heintzelman, and a party from Yuma. In the spring of 1851 George A. Johnson arrived at the mouth of the Colorado River on the steamer Sierra Ne vada, with supplies for the garrison at Yuma, and lumber for the building of flatboats to be used for the purpose of bringing supplies, etc., up the Colorado River from the ocean-going streams which could come up the Gulf of California to the river's mouth, but could not get up the river on account of their requiring deeper water to float in than prevailed in the Colorado, except in time of floods, which were too infrequent and irregular to be depended upon. In 1852 Captain Turnbull brought the first steamer, called the Uncle Sam, on a schooner to the head of the Gulf of Cali fornia, where it was put together for the river trip. The Uncle Sam reached Fort Yuma early in December, but drew too much water to get up her cargo in the then stage of water, so took out her loading and left it on the bank some distance below Yuma, and it was gotten up in flatboats some days later. After running upon the river for some eighteen months the Uncle Sam grounded and sank and the General Jessup, Captain Johnson, was put upon the river, but exploded the following August. The Colorado, a stern- wheeler, 120 feet long, was put on the river late in 1855, and from that time on steam navigation of the River Colo rado up to Fort Yuma at all times, and higher, if the stage THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA 59 of water in the river admitted it, seems to have been con tinuous. Besides the boundary surveys there have been several official surveys other than those of prospectors, trappers and Indian fighters, so the country was pretty well explored as to its general topography during the decade from 1850 to i860. In 1857 Edward F. Beale opened a wagon-road nearly upon the 35th parallel, following in the main the route of Whipple and Sitgreaves ; leaving the Zuni Villages in August and reaching the Colorado River in January, 1858. The steamer General Jessup was waiting in the Mojave region to transport this party across the river, but Beale with twenty men returned on the route explored, thus demonstrating the practicability of the route for winter travel. There was another important exploration made about this time by Lieutenant Joseph C. Ives. Lieutenant Ives arrived at the head of the Gulf of California in Novem ber, 1857, on a schooner from San Francisco, which brought an iron stern-wheel steamer, built in Philadelphia, for the trip. Lieutenant Ives and party left Fort Yuma January 11, 1858, and had passed up the Colorado on March 12, through the Black Canon, and reached the mouth of Virgin River. From this point Lieutenant Ives returned to the Mojave villages, where he quit the steamer, ordering it to proceed down the river to Fort Yuma, while he, with a portion of his scientific corps, being joined by Lieutenant Tipton with twenty enlisted men as escort, started eastward by land. His route soon deflected to the north of that fol lowed by former explorers, and included an exploration of the canon of the Colorado Chiquito and other streams, and for the first time since the occupation of any portion of Arizona by the United States the villages of the Moqui Indians were visited. Lieutenant Ives arrived at Fort Defi ance in May, and his report, amply illustrated by engravings of scenery, is the most fascinating of all the Government reports of various explorations. 6o THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA Besides the Beale wagon-road through and across the central portion of Arizona from east to west, another, gen erally known as the Leach route, was made through the southern portion by James B. Leach, superintendent, and W. H. Hutton, engineer. This wagon route corresponded much of the way from the Rio Grande west to Cook's route of 1846, but struck the San Pedro some nine miles below what is known as Tres Alamos, thence down the San Pedro to the mouth of Aravaipa Canon, where it crosses the river, striking west through a canon of heavy sand for some miles, coming out upon a high table and continuing on west some forty miles to the Gila River, some twenty miles, about east from Pima Villages, thus saving, as was then calculated, some forty miles over the route via Tucson. At that time Tucson was considered a point of small importance. Over much of this route through Arizona ran the Butterfield stage line from Marshall, Texas, through to Los Angeles and San Francisco, but via Tucson, carrying the United States mails and passengers twice a week each way, until broken up by Apache Indian hostilities, and the action of the Confederates in Texas taking possession of their live and. rolling stock in 1861. So the mail route was changed to the more northern one, about where the Central and California Pacific Railroads now run. The United States took formal military possession of the Gadsden Purchase in 1856 by sending four companies of the First Dragoons, who were first stationed at Tucson, after wards at Calabazas. A permanent station or post was selected in 1857 upon the Sonoita, a stream coming into the Santa Cruz River from the east, some fifteen miles above Tubac, and named Buchanan after the President of the United States at that time. The site was deemed to have no special advantages of location, with the exception that it was in the center of a fine grazing region; and the troops were, it was found, subject to malarial fevers (calenturas), THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA 61 especially during the rainy season in summer; so no build ings worthy of the name of fort were erected. Late in 1858, near Beal's crossing of the Colorado, Fort Mojave was established and garrisoned by three companies of infantry, and in 1-859 F°rt Breckenridge, just below the junction of the Aravaipa and San Pedro, was established and garrisoned by taking a part of the garrison from Fort Buchanan. The establishing of these military stations did much good for the country, and the soldiers under their exceptionally able and energetic officers had many fights with the Apache Indians, but the force allowed was altogether too small to protect such an extensive territory against an untiring and stealthy foe. On the outbreak of the Civil War in 1861, these posts were abandoned and troops withdrawn to other fields, where more effective service could be rendered, and Arizona was left to her own resources. The Apaches inter preted this withdrawal of the troops as being done out of fear of them, and became more active than ever in hostili ties and very nearly succeeded in driving out every vestige of civilization from Arizona, as well as from a large part of Sonora and Chihuahua. That portion of Arizona embraced in the Gadsden Pur chase was claimed to be rich in the precious metals. Hardy and enterprising Americans had long been more or less con versant with Mexican traditions of immensely rich mines, discovered and worked by the Jesuit priests, and abandoned in consequence of Apache raids — traditions that were as baseless as antique fables, in their details, and as far as priests were concerned as miners, but truthful to the extent that prospectors had actually found many rich deposits of silver and some gold, Copper, lead and iron were hardly noticed those days, though some of the richest discoveries since found upon more thorough and systematic investiga tion, have been found beneath those neglected iron cap- pings. The elaborate reports of various Government ex plorers, who had noted indications of mineral wealth in all 62 THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA directions, corroborated the traditions current among the then inhabitants; as every town and ranch had somewhere in the vicinity its "lost mine." These mysterious traditions made Arizona a most attractive country for the bold and adventurous, and all the more so because of the recent suc cesses of the gold-seekers in the neighboring State of Cali fornia, where the life's hope was gathered up in a single day. In 1854, Col. Charles D. Poston, a private citizen, landed at Wanachisto, on the Gulf of California in the Mexican State of Sonora, and explored the country as far as western Sonoita and thence through the Papagoria, to the big bend of the Gila River and down that river to its junction with the Colorado at Fort Yuma, and thence to San Diego. Among the scientific explorers who, with Poston, com menced mining at this early day of American occupation of the territory, was Herman Ehrenburg, a civil engineer and scientist of more than ordinary learning and ability. He remained in the Territory while Poston visited the East and Washington City and returned through Texas in the spring of 1856, with a colony of Germans and Americans, who settled at the old presidio of Tubac on the Santa Cruz River and engaged in working the silver mines in the Santa Rita Mountains, Aravaca, the Cerro Colorado and else where in the southern portion of the Territory. Ehrenburg, as before stated, was a native of Germany and came to the United States at an early age, made his way to New Orleans, at which place he was when the war broke out between Mexico and the American settlers of Texas, and he at once with several others joined those who were struggling for independence for Texas. He enlisted in the "New Orleans Grays," and was in the battles of Goliad and Fanning's Defeat, and was one of the few who survived the barbarous and inhuman massacre of prisoners, who surrendered on the pledged word of the Mexican authorities that not a man who surrendered his arms should be hurt. At the triumph of the Texan struggle he returned to Germany and THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA 63 wrote an account in his native language of that interesting period, giving much information of Texas, which induced a large emigration of his countrymen to that great and fertile State. Soon after the publication, in Germany, of his book on Texas he returned to the United States and in 1840, at St. Louis, joined a party crossing the American continent for Oregon. From there he proceeded to the Sandwich Islands, and after wandering for some years through and among the islands of the Polynesian Archipelago, returned to California in time to join Colonel Fremont in the effort to free California from Mexican rule. He remained in Cali fornia until the Gadsden Purchase was made from Mexico, awakened his roving, restless nature once more and he came to Arizona, where, after years of useful service, he became a victim of the treachery of the Apache Indian at Palm Springs, in Southern California, where his mortal remains are buried. The little town of Ehrenburg perpetuates his memory. The mining company, organized through the efforts of Colonel Poston, expended nearly a million of dollars in development of the mines that had been discovered through the activity and energy of Poston and his able engineer, and were in a successful condition of development when, in 1861, the exigencies of the Civil War, then breaking out, caused the withdrawal of the Government troops and tem porary abandonment of the Territory by armed forces. Raphael Pumpelly was another savant whose reports in relation to Arizona and her resources were of a valuable character. In the autumn of 1854 a company was started from San Francisco, California, under Superintendent Edward E. Dunbar, to work the Ajo copper mines in the Papagoria, about forty miles from the Sonora line and some forty-five miles south from Gila bend. Through scarcity of water and fuel and the great cost of transporting supplies, the venture was not a success, and many of the Ajo people remained permanently in the Territory. The organizer 64 THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA of the company, Edward E. Dunbar, died at Pernambuco in 1868, and was buried upon an island near the Coast of South America. I now proceed to give the history of a matter not strictly appertaining to ' the early history of Arizona, still much interest was evinced at the time, as it seemed to demonstrate the hatred with which Mexicans regarded Americans, and which exhibited itself in cruelty and murder whenever and wherever they had the power. Probably the real reason which instigated that base and cowardly act was the innate hatred of the white race. In 1856 Signor Gandara was legally elected governor of the Mexican State of Sonora, if any election can be legal where no opposition is allowed to the people to express their opinion in the matter. Ygnacio Pesquirie "pronounced" against him and raised an "army" to vindicate his rights of plundering characteristics. Henry A. Crabb, an American, of California, a man of education and refinement, but of adventurous disposition, had married a member of the influential and respected family of Ainsa of Hermosillo, Sonora, and while on a visit to the relatives of his wife, he first met Pesquirie, who was then engaged in his struggle with Gandara for the governorship of Sonora. Pesquirie proposed to Crabb that he bring down one thousand armed Americans to assist him in wrest ing the governorship of Sonora from Gandara. Crabb's reward for himself and followers was to be a broad strip of country across the northern portion of the State of Son ora ; and to satisfy the scruples of the Mexican federal gov ernment, as well as his own people, ever jealous of American colonists, they were informed that the strip was given in consideration of their protecting the State from depredations of the Apache Indians, then very troublesome. Crabb raised at once a portion of the one thousand men in California, and marched with about one hundred, as soon as they could be equipped and provisioned. The rest were to follow in detachments as they could be fitted out. They entered THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA 65 Sonora from the north and came in across the Colorado Desert from Los Angeles via Warner's Ranch, Carizo Creek, Indian Wells, and crossing the Colorado River at Fort Yuma, and halted for a time at a camp on Gila River, long known as "Filibuster" Camp, to recruit the animals before crossing Papagoria and its desolate plains into the State of Sonora. In the meantime Pesquirie had succeeded in expelling Gandara from the State, the defeated governor taking refuge in Tucson, thus securing the governmental machinery ; Pes quirie now could dispense with the services of Crabb and followers. In fact the idea of bringing in foreigners of a hated race had a tendency to render him unpopular. A condition of things was at once seized upon by the opposite party to break down the revolutionary government set up by Pesquirie, who denied in a grandiloquent style all com plicity or knowledge of Crabb's movements. The people, who were aroused against him as a filibuster and robber, had him besieged by an overwhelming force in the little town of Caborca, and as Crabb's ammunition gave out, and the roof of the building in which he was entrenched was on fire and many of his men killed and wounded, the surrender was secured upon the official promise that if they surrendered their arms they should not be hurt, but be given safe con duct to the American boundary in Arizona. Pesquirie left for Oures, but sent back an order to the commandant to have all who defied the agreement shot. The commander, more humane than his cowardly, bloody- minded chief, refused to carry out the cruel order, but re signed the command to Gabalondi, the next in rank, who had the prisoners taken out in detachments of ten and shot, excepting one boy, about fourteen years of age, who re mained for some years in Pesquirie's family and apparently became a great favorite with the General. Thus were one hundred and four brave men put to death, that the double dealing of one be kept from the light. It has been said that 66 THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA Pesquirie sent Crabb's head to the City of Mexico as evi dence of the sincerity of his hatred of the white race. The execrations of unborn millions will follow the Pesquirie name for centuries yet to come. The friends of this Sylla in miniature may attempt to gloss over his acts, but the fact must ever remain that he lived by assassination and robbery and had crimes committed of such enormity as to designate him the "scourge of Son ora." Years after matters had settled down to a peace basis, those persons who had opposed his usurpations were, most of them, singled out and murdered in cold blood by his hired bravos, in witness of which is pointed out the cold blooded assassination of Signor Martin Ainsa in Hermo sillo in his own store, attending to his business affairs; true, the murdered man was a brother of Crabb's wife. The perpetrator of this dastardly act, though well known, was not apprehended, as the word of Pesquirie was above all law for years in Sonora. The nine hundred of Crabb's followers, who were to come forward in detachments after him, learning of the bloody reception he and party met with, gave up the expedition as too hazardous. Our federal government, during the senile administration of James Buchanan never inquired into the matter. Charles W. Tozer, now a member of this society, learning of Crabb's situation, organized and equipped a party of twenty-seven to proceed in all haste to Caborca for Crabb's relief, but they were too late, and had to fight their way back to boundary line against great odds. Tozer is living at this writing in San Francisco, California, at 143 1 Webster Street. Here are introduced some documents that will elucidate this subject more fully than any arguments drawn from the appearance of the acts of bloodthirstiness perpetrated by these fiends in wantonness of power, and must forever fasten these wholesale murders upon Ygnacio Pesquirie. (Translated from- the Spanish by George D. Tyng, Editor of Yuma "Sentinel.") THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA 67 Crabb, when he and party arrived at the Mexican frontier, sent the following letter ahead, which was published in "La Voz de Sonora," Ures, March 30, 1857, Supplement to No. 61 : "Sonoite, March 26, 1857. "To Mr. Jose Maria Redondo, Prefect of the Department of Altar, Sonora: "In conformity with the colonization laws of Mexico and upon positive invitation of some of the most influential citi zens of Sonora, I have come within the lines of your State accompanied by one hundred companions and in advance of nine hundred others, with the expectation of finding happy homes with and among you. I have come without intention of injuring any one, without intrigue, public or private. Since my arrival at this place, I have given no indication of sinister purposes, but on the contrary have made only friendly propositions. "It is true that I am provided with arms and ammunition, but you well know that it is uncommon among Americans or any other citizens to travel without arms ; besides that remember that we have been obliged to pass through a coun try continually harassed by Apache depredations ; and from circumstances I imagine to my surprise that you are taking hostile measures against us and are collecting a force for exterminating myself and my companions. I am well aware that you have given orders for poisoning the wells and that you are prepared to resort to the vilest and most cowardly measures against us. "But have a care, sir ; for whatever we may be caused to suffer shall return upon the heads of you and those who assist you. I had never considered it possible that you would have defiled yourself by resorting to such barbarous practices. I also know that you have endeavored to rouse against us our very good friends, the tribe of Papago In dians; but it is most probable that in the position I hold, your efforts will fail. I have come to your country because 68 THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA I have a right to follow the maxims of civilization. I have come, as I have amply proved, with the expectation of being received with open arms; but now I believe that I am to find my death among an enemy destitute of humanity. But as against my companions now here, and those who are to arrive, I protest against any wrong step. Finally you must reflect ; bear this in mind : if blood is shed, on your head be it and not on mine. Nevertheless, you can assure yourself and continue your hostile preparations; for, as for me, I shall at once proceed to where I have intended to go for some time and am ready to start. I am the leader, and my purpose is to act in accordance with the natural law of self- preservation. "Until we meet at Altar, I remain, "Your obt. servt., "Henry A. Crabb." "This communication is given to the warden of Sonoite, to be forwarded to the Prefect of Altar without fail or delay. "H.A.C." "A true copy of the original translation. "Altar, March 28, 1857. "Jose M. Redondo." "Ures, 1857, Government Printing Office, in charge of Jesus P. Siqueires." The treacherous and bloody-minded military despot and self-styled governor of Sonora, Pesquirie, at this time issued the following "manifesto" to his deluded people, viz. : "PROCLAMATION. "I, Ignacio Pesquirie, Substitute-Governor of the State and Commander-in-Chief of the forces of the frontier: "To His Fellow Citizens : To Arms All ! ! "Now has sounded the hour I recently- announced, in which you must prepare for the bloody struggle you are about to enter into. You have just heard in this most arro gant letter a most explicit declaration of war, pronounced THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA 69 against us by the chief of the invaders; what reply does it merit? That we march to meet him. Let us fly, then, to chastise, with all the fury that can scarcely be contained in a heart swelling with resentment against coercion, the sav age filibuster, who has dared, in an unhappy hour to tread our nation's soil and to arouse, insensate, our wrath! "Nothing of mercy; nothing of generous treatment for this canaille! Let it die like a wild beast, which, trampling upon the rights of man and scorning every law and insti tution of society, dares invoke the law of nature as its only guide and to call upon brute force as its chosen ally. Sonor- anians, let our reconciliation be made sincere by a common hatred for this cursed horde of pirates without country, without religion, without honor. Let the only mark to dis tinguish us and to protect our foreheads, not only against hostile bullets, but also against humiliation and insult, be the tri-colored ribbon, sublime creation of the genius of Iguala. Upon it let there be written the grand words, Liberty or Death, and henceforth shall it bear for us one more sig nificance, the powerful, invincible union of the two parties, which have lately divided our State in civil war. We shall soon return all loaded with glory, after having forever secured the prosperity of Sonora and established in defiance of tyranny this principle : The people that wants to be free will be so. Meanwhile, citizens, relieve your hearts by giv ing free course to the enthusiasm which now burdens them. "Live Mexico; death to the filibusters! "Ures, March 30, 1857. "Ignacio Pesquirie." "Ures, 1857, Government Printing Office, in charge of Jesus P. Siqueires." This last document settles the matter forever upon Pes quirie and proves beyond all cavil that he incited those murders of the Crabb party at Caborca in Sonora. True, his inflammatory utterances did not fall upon dull or unwilling 70 THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA ears. No apology or labored explanation will be considered after his explicit and brutal proclamation over his official signature and published in his official organ, and the only paper at that time published in the State. No other attempts were made to "colonize" Sonora until i860, when a puny affair caused some little excitement. The Mexicans attempted retaliation when the exigencies of our Civil War had caused the withdrawal of the few troops that had been allowed Arizona, and before the Cali fornia Volunteers arrived. An Opita Indian led a party of freebooters across the boundary line into United States ter ritory and committed a few robberies, but the report of advancing troops sent them back into Mexican jurisdiction, not standing particularly on their order of going; but as their hands were in for plunder, they continued to depredate upon their own countrymen for some months, when the troops of Pesquirie, under General Altimirano, surprised them one evening, killing and capturing many, among whom was the leader. All the captives were shot at sunrise next morning. This affair of the Crabb massacre has been par ticularized that the treachery and falsehood of Pesquirie may be placed upon record before all evidence shall be oblit erated by lapse of time, as even now there are few living witnesses and actors in preliminary proceedings. Crabb's widow never married, but devoted all her energies to rearing and educating her children, and at this writing, 1902, resides in San Francisco, California. She has one son, a fine busi ness man, named Henry A. Crabb, after his ill-fated father. The first mining machinery was brought into Arizona to be used at the famous Cerro Colorado Mine, sometimes known at that time as the "Heintzelman" Mine. Some set tlements, though small and at long distances from their base of supplies and from each other, were commenced along the Colorado River, in what is now Mojave County, in 1857, and efforts were made to secure a civil government for the Territory about this time. No courts were organized within THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA 71 the territorial boundaries, and Santa Fe, N. M., was a long distance to go to obtain at least a semblance of justice, or at least judicial forms. The people depended upon their own strong arms and resolute hearts in these times, when practically each man was a law unto himself. After the United States troops were withdrawn, no military protec tion was afforded to Arizona until a company of Confed erate cavalry came in from the Rio Grande under a Captain Hunter in February, 1862, and there were not enough of them to do much more than to protect themselves. Brigadier-General James H. Carleton commanded the California column arriving in Tucson with the advance com mand of his troops, May 20, 1862, the Confederates under Hunter retiring almost within hearing of Carleton's advanc ing trumpets. General Carleton, in his proclamation of June 8, 1862, defined the boundaries of Arizona, and in the absence of civil law declared martial law, and for the suc ceeding eighteen months, or a little more, the Territory was fairly governed, and in most cases substantial justice was impartially administered. The military rule gave place to the civil in Arizona on or about January 1, 1864, with John N. Goodwin, Governor, and seat of territorial government fixed at Prescott. At this point it may be well to state how it came about that the capital of Arizona was first located at Prescott in Yavapai County, a new town started by a few hardy miners and the party of officials that accompanied the new governor to his field of government. The governor and nearly all of his officials (with the exception of Milton B. Duffield, the marshal) came across the plains, starting from St. Louis, Missouri, via Independence, to Santa Fe, New Mexico, where General James H. Carleton had estab lished his headquarters as department commander. The department consisted then of New Mexico and Arizona. When these officials left Washington, they were expected, in fact ordered, to proceed to Tucson direct, as that was at the time the only known town in the Territory of any size -J2 THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA and standing. It had been headquarters of the Arizona District under Carleton's command, but the general was sensitive to criticism and hated a man or men who did not appear to justify his acts, although he might have doubts of their justice himself. Some of the citizens of Tucson had ventured to criticize the arbitrary and unwarranted act of his military government, notably the order of banishment of Sylvester Mowry from the Territory, for which there would seem, even by the documentary evidence presented to the military commission, to be no justification. So the commanding general had determined in his own mind to humiliate the free-thinking town which, at that time, De cember, 1863, was exciting considerable attention on account of gold discoveries around where Prescott now is. The Weaver diggings had been discovered early in the spring before; therefore now was an opportunity not to be neglected to pay off old scores with Tucson and establish a rival city among and in the center of a vast mining region; besides the possibility, if not probability, was dwelt upon that it would open an avenue whereby each and all would attain vast wealth and influence. These two causes led to the aban donment of Tucson as the capital and the establishment of a new one in a virgin field, where all would have an equal chance for gold and glory. As it has turned out after nearly forty years of trial, the gold has been no misnomer; around Prescott, in all direc tions, is a great mineral country, hardly surpassed in any section of the world. While some other regions may be higher grade to the ton, the climate and surroundings are such that the yearly profits equal those of any other part of the world today, and at this time the mining prospect of that section is increasing, and new developments are of frequent occurrence and will no doubt continue for many years to come. General Carleton, to further humiliate Tucson, had the Military Depot of Supplies broken up at Tucson in August, THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA 73 1864, and all troops taken from there and distributed among other posts ; but early in 1865 Arizona was taken from Carleton's department and attached to California, and the new district commander re-established the department at Tucson. By a proclamation of May 8, 1864, an election was called by Governor John N. Goodwin, to be held July 18, 1864, for the election of a Delegate to Congress and members of a territorial legislature. The first delegate from Arizona to the Federal Congress was Hon. Charles D. Poston. The members of Legislative Council first chosen were Coles Bashford, Francisco G. Leon, Mark Aldrich, Patrick H. Dunn, George W. Lehi, Jose M. Redondo, King S. Woolsey, Robert W. Groom and Henry A. Bigelow. Members of the lower house were as follows : W. C. Jones, John G. Capron, Gregory P. Harte, Henry D. Jackson, Jesus M. Elias, Daniel H. Stickney, Nathan B. Appel, Norman S. Higgins, Gilbert W. . Hopkins, Louis G. Bouchet, George M. Holaday, Thomas H. Bidwell Ed. D. Tuttle, William Walter, John M. Baggs, James Garvin, James S. Giles and Jackson McCrackin. Coles Bashford was chosen president of the council or upper house, and Almon Gage, Secretary. Jones, generally known as Claude Jones, was appointed Speaker of the lower house and James Andrews Clerk, translator, and H. W. Fleury, chaplain. In both branches of this legislature were some very able men, who would have appeared in the front of any assembly. Coles Bashford was a very able lawyer, had been governor of Wisconsin, and was a man of mark wherever placed. In the lower house, W. C. Jones (Claude) was a distinguished lawyer and linguist, able to address a jury in English, German and Spanish. Nathan B. Appel spoke and wrote with facility in English, German, French and Spanish. People in the older States are apt to estimate the public men of the new territories as raw and new, because the country is new, forgetting that it is the boldest, most enterprising and broadest-minded that leave 74 THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA the old communities and come to new countries, to pave their way to fortune in new fields. This legislature divided the Territory of Arizona into the following four counties, viz. : Yuma, Mojave, Pima and Yavapai. CHAPTER IV Missions and Building of Churches. — The Grand Canon of the Colorado. — Montezuma's Well. The first teaching of the principles of Christianity to the Indians of Arizona was by the Jesuit fathers, when Spain held all of South and much of North America and being ardently Catholic allowed no heresy to be taught in her dominions, and the Jesuits at that time, being a new order, entered zealously into the work of baptizing and gathering into missions the wild Indian tribes. How much of true Christianity was imbibed by these savages it is hard to say, but they were taught to lead more gregarious lives ; to some extent cultivate the soil ; to listen to the holy sacrifice of the mass; and in a manner forget war, the normal state of all savages. The first mission started in Arizona would appear to have been at Tubac in 1698, and in 1700 at Huababi by Padre Eusibio Kino. In May, 1700, he laid the corner-stone of a church upon the site of San Xavier del Bac, perhaps the present church itself. The church at Tumicacori appears to have been begun later, but was completed first. The records become very obscure, and though the Indians at the time seemed anxious to proceed with the building of the church at San Xavier del Bac, for some reason, perhaps because the priests could not attend to it, the building of the church did not then proceed; at least, there is no authoritative record that this church was ever completed under Jesuit administration, though it probably was so far completed that one room was used for service of the mass about 1732. The church, or what there was of it, was partially destroyed by the Indians themselves in an outbreak in 1721. The 76 THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA Jesuits themselves, after the issuing of the order of Pope Clement XIV., breaking up the Society of Jesus, were expelled from all their missions in Spanish Americas in 1767, and the missions and all property considered as belonging to the Jesuit order taken possession of by the gov ernment. The order of Franciscans came in after some years had elapsed, and such of the mission property as had not been sold, appropriated or destroyed, was turned over to them. The Christianized Indians had carried off and secreted much of the sacred belongings of the church, which, when the priests appeared, was gladly brought forth and turned over to them by these faithful custodians, who knew nothing of these different religious orders. All to them were alike, "Soldiers of the Cross." In 1783 the present church of San Xavier del Bac was virtually begun upon the site selected by the Jesuit Kino, who laid the corner-stone in May, 1700. The church was completed in 1797 by the Franciscans. In 1776 the Christianized Indians in the vicinity of Tucson were found in a pueblo adjoining the presidio, called at this time San Augustine del Pueblo de Tucson, where religious instruction was imparted to the Indians, Apaches as well as Papagoes, and the children were instructed in the catechism and Spanish language. This "pueblo" was upon the left, or western, side of the Santa Cruz River, and most of the old walls are yet standing (August, 1903), though in a dilapidated condition. Not far from the site of the present city of Tucson was an Indian rancheria that evidently had been a place of residence of Indians, at least for a large portion of the time, from a period long anterior to the appearing of Europeans upon this continent. Some writers of histories are disposed to ascribe great age to Tucson, and, taken back to the time the first Indian wickiup was pitched in the valley, it no doubt goes far back into the shadowy past ; but if the time be fixed at THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA 77 the first settling of Europeans at Tucson, there seems to be no evidence that anything permanent was fixed at Tucson until 1776. It has been the practice with many of the writers of the history of Arizona to assert that the Jesuit Father Kino, in his travels in Arizona through a wild and desert country, inhabited only by nomadic savages, was on a mission founding missions, though it is well ascertained that at that time there were no missions founded in what is now the limits of Arizona until long after the good father had been laid in his grave. From the Spanish names, on early maps, corresponding with those of Kino and Venegas, the conclusion has been arrived at that up the Gila Valley and other streams the whole country available for settlement was dotted with Spanish pueblos and missions that were later abandoned on account of the raids of hostile Apache Indians, but the truth seems to be there was no Spanish occupation, excepting a narrow strip of Santa Cruz Valley, and there were only two missions, San Xavier del Bac and Huababi, with a few Indian rancherias de vista under resident priests from about 1720, and protected by the Tubac presidio from 1752 in their precarious existence. The names of patron saints were applied by Father Kino to Indian rancherias, in their itineraries and maps, where he and his party stopped over night, or for a few days, to recuperate men and animals, and perhaps the Indians at these points were told that a priest would be sent to them and preparations were made to some extent for the reception of the promised missionaries, who failed to come, through inability to supply the demands for these holy men. There does not appear to be any evidence of more than two missions having been established in the Spanish occu pancy within the limits of what now is Arizona, and these were at no time prosperous. As before noted, these mis sions were San Xavier del Bac and Huababi, with a few rancherias under priests residing at the regular missions, 78 THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA who visited these rancherias at stated times to baptize chil dren, say mass, perform marriage ceremonies and perform such other duties as appertain to their calling. The rich mines and prosperous haciendas in the vicinity of these missions that the Jesuit fathers are said to have managed so successfully for themselves, upon closer examin ation seem to partake largely of the fabulous ; but hunting for these visionary mines has engaged the attention of many a hardy prospector, and even yet, every now and then we hear of "the lost mine" having been found. The Spaniards, it would appear, started in Mexico after the Cortez con quest and gradually extended into the interior and to the north, and did not at once get up to what is now called Arizona, though some of the expedition under Coronado, or even Coronado himself, may have visited the rancherias in 1540, but that did not constitute a Spanish settlement. The Indian rancheria sometimes called old Tucson was about a mile southerly from the present site of the city of Tucson, and doubtless had been from time to time occupied by the nomads from time immemorial. Mark Twain, in one of his inimitable works, in his free and easy style, tells his readers that the oldest city in the world is Damascus. Rome, he says, is called for some reason the "Eternal City," yet Damascus was a flourishing city "ere Romulus and Remus had been suckled." So Tucson (Tuczon or Tuigson, as it has been variously spelled), counting from the time the first wickiup was erected upon or near its present site, may rival Damascus in antiquity, but Tucson really was not settled by Europeans until well into the eighteenth century, and the first starting of settlements seems to have been the Jesuit fathers. After a time pueblos, or military posts, were established for their protection. In every instance, however, in these northern settlements the self-sacrificing Catholic priests led the ad vance. After Mexico had thrown off Spanish rule, the mis sion, through want of funds, declined and little military THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA 79 protection was afforded them until finally the breaking out of the Apaches drove them entirely out of the sparsely settled country of Arizona, and when the United States took possession in 1856, there really was no mission sustained within the limits of the Territory, with the exception, per haps of a resident priest at Tucson, who kept up the weekly service of mass, baptized children and attended burials, mar riages also, when called upon, though that ceremony was in many instances dispensed with, not deeming it material when couples wished to live together. There was a church established quite early some three miles below where Tucson now is, on what is known as Grosetti's Ranch, which has been known among the Spanish- speaking people of this vicinity up to a recent date as "Casa de los Padres." There is but little, if any, evidence of a church there at the present day. The Grand Canon of the Colorado. In addition to the vast natural resources of Arizona, the Territory possesses great natural wonders that must ever attract the attention of the tourist, the man of the world and the scientific investigator. The Grand Canon has no known peer on the face of the earth ; the rivers of Asia, whose sources are in the mighty Himalaya Range, present nothing to be compared to it in sublimity and grandeur. The river channel at many points of its course is over 6,000 feet below the point of view, and though the waters of a great river are rolling and tumbling over a rocky bed with a continual roar like Niagara, at the surface not a sound can be heard. This wonder of the world was first beheld in 1540 by a party of Spaniards consisting of twelve men, led by one of Coronado's lieutenants, named Garcia Lopez de Cardenas, over three hundred and sixty years ago, and was not looked into again by a white man for fully forty years. 80 THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA From accounts given by geologists we may understand something of its vast dimensions. What is known as the Grand Canon lies principally in northwestern Arizona; its length in a straight line, from northeasterly to southwesterly, being about one hundred and eighty miles; its width, one hundred and twenty-five miles, and its total area some 15,000 square miles. The canon, proper, commences at the high plateaus in southern Utah, in a series of terraces, extending for many miles on each side of the stream, dropping like the steps of a stair way to lower geological formations, until in Arizona the platform or formation is reached which borders the real chasm, extending southward near the central part, north and south of the Territory. Geologists have advanced the theory that some 10,000 feet of strata have been eroded from the surface of this entire platform; the present uppermost formation is the carboniferous. Such a theory is based upon the fact that the missing Permian, Mesozoic and Tertiary formations, which, where the formations have not been disturbed, be long above the carboniferous in the series, and are found in place at the commencement of the northern terraces referred to. The climax in this most extraordinary erosion is the Grand Canon, which, were the missing strata re stored to the adjacent plateau, would be 16,000 feet deep. To the majority such a statement is apt to be considered as but the dream of an enthusiast, as a theory, and until the question has been studied in all its various aspects and without prejudice in favor of early teaching or precon ceived opinions, it does not seem credible that water should have eroded such a trough for itself through solid rock. That section of the world's crust seems to have under gone great changes in the distant past. It would appear to have been hove up and again submerged beneath the ocean more than once, and lastly, it was a fresh water sea and in the era of this last convulsion the river cut its gorge. THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA 81 Being the drainage system of a large extent of territory, it forced its right of way, and as the plateau rose slowly before the mighty pressure of internal forces, through a period almost of infinity, the river wore its bed to the level of erosion; or if it has not done so yet, is still wear ing, sawing, its channel free. Beginning at the plateau level on the brink of the canon, the order of formations above the river, according to Cap tain Dutton, is as follows, the vertical depth being over a mile. i. Cherry limestone, two hundred and forty feet. 2. Aubrey limestone, three hundred and twenty feet. 3. Cross-bedded sandstone, three hundred and eighty feet. 4. Lower Aubrey sandstone, nine hundred and fifty feet. 5. Upper red wall sandstone, four hundred feet. 6. Red wall lime sandstone, one thousand, five hundred feet. 7. Lower carboniferous sandstone, five hundred and fifty feet. 8. Quartzite base of carboniferous, one hundred and eighty feet. 9. Archaean, three hundred and fifty feet to water, or surface of stream at low water. The Grand Canon is not far from four hundred miles long in its many windings, but from where the river first commenced to cut its way into the strata is fully six hun dred miles. In this distance the river receives about two hundred tributaries, each of which, as it neared the Grand Canon, has cut for itself a canon forming a great net work of canons, some of them approaching in sub limity the Grand Canon itself. In this system of canons will yet be developed the most extensive bodies of copper in the world, in fact, rich indi cations of most of the known minerals are here exposed to view, strata above strata. 82 THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA Montezuma's Well. This celebrated well is fifty-five miles northeast of Pres cott, and about twelve miles nearly due north of Camp Verde. It is situated in a formation of limestone, on a bare, rocky and level mesa or table, one hundred feet above the creek and seventy feet above the water, which is clear and pure, and in depth about one hundred feet. The open ing to this well is circular, and about six hundred feet in diameter. The walls on the northwest side are about per pendicular. Something near midway between the water and surface of the mesa are three or four caves, evidently once used by the cave-dwellers of prehistoric times, hav ing a frontage of from twelve to twenty feet, and similar depth. The eastern and southeastern borders of this well are within thirty to one hundred feet of Beaver Creek, from which it is separated by a rim of limestone rock, which was built up with stone buildings its entire width, and nearly one hundred feet in length; the walls of these old buildings still remaining are in places twenty feet high. Broken pottery in the vicinity is abundant Lava dykes are abundant on the flat and what is known as the well has been, in the distant past, the crater of a volcano. There is a tradition said to be among the Indians in that vicinity that once in one thousand years this well of water overflows and for a thousand years becomes the source of a mighty river, then subsides and remains within its prison walls until at the end of another period it again overflows. Since the last subsidence, by the same tradition, some 400 years have past away, so that none alive now will see it again overflow, — one of nature's calendars, but who can read it and account for the variations? What planet rules these tides, as our moon rules the semi-daily tides of ocean? In the same vicinity, also, is the Tower of Montezuma, a peculiar formation, a circular rock that rises up from its THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA 83 rugged surroundings in a vast desert to the height of some eighty feet, gradually tapering from some forty feet in dia meter at the bottom, to about sixteen feet at the top, and on top of this rock a giant cactus runs up to a height of forty feet more and at a distance, when in bloom, the tower seems crowned with flowers. From Flagstaff, in Coconino County, the great natural curiosities of Arizona are within easy reach. There is the Natural Bridge, over Pine Creek, one of the great wonders of its kind, far surpassing the famed Nat ural Bridge of Virginia. This bridge is in Coconino County, formerly Yavapai, and is an .arch carved by nature's forces, and will yet be the objective point of tour ists and scientists from the world over. It is situated some seven miles from the small settlement of Mazatzal City, and nearly the same distance from the Pine lumber camp. The bridge, though very extensive, is hidden from view from nearly all points upon the hills around it, and not until one arrives upon the brink of the gorge does the cavern come in sight, with a stream of pure water cours ing along over its rocky bed. The top of this bridge em braces nearly ten acres of fine soil for cultivation, and is utilized by the owner as a garden and orchard. From the bed of the stream to the roof is about one hundred and sixty feet; the arch will average eighty feet and the tunnel is somewhere near five hundred feet. Up near the roof, reached by ladders, is a large cave extending far to the west into the hills. The action of water through long lapses of time may be seen in the wearing and scouring of the rocks into many fantastic shapes. There are upon the lower side of the bridge many caves as interesting, per haps, as the bridge itself. These caves have never yet been sufficiently explored, but are known to extend a long dis tance into the hill. Chalcedony Park, generally known as the Petrified For est, consists of a tract of land of about two thousand acres, 84 THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA which has once in its history been heavily timbered. This Petrified Forest is classed today as the most astonishing natural curiosity in the world. In the life of the human race man has reared wonderful structures that have come down to our own day, such as caves to live in; the monumental Pyramids of Egypt, so vast as to require a nation to labor many years erecting those useless fabrics for tombs in which royalty might repose in their final slumbers; the Sphinx, a monument of granite, surmounted by a hu man head of vast proportions, being one hundred and two feet in circumference, — all these are as nothing when it comes to transforming a great forest of living trees into not only stone, but precious and costly gems, chalcedony, topaz, onyx, cornelian, agate and amethyst. What specific change has taken place in the earth, air, and water of this particular spot of the earth's surface that should chemically change a living forest into not one, but many of the earth's precious gems? There are millions of tons here that if divided up into suitable sizes, which can easily be done, and placed in the hands of a lapidary, would in their beauty embellish a crown. Many of these prostrate trees are from one hundred to one hundred and fifty feet in length, and at the largest part, ten feet in diameter. Generally from their great weight when falling they are broken into sec tions, but this is not always the case. One of these trees fell across an arroyo in which still runs water, the length of the span is fifty-five feet, over which is this petrified tree about two feet in diameter, — a bridge of jasper and agate. In this petrified forest are precious gems enough to supply the world. THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA 85 LIST ofGOVERNORS of ARIZONA and LENGTH of SERVICE John N. Goodwin 1863-1866 Richard C. McCormick 1866-1869 A. P. K. Safford. 1869-1877 John P. Hoyt 1877-1878 John C. Fremont.. 1878-1882 Frederick A. Tritle 1882-1885 C. Meyer Zulick 1885-1889 Lewis Wolfley 1889-1890 John N. Irwin 1890-1892 N. Oakes Murphy 1892-1893 Louis C. Hughes 1893-1896 Benjamin J. Franklin 1896-1897 Myron H. McCord 1897-1898 N. Oakes Murphy 1898-1902 Alexander O. Brodie 1902- PART II CHAPTER V Apache County This county has a superficial area of 11,520 square miles, or nearly one-fourth that of the Empire State of New York. St. Johns is the county-seat, and is a Mormon town, not on the line of any railroad, but is a nice town of some 600 inhabitants and a place of considerable commerce. Much of this county is mountainous, and is well adapted to the raising of cattle, sheep and goats, and along the streams is some fine land for farming. As yet it is but sparsely settled, and the altitude is so great that the winters are as severe as more northern locations. A large part of the northern portion of the country is taken up by the Navajo Indian Reservation. This county was set off from Yavapai by the tenth session of the legislature in 1879..-. Until March, 1895, this county embraced what is now (1902) Navajo County, but at the former date that was set apart and established as a separate county. Apache County is justly noted for its great natural resources and advan tages. In the future this county is destined to have a large population. As before stated, Navajo Indians occupy the northern portion of the county; in fact, much of the whole county, as they care but little for reservation boundaries, driving their flocks and herds where they please and where grazing is best. The southern part is fine grazing land, while the more northern is cut up into gorges and canons by floods of past ages. The population of this county, by census of 1900, was 4,200. There are something over two hundred miles of irrigating canals taken out of an average width on bottom of two feet go THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA and a depth of water running one foot. The average fall of water in these canals is nine feet per mile. This county has undeveloped water resources sufficient to reclaim large bodies of land that are now practically unproductive, which will eventually be rendered fruitful and serve the purposes of man in the matter of rendering homes possible for an industrious and thriving population, where now are but arid wastes abandoned to the coyotes, lizards, horned toads and other beasts and reptiles. Coal is found in the moun tains in this county in vast quantities, but until better trans portation facilities are afforded, the deposits cannot be suc cessfully worked, and for the time are of no value. At some future day this portion of Arizona will rival Pennsylvania or England in the production of coal. The population of Apache County by census of 1900 was 8,297, and now would probably reach fully 10,000. There are fifteen public schools in the county, employing thirty- two teachers; number of pupils, 1,244; average school months per year, six. There are nine churches in the county, four Catholic and five Mormon, or Latter-day Saints. Over much of this county, but more especially along the valley of the Colorado Chiquito, are to be found numerous ruins of a pre-historic people. In the vicinity and just south of the town of St. Johns can be traced the ruins of two towns of considerable size, that probably contained a population of from three to four thousand each. These ancient people, from undoubted evi dence found in the ruins, were in their earlier stages phal lic worshipers, and in their more advanced stage worshipers of the sun, showing that the different branches of the human race in their upward progress from cannibalism, savageism, etc., have in all climes and in all ages traveled over about the same track; some are yet upon the scene, struggling toward an ideal higher civilization, whilst others have passed out into eternal night and are known only by a few molder- ing relics left behind. The religions of later ages, as THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA 91 humanity has progressed have endeavored to stamp out knowledge of these early forms of worship, through an idea, perhaps, that it might lead to the tracing of some of their cherished, sacred and original forms and ceremonies to these primitive beginnings, and cast a suspicion that all these stately forms of now overshadowing religions can be traced to the same primitive root. Wherever such ruins are found, in either Arizona or New Mexico, their main entrance faces east, and all are built of stone with mud for mortar. Other ruins are to be found some twelve miles south of St. Johns, on the west bank of a stream called by the Mexi can people "San Cosmos," and from all indications of like antiquity indicating that in their day these must have been flourishing towns. Farther south, near the village of Springerville, are other ruins, exhibiting same characteristics, which show that at least some among these ancient peoples possessed engineer ing skill, as here were large reservoirs for the storage of surplus waters of the Colorado River. What is now known as Becker's Lake was one of these reservoirs, and the ace- quia leading from the river to the lake can yet be traced. (Prof. A. F. Banta.) As a matter of fact, there are many ruins to be found scattered over most of Apache County, not only on the plains and along the valleys of the various streams, but up among mountain peaks the dwellings of the cave-dwellers, the autochthon of the human race, are to be found. These are the mute records of the earliest of the human race, — who shall translate their story for the knowledge of later gen erations ? The altitude of this county is such that all streams flow rapidly, being from four to ten thousand feet ; and in con sequence all vegetable and animal matter is washed away, rendering the country free of all malarial diseases; asthma and scarlet fever are not known. 92 THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA The undeveloped resources of the county are lumber and the precious minerals. The hills and mountains abound in black-tailed deer, antelopes, bears and mountain lions. Grouse, wild turkeys, etc., are plentiful, and the mountain streams are filled with trout of the finest variety. St. Johns, the county-seat and principal town, was first settled by Mexicans coming from the Rio Grande in New Mexico in 1872. Ten years later the Mormons, or Latter- day Saints, began to come in and settle in the valleys in the vicinity, and continued to come in until they became quite numerous, and engaged in growing fruit, grain, hay and vegetables of many kinds. The raising of cattle and sheep was gone into extensively, therefore wool and beef cattle are largely exported. The fruit consists of peaches, pears, apples and grapes. The production of honey is large and increasing. By means of ditches, canals, aqueducts, or acequias, water is brought from the Colorado Chiquito (little). Several irrigating companies, among them the "St. Johns," supply water at fair rates. The reservoirs of this company cover some sixty acres. The town of St. Johns has an altitude of 5,700 feet, and, therefore, no extreme heat can be looked for. Nights are always cool, and a thick blanket is pleasant to sleep under in the warmest of weather. Springerville, situated about thirty-five miles southeast of the county-seat, has an altitude of 6,500 feet above sea- level. It is in a round valley and is one of the most flourish ing settlements on the Colorado Chiquito. Around it is a fine country for agriculture, where grains, fruits, vegetables, etc., grow in abundance. Canals from the Colorado supply water in abundance. Becker Lake, one and one-half miles in length by half a mile in width, and twenty-five feet in depth, furnishes an excellent natural reservoir. Fine fish, trout and carp, are found in abundance therein. There are THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA 93 other considerable towns, as Concho and Nutrioso, sur rounded by beautiful farms and room for many more. Alpine, in the extreme southeastern part of the county, is surrounded by a fine tract of soil, but as the altitude of this place is about 9,000 feet, they in ordinary seasons need but little irrigation, as the rainfall is sufficient to supply the necessary moisture for wheat, oats, barley, etc. This is the northeastern county of Arizona, being bounded on the east by New Mexico; on the south by Graham County; on the west by Navajo County, and on the north by Utah. For about 250 miles this county borders New Mexico on the east, and Navajo County on the west, and is about sixty miles wide. Taxable property of 1903 amounted to $1,003,- 905.38. CHAPTER VI Coconino County. Coconino County contains an area of 19,322 miles ; its greatest length is 180 miles, and its greatest width 140 miles, — larger than the combined States of Massachusetts, Vermont and Delaware. It is bounded on the east by Navajo County ; on the south by Yavapai and Gila Counties ; on the west by a portion of Yavapai County and Mojave County, and on the north by the State of Utah. Flagstaff is the county-seat, being situated upon the Santa Fe and Pacific Railroad, and is a place of much commercial importance. Much of the county is mountainous, arid considerable is desert ; still there are large tracts where sheep and cattle can be grown in vast flocks and herds. The mountains, like most of Arizona mountains, are ribbed with mineral-bear ing ledges, and much mining is being done and will continue to increase for a century to come, as yet it is in its infancy. The great Petrified Forest of the world is in this country, and it would seem from the beautiful specimens seen from there, that a large commerce in petrified wood ought to be built up, as it is fine and will take the polish of the most beautiful marble. A large portion of the Grand Canon of the Colorado, one of the greatest natural wonders of the world, is in Coconino County, and the Santa Fe and Pacific Railroad has run a branch road out some sixty miles to it, so that people anxious to see the wearing effects of running water upon solid rock, through the lapse of revolving centuries, having worn down into the earth's crust over a mile, can THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA 95 gratify their curiosity with little hardship or expense. There is an Indian reservation in the county, the Yavapai- Supi reserve. Coconino County was set off from Yavapai in the ses sion of 1893. The population by census of 1900 is 5,514, and that of the town of Flagstaff, by same census is 1,271 — Indians in county, 1,113. There is a large body of land in this county yet belonging to the United States Govern ment, and a fine opportunity is thus offered to the indus trious and intelligent farmer to acquire a home for him self and family. All farm products find a ready market near home and at remunerative prices. Within the bound aries of this county somewhere near two million acres are covered with a fine growth of pine timber, and it has been estimated that cut into inch boards would produce some eight billion feet. The lumber business of this county is of great proportions and gives steady employment to many hundreds of men at remunerative wages. A large propor tion of the land upon which this vast forest grows is yet public land and open to actual settlers under the Home stead Act. The general government has set apart in the north western portion of the county for a National Park, an area of 2,893 square miles known as the "Grand Canon Forest Reserve," — the Colorado River flows through it, and it embraces the most striking features of the world- renowned Grand Canon of the Colorado, which attracts many tourists from every country upon the globe. Here are ruins of the ancient cliff and cave dwellers, also a natural well in solid rock called the Well of Montezuma, which, perhaps, was opened when this portion of the earth's foundations was laid, and numerous other wonders are now on the great lines of travel. The climate is healthful and the summers cool and invigorating, as the altitude of 6,000 feet and upwards gives it the climate of a latitude much farther from the equator at a lower level. 96 THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA Much of the country is rich in a great variety of minerals, but as yet only the surface has been scratched and that in only a few places. There are vast deposits of coal, also black onyx, and in the Grand Canon, itself, is the largest deposit of copper ore in the United States, perhaps, in the world. Gold and silver in paying quantities are also found in many places. The Arizona sandstone, which is found in the vicinity of Flagstaff and is the material of which many of the finest buildings in many of our large Western cities are constructed, is an important industry. The San Francisco plateau is a great natural curiosity resembling a gigantic whaleback humped up above the sur face of the Mogollon watershed in northern Arizona; dif fering entirely from the rest of the system. On either hand the desert comes up to its sides; on the east are the lofty, barren plains of the painted desert, while on the west are the lower deserts of the Mojave; yet here it is surrounded by these vast plains of desolation ; this body of land rounds upwards like a fertile island from a surrounding ocean. On either side the desolate plains have no timber, if sage brush be excepted, while here is the most splendid forest of Arizona and among the finest of the southwest. On the plains are sand, sage brush and heat, while on this elevated plateau is the vivifying breath of ancient pines and cooling breezes from snow-cloud peaks; fresh green grasses, knee high; glades and ponds and clear, beautiful streams filled with the finest trout. Some day, and that not very distant, this beautiful country will be thickly settled, and made to administer to the necessities of civilized man. The Arizona pine belt where the Atlantic and Pacific Railroad crosses is fully sixty miles wide from east to west, and a little over two hundred miles long from north to south, or a little over one-fourth of the area of the State of New York. Some fifty miles north of the line of the railroad the Grand Canon crosses this forest but does not terminate it; THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA 97 about fifty miles south of the railroad the great plateau breaks off into Tonto Basin, but the forest continues on up the sides of the mountain range, Mazatzals, and other ranges giving out at last where the great plateau of north ern and central Arizona finally breaks down to the valley of the Gila River. This great table is the Arizona Divide, the culmination of the watershed of the Mogollon Moun tains. The average elevation above sea level is about 7,000 feet. Like sentinels guarding this treasured country, the San Francisco peaks rise to between twelve and thirteen thousand feet, the most lofty mountains of Arizona. This region of Coconino County is unique, — the most wonderful area of the United States. The health-giving and invigorating qualities of the air of this pinery plateau is truly wonderful, its sweet perfume is that of the pine woods of Maine, but there is a tonic in it that does not ap pertain to the pine forests of Maine even in early summer nor to other lands of humid skies. The winters are quite severe, and heavy snows fall at times on account of the great altitude, the mercury getting down to eight and ten below zero. Flagstaff, the principal town of this vast plateau and the county-seat, has an elevation, above sea level, of 6,935 feet> and for this reason is not subject to extreme heat. The town gets its peculiar name from the fact that a govern ment expedition, camping there one Fourth of July, trimmed up a tall pine tree for a flagstaff and floated the flag of our country from its top, and before a house was erected there the point was known as Flagstaff. Flagstaff is a prosperous city nestled among the pines at the foot of San Francisco Mountains, whose serrated peaks are covered much of the year with a snowy mantle, which has much to do in modifying the climate of surrounding plains that lie in vast stretches on each side. Flagstaff, in the near future, will not only be a great summer resort, but will be renowned as the center of the greatest scenic wonders of the world. 98 THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA as it is not only on the natural approach to the Pine Creek Natural Bridge, Montezuma's Castle, Montezuma's Well, Walnut Creek Canon, with its cliff and cave-dwellings, and other great natural curiosities in that region, but it is also the main entrance to that most stupendous of natural wonders of the world, — the Grand Canon of the Colorado. Here, also, is another wonder: a tribe or remnant of a tribe, of Indians reside amid the wild beauties of what is known as Cataract Canon; veritable cliff and cave dwellers and not to be found in any other part of the world. To see the wonders enumerated is of more interest to the observ ing naturalist than many transcontinental journeys. Here, in countries that have advanced to a comparative civiliza tion, is to be found primitive man as he existed before the age of history. Where else can be seen the living picture of what our ancestors were, perhaps, fifty thousand years ago ? The population of Flagstaff by census of 1900 is 1,271. The leading industry of Flagstaff is its lumber; another natural product that has added, and for centuries must con tinue to add, to the natural wealth of that region is the immense deposits of red sandstone, the handsomest and most substantial building material, so far as is known, in the United States. Some of the finest buildings in the great cities are of Coconino stone, which can be quarried out in perfect blocks of such sizes as may be required. The Arizona Lumber Company owns of this great forest, upon the edge of which is Flagstaff, nearly 1,000,000 acres; there is still left somewhere near 6,000,000 acres that be longs to the United States. The best fire brick known is made from the volcanic tufa found in large quantities in this vicinity; light, yet a pres sure resistant and so complete a non-conductor of heat, that one end can be heated to a red heat and the other end held in the fingers. The largest area of splendid grazing land in Arizona is upon this plateau and this portion of the county is a great THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA 99 producer of wool; cattle also is a very important item in swelling the aggregate wealth of products. There is much mining going forward, and new developments are being made almost daily, but product from mines now is a mere bagatelle to what it will be in the future, when capitalists will have become awakened to the vast mineral wealth buried in the hills and mountains of Coconino County, awaiting the hand of intelligent industry, and in the walls of the Grand Canon and tributary canons. Of the various stock, horned cattle rank first, they are found in every section of the country but especially upon the great wooded plateau. The dry, pure air of this plateau is conducive not alone to the health of the human species, but also of the more inferior animals. There are no cattle diseases, and stockmen have only accidents to contend with. The finest of cattle and sheep are raised here and the com mon herds improve greatly in the course of a few months. Careful and conservative estimates give the yearly increase of horned cattle at twenty-five per cent; horses rank third in value as assessed and all are as widely distributed as horned stock. As a rapid producer of capital, sheep are far in advance in this county; fully half the sheep of Arizona are within the boundaries of Coconino County, and the wool produced ranks with the best in the world. Time was, and not long ago, when it was considered that the sheep of southern France and the Spanish merino of northern Spain were the best producers in the world, but in the last few years sheep men have discovered that on the uplands of Arizona, in Coconino County, a superior blooded sheep has been pro duced, equal to any in the world. With care and attention seventy-five per cent per annum increase on the ewe por tion of the flock is not an overestimate, and then there is the double-fleece yearly, which of itself will pay for the whole flock and care of herding them. ioo THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA Church denominations represented in this county are the Catholic, Presbyterian, Methodist, Episcopal and Latter- day Saints (Mormons), the latter at Tuba City only. There are several well-edited papers published in the county: the Flagstaff Democrat; Coconino Sun; William's News and several others. The attention of the people is very earnest in the matter of educating the rising genera tion, and the schools are of superior quality and well sup plied with competent teachers. At Flagstaff is the great Normal school of the Territory with an able corps of teach ers. Assessed valuation of property in 1903 amounted to $3,677,959-54- CHAPTER VII Cochise County The area of Cochise County is 6,972 miles, being about the size of the combined areas of Rhode Island and Con necticut. This county is bounded on the east by New Mexico, on the south by the northern line of the Mexican State of Sonora, on the west by Pima County, from which it was taken entire, and on the north by the county of Gra ham. By census of 1900 the population of this county was 9,251. Tombstone, the county-seat, by same census had a population of 646, though, in its palmy days, it boasted of a population of over 7,000; in the last few months it has revived somewhat and a railroad is in process of construc tion, which will go through the place striking the Arizona and Sonora road at Fairbanks, upon the San Pedro River. This county has three great valleys almost entirely within its limits, which include a vast body of fine agricultural land. Two of these valleys run directly across the whole of the county from southeast to about northwest, viz., that of the San Pedro and Sulphur Springs, while the valley of the Rio de Sauz, or, as better known, San Simon, crosses the northeastern corner. These valleys with their laterals, embrace a large amount of fine agricultural land. What is needed in all these valleys to render them great producers of agricultural products is the development of water for ir rigation. Upon the San Pedro, some seven miles south of where the Southern Pacific Railroad crosses that stream, the colony of industrious and energetic Mormons at St. Davids commenced boring an artesian well and have suc-^ ceeded in fully fifty places in bringing a good flow to the surface; others seeing what these enterprising men have 102 THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA accomplished set to work and now for more than sixty miles along this stream there are flowing wells at different points. There are two distinct mountain ranges that run the en tire distance across the county with the trend of the valleys, that is, from southeast to about northwest, the great Chiri cahua Range is the most easterly; and there is mineral at many points and on both sides of this great upheaval. From the vicinity of what is known as Railroad Pass, where the Southern Pacific passes through the range from the Sul phur Springs Valley into that of the San Simon, to, and a little beyond, what is known as Apache Pass, may be called a gold formation, as that is the predominating min eral. This portion of the range is frequently called the Dos Cabezas Range, though it is part of Chiricahua Range. In this section are many valuable gold claims, both in ledges and in surface washings. The great drawback to the full .development of surface diggings is the scarcity of water most of the year, but if the boring now in process is a success that difficulty is obviated. In proceeding along the range southeasterly from the Apache Pass, silver, cop per and lead are encountered in many places, and there are some valuable deposits of copper; about fifteen miles nearly east from Apache Pass, over quite an extent of country on the San Simon slope of the mountain range, is quite a show ing of coal, but sufficient work has not been done to really show it up. In detached hills about seven miles south from Sulphur Springs is the great Pearse Mine, which has produced within about eight years a net profit to the fortunate owners in gold and silver, and is still in successful operation, run ning a mill of eighty-stamps' capacity after having yielded in dividends something over $15,000,000. Some thirty miles west of the Chiricahuas is the Dragoon Range of THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA 103 mountains in which are many mines of great value and in the continuation southerly, sometimes called Mule Moun tains. The great copper camp of Bisbee is in the southern por tion of this county some eight miles from the boundary line of Sonora, Mexico, and a railroad from the camp enters Sonora at the town of Naco and is already in operation. There has been taken from the mines of this company, in about twenty years' operations, a vast amount of treasure; over $20,000,000 have been paid in dividends, and all im provements, amounting to many millions more, have been paid for. One item of improvement is a railroad of sixty miles, built by the company to connect with the Southern Pacific Railroad at Benson at the crossing of the San Pedro. Tombstone is a great mining producer of silver and has yielded in the various mines fully $15,000,000. The miners' great strike of 1884 caused a suspension of work for a time, and before they were ready to resume, silver had so depreciated in value in the world's markets that it was deemed resumption would be bad policy, and they have practically remained idle ever since; though within the last few months much work is being done, and new ma chinery going -in looking to a full resumption. East of Tombstone, some sixteen miles, is a flourishing camp called Turquoise, which must eventually be a great producer. There is the thriving town of Douglas, established upon Blackwater, at the boundary line that has only been in ex istence for a few months, and bids fair to become a place of large commercial importance in a very short time. From present indications it would appear that Cochise County must stand well to the front as a producer for many years to come, though Arizona throughout her hills and mountains is so ribbed with mineral lodes that it is hard to tell what portion will eventually prove of the most value, but Cochise County for years to come will astonish the world. 104 THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA Besides the great mines there are many others being worked in a quiet way making the mine pay all expenses, and the owners are, without ostentation, saving up com fortable fortunes. The school census shows there are 2,122 children of school age and an average attendance at public schools of 1,826, and forty-two teachers who would compare favorably with any corps of teachers in any of the old States. The average school term is a little over six months in each year. Almost every town has its different denominational church, and all are fairly supported. Tombstone has Catho lic, Methodist, Episcopal and Baptist. Bisbee, Episcopal (at the expense of the mining company), Catholic, Metho dist, Presbyterian, Congregationalist, Baptist. St. Davids, one church of Latter-day Saints (Mormons) ; Benson, Catholic, Methodist and Episcopal. Willcox, Catholic, Methodist, Baptist, — so it may be said, no man need suffer for lack of spiritual food, though not always easy of digestion. At Tombstone is published the Prospector; and at Bisbee there are two papers, also, the rising town of Douglass, though only a few months old, has two papers striving for patronage. Willcox has one paper, the Range News; so Cochise may be said to be well supplied with newspapers. CHAPTER VIII Gila County Gila County has an area of 7,247 square miles, about equal to that of the State of New Jersey. This county is quite irregular in shape, and is bounded on the north by Coconino and a portion of Apache Counties ; on the east by Apache and Graham Counties ; on the south by Graham and Pinal Counties; on the west by Pinal, Maricopa and Yavapai Counties. The county-seat is Globe, the center of a large mining region, and the terminus of the Gila Valley and Globe Railroad, which connects with the Southern Pacific Railroad at Bowie Station in San Simon Valley, Cochise County. Gila is almost exclusively a mountain county, and the great industry for many years will be mining and work in connection with mines. The population by census of 1900 was 4,973 and of Globe, the county-seat, by same census, 1,495. This county was created in 1881, at the eleventh legislative session of the Territorial legislature, by taking territory from Yavapai and Pinal Counties, its name is derived from the River Gila, which forms a portion of its southern boundary; after its first formation some 965 square miles were added from Yavapai County. Much of the best agricultural lands of this county are embraced in the San Carlos Indian Reservation. The county is largely mountainous and in many places abounds in min erals, mostly copper, though the more precious minerals, as gold and silver, are founiL-alsoT"' The Salt River flows through the northern portion of the county and farther in are some flourishing settlements, de pendent upon the land they cultivate for their subsistence. 106 THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA The Rio Solado or Salt River receives its name from the salty or brackish taste of its waters, and many statements have been put forth to account for this peculiarity of a mountain stream. Some who would wish to have others think they knew all things, and could give reasons off hand for everything, have told of a vast bed of salt that the river ran over on its course from the mountains to the valley, and that the constant scouring and erosion wears off enough of the rock salt to give all the waters of the lower stream a saline taste. Upon investigation, however, it has been ascertained that about north of the city of Globe is a small mountain or hill of pure rock salt from which flows quite a stream of very salt water, this stream flows into Salt River and impregnates its waters from this point, as above this junction the main stream is fresh. This stream of salt water ought, if possible, to be diverted from flowing into Salt River, as it may be that so much salinity in water used for irrigation may impregnate the soil to such an ex tent as in time to render it unproductive. One great remedy after land has become sterile through the salinity of water used for irrigation is to grow beets for several crops, though it might be very inconvenient to many to do this. This county has many natural wonders: in the northern part the natural bridge, which spans Pine Creek, far sur passes the world-famed Natural Bridge of Virginia. Beneath this bridge are numerous caves, some not yet explored. In this portion of the county many beautiful water falls are found, and springs from which flow a sufficiency of water to drive heavy machinery. There are warm springs upon the San Carlos Reservation, believed by the Indians to possess almost marvellous curative qualities. There is much, also, to interest the scientist: evidences of a race of humanity having lived here in the ages long past, the cliff dwellers; and as for beautiful and imposing scenery, it is here mapped out in rocky splendor for his admiration. THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA 107 The Pinal Mountain Range crosses the county south and west and is heavily timbered; the Sierra Ancha and Ma- zatsal Ranges on the north are covered also with a heavy growth of pine, oak and juniper. The main industry of this county is mining and from its southern to its northern boundary minerals abound. The Globe Copper Mines have paid largely from the start when everything in connection with the mines had to be hauled by mule wagons to and from Willcox upon the Southern Pacific Railroad, a distance of about one hundred and fifty miles. There is also within the bounds of this county the San Carlos coal fields though but little has been done towards developing this deposit. The San Carlos Indian Reservation embraces much of the county and probably fully one-half of the agricultural land ; small portions are tilled by the Apaches in a desultory man ner. Down Pinal Creek about twelve miles from Globe, at a point where is living water at all seasons, is what is known as the wheat fields. This land was cultivated, to a con siderable extent, by the Apache Indians, who here planted corn, pumpkins and beans long before there were any white settlers in the vicinity. The land now by reason of its productiveness and nearness to market is valued at a higher figure. Within sight of this mountain divide lies nearly all the farming land of the county. From the mouth of Pima Creek it is about fifteen miles to the Box Canon of Salt River. There are about four thousand acres of land fenced in, and of this some two thousand acres are devoted to the raising of grain. Much attention is also given to the raising of stock. Tonto Creek joins the Salt River just above the Box Canon from the north; the valley of Tonto Creek is broad and is occupied for some twenty- five miles by stockmen, who raise little produce excepting hay. There are many evidences of a pre-historic race having inhabited this country long before the advent of Europeans 108 THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA upon this continent. Upon many of the hilltops there are to be found the remains of stone structures, circular in form, which seem to have been used either as a watch tower or temple for sun worship, maybe for both purposes. Is it to be wondered at that these primitive inhabitants should worship the sun, to them the great creative power, their darkened minds not having risen to a comprehension of the Invisible, — "Him who kindled and who quenchest suns." Upon many of the jutting cliffs are remains of what were undoubtedly fortresses, constructed so as to over look the valley below and exterior defences which com manded all approaches. A short distance below Greenback Creek are the remains of an immense ruin on the mesa or plateau. The walls of this ruin are yet standing to the height of six or eight feet and are covered with debris. This structure was built of gypsum; a large deposit of which underlies the country in the neighborhood, cropping out when the upper covering has been eroded sufficiently either through the action of wind or water. Several irrigating canals can be traced which must have required no mean engineering skill to bring the water to the top of the table lands. Along the small streams in the vicinity are marked out in cobble stones long stretches of connected enclosures that must have been rooms of houses. Some of these houses are as long as half a mile, though narrow. Here in the long past must have existed the inhabitants of a populous city. The wash ings of centuries have mostly covered these antique dwell ings until the sites now are but slightly marked on the edges of the lowest plateau. Some very interesting re mains, evidencing that there have been here an ancient peo ple, are to be found to the south a few miles from Armer Postoffice. Far up a narrow canon and reached only after an ex haustive climb, a number of cliff dwellings are found. They THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA 109 are all constructed after much the same plan. In the con tact between the sandstone stratum and more ancient for mation which underlies it, several large caves have been worn out by action of wind and water. Across the wide mouth was built a wall of cement, somewhat the shape of an open oyster shell, and the interior was divided off into rooms by partition walls of the same material. The man ner by which the primitive inhabitants entered their dwell-' ings was by means of a ladder or notched stick or log, up the face of the cliff maybe fifteen or twenty feet to the level of the roof, then through a hole in the roof by draw ing up the ladder and placing it down this aperture, a de scent could be made into the dwelling,' then by letting down and fastening the trap door and removing the ladder all would be secure against external foes. Nothing short of heavy ordnance would prove effective against these forti fied dwellings, even up to the present day. The largest cave of this group is about one hundred feet long, by forty feet deep, and twenty feet in height at the face ; there were within, some dozen rooms arranged upon three floors ; the floors were of neatly dressed cedar logs upon which were laid, crosswise and close as they could be together, ribs of the giant cactus, and upon these, flags and a clay dressing. The woodwork in these caves is in an excellent state of preservation; the condition for preserving relics of a long past era could nowhere be found nearer perfection. The climate is free from humidity and through the long lapse of ages not a drop of moisture has reached the in terior of these caves. The probability seems to be that they were used as a place of refuge, a dernier resort by those people who cultivated the valleys, and these fortresses were kept victualed and guarded so that on the approach of a foe too strong for them to encounter in the open field, the inhabitants withdrew into these strongholds until the storm of invasion should pass on. no THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA The mountain scenery of this county is very grand and fully equal to that of Switzerland which has been the theme for ages of the historian, the tourist and the poet. The schools are good and well attended, showing that education is not neglected by her energetic and prosperous people. The churches, also, are well attended and supported. When Gila was first created a county organization (1881), there was not a single church within its boundaries, though the Latter-day Saints (Mormons) held meetings in pri vate houses. Since that time many of the different de nominations have erected houses of worship, until the re ligious requirements of the people are fairly well attended to. There are some thirty-three public schools within the county, employing about forty competent teachers. At Thatcher is located an academy maintained by the Mormon Church organization; so a fair business education can be obtained by every child without leaving the Gila Valley. The secret orders are ably represented and have many valuable buildings and their humanizing influence, as al ways, has a powerful effect for the good of society. The most prominent are, perhaps, in about the order named: Masons, Odd Fellows and Elks. Of benevolent societies the A. O. U. W. stands prominent. There are two weekly papers published at Globe and both seem to be doing well. Assessable valuation of property of this county for 1903 amounted to $1,541,924. CHAPTER IX Graham County Graham County has an area of 6,500 square miles, nearly the size of Massachusetts, and is bounded on the north by Gila, Navajo and Apache Counties ; on the east, by New Mexico ; on the south by Cochise, and on the west by Pinal and Gila Counties, and is bisected from east to west by the Gila River. Soldmonville, the county-seat, is situated on the south side of the Gila River, and a line of railroad connects it with the Southern Pacific at Bowie Station. This line of road strikes into the valley of the Gila at Solomonville, and continues on down the same to the San Carlos, some fifty miles, where it crosses the Gila to the north side, and is finished as far as Globe in Gila County. At some future day this road will be extended from Globe to connect with the Atlantic and Pacific system at some point which may then be deemed most advantageous to the interests of those who may then be concerned. Along the Gila River from Solomonville, down to the San Carlos Indian Reservation, are thriving towns and many fine farms ; a very thriving settlement, principally Mormons, who. by their industry and thrift, have made this valley to blossom as the rose. This is a great mining county; the extensive mines of Clifton and Morenci are within its boundaries. These mines produce, and have been producing for several years, a revenue to the fortunate owners which many an eastern principality might deem to be a sufficient cause of congratulation. There is a railroad from these mines connecting with the m 112 THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA Southern Pacific at Lordsburg, in New Mexico, some forty- one miles of this railroad are in this county. There will, eventually, be many other mines in this county worked at. a large profit as the mining interest is in its infancy, ex cepting at two or three points. This county was created into a separate county by the eleventh legislature in 1881, by taking a part from Pima and Apache Counties. The county is mountainous, with many rich valleys and fertile tracts along the foothills. The Gila River runs en tirely through the county with many windings, but a gen eral west course, and along it is much fine land well adapted to the raising of fruits and cereals, and much of it, in the last twenty years has been highly cultivated. Fort Goodwin, some thirty-five miles below where Solo monville now is, was established by order of General James H. Carleton in 1864 for the purpose of overawing the Chiri cahua and Pinal and White Mountain Apache Indians under their renowned leader, Cochise, who during those years, and up to 1872, kept the whole country in a state of terror. The first settlers upon the Gila in this county were of Mexican descent and pitched their camp at San Jose about one and one-half miles above Solomonville, and the same year a settlement was commenced at that place. The set tlement was first called Munsonville on account of William Munson starting a little store there. Munson soon sold out to I. E. Solomon and the place changed the name to the present one. The Latter-day Saints (Mormons) came in from Utah and settled in the valley in 1880, and formed several set tlements upon the Gila River below Safford ; dug irrigation canals and began developing the resources of the valley until at the present time, by their thrift and industry, they have that portion of the Gila Valley as productive as any portion of the West. The valley of Salt River about Phce nix is larger in area but not more productive per acre. The population of this county by census of 1900 is 14,162, an THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA 113 increase of two hundred and fifty per cent in a decade. Mount Graham which is but a continuation of the Chiri cahua Range on the northwest, is at the highest portion, 10,318 feet above sea level. Mount Turnbull, a separate peak, but a prolongation of the range upon the northwest trend is nearly as lofty. The elevation of the valley of the Gila is, at the San Carlos, about three thousand feet, while at the eastern line of the county, some seventy miles to the eastward the altitude will reach about four thousand feet. In hottest summer the weather gets quite warm and at mid day or a little later in the day the thermometer frequently indicates in the shade ioo° or even a few degrees over that, but high mountains being so close at hand on every side nights are cool and pleasant even at this season of the year. In winter, snow sometimes covers the ground, though it does not lie on any great length of time. Graham County is well supplied with schools, and the Lat= ter-day Saints have paid particular attention to this requisite of an intelligent people. They not only have public schools at short intervals along the Gila Valley, but have estab lished an academy in the valley under able instructors, where a classical education can be obtained at a reasonable cost. Of churches there are many; the different sects be ing well represented; perhaps, the Mormons in the agri cultural portions predominate. Of newspapers there are several ably edited. Secret societies as Masons, Odd Fel lows, and Elks, are well represented and W. C. T. U. is in a flourishing condition. This county bids fair to be the ban ner county of Arizona in population and productive wealth at the next census decade. Assessed valuation of property in 1903 for taxation, $3,953>255-I5- There are in Graham County great possibilities that are but beginning to be developed. There is considerable fine land for agricultural purposes up the San Simon from where it enters the Gila River near Solomonville to the north line of Cochise County. What is required to make ii4 THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA it very productive is that artesian water be developed as the San Simon River itself will not afford water in sufficient quantity oftener than one year in five to irrigate the bottom lands along it. The main agricultural land of this county lies along the Gila River commencing some miles above Solomonville and extending down the river some forty miles, where it enters Gila County. For some twenty miles down the river from Solomonville, the Latter-day Saints (Mormons), have made of lands along the river an agricultural paradise. Land that was deemed of little value but a few years ago, has been reclaimed and rendered fertile by bring ing water from the Gila River in sufficient quantities in aqueducts or ditches to irrigate the thirsty soil as needed. This has been done by these energetic and industrious peo ple without asking aid of the Federal Government. Fine roads have been constructed; turnpiked, and wherever ditches or water channels crossed the line of road good and substantial bridges are put in. Trees have been planted on each side of the roads through their whole distance. The fields are separated from each other by substantial fences and are kept in fine repair. Immense crops of grain and hay are raised every year, and have generally brought remunerative prices, so, as a general thing, these sturdy farmers are in independent circumstances. They live prin cipally in fine brick houses, large and commodious, sur rounded by gardens and flowers, and in almost every in stance in a grove of beautiful trees. There are several important towns along the river, the principal of which are Pima, Thatcher, Safford and Solo monville. Solomonville is, at present, the county-seat and has a population of about two thousand people. Safford, probably, has about the same number. The old, reliable firm of Solomon, Wickersham & Com pany is much in evidence along the Gila River from Solo monville down to the county boundary. This firm has a THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA 115 wholesale house at both Safford and Solomonville and a bank in both places of which the firm owns the main por tion, one partner, Mr. Wickersham, being president and Mr. Solomon, vice-president. This county has some very valuable copper mines in the northeastern part, on some tributaries of the Gila River, that come in from the north, viz., the mining town of Mor enci, upon the San Francisco River, and Clifton, where are the smelting works, upon the east branch of El Tularosa. These towns are about seven miles apart. Clifton is reached by a regular graded railroad from Lordsburg, New Mexico, and a narrow-gauge road through a canon up to Morenci. Morenci is the great business town of fully six thousand people. The company store here among the mountains, inaccessible a few years ago by other than pack animals, is as fine as any in the southwest, excepting Los Angeles, and it may be doubted if surpassed there; it carries a stock of fully $500,000. The hotel here is fine and prices to match. In these two towns of Clifton and Morenci there are fully 10,000 people. Sometimes more in one town than in the other, as labor is required. The sole dependence of this large population is upon the output of the mines as there is practically nothing else, there being no agricultural land in that vicinity. Metcalf is an other flourishing town some miles further in the mountains, and the whole depends upon the mines. The capital ex pended in smelters, hoisting works, machinery of the most expensive kind, railroads, etc., would mount up to several millions, — all depending upon copper. The ore is of low percentage in copper, but to compensate there are vast bodies of it. To make it remunerative to the stock holder requires the utmost economy in management, still the company has expended money upon a liberal scale. The mining companies have been having much difficulty with their workmen through strikes; laborers demanding the same pay for eight as for ten hours' work. Probably 116 THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA in a short time this matter will be adjusted satisfactorily and matters move on as usual. A legislature, perhaps, had the legal right to say what number of hours should constitute a day's work, but the whole thing would seem to be one of those sumptuary laws not at this day considered as appertaining to the duties of law givers, and likely to be of more harm than benefit, even to those whom it was intended to favor. The valuation .of assessable property in this county for the year 1903 was $3,953,255-15- CHAPTER X Maricopa County This county has an area of 8,816 square miles, and is a little larger than the State of Massachusetts, with her great history. This county is bounded on the north by Yavapai County, on the east by Gila County and a portion of Pinal, on the south by a portion of Pinal and Pima Counties and on the west by Yuma County. At the census of 1900 the population of this county was 20,457, Dut now ^ must vei7 nearly come up to 30,000 as the registration of voters this current year (1902), is within a few of 5,000, which shows a very heavy increase. Phcenix is the county-seat, as well as the capital of the Territory, and is pleasantly situated in the valley of the Salt River, some twenty miles above where the Salt and Gila unite. Phcenix is a rapidly growing city, and one of great possibilities, being the center of the most extensive agricultural valley in the Territory, and has an extensive and rich mining region tributary to it. This city is upon the site, or much of it, of an ancient prehistoric city inhabited by an agricultural people away back in the past, long before Europeans set foot upon the American continent. Great aqueducts can be traced for miles that the Indians, as we have known them, never dug and of which the modern Pimas have no tradition. The Pimas say these things were there when they came to the country. There can be no doubt but that this portion of Arizona was once inhabited by a people partially civilized, who carried the engineering art to at least considerable perfection, as far as conducting water from streams for irrigating the thirsty 117 118 THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA soil is concerned. The remains of canals and aqueducts for irrigation would indicate an engineering knowledge to equal that of the ancient Egyptians, but of whom all rec ord except these aqueducts and some ruined walls, are lost in the night of time. Maricopa County was created by taking that portion of Yavapai south of latitude 34° and west of the San Carlos at the sixth session of the territorial legislature; at the seventh legislative session a portion of Pima County, north of 32 ° 34' and west of longitude 112" 6', was made a por tion of this county. The county is somewhat in the shape of an "L." Since its creation into a county parts have been cut off. When Pinal County was formed, in 1875, a slice was taken off and another in 1881 was taken off and given to Gila County. This is the great agricultural county of the Territory, as a large part of it is a vast plain sloping towards the Verdi, the Salt and Gila Rivers, being an amount of irrigable land greater than in all the rest of the counties of the Territory put together. The Verdi River runs through quite a por tion of the county from the north and joins the Salt River some thirty-five miles above Phcenix, while the Salt and Gila Rivers unite about twenty-five miles below or south westerly from Phcenix. In the valleys of these three streams are some 3,000,000 acres and all that is requisite. to make it very productive is water and proper cultivation to pro duce the necessary moisture. The valley of Salt River contains nearly a million of acres in one body, one vast plain. The soil is of the richest, and as fast as canals or aque ducts can be gotten out to conduct the water upon the land all fruits, vegetables and cereals are produced in great abundance, as well as grasses, equal to the fertility of the Nile Valley of Egypt, which away back in the dim past, was called the granary of the then civilized world. THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA 119 The water used for irrigation seems to have a renewing influence upon the soil as much of the land has been used for nearly thirty years and yet no decrease in the per acre yield. Two crops a year, in many instances, are produced upon the same land, viz., barley or wheat, sown about November, and harvested the following June; then a crop of corn or beans, with pumpkins galore and harvested and out of the way in time for next crop of wheat or barley. Of alfalfa, hay, fine cuttings each year of about an average of two tons to the acre each cutting can be produced and the average price to be obtained fully six dollars per ton at the farm. Everything grown in the temperate zone is pro duced in lavish abundance in the semi-tropical climate of this great valley. Among fruits produced are the follow ing: oranges, lemons, quinces, figs, apples, pears, necta rines, peaches, apricots, olives, almonds, strawberries, grapes, plums and dates. Of cereals and grasses there are produced wheat, oats, barley, rye, corn, buckwheat, cotton, tobacco, broomcorn, hemp, flax, sugar cane, alfalfa, blue grass, timothy and clover. Vegetables give a most prolific yield, except potatoes; as the climate of summer is too warm for the tubers. This valley of Salt River is capable of an almost unlimited va riety of productions, but in fruit cultivation it must look for its greatest prosperity. With the exception of some fa vored spots in the Colorado Desert, as around Indio, upon the Southern Pacific Railroad, there is not a region be tween the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans which possesses the natural advantages for the successful prosecution of this industry that these great valleys of Gila and Salt River in the vicinity of Phcenix do. Owing to earlier spring, or more rapid growth of vegetation, the fruits in these valleys are ripe and ready for market from two to three weeks earlier than those grown about Los Angeles. This gives 120 THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA the Arizona fruit-raiser a great advantage, being enabled to dispose of his entire crop without competition. The fig yields two and not unfrequently three crops a year; the white adriatic variety is most popular and as much at home here, as on the hills of its native Dalmatia. Figs grown here have been pronounced by competent judges, to be the equal in all respects to those grown at Smyrna. There are but few places on the globe where the fig can be success fully cultivated, and the success attending its raising here will render this great valley in -Maricopa County, Arizona, celebrated throughout the civilized world. Figs are a more profitable crop than oranges for the producer. The largest fig orchards in the United States are probably in this Salt River Valley, though within the last few years Southern California has largely cultivated this delicious fruit. Water brings life and productiveness to the soil. By its agency the barren desert is made to bring forth grasses, flowers and forest trees, while cultivation makes it yield fruits and all grains requisite for the wants and sustenance of the human race. The prosperity of nations is and al ways has been resting upon the prosperity of agriculture, and, therefore, the wisest statesmen have always protected the agriculturalist — the producer from the ground — and it is a fact, beyond cavil, the producer has to bear the brunt of the exactions of government, be that government autocratic, theocratic or republican in form. Irrigation is the bringing of water onto the land as gen erally understood to take the place of rains, and is only necessary in countries and sections of countries where rains are not to be depended upon. Canals, ditches, aqueducts or acequias are constructed for the purpose of conducting water from springs or streams out upon the land requiring moisture, in many instances from a portion of the surplus waters of rivers at flood. THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA 121 Artificial ponds or lakes are filled up; stored as it were, in reservoirs, to be used upon the thirsty land during the dry season. To irrigate is, correctly speaking, to water, but as gener ally understood, it means, by artificial appliances to bring water upon land to moisten it for the purpose of rendering land productive which otherwise would remain barren ex cepting for a short time when rains might visit that section, and these rains coming at such long intervals or in such small quantities as to be practically of little value. Could the great valley of the Gila and Salt Rivers be thoroughly ir rigated, a sufficiency of grains, fruits and vegetables could be produced to supply a population of a million inhabitants. Phcenix has communication by railroad with the South ern Pacific road at Maricopa, via Wickenberg, and Prescott, with the Atlantic and Pacific Railroad at Ash Fork and soon will have a railroad direct to El Paso and the east via San Pedro, Benson, Bisbee and Douglass, and an other railroad direct to the Colorado River and connect ing with the California system and Pacific ports. An en terprise is now contemplated that will place a dam across Salt River just below where Tonto Creek empties into it which will create a reservoir or lake capable of placing one foot of water over three hundred thousand additional acres in the valleys of Salt and Gila Rivers each year, which would vastly increase the output of these valleys. It is highly probable that artesian water will be developed in con siderable quantities which would be used to swell the amount of land that is irrigated. The city of Phcenix was formed and received its name in 1870. The name was believed to have been given or was selected by Darrel Dupper, an Englishman by birth, a valuable and enterprising citizen and a highly educated man. He explained that the Phcenix was a bird of wondrous plumage and vocal powers; not perpetuated in the usual manner, but which lived for five hundred 122 THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA • years; then after singing its funeral chant, in a voice of great sweetness, it prepared its charnel house and entered; the house took fire by spontaneous combustion and it, with contents, were consumed; from the ashes arose a new and glorified bird to pass through its allotted course ; a self life-sustaining bird which knew not death, a shadow of im mortality to which all of woman born are aspiring. The name of Phcenix and the explanation of Darrel Dupper were received with shouts of approval, and the name of Phcenix adopted for the new city as it would be upon the site where had been a city in prehistoric times ; remains of an ancient civilization that has passed down the stream of time and left no record. Darrel Dupper, although a younger son of an English aristocratic family when he came to Arizona, lived to inherit the title of Lord Dupper in his native country, though he never returned to England, but died in the beautiful valley he had helped to settle and adorn. The patent for the townsite of Phcenix was not received until 1874 from the United States Government. The first town lot sold was for one hundred and four dollars, and purchased by Judge Berry and the first house erected within the townsite limits was an adobe structure built by W. A. Hancock. The capital of the Territory was removed from Prescott to Phcenix by the legislature of 1889, and this gave Phcenix an additional importance. A fine Capitol has since been erected which is an honor, not only to Phcenix, but to the whole Territory as well. In addition to the great agricultural possibilities of Maricopa County, its mountains are filled with minerals. The valley of the Gila and Salt River is one vast amphitheatre surrounded by mountains. As early as 1863 the Vulture Mine, some sixty miles northwesterly from Phoenix, was discovered and opened when there was no Maricopa but all Yavapai County. Since that time some ten millions of dollars in gold have been THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA 123 taken from that mine, and it is barely opened yet. From the Harqua Hala Mines, also, large values have been taken. It is not deemed necessary in this work to go over the dif ferent mines and mining camps of this county in detail. Were the rest of Arizona a desert still from the great pro ductiveness of the valley of Salt and Gila Rivers, within the county limits, together with its mines and other natural facilities would make a great and self-supporting, populous State by the industry and energy of its inhabitants. The different religious denominations are well repre sented showing that its people are moral and law-abiding, and are looking forward to a life beyond this transitory world. Some fine church edifices have been erected. There are Catholics, Episcopals, Presbyterians, Lutherans, Metho dists (north and south), Free Methodists, Baptists, Con- gregationalists, Latter-day Saints (Mormons), Salvation "Army. There are three Indian reservations within the county, viz., Papago, at Gila Bend, the Pima and Maricopa, near Phcenix. These Indians show an eagerness to adopt civilized ways and habits and have ever been friendly to the whites. Of schools the wants of the people are well supplied, and are constantly on the increase, both in num bers and efficiency, as wealth and population increases. As now conducted there are several institutions of learn ing where young persons can be fitted to enter and compete for the prizes of scholarship at Yale or Harvard Colleges, or other similar institutions. Many of these preparatory schools are in charge of instructors of the. highest mental attainments and are not excelled for efficiency by any in the land. There is an able corps of doctors that for skill in their profession are ranked with the ablest in the country. The lawyers are among the ablest of any country as expounders and judges in jurisprudence. Of newspapers, Phcenix, her county is well and ably supplied, and some of her papers rank with the mammoth papers of much larger cities. 124 THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA Maricopa County in some respects may be called the banner county of Arizona. In natural agricultural facili ties it is unequalled, in fact, hardly understood or ap preciated. What the next fifty years will develop in the Salt River Valley can not now be realized. This county contains other flourishing cities besides Phcenix. Tempe is a beautiful city on the Salt River's southern bank where the railroad to Maricopa crosses that stream, and has a population of about 3,000 people, and bids fair to be a city of importance. Mesa is another fine city and with the railroad facilities that are building and the fine agricultural country sur rounding it, must continue to grow in importance. In as sessable value of property this county stands away ahead, being nearly double that of the heaviest of the other coun ties of Arizona, viz., $10,315,111.47 for the year 1903. There is at Phcenix, in this county, or within about four miles from the state-house or Capitol, one of the finest Indian schools in the Territory, if not in the southwest. There is something near six hundred Indian children at this school under an efficient corps of teachers, and the whole vast establishment is managed with the regularity and precision of a military camp. I saw here some young ladies of pure Indian blood graceful and accomplished who would preside with grace in any drawing room. Education will do much, but to learn to have the patience to labor and save the products of that labor is the road that leads up from a savage state to civilization for earth's chil dren. It is the one thing needful for savages to learn, and without it the accomplishments of civilized life amount to nothing, as whenever the hand of government is with drawn, and these wards are left to themselves, they relapse to the savage state. CHAPTER XI Mojave County This county has an area of 13,421 square miles, or a little over one-fourth the size of the State of New York. This county is one of the original counties into which the Ter ritory of Arizona was divided by the first legislature that met at Prescott, in 1864, excepting a small portion, a remnant of Pai Ute County, which was added later. The main por tion of the Pai Ute County was, by act of Congress, attached to Nevada. This county is bounded on the north by a portion of the State of Nevada and Utah, on the east by the counties of Coconino and Yavapai, on the south by the county of Yuma and on the west by the states of California and Nevada. The population of this county by census of 1900 was 3,426. The county-seat is Kingman, which is a place of considerable commercial importance, situated upon the line of the Santa Fe and Pacific Railroad. From this point a road puts off to the north or nearly so, some thirty-five miles to a town called Chloride, which road will eventually be continued on into Nevada and connect with the Pacific Coast system. Up to the present time this is almost ex clusively a mining county and some of the great producing mines of the Pacific slope are within its boundaries, yet her mountains have only been scratched over. Labor, ju diciously applied, will yet make Mojave County one of the richest gems of earth as far as producing the precious metals will go toward such a result. The Hualapi Indian Reservation lies partially in this county, and the lower portion of the Grand Canon of the Colorado. This county was among the earliest worked 125 126 THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA for the precious metals which may be attributed to its prox imity to the Colorado River, as for a long distance that river separates it from California on the west and finally nearly bisects the county from east to west. The Hualapi Indians were very troublesome in an early day, and even after Americans began to come in and locate for the purpose of working the mines, many were butchered and their bones left to bleach on hill and plain. Mining in this county has been continuously conducted since 1864 at an immense profit to the fortunate owners. At or about this time the California Volunteers succeeded in subduing the Indians and placing them upon reservations, thus permitting the entrance of settlers, however, active settlement did not really commence until 1871 owing to the sullen hostility of these Indians. The fame of the mines then began to be bruited abroad and in a short time many were opened and permanent set tlements were assured. The earliest prospecting done in the limits of what is now Mojave County was in 1857-8, when many very important discoveries were made in the Sacramento Valley, but no great progress was made be fore 1863-4, owing to before mentioned Indian hostility. The first settlements of American miners were in the Hualapi, Peacock and Cerbat Mountain Ranges, just be fore the outbreak of the Civil War. Since its organization as a county it has been the scene of active mining opera tions and in fact much mining was carried forward in this county when but little was done in any of the other coun ties of Arizona, and for some years the only communica tion with the outside world was by the long, tedious and uncertain route of the Colorado River and its development was in consequence slow. There is in the county an immense amount of land, say 600,000 acres, that could be rendered productive by bring ing water upon it, which can be done by means of irrigat ing canals from the Colorado River. The lands of Hualapi THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA 127 Valley, of which there are something over 400,000 acres, will produce small grains without irrigation, and if irri gated will raise all crops known to this latitude. Of minerals, gold, silver, copper, lead, zinc, antimony, and turquoise are the principal ones of value. It is a cause of regret to many that there is only one church within the limits of the county, says one historian, but in making such a statement the author shows his views of "church" to be narrow, as when that passage was written the Methodists had a church at Kingman. The self-styled Latter-day Saints (Mormons) had a settlement in a valley up next the Utah line, and wherever they had a settlement or stake, was a place of worship. Of schools the county is well sup plied, well taught and well attended. In Kingman is a fine brick schoolhouse capable of ac commodating two hundred pupils and at Kingman two good papers are published. This county will, at no distant day, support a large popu lation, but at present it takes too large an outlay of capital to bring water upon her uplands, and to open up her vast mineral deposits, to be available for men of limited means. CHAPTER XII Navajo County Navajo County has an area of 9,826 square miles, and is nearly the size of the State of Maryland. By the census of 1900 the population was 8,829 or less than one to each square mile of territory. The boundaries of this county are as follows: on the north by the State of Utah, on the east by Apache County, on the south by Graham and Gila Coun ties, on the west by Gila and Coconino Counties. There are parts of two Indian reserves in this county, viz. : Moquis and Navajos. Nearly the whole county is mountainous and it is claimed there are fine prospects of coal, as well as most of the other minerals. Holbrook is the county-seat, and is a place of some considerable importance, being situated upon the Atlantic and Pacific Railroad. This county was formed out of Apache County by act of the Territorial legislature, March 21, 1895. The county proper or so much of it as is not included in Indian reservations, is about one hundred miles long north and south, by some fifty east and west. The main industries are cattle and sheep raising and cultivating the soil. Scattered throughout the county are many points of special interest, such as the world famous Petrified Forest, the Painted Desert, the great Natural Bridge in the north ern part, while scattered from one end of the county to the other are ruins of prehistoric cities. North of the line of the railroad that crosses the county are in dications of a heavy deposit of coal. Coal is also found near Show Low and in the White Mountains, but so far not in quantity and only of inferior quality. There are several salt lakes some thirty miles south of Navajo Station 128 THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA 129 on the Atlantic Railroad, where an excellent dairy and table salt are produced. The people pay great attention to schools and upon an average have their public schools taught by efficient teach ers, seven months in each year. There are a goodly num ber of places of religious worship, mostly of the Latter- day Saints (Mormon) persuasion. So far there is but one newspaper published in the county, styled Winslow Mail. With the hardy, industrious, economical and honest population, this county will, in a very short time, be a great wealth producer. CHAPTER XIII Pinal County Pinal County was organized in 1875 from portions of Pima, Maricopa and Yavapai and contains an area of 5,368 square miles, and had, by census of 1900, a population of 7,779 exclusive of Indians. The boundaries of this county are as follows: on the north, Maricopa and Gila Counties; on the east, Gila and Graham Counties ; on the south, Pima County, and on the west by the County of Maricopa. Every county of Arizona is very important on account of some product or products useful and beneficial to the human family, either in arts, commerce or subsistence. Pinal County has, within its boundaries, the elements to be of great use to the world. There are fully six hundred thou sand acres of land, and all that is lacking to render it as productive as any in the world is water, which can be sup plied by a system of reservoir storage of what now is al lowed to run to waste. The Gila River runs directly through this county from east to west, and at times carries a vast body of water. At such times a sufficient amount should be deflected to fill the necessary reservoirs to spread over the land as needed when the river has receded. It is tra versed from west to east by the Southern Pacific Railroad and a road puts off from the Southern Pacific at Maricopa and runs about north to Phoenix in Maricopa, and on via Wickenburg and Prescott in Yavapai County to the Atlan tic and Pacific Railroad at Ash Fork. Florence, the county-seat, is in the fertile valley of the Gila on the southern side and is a flourishing town of about 1,500 inhabitants, some twenty-seven miles north from the THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA 131 Southern Pacific Railroad, with which it is connected by a daily stage at the station of Casa Grande. In making the trip to and from the railroad to Florence the stage passes in sight of the old Casa Grande ruins, which have stood in the desert like the sphinx of Egypt watch ing earth's slowly revolving centuries from times anterior to written records of America. This evidence at least of the partial civilization of a pre historic people stands in the midst of a great plain that might be rendered very productive if only a sufficiency of water would be gotten to it. The ancient builders of the structure brought water from the Gila by means of an acequia or canal, some thirty miles in length, the course of which can be traced today. The water would not flow in the canal at all times, though the supposition is the river then carried a larger flow of water than it now does. A reservoir was constructed inside the enclosure of the Casa Grande, where quite a body of water could be im pounded for emergencies, showing that the structure was erected for defensive purposes. From the construction of this old building it must be inferred that it was intended for defense against the assaults of a primitive enemy, for while the works would be impregnable to an enemy armed only with spears and bows and arrows, they could not long hold out against the ordnance of this day. Arizona is at once the oldest and newest country now composing a portion of the United States. Something over three hundred and sixty years ago Alvar Cabeza de Vaca, Andres Durantly, Alonzo del Castillo Meldonado, and Estevan, a negro slave, were the first Europeans to set foot on Arizona soil. From what can be gleaned from the old rec ords it would seem probable that the African slave, Estevan, was really the pioneer into Arizona, as he seems to have been a man of great physical strength and energy, who kept mostly in the advance, driven on by his temperament, and love of . adventure ; maybe his passion for the native 132 THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA women urged him forward, as an attempt to gratify his passion cost him his life among the jealous Zuni Indians. This party was shipwrecked in 1527 on the coast of Florida; made captives by the Indians and held for seven years. Upon escaping from captivity they made their way over great plains, through forests, over mountains and across rivers to New Mexico and Arizona, and thence to Culiacan in Mexico. De Soto is credited with discovering the Mississippi River, yet this party crossed that stream ten years before he stood upon its banks ; visited the Moqui and Zuni vil lages, where was found a peaceful, semi-civilized people, a full quarter of a century earlier than the first settlement of St. Augustine, Florida, and nearly a century earlier than the vaunted landing of the Pilgrim Fathers upon the canonized Plymouth Rock. After leaving these peaceful villages of Indians, Cabeza de Vaca and his party proceeded south and visited the Casa Grande, even then in ruins. An inquisitive mind cannot look upon this ancient building, knowing its history for over three hundred years and that 'it was a ruin at that time, without asking himself the question, "By whom was it erected and what has become of the builders?" No written records have come down to us, we know only from their irrigating canals and methods of defense that they ever existed. Who were those enemies it was necessary to fortify against and • where did they come from ? The Indians of today, Pimas, Papagoes or Maricopas have no traditions of the builders of these fortifications, but say the ruins were there as now when they first came into the country. Does it not appear to be a fact, demonstrated by the ruins, that there have been many attempts to struggle toward civilization, on the part of different portions of the human race at different times and in different portions of the THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA 133 world. Some have been destroyed by convulsions of na ture; others by invasions of savage, but more warlike peo ple, while others have slowly decayed by the lapse of time and the changing of commercial centers. Egypt is the great example that carried the arts and sciences far, in fact we can never know how far; her monuments that have falsely been styled everlasting attest her knowledge of geometry and astronomy equal, where applied, to anything now known, while we are driven to her monuments and her tombs to ascertain her hoary history. O Egypt, thy sphinx is emblematic of thee! Thy stony eyes have looked out over the Egyptian deserts for more than sixty centuries known to written history; hast seen empires rise and go down through the lapse of time, yet keepest thine own secrets. Our most profound thinkers discovered amid the mass of fable regarding the past, a few broken threads of truth, but how much of the history of the world and its inhabitants is shrouded in impenetrable darkness and must ever so remain. The human race has passed through many changes in its progress from savagedom towards civilization. Each body of land of any size found in the oceans that occupy much of the earth's surface has had human beings, or at least animals having the human form upon them, many of them in the lowest state of savagedom ; some so low as to eat their food raw, not having advanced to the use of fire ; and the natives of the Andaman Islands have just now arrived to the use of fire. Asia, Africa, Europe, America, have all had their cave- dwellers, and, where practicable, lake-dwellers. Away back in past times and in parts of Africa today are found the cave and lake-dwellers and through a great extent of Central Africa, the natives are yet cannibals. Whether the human race became scattered over all the earth as is re corded in the rather legendary Semitic records, when lan guages were confounded at the Tower of Babel, or whether separate continents developed separate Adams and 134 THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA Eves matters little in the discussion; each appears to have started from lowly beginnings and pursued about the same course toward civilization; some have become more ad vanced than others. Some are today in the full fruition of an advanced civilization, others have disappeared and left only broken and decaying evidences that they have ex isted. While it is true that there are large bodies of low-grade ores in Pinal County at this writing, there are few mines producing. This may be in part owing to the low price of silver in comparison with what it was some years ago. The Great Mammoth Mine that has in the past produced largely would now be lying idle were it not for the tailings that were considered of no value now being worked over for the metal known as molybdenum by a distinguished metal lurgist to good advantage to himself as he continues to work some forty men. I find the following description of a mining region now within the boundaries of this county embraced in an official report made to the Federal Government by one of its com petent engineers as long ago as i860. Deeming that this report will be more likely to meet the eye of some one who will be interested, I insert below the main portion of the report upon a particular location: "Maricopa Lode. — This lode sometimes called Gray's Mine, situated about seventy miles north of Tucson and four miles south of the Gila River, is considered one of the best copper deposits in southern Arizona. Mr. Gray thus describes the vein in a general report made in i860: " 'The formation of the district is primitive, chiefly granite, and sienite, with metamorphic and sedimentary rocks, and injected dikes of trap and quartz. The lode was traced and measured 1,600 feet, having a width of from eight to twelve feet plainly marked by its walls and out cropping ore. The veinstone is quartz with seams of ar gentiferous copper ore, at the surface a few inches wide, THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA 135 but which at six feet down appears nearly solid, covering the greater part of the lode. The copper-glance and gray ore predominate, though at top the carbonates and silicates were intermixed. A branch vein shows itself near the place of greatest development. Here it traverses an elongated hill intersecting it lengthwise, and protruding above the surface from one end of the hill to the other, a distance of seven hundred feet. The hill is sixty to one hundred and twenty-five feet higher than the valleys and ravines sur rounding it, and slopes for half a mile in the direction of the lode to the west, when the ground descends northward towards the Gila at a rate of two hundred and fifty feet to the mile. The course of the lode is very regular, north 84^ ° east or %Yi° north of true east and 5J4° south of true west. The dip is to the north, and about 75 ° from the horizon, very nearly vertical as far as could be observed. The elevation of the Maricopa Mine determined by me with a fine cistern barometer, is 3,378 feet above the level of the sea, and 1,497 feet higher than our camp established on the Gila River, six miles off, selected as a good site for smelt ing works.' " W. R. Hopkins, civil engineer, in connection with the same report, speaks as follows: "We have traced the copper lode by distinct pieces of heavy ore for 1,600 feet about east and west; also three other veins. The lode appears to be from eight to twelve feet wide on the surface. The shaft we have commenced is on the main lode and on a hill that rises from sixty to one hundred feet above the surrounding gullies. It is now seven feet square and six feet deep. The ore is increasing in richness, and the veins widening. The vein contain ing the copper-glance, specimens of which you will receive, is now twenty inches wide, and occupies the south side of the lode. Next to this come gray and green ores and red oxide of copper. The lode is now occupied with the ore, so that nearly all that is thrown out goes into the pile to 136 THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA be smelted. The dip of the lode is now slightly to the north, and we suppose that it will run into another lode twenty-five feet north of it, and form a wider bed of ore than we now find. We would express to you our confi dence in the extreme richness of the mine, both from our own observation and the opinion of experienced miners throughout this section of country. We find water-power on the river abundant (at times). Mesquite is in sufficient quantities to furnish charcoal, which is of the best quality." Frederick Brunkow, assayer and mining engineer, made a report in January, i860, upon some selected specimens from this mine, from which this extract is taken : "The specimens consisted of the outcrop ore of a power ful vein and bore unmistakeable signs of a true vein. * * As commonly by all outcrop ore so here carbonates and silicates make their appearance, while the main body of the vein, to some extent below the surface probably, will con sist in general of gray sulphurets of copper, and other ores, which already, in large quantities, appear upon the surface. *** I divided the ores into different classes and assayed them accordingly: 1, sulphurets, mixed with carbonate, contained to the ton 50 per cent copper and 104 ounces silver; 2, gray sulphuret containing to the ton 60 per cent copper and 93 ounces of silver; 3, silicate of copper containing 20 to 25 per cent copper and 20 to 25 ounces of silver to the ton ; 4, carbonate of copper contain ing 25 to 50 per cent copper and only a trace of silver, as carbonates and silicates are secondary formation, a large yield of silver could not be expected. The ore of this vein would be the quickest and cheapest way to reduce in a blast 'furnace and run into copper ingots, which could be shipped and afterwards be stripped of their silver. Iron crushers for breaking the ore, as well as the necessary blast, could be driven by water-power of which there is an abundance (at times) in the Gila River." THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA 137 The immense resources of Pinal County must ultimately rest upon her vast bodies of agricultural land, and to render this land productive, water must be gotten upon it, as the natural rainfall is not sufficient or at least could not be relied upon, and, therefore, it becomes necessary that res ervoirs be constructed upon a large scale in the seasons of rains, when the streams are at floodtide, to be filled and taken out over the soil through canals and aqueducts when needed in seasons of drought or as long as shall be neces sary for the maturing of crops. There is an excellent school at Florence, employing an able corps of fine teachers. There are several churches and a number of secret societies, a commercial club and two weekly papers edited with much ability. The northwestern portion of the county along the Gila River is occupied by the Pima and Maricopa Indian Reser vation. This reserve embraces much fertile land, consider able of which is tilled by these industrious people, who have ever been at peace with the whites, and in the first settlement of the Territory were a wall of defense against the plundering, murderous Apaches. The United States Government has supplied schools for these Indians, and the rising generation of the race has now adopted many of the methods and customs of an advancing civilization. Many of them live in comfortable houses, have American plows and other farm implements, wagons, etc. In their houses the women have sewing machines, and in many an Indian farmhouse the piano is heard. They are getting up to a higher plane of civilization and a higher life. Thus has it been demonstrated that the Indian race is capable of higher development if once started upon a higher plane by honest hands. Assessed value of property, $2,898,347.25 for 1903. CHAPTER XIV Pima County. Pima County has an area of 9,424 square miles, making it about equal to the States of New Jersey and Rhode Island combined. Pima County is one of the original counties into which Arizona was divided by the first legislature that met at Prescott in 1864, and is the portion of the Territory first settled by Europeans. This county is bounded on the north by the counties of Maricopa and Pinal ; on the east by Graham and Cochise Counties ; on the south by Santa Cruz County and the Mexican State of Sonora, and on the west by the County of Yuma. Tucson, the oldest and at this time most populous town in the Territory, is the county-seat. This county has a large amount of fine land for agricultural purposes along the Santa Cruz River, which crosses the county from southeast to about northwest. There are several tributaries of the Santa Cruz, along which there is fine land for cultivation. Much of the tableland or mesas would produce well if water were gotten upon them. What is necessary is that artesian wells should be developed, or that the great amount of water that runs to waste during the periodical floods of the Santa Cruz River and its tributaries, the Rillito and other streams, should be gathered into reservoirs for use upon the land during seasons of drought. There are several mountain ranges lying partially or wholly in this county, and there have been many mining claims taken up in all of them. Some few have been pat ented, but most are held by possessory title. Some are being successfully worked, while on others only enough work is being done as development work to hold the claim THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA 139 under the mining laws of the United States. Many consid erable fortunes have been made from working the mines and from the sale of mines. Some settlements were made by the Spaniards within the limits of Pima County, or what was Pima County, as early as 1687. The Mission of San Xavier del Bac, some nine miles southwest of Tucson, was started by the Society of Jesus in that year; also a sub-mission near Tucson for a school for the Indian children, and visited by a priest at stated periods. The presidio of Tucson was occupied by Spanish soldiers as a military protection to the mission soon after. The Indian rancheria, or as some call it, "Old Tucson," was about a mile a little west of south from where the city of Tucson is today. Pima County as originally constituted included all of the Gadsden purchase, from the 109th meridian of west longi tude to the county of Yuma upon the west. Since that time there have been taken from the county of Pima two entire counties, viz. : Cochise and Santa Cruz, and those parts of Graham, Pinal and Maricopa lying north of the Gila River. The light of Christianity for Arizona first shone, though faintly, through the night of barbarism within the limits of Pima County, and though many times nearly extinguished, again blazed forth, until it has illuminated the dark caves of superstition with life-giving light, and the inhabitants stand forth in the full blaze of the regenerating Gospel. Rich in mines, in grazing land, in soil for raising grain and vegetables, in timber, in purest air and almost perpetual sunshine, Pima County offers great and varied inducements for the capitalist, the merchant, the mechanic or the hardy tiller of the- soil, or whoever seeks an ideal home which can not be surpassed in any part of the world. This county takes its name from a once-numerous tribe of Indians, who dwelt within its limits and made their living by agriculture. 140 THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA Tucson, the county-seat, from its position in the Santa Cruz Valley, is the great center, commercial and social, and source of supply for a vast domain. In Pima County are many mountain ranges and detached peaks, some rising to a considerable altitude, though hardly assuming the majesty of great mountains. To the east and northeast of Tucson are the Santa Catalina Mountains, whose culminating point is Mount Lemon, nearly ten thou sand feet above sea-level ; while to the southeast from same point is what is generally called the "Rincon." The apex or highest point is called by the Spanish-speaking people, "Santa Rosa," whose altitude is about eight thousand feet above sea-level. South from Tucson, some thirty-five miles, is the Santa Rita Range of mountains, crowned by "Old Baldy," or Mount Wrightson, with an altitude of 11,400 feet; but the major part of this range lies in the adjoining county of Santa Cruz. West, about fifty miles, is the Babo- quiveri Range, with the apex rising up to the altitude of 10,600 feet above sea-level in massive and rocky grandeur. It has generally been considered that the foot of man had never trodden this lofty summit, but in 1898 Professor Forbes of the University at Tucson, by the aid of ropes and grappling hooks, made the ascent and spent a day or more upon this elevated rock, leaving a fire burning, which at tracted the attention of the people of the surrounding country for a circuit of thirty or forty miles ; and among the super stitious Papago Indians it at first created great consternation, they thinking their mountain god had commenced to burn. One of their chiefs, more venturesome or less superstitious than his people, ventured to the mountain and saw Professor Forbes upon the summit, saw him come down, and his evi dence served to dispel the illusion. There is a tradition among these Indians that many moons before the white man appeared in the country one of their great chiefs had a beau tiful daughter, so beautiful that even as a child whenever she appeared great crowds followed her and were ever eager THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA 141 to gaze upon her exquisite face and form. From the charm of her voice she had been named in their language "The Heavenly Vision." As this bewitching princess approached womanhood, her hand was sought far and near by princes and the sons of princes ; but the wayward beauty turned with a joy ous laugh from their blandishments. Finally, when in the full flush of her resplendent beauty, came the son of a great chief, with whom her people had long been at war, as the head of a peace embassy. A peace was concluded finally from the exhaustion of both parties, and not from any love for each other. The young brave found such favor in the eyes of the Indian maiden that she consented to be his and to repair to his wigwam if he would ascend Baboquiveri peak unaided and return to claim, her within seven suns. The young man ascended the peak, witnessed by the whole tribe, amid shouts of congratulation; but in descending he became careless, perhaps his eyes were too much occupied in gazing upon his beloved. So he stepped upon a rolling stone, lost his balance and fell from a great height and was dashed to pieces before and in the presence of his beloved. As he fell, the maiden uttered a despairing cry and fell to the ground in a death-like swoon, and though from that she recovered, she never spoke more ; but on the anniversary of the fatal day would repair to the spot where he fell and chant the Indian death-song over the resting place of her departed lover, until there came a time when she returned not. When sympathizing friends repaired to the spot, it was found her broken spirit had flown to join her heart's choice in that silent world where there are no sorrows. Even among the old Indians of the tribe today their folklore has it that up to within the last few years, upon the anni versary of that day the death song is sublimely chanted there by spirit voices in the stillness of the night : "Adieu, beautiful ones ; sleep on, ever faithful hearts." 142 THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA To the north and east of Baboquiveri Range of moun tains is the lower range of the Tucson Mountains, and to the west are the Cababi and Quijotoa Ranges. Southeast of the Baboquiveri are the Las Gijas, Pajarito and Tumercacavi Ranges. From these vast belts of rock-ribbed mountains the scenery is grand beyond description. Their granite heads, bold and destitute of other vegetation than scrub oak, pinon pine and the giant cactus (sujaro) can be seen on clear days for hundreds of miles. Beneath the shadow of lofty heads and up their steep sides are to be found great forests of pine, juniper, quaking asp, ash oak, cherry and walnut. Streams of pure water rush down the mountain sides and are swal lowed up by the thirsty plains below. Locked in these moun tains, as in a vast treasure house, are mineral deposits of gold, silver, copper and lead, and many other metals of recent discovery in Arizona, to greatly enhance the riches of the world; awaiting the touch of labor, backed by judg ment and capital, to develop into great wealth producers. And of the plains, what shall be said of them ? They, like wise, possess every element requisite for advancing an industrious and enterprising people to prosperity and great ness. The Santa Cruz River runs through this county, with many windings, nearly from south to north for some fifty miles, and there are fully fifteen hundred square miles of fine land for agriculture in this river bottom and its tributaries that will produce largely all the products grown in semi-tropical countries. The great problem which has met the farmers face to face has been how to get water upon the land; how can a sufficient quantity be obtained to render the fine soil of this county productive and insure to a reasonable certainty a fair crop each year without too great an expense. Later develop ments made within the past year have in a great measure solved this question, as it has been demonstrated that a large flow of water can be obtained all along the Santa Cruz THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA 143 River by boring, and at no great depth. The policy has not yet been acted upon, though often talked of, of constructing reservoirs and having them filled when the streams are flooded in seasons of heavy rains, to be run out over the parched land in the dry season. When such a policy is adopted, Arizona will be a great producer of the necessaries of life. Arizona has the soil, now it remains for the moisture to be gotten upon that soil, and by the sun's aid cause the life-giving plants to spring forth. The resources of Pima County are mining, stock-raising and agriculture. At this present time probably stock-raising is most remunerative. Various reasons are given why min ing is not receiving more attention than it is at present. Among others, the low price of silver affords a convenient willow on which to hang the sorrowing harp. It is dwelt upon as though some one is to be blamed for the result, forgetting or not willing to understand that silver is but a product, and that what any product shall be worth in the markets of the world is not a matter to be regulated by law or at the behest of any one government or of all combined, for that matter. Supply and demand regulate the price of necessary commodities, or such as are deemed neces sary, either for comfort, convenience or luxury, and gold and silver are no exceptions to the rule. The old church of San Xavier del Bac, erected by the Jesuits and Franciscans as a mission church for the Papago Indians, is now in a good state of preservation, having been thoroughly repaired in the last few years. The exact age of this structure, built in the moorish style of architec ture, is not known definitely, but the year 1797 is marked upon the vestry door, and it is generally considered that the church was completed that year. A temporary chapel was dedicated in the presidio of Tucson, perhaps for the convenience of the military and the few inhabitants occupy ing the same. 144 THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA The church of San Augustine, now a hotel of that name, is a later structure, having been erected in 1863. The evidences of the cultivation of the soil by the Papago Indians and the mission priests are very plain, even at this date. From their old ruins, the foundations of buildings and ruined aqueducts are still discernible, also reservoirs, with a part of their embankments still in place, together with a vast amount of broken pottery on both sides of the Santa Cruz river, also on the Rillito, some six miles northeast and east of Tucson. At the date of the transfer from Mexico to the United States (1853) of that portion of the Gadsden Purchase included in what is now Arizona, there were only two vil lages within those limits that contained other inhabitants than Indians, and these villages were Tucson and Tubac. Near each place were a few small ranches, under cultiva tion by the inhabitants. The old name of Tucson, Tulqueson, Tuqueston, is an Indian appellation, but it is not easy to find from what derived. There was a garrison of forty Mexican troops at Tubac in 1840, and the place then contained a population of about 400. In 1861 it was the restored ruins of an old village, and occupied by a mixed population of Americans and Mexi cans, and near at hand were camped about one hundred Papago Indians, but in 1863 the place was again abandoned and in ruins. In order to preserve the chain of history of the country, it may be well to state that the Spanish records of those times show that during the eighteenth century something near two hundred silver mines were worked in what is now Arizona and Northern Sonora, many of them being within the limits of Pima County. The King of Spain arbitrarily claimed a large share of the silver produced, as property of the Crown, which pretension on the part of Spain's ruler THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA 145 caused much indignation, not only among the silver pro ducers, but the whole people as well, and after that time the proceeds of the mines were concealed as far as could be done and smuggled out of the country. It would seem to a certainty that in the vicinity of missions it was necessary to have the protection of troops, at least part of the time. It probably was the case that the Papagoes and Pimas, with the assistance of the priests did manage to struggle along and repel the often-repeated attacks of the Apaches, but between those tribes of Indians was perpetual war, and wherever and whenever one was caught by the opposing tribes, he was killed without mercy. As a matter of history, by the scanty records then kept, about the year 1800 Tucson was garrisoned by about one hundred regular Spanish troops. The town consisted of about one hundred and fifty adobe houses, and had a population of three hundred and fifty persons, many of them discharged soldiers, who made a precarious living by cultivating small tracts of land in the river valley near the fort and selling the product to the troops and few citizens. No extensive cultivating of the fine bottom land could be done owing to the frequent and fierce raids of the ever hostile Apache Indians. Several times the old records state the Apaches made well-organized and desperate attempts to capture Tucson, under their bravest and ablest leaders and over one thousand warriors strong, but were always repulsed. The presidio of Tucson was the most northerly Spanish settlement, and was a constant hindrance to the raids of these Indians upon the settled portion of Sonora where prisoners, of whom slaves were made, and cattle could be obtained, and, therefore, the most strenuous efforts of Indian ingenuity and power were exerted through long years for its destruction — a second Tyre, but the Apaches developed no Alexander to break down its walls. In 1856 the place had some four hundred inhabitants, some thirty of whom were Americans. 146 THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA On the 2 1 st of March of that year the first American store in the place was opened by Solomon Warner, who came from California with thirteen pack mules loaded with merchandise. Don Solomon, as the Mexicans called him, came only eleven days after the Mexican troops had been withdrawn, in pursuance of the terms of the Gadsden Treaty of purchase made in previous years. At this time Tucson had a flour mill and soon had another store. In 1857, the first mail arrived from San Antonio, Texas, succeeded, in 1858, by the great overland tri-weekly mail line from St. Louis and Memphis, via Fort Smith, Fort Chadborne, El Paso, Mesilla, Tucson, Yuma, Indian Wells, Warner's Ranch, Los Angeles, and over the Coast route to San Francisco, California. This line was generally known as the "Butterfield" line, and did good and prompt service up to the breaking out of the Civil War, in 1861, when the Confederate authorities, or those pretending to act in their name, took possession of all of the stage company's prop erty within their reach. The establishing of this mail and stage line put southern Arizona in easy communication with the outside world, which, with a few petty settlements along the Colorado River, was all there was of Arizona not dominated by the Apache. The annals of Tucson, though of most absorbing interest to the student of history, are indistinct as to her past. For a period of time, approximating one hundred years, it was a walled fortress guarded by vigilant, armed and drilled Spanish soldiers. Up to within the last sixty years, or say up to 1840, Tucson was a military post — a walled town protected by a regular fort constructed in such a manner as to be a guard over the whole place, an immense wall in the shape of a square enclosed the entire place, shutting in the inhabitants and shutting out the Apache Indians — the hostile portion of them. The rear end of every house was built into and against this wall, and the only openings in the houses were the doors which opened into the central THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA 147 plaza. A heavily ironed gate, which was guarded con tinually, and which remained open in the daytime when there was no alarm from Apaches, afforded ingress and egress to this plaza. At night the gate was closed, locked and bolted. The wall at the back of the houses was some four feet higher than the house roofs, thus affording an excellent breastwork behind which, from their flat roofs, the inhabitants could with comparative safety fire upon an attacking force. These flat roofs were used almost uni versally during the summer season as the family bedroom. The first establishing of Tucson seems to have been solely for military purposes, and its walls were built so strongly and so well fortified that no body of Apache war riors which could be assembled against it stood much chance of success. The result was that Tucson for at least one hundred years stood against all Apache wiles and machina tions, though they were constantly on the watch to be able, in some unguarded moment, to strike a fatal blow, and de stroy the place. The existence of this stronghold of the hated white race so far within their claimed jurisdiction, was a thorn in their side, and expedition after expedition was organized by their ablest war chiefs for its destruc tion, only to fail at immense loss of blood and energy to themselves. It is clear from Spanish records that the Fort of Tucson was established in 1694 by them to protect the Catholic missions of San Augustine and San Xavier del Bac, at which date Tucson may be said to have been permanently settled by Europeans. Before that time its occupation by whites was upon sufferance of the Apache Indians — a suf ferance liable to be terminated by Apache treachery at any time and the priests with most of their following murdered. The Papago Indians, who early became converts to at least the forms of the Catholic religion, have, from the earliest times, been friendly to the whites, and it can be said to their credit that many times they have joined with the garrison 148 THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA at Tucson and rendered valuable assistance in beating off these marauders upon their raids. This was particularly the case in the great raid of 1720, when it seemed at one time as though the native race would sweep the whites into southern Mexico. During Spanish occupancy of Tucson as a military post there were no outlying settlements owing to the frequent and ferocious incursions of the Apaches, there not being a sufficient number of soldiers in the country to overawe them. Movements of the inhabitants outside the walled town were made under the protection of troops. Over all the surrounding country and far south into the Mexican State of Sonora constant incursions were made by the ac tive and fierce Apaches, who slaughtered many of the in habitants, made captives of the young women and children and drove off whole herds of cattle and mules. The nec essary supplies of the settlers around the post for many years came in from Guaymas and Hermosillo, under the protection of the troops. The Apaches for many years kept the military authorities in a state of constant watchfulness. In 1847, during the Mexican War, a small force of United States troops and a battalion of Mormon Volunteers under command of Philip St. George Cook, en route for Cali fornia, captured the town, but as they were pressed for time did not attempt the fort but left it with its brave garrison unmolested. The Mexican commander did not attempt pur suit, but congratulated himself on his "victory" in an "of ficial" report to his government. In 1849 the national boundary line was defined under the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo of February 2, 1848, which closed the Mexican War, the garrison was largely increased and Tucson had trebled in population. The Gadsden Pur chase was accomplished in 1853 and the boundary line of the new purchase ran out and settled in 1854-5, and in 1856 the United States took formal possession of the purchase by sending four troops of the First Dragoons into it, — this THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA 149 force was stationed first at Tucson and later at Calabasas. In 1857 a permanent site for a military post to be called "Buchanan" was selected on the stream called Sonoita, about twenty-five miles east of Tubac and fifty miles south from Tucson. During the Civil War quite a military force was kept at Tucson and many of the citizens of enterprise became contractors for furnishing such supplies as the quartermaster and commissary branches of a military force might require, and that the surrounding country could furn ish, even calling largely upon the Mexican States of Chi huahua and Sonora. This gave Tucson a great impetus and she became almost at once a commercial center to a vast extent of country. In 1868 the capital was removed from Prescott to Tucson, and at that day this also was considered a great promoter of a permanent prosperity; goods of all descriptions were brought in from the East and West. From the Eastern marts of commerce, New York, Phila delphia, St. Louis and even from Europe, goods came by railroad and steamer to Independence, Missouri, and from there by ox or mule trains, across the great plains via Cim arron, Raton Mountains, Santa Fe, down the Rio Grande via Albuquerque, Soccoro, Fort Craig, across the dreaded Jornado del Muerto (journey of death), and crossing the Rio Grande at Roblero or farther down stream in the vicin ity of Las Cruces, then west through mountain canons and across wide plains three hundred miles from the Rio Grande to Tucson. Traveling by train frequently occupied from three to four months and nearly the whole distance a vigilant lookout had to be kept for either Apache or Co manche Indians, who, if in sufficient force, would attack a train and endeavor to capture it or some part of it, and at least stampede and run off the animals on every oppor tunity. So it was absolutely necessary to have a sufficient force to guard the whole train with military precision, night and day, as though traveling through the country of 150 THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA an enemy — in fact such was the case. Every man was well- armed and trained more or less in the use of arms, so that when a train was attacked the first business of teamsters under direction of the wagon-master was to park the train ; that is, form a hollow square with the wagons, animals were driven into this square and the wagons used as a fortification. Old hands would park a large train in a few minutes, even the animals seemed to understand. One fierce old bull, part buffalo, which had been born on the plains and used as a draught animal seemed to have a spite against Indians and whenever they were around he was in a perfect fury and frequently gave the first alarm. Brave old "Buff," he was called, as it was known that he killed at different times three Comanche Indians ; two he impaled upon his horns, tossed and stamped them to death, a third gave the old fellow a mortal wound with a spear, but as he fell he succeeded in ripping the Indian open with his sharp horns, then stretched out and died with a look of triumph in his dying eyes, that his foe was dying, too. His owner, Gen eral Otero, after the Indians were driven off, had the faith ful animal buried with the honors of war and declared that over the grave of that old ox more tears were shed than he ever saw at a funeral; old bronzed teamsters and Indian fighters broke down and cried like children, and to restore order, he was compelled to give the order to "hitch up" and move on. From the West, goods were shipped by steamer from San Francisco to the mouth of the Colorado River, then up the river by barge or the light draught steamers to Yuma, and from these transferred to wagons upon the Arizona side of the river and hauled to Tucson mostly by mule teams, two hundred and fifty miles. Freight on goods those days was an important item as from the Colorado River alone, the charge was from nine to ten cents per pound, so that it can be seen on such articles as salt and iron it enhanced the value very materially. Much THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA 151 of the salt used was packed on mules and burros from the Gulf of California in sacks of about twenty-five pounds each, and not very clean at that. This packing of salt from the Californian Gulf was entirely engrossed by Papago In dians, male and female. The advent of the Southern Pacific Railroad, which reached Tucson in 1880, changed the order of business very materially, and now the commercial affairs of Tucson and the country generally are conducted upon the princi ples of other large mercantile centers. The population of Tucson now (1903) is about twelve thousand and steadily increasing. Of churches the Catholics have an $80,000 cathedral; the Episcopalians, a church; Presbyterians, a church, (to be built); Methodists, a church; Baptists, a church; Congregationalists, a church; the Salvation Army have a hall and the Latter-day Saints (Mormons) have a foothold or a "stake" as they style it. All are prospering and instructing the people according to their light, how to live better here and reach a "better world" beyond "life's fitful fever." Of schools, there is a large parochial school under the supervision of the Catholics, well attended and ably con ducted. There are five public schools within the corporate limits of Tucson, and good, substantial buildings have been provided in every instance, together with all the modern appliances for teaching up-to-date. The Territorial Uni versity of Arizona is located at Tucson, where a first-class university education may be obtained at a slight cost. There is also at Tucson a very flourishing Indian school, mostly under the supervision of the Presbyterians, which has done more for the elevation of the rising generation among the Papago Indians in the few years of its exist ence than all others have done in the three hundred and more years that have passed, since those professing Chris tianity first came among them. John Wannemaker, the merchant prince of Philadelphia, is understood to have 152 THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA contributed largely from his ample resources to forward the school and make it a success. Of newspapers, there are three : two Democratic in poli tics, The Star, a morning daily issue, and the Citizen, an evening issue; The Post, a weekly issue, is Republican in politics. Pima County's great industry and that which must, in the future be the chief reliance for supporting a large popu lation, is agriculture. She has large bodies of fine land, which with water upon it, and properly tilled, would pro duce enough of the essentials of life to supply the wants of a dense population. At this time, January, 1903, there are but about three mines being worked within the county boundaries, and these not in an extensive manner. Of min ing locations there are many, but the holders seem con tent to do the work required to hold a possessory title and wait for the boom that has been dancing upon the horizon of the future for these many years, when a fortune can be realized at once, and for the rest of their lives, freed from all care, they can enjoy a long life of unalloyed happiness. These are Life's dreams, which most indulge in, yet how few, how very few arrive at the reality. As a rule the in dividual who has accumulated a fortune or a competency by mining has earned it and is entitled to enjoy it. Tucson has a free public library, the finest library build ing in the Territory, costing twenty-five thousand dollars, for which she thanks the Hon. Andrew Carnegie, who donated that princely sum for that purpose to the city. This leads to a few words upon the accumulation of riches : many holding that an individual ought not to be allowed by law to accumulate beyond a small competency. Those holding these views lose sight of the great incentive prin ciple which causes men to struggle to accumulate property that is but the surplus product of labor. Were it not for the hope of accumulating for themselves and those who may come after them, how many would strive to carry on THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA 153 extensive business — call it by any name one will it is the incentive, the love of gain for himself, that first starts the savage on the road to civilization, and without it there never has been, nor could there be, progress in the world's history. The very people who most vociferously cry out against this accumulation of property are themselves in the race; to accumulate is the great incentive to labor, and when there can be no individual reward of industry, then will nations retrograde from civilization toward barbarism — so much for Socialistic theories. -*" St. Joseph's Academy, under the supervision of the Cath olic sisters, affords for female children all the advantages of a thorough English and Spanish education. Though this institution is Catholic, yet pupils of every religious denomination, or maybe of none, from all parts of the coun try, are made welcome. The course of instruction embraces Christian Doctrine, orthography, reading, writing, gram mar, composition, arithmetic, bookkeeping, algebra and geometry, modern topographical and physical geography, with use of globes, astronomy, chemistry, history, and biography, rhetoric, literature, physiology, botany, natural philosophy and French, music on the piano, guitar and violin, drawing and painting in oil and water colors; plain and ornamental fancywork, etc. Of secret and benevolent societies, there are Masons, Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias, Elks, Red Men, Ancient Order of United Workmen and several other distinguished orders, and all seem to be in a flourishing condition. The Grand Army and Pioneers will go out with this generation. Assessed value of property, $3,898,347.25 for 1903. I will now proceed to give some personal history from an old resident of Tucson, whose memory of events extends back near a century, and who died here but a few years ago and was well known to some members of this society: "We met an old lady this week, who is supposed to be over one hundred years old, and was born in Tucson. Her 154 THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA name is Mariana Dias, and from her we obtained -several historical items relating to old times, which were very in teresting to us. She says as long ago as she can remem ber Tucson consisted of a military post surrounded by a corral, and that there were but two or three houses out side of it. The country was covered with horses and cattle and on many of the trails they were so plentiful that it was quite inconvenient to get through the immense herds. They were valuable only for the hides and tallow, and a good sized steer was worth only three dollars. This country then belonged to Spain and the troops were paid in silver coin, and on all the coin the name of Ferdinand I was engraved, and money was plentiful. Goods, such as they required were brought from Sonora on pack animals. They had in those days no carts or wagons. The fields in front and below Tucson were cultivated and considerable grain was also raised upon the San Pedro. With an abundance of beef and the grain they raised they always had an ample supply. They had no communication with California and she never knew there was such a country until she had become an old woman. San Xavier was built as long ago as she can remember, and the church in the valley in front of town, and there was also a church on Court House Square, which has gone to ruin and no trace is left of it. The priests were generally in good circumstances, and were supported by receiving a portion of the annual products, but for mar riages, burials, baptisms and other church duties, they did not ask or receive any pay. "Among the leading and wealthier men who lived here at that time, she mentioned the names of Epumusena Lo- reles, Santa Cruz, Ygnacio Pacheco, Rita Soso, Padre Pedro, and Juan Dias. On inquiry about the Apaches she spoke with considerable feeling and said that many efforts had been made for peace with them, but every attempt had resulted in failure; that whatever promises they made, but a few days would pass before they proved treacherous and THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA 155 commenced murder and robbery again ; that they murdered her husband in the field about two miles below Tucson and that most of her relatives had gone in the same way ; that she was now left alone and would be in want but for such men as Samuel Hughes. "She related the circumstances of one peace that was made about ninety years ago. It seems the Apaches got the worst of a fight on the Aravaca Ranch ; several were killed and the son of a chief was taken prisoner and brought to Tucson, and the Indians at once opened negotiations to obtain this boy. Colonel Carbon, in command of the Span ish forces, agreed with them that on a certain day the In dians should all collect here, and to prevent treachery and being overpowered, he brought in at night, and concealed within the walls of the fort, all the men he could get from all the towns within one hundred and fifty miles. On the day appointed the Indians came in vast numbers ; all the plains around were black with them. The colonel then told them if they had come on a mission of peace they must lay down their arms and meet him as friends. They com plied with his request, and then all the people inside the walls came out and went among them unarmed. The col onel gave them one hundred head of cattle and the boy prisoner was produced and turned over to his father and they embraced each other and cried and an era of recon ciliation and peace seemed to have arrived. The boy told his father that he liked his captors so well that he desired to live with them and in spite of the persuasions of the old man he still insisted upon remaining and the Indians were compelled to return to their mountain home without him. The boy was a great favorite with the people. Sometime afterwards he went to visit his people, but before leaving he saw everyone in the village and bade them good-by, promising to return, which he did in fifteen days. A few days after his return he took the small pox and died. Very 156 THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA soon after his death the Apaches commenced to murder and rob the same as before. "The aged lady then remarked with apparently much feeling, that since her earliest recollection she had heard it said many times, 'We are going to have peace with the Apaches,' but every hope had been broken and she did not think we would have any peace as long as an Apache lived. When she was a girl the Apaches made two attempts to capture Tucson. The first time nearly all the soldiers and men were away. The Apaches, learning of this, took ad vantage of the absence of the defenders and attacked the town and would have taken it and murdered everyone in it, but for the timely assistance of the Pima and Papago Indians, who came to the rescue in large numbers, attack ing the Apaches on two sides, driving them off and killing many. The next time the sentinel on the hill west of town discovered them coming, he gave the alarm, and after a severe fight the Indians were driven off. The Apaches had no firearms in those days and were armed with spears, bows and arrows. "She referred to the pleasant times they used to have when their wants were few and easily supplied and told how they danced and played and enjoyed themselves. We asked her if she thought the people were happier then than now ; she did not seem inclined to draw comparisons, but remarked that if it had not been for the Apaches they would hardly have known what trouble was. Crime was almost unknown and she never knew anyone to be punished more severely than being confined for a few days. The law required all strangers, unless they were of established rep utation, to engage in some labor or business, within three days after their arrival, or leave the town, and to this regu lation she attributes the exemption from crime. On in quiry as to whether they had liquor in those days, she said that she never knew a time when there was not plenty of mescal, but it was only on rare occasions that any one THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA 157 drank to excess, and then they acted to each other as brothers." (The extract is taken from Tucson Citizen, June 21, 1873)- We here have a view of times in this country a century or so ago and it does not differ much from Greece as pictured in the days of Homer, some twelve centuries before the time of Christ. It appears the town of Tucson was not the point first chosen as the residence of settlers, but was at first only a presidio or military post. The first church was some three miles down the Santa Cruz River, upon what is known as Grosetta's Ranch, where the old Padres lived, and it is within the memory of persons now living when an old ruin down there was styled "Casa de las Padres," Priest's House. The following is a translation of an old document written in Tucson in 1777: "Senor Capitan Don Pedro Allande y Savedra : "In virtue of your order, dated the 20th of current month, to the effect that two citizens of the most eminence, well- known in the country and reliable, should appear in your presence to give you information concerning this locality as to watering places, lands for corn fields, pasture for horses and cattle, minerals, and, also, as to points of ingress and egress of the inimical Apaches, and where they make their abodes, I, Don Manuel Barragua and Antonio Romero and Francisco Castro (who are the individuals that possess the requisites which you demand), most respectfully obey, and affirm that the town of Tubac is situated between two mountains which are distant from each other six leagues. "In the valley there is much land, fertile and suitable for corn fields ; there is sufficient water for wheat growing but scarcely enough each year for corn ; but if that which is at Tumicacori be distributed, one week to the Indian laborers, and another, for Tubac, it will sufficiently benefit the said 158 THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA laborers and there will be an abundance of water; in this manner was it disposed of by our former capitan, Don Juan Bapt Anza, and recently this same disposition has been sanctioned by your honor. "There is as much pasture, with an abundance of suste nance for horses and cattle as well, on the hills and in the dales, as on the mountainless plains. In the same valley there is a great deal of cottonwood and willow, and in the Santa Rita Mountains there is an abundance of excellent pine of easy access, six leagues distant. "Of provisions alone there is raised every year, by the inhabitants, six hundred or more fanegas of wheat and corn; one-third of the land not being occupied. There are many mines, very rich, to the west in the vicinity of Aribac at a distance of seven leagues. There are three, particularly in the aforesaid vicinity, one of which yields, according to rule (de sopotable ley), a silver mark from one arroba (twenty-five pounds) of ore, the other yields six marks from a load (one hundred pounds) of ore, and the third yields a little less. "Three leagues beyond this vicinity, in . the valley of Babacomri, there are fine gold placers, examined by Don Jose de Tarro, and this whole population. "After three visits, which these people made with Don Jose at great risks, and by remaining there over three days each trip, it was verified by their having brought away and spent with two traders, who at this time have it, as much as two hundred dollars in gold. In the Santa Rita Mountains and its environs, which is distant from Tubac four leagues, there have been examined five silver mines — two have been tried with fire and three with quicksilver with a tolerable yield. "All of this is notorious among this entire population, and they do not work them because there are Apaches in all these places, because they live and have their pastures there and pass continually by this mountain itself, to a THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA 159 place a little more than four leagues off called Hot Springs, (Agua Caliente). "Daily experiencing more violence from the enemy, be cause he is aware of the few troops that we possess, we have desired to break up our homes and sell our effects, and you being aware of it, we received the order, which you were pleased to send us, imposing heavy penalties upon us if we should remove or sell our goods, and have punctually obeyed it; and now finally, the last month, the Apaches finished with the entire herd of horses and cattle which we had guarded, and at the same time, with boldness, destroyed the fields and carried away as much corn as they were able. Since the fort was removed to Tucson these towns and missions have experienced great calamities and they have been obliged to burn the town of Calabasas, a calamity it had never before experienced. "Also but a few days ago, the cavalcade, which the Apaches brought from the west, was grazing for three days in the vicinity, falling every day upon the fields to load with corn, and to run away with those whom they found there, and lastly, their not leaving the neighborhood, we momentarily expect that they may serve us and our families as they have served our property, there being noth ing else left for them to do. "We trust in God that by the numerous petitions of the poor people this fort may be restored to its ancient site, and, if necessity requires it, there shall be more troops to protect the herds by remaining at the several points of in gress and egress, which the enemy have established through out this entire region, and that they may be continually watching from the hills and the adjacent mountains. "We humbly beseech you, in the name of the whole com munity, that you will pity our misfortunes and listen to our petition, that you may remove the continual misfortunes that we have suffered, being in continual expectation of our total destruction. i6o THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA "We live in great confidence, from the knowledge that some of us have of you, that by your exertion and by your conduct and by that of the military commandant, we shall receive the benefit to which we are entitled, since no one is better known than Senor Savedra, and he knows that we exaggerate nothing, considering the many years we have been under his orders." "Your humble and obedient servant, "Manuel Barragua, "Francisco Castro, "Antonio Romero." "San Augustin de Tucson, November 24, 1777." CHAPTER XV Santa Cruz County. Santa Cruz County is the last county set off up to this date and was taken entirely from Pima County. It has an area of 1,212 square miles, about equal to the State of Rhode Island, and is bounded as follows : On the north, by Pima; on the east, by Cochise; on the south, by the Mexican State of Sonora, and on the west by Pima County. It was organized as a county in 1899. Nogales is the county-seat, situated upon the line of railroad running from Benson on the Southern Pacific, to Guaymas in Sonora, and upon the boundary line. The name Nogales is walnut, from the fact that long ago walnut trees grew upon the site. This county possesses, in the aggregate, considerable agricultural land mostly confined to narrow valleys along the streams ; perhaps the largest body is along the Santa Cruz River, which is the whole width of the county. The Sonoita, also, has considerable agricultural land and some about the head of the Babacomri Creek. There is consid erable land being cultivated in the Soperi Valley also. There is much fine grazing land in this county and some of the cattlemen have succeeded in having large herds of cattle; between the Santa Rita Mountains on the west and Whet stone on the east and the northern end of the Huachucas is a great cattle range; also farther south at La Norio or "Lochiel," is, perhaps, the finest cattle range to be found in the Territory. Much of the county is mountainous, and the mountain ranges are filled with minerals, principally gold, silver, copper and lead. Silver, probably, predominates, though it 162 THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA is not easy to judge of that as many of the mines are but slightly developed. At the present time the Oro Blanco Mining District and mines are coming to the front as pro ducers, and it is found upon going down that mines which had been for years abandoned as played out, or, as miners say, petered, are found to be of great value as depth is reached, say from four to eight hundred feet. One, the Oceanic, which has more than once been abandoned as "petered," is now working successfully, though I think that is in Pima County, being over the mountain west from Oro Blanco. In other portions of this county are extensive mines, as in the Patagonia Mountains. The old Mowry; among the first worked in the Territory ; those of the Harshaw District named after David Tecumseh Harshaw, who formerly had been a sergeant in the California troops. The name Te cumseh is a family name in the Sherman family and was one of the names of General Sherman. In the latter '30's and early '40's of the nineteenth century, a celebrated steam boat captain, on Lake Champlain, was Richard Tecumseh Sherman, for that day commander of the palatial steamer Burlington ; "Dick" Sherman, as he was familiarly called, was an uncle of David Tecumseh Harshaw, hence his mid dle name. The Ohio Shermans are of same family. The whole population of the county by census of 1900, was 4,545. Nogales, the county-seat, by same census, had a population of 1,761. It is on the international boundary line, and when first started was known as "Line City." There is a Nogales on the Mexican side of the line, also, with about the same population, principally Mexicans. The street running along division line, separating the two countries, is called International Street. Nogales is the southern terminal of the New Mexico and Arizona Rail road, also, the northern terminal of the Sonora Rail road, which runs in nearly a direct line south to Guaymas on " the Gulf of California, two hundred and sixtv-four THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA 163 and seven-tenth miles or four hundred and twenty-six kilo meters and gives Nogales daily a direct communication with a seaport. Both the United States and Mexican Gov ernments have located custom-houses and warehouses for goods in bond and have consulates at this point. The mineral region tributary to Nogales is very exten sive and must materially aid in building up at this point a large city at no distant day. The grazing interest is also large in this vicinity. Nogales, owing to its altitude, has a beautiful and health ful climate and is quite a summer resort. The town in the county next to Nogales is probably Pata gonia, a new town upon the Rio Sonoita and railroad, just in the mining center in the Patagonia Mountains and in the Santa Rita Mountains. The old adobe town of Tubac, at one time the principal town of Arizona, is within the limits of this county. In 1850, and for several years before that time, the Mexican Government kept a small garrison of troops there. Tubac was for several years headquarters for all the large mining operations in what was then Southern Pima, viz., Salero, Cerro Colorado, Arivaca, Santa Rita and other active camps. Tubac was a presidio during the time the country was controlled by Mexico, after that country had thrown off Spanish domination. It was probably chosen as a settling point, as at seasons of the year the Santa Cruz River was a clear, running stream of quite a body of water, and there is considerable agricultural land near there; also it is the center of quite a mining region, whose richness was known even in far off Spain. Since cattle have been largely introduced into the country and considerable irrigation going on above Tubac, the water that formerly flowed above ground in the dry season near Tubac, disap pears entirely. The Catholic Mission of St. Gertrudes was located here in 1750. 164 THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA At the present day it may be said of Tubac, "Its glory hath departed," in all probability never to return. The railroad station at the site of the old Mexican rancho of Calabasas, is some fifteen miles up the river from Tubac and about twelve miles north from Nogales. Here the Sonoita joins the Santa Cruz. At present it is a very small town, though its natural advantages are great. There is considerable water in the two streams for irrigating pur poses, and with no large outlay of capital, sufficient water could be developed to irrigate the fine valley in proximity below. Some fifteen miles westerly from Calabasas a peculiar mountain peak is visible called "Thumb Butte," from its resemblance in shape to a large human thumb. It stands fully sixty feet in height and about ten feet in diameter at what would be the base of the thumb. Calabasas is the nearest point to touch the Arizona and New Mexican Rail road for a large extent of country, both grazing and mining. A wagon road has been laid out and made practicable much of the way through the mountains west, direct to Oro Blanco, distant thirty-five miles ; the cost would be but a small matter to render this road entirely practicable, so that instead of the long haul of seventy-five miles, Calabasas or Tucson Railroad can be reached in thirty-five miles from Oro Blanco. A route for a railroad is now in contemplation from Tuc son to the Gulf of California through the Baboquiveri Val ley, that, should it be constructed, will give to the great mining region of Oro Blanco and Arivaca a still nearer railroad communication, also, the mines in the Baboqui veri Range of Mountains. Camp or Fort Crittenden is almost historical ground, as the first military post established by the United States within the boundaries of the celebrated Gadsden Pur chase (made in 1853, the treaty having been confirmed by the United States Senate on December 30th of that year) , THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA 165 was here established in 1857 and called Fort Buchanan, after James Buchanan, then President, who had been in augurated March 4th of that year. Fort Buchanan was abandoned upon the breaking out of the Civil War, in 1861, i. e., the regular United States troops were withdrawn to take part in other more active fields, and not again occupied until 1868, when it was re-established and called Crittenden, in honor of Thomas L. Crittenden, a son of Hon. John J. Crittenden of Kentucky, who then was in command of the military district embracing this portion of Arizona, south of the Gila River. At and around where was camp Crit tenden, which is now upon the line of the Arizona and New Mexico Railroad, is one of the lovely spots of Arizona. The beauty of the scenery is hard to surpass, and the altitude is such that fruits of more northern climate, as the apple and the peach, ripen to perfection. At one time within the memory of oldtimers still living a band of wild horses, of the wild and free breed, roamed over these beautiful mesas, but with the advancing tide of civilization these horses have dis appeared, being either frightened off or caught and broken to the uses of man. In the neighborhood of Camp Critten den is an inexhaustible supply of limestone from which lime is supplied to the vicinity. Mount Wrightson (Old Baldy), the highest point of the Santa Rita mountain range, with an altitude of fully 10,000 feet, is in this county about forty miles almost directly south from Tucson, in Pima County. There are fine schools es tablished at the various points as required, and at Nogales is a fine schoolhouse. The schools are well managed and liberally patronized. There are no churches outside of Nogales, and there the Catholics predominate. Of papers, there are two at Nogales, both lively sheets, the Oases and Vidette. The county, though at this time the youngest and smallest in area, contains vast natural re- 166 , THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA sources that must, in the near future, make it the home of an industrious and rich people. The value of assessable property, $1,560,307.55 for 1903. CHAPTER XVI Yavapai County Yavapai County is one of the four counties into which the Territory of Arizona was originally divided, and at one time embraced about one-third of the Territory, or all north of the Gila River, excepting that part of Yuma which lies north of that stream, and the county of Mojave. This county as it now is, is bounded on the north by Coconino county ; on the east, by Coconino and a portion of Gila ; on the south, by Maricopa, and on the west, by a portion of Yuma and Mojave Counties; and has an area of 7,863 square miles, and is a little larger than the State of New Jersey. The population of this county, by census of 1900, was 13,799. It was called upon to contribute territory of which to form other counties, as follows ; Maricopa County in 1871, part of Pinal in 1875, Apache County, which embraced the County of Navajo, in 1879, and the great County of Coconino in 1893. Prescott, the first Territorial capital where the first legis lature met in 1864, is now the countyseat and is a beautiful city, its altitude being over 6,500 feet, and situated among the pines, it has one of the finest summer climates in the world. Prescott is a place of great commercial importance, being the center of a large mining region, and • extensive transactions in the mining world are carried through here, as there are three heavy banks that have reliable connections with the world's money centers. There is considerable fine agricultural land in the moun tain valleys of this county, but rains are too uncertain to make it altogether reliable for the farmer to depend upon 168 THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA raising crops without artificial irrigation. Whether water in sufficient quantities can be developed by artesian wells, or gathering of surplus from rain or snow in reservoirs, to be of much use in agriculture has not been sufficiently tested. Arizona is such a great mining region that it may be wrong to discriminate, but if any county can be said to stand at the head in this industry, it must be Yavapai. Some of the greatest producing properties of the Pacific Coast, if not of the world, are in this county. The great camp of Jerome, incorporated as United Verde, about thirty-five miles northeast of the city of Prescott, is one of the world's wonders. This system of mines, now mostly, if not entirely, in the hands of Senator Clarke of Montana, yields a revenue almost fabulous ; they will be described in detail further on. The city of Prescott is as near the geographical center of the Territory as it well can be, and, with its unexcelled climate, fine buildings, hospitable and generous people, its railroad facilities, all combined, it would be pointed out as the spot for the Capitol, but the politicians and selfish inter ests of other sections took it away from Prescott and placed it in a city perhaps less suitable at all seasons of the year. As a sanitary location, Prescott has no rival, and the United States Government is now re-establishing Fort Whipple ior a sanitary camp, to which to send invalid soldiers and other military attaches. As early as 1847 and 1848 Joseph Walker and Jack Ral ston, hunters and trappers, discovered gold upon the Little Colorado River, a short distance below the falls, but did not know what it was. In Oregon, in 1856, they saw the same yellow metal called gold and realized it was the same as that which they had found along the Little Colorado. Late in the 50's Ralston died, but Walker and a party, among whom were George D. Lount, John Dickason, Joseph R. Walker, Oliver Hallett, Arthur Clothier and Robert For sythe, left San Francisco, in 1861, for the Little Colorado THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA 169 River, and arrived at the spot where some of the party had been before, but found no gold, as the gravel bed in which the gold had been found had been washed away by the high water of the river. The company went to Denver, Colorado, and the next spring another party was organized that went first to Albuquerque, New Mexico, and from there to the Gila and San Francisco Rivers in Arizona. The party divided at, or near, where afterwards was established Fort Wingate, and the smaller party went by Santa Rita copper mines, New Mexico, and Pinos Altos, where they were recruited by Jack Swilling, W. T. Scott, now of Tucson, and some others, and passed through Tucson and Pima Villages and on to the Hassayampa Creek ; and in the vicinity of where Prescott now is, made important gold discoveries. Joseph Walker, Pauline Weaver, Jack Swilling, Henry Wickenburg, Mr. Peebles and others made many dis coveries of precious metals in the Hassayampa Lynx Creek, Granite Creek, Big Bug and elsewhere, and in July, 1863, the rich placers of Weaver's Gulch were discovered. The great "find" of gold at Antelope Peak was made the same year. There was a rush of miners and adventurers for these localities, and the Apaches made bloody raids on travelers in all directions. The Apache was sure to find them when too weak to resist, or if too careless or neg ligent. These Apache raids interfered very materially with the development of the country. On the 30th of May, 1864, a meeting of citizens was held on Granite Creek, a town was located, and named Prescott in honor of the eminent Ameri can writer and standard authority upon Aztec and Spanish- American history. The streets of the new city were laid out wide, straight and with the cardinal points of the com pass ; many of them were named after governors and other prominent men. Nature has been most prodigal in distributing minerals throughout this county, and while there is considerable grain 170 THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA and fruit raising, as well as grazing lands in the county, yet for many years, perhaps for generations to come, min ing for gold, silver and copper will be the prevailing indus try. The mines of this county have passed through the many stages to which a mining community are subject. For some years lack of transportation facilities prevented large extents of valuable mining country from being opened, or from being known, except to the most hardy prospector. Years after Americans began to come to the Territory and much mining was being done, it was considered that ore which would not yield thirty dollars per ton was too poor to be of value; in fact, the law passed by the legisla ture to tax net proceeds of mines in 1875 exempted thirty dollars per ton from taxation, as it was considered that it took about that amount to pay expenses. With the introduc tion of railroads, the vast body of minerals of this county commenced to come into the world's markets, and now there are many men who have within the last ten or twelve years rolled up for themselves princely fortunes, while adding largely to the material wealth and happiness of the world. The most celebrated mines of the county are the "Jerome" group, or United Verde, near Jerome, and the "Congress," and these as producers may be termed world-beaters, but there are within the county many others that are steadily producing year by year and rolling up a handsome fortune for their energetic owners. Some thirty miles south of Prescott, at and near Myers Station, on the route of travel between Southern and North ern Arizona, is a great bed or quarry of Mexican onyx, cropping out over at least one hundred acres in extent. This stone is scientifically called travertine, and takes its name from the Latin appellation of Lapis Tiberius, which was given to it from having been used by the Emperor Tiberius as the building stone in the Coliseum, erected at his instigation in the city of Rome, when that city was the center of the world. From whence the haughty Roman THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA 171 obtained his building material has not come to light up to the present time. To the modern world the existence of travertine has been unknown outside of some rather small quarries in the Mexican State of Pueblo, until the discovery of this large body near Myers Station in this county. The great demand for this beautiful stone for building purposes within a few years has nearly exhausted the Mexican mines ; so much so that a scarcity has been feared and the value has advanced nearly twenty dollars per cubic foot for the clear and well-colored material. To the man who has not made geology a study, this quarry presents almost as many inter esting subjects as it does to the geological professor. Its beautiful colors of black, white, red, emerald, pink, opaline, translucent old gold, russet, purple and all their varying tints and shades, make up a combination never, perhaps, surpassed in stone, while the vagaries that nature has shown in various and ever-changing combinations produce an exquisite effect. Some day this onyx claim will be of great value. Next to mining comes stock-raising. While the valley regions and the mountains are not altogether lacking in this respect, many of the mountain valleys that have not been brought under cultivation for the raising of cereals are fairly adapted for the raising of stock, and water is- being developed more and more every year; the lack of a sufficiency of water has been the drawback to its being a great stock county. The mountains are filled with minerals, but in addition are covered with nutritious grasses, and the climate is such that stock rarely need be sheltered or winter-fed. Hardy enterprising men are settling in, and each year water is developed at points heretofore considered to be waterless, and wells at depth produce the life-giving fluid in abundance. At small expense reservoirs might be con structed and filled with the surplus water that is allowed to run to waste during the periodical rains. By this means 172 THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA enough water could be impounded to supply the require ments of a larger amount of stock than is now done; or the water can be used for irrigating the soil for agricultural purposes; in either way, very remunerative for the indus trious and thrifty farmer. In this section of the Territory, including this county, all grasses and forage plants cure standing, and they are con stantly increasing in variety. In the higher altitude, even up to an elevation of 9,000 feet, is found the pine grass. This is a bunch grass; it grows thick and high, affording an excellent range in summer, and is of great fattening qualities. This grass grows green in winter under the snow, and is a main dependence at that season as food for stock. The bunch grass of these elevated table-lands of this county is the same as that of Montana, which is the chief dependence of the stockmen of that State for their vast herds through winter and summer. On the lower table-lands these grasses do not grow, but their places are taken by the white and black grama. The white is the hardier, and in most places the more prevalent, though in some localities, and on a rather lower level, the black grama grows luxuriantly. The black mesa is given its name from the abundant growth of this peculiar grass there. Both the white and the black grama are very nutritious, and are superior foods for all kinds of stock. The white grama is used most extensively for making hay. There are many other excellent forage plants besides these "stand-bys" that contribute largely to the sustenance of stock in an Arizona winter. The white sage, the chief dependence of Nevada stockmen, is also largely distributed over the vast stock ranges of this county, and forms no insignificant part of the stock food in winter. There is another variety of grass called Mormon tea, a good food-plant, having medicinal qualities of a high order. The green sage usually grows near the white sage, but is mostly a food for sheep. The manzanita is much fed upon by sheep, while the chincapin, THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA 173 with a rabbit-ear leaf, may be considered equal to the white sage for winter feed for sheep. There is a peculiar grass or weed, found mostly in the valley of the Verde River, called elm weed, which derives its name from having something of the taste of slippery elm bark. Sheep fed upon it get fat in a short time. When rains commence, the "six weeks" grass at once starts up and matures in that time ; hence the name. The grass probably of greatest importance in stock-raising for this county is of California importation, brought in with the sheep that came from that State with the seeds of this valuable grass, alfileria, in their fleece. This grass grows as a vine, from six to eight feet in length, with shoots put ting off from the main vine ten or twelve inches, making a perfect mat of the finest feed in the world for stock of all kinds, and in this dry climate it lasts until rains commence again. Another excellent forage plant seldom mentioned by writers is the wild pea, growing in patches of an acre or so in mountain regions, where other plants seldom grow. It forms no sod, but is hardy and very nutritious. It grows at higher altitudes than bunch grass, and has been found over 9,000 feet above sea-level. The pea itself has as many nutritive qualities as corn, and horses and sheep will leave their accustomed ranges to get at the pea fields after frost has killed the vines. A grass known as blue-stem is more world-wide, being much in evidence over the Southwest, forming the basis of the heavy hay exports of Kansas and of Las Vegas, New Mexico, from which points it is shipped over a large por tion of the West and Southwest and even to Eastern points. This grass properly cured makes the most nutritious hay, and grows anywhere it once takes root, finding sustenance on lava-covered hills where other plants will not flourish. It is a grass that propagates itself rapidly when once intro duced. Where a few years ago there was but little of it, now vast stretches are covered, and when the growth is 174 THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA matured it makes a good hay or feed, as with rain, even after the greatest drouth, it turns green again. This is the hardiest and perhaps most useful of all the native grasses. The first regularly organized body of mining men to put foot in what is now the county of Yavapai was the historical Walker party. They met in Contra Costa County, Cal., May 7, 1863, leaving for Arizona soon after, and took up their residence on what is now known as Groom Creek. Twenty-five composed this party, and all are believed to have passed over the great divide at this writing (1903). In November, 1863, a party of twenty-four men arrived from Santa Fe, New Mexico. Among them were Ed Peck and Lew Walters, who afterwards became residents of Prescott. As soon as the lumber for sluice-boxes could be whip-sawed out and the sluices gotten ready, members of this party commenced operations upon Granite Creek, wash ing for gold. This creek, now generally a "dry" stream, at that time carried considerable water for four or five miles above where Prescott now is, and many men were soon at work washing for the precious gold. Another feature of this stream in those pioneer days, at which persons who have only known it in recent years, may indulge in an incredu lous smile upon hearing, is that it afforded a fine variety of mountain trout, which contributed materially to the luxury of many a miner's table, in those days when luxuries were scarce. The waters seem to have withdrawn from the face of civilization, as at this time there is no water in Granite Creek, except when a heavy rain falls, and then only for a few hours. This county, in her early settlement by civilized man, had the same difficulties to contend with as other sections of Arizona, from the warlike and treacherous Apache In dian; and very many of the first settlers were cut down in their prime by these inveterate foes to all civilization. Where one brave man fell another took his place, and today this THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA 175 county stands well to the front, with the foremost in the Territory, in the production of the precious metals, besides being well up in other products, both useful and necessary. Prescott, the county seat, and former capital of the Terri tory, is now a very beautiful city of fully 5,000 inhabitants, and is an important mining center ; and owing to the banking facilities heavy mining transactions are frequently accom plished at this place, without having to call upon greater money centers. Prescott has as fine hotels as can be found in the Southwest, except Los Angeles, and it is doubtful if they can be excelled there. There are electric lights, but no street cars yet. The water-works are unsurpassed by any other town or city in the Territory or elsewhere. Owing to the energy of the enterprising population, water is brought in pipes 22 miles from springs in Chino Valley. The city has numerous church edifices, and the people are devout in proportion. Denominations are, Catholic, Episcopalians, Presbyterians, Methodists (North and South), Baptists (Hard and Soft-shell), Congregational ists, Latter-day Saints (Mormons), Salvation Army,' Sev enth Day Adventists, Divine Healers, etc. The county is liberally supplied with schools, so much so that every child who wishes to do so can acquire a liberal education without leaving the county. There are three newspapers published at Prescott, both daily and weekly, — Journal-Miner, Repub lican, and Courier, Democratic, and one neutral. The great interest of this county now, and for many years to come, will be mining for the precious metals. The development in this respect in the last few years has been phenomenal. This county alone has sent into the world's markets as much gold and silver as far-off frozen Alaska, and yet it has been demonstrated that what has been pro duced is but a small fraction of what will be produced in the future. This county is largely in the mountains of Central Ari zona, and consists of mountain and rolling valleys, many of 176 THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA them of considerable extent. Much of the soil of these valleys is very fine, and in years, when that section is fav ored with sufficient rains, they produce magnificently; but such years are too uncertain for farming purposes, and the remedy must be in artesian water, which can be obtained in almost any of these valleys by going to a depth not to exceed 2,000 feet. Each well will flow water enough to irrigate ten acres of land, maybe a little more; so it is easy to see what a vast body of land, in this county alone, can be ren dered a certain producer by the expenditure of a little money and labor. Even now considerable is done in the way of raising cattle, though in the long drouths to which Arizona is subject whole herds perish for want of water. The great industry upon which reliance is placed for the subsistence and prosperity of the people is mining, and the mines of this county stand high in the financial marts of the world as producers. The great mining camp of Jerome yields heavily in gold, silver and copper. This camp is thirty-five (fifty-two by wagon-road) miles northeast of the city of Prescott, and the amount of money expended here in development work and machinery is something almost marvelous, running up into millions of dollars. This mine, or system of mines, now belonging to Senator Clarke of Montana, yields a net revenue that is princely, and exceeds that of many European kingdoms. The net revenue from these properties has been over nine millions of dollars a year for several years, so that Senator Clarke may be put down as the richest private individual in the world. The enormous sum of eighty mil lions of dollars in gold coin was offered by an English syndicate for this property, a few months since, and de clined. It almost staggers belief when one realizes the immense wealth that has been taken out of the ground in Yavapai County within the last twenty years, and thrown into the channels of the world's commerce ; yet, great as it has been, THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA 177 it is but a small fraction of what it will be in the next few years. The altitude of Jerome is about 6,000 feet above sea-level, which gives the place a cool and pleasant climate in summer and not excessively cold in winter. The Congress mine, while a great producer, is second to Jerome. There are many other mines in the county, at different points, that have been, and are being, operated with great profit to their fortunate owners, and benefit to the community at large, enabling the county to have a tax-roll of over $5,000,000 of assessable values, and this while mines are not taxed, — only the improvements. The city of Prescott is 136 miles, by railroad, nearly north from Phcenix, and is the old and first capital of the Territory. It is a pleasant and beautiful city among Yavapai hills, at an altitude of 6,400 feet, which gives it a delightful summer climate. The town has a' population now of about 4,500 people, and is mathematically laid out, — wide streets, crossing each other at right angles and upon the cardinal points of the compass, well paved and kept in good order. There are many fine buildings in the city, all of brick. There are three heavy banks that are rendered necessary by the great mining transactions here accomplished, and with the proper security almost any amount of money can be raised at short notice. This county, with resources sufficient for an empire in a former age of the world, is but one of the thirteen counties of Arizona, and it is hard to say which has the greatest natural resources. — "Where all are kings, who shall take the precedence ? " The assessed valuation of this county for taxation was, to be exact, for the year 1903, $5,801,017.99. CHAPTER XVII Yuma County. Yuma is one of the original counties into which the Terri tory of Arizona was divided by the first legislature of the Territory, which met at Prescott in 1864. This county is bounded on the north by Mojave County; on the east by Yavapai, Maricopa and Pima Counties ; on the south by the Mexican State of Sonora ; on the west by Lower California and California ; and contains an area of 9,783 square miles, or over one-fifth of the area of the great State of New York. Yuma County in one respect may be styled the "Banner" County of Arizona. Other counties have as much, maybe some have more, fine land, capable of a high state of cul tivation ; climate as fine, and all that ; but this county has the land and has the water which it can not be deprived of, except by a convulsion of nature. She has the grand Colo rado River on her whole western border, and the Gila River crosses the county from east to west and enters the Colorado at Yuma City, some twenty miles from the southern boun dary, affording much of the year a supply of water sufficient to irrigate the bottom lands alongside it. The climate of the whole southern portion of Yuma County is such that nearly all kinds of fruit which are grown within the tropics can be produced in abundance. The first settlement by Europeans made in this county was opposite the old Fort of Yuma, on the Arizona side of the Colorado River, where the town now is. Two missions were established in 1778 by the Fran ciscan fathers. These missions were destroyed by the In dians, who rose against the priests three years later, killed several and drove the rest away. In 1849, so great was the travel to California, then the THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA 179 new Eldorado, that a ferry was established across the river by a discharged soldier from the United States army in conjunction with, and protected by, the Yuma Indians. A party of renegades, under one John Glanton, known as "Dr." Glanton, arrived at the river about this time, having come from Texas through the Mexican States of Chihuahua and Sonora, committing all sorts of depredations en route, rob bing ranches and churches and leaving desolation in their track. This band of worthies soon discovered that the ferry across the Colorado River at Yuma was a steady producer, and determined to have control of the business ; one night they attacked the Indian's boats and destroyed them, killing the American ferryman and two Indians. For a short time after this "victory" this party enjoyed a mon opoly of the ferry and were fast getting rich, for, if a party crossed with good teams rather weak-handed, they were waylaid a few miles from the crossing and all re morselessly murdered and the property appropriated. The Indians kept quiet, none were seen around, or to use the euphonious expression of " Dr " Glanton, " The d dare not show their faces in the presence of ' honest ' white men." "Lo" bided his time. This precious band of cutthroats had a hilarious night over a fortunate rob bery, but at daybreak, when all were in drunken slumber, the avenging Indian pounced upon them in force and slaughtered all of the party but a boy whom, perhaps, the Indians were willing should escape. Whether the Indians rendered God a service in exterminating this precious band of worthies is a question, but they certainly rendered a service to the toiling emigrant who was striking for Cali fornia by the Yuma crossing of the Colorado River. The Yuma City of today was first laid out and called Colorado City in 1854, and sometime in the '60's was changed to Arizona City, and still later to Yuma. Yuma is now the county-seat, and by census of 1900, had a popu lation of 1,519, but now it has, probably, fully 2,500. i8o THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA In 1858 rich placer diggings were discovered by Jacob Snively and others at what was, and is yet, known as Gila City, some eighteen miles east of Yuma, and soon a heterogeneous population of 3,000 persons gathered there. Something like $3,000,000 were taken from the ground in about two years. Gila City is now almost abandoned, but occasionally an Indian will stumble on a place and get out a few dollars in placer gold. Along the range of mountains southerly from old Gila City, there have been discovered some very valuable gold ledges, and one called the "Fortuna" is worked now by C. D. Lane ; it has yielded somewhere near to half a million dollars net per year for several years. In the year 1862 Captain Pauline Weaver made the dis covery of gold placers some few miles easterly from La Paz, and during that year as many as twelve hundred per sons were at work there and it has been estimated that somewhere near a million dollars in gold was taken out that year. La Paz was the first county-seat of Yuma County, but in 1871 it was changed to Yuma, where it is at present and will probably remain. In 1852 Fort Yuma was established upon the right or west bank of the Colorado River, opposite the mouth of the Gila River in the State of California. The Yuma In dians were held in check to such an extent that the ferry across the Colorado was again established, and continued in operation with fair profit to owners until the river was spanned by the bridge of the Southern Pacific Railroad. The coming of this railroad into Arizona in 1878 caused new life to enter into the Territory. The lethargy of ages was shaken off and a new order of events took place. Prob ably the town of Yuma since the Southern Pacific Railroad crossed the Colorado, and continued on up the Gila River and across the Territory, did not for a number of years enjoy the prominence in comparison to other points of com mercial activity that it had enjoyed before the advent of THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA 181 the railroad, as it had been for some years for all south western Arizona, and it took some time for the business methods to adjust themselves to the changed conditions. The act which established the Territorial Prison at Yuma, was passed by the legislature which convened at Tucson in 1875- There is considerable agricultural land in this county along the Gila River, which runs, in all its windings, nearly one hundred miles through the county from east to west, and there also is a large body upon the Colorado which will be very remunerative when water in sufficiency shall be gotten upon it. At present, probably, the greatest part of the revenue of this county comes from mines as in her barren mountains wherever one goes are found leads of great richness and extent and in the near future Yuma County will be a great producer of precious metals. The Gila River rises in the vast mountain range west of the Rio Grande in New Mexico, through which runs the continental divide, with an eastern trend. The Gila River enters Arizona at north latitude, about 32 ° 40', and runs nearly a west course through Graham, Pinal, Maricopa and Yuma Counties and joins the Colorado in nearly the same latitude on the west, as it crosses the east line ; so its many meanderings north and south have not deflected its current from a west course. Considerable attention has been paid to the agricultural lands of the Gila River, which winds its way through some of the finest agricultural land of the county, maybe the river with its life-giving moisture causes the adjacent lands to be so fruitful. This valley is from one to five miles in width, but probably for the whole dis tance across the county it would be equivalent to a valley of two miles wide and one hundred miles long. When once brought under cultivation, with a sufficient amount of water, what sustenance for a vast population would so much soil afford. 182 THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA Until some general system of building reservoirs is adopted, whereby the surplus of streams in times of high waters can be impounded and saved to be distributed over the land during the dry season, Arizona will remain sub ject to great droughts and great floods by turns, and with cultivated land in abundance only a small fraction of this land can be tilled to a profit. Fruit culture has so far been prosecuted upon a limited scale and in a small way, but it has been learned from actual experiments that it is possible to produce an excellent fruit ready for market from four to five weeks earlier than from the great fruit orchards around Los Angeles in California. The climate and soil is congenial for the orange, lemon and lime; the fruits yield in abundance. The fig and pome granate also do well, producing fruit of such character as if they were the native fruit of the country. The pome granate is not recognized to be of much value in the United States, though in Mexico it is quite highly esteemed. Of the fig it is not easy to say which is the more desirable variety. For eating, as the fruit comes from the tree, per haps, the blue-black variety will afford as much satisfaction as any, but for commercial purposes, to dry and transport long distances, probably the white fig of Smyrna or the Ionian Islands in the Grecian Archipelago, may be con sidered the universal favorite. Its yield would be prodigi ous as in the climate of Yuma the tree will produce two and has been known to produce three crops in a single year. Grapes, when cultivated properly, become hardy and thrifty and all kinds mature from four to five weeks earlier than in the vineyards around Los Angeles. Heavy wines and brandies of a superior character can be manufactured from these grapes. For refining wines the climate is unsur passed anywhere. The olive grows luxuriantly and is a profitable fruit to raise. The mulberry matures rapidly and when rooted withstands great heat and lack of water. Most THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA 183 other semi-tropical fruits grow in great abundance when cultivated properly. The raising of cotton has been tried for some years with satisfactory results. When watered and pruned properly it grows to a large tree being in flower, ball and cotton throughout the year. These bushes or trees have in known instances borne steadily for several years, surpassing the most favored section in our cotton-growing States, where,. on account of frost, it has to be planted yearly, and tenderly cared for. Hemp grows wild, indigenous to the country, growing to a great height, in many instances from fifteen to seventeen feet; it has a long and strong fibre and is worked into fishing nets and lines by the Yuma Indians. It seeds itself annually and after the receding of an over flow of the Colorado River, shoots up in every nook and corner and excludes all else by its rank growth. It covers not less than one hundred square miles of territory, com mencing near the southern boundary line of the Gadsden Purchase, twenty miles below Yuma City extending south ward following the river to Hardy, where the tides of the gulf force back the flow of the Colorado, causing a great tumble of waters. Ramie, a fibrous plant, has also been tried with success. Sugar-cane has been tested with Sonora cane — the growth was immense and the percentage of juice was much in creased by the transplanting process. The sugar beet yields well; two crops each year. Wheat produces wonderfully; as an instance, four hundred and eighty-three pounds were sown upon twenty acres, which lay some nine miles east of Yuma City on the Gila River, and the yield an acre was 52,750 pounds, or nearly forty-four bushels of sixty pounds to the bushel. This crop, which was irrigated three times, was sold in San Francisco, and on account of its plump appearance, being almost like a berry, brought fifty cents per hundred over the best wheat in that market. Barley does well, two crops a year, the first yielding about thirty 1 84 THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA bushels to the acre, and the second fully two tons to the acre of excellent hay. Corn can be raised in quantities and when there is no frost can be grown the whole year. The Cocopa corn is noted for sweetness, plumpness, and for its solid grains and the rapidity with which it matures. In five weeks after the time of planting, roasting ears are plentiful. When the land is sufficiently irrigated all kinds of grasses grow rapidly. Alfalfa can be cut from five to seven, and, in instances not rare, eight times each year, yielding fully two tons per acre at each cutting. A field of eight acres yielded in one year, with, perhaps, extra care, eighty tons of hay or ten tons to the acre, and hay that whole year brought not less than ten dollars per ton, most of it twelve dollars. Perhaps the most prolific and valuable crop that can be produced is sorghum or Chinese sugar-cane. This plant is not only valuable for its saccharine qualities from which a valuable syrup is distilled, but as forage for mules, horses and cattle, it is much sought after and yields from fifteen to twenty tons per acre and has a value in the markets of from twelve to fourteen dollars per ton. Vege tables of all kinds grow in abundance the year through. From fifteen pounds of potatoes, planted in bottom land, a Gila farmer gathered seven hundred pounds of fine pota toes, a yield of forty-six and two-thirds for one. The sweet potato yields largely and equals the finest grown in South Carolina. There is some placer mining done in the county, but the yield of precious metals is mostly from quartz mining, though the barren mountains have not been thoroughly gone over, and there is but little doubt that many a "For- tuna" mine will yet be brought to light, which for years will throw into the world's markets every month a million or more dollars of the precious yellow metal. The large amount of fertilizing matter brought down the Colorado will ever be a source of wealth to the farmers THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA 185 upon those bottom lands along this river in Yuma County. The River Nile is often called "Father of Egypt," and is known to have fertilized and supplied for fully fifty cen turies the moisture for that hoary country, yet it is well known that the Colorado River water carries more than double the fertilizing matter in its bosom than old Nile does. 'Perhaps it may be owing to the fact that the water is continually scouring and eroding fertilizing material from the rocks in the bottom of the Grand Canon, while the Nile denudes mountains and washes plains for its material. Yuma City is upon the eastern or left bank of the Colo rado River, just below the junction of the Gila and Colo rado Rivers and is the county-seat of Yuma County. The Colorado River is the dividing line, from the boundary of the county, to the center of the mouth of the Gila from the Territory of Lower California. The southeastern corner of the State of California is the center of the mouth of the Gila (old mouth), and from there to the southwest corner of Arizona, which is in the center of Colorado River is twenty miles below the old mouth of the Gila. The right, or western bank of the Colorado River, is Mexican territory. I have said "old mouth" for the reason that the point where the Gila River now enters the Colorado River is some three miles farther up the Colorado than it was when the boundary line be tween the United States and Mexico was established, as per treaty of 1853. This county possesses within itself great natural advan tages, perhaps in one respect ahead of any of the other counties of Arizona, viz. : she has the Colorado of the West occupying her whole length upon her western boundary, while along this river at many points are large bodies of the finest agricultural land to be found in the world, and sufficient water in the river, even when at its lowest stage, to irrigate it all. 1 86 THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA Below the City of Yuma the Colorado River runs nearly west some distance, say ten miles, and the general course to the boundary line is west of south; and along the river of the left bank in this county is an extensive bottom, for say fifteen miles in length by eight miles in width, much of it inundated in very high water, but of the richest quality of soil, and with such levees as the Mississippi has, there would be a vast body of fine agricultural land permanently reclaimed from the turbulent river. This great body embraces fully 70,000 acres and there are many fine farms now producing. Probably now there are ten thousand acres that are partially farmed but this is only a small matter to what will be brought into the producing column when the great works in process of con struction shall have been carried to completion. The whole of this vast bottom land has been formed from sediment or overflows brought down at different times through past ages and spread over the land until now, ex cept in the highest stages, it is above overflow. For farm ing purposes this bottom land upon the Colorado River is not surpassed by any in the world. The farmers now pro duce wheat, barley, corn, most luxuriantly and from two to three crops each year as there are no frosts to interfere with the growth of products the year through. Of hay, alfalfa produces wonderfully, and in many instances pro duces eight cuttings in a year of at least two and a half tons to the acre each cutting. Judging from the price of hay for several years past, each acre would net the owner at least seventy-five dollars, if sold. Some farmers consider it more to their advantage to raise cattle and horses and particularly mules, thus using up their hay. Hogs are also found to be very profitable and some farmers are now ex tensively engaged in that branch of business. Of fruits, all varieties that can be produced within the tropics are grown here, and of a quality equal to the best in the world — oranges as fine as those of Sicily, and at all sea sons of the year, as there is no cold weather to contend with. THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA 187 so that at all times and often upon the same tree oranges may be seen from flower to full maturity. Figs, equal to those produced in Western Asia, that are marketed at Smyrna, in Asiatic Turkey. Dates that have heretofore been considered a product of Mesopotamia and Syria, Western Asia, are found to do as well here as those to the manor born. Lemons, equal to those of Sicily, do extremely well and limes grow almost wild. Olives are produced in great quantities ; although not cultivated much as yet, pine apples will do well. Apricots, of an extra fine quality, grow so luxuriantly as absolutely to become a drug. Garden vegetables grow almost spontaneously; all that needs to be done is to plant the seeds and they will fight their way with the weeds and produce well. Of course they do better when cared for. Private parties are making several attempts to irrigate a small portion of this tract of land, but the most exten sive is a syndicate or corporation from the State of Wash ington, under the superintendency of Mr. Ludy, who is an able engineer. This company takes out of the Colorado River, some five miles below Yuma City, quite a body of water by means of a canal or aqueduct which extends al ready some eight miles to a large reservoir which will hold millions of gallons . of water. When this company shall have finished their aqueduct with the laterals run, they can irrigate fully 50,000 acres of as fine producing agricultural land as there is in the world. The reservoir has been con structed and filled with water so that should any accident happen at the head of the canal to the machinery or other wise, adjacent farms can be irrigated until repairs can be made. There are already in this valley, separate from the town of Yuma, two churches, one Methodist and one Baptist, and there are some six school houses, so religion and edu cation are not neglected. Crime is unknown among this industrious and thriving people. 188 THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA There is another extensive plan for irrigating what may be considered second bottom land below Yuma City, which, if carried out successfully, will open up a large body of land to cultivation, say 50,000 acres, in fact, some of it is already through what water can be gotten to the surface by pumps and windmills, and it is found that with water this land produces equally well with the bot tom lands, especially fruits. The plan is to take the water from the Colorado River, some distance above Yuma City, pass it under the bed of the Gila River in pipes, so that it will have a sufficient head to irrigate this land. It may require pumping power to get the volume of water to the proper altitude to irrigate this second bottom land. When this is done, Yuma City will have nearly 150,000 acres of the finest land for agri culture at its very door, which must make Yuma City one of the first cities of the southwest. The mining camps of this county are numerous, as here generally barren mountain ranges, are filled with leads of the precious metals. There is the Castle Dome District, that has been a heavy producer ; the Harqua Hala, that is a great gold region. The "Fortuna" Mine, some twenty- seven miles southeast of Yuma City, that has paid net for several years some $50,000 per month; the Old Gila City, never thoroughly prospected, but which yielded largely as placer ground in the gulches many years ago. Some day an energetic mining company will drive a tunnel into and through the mountain and the "find" will astonish the world. The new camp of Picacho, some thirty miles above Yuma City, is a wonderful producer of gold, but if the writer is not mistaken, it is in California. Yuma City has now a population of fully 3,000 people, and is fast increas ing, and will, at no distant day, be one of the large cities of Arizona, as Arizona is destined to have more than one large city. The Southern Pacific Railroad crosses the Colorado River from California at this point. THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA 189 Yuma City is a fine business point and the merchants are apparently doing a flourishing business. Many costly structures are being erected and the place wears an air of prosperity. The Territorial Penitentiary is located here upon what is known as the "Hill," on the bank of the Colorado River, and at this time has about three hundred occupants, among them five women, under the management of Colonel Wil liam Griffith, and it must be said the prison is well man aged. Perfect order is maintained and all about the place is as neat and tidy as the best kept hotel. Of hotels, Yuma City has several, and well conducted. Of papers, there are two, weeklies, the Sentinel, established in 1871, and the Sun, both ably edited. Of churches, there are, Catholics and Methodists. The schools are first-class, with an able corps of teachers. The city is well lighted by electricity. Total valuation of property for taxation, $1,277,571.69 for 1903. CHAPTER XVIII Closing Remarks. This history of Arizona commences with the earliest data attainable, and the endeavor has been to show what possibilities there are for all parts of Arizona to become habitable for civilized man. When the United States acquired from Mexico by the treaty of 1853 that portion of Arizona known as the Gads den Purchase, it was understood to have been made not with an intention of getting land for settlement, but to ac quire a feasible route for a railroad through to the Pacific Ocean, as the more northern routes, where roads have since been constructed, were not deemed at that day prac ticable. When the Gadsden Purchase was first acquired, for some years it was not considered available for set tlers, notwithstanding the elaborate reports of the country, which were, and are as reliable as any made since, un der the supervision of the general government, especially those made during the administration of Franklin Pierce, from 1853 to 1857, when the Hon. Jefferson Davis was Sec retary of War. It was considered there was very little land susceptible of agriculture, even too much desert for stock ; the fact, if ever known, was lost sight of that Span iards had at least one hundred years before vast herds of cattle upon those desolate plains. After its acquisition the attention of settlers for a time was directed to mining, but transportation for all kinds of mining machinery or sup plies was extremely high and not certain. Many times needed machinery would be from the Eastern States fully a twelve month en route, then frequently there was a wreck by land or sea, and it never came to hand ; these drawbacks THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA 191 made mining in those days an uncertain quantity. The Apache Indian, also, figured largely in the list of impedi menta to successful mining, as frequently the miners' ani mals were stolen and maybe half the party killed ; some in stances all were killed. For some years mining was practically abandoned except in a few isolated cases, and of these fewer still made the business a success. There were several years when the main business of the few people in the Territory was more or less in con nection with the troops sent in to the Territory to subdue the hostile Apaches. Arizona embraces a large extent of country, being larger than all New England and New York combined. Eastern people have been very ready to speak in a commiserating fashion of "your desert wastes," perhaps, not realizing the vast extent of Arizona. The valley of the Salt and Gila Rivers contains as much agricultural land of the finest qual ity as the State of Vermont. The valley of the Gila con tains as much agricultural land as the State of Rhode Island. There are many valleys throughout the Territory that contain bodies of fine land. All that is required is water to be developed, to cause these valleys to bring forth their' richness. On the Colorado River, which is upon the west ern line of the Territory, is as much fine agricultural land and plenty of water to irrigate the same as is embraced in the State of Delaware. Arizona has been supposed to be a treeless desert, when the fact is she has one forest that in extent will compare favorably with the great forest of Central Africa, described so graphically by Stanley in his "Darkest Africa." Arizona has in herself everything required to make a great, rich and populous State. The great and indispen sable article lacking is water. Once develop that and the question as to the greatness of Arizona at no distant day is assured. The minerals of Arizona in the mountain ranges 192 THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA are of the greatest possible importance, not only to the in habitants, but to the whole commercial world. The moun tain ranges are all, without exception, filled with minerals, among which gold and silver largely predominate in value. There are immense deposits of copper and the output even now is colossal, but is not to be compared with that of a few years hence. The great copper mines about Bisbee, in Cochise County, are now turning out one hundred tons daily of pure copper, and will soon double that unless copper from any cause was to decline below cost of production. At Jerome, in Yava pai County, or Clifton and Morenci, in Graham County, the supply is practically unlimited. There are vast amounts of iron, but such ore is only worked as a flux in smelting unless' it contains, as it frequently does, the more precious metals, gold or silver. Some of the analyzers are doing well, in fact, making fortunes by having the tailings of old mines worked over for the molybdenum that can be gotten out. This is a rare metal that has been known only a few years, or if known no practical use made of it, but is now much sought for and used in hardening steel. Coal exists in our mountains in large quantities, but up to this time, too far from the railroad to be of any great value. Not far from Fort Apache, in the White Mountains, is a large deposit of coal and some of it has been brought out and used in blacksmith's forges and found to do well, still it lays there undisturbed, as it has done for many ages. Of salt there is at least a mountain of the pure rock salt, some forty miles nearly north from the mining city of Globe, in Gila County, from which issues quite a stream of clear water as strongly impregnated with salt as the ocean, and which causes the salinity of the water of the Salt River which must afford the water for irrigating the great valley surrounding Phcenix, in Maricopa County. From what has been disclosed, Arizona has great capabilities for support ing a large population, and as population thickens in the THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA 193 older States and capital is accumulated, the tide will come into our favored land, and our numberless valleys will be turned into valuable producers for the necessities of a dense population. Arizona is advancing with giant strides from its lowly position as almost a "desert waste," and the day is not far away in this nation's history when she will be by virtue of her products, the keystone of the arch in the galaxy of States. There are two classes of individuals that are enemies of prosperity and a millstone upon the necks of the producer. The first, and probably most deadly, is the politician. As a class they are unscrupulous, always prating of the rights of the people, "the dear people," but really considering the people as fair game to be plucked. The other is known as the "walking delegate," who, as far as he can, is endeavor ing to break up the productive industries of the country, whatever pretenses may be put up by interested parties, "By their works ye shall know them," was said of old, and is applicable today. Men can and do lie as to their intent, but their acts tell with unerring certainty what they intended to do, and those acts are written with an iron pen upon adamantine tablets not to be effaced. Citizens of Arizona, look out for the politician! Poli ticians are insatiable and would absorb your life-blood, while the "walking delegate" would paralyze your indus tries, the very source of your national life. LIST OF ORIGINAL MEMBERS OF ARIZONA PIONEER HISTORICAL SOCIETY Anderson, John Deceased Appel, Nathan B Deceased Appel, Horace B Los Angeles, Cal. Alsop, John T Deceased Aguirre, Pedro. .. .Buena Vista Austin, Frederick L. . . Deceased Aguirre, Pedro J Tucson Abadie, Paul Tucson Aguirre, Mariano Tucson Aguirre, Eugineo. . . .Red Rock Aguirre, Filiberto Tucson Aldridge, A. M Deceased Brunier, Eugene Tucson Brady, Peter R Deceased Bartlett, John Oro Blanco Bartlett, John G. ...Oro Blanco Barnes, Marshall Deceased Burrow, David J Tucson Brichta, Augustus Tucson Burke, Wm. H. H .... Deceased Burke, Thomas A. D. . .Deceased Burke, Platine R Deceased Burke, Frank J Deceased Burke, Peter F Deceased Buckalew, Oscar ....Helvetia Brickwood, J. F Nogales Boland, Peter J Deceased Bailey, J. E Deceased Behan, John H Phcenix Brannan, John Residence unknown Bossing, Adam Deceased Baker, Charles Residence unknown Brady, Peter R., Jr Tucson Brady, Richard Garnett.Florence Bradley. William F. . . Fairbanks Brodie, Alex. O Governor of Territory Barnard, Geo. W Deceased Brichta, Bernibi C Tucson Baker, John Tucson Burgess, John D Tucson Blake, Wm. P Prof, in University Caballero, Augustus New Orleans Carillo, Leopoldo Deceased Chattman, Thomas B Dos Cabezos Calderwood, M. H . . . . Deceased Crook, General Geo. . .Deceased Carpenter, Sidney W. .Deceased Coler, Geo. ...Soldiers' Home Santa Monica Carillo, Emilio. . .Tanque Verde Caballero, Manuel Cochise Casey, John Deceased Capron, John G San Diego, Cal. Cargil, Andrew H Yuma Culver, W. H Tucson Contzen, Fritz Tucson Contzen, Philip Tucson Davis, Wm. C Deceased DeArmett, Berry Hill Deceased Dougherty, John O . . . Deceased Drachman, Philip .... Deceased Drachman, Samuel H . . . Tucson Drachman, H. A Tucson Drachman, Moses Tucson Devine, J. J Deceased Devine, J. C Florence De Long, Sidney R Tucson Dorrington, John W....Yuma De Course, Albert E.. Deceased Dennis, John T Phoenix Dunn, Wm. C Tucson Dunn, Wm. C, Jr Tucson Dennis, Samuel Phoenix Doran, Andrew J Prescott 195 196 THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA Elias, Jesus M Deceased Elias, Juan Deceased Elliot, J. McC Deceased Edwards, Edward L... Deceased Etchell, Chas. T Deceased Engasser, Michael . . Greaterville Etchell, John C Tucson Etchell, Pedro M Tucson Elias, Francisco Deceased Elias, Juan Soperi Frazer, Robert Deceased Foster, Geo. F Deceased Ferguson, William C. . Deceased Fairbanks, Benj. D.. . .Deceased Francis, Ferdinand . . . Deceased Fish, Edward N Tucson Fish, Franklin W Tucson Foster, Geo. H Tucson Frank, Abraham Yuma Finley, James Deceased Felix. W. E Tucson Ferrin, Joseph Tucson Felix, E. R Tucson Goldberg, Isaac Deceased Gates, Thomas Deceased Goodwin, Francis H . . . Deceased Gibson, Henry Deceased Gird, Richard .... Pomona, Cal. Goodwin, Charles C Yuma Goldtree, Joseph Deceased Gabriel, J. S Deceased Grijalba, Antonio. Tres Alamos Goodwin, Leander P Yuma Gibson, Pleasant M . . San Pedro Gonzales, Ejen Phoenix Goldbaum, Julius Tucson Goldwater, Joseph .... Deceased Goldberg, Aaron ...Deceased Guthrie, James E Tucson Hughes, Samuel, Sr Tucson Hughes, Samuel, Jr Tucson Hughes, Thomas Tucson Hughes, Stevens S Tucson Hughes, David L Tucson Hughes, Thomas E. . . .Deceased Hughes, James F. S . . . . Tucson Hughes, Fred G Tucson Harshaw, David T. .. .Deceased Handy, John C Deceased Hand, Geo. O Deceased Holland, Patrick Deceased Hart, John B Deceased Huckie, John G Pima Co. Hancock, Wm. A Deceased Haines, Edwin C Deceased Hooker, Henry C Willcox Hunter, T. T Safford Hill, John. .Residence unknown Hubbard, Anthony G Residence unknown Henderson, David .... Deceased Hinds, Hugh M Deceased Holt, Joseph B Tucson Hovey, John H Ajo mine Holmes, William A... Deceased Jeffords, Thomas J Owl Heads Johnson, Matthew R Mesa Jacobs, B. M Tucson Jacobs, Lionel M Tucson Jameson, James Deceased Jeris, Jose. .Residence unknown Jaeger, L. J. F Deceased Jaeger, Hendrick John Lewis Tucson Johnson, Henry W.Daggett, Cal. Johnson, Ulrich Daggett, Cal. Junior, E. S Bradshaw Kitchen, Peter Deceased Keen, Andrew J Tucson Kirkland, William H . . Congress Keen, James Clark Tucson Lacy, Henry E Deceased Lazard, Alfonso . . . .Deceased Leatherwood, R. N.... Tucson Levin, Alexander Deceased Levin, Henry Nogales Lorette, Antonio r Residence unknown Lyons, Isaac Deceased Layton, Christopher Deceased Luke, Charles A Deceased Linn, Adam Deceased Lopez, Peter P Tucson ¦Madden, Daniel (Col. U. S. A.) Los Angeles, Cal. McKenna, Michael Deceased Martin, Geo. T Residence unknown THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA 197 Martin, Fritz W Deceased McDermott, Wm A... Deceased Mitchell, Richard M.. Deceased Mansfield, Jacob S... Deceased McGowan, Edward . . . Deceased Meyer, Chas. H Deceased Miller, Thomas Deceased Martin, George Tucson Matthews, Peter Residence unknown Maish, Fred Canoe Ranch Mansfield, M. M Tucson Mansfield, S. S Tucson Ming, Daniel H . . . Manila, P. I. Markle, John Yuma Macholz, Oscar Deceased Moyer, J Deceased Montgomery, Thomas on San Pedro River Moreno, Miguel Tucson McCormick, R. C. .. .Deceased Micheleno, Pedro. .Solomonville Miller, Charles Deceased Miles, General Nelson A.... Washington, D. C. Naylor, Charles H San Francisco, Cal. Oury, William S. (First Presi dent of Society) . .Deceased Oury, Granville H Deceased Oury, Francis W Deceased Ochoa, Estevan, Sr. . .Deceased Ochoa, Estevan Jr.. . .Deceased Osborn, William J., Sr. .Tucson Osborn, William J., Jr. Deceased Otero, Sebino Tucson O'Reilley, Michael Deceased Palm, Barnibi Deceased Proctor, William C. ..Deceased Parker, Ben. C Deceased Poindexter, William G. Deceased Phy, Josephus Deceased Purdy, Sam Deceased Polhamus, Isaac Yuma Page, B. H Deceased Palmer, Horatio B Tucson Peralta, Miguel L Deceased Paxton, Chas. D Deceased P'ool, Josiah Deceased Pheby, James Deceased Pacheco, Jesus M Tucson Pacheco, Ref ugio> Tucson Pacheco, Mateo Tucson Pacheco, Nabor Tucson Quinlan, James Deceased Ross, William J Tucson Redding, Michael Residence unknown Rogers, Benino B Deceased Robertson, Robert M . . Deceased Rusk, Theodore G Tucson Rusk, Robert E Nogales Romero, Francisco Tucson Stevens, Hiram S Deceased Sanford, Denton G. .. .Deceased Smith, Horace B Deceased Scott, Wm. F Tucson Smith, Edward J New Orleans, La. Samaniego, Mariano G. . Tucson Sanders, Adam Cananea Safford, Gov. A. P. K. .Deceased Shibelli, Charles A.... Tucson Sullivan, W. O Deceased Stevens, Geo. H Residence unknown Sampson, A. B Tucson Spring, John A. .Soldiers' Home Santa Monica, Cal. Stevens, James Graham Co. Smith, Lyman A Tucson Speedy, James Deceased Shibell, Charles B. . San Francisco Sullivan, Frank Residence unknown Skinner, Wm .... Soldiers' Home Washington, D. C. Stevens, Thomas H Tucson Steel, Thomas Willcox Tool, James H Deceased Tully, P. R Deceased Tully, Charles H Tucson Townshend, Oscar Francis... Yuma Thurlow, George M Yuma Tennier, Joseph Residence unknown Tidball, Thomas J. .. .California Tozer, Charles W« San Francisco, Cal. 198 THE HISTORY OF ARIZONA Vanalstine, Nelson Tanque Verde Velasco, Demetrio .... Deceased Velasco, Carlos Y Tucson Velasco, Louis Tucson Vanalstine, Nicholas. . .Deceased Viel, Charles H Phcenix Witf eld, Gustave Deceased Waltermath, John H. C. Deceased Warner, Solomon Deceased Warner, Solomon John . . Tucson Walters, James Deceased Williams, Wheeler W... Tucson Wood, Erasmus D Deceased Wilkins, A Tucson Whalen, Wm Graham Co. Walker, N. Barthero. . .Deceased Weringer, William A. .Deceased Wharton, Gabriel C... Deceased Weldon, Albert Deceased Williams, R...Los Angeles, Cal. Wood, Miles L Benito Warlamont, Nicholas J Deceased Wharton, W R Residence unknown Warmsey, Michael Deceased Wasson, John. . .Pomona, Cal. Yerkes, Thomas M . . . Santa Ana, Sonora, Mex. Yerkes, Edwin A Deceased Zabriskie, James A. .. .Deceased Zeckendorf, William. New York Zeckendorf, A W . . . . New York Zeckendorf, Louis Tucson and New York LIST OF MEMBERS OF ARIZONA PIONEER HISTORICAL SOCIETY, WHO CAME TO THE TERRITORY AFTER JANUARY 1, 1870 Anderson, J. Claude Tucson Blankenship, James Wm Nogales Bailey, Stephen M Tucson Barnes, W. H Deceased Bernard, Allen Cunningham. Tucson Bernard, Noah W Tucson Babcock, Kendrick C. (Presi dent of University) .Tucson Black, John A Tucson Bayless, H. C Tucson Corbett, J. Knox Tucson Conly, Andrew Tucson Clanberg, Chas. Robert. .Tucson Chilson, L. D Tucson Drake, Charles R Los Angeles, Cal. Drake, Jean Gerard Los Angeles, Cal. Drake, William L Los Angeles, Cal. Drake, A. Garfield Los Angeles, Cal. Eber, Saly Tucson Fenner, Hiram W., Dr. Tucson Fleishman, Fred Tucson Francis, Will E Tucson Freeman, Merrill Pingree .... Tucson Field, B. P. W Tucson Graves, E. W Tucson Goodrich, Ben Tombstone or Tucson Hoff, Charles F Tucson Hoff, A. Gus Tucson Hereford, Frank H Tucson Hall, J. Howard Tucson Kirkpatrick, W. J Tucson Kent, Judge Edward. .. .Phcenix Kengle, Slump William. Tucson Lullv. Mark Nogales Lovell, Wm. McC. N... Tucson Lord, Frank H Seattle Manning, L. H. (City Mayor) Tucson Martin, John H New York Minty, General Robert H. G. Jerome Magee, John E Tucson Murray, Inernay M Tucson Perry, Jas. C Phil, Pa. Proctor, Louis Frank ... Cananea Rosenfeld, Bronath Tucson Reid, William Tucson Ronstatd, Jose M Tucson Rockridge, James George... Tucson Russell, E. Frank Tucson Schumacher, C. F Tucson Steinf elt, Albert Tucson Sturgis, William Spencer Tucson Schofield, Geo. P Tucson Sheldon, R. 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