Yale University Library 39002028546969 ?fgCvjeiAef Numhprajg Olnpgrujbt, 1914, fag JrTrattk AUatett Cfotttalngtral ©nmnatttj BOARD OF EDITORIAL, DIRECTORS EDITOR-IN-CHIEF PRESIDENT GENEALOGICAL EDITOR FRANK AIXABEN FRANK ALLABEN M. T. R. WASHBURN ASSOCIATE EDITOR SECRETARY ASSOCIATE EDITOR FRANCES M. SMITH M. T. R. WASHBURN JOHN FOWLER MITCHELL, JR STEPHEN FARNUM PECKHAM Address aU Communications to the Editorial and Subscription Offices in New York New York Office, Forty-Second Street Building, New York, N. Y. New York Telephone, Murray Hill 4524; Cable Address, Allaben, New York LONDON B. P. Stevens & Brown ST. PETERSBURG. . Watkins and Company 4 Trafalgar Square, W, C. Marskaia No. 36 PARIS Brentano's CAIRO F. Diemer 37, Avenue de l'Opera Shepheard's Building: BERLIN Asher and Company BOMBAY Thacker and Company Limited Unter den Linden 56 Esplanade Road DUBLIN Combridge and Company TOKIO Methodist Publishing House 18 Grafton Street 2 Shiohome, GIz Ginza EDINBURGH Andrew Elliott MEXICO CITY American Book and Printing Co. 17 Princes Street 1st San Francisco No. 12 MADRID Libreria Internaoional de ATHENS Const. Electheroudakis Adrian Romo, Alcala 6 Place de la Constitution ROME L. Piale BUENOS AYRES. . . John Grant and Son 1 Piazza di Spagna Calle Cangallo 469 (fomtatta ©ntnr'aNnte 13 lExbanaturc Stttox nf Unlnowa 1 tn 5 15 Snhex attn ^gUabtta fnr 1912 fy<(, 2B3 3tonra arti&gUabua fnr 1913/ -< 3fl7 Valuta?* (§nt ia Bmm ianr-4913 of 2ty? Snnrnal of Ante rtran Stature Qlnntauting an iExJjanaito Jntox nf % Jftrat 3Fun? Hnlum*a, ann #?narat£ Jlnnex ana #gUabna fnr Sarb, nf ib? Slum *#tara, 1912 ann 1913 £fet» fnrk Sty* Smmtal of Ammran ijistflnj 1914 fetjansttw Unhtx ®^ Jlnnrnal nf Amrriran ^tatnt^ Inlnma 1 tn % 1307-13X1 lEnttnr'a Watt mamm^m HE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY is now in its eighth year and eighth volume. This Index to the first seven volumes, — a "labor of love" carried on by the Editors of The Journal of American History under innumerable dif ficulties and handicaps,' — was begun early in the year 1911 and has been in process of compilation and publication for more than three years. To those who throughout this period have patiently waited for it we extend our heartfelt thanks. This Index is an inventory of a unique Magazine; and one has but to glance from page to page of the Index to realize that the published volumes of The Journal of American History present an historic panorama of men and events covering not alone the development of one new Nation, but the birth and growth of an entire New World. Even an Index may wax eloquent. Turn these pages, and the unimaginable story of the Western Hemisphere takes life and color, trooping by in a glorious historical pageant. Who would dream seven volumes could hold the wide range of subjects and illustrations this Index exhibits? And what a wealth of references under single subjects! The hopes of three years are realized. The Index is completed. The magic key turns in the golden lock and the doors of the treasure-house of The Journal of American History swing wide open. Even to the readers, as to the Editors of the Magazine, the wealth of its historical material, as displayed in this Index, must be a revelation. One understands why The Journal of American History has become an inspiration. The publication of this Index marks a period. As the last pages go to press, all Europe is convulsed in a terrible conflict, in which the peace-loving Republics of the Western World, removed as they are from the scene, must endure their full share of suffering and contribute their involuntary quota toward the cost and waste of war. We suddenly learn how intimately we are linked up with the Old World and its sorrows, and henceforth The Jour nal of American History must more than ever lift up the light which God has set in the New World to encourage and inspire both the New and the Old. New York, September, 1914. FRANK ALLABEN. Snbex ta Jftrai Jftue Uolunra A Aaron, i, 69. Abbe, Cleveland, announcement of publica tion of genealogy by, v, 322. Abbeville, S. C, ii, 658. Abbey, Dorephus, v, 225, 226, 228. Abbey of Ford, England, iv, 363, 364; of St. Bavon, St. Martens -Laethem, Flan ders, v, 396, 400, 405; of St. Mary du Val, England, iv, 360, 362; of St. Pierre, Flanders, v, 396; of Val, Nor mandy, iv, 362. Abbott, Charles C. (Dr.), v, 50. David, iii, 387. Lyman (Dr), i, 382. Lyman (Mrs.), death, ii, 36. Wilbur Cortez (Prof. A. M., B. Litt.), iii, 627. Abdul Ariz, Sultan of Morocco, ii, 30. Abeel, John (Capt.), the Seneca Indian chief, ii, 389, 390. Abelard, tomb of, ii, 611. Abercorn, Marquis of, i, 657. Abercrombie, Gen., i, 91, 92, 657; iii, 213; iv, 555, 560. Abercrombie, No. Dak., v, 177. Aberdeen, Lord, ii, 623. Aberdeen, Scotland, iv, 69; Drum Castle, ii, 663; Wash., i, 228. Abernethy, George (Gov.), v, 516; photo graph, v, 517. Abingdon, Va., iii, 294, 450. Abingdon Church, Va., iii, 286; photograph, iii, 282. Abolition, Convention at Philadelphia, Pa., ii, 592; Societies, ii, 592, 596. Abraham, Samuel, v, 548. Abraham, Plains of, ii, 213. Abruzzi, Arctic explorations of Duke of, iii, 350. Academy of American Immortals, i, 135, 301- 303; of Fine Arts, iv, 29; of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Pa., ii, 667. Acadia, French Colony of, i, 202, 203; ii, 43; v, 18; English occupation of, v, 24. Acapulco, Mexico, ii, 583; v, 370, 371. Accokeek, Va., iv, 98; Run, i, 372. Accomac County, Va., iii, 419, 423, 424, 427; early document on file in Clerk's Of fice of, iv, 304-308. Accomkick, Va., iv, 97. [17] Aceotonk, Va., iv, 98. Achilles, iv, 426. Achtienhoven, Lord of, iv, 388. Acker, Mrs., i, 407. Pilot, i, 407. Ackerman, "Abram, colonial house built by, ii, 291; photograph of colonial house built by, ii, 289. Family, v, 401. Franz (Capt.), v, 401. Acklin Island, claim of Columbus' landing at, ii, 122. Aconna, N. Mex., iii, 553. Aconostota, Indian Chief, iv, 547, 548. Acre, siege of, v, 187. Act of Uniformity, English, v, 130. Acton, Mass., iv, 71; v, 144. Acts of Trade prior to the Revolution, iv, 262. Actum, England, iv, 142. Ada County, Idaho, i, 231. Adair, Gen., v, 568. Adams, — , ii, 495; iv, 412, 413, 416; v, 6, 368. Abigail, v, 476; reproduction of portrait, ii, 181. Alice (Bradford), v, 134. Brigade Maj., iii, 277; 582. Charles, v, 476. Charles Francis, iii, 187. Dr., iii, 441. Family, v, 134. Herbert, ii, 22, 28. Jacob, iii, 227. John (President), i, 165, 377; ii, 193, 194, 609; iii, 95, 435, 437, 439, 539; iv, 198, 264, 526; v, 222, 476, 565; ambassador ship from U. S. to Gt. Britain, ii, 179; anecdote of, iv, 554; commission bear ing signature, ii, 63; election as Pres ident, ii, 371; fac-simile of autograph, ii, 447; mission to France to obtain aid for American Eevolution, ii, 600; provisional army of Revolution or ganized by, ii, 54; remarks regarding Oxenbridge Thacher, iv, 263; portrait of daughter, ii, 179; portrait of wife, ii, 181; correspondence, ii, 228, 600, 601, 610, 611. John Quincy (President), i, 165; ii, 617; THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY (Adams, John Quincy) iii, 437, 468; iv, 470, 523, 629, 631; v, 505; administration, ii, 655; appoint ment as Minister Plenipotentiary to Portugal, ii, 655; birth, ii, 655; death, ii, 655; description of, ii, 655; policy regarding annexation of Texas, iii, 618; presidential campaign, iii, 614; portrait of wife, ii, 177; silhouette of, ii, 655; letter regarding annexation of Cuba, ii, 433, 434. Josiah, iii, 278. Louisa Catherine, portrait, ii, 177. Mrs., iii, 443, 444. Nathaniel, v, 548; "Annals of Portsmouth," N. H., by, iii, 93. Robert, iii, 566. Samuel, iii, 437; iv, 136, 263, 404, 526, 585; accession to Massachusetts legislature, iv, 267; remarks regarding Trial of . Writs of Assistance made by, iv, 264; reproduction of portrait, iv, 53; revi sion of pre-Revolutionary documents by, iv, 269. Sarah (Smith), v, 476. Thomas, iii, 99. W. (Rev.), v, 134. W. I. Lincoln, ii, 488. William, iii, 54. Winborn (Lieut.-Col.), death and Revo lutionary service, iii, 212. Adams, Mass., statue of Pres. McKinley at, ii, 239; Ohio, ii, 309; County, Ohio, iii, 614. Adderbury, Oxford, England, i, 522. Addison, , i, 613, 615; lines by, iii, 428. Lieut.-Col., iii, 280. Ades, Mary, inscription on tomb, iii, 291. Adet, , iv, 279. Adfert, v, 299. Adferton, or Edwardes-tune, England, v, 299. Adgate, Abigail, i, 541. Family, iii, 385. Adventurers of Plymouth Colony, iv, 476, 477, 479, 483. Advertising in early Massachusetts, i, 686. Aegean Sea, Archipelago of, ii, 428. Aerial Navigation, ii, 12; iii, 483; photo graphs of medal in commemoration of first American, iv, 458. Aerial Transportation, first, iv, 407. Afghan War, i, 151. Afghanistan, agreement between England and Russia to maintain peace in, ii, 5. Africa, ii, 599; American missionaries in, iv, 4; annals of, iv, 218; Boer War, ii, 37; Eclipse expedition to, iv, 297; Eng- glish protectorate, ii, 425; explorers of, i, 467; ii, 38; gold in, ii, 129; re turn of negroes to, iv, 198, 199, 205; sculpture at the Custom House, New York City, representing America's tri bute to, ii, 17; triple alliance to main- CIS tain international peace in North, ii, 5; West, iv, 297. African M. E. Church, iv, 213. Agassiz, Louis (Mrs.), death of, ii, 36. Agawam, Mass., i, 242. Agnew, Capt., i, 449, 451. Agramonte, , ii, 436. Agricola, John, v, 359. Agricultural Club, i, 158. Agriculture of the U. S., early work on, iv, 580. Agua Caliente, ii, 700. Agua Escondido, ii, 40. Aguado, Juan, iii, 60. Aguero, Joaquin, ii, 427. Ahasimus, N. J., early settlements in, iv, 390, 391, 392. Ahasimus Cove, Hudson River, iv, 391, 392. Ahtah, iii, 327. Ahwelah, iii, 641. Aiken, David, v, 140. Sila, v, 140. Ailard the Monk, iv, 359. Aino people, i, 576. Airships, international relations as effected by, iv, 7. Airville, Gloucester Co., Va., old manor house, iii, 285. Aissa (Ash in Bredworthy, Blacktorrington), England, iv, 358. Aissecoma (Ashcome in Exminster), England, iv, 358, 359. Aitken, Robert, photograph of sculpture by, iii, 534. Aitkens, Abial (Squire), iii, 303. Akeley, N. M. P. (Mrs.), ii, 47. Akerman, Oronomus, ii, 184. Alabama, i, 14, 567; building of the vessel, ii, 623; cotton trade in, ii, 156, 157, 158, 160; Creek Indians in, ii, 155-165; death of ex-Senator Pugh of, ii, 36; first regulation of practice of dentis try by legislature of, i, 683; deaths of United States senators from, ii, 36; governor of, ii, 210; laws regulating railroad rates, ii, 19; prohibition, ii, 12; railroads, ii, 19; reproduction of old engraving of Indian massacre in, v, 38; Southern Railway of, ii, 19; State penitentiary, ii, 160; United States senators elected in 1907 from, ii, 23. Alabama River, ii, 158, 159. Alamance, battle of, ii, 704; photograph of memorial to heroes of battle of, ii, 710. Alamo, the, i, 436; defence of the, v, 223. Alarcon, the first European explorer in Cal ifornia, ii, 38. Alaric, v, 236. Alaska, i, 9, 16; ii, 547; iii, 335; iv, 77; de velopment of, ii, 557, 558; formation of the Territory of, ii, 431. ] INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES Alaska- Yukon-Pacific Exposition, ii, 633, iii, 171. Alaskan Purchase, ii, 553, 557, 558, 633. Albany, N. Y., i, 149, 150, 358, 414, 415, 505, 507, 511, 749, 751, 753, 757; ii, 58, 61, 82, 124, 389; iii, 121, 203, 206, 210, 214, 378, 380, 381, 383, 434; iv, 115, 116, 117, 118, 582, 584, 585, 599; v, 106, 394, 395, 448, 449, 450, 452, 633; ar chives preserved at, ii, 394, 395, 397; burning of State Capitol, v, 313; coun cil with Six Nations, iv, 434; Dutch church, v, 633; early families of, iv, 626; early construction of highways from New England to, iv, 380; early stage route to Utica from, i, 751; first settlement, iv, 388; photograph of his toric document in State Library, iv, 106; residence of Gen. Schuyler, iii, 205, 211; Schuyler St., iii, 205; trade with Indians, iii, 162; treaty with In dians, iv, 378. Albany Gazette, advertisement of first steamboat in, i, 417. Albany, The, Sackville Street, London, Eng land, ii, 52. Albemarle County, Va., ii, 374. Albermarle, Earl of, iii, 115. Albermarle Street, London, England, iv, 452. Albert, Prince, v, 607. Albertini, , ii, 436. Albon, Alice, iii, 604. Alcester, Warwickshire, England, iv, 362. Aldborough, Suffolk, England, iv, 98. Aldebaran, the star, iv, 15. Alden, Col., iii, 378, 381, 382. Ichabod (Col.), Revolutionary service, iii, 203, 207, 214. John, iv, 135, 479, 630; descendant of, iv, 629; photograph of house, iv, 134. Priscilia (Mullins), iii, 500; iv, 629. Aldrich, family, v, 420. George, v, 420. Huldah (Thayer), v, 420. Jacob, v, 420. Margery (Hayward), v, 420. Mercy, v, 420. T. B., death, ii, 36. Alejandro, D. (Maj.-Gen.), ii, 436. Alencon, Count of, iv, 356. Aleutian Islands, i, 16, 201. Alexander, , ii, 362; iii, 40. Archibald (Dr.), iii, 88. David, iii, 201. David E., iii, 377. Elizabeth, iii, 455. John (Capt.), v, 85. John White, mural paintings by, iii, 1, 64, 81. Orline St. John, announcement of publica tion of genealogy by, v, 321. Pope VI., iii, 61. [19 Robert, iv, 576. T. L. (Maj.-Gen.), i, 657. William (Maj.-Gen.), v, 388. Alexander the Great, iv, 187, 188. Alexandra, Queen, ii, 546. Alexandria, N. Y., ii, 607, 608; Va., ii, 111; iii, 455, 616; iv, 94, 100, 211, 216; v, 256; photograph of Long Bridge at, iii, 250. Alexandria Bay, ii, 607, 608; v, 225. Alexandria County, Va., photograph of his toric estate in, iv, 503. Alexandria Rifles, George Washington's mem bership in the, i, 614. Alexis, Capt., v, 568. Son of Peter the Great, ii, 158. Alford, England, v, 348, 349. Alfred the Great, 1, 520; iv, 249; v, 139, 183, 184, 299, 467; defeat of Danes by, v, 241, 244; photograph of statue, iv, 16. Algar, the Priest, iv, 358. Algeciras, i, 380. Algeciras Treaty, ratification of, ii, 23. Alger, Russell A. (Senator), ii, 23; death, ii, 35. Algeria, i, 401; ii, 559; pirates of, i, 401; v, 253; sending of a United States squad ron by President Washington against, i, 673. Algiers, appointment by French government of agent to negotiate treaty with, ii, 604; Dey of, building of frigate for, ii, 104, 108, 111; demand for tribute from United States by Dey of, ii, 102; harassing of early American trading vessels by pirates from, ii, 111; iii, 436; early newspaper article describing sailing of frigate presented by United States to Dey of, ii, 108, 109; war be tween Portugal and, ii, 102. Algonquin Indians, iii, 415; v, 500. Alien and Sedition Laws, ii, 193. Alkali, lake, ii, 143. Alkali Springs, ii, 142. Allaben, Adelbert Edwin, poem by, v, 578. Frank, v, 233, 324, 387, 481; announcement of publication of genealogical works by, v, 320. Allaben Collection, photograph from, v, 235, 245. Allaire, James, i, 262. Allbee, Burton Hiram, ii, 284, 285; v, 477; photographs of old houses from collec tion of, iii, 605, 606, 608-612. Alleghany College, Meadville, Pa., iv, 297. Alleghany County, N. Y., iv, 118, 119; first sheriff of, ii, 56; first recorded deed of land in, ii, 59; Pa., iv, 113. Alleghany Mountains, i, 339, 582, 585, 663; ii, 548; iii, 450, 564, 619; iv, 216, 603; v, 104, 279; early American frontier at, ii, 277, 279; Expedition against the ] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY (Alleghany Mountains) Indians across, ii, 278; first Fort west of, iv, 543, 544; first organized gov ernment west of, iii, 455; first steam boat west of, v, 169; photograph of monument in commemoration ot .tort of first settlers west of, iv, 542. Alleghany River, iv, 116, 118, 119, 120. Allen, , ii, 135, 137, 529. (Rev.), iv, 382. Adam, iii, 298. Capt., ii, 188. Charles B., organization of a secret so ciety, known as "Know Nothings," by, ii, 595, 596. D. C. (Hon.), iv, 511. David, iii, 298. Elizabeth, iii, 302; v, 469. Elizabeth (Fleming), iii, 298, 301. Esther, v, 135. Ethan, iii, 297, 298, 602; iv, 581; address to New York Patentees by, iv, 586; capture of Ft. Ticonderoga by, iii, 209, 213, 603; iv, 587; v, 159, 161; emigra tion to Vermont, iii, 603; imprisonment in England, iv, 589; participation in land wars between Vermont and New York, iv, 584, 585. Family, iii, 298, 302. Ira, iv, 588, 592, 594. Jonathan (Capt.), v, 158. Joseph, i, 95; iii, 298. Mary, v, 418, 420. Parson, v, 159. Samuel, iii, 93, 96, 297-310; fac-simile of autograph, ii, 446. Samuel Fleming, iii, 307. Thomas, iii, 49, 93. Thomas (Rev.), letter regarding expedition against Ticonderoga by, v, 159, 161. Allen's Suburban Map of Council Bluffs, la., v, 281. Allentown, N. J, v, 65. Allerton, Isaac, iv, 477; v, 475. Isaac (Maj.), iv, 98. Allgar, Bridget, iv, 286. Allhallow's Barking, Great Tower St., Lon don, England, v, 418. All Hollows, Hairidge, England, iv, 358. Alliance, battle in Carolinas of the, ii, 364. Allicoon, Sullivan Co., N. Y., iii, 315. Allin, Mathew, fac-simile of autograph, ii, 446. Thomas, autograph, ii, 446. Thomas (Brig. -Gen.), home of, ii, 442. William, autograph, ii, 446 ; home of , ii, 449. Allinson, Samuel, v, 61. Allis, Samuel, iv, 240. Allison, , v, 222. Allouez, explorations in Illinois by, ii, 213. Allyn, Belton, v, 548, 559. [20] Benadam, v, 548, 559. John, i, 251; v, 432. Samuel (Capt.), v, 548. Simeon (Capt.), v, 548. Allyn's Point, Conn., v, 559. Alma, Neb., iii, 439. Almanac, ancient Scandinavian, iv, Ui, uo, printing in Massachusetts of the first American, ii, 492; title page of old, iii, 45. Alner, Maj., iii, 54, 57. Alomo River, ii, 258. Alonso, Maese, iii, 74. Alost, Flanders, v, 398. Alrik, v, 305. Alsace, ii, 270, 276, 466; iii, 41. Alsace-Lorraine, announcement of Depart ment of Journal of American History for Genealogical Research in, v, 322. Alsop, Joseph, i, 96. Joseph Wright, i, 96. Mary Wright (Mrs.), 1, 96. Richard, i, 705. Alston, Anne, iv, 451. Rowland (Sir), iv, 451. Altar River, pueblos on, ii, 40; Spanish Mis sion on, ii, 40. Alva, Duke of, v, 405, 633. Alvarez, Gov., iii, 550. Alvric the Saxon, iv, 357. Alward family, v, 463. Alwynelancanele (East Yeowelston, Black- torrington), England, iv, 358. Amalgamated Society of Railroad Servants, ii, 34. Amalpa, Honduras, ii, 5. Amateis, Louis, i, 598; sculpture by, ii, 192, 545; v, 2. Amazon River, i, 306. Amazonia, Mo., ii, 680. Ambler Family, i, 218. Amboy, N. J., i, 447, 454; iv, 38, 40, 43, 46; v, 443, 444. Amelia County, Va., v, 99, 194, 195. Amenia, N. Y., Round Top Meeting House, ii, 263. Amenia Union, N. Y., Huguenots, Palatines and Puritans in, ii, 263. America, act affecting early trade, iii, 411; ancestral foundations, iii, 146; v, 293- 311, 459-476; ancestral homesteads, iii, 405-408; ancient maps, ii, 116, 118, 119, 126; v, 335-337; animals, iv, 218; 300th anniversary of founding of first per manent English settlement, i, 588; iii, 283; 400th anniversary of making of map bearing name, v, 169; 400th anniversary of naming, i, 202; an nouncement of publication of work on Colonial families, v, 320; archaeologi cal investigations, iv, 165-184; Coats- of-arms in, i, 169; Colonization of, i, INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES (America) 583; dental surgery in, i, 675; descrip tion of journey before the Revolution into far northern, v, 76-80; discovery of, ii, 38, 116; iv, 166, 167; discovery of gold, iii, 464, 465; early conserva tion, iv, 571-580; early English drama on, i, 219; early explorations and trade in Southwestern, iii, 461-470; early French dentists in, i, 677; early fron tier life in, i, 585; early jurisprudence, ii, 479-484; early medical practice, i, 241; early trading expeditions in Southwestern, iii, 465-470; editorial on message of 1910 to, iv, 1, 3, 4; edi tor's note on and translation of man uscript of physician on Columbus' ship describing, iii, 59-80; emigration to, i, 495; ii, 265, 362, 457-470; English col onies of, i, 203; ii, 422; English trade in the Sixteenth century with, i, 641; explorers of western, ii, 38-42; fac simile of first paper money in, i, 693; fac-simile of imprint on first map bearing name of, v, 338; first Chris tian martyr in, iii, 462; first English child born in, i, 214; iv, 74; first Eng lish children in, iv, 73-76; first Eng lish Colony in, i, 206-210, 214-218; first English marriage in, iv, 74; first Episcopal church in, i, 210, 217; first free school in, iv, 374; first legisla ture in, i, 210; first map of, iii, 60; first musical composer in, i, 173, 174; first narrative of, ii, 114; first novel ist in, i, 236-240; first patentee of in vention in, i, 334-335; first patriotic societies in, ii, 361-366; first physi cians in, i, 675; iii, 74; fossils of, i, 662; French dominion in, ii, 213; French explorations in, ii, 43; French territory in, ii, 297; genealogical re searches in, iv, 151; Holmes' Annals of, iv, 408; Huguenots in, ii, 362; in troduction of European animals and produce in, iii, 62; land grants by Queen Elizabeth in, i, 10; literature in, i, 177, 178; iv, 20; merchant ma rine of, i, 274; military training in, i, 230; Municipal Art Society in, iii, 491; national hymn of, ii, 199, 200, 201-203; fac-simile of MS. National hymn of, ii, 204; Norse discovery of, iv, 166-167, 353; Norse explorations in, iv, 166-169, 171; Norwegian immi gration to, iv, 165; Ode to, i, 589-596; Papal grant to Spain of, i, 641; pledge of patriots to free, i, 503; poem to, i, 297, 298; ii, 264, 624; iii, 226; iv, 150, 384 pre-historic animals of , i, 662; pub lic care of poor in early, i, 233; Qua kers in, v, 116-119; first photograph [21 of armies in battle taken in, iii, 258; old engraving of discovery of, v, 33; old engraving of landing of Columbus in, v, 34; photograph of Saga manu script describing first settlement in, ii, 114; map on which first appeared the name, v, 342, 343; portrait of mak- or of map on which first appeared the name, v, 333; sculpture, The Apotheo sis of, ii, 545; rise of national spirit in, ii, 591-596; savings banks in, i, 685; scenery of, i, 292, 740-744; Scotch- Irish in, iii, 81 ; seal of first English colony in, i, 217; Sixteenth Century restriction of trade of, i, 641 ; Society of Founders and Patriots of, iv, 421; Spanish discovery of, iv, 166, 167; Spanish dominion, i, 641; ii, 411, 417; Spanish explorations in Southwestern, iii, 462, 463; statue of Rollo of Nor mandy presented to, v, 177; struggle of European powers for supremacy in, i, 640-651; ii, 166; national song of, iv, 340; resolution of Sir Francis Drake and his captains on English expedition to, i, 650, 651; Thorfinn's discovery of, i, 201, 202; transference of property in early days of the Republican from England to, v, 268, 269; travel in, i, 292; voyage from England in early days of the Republic to, v, 247-269. American Antiquarian Society, i, 154; ii, 491, 499; iii, 99; of Worcester, Mass., ii, 128. Association for the Advancement of Science, iii, 185. Banking system, founding of, i, 693. Bar Association, i, 209. Bar in the Klondike, ii, 637. Bible Society, v, 273; fac-simile of page of First Edition of King James' Version of the Bible in library of, v, 318, 319. Centenaries, v, 3. Chivalry, Ode to, iii, 517-519. Citizenship, i, 434. Civic Alliance, iv, 311. Colonies, boycott of British imports by, i, 88; development of, ii, 100; naval of ficers in attack of English fleet on Cartagena, South America, from, ii, 319; schools in, i, 717. Colonists, letters to England from, i, 328. Colonization Society, i, 79; iv, 198, 199, 205, 212, 213; sending of negroes to Liberia by, iii, 621, 622. Colortype Company of New York, repro ductions of prints made by, iii, 1, 64, 81. Commerce in the French .Revolution, ii, 592; early commerce, i, 758. Constitution, i, 188, 189. Continent, journey of first white man to cross the, i, 465-484. ] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY "Crisis," publication the, v, 60. "Cyclopedia," v, 347. "Daily Advertiser," the, 1, old. Dental Society of Europe, 1, 67b. Expansion, ii, 543-559. Finance, development of, l, b8/-o»^. Flag, act of Congress regarding, l, 10; con troversy regarding first raising in bat tle of the, ii, 124; first, iii, 51; first circumnavigation of the globe on which was carried the original, v, 600; first naval hero under the, ii, 110; first painting of the, i, 172; first raising in California of the, i, 622; law regarding, i, 16; name "Old Glory" first applied to, i, 15; oath of alle giance recited by public school chil dren of New York City in honor of, ii, 199; poem to the, iv, 84; States represented on, ii, 205; in the Orient, ii, 543-559. Flags, historic collection of, iv, 159; re productions of prints of historic, iv, 157, 160, 161, 163, 164. Foot, Regiment of His Majesty's, Hi, 100. Foundations, iii, 185. Fur Company, i, 113, 116, 117. Geographical Society, iii, 345; iv, 214. Governors, common ancestry of some, ii, 511. Historical Association, ii, 38, 255, 521; Hi, 148, 171, 217, 233, 395, 447, 627; iv, 51, 123, 132, 197, 310. "Historical Magazine," ii, 491. Historical Society, i, 617; ii, 443. History, Appleton's "Stories from," v, 83. Homesteads, early, i, 325-331, 494-496. Immortals, Academy of, i, 135, 301-303. "Journal of Dental Science," i, 680. "Lawyer and Corporation Law Review," ii, 191. "Magazine," i, 613; fac-simile of introduc tion, with autograph of Judge Sewall, of first, ii, 489; fac-simile of title page, ii, 490. Manufactures, first market soon after pas sage of Stamp Act for sale of, ii, 363. Medical Association, Journal of the, iii, 77. Nation, influences of various nationalities upon, v, 136. National hymn, iii, 165; fac-simile of man uscript of the, iii, 167, 168; photo graph of bronze tablet in commemora tion of writing of, iii, 164; transcript of, iii, 166. Navy, i, 228, 669-674; ii, 101-112; British impressment of sailors of, i, 310-314; claimants of title "Father" of, ii, 110; experiences in the Revolution of officer of, iii, 435-440; first, v, 565; first [22] Commander-in-Chief of, n, 110; photo graph of memorial to, ui, o6i. _ Numismatic and Archaeological Society, l, 693; iv, 425. Painters, early, i, 168-172. Paintings, reproductions of famous, iv, ^51, 22, 24-28. Patriotic songs, ii, 592. Peace Society, i, 151. People, character of, i, 583-588. Philosophical Society, i, 36; iii, 185; iv, 340; v, 369. Presidents, silhouettes of, ii, 653-658. Prisoners, ill-treatment by Portuguese of, i, 306, 307. Republic, dangers from French privateers in early days of, v, 251, 252; education in early, i, 717-726. Republican Party, formation of, ii, 595. Republics, Bureau of, iii, 428, 475; photo graph of sculpture at Bureau of, iv, 102. "Review," account of raising troops for expedition against Fort Ticonderoga from, v, 159. Revolution, Anna Warner Bailey Chaptei of Daughters of the, v, 543; Daughters of the, ii, 183, 349, 403; iii, 52; iv, 237, 541, 543, 553; v, 121, 142, 146, 149, 171; preservation of history of Santa Fe Trail by, iii, 461, 462, 470; photo graph of memorial erected by, iii, 460; photograph of monument erected by, iv, 542; Ode to, iv, 446; families enti tled to membership in Societies of the, iv, 149. Sons of the, i, 517; ii, 403, 647; iv, 297, 595; v, 148; photograph of monument to Peter Salem erected by, v, 145, 146. Society of Dental Surgeons, i, 679; Society of International Law, iii, 488; Society for the Preservation of Scenic and His toric Places, iii, 491. State Papers, iii, 220, 221, 223, 224. "Volunteer," publication, The, v, 89. Wars, Society of, iv, 132. " West India Company of New York, iv, 205. Americans, poem, Tribute to, 256. "America's Greeting to the World," sculpture representing, ii, 21. Ames, , iii, 124. Ames, Azel (Dr.), "The Mayflower and Her Log," by, ii, 123. Jacob, iii, 126. Amesbury, Mass., Provident Institution for Savings in, i, 686. Amestown, Athens County, O.. ii, 309. Amherst, , H, 394. Col., iii, 117. Gen., i, 93, 705; iii, 213; iv, 553, 555. Jeffrey (Sir), iv, 36; autograph and por trait, ii, 396. F INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES Amherst, Mass., iv, 297, 298; v, 450. College, iv, 298. Amory, , iv, 412. Amosis, King, iv, 186. Amoskeag, N. H., i, 74, 75. Canal, iv, 413. Amsterdam, Holland, i, 745, 759; ii, 267; iv, 385, 388, 394; v, 388, 405, 406, 407, 465; aid given American transportation by bankers of, iv, 409; Pilgrims in, ii, 117; iv, 485. Amurath, iv, 187. Amwell township, N. J., v, 52. Anaesthesia, i, 30, 675, 684; photograph of sculpture sympolizing discovery of, iv, 103. Anaesthetic, discovery of use of nitrous ox ide, or laughing gas, as an, i, 684. Analostan Island, Va., iv, 99. Anamessecks, Va., iv, 304, 306; River, iv, 308. Anancock, Va., iv, 305. Ancestral foundations in America, iii, 146; v, 293-311, 459-476. Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company, iii, 92. Anconey, Christian, ii, 661, 662. David, ii, 661, 662. Devault, will of, ii, 661, 662. Elizabeth, ii, 662. George, ii, 661, 662. Henry, ii, 661, 662. Jacob, ii, 661, 662. John, ii, 661, 662. Margaret, ii, 661, 662. Peter, H, 661, 662. Anderson, Capt., ii, 351, 353. Duncan, v, 228. J. Patton, i, 227. Thomas G., iii, 509. Andersonville Prison, Ga., memorial statue at, i, 603. Andover, England, v, 305; Mass., i, 550, 553, 554, 558; ii, 200; iv, 272; v, 141, 305; early publications at, i, 552; Theolog ical Seminary, founding of, i, 552, 558; library of, i, 554. Andre, John (Maj.), i, 354, 458, 703; v, 87; capture of, iii, 209; monument erected to, ii, 704; photograph of pass given by Arnold to, iv, 106; portrait, iv, 59; transcript from Revolutionary order book announcing capture, iv, 350; transcript from Revolutionary order book of record of capture and direction for execution, iv, 491-492; trial, iv, 56. Andrews, C. C, ii, 217. E. A. (Prof.), i, 156. Family, iv, 149. John, iii, 56. Julia M. H. (Mrs.), iv, 399. Matthew Page, ii, 630; iii, 360. Prof., iv, 311. [23 Andromache, iv, 426. Andros, Edmund (Sir), i, 321; iv, 436; v, 135, 138, 295, 305, 432, 433, 436, 437; Coun cil of, ii, 508. Angel, Col., iv, 494. Angelica, N. Y., cemetery at, ii, 62; French families settled in, ii, 59; laying out of, ii, 56. Angell, family, photograph of homestead, iv, 568. George T., photograph of birthplace, iv, 568. Israel (Col.), print of Revolutionary flag carried by reg't of, iv, 163. Thomas, signing of the Providence Com pact by, iii, 189; arraignment by Rog er Williams of, iii, 195. Anglesey, house of, v, 299; Wales, v, 307. Anglo-Saxon Conquest of Britain, iv, 141. Angodgibsah, iii, 325. Anian, Straits of, i, 226. Aniline dyes, discovery of, ii, 36. Ankeny, Harriet L. (Mrs.), ii, 661. Annapolis, Md., i, 504; iv, 619; v, 439; burn ing at commencement of Revolution of ship containing tea at, ii, 365; early advocate of the establishment of na tional naval academy at, iv, 320; en graving of bronze doors on State House, ii, 226; photograph of bas-re liefs on bronze doors of United States Naval Academy at, iii, 182, 183, 184; print of flag preserved in State House, iv, 164; Trumbull's painting of the resignation of George Washington at, Hi, 197. Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, Canada, i, 202, 737; appointment of Sir Charles Hobby as Lieut.-Gov. of, iii, 91, 93; capture by the English of, i, 182; v, 18, 19; French attack on, v, 21. Ann Arbor University, Mich., ii, 254. Annawomscutt, now West Barrington, Mass., reproduction of photograph of early house, ii, 449. "Anne," coming to New England of Separat ists on ship, iv, 471, 480. "Anne Hoeck alias Wampage," v, 367. Anne Hoeck's Neck, Manor of, v, 367. Anne's Hoeck, or Hook, N. Y., v, 367. Anne, Queen, ii, 82; iii, 50, 94; iv, 378; v, 73, 307; grants of one-half of Province of New Hampshire made to Sir Charles Hobby by, iii, 91, 93; knighting of Sir Charles Hobby by, iii, 91, 92; photo graph of Speaker's chair of Virginia House of Burgesses presented by, v, 14. Annexation Association of Canada, v, 230. Annootok, Arctic village, iii, 334, 335, 336, 337, 338, 638. Anthony, i, 247. Anthracite, coal, silhouette of discovery of ] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY (Anthracite) utilization, v, 114; transcript of orig inal letter and excerpt from records re garding first use, v, 115, 116, 118; re gions of Middle West, discovery of, v, 115-120. Antietam, Md., battle of, iv, 297; photograph of battle of, iii, 258; photograph of Maj. Allen Pinkerton, chief of Secret Service, in camp at, iii, 36; photograph of Pres. Lincoln and officers of Army of the Potomac at, iii, 12; photograph of President Lincoln passing through camp at, iii, 19 ; photograph of President Lin coln and General McClellan at, iii, 20. Antigua, West Indies, v, 24; Island of Santa Maria, iii, 69, 70. Antilles, the, ii, 398; early Indians of the, iii, 66-71, 76-80; jewels found in the, iii, 75; Sea of the, ii, 420. Antinomians, iii, 187, 196; v, 359, 360. Antioch, Cal., iii, 395. Antiquarian Society, American, ii, 491, 499; iii, 99. Anti-Slavery Society, iii, 545; British and Foreign, ii, 623; first, ii, 592. Antoine Chico, N. Mex., iii, 553. Antone, Abram (Chief), iv, 120, 121, 122. Tom, iv, 121, 122. Antrim, William, ii, 673. Antrim County, Ireland, iii, 454. Antwerp, Belgium, i, 745, 753, 759; ii, 126; first newspaper printed at, ii, 492; strike and riots in 1907 at, ii, 34. Jefferson Co., N. Y., i, 754; ii, 605. Anza, Col., diary of the explorer, ii, 38, first journey across Colorado Desert to Cal ifornia made by, ii, 39-42, 255-261, 521- 526, 696-701; iii, 103-112, 171-179, 395- 403; founding of San Francisco, Cal., by, iv, 387; view on route of first over land journey, iii, 170. Aoki, Ambassador, ii, 5. Apache Indians, ii, 39, 40, 526, 671, 697; iii, 402, 546, 547, 549, 551, 553. Apachisco, i, 222. Apalachie Indians, iv, 217. Ap Evan, family, ii, 109. John, emigration to America of, ii, 109, 110. Ap Griffith, Llewellyn, iv, 364. Rhys ap Tudor Mawr, v, 307. Ap Kydiron, Katherine (Rys), v, 307. Rydderch, v, 307. Ap Owen, Owen, v, 307. Ap Rydderch, Rys, v, 307. Apia, Somoan Islands, hurricane in the har bor of, ii, 212. Apocalypse, the, i, 554. Appalachian Mountains, ii, 156, 157, 158, 162; iv, 217, 547; decoration snowing Manas sas Cutler's crossing the, iii, 499; set tlement of Scotch-Irish in, iii, 81. [2 Appaquinimey, Del., i, 50. Appian Way, the, iii, 461. Appleby, Gil man (Capt.), v, 224. Appledore Island, Isles of Shoals, iv, 251. Appleton, , iii, 49, 123, 124. Major, iv, 421. Samuel (Capt.), iv, 421, 422. Appleton's "Stories from American History," v, 83. Appomattox Indians, iii, 421. Appomattox, Va., Civil War photographs at, iii, 375. Apthorpe, , ii, 401. Aqueduct, first American, iii, 78. Aquidneck Island, Narragansett Bay, v, 363. Aragon, iii, 60. Aram, Eugene, i, 617. Family, i, 618. Joseph (Capt.), i, 617; birthplace of, i, 618; boyhood of, i, 619; expedition to far West of, i, 617-632; journal of, i, 622-632; portrait of, i, 620; reminis cences of, i, 623-632. Matthias (Capt.), i, 618. Sarah Ann (Mrs.), first discovery of gold in California by, i, 617, 621, 629; por trait of, i, 621. Arapahoe Indians, iii 544. Arathapescow Indians, v, 79, 80. Arato, valley of, i, 633. Arbitration, establishment of permanent court of international, ii, 6. Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa., i, 748. Archaeological investigations in America, iv, 165-184. Archer family, i, 524. Announcement of work on, v, 320. John, i, 524. Thomas, first newspaper in England print ed by, ii, 492. Archibald, Gracie & Co., i, 760. Lieutenant, ii, 520. Architecture, American, i, 167. Arctic, Club of America, iii, 315, 345, 637. Editor's notes on Dr. Cook's expedition to the, iii, 313, 314, 637; expedition of Dr. Cook to the, iii, 315, 316, 325-328, 333- 340, 638-647; engravings of American expedition to the, iii, 317-324, 329-332; gold in the, ii, 642; journey before the Revolution to the regions of the, v, 76- 80; life in the, iii, 325-328, 333-340. Ocean, ii, 547. Pacific, blazoning of the trail to the, ii, 633-642. Ardmore, Ind. Ter., iv, 600. Aregent, John, iv, 45. Areopagitica, the, iii, 498. Argall, Samuel, i, 202. Argentine Republic, ii, 419, 420. Arguelles, Emanuel, ii, 583. Aristides, iv, 249. INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES Aristotle, iv, 488. Arizona, i, 14, 15, 575, 617; v, 291; ancient capital of, ii, 672; early explorations in, ii, 256; early explorers in, ii, 698; formation of Territory of, ii, 431; in clusion in New Mexico of, ii, 206; pro posed Statehood of, ii, 205; scenery of, i, 295, 296; Spanish territory in south ern, ii, 38, 39. Arkansas, v, 289; admission into the Union of, i, 14; development of, ii, 205; emi grants to California gold fields from, ii, 150; Great Bend region in, iii, 462; United States Senator elected in 1907 from, ii, 23. Arkansas "Gazette, iii, 90. Arkansas River, iii, 543, 550, 553; iv, 610; v, 289, 291, 292; early French trade on, iii, 463; early trading post established on, iii, 465; early trade route along, iu, 466; early trappers on, iii, 467; Fort on, ii, 309; photograph of old bridge over, v, 276; photograph of, v, 278; Valley, v, 280, 289. . Arlington, Earl of, iii, 414. Arlington, Iowa, i, 378. New Jersey, photograph of old Schuyler house at, iii, 612. Alexandria Co., Va., photograph of, iv, 503. Arlington Heights, Mass., photographs of work of sculptor of, ii, 561, 567; v, 167, 168, 263. Armagh, Ireland, Archbishop of, v, 413. Armenteros, Francisco, ii, 427. Armidas, Capt., i, 213. Armistead, Churchill (Lieut.), iii, 286. John, iii, 286. William, iii, 286. Armour, P. D., ii, 215. Armstrong, , Indian massacre of the family of, ii, 311. Capt., i, 729, 730. Family, iv, 245. General, i, 19, 20, 758. John (Gen.), portrait, iv, 244. John (Hon.), letter written to Thomas Jef ferson regarding will of Kosciusko, ii, 372. John (Jr., Col.), iv, 444. Kosciuszko, ii, 372, 373, 374. W. C, ii, 356. Armstrong County, Pa., iv, 113, 115. Army of the Potomac, v, 374; photograph of part of, iii, 256. Photograph of President Lincoln and of ficers of, iii, 12; photograph of wagon train of, iii, 363. Arnold, , i, 505. Benedict (Gov.), ii, 508, 512; iii, 210, 211, 212, 602; iv, 382, 587, 550-552, 554, 559; conduct regarding expedition against Ft. Ticonderoga, v, 158, 159, 161; death [25 of, iii, 209; photograph of pass given Andre by, iv, 106; Revolutionary rec ord, iii, 209; signing of the Providence Compact by, iii, 189; transcript from Revolutionary order book announcing treason, iv, 350; transript from Revolu tionary order book of records of treason, iv, 491, 492, 493; treason, i, 701, 711; iii, 209; iv, 627, 628; trial, iv, 344. Family iii, 190, 193; coat-of-arms, ii, 513. Israel (Deputy-Gov.), ii, 508, 512. Jonathan, iii, 117. Lieut.-Col., ii, 184, 350; iii, 278. Mary (Barker), ii, 508, 512. Mrs. Benedict, i, 711; portrait of, iv, 54. Oliver, iii, 213. Peggy (Shippen), portrait of, iv, 54. Samuel Greene (Lieut.-Gov.), ii, 511, 512, 513. Stephen, ii, 512. Thomas, iii, 190; settling at Moshasuck, R. I., iii, 193. Welcome, iv, 442. William, iii, 56, 190, 193. Arnotta tree, dye and medicine made from, iii, 70. Aroostook War, iii, 540; v, 222, 223. Arquebusiers' Guilds of Ghent, Flanders, v, 403. Arques, Peace of, v, 393. Arragon, Catherine of, v, 242, 243. Arrapahoe Indians, ii, 250. Arresick, N. J., early grant of land, iv, 390. Arrow, Warwickshire, England, i, 519, 521, 522. Arroyo de la Harina, Cal., iii, 178. Arroyo de los Dolores, Cal., iii, 176. Arroyo de San Francisco, Cal., iii, 174, 178. Arroyo de San Mateo, Cal., iii, 177, 178. Arroyo de San Salvadore, Cal., iii, 178. Arroyo de Santa Angela de Fulgino, Cal., iii, 179. Asbury Park, N. J, ii, 12. Art, in America, iii, 143. Art, Collections in America, iv, 51. Arthur, George (Sir), v, 225, 228. President, v, 423. Arthur Land, in the Arctic, iii, 643. Articles of Confederation of the United States, iii, 46. Artillery, Civil war photograph showing the world's heaviest battery of, iii, 254. Artillery Company of Boston, Mass., iii, 92. Artois, France, v, 636. Arton, in Berry Pomeroy, England, iv, 359. Arundel, Earl of, v, 473. Humphrey (Sir), iv, 369, 370. Asfordby family, announcement of publica tion of genealogy showing descent from, v, 320. Asgill, Capt., iii, 307, 308. Family, iii, 307. ] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN . HISTORY Asgill, Lady, iii, 307. Ash County, N. C, i, 54; ii, 143. Ash Grove, N. Y., i, 618. Ash in Bredworthy, Blacktorrington, England, iv, 358, 359. Ashburton, Lord, iii, 540. Ashburton- Webster Treaty, iii, 540. Ashby, , i, 345; Mrs., i, 345. Ashby, Minn., site of ancient Norse camp near, iv, 181. Ashcombe, Exminster, England, iv, 358, 359. Ashenfelter, Nettie A. (Mrs.), ii, 176. Asheville, N. G, ii, 129, 154. Ashley, Burton, J., iii, 602, 603. Emeline Douglas, iii, 603. Family, iii, 603. Thomas (Hon.), biography, iii, 603; sil houette, iii, 602. Ashton, Harriet, v, 461. Ashton, England, iv, 366. Asia, v, 80; animals of, iv, 218; sculpture at the Custom House, New York City, rep resenting America's tribute to, ii, 9. Asia Minor, iv, 187. Asiatic Squadron, retirement of Rear Ad miral John Irwin from the, ii, 667. Askew, Ann, v, 117. Aspinwall family, v, 638. William (Sec), v, 363. Assembly Hall, Baltimore, Md., i, 681. Association Test in New Hampshire, v, 141. Assyrian Empire, ancient, iv, 186, 187, 189. Assyrian furniture, i, 494. Aston, ¦ (Throckmorton), v, 98. Mary, v, 98. Walter (Lieut.-Col.), v, 98. Astor, John Jacob, i, 17, 113, 226; iv, 311; v, 169; loan to United States by, i, 745; mural painting in residence, iv, 463; trading post in Oregon established by, v, 505; portrait, v, 511. Astoria, N. Y., i, 270; Ore., i, 226; first expe dition to site, v, 500; first settlement, v, 505; portrait of founder, v, 511; print from narrative of founding, v, 511. Astronomical Diary, or almanac, facsimile of title page if old, iii, 45. Astronomy, i, 242; modern achievements in, i, 439; iv, 13; observations of Manasseh Cutler in, ii, 531. Astyanax, iv, 426. Asuncion, Cal., iii, 172; West Indies, discov ery of island of, iii, 72. Atchison, David R. (Gen.), iv, 515, 523. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad, in dictment, ii, 16. Athenaeum, Hartford, Conn., Trumbull's painting of Signing of Declaration of Independence at, iii, 48. Athens, Greece, ii, 714; iv, 249. Atherall, Hannah, v, 297. Atherton, Joseph, iii, 407. [26 Joshua, photograph and account of old house of, iii, 407. Athletics, intercollegiate, ii, 15. Athol, Duchess of, v, 608. Atkins, , i, 504. Amy (Mrs.), iii, 96. Diana, iii, 99. Elizabeth (Hobby), iii, 96. Family, iii, 96, 99. John, iii, 99. Robert, iii, 96. Sarah, iii, 99. Atkinson, , ii, 131, 133; iii, 42. H. M., ii, 140, 141. Samuel, ii, 97. Susanna, v, 634. Atkyns, Robert (Sir), i, 523, 524. Atlanta, Ga., iii, 245; Bulloch Hall near, u, 232; Carnegie Library, ii, 630; memorial statue of Gen. John B. Gordon in the grounds of State Capitol at. i, 609; photograph of Confederate fort near, iii, 27; Civil War photographs at, iii, 344, 365, 367, 369. Atlantic Cable, i, 270; iv, 326, 330. Atantic Fleet, visit to Pacific waters of, u, 2, 15. Atlantic "Monthly," 50th anniversary of es tablishment of, i, 614. Atlantic Ocean, iv, 483^ v, 371; early yoyage across, ii, 44-47, 586; first" voyage by- steam on, i, 262; Sargasso Sea of, iii, 65; voyage in the early 19th cen tury across, i, 748; wireless messages across, ii, 15. Atlantic Plateau, exploration of, iv, 326. Atlantic Squadron, i, 15. Atlee, Col., ii, 520. Samuel J., membership on Commission to affect treaty with Six Nations, iv, 111, 112. Atley, Col., ii, 350. Atom, discoveries within the, iv, 19. Attacullecully, Indian Chief, iv, 547. Attahtungwah, iii, 328. Attakapas, Iowa, parish of, v, 575. Atterbury, Bishop, iv, 31. Atticullaculla, i, 53. Attila, iv, 189. Attleboro, Mass., v, 360. Attleborough, England, v, 242. Attucks, Crispus, v, 143. Attwater, , iv, 43. Atwater, W. O. (Prof.), death, ii, 37. Atwell, George C, i, 131, 132, 134. Atwood Cay, Bahamas, ii, 120. Aubrey, Elizabeth (Lady), miniature, ii, 643. Family, royal descent, ii, 109. John (Lord), ii, 643. Marie (Lady), ii, 643. Auburn, N. Y., iv, 608; Gloucester County, Va., old manor house of, iii, 285. Auchmerty, Samuel (Rev. Dr.), iv, 31. ] INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES Auchnacheley, County Tyrone, Ireland, ii, 667. Audley, Ann, ii, 512. Augsburg, alliance of European Powers at, ii, 167; Confession of, ii, 422. Augur, Hezekiah, i, 164. Augusta, Ga., i, 709; iv, 302; Ky., iv, 513, 514. Augusta College, Ky., iv, 513. County (now Rockingham), Va., i, 58; iii, 449; v, 192, 193, 195, 461. Augustus Caesar, ii, 389; iv, 188. Austerfield, England, v, 348. Austin, Alfred, poem on America by, iii, 620. Calvin, iii, 388. David, ii, 354. Friars, iv, 451. John, v, 141. Maj., ii, 309. Sally (Oliver), ii, 309. Seymour, iii, 388. Stephen F., ii, 622. Austin, Texas, memorial to Texas Rangers in State House at, i, 602. Australia, i, 517, 520; ii, 26, 559; iii, 43; iv, 205; attempt to establish federation under a Constitution, ii, 403; Consti tution, ii, 542; early American trade with, ii, 129; gold in, ii, 129; sheep raising in, ii, 129. Austria, i, 754; ii, 167; iii, 474; iv, 334; v, 336; announcement of Department of Journal of American History for Gene alogical Research in, v, 322; anti-Sem ites in, ii, 11; Archduchess Louise of, ii, 4; autonomy in, ii, 429; emigration to American gold fields from, ii, 635; granting of universal manhood suf frage, ii, 11; imprisonment of Lafay ette in, v, 568; Irish ancestry of states man of, v, 414; Massaniello's rebellion against, iii, 419; Maximilian, Archduke of, v, 403; race prejudice in Reichsrath, ii, 11; railroad strike in, ii, 34; rule in Low Countries of, v, 402; socialism, ii, 11; speech of Emperor of, ii, 594; U.S. Minister to, v, 423; war declared by France on, ii, 167; war of 1859 between France and, iv, 7; war between Prussia and, iv, 14; wars of the Low Countries with, v, 391. Austria-Hungary, accumulation of wealth, iii, 41; delegations at meeting of In terparliamentary Union from parlia ment of, iii, 487; railway administra tions, iv, 6. Automobile, longest journey by, ii, 15. Aux Cayes, Haiti, ii, 420; Hayti, iv, 208. Avalon, New Foundland, estate of first Lord Baltimore, iii, 558. Avery, . i, 559. Abigail, i, 563. Amos, v, 548. Caleb, v, 548. [27 1 Christopher, ii, 298; v, 548. Daniel (Ensign), v, 548. David, v, 548. Dorothy (Parke), iv, 625. Dr., ii, 123; iv, 257, 259. Ebenezer, v, 554; old home of, iv, 628. Ebenezer (Capt.), v, 548, 560. Ebenezer (Col.), iv, 625. Ebenezer (Ensign), v, 548. Elijah (Capt.), v, 548, 552. Elisha (Capt.), v, 548, 560. Elroy McKendree (Ph. D., LL. D.), ii, 115, 118, 128; iv, 51; "History of United States" by, ii, 112, 127, 377, 379, 381, 382, 395, 396, 397, 399, 401, 402; iv, 107. Family, ii, 298, 300, 313, 314; old house of, iv, 627, 628; photograph of old home steads of the, ii, 314; v, 555, 558; serv- ' ice in Revolution of the, v, 559, 560. James (Capt.), iv, 624; emigration to America, ii, 298; silhouette of descend ant, ii, 305; photograph of bust, ii, 313. Jasper '(Serg't), v, 548, 560. Joanna (Greenslade), ii, 298. Jonas Belton, ii, 304; silhouette, ii, 305. Mary, ii, 298; iv, 625, 627, 628. Park (Lieut.), v, 548, 550, 552, 553, 559, 560. Peter v 548. Rufus (Serg't), iv, 627; v, 548, 551. Samuel P., portrait of Washington from Collection of, iv, 50. Solomon (Serg't), v, 548. Thomas, v, 548, 552, 560. Avery-Burrows Investigations on mooted points in American history, ii, 115-127. Avila, San Luis Obispo Co., Cal., iii, 171, 172. Avon, Conn., i, 96. Avon River, England, iv, 141; photograph of Roman bridge on, iv, 138. Awbery, Peter, iv, 99. Awliscombe Giffard, Hemyock, England, iv, 358. Axminster, Haytor, England, iv, 359. Axmouth, England, iv, 359. Axtell, Rebecca (Lady), iv, 31. Aycrigg, Maj., v, 124, 125. Ayer, Col., v, 552. Mary Farwell, list of provincial newspa pers in libraries of United States pre pared by, ii, 499. Ayers, George B., portrait of Lincoln from print owned by, v, 203. Aylesford, Earls of, v, 307. Ayeshire, Scotland, iii, 456; Irvine, Irving, Irwin family of, ii, 666. Azcarate, , ii, 409. Azores, the, ii, 428. Aztec Club, photograph of members of the, i, 657. B Babb, Thomas, iii, 604. Babbe, , i, 254. Babbidge, Charles (Rev.), in, 127. Babbington, Anthony, attempt of, to free Mary Queen of Scots from captivity, ii, 89. Babcock, E. C. (Gen.), i, 657. Ira L. (Dr.), v, 506, 527, 528, 533, 534. John P., v, 548. Stephen S., i, 28. Babylonia, iv, 187. Bache family, ii, 667. Sarah (Franklin), portrait, ii, 180. Sophia Arabela, ii, 665, 667. Bache Peninsula, iii, 337. Bacheller, Irving, i, 757. Bachelor, Ensign, ii, 188. Back Creek Church, Del., i, 50. Backus, Elizabeth (Tracy), iv, 402, 403. Family, iii, 385; iv, 402, 403. Hannah, iv, 404. Isaac (Rev., M. A.), ancestry, iv, 402; birth, education, and work in the Baptist ministry of, iv, 403-405; monument to, iv, 400; portrait, iv, 399. Nathan, iv, 405. Samuel, iv, 402. Susanna (Mason), iv, 404. Backus Island, O., ii, 302. Bacon, , i, 62. (Brook), iii, 410. Col., iii, 423. Edwin M., ii, 490, 491, 530. Elizabeth (Brooks), iii, 410. Elizabeth (Duke), iii, 410. Family, iii, 410, 411. Francis (Lord Chancellor), iii, 410. James (Rev.), iii, 410. James (Sir), iii, 410. Lord, iii, 410. Mrs., iii, 423. Nathaniel, i, 217; iii, 82, 284, 289, 290, 410, 417, 418; iv, 495; v, 295; ancestry, iii, 410; death, iii, 425; executions follow ing rebellion of, iii, 426, 427; literature concerning rebellion of, iii, 428; rebel lion of, iii, 284, 285, 409-425; v, 295; transcript from memorial to, iii, 410. Nicholas (Sir), iii, 410. Thomas, iii, 410. . Bacon's Assembly in Va., iv, 98. Bacon's Fort, Va., iii, 425, 426. Bacon's Quarter Branch, plantation of, iii, 416. Baden, announcement of Department of [28] Journal of American History for Gen ealogical research in, v, 322. Baer, Joseph A. (Lieut.), iv, 259. Baez, President, ii, 420. Baffin's Bay, v, 603. Bagby, , ii, 150. Bagg, , iv, 122. Bagg's Hotel, Utica, N. Y., iv, 122. Bagge, Frangotte, iv, 575. Bagley, Bernard, v, 228. Frank Burnham, i, 175. Worth (Ens.), i, 608; iv, 345. Bahama Islands, i, 10; ii, 120; iv, 624; v, 254. Baieux, Normandy, iv, 362. Bailey, Anna (Warner), v, 559. Col., ii, 186, 350, 355, 520. Elijah, v, 559. Ezekiel (Serg't), v, 548. Family, iv, 149. Miriam, v, 141. Mother, iv, 628. Bailie, David, iv, 35. Phebe (Moore), iv, 35. Baily, Capt., i, 644. Bainbridge, Capt., v, 568. John, ii, 97. Baines, , v, 116. Baird family, i, 49. Hattie, iii, 459. Baire Revolution in Cuba, ii, 409, 427. Baker, , i, 150. Andrew, v, 548. Capt., i, 310. E. D. (Hon.), i, 18. Family, i, 49. Grafton (Chief Justice), iii, 550. Henry Moore (Hon., M. A.), v, 17. Hepzibah, iv, 376. Jeffrey, iv, 376. Joan (Rockwell), iv, 376. John, i, 677. Joseph (Capt.), v, 17. Joshua, v, 548. Louise Tull (Mrs.), iv, 525. Mary, v, 244. Remember, iv, 584, 585, 586. Samuel (Capt., Judge), iv, 114. Bal family, v, 297. Vice-Comes, v, 297. Balboa, discovery of Pacific Ocean by, i, 633; first crossing of Isthmus of Panama by, i, 633. Balch, V., engraving by, v, 45. William (Rev.), ii, 647. INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES Balch's work on Natural Formation in Ore, v, 515. Bald Knob, Cal., iii, 172. Baldington, Alice, i, 520, 522. Thomas, i, 522. Baldwin, , v, 217. (Sherman), iii, 52. Att'y-Gen., v, 229. Capt., i, 90. Col., ii, 186, 350, 353, 517, 520. Gov., v, 543, 544. Henry, ii, 591, historical investigations of, ii, 361. Jeduthan (Col.), Revolutionary service, iii, 210. Jonathan, ii, 305; v, 51, 52. Judge, transcript from article on Interna tional Congresses by, iv, 8, 9. Loammi (Col.), discovery of famous New England apple by, iv, 412, 413. Martha, iv, 238, 240. Roger Sherman (Gov.), iii, 52. Baldwin apple, discovery of, iv, 412, 413. Baldwin Collection, Public Library, N. Y. City, ii, 361. Baldwin-Ziegler Polar Expedition, iii, 643. Bale family, v, 297. Balfour, Col., i, 462. Baliol, John, iii, 190. Baliran, , iii, 227. Balkan States, insurrections in, ii, 33. Ball, , ii, 136. Abigail (Burt), v, 297. Alexander (Sir), v, 297. Edward, v, 297. Family, v, 297; Coat-of-arms of, i, 579, 580; v, 296. Fannie, i, 372. Frances, v, 297. Hannah (Atherall), v, 297. John, v, 297. Jonathan (Maj.), v, 297. Joseph (Col.), v, 297. Julia (Romney), v, 297. Maj., v, 297. Mary, v, 297; birth of, i, 614; 200th anni versary of birth of, i, 581; photograph of memorial, iv, 536. Mary (Montague), v, 297. Peter (Sir), v, 297. Robert (Sir), article on evolution by, iv, 19. Thomas, v, 297. William (Col.), v, 297. Ball's Bluff, Va., i, 18. Ballard, Capt., iii, 381. Madam, iii, 423. Thomas, iii, 417. William Hudson (Maj.), Revolutionary record, iii, 379. Balle family, v, 297. Ballifield Hall, Parish of Handsworth, York- [29 shire, England, ii, 90, 91, 93, 94, 95, 97, 98; photograph, ii, 89. Balloon races, international, ii, 12. Balltown, now Ballston Spa, N. Y., iii, 208. Ballybraggan, Ireland, Taaffe family of, v, 413, 414. Ballysampson, County Wexford, Ireland, i, 669. Ballymony, County Antrim, Ireland, iii, 454. Balnain, Inverness-shire, Scotland, iii, 215. Balston Spa, N. Y., iii, 208. Baltic Sea, v, 183. Baltimore, Lord, ii, 341, 394; iv, 99, 249, 304, 305, 311; v, 634; first Lord, agreement made by descendants of, iii, 562; arrival in Va., iii, 558, 559; boundary fixing Maryland, Province of, iii, 555, 556; death, iii, 559; New Foundland estate, iii, 558; second Lord, Charter of Prov ince of Maryland to, iii, 559; contro versy between William Penn and, iii, 562, 563; Dutch in Proprietory of, iii, 560, 561; extent of Proprietory of, iii, 560. Baltimore, Md., i, 79, 155, 372, 427, 553, 654, 661, 663, 679, 747; ii, 70, 104. Ill, 267, 293, 512, 630; iii, 455, 565, 615; iv, 115, 244, 301, 310, 324, 525, 529, 617, 631; v, 92, 175, 259, 453, 473; Academy of Medicine, ii, 211; assembling of Im proved Order of Red Men at, ii, 593, 594; Assembly Hall, i, 681; battle of, ii, 267; British attack in 1814, i, 679; iii, 165; Caldwell family, iii, 454; Col lege of Dental Surgery, i, 680, 681, 683; County, Md., iii, 288; death of Francis Scott Key, author of "The Star-Span gled Banner," in, iii, 166; dedication of historic painting, v, 171, 173; draw ing of "General Wayne Inn.," v, 437; early German immigrants, ii, 462, 463; early work on geology of, i, 679; engraving of Carroll family mansion in, ii, 587; engraving of Gen. Washing ton, from collection in, iv, 527; Globe Inn, i, 748; Holiday Street Theatre, iii, 165; historic painting at, v, 174, 175; immigrants arriving at, ii, 265, 266; interior of old house in, ii, 589; Memorial to soldiers and sailors of Civil War, iv, 101 ; national hymn, "The Star- Spangled Banner," first sung in, iii, 165; organization of rail road communication between the South and, i, 652, 655; photographs of old silver and antique furniture of Dr. Crim of, ii, 674, 678; photographs of work of sculptor of, ii, 555; iii, 130, 180, 181; 27th Regiment of, iii, 165; Washington Monument, ii, 708; Wom an's College, iv, 525. Baltimore "Sun," i, 577. ] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY Bampfield, Johanna (Merton), iv, 366. John, iv, 366. Bancher, , iv, 44. Bancroft, . i, 674. Aaron (Rev.), v, 303. Capt., iii, 123. Ebenezer (Capt.), v. 303. Edmund (Lieut.), v, 303. Edward, v, 303. Family, v, 303; coat-of-arms, v, 302. George, the historian, ii, 38, 123, 531. George, iii, 108, 238, 239, 241, 572; iv, 167, 399, 404, 438, 545, 583; v, 299, 303; "History of the United States" by, ii, 629; iii, 214; statements regarding Massachusetts Bay Colony by, iii, 191. Herbert Howe, v, 303. James (Capt.), v, 303. Jane (-¦ ), v, 303. John, v, 303. Lemuel (Lieut.), v, 303. Richard (Archbishop), v, 303. Samuel (Lieut.), v, 303. Thomas (Lieut.), v, 303. William (Ensign), v, 303. Bandera, Gen., ii, 437. Bangkok, Siam, fire at, ii, 35. Bangor, Me., i, 62; Historical Society, iv, 60; old engraving in collection of Historical Society, iv, 60; Public Library at, iii, 93. Bank of Columbia, Georgetown, D. C, ii, 373; of New York, New York City, bronze tablet in, iv, 102; of North America, aid given U. S. government in Civil War by, ii, 629; first president, ii, 87; organization, ii, 628, 629. Bankhead, John H. (Senator), ii, 23. Banking system of United States, organiza tion of, ii, 629. Banks, American, i, 685-692; British, i, 695; iv, 354. Banks, George Linnaeus, lines by, iii, 384. Banks vs. Ogden, ease of, v, 277. Bannack, Mont., i, 234. Bannock Indians, i, 627. Baptist church, photograph of site of early, ii, 454; Baptist Denomination, early minister of, iv, 399-405; in America, iii, 186; in Mass., early, iii, 49, 50; v, 196, 197; in Va., iii, 82. Baptiste, i, 466, 468, 469, 470, 472, 473, 474, 476, 478, 483. Antyne, i, 479. Barbara, i, 479. George Bazil, i, 479. Jim, i, 479. Vannie, i, 479. Willie, i, 479. Bar Association, American, v, 17. [SO Bar of Iowa, iv, 145; of Minnesota, iv, 137; of New York, iv, 132, 137. Baralt, , ii, 436. Barbadoes, i, 246, 292; ii, 287; iii, 47; iv, 32, 450; v, 388; early American trade with the, i, 669; early settler in Rhode Island from, ii, 509; early trade with New England of, iii, 92; Atkins fam ily, iii, 96, 99; Byley family, iii, 96, 99; Clark family, iii, 96, 99; Colman fam ily, iii, 96; Crisp family, iii, 96; Gibbs family, iii, 96, 99; Hall family, iii, 96, 99; Hobby family, iii, 96, 99; Lindall family, iii, 96; Pitt family, iii, 96; Symonds family, iii, 96, 99; St. Mi chael's Parish, iii, 95. Barbary States, dangers to early American commerce from depredations of, ii, 101, 102, 103. Barber, Betsy (Rouse), ii, 308. Levi (Col.), ii, 308. Barber and Howe, v, 73, 74. Barbers, early practice of surgery by, i, 677. Barbour, , ii, 693. Fanny Cooley Williams (Mrs.), v, 233, 244; announcement of publication of gene alogy by, v, 321. James, Virginia estate, i, 662. Barboursville, Va., i, 665. Barbuda, W. I., Island of, iii, 70. Barcelona, Spain, iii, 69; surrender to French of, ii, 167, 170. Barclay, Andrew, v, 638. Helena (Roosevelt), v, 638. Barclay St., New York City, i, 415; v, 638. Bard, James, i, 4, 13, 414, 420. Louise J, drawing by, v, 381. Thomas R. (Hon.), v, 373, 374; photograph of oil well drilled by, v, 378. Bardolph, Doun, iv, 363. Rohesia, iv, 363. Thomas, iv, 363. Bardsley's "English Surnames," iv, 354. Bardstown, Ky., i, 47, 396; v, 193. Barillas, Gen., death, ii, 36. Baring, Alexander, iii, 539, 540. Anna Louise (Bingham), iii, 539. Charles (Jr.), i, 747. Francis (Sir), iii, 539. William Bingham, iii, 539. Baring Brothers & Co., i, 740, 745, 746, 760. Barker, A. (Capt.), ii, 72. Anna, ii, 306. Barbara (Dungan), ii, 507, 508, 512. Brigade Maj., iii, 278. Elizabeth (Easton), ii, 508, 512. Family, ii, 306, 506, 508. Freelove (Bliss), ii, 508, 512. Isaac, ii, 306, 311. James (Deputy-Gov.), ii, 507, 508, 511, 512. Jeremiah (Dr.), i, 61. John, ii, 52. ] INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES Barker, Joseph, ii, 306, 307. Judge, description of early settlers in Mid dle West from manuscript of, ii, 300, 308, 309. Mary, ii, 508, 512. Michael, ii, 306. Nancy, ii, 306. Peleg (Capt.), i, 306, 309. Peter, ii, 508, 512. Rhoda, ii, 306. Timothy, ii, 306. William, ii, 306, 508, 512. Samuel Augustus (Brigade Maj.), ii, 648. Barlo, Obed, i, 288. Barlow, , iii, 427. Benajah, ii, 346. Capt., i, 213. Family, i, 398, 405. Joel, i, 397, 399, 401, 402, 406, 411, 415; por trait, i, 398. Barnad, , i, 253. Barnagat Inlet, N. J., iii, 300. Barnard, I. G. (Gen.), i, 657. Barnes, . ii, 372, 373, 374; iii, 358; v, 516. Anna (Cornell), iv, 557. Capt., ii, 184; iii, 114, 278. John, iv, 557. Martha, iii, 135. Rodney, ii, 340. Barnesville, Ga., i, 565. Barnett, Jim, ii, 160, 164. Barney, Charles T., ii, 16. Jacob, i, 355. Barney vs. Sutton, iv, 445. Barnhill, Margaret, ii, 226. Barns, Abel, iii, 117. Barnstable, Devonshire, England, v, 597; Lord of, i, 520, 521, 524; Mass., i, 94; iv, 262, 265, 268; v, 475. Barnstable County, Mass., i, 94. Barnston, Neb., ii, 682. Barnum, , i, 444. Baron Steuben House, New Bridge, N. J., ii, 290; photograph of, ii, 292. Barre, Isaac (Col.), iv, 436, 438. Barrett, , v, 109, 110. Anna (Cammel), iv, 367. Henry, iv, 367, 371. Johanna, iv, 367, 371. Samuel (Justice), iii, 538. Barrie, Isaac (Col.), first use of term "Sons of Liberty" by, ii, 363. Barrington, R. I., reproduction of old Congre gational Meeting House, ii, 455. Barry family, i, 669. James, claim as Father of the American Navy, ii, 123. John (Commodore), ii, 101, 102, 103, 108, 110, 111; ancestry, i, 669; birth, i, 669; ii, 110; command of first U. S. Navy, i, 673; command of first U. S. war- [31 ship, i, 669, 670; command of squadron transporting Lafayette to France, i, 672; death, i, 673; first and last naval fights of the Revolutionary War won by, i, 670, 673; grave of, i, 674; in scription on tombstone of, i, 674; let ter to Lafayette from, i, 672; naval service in the Delaware of, i, 670; 671; obituary of, i, 674; organization of a company of volunteers in the Revolu tion by, i, 670; proposed monument at Washington to, i, 674; release of a neutral ship in the Revolution by, i, 672; Revolutionary Service, i, 670-672; statue, i, 674; suggestion for creation of American navy by, i, 673. William F. (Gen.), i, 657. Barry's History of Mass., iv, 415. Bartholomew, Capt., i, 421. Bartlett, , engravings from Narratives of, iii, 177, 401. Capt., iii, 336; journey to the Arctic with Peary expedition, iii, 347-352, 355-357. John Russell, ii, 698. Lieut., i, 631. Paul Wayland, statue Of Lafayette by, ii, 550. Serg't, iii, 382. Bartlett Narratives, iii, 177, 401. Bartley, Mordecai (Gov.), iii, 542. Barton, , i, 752. Benjamin Smith (M. D.), iv, 573, 575. Clara, iii, 251; George (Capt.), i, 644. Barty, Perigrine, i, 204. Bascom, Dr., iv, 513, 514. Basse Terre, Guadeloupe, West Indies, iii, 65. Bassett, Amos (Rev., D. D.), iv, 300. Judith, iii, 84. Bastille, the, ii, 592. Batavia, N. Y., ii, 56. Bateman, John, iv, 70. Bates, , i, 184. x Edward (Att'y-Gen.), i, 440; photograph of, v, 211. Isaac, iv, 597, 599, 600. Jemima (Carter), iv, 597, 599. John, iv, 599. Nathaniel Carter (Deacon), iv, 599. William O., iv, 237. Bath, England, iii, 540; iv, 114; Me., ship building at, i, 32; N. Y., ii, 56, 57; Pa., iv, 114, 115, 118. Bathor, Sigismundus, i, 205. Bathurst, Lord, v, 222. Baton Rouge, La., iii, 233; iv, 197. Battelle, Cornelius, ii, 306. Ebenezer (Col.), ii, 306; holding of first religious services at settlement of Farmer's Creek by, ii, 306; first school in house of, ii, 305. Family, ii, 306. ] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY Battelle, Louisa, ii, 306. Thomas, ii, 306. Battenburg, i, 380. Battery la Greve, Louisburg, Canada, v, 20. Battery Park, New York City, excerpt from speech of Theodore Roosevelt at, iv, 318 Battle Abbey Roll, i, 520; iv, 354, 356; iv, 371; v, 311. Battle Harbor, Labrador, iii, 346. Battle of the Clouds, photograph taken at Lookout Mountain before, iii, 364. Battle of the Spurs, v, 390, 492, 584. Battle of the Wilderness, photograph of ar tillery of, iii, 33. Battlefield memorials in the South, ii, 702- 710. Battleships, building of U. S., ii, 23; first American, i, 669; ii, 101-112. Baudry, Dr., ii, 604. Baul family, v, 297. Baury, Alfred Louis (Rev.), iii, 96. Bavaria, ii, 167; announcement of Depart ment of Journal of American History for Genealogical Research in, v, 322; early immigrant from, ii, 265; autobi ography of early immigrant from, ii, 266-276; manuscript of early emigrant to America from, ii, 458-470. Bawtry, England, v, 348. Baxter, , i, 546. H. Willis (M. D.), i, 680. Baxter's "Lives," Colamy's Abridgment of, i, 184. Bay Fiord, iii, 641. Bay of Mayaguez, W. I., iii, 71, 72. Bay of Point-a-Pitre, Guadeloupe, W. I., iii, 65, 66. Bay Psalm Book, i, 173. Bayard, , i, 349, 352; iv, 39. Andrew (Capt.), i, 346, 347. Frances (Moore), iv, 38. Goldsboro, iv, 38. Rebecca, iv, 38. Samuel, iv, 33, 38, 45. Samuel (Capt.), iv, 39. Thomas F. (Hon.), iii, 567. William, iv, 38. Baylie, Robert, iii, 604. Bayles, W. Harrison, v, 429; announcement of publication of works on old Post Roads and early taverns by, v, 314, 315. Baynham, John, i, 522. Bayonet Plant of Cal., v, 383, 384. Bayonne, N. J., i, 563. Bayou Pierre, Miss., i, 350; v, 569. Baytop, James (Lieut.), Hi, 286. Thomas (Ensign), iii, 286. Bazil, , i, 470, 474, 476-479. Andrew, i, 479. Charles, i, 479. [ Ed., i, 479. Ellen, i, 479. Eunice, i, 471, 473, 475. Freddie, i, 479. George, i, 472, 473. Kittie, i, 479. Lawrence, i, 479. Leddie, i, 479. Maggie, i, 479. Nannie, i, 472, 473. Nettie, i, 479. Roy, i, 479. Willie, i, 472, 473, 479. Beach, Abraham (Rev. Dr.), i, 515. Beacon Hill, Boston, Mass., i, 172. Beacon Lighthouse, Charleston, S. C, destruc tion of, iii, 438. Beakes, Edmund, ii, 97; letter written to his cousin, John Stacy, in England from Colony of West Jersey, by, ii, 98; ii, 99. Nathan, ii, 98, 99; letter written to his cousin, John Stacy, in England from Colony of West Jersey, by, ii, 97. Ruth (Stacy), ii, 97. Sarah, ii, 97, 99. Stacy, ii, 97. William, ii, 97. Beale, Edward (Lieut.), photograph of me morial, iv, 454". Thomas-, iii, 417. Trvston (Hon.), article on international law, iv, 12. Walter B., i, 183. Beaminster, Dorsetshire, England, iv, 372. Bean, William, iv, 544. Beanes, William (Dr.), iii, 165. Bean's Station, Tenn., i, 664. Bear, , oratory during Van Buren- Harrison campaign of, ii, 693. Bear Creek, i, 629. Bear Grass Creek, Ky., i, 346. Bear River, ii, 147. Beard, , expedition through the South west by, iii, 465. Beardstown, 111., Hi, 516; v, 205. Beatrice, Neb., Woman's Club, ii, 679. Beatty family, announcement of publication of genealogy of the, v, 320. Beatty, Martin, i, 666. Beaty, Edward, i, 755. Beauchamp, Baron, v, 595, 598. Viscount, v, 583, 585. Beaudelaire, , v, 174. Beauclerc, Ld. A. (Capt.), ii, 333. Beaufort, house of, v, 586. John, v, 586. Beaulieu, France, i, 525. Beaumont, Samuel, v, 548. Beauvoir, the home of Jefferson Davis, iii, 246. Beauvoisis, France, v, 399. 88] INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES Beaux Arts, Paris, France, school of, iii, 491; v, 174, 175. Beaver County, Pa., iv, 113. Beaver Street, New York City, v, 633. Beazley, Capt., v, 550. Beck, Robert (Maj.), ii, 145. Becket, Thomas (Archbishop), i, 524. Becking, Dr., ii, 266. Becknell, William (Capt.), first successful trading expedition to Santa Fe under, iii, 466, 467, 468. Beckwith, George, ii, 342. Bedell, Emelene Elida, ii, 653. Bedels, William, i, 230. Bedford, Earl of, i, 642. Bedford, Pa., iv, 604. Bedford County, Va., i, 665; plantation, iv, 100. Bedford Street, Carlisle, Pa., v, 87, 89, 90. Bedfordshire, England, ii, 506; iii, 119; v, 299; Burwell family of, iii, 290. Bedlow, William, iv, 42. Bedon, Stow, England, manor of, v, 240. Beebe, , iii, 630. Beecher, Henry Ward, ii, 36. Lyman (Dr.), i, 554, 726. Beechy Island, in the Arctic, v, 604. Beehler, W. H. (Lieut., U. S. N.), iv, 335. Beekman family, announcement of publica tion containing chapter on, v, 316. Beekman Swamp, New York City, v, 638. Beers, Elias, v, 456. Lieut., i, 233. Beethoven, i, 174. Behn, Afra (Mrs.), play on Bacon's Rebellion written by, iii, 428. Beidler, J. X., i, 108. Bekerton Hall, England, photograph, v, 237, 240. Bekerton Manor, Stow, Norfolk, England, v, 237, 240, 242. Belaer, ii, 428. Belcher, , ii, 486. Edward (Sir), v, 603, 605. Moses, v, 469. Belden, Joshua (Rev.), ii, 473. Misses, ii, 473. Belford, Capt., iv, 131. Belgium, i, 380, 748, 753; ii, 176, 547; v, 219, 297; administration in the Congo, ii, 33; ancient globe bearing name Amer ica preserved in Royal Library, ii, 119; announcement of Department of Jour nal of American History for Genealog ical Research in, v, 322; delegations at meeting of Interparliamentary Union from, iii, 487; De Peyster family, v, 387-408; King of, iv, 328, 333, 334; railway administration, iv, 6. Belin, Atlard, i, 52. Belinda, i, 94, 95. [i Belknap, George E. (Mrs.), portraits from collection, iv, 246, 248. Jeremiah, v, 143. Bell, Alexander Graham, v, 141; flying ma chine invented by, ii, 12. Andrew, v, 141. Archibald, v, 141. Captain, i, 463. Donald, v, 141. Family, v, 141. General, iii, 277, 582. Henry, v, 141. Hepsibah (Tyler), v, 142. Hugh, v, 141. James, v, 141, 142. Joseph, v, 141. Lucy (Dean), v, 141, 142. Lucy Spooner, v, 137, 141, 142. Robert, v, 141. Samuel, ii, 691; iii, 616. William, v, 141. Bellaire, Ohio, railroad wreck, ii, 35. Bellamy, Dr., i, 551, 719. Belle Air, Va., plantation of, iv, 100. Belle Farm, Gloucester Co., Va., manor house of, iii, 285. Belle Plains, Va., plantations of, iv, 100. Belle Riviere, i, 343. Belleview, Monrovia, Africa, iii, 625. Belleville, Gloucester Co., Va., manor house, iii, 285; photographs, iii, 296. Bellevue, Neb., i, 437; Virginia, plantation of, iv, 100. Bellingham, Wash., i, 228. Bellomont, Richard, Earl of, v, 388, 390; draw ing of pistol presented to Abraham de Peyster by, v, 399. Bellows, Dorcas ( — — ), iii, 405. Bellows Falls, Vt., iv, 411. Belmont, August, ii, 19. Belmont Co., Ohio, ii, 110, 111. Belpre, Northwest Territory, old print of block houses at, ii, 296. Ohio, ii, 302; founding of, ii, 299; first school, ii, 305; first settlers, ii, 300, 306- 309. Beltram, Gaspar, iii, 60. Belvidere, N. J., v, 119; N. Y., ii, 56, 57, 61. Belvidere Villa, historic mansion in western New York, ii, 49, 59, 60, 63. Belvoir, Va., plantation, iv, 98, 100. Bemier, , ii, 190. Bemis, Edward W. (Prof.), article on polit ical development by, iv, 18. Bemis Heights, battle of, iii, 212, 213; Revolu tionary fortifications, ii, 369. Benbow, William, i, 754. Benedict, George W. (Prof.), ii, 43. Benedictine Order, i, 521; in France, v, 583", 584; in Spain, iii, 69; in Wales, v, 311. Bengal, India, ii, 26. Bennett, James Gordon, i, 274; ii, 12. 3] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY Bennett, Katharine Prescott (Mrs.), iii, 45. Richard (Gov.), iii, 560. Bennington, battle of, ii, 67; iii, 379; iv, 58; battle monument dedication, iv, 588. Vermont, ii, 67; iii, 214; iv, 582, 585; v, 159; first settlers, Hi, 511. Bennitt, Anna E., iv, 394. George S. (Rev. Dr.), iv, 394. Benoit, , ii, 436. Benschooter, Lieut., iv, 349. Benson, Egbert, photograph of medal in honor of, iv, 459. Katy, v, 144. Bent, Daniel, ii, 309. Dorcas, ii, 309. Family, ii, 309. Nahum, ii, 309. Silas (Judge), ii, 309. Benteen, Capt., command in Custer massacre, iii, 229, 230, 231, 232. Bentham, , iii, 40. Bentley, James (Lieut.), iii, 286. William (Ensign), iii, 286. Benton, , ii, 691 ; iii, 613. Thomas H. (Senator), i, 440, 656; iii, 468, 542; v, 521; life of, i, 81; portrait, v, 526. Benton, Mont., i, 104. Berea College, Ohio, iv, 283. Bereman, Agnes, v, 243. Berge, E., reproductions of photographs of sculpture by, iii, 180, 181. Bergen Teunis, "Early Settlers of Kings County," N. Y., by, iv, 394. Bergen, N. J., founding, iv, 392; engraving of Dutch church, iv, 393. Bergen County, N. J., iii, 572; v, 74, 478; first ( Dutch settlers, ii, 286; grants of land, ii, 290; Historical Society, ii, 285; iii, 605, 612; v, 477, 478. Bergen Hill, Jersey City, N. J., iv, 394. Bering Strait, plan for railroad from Tomsk to, ii, 29; plan to tunnel under, ii, 29. Berkeley, Bishop, i, 168, 170. Capt., ii, 332. Dean, i, 170. John (Lord), conveyance of Proprietory of New Jersey to, v, 73, 309. Lady, iii, 427. Richard, i, 527, 534, 535, 536. William (Capt.), iii, 416. William (Sir), i, 217; iii, 284. William (Gov., Sir), iv, 98, 299; acts re garding Indians in Virginia of, iii, 411, 414, 416, 417; biography, iii, 427; exe cutions of patriots by, iii, 426, 427; rebellion against, iii, 414-426. Berkeley, Cal., i, 617; Univ. of Cal., at, iii, 178; Spanish explorers on site of Univ. of Cal., at, iii, 178; Colony, Va., i, 522; County, Va., iii, 449; W. Va., ii, 211; first settler, ii, 209; Governors of Ohio [34 from, ii, 210; Hundred, Va., i, 522, 527, 543; v, 98; Township, Va., v, 98. Berks County, Pa., iv, 114, 444, 146, 148. Berkshire County, Mass., i, 377; iv, 414; early construction of highways, iv, 380. Berkshire Hills, Mass, iv, 416; v, 158. Berlin, Germany, iv, 6, 334; v, 303; meeting of interparliamentary Union at, iii, 486, 487; Treaty of, ii, 425; University, ii, 667. Berlin, Maryland, early immigrants from Ger many in, ii, 464, 465, 466, 468; Somer set Landing, Pa., ii, 266. Bermuda, i, 319, 726; iv, 75; v, 220; wife and child of Indian chief, King Philip, sold as slaves in, ii, 116. Bermudez, Anavleto, ii, 427. Bernaldez, Andres (Father), "Chronicle of the Catholic Kings," by, iii, 61. Bernard family, iii, 286. Francis (Gov., Sir), administration in Prov ince of Massachusetts, iv, 262, 266, 267, 269, 270. Peter (Ensign), iii, 286. Bernau, Charles A., iii, 148. Berne, Albany County, N. Y., i, 309; Switzer land, ii, 170; conference on interna tional railway transportation, iv, 6. Bernhardt, Sarah, performance at Panama in aid of Canal, i, 637. Bernhart, Elizabeth, ii, 460, 461, 462. Bernonilli, , i, 40. Berrick, Richard, ii, 506. Berrien, John McPherson, i, 30. Berry, Benjamin, v, 143. Capt., photograph of home, iii, 606. Lucy (Shipley), v, 193, 195. Richard, v, 193, 195. Berry, France, department of, ii, 598. Berry Hill, Va., plantation, iv, 100. Berry House, Rutherford, N. J., photograph, iii, 606. Berry Pomeroy, Devonshire, England, iv, 357, 359, 360, 362, 364, 366, 367, 369, 379; blazons of arms of Pomeroy family of, iv, 372; castle, iv, 370, 371; church, iv, 362 ; facsimile of pages of Bible showing arms of Seymour family of, v, 590, 594; views of castle, church and mill, iv, 353, 355, 363; Seymour family of, v, 583-586, 595, 598. Bertheaume, ii, 170. Berthelot, M., death, ii, 36. Bertrand, Ameda G. Williams (Thayer), iv, 427. Hortense Eugenia, iv, 427. Marshal, iv, 427. Berwick, Pa., iii, 448. Berwood Hall, Staffordshire, England, iv, 97. Bessin, Normandy, v, 184. Bessnot, Charles, v, 455. ] INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES Best, Edward S., reproduction of rare en graving of Washington by, iv, 527, 529. Betchworth Castle, Somersetshire, England, v, 469. Bethany College, ii, 211, 251; Neb., iv, 397, 398; Pa., iv, 597. Bethlehem, Conn., i, 719, 726. Bettfurth, Md., ii, 465. Betts, , i, 737. Lieut., iv, 348. Bevan, Barbary, ii, 109. John, ii, 109. Bevans family, royal descent, ii, 109. Bevens, Charles (Maj.-Gen.), statue, iii, 342. Beverley family, ii, 677; iii, 286. Beverley's "History of Virginia," iii, 428. Beverly, , iii, 559; iv, 98. Beverly, Mass., iii, 49. Bevile, John, iv, 367. Margaret, iv, 366, 367. Bevins, , i, 288. Bewley, Edmund (Sir), iii, 148. Bible, v, 175, 303; Bishop's, v, 579, 582, 587, 590, 591, 594, 597, 598; facsimile of ti tle page, i, 616; description of an an cient, v, 597, 598; Hebrew, i, 153; King James Version, i, 546; ii, 262; facsimile of page from First Edition of King James Version, v, 318, 319; facsimile of title page of First Edition of King James' Version, v, 273; facsimile of pages from ancient, v, 579, 582, 587, 590, 591, 594; translation into Indian lan guage of, v, 36. Biblical literature in America, i, 545. Bibliophiles, early American, i, 179. Bibliotheque Nationale, ancient letter from Jesuit missionary to American Indians preserved in, ii, 43-47. Bicker, Maj., iii, 280, 583. Bickford, Clara Emerson, i, 328, 494. Bicknell, Joshua, autograph of, ii, 446. Thomas Williams (Hon.), ii, 443. Zachariah, autograph of, ii, 446. Biddam, Capt., iv, 343. Biddeford, Me., i, 60. Biddle, Charles I. (Col.), i, 657. Bidwell, , v, 217: Bienville, , ii, 157, 158, 159. Bierce family, ii, 264. Big Alleghany Mountain, iii, 564. Big Blue River, i, 624; ii, 681. Big Bottom, Massacre of, ii, 301, 302. Big Hockhocking, Ohio, ii, 308. Big Horn Expedition, iii, 228. Big Kenawha River, ii, 311. Big Lick, Tenn., i, 663. Big Sandy River, ii, 145, 683. Big Spring, Cal., v, 372, 373; photograph, v, 378. Big Springs, Kan., first Free State Conven tion at, iii, 632. [35 Bigelow, Capt., iii, 309; v, 605. John, i, 233; ii, 597; old house of, iii, 407; photograph of home, iii, 404. Bigs, Walter (Capt.), i, 644. Bill, Benjamin, v, 548. Family, iii, 385. Joshua, v, 548. Bill of Rights, English, iv, 93; first Ameri can, iv, 93, 94; plea for, iii, 494. Billerica, Mass., iii, 122; Hazen's History of, iv, 412; photograph of old Manning house, v, 271. Billings, (Rev.), iii, 123. Andrew (Capt.), ii, 354; v, 548. Benjamin (Lieut.), Revolutionary record of, iii, 381. John, v, 548. Mrs., ii, 250. Samuel, v, 548. William, i, 173. William H., ii, 250, 252, 253. Billington, , iv, 482. John, first court trial in New England that of, ii, 479. Billip, Colonel, i, 455. Billip's Point, Staten Island, N. Y., i, 454, 455. Bills, Benjamin F., ii, 543. Billups family, iii, 286. John (Capt.), iii, 286. Richard (Capt.), iii, 286. Bingham, Anna Louise, iii, 539. Estate, iv, 116. Family, iii, 539, 540. George C, i, 439. James, iii, 540. William, ancestry, iii, 539; birth, iii, 539; death, iii, 539; drama by, iii, 539; education, iii, 539; election to U. S. Senate, iii, 539; marriage, iii, 539; pre sentation of statue of Franklin by, iii, 539; residences, iii, 540; "two million- acre tract" of, iii, 537, 538. Bingham's Kennebec Purchase, iii, 537, 538; Penobscot Purchase, iii, 537. Binghamton, N. Y., iii, 447; iv, 116, 120. Binny, , i, 709. Alice Stead, sonnets by, ii, 208. Horace, i, 650. Bird, Anne, v, 190. Family, iv, 149. Mark (Col.), iv, 148. William (Capt.), iii, 421. Birge, J. Ward, v, 225, 226. Birmingham, England, i, 62, 155, 157, 161, 400. Bisham Abbey England, iii, 91, 95. Bishop, , iv, 412. George, v, 368. John, ii, 176. Bishop-Stoke, England, ii, 485. Bishopsgate St., Oxford, England, iv, 451. Bismark, Prince, ii, 435. Bismarck, N. D., i, 467; iv, 181. 7 THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY Bison hunting, i, 336. Bispham, George Tucker, ii, 96. Stacy Budd, ii, 96. Bitter, Karl, i, 601. Bitter Root Mts., i, 469. Bjolan, King, v, 183. Bjorn Austroene, v, 183. Black, Capt., v, 505. George N., iii, 538. James B. (Judge), iv, 571, 574. Jane, i, 373. John (Col.), iii, 538. John (Rev.), i, 373. John C. (Gen.), iii, 251. Black Cape, iii, 346. Black Death, iv, 168, 169, 179. Black Dog Brook, N. Y., v, 366. Black Hawk, i, 656. Black Hawk War, i, 621, 623; ii, 245.. Black Hills, i, 624; ii, 141. Black Horse Tavern, Philadelphia, Pa., v, 454. Black Range of Mountains, N. Mex., ii, 671. Black River, N. Y., ii, 607, 613. Black Rock, Canada, v, 21. Blackburn, Colonel, iv, 100. J. C. S. (ex-Senator), ii, 24. Jonathan B., i, 170. Blackfeet Indians, i, 469, 470. Blackheath, England, battle of, v, 584. Blaekman, , i, 264. Blackmon, Lucy Mathews, iii, 385. Blackmore's "Paraphrase on Job," i, 185. Blackpan, Elizabeth, v, 117. Blackslade, in Widdeseombe-in-the-Moor, in Haytor, Eigland, iv, 359. Blackstone Canal, iv, 413, 414, 415. Blackwall, England, expedition to Virginia from, i, 206, 215. Bladensburg, battle of, i, 78. Blaine, , i, 31, 637. Blair, , iv, 204. Commissary, iii, 83. F. P., iv, 201. F. P., Jr., iv, 204. Family, i, 217; iv, 149. Frank P. (Senator), i, 440. James (Rev.), iii, 85. John (Hon.), photograph of home, v, 13. Louisa Coleman, iii, 81. Montgomery (Posbtmaster-Gen.), iv, 201; photograph, v, 211. Blaison, France, department of, ii, 598. Blake, George A. H. (Gen.), i, 657. Hannah ( ), iv, 377. Henry Taylor, i, 140, 141.; a National hymn to America written by, ii, 201-203. Jeremiah, i, 230. John, iv, 377. Mary, iv, 377. Prudence, v, 141. Richard, iii, 117. Blakeney, William, ii, 334, 338. [: Blakeslee, Lieut.-Gov., v, 543. Ruth (Graves), ii, 343, 344. Blanchaberga (All Hollows, Hairidge), Eng land, iv, 358. Blanchard, Capt., i, 19. Colonel, 1, 74; iii, 124. J., ii, 490. Blanchard, Me., iii, 537. Blanchet, F. N. (Father), v, 516, 528, 533. Blanco, Guzman, ii, 419. Manuel, expedition through the Southwest of, iii, 465. Bland, , iii, 427; iv, 528. Family, iii, 423. Frances, v, 469. Giles, arrest in Bacon's Rebellion, iii, 423. John, remonstrance to King regarding op pression of trade in American Colonies by, iii, 412, 413. Richard P., i, 440. Theodoric, iii, 423; v, 469. Papers, iii, 428. Blandford Church, Petersburg, Va., photo graphs, iv, 498, 499. Blanshan, Catherine, v, 636. Blashfield, Edwin Howland, mural painting at Iowa State Capitol by, ii, 240, 241; mural paintings at Minnesota State Capitol by, ii, 217, 232- Bledsoe, Anthony, iv, 544. Bleecker, Johannes, ii, 391. Blennerhassett, , v, 566. Harman, ii, 314. Blennerhasset Island, Ohio, ii, 312, 314. Blind, Karl, death, ii, 36. Blinmah, , i, 256. Bliss, , iii, 122, 126. Freelove, ii, 508, 512. Bliss's Hist. Memoir of Western R. R., iv, 415. Block, Adrian, burning of the ship of, ii, 123. Block Houses, early Ohio, ii, 302, 303; old print of early, ii, 296. Blodget, William, ii, 354. Blois, France, ii, 601, 605; v, 399. Blood, James, iii, 124. Katie E. (Mrs.), ii, 129. Lois, iii, 127. Silas, iii, 123. William, iii, 120. ¦ Bloodgood, Clara, death, ii, 37. Bloomingdale, N. Y., i, 452; iv, 44. Bloomsburg, Pa., iv, 434. Bloomsbury Square, London, England, iv, 449. Bloss, Aaron, iv, 116, 117. Blossburg, Tioga Co., Pa., iv, 109, 114, 116, 117, 118. Blossburg & Corning R. R., iv, 117, 118. Blossom, Robert H., v, 499. Blount, Archibald H., lord of manor of Orle ton, England, ii, 15. 6] INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES Blount, Gov., v, 102; (Now East Tennessee) College, v, 103, 104. Blountville, Tenn., iv, 549. Blue Barre Territory, La., iii, 622. Blue Hill Lands, Boston, Mass., v, 469. Blue Laws, ii, 484. Blue Lick Springs, Ky., battle at, i, 665. "Blue Lion," Chancery Lane, London, Eng land, i, 528. Blue Ridge Mountains, iii, 449; iv, 98, 544. Bluett, , i, 526. Boat, first American, i, 412. Boca Chica Castle, Harbor of Cartagena, South America, i, 646; ii, 319, 322, 323. Boca Grande, South America, i, 646, 647. Bochenton, Berkshire, England, i, 521. Booking, England., photograph of entrance to St. Mary's churchyard, iv, 281. Bodega, Cal., iii, 178. Bodge, , excerpts from "Soldiers in King Philip's War" by, iv, 422, 423. Boer War, i, 151 ; ii, 37. Boerhave, , iv, 451. Boerstler, (Capt.), ii, 267. Carl, ii, 470. Christian (Dr.), birth, ii, 266; emigration to America, ii, 265, 276; medical prac tice of, ii, 267, 268, 274, 275, 276; note on manuscript of, ii, 457; transcript of manuscript' of, ii, 458-470. Dorothea, ii, 464. Family, ii, 470. Jacob, ii, 266, 470. Lieutenant, ii, 267. Bogard, Annatje, ii, 226. Bogardus, William, v, 430. Bogert family, v, 638. Boggs, Jane, iii, 458. Bogota, Colombia, i, 638, 639; New Jersey, photograph of old Dutch house, iii, 611. Bohemia, iii, 41; announcement of Depart ment of Journal of American History for Genealogical Research in, v, 322. Bohemia River, Del., i, 50. Bohure, Dr., i, 526. Bohun's Declarations and Pleadings, i, 184. BoH, Bernal (Frey), iii, 61. Bois de Boulogne, Paris, France, ii, 611. Boise, Idaho, i, 301. Boking, Dr., ii, 275, 276. Bolewis (Moulish in Kenton, Exminster), England, iv, 358. Boleyn, Anne (Queen), v, 309. Mary, v, 309. Boling, , i, 491. Bolingbroke, Lord, i, 702. Bolivar, , ii, 421. Gen., iv, 102; plannings of Panama Canal under direction of, i, 634. Bolivia, ii, 419. [ Bolle, , "Financial History of the United States" by, ii, 629. Bollman, Eric (Dr.), v, 568. Bolter, Margery, v, 426. Roger, v, 426. Boltercourt, England, v, 426. Bolton, William, v, 548. Bolton, Lancashire, England, iv, 284; old en graving, iv, 285. Bombay, India, iv, 279. Bombay Hook, Delaware Bay, v, 266. Bonaparte, Elizabeth (Patterson), i, 654. Jerome, i, 264, 311, 654; photograph of old tavern visited by, ii, 293. Joseph, i, 24, 654, 656, 659, 661, 745; iii, 540; v, 226; purchase of land in north ern New York, i, 748; residence in State of New York, ii, 605. Napoleon, i, 264, 654, 659,; ii, 603, 605; iv, 187, 188, 190, 219; v, 409. Bonapartists, driving from France of, ii, 605. Bonaventure Cemetery, Savannah, Ga., i, 700. Bond, (Moore), Phineas (Consul-Gen.), iv, 32. Prof., i, 681, 683. Robert (Sir), ii, 26. Thomas E. (Jr., M. D.), i, 680. Bondecoux family, iv, 125-131. Bonilla, Manuel, ii, 5. Bonillo, , explorations of, ii, 669. Bonnat, Leon, v, 410. Bonneville, , i, 479. 483. Capt., i, 437. Col., ii, 137. Bonshaw Tower, Ireland, ii, 665; photograph, ii, 663. Bontecoe, Capt., iv, 125. Family, iv, 125-131. Margaret (Collinot), iv, 125, 126. Paul, iv, 125. Pierre, iv, 125, 126. Sara, iv, 126. William Isbrand (Admiral), iv, 125. Bontume, , "First Days with the Con trabands" by, iii, 240. Bookplate, earliest English, i, 304; first American, i, 304; of Gov. Lewis Mor ris, ii, 120. Bookplates, first European, i, 304; heraldic, i, 304. Booker, Nancy, iii, 459. Richard, iii, 286. Boone, , i, 665. Capt., v, 99. Daniel, i, 29, 439; iii, 298; 634; v, 104, 461; blazoning of way through wilderness to Kentucky by, iv, 546-550; first visit to Kentucky of, i, 665. Family, iii, 634. Governor, v, 443. Nicholas, first English newspaper printed by, ii, 492. 37] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY Boone, Squire, iv, 550. Boone's Creek, Tenn., iv, 544. Boonesborough, Ky., i, 53, 663; iv, 549, 550; v, 99. Booneville, Mo., ii, 133; iii, 466. Booraem family, iv, 385, 393; arms of, iv, 394. H. Toler, iv, 387. Robert E., iv, 387, 394. Booth, , i, 446. Family, ii, 92; arms of, iii, 291; photo graphs of seat of, iii, 296. George (Capt.), iii, 286. George Wythe, inscription on tomb, iii, 289. Isabel, inscription on tomb, iii, 291. Lucy B., iii, 289. Mary, inscription on tomb, iii, 289. Thomas, iii, 291. Bootle, Thomas (Sir), iv, 623. Borah, W. E. (Senator), ii, 23. Bordeaux, France, ii, 600; iii, 437; iv, 629; Fulton Centennial at, i, 405. Bordeaux-Paris Express wreck, ii, 34. Borden, Mrs., iii, 308. Bordentown, N. J., i, 41, 163, 654. Borgaret, iv, 358. Borghese, Scipone (Prince), ii, 15. Borglum, Solon H., i, 609, 611. Borgongnisanti, Florence, Italy, street of, v, 337. Borodell, Ann, ii, 298. Borrekens & Hoylarts, firm of, i, 754. Borup, , journey with Peary Arctic ex pedition by, iii, 347-349, 356, 357. Boscobel, England, iv, 98; Va., plantation, iv, 100. Boscowen, Cornwall, England, iv, 364. Bosman, William, iv, 307. Bosque Redondo, N. Mex., iii, 553. Bossiney, England, i, 643. Boston, Henry, iv, 305-307. Boston, England, v, 348, 350; Mass., i, 19, 47, 120, 122, 124, 125, 139, 149, 165, 170, 251, 272, 276, 302, 314, 321, 376, 498, 511, 512, 516, 558, 559, 613, 704, 709, 720; ii, 66, 166, 226, 264, 298, 305, 306, 307, 485, 487; iii, 42, 47, 50, 90, 95, 96, 100, 101, 120, 122, 123, 124, 126, 127, 197, 218, 438, 439, 446, 502, 537; iv, 37, 41, 42, 43, 119, 167, 209, 262, 283, 286, 302, 337, 374, 376, 381, 382, 399, 414, 415, 426, 486, 487, 562, 565, 620, 624, 626; v, 21, 22, 28, 130, 131, 134, 143, 144, 151, 158, 161, 197, 200, 218, 251, 295, 301, 303, 322, 418, 424, 425, 426, 427, 454, 463, 465, 469, 499, 500, 522, 579, 614, 634; announcement of publication descriptive of old Post Road to Georgia, via, v, 314; Archives at, v, 158; Artillery Company, iii, 92; banishing of Lollards from, iii, 187; banishing of Hutchinson party from, [38] iii, 193, 196; banishing of Quakers from, iii, 186; birth of Edgar Allen Poe, iii, 118; Boston Athenaeum Li brary, ii, 491; Brattle Street Church, iii, 94, 96, 99; iv, 254, 255; British Coffee House, iv, 271; British men-of- war driven from harbor of, ii, 228; "Bunch of Grapes" tavern, ii, 299; clos ing of port of, iv, 625; Colonial mail service in, v, 430-432, 434, 435, 437, 438, 440, 441, 445, 448-452, 455, 456; "Columbia Sentinel" of, iv, 413; con struction of early canal by capitalists of, iv, 408; Copp's Hill burying ground, iii, 92; Drake's Landmarks of, iii, 94; early, ii, 64; early printing, ii, 492; effect of Stamp Act in, ii, 363; election of Sir Charles Hobby as Selectman and Justice of Peace at, iii, 93; election of 1907, ii, 23; emigration to gold fields of California from, ii, 131; emigration to gold fields of northwest America from, ii, 635; Essex Street, ii, 364; evacuation by the British of, i, 442; iii, 300; iv, 566; excerpt describing siege of Louis burg, Canada, from diary of merchant of, v, 31; expedition against Louisburg from, v, 24; facsimile of colonial paper money issued at, i, 693; Faneuil Hall, iv, 88, 269, 370; first American dentists at, i, 677; first American magazine printed at, ii, 490; granting of first American patent at, i, 334; first Amer ican savings bank at, i, 685; first bar rister of, ii, 479; first minister of Brat tle Street Church, iv, 254, 255; first newspaper established in North Amer ica edited by postmaster of, ii, 128; founding, iv, 387; Gooch Street, iii, 100; Granery burying ground, iii, 99, 100; Halliday Historic Photograph Co. of, v, 185, 186; hands of Indian Chief, King Philip, exposed at, ii, 116; Hanover Square, ii, 364; Hawley St., iii, 100; historic relic preserved in State House, ii, 117; Hobby Family, iii, 92-101; immigrants arriving at, ii, 265; landing of British troops, iv, 270; Landing of John Eliot, iii, 500; Latin School, iv, 299; Liberty Pole, ii, 364; Marlborough Street, iii, 92, 93; Massachusetts Historical Soci ety, library, ii, 491; Mather family, iii, 92; meetings to discuss immigra tion at, ii, 594; meeting to protest against landing of British troops at, iv, 269; meeting of Commissioners of United Colonies at, iv, 422; Museum of Fine Arts, iv, 50, 53, 55, 56; National hymn "America" first sung in old Park Street Cruch, ii, 199, 200; newspaper of Colonial period, ii, 494; newspaper INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES (Boston) published at, ii, 499; Ninth Report of Record Commissioners of birth, etc., iii, 92; Old Corner Book Store, iii, 94; Old Elliott School, ii, 200; Old South Church, iii, 94; Old Town House, iv, 263; organization of Massachusetts Bay Colony, iii, 191; Prince Collection, Public Library, ii, 489, 490; Province House, iii, 94, 101; photographs of old taverns on road from New York to, ii, 293; Public Library at, i, 686; ii, 489, 490, 491; iii, 129; Puritans and Quakers in, v, 348, 350-354, 359-365; reception of news of surrender of Louisburg at v, 32; reproduction of engraving of old Hancock house, ii, 493; reproduction of print of old sconce or south battery, ii, 493; reproduction of old map, ii, 530; reproduction of portrait of Charles Bul- finch, architect of State House, iii, 98; reproduction of sculpture on doors of public library, iii, 129; reproduc tions of portraits in Museum of Fine Arts, iv, 50, 53, 55, 56; reproduction of portrait of Washington in Faneuil Hall, iv, 88; reproductions of photographs of historic treasures at, iv, 104, 105, 106, 107; reproduction of engraving from collection at State House, iv, 257; re production of Paul Revere's engraving of British troops landing at, iv, 257 ; re productions of photographs from Halli- day Historic Collection at, v, 7-10, 270, 271; reproductions of silhouettes of George and Martha Washington in Ev erett School, v, 185, 186; reproduction of drawing of "Green Dragon" inn, v, 452; Revolutionary War in, i, 124, 126, 172, 442, 705, 711; ii, 50, 278, 342, 364, 365, 517, 598; iii, 133, 300; iv, 66, 67, 68, 71, 526, 566; v, 8; Roylston Street, ii, 364 Summer St., iii, 100; Thacher family, iv, 263; transcript of document relating to colonists in New Haven from, ii, 176; transcript of first declara tion of independence from Mass. arch ives at, iii, 247, 248; transcript of early patriotic song sang at, iv, 384; trial of Writs of Assistance in, iv, 262-264; Trinity Church, iii, 100; Van Buren- Harrison campaign, ii, 693; Washing ton Street, ii, 364; Washington Street, iii, 94; Wilder's Work on Horticulture of, iv, 413; Winsor's Memorial History of, iv, 412, 413. Boston Anthenaeum, i, 405. Boston Bar in the Klondike, ii, 637. Boston Bay, Mass., iv, 483. Boston Common, Boston, Mass., i, 174. Boston Harbor, Mass., i, 280; canals con necting waterways with, iv, 411, 412. [39 Boston "Herald," i, 188. Boston & Lowell R. R., iv, 412. Boston & Maine R. R., ii, 35. Boston Massacre, v, 143; reproductions of engravings of, iv, 63, 226; reproduction of photograph of indictment for killing in, iv, 107. Boston "News Letter," i, 613; v, 135, 441; facsimile pages of the, ii, 128, 496, 497; file preserved by New York Historical Society, ii, 491; first publication by John Campbell, ii, 494; mention in diary of Judge Samuel Sewall, ii, 495; notice of public fast day in, ii, 500; re production of old map of Boston at time of publication of, ii, 530. Boston Port Bill, ii, 363; old caricature of, iv, 62. Boston Tea Party, i, 172, 705, 711; ii, 278. Boston "Transcript," iv, 337. Bostonian Society, autograph of Benjamin Franklin on postmaster's bill in col lection of, ii, 127; historic treasure pre served by, iv, 104; rare engraving from collection of, iv, 257. Boswell, , iv, 450. Thomas (Maj.), iii, 286. Bosworth, , autograph of, ii, 446. Samuel, facsimile of autograph, ii, 447. Bosworth, battle of, ii, 93. Botanical Gardens, Madrid, Spain, ancient document regarding America from archives of, iv, 571-580. Botany of the United States, description by early American traveler, iv, 571-580. Botetourt, Lord, iii, 82. Botetourt County, Virginia, iii, 449, 451; iv, 544. Botha, Louis (Gen.), ii, 26. Bothwell, earls of, ii, 513. Boudinot, Eleanor Susan, iv, 301. Elias, i, 76. Elias, the Cherokee Indian, iv, 300, 301, 302. "Elias Cornelius, iv, 301. Frank Brinsmade (Capt.), iv, 301. Judge, i, 78. Mary Harriet, iv, 301. Sarah Parkhill, iv, 301. William Penn, iv, 301. Boughton, Worcestershire, England, i, 522. Boulanger, , French painter, iii, 491. Boulee, Helene, marriage of Samuel de Champlain and, ii, 378. Boulogne, France, v, 584, 585. Boulton, , i, 399, 400. Boundaries, citations of law suits regarding land, v, 277. Boundary Commission, ii, 40; United States and Mexican, ii, 698. Boundary disputes between States, v, 275-292. Bouquet, , ii, 381, 382, 400. Henry, portrait of, ii, 397. ] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY Bourbon, House of, ii, 605; iv, 488. Bourbon River, v, 500. Bourgoyne, Gen., surrender, ii, 67. Bourinot, , v, 230. Bourn, Col., ii, 66. Bourne, Jonathan (Jr., Senator), ii, 24. Boutros Pasha Ghali, iv, 314. Bow Street, London, England, iv, 449. Bowbaek, , ii, 519. Bowdoin College, iv, 47. Bowen, Clarence Winthrop, iii, 148. Herbert W. (Hon.), article on Inter-Na tional Peace by, iv, 10. Stephen, iv, 55. Bowers, , iii, 49. Bowery, New York City, print of old road on site of present, iii, 573. Bowie, John (Lieut.), i, 264. Bowis, Robert, ii, 262. Bowles, Eleanor, iii, 288. James, iii, 288. Bowling Green, Ky., iv, 319; New York City, ii, 595; v, 445; old print of, iii, 574; statue of George III., ii, 83; iv, 395. Bowman, Edmond, iv, 307. Bown, Ellen (Mrs.), ii, 183. Ellen Fellows (Mrs.), ii, 349, 356, 515, 649; iii, 53, 275, 581. Bowne, Andrew, v, 196. Anne ( ), v, 196. Family, v, 196, 197. James, v, 196. John (Maj.), v, 196, 197. Lydia (Holmes), v, 197. Sarah, v, 192, 196, 197. William, v, 196. Bowns, Ann, iv, 40. Box, Brigade, Maj., ii, 350. Boxe, Maj., iii, 54. Boxer Rebellion, death of United States Min ister to China during, ii, 36. Boycott in the Revolutionary War, case of, i, 88 Boyd, , i, 79. D. F. (Col.), v, 409, 410. Lieut., murder in Revolution of, iii, 433. Mary, v, 409. Boynton, , iii, 122. Daniel, iii, 126. Henry Van Nesse (Gen.), oration on bat tlefield of Guilford Courthouse, N. C, by, ii, 704, 708, 709. Boys, John, ii, 262. Boythorpe Estate, Derbyshire, England, ii, 93. Brabant, Duke of, v, 398; dukedom of, v, 395, 405. Brace, Squire, ii, 347. Brackaway's Ferry, Connecticut River, Hi, 121. Bracken County, Ky., iv, 513. Brackinridge, , i, 479. [40 Henry Marie, v, 280. Bracton, , v, 277. Braddock, Gen., i, 51, 90, 92, 93, 614; ii, 392, 394; iii, 84, 208, 212; iv, 244; defeat of, iii, 458. Bradford, , v, 457. Adjutant, iii, 54. Alice (Richard), v, 134. Andrew, v, 439, 442, 443. C. S., iv, 61. Family, iv, 149; v, 134. Gamaliel (Col.), Revolutionary service, iii, 204. Governor, ii, 714; iii, 191, 500; v, 348; his tory of Plymouth Colony by, iv, 415, 623. John (Maj.), photograph of Colonial home of, v, 270. Robert (Maj.), ii, 308. William, article on and transcripts from first book printed in New York by, iii, 265-274; biography of, iii, 266. William (Gov.), ii, 362; iv, 442, 470, 474, 481, 482, 486; v, 134; page from ac count of Plymouth Colony by, ii, 117; Plymouth Colony, record showing name, ii, 445. Bradford, Mass., ii, 647; County, Pa., iv, 113, 116. Bradhurst, William, iii, 148. Bradley, Col., ii, 520. John R., iii, 316, 325, 326, 328, 333, 335, 336. Stephen R., iv, 592. Bradley, Col., iv, 344. Bradnich, Devonshire, England, ancient manor of, i, 360, Bradstreet, , ii, 400. Anne (Dudley), v, 139. Colonel, iv, 36. Governor, ii, 647. Simon (Gov.), v, 139. Family, ii, 647. Bradworthy, Blacktorrington, England, iv, 358, 359, 360. Brady, , iv, 321. Cyrus Townsend, "Conquest of the South west" by, ii, 619. Mathew B., collection of photographs of the Civil war taken by, iii, 37, 38, 251, 264. Brady-Gardner Collection, iii, 37, 38, 251; v, 201; Civil war photographs from, iii, 18-36, 250, 252-264; portraits of Lin coln from, v, 203, 205, 206, 207, 208, 212, 214; portraits of Lincoln's Cabinet from v, 210, 211. Bragg, Edward S., i, 28. Bragnall, Ensign, iii, 381. Brainerd, Jabez (Justice), i, 284, 285. John J. C, i, 140. Brainerd Mission Station, Missionary Ridge, Chattanooga, Tenn., iv, 600. Braintree, Essex County, England, iii, 146; INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES iv, 284; facsimiles of records from St. Michael's Church, iv, 291, 292; engrav ing of market place, iv, 285; photo graph of St. Michael's Church, iv, 290; Massachusetts, v, 354, 364, 414, 420. Bramlette, Elkanah, i, 655. Brandenburg, Germany, ii, 266; announce ment of Journal of American History of Genealogical Research in, v, 322. Brandi, Aleis, ii, 667. Brandon, Charles (Duke of Suffolk), v, 576. Elizabeth, v, 576. Family, v, 576. Gerard C. (Col.), v, 576. Brandona (Brandon in Sherwell), England, iv, 358, 359. Brandt, , iv, 175, 176. Brandy Station, Va., Civil war photographs at, iii, 29, 200. Brandywine, battle of, i, 13, 448-451; ii, 695; iii, 214; iv, 31, 512; chart of battle, ii, 695; portrait of general in battle of, iv, 56; print of an American soldier at battle of, iv, 195. Brandywine River, i, 449. Branford, Conn., i, 498, 508; iii, 121; v, 297, 433. Brant, Joseph, ii, 389, 390; iv, 555, 556; birth, Hi, 378; death, iii, 379; education and early home iii, 378, 429; first Episcopal church in Upper Canada erected by, iii, 430; missionary work among Mohawk Indians, iii, 378, 379, 429, 430; partici pation in Pontiac's war, iii, 430; par ticipation in Revolutionary war, iii, 378-380, 430-434; rule over Six Na- ' tions, iii, 378, 430; Stone's Life, iii, 379; visits to England, iii, 378, 379. Molly, iii, 429. Braordin, Devonshire, England, Church of, iv, 362; manor of, iv, 363. Brasenose College, Oxford University, Eng land, v, 197. Brattleboro, Vt., ii, 47. Brattle Street Church, Boston, Mass., iii, 94, 96, 99; first minister, iv, 254, 255. Braunschweig, announcement of Department of Journal of American History for Genealogical Research in, v, 322. Bravordina (Bradworthy), Blacktorrington, England, iv, 358. Braxton, , iv, 528. Bray, , iv, 371. Edward (Sir), i, 522, 544. James, iii, 417. Madam, iii, 423. Marjorie, birthplace and character, iv, 252, 253; marriage, iv, 251; portrait, iv, 248. Brazil, ii, 420, 544; attempt to establish re public, ii, 403; immigration to gold fields of northwestern America from, ii, 635. [41 Brazito, Mexico, iv, 520. Brearley, David, iii, 569, 572; iv, 442. Brebeuf, iii, 518. Breckinridge, , i, 656. Breckenridge, Minn., iv, 182. Bredworthy, England, iv, 358. Breed's Hill, battle of, iv, 382; fortifying at opening of the Revolution, iv, 565; Rev olutionary forces on, v, 158; battle known as Bunker Hill on, v, 162. Bremen, Germany, i, 281; ii, 267; iv, 334; an nouncement of Department of Journal of American History for Genealogical Research in, v, 322; Lincoln Co., Me., iii, 435, 438, 439, 440. Brendon, Sherwell, England, iv, 358, 359. Brennan, Louis, invention of monorail car by, ii, 15. Brenner, Victor D., reproductions of photo graphs of sculpture by, iii, 536; iv, 4, 458, 459, 460. Brent, Bob, iii, 551. Captain, iii, 415. Colonel, iii, 425. Daniel Carroll, iv, 100. Giles (Capt.), iv, 98. Brenton, Jahleel, ii, 510. Brenton, Jahleel (Rear-Admiral), ii, 510. Jahleel (Sir), ii, 510. William (Gov.), ii, 510. Brereton, William (Lord), i, 242. Brest, France, i, 401; ii, 167, 170; ii, 176; v, 29. Brett family, announcement of publication of genealogy, v, 320. Brewer, Col., Revolutionary regiment of, iii, 203, 204. Brewer, Joseph, ii, 662. Justice, v, 280, 291, 292. Brewer's Co., Civil war, iv, 601. Brewster, , iv, 479. David (Sir), i, 158. Dr., iii, 124. Elder, iii, 500; iv, 486, 487; v, 348. Family, iii, 385; iv, 149. Jonathan, i, 242. Briand, M., ii, 29. Briarly, Lieut.-Col., ii, 190. Brice, Adjt., ii, 514, 518. Brichtrie, England, iv, 141. Bridewell, New York City, old, v, 121. Briddleman, , ii, 143. Bridge, Col., iii, 208. Bridge, John, i, 538. Bridge River, ii, 638. Bridgeport Bank Notes, 1, 753. Bridger, James, i, 479, 483. Bridges, , i, 533. Elizabeth, i, 520, 534. Family, i, 544. John, i, 534, 535; iii, 417. Bridges Creek, Va., i, 136. Bridgetown, Barbadoes; Atkins, Byley, Clark, ] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY (Bridgetown, Barbadoes) Colman Crisp, Gibbs, Hall, Hobby, Lin- dall, Pitt, Symonds, Families of, iii, 96, 99. Bridgewater, Duke of, i, 396, 399. Bridgewater, Mass., v, 140, 309, 420; Latham family of, iv, 624. Bridgewater & Wilkes Barre Turnpike Co., v, 120. Brodgman, Anastasia, v, 427. Edward, v, 427. Brierfield Plantation, Miss., iii, 235, 238, 239, 241, 244, 245, 246. Brigend, Scotland, v, 473. Brigg, Isaac, i, 427. Briggs, Edward D., ii, 488. Edward D. (Mrs.), ii, 488. F. 0. (Senator), ii, 23. Mary, ii, 488. Senator, ii, 592. Bright, John, i, 158, 366; iv, 153. Brimming, , iii, 99. Brinckerhoff family, ii, 289, 291; photograph of Colonial house at Hackersack, N. J., ii, 289, 291; of house at Ridgefield Park, N. J, iii, 608. Bringhurst, John, iv, 570. Mary (Lawton), iv, 569, 570; miniature, iv, 569. Brink, Capt., i, 422. Bririley, Anna, v, 367. Thomas (Auditor- Gen.), v, 367. Brinsmade, , i, 719. Brione, Johanna (Chudleigh), iv, 366. Philip (Sir),iv, 366. Brismer, iv, 358. Bristler, , iii, 442; v, 584. Bristol, Conn., ii, 346, 347; list of members at Revolutionary period of Episcopal Church in, ii, 342; old Tory den near, ii, 340-347; England, i, 318, 521, 528, 530, 533, 577; iv, 254; v, 259, 309; Cas tle, England, v, 584; Channel, England, iv, 141; merchant adventurers of, iv, 251; Maine, iii, 438, 439; iv, 254; Massachusetts, iii, 186; New Jersey, i, 41; Rhode Island, photograph of house of the Colt family, ii, 588; Tennessee, iv, 541; early settlement, ii, 278. Britain, ancient tin mines, iii, 41; Anglo- Saxon Conquest, iv, 141; Norman Con quest, iv, 142. British Adherents in the Revolution, strong feeling against, i, 733-737. British Army, i, 685; death of officer, ii, 37. British Army in the American Revolution, iii, 380; v, 72; American prisoners of, v, 69; monuments in United States to soldiers of, ii, 704; print of soldier of, iv, 196; transcript from journal of sol dier, i, 441-464, 727-740; iv, 127-131. British Coffee House, Boston, Mass., iv, 271. [42] British Colonies, slavery abolished in, v, 219. British Colonies and Plantations, Oxenbridge Thacher's pamphlet entitled "The Sen timents of a British American," occa sioned by an Act to lay certain Duties an the, iv, 263. British Columbia, first settlement in, i, 227; photograph of Fraser Pass, ii, 631; gold in, ii, 633-642. British Constitution, iii, 572. British Flag, print of historic, iv, 158. British Foot, 9th Regt., of, iv, 161. British Fusileers, print of first flag cap tured by Americans in Revolution from 7th, iv, 158. British Grenadier, colored print of Revolution ary, iv, 196. British and Hessian atrocities in the Revolu tion, Congressional Report on, v, 72. British Honduras, i, 635; iv, 205. British Honduras Company, iv, 205. British Museum, iii, 59; v, 293; American treasures at, ii, 120; ancient map of the world at, ii, 116; Haldimand manu scripts, ii, 394; heirlooms of Stacye family bequeathed to, ii, 95; manu script of travels of Sir Thomas Hobbie at, iii, 91; records of Ft. Niagara at, ii, 397; old print of Quebec, Canada, at, ii, 377. British Navy, entrance of well-born Ameri cans in early days into the, ii, 64; harassing of early American sailing vessels by, i, 748; impressment of sea men into, ii, 593. British Prison Ships in Revolutionary war, v, 121-128. British Society for the Promotion of Arts and Commerce, i, 400. British West Indies, Leeward group of, iii, 70. Brito, , i, 521. Wilhelmus, chronicle of, v, 391, 393, 394. Britons, customs of ancient, iii, 70. Brittany, i, 577; v, 181; estate of Marquis deGonvello in, ii, 597, 606. Britton, , i, 521, 522, 523, 526, 537, 542. Eliza, ii, 507. J., i, 521. John, i, 542. Britton's Work on Toddington, Gloucester shire, England, photograph of two pages from, i, 521, 522. Brixton, Manor of, iv, 367. Broadalbin, Montgomery County, New York ii, 488. Broadhead, Col., ii, 352; iii, 275, 582. Broad River, Rutherford County, N. C, i, 51. Broadsides, printing, before advent of news- pers in American Colonies, of, ii, 494. Broadstreet, , iv, 129. Broad Street, New York City, iv, 45; first INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES market for American manufactures opened after passage of the Stamp Act on, ii, 363; engraving showing first market place and canal, iii, 163; old print, iii, 577. Broadway, New York City, iv, 30; v, 121, 445, 633; old drawing of site of, iii, 576, 577; old print of iii, 580. Broadwell, , ii, 149, 154. Brochelanda (Brockland Trill in Axmouth), England, iv, 359. Brock, Gen., i, 739, 740. Brockden, Charles, i, 236. Brockville, Canada, invasion in war of 1812 of, i, 754. Brodie, C. D., ii, 111. Brokenhurst, Hampshire, England, v, 234, 236, 240, 244; Church, photograph of, v, 245. Bromfield, , iii, 124. Captain, v, 553. Major, v, 553, 554. Bromfield St., Boston, Mass., v, 418. Bronaugh, David, iii, 99. Bronson Library, Waterbury, Conn., iv, 240. Bronzes, reproduction of, ii, 236-243. Brook, Robert (Sir), iii, 410. Brooke, Elizabeth (Tioyne), v, 634. Family, v, 634. John Mercer (Col.), brief biography of, iv, 326, 330. Richard, v, 634. Robert, iv, 98; v, 634. Susan (Foster), v, 634. Taliaferro, monument to, v, 634. Thomas, v, 634. Walter, (Commodore), v, 634. Brooke County, W. Va., ii, 211. Brooke Gun, invention of, iv, 330. Brookfield, , iii, 279. Brookfield, Prince George County,, Md., es tate of, v, 634. Brookfield, Mass., iii, 121, 123; v, 131, 441; Prince George County, Md., v, 634. Brookhill Hall, England, ii, 89. Brookline, Mass., iv, 246; v, 139. Brooklyn, Conn., i, 684; New York, iv, 35; v, 233, 440, 478; Institute of Arts and Sciences, iii, 484; decorations in Ply mouth (Congregational) Church, iii, 489, 490, 493, 495-497, 499, 501, 503, 504; old print of Heights of, iii, 579; print of oldest house now (1909) in, iii, 579; Revolutionary battle, iv, 43; v, 121; Revolutionary martyrs on British pris on ships buried at, v, 123-128. Brooklynville, Md., photograph of old house. ii, 674. Brooklynwood, Md., photograph of estate, ii, 674. Brooks, Almarin (Sergt.), v, 634. Ann ( ), v, 634. Annis (Jaquith;, v, 634. [43 Bryant B. (Hon.), i, 24. Caleb (Lieut.), v, 634. Captain, v, 28. David (Lieut.), v, 634. Eleazer (Brig.-Gen.), v, 634. Elizabeth, iii, 410. Elizabeth (Winslow), v, 634. Family, v, 634; arms of, v, 635. Francis (Lieut.), v, 634. George, v, 634. Gilbert, v, 634. Henry, v, 634. James Henry, iii, 240. John (Gov.), v, 634. Lieut.-Col., iii, 203. Major, ii, 356, 516. Richard E., photograph of sculpture by, iii, 10. Robert, v, 634. Samuel, i, 285. Susanna ( — . ), v, 634. Susanna (Atkinson), v, 634. Thomas (Capt.), v, 634. Zachariah (Lieut.), v, 634. Broome County, N. Y., iv, 116. Brotherton Family, arms of, v, 240. Brouage, France, birth of Samuel de Cham plain at, ii, 376. Brougham, Lord, v, 221. Broward, Napoleon B. (Gov.), ii, 526. Brower Family, iv, 393. James, iv, 602. Nanie (Carter), iv, 602. Browere, John Henri Isaac, i, 165. Brown, , i, 374; ii, 145; iii, 121; v, 59, 131. A. D., i, 440. Armit, i, 236. B. Gratz (Gov.), i, 440. Captain, i, 19; ii, 395; iii, 58. Charles, ii, 331. Charles Brockden, first American novels by, i, 236-240; bas-relief of, i, 240. Colonel, iv, 382. David (Rev.), i, 516. Dev., iv, 307. Elizabeth, ii, 132. Elizabeth (Cranston), ii, 509, 513. Ernest C, ii, 383. Family, i, 236; ii, 154; iii, 385; iv, 149; photograph of Colonial house, ii, 448. George, photograph of residence, ii, 674. George W., iv, 406. Harriet (Thayer), iv, 428. Jacob, ii, 604; iv, 548; v, 222. James, i, 236; facsimile of autograph, ii, 447. J. Henry, photograph of Abraham Lincoln from collection of, v, 202. John, v, 548; autograph of, ii, 447; tran script from letter to Gen. Gage from, ii, 394. THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY Brown, John (Capt.), ii, 509, 513. John (Col.), v, 159; birth, iii, 213; death, iii, 213; education, iii, 212; Revolution ary service, iii, 213. John Carter, iv, 428. John Evans (Hon.), ii, 129; birth, ii, 129, 154; death, ii, 154; early life, ii, 154; education, ii, 154; emigration to Aus tralia, ii, 154; emigration to Ohio and North Carolina, ii, 154; journey to Cal. gold fields, ii, 129-154; marriage, ii, 154; Minister of Education in New Zealand, ii, 154; return to America, ii, 154. Joseph, i, 236. Joseph C, iii, 468. Joseph E. (Gov.), i, 30. Josiah, iii, 126. Josiah (Mrs.), iii, 126. Katherine, i, 516. Laura A., iii, 405. Mary, iv, 448. Messrs., i, 43. Norris (Senator), ii, 24. Peter, i, 45; ii, 184. R. M. G. (Lieut.-Commander), ii, 212. Robert, iii, 239, 240, 241, 246. Solyman (A. M., D. D., M. S., D. D. S.), i, 683, 684. Storrow, v, 217. Stuart, portrait of Abraham Lincoln, from print owned by, v, 202. Sylvanus, iv, 586. Thomas (Sir), iii, 452. W. H., i, 280, 281, 367. William C. (Judge), i, 755. William Henry, i, 281, 367; cutting of sil houettes of distinguished American by, ii, 653; silhouettes of American Presi dents made by, ii, 654-658. Brown & Bell, firm of, i, 281. Brown County, Ohio, iii, 614. Brown University, ii, 43; iii, 185; iv, 23, 428; founding, iv, 403. Browne, Chad, signing of the Providence Com pact by, iii, 189; Providence, R. I., drawn by, iii, 193. Family, iii"»186, 191. J. C, portrait of Lincoln from collection of, v, 205. John, iii, 186. Sarah ( ), iii, 186. Browning, Eliza (Caldwell), iii, 454. O. H. (Sec), iii, 454. Robert, iii, 452; iv, 20. William (Lieut.-Col.), ii, 396. Brownne, Charles, i 412. Brownover, T., painting of John Locke by, ii, 121. Brown's "Genesis of U. S.," ii, 123. Brown's Hotel, Washington, D. C, iii, 616. Brown's Portrait Gallery ii, 653. [44] Brown's "Procedure of Human Understand ing," i, 185. Brownsville, Tex., ii, 135; discharge of negro troops, ii, 23. Bronx, New York City, home of Anne Hutch inson in Borough of, v, 366, 367; me morial to Anne Hutchinson in Borough of, v, 347, 356, 357. Bruce family of Scotland, iii, 455. James, i, 264. Robert (King), ii, 663, 665; anecdote, ii, 666; room at Bonshaw Tower, Scotland, dedicated to, ii, 667. Squire, Revolutionary anecdote, ii, 347. Bruce, Mich., v, 135. Bruges, Elizabeth, i, 539. John, i, 534, 539. John (first Lord Charles), i, 522. Bruges, Flanders, v, 392, 393, 395, 397, 398, 399, 403, 407. Brugge, Elizabeth, i, 539. Bruin, Col., i, 350. Judge, v, 568. Brule, Etienne, ii, 394. Brundusium, iii, 461. Brunei, , i, 278. Brunswick, N. C., Revolutionary war in, ii, 364; New Jersey, v, 58, 69, 70. Brush, Charles F., i, 27. Edward Hale, ii, 200. Brussels, Belgium, conference for suppression of slave trade, iv, 7; Geographical So ciety, iii, 315; laws of land warfare proposed at, iv, 7; Peace Congress in, i, 155; Conference, iv, 326. Bruton, York County, Va., iii, 294. Brutus, iv, 224. Bruynsteen, Isaac, v, 408. Joanna (De Peyster), v, 408. Bryan, , i, 379; ii, 229. Family, iv, 149. George, iii, 566. William J., ii, 20, 23, 215. Bryant, , ii, 123. William Cullen, anniversary of first public recognition, i, 614; poem by, iv, 243. Bryants, in the Arctic, iii, 348. Bryce, Ambassador, ii, 536. Brydge, Elizabeth, i, 539. Bryerly, Lieut.-Col., iii, 583. Bryn Mawr College, iv, 525; v, 424. Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio Maria (Lieut.- Gen.), sketch of life, iii, 398, 399. Buccaneers, English, i, 634. Buchanan, James (President), letter to ex- President Tyler from, v, 616, 618, 619. Buck, Benoni, iv, 76. Family, iv, 73, 75, 76. Gershon, iv, 76. Mara, iv, 76. Mrs., iv, 76. Peleg, iv, 76. INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES Buck, Richard (Rev.), i, 222; iv, 75, 76. Bucke, (Rev.), iii, 85. Buckerel, Hemyock, England, iv, 359. Buckerell, Devonshire, England, iv, 364. Buckeret, Hemyock, England, iv, 358. Buckeye State, ii, 691; iii, 618. Buckfast Abbey, foundation, iv, 362. Buckingham, , i, 709. Daniel, i, 320. George Villiers, Duke of, i, 241. Joseph T., "Specimens of Newspaper Lit erature," by, ii, 499. Buckingham County, Va., i, 759. Buckingham Township, Bucks Co., Pa., v, 116, 117. Buckinghamshire, England, Mead family of, iv, 450; Pomeroy family of, iv, 372; Rawson family of, v, 418. Buckles, Robert, ii, 209. Buckley, Christopher, v, 228. Buckminster, Joseph (Rev.), v, 143. Lawson (Maj.), v, 143. Buckner, , i, 346. Family, iii, 286. Frances (Thornton), v, 471. Horace (Dr.), v, 471. Thomas (Lieut.), iii, 286. William (Capt.), iii, 286. Bucks County, Pa., i, 35; iv, 114, 146, 148, 444; v, 117, 307; Fell family, v, 116, 117. Buckshot War, the, i, 660. Buddha, ii, 534. Buddington, Capt., v, 605, 610. Walter, v, 548. Budleigh, England, iv, 358. Bueford, Symond, iii, 286. Buel, Maj., ii, 187; 355. Buell, John (Dr.), photograph of gravestone of wife, Mary, iv, 296. Buen Aire, discovery of, iii, 72. Buena Vista, Mexico, iv, 511; battle of, ii, 245. Buenos Ayres, Argentine Republic, ii, 419. Buffalo, earliest known engraving of, ii, 126; hunting, i, 102; ii, 137, 138; in the far West, i, 624. Buffalo, Ky., v, 193. Buffalo, Ky., v, 193; New York, i, 753; iv, 116; v, 224, 305; Historical Society, ii, 48, 383; journey through wilderness of New York to, ii, 56; transportation of iron ore to, iii, 42. Buffon, iv, 218. Buffington, Lieut., iii, 381. Bugge, Alexander (Prof.), v, 179, 183. Sophus (Prof.), iv, 172. Bule Creek, ii, 135. Bullfinch, Charles, portrait of, iii, 98. Family, iii, 98. Bulgaria, insurrection in, ii, 33. Bulkeley, Morgan G. (Hon.), iv, 298. Peter (Rev.), v, 359, 360, 361. [45 Bulkley, Capt., iii, 123, 127. Elizabeth, v, 307. Family, iii, 119. Oliver, facsimile of bill of sale of slave of, iii, 131. Peter (Rev.), iii, 119. Rebekah, iii, 124. Stephen, i, 558. Viscount, v, 307. Bull, , i, 93. (Rev.), v, 135. Capt., ii, 672. Henry (Gov.), v, 363. Marcus, i, 684. Mary, iv, 100. Ole, ii, 37. Storm (Prof.), death of, ii, 37. Thomas, iii, 604. Bull Run, Civil war photograph, iii, 259. "Bull Run Russell," death, ii, 36. Bullard, Asa, ii, 301. Eleazer, ii, 301. Bullitt, Thomas (Capt.), i, 668. Bulloch, Ann (Irvine), ii, 232. Anna, ii, 232. Archibald (Hon.), ii, 225, 227; death of, ii, 232, 234; description, ii, 229; govern ment of Georgia in Revolution by, ii, 229, 232; painting of family, ii, 232; public reading of Declaration of Inde pendence by, ii, 229; painting of fam ily, ii, 233; Tories driven from Great Tybee Island by, ii, 231; transcript of letter from John Adams to, ii, 228; transcript of speech before Provincial Congress of Georgia, ii, 230, 231. Emma Hamilton, ii, 225. Family, ii, 225, 227; coat of arms, ii, 225; supposed grave of Archibald Bulloch bearing part of coat of arms, ii, 234; will showing coat of arms, ii, 232. Irvine, ii, 232. J. G. (Dr.), family painting owned by, ii, 233. James (Capt.), ii, 232; painting of, ii, 233. James Stephens (Maj.), ii, 226, 232; build ing of Bulloch Hall by, ii, 232. Jane, ii, 232; painting of, ii, 233. John Irvine, ii, 232. Martha, ii, 226, 232. Mary (Deveaux), ii, 232; painting of, ii, 233. William, ii, 232. Bulloch Hall, Rosswell, Ga., ii, 232, photo graph of, iii, 234. Bullock, C. Seymour, i, 395. Family, ii, 92. Leonard Hendley, iv, 547. Seymour, i, 33, 261. Bulwer, Henry (Sir), i, 636. Bulwer-Lytton Family, i, 636. Bumpass, Capt., i, 72. ] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY Bumpass, John, i, 72. Winnifred, i, 72. Bunch of Grapes tavern, Boston, Mass., ii, 299. Buncombe Co., N. C, i, 60; ii, 132, 134. Bunker, Capt., i, 421, 428. Elihu, i, 428. Bunker Hill, i, 73; ii, 354; iv, 488; battle of, i, 11, 74, 75, 442, 669, 705-707; ii, 264, 365, 647; iii, 47, 210, 211, 214, 248, 298, 300, 379; iv, 56, 58, 120, 297, 382, 560, 563, 565; v, 32, 143, 144, 146, 161, 162, 303; battlefield of, ii, 703, 704; engrav ing of battle, iv, 225; photograph of memorial unveiled at 23d anniversary, iv, 368; photograph of saddle bags used at battle, iv, 104; Trumbull's painting of battle, iii, 48, 197, 199; iv, 52. Berkley County, W. Va., home of first set tler in county on site of, ii, 209. Bunnhoters, Lieut., v, 110. Bunyon, John, i, 95. "Pilgrim's Progress," early printing in New England, ii, 492. Burbank, Cal., v, 383. Burden Family, v, 363. Burdet's Ferry, Manhattan Island, iii, 277. Burdett-Coutts, Baroness, death, ii, 35. Burdette, Robert J., ii, 215. S. S. (Gen.), iii, 251. Burdle's Ferry, New York City, ii, 184, 350. Bureau of American Republics, Andrew Car negie's gift for building, ii, 25. Burgate, England, iii, 410. Burgered, iv, 358. Burgess, Annie R. (Fell), v, 116. Arnold, ii, 510. Family, ii, 510. Tristan, ii, 510. Burgess Hill, Sussex, England, prints of only American flags captured in Revo lution now at, iv, 160, 161. Burgh Westra, Gloucester Co., Va., old manor house of, iii, 285; photograph of, iii, 289. Burgoyne, John (Gen.), i, 13, 451, 505; iii, 132; iv, 56; army of, iii, 215; burning of the Schuyler House by iii, 211; capt ure of Fort Ticonderoga by, iii, 213; death, iii, 210; Fonblanques's Life of, iii, 210; journal of officer of army of, iii, 212, 214; reproduction of photo graph of house in which were quartered troops of, v, 271; reproductions of pho tographs of plate used at dinner after surrender of, iv, 260; reproduction of portrait, iv, 59; reproduction of Trum bull's painting of surrender of, iii, 198; Revolutionary campaign and surrender of, n, 124; iii, 202, 204, 208, 210, 216; Trumbull's painting of surrender of in, 197. Burgundy, Charles the Bold of, v, 401, 402. [46] Duke of, v, 397, 399. Dukes of, v, 391, 400, 401, 402, 404 Dukedom of, v, 400, 401, 402, 404. John without Fear, Duke of, v, 401. Louis, Duke of, v, 400. Philip the Bold, Duke of, v, 400, 401. Philip the Fair, Duke of, v, 403. Philip the Good, Duke of, v, 401. Buri Buri Grants in California, iii, 178. Buriel Hill, Plymouth Colony, iv, 487. Burk, Edmond, iv, 345. Burk County, N. C, ii, 150. Burke, , i, 587; iii, 430; iv, 522; v, 303. Bernard (Sir), ii, 666. Edmund, i, 544; iii, 481; v, 352. Judge, ii, 53. Peter, ii, 184. Thomas (Gov.), i, 566. Burke County, S. C, i, 53. Burke's Ferry ,N. Y., ii, 184. Burke's Peerage, ii, 506; iv, 372; v, 301. Burkholder, J. C. (Rev.), v, 603. Burkes, Edmund, iv, 45. Burling Slip, New York City, ii, 364. Burlington, Conn., old Tory den at, ii, 340- 347; Iowa, iv, 247; New Jersey, i, 38, 41; v, 61, 440, 443, 457; first settlement on site, ii, 92, 93; Quaker settlers at, ii, 608; iii, 572. Burnam, , i, 48. Burnes, James N., iv, 518. Burnet, Jacob, Notes on the Northwest Ter ritory by, iii, 220, 222. Burnet's History of His Own Times, i, 184. Burnham, Clara Louise, ii, 215. Burnit, . ii, 386. Burnside, Gen., v, 611, 613. Burnstead, England, v, 424. Burr, , iv, 205. Aaron, ii„ 314,; iii, 539; conspiracy of, v, 565-570, 575-577; duel with John Barker Church, ii, 53; duel with Alexander Hamilton, ii, 56; photograph of housa in which occurred marriage of, iii, 605; photograph of house in which was de tained, v, 564; photograph of pistols of, ii, 55; portrait of v, 577. Family, i, 65; ii, 75. Isaac, note on and transcript from diary, iii, 447-452. Thaddeus, v. 456. Theodosia, v. 566. Theodosia (Prevost), photograph of house, iii, 605. Burras, Anne, iv, 74. Burritt, Elihu, advocacy of Ocean Penny post age, i, 155; anniversary, iv, 153; ap pointment as U. S. consul in England, i, 157; appointment as Vice President of Peace Congress, i, 156; birthplace, i, 152; death, i, 160; first appeal for uni versal peace by, i, 151; iii, 39; interest INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES in popular education, i, 158; linguistic attainments, i, 154, 159. Family, i, 152. William, i, 152, 230. Burritt School, New Britain, Conn, i, 159. Burrows, Capt., iii, 174. Charles William, ii, 115, 116, 124, 127, 377, 379, 381, 382, 396, 399; historical re searches of, iv, 104; collection of prints of historic flags of, iv, 159; historic portraits owned by, iv, 51; reproduc tions in color from collection of, iv, 49, 50, 52-64, 157, 158, 160-164, 193, 196, 257-260. Hubbard (Capt.), v, 548. Brothers, Publishers, ii, 112; Publishing Co., Cleveland, Ohio, ii, 128. Burrows-Avery Investigations in American History, iv, 104, 105. Burt, Abigail, v, 297. Gideon (Col.), i, 147, 148. John (Sergt.), i, 147, 148, 149, 150. Simeon, i, 150. Burton, Francis (Sir, Lieut.-Gov.), v, 220. General, iii, 242. Governor, ii, 395. Theodore E. (Congressman), ii, 20. Burton Mesa, the, iii, 171. Burwell, (Higginson), transcript of in scription on tomb, iii, 290. Abigail, iii, 411, 290. Abigail (Smith), inscription on tomb, iii, 290. Bacon, iii, 290. Elizabeth (Carter), iii, 290. Family, ii, 677; Hi, 289, 290, 291. Francis, iii, 286. Jane, iii, 290. Lewis, iii, 286, 290; inscription on tomb of, iii, 290, 291; inscription on tomb of the wife of, iii, 291. Lewis (Mrs.), iii, 289. Martha ( ), iii, 290; inscription on tomb of, iii, 291. Mary, inscription on tomb of, iii, 290. Nathaniel (Col.), letter of, iii, 290; inscrip tion on tomb, iii, 290. Bury St. Edmunds, England, ii, 74. Busch, Adolphus, i, 440. Bush, , ii, 136, 138, 139. Mistress, i, 324. Major, ii, 695. Sarah, v, 193. Bushell, Edward, iv, 450. Busher, Leonard, iii, 191. Bushfield, Va., plantation, iv, 100. Bushnell, David, i, 401. David, ii, 165. Francis, ii, 176. Mary (Marvyn), iv, 402. Reuben, v, 548. Richard, iv, 402. Bushwick, N. Y., i, 735. Business, development of American, i, 745- 748, 751, 757; restrictions on early American, ii, 99; ethics of, i, 691, 694. Busse, Fred A., ii, 23. Busweiler, Alsace, ii, 466. Butensky, Jules, reproduction of photograph of sculpture by, v, 272. Butler, B. F. (Gen.), iv, 212, 213. Colonel, iii, 383, 390. Ensign, ii, 386. James, iii, 54. John, ii, 386, 391; iii, 430, 433; iv, 441. Jonathan, v, 548. Joseph G. (Jr.), ii, 625. Nicholas Murray (L. L. D., Ph. D.), address on Universal Peace by, iii, 481-483, 485- 488. Richard (Col.), iv, 344. Walter, iii, 378, 430, 431, 432, 433. William (Lieut.-Col.), Revolutionary ser vice, iii, 380. Zebulon, (Col.), iii, 431, 432; iv, 440, 441, 443; v, 119. Butler County, Pa., iv, 113, 115. Butler-Quincy mansion, Quincy, Mass., pho tograph, v, 7. Butterfield, Deborah, i, 74. Family, i, 74. Butterfield Route through New Mexico, ii, 672. Butternuts, the, iii, 379, 380. Butter's Row, Wilmington, Mass., iv, 412. Buttre, J. C, old engraving by, v, 36. Buxheim, Swabia, Germany, i, 304. Buxtorffie, Synagoga, Judea, i, 184. Byard's Hill, New York City, ii, 185, 353, 354; fortifications at, ii, 186; defense in Revolution, ii, 516. Byley Family, iii, 96, 99. Byllynge, Edward, settlement of English es tate, ii, 90. Byram's River, iv, 433. Byrd Family, ii, 677; iii, 286; photograph of home, iii, 291. William (Col.), iii, 83. Byrye, Manor of, iv, 366. [471 Cabarena Point, i, 311. Cabell County, W. Va., ii, 211, 212. Cabinet, Presidential, changes in 1907 in, ii, 24. Cable Company, Atlantic, iv, 330. Caborca, Mission of, ii, 40. Cabot, Sebastian, i, 10; v, 336; ancient map of, ii, 119. Cabrera, Manuel Estrada (President), ii, 1, 714; photograph, ii, 13. Cabrillo, , i, 22; Hi, 111; first seaboard z exploration of California by, ii, 38. Cache, Okla., ii, 672. Caddoe Indians in Mexican war, ii, 620. Cadiz, Spain, blockade of, i, 311; capture or vessels by Sir Francis Drake at, ii, 109; second expedition of Columbus to New World from, iii, 61. Cadman, Thomas Watson, ii, 94. Cadwallader, , iv, 32. Family, v, 307. Lieut.-Col., iii, 280. Cady, James, iii, 117. Caernavon, Lancaster Co., Pa., v, 192. Caesar, Julius, iii, 40; camps in England of, iii, 41; Commentaries of, iii, 70. Cagni, , Arctic explorations of, iii, 350. Cahaggon, Hugh, ii, 189. Caheunga Pass, iii, 110. Cahokia, 111., first permanent settlement of State at, ii, 213. Cain Creek, N. C, i, 58, 59. Cairn Point, iii, 334. Cairo, Egypt, i, 676; excerpts from speech of Theodore Roosevelt before University at, iv, 314; 111., iv, 558. Caistor-next-the-Sea, England, v, 189. Caiver, , i, 363. Cajein, Capt., ii, 107. Cajuenche Indians, ii, 258, 260. Cala, , i, 405. Calabria, earthquake in, iv, 12. Calais, France, iv, 630. . Calaveras, Cal., ii, 634. Caldecot, Monmouthshire, Wales, v, 583. Calder, A. Sterling, reproduction of sculpture by, iii, 180. Caldwell, , i, 78; facsimile of auto graph on early passport of, ii, 660. Alexander iii, 453, 455, 459. Alfred, iii, 456, 459. Anne, iii, 455, 458. Annie E. (Pugh), iii, 459. Catherine R. (Thompson), iii, 459. Daniel, iii, 453. [48] David, iii, 453, 454. Dicey (Mann), iii, 454. Elias Boudinot, i, 77-79. Eliza, iii, 454. Eliza (Halstead), iii, 459. Elizabeth, iii, 455, 458. Elizabeth (Alexander), iii, 455, 456. Family, iii, 453-459; coat of arms of, iii, 457. Frances, iii, 455, 458. George, iii, 459. Hattie (Baird), iii, 459. James, i, 76, 78; iii, 454, 456, 458; portrait of, iii, 457. James (Jr.), iii, 455, 458, 459. James (Sir), iii, 456. Jane (Boggs), iii, 458. Janet, iii, 455, 458. John, i, 76; iii, 453, 454-456, 458. Joseph, iii, 453, 455, 456, 459. Joshua W. (Hon.), work on Bar of Tenn. by, v, 104. Laura E. (Goshorn), iii, 459. Liberia, iii, 454. Lovely, iii, 455, 458. Margaret (Philips), iii, 454. Martha, iii, 454. Mary, iii, 454, 455, 458. Mary (Yarnall), iii, 459. Mrs., i, 77. Nancy (Booker), iii, 459. Nathaniel, i, 515. Oliver, iii, 453. Robert, iii, 454. Samuel, iii, 455, 458. Samuel (Maj.-Gen.), iii, 454. Sarah, iii, 455, 458. Susannah, iii, 455, 459. Thomas, iii, 454. William, ii, 353; iii, 454. Caldwell Castle, Ireland, iii, 456, 457; County, Ky., iii, 454; County, Mo., iv, 519; Set tlement, Va., i, 76; iii, 454; Station, Ky., iii, 454. Calhoun family, iv, 149. James S. (Gov.), administration in N. Mex. of, iii, 546-552. John Caldwell (Sec, Vice-President), i, 76, 78; ii, 193, 593, 692; iii, 235, 454, 629; iv, 522, 523; v, 6; advocacy of War of 1812, ii, 658; birth and education, ii, 658; oratory, ii, 658; Presidential cam paign, iii, 614, 617, 618, 619; silhouette, ii, 658; Scotch-Irish descent, iii, 81; services in Congress, ii, 658. INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES Calhoun, Martha (Caldwell), iii, 454. Calhoun, Tenn., iv, 301. California, i, 14, 379, 676; ii, 689; iii, 475, 511, 603; iv, 210, 558; v, 291, 423, 479, 611; acquisition by U. S., i, 15, 22; ii, 615, 553, 554, 558; admission into Union, i, 14, 22; agriculture, i, 22; area, ii, 255; boundary, i, 227; Burgess family, ii, 510; Buri Buri grants, iii, 178; Cam- ulos Ranch House, v, 374, 382; Can ada de la Graciosa, iii, 171; Canada de San Andres, iii, 178; Canada de San Francisco, iii, 178; Canada de Santa Ana, iii, 106; Castillo de San Joaquin, iii, 175, 176, 177; Cauhanga Pass, v, 384; colonization by Mexico, i, 22; con version to Christianity of Indians, iii, 173; Court of Appeals, ii, 211; early Spanish explorers, ii, 38-42; iii, 178; iv, 171; early mail route from Mis souri, ii, 672; early voyage to, ii, 584, 586; earthquake, iii, 68; European Pro tectorate, ii, 623; first mission, i, 22; first overland journey to, iv, 387; first pueblo, iii, 178; first settlements, i, 22; first settlers and descendants, ii, 697, 698, 701; first theatre, i, 626; Franciscan Order, i, 22; ii, 524; gold discovered, ii, 40, 129, 554, 680, 715; gold exhausted, ii, 634-637, 642; 4th governor, iii, 179; Grijalva family, iii, 106; Gulf of, ii, 525, 547; horticulture, i, 22; immigration, i, 21; Japanese, i, 21, 187, 190; labor troubles, ii, 33; Las Pulgas grants, iii, 178; manufac turing, i, 22; mining, i, 22; Mission of Monterey, i, 626; ii, 39; iii, 179; Mis sion of Neustra Senora de la Soledad, ii, 525; Mission of San Antonio, ii, 39; Mission of San Antonio de Padua, iii, 172; Mission of San Carlos del Carmelo, iii, 173; Mission of San Carlos Borro- meo de Monterey, ii, 525; Mission of San Diego, i, 22, 626; ii, 39, 700; iii, 109, 172, 173; Mission of San Francisco, iii, 106, 174; Mission of San Gabriel, ii, 39, 524; iii, 102, 109, 110, 172; Mission of San Luis Opispo, ii, 39, 525; iii, 172; Mission of San Zavier del Bac, ii, 698; Mission of Santa Clara, iii, 106; Moraga family, iii, 106; oil region, v, 369, 371-373; old road to, ii, 153; petroleum industry, i, 22; pioneers to far North from, ii, 632, 634, 635, 637, 642; population, i, 22; ii, 255; public schools, i, 21; pueblo of San Jose de Guadalupe, iii, 106, 178; ranch house in, v, 374; Rancheria de Mescaltitan, ii, 524; iii, 112; Rancheria de los Pedernales, ii, 524; reproduction of engraving of Castillo de San Joa quin, iii, 175; reproduction of engrav- [49 ing of Golden Gate, iii, 177; reproduc tion of engraving of Mission of Mon terey, iii, 179; reproduction of mural painting of arrival of immigrants at Mission of San Gabriel, iii, 102; repro duction of photograph of first theatre, i, 626; reproductions of photographs of route of first overland journey to, ii, 696; iii, 105, 107, 109, 111, 170, 175, 177, 393, 394, 397, 399; reproductions of photographs of scenery, v, 375-382; re production of print of Indian village, iii, 401; Revolutionary period, iii, 110; Santa Barbara Co., iii, 111; Santa Clara Valley, v, 374, 382; savings banks, i, 686; scenery, i, 293, 294; soldier of, iii, 106; Spanish archives, ii, 259; Span ish regime, v, 369-374, 383-385; Spring Valley Water Co. of, iii, 178; transcript of journal of leader of first overland expedition which founded San Fran cisco, ii, 38-42, 255-261, 521-526, 696- 701; iii, 103-112, 170-179, 395-403; U. S. Senator, ii, 211;; University, i, 22; iv, 13, 297; Ventura Co., iii, 111; Petro leum Co., v, 369, 373. Calinan Diamond, ii, 26. Calis, Eulalia, iii, 179. Calk, William, iv, 549; extracts from diary, iv, 550. Callaway County, Mo., iv, 519. Callender, Ann, ii, 667. Anna, v, 84. Robert, v, 84. Calmet's Dictionary, i, 184. Calne, Wiltshire, England, iv, 142, 143. Calvert, Cecil (second Lord Baltimore), Char ter of Province of Maryland issued to, iii, 559; controversy between William Penn and, iii, 562, 563; difficulties with Dutch colonists in Proprietory of, iii, 560, 561; extent of Proprietory, iii, 560; family, arms of, iii, 565. George (first Lord Baltimore), agreement made by descendants, iii, 562; arrival in Va., iii, 558, 559; boundary of Mary land Province of, iii, 555, 556; death of, iii, 559; Newfoundland estate, iii, 558. Leonard, founding of St. Mary's, Md., by, iii, 559, 561. Thomas, v, 569. Calvin, iv, 124, 472; v, 359. Camaguey, Cuba, ii, 427. Cambden's Britanis, i, 184. Cambrey, Jenkyn, i, 335. Cambria County, Pa., iv, 115. Cambridge, England, ii, 74; Mass., i, 64, 125, 173, 333, 377, 504, 515, 516, 517, 704, 706; iii, 49, 123, 126, 128, 201, 207, 379, 511; iv, 68, 245, 270, 271, 469, 563, 565; v, 130, 131, 140, 143, 158, 295, 360, 361, 426, 432, 456, 469; first American print- ] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY (Cambridge, Mass.) ing press, at, ii, 492; founding of, v, 139; organization of Militia before Rev olution at, iv, 382; raising of Union Flag in, i, 12; photograph of home of Longfellow, iv, 134; Revolutionary Army at, iii, 53, 212; Revolutionary Minute Men at, v, 155; transcript from records of Provincial Congress at, v, 150, 151 ; Washington Co., N. Y., i, 618. Cambridge University, ii, 492; iii, 119, 266, 492; iv, 31, 334, 428; v, 130, 234, 354, 424, 426. (Harvard) University, ii, 305; iv, 262, 263. Camden, Lord, iv, 436. Camden, N. C, v, 100, 101; S. C, i, 462; Revo lutionary battle, iii, 208; iv, 37. Camden Hills, iii, 435. Camden Society, iv, 354. Camelford, Earl of, iii, 410. Cameron, Simon (Sec), portrait of, v, 210. Cameron County, Pa., iv, 113. Caminc del Diablo, dangers of journey through, ii, 40. Camm, (Rev.), iii, 83, 85, 86. Cammel, Anna, iv, 367, 369, 371. Robert, iv, 367. Camp, Charles L. N., ii, 198, 359; drawings of, ii, 503, 504. David Nelson (Hon.), i, 151. John, killing by Indians, ii, 301. John (Capt.), iii, 286. Campbell, , i, 479, 709, 710; poem by, iii, 432; History of Virginia by, iii, 428. Alexander (Dr.), ii, 211. Arthur, iv, 576. C, first American Magazine for sale by, ii, 490. Capt., i, 461-464, 729-731. Col., i, 58, 460, 461, 462; v, 101. Duncan, v, 441. John, ii, 190; v, 441; first American news paper published by, ii, 128, 494; send ing of letters giving news of Boston to New England colonies by, ii, 494. John A. (Judge), v, 102, 223. Major, i, 732; iii, 86. Mrs., i, 709, 710. Thomas M. (Hon.), i, 435. William (Col.), ii, 279", 280. William (Gen.), iv, 543, 544. William Wallace (Prof.), article on as tronomy by, iv, 13. Campeaehy Indians in Mexican War, ii, 620. Campgaw, N. J., reproduction of photograph of old William E. Winter house, iii, 608. Campion, Mary (Mrs.), iii, 96. Sarah (Mrs.), iii, 96. Camps, , i, 360. Campus Martius, O., ii, 310. Camulos Ranch House, Santa Clara Valley, [50 Cal., v, 374; reproduction of photo graph, v, 382. Canaan, Conn., iii, 603; Conn., railroad acci dent at, ii, 34; Maine, i, 75. Canada, Captain, ii, 70. Canada, i, 10, 183, 498, 682, 727, 739; ii, 124, 267, 423, 429, 559; iii, 43, 215, 244, 315, 378, 390, 391, 483, 518; iv, 36, 37, 45, 115, 120, 121, 127, 131, 181, 332, 445, 487, 575, 610; v, 80, 159; upper, i, 448, 734, 739; Annexation Association in, v, 230; anniversary of founding of Que bec, ii, 359, 375; attitude on Japanese question of government, ii, 5; bound ary between U. S., iv, 467; Canso in, v, 21, 22, 24, 151; Colonial mail route, v, 448, 449, 450, 452; Colonists sent by Company of Hundred Associates, ii, 380; English conquest, ii, 39; iv, 262; Constitution granted by Queen Vic toria, v, 230; early fur trade, ii, 376; early Christian missionary to, ii, 44; early settlements in U. S. by trading companies of, v, 505; early trade, ii, 376; early trade with U. S., i, 751, 752, 753; early transportation, i, 751; emi gration to gold fields of Northwestern America, ii, 635; expeditions from American Colonies, i, 693; ii, 82; iv, 378, 380, 381; v, 17-32, 74, 151; exploration, ii, 376-382; first Episcopal Church in Upper, iii, 430; first house, ii, 376, 378; first wireless message across Atlantic from, ii, 15; French in, ii, 213; v, 217; governor of Upper, iv, 128; harassing of New England coast by privateers from, v, 17; Indian affairs, ii, 395; In dian fighting, iii, 82; Indians' captives taken to, iv, 242; Island of Cape Bre ton, i, 705; ii, 379; iii, 119, 215; iv, 380; v, 17, 18, 19, 25, 151, 152; Jesuit mis sions, ii, 381, 388, 389; militia, i, 738, 739; missions to Oregon from, v, 516; Mohawk Indians in, iii, 379; Papineau Rebellion, v, 533; Patriot War of 1838, v, 215-230; reproduction of portrait of hero of English conquest, iv, 58; re production of print of first flag cap tured by Americans in Revolution tak en in, iv, 158; Revolutionary army in, ii, 228; Revolutionary campaign, iii, 381; Revolutionary evacuation, ii, 228; Revolutionary expeditions, i, 739; ii, 664; iii, 205; v, 473; savings banks, i, 686; tories in, i, 738, 754; iii, 430; threatened invasion of Vermont from, iv, 381; visit of Secretary of State Root, ii, 25; War of 1812, i, 739, 752; William Penn's letter to the "Emperor" of, iv, 110. Canada de la Graciosa, Cal., iii, 171. Canada de San Andres, Cal., iii, 178 ] INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES Canada de San Francisco, Cal., iii, 178. Canada de Santa Ana, Cal., iii, 106. Canadian Confederation, v, 230. Canadian Le, v, 218. Canadian Pacific Railroad, wreck, ii, 34. Canajoharie, N. Y., iii, 433; Castle, iii, 378. Canal Bank of Portland, Me., iv, 413. Canal Construction of Geneseo Valley, ii, 61. Canal Street, New York City, iv, 392; rare wood engraving of, iii, 163. Canals in United States, iv, 407-416; in N. Y., iv, 116, 117. Canandaigua, N. Y., v, 135; sale of land of Robert Morris in, ii, 55. Canary Islands, ii, 122; iii, 61; second expedi tion to New World of Columbus from, iii, 61, 62, 65. Cane Creek, Rutherford Co., N. C, i, 51. Cancer Hospital, bequest of Miss Anna T. Jeanes to found, ii, 15. Candish, England, v, 424. Canfield, Maj., iii, 55. Cannibalism among West Indians in time of Columbus, iii, 64, 67, 68, 69. Canisteo River, iv, 117, 118, 119. Cannon, Speaker, ii, 23. Cannon Fiord, iii, 643. Canning, Josephine, i, 568. Canon Creek, Klondike, ii, 634, 638. Canonicus, iv, 427. Canons Ashby, Northamptonshire, England, v, 349. Canonteign, Devonshire, England, iv, 360. Canot, , ii, 382. Canova, i, 164. Canso, Canada, v, 21, 22; capture by French of American garrison at, v, 151. Canterbury, Archbishop of, iv, 373; v, 195, 240, 303, 424. Canterbury, England, i, 521; v, 584; Preroga tive Court of, iv, 372; Cathedral, ii, 262. Cantino, , ancient map of the world made by, ii, 118. Canton, China, iv, 279; Mass., history, iv, 376; Ohio, ii, 406; statue in memory of President McKinley at, i, 610. Caonabo, West Indian king, iii, 77, 79. Capae, Manco, ii, 419. Cape Ackland, iii, 328; Albert, iii, 346; Alex ander, iii, 334; Ann, iii, 440; Athol, iii, 325; Belknap, iii, 347; Blanc, Canada, i, 262 ; Breton, Island of, i, 705 ; Breton, Canada, ii, 379; v, 17, 18, 19; English expedition against, v, 25; expedition of 1745 against, iii, 119; French and In dian War on, iii, 215; Breton Island, Canada, fort on, iv, 380; siege of Louis burg on, v, 151, 152; Charles, Va., i, 215; Clear, v, 249; Cod, ii, 479; iv, 249; v, 450; exploration of New England coast from St. Lawrence River to, ii, 376; Hudson's exploration of, i, 203; May- [51] flower Compact written at, iii, 191 Pilgrims' arrival at, iv, 470, 474, 476 plan for canal across, iv, 408; Colan iii, 347, 348; Colony, Africa, ii, 26; Co lumbia, iii, 347, 348, 349, 351, 356 Corrientes, ii, 585; Durville, iii, 346 Fear, N. C, i, 10; iii, 557; Francis, San Domingo, i, 354; ii, 170; Harbor of, ii 68; Insurrection, ii, 69; Fraser, iii 346; George Russell, engraving of iii, 323; of Good Hope, iv, 317 ancient map of world showing, ii 116; Hatherton, iii, 334; Hatteras, i 215, 319; Henlopen, iii, 560, 562, 563 v, 264, 265; Henry, Va., discovery of i, 206, 215; Henry Lighthouse, Va. photograph of memorial tablet, iv, 535 Horn, i, 15, 310; ii, 129, 642; iv, 279 322, 324, 558; Inglefield, iii, 334; Jo seph Henley, iii, 347; Lupton, iii, 346 Maisi, ii, 411; May, iii, 300; iv, 577 v, 261, 264; May County, N. J., iii, 572 Morris K. Jesup, iii, 357; Nicholas West Indies, iii, 114; Parry, iii, 327 Rawson, iii, 347; Robertson, iii, 333 Sabine, iii, 337, 346, 357, 640; Samana West Indies, iii, 114; Sheridan, Hi, 347; Tiberon, Hispaniola, ii, 171, 175 Tiberon, ii, 322; Union, iii, 346; 357 Verde Islands, i, 276; iv, 629; Vincent, N. Y., ii, 607, 608; v, 226; York, iii, 316, 357, 638. Capen House, Topsfield, Mass., reproduction of photograph, v, 9. Capet, House of, iv, 360. Capitana, ship of Columbus, iii, 62, 63. Capitol, change of National, i, 14; Washing ton, D. C, burning of, i, 78; bronze doors on, ii, 545; portrait of Charles Bulfinch, architect of, iii, 98; Trum bull's paintings in rotunda of, iii, 197. Capitol Hill, Washington, D. C, i, 78. Capra, William, iv, 356, 360. Captain Gibbs' Guard in the Revolution, transcript of order for organization, i, 126. Capriolo, engraving of Columbus by, ii, 116. Caractacus, i, 335. Carbrooke, England, v, 190; Manor, Norfolk, England, v, 198. Carcassonne, France, v, 174. Cardenas, Cuba, ii, 409. Carder, John, ii, 508, 512, 513. Mary (Holden), ii, 508, 512, 513. Cardiff, Wales, v, 299. Cardigan, Wales, v, 307, 311. Carducci, death, ii, 36. Carelesse, Edward (Capt.), i, 644. Careri, John Francis Gemelli (Dr.), note on manuscript descriptive of journey around world in 1697 by, ii, 579; synop- THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY (Careri, Dr. John Francis Gemelli) sis of life, ii, 585, 586; transcripts from manuscripts, ii, 580-585. Carew, Edmund (Sir), v, 596. Family, v, 309. Katherine, v, 596. Martha (Gooch), iii, 100. Walter, v, 309. William, iii, 100. Carey, Henry, composer of music of National hymn, ii, 200. Mathew, i, 240. Misses, i, 27. Carhart, Serg't., i, 454. Caribbean Sea, ii, 643; islands of, iv, 154; protection under Monroe Doctrine of, ii, 166; Spanish rule on, ii, 403, 404; struggle for control of America on, ii, 166, 315-329. Caribbee Islands, iii, 64; natives, iii, 66-71, 76-80. Cariboo River, British Columbia, search for gold, ii, 638, 640-642. Carleil, Christopher (Lieut.-Gen.), i, 644, 647, 651. Carleton, Gov., iv, 127, 128, 129. Guy (Gen., Sir), i, 563, 564; iii, 308; v, 554. Carlingford, Earls of, v, 414. Carlisle, Pa., i, 373; iii, 448, 449, 451; iv, 244, 245; v, 84, 85, 87-91, 93, 94, 96, 473; Hamilton Library at, ii, 663; v, 96; In dian Industrial School at, i, 469, 478, 479; v, 87; photograph of Revolution ary barracks, v, 81; photograph of grave of "Molly Pitcher," v, 94, 96; photographs of house of Molly Pitcher, v, 81, 82; reproduction of photograph of "Molly Pitcher's Well," v, 96; photo graph of Revolutionary monument, v, 96; photograph of Revolutionary relic preserved at, v, 96; researches regard ing "Molly Pitcher" from records at, v, 83-95; visit of George Washington dur ing Whiskey Insurrection, v, 92. Carlisle Castle, Scotland, iv, 244. Carlos, King of Portugal, ii, 11. Carlos IH, King of Spain, ii, 39. Carlyle, Thomas, iii, 384; v, 183. Carmel Mission, Monterey, Cal., i, 626. Carmichael, Dr., i, 344. Carminow, Elizabeth (De la Pomeroy), iv, 366. Oliver, iv, 366. Carnall, Henry, i, 525. Carnarvonshire, North Wales, v, 307. Carnegie, Andrew, ii, 667; benefactions of, ii, 15, 25; Cross of Legion of Honor con ferred on, ii, 25; efforts to further cause of international peace made by, ii, 6; founding of Palace of Peace at the Hague by, iii, 39; plea for inter national peace by, iii, 473; photograph [52 of Peace Conference showing, iii, 636; transcripts of speeches on universal peace, ii, 536; iii, 474-476, 478; founda tion, ii, 539; Hall, New York City, holding of the peace conference at, ii, 25; Institute, Pittsburgh, Pa., opening of the, ii, 25; Institution, Washing ton, D. C, ii, 25; Library, Atlanta, Ga., ii, 630; Peace Conference, holding at New York of the, ii, 25; reproduction of photograph of the, iii, 636. Carner, , i, 363. Carnfield Hall, England, ii, 89. Carolinas, the, iv, 431, 528; v, 432; Atkins family, Hi, 99; battle of Alliance in, ii, 364; battle of the Revolution in, ii, 277, 279, 280; Creek Indians in, ii, 156; English traders in, ii, 156; memorials to natives, ii, 704; Northwest Terri tory claimed by, iv, 445; paper money introduced into, i, 693; plantation life, i, 51; Revolutionary organization of Regulators in the, ii, 364; rice cul ture, v, 476; Scotch traders, ii, 156; Scotch-Irish in, iii, 81; settlement of the, i, 584; tories in, i, 58. Carpenter, , iii, 450; iv, 424. Abbie F., i, 61. Capt.-Lieut., ii, 187. Gardner, iii, 55. Matthew H., i, 28. William, iii, 193; facsimile of autograph, ii, 447. Carpenter's Hall, Philadelphia, Pa., conven tion of Continental Congress, iv, 384, 526, 604. Carquines Strait, Cal., iii, 178, 179. Carr, , membership on Committee of Correspondence, ii, 364. Caleb (Gov.), ii, 507, 509, 511, 513. Sarah (Clarke), ii, 507, 509, 513. Carrillo, , ii, 436. Major-General, ii, 436. Carrington, , "Washington, the Sol dier," by, iii, 214. Lemuel, ii, 342, 345. Lois, ii, 345. Riviras, ii, 342. Carroll, , iv, 528. Family, engraving of mansion, ii, 587. Charles, ii, 226. Edith Kermit, ii, 226. Gertrude Elizabeth (Tyler), ii, 226. Carson, Christopher, i, 623; photograph of memorial, iv, 454. Carson County, N. C, ii, 134. Carta Marina, discovery of ancient, ii, 118. Cartagena, Colombia, South America, i, 642; ii, 267; founding, i, 646; French con quest of, ii, 166-176; English expedi tion against, i, 647-651; ii, 315-329, 331-338; v, 73; harbor of, ii, 172, 173; ] INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES old maps, ii, 168, 169, 320, 321, 324, 325; photograph, ii, 323; photograph of historic wall at, ii, 327; photograph of Spanish sentry box at, ii, 319. Carter, , iv, 600. (Chamberlain), iv, 602. Alexander, iv, 600-601. Benjamin Winston, iv, 601, 602. Bettie, i, 372. C. R. (Gov.), i, 18. Charles, iii, 83. Charles David, iv, 601, 602. D. M., engraving from painting by, v, 42. Dale, iii, 83. David, iv, 600, 601, 602. Diana, iv, 601. Elizabeth, iii, 290; iv, 597, 598, 599. Estella, iv, 602. Family, ii, 677; iv, 595-602; v, 309. George, v, 469. Gertrude (Wilson), iv, 602. Howard Williston, iv, 596. Itly, iv, 602. J. Madison, iv, 601. Jane, iv, 600, 601. Jemima, iv, 597, 599. John, iv, 545. John B., iv, 602. John Elliott, iv, 601, 602. Jonathan, iv, 601. Judith, iii, 294. Julia, iv, 602. Lelia (Skipwith), v, 469. Lieut., iii, 381. Lorenzo (Maj.), iii, 387. Mary L. (Webb), iv, 602. Mollie E. (Heald), iv, 602. Mrs., iii, 84; iv, 597. Nancy (Coodey), iv, 601. Nancy (Elliott), iv, 601. Nanie, iv, 601, 602. Nathan, iv, 597. Nathaniel, iv, 596, 597, 598, 599, 600. Osceola, iv, 601, 602. Pocahontas, iv, 601, 602. Richard (Capt.), iv, 601. Robert, Hi, 290, 294; iv, 600. Sarah, iv, 597, 598, 599, 601. Serena J. (Guy), iv, 601. Susan C. (Lowry), iv, 602. Tecumseh, iv, 601, 602. Theodore (President), iv, 595, 600. Thomas, iii, 85. Thomas Jefferson, iv, 600, 601, 602. Carter County, Tenn., iv, 544. Carter's Creek, Gloucester County, Virginia, ii, 676; iii, 292; old manor house at, iii, 285; transcripts of inscriptions on tombs at, iii, 289, 290, 291. Carter's Hotel, Cleveland, Ohio, iii, 387. Carteret, George (Sir), conveyance of Pro prietory of New Jersey to, v, 73. [ 53 Carthage, N. Y., ii, 607. Carthagena, Spain, i, 311; old map represent ing Sir Francis Drake's attack on, i, 648, 649. Carthusian Monastery, i, 304. Cartoons, American, ii, 218-222. Cartwright, , iii, 275, 276, 278, 582. Carver, , ii, 394; Hi, 427. Capt., iii, 423. Family, ii, 92. Gov., iii, 500; iv, 623. John, iv, 481. Jonathan, v, 499, 500. Carver, formerly a part of Plymouth, Mass., poem read at celebration of Old Home Week, at, ii, 562-666, 569-577. Cary, Col., ii, 188, 350, 352, 353, 355, 514, 516, 518, 519, 520, 648, 650, 652; iii, 54, 55, 56, 57, 278. Cary Deliverance (Grant), v, 309. Dudley (Lieut.), iii, 286. Eleanor (Hawkins), v, 309. Elizabeth (Proctor), v, 309. Family, v, 309; coat-of-arms, v, 308. Henry Francis, v, 309. James, v, 309. John, v, 309. Jonathan (Capt.), v, 309. Josiah (Ensign), v, 309. Judge, iv, 575. Mary (Boleyn), v, 309. Miles, v, 309. Obed (Quartermaster), v, 309. Richard (Jr.), iii, 58. Samuel (Lieut.), iii, 286; v, 309. Thomas (Sir), v, 309. William (Sir), v, 309. Wilson Myles (Col.), v, 309. Casagrande, ii, 699. Casablanca, invasion by Moroccan tribesmen, ii, 30. Cascade Mountains, i, 228; ii, 636. Casco Bay, Mass., i, 61. Case, Alexander E., ii, 249; early map of Kansas by, ii, 253. Bert Francis (Rev.), i, 284. Casey, , iv, 204. Peter, ii, 209. Casimer-Perier, President, death, ii, 36. Caspian Sea, iv, 187. Cass, Col., iii, 390. General, iii, 458. Lew (Secretary of War), ii, 47. Cassel, , v, 392. Burd (Congressman), ii, 20. Castelar, , ii, 409. Castile, iii, 60; King of, v, 584. Castillo, , iv, 436. Antonio Canovas del, ii, 411. Castillo de San Joaquin, Cal., iii, 176; en graving of first fort, San Fransico, ] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY (Castillo de San Joaquin, Cal.) Cal., the, iii, 175; engraving of Golden Gate showing, iii, 177. Castle Dome, ii, 256; Howell, Wales, v, 307; Karry, Somersetshire, England, v, 309. Castro, Manuel de Jesus, iii, 174. Cat Island, Bahamas, supposed landing of Columbus, ii, 120, 122. Catalonia, Spain, iii, 179. Catawissa, Pa., iii, 448; v, 119. Catel, , iv, 308. Catengar, Somersetshire, England, v, 595. Cathart, Lord (Maj.-Gen.), ii, 319. Cathay, i, 633. Cathcart, , v, 608. General, v, 608. Catherine of Arragon, v, 242, 243. Catherine II., iii, 452. Catherwood, Mary Hartwell, ii, 215. Catholic Kings, early Spanish work entitled Chronicle of, iii, 61. Catholics, coming to Maryland of, ii, 362. Missionary work and colonization in Coli- fornia, ii, 39-42, 521-526, 696-701; iii, 103-112, 170-179, 395-403; missionary work and colonization in Canada, ii, 43-47, 380, 381, 388, 389. Catlin, , i, 437; iv, 184. Luty, ii, 520. Cato, iv, 523, 524. Catron , ii, 673. Catskill, N. Y., i, 306; iv, 261. Catskill Mountains, i, 419. Cattaraugus Co., N. Y., iv, 116, 118, 119, 120. Cattle, discovery of prevention of Texas fe ver in, i, 440; introduction into New York and Pennsylvania of improved breeds, ii, 61. Caughnawaga, N. Y., iii, 213. Cauhanga Pass, Cal., v, 384. Cauldwell, Alexander of, iii, 453. Andrew of, iii, 453. Ann, iii, 453. Daniel of, iii, 453. David of, iii, 453. Estate of, iii, 453. John of, iii, 453. Joseph of, iii, 453. Cavaliers, Southern, i, 565, 566, 567; in Ma ryland, will of, iv, 617-620; in Vir ginia, ii, 219, 675. Cave & Son, firm of, i, 400. Cavite, Philippine Islands, ii, 580; iii, 16. Cayuga, N. Y., iv, 112. Cayuga Indians, iii, 433, 434. Cayuse Indians, i, 227. Cayuse War in Northwest, v, 516. Cazenovia, N. Y., i, 353; v, 225. Cebreco, Gen., ii, 437. Cecill, William (Capt.), i, 644. Cedar Creek, battle of, iii, 459. Cedar Grove, Va., plantation of, iv, 100. [54 Cedar Springs, S. C, i, 374, 375. Cedar Street, Philadelphia, Pa., iii, 564. Celverdale, Warwickshire, England, i, 521. Conly, John, iii, 56. Census of Crime in United States, iv, 189; of United States, iv, 14; first, ii, 596; tenth, ii, 499. Centennial Exposition at Philadelphia, i, 632. Center County, Pa., iv, 115. Central America, v, 370; effect of Clayton- Bulwer Treaty in, iv, 207; plan to se cure peace in, ii, 25; plan for deporta tion of freed negroes to, iv, 199, 203, 204, 206, 207, 208, 211; volcano of, iii, 64. Central American Republics, attempt to form confederation, ii, 5. Central Park, New York City, ii, 688. Century Mazazine, i, 472. Ceperos, Jose Maria Lopez, iv, 571, 574. Ceriton, Manor of, iv, 363. Cerlail, Christopher (Lieut.-Gen.), i, 643. Cerracchi, Guiseppe, i, 164. Cervera, Admiral, i, 16; ii, 411. Cesar, i, 94, 95. Ceylon, earfly journey to, ii, 585; emigra tion to gold fields of northwestern America from, ii, 635. Chabazite, discovery of form of the mineral, i, 679. Chadwick, Capt., iii, 116. French Enzer (Capt.), ii, 212. Chalkley, Rebecca, v, 463. Thomas, v, 463. Challons, Catherine, iv, 366. Robert (Sir), iv, 366. Leigh, Devonshire, England, iv, 366. Chalmer's "Historical Annals," iii, 561, 562. Chalons, France, v, 399. Chamber of Commerce, New York City, v, 638. Chamberlain, , i, 376; iv, 602. D. H. (Gov.), death of, ii, 36. George E. (Hon.), i, 17. Mellen (Hon.), iv, 337. Chamberlain Observatory, University of Den ver, article by Director of, iv, 15. Chamberlain's "Present State of Great Britain," i, 184. Chamberlin, Phineas, iii, 120. Chambers, Capt., ii, 333. James (Col.), ii, 695. Judge, iv, 35. Robert, iii, 604. Chambers' Dictionary, i, 184; expedition through Southwest, iii, 465. Chamier, Daniel (Com'y-Gen.), iv, 44. Champernown, Alexander (Sir), v, 596 Arthur (Sir), v, 595. John (Sir), v, 596. Katherine (Carew), v, 596. INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES Mary (Norreys), v, 596. Champion, Henry (Mrs.), i, 9. Mrs., article on the American Flag by, ii, 125. Champlain, Samuel de, i, 169; ii, 394; iv, 570; alleged portraits of, ii, 119, 120; 300th anniversary of founding of Que bec by, ii, 297, 359; character of, ii, 380-382; death of, ii, 380; discovery of Lake Champlain by, ii, 43; explora tions of, ii, 376, 378; founding of Que bec by, ii, 43, 376; statue of, iii, 531. Champlain Canal, iv, 412. Champlin, John Denison, v, 347. Champoeg, Ore., conventions regarding organ ization of government, v, 527, 528, 533, 534; photograph of monument in hon or of acquisition of Oregon, v, 542; un veiling of monument, v, 534. Champs de Mars, Paris, France, ii, 598. Chancellorsville, battle of, ii, 212; v, 410; Civil war photograph after battle of, iii, 373; painting of generals before battle of, v, 411. Chanca, Diego Alvarez (Dr.), transcript of account of New World written on ship of Columbus by, iii, 59-80. Chancery Lane, London, England, iv, 284. Chandler, , iii, 124. Charles Church, v, 456. Charles De F. (Capt.), ii, 12. Col., iv, 264. Due, ii, 150. Elizabeth W., v, 76. Lew, ii, 150. Lieut.-Col., ii, 184, 353; iii, 56. Mrs. iii, 124. Chandos, Lord, i, 522-534. Channel Indians, ii, 525. Channel Islands, ii, 524. Channing, , the historian, ii, 123. • (Rev.), iv, 41. (Ellery), iv, 41. Ann (Bowns), iv, 40. Elizabeth, iv, 40. Family, iv, 40, 41, 152. John, iv, 41. William (Att'y-Gen.), iv, 41. William (Rev.), iv, 41. Chantilly, battle of, i, 277 ; Va., plantation of, iv, 100. Chantry, , iv, 452. Chapin, Bethia, v, 420. Delia, v, 427. Joseph (Capt.), v, 416. Chapleau, Ontario, railroad wreck, ii, 34. Chapline, Elizabeth (Fox), iii, 458. Elizabeth Miller (Fox), ii, 112. Family, ii, 112. Isaac (Ensign), arrival in America, ii, 112. Jane R., ii, 643. Mary (Caldwell), iii, 458. [55] Moses Caton (Col.), ii, 112; iii, 458. Moses W. (Gen.), ii, 112; iii, 458. Chapman, , i, 219, 223, 406; v, 370. Albert (Maj.), iv, 492. Col., ii, 520. Family, iii, 286. Harriet (Mrs.), photograph of Lincoln from print owned by, v, 204. James (Capt.), ii, 353. Judge, i, 548. Major, iii, 54. Reuben (Gov.), ii, 210. Richard (Lieut.), v, 548. Chappawamsic, Va., iv, 99. Chappel, Alonzo, old engravings from paint ings by, iv, 221, 222, 224, 225, 228-231 ; v, 38, 39, 41, 44, 46, 48. Chapultepec, storming in Mexican War, iv, 558. Charboneau, , i, 483. Baptiste, i, 479, 481, 483. Touissant, i, 467, 468, 470, 471, 474, 475, 479. Chard, England, v, 140. Charing Cross, London, England, i, 243. Charlcote, England, i, 522. Charlemagne, iv, 187, 188, 352; v, 139. Charles I, i, 24; ii, 92, 675; iii, 284, 494, 498, 558; iv, 98, 224, 250, 371, 373, 428, 448, 604; v, 187, 232, 242, 299, 367, 467, 595, 634; American kin of Falconer of, iv, 623-631; Chaplain of, ii, 513; portrait of Falconer to, ii, 503; Tobacco Proc lamation of, ii, 113; II, i, 11, 24; iii, 79, 412; iv, 98, 427, 433, 604; v, 117, 130, 242, 367, 586; fac-simile of petition of Colony of Massachusetts to, ii, 122; grant of New Netherlands, iii, 561; grants in Virginia, iii, 413, 414; grants to William Penn, iii, 562; iv, 110; por trait in old Town House, Boston, Mass., of, iv, 263; restoration of, iii, 453; HI, i, 24; IV, i, 24; V, iii, 95, 453; Em peror, iv, 188; v, 404, 405; visit to Eng land of, v, 584; VI, v, 395, 399, 400; VII, v, 401; IX, i, 24. Charles the Bald, v, 183. Charles the Bold, v, 401, 402. Charles the Foolish, iv, 352. Charles the Great, v, 179. Charles the Simple, v, 179, 184. Charles Edward, Prince, attempt to secure English throne, ii, 262. Charles, Ensign, Revolutionary record of, iii, 378, 381. Charles County, Md., iv, 99. Charles City County, Va., iii, 416; v, 613. Charles River, i, 124; iv, 483. Charles Street, Fredericksburg, Va., i, 662. Charleston, 111., v, 193, 204; S. C, i, 51, 58, 318, 367, 457, 460, 463, 699, 700, 727, 729, 731, 737; ii, 225, 653; iii, THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY (Charleston, S. C.) 454; iv, 30, 32, 37, 279, 575; v, 439, 452, 453, 626; announcement of publication descriptive of Post Road to Georgia via, v, 314; attempt to fit out priva teers by French minister at, ii, 592; pages from colonial calendar showing post road stations from New York to, v, 447-450; title page of rare volume printed at, ii, 123; first anniversary of American Independence celebrated at, i, 13; harbor, i, 318; portrait of general of Revolutionary battle of, iv, 56; Revolutionary siege and capture of, i, 58, 374, 375, 699; iii, 438; v, 100; "News and Courier," i, 381. Charlestown, Mass., i, 81, 303, 455, 508; iii, 49, 446; iv, 565; v, 138, 143, 144, 161, 309, 350, 363; Revolutionary War in, ii, 517; iv, 67, 68, 71. Charlevoix, description of western rivers by, v, 279. Charlotte, Princess, romantic story, ii, 158, 159. Charlotte, Queen, ii, 181. Charlotte, S. G, Gen. Gates' Revolutionary retreat to, iii, 208. Charlotte Co., Va., i, 76; iii, 454. Charlottesville, Va., iv, 100; historic prints of University of Va., iv, 417-420. Charlwood, Capt., ii, 623. Charter Oak, Hartford, Conn., i, 558; v, 734. Chartran, Theobold, death, ii, 36. Chase, , ii, 472; iv, 218. Salmon P., i, 27; photograph of, v, 210. Chase County, Kan., ii, 253. Chase's "Statutes of Ohio," iii, 221. Chateau Ganne, Normandy, iv, 352. Chateau de la Pommeraio, iv, 352. Chatfield, Francis, ii, 176. Chatham, , iv, 522; Lord, ii, 434, 613; iii, 410; iv, 555. Chatham, British prison ship, v, 122; Conn., i, 284, 288; Street, New York City, old print of site of present, iii, 573. Chattanooga, Tenn., ii, 131; iv, 600; battle of, iv, 297. Chattahoochie River, Civil War photograph on, iii, 368. Chaumont Bay, Jefferson^ Co., N. Y., i, 747. Chauncey, Charles, v, 156*. Commodore, i, 758. President, v, 130. Chautauqua Historical Society, iii, 429. Chauvenet, William Mare, ii, 633. Chaves, Francis Xavier, ii, 206. Francisco (Capt.), ii, 671. Checy, Loiret, France, ii, 611, 614. Cheekley, (Rev.), iii, 124. Anthony (Capt.), iii, 96. Lydia (Scottow), iii, 96. Cheesman, Edward (Capt.), iii, 426. Mrs., iii, 426. Cheever, , iii, 126. John, v, 218. Chelmsford, England, v, 243; old engraving of, v, 241; Mass., early canal at, iv, 412. Chelsea, Ind. Ter., iv, 601. Chettenham, England, i, 753. Cheltenham, England, i, 759. Chematups Hill, Colchester, Conn., iv, 377. Chemistry, iv, 15. Chemistry Society, Royal, iv, 297. Chemung, branch of Susquehanna River, iv, 120. Chemung Canal, iv, 117, 118. Chemung County, N. Y., iv, 121, 122. Chemung River, iv, 117, 118, 119, 120. Chenango County, N. Y., i, 305, 306; iii, 452; iv, 120, 122. Chenango River, iv, 119. Cheney, Elizabeth, v, 415, 416. Family, v, 415, 416; arms of, v, 416. Hannah (Thurston), v, 415. J. W., iii, 251. John Vance, i, 290, 291. Joseph, v, 415. Josiah, v, 415. Margaret ( ), v, 416. William, v, 415, 416. "Cherokee Katy," i, 350; Indians, i, 49, 51, 53; iv, 20; attack on Fort Watauga by, iv, 545; attack on early North Carolina settlements by, v, 100; colonial school for, iv, 299-302; commission to treat with, v, 102; land treaties in Tenn. and Ky. with, iv, 543, 544, 546-550; pur chase of Kentucky from, ii, 282; Reser vation, iv, 301, 302; Male Seminary, iv, 601. Cherokee Nation, treaty of U. S. with, iv, 602; records of New England descent of families of, iv, 299-302, 595-602. Cherokee Reg'ts in Civil War, iii, 90; iv, 601, 602. Cherry St., New York City, iv, 30. Cherry Valley, N. Y., diary of American sol dier written on battlefield of, ii, 377- 384; Revolutionary massacre, iii, 202, 203, 216, 432, 433. Chesapeake Bay, i, 448; ii, 675; iii, 419, 615, 616; iv, 75, 114, 117, 118, 216, 217; v, 173; blockade in War of 1812, i, 318; British warships in 1814 in, iii, 165; early settlements at, iii, 558, 559, 560; iv, 304; Hudson's exploration of, i, 203; photograph of memorial tablet at Lighthouse in, iv, 535; Revolutionary army at head of, i, 723. Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, iv, 407. Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad, iii, 619. Chesebrough, Henry, company of militia raised in War of 1812 by, ii, 223. Cheshire, Conn., i, 183. [56] INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES Chesoke, Va., iii, 287. Chester, Charles, v, 548. Colonel, ii, 185, 356; 520, 648. Commandant, ii, 520. Daniel, v, 548. Eldredge (Sergt.), v, 548. Frederic, v, 548. Hugh Lupus, Earl of, i, 521. Jedediah, v, 548. Chester, England, iv, 364; v, 194, 247; Penn sylvania, ii, 695; iii, 539; v, 431. Chester County, Pa., i, 236, 373; iv, 114, 146, 148; v, 192, 307. Chesterfield, Lord, i, 349; v, 565. Chesterton, Gilbert, v, 475. Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa., first bank in United States on, ii, 629. Chew, Samuel (Mrs.), iv, 61. Chew House, Germantown, Pa., old painting of battle at, iv, 61. Cheyenne Indians, ii, 250; iii, 470. Cheyn, , i, 185. Chian Indians, iii, 544. Chicago, 111., ii, 155, 205; iii, 603, 360; iv, 178, 297, 587, 609, 631; v, 199, 200; Co lumbian Exposition, iv, 428; conven tion of patriotic organizations, ii, 361; decision against Standard Oil Com pany by United States District Court, ii, 16; election of 1907, ii, 23; first white child born in, iv, 631; foreign population of, ii, 214; foundation, iv, 387; Historical Society, ii, 155; Hyde Park High School, iv, 298; John D. Rockefeller's bequest to University of, ii, 15; journey on foot from Port land, Me., to, ii, 15; the Lin coln-Douglas debate at, iv, 631; the National convention in 1907, iv, 631; National convention in 1907 at, ii, 23; Newberry Library at, iv, 298; railroad strike at, ii, 33; photo graphs of Abraham Lincoln destroyed during fire at, v, 202; photograph of Abraham Lincoln taken before Re publican convention, v, 202; statue of Abraham Lincoln, ii, 246; work of a sculptor of, iii, 526; transportation of iron ore to, iii, 42. Chicheley, Henry, iii, 417. Henry (Sir), iii, 414. Chichester Family, iv, 100. Chickahominy River, Civil war photograph of, showing passing of Federal army over, iii, 256. Chickamuxon Creek, Md., iv, 99. Chickasaw Nation, iv, 600, 601; v, 104. Chihauhua, Mexico, ii, 619, 669; iii, 465; iv, 519, 520; Mexican prison at, ii, 206. Chilcotin River, ii, 638. Child, Deacon, i, 251. Ephraim, arms ascribed to, v, 386. [57 Family, arms of the, v, 386. Robert (Dr.), i, 242. Child labor, i, 189. Children, historical research on work for, v, 477-479; laws for protection of, i, 189. Chile, Republic of, ii, 418, 420; President of, ii, 714; photograph of President of, ii, 549. Chile, appropriation for rebuilding Valparai so, ii, 33; authorization for construc tion of railroad from Straits of Ma gellan by congress of, ii, 33. Chillicothe, Ohio, i, 149; ii, 691, 694; iii, 225, 387, 388, 389, 391, 614, 615. Chilton, Major, ii, 137; iii, 543. Mary, iv, 624. Chimney Peak, ii, 256. Chimney Rock, Neb., i, 627; ii, 139, 144, 687, 688. China, iii, 39, 482; iv, 125, 279, 330, 489; v, 500; abdication of Dowager Empress of, ii, 6; agreement between France and Japan to maintain neutrality of, ii, 5; American missionaries in, iv, 4; American trade with, i, 655, 745, 758; coal mines of, iii, 42; concessions to foreign powers in, ii, 536; Constitu tional Monarchy, ii, 6, 30; death of U. S. Minister to, ii, 36; diplomatic relation between U. S. and, ii, 25; Dowager Empress of, ii, 30; early journey to, ii, 585; education in, ii, 33; iv, 14; expeditions to, i, 151; gov ernment control of mail service in, ii, 33; opium trade, ii, 12; railroads, ii, 33; reforms, ii, 30, 33; photograph of historic, iv, 608; visit of Sec. Taft to, iv, 10. Chinese, iv, 190; Assembly Rooms, New York City, ii, 596; furniture, i, 494; immigration to United States, ii, 553; -Japanese war, i, 151. Chinchon, Countess of, iii, 79. Chinook Point, Ore., v, 500. Chippendale, Thomas, i, 511. Chippenfield, Edmund, iii, 604. Chippens Hill, Conn., ii, 342, 346. Chippewa, Canada, v, 224. Chiriqui, iv, 204, 207, 208. Chiswell, Elizabeth (Randolph), iii, 288. John, iii, 288; Mary, iii, 288. Chittenden, Hiram Martin (Capt.), v, 279. Thomas (Gov.), iv, 588. Chiwaumuck Island, Susquehanna River, v, 117. Choate, Francis, ii, 300. Isaac, ii, 301. Isaac Bassett (Litt. D.), lines to "The Puritan Father" by, iv, 47. Joseph H., iv, 10; efforts to obtain Inter national Arbitration Court and prohi- ] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY (Choate, Joseph H.) bition of collection of contractual debts by force, ii, 6. Rufus, address before convention on Cu ban affairs, ii, 434. Washington (Mrs.), i, 717. Choctaw Indians, iv, 601. Choise, Gen., iii, 285. Cholera among Western pioneers, ii, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 138, 139, 141, 684, 685; in the Southwest iii, 543. Chouteau, Auguste, iii, 509. Auguste P., expedition through Southwest of, iii, 465. Christ Church, Greenwich, Conn., i, 324; Philadelphia, Pa., iv, 31, 526; v, 71, 475. Christ's College, Cambridge, England, v, 424. Christian VII., Danish National hymn in honor of, ii, 200. Christian Citizen, the, i, 155. Christian Commission, ii, 596. Christian Church, organization of sect of, ii, 211. Christian Martyr in America, first, iii, 462. Christian Science, suit against founder of, ii, 25. Christiana Creek, Del., iii, 560. Christianburg, Ky., i, 663. Christiania, Norway, v, 179; excerpt from speech of Theodore Roosevelt, iv, 315; University of, iv, 172. Christie, , v, 217. Chudleigh, James (Sir), iv, 366. Johanna (De la Pomeray), iv, 366. Chudoba, Frank F., v, 4. Church, , i, 342; v, 566. Angelica, ii, 58, 60. Anna Matilda (Stewart), ii, 51; anecdote of, ii, 57. Betsy, i, 340, 352. Family, ii, 48, 53; heirloom of the, ii, 51- 53, 55, 58, 63; homes of the, 11, 52, 53, 63. John Barker, American homes, ii, 53, 63; administration of estate of Alexander Hamilton, ii, 57; appointment as Com missary-General in Revolutionary army, ii, 52; arrival in America, ii, 48, 50; attitude of George III. toward, ii, 52, 53; commissary accounts of Revolution adjusted by, ii, 52; duel with Aaron Burr, ii, 53; English home, ii, 52, 53; financial aid given to French patriots by, ii, 48, 52; financial enter prises, ii, 54; financial losses, ii, 59; friendship with European celebrities, ii, 52; friendship with Washington, ii, 50, 52; grave, ii, 62; loan to Robert Morris, ii, 54; marriage, ii, 50; mem bership in Society of the Cincinnati, ii, 62; purchase of pistols used in Ham ilton-Burr duel, ii, 55, 56; reproduc- CSS] tion of miniature, ii, 52; transcript of letter from Washington to, ii, 54; trusteeship of Robert Morris for, ii, 63. John B. (Jr.), portrait of, ii, 58. John B. (3d), portrait of, ii, 59. Maj., iv, 345. Mrs., ii, 54. Philip (Mrs.), ii, 60, 62; friendship of In dians for, ii, 59, 60, 61. Philip Schuyler (Capt., Judge), advocacy of construction of Geneseo Valley Canal, ii, 61; appointment to cap taincy by Washington, ii, 54; appoint ment as Judge, ii, 59; birth, ii, 54; death, ii, 62; duel, ii, 56; education, ii, 52, 53; exploration of wilderness of N. Y., ii, 55, 56; improvement of civic and rural conditions in N. Y., ii, 61; marriage, ii, 51, 57; presentation of flag at inauguration of N. Y. and Erie R. R., ii, 62; reproduction of portrait, ii, 53; residence, ii, 57; transcript from letter of Lafayette to, ii, 62; visit to England, ii, 59. Philip Schuyler (Jr.), reproduction of por trait, ii, 61. Richard (Maj.), ii, 48, 51, 56. Church, oldest American, ii, 206. Church of England, attempt to disestablish, ii, 26. Church of Notre Dame de la Recouvrance at Quebec, Canada, ii, 381. Church of St. Peter, Rome, Italy, ii, 389. Church Flag, i, 16. Church Rolls in Essex County, England, iv, 284. Church organ, first American, i, 173. Church Hill, Gloucester Co., Va., iii, 285; Stretton, Shropshire, Eng., i, 335. Churches, photographs of early American, iv, 496, 498-500. Churchill, William, iii, 84. Winston, i, 439. "Churchill," reproduction of photograph of Virginian manor house, iii, 282; River, v, 76. Churchill's Folio Collection of Voyages, ii, 580, 586. Cibao, Santo Domingo, discovery of sold, iii, 77, 79, 80. Cibola, search by early Spaniards in America for seven cities of, ii, 670. Cicero, i, 153; iv, 522. Cienga de San Sebastian, iii, 108. Cilley, Col., iv, 491. Cimarron Route from Missouri to Santa Fe, iii, 466. Cincinnati, 0., i, 337, 341, 343; ii, 131, 226, 309, 686, 692; iii, 225, 511, 542; iv, 427; v, 286, 423, 424; assembly of first legislature of Northwest Territory, iii, 224. y' ' INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES Cincinnati, Society of the, i, 704; ii, 62, 97, 510, 664; iv, 394, 395, 425; v, 125; founding of, ii, 366; membership at close of 19th Century of Society of the, ii, 366. Cincinnatus, i, 702; ii, 472; naming of pa triotic society in honor of, ii, 366. Cinglais, Normandy, iv, 352. Circumnavigation of globe, first American ship to make, v, 500. Cisneros, President, American citizenship, ii, 436. City Charters, drafting of, iv, 18. City Hall, New York City, old print, iii, 580. City Point, Va., Civil War photograph, iii, 366. City Tavern, Philadelphia, Pa., v, 454. Civil Engineering, work on, iv, 408. Civil Service, ii, 23. Civil War, i, 44, 151, 218, 227, 228, 436; ii, 59, 193, 212, 207, 210, 214, 215, 510, 554, 596; iii, 44, 239, 297, 652; iv, 14, 20, 95, 96, 197, 199, 200, 201, 213, 290, 297, 322, 331, 332, 337, 407, 416, 486, 521, 558, 601, 602, 631; v, 17, 98, 201; account of visit to California at close of, v, 369-385; 50th anniversary of, iv, 465, 467; v, 5, 6; artist of period of, v, 409, 410; as sistance given by Bank of North Amer ica to government during, ii, 629; bat tle of Pea Ridge, iii, 90; boundary be tween North and South during, iii, 555-568; causes, iii, 627-635; Cherokee Indians under Confederacy, iii, 90; iv, 601, 602; code of warfare, iv, 7; Con federate currency, ii, 626; pensioning of veterans, ii, 23; photographic history, iii, 37, 38, 251, 359, 360; v, 201, 481; photographs of, iii, 18-36, 200, 250, 252- 264, 344, 361-376; photographs of Pres ident and Cabinet in the, v, 199, 200, 202-212, 214; possible prevention of, ii, 367, 371; Prescott family in the, iii, 47; engravings of, v, 44-48; painting of two Confederate generals, v, 411; pho tographs of men and battlefields of, iii, 18-36; photograph in Virginia dur ing, iii, 200; photographs during, iii, 344, 361-376; photograph of old manor house used as hospital in, iii, 289; pho tograph of memorials to soldiers, iii, 535; v, 167, 168; photograph of me morial to soldiers and sailors, iv, 101; semi-centennial, iv, 465, 467; v, 5, 6; in ventory of effects of Jefferson Davis made by Union soldiers in, v, 599, 600; private correspondence of ex-President Tyler just before, v, 611-632. Civilization, lines on course of, v, 312. Clack Family, iii, 292. James (Rev.), inscription on tomb, iii, 292. Mary ( ), iii, 292. [59 William, iii, 292. Claessen, Laurence, ii, 391. Clagne, , v, 410. Claiborn, , i, 427. William C. C. (Gov.), iv, 616. Claiborne, F. L. (Col.), v, 569. Gov., v, 567, 568. J. H. T., v, 570, 577. Martha (Dunbar), v, 577. William (Sec), iii, 558, 559, 560. Claiborne County, Tenn., iv, 550. Clap, Domini, iii, 266. Lieut.-Col., ii, 189. Mary (Whiting), note and transcript of MS. written by her husband regarding, ii, 473-478. Thomas, i, 179, 180, 183. Thomas (President), note on manuscript of, ii, 473; transcript of manuscript of, ii, 474-478. Clapp, Mary, iv, 377. President, v, 135. Thomas, iv, 377. Clarage, Francis, ii, 351. Clare, Earl of, v, 584. Clare, England, v, 424; house of, v, 598. Claremore, Ind. Ter., iv, 601. Clarence, Lionel, Duke of, v, 585. Clarendon, , iii, 191, 192. Lord, iv, 433. Clarendon County, S. C, iv, 295. Clarion County, Pa., iv, 113. Clark, • , i, 235, 437, 467, 468, 469, 470, 471, 472, 473, 476, 477, 479, 481, 482; ii, 421; iii, 352, 451 ; iv, 45. Abraham, i, 76; iii, 569. Benjamin, iv, 251. Capt., i, 15, 472, 474, 482, 483; iii, 380. Dan Elbert, iii, 505. Dr., i, 709; iii, 442, 444. Elisha, iii, 96. Family, iii, 96; iv, 135, 149; photograph of colonial home of, iv, 136. George (Gov.), iv, 38. George Rogers (Col.), i, 668; ii, 213; con quest of Northwest Territory by, iii, 219; photograph of relics of, iv, 104; portrait of, iv, 57. Gersham, i, 179, 180. Gov., iv, 44. Hannah (Stoddard), i, 552. Isaac, v, 65. Jane (Pepperrell), iv, 251. Jefferson, i, 477. Jefferson Kennerly, i, 481. Jemima, iii, 92. John, v, 548; killing by Indians of, ii, 301. John Howd, i, 230. John S. (Dr.), i, 684. M. H, iii, 241. Malcolm, i, 111, 113. Mary, iii, 604. ] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY Clark, Mrs., iv, 606. Norman (Capt.), Revolutionary service, iii, 212. Samuel, iii, 56. Sarah (Hall), iii, 96. Thomas, iii, 99; v, 68, 71; fac-simile of Plymouth Colony record showing name, ii, 445. W. A. (Senator), ii, 23. William, i, 474; v, 57, 66, 68. William (Capt.), iv, 220. William Bulloch (Prof.), iii, 568. Clarke, , i, 172, 722. Anne (Newbury), ii, 509. Audley, ii, 507, 513. C. Purdon (Sir), editorial on paintings of Metropolitan Museum loaned by, iv, 23. Col., v,' 100. Content (Greenman), ii, 508, 512, 513. Elizabeth, ii, 507. Family, iii, 186; iv, 143; American branch, ii, 507-513; coat of arms, ii, 506, 507; first ancestor in America, ii, 503, 505. Frances, ii, 513. Frances (Latham), genealogical study of descendants, ii, 501-513. Freeborn (Williams), ii, 508, 512, 513. Hannah (Scott), ii, 508, 512, 513. Hannah (Wilbur), ii, 509. Hannah (Wilcocks), ii, 513. Henry, ii, 507. Hope (Power), ii, 509. James, ii, 507, 508, 509, 513. James Freeman, graduation from Harvard, ii, 200. Jeremiah (Gov.), appointment as lieut. of militia, ii, 505; appointment as treas urer of R. I. colony, ii, 505; death, ii, 505; descendants, ii, 507-513; election as governor of R. I., ii, 505 ; emigration from England, ii, 503; marriage, ii, 506; table showing collateral and lineal de scendants, ii, 511. Jeremiah (Jr.), ii, 508, 509, 512. John, iii, 186; transcript from royal char ter of Rhode Island obtained by, iii, 194, 195, 196. John (Dr.), v, 363. John (Sir), ii, 507. Latham, ii, 508, 509, 513. Mary, ii, 507, 509, 513; iii, 186. Mary (Gardiner), ii, 512. Nancy, ii, 512. Peleg (Capt.), ii, 512. Richard, i, 172. Samuel, ii, 513. Sarah, ii, 507, 509, 513. Sarah (Prior), ii, 508, 512, 513. Sarah (Weedon), ii, 513. Walter (Gov.), descendants, ii, 510; fac simile of autograph and seal, ii, 502; [60 list of governors who were kin, ii, 511; pedigree chart on which appear name and fac-simile of autograph, ii, 512, 513; seal, ii, 506; settlement of estate, ii, 505; sketch of life, ii, 508. Weston, ii, 505, 507, 508, 509, 513. Clarkson, Charles (Maj.), iii, 614. David, iv, 35. John C, iv, 39. Claus, Daniel, ii, 391; transcript from letter to Sir William Johnson regarding In dian affairs from, ii, 395. Claverack, N. Y., i, 392, 398, 405, 406. Clay, Henry, i, 78, 156, 656, 668; ii, 36, 593, 691, 692, 693; iii, 16, 459; iv, 198, 522, 523, 631; v, 6; Presidential campaign of, iii, 614, 618, 619; proposed use in the War of 1812 of oratory of, ii, 283. Clay County, Mo., early lawyer of, iv, 515, 520. Clayborn, Maj., i, 427. Claypit, Daniel, i, 263. Claypoole, Mary, v, 461. Clayton, iv, 523, 575. Jasper (Capt.), iii, 286. John M. (Secretary), i, 636. Joseph Culbertson, ii, 191. William (Col.), iii, 416. Clayton-Bulwer Treaty, iv, 207. Clayton, N. Y., ii, 608; v, 225. Clayville, Pa., iii, 456. Clearfield, Pa., iv, 434; County, Pa., iv, 115, 119. Cleaveland, , iii, 126. Clemants Markham Inlet, iii, 347. Clemenseau, Premier, ii, 12, 29. Clemens, , iv, 204. Clement, Sergt., iii, 57. Clements Family, iii, 286. "Clermont," first American steamboat, i, 39, 44, 395; model of, i, 407; photograph of compass of, i, 407. Cleveland, Capt., ii, 332, 623. Colonel, i, 58; ii, 279. Duchess of, iv, 354, 371. Duke of, v, 354. Grover (President), v, 223; administration, i, 379; Cabinet officers, ii, 429; second administration of, ii, 210. Moses, laying out of the city of Cleveland, Ohio, by, iii, 386. Cleveland County, N. C, ii, 279; Ohio, i, 148; ii, 112, 115, 124, 127, 377, 379, 381, 382, 396, 399; iii, 91, 146, 390, 391; iv, 51, 105, 257, 283, 447; v, 280; Carter's Ho tel in, iii, 387; development of, ii, 205; 1907 election of mayor of, ii, 20; Eu clid Avenue in, iii, 392; "Financial Daily News," iv, 351; v, 147; first president of village of, iv, 296; found ing of, iii, 386; first settlers of, iii, 387; Huron St., iii, 387; "Leader," iii, ] INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES 392; "Marine Record," iv, 351; Na tional Emigration Convention of ne groes, iv, 199, 200; Ontario St., iii, 387; photographs of sculpture at the court house, iv, 16, 457; sculpture by Daniel Chester French for Federal Building, iii, 6, 7; Square in, iii, 387; Superior St., iii, 387; transportation of iron ore to, iii, 42; Wilson Avenue, iii, 391. Cleven, Joan, iii, 604. Clews, Henry (Mrs.), iv, 311. Cljf Slip, New York City, ii, 364. Clifden, Ireland, wireless station at, ii, 15. Clifford, house of, v, 598. Mary, v, 585. Clifton's State of Physick, i, 185. Clinch Mountain, iii, 451. dingers, , iii, 449. Clinton, De Witt (Gov.), ii, 604, 610; v, 305; planning of the Erie Canal by, iv, 87; engraving of, iv, 90. General, i, 505; ii, 520, 648, 651, 652; iii, 58, 307; iv, 344, 349. George (Gov.), i, 500-504; ii, 389, 390, 691, 692; iv, 590, 592; v, 107, 638. Henry (Gen., Sir), i, 451, 455, 505; iii, 308; iv, 162, 392, 625, 627; v, 550, 554. James (Brig.-Gen.), ii, 190, 350, 353; iii, 433; iv, 113. Clinton, N. J., ii, 292. Clinton County, Ohio, iii, 615, 616, 617, 619; County, Pa., iv, 119. Clinton Forge, Clinton, N. J., use in Revolu tion of, ii, 292. Clisson, Devonshire, England, Church of, iv, 362. Clistwick, Manor of, iv, 363. Cloberry & Company, iii, 558. Cloft, Capt., iii, 278. Clontarf, Ireland, v, 413. Close, , i, 446, 447. Lieut., i, 447, 451. Cluverius, Gibson (Capt.), iii, 286. Clymer, Daniel (Lieut.-Col.), iv, 148, 149. Coal, first utilization of anthracite, v, 115, 116, 118. Coal banks in Kentucky, i, 666. Coal fields at Blossburg, Pa., iv, 117, 118. Coal mines of Europe, iii, 42. Coast Ranges, Cal., v, 383. Coat Armor, use in America, iv, 372. Coates, Capt., ii, 332. Coats, Gen., i, 462, 464. Reynold (Dr.), organization of Sons of America by, ii, 595. Coats-of-Arms, lineages of American fami lies illustrated with, v, 293-311, 459- 476, 633-639. Cobb, Capt., ii, 527. David (Gen.), iii, 538. Howell, i, 30. [6i: Lieut.-Col., i, 711. William T. (Hon.), i, 31. Cobbett, William, ii, 592. Cobden, . iv, 153. Coburn, , iii, 381. Asa (Capt.), Revolutionary record, iii, 378. Captain, iii, 383. Family, ii, 209. Cochin, , iv, 426. Cochran, , iii, 448; v, 88. Cochrane, Robert, iv, 585, 586. Cockburn, Admiral, iii, 165; iv, 100. Martin, iv, 100. Cocke, Abraham, v, 98, 99. John (Maj.-Gen.), v, 98, 99. Mary (Aston), v, 98. Richard, v, 98. Sarah (Marston), v, 99. Stephen, v, 98. Thomas, v, 98. William, v, 98. William (Capt.), v, 99. William (Senator), iv, 549, 550; account of life, v, 99-104. Cocke County, Tennessee, creation, v, 103. Cocke's- Fort, W. Va., v, 100. Cockran (Lieut.-Col.), iv, 493, 494. William Bourke, ii, 592. Cockrell, Senator, i, 440. Cocomaricopas Indians, ii, 526. Cod fishing, early American industry, iv, 250. Coddington, Anna (Brinley), v, 367. Family, v, 348. Nathaniel, v, 367. Susanna (Hutchinson), v, 367. William, iii, 192, 195. William (Gov.), ii, 505; v, 363, 367. Codesmor, Rutland, England, manor of, v, 189. Codorus, Earl of Cornwall, iv, 365. Cody, , iii, 358. Coetlogon, Viscount (Rear-Admiral), ii, 171. Coffee House, New York City, v, 457; Phila delphia, Pa., v, 457. Coffin, Alexander (Capt.), v, 125. Goram, i, 315. Major, i, 729. William, i, 315. Coffin's "Boys of '76," v, 144. Coggeshall, Anne, ii, 509, 512. Family, iii, 186. John, iii, 192. John (Gov.), ii, 508, 512; iii, 186; iv, 569. John (President), v, 363. Joshua, iii, 186. Waite, iii, 186. Cogswell, Abigail, ii, 306. Caleb (Capt.), i, 308. Daniel, ii, 306. Family, i, 514; ii, 306. James (Rev.), i, 182. Job, ii, 306. THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY Cogswell, John, ii, 306. Peleg, ii, 306. Cohas Brook, N. H, i, 74. Cohocksink Creek, i, 41. Cohocton River, iv, 114, 117, 118, 119. Coignet, , v, 174. Coinage, President Roosevelt's removal of motto, "In God We Trust" from, ii, 24. Coining of money in Colonial America, pro hibition of, i, 693. Coit, Capt., iv, 625. Family, iii, 385. Coke, , ii, 479. E. T. (Lieut.), ii, 397. Coke's Institute, i, 184. Coker, Avice (Mallet), iv, 371. Eleanor, iv, 371. John, iv, 371. Colamy's "Abridgement of 'Baxter's Lives,' " i, 184. Colborne, John (Sir), v, 218, 220. Colbreath, William (Ensign), journal kept during Burgoyne's campaign by, ii, 124. Colburn, , iii, 120. Andrew (Col.), Revolutionary service and death, iii, 212. James, iii, 120. Colby, Capt., ii, 333. Colby University, ii, 200. Colchester, Conn., iv, 377. Cold Spring, Mass., iii, 121, 123; New York, i, 44; Long Island, i, 737; Pennsyl vania, early Baptist church, ii, 508. Colden, Alexander, iv, 42; v, 445. Cadwallader, i, 428. Cadwallader (Lieut-Gov.), iv, 42, 582, 583, 588. Family, announcement of publication con taining chapter on, v, 316. Cole, Adam, iv, 366. Agnes, v, 426. Colonel, iii, 417; v, 152. Edward, iv, 619. Eliza (Hobby), iii, 96. Family, v, 363. Gilbert L., ii, 679. John, iii, 96; iv, 366; v, 367. Margaret (De la Pomeray), iv, 366. Martha ( ), transcript of inscription on tomb, iii, 291. Martin, iii, 117. Susanna (Hutchinson), v, 367. William, iii, 417. William (Col), iii, 291. Cole County, Mo., iv, 519. Coleman, Ebenezer, iv, 377. Colerain, Belmont Co., Ohio, ii, 110, 111. Coles, Robert, Providence, R. I., "Combina tion" drawn by, iii, 193. Coles County, 111., v, 194. Cole's Creek, Miss., v, 568, 569. Cole's Ferry, iv, 129. Coleshill, Warwickshire, England, i, 522. Colfix, Sergeant, i, 376. Coliseum, transcript of Edgar Allen Poe's poem on the, iii, 118. Collect Pond, New York City, i, 35, 405. Collect Pond, New York City, old print of, iii, 578. Colleges, photographs of early American, iv, 501, 502. Colliar, John (Sir), painting of Last Voyage of Henry Hudson by, iii, 161. Peter (Prof.), v, 369, 373. R. R., facsimile and transcript of letter to ex-President Tyler from, v, 620, 623. Collingwood, Lord, i, 311. Collinot, Margaret, iv, 125, 126. Collins, (Rev.), v, 364, 365, 366. Alice (Adams), v, 134. Ann, v, 134. Anne, v, 366. Capt., ii, 527. Family, v, 134. General, ii, 691. Isaac, ii, 96. J. W. (Capt.), i, 260. Nathaniel (Rev.), v, 134. Richard, ii, 691. Varnum Lansing, v, 49. William, i, 672. Collins' History of Kentucky, v, 99. Collins' "Peerage," v, 597. Collyng, Dorothy, i, 335. Walter (Sir), i, 335. Colman, Benjamin (Rev. Dr.), iii, 94, 96, 99; iv, 254, 255. Dr., i, 185. Family, iii, 96. John, iii, 93, 94, 95, 96. Judith (Hobby), iii, 94. Lydia (Scottow), iii, 96. Mary (Pepperrell), iv, 254, 255. William, iii, 96. Colman's "Incomprehensibleness of God," i, 185. Colnbrook, Langley Marsh, Buckingham shire, England, v, 418. Colombia, ii, 418, 419. Colonial "Advocate," the, v, 219. Colonial Architecture, example of, i, 700. Colonial Cemetery, Savannah, Ga., ii, 234. Colonial Dames of America, iv, 310; Society of, i, 541; of Mississippi, v, 565; of State of New York, v, 347; photo graph of memorial to Anne Hutchin son erected by, v, 357. Colonial "Families of America," publication, v, 293, 459; announcement of publica tion of, v, 320. Colonial Flag, appointment of committee to report on, i, 13. [62] INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES Colonial Furniture, reproductions of photo graphs, i, 329, 494-496; iv, 608. Colonial General Courts, i, 122, 123. Colonial Governors, Society of, i, 536. Colonial Homesteads, i, 507; iii, 283-295; 284, 287, 288, 289, 291, 292; iii, 281, 282, 285, 287, 289, 291, 293, 295, 296. Colonial Life in the South, i, 85, 86. Colonial Postal Service, v, 429-458. Colonial Premiers, Fourth Conference of English, ii, 26. Colonial Society of Massachusetts, publica tions of, iv, 412. Colonial Taverns, drawings of, v, 429, 433- 435, 437-439, 441, 444, 446, 452, 454, 456. Colonial Warfare in America, v, 74, 75. Colonial Wars, Society of, i, 541; iv, 132, 137, 237, 421; v, 17, 97; bronze tablet erected by Society of, iv, 102; Wilson family in, v, 301. Colonial Wills in Maryland, iv, 617-620. Colonies, American, appointment of post master for thirteen, v, 434; fur trade in, i, 89; rapid development of, ii, 100; restrictions imposed by England on trade of American, ii, 99, 231. Colorado, i, 14; iii, 461; iv, 298, 616; v, 169; admission into Union, i, 14; bound ary dispute between Kansas and, v, 289-292; gold mining, ii, 129; inclu sion in New Mexico, ii, 206; Senator in 1907, from, ii, 23; missions of the, ii, 698. Colorado Canyon, i, 292. Colorado Desert, expedition of first Europe ans to cross the, ii, 38-42, 255-261, 521- 526, 696-701; iii, 103-112, 170-179, 395- 403; irrigation of the, ii, 258; iii, 106, 107; journey of advance guard of U. S. army across, iii, 106; photographs, iii, 105, 170, 393, 394, 397, 399; photo graph of ancient sea wall on, iii, 109; photograph of oasis in, iii, 107. Colorado Indians, iii, 172. Colorado Iron and Fuel Co., v, 290. Colorado River, ii, 39, 40, 42, 256, 257, 258, 260, 525, 526; iii, 104, 173, 400; iv, 212; products of valley of, iii, 106, 107; photograph, ii, 696. Colpay, Vice-Admiral, iv, 276, 278. Colquitt, A. H. (Gen.), i, 567. Colt, Arnold, v, 119. Elias, v, 548. Family, photograph of Colonial gateway of house, ii, 588. Colt's Neck, N. J, iii, 306, 309. Colton, (Taylor), v, 134. Benjamin (Rev.), v, 134. Captain, i, 516. G. Q. (Prof.), i, 684. John (Dep'y Sec), iv, 562. [63 Colton, Calif., ii, 34. Columbia, i, 50; service by Gen. Harrison as U. S. minister to, ii, 693; in the Arc tic, iii, 347, 353. Columbia, Term., Scotch-Irish Congress at, iii, 81. Columbia College, i, 511. Columbia County, N. Y., i, 418. Columbia Lake, Mexico, ii, 672. Columbia River, i, 17, 226, 292; ii, 637; ex plorations and settlements, v, 499, 500, 505, 506, 515; first settlement, i, 17; Hudson Bay Company's attitude to ward American settlers south of, v, 527, 528; Indians of, v, 521; photo graphs of scenery, v, 495, 498; portrait of discoverer, v, 501; portraits of lead ers of expedition to, v, 510; Valley of, ii, 557. Columbia University, iii, 481; iv, 7; v, 121; Library, article on and transcripts from first book printed in New York City now in archives of, iii, 265-274; Phoenix Collection in, iii, 266. Columbiad, the, i, 402. Columbian Exposition, World's, iv, 335, 428. Columbian Magazine, i, 39; iv, 577. Columbian Order, v, 124; rise of political so ciety of Tammany in, ii, 591. Columbian Sentinel, publication, i, 709; iv, 413. Columbus, Beatriz (De Arana Enriquez), iii, 74. Christopher, i, 10, 213, 402; ii, 534; iii, 492; iv, 337; v, 118, 177, 247, 403; archae ological remains antedating discovery of America by, iv, 165-184; controversy regarding landing place in America, ii, 120, 122; discovery of America by, i, 202, 232; ii, 38; iv, 167, 352; journal, ii, 120; letter written by, ii, 118; man uscript of physician on ship of, iv, 341; marriage, iii, 74; meeting of Amerigo Vespucci and, v, 336; monogram used by, ii, 118; portraits of, ii, 112, 116; old engraving of discovery of America by, v, 33; old engraving of ship of, v, 34; portrait of, ii, 112; statue of, iii, 522; Thacher's Life of, ii, 122; tran script, with editor's note, of manu script of physician on ship of, iii, 59- 80; voyages to America, 1st, iii, 64; 2nd, iii, 60, 61, 62; 3rd, iii, 72. Columbus, Diego, iii, 62. Fernando, iii, 74. Columbus, Miss., v, 104; Ohio, ii, 141, 307, 691, 693; iii, 392, 512, 513, 541, 542; iv, 65; v, 143; Ohio State Journal pub lished at, iii, 554. Colver, Edward, announcement of publica tion of genealogy of descendants of, by Frederic Lathrop, v, 320. ] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY Colville, H. E. (Maj.-Gen.), death, ii, 37. Comanche, the horse which survived Custer's massacre, iii, 232. Comanche Indians, ii, 250; iii, 470, 544, 550, 552, 553; iv, 524. Combahee River, S. C, i, 728. Combe-Martin of Martinshoe, Devonshire, England, v, 311. Combe St. Nicholas, Somersetshire, England, v, 427, 428. "Combination," drawing up at Providence, R. I., of the, iii, 193; signers of the, iii, 194; transcript from the, iii, 194. Comet, Halley's, iv, 15; of 1675, iii, 414. Comeya Indians, ii, 522. "Commander-in-Chief's Guard" in the Revo lution, transcript of order for organ ization of, i, 126. Commerce, American, ii, 592; early American, i, 485-493, 745, 746, 758; v, 17-32, 251, 252; effect of European wars on, i, 746; first U. S.,iv, 273-280; restrictions on early American, i, 746; ii, 99; of the Pacific Ocean, i, 21; Pitkin's work on U. S., iv, 413. Commercial Centre of the World, ii, 557. Commercialism in America, i, 29. Committee of Trade and Plantations in America, iii, 562, 563. Committee of Correspondence, ii, 364; v, 454; of Safety, i, 124; ii, 471; iv, 565; v, 151, 154, 155. Common Burial Ground, now Governors' Lot, Newport, R. I., ii, 503, 504, 507. Commons, House of, i, 685. Commonwealth, Wars of the, ii, 92. Communipaw, N. J., settlement, iv, 390; set tlements near, iv, 392. Communipaw Cove, N. J., iv, 392. Communism in America, transcript of early document regarding, ii, 176. Community, first American, iv, 543-551. Company of the Hundred Associates, charter for colonizing Canada of the, ii, 380; store at Quebec, Canada, of the, ii, 381. Compass on first steamboat, reproduction of photograph of, i, 407. Composers, early American, i, 173, 174. Comstock, Abijah, i, 95. Anthony, v, 599. David, i, 95. Debora, i, 95. Dinah, i, 95. Eliza, i, 94. Enoch, i, 95. Hannah, i, 95. James, v, 554. James (Lieut.), v, 548. Moses, i, 94. Thomas, i, 95. William, v, 548. Conant, Roger, i, 689, 538. [64] Lawrence, transcript of letter written in 1713 by, iii, 49, 50. Concepcion, West Indies, discovery, iii, 72. Concha, Gen., ii, 427. Concord, battle of, i, 377; iii, 248; iv, 488; v, 143, 146, 305, 469, 634; Mass., i, 123, 124, 302; iii, 405; iv, 563; v, 301, 359, 634; first minister, iii, 119, 123, 126; engraving of retreat of British from, iv, 227; in the Revolution, ii, 704; Hi, 248; iv, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71; New Hamp shire, i, 704; iii, 49. Concord River, iv, 414; early canal across, iv, 412. Condon, , iii, 358. Dr., v, 515. Cone, Cyrenus O. (Dr.), i, 682, 684. Coney, Mary (Mrs.), ii, 486. Coney Island, New York City, fire, ii, 35. Confederacy, the, ii, 245; iv, 29, 332; Daugh ters of the, iii, 360; hiding of seal of the, iii, 240; Peace Commission of the, v, 223. Confederate Army, ii, 212. Confederate currency, ii, 626. Confederate fort, photograph of, iii, 27. Confederate Government, Davis' Rise and Fall of the, iii, 238. Confederate soldier, tribute to Abraham Lin coln from a, iii, 16. Confederate Veterans, United, iv, 465. Congaree River, i, 50. Conger, E. H., death of United States Min ister to China, ii, 36. Congleton, England, ii, 57. Congo, question of annexation by Belgium, ii, 33. Congregational Meeting House, reproduction of early, ii, 455. Congregationalists in America, iii, 186; in early Conn., iv, 402. Congress, bringing of specie after the Revo lution for, i, 672; first United States, i, 59; ii, 83; first Chaplain, iv, 525; "Forty to One Act" passed by, ii, 626; first provisional, i, 565; Ordinance of 1787 of, ii, 531; iii, 219; raising of sal aries of members, ii, 23; members of the Sixtieth, ii, 23, 24; transcript of resolution to restore to England Arctic ship "Resolute" by, v, 605, 606. Congressional Library, Washington, D. C, i, 649; engravings of bronze doors, ii, 22, 27, 28, 31, 32; photograph of historic treasure at, iv, 107. Conklin, Vincent, iv, 117. Connally, James, iv, 349. Connat, D. T., iii, 569. Connecticut, i, 11, 12, 30, 48, 120, 121, 122, 124, 177, 500, 511, 520, 678, 715; ii, 248, 251, 422; iii, 154, 502, 603; iv, 26, 30, 46, 114, 120, 273, 280, 403, 555; v, 132, INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES Conn. 155, 159, 161, 225, 243, 262, 366, 499, 549, 550, 605; announcement of geneal ogy of St. John' family of, v, 321 ; an nouncement of genealogy of descend ants of John Wadham of, v, 322; Ball family of, v, 297; Bancroft family of, v, 303; Bell family of, v, 141; Bench of, i, 702; boundary of, ii, 263; ceding to United States gov ernment of land by, iii, 386; Charter Oak, v, 134; Civil War Reg't from, v, 599; claim to Northwest Territory by, iv, 445; claim to Wyoming Valley by, iii, 431; iv, 111, 112, 113, 431-445, 581; v, 275; colonial govt., ii, 479; colonial houses, iv, 629; consolidation with New Haven Colony of, i, 122; constitutional government in early, iv, 286; early charter, iii, 431; early education in, iii, 389; early family of, iv, 399-405; early governor of, iv, 379; v, 133; early In dian School, iv, 299-302; early school, i, 726; early settlement in, v, 138; early settlers of, i, 699, 700; iv, 452; Edwards family, v, 299; Episcopal Bishop in the time of the Revolution, i, 736; expedition against Canada from, iii, 93; v, 23,24, 151; expedition against Cuba in 1762 joined by troops from, ii, 319; iii, 113, 115; expedition in the Narragansett War from, iv, 422, 424; first American Flag made in, iii, 51; first bricks made in, i, 705; first Gen eral Court, ii, 479; founding, iii, 192; General Assembly, i, 726; General Court, i, 678; Governor of, iii, 52, 94, 386; Hawks family of, iv, 237-243; Heminway place in, ii, 343; Hodge family of, v, 461; Huguenot family in, iv, 126, 127; land claims by, i, 703; land claims in N. Y. by, iv, 582; land claims in Northwest Territory by, iv, 445; land claims in Pa. by, ii, 308; iii, 431; iv, 111, 112, 113, 431-445, 581; v, 275; land claims shown on fac-simile of old map of, iv, 593; Latham family, iv, 623-631; list of English emigrants to, ii, 176; list of tories in, ii, 342; Loomis family of, iv, 283-298; mail service in Colonial, v, 431-433, 435, 437, 441, 442, 448, 449, 456; Manning fam ily, v, 295; Mead family, iv, 447, 448, 452; militia, i, 121, 287, 288, 442, 733; paper money in, i, 693; Pomeroy fam ily of, iv, 377, 378, 379; Presbyterians at Revolutionary period, i, 736; pages of old Bible inherited by Seymour fam ily of, v, 579, 582, 587, 590, 591, 594; photograph of furniture of Colonial governor, iii, 139; photograph of State Library of, v, 4; photograph of Sec. Welles of, v, 211; print of flag carried [65] Conn, by 3rd Revolutionary reg't of, iv, 162; Revolutionary battlefield, v, 561; Rev olutionary memorials, v, 545, 548, 555, 558; Ressegnie family, iv, 126, 127, 131; Revolutionary battle of Ft. Gris- wold, v, 549-560; Revolutionary inva sion, ii, 343; Revolutionary memorial dedicated in, v, 543, 544; Revolutionary militia, i, 442; ii, 514, 517, 518; Rev olutionary officer from, iv, 382; Revo lutionary point for supplies in, iii, 133; Revolutionary regiment from, Hi, 275; 3rd Revolutionary reg't of, iv, 162; Revolutionary troops in, iv, 563; Revolutionary War in, i, 506; iv, 623- 629; y, 476; Revolutionary War experi ences of a soldier from, ii,- 527-529; Revolutionary War recruits by British from, iv, 127, 128; Revolutionary War uniforms of soldiers of, i, 127; settlers in Penn. from, iv, 114, 116, 436, 438- 445, 596, 597, 600; v, 117, 118, 119; Sex ton family of, iv, 109; Seymour fam ily of, v, 583-586, 595, 598; Smith fam ily of, v, 475, 476; Spelman family, v, 234, 240, 242, 244, 246; "Stand Up Law" in, ii, 347; State Legislature, i, 684; State Normal School, i, 156; Su preme Court, i, 702; Taft School, v, 423; Taylor family of, v, 129-135; tories, i, 323, 324, 441; ii, 340-347; trade with Pequot Indians forbidden in Colony of, ii, 480; trade of a slave in Colony of, i, 440; transcript of code of laws of Colony of, ii, 480-484; tran script from diary of early minister, de scribing journey from Massachusetts to, iii, 120, 121; Wickware family, iv, 143; Historical Society, i, 496; fac simile of title page of old almanac pre served by, iii, 45; old print of Quebec, Canada, preserved by, ii, 377; photo graph of chair preserved by, iii, 141; historic treasure preserved by, iv, 104; Land Company, purchase of land by, iii, 386; purchase of land by western settlers from, iii, 387; Line in the Rev olution, ii, 527; iv, 344, 345, 347, 379; 24th reg't of the, iv, 440, 441, 443; "Magazine," the, ii, 473, 563; "Mirror," the, i, 613; River, i, 147, 178, 242; iii, 121; iv, 238, 375, 415, 433; v, 131, 142, 161; disputes of States regarding boundary line at, iv, 582, 583, 592; ear ly canals on, iv, 408-411, 414, 415; old ferry on, iii, 121; work on navigation of, iv, 408, 409; Susquehanna Company, colonization of Wyoming Valley by, v, 117, 118; Valley, v, 158, 361, 363; ear ly construction of highways to New York from, iv, 380; John Eliot's mis sion to Indians in, iii, 500; pioneer THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY (Connecticut) family of, iv, 109; Western Reserve, iii, 387; iv, 445; development, iii, 388- 392. Connecticut Farms, N. J., i, 77. Connelley, William Elsey, iv, 511. Connor, Henry, ii, 391. Connors, , iii, 358. Conocoheague Settlement, Franklin Co., Pa., iv, 604. Conover, , i, 352. C. T., iv, 72. Charles Tallmadge, iv, 341, 491; v, 105; Revolutionary battle song, from orig inal manuscript possessed by, iv, 552. Conquest, the Norman, iv, 142. Conrad, John, i, 238. Conservation in America, iv, 571-580. Conservatives in England, first use of term, ii, 341. Constable, , i, 750. Constant Spring, Parish of Liguama, Jamaica, estate, iv, 34, 35. Constantine, Grand Duke, iv, 331. Constantinople, ancient, iv, 189; v, 236. "Constitution," petition to Congress to save battle ship, ii, 102. "Constitution," publication, The, v, 220. Constitution, draft of universal, ii, 536-542; movement to unite all nations under a common, ii, 533, 534; iii, 39-44. Constitution of United States, i, 188, 189; ii, 225, 430, 431, 542; iii, 46; adoption of, ii, 216; 10th Amendment of, ii, 193, 194, 195; 11th Amendment, ii, 196; 13th Amendment, ii, 554; acceptance by German immigrants of, ii, 276; na tionalism of, ii, 193-197; plan of New Jersey for, iii, 569-572; plan of Ver mont for, iii, 603; plan of Virginia for, iii, 569, 571; ratification of, iii, 572; transcript of and editorial on private letter of President Madison regarding meaning of terms "National" and "Federal," as implied in, ii, 471, 472. Constitutionalism, ii, 6. Conti, Prince, ii, 388. Continental Army, ii, 510; iii, 379; iv, 109; v, 295, 301, 303, 801; headquarters of the, iii, 285; Heitman's Officers of the, iii, 203-214, 216; officers of the, iii, 202-216; organization of, i, 125, 126; soldiers from Gloucester County, Va., of, iii, 286; uniform of soldiers of, i, 127, 128; Artillery, First, i, 700; Navy, institution of, i, 12. Continental Congress, i, 124, 125, 127, 182; of 1777, v, 500; adoption of Declaration of Independence by, iv, 146, 147; Con vention at Philadelphia of the, i, 701- 703; ii, 227, 278, 627; iv, 384; delegate from Delaware to, ii, 97; first, i, 123, [66] 701-703; ii, 50, 278, 627, iv, 404; fac simile of Secret Pact signed by mem bers of, ii, 235; formation of Secret Pact of, ii, 227; MS. Papers of, v, 60, 71; President of, iii, 386; painting of voting for Independence by, iv, 64; portrait of delegate to, iv, 58; tran script from Journal of 1775 of, iv, 382. Continental Europe, announcement of De partment of Journal of American His tory for Genealogical Research in, v, 322-324. Continental Treasury, resources during the Revolution of, ii, 626. Convas, , iii, 121. Convey, Lieut-Col., iv, 493. Conway, Anne, i, 543. Anne (Ball), iii, 84. Brilliana, i, 544. Capt., ii, 514. Edward (Viscount), i, 522. Edwin (Col.), iii, 84, 85. Family, iii, 84; v, 463. John (Sir), i, 521, 522. Lucy H. (Mrs.), ii, 471. Lord, i, 521, 522. Mary, i, 519, 520, 521, 522. Millicent, iii, 84. Moncure D., death, ii, 37. Viscount, i, 544. Conway, Franklin Co., Mass., iii, 119. Conyngham, Pa., iv, 434. Cooch's Bridge, Del., first raising of the American Flag in battle at, ii, 124. Coodey, Nancy, iv, 601. Cook, Aaron, iv, 239. Adjt.-Gen., iii, 229. Capt., i, 19; v, 131. Col., ii, 517, 520; iii, 279. Dr., iii, 358, 395. Edward (Col.), home life at Revolutionary period of, iv, 603-606; photograph of home of, iv, 607. Family, iii, 603; iv, 604; photograph of colonial home of, iv, 607. Frederick A. (Dr.), Arctic expedition of, iii, 314; editor's notes on narrative of expedition to North Pole told by, iii, 315, 637; narrative of polar expedition told by, iii, 316, 325-328, 333-340, 638- 647. H. P., iv, 319. Martha (Crawford), iv, 606. Cook's Town, now Fayette City, Pa., iv, 603. Cooke, , v, 131. Abigail, iv, 376. Capt., iv, 549. Elisha, iii, 95. Family, iii, 286; v, 420; arms of, v, 386. Francis, v, 420. Hester (Mayhew), v, 420. Jane, v, 420. INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES Cooke, John Esten, iii, 284. Mordecai, coat-of-arms of, v, 386. Nathaniel, iv, 376. Cookson, , iii, 427; William (Capt.), iii, 424. Cool, Sarah M., i, 617, 620. Coolidge, John, i, 366. Coombs, John, v, 137. Leslie, ii, 694. Cooper, , i, 673; v, 256. (Rev.), ii, 471; letter from President Madison to, ii, 472. Alice, i, 480, 481. Bickford, i, 163. Capt., ii, 333. Christian, i, 407. Dr., iv, 269. George, iv, 70. Jane, i, 573. John, v, 295. J. Fennimore, i, 165, 504; ii, 604. Judge, ii, 604. Milo, iii, 245; extracts from letters of Jef ferson Davis to, iii, 246. William, iv, 272. Cooper Institute, New York City, v, 204. Coosa River, ii, 156, 157, 158, 160, 161, 162, 163. Cooz House, Williamsburg, Va., photograph of, iv, 507. Cope, Edward, signing of Providence Com pact by, iii, 189. Elizabeth, v, 349. Family, iii, 189, 190. John (Sir), v, 349. Copenhagen, Denmark, i, 265; iii, 315; iv, 169, 175; v, 254; Royal Library at, ii, 114; Royal Society of Northern Antiquities at, ii, 211; Sagas preserved in Royal Library at, ii, 116; University of, iii, 315, 637. Copernicus, iv, 19. Copley, , iii, 101; v, 367. Family, i, 170. John Singleton, i, 168, 170, 171, 172; v, 367; portraits by, iv, 53, 55, 56, 59; portrait said to have been by, iv, 89. Lionel (Sir), autograph of, ii, 126. Mrs., i, 172. Stuart, i, 169. Widow, i, 170. Copp's Hill Burying Ground, Boston, Mass., iii, 92; v, 309. Coppee, Henry (Capt.), i, 657. Copper, Thomas (Judge), v, 119. Copper Hill, N. J., v, 601. Copper Mines, ancient American, iii, 462. Copper-mine River, v, 77. Copperthwait, Samuel, ii, 190. Copperthwaite Family, iv, 149. Corbell Family, iii, 286. Corbett, Robert (Sir), iv, 362. [67 Sibella, iv, 362. Corbin Family, iii, 286; photograph of home, Hi, 291. Corcoran Art Gallery, Washington, D. C, reproduction of portrait in, iv, 59. Cordova, Spain, iii, 74. Vicente, ii, 620. Cork, Ireland, i, 273, 274; iii, 455; v, 249. Corlears Hook, East River, New York, i, 412. Cornbury, Lord, ii, 92; v, 438. Corneill Family, iv, 554-558. Cornell, Abigail, iv, 557. Anna, iv, 557. Elizabeth, iv, 557. Family, iv, 553-558; v, 366, 367. George S., iv, 558. Hannah (Finch), iv, 555, 556, 557. John, iv, 557. John (Capt.), iv, 553, 555. Mary, iv, 557, 558. Phebe, iv, 557. Rebecca, iv, 557. Samuel, iv, 557. William (Lieut.), descendants of, iv, 558; experiences in the Revolution of, iv, 553, 555, 556; transcript of will, iv, 557. Cornell University, i, 691; iii, 627; Jared Sparks collection at, ii, 402. Corning, Erastus, iv, 118. Corning, N. Y., iv, 117, 118. Cornish Kings, photograph of ancient pal ace of, iv, 365. "Cornplanter," Indian chief, ii, 390. Cornwall, Canada, i, 740; Connecticut, iv, 299; iv, 596, 600; England, ii, 111; iv, 250, 251, 362, 364, 554; v, 209, 597; Parish of St. Hilary, iv, 361; Pomeroy family of, iv, 361, 364, 365, 366, 367; rebellion in, v, 584; engraving of cas tle in, iv, 361. Cornwall Family, iv, 554-558. John (Sir), iv, 555. Reginald, Earl of, iv, 363. Reuben, iv, 555. Robert, Earl of, iv, 363. Cornwallis, Lord, i, 58, 77, 217, 453, 732; ii, 109, 675; iv, 57; v, 4, 54, 57, 63, 100, 101, 549, 550; campaign in the Carolinas and Georgia of, ii, 277, 280, 703, 704; dedication of mural paint ings of surrender of, v, 171, 173; paint ings of surrender of, iii, 197; v, 174, 175; photograph of lantern used in army of, iv, 104; photographs of monuments in commemoration of surrender of, iv, 537, 540; flag car ried by Americans in campaign of, iv, 164; grenadier of the army of, iv, 196; surrender of, ii, 277, 280, 628, 704; iv, 120, 159, 442, 510. Lady, ii, 109. ] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY Cornwell Family, iv, 553-558. Henry B., iv, 558. William (Jr., M. D.), iv, 557, 558. William A. (Lieut.), iv, 558. Coronado, Francisco Vasques, army of, ii, 40; explorations of, i, 437; ii, 670; iii, 462. Corporations, i, 687, 688; common carrier, ii, 33; control of, ii, 19, 20; President Roosevelt's policies regarding, ii, 2, 16, 19, 20, 24. Corralillo, Province of Santa Clara, Cuba, ii, 409. Corregidor Island, iii, 16. Correspondence, Committees of, ii, 364; v, 454. Corse Court, Gloucestershire, England, i, 522. Corshon, Joshua, iii, 572. Corsica, ii, 428; annexation to France, ii, 429. Cortelyou, Secretary, ii, 16, 23, 24; efforts to quell financial panic of 1907 by, ii, 16. Cortez, iii, 492; Hernando, conquest of Mex ico by, i, 633. Cortland, Col., ii, 520. Cortlandt Street Ferry, New York City, iv, 392, 393. Corwin, , ii, 691, 692. E. B., iii, 266. Thomas (Senator), iii, 553. Tom, ii, 615, 694. Cos, Gen., ii, 619. Cos Cob, Conn., i, 324. Cosmographiae Introductio, v, 335-337; fac simile page from, v, 338; map which first bore name of America mentioned in, v, 342, 343; portraits of geographers of, v, 333, 339. Cosmopolitan Magazine, tribute to Abraham Lincoln by Col. Henry Watterson from, iii, 16. Cosmos Medal struck in honor of Von Hum boldt, iv, 334. Costa Rica, iv, 204, 205. Costanzo, Miguel, early explorations in west ern America of, ii, 525. Cosway, Richard, reproduction of miniature by, ii, 52. Cotentin, Department of La Manche, Nor mandy, iv, 354. Cotner University, Neb., iv, 397, 398. Cottage St., Dorchester, Mass., iv, 374. Cotterel, Capt., ii, 333. Cottle, WUliam (Capt.), i, 317. Cotton, , i, 242; iii, 124. Colonel, iii, 202; Massachusetts Reg't, of, Hi, 203. Family, iii, 92; v, 348, 350. John (Rev.), i, 11, 363; iii, 502; iv, 567; attitude toward Anne Hutchinson and her followers, v, 350, 352, 354, 359-362, [68 364; controversy with Roger Williams, iii, 195; portrait of, v, 355. Seaborn, v, 350. Cotton Gin, invention of, i, 30. Cotton Market of 1907, ii, 24. Cotton Mills in New England, ii, 34; South ern, i, 189. Cotton Trade in Alabama, ii, 156, 157, 158, 160. Cottonwood Falls, Kan., ii, 253. Cottonwood River, ii, 250, 252. Couch, James, ii, 301. Coudersport, Pa., iv, 116. Coues, Elliott, v, 290. Coughton Family, arms of, i, 522. Simon (Sir), i, 522. Council of Safety of New York, i, 499. Council Bluff Road, ii, 137. Council Bluffs, Iowa, v, 280, 281. Council Grove, Kan., photograph of monu ment on site of Indian council at, iii, 469. Council Oak, Kan., photograph of, iii, 465; treaty made at, iii, 469. Counterfeiting, laws passed during the Rev olution against, ii, 626. Country Harbour, Nova Scotia, i, 735. Couper, William, i, 225, 600; sculpture by, iii, 9, 11. "Courier and Inquirer," remarks on negro deportation in, iv, 201. Court House, photograph of early American, v, 12. Courts Martial, Russian measure to abolish, ii, 29. Court Trials, early American, i, 284; ii, 479- 484. Courtenay, (Hungeston), v, 596. Anne (Wake), v, 596. Elizabeth (Pomeray), iv, 369. Family, royal descent of, v, 596. Humphrey, iv, 369. Joan (Champernown), v, 596. John (Sir), v, 596. Katharine, iv, 369. Margaret, v, 596. Philip (Sir), iv, 369; v, 596. Courthouse Rock, Neb., ii, 687. Courtlandt, Col., ii, 520; iv, 344, 345. Courtlandt St., New York City, i, 417; iv, 392, 393; v, 444. Courtney, Capt., ii, 695. Courtrai, Flanders, v, 392, 395, 397. Coutances, Department of La Manche, Nor mandy, iv, 354. Coventry, Conn., i, 179; North, iv, 300; Eng land, ii, 485; v, 130; Chester Co., Pa., v, 192. Covill, Philip, v, 548. Covington, Tioga Co., Pa., iv, 116. Cow Island (Isle a Vache), West Indies, col- ] INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES ony of freed negroes at, iv, 206, 208, 209-211. Cowanesque River, iv, 115, 117, 118, 119. Cowdery, William, announcement of publi cation of genealogy of descendants of, v, 321. Cowes, England, visit of Queen Victoria to Arctic ship "Resolute" at, v, 607, 608. William S. (Rear Admiral), ii, 226. Cowpens, battle of, i, 58, 375; ii, 704; iii, 212; v, 111; engraving of duel on battle field of the, iv, 230. Cowsfield, Wiltshire, England, v, 234, 240, 244; engraving of old English manor house at, v, 239. Cox Family, iv, 149. Coxe, Charles Davenport, ii, 602. Grace, ii, 597, 602. Coyote Canon, ii, 523; iii, 107, 108. Coyote Creek, ii, 522; iii, 107, 396. Coyote River, iii, 174, 178. Cozart, Anthony, i, 72. David (Sargeant), i, 72. James Bumpass, i, 72. J. R. (Mrs.), i, 72. John, i, 72. Sidney Bumpass, i, 72. Cozumel, iv, 204. Crab Orchard, Tenn., i, 665, 667. Crabb, Richard, iv, 452. Craddock, Maj., iii, 280. Craford, Isabella, v, 418. Craig Family, iv, 149. Major, i, 730. Craister, Elizabeth, iii, 100. Crall, Leander Howard, announcement of publication on ancestry, v, 320. Crampton, Emeline Jenks, i, 334. John M., old engraving of marriage of George Washington in collection of, ii, 190. Cranberry, N. J., i, 338; v, 440; Inlet, N. J., iii, 303. Crane, Capt, i, 82, 83. Capt.-Lieut., ii, 187. Family, v, 463. Joseph (Jr.), i, 499, 503. Winthrop, Murray (Hon.), iv, 298. Crane City, in the Arctic, iii, 348. Cranston, Elizabeth, ii, 509, 513. Family, ii, 505, 509; ancient lineage of, as shown on gravestone of Gov. Samuel Cranston of Rhode Island, ii, 513; coat of arms of, ii, 513. James (Rev.), ii, 513. John, ii, 513. John (Col.), ii, 505, 509, 513. John (Gov.), ii, 507, 509, 511, 513; inscrip tion on gravestone of, ii, 513. Mary (Clarke), ii, 507, 509, 513. Samuel (Gov.), ii, 507, 509, 511, 513; inscrip tion on gravestone of, ii, 513. [69 William (Lord), ii, 513. Crantz, , v, 80. Crary, Thomas, i, 305. Craven, , iii, 238, 241, 244. Dr., iii, 242, 243. Crawford, , political campaign of, iii, 614, 619. Earls of, ii, 513. Family, iv, 149. Louisa (Howe), ii, 510. Martha, iv, 606. Thomas, ii, 510. William (Gen.), iv, 606. William H., i, 30. Crawford Co., Pa., iv, 113, 115, 120. Crazton, , ii, 139. Crecy, battle of, v, 299. Creek Indians, iv, 302; early agent to, ii, 225; Gen. Jackson's war upon, ii, 158; old engraving of massacre of settlers by, v, 38; rule of Alexander McGillivray over, ii, 155-165; search for lost capital of, ii, 155, 160, 161, 163; wanderings from Mexico to Alabama of, ii, 162. Creek, Indian Ter., iv, 600. Creelman, Harlan (Mrs.), heirlooms in pos session of, iv, 608. Cresap, Col., iii, 458. "Crescent," sailing to Algiers of frigate, ii, 108. Crespi, : — (Father), iii, 112; explorations in California of, iii, 174, 178. Crespo, , ii, 419. Cressen, Pa., iii, 345. Crewe, Col., iii, 427. Crichlow, Amey (Hobby), iii, 95. Crim, Dr., photograph of antique furniture in possession of, ii, 678; photograph of historic silver in possession of, ii, 674. Crime in United States, iv, 189. Crimean War, i, 151; iv, 14; v, 608. Crisfield, Md., iv, 308. Crishall, English estate, iv, 448. Crisp, Charles F., i, 30. Family, iii, 96. Criss, Dr., v, 288. Criswell, — , iii, 85, 86, 89. Crittenden, , ii, 691; iv, 523. Abraham, ii, 176. John J., journey on first railroad train to pass through State of New York of, ii, 62. Senator, amendment introduced in U. S. Senate just before the Civil war by, v, 616, 618. William, ii, 176. Crockampil, England, i, 534. Crockett, Walter Hill, ii, 43. Croft, Ann, iv, 448. William, iv, 448. Crogan, George, ii, 391; Maj., i, 27, 856. Cromer, Lord, ii, 28. THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY Crommelin, J. G., ii, 157, 159. Crompton, , ii, 72. Cromwell, Oliver, i, 11, 328, 398; ii, 298, 534; iii, 427, 453, 456, 498; iv, 224, 250, 427, 428, 450, 472, 474, 514, 604; v, 129, 135, 348; expedition against West Indies sent by, ii, 441; surrender of Virginia to Commissioners of, iii, 411; flag, i, 11. Crooked Creek, Mon., i, 469; Ohio, ii, 311. Crooked Lake Canal, iv, 117. Crosby, Enoch, i. 504. William (Gov.), ii, 362; quarrel with Act ing Governor of Colony of New York, ii, 362. Cross, Elsie Chapline Pheby, iii, 453. Cross of Legion of Honor, bestowal by the French government on Andrew Car negie of, ii, 25. Cross of Order of Danebrog, photograph, iv, 333. Crosse, Robert (Capt.), i, 644. Crothers, Austin L. (Gov.), ii, 20. Croton River, Revolutionary battle, ii, 510. Crow, Stow, England, manor of, v, 240. Crow's Nest, Va., plantation, iv, 100. Crowder, , iii, 555. R. T., iii, 283, 409. Crowder's Creek, S. C, i, 51. Crowley's "Handbook of Business in Lowell," Mass., iv, 412. Crown, William, iii, 100. Crown Point, N. Y., i, 376, 377; v, 449; bat tle of, i, 90; iii, 210; iv, 555; expedi tion against, iii, 204; iv, 381; v, 74; French occupation in the Revolution, iii, 213; Revolutionary force at, i, 377; ii, 527; report of American officer on expedition against, v, 152, 153. Crown Stones, marking of Mason and Dixon Line by, iii, 565, 566, 567. Croyden, Surrey, England, i, 172; Heron family of, v, 195. Cruce, Emeric, i, 577. Cruger, John Harris (Col.), iv, 37. Crunelle, Leonard, i, 467. Crusades, i, 11; ii, 89, 93; v, 187, 295; first and second, iv, 554, 555; v, 236"; of King Richard I, iv,.365. Crutched Friars, iv, 451. Cruvelli, Sophia, death of, ii, 37. Crystal Palace, New Yoik City, i, 262. Cuba, i, 9, 15, 16, 82, 354, 355; ii, 212; iii, 463, 478; annexation to United States sought by, ii, 407, 409, 414, 424, 426-440, 543; 400th anniversary of Spanish conquest of, v, 169; Autono mist Party in, ii. 409; difficulties with United States and, ii, 36; dis cussion of emigration of Southern ne groes to, ii, 435, 436; farm buildings of, iii, 66; first census of, ii, 25; first [70] national election in, ii, 25; independ ence of, ii, 424, 426, 127, 440, 558; in dustrial conditions in, ii, 417; inter vention of United States in behalf of, ii, 403, 404, 432; letter of apprecia tion from Francisco Figueras to Amer ican people, ii, 410; naturalized Amer ican citizens, from, ii, 436; organiza tion of Commission by United States to aid, ii, 406; Planters' Association of, ii, 405; policy of United States in, iv, 3; population of, ii, 415, 416; rev olution in, ii, 166, 405, 409, 411, 412, 413, 414, 416, 422, 427, 436, 437, 621, 622; Spanish- American war in, ii, 315; editorial and transcript of journal of American marine of English expedi tion of 1762 against, iii, 113-117; United States Protectorate in, ii, 425, 543, 559; visit of Secretary Taft to, ii, 23, 25; iv, 10; voyage of Columbus to, ii, 122. Cuban- American League, ii, 403, 405, 409. Cuban Army, officers of, ii, 436. Cuban Industrial Commission, ii, 405. Cuban League, iii, 297. Cuenea, Spain, iii, 79. Culbertson Family, iv, 149. Josiah (Capt.), i, 375. Cullicke, Capt., i, 256. Cullom, S. M., ii, 215. Culme, Hugh, i, 522. Culp, Cornelius, iv, 557. Culpeper, Lord, iii, 414. Culpeper County, Va., v, 471. Cumberland, England, iv, 99; v, 116, 424; Maryland, ii, 466, 467; iii, 615; Penn sylvania, ii, 266; Tennessee, i, 665; County, N. J., iii, 572; County, N. C, v, 465; County, Pa., iii, 448; iv, 114; iv, 146, 148; v, 84, 89, 94, 473. Cumberland County, Pa., Historical Society, v, 95. Cumberland County, Va., ii, 647. Cumberland Gap, Tenn., i, 665; blazoning of way to wilderness of Kentucky through, iv, 548, 549, 550. Cumberland Landing, Va., photograph of army of Civil war at, iii, 18. Cumberland Mountains, iv, 547, 550. Cumberland River, i, 344; iv, 549, 550, 576. Cumberland Valley, iv, 114; v, 84. Cumberland & Oxford Canal, iv, 413. Cumming, Gulick & Co., v, 444. Cummings, Deacon, iii, 125. Widow, iii, 125. Cummins, Albert B. (Gov.), i, 433. Cunard Steamship Co., i, 273, 275, 276, 279; first steamship of the, i, 48. Cunningham Family, iv, 149. John, i, 417; iii, 451. Major, iii, 543. INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES Cunningham, Ruth, iv, 262. Cupa, N. Y., ii, 48. Curacao, West Indies, iii, 70; iv, 35; discov ery of, iii, 72. Curies, Henrico Co., Va., iii, 416. Currency, message of President Roosevelt to Congress regarding, ii, 24; bas-re lief of Abraham Lincoln on National, iv, 4; pre-Revolutionary disputes re garding, iv, 266; of the Revolution, iii, 626, 628; photograph of, iv, 108; of United States, early, iii, 466. Curry, George L. (Gov.), v, 521; Genn (Gov.), autograph of, ii, 205. Joseph (Col.), i, 50. Curry, Rivel, Somersetshire, England, i, 81. Curtis, , iii, 120. Charles (Senator), ii, 23. Cyrus, iv, 516. George Tickner, ii, 191. John (Lieut.), iv, 104. Lieut., iii, 381. Mary, v, 138. Ruth Perley (Mrs.), iv, 104. Thomas, Hi, 286. William (Capt.), Revolutionary service, iii, 207, 216. William Elroy (Ph. D.), ii, 531. Curtiss, (Dr.), iii, 279. Anne, ii, 92. Dorothy (Revell), ii, 92. Capt., ii, 355. John, ii, 292. Curzon, Lord, ii, 26. Cushing, , iv, 526. Attorney-General, v, 281. Caleb, v, 156. Colonel, ii, 302, 304. Elizabeth, ii, 307. Family, ii, 307. General, ii, 223, 224. Henry, ii, 307. Nathaniel (Col.), ii, 307. Sally, ii, 307. Thomas, ii, 307; iv, 267. Varnum, ii, 307. Cushman Family, v, 475. Thomas, Plymouth Colony Record showing name of, ii, 445. Cust, , ii, 396. Custer, George A. (Gen.), massacre of com» mand of, iii, 227-232; reproduction of photograph in Civil war of, iii, 200. Thomas (Capt.), iii, 228, 229. Custer Massacre, survivor's story of the, iii, 227-232. Custis, Daniel Parke, ii, 181. Eleanor, portrait of, ii, 178. Family, photograph of estate of, iv, 503. George Washington Parke, i, 661; iv, 88. Martha (Dandridge), iv, 507; old engrav ing of marriage to George Washington, ii, 190. Mary R,. iv, 503. Custis Place, Cumberland Landing, Va., pho tograph of Civil war army at, iii, 18. Custom duties in early American Republic, v, 269. Custom House, New York City, old, iv, 42; photograph of sculpture at, iii, 522; old print of building on site, iii, 574; sculpture at, ii, 8, 9, 17, 21. Customs Tariffs, international union for pub lication of, iv, 7. Cutler, , iv, 577. H. Gardner, iv, 509. John C. (Hon.), i, 25. Manasseh. activities in cause of religious freedom and prohibition of slavery, ii, 531; admission to the bar, ii, 531; ap pointment as surgeon in Continental Army, ii, 531; astronomical observa tions, ii, 531; early life, ii, 531; instal- ation as Congregational minister, ii, 531; marriage, ii, 531; organi zation with others of the Ohio Company, ii, 532; purchase of land, as agent for Ohio Company, ii, 299; repro duction of decoration showing crossing of Appalachian Mts. by, iii, 499; send ing of settlers to Ohio, ii, 532. Cuyahoga River, iii, 386, 387. Cuyler, John M. (Surgeon), i, 657. Cyclones, ii, 35. Cyrus the Great, iv, 187. [71] D Dablon, , explorations of, ii, 213. Dabney, , iii, 284. Daboll, John (Jr.), v, 548. Dacres, Capt., ii, 108. Dael, , reproduction of painting by, iv, 89. Da Gama, discoveries in New World of, ii, 116. Daggett, Herman (Rev.), iv, 300. Seth, iv, 116. Daggetts, , iii, 384. Dagnett, Ebenezer (Dr.), iii, 247. Dagsboro, Del., monument in memory of co lonial soldier at, ii, 96. Dagworths, English estate, iv, 448. Dagworthy, Ely (Capt.), ii, 96. John (Gen.), land grant to, ii, 96; monu ment to, ii, 96. Dakota, i, 24; iv, 616; v, 169; admission into Union, i, 14; organization of Territory, i, 235. Dakota, The, i, 34. Dalarne, Sweden, runic inscriptions at, iv, 174. Dale, Richard (Capt.), ii, 103. Dale, Thomas (Sir), i, 222. Dalhousie, Earl of, v, 218, 220. Dallas, George M., v, 226, 607. Secretary, i, 758. Dallas, Tex., ii, 205; iv, 601. Dalley, Capt., iii, 54. Dallin, Cyrus E., reproductions of sculpture by, ii, 561, 567; iii, 180; v, 167, 168, 263. Dalyell, , ii, 400. Damarel, , v, 584. Joan, v, 584. Daniariscotta, Me., iii, 435. Damascus, i, 556. D'Amboise, Georges (Cardinal), ii, 601. Dame, , iv, 412. Damme, Flanders, v, 397, 399. Dana, , iii, 166; v, 374, 384. Augustus, ii, 308. Betsy, ii, 308. Charles, ii, 308. Charles A. (Sec), reproduction of photo graph of, v, 211. Dorcas (Bent), ii, 309. Edmond, ii, 308. Family, ii, 308. Fanny, ii, 308. Francis, i, 506, 507. James (Rev. Dr.), i, 549, 550. John, ii, 308. [72 Luther, ii, 308. Mary, ii, 308. Stephen, ii, 308. William, ii, 308, 309. William (Capt.), ii, 308. Danbury, Conn., i, 441, 443, 445, 446, 453, 505, 506, 548, 552, 732, 736, 737, 738; Revo lutionary alarm at, ii, 342; Revolu tionary invasion of, ii, 343; England, v, 243, 244; reproduction of draw ing of, v, 241; reproductions of photo graphs of church and manor houses, v, 238, 239, 246. Danby, Vt., i, 355. Danckaert, Anna, v, 404. Elizabeth, v, 407. Thierry, v, 407. Dandridge, , i, 343. Martha, iv, 507; portrait, ii, 181. Dane, Nathan, introduction in Congress of Ordinance of 1787 by, ii, 531. Danes, defeat by Alfred the Great of, v, 241, 244; Saxon wars with the, i, 524. Danforth, , v, 131. Daniel, , Life and Reminiscences of Davis by, iii, 238, 246. Peter (Col.), iv, 100. Daniel, Book of, i, 554. Daniels, Chloe, v, 420, 425, 427. David, v, 420. Edward (Col.), iv, 95. Eleazer, v, 420. Family, v, 303; 420. Huldah (Taft), v, 420. Danielson, Col., iii, 378. Timothy (Brig.-Gen.), v, 155. Danish Flag, i, 16. Danish language, works on the, iv, 175, 176. Dante, ii, 534. Divine Comedy of, iii, 70; translation of works, v, 309. D'Antin (Admiral, Marquis), ii, 319. Danton, , ii, 603. Danville, Ky., iii, 454; Pa., iii, 448. Dansville Branch of Erie Canal, iv, 117. Darby, , iii, 427. Darby, Conn., i, 230. Dare, Virginia, birth, iv, 74. Darell, Elizabeth, v, 584. Henry (Sir), v, 584. Darien, Isthmus of, i, 642, 643. Darker, William, ii, 94. Darley, F. O. C, reproductions of engravings by, v, 45, 47. INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES Darlington, Baron of, v, 311; Devonshire, England, v, 596. Darrow, Nathan, v, 548. Dart, Elias, v, 548. Joseph, i, 284. Justice, i, 287, 288. Levi, v, 548. Squire, i, 286, 287, 288. Dartmoor Prison, England, photographs of church in memory of American sol diers, iv, 468. Dartmouth College, i, 183; ii, 647; iii, 627; foundation, iii, 429. Dartmouth, England, embarkation of Pil grims from, iv, 470. Lord, i, 122; Purchass, v, 137. Darwin, Charles, i, 145-148, 481, 576; iv, 13, 19; v, 3. D'Aubant, Capt., ii, 158, 159. Daughters of Liberty, organization of patri otic society of, ii, 365; preservation of history of Santa Fe TraU by, iii, 461, 462, 470. Daughters of the American Revolution, ii, 403, 515; iii, 52; iv, 237, 310, 541, 543, 553; v, 121, 142, 146, 149, 171; Anna Warner Bailey Chapter of, v, 543; of Tennessee, i, 566; photographs of. me morials erected by, iii, 460; iv, 542; ode to, iv, 446. D'Aumont, Duchesse, ii, 598. Daunou, Capt., ii, 172. Dauphin County, Pa., iv, 114. Dauphing, France, iv, 126. Davenport, , i, 247, 251, 252. Rev., v, 366. Anna, v, 420, 425, 427. Capt., iv, 422. Chloe (Daniels), v, 420, 425, 427. Family, v, 420, 427. John (Rev.), i, 249. John Gaylord (Rev., D. D.), i, 545, 712. Mrs., i, 251, 252. Samuel, v, 420. Seth, v, 420, 425, 427. Davers, Capt., ii, 333. Davice, John, i, 94. David, reproduction of historic painting by, v, 274. King, i, 67; ii, 534; iv, 249; v, 397; fac similes of pages from Bishop's Bible of Psalms of, v, 579, 582. Davidson, Hunter, v, 607. J. 0. (Hon.), i, 27. William (Gen.), photograph of memorial to, ii, 703. Davies, Col., iv, 578. Evan, iv, 70. John, i, 199. Joseph Hamilton (Col.), ii, 282. Samuel (Rev.), death, iii, 86; opinion of Patrick Henry concerning, iii, 87, 88; [ prophetic remarks on George Washing ton of, iii, 85. Davis, Admiral, ii, 2. Benjamin, i, 230. C. K. (Senator), ii, 217. Capt., iv, 348. Daniel, v, 548. David, ii, 215. Elijah, i, 230. Jefferson, iii, 14, 38, 251, 360, 627; iv, 332; v, 201; document relating to, v, 599, 600; photograph of, iii, 31; plantation of, iii, 233-246, 555. Senator, ii, 23; statue of, ii, 247; summary of life, ii, 245. John, iii, 54. Capt., iv, 349. Col., ii, 130. Jonas, killing by Indians, ii, 311. Joseph, iii, 234, 235, 236. Joseph E., iii, 244. Major, v, 106, 107, 108. Mary Fleming (Hare), ii, 510. Memoirs, iii, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 244, 245, 246. Mrs., iii, 234, 236, 237, 240, 241, 242, 246. Richard (Ensign), iii, 286. Richard Harding, i, 657. William (Ensign), iii, 286. Winnie, iii, 239. Davisville, Southampton Co., Pa., i, 36. Davol, J. K. (Mrs.), poems by, ii, 264, 624; iv, 446. Davoust, Marshal, painting presented by Na poleon to, v, 274. Dawes, Henry L. (Hon.), i, 376. Daws, , iv, 68. Dawson, Thomas M. O. (Gov.), autograph, ii, 209. Day, Capt., iii, 381. Clive, "History of Commerce" by, iv, 416. Lieut., iii, 381. Major, ii, 189; iii, 582. President, v, 135. Thankful, v, 134. Daye, Stephen, first printing press in Amer ica brought by, ii, 492. Dayton, Col., iv, 344. Jonathan, iii, 569. Dayton, Ohio, ii, 307; iii, 513; emigrants to gold fields of California from, ii, 149, 151, 154; ovation given Gen. Harrison at, ii, 692. Deakin, Alfred, ii, 26. Deal, England, iii, 412, 446. Dean, Bethia (Edson), v, 140. Eleanor (Strong), v, 140. Elizabeth (Ruggles), v, 138, 140. Ezra, v, 140. Family, ii, 264; v, 140. Lucy, v, 141, 142. Mary (Whiteomb), v, 140. 73] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY Dean, Paul, v, 138, 140. Seth, v, 140. Sila (Aiken), v, 140. Walter, v, 140. De Anza, Juan Bautista, first journey across Colorado Desert to California, ii, 39-42, 521-526, 696-701; iii, 103-112, 171-179, 395-403; founding of San Francisco, Cal., by, iv, 387; views on the route, iii, 170. De Arana Enriquez, Beatriz, iii, 74. Dearborn, , i, 31, 655. Sen., i, 710. De Autremont family, ii, 59. Louis Paul, ii, 59. De Bable family, v, 297. De Barry family, i, 669. De Bastidas, Rodrigo, i, 633. De Beaupre, St. Anne, iii, 518. De Bellerive, Louis Baury, iii, 96. Sarah (Clark), iii, 96. De Besaile, , i, 521. De Bienville, founding of New Orleans by, iv, 387. De Blois, Eudes (Comte), ii, 601. De Bodega y Cuadra, Juan Francisco (Lieut.), iii, 178. De Bohun, Elizabeth (Plantagenet), v, 596. Humphrey, v, 596. Margaret (Lady), v, 596. De Bouillon, Godfrey, iv, 555. De Bourbon, Duke, ii, 600. De Bow's Review, iv, 548. De Brehan, Madame, ii, 49. De Brisay, Jacques Rene (Chevalier Soiqueur Marquis de Denonville), ii, 388. De Broglie, Prince, ii, 601. Debt, first legislative act to abolish impris onment for, iv, 296. De Buterville, Robert, i, 74. De Callieres, Hector (Chevalier), ii, 388. De Camville, Amicia, iv, 364, 366. De Camville, Geoffrey, iv, 364, 366. De Carondelet, Baron, iii, 508, 509. De Cassnovia de Padone, Louisa Antoinette Arrighi, iv, 427. De Castelane, Countess, ii, 75. De Castro, Manuel, iii, 174. Decatur, Commodore, i, 673; ii, 102, 105. Decatur, 111., ii, 245. De Caumont, , iv, 356. Deceased Wife's Sister Bill, passed by Eng lish House of Lords, ii, 26. De Champaigne, Phillippe, reproduction of triple portrait of Cardinal Richelieu painted by, ii, 118. De Champlain, Samuel, i, 169; ii, 394; iv, 570; alleged portraits of, ii, 119, 120; 300th anniversary of founding of Que bec by, ii, 297, 359; birthplace of, ii, 376; character of, ii, 380, 381, 382; death of, ii, 380; discoveries and ex plorations of, ii, 43, 376, 378; first house in Canada built by, ii, 376, 378; founding of Quebec by, ii, 43, 376; mar riage of, ii, 378; missions brought to the Indians by, ii, 378, 379; study of Indians by, ii, 379, 380; photograph of statue of, iii, 531. De Chastes, Aymar, early monopoly of the Canadian fur trade by, ii, 376. De Chaumont, James Le Roy, i, 748. De Chaumont, Le Roy, i, 747. De Chaumont, Chateau, ii, 601, 605. De Chaulnes et de Picquigny (Due), ii, 25. Deck, Israel, fac-simile of autograph of, ii, 446. Decker family, v, 394. Declaration of Independence, i, 182, 183, 371, 412, 441, 663, 674, 727; ii, 38, 83, 84, 50, 54, 154, 183, 216, 227, 265, 277, 297, 339, 349, 457, 510, 515, 531, 532, 534, 542, 626, 627, 644, 649, 656, 675, 677; iii, 46, 51, 133, 219, 386, 428, 581, 610; iv, 45, 93, 94, 111, 147, 394, 440, 528, 604; drafting of the, iii, 292; first, iii, 247, 248; iv, 145-149; first celebra tion of signing of, i, 567; reproduc tion of painting containing portraits of Signers of the, iii, 48; reproduction of painting of voting for, iv, 64; re production of photograph of home of a Signer of the, iv, 510; reproduction of portrait of the author of first, iii, 249; reproductions of portraits of Signers of the, iv, 53, 54, 55, 57, 91; reproduc tion of Trumbull's painting of signing of the, iii, 48, 197; iv, 64; "Secret Pact," the forerunner of the, ii, 227, 235; Signers of the, iv, 340, 529, 530; v, 32, 301, 476; Society of Descendants of Signers of the, iii, 48; transcript of letter from John Adams concerning the, ii, 228, 229; transcript of speech made before Provincial Congress of Georgia a few days before signing of the, ii, 230, 231; ii, 232. Declaration of Paris, iv, 11. Declaration of Rights, iii, 46; adopted by American Colonies, ii, 363; by inhabi tants of Vermont in 1777, iv, 588, 589; photograph of memorial on site of the American, iv, 538. De Clare, Eleanor, v, 584. Gilbert, v, 584. Joan (Plantagenet), v, 584. De Clifford, Elizabeth (Percy), v, 585. John, v, 585. N Lord, v, 585. De Conde, Prince, ii, 600. De Constant, d'Estournelles (Baron), ii, 25. Decorations, photographs of foreign, iv, 333. De Corbett, Rohesia, iv, 362. De Cormeilis, Alureda, iv, 142. [74] INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES De Cormeilis, Margaret, iv, 142. Sybill, iv, 142. Walter, iv, 142. De Couaigne, Jean, ii, 391. De Courtenay, Margaret (De Bohun), v, 596. Hugh, v, 596. De Cusere, Anne, v, 405. Corneille (Sergeant-at-Arms), v, 405. De Dashkoff, Chevalier, i, 759. De Decker family, v, 394. Johan (Vice -Director), v, 394. Katheline, v, 394. De Deza, Diego (Archbishop), iii, 61. Dedham, Mass., ii, 531; iv, 377; v, 442; photo graph of Fairbanks House at, v, 10. Deems, Gen., ii, 145. De Engscot, Tristram, iv, 371. Deeping, William (Dr.), i, 241. Deer Creek, ii, 634. Deere, John, ii, 215. Deerfield, Mass., i, 183; iv, 376, 379; v, 134, 450; description in early 19th century of, i, 749; Indian massacre at, iv, 237- 243, 376, 377, 378; old Salem house at, iv, 240; old print of meeting house at, iv, 241. Deering, Mary, iii, 100. De Escovedo, Rodrigo, iii, 74. De Feriet, Jenice (Baroness), ii, 612; Amer ican estate of, ii, 613; reproductions of home and portrait of, ii, 602, 606. De Fermoy, Brig-Gen., v, 65. De Fidenza, Giovanni, iii, 111. Deforest, Capt., i, 427. Lee, invention of wireless telephone by, ii, 15. De Gardoque, Diego, i, 338, 354. De Grasse, Count, i, 712. De Gerdy, Cornelia (Madame), ii, 611. De Gerlache, , iii, 640. De Gerville, , iv, 352. De Gonvello, Amadee (Marquis), ii, 597; imm igration to America of, ii, 605; mar riage of, ii, 605; portrait of, ii, 603; return to France of, ii, 606. Amadee (Jr.), ii, 606. Clotilde, ii, 605, 606. Family, ii, 606. Gaston (Rev.), ii, 606. Paul (Col.), ii, 606. Therese (Le Ray), ii, 607. De Gorbalan, Gines, iii, 60, 80. De Gorostiza, Manuel Eduardo (Minister), ii, 618. De Grasse, Admiral, v, 173. Degrott, Allen (Capt.), i, 420. De Grumstead, John, v, 240. Matilda (Spileman), v, 240. De Haven, Edward J. (Lieut.), v, 604. De Heart, Lieut.-Col., iv, 492. De Hunchelf, John, v, 301. De Irwin, William (Sir), ii, 663, 666. [75 De Kalb, 111., v, 200, 202, 208, 209. De Karry, Adam, v, 309. De Kay family, v, 633. De Key, Jacques, v, 407. Marie (De Peyster), v, 407. De Kype, Hendrik, description of colonial house built by, ii, 290; photograph of colonial house built by, ii, 288; iii, 605. De la Cosa, Juan, making of the first map of America by, iii, 60; oldest known map of the world made by, ii, 116. De la Duela, Juan (Fray), iii, 61. De Lafayette, Marquis, iv, 111, 320; en graving of encampment at Valley Forge of Washington and, iv, 229; photograph of overshoes worn by, iv, 104; photograph of Revolutionary headquarters of, iv, 509; portrait of, -iv, 59. De la Ferte de Pestre-en-Sologne, Baron, v, 404. De la Forest, Count, ii, 604. De la Guarda, West Indies, discovery of island of, iii, 72. De Lancey family, announcement of publica tion containing chapter on the, v, 316. Oliver, iv, 36, 42. Stephen, iv, 42, 43. Delaney, Ada Floretta, v, 233. Sharp (Capt.), iv, 148, 149. Delano, _, v, 606. De la Paz, Principe, iv, 573. De la Pomeraie, Alicia (De Vere), iv, 363. Joanna (De Valletort), iv, 364, 365, 366. Raoule, iv, 356. De la Pomeray, Alice (Raleigh), iv, 367. Edward, iv, 367. Gaufride, iv, 364. Henry, iv, 364, 367, 369. Henry (Sir), iv, 366. Isolda, iv, 364. Johanna, iv, 366, 367. John, iv, 366, 367. Margaret, iv, 366. Nicholas, iv, 366, 367. Thomas, iv, 366, 367. William, iv, 366, 367. De la Pomeraye, Henry, iv, 364. Margeria (De Vernon), iv, 364, 366. De la Pomeroy, Amicia (De Camville), iv, 364, 366. Anna (Cammel), iv, 367, 369, 371. Elizabeth, iv, 366. Elizabeth (De Powderham), iv, 366. Geoffry, iv, 363. Henry, iv, 363. Henry (Sir), iv, 364, 365, 366, 367. Johanna (Merton), iv, 366. John (Sir), iv, 366, 367. De la Salle, Rene Robert (Cavalier le Sieur), explorations of, ii, 213; 388. De la Spine, Alice, i, 520, 522. ] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY De la Spine, family, coat-of-arms of the, i, 522. Grey (Sir), i, 522. De la Tonguiere, , ii, 398. De las Casas, Bartolome (Fray), iii, 60. De Lauzun, Count, marriage of, iii, 284, 285. De La Vega, Juan, iii, 60. Delaware, Lord, i, 124, 222; ii, 112; iv, 137, 142; name of, iv, 138. Delaware, i, 12, 50; ii, 592; iii, 454, 556, 616; iv, 204, 384, 431; v, 262; agreement fix ing southern boundary of, iii, 562; and Chesapeake Canal, i, 659; and Hudson Canal, iv, 407; Barony of, iv, 142; boundary of, iii, 563, 566, 567, 568; Bay v, 265, 363; early Dutch settlement on, iii, 560; first survey and chart of, v, 467; child labor in, i, 189; claim that American flag was first raised in bat tle in State of, ii, 124; derivation of name of, iv, 142; erection of monument to Gen. John Dagworthy of the French and Indian war in, ii, 96; Federal Con stitution ratified by, iii, 572; Fisher family of, v, 467; Gov. Nathaniel Mitchell of, ii, 97; Indians, iii, 431, 564; mail service in Colonial, v, 434; Montgomery family of, v, 473; Revo lutionary uniforms in, i, 127; settlers in Pennsylvania from, iv, 114; suit to dissolve the Powder Trust in, ii, 20; Swedes and Finns in, iii, 560; U. S. Senator elected 1907 from, ii, 23. Delaware, Ohio, ii, 153. Delaware County, N. Y., iii, 447; iv, 555, 557, 558; Penn., i, 657. Delaware River, i, 38, 338, 355, 396, 397, 431, 450, 674; iii, 154, 561, 563, 564, 566; iv, 110, 113, 433, 434, 438, 440, 444, 555, 556, 582; v, 266, 434, 443, 444; Falls of the, v, 431; first ship to reach Falls of the, ii, 89, 90; first steamboat on the, i, 399; grant of tract to William Penn on the, Hi, 561, 562; protection during the Revolution of American vessels in the, i, 670; set tlements on the, iii, 432; Swedish set tlement on the, iv, 487; Washington's crossing of the, iv, 24, 25, 632; v, 51, 64. Delaware Valley, Dutch settlements in the, iv, 388; emigration from New Eng land to, iv, 596, 597; Indian massacres in the, iv, 555. Delawarians, memorials erected to, ii, 704; photograph of monument erected to, ii, 708. De La Warre, John (Sir), iv, 142. Thomas (Lord), photograph of English home of, iv, 138. D'Elbouef, Lord, v, 299. [76] De Leon, Ponce, ii, 436; conquest of Puerto and the discovery of Florida by, iii, 60. De Leon y Barcelo, Maria del Pilar, iii, 106. De L'Escovet, Chevalier, ii, 171. De Lesseps, Ferdinand, i, 633, 636, 637; at tempt to bribe United States Legis lators by, i, 637; building of canal through Isthmus of Suez by, i, 636, 638; infringement of the Monroe Doc trine by, i, 637; prison sentence im posed on, i, 638. Delft, Holland, ii, 460. Defthaven, iii, 498. Delhi, N. Y., iv, 556, 558. De Lincoln, Adam, v, 189. Alan, v, 189. Alfred, v, 189. Colswain, v, 189. Ivo, v, 189. Johan, v, 189, 190. Picot, v, 189. Robert, v, 189. Thorold, v, 189. William, v, 189. De Lingcole, Thomas, v, 189. Delisle, Leopold, iv, 356. De Lome, Enrique Dupuy, ii, 403. De los Dolores Soto, Francisco Jose, iii, 403. De los Frailes, W. I., discovery of the island of, iii, 72. De los Testigos, W. I., discovery of the island of, iii, 72. Del Strode, Adam, v, 471. Alan, v, 471. De Maigne, Harold, i, 520, 524. John, i, 519, 520. Ralph, i, 524. Rudolph, i, 520, 524. Walter, i, 520, 524. De Male, Louis (Count), v, 400. De Male, Marguerite, v, 400. De Mannheim-Rudolph of Mannheim, v, 295. De Manning, Ranulph, or Rudolph, v, 295. Simon, v, 295. De Mantes, Walter, i, 524. De Mantese, Walter, i, 520. De Mantine, Walter, i, 524. De Mantz, Walter, i, 524. Demarara, S. A., early Conn, trade with, iv, 629, 630. Demarest, Jacob, home of, ii, 291; view of home of, ii, 284. Demarest House, Bergenfield, N. J., photo graph of old, iii, 612. De Marginy, Marquis, i, 495. De Marolles, Chevalier, ii, 171. De Maurepas, Count, iv, 181. De Medantine, Walter, i, 520. De Mellent, Isabel (De Vermandois), iv 364 Mabel, iv, 364. Robert, iv, 364. Demere, Robert, ii, 231. INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES Demers, Modest (Father), v, 516. De Meyer, Nicholas, v, 394. De Meyere, Andre, v, 394. Democratic National Committee, ii, 23. Democratic Party at the period of the Mex ican war, ii, 615. Democratic Party in the South, i, 380. De Mons, , ii, 171. De Montocuto, Drogo, v, 297. De Montcalm-Gozon de Saint-Veran, Louis Joseph (Marquis), portrait and auto graph of, ii, 128. De Monte Alto, Eustace, v, 467. De Montfort, Simon, iv, 364. De Montgomerie, Arnulph, v, 473. Roger, v, 473. Walter, v, 473. De Monts, Sieur, explorations of, i, 202; monopoly of the Canadian fur trade by, ii, 376. Demosthenes, iv, 522. De Mott, Claesje, iv, 392. Mattys, iv, 392. De Mules, Johanna, iv, 366. De Narburgh, Ela, v, 240, 242. Family, arms of the, v, 242. William, v, 240. Denbeigh, Jacob (Serg't), testimony against Aaron Burr by, v, 569, 570. Dendremonde, Flanders, v, 398. Deneen, Charles S. (Hon.), ii, 213. De Nemours, Samuel Dupont, co-operation with Jefferson in the purchase of Lou isiana by, ii, 59. De Neuville, family, ii, 59. Hyde, appointment as Minister from France to the United States of, ii, 59. De Neve, Filipe (Gov.), iii, 111, 398. D'Enghien (Due), painting of death of, v, 174. Denio, Hiram, v, 228. Denison, Ann (Borodell), ii, 298. Anne B., i, 317. Capt., ii, 332; iii, 121. Esther, ii, 297, 298, 299, 314; silhouette of, ii, 304. Eunice (Williams), i, 317. F. (Rev.), i, 305. Family, ii, 298, 300. George, ii, 298. George (Capt.), iv, 624. Grederic (Rev.), lines by, iv, 405. Hannah (Tyler), ii, 298. Isaac, i, 317. Mary, i, 305. Mary (Avery), ii, 298. William, ii, 298. Denmark, iv, 206, 208; v, 171, 183; Geograph ical Society of, iii, 637; King of, ii, 546; iv, 333, 334; national hymn of, ii, 200; Sagas preserved in Royal Library, Co penhagen, ii, 116; savings banks of, i, [77 686; West Indian possessions of, iii, 70. Dennie, Joseph, i, 748. Dennis, Abi K. (Fell), v, 119. John J. (Col.), v, 119. Dennison, William (Postmaster-Gen.), photo graph of, v, 210. Dennys, Johanna (St. Aubyns), iv, 366. William, iv, 366. De Normandie, James (Rev.), v, 347. Densell, Elizabeth, iv, 369. Eichard, iv, 369. Denslow, Susanna, v, 461. Dent, Capt., ii, 333. Dentistry, American, i, 675-684, 750. Denver, , iii, 630. Denver, Gov., iii, 630. Denver, Col., Democratic National Conven tion in 1907 at, ii, 23; founding of, iii, 630; University, iv, 15. De Ojeda, Alonso, discoveries and explora tions of, iii, 60; feat of, iii, 79; dis covery of gold in West Indies by, iii, 80. De Olano, Sebastian, iii, 60. De Onate, Juan, explorations in southwest ern America by, iii, 463. De Ora Antarctica, v, 333. De Ortega, Jose Francisco (Lieut.), iii, 111. De Osgodby, Adam, v, 305. De Padilla, Fray Juan (Father), explora tions in southwestern America of, iii, 462; first Christian martyrdom in America suffered by, iii, 463. De Parmelee, Belgian Baronial House of, ii, 176. De Passe, Simon, i, 220. De Pauw University, Indiana, ii, 155. De Peisters, Katheline, v, 396. Symoen, v, 396. De Penalosa, Francisco, iii, 60. De Pester, Jean Baptiste, v, 404. Julien Chislain, v, 404. De Pestre de Bertinehamps, Hyacinthe Ju lien Joseph (Count), v, 404. De Peyster, Abraham, v, 408. Abraham (De Heer), v, 388, 390, 407; pis tol presented by the Earl of Bellomont to, v, 391; portrait of, v, 389. Agnes, v, 402. Anne, v, 394. Anne (De Cusere), v, 405. Antoine, v, 404. Antoinette (Poelvaech), v, 407. Archambaud, v, 392. Baldwin, v, 402. Barse, v, 407. Baudouine, v, 396, 402, 403. Catherine ( ), v, 404, 407. Christophe, v, 403. Cornelius (Capt.), v, 388. Daniel, v, 404. ] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY De Peyster, Denis, v, 407. Dominique, v, 403. Elizabeth (Danckaert), v, 407. Family, v, 387-408, 638; announcement of publication on the, v, 316; ancestral silver of the, v, 391; Colonial homes of the, v, 393, 406; old seal and bookplate showing arms of the, v, 402, 408. Gilles, v, 404, 406. Heinric (Capt.), v, 392, 393, 394. Henri (Sir), v, 404. Hugues, v, 392, 406. Inghelram, v, 403. Isaac, v, 388, 408. Jacques, v, 406, 407. Jan or Johannes, v, 387, 388, 395, 402, 403, 404, 406, 407, 408, 638. Jan (Electeur), v, 403. Jean, v, 401, 402, 405, 406. Jeanne (Van de Voorde), v, 407. Joanna, v, 408. Joeris, v, 394. Johan, v, 388, 408. Johannes (Mayor), v, 388. John Watts (Gen.), announcement of pub lication of biography of, v, 316; book plate of, v, 408. Jonas, v, 407. Josse (Lieut.), v, 406, 407. Jossine (Martens), v, 387, 407. Katheline (De Decker), v, 394. Laurent, v, 404. Lauwers, v, 396. Lievin, v, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407. Louis (Seigneur), v, 404. Margreta (Roosevelt), v, 638. Marguerite, v, 403. Maria, v, 388. Marie, v, 403, 407. Martin, v, 404. Oliver, v, 403. Othon, or Oste, v, 404, 407. Philip, v, 404. Philippines, v, 404. Pierre, v, 402, 405. Pierre (Capt.), v, 396. Pierre Francois (Seigneur), v, 404. Rassen, or Race, v, 396. Reynier, v, 405, 406. Soetine (Joffrouwe), v, 596. Veuve Jacques, v, 406. Veuve Jesse, v, 406. Willem, v, 396, 401, 402. William, v, 638. Wouter, v, 396, 400. De Pierrefitte, Jehan Soudan, iv, 166. De Pisa, Bernal Diaz, iii. 60. De Pointis, Baron, expedition to Cartagena of, ii, 166, 170, 171, 172; taking of Car tagena by, ii, 167, 170, 172, 173, 174, 175. De Poletica H. E. M., ii, 373. [ De Pomeraie, Ethelweed, iv, 362. Henry, iv, 360, 361, 362, 363, 364. Hugue, iv, 356. Joscelin, iv, 362, 363. Joscelinus, iv, 360, 362. Matilda (De Vitrie), iv, 362, 363. Philip, iv, 362. Rodolphus, iv, 352, 354, 356, 357, 358, 359, 360, 362. Roger, iv, 362. Rohesia (Bardolph), iv, 362, 363. William, iv, 362. De Pomeray, Ralf, Manors whicn appeared in Domesday book, held hy. iv, 358, 359. De Pomeroi, Godefroy, v, 299. Edward (Sir), iv, 369. Henry (Sir), iv, 364, 365. Joanna (De Valletort), iv, 364, 365, 366. Johanna (Sapcot), iv, 369. John, iv, 366. Nicholas, iv, 366. Richard (Sir), iv, 355. Thomas, iv, 366. William, iv, 366. De Pomeroy Castle, iv, 370. De Pompadour, Madame, i, 367. Deportation of negroes from the United States, plans for, iv, 197-213. De Portola, Gaspar (Capt.), expedition to found a Spanish colony in California led by, ii, 39; explorations in western America of, ii, 523, 524, 525. De Powderham, Elizabeth, iv, 366. John, iv, 366. De Prato family, iv, 448. Harvey, iv, 448. Matilda, iv, 448. Reginald, iv, 448. Richard, iv, 448. Robert, iv, 448. Roger, iv, 448. William, iv, 448. De Pruer, , v, 396. Katheline (De Peisters), v, 396. Derby, Earl of, iv, 623. Derbyshire, England, v, 303; captivity of Mary Queen of Scots in, ii, 89; fam ilies and estates of, ii, 89, 92, 93; effi gies on tomb of Revell family in, ii, 100. Derceton, England, i, 521. De Reseguier, Alexandre, iv, 126, 127. Family, iv, 125, 126, 127, 131. Peter, iv, 126. Sara (Bontekoe), iv, 126. De Retz, Cardinal, iv, 384. Derigaud, Phillipe (Chevalier de Vaudreuil), ii, 388. De Rivera y Moncada, Fernando (Comman- dante'), iii, 108, 110. Dernberg, Friedrich, ii, 30. 78] INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES De Rochambeau, Count, i, 712; iv, 569; statue of, ii, 612. De Rojas, Juan, iii, 60. De Ronsey, Count, v, 636. De Roquemont, . ii, 380. De Ros, Lord, v, 584. De Rosny, Lucien, iii, 67. Derrstown, Pa., iii, 451. Derry, Ireland, i, 50. Derrybullen, County Fermanagh, Ireland, Ir vine family of, ii, 666. Derryfield, N. H, i, 74, 75. De Sarum, Matilda, v, 236. William, v, 236. Desbergeres, Sieur, ii, 388. De Scoemkere, Simon, v, 394. De Segue, Cavalier, ii, 600. De Segur, Count, memoirs of, iv, 569, 570. De Sendacour, Jean Basin, v, 333. Desert, Great American, iv, 520. Desine, Maj., iii, 384. Desjeau, Jean Bernard Louis (Baron de Poin tis), ii, 166, 167. Des Moines, la., ii, 661 ; mural painting at State Capitol at, ii, 240, 241. Desoteux, , iv, 570. De Soto, ii, 381; v, 479; devastation of Mex ico by, ii, 162; discovery of Mississippi River by, i, 633. Despard, Lieut., v, 87. De Stael, Madame, ii, 606; purchase of land in America by, ii, 612. De Stainville, Lieut.-Gen., ii, 600. De St. Maur, Joan (Damarel), v, 584. Roger (Sir), v, 584. De St. Paul, Marquis, ii, 597, 611, 612, 614. De Sudeley, John, i, 521; Ralph, i, 524. De Testewode, John, v, 240. Katherine (Spileman), v, 240. Richard, v, 240. De Tisin, Juan (Fray), iii, 61. De Tonnerre, Clermont (Count), i, 401. De Torres, Antonio, iii, 60. De Tours, Martin, v, 311. De Traci, Grace, i, 519, 520, 521, 524. Henry, i, 520, 524. Le Sire, i, 519, 520. WiUiam (Sir), i, 520, 521. De Travys, Marcus (Lord High Admiral), i, 265. Detroit, Mich., i, 148, 358; v, 129; battle of the Thames, War of 1812, near, ii, 283; development of, ii, 205; expedition of Gen. Hull to, ii, 267; photograph of statue in, iii, 527 ; surrender in the War of 1812 of, iii, 390. De Troyes, Sieur, ii, 388. De Tur'beville, Ralph, iv, 364. De Vaca, , explorations in North America of, iv, 171. Alvar Nunez Cabeza, i, 202. Atilano Cabeza, ii, 672; descent of, ii, 668, 670; photograph of, ii, 668; explora tions of, ii, 669; iii, 462. Cabesa (Rev.), ii, 672. Nunez, explorations of, ii, 668, 670. De Valencia, Alonso, iii, 60. De Valentinois, Duchesse, ii, 598, 600. De Valletort, Joanna, iv, 364, 365, 366. Reginald, iv, 364. Roger, iv, 364, 365, 366. De Valosi, Jenny, ii, 611. Marquis, ii, 611. De Vaudreuil, Phillipe Derigaud (Chevalier), ii, 388. De Vautort, Alice, iv, 364. Deveaux, James (Col.), ii, 232. Marv, ii, 232; reproduction of painting of, "ii, 233. De Veil, Abbe, v, 570, 575. De Vere, Alicia, iv, 363. Robert, iv, 363. Devereaux, , ii, 608. De Vergennes, Count, iii, 307, 308. De Vermandois, Isabel, iv, 364. De Vernon, Mabel (De Mellent), iv, 364. Margeria, iv, 364, 366. William (Earl of Devonshire), iv, 364. Devery County, Ireland, iii, 454. De Villanova, Arnaldo (Dr.), iii, 60. Devil's Gate, Rocky Mountains, ii, 143. De Vincennes, Due, ii, 605. Devine, J. M. (Gov.), ii, 210. De Vineure, Jean Baptiste Donation (Count de Rochambeau), i, 712. De Vitrie, Agnes, iv, 362. Andre, iv, 362. Matilda, iv, 362, 363. Devizes, Wilts, Eng., iii, 292. Devoll, Barker, ii, 307. Charles, ii, 307. Christopher, ii, 307. Family, ii, 307. Francis, ii, 307. Henry, ii, 307. Jonathan (Capt.), ii, 307. Nancy, ii, 307. Sally, ii, 307. Silas, ii, 307. Devon, Handbook of, iv, 352; Prince's Wor thies of, iv, 354, 355. Devonshire, England, i, 399, 522; ii, 111; iv, 250, 251, 275, 357, 360, 362, 366, 373; v, 98, 309, 311, 426, 469, 471, 584, 596, 597; churches of Beri, Braordin, and Clisson in, iv, 362; Earl of, iv, 364; v, 596; insurrection of 1549 in, iv, 369, 370; Pomeroy family of, iv, 353, 354, 355, 357, 359, 360, 362, 363, 364, .366, 367, 369, 370, 371, 372; sheriffs of, iv, 364, 369. Devotion (Taylor), v, 134. Ebenezer (Rev.), v, 134. Hannah, iii, 386. [79] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY Devotion, John, autograph of, ii, 446. Martha, iii, 386. De Vries, , Dutch Colony in Maryland planted by, iii, 560, 561, 562. Capt., iv, 390, 391. Dewey, , "Financial History of the United States" by, ii, 629. Family, iii, 603; v, 303; coat-of-arms of, ii, 359. George (Admiral), i, 15; ii, 429; iii, 251, 603; victory of Manila, Philippine Islands, of, ii, 558, 579; iv, 511. De Witt, Benjamin (Dr.), v, 126. Dewitt, Simeon, iv, 113. De Wyndsore, Walter, v, 189. Dexter, Capt., v, 568. Franklin B. (Prof.), ii, 473. Samuel, iv, 563. Dey of Algiers, transcript from old news paper describing sailing of frigate pre sented by United States government to, ii, 108, 109. De Ybarra, A. M. Fernandez (A. B., M. D.), iii, 59. Deyo, Margaret, v, 636. D'Heran, de la Motte (Chevalier), ii, 171. Diana, Jefferson Co., N. Y., ii, 605. Dias, Melchior (Capt), exploration of, ii, 40, 42, 256, 258. Diaz, President, ii, 437, 714; iii, 39; settle ment of difficulties between Central America Republics by, ii, 5; welcoming of Secretary Root to Mexico by, ii, 25. Dickens, Charles, i, 268, 272, 277, 656. Dickenson, , iii, 450, 451. Capt., v, 159. G. D. (Lieut.), i, 630. N, iii, 452. Dickins, Asbury (Hon.), ii, 618. Dickinson- Ayon Treaty, effect on Nicaraguan canal of, i, 636. Dickinson College, ii, 154; v, 90; first pres ident of, i, 373. Dickinson, Gen., iv, 441. Gov., iv, 444. John (President), iv, 111, 112; v, 51. John, birth, death and Revolutionary ser vice of, iv, 384; patriotic poem written just before the Revolution by, iv, 384. Jonathan, v, 438, 442. Dickson, Capt., ii, 189. Cynthia (Parrott), iv, 601. Dr., iv, 601. Dictionary, first American, iii, 132; photo graph of first American, iii, 134; of National Biography, iii, 214; Standard, v, 347. Didsbury, Lancashire, England, v, 197. Dielman, Frederick, reproduction of mural decoration by, iii, 17. Dieskau, Gen., iv, 381. Digby, ;, i, 412. [8 Agnes, i, 520. Kenelm (Sir), i, 242, 252, 253. Lord, iii, 498. Simon (Sir), i, 522. W. (Lieut.), Revolutionary journal of, iii, 212. Dighton, Mass., i, 506. Dill, J. S., iv, 335. Jacob S. (Rev., D. D.), iv, 319. Diller, Neb., ii, 682. Dilliker, Dr., v, 117. Dillon, Hiram Price (Mrs.), i, 76. Dillon's Reg't in French wars in Europe, v, 414. Dilsney Islands, ii, 666. Dilwyn, , v, 92. Dimock, Henry F. (Mrs.), iii, 652. Dingley, , i, 31. Nelson, iii, 440. Dingley Bill, effect on Cuban exportations of the, ii, 439. Dinwiddie, Gov., iii, 82, 83; iv, 99. Mary, ii, 399. Robert (Gov.), portrait and autograph of, ii, 399. Dinwiddie County, Va., iv, 575. Diplomacy, modern, iv, 10. Directory, policy regarding Louisiana of the French, iv, 611. Dismal Swamp, Va., iii, 418. District of Columbia, i, 381; ii, 248, 251; iv, 205; abolition of slavery in, iv, 202; Georgetown University in, ii, 211; gov- ernment of, ii, 430; negro refugee camps in, iv, 210. District of Maine, purchase of tract of land in, iii, 537, 538, 539, 540. Ditch, Mattathias, ii, 662. Ditton, , i, 184. Dives, Normandy, tablet with names of com panions in arms of William the Con queror in Church of, iv, 354, 356. Dives River, Normandy, iv, 356. Diving boat, Fulton's invention of a, i, 401. Divorce in United States, i, 694. Dix, Dr., i, 694. Dixey, John, i, 164. Dixon, , ii, 472. Ambrose, iv, 305, 306. J. M. (Senator), ii, 23. Jeremiah, iii, 563, 564, 565, 566. John (Capt.), iii, 286. Samuel G., ii, 667. Doane, Carrie J., i, 378, Dobbin, J. C. (Sec), v, 606. Dobell, Agnes, v, 426. Dobson, Joseph (Dr.), i, 53. Maj., ii, 398. D'Oca, Isidore Monteo, ii, 585. Doctor, experiences of an early American, ii, 464-469. Dodd, S C T., death of, ii, 36. 0] INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES Doddridge, , i, 546. Dr., iii, 85. Dodge, J. Smith (Dr.), i, 684. John, ii, 308. Nathaniel S. (Hon.), v, 159. Polly (Stone), ii, 308. Doduceswilla (Dunkswell, Hemyock), Eng land, iv, 358. Doeg Indians, iii, 415. Dogson, Richard, ii, 398. Dogue Neck, Va., iv, 98. Dolan, Thomas B., investigation of methods employed in railway finance in New York City, by, ii, 19. Dole, President, i, 20. Doliver, Jonathan, P., ii, 210. Domesday Book, iv, 137, 141, 284, 354, 356, 357; v, 236, 245, 297, 305, 309; fac simile of page of, iv, 140; manors of Ralf de Pomeroy which appeared in, iv, 358, 359. Domesday Survey, i, 518; iv, 357, 362. Dominica, W. I., i, 643; description by voy ager on ship of Columbus of, iii, 63; early Indians of, iii, 68; naming of, iii, 62. Dominican missionary in the Philippine Is lands, early, ii, 581. Dominican Monastery, Ghent, Flanders, v, 404. Dominick Street, Rome, N. Y., iii, 209. Dona Ana County, N. Mex., ii, 670, 673. Donahoe, Daniel J. (Judge), i, 393, 589; poems by, ii, 261, 535; iv, 192. Donegal County, Ireland, Castle Caldwell in, iii, 456, 457. Dongan, Thomas (Gov.), v, 432; report on the Province of New York of, ii, 392. Doniphan, (Mott), iv, 512. A. (Gen.), i, 440. Alexander W. (Col.), ii, 669, 670; expe riences in Mexican War of, iv, 511- 524. Anne (Smith), iv, 512. Elizabeth Jane (Thornton), iv, 518. Family, iv, 512. Gen., v, 280. George, iv, 512. Joseph, iv, 512, 513. Mott, iv, 512. Donival, Daniel, iii, 56. Donlevy, Harriet (Mrs.), death of, ii, 37. Donnelly, Eleanor (Miss), i, 673. Ignatius, ii, 217. Donner, , i, 627. Donohoe, Stephen Rozzell (Capt.), i, 614. D. C, iv, 210, 211. Doolittle, Amos, reproduction of old engrav ing by, iv, 60. Benjamin, iii, 448. James R., i, 28. John, ii, 254. [81] J. R., iv, 201. Senator, iv, 199, 200, 201, 207, 208. Dorchester, Lord, i, 732. Dorchester, Conn., ii, 480; England, iv, 40; Mass., i, 81; iv, 67, 286, 376, 377, 406; v, 140, 321, 424, 467; expulsion of Lol lards from, iii, 196; founding of, iv, 374; So. Car., i, 457, 464, 728, 729, 730. Dorchester Heights, Mass., Revolutionary siege from, iv, 566. Dorman, Ezra, ii, 342. Dorset Convention of 1776, iii, 603. Dorsetshire, England, iv, 367, 369, 372, 373; v, 418, 586; Hodge family of, v, 461; Lincoln family of, v, 191; Pomeroy family of, iv, 371, 372. Doubleday, Page & Co., i, 495, 496, 513. Doughty, , "Siege of Quebec" by, ii, 397 William, ii, 103, 105. Doughty-Tichborne, James (Sir), v, 595. Douglas, , iii, 628, 629; iv, 200, 631. Governor, ii, 635, 636, 637. Melvin, v, 544. Richard, ii, 694. Stephen A. (Senator), i, 437; ii, 215; iii, 629, 631; v, 201, 618; pictures of Abra ham Lincoln during his campaign against, v, 203, 205. Douglas Bill, the, iii, 628, 629. Douglas County, Kan., iii, 629, 630; Nebraska, v, 281. Douglass, Bishop, iii, 453. Captain, ii, 333. Colonel, ii, 184, 355, 520, 648; iii, 275, 279, 582, 583. Commandant, ii, 520. Frederick, iii, 236. Douglass County, Minn., Runestone unearthed in, iv, 165-184. Dover, Earls of, v, 309. Dover, England, iii, 412, 446; N. H.,' first settlement at, iv, 250. Dow, Joanna, v, 469. Dowie, John A., death of, ii, 36. Dowieville, Cal., ii, 634. Dowler, Bennett (Dr.), treatises on yellow fever by, ii, 211. Down Place, England, ii, 52, 53. Downe, -, iii, 120. Downe Court, Kent, England, v, 295. Downes, John, ii, 91. Downing, , i, 254, 256. Lucy, i, 244, 255, 259. Doyle, Elizabeth, v, 116. Doylestown, Pa., v, 116. Drake, , iv, 550; v, 69; discovery of petroleum in Penn. by, iv, 120; "Land marks of Boston" by, iii, 94; "Old In dian Chronicle" by, iv, 422. Col., ii, 520; iii, 57. Edmund (Rev.), i, 641. THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY Drake, Francis (Sir), i, 214, 644; ii, 109, 166; iii, 492; iv, 449, 520; birth, i, 642; death of, i, 650; adventures on the Spanish Main of, i, 640; ii, 315; at tack and conquest of town of San Do mingo, W. I., by, i, 645, 646; attack on Cadiz, Spain by, i, 650; capture of 100 vessels at Cadiz, Spain, by, ii, 109; capture of St. Augustine, Fla., by, i, 650; circumnavigation of the globe by, i, 641, 643; conquest of Cartegena by, i, 647; embarking for the West Indies of the expedition of, i, 644; expedition against Spain and Portugal of, i, 650; expedition to the West Indies of, i, 642, 643; explora tion of coast of California by, ii, 38; extract from M. Thomas Cates' pub lished account of the West Indian voy age of, i, 644; first sight of the Pa cific Ocean of, i, 642; knighting of, i, 641; last voyage of, i, 650; list of cap tains who voyaged to the West Indies with, i, 644; map representing attack on Cartagean by, i, 648, 649; old por trait taken from original painting of, i, 645; plundering of Cartagena by, i, 650; resolutions of captains un der, i, 650, 651; sacking of coasts of Chili and Peru by, i, 641. Lieut., iii, 582. M. V., lines by, iii, 392. Samuel Adams, "Historic Fields and Man sions of Middlesex" by, iv, 68. Thomas (Capt.), i, 644. Dramas, Early English, i, 219. Draper, , history of King's Mountain by, ii, 280. Lyman C. (Hon.), i, 337. Draper Ms. in Wisconsin Historical Society Library, iii, 220. Drayton, Mary, i, 699. Dresser, Aaron, v, 229. Drew, Elizabeth, iii, 92. Jemima (Clark), iii, 92. Lieut., v, 224. Robert, iii, 92. Drewell, Agnes, v, 426. Richard, v, 426. Dright, , iii, 514. • Dring, Capt., v, 122. Drinkstone, Suffolk, England, iii, 410. Driver, Stephen, i, 15. Droon, Worthies of, v, 297. Drowne, family, iv, 427. Henry Bernadm, iv, 427. Henry Russell, i, 693; iii, 148; iv, 425; his toric heirloom in collection of, iv, 429, 430. Henry Thayer, iv, 427. William, iv, 427. Drum, Dr., ii, 136. [82] Drum Castle, Scotland, view of, ii, 666. Drummond, Gen., i, 757. Sarah, iii, 428. William, participation in Bacon's Rebel lion of, iii, 418, 425, 426, 427. Drumthwacket, Princeton, N. J., v, 49. Dry Turkey Creek, Kan., iii, 470. Dryden, Bridget, v, 349. Elizabeth (Cope), v, 349. Erasmus (Sir), v, 349. Family, v, 349. Dryden, John, ii, 74; iii, 428; v, 349; ances try of, v, 349; poem by, iii, 392. John F. (Senator), ii, 23. Drysdale, Hugh (Gov.), iv, 99. Duane, James, iv, 584, 585. Du Barry, Madame, v, 595. Dublin, Ireland, i, 164, 677; iii, 265; iv, 41, 555; v, 256, 297, 349, 473; Trinity Col lege in, iii, 266; iv, 513; University of Ireland, ii, 664; iii, 266. Du Bois, Abraham, v, 636. Catherine (Blanshan), v, 636. Chretien, v, 636. David (Capt.), v, 636. Family, v, 636; reproduction of arms of, v, 637. Henry (Lieut.), v, 636. Isaac, v, 636. Jacques, v, 636. James (Lieut.), v, 636. John (Bishop), v, 636. Lewis (Maj.), v, 636. Macquaire, v, 636. Margaret (Deyo), v, 636. Mary, v, 636. Dubose, family, v, 636. Isaac (Capt.), v, 636. Dubuque, Julian, i, 433; birth, death and ed ucation of, iii, 506, 510; lead mines on Mississippi River worked by, iii, 507, 508, 509, 510; monument to, iii, 510. Marie ( ), Hi, 506. Noel Augustin, iii, 506. Ducasse, Jean Baptiste (Gov.), ii, 170, 171 172, 174, 175, 176. Du Chaillu, , i, 656. Du Chambon, Gov., iv, 380; v, 30, 31, 152. Duche, Jacob (Rev.), correspondence between Gen. Washington and, iv, 525-531. Duck Creek, Pa., iii, 99. Ducornet, , portrait of Champlain by, ii, 120. ' Dudley, , i, 254; ii, 70. Anne, y, 139. Arthur (Mrs.), iii, 453. Deputy-Governor, v, 368. Family, v, 139. Governor, i, 304; v, 360, 361. Joseph (Gov.), iii, 92, 93; v, 138, 139; Fast INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES Day proclamation of, ii, 500; Lord, iv, 371. Mercy, v, 138, 139. Roger, v, 139. Thomas (Gov.), v, 138, 139; letter to the Countess of Lincoln from, ii, 494; lines by, iv, 401. William, ii, 176. Dudley Castle, Staffordshire, England, v, 139. Dudo, v, 183. Duel on battlefield of the Revolution, en graving of, iv, 230. Dueling in America, ii, 55. Duer, William, i, 506; iii, 537. Duerle, Ghent, Belgium, v, 392. Dugdale, England, iv, 354. Dugdale's Baronage, i, 521. Duguide, Serg't, v, 109. Duke, Edward (Sir), iii, 410. Elizabeth, iii, 410. Margaret, v, 426. Duling family, v, 463. Duluth, Mich., iii, 42. Duma, the, ii, 2; election in 1907 of the Rus sian, ii, 26. Dumas, Alexander, iii, 42; iv, 125. Dumfdershire, Scotland, Bonshaw Tower in, ii, 666. Dumfries, Va., ii, 111. Dummer Academy, Mass., ii, 647. Dunbar, Isaac, v, 577. Martha, v, 577. Paul Lawrence, i, 27. Surveyor-Gen., i, 351. Dunbarton, Miss., plantation of, v, 577. Duncan, , iv, 598. Mrs., iv, 598. Duncard's Creek, iii, 564, 565. Dundas, Col., v, 227. Dundrum Bay, i, 278. Dunestanetuna (Dunscombe, in Widdes- combe-in-the-Moor, in Haytor), Eng land, iv, 359. Dunewinusdona (Dunsdon in Blacktorring- ton), England, iv, 358. Dungan, (Lieut.-Col.), ii, 510. Barbara, ii, 507, 508, 512. Elizabeth (Weaver), ii, 508. Family, ii, 508; coat-of-arms of, ii, 512. Frances, ii, 508, 512. Lieut.-Gov., iv, 152. Thomas (Rev.), ii, 508; descendants of, ii, 510, 511; pedigree chart on which ap pears the name of, ii, 512. Warren S. (Col.), iv, 145. William, ii, 503, 506, 508, 512. Dunham, Daniel, ii, 308. Family, ii, 308. George W., v, 601. Margery, v, 190. Mrs., ii, 308. [8 Dunham Massie, Gloucester Co., Va., old manor house of, iii, 285, 287. Dunkards in Ohio, iii, 513. Dunkirk, N. Y., iv, 119. Dunkswell, Hemyock, England, iv, 368. Dunlap, , i, 170; iv, 129. Captain, i, 449, 450. William, i, 237. Dunmore, Lord, ii, 278, 279; iii, 284; iv, 500; v, 99. Dunn, Capt., i, 310. High Sheriff, iv, 115. Dunne, Mayor, ii, 23. Dunning, Chancellor, iv, 438. Dunscombe, Capt., iv, 349. Dunscombe, in Widdescombe-in-the-Moor, Haytor, England, iv, 359. Dunscombe, West Budleigh, England, iv, 358. Dunsdon, Blacktorrington, England, iv, 358. Dunstable, Mass., iii, 122; N. H, iii, 124, 125. Dunwiddie, Maj., v, 301. Dupont, Admiral, ii, 59. Family, ii, 59. Victor, ii, 59. Durand, 111., iii, 113. Durang, Ferdinand, the national hymn, "The Star Spangled Banner," first sung by, iii, 165. Durango, Bishop of, iii, 545. Durant, Benjamin, ii, 355. Duras, Victor Hugo (L. L. M., D. C. L., M. Dip.), iii, 39, 40. Durbin, Dr., iv, 513, 514. Durborn, Lieut.-Col., iv, 491. Durgee, Col., ii, 350. Durham, Earl of, v, 220. Gov., v, 220, 221. Lord, v, 221. Durham, Conn., Book Co. of, i, 177; England, Emerson family of, v, 416; drawing of gravestone showing arms of Emer son family of, v, 419. Durin, Thomas, ii, 131. Durkee, Col., ii, 520; iii, 54, 278. Major, iii, 115. Robert (Capt.), iv, 441. Durkins, Elias, i, 230. Durrett, R. T. (Col.), reproduction of photo graph of collection of relics of, iv, 104. Duryea family, v, 638. Dustin, Hannah, v, 17. Dutache, Capt., iv, 279. Dutch, architecture, ii, 286, 287, 288, 289, 290, 291, 292; boundary claims of the, ii, 74; character and influence on Amer ican life of the, ii, 290; emigration to gold fields of northwestern America, ii, 635; houses in America, old, iv, 135; photographs of old, ii, 284, 288, 289, 291; in Maryland, iii, 560, 561; in Mohawk Valley, i, 618; in New York City, iii, 154; iv, 385, 487; v, 366; on ] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY (Dutch) Long Island, iii, 154; poem in praise of New Netherlands, transcript of trans lation of, iii, 162; settlements in America, i, 583, 584; iv, 388-392, 394; slave traders in Virginia, iii, 89; three hundredth anniversary cf first settle ment in New York by the, iii, 146; iv, 467; villages adjacent to Manhattan Island, facsimile of early map of, iv, 591. Dutch Church, Albany, N. Y., v, 633; erec tion and description of early, iv, 393, 394; Kingston, N. Y., v, 636; New York City, reproductions of old prints of, iii, 576, 577, 578. Dutch East India Company, iii, 573; explora tions under the, i, 203. Dutch Flat, Cal., ii, 634. Dutch Patroon, descendants of a, iv, 387-396. Dutch West India Company, iii, 560; iv, 431. Dutchess County, N. Y., i, 498, 499, 501; iv, 38, 39; Revolutionary period in, i, 503, 506; Tories in, i, 500, 502, 504. Du Trieux, Susanna, v, 633. Dutton Hill, English estate of, iv, 448. Duxbury, Joseph (Capt.), i, 204. Duxbury, Mass., iv, 623; v, 309; Alden house at, iv, 135; photographs of old houses at, iv, 133, 134, 135. Dwer, i, 94, 95. Dwight, , "Travels in N. Y. and N. E," by, iii, 204, 205. Abiah, v, 134. Colonel, iii, 123. Dr., i, 548. Edwin W., iv, 300. Timothy (President), i, 549, 551, 552; v, 135; description of first canal in the U. S. by, iv, 409, 410; "Travels in New England and New York," iv, 409, 410. Dwight, 111., v, 202. Dwitty, , ii, 139. Lafayette, ii, 140. Dye, Eva Emery (Mrs.), i, 472. Dyer, Col., iv, 439. Eliphalet, iv, 442. Thomas (Capt.), ii, 353. William (Attorney-Gen.), v, 363. Dyes, discovery of aniline, ii, 36. Dyle River, v, 183. D'Yrujo, Marchioness, reproduction of por trait of, ii, 180. D'Yujo, Marquis, ii, 180. [84] E Eades, Benjamin (Capt.), iii, 165. Eads, James B. (Capt.), building of bridge over Mississippi river by, i, 637. Eagle Point, Gloucester Co., Va., manor house of, iii, 285. Eames, Wilberforce, i, 527. Earle, Ralph, reproduction of painting by, ii, 83. Earth, antiquity of the, iv, 17. Earthquakes, at Jamaica, W. I., ii, 2, 643; iii, 92, 94; at San Francisco, Cal., iv, 127; at St. Louis, Mo., i, 350; in Col orado Desert, iii, 108; in Russian Tur kestan, ii, 35; in southern Italy, ii, 35. East, Samuel i, 320. William, i, 320. East Branch of Susquehanna, iv, 120. East Bridgewater, Mass., iv, 624. East Budleigh, England, iv, 358, 359. East Cottage St., Boston, Mass., iv, 374. East Farleigh, England, ii, 507. East Granville, Mass., v, 244. East Guilford, Conn., i, 81. East Haddam, Conn., i, 684; ii, 529. East Hampton, L. I., i, 458. East Haven, Conn., i, 508; v, 299. East Horwood, Tremington, England, iv, 358. East India Company, i, 214, 357; Trade, i, 657. East Indies, ii, 103; iv, 125, 276, 279; an nouncement of Department of Journal of American History for Genealogical Research in, v, 322. East Jersey, Province of, iv, 39; v, 73, 434, 435; early Governor of, v, 196. East King St., Lancaster, Pa., i, 398. East Panson, in St. Giles-in-the-Heath, Blacktorrington, England, iv, 359. East Penn St., Carlisle, Pa., v, 90. East Plymouth, Conn., ii, 342, 346. East Providence, R. I., site of, iii, 186. East River, N. Y., i, 707; ii, 518; iv, 30; v, 126; British prison ships in the Revo lution in the, v, 121; first steamboat on the, i, 408; old print of, iii, 579. East St. Louis, 111., first settlement near site of, ii, 213. Tennessee College, v, 103. East Tenn. & Western N. C. R. R., iv, 543. East Windsor, Conn., i, 684. East Yeowelston, Blacktorrington, England, iv, 358. Eastern Shore, Va., iii, 562; settlement of the, iv, 304. Easthampton, Mass., iv, 415. Easton, Colonel, iv, 382; v, 159. Elizabeth (Barker), ii, 508, 512. John (Gov.), iv, 569. Jonathan, ii, 509. Mary, ii, 509. Mercy, iv, 569. Nicholas (Gov.), ii, 508, 509, 512; iii, 196; iv, 569. Patience (Rodman), ii, 509. Peter (Gov.), ii, 508, 512. Easton, Pa., iv, 301; v, 448. Easton & Wilkes Barre Turnpike Co., v, 120. Eastport, Me., i, 16. Eastville, Va., iv, 303. Eaton, , i, 247, 256. (Rev.), iii, 121, 123. Capt., iii, 122. Edward Bailey, Civil war collection of photographs of, iii, 37, 38, 251, 359, 360; v, 201; photographs from collec tion of, iii, 12, 18-20, 25-29, 31-36, 250, 252-264, 344, 361-376; iv, 321; v, 203- 209, 214. Hannah, i, 248. John, "Grant, Lincoln, and the Freedmen," by, iii, 236, 239; iv, 210. Mary, i, 247, 248. Samuel, i, 248. Theophilus (Gov.), i, 247, 248. Eaton, Ohio, iii, 513. Eberhart, Gov., iv, 166. Eckels, J. H., ii, 36. Ecclesiastes, Book of, i, 554. Eckhard, E., ii, 55, 56. Eclipse Expedition to Africa, iv, 297. Ecuador, ii, 419. Eddins, Samuel (Ensign), iii, 286. Eddowes, A. B., v, 247. Ralph, description of voyage to America in 1794 from journal of, v, 247-269. Eddy, , iv, 412. Mrs., next of kin suit against, ii, 25. Zachariah (Hon.), iv, 404. Edenton, N. C., resolutions passed regarding tea drinking and wearing of apparel of British manufacture at commence ment of Revolution by women of, ii, 365. Edgar, , i, 520; iv, 99. King, i, 523. Edgar County, 111., iii, 515. Edgartown, Mass., i, 88, 320; ii, 531. Edgecomb, Gilbert, v, 548. Jane, iv, 369. [85] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY (Edgecomb) Piers (Sir), iv, 369. Samuel (Jr.), v, 548. Mount, iv, 359. Edge, Robert, iii, 604. Edgecomb, Samuel (Jr.), v, 548. Edge Hill, Va., plantation of, iv, 100. Edgett, Isaac H., v, 151. Edict of Nantes, ii, 167; iv, 30, 123, 124, 125, 126. Edinburgh, Scotland, i, 156, 170; ii, 262; first newspapers printed at, ii, 492; Uni versity of, i, 549; ii, 667. Edison, Thomas A., i, 27. Edmer, iv, 358. Edmondson, , ii, 149. Edmondstone, John, iii, 99. Edmund I., i, 520. Edmund, son of Earl of Cornwall, i, 525. Edmundson, William, journal of, v, 73. Edric, iv, 358. Edson, Bethia, v, 140. Samuel, v, 140. Education, American, iv, 14; bequest of John D. Rockefeller in the cause of, ii, 15; early American, i, 717-726; Miss Anna T. Jeanes' bequest in the cause of Negro, ii, 15. Edward L, i, 510, 521, 525; iv, 364; v, 134, 413, 584; II., i, 524; ii, 93; iv, 366, 367; v, 134; DX, i, 10, 335, 520, 521; iv, 284, 364, 365, 366; v, 134, 299, 584, 585, 596; in., assumption of Arms and title of King of France by, v, 395, 396; IV., iv, 369; v, 242; VI., iv, 370; v, 189, 583, 585, 586, 598; VH., ii, 5, 26, 359, 535; congratulations on tercentenary of first English settlement in America from, i, 579. Edward, Duke of York, iii, 204. Edward, son of Alfred the Great, v, 299. Edward, the Black Prince, iv, 365; the Con fessor, i, 521; iv, 141; v, 236, 245; the Elder, i, 520. Edwards, , i, 546; iii, 121, 123. Benjamin, v, 299. Bryan, v, 299. Daniel, v, 299. Esther, iii, 123, 127. Family, iv, 149; v, 299; coat-of-arms of the, v, 298. Fanny Louise (Taft), v, 423. George Wharton, painting by, iii, 159. Governor, iv, 519. Hayden, v, 299. J. L. (Commissioner), ii, 47. James (Capt.), v, 299. John, v, 299. Jonathan, i, 178; iii, 85, 86; v, 23, 299; works of, i, 184, 185. Morgan, ii, 508. Nathan, iii, 117. [86 Ninian (Gov.), ii, 214. P. L., v, 522. Pierpont, i, 711; iii, 387. Richard, v, 299. Robert, iii, 604. Sanford (Dr.), v, 299. Sarah, iii, 126. Timothy, v, 299. William, v, 299. William A. (Dr.), v, 423. Edwards Hall, Cardiff, Wales, v, 299. Edwi, iv, 359. Edwin, , reproduction of engraving by, iv, 91. Edwit, iv, 359. Ells, , iii, 121. Abigail, i, 95. Moses, i, 95. Egbert, King, i, 517, 519, 520, 521, 537. Eggleston, Edward, v, 359, 368. Egingwah, iii, 352. Egle, William H. (Dr.), iv, 110. Eglinton, Earl of, v, 473. Egmont, Count of, v, 221, 405. Egypt, i, 575, 676; ii, 26, 212; v, 225; canni balism in, iii, 68; early journey to, ii, 585; English protectorate in, ii, 425; excerpt from speech of Theodore Roosevelt made in, iv, 314; obelisk at Rome, Italy, brought from, ii, 389; rise and fall of ancient, iv, 186, 187. Egypt Awakening, sculpture symbolizing, iv, 2. Ehrlich, Jacob, ii, 268. Einaf, Earl of Orkneys, v, 183. Eissa (Ash, in Bradworthy), England, iv, 359. El Paso, Texas, ii, 620, 671; iii, 547. Elberon, N. J., iv, 297. Elbert Co., Ga., i, 567. El Caney, iii, 16. El Cojo, Cal., iii, 112. Elder, P. P., iv, 82. Elderman Law, ii, 33. Eldred, John (Capt.), ii, 508. Margaret (Holden), ii, 508. Walter, v, 461. Eldredge, Christopher, v, 548. Daniel, v, 548. Zoeth S. (Hon.), ii, 38, 255, 521, 696; iii, 103, 171, 395. Eldridge, Charles (Ensign), v, 548. Eleanor, Queen, v, 584. Elections, American, ii, 20; National, ii, 591. Electric Power, generating by the tides of, i, 577. Electrical apparatus, American manufacture of, i, 577. Elephant Butte Irrigation Dam, N. Mex., ii, 673. Elgida, v, 295. Elgin, Lord, v, 230. 1 INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES Eli, Daniel, iii, 117. Eliot, , i, 181; the "Apostle," v, 138. Charles William (Dr.), iii, 266; iv, 1, 10, 469; iv, 10. Elias, iii, 120. Ellsworth (M. D.), iii, 148. Jacob, i, 179, 180, 182. Jacob (Rev.), i, 181. John (Rev.), decoration showing preaching to Indians of, iii, 504; engraving of preaching to Indians of, v, 36; mis sion to American Indians of, iii, 500, 502. Joseph, i, 250. President, ii, 667; v, 136. S., ii, 490. Elisha, i, 66, 67. Elizabeth Princess, v, 242, 585; Queen, i, 213, 522; iii, 42, 556; iv, 142, 452, 474, 650; v, 139, 141, 309, 413, 424, 585, 598; Frobisher's expedition to Labrador under patronage of, i, 641; letter to Lady Elizabeth Hobbie written by, iii, 91; reign of, i, 641; queen of Henry VII., iv, 369. Elizabeth City County, Va., iv, 74, 575. Elizabeth, N. J., i, 722. Elizabethan Age in England, iii, 492. Elizabethport, N. J., i, 427. Elizabethtown, N. J., i, 76; iii, 454; v, 443, 454, 457. Elizabethtown, Tenn., ii, 145; iv, 544. Elizabethtown Point, N. J., v, 445. Elk County, Pa., iv, 113, 119. Elk River, i, 448, 659. Elkhart, Ind., ii, 250. Elkins, David (Rev.), v, 194. George, ii, 510, 511. George Washington, ii, 511. Stephen B. (Senator), ii, 210; practice of law Hi New Mexico by, ii, 673. William Lukens, ii, 506, 511. Ellensburg, Wash., i, 228. Ellery, Benjamin, iii, 100. Sarah (Gooch), iii, 100. William, i, 506, 507; iv, 41. Ellesmere Land, iii, 335, 641. Ellett's "Pioneer Women," iv, 546. Ellicott, Andrew (Surveyor-General), ii, 102, 103, 111; iv, 113. Thomas, letter written by Josiah Fox to, ii, 111. Ellior, William, i, 559. Elliot, , iv, 43-46. Martha (Stewart), ii, 232. Elliot Place, Hemstead, L. I., iv, 46. Elliot School, Boston, Mass., old, ii, 200. Elliott, Andrew, iv, 42. Gilbert (Sir), iv, 42. Jesse D., i, 656. Jesse Duncan (Capt.), ii, 212. Nancy, iv, 601. Ellis, -, i, 351, 352, 353; iii, 450, 451. Captain, v, 80. Elizabeth, ii, 226. John, ii, 226. Horace (A. M., Ph. D.), iii, 227. Powhatan, mission to Mexico of, ii, 617, 618, 619, 620. Ellsworth, Capt., v, 455. Oliver, i, 38, 63, 702. Elmdon, Essex, England, iv, 448. Elmdonbury Hall, English estate of, iv, 448. Elmington, Gloucester Co., Va., old manor house of, iii, 285. Elmira, N. Y., iv, 117; Revolutionary bat tle on site of, iii, 433. El Paso del Robles, Cal., iii, 172. Elson, Henry William, "History of the United States" by, ii, 619. Elsworth, Thomas, iv, 377. Elvin, (Rev.), iii, 123. Elwell, Frank Edwin, i, 607. Tobez, iii, 381. Ely, (Rev. Dr.), iii, 615, 616. Daniel Brittain, ii, 89, 100. David, iii, 386. Elizabeth, ii, 94. Family, ii, 90, 94, 96; arms of the, ii, 95. George, ii, 94. Joshua, arrival in America of, ii, 94; will of, ii, 94. Rebecca, ii, 90, 97. Ruth, ii, 94. Zebulon (Rev.), i, 182, 183. Elzey, , iv, 306. John, iv, 305. Emancipation and colonization of negroes, committee on, iv, 202, 203, 204. Embarass River, iii, 515. Embargo Act in Early American Republic, v, 247. Emburg, Bishop, Colony of, i, 618. Emden, Germany, v, 633. Emerson, , iii, 119, 120, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127. (Mrs.), iii, 121, 122. Clara, i, 173. Daniel (Rev.), iii, 119. Edward, iii, 122. Elizabeth, v, 415. Family, iii, 119, 127; v, 415; drawing of gravestone showing arms of the, v, 419. James, v, 415. John (Rev.), iii, 119. Joseph (Rev.), v, 415. Joseph (Rev., Jr.), introduction by Edith March Howe on transcript of diary written in 1748 by, iii, 119; transcript of diary of, iii, 120-127. Joseph (Rev., Sr.), iii, 119. Nathaniel, v, 415; drawing of gravestone of, v, 419. [87] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY (Emerson) Ralf, v, 415. Ralph Waldo, iii, 584; iv, 20; ancestry of, v, 415; facsimile of manuscript of poem by, iii, 597, 598; drawing of gravestone of ancestor of, v, 419; por trait of, i, 302; sculpture showing head of, ii, 545; lines by, iii, 428. Sarah ( ), v, 415. Thomas, v, 415; drawing of drinking cup of, v, 415. William (Rev.), iii, 119. Emory, Lucilius A. (Hon.), iii, 538. Emigrant Aid Society, iii, 628. Emigrants to America, early, ii, 362, 460. Emigration to the West from Virginia, early, ii, 468; to the United States, ii, 438. Emlen, Elizabeth N., ii, 226. Emanuel College, Cambridge University, Eng land, v, 426. Emmet, , v, 314. Daniel Decatur, i, 27. Robert, i, 656; iv, 513. Emmet Collection, New York Public library, photograph of historic treasure pre served in the, ii, 396, 397, 401; iv, 108. Emmetsburg, Iowa, iii, 217. Emmotson, Adam, v, 301. William, v, 301. Emory, W. H. (Lieut.-Col.), account of the journey of advance guard of the U. S. Army across the Colorado Desert by, iii, 106. Emory Bar in the Klondike, ii, 637. Empire State, the, ii, 48. Emporia, Kan., ii, 250, 252. Ems River, Germany, v, 633. Endicott, , i, 11. John (Gov.), i, 81; iii, 186, 195; v. 361. Endicott, Neb., ii, 682. Enfield Canal, iv, 411. Enfield, Conn., i, 147, 148, 150; iii, 140; iv, 408; v, 134, 135. England, i, 396, 397, 682, 695, 699, 735; ii, 48, 423, 428, 536, 544, 547, 555, 596, 634, 643; iii, 39, 517; iv, 35, 59, 129, 208, 219, 252, 332, 434, 436, 438, 482, 484, 512, 580, 581, 603, 604, 619; v, 73, 130, 134, 138, 139, 140, "141, 179, 230, 277, 283, 287, 295, 433, 436, 443, 444, 445, 453, 550, 628; Abbey of St. Mary du Val in, iv, 360, 362; accumulation of wealth by, iii, 41; adoption of inter national code for navigators in, iv, 6; aerial navigation in, ii, 12; aid given in laying of Atlantic cable by, iv, 330; alliance between Flanders and, v, 395, 396; alliance between France, Spain and, ii, 5; announcement of publica tion of genealogies of American de scendants of notable families of, v, 320; Ball family of,, v, 296, 297; Ban- [88] croft family of, v, 302, 303; bill to separate Canada passed in, v, 216; Board of Trade of, ii, 34; Brandon family of, v, 576; Brooke family of. v, 634; Brooks family of, v, 634; Caesar's camps in, iii, 41; Cambridge University in, iv, 334; captivity of Ethan Allen in, iv, 589; Cary family of, v, 308, 309; celebration of 100 years of peace between United States. France and, v, 171, 173; Champernown family of, v, 595, 596; Church of, ii, 26; iv, 426; Civil war in, iv, 371; v, 595; coal mines of, iii, 43; commer cial supremacy of, ii, 316; conquest of Canada by, ii, 39; Courtenay fam ily of, v, 596; Danes in, v, 241, 244: descent from Anne Hutchinson of a Chancellor of. v, 367; dissension be tween the Crown and Barons of. iv, 370; Domesday Survey in, iv, 357, 362; Dudley family of, v, 139; early American financier in, i, 746; early banker for the United States in. iii, 540; early dentistry iu, i, 676; finan cial system in, i, 687; early expoits to America from, ii, 266, 267; early importations in America from, ii, 289; early settlers in Va., from, v, 98; Ed wards family of, v, 298, 299; Emerson family of, v, 415; drawing of grave stone showing arms of Emerson fam ily of, v, 419; excerpt from speech of Theodore Roosevelt in, iv, 318; ex pedition against West Indies sent by, iv, 450; fall of government of King James II. in, ii, 167; families of, iv, 360; families of the Peak District of central, ii, 89, 92; "Family Compact" in, v, 217, 218, 219, 220, 226, 230; fear of a Spanish invasion of, i, 650; Fell family of, v, 116, 117; first king of, i, 517, 519, 520, 521; first newspaper in, ii, 492; first opposition in America to, iv, 262-264; first U. S. Minister to, iv, 554; first use of terms Conservative and Liberal in, ii, 341; folk songs of, i, 546; founding of Bank of, i, 634; Froud's history of, iv, 369; genealogical researches in, iv, 151, 152; Grindall family of, v, 427, 427; Hanks family of, v, 194; Heron family of, v, 195; Herring family of, v, 195; Hodge family of, v, 461; Holmes family of, v, 197; homes of the Mayflower Pilgrims in, v, 348; Hooker family of, v, 426, 427; House of Lords in, ii, 26; Huguenots in, iv, 125, 126; husbandry introduced in America from, ii, 61; insurrection of 1549 in, iv, 369, 370; international peace cause in, ii, 5; Interparlia- INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES (England) mentary Union in, iii, 487; James fam ily of, v, 463; Jay treaty with, iv, 279; joint ownership with United States of Oregon by, ii, 557; Lambeth Asy lum in, iv, 531; Latham family of, iv, 623; Lea's Gleanings of, iii, 95; Lin coln family of, v, 189-191; Loomis family of, iii, 146; iv, 283-298; Lord High Admiral of, iv, 371; Lord Keeper of Great Seal of, iii, 410; Lord Protector of, iv, 370; . v, 583, 585, 586, 595, 597, 598;Manning family of, v, 294, 295; Marbury fam ily of, v, 348, 349; Martin family of, v, 310, 311; Mead family of, iv, 447- 453; military strongholds of, iii, 43; mission of Rev. Cotton Mather to, ii, 494; mission of Sir Charles Hobby from ministers of New England to, iii, 92; Montgomery family of, v, 473; National hymn of, ii, 200; v, 309; Nor man Baronies of, iv, 356, 357; Norse conquest of, iv, 352; Osgood family of, v, 304, 305; petition to Crown sent by Canada to, v, 219; policy in the East of, ii, 5; policy in Mexican War of, ii, 623; policy regarding universal peace of, iii, 481-483, 485-487; Pomeroy fam ily of, iv, 353-367, 369-373; presenta tion of ship "Resolute" by the U. S. to, v, 603-610; Protectorate in South Africa of, ii, 425; Public Record Of fice in, ii, 397; railroad strike in, ii, 34; Raleigh family of, v, 597; Raw- son family of, v, 418; record from Domesday Book of manors of Pomeroy family in, iv, 358, 359; Remching fam ily of, v, 198; reproduction of arms of Child family of, v, 386; reproduction of engraving of American envoy to, iv, 92; reproduction of engraving of an cient castle in, iv, 361; reproduction of engraving of Chelmsford in, v, 241; reproduction of engraving of Thaxted in, v, 237; reproduction of photograph of Coronation Chair of, v, 170; repro duction of photograph of Crown jew els of, v, 172; reproductions of manor houses of, v, 237-239; reproductions of prints of only American Flags cap tured in Revolution now in, iv, 160, 161; reproductions of scenes at Dan bury in, v, 238, 239, 241, 246; Royal Society of, i, 418; model exhibited by Royal Society of, ii, 15; Royal Sussex Regiment of, ii, 126; Sewall family of, v, 465; Seymour family of, v, 583- 586, 595-598; Shipley family of, v, 195; Smith family of, v, 475, 476; six teenth century privateering trade of, i, 641; Spelman family of, v, 232, 234- 246; Strother family of, v, 471; ter ritorial contention in New World by, v, 18; Torrey family of, v, 427, 428; trade of Virginia with, iii, 82, 88; treaties regarding western settlement between U. S. and, v, 505; treaty be tween United States, Germany and, ii, 425; treaty between France and, ii, 395; Tucker family of, v, 469, U. S. Minister to, v, 303, 607; Victoria His tories of Counties of, iv, 354, 356, 357; victory over French fleet of, ii, 494; Vikings in, v, 183, 184; visit of Em peror Charles V to, v, 584; visits of Roger Williams to, iv, 427; Vowell family of, v, 426, 427; Walshe fam ily of, v, 595; war between France and, ii, 167, 592, 627; iii, 218; iv, 340; v, 586; war between Spain and. ii, 316; Wars in American colonies of, v, 74, 75; Wentworth family of, v, 584, 585; Wilson family of, v, 300, 301, 424, 427; woman suffrage in, ii, 11. English, the, iv, 189. English Act of Religious Toleration, iii, 82, 83. English Army Council, ii, 126. English Bill of Rights, ii, 534, 542. English Channel, v, 607. English children in America, first, iv, 73-76. English Colonies in America, first, i, 583, 584; iv, 74. English Conquest of New York, iv, 433. English emigration to gold fields of North western America, ii, 635. English Flag, i, 10, 11. English influence on Indians of Northwest Territory, iii, 221. English naval officers of the expedition against Cartagena, South America, ii, 331-338. English Navy in reign of Queen Elizabeth, i, 641. English Peerage, Burke's, iv, 372. English Privateers, dangers to early Amer ican voyagers from, i, 641; ii, 70, 71. English Protectorate in Egypt, ii, 425. English ravaging of Spanish cities on the isthmus of Panama, i, 634. English Rolls, ii, 126. English School of Navy Architecture, ii, 102. English settlement in America, reproduction of photograph of memorial tablet to founders of first, iv, 535; 73-76, 485, 535. English Surnames, iv, 142, 354. English War Office, ii, 126. Engraver, an early, i, 304. Engravings, early American, iv, 87, 223; v, 35; reproductions of old, iv, 85, 86, 90, 91, 92, 221, 222, 224-236, 257; v, 33, 34, 36-42, 44-48. [89] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY Engsden, England, iv, 372. Enniskillen, Ireland, Irvine family of, ii, 664, 667. Eno, Joel Nelson (M. A.), ii, 479; iv, 185; poem by, iv, 100. Enterprise, Fla., iv, 297. Epes, , i, 256; iii, 50. Ephraim, Wis., iv, 165, 178. Episcopal Church, i, 732, 733; early Amer ican Bishops of the, i, 736; ii, 653; missions in Wyoming of the, i, 476; oldest American, i, 210, 217; silhouette of early American Bishop of the, i, 371; Bristol, Conn., list of parishioners of, ii, 342. Episcopal Churches in Va., reproductions of photographs of early, iii, 282. Epistola of Vespucius, v, 333. Epler, Percy H., monograph on Artemas Ward by, iv, 563, 565. Eppes, , ii, 472. Frances, v, 461. Epping Forest, Va., v, 297. Epworth, England, v, 348. Erasmus, iv, 485. Erastus Corning Company, iv, 118. Erb, Frank C, iii, 265, 266. Erdbury, Warwickshire, England, Priory of, i, 521. Erie, Battle of Lake, ii, 60. Erie Canal, iv, 87, 116, 117, 407, 412, 415; building of the, i, 634; ii, 604, 605. Erie County, N. Y., acquisition of land by Penn. in, iv, 113; Pa.,"iv, 113, 115, 119. Erie Railroad, iv, 119, 596. Erikson, Leif, discovery of America by, iv, 167. Erickson, Mylius, iii, 639. Erinvine family, ii, 665. Erizo, James (Capt.), i, 644. Erlendson, Hauk, iv, 173. Ernst, Duke of Saxe-Altenburg, photograph of, ii, 14. Ernst Louis V, Grand Duke of Hesse, pho tograph of, ii, 7. Erwin family, ii, 665; iv, 114. Vice-Gen., iv, 344. Erwyn family, ii, 665. Esaire, Padre, iii, 400. Escher, Henry, i, 759. Esmarige (Smalridge, in Axminster, Haytor), England, iv, 359. Esquimalt Harbor, Vancouver, British Co lumbia, ii, 635. Esquimaux, iii, 325, 326, 327, 328, 333, 334, 335, 337, 338, 339, 340; ancient war fare between Greenlanders and, iv, 168, 169; description of journey before the Revolution into country of the, v, 76- 80; first traders with the, i, 202; life of the, iii, 638, 639; origin of the, v, [90 80; reproduction of engravings illus trating life of the, iii, 331, 332. Esopus, N. Y., ii, 226; iii, 162; iv, 38, 45; v, 636. Espanola, Rio Arriba County, N. Mex., ii, 206. Espileman family, v, 236. William (Jr.), v, 236. William (Sir), v, 234, 236; engraving of manor house of, v, 239, 244; photo graph of church in which buried, v, 245. "Essays of Elia," v, 465. Essex, Earl of, v, 596. Essex, England, i, 48; ii, 127; iii, 146; iv, 284, 286, 448; v, 138, 189, 242, 243, 586; en graving of town of Thaxted in, v, 237. Essex County, Mass., v, 158; N. J., iii, 572; v, 74, 443; N. Y., Watson's history of, iii, 213. Essex institute, Salem, Mass., old shipping bill preserved at, ii, 125; photographs of historic treasures preserved by, iv, 104, 105; portrait at, iv, 57. Essex Street, Boston, Mass., ii, 364. Estadelcia (West Stockleigh, in Witheridge), England, iv, 358. Estandona (probably Estanton Down, Lin ton), England, iv, 358. Estanton Down, Linton, England, iv, 358. Estate, oldest American ancestral, i, 327. Esther, Queen, iii, 432. Estitoa, on Tennessee River, i, 51. Estko family, ii, 373. Peter, ii, 370. Estocheleia, or Stochelie (Stockleigh Pom eroy, S. Budleigh), England, iv, 358. Estow, County Bedford, England, ii, 506. Estreta (Street Raleigh, in Whimple, East Budleigh), England, iv, 358. Etah, iii, 333, 334, 335, 336, 357, 358. Etah Ford, iii, 346. Ethelred, King, i, 518, 520, 521, 523, 524, 537, 542. Ethelwolf, i, 520. Ethnology, French Society of, iii, 67. Etna, O., iii, 512. Eton School, England, ii, 52; v, 424. Etukhishook, iii, 647. Etukishuk, iii, 641. Euclid, O., i, 148, 149. Eugene, Prince, iv, 449. Eulenberg, Philip (Prince), ii, 30. Euphrates River, iv, 186. Eureka Sound, iii, 641. Europe, American dentistry recognized in, i, 675; animals of, iv, 218; announcement of Department of the Journal of. Amer ican History for Genealogical Re search in, v, 322-324; coal mines of, iii, 42; development of literature in, iv, ] INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES (Europe) 20; dynasties of, iv, 360; effect on American commerce of wars of, i, 746; first American financiers in, i, 746, 747; political development of Conti nental, iv, 18; sculpture at the Cus tom House, New York City, repre senting America's tribute to, ii, 8. Eustes, Senator, ii, 592. Eustis, Gov., i, 710; iv, 415. James, v, 367. Eutaw Indians, iii, 546, 547, 548, 549. Eutaw Springs, battle of, i, 700. "Evangeline," Longfellow's poem, i, 203. Evans, , iii, 451. Family (see Ap Evan family), ii, 109. "Fighting Bob" (Rear Admiral), ii, 215. Oliver P. (Judge), ii, 211. Evans Mills, N. Y., ii, 608. Evanston, 111., i, 262. Evarts (Sherman), iii, 52. William M. (Hon.), iii, 52. Eve, Judge, i, 666. Mrs., i, 666. Evelyn, John, diary of, ii, 389. Everett, , v, 614. Edward, iv, 470. Gov., i, 154. Wash., i, 228. Everett School, Boston, Mass., reproductions of silhouettes of George and Mar tha Washington preserved at, v, 185, 186. Eve's Corner, Danbury, England, photograph of, v, 238, 243, 244. Evesham, Worcestershire, England, iii, 95. Evolution, iii, 145; iv, 17, 19. Eweing, John, iii, 566. Ewing, Col., iii, 582. James (Brig.-Gen.), iv, 146, 148, 149. Thomas (Senator), iii, 542. Ewyas, Herfordshire, England, i, 521. Exchange Place, New York City, reproduc tion of old print of, iii, 577. Execution Dock, Wapping, London, England, v, 130. Exeter, Devonshire, England, i, 399; iv, 371, 374; v, 426, 427, 476; churches of St. Nicholas at, iv, 364; insurrection of 1549 at, iv, 369, 370; Priory of St. Nicholas at, iv, 362; New Hampshire, i, 124, iii, 192; first settlement, iv, 250. Exeter Castle, England, governor of, iv, 364. Exeter College, Oxford University, England, v, 596, 597. Exeter Hall, London, England, i, 156. Exminster, England, iv, 358, 359. Exon, England, iv, 253; Domesday Book, iv, 354. Expansion of the United States, Northwest, iii, 217-225. Exploration Society, Past, iv, 166. Explorations in America, French, ii, 43; Span ish, ii, 38-42. Explorer's Club, iii, 315, 345, 637. Exton, in Faringdon, East Budleigh, Eng land, iv, 358. Extremadura, Spain, Province of, iii, 65. Exuma, ii, 72. Eyck's Creek, Lancaster Co., Va., iii, 89. Eydes, Count of Paris, v, 183. Eyford, England, iii, 95. Eyre, Col., v, 552, 553. Family, ii, 92; photograph of silver en graved with arms of the, ii, 92. ¦ William, ii, 92, 93. [91] Fages, Eulalia (Calis), iii, 179. Maria del Carmen, iii, 179. Pedro (Gov.), ii, 259, 525; brief biography of, iii, 179; explorations of, iii, 178, 179, 398. Fagnani, paintings by, ii, 53, 58, 63. Fair, holding in N. Y. in 1795 of a great, iv, 115. Fair Forest, S. C, i, 375. Fair Forest Creek, S. C, i, 374. Fair Oaks, engraving of battle of, v, 48. Fairbairn's Book of Family Crests, iv, 372. Fairbanks, Asa (Capt.), iii, 248. Charles W. (Hon.), congratulations to the Prince of Wales from the United States extended by, ii, 360. Family, photograph of homestead of eight generations of the, v, 10. Richard, v, 430. Secretary, ii, 23. Vice-President, iii, 39. Fairbanks House, Dedham, Mass., photo graph of, v, 10. Fairfax family, iv, 98, 100; v, 309. Lord, v, 309; South Branch Manor of, ii, 209. Fairfax Court House, Va., i, 614. Fairfield, Conn., i, 65, 81; iv, 379; v, 432, 456; Va., iii, 449; transcripts of inscrip tions on tombs at plantation of, iii, 289, 290, 291. Fairfield County, Conn., i, 121. Fairhaven, Conn., i, 686. Fairmont, W. Va., mine explosion at, ii, 35. Fairmount Park, Philadelphia, Pa., i,' 674. Fairport, O., laying out of, iii, 388. Fairview, 0., iii, 545. Fakenham, England, i, 220. Falaise, Normandy, iv, 352, 356, 362. Falconer, Josiah, v, 125, 126. Falkland, Viscount, v, 309. Falkland Islands, i, 279, 306. Fall River, Mass., i, 686; ii, 264, 624; iv, 446. Fallows, Samuel (Bishop), iii, 360. Falls Church, Va., v, 115. Falls Fight, King Phillip's War, iv, 238, 239, 240. "Falmouth," British prison ship in the Rev olution, the, v, 122. Falmouth, England, i, 274; ii, 102, 111; Mass., i, 61; Va., v, 446. Faltsby, , ii, 135. "Family Compact," English, v, 217, 218, 219, 220, 226, 230. Faneuil Hall, Boston, Mass., lodging of Brit ish troops in, iv, 270; meeting of Rev- [92 olutionary patriots in, iv, 269 ; portrait of Washington at, iv, 88. Fanning, Edmund (Sir), i, 515. Fanwood, N. J., iv, 298. Farallon Islands, iii, 176. Fardell, Devonshire, England, iv, 367. Farecloth, Jane, i, 573. William, i, 573. Farewell, Jonathan, killing by Indians of, ii, 301. Fargo, N. Dak., statue of Rollo of Normandy at, v, 177. Farley, James T., ii, 210, 211. Michael, v, 156. Farm products of 1907, ii, 24. "Farmer's Castle," O., ii, 303; fortifying of, ii, 304; first school at, ii, 305; first religious services at, ii, 306; list of first settlers of Ohio at, ii, 306-309; re moval of settlers from, ii, 312. Farmington, Conn., ii, 343, 346; iv, 414; list of Tories in, ii, 342; old Tory den at, ii, 340-347. Farmington Canal Co., iv, 414. Farmington Canal R. R., iv, 415. Farnam, Henry, aerial feat of, ii, 12. Farnsworth, Eunice, i, 75. Isaac, Hi, 123. Mrs., iii, 123. Farnum family, iii, 186. Rhoda, i, 726. Farquahar, , iii, 452. Agnes, portrait of, iv, 245. Farragut, Admiral, Civil war photograph of attack on ship of, iii, 376. Farrar, F. W., iii, 384. Farrell, Hubert, iii, 424. Farringdon Extra, England, v, 418. Farrington, Captain, ii, 184. Faschamps, , reproduction of portrait by, iii, 648. Fassett, S. M., v, 200. Fast Day, proclamation of early new Eng land, ii, 500. Fauchard, Pierre, i, 676. Fauconnier family, announcement of work on, v, 320. Fauquier, Francis, iii, 82. Fauquier County, Va., iv, 512. Fay, Herbert W., collection of historic pho tographs in possession of, v, 201; pho tographs of Abraham Lincoln from col lection of, v, 200, 202, 208. Joseph D., v, 125. Major, ii, 184. Fayette, Howard Co., Mo., iv, 515. ] INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES Fayette City, Pa., iv, 603. Fayette County, Ohio, iii, 614; Pa., iv, 604, 605; W. Va., ii, 211. Fayettesville, N. C, v, 102. Fearing, Cynthia (Rouse), ii, 308. Paul (Hon.), ii, 308. Feather River, ii, 153. Featherston, John, i, 108. Federal Army, Ninth Army Corps of, ii, 212. Federal Constitution, ii, 216; iii, 572; New Jersey plan for the, iii, 569, 570, 571, 572; Vermont plan for the, iii, 603; Virginia plan for the, iii, 569, 571. Federal Convention of 1787, iv, 93. Federal Hill, Conn., ii, 342, 346. Federalism, ii, 193. Federalist Party, early American, ii, 347. Feeke, Henry, iii, 99. Feke, Robert, i, 170. Feldkirch, Austria, ii, 118; v, 336. Fell, Abi K., v, 119. Annie R., v, 116. Charles, v, 117. Elizabeth (Blackpan), v, 117. Elizabeth (Doyle), v, 116. Family, v, 116, 117; blazons of arms of the, v, 113. Hannah (Welding), v, 117. Jane (Kirke), v, 117. Jesse (Judge), v, 114-120. John (Bishop), v, 117. Jonathan, v, 115, 116. Joseph, v, 116, 117. Mary Askew, v, 116. Nancy W., v, 119. Samuel W. (Dr.), v, 119. Sarah, v, 119. Thomas, v, 117. Watson, v, 117. Fell Township, Pa., v, 120. Fellows, Gen., ii, 184, 185, 186, 187; 648, 650; iii, 55, 57, 275, 277, 279, 582, 583. John (Gen.), ii, 183, 349, 350, 353, 515, 520. Felt, Joseph B. (Rev.), ii, 176. Felton, , iii, 448. Capt., ii, 517. Fen District, England, v, 348. Fenny Compton, England, v, 134. Fenton Family, iv, 149. Major, iii, 280. Fenwick, , i, 700. Alice (Lady), i, 699. Charlotte, i, 699, 700; miniature of, i, 708. Edward, i, 699. George, i, 699. Harriette, i, 700. Mrs., i, 700. Ferdinand, King, ii, 669; iii, 69, 75; iv, 512; v, 584; IV, i, 24; V, ii, 435; speech of, ii, 594; VII., i, 24, 758. Ferguson, , iv, 543. (Grame), iv, 528. [93 Col., command at battle of King's Moun tain of, ii, 279, 280. Gen., i, 566, 567. Hugh (Mrs.), iv, 528. Major, i, 58. Patrick (Col.), v, 101. Ferguson's Rifles, i, 449. Feriet, N. Y., ii, 613. Fermanagh County, Ireland, iii, 456; Irvine family of, ii, 666. Ferme de Paris, i, 749, 750. Fernald, John (Capt.), v, 24. Fernandina, Fla., iv, 205. Fernandez, Peter, ii, 585. Ferndale, Cal., v, 374. Ferneyhough, John, i, 372. Ferree, Mary (Du Bois), v, 636. Philip, v, 636. Ferriman, Luther Martin, facsimile of auto graph of, ii, 447. Ferris, Amelia (Livingston), iv, 38. Elijah, iv, 38. Jeffrey (Sr.), iv, 452. Joseph, iv, 452. Ferris House, Rutherford, N. J., photograph of old, iii, 608. Fessenden, , i, 31. William P. (Sec), photograph of, v, 210. Fick, N. (Col.), iv, 45. Field, Cyrus W., i, 270; excerpt from speech on laying of the Atlantic cable by, iv, 330. Eugene, i, 439; ii, 215. John, signing of the Providence Compact by, iii, 189. Marshall, ii, 215. Osgood, iii, 148. "Field of the Cloth of Gold," v, 584. Fielding, Ambrose, i, 573. Figueras, Francisco, appeal for annexation of Cuba to United States by, ii, 403, 405, 406, 407, 409, 543; facsimile of auto graph of, ii, 408; reproduction of por trait of, ii, 408; transcript of letter to Americans from, ii, 410; transcript of petition to President McKinley from, ii, 411-440. Figueredo, , ii, 436. Filisola, Gen., ii, 619, 620. Filleigh, England, iv, 369. Filliol, Catherine, v, 586, 595. Family, blazon of arms of, v, 586. William (Sir), v, 586. Fillmore, President, iii, 553;# journey on first railroad train to pass through State of New York of, ii, 62. Fillmore County, Neb., ii, 683. Finance, American, i, 687-692, 745, 746, 747. Financial Panic of 1837, i, 154; system of United States, organization of the, ii, 629. Financier, Early American, ii, 48-63. THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY Financiers of the United States, first, iii, 537- 540. Fincastle, N. C, v, 100; Va., iii, 449, 451; County, Va., iv, 546. Finch, Daniel, ii, 480; death of, ii, 36. Francis Miles, poem, "Tribute to Ameri cans," by, iv, 256. Hannah, iv, 555, 556, 557. Finden, Eward, reproduction of engraving by, v, 238. Findlay Family, iv, 149. Fingal, Lord, ii, 600. Fingal's Cave, i, 292. Finland, constitution granting women full political rights in, ii, 11; prohibition regarding intoxicants in, ii, 11. Finlay, (Philips), iv, 37. Hugh, iv, 37; v, 446, 451, 452, 453. President, v, 136. Fins in Delaware, iii, 560. Firearms, manufacture of first American, i, 335. Fire engine, first American, i, 334. Fire Lands in Ohio, iii, 386; iv, 445. Firmin, Giles, i, 243. Fish, Stuyvesant, ii, 25; v, 281. Fishback, Judge, ii, 694. Fisher, , iv, 204. Anthony (Sir), v, 467. Daniel (Capt.), v, 467. Fischer, P. Joseph (Prof., S. J), discovery of historic map by, ii, 118; v, 336; map discovered by, v, 342, 343. Fish, Brigade Maj., ii, 356, 652; iii, 56. Ebenezer, v, 548. Jonathan, iv, 379. Lieut., ii, 518. Marshall, photograph of Lincoln from col lection of, v, 204. Fish Creek, N. Y., iii, 211. Fisher Family, v, 467; arms of, v, 466. Frederick (Col.), v, 467. George, v, 467. George H, ii, 397. Hendrick, iii, 57. Hendrick (Lieut.), v, 467. Henry Middleton, iv, 54. Isaac (Lieut.), v, 467. Jabez, v, 156. John (Bishop), v, 467. John (Lieut.-Col.), v, 467. Joseph, v, 467. Joshua (Lieut.), v, 467. Onesiphorus (Corporal), v, 467. Samuel (Capt.), v, 467. Thomas (Brig.-Gen.), v, 467. Vigilance, v, 467. Fisheries, early American, iv, 250. Fisher's Island, Mass., i, 242. Fisher's Mills, L. I., iv, 128. [94 Fishkill, N. Y., i, 499, 506, 507; iv, 45; v, 105; founding of the Society of the Cincinnati near, ii, 366. Fishkill Landing, N. Y., v, 106. Fishkill Plain, N. Y., i, 502. Fisk, Brigade Maj., ii, 185. Nathan, iii, 124. Nicholas (Brigade-Maj.), ii, 187. Samuel, iii, 120, 124. Fiske, George McClellan (Rev. D. D.), Ode to American Chivalry by, iii, 517-519. John, ii, 123; 124; iv, 249; v, 299, 500; "Discovery of America" by, iv, 167; "Old Virginia and Her Neighbors" by, iii, 410, 428; iv, 142. Fitch, , i, 256. Elizabeth, v, 132, 133. Family, i, 48. Jabez, i, 324. John, invention of first steamboat by, i, 33-48, 270, 283, 396, 397, 399, 405, 411, 427. Joseph, i, 48. Lucy, i, 48. Mrs., i, 47. Nathaniel, i, 48. Rose, i, 324. Samuel, i, 48. Samuel Sheldon (M. D.), i, 682. Sha'ler, i, 48. Fitchburg R. R., iv, 416. Fitzgerald, E. J, Adair, ii, 200. J. N., death of, ii, 36. Mayor, ii, 23. Fitzhugh Family, iv, 98, 100. Henry, iv, 100. William, iv, 98, 100. Fitz-Martin, Augharad (Rhys), v, 311. Maud (Peverell), v, 311. Nicholas, v, 311. Robert (Baron), v, 311. Fitzpatrick, Col., v, 568, 570. Maj., iii, 544. Fitzroy, Henry, v, 586. Ld. Aug. (Capt.), ii, 332. Fitzurse, , i, 521. Five Mile Run, N. J., v, 65. Five Nations, French settlers and the, ii, 378; Indian tribes of the, iii, 415. Fjelde, Herman O. (Dr.), v, 177. Flag Day, observance in U. S. of, iv, 159. Flagg, Josiah, i, 677. Thomas, i, 233. Flags, prints of historic, iv, 157, 158, 160- 164. Flamborough Head, England, ii, 123. Flanders, Mehitabel, iii, 126. Flanders, ii, 176; alliance between England and, v, 395, 396; Count of, v, 395, 400; De Peyster family of, v, 387-408; Earl of, v, 397; English trade with, iii, 412; exodus of Huguenots from, iv, 124; ] INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES (Flanders) Guilds of, v, 392, 397, 402, 403, 404, 405; wars of, v, 390-406; wars in, v, 584; wars of Spain in, v, 404, 405. Flatbush, L I., i, 722; early resident of, iv, 394; enlisting of men in British army in Revolution from, iv, 128. Flaten, Nils, iv, 178. Flato, Island of, reproduction of photograph of Saga manuscript found in, ii, 114. Flat Point Cove, Canada, v, 25. Flavel's Works, i, 184. Fleehart, Joshua, ii, 309. Fleet Street, Boston, Mass., iii, 438. Fleherty, , v, 568. Fleming, David, iv, 41, 42. Elizabeth, iii, 298. Family, iii, 298. Jacob, iii, 298, 307. Mary (Boyd), v, 409. Prof., iii, 555. Stephen (Capt.), iii, 298, 302, 303, 307. Walter H. (A. M., Ph. D.), iv, 197. Walter L. (A. M., Ph. D.), iii, 233; v, 409. Flemington, N. J., Revolutionary attack on, v, 601. Flemish Wars, iii, 84. Fletcher, Col., i, 374. Gov., v, 437. Fleury, France, ii, 598. Flint, , ii, 149. Flint, Royal, iii, 537, 538. Timothy, v, 289. Floid, Col., i, 458. Flood, iii, 83. Florence, Italy, ii, 586; iv, 451; v, 175, 336, 337; historical sketch of Vespucci fam ily of, v, 337; family tree of Ves pucci family of, v, 346. Florida, i, 169, 354, 355, 647, 650; ii, 547, 619, 669; iii, 453, 530; iv, 205, 219, 249, 297, 496; v, 254, 599; acquisition by United States of, ii, 553; iii, 618; iv, 610, 612; admission to the Union of , i, 14 ; de velopment of, ii, 526; discovery of, iii, 60; first European settlements in, i, 582; fish of, i, 732; Gulf of, i, 83; Northwest Territory bounded by, ii, 548; plant life of, iv, 575; projected expedition of American naval force in the Revolution to East, i, 671; Revo lutionary expedition to, i, 731, 732; Spanish at Revolutionary period in, i, 732, 735; Spanish explorers in, i, 202, 641. Floyd, John (Dr.), v, 521; portrait of, v, 523. Floyer, Mathew, iv, 448. Susannah, iv, 448. Flying Camp of the Revolution, v, 307. Folk, Joseph W. (Hon.), i, 439. Fonblanque, , "Life of John Burgoyne" by, iii, 210, 215. [95 Font, , iii, 108, 178, 396. Padre, ii, 697; iii, 173, 174; description of Harbor of San Francisco by, iii, 175, 176. Fontaine, John, iv, 98. Fontana, Dominico, ii, 389. Fontanet, Ind., powder mill explosion near, ii, 35. Food, law regarding pure, ii, 23. Foote, , "Sketches of Virginia, by, iii, 85. Mary, i, 541. Foraker, Senator, ii, 23. Forbes, , iv, 209, 210; conquest of Ft. Duquesne by, iii, 82. Alexander, i, 631. Gen., iv, 604. Joshua, iv, 404. Forces Tracts, iii, 427, 428. Ford, Hepzibah, iv, 377. Judge, i, 760. Maj., i, 760. Mrs., i, 171. W. C, v, 54. Ford Abbey, England, iv, 363, 364. Foreign Mission School, colonial, iv, 300. Foreign vote, qualifications for the early, ii, 595. Foreman, James, ii, 209. Forest County, Pa., iv, 113. Forester, Thomas, ii, 209. William, ii, 209. Forgie, Scotland, iii, 215. Forman, , i, 340, 341, 343, 344, 345, 349, 350, 351, 352, 353, 354. Augusta, i, 340, 352. Col., iii, 280. David, i, 340, 342. David (Gen.), i, 338, 339; iii, 302, 303. Ezekiel, i, 338, 339, 344. Frances, i, 340. Jonathan (Col.), i, 339, 342. Margaret, i, 340, 352. Mrs., i, 340, 341, 342. S. S., i, 342. Samuel, i, 339. Samuel S. (Maj.), i, 337. Thomas Marsh (Gen.), i, 344. Formosa, emigration to gold fields of north western America from, ii, 635. Forrest, Mrs., iv, 74. N. B. (Gen.), iv, 550, 551. Thomas (Capt.), v, 65. Forster, Susan, v, 634. Forsyth, Capt., i, 319. John, i, 30. John (Secretary), ii, 618, 619, "620. William, iv, 273, 274. Forsythe, (Perkins), iv, 625. Eunice, iv, 625, 630; v, 554. Family, iv, 625, 626. Timothy, iv, 625. ] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY Fort, John F. (Gov.), ii, 20. Fort Amsterdam, Manhattan Island, v, 366; old print of, iii, 576, 577; Anne, N. Y., iii, 210; Astor, Ore., v, 505; Benton, Mont., i, 117; Bird, Pa., iv, 604; Blanco, Cal., iii, 176; engraving of, iii, 175; view of the Golden Gate showing, iii, 177; Boca Chica, Cartagena, South America, ii, 172, 174, 175; Boone, Ky., iv, 549; Boonsboro, Ky., ii, 282; Bridger, Wyo., i, 479; Calhoun, Neb., i, 437; Carillou, afterward Fort Ticonderoga, N. Y., iii, 213; attack in French and Indian War on, iii, 214; Chambly, Can ada, capture in the Revolution of, iii, 213; print of first flag captured in Revolution by Americans at, iv, 158; Chartres, 111., ii, 213; Chisel, Va., iii, 450; Clatsop, Ore., i, 17; Clinton, N. Y., iv, 33; v, 105; Cocke, Tenn., v, 100; Cumberland, Pa., iii, 564; drawing made by George Washington of, ii, 402; Dodge, Kan., ii, 251; Dummer, Mass., iv, 378; Duquesne, Pa., i, 337; ii, 391, 400; conquest by Washington of, iii, 82; Edward, N. Y., i, 74, 705; iii, 202, 203, 204; Jane McCrea Spring at, iii, 205; Union Cemetery in, iii, 205; Erie; N. Y., i, 93; Edward Creek, iii, 204; Fil- more, N. Mex., ii, 670; Fisher, N. C, expedition, photograph of gunboat "Santiago de Cuba" in the, iii, 35; Civil War photograph taken at, iii, 263; photograph of American fleet for the naval attack on, iii, 32; George, Me., early settlement at, i, 203; George, N. Y., ii, 66, 185, 186, 353, 354; iii, 213; George, Ore., v, 505; Greene, N. Y., v, 128; Griswold, Conn., i, 563; iv, 625, 627, 628, 629; Revolutionary battle of, i, 711; v, 549-560; photograph of bat tlefield of, v, 561; Griswold Park, Conn., dedication of memorial gateway at, v, 543, 544; Griswold Tract Com mission, v, 543, 544; Hall, Idaho, i, 231, 627; ii, 148, 149, 151; Harkeman, N. Y., v, 107; Harmar, O., ii, 299, 310; Henry, W. Va., iii, 455; iv, 244; Revolutionary battle at, iii, 456, 458; Hill, Boston, Mass., old print of battery at, ii, 493; Independence, Vt., ii, 527; iii, 213; Jack son, Ala., ii, 156, 157, 159, 160; James, N. Y., v, 295; Jefferson, Ky., i, 343; Johnson, Charleston, S. C, iii, 438; Johnson, N. Y., ii, 124, 390; Kearney, ii, 136, 137, 684; Laramie, Wyo., i, 477, 481, 623; ii, 140, 141, 150; iii, 544; Lamed, Kan., ii, 251; Leavenworth, Kan., iii, 542, 543, 629; iv, 516, 519, 520; v, 280; Lee, N. C, iv, 546; Lee, N. J., ii, 292; Lincoln, iii, 227, 228, 230; pho tograph taken in the Civil War behind [96] the breastworks of, iii, 252; Littleton, Pa., i, 339; Lorain, Northwest Terri tory, i, 363; Loudon, Pa., i, 339; Low- ther, Pa., v, 85; Lyman, N. Y., iii, 204; Massac, i, 347; Massachusetts, iv, 240; v, 151; McHenry, Md., photograph of tablet erected at, iii, 164; writing of "The Star Spangled Banner" during bombardment of, iii, 165, 166; Mcin tosh, Ga., ii, 232; Meigs, O., ii, 693; iii, 390; Michilimackinac, i, 147; Mif flin, Pa., organization of patriotic so ciety at, ii, 593; Miller, N. Y., iii, 205, 206; Mimms, Ala., old engraving of In dian massacre at, v, 38; Mississauga, Canada, English officer's description of ruins of, ii, 398; Montgomery, N. Y., iv, 33, 492, 493; Moon, N. Y., iii, 208; Moultrie, S. C, i, 55; Negley, Tenn., Civil War photograph taken at, iii, 362 ; Nelson, Ky., i, 668; iv, 533; Niagara, N. Y., i, 732; iv, 599; historic cross at, ii, 388, 389; Indian council at, ii, 389- 391; map of, ii, 395; photograph of, ii, 384; Revolutionary occupation of, iii, 430-434; strategic advantages of, ii, 383-400; Orange (Albany, N. Y.), New Netherlands, v, 395, 633; first settle ment at, iv, 388; Orleans, Mo., i, 439; Osage, Mo., iii, 468; Parker, Tex., In dian attack on, ii, 620; Pepperrell, Me., iv, 250; Pitt, Pa., ii, 279; Plain, N. Y., iii, 383; v, 107; Point, Cal., iii, 175, 176; Prince of Wales, v, 76; Putnam, N. Y., v, 106; Rensselaer, N. Y., destruction in War of 1812 of, i, 755; Riley, Kan., iii, 629; St. Jazo, S. A., attack on, ii, 336; St. Louis, Quebec, i, 435; ii, 381; Sanders, Tenn., Civil War photograph taken from, iii, 261; Sandusky, i, 656; Santa Clara, Cal., i, 617; Santa Cruz, Cartagena, South America, ii, 173; Schoharie, N. Y., iv, 556; Schuyler, N. Y., iii, 381; iv, 72; v, 108-112; British battle diagram found at, iv, 258; In dian council at, ii, 389; military occu pation of, iii, 209 ; poem by Revolution ary soldier written at, iv, 594; Seldon, N. Mex., ii, 671; Sill, Cache, Okla., ii, 672; Smith, Ark., ii, 205; Snelling, Minn., ii, 217; Stanwix, N. Y., i, 358; iii, 380, 381, 382, 434; iv, 36; first rais ing of American Flag at, i, 13; ii, 124; Indian council at, ii, 389-391; military occupation of, iii, 209; treaty with the Six Nations made at, iv, 111, 112, 113, 115; Stephenson, O., i, 27; Sumter, S. C, Civil War attack, v, 626, 628; Civil War photographs of bombardment, iii, 368, 370; Tejon, Cal., v, 383; Thicketty, N. C, v, 100; Ticonderoga, N. Y., i, 705; ii, 66, 391; iii, 602; capture of, i, INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES (Fort Ticonderoga) 91; iii, 379, 603; iv, 382, 581, 587; v, 158, 159, 161; expedition against, iii, 204, 213; French and Indian War at tack on, iii, 214; Toulouse, Ala., ii, 156, 157, 158, 159, 161, 162, 164; Trumbull, Conn., v, 549, 551; Vancouver, Wash., v, 521; Van Norman, N. Y., iv, 130; Vineennes, Ind., iii, 390; Washington, N. Y., i, 135, 707; ii, 529; iii, 583; v, 121; Washington, O., i, 341, 342, 661; Watauga, N. C, iv, 542-546; Wayne, Ind., iii, 390; Webb, N. Y., v, 106; Wel lington, Canada, i, 755, 761; William and Mary, Me., iv, 250 ; William Henry, ii, 125; v, 225; Willis, N. Y., v, 106; Winfield Scott, Cal., old Spanish fort on site of, iii, 176; engraving of old Spanish fort on site of, iii, 175; Yale, British Columbia, ii, 636, 637; Yuma, Cal., ii, 256; Zarah, Kan., ii, 251; at Byard's Hill, N. Y., Revolutionary, ii, 186; on Staten Island, N. Y., Revolu tionary, iv, 131. Forten, John, iii, 604. Fortescue, George (Capt.), i, 644. R. Francis, ii, 226. Fortesque, Elizabeth (Densell), iv, 369. Martin, iv, 369. Fortress Monroe, Va., iii, 240, 241, 242, 245; iv, 205, 209, 210; Civil War photograph taken at, iii, 264. Fortunate Islands, iii, 62. "Fortune," Coming to New England of Sepa ratists on the ship, iv, 471, 480. Fosburg, Manor of, v, 634. Fossils, American, i, 662; found on an island in the Ohio River, i, 668. Fossum, Andrew (Prof.), iv, 171. Foster, , iii, 443, 444; iv, 404. Family, v, 303, 307. Frank P. (Jr.), i, 484. Jedediah, v, 156. John, iv, 41, 42. John (Lieut.), iii, 286. Josiah (Ensign), iii, 286. Stephen, v, 223. Thomas (Sir), v, 634. Foster and Reynolds, reproductions from art collection of firm of, iii, 1, 17, 64, 81. Fouchet, Baron, ii, 592. Foulke, George M. (Dr.), v, 91. Harriet M., v, 91. Foulke Fjord, iii, 334. Foulton, , i, 748. Founders and Patriots, Society of, i, 545; ii, 361; iv, 421. Fountain, Albert J. (Col.), opening of mines in N. Mex. by, ii, 671; organization of militia in N. Mex. by, ii, 672. Fourth of July celebration by emigrants to [97 California gold fields of, ii, 142; early celebrations of, i, 752; ii, 310; Na tional hymn first sung on, ii, 199. Fourth Street, Philadelphia, Pa., i, 674. Fowke family, iv, 97, 99. Gerard (Col.), iv, 97, 98. Mary, iv, 98. Roger, iv, 97. Fowle, , ii, 490. Hannah, v, 138. Fowler, , i, 181. Capt., iv, 349; v, 110, 111. Christopher (Hon.), ii, 512. Joseph, i, 179, 180. Nancy (Clarke), ii, 512. Sarah, ii, 512. Fox, Anna (Miller), ii, 109. Baron, ii, 109. Charles James, ii, 52, 53, 63, 109, 110; iv, 522. Elizabeth, ii, 112; iii, 458. Family, ii, 109, 110; iii, 286. George, ii, 91, 94; iii, 189, 190, 193, 195, 498; v, 116. G. V. (Capt., U. S. N.), ii, 120. Isabel (Booth), inscription on tomb of, iii, 291, 292. John (Ensign), iii, 286. John (Rev.), iii, 292. Josiah, birth of, ii, 102; construction of first American navy by, ii, 101-108, 111, 112, 643; iii, 458; emigration to Amer ica of, ii, 111; family of, ii, 109; life of, ii, 110; transcript of Navy Dep't record of, ii, 103-105. Mary, inscription on tomb of, iii, 292. Stephen (Sir), ii, 109. Susannah, inscription on tomb of, Hi, 292. Fox Indian Reservation, Kan., iv, 82. Fox Indiana, i, 621; iii, 507-510. Fox River, i, 360. Foxcroft, , iii, 126. John, v, 453. Foxley, England, ii, 109. Foxton, Durham, England, Emerson family of, v, 415; drawing of gravestone show ing arms of Emerson family of, v, 419. Fraga, , ii, 436. Fraley, Frederick, i, 656. Framingham, Mass., v, 143, 144, 146; pho tograph of monument to Revolutionary soldier at, v, 145, 146. Francaise d' Archeologies, Societo, iv, 356. France, i, 44, 47, 395, 396, 397, 398, 400, 591, 676, 682; ii, 420, 428, 536, 544, 547, 557, 586; iii, 39, 437, 453, 474, 506, 518; iv, 31, 41, 59, 111, 188, 189, 208, 273, 279, 351, 488, 489; v, 73, 74, 169, 179, 275, 283, 287, 390, 402, 414, 575, 595, 628; Abbey of Tyrone in, v, 311; Academy of Science of, i, 401; accumulation of ] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY (France) wealth by, iii, 41; aerial navigation in, ii, 12; American archaeological re mains taken to, iv, 166, 181; American commerce harassed by privateers of, i, 310; ii, 71; v, 17, 252; American difficulties with, i, 673; American pos sessions of, ii, 43, 297; American Revo lution aided by, i, 712, 713; ii, 597-602, 627; American scientist honored by, iv, 331, 334; ancient, iv, 352; anecdote of visit to America of Count de Rocham beau of, i, 713-716; announcement of Department of Journal of American History for Genealogical Research in, v, 322; annexation of Corsica to, ii, 429; 300th anniversary of establishment of empire in America by, ii, 375, 383; area of, i, 692; assumption of Edward IH of arms and title of King of, v, 395, 396; Benedictine Order in, v, 583, 584; canal system of, iv, 220; celebration of nam ing of America held in, v, 335; cele bration of 100 years of peace between United States, England, and, v, 171, 173; claims against Mexico of, ii, 617; Canada wrested from, ii, 39; Consulate of, i, 24; contention for territory in New World by, iii, 463; v, 18; death of an artist of, ii, 36; death of ex- President of, ii, 36; death of scientist and statesman of, ii, 36; Department of Berry in, ii, 598; Department of Blaison in, ii, 598; Department of la Guerre in, ii, 126; Directory in, ii, 592; Du Bois family of, v, 636; early American trade with, i, 745; early den tistry in, i, 676, 683; early emigrants to America from, iv, 394, 629; Emperor of, iv, 328; Empire in, ii, 603, 605; excerpts from speech of Theodore Roosevelt before Sorbonne of, iv, 461, 462; festival commemorating Norman foundations held in, v, 177; financial power of, i, 692; first bookplate in, i, 304; first international exposition in, iv, 153; first United States minister to, ii, 180; floods in Southern, ii, 35; Hu guenots in, ii, 167, 362; iv, 124, 125, 126; international nautical code adopt ed in, iv, 6; Interparliamentary Union delegation from, iii, 487; Minister to United States from, ii, 59; National Depot of Machines of, i, 405; National Institute of, i, 405; Navy of, ii, 35; Norse conquest of, iv, 352; Old Impe rialists' Party of, i, 636; paintings of, v, 174, 175; participation in Peace Con ference by, iv, 8; population of, i, 692; purchase by U. S. of Louisiana from, iv, 219; purchase by U. S. of Louisiana from, iv, 609-616; railroad wreck in, ii, 34; refugees in America from, ii, 597- 614; iv, 123-131, 553; removal of re mains of John Paul Jones from, iii, 439; representation of American Colo nies in, ii, 598; representation of Tex as in, ii, 623; representatives at 300th anniversary of Quebec from, ii, 359; reproduction of photograph of cathe dral of, v, 176; reproduction of por trait of daughter of early emigrant from, iv, 386; Republic of, i, 24, 380; Revolution in, ii, 52, 592, 603; iv, 190, 489; v, 219, 459; savings banks of, i, 686; separation of Church and State in, ii, 229; Societe de Patronage des Or- phelinats Agricoles de, ii, 606; Spolia tion Claims on the U. S. of, ii, 54; iv, 277, 613; strike of electrical workers in, ii, 34; strike of naval reserves of, ii, 34; territory in New World of, iv, 249; transcript from journal of early missionary in America from, ii, 44-47; treaty of America in the Revolution with, i, 671; treaty to maintain peace between England, Spain and, ii, 5; treaty to maintain peace in Far East between Japan and, ii, 5; treaty to maintain integrity of Norway made by, ii, 5; Treaty of Paris which effect ed peace between England and, ii, 395; troubles in Morocco of, ii, 530; vic tory of English and Dutch over, ii, 494; visit of John Adams to, ii, 655; War between Austria and, iv, 7; War on Austria declared by, ii, 167; war be tween England and, ii, 592, 627; Hi, 218; iv, 340; v, 586; war on England declared by, ii, 167; war between Flan ders and, v, 399, 400; war between Germany and, i, 151; iv, 14; war be tween Holland and, v, 390; war on Hol land declared by, ii, 167; "war on Spain declared by, ii, 167; wars in, v, 584; wars of Henry VIII with, iv, 369; West Indian possessions of, iii, 63, 70; wine growers' uprising in, ii, 29. Franchere's "Narrative of the Founding of Astoria," Ore., print from, v, 511. Francine, Chevalier, ii, 171. Francis I, i, 24; iii, 453; v, 584; II, i, 24. D. R., i, 440. Philip (Sir), ii, 63. Franciscan Friars, i, 22; Order in California, ii, 524; photograph of Church, v, 380. Francke, , iii, 638, 643. Kuno (Prof.), iv, 20. Rudolph, iii, 336. Frank Allaben Genealogical Company, v, 293. Frankfort, Ky., i, 668; iii, 454; early rail road journey to, i, 667. Frankfort-on-the-Main, Germany, announce- [98] INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES (Frankfort-on-the-Main, Germany) ment of Department of Journal of American History for Genealogical Re search in, v, 322; first newspaper in the world printed at, ii, 492; Peace Congress at, i, 156. Frankland, Charles Harry (Sir), Manor House, Hopkinton, Mass., of,' iii, 100. Franklin, Benjamin, i, 37, 40, 135, 139, 164, 563; ii, 196, 434, 593, 612, 613; iii, 100, 308; iv, 113, 266, 621; v, 22, 299, 303; announcement of publication descrip tive of post system in early Republic under, v, 314, 315; attempt to obtain ceding of Canada to U. S. made by, v, 222; bi-centennial of birth of, ii, 667; descendant of, ii, 665, 667; discovery of electrcity by, ii, 501; fac-simile of au tograph on postmaster's bill of, ii, 127; first American Magazine sold by, ii, 490; first anti-slavery society under presidency of, ii, 592; first European lighting rod erected by, ii, 600; friend ship for Adams of, ii, 655; friendship for Le Ray de Chaumont of, ii, 601; letter from, i, 672; negotiation of loans in aid of American Revolution by, ii, 626, 627; publication of "Gen eral Magazine by, i, 613; recommen dation of Kosciuszko to Gen. Wash ington by, ii, 369; representation of American Colonies in France by, ii, 598, 602; reproduction of patriot of only daughter of, ii, 180; reproduction of sculptured doors of National Capi tol showing figure of, ii, 545; Revolu tionary officer's eulogy of, i, 703; wit ty remark of, i, 703. Elizabeth (Gooch), iii, 100. Family, iii, 100. Jesse (Gov.), photograph of monument erected to, ii, 709. John, Hi, 100; iv. 444. John (Sir), v, 229; rescue and restoration to England of ship of Polar expedition of, v, 603-610. Lady, v, 609. Lieut., iii, 55. W., v, 446; ambrotype of Lincoln owned by, v, 203. Franklin, effort to create State of, v, 102, 104; Mo., iii, 466-468; New York, iii, 448; Tenn., iv, 320; County, Kan., iv, 78, 81, 83; County, Mass., iii, 119; County, Me., iii, 537; County, Mo., iv, 519; County, N. C, v, 465; County, Pa., ii, 145; iii, 449; iv, 604. Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, Pa., i, 35, 45; iii, 185. Franklin Journal, i, 35. Franklin Polar Expedition, fate of the, ii, 37. Franz Josef Land, iii, 352. [99 Fraser, , ii, 395. Family, iii, 215. General, iii, 205. Hugh, iii, 215. Major, i, 463, 464, 728, 729, 731. Simon (Gen.), death of, iii, 215; descent of, iii, 215; service in French and In dian war of, iii, 215; service in Revo lution of, iii, 215. Fraser Pass, British Columbia, photograph of, ii, 631. Fraser River, 50th anniversary of the rush for gold to the, ii, 633-642; Grand Canon of the, ii, 637; photograph of canon of the, ii, 639. Frazee, John, i, 165. Frazier Magazine, the, iv, 354. Frederick, i, 372. "Frederick," British prison ship in the Rev olution, the, v, 122. Frederick VIII, King of Denmark, ii, 546. Frederick the Great, iii, 79; iv, 456. Augustus, Grand Duke of Oldenburg, con gratulations to American people of, ii, 10; photograph of, ii, 10. Augustus III., King of Saxony, congratu lations to American people of, ii, 4; photograph of, ii, 4. Frederick, Dutchess County, N. Y., i, 507. Frederick County, Maryland, ii, 365; county, Va., iii, 449. Fredericks, George, iii, 451. Fredericksburg, Va., i, 372, 661, 662; ii, 156; iii, 99; iv, 319, 320, 322; v, 471; Civil war photograph of, iii, 260; photo graph of early home of George Wash ington at, iv, 504; photograph of mem orial to mother of Washington at, iv, 536. Fredericksburgh Precinct, N. Y., i, 498, 499, 500, 506. Fredericton, Canada, i, 737, 738; v, 223. Fredwell, Adam, iv, 35. Jane (Moore), iv, 35. Free Masons, Order of, iii, 90. Free Silver Issue in American Polities, i, 440. Freedman, Robert S. (Dr.), ii, 535. Freedmen's Bureau, iii, 241, 242. Freehold, N. J., i, 338, 352; monument erect ed to "Molly Pitcher" at, v, 87; Rev olutionary station at, iii, 302. Freeman, , iii, 166; iv, 352. Anthony, iii, 604. Colonel, ii, 520. Family, iii, 603. Harriet E., iii, 127. Jordan, v, 548, 559. W. S., iv, 97. Freeman's Oath, first printing in American Colonies of, the, ii, 492. Freight Transportation, iv, 6. ] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY Fremin, Father, ii, 45. Fremont, , i, 479, 483, 617, 618, 629; iii, 174. General, i, 632; ii, 623. John C, i, 437. Fremont, Northwest Territory, iii, 386. French, Alcey, v, 238, 244. Daniel Chester, photographs of sculpture by, ii, 8, 9, 17, 21, 32, 237; Hi, 6, 7, 8, 129, 130; iii, 181, 342. David, i, 230. Family, announcement of publication con taining chapter on the, v, 316. Major, iv, 128. William, iv, 587. WUliam H. (Gen.), i, 657. French, Academy of Science, i, 401. French and Indian War, i, 74, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 123, 182, 497, 678, 704, 705; ii, 83, 96, 112, 210, 386, 391, 664; iii, 82, 204, 205, 208, 218, 397; iv, 35, 36, 127, 129, 252, 290, 380, 381, 452, 555, 560, 562, 596; v, 155, 158, 187, 287; attack on Ft. Ticonderoga in the, iii, 214; Brad dock's campaign in the, iii, 212; con clusion of the, ii, 98, 99; defense of Ft. Massachusetts in the, iv, 240; ex pedition against Crown Point in, v, 152, 153; expedition against Ft. Ni agara in the, i, 92; land speculations of soldiers of the, iv, 583; massacre and capture of Massachusetts set tlers during, iv, 376, 377; occupation of Ft. Ann in the, iii, 210; occupation of Ft. Stanwix in the, iii, 209; occu pation of Ft. Ticonderoga in the, iii, 213; Pomeroy family in the, iv, 375, 378; service of Gen. Philip Schuyler in the, iii, 205; siege of Louisburg in the, iii, 215; Tennessee rangers in the, ii, 278; two soldiers of the, ii, 96. French Broad River, ii, 130. French Church in New York City, old, iv, 125, 126. French Colony in Canada, i, 633. French Corral, Cal., ii, 634. French Creek (now Clayton), N. Y., v, 225. French Directory, ordinance regarding Amer- can commerce issued by, iv, 280. French emigration to Northwestern America, ii, 635. French Empire in America, plan to found a, ii, 43. French expedition against Cartagena, ii, 166- 176. French expedition from New England to Nova Scotia, against the, iii, 93. French explorations in America, i, 437; ii, 43- 47, 213, 219; iv, 120. French extravagance in Panama, i, 637. French families in New York State, ii, 59. French fort in Illinois, early, iv, 387; at Lou isburg, Nova Scotia, iv, 380. French Huguenots in America, iv, 123-131. French in America, iii, 505; in Canada, v, 217; in New York, ii, 59, 597-614; iii, 160; iv, 120, 123-126, 131; in the old Northwest, i, 342, 357, 363; iii, 221; in Staten Island, iii, 160; in the United States, iv, 189. French Lick (now iNashville), Tenn., iv, 550 French Lines in the Revolution, iii, 213. French Navy, ii, 35. French officers of the expedition against Cartagena, list of, ii, 171. French privateering, early, i, 310; ii, 71; v, 17, 251, 252. French refugees in America, ii, 59, 597-614; iv, 123-131, 553. French Revolution, i, 635, 712, 747; ii, 52, 592, 603; iv, 190, 489; v, 219, 459. French settlement in Alabama, ii, 157, 158; in America, i, 583; 300th anniversary of first permanent, ii, 43. French settlements in the old Northwest, iii, 221; on the St. Lawrence River, i, 641; iv, 485, 487; on the St. Lawrence, the Great Lakes and the Mississippi, i, 582. French Society of Ethnology, iii, 67. French Soldier of American Revolution, i, 677. French Spoliation Claims, ii, 54; iv, 277, 613. French Voyagers, the, iii, 466. Frenchtown, Pa., i, 659. Frenlau, Philip, i, 671. Fresh Pond, Cal., iii, 176. Fresham, Lawrence, i, 524. Frey, Samuel Ludlow, iv, 260. Friend, Isaac, ii, 209. Friends, Society of, ii, 109, 110, 112; burial ground of Society of, i, 238. Frisbie, Abel, ii, 342. Levi, ii, 342. Fristen Hall, England, iii, 410. Frith, Scotland, iii, 453. Friesland, the Netherlands, iv, 394. Frilick, Lieut., iv, 348, 349. Friederang, Max F., reproductions of mural paintings by, iii, 102, 103. Frobisher, Martin (Capt.), i, 641, 643, 644; expedition to Labrador, i, 641. Frog, (Strother), v, 471. John (Capt.), v, 471. Frolich, Finn H., i, 604, 605. Froissart, Chronicle of, v, 395, 396, 397, 398, 399, 400. Front Street, New York City, iv, 32. Frontenac, Count, iii, 432, 433, 518. Frontenac, Canada, ii, 388. Frontier, old print of Block Houses on the Western, ii, 296; pioneer life on the Western, ii, 98; iv, 595-602; survivor's [100] INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES (Frontier) story of the Custer massacre on the, iii, 227-232. Frost, Jane, iv, 251. John, iv, 251. Joseph, iv, 251. Mary (Pepperrell) , iv, 251. Froude, James Anthony, iii, 358; iv, 369; v, 297. Frowick, Elizabeth, v, 242. Henry, v, 242. Fry famUy, ii, 509; S. E., i, 612. Frye, Col., iii, 379. Maj.-Gen., v, 155, 156. Frye Narrows, N. Y., iv, 128. Fulkerson, Dr., i, 664. Fuller, , i, 31; iii, 451. Andrew, i, 549. David, i, 719. J., iH, 451. Fullerton, Ann, i, 656. Fulton, Abraham, facsimHe of passport to America of, ii, 660. Family, i, 398; iv, 149; facsimile of pass port to America of the, ii, 660; reproduction in color of arms of the, i, 385. Robert, i, 30, 36, 39, 40, 43, 44, 266, 283, 395, 396, 397, 399, 406, 414, 415, 418; anecdote of, i, 411, 412; birth of, i, 398; birthplace of, i, 403; burial place of, i, 430; death of, i, 428; facsimile of letter from, i, 432 ; French centenary of, i, 405; grant conferred by French Academy on, i, 401; inventions of, i, 400-404; invention of steamboat by, i, 395, 408, 427, 431; invention of steam boat by, iii, 153; v, 118; marriage of, i, 421; memorial to, i, 395; paintings by, i, 398, 399; reproduction of birth place of, i, 403; reproduction of home of mother of, i, 403; reproduction of portrait by, i, 398; reproduction of por trait of, i, 392; reproduction of steam boat invented by, i, 407, 408; tran script from diary of, i, 400, 412, 422; transcript of letters from, i, 415, 416, 422, 427, 428; will of, i, 405; writings of, i, 400, 401. Robert (Rev. Dr.), i, 398. William Jewett, ii, 660. Fulton Avenue, New York City, old print of, iii, 578. Fulton County, 111., iii, 516. Fulton Ferry, Brooklyn, N. Y., v, 124. Funkstown, Md., ii, 265; early German im migrants in, ii, 464. Fur Companies, early American, iii, 466, 467. Fur Trade in Canada, early, ii, 376; in the Colonies, i, 89; in the Middle West, early, iii, 509; in Nebraska, i, 437; in New York, ii, 392; in the Northwest, i, 357, 358, 359; Pacific coast, i, 17. Furness, Henry, i, 656. Furness Fells, England, v, 116. Furniture, Colonial, i, 328, 494-496, 511, 514; iii, 139; photographs of Colonial, i, 329, 494-496, 512; iii, 139-142; iv, 608. Furstenau, Grafschaft Erbach, Bavaria, ii, 265. I 101 | G Cabarus Bay, Canada, v, 24, 31. Gabilan Mountains, Cal., iii, 174. Gadsen Purchase in New Mexico, ii, 206, 558. Gage, , ii, 429. Earl William, iii, 429. General, ii, 394; iii, 214; iv, 43, 69, 270; 154. Gage County, Neb., ii, 682. Gage Town, Canada, i, 737. Gager, (Taylor), v, 134. William (Rev.), v, 134. Gaillard, Capt., ii, 40, 41. Gaine, Hugh, v, 58; facsimile of pages from Colonial calendar printed by, v, 447- 450. Gaines, , i, 655, 656. General, ii, 619, 620, 621. Gaines' Mill, Civil war photograph of road to, iii, 256. Gainesborough, Thomas, portrait by, ii, 396. Gaither, Henry Buckner (Hon.), v, 574. Gale, John (Ensign), iii, 286. Galesburg, 111., ambrotype of Abraham Lin coln taken after his speech at, v, 203. Galileo, i, 242. Gallapagos Islands, i, 309, 310. Gallatin, . i, 752, 758. Albert, i, 745. Gallaway, Beverly (Dr.), i, 439. Gallinger, , ii, 413. Gallipolis, Ohio, ii, 310, 311, 312. Gallitin, Sec, iv, 605. Galloway, Tod B., iii, 541. Gallup, Andrew, iv, 627; v, 548. Anne B., i, 317. Hannah, i, 244. J., i, 256. Robert, v, 548. Gait, Ont., Canada, i, 567. Galveston, Tex., municipal government of, i, 186; photograph of monument at, ii, 192. Galvez, , ui, 179; exploration in West ern North America of, iii, 398. Galway County, Ireland, v, 311, 414. Gambetta, i, 638. Gamble, Archibald, iii, 468. Family, iv, 152. General, iii, 214. Lieutenant, iii, 214. Gananoque Militia, v, 225. Gano, . i, 352. Capt., i, 346, 348. Ganesvoort, Peter (Brig.-Gen.), i, 13; ii, 385, 386; iii, 209; birth of, iii, 381; death [102] of, iii, 381; defense of Fort Stanwix by, ii, 124; Revolutionary service of, iii, 381; service in United States Army of, iii, 381. Gap Creek, Tenn., iv, 545. Gappah, in Kingsteinton, Teignbride, Eng land, iv, 359. Garay, Blasco de, i, 35. Garces, Father, ii, 698, 701; iii, 400; crossing of the Colorado River by, ii, 256, 258. Garcia, , message from President Mc- Kinley sent to, ii, 212. Calixto, ii, 436, 437. Garden City, Kan., photograph of bridge at, v, 276. Gardens, early American, ii, 98. __ Gardette, James, i, 677. Gardoqui, , i, 48. Gardiner family, iv, 149; arms of the, v, 386. Frances (Sanford), ii, 512. John (Lieut.-Gov.), ii, 511, 512, 513. Joseph, ii, 512. Lyon, coat-of-arms of, v, 386. Mary, ii, 512. Gardiner, Me., i, 512. Gardiner's Island, N. Y., coat-of-arms of Gar diner family of, v, 386. Gardner, , iii, 49. Alexander, Civil War photographs taken by, iii, 250, 251, 252-264; photographs of Lincoln taken by, v, 209. Col., i, 705; iii, 124. Family, coat-of-arms of, ii, 512. John, ii, 351. John (Deputy-Gov.), ii, 510. Lydia, ii, 510. Gardner's Lagoon, ii, 258. Gardner's Lake, Conn., iv, 377. Garfield, Corporation Commissioner, ii, 24. James A., i, 27, 653, 656; iii, 38, 251; v, 210. Garibaldi, centenary anniversary of the birth of, ii, 33. Garland, Christopher (Ensign), iii, 286. Garner, , i, 674. , "Reconstruction in Mississippi" by, iii, 239. Gamier, Joseph, i, 158. Garnon, Andrew (Maj.), iv, 345. Garrard, Col., i, 667. Garrett, Andrew (Lieut.), Revolutionary ser- vice of, iii, 382. Patrick, ii, 673. INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES Garrison, , i, 48. George Pierce, ii, 620, 621, 622. Garrison House, photograph of old, v, 9. Garrison, Myles, photograph of colonial home of, ii, 450. Garrison, Prof., ii, 617. Wendell Phillips, death of, ii, 36. William Lloyd, v, 200. Garrison, N. Y., the, i, 750. Gartland, Bishop, i, 30. Gascoigne, Capt., ii, 332. Gaskell family, iii, 186. Gaspe, Canada, ii, 379. Gass' Journal, i, 469. Gaston's "History of Portland," Ore., v, 528, 533. Gatapada (Gappah in Kingsteinton, Teign- bride), England, iv, 359. Gatchell, Mary, iii, 436. Gate, Tim, i, 533. Gates, Elizabeth, iv, 76. Family, iv, 75, 76. Horatio (Gen.), ii, 369, 400, 472; iii, 205, 214, 216, 433; iv, 37, 219, 382; v, 101, 155; birth of, Hi, 208; death of, iii, 208; French and Indian War service of, iii, 208; portrait of, iv, 56; Revolutionary service of, iii, 208, 211. Mary, iv, 76. Thomas (Sir), iv, 75. Gaul, iv, 189; v, 183. Gaunt, John of, v, 400. Gaveren, Flanders, v, 401. Gavre, Prince of, v, 221. Gay, , ii, 123. Col., ii, 353, 520. Gay Bowers, Danbury, England, v, 243, 244; photograph of, v, 239. Gayle, Robert (Lieut.), iii, 286. Gaylord, Cyrus, ii, 346. W. E., iv, 208. Gayoso, Gov., i, 351, 352, 353. Geary, , iii, 630. Francis (Cornet), episode of the Revolu tion regarding, v, 601; photograph of memorial to, v, 602. William Neville M. (Sir), v, 601; photo graph of memorial erected by, v, 602. Geauga County, O., first court held in, iii, 388. Genealogical and Biographical Society, New York, iv, 425. Genealogical Foundations in America, iii, 604; iv, 137-143, 309-311; v, 136-142. Genealogical Publication Department of Jour nal of American History, announcement of, v, 313, 314, 316, 317, 320, 322-324. Genealogical researches in America and Great Britain, iv, 151, 152. Genealogy in America, iii, 145-148. Genealogy, studies of American, v, 459-476. General Court of Massachusetts, i, 120. General Courts, early American, ii, 479-484. General Education Board, John D. Rockefel ler's bequest to, ii, 15. General Magazine, i, 613. General Theological Seminary, New York City, title page of first edition of King James' Version of the Holy Bible pre served in library of the, v, 273. Genesee Canal, N. Y., iv, 117. Genesee County, N. Y., iv, 118. Genesee Indians, treaty of peace with the, ii, 396. Genesee River, ii, 397; iii, 434; iv, 114. Geneseo County, N. Y., tract of land belong ing to Robert Morris in, ii, 54, 55. Geneseo, 111., ii, 543. Geneseo Valley Canal, advocation of Judge Philip Church of the construction of, ii, 61. Genet, Edmund Charles ("Citizen"), ii, 592. Geneva Convention on internationalism, iv, 7, 11. Geneva, New York, ii, 48; Switzerland, Hu guenots in, iv, 125; meeting of Amer ican Dental Society of Europe at, i, 676. Genghis Khan, iv, 187. Genoa, Italy, i, 172; v, 337. Gentryville, Spencer Co., Ind., v, 193. Geographer, death of a famous, ii, 36. Geographical Society of Brussels, Belgium, iii, 637. Geography, description of journey in North ern America from an ancient, v, 76-80. Geological Survey in Far West, map of the, iii, 171, 172. Geology, first American work on, i, 679. Geology of Baltimore, Md., early work on, i, 679. George, Daniel, v, 228. II, Duke of Saxe-Meiningen, photograph of, ii, 18. II, King of England, i, 35, 53; iii, 45, 454; iv, 381, 451, 582; death of, iv, 31; grant of land in America from, ii, 297. Ill, King of England, i, 16, 399, 452, 499; ii, 52, 53, 343; iii, 89, 307, 456; iv, 111, 224, 384, 452, 554; v, 218, 287; fac simile of marriage certificate under au thority of, ii, 348; oath of allegiance to, i, 501; statue in Bowling Green, New York City, of, ii, 83. IV, King of England, ii, 52; iv, 452; v, 218. V, photograph of Coronation Chair of, v, 170. John (Lieut.), i, 307. Lloyd, ii, 34. George's Hill, Fairmount Park, Philadelphia, Pa., i, 674. Georgetown, D. C, i, 79, 87; iii, 615, 617; iv, 99; Bank of Columbia at, ii, 373; Uni versity, ii, 211; S. C, i, 460, 461, 462. [103] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY Georgia, i, 29, 30, 427, 567, 700, 702, 726; ii, 635, 693; iii, 547; iv, 213, 301; v, 100, 410, 620; admission into the Union of, i, 30; announcement of publication de scriptive of old Post Road between Maine and, v, 314; Bulloch family of, ii, 226; capture of Jefferson Davis and his family in, iii, 240; child labor laws in, i, 189; claim to Northwest Terri tory of, iv, 445; Colony of, v, 18; com mencement of the Revolution in, ii, 225, 227, 229, 230, 231; delegate to Constitutional Convention of 1787 from, iii, 572; description of colony of, ii, 227; development of, ii, 532; driving in the Revolution of Cornwallis from, ii, 277, 280; eviction of tories from, ii, 231; explosion on the United States' battleship, ii, 35; fac-simile of title page of first narrative of, ii, 123; founding of, i, 584; immigration -to, i, 29; industries of, i, 29, 30; in the Civil War, i, 30; in the Spanish-American War, i, 30; introduction of paper money in, i, 693; memorial at old An- dersonville Prison, i, 603; Methodism in, i, 30; natural resources of, i, 30; plant life of, iv, 575; population of, i, 29; representative men of, i, 30; pho tograph of Confederate fort in, iii, 27; Revolutionary march of Cornwallis through, ii, 703; Revolutionary regi ment of, i, 731; ii, 510; Royal Assem bly of, ii, 227; school system of, i, 29; settlement of, i, 30; slavery in, i, 29, 30; Smith family of, v, 476; Stephen's history of, ii, 229; 232; Strait of, ii, 636; transcript of Archibald Bulloch's speech before the Provincial Congress of, ii, 230, 231; uniform of Revolution ary soldiers in, i, 128; White's Sta tistics of, ii, 225, 229. Georgia "Gazette" of 1774, ii, 227. Georgia Historical Society painting now in library of, ii, 233. Georgia State Building, Jamestown Exposi tion, ii, 232, 234. Gerlach, Henry, ii, 662. German emigrants from 'Pennsylvania to West Virginia, ii, 209. German Flats, N. Y., iii, 380. German immigrants to America, early, ii, 457- 470. German language, decadence among immi grants to America of the, ii, 267; early American study of, i, 553. German Ocean, v, 348. German philosophy, influence on American sectarian theology of, i, 553. German settlements in America, i, 583; set tlement in United States, first, photo- [104] graphs of memorials on site of, iii, 532 533. German States, ii, 167. Germans in America, first, ii, 266, 267; in Maryland, ii, 462-470; in Ohio, iii, 513. Germantown, Pa., v, 247; i, 450, 657; battle of, i, 450, 721; iv, 56; painting of bat tle of, iv, 61; portrait of general in battle of, iv, 56; print of soldier at battle of, iv, 194; flag used at, i, 13; Va.", iv, 508. Germanus Henrichus Martellus, ancient map of the world made by, ii, 116. Germany, i, 380, 555; ii, 2, 428, 536, 544, 547, 557, 635; iii, 39, 453, 474, 475, 478; iv, 20, 334; v, 350, 633, 636; ancient docu ments regarding discovery of America in, iv, 167; attack on France by, ii, 167; conditions in 18th century in, ii, 265, 266, 268, 269, 270, 271, 274, 275, 276; death of a patriot of, ii, 36; delega tions at meeting of Interparliamentary Union from, iii, 487; dentistry in early times in, i, 676; discovery of historic map in, v, 336; early American trade with, i, 745, 746; education in, iv, 14; election in 1908 of the Reichtag in, ii, 30; first newspaper in the world print ed in ii, 492; Huguenots in, iv, 125; International treaty to maintain in tegrity of Norway entered into by, ii, 5; Irvine family of, ii, 666; movement to abolish compulsory beer-drinking by university students in, ii, 12; naval ex penditures for 1907 of, ii, 30; opposi tion to universal peace of, ii, 6; par ticipation in Peace Conference by, iv, 8; petition for segregation of intoxi cated persons on passenger trains in, ii, 12; plan for colonial expansion in, ii, 30; political policy of, iii, 481-483, 485-487; printing in, i, 304; production of iron and steel by, iii, 43 ; railway ad ministrations in, iv, 6; representative of U. S. in, v, 303; reproduction of photograph of statue presented to Em peror of, iv, 456; Savings Banks of, i, 686; school music books brought to New England from, ii, 200; Social- Democrats in, ii, 30; stock speculation in, i, 695; tariff peace between the United States and, ii, 5, 6; treaty be tween United States, England and, ii, 425; war between France and, iv, 14. Gernoma, Indian chief, ii, 671. Gervais, Joseph, v, 528. Getsemain, ii, 173, 174. Gettysburg, Pa., iv, 297; v, 301; battle of, i, 228; iv, 558; v, 374; Lincoln's speech at, ii, 534; Civil War photograph of battlefield of, iii, 371. Geyer, Henry S. (Senator), iii, 542. INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES Ghent, Belgium, i, 748; ii, 655; de Peyster family of, v, 387-408; university of, v, 405; Wars of, v, 390-406. Giants' Causeway, i, 292. Gibbon, iv, 317, 521, 522. Gen., iii, 232. Gibbons, , i, 428. Family, iv, 149. Thomas, i, 427. Gibbs, Benjamin (Col.), iii, 95, 96. Caleb (Capt.), i, 126; iii, 56. Elizabeth, iii, 99. Elizabeth (Sheafe), iii, 95. Family, iii, 95, 96; reproduction in color of coat-of-arms of, iv, 312. Henry (Sir), iii, 95. Lydia, iii, 95, 96. Mary (Mrs.), ii, 485, 487. Robert, iii, 95. Gibbs-Channing-Avery portrait of George Washington, reproduction of, iv, 22. Gibraltar, i, 44, 309; iii, 43; straits of, i, 311; ii, 102. Gibson, , iii, 325; account of siege of Louisburg, Canada, from diary of, v, 31. David, v, 217, 221. Elizabeth Boardley, v, 185. John, ii, 56. Henry Pierson, iii, 148. Gibson's Fort, Miss., ii, 307. Giddings, Joshua, i, 156. Gifford family, iv, 98. Gifford vs. Lord Yarborough, case of, v, 277. Gila Mountains, natural tanks in the, ii, 41; Telegraph Pass in the, ii, 41. Gila River, ii, 39, 40, 41, 256, 525, 526; iii, 402, 547, 548, 553. Gilbert, Humphrey (Sir), i, 10; relationship to Sir Walter Raleigh of, ii, 123; sec ond expedition of, ii, 122. Levi, i, 684. Raleigh, explorations of, i, 203. Samuel (Dr.), service in the Revolution of, iii, 203. Gilbert Town, N. C, v, 101. Gilberts, The, i, 31. Giles, Charles (Rev.), transcript descriptive of early French resident of N. Y. from writings of, ii, 609, 610. Gilky, , ii, 139. Gill, Elizabeth, v, 469. Moses, v, 156. Gillespie, Mrs., iv, 545. Gillespie's Fort, Tenn., iv, 546. Gillet, Eleazur, i, 180. "Gillies," monument erected to boy hero of the Revolution, ii, 706; photograph of memorial to, ii, 710. Gillingham, Dorsetshire, England, v, 418. Gillis, James M., v, 3. Gillmore, Quincy (Mrs.), v, 347. [105 Gilman, Capt., i, 644; iii, 56. Family, i, 515. Gilmer, Hattie, v, 204. Gilmore, Melvin R., iv, 397, 398. Gilmore's Report on N. H. troops at siege of Louisburg, v, 23. Gilroy, Cal., iii, 174. Gilroy Hot Springs, iii, 396. Gilson, Ebenezer, iii, 121. Ebenz, iii, 120. ' Ebenz (Mrs.), iii, 120. Gipson, Roger, iii, 117. Girard, Stephen, loan to United States by, i, 745. Girsby, Lincolnshire, England, v, 349. Girty family, iii, 456. Gitto, , iv, 254. Grace, iv, 254. Givens, , iv, 579. Lieutenant, iii, 381. Glacier of the Arctic, iii, 316. Gladstone, William Ewart, iii, 481, 572; iv, 12; v, 3. Glamorganshire, Wales, ii, 109. Glammuenchweiler, Bavaria, ii, 266. "Glasgow," British prison ship, the, v, 122. Glasgow, Scotland, i, 273; iv, 99; v, 141. Glass, Colonial manufacture of, i, 514. Glastonbury, England, v, 236. Glen Echo, Md., iii, 251. Glen, Henry, ii, 389; v, 106. Glen Roy, Gloucester County, Va., reproduc tion of photograph of manor house of, iii, 296. Glendale, England, v, 471. Glenn, Governor, ii, 19. Hugh, trading expedition to Santa Fe of, iii, 466, 467, 468. Glenora, N. Y., iii, 441. Globe Inn, Baltimore, Md., i, 748. Gloucester, Earl of, iv, 142; v, 311, 584. England, i, 523, 525; monks of, iv, 362; Roman fortress of, iv, 141; Massachu setts, ii, 298; iii, 315, 316. Gloucester County, Va., iii, 285, 289. 294, 296, 416, 419, 425; iv, 575; creation of, ii, 675; families of, iii, 286-295; historic homes of, ii, 675-677; iii, 283-296; man or houses of, ii, 676, 677; iii, 281, 282, 285, 287, 289, 291, 293, 295, 296; repro duction of the arms of the Cooke fam ily of, v, 386; Revolutionary soldiers from, iii, 286; Revolutionary war in, iii, 284; transcript from memorial tab let to Nathaniel Bacon in, iii, 410; transcripts of inscriptions oh old tombs in, iii, 287-292, 294, 295. Gloucester Court House, Va., iii, 285, 410, 425. Gloucester Place, Gloucester Co., Va., old manor house of, iii, 285. Gloucester Point, Va., ii, 675; iii, 425. ] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY Gloucestershire, England, i, 519, 527; ii, 675; High Sheriff of, i, 521, 522, 524; pho tographs of Wickwar in, iv, 138, 139. Glover (Rev.), first printing press in America established by, ii, 492. John (Brig.-Gen.), ii, 185, 187, 350, 351, 353, 514, 516, 518, 519, 520, 651, 652; iii, 56, 206, 207, 211; iv, 491; Revolutionary service of, iii, 206, 207, 211. Peletiah (Rev.), v, 132. T. N. (Dr.), v, 478. Glyn, Ensign, Revolutionary journal, of, v, 54. Goat Island, Canada, iv, 380. Gobegic Range, Mich., iii, 42. Gobelins, tapestry of the, v, 175. Goda, iv, 358. Princess, i, 520, 521, 524. Goddard, William, v, 453, 457. Godey, , H, 53. Godey's Magazine, founder of, ii, 53. Godfrey, Mary, ii, 509. Godric, iv, 358. . Godsend Ledge, reproduction of engraving of Arctic scene at, iii, 322. Godyn, , Dutch colony in Maryland planted by, iii, 560, 561, 562. Goethals, Maj., ii, 24. Goethe, iv, 20. Goff, Nathan (Hon.), ii, 210. Goff Square, London, England, ii, 95. Goffe, Judge, v, 467. Margaret, i, 74. Gold, Benjamin (Col.), iv, 301; transcript of letter from, iv, 301, 302. Harriet R., iv, 301, 302. Hezekiah, iv, 301. Nathan (Maj.), i, 65; death of, ii, 75; fu neral sermon of, ii, 74-80. Theodore Sedgwick, iv, 299. Gold, discovery in California by John Mar shall of, i, 622; discovery in California of, i, 617, 621; ii, 129, 553, 554, 715 discovery in N. Mex., iii, 464, 465; dis covery in South America of, iv, 449 discovery in West Indies of, iv, 449. Gold Fields, early travel to California, ii, 680 of California, journey in 1849 to the, ii, 129-154; og the Northwest, rush to the, ii, 631, 633-642. Gold Foil, first American manufacturer of, i, 684. Gold in West Indies, iii, 70, 75-77, 79, 80. Gold Mines, discovery in California of, i, 632. Gold Mining in Alaska, ii, 557. Gold, statistics of production of, ii, 129. Golden Bull, ii, 534. Golden Fleece, Order of Knights of the, v, 401. Golden Gate, Cal., arrival of Spanish explor ers at the, iii, 178; first overland jour ney to the, ii, 39-42, 521-526, 696-701; iii, 103-112, 171-179, 395-403; reproduc- [106 tion of engraving of the, iii, 177; ex ploring expedition to the, ii, 521-526; first explorer to reach by overland route the, ii, 38. Golden Gate Park, San Franciscco, Cal., mon ument erected to the memory of Fran cis Scott Key in, iii, 166. Golden Hill, New York City, Revolutionary battle of, ii, 364. Golden Horseshoe, Knights of the, v, 634. Goldfield, Nev., strike of the miners of, ii, 34. Goldsborough, , ii, 105. Charles W., ii, 107. Goldsmith, Goodman, i, 253. Goldsmith's Guild in Flanders, v, 401, 402. Goliad, battle of the, ii, 620. Golson, R. H, ii, 160. Gomara, early edition of, ii, 126. Gomband, Dubuison, ii, 171. Gomera, Island of, iii, 61, 62. Gomez, Meximo, ii, 436, 437. Gonaives, Haiti, degradation of, ii, 420. Gonham, M. L. (Gov.), i, 657. Gonzaloz, Gen., ii, 437. Gooch, Deborah (Hubbard), iii, 100. Elizabeth (Craister), iii, 100. Elizabeth (Hobby), iii, 94, 95, 99, 100, 101. Elizabeth (Peck), iii, 100. Elizabeth (Valentine), iii, 100. Family, iii, 99, 100, 101. Gov., iii, 83, 84. Hannah, iii, 100, 101. Hester ( ), iii, 100, 101. James (Jr.), iii, 94, 95, 99, 100, 101. John, iii, 99, 100. Joseph (Jr.), iii, 100. Katherine, iii, 100. Martha, iii, 100. Mary, iii, 100. Mary (Sherburne), iii, 100. Sarah (Tuttle), iii, 100. William, iii, 100. Gooch Street, Boston, Mass., iii, 100. Good, John (Maj.), iii, 458. "Good Hope," British prison ship the, v, 122. Good Peter, Chief of the Six Nations, por trait of, ii, 400. Goodale, Betsy, ii, 307. . Cynthia, ii, 307. Family, ii, 307. George L. (Dr.), v, 374. Henrietta, ii, 307. Lawrence J., ii, 597, 599, 604. Lincoln, ii, 307. Nathan (Maj.), ii, 303, 307. Sally, ii, 307. Susan, ii, 307. Timothy, ii, 307. Goode, John, transcript of conversation with Nathaniel Bacon in letter from, iii, 421, 422, 423. ] INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES Goodenow, Lucy Belcher, announcement of publication of genealogy by, v, 320. Goode's "Virginia Cousins," iii, 421, 428. Goodrich family, i, 670. Honor, ii, 473. James (Capt.), experiences as an early merchant under American Flag of, iv, 273-280; portrait of, iv, 277. John, i, 541; iv, 280. Mary (Foote), i, 541. Samuel (Rev.), photograph of home of, ii, 295. William (Hon.), iv, 273; v, 97. Gooding, Frank R. (Hon.), i, 231. Goodsell, Dr., journey to Arctic, iii, 347, 349, 357. Goodwin, , iii, 120, 121, 123. Elder, i, 245. James Junius, iii, 148. Goodyear, Nelson, i, 683, 684. Goose Creek, S. C, i, 627, 728, 729; ii, 149, 150, 154. Goose Neck Prairie, Coles Co., 111., v, 194. Gord, Sarah (Carter), iv, 601. Henry R., iv, 601. James R , iv, 601. Looney R., iv, 601. Gordon, v, 73. Anne, iii, 84, 88. Brigade Maj., iii, 280; ii, 188. Capt., iii, 438. Family, iii, 81. Gov., v, 439. James (Col.), editor's note on transcript of the diary of, iii, 81; transcript from, and author's comments on the diary of, iii, 82-89. John B. (Gen.), i, 30; memorial to, i, 609. Mary (Harrison), iii, 88. Milicent (Conway), iii, 84. Mollie, iii, 86, 87, 88. Mrs., iii, 88. Nancy, iii, 84, 85, 88. Sally, iii, 84, 88. William St. Clair (Dr.), iii, 81. William (Rev.), biography of, iv, 66; let ter written at outbreak of the Revolu tion by, iv, 66; transcript of letter written on outbreak of Revolution by, iv, 66-72. Gore, Daniel (Capt.), v, 115. Judge, v, 115. Thomas P. (Senator), ii, 23. Gorges grants in Province of New Hampshire, Hi, 93. Gorgonio Pass, Cal., ii, 523, 525. Gorgoza, , concession for a canal through the Isthmus of Panama se cured by, i, 636. Gorham, , i, 62. Goring, John (Capt.), i, 644, 651. Gorostiza, . ii, 618, 620. Gorst, Eldon (Sir), succession to post of British Agent and Consul-General in Egypt of, ii, 26. Gorton, Samuel, i, 246. Goschen, Viscount, death of, ii, 36. Gosforth, William, ii, 190. Goshen, Conn., iv, 599; N. Y., i, 171; Virginia, photograph of old manor house of, iii, 285. Goshon Pass, Va., iv, 334. Goshorn, Laura E., iii, 459. Gosnold, Bartholomew, i, 10, 206, 208, 213, 214. Gosport, Va., ii, 103; Navy Yard, ii, 104, 111. Gotland, Sweden, iv, 173. Gott, , i, 255. Goudie, James, i, 262. Gould, Anna, ii, 75. Daniel, iii, 186. Edwin, ii, 75. Elizabeth Burr (Mrs.), i, 65; ii, 74. Family, ii, 74, 75; iii, 186. Frank, ii, 75. George Jay, ii, 75. Helen Miller (Miss), ii, 75. Howard, ii, 75. Jay, ii, 74. Lieut., iv, 71. Sarah (Mrs.), ii, 508, 512, 513. Waite (Coggeshall), iii, 186. Gouldsboro, Me., iii, 538. Gouldsmith, Serg't, v, 107. Gourlay, Robert, v, 217, 218. Goushill, Lincolnshire, England, v, 584. Governor's Island, N. Y., in Revolution, i, 442. Gouverneur, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., i, 750. Govion, Col., iv, 493. Gower, William, i, 522. Goyaves River, Guadeloupe, West Indies, iii, 66. Grabii Spuilegium Patrusm, i, 184. Grace Church Street, London, England, iv, 450. Gracie, Archibald, i, 745, 747. Graciosa Station, Cal., iii, 171. Gradyville, Ky., cloudburst at, ii, 35. Graevius, , iv, 450. Graff, Jacob, i, 44. Grafschaft Erbach, Bavaria, ii, 265. Graham, , i, 358; iv, 274; "Life of Gen. Daniel Morgan," by, iii, 212. A. W., engraving of Arctic scene by, iii, 329. Agnes M., v, 89. Ann, i, 656. Family, i, 656, 657; coat-of-arms of the, i, 660. James D. (Lieut.-Col.), iii, 566. James H. (Hon.), v, 89. Thomas, i, 656. Thomas (Sir), i, 265. [107] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY Grame, , iv, 528. Thomas (Dr.), iv, 528. Gramont, Flanders, v, 397, 398. Granada, Spain, iii, 79; conquest of, n, 669; iv, 512; letter written by Columbus from, ii, 118. Granbery, J. C, death of, ii, 36. Grand Army of the Republic, ni, 251, 360; iv, 351, 465. Grand Banks, description by early French missionary of the, ii, 44. Grand Bay, West Indies, iii, 70. Grand Canyon, Ariz., i, 295, 296. Grand Portage, Minn., first trading post in the State at, ii, 217. Grand Prairie, 111., the, iii, 515. Grand River, 0., iii, 388, 390. Grand Street Cemetery, Waterbury, Conn., iv, 240. Grand Turk Island, claims of Columbus land ing at, ii, 122. Grande Terre, Guadeloupe, West Indies, iii, 65. Grandon, now Fairport, O., laying out of, iii, 388. Granery burying ground, Boston, Mass., iii, 99, 100. Grange, the Burritt, i, 158. Granger, Gideon, i, 711. Sarah, v, 461. Granniss, Anna J., i, 289. Susan Hays (Mrs.), iv, 299. Grant, Deliverance, v, 309. Family, i, 49; v, 309. Fred D. (Lieut.-Col.), i, 657. Gregory, i, 314. James (Lieut.-Col., Sir), v, 54. Richard, iv, 35. Roland D. (Dr.), i, 292. Thomas S., iii, 140. Ulysses Simpson (Gen., President), i, 27, 51, 228, 440, 461, 586, 656, 657; ii, 214, 215; iii, 251, 360; iv, 95, 119, 297; v, 6, 187, 201, 208, 290; ancestry of, v, 309; birth and death of, iii, 24; cabinet of, v, 423; Civil War service of, iii, 24, 38; Mexican War service of, iii, 24; reproductions of photographs of, iii, 24, 262; tact shown on surrender of the South by, iv, 10. Virginia, i, 469, 473, 482. Granville County, N. C, iv, 546, 547. Grason, William, ii, 518. Grau, Maurice, death of, ii, 36. Grave, Joan, iii, 604. Mary, iii, 604. Graves, Capt., ii, 332. Family, ii, 344; iii, 286. John Temple, iv, 213. Joseph; ii, 344. Mrs., ii, 344; Revolutionary anecdote re garding, ii, 345. Nancy, ii, 343, 344. Ruth (Jerome), ii, 343, 344. Stephen, ii, 339, 343, 344, 345, 347. Thomas, v, 130. Gravesend Bay, British prison ships of the Revolution in, v, 121. Gravesend, England, i, 220, 222; v, 130; L. I., emigration of Quakers and Baptists to, v, 196, 197; organization of, iii, 193; Patent and Charter of, iii, 195. Gravier, Charles (Count de Vergennes), iii, 307, 308. Gray, Brigade Maj., iii, 54, 57. Capt., i, 226; v, 107, 108, 109, 110. Dr., i, 181. Ebenezer, i, 179, 180, 182; ii, 520. Family, iv, 149. Gen., iv, 31. George E. (Col.), iv, 126, 127, 130. Hiram, iv, 117. Hugh (Lieut.), Revolutionary service of, iii, 206. Robert (Capt.), explorations of, v, 500; portrait of, v, 501; reproduction of ship and tool-box of, v, 504. William H., v, 506, 516, 534; portrait of, v, 532. Grayfield, County Mayo, Ireland, v, 414. Gray's "History of Oregon," v, 528, 533. Gray's Inn, London, England, iii, 410. Greasy Creek, ii, 142. Great American Desert, ii, 681; iv, 520; v, 291. Great Baddow, Essex, England, v, 243. Great Bend, Kan., Midland College at, ii, 251; Bend, Missouri River, y, 279. Great Black Mountain, iv, 551. Great Britain, i, 503; ii, 155; iii, 474, 475, 478, 540; iv, 146, 555, 610; v, 73, 74; agreement to respect each other's rights in South Africa between Germany and, ii, 5; claims against Mexico of, ii, 617; coal mines of, iii, 42; early commer cial relations with United States of, iii, 539; extensive naval construction by, ii, 26; first American Colony to renounce allegiance to, ii, 216; first opposition to claims in America of, iv, 262-264; first United States minister to, ii, 179; iv, 554; Flag of, i, 16; French possessions in America ceded to, ii, 213; international treaty to main tain integrity of Norway entered into by, ii, 5; investigations into American foundations in, iv, 137, 151, 152; Mont gomery family of, v, 473; participation in Peace Conference by, iv, 8; political development of, iv, 18; production of iron and steel by, iii, 43; Queen of, ii, 546; representation of Texas in, ii, 623; Royal Geographical Society of, ii, [108] INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES (Great Britain) 315, 166; Savings Banks of, i, 686; serious problems of 1907 of, ii, 26. Great Cacapon River, W. Va., early settle ments on the, ii, 210. Great Canary Island, iii, 61. Great Canaway River, iii, 450. Great Easton, English estate of, iv, 448. Great Egg Harbor, iii, 117. Great Lake Region, v, 479. Great Lakes, i, 27, 44; ii, 551; iv, 87, 216, 445 v, 18, 129, 222; boundary of old North west Territory on the, ii, 548; iii, 219 development of traffic on, i, 752, 753 French settlements on the, i, 582 French territory on the, ii, 297; French dominion on the, ii, 213; head of navi gation on the, ii, 205; journey in 1835 on the, i, 653, 658; settling of the ter ritory between the Ohio River and the, ii, 297. Great Maplested, Essex, England, ii, 127. Great Marlow, Kent, England, iv, 32, 40. Great Miami, settlement at, i, 343. Great Northern Railroad, i, 695; indictment of, ii, 16. Great Ormond St., London, England, iv, 451. Great Redoubt, N. Y., Revolutionary intrench- ment at, iii, 215. Great Roane Mountain, iv, 551. Great Smoky Mountain, iv, 551. Great South Beach, L. I., i, 262. Great Swamp Fight, iv, 143, 421-424. Great Tower St., London, England, v, 418. Great Tybee Island, Ga., eviction of tories from, ii, 231. Great Unicoi Mountain, iv, 551. Great Witchingham, England, Bird family of, v, 190. Great Yarmouth, England, v, 189. Greater Antilles, i, 232; conflict over suprem acy in the, ii, 315. Greaton, John (Brig.-Gen.), i, 711; Revolu tionary service of, iii, 203. Greece, ii, 428; iv, 489; article by a United States minister to, iv, 12; dentistry in ancient, i, 676; King George of, ii, 714; King of, photograph of, ii, 546. Greek furniture, i, 494. Greeks, ancient, iv, 187, 189. Greeley, Ebenezer, v, 222. Horace, v, 3; utterances regarding depor tation of negroes of, iv, 201. Green, . iii, 442, 444. David, i, 377. Duff, ii, 693. Eleazer, iii, 125. Eleazer (Mrs.), iii, 125. George (Lieut.), iii, 286. Henry Woodhull (Chief Justice), ii, 97. James, iii, 120. John, ii, 184; iii, 564. [109 John (Capt.), v, 500. John Cleve, benefactions to Princton Uni versity of, ii, 97. Maj.-Gen., ii, 350, 351, 354. Nathan (Maj.-Gen.), ii, 190. N. W., ii, 160. Phebe, ii, 307. T., fac-simile of title page of old almanac printed by, iii, 45. Green Bay, Lake Michigan, iv, 121; explora tions of, ii, 213. Green Hills, Canada, v, 21, 26, 27. Green Mountain Boys, iii, 603; iv, 581, 586, 587; capture of Ft. Ticonderoga by, v, 159, 161; print of flag captured in Rev olution from the, iv, 161. Green Mountain Tavern, Bennington, Vt., iv, 585. Green Plains, Gloucester Co., Va., old manor house of, iii, 285. Green River, Mass., iv, 376. Green River Island, controversy over, v, 285- 287. Green River, N C, i, 51, 58. Green Spring, Va., iii, 425. Greenbrier County, W. Va., ii, 212; early set tlements of, ii, 210. Greenbrier Land Company, settlement of the Greenbrier River valley, W. Va., by the, ii, 210. Greencastle, Ind., iv, 210; Pa., iii, 449, 451. Greene, Catherine Porter (Mrs.), iv, 56. Benjamin, ii, 508. Catherine, ii, 508, 512. Christopher (Col.), ii, 510. Family, ii, 307; coat-of-arms of, ii, 512. Griffin, ii, 307. Job, ii, 510. John (Deputy-Gov.), ii, 508, 512. Mary (Hooker), v, 427. Nathaniel (Brig.-Gen.), i, 567,700,703; ii, 216, 510, 514, 529, 648; iii, 208, 276, 277; iv, 350, 382, 492, 493, 494; v, 155; grave of, ii, 234; letters preserved in the Church family from, ii, 63; portrait of, iv, 56. Philip, ii, 307. Rachel, v, 427. Ray (Hon.), ii, 510. Richard, ii, 307; v, 427. Richard Henry (Hon.), iii, 148; iv, 132. Susan, ii, 307. Susannah (Holden), ii, 508. The historian, iii, 492. Thomas (Hon.), ii, 508. William (Gov.), ii, 511, 512, 513. Greene County, N. C, iv, 548; v, 102. Greenfield, Mass., iv, 376. Greenfield Hill, Conn., i, 548. Greenhill Parish, Aghava, Ireland, Irvine fam ily of, ii, 666. THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY Greenland, i, 202; iii, 315, 316, 333, 335, 338, 345, 346, 354, 357, 639, 640, 641, 643; iv, 182, 184; v, 80, 177, 250; exploration of, i, 203; explorations in North Amer ica by men from, iv, 168, 169; Norse in, iv, 352; v, 336. Greenleaf, Dr., iii, 120. Greenman, Content, ii, 508, 512, 513. Greenough, Horatio, i, 163, 165, 166. Richard Saltonstall, statue of Washington by, ii, 244. Greensboro, N. C, patriotic memorials erect ed at, ii, 704; reproduction of monu ment to founders of the Republic at, ii, 705; reproductions of Revolutionary memorials at, ii, 702, 703, 707-710. Greenslade, Joanna, ii, 298. Greenspring, Va., plantation of, iii, 414, 423, 424. Greenville, O., treaty with the Indians at, ii, 302, 311. Greenville, Sinoe, Liberia, Africa, iii, 624, 626. Greenville Treaty, ii, 302, 311. Greenville, Va., iii, 448, 449, 451. Green way, James (Dr.), iv, 575. Greenwich, Conn., i, 322, 323, 405, 445, 446; ii, 185, 208; iv, 433, 452; v, 366; Mead family of, iv, 448, 452; Revolutionary War in, ii, 353; England, iv, 449. Greenwich Observatory, England, iii, 73. Greenwich St., New York City, i, 417. Greenwood, , i, 627. John, i, 170. Dr., i, 677, 678. Greer, Andrew, iv, 544. Family, iii, 385. Greiner, J., iii, 549. John (Gov.), transcript of letters written during service in N. Mex., by, iii, 541- 554. Gresham College, Oxford University, England, iv, 451. Grey, Lord (Gov.-Gen.), ii, 25. Greyhound Tavern, Boston, Mass., transcript of early patriotic song sung at, iv, 384. Greytown, Nicaragua, canal commenced at, i, 638. Gridley, , iv, 271. Family, v, 363. Jeremiah, iv, 262; opening of trial of Writs of Assistance by, iv, 263, 264. Philo, v, 228. Richard, v, 32. Grieg, E. H., death of the musical com poser, ii, 37. Griffen, Capt., ii, 332. Griffin, , settlers brought to New Eng land by, iii, 192. A. P. C, ii, 367. Family, Hi, 385. Martin, I. J., i, 674. William, i, 504. [110 Griffith, Benjamin (Lieut.), v, 307. Charles Greenberry (Col.), v, 307. Charles (Lieut.), v, 307; iii, 58, 582. Cyrus, iv, 442. David (Dr., Rev.), v, 307. Elizabeth (Bulkley), v, 307. Family, v, 307; coat-of-arms of the, v, 306. George, ii, 250, 251. Gwen (Thomas), v, 307. John (Lieut.), v, 307. Joshua (Capt.), i, 288. Levi (Ensign), v, 307. Mary (Lake), v, 307. Mrs., iii, 250. Philemon (Capt.), v, 307. S. L. (Mrs.), i, 355. Samuel (Capt.), v, 307. William, v, 307. Griffiths, Griffith, v, 307. John, v, 307. Mary (Norris), v, 307. Thomas (Judge), v, 307. William, v, 307. Grignion, , ii, 381. Grijalva, Dolores (Valencia), iii, 106. Family of California, iii, 106. Juan Pablo, journey across the Colorado Desert to California of, iii, 104, 106; birth of, iii, 106; marriage of, iii, 106; descendants of, iii, 106. Maria Josefa, iii, 106. Sargeant, iii, 110, 402. Grimes, Alice, inscription on tomb of, iii, 294. John (Hon.), iii, 294. Grindall, Edmund (Archbishop), v, 301, 424. Elizabeth, v, 424, 427. Family, v, 424, 427. William, v, 424, 427. Grinnell Land, iii, 641. Grippenburg, Alexandra (Baroness), ii, 11. Griswold, , iii, 166. Mary, i, 541. Sylvanus, i, 515. Groesvelt, Bay, v, 638. Grolier Club, reproduction of old cartoon pub lished by the, iv, 62. Grotius, i, 577; v, 288. Hugo, iii, 40. Groton, Conn., ii, 298; v, 551, 554; dedication of memorial to heroes of the Revolu tion at, v, 543, 544; photographs of memorials to heroes of the Revolution at, v, 545, 548, 555, 558; account of battle of Ft. Griswold at, v, 549-560; photograph of battlefield at, v, 561; first settler of, iv, 624, 625; Kinne Meeting House at, iv, 626, 628; Lath am family of, iv, 623-631; Mitchell family of, iv, 629, 630, 631; photograph of old Avery House at, ii, 314; photo graph of Revolutionary monument at, v, 558 ; photograph of old Avery houses ] INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES (Groton, Conn.) at, v, 555, 558; Avery family of, v, 559, 560; England, v, 348; Massachusetts, i, 563; iii, 120, 121, 122, 123, 125, 450; Manor, England, i, 241. Grouchy, Marshall, ii, 605, 606. Grove, John, iii, 99. Grove's "England," iv, 354. Grow, Galusha A., death of, ii, 36. Grubb, Benjamin, i, 50. Curtis, iv, 148. Grundle, J., ii, 190. Grundy, Felix (Senator), ii, 211. William, ii, 95. Grymes, Maj., i, 449. Guacamari, West Indian king, iii, 74, 75, 76. Guadeloupe, W. Indies, discovery by Colum bus of the island of, iii, 63, 65; volca noes of, iii, 64, 65, 68; description of, iii, 65, 66; early Indians of, iii, 68; island dependency of, iii, 70. Guadeloupe, Hidalgo, treaty after the Mexi can war signed at, ii, 554, 669, 670. Guaimaro, Cuba, ii, 427. Guam, ceding to the United States of island of, ii, 558. Guanahani, Bahama Islands, ii, 120. Guatemala, ii, 714; iv, 208; death of General Barillas of, ii, 36; photograph of pres ident of, ii, 13. Gubelman Publishing Company, iv, 393. Gudebrod, John, i, 597. Louis A., i, 64; ii, 711; photographs of sculpture by, i, 332; ii, 393; iii, 5. Guerdon, John, ii, 176. Guernsey, , ii, 428. John H., i, 299. Guerra, , ii, 436. Merigildo (Capt.), ii, 671. Guerrero, , ii, 421. Guggenheim, Simon (Senator), ii, 23. Guifford, Peter (Capt.), i, 317. Guild, Benjamin, iii, 247. Curtis (Gov.), i, 436; ii, 20. Reuben, iii, 192. Guilds of Flanders, v, 392, 397, 402, 403, 404, 405. Guilford, Conn., i, 81, 245, 250, 491, 493, 515; ii, 67, 71, 72, 527, 529; iii, 121; v, 433. Guilford, Conn., founding of, ii, 176; harbor of, ii, 65. Guilford Court House, Greensboro, N. C, bat tle of, i, 566; color print of soldier of battle of, iv, 196; map, iv, 259; pho tographs of monuments erected at, ii, 702, 703, 707-710. Guillotin, Capt., ii, 171. Guinea, ii, 420. Guines, Maj., iv, 128. Guion, Maj., v, 568. Isaac (Maj.), v, 570, 576. Guise, J., ii, 334, 338. Guisee's Paraphrase, i, 184. Guiteras, , ii, 436. Guizot, , ii, 623. Gulf Coast, early trade of the, ii, 165. Gulf of California, ii, 525. Gulf of Mexico, iv, 118, 212, 219; v, 567; French dominion on the, ii, 213; river valleys of the water shed of, ii, 619. Gulf of Paria, iii, 72. Gulf of St. Lawrence, iv, 118, 182. Gulf Stream, v, 254, 257, 261. Gulick, , v, 444. Gunby, Hall (Col.), iv, 344. Gunnersbury, Middlesex, England, v, 242. Gunnison, Elihu, iv, 251. Margery (Pepperrell), iv, 251. Gunston Hall, England, iv, 98; Virginia founders and history of, iv, 93-100. Gunter, Archibald Clavering, death of, ii, 36. Gunter's Landing, Ala., iv, 602. Guntersville, Ala., iv, 602. Gunther, Charles F., iv, 59; ambrotype of Lincoln owned by, v, 203. Gurnsey, Island of, ii, 398. Gushue, , iii, 358. Gustav V., King of Sweden, ii, 33. Gustavus Adolphus, iv, 431. Gutenberg, , invention of printing by, iii, 64. Guthrie, Betsy (Stone), ii, 308. Family, iv, 121. Samuel (Dr.), iv, 121. Guthrum, v, 184. Guthry, Robert, facsimile of autograph on early passport of, ii, 660. Gutierrez, Pedro, iii, 74. Gutridge, Richard, ii, 176. Gutter Lane, London, England, ii, 93. Gwinett, , ii, 228. Guy, Serena J., iv, 601. Gwinne, Hugh (Col.), iii, 284. Gwynn's Island, Va., iii, 284. Gybbes, Robert, iii, 95. Gymnase Vosgien, St. Die, Lorraine, facsim ile of imprint of the, v, 338; historic map produced by the, v, 335-337; repro duction of map of the world made in 1507 by the, v, 342, 343; reproduction of building occupied by the, v, 344; re production of old painting of geog rapher of the, v, 339; reproduction of portrait of maker of map of the world produced by the, v, 333. [Ill] H Haarlem, Holland, v, 387, 388, 407. Haberding, John, reproduction of old draw ing of house of, iii, 576, 577. Habersham, , i, 30. Joseph (Major), ii, 227. Hache, Somersetshire, England, v, 585, 586. Hackersack, N. J., ii, 285; Colonial house at, ii, 291; engravings in collection of Mrs. Westervelt of, iv, 85, 86, 90, 91, 92; photographs of old houses at, ii, 289; iii, 605, 610; Revolutionary en campment at, ii, 292; Washington's headquarters at, ii, 292; Bridge, N. J., iv, 43; River, v, 458; first Dutch set tlers on, ii, 286; Washington's retreat across the, ii, 292. Hackett, Fannie M., i, 60. Hannah, i, 60. Hacklin, Col., iii, 54. Peter, Lieut., iii, 54. Haddam, Conn., i, 284, 285, 286. Hadley, President, i, 690, ii, 667. Hadley, Mass., i, 178; iv, 238, 239; v, 132. Hageman, , v, 51, 71. Hager, Capt., iv, 556. Hagerstown, Md., ii, 265, 278, 463; iii, 615. Hague, The, delegation from Korea to, ii, 30; International Arbitration Court at, i, 577; iii, 473, 488; iv, 10; Interparlia mentary Union at, iii, 487; Peace Con ference at, i, 151; ii, 6; iii, 39, 476, 478, 487; iv, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 467; Peace Pal ace at, iii, 487. "Hail Columbia," biography of author, iv, 340; writing of, ii, 592. Hail Western, Gloucester Co., Va., manor house iii, 285. Hailes Abbey, England, i, 521; iii, 91. Hainault, Philippa of, v, 396, 400. Hainault, County of, v, 404. Haines, , ii, 131, 144, 145, 152. Colonel, plantation of, i, 728. Hains, , ii, 140, 141. Hairidge, England, iv, 358. Haiti, West Indies, ii, 166, 322, 407, 220; iii, 61, 70, 114; Columbus' return voyage from, ii, 122. Hakett, James (Col.), ii, 108. Hakluyt, V., voyages of, i, 643, 644. Hakluyt Society, London, England, iii, 59. Haldimand, , ii, 400. Colonel, i, 92. General, iv, 36. Hale, , iv, 274. Edward Everett, i, 512; poem by, iii, 112. Enoch (Dr.), i, 511, 512. Eugene (Hon.), iii, 538. Family, i, 511. Matthew (Sir), iv, 356. Nathan, i, 512; facsimile of record of exe cution, iv, 106; photograph of camp basket of, iv, 104. Samuel H., ii, 691. Hale's "Memories of a Hundred Years," iv, 412. Haley, Simeon (Capt.), i, 318. Half Moon, arrival at Manhattan Island, iii, 159; old print of, iii, 573; now Water- ford, N. Y., iii, 214; 215. Half Moon Tavern, iv, 343. Halfway Creek, N. Y., iii, 210. Half-Way Hill, near Natchez, Miss., v, 570^ 575, 576. Half Way Wells, Gila Mountains, ii, 41. Halifax, N. C, i, 565, 567; iv, 578; Canada, i, 262; Nova Scotia, i, 406, 735; iv, 273, 274, 275, 276, 278, 555. Hall, , ii, 228; iii, 427. (Rev.), iii, 122. Captain, iii, 114, 116. Anna, ii, 226. Benjamin, iii, 99. Colonel, iii, 280. Elizabeth (Pitts), iii, 96. Eva (Mrs.), iv, 36. Family, Pennsylvania land of, iii, 99; of Barbadoes, iii, 96, 99. H. B., engraving by, v, 33. Hiram, v, 228. Hugh, iii, 95, 96; will of, iii, 99. James (Judge), ii, 215. John, iii, 99. Joseph, iii, 99. Lieut.-Col., ii, 188. Lydia (Gibbs), iii, 95, 96. Maria, iii, 96. Mary ( ), iii, 99. Nathan, iii, 120. Richard (Lieut.), iii, 286. Sarah, iii, 96, 99. Stephen, iii, 120. Thomas, will of, iii, 99. Hall of Fame, i, 135, 301, 302, 303. Hall of Records, New York City, v, 121. Halleck, Fitz-Greene, iii, 584; facsimile of manuscript poem by, iii, 593-595. Haller, , iii, 451. Halley's Comet, iv, 15. Halliday Historic Collection, photographs from, iv, 559; v, 7-10, 270, 271. [112] INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES Halliday Historic Photograph Co., v, 185, 186. Halpine, Charles (Gen.), iii, 244. Halsey, Elias Henry (Capt.), v, 548. Francis Whiting, "Old New York Frontier" by, iii, 202, 378; iv, 556. R. T. H., old cartoon by, iv, 62. Halstead, Eliza, iii, 459. Hambright, Col., i, 58. Hamburg, Germany, i, 745, 746; iv, 279; an nouncement of Department of Journal of American History for Genealogical Research in, v, 322; banking house of, i, 745, 746; first American consul at, i, 746. Hamel, , portrait of Champlain by, ii, 119. Hamersley, Lillie, ii, 226. William James, i, 356. Hamilton, , iv, 631, 757. Alexander, i, 723, 725; ii, 37, 85, 87, 105; iii, 16, 225, 572, 605; v, 85, 565, 566; ad dress on death of, iii, 131 ; aid toward financing Revolution given by, ii, 626; appointment in Revolutionary army, ii, 54; attendance at funeral of Washing ton, ii, 53, 54; burial of, ii, 56; duel between Burr and, ii, 56; duel of son of, ii, 55, 56; commission bearing sig nature of, ii, 63; correspondence of, ii, 63; eulogy by a Revolutionary officer of, i, 702; executor of, ii, 57; marriage, ii, 54; National bank formulated by, ii, 629; political attitude of, ii, 193; pho tographs of pistols in duel between Burr and, ii, 55; portraits of, iv, 26, 57; statue of, iii, 341. Andrew (Gov.), ii, 362; v, 434, 435, 436. Captain, iii, 54, 583. Duke of, ii, 82. Family, iv, 149. J., engravings by, iii, 320-324, 329. Mrs., v, 435. Paul, ii, 111. Philip, duel of, ii, 55, 56. Richard J., iv, 631. Hamilton, Mass., ii, 531. Hamilton County, 0., ii, 693. Hamilton Library, Carlisle, Pa., photograph of Revolutionary relic at, v, 96. Hamlin, , i, 31. Giles, i, 710. Hannibal (Vice President), photogroph of, iii, 538; v, 210. Jabez (Col.), portrait of, i, 706. Hammatt, Abraham (Capt.), iii, 202. Hammersmith, England, i, 334. Hammock, first mention of use, iii, 75. Hammond, Elijah, ii, 53. Hampden, , iv, 427. John, iii, 494, 498, 500. Hampden County, Mass., iv, 414. Hampden Falls, N. H., i, 613. Hampden-Sidney College, Va., ii, 656. Hampshire, England, v, 195, 234; engraving of Christ Church, v, 238. Hampshire and Hampden Canal Co., iv, 414, 415. Hampshire County, Mass., iv, 375, 383; v, 163; first canal in, iv, 409; County, Va., i, 51; County, W. Va., ii, 209, 211. Hampton, Va., v, 436; St. John's Church at, i, 221; photograph of old church at, iv, 496; Institute at, i, 19, 20, 221. Hampton Court, England, iii, 498. Hampton Roads, Va., i, 218; iv, 330; v, 223; conference on deportation of negroes at, iv, 212; erection of monument at, iv, 337. Hamrick, Capt., iii, 615. Hamtramck, Capt., v, 112. Hancock, , ii, 401; iii, 630. (Rev.), iii, 123, 124. Dorothy (Quincy), portraits of, ii, 644, 645; iv, 55. Governor, iii, 538; iv, 272. John, ii, 194, 644, 645; iii, 437, 617; iv, 136, 267, 412, 528; photograph of coat, iv, 104; photograph of money trunk, iv, 105; portrait of, iv, 55. John (Mrs.), iii, 52; portraits of, ii, 644, 645; iv, 55. Winfield Scott (Gen.), i, 653. Hancock County, Ind., iii, 514; County, Me., iii, 537, 538. Hancock House, Boston, Mass., engraving of the, ii, 493. Hand, , ii, 68. Edward (Gen.), ii, 520; v, 65; birth, iii, 382; commission in U. S. army, iii, 332 : Revolutionary service, iii, 382. William, i. 437, 401. Handsworth, Yorkshire, England, ii, 89, 98. Handy, Egbert Gilliss, photographs from collection, iv, 221, 222, 224-236, 475- 495, 496, 498-501, 503-510, 533-540, 622; v, 16, 33, 34, 35, 36-42, 44-48, 201, 209, 212. L. C, photograph of Lincoln from collec tion, v, 209, 212. Hane or Hanc (Auke in Clyst Hadon, Clin ton), England, iv, 358. Hanford, Hannah, i, 95. Phineas. i, 95. Samuel, i, 95. Hangtown, Cal., journey of Western pioneers from Michigan to, ii, 680-690. Hanke, , v, 194. Hanks, Abraham, iv, 549, 550. Benjamin, v, 194. Capt., i, 629. Family, v, 194, 195; iv, 549. Joseph, v, 192, 193, 194, 195. Mrs., i, 629. [113] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY Hastings, Capt., i, 627. Battle of, i, 519, 520; iv, 141, 356; v, 189, 305. Haswell, Charles H, death, ii, 36. Hatcher, Thomas, iii, 617. Hatfield, Major, ii, 353; iii, 56. Hatfield, Mass., i, 178; iv, 240, 379; Indian fight, iv, 238, 239. Hattenfield, N. J., i, 450. Hatton, , ii, 421. Paymaster, i, 731. Haugh, Atherton, i, 537. Hausegger, Col., v, 65. Havana, Cuba, i, 82, 672; ii, 409, 621; iii, 463; v, 576; blowing up of U. S. war ship at, ii, 315; Board of Trade, ii, 405; ear ly description, iii, 116; English expe dition to, iii, 115; v, 74; headquarters of the society known as the Knights of the Golden Circle at, ii, 596; municipal council, ii, 417; journal of American marine of 1762 on English expedition against, iii, 114-117; University of, ii, 405; volunteers at University of, ii, 409. Havemeyer, Henry O., death of, ii, 37. John Craig, transcript of lines by, iv, 308. William F., paintings in collection, iv, 88, 89 Haven, William I. (Rev. D. D.), v, 273. Havera, Chester Co., Pa., ii, 109. Haverhill, Mass., v, 469; Institution for sav ings in, i, 686. Haverstraw, N. Y., iv, 45. Havre, France, i, 164, 277; ii, 604. Havre-de-Grace, France, iv, 273, 278. Hawaii, i, 18, 19; agriculture in, i, 20; Ameri canization of, ii, 543; death of Queen of, ii, 35; discovery of, i, 19; Euro pean immigration to, i, 20; first visit of Vancouver to, i, 19; institution of school system in, i, 19; Kamehameha I., ruler of, i, 19; population, i, 20; san dalwood trade in, i, 19; settlement of, missionaries in, i, 19; U. S. protect orate established, ii, 558. Hawes, Abijah, iii, 248. Asa, iii, 248. Benjamin (Capt.), iii, 248. Daniel, iv, 421. Edward, iii, 248. Family, iii, 248; Narragansett war services of, iv, 421-424. Gilbert Ray (A. M., LL. B.), iii, 247; iv, 421; portrait owned by, iii, 249. Joel, iii, 248. Jonathan, iii, 248. Joseph (Lieut.), first Declaration of Inde pendence by, iii, 247, 248; reproduction of portrait, iii, 249. Matthias, iii, 248. Moses, iii, 248. Hawkins, , iv, 449. (Jones), v, 471. Ann (Wells), iv, 379. Anthony, iv, 379. Benjamin, v, 51. Eleanor, v, 309. Hannah, iv, 379. John, v, 471. John (Capt.), first African slaves in West Indies brought by, ii, 596; John (Sir), 641; death of, i, 650; engaging in the slave trade of, i, 642; last voyage of, i, 650; trading expeditions to the West Indies and the Spanish Main of, i, 642. Richard (Capt.), i, 644. Hawkins County, N. C, v, 102, 103; Tennes see, i, 664; ii, 143. Hawks, Alice ( ), iv, 240. Eleazer, iv, 240. Elizabeth, iv, 240. Family, iv, 238, 240; v, 475. Hannah, iv, 237, 238, 240, 242; photograph of gravestone of, iv, 241. John (Col.), iv, 240; transcript from grave stone, iv, 242; John, life and tran scripts from diary, iv, 237-243. Martha (Baldwin), iv, 238, 240. Thankful (Smead), iv, 240. Hawley, Capt., v, 153. Joseph, iv, 267. Joseph R. (Gen.), v, 549, 550. Pennsylvania, iv, 596. Hawley House, Ridgefield, Conn., photograph of, ii, 294. Hawley Street, Boston, Mass., iii, 100. Hawleys, , i, 445. Hawthorne Family, i, 510. Louisa, i, 509. Judge, i, 510. Nathaniel, i, 509, 510; iii, 192; iv, 20; por trait of, i, 302. Hay, Andrew Hawks (Com'y), iv, 45. John, ii, 215; iv, 10, 297. Bunau-Varilla Treaty, i, 639. -Pauncefote Treaty regarding the Panama Canal, i, 638. Hayden, Abigail (Parsons), i, 678. Daniel (Lieut.), i, 678. Family, i, 49, 678. Horace H. (Dr.), i, 678, 684; appointment as professor in the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery of, i, 680; birthplace of, i, 678; death of, i, 682; discovery of a mineral by, i, 678, 679; early jour ney to the West Indies by, i, 678; ear ly studies of, i, 678; efforts to organ ize a dental convention by, i, 679. Peyton R., iv, 515. Thomas (Lieut.), i, 678. William, i, 678. [116] INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES Haydenite, discovery of the mineral, i, 678, 679. Hayes, , iv, 517. Dr., iii, 334. Hugh (Lieut.), iii, 286. John (Ensign), iii, 286. Mrs., iii, 241. Rutherford B. (President), i, 27, 637, 655, 656; administration, ii, 210. Hayes Ferry, ii, 130. Hayes Harbor, iii, 346. Hayles Abbey, Gloucestershire, England, i, 517, 519, 520, 521, 524-528, 530, 531, 533, 535, 538, 539; Abbot of, i, 525; founding of monastery of, i, 525. Haynes, John (Gov.), i, 247, 248, 251, 256; v, 133, 134. Landon C, iv, 550, 551. Mabel (Harlakenden), v, 133, 134. Milton A., iv, 546. Haynor, Peter (Maj.), iii, 616, 617. Hays, , v, 93. Family, v, 93. Frederick, v, 94. Jacob, i, 94. John, v, 94. John A., v, 90, 91. John Casper (Serg't), v, 84, 85, 87, 89. John Ludwig, v, 90, 91, 94. Major, ii, 520. Mary (Ludwig), Revolutionary heroine, v, 83-95. Will S. (Col.), death, ii, 36. Haytor, England, iv, 359. Hayti, deportation of negroes to, iv, 202, 205, 206, 208, 209, 210, 211. Hayward, Anna, or Hannah ( ), v, 420. Benjamin, v, 420. (or Howard), Bethia (Chapin), v, 420. Family, v, 420. Huldah, v, 420. John, v, 420, 430. (or Howard), Levi, v, 420. Margery, v, 420. Mary (Wheaton), v, 420. Mehitable (Tompkins), v, 420. Samuel, v, 420. William, v, 420. Hayward's "Life of Edward VI.," v, 586. Haywood, , ii, 24. Family, iii, 286. G., old lithographs by, iii, 577. William (Ensign), iii, 286. William D., trial of, ii, 34. Hazard, Caroline (President), iv, 311. Ebenezer, v, 457. Hazelgrove, John, will, iii, 99. Hazeltine, Capt., v, 140. Hazeltown, Va., iii, 449, 451. Hazen's "History of Billerica," Mass., iv, 412. Heachem, England, i, 220. [117 Head, Francis Bond (Sir), v, 218, 221, 224, 225. Jesse (Rev.), v, 193. Headley's "Washington and His Generals," iii, 379. Heald, Mollie E., iv, 602. Heard, Gen., ii, 185, 188. Gen., ii, 350, 648; iii, 275, 582. Hearne, , description of journey to far Northern America before the Revolu tion by, v, 76-80. Hearst, William R., candidacy as mayor of New York City of, ii, 20. Hearth, Ann, iii, 96. Heath, Col., Revolutionary regiment of, iii, 203, 205. Elizabeth, iii, 604. General, i, 707; ii, 184, 187, 648; iii, 55, 56, 275, 280. Isaac, iii, 604. Maj.-Gen., ii, 350, 351; v, 155, 156. Martha, iii, 604. Nathaniel, facsimile of autograph of, ii, 446. Peleg, facsimile of autograph of, ii, 447. Robert, i, 526. William (Brig.-Gen.), ii, 190; iv, 382; v, 150, 154. Heaton's Station, W. Va., v, 100. Hebard, Dr., i, 471, 473, 475. Grace Raymond (Ph. D.), i, 467. Hebernia, O., iii, 512. Hebrides, the, ii, 428. Hecate, Brunio (Capt.), iii, 177. Heceta, explorations of, v, 499. Heckendorn, Susan (Mrs.), v, 90, 91. Hecla, iii, 347, 356. Hecox, , i, 624. Hector, iv, 426. Hedgeman Family, iv, 100. Nathaniel, iv, 98. Heggon, William, iii, 583. Heiberg Island, iii, 641, 643. Heilprin, Angelo, death of, ii, 36. Heinsius, , i, 557. Heints, Staffordshire, England, iv, 448. Heinze, F. Augustus, disruption of chain of National banks organized by, ii, 15, 16. Heirlooms, American, iv, 569, 570; account of historic American, iv, 425-428; re productions of, iv, 429, 430. Heitman's "Officers of the Continental Army," iii, 203-214, 216, 378, 379, 381, 382. Helena, Mont., i, 104. Heligoland, American trade with, i, 746; Island of, ii, 428. Hell Gate, New York Harbor, iii, 154; i, 269, 412; v, 366; Revolutionary attack on, i, 706. Helmes, , i, 499. Heloise, tomb of, ii, 611. ] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY Hinson, Jeremiah, ii, 184. Hippocrates' Aphorisms, i, 185. Hispaniola, now Haiti, W. I., i, 643, 651; ii, 322; iii, 114; expedition against, ii, 316; French settlement at, ii, 170; now Santo Domingo, West Indies, letter written by physician of Columbus' ship dated at, iii, 60-80; voyage to, ii, 67- 68. Historical Digest of the Provincial Press, en gravings from the, ii, 489, 490, 493, 495, 498, 499, 500, 530. Historical research work for children, v, 477- 479. History of Popery, i, 184. Hitchcock, Col., iii, 54, 211, 350, 520. E. A., i, 440. Mrs., i, 733. Secretary, ii, 24. Sergeant, ii, 350. Hite, Jacob, ii, 209. Hittites, wars of the Egyptians and the, iv, 186. Hix, John (Mr.), i, 315. Hoar, George Frisbie, ii, 532; iv, 470. Senator, iii, 52; iv, 567. Hobart, G. S. (Judge), i, 515. Caleb, v, 414. Nehemiah, iii, 127. Peter (Rev.), iv, 262. Hobbie, Elizabeth (Lady), letter from Queen Elizabeth to, iii, 91. Thomas (Sir), seat of, iii, 91; manuscript at British Museum of travels of, iii, 91. Hobbs, Mrs., v, 190. Hobby, , iii, 94. Amey, iii, 95. Ann (Mrs.), iii, 92. Charles, iii, 57, 94, 96. Charles (Sir), iv, 447; birth, iii, 92; death, Hi, 93; descendants, iii, 94, 96, 99-101; editor's nole on, iii, 91; estate, iii, 93, 94; expedition against Canada under, iii, 93; fac-simile of autograph, iii, 97; in Boston, iii, 92, 94; in Jamaica, iii, 92; knighted by Queen Anne, iii, 92; Lieut.-Gov. Annapolis Royal, iii, 93; marriage, iii, 92; mission to England, iii, 92; N. H. grant to, iii, 93; por trait, iii, 97; reproduction of portrait of descendant, iii, 98; reproduction of residence, iii, 101. Eliza, iii, 96. Elizabeth, iii, 92, 94, 96, 99, 100; 101. Family, English branch of, iii, 91, 95; American branch of, iii, 92-101; rec ords of families allied with, iii, 91- 96; 99-101. Honor, iii, 96. John, iii, 92, 94, 95, 96, 99; iv, 452. John (Mrs.), iii, 96. Judith, iii, 92, 94. Lady, iii, 95. Lieut., ii, 514, 516. Dinamah, iii, 99. Marcy, iii, 92. Mary, iii, 93, 94, 95; Province House, Bos ton, Mass., the birthplace of, iii, 101. Philip (Sir), iii, 95. Sarah (Hall), iii, 96. William, inscription on tombstone of, iii, 92; inscription on tombstone of wife of, iii, 92; administration of estate of, iii, 95; fac-simile of autograph of, iii, 101. William (Sir), i, 522, 525, 544. Winsley, v, 456. Winslow (Deacon), iii, 96. Hoboken, N. J, i, 418; founding of, iv, 387- 395. Hobson, Lieut., i, 16. Hobuck Ferry, New York City, ii, 185. Hochesan (Huxham in Wonford), England, iv, 358. Hockley, Gloucester County, Va., photo graphs of estate of, iii, 296. Hodder, , i, 45. Hodge, Alice (Mason), v, 461. Andrew, v, 461. Anne (Trumbull), v, 461. Charles, v, 461. Family, arms of the, v, 460; lineage of the, v, 461. Hamilton, v, 461. Harriet (Ashton), v, 461. Hugh, v, 461. Isabel (Mclntyre), v, 461. John, v, 461. Joseph, v, 461. Paul, v, 461. Robert, v, 461. Susanna (Denslow), v, 461. William, v, 461. Hodges, (Tamer), v, 461. Family, arms of the, v, 460; lineage of the, v, 461. James (Capt.), v, 461. John, v, 461. Mary (Claypoole), v, 461. Robert, v, 461. Sarah (Granger), v, 461. Thomas, v, 461. William, v, 461. Hodgkins, W. C, iii, 568. Hoegh, Knut (Dr.), archaeological investi gations in Minnesota by, iv, 166, 178. Hof fecker, John H. (Hon.), iii, 567. Hoffman, (Bayard), iv, 39. Anthony, iv, 39. Cornelia, v, 638. Family, v, 638. Frances (Livingston), iv, 38. Henry, iv, 39. Martin, iv, 39. [120] INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES (Hoffman) Mrs., iv, 39. Samuel, iv, 38, 39. Stephen, iv, 39. Hoffman Ave., Newtown, L. I., iv, 379. Hogan, Decker, i, 54. Richard, i, 54. Hogg, James, iv, 547. Hohokus, N. J., photograph of house of the Revolutionary period at, iii, 605. Hoker, Anastasia (Bridgman), v, 427. Family, v, 426, 427. John, v, 426, 427. Holand, Hjalmar Rued (M. A.), archaeological investigations in Minnesota by, iv, 167- 184; editor's note on investigations of, iv, 165, 166. Holcomb, F. P., iv, 415. Lieut., ii, 351, 353. Holcombe, John Marshall (Mrs.), i, 329. Holcombe, Exminster, England, iv, 358. Holcomma (Lower Holcombe), Exminster, England, iv, 358. Holden, Aaron (Lieut.), Revolutionary ser vice of, iii, 382. Anthony, ii, 512. Barbara, ii, 508. Bethia (Waterman), ii, 508. Catherine (Greene), ii, 508, 512. Charles (Lieut.), ii, 508, 512. Edward S. (Dr.), iii, 251. Elizabeth, ii, 508, 512. Family, ii, 508. Frances (Dungan), ii, 508, 512. Lieut., iii, 280, 381. Margaret, ii, 508. Mary, ii, 508, 512, 513. Randall (Maj.), ii, 508, 512. Sarah, ii, 508. Susannah, ii, 508. Holdridge, Benajah, v, 548. Capt., i, 262. Maj., ii, 650; iii, 56. Holiday Street Theatre, Baltimore, Md., iii, 165. Holland, Edward (Hon.), iv, 35. Jane, iv, 35. John G., iii, 584; fac-simile of manscript of poem by, iii, 595; poem by, iv, 191. Holland, i, 12, 380; ii, 167, 423, 547, 667; iii, 483, 502; iv, 280, 284, 328, 334, 450, 451, 485, 486, 631; v, 139, 348, 350, 426, 433, 463; announcement of Department of Journal of American History for Genealogical Research in, v, 322; bank ing house of, i, 745; De Peyster family, v, 387-408 ; early importations to Amer ica from, ii, 287, 289; immigration to America from, ii, 266; English Separat ists in, i, 203; Huguenots in, ii, 362; iv, 125; International Court of Arbitra- [121 tion, iii, 473; King of, iv, 114, 120; Pil- grimsin, iii, 498; iv, 469, 471, 473, 474, 476; railway administrations, iv, 6; Roosevelt family of, ii, 225, 226; Sav ings banks in, i, 686; settlers in Amer ica from, iv, 388-392, 394; trade with American Colonies of, iii, 412, 413; Van Rosen velt family of, v, 638; wars with France, ii, 167, 494; v, 390; Wendell family, v, 633; West Indian posses sions, iii, 70. Holland Land Company, alleged dealings with Aaron Burr of the, ii, 53. Holland's "History of Western Massachu setts," iv, 408, 410. Holley, Horace, i, 166, 365, 464. Holliday family, v, 463. Hollis family, iv, 149. Hollis, N. H, iii, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 127. Hollywood, Cal., v, 384. Holman, Col., ii, 187, 188, 352-355, 514, 516, 518-520, 648, 650-652; iii, 54, 55, 57, 277; v, 427. M. Augusta, i, 80. Mabel Cassine, i, 697; iv, 623; v, 543. Holmes, Alice ( ), v, 197. Deborah, fac-simile of marriage certificate, ii, 348. Family, v, 197. Frances (Holden), ii, 508, 512. J. T. (Col.), v, 197. Jeremiah (Capt.), i, 305. John, v, 197, 433. John (Capt.), i, 502, 504. John (Treasurer-Gen.), ii, 508, 512. Jonathan, v, 197. Katharine, ii, 512. Katherine (Hyde), v, 197. Lydia, v, 197. Mary (Denison), i, 305. Mary Jane, death, ii, 37. Obadiah (Rev.), v, 196, 197. Oliver Wendell (Dr.), i, 236, 250; ii, 630; iii, 584; v, 633; birth, iii, 128; centen nial, iii, 128; fac-simile of manuscript of poem by, iii, 599-601; graduation from Harvard, ii, 200 ; lines by, ii, 263 ; lines to Samuel Francis Smith by, ii. 200; poem by, iii, 128. Robert, v, 197. Samuel, v, 197. Thomas, i, 573. Holmes' "Annals of America," iv, 408, 413. Holsteen, Tenn., i, 58. Holstein, Germany, ii, 200. Holsten River, ii, 130; iv, 548; v, 100. Holston River, i, 663, 664. Holston Settlement, Tenn., ii, 278. Holston Valley, Tenn., iv, 543. Holt, Henry, and Company, i, 633. John, v, 456, 457, 548. ] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY Helsingeland, Sweden, iv, 178. Helsingfors, Finland, recent election at, ii, 11. Heimlein, , early invention by, iv, 428. Hemenway, (Rev.), iii, 126, 127. Hemenway's Gazetteer of Vermont, v, 477. Hemington, Capt., ii, 332. J., ii, 334, 338. Heminway, Deacon, Conn., home of, ii, 343. Hempstead, , diary of, iv, 143; John, v, 659. John (Mrs.), v, 559. Stephen (Serg't), v, 548. Hempstead, L. I., iv, 46. Hempstead Harbor, iv, 35, 43. Hemstead, Robert, iv, 624. Haycock, England, iv, 358, 359. Hen, Robert, account of murder of, iii, 415. Henderson, , i, 556; iii, 350. Chief Justice, iv, 550. Colonel, iv, 550. Judge, iv, 547, 548, 549, 550. Richard (Col.), i, 53, 54; iv, 544, 546, 549, 550; v, 99. Henderson, Ky., iv, 550. Henderson Company, purchase of Indian lands in by the, iv, 548, 549. Hendly, Maj., i, 707. Hendrick, , the Mohawk chief, ii, 390, 391. Hendricks, Thomas A., iii, 629. Hengstenburg, , i, 554. Hening, , iii, 559. Hening, Miss, iii, 87. Mollie, iii, 87, 88. Henleia (Highleigh St. Mary, Witheridge), England, iv, 358. Henley, , ii, 150. Adjutant, iii, 54. Brigade Maj., ii, 186, 190, 350, 354. David, ii, 652; iii, 280. Major, ii, 517; iii, 54, 278. Henman, Ebenezer, i, 230. Hennell, David, ii, 93. Hennepin, Father, ii, 394. Henning's Statutes, iii, 428. Henrico County, Va., iii, 416, 417; iv, 417, v, 58. Henry I., i, 521; iv, 362, 365; v, 134; Cham berlain of, iv, 362; TL, i, 24, 521, 524; iv, 142, 362; v, 134; III., i, 24, 525; iv, 362, 364; v, 134; TV., i, 24, 525; ii, 93, 376, 439; iii, 40, 284; iv, 124; v, 239, 244; V, i, 522; VI., i, 522; ii, 93; iv, 367, 448, 584; VII., i, 10, 520; iv, 369; v, 684; Elizabeth Plantagenet, Queen of, v, 242; VEIL, i, 525, 565; iii, 95; iv, 367, 369, 370; v, 116, 117, 189, 238, 240, 242, 243, 463, 467, 576, 584, 585, 586. Henry of Navarre, iv, 124; plan to found an empire in America of, ii, 43. Henry, Edward Lamson, painting by, iv, 61. Isabella, i, 57. [118 Joseph (Prof.), iv, 208. Family, i, 57, 58. Patrick (Gov.), ii, 213, 282, 534; iii, 455, 636; championing of cause of Baptists, iii, 82; membership on Committee of Correspondence, ii, 364; participation in tobacco disputes in Va., iii, 85, 87; engraving of Virginia Assembly ad dressed by, iv, 224; photograph of me morial on site of capitol in which were made patriotic speeches of, iv, 538; portrait of, iv, 58; resolutions on out break of the Revolution, ii, 364; speech before Virginia Assembly, iv, 266. Hensingham, St. Bees Parish, Cumberland, England, v, 424, 427. Henton Coffin, Sherwell, England, iv, 358. Heppasteba, and Hanca (Oxton, Faringdon in East Budleigh), England, iv, 358, 359. Heraldry, institution of department of Jour nal of American History devoted to, American, v, 324; use in the U. S. of, v, 293, 459. Herald's College, London, England, iii, 92; v, 299. Herault, France, floods at, ii, 35. Herbard, John (Capt.), iii, 286. Herbert, (Rev.), i, 719. Herd, Ebenezer, v, 451. Hereaux, President, ii, 420, 421. Heredia, , ii, 421. Hereford, James, iv, 98. Ralph, Earl of, i, 524; v, 596. Hereford, England, burning of, i, 521. "Hereward the Wake," by Kingsley, v, 348. Herkimer, Gen., iv, 556. Hermitage, Hohokus, N. J., photograph of the, iii, 605; Jefferson Co., N. Y., ii, 613; water-color painting of, ii, 602. Hernandez-Martinez, John R., photograph of, ii, 406; secretaryship of the Cuban- American League by, ii, 407, 409; translation of Francisco Figueras' ap peal for Cuba made by, ii, 411-440. Herndon, Ann, iv, 322. Robert J. (Mrs.), i, 373. Heron Family, v, 195. Heronford, Rockingham Co., Va., v, 195. Herre, Andrew, ii, 266. Herrell, England, v, 305. Herring, Bathsheba, v, 192, 195. Family, v, 195. John, v, 195. Leonard, v, 195. Thomas (Archbishop), v, 195. Herron, Helen, v, 424. John W. (Hon.), v, 424. Herryman, , i, 249. Herschel, Charles, iv, 452. Herschell, A. S. (Prof.), death of the English scientist, ii, 36. INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES Hertford, Earl of, i, 398; v, 583, 585, 595, 598. Hertford College, Oxford, i, 510. Hertfordshire, England, v, 117, 475; Prescott family of, iii, 47. Herve, , iii, 358. Heward, Elizabeth, v, 243. Thomas, v, 243. Hesler, Alexander, reproductions of photo graphs of Lincoln token by, v, 202. Hesse, Grand Duke of, photograph of, ii, 7. Hesse, Gloucester Co., Va., old manor house of, iii, 285. Hesseluis, , iv, 99; portrait by, iii, 83. Gustavus, i, 169. John, i, 169. Lydia, i, 169. Hessian and British atrocities in the Revolu tion, Congressional report on, v, 72. Hessian soldier in the Revolution, colored print of a, iv, 193. Hessians in New Jersey, ii, 292. Hessians at Trenton, N. J., surrender of, iv, 632. Hessians in the Revolution, iii, 214, 216; pho tographs of barracks of, v, 81. Hethcote, George, i, 246. Hetherly, Thomas (Drum Maj.), iii, 55. Heusted, Angell, iv, 452. Hevetrowa (Heavitree, in Wonford), Eng land, iv, 359. Hewitt, , i, 278. Elizabeth, iv, 448. Grace D. (Mrs.), ii, 223. Robert, iii, 151. William, iv, 448. Heyman, Antonius, v, 406. Peter, v, 436, 438. Hibbard, George A. (Mayor), ii, 23. Hickey, F. (Capt.), v, 505. Hickling, William, Revolutionary record of, iii, 381. Hickman County, Ky., v, 284. Hickory Ground, Indian village of, ii, 156, 160. Hickory Hill, Clarendon Co., S. C, v, 295. Hickory Island, St. Lawrence River, v, 225. Hicks Family, iv, 149. John, i, 525. Mayor, photograph of proclamation in New York City at Revolutionary period of, iv, 106. Isaac, v, 117. Hierlihy, Capt., transcript of roll of dead dur ing expedition of 1762 against Cuba in Connecticut Company of, iii, 117. Timothy (Maj.), iii, 113, 115, 116. Hiester, Gov., v, 88. Hiett, Capt., ii, 184. Higenson, Mr., i, 253. Higgins, James H. (Gov.), ii, 20. James H. (Hon.), ii, 215. Higginson, , i, 250, 328, 674; iii, 50, 290. Elizabeth, iii, 49. John, i, 245; iii, 49. Robert, iii, 290. Higher Tale, Hairidge, England, iv, 358. Highfield, Md., old "crown stone" at, iii, 565. High Furness, England, v, 116. High Gate, Gloucester Co., Va., old manor house of, iii, 286; inscriptions on tombs at, iii, 288. Highland County, O., iii, 389, 614, 616. Highland Lighthouse, N. J., iii, 307. Highlands, N. Y., the, i, 724. High Street, Philadelphia, i, 655. Highwassey River, iv, 301. Highways in early New England, iv, 380. Hildreth, , ii, 123. Dr., account of early settlement of Ohio by, ii, 299, 302. Hill, Asa (Dr.), i, 676, 684. Benjamin H., i, 30. Blanche Nichols, i, 509. James J., i, 695; ii, 217. John, iii, 117. Samuel, v, 548. Hilleary, H. W., prints from collection of, iv, 417-420. Hilliard, Dr., .iii, 459. Susannah (Caldwell), iii, 459. Hillis, Newell Dwight (Dr.), editor's note on article on Puritans in Amercia by, iii, 491; article on Puritans in America by, iii, 492, 494, 498, 500, 502. Hill's Bar in the Klondike, ii, 637. Hillsborough, Earl of, iv, 257; letter written by an American colonist to the, ii, 659. Hillsborough, N. C, i, 52, 566; first public convention on the Revolution held at, i, 52; photograph of memorial to the North Carolina "Regulators" erected at, ii, 710. Hillsboro, Ohio, iii, 614, 616, 619; Light Horse Company, ii, 692; ovation to Gen. Harrison at, ii, 694. Hillsdale, N. J., photograph of old Worten- dyke house at, iii, 611. Hillside Cemetery, Peekskill, N. Y., photo graph of memorial erected in, iv, 368. Hilton Head, S. C, iv, 205. Himes, George H., v, 501, 504, 507, 510, 511, 517, 520, 532, 535, 538, 539, 542. Hinckley, Dyer, i, 182. Susannah, v, 475. Hinds, ¦ , iii, 438. — (Tucker), iii, 438. Hine, Hezekiah, i, 230. Mrs., ii, 343. Ximena (Jones), ii, 345. Hingham, England, v, 190, 191; Mass., iii, 209; iv, 262; v, 191, 192, 197, 463. Hinkler, Col., iii, 55. Hinman, Col., ii, 356, 514, 517, 520. [119] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY Hinson, Jeremiah, ii, 184. Hippocrates' Aphorisms, i, 185. Hispaniola, now Haiti, W. I., i, 643, 651; ii, 322; iii, 114; expedition against, ii, 316; French settlement at, ii, 170; now Santo Domingo, West Indies, letter written by physician of Columbus' ship dated at, iii, 60-80; voyage to, ii, 67- 68. Historical Digest of the Provincial Press, en gravings from the, ii, 489, 490, 493, 495, 498, 499, 500, 530. Historical research work for children, v, 477- 479. History of Popery, i, 184. Hitchcock, Col., iii, 54, 211, 350, 520. E. A., i, 440. Mrs., i, 733. Secretary, ii, 24. Sergeant, ii, 350. Hite, Jacob, ii, 209. Hittites, wars of the Egyptians and the, iv, 186. Hix, John (Mr.), i, 315. Hoar, George Frisbie, ii, 532; iv, 470. Senator, iii, 52; iv, 567. Hobart, G. S. (Judge), i, 515. Caleb, v, 414. Nehemiah, iii, 127. Peter (Rev.), iv, 262. Hobbie, Elizabeth (Lady), letter from Queen Elizabeth to, iii, 91. Thomas (Sir), seat of, iii, 91; manuscript at British Museum of travels of, iii, 91. Hobbs, Mrs., v, 190. Hobby, , iii, 94. Amey, iii, 95. Ann (Mrs.), iii, 92. Charles, iii, 57, 94, 96. Charles (Sir), iv, 447; birth, iii, 92; death, iii, 93; descendants, iii, 94, 96, 99-101; editor's note on, iii, 91; estate, iii, 93, 94; expedition against Canada under, iii, 93; fac-simile of autograph, iii, 97; in Boston, iii, 92, 94; in Jamaica, Hi, 92; knighted by Queen Anne, iii, 92; Lieut.-Gov. Annapolis Royal, iii, 93; marriage, iii, 92; mission to England, iii, 92; N. H. grant to, iii, 93; por trait, iii, 97; reproduction of portrait of descendant, iii, 98; reproduction of residence, iii, 101. Eliza, iii, 96. Elizabeth, iii, 92, 94, 96, 99, 100f 101. Family, English branch of, iii, 91, 95; American branch of, iii, 92-101; rec ords of families allied with, iii, 91- 96; 99-101. Honor, iii, 96. John, iii, 92, 94, 95, 96, 99; iv, 452. John (Mrs.), iii, 96. Judith, iii, 92, 94. Lady, iii, 95. Lieut., ii, 514, 516. Dinamah, iii, 99. Marcy, iii, 92. Mary, iii, 93, 94, 95; Province House, Bos ton, Mass., the birthplace of, iii, 101. Philip (Sir), iii, 95. Sarah (Hall), iii, 96. William, inscription on tombstone of, iii, 92; inscription on tombstone of wife of, iii, 92; administration of estate of, iii, 95; fac-simile of autograph of, iii, 101. William (Sir), i, 522, 525, 544. Winsley, v, 456. Winslow (Deacon), iii, 96. Hoboken, N. J, i, 418; founding of, iv, 387- 395. Hobson, Lieut., i, 16. Hobuck Ferry, New York City, ii, 185. Hochesan (Huxham in Wonford), England, iv, 358. Hockley, Gloucester County, Va., photo graphs of estate of, iii, 296. Hodder, , i, 45. Hodge, Alice (Mason), v, 461. Andrew, v, 461. Anne (Trumbull), v, 461. Charles, v, 461. Family, arms of the, v, 460; lineage of the, v, 461. Hamilton, v, 461. Harriet (Ashton), v, 461. Hugh, v, 461. Isabel (Mclntyre), v, 461. John, v, 461. Joseph, v, 461. Paul, v, 461. Robert, v, 461. Susanna (Denslow), v, 461. William, v, 461. Hodges, (Tamer), v, 461. Family, arms of the, v, 460; lineage of the, v, 461. James (Capt.), v, 461. John, v, 461. Mary (Claypoole), v, 461. Robert, v, 461. Sarah (Granger), v, 461. Thomas, v, 461. William, v, 461. Hodgkins, W. C, iii, 568. Hoegh, Knut (Dr.), archaeological investi gations in Minnesota by, iv, 166, 178. Hoff ecker, John H. (Hon.) , iii, 567. Hoffman, (Bayard), iv, 39. Anthony, iv, 39. Cornelia, v, 638. Family, v, 638. Frances (Livingston), iv, 38. Henry, iv, 39. Martin, iv, 39. [120] INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES (Hoffman) Mrs., iv, 39. Samuel, iv, 38, 39. Stephen, iv, 39. Hoffman Ave., Newtown, L. I., iv, 379. Hogan, Decker, i, 54. Richard, i, 54. Hogg, James, iv, 547. Hohokus, N. J., photograph of house of the Revolutionary period at, iii, 605. Hoker, Anastasia (Bridgman), v, 427. Family, v, 426, 427. John, v, 426, 427. Holand, Hjalmar Rued (M. A.), archaeological investigations in Minnesota by, iv, 167- 184; editor's note on investigations of, iv, 165, 166. Holcomb, F. P., iv, 415. Lieut., ii, 351, 353. Holcombe, John Marshall (Mrs.), i, 329. Holcombe, Exminster, England, iv, 358. Holcomma (Lower Holcombe), Exminster, England, iv, 358. Holden, Aaron (Lieut.), Revolutionary ser vice of, iii, 382. Anthony, ii, 512. Barbara, ii, 508. Bethia (Waterman), ii, 508. Catherine (Greene), ii, 508, 512. Charles (Lieut.), ii, 508, 512. Edward S. (Dr.), iii, 251. Elizabeth, ii, 508, 512. Family, ii, 508. Frances (Dungan), ii, 508, 512. Lieut., iii, 280, 381. Margaret, ii, 508. Mary, ii, 508, 512, 513. Randall (Maj.), ii, 508, 512. Sarah, ii, 508. Susannah, ii, 508. Holdridge, Benajah, v, 548. Capt., i, 262. Maj., ii, 650; iii, 56. Holiday Street Theatre, Baltimore, Md., iii, 165. Holland, Edward (Hon.), iv, 35. Jane, iv, 35. John G., iii, 584; fac-simile of manscript of poem by, iii, 595; poem by, iv, 191. Holland, i, 12, 380; ii, 167, 423, 547, 667; iii, 483, 502; iv, 280, 284, 328, 334, 450, 451, 485, 486, 631; v, 139, 348, 350, 426, 433, 463; announcement of Department of Journal of American History for Genealogical Research in, v, 322; bank ing house of, i, 745; De Peyster family, v, 387-408; early importations to Amer ica from, ii, 287, 289; immigration to America from, ii, 266; English Separat ists in, i, 203; Huguenots in, ii, 362; iv, 125; International Court of Arbitra- [121 tion, iii, 473; King of, iv, 114, 120; Pil- grimsin, iii, 498; iv, 469, 471, 473, 474, 476; railway administrations, iv, 6; Roosevelt family of, ii, 225, 226; Sav ings banks in, i, 686; settlers in Amer ica from, iv, 388-392, 394; trade with American Colonies of, iii, 412, 413; Van Rosenvelt family of, v, 638; wars with France, ii, 167, 494; v, 390; Wendell family, v, 633; West Indian posses sions, iii, 70. Holland Land Company, alleged dealings with Aaron Burr of the, ii, 53. Holland's "History of Western Massachu setts," iv, 408, 410. Holley, Horace, i, 166, 365, 464. Holliday family, v, 463. Hollis family, iv, 149. Hollis, N. H, iii, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 127. Hollywood, Cal., v, 384. Holman, Col., ii, 187, 188, 352-355, 514, 516, 518-520, 648, 650-652; iii, 54, 55, 57, 277; v, 427. M. Augusta, i, 80. Mabel Cassine, i, 697; iv, 623; v, 543. Holmes, Alice ( ), v, 197. Deborah, fac-simile of marriage certificate, ii, 348. Family, v, 197. Frances (Holden), ii, 508, 512. J. T. (Col.), v, 197. Jeremiah (Capt.), i, 305. John, v, 197, 433. John (Capt.), i, 502, 504. John (Treasurer-Gen.), ii, 508, 512. Jonathan, v, 197. Katharine, ii, 512. Katherine (Hyde), v, 197. Lydia, v, 197. Mary (Denison), i, 305. Mary Jane, death, ii, 37. Obadiah (Rev.), v, 196, 197. Oliver Wendell (Dr.), i, 236, 250; ii, 630; iii, 584; v, 633; birth, iii, 128; centen nial, iii, 128; fac-simile of manuscript of poem by, iii, 599-601; graduation from Harvard, ii, 200 ; lines by, ii, 263 ; lines to Samuel Francis Smith by, ii, 200; poem by, iii, 128. Robert, v, 197. Samuel, v, 197. Thomas, i, 573. Holmes' "Annals of America," iv, 408, 413. Holsteen, Tenn., i, 58. Holstein, Germany, ii, 200. Holsten River, ii, 130; iv, 548; v, 100. Holston River, i, 663, 664. Holston Settlement, Tenn., ii, 278. Holston Valley, Tenn., iv, 543. Holt, Henry, and Company, i, 633. John, v, 456, 457, 548. ] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY (Holt) Thomas M. (Gov.), photograph of monu ment erected by, ii, 709. Holton, S., v, 156. Sarah, iv, 378. Holy Alliance, the, ii, 426. Holy Land, Crusades to, ii, 93; iv, 554, 555; v, 236; an early journey to, ii, 585. Holyoke, Mass., i, 178. Homer, , i, 153; iv, 521; v, 370. Jonah (Rev.), iii, 538. Homes, R. (Capt.), iv, 276. Homesteads in America, iii, 283-295; iv, 135; photographs, iii, 135-138, 281, 282, 285, 287, 289, 291, 293, 295, 296, 405-408; iv, 133-136. Honda, Cal., ii, 35. Honduras, British, iv, 205; efforts of the English to occupy, i, 635; war with Nicarauga, ii, 5. Honeyman, Elizabeth (Cranston), ii, 509, 513. James (Rev.), ii, 509, 513. Honfleur, France, ii, 376, 382. Hong Kong, i, 28; typhoon, ii, 35. Honke, Jacob, ii, 662. Honnington, England, iii, 95. Honolulu, i, 19, 517, 520; iii, 459; discovery of harbor of, i, 19; Hawaii, U. S. Protectorate established at, ii, 558. Honzinger, Dr., iii, 227. Hooker, , founding of Hartford, Conn., by, iii, 192. Agnes (Cole), v, 426. Agnes (Dobell), v, 426. Alice, v, 426. Anastasia (Bridgman), v, 427. Family, v, 424, 426, 427; reproduction in color of arms of the, i, 1. John, iii, 502; v, 426, 427. Joseph (Brig.-Gen.), photograph of statue of, iii, 342. Margaret (Duke), v, 426. Margery (Bolter), v, 426. Mary, v, 427. Richard, v, 426. Robert, v, 426. Sarah, v, 420, 424, 426. Susanna ( ), v, 426. Thomas, v, 241, 243, 427. Thomas (Rev.), v, 350, 361, 363, 424, 426, 427. Hooker's colony in Connecticut, iii, 511. Hookset Canal, iv, 413. Hooper, John, ii, 354. Martha Williams (Mrs.), i, 177. William, i, 567. Hoosac River, iv, 415. Hoosac Tunnel, construction, iv, 416. Hope & Company, bankers, i, 745, 746, 748. Hopenell, Maj., iii, 280. "Hopewell," list of passengers to New Eng land on the ship, iii, 604. U -, i, 247; ii, 110; iv, 412; Hopkins, - sculptural figure on doors of National Capitol of, ii, 545. Rev., iii, 121. Brigade Maj., iii, 56. Dr., 62, 549. Edward (Gov.), i, 247. Eliza, iii, 515. Esek, ii, 101, 216. Family, iii, 511. John, iii, 511. Mark (Brigade Maj.), ii, 185. Mary (Rodman), ii, 510. Samuel (Rev.), iv, 198. Stephen, ii, 510. Hopkinson, Francis, iv, 340, 529; transcript of letter written in 1777 to his brother- in-law, Rev. Jacob Duche, by, iv, 530, 531. Joseph, ii, 592. Joseph (Judge), biography, iv, 340; tran script of National song by, iv, 340. Hopkinton, Mass., iii, 100, 101. Hopper, Abram, old Dutch house of, ii, 290; reproduction of photograph of old Dutch house built by, ii, 284. Hoppin, Charles A., iv, 281, 282, 290; v, 233. Charles M. (Prof.), iv, 631. Hoppner, John, i, 164. Hopson, Admiral, ii, 316. Hoquiam, Wash., i, 228. Horewoda (East Horwood, Tremington), England, iv, 358. Horham Hall, Thaxted, England, v, 242. Horn, Count, v, 405. Hornblower, William B., v, 347. Hornell, George, ii, 57. Hornellsville, N. Y., organization, ii, 57. Horse Canon, iii, 108. Horse Creek, ii, 139, 140. Horse Neck, Conn., i, 443. Horseheads, N. Y., iv, 117. Horsey, Stephen, iv, 304, 306. Horton, Capt., iv, 347. Horwood, Tremington, England, iv, 358. Hosmer, , i, 469, 711. Walter, iii, 141. Hospital College of Medicine, Louisville, Ky., iv, 29; first railway, i, 439. Hospital of St. John Baptist, Falaise, Nor mandy, iv, 362. Hotel des Invailides, France, ii, 598, 616. Hotel de Ville, Paris, France, v, 175. Hotel Valentinois, Paris, France, ii, 598, 600. Hot Springs, ii, 150, 153. "Hotspur," v, 585. Houdon, , i, 164. Jean Antoine, photograph of statue of Washington by, iv, 478. Hough Family, iv, 149. Houghton, Daniel, iv, 587. Family, iii, 405, 406. 22] INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES (Houghton) James, description of old garrison house of, iii, 405, 406; photograph of old house of, iii, 406; Lord, i, 656. House, Oliver (Dr.), photograph of room in the residence of, ii, 678. House of Commons, refusal to grant woman suffrage by English, ii, 11. House of Lords, Lords' committee on the re form of the, ii, 26. House of Representatives, first and second Speakers of, ii, 85. "House of the Seven Gables," by Hawthorne, i, 509. Housigee, John, ii, 176. Houston, , ii, 228. General, i, 656; ii, 619, 622, 623. William, i, 755. William Churchill, iv, 442. Houston, Tex., "Chronicle," editorial article in, i, 189; municipal government of, i, 186. Hovenbargh, Lieut., iv, 349. Hovedon, England, iv, 354. How, (Rev.), iii, 121. Maj.-Gen., iv, 344, 346. Howard, , iii, 481. Elizabeth, v, 420. Family, ii, 209; v, 420. John, v, 420. John Eager (Lieut.-Col.), Revolutionary service of, ii, 706; presentation of site of the first monument erected to George Washington by, ii, 708. Lord, the English fleet against the Spanish Armada commanded by, i, 650. Sarah (Mitchell), v, 420. Sylvia, v, 420, 423. Thomas, v, 420. William, v, 420. Howard County, Mo., iii, 466-468; iv, 515, 519. Howe, , ii, 400; iii, 214; iv, 218. Edith March, iii, 119. Estes (Dr.), Revolutionary service of, iii, 203. Ezekiel, v, 143. Family, iii, 119, 127. Frank C, iii, 127. General, i, 91, 449, 451, 500, 502; ii, 232; iv, 526; v, 51-72. George (Lord), death of, iii, 214. Herbert A. (Prof.), article on modern achievements in Astronomy by, iv, 15. James (Rev.), iii, 127. James S. N., iii, 127. Julia Ward, ii, 510; iv, 311. Lord, iii, 96, 214, 300; iv, 44, 563. Lord, rumor of proposition for peace made in the Revolution by, ii, 514. Louisa, ii, 510. [123 Major, iii, 417. Timothy O., i, 28. Howe Tavern, Sudbury, Mass., iv, 68. Howel, Maj., ii, 351. Howell & Stockton, partnership of, v, 444. Howell Castle, Wales, v, 307. Howell Family, v, 307. Howells, William Dean, i, 27. Howe's "Historical Collections of Ohio," iii, 388. Howie, Neil, i, 108. Howison, , ii, 676. Howland, . iv, 479. John, iii, 186. Howland's Ferry, R. I., ii, 307. Hoxie, Christopher, invention of a machine to thresh wheat by, ii, 165; transcript of agreement made by, ii, 165. Hoyt, Abigail (Cooke), iv, 376. Clotilda (Wilcox), ii, 64, 65. David, iv, 376. Ezra, ii, 308. Family, i, 81. Henry M. (Gov.), iv, 434, 436. Jonathan, ii, 66. Lieut., i, 737. Lydia (Stone), ii, 308. Mary ( ), ii, 64, 71. Mrs., ii, 71. Samuel (Capt.), i, 81, 82, 485, 493; birth, ii, 64; death of, ii, 64; journal of, i, 485- 493; ii, 64-73; marriages of, ii, 64. Hoyte, Simon, i, 81. Huan, , ii, 436. Huascar, , ii, 419. Hubard, James, i, 367. Jedediah (Ensign), i, 288. Hubbard, , iii, 49; excerpt from early account of Great Swamp Fight by, iv, 422. (Rev.), v, 351. Capt., iii, 123. Deborah, iii, 100. Elizabeth, i, 724. Elizabeth (Gooch), iii, 100. Hezekiah, iii, 117. Hugh, iv, 624. Jane (Latham), iv, 624. John, iii, 100. Marie, iii, 604. Mary (Hobby), iii, 94. Sarah (Kingman), iii, 94. Zachariah, iii, 94. Hubbell, Capt., i, 734, 735; iii, 582. Hubberd, Susan, iv, 105. Hubby, Lady, iii, 95. Lester Mead (Dr.), iv, 452;. rare engrav ing in possession of, iv, 453. Rollin Germain, iv, 447; articles on Sir Charles Hobby by, iii, 91-101. Huber Farm, Bavaria, ii, 266. Hubley, Judge, i, 338. ] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY Hubner, Charles W., transcript of poem by, ii, 630. Huckmore, Agnes, iv, 371. William, iv, 371. Huddesfield, Katharine, iv, 367. William (Sir), iv, 369. Huddle, Joseph, iii, 564. Huddy, Joshua (Capt.), defense of New Jer sey in the Revolution by, iii, 305; mur der by Tories of, iii, 306; Washington's determination to avenge death of, iii, 307; international complications re garding avenging of, iii, 308. Hudson, , iii, 240. C. B., i, 260. Dr., i, 680. Edward, i, 677. Frederich, ii, 499. Hendrick, ii, 499. Hendrick, discovery of the Hudson River by, ii, 285; exploration of, i, 203; planting of Dutch flag on Manhattan Island of, iii, 153; arrival at Manhat tan Island of, iii, 159; painting of last voyage of, iii, 161; alleged portraits of, ii, 120; naming of a New York town from ship of, iii ,215; old print of land ing on Manhattan Island of, iii, 573. Thomas, portrait by, iv, 59. Hudson, N. Y., i, 416, 421, 431; iii, 205; Ohio, iv, 599. Hudson Bay, iv, 171, 182; v, 76, 80, 500; dis covery of, i, 203; Company, i, 226, 227; ii, 635; v, 505, 506, 507, 516, 527, 528. Hudson County, N. J., first Dutch settlers in, ii, 286; Winfield's History of, iv, 388. Hudson River, i, 34, 135. 306, 406, 724, 748; ii, 124, 606; Hi, 573; iv, 36, 37, 43, 45, 115, 117, 216, 383, 415, 433, 492, 493, 582; v, 83, 144, 162, 227, 280, 387, 394, 450, 452; 300th anniversary of the dis covery of the, ii, 120, 285, 535; iv, 459; British prison ships of the Revolution in, v, 121; canals connecting Massachu setts coast with, iv, 411; charter grant ed the Pilgrims to settle on the, iv, 473; Day Line, first steamboat of, i, 414, 424, 425; description of in ancient man uscript, iii, 154, 162; discovery by Hen drick Hudson, iii, 153; Dutch settle ments on, iv, 388; early steamboats on, i, 420; early grant of land on the, iv, 390; early shell-boat regattas on, i, 404;; early steamboats on, i, 422; en graving of early settlements on, iv, 391; first journey of the "Clermont" on the, i, 395; first steamboat on the, i, 397; Fort Edward on the, iii, 204; Rev olutionary movements on the, iii, 205, 206; Fulton's steaboat on, iii, 153; Half Moon, now Waterford, on the, iii, 215; naval parade on, i, 268; old engraving [124 of, i, 409; Revolutionary boat station on, ii, 520; Revolutionary campaign on the, ii, 527; steamboats on the, i, 397, 429, 432; steamboats, rare prints of early, i, 426; steamboat travel on, i, 413, 414. Hudson Square, New York City, ii, 53. Hudson Strait, i, 203. Hudson Valley, Dutch settlements in the, iv, 388; settlers in Wyoming Valley from the, iii, 431. Hudson-Fulton celebration, iii, 315, 573, 575. Huestis, Col., v, 225. Huff, Michael, ii, 662. Huffcut, Ernest, death of, ii, 36. Huffman, , iii, 615. Huggins, William (Sir), article on develop ment of mankind by, iv, 17. Hughes, (Greene), ii, 510. Andrew S. (Gen.), iv, 515. Charles E. (Gov.), i, 434; ii, 36; efforts to reform insurance laws of, ii, 20; ef forts to reform the New York City ballot by, ii, 20; veto of two-cent rail road fare bill by, ii, 19. Christopher, i, 265. Col., iii, 458; v, 105. Family, iv, 149. Herbert, i, 567. James M., iv, 515. Lieut., iii, 280. Mrs., i, 265. Sarah (Caldwell), iii, 458. Thomas (Maj.), ii, 510. Hugo, Victor, i, 158, 160, 638; iv, 153. Huguenot Society of America, ii, 361. Huguenots, iii, 502; iv, 249, 320; coming to America of the, ii, 362; decoration rep resenting the, iii, 493; in America, ii, 176; iv, 123-131; v, 636; inadvisability of permitting Canadian settlements of, ii, 380; in New York, ii, 263; restric tions placed by Louis XIV upon, ii, 167. Hulbert, , iv, 549. Hull, , iii, 390. Abijah, i, 230. Capt., i, 631. Gen., account of campaign of War of 1812 by, i, 709; expedition to Detroit of, ii, 267; trial of, i, 709, 710. Hannah, ii, 485. Isaac (Capt.), ii, 108; iv, 277, 280. John, v, 130. Katherine, iii, 604. S. (Jr.), i, 183. William (Gen.), i, 709, 710. Hull, Mass., v, 197, 198. Hulls, Andrew, iii, 604. Jonathan, i, 35, 36, 396, 432. Hulme, Robert, v, 197. ] INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES Humboldt, Alexander von, i, 634; iv, 326, 334; description of American Indians by, iii, 68, 71. Humboldt Glacier, iii, 316; engraving of, iii, 324. Humbolt River, i, 627, 628; ii, 149. Hume, historian, i, 204; ii, 472. Joseph, v, 219. Humfry, chamberlain to William the Con queror, iv, 141, 142. Humphrey, Col., iii, 56. Elijah, i, 230. Elkanah, fac-simile of autograph of, ii, 446. John, i, 230. Josiah, fac-simile of autograph of, ii, 446. Humphreys, , i, 50. Daniel, i, 515. David (Col.), i, 308. Elisha, iii, 278. Joshua, ii, 104. Lieut.-Col., i, 711. Milton Wylie (Prof.), ii, 211. Ralph (Col.), i, 50. Humpton, Col., iv, 344. Hun family, v, 633. Hungarians, iv, 189. Hungary, v, 311; announcement of Depart ment of Journal of American History for Genealogical Research in, v, 322. Hungerford, , ii, 342. Elizabeth, v, 596. Evits, ii, 346. Walter (Lord), v, 596. Hungeston, , v, 596. Robert, v, 596. "Hungry March" in the Great Swamp Fight, iv, 421-424. Huns, invasion of Southern Europe by, iv, 189. Hunsdon, Barony of, v, 309. Hunahlewood, R., engravings of Arctic scenes by, iii, 323, 324. Hunt, (Rev.), i, 206, 207. Jake, v, 500, 505; photograph of, v, 514. Lieut., i, 733, 734; v, 110. Memucan, ii, 622. Nathaniel, v, 52. R. (Rev.), iii, 85; iv, 496. Robert, i, 214. Washington (Hon.), iv, 298; portrait of, iv, 288. William H. (United States Minister), ii, 510. Hunter, , iv, 570. Caroline, ii, 510. Charles (Capt.), ii, 510. Col., iv, 442. Ferebe, i, 566. John, iv, 451. Mary Stockton (Rotch), ii, 510. [126 Robert Mercer Taliaferro, activity during Van Buren's Administration of, v, 223, 224, 225. William, v, 445. "Hunter" British prison ship, v, 122. Hunterdon County (N. J.), iii, 569, 572; his torical society, v, 601; photograph of Revolutionary memorial in, v, 602; Revolutionary episode in, v, 601. "Hunter's Lodges" in Van Buren's Adminis tration, v, 223, 224, 225, 229. Huntington, (Trumbull), iv, 45, 46. Ann (Moore), iv, 34, 41. Archer M., iii, 148. Christopher, iii, 385. Col., ii, 186, 350, 351, 520; iii, 55. Elizabeth (Backus), iv, 403. Enoch, i, 711; iii, 386. Family, iii, 385, 386; iv, 152, 402. Frances, iii, 386. Frank, iii, 390. Gen., i, 711; iv, 45. George, iii, 390. Hannah (Devotion), iii, 386. Jabez (Gen.), iii, 386; iv, 403. Jedediah (Gen.), iv, 34, 41. Joseph (Rev.), iii, 385. Josiah, i, 286. Lieut.-Col., i, 711. Lydia, i, 541. Martha (Devotion), iii, 386. Oliver (Mr.), i, 182. Samuel (Gov.), i, 182, 183; ii, 84; ances try, iii, 385, 386; birth, iii, 386; death, iii, 392; education, iii, 386; emigra tion to Ohio, iii, 387; first senator from Trumbull Co., 0., iii, 388; Gover nor of Ohio, iii, 389; membership in House of Representatives of Ohio, iii, 390; portrait, iii, 392; service in War of 1812, iii, 390, 391; visit to France, iii, 386; visit to old Northwest Terri tory, iii, 387. Simon, iii, 385. Thomas, iii, 385. Huntington, Conn., iii, 385; England, v, 348; Long Island, i, 446; fac-simile of early marriage certificate issued in, ii, 348; Hunton, Eppa, iv, 95. Huntoon, J. V., History of Canton by, iv, 376. Hurd, Capt., ii, 189. Mrs., i, 350. Hurlburt, Benoni, ii, 309. Family, ii, 309. Rufus (Serg't), v, 548. S. A., ii, 215. Hurlbut, Lieut.-Col., ii, 351. Huron Indians, ii, 45, 394; treaty of peace with the, ii, 396; war upon the Iro quois by French and, ii, 378. Huron Lake, discovery of, ii, 378. THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY Huron River, iii, 390. Huron St., Cleveland, 0., iii, 387. Hurricane Plantation, Miss., iii, 235, 237, 244, 245. Hurst Castle, Southampton County, England, v, 426. Hurston, , plantation of, iii, 415. Husbandry, European, ii, 61. Huske, Elias, v, 445. Huston, , ii, 145. Joseph M., ii, 20. Sarah, v, 463. Hutchins, . i, 352; iii, 121. C. C, v, 514. John, i, 44. Joseph, iii, 407. Thomas, i, 352. Hutchinson, Anne (Marbury), iii, 192, 196; ancestry, v, 349; banishment from Mass., v, 362, 364; character, v, 351, 352, 368; controversy with Puritans, v, 359, 360, 361; death, v, 366, 368; de scendants, v, 366, 367; immigration to N. E., v, 350, 351; English home, v, 348; followers, v, 362, 363; influence of Roger Williams, v, 353; influence of John Cotton, v, 354; marriage, v, 348, 349; refuge in R. I., v, 365; removal from R. I., v, 365, 366. Bridget, v, 367. Col., ii, 520. Edward (Capt.), v, 348, 350, 363, 367. Elisha (Hon.), v, 367. Elizabeth, v, 367. Faith, v, 367. Family, ii, 92; v, 348, 349, 350, 351, 353, 366, 367. Francis, v, 351, 364, 365, 366. Gov., iii, 438; iv, 406; history of Massachu setts by, iii, 93. J. R., v, 191, 195, 198. John, v, 348. Lieut.-Gov., participation in famous trial of Writs of Assistance by, iv, 263, 264. Mary, v, 350, 354. Richard, v, 351. Samuel, v, 350. Serg't, ii, 350. Susanna, v, 350, 366, 367. Thomas (Gov.), v, 363, 367. William, v, 347, 348, 350, 351, 365. Hutchinson Brook, N. Y., v, 366. Hutchinson, Kansas, Salt City Business Col lege in, ii, 251. Hutchinson Party in Salem, Mass., iii, 191, 192; arrival in Providence, R. I., of the, iii, 192. Hutchinson's, N. Y., v, 367. Hutchinson's River, N. Y., v, 366. Hutley, Richard, iii, 604. Hutton, Adj't, iv, 494. Serg't-Maj., iii, 279. Huvetterschouck, Ghent, Flanders, the, v, 404. Huxham, Wonford, England, iv, 358. Hyatt, Capt., ii, 516; v, 109. Hycock, Winefred, i, 566. Hyde, Capt., iii, 54. Family, genealogy of, i, 542. Katherine, v, 197. Hyde Park High School, Chicago, 111., iv, 298. Hydrophobia, exposure of an early American physician to, ii, 466, 469. Hye, Lieut.-Col., iii, 279. Hygiene and demography, international con ferences on, iv, 7. Hyksos, invasion of Egypt by the, iv, 186. Hyoens, v, 390. Jan, v, 397. I 126 I Ian Maclaren, death of, ii, 36. Iberville River, v, 287. Ibsen, iv, 20. Iceland, i, 10; v, 177, 179, 183; ancient docu ments regarding discovery of America in, iv, 167, 168; Norse in, iv, 352; Saga manuscript describing American ex plorations by Vikings found at the Is land of Flato off the coast of, ii, 114. Idaho, i, 14, 24, 226; ii, 557; v, 291; admission into the Union of, i, 14, 231; agricul ture in, i, 231; boundaries of, i, 231; creation of Territory of, i, 231; in dustries of, i, 231; first settlement of, i, 231; murder of the governor of, ii, 34; population of, i, 231; schools of, i, 232; United States Senator elected in 1907 from, ii, 23. Hlinois, i, 437; ii, 307, 548; iii, 219, 511, 514, 629; iv, 297, 445, 558; v, 229; admission to the Union of, i, 14, 60s- ii, 214; boundary dispute between Iowa and, v, 287-289; development of, ii, 205; early French fort in, iv, 387; early set tlers of, ii, 297; emigrants to the Cali fornia gold fields from, ii, 151; explor ation in, ii, 213; expulsion of Mor mons from, i, 619; famous men from, ii, 214; Fay Collection of historic pho tographs in, v, 201; first permanent white settlement in, ii, 213; first trad er with New Mexico from, iii, 464; French explorations in, ii, 213; inclu sion in the Northwest Territory of, ii, 214; Indian uprising in, ii, 245; indus tries of, ii, 214; letters written on an emigrant train to, iii, 511-516; Lincoln family in, v, 194; manufacture of elec trical apparatus in, i, 577; population of, ii, 214; removal of Abraham Lin coln to, ii, 245; State Constitution of, ii, 214; State seal of, ii, 213; University of, iv, 297. Illinois Central Railroad, struggle for con trol of, ii, 25. Illinois Historical Society, ii, 155. IHiriois River, iii, 516. Illinois Society of Sons of the American Rev olution, iv, 297. Illinois Territory, ii, 214. Iloilo, Philippine Islands, burning of, ii, 35. Immigrants, character of the early Western, ii, 689; in America, servitude of early, ii, 463; to the West, mural paintings illustrating life of, iii, 102. Immigration, i, 27; to America, early, ii, 457- 470; to America, work on Norwegian, iv, 165; to the United States, ii, 554,. 558, 594; Chinese and Japanese, ii, 553. Imperial Land Company, irrigation of the Colorado Desert by the, ii, 258. Impressment of American seamen by British, i, 310-314. "Improved Order of Red Men," organization of benevolent society of, ii, 593, 594. Imus, Capt., i, 627, 629. Charles, i, 621, 623. Incas, descendants in Peru of the, ii, 419. Income and inheritance tax, message of Pres ident Roosevelt regarding an, ii, 24. Independence, attitude of American Colonies in 1676 regarding, iii, 421, 422; Dr. Gor don's History of the Rise, Progress and Development of American, iv, 66; let ter regarding American, ii, 659; paint ing of Continental Congress voting for, iv, 64; photographs of monuments erected to first martyrs for American, ii, 706, 710; trial of Writs of Assist ance, the forerunner of American, iv, 262-264. Independence Day, celebration by settlers in Ohio of, ii, 310; celebration by emi grants to California gold fields, ii, 142; early celebration of, i, 752; national hymn first sung on, ii, 199. Independence Hall, Philadelphia, Pa., i, 590; iv, 567; portrait of Samuel Huntington at, ii, 84; portraits in, iv, 56, 57, 58. Independence League, defeat in election of 1907 in New York City of candidates of, ii, 20. Independence, Mo., iii, 542; iv, 519; New York, i, 619. Independence Rock, ii, 143. Independent, publication of the, iii, 148. India, i, 575; ii, 544; iii, 43; attempt by the French to find a route across the Amer ican Continent to, ii, 43; British af fairs in 1907 in, ii, 26; cyclone at Kur- rachi in, ii, 35; early journey to, ii, 585; East, trade of the city of Phil adelphia with, i, 655; famine in, iv, 12. Indian, death of Dr. Oronhyatekha, a well known, ii, 36; tribute to American, ii, 562-566, 569-577. Indian Affairs, commission on, ii, 83; in New Mexico, early, iii, 541-544; letter regarding early, ii, 395. [127] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY Indian Agent, letters from an early, iii, 5~41- 554. Indian Art, i, 662. Indian burying ground in Alabama, ii, 161. Indian corn, early use of, i, 753. Indian Chief, Cornstalk, ii, 278, 279, 283; Te- cumseh, ii, 282; command in the bat tle of the Thames, War of 1812, by, ii, 283; the Prophet, command at the bat tle of Tippecanoe by, ii, 282. Indian Chiefs, bronze medallions of, ii, 243; portraits by Trumbull of, ii, 400. Indian Chronicle, Drake's Old, iv, 422. Indian fighter, experiences of an early, iv, 237-243. Indian Harbor, iii, 357. Indian Hill Cemetery, Middletown, Conn., i, 704. Indian land grants in New Hampshire, iii, 93. Indian language, ii, 47, 387. Indian legend, i, 333. Indian lookout elevation in Alabama, ii, 159. Indian massacre, Cherry Valley, N. Y., iii, 202, 203, 216, 432, 433; at Deerfield, Mass., iv, 376, 377, 378; experiences of a settler during, iv, 237-243; in Dela ware Valley, iv, 555; in Manhattan Is land, v, 366; in Maryland, iii, 560, 561; in Mohawk Valley, i v, 555 ; in Northwest Territory, ii, 301, 302; in Ohio, iv, 606; of Europeans, first, iv, 170, 181, 182, 183; in Virginia, iii, 558; in Wyoming Valley, iv, 114, 441; old print of, iv, 432; in the Revolutionary War, iii, 431, 432, 433. Indian names in the United States, iii, 180. 181. Indian outbreak in New Netherlands, iv, 391, 393; of 1811, ii, 656. Indian Police of Nebraska, photograph of survivors of the, iv, 398. Indian Reservations in early Kansas, iv, 82; near Utica, N. Y., iv, 121, 122. Indian River, ii, 607; exploration of, i, 750. Indian Samp Bowl, photograph of, ii, 116. Indian School in Conn., early, iv, 299-302, 600; in Kansas, early, iii, 629; in Pa., v, 87. Indian superstitions, North American, v, 77. Indian Territory, i, 14, 337, 623; v, 289; ac quisition by U. S., ii, 656; admission to Union of, ii, 20; New England de scent of tribal leaders of, iv, 595-602. Indian treaty, early, iv, 543, 544, 547. Indian Tribes, council of United States re garding Louisiana Purchase with, i, 437. Indian United States Senator, ii, 23. Indian uprisings in disputed territory be tween the United States and Mexico, ii, 619, 620. [128 Indian village in Alabama, ii, 156-165; in Cal ifornia, iii, 112; old print, iii, 401; in Virginia, photographs taken on the sites of, iv, 495, 496; near Manhat tan Island, early map showing, iv, 591; early map showing disappearance of, iv, 593. Indian Wars, iv, 290, 297; historical study of documents relating to early, iv, 421- 424; in Massachusetts, ii, 647; in Ply mouth Colony, iv, 483; in the North west, v, 516, 521; in the South at Revolutionary period, iv, 543-546. Indiana, i, 14, 28, 567, 576; ii, 250, 548; iii, 219, 227; iv, 202, 204, 445; admission into the Union of, i, 14; battle of Tip pecanoe, War of 1812, in, ii, 282; bill regulating railroad fare in, ii, 19; boundary dispute between Kentucky and, v, 285-287; Depauw University of, ii, 155; development of, ii, 205; early settlers of, ii, 297; engraving of battle of Tippecanoe in, v, 41; journey in 1837 through, iii, 513-515; Lincoln family in, v, 193; manufacture of elec trical apparatus in, i, 577; powder mill explosion near Fontanet in, ii, 35; Quakers in, iii, 514; removal of Abraham Lincoln to, ii, 245; photo graph of Sec. McCullough of, v, 210; reproduction of photograph of Sec. Smith of, v, 210; reproduction of pho tograph of Sec. Usher of, v, 211; So ciety of Colonial Wars in, iv, 237; Indiana Territory, ii, 214; iii, 225; Governor of, iv, 86; battle of Tippecanoe, ii, 282. Indianapolis, Ind., ii, 265, 457; iii, 514, 515; iv, 571, 580; v, 616; development of, ii, 205; "Star," i, 576; unveiling of the Lawton monument at, ii, 24. Indians, American, i, 356; ii, 148; v, 78, 79, 80; poem to, iii, 180, 181; ancient war fare between Greenlanders and, iv, 168; anecdote illustrating fidelity of, iv, 120, 121, 122; aid of the Spaniards during Sir Francis Drake's attack on Cartagena by the, i, 647; Apa'che, ii, 526; "Apostle" to the, iii, 500, 502; attack on Ft. Watauga by Cherokee tribe of, iv, 545; attack on North Caro lina settlements by, v, 100; Bacon's Rebellion caused by trouble with, iii, 411, 414, 415-421; Bannock tribe of, i, 627; Blackfeet tribe of, i, 469, 470; boundary claims of Dutch and, ii, 74; burial ceremony of, i, 361; burning of Swansea, Mass., by, iii, 186; Ca- juenche tribe of, ii, 258, 260; Canadian, ii, 379, 380; capture of colonists by, iv, 376, 377; Channel, ii, 525; Cherokee, iv, 299-302, 545; Cherry Valley Mas sacre of the Revolution by tories and, ] INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES (Indians, American) iii, 377-384; Cheyenne tribe of, i, 627; cholera among the, ii, 138; iii, 544; Chopunn tribe of, i, 471; Christianity first brought by Jesuit missionaries to American, ii, 43; Cocomaricopas, ii, 526; Colonial trade with the, i, 89; Colo rado tribe of, iii, 172; Comeya,'ii, 522; Commission to treat with, ii, 394, 395; iv, 111, 112, 113, 115, 378, 387; conversipn to Christianity, ii, 43, 45; conversion to Christianity of Calif ornjan, iii, 173; council at Fort Niagara with, ii, 386; council in 1851 in the Southwest with, iii, 544; councils of the Europeans and, ii, 389-391; courtship and marriage among, i, 364; Croatan tribe of, i, 565; customs of the, ii, 42, 256, 257; iii, 64, 66, 71, 76-80, 156, 158, 160; Creek, ii, 155-165; dangers on early American frontier from, ii, 98; Delaware tribe of, iii, 564; iv, 142; description of customs, idols, utensils, and villages by member of expedition of Columbus of the, iii, 64, 66-71, 76-80; discovery of gold in the Klondike by, tribe of, ii, 637; early French missions to the, ii, 378, 379; early Spanish explor ing expedition attacked by, ii, 39; early trade with the, ii, 394, 395; Eliot's mis sion to the American, iii, 500, 502, 504; English subjugation in N. Y. of, iii, 162; engraving of first* English missionary to the, v, 36; engraving of treaty of William Penn and the, iv, 236; engrav ings of warfare of settlers and, v, 39, 41; famous chiefs of the, ii, 389-391; first appointment of agents for South western, iii, 541; first prohibition law among the, iv, 397, 398; first sight of Europeans by the American, iii, 61; first sight of Europeans by Californian, iii, 178; first sight of a Western pio neer of the, ii, 681; Fox tribe of, i, 621, 656; iii, 507-510; French adventur ers' life with the, i, 357; funeral cus toms of, i, 173; hostility on old Santa Fe Trail of, iii, 470; in Alabama, ii, 155-165; in America, Spanish destruc tion of, iv, 449"; in California, ii, 523, 525; in Colorado Desert, iii, 107; in early American wars, v, 18; in Kansas, iii, 463, 470; iv, 81; in the Klondike, ii, 637; in Manhattan Island, iii, 154, 156, 158, 160, 162; in Missouri, i, 439; in New Mexico, ii, 669, 670, 671; in New Netherlands, v, 636; in North Car olina, v, 100, 102; in the old North west, ii, 277, 278, 279; iii, 221, 223, 224; v, 500, 506, 515, 516, 521, 534; in Revo lutionary War, ii, 124, 277; iii, 203-207, 214; in Virginia, ii, 676; iv, 305; in [129] War of 1812, iii, 390, 391; Iowa tribe of, iii, 509; Iroquois, ii, 43, 45, 46, 47, 378, 387; iii, 433; Iroquois confederacy of, iii, 430-434; Jesuit mission to the, ii, 43, 45; Jesuit mission to the Tama- roa, ii, 213; Kaw, iii, 463, 470; Kechi, ii, 250; Kiowa, ii, 250; iii, 470, 544; knowledge of Thomas Jefferson re garding, iv, 216, 217, 218; Land treat ies with the, i, 59; language of Iro quois, ii, 47; Lucayan, iii, 67; Mandan tribe of, iv, 181, 184; Manhattan Is land named by, iii, 154; Manhattan Is land villages of, iii, 156; massacre at the Mission of San Diego by, iii, 109, 110; massacre of Custer's battalion by, iii, 227-232; massacre of first English Colony in America by, iv, 74; meeting place between the white men in western New York and the, ii, 57; memorial to American, i, 612; missionary work among the early southwestern, iii, 462; Mohawk tribe of, i, 511; iii, 564; iv, 112; murder' in the Revolution of Jane McCrea by, iii, 205; Narragansett tribe of, iv, 143; Natchez tribe of, v, 576; New England descent of family of the Cherokee, iv, 595-602; New England settlers' occupation of lands of the, iv, 426; New Year's feast in Western New York of the, ii, 59, 60; Northwestern, v, 500, 506, 514, 515, 516, 521, 534; of Isthmus of Panama, i, 633; Oneida tribe of, i, 750; iii, 382; Papago, ii, 526; Pawnee tribe of, i, 621; ii, 136; iii, 465; Penn's treaty with, iv, 110, 111, 112, 113, 115, 387; photograph of chief of the, v, 514; photograph of oak under which was signed treaty with, iii, 465; photographs of Cali fornian, y, 379; print of block houses for protection from, ii, 296; Pima, ii, 522, 526; Pueblo, ii, 669, 670; purchase of Kentucky from Cherokee tribe of, ii, 282; purchase of land by Susque hanna Company from, v, 117; purchase of land by the Plymouth and Rhode Is land Colonies from the, ii, 444; pur chase of land in Conn, from the, v, 138; purchase of land in Rhode Island by Roger Williams from the, ii, 215; pur chase of Manhattan Island by the Dutch from the, ii, 443; reception of first Europeans to cross the Colorado Desert by the, iii, 104; removal from Penn. of the, iv, 115; sculpture of American, ii, 242, 404, 561, 567; iii, 180, 181; v, 263; Serrano, ii, 522, 526; iii, 173; Shawnee tribe of, iii, 564; Shos hone tribe of, i, 468, 469, 470, 472, 473; Sioux Cheyenne tribe of, ii, 136; Sioux tribe of, i, 621, 623; ii, 686, 687; Six THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY (Indians, American) Nations, ii, 83; iii, 121; iv, 111; coun cils with, iv, 434; land claims, iv, 114; land deeds from, iv, 436; participation in expedition against Crown Point, v, 152, 153; treaties with, iii, 564; iv, 111-115; slave trade in N. Mex. with the, iii, 551; trade forbidden by set tlers in Connecticut Colony with, ii, 480; trade in New York with, iii, 154, 162; trade in Virginia Colony with, iii, 558; treaties with, i, 99, 111, 113, 114; treaty Plymouth Colony with, ii, 441; treaty with Kansas or Kaw, iii, 470; treaty of 1764 with the, ii, 396; Yuma, ii, 522, 525, 526; iii, 398, 400, 401. Indies, trade of Virginia with the, iii, 82. Indus River, iv, 187. Ingersoll, , iv, 438. Robert G., ii, 215. Ingham, Edw., i, 225. Inglefield Gulf, iii, 316, 328. Ingles, , iii, 290. Charles (Rev., Dr.), iv, 31. Inglesby, , ii, 152. Inglis, (Rev., Dr.), iv, 44. Ingraham, Duncan, letter describing a visit to Ft. Niagara written by, ii, 396, 397, 398. Ingram, David, early exploration of North American by, iv, 171. Inman, , iv, 549. Inn, Israel Knapp, i, 322. Innocent XI, Pope, ii, 167. Inns, drawings of Colonial, v, 429, 433-435, 437-439, 441, 444, 446, 452, 454, 456. Inorganic World, discoveries of the, iv, 19. Inscho, M., iv, 116. Inslee and Deck, reproduction of mural paintings at Minnesota State Capitol from a photograph by firm of, ii, 217, 232. Institute of Arts and Sciences, Brooklyn, N. Y., iii, 484. Insurance, reforms in State supervision of, ii, 20. International Engineering Congress, meeting at Paris of, i, 636. International Exposition, first, iv, 153. International Law, iv, 12 ; American Society of, iii, 488. International Peace, editor's note on plea for, iii, 473; plea for, iii, 474-476, 478; triple alliance to maintain, ii, 5. International Unity, transcript of address by Sec. Knox on, iv, 5-9. Interparliamentary Union in England, iii, 476. Interstate Commerce Commission, i, 440; arbitration between common carrier corporations and their employees by the, ii, 33; curbing of corporations by[130 the, ii, 16, 19, 20; investigation of railroad and financial methods of E. H. Harriman by the, ii, 25. Inugito, iii, 642, 643, 644. Inventory of a Virginian estate in 1674, i, 573; of Lewis Jones, i, 366. Inverness, Scotland, iii, 215. Iota River, iii, 512. Iowa, i, 14; iv, 78, 79, 145, 152, 202, 616; bar of, iv, 145; boundary dispute between Illinois and, v, 287-289; boundary dis pute between Nebraska and, v, 280, 281; child labor laws in, i, 189; estab lishment of Territory of, i, 433; early explorations in, v, 500; first settlement of, i, 433; iii, 505-510; frontier life in, ii, 254; investigation of administration of government in the old Northwest for the State Historical Society of, iii, 217-225; laws regulating railroad rates in, ii, 19; mural painting at State Cap itol of, ii, 240, 241; State Historical Society of, iii, 217-225; United States senator from, ii, 210. Iowa City, la., iii, 223. Ipswich, England, iv, 67, 452; Mass., i, 242, 243, 244, 559; iii, 99; v, 295, 305, 351, 363, 415. Iranina Plateau, ii, 6. Ireland Archbishop, iv, 168, 174; address be fore convention on Cuban affairs made by, ii, 434. t Ireland, i, 16, 50, 264, 369, 565, 669, 674; ii, 12, 110, 428; v, 73, 84, 141, 179, 249, 262, 349, 461, 473, 476; Caldwell fam ily of, iii, 455, 456; photograph of Cas tle Caldwell in, iii, 457; County Devery in, iii, 454; Cromwell's rule over, iii, 453; emigrants to America' from the north of, iii, 81, 82; fac-simile of a colonial passport to America issued in, ii, 660; Keeper of the Rolls and Rec ords in, ii, 126; grants of land from Oliver Cromwell in, i, 618; lawlessness in, iii, 455; Martin family of, v, 311; Norse conquest of, iv, 352; Pomeroy family of, iv, 372; Rebellion of 1798 in, iv, 513; 18th Royal Reg't of, iii, 382; Taaffe family of, v, 413, 414; re production of arms of the Taaffe fam ily of, v, 417; troubles of 1798 in, i, 656; Vikings in, v, 183; wireless sta tion at Clifden, ii, 15. Irish Hill, Cal., ii, 634. Irish immigrants in the United States, early, ii, 594, 595. Irish riots at Philadelphia, Pa., ii, 595. Iron manufactures in Mo., i, 440. Iron Fort, Harbor of Cartagena, ii, 318. Iron furnace at Rossie, N. Y., early, i, 754. Iron Works, East Haven, Conn., i, 508. 1 INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES Iron and steel industry in the United States, iii, 42, 43. Iroquois Confederacy in the Revolution, iii, 430-434. Iroquois Indians, description of an early Je suit missionary of the life, character, customs and language of the, ii, 45, 46, 47; language of the, ii, 387; war between French and, ii, 378. Irrigation, early experiment in, iv, 578, 579; reproduction of drawing illustrating results of, iv, 571; in New Mex., ii, 673; in the West, v, 291, 292. Irvine, Andrew (Capt.), services in the Rev olution of, ii, 666. Ann, ii, 232. Ann (Callender), ii, 667; v, 84. Family, coat-of-arms of the, ii, 666. John (Dr.), ii, 232. William (Dr., Col.), v, 84, 85. William (Gen.), portrait of, ii, 664; birth of, ii, 664; education of, ii, 664; emigra tion to America of, ii, 664; member ship in Provincial Congress, of, ii, 664; services in the Revolution, ii, 664, 666; seat in Congress of, ii, 664; super- intendency of military stores at Phil adelphia of, ii, 664; presidency of So ciety of the Cincinnati of, ii, 664; sketch of the life of, ii, 667; death of, 664, 667. Irving, , ii, 401; iii, 67. John Baufin (Col.), ii, 663, 665. Lieut., v, 604, 605. Washington, i, 89, 357, 419, 701; ii, 120; iv, 29; ancestry of, ii, 666; excerpts from writings of, iv, 390, 395; portrait, i, 303; 100th anniversary of founding of the "Salmagundi" by, i, 613, 615; an old engraving of, i, 615. William, i, 613. Irvington, N. Y., i, 303. Irwin, Agnes, conferring of degree of Doe- tor of Laws by St. Andrew's Univer sity of Scotland on, ii, 667. Agnes (Farquhar), portrait of, iv, 245. Agnes Mary, portrait of, ii, 665. Dr., i, 476, 477, 483. Family, photograph of Scottish seat of, ii, 663; portraits of members of the, ii, 664, 665; ancient descent of the, ii, 665, 666; American branch of the, ii, 666, 667. J. B. D. (Col.), ii, 663. John, birth, ii, 667; death, ii, 667; descend ants, ii, 667; emigration to America, ii, 666; marriage, ii, 667; portrait, ii, 665; portrait of wife, iv, 245. Parson, i, 35. Sophia Arabela (Bache), ii, 665, 667. William Wallace, portrait of, ii, 665; elec tion as mayor of Pittsburgh, Pa., of, ii, [ 131 667; membership in Congress of, ii, 667; services as United States Minis ter to Denmark of, ii, 667. Isabella, of Portugal, v, 401. Princess, iii, 60. Queen, ii, 669; iv, 512; explorers in the West Indies from the court of, iii, 75; voyages of discovery of Christopher Columbus under the protection of, iii, 78; naming by Columbus of the port of Isabella, in the West Indies, from, iii, 78; feat of a, courtier to entertain, iii, 79. Isabella, Island of Hispaniola, now Santo Domingo, West Indies, letter written by physician of Columbus' ship from the port of, iii, 60-80; naming by Co lumbus of, iii, 78; first aqueduct built in America at, iii, 78; ruins of, iii, 78. Isbell, Dr., i, 617, 629. I. C. (Dr.), i, 620. Olive, i, 617. Zack, iv, 545. Isham, Edward Swift (Hon.), iv, 587. Island of Cape Breton, Canada, iv, 380. Island of Po Penang, iv, 279. Island of St. Helena, v, 409. Isle a Vache, W. I., Colony of freed negroes at, iv, 206, 208, 209-211. Isle Auxnaux, i, 376. Isle de Boubon, iv, 279. Isle de France, iv, 279. Isle La Motte, Lake Champlain, ii, 43. Isle of Re, iv, 125. Isle of Shoals, iv, 249, 251. Isle of Thauet, Kent, England, v, 471. Isle of Wight, England, v, 465. Isle of Wight County, Va., grievances be fore Bacon's Rebellion of, iii, 416. Isle Royale, Canada, v, 18. Isle St. Jean, v, .18. Isleham, Gloucester Co., Va., old manor house of, iii, 285. Israel Knapp Inn, Greenwich, Conn., i, 322. Isfield, Sussex, England, i, 522. Issy, France, ii, 12. Isthmus of Panama, v, 369, 370. Italian emigration to gold fields of north western America, ii, 635. Italian States, ii, 167. Italy, ii, 428, 547, 557; iii, 474, 483; iv, 14, 187, 189, 190, 451; v, 219, 392, 409; ac cumulation of wealth by, iii, 41; Ap- pian Way in, iii, 461 ; centenary cele bration of birth of Garibaldi in, ii, 33; delegations at meeting of Interparlia mentary Union from Parliament of, iii, 487; earthquakes in Southern, ii, 35. Ithaca, N. Y., Cornell University, i, 691; ii, 402; iii, 627; Jared Sparks Collection 1 THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY (Ithaca, N. Y., Cornell University) Ives, C. B., photograph of statue by, iii, at, ii, 402; early 19th century descrip- 46. tion of, i, 750. _ ?Vuni&11T' 303' • ?• ?• , ? ¦? T. ,, . .. „. Ivins, William M., investigation of transit Ito, Marquis, u, 30. facilities of New York City by, ii, Ittiblu, Ui, 328. 19. [132] Jackson, , i, 30, 417; ii, 139; iv, 438. Amasa, i, 704, 710. Andrew (President), i, 369, 585, 661, 656; ii, 617, 618, 619, 620, 621, 693; iv, 199, 629; photograph of memorial to, iii, 530; Presidential campaign of, iii, 614, 619; Scotch Irish descent of, iii, 81; silhouette of, i, 369; ii, 653. Capt., iv, 324. Charles Eben, i, 697, 698, 704, 708. Colonel, i, 711; iii, 280. Ebenezer, i, 699, 700, 703, 704, 709, 710, 711; old miniature of, i, 698. Edward, i, 704. Mrs., i, 700. Family, i, 369, 699, 700, 704; Revolution ary officers of the, i, 704. George (M. D.), iv, 251. Harriette Fenwick, i, 700. Helen Hunt, ranch which was scene of novel by, v, 374; photograph of ranch, v, 382. Henry (Col.), i, 711; iii, 537, 538. Joanna (Pepperrell), iv, 251. John, v, 123, 124. John Jay (Judge), ii, 211. Joseph, iii, 280. Krysten, iv, 284. Michael (Gen.), i, 697, 699, 704, 705, 706, 707; 8th Mass. Reg't of Revolution raised by, i, 704; will of, i, 709. Morris, ii, 136. Ruth Parker, i, 704, 710. Selah, i, 287. Simon, i, 704. "Stonewall," ii, 212; iii, 256; iv, 319, 336; painting of meeting of Lee and, v, 411. Thomas Jonathan (Lieut.-Gen.), ii, 212. Timothy (Maj.), i, 704. Jackson County, W. Va., ii, 211. Jackson Creek, ii, 634. Jackson Estate, Middletown, Conn., i, 703; view of, i, 699. Jackson, Penn., iv, 116. Jackson Street, Brooklyn, N. Y., v, 124. Jacksonville, Fla., i, 49; ii, 436; v, 599; 111., iv, 297; Miss., iii, 246. Jacobs family, iii, 603. Lieut.-Col., ii, 190. Jacob's Introduction to common civil and canon law, i, 184. Jacobus, Donald Lines, i, 297. Jaegers, Albert, photograph of sculpture by, iv, 456. [133 Jamaica, L. I., iv, 379; Vt., v, 420; West In dies, i, 493; ii, 316, 317, 319, 643; iv, 30, 37, 38, 39, 46; colonizing of, iv, 450; early trade with New England of, iii, 92; earthquake at, ii, 2; iii, 92, 94; Moore estate in, iv, 34, 35. Jamaica Plains, Mass., iv, 67. James I, charters of first colony in Vir ginia issued by, iii, 556, 557; govern ment of Colony of Virginia by, iii, 558, 559; grant of Virginia by, i, 214; H, portrait in old Town House, Boston, Mass., of, iv, 263. Abel, v, 463. Abigail, ii, 306. Anna, ii, 306. Chalkley, v, 463. Elizabeth ( ), v, 463. Esther, ii, 306. Esther (Denison), ii, 297, 300, 314. Family, ii, 306, 314; arms of the, v, 462; lineage of, v, 463. Francis, v, 463. G. P. R., i, 656. Hannah, ii, 306. John (Capt.), ii, 297; v, 463; marriage of, ii, 299; entering the Revolutionary Army as a minute man of, ii, 299; emigration to Ohio of, ii, 300, 306; ex pedition against the Indians by, ii, 311, 312; death of, ii, 314. Joseph, v, 463. Levi, v, 463. Polly, ii, 306. Rebecca (Chalkley), v, 463. Rebecca (Tuttle), v, 463. Rich, i, 225. Roger, v, 463. Sarah (Huston), v, 463. Simeon, ii, 306. Stephen, v, 463. Susan, ii, 306. Thomas, ii, 308. William, ii, 300; killing by Indians of, ii, 301, 302, 306; v, 463. James City (now Jamestown Island), Va., iii, 559. James Island, So. Car., i, 55, 730. James River, Va., ii, 676; iii, 86, 298, 416, 417, 418, 449, 450, 453; iv, 336, 575, 578, 613; discovery of, i, 216; Southern District of, v, 436; voyage in 1607 up the, iv, 74. James Street, Albany, N. Y., v, 633. Jameson, Dr., ii, 26. ] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY Jamestown, N. Y., iii, 429; Va., i, 224, 241, 565, 583, 584, 588; ii, 676; iii, 414, 418, 423, 424, 427; iv, 308, 496; an early settler of, iv, 512; burning in Bacon's Rebellion of, iii, 424, 425; colonial glass factory at, i, 514; exposition commem orating the 300th anniversary of the first English settlement in America at, ii, 24; v, 465; first English settle ment at, i, 203, 206, 207-, 208, 209, 210, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 437, 438, 495, 565; ii, 112, 670; iv, 74, 75, 76, 485; fort in old church at, i, 217; founding of, i, 216; photograph of memorial tablet to founders of first English set tlement in America at, iv, 535; pio neer settlers of, i, 584; President Roosevelt's address at celebration of ter-centenary of settlement of, i, 581- 588; reproduction of Bulloch Hall for the Georgia State Building at the Ex position at, ii, 232, 234; ter-centenary of founding of, i, 209, 210, 579; ii, 669; iv, 311. Jamestown Island, Va., i, 225; iii, 559; old Ambler mansion on, i, 218. Jamison family, iv, 149. Jane McCrea Spring, Ft. Edward Hill, N. Y., iii, 205. Janney, Abel, ii, 97. Elizabeth (Stacy), ii, 97. Jans, Anneke, estate of, v, 633. Jansen, Capt., iv, 348. January, , i, 352. Capt., i, 346. Japan, i, 44, 575; ii, 536; iii, 474, 482, 485; iv, 297, 330, 489; agreement to main tain integrity of China and peace in the Far East between France and, ii, 5; agreement to maintain peace in the Orient between Russia and, ii, 5; edu cation in, iv, 14; explosion in Bungo Province, ii, 35; political development of, iv, 18; relations in 1907 between the United States and, ii, 25; represen tation at Interparliamentary Union of parliament of, iii, 487; rule in Korea by, ii, 30; Savings Banks in, i, 686; visit of Sec. Taft to, fv, 10. Japanese, attitude in Vancouver toward, ii, 5; Battleship "Kashima," explosion on the, ii, 35; immigration to the United States, ii, 553; question of attendance in the schools of San Francisco of the, ii, 2, 5, 15; saying, a, iii, 340; supposed descent from Caucasian race of the, i, 576. Jaques, Samuel W., v, 548. Jaquith, Annis, v, 634. •Jared Sparks Collection, Cornell University, ii, 402 ; diary of a Revolutionary officer in the, iii, 377-384. [134] Jarvis, , i, 737, 738; portraits by, iv, 386, 396. Charles Maples (Hon.), i, 441, 727. Family, i, 727; iv, 149. Leonard, iii, 537, 538. Munson, i, 446. Noah, i, 727. Samuel, i, 738. Stephen (Col.), i, 441, 456, 464; ii, 339; ex perience as soldier in British Army, i, 441-464, 727-740. William, i, 446, 734, 735. Jason, Robert (Sir), iii, 411. Jay, , iv, 274, 575. John (Chief Justice), i, 504; ii, 194, 602; iv, 279, 592; v, 222; engraving of, iv, 92; presidency of a society for the abolition of slavery held by, ii, 592. Mrs., ii, 49. . Jeanes, Anna T. (Miss), bequest for the edu cation of negro children by, ii, 15. Jefferson, , i, 759; iv, 575; v, 6, 289. Martha, portrait of, ii, 178. Peter, iv, 215, 216. Thomas, i, 585, 653, 656, 662; ii, 59, 534, 548, 553, 675, 676, 677; iii, 225, 468, 509, 539; iv, 96, 198, 501, 575, 604, 605, 607; v, 565, 566, 575; authorship of Declara tion of Independence of, i, 663; bill for religious freedom introduced by, iii, 82; drafting of Declaration of Independence by, iii, 249, 292; drafting of the ordi nance of 1784 by, ii, 531, 532; eulogy by Hon. Peleg Sprague on, iii, 437; eulogy by President Tyler on death of, ii, 657; founding of University of Vir ginia by, i, 663; framing of Virginia statute for religious freedom by, i, 663 ; friendship for John Quincy Adams of, ii, 655; home of, iv, 417, 419; inaugura tion of President, iii, 616; investiga tions into scientific attainments of, iv, 214-220; membership on the Commit tee of Correspondence by, ii, 364; na val service in administration of, ii, 104, 111; Northwest Territory divided into ten States in the draft of a report by, ii, 532; opposition to Federalism by, ii, 193; portrait of, iii, 48; sculpture on doors of National Capitol of, ii, 545; transcript from letter regarding Cuban annexation to United States from, ii, 434; transcripts of letters regarding will of Kosciuszko from, ii, 372-374; trusteeship over investments of Gen. Kosciuszko in America by, iii, 370, 371 ; utterances regarding Louisiana Pur chase of, iv, 610. Jefferson, Ohio, iii, 512. Jefferson City, Mo., ii, 133. Jefferson County, N. C, v, 102, 103; County, N. Y., ii, 604; iv, 558; Agricultural So- INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES (Jefferson County, N. C.) ciety, organizatiin of the, ii, 610, 611, 612; early purchase of land in, i, 751; French immigration to, ii, 605; land taken by French gentlemen in, i, 747; painting of the home of a, French Rev olutionary refugee in, ii, 602; Pa., iv, 113, 115, 119; W. Va., ii, 210, 211; Ger man settlement from Pennsylvania in, ii, 209. Jefferson Medical College, ii, 211. Jefferson Medical School of Philadelphia, i, 679. Jeffrey, Thomas, i, 525. Jeffreys' History of North America, ii, 98. Jeffries, David, ii, 486. Jenckes, Scott (Capt.), iv, 279. Jenkins, Capt., i, 427; ii, 316. John, iv, 443. Jenks, Elisha T., i, 272. George, i, 334. Governor, i, 335. Joseph, first American invention by, i, 334. Stephen, i, 335. Jennings, Adj.-Gen., iii, 416. John, iv, 436. Walter (Hon.), v, 347. Jennison, Gov., v, 225. Jensen, Capt., i, 276. Jerome, Chauncey, ii, 342, 345, 346. Leonard, iv, 209, 210. Ruth, ii, 343, 344. Jersey, affairs in Colony of West, ii, 92, 98, 99, 100; Battery in the Revolution, ii, 185; British prison ship in the Revo lution, the, ii, 527; iv, 262; v, 122, 123; Island of, ii, 398; v, 585; Province of East, iv, 39; West, old letter describ ing political situation in the Colony of, ii, 95, 98, 99, 100. Jersey City, N. J., first Dutch settlers on the site of, ii, 286; founding of, iv, 387- 396; Home for Aged Women in, iv, 394; incorporation of, iv, 394. Jerusalem, Crusades to, iv, 554, 555; King of, iv, 555; stone of the Temple brought from, ii, 667; now Funkstown, Md., early German immigrants in, ii, 464; Yates Co., N. Y., iv, 556, 557. Jesuit Father Kino, explorations in Western America by, ii, 41. Jesuit missionaries to American Indians, ii, 43-47; letter written by one of the, ii, 43-47; in Illinois, first permanent set tlement made by, iii, 213; missions in Canada, ii, 381, 388, 389; School at Sorel, Canada, iii, 506. Jesuits, Christianity first carried to the American Indians by the, ii, 43; writ ings concerning early missions to the Indians of the, ii, 378, 380, 394. Jesup, Morris K., iii, 358. [135 Jewett, Joseph, iii, 126. Joachim, Joseph, death of, ii, 37. Joan, Princess, v, 584. Joannes, Thomas, ii, 176. Jocelyn, Nathaniel, i, 713. Susan E. M., i, 713. "John," British prison ship in the Revolution, the, v, 122. John, Duke of Burgundy, v, 401. Earl of Gloucester, iv, 142. King, iv, 142, 362, 363, 364, 448; v, 189. John of Gaunt, v, 134, 400, 586. John O'Groat's, Great Britain, i, 157. John Street, New York City, iv, 45. Johns, Griffith, v, 307. Johns Hopkins' Hospital Historical Society, i, 241; University, iv, 311. Johnson, . i, 219, 422, 629; iii, 241, 427 iv, 348. Andrew (President), i, 109; ii, 36; iii, 459 iv, 200; photograph of, v, 211. Capt., ii, 351; iii, 277; iv, 128, 129, 348 v, 253. Col., i, 74, 92, 93; ii, 187, 351, 353, 520; iii, 54. Dr., iv, 439, 450. Ebenezer (Mrs.), Revolutionary anecdote regarding, ii, 345. Family, iii, 430. Fra, membership on Commission to affect treaty with Six Nations of, iv, 111, 112. Gen., v, 153. George, iv, 305, 306. Gov., ii, 19. Guy, ii, 396. Jeremiah (Gen.), v, 122, 123. John H. (Gov.), fac-simile of autograph of, ii, 217. John (Sir), iii, 433. Joseph (Gov.), ii, 210. Mary (Montague), v, 297. Molly (Brant), iii, 429. Samuel (Dr.), Conn, land claims placed be fore House of Commons by, i, 703. Thomas, iii, 604. Tom L. (Mayor), ii, 20. Waldo P., ii, 210. William, iv, 547. William (Rev.), iii, 378. William (Sir), iii, 378, 429; iv, 381, 599; v, 152; expedition in the French and Indian War under, iii, 204; letter re garding return of Indian children held by traders written by, ii, 389, 390; un published manuscript preserved in ar chives at Albany, N. Y., of, ii, 394, 395; peace with the Indians effected by, ii, 396; treaty with Six Nations made by, iii, 564. William S., iv, 442. Willis Fletcher (Dr.), i, 633. ] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY Johnson City, Tenn., iv, 541, 543, 544, 545, 548. Johnson County, N. C, i, 565. Johnson's Greens, regiment of, iii, 432. Johnston, , iv, 516. Capt., v, 248, 257, 264. Col., iv, 112. Frank, i, 186. G. (A. D| C), v, 72. Joseph Eggleston (Gen.), i, 653; iii, 630. Joseph F. (Senator), ii, 23. Hepsibah (Tyler), v, 142. Robert (Col.), v, 142. Sarah (Bush), v, 193. Johonnet, Lieut.-Col., ii, 516, 650. Joinville, iv, 317. Joliet, Louis, i, 433; explorations in Illinois by, ii, 213. Jolley, Capt., ii, 332. Jolly, , iv, 308. Jonah's Cove, Lancaster Co., Va., iii, 86. Joncaire, Chaubert, ii, 391. Jones, , i, 253, 377; ii, 229, 234; iii, 290, 448. Abraham, v, 192, 197, 198. Alfred, old engraving by, v, 40. Caleb, iv, 596. Capt., v, 568. David (Lieut.), iii, 205. Eliday, v, 548. Elizabeth, v, 471. Family, iv, 149; v, 197, 198, 471. Frances (Thornton), v, 471. Gabriel, v, 471. Hannah (Gooch), iii, 100. Herbert (Mrs.), i, 220. James H, iii, 240, 241, 246. Jacob, ii, 190. John Paul, i, 12, 670; ii, 101; iii, 225; birth of, ii, 110; death of, ii, 110; engraving of first naval victory of the United States under, iv, 222; fight with the "Serapis" of, ii, 123; first American naval victory under, iv, 159; old print of American Flag on ship of, iv, 157; portrait of, iv, 56; removal from France to America of the remains of, iii, 439. Joseph, iv, 442. Josiah, i, 366. Lewis, inventory of, i, 366. Margaret (Mrs.), v, 98. Margaret (Strother), v, 471. Moses, v, 548. Nathaniel (Capt.), ii, 342, 345. Noble Wimberly, i, 30. Peter, v, 112; photograph of early trading station of, iv, 495. President, ii, 623. S. Catesby (Commodore), iv, 322. Samuel, ii, 343. Sarah (Whitman), v, 192, 198. Simpson (Dr.), iii, 100. Thomas, v, 197. W. R., engravings by, iv, 85, 86, 90. Walter E., i, 366. William, ii, 111. William Strother, v, 471. Jones' Hill, New York City, ii, 185, 353. Memorial Volume, iii, 238. Sound, iii, 641. Wharf, N. Y. City, i, 273. Jonesboro, N. C, iv, 545, 549; Tenn., ii, 13] Joram, John, iv, 129. Jordan, David Starr (Dr.), i, 576; iii, 652. Joseph, Emperor, reforms of, ii, 276. Joslin, Williams (Judge), iii, 439. Joulin, Pierre (Rev.), ii, 604. Journal of American History, Departments of Genealogical Publication and Research, and American Heraldry, v, 316, 317, 320, 322-324; editorial in, v, 481, 482, 640; editorial review on the biennial of the, ii, 711-716; notes of appreciation from notable people and comments of various publications on the, iii, 149, 150, 151; organization of department for preservation of genealogical records by the, v, 313, 314, 322, 323, 324. Journalism, history of early American, ii, 491-500. Joyce, , iii, 358. Juan, Maese, iii, 74. Prince, iii, 60. Judd, Jehial (Corp.), v, 548. William, iv, 243. Judea, Conn., i, 726. Judicial Arbitration Court, Inter-National, iv, 11. Judson, Abner, i, 440. Adoniram, i, 719. David, i, 719. Juhel, C. (Miss), transcript from Memoirs of, ii, 611. Cornelia (Livingston), ii, 607. John, ii, 607. Juilly, France, College of, ii, 601. Julio, E. B. D. Fabrino, painting of Last Meeting of Lee and Jackson by, v, 409, 410; reproduction of painting by, v, 411. Julius Caesar, obelisk at Rome to the mem ory of, ii, 389. Juniata Creek, iii, 448. Junius Letters, the, ii, 63. Jurisprudence, early American, ii, 479-484. Jusserand, Jean Jules (Hon., LL. D.), v, 171. Justinian the Great, photograph of statue of, iv, 457. [136] K Kaisers Lantern, Bavaria, ii, 266. Kalkar, dictionary of Old Danish language by, iv, 175, 176. Kalm, , transcript from "Travels into North America," by, iv, 180, 181. Kalmucks, the, v, 80. Kamerer, Mrs., i, 748. Kamikadales, the, v, 80. Kamloops Lake, ii, 637. Kamtskatka, v, 80. Kanawha River, ii, 278; founding of settle ment near the mouth of the, ii, 299. Kane, Elisha K. (Dr.), iii, 334; engravings of the Arctic made from sketches by, iii, 317-324, 329-332. Walter Langdon, ii, 510. Kansas, i, 437; iii, 244, 542, 543; iv, 212, 511, 616; v, 169, 291; admission into the Union of, i, 14; ii, 250; area of, ii, 248; boundary dispute between Colorado and, v, 289-292; controversy regarding slav ery in, ii, 250; derivation of name, iii, 463; development, ii, 205; early agri culture in, ii, 251, 252; early forts of, ii, 251; early map showing first school district of, ii, 253; early journey across, ii, 681; early Judge of Supreme Court of, iv, 77, 79; early militia in, ii, 253; early school in, ii, 251; iv, 83; emigra tion to, iv, 205; expedition of Zebulon Pike to, iii, 464, 465; first Free State Convention held in, iii, 632; first white settlement in, iii, 632, 634; Governor of, ii, 210; Indian Reservations in, iv, 82; Indian Treaties made in, iii, 469, 470; institutions of learning in, ii, 251; pho tograph of Arkansas River Bridge in, v, 276; photographs of monuments marking the old Santa Fe Trail in, iii, 460, 463, 467, 469; photograph of old Council Oak in, iii, 465; pioneer life in early, iv, 77-84; plan for negro colon ization in, iv, 213; political questions and conditions leading to the Civil War in early, iii, 627-635; prominent citizens of, ii, 254; reminiscences of early, ii, 249-254; reproduction of a log cabin school house in, ii, 248; Spanish explorations in, iii, 463; State Histor ical Society of, iii, 461, 462, 463; United States Senator elected in 1907 from, ii, 23; University of, iii, 627; iv, 297. Kiinsas City, Mo., iii, 461, 468; v, 280; de velopment of, ii, 205. Kansas-Nebraska Bill, the, ii, 553; iii, 628, 631, 634. Kansas vs. Colorado, case of, v, 280, 289. Karatagh, Bokhara, Russian Turkestan, land slide at, ii, 35. Karnah, Arctic village of, iii, 328. Karry Castle, Somersetshire, England, v, 309. Kaskaskia, 111., ii, 213; iii, 464; convention to form State constitution at, ii, 214. Kataness, England, v, 183. Kautz, Rear- Admiral, death of, ii, 36. Kaw River, iii, 628, 632. Kearney, Denis, ii, 36. John, i, 629. Stephen W. (Gen.), i, 440; iv, 519, 520; journey across the Colorado Desert of the advance guard of the United States Army under, iii, 106; New Mexico taken in the name of the United States by, ii, 206. Keats, John, v, 370; poem by, iv, 370. Kech, , iv, 360. Kechi Indians, ii, 250. Keck, Charles, photograph of sculpture by, iv, 2. Kedley, John, autograph, ii, 447. Keeler Tavern, Ridgefield, Conn., photograph of, ii, 293, 294. Keen, Capt., i, 729, 730. Keene, Richard, iv, 513. Keith, George, iii, 265, 266. William, painting by, iii, 170. Kellett, Capt., v, 603. Kelloway, Agnes, iv, 367, 369, 371. Johanna (Barrett), iv, 367, 371. John, iv, 367, 369, 371. William, iv, 367, 371. Kelly, Elizabeth, v, 473. James, v, 3. John (Maj.), v, 67. Morris, v, 110. Sergeant, i, 452. Kelsey, Enos, v, 75. Otto, efforts for removal as State Super intendent of Insurance of, ii, 20. Kelvy, John, iii, 616. Kembell, , iv, 43. Samuel, iv, 43. Kemp, Matthew, iii, 286. Richard, iii, 286. Kempe, Att'y-Gen., iv, 584. Kendal, , iii, 122. Ebenezer, iii, 125. John, iii, 122, 125. [ 137 ] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY Kendall, , i, 208. Capt., i, 207. George, coming to Va. of, i, 206. Kendrich, Capt., i, 19. Kenesaw Mountain, Ga., photograph taken in the Civil War on the battleground of, iii, 344. Kennebec River, Maine, i, 31, 412; iii, 537, 538; v, 18, 151, discovery of, i, 203; first American ship built on, i, 395. Kennedy, , iii, 448. Mary Selden, announcement of publication of genealogy by, v, 321. Kennerly, William Clark (Capt.), i, 477, 479, 481, 483. Kensington, Douglass Co., Minn., unearthing of Runestone in, iv, 165-184. Kenson, Benoni, v, 548. Kent, , i, 655. Chancellor, ii, 263. Josiah, autograph of, ii, 446. Moss, i, 749; ii, 604. Kent, Conn., iv, 599; England, iii, 291; iv, 31, 32; v, 295, 436, 461, 469, 471, 475, 634; genealogy of American descendants of Weyburn-Wyborn family of, v, 322; James family of, v, 463; Peckham fam ily of, iii, 186. Kent, Putnam Co., N. Y., i, 498. Kent County, Md., v, 461. Kent Island, Chesapeake Bay, early trading post on, iii, 558; opposition to author ity of Lord Baltimore in, iii, 559, 560. Kentish Guards in the Revolution, ii, 510. Kenton, Simon, iv, 513. Kents Island, iv, 304. Kentucky, i, 13, 45, 47, 49, 53, 343, 396, 439; ii, 158, 213, 214, 692, 694; iii, 251, 288, 454, 514, 614, 619; iv, 200, 204, 207, 512, 513, 514, 515, 518, 543, 544, 546, 576, 579; v, 99, 104, 187; admission into the Union of, i, 13; annulment by the Virginia legislature of the purchase from Cherokee Indians of, ii, 282; birth of Abraham Lincoln in, ii, 245; bound ary dispute between Indiana and, v, 285-287; boundary dispute between Missouri and, v, 283-285; Caldwell fam ily of, iii, 454; cause of temperance in, ii, 12; cloudburst at Grady ville in, ii, 35; coal in, i, 666; dangers from In dians in the War of 1812 in, ii, 282; Daniel Boone's expedition to, v, 461; immigration into, ii, 279; early name of, i, 55; early settler in, ii, 280, 282; Edwards family in, v, 299; 1907 elec tion of Governor of, ii, 20; emigrants to the California gold fields from, ii, 135, 136, 138; emigration from Va. to, v, 195; first assembly held in, i, 54; first constitution of, ii, 211; first gov ernor of, ii, 277; first settlement in, i, 665; Fleming County in, iii, 298, 299; Gould family in, ii, 75; Hawkins fam ily of, v, 471; historical society of, ii, 277; Lincoln family of, v, 192, 193; manners and customs in early, i, 667; Murrell family of, iv, 29; origin of the leaders of the United States govern ment and the Confederacy in, iii, 13; purchase from Cherokee Indians of, ii, 282; reproduction of home of Gov. Isaac Shelby, the first settlement and pre-emption granted in, ii, 282; repro duction of photograph of Att'y-Gen. Speed of, v, 211; Revolution in, ii, 277; sculpture at State Capitol of, i, 599; Tilson's map of, iii, 454; United States senator elected in 1907 from, ii, 24; volunteers in the War of 1812 from, ii, 282, 283. Kentucky River, i, 53; iv, 547, 549. Keokuk, la., ii, 660; v, 288. Kephart, (Rev.), iii, 545, 546. Kepple, Commodore, iii, 116. Kerbie, John, iii, 604. Kerkersville, O., iii, 512. Kerlevenan, Brittany, ii, 597, 606. Kern River, iii, 400. Kernochan Plantation, La., v, 410. Kerr, George, ii, 308. Matthew, ii, 308. Ketchum, Hiram, iv, 205. Kettle Chief, the Indian, iii, 507. Key, Francis Scott, autograph, iii, 168; death, iii, 166; fac-simile of MS. of National hymn by, iii, 167, 168; monument to, iii, 166; "Star Spangled Banner" by, ii, 440; iii, 165, 166; tablet to memory of, iii, 164; transcript of "Star Spangled Banner" by, iii, 166. Key West, Fla., 'ii, 436; iv, 322. Key's Regiment of War of 1812, iii, 614. Keystone State, iii, 568; iv, 147. Kibbe, Sally (Miss), i, 148. Kidd, William (Capt.), old print of home of, iii, 576. Kieft, Gov., v, 366. Richard, ii, 189. Kiernan, Thomas J., Hi, 202. Kieth, Gov., iii, 193. Israel, ii, 351. Kilbourn, James, i, 46. Mrs., i, 47. Kilburn, , v, 548. Ira, iv, 116. Lawrence, i, 170. Kilgo, , ii, 145. Kilkenny, Ireland, i, 398. Killam Farm, Paupac, Pike Co., Pa., Indian massacre on the, iv, 596. Killergy, Ireland, v, 413. Killingly, Conn., ii, 308; iii, 121. [138] INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES Killingworth, Conn., iii, 121; iv, 596. Kimbell, Charles W., iv, 206. Kincade, , ii, 143. Kinderhook, N. Y., old Sylvester home at, iv, 260. Kindry, Ensign, iii, 381. King, , iii, 95. Colonel, i, 47. Elizabeth (Mrs.), ii, 365. James M. (Rev.), death of, ii, 37. John (Capt.), iv, 378. John R. (Capt.), iii, 251. Josiah (Capt.), ii, 352. Margaret, iii, 95. Preston, v, 227. Rufus, i, 397; iii, 539. Sarah (Holton), iv, 378. William (LL. D.), iv, 449. King George County, Va., iv, 512; v, 461, 471. King George's War, v, 18. King James' Version of the Bible, reproduc tion of title page of first edition of the, v, 273. King Philip, capture in Narragansett War of, iv, 424. King Philip's War, i, 334; ii, 444; iii, 186, 189; iv, 290; v, 132, 303, 311, 363, 367; documents regarding, iv, 421-424; Great Swamp Fight in, iv, 143, 421- 424; photograph of house used as fort ress for troops, ii, 450; records of a soldier of, iv, 237-243. King William's War, iv, 252, 378. King and Queen County, Va., iii, 288. Kingman, Sarah, iii, 94. King's Bench Prison, London, England, iv, 32. King's Bridge, N. Y., iv, 128, 130; i, 446, 452, 453, 458, 722; Revolutionary Brigades at, iii, 275, 276, 277, 278; Revolutionary encampment at, iii, 57; Revolutionary marches to, ii, 510, 516, 520. King's Chapel, Boston, Mass., i, 173. King's College, Cambridge University, Eng land, v, 424. King's Colors, i, 11. King's County, Ireland, iii, 382; N. Y., Ber gen's Early Settlers of, iv, 394. King's Creek, York Co., Va., iii, 410. King's Dock, Liverpool, England, v, 262. King's Ferry, on Hudson River, iv, 492. King's Meadows, Tenn., iv, 546. King's Mountain, battle, i, 58, 566, 567; ii, 277, 279, 280, 704; iv, 542; v, 101; 123rd anniversary of battle, ii, 280; monu ment to heroes of battle, iv, 543, 544; photograph of monument to heroes of, ii, 707; relic of battle, ii, 280. Kingsbury, C. A. (Dr.), i, 684. Judge, iii, 388. . Me., iii, 537. Kingsland, Isaac, photograph of colonial house built by, ii, 287; description of colonial house built by, ii, 290, 291. Kingsland Manor, N. J., photograph of, ii, 287; description of, ii, 290, 291. Kingsley, Charles, v, 348. Kingsport, i, 664. Kingston, Canada, i, 739, 752; ii, 398; v, 225, 228; Jamaica, i, 746, 747; iv, 35; rela tions with United States at time of the earthquake, ii, 2, 15; Mass., old Bradford house at, v, 270; N. J., v, 442, 446; drawing of old tavern at, v, 446; N. Y., i, 504; v, 394, 636. Kinne Meeting House, Groton, Conn., iv, 626, 628. Kinnesley, , ii, 386. Kinney, Barney, v, 548. Kinney, Belle, photograph of sculpture by, iv, 153. Coates, iv, 558. Giles, iv, 557. Sara T. (Mrs.), speech made at dedication of Gateway at Ft. Griswold, Conn., by, v, 543, 544. Kinnicutt, Joseph, fac-simile of autograph of, ii, 446. Kino, Eusebio Francisco (Father), early Spanish missionary, ii, 256, 698, 701; map of Western America of, ii, 40. Kinsale, Ireland, harbor of, v, 249. Kiowa Indians, ii, 250; iii, 470. Kipling, Rudyard, iv, 20; lines by, ii, 409, 429. Kipps Bay House, New Amsterdam, Manhat tan Island, old print of, iii, 577. Kiquotan, photograph taken on site of In dian village of, iv, 496. Kirby, Capt., i, 342. Moses (Col.), ii, 691. William, "Annals of Niagara" by, ii, 389. Kirby and Laws Settlement, N. Y., iii, 448. Kirchhoff, , astronomical discovery by. iv, 13. Kirckbride, Joseph, ii, 97. Sarah (Stacy), ii, 97. Kirk, , v, 88. Kirkbride, Thomas S. (Dr.), ii, 96. Kirke, , ii, 380, 381. Thomas, v, 117. Kirkpatrick, J., i, 640. Kirkwood's "Red, White and Blue" in the Revolution, reproduction of photograph of monument erected to, ii, 708. Kitchin, William Watson (Hon.), v, 5. Kittanning, Pa., iv, 244. Kittery, Me., iv, 251, 253, 254; v, 23, 301; first settlement at, iv, 250. Kitto, John, iv, 253. Mary, iv, 253, 254. "Kitty," British prison ship in the Revolu tion, the, v, 122. [139] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY Klickitat County, Wash., v, 500. Klickitat Indians, v, 500; photograph of chief, v, 514. Klock, Jacob (Col.), Revolutionary service, iii, 382. Klondike River, discovery of gold, ii, 633. Klopsch, Louis (Dr.), membership in com mission in aid of cuba, ii, 406. Knapp, Chairman, ii, 33. Israel, i, 322, 323. John H. (Judge), iv, 117. Joshua (Sr.), iv, 452. Moses (Maj.), Revolutionary service of, iii, 207. Timothy, i, 322, 323. Knapp Tavern, Greenwich, Conn., i, 324. Knibloe, Ebenezer (Rev.), family Bible of, ii, 262; marriage, ii, 263; pastorate, ii, 263, 264. Eliza, ii, 262. John, ii, 264. Knickerbocker Trust Company, New York City, closing, ii, 16. Knight, Nehemiah Rice (Gov.), ii, 511, 512, 513. Sarah, ii, 485; v, 441, 442. Knights of the Golden Circle, southern or ganization, ii, 596. Knowles, Capt., ii, 332. Charles, iii, 279. Harriet (Stone), ii, 306. James, ii, 308. Lydia J. (Mrs.), i, 62. Mary, i, 508. Knowlton, Col., ii, 350; iii, 58, 278, 280. John, iii, 54. Thomas, portrait of, iv, 52. "Know-Nothings," secret society, ii, 595, 596. Knox, , ii, 387, 392; iv, 45. Col., ii, 187; iii, 54, 279; v, 8. Family, iv, 149. Gen., i, 711; ii, 102, 103, 111; v, 66. Henry (Gen.), iv, 415; portrait of, iv, 56. Henry (Secretary), iii, 537. John, iv, 514. Philander C. (Hon.), transcript of address by, iv, 5-9. William, iv, 38, 44; autograph appearing on an early passport of, ii, 660. Knox, Albany Co., N. Y., i, 309. Knox County, Ind., iii, 227. Knoxville, Steuben Co., N. Y., iv, 117; Tenn., ii, 130; iv, 543; Civil War photograph of ruins of, iii, 261. Knutson, Paul, Norse exploring expedition under, iv, 169, 182, 184. Knyphausen, Gen., i, 77, 449, 457. Koch, Bernard, iv, 208, 209, 210. Koerner, Gustavus, ii, 215. Konti, Isadore, sculpture by, iii, 477, 523, 528, 529; iv, 16, 102, 454, 455, 457. Kookaan, iii, 333. Koolootingwah, iii, 642, 643, 644. Korea, delegation to Peace Conference at The Hague from, ii, 30; Japanese control of, ii, 30. Korzon, Thaddeus, history of Poland by, ii, 368. Kosciuzko, Anne, ii, 370. Catherine, ii, 370. Thaddeus (Gen.), charitable bequests, life, and services to America, ii, 367-374; transcript of will, ii, 371. Kosciuszko School, Newark, N. J., ii, 368, 371. Kosoak, engraving of icebergs at, iii, 320. Kossuth, , ii, 534. Kramer, Nellie, photograph of, v, 93. Kuel, Bavaria, ii, 266. Kunst, Heyltje Jans, ii, 226. Kurrachi, India, cyclone at, ii, 35. Kusel, Bavaria, ii, 266. Kyantwaka, the Indian chief, ii, 389, 390. 140 L La Acencion, Mex., colony from N. Mex., at, ii, 672. La Agua Escondido, ii, 41. La Asuncion, Cal., iii, 110. Labaw, George Warne (Rev.), announcement of publication of genealogy by, v, 322. La Boca del Puerto Dulce, Cal., iii, 175. Labor Congresses, iv, 12. Labrador, i, 10; iii, 314, 345, 346, 357; iv, 80, 182; exploration of coast of, i, 203; Frobisher's expedition to, i, 641; jour ney before the Revolution to wilds of, v, 76-80. Lacher, Col., ii, 188. Lachine Rapids, St. Lawrence River, voyage of Champlain to the, ii, 376. Lackawanna County, Pa., iv, 116; v, 120. Lackawaxen Creek, Wayne Co., Pa., iv, 597. Lackawaxen River, iv, 596. La Condamine, , discovery of the Pe ruvian tree from which quinine is made by, iii, 79. Lacy, Col., ii, 279. Hugh, ii, 184. Ladd, Worcester (Dr.), i, 155. Lady Franklin Bay, iii, 346. La Empinado, ii, 40, 41. Lafayette, Marquis de, i, 78, 164, 268, 321, 367, 656, 674, 699, 713; ii, 369, 597, 602; iii, 51; iv, 111, 320; v, 173, 258, 568, 634; destruction of the Bastille under the direction of, ii, 592; sending of the key of the Bastille to Gen. Washington by, ii, 592; financing of the plot for the escape from prison after the French Revolution of, ii, 48, 52; friendship of John Barker Church with, ii, 52; letter from Commodore Barry to, i, 672; letter to Judge Church from, ii, 62, 63; memoirs of, ii, 612; reception on his visit to America of, i, 656; iv, 606; re production of engraving of encampment at Valley Forge of Washington and, iv, 229; reproduction of photograph of overshoes worn by, iv, 104; reproduc tion of photograph of Revolutionary headquarters of, iv, 509; reproduction of portrait of, iv, 59; reproduction of statue in Paris, France, erected by American school children in memory of, ii, 550; sending of clothing from France to the American army under, ii, 598; wounding in the Revolution of, ii, 695. La Fleche, Joseph, prohibition laws promul gated by Indian chief, iv, 397, 398; por trait of the Indian chief, iv, 398. La Fontaine, Att'y-Gen., v, 229. Laguna de la Concepcion, iii, 112. Laguna de la Merced, Cal., iii, 177. Laguna de los Cojas, iii, 104. Laguna de los Dolores, iii, 402. Laguna del Presidio, Cal., iii, 176. Laguna de Manantial, Cal., iii, 176. Laguna de San Antonio de Bucareli, iii, 109. Laguna de Santa Olalla, iii, 104, 400. Lake, Bibye (Sir), v, 307. Lake Champlain, i, 359; v, 87, 187, 449; de scription and military occupation of Ft. Ticonderoga near, iii, 213; discov ery of, ii, 43; expedition against French forts on, iii, 205; French explo rations of, ii, 219; Revolutionary ac tion on, iii, 210. Lake Christine, iv, 181. Lake Como, i, 292. Lake Drummond, Dismal Swamp, Va., iii, 418. Lake Erie, i, 27, 44, 358; ii, 392; Hi, 42, 388; iv, 113, 220; acquisition of land by Penn. on, iv, 113; Battle of, ii, 60, 212; encampment of Gen. Harrison's army in the War of 1812 on, ii, 283; Perry's naval victory on, ii, 283; purchase of land by Pennsylvania on, ii, 664. Lake Erne, Ireland, iii, 456. Lake George, i, 359, 497; ii, 66; iv, 36; battle of, i, 74, 182; ii, 390, 391; iv, 375; en gagement of French and Indian War on, v, 152, 153; expedition against, iv, 381 ; Revolutionary action on north end of, iii, 213; surrender of Fort William Henry on, ii, 125. Lake Guadalupe, Santa Barbara Co., Cal., dis covery of, iii, 171. Lake Hazen, iii, 347. Lake Huron, i, 358, 359; discovery of, ii, 378. Lake Logano, i, 292. Lake Manawa, v, 281. Lake Maurepas, v, 287. Lake Michigan, iii, 42; iv, 121; v, 287; dis covery of, ii, 213. Lake Mohawk Peace Conference, transcript of address at the, iii, 481-483, 485-488. Lake Moses, iv, 181. Lake Ontario, i, 358, 747, 754, 757; ii, 124, 386, 392; iv, 113, 114, 118; ceding by the Indians of all right to land on, ii, 396; development of trade on, i, 751; discovery of, ii, 378. [141] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY Lake Otsego, N. Y., iii, 379. Lake Polomos, Mexico, ii, 672. Lake Pomme de Terre, iv, 181. Lake Pontchartrain, v, 287. Lake St. Clair, i, 358. Lake Stockhaven, iv, 181. Lake Superior, iii, 42; copper found in an cient times near, iii, 462; explorations of regions around, ii, 213. Lake View Cemetery, Penn Yan, N. Y., iv, 556. Lake Winnipeg, iv, 182. Lakin, Isaac, iii, 122. Simon, iii, 127. L'Alemant, Father, ii, 387. La Manche, Normandy, iv, 352, 354. Lamar, Col., v, 289. Lamb, Anthony, i, 45. Charles, v, 465. Col., iv, 493. Frederick Stymetz, reproductions of in terior decorations by, iii, 489, 490, 493, 495-497, 499, 501, 503, 504. J., interior decorations executed by, iii, 489. 490, 493, 495-497, 499, 501, 503, 504. Thomas, v, 548. Lambert family, iv, 30, 152. John, i, 417. Lambert Collection, Philadelphia, Pa., v, 201. Lambeth, England, v, 305. Lambo, heroism in the Revolution of a slave; iv, 626, 627, 628. Lamentii River, Guadeloupe, West Indies, iii, 66. La Messila, N. Mex., ii, 669, 670, 671 ; arrival of first mail stage coach from San Francisco at, ii, 672, 673; modern life at, ii, 673. Lamoral, Count of Egmont, v, 221. Lamsdorf, , death of, ii, 36. La Navidad, Santo Domingo, West Indies, colony left by Columbus at, iii, 64. Lancashire, England, ii, 422; v, 197, 303, 311; Latham family, ii, 506; iv, 623; Lomas or Lomax family of, iv, 284, 287; Pres cott family of, iii, 47; reproduction of ancient map of, iv, 287. Lancaster, Mass., iii, 120, 121, 123, 125, 405; O., iii, 615; v, 91; Pa., iv, 115, 301; v, 448; Convention of 177-6 at, iv, 146, 147, 148, 149, 152; first American Declara tion of Independence issued at, iv, 145- 149; Supreme Executive Council of Pa. at, i, 671. Lancaster County, Pa., iii, 454; iv, 114, 146, 148, 244, 245; v, 192, 636; Va., v, 297, 476; early settlers in, iii, 82, 84; Pres byterians in, iii, 87; reproduction of coat-of-arms of the Lawson family of, v, 386. Lancaster Sound, engraving of Arctic ex pedition entering, iii, 317. [142 Lancoma (in Brendon, Sherwell), England, iv, 358, 359. Land boundaries formed by waters, cita tions of cases regarding, v, 277. Land frauds in 1907, ii, 23. Land grants, disputes regarding early Amer ican, iv, 431-445; maps of early Ameri can, iv, 435, 437. Land lotteries, early American, iii, 537, 538. Land speculation in the early days of the Re public, ii, 54. Land values, iv, 18. Land wars between States, v, 275-292. Land wars in America, early, iv, 581-594. Landar, Fremont Co., Wyo., i, 478. Landdag, election of women to the Finnish, ii, 11. "Landing Day" in Maryland, iv, 620. Landino, Christopher, commentaries on Dante's Divine Comedy by, iii, 70. Landis, John B. (Capt.), v, 83. Judge, decision against Standard Oil Com pany by, ii, 16. Landmarks in America, old, iv, 135; photo graphs of old, iv, 133, 134, 136. Landon, Mary Gordon, ii, 512. Landslide in Russian Turkestan, ii, 35. La Rue County, Ky., v, 193. La Salle, ii, 387, 394; iii, 519. Robert, i, 435. Las Casas, , abridgment of journal of Columbus by, ii, 120. Las Cruces, N. Mex., ii, 671. Lasher, Col., ii, 189, 520; iii, 55, 57. La Souffriere, Island of Guadeloupe, West In dies, volcano of, iii, 64, 65, 68; Island of St. Vincent, West Indies, volcano of, iii, 64. Las Playas, in the Tule desert, ii, 40. Las Pulgas Grants in California, iii, 178. Las Tinajas Altas, ii, 41. "Last Meeting of Lee and Jackson," painting entitled, v, 409, 410, 411. Latham, Cary, iv, 623, 624, 625. Christopher (Jr.), v, 548. Edward (Capt.), v, 548. Elizabeth (Masters), iv, 624. Lank Combe, England, iv, 358, 359. Lannington, N. J., iii, 205. Lansdown, Pa., iii, 540. Lansing, Catherine Gansevoort (Mrs.), iv, 258. Lansingburg, N. Y., iii, 577. La Paz, Cal., ii, 39. Lapham family, iii, 186. John, iii, 186. La Place, , iv, 13. Laplanders, v, 76, 80. La Pommeraie, Normandy, iv, 352, 354, 362. La Popa, Cartagena, ii, 172. La Purification, ii, 41. Laramie, Wyo., i, 476. Larcom, Lucy, verses to Kansas by, ii, 249. ] INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES Lardner, Dr., i, 278. Lamed, , i, 674. Charles W. (Col., U. S. A.), iv, 466. La Rochelle, France, ii, 44; iv, 125. Larrabee, Madame, i, 516. Lartell, Daniel, iii, 122. Lane, Benjamin C, i, 230. Captain, i, 565; iii, 203, 211, 381. Family, i, 565, 566, 567. Henry S. (Gov.), i, 567. James H., iii, 629, 635. Joseph (Gen.), i, 566, 567; iii, 634; v, 516, 521; photograph of, v, 520. Ralph (Sir), i, 565. Senator, iv, 212. William Carr (Gov.), iii, 553, 554. William Coolidge, iii, 202. Lane University, Kan., iii, 635. Langdenburgh, Adjt., iii, 55. Langdon, George, iii, 131. Lange, (Rev.), ii, 466. Langford, Nathaniel P. (Hon.), iv, 166. Langhorne, Brig.-Gen., ii, 510. Langley, British Columbia, ii, 636; Marsh, Buckinghamshire, England, v, 418. Langton Washe, Essex, England, v, 586. Languenoe, France, iv, 126. Eunice, iv, 627. Eunice (Forsythe), iv, 625, 630; v, 554, 559. Family, ii, 501-513; iv, 623-631; coat-of- arms, ii, 513; iv, 623; English manor house, ii, 504; genealogical study of the progeny of, ii, 501-513. Hannah, iv, 624, 629. Isabella, iv, 623. Jane, iv, 624. John, iv, 624. Jonathan (Deacon), iv, 625, 626, 627. Jonathan (Jr.), v, 548. Joseph, iv, 624. Lambo, v, 548, 554, 559. Lewis (Falconer to Charles I), American descendants, ii, 507-511; iv, 623-631; ancestry, ii, 506; appointment as Fal coner to Charles I, ii, 506; arms borne by, ii, 306; chart showing descendants, ii, 512, 513; portrait, ii, 503. Lucy, iv, 627. Lydia, iv, 624. Mary (Avery), iv, 625, 626, 627, 628. Mrs., iv, 628. Rebecca (Wells), iv, 624. Robert, iv, 624.. Susanna (Winslow), iv, 624. Thomas, iv, 624. William, iv, 623, 624; v, 548. William (Capt.), iv, 623, 625, 626, 627, 628, 630; v, 548, 549, 550, 551, 554. Latham Manor House, Lancashire, England, ii, 504. Lathrop, John (Rev.), v, 350, 351. [143 Latin School, Boston, Mass., iv, 299. La Tinaja, ii, 41. Latrobe's Address on Mason and Dixon Line, iii, 566. Latta, J. W. (Gen.), iii, 568. Lattemor, Lieut.-Col., ii, 185. Lattimore, Lieut.-Col., iii, 279. Laud, William (Archbishop), iii, 498; iv, 373; v, 243, 349, 350, 354. Laughlin, James (Ensign), iii, 286. Lauraguais, France, v, 174. Laurain, , i, 437. Laurel Hill Cemetery, Philadelphia, Pa., v, 71. Laurel Ridge Mountain, iv, 114. Laurel River, i, 666. Laurens, Jean Paul, dedication of mural painting of "Surrender at Yorktown," by, v, 171, 173; photograph of paint ing "Surrender at Yorktown," by, v, 174, 175; brief biography and summary of work of, v, 174, 175. Laurie, Capt., iv, 71. Laurier, M. (Premier), ii, 382, 423. Wilfred (Sir), ii, 15, 26. Laussat, Commissioner, proclamation of ced ing of Louisiana to the U. S. made by, iv, 616. Lauzman, Duke of, iii, 284. Lava Beds in Western America, ii, 40. Laval, iii, 518. Laverdiere, , portrait of Champlain by, ii, 119. La Verendrye, , early explorations in North America by, iv, 166, 171, 180, 181, 184. Law, George, i, 269. Law, International, iv, 12. Law School of Cincinnati, 0., v, 423. La Warre, John (Sir), iv, 142. Lawes, Francis, v, 191. Lawrence, , i, 453; iii, 124, 418, 425, 426, 444; iv, 308. Captain, ii, 109, 332. Deacon, iii, 120. Elizabeth, v, 53. Hannah (Cornell), iv, 557. Henry (Col.), iv, 32. James, iii, 120, 124. John, ii, 353. John (Jr.), iv, 557. Josiah, iii, 120. Love, letters written in 1784 by, iii, 441- 446. Major, i, 737. Thomas (Sir), portrait by, iv, 54. William (Rev.), iii, 441. Lawrence, Kansas, iii, 628, 629, 631, 632, 634; iv, 78; Street, N. Y. City, old print of Dutch church near, iii, 578. Laurenceville, N. J., v, 54, 65, 66; Pa., iv, 116, 117. ] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY Lawrie, Gov., v, 440. Laws of Connecticut Colony, ii, 480-484. Lawson family, arms of the, v, 386. Rowland, coat-of-arms of, v, 386. W. R., i, 690. Lawton, , ii, 24. Colonel, capture of Indian chief, Gernoma, by, ii, 671, 672. George, iv, 569. Mary (Polly), miniature of, iv, 569; de scription from memoirs of a French officer of the American Revolution of, iv, 569, 570. Mercy (Easton), iv, 569. Robert, ii, 365; iv, 569. Sylvester, v, 228. Lay, George Cowles (M. A., LL. B.), iv, 431, 581; v, 275. Mrs., i, 261; iii, 121. Laydon family, iv, 73, 74, 75, 76. Lazier, Dr., iv, 43. Lea, Henry, "Gleanings of England" by, iii, 95. J. Henry, iii, 148. J. Sidney, v, 191, 195, 198. Leach, Jane (Mrs.), iii, 615, 617, 619. Phebe, v, 135. Lead Mines in the Middle West, early, iii, 505-510. Leadville, Col., v, 289. League, standard length of a, iii, 557. Lear, Benjamin L., letters of administration of the estate of Gen. Kosciuszko grant ed to, ii, 374. Tobias, iii, 53. Leare, John, iv, 98. Learnard, Simon (Lieut.), Hi, 57. Ebenezer (Brig.-Gen.), Revolutionary ser vice of, iii, 204, 206. Leary, , iv, 204. Leavenworth, Brigade Maj., ii, 650. Leavenworth (Kan.), iv, 78; Town Company, iii, 628. Leaves, Ellen, iii, 607. Lebanon, Conn., iii, 429; iv, 377; v, 134; birth of the American painter, John Trum bull, at, iii, 197; Dr. Wheelock's School in, iii, 378; old Philogrammatican Li brary at, i, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185; 0., ii, 691, 692. Lebbeus, Alfred (Dr.), iv, 297. Leblond, Aug. (Hon.), v, 177, 182. Le Breton, George W., v, 527, 528, 533, 534. Lechuguilla desert, ii, 41. Lecompte, Chief Justice, iii, 629. Lecompton (Kan.), Constitution, iii, 629, 635; history of, iii, 627-635; photographs of old buildings in, iii, 633; publication of the, iii, 629, 630, 631. Le Despencer, Eleanor (De Clare), v, 584. House of, v, 598. Hugh, v, 584. Margaret, v, 584, 585. Philip (Sir), v, 584. Ledyard, Capt., ii, 184, 514. Colonel, v, 544. Ebenezer, v, 548, 554. Fanny, v, 554. Guy Carlton, v, 554. William (Col.), iv, 625, 626, 627, 629; v, 548, 549, 551, 552, 553, 554. Youngs (Capt.), v, 548. Lee, , iii, 14. Alice Hathaway, ii, 226. Anne (Caldwell), iii, 458. Arthur (Dr.), iv, 384; transcript of a let ter written to the Earl of Hillsborough in 1768, by, ii, 659. Caroline (Haskell), ii, 226. Charles (Maj.-Gen.), iv, 565; v, 155. Family, ii, 677; v, 71, 309. Fitzhugh (Gen.), photograph of army near "White House," the estate of, iii, 18. General, i, 55, 451, 586; iii, 251, 360; iv, 297; v, 6. George Cabot, ii, 226. Jack, iii, 458. Jason (Rev.), v, 506, 516, 521, 522, 527, 528; photograph of, v, 538. John Clarence, ode by, iv, 76. "Light Horse" Harry, ii, 706; iv, 513; pho tograph of memorial to the boy bugler of, ii, 710. Major, ii, 518; iii, 54. Mary R. (Custis), iv, 503. Richard Henry, i, 670; ii, 364; iv, 96, 100, 546; portrait of, iv, 57; Lee's life of, v, 51, 71. Robert E. (Gen.), i, 81; iii, 239, 627; iv, 319, 502, 503; v, 187, 201; burial place of, iv, 336; Centenary of, i, 81; photo graph of, iii, 22; birth of, iii, 22; grad uation at West Point of, iii, 22; ser vice in the Mexican War of, iii, 22; command of the Confederate army in the Civil War by, iii, 22; death of, iii, 22; photographs obtained within the Confederate lines by permission, Hi, 38; surrender of, iv, 10, 332. Samuel, iv, 557. Thomas, iv, 99. Thomas Ludwell (Col.), iv, 100. Lee and Jackson, Julios' painting of last meeting of, v, 409, 410, 411. Lee resolution in Declaration of Independ ence, iv, 147. Leech, Maj., iii, 58. Leeds, Cary (Capt.), v, 548. Daniel, Hi, 265. Elizabeth (Latham), iv, 624. John, iv, 624. Mary, iv, 629. Leete, , i, 247. William (Gov.), i, 248. [144] INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES Leeward Islands, i, 490, 491. Le Fevre, , the painter, iii, 491. Leffingwell, Elizabeth, iv, 401. Family, iii, 385; iv, 402. Mary (Bushnell), iv, 402. Thomas, iv, 402. Leffingwell and Pierpont, firm of, iv, 279. Leffinwell, Ebenezer, iii, 278, 279. Lefort, , reproduction of etching of Christopher Columbus by, ii, 112. Legge, Arthur Kaye (Capt.), iv, 276, 278. Legion of Honor, palace of, v, 175. Lehigh Canal, iv, 407. Lehigh River, settlements on the, iii, 432; iv, 117. Lehman, , iv, 204. Phillip Theodore, iv, 110. Le Hunt, Adam, i, 525. Leicester, Earl of, i, 521; iv, 364. Leicester, Mass., iii, 121, 123; v, 146; photo graph of site of home of Peter Salem at, v, 145. Leicestershire, England, iii, 266; v, 130, 195, 426; Mead family of, iv, 448. Leisler, Jacob, iv, 126; v, 388, 390, 432. Leiter, L. Z., ii, 215. Mary, ii, 26. Le Jeune, iii, 518. Pere, account of the Huron Indians by, ii, 378. Leland, (Rev), iii, 85, 86. Leland Stanford University, i, 22; iii, 491. Lelande, Baptiste, trading expedition to Santa Fe of, iii, 464. Leland's Itinerary, iv, 354. Lell, George, iii, 231. Lely, Peter (Sir), iv, 623; portrait of Lewis Latham, falconer to Charles I, said to have been painted by, ii, 506; reproduc tion of miniature by, ii, 643; reproduc tion of portrait of Sir Charles Hobby by, iii, 97. Lemaire, , i, 683. Joseph, i, 677. Lemieux, Rudolphe, ii, 5. Lemon, Jacob, ii, 209. John, ii, 672. Leney, , engraving by, iv, 92. Lenox family, ii, 59. Robert, i, 411, 412. Lenox Library, New York City, i, 412, 432; book plate of Gov. Lewis Mooris at, ii, 120; early documents relating to Vir ginia in, 'i, 527, 529, 530, 531, 532, 534, 535; petition from Massachusetts to Charles II at, ii, 122; rare narrative of Georgia, at, ii, 123. Lenox, Mass., i, 509, 511. Lent, Charles, ii, 184. Hendrick, ii, 184. Jacob, ii, 184. . Lenthall, John, v, 606. [145 Lenton, Agnes, v, 349. John, v, 349. Leominster, Mass., i, 80; iii, 120. Leonard, (Rev.), iv, 372. Abiel, iv, 515. Captain, v, 568. Colonel, ii, 350, 355. George H., v, 230. Sarah, iv, 376. Leopold of Belgium, ii, 33; Order of, iii, 315. Le Ray, , i, 750, 751, 759; ii, 597, 606- 611. Charles (Marquis), ii, 597, 611, 612, 614. Cornelia (De Gerdy), ii, 611. Cornelia (Juhel), ii, 611. Cornelia (Livingston), ii, 607. Family, ii, 597, 601 ; American estate of, ii, 606-611. Grace (Coxe), ii, 597, 602, 604. de Chaumont, Jacques Dontien, espousal of the cause of the American Revolution by, ii, 597, 598; reproduction of por trait of, ii, 599; transcript of letter from John Adams to, ii, 600; tran script of letter to John Adams from, ii, 600, 601; friendship with Benjamin Franklin of, ii, 601; financial ruin caused by the French Revolution of, ii, 601; death of, ii, 601; Franklin's eulogy in a letter to George Washing ton of, ii, 602. James D., birth of, ii, 601; visit to Amer ica to effect settlement of claims of French creditors by, ii, 602; marriage of, ii, 602; attitude toward French Revolution of, ii, 603; allegiance to Emperor Napoleon of, ii, 603; repro ductions of portraits of, ii, 603, 604; naturalization as an American citizen of, ii, 604; negotiation of a European loan to build the Erie Canal by, ii, 604; encouragement of French immigration to New York State by, ii, 605; friendship with Joseph Bonaparte of, ii, 605; home at Le Raysville, N. Y., of, ii, 606, 607; second marriage of, ii, 607; re production of home of, ii, 608; piety and benevolence of, ii, 608, 609, 610; friendship with John Adams of, ii, 610, 611; return to France and death of, ii, 612. Jenny (De Valosi), ii, 611. Vincent, i, 749; ii, 597, 607; marriages of, ii, 611; miniature of, ii, 614. Le Raysville, N. Y., Le Ray de Chaumont es tate at, ii, 606-611. Leslie, , i, 396. Alexander (Earl of Levin and Melville), v, 54, 57, 66. David (Rev.), v, 522, 527. William (Hon.), v, 54. ] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY Lester, Amos, v, 548. Daniel D., v, 548. John (Ensign), v, 548. . Jonas, v, 548. Wait, v, 548. Lestock, Richard (Commodore), command of a division of the English fleet in its attack on Cartagena by, ii, 319, 322, 329; transcript of Admiral Vernon's in structions for the division of the fleet under command of, ii, 333; councils of war signed by, ii, 334, 335, 338. Leston, Kent, England, iii, 291. Letterman, Jonathan (Dr.), v, 374. Letters from early American Naval Officers, ii, 106, 107. Letters from early settlers in America, ii, 97-100. Letters, news carried before the advent of newspapers by means of, ii, 493, 494. Letters of an American lady written in 1784, transcript of, iii, 441-446. Leutze, Emmanuel, painting by, iv, 24, 25. Leverett, John (Maj.-Gen.), i, 122; old print of battery erected at Boston by, ii, 493. Levin, Earl of, v, 54. Levington, Maj., ii, 520. Levins, Esther, ii, 308. Fanny, ii, 308. John (Capt.), ii, 308. Joseph, ii, 308. Matilda, ii, 308. Nancy, ii, 308. Levy, Vice-Admiral, ii, 171, 175. Lewes, Del., iii, 560. Lewis, , i, 235, 437, 467-473, 476, 477, 479, 481, 482; iv, 602. Andrew (Gen.), ii, 210, 276, 279; iii, 284. Bettie, i, 372. B. L. (Hon.), iii, 567. Col., i, 59; ii, 520; iii, 54, 56, 57. David M., i, 751. Eleanor (Bowles), iii, 288. Eleanor (Custis), ii, 178. Eleanor P. (Mrs.), v. 186. Elizabeth (Jones), v, 471. Elizabeth (Warner), inscription on tomb of, iii, 287. Fielding, i, 372. Isabella ( ), iii, 288. James, iii, 127. Jane (Strother), v, 471. John, iii, 287, 288; v, 471. Joseph (Lieut.), v, 548. Lawrence, i, 372. Mrs., ii, 178. Mary (Chiswell), inscription on tomb of, iii, 288. Meriwether, iv, 219, 220.; portrait of, v, 510. Minnie (Carter), iv, 602. Morgan (Judge), ii, 53. R. Byrd, iv, 89. [146 Samuel, iii, 127. Thomas, i, 288; v, 471. Warner (Lieut.), iii, 286, 288. Lewis and Clark expedition to the North west, i, 467, 468, 469, 470, 471, 472, 473, 474, 476, 477, 478, 479, 481, 483; iii, 509; v, 500, 505, 521; photographs of route of, v, 495, 498; portraits of leaders of, v, 510; photograph of only living witness of arrival of, v, 521. Lewisburg (Pa.), University, iv, 297. Lewisburg, W. Va., Camp Union at, ii, 278. Lewiston (Me.) Journal, transcript from ar ticle on Commodore Samuel Tucker in, iii, 439, 440. Lexington Alarm, ii, 299; iii, 202, 209; iv, 136; v, 305; battle of, i, 11, 74, 124, 321, 376, 377, 378, 434, 442, 505, 669, 678, 704, 705; ii, 66, 434, 647, 704; Hi, 133, 202, 203, 209, 211, 212, 248, 298, 379; iv, 245, 257, 297, 488, 561, 587, 625; v, 134, 140, 144, 158, 187, 303, 305, 454, 565, 634; engravings of battle of, iv, 60, 227; first account of the battle of, iv, 65-72; first American battleship, the, i, 669; photograph of drum used at battle of, iv, 105; transcript of Ol iver Wendell Holmes' poem on the bat tle of, iii, 128. Lexington Historical Society, photograph of historic treasure preserved by, iv, 105. Lexington, Ky., settlement of, i, 665; Mass., i, 124; iii, 123, 124; old Clark house at, iv, 135; photograph of old Clark house at, iv, 136; outbreak of the Revolution at, iv, 68, 69, 70, 71; Va., i, 81; iii, 22; iv, 319, 327, 334; Washington and Lee University at, i, 209; photograph of, at, iv, 502. Leyden, Holland, iv, 284, 388, 451, 473, 476; v, 420; Pilgrims in, iv, 485; University of, v, 388. Libby Prison, ii, 37. Liberal Party in England, first use of the name, ii, 341. Liberia, Africa, i, 79; colony of freed Amer ican negroes in, iii, 621-626; organiza tion of free negro colony in, iv, 198, 200, 202, 205, 206, 211, 213; plan for colonization of, iii, 454. Liberty, founding of patriotic society of Daughters of, ii, 365; patriotic society of Sons of, ii, 363, 364, 365. Lick, James, bequest for the erection of a monument to the author of the "Star- Spangled Banner" by, iii, 166. Lick Observatory, University of California, article by Director of the, iv, 13. Licking County, Ohio, ii, 307. Licking Summit, Ohio, opening of the Ohio canal at, ii, 691. Lieber, Francis (Prof.), iv, 7. ] INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES "Life," reproduction of cartoons originally published in the comic weekly, ii, 218, 220, 221, 222. Lifeboat Cove, iii, 334. Lightfoot family, iii, 286. Philip, iii, 286. Lightning Rod, first European, ii, 600. Ligonier Valley, Pa., iii, 218. Liguama, Jamaica, Parish of, iv, 35. Liii, — , ii, 421. Lillie, John, iii, 54. Lilly's Abridgment Quartos, i, 184; Latin Grammar, i, 719. Lima, Governing Lords of the Royal Council of, iii, 176. Limerick, Ireland, County of, i, 170. Lincoln, (Hobbs), v, 190. Abraham (President), i, 97, 98, 100, 135, 137, 157, 440, 585; ii, 214, 254, 434, 596; iii, 2-4, 12, 13-15, 360, 459; iv, 214, 524, 549, 631; v, 3, 192, 195, 223, 626; ap pointment of United States Judge for the district of West Virginia by, ii, 211; assassination of, ii, 245; iv, 213; bas-relief in use on national currency of the head of, iv, 4; biography of, ii, 245; bronze medal in commemoration of anniversary of, iii, 151; call for vol unteers by, iv, 558; centenary of the birth of, iii, 1; code of warefare pro mulgated by, iv, 7; collection contain ing rare portrait of, iii, 251; early life of, iii, 629; efforts to plant colonies of freed negroes of, iv, 200-213; Emanci pation Proclamation of, ii, 554; first call for volunteers by, ii, 250; Gettys burg speech of, ii, 534; inauguration of, ii, 245; last photograph of, iii, 25: medal in commemoration of centennial of, iv, 459; photograph of Gen. Mc Clellan and, iii, 20; photograph taken at Antietam of, iii, 19; portraits of, v, 199, 200, 202-209, 112-114; portraits of Cabinet officers of, v, 210, 211; speech made in Congress by, ii, 615; statue of, ii, 246; study of ancestry of, v, 187- 198. Anne (Bird), v, 190. Bathsheba (Herring), v, 192, 195. Benjamin (Gen.), birth of, iii, 209; por trait of, iv, 57; service in the Revo lution of, iii, 209; secretaryship in Washington's cabinet of, iii, 209; death of, iii, 209. Countess of, ii, 494. Daniel, v, 191. Earl of, i, 204; v, 139, 153. Edward, v, 190, 191, 192, 198. Elizabeth (Remching), v, 190, 191, 192, 198. Family, v, 188-198. Fanny (Levins), ii, 308. Governor, iv, 416. [147 Hannah (Salter), v, 192, 196, 197. Henry, v, 190. John (Rev., Sir), v, 189. Joseph, ii, 308. Levi, iv, 415. Margery (Dunham), v, 190. Mary (Shipley), v, 192. Mordecai (Jr.), v, 192, 196, 197. Mrs., v, 200. Nancy (Hanks), iv, 549; marriage and an cestry of, v, 192-195. Nicholas (Rev.), v, 189. Richard, v, 190, 191, 192, 198. Robert, v, 190, 191. Robert T. (Hon.), daguerreotype of Presi dent Lincoln now in possession of, v, 199. Samuel, v, 191, 192, 198. Sarah (Bush), v, 193. Sarah (Jones), v, 192, 198. Thomas, v, 191-195. Thomas ("Tad"), photograph of President Lincoln taken with his son, v, 212. William Wallace, v, 212. Lincoln-Douglas debate, iv, 631. Lincoln Farm Association, v, 193. Lincoln Museum, Washington, D. C, repro ductions of portraits from, v, 209, 213. Lincoln, Neb., account of documents, regard ing first American prohibition laws, preserved at, iv, 397, 398. Lincoln Sea, iii, 646. Lincolne family, blazons of arms of the, v, 190, 191. Lincoln's Ancestry, announcement of publica tion of, v, 321; publication, v, 187, 413. Lincoln's History of Worcester, Mass., iv, 68. Lincolnshire, England, v, 189, 301, 348, 349, 584; Cope family of, iii, 190; families and estates of, ii, 95, 96; Visitation of, v, 301. Lincorne, Samuel, v, 191. Lind, Jennie, i, 626. Lindall, Elizabeth, iii, 96. James, iii, 96. Lindsborg, Kan., Bethany College at, ii, 251. Lindsey, Earl of, v, 595. Lineages in America, historic, v, 293-311. Lines, Berys, i, 94. Lingan, Miss, i, 79. Lingard, Richard (Rev., Dr.), article on and transcripts from first book printed in New York City written by, iii, 265-274. Linn, Edith Willis, iii, 441. Elizabeth, i, 238. John B. (Hon.), iv, 110. John Blair (Dr.), i, 239. Lewis Field (Senator), v, 521, 522; portrait of, v, 523. William (Dr.), i, 238. Linnaeus, , iv, 575. Linsey, Earl of, i, 204. 1 THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY Linton, England, iv, 358. Lintot, , i, 350. Bernard, i, 352. Lippe-Detmold, announcement of Depart ment of Journal of American History for Genealogical Research in, v, 322. Lippincott, James Dundas, ii, 96. Richard (Capt.), iii, 307. Lippitt, Charles Warren (Gov.), ii, 511, 512. Christopher (Col.), ii, 510. Henry (Gov.), ii, 511, 512. Lisa, Emanuel, i, 234. Lisbon, O., i, 27; Portugal, i, 307, 308; ii, 267. Lispenard, , iii, 55; brewery in New York City of, ii, 355. Litchfield, Earl of, v, 187. Litchfield, Conn., i, 74, 506, 684, 717, 719, 724; ii, 527; iv, 599; Bethlehem Meet ing House near, i, 719; inoculation for smallpox of Revolutionary soldiers at, i, 720, 721; reproduction of photograph of gravestone at, iv, 296. Litchfield County, Conn., i, 551, 554; ii, 343; iv, 301, 439, 596. Literary Geminae, i, 154. Literature, article on, iv, 20; Nobel prize for, ii, 36. Lithuania, Poland, birth of Kosciuszko at, ii, 369. Little, Col., iii, 278. Dr., ii, 529. Family, ii, 307; iv, 149. John, v, 455. Nathaniel, ii, 307. Little Alleghany Mountains, iii, 564. Little Anamessecks River, iv, 308. Little Antietam River, ii, 463. Little Baddow, England, v, 243. Little Beard, Indian, iii, 433. Little Big Horn, massacre of Custer's batta lion on the, iii, 227. Little Blue River, ii, 684. Little Britain, London, England, Parish of, iv, 31. Little Butte, on Big Little Horn, Indian mas sacre of Custer's battalion at, iii, 227. Little Cacapon River, W. Va., early settle ments on the, ii, 210. Little Convent, Flanders, the, v, 402. Little Hockhocking, O., ii, 306. Little Hunting Creek, Va., iv, 98. Little Kenawha River, ii, 314. Little Maquoketa River, iii, 508. Little Miami River, iv, 427. Little Rock, Ark., iii, 90. Little Sandy River, ii, 145. Little Tallasee, Alabama, ii, 157, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164; journey of Alexander McGillivray to confer with President Washington regarding the Creek In dians from, ii, 156. [148] Littlecote, Wiltshire, England, v, 584. Littleton, Mass., iii, 124. Livermore Valley, Cal., iii, 396. Liverpool, England, i, 260, 262, 263, 264, 276, 308; v, 247, 248, 251, 252, 262. Livingston, , i, 40; ii, 548, 553; iv, 40, 219, 575; v, 289. Alfred, iv, 38, 39, 46. Amelia, iv, 38. Ann, iv, 39, 46. Brigade Maj., ii, 350, 351, 352, 355. Chancellor, i, 397, 405, 406, 411, 415, 416, 431; ii, 53; v, 301; importing of sheep to New York by, ii, 61. Charles, iv, 39. Cornelia, ii, 607. Eliza, iv, 39, 46. Family, announcement of publication con taining chapter on the, v, 316; vault, Trinity Churchyard, New York City, i, 395, 430; ii, 62. Frances (Bayard), iv, 38. Governor, i, 76, 77; ii, 306. Harriet, i, 421; iv, 38, 39. James, iv, 38. John, iv, 45. John (Col.), iv, 143. John R., i, 428. Judith, iv, 42. Lieut., iv, 348. Lydia, iv, 39. Maria, iv, 38, 39. Mary (Winthrop), iv, 143. Philip I., iv, 38, 40, 45. Robert, i, 44; v, 388. Robert R., i, 418; negotiations for Louisi ana Puchase by, iv, 609-616; transcript of agreement made by, ii, 165. Walter, i, 421. William, iv, 38, 39. William (Gov.), iii, 569. Livingston Manor, N. Y., i, 504; v, 301. Livingstone, explorations in Africa of, ii, 38. Llanddewi, Cardigan, Wales, v, 307. Llano Estacado, iv, 212. Llewellyn, Prince of Wales, v, 317. Llombrissonet, Glamorganshire, Wales, ii, 109. Lloyd, Capt., ii, 136. Walter, iii, 604. Lloyd's Neck, L. I., iv, 128, 129. Llyn, Carnarvonshire, North Wales, v, 307. Lobb, on Fevers, i, 185. Lobos Creek, Cal., early Spanish explorers on the, iii, 175; fortifying by the United States government of the mouth of, iii, 175. Lochy, Archibald (Col.), iv, 604. Lock, Eleanor (Bowles), iii, 288. Family, iv, 149. INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES Locke, John, attempt to make political power in America dependent upon hereditary rank by, ii, 121; autograph of, ii, 121; portrait of, ii, 121. Locklin, Silas C, ii, 251. Locket, , ii, 136. Lockwood, , v, 131. Capt., i, 446, 447, 448. Daniel, i, 95. Edward, iv, 624. Elizabeth (Masters), iv, 624. Samuel, i, 95; iii, 386. Locomotive, invention of the, iv, 6. Locquerie, Lord of, v, 404. Locust Street, Philadelphia, i, 656. Lodecota, Tremington, England, iv, 358. Lodge, , i, 674. Henry Cabot (Senator), iv, 469; oration at dedication of monument to the Pil grims delivered by, iv, 487-490. Loeb, William, ii, 176; iii, 359. Logan, John A., ii, 215. The Cayuga Indian chief, ii, 391. Logansport, Ind., ii, 37. Loire River, France, ii, 601. Lollards, expulsion from Boston, Mass., of, iii, 187; settlement in Rhode Island of, iii, 187; transcript from a document of the, iii, 187; expulsion from Mas sachusetts Bay Colony of the, iii, 192, 194, 196. London, England, i, 35, 155, 157, 262, 273, 274, 275, 276, 371, 396, 399, 400, 406, 510, 519, 521, 522, 526, 760; ii, 2, 48, 52, 176, 190, 318, 399, 503, 611, 623, 655; iii, 92, 93, 95, 96, 99, 226, 265, 378, 427, 436, 446, 476, 500, 558, 559, 604; iv, 32, 66, 94, 126, 279, 283, 450, 452, 453, 476, 477, 483, 582, 583; v, 117, 189, 253, 307, 349, 363, 403, 407, 418, 453, 607; Amer ican Legation in 1784 at, v, 476; an alderman of, iii, 410; an early phy sician of, iv, 448, 449; at close of 16th century, i, 213; autograph of first Royal Governor of Colony of Maryland preserved in Public Record Office at, ii, 126; Bancroft family of, v, 303; Bishop of, iii, 284; v, 240; death of Benedict Arnold in, iii, 209; early trade with New England of, iii, 92; first English newspaper printed at, ii, 492; first wireless message across the At lantic sent to, ii, 15; fleeing of French refugees after the Revolution to, ii, 52; galleries of, ii, 119; guilds of, i, 213; Hakluyt Society in, iii, 59; journey by stage coach to, i, 315; Lord Mayor of, ii, 82; v, 299; Lyceum Club of, iv, 310; meeting of Interparliamentary Union at, iii, 476; merchant adventurers of, iv, 249, 251; Middle Temple in, ii, 53; Moore family in, iv, 31; Parish of Lit- [149 tie Britain in, iv, 31; old taverns of, i, 213; parish of St. Martin's-in-the- Fields in, ii, 506; portrait of John Locke in the National Portrait Gallery at, ii, 121; purchase of pistols used in the Hamilton-Burr duel in, ii, 55; Rec ord Office in Chancery Lane in, iv, 284; reproductions of photographs of Coronation Chair and Crown, jewels at, v, 170, 172; portrait in National Por trait Gallery in, iv, 58; Rev. Cotton Mather's visit for the purpose of ob taining a new charter for Massachu setts to, ii, 494; Tower of, i, 398; iv, 371; v, 595; triple portrait of Cardinal Richelieu in National Gallery at, ii, 118; visit of Gov. Edward Winslow of Plymouth Colony to, ii, 126, 127; Com pany, the, i, 10, 241, 527; iii, 556, 557, 558; iv, 97, 142, 449; granting of sec ond charter of Virginia to the, ii, 123; settlement of Jamestown, Va., by the, i, 565. Londonderry, Ireland, i, 73, 618; iii, 81; N. H, i, 73; iii, 379; v, 473; Pa., iv, 443. Lone Star Republic, ii, 553. Long, , ii, 387, 394. Captain, ii, 332. Colonel, iii, 210. Crawford W. (Dr.), i, 30. Long Branch, N. J., iii, 298, 305. Long Falls, now Carthage, N. Y., ii, 607. Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, i, 64, 203; iii, 392; iv, 20; bas-relief of, i, 64; Centenary of birth of, i, 64; fac-simile of manuscript of poem by, iii, 586-589; photograph of home of, iv, 134; pho tograph of statue of, iii, 9. Long Ferry Tavern, on the Raritan River, re production of drawing of the, v, 439. Long Island, i, 288, 445, 722, 737, 738; ii, 66; iv, 38, 46, 115, 127, 128, 129, 130, 379, 433; v, 258, 262, 440, 444, 450; Battle of, i, 342, 720; iii, 300; iv, 245, 341; v, 100; British soldiers during Revolution in, i, 458; burning of Long Beach Hotel on, ii, 35; description from a rare document of New Netherlands of, iii, 154-156; early settlement from Mass. Colony on, v, 363; early settlers in Conn, from, iv, 452; emigration of Quakers and Baptists to, v, 196, 197; Historical Society of, iv, 137; old draw ing of site of New York City from the, iii, 576, 577; occupation by Washing ton's army of, iii, 300; Onderdonk fam ily of, iv, 35; Presbytery of, iv, 379; Revolutionary army on, ii, 350, 351, 514, 517, 520, 527; iii, 54, 55; Smith estate on, v, 475; Long Island Sound, i, 401, 405, 415, 446, 545, 706; iv, 433, 623, 631; battle of the War of 1812 on, ] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY (Long Island Sound) ii, 223, 224; first teamboat on, i, 429 Revolutionary action on, v, 550-560 photograph of battlefield on, v, 561 Van Boerum family of, iv, 394; Willett family of, ii, 509. Long, Maj., i, 437. Long Meadow, in Springfield, Mass., iii, 121. Long Parliament, the, iv, 250. Long, Peter, iii, 117. Longlands, English estate of, v, 116. Longley, Lieut.-Col., ii, 354, 516, 652; iii, 54, 278, 582. Longman, Evelyn Beatrice, photographs of bas-reliefs by, iii, 182, 183, 184. Longmans, publishing house of, iii, 187. Longstone Street, Ghent, Flanders, v, 404. Longstreet's charge at Gettysburg, iv, 558. Longstreth, Joseph, i, 36. Longworth, , i, 427. Nicholas, ii, 226. Susan (Walker), ii, 226. Loomis, Burdette, iv, 298; reproduction of family portraits by permission of, iv, 288, 289. Charles Battell, iv, 298. Chauncey L. (Rev.), iv, 297. Dwight (Judge), iv, 298. Eben Jenks (Prof.), iv, 297. Elias (LL. D., Prof.), iv, 284. Elisha (Prof.), iii, 146. Elisha (Rev.), iv, 297. Elisha Scott (Ph. D.), iv, 283. Elizabeth (Mrs.), reproduction of silhou ette of, iv, 288. Family, iii, 146; iv, 631; Association, iv, 298; researches in England on the, iv, 283-298. Francis B. (Hon.), iv, 298. Frederick B. (Prof.), iv, 298. George (Rev.), iv, 297. George W. (Supt.), iv, 298. Ham, silhouette of, iv, 289; silhouette of wife of, iv, 288. Harriet Allyn (Mrs.), portrait of, iv, 288. Henry (Rev.), iv, 297. Hiram B., iv, 298. Isaac Newton (Prof.), iv, 297. John, fac-simile of English Church records showing autograph of, iv, 291. John H. (Hon.), iv, 297. John Mason (Col.), iv, 298. John (Prof.), iv, 297. Joseph, i, 327; iii, 146; photograph of Eng lish church in which took place the marriage of, iv, 282; immigration to America of, iv, 283; ancestry of, iv, 284; descendants of, iv, 286, 290; rec ords bearing signature of, iv, 292, 293; photograph of American homestead built by, iv, 295. Justin Ralph (Rev.), iv, 297. [150] Laurus, iv, 297. Levi C, iv, 297. Mahlon (Dr.), iv, 297. Mary (White), iii, 146; iv, 282, 283, 286. Nathaniel, iv, 377. Odiah, portrait of, iv, 289. Odiah (Mrs.), portrait of, iv, 288. Loomis House, Windsor, Conn., i, 327. Loomis Institute, Windsor, Conn., iv, 295, 298. Loockermans family, announcement of pub lication containing chapter on the, v, 316. Lookout Mountain, ii, 523; photograph taken before the battle of, Hi, 364. Lopez, Narciso, ii, 427. Lord, (Taylor), v, 134. Alice Frost, iii, 435. Benjamin (Dr.), iv, 402. Rev., v, 134. Family, announcement of publication of genealogy containing reproduction in color of arms of the, v, 322. Maj., ii, 520. Lord Drummore's War in W. Va., v, 99. Lords, House of, English Liberal Party's ef fort to abolish the, ii, 26. Lorenz, H. A. (Dr.), ii, 667. Loreto, Presidio of, iii, 398. L'Orient, France, i, 396. Lorimer, George Horace, i, 439. Loring, Capt., i, 757. Charles H., death of, ii, 36. Daniel, ii, 307. Jonathan (Lieut.-Col.), Revolutionary ser vices of, iii, 205. Lorraine, accumulation of wealth by, iii, 41; Duke of, v, 335, 336; emigration to America from, ii, 276; portrait of geographer who made map of the world in 1507 in, v, 333; account of historic map produced in, v, 335-337; facsmilie of imprint-mark of Gymnase Vosgien in, v, 338; painting of geog rapher of, v, 339; map of the world made in, v, 342, 343; historic building and church in, v, 344, 345. Los Angeles, Cal., i, 617, 620; iii, 398; iv, 261; v, 383, 384, 385, 423; derivation of the name of, ii, 524; photograph of work of sculptor of, iii, 180; reproduc tions of mural paintings in the resi dence of Gen. Harrison Grey Otis at, iii, 102; 103; reproductions of photo graphs taken by C. C. Pierce & Com pany of, iii, 105, 107, 109, 111. Los Angeles River, ii, 524; iii, 110. Los Palacios, Spain, iii, 61. Los Pozos de en Medio, ii, 41. Lossing, , i, 661; ii, 123; v, 86; "Har per's Cyclopedia of U. S.- History" by, iv, 382. INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES Lossing, "Field Book" by, iii, 205, 208, 209, 210, 212, 213, 215, 379. Lossmg's History of the U. S., v, 162. Lost Springs, Kan., photograph of monu ment marking the old Santa Fe Trail at, iii, 467. Lott, Colonel, ii, 185; Revolutionary militia of, ii, 353. Lottery, authorization by Congress, for the purpose of obtaining funds for the Revolution of a., ii, 627. Loudoun County, Va., iii, 619; v, 483. Loudoun, , ii, 394. Loughborough, Lord, iv, 438. Loughridge, , v, 89. Louis XL, ii, 601; v, 402; XII., ii, 601; XIII., i, 24; XIV, i, 24; ii, 167; iii, 79, 284; iv, 124; v, 175; French dominion of Lou isiana in America taken possession of Hi the name of, ii, 213; revocation of Edict of Nantes by, iv, 123, 125; XV., i, 24; ii, 598; v, 287; XVI., i, 24; ii, 598, 599, 603, 606, 612; iii, 307, 308, 539; iv, 124; v, 175. Louisburg, Canada, first siege by English of, v, 17-32; Gilmore's Report on N. H. troops at siege of, v, 23; Cape Breton, siege of, iii, 215; v, 151, 152, 162; capture of, ii, 400; expedition against, i, 182; v, 74; siege and capture of, i, 704; iv, 380; diary, of the chaplain of the expedition of 1745 against, iii, 119, 127. Louisiana, i, 14, 24; ii, 213, 592; iii, 622; iv, 212; admission into the Union of, i, 14; an early American artist of, v, 409, 410; reproduction of work by an early artist of, v, 411; attempt of Aaron Burr to establish an empire in, v, 565-570, 575-577; cane brake in, ii, 24; ceding to Spain of, iii, 463; Co lonial mail route to, v, 450; Coloniza tion Society, colonizing of Liberia, Af rica, with negroes by, iii, 621, 622; dan ger of an Indian invasion in the Mexi can war of, ii, 620 ; development of sug ar industry of, i, 652; French territory of, v, 18; Province of, iii, 508; Pur chase of, i, 437; ii, 59, 309, 548, 553, 554, 558, 592, 627; iii, 617; iv, 214, 219, 220, 609-616; v, 287, 289, 500; centennial of the, iv, 616; Exposition, i, 472; U. S. Commissioners who re ceived the, iv, 616; Randolph family of, iv, 29; self-government of slaves of a planter of, iii, 621-626, Southern hospitality and aristocracy of old, i, 352; State Historical Association, ii, 155; University of, iii, 233, 555; iv, 197; v, 409, 410; painting in the, v, 411. Louisville, Ky., i, 343, 344, 350, 667, 688; iv, 105, 561, 564; early social life at, i, 343; early Sunday observance in, i, 668; Herald, i, 380; Hospital College of Medicine in, iv, 29; laying out and first settlement of, i, 668; transcript from tribute to Abraham Lincoln by Col. Henry Watterson of, iii, 16. Lount, , v, 217. Louth, Ireland, v, 513. Louvain, Flanders, v, 398; France, v, 183. Louvre, Paris, France, the, v, 174; statue of Lafayette erected by American school children in court of the, ii, 550. Love, W. E. (Capt.), gold mining expedition in N. Mex., under command of, iii, 547. Love's "Navigation of the Connecticut Riv er," iv, 408, 409, 410, 411, 412, 414, 415. Lovelace, Francis (Gov.), i, 245; v, 430, 431. Loveland, Ashal, i, 230. Loveless, , ii, 150. Lovell Family, ii, 264. Patience, i, 163. Lovewell, Maj., iii, 124. Low, Anthony, autograph of, ii, 447, 510. John Wilson, autograph of, ii, 446. Philip (Maj.), ii, 510. Samuel (Capt.), ii, 510. Lowell, James, iii, 452. James Russell, iv, 12. John, v, 156. Percival (Prof.), i, 576. Lowell's "Hessians," v, 65. Lower Ferry, N. Y., v, 440. Lower Holcombe, Exminster, England, iv, 358. Lower Norfolk, Va., v, 461. Lower Tale, Hairidge, England, iv, 358. Lowland Cottage, Gloucester Co., Va., iii, 285; photograph of, iii, 296. Lowndes, Lloyd (Gov.), ii, 210. Lowry, Susan C, iv, 602. Thomas S., ii, 130. Lowville, N. Y., ii, 613. Loyal Legion, Military Order of the, v, 97. Loyd, Dr., iv, 271. Lubeck, announcement of Department of Journal of American History for Genealogical Research in, v, 322. Lucas, Edward, ii, 209. Robert (Gov.), ii, 210. Lucayan Indians, iii, 67, 76; conversion to Christianity of the, iii, 77; 79. Lucier, Etienne, v, 534. Lucy, Barbara, i, 522; v, 98. Thomas (Sir), i, 522; v, 98. Lud, Gaultier, founding of Gymnase Vosgien by, v, 335; photograph of building oc- [151] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY (Lud, Gaultier) eupied by, the Gymnase founded by, v, 344. Nicholas, v, 333, 344. Ludington, Abigail, i, 498. Capt., i, 499. Colonel, i, 500, 502, 503, 504, 505, 506, 507, 508. Elisha, i, 498. Ellen, i, 508. Henry (Col.), i, 497, 498, 499, 501, 503, 504. Mary (Knowles), i, 508. Rebecca, i, 502. Sheriff, i, 499. Sibbell, i, 502, 505. William, i, 508. Ludington Mill, Patterson, N. Y., i, 508. Ludlam, , iv, 577. Ludlow Family, i, 65; ii, 75. Roger, ii, 479. Robert Fulton, i, 392, 398, 399, 400, 407. Ludwell, Philip (Col.), iii, 417, 423, 427. (Mrs.), iii, 427. Ludwig, John George, v, 84. Mary ("Molly Pitcher"), photographs of home of, v, 81, 92; photograph of memorial erected to, v, 82; researches regarding life of, v, 83-95; photo graphs of gravestone of, v, 94, 96; photographs of famous well and pitcher of, v, 96. Lumipisoe, now New Haven, Conn., ii, 176. Luist, Robert (Capt.), v, 442. Lukeman, August, bronze statue by, ii, 239; sculpture by, iii, 484, 522, 535. Lum, Benjamin C., i, 183. David (Jr.), i, 183. Lumber trade in Penn. and N. Y., iv, 118, 119. Lumberton, N. C, settlement of, iv, 580. Lummyus, Krysten (Jackson), iv, 284. Krysten (Pasfield), iv, 284. Thomas, iv, 284. Lundy's Lane, battle of, iv, 516; v, 228. Lunenburg, Mass., iii, 120; Va., iii, 454. Lunsford, Thomas (Sir), iv, 98. Lieutenant, iii, 381. , Lupus, Hugh, Earl of Chester, i, 521. Lurg, Ireland, Barony of, ii, 666. Lusitania, new record made by giant tur bine steamer, the, ii, 12. Luther, iv, 124, 472; v, 359. Luther, President, iii, 360. Lutheran Church, New York City, old, iv, 30. Lutheran Synod of North America, death of head of, ii, 36. LuttreU, , iv, 548. Colonel, i, 54. John, iv, 547. Luzerne County, Pa., iv, 116, 434; v, 119, 120; purchase of land by Dr. Robert H. Rose in, i, 748. Luzon, Philippine Islands, ii, 559. Lycoming County, Pa., iv, 113, 115, 119. Lyconine Creek, iv, 114. Lydd, England, iv, 447. Lydenhurst, Lord, i, 262. Lydia, i, 372. Lyham, England, Lord of, v, 471. Lyman, Elizabeth, iv, 376. Hannah, iv, 377. H. S., work on Indian Names by, v, 515. Hepzibah (Ford), iv, 377. Major-General, v, 153. Phineas (Gen.), iii, 113, 115; construction of Ft. Edward under supervision of, iii, 204. Richard, iv, 376, 377. William (Hon.), i, 313. Lyme, Conn., i, 515; v, 461; an old family of, iv, 629. Lynch, , iv, 528. Lynchburg, Va., Episcopal Convention at, i, 663. Lynde, Louise H. (Mrs.), i, 656. Mary, iii, 100. Samuel, iii, 93, 100. Lyndhurst, Lord, v, 367. Lynedock, Lord, i, 265. Lynn, Mass., i, 334; iii, 50, 126; v, 303; an nouncement of publication of geneal ogy of descendants of William Cow- dery of, v, 321; Institution for Sav ings, i, 686; prohibition in, ii, 12. Lynnfield, Mass., v, 303. Lyon, (Rev.), ii, 132. Gen., engraving of death of, v, 45. Patrick, ii, 355. William, iii, 604. Lyons, France, i, 406. [152] M McAlpine, Capt., i, 447, 451. John, ii, 354. McArthur, , ii, 684; iii, 618. Gen., i, 732. McArthur's Regiment of War of 1812, iii, 614. McAuley, George, v, 87. Mary (Mrs.), v, 88, 89. MeBetli, Jean, i, 656. McCarty, Dwight G. (A. M., LL. B.), iii, 217; "The Territorial Governors in the Old Northwest" by, iii, 223. McCauley, George, v, 87. James A. (Rev., D. D.), v, 90. Mary ("Molly Pitcher"), house of, v, 82; photograph of memorial erected to, v, 82; researches regarding, v, 83-95; re productions of photographs of grave of, v, 94, 96. McCharlesworth, John (Maj.), v, 105. McClanahan, , expedition through the Southwest of, iii, 465. McCleaster, Frederick, v, 94. John, v, 94. Mary E., v, 94. Polly (Hays), v, 94, 95. McCleave, Capt., ii, 516; iii, 54. McClellan, George Brinton (Gen.), i, 218, 228; monument in memory of, i, 606; re production of Civil War photograph showing the passing of part of the army of, iii, 256; reproduction of pho tograph of President Lincoln and, iii, 20; reproduction of photograph of President Lincoln bidding farewell at Antietam to, iii, 12. Mayor, election of, ii, 20. McClenahan, P. E., ii, 669. McClernand, John A., ii, 215. John A. (Gen.), photograph of President Lincoln and, iii, 19. McClintock, Francis L. (Admiral, Sir), death of, ii, 37. MeClure, , ii, 149. Frances (Caldwell), iii, 458. Judge, iii, 458. MeCollin, John, iii, 96. McComas, Lewis E. (Senator), death of, ii, 37. McCombs, John, v, 75. McConnelsville, 0., ii, 307. McCorkle, , ii, 151. McCormick, Cyrus H, ii, 215. James, ii, 184. McCoy, J. C, ii, 12. McCracken, Henry M. (Dr.), article on educa tion by, iv, 14. McCrea, James (Rev.), iii, 205. Jane, murder by Indians in the Revolution of, iii, 205; Wilson's Life of, iii, 205. McCrumber, Ensign, iii, 280. McCue, James Halliday (Mrs.), iv, 541. McCuIloeh, Hugh (Sec), photograph of, v, 210. McCullough, , iii, 458. Charles (Telford) (Mrs.), ii, 37. Elizabeth, ii, 37. Joseph B., i, 439. McCullough's Leap, W. Va., iii, 458. McCumber, Ensign, iii, 278. McDonald, Jesse, i, 34. William, iv, 70. McDonough, Maj., iii, 582. McDougal, Col., ii, 184, 186, 190, 514, 516. Gen., ii, 516, 518, 520; iii, 56, 58, 275, 276, 279, 280. McDougal's History of Scotland, v, 141. McDougall, Capt., iii, 228, 231. Col., ii, 350, 351; iii, 280. Gen., ii, 353, 355, 648, 650; iii, 582, 583; iv, 383; v, 163. McDowell, , i, 566; ii, 436. Col., ii, 279; v, 100. Family, iv, 149. William Osborne (LL. D.), ii, 403, 409, 578; draft of constitution for the united nations of the world by, iii, 39; work to secure universal peace and draft of a constitution for the Nations of the World by, ii, 534. McDugal, Alexander (Brig.-Gen.), ii, 190; iii, 58. MeElliot, , iv, 33. McErskine, (Ambassador), iv, 32. (Cadwallader), iv, 32. Lord Chancellor, iv, 32. McFadden, Capt., i, 354, 355. Mrs., i, 354, 355. McGee, W. J. (Dr.), ii, 40. McGill, , i, 455, 456, 458, 459. Capt., i, 451; iv, 129. James, i, 359. Lieut., i, 451. McGill University, Toronto, Canada, burning of, ii, 35. McGillivray, Alexander, ancestry of, ii, 155, 161, 162; death of, ii, 165; diplomatic relations with Great Britain, Spain and the United States of, ii, 155, 160, [153] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY (McGillivray, Alexander) 163; education of, ii, 163; estate of, ii, 164; grave of, ii, 165; journey to con fer with President Washington regard ing the Creek Indians of, ii, 156, 163; partnership in the trading house of Panton and Leslie of, ii, 164; rule over the Creek Indians of, ii, 155-165. Lachlan, ii, 162. McGoffin, J., engraving of Arctic scenes by, iii, 320. McHenry, (Secretary of War), ii, 111. Mclntire, Alexander, iii, 54. Mcintosh, Gen., ii, 232. Mclntyre, Isabel, v, 461. Mclver, Henry R. (Maj.-Gen.), death of, ii, 36. McJunkin burying ground, Union, S. C, i, 375. MeKab, Lieut., i, 451. McKay, Capt., i, 448, 449, 451, 459. McKeen, Sally, portrait of, ii, 180. Thomas, iv, 149. McKee, Gen., iv, 606. James, ii, 37. Jean, ii, 37. McKenney, Lina Moore (Mrs.), i, 73. McKesson, John, i, 411. McKinley, President, i, 15, 19, 27, 599; ii, 24, 239, 409, 429, 433; iv, 297; reception of the Cuban Industrial Commission by, ii, 405; personal contribution and call for a national subscription in aid of the Cubans by, ii, 406; transcript of appeal for annexation of Cuba to the United States made to, ii, 411-440. McKinne, Patience, i, 565. McKissick's Island, Missouri River, v, 282. McKolly, George, v, 87. Molly, v, 87, 88, 91, 94, 95. McKnight, , i, 548; expedition through the Southwest of, iii, 465. McKown, Isabella, i, 58. McLain family, iii, 617. John (Hon.), iii, 617, 618. Judge, iii, 617. Mrs., iii, 617. McLaughlin, Dr., i, 226. , James, journey to the gold fields of the Northwest of the party of, ii, 637. Sergeant, i, 452, 455. Thomas (Capt.), i, 75. McLaughlin Squadron, Grand Army of the Republic, v, 147. McLean, George P. (Hon.), iv, 298. Harry (Sir), ii, 30. McLean House, Appomattox, Va., Civil War photograph taken at, iii, 375. McLellan, Capt., iii, 630. McLoughlin, John (Dr.), v, 505, 506; photo graph of, v, 507. McMahon, , ii, 693. [154 McManus, James (Dr.), i, 675. McMaster, , i, 674; iv, 585. Guy H. (Judge), iv, 115. McMicken, John (Capt.), iv, 556. McMillan, Prof., journey to the Arctic with the Peary expedition of, iii, 347, 349; scientific data of the Arctic secured by, iii, 357, 358. McMullen, John, v, 106. McNab, , i, 456, 457, 459. Allen (Col.), v, 224, 225. McNeal i 443. McNeill', Esther (Mrs.), death of, ii, 36. McNish, (Rev.), iv, 379. McPherson, Sergeant, i, 450, 457, 460. McRae, J. C, engravings by, iii, 330, 331, 332; v, 34, 37. McSherry, Richard (Dr.), ii, 211. McSpadden, F. F., iv, 601. MacCarthy, "History of Our Own Times," by, ii, 623. Hamilton, photograph of sculpture by, Hi, 531. Macconn, Robert (Surgeon), v, 607. MacDonnell, Col., i, 757. Macedonia, iv, 187. Macedonians, ancient, iv, 187. Macenac, i, 359. Maceo, Gen., ii, 436, 437. Machinery, first American builder of, i, 334. Mackenac, i, 359. Mackensie, William Lyons, v, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 224, 229, 230. Maclay, William, membership on Commission to affect treaty with Six Nations of, iv, 111, 112. MacMonnies, Frederick, i, 606. MacNeil, Herman, iii, 205. Atkins, , i, 144. Mrs., iii, 205. Macomb, Alexander (Gen.), photograph of statue to, iii, 527. Macomb, 111., ambrotype of Abraham Lincoln taken at, v, 203. Macon, Martha, v, 465. Nathaniel, v, 465; photograph of memorial to, ii, 709. Reuben Conway, ii, 471. Macon, Georgia, iii, 241. Macon County, 111., iii, 516; removal of Abra ham Lincoln to, ii, 245. MacPheadris family, announcement of pub lication containing chapter on the, v, 316. Macy, William Austin (Dr.), iii, 148. Madagascar, Island of, iv, 125. Madeira, ii, 428, 585, 694; iv, 279. Madeira Hotel, Chillicothe, 0., ii, 662. Madison, , Virginia estate of, i, 662. Agatha (Strother), v, 471. Dorothea Payne (Dolly), portrait of, ii, 179. INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES (Madison) Family, ii, 471; v, 471. James (President), i, 314, 427, 458; ii, 194, 605; iii, 165, 565; iv, 198, 605; v, 104, 289; editor's note on letter written by, ii, 471; letter regarding terms "Na tional" and "Federal," as implied in the Constitution, written by, ii, 472; old engraving of, iv, 85; war in the North west in the administration of, ii, 283. John, v, 471. Sarah, ii, 471. Madison County, N. Y., iv, 120, 121; Me., i, 73; Ohio, iii, 513; Wis., i, 337; ii, 491; iii, 220. Madoc, iv, 184. Madras, India, painting of Elihu Yale, Eng lish governor of, iii, 144. Madrid, Spain, iv, 571, 572, 573; galleries of, ii, 119; letter written by Columbus pre served in the National archives at, ii, 118; portrait of Christopher Colum bus at Marine Museum in, ii, 112, 116; reproduction of photograph of sculp ture by an artist of, ii, 404; Central University of, ii, 409; Royal Naval Museum at, iii, 60. Magaw, Col., ii, 520; iii, 275, 279, 582. Magazine, first American, ii, 489, 490, 491. Magdalena River, i, 646. Magellan, Straits of, i, 638; construction of a railroad from the Straits of, ii, 33. Magheratephana, Ireland, Barony of, ii, 666. Maginnis, Frederick, iii, 242. Magna Charta, ii, 422, 534, 542; foundation in government of Vikings of the, v, 184. Magruder, "Prince John," i, 656. Mahammed, Sultan, v, 297. Mahaska, memorial to Indian Chief, i, 612. Maher, James, iii, 165. Mahomet, ii, 534. Mahon, Agnes Mary (Irwin), ii, 665. Irwin, ii, 663; v, 83; historic portraits and heirlooms from collection of, iv, 244, 245. John Duncan, ii, 665; portrait of, ii, 666; birth of, ii, 666; marriage of, ii, 666. Maiden Land, New York City, old print of site of, iii, 574; old drawing of site of, iii, 576, 577. Maidenhead ( Lawrence ville), N. J., v, 54, 65, 66. Mail facilities in the West, early, i, 665, 666. Mail rates, establishment of uniform, iv, 6. Mail Service, Colonial, v, 429-458; discon tinuance between the United States and South America of direct, ii, 33; first route from Missouri to Califor nia for, ii, 672, 673; in America, early, i, 760. [155 Maine, State of, i, 14, 31, 150, 379, 395, 639; iv, 171, 248, 250; v, 6, 155; admission into the Union of, i, 14, 60; announce ment of publication of description of old Post Road between Georgia and, v, 314; appointment of Revolutionary officer from, iv, 382; Maine, area of, i, 31; biography of an early settler and merchant of, iv, 251-255; Colonial mail service in, v, 449; common school sys tem of, i, 32; contemporary thought in, i, 379; disputes regarding northern boundary of, v, 222, 223; early Legis lature of, iii, 439; early lotteries in, iv, 416; early proprietories of, ii, 444; early settlements in, i, 31; emigration from, i, 31; excerpt from report of U. S. Commissioners on fortifying bound aries of, v, 223; explorations in, i, 203; financing of construction of Hoosac Tunnel by, iv, 416; first canals in, iv, 413; Fisher family of, v, 467; foreign born population of, i, 32; Historical Society of, iii, 537; iv, 251; industries of, i, 32; loss of land from Ashburton- Webster Treaty by State of, iii, 540; "million acre tract" in, iii, 537, 538, 539, 540; population of, i, 31; Province of, v, 18, 23; public institutions of, i, 32; rep resentative men of, i, 31; reproduc tion of old engraving in collection of Bangor Historical Society in, iv, 60; reproduction of photograph of Hanni bal Hamlin of, v, 210; reproduction of photograph of Secretary Fessenden of, v, 210; Revolutionary naval hero of, iii, 435-440; royal charter regarding, iv, 252; slavery in, ii, 596; Wilson family of, v, 301. Mainehead, England, iv, 254. Maisch, John M. (Dr.), v, 369, 373. Major, R. H., iii, 59. Malbury, Mass., v, 131. Malcomb, Col., ii, 189, 354, 516, 520; iii, 54, 56, 57. Maiden, Mass., iii, 119, 121, 122, 124, 126, 127. Maldonado, Melchor, iii, 60. Malet, William, v, 189. Mallet, Avice, iv, 371. Brothers, i, 437. Thomas, iv, 371. Mallison, Thomas, v, 548. Malmaison, France, i, 495; ii, 611. Malmesbury, Wiltshire, England, v, 194. Maloy, , i, 457. Captain, i, 455. Malta, siege of, v, 297. Maltby, Frances Goggin, ii, 675. Malvern Hill, reproduction of engraving of Civil war battle of, v, 46. Mamasquan Inlet, N. J., iii, 300. ] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY Mamoosa, the Indian Chief, i, 699. Manacursa Creek, ii, 135. Manassas, Va., photograph of Confederate barricade at, iii, 34. Manassas Junction, Va., Civil war photo graph of ruins of, iii, 255. Manchester, Conn., iv, 377; England, i, 155, 156; v, 197; N H, i, 74; portrait in City Hall at, iv, 58. Manchu rule in China, reforms instituted regarding, ii, 30, 33. Manchuria, Russia's evacuation of, ii, 5. Mandan Indians, iv, 181, 184. Manee, iii, 327, 328, 333. Mange, Lieut., ii, 698. Manhattan Island, ii, 535; iv, 391, 393; v, 295; Burdet's Ferry in, iii, 277; de fenses of the Continental Army Tn the Revolution on, iii, 58; depredations of British in the Revolution in, i, 457; description of Dutch period in, ii, 285, 286; Dutch settlement on, iv, 487; fac simile of early map of villages adja cent to, iv, 591; first colony on, iv, 388; ;an;ecdote of early Dutch society of, iv, 390; home of Anne Hutchinson on, v, 366; Indian massacre in, v, 366; purchase from the Indians of, ii, 443; rare prints of, iii, 575; reproductions of rare prints of, iii, 573, 576-580; Rev olutionary forces on, ii, 648; iii, 56, 278; ter-centenary of settling of, iii, 153; transcript of rare document de scribing early, iii, 154-156, 158, 160, 162. Manheim, Germany, ii, 270; v, 295. Manila, Philippine Islands, i, 15; ii, 409, 559, 585; destruction by Admiral Dewey of the Spanish fleet at, ii, 558; seven teenth century voyage to Mexico from, ii, 580. Manila Bay, iii, 603; Admiral Dewey's vic tory in, iv, 511; triumphal entry of Admiral Dewey into, ii, 579. Manitoba, exodus of colonists from, ii, 217. Mann, , iv, 412. Dicey, iii, 454. Family, inscription on tombs of the, iii, 289; arms of the, iii, "289. H. C. (Dr.), ii, 153. Horace, sculptured figure on doors of na tional Capitol of, ii, 545. John, iii, 286, 294; inscription on tomb of, iii, 289. Joseph, v, 437. Mary ( ), inscription on tomb of, iii, 289, 294. William, iii, 190. Manning, Andrew, v, 295. Benjamin, v, 295. Daniel, v, 295. David, v, 295. Diah, v, 295. Family, v, 240; coat-of-arms of the, v, 294; historical sketch of the, v, 295. George, v, 295. Jeffrey, v, 295. James, v, 295. John (Capt.), v, 295. Lawrence (Lieut.), v, 295. Nicholas, v, 295. President, iv, 404. Richard Irvine (Gov.), v, 295. Samuel, v, 295. Thomas, v, 295. William, v, 295. Manning House, Billerica, photograph of, v, 271. Manningham, Yorkshire, England, v, 295. Mannington, Norfolk, England, v, 295. Mannomanea Indians, i, 360. Manoakin, Va., iv, 304, 305, 306, 307. Manoakin River, iv, 308. Manor House, Hopkinton, Mass., iii, 100. Manor Houses in America, photographs of, iii, 281, 282, 285, 287, 289, 291, 293, 295, 296; article on, iii, 283-295. Mansanteo, , i, 352. Mansfield, Col., iii, 214. Elizabeth, v, 301. John (Sir), v, 301. Richard, death of, ii, 37. Mansion House, Philadelphia, Pa., i, 748; de scription of William Bingham's resi dence in the, iii, 540. Mante, , ii, 394. Manufactures, first market after the passage of the Stamp Act for the sale of Amer ican, ii, 363. Manypenny, Col., iii, 554. Mapowden, Dorsetshire, England, iv, 371. Maps of the world, ancient, ii, 116, 118, 119. Maquesas Islands, pupil in early Conn, mis sion school from the, iv, 300. Marat, , ii, 603. Marathon, battle of, iv, 187. Marble Springs, Tenn., ii, 280. Marblehead, Mass., i, 559, 562; iii, 436, 438, 440; v, 151. Marbois, , ii, 548; iv, 111; negotiations for Louisiana Purchase with French Minister of the Treasury, iv, 612, 613, 614, 616. Marbot, iv, 317. Marburg, Theodore, historic painting owned by, v, 174, 175. Agnes (Lenton), v, 349. Anne, v, 349. Bridget (Dryden), v, 349. Catharine, iii, 186. Elizabeth (Moore), v, 349. Family, v, 348, 349. Francis (Rev.), v, 349. William, v, 349. [156] INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES Marceau, Gen., painting of death of, v, 174. March, , iv, 619. Earl of, v, 585. Marchand, Capt., ii, 158, 160, 161, 162. Marcoe, Peter, iii, 540. Marcy, , i, 656. Family, photograph of homestead of the, iv, 568. Governor, v, 224. Reuben (Capt.), account rendered the Con tinental government in 1776 by, iii, 133; birth of, iii, 133; aid given to the Americans in the Revolution by, iii, 133; participation in the battle of Lex ington by, iii, 133. William Learned (Gov., Sec), photograph of birthplace of, iv, 568. Marden, AVilts., England, iii, 292. Marfield, Leicestershire, England, v, 426. Margaret of Burgundy, v, 403. Margarita, West Indies, discovery of the is land Of, iii, 72. Marguerite Isles, discovery of the, iii, 60. Marias des Cygnes River, iv, 78. Maricopa Indians, ii, 700. Marie Antoinette, Queen, ii, 603, 606, 612; iii, 308. Marie, queen of Hawaii, death of, ii, 35. Marietta, 0., i, 341; ii, 302, 308, 309, 311; iii, 220, 387; v, 566; founding of, ii, 299, 300, 532; origin of the name of, ii, 532; road, near Atlanta, Ga., re production of a Confederate fort on, iii, 27. Marigalante, discovery by Columbus of the island of, iii, 63. Mariguana Island, claim of Columbus' land ing at, ii, 122. Marine Meteorology, division of, iv, 335. Marine Museum, Madrid, Spain, portrait of Columbus in the, ii, 116. Marinette, Wis., i, 497. Marion, General, i, 728; iv, 513; v, 299. Marion, Kan., ii, 249. Marion Center, Kan., first postoffice estab lished at, ii, 252. Marion County, Kan., ii, 253; first school house in, ii, 251. Market Bosworth Grammar School, Eng land, v, 426. Marketfield Street, New York City, iv, 126. Markham, , Arctic explorations of, iii, 348. Markland (Newfoundland), iv, 168; sailing of Vikings to, v, 179. Marlboro, Va., iv, 100. Marlborough, Duchess of, iii, 285. Marlborough Church, Leicestershire, England, iv, 448. Marlborough, Mass., iv, 562. Marlborough Street, Boston. Mass., iii, 92, Marmion, Va., iv, 89. Marne River, France, v, 399. Maroon Island, a, ii, 70. Maroons, settlements on the isthmus oi Darien of, i, 642. Marquette, Pere, description of Missouri River by, v, 279; explorations in Illi nois by, ii, 213. Marquette, Mich., 42, 518. Marquez, Diego, iii, 60, 65. Marr, James, iv, 69, 70. Marriage and divorce, editorial on, i, 187. Marriage certificate, fac-simile of early American, ii, 348; contract, early Amer ican, i, 320. Marrot, , ii, 149. Marryatt, Capt., i, 656; v, 225. Mars, securing by Prof. Todd of Amherst College of first photographs ever made of double canal of, ii, 15. Marshall, , i, 585; iii, 16. Charles H, i, 281. Chief Justice, i, 165, 428; v, 285. Family, iii, 603; v, 363. Fanny, iii, 467, 468. Gilbert (Earl of Pembroke), v, 583. Howard, i, 367; ii, 653. Isaac H., iii, 407. John, iii, 604; iv, 501; photograph of home of, iv, 508; discovery of gold in Cal ifornia by, i, 622, 629. Judge, iii, 558. Martin P. (Hon.), iv, 514. O. H, ii, 387. Thomas (Col.), Revolutionary service of, iii, 212. Marshall, Mo., iii, 466. Marshall County, W. Va., ii, 211. Marshalltown, la., iv, 603. Marshe, Ruth, iv, 451. Marshfield, Mass., i, 138, 368; iii, 100; iv, 623. Marsten, Capt., i, 631. Marston, , i, 219. Sarah, v, 99. Simon (Capt.), v, 142. Marston Moor, battle of, ii, 298. Martens, Jossine, v, 387, 407. Martha's Vineyard, Mass., i, 245, 319; ii, 531; iv, 433. Marthers, Hollingsworth, iv, 306. Marti, , ii, 436. Martian, Nich (Capt.), iii, 558. Martin, , ii, 472; iii, 230. Abraham, v, 311. Benjamin, iii, 120. Colonel, ii, 520. Ebenezer, v, 311. Edward (Col.), ii, 512. Family, coat-of-arms of the, v, 310; his torical sketch of the, v, 311. George (Capt.), v, 311. [157] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY (Martin) George W. (Hon.), iii, 462; photograph of, iii, 463. Gov., i, 566. Isaac, v, 311. James, v, 94. John (Capt.), i, 644; v, 311; coming to Virginia of, i, 206, 208. Joseph, ii, 189; iv, 549. "Mad Dick," v, 311. Nathaniel, autograph of, ii, 446. Oliver, v, 311. Pope, v, 311. Richard, v, 311. Samuel, v, 311. Sarah (Fowler), ii, 512. Sarah Kate, ii, 512. Simeon (Capt.), v, 311. William, v, 311. Martindale, Jehoaden (Mrs.), iii, 96. William (Capt.), iii, 96. Martinico, Island of, early voyage to, ii, 71, 72. Martinique, West Indies, iv, 206; early In dians of, iii, 68; eruption of the vol cano of Mount Pelee on, iii, 68. Martinsburgh, Berkeley County, Va., iii, 449, 451. Martyrs' Monument Association, v, 128. Martz, Mrs., v, 91. Maruais, Lord of, v, 404. Marvin, George U., iii, 392. Prof., journey with the Peary expedition to the Arctic of, iii, 347-350, 352; death of, iii, 356; scientific data of the Arctic secured by, iii, 357, 358. Marvyn, Mary, iv, 402. Mary I, v, 189; II, iv, 250. Mary, Duchess of Burgundy, v, 402, 403. Mary Princess, v, 576. Mary, Queen, v, 430, 432; appointment of first Postmaster-General in America by, ii, 127. Mary, Queen of Scots, iv, 245; captivity in England of, ii, 89. Maryland, i, 12, 59, 125, 169, 344, 577, 584, 726; ii, 278; iii, 99, 288, 455, 456, 458, 556, 560; iv, 98, 99, 115, 118, 204, 301, 311, 384, 431, 449, 515, 528; v, 265; an nouncement of publieation of geneal ogies of families of, v, 321, 315, 325; archives of, ii, 392; battle of South Mountain in, ii, 212; Bell family of, v, 141; bill regulating railroad fare in, ii, 19; birth of Francis Scott Key, au thor of the Star Spangled Banner, in, iii, 165; boundary of, iii, 560, 563, 564, 566, 568; Brooke or Brooks family of, v, 634; charter for the Baltimore Col lege of Dental Surgery granted by leg islature of, i, 680; child labor laws in, i, 189; Colonial mail service in, v, 431, [158] 435-439; Colonial trade of, iii, 413; commencement of the Revolution in, ii, 365; dangers from Indians on the American frontier in, ii, 98; description of Colonial, iv, 619; Dutch Colony in, iii, 560; early English expedition against Cartagena joined by troops from, ii, 319; early grant of land in, ii, 96; early immigrants to, ii, 265, 266; early politics in, ii, 464, 465; early report of a Virginia expedition into, iv, 303, 308; early settlers of, i, 565; Edwards family in, v, 299; expe dition against the Dutch Colonies from Province of, iii, 561; extent of New Netherlands from New England to, ii, 154; first degree granted by legislature of, i, 681; formation at the commence ment of the Revolution of the Associa tion of the Freemen of, ii, 365; found ing of, ii, 362; iv, 388; "Gazette," pho tograph of advertisement for runaway slave in the, iv, 107; Germans in, ii, 457, 462-470; Governor of, ii, 210; Gov. Sharpe of, ii, 96; Griffith family in, v, 307; heroism in the Revolution of a woman of, ii, 702; historic boundary of, iii, 555-568; Historical Society, ii, 706; Hodges family of, v, 461; Indian troubles in Colony of, iii, 415; James family of, v, 463; "Journal," v, 67; land grant to Gen. John Dagworthy in, ii, 96; Medical and Surgical Journal, i, 680; Montgomery family of, v, 473; poll tax for the building of churches and maintenance of clergy in colony of, ii, 126; reproduction of autograph of first Royal Governor of, ii, 126; repro duction of engraving of bronze doors on the State House at Annapolis, ii, 236; reproduction of mansion of the Carroll family of, ii, 597 ; reproduction of photograph of Montgomery Blair of, v, 211; reproduction of photograph of old silver in possession of Dr. Crim of, ii, 674; photograph of old house of ii, 674; photograph of antique furniture in possession of Dr. Crim of, ii, 678; reproduction of photograph of Presi dent Lincoln and officers of the Army of the Potomac at Antietam, iii, 12; reproduction of photograph of Presi dent Lincoln passing through the camp at Antietam, iii, 19; reproduction of photograph of President conferring with Gen. McClellan at Antietam, iii, 20; reproduction of photograph of statue of John Hanson, erected at the Capitol, Washington, D. C, by the State of, iii, 10; Revolutionary com panies from, iii, 276; settlers in Penn. from, iv, 114; Sewell family of, v, 465; INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES (Maryland) Smith family of, v, 476; trade of N. Y. with, iv, 117; transcript of an early will made in, ii, 661, 662; University of, i, 675, 676, 679, 680; visit of George Fox, the Quaker, to, ii, 91; wills of Colonial, iv, 617-620. "Maryland, My Maryland," lines to the au thor of, ii, 630. Maryland Regiment in the Revolution, print of flag of Third, iv, 164. Marylanders, memorials erected to, ii, 704, 706, 707. Mascalaso Apache Indians, iii, 547. Maseepey, i, 360. Mashomoquet Purchase, Conn., v, 138. Mason, , ii, 131, 132, 141, 142, 145; v, 570. Alice, v, 461. Ann (Silbeck), iv, 99. Ann (Thomson), iv, 99. Anne, iv, 98. Captain, i, 121. Catherine, iv, 98. Charles, iii, 563, 564, 565, 566. Colonel, iii, 415; iv, 96. Elizabeth, iv, 98. Family, iv, 93-100, 152. George (Col.), allegiance to the Stuarts of, iv, 97, 98; drafting of first American Bill of Rights by, iv, 93, 94; entertain ment of notable persons at Gunston Hall by, iv, 95; death of, iv, 97; biog raphy of, iv, 99, 100. Gerard, iv, 98. Henry, v, 548. J. H, v, 618, 621. James M., iv, 97, 98. Japheth, v, 548. John, i, 678; iii, 96. Maj.-Gen., i, 245. Lemuel, v, 461. Lowell, ii, 200. Mary, iv, 98. Mary (Fouke), iv, 98. Mrs., gravestone inscription of, iv, 97. Nickolson, iv, 98. Robert, iv, 98. Robert Tufton, iii, 93. Sarah, iv, 98. Simpha Rosa, iv, 98. Susannah, iv, 404. Thomas, iv, 98. William, iv, 97, 98, 99. Mason and Dixon Line, ii, 596; iii, 555-568; iv, 113. Mason's Island, Va., iv, 99. Masonia Lands, Province of Maine, New Eng land, iii, 95, 96. Masonic Lodge, early, i, 323; Greenwich, Conn., i, 322. [15 Masonic Order in America, iv, 621; photo graphs of early buildings used by the, iv, 621, 622. Mass Book, fac-simile of pages from a 15th century, v, 340, 341. Massachusetts, i, 12, 30, 120, 123, 126, 177, 436, 506, 520, 528, 534, 537, 542, 559; ii, 248, 251, 307, 309, 311; iii, 213, 440, 603; iv, 204, 300, 449, 487, 590, 621; v, 347, 614, 628; a delegate to first Con tinental Congress from, iv, 526; Aid- rich family of, v, 420; ancestry of last Royal Governor of, v, 363, 367; ap pointment of Revolutionary officers from, iv, 382; Archives of, iii, 93; cir cular letter addressed to colonies is sued by legislature of, iv, 267, 269; claim to lands in N. Y. of, iv, 113, 114, 116, 117; Colonial governors of, v, 138, 139; Colonial Society of, iv, 412; Colo nial treasury of, i, 693; coming of the Mayflower to, iii, 500; iv, 469-484; commencement of the Revolutionary War in, iv, 66-72; committee of corre spondence in, v, 454; Committee of Safety in, i, 74; v, 151, 154, 155; Con gress of American Colonies which adopted a Declaration of Rights called for by, ii, 363; commencement of the Revolution in, ii, 364, 365; Conn, col ony from, iv, 378; Cooke family of, v, 420; Cotton family of, iii, 92; Court of, its order regarding flag to be used in the Colony, i, 11; Cushman family of, v, 475; Daniels family of, v, 420; Davenport family of, v, 420, 427; docu ment containing signatures of mem bers of legislature of 1776 of, v, 156; Dudley family of, v, 139; Dummer Academy in, ii, 647; Emerson family of, iii, 119, 127; drawing of gravestone showing arms of, v, 419; fac-simile of early seal of, i, 693; fac-simile of pa per money of, i, 693; first band of Minute Men in, iii, 248; first court trial and first barrister in, ii, 479; first paper money issued by General Court of, i, 693; first printing press brought to, ii, 492; first suggestion of a steam railroad made in, iv, 414; Fisher family of, v, 467; General Court of, iv, 252; Governor of, v, 133, 430; Great seal of, ii, 124; Hanks family of, v, 194; Hawks family of, iv, 238, 240; v, 475; Historical Society of, ii, 116, 176, 491; iii, 94; iv, 104, 105, 421, 424; Hobby family of, iii, 92-101; Holmes family of, v, 197; Howard family of, v, 420; Howe family of, iii, 119, 127; Indian Wars in, ii, 647 ; introduction of paper money in, i, 693; James fam ily of, v, 463; Jones family of, v, 197, 9] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY (Mass.) 198; Landmarks, iv, 135; photographs of, iv, 133, 134, 136; Latham family of, iv, 623, 624; legislature of 1766 in, iv, 267; Lewis family of, iii, 127; Line, Revolutionary regiment of the, i, 706, 711; Lincoln family of, v, 191, 192; Loomis family of, iv, 286, 289, 297, 298; mail service in Colonial, v, 430- 435, 437, 438, 440-442, 445, 448-452, 454- 456; Manning family of, v, 295; man ufacture of electrical apparatus in, i, 577; Martin family of, v, 311; Mather family of, iii, 92; Mead family of, iv, 447; memorial to the Pilgrims in, iv, 486; military records of, v, 147, 148, 154; Militia system of Provincial, v, 154, 155; Mitchell family of, v, 420; Montgomery family of, v, 473; ne groes at Revolutionary period in, v, 143; observance of Sunday in early, i, 355; old garrison houses in, iii, 405, 406; old shipping bill preserved in Essex Institute at Salem, ii, 125; or ganization before the Revolution of militia of, iv, 382; Osgood family of, v, 305; Otis family of, iv, 261-272; pe tition to Charles II from Colony of, ii, 122; Pomeroy family of, iv, 374-378, 380-383; prohibition in, ii, 12; Provin cial Congress, first session of, i, 123; Provincial Congress of, i, 124; iv, 66, 67, 69, 383, 404; Provincial Congress of 1774 of, iv, 563; public care of poor in early times in, i, 233; ratification of Federal Constitution by, iii, 572; Raw- son family of, v, 418, 420; record of a Revolutionary officer of, v, 147-163; record of a pioneer settler of, iv, 237- 243; regiment, 8th, of, i, 707; repro duction of coat-of-arms ascribed to the Child family of, v, 386; reproduction of photograph of Paul Revere's Bill for Services in 1775 to, iv, 106; reproduc tion of portrait in collection of His torical Society of, iv, 57; reproduction of portrait of President of His Majes ty's Council in, iv, 265; reproductions of paintings of distinguished citizens of, ii, 645, 646; Parker family of, ii, 647; reproductions of photographs of colonial houses in, 270, 271; reproduc tions of photographs of documents showing service in Colonial Wars and Revolution in, v, 156, 157, 158, 160; reproductions of photographs of old landmarks of, v, 7-10; Revolutionary generals of, v, 147-151, 154-163; Revo lutionary Regiments of, iii, 202-208, 211, 212, 214, 216; iii, 378, 379, 381, 382; royal charter attaching province of Maine to, iv, 252; Ruggles family of, v, 138; settlers in Penn. from, iv, 114, 116; Sewall family of, v, 465; Shays' Rebellion in, iv, 566, 567; slavery in, ii, 598; iii, 49, 50, 92; Smith family of, v, 475, 476; Soldiers and Sailors of the Revolution, iv, 354, 383; Spelman fam ily of, v, 244; State Legislature of, i, 685 ; study of pre - Revolutionary statesmen of, iv, 261-272; Taft family of, v, 414-418; Taylor family of, v, 129- 135; Thacher family of, i, 559; iv, 261, 263; Tompkins family of, v, 420; Torrey family of, v, 420, 427; repro duction of drawing of homestead of Torrey family of, v, 425; transcript of pension to a Revolutionary soldier of the State of, ii, 47; transcript of poem sent to a Revolutionary patriot of, iv, 384; transcripts from records of and resolutions passed by Provincial Con gress of, v, 150, 151, 154, 155; tran scripts of Lexington Alarms in Ar chives of, v, 158; Tucker family of, v, 469; Tyler family of, v, 141; uni forms of Revolutionary soldiers in, i, 127; Unitarianism in, i, 551; use of Pine Tree flag in, i, 11; war against French and Indians declared by, v, 21; expedition against Louisburg, Canada, sent by, v, 22-32; Ward family of, iv, 562, 564; Warren family of, iii, 202, 203; Wilson family of, v, 301, 424, 425, 426; Woodbridge family of, v, 139. Massachusetts Archives, transcript of first Declaration of Independence from the, iii, 247, 248. Massachusetts Bay Colony, i, 120, 122, 503, 510, 515; ii, 444; iv, 66, 374, 378, 380, 381, 433, 474, 480, 482, 486; character of the settlers of the, ii, 492; expulsion of Lollards from, iii, 187, 192; charter of incorporation of the, iii, 191; trial of Ann Hutchinson in, iii, 192; first settlers of Rhode Island from, iii, 194; government of the, ii, 479; mission of Rev. Cotton Mather to secure a new charter for the, ii, 494; protection for manufacturers in, i, 334; regiment of King Philip's War from, iv, 422; re production of portrait of governor of the, v, 358; persecution of Quakers in the, v, 351-354, 359-365, 368; secretary of, v, 418, 427; transcript of records of the, v, 157. Massacre, death of first Europeans in North America in an Indian, iv, 170, 181, 182, 183; at Deerfield, Mass., experiences of a settler during Indian, iv, 237, 243; of Cherry Valley, diary of American officer of the Revolution written dur ing the, iii, 377-384; Custer's battalion by Indians, iii, 227-232; of the first [160] INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES (Massacre) English Colony in America, iv, 74; of Wyoming Valley, iv, 114, 441; old print of the, iv, 432. Massacres in the Revolution, iii, 431, 432, 433; on the western frontier, iv, 595-602. Massaniello, rebellion of, iii, 419. Massassoit, ii, 564, 569, 573; iv, 426; treaty of Edward Winslow with, ii, 441; treaty of the Pilgrims with, iv, 480. Masson, David (Prof.), ii, 37. Masten, Cornelius, iv, 557. Master's Elizabeth, iv, 624. Martha C, v, 135. Matagorda Bay, Texas, i, 435; ii, 669. Matagoria Bay, Texas, i, 202. Matamoras, Mex., iv, 520. Matapan, Mass., iv, 374. Matear, Robert, photograph of memorial to, ii, 710. Mather, , ii, 492. Cotton (Rev.), i, 243; iii, 49, 100; v, 418; mis sion to England to secure a new char ter for the Massachusetts Bay Colony of, ii, 494; public news-letter concern ing his mission to London of, ii, 499; portrait reproduced from an engraving made from an old print of, ii, 499; recommendation of Sir Charles Hobby as Governor, in place of Gov. Joseph Dudley, by, iii, 92. Elias (Quartermaster), iii, 55. Family, iii, 92. Increase (Rev.), i, 250; iv, 567; v, 130, 131; engraving of, ii, 498. Moses, iii, 386. Thomas, iii, 468. Mathews, , iii, 424. Arthur, painting by, iii, 169. Betsy (Levins), ii, 308. Dr., ii, 308. Edward (Lieut.), iii, 286. J. H. (Dr.), iii, 390. Richard (Capt.), iii, 286. Robert (Capt.), iii, 286. Samuel (Col.), iii, 414. Thomas, account of Bacon's Rebellion by, iii, 414-416, 428. Mattawoman, Charles Co., Md., iv, 99. Matteson, T. H, old engraving by, v, 40. Matthews, Albert, Bibliographical Notes on list of provincial newspapers of the United States by, ii, 499. Brander, iii, 384. John, ii, 342. Lieutenant, ii, 386. Nathaniel, ii, 342. Matthieu, F. X., v, 506, 527, 528, 533, 534; photographs of, v, 529, 542. Matoaka, i, 222. Matos revolution in Venezuela, ii, 33. Mattox, Va., i, 370. [161 Maude, -, ii, 394. Maudsley & Company, i, 276. Maule, Major, i, 739. Matthew, i, 510. Mrs., i, 739, 740. Maumee Bay, Mich., i, 23. Mauntz, Walter, Earl of, i, 521. Maurepas Bastion, Louisburg, Canada, v, 20. Mauretania, record voyage of the steamship, ii, 15. Mauritius (Hudson) River, iv, 388. Maury, , v, 248. Ann (Herndon), iv, 322. Family, iv, 320; 322; photographs of his toric medals in possession of, iv, 328, 329; photograph of silver service in possession of the, iv, 331; photograph of decorations and jewels in posses sion of the, iv, 333; photograph of the old homestead of the, iv, 335; letters preserved in the, iv, 338. John Minor, iv, 320. Matthew Fontaine (Commander), editor's note on account of, iv, 319; birth, an cestry, and education of, iv, 320; mar riage of, iv, 322; making of ocean charts by, iv, 324; scientific writings of, iv, 326; planning the laying of At lantic cable by, iv, 326, 330; scientific work of, iv, 330; honor shown by for eign rulers to, iv, 331, 332, 334; death of, iv, 333, 334; plans for erecting mon ument to, iv, 337; portraits of, iv, 321, 323, 325, 327; photographs of medals, silver service and decorations bestowed upon, iv, 328, 329, 331, 333 ; photograph of bust of, iv, 333; photograph of boy hood home of, iv, 335; photographs of place at which were spent the last days of, iv, 336; letter conferring Russian decoration on, iv, 338. Mrs., photograph of diamond pin presented by Czar of Russia to, iv, 333. Mauvan, Joseph C, autograph of, ii, 446. Olive, autograph of, ii, 446. Maverick, John (Rev.), iv, 374. Samuel, photograph of indictment for the killing in the Boston Massacre of, iv, 107. Mawhood, Col., v, 54, 66. Mawn-teneys, English estate of, iv, 448. Maurice, Prince, i, 241. Maxwell, , i, 237. Brigadier-General, iv, 344. Captain, iii, 54. Maximilian, Archduke, v, 403. Emperor, ii, 627; iii, 459; iv, 332, 334. Maximilian of Austria, photograph of dia mond pin presented to American sci entist by, iv, 333. May family, iv, 149. Mayaert, Lucas, v, 406. ] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY Mayer, T., photograph of Colonial teapot de signed by, iv, 608. Mayflower, the, i, 10, 11; ii, 441, 572, 714; iii, 186; iv, 249, 486; v, 301; 300th an niversary of the coming to America of the, ii, 117; arrival in New England of the ship, i, 203; authoritative list of passengers on the, ii, 123; coming to New England of Separatists on the ship, iv, 480, 481, 484; coming to New England of the, iii, 492; transcript from log of the, iii, 500; descent of a New England family from a passenger on the, v, 134; descent of President Taft from a passenger on the, v, 420; descent of Smith family from a pas senger on the, v, 475; excerpt from Gov. Bradford's description of arrival of the, iv, 470; poem on Landing of the, iv, 132; reproduction of photo graph of monument erected in honor of arrival in America of the ship, iv, 464; Ter-centenary of landing of the, iv, 132; William Latham of the, iv, 623. Mayflower Compact, iv, 487; excerpt from the, iv, 473, 482; decoration represent ing signing of the, iii, 489. Mayflower Descendants, poem by founder of Society of, iv, 132. Mayhew, Hester, v, 420. Thomas (Capt.), iii, 202. Thomas (Gov.), i, 245, 251. Maylon, Col., ii, 518. Maynard, Jonathan (Capt.), Revolutionary record of, iii, 381. Representative, iv, 337. Mayne, Perry (Capt.), ii, 332. R. C. (Capt.), ii, 635. Mayo, (Rev.), v, 130. Daniel, teaching of first school in block house community of Farmer's Castle, in Ohio by, ii, 305. Family, ii, 305. Mayo County, Ireland, Taaffe family of, v, 413, 414. Mazzini, , ii, 436, 534. Meacham, Joseph, i, 179, 180, 183. Persis, i, 147, 150. Mead, Albert E. (Hon.), i, 226. Mead, Anne (Alston), iv, 451. Ann (Croft), iv, 448. Captain, ii, 354. Charnell, iv, 448. Colonel, ii, 520; iii, 56, 279. Cowles (Gov.), v, 568, 569. Daniel M., iv, 452. Elizabeth (Hewitt), iv, 448. Elizabeth (Pethy), iv, 448. Elizabeth (Wilson), iv, 448. Family, i, 120; iv, 447-453. Gabriel, iv, 447. Hannah (Potter), iv, 448. Henry, iv, 448. James, iv, 448. John, iv, 448, 452. Jonathan, i, 323. Joseph, iv, 448. Major, ii, 190; iii, 279. Martha, iv, 448. Mary (Brown), iv, 448. Mathew (Rev.), iv, 448, 450. Richard (M. D.), iv, 448-452; portrait of, iv, 453. Ruth (Marshe), iv, 451. Samuel, iv, 451. Spencer P., i, 120. Susannah (Floyer), iv, 448. William, iv, 447, 448, 450. Meade, Bishop, ii, 676; iii, 286, 290. Family, iv, 448. Richard, i, 225. Thomas, iv, 448. Meadows, Thomas, iii, 232. Meagher, Gov., i, 114. Meadville, Pa., Alleghany College at, iv, 297. Means, , ii, 134. Meaux, France, ii, 378. Mecklenburg, N. C, i, 55, 566; announce ment of Department of Journal of American History for Genealogical Re search in, v, 322; battle of, ii, 704; Declaration of Independence, iii, 247; iv, 145, 147; photographs of memorials erected to heroes who shed their blood for the, ii, 706, 710. Mecklenburg-Schwerin, granting of Constitu tion by Grand Duke of, ii, 6. Mecklenburg-Stretlitz, granting of Constitu tion by Grand Duke of, ii, 6. Medals, photographs of historic, iv, 328, 329. Medary, , iii, 630. Medbury, England, v, 596. Mede family, iv, 448. Medfield, Mass., v, 415, 424. Medford, Mass., v, 467; Historical Register, iv, 412. Medici family, v, 336. Medicine, Colonial practice of, i, 243-256; 258, 259; early Italian work on, i, 676; early practice in America of, ii, 464- 469; experience of early American practitioner of, ii, 464-469; first Amer ican doctors of, i, 241. Medical writers, early European, i, 676. Mediterranean Sea, i, 34, 485; iii, 453, 482; iv, 276; early trade of the, ii, 255; early voyage on the, ii, 586; islands of the, iii, 43; order of Congress in ad ministration of Washington for a fleet of war ships to protect American in terests on the, ii, 101, 111; triple alli ance to maintain international peace on waters of, ii, 5. [162] INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES Meek, Joseph L., v, 506, 529, 534; photograph of, v, 535. Meeker, Mary Falconer Perrin, announcement of publication of genealogy by, v, 320. Meeks, Isaac, killing by Indians of, ii, 301. Meeting House, Middletown, Conn., old print of, i, 710. Megs, John, i, 250. Mrs., i, 250. Meigs, Capt., i, 485, 488, 489, 491. Meigs family, iv, 302. Melcombe Regis, Dorsetshire, England, v, 461. Melish, , engraving of Quebec which appeared in plan made by, ii, 379. Melony, Michael, iii, 117. Melrose, Mass., iii, 127. Melville, Earl of, v, 54; Lord, i, 402. Melville Bay, iii, 316; engraving of Arctic expedition in, iii, 319. Memaloose Island, Columbia River, photo graph taken from, v, 498. Memphis, ancient, iv, 186; Tenn., ii, 205; iii, 90, 245; iv, 322; "Appeal," sketch of life of an editor of the, iii, 90; Water ways Convention held at, ii, 24. Menai Strait, i, 577. Mendon, Mass., iii, 186; v, 414, 415, 418, 427; drawing of old Torrey house at, v, 425. Mendon River, Mass., v, 415. Mense, Maj., iii, 279. Mentz, Maj., iii, 583. Menzel, Paul (Rev.), death of, ii, 36. Menzies, , i, 273. William, iii, 266. Merando, Guardalupe, ii, 671. Mercantile National Bank, resignation by F. Augustus Heinze of presidency of, ii, 15. Mercer, , iii, 285. Edward, ii, 209. Family, iv, 149. General, v, 68. George, iv, 99. Jesse, i, 30. John, i, 372; iv, 99, 100. Hugh (Gen.), death of, v, 71. Richard, ii, 209. Mercer River, England, i, 264. Mercer Street, Princeton, N. J., v, 51. Merchant, John (Capt.), i, 644. Merchant Marine, early, i, 305; of the United States, i, 673; rise of American, i, 395. Merchants and Mechanics Bank, Wheeling, W. Va., iii, 459. Meredith, , iv, 517. Family, i, 669. Meredith, N. Y., iii, 448, 450, 452. Merhes, George H., iv, 178. Meriden, peaks of, i, 597. Merino sheep, introduction in New York of, i, 754. Merivale, , iv, 188. [1 Merrifield (Upper Greedy), West Budleigh, England, iv, 358. Merrill, Benjamin, photograph of memorial to, ii, 710. Phineas (Capt.), ii, 527. W. H., i, 188. Merrimac River, iv, 483, 486; v, 151; first canals on the, iv, 411, 412, 413; Stark's work on navigation of the, iv, 412. Merritt, Wesley, ii, 215. Merriwether, Gov., ii, 670. Merry, Samuel, i, 376. Merry Mount, cartoon representing the Pil grims at, ii, 221. Merton, Johanna, iv, 366. Richard, iv, 366. Merton College, Oxford University, England, iii, 427. Mesaba Range, Mich., iii, 42. Mescalaro Indians in New Mexico, ii, 671. Mescaltitan, Cal., island of, iii, 112. Meserve, Frederick H, collection of Amer icana of, v, 201; photographs of Abra ham Lincoln from collection of, v, 204, 208, 209. Lieut.-Col., v, 27. Meshes, Normandy, iv, 362. Messenger, Edward, iv, 624. Hannah, v, 141. Messer, Capt., photograph of memorial to, ii, 710. Messier, Lieut., ii, 351. Metcalf, Eliab, portrait by, iii, 249. Governor, ii, 694. Secretary of the Navy, ii, 2. Meteorological Congress, World's Columbian Exposition, iv, 385. Methodism, birthplace of founder of, v, 348. Methodist Church, death of two bishops of the, ii, 36. Metric Union, iv, 7. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City, ii, 180; iv, 23; bronze medallions in the, ii, 243; famous paintings in, iv, 21, 22, 24-28; reproduction of photo graph of bronze at the, iii, 477; repro duction of photograph of sculpture at, v, 272; portrait of George Washington in, iv, 50. Metternich, iv, 489. Mettert, Germany, ii, 459. Meules, John (Lord), iv, 366. Mexican Provinces, possession by the United States of, ii, 553, 557. Mexican Republic, formation of the, iii, 90, 465, 466, 469. Mexican War, i, 15, 18, 44, 436, 565, 566, 628, 653, 654, 660; ii, 212, 245, 554, 615-623, 669, 670; iii, 22, 24, 90, 627; iv, 297, 511-524, 558, 568; photograph of me morial to heroes of the, iv, 454. 63] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY Mexico, i, 435; ii, 166, 212, 255, 418, 426, 714; iii, 39, 315, 461, 483; iv, 249, 332, 520; v, 281, 370, 371, 499; account of the journey of the first European to Cali fornia from, iii, 103-112; alleged plan of planting colony of free negroes in, iv, 199; attempt of Aaron Burr to es tablish an empire in, v, 566, 570, 575; boundaries between United States and, ii, 619; boundary of, i, 227; Calle de la Merced in the City of, iii, 400; City of, ii, 525; iii, 103, 400, 468; iv, 558; College of San Fernando in, iii, 399; conquest by Cortez of, i, 633; days of Montezuma in, ii, 162; demand for an nexation to the United States of, ii, 615; difficulties of United States and, i, 635; early boundary between the United States and, iii, 465; early expe dition from the City of, ii, 38; early exploration on the boundary line be tween the United States and, ii, 40; early French trade with Spaniards in, iii, 463; early journey from Italy to, ii, 580; early journey to, ii, 585; early trade between the United States and, iii, 461-470; early trade with, ii, 165; early voyage to, ii, 586; emigration to gold fields of northwestern America from, ii, 635; Emperor Maximilian of, ii, 627; first governor of, ii, 206; first trade between Illinois and, iii, 464; Gulf of, ii, 551 ; French dominion on the, ii, 213; independence of, ii, 206, 553; insurrection in, v, 215; land grants to Americans in, ii, 622; observatory of, iv, 332; opening of the transcon tinental Tehuantepec railroad in, ii, 33; plan for building of a ship railroad in, i, 637; Real de Minas de Pachuca in, iii, 179; Revolution in, iii, 466; set tlement of difficulties between Central American Republics by President of, ii, 5; sketch of the life of an explorer in California from, iii, 179; Spanish colonies in, i, 746; struggle between patriots and Emperor Maximilian in, iii, 459; Tehuantepec, route over isth mus of, i, 637. Meyer, Bessie, i, 472, 473, 475. Charles, i, 479. George von D., ii, 24. Meyers, Charlie, i, 472. Mrs., i, 473. Fannie, i, 472, 473. Maggie; i. 472. Oro, i, 472, 473. Miami, Fla., iii, 245; Ohio, iii, 390. Miami Canal, ii, 151. Miami Exporting Company Bank, ii, 309. Miami Indians, old engraving of warfare of settlers with, v, 39. [164] Miami River, iii, 513. Miantonamoh, iv, 427. Michael Angelo, ii, 534. Michel, La Motte, ii, 171. William, i, 286. Zepheniah, i, 288. Michigan, i, 14, 23, 28; ii, 548; iii, 219, 505; iv, 297, 445; v, 135; admission into the Union of, i, 14; Agricultural College of, i, 23; Ann Arbor University in, ii, 254; battle of the Thames, War of 1812, near Detroit, ii, 283; Burgess family of, ii, 510; charitable institutions in, i, 23; Constitution of, iv, 18; copper industry in, i, 23; death of Russell A. Alger, United States Senator from, ii, 36; early settlers of, ii, 297; interstate discussion for the control of corpora tions advocated by Governor of, ii, 19; iron mines of, iii, 42; iron ore industry in, i, 23; manufacturing in, i, 23; pop ulation of, i, 23; reminiscences of over land trail to Nebraska from, ii, 679- 690; Soldiers' Home in, i, 23; State University of, i, 23; Territory, i, 433; travelers to the Californian gold fields from, ii, 680; University of, iii, 627; iv, 297; United States Senator elected in 1907 from, ii, 23. Michillimacinac, i, "751. Mickey, Gov., ii, 679. Middle Haddam, Conn., i, 284, 287, 288. Middle Plantation, Va., iii, 419, 421. Middle States, development of the, ii, 209- 212. Middle Temple, London, England, ii, 53. Middle West, acquisition by the U. S. of ter ritory in the, iv, 609-616; discovery of anthracite regions of the, v, 115-120; early boundary disputes in the, v, 275- 292; early land disputes in the, iv, 431- 445; early migrations to the, iv, 595- 602; early settlement and development of the, iii, 385-392; establishment of French dominion in the, ii, 375; first settlers in the, iii, 505-510; journey in 1737 to the, iii, 511-516; Moore family of the, iv, 29; pioneer life in the, iv, 77-84; reminiscences of an early jour ney to the, ii, 679-690; reproduction of old engraving of Indian warfare in the, v, 39, 41 ; rivers of the, v, 277, 279- 281; settling the, iii, 628. Middleboro, Mass., i, 272; iv, 403, 404. Middlebourg, Holland, v, 407. Middlebury, Vt., i, 549. Middlesex Canal, iv, 408, 412, 415. Middlesex County, Conn., iv, 128, 129; Eng land, v, 242; arms of Child family of, v, 386; Mass., iv, 562; v, 143, 157; N. J., iii, 572; v, 74; claims for dam ages for British depredations in the INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES Revolution by citizens of, v, 49, 51-55, 75; Va., iii, 294; an early settler in, iii, 82. Middleton, , iv, 528. Arthur, portrait of, iv, 54. David, i, 526. Middleton, N. Y., iv, 40. Middletown, Conn., i, 284, 285, 286, 699, 705, 711, 724, 736; iii, 113, 121; iv, 297; v, 244, 246, 456; announcement of publica tion of genealogy of ancestry and de scendants of Richard Spelman of, v, 321; Indian Hill Cemetery at, i, 704; old Jackson Estate at, i, 703 ; old print of early Meeting House at, i, 710; pic ture of old Wetmore homestead at, i, 700; reproduction of portrait of first mayor of, i, 706; Wetmore houses at, i, 699; N. J., i, 452; iii, 305, 306; Pa., v, 467. Middletown Point, Monmouth Co., N. J., i, 337, 338, 339. Midi, France, uprising of the wine-growers of the, ii, 29. Midland College, Great Bend, Kan., ii, 251. Midlothian, Gloucester Co., Va., old manor house of, iii, 285. Mifflin, Brigade Major, iii, 583. General, i, 37, 506, 701; ii, 350, 519, 520, 648, 650; iii, 275, 277, 279, 582, 583. Thomas (Gov.), i, 40, 397; v, 118, 119, 120. Mikado, reception of Secretary Taft by the, ii, 25. Milburn, William Henry (Hon.), i, 336. Mile, standard length of a, iii, 556. Miles, Benjamin Buckminster, ii, 307. Benjamin (Capt.), ii, 307. Colonel, ii, 350, 352, 354, 520. Family, ii, 307. Hubbard, ii, 307. Major-General, ii, 212; iii, 242. Nelson A., fac-simile of the autograph of, ii, 446. Polly, ii, 307. Samuel, iv, 148. Tappan, ii, 307. William, ii, 307. Milford, New Haven Co., Conn., i, 90, 162, 245, 320, 357, 440; iii, 92, 94; v, 432, 433, 475; Township, Pa., mention in an old Maryland will of tract of land in, ii, 662. Milfort, Le Clerc, ii, 162, 163. Millicent Porter Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, iv, 237. Military encampment, first international, i, 219. Military Order of Foreign Wars, v, 97. Military Order of the Loyal Legion, v, 97. Military Posts through the West, ii, 140. Military training, compulsory, i, 230. [165 Militia, i, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124; Canadian, i, 738, 739; system of Provincial Mass., v, 154, 155. Mill, John Stuart, v, 221. Mill, old American, i, 331. Millbury, Mass., v, 423, 427. Millenbeck, Lancaster Co., Va., v, 297. Millen's Bay, v, 226. Miller, Anna, ii, 109, 643. Anna E. (Bennitt), iv, 394. Captain, i, 170. Colonel, iii, 205. Family, ii, 109, 110; iv, 149. Francis Trevelyan, i, 393, 581; ii, 1, 630, 711; iii, 13; v, 201, 312, 481; editorial on historic portraits by, iv, 51; edi torial on Triennial Anniversary of Journal of American History by, iii, 649-652; portrait of, iii, 648. George (Gen.), ii, 109. Henry (Gen.), i, 440; portrait of, iv, 244; fac-simile of invitation to ball in honor of President Washington's birthday is sued to, iv, 245; fac-simile of invita tion from President Washington to, iv, 245; portrait of wife of, iv, 245; military record of, iv, 244, 245. Henry (Mrs.), portrait of, iv, 245. Jack, iv, 347. Joaquin, poem by, ii, 690. John, i, 504. John R., v, 95. Joseph, ii, 312; iii, 604. Joseph Lyon (Dr.), i, 573; ii, 659. Linus, v, 229. Peter, ii, 109. Polly, i, 512. Samuel, v, 469. Samuel (Dr.), Miller's Life of, v, 51. Thomas, i, 573. Millerstown, Pa., iii, 448, 451. Millet, Jean Francois, iii, 491, 494. Pierre (Rev. Father), ii, 388, 389. Millin, Maj., iii, 55. Milling, England, iv, 623. Millins, James (Capt.), u, 353. Mills, Edward (Corp.), v, 548. Mills Building, N. Y. City, old print of site of, iii, 577. Millstone, N. J., Revolutionary action at, iv, 441. Millstone River, v, 446. Milo, N. Y., iv, 557. Milsaps, R. W. (Maj.), iii, 234. Milston, England, iv, 448. Milton, , iv, 427. The poet, i, 578; ii, 74, 534; iii, 498; iv, 521; anniversary of, iii, 481; lines by, iii, 392. Milton, Kent, England, v, 469; Mass., iii, 100; v, 469; N. Y., i, 750. Milwaukee, Wis., ii, 224. ] e THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY Minard, John Stearns, ii, 48. Miner, Owen, v, 544. Thomas, i, 719; iv, 624; v, 548. Minden, Battle of, i, 74. Miners, Western Federation of, ii, 24, 34. Mingael, Maritje Abrahamse (Vosburg), v, 633. Thomas Jans, v, 633. Minge, James, iii, 416. Mingo Creek, Pa., meeting to settle the Whis key Insurrection at, iv, 605. Mini, Elizabeth, v, 337. Miniatures in America, historic, iv, 569, 570. Mining in N. Mex., Hi, 547, 548. Mining in the Middle West, early lead, iii, 507-510. Minisink, N. Y., sacking in the Revolution of, iii, 433; on the Delaware River, Indian raids at, iv, 655. Minneapolis, Minn., iii, 45; iv, 178; v, 204; historic painting of Napoleon preserved in Public Library at, v, 274. Minneola, Kan., iv, 83. Minnesota, i, 14, 292; iv, 201, 616; admission into the Union of, i, 14; ii, 217; ancient Norse explorers in, iv, 165-184; 50th anniversary of Commonwealth of, ii, 217, 232; Bar of, iv, 137; early explora tions in, v, 500; early settlements in, ii, 217 ; fac-simile of autograph of Gov ernor of, ii, 217; first trading post of, ii, 217; Historical Society, iv, 137; in vestigations regarding ancient tablet preserved in museum of the, iv, 165- 184; industries of, ii, 217; interstate discussion for the control of corpora tions advocated by Governor of, ii, 19; investigations regarding Runestone un earthed in, iv, 165-184; iron mines of, iii, 42; need of immigrants in, ii, 217; population of, ii, 217; prominent men of, ii, 217; reproduction of historic painting preserved at Minneapolis Pub lic Library in, v, 274; reproduction of mural decorations at State Capitol of, ii, 217, 232; reproduction of sculpture symbolizing the development of, iii, 130; reproduction of State seal of, ii, 217; State Capitol of, iv, 165; Univer sity of, iii, 185. Minor family, iv, 320. Jonathan, v, 548. Manassah, i, 317. Stephen, i, 352. Minot, . iii, 126. Rebecca, iii, 60. Minto, John, work on Oregon Indians by, v, 515. Lord, iv, 42. Minuit, Peter, purchase of Manhattan Island from the Indians by, ii, 443. [166 Minute Men, i, 120, 123, 124, 376, 704, 705; iii, 203, 211, 212; at opening of the Revolution, v, 155; experiences of Rev olutionary, iii, 297-310; first Massa chusetts, iii, 248; from Connecticut, ii, 299; of the Revolution, iv, 68; v, 634; muster roll of company of, v, 158; or ganization in New Jersey of the, iii, 299, 300; photograph of sculpture of a Revolutionary, v, 11. Minzie, (Rev.), iii, 85, 86. Miranda, Fernando, photograph of sculpture by, ii, 404; planning of Panama Canal under direction of, i, 634. Miro, Gov., i, 354. Mishlemackanack, i, 358, 359. Mision de los Tejas, Texas, i, 435. Missal, fac-similes of pages from a Fifteenth Century, v, 340, 341. Mission at Monterey, Cal., engraving of, iii, 179 ; founding of the, iii, 179. Mission Creek, Cal., iii, 173. Mission Dolores, San Francisco, Cal., origin of, iii, 176, 177. Mission of La Purisima Concepcion, ii, 256. Mission of Sainte Famille de Caoquias, ii, 213. Mission of San Antonio de Padua, Cal., iii, 172, 173. Mission of San Carlos del Carmelo, Cal., iii, 173. Mission of San Buena Ventura, Cal., v, 371; photographs of, v, 376, 377, 379. Mission of San Diego, Cal., iii, 172, 173; mas sacre by Indians at, iii, 109, 110. Mission of San Fernando, Cal., v, 383. Mission of San Francisco, Cal., iii, 106. Mission of San Gabriel, Cal., iii, 109, 110, 173; mural painting of arrival of east ern immigrants at, iii, 102. Mission of San Juan Bautista, Cal., iii, 174. Mission of San Luis Obispo, Cal., founding of the, iii, 172. Mission of Santa Gertrudes, Cal., old, ii, 257. Mission School, Cornwall, Conn., early, iv, 600. Missions, early Spanish, ii, 39; French, i, 433, 439. Missionaries, first permanent settlement in Illinois made by Jesuit, ii, 213. Mississippi, i, 43, 44; ii, 245, 308; iii, 234, 516; iv, 558; v, 99, 104, 620; admission into the Union of, i, 14, 60; Brandon family of, v, 576; Claiborne's history of, v, 570; Colonial Dames of, v, 565; Con vention of 1890, iii, 244; cultivation of tobacco in, i, 351; 1907 election of Gov ernor of, ii, 20; first four-wheeled car riage in, i, 352 ; first native-born Gover nor of, v, 576; Garner's work, Recon struction in, iii, 235; Jefferson Davis' plantation in, iii, 235; Mound Bayou in, iii, 244; mounds in, i, 350; race problem in, i, 186; reproductions of photographs INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES (Mississippi) arrest and detention of Aaron Burr in, v, 565-570, 575-577; Spanish land grants in, i, 351, 352; Spanish rule in, v, 576; Stanton family of, v, 564, 574. Mississippi River, i, 27, 34, 45, 350, 358, 361, 363, 415, 440, 467, 585, 667; ii, 250, 559, 680; iii, 507, 508, 509, 510, 542; iv, 118, 165, 216, 217, 219, 249, 387, 445, 576, 577; v, 18, 274, 275, 278, 279, 280, 283, 284, 287, 288, 289, 450, 479, 500; acquisition by the U. S. of region west of the, iv, 609-616; attempt of Aaron Burr to establish an empire on the, v, 565-570, 575-577; boundary of old North west Territory on the, iii, 219; buffalo found on the, i, 348; building of the American nation west of the, iv, 511- 524; crossing by Zebulon Pike of the, iii, 464 ; development of territory southwest of the, ii, 205; discovery of, i, 633; early American frontier at the, ii, 277, 279; early French trade on the, iii, 463; es tablishment as the western boundary of the United States of the, ii, 553; establishment of French dominion in the valley of the, ii, 375; first mer chant train to New Mexico from the, ii, 206; French explorers of the, i, 433; French possessions in America extend ing from the St. Lawrence River to the, ii, 297; French settlement on the i, 582; iii, 221; gauge of the, iv, 330; journey in 1835 on the i, 653, 658, 668; list of U. S. vessels anchored to oppose Aaron Burr on the, v, 568; Northwest Territory bounded by, ii, 548; Palmyra Bend on the, iii, 235; President Roose velt's journey in 1907 on the, ii, 24; redeeming of submerged lands of the, iv, 330; reproduction of Civil War pho tograph taken before the destruction of the "Sultana" on the, iii, 376; re production of photograph of Tower Rock on the, v, 276; steel bridge over the, i, 637; struggle of France and Spain for supremacy west of the, iii, 463; system of jetties at mouth of, i, 637. Mississippi Territory, Governor of, iv, 616; transcript of proclamation for appre hension of Aaron Burr issued in, v, 576, 577. Mississippi Valley, i, 336; iv, 212, 213, 495; v, 97, 479; acquisition by the U. S. of territory west of the, iv, 609, 616; control by Creek Indians of early trade of the, ii, 155, 158, 163; early explora tions of the upper, v, 499, 500; early pioneers to the, ii, 679; first settlers in the, iii, 505-510; foreign trade of [167 the, ii, 548; immigration into the, ii, 209; Indians of the, ii, 163; land wars in the, v, 275-292; political opinions in the, ii, 594; reproduction of engraving of Civil War engagement in the, v, 47; sculpture symbolizing the bringing of Christianity to the, ii, 551. Missouri, i, 14, 24, 60, 439, 567; ii, 309; iii, 459, 542, 628; iv, 204, 297; v, 521, 620; iii, 556; French settlement of, i, 439; engraving of Civil War battle in, v, 45; photograph of Tower Rock in, v, 276; Missouri Compromise, ii, 553; iii, 556. Missouri River, i, 113, 358, 361, 415, 437, 439, 440, 479, 619, 621; ii, 250, 680, 681; iii, 469, 470, 509, 542; v, 275, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 289, 292; journey of an early trapper along the, iii, 467. Mitchel, Donnal, i, 711. Mitchell, , iv, 519. Dr., map of New Hampshire grants made by, iv, 582; fac-simile of map of New Hampshire grants made by, iv, 593; Experience, v, 420; fac-simile of Ply mouth Colony record showing name of, ii, 445. Family, iv, 629, 630, 631; v, 420; of New England, iv, 269; of the South, iv, 629; Family Register by, iv, 624. Francis, iv, 629. Francois, iv, 629. Hannah (Latham), iv, 629. Henry, iv, 631. James (Capt., iv, 629, 630, 631. James (Rev.), iv, 204, 211. Jane (Cooke), v, 420. John, iii, 83; resignation as head of the United Mine Workers of America, ii, 34. John (F. R. S.), emigration to America of, ii, 392. John K. (Dr.), ii, 211. Madam, iv, 629. Mary (Leeds), iv, 629. Mrs., Hi, 83. Nathaniel (Gov.), original membership in the Society of the Cincinnati of, ii, 97. Pierre, iv, 629. Priscilia, iv, 629. Samuel L. (Dr.), v, 124. Sarah, v, 420. William Donald, ii, 22, 27, 28, 31, 32, 404; iii, 129, 164; engravings owned by, ii, 236, 237, 238, 239, 242, 244. Mitchell's Compendium of the Internal Im provement of the U. S., iv, 411, 413. Mitchell's reference and distance map of the U. S., iv, 408. Mobile, Ala., ii, 156, 165; Charlotte, wife of the son of Peter the Great, in, ii, 159; ] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY (Mobile, Ala.) French settlement in, ii, 157, 158; op position to prohibition of, ii, 12; pub lic school system supported by licens ing saloons in, ii, 12. Mobile Bay, Civil War photograph taken on, iii, 376. Mobjac Bay, Va., ii, 675. Mocchi, , ii, 118. Modena, Italy, ancient map of the world in the Biblioteca Estense at, ii, 118. Moffet, , i, 452, 456; iii, 619. Ensign, i, 453. Mohammed Ali Murza, Shah of Persia, ii, 6. Mohawk Country, i, 511. Mohawk Indian, death of Dr. Oronhyatekha, the, ii, 36. Mohawk Indians, i, 511; ii, 494; iii, 564; iv, 36, 112; account of Joseph Brant, the chief of the, iii, 429-434; biography of Joseph Brant, the famous chief of the, iii, 378, 379; in Canada, iii, 379; in the Revolution, iii, 434. Mohawk River, i, 358; ii, 124; iii, 209, 383; iv, 121, 433, 556. Mohawk Valley, iii, 378; Dutch settlers of, i, 618; Indian massacres in the, iv, 555; Revolutionary War in the, iii, 432- 434; iv, 258. Mohegan Indians, iv, 424; v, 366. Moilan, Col., iv, 344. Mojave Desert, iii, 400. Mokelumne River, ii, 634. Moland, Devonshire, England, i, 522. Molbech, History of the Danish Language by, iv, 175. Molton, Lieut.-Col., iii, 55. Mona Island, West Indies, iii, 72. Monck, Gen., iii, 427. Monckton, , ii, 400. Robert, portrait and autograph of, ii, 401. Moncornet, , portrait of Champlain by, ii, 120. Moncure, John (Rev.), iv, 99. Money, , ii, 413; first American coin age of, i, 334; first American paper, i, 693. Mongolian County, W. Va., ii, 212. Monk, Gen., march to London, England, of, ii, 81. Monk's Corner, S. C, i, 462, 728, 730. Monmouth, N. J., battle of, i, 451; iii, 380; iv, 56; v, 85-87, 90-92; engraving of battle of, iv, 228; engraving of heroism of Molly Pitcher in battle of, iv, 235; photograph of memorial to Revolution ary heroine, "Molly Pitcher," at, v, 82; photographs of Revolutionary mon ument and "Molly Pitcher's" well at, v. 96; photographs of home of heroine of Revolutionary battle of, v, 81, 82; researches regarding heroine of battle of, v, 83-95; photograph of gravestone of heroine of battle of, v, 94. Monmouth County, N. J., i, 337, 340; iii, 298, 572; v, 74, 192, 443; Bowne family of, v, 196, 197; Minute Men in, iii, 299; Salter family of, v, 195, 196; settlers from Long Island in, v, 196, 197; Tories in, iii, 299-310. Monmouth Court House, Freehold, N. J., Rev olutionary station at, iii, 302. Monmouthshire, Wales, v, 583. Monongahela City, Pa., iv, 605. Monongahela River, i, 337, 340; iv, 603, 607. Monongahela Valley, record of home life at the Revolutionary period of a settler of the, iv, 603-606. Monro, George (Lieut.-Col.), surrender of Fort William Henry by, ii, 125, 126. John, iv, 585. N. Gordon (Dr.), i, 576. Monroe, , i, 656; iii, 279. Colonel, i, 758. James (President), i, 263, 494; ii, 548, 553; iii, 468, 614; iv, 501; administration of, i, 60; ii, 692; Cabinet of, ii, 433; iii, 617; negotiations for Louisiana Pur chase by, iv, 610-616; transcript of a letter regarding the annexation of Cuba to the United States, from Thom as Jefferson to, ii, 434. Monroe Doctrine, i, 438; ii, 426, 557; De Les- sep's infringment of the, i, 637; pro tection of the South American re public and the islands of the Caribbean Sea under the, ii, 166. Monrovia, Africa, iii, 625. Monsaterio, , ii, 618. Monson, Me., iii, 537. Montague family, v, 297. Lady, conversion of Quakerism of, ii, 91. Montague, Mass., iv, 408. Montainie, Mrs., iii, 54. Montana, i, 14, 97, 226, 467; ii, 249, 557, 559; iv, 616; v, 291; act of Congress creat ing a territory of, i, 98; admission in to the Union of, i, 14, 118, 234; agricul ture in, i, 234; 50th anniversary of first settlement in, v, 169; area of, i, 98; buffaloes in, i, 102; crime in, i, 106; discovery of gold in, i, 98; early life in, i, 106; first court of justice in, i, 106, 107; first grand jury in, i, 108; first legislature of, i, 110; first school in, i, 107; first trial in court in, i, 108; founding of city of Helena in, i, 106; gold dust as currency in, i, 118; gold in, i, 234; Indian warfare in, i, 104; iii, 227; Indians in, i, 100; organization of Territory of, i, 234; pioneer life in, i, 101; population of, i, 234; State seal of, i, 234. Montanier, Mrs., ii, 518. [168] INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES Montcalm, Gen., i, 90, 91; iii, 213, 505, 519; portrait of, iv, 59. Marquis of, iv, 59; portrait and autograph of, ii, 128. Monterey, Cal., i, 625, 626, 632; ii, 698; Hi, 108, 109, 110, 395, 396, 397, 398, 402; early Spanish expedition to, iii, 179; founding of Presidio and Mission of, iii, 179; capital at, iii, 179; .establish ment of the mission of San Francisco in, ii, 38; exploring expedition to, ii, 521; first theatre built in California at, i, 626; fortifying by Spain of the port of, ii, 39; founding of the mis sion of, ii, 39; old Custom House at, i, 622; old Mission of San Francisco in, ii, 521; old Spanish Mission of San Carlos Borromeo at, ii, 525; order of the King of Spain to establish a port at, ii, 39; overland journey of an early explorer to, ii, 38; presidio of, ii, 525; reproduction of engraving of the Mis sion at, iii, 179; Royal Presidio of, ii, 173, 174, 177, 178; storming in the Mexican War of, ii, 245. Monterey River, Cal., iii, 172, 173, 174. Montero, , ii, 409. Montesquieu, v, 175. Montezuma, ii, 162. Montford, Simon (Earl of Leicester), iv, 364. Montgomery, Ben T., iii, 236, 244. Elizabeth (Kelly), v, 473. Family, iv, 149; v, 552, 553, 559; arms of the, v, 472; lineage of the, v, 473. Hugh (Lieut.), v, 473. Isaiah, iii, 244. James (Lieut.), v, 473. John (Gov.), ii, 362; v, 473. Joseph, v, 473. Matilda, iv, 363. Michael (Lieut.), v, 473. Nathaniel (Lieut.), v, 473. Richard (Brig.-Gen.), iii, 205, 381, 505, 519; iv, 382; v, 155, 473; painting by Trum bull of the death of, iii, 198; portrait of, iv, 57; print of first flag captured by Americans in the Revolution un der, iv, 158; victory at Quebec of, iv, 159. Roger (Earl of Shrewsbury), iv, 363. Samuel (Ensign), v, 473. Thronton, iii, 244, 246. William (Ensign), v, 473. Montgomery, Ala., ii, 157; iii, 239; v, 622; tablet in memory of Lafayette at, ii, 164; County, Pa., iv, 114; County, Va., iii, 449; Court House, Va., iii, 450. Monticello, Virginia estate of, i, 662, 759; iv, 217, 219, 419, 604. Montour, Andrew, ii, 391. Catherine, ii, 391. [169 Montpelier, Vt., statue of Ethan Allen at, iv, 581 ; France, iv, 394, 395. Montreal, Canada, i, 183, 359, 376, 739, 740, 751, 753, 759; iii, 506; iv, 36; v, 74, 230, 473, 516, 533; first settlement at, ii, 381, 382; surrender of, iii, 86; Wil- kenson's Expedition in War of 1812 against, i, 755. Montt, Pedro (President), photograph of, ii, 549. Moody, Capt., v, 108, 109, 110. Deborah (Lady), v, 196, 197; settlement on Long Island of, iii, 193. Henry (Sir), settlement on Long Island of, iii, 193. Samuel (Rev.), iii, 119, 126. Moody's Gospel Way of Escaping Ye Dole ful State of The Damned, i, 185. Moone, Thomas (Capt.), i, 644. Mooney, William, organization of the so ciety of Tammany by, ii, 366, 591. Moor, Alexander, ii, 514. Family, i, 73. Goffe, i, 75. John (Capt.), i, 74, 75. John (Maj.), i, 73, 75. Samuel, i, 74. Moore, A. A., ii, 254. Andrew (Rev.), ii, 211. Ann, iv, 31, 34, 40, 41. Bishop, iv, 29, 46. Charles, iv, 35, 36, 37, 39. Charles E., iv, 558. Charles (Jr.), iv, 36. Charles (Rev.), iv, 31. Colonel, i, 375. Daniel, iv, 32, 34, 35, 37, 40. Eliza Elliot, iv, 38, 39, 46. Eliza (Livingston), iv, 39. Elizabeth, v, 349. Elizabeth (Channing), iv, 40. Elizabeth (Cornell), iv, 557. Ely (Hon.), eulogy of Washington at the Battle of Txenton by, ii, 97; member ship in Congress of, ii, 97. Eve ( ), iv, 36. Family, iv, 152; arms of the, iv, 31; rec ord in America of the, iv, 29-47. Frances, iv, 35, 36, 38. Frank R., ii, 26. Frederick, v, 548. Gertrude (Onderdonk), iv, 35. Grizey (Philips), iv, 37. Henry O., iv, 558. James (Capt.), v, 53. Jane (Holland), iv, 35. John, iv, 31, 32, 35, 46, 558. John (Col.), iv, 30. John (Sec), iv, 29; editor's note on family record written by, iv, 29; transcript of family record of, iv, 30-47. Judith (Livingston), iv, 42. ] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY (Moore) Lambert, iv, 30, 32, 33, 35, 42. Lydia, iv, 46, 47. Mary, iv, 35. McDaniel, iv, 32. Moses, i, 51. Mr., i, 352. Mrs., iv, 39. Nathan (Capt.), v, 548. Patrick (Col.), v, 100, 101. Phebe, iv, 35. Rebecca, iv, 35, 39. Rebecca (Axtell), iv, 31. Richard, iv, 41, 45. Richard (Dr.), iv, 34. Samuel (Col.), v, 23, 30. Stephen, iv, 33, 36, 43. Susannah, iv, 39. Thomas, iv, 32, 33, 46. Thomas D., iv, 39. Thomas (Jr., Rev.), iv, 31, 32. Thomas (Rev.), iv, 39, 46. Thomas (Rev., Dr.), iv, 31. Thomas William Channing, iv, 29. Tom, works of, ii, 145. Townsend, iv, 46. William, iv, 31, 34, 35, 557. William (Sir), iv, 31. Moore County, N. C., v, 465. Moore Hall, England, iv, 31, 34. Moore Street, New York City, iv, 30, 32. Moore's Creek, battle of, ii, 704; reproduction of photograph of memorial of heroes of the battle of, ii, 710. Moore's Ranch, Kan., ii, 252. Moorhead, , ii, 694. Moorish Wars in Spain, iv, 512. Moors, war of the Spanish and the, iii, 60, 79. Moosic Mountains, iv, 116. Moraga, Ensign, iii, 104. Family, iii, 106. Gabriel, iii, 106, 110. Jose Joaquin, birth of, iii, 106; marriage of, iii, 106; presidio and mission of San Francisco mission of Santa Clara, and city of San Jose founded by, iii, 106; burial place of, iii, 106. Lieutenant, iii, 110, 396, 597, 402; iii, 173, 174, 176; establishment of the first pueblo in California by, iii, 178. Moraga Maria del Pilar (De Leon y Barcelo), iii, 106. Morant, , v, 243. More, , ii, 409; iii, 121. Moreau, Jean Victor (Gen.), i, 745. General, i, 750. Morehead, James A. (Capt.), ii, 706. Joseph M. (Hon.), ii, 703, 706. Morehouse, George P. (Hon.), iii, 461; pho tograph of, iii, 463. Olive, i, 545. Moravia, announcement of Department of Journal of American History for Gene alogical Research in, v, 322. Moravians in North Carolina, iv, 575. Morelos, , ii, 421. Morely, Ogden, i, 711. Moreno, Mrs., ii, 164, 165. Moreton, Robert, Earl of, iv, 365. Morey, Samuel, i, 405. Morgan, , i, 77; ii, 106, 387. Angela, poem by, iv, 255. ap Morgan, the first settler in Eastern Panhandle, W. Va., ii, 209, 210. Charley, i, 339. Colonel, iii, 215. Daniel (Brig.-Gen.), birth of, iii, 212; ser vice in French and Indian War of, iii, 212; Revolutionary service of, iii, 211, 212; Virginia estate of, iii, 212; death of, iii, 212; Graham's Life of, iii, 212. Elisha, v, 548. General, i, 58; v, 111. George (Col.), i, 349. Henry (Sir), i, 634. Isaac, v, 548. J. Pierpont, iii, 359; public confidence re stored in financial panic of 1907 by efforts of, ii, 16; photographs of sculp ture in library of, iii, 524, 525. J. T. (Senator), ii, 23; death of, ii, 36. James, v, 548. John, i, 27; ii, 351; v, 548. Matthew (Capt.), i, 644. Simeon (Corp.), v, 548. Morgan Riflemen in the Revolution, iii, 380. Morgan County, 111., iii, 516. W. Va., early history of, ii, 209. Morgantown, W. Va., ii, 212. Moriches, L. I., i, 262. Morin, , v, 229. Louis, v, 218. Morley, England, v, 190. John, i, 587. Mormon emigration to the West, i, 620. Mormon trail through the West, i, 619. Mormon War, iv, 519. Mormons, i, 619, 620; ii, 147; election of a United States Senator by, ii, 23. Moro Bay, Cal., iii, 172. Morocco, crisis in, i, 380; expedition to, i, 151; insurrection in, ii, 30; troubles between France and, ii, 5. Morrell, Benjamin (Capt.), narrative describ ing California of, iii, 176. Hannah Radley, reproduction of portrait of, iv, 385. Morrill, , i, 31. Jonathan, i, 60. Morris, . i, 350. Elizabeth, i, 726. Elizabeth (Hubbard), i, 724. [170] INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES (Morris) Family, i, 750; ii, 48; reproduction in color of coat-of-arms of the, iii, 472. General, i, 748, 749, 750. Gouverneur, i, 745, 747, 748, 758; ii, 604. Isaiah, ii, 691; iii, 616, 617. James, i, 717; account of his life by, i, 719-726; early education of, i, 719; interest in schools of, i, 724, 725; in troduction of new ideas in teaching by, i, 725. John E., iv, 131. Lewis, ii, 352. Lewis (Gov.), book plate showing coat-of- arms of, ii, 120. Lewis R. (Gen.), i, 747, 752. Mrs. ii 49. Robe'rt,' i, 13, 672; iii, 436, 437; v, 500; acquisition of vast tracts of land by, iv, 114; extensive land speculation in the early days of the Republic by, ii, 54; financial aid given to the American Revolution by, ii, 626; appointment as Superintendent of Finances in the Rev olution of, ii, 627, 628; death of, ii, 628; plan for Bank of North America presented to Congress by, ii, 629; large tracts of land of, ii, 54, 55; loan by John Barker Church to, ii, 54; mort gage from, ii, 63; signing of the Declar ation of Independence by, ii, 54; sub scription for first theatre in Phila delphia by, iii, 539. Samuel W. (Judge), iv, 118. Thomas, ii, 57. Thomas A. (Rev.), ii, 211. William W., iv, 113. Morris Castle, Morrisiania, N. Y., i, 748, 749. Morris County, N. J, iii, 572; Minute Men in, iii, 299. Morris's map of railroads and canals in the U. S., iv, 413. Morrisiania, N. Y., Morris Castle at, i, 748, 749. Morrison, George Austin (Jr.), iii, 148; work on Clarke family of Rhode Island by, ii, 506, 507. John, i, 418. Malcolm, i, 500, 504. Morristown, N. J., i, 126, 77; iv, 492; v, 69; battle of, iv, 159, 163; Revolution ary War orders issued from headquar ters at, iv, 342-349; Washington's campaign at, iii, 209. Moro Castle, Havana, Cuba, capture by Eng lish in 1762 of, iii, 115. Morrow, Gov., ii, 691, 692. James (Gov.), ii, 210. Jeremiah, ii, 692. Jeremiah (Gov.), iii, 618. Mrs., ii, 692. Morse, Charles W., disruption of chain of national banks organized by, ii, 15, 16. Family, iii, 385. Jedediah, iv, 215. Jedediah (A. M.), v, 76. Richard A., i, 478. Samuel F. B., portrait of, i, 303. Mortain, Robert, Count of, iv, 363. Mortimer, Edmund, v, 585. Elizabeth, v, 585. House of, v, 598. PhiHppa (Plantagenet), v, 585. Morton, , iv, 131. Doctor, use of sulphuric ether in surgery by, i, 684. George, v, 471. J. (C. C. C), ii, 62. Margaret (Strother), v, 471. Samuel G. (Prof.), ii, 96. Thomas, i, 328. Morvile, , i, 521. Moscow, Russia, v, 175. Mosely, Capt., iv, 422. Moshasuck, R. I., earliest settlers of, iii, 193, 194. Moss, Nichols, i, 230. Mott, Edward, v, 159, 161. Family, description of the home of the, iii, 288. Hopper Striker, iii, 148. Mould Castle, England, v, 467. Moulish, Kenton, Exminister, England, iv, 358. Moultrie, Gen., ii, 232. Mound Bayou, Miss., founders of, iii, 244. Mount Arid, France, iii, 453. Mount Buchon, Cal., iii, 172. Mount Gregor, N. Y., iii, 24. Mount Havre de Grace, Maryland, iii, 458. Mount Hoar, v, 371. Mount Hope, Bay, i, 202. Mount Ida, New Canton, Buckingham Co., Va., i, 759. Mount Independence, Vt., Revolutionary fort at, iii, 213. Mount Pelee, Island of Martinique, West In dies, eruption of volcano of, iii, 68. Mount Pleasant, Gloucester Co., Va., old manor house of, iii, 285. Mount St. Michael, Cornwall, England, cas tle of, iv, 362; governor of, iv, 369, 370. Mount Shasta, Cal., i, 293. Mount Tacoma, iv, 337. Mount Tirzah, Person County, N. C, iv, 36, 37, 38. Mount Vernon, N. Y., i, 677; Va., i, 63, 136, 164, 661; ii, 54; iv, 94, 95, 98, 100, 604, 606; v, 634; naming of Washington's estate of, ii, 315, 319; preservation of the key of the Bastille at, ii, 592. [171] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY Mount Washington, ii, 184; iii, 275, 280; first white man to reach the summit of, ii, 531; Revolutionary post at, iii, 583. Mount Wollaston (Brain tree), Mass., v, 364. Mount joy family, iv, 100. Mount's Bay, Cornwall, England, engrav ing of Castle of St. Michael's Mount on, iv, 361. Mowrey family, iv, 149. Moxley, Joseph, v, 548. Joseph (Jr.), v, 548. Moylan, , iii, 58. Colonel, colored print of a Revolutionary soldier of 4th Regiment of Light Dra goons under, iv, 195. Moyland, Col., iii, 582, 583. Stephen, iii, 583. .Moyne, Jacques C, i, 169. Moyston, Capt., ii, 332. Much Baddow, Essex, England, v, 243. Mud Creek, N. Y., iii, 210. Mud Island Fort, Delaware River, v, 266. Mud Lake, ii, 153. Muenchweiler, Bavaria, ii, 268. Muhlenburg, , first Speaker of the House of Representatives, ii, 85. Muldraugh's Hill, Ky., v, 193. Mullady, Thomas (Father), ii, 211. Mullen,Mullins, Priscilia, iii, 500; iv, 629. Multnomah County, Ore., v, 515. Multnomah Falls, Columbia River, v, 515; photograph of, v, 495. Multnomah Indians, v, 515. Mumford, Benjamin, v, 451, 455. James, ii, 514. Peter, v, 451, 455. Mummies, gold fillings found in teeth of, i, 676; in the museum at Cairo, Egypt, i, 676. Muncey, Pa., iii, 451. Munchweiler County, Bavaria, ii, 458, 459. Muncie Indian Reservation, Kan., iv, 82. Mungalia, v, 80. Municipal Art Society, Baltimore, Md., iii, 491; v, 171. Munn, Charles Allen, iii, 53. Nathaniel, ii, 514. * O. D., death of, ii, 36. Munsel, Leander, ii, 309. Levi, ii, 309. Lucretia (Oliver), ii, 309. Lyman E. (Judge), i, 97; ii, 249, 715; iii, 112. Mural Art in America, iii, 1, 17; examples of, iii, 1, 64, 81; example of, iv, 463; illustrating the opening of the WeBt, iii, 102. Murden, Capt., i, 449, 451. Murdock, Alicia Van Epps, i, 511. Murphy, , iii, 358. General, ii, 694. Francis, death of, ii, 36. Murray, , i, 88; ii, 400. David Christie, death of, ii, 37. Family, iv, 149. Governor, ii, 395. John, (Col.), iv, 68. John (Rev.), iii, 538. Joseph A. (Rev., D. D.), v, 90. Oscar J., i, 161. R. (Capt.), iv, 273, 275. Samuel, iv, 68. Murrell, Cornelia Randolph (Mrs.), iv, 29. David Gamble (Dr.), iv, 29. Family, iv, 29. Murry, John, i, 84. Muscongus Harbor, Me., iii, 439. Muscovy Company, explorations by the, i, 203. Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Mass., por traits in, iv, 50, 53, 55, 56. Muskingum River, i, 341; first settlement on the, iii, 386; landing of the first emi grants from New England to the Mid dle West at the mouth of the, ii, 299; erection of a block house for the de fense of settlers on the, ii, 300. Muzaffar-ed-Din, Shah of Persia, ii, 6. Muzzy, Florence E. D., i, 717. Myah, iii, 325. Myles, John (Rev.), iii, 186; Colonial home of, ii, 450; site of the Baptist church of, ii, 454. Myres, John, iii, 279. Mystic, Conn., i, 305, 318, 319, 320. Myzene, West Indies, nX"oTs^T> [172] N Nacogdoches, Indian tribe of, ii, 620. Namontock, iv, 75. Nancy, iv, 627; battle of, v, 402. Nanfan, Lieut.-Gov., v, 388. Nansemond County, Va., iii, 291. Nansen, Arctic explorations of, iii, 349, 350. Nansen Sound, iii, 642, 643. Nantasket, Mass., iv, 374; Roads, v, 24. Nantes, France, iv, 280. Nantucket, Mass., i, 245; iii, 446; iv, 433. Napier, , iv, 153. Charles (Sir), i, 158. Napier and Company, i, 276. Naples, Italy, ii, 585, 586; iv, 451; Crown Prince of, ii, 211; journey of an early Italian traveler around the world from, ii, 580. Napoleon Bonaparte, i, 151, 164, 398, 401, 402, 495, 614, 654, 659, 661; ii, 59, 427, 548, 553; iii, 40, 481; iv, 14, 187, 188, 190, 219, 427, 522, 609-611, 614-616; v, 217, 222, 225, 275, 287, 409; historic paint ing of, v, 274. Napoleon III, ii, 426; interest in Panama Canal of, i, 635. Napoleonic Wars, i, 746. Naranset Indians, i, 541. Narburgh Church, England, v, 242; photo graph of shrine in, v, 235; estate of, v, 240, 242. Narburgh family, arms of the, v, 242. Narburgh Hall, England, v, 242. Narragansett, Mass., i, 511; v, 364. Narragansett Bay, iv, 433; v, 363; first re volt against British rule at, ii, 216; journey of Roger Williams to, ii, 119; iv, 426. Narragansett Indians, iv, 143; v, 366; Colo nial war with the, iv, 421-424. Narragansett River, iv, 433. Narragansett War, historical sketch of docu ments regarding the, iv, 421-424. Narrows, New York Harbor, i, 456; old ferry at the, v, 440. •Narvaez, , i, 202; explorations of, ii, 669. Nash, Francis (Gen.), reproduction of photo graph of memorial to, ii, 703. ¦STashaway Plantation, Mass., early proprietor of, iii, 407. Sashaway River, iii, 405. Nashville, Tenn., i, 15, 340, 369; iv, 153, 550, 576; President Roosevelt's speech at, ii, 24; Civil War photograph taken at, iii, 362. [173 Nason family, iii, 100. Nassau Club, Princeton, N. J., v, 51. Nassau Hall, Princeton, N. J., v, 53, 66, 75. Nassau Island, v, 124. Nassau Street, New York City, ii, 366. Natal, Africa, ii, 26. Natchez, Miss., i, 50, 338, 339, 344, 347, 350, 351, 352, 353; ii, 101, 643; photograph of house in which Aaron Burr was de tained near, v, 564; account of impris onment of Aaron Burr at, v, 565-577; "Herald," transcript of list of U. S. vessels anchored to oppose advance of Aaron Burr at, v, 568. Natchez Indians, v, 576. Natchitoches, Indian tribe of, ii, 620. Naticott, N. H, i, 74. National Arts Club, iii, 491; iv, 425. National Bank, first American, ii, 628, 629. National Bank of the Pacific, ii, 38, 255, 521; iii, 171, 395. National campaigns, President Roosevelt's message to Congress urging the gov ernmental financing of, ii, 24. National Capitol, portrait of Charles Bul- finch, architect of the, iii, 98; Trum bull's paintings in the, iii, 197. National Convention of 1787, ii, 472. National Council of Education, ii, 443. National Currency Act, ii, 629. National Geographic Society, iii, 345; iv, 310. National hymn of America, author of, ii, 200; fac-simile of original manuscript of, ii, 204; photograph of bronze tab let in commemoration of the writing of, iii, 164; article on the, iii, 165, 166; transcript of the, iii, 166; fac-simile of manuscript of the, iii, 167, 168. National Hymn of Denmark, ii, 200. National Hymn of England, ii, 200. National Hymn of Prussia, ii, 200. National "Intelligencer," the, iii, 551. National Library of the U. S., iv, 334. National motto, adoption of, i, 14. National Museum, Washington, D. C, Re port of the, i, 260, 262, 407; reproduc tion of print of historic American flag preserved at, iv, 157. National Observatory, iv, 319, 326, 334. National Road, the, ii, 265. National Sculpture Society, i, 64, 333; iii, 477, 479, 480, 484, 521-537; iv, 2, 101, 455, 456; photographs of artists of the, iii, 5-11; photographs of work of a member of the, iii, 182, 183, 184. ] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY National Shoe and Leather Bank, iv, 431. National Society of Mural Painters, iii, 491. National Society of United States Daughters of 1812, memorial church erected by, iv, 468. National Song of America, transcript of, iv, 340. National Teachers' Association, i, 151; ii, 443. National Yellowstone Park, i, 116, 118. Nationalism, American, ii, 191, 193-197, 591- 596. Nations, a plea for unity among, ii, 535, 536; transcript of poem in honor of united, ii, 578; of the world, address on unity of the, iv, 5-9; a common con stitution for the, ii, 533, 534. iSTative American Party, formation of the, ii, 595. Native Sons and Daughters of the Golden West, i, 619, 622. Natividad, Cal., engagement between the Americans and Spaniards in 1846 at, iii, 174. Natural Bridge in Va., iii, 449. Naunton, England, i, 522. Naureptas, , iv, 166. Nautical computation of distance, i, 354. Nautical Gazette, i, 392, 397. Nauvoo, 111., expulsion of Mormons from, i, 619. Navy of the United States, first vessel of the present, i, 673. Navajo Indians, iv, 520. Naval Academy, early advocate for a na tional, iv, 320, 322. Naval, fight between United States and Eng land in 1807, i, 739. Naval English and American officers who took part in early English expedition against Cartagena, South America, ii, 331-338. Naval Parade on Hudson River, i, 268. Naval Vessels of the United States in 1781, i, 672. Naval victory, reproduction of engraving of first American, iv, 222. Naval Warfare, international law in, i, 672. Navallo River, ii, 620. « Navarro, , ii, 436. Pedro, iii, 60. Navesink, N. J, iii, 307, 308. Navigation Acts, English, iii, 411-413. Navigation routes, conference on interna tional, iv, 6. Navigators, adoption of international signal code for, iv, 6. Navy, experiences of a Revolutionary officer of the American, iii, 435-440; first American, ii, 101-112/643; first com mander-in-chief of the American, ii, 110; first commission issued in the [174] United States, i, 669; impressment of seamen into British, ii, 593. Navy Department, establishment of the, ii, 104; records of, ii, 106, 107. Navy Island, Niagara River, v, 221, 224, 225. Navy Yards, planning of first, i, 673. Nayatt, Plymouth Colony, reproduction of colonial house at, ii, 448. Naysmith steam-hammer, i, 278. Nazing, Essex, England, v, 138. Nead, Benjamin M., v, 90. Neale, Thomas, v, 434, 435, 436; appointment by Queen Mary as first Postmaster- General in America of, ii, 127. Neander, , i, 554, 556. Nebraska, i, 14, 24, 437, 438; iii, 439; iv, 616; v, 291 ; account of documents, regarding first prohibition laws, found in, iv, 397, 398; admission into the Union of, i, 14, 437; agriculture in, i, 438; bill organiz ing Territory of, i, 437; bill regulating railroad fare in, ii, 19; Bohemians in, i, 438; boundary dispute between Iowa and, v, 280, 281; boundary dispute be tween Missouri, v, 281-283; curious natural formations in, ii, 687, 688; Dutch in, i, 438; early western bounda ry of, ii, 681; fertility of, i, 437; first journey by wagon across, i, 437; first permanent settlement in, i, 437; French explorers in, i, 437; fur trade in, i, 437; Germans in, i, 438; glacial formation of, i, 437; immigration to, i, 437, 438; Irish in, i, 438; -Kansas bill, the, ii, 553; name of, i, 437; Pawnee Indians in, i, 437; Poles in, i, 438; population of, i, 437; public schools of, i, 438; remin iscences of overland trail from Michi gan to, ii, 679-690; reproduction of map of Missouri river in, v, 277; reproduc tion of photograph of survivors of In dian police of, iv, 398; Russians in, i, 438; scenery of, ii, 687, 688; seal of, i, 437; State Historical Society, ii, 679; steam navigation in, i, 437; Swedes in, i, 438; Territory, iv, 511; United States senator elected in 1907 from, ii, 24. Nebuchadnezzar, iv, 187. Nebular Hypothesis, La Place's, iv, 13. Necker, Gen., ii, 612. Necostin Island, Barbados, iv, 99. "Negro Neptune," old Massachusetts estate of, iii, 404, 407. Negro Race, i, 186; Miss Anna T. Jeanes' be quest for education of children of, ii 15. > Negro Slaves, article describing relations ojf a Southern planter with his, iii, 233- 246. Negro soldier of the Revolution, v, 143-146. i Negroes, attempts to effect deportation fronji America of, iv, 197-213; dangers td INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES early voyagers in the West Indies from, ii, 68-70; Gen. Kosciuzko's plan for the education and emancipation of, ii, 367, 368, 370-374; National Emigration Con vention held by, iv, 199, 200; question of emigration to Cuba of Southern, ii, 435, 436. Neil, Herman L. (Rev.), iv, 300. Neilson, , "Account of Burgoyne's Cam paign by, iii, 205. Nelidoff, M., election to Presidency of Peace Conference at The Hague of, ii, 6. Nelson, , ii, 433; v, 217. Colonel, iv, 492. Elizabeth (Burwell), iii, 290. Family, ii, 677; iv, 149. Lord, i, 311, 313, 316, 402; ii, 212; v, 607; monument to, ii, 616. Robert, ii, 684, 685; v, 220. Thomas, iv, 442. Thomas (Gen.), iii, 290. William, iii, 290; "Archives of the State of New Jersey" by, ii, 499. Wolfred (Dr.), v, 220. Nelson County, Ky., i, 396. Court House, Va., i, 663. House, Yorktown, Va., ii, 677. River, iv, 182. Nemaha County, Neb., v, 282. Nenagh, Ireland, ii, 226. Neosho, Valley of the, iii, 469; River, iii, 462. Nero, negro slave, v, 144. Nesbit, , i, 405. John, iv, 450. Nesmith, J. W. (Hon.), i, 18. Netherclift, , "Handbook to Autographs" by, ii, 121. Netherlands, iv, 208, 485; delegations at meet ing of Inter-parliamentary Union from parliament of the, iii, 487 ; English wars in the, iv, 142; Flag of the, i, 12; hero of the, v, 221; invasion by Vikings of the, v, 179; ravaging by Viking of the, v, 183; wars in the, i, 204; wars of Spain in the, v, 404, 405. Nettlestead, Kent, England, iii, 291. Nettlested, Suffolk Co., England, v, 584, 585. Neuensteddin, Hamburg, Germany, i, 745. Neuweid, Maximilian, "Journey through North America" by, v, 278. Neva River, Russia, iv, 331. Nevada, i, 14; v, 291; admission into the Union of, i, 14; anniversary of forma tion of Territory of, v, 169; gold min ing in, ii, 129; strike of the miners of Goldfield, ii, 34. Neve, Gov., iii, 178. ' Neversink, Heights of the, iii, 306. Nevill, Capt., iv, 349. Neville family, reproduction in color of arms of the, v, 1. Nevis, West Indies, Island of, i, 309; iii, 69, 71. [175 New, Harry C, ii, 23. New Amsterdam, New Netherland, iii, 411, 391, 427; v, 73, 364, 366, 394, 397, 404, 407, 633, 638; announcement of publi cation descriptive of taverns of, v, 315; announcement of publication of gene alogy of descendants of Abraham Pie- terson Van Deursen of, v, 322; De- Peyster family of, v, 387-408; descrip tion of, ii, 285; old prints of, iii, 574, 576-578; decoration representing land ing of Dutch minister at, iii, 495. New Amsterdam, now Buffalo, N. Y., journey soon after the Revolution to, ii, 56. New Amsterdam, now New York, 300th anni versary of the founding of, iii, 146; oc cupation by the English of, iii, 561 ; ter centenary of, iii, 153; transcript of rare document describing Manhattan Island, the site of, iii, 154-156, 158, 160, 162; rare wood engravings of Canal Street and first Market Place in, iii, 163; sketch from old map showing sky line of harbor in English occupancy of, iii, 163. Newark, N. J., i, 76, 409; ii, 367, 368; v, 203, 297, 457. New Bedford, Mass., ii, 305. Newberry, Walter Loomis, iv, 298. Newberry Public Library, Chicago, 111., iv, 298. Newberry, Maj., ii, 517. Newbold family, ii, 92. New Bridge, N. J., description of Baron Steu ben House at, ii, 290; photograph of Baron Steuben House at, ii, 292. New Britain, Conn., i, 151, 152, 154, 156, 161, , 485. New Brunswick, Canada, i, 737, 738; iii, 531; v, 18; dispute regarding southern boundary of, v, 222, 223; land formerly owned by Maine in, iii, 540; New Jer sey, i, 427; v, 66, 443, 445, 454, 457. Newburgh, N. Y., i, 128, 431; iv, 301; Ohio, iii, 388. Newbern, N. C, i, 59. Newbury, Anne, ii, 509. Colonel, ii, 520. Newbury, Mass., i, 254, 559; v, 138, 363, 418, 465; Vermont, v, 142. Newburyport, Mass., i, 552; iii, 90, 119, 538. New Cambridge, now Bristol, Conn., i, 94; iv, 300; names of some members at the Revolutionary period of the Episcopal church in, ii, 342. New Canaan, Conn., i, 94; iv, 300. New Canton, Buckingham Co., Va., i, 759. Newcastle, Del., iii, 454, 562, 563, 566, 567; Hollis, ii, 330; N. Y., Revolutionary soldiers retreat to, i, 720; Penn., v, 431, 434, 439; landing of Penn and his com pany at, iii, 266. ] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffordshire, Eng land, v, 475, 476. Newcomb, Col., ii, 186, 520; iii, 280. Florence Ward Danforth, iv, 561. H. Victor (Mrs.), iv, 561, 564. Warren Putnam (Maj. U. S. A.), iv, 57. Newell, Capt., iii, 54. Ezra (Col.), Revolutionary service of, iii, 214. New England, i, 70, 124, 535, 545, 559, 583, 678, 726; ii, 75, 659; iv, 198, 249, 290, 299, 374, 499, 528; v, 4, 196, 244, 348, 350, 363, 367, 368, 371, 423, 550, 628; advance of wages of workers in the cotton mills of, ii, 34; Allen family of, iii, 298; an early emigrant to, iii, 47; 300th anniversary of founding of, iii, 283; announcement of publication of genealogy of families of, v, 321; ap pointment of Andros as governor of, iv, 436; book of Col. William Pepperell on, iv, 250; character of some early emi grants to, v, 234; character of the life, as shown in the diary of Judge Sewall, of early, ii, 485-487; Colonies, first confederation of, i, 122; colonizing of the Middle West by settlers from ii, 297; coming of the Pilgrims to, i, 203; ii, 362; commencement of the Rev olution in, iv, 562, 563, 565-567; cotton mills of, ii, 34; Council of, iv, 431; Cushman family of, iv, 132; v, 475; Dwight's work, Travels in, iv, 409; early commerce of, iii, 92; early con struction of highways in, iv, 380; early government of, iii, 185; Emerson fam ily of, v, 415; gravestone showing arms of the Emerson family of, v, 419; em igrant to, iv, 352; emigration from, iii, 431; emigration to Penn. from, iv, 596, 597; v, 118; expedition against Canada from, iv, 380, 381; v, 151, 152; exploration of the coast of, ii, 376; extent of New Netherland to Mary land from, iii, 154; facsimile of bill of sale of a slave in early, iii, 131; first court trial in, ii, 479; first commis sioned military officer in, iv, 135; first European attempts to found settle ments in, iv, 485; first exploration of coast of, i, 202; first printing in, ii, 492; first school in, iv, 299; first fight ing force of, i, 122; Fisher family of, v, 467; flags of, i, 11; founding of, i, 584; iii, 492; iv, 388; Genealogical and Historical Society, i, 707; Governor of, v, 432, 436; Griffin's colony in, iii, 192; harassing by French privateers of the coast of, v, 17; Ha wis family of, v, 475; Historic Genealogical Society, i, 517; Historical and Genealogical Regis ter, ii, 495, 498, 499 ; Historic-Genealog- [17 ical Society, iv, 132, 372; Hodge family of, v, 461 ; introductions of railroads in, iv, 416; James family of, v, 463; knighting of men of, iii, 92, 93 ;v land disputes in, iv, 581-594; list of emi grants in 1635 on ship bound for, iii, 604; list of English emigrants to, ii, 176; mail service in Colonial, v, 430, 431, 433, 435, 437, 438, 440-443, 445, 448- 452, 454-456; Mead family of, iv, 447, 448, 452; Mitchell family of, iv, 629; Montgomery family of, v, 473; Moore family of, iv, 29; old almanacs of, iv, 66; organization of "Ohio Company" in, iii, 219; "Palladium." the, iv, 415; Pilgrims in, iv, 469-484, 486; Primer, i, 45; proclamation of public Fast Day in early, ii, 500; proprietories of early towns of, ii, 444; protest against early slavery in, ii, 485; Psalm Singer, the, i, 174; raising of minute companies in, i, 705; record of Indian descendants of a family of, iv, 595-602; removal of colonists from West Indies to, iv, 450; reproductions of old Colonial home steads in, ii, 182; reproductions of pages from old Bible inherited by Sey mour family of, v, 579, 582, 587, 590, 591, 594; lineage of Seymour family of, v, 583-586, 595, 598; reproduction of photograph of English home of early emigrant to, v, 238; reproductions of photographs of old homesteads of, iii, 138; reproductions of photographs of two colonial houses in, iv, 568; Scotch- Irish settlements in, iii, 81; settlement in Penn. from, iv, 436, 438-445; Sewall family of, v, 465; slavery in, ii, 370; slavery in Colonial, iv, 626, 627, 628; Smith family of, v, 475, 476; Spelman family of, v, 232-246; strain of ancient English blood in, iv, 142; Taft family of, v, 414-428; Taylor family of, v, 129-135; town meetings in, iv, 18; transportation in, iv, 408-416; two old families of, iv, 625; Tucker family of, v, 469; United Colonies of, i, ii; Wen dell family of, v, 633. New Fish St., London, England, v, 349. New Foundland, i, 202; ii, 26; iii, 336; iv, 251; v, 18; ancient Norse expedition to, iv, 168; Banks of, iii, 443; v, 254, 255; English expedition against, v, 74; es tate of first Lord Baltimore in, iii, 558; Hudson's exploration of, i, 203; occu pation by Col. Amherst in 1762 of, iii, 117. New France, i, 27; iv, 249; exploration of, ii, 376-382. New Glasgow, Va., i, 663. New Gloucester, Me., v, 76. !] INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES New Granada (Panama), iv, 204, 207, 213; treaty of United States with, i, 635. Newhall, Charles L., photographs of Colonial homesteads from the collection of, iv, 568. Daniel, Revolutionary pension granted to, ii, 47. Ezra (Col.), Revolutionary service of, iii, 214. New Hampshire, i, 12; ii, 248; iii, 119; iv, 403, 442; v, 17, 22, 142; article on early Land Wars of, v, 275; Association Test in, v, 141; Bell family of, v, 141; canals in, iv, 413; Colony of, ii, 422; Congress of, i, 124; Gilmore's Report on troops at siege of Louisburg from, v, 23; Gorges and Mason grants in the Province of, iii, 93; Grants, v, 159; disputes regard ing the, iv, 582-594; facsimile of early map of the, iv, 593; Indian grants in, iii, 93; James family of, v, 463; last royal Governor of, v, 217; mail service in Colonial, v, 435; Montgomery family of, v, 473; Potter's Military History of, v, 23; Province of, land disputes of the, iv, 582-594; print of flag of Second regi ment in the Revolution, iv, 160; Revo lutionary militia in, iii, 379; Revolu tionary Regiment of, iii, 212; Roger's Corps of Rangers recruited in, iii, 379; royal grant to Sir Charles Hobby of one half of the Province of, iii, 91, 93; efforts of heirs of Sir Charles Hobby to obtain grant in, iii, 95, 96; Scotch-Iri3h settlement in, iii, 81; settlers in Penn. from, iv, 114; Society of Colonial Wars, v, 17; Town Papers of, i, 73; troops for expedition against Canada sent by, v, 151; troops in the Revolution, iv, 563; troops sent against Louisburg, Canada, from, v, 23, 24, 25, 28, 32; Tucker fam ily of, v, 469 ; uniform of Revolutionary soldiers, in, i, 127. New Hartford, N. Y., i, 618. New Haven, Conn., i, 140, 153, 154, 164, 242, 508, 515, 547, 549, 552, 556, 558, 684; ii, 473, 529; iii, 51, 121, 139, 387; iv, 277. 280, 414, 440, 630; v, 433, 441, 442, 448, 451, 456, 461; early journey to, ii, 263; paintings in Yale University at, iv, 49, 52; selling of first American Mag azine at, ii, 490; transcript from diary of an early minister describing journey from Massachusetts to, iii, 120, 121; transcript of an old document relating to a community of colonists sailing from Boston to, ii, 176. New Haven and Northampton Canal, iv, 414. 415. New Haven Colony, i, 120, 122, 247, 508; iv, 433; v, 366; so-called "Blue Laws" of [177 the, ii, 484; union with Connecticut Colony of, i, 122. New Haven County, Conn., i, 121, 183; iii, 387. New Haven East Association, i, 549. Newington, Conn., ii, 473; Gloucester Co., Va., old manor house of, iii, 285; planta tion of, iv, 100. New Ipswich, N. H, v, 469. New Jersey, i, 12, 126, 338, 427, 558, 577; ii, 363, 602; iii, 212, 434, 454, 459, 557; iv, 39, 41, 112, 115, 162, 298, 301, 343, 431, 442, 449, 577, 583, 604; v, 22, 85, 162, 192, 203, 371, 388, 435, 566, 634; account by a witness of the Revolution of the Colonial history of, v, 72-74; Allen family of, iii, 298, 302; an early emi grant to, v, 84; announcement of pub lication of genealogy of descendants of a proprietor of East, v, 322; Archives of the State of, ii, 499; v, 72; Ball family of, v, 297; Bell family of \, 141; Bergen County Historical Society of, ii, 285; v, 477; Bowne family of, v, 196, 197; Caldwell family of, iii, 454; census of Colony of, v, 73, 74; College of, v, 51, 75; Colonial Governor of, v, 473; Colonial mail service in, v, 440, 443, 444, 445, 457, 458; Commissioners in Constitutional Convention of 1787 from, iii, 569; counties at commence ment of the Revolution in, iii, 572; dan gers from Indians on frontier of, ii, 98; defence in the Revolution of, iii, 300-310; delegate to Continental Con gress from, v, 457; early English ex pedition against Cartagena joined by troops from, ii, 319; early proprietary in, ii, 509; effect of restrictions im posed on American trade by Great Brit ain on, ii, 99; emigration to Penn. from, v, 118; English settlement on the site now occupied by the city of Trenton, in, ii, 90; episode of the Revolutionary War in, v, 601; photograph of memo rial to British officer in, v, 602; evac uation by British of, iv, 31; facsimile of early map showing scene of boundary disputes of, iv, 593; families, ii, 90, 92, 93, 94, 97; first Dutch settlers in, ii, 286; old Dutch houses in, ii, 287-292; Revolutionary War in, ii, 290, 292; first settlements in, iv, 388, 390-395; Fisher family of, v, 467; Fleming fam ily of, iii, 298; Historical Society, ii, 285; v, 477, 478; James family of, v, 463; lack of patriotism in the Revolu tion of, i, 670; Manning family of, v, 295; manufacture of electrical appa ratus in, i, 577; Monmouth county, iii, 298; Monmouth Patent, v, 196, 197; Montgomery family of, v, 473; monu- ] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY (New Jersey) ment erected to memory of "Molly Pitcher" by State of, v, 87; Official History of Revolutionary Officers and Men in, iii, 299; organization of Min ute Men in, iii, 299, 300; Osborn family of, iii, 298; prominent residents of, ii, 97; Proprietary of, v, 73; Provincial Congress of, ii, 226; provisioning of Washington's army from, iii, 300, 301; Quaker settlers in, ii, 608; ratification of Federal Constitution by, iii, 572; reproduction of book plate of Gov. Lewis Morris of, ii, 120; reproduction of photograph of statue of Dr. John Witherspoon of, iii, 11; reproductions of photographs of home of Revolution ary heroine of, v, 81, 82; photograph of memorial erected to Revolutionary heroine in, v, 82; researches regarding Revolutionary heroine of, v, 83-95; re productions of photographs of old co lonial houses in, ii, 284, 287, 288, 289, 291, 292; iii, 605, 606, 608-612; retreat of Revolutionary army to, i, 720; re treat of Washington through, iv, 441; Revolutionary Brigade in, iii, 276; Rev olutionary defence of, iii, 300; v, 570; Revolutionar invasion of, iv, 383; Salter family of, v, 195, 196; settlers from Long Island in, v, 196, 197; settlers in Penn. from, iv, 114; Smyth family of, v, 475; Stockton fam ily of, ii, 510; tories in, iii, 299-310; transcript of manuscript of an eye witness describing Revolutionary War in, v, 49-75; troops in expedition against Canada from, v, 74; uniform of Revolutionary soldiers in, i, 127; United States Senator elected in 1907 from, ii, 23; visit of George Fox, the Quaker, to, ii, 91. New London, Conn., i, 34, 121, 177, 242, 317, 319, 401, 491, 541, 563; iii, 116, 117; iv, 41, 143, 403, 438, 623, 624, 625, 627, 628; v, 441, 442, 452, 455, 456, 605; British attack in the Revolution on, v, 549-560; photograph of battlefield at, v, 561; burning* of, i, 711; events of the War of 1812 in the vicinity of, ii, 223, 224; facsimile of title page of old almanac printed at, iii, 45; "Ga zette," i, 264. New London County (Conn.) Historical So ciety, iv, 137. New Madrid, Mo., i, 439. Newman, Capt., ii, 109. Newman Bay, iii, 347. Newmarch, Dorothy (Pepperell), iv, 251. Joseph, iv, 251. New Market, N. J, v, 52; Va., iii, 449. [178] New Mecklenburg, W. Va., German settle ment from Pennsylvania at, ii, 209. New Mexico, i, 14, 15, 575; iii, 461, 467; iv, 249; v, 280, 291; acquisition by the United States of, i, 15; ii, 671; agricul ture in, ii, 206, 207; annexation to the United States of, ii, 554, 558; capital punishment in, ii, 207; Catholic Church in, iii, 545; ceding to the United States of, ii, 669; Civil War in, ii, 207; coal fields of, ii, 207; dangers from Indians in, ii, 671; early extent of, ii, 206; early Spanish settlements in, ii, 206; expedition of Spanish Conquistadores into, ii, 206; famine in, ii, 206; forma tion of Territory of, ii, 431; Gadsen Purchase in, ii, 206; German colonies in, ii, 207; immigration to, ii, 207; In dian Department in, iii, 548, 549, 551; Indian insurrection in, ii, 206; irriga tion in, ii, 673; Italian colonies in, ii, 207; mines in, ii, 671; iii, 547, 548; mining in, ii, 207; outlaws in, ii, 672, 673; population of, ii, 206; possession taken by the United States of, ii, 206; proposed Statehood of, ii, 205; autograph of Governor of Territory of, ii, 205; reproduction of State seal of, ii, 205; riot in, ii, 672; sketch of the life of an early pioneer, iii, 90; Texan invasion of, ii, 206; transcript of letters from a Government offi cial in early, iii, 541-554; schools of, ii, 207; sheep and cattle raising in, ii, 206; Spanish restoration in, ii, 206. New Netherlands, iv, 433; v, 433; De Decker family of, v, 394; De Meyer family of, v, 394; De Peyster family of, v, 387-408; emigration of first ancestor of Roosevelt family in America to, ii, 226; excerpts from writings of Wash ington Irving on, iv, 390, 395; fac simile of early map of, iv, 591; first male child of European blood born in, iv, 391; Indian outbreak in, iv, 391, 393; rare manuscript describing Man hattan Island, iii, 154-156, 158, 160, 162; translation of Dutch poem writ ten in 1661 in praise of, iii, 162; re production in colors of the coat-of- arms of the last Dutch Governor of, iii, 146; school in, i, 717; Van den Bossche family of, v, 397; Van der Beks family of, v, 404; Van de Voorde family of, v, 407; Van Rosenvelt fam ily of, v, 638. New Orleans, La., i, 14, 41, 350, 352, 684; ii, 129, 156, 211, 267, 548, 559; iii, 245, 246, 508, 542, 622; iv, 219, 520, 576, 611; v, 575; attempt of Aaron Burr to establish an empire with a capital at, INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES (New Orleans) v, 566, 567; battle of, i, 661; iii, 530, 619; iv, 511, 516; ceding by France to the U. S. of, iv, 612; Charlotte, wife of the son of Peter the Great in, ii, 158, 159; Colonial mail route to, v, 450; early artist of, v, 409, 410, 411; early trade of, ii, 165; financial panic of 1907 in, ii, 16; founding of, iv, 387; purchase by the U. S. of, ii, 553; reproduction of engraving of battle of, v, 42; Spanish occupation of, iv, 610, 615; transfer of Louisiana to France at, iv, 616; possession of Louisiana by the U. S. taken at, iv, 616; Spanish rule in, i, 353, 354; strike of dock laborers in, ii, 34. New Paltz, N. Y., v, 636. Newport, , ii, 676. Captain, i, 207. Christopher, iv, 74; coming to Virginia of, i, 206. Newport, Ky., ii, 305; v, 286; meeting of vol unteers in the War of 1812 at, ii, 283; Ohio, ii, 306, 307, 308, 309; R. L, i, 10, 87, 320, 699; iii, 189; iv, 41, 198; v, 197, 321, 364, 365, 451, 455; Artillery Company of, ii, 510; Boston Store at, ii, 505; Clifton graveyard at, ii, 505; description by a French officer of the American Revolution of social life at, iv, 569, 570; early Baptist church at, ii, 506; first settlement of, ii, 505; founding of the Daughters of Liberty in the Revolution at, ii, 365; headquar ters of Count de Rochambeau at, i, 712; Historical Society of, ii, 502, 506; reproduction of gravestone in Common Burial Ground, now called Governor's Lot, at ii, 503, 504; royal char ter granted to citizens of, iii, 194, 195; settling of Lollards in, iii, 196; Savings Bank of, i, 685; selling of first American Magazine at, ii, 490; settlement by Icelanders at, i, 10; Spring street in, ii, 365; social life at Revolutionary period in, iv, 569, 570; Thames street in, ii, 505; Tomo street in, ii, 365; Trinity Church at, ii, 509; Virginia, v, 439. Newport News, Va., iv, 575. New Post, Arkansas River, iii, 543. New Providence, ii, 72. New River, i, 58; ii, 258; iii, 104. 619. New Rochelle, N. Y., iv, 128, 383. New Salem, 111., residence of Abraham Lin coln in, ii, 245. New Sarum, England, i, 559. New South Wales, emigration to gold fields of Northwestern America from, ii, 635; town of Sydney in, ii, 154. [179 New Spain, iv, 249; discovery oi, ii, 585; early voyage to, ii, 586. Newspaper, fac-simile of page of first Amer ican, ii, 128; first American, ii, 491; first American daily, i, 613; first American weekly, i, 613; first success ful American, v, 441; introduction in •> American colonies of first English, i, 613; the world's first, ii, 492. Newstead, Gloucester Co., Va., old manor house of, iii, 285. Newton, Isaac (Sir), i, 184; iv, 451; discov ery of gravitation by, ii, 501. Thomas (Attorney-General), ii, 479. William (Capt.), ii, 488. Newton, Mass., i, 699, 704, 705, 709; ii, 200; iii, 538; iv, 374; v, 360. Newton's Point, Md., v, 437. Newtown (Cambridge), Mass., iv, 374; v, 360; now Hartford, Conn., ii, 480; Queens Co., L. I., iv, 379. New Vienna, Ohio, iii, 613. New Washington, Conn., i, 719. New Westminster, British Columbia, ii, 636. New World, bringing of European animals, fruits and vegetables by Christopher Columbus to the, iii, 62; early conten tion between European powers for ter ritory in the, v, 18; French explora tions in the, ii, 43; editor's note on 'translation of manuscript of physician on the ship of Columbus describing the, iii, 59; transcript of manuscript of physician on the ship of Columbus de scribing the, iii, 60-80; oldest known map of the, ii, 116; reproduction of old engraving of first European settlers in the, v, 37; portrait of maker of historic map showing the, v, 333; ac count of map on which the name America was first given to the, v, 335-337; fac-simile of imprint-mark of Gymnase Vosgien which produced map showing the, v, 338; reproduction of map on which the name America was first given to the, v, 342, 343; restric tions of Sixteenth century trade in, i, 641; struggle for supremacy of Eu ropean powers in the, ii, 166. New York, i, 12, 17, 47, 150, 155, 354, 358, 434, 446, 449, 618, 639, 722, 726, 731, 739, 757; ii, 306, 309, 654, 665; iii, 119, 213, 502, 511, 537, 539; iv, 205, 343, 431, 438, 439, 449, 516, 575; v, 23, 74, 135, 148, 151, 155, 218, 222, 224, 225, 229, 372, 516, 550; Academy of Sciences, iii, 59; Ackerman family of, v, 401; ac quisition and sale of lands in western, iv, 114; American West India Company of, iv, 205; 300th anniversary of first settlement of, Hi, 283; iv, 467; 300th anniversary of founding of, iii, 146; ap- ] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY (New York, State) pointment of Revolutionary officer from, iv, 382; a prominent family of the State of, ii, 48; article on early Land Wars of, v, 275; Aspinwall fam ily of, v, 638; Bar of, ii, 53, 191; iv, 132, 137, 421, 431; v, 275; Bogert family of, v, 638; Bontekoe family of, iv, 125, 126; boundary between Penn. and, iv, 113, 116; British occupation of, i, 443; building of first railroad in, iv, 117, 118; building of the Erie Canal in, iv, 116, 117; burning of historic docu ments of State of, v, 313; Caldwell family of, iii, 454; cannon balls for War of 1812 made in, i, 754; capture by British of, i, 342; charter of N. Y. and Erie R. R. by, iv, 118; child labor laws in, i, 189; claim of Mass. to lands in, iv, 113, 114, 116, 117; claim that the American flag was first raised in battle in State of, ii, 124; claim to Northwest Territory of, iv, 445; coat- of-arms of Gardiner family of, v, 386; Colonial Dames of the State of, v, 347; photograph of memorial to Anne Hutch inson erected by Colonial Dames of the, v, 357; Colonial Documents of, iii, 204, 205; Colonial expedition against Canada from, 1, 693; Colonial Governors of, ii, 362; v, 430, 432, 436, 437, 473; Co lonial militia of, i, 122 ; colony from the Palatinate in, v, 636; commencement of the Revolution in, ii, 363, 364; Committee of Convention in the Revo lution of, ii, 184; Constitution of, v, 638; Continental Army's retreat from, i, 670; Cornell or Cornwell family of, iv, 555-558; Council of Safety of State of, i, 503; dangers from Indians on frontier of, ii, 98; De Decker family of, v, 394; Delaware County in, iii, 447; De Kay family of, v, 633; delegates to the National Convention of 1787 from, ii, 472; De Meyer family of, v, 394; De Peyster family of, v, 387-408, 638; description of journey in 1805 to Virginia from, iii, 447-452; develop ment of trade and transportation in, iv, 116, 117, 118, 119; Du Bois family of, v, 636; Duryea family of, v, 638; Dutch rule in the Colony of, iii, 185; v, 73; Dwight's work, Travels in, iv, 409; early construction of highways from the Conn. Valley to, iv, 380; early English expedition against Car tagena joined by troops from, ii, 319; early exploration of northern, i, 748; early flags in, i, 11; early fur trade in, ii, 392; early making of staves and potash in, i, 753; early products sent to Montreal market from, i, 753; ef- [180] feet of the completion of the Erie Ca nal on the value of land in, ii, 611; western emigration from, ii, 611; emi grants to California gold fields from, ii, 141; emigration to Penn. from, v, 118; English conquest of, iv, 433; en graving of early Governor of, iv, 92; Erie Canal in, iv, 407, 412, 415; evac uation by the British of, i, 735; ex pedition from Connecticut in the Revo lution to, i, 720, 721; experiences of a Revolutionary soldier in the defense of, iii, 297-310; exploration of exten sive tract of land in, ii, 55, 56; first American dentists at, i, 677; first ca nals in, iv, 412; first settlements in, iv, 388, 390-392, 394; first steam fer ries in, i, 408; Fisher family of, v, 467; flight of many French nobles after the Revolution to northern, i, 747; founding by Quakers of village of Philadelphia in, ii, 608; French exiles in the State of, ii, 59, 605; iv, 120; Gov. Dongan's report to the Commit tee of Trade on the Province of, ii, 392; grand jury of, ii, 19; great fair held in 1795 in, iv, 115; Griffith fam ily of, v, 307; historic Villa Belvidere in western, ii, 49, 59, 60; photograph of, ii, 63; description of, ii, 63; Hoff man family of, v, 638; Huguenot fam ilies in, iv, 123, 125, 126, 131; im proved breeders of cattle introduced in, ii, 61; improvements in methods of transportation in, ii, 61; incorporators of Public School system of, v, 305; Indian Reservation in, iv, 121, 122; in troduction of paper money in, i, 693; iron ore found in, i, 754; Jefferson county in, ii, 604, 605, 611, 612; Kirby and Laws Settlement in, iii, 448; land claims of, iv, 433, 434; land dispute between Conn, and, iv, 582; land dis pute between Vermont and, iv, 581- 594; land speculations of soldiers of French and Indian War in, iv, 583; lands claimed by Mass. in, iv, 120; Laws of the Colony of, iii, 265; Lewis county in, ii, 612; life in the early 19th century in the wilderness of west ern, ii, 58; Loomis family of, iv, 297; lumber trade in, iv, 118, 119; mail service in Colonial, v, 430-438, 440-442, 444-446, 448-454, 456-458; making of Erie Canal in, iv, 87; Manning family of, v, 295; manufacture of electrical apparatus in, i, 577; march toward Yorktown of Count de Rochambeau from, i, 712; massacre of Cherry Val ley in, iii, 432, 433; Montgomery fam ily of, v, 473; monument erected in memory of the battle of the Revo- INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES (New York, State) lution on Croton River by State of, ii, 510; Moore family of, iv, 29, 30, 32- 34, 36, 38-47; Nine Partners Grant in, iii, 511; Nine Partners Settlement in, iii, 448; old parish house built in 1809 at Ogdensburg, i, 755; Otsego County in, ii, 604; Pell family of, iii, 312; pe troleum in, iv, 120; Phillips Manor, Putnam county, ii, 262; photograph of birthplace of a Governor of, iv, 568; photograph of Charles A. Dana of, v, 211; photograph of memorial erected by Sons of the Revolution of the State of, iv, 368; account of memorial erected by Sons of the Revolution of the State of, iv, 383; photograph of Sec Seward of, v, 211; portrait of Colonial Acting Governor of, v, 389; Province of, iv, 29; Provincial Congress of, i, 500; iv, 43, 45; Provost family of, v, 638; Pultney estate in, iv, 114, 117, 120; purchase of land by Joseph Bonaparte in northern, i, 748 ; Puritans, Huguenots and Palatines in, ii, 263; ratification of Federal Constitution by, iii, 572; relations between Willijam Penn and French and Indians in, iv, 110; Revolutionary passes signed by the President of the Convention of, ii, 186; Rossa family of, v, 638; Roosevelt family of, ii, 225, 226, 232; v, 638; Royal Charter of, v, 73; Rutgers fam ily of, v, 638; sale of land on the Niagara River by the State of, ii, 396; Savings Banks in, i, 686; Seher- merhorn family of, v, 395; Schuyler family of, v, 633; Searchlight Library of, iv, 223; settlement and develop ment of Western, iv, 109-122; settle ment of, i, 745; iv, 114; settlers in Penn. from, iv, 114; Simms' Frontiers men of, iii, 383; Smith family of, v, 475, 476; State regulation of cor porations in, ii, 19; suit against the tobacco trust brought in, ii, 20; tan neries in, iv, 119, 120; Ten Broeck family of, v, 633; the "White House," one of the earliest houses in the State of, ii, 56; photograph of, ii, 57; tories in, iii, 430, 432-434; transcript of diary of Revolutionary officer written dur ing Cherry Valley Massacre in, iii, 377- 384; Treaty after the Revolution in, iv, 46; Troops Act after the Revolu tion in, iv, 40; troops in the expedition of the English in 1762 against Cuba of, iii, 116; Truax family of, v, 633; two Governors of, iv, 122; uniform of Revolutionary soldiers in, i, 127; Van Cortlandt family of, v, 638; Van den Bossche family of, v, 397; Vander- [li NewNew New New NewNewNewNew NewNew New NewNew New New New New New NewNewNew NewNew beek family of, v, 404; Van de Voorde family of, v, 407; Van Ness family of, v, 633; Van Vechten family of, v, 633; Varick family of, v, 638; visit of George Fox, the Quaker to, ii, 91 ; Wen dell family of, v, 633; Whig governor of, iv, 288; Wilson family of, v, 301; work on the early frontier of, iii, 202. York Academy of Sciences, iii, 59. York and Erie R. R., iv, 118; opening of the, ii, 62. York Biographical and Genealogical Rec ord, ii, 501. York Clearing House Association, ii, 16. York Committee of Correspondence, v, 454. York "Courier and Inquirer," iv, 201. York "Evening Post," i, 604. York "Gazette and Weekly Mercury," iii, 266; ii, 262; v, 58, 440, 443. York Genealogical and Bigraphical So ciety, i, 517; ii, 48, 383; iii, 148; iv, 132, 187, 425. York Harbor, i, 395, 408, 456; British prison ship in the Revolution in, iv, 341. York "Herald," i, 274; iii, 315. York Historical Association, v, 369. York Historical Society, i, 412; ii, 491; iv, 123, 132, 421; early maps of Dutch and Indian villages around Manhattan Island from collection of, iv, 591, 593; manuscript describing early Manhat tan Island from the archives of the, iii, 154-156, 158, 160, 162. York "Journal," use as a political or gan in Colonial period of, ii, 362; v, 457. York Line in the Revolution, order books of regiment of the, iv, 341-350. York Manumission Society, organization of, ii, 592. York Militia in War of 1812, 10th regi ment of, ii, 488. York "Observer," letter from, iii, 622; publication of the letter of Brutus in the, ii, 594; photograph of medal in honor of founder' of the, iv, 459; pho tographs of historic documents pre served by, iv, 106, 108. York Public Library, photograph of his toric treasure preserved in, iv, 108. York Public School Society, incorpor ation of the, ii, 592. York Public Library, Bulletin of, i, 527. York State Historical Society, ii, 383; publication of the, ii, 387. York State Library, Albany, N. Y., pho tograph of Arnold's pass to Maj. An dre preserved in the, iv, 106. 1] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY New York Society Library, old lithograph of New York from the, iii, 576, 577. New York Stock Exchange, i, 688; during panic of 1907, ii, 16. New York "Tribune," i, 189, 633; iv, 201. New York University, v, 136. New York, Article by Chancellor of, iv, 14. New York City, i, 262, 263, 273, 274, 275, 276, 303, 306, 308, 309, 318, 367, 395, 405, 412, 428, 495, 502, 515, 549, 690, 694, 695, 696, 751, 760; ii, 25, 66, 71, 72, 111, 129, 407; iii, 129, 130, 249, 208, 438, 539, 615, 624; iv, 35, 38, 41, 66, 115, 117, 119, 130, 131, 137, 167, 209, 210, 216, 217, 273, 274, 275, 279, 297, 383, 452, 491, 555, 569, 625; v, 63, 127, 128, 129, 155, 170, 172, 204, 227, 229, 256, 258, 262, 264, 295, 305, 418, 423, 549, 550, 554, 608, 638; American Color- type Company of, iii, 68, 81; 300th an niversary of, iii, 314; announcement of publication descriptive of old Post Road to Georgia via, v, 314; announce ment of publication of work on Colo nial families of, v, 316; announcements of publications descriptive of early, v, 315; appearance of Sir William Howe in 1776 in the harbor of, iii, 133 ; arrival of first European steamship at, i, 273; article on and transcripts from the first book printed in, iii, 265- 274; assembling of first Congress of the Colonies at, ii, 363; Baldwin col lection of Americana in the Public Library of, ii, 361; book plate of Gov. Lewis Morris in Lenox Library at, ii, 120; British occupation in the Revolu tion of, iii, 299; British prison in the Sugar House at, ii, 527, 528; Broad way in the Revolution in, ii, 353; bronze medallions in the Metropolitan Museum in, ii, 243; bronze statue at Columbia University Library in, ii, 237; burial of Alexander Hamilton in Trinity Churchyard in, ii, 56; burning in the Revolution of, iv, 30, 43; care of the sick in the Continental Army in, iii, 56, 57; celebration of Hudson- Fulton Anniversary in, iii, 573, 575; Chinese Assembly Rooms in, ii, 596; City Hall in, v, 121; colonial charter of, v, 473; Columbia College in, v, 121; commencement of the Revolution in, ii, 228, 363, 364; death of the American painter, John Trumbull, at, iii, 197; Department of Finance of, iii, 185; De Peyster family of, v, 387-408; descrip tion of Dutch period in, ii, 285; direc tory for 1819 of, i, 427; early banker of, i, 745, 747; early days in, ii, 64; early inland water steamboats from, i, 423; early map of, i, 417; early [182] mayor of, iv, 87; early merchant of, iv, 30; early political controversy in, ii, 362, 363; early transportation to Al bany from, i, 751; Egyptian obelisk in Central Park, ii, 688; election in 1810 of mayor of, i, 758; Emmet Collection in the Public Library of, ii, 396, 397, 401; end of Revolutionary War in, i, 563; erection of memorial to Anne Hutchinson in, v, 347; photograph of rock with memorial to Anne Hutchin son in, v, 356; transcript, of memorial to Anne Hutchinson in, v, 357; ac count of home of Anne Hutchinson in what is now, v, 366, 367; evacuation by the British of, i, 564; iii, 310; fever plague in, i, 2, 37; excerpt from speech of Theodore Roosevelt made in, iv, 318; fac-simile pages from Colonial calendar printed at, v, 447-450; fac simile pages from Colonial calendar showing post road stations to Char leston from, v, 447-450; fac-simile of advertisements of stage routes from, v, 444, 445; famous paintings in Met ropolitan Museum in, iv, 21, 22, 24- 28; financial panic in, ii, 15, 16; firm of Foster and Reynolds of, iii, 1, 64, 81; first market for American man ufactures opened soon after passage of the Stamp Act on Broad street in, ii, 363; organization of the Sons of Liberty in, ii, 363, 364; battle with British troops at the outbreak of the Revolution in, ii, 364; first narrative of Georgia at Lenox Library in, ii, 123; first newspaper in, iii, 266; first post master of, v, 457; first printing press in, iii, 265, 266; first Public School system of, i, 718; first steamboat of fice in, i, 417; founding of, iv, 387- 395; Frederick H. Meserve Collection in, v, 201; Hall of Records in, v, 121; holding of the Carnegie Peace Confer ence at, ii, 25; Hudson-Fulton Celebra tion in, iii, 315; Hudson Square in, ii, 53; immigrants arriving at, ii, 265; inscription on gravestone in St. Paul's Churchyard in, iv, 394; investigation of transit lines in, ii, 19; John street in, ii, 364; iv, 45; Knickerbocker Trust Company in, ii, 16; legislative regula tion of corporations in, ii, 19; Lis- penard's Brewery in, ii, 355; Living ston family vault in Trinity Church yard in, ii, 62; longshoremen's strike in, ii, 33; mail services in Colonial, v, 430-432, 434, 435, 437, 438, 440-442, 444- 446, 448-454, 456, 457; meeting of com mittees from Colonial Assemblies in 1765 at, iv, 266; meetings of citizens to discuss the subject of immigration INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES (New York City) at, ii, 594; Memorial History of, v, 500; Mercantile National Bank in, ii, 15; Metropolitan Museum in, ii, 180; iv, 23, 50; monument erected to Maj, Andre of the Revolution at, ii, 704; Nassau street in, ii, 366; oath of al legiance recited by children of the public schools of, ii, 199; occupancy by the Continental Army of, iii, 53, 300; old Bridewell in, v, 121; old Custom House at, iv; old engraving of City Hall Park and Broadway in, i, 409; old French church in, iv, 125, 126; old print of Infant School in, i, 718; old prints of, iii, 573, 574, 576-580; old Toutine Coffee House in, i, 751; Peace Conference at, ii, 6; iii, 473; petition from Massachusetts Colony to Charles n preserved in Lenox Library at, ii, 122; photograph of bronze at Metro politan Museum in, iii, 477; political society of Tammany in, ii, 591; por trait of wife of an early Dutch resi dent in, iv, 385; presentation of silver service to discoverer of ocean routes for steamships by merchants and un derwriters of, iv, 330; photograph of, iv, 331; print of triple portrait of Car dinal Richelieu in the Public Library at, ii, 118; Public Library of, ii, 591; Queen Street, in, ii, 185, 353; railroad wreck at Williamsbridge in, ii, 34; representation on a commission in aid of Cuba of the Chamber of Commerce of, ii, 406; reproduction of bronze tablet in Bank of New York at, iv, 102; reproduction of mural painting in residence of John Jacob Astor in, iv, 463; reproduction of photograph of historic treasure preserved at Public Library in, iv, 108; reproduction of photograph of old taverns on the road to Boston from, ii, 293; reproduction of photograph of Peace Conference held at, iii, 636; reproduction of photograph of proclamation during disturbance before the Revolution by mayor of, iv, 106; reproduction of photograph of sculpture of Custom House in, iii, 522; reproductions of paintings in Have- meyer collection in, iv, 88, 89; repro duction of photograph of sculpture at Metropolitan Museum in, v, 272; repro ductions of photographs of work of sculptors of, Hi, 181-184, 521-525, 527- 530, 534-536; Revolution in, iv, 392, 395; Revolutionary prison at the Su gar House in, iii, 302, 307, 309; Revo lutionary regiments from, iii, 276; Rev olutionary tactics of Washington near, v, 85; Riverside Drive in, i, 601; Rock- [183 efeller Institute for Medical Research in, ii, 15; sailing of Commander on Po lar expedition from, iii, 345; sailing of expedition of 1762 against Cuba from, iii, 114; comparison by an Amer ican marine of 1762 of Havana, Cuba, with, iii, 116; return of Colonial ma rines from Cuba to, iii, 117; sculpture at the Custom House in, ii, 8, 9, 17, 21; Searchlight Library in, v, 35; sell ing of first American Magazine at, ii, 490; site of the Sub-Treasury in, iv, 126; statue of George III in Bowling Green in, ii, 83; iv, 395; steamboat lines of, i, 427; Street railways put into hands of receivers, ii, 19; sur render in the Revolution of, iii, 300; telegraphic strike in, ii, 34; ter-centen ary of, iii, 153; transcript of rare docu ment describing early Manhattan Is land, the site of, iii, 154-156, 158, 160, 162; rare wood engravings of Canal street and the first Market Place in, iii, 163; sketch from old map showing the sky-line 200 years ago from the harbor of, iii, 163; Tiffany's and John Williams, Inc., of, ii, 404; title page of first edition of King James' Version of the Holy Bible preserved at General Theological Seminary in, v, 273; Trin ity Church in, i, 430; iii, 266; iv, 30, 41, 44; Wall street in, v, 638; Wash ington's headquarters at, ii, 184; White Hall in, ii, 353; work on journalism published at, ii, 499; voyage to San Francisco from, iv, 324. New Zealand, ii, 26, 129, 559; approval of woman's suffrage bill by lower house of legislature of, ii, 11; autonomy in, ii, 429; emigration to gold fields of Northwestern America from, ii, 635; free schools and compulsory education in, ii, 129; refusal by upper house of legislature to grant woman suffrage bill, ii, 11. Nez Perce Indians, v, 515, 516; bronze medal lion of chief of the, ii, 243. Niagara, N. Y., i, 358; iii, 380; iv, 115; v, 215; historic Cross at Fort, ii, 388, 389; ode by Hon. Henry Taylor Blake to, ii, 201; origin of the name, ii, 387; Revolutionary occupation of fort at, iii, 430-434; study of strategic advan tages of, ii, 383-400. Niagara Falls, i, 140-143, 292, 750; builder of great span across, i, 600; journey soon after Revolution through wilderness of New York to, ii, 56; views of, i, 740-744. Niagara River, i, 142, 752; ii, 383, 386, 387; v, 221, 224; ceding by the Indians of THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY (Niagara River) Noble, land on the, ii, 396; proposed erection of memorial bridge over the, iv, 467. Nicaragua, British control of isthmus of, i, 635; efforts of the English to occupy, i, 634, 635; Indians in, i, 635; organi zation of transit route across, i, 636; people of, i, 635; war between Hon duras and Salvador with, ii, 5; canal, attempt to prevent building of, i, 637; treaty between U. S. and England regarding, i, 636; negotiations of U. S. regarding, i, 636. Nicholas, Anna, iv, 571. Elizabeth Byrd (Miss), i, 494. Philip Norbourne (Judge), i, 494. Nicholasville, i, 667. Nicholl family, announcement of publication containing chapter on the, v, 316. NiehoUs, William, v, 248. Nichols family, v, 303. Governor, iii, 162. James (Rev.), ii, 342, 343, 346. Josephine Genung, announcement of publi cation of genealogy by, v, 322. Nicholson, (Rev.), iii, 545, 550. Governor, v, 436. Nickerson, Constant, i, 504. Joshua (Capt.), i, 502. Nickerson College, Nickerson, Kan., ii, 251. Nicleson, Col., ii, 189. Nicoles, , i, 253. Nicollet, Jean, discovery of Lake Michigan by, ii, 213; early European explora tion of the West by, iv, 171. Nicolson family, iii, 286. Nichaus, Charles' H., i, 601, 610; ii, 238, 551. Nighman, Sarah Elizabeth Sholes, i, 563. Nihilism, iv, 190. Nile River, iv, 186. Nine Partners Grant in New York, iii, 511. Nine Partners Settlement, N. Y., iii, 448. Nineteenth Century, literature of the, iv, 20. Nineveh, discovery of the marbles of, ii, 586. Nipasauk Lake, i, 359. Nipmuck Country of New England Colonies, iv, 424. Niti, Santo Domingo, discovery by the Span ish of gold at, iii, 77, 79, 80. Nixon, Col., ii, 520; iii, 216, 381. General, ii, 519, 520, 648; iii, 54, 58, 276. John (Brig.-Gen.), ii, 190, 350; Revolution ary service of, iii, 211; v, 143. Thomas (Col.), v, 132, 144, 146; Revolution ary service of, iii, 203. Nobel Prize Committee, excerpt from speech of Theodore Roosevelt made before, iv, 315. Nobel Prize for Literature, ii, 36. [184 -, v, 93. Family, i, 376. David (Capt.), i, 376, 377. Hannah, iv, 376. James, i, 377. John, v, 89. John W., i, 440. Ruth (Mrs.), i, 376. Thomas, i, 376; iv, 376. William, ii, 176. Noel (Hon.), v, 620. E. F. (Gov.), ii, 20. Mrs., i, 78. Nolachucky Settlement, N. C, iv, 544, 546, 548. Nolin, Ky., v, 193. No Man's Land, island of, i, 319, 320. Nombre de Dios, i, 642, 650. Norborne, (Lord Botetourt), iii, 82. Nordhoff, Cal., v, 374. Norfolk, Conn., iv, 596; England, v, 195, 198, 240, 242, 295; Lincoln family of, v, 189-191; Virginia, i, 317, 460; ii, 103, 104, 106; iv, 97, 575; v, 265, 461; pho tograph of old church at, iv, 500. Noriega family, v, 384. Norman Baronies of England, iv, 356, 357. Norman Conquest of Britain, ii, 89; iv, 142, 287. Normans, establishment of surnames in Eng land by, iv, 354. Normandy, i, 577; iv, 448; v, 583; Abbey of Val in, iv, 362; Archbishop of, v, 176; ceding to Rollo of, iv, 352; Duke of, iv, 362; first Duke of, iv, 352; second duke of, iv, 354; Hospital of St. John Bap tist at Falaise in, iv, 362; photograph of famous cathedral of, v, 176; photo graph of last resting place of Rollo or Robert I of, v, 176; festival in honor of Rollo held in, v, 177; photograph of statue of Rollo of, v, 182; historical study of Rollo, first Duke of, v, 177- 184; Pomeroy family in, iv, 351, 352, 354, 356; Robert, Duke of, iv, 554. Normands-Forbundet, Norway, statue of Rollo of Normandy presented to, v, 177. Norreys, Henry (Lord), v, 596. Mary, v, 596. Norridgewock, Me., i, 75. Norris, Capt., ii, 332. Mary, v, 307. Norris-Elye, L. C. R., ii, 95, 96. Norristown, Pa., iv, 48. Norse conquests, iv, 352. Norse discovery of America, ii, 116; iii, 462; exploration of North America, iv, 165- 184. North America, v, 336, 343 ; archaeological in vestigations in, iv, 165-184; facsimile of page of first newspaper established ] INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES (North America) in, ii, 128; work on civil engineering in, iv, 408. North Andover, Mass., v, 141. North Anson, Me., i, 75. North Dakota, i, 467, 468; iii, 244; v, 291; admission into the Union of, i, 235; first military post in, i, 235; Governor of, ii, 210; population of, i, 235; seal of, i, 235; statue of Rollo of Normandy erected in, v, 177. North Elmsall, Yorkshire, England, v, 584. North End, Gloucester Co., Va., old manor house of, iii, 285. North Haven, Conn., v, 134. North Hempstead, L. I., iv, 35. North Middleboro, Mass., iv, 403, 405; photo graph of memorial to an early Baptist minister erected at, iv, 400. North Mountain, Va., iii, 449. North Platte River, ii, 685. North Polar Sea, iii, 646. North Pole, American discovery of the, iii, 313, 314; editor's note on Dr. Cook's expedition to the, iii, 315; account by Dr. Cook of his expedition to the, iii, 316, 325-328, 333-340; editor's note on narrative of Commander Peary of his expedition to the, iii, 345; ac count by Commander Peary of his expedition to the, iii, 346-358; editor's note on account of America's discovery of the, iii, 637; account of Dr. Cook ex-. pedition to the, 638-647; Franklin's ex pedition to the, ii, 37; plan to reach by airship, ii, 12; rescue of ship of Franklin's expedition to the, v, 603-610. North Carolina, i, 12, 51, 375, 567, 653, 661; iii, 557; iv, 43, 215, 254, 403, 515, 543, 546, 547, 548, 576, 580; v, 51, 102, 104; Ash County, ii, 143; Brown estate in, ii, 129; Burk County, in, ii, 150; Co lonial mail service in, v, 453; com mencement of the Revolution in, ii, 364-365; cotton spinners in, i, 189; declaring of the State railroad law unconstitutional by Supreme Court of, ii, 19; deed to U. S. Government of territory by State of, v, 102; early Eng lish expedition to Cartagena joined by troops from, ii, 319; emigrants to Cal ifornia gold fields from Buncombe County in, ii, 132, 134, 139; establish ment of boundary between Virginia and, i, 699; first court held in, i, 54, 566; first declaration for independence in, ii, 710; first English colony in, iv, 74; first public convention on the American Revolution in, i, 52; Gov ernor of, v, 5, 476; Governor of early col ony in, iii, 418; Historical Commission, i, 654; law regulating railroad rates in, [185 ii, 19; Moore family in, iv, 36, 37, 38; Moravians in, iv, 575; patriotic organ ization of the Regulators at the Revo lutionary period in, ii, 364; plants of, iv, 575; Press Gangs in, i, 72; regiment in the Revolution, i, 731; reproduction of Civil War photograph taken in, iii, 263; reproduction of engraving of land ing of Federal troops in, v, 44; repro duction of photographs of memorials to heroes of the Mecklenburgh Declaration of Independence in, ii, 706, 710; repro duction of photograph of memorial to the "Regulators" of, ii, 710; reproduc tion of photograph of monument erect ed to a Revolutionary heroine in, ii, 702; photographs of memorials erected to Revolutionary heroes in, ii, 703, 707- 710; reproduction of photograph of Vice-President Johnson of, v, 211; Rev olutionary War in, i, 72; ii, 279, 280; 99, 100, 101; Rutherford County in, ii, 139; settlers in Tenn. from, iv, 544; Sewell family of, v, 465; Smith family of, v, 476; supposed refugees from first English colony in America in, i, 565; trouble over railroad rates in, ii, 19; uniform of Revolutionary soldiers in, i, 128; Wilson family of, v, 301; writ ing of the Mecklenburgh Declaration of Independence in, iii, 247; Yancey Coun ty in, ii, 150. North Castle, N. Y., i, 506. North Coventry, Conn., iv, 300. North River, N. Y., i, 720; ii, 286; iii, 278, 573, 582; attempt of Revolutionary soldiers to destroy British men-of-war on the, ii, 356; Revolutionary boat sta tion on, ii, 520; Revolutionary de fences on the, iii, 58. North Gloucester Co., Va., iii, 288. North Rode Vicarage, Congleton, England, ii, 57. North Rogersville, i, 664. North Star Bay, iii, 316, 325. North Stonington, Conn., ii, 299. North Uxbridge, Mass., v, 416. North Wales, v, 307, 585. North Yarmouth, Me., v, 467. Northam, Devonshire, England, v, 98. Northampton, England, v, 139, 349; Mass., i, 178, 684; iii, 121, 123, 125; iv, 375, 376, 378, 379, 380, 381, 415; v, 132, 149, 158, 159, 163; Trumbull's History of, iv, 409. Northampton County, England, Burwell fam ily of, iii, 290; Pa., iv, 114, 146, 148; Va., iv, 304. Northern Neck of Virginia, iii, 82, 84; early settler of, iv, 512; visit of Rev. George Whitefield to, iii, 87. ] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY Northern Pacific Railroad, completion of, i, 227, 228. Northfield, Minn., "Norwegian American" published at, iv, 171. Northmen, discoveries in America of, ii, 118; Round Tower at Newport, R. I., built by, i, 10; in Greenland, v, 336; in North America, v, 336. Northofts, English estate of, iv, 448. Northumberland, Countess of, implication in attempt to effect escape from captiv ity of Mary, Queen of Scots, of, ii, 89; Earl of, v, 585, 595; implication in at tempt to free Mary, Queen of Scots, from captivity of, ii, 89. Northumberland County, England, v, 471; Pa., iii, 448; iv, 114, 148, 440, 444; v, 67; Va., i, 573; iii, 84, 87; Court House, Va., iii, 85. Northumbria, v, 305. Northwest, Burnet's Notes on the, iii, 220. Northwest, decisive battle of the War of 1812 which gave peace to the, ii, 283; early immigration into the, ii, 279 ; early set tlement and development of the old, iii, 385-392; except from speech of Dan iel Webster regarding acquisition of the, v, 522; fur trade in the, i, 357, 358, 359; Fur Trust, i, 357; Indian wars in the, ii, 277, 278, 279; v, 516, 521; inves tigation of administration of govern ment in the old, iii, 225; Lewis and Clarke expedition to the, i, 467-484; missions in the, v, 516; opening of travel to the gold fields of the, ii, 633- 642; prevention of slavery in the, ii, 531, 532; reproduction of mural paint ing at Minnesota State Capitol symbol izing the Birth of the, ii, 217; reproduc tion of mural painting at Minnesota State Capitol symbolizing Natural Wealth of the, ii, 232; reproduction of mural painting at Iowa State Capitol symbolizing Birth of the, ii, 240, 241; reproduction of photographs of views on the route to the, ii, 631, 632. Northwest Territory, i, 28; ii, 214, 656; iv, 218, 220, 249, 332? acquisition by the United States of the, ii, 547, 548; dif ficulties of government in the old, iii, 220; early education in the, iii, 222; extent of the old, iii, 219; iv, 445; first Governor of the, ii, 299; first legisla ture of, iii, 224; Governor of, iii, 387; Indians in the old, iii, 221, 223, 224; Militia of the, iii, 221; organization of the, iii, 386; passing by Congress of Ordinance for government of the, iii, 219; provisions of the Ordinance gov erning the, iii, 220, 221, 222; Secretary of, iv, 86; settlement by Ohio Co. of the, ii, 532. Northwest Army, iii, 390. Northwest Company, the, i, 357, 751. Northwest Ordinance, ii, 531; iv, 445; v, 286. Northwest Trading Co., v, 505. Northwest Passage to Arctic Ocean, attempt of Franklin to discover, v, 603. Northwest Passage to India, i, 216. Northwestern University, iv, 297. Northwestern Wilderness, French adventures in the, i, 357. Norton, Capt., v, 105. Colonel, iii, 442, 444. Elisha, iii, 387. George W., i, 379. Peter (Maj.), i, 88. Thomas, ii, 176. Norwalk, Conn., i, 94, 443, 445, 547, 676, 684; ii, 527; iv, 38; v, 321, 366, 583, 587, 596, 597 ; invasion by the British in the Revolution of, ii, 343; iv, 126; settle ment of Huguenot family near site of, iv, 126. Norway, i, 202, 265; iv, 184; ancient docu ments regarding discovery of America in, iv, 167 ; ancient knowledge of North America in, iv, 168; exploring expedi tion sent from, iv, 169, 182; Carlyle's work Early Kings of, v, 183; excerpt from speech of Theodore Roosevelt made in, iv, 315; extension to women of the suffrage in, ii, 11; Historical Archives of Sons of, iv, 165; interna tional treaty to maintain integrity of, ii, 5; Ragnvald, Jarl of Moers, in, v, 182; statue of Rollo of Normandy pre sented to, v, 177; University of, v, 183. "Norwegian American," publication of the, iv, 171. Norwegian Immigration to America, work on, iv, 165. Norwegian Society in America, v, 177. Norwich, Conn., i, 182, 270, 519, 522, 540, 541, 543; ii, 485; iii, 121, 386; iv, 34, 41, 46, 399, 401, 402, 403; v, 132, 134, 475, 476, 550; England, v, 189, 190, 191, 242. Norwich Landing, Conn., iv, 402. Notre Dame de Gand, Flanders, Church of, v, 401, 403. Nott, Eliphalet (Dr.), iii, 141. Nottaway Plantation, La., iv, 29. Nottingham, Earl of, ii, 494. Nottoway Parish, Va., v, 99. Nova Scotia, Canada, i, 202, 515, 735; ii, 12, 43; iv, 39, 182, 273; v, 18, 432; Bishop of, iv, 31; Early Governor of, ii, 398; exploration of the Coast of, ii, 376; wireless station at Glace Bay, ii, 15. Novel, First American, i, 236, 237. [186] INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES Noyes, (Rev.), iii, 49. H. B., (Mrs.), i, 305. Oliver, iii, 95. Nueva, Villa, i, 746, 747. Nugent, John, ii, 635. Numismatic and Archaelogical Society, Amer ican, iv, 425. Nunez, , ii, 436. Nuphom, John, ii, 176. Nurse, Rebekah, i, 510. Nuse, , i, 526. Nut Island, iii, 114. Nutten Island, mention in rare manuscript, describing New Netherland, of, iii, 154. [187 I o Oak Ridge Institute, Greensboro, N. C, pho tograph of memorial to a boy hero of the Revolution erected by the alumni of, ii, 710. Oakes, , v, 131. Urian (Rev.), v, 295. Oaks, Joel, ii, 309. Oahu College, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands, iii, 459. Oakland, N. J., photograph of old house at, iii, 608. Oases on the Colorado Desert, photograph of, iii, 107, 397. Oathout, Sylvester, v, 112. O'Beolan family, v, 183. Oberholtzer, Ellis Paxson, i, 236. Obookiah, Henry iv, 300. O'Brian, John, iii, 117. Observatory, National, iv, 319, 326, 334. O'Callaghan, , ii, 123. Doctor, documents relating to Colonial History collected by, ii, 387; the Vin dicator edited by, v, 218. Ocean charts, first American scientist to make, iv, 319-337. Ocean Penny Postage, i, 155, 156. Ocean travel in early days of the Republic, v, 266, 267, 268. O'Connor, Andrew, ii, 32. Odell, Bedfordshire, England, iii, 119. Oertel, J. A., old engraving from drawing by, v, 36. O'Ferrall, Charles T. (Gov.), ii, 210. Ogbourne, David, drawing by, v, 241. Ogden, , ii, 363; v, 277. Amos, iv, 436. David B., purchase of Ogdensburg, N. Y., from, i, 752, 758. Governor, i, 427. Hannah, i, 76, 78. Harry A., water color drawings made from old prints of Revolutionary soldiers by, iv, 193-196. John, i, 76. Peter Skeene, i, 227. Robert (Hon.), i, 76. Ogdensburg, N. Y., i, 757, 758; v, 226, 227, 230; attack in War of 1812 on, i, 754, 755; development of great commercial enterprise at, i, 750-757; early mails service to, i, 760; establishment of early commercial house at, i, 748; famine in 1809 at, i, 753; garrison in War of 1812 to enforce embargo at, i, 754; library at, i, 745, 761; making [188] of a port of entry of, i, 752; purchase by David Parish of, i, 752; reproduc tion of old lithograph of warehouse at, i, 756; reproduction of old photograph of parish house at, i, 755. Ogle, Chaloner (Rear-Admiral, Sir), re-en forcement of fleet of Admiral Vernon in the attack on Cartagena, South America, by a squadron under com mand of, ii, 318; one division of the fleet commanded by, ii, 319; first at tack on Cartagena made by division in command of, ii, 322; participation in a council of war regarding attack on fort by, ii, 329; transcript of instruc tions of Admiral Vernon regarding di vision of, ii, 332; councils of war signed by, ii, 334, 335; transcript of instructions regarding attack on forts by, ii, 336, 337; council of war signed by, ii, 338. Oglethorpe, Gov., i, 30; iv, 249; coming to Carolina of, ii, 225, 227. Ogston Hall, Derbyshire, England, photograph of, ii, 89, 92, 93, 100. Ogwe Paytevin, Wonford, England, iv, 358. O'Higgins, , ii, 421. Ohio, i, 14, 26, 148, 575, 577, 682; ii, 23, 139, 250, 267, 302-306, 309-312, 548, 615, 691-694; iii, 219, 231, 466, 511, 515, 542, 552, 553, 616; iv, 78, 99, 204, 283, 297, 381, 445, 515, 596, 599; v, 136, 187, 224, 295, 303; admission into the Union of, i, 14; bill regulating railroad fare in, ii, 19; Civil War in, i, 27; Colerain, Belmont Co., in, ii, 110; Colonial mail route to, v, 450; Connecticut Reserve in, iv, 445; Constitutional Convention of, ii, 211; senate of, ii, 211; Supreme Court of, ii, 211; dangers from wolves in early, iii, 391, 392; Department of, iv, 351; development of, ii, 205; early education in, iii, 389; early frontier of, iii, 458; early journey to Wash ington, D. C, from, iii, 615; early leg islature of, iii, 389; early settlers of, ii, 297-314; effect of improved trans portation facilities in, iv, 416; emi grants to the gold fields of California from, ii, 149, 151, 154; end of the In dian War in, ii, 312; famous men na tive of, i, 27; first Constitution of, iii, 387, 388; first school of early settlers of, ii, 305; first settlements in, ii, 297- 314; governors of, ii, 210; Howe's His- INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES (Ohio) torical Collections of, iii, 388; mounds in, i, 350; Orviatt family of, iv, 599; War of 1812 in, i, 27; work of Ma- nasseh Cutler for the welfare of, ii, 531, 532. Ohio River, i, 26, 339, 347, 564; ii, 40, 214; iii, 378, 386-392, 542, 566; iv, 118, 220, 427, 547, 549, 550, 576; v, 18, 275, 279, 283, 285, 286, 287, 463; block house settle ment, "Farmer's Castle" on the, ii, 303; fortification of "Farmer's Castle" on the, ii, 304; first school at, ii, 305; first religious services at, ii, 306; list of first settlers at "Farmer's Castle" on the, ii, 306-309; removal of the settlers from "Farmer's Castle" on the, ii, 312; dangers from Indians of first settlers on the, ii, 98; deed from State of North Carolina to U. S. Government of land southwest of the, v, 102; early settlements on the, ii, 299; expedition from Kentucky in the War of 1812 across the, ii, 283; expedition from West Virginia against the Indians across the, ii, 278, 279; Falls of, i, 343, 346; first steamboat on the, v, 169; floods of the, ii, 35; fossils found on an island in the, i, 668; grants of land in valley of the, iii, 455; Indian fight ing on the, i, 342; journey down the, iii, 220; journey in 1835 on the, i, 653, 658; "National Road" on the, ii, 265; passing of ordinance for govern ment northwest of the, iii, 219; set tling of the territory between the Great Lakes and the, ii, 297. Ohio Valley, iv, 216, 217; bituminous coal found in the, i, 668; fossils found in the, i, 668; immigration into the, ii, 209; petroleum found in the, i, 668; Veteran volunteer cavalry, iv, 351; v, 147. Ohler, Clara Paine (Mrs.), ii, 297. Ohman, Olof, affidavit regarding Runestone unearthed in Minnesota by, iv, 178; Edward, iv, 178. Ohman's Farm, Kensington, Minn., map show ing site of unearthing of Runestone on, iv, 166. Oil region of Cal., v, 369, 371-373; photograph of first well drilled in the, v, 378. Ojai Ranch, Cal., oil region near, v, 369, 371, 373, 374, 375-381. Okanagan, Columbia River, ii, 637. Oklahoma, i, 186, 337; v, 289, 291; admission to the Union of, i, 14; ii, 205; bank holidays declared to avert financial panic in, ii, 16; City, Okla., develop ment of, ii, 205; formation of the Territory of, ii, 431; Fort Sill in, ii, 672; Indian chief, death of Pleasant [189 Porter, the, ii, 37; prohibition in, ii, 12; Territory, admission to the Union, with Indian Territory, as the State of Ok lahoma of, ii, 20; United States sena tors elected in 1908 from, ii, 23, 24; University of, iv, 297. Olaf Haraldsen, honor paid in America to Norwegian founder, v, 177. Olcott, E. E., i, 431. Peter, iv, 592. Old Corner Book Store, Boston, Mass., v, 351. Old Point Comfort, Va., ii, 675; iii, 557. Old Post Road, announcement of publica tion, the, v, 314, 429. Order of Foreign Wars, Military, v, 97. Order of the Golden Horseshoe in Virginia, iv, 98. Order of the Knights of the Golden Fleece, y, 401. Order of the Loyal Legion, Military, v, 97. Order of United Americans, organization and transcript from the Constitution of, ii, 595; meetings held on Washington's birthday by the, ii, 596. Ordinance of 1787, ii, 213, 214; iii, 219, 220, 221, 222; iv, 445; v, 286; passage of the, ii, 531, 532. Old South Church, Boston, Mass., i, 559; iii, 94; v, 465. Olden, Charles S. (Gov.), v, 49. David, v, 53. Elizabeth (Lawrence), v, 53. Family, v, 53. John, v, 53. Joseph, v, 52, 54. Thomas, v, 49, 50, 53. Walter Hart, v, 50. William, v, 53. Oldenburg, announcement of Department of Journal of American History for Gene alogical Research in, v, 322; congratu lations to the American people of the Grand Duke of, ii, 10; photograph of Grand Duke of, ii, 10. Oldham, John, murder by Pequot Indians of, ii, 480. Oldroyd, Osborn H., portraits of Abraham Lincoln from collection of, v, 201, 205, 209, 213. Olean, Cattaraugus County, N. Y., iv, 116. Oliver, Alexander (Col.), ii, 309. Andrew, ii, 364. Betsy, ii, 309. Family, ii, 309; v, 363, David (Dr.), ii, 309. Oliver J., i, 747. John, ii, 309. Launcelot, ii, 309. Lucretia, ii, 309. Mary, ii, 309. Mehala, ii, 309. R., i, 747. ] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY (Oliver, Alexander) Robert Shaw (Hon.), iii, 251. Sally, ii, 309. Ollinger, Bob (Deputy Sheriff), ii, 673. Olmstead, Hawley, i, 547. Olmutz, Austria, prison of, v, 568 ; Lafayette's imprisonment at, ii, 52. Olson, Julius E. (Prof.), iv, 179. Oltrogge, Estelle Trichelle (Mrs.), i, 49. Omaha, Neb., i, 98, 437; v, 280, 281; map of Missouri River at, v, 277. Onderdonk, , iv, 43. Andrew, iv, 35. Family, iv, 35. Gertrude, iv, 35. Henry, iv, 35. Mary (Moore), iv, 35. Oneida County, N. Y., iv, 131; Historical So ciety, i, 617; iii, 209; iv, 123. Opequon River, W. Va., early settlements on the, ii, 210. Oppie, Benjamin, v, 52. Oquaga, N. Y., iii, 448. Oracle Magazine, the, iii, 555. Orange Co., N. C., i, 72; iv, 547; photograph of memorial to heroes of the Battle of the Alamance fought in, ii, 710. Orangetown, N. J., iv, 491; Revolutionary Camp, iv, 350. Orantio, Ignacio, ii, 672. Orchard, Harry, confession of, ii, 34. Oregon, i, 14, 17, 24, 226, 566, 567, 627; ii, 553; v, 291; acquisition by the U. S. of, v, 499-542; admission into the Union of, i, 14, 17; archives, v, 528, 533; battleship, i, 638; "Bridge of the Gods" in, v, 515; centennial of first settlement in, v, 169; coming of set tlers from N. Y. to, i, 17; dispute re garding claim of the United States to, ii, 557; French and Spanish rights in, ii, 557; acquisition by the United States of, ii, 558; early conventions to organize government in, v, 527, 528, 533, 534; early road to, ii, 135, 148; first settlement in, i, 17; Governor of, i, 17; Gray's History of, v, 516, 528; Historical Society, v, 499; pictures from archives of the, v, 501, 504, 507, 510, 511, 515, 517, 520, 532, 535, 538, 539, 542; immigration to, i, 18; In dians in, v, 500, 506, 515, 516, 521, 534; Indian Wars in, v, 516, 521; lumber and agricultural industries in, i, 18; Native Son, publication, v, 516; now Columbia River, photographs of scen ery of the, v, 495, 498; petitions to Congress to organize government in, v, 522; photograph of first and only Provisional governor of, v, 517; repro duction of photograph first Territorial governor of, v, 520; photograph of first [190 State governor of, v, 539; prevention of slavery in, ii, 211; seekers for gold in the Northwest from, ii, 637; United States senator elected in 1907 from, ii, 24. Oregon River, v, 500. Oregon Trail, i, 437; Parkman's work on, v, 289. Oregonian, photograph furnished by newspa per, the Morning, v, 529; excerpt from address of editor of the, v, 534. Orescomma (Buckeret, Hemyock), England, iv, 358. Orgerius, Duke of Cornwall, iv, 365. Orient, American expansion in the, ii, 543- 559; Great Britain's affairs in 1907 in the, ii, 26. Orinoco River, South America, v, 336; canni balism of the Indians of, iii, 68, 71; discovery of the delta of, iii, 72. Oriskany, N. Y., Battle of, iii, 430; iv, 553, 556; first raising of the American flag at, ii, 124. Orkney Islands, v, 303. Orlando, Fla., iii, 245. Orleans, France, v, 399. Orleton, England, manor of, ii, 15. Orlingbury, England, i, 565. Ormand, Adjutant, i, 449. Ormshead, the, v, 249. Oro Grande Mines, N. Mex., ii, 671. Oronhyatekha, Dr., death of the Mohawk In dian, ii, 36. O'Rourke, Brian, i, 225. Orsbon, David, i, 230. Ortega, , discovery of the San Joa quin River, Cal., by, iii, 179. Ortez, Ramon (Father), ii, 671. Osage Indians, v, 516; treaty of right of way on the Santa Fe Trail with the, iii, 469 ; reproduction of photograph of monu ment erected at site of treaty with the, iii, 469; results of treaty with the, iii, 470. Osage River, Mo., i, 439. Osborn, Abraham (Col.), iii, 302, 308. Elizabeth (Allen), iii, 302. Family, iii, 298. Oscar, King of Sweden, death of, ii, 33, 37; Prince, i, 265. Osgod, v, 305. Clapa, v, 305. Gytha, v, 305. Osgood, , iv, 272. Benjamin, v, 305. Christopher, v, 305. Family, coat-of-arms of the, v, 304; histor ical sketch of the, v, 305. John (Capt.), v, 305. Mr., i, 61. Peter (Capt.), v, 305. Samuel, v, 125, 305. ] INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES (Osgood) Thaddeus, v, 305. Thomas, v, 305. William, v, 305. O'Shea, John, ii, 226 Marion, ii, 226. Oskaloosa, Iowa, memorial to American In dians at, i, 612. Osmun, Benajah (Capt.), i, 338, 339, 340, 342, 344. Benaijah (Col.), v, 568, 569, 570, 575. Ossian, ii, 600. Ostiaks, the, v, 80. Oswald, John, i, 184. Oswegatchie Country, early Nineteenth cen tury journey to the, i, 749. Oswegatchie River, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., Ox Bow on the, i, 748, 752. Oswego, N. Y., i, 92, 751, 752; ii, 124, 385; v, 450. Oswego Harbor, v, 226. Oswego River, ii, 124. Oteri, or Otri (Warrington-on-Otter, Hemy), England, iv, 358. Otis, Dr., v, 607. Family, iv, 261-272. Harrison Grey (Gen.), iv, 261; mural paint ings in the residence of, iii, 102, 103. James, poem sent by a friend to the Revolutionary patriot, iv, 384; portrait of, iv, 265; portrait of wife of, iv, 268; editor's note on researches into life of, iv, 261; ancestry of, iv, 262; birth and education of, iv, 262; speech in opposi tion to British government at trial of Writs of Assistance by, iv, 263 ; Samuel Adams' description of famous speech of, iv, 264; accession to Mass. legislature of, iv, 265; election as delegate to con vention held to oppose Stamp Act of, 266, 267; drafting of "Circular Let ters," for distribution among the Colo nies, by, iv, 269; address to Harvard students by, iv, 270, 271; dastardly at tack in Boston Coffee House on, iv, 271; thanks of Boston, for his patriotic service tendered to, iv, 272; death of, iv, 272; reproduction of portrait of, iv, 268. John, iv, 262. Joseph (Judge), iv, 262. Mary Alleyne, portrait of, iv, 268. Ruth (Cunningham), iv, 262. Otri (Upottery, in Axminster, Haytor), Eng land, iv, 359. Otria added Holescomba, or Holescumbe (Es tate on the Otter in Buckerel, in Hem yock), England, iv, 359. Otsego County, N. Y., ii, 604; iii, 378. Ottawa, Canada, historic records at, ii, 394. Ottawa Indian Reservation, Kan., iv, 78, 81, 82, 83, 84. Oviatt, Benjamin, iv, 599. Darius, iv, 599. Elizabeth (Carter), iv, 599. Family, iv, 596, 599. Heman, iv, 599. Lyman, iv, 599. Nathaniel, iv, 599. Samuel, iv, 599. T. D., iv, 596, 599. Owen, , iii, 123. Charles H. (Maj.), ii, 615. John (Sir), ii, 82. Robert, v, 307. Robert Dale, letter to ex-President Tyler from, v, 616; facsimile of page of let ter to ex-President Tyler from, v, 629. Oxenham, John, i, 642; expedition to the Isthmus of Darien of, i, 643. Oxenstein, Chancellor, iii, 560. Oxford University, England, i, 509, 510; ii, 26, 492; iii, 418; iv, 142, 449, 451; v, 197, 234, 583, 596, 597. Oyster Bay, L. I., i, 452, 458, 459. I9J J Pablo, iii, 400. Pacific Coast, early expedition to the, ii, 39; excerpt from speech of Daniel Web ster regarding acquisition by the U. S. of the, v, 522; first American school on the, i, 617; historian of the, v, 303. Pacific Fur Company, i, 226; v, 169. Pacific Islands, development of the, ii, 129. Pacific Ocean, i, 34, 467, 472; ii, 129, 547; iii, 431; iv, 387, 433, 483, 609; v, 76, 371, 500; account of the journey of the first European to cross the Colorado Desert to the, iii, 103-112; Balboa's discovery of, i, 633 ; destruction by American fleet of the power of Spain in, ii, 359; early voyage on the, ii, 583; first overland journey to the, iii, 171-179; fleet of American war ships in the, ii, 101, 112; journey of American pioneers to the, i, 617; opening the gateway of the, ii, 38; order of President Roosevelt send ing United States Fleet to the, ii, 24; photographs of route of first overland journey to the, iii, 393, 394; account of first overland journey to the, iii, 395-403; South, destructive hurricane on the, ii, 212; whaling and sealing voy age on, i, 309, 310. Pacific Springs, ii, 144. Pacific Squadron, i, 15. Pacific States, legislation in the, iv, 18. Pacific waters, visit of United States war ships to, ii, 2, 15. Packer, , iii, 86. F. H., i, 608. Pacolet River, v, 100. Paddock, Jonathan, i, 499, 503. Padham Manor, England, v, 189. Padua, Italy, University of, iv, 451. Paducah, Ky., ii, 131; iv, 29. Page, , iii, 427. Alice ( ), iii, 294; inscription on tomb of, iii, 294. Ann (Corbin), iii, 294. Elizabeth, inscription on tomb of, iii, 289. Family, iii, 286, 287, 290; v, 309; description of "Rosewell" and "Shelly," estates of the, 292, 293; inscriptions on tombs of the, iii, 294, 295; photograph of "Rose well," the estate of the, iii, 295; first ancestor in America of the, ii, 675; his tory of Virginia home of the, ii, 675, 676, 677; photograph of Virginia home of the, ii, 676; photograph of hall of the Virginia home of the, ii, 677. John, ii, 675; iii, 286, 294. John, Governor, ii, 676, 677 ; iii, 292. Judith (Carter), iii, 294. Judith (Wormley), inscription on tomb of, iii, 294, 295. Madam, iii, 423. Mann, ii, 675, 677; iii, 294; description of tomb of, iii, 293, 294. Mary (Mann), inscription on tomb of, iii, 294. Mathew (Hon.), ii, 676; iii, 289; inscription on tomb of, iii, 294. R. C. M. (Dr.), iii, 287. Tayloe, inscription on tomb of, iii, 294. Page Rock Lighthouse, Va., ii, 676. Paine, Edward (Gen.), iii, 387. Eleazer, iii, 388. Gilbert D, i, 187. Robert Treat, ii, 592. Thomas,' iii, 308; v, 60. PainesviUe, Ohio, founding of, Hi, 387; an early settler of, iii, 388, 390, 391. Painted Post, Pa., iv, 114. Paintings, examples of historical American, iii, 489, 490, 493, 495-497, 499, 501, 503, 504; first collection in America of, i, 170; reproductions of famous Ameri can, iv, 21, 22, 24-28; reproductions of historic, ii, 643-646. Painting in America, i, 168, 169, 170-172. Pakington family, photograph of old silver engraved with the arms of the, ii, 92. Lady, ii, 92. Palatinate, the, ii, 270; announcement of De partment of Journal of American His tory for Genealogical Research in the, v, 322; colony in New York from the, v, 636; immigrants to America from the, ii, 457-470. Palatine Bridge, N. Y., iv, 260 ; Revolutionary engagement at, iii, 213. Palatines in New York, ii, 263. Palestine, Holy Land, iv, 517; v, 187. Palfrey, Col., iii, 56. Palisades, the, i, 135. Pall Mall, London, England, iv, 452. Palma, , ii, 256, 257, 258, 260; iii, 104, 398, 400; chief of the Yuma Indians, ii, 41, 42. Captain, ii, 526. Estrada, ii, 427, 436. Salvador, ii, 700, 701. Palmer, David, v, 548. J., v, 156. Jarius, ii, 130. [192] INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES (Palmer) John M., ii, 215. Julius, iv, 337. Major, iv, 377. Potter, ii, 215. (Mrs.), iv, 311. Palo Alto, Cal., iii, 174. Palos, Spain, starting of the expedition of Columbus to the New World from, ii, 122; iii, 64. Palou, Father, iii, 403 ; Gray, iii, 174. Pamunkee, Virginia, ii, 675. Pamunkey, Queen of, iii, 427. Pamunkey River, Va., iii, 284. Panack Indians, ii, 148. Panama, i, 641; ii, 129, 596; iv, 154; v, 371; attempt of William Patterson to found an English colony on the isthmus of, i, 634; Culebra cut through mountains of, i, 639; exploration of isthmus of, i, 633; extravagance of French pro moters of canal in, i, 637; first plan to make a canal through the isthmus of, i, 633; first white man to cross the isthmus of, i, 633; government of, i, 639; Governor of, ii, 318; guarantee of the United States to maintain neutral ity in isthmus of, i, 635; Indians of isthmus of, i, 633; proposed French protectorate in isthmus of, i, 635; re public of, i, 639; ii, 166; sacking of the city of, i, 634; theatre in city of, i, 637; visit of Secretary Taft to, ii, 25; iv, 10. Panama Bonds, issuance by United States Government of, ii, 16. Panama Canal, ii, 553; iv, 407; army put in charge of the work on the, ii, 24; cele bration on the opening of the, iv, 467; commission to select route for, i, 638; effect of Clayton-Bulwer Treaty on, i, 635, 636; efforts to interest European nations in building of the, i, 635; four hundred years of the, i, 633; message to Congress of President Hayes regard ing, i, 637; photograph of medal con ferred for service in construction of the, iv, 460; plan for employment of freed negroes on the, iv, 213; plans of Humboldt for building the, i, 634; South American nations' planning of the, i, 634. Panama Railroad, building by American cap italists of the, i, 635, 636. Pane, Roman (Fray), iii, 61. Pangwonk, Conn., iv, 377. Panic of 1837-8, effect on Savings Banks of, i, 686. Pantheon, Paris, France, the, v, 175. Panton, William, ii, 165. Panton and Leslie, old trading house of, ii, 163, 164, 165. [193 Paola, Kan., iv, 81. Papago Indians, ii, 41, 42, 526. Papagueria, Desert of, ii, 40. Paper Money, facsimile of first American, i, 693. Papineau, , v, 533. Louis Joseph, v, 217, 218, 220, 229, 230, 533. Para, Brazil, i, 306. Para River, i, 306. Paraguay, first exploration of, i, 202; ii, 669. Param, Leeward Islands, i, 491. Paramus, N. J., old Dutch house at, ii, 284, 290; use of church as an hospital in the Revolution, ii, 292. Pardee, George C. (Hon.), i, 21. Paris, Edgar Co., 111., iii, 515. Paris, France, i, 155, 156, 401, 405, 494, 636, 676, 677; ii, 12, 48, 52, 369, 611; iv 216, 219, 220, 427, 554; v, 174, 175, 333, 392, 400, 409, 410, 575, 595, 634, 636; Ameri can Embassy at, ii, 128; Bibliotheque Nationale at, ii, 43; Declaration of, iv, 11; description after the Revolu tion by a French exile of, ii, 612; ex cerpt from speech of Theodore Roose velt made at, iv, 315; exhibition of American sculpture in Salon at, i, 612; festival in commemoration of Norman foundations held at, v, 177; first inter national exposition at, iv, 153; first newspaper printed at, ii, 492; galleries of, ii, 119; Hotel Valentinois at, ii, 598; longest journey by automobile from Peking, China, to, ii, 15; map of Se bastian Cabot preserved in national li brary at, ii, 119; meeting of Interna tional Engineering Congress at, i, 636; Millenial Celebration at, iv, 166; ne gotiations for the Louisiana Purchase at, iv, 609; oldest known map of the world found at, ii, 116; patron saint of, v, 175; Peace Congress in, i, 156, 160; ravaging by Vikings of, v, 179; records regarding discovery of America at, iv, 166, 181; representation of the American Colonies by Benjamin Frank lin at, ii, 598; reproduction of statue erected by American school children in memory o^Lafayette at, ii, 550; Rev olution in, i, 593; Rue des Francs Bour geois in, ii, 598; siege of, v, 183; strike of electrical workers in, ii, 34; Treaty of, ii, 213, 395, 547, 553; v, 287. Parish, Charles, i, 746. David, action brought by King of Spain against, i, 758; aid in establishment of large commercial house given by, i, 751; commercial enterprises on the St. Lawrence River of, i, 752; correspondence of, i, 745-748, 751, 757- 760; death of, i, 760; description in Irving Bacheller's "Dri and I" of, i, ] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY Parish, David) 757; exploration of the wilderness of Pennsylvania and northern New York in the interests of, i, 748; loan to the United States by, i, 745; protection in War of 1812 of property of, i, 757; pur chase of land in America by, i, 747; purchase of large tracts of land in New York by, i, 751; purchase of village of Ogdensburg, N. Y., by, i, 752; repro duction of old miniature of, i, 753; re production of warehouse on the St. Lawrence of, i, 756; transference of credits from Spanish colonies in Mex ico to Europe by, i, 746; visit to Europe of, i, 759. George, i, 755; George (Baron von Senft- enberg), photograph of, i, 754; will of, i, 760. John, i, 745, 759; John, proprietorship of Austrian principality of, i, 759. Richard, i, 760. Parishville, N. Y., early Merino sheep farm at, i, 754. Park, Barbara (Mrs.), v, 91. Prof., i, 547, 551, 555, 556. Park Row, New York City, print of, iii, 580. Park Street church, Boston, Mass., national hymn, "America," first sung at, ii, 199, 200. Parke, Daniel (Capt.), iii, 316. Dorothy, iv, 625. Parker, , i, 405; iv, 40. , (Chancellor of Worcester), 1, 522. Abraham, ii, 647; iii, 127. Archbishop, v, 424. Benjamin, iii, 122. Benjamin (Dr.), painting of, ii, 646; birth of, ii, 647; education of, ii, 647; re moval to Virginia of, ii, 647; marriage of, ii, 647; death of, ii, 647. Bradstreet, ii, 647. Captain, iii, 126; iv, 44. Ensign, iii, 381. Family, v, 303, 363; coat-of-arms of, ii, 647; first American ancestor of, ii, 647; officers of the Revolution who were members of, ii, 647. George, i, 52. * George (Capt.), iv, 307. Hyde (Admiral, Sir), iv, 44. Isaac, iii, 126. J., selling of first American Magazine at New York by, ii, 490. James, iii, 124, 125. James (Capt.), Revolutionary service of, iii, 208. John, iv, 624. John (Capt.), ii, 647; iv, 70. Jonas (Capt.), iv, 70; Revolutionary ser vice of, iii, 208. Lieutenant, iii, 381. [194] Lois (Blood), iii, 127. Lydia (Latham), iv, 624. Moses (Lieut.-Col.), ii, 647. Peter (Sir), i, 55. Rebekah (Bulkley), iii, 124. Robert (Rev.), v, 138. Thomas (Rev.), v, 139. Widow, iii, 126, 127. William Thornton (Dr.), ii, 647. Parker's Ferry, S. C, i, 728. Parkersburg, Ohio, ii, 312, 314; W. Va., ii, 129. Parkhurst, A. Richmond (Jr.), ii, 704. Parkinson, Mary (Washburn), iii, 511. Parkinson Ferry, Pa., iv, 605. Parkman, , i, 640. Francis, v, 289. Parkman the historian, ii, 166, 315, 381; "La- Salle and the Discovery of the Great West," by, ii, 388; monument, photo graph of bas-relief on the, iii, 181. Parks, Capt., ii, 353. Parma, Duke of, v, 405, 406. Parmelee family, ii, 176; coat-of-arms of the, ii, 176. George William (B. A., D. C. L.), ii, 375. John, ii, 176. Parmer, Mary (Caldwell), iii, 454. R. C. (Dr.), iii, 454. Parnell, Charles Stewart, i, 673. Parr, , i, 565. John, ii, 398. Katherine (Green), v, 585, 586. Parrish, John, commissionership to the In dians of, ii, 394. Parrott, Cynthia, iv, 601. Diana (Carter), iv, 601. Serena, iv, 601. W. P., iv, 601. Parsons, Abigail, i, 678. Brigadier-General, ii, 350, 353, 520, 527, 648, 650; iii, 56, 275. Captain, iv, 71. Colonel, ii, 186. Elijah, announcement of publication of genealogy of ancestors and descendants of, v, 321. Family, i, 678; announcement of publica tion of genealogy of the, v, 321. Henry, announcement of publication of genealogy by, v, 321. Joseph (Cornet), announcement of publica tion of genealogy of descendants of, v, 321. Judge, v, 372, 373. Levi (Hon.), v, 372, 373. Samuel H. (Brig-Gen.), ii, 190. Parsons' Life of Pepperrell, v, 27, 32. Partridge family, iii, 603. Oliver, iv, 266, 267. Pasbytanzy, Va., iv, 97. Pasfield, Krysten, iv, 284. INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES Pasqual, Diego, ii, 700. Passaic River, v, 458. Passport of an early American, facsimile of, ii, 660. Past Exploration Society, iv, 166. Pastelillo, i, 647. Passy, France, ii, 598, 599, 601, 606. Paston, Thomas (Sir), v, 240. Patapsco River, i, 661. Pate, Dr., iii, 425. Thomas, iii, 286. Patent, first American, i, 334. Paterson, William, iii, 569, 572. William (Rev.), ii, 667. Paterson, N. J., photograph of old Dutch house at, iii, 609. Pate's Plantation, Va., iii, 425, 426. Patrick (St.), cross of, i, 16. Patriot Publishing Co., iv, 321. "Patriot War" of 1838 in Canada, v, 215-230. Patriotic Order of Sons of America, v, 83, 93. Patriotic Societies, eligibility to membership in the, iv, 151, 152; origin of American, ii, 361-366, 591, 596. Patriotic songs, American, ii, 592. Patriotism, i, 434. Patten, , i, 478, 483. James I., i, 476, 477. Major, iii, 582. Pattensburgh, Va., iii, 449. Patterson, , expedition through the Southwest of, iii, 465. Alexander (Capt.), iii, 116; iv, 443, 444; v, 568. Benjamin, ii, 308, 309; iv, 114, 118. Elizabeth, i, 654; photograph of old tav ern visited by, ii, 293. Family, coat-of-arms of the, i, 660; Phil adelphia home of the, i, 656, 657, 659. Francis, i, 656, 657; banishment from Ire land of, i, 657; James, i, 664; Lind say (Mrs.), i, 653, 654. Louise H., v, 115. Matthew, i, 504. Misses, i, 503. Robert, i, 656; iv, 114, 118. Robert (Gen.), appointment on Board of Visitors to West Point of, i, 655; char acter of, i, 654, 655; diary of, i, 659- 668; early life of, i, 657; journey West in a canal boat of, i, 660; participation in reception of Lafayette by, i, 656, 660; portrait of, i, 652; reception by the United States Senate of, i, 656; reception to Indian chiefs by, i, 660; reproduction of heiroglyphic narrative of career of, i, 660; reproduction of page from transcript of the diary of, i, 658; reproduction of photograph of members of the Aztec Club at the home of, i, 657. William, attempt to found an English [195] colony on the isthmus of Panama by, i, 634; founding of Bank of England by, i, 634. William C, i, 655. William Houston (Col.), i, 653, 655, 656, 657, 658. Patterson, Putnam Co., N. Y., burial ground at, i, 508; first school at, i, 508. Pattersonville, La., i, 655. Patton, (Noble), v, 93. Benjamin, fac-simile of letter to ex-Presi dent Tyler from, v, 622, 624, 625. Family, iv, 149. Mrs., v, 93, 94. Thomas, ii, 130. Pattoo, Thomas Hanmatok, iv, 300. Paul, Emperor, honor shown to Kosciuszko by the, ii, 370. Paulding, James K., i, 613. Paulet, Vt., iv, 582. Paulkataug River, v, 442. Paulson, Kate Macon (Mrs.), ii, 471. Paulus Hoeck (Paulus Hook), N. J, iv, 390, 391, 392, 339, 394; first Dutch set tlers at, ii, 286. Paunceforte, John (Sir), i, 522; Margery, i, 520, 522. Paupac, Pike Co., Pa., iv, Indian massacre at, iv, 596. Pausch, Capt., Revolutionary journal of, iii, 214. Pauw, Michiel, settlement in America made. by, iv, 388, 390. Pavlov, Gen., assassination of, ii, 26. Pavonia, N. J., settlement of, iv, 390. Pawnee Indians, i, 621; ii, 136, 470, 544. Pawtucket, founding of, i, 334. Pawtuxet, R. I., settlement of, iii, 193; iv, 424; transcript from Providence "Com bination" regarding the boundaries of, iii, 194. Paxson, , i, 481. Paxton, , iv, 263. Judge, i, 59. Payne, , iii, 83. John Howard, iii, 584; fac-simile of manu script of poem, "Home, Sweet Home," by, iii, 585. Major, ii, 355, 519, 650, 652. Paynter, Thomas H. (Senator), ii, 24. Pay son, Phillips (Rev.), v, 144. Pea Ridge, battle of, iii, 90. Peabody, , sculptured figure on doors of National capitol of, ii, 545. Francis Greenwood (Prof.), ii, 510. George, v, 305. Lieutenant, iii, 381. Peace, a plea for world's, ii, 535, 536; an ode to, iv, 48; editor's note on Andrew Car negie's plea for international, iii, 473; plea for international, iii, 474-476, 478; efforts to maintain international, ii, THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY (Peace) 5; efforts to promote, ii, 533, 534; first appeal for universal, iii, 39; flag of, ii, 535; international, iv, 5-12; move ment to secure universal, iii, 39-44; ode to the World's Flag of, iv, 76; photograph of sculpture symbolic of universal, v, 272; poem in honor of universal, ii, 578; trend of the world toward universal, iv, 153-156; univer sal, i, 151. Peace Commission, American, iii, 219. Peace Conference at Lake Mohawk, address at the, iii, 481-483, 485-488. Peace Conference at the Hague, iv, 8, 467; delegation from Korea to, ii, 30. Peace Conference, holding at New York of the Carnegie, ii, 25 ; photograph of New York meeting of, iii, 636. Peace Congress, i, 155, 156, 160. Peace Convention held just before the Civil War, v, 611-632. Peace Palace, the Hague, Holland, iii, 487. Peacock, J. Jenkins (Capt.), ii, 154. Theresa (Miss), ii, 154. Peale, Charles Wilson, i, 367; portraits by, iv, 21, 56, 57; v, 71. James, miniature by, iv, 569. Pearl Street, old prints of, iii, 573, 576; old print of Stadhuys on, iii, 576; tablet marking the site of the setting up of first printing press in New York in, iii, 266. Pearse, William, ii, 337. Pearson, Eliphalet (Rev.), i, 552. Weetman (Sir), i, 637. Peary, Robert E. (commander), iii, 357, 358, 395, 637; iv, 76; editor's note on ac count of expedition to the North Pole by, iii, 345; account of expedition to the North Pole by, iii, 346-358. Pease, (Rev.), iii, 622. Julius Walter, i, 81, 485; ii, 64. Peaston, William, ii, 96. Peck, , i, 249. Jared, ii, 342. Lyman, ii, 488. William, ii, 352. Peck and Hallam, firm of, i, 317. Peck Slip, N. Y., i, 442. ' Peckham, (Wardwell), iii, 186. Family, iii, 186. Peckham Genealogy, announcement of publi cation of, v, 321. John, iii, 186; announcement of publication of genealogy of ancestors and descend ants of, v, 321. Mary (Clarke), iii, 186. Stephen Farnum (Prof.), v, 369, 611; an nouncement of publication of geneal ogy by, v, 321; editor's note on article by, iii, 185; investigations into the [196 Providence Compact and the establish ment of civil government in Rhode Is land by, iii, 186-196. Peckleton, England, iv, 448. Pecksland, Cos Cob, Conn., i, 324. Pedestrianism, remarkable feat of, ii, 15. Pee Dee River, S. C, iv, 575. Peekskill, N. Y., i, 404, 506, 721, 722; iv, 33, 36, 41, 42; v, 148, 149, 162; monument to Gen. Seth Pomeroy at, iv, 383; photograph of memorial in Hillside Cemetery, at, iv, 368. Peel, Capt., v, 607. Robert (Sir), v, 221, 607. Peeler, Joel, v, 228. Peel's Dock, Wellesley Island, St. Lawrence River, v, 225. Peerage, Burke's, iv, 372. "Peggy Stewart," the, iv, 620; celebration in- Maryland of, ii, 365. Pelham family, iv, 142. Herbert, iv, 142. Mrs., i, 172. Penelope (West), iv, 142. Peter, i, 170. William (Sir), i, 544. Pelham Bay Park, New York City, erection of memorial to Anne Hutchinson in, v, 347; reproduction of photograph of Split Rock in, v, 356; reproduction of photograph of memorial to Anne Hut chinson in, v, 357; account of home of Anne Hutchinson in what is now, v, 366, 367. Pell, Capt., iv, 348. Family, v, 363; reproduction in color of coat-of-arms of the, iii, 312. Howard, iii, 148. Thomas (Dr.), v, 367. Peloponnesus, the, v, 297. Pelquin, Thomas, iii, 99. Pelton, Daniel, Lieut., iii, 582. Pemberton, James, iii, 235, 239. Pembina, N. Dak., i, 235. Pembroke, Earl of, v, 583. Pembroke Castle, v, 473; Mass., v, 194; N. H., v, 141, 142. Pembrokeshire, Wales, James family of, v, 463. Pender, Lydia (Pomeroy), iv, 377. Nathaniel, iv, 377. Pendigrasse, , v, 226. Pendleton family, ii, 677. Jabish, v, 548. Nathaniel, ii, 53. Penfield, N. Y., ii, 183, 349, 514; iii, 53, 275. Penn, Alice, v, 117. Ellen, v, 117. Family, ii, 444; iv, 436; v, 117; arms of the, iii, 565. John (Gov.), iv, 438, 439, 440; v, 117 Richard, iii, 563; v, 117. ] INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES (Penn) Thomas, iii, 563; v, 117. William, i, 165; ii, 92; iii, 266, 502; iv, 29, 249, 387, 438, 450; v, 116, 117, 388, 431, 434, 467; bookplate of, i, 304; boundary of Proprietary of, iii, 555, 556, 561; charter granted to, iv, 433; coat-of-arms of, i, 304; confiscation of property of heirs of, iv, 111; contro versy between Lord Baltimore and, iii, 562, 563; declaration of people of Penn. of freedom from proprietary govern ment of, iv, 111; fixing of boundary of lands of, iii, 564; grant of Penn sylvania to, iv, 110; grant of tract on Delaware River toi iii, 561, 562; plan for a European Diet of, iii, 40; proprie tary rights in the Colony of Penn sylvania of, ii, 444; reproduction of decoration showing giving of constitu tion to Pennsylvania by, iii, 490; re production of engraving of Indian treaty of, iv, 236; treaty with Six Nations of, iv, 110, 120. Penn Charter School, Philadelphia, iv, 299. Penn vs. Lord Baltimore, iii, 561. Penn Yan, N. Y., iv, 553, 556, 557. Pennsylvania, i, 12, 50, 122, 125, 304, 397, 564, 576, 666, 721, 726; ii, 134, 250, 266, 444, 643; iii, 87, 386, 454, 456, 502, 539, 618; iv, 21, 115, 147, 148, 149, 204, 301, 346, 441-443, 445, 449, 528, 576, 621; v, 22, 67, 74, 83, 85, 151, 229, 369, 373, 622, 634; acquisition of land on Lake Erie by, iv, 113; announcement of pub lication of genealogy of ancestors and descendants of Samuel Weyburn of, v, 322; annuity granted "Molly Pitcher" for Revolutionary service by State of, v, 87, 88; annuling of State fran chises of the bank of North America by Assembly of, ii, 629; archives of, ii, 387; Bell family of, v, 141; bill reg ulating railroad fare in, ii, 19; bound ary between N. Y. and, iv, 113, 116; boundary of, iii, 563-568; boundary of old Northwest Territory in, iii, 219; building of early railroad in, iv, 117, 118; canal system in, iv, 412; Cary family in, v, 309; coal fields in, iv, 117; Colonial governor of, v, 439; Co lonial militia of, i, 122; commission to investigate frauds in connection with construction of State capitol of, ii, 20; Compromise Act of 1799 to settle land claims in, v, 119; Constitution of, iv, 588; Constitution of 1790 of, iii, 382; controversy between Conn, and, v, 275; controversy regarding claim to land on the Susquehanna River between Connecticut and, ii, 308; Cook family of, iv, 604; dangers from Indians on [197] the American frontier in, ii, 98; dec laration of freedom from Proprietarj govemmnet in, iv, 111; discovery of coal in, iv, 118; discovery of petroleum in, iv, 120; disputes regarding land between Conn, and, iv, 431-445; earlj English expedition against Cartagena joined by troops from, ii, 319; early families of, v, 116, 117; early militia of, iv, 146; Edwards family of, v, 299; emigration from New England to, iv, 596, 597, 600; emigration to Kan sas from, iii, 628; exploration in 1807 of, i, 748; extinguishing of Indian ti tles in, iv, 111, 112; Fell family of, v, 116-120; Ferree family of, v, 636; First American Declaration of Inde pendence issued at Convention at Lan caster in, iv, 145-149; first Episcopal Bishop of, i, 371; first Speaker of the House of Representatives from, ii, 85; Fisher family of, v, 467; founder of, iv, 450; founding of, i, 584; Frank lin County in, ii, 145; "Gazette," i, 674; German settlement in West Vir ginia from, ii, 209; governor of, v, 5; grant of, iv, 110; Griffith family in, v, 307; historic boundary of, iii, 555, 556, 561; historic relic preserved in State Library of, iv, 113; Historical Society of, i, 169; iv, 109; v, 97; pho tographs of historic treasures preserved by, iv, 105, 107; Hodge family of, v, 461; home life at the Revolutionary period in, iv, 603-606; Howell family of, v, 307; improved breeders of cat tle introduced in, ii, 61; Indian mas sacre in, iv, 596; James family of, v, 463; "Journal," fac-simile of old advertisement in the, v, 455; land be queathed to the Hall family in, iii, 99; lands acquired from Six Nations in, iv, 116, 119, 120; laws passed in the Revolution against counterfeiting in, ii, 626; Ligonier valley in, iii, 218; Lincoln family of, v, 192; list names of delegates to Lancaster Convention of 1776 in, iv, 149; lumber trade in, iv, 118, 119; Luzerne Co. in, i, 748; mail service in Colonial, v, 431, 434-440, 442- 448, 451, 452, 457; manufacture of elec trical apparatus in, i, 577; massacre of Wyoming Valley in, iii, 431, 432; mention in an old Maryland will of tract of land in, ii, 662; mine explosion at Monongahela in, ii, 35; Montgom ery family of, v, 473; monument dedi cated to Civil War soldiers from, v, 5, 6; Moore family of, iv, 29, 31, 34; old families of, ii, 94, 96; political war between Conn, and, iv, 581; prominent families of, ii, 510, 511; proprietory THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY (Pennsylvania) colony of, iii, 431; purchase of land which gave an outlook on Lake Erie to, ii, 664; Quaker settlers in New Jersey from, ii, 608; ratification of Federal Constitution by, iii, 572; re lease of Indian titles to lands in va rious counties of, iv, 113; removal of Indians from, iv, 115; repeal of laws excluding Revolutionary refugees from, iv, 531; reproduction of engraving of Indian treaty in, iv, 236; reproduction of painting from Collection in Histor ical Society of, iv, 54; reproduction of photograph of Sec. Cameron of, v, 210; reproductions of portraits of not able persons of, iv, 244, 245; reproduc tion of silhouette of Judge Fell of, v, 114; transcript of original letter de scribing first utilization of anthracite coal in, v, 115, 116; Revolutionary bor der warfare in, iii, 378; Revolutionary regiment of, iii, 380; Revolutionary regiment from, ii, 695; iii, 380; v, 85; Riflemen in the Revolution, v, 65; Savings Banks of, i, 686; Scotch-Irish families in, ii, 665; iii, 81; settlement and development of northwestern, iv, 109-122; settlement from Conn, in, iv, 436, 438-445; v, 117, 118, 119; settle ment in, iv, 114, 387; Smith family of, v, 475, 476; Society of Sons of the Rev olution, print of American Flag pre served by, iv, 162; State road in, iv, 116; Supreme Executive Council of, i, 671; Susquehanna Co. in, i, 748; tan neries in, iv, 119, 120; Thompson's Ri fle Battalion of, iii, 382; tories in, iv, 111; trade of N. Y. with, iv, 117; tran script of patriot song by member of Provincial Assembly of, iv, 384; treaty with Six Nations for the purpose of settling Wyoming Valley made by Commission from, iv, 111, 112, 113, 115; University of, ii, 96, 211; iv, 573; v, 475. Penobscot Bay, Hudson's exploration of, i, 203. Penobscot County, Me., iii, 537; v, 222. Penobscot River, iii, 538; iv, 249; v, 151. Penrose, , ii, 693. Charles V. (Capt.), iv, 273, 275. Lieutenant-Colonel, iii, 280. Thomas, ii, 111. Pensacola, Fla., i, 43; ii, 165; iv, 322; head quarters of old trading house of Pan- ton and Leslie at, ii, 163, 164, 165; Zarragoss Street in, ii, 164. Pension, transcript of a Revolutionary, ii, 47. Pensions, Civil War, ii, 23. Pensneck, N. J., v, 56. [198 Pensterick, Ghent, Belgium, street of, v, 392. Pentecost, H. O. (Rev.), death of, ii, 36. Penzance, Cornwall, England, engraving of castle near, iv, 361. Peperell, Mass., iii, 119, 122, 123, 124, 127. Pepperrell, Andrew, iv, 251, 252. Colonel, ii, 400. Dorothy, iv, 251. Family, iv, 251-255; motto of the, iv, 253. General, iv, 380. Jane, iv, 251. Joanna, iv, 251. Margery, iv, 251. Marjorie (Bray), portrait of, iv, 248; mar riage of, iv, 251; birthplace and char acter of, iv, 252, 253. Mary, iv, 251, 254, 255. Miriam, iv, 251. Mrs., v, 32. William (Col.), portrait of, iv, 246; life as an early American merchant of, iv, 251-255. William (Gen.), command at siege of Louisburg under, v, 23, 25, 26, 28, 30, 31. William (Jr.), iv, 251, 252. William (Sir), iii, 119. Pepperrell's Fort, Me., iv, 250. Pepys, , i, 304; diary, ii, 485. Pequot, Conn., i, 242, 511; iv, 624. Pequot Chieftain's Farewell, transcript of lines from an old book, the, ii, 560. Pequot Plantation (New London), Conn., iv, 624. Pequot War, i, 245, 678; ii, 480. Percey, Earl, ii, 397. Perch River, ii, 607. Percival, , iii, 584; manuscript of poem by, iii, 589. James Gates, iii, 141. Percy, , iii, 357. Elizabeth (Mortimer), v, 585, 595. Henry (Sir), v, 585; House of, v, 598. Joceline, Earl of Northumberland, v, 595. Lord, iv, 44. Peretola, Italy, v, 337. Pericles, iv, 249. Periodical, an early American literary, i, 613. Perker, , iii, 127. Perkin, William H. (Sir), death of, ii, 36. Perkins, Asa, v, 548. Doctor, iv, 271. Ebenezer, v, 548. Elisha, v, 548. Elnathan, v, 548. Luke (Jr., Corp.), iv, 625, 626; v, 548, 553. N. B., iv, 541. Obadiah (Lieut.), v, 548. Simeon, v, 548. Simon, iii, 388. ] INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES (Perkins) Solomon (Capt.), v, 548. Perne, Rachel (Greene), v, 418, 427. Richard, v, 418, 427. Anna Falconer, publication of genealogy by, v, 320. Perrine, William, i, 654. Perry, Commander, i, 27, 44, 656; ii, 212, 283. Family, iv, 149. Henry, iv, 45. John, v, 432, 436, 437, 438. Matthew C. (Capt.), i, 44. R. Hinton, photograph of sculpture by, iii, 534, 535. Persia, iv, 489; agreement between England and Russia to maintain neutrality in Afghanistan and Tibet of, ii, 5; article by a. United States minister to, iv, 12; early journey to, ii, 585; estab lishment of a constitutional monarchy in, ii, 6. Persian Empire, ancient, iv, 187, 189. Persian furniture, i, 494, Persian Gulf, iv, 187. Persian Proverb, iii, 384. Persians, i, 576. Person County, N. C, iv, 36; v, 102. Perth Amboy, N. J, i, 169; iv, 31, 39; v, 435 440 443. Peru, i, 309; ii, 15, 419; iv, 280. Peverell, Maud, v, 311. Pew, Robert (Capt.), i, 644. Pexton family, ii, 677; iii, 286. John (Sir, Col.), iii, 286. Robert, iii, 286. Petaluma Creek, Cal., iii, 178. Peter, Hugh, i, 255. Peter, King of Servia, ii, 714; congratula tions to the American people from, ii, 3; photograph of, ii, 3. Peter Parley House, Ridgefield, Conn., pho tograph of, ii, 295. Peter the Great, i, 702; ii, 158. Peter the Hermit, iv, 553, 554. Peters, , i, 259. Captain, ii, 514, 516. Harry, iv, 46. Hugh (Rev.), i, 243; v, 361, 362. Richard (Rev., D. D.), iv, 526. Samuel A. (Rev.), i, 515. Petersburg, Va., i, 317; iii, 421; Civil War photograph taken during siege of, iii, 262; photograph of early trading sta tion at, iv, 495; photograph of memo rial at, iv, 534; photograph showing Federal army train entering, iii, 257; photographs of old Blandford Church at, iv, 498, 499. Petersham, Mass., v, 137, 140. Peterson, U. M., iv, 175. Pethy, Charnell, iv, 448. Elizabeth, iv, 448. [199 Petit, Henry, ii, 535. Petit Gulf, v, 569. Petkov, , assassination of, ii, 33. Petowik Glacier, iii, 316. Petroleum, discovery in Penn. of, iv, 120; finding of the Ohio Valley of, i, 668; in California, v, 369, 371-373; photo graph of first well drilled for, v, 378; in N. Y., iv, 120; in W. Va., iv, 120. Petsworth Church, Gloucester County, Va., iii, 286. Pettibone, George, ii, 34. Pettinggall, Brig-Maj., iv, 491. Pettus, E. E. (Senator), ii, 23; death of, ii, 36. Pettybone, Col., ii, 520. Petty's Island, Pa., i, 41. Phelps, , ii, 479. Austin (Prof.), i, 558. Charles, iv, 590. Charles (Judge), v, 423. Edward J., dedication of Bennington Bat tle Monument by, iv, 588. Elizabeth (Stuart), i, 558. Family, iii, 385. Fanny, v, 423. Mrs., i, 558. Noah (Capt.), v, 159. Prof., i, 558. Russell, v, 228. Sergeant, iii, 582. Philadelphia, Pa., i, 13, 38, 40, 123, 124, 139, 155, 164, 169, 338, 339, 350, 353, 354, 367, 370, 371, 377, 396, 398, 399, 402, 427, 450, 451, 457, 652, 653, 654, 655, 656, 674, 709, 722, 745, 747, 749, 751, 757; ii, 15, 43, 49, 108, 109, 156, 180, 267, 362, 397, 491, 535, 665, 667; iii, 117, 249, 292, 480, 502, 539, 557, 563, 614, 615; iv, 32, 39, 110, 111, 115, 118, 131, 273, 340, 349, 488, 525, 531, 569, 570, 613; v, 85, 88, 102, 118, 174, 186, 215, 230, 247, 256, 262, 266, 269, 307, 453, 454, 455, 461, 500, 603, 622; a mer chant of early, iii, 436; Abolition Con vention held at, ii, 592; Academy of Fine Arts in, iv, 340; agreement to import no foreign goods until repeal of the Stamp Act by merchants of, ii, 363; American prisoners of the Rev olution taken by British to, i, 721; announcement of publication descrip tive of old Post Road to Georgia via, v, 314; British occupation of, iv, 31; Bureau of Municipal Research of, iv, 407; burning of Roman Catholic churches in, i, 660; Caldwell family of, iii, 454; capitalist and patron of art in, ii, 511; Cedar Street in, iii, 564; Centennial Exposition at, i, 632; Christ Church at, iv, 37; v, 71, 475; College of, iii, 539; commencement of ] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY (Philadelphia) the Revolution in, ii, 228; commission regarding Connecticut land claims sent to, iv, 438, 439; Congress held in 1775 at, ii, 627; convention of first Con tinental Congress at, i, 701-703; Con tinental Congress at, iii, 205; iv, 146, 147, 348, 604; convention of first Con tinental Congress at, iv, 526; conven tion of the Provincial Congress at, ii, 664; Convention which framed the National Constitution at, ii, 197; Cope family of, iii, 189; country seat of William Bingham near, iii, 540; Den tal College at, i, 684; description of the Mansion House in, iii, 540; early life at, ii, 465; early mail service from, i, 760; early merchants of, i, 669; early newspapers in, i, 41; early print ing at, iii, 265, 266; early trade with China, i, 655; establishment of United States mint at, i, 693; fac-similes of advertisements of stage coach routes to, v, 444, 455; famous old house of, i, 656, 657, 659; first American daily paper printed in, i, 613, first and larg est manufactory of porcelain teeth for dentists at, i, 683; first anniversary of American independence ^ celebrated at, i, 13; first Continental Congress at, iv, 404; first Declaration of In dependence issued at, iv, 145; first general meeting of the Society of the Cincinnati in, ii, 366; first meeting of the Continental Congress at, ii, 278; first national bank at, ii, 629; first skilled foreign dentists in, i, 677; first theatre in, iii, 539; first voyagers from England to the site of, ii, 90; founding of, iii, 562; founding of the Washington Benevolent Society at, ii, 592, 693; Franklin Institute of, iii, 185; Friends' burial ground at, i, 238; funeral of George Washington at, ii, 54; Gardens of early Hospital at, iv, 573, 575; Independence Hall in, iv, 567; Indian Queen inn, at, i, 701; Inquirer, i, 576; Inquirer, editorial in, i, 190; Irish riots at, ii, 595; Jefferson Medical School of, i, 679; Lambert Collection at, v, 201; launching of first ship of present United States Navy at, i, 673; Laurel Hill Ceme tery at, v, 71; letter of Washington, dated at, ii, 54; Light Horse in the Revolution, print of a soldier in the, iv, 194; mail service in Colonial, v, 431, 434-440, 442-448, 451, 452, 457; meeting of the Continental Congress at, i, 700; ii, 227, 232; meetings of citizens to discuss the subject of im migration at, ii, 594; old families of, [200 ii, 96; old Mansion House in, i, 748; old Moore estate in, iv, 30; Old, i, 654; organization of the Society of the War of 1812 at, ii, 593; Penn Charter School at, iv, 299; Pennsylvania Acad emy of Fine Arts at, ii, 511; "Peter Porcupine's Gazette" issued at, ii, 592; Presbytery of, iv, 379; publication of the Revolutionary period at, v, 60; publishing of the Portfolio by Joseph Dennie at, i, 748; reproduction of col ored print of Revolutionary soldier of 4th Regiment of Light Dragoons of, iv, 195; reproductions of drawings of Colonial taverns of, v, 435, 454, 456; reproductions of photographs of Abra ham Lincoln from collection at, v, 202, 205; reproductions of photographs of memorials to make site of first Ger man settlement in, iii, 532, 533; repro ductions of photographs of work of a sculptor of, iii, 531, 532; reproduc tions of portraits in Independence Hall in, iv, 56, 57, 58; Revolutionary naval defense of, i, 670; Revolutionary pe riod in, i, 669, 670; St. Mary's ceme tery in, i, 674; St. Peter's Church and Christ Church in, iv, 526; sale of first American magazine at, ii, 490; sale of large tract in Maine to William Bingham of, iii, 537, 538, 539, 540; seat of government at, ii, 49, 51; ses sion of Continental Congress at, iv, 565, 567; ship builders of, ii, 103, 111; signing of Declaration of Independence in, i, 567; society of Sons of America organized at, ii, 595; suit commenced to dissolve combination of railroads in the United States Court in, ii, 19, 20; the plague in, i, 61; trade with China and East India of, i, 655; tran script from Penn. Archives of Protest of Privates of, iv, 148, 149; transcript of letter written by John Adams dat ed at, ii, 228; United States Govern ment at, iii, 266; Van Buren -Harrison campaign at, ii, 693; visit of George Whitefield to, iii, 87; War Department at, ii, 104; Watson's Annals of, iii, 540; yearly meetings of the Society of Friends at, ii, 110; yellow fever at, i, 240; ii, 111. Philadelphia County, ii, 109, 510; iv, 110, 114 146, 148; v, 192. Philip I, i, 634; II, i, 24; ii, 435; iv, 124; v, 404; III, i, 24; IV, i, 24; V, i, 24; King, i, 641, 646; iv, 555; capture in Narra gansett War of, iv, 424; reproduction of samp bowl which belonged to the Indian Chief, ii, 116; War of, ii, 444- iii, 186, 189; iv, 290; v, 132, 303, 311, 363, 367; document regarding, iv, 421- ] INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES (King Philip's War) 424; Great Swamp Fight, iv, 143, 421- 424; records of soldier of, iv, 237-243; reproduction of photograph of garri son, ii, 450. Philip, King of Spain, ii, 316. Philip III, King of Spain, ii, 39. Philip the Bold, of Burgundy, v, 400. Philip the Fair, Duke of Burgundy, v, 403. Philip the Good, of Burgundy, v, 401. Philippa of Hainault, v, 396, 400. Philippine Island, i, 9, 25; ii, 433; iii, 478; iv, 154; administration of the U. S. in the, iv, 485; Americanizing of the, ii, 543; annexation by the United States of the, ii, 592; arrival of an early Italian traveler at the, ii, 580; bringing of a Dominican Father to the, ii, 581; burning of Iloilo in the, ii, 35; ceding to the United States of the, ii, 558; decennial of American occupation of the, ii, 579; diplomatic mission of Hon. William H. Taft to the, ii, 579; destruction by Admiral Dewey of the Spanish fleet in the, ii, 558; policy of the United States in, iv, 3; resources of the, ii, 559; self- government in, iv, 18; visit of Taft to the, iv, 10. Philippine Ocean, ii, 522, 523. Philippine War, i, 151. Philippines, first assembly in the, ii, 11, 25; tariff of, i, 379. Philips, Col., iii, 582; iv, 36. Family, iv, 37. Grizey, iv, 37. Margaret, iii, 454. Philips Manor, Putnam Co., N. Y., ii, 263. Philipse family, announcement of publica tion containing chapter on the, v, 316. Philipse Manor, N. Y., v, 394. Phillibrown, Thomas, old engraving by, v, 42. Phillips, (Rev.), iv, 379. David E., iv, 65; v, 143. Lieutenant-Colonel, ii, 187. Mrs., i, 737. Samuel (Jr.), iii, 357, 538. Wendell, i, 676; v, 3, 633. Phillips Patent, N. Y., i, 498. Phillips Precinct, Dutchess Co., N. Y., i, 500. Phipps, Mrs., iii, 94. William (Sir), iii, 94. Phoenicians, Hi, 41. Phoenix Collection, Columbia University Library, iii, 266. Phosphate Mines in the West Indies, iii, 69. Photographer, first American, iv, 321. Photographs of the Civil War, iii, 18-36; ar ticle by Edward Bailey Eaton on aid of the Secret Service in taking, iii, 37, 38. [201 Photography, first use on the battlefield of, iii, 38. Physician, experiences of an early American, ii, 464-469 ; work of an early American, ii, 464-469. Physicians, English College of, iv, 451; first American, i, 675. Physicians' Royal College, London, England, iv, 452. Physics, development of, iv, 15. Pickens, Governor, i, 59. Pickens County, S. C, iv, 601. Pickering, (Secretary of War), ii, 103, 104. Isaac (Dr.), v, 119. Nancy W. (Fell), v, 119. Timothy, ii, 106, 111; iv, 280; appointment by Congress to adjust land difficulties on the Susquehanna River of, ii, 308. Pickett, , i, 656. General, i, 228. The Historian, ii, 159, 162. Pickhurst, Catherine, i, 522. Pico, Andreas, photograph of old Clqister used as residence of, v, 377. Pico Spring, Cal., v, 383. Pierce, Capt., i, 148, 700. Charlotte Fenwick, i, 699. Eben, iii, 120. Ezekiel, iv, 440. Family, ii, 307; iv, 73, 75. George F., i, 30. Isaac, ii, 307. Jane, iv, 75. Jasper, iv, 345. Joseph, ii, 307. Major, i, 700, 701. Mrs., i, 703. Phebe, ii, 307. President, administration of, ii, 245. Samuel, ii, 307. Secretary, iii, 553, 554. William, iii, 572; iv, 75; first almanac in New England made by, ii, 492. William Leigh (Major), i, 699; transcript of notes made during convention of first Continental Congress at Phila delphia by, i, 701, 702, 703. Pierce and Company, photographs by, iii, 105, 107, 109, 111. Piercy, Lord, iv, 66, 67, 69, 71. Pierpont, , i, 750. Hezekiah B., iv, 279. John, lines to Pilgrim Fathers by, iv, 401. Pierrou, Father, letter written by, ii, 43-47. Pike, , iii, 122. Albert (Gen.), sketch of the life of, iii, 90; odes to Liberty by, iii, 90. Mrs., iii, 122. Zebulon (Capt.), ii, 206; v, 290; expedition to Southwestern America of, iii, 464; bringing in Pawnee Indians under rule ]' THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY (Pike, Capt. Zebulon) of United States by, iii, 465; discov ery of great mountain peak by, iii, 465; arrest by Spanish government of, iii, 465; return to the United States of, iii, 465; expedition to explore the head waters of the Mississippi River under command of, iii, 509; visit to early lead mines on the Mississippi River by, iii, 509, 510. Pilgrim emigration to America, iv, 373. Pilgrim Fathers, influence in America of the, iv, 487,490; lines to the, iv, 401; tribute to the, iv, 485, 486. Pilgrim Memorial Monument, Provincetown, Mass., iv, 132. Pilgrims, 300th anniversary of the landing of the, ii, 117, 219; coming to New England of the, i, 203; ii, 362; iii, 492; Compact of the, ii, 447, 479; controver sies regarding the, ii, 123; influence on American civilization of the, iv, 469-484; landing of the, i, 565, 584; v, 350; only authentic portrait of one of the Mayflower, ii, 126, 127; re production of cartoon representing first muster of the, ii, 222; reproduc tion of cartoon representing first visit of an Indian to the, ii, 220; reproduc tion of cartoon representing the fes tivities at Merry Mount of the, ii, 221; reproduction of cartoons originally ap pearing in comic paper "Life" caraca- turing the, ii, 218, 220, 221, 222; repro duction of decoration showing landing of the, iii, 501; reproduction of photo graph of monument erected in honor of landing of the, iv, 464. Pilot Knob, the, iii, 104. Pima Indians, ii, 522, 526, 699. Pima revolt of 1751, ii, 40. Piman Pueblos, ii, 40. Pinchon, Agnes, i, 510. Dr., iii, 121. Richard, i, 510. Pinchot, Gifford (Hon.), iii, 251. Pinckney, , ii, 88; iii, 572; iv, 611; ar rival in France as U. S. minister of, iv, 279, 280. Charles (Gen.), i, 397;" portrait of, iv, 56. Philip, v, 367. Pincoota, iii, 325. Pine, Robert Edge, painting by, iv, 64. Pine Creek, iv, 112, 115, 116, 118. Pine Plains, N. Y., camp for United States troops at the, ii, 607. Pine Street, New York City, old French church in, iv, 125, 126. Pine Tree Shillings, i, 334. Pine Valley, Chemung Co., N. Y., iv, 121, 122. Pinkerton, Allen, the first chief of the Se cret Service, iii, 19; photograph of, iii, [202 36; photographs of incidents of the War of the Rebellion taken under the protection of, iii, 38. Robert A., death of, ii, 37. Pinnashon, -, i, 362, 363. Pinner, John, ii, 509, 513. Sarah (Clarke), ii, 509, 513. Pinney, George M., i, 108. Pinnockshire, England, i, 525. Pintard, (Channing), iv, 41. John, iv, 40; photograph of medal in honor of, iv, 459. Lewis, iv, 33. Pinto, , ii, 427. Pioneer, reminiscences of journey of a west ern, ii, 679-690; life of a western, iii, 90. Pioneer Americans, personal letters of, i, 559-562. Pioneer Life in America, i, 585. Pioneer Life in the Middle West, iv, 77-84, 595-602. Pioneer Line to the West, ii, 135, 137, 142. Pioneers, character of the early western, ii, 689. Pioneers in Kentucky, i, 665. Pioneers to the West, i, 617-632. Pipe Rolls, English, iv, 284. Piquet, , ii, 495. Piracy in the Sixteenth century, i, 641. Pirmasens, Bavaria, ii, 266. Piscataqua, Me., iv, 254; first settlement at, iv, 250. Piscataqua, Mass., plains of, v, 158. Piscataqua River, iv, 250. Piscataqua Waters, ii, 108. Piscataquis County, Me., iii, 537. Piscataway Indians, iii, 415. Piscataway River, iii, 415. Pistoria, Gov. of, v, 337. Pitcairn, Maj., iv, 69, 70; v, 162; death of, v, 144. Pitcher, Molly, engraving of Revolutionary heroism of, iv, 235; photograph of ta ble of, iv, 105; photographs of home of, v, 81, 82; photograph of memorial erected to, v, 82; researches establish ing the identity of, v, 83-95; photo graph of great-great-granddaughter of, v, 93; photographs of grave of, v, 94, 96; photographs of famous well and pitcher of, v, 96. Pithin, Col., ii, 520. Pitkin, , i, 541; work on U. S. com merce by, iv, 413. Timothy, iii, 386. Pitt family, iii, 96. William, i, 402; ii, 39; iv, 555; v, 216; vis its to the home of John Barker Church of, ii, 52; Governor, photograph of fur niture of, iii, 139. 1 INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES Pitts, Elizabeth (Lindall), iii, 96. John, iii, 96. Pittsburgh, Pa., i, 337, 339, 341, 564, 750; ii, 471, 511, 665, 667; iii, 96, 545; iv, 118; v, 447, 450; an early school in, iii, 389; dangers from Indians of first settlers at, ii, 98; financial panic of 1907 in, ii, 16; floods at, ii, 35; fort Pitt on site of, ii, 279; opening of Carnegie Institute at, ii, 25. Pittsfield, 111., photograph of Lincoln after speech at, v, 204. Pittsfield, Mass., i, 376, 377; iii, 213. Pixlee, William, i, 440. Pixley, Elijah, ii, 309. Placer Mine, N. Mex., iii, 551. Placerville, Cal., i, 632; ii, 634. Plainfield, Mass., iii, 121. Plains of Abraham, Canada, iii, 519; battle on, iv, 59. Plaisted, Francis, iii, 100. Hester (Mrs.), iii, 100, 101. Planck, Abraham, iv, 392. Family, iv, 392. Frederick, iii, 383; William, ii, 176. WiUiam, ii, 176. Plantagenet, Elizabeth, v, 242. Lady, v, 596. Lionel, v, 585. Philippa, v, 585. Kings of England, v, 598; announcement of publication of work showing descent of some American families from, v, 320; descent of an American family from, v, 139. Plantation, article describing life on a south ern, iii, 233-246. Plantations, plundering in the Revolution of the southern, i, 731. Planters' Association of Cuba, ii, 405. Planters of the Plymouth Colony, iv, 476, 477, 479, 483. Plat, Anthony (Capt.), i, 644. Plate Strand, ii, 68. Plato, ii, 417, 534; iv, 249, 488. Piatt, Maj., ii, 516. Richard, Brigade Maj., ii, 350, 352. Piatt River, i, 621, 624; Laramie Fork of, i, 623. Platte City, Mo., iv, 518. Platte County, Mo., iv, 517. Platte River, ii, 137, 138, 142, 144, 684, 685, 686; iii, 463. Platte Valley, i, 437; ii, 684, 687. Plautus, iii, 428. Pleasant Hill, Van Buren County, Mo., ii, 146. Pleasant St., Boston, Mass., iv, 374, 376. Pleasonton, Alfred (Maj.-Gen.), photograph taken in the Civil war of, iii, 200. Pleides, the, iv, 15. Plessis, N. Y., ii, 608. [203 Pleurisy, treatise by early Spanish doctor on, iii, 60. Plombieres, France, i, 405, 460. Plow Tavern, Philadelphia, Pa., drawing of, v, 456. Plum, Benjamin, v, 52. Plume, Mary (Mrs.), i, 320. Plumer, Jonathan, ii, 308. Nancy (Levins), ii, 308. Plummer, George (Ensign), iii, 286. Plumstead, Thomas, iii, 564. Plunket, William (Col.), iv, 440. Plymouth, Conn., ii, 343; iii, 131; England, i, 412, 565, 642, 643, 644, 650; ii, iii, 202; iv, 249, 252, 275, 278, 373, 607; embark ation of Pilgrims from, iv, 470. Plymouth, Mass., i, 11, 62, 116, 120, 122, 544, 583, 584, 686; ii, 308, 444; iii, 202, 382, 500, 502; iv, 426, 471, 473, 474, 476, 477, 479-484, 486, 487, 623; v, 130, 137, 309, 365, 433, 634. Plymouth Colony, early Governor of, iv, 422; fac-simile of title page of record book containing agreement of purchase of Sowams from the Indians by the, ii, 442; first court trial in, ii, 479; first marriage and first child born in, ii, 441; portrait of first governor of, ii, 441; regiment of King Philip's War from, iv, 422; union with Massachu setts Bay Colony of, i, 122. Plymouth Company, i, 10; ii, 123; iii, 556; iv, 449. Plymouth (Congregational) Church, Brook lyn, N. Y., reproductions of decorations in, iii, 489, 490, 493, 495-497, 499, 501, 503, 504. Plymouth Plantation, fac-simile of page from Gov. Bradford's account of the, ii, 117. Plymouth Rock, i, 10, 203; iii, 492; iv, 469; first person to step on, iv, 624. Plympton, Mass., iii, 214, 215. Pobyendonostsey, , death of, ii, 36. Pocahontas, i, 206, 212, 217, 224, 370; iii, 284, 293; iv, 75; baptism of, i, 221, 223; iii, 85; death of, i, 220, 222; marriage of, i, 223; painting of marriage of, v, 242; portrait of, i, 220; reproduction of en graving of rescue of Capt. John Smith by, iv, 232; rescue of Capt. John Smith by, ii. Pocahontas County, W. Va., ii, 211; early settlements of, ii, 210. Pocasset (Portsmouth), R. I., v, 363. Pocatello, Idaho, i, 231. Pocomoke River, iv, 304, 307, 308. Pocumtuck Indian, experience in Indian mas sacre with a, iv, 238. Pocumtuck Valley Memorial Association, museum of, iv, 240. Poe, Edgar Allan, v, 174; birth of, iii, 118; celebration of centennial of, iii, 118. ] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY Poems, fac-similes of manuscripts of Amer ican, iii, 585-601. Poindexter, George (Hon.), v, 568. Point-a-Pitre, Island of Guadeloupe, West In dies, iii, 65, 66. Point Buchon, Cal., iii, 172. Point Comfort, Va., landing of English col onists at, i, 215. Point Conception, Cal., ii, 524; iii, 112; v, 371. Point Engano, West Indies, iii, 72. Point Innes, the Arctic, v, 604. Point Judith, i, 320. Point Macao, West Indies, iii, 72. Point of Rocks, Md., iii, 615. Point Pleasant, battle of, ii, 278, 279. Point Pleasant, Ohio, birth of Gen. Grant at, iii, 24. Point Pleasant, Va., preliminary struggle for American independence at, ii, 277, 278, 279. Point Pleasant, W. Va., battle of, v, 99. Point Salubrious, N. Y., ii, 608. Polaloga, Theodora (Seignior), i, 204. Poland, William Carey (Sir), iv, 23. Poland, ii, 368; v, 219; revolution in, ii, 370; National Museum of, ii, 371. Poland Brook, near Harwinton, Conn., ii, 346. Polar Expedition, fate of Sir John Franklin's, ii, 37. Polar expedition of Dr. Cook, editor's note on, iii, 637; account of, iii, 638-647. Polar Sea, iii, 641; Hudson's discovery of the, i, 203. Pole, rescue and restoration of ship of Franklin's expedition to the, v, 603- 610. Polen, ii, 276, 458. Poletika, , ii, 374. Polignae, iv, 489. Political campaigns, early American, ii, 691- 694. Political development of the world, iv, 18. Politician, memoirs of an early American, iii, 613-619. Polk, James K. (President), i, 656; ii, 693; v, 303; administration of, ii, 622; re ception to, i, 660; transcript of appeal to Congress by, ii, 615. Thomas (Gen.), i, 55. » William (Col.), i, 55. Pollard, Thaddeus (Capt.), photograph of old house of, iii, 406; description of old house of, iii, 407. Polley, George H., ii, 674, 678. Polybius, iv, 317. Pomeraie family, blazon of arms of the, iv, 372. Pomerais, , iv, 354. Pomerania, announcement of Department of Journal of American History for Gen ealogical Research in, v, 322. Pomeray, Elizabeth, iv, 369. [204 Pomeroy, , v, 148. Abigail, iv, 377. Abigail (Cooke), iv, 376. Abigail (Strong), iv, 376. Agnes (Huekmore), iv, 371. Agnes (Kelloway), iv, 369, 371. Albert A. (Col.), v, 147; editor's note on account of Pomeroy family by, iv, 351; account of Pomeroy family by, iv, 352, 354, 356-360, 362-364, 366-367, 369-383; reproductions of prints and engravings from collection of, iv, 353, 355, 361, 363, 365.. Anna, iv, 371. Benjamin (Rev.), iv, 378, 379. Blanche, iv, 369. Caleb, iv, 375, 376. Charles (Lieut.), iv, 379. Daniel (Jr., Maj.), iv, 375, 381; v, 153. Ebenezer (Hon.), iv, 378. Edward, iv, 366, 367, 369, 372. Edward (Sir), iv, 369. Eldad, iv, 375. Eleanor (Coker), iv, 371. Eleazer (Hon.), iv, 375. Elisha (Capt.), iv, 375. Elizabeth (Densell), iv, 369. Elizabeth (Lyman), iv, 376. Elizabeth (Webb), iv, 379. Eltweed, iv, 352, 369, 371, 372, 373, 374, 375, 376, 377, 378. Esther ( ) , iv, 376. Experience (Woodward), iv, 376. Family, iv, 351-383; arms of the, iv, 351, 362, 372, 373. Family Association, iv, 351; v, 147, 149, 155. George Eltweed, iv, 381; v, 151 Hannah (Lyman), iv, 377. Hannah (Noble), iv, 376. Hannah (Seymour), iv, 379. Hannah (Strong), iv, 378. Henry, iv, 371. Henry (Jr.), iv, 372. Hepzibah (Baker), iv, 376. Isabella, iv, 366. Jane (Edgeomb), iv, 369. Johanna (Chudleigh), iv, 366. Johanna (Sapcot), iv, 369. John, iv, 369, 371, 377. John (Capt.), iv, 375. John (Lieut.), iv, 378. Joseph, iv, 377. Joseph (Sergeant), iv, 375, 378, 379. Josiah (Ensign), iv, 375. Joshua (Jr.), iv, 376, 377. Katharine (Courtenay), iv, 369. Katharine (Huddesfield), iv, 367. Lemuel (Capt.), iv, 378; v, 158. Lydia, iv, 377. Lydia (Taylor), iv, 379. Margaret, iv, 371. ] INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES (Pomeroy) Margaret (Bevile), iv, 366, 367. Margery ( ), iv, 375. Mary ( ), iv, 381. Mary (Blake), iv, 377. Mary (Clapp), iv, 377. Medad, iv, 375, 376, 378, 379. Mindwell (Sheldon), iv, 378. Nathaniel (Capt.), iv, 377, 379. Noah, iv, 376. Oliver (Lieut.), iv, 379. Ralf (Sir), iv, 372. Ralph (Lieut.), iv, 379. Repent (Weeks), iv, 377. Richard (Jr.), iv, 372. Richard (Sir), iv, 369. S. Harris, iv, 383; v, 155. Samuel Clark (Senator), iv, 376. Samuel (Rev.), iv, 379. Sarah (King), iv, 378. Sarah (Leonard), iv, 376. Seint Clere (Sir), iv, 367, 369. Senator, iv, 201, 207, 208, 211. Seth (Brig.-Gen.), iv, 353, 375, 379-383, 563; v, 26; record of services in Colonial Wars and the Revolution of, v, 147- 163; reproductions of photographs of memorials erected to, iv, 367, 368. Sinclere, iv, 369. Theodore Medad (Hon.), iv, 376. Thomas, iv, 369, 371, 375. Thomas (Sir), iv, 366, 367, 369, 370. Thomasine, iv, 371. Pomeroy Ford, Southampton, Mass., iv, 376, 377. Pomeroy gun, iv, 380. Pomeroy Mountain, Mass., iv, 376. Pomfret, Conn., founding of, v, 138. Pomme de Terre Lake, iv, 181. Pomona, Cal., ii, 523; iii, 110. Pompeiian furniture, i, 494. Pompey, iv, 187. Pompkin, Col., iv, 344. Pompton, N. J., iv, 392; photograph of Revo lutionary headquarters at, iii, 609. Pomroy, , selling of first American at New Haven by, ii, 490. Ponce, Porto Rico, iii, 71. Pond, Charles Hobby (Gov.), i, 89; iii, 94. Family, iii, 603. Jonathan, ii, 346. Nathan Gillet, iii, 92. Nathan Gillett (Mrs.), i, 89, 357. Peter, i, 89. Peter (Sir), i, 357, 358. Pond St., Dorchester, Mass., iv, 374. Pontiac, the Indian chief, ii, 391, 395; war with, iii, 430, 431. Ponto, Havana Harbor, Cuba, capture by English in 1762 of, iii, 115, 116. Ponts-de-Ce, France, railroad wreck at, ii, 34. [205 Pool family, iv, 149. Miah, i, 230. Poole, William F., ii, 215. Poor, , v, 106. Pope, John, ii, 215. Pope's Creek, i, 661. Popham, George, colonizing of Maine by, i, 203. Popham Beach, Me., first American boat launched on, i, 412. Pophams, Me., i, 31. Port Arthur, v, 229. Port-au-Prince, Haiti, degradation of, ii, 420. Port Chester, N. Y., i, 324. Port Harford, Cal., iii, 172. Port Hudson, midnight attack on, i, 44. Port Palos, Spain, Columbus' voyage of dis covery to New World from, v, 33. Port Royal, afterward Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, expedition under Sir Charles Hobby from New England against, iii, 93. Port Royal, Canada, capture by English of, v, 18, 19. Port Royal, Jamaica, ii, 316, 317; destruc tion by earthquake of, ii, 643. Porta del Prato, Florence, Italy, v, 337. Porta della Cana, Florence, Italy, v, 337. Porter, Ambassador, i, 201. Andrew, iv, 113. David (Capt.), i, 43. Dr., i, 550. Fitz John (Gen.), i, 656, 657. General, iv, 10. Helen Cook (Mrs.), i, 372. Horace (Gen.), iii, 652. James, iv, 148. John, i, 355; iii, 57. Laura, ii, 226. Major, ii, 185, 351. Mary, i, 178. Milicent, iv, 237. Pleasant, death of the Oklahoma Indian chief, ii, 37. Professor, i, 554. Samuel (Judge), i, 178. Porter Bay, iii, 347. Porteus, Robert (Bishop), iii, 284. Portfolio, the, i, 748. Portland, Me., i, 64; iii, 439; Canal Bank in, iv, 413; "Evening Express," i, 379; in stitution for savings in, i, 685; jour ney on foot to Chicago, from, ii, 15. Portland, Ore., i, 472, 481; v, 498, 528, 534. Porto Bello, South America, capture by Ad miral Vernon of, ii, 317, 318, 328. Porto Rico, i, 9, 16, 19, 575; ii, 407; annexa tion to the United States of, ii, 424, 425, 433, 592; 400th anniversary of first settlement of, v, 169; conquest by Ponce de Leon of, iii, 60; ancient 1 THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY (Porto Rico) character of buildings in, iii, 66; dis covery by Columbus of, iii, 71; first settlement in, i, 232; immigration in, i, 233; population of, i, 232, 233; schools of, i, 233; self-government in, iv, 18; tenth anniversary of American Pro tectorate in, ii, 543; ceding to the United States of, ii, 558; resources of, ii, 559; visit of Secretary Taft to, ii, 25. Portola, , ii, 257; iii, 111, 112, 398; re productions of paintings of the dis covery of the bay of San Francisco by, iii, 169, 170; explorations in western North America of, iii, 171, 172, 174, 178; expeditions to California of, iii, 179. Gasparde (Capt.), ii, 523, 524, 527. Portsmouth, England, i, 276, 310, 315, 746; ii, 318, 623; iii, 446; iv, 520; burning of the military storehouses and gun dock at, ii, 35. Portsmouth, N. H., iv, 253, 412; v, 21, 24; first naval vessels built at, ii, 104; first settlement at, iv, 250; frigate for the Dey of Algiers built at, ii, 108; Nathaniel Adams' Annals of, iii, 93; Queen's Chapel, at, v, 32; reproduction of photograph of home of the Warner family at, ii, 590; St. John's Church at, v, 32; Savings Bank in, i, 686; sup plies in the Revolution sent to, iii, 133. Portsmouth, R. I., iv, 569; v, 363. compact of early settlers signed at, ii, 505, 508; founding of, iii, 186; royal charter granted to citizens of, iii, 194, 195. Portsmouth, Va., photograph of Revolution ary cannon at Naval Hospital at, iv, 533. Portsmouth Compact, iii, 186, 192. Portugal, ii, 428; iii, 483; appointment of John Quincy Adams as Minister Pleni potentiary to, ii, 655; Isabella of, v, 401; King of, iv, 328, 334; oposition to constitutional government in, ii, 11; overthrow of ancient government of, iv, 467; Queen of, iii, 60; Sir Fran cis Drake's expedition against, i, 650; war between Algiers and, ii, 102. Portuguese, iv, 249. Portugese emigration to gold fields of Northwestern America, ii, 635. Posey, Capt., ii, 139. Post, Capt., ii, 516. Major, iii, 54, 55, 56. Postoffice Department of U. S., i, 282. Postoffices in America, first, ii, 127. Post Road between Albany and Boston, i, 149. Post Road, Boston and New York, i, 321, 324. Post Road from New York to Charleston, fac-simile pages from Colonial calendar showing stations on, v, 447-450. Postage, European rates of, i, 281. Postal Banks, message of President Roose velt to Congress urging the establish ment of, ii, 24. Postal Service in the Thirteen Colonies, v, 429-458. Postal Union, establishment of the, iv, — . Postmaster's Bill signed by Benjamin Frank lin, fac-simile of, ii, 127. Potash, making in New York of, i, 753. Potomac, Md., v, 436, 437; Army of the, v, 374. Potomac Rangers, iv, 98. Potomac River, i, 10, 51, 583, 614, 661; ii, 211; iii, 415, 449, 451, 559, 619; iv, 93, 94, 97, 99, 216, 301; v, 436; early settle ments on the south branch of the, U, 210; early settlements on the upper, ii, 209; reproduction of photograph of President Lincoln and officers of the Army of the, iii, 12; reproduction of photograph of wagon train of the Army of the, iii, 363. Potosi, Mo., iv, 297. Potsdam, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., iv, 39. Pottawattamie County, Iowa, v, 281. Potter, Capt., i, 318. Collis J. (Rev.), ii, 346. E. C, sculpture by, iii, 130. Eliza Welton, ii, 347. Family, iv, 149. Hannah, iv, 448. James, ii, 134; v, 67. John, ii, 137. Louis, photographs of sculpture by, iii, 479, 528, 529, 530; iv, 103. Potter County, Pa., iv, 113, 115, 116, 118, 119. Potter's Military History of N. H., v, 23. Potter's Mills, Pa., ii, 137. Potts, Henry, v, 443. Sarah (Beakes), ii, 99. Stacy, ii, 95; v, 64; letter to his relative, John Stacy, in England, from, ii, 99, 100. Thomas, ii, 226. Pouchot, Francois, memoirs of, ii, 385, 388, 391, 394; map of Ft. Niagara made by, ii, 395. Poueque, Flanders, v, 401. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., i, 420, 500; iv, 42; early description of, i, 749; early trade of, i, 749; meeting of legislature at, i, 507. Poultney, Vt., an early settler of, iii, 603. Pountus, , i, 526. Pour's Place, London, England, iv, 451. [206] INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES Poussin's work on American transportation, iv, 412. Poutchartrain, , French Minister of Marine, ii, 167. Poutrincourt, , explorations of, i, 202. Powder mills in the United States, ii, 59. Powder River, iii, 228, 229. Powder Trust, suit to dissolve the, ii, 20. Powderham, England, iv, 369; v, 596. Powel, Anthony (Sergeant-Major), i, 644. Powell, Baden, i, 211. Dr., ii, 150. Edgar, iii, 91. Fred W., iv, 407. John W., ii, 215. Joyce (Tracy), i, 523, 531, 537, 544. Nathaniel (Capt.), i, 531, 537, 544. Powell's Valley, Tenn., iv, 549, 550. Power, Hope, ii, 509. Powers, Capt., iii, 125. Peter, iii, 120. Powhatan, i, 206, 207, 221, 222; iii, 284; iv, 74, 75; residence in Virginia of the Indian chief, ii, 676; seat of, iii, 293. Powhatan's Chimney, Va., iii, 293. Powles Hook Ferry, v, 455. Pownall, Mary (Stacy), ii, 97. Ruben, ii, 97. Poyo, , ii, 436. Prague, Austria, v, 414. Prairie du Chien, on the Mississippi River, iii, 507. Prairie schooner, photographic reproduction of old, i, 619. Prairies, reminiscences of an early journey across the, ii, 679-690. Pratt, Alexander, Bache, ii, 512. Attorney-General, iv, 434, 436. Beatrice Gordon, ii, 512. Bela Lyon, i, 603. Constance Southworth, ii, 512. Dallas Bache, ii, 512. Hannah, v, 137. Henry, v, 439. Horace L. E. (Rev.), ii, 512. Joshua, v, 433. Katharine Griswold, ii, 512. Mary Gordon (Landon), ii, 512. Sarah Kate (Martin), ii, 512. Sereno D., i, 687. Preble, , iv, 382; History of the Flag of the United States of America by, ii, 124. Jedediah (Hon.), iv, 563; v, 150, 154, 155. Lieutenant, i, 12. Prebles, Maria (Mrs.), iii, 577. Prence, Thomas (Gov.), iv, 481. Prentice, Capt., iv, 424. Lieutenant-Colonel, ii, 356. Major, ii, 184. Prentis, John, v, 548. [207 Prentiss, Lieut.-Col., ii, 350. Narcissa, v, 516. William, i, 61, 62. Presbyterian Denomination in Connecticut at time of the Revolution, i, 736. Presbyterians in England, i, 373; in Virginia, iii, 83, 85, 87, 88. Presbyteries of Philadelphia and Long Is land, iv, 379. Prescott, , i, 640; iii, 50, 127. Benjamin (Rev.), graduation from Har vard of, iii, 49; entering the ministry of, iii, 49; partisanship of the cause of independence in the Revolution of, iii, 49; transcript of letter on the oc casion of the ordination of, iii, 49, 50. Colonel, ii, 520; iii, 54, 57; iv, 565. Elizabeth (Higginson), iii, 49. Family, iii, 47, 49, 50, 51, 52. General, iii, 47; v, 32. John, iii, 47. Jonathan, iii, 49. Rebecca, iii, 47, 49, 50; making of first American Flag in Connecticut by, iii, 51; anecdote of, iii, 52. The historian, ii, 166, 315; iii, 47. Thomas, iii, 49. Prescott Memorial, iii, 47. Prescott, Arizona, memorial to Rough Riders at, i, 611. Prescott, Canada, i, 755; v, 226, 228. Presidio of Monterey, Cal., iii, 173, 174, 175, 177, 178. Press, early controversy in New York City regarding the liberty of the, ii, 362, 363; history of early American, ii, 491-500. Preston, , iii, 450. Colonel, i, 664. Family, i, 664. General, estate of, i, 664. Thomas (Capt.), photograph of indictment for killing of citizens in Boston Mas sacre by, iv, 107. Willard, i, 30. Prevost, Theodosia, photograph of house at time of Revolution of, iii, 605. Price, , ii, 145; iii, 308. Major, iii, 58, 276. Sterling (Gen.), i, 440. Thomas, iv, 305, 306. Prichard, Sarah J, history of Waterbury, Conn., by, iv, 242. Prideaux, , i, 184, 549. Prince, , iii, 122, 124, 125. (Rev.), v, 31. John (Rev.), iv, 355. Thomas, ii, 445; autograph of, ii, 495. Prince Library, in Boston Public Library, fac similes of introduction and title page of the first American magazine pre served in the, ii, 489, 490. ] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY "Prince of Wales," British prison ship in the Revolution, the, v, 122. Prince Rupert's Bay, iii, 63. Prince Society, publication by the, iii, 187. Prince William Co., Va., v, 461, 471. Prince Williams Sound, v, 80. Princess Anne County, Va., v, 295. Princeton, N. J., i, 338, 352, 427; v, 443, 454, 455, 457; battle of, i, 670; iii, 379; iv, 441; v, 51, 55, 66-69; manuscript of an eye witness describing Revolution ary battle of, v, 49-75; occupation by British and Hessians in the Revolution of, v, 50; reproduction of Trumbull's painting of the battle of, iii, 199; Col lege, i, 78, 178; iii, 86, 88, 454; iv, 66; v, 416; University, iii, 113; v, 75, 565; a benefactor of, ii, 97; statue of Dr. John Witherspoon, president of, iii, 11; transcript of manuscript describing Revolutionary War preserved at, v, 49-75. Princeton and Trenton, Stryker's History of the battles of, v, 49, 55. Princetown, England, photograph of memorial to American prisoners at, iv, 532; pho tographs of church in memory of American prisoners erected at, iv, 468. Prindle, Betty, ii, 263. William, ii, 263. Printer, an early American, ii, 96. Printing, i, 240, 304; in American Colonies, first, ii, 492; introduction into the Colony of New York of, iii, 265; Press, first colonial, ii, 492; reproduction of mural painting commemorating the in vention of, iii, 64. Prior, Col., ii, 488. Elisha, v, 548. Family, iv, 149. John, iii, 604. Mathew, ii, 508, 512, 513. Sarah, ii, 508, 512, 513. Priory of St. Nicholas, England, iv, 362. Prison reform, international conferences on, iv, 7. Prison Ships in the Revolutionary War, v, 121-128. Pritchard, Mary, iv, 440. Privateering, i, 82, 83, 485-493; abolishment of, iv, 11. Privateers, dangers to early American voy agers from, ii, 70, 71; English, Six teenth century trade with the New World carried on by, i, 641. Prize Court, establishment of an interna tional, iv, 8. Proctor, , ii, 413. A. Phimister, statue by, ii, 242. Colonel, ii, 695. Elizabeth, v, 309. General, command of the British in the battle of the Thames, War of 1812 by, ii, 283. George, iii, 99. John, iii, 99. Richard, i, 576; statue by, ii, 242. Proctor's 1st Penn. Artillery in the Revolu tion, v, 85, 86. Progress of the World, ii, 1-37; in 1907, ii, 1- 37. Prohibition Law in America, first, iv, 397, 398. Proprietaries, first American, ii, 444-454. Prosserj , i, 502. Family, photograph of the home of, iii, 287. Proud, Robert, i, 236. Providence Colony, v, 353; Compact, editor's note on article by Prof. Peckham on the, iii, 185; investigations of Prof. Peckham regarding the, iii, 186-196; first signer of the, iii, 186; photograph of the, iii, 188; signers of the, iii, 189, 190; principles contained in the, iii, 192, 193; authorship of the, iii, 195, 196. "Gazette," newspaper the, v, 453; Plantation, iv, 427, 431; Purchase of Rhode Island Colony, ii, 444. Providence, R. I., i, 334; ii, 43; iii, 186, 213, 517; iv, 414; v, 311, 441, 442, 448, 449, 452, 453, 455; autographs of Roger Williams and of Sir Henry Vane in the records of, iii, 187; Brown Univer sity at, iv, 428; "Combination" drawn up at, iii, 193; transcript from "Com bination" regarding boundaries and government of, iii, 194; coming of the Hutchinson party to, iii, 192; com mencement of the Revolution at, ii, 216; deeds for land to the proprietors of, iii, 193; early settlement at, iv, 424; founding by Roger Williams of, ii, 215; founding of, iv, 401, 427; insti tution for savings in, i, 685; mayor of, ii, 510; old Williams house at, iv, 135; photograph of old Williams house at, iv, 136; records of, iii, 194; royal charter granted to citizens of, iii, 194, 195; Lollards in, iii, 196; re production of print of historic flag pre served at State House in, iv, 163; St. John's Church in, iii, 186, 193; set tlement of, v, 353, 363-365, 367; study and reproductions of historic relics preserved by R. I. Historical Society at, iv, 425-430; supplies sent in the Revolution to, iii, 133; winter quarters of Revolutionary soldiers at, i, 677. Provident Institution for Savings, i, 685, 686. Province House, Boston, Mass., residence of Sir Charles Hobby at, iii, 94; reproduc es ] INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES Provincetown, Mass., iv, 469; v, 450; com memoration of 300th anniversary of landing of Pilgrims at, ii, 24; dedica tion of Pilgrim Monument at, iv, 485; Pilgrim Memorial Monument at, iv, 132; reproduction of photograph of monument in memory of the Landing of the Pilgrims erected at, iv, 464; transcript of oration delivered at dedi cation of monument to the Pilgrims at, iv, 487-490. Provincial Congress, convention at Carpen ter's HaU, Philadelphia, Pa., of the, iv, 604. Provost family, v, 638. Robert (Jr.), ii, 353. Prowse, Roger, iv, 253, 254. Prussia, ii, 692; iv, 328, 334; announcement of Department of Journal of American History for Genealogical Research in, v, 322; colliery explosion at Saar Brucken, in Rhenish, ii, 35; state an them of, ii, 200; U. S. Minister to, iv, 296; war between Austria and, iv, 14. Prussian-Austrian War, i, 151. Pryer, Daniel, iii, 604. Pryor family, iii, 286. Psalms of David, reproduction of title page from Bishop's Bible of the, v, 579; re production of page from Bishop's Bible of the, v, 582. Ptolemies, rule in Egypt of the, iv, 187. Ptolemy, account of historic map showing bust of, v, 336; reproduction of his toric map showing bust of, v, 342, 343. Public Schools, historical research in the, v, 477-479. Public Utilities, creation in New York State of Board of, ii, 19. Publications, early American, i, 613, 614. "Publiek Oceurrances, both Foreign and Do- mestick," i, 613. Publishing, statistics of, i, 240. Puebla, Mex., iv, 558. Pueblo, Colo., iv, 298; establishment of the first Californian, iii, 178. Pueblo Indians, ii, 526; iii, 548, 549, 551, 552; early massacres of Spanish by, ii, 669; endurance of the customs of the, ii, 670. Pueblo Viejo, Porto Rico, i, 232. Pueblo*, Piman, ii, 40. Puerto de la Concepcion, iii, 400. Puerto Dulce, iii, 396. Puget Sound, ii, 557; first settlement on, i, 227; lumber trade on, i, 228. Pugh, Annie E., iii, 459. J. L. (ex-Senator), death of, ii, 36. James, photograph of memorial to, ii, 710. Pulaski, , i, 30. Pulitzer, Joseph, i, 439. Pullman, George M., ii, 215. Pultney, Charles (Sir), iv, 114, 118. Pultney Estate, N. Y., iv, 114, 117, 120. Pumpelly, Josiah Collins (A. M., LL. B.), founding of the Huguenot Society of America by, ii, 361. Punta del Canto Blanco, Cal., iii, 176. Purchasers of the Plymouth Colony, iv, 477, 479. Purday, Sergt., i, 448. Purdie, Alexander, v, 454. Purdy, , iv, 412, 413, 414, 415. Family, announcement of publication of work on, v, 320. Pure Food Law, passage of the, ii, 23. Purintun, David, i, 60. Purissima Concepcion, Mission of, iii, 398. Puritans, the, i, 12, 163, 555, 556, 565, 581, 583; ii, 675; iii, 491, 492, 494, 498, 500, 502; iv, 47, 233, 373, 401, 449, 474, 486, 487, 499; fac-simile of page from Gov. Bradford's account of Plymouth Plan tation and the, ii, 117; in New York, ii, 263; observance of Sunday by, i, 355; singing by, i, 175. Puritans of England and Mass. Bay Colony, v, 348-354, 359-365, 368. Purnell, W. Roby, rare engraving of Wash ington from collection of, iv, 527; 529. Purple Hills, ii, 256. Pursley, James, trading expeditions to San ta Fe of, iii, 464; discovery of gold in the Southwest by, iii, 464, 465. Putnam, A. W., ii, 307. Ezra, killing by Indians of, ii, 301. George, ii, 309. Israel (Gen.), i, 288, 505; ii, 305, 309, 350, 351, 352, 353, 516, 648, 650; iii, 55, 58, 113, 277, 280, 582; v, 161, 225, 228; escape from British of, i, 324; head quarters of, i, 322; military orders of Gen. Washington mentioning, ii, 184, 188. Lucretia (Oliver), ii, 309. Rufus, iii, 538; appointment by Gen. Washington as engineer in the Revo lutionary army with the rank of Colo nel of, ii, 350; founding of Marietta, O., by, ii, 299; organization of the Ohio Company for colonizing the Mid dle West by, ii, 299; Revolutionary service of, iii, 203, 204. William Pitt, ii, 307. "Put's Hill," Greenwich, Conn., i, 324. Pye, Henry James, i, 305. Pym, John, iii, 494. Pyncheon, i, 509; Clifford, i, 509. Pynchon family, i, 509-512, 515, 516; arms of, i, 516; president, i, 512; Thomas Rug- gles (Rev.), bookplate of, i, 516. Pyne, M. Taylor, v, 49. [209] Q Quabaug (Brookfield), Mass., v, 131. Quaboag, old Indian fort at, iv, 424. Quackenbush, Abram, photograph of old house of, iii, 606. Quackenbush house, Wyckoff, N. J., photo graph of old, iii, 610. Quaker commissioners to the Indians, ii, 394. Quakers, i, 613; ii, 109, 110; iii, 502; history of, v, 465; in America, iii, 186, 189, 195, 196; v, 116-119; in early Massa chusetts, iii, 49; v, 196; in Indiana, iii, 514; in New Jersey, ii, 608; on border line between Maryland and Virginia, iv, 304-308; reproduction of engraving of treaty with Indians by, iv, 236; settlement of Penn. by, iv, 387. Quebec, Canada, i, 262, 739, 757; ii, 82, 267, 395; iii, 505, 506, 518, 519, 531; iv, 36, 37; v, 19, 228, 230, 449, 452, 473, 550; anniversary of the founding of, ii, 297, 375, 382, 383; arrival of one of the first Christian missionaries at, ii, 44, 45; battle of Plains of Abraham at, ii, 213; beginning of the 17th century at, ii, 381, 382; capture by Wolfe of, ii, 400; Chateau St. Louis at, ii, 381; Church of Notre Dame de la Recou- vrance at, ii, 381; falling of the bridge over the St. Lawrence River at, ii, 35; first European settlement at, ii, 376, 378, 379, 380, 381, 382; founding of, ii, 43; Hotel Frontenac at, ii, 381; Lit erary and Historical Society of, ii, 375, 383; reproduction of engraving of death of Wolfe at siege of, iv, 231; reproduction of old prints of, ii, 377, 379; reproductions of pictures of the siege of, ii, 377, 379; siege of, iii, 218; iv, 57, 58, 59; v, 565; storming of, iii, 209, 212, 213, 215; surrender of, iii, 86; Trumbull's painting of the death of Montgomery before, iii, 197, 198. Queen Anne's War, iv, 252, 378; v, 18. Queen Elizabeth, i, 10. Queen's Camel, Somersetshire, England, i, 559. Queen's Guards, British Army, monument erected at Greensboro, N. C., to a Rev olutionary officer of the Second, ii, 704, 709. Queen's Light Dragoons in the Revolution, v, 601; photograph of memorial to an officer of the, v, 602. Queen's Rangers of the British army, i, 737. Queenstown, battle of, i, 740; Canada, v, 219; Ireland, i, 275; voyage of steamer "Lusitania" from Sandy Hook to, ii, 12. Quenington, England, i, 522. Quesada, , ii, 436. Quesnal River, British Columbia, ii, 638. Quincy, Dorothy, v, 7; portraits of, ii, 644, 645; iv, 55. Quincy, 111., ii, 250; Mass., photograph of Quincy-Butler mansion at, v. 7. Quivira, kingdom of, i, 437; search of early Spanish explorers in America for, iii, 462, 463. L210] R Rabi, Gen., ii, 437. Rabsey's history of Tenn., iv, 545. Raccoon Creek, Ohio, ii, 311, 312. Radcliffe, Dr., iv, 449. Radcliffe Library, Oxford University, Eng land, iv, 449. Radison, , explorations in Illinois by, ii, 213. Radium, formation of, iv, 19. Raes, Jacob, v, 396. Raft River, ii, 149. Ragged Row, Boston, Mass., iv, 376. Ragnvald, Jarl of Moere, Norway, v, 182, 183, Rahway, N. J., i, 165. Railroad, first southern, iii, 615; opening of New York State's first, ii, 62; Tehuan tepec, opening in Mexico of the, ii, 33. Railroad in Mass., early, iv, 412. Railroad rates, biUs regulating, ii, 19. Railroad rebates, i, 694. Railroad strike in Chicago, ii, 33. Railroad strike, threatened English, ii, 34. Railroads, curtaning by Interstate Commerce Commission of power of the, ii, 16, 19, 20; early American travel by horse, ii, 131; introduction in New England of, iv, 416; suit commenced in the United States Court at Philadelphia to dissolve combination of anthracite, ii, 19, 20. Rainbow, O., ii, 308. Rain-in-the-Face, the Sioux chief, iii, 228. Rainsford family, v, 363. Raisuli, U, 30. Raleigh, Alice, iv, 367, 371. Family, iv, 100. John, iv, 367. Walter (Sir), i, 565; iv, 249; American colony founded by, i, 213; iv, 74; rela tionship to Sir Humphrey Gilbert of, ii, 123. Raleigh, N. C, i, 55, 565, 566, 567; iii, 240; iv, 544; memorial to Ensign Worth Bag- ley, first fallen Hi Spanish-American War, in Capitol Square at, i, 608; uni versity at, i, 566. Raleigh Tavern, WiUiamsburg, Va., photo graph of memorial on site of, iv, 539. Rail, Col., v, 53. Johann Gottlieb (Col.), v, 64. Ralph, Albert R. (Col.), iv, 558. Alta M., ii, 597; iv, 553. Jane (Caldwell), Hi, 458. John, iii, 458. Mary (Cornell), iv, 557, 558. [211 Miles, iv, 557, 558. Ramiques, Lord of, v, 404. Ramney, Edward, iii, 117. Ozias, iii, 117. "Ramona," ranch which was the scene of the novel, v, 374; photograph of ranch which was the scene of, v, 382. Ramsay, Allan, portrait by, ii, 399. Dr., ii, 130. Thomas, iii, 286. Ramsey's History of Tennessee, v, 100, 102, 103. Randall, , iii, 14. George Maxwell (Bishop), i, 477. Herbert, poem by, ii, 562-566, 569-577. James Ryder, iii, 360; authorship of the patriotic poem, "Maryland, My Mary land" of, ii, 630; tributes to, ii, 630; death of, ii, 630. Randolph, , ii, 472; iii, 235, 572; iv, 528; v, 135. (Jefferson), iv, 575. Edmund, ii, 111; v, 430. Elizabeth, iii, 288. Family, ii, 647, 677; iv, 29, 100, 152. Frances (Bland), v, 469. John, i, 745; ii, 88; v, 469; appointment as U. S. Minister to Russia of, i, 370; descent from Pocahontas of, i, 370; description of, i, 370; silhouette of, i, 370; ii, 653. Martha (Jefferson), ii, 178. Miss, i, 758, 759. Thomas, iv, 575. M. (Mrs.), ii, 178. William, iii, 288. Randulfe, Earl, i, 523. Rangers, Tryon Co. (N. Y.), iv, 556. Ransom, , ii, 711. Abbie Fosdick (Mrs.), i, 254. Samuel, iv, 441. Rapeljee, Capt., iii, 55. Rapin's History of England, i, 184. Raplee, Nehemiah (Gen.), iv, 558. Rappahannock district of Virginia, dispute of the tobacco planters of, iii, 84, 85. Rappahannock River, iv, 322; v, 439; early settlers on the, iii, 82; Civil War pho tograph of, iii, 260, 372. Raritan Bay, iii, 306. Raritan River, v, 440, 445; mention in rare manuscript describing New Nether lands of, iii, 154; reproduction of draw ing of Long Ferry Tavern on the, v, 439. ] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY Rashleigh family, coat-of-arms of the, v, 597. Mercy, i, 597. Rasmussen, Knud, iii, 325. Rasmusson, R. J., iv, 178. Ratcliffe, : i, 208. John, coming to Virginia of, i, 206. Rath, Gen., Revolutionary victory of, iii, 208. Rathbun, John (Capt.), i, 319. Rathburn family, iv, 626. John (Capt.), i, 319. Rathcoole, Baron of, i, 544; Viscount of, i, 526. Rattle Snake Creek, Wash., v, 500. Ratzer, Bernard (Lieut.), ii, 396. Ravenna, 0., iii, 390. Ravensworth, Va., plantation of, iv, 100. Rawden, Lord, i, 462. Rawles, John, i, 525. Rawson, Abner, v, 418, 420. Bridget (Warde?), v, 418. Christopher, v, 418. David, v, 418, 424. Edmund, v, 420. Edward (Sec), v, 418, 424, 427. Elizabeth (Howard), v, 420. Family, v, 418, 420, 424. Grindall (Rev.), v, 418, 424, 426. Isabella (Craford), v, 418. Margaret (Wilson), v, 418, 424. Mary (Allen), v, 418, 420. Rachel (Perne), v, 418, 427. Rhoda, v, 418, 420, 424. Richard, v, 418. Susanna (Wilson), v, 418, 420, 424, 426. Rawson's Lane, Boston, Mass., v, 418. Ray, , ii, 190. Joseph, school text books by, ii, 211. Raymond, Lieut.-Col., ii, 516, 352, 516, 648, 652; iii, 57. Ray's Wisdom of God in Creation, i, 184. Read, Amos (Corporal), iii, 54. Benjamin (Lieut.), Revolutionary service and death of, iii, 212. Colonel, ii, 350; iii, 207; v, 72. Family, iv, 149. John, iii, 537, 538. John J. (Rear Admiral), ii, 89, 95. Reade, George, iii, 286. Joseph, iv, 35. Read River, i, 363. Readfield, Dr., ii, 529. Reading, Conn., i, 736, 738; Mass., iii, 49, 50, 122; v, 303; Pa., iv, 301; v, 448. Real, Peter Francis, ii, 605. Real de Minas de Pachuca, Mexico, iii, 179. Reale Deputazione Sopra il Regolamento della Nobilita di Toscana, Florence, Italy, v, 337. Rebellion, War of the, i, 565. Recollet Fathers, early missionary work in Canada of the, ii, 378, 381. Rectory, Gloucester Co., Va., old manor house of the, iii, 285. Red Cliff House, iii, 325. Red Cross Convention, iv, 7. Red Cross Society, Civil War nurse of the, iii, 251; representation on a commis sion in aid of Cuba of the, ii, 406. Red Lion Inn, near Philadelphia, Pa., draw ing of, v, 435. Red Man, organization of a patriotic society called, ii, 593. Red River, N. Dak., i, 235; ii, 619. Red River Valley, early exploration of the, iv, 180, 181, 182; floods in the, ii, 217. Redd, Capt., v, 568. Reddish, Manchester, England, v, 197. Redlands, Cal., ii, 339. Redstone Region, Pa., an early settler of the, iv, 603-606. Reed, , i, 31 ; iii, 546. Captain, iii, 381. Colonel, ii, 186, 350, 514, 520. James (Brig.-Gen.), ii, 190. Joseph, iv, 442. Newton, history of Amenia, N. Y., by, ii, 263. W. B., oration on Hugh Mercer by, v, 71. Reeder, Gov., iii, 628, 630. Rees, Amos, iv, 515. Reeves, Benjamin H. (Lieut.-Gov.), iii, 468. Clayton, ii, 135, 136, 138. Colonel, i, 100. Robert, ii, 135, 136, 138. Regicide, execution of a, i, 243. Reginald, Earl of Cornwall, iv, 362. "Regulators" of North Carolina, ii, 364; pho tograph of memorial to the, ii, 710; War of the, ii, 364. Rehoboth, Mass., iv, 404; v, 197, 301, 311. Rehoboth Cemetery and Church, Pa., iv, 605, 606. Reichtag, the, ii, 2. Reid, S. C. (Capt.), i, 14. Whitelaw, conferring of honorary degree by Oxford University on, ii, 26. Reigart, , i, 403. Reilly, Richard M., i, 669. Reinhard, , ii, 269. Reinsch, Prof., iv, 6. Reinsweiler, Bavaria, ii, 269. Reld, Gabriel, iii, 604. Religious Toleration, English Act of, iii 82 83, 85. ' ' Remching, Elizabeth, v, 190, 191, 192, igs Family, v, 198. Richard, v, 198. Remsen, -, v, 122. Ira (Dr.), iii, 652. Remsen's Mill, on the Wallabout, N Y v 122. ' v' [212] INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES Reno, Jesse Lee (Maj.-Gen.), ii, 212; bat talion of Gen. Custer's command un der, iii, 228, 229; massacre by Indians of the battalion of, iii, 230, 231; find ing of Custer's murdered battalion ¦ company under, iii, 232. Renshaw, , old Mansion House, Phil adelphia, kept by, i, 748. Renwick, Prof., i, 418. Republic, Grand Army of the, iii, 251; voy age from England to America in early days of the, v, 247-269. Republican Party, ii, 347; iii, 459. "Resolute," Arctic experiences of the ship, v, 603-610. Resseguie, Abijah, photograph at old Keeler Tavern, of which he was the land lord of, ii, 294. Alexander, iv, 126, 127. Family, iv, 125, 126, 127, 131. James, iv, 127. Peter, iv, 126. Sara (Bontekoe), iv, 126. Timothy, journal written during service in Britsh army in the Revolution by, iv, 127,131. Resseguie Inn, Ridgefield, Conn., photograph of, ii, 294. Retirement, Va., estate of, v, 634. Retzmer, Col., ii, 354. Reuff, Abe, confessions regarding dishonest municipal administration in San Fran cisco made by, ii, 20. Revell, Anne, ii, 92. Dorothy, ii, 92. Edward (Capt.), the Royalist, ii, 92. FamUy, American descendants of the, ii, 96; arms of the, ii, 93; sketches of effigies on tomb of the, ii, 100. Hugh, granting of arms in the time of the Crusades to, ii, 93. Lionel, ii, 94. Randall, iv, 307. Ruth (Ely), ii, 94. Thomas, arrival in America of, ii, 91, 93; mention in the will of Joshua Ely of, ii, 94; public offices held by, 91, 92. Revell Grange, England, ii, 89, 94. Revere, Paul, i, 677; iii, 248; iv, 68, 136; bookplate, i, 304; coat-of-arms of, i, 304; photograph of home of, v, 8; pho tograph of pistol of, iv, 105; photo graph of Bill for Services to Massa chusetts in 1775 of, iv, 106; picture of the Boston Massacre engraved by, iv, 63; rare engraving by, iv, 257; House, Watertown, Mass., v, 8. Revolution, aid given by a French gentleman to the American, ii, 597-602; anecdote of an old gunner of the, ii, 224; Daughters of the American, i, 566; ii, 515; iii, 461, 462, 470; iv, 231, 542, 553; [213 v, 121, 142, 146, 149, 171; Anna War ner Bailey Chapter of, v, 543; financial aid given by John Barker Church in the, ii, 48, 50, 52; first American, ii, 113; Ford's British Officers serving in the American, v, 54; French, iv, 190; Indian warfare in the, i, 55; officers and soldiers appearing in order book of Gen. Washington in the, iii, 275- 280; reception of the Daughters of the American, ii, 280; reproduction of photograph of memorial erected by Daughters of the American, iii, 460; reproduction of photograph of memo rial erected by Sons of the, iv, 368, 383; reproduction of photograph of memorial to Peter Salem erected by Sons of the American, v, 145; inscrip tion on monument to Peter Salem erected by Sons of the American, v, 146; reproduction of print of flag preserved by Penn. Society of Sons of the, iv, 162; Sons of the, iv, 132, 341, 425; v, 97, 148, 149; Sons of the American, ii, 361, 647; iv, 137, 297, 595; v, 148; transcript of ode to Daughters of the American, iv, 446. Revolutionary Archives, State House, Bos ton, Mass., photograph of document preserved in, iv, 106. Revolutionary Army, an early dentist's ser vices in the, i, 677; headquarters of the, iii, 285; countersigns of, iii, 54- 58, 275-280, 582, 583; iv, 342, 348; of ficers and soldiers appearing in Gen. Washington's Order Book of the, iii, 54-58, 582, 583; officers of the, iii, 202- 216; order preserved in the, ii, 184-190; organization as the Ohio Company of Associates for the purpose of acquiring land in the Middle West of the sol diers of the, ii, 299; uniforms of the, i, 127, 128. Revolutionary Headquarters, Pompton, N. J., reproduction of photograph of, iii, 609. Revolutionary officers, second settlement in Northwest Territory made by, ii, 299, 300. Revolutionary pensions, iii, 278. Revolutionary period, a printer of the, ii, 96; homesteads of the, iv, 135. Revolutionary soldiers, settlement of North west Territory by, iii, 221. Revolutionary War, i, 58, 72, 73, 74, 76, 77, 120, 123, 124, 126, 170, 218, 322, 323, 324, 342, 361, 371, 373, 374, 376, 378, 398, 434, 439, 441, 464, 485, 493, 515, 545, 563, 564, 565, 566, 583, 585, 614. 618, 669, 674, 678, 693, 697, 700, 704- 713, 720, 721; ii, 112, 154, 210, 226, 299, 531, 593, 692; iii, 44, 94, 453, 454, 456, 539; iv, 111, 114, 126, 127, 250, 257, 290, ] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY (Revolutionary War) 353, 404, 411, 415, 452, 486, 512, 513, 516, 553, 555, 556, 580, 604, 606, 621; v, 17, 84, 85, 134, 140, 141, 142, 187, 195, 221, 226, 301, 314, 628; a decisive bat tle of the, iv, 543, 544; a famous spy of the, i, 504; a noted Indian fighter of the, ii, 55, 56; a soldier of the, iv, 109, 120, 121, 122; adjustment of the accounts of the Commissary Depart ment of the American Army in the, ii, 52; aid from France in the, i, 672; alliance with France in the, ii, 627; American financier of the, iv, 114; American ships on the Delaware in the, i, 670; announcement in order book of treason of Benedict Arnold in the, iv, 350; annuity granted to "Molly Pitch er" for service in the, v, 87, 88, 89; attack on British ships on the Jer sey coast in the, iii, 301, 303; atti tude of Joseph Brant, war chief of Six Nations in the, iii, 378; Ball fam ily in the, v, 297; Bancroft family in the, v, 303; Bank of North America organized during the, ii, 628, 629; bat tle claimed as first of the, v, 99; Bat tle of Bennington in, ii, 67; Battle of Brandywine in the, iii, 214; Battle of Lexington in, ii, 66; Battle of Cow pens in the, v, 111; Battle of The Keys in the, i, 671; Bergen County, N. J., in the, v, 478; biography of an officer of the, iv, 394; reproduction of portrait of an officer of the, iv, 395; British army in the, iii, 380; British prison in the Sugar House, New York City, in the, ii, 527, 528; British prison of the, i, 721; British prison ships on the Wallabout in the, iii, 309; Brooke and Brooks family in the, v, 634; Bur goyne's campaign in the, ii, 124; burn ing of the house of Gen. Schuyler in the, iii, 211; burning of New York City in the, iv, 30, 43; campaign in North Carolina of the, v, 100, 101; campaign of 1777, i, 505, 506; capture of Ft. Ticonderoga in the, iii, 603; celebration of an American victory in the, iii, 213, 214; changes of National capitol in the, i, 14; Cherry Valley Massacre in, iii, 202, 216; commence ment in Pennsylvania of the, iii, 218, 219; Committee of Safety of the, ii, 471; commutation of five years' pay for officers of the, i, 725; comparison by an eye witness of American and British armies in the, v, 71; Conn. Line in, iv, 344, 345, 347; counter signs of the, ii, 186, 187, 189, 351, 353, 355, 356, 514, 516, 517, 518, 519, 648, 650-652; currency in the, ii, 626, 628; [214] decisive battles of the, i, 58; ii, 277- 283; declaration of peace at close of the, i, 732, 733, 735; dedication of me morial to heroes of battle of Ft. Gris wold in the, v, 543, 544; defense of New Jersey in the, iii, 300-310; De Peyster family Hi the, v, 388; depreda tions of British soldiers in the, i, 457, 458, 500; iii, 300, 301; description by an American traveler of botany of the United States soon after the, iv, 572- 579; description of social life at New port, R. I., by a French officer of the, iv, 569, 570; destruction by the British of valuable historical and liter ary manuscripts collected by Thomas Prince in the, ii, 495; devastation of Princeton, N. J., in the, v, 51; diary of an American soldier in the Mas sacre of Cherry Valley in the, iii, 377- 384; direction by daughter of Benja min Franklin of women sewing for the Continental Army in the, ii, 180; dis covery of original order book of George Washington used in the, ii, 183; Du Bois and Dubose family in the, v, 636; Dutchess Co., N. Y., militia in the, i, 500; editor's note on transcript from diary of an officer of the, iii, 201; Edwards family in the, v, 299; effect on schools of, i, 717; episode of the, v, 601; exchange of captured officers in the, i, 730; experience of a Ger man immigrant in the, ii, 276; expe riences of a Minute Man in the, iii, 297-310; experiences of an officer of the American Navy in the, iii, 435-440; fac-simile of account rendered against the Continental Government for money loaned in the, iii, 133; fac-simile of an American passport shortly before the, ii, 660; fac-simile pages from cal endar showing mail routes just before the, v, 447-450; financial aid to the cause of independence in the, ii, 54; financing of the, ii, 625-629; first alarm in the, iv, 135, 136; first and last naval fights of the, i, 670, 673; first battle of the, i, 669; first deci sive battle of the, ii, 704; first gen erals of the, v, 147-151, 154-163; first naval battle of the, i, 670; first public convention held in N. C. on the, i, 52; first raising of the American Flag in the, ii, 124, 125; Fisher family in the v, 467; Ft. Edward in the, iii, 204 •' gambling and dissipation in the Brit ish army during the, i, 731-732; Geor gia in the, ii, 225, 227, 229, 230 231 232; Gloucester Co., Va., in the iii 284; "Green Mountain Boys" i„ the iv, 581, 586, 587; Griffith family in INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES the, v, 307; Hackensack, N. J., in the, ii, 292; Hodges family in the, v, 461; Holman family in the, v, 427; in Conn., iv, 623-629; in Rhode Island, ii, 216; in South Carolina, i, 373, 374, 375; iii, 438; in the South, i, 728, 732; in Vir ginia, ii, 675, 677; Indian massacres in the, iii, 431, 432, 433; Indian warfare in the, iii, 203-207, 214; inoculation for smallpox of soldiers of the, i, 720, 721; James family in the, v, 463; Jersey Prison Ship in the, ii, 527; iv, 262; Kentish Guards in the, ii, 510; land ing of French allies in, i, 453; last naval battle of, i, 672, 673; letter giv ing account of first battle of, iv, 65; list of families entitled to membership in patriotic societies of the, iv, 149; Long Island in the, ii, 514, 520, 527; Loomis family in the, iv, 297; loyalist emigration to Nova Scotia after the, i, 737; making of bullets for the, iii, 293; Manning family in the, v, 295; manuscript of the experiences of an American soldier in the British Army during the, i, 441-464, 727-740; ma rauders during the, i, 497; march to Virginia of soldiers of the, i, 723 ; Mar tin family in the, v, 311; Massachu setts regiment in the, iii, 537; memo randa giving weights of officers of the, i, 711; memorial statue to the dispatch rider of the, i, 607; memorial in commemoration of, iv, 542; mili tary defenses in Cal. at period of, iii, 110; military occupation of Ft. Ti conderoga in the, iii, 213; monument erected to » boy hero of the, ii, 706; monuments in the United States erected to British soldiers of the, ii, 704; naval defense of Philadelphia in the, i, 670; neutral ground of New York in, i, 500; New Jersey Line in the, v, 570; New York at the period of the, ii, 527, 528; iii, 430, 532-434; iv, 392, 395; New York Line in, iy, 341; New York volunteers in the, i, 730; North Carolina in the, ii, 364; obtaining of soldiers by British in, iv, 127, 128, 130, 131; occupation of Ft. Schuyler in the, iii, 209; officers and soldiers whose names appear in an order book of Gen. Washington in the, ii, 184-190, 514, 516-520, 648, 650-652; Official History of the Officers and Men of New Jersey in the, iii, 299; opening of the, ii, 65; organization of Mass. Militia before the, iv, 382; Os good family in the, v, 305; page of Washington's military account in the, iv, 107; paintings by John Trumbull illustrating the, iii, 197, 198, 199; [215] Parker family in the, ii, 647; parole signed by Cornwallis at close of the, v, 4; part taken by Joseph Brant in the, iii, 429-434; pledge of patriots in, i, 503; post roads just before the, v, 443; prison ships in the, v, 121-128; punishment of tories in the, ii, 343- 347; questions regarding land owner ship in the, v, 285; record of Gen. Seth Pomeroy of the, v, 147-163; record of service of a General of the, iv, 244, 245; records of officers of the, iii, 378- 382; reproduction of British battle dia gram taken by Americans in the, iv, 258; reproduction of engraving of fa mous Physician-General in the, iv, 91 ; reproduction of engraving of incident of the, v, 40; reproduction of original chart of the battle of the Brandywine in the, ii, 695; reproduction of paint ing of surrender of Yorktown at close of the, v, 174, 175; reproduction of pho tograph of an American mansion at the time of the, iii, 605; reproduction of photograph of cannon of the, iv, 533; reproduction of photograph of cartridge box used in the, iv, 104; re production of photograph of currency of the, iv, 108; reproduction of photo graph of first monument erected to a woman of the, ii, 702; reproduction of photograph of guard house of the, v, 81; reproduction of photograph of house famous in the, v, 8; reproduction of house where British troops were quartered in the, v, 271; reproduction of photograph of memorial at West Point to heroes of the, iv, 367; repro duction of photograph of memorial erected by societies of the, iv, 455; re production of photograph of memorial erected to an officer of the, iv, 368; re production of photograph of memorial on site where were made the first pa triotic speeches of the, iv, 538; repro duction of photograph of memorial to soldiers and sailors of the, iv, 455; re production of photograph of memorial tablet showing names of American sol diers in the battle of Ft. Griswold in the, v, 548; reproduction of photograph of old Dutch house at the junction of two military roads of the, ii, 284; re production of photograph of old inn where British officers were held in the, iii, 407; reproduction of photograph of old tavern of the, iii, 606; reproduction of portrait and sketch of the life of an officer of the, ii, 664, 665, 666; re production of portrait of daughter of a surgeon in the, iv, 386; reproduc tions of print of first British flag cap- THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY (Revolutionary War) tured in the, iv, 158; American vic tories of the, iv, 159; reproductions of prints of only flags believed to have been captured by British in the, iv, 160, 161; reproductions of prints of American flags carried in the, iv, 162, 163; reproduction of print of only National Flag known to be in exis tence that was carried as regimental color in the, iv, 164; reproductions of colored prints showing uniforms of soldiers in the, iv, 193-196; reproduc tions of engravings of incidents of the, iv, 221, 222, 224, 225, 227-230, 234, 235; reproductions of historic heirlooms of the, iv, 104, 105; reproductions of pho tographs of home of "Molly Pitcher," heroine of the, v, 81, 82; reproduction of photograph of memorial erected to 'Molly Pitcher" of the, v, 82 ; researches regarding "Molly Pitcher," heroine of the, v, 83-95; reproductions of pho tographs of grave of "Molly Pitcher" of the, v, 94, 96; reproduction of pho tograph of relic of the, v, 96; repro ductions of photographs of monu ments in commemoration of the vic torious ending of the, iv, 537, 540; re productions of photographs of places of interest in connection with the, iv, 498, 500, 505, 509, 510; reproductions of portraits of officers and statesmen of the period of the, iv, 52-64; revival of shipping industry at close of the, v, 500; Roosevelt family in the, v, 638; Secret Pact entered into by Col onists on the commencement of the, ii, 227; fac-simile of the Secret Pact signed by the Colonists on the com mencement of the, ii, 235; secret ser vice of the, i, 497-508; selling of ne groes by British soldiers in the, i, 458; sending of supplies to Washing ton's Army in the, iii, 300, 301 ; separa tion of Church and State in the, iii, 286; service of a negro soldier in the, v, 143-146; service of Aaron Taft in the, v, 416; service of Gen. Artemas Ward in the, iv, 561-563, 565-567; ser vice of grandfather of Abraham Lin coln in the, v, 192; service of Koscius zko in the, ii, 3W-374; service of Pomeroy family in the, iv, 375, 376, 378, 379-383; service of Ruggles fam ily in the, v, 138, 140; service of Spooner family in the, v, 137; ser vice of Steuben (Baron) in the, ii, 290, 292; Smith family in the, v, 476; societies founded in honor of the pa triots of the, ii, 591; soldiers from Gloucester County, Va., in the, iii, 286; [216] Sons of Liberty in the, ii, 363, 364, 365, 366; Spanish in Florida during the, i, 732, 735; Streiter Corps in the, ii, 267; strong feeling against British adherents in the, i, 733, 734, 735, 736, 737; study of first American statesmen whose public utterances and writings were the forerunners of the, iv, 261, 272; tories during the, ii, 339-347; Hi, 430-434; transcript from Gen. Wash ington's order book in the, ii, 350-356, 514, 516-520, 648, 650-652; iii, 54-58, .275-280, 581-583; transcript from jour nal of a British soldier in the, iv, 127-131; transcript from Journal of of Congress giving appointment of eight Brig.-Generals in the, iv, 382; transcript from Order Book of the, iv, 491-494; transcript of correspond ence between Gen. Washington and Rev. Jacob Duche in the, iv, 525-531; transcript of letter describing expe riences of a Continental officer in the, i, 705-707; transcript of manu script describing the experiences of a soldier in the, ii, 527-529; transcript of old song of the, iv, 552; transcript of order books of the, iv, 341-350; transcript of patriotic poem written in the, iv, 406; transcript of patriotic verses from an Orderly Book of the, iv, 632; transcript of pension of a sol dier of the, ii, 47; transcript of poems by patriots of the, iv, 384, 594; tran scripts from Order Book of the, v, 105-112; transcripts from original or der book of George Washington in the, ii, 184-190, 350-356; treatment by the British of American prisoners in the, ii, 527, 528, 529 ; treatment of an Amer ican prisoner of the, i, 721; treat ment of prisoners by British in the, iv, 341; treaty acknowledging independ ence of U. S. after the, v, 287; treaty between America and France in the, i, 671; treaty of peace after the, i, 672; iv, 46; tribute to brotherhood of United States and France cemented in the, v, 171, 173; Tucker family in the, v, 469; turning point in the, i, 670; unveiling of memorial to he roes of the, iv, 543; use of an old forge in the, ii, 292; use of anthra cite coal before the, v, 115; use of ex plosive machines in the American Navy in the, i, 670, 671; 15th Vermont Mili tia of the, iii, 603; Virginia in the, ii 363, 364; iii, 288; Washington's order regarding colors used to designate rank in the, ii, 514; Washington's re treat across New Jersey in the, ii 290; western lands given to sufferers INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES (Revolutionary War) in the, iii, 386; Westmoreland Coun ty, Pa., in the, iv, 441-443, 445, Wil son family in the, v, 301 ; York Volun teers of the, i, 729. Reyburn, Col., i, 60. Reynolds, Alexander W. (Gen.), ii, 212. Charles, iii, 128. Family, i, 120. James, ii, 130, 134. Jonathan, iv, 452. Joshua (Sir), portrait of Charles Bulfinch by a pupil of, iii, 98. William, signing of the Providence Com pact by, iii, 189. Reynolds Battery, Civil War photograph, iii, 368. Rhea, Mr., i, 343. John, iv, 549. Rhine River, i, 156, 292; ii, 266, 268; journey of early immigrants to America down the, ii, 457. Rhode Island, i, 12, 30, 121, 124, 269, 334, 335, 715, 672, 715, 726, 738; ii, 110, 248, 251, 307, 479; iii, 117, 213, 380, 431, 453, 502; iv, 22, 27, 28, 198, 442, 499; v, 23, 142, 152, 155, 262, 348, 353, 363, 364, 365, 367; allegiance to Great Britain first renounced in, ii, 216; ancestry of two governors of, iv, 629; announcement of publication of genealogy of ances try and descendants of John Peckham of, v, 321; appointment of Revolu tionary officer from, iv, 382; approval of the Declaration of Independence by General Assembly of, ii, 216; Bell family of, v, 141; British evacuation during Revolution of, i, 458; Channing family in, iv, 41; charters of, iv, 427; Clarke family of, ii, 503-513; Colonial mail service in, v, 441, 442, 451, 453, 455; Colonial Militia of, i, 121; early English expedition against Cartagena joined by troops from, ii, 319; early land deeds in, ii, 215; early settlers of, ii, 503-513; editor's note on article of Prof. Peckham on civil government in, iii, 185; first canal in, iv, 414; first settlement of, ii, 215; first Q\aker in, iii, 186; governors of, ii, 215; iv, 569; v, 363, 367; industries of, ii, 216; jour ney of Roger Williams to, ii, 119; Lawton family of, iv, 569, 570; list of governors and lieutenant-governors of, ii, 511; Martin family in, v, 311; old Williams house in, iv, 135, 136; print of historic flag preserved in State House in Providence, iv, 163; Professor Peckham on establishment of civil government in, iii, 186-196; Quakers in, ii, 505, 509; religious lib erty in, ii, 215, 216; Revolutionary J [217 War in, ii, 529; iii, 211; royal char ters for the colony of, iii, 194, 195; set tlement of Providence Plantation in, iv, 401; Smith family of, v, 476; So ciety of the Cincinnati in, ii, 510; iv, 425; State seal of, ii, 216; Supreme Court of, ii, 510; uniform of Revolu tionary soldiers in, i, 127; visit of George Fox, the Quaker, to, ii, 91; Warwick Party in, iii, 189. Rhode Island Colony, iv, 427; v, 197; Provi dence Purchase of the, ii, 444. Rhode Island Historical Society, v, 369; old compass and sundial used by Roger Williams preserved in the, ii, 119; pho tographs of historic treasures of the, iv, 104; reproductions of historic rel ics preserved by, iv, 425-430. Rhodes, John, iv, 307. Rice, , i, 150; ii, 231, 409. Abigail (Cooke), iv, 376. Dan, ii, 132. Eliza G., iii, 621. Elizabeth (Holden), ii, 508, 512. Family, iv, 149; reproduction in color of coat-of-arms of the, iv, 463; George, iii, 117. Hiram, iv, 516. John, ii, 508, 512. Major, iv, 494; Nathaniel, iv, 376. Oliver (Maj.), ii, 307. Thomas, iii, 625. W. W., colonizing Liberia, Africa, with ne groes by, iii, 621-626. Rice, introduction into the Carolinas of cul ture of, v, 476. Richard, Alice, v, 134. Richard I, i, 376; iv, 361, 363, 365; v, 191,295; journey to the Holy Land of, iv, 555; II, v, 586; III, ii, 93; Coeur de Lion, i, 10; iv, 517; v, 187, 295; lord of Manor of Wick-Warre, Gloucestershire, England, iv, 142. Richard the Good, Duke, v, 176. Richards, , i, 422. Amy (Mrs.), inscription on tomb of, iii, 291. Family, arms of, iii, 291. John, iii, 538. J. H. (Judge), i, 301. John (Rev.), inscription on tomb of, iii, 291. Paul, iv, 34. Peter (Capt.), v, 548. Sergeant, iii, 56. Richardson, Capt., i, 55. H. A. (Senator), ii, 23. John, iv, 448. John (Sir), ii, 643. Martha (Mead), iv, 448. Richason, Ebenezer, iv, 243. Elizabeth, iv, 243. ] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY Richason John, iv, 243. Richelieu, Cardinal, empire of New France in America at the time of, ii, 43; triple portrait of, ii, 118. Richfield, N. Y., iii, 379. Richill, Robert, ii, 176. Richison, Lieut.-Col., ii, 353. Richland, Va., plantation of, iv, 100. Richlands, Cumberland County, Va., planta tion of, ii, 647. Richmond, Col., v, 613. Duke of, v, 595; transcript of speech re garding the United States of, ii, 594; Peleg, autograph of, ii, 446. Richmond, Ind., iii, 514; Mo., iv, 521, 524; Staten Island, i, 456; in the Revolu tion, i, 453, 454. Richmond County, Va., v, 471. Richmond, Hollywood, Va., iv, 334. Richmond, Virginia, i, 155, 317, 318, 494; ii, 156; iii, 81, 416, 451, 459, 555; iv, 39, 46,73,74,319,331,580; v, 5, 98, 614; re production of engraving of battle scene of Civil War before taking of, v, 48; reproduction of photograph of first building erected for Masonic purposes in America at, iv, 622; reproduction of photograph of historic chair preserved in State capitol at, v, 14; reproduction of photograph of home of John Mar shall at, iv, 508; reproduction of pho tograph of old Bell Tower at, v, 16; reproduction of photograph of original Tobacco Proclamation of King Charles I in collection of Virginia Historical Society at, ii, 113; reproduction of photograph of sculpture in State Li brary at, iv, 333; reproduction of pho tograph of State Library at, v, 4; re production of statue of Jefferson Da vis at, ii, 247; reproduction of photo graph of statue of Washington at, iv, 478; reproduction of photograph taken just after the burning of, iii, 26; re production of portrait in Virginia State Library at, iv, 57, 58; reproduc tion of portrait of Abraham Lincoln taken about the time of the fall of, v, 206, 207; retreat of Cornwallis to, ii, 280; State Capitol at, i, 224; "Times-Dispatch," i, 380. Richupfen, , report on coal mines of China by, iii, 42. Rickands family, i, 204. Rickard, George, signing of the Providence Compact by, iii, 189. Ridge, John, the Cherokee Indian, iv, 301, 302. Ridgefield, Conn., Huguenot family of, iv, 126, 127; photograph of old tavern on the site of the present Library of, ii, [218] 295; photographs of old taverns at, ii, 293, 294. Ridgefield Park, N. J, old Brinckerhoff house at, iii, 608. Ridgely, , i, 549. Ridgway, W., reproduction of engrarving by, v, 47. Ridwari, Cornwall, England, manor of, iv, 362. Rige's Point, N. Y., i, 506. Riggs, J. M., i, 684. Reuben (Hon.), ii, 254. Riggs' disease, i, 684. Rignatz, Father, ii, 461. Rilers ferry, iii, 448. Riley, , i, 655; iv, 516. James, poem to American Flag by, iv, 84. Jane, iv, 600. Rinehard, , iii, 86. Riney, Zachariah, v, 193. Ringmann, , i, 202. Matthias, v, 333, 344. Ringo, Ind. Ter., iv, 600. Ringoe, N. J., v, 601. Ringwalt's "Development of Transportation in the U. S.," iv, 414. Rio Arriba County, N. Mex., ii, 206. Rio Bravo, v, 281. Rio Chama, early Spanish colony on the, ii, 206. Rio Colorado, ii, 39, 256, 525, 526; iii, 106. Rio Gila, ii, 39, 42, 256, 525, 526, 699. Rio Grande, i, 437; ' iii, 462, 617; iv, 212; boundary of Texas at the, 623; dis covery of the, i, 202; ii, 669; early Spanish colony on the, i, 582; ii, 206; early Spanish explorer on the, ii, 670; irrigation of the valley of the, ii, 673. Rio Janeiro, Brazil, i, 306; publication of first ocean "Chart of Sailing Direc tions," used in voyage to, iv, 324. Rio Padrones, ii, 258. Rio Porciuncula, iii, 110. Rio San Ignaeio, ii, 697. Rio Seco, N. Mex., iii, 547. Rio de Altar, ii, 526. Rio de Guadalupe, Cal., iii, 178. Rio de Horcasitas, ii, 697. Rio de Monterey, Cal., iii, 172, 173, 174. Rio de Oro, West Indies, iii, 73. Rio de San Antonio, Cal., iii, 172. Rio de San Francisco, Cal., iii, 108, 175, 178, 179, 395, 396. Rio de Santa Rosa, Cal., iii, 112, 171. Rio del Nacimiento, ii, 525. Rio del Norte, N. Mex., iii, 547; iv, 520. Rio del Pajaro, Cal., iii, 174. Rio del Tizon, ii, 42. Rio de la Plata, Spanish rule on the, i, 641. Rio de las Vergines, iii, 110. Riots, "Native American," i, 660. Ripley, Maj., ii, 186, 354. INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES Ripon, England, Dean of, i, 416. Rippon Lodge, Va., plantation of, iv, 100. Riquaert, Jahn, v, 394. Ritchie, William N., fac-simile of letter to ex-President Tyler from, v, 614, 615. Rittenhouse, , i, 42. David, i, 39; iii, 566. Ritzemar, , ii, 350. Ritzmer, Col., ii, 520; iii, 56, 279, 582. River Avon, England, iv, 141; photograph of Roman bridge on the, iv, 138. River Edge, N. J., ii, 291; photograph of old Dutch house at, ii, 284. Rivera, Capt., iii, 109, 173, 174, 178. Commandante, iii, 396, 398, 399. Rivera y Moncada, Fernando Javier, biog raphy of, iii, 398. Rivers, citations of law cases regarding land bounded by, v, 277. Rivers of the Middle West, v, 277, 279-281. Riverside Drive, New York City, statue to be erected on, i, 601. Rives, , i, 661; Virginia estate of, i, 662. Roadtown, Virgin Islands, West Indies, Hi, 71. Roane family, iii, 286. Roanoke College, Va., i, 679. Roanoke Island, first English colony in America on, iv, 74; massacre of Eng lish colony at, i, 214; reproduction of engraving of landing of Federal troops on, v, 44. Roanoke River, N. C, i, 60, 565; Virginia, i, 370, 745. Robbins, Chandler (Rev.), i, 62. Sarah, i, 556. Roberdeau, Daniel (Brig.-Gen.), iv, 146, 148, 149. Robert, Archbishop, v, 176; Duke of Nor mandy, iv, 554. Roberts, , iv, 44; v, 217, 218. Adaline B. Ellsworth, i, 63. Ellwood, Ode to Peace by, iv, 48. Family, iv, 149. John, ii, 130. John (Rev.), i, 468, 472, 473, 474, 475, 483. Lieutenant, i, 273. Lucy (Miss), i, 46. Roberts' American Commonwealth, ii, 123. Robertson, Charles, iv, 545, 548. Dr., iii, 83, 84, 89. James (Capt.), iv, 544, 545, 546. James (Gov.), fac-simile of early Ameri can marriage certificate issued by, ii, 348. Mrs., iii, 83. Thomas B. (Hon.), iv, 303. Robeson, Channel, iii, 346, 347. Robespierre, . ii, 603. Robie, Ebenezer, v, 144. Robin, , iii, 121. Robins, Sally Nelson (Mrs.), iv, 73. Robinson, , ii, 157, 160; iv, 152, 271; v, 384. (Noriega), v, 384. Bertha Louise, iv, 93. Charles (Col.), i, 54, 55; iv, 98. Corinne D. Roosevelt, ii, 226. Douglas, ii, 226. Family, iv, 149. Isaac, iii, 604. Johannis, iii, 266. John, iii, 191, 498, 500. John (Dr., Rev.), iv, 471, 472, 474, 479, 486; reproduction of decoration show ing prayer on deck of the "Speedwell" by, iii, 496. Lieutenant-Colonel, iv, 346. Monroe D. Roosevelt, ii, 226. Morgan Poitiaux, iii, 555. Stewart D. Roosevelt, ii, 226. Susan, i, 55. Theodore Roosevelt, ii, 226. William (Mrs.), v, 347. Roby, , iii, 126. Rochambeau, Count de, i, 677; ii, 52, 597, 602; iv, 569; v, 173; centennial ode to, i, 712, 713; photograph of old tavern visited by, ii, 293; statue at Washing ton of, ii, 612. Rochdale, England, co-operative -industries at, iv, 479. Rochefaucault, , ii, 394. Lincourt, Duke of, description of Ft. Niag ara, by, ii, 398, 400. Rochelle, France, iv, 125; v, 252. Roches, Griffin, ii, 507. Jane, ii, 507. Rochester, Bishop of, iv, 31; v, 467. Rochester, Mass., ii, 308; iii, 603; v, 139, 140; N. Y., ii, 51; reception to Laf ayette at, ii, 62. Rochester Historical Society, ii, 48. Rochethulon, Marquis, v, 180. Rock Castle, Ky., i, 666. Rock Creek, Kan., iv, 83. Rock Island Light, St. Lawrence River, v, 229. Rockbridge County, Va., ii, 37; iii, 449. Rockbridge Hills, Lexington, Va., iv, 336. Rockefeller, John D., ancestry of, ii, 297; bequest to the University of Chicago of, ii, 15; gift of a bronze tablet to mark the old Avery house at Groton, Conn., by, ii, 314; largest bequest ever known made by, ii, 15; testimony in suit against the Standard Oil Com pany by, ii, 19. Mrs. (Sr.), v, 233. Rockfield, near Enniskillen, Ireland, Irvine . family of, ii, 666. Rockfish River, i, 663. [219] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY Rockingham County, Va., iii, 449; v, 192, 193, 195; Vt., iv, 411. Rockwell, , i, 750. Joan, iv, 376. Rockwood, Mary, v, 420. Rocky Mountains, i, 226, 231, 467, 469, 617, 624; iii, 630; iv, 520, 616; v, 278, 279, 289, 500, 505, 516; Devil's Gate in the, ii, 143; early trappers in the, iii, 466; South Pass in the, ii, 144, 149. Rodeo Creek, Cal., iii, 178. Rodgers, Capt., ii, 301. Rodman, Anne (Coggeshall), ii, 509. Family, ii, 509, 510. Samuel, ii, 509. Thomas (Dr.), ii, 509, 510. W. W. (Dr.), iv, 375. William Logan (Lieut.-Col.), ii, 510. William Mitchell (Mayor), ii, 510. Rodney, Judge, v, 569. Rodrigan, Johanna (St. Aubyn), iv, 366. Otho, iv, 366. Rodrigwez, Maj.-Gen., ii, 436. Roe, Capt., i, 414. Thomas (Sir), i, 536. Roebling, John A. (Col.), i, 600. Rofe, Barbara, iii, 604. Rogers, , i, 318, 549. (Rev.), iii, 124. Colonel, iv, 127, 128, 129. Frances (Moore), iv, 36. George, iv, 369. George W. (Col.), prints of only American flags captured in Revolution now in possession of, iv, 160, 161. Henry, iv, 36. John Rankin (Gov.), ii, 511, 512, 513. Katharine (Courtenay), iv, 369. Louisa Kendall (Mrs.), i, 565. Moses (Capt.), i, 260, 262, 263; portrait of, i, 264, 265. Sarah, iv, 601. Stephen, i, 264, 265. Thomas, iv, 369. Rogers and Fowle, printing of the first American Magazine by, ii, 490. Roger's Corps of Rangers in the French and Indian War, iii, 379. Rogue River War in the "Northwest, v, 516, 521. Roine, Jules Edouard, bronze model for an niversary of Abraham Lincoln designed by, iii, 151. Rolf (Rollo), reproduction of last resting place of, v, 176; unveiling of statue to, v, 177; statue of, v, 182. Rolfe, Benjamin, iii, 124. Bermudas, iv, 75. Daniel, iii, 120. Jane (Pierce), iv, 75. John, i, 212, 217, 220, 222, 223; painting of marriage of Pocahontas to, v, 242. Samuel, iii, 125. . Rollins family, i, 49. Rollo Millenial Committee, v, 177. Rolls of the Exchequer, English, iv, 284. Roloff, , ii, 436. Rolph, , v, 217. Romaine, Benjamin, v, 124, 127, 128. Roman bridge, Wickwar, England, photograph of, iv, 138; historic account of, iv, 141. Roman Catholic Church, proposed ecclesias tical province in Cuba and Porto Rico of the, ii, 434. Roman Emperor, photograph of statue of a, iv, 457. Romans, Bernard, v, 159. Rome, Italy, ii, 116, 211, 389, 586; iii, 70, 461; iv, 141, 450, 451, 489; ancient docu ments regarding discovery of America in, iv, 167; galleries of, ii, 119; Mil lennial Celebration at, iv, 166; Pope of, iv, 328, 334. Rome, Onondago County, N. Y., ii, 389; iv, 111; site of Ft. Stanwix, afterward Ft. Schuyler, at, ii, 124; iii, 209. Romney, Julia, v, 297. Ronbiliae, , iv, 452. Ronjat, , portrait of Champlain by, ii, 119. Rook, George (Admiral, Sir), ii, 316. Roome, Lilian (Pike), iii, 90. Roosa family, v, 638. Roosebeke, battle of, v, 390. Roosevelt, , i, 44, 188; Alice Lee, ii, 226. Anna Eleanor, ii, 226. Antoinette, portrait of, iv, 389. Archibald Bulloch, ii, 226. Corinne, ii, 226. Cornelia (Hoffman), v, 638. Cornelius Van Shaack, ii, 226. Elliott, ii, 226. Ethel Carrow, ii, 226. Family, ii, 225, 226; iv, 393; v, 638; lineage of the, v, 638; arms of the, v, 639; re production in color of the coat-of-arms of the, ii, 198. Grace, ii, 226. Helena, v, 638. Isaac, ii, 226; v, 638. Jacobus, ii, 226; v, 638. James, v, 638. James Alfred, ii, 226. Johannes, ii, 226. John Ellis, ii, 226. Kermit, ii, 226. Margreta, v, 638. Nicholas, i, 36; ii, 226. Quentin, ii, 226. Robert Barnhill, ii, 226. Robert D., i, 36. [220] INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES (Roosevelt) Silas, ii, 226. Theodore, i, 18, 81, 379, 579, 581, 588, 611, 636, 639, 691, 694; ii, 2, 5, 16, 19, 20, 23, 24, 34, 96, 543; iii, 48, 359; ances try of, ii, 225-227; v, 638; as the cham pion of American nationalism, ii, 191; autograph of, ii, 226; birthplace of the mother of, ii, 234; effect on finance of policies of, ii, 16; message to Congress of, ii, 24, 25; reproduction of photo graph of medal awarded for service in construction of the Panama Canal by, iv, 460. Theodore (Mrs.), iv, 311. William Emlen, ii, 226. Roosevelt's "Winning of the West," iv, 545; v, 99. Root, Capt., ii, 188. Edith (Miss), ii, 25. Elihu (Secretary of War), ii, 25, 406; iii, 475, 652; address by, iv, 155. Family, iii, 286; photograph of home of, iii, 287. George F., ii, 215. Jesse, iv, 442. Russell C., Order of United Americans or ganized by, ii, 595. Rorebeck, Edwin Fulton, i, 213. Rosario Islands, British Columbia, ii, 636. Rosas, President, rule in Argentine Republic of, ii, 419. Rose, Agnes Mary (Irwin), ii, 665. Howell, ii, 160, 161. Robert H. (Dr.), early purchase of land in Luzerne Co., now part of Susquehanna Co., Pa., by, i, 748. Thomas E. (Brevet Brig.-Gen.), death of, ii, 37. William, ii, 665. Rose Plantation, Ala., ii, 160, 161. Rosebecque, battle of, v, 395, 400. Rosenvelt family, v, 638. Rosewell, Ga., photograph of Bulloch Hall at, ii, 234; Gloucester Co., Va., old manor house of, iii, 285, 287, 290; description of, ii, 292; inscriptions on tombs at, iii, 294, 295; photograph of, iii, 295. Rosewell Plantation, ii, 675, 676, 677; camp of Indian chief Powhattan at, ii, 676; first draft of the Declaration of Inde pendence said to have been made by Thomas Jefferson at, ii, 677. Ross, , i, 226; iv, 302. Betsy, i, 13; making of the first American Flag by, Hi, 51; v, 500. Colonel, iv, 147, 149. David, iv, 576. Edward, i, 758. Family, iv, 149. G. P., death of, ii, 36. Ross (Sen.), iii, 165; iv, 100. [221 George (Col.), iv, 148, 149. Lewis, iv, 301. Hercules, i, 746. John, i, 755, 758. Maj., i, 451. Rosseel, Frank R., i, 745, 753, 755, 756. John F., i, 755. Joseph, correspondence of, i, 745; death of, i, 761; immigration to America of, i, 748; establishment of commercial house by, i, 751, 752; exploration of the wilderness of Pennsylvania and northern New York by, i, 748; house at Ogdensburg, N. Y., of, i, 761; jour nal of, i, 748, 750, 752; old lithograph of warehouse on St. Lawrence river, constructed by, i, 756; old photograph of, i, 753; visit to Morris Castle, Mor risiania, N. Y., described by, i, 749. Rossiter, , i, 245, 248. Rosslyn, Va., iv, 99. Rossnell, Ga., Bulloch Hall at, ii, 232. Rotch, Mary Stockton, ii, 510. Rotterdam, Holland, iv, 426; v, 388, 408; im migration to America from, ii, 266; journey of early immigrants to Amer ica from the Palatinate to, ii, 457, 460; sailing of German immigrants to America from, ii, 461, 463. Rotz, , ancient maps of, ii, 126. Roubedon, , i, 621. Rouen, France, iv, 448; v, 183, 399; festival in commemoration of Norman founda tions held at, v, 177; photographs of Cathedral, St. Owen's Church, and statue of Rollo at, v, 176, 181, 182. Rough Riders, memorial at Prescot, Arizona, to, i, 611. Roulstone, , i, 664. Roumania, revolt in, ii, 33; iv, 6. Rouse, Barker, ii, 308. Bathsheba, teaching of first school of Ohio settlers by, ii, 305, 308. Betsy, ii, 308. Family, reproduction in color of coat-of- arms of the, iv, 153. John, ii, 305, 308. Michael, ii, 308. Robert, ii, 308. Ruth, ii, 308. Stephen, ii, 308. Rousseau, Jean Jacques, iv, 20. Rowan, Andrew Summers (Lieut.), message from President McKinley to Garcia carried by, ii, 212. John, i, 396. Rowe family, iii, 286. Rowell, Moses, i, 60. Rowland, , iii, 121. Rowley, Ebenezer, i, 286, 287. Isaac, v, 548. Ithamor (Capt.), i, 287. ] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY Roxburgh Castle, England, v, 471. Roxbury, Mass., ii, 298; iv, 66, 67, 68, 299; v, 138, 139, 144, 155, 347, 360, 362, 363, 416, 510. Royal American Regiment of Foot of British Regulars, ii, 397, 400. Royal Battery, Louisburg, Canada, v, 26, 27. Royal Historical Society, England, iii, 91. Royal Society, iv, 451. Royalton, Vt., v, 142. Royce, Jeremiah, ii, 346, 347. Nehemiah, ii, 342. Royes, Col., ii, 672. Roylston Street, Boston, Mass., ii, 364. Ruggles, Brigadier, iv, 264, 267, 271. Chief Justice, iv, 264, 266. Edward, v, 138, 140. Elizabeth, v, 138, 140. Hannah (Fowle), v, 138. John, v, 138. Lucy (Spooner), v, 138, 140. Martha (Woodbridge), v, 138. Mary (Curtis), v, 138. Mary (White), v, 139, 140. Rebecca, i, 515. Samuel (Jr., Capt.), v, 138, 139. Samuel (Mrs.), v, 139. Sarah, i, 515. Thomas, v, 138. Thomas H. (Gen.), death of, ii, 36. Thomas, (Rev.), i, 515. Timothy, ii, 363; iv, 266, 267. Timothy (Rev.), v, 139, 140. Rumble, Bethia, i, 545. Rump Parliament, Navigation Act passed by the, iii, 411. Rumsey, James, i, 40, 395; invention of steamboat by, ii, 211. Rumston, (Rev.), ii, 151. Runes, iv, 173-184. Runestone, investigations regarding ancient Norse discovery of America shown by the Kensington, iv, 165-184; reproduc tion of photograph of Kensington, iv, 168. Runsell, Danbury, England, v, 243. Rush, Benjamin (Dr.), i, 240, 674; ii, 111; v, 51, 67, 71, 72, 476; engraving of, iv, 91; secretaryship »of the first anti- slavery society held by, ii, 592. William, i, 164, 165. Rusk, Jeremiah M., i, 28. Ruskin, ii, 286. James, iii, 384. Russel, William (Capt.), ii, 279. RusseU, , ii, 150; v, 252. Admiral, letter to the Earl of Nottingham describing English naval victory from, ii, 494. Benjamin, i, 709. John (Rev.), v, 132. Lieutenant-Colonel, H, 186, 354. [222 Lord, iv, 369, 370; v, 230. W. H., death of, ii, 36. Walter (Dr.), i, 241. Russia, i, 370, 695; ii, 2, 368; iii, 474; iv, 190, 489; accumulation of wealth by, iii, 41; agreement to divide Persia into Russian and British spheres of influ ence for the purpose of maintaining peace in Afghanistan and Tibet, be tween England and, ii, 5; agreement to maintain international peace between Germany and, ii, 5; agreement to maintain peace in the Orient between Japan and, ii, 5; bond between the United States and, ii, 367; caU for regulation of character of weapons used in war made by, iv, 7; Czar of, v, 226; death of minister of foreign af fairs of, ii, 36; dispute with the United States regarding Oregon by, ii, 557; Dowager Empress of, ii, 546; Emperor of, i, 265, 759; iv, 328, 334; evacuation of Manchuria by, ii, 5; granting of a Constitution by the Czar of, ii, 29; honor shown to American scientist by, iv, 331, 332; honor shown to Kosci uszko by the emperor of, ii, 370; Hu guenots in, iv, 125; international treaty to maintain integrity of Nor way entered into by, ii, 5; Norse con quest of, iv, 352; opposition to uni versal peace of, ii, 6; political troubles in 1907 in, ii, 26, 29; purchase of Alas ka by the United States from, ii, 633; railway administrations in, iv, 6; rep resentation at meeting of Interparlia mentary Union of Douma of, iii, 487; reproduction of photograph of work of a sculptor of, v, 272; settlements on the northwestern coast of America, ii, 39; United States Minister to, ii, 510; upholding in 1907 by a Socialistic Duma of terrorism in, ii, 29; U. S. Minister to, v, 423. Russian Church, death of former head of the, ii, 36. Russian sea fight in 1907, ii, 29. Russian Turkestan, earthquake and landslide in, ii, 35. Russo-Japanese War, i, 151; ii, 5. Rutgers family, v, 638. Henry, v, 125. Rutgers College, i, 238. Rutherford County, N. C, i, 50, 57, 58, 60; ii, 139; erection from Tyron (now Lincoln) Co. of, i, 57. Rutherford, N. J., photographs of old houses at, iii, 606, 609. Rutland, England, v, 189; Mass., ii, 307, 308 309; iv, 68; v, 143; Vt., v, 449, 450. Rutledge family, ii, 209. Gov., i, 374. ] INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES Ryan, Father, i, 30. Rye, N. Y., iv, 433. Thomas F., examination before New York Ryers, Joseph W., iv, 118. grand jury of, ii, 19. Ryland, J, old engraving by, v, 241. Ryckman, Peter, ii, 390. Rys, Lord, v, 307. Rycote, England, v, 596. Ryswick, Treaty of, ii, 167. LI223J Saar Brucken, Rhenish Prussia, colliery ex plosion at, ii, 35. Sabaria, Hungary, v, 311. Sabine, Edward (Capt.), i, 418. Sabine River, ii, 553, 618, 619, 620; iii, 617. Sabino, Me., early English settlement at, i, 203. Sac Indian Reservation, Kan., iv, 82. Sacajawea, i, 465-484; descendants of, i, 472, 473, 475; grave of, i, 473, 475; statue of, i, 465, 466, 480. Sachem's Head Harbor, ii, 65. Sackett, , iv, 33. Sackett's Harbor, N. Y., i, 147, 750, 758; ii, 488; iv, 121; v, 226. Sackville Street, London, England, ii, 52. Sacramento, Cal., i, 619, 622; battle of, iv, 511, 522; immigration to the Klondike of the population of, ii, 634, 635. Sacramento River, ii, 211; search for gold in the valley of the, ii, 634. Sacramento Valley, i, 628. Safford, Robert (Col.), ii, 312. Saffron Hill, England, ii, 90. Saga manuscript, describing first Scandina vian settlement in America, ii, 114. Sagadehock River, New England, i, 31; iii, 95. Sagar, iv, 358. Sagas preserved in Royal Library at Copen hagen, Denmark, ii, 116. Sage, Col., ii, 520; iii, 278, 279. Comfort (Gen.), reproduction of old paint ing of, i, 701. Comfort (Mrs.), i, 711; rare miniature of, i, 701. General, i, 711. Russell, i, 691. Russell (Mrs.), establishment of foundation by, ii, 15. St. Albans, Viscount, iii, 410. St. Albans, Vt., ii, 43; iii, 512. St. Andrew's University Scotland, ii, 667. St. Ann, church of, i, 359. St. Aubyn, Johanna (Chudleigh), iv, 366. John (Jr., Sir), iv, 366. St. Aubyns, Catherine, iv, 366. St. Augustine, Fla., i, 737; ii, 156; v, 452, 599; British garrison in the Revolution at, i, 731, 732; Colonial expedition from Carolina to, i, 693; Revolutionary fort near, i, 732; Sir Francis Drake's cap ture of, i, 650. St. Bartholomew, massacre of, iv, 124. St. Bavon, Ghent, Flanders, Abbot o~ r, 401; Church of, v, 407. St. Bees Parish, Cumberland, Englai.J, v, 424. St. Benedict, Priory of monks of, i, 521. St. Benoit, Canada, Parish of, v, 225. St. Botolph's Church, Boston, England, v, 348, 350. St. Catharine, Miss., plantation of, v, 575. St. Catherine's Creek, Miss., i, 351. St. Charles, Canada, Parish of, v, 225; Mo. iii, 468. St. Christopher, Canada, v, 18; early wood cut of, i, 304; Island of, i, 643. St. Clair, , ii, 400. Arthur (Brig.-Gen.), ii, 190; investigation of administration of government in the old Northwrst of, iii, 217-225; por trait of, iv, 56. General, i, 343; ii, 214; iv, 493; arrival in the Northwest Territory, as its first governor, of, ii, 299; evacuation of Ft. Ticonderoga by, iii, 213. Governor, i, 341; ii, 309; iii, 387. St. Clair Papers, iii, 220, 221. St. Clair-sur-Epte, treaty of, v, 179, 184. St. Clairsville, O., iii, 458, 459. St. Cloud, France, ii, 611; iv, 611, 613. St. Croix River, Me., iii, 538; v, 222; North- west Territory bounded by, ii, 548, 553; West Indies, island of, ii, 71; iii, 70; iv, 205. St. David's Head, Wales, v, 249. St. Denis, Canada, Parish of, v, 225. Saint Die, Lorraine, France, v, 169; college of, v, 202; portrait of maker of his toric map at, v, 333; account of his toric map produced at, v, 335-337; fac-simile of imprint mark of Gymnase Vosgien at, v, 338; portrait of geog rapher of the Gymnase at, v, 339; fac similes of pages from missal preserver1 in Library at, v, 340, 341; map of the world made at, v, 342, 343; historic building and church at, v, 344, 345. St. Dogmael, Cardigan, Wales, Benedictine monastery at, v, 311. St. Domingo, city of, i, 644, 651. St. Dunstan's Church, London, England, iv. 448, 450. St. Edmunds, Salisbury, England, church of. i, 559. St. Elizabeth's Convent, Ghent, Flanders, \ 403. St. Elmo's Tapers, iii, 62. [224] INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES St. Eustache, Canada, Parish of, v, 225. St. Eustatia, West Indies, i, 309. St. Fee, New Mexico, i, 363. St. Ferdinand, v, 584. Saint Francis, iii, 403. St. Francis Indians, iii, 379. St. Gaudens, Augustus, death of the Amer ican sculptor, ii, 37; statue of Abra ham Lincoln by, ii, 246. St. Genevieve, Mo., i, 439; iii, 459; painting of death of, v, 175. St. George, Bermuda, St. Peter's Church at, v, 469. St. George Manor, L. I., v, 475. St. Gregory, Sudbury, England, Church of, v, 240; College of, v, 240. St. Helena, island of, i, 264, 310, 402. St. Hilary, Cornwall, England, Parish of, iv, 361. St. Iago, West Indies, i, 651. St. Jacques' Church, Flanders, v, 402. St. James' Church, London, England, ii, 62. St. James, Court of, v, 303. St. James Lake, Jefferson Co., N. Y., ii, 607; St. John, John, iii, 96. Matthias, announcement of publication of genealogy of descendants of, v, 321. St. John, New Brunswick, i, 737. St. John River, Liberia, Africa, iv, 205. St. John, West Indies, island of, i, 491; iii, 70. St. John Genealogy, announcement of pub lication of, v, 321. St. John's Church, Providence, R. I., iii, 186; Roger Williams' settlement near the site of, iii, 193. St. John's College, Cambridge University, England, iii, 119. St. John's College, Md., i, 151. N. B., Canada, i, 738; iii, 531. St. Joseph, Miss., description of early town of, ii, 680; Mo., i, 619, 621; ii, 132; iv, 518. St. Kitts, West Indies, i, 309, 643; iii, 71. St. Lawrence County, N. Y., i, 718, 750, 751; iv, 39; land taken by French gentle men in, i, 747. St. Lawrence River, i, 739, 748, 751, 752, 755, 757; ii, 124; iii, 430, 505, 506, 517, 531; iv, 36, 249; v, 18, 216, 221, 222, 225, 229, 254, 500; description by one of the first Jesuit missionaries to America of the, ii, 45; early journey by sleigh over the frozen, i, 751; early smuggling on the, i, 752; early traffic on the, i, 745; exploration by Champlain of the, ii, 376; falling of the bridge oyer the, ii, 35; first commercial enterprises on the, i, 752; French pioneers on the, ii, 375; French possessions in America ex tending from the Mississippi River to the, ii, 297; French settlements on the, [225 i, 582, 641; iv, 485, 487; isolation of early settlers on the, i, 760; North west Territory bounded by, ii, 548; old lithograph of one of the first ware houses on the, i, 756; photograph of site of the Battle of the Windmill on, v, 230; settlement of Tories on the, i, 754; severe storm of winter of 1809 on the, i, 753. St. Leger, , iii, 381. Barry (Col.), ii, 124; battle diagram, found at capture of Ft. Schuyler, of, iv, 258; Revolutionary attack on Ft. Schuyler by, iii, 209. St. Louis, Mo., i, 347, 437, 439, 471, 474, 477, 479, 481, 483, 684, 668; ii, 137, 205, 309; iii, 90, 465, 466, 542; iv, 97, 249, 317, 521; v, 276, 515, 516; description of early, ii, 132; early journey from North Carolina to, ii, 130, 131; early mail route to California from, ii, 672; earthquake near, i, 350; Fair at, i, 472, 481; first settlement at, iii, 505, 508; foundation of, iv, 387; interna tional balloon races at, ii, 12; repro duction of sculpture symbolizing the Apotheosis of, ii, 551; United States Arsenal at, ii, 132; United States Ho tel at, ii, 132; Westminster Church at, ii, 132. St. Lucia, West Indies, Island of, iii, 68. St. Margaret's Church, London, England, v, 349. St. Mark's Churchyard, New York City, iv, 126. St. Martens-Laethem, Flanders, v, 396. St. Martin, West Indies, island called by Co lumbus, iii, 70; v, 311. St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, London, England, parish of, ii, 506; iv, 452. St. Martin's le-Grand, England, ii, 96. St. Martin's Vintry, London, England, Church of, v, 349. St. Mary du Val, England, Abbey of, iv, 360. St. Mary Magdalene, London, England, Church of, v, 418. St. Mary Woolnoth, Lombard street, London, England, Church of, v, 349. St. Maryleigh, Witheridge, England, iv, 358. St. Mary's cemetery, Philadelphia, Pa., i, 674. St. Mary's Clist, near Exeter, England, in surrection of 1549 at, iv, 369. St. Mary's College, Montreal, Canada, ii, 43; Md., iii, 559, 561; iv, 304, 619. St. Mary's Parish, La., iii, 621, 622. St. Mary's River, ii, 150. St. Maur, Earl, v, 595. St. Maur family, v, 583, 584. St. Maur, Joan (Damarel), v, 584. St. Maur, Roger (Sir), v, 584. William (Sir), v, 583, 584. ] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY St. Maurus, v, 583. St. Michael's Mount, Cornwall, England, en graving of, iv, 361; governor of, iv, 369, 370. St. Michael's Parish, Island of Barbadoes, iii, 95, 99. St. Nicholas, English Priory of, iv, 362. St. Omar, Baieux, Normandy, iv, 362. St. Ouen's Church, Rouen, France, v, 177; photograph of, v, 181. St. Pancras, London, England, Church of, v, 349. St. Paul, Minn., ii, 76, 80, 534; iv, 595; v, 204, 351, 352; founding of, ii, 217; mural paintings at State Capitol at, ii, 217, 232; State Capitol at, iv, 165. St. Paul's Cathedral, England, Prebendary of, v, 424. Church, New York City, iv, 30, 394, 395. St. Peter's Church, Philadelphia, Pa., iv, 526. St. Peter's Church, Rome, Italy, ii, 389; St. Petersburg, Russia, i, 262, 265; ii, 25, 26, 29, 557, 655; photograph of work of a sculptor of, v, 272. Saint-Pierre, Abbe, iii, 40. St. Pierre les Brecquets, Canada, iii, 506. Saint Pi6rre, Martinique, West Indies, de struction by the eruption of Mount Pel6e of, iii, 68. St. Pierre, Myzene, West Indies, iii, 539. St. Sebastian River, v, 599. St. Segwell's Monastery, Cardigan, Wales, v, 311. St. Thomas, West Indies, Island of, i, 726; iii, 70. St. Thomas' Hospital, London, iv, 451. St. Ubes, Portugal, i, 308. St. Valery, Normandy, iv, 356. St. Vandrille, , ii, 171. Salem, Peter, service in the Revolution of, v, 143, 144, 146; photographs of site of home of and monument erected to, v, 145. Salem, Mass., i, 11, 15, 81, 123, 302, 355, 509, 510, 518, 522, 537, 539, 540, 543; iii, 436; iv, 67, 263, 426, 486, 487; v, 130, 143, 191, 196, 197, 295, 353, 363, 454, 500; Colonial glass factory at, i, 514; early records of, i, 537; 538; fac-simile of old shipping ''bill preserved at the Essex Institute at, ii, 125; fac-simile of portion of early town records of, i, 540; journey of Roger Williams to Rhode Island from, ii, 119; organiza tion of Massachusetts Bay Colony at, iii, 191; expulsion of Lollards from, iii, 196; Prescott and Higginson fami lies of, iii, 49, 50; reproduction of pho tograph of old "Witch House" at, iv, 133; reproduction of photograph of room of an old house at, ii, 678; re production of portrait in Essex Insti tute at, iv, 57; reproductions of pho tographs of historic treasures pre served by Essex Institute at, iv, 104, 105; transcript from records of Pro vincial Congress of 1774 convened at, v, 150; witchcraft trials at, v, 465. Salina, N. Y., salt springs at the, i, 750. Salinas River, Cal., ii, 525; iii, 172, 173, 174. Saline County, Mo., iv, 519. Salisbury, England, i, 559; Mass., v, 305, 469; Provident Institution for Savings in, i, 686; N. H, i, 138, 368; N. C, battle of, v, 5. Salisbury Mills, Orange Co., N. Y., iii, 454. Salmagundi, 100th anniversary of founding of the, i, 613, 615. Salmeron, , ii, 409. Salomon, search for the island of, ii, 582. Salon, Paris, France, the, v, 174, 175. Salonica, castle of, v, 297. Salop, England, iv, 364. Salt, trade in, ii, 72. Salt City Business College, Hutchinson, Kan., ii, 251. Salt Lake, Utah, i, 292, 620, 627; ii, 149. Salt River, Island of Guadeloupe, West In dies, iii, 65. Salter family, v, 195, 196. Hannah, v, 192, 196, 197. Jane (Frost), iv, 251. Richard (Capt.), v, 192, 195, 196, 197. Sarah (Bowne), v, 192, 196, 197. William, iv, 247. Saltillo, Mex., iv, 520. Salton River, ii, 258. Saltonstall, Col., iii, 583. Gurdon, v, 456; birth and education of, ii, 82; ancestry of, ii, 82; services to America of, ii, 82; reproductions of autograph and portrait of, ii, 82. Richard, v, 361. Salvington, Va., plantation of, iv, 100. Samoa, ceding to the United States of, ii, 558; protectorate over, ii, 425. Samoset, cartoon representing first visit to the Pilgrims of the Indian, ii, 220. Sampson, Admiral, ii, 411. John (Capt.), i, 644, 651. San Antonio, founding of the mission of, ii, 39. San Antonio Creek, Cal., ii, 523; iii, 110- v 372. San Antonio Valley, Cal., iii, 396. San Bernardino Valley, Cal., iii, 174. San Bias, i, 633. San Buenaventura, Cal., iii, 111; founding of the Mission of, iii, 111; photographs of buildings and churches of, v 376 377, 379. San Buena Ventura River, v, 372. San Buena Ventura Valley, Cal., v, 374. San Benito River, Cal., iii, 174. [226] INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES San Bias, Cal., ii, 39. San Carlos, Royal Pass of, iii, 108. San Carlos Borromeo, Monterey, Cal., Mis sion of, ii, 525; iii, 403. San Carlos del Carmelo, Cal., Mission of, iii, 173. San Diego, Cal., i, 22; iii, 396, 398, 399, 402; v, 423; fortifying by Spain of the port of, ii, 39; founding of the mission of, ii, 39; massacre by Indians at the Mission of, iii, 106, 109, 172, 173; mission of, i, 22; ii, 700; old Mission of San Gavriel near, ii, 524. San Diego Bay, iii, 179. San Diego, Puerto de, ii, 522. San Domingo, i, 643; ii, 175, 176, 322; iv, 205; colony left by Columbus on his first voyage at, iii, 64, 74, 75, 76; an cient character of the farm buildings on, iii, 66; description of products of, iii, 76, 78, 79, 80; ratification of 1907 of the treaty between the United States and, ii, 23; supervision of the United States inevitable in, ii, 407; attempted annexation to the United States of, ii, 420; demoralization of the government of, ii, 421; Sir Fran cis Drake's attack and conquest of city of, i, 645, 646; transcript of let ter written by physician of Columbus' ship from the island of, iii, 60-80. San Felipe de Sinaloa, ii, 697. San Felipe River, ii, 261, 522; iii, 107. San Fernando, Cal., College of, iii, 399; pho tograph of Cloister of, v, 377. San Fernando Pass, Cal., v, 383. San Fernando Valley, Cal., ii, 524; iii, 110. San Fernando, N. Mex., iii, 468. San Francisco, Cal., i, 21, 542, 696; iv, 126, 558; v, 370, 371, 372, 384; account of first overland journey to, iii, 395-403; account of the journey across the Col orado Desert of the founders - of, iii, 103-112; Art Association of, iii, 169; Bohemian Club of, iii, 170; "Chronicle," i, 379; death of Denis Kearney, "Sand Lot Orator," in, ii, 36; development of, ii, 554; dishonest administration of the government of, ii, 20; earthquake at, iv, 127; emigration to the gold fields of the Northwest from, ii, 634, 635; establishment in Monterey, Cal., of the mission of, ii, 38; first European settlers in, ii, 697, 698; descendants of first European settlers in, ii, 698, 701; first white child born in, iii, 403; founding of, ii, 38, 255-261, 521, 526; iii, 387, 403; government stores at, i, 629; harbor of, ii, 255; journey across the Colorado Desert of the founders of, iii, 171-179; labor troubles in 1907 in, ii, 33; mission in Monterey, Cal., of, [227 San SanSan SanSan SanSanSanSanSanSanSan SanSanSanSanSanSan ii, 521; mission of, iii, 106, 397; pre sidio of, iii, 178, 398; monument erect ed to the memory of Francis Scott Key in, iii, 166; overland route from Mis souri to, ii, 672; peninsula of, iii, 402; question of Japanese attendance in the schools of, ii, 2, 5; reproduction of painting of discovery of the Bay of, iii, 169; reproduction of photograph of Colorado River where the first Euro peans crossed it on the journey to, ii, 696; founding of, ii, 696-701; repro duction of photograph of monument to American Navy at, iii, 534; repro ductions of photographs of paintings of the discovery of the bay of, iii, 169, 170; arrival of >Col. Anza's expedition at the bay of, iii, 174; engraving of first fort built by Europeans at, iii, 175; Fort Winfield Scott at, iii, 175; fortifying the harbor of, iii, 175; de scription of the site of, iii, 176, 177; origin of the Mission quarter in, iii, 176, 177; engraving of Golden Gate at, iii, 177; water supply of, iii, 177; Spanish explorations on the Bay of, iii, 178; school board of, ii, 2; school for Orientals established at, ii, 2; street car and telegraph strike in, ii, 34; voyage from New York City to, iv, 324. Francisco River, iii, 108, 173. Francisquito Creek, Cal., iii, 174, 178. Gabriel, early Spanish colony in New Mexico of, ii, 206; founding of the mis sion of, ii, 39; Mission of, iii, 109, 110, 173, 396, 399; mural painting of the arrival of eastern immigrants at the Mission of, iii, 102. Gabriel River, iii, 110. German, Porto Rico, i, 232. Giovanni di Dio, tablet to Amerigo Ves pucci erected by monks of, v, 337. Gorgonic Pass, Sierra Madrg, ii, 523, 525; iii, 108. Gregorio, iii, 107. Guadalupe, now San Jose, Cal., found ing of the pueblo of, iii, 106. Jacinto, battle of, ii, 618, 620. Jacinto Lake, ii, 525. Jacinto Mountains, ii, 258, 261, 522, 523; photograph of Colorado Desert taken from the, iii, 105; photograph of oases on the Colorado Desert near the, iii, 107; photograph of the, iii, 111. Jacinto River, ii, 523; iii, 108. Joaquin, Cal., ii, 634; iii, 175, 176, 177. Joaquin River, iii, 179, 395, 396. Joaquin Valley, Cal., iii, 396; v, 383. Jose, Cal., i, 629, 631, 632; founding of, iii, 106. Jose Curpertion, Cal., Arroyo de, iii, 174. THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY San Jose de Guadalupe, Cal., establishing of the pueblo of, iii, 178. San Juan Bautista, Cal., Mission of, iii, 174. San Juan d'Ulloa, Mexico, Castle of, ii, 617. San Juan, Porto Rico, i, 232; iii, 71. San Juan Hill, charge of the Americans in the Spanish War on, ii, 315. San Lazare, photograph of city of Carta gena from the old fortress of, ii, 323; attempted capture by the British of fortress of, ii, 327, 329. San Lazaro, ii, 173. San Leandro Creek, Cal., iii, 178. San Luis Canon, Cal., iii, 171, 172. San Luis Obispo County, Cal., iii, 171, 172; founding of the mission of, ii, 39, 525; iii, 172, 396, 399. San Luis Rey, Cal., photograph of Church of, v, 380. San Marcelo de Sonoitac, destruction of the Mission of, ii, 40. San Martin, , ii, 421 ; iv, 102. San Miguel, ii, 698. San Miguel de Horcasitas, ii, 697; iii, 402. San Miguel, Golfo de, i, 633. San Pablo Bay, Cal., iii, 175, 178. San Pedro y San Pablo de Bicumer, Mission of, iii, 398. San Rafael Mountains, Cal., v, 383. San Ricardo, iii, 395. San Salvador, West Indies, i, 10; iv, 165, 208; landing of Columbus at, ii, 120. San Sebastian, Cal., ii, 700; iii, 106, 108. San Sebastian River, ii, 522, 523. San Zavier del Bac, early Californian mis sion church of, ii, 698. Sanape, Capt., iv, 377. Sanchez, Capt., i, 630, 631, 632. Inspector-Gen., ii, 436. Sanskrit, first book in America printed in, i, 159. "Sand Lot Orator," death of the, ii, 36. Sanders, Frances, v, 242. Harry (Mrs.), iii, 287. Sanderson, Edward, i, 233. Major, ii, 140, 141. Sandow, Capt., v, 227. Sandridge, England, iv, 367. Sands St., Brooklyn, N. Y., v, 124. Sandusky, Ohio, iv, 353; Indian massacre at, iv, 606. Sandusky River, iii, 390. Sandwich, Canada, v, 228. Sandwich Islands, iv, 330; early missionary to, iv, 296, 297; first white child born in, iv, 297; pupils in an early Conn. mission school from the, iv, 300. Sandwich and Madden, iii, 390. Sandy Creek, ii, 141. Sandy Hook, i, 735; ii, 12; iii, 114, 117, 154, 300, 308, 309; iv, 273, 275. Sandys, Edwin (Sir), i, 526. [228 Sanford, Bridget (Hutchinson), v, 367. Captain, i, 454, 455. Esther (Levins), ii, 308. Family, iii, 186; coat-of-arms of, ii, 513. Frances, ii, 512. Frances (Clarke), ii, 513. Holsey, v, 548. John, ii, 513. John (Gov.), v, 363, 367. Peleg (Gov.), ii, 513; v, 367. Samuel, ii, 511. Sanguili, , ii, 428. Major-General, ii, 436. Santa Ana, pueblo of, ii, 697. Santa Ana River, ii, 523; iii, 109, 170, 399. Santa Anna, Gen., ii, 619, 620, 622. Santa Barabara, Cal., iii, 110, 111, 112, 171; v, 370, 371, 372, 374, 384, 385; channel, ii, 525; photograph of Mission church of, v, 380. San Buenaventura Mission, Cal., ii, 524. Santa Caterina, ii, 522. Santa Clara, Cal., i, 629, 630, 631, 632; found ing of the Mission of, iii, 106; old mis sion at, i, 629, 630. Santa Clara River, iii, 110; valley of the, iii, 110, 174, 396; photograph of ranch house on the, v, 382. Santa Cruz, now Saint Croix, West Indies, is land of, iii, 70; v, 254. Santa Cruz River, ii, 526. Santa Fe, New Mexico, ii, 140, 673; iv, 520; destruction of the church of San Mi guel in, ii, 206; early Spanish settle ment at, ii, 206; early trade between the United States and, 461-470; Indian insurrection in, ii, 206; life of a Gov ernment official in 1851-2 at, iii, 542- 554; life of a pioneer in, iii, 90; march of the Army of the West to, iv, 519; oldest church in the United States in, ii, 206. Santa Fe Trail, ii, 249-252, 669-673; iii, 460, 461-470, 541-545; iv, 519. Santa Inez Mountains, Cal., photograph taken at foot of the, v, 378. Santa Inez River, ii, 524; iii, 112. Santa Lucia di Ogni Santi, Florence, Italy, v, 337. Santa Lucia Mountains, Cal., iii, 172. Santa Margarita, Cal., iii, 172. Santa Maria Magdelena, pueblos of, ii, 697. Santa Olalla, ii, 259, 260, 261, 700. Santa Paula Canon, Cal., v, 374. Santa Rosa, Cal., iii, 106. Santa Susanna Mountains, ii, 524; iii, HO. Santa Susanna Pass, Cal., v, 384. Santa Teresa, Cal., iii, 112. Santee Canal, S. C, iv, 408. Santee River, i, 463, 731. Santiago, Cape Verse Island, capture by the English of, i, 643; Chile, ii, 549; Cuba, ] INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES ii, 409, 411; battle of, ii, 212; Rough Riders at, i, 611. "Santiago de Cuba," photograph of the gun boat, iii, 35; surrender at, i, 16. Sapcot, Johanna, iv, 369. John (Sir), iv, 369. Saragossa, Spain, early printing at, ii, 126. Sarah's Creek, Gloucester Co., old manor house of, iii, 285. Saratoga, battle of, i, 13; iii, 209, 215, 377; iv, 56, 159, 161, 341; v, 146; Bur goyne's march to, iii, 205, 210; Revolu tionary movements at, iii, 206; Bur goyne's surrender at, iii, 208, 210; old Schuyler house in, iii, 211, 216; con vention regarding Cuban affairs held at, ii, 434; description by a Revolu tionary officer of the battlefield of, iii, 216; editor's note on transcript from diary written on the battlefield of, iii, 201; author's introduction to tran script from diary written on the bat tlefield of, iii, 202, 203; transcript from diary written on the battle field of, iii, 203-216; headquarters of the Continental Army at, iii, 379; reproduction of TrumbuU'fs painting of the surrender of Burgoyne at, iii, 198. Saratoga County, N. Y., iv, 131. Saratoga Heights, surrender of Burgoyne at, ii, 124. Sardinia, ii, 428; iv, 334. Sargasso Sea, first description of the, iii, 65. Sargeant, Peter, iii, 94. Mrs., iii, 94. , Sargent, , portrait by, iv, 57. Sarles, E. Y. (Hon.), i, 235. Sartain, , reproductions of Arctic scenes engraved by, iii, 317-319. Satauket, Long Island, N. Y., i, 458. Saugatuck, L. I., iv, 379. Sault, Marshal, ii, 622. Saunders, Capt., i, 457, 460, 461, 462. Widow, iii, 120. Saunders' Island, iii, 326, 357. Saurin's Dissertations, i, 184. Sauvie's (Wapato) Island, Ore., v, 515. Savage, , i, 620; iii, 92, 564; v, 362, 363. Ann ( ), iv, 75. Edward, old painting by Pine and com pleted after his death by, iv, 64; paint ing of Washington and his family by, iv, 88. Faith (Hutchinson), v, 367. Family, iv, 73, 75. James (Hon.), v, 354. The historian, v, 363, 367. Thomas, iv, 75, 363. Thomas (Maj.), v, 367. [229 William III, iv, 250. Savannah, Ga., i, 30, 55, 260, 262, 263, 699, 700, 704, 705; ii, 72, 155, 162, 163; iv, 620; v, 446, 452; Bulloch family of, ii, 227, 232; captivity of Davis family in, iii, 241; Colonial Cemetery at, ii, 234; commencement of the Revolution in, ii, 227, 229, 230, 231; early journey to the North from, i, 703; early trade of, ii, 165; gift of Bonaventure Cemetery to, i, 700; high prices charged the Col onists for the necessaries of life at the opening of the Revolution in, ii, 231; Liberty Pole in, ii, 229; meeting at the commencement of the Revolu tion at Tondee's Tavern in, ii, 227; first reading to the people of the Declaration of Independence at Ton- dee's Tavern in, ii, 229; receiving of the Declaration of Independence at, ii, 229; reproduction of painting in the library of the Georgia Historical So ciety at, ii, 233; the Battery in, ii, 229. Savannah Landing, now Amazonia, Mo., ii, 680. Savigne, Madame, iii, 284. Savings Banks, centennial of the, i, 685, 686; earliest American, i, 685; effect of panic of 1837-38 on, i, 686; "Five Cents," i, 686; in Canada, i, 686; in Holland, i, 686; in Japan, i, 686; in New York, i, 686; ingenious device for advertising early, i, 686; origin of present system of, i, 685; primitive, i, 685. Sawin, Manning, i, 366. Sawyer family, i, 40. Jonathan (Lieut.), Revolutionary service of, iii, 204. Saxe-Altenburg, photograph of Duke of, ii, 14. Saxe-Coburg, Count, ii, 692. Saxe-Meiningen, photograph of, ii, 18. Saxe- Weimar, Duke of, i, 656. Saxon Kings, American progeny of, i, 517, 520. Saxony, ii, 167; v, 295; announcement of De partment of Journal of American His tory for Genealogical Research in, v, 322; congratulations to the American people from King of, ii, 4; Crown Prince George of, ii, 4; Elector of, v, 359; Fisher family of, v, 467; Freder ick, King of, ii, 1 ; George, King of, ii, 4. Saybrook, Conn., i, 242, 540, 543; ii, 344; iii, 121; v, 441, 451, 554; allies of the Pe quot Indians at, ii, 480; first settlers of, i, 699. Saye, Anne, v, 585. Sayer, Lieut.-Col., iii, 58. Sayler, Harry Lincoln, ii, 155. ] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY Sayles, Lucy B., ii, 485. Scammel, Alexander, ii, 352. Major, iii, 353; iii, 55. Scandella, Dr., i, 237. Scandinavia, manuscript describing Ameri can explorations of Vikings from, ii, 114. Scandinavian method of determining days of the year, ancient, iv, 172, 173. Scandinavian Nations, delegations at meet ing of the Interparliamentary Union from parliaments of the, iii, 487. Scarborough, Edmond (Col.), report of early expedition into Maryland by, iv, SOS- SOS. Scarburgh, Edward (Col.), iii, 416. Schaffer, , ii, 135. Scheerer, Jacob, ii, 460, 461, 462. Schelde River, Belgium, v, 397. "Scheldt," British prison ship in the Revo lution, the, v, 122. Schenk, David (Judge), organization of work of erecting monuments to Revolution ary heroes by, ii, 704. Schenck, Elizabeth Hubbell (Mrs.), i, 65; ii, 74. Peter A., i, 418. Schenectady, N. Y., i, 358; iv, 388; v, 106; Union College at, iii, 141. Schermerhorn family, iii, 579; y, 395. Jacob Janse, v, 395. Scheussele, C, engraving of Arctic scene by, iii, 332. Schiff, Jacob H., photograph of sculpture symbolic of Universal Peace presented to Metropolitan Museum of Art by, v, Schiller, iv, 20. Schleusner, , i, 553. Schley, W. S. (Admiral), ii, 315, 411, 429. Schlieman, Dr., v, 137. Schlossers, N. Y., v, 224. Schmidt, Eugene (Mayor), ii, 20. Schmoeder, (Rev.), ii, 265. Schneider, George, photograph of Lincoln taken for, v, 205. Schoener, Johann, ii, 118. Schofield, John M., ii, 215. Schoharie, N. Y., iii, 380. Schoharie settlement, N. Y., Indian raids on the, iv, 555. Schoner, , globe of, i, 202. School, first American mission, iv, 299-302. Schoolcraft, Henry, i, 656. Schools, American, iv, 14. Schoonmaker, Theodore D., ii, 387. Schouler, James, "History of the United States" by, ii, 619. Schrader, Henry, ii, 266. Jacob (Dr.), ii, 267. Schuessele, C, rare engraving of Washington after painting by, iv, 527, 529. [230 Schuler, Hans, sculpture by, ii, 555; iii, 130. Schurman, President, i, 691. Schurtz, Carl, i, 440. Schuyler, Angelica, ii, 50, 62; Family, ii, 48; v, 633. General, ii, 54, 62; iii, 434; iv, 587. Margaret, ii, 50. Peter (Col.), v, 388; photograph of old house of, iii, 612. Philip (Gen.), ii, 50, 61; iv, 392; house of, iii, 379; occupation of Ft. Edward by, iii, 204; birth of, iii, 205; service in French and Indiana War of, iii, 205; service in the Revolution of, ii, 205; death of, iii, 205; Ft. Stanwix re named in honor of, iii, 209; house in Old Saratoga of, iii, 211, 216. Schuyler House, Saratoga, N. Y., iii, 211, 216. Schuylerville, N. Y., surrender of Burgoyne in the Revolution on the site of, iii, 202. Schwatka, Lieut., Arctic expedition of, v, 604, 605. Schweizer, Otto J., photograph of sculpture by, iii, 480, 532, 533. Scituate, Mass., i, 81; iv, 262; v, 192, 322, 350, 433, 634. Scofield, John, ii, 95. Sconce, or South Battery, Boston, Mass., print of, ii, 493. "Scorpion," British prison ship in the Revo lution, the, v, 122. Scotch-Irish in America, iii, 81; iv, 543; v, 84. Scotland, i, 11, 555, 634, 682, 746; ii, 81, 110; Hi, 453; iv, 42, 284; v, 71, 73, 179, 183, 218, 303, 409, 475, 586, 634; Bruce fam ily of, iii, 455; coal mines of, iii, 43; Cranston family of, ii, 513; early mail service to America from, i, 760; early newspapers in, ii, 492; folk songs of, i, 546; Irvine, Irwin, or Irving family of, ii, 665-667; McDougal's history of, v, 141; Montgomery family of, v, 473; Norse conquest of, iv, 352; Privy Council of, i, 398; photograph of Drum Castle in, ii, 663; Theodore Roosevelt's ancestry in, ii, 225. Scott, , iii, 357, 552, 554. (Browne), iii, 186. Catharine (Marbury) iii, 186, 195 Charles (Col.), v, 65. Daniel, iv, 242. Drum Major, ii, 516. Eleazer, iv, 242. Family, iii 186, 190; iv, 149; coat-of-arms of, 11, 513. General, i, 655, 656, 707; ii, 184 185 187 212, 350, 351, 353, 356, 520,' 648 652 •' Hi, 55, 57, 58, 275; iv,' 558. ' ' George, v, 73. Gershom, iv, 242. ] INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES (Scott) H. W., v, 534. Hannah, ii, 508, 512, 513. Hannah (Hawks), iv, 237, 238, 240, 242; photograph of gravestone of, iv, 241. John, iii, 125, 186; iv, 242. Jonathan, iv, 240, 242, 243; photograph of gravestone of, iv, 241. Judge, iv, 445. Martha, iv, 242. Richard, ii, 508, 512, 513; signing of the Providence Compact by, iii, 186, 189; fac-simile of Providence Compact show ing signature of, iii, 188; letter to George Fox from, iii, 190; settling at Moshasuck, R. I., of, iii, 193, wife of, iii, 186, 195; probable authorship of Providence Compact by, iii, 195, 196. Thomas (Judge), ii, 211. Walter (Sir), i, 657; iii, 42; iv, 317; his toric mansion decorated with tiles il lustrating novels of, ii, 63; photograph of old English estate described by, v, 239; historical sketch of estate de scribed by, v, 243, 244. Winfield B. (Gen.), ii, 554; v, 224, 229. Scott-Archer, , discovery of modern pohtography by, iii, 37. Scottow, Joshua (Capt.), iii, 96. Scottow, Lydia, iii, 96. Scovell, John, iv, 243. Scovil, Samuel, i, 285. Scovill, James (Rev.), i, 515. Scoville, , iv, 127. Scudder, Jacob, v, 52. Kenneth, i, 340. Nathaniel, v, 52. William (Col.), v, 52, 53. Sculpture in America, i, 163, 164, 165, 166, 332, 599-612; examples of American sculpture, ii, 8, 9, 17, 21, 22, 27, 28, 31, 32, 555; iii, 5-11, 129, 130, 180-184, 341-343, 477, 479, 480, 484, 521-536; iv, 2, 4, 16, 101-103, 153, 445-460, 537; v, 2, 3, 11, 82, 167, 168, 263, 272. Seaford, Va., old manor house of, iii, 285. Searle, , iv, 412. (Rev.), iii, 123. Sears, Charles, i, 285. Major, ii, 187, 518, 648; iii, 278. William (Lieut.), iii, 286. Seattle, Wash., i, 228; iv, 72, 77, 341, 552. Seawell family, v, 465. Gideon, v, 465. Henry (Judge), v, 465. James, v, 465. Joseph, v, 465. Martha (Macon), v, 465. Molly Elliot, v, 465. Thomas, iii, 286. Seawell Point, Va., v, 465. Sebago Lake, iv, 413. Sebastian, Senator, iv, 602. Sebastopol, the Crimea, v, 608. Seccomb, , iii, 120, 123, 406. Second Avenue, New York City, iv, 126. Second Creek, Miss., v, 575, 577. Secret, William Torrey, iv, 239. Secret Pact, formation on the opening of the Revolution by the Colonists of a, ii, 227; fac-simile of the, ii, 235; Service, editor's note on reproductions of col lection of Civil War photographs taken under protection of the, iii, 251; re productions of photographs of the Civil War taken under protection of the, iii, 18-36, 200, 250, 252-264, 344, 361-376; article by Edward Bailey Eaton on his collection of photographs taken under protection of the, iii, 37, 38, 359, 360. Sedgefield, County Durham, England, v, 415. Sedgwick, , iii, 630; history of Sharon, Conn., by, ii, 264. See, T. J. J. (Dr.), i, 439. Seelie, Thomas (Capt.), i, 644. Segar, William (Sir), i, 205. Segers, , v, 395. Cornells, v, 395. Sehoy, ii, 158, 162. Seiler, , i, 553. Seine, France, General Council of the, iv, 427. Seine River, ii, 598; v, 179. Selden family of Virginia and Allied Fami lies, iv, 100; announcement of publica tion of, v, 321. Samuel, photograph of powder horn of, iv, 104. Seldon, Col., ii, 190, 529; iii, 86, 87. Selin's Grove, Pa., iii, 448, 451. Selisia, announcement of Department of Journal of American History for Gen ealogical Research in, v, 322. Selkirk, Lord, i, 235. Selkirk region, exodus of colonists from the, ii, 217. Sellen, , ii, 436. Selma, Miss, estate of, v, 576. Semar, iv, 359. Seminole War, i, 60; ii, 211. Semmes, Admiral, iv, 209. Raphael (Capt.), i, 228. Senate, account of life of one of first mem bers from Tenn. of the U. S., v, 99-104. Sendall, Thomas, i, 204. Seneca Indians, famous chiefs of the, ii, 389, 390; French expeditions against the, ii, 388; in the Revolution, iii, 432, 433, 434; treaty of peace with the, ii, 396. Seneffe, Count of, v, 404. Senftenberg Castle, Bohemia, Austria, i, 759. Senlac, battle of, iv, 356. Seoul, Korea, anti-Japanese rioting at, ii, 30. [231] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY Separatists, the, v, 352; in America, iv, 471, 473, 474, 476, 477, 479-484; in early Conn., iv, 402; in early Mass., iv, 403. Serafin, , ii, 436. Sergeant, , i, 709. Colonel, ii, 184, 519, 520; iii, 57, 58, 275, 278, 280, 582. Commandant, ii, 520. Jonathan Dickinson, iv, 442; v, 51, 52, 53. Mrs., v, 51. Seric, iv, 358. Serle, the Abbot, iv, 362. Serra, Junipero (Fray), ii, 525; iii, 173, 179, 399; founding of the Mission of San Buenaventura by, iii, 111. Serrano Indians, ii, 522, 526; iii, 173. Servia, ii, 714; congratulations to the Amer ican people from King of, ii, 3; Peter, King of, ii, 1; photograph of King of, ii, 3. Sesma, Gen., ii, 619. Seven Years' War, i, 305; iii, 204, 218. Seven Mile Ford, Va., iv, 543. Sever, W., v, 156. Severn River, England, iv, 141; Va., ii, 675. Severn Road, iii, 284. Sevier, , i, 566; ii, 150. Catherine (Sherrill), iv, 546. Colonel, i, 58; v, 100, 101. John (Col.), ii, 279, 280. John (Lieut.), iv, 543, 544, 545, 546. Valentine, iv, 544. SevUle, Spain, iv, 571, 574; v, 336; Arch- . bishop of, iii, 61; tower of Giralda at, < iii, 79; transcript of letter written by '- the physician on Columbus' ship, de- j scriptive of the New World, addressed j to the Municipal Council of, iii, 60-80. | Sewall, Abigail (Tilley), ii, 485. Dr., iv, 269. '% Family, ii, 485; arms of the, v, 464; line- j age of the, v, 465. J Hannah (Hull), ii, 485. ; Henry, v, 465. Joseph, i, 95; v, 465. Judge, v, 135; diary of, v, 139. Judith, ii, 486. Mary (Gibbs), ii, 485, 487. Samuel (Chief Justice),. v, 465; character and life of, ii, 485; transcript from diary of, ii, 485-487 ; fac-simile of auto graph, which appeared on a copy of the first American magazine, of, ii, 489; mention of a Colonial newspaper which was suppressed by the govern ment in the diary of, ii, 494; mention of the Boston News -Letter, the first permanent newspaper in America, in the diary of, ii, 495; reproduction of portrait of, ii, 499. Stephen (Chief Justice), v, 465. Sewall's Falls Canal, iv, 413. ' [232 Sewall's Point, Va., photograph of early post office and prison at, v, 13. Sewanee Review, the, iii, 233. Seward, William H., iv, 208, 213; v, 223, 228, 229; effecting of the Alaskan Purchase by, ii, 557; photograph of, v, 211. Sewel, William, v, 465. Stephen (Chief Justice), iv, 263. Sewell's History of Woburn, Mass., iv, 413. Sexton, Elijah, iv, 109, 120, 121, 122. John L. (Hon.), iv, 109. William, i, 525. Seymour, , iii, 452. Algernon, Duke of Northumberland, v, 595. Algernon Percy Banks, v, 595. Anne (Stanhope), v, 586, 598. Arabella (Stewart), v, 595. Baron, v, 583. Captain, v, 608, 609. Catherine (Filliol), v, 586, 595. Charles, 6th Duke of Somerset, v, 595. Charles J., reproductions of pages of Psalms of David from Bishop's Bible in possession of, v, 579, 582. Edward (Duke of Somerset), v, 583, 585, 586, 595, 597, 598. Elizabeth (Champernown), v, 595, 596. Elizabeth (Darell), v, 584. Family, iv, 370, 371, 379; reproductions of pages from Bible inherited in the, v, 587, 591; reproductions of pages from family Bible showing coat-of-arms of the, v, 590, 594; blazon of coat-of- arms of the, v, 597; royal lineage of the, v, 583-586, 595-598. George (Vice-Admiral, Sir), v, 608. Hannah (Hawkins), iv, 379. Henry, v, 595. Horatio (Gov.), iv, 122. John, v, 584, 587, 595, 597. Katherine (Parr), v, 585. Richard, iv, 379. Roger (Sir), v, 584. Thomas (Lord), i, 525; iv, 371; v, 585. William, v, 548, 586, 595. William (Marquis of Hertford), i, 398. Shackelford, , iii, 86. Benjamin (Capt.), iii, 286. Shaday, Col., i, 93. Shades of Death, swamp called, iii, 432. Shaeffer, , ii, 140. Shaftesbury, Hi, 481. Earl of, Parliamentarians in England un der political lead of, ii, 341. Shakespeare, William, i, 213; ii, 74, 534; Hi, 340, 392, 428, 492; iv, 522; v, 175, 234; origin of character in play of, v, 98. Shalford, Essex County, England, photo graphs taken at, iv, 281, 282; record of marriage of an American emigrant in Parish Church at, iv, 286. ] INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES "Shallow, Justice," origin of Shakespearean character of, v, 98. Shanghai, China, closing of the opium dens of, ii, 12. Shank, Capt., i, 451. Shannon, , iii, 630. Emily A., iv, 237. Governor, iii, 632. Shannon Island, iii, 643. Shapinsha, Island of, Irving family of, ii, 666. Shapley, Adam (Capt.), v, 548, 549, 551, 552, 553. Shark River, iii, 309. Sharon, Conn., ii, 262, 263; v, 476; families of, ii, 264. Sharp, Elias, iii, 99. Family, v, 307. Governor, ii, 96, 392, 394. Sharpas, Williams, v, 435. Sharpless, James, portrait of Washington by, iv, 88; portraits by, iv, 56, 58. Sharp's Sermons, i, 184. Shattuck, James, iii, 126. Samuel, iii, 127. Shaw, Albert (Dr.), v, 211. Bernard, iv, 20. Commodore, v, 568. General, i, 447. Lieutenant, i, 452. Major, v, 567. Secretary, ii, 24. Shawnee Indians, ii, 209; iii, 564. Shawnee Mission, Kan., iii, 629. Shays's Rebellion, iv, 566, 567. Shea, Col., iii, 279, 583; v, 106. Sheafe family, iii, 95. Shed, , iii, 122. Shee, Col., ii, 520; iii, 275. Shelby, , i, 566. Colonel, ii, 279, 280; iv, 546; v, 100, 101. Evan (Capt.), ii, 278; iv, 543, 544. Isaac (Gov.), iv, 544; birth of, ii, 278; ex pedition against the Northwest Indians by, ii, 278, 279; participation in the battle of King's Mountain of, ii, 279, 280; reproduction of engraving of, ii, 281; marriage of, ii, 282; election as first and second Gov. Kentucky of, ii, 282; reproduction of engraving of home of, ii, 282; expedition against the In dians of the Northwest commanded by, .ii, 283; death of, ii, 283. Joseph (Gen.), i, 440. Susanna (Hart), portrait of, ii, 282. Sheldon, Col., ii, 520. Chauncey, v, 228. George, iv, 240. George L. (Hon.), i, 437. John (Ensign), iv, 240. Isaac, iv, 378. Mindwell, iv, 378. [233 Shelley, Col., i, 58. Shelby, Gloucester County, Va., plantation of, iii, 292, 293; Page estate, Pow hatan's camp supposed to be at, ii, 676, 677. Shenandoah Valley, Va., actions of Civil War in, iii, 459. Shepard, , iii, 49, 50, 502. James, account of tories in Connecticut by, ii, 342, 343. John, ii, 308. Lieutenant-Colonel, ii, 186, 309. Sheperd, Calvin, ii, 309. R. O. Spencer, ii, 309. Shepherd, Thomas, ii, 209. Sheppard, Col., ii, 353. Lieutenant-Colonel, ii, 516. Morris F., iv, 557. Sheppard's "Life of Samuel Tucker," iii, 436. Sherbern, Maj., i, 376. Sherburne, Mary, iii, 100. Sherburne Hill Cemetery, Chenango Co., N. Y., iv, 122. Sherhorn, Col., iv, 344. Sheridan, iii, 430; iv, 522. Jane Georgiana, v, 595. Philip (Gen.), i, 27, 228; v, 521; celebrated ride of, iii, 459. Sherman, , iii, 52. Captain, i, 421. General, i, 27, 228, 567, 653; ii, 193; iii, 239, 367; iv, 297; famous "Field Or der No. 17" of, iv, 213; photograph of Battery, iii, 361. George C, v, 228. John, i, 653, 656. Josiah (Rev.), iii, 51. Lieutenant-Colonel, iv, 492. Major, ii, 188. Rebecca (Prescott), iii, 47, 49, 50; making of first American Flag in Connecticut by, iii, 51; anecdote of, iii, 52. Roger, eulogy by » Revolutionary officer of, i, 702; fac-simile of title page of almanac of 1753, edited by, iii, 45; photograph of statue of, iii, 46; mar riage of, iii, 51 ; photograph of chair of, iii, 141. Roger Minot, i, 547. Susan Tyng (Mrs.), ii, 597. Sherrill, Catherine, iv, 546. Samuel, iv, 546. Sherwood, William, iv, 98. Sherwood Forest, Charles City Co., Va., es tate of, v, 611, 613; transcript and fac-similes of letters written by ex- President Tyler from, v, 624, 626-628, 630-632. Shields, William B., v, 568. Shiloh, engraving of battle of, v, 47. Ship, 300th anniversary of building of first American, i, 395. THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY Ship railroad, plan for building in Mexico of a, i, 637. Shipley, Elizabeth, v, 193. Family, v, 195. Lucy, v, 193, 195. Mary, v, 192. Nancy, v, 192, 193. Robert, v, 195. Sarah Rachael ( ), v, 195. Widow, iii, 122. Shippen, Edward, v, 186. Peggy, portrait of, iv, 54. Shippensburgh, Pa., i, 238; iii, 448, 451. Shipping Bill, fac-simile of old, ii, 125. Shirland Church, Derbyshire, England, sketch es of effigies on the tomb of the Revell family at, ii, 100. Shirley, Anne, i, 522. Colonel, ii, 400. Governor, iii, 100; iv, 380, 381; v, 22, 24, 94, 151; Provincial Regiment of, ii, 401. Shirley, Me., iii, 537; Va., v, 98. Shirt Tail Creek, ii, 634. Shoffe, John, ii, 662. Sholes, Nathan (Corp.), v, 548. Stanton (Capt.), i, 564. Shonts, Theodora (Miss), ii, 25. Shoreffer, , ii, 139. Short, Joseph, i, 230. Shorter, Pomp, amusing anecdote contained in an old letter of, iii, 49, 50. Shovel, Cloudesley (Sir), ii, 316. Shrewsbury, Mass., photograph of Ward homestead at, iv, 559. Shriech, Lieut.-Col., iii, 279. Shrieve, William P., ii, 250. Shrove Tuesday, keeping in early Virginia of, iii, 89. Siam, burning of the capital of, ii, 35; early journey to, ii, 585. Siberia, area of, iii, 42. Sibley, George C. (Maj.), iii, 468. Sibley, Mo., iii, 468. Sicilians, iv, 189. Sicily, ii, 428. Sideling Hill, iii, 565. Sidney, N. Y., first settler of, iii, 378; Ohio, ii, 136, 151, 153. Sierra de Santa Lucia, ii, 525. Sierra Estrella, ii, 699. Sierra Madre, ii, 523; iii, 173; first sight of the first Europeans to cross the Colo rado Desert of the, iii, 105. Sierra Nevada Mountains, i, 628; ii, 681; jour ney across the, ii, 154. Sierra Pinecate, ii, 40. Sierra Pinto, ii, 40. Sigel, Franz (Gen.), i, 601. Sigfried, v, 183. Sigloo, iii, 352. Signal Service, U. S., iv, 326. [234 Sigourney, Lydia Huntley, poem on the Amer ican Indian by, iii, 180, 181. Silbeck, Ann, iv, 99. William (Col.), iv, 99. Sildenna, or Dildene (Sheldon in Hairidge), England, iv, 358. Silhouette, Etienne de, i, 367. Silhouette, reproduction of a, iii, 602; an early American, iii, 603. Silhouettes, i, 150, 367; of American Presi dents, ii, 653-658; reproductions of, ii, 304, 305; v, 185, 186. Silliman, Col., ii, 189, 354, 520, 618; iii, 55, 56, 57, 275, 279, 582. Commandant, ii, 520; iii, 54, 278. Benjamin (Prof.), i, 271, 679; v, 369, 372, .373. Justus M., v, 599. Silsby, , i, 312. Silver, photographs of old English, ii, 90- 96. Silver Service, photograph of an historic, ii, 674; iv, 331. Simcoe, Col., i, 452, 453, 454, 458; iv, 128, 129, 130, 131. Governor, ii, 398; iv, 128. Major, i, 450, 451. Simmons, , i, 737. Simms, , "Frontiersmen of New York" by, iii, 383. Simons, William, i, 206. Simpson, , i, 447. Family, iv, 149. Samuel, iv, 148. Simsbury, Conn., i, 46. Sing Sing, N. Y., iv, 33. Singing School, Boston, Mass., i, 173. Singleton, Esther, i, 495, 513. Henry, iii, 286. Thomas, iv, 450. Sinking Creek, Tenn., iv, 545, 548. Sioux Cheyenne Indians, i, 480, 621, 623; ii, 139, 250, 686, 687; cholera among the, ii, 138; massacre of Custer's battalion by, iii, 227-232. Sisar Creek, Cal., v, 373. Sitting Bull, Sioux chief, i, 469, 482; iii, 228. Six Nations, Indian tribes of the, ii, 392; iii, 121; iv, 111; portraits by Trum bull of two chiefs of the, ii, 400; bi ography of Joseph Brant, war chief of the, iii, 378, 379; council held with the, iv, 434; land deeds to settlers given by, iv, 436; in the Revolutionary War, iii, 430-434; Onondago tribe of, iv, 122; participation in expedition against Crown Point of Indians of the, v, 152, 153; participation in the Revolutionary War of the, iii, 378, 430-434; Penn's treaty with, iv, 110; purchase by Sus quehanna Company of land from the v, 117; settlement of land claims of' land claims of, INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES (Six Nations) iv, 114; treaty made by Commission from Penn. with the, iv, 111, 112, 113, 115; treaty of peace with the, ii, 83; iii, 564; treaty of William Penn with the, iv, 110, 120. Skelton, Joseph, v, 55. Skene, Maj., iii, 210. Skenesborough, now Whitehall, N. Y., Revo lutionary garrison at, iii, 210. Sketchley, Leicestershire, England, v, 130. Skewan, Edward (Capt.), iii, 424. Skinner, Abraham, iii, 388. John S., iii, 165. Skipwith, Lelia, v, 469. Peyton (Sir), v, 469. Sknakes Indians, ii, 147. Skraelings, iv, 168. Slade, William Gerry (Mrs.), iv, 468; memo rial to American soldiers from photo graph made for, iv, 532. Slaughter (Col.), i, 54. Slave, bill of sale of a, i, 94; iii, 131; pho tograph of advertisement for a run away, iv, 107; sale of a, i, 440. Slave States bounded by Mason-Dixon Line, iii, 556. Slave Trade, abolition of the, ii, 592; Brussels (Belgium) Conference for suppression of, iv, 7; petition sent to Congress for the aboltion of the, ii, 592. Slavery, i, 59; ii, 370, 554, 617; abolishment in British colonies of, v, 219; abolition of, i, 155, 156; attempt to sell early German emigrants into, ii, 460; contro versy regarding, ii, 250; founding of societies for the abolition of, ii, 592, 596; in Colonial Maryland, iv, 619, 620; in early New England, iv, 626, 627, 628; in Kansas, struggle concern ing, iii, 627-635; in Massachusetts, iii, 92; in Mississippi, i, 353; in the old Northwest, iii, 222; in the South, ar ticle describing condition of, iii, 233- 246; in Virginia, iii, 89; Ordinance of 1787 prohibiting, v, 286; passage of the Ordinance of Eighty-seven to prevent, ii, 531, 532; prevention of extension in to Oregon of, ii, 211; protest in early New England against, ii, 485. Slaves, attempts made in United States to deport freed, iv, 197-213; bringing to America of the first shipload of, ii, 596. Slayton, Phineas, i, 378. Sligo County, Ireland, Taaffe family of, v, 413, 414. Sloan, Samuel, death of, ii, 37. Sloat, Commodore, i, 622. Slocum, Frances, v, 119. Joseph, v, 119. Sarah (Fell), v, 119. [235 Sluman, Joseph, iv, 440. Smale, Anne (Bird), v, 190. Smallwood, Brig.-Gen., iv, 344. Col., ii, 185, 187, 350, 352, 514, 518, 520; iii, 56, 276, 582, 583. Smart, William, i, 50. Smead, Thankful, iv, 240. Smeets, Katherine, v, 407. Smith, , i, 667; ii, 362, 381, 382; iii, 381, 424, 448; v, 266. Abigail (Adams), v, 476; portrait of, ii, 179; inscription on tomb of, iii, 290. Abraham (sergeant), i, 230. Andrew, iv, 31, 34. Anne, iv, 512. Asa, ii, 347. Ashbel, birth and education of, ii, 622; med ical practice of, ii, 623; service in the Mexican War of, ii, 623; representation of Texas by, ii, 623; "Reminiscences of Texas Republic" by, ii, 623. Benjamin (Gov.), v, 476. Caleb B. (Sec), photograph of, v, 210. Calvin (Lieut.-Col.), Revolutionary service of, iii, 208. Chief Justice, iv, 45; v, 388, 390, 550. Colonel, ii, 188, 352, 354, 355, 397, 514, 516, 518, 519, 520, 648, 650, 651; iii, 54, 55, 56, 278, 582. Cotton Mather (Rev.), v, 476. David (Gen.), i, 270; v, 476. Delazon (Hon.), i, 18. Edward, ii, 512; v, 475. Elihu Hubbard (Dr.), i, 237. Elisha, ii, 508, 512. Elliott (Dr.), i, 676. Family, i, 204, 538, 539; iv, 149, 512; arms of the, v, 474, 480; lineage of the, v, 475, 476. Frances M., announcement of publication of work on Colonial Families of Amer ica by, v, 293, 320, 459. Francis Gurney, i, 656. Francis (Lieut.-Col.), i, 124, 538. Frank, i, 265. George (Sir), v, 476. Gersham, v, 109. Goldwin, ii, 616. Hoke (Governor), ii, 12, 532. Hugh, v, 248. Israel (Capt.), v, 476. James (Gov.), v, 476. James (Lieut.), i, 713. Jane ( ), v, 475. Jesse, announcement of publication of gene alogy of ancestors and descendants of, v, 321. John (Capt.), i, 120, 122, 207, 208, 213, 214, 216, 221, 222, 264, 285, 525-528, 530, 531, 533, 534, 538, 539, 544, 747; ii, 68, 70, 354, 670; iii, 286; iv, 31, 249, 250, 586; v, 348, 475, 476; adventures in war ] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY (Smith, John) with the Turks of, i, 200; arms con ferred on, i, 205; autobiography of, i, 204; bust of, i, 211; coming to Vir ginia of, i, 206; map of Virginia made by, iii, 557, 561, 562; portrait of, i, 199, 212; reproduction in color of arms of, i, 191; reproduction of en graving of rescue by Pocahontas of, iv, 232; rescue of, ii, 676; iii, 284, 293; set tlement of Jamestown, Va., by, i, 565; statue of, i, 225; three hundredth an niversary of American explorations of, i, 225. John Cotton, ii, 88. John Stafford, composition of the music of the National anthem, "The Star Spangled Banner," by, iii, 165. Joseph, surrender of the Mormon, iv, 519. Josiah (Corp.), v, 548. Junius, i, 261, 270, 271, 273, 283. L. Bertrand, announcement of publication of genealogy by, v, 321. Lawrence, iii, 286. Major, ii, 187, 355, 517. .Mary (Barker), ii, 508, 512. Mary Hunter (Mrs.), iv, 299. Mary (Stephens), v, 476. Matilda (Stone), ii, 308. Matthew, v, 475. Miles (Dr.), ii, 347. Nehemiah, v, 475, 476. Philemon Harkens (Prof.), ii, 112. Reuben, iv, 273. Robert, v, 476. Ruth Hitchcock, i, 270. Samuel, iv, 239; v, 475. Samuel Francis, birth of, ii, 200; death of, ii, 200; fac-simile of original manu script of National hymn "America" by, ii, 204; missionary hymn by, ii, 200; National hymn written by, ii, 200. Sarah, v, 476. Secretary, ii, 104, 105, 107; iv, 204, 205, 206, 208. Silvanus (Lieut.), v, 476. Simeon (Maj.), v, 476. Stephen, ii, 308. Stephen (A. M., M. D., LL. D.), announce ment of publication of "The City That Was" by, v, 315. Susannah (Hinckley), v, 475. T. P., ii, 107. Thomas, i, 538. Thomas (Judge), v, 475. Thomas (Sir), v, 476. W. A. (Senator), ii, 23. William, v, 438, 475. William (Gov.), iv, 512; v, 476. William H, ii, 151. William L., iv, 515. William (Rev.), ii, 181. [236 William (Rev. Dr.), iv, 32. William S., ii, 353. William (Sir), i, 544. William Stephen (Col.), ii, 179; iii, 286; v, 476. Smithe, Edward, i, 230. Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C, i, 42; iii, 59; iv, 166, 208; reproduction of photograph of memorial erected at, iv, 454. Smock, Barnes (Col.), iii, 305. Smock house, Monmouth Co., N. J., iii, 305. Smollett, , ii, 392. Smoot, Reed, acceptation by the United States Senate of the election of, H, 23. Smuggling operations, early, i, 752. Smuke, , i, 402. Smybert, , iii, 101. John, i, 168, 170. Smyth, Andrew, iv, 38, 39. Egbert C. (Prof.), i, 558. Frederick (Chief Justice), v, 475. John, i, 527, 529, 530, 531, 532, 534, 535, 536, 537, 539; iv, 39, 40. Susannah (Moore), iv, 39. Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Ani mals, photograph of birthplace of the founder of, iv, 568. Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, iv, 299. Society of American Wars, iv, 132. Society of Americans of Royal Descent, i, 520. Society of Colonial Governors, i, 520. Society of Colonial Wars, iv, 132, 137, 237, 421; v, 17, 97; bronze tablet erected by, iv, 102. Society of Mayflower Descendants, poem by founder of, iv, 132. Society of Sons of the American Revolution, iv, 297. Society of the Cincinnati, ii, 510, 664; bi ography of original member of the, iv, 394; founding of the, ii, 366; mem bership at the close of the 19th cen tury of the, ii, 366; portrait of original member of the, iv, 395. Society of Southampton Hundred, v, 98. Society of War of 1812, iv, 132; v, 97; found ing of the, ii, 593. Solem, Douglas Co., Minn., affidavit regard ing unearthing of Runestone made in, iv, 178. Soleure, Switzerland, death of Kosciuszko at ii, 370, 374. Solferino, battle of, iv, 7. Somer, George (Sir), i, 412. Sommerfield, Kent, England, v, 436. Somerset, Anne Stanhope, Duchess of, y, 586 Somerset, Dukedom of, v, 309, 586, 595; Eari of, iv, 370, 371; Edward Seymour, Duke of, v, 583, 585, 586, 595, 597, 598; pages INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES (Somerset, Duke of) from Bible showing arms granted to, v, 590, 594. Somerset County, Me., iii, 537; Md., iv, 308; N. J., iii, 572; v, 53, 69, 74, 299, 443. Somerset Domesday Book, iv, 354. Somerset Landing, Pa., ii, 266. Somersetshire, England, i, 559, 645; iv, 371, 373, 469; v, 299, 309, 427, 428, 469, 585, 595; Lincolne family of, v, 191; Mead family of, iv, 448. Somerville, , iv, 412. Sonpin, John, i, 573. Sons of America, organization of the, ii, 595, 596; v, 83, 93. Sons of Liberty, iv, 438; founding of the patriotic organization of, ii, 363; com mittee to drive British soldiers from the streets of New York at outbreak of Revolution formed by, ii, 364; sup posed destruction of the tea in Boston harbor by the, ii, 365; disbanding of the, ii, 366. Sons of Norway, iv, 165. Sons of the American Revolution, ii, 403, 647; iv, 137, 595; v, 148; photograph of monument to Peter Salem erected by, v, 145; inscription on monument to Peter Salem erected by, v, 146. Sons of the Revolution, iv, 132, 341, 425; v, 97, 148, 149; photograph of memorial erected by, iv, 368; account of memo rial erected by, iv, 383; print of flag preserved by Penn. Society of the, iv, 162. Sorbonne, Paris, excerpt from speech of Theo dore Roosevelt before the, iv, 315, 461, 462. Soto, Francisco Jose de los Dolores, iii, 403. South, . photograph of sculpture symbolic of heroism of women of the, iv, 153. South Africa, agreement between Great Bri tain and Germany to respect each oth er's rights in, ii, 5; Boer War in, ii, 37. South Amboy, N. J., i, 454. South America, i, 305, 575, 633, 634; ii, 559; iii, 482; iv, 249; v, 336, 343; action brought by King of Spain against early American financier claiming duties on exports to, i, 758; discontinuance of di rect mail service between the United States and, ii, 33; discovery and ex ploration of north coast of, iii, 60; dis covery of gold in, iv, 449; early Conn. trade with, iv, 629, 630; earthquakes in, iii, 68; importation of hides in U. S. from, iv, 119; opposition to interna tional peace of, ii, 6; plan for deporta tion of freed negroes to, iv, 199, 201, 203, 204; political development of, iv, 18; progress in the countries of, ii, 33; [237 reproduction of photograph of sculp ture of incident in conquest of, iv, 102. South Branch Manor, Va., Lord Fairfax's es tate of, ii, 209. South Carolina, i, 12, 30, 50, 51, 76, 170, 726; iv, 204, 212, 213, 575; v, 219, 576; anec dote of Gen. Green in, i, 703; battle of the Cowpens in, v, 111; Bell family of, v, 141; Bulloch plantation of "Pon Pon" in, ii, 225; Caldwell family of, iii, 454; Colonial mail service in, v, 452, 453; Colony of, iv, 29, 32, 433; death of "Reconstruction" Governor of, ii, 36; Dragoons in the Revolution, i, 463; fac-simile pages from colonial calendar showing post road stations from New York to, v, 447-450; first canal in, iv, 408; governor of, v, 476; march in the Revolution of Lord Cornwallis through, ii, 703; patriotic organizations of the Regulators at the Revolution ary period in, ii, 364; Regiment in the Revolution, i, 731; Revolutionary bat tle in, iv, 37; Revolutionary campaign in, iii, 208, 209; Revolutionary War in, i, 58, 373; iii, 438; v, 100, 101; uniform - of Revolutionary soldiers in, i, 128. South Church, Boston, Mass., i, 559; iii, 94. South Dakota, v, 291; laws regulating rail road rates in, ii, 19; Society of the Sons of the American Revolution in, iv, 595. South Farms, Conn., i, 724. South Hadley Canal, iv, 409-411. South Hadley Falls, Co., organization of the, iv, 410. South Kensington Museum, England, i, 496. South Mountains, Md., battle of, ii, 212. South Pacific Ocean, i, 309. South Sea, iv, 433, 434, 520; Bubble, the, i, 687; exploring expedition to the, iv, 322; Islands, i, 62, 63. South Week, Lefton, England, iv, 358. Southampton, Mass., v, 158, 159. Southern Methodist Church, iii, 237. Southern Pacific Railroad, ii, 523; accidents on the, ii, 34, 35. Southwest, development of the, ii, 205; tran script of letters from a Government in the, iii, 541-554. Sowams, now BarneysviUe, Mass., photograph of colonial home of Myles Garrison at, ii, 450. Sowams Proprietary, treaty of Gov. Edward Winslow and Massassoit, the Indian chief, regarding land at, ii, 441; fac simile of title page of book contain ing records of purchase of lands by the Plymouth Colony at, ii, 442; researches of Hon. Thomas Williams Bicknell re garding, ii, 443; fac-simile of original agreement of purchase of, ii, 445; fac- ] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY (Sowams, Proprietary) similes of signatures of proprietors of, ii, 446, 447; fac-simile of last page of record book concerning, ii, 453. Sowams River, photograph of colonial house on the, ii, 448; reproduction of field which was the site of an early Baptist church on the, ii, 454. Spafford, Amos (Maj.), iii, 387. Spahr, Peter, v, 89, 93. Spain, i, 654, 745; ii, 155, 167, 428, 547, 557, 586; iv, 124, 249; v, 74, 275, 283, 287; account of ancient document regard ing conservation in America recently found in, iv, 571-580; diminishing of territory of, iv, 188; Joseph Bonaparte, King of, ii, 605; iii, 540; Papal grant of America to, i, 641; portrait of first minister to the United States from, iv, 27; rule in Western Continent of, i, 438; Sir Francis Drake's expedition against, i, 650; struggle for supremacy in western America by, iii, 463; war with the Moors of, iii, 60, 79. Spaniards in California, i, 629, 630, 621, 632; in Florida at the Revolutionary period, i, 732, 735. Spanish- American War, i, 15, 151, 608, 638; ii, 403; iii, 44; iv, 290; Cuban league formed during the, iii, 297; decennial of the, ii, 315. Spanish Armada, i, 213, 650. Sparks, Gov., request for United States troops in the mining district of Ne vada, during a strike by, ii, 34. Sparks, Jared, ii, 402; editor's note on tran scription of diary of an officer of the Revolution collection of manuscripts of, iii, 201; author's introduction and transcript of diary of an officer of the Revolution from collection of man uscripts of, iii, 202-216. President, i, 553. Sparks "Life of Arnold," by, iii, 209. Sparrow, Elizabeth (Shipley), v, 193. Thomas, v, 193. Spaulding, Mrs., v, 516. William, iii, 127. Spear, , iii, 443, 444. Albert Moore (Hon.), i, 73. J. W., i, 187. Speatman, Capt., ii, 351. Specht, Joseph, iv, 97. Spectroscope, use of the, iv, 13, 15. Spectrum Analysis, discovery of principles of, iv, 13. Speed, James (Attorney-General), photo graph of, v, 211. "Speedwell," coming of Separatists to New England on the ship, iv, 481. Spellman family, v, 236. Spelman, Alcey (French), v, 238, 244. Clement, v, 242. Ela (de Narburgh), v, 240, 242. Family, v, 232-246. Frances (Sanders), v, 242. Henry (Sir), v, 240, 242; v, 232. John (Sir), v, 242; photograph of memo rial shrine to, v, 235. Mary (Baker), v, 244. Richard, v, 234, 239. Richard (Jr.), v, 236; photograph of birth place of, v, 238, 240, 244; photograph of church in which took place baptism of, v, 246; photograph of gravestone of, v, 246. Thomas, v, 242, 244. Thompson, iii, 117. William (Sir), v, 242. Spelman Genealogy, announcement of pub lication of, v, 321. Spencer, (Rev.), iii, 121. Cornet, i, 451. Elihu (Dr.), v, 75. General, ii, 185, 187, 519, 648, 652; iii, 55, 56, 58, 276, 277, 582, 583. Joseph (Maj.-Gen.), ii, 190, 350, 352; iv, 382; v, 155. Mr., i, 319. R. O., ii, 309. Joshua, v, 228. Spicer, Samuel, iii, 117. Spileman family, v, 236. Katherine, v, 240. Matilda, v, 240. Matilda (De Sarum), v, 236. Peter, v, 236. William (Sir), v, 236, 240. Spilman, Agnes (Bereman), v, 243. Alice ( ), v, 244. Anthony (Sir), v, 242, 243. Barbara (Stabell), v, 243. David, v, 240. Elizabeth (Herward, or Harward), v, 243. Family, v, 232, 236; photograph of Eng lish home of the, v, 237, 240; old en graving of Chelmsford, England, home of the, v, 241, 242. Henry, v, 240. John, v, 240, 242, 243. John (Jr.), v, 243. John, English home of, v, 237. Lucy (Spyte), v, 243. Magery ( ), v, 243. Richard, v, 243. Richard (Jr.), v, 243, 244. Robert, v, 240, 242. Robert (Jr.), v, 240. Stephen, v, 240, 242. Thomas, v, 237, 242, 243. William, v, 242. Spilman's -place, England, photograph of, v, 237, 240. Split Rock, Pelham Bay Park, New York [238] INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES (Split Rock) City, memorial to Anne Hutchinson on, v, 347; photograph of, v, 356; me morial to Anne Hutchinson on, v, 357; account of home of Anne Hutchinson near, v, 366, 367. Spooner, Daniel (Deacon), v, 137, 138, 140. Experience (Wing), v, 137. Family, v, 137. Hannah (Pratt), v, 137. John C, i, 28. John C. (Senator), ii, 24. Lucy, v, 137, 138, 140. Samuel, v, 137. William, v, 137. Spooner Act regarding building of the Pan ama Canal, i, 638. Spotswood, Alexander (Gov.), iii, 83, 84; iv, 98, 99; v, 438, 439, 443. Spotsylvania County, Va., i, 372; iv, 320; v, 295; deed recorded in, iii, 99. Sprague, , iii, 121. Dr., i, 546. Governor, iv, 629. John Francis, iii, 537. Peleg (Hon.), eulogy on Adams and Jef ferson by, iii, 437. Springfield, 111., excerpt from speech of Abraham Lincoln at, iv, 200; photo graphs of Abraham Lincoln taken at, v, 202, 203, 204, 208; residence of Abra ham Lincoln in, ii, 245. Springfield, Mass., i, 376, 515, 516; ii, 647; iii, 121, 134; iv, 321, 378, 415; v, 131, 132, 297, 448, 452; Armory, iv, 380; founding of, i, 510; Brady-Gardner photographs at, v, 201, 203, 205-207, 210, 211, 214. Springfield, N. J., Revolutionary engagement at, ii, 529. Sprout, Maj., ii, 652; iii, 57. Spurr, John (Maj.), iii, 211. Spylman family, v, 236. Spyte, Lucy, v, 243. Squeb, Capt., iv, 374. Squires, Capt., v, 92. Staats, Samuel (Dr.), v, 388. Stacey, John, ii, 301. Philip, ii, 301. William (Col.), Revolutionary services of, iii, 216. Stacy, Col., iii, 379, 382. Family, ii, 89-91, 93-97; American descend ants of, ii, 95, 96; photographs of old silver engraved with the arms of the, ii, 90, 93, 94, 95, 96. John, letters sent from relatives in the Colony of New Jersey to, ii, 97-100. Mahlon, ii, 90, 97, 98; v, 73. Stacye family, arms of the, ii, 95. Evelyn (Rev.), ii, 94, 95. [239 Stafford County, Va., i, 372; iii, 415; iv, 98, 99; v, 471. Stafford Court House, Va., iv, 98. Stafford, Joseph, ii, 508. Sarah (Holden), ii, 508. T. E., i, 186. Staffordshire, England, i, 514; iv, 97, 448; v, 475; Dudley family of, v, 139; pho tograph of Colonial tea-pot made in, iv, 608. Stage coach, photographic reproduction of old, i, 619. Stage Coach Routes, fac-similes of adver tisements of Colonial, v, 444, 455. Stagg, Capt., iv, 447. Stamford, Conn., i, 81, 445, 734, 738; iv, 448; v, 432, 433, 550. Stamp Act, iv, 224; v, 159, 305; passage of the, iv, 266; Colonial Congress con vened to oppose the, iv, 266, 267; re peal of the, iv, 267; passing of the, ii, 363; championship in Parliament by Charles Townshend of the, ii, 363 ; first market for sale of American manu factures open soon after passage of the, ii, 363; mobbing of official in charge of stamps in North Carolina after passage of the, ii, 364. Standard Oil Company, ii, 36; indictment of the, ii, 16, 19. Standing Rock Indian Agency, iii, 228. Standish, Miles (Capt.), i, 120, 122; iv, 486, 473, 481, 486; fac-simile of Plymouth Colony record showing name as a pro prietor of Sowans of, ii, 445; reproduc tion of portrait of, ii, 456; first ex ploration by the Colonists of Cape Cod made by, ii, 456; reproduction of photograph of house built by son of, iv, 133. Stanford, (Moore), iv, 37. Stanford University, Cal., i, 617; iii, 174. Stanhope, Anne, v, 586, 598. Earl of, i, 396, 402. Edward (Sir), v, 586. Hester (Lady), ii, 613. Stanley, the explorer, i, 467; ii, 38; iii, 395. Stanton, , iii, 240, 630; iv, 205. Amos (Capt.), v, 548, 552. Daniel (sergeant), v, 548, 559. Captain, ii, 516; iii, 116. Edward, v, 548. Edward M. (Sec), photograph of, v, 210. Edwin M., i, 27. Elizabeth Brandon, ii, 101, 643; v, 565, 570, 576. Enoch (Lieut.), v, 548, 553, 559. Family, ii, 509; photograph of home of the, v, 564; photographs of ancient seal showing coat-of-arms of the, v, 574. Frederick, v, 574. Huldah M., v, 570. ) THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY (Stanton) Jane R. (Chapline), ii, 643. Richard (Capt.), i, 644. Samuel Ward, i, 407. William, v, 574. William (Sr.), v, 576. Santon, Wiltshire, England, v, 139. Stanway, England, i, 522. Stanwix, . ii, 400. Colonel, v, 85. John (Gen.), iii, 209; iv, 36. Staples, Hannah Thatcher Otis (Mrs.), re searches into life of James Otis and statesmen of the famous trial of Writs of Assistance by, iv, 261-272. Star, Esther (Southmayd), iii, 113. Star Spangled Banner, photograph of bronze tablet in commemoration of the writ ing of the National hymn, the, iii, 164; article on the, iii, 165, 166; transcript of the, iii, 166; fac-simile of manu script of the, iii, 167, 168. Stark, , i, 74, 75. General, v, 105. James (sergeant), v, 109. John (Gen.), birth of, iii, 379; French and Indian War service of, iii, 379; Revo lutionary service of, iii, 379; death of, iii, 379; portrait of, iv, 58. Starks, Maj., i, 446. Brigadier-General, iv, 344, 349. Stark's "Navigation of the Merrimac River," iv, 412. Starr, Caleb Allen, iii, 113. Daniel, iii, 113. John, v, 548. Nicholas (sergeant), v, 548. Thomas (Jr.), v, 548. William (Lieut.), v, 548; editor's note on transcript of journal of, iii, 113; tran script of journal describing experiences as a marine of the expedition of Amer ican Colonists against Cuba in 1762 of, iii, 114-117. Starr Fort in the Revolutionary War, ii, 353. Stars and Stripes, controversy regarding first raising in battle of the, ii, 124. State House, Boston, Mass., Archives pre served at, v, 158; Gov. William Brad ford's account of the Plymouth Plan tation at, ii, 117; photographs of his toric treasures preserved at, iv, 105, 106, 107; reproduction of portrait of Charles BulfinCh, architect of the, iii, 98; reproduction of rare engraving from collection at, iv, 257. Staten Island, N. Y., i, 427, 442, 454, 455, 456, 457, 737; ii, 664; iii, 154, 160, 162; iv, 30, 41, 131; v, 69, 205, 440, 444, 550. States -General of the Netherlands, v, 402, 403. Statesman, the, i, 709. Staube, John, i, 525. Staunton, John, ii, 513. Staunton, Augusta Co., Va., iii, 449, 619. Steam engine, first American, i, 399, 400. Steam ferries, first New York, i, 408. Steam navigation, application for first pa tent for, i, 40; century of, i, 33, 395- 432; iv, 459; in Nebraska, i, 437; in ventor of, i, 392; John Morrison's his tory of, i, 418; patent from George Washington for, i, 42. Steam propelling, invention of, i, 30. Steam Warship, the first, i, 42; launching of, i, 43. Steamboat, advertisement of first, i, 417; 100th anniversary of first western, v, 169; "Clermont," i, 410, 416, 417, 418_; compass used on first American, i, 407; early Hudson River mail service by, i, 431; early travel by, i, 659; fac simile page from log of first Atlantic, i, 263; "Fanny," old print of, i, 419; first English, i, 396: first Long Island Sound, i, 429; "Hendrick Hudson" of Albany Day Line, colored print of, i, 424, 425; invention of the iv, 393; log of first Atlantic, i, 263; mail service by, i, 417; "Oseola," old print of, i, 420; picture of modern, i, 429; picture of world's first, i, 407; postal ser vice by, i, 268, 277; "Raritan," de signed by Fulton, model of, i, 410; "Rip Van Winkle," old print of, i, 419; trial trip of the first, i, 37. Steamships, i, 260-262, 273-276, 279, 281-283, 308; record trips made by, ii, 12, 13. Stearn, , iii, 120. Stearns, , iii, 123. Stebbins, , iv, 127,. 128. William, i, 148. Stedman, John (sergeant), v, 548. Steel, , ii, 147, 150. Family, iv, 149. Steel industry in the United States, iii, 42, 43. Steele, , i, 253; ii, 144, 152, 479; iii, 451. John (Gen.), v, 119. Steendam, Jacob, translation of poem in praise of New Netherlands written by, iii, 162. Steers, George, i, 281. Steiner, Dr., i, 675. Walter, R. (Dr.), i, 241. Stella Matutina College, Feldkirch, Austria, v, 336. Stenney, , i, 173. Stephens, , ii, 693; , History of Georgia by, ii, 229, 232 Alexander H., i, 30. General, i, 721. [240] INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES (Stephens) Henry, announcement of publication of genealogy of descendants of, v, 321. Mary, v, 476. Samuel, iii, 427. Stephens, Samuel (Mrs.), iii, 427. Stephens-Stevens Genealogy, announcement of publication of, v, 321. Stephenson, Capt., i, 451. George (Maj.), chart of the battle of the Brandywine made by, ii, 695. Isaac (Senator), ii, 24. Stephenson's invention of the locomotive, iv, 414. Stephentown, N. Y., i, 377. Stepney, London, England, iv, 448-451. Sterling, Lord (Brig.-Gen.), ii, 190, 185, 186, 187, 350, 353, 354, 356, 514, 518, 519, 520, 650; iii, 56; v, 53. Thomas (Lieut.-Col.), v, 53. Sterns, , iv, 273. Steuben, Baron, iv, 344, 394; estate at Utica, N. Y., of, ii, 290; founding of the So ciety of the Cincinnati at the head quarters of, ii, 366; presentation of house by the New Jersey legislature to, ii, 290, 292. Steuben County, N. Y., iv, 113, 114, 117; great fair held in 1795 in, iv, 115. Steunenberg (Gov.), murder of, ii, 34. Stevens, Alexander H., v, 223. Breese (Mrs.), i, 337. Colonel, i, 44, 431. Elizabeth, v, 469. Emeline Douglas (Ashley), iii, 603. Family, iii, 603. George T. (Mrs.), announcement of pub lication of genealogy by, v, 322. Harriet Weeks Wadhams, announcement of publication of genealogy by, v, 322. Henry (Ensign), iii, 286. Isaac Ingalls, i, 227. John, i, 418; iii, 572. John F., ii, 24. Plowdon, announcement of publication of genealogy by, v, 321. Thomas, iii, 121. Stevens' Castle, Hoboken, N. J., i, 268. Stevens College, i, 511. Stevenson's work on civil engineering of North America, iv, 408, 413. Steward, -, iv, 273. Capt., ii, 184, 355. John, iii, 99. Stewart, , iv, 444. Alexander, ii, 365. Anne Matilda, ii, 57. Arabella (Lady), v, 595. Captain, i, 454, 455. Charles, i, 673; iv, 436. Charley, ii, 686. Daniel, ii, 232. Family, ii, 57. James, iii, 117. John, iii, 96. Joseph, v, 229. Lazarus, iii, 431. Lieutenant, iii, 582. Martha, ii, 232. Stewart, Mrs., i, 220, 545, 552. Peggy, ii, 365. Walter (Gen.), ii, 51, 57. Walter (Mrs.), ii, 51. William, ii, 56. Drummond (Sir), i, 479. Stienrod, Capt., ii, 190. Stiles, , iii, 387. (Taylor), v, 134. Ezra (President), iii, 386. Family, v, 463. Stiles, Isaac (Rev.), v, 134, 135. Mrs., iii., 387. President, i, 551; v, 134, 135. Stiles' "Ancient Windsor," iv, 378. Still River, Mass., photographs of old home steads in, iii, 404, 406, 407, 408. Stillingfleet's "Origines Sacra," i, 184. Stillman, Samuel, v, 548. Stillwater, Revolutionary battle of, iii, 211, 212. Stillwell, Judge, iii, 542. Stirling, Gen. Lord, iv, 345; v, 53, 388. Stockton family, v, 54. Frank R., v, 83. Joseph, v, 66. Richard, ii, 510; v, 75, 457. Robert, ii, 209; v, 53, 75. Thomas, v, 75. Stoddard, , ii, 56. Rev., iv, 379. Benjamin, ii, 111. John, i, 541. Mary (Foote), i, 541. Solomon (Rev.), i, 178; v, 132. Widow, i, 541. Stoddert, Ben, ii, 106. Stoke, England, v, 424. Stokeley Pomeroy, Manor of, iv, 364, 366, 367, 369. Stokes, Grace, iii, 604. Stolypin, . ii, 26, 29. Stone, , i, 252; ii, 140, 141, 150. Augustus, ii, 308. Benjamin Franklin, ii, 307, 308. Betsy, ii, 308. Captain, murder by Pequot Indians of, ii, 480. Columbus, ii, 308. Dr., ii, 132, 133, 135, 138, 145, 146, 152, 153. Edward E., v, 607. Family, ii, 306, 307; iv, 149. Harriet, ii, 308. Henry, i, 485. Hiram (Rev.), ii, 527. [241] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY (Stone) Israel (Capt.), ii, 308. Jasper, ii, 308. John, ii, 176. Jonathan (Capt.), ii, 302, 308. Lydia, ii, 308. Mary, i, 81. Mary (Mrs.), ii, 64, 71. Matilda, ii, 308. Rufus Putnam, ii, 307. Samuel, ii, 307. Samuel (Rev.), v, 350. Sardine, ii, 308. Simon, iii, 406. Stephen, i, 485. Thomas, manuscript describing his experi ences in the Revolutionary War by, ii, 527-529. William, ii, 176. William L. (Col.), ii, 364. Stonehouse Creek, Kan., iii, 634. Stoney Brook, N. J, v, 51, 59, 65. Stoney Creek, Tenn., iv, 544. Stonington, Conn., i, 305, 314, 315; ii, 298, 299; iv, 625; v, 476, 543, 559; an nouncement of publication of geneal ogy of descendants of Henry Stephens of, v, 321; events of the War of 1812 in the vicinity of, ii, 223, 224. Stonington Point, Long Island Sound, bat tle of the War of 1812 at, ii, 223, 224. Stony Point, i, 711; engraving of capture of, iv, 221 ; siege of, ii, 616. Stopford, George (Mrs.), iv, 59. Store, Benjamin, iii, 54. Storer, , iii, 99, 123. Storkey, George, i, 242. Storm, Gustav (Prof.), iv, 168. Storrs, Augustus, trading expedition to San ta F6 under, iii, 468, 469. Story, Daniel (Rev.), ii, 306. Judge, statements regarding Massachu setts Bay Colony by, iii, 191. Stoughton, Israel, v, 361. Thomas, iv, 575. Stout, Cobe, i, 36, 38. Stover, , ii, 131. Stow, , iii, 448. Jabez (Lieut.), v, 548. Stow Hall, England, photograph of, v, 237, 240. Stowe, , ii, 190. Harriet Beecher, i, 558. Strachan, Bishop, v, 217. Strachey, , iv, 74. Strafford, Earl of, iii, 498. Straits of Magellan, construction of a rail road from the, ii, 33. Straits of Malacca, iv, 279. Strasburg, Germany, v, 333. Stratford, Fairfield Co., Conn., i, 440, 545. [242 Stratford-on-Avon, England, Holy Trinity Church in, iv, 97. Stratford, Va., i, 81; iii, 22. Strathwaite House, England, v, 116. Straumfjord, Iceland, iv, 168. Strawberry Creek, ii, 144. Strawberry Hill, Philadelphia, Pa., estate of, i, 673. Street Raleigh, in Whimple, East Budleigh, England, iv, 358. Streiter Corps in the Revolutionary War, ii, 267. Stretton, England, iv, 448. Strickland, Miss, i, 157. Strike, Austrian railroad, ii, 34; electrical workers', ii, 34; extensive telegraphic, ii, 34; longshoremen's, ii, 33; Nevada miners', ii, 34; New Orleans dock la borers', ii, 34; of the building trade workers in Washington, D. C, ii, 34; railroad, ii, 33; street car and tele graph, ii, 34; threatened English rail road, ii, 34. Stringer, Col., iv, 304. Strode family, v, 471. Strode Manor, Devonshire, England, v, 471. "Stromboli," British prison ship in the Rev olution, the, v, 122. Strong, , iv, 439. Abigail, iv, 376. Colonel, ii, 520. Eleanor, v, 140. Hannah, iv, 378. John (Elder), iv, 376. Major, ii, 517. Nathaniel, iv, 273. Richard, v, 140. Stroop, William, ii, 209. Strother, , v, 471. Agatha, v, 471. Benjamin, v, 471. Dorothy ( ), v, 471. Family, v, 463; arms of the, v, 470; lineage of the, v, 471. French, v, 471. James, iii, 99; v, 471. Jane, v, 471. Jeremiah, v, 471. Joseph, v, 471. Margaret, v, 471. Margaret (Thornton), v, 471. Margaret (Watts), v, 471. Robert, v, 471. Sarah, v, 471. William (Jr., Capt.), v, 471. Stroudsburg, Pa., iv, 434. Struklin, Johannes, iii, 117. Strutt, Joseph, v, 244. Stryker, William Scudder (Gen.), v, 49; his tory of battles of Trenton and Prince ton, by, v, 49, 55, 57, 60, 63, 64, 66, 67, 71; publication of official history of INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES (Stryker) soldiers of the Revolution in New Jer sey by, iii, 299; paper on capture of Block House at Tom's River, N. J., by, Hi, 307. Stuart, Arabella (Lady), i, 398. Betty, i, 545. Elizabeth, i, 558. Family, i, 545, 546, 547. Gilbert, portrait of Washington by, iv, 88; portraits by, ii, 177; iv, 27, 50, 56. Governor, v, 5. Isaac William (Prof.), i, 545, 558. James (Lieut.-Col.), monument erected at Greensboro, N. C, to, ii, 704, 709. Job, Civil War photograph taken after the raid on Federal supplies by, iii, 255. Moses (Prof.), i, 545, 546, 547, 548, 550, 552, 555, 556, 558; influence of Ger man philosophy on, i, 553; opposition to Unitarianism by, i, 554; reminis cences of, i, 557; theological studies of, i, 551. Stubens, John, iv, 624. Stuger, James (Col.), i, 55. Sturgeon family, arms of the, v, 242. Stuyvesant family, reproduction in colors of the coat-of-arms of the, iii, 146. Peter (Gov.), iii, 411, 560; v, 394; old print of New York City in the time of, iii, 576, 577; reproduction in colors of the coat-of-arms of, Hi, 146. Styner and Cist, v, 60. Styward, Catherine, v, 240. Thomas, v, 240. Sub-Treasury, New York City, site of the, iv, 126. Sudbury, Mass., i, 330; iv, 562, 564; Howe Tavern at, iv, 68; reproductions of drawings of the Wayside Inn at, v, 429, 433; Wayside Inn at, iv, 68. Sudbury, Suffolk, England, v, 424. Sudeley, Baron, i, 542. Harold, Baron of, i, 521. Lord, i, 519, 520, 523, 524, 542. Sudeley Coat-of-Arms, i, 520, 521, 542. Sudlege, Gloucestershire, England, i, 521. Suete, Sylvanus, v, 228. Suez Canal, building of, i, 636; opening of the, ii, 579. Suffield, Conn., i, 147, 270; iii, 113; v, 134; settlement of, iv, 378; transcript from land records of, iv, 379. Suffolk, Duke of, v, 576. Suffolk, England, iii, 410; iv, 98; v, 297, 424, 584. Suffrage, attitude in New Zealand on wom an, ii, 11; extension of the, ii, 11; granting in Austria of universal man hood, ii, 11; granting to women of Finland of the, ii, 11; Norway's ex tension to women of the, ii, 11. [243 Sugar Creek, iv, 116. Sugar House, New York City, Revolutionary prison in, ii, 527, 528; iii, 302, 307, 309. Sugar industry, development in Louisiana of the, i, 652, 660. Sugar Trust, the, ii, 37. Suisun Bay, Cal., iii, 396; Spanish explora tions on, iii, 178, 179. Sullivan, Gen., ii, 187, 190, 350, 352, 353, 514; iv, 382, 631; v, 155; expedition against the Indians under, iv, 114; expedition to avenge Indian massacres of the Revolution under command of, iii, 433, 434. James, Amory's Life of, iv, 412. Sullivan County, N. C, v, 100-102; Pa., iv, 119; Tenn., ii, 143, 146. Sully, John, i, 693. Sully, painting of Jonathan Trumbull by, ii, 85. Thomas, i, 656; portrait by, iv, 58. Sully-Prudhomme, death of the French poet, ii, 37. Sulphur Spring, Pa., iii, 448. Sultana, Civil War photograph taken before the destruction of the steamer, iii, 376. Sulu, visit to America of the Sultan of, iv, 485. Summer, Jethro (Gen.), photograph of mon ument erected to, ii, 708. Sumner, , iii, 630; , "The Fi nances of the Revolution," by, ii, 629. Charles, v, 3. Colonel, military rule in New Mexico of, iii, 542, 543, 546, 549, 550, 551, 552, 553. Roger, v, 469. Waitstill, v, 469. William Graham, "Andrew Jackson" by, ii, 619. Sun, astronomical discoveries regarding the, iv, 15. Sunday, observance of, i, 692. Sunderland, Peleg, iv, 586. Sunderland, Mass., v, 135; Vt., ii, 66, 67. Sundford, Ind., explosion on a railroad train at, ii, 34. Sungravures, i, 131, 132, 134. Superior, Wis., fire in the Great Northern Elevator at, ii, 35. Superstition among the early German immi grants in America, ii, 467, 468. Supreme Court of United States, painting of first Chief Justice of, iv, 92. Surface, George Thomas (Ph. D.), iv, 214. Surgery, dental, i, 675-684; first use of an aesthesia in, i, 684; practice by bar bers in early times of, i, 677; use of sulphuric ether in, i, 684. Surinam, iv, 205. Surnames, English, iv, 142. Surrey, England, Heron family of, v, 195. ] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY Surrey County, Va., grievances before Ba con's Rebellion of, iii, 416. Susquehanna Case, the, iv, 438. Susquehanna Company, iv, 434, 436; coloniza tion of Wyoming Valley by the, v, 117, 118. Susquehanna River, iii, 430, 432, 448, 451, 564; iv, 110, 112, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 434, 439, 440, 442; v, 116, 117; controversy between Penn sylvania and Connecticut regarding land on the, ii, 308; emigration from New England to valley of the, iv, 596. Sussex County, England, Peckham family of, iii, 186. Sutter, Capt., i, 629. Swaffham, Norfolk, England, v, 240. Swain, David (Gov.), i, 567. Swallow, , iii, 122. Benjamin, iii, 120. Swamp Fort Battle, King Philip's War, his toric study of the, iv, 421-424. Swan Tavern, Yorktown, Va., photograph of old, v, 12. Swanendael, Province of Maryland (now Del aware), Dutch settlement at, iii, 560, 561. Swangenin, , iii, 458. Anne (Caldwell), iii, 458. Swansea, Mass., v, 311; burning of, iii, 186; photograph of colonial home of Myles Garrison at, ii, 450. Swanson, Claude A. (Gov.), i, 438; ii, 529. Swanton Morlie, England, v, 190. Swanton, Vt., iii, 511, 514. Swarthmore College, Pa., bequest on condi tion of giving up intercollegiate ath letics made to, ii, 15. Swartout, Jacobus (Col.), i, 500. Swartwout Abraham (Capt.), journal kept in the Revolution by, ii, 124; making of the first American flag raised in the Revolution from the military cloak of, ii, 125. Swathmoor Hall, England, home of the Fell family, v, 113. Swearingen, Thomas, ii, 209. Sweden, ii, 167, 547; iv, 168, 328, 334; celebration of fiftieth wedding anni versary of king and queen of, ii, 33; death of King Oscar of, ii, 37; Gothen- berg system of governing the liquor trade in, ii, 12; runes of, iv, 173, 174. Swedes in America, ancient explorations of, iv, 172. Swedish Colony in Delaware, iii, 560. Swedish Company, iv, 431. Swedish emigration to gold fields of north western America, ii, 635. Swedish settlement on the Delaware River, iv, 487. Sweet Water River, ii, 143, 144. Swettenham, ( resignation of gover norship of Jamaica by, ii, 2. Swift, Col., i, 711. Jonathan (Dean), i, 687; v, 349. Family, i, 398. James, i, 526. John (Rev.), v, 144. Seth, i, 719. Swiss Compact, ii, 534. Switzerland, ii, 423; announcement of De partment of Journal of American His tory for Genealogical Research in, v, 322; direct legislation in, iv, 18; Hu guenots in, iv, 125, 126; international conference on railway transportation in, iv, 6; railroad in the mountains of, iii, 69; Savings Banks of, i, 686. Sycamore Shoals, Tenn., iv, 543, 547, 550; photograph of monument to first set tlers erected at, iv, 542; treaty of, iv, 543, 544, 547. Sycamore Shoals Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, iv, 541. Sydenham, Philip (Sir), i, 645. Sydney, New South Wales, ii, 154. Sylvester family, old homestead of the, iv, 260. Symington, William, i, 396. Symmes, Betsy (Oliver), ii, 309. Daniel (Hon.), ii, 309. Judge, i, 343. Zachariah (Rev.), v, 350, 351. Symonds, Deputy-Governor, iii, 99. Family, iii, 96. Rebekah (Madame), iii, 99. Samuel, i, 244, 256, 258. Syracuse, N. Y., i, 337, 750; v, 135, 225; pho tographs of memorials at, iv, 455; v. 167, 168. Szechenyi, Ladislaus (Count), H, 25. [244] Tabb, Augustine (Capt.), iii, 288. Edward, inscription on tomb of, iii, 289. Family, iii, 286; photograph of home of, iii, 287; prominent members of the, iii, 288. John, iii, 289. Martha ( ), iii, 289. Philip (Lieut.), iii, 286. Thomas (Ensign), iii, 286. Table Mountain, Cal., iii, 325; mining of gold in, ii, 634. Tacitus, iv, 317, 521, 522; v, 175. Taclou, M., ii, 46. Tacoma, Wash., i, 228. Tadousac, Canada, ii, 376, 380, 381, 382; early French post at, ii, 45. Taaffe, James, v, 414. John (Archbishop), v, 413. John (Jr.), v, 413, 414. John (Sir), v, 414. Nicholas, v, 413; reproduction of arms borne by, v, 417. Nicholas (Sir), v, 413. Patrick, v, 413, 414. Richard, v, 413. Theobald (Earl of Carlingford), v, 414. Taft, Aaron, v, 416, 420, 424. Alphonso (Hon.), v, 423, 427. Charles Phelps, v, 423. Charles Phelps (Jr.), v, 424. Elizabeth (Cheney), v, 415, 416. Elizabeth (Emerson), v, 415. Family, Pilgrim ancestry of the, iv, 487; study of lineage of the, v, 413-428; drawing of arms of the, v, 417. Fanny (Phelps), v, 423. Helen (Herron), v, 424. Henry Waters, v, 423. Horace Dutton, v, 423. Huldah, v, 420. Israel, v, 420. Joseph (Capt.), v, 415. Lorado, photograph of sculpture by, iii, 526. Louisa Maria (Torrey), v, 420, 423, 427. Mercy (Aldrich), v, 420. Patty, v, 418. Peter (Capt.), v, 415, 416. Peter Rawson (Judge), v, 420, 423. Polly, v, 418. Rhoda (Rawson), v, 418, 420, 424. Robert, v, 414, 415, 420. Robert Alphonso, v, 424. Samuel, v, 416. Samuel Davenport, v, 423. [2 Sylvia (Howard), v, 420, 423. William Howard (President), i, 18; ii, 25, 712; iii, 251; iv, 465, 469, 485; v, 177; administration of, v, 215, 247; ances try of, v, 413-428; reproductions of portraits of, v, 421, 428; announcement of publication of ancestry of, v, 187, 320; diplomatic mission to the Philip pine Island of, ii, 579; diplomatic visits to foreign countries by, iv, 10; first National assembly of the Filipinos held in the presence of, ii, 11; pho tograph of, iii, 157; speech-making of 1907 of, ii, 23; transcript of patriotic address by, iv, 3, 4; trip around the world in the interests of peace of, ii, 25. Taggart, , i, 619. Tahleguah, Ind. Ter., iv, 600. Tailfer, Dr., title page of early narrative of Georgia by, ii, 123. Tailor, Col., expedition against Port Royal from New England under, iii, 93. Tainter, Joseph, inventory of estate of, i, 80. Taintor, Charles M., iv, 377. Takahira, Ambassador, ii, 5. Tala (Higher Tale, Hairidge), England, iv, 358. Talapoosa River, ii, 158. Talbot, Maj., iv, 345. Matthew, iv, 545. Colonel, ii, 517, 520; iii, 279. Family, iv, 121. Harvey, iv, 121. Joshua, iv, 121, 122. Taliaferro family, Hi, 286; photograph of old manor house of the, iii, 289; photo graphs of estates of, iii, 296. Richard, photograph of monument erected to, ii, 709. Tallmadge, Benjamin (Col.), iv, 341. Samuel (Ensign), iv, 348, 349; transcript of a war song of the Revolution writ ten on orderly book of, iv, 72; tran script of patriotic verses from Revolu tionary Orderly Book of, iv, 632; tran script of Revolutionary War order books of, iv, 341-350; transcript of Revolutionary war song from orderly book of, iv, 552; transcripts from Rev olutionary Order Book of, iv, 491-494; v, 105-112. William, iv, 341. 45] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY Tallyiand, Prince de, ii, 548; flight to Amer ica after the French Revolution of, ii, 52; flight to London, England, after the Revolution of, ii, 52; negotiations for purchase of Louisiana with, iv, 609-616; provision to flee to America after the French Revolution made for, ii, 48, 52; return from America to France of, ii, 59. Talmege, Benjamin (Brigade Maj.), ii, 648. Tamaroa Indians, Jesuit mission to the, ii, 213. Tamaulipas, Mexico, ii, 619. Tamer, , v, 461. Tammany, political society of, ii, 366, 591, 592; v, 127; burial of remains of American prisoners on British prison ships of the Revolution under the aus pices of, v, 124-128. Tampa, Fla., ii, 436. Tanks of the Blackhead Butte, ii, 40, 41. Tanneries, first American, iv, 119, 120. Tanner's "American Traveller," iv, 413; work on canals and railroads of the U. S. by, iv, 408. Taos, N. Mex., iii, 467, 541, 546, 547, 548, 549, 554; Valley of the, iii, 468. Tapp, Lieut., iii, 280. Tappahannock, Va., v, 223. Tappan, Abraham, iii, 389. Tappan, N. Y., iv, 43. Tappen, , iii, 391. Tapper, Col., iv, 45. Tarabel, , ii, 522. Sebastian, ii, 257, 258, 261; iii, 104. Tarbell family, v, 303. Tariff, agreement between United States and Germany regarding, ii, 5, 6; effect on Cuba of the United States', ii, 438; plan to establish between Great Brit ain and her Colonies preferential rates of, ii, 26; President Roosevelt's mes sage to Congress decrying the revision on the eve of a Presidential election of the, ii, 25. Tariffs, international union for publication of customs, iv, 7. Tarleton, , Morgan's defeat of, iii, 212. Colonel, i, 58, 567; engraving of duel be tween Col. Washington and, iv, 230. Tarleton's Dragoons in the Revolution, ii, 706; photograph of memorial to a boy bugler killed by, ii, 710. Tarragona Province, Spain, Benedictine Mon astery in, iii, 69. Tarrytown, N. Y., i, 506; iv, 491. Tartary, Great, v, 80. Tatham, William (Col.), iv, 545; transcript of manuscript on botany of the U. S. by, iv, 571-580; fac-simile of page of manuscript of, iv, 574. Tatnell, Harriette, i, 700. Josiah (Gov.), i, 700. Taunton, England, v, 140; Mass., iii, 538; v, 140, 433; Provident Institution for Savings in, i, 686. Tavern song, old, i, 77. Taverns, early American, i, 321-331; in early New York City, announcement of pub lication descriptive of, v, 315; draw ings of Colonial, v, 429, 433-435, 437- 439, 441, 444, 446, 452, 454, 456. Taylor, , ii, 212; iv, 378. Alice, v, 130. B. L. (Senator), ii, 23. Brigade Maj., iii, 279. Captain, iv, 44. Dr., i, 550. E. C. (Dr.), election as candidate of Good Government Party to office of mayor of San Francisco of, ii, 20. Edward (Rev.), transcripts from diary and sketch of descendants of, v, 129-135. Eldad (Hon.), v, 134, 156. Elizabeth (Fitch), v, 133. Elizabeth (Taylor), v, 135. (Terry), v, 134, 135. Esther (Allen), v, 135. Family, v, 471, 129-135. Fielding Lewis (Mrs.), iii, 287. Frank Dwight, v, 129. Harriet, v, 135. Henry Wyllys, v, 135. Jabez Terry, v, 135. James, v, 130. (Rev.), v, 135. John, ii, 209; v, 156. Captain, iv, 378. John (Rev.), v, 134, 135. Laura (Winchell), v, 135. Lydia, iv, 379. Martha C. (Masters), v, 135. Mary, v, 135. Nathaniel, iii, 386. Nathaniel Terry, v, 135. Phebe (Leach), v, 135. Richard (Col.), v, 471. Ruth (Wyllys), v, 133, 134. Thankful (Day), v, 134. Tom (Col.), v, 219. Samuel, ii, 209; v, 130. Sarah (Strother), v, 471. William, ii, 132, 133, 134, 137, 147. Zachary (President), i, 655, 656; v, 471. Tazewell, Tenn., i, 664, 665. Tea, burning before the Revolution in Prov idence, R. I., of, ii, 216. Teadaghton Creek, iv, 110. Tecumseh, the Indian Chief, ii, 282; command in the battle of the Thames, War of 1812, by, ii, 283. Tedes, , i, 286. Tedwitz, Lieut-Col., ii, 518. [246] INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES Tehuantepec Railroad, Mexicp, opening of transcontinental, ii, 33. Teignbride, England, iv, 359. Telegraph corps, reproduction of photograph of Civil War, iii, 253. Telegraph Pass in the Gila Mountains, ii, 41. Telegraph Union, establishment of the, iv, 6. Telegraphy, i, 119; wireless, iv, 6. Telephone, wireless, invention of, ii, 15. Telford, Alexander, ii, 37; transcript of will of, ii, 37. David, ii, 37. Elizabeth, ii, 37. James, ii, 37. Jean, ii, 37. John, ii, 37. Mary, ii, 37. Robert, ii, 37. William, H, 37. Temperance, promotion of, ii, 11, 12. Temple, , ii, 190. Temple Church, London, England, iv, 451. Ten Broeck family, v, 633. Ten Eyck, Egbert, i, 749. "Ten Families," settlement, N. Y., v, 367. Ten Mile Lake, iv, 181. Tenneck, N. J., photograph of colonial house at, ii, 291 ; description of colonial house at, ii, 291, 292. Ten Years' War, ii, 405. Tennessee, i, 14, 343, 353, 656; ii, 141, 158, 692; iii, 530; iv, 153, 200, 202, 204, 301, 302, 515, 600; v, 104; account of life of first U. S. Senator from, v, 99-104; account of life of one of the first U. S. Senators from, v, 99-104; admission into the Union of, i, 14; American frontier in, ii, 278; appointment of first U. S. Senators from, v, 103; Daughters of the American Revolution of, i, 566; early settlement in, ii, 278; early settlers of, iv, 320; East, jour ney in 1835 through, i, 653, 658; im migrants to California gold fields from, ii, 132, 143, 150, 153; first print ing press in, i, 664; first settlements Hi, iv, 543-551; Hawkins County in, ii, 143; Old Wilderness Road in, i, 659; organization as a State of, iv, 549; Ramsey's History of, v, 100, 102, 103; reproduction of Civil War photo graph of the attack on Farragut by the Confederate ram, iii, 376; repro duction of engraving of Civil War bat tle in, v, 47; scenery of East, i, 665; Scotch-Irish Congress held in, Hi, 81; settlers from N. C. in, iv, 544; Sullivan County in, ii, 143, 146; United States Senator elected in 1907 from, ii, 23; United States Senator from, ii, 211. Tennessee River, i, 344, 663, 665; ii, 130, 131; iv, 576, 602. [247 Tennessee Warrior, Indian Chief, iv, 547; work on Bench and Bar of, v, 104. Tennyson, Alfred, iii, 384; iv, 20, 169; tran script of lines by, iii, 340. Terhune, John, reproduction of photograph of old house of, iii, 608, 609. Terranate, Presidio of, iii, 106. Terre Haute, Ind., iii, 514, 515. Terrell, Joseph M. (Hon.), i, 29. Territories, government in the United States of, ii, 430, 431. Terrorism in Russia, upholding by the So cialistic Duma of 1907 of, ii, 29. Terry, Abiah (Dwight), v, 134. Ann (Collins), v, 134. Elizabeth, v, 134, 135. Ephraim (Maj.), v, 134. Family, v, 134. General, iii, 228, 232. Harriet (Taylor), v, 135. John Taylor, v, 129. Nathaniel (Col.), v, 134. Roderick, v, 135. Terryville, Conn., iv, 299. Tete de Morte River, iii, 508. Tetsworth, Oxfordshire, England, iv, 448. Tetuan Bay, Africa, i, 311. Tewksbury, England, i, 523, 525; Abbey of, i, 523; battle of, v, 309. Texan invasion of New Mexico, ii, 206. Texan revolution, ii, 608, 622; v, 223; repro duction of photograph of monument in commemoration of soldiers of the, ii, 192. Texas, i, 14, 24; iii, 453, 552; iv, 171, 212, 601; v, 6, 291; a history of , ii, 620 ; admission into the Union of, i, 14, 435; American wars in, i, 436; annexation to the United States of, ii, 553, 554, 557, 558, 623; iii, 617; Bohemians in, i, 435; boundaries of, ii, 619; Catholic mis sions in, i, 435; claim of Spain to, i, 435; development of, ii, 205; first Eu ropean settlement in, i, 435; French settlement in, i, 435; Germans in, i, 435; immigration to, i, 435; laws reg ulating railroad rates in, ii, 19; Mex icans in, i, 435; Mision de los Tejas in, i, 435; origin of name of, i, 435; population of, i, 435; public schools of, i, 436; possession by the United States of, ii, 615; question of a Euro pean Protectorate in, ii, 623; Rangers, statue to memory of, i, 602; republic of, ii, 553, 623; seal of State of, i, 435; secession from Mexico of, i, 15; separa tion from Mexico of, i, 435; Spanish settlers in, i, 435; University of, ii, 211; Waters-Pierce Oil Company of Missouri ousted from, ii, 19. Thacher, , v, 131. -, Military, Journal of, iii, 213. THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY (Thacher) Anthony, i, 559; shipwreck of, i, 560, 561, 562; letter to his brother, Rev. Peter Thacher, i, 559-562. C. C. (Miss), i, 559. Edith, i, 562. Family, i, 559; iv, 261, 263. Peter (Rev.), i, 559, 560, 562. Thomas, i, 559. Oxenbridge opposition to measures of Brit ish government and speech at famous trial of Writs of Assistance by, iv, 263. William, i, 562. Thacher's Island, Mass., i, 562. Thatcher, , Indian Biographies by, ii, 391. Thames, battle of the, ii, 283, 693, 694; re production of diagram of the battle of the, ii, 283. Thames River, v, 184. Thames River, Canada, battle of the War of 1812 on the, ii, 283; Conn., iv, 623, 624; 7^549; England, ii, 52, 176; iv, 449. Thanet, Isle of, v, 471. Thank God Harbor, iii, 346. Thanksgiving, institution of festival of, iv, 483. Thaw, Harry K., trial of, ii, 25. Thaxted, Essex, England, iv, 284; engraving of, v, 237; historical sketch of, v, 242, 243. Thayendanegea (Joseph Brant), account of, iii, 429-434. Thayer, Ameda G. Williams, iv, 427. Captain, iii, 203. David, iv, 427. Edward James, iv, 427. Eli, iv, 205. Ferdinand, v, 420. Harriet, iv, 428. Huldah (Hayward), v, 420. James, iv, 427. Major, iv, 346. Rebecca (Williams), iv, 427. William, iv, 428. Williams (Dr.), iv, 427. - Theatre, first Philadelphia, iii, 539. Theobold Park, Herfordshire, England, Pres cott family of, iii, 47. Third Street, Philadelphia, Pa., iv, 30. Thirty Years' War, iv, 5. Tholuck, , i, 554, 556. Thomas, , i, 739. Abram, i, 374. Amos, v, 307. Captain, i, 345, 346. Colonel, i, 504. Dan, v, 307. E. R., disruption of chain of national banks organized by, ii, 15, 16. [248 Evan, v, 307. Family, i, 373, 375; iii, 286. Gabriel, v, 73. Jane, i, 373. Jannetje Samuels, v, 638. John, iii, 604. Brigadier-General, iv, 382; v, 150, 154, 155, 156, 162. John (Rev.), i, 373. Josie C. (Mrs.), iv, 545. Levi, v, 307. Mrs., i, 374, 375. Owen, v, 307. Peleg, i, 182. Rebecca, v, 307. Robert, i, 374. Samuel, v, 638. William, i, 375. Thomas a Becket, murder of, i, 521. Thomaston, Conn., ii, 343, 344. Thomlinson, Benjamin, i, 230. Samuel, i, 230. Zachariah, i, 440. Thompson, , i, 147, 657; iii, 448. A. W., iv, 207, 208. Benjamin (Sir), iii, 93. Captain, iii, 301, 302, 303, 309, 310. Catherine R., iii, 459. Colonel, i, 731; ii, 520; iii, 56, 57. Family, iii, 603; iv, 149. James, iii, 452. John (Sergt.), v, 107. Secretary, iv, 594. Thompson's Rifle Battalion of Pennsylvania, iii, 382. Thompsonville, Conn., i, 147. Thomson, Ann, iv, 99. Captain, i, 87; iv, 127, 128. Joseph (Sir), iv, 19. Stevens, iv, 99. Thoreau, H. D., iii, 584; fac-simile of manu script of, iii, 596. Thorfinn, discovery of America by, i, 201, 202. Thorne, , i, 534. William (Capt.), iv, 305, 306, 307. Thornton, Elizabeth Jane, iv, 518. Family, ii, 647; iii, 286. Frances, v, 471. Francis, v, 471. Jesse Quinn (chief justice), prevention of extension of slavery into Oregon by, ii, 211. Margaret, v, 471. Matthew (M. D.), v, 32. William (Dr.), i, 39, 40, 41, 396, 399, 406, 427, 432; ii, 647. Thorpe, , i, 526. George, i, 527, 534, 535, 536. Lieutenant, iii, 381. Thothmes m, iv, 186, 187, Thousand Islands, the, i, 751. ] INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES Thousand Springs Valley, i, 627. Three Rivers, Canada, first settlement at, ii, 382; district of, iii, 506. Throckmorton, , i, 527; v, 98. Anne, i, 519, 520, 522, 523, 543. Family, iii, 286; v, 366, 367. Margaret, i, 520, 521, 522; v, 98. Rebecca, iii, 195. Thomas (Sir), i, 522, 543. William, photograph of Virginian manor house of, iii, 282. William (Sir), i, 527, 534, 536; v, 98. Throg's Neck, N. Y., iv, 38, 39, 46; v, 367. Throop, Zebulon, killing by Indians of, ii, 301. Thucydides, iv, 521, 522. Thurber, Francis B., death of, ii, 36. Thurlow, Lord, iv, 438. Thurman, Allen G., i, 27. Thurston, , ii, 413. Family, ii, 509; iii, 286. Hannah, v, 415. John, v, 415. Margaret ( ), v, 415. Thwaites, Reuben Gold (LL. D.), v, 280. Tiadaghton Creek, iv, 110, 111, 115, 116, 118. Tiberius, Emperor, i, 495. Tibet, agreement between England and Rus sia to maintain peace in, ii, 5. Tichborne, Roger (Sir), v, 595. Ticknall, Henry, iii, 604. Ticonderoga, i, 125; ii, 66, 527; battle of, iv, 553, 555; v, 158, 159, 161; battle be tween the Five Nations and French under Champlain at, ii, 378; capture of, i, 669; expedition against, iii, 204. Ticonderoga Ft., iii, 119; ruins of, iii, 213. Tidball, John C. (Gen.), ii, 212. Tides, generation of electricity by, i, 577. Tienhoven Street, now Pearl, New York City, old print of Capt. Kidd's house on, iii, 576. Tierra Bomba, Island of, i, 646; ii, 173, 322. Tiffany, Ebenezer, autograph of, ii, 446. Family, reproduction in color of coat-of- arms of the, iv, 1; reproduction of coat-of-arms emblazoned by, iv, 564. Tiffin, Edward (Gov.), ii, 210; iii, 388. Tift, Solomon, v, 548. Tiger River, i, 375. Tigh, Capt., iii, 304, 305, 306, 307, 308. Tigre Island, seizure by the British of, i, 635. Tigris River, iv, 186. Tilbury, Baron of, i, 522. Tilbury, England, i, 526. Tilden, Daniel, iii, 54. Tilghman, , iii, 58; iv, 528._ Edward (Assistant Brigade Maj.), ii, 514. Till family, iv, 149. Tilley, , ii, 505, 506. Abigail, ii, 485. Sergeant, iv, 130, 131. Tillingham, England, v, 244. Tillotson's Works, i, 184. Tilney, John (Maj.), iv, 307. Tilson's map of Kentucky, iii, 454. Tilton, Clate (Capt.), iii, 302, 303. Clayton, iii, 301. Theodore, death of, ii, 36. Timber Neck, Gloucester Co., Va., old manor house of, iii, 285; transcripts of in scriptions on tombs at, iii, 289. Timoteo Canon, Cal., ii, 525. Timothy, ii, 76. Timotsk (Jake Hunt), photograph of, v, 514. Tin mines of Britain, ancient, iii, 41. Tinaga Pass in the Gila Mountains, ii, 41. Tinajas del Cerro de la Cabexa Prieta, ii, 40, 41. Tindell, Thomas, iii, 559. Ting, Col., iii, 122. Tingley, , ii, 149. Tinker, Capt., ii, 516. John, i, 246, 258. Tioga, N. Y., iii, 433. Tioga County, Pa., iv, 109, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119. Tioga Point, i, 749; iv, 120, 122. Tioga River, iv, 113, 114, 116, 117, 118, 119. Tioyne, Elizabeth, v, 634. Tippett, James, iv, 278. Tippecanoe, battle of, ii, 282; engraving of battle of, v, 41. Titcomb, , v, 27. General, ii, 531. Titicut, Mass., Baptist Church, iv, 404. Tittleford, Dorsetshire, England, iv, 367, 371. Titulia, ceding to the United States of the Island of, ii, 558. Titus family, iv, 149. Titusville, Pa., bronze statue at, ii, 238. Tiverton, England, iv, 358, 359. Tiviotdale, Livingston Manor, N. Y., i, 421. Tobacco, early work on culture of, iv, 580; planters in Virginia, dispute of the, iii, 84, 85; Proclamation, reproduction of photograph of King Charles I's, ii, 113; raising in early Manhattan Is land of, iii, 154, 155; trade, i, 663; Colonial, iii, 412, 413; early 19th cen tury, i, 318. Tobacco Trust, suit brought in New York against the, ii, 20. Tobago, island of, iii, 72. Tobast, Francois, v, 404. Tochman, G., ii, 367. Tod, Isaac, i, 359. Todd, (Rev.), i, 76. Charles Henry (Dr.), ii, 277. Charles S. (Col.), diagram of battle of the Thames, War of 1812, drawn by, ii, 283. [249] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY (Todd) Christopher (Capt.), inscription on tomb of, iii, 288. David (Prof.), astronomical photographs secured by, ii, 15. Elizabeth ( ), iii, 289. Family, inscriptions on tombs of the, iii, 288, 289. Francis, inscription on tomb of, iii, 288. John, ii, 179. John (Col.), ii, 213. Thomas, iii, 286; will of, iii, 288; inscrip tion on tomb of, iii, 288-289. Toddington, Gloucestershire, England, i, 519, 521, 522, 523, 524; ancient prints of the manor of, i, 518, 519, 523; Brit- ton's chart of, i, 523, 526; by Britton, photographic reproduction of two pages from, i, 521, 522; castle, old print of drawing room in, i, 523; Lord of, i, 519, 520, 521; manor-house of, i, 523, 542; old print of drawing room in, i, 523. Toddsbury, Gloucester Co., Va., old manor house of, iii, 285; inscriptions on tombs at, iii, 288, 289. Tokio, Japan, ii, 5; v, 175; mail rates to, iv, 6. Toledo, Ohio, iv, 381; v, 151; development of, ii, 205; transportation of iron ore to, iii, 42. Tolney, Frith, Scotland, iii, 453. Tolstoy, iv, 20. Tombigbee River, ii, 158, 159; descendants of Creek Indians and French and Eng lish traders in the valley of the, ii, 162. Tombs Prison, New York, i, 405. Tomochiche, i, 30. Tompkins, , i, 324. Daniel D., i, 427; v, 222. Family, i, 618; iii, 286; v, 420; photograph of manor house of, iii, 285. John, v, 420. Mehitable, v, 420. Sara (Mrs.), i, 618. Sarah (Woodman), v, 420. Tom's River, N. J., iii, 303, 306, 307, 308. Tom's River Inlet, N. J.-, iii, 300. Tonawanda, N. Y., v, 224. Tondee's Tavern, Savannah, Ga., meeting at commencement of the Revolution at, ii, 227; first public reading of the Declaration of Independence at, ii, 229. Tone, Wolfe, i, 656. Tonge, Elizabeth, iv, 143. George, iv, 143. Margery ( ), iv, 143. Mary, iv, 143. Tonkhannock River, iii, 448. Tonkin, Peter, iv, 275, 279. Tonti, , ii, 394. Tontine Coffee House, New York City, old, i, 751. Toole, Joseph (Hon.), i, 234. Toombs, , ii, 693. Robert, i, 30. Toothaker, Margaret, iii, 604. Roger, iii, 604. Topeka, Kan., i, 76; Hi, 629, 631, 632, 634; iv, 77, 78, 79, 84, 511; founding of, iii, 628. Topsfield, Mass., photograph of Capen House at, v, 9. Tories, i, 377, 443, 497; iii, 441; attempt to capture Gen. Schuyler by the, ii, 50; Cherry Valley Massacre of the Revo lution by Indians and, iii, 377-384; dur ing the Revolution, ii, 339-347; eviction ' from Great Tybee Island, Ga., of, ii, 231; flight to Canada after the Revo lution of, i, 738; in Canada, i, 738, 754; iii, 430; in Connecticut, i, 323, 324, 441; in New England, iv, 67; in New Jersey, iii, 299-310; in Pennsylvania, iv, 111; in Revolutionary period, i, 733- 737; in the Carolinas, i, 58, 375; in the Revolutionary War, iii, 430-434; list of Connecticut, ii, 342; punishment during the Revolution of, ii, 343-347; settlement on the St. Lawrence River of, i, 754. Torilandi (probably Lodecota, Tremington), England, iv, 358. Toronto, Canada, i,-441; v, 217, 220, 221, 226; burning of McGill University at, ii, 35. Torpedo, Fulton's invention of, i, 402, 404. Torr Abbey, England, v, 309. Torrey, Alice ( ), v, 427. Agnes ( ), v, 427. Angell, v, 427. Anna (Davenport), v, 420, 425, 427. Delia (Chapin), v, 427. Dr., v, 372. Family, v, 420, 427, 428; drawing of home stead of the, v, 425. Jane ( ), v, 427. Joseph, v, 427. Louisa Maria, v, 420, 423, 427. Margaret ( ), v, 427. Philip, v, 427. Samuel Davenport, v, 420, 423, 427; draw ing of birthplace of, v, 425. Susan Holman (Waters), y, 427. William, v, 420, 425, 427, 428. Torrington, Conn., i, 162. Tortola, West Indies, island of, iii, 71. Tory Den, Burlington, Conn., old, ii, 340-347; in Connecticut, a, iv, 128; origin of the name, ii, 341 ; party in America, ii, 366. Totman, Lieut.-Col., ii, 355. Totnes, England, iv, 355. [250] INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES Totten, John Reynolds, iii, 148. Professor, ii, 711. Tottenham, i, 685. Toulon, France, iii, 453; explosion on a war ship at, ii, 35. Toulouse, France, iv, 126; v, 174, 175. Toulouse Plantation, Ala., ii, 157, 158, 160. Touraine, France, v, 584. Tourney, France, v, 398, 399, 400; siege of, v, 584. Tourgee, Albion, i, 27. Tournout, Count of, v, 404. Tours, France, ii, 601; v, 311. Tovi, iv, 358. Towanda, Bradford Co., Pa., iv, 116. Tower, Charlemagne (Hon.), article on inter national peace by, iv, 11. Tower and Sword, photograph of decoration of the, iv, 333. Tower Hill, England, iv, 371. Tower of London, iv, 371; photograph of Crown jewels deposited in the, v, 172. Tower Rock, Mo., photograph of, v, 276. Town, Z. B. (Gen.), i, 657. Towne, General, i, 653. Towner, Jerusha, i, 286. Joseph, i, 285. Townsend, , iv, 436. Captain, ii, 332. Charles, i, 525. Dr., i, 750. Elijah, i, 503. EUsha, i, 499. Family, v, 363; genealogy announcement of publication of, v, 322. Gregory, iv, 44. Homer M., iv, 558. Horace, iv, 557. Rebecca (Cornell), iv, 557. Soloman, fac-simile of autographs of, ii, 446, 447. Townshend, , iii, 124. Charles, championship of the Stamp Act in Parliament by, ii, 363. George (Gen.), portrait and autograph of, ii, 397. Townshend, Mass., iii, 126; Windham Co., Vt., v, 416, 418, 420, 423. Tracey, Barbara (Lucy), v, 98. William (Sir), v, 98. Traci, William (Sir), i, 524. Tracy, Abigail (Adgate), i, 541. Alice, i, 522. Anne, i, 522. Anthony, i, 522. Benjamin Franklin (Gen.), i, 544. Charles Hanbury (Lord Sudeley), i, 523, 542. Daniel, i, 541. Dorothy, i, 522. Dwight (M. D., D. D. S.), i, 517. Edward, i, 522. [ 251 Eleanor, i, 522. Elizabeth, i, 522. Elizabeth (Leffingwell), iv, 401, 402, 403. Family, coming to Va. of immigrant an cestors of the, i, 517-544; arms of the, i, 520, 521, 524; reproduction in colors of coat-of-arms of the, ii, 1; gene alogical chart of lineage of, i, 521, 522. Francis, i, 522. Frederick Palmer (Judge), i, 542. Giles, i, 522. Hannah (Backus), i, 541. Henry, i, 520, 521, 522. Henry de (Sir), i, 520, 539; will of, i, 520, 522. James J., v, 147, 154, 155. John, i, 521, 522. John (Jr.), iv, 401. John (Rt. Hon.), i, 544. John (sergeant), i, 541. John (Sir), i, 519, 520, 521, 522. Jonathan (Lieut.), i, 541. Joyce, i, 523, 531, 537, 544. Lord, ancient print of manor of, i, 518. Louise, ii, 501. Lydia (Huntington), i, 541. Margaret, i, 524. Mary, i, 522, 523, 525, 537. Miriam, i, 541. Nicholas, i, 522. Rathcoole (Viscount), i, 522. Oliver, i, 521, 524. Ralph, i, 522. Richard, i, 522. Robert, i, 522, 544. Samuel, i, 541. Sarah (Bliss), i, 541. Solomon (Dr.), i, 541. Stephen, i, 544. Thomas, i, 519, 520, 521, 522. Thomas, i, 523, 531, 534, 535, 537, 538, 539, 540, 541, 542, 543. William, i, 517, 518, 519, 520, 521, 522, 523, 524, 525, 526, 527, 528, 533, 534, 535, 536, 537, 538, 539, 540, 543, 544; ap pointed governor of Virginia, i, 534, 535, 536; arms borne by, i, 542; ar rival in America of, i, 531; autograph letters of, i, 529, 530, 532; early Vir ginia land grant to, i, 526; old print of birthplace of, i, 518. Tradaughton Creek, iv, 112. Trade, Acts of, iv, 262; between the United States and Santa Fe, first, iii, 466, 467; coasting, i, 317, 318; dangers from privateering in early American, v, 251, 252; development in the United States of, iv, 116, 117, 118, 119; early, ii, 255; early American, ii, 70, 71, 72; of the American Colonies, restrictions im posed by England on the, ii, 99. ] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY Trading Station, photograph of an early American, iv, 495. Trafalgar, battle of, i, 311; ii, 212; v, 607. Trafalgar Square, London, England, iv, 452. Trahairn Goch, v, 307. Trail, Robert, ii, 262. Trained Bands, i, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124. Transportation, early American, i, 751; fa cilities in early New York State, ii, 61; in the United States, iv, 407-416; in vention of monorail car for, ii, 15; railway freight, iv, 6. Trans-Siberian Railway, ii, 25. Transvaal, the, ii, 26; self-government in the, ii, 6. Transylvania, Colony of, v, 99; purchase from Cherokee Indians of, iv, 543, 544, 547- 550. Traquair, Earls of, ii, 513. Trask, , iii, 50. Travel, Colonial, i, 704; description of early American, iii, 447-452. Travers, Raleigh, iv, 100. Travis, Jemina, announcement of publication of descendants of, v, 322. Treadwell, John, birth and education of, ii, 86; services to America and in the cause of missions of, ii, 86; reproduc tions of autograph and portrait of, ii, 86. Treason, early American trial for, ii, 465, 466. Treat, Gov., v, 432. Malachy, iii, 279. Robert (Maj.) iv, 422. Treaties between England, France and Spain, reproduction of map of Mississippi River, showing land changes which af fected, v, 283; regarding western set tlement between U. S. and England, v, 505. Treaty between the United States and San Domingo, ii, 23. Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle, v, 32. Treaty of Berlin, ii, 425. Treaty of Gaudaloupe Hidalgo, ii, 206, 669, 670. Treaty of Ghent, iv, 467; v, 215; centennial of signing of the, iv, 467. Treaty of Paris, ii, 395, 547, 553; v, 18, 287; French possessions in the New World ceded to Great Britain by, ii, 213. Treaty of Sycamore Shoals, iv, 543, 544. Treaty of Utrecht, ii, 316; v, 18, 19. Treaty of Versailles, v, 215, 222. Tregoney Castle, Cornwall, England, iv, 364; engraving of, iv, 365, 366, 367. Trelawney, Gov., ii, 318. Trelghar,' Cornwall, England, iv, 364. Trematon, Cornwall, England, manor of, iv, 364; photograph of Castle of, iv, 365. Tremington, England, iv, 358. Tremont House, Boston, Mass., v, 218. Tremont Theatre, Boston, Mass., i, 155. Tremper, David (Capt.), i, 419. Trenton, Hunterdon Co., N. J., i, 41, 338, 427; iii, 572; v, 69, 84, 443, 444, 454, 457, 601; arbitration of claim of Conn, to Penn. lands at, iv, 112; battle of, i, 670; iii, 379; iv, 56, 441; v, 64, 65, 66, 81, 87; court to settle land claims of Penn. and Conn, convened at, iv, 442, 443, 444, 445; English settlement on the site of, ii, 90, 97; eulogy of Wash ington at the battle of, ii, 97; letters sent to England from early settlers at, ii, 97-100; Provincial Congress of New Jersey in session at, iii, 299; re production of drawing of Colonial post- office at, v, 443; reproduction of draw ing of old City Tavern at, v, 444; re production of painting of Washington before, iv, 89; statue to be erected at, i, 600; transcript of lines by a Revo lutionary soldier written after the battle of, iv, 632; transcript of verses by a Revolutionary soldier after sur render of British at, iv, 632. Trenton and Princeton, Stryken History of the battles of,«.v, 49, 55. Treseleoux, France, iv, 126. Tresoyle, Agnes (Pomeroy), iv, 371. Thomas, iv, 371. Trevelyan, , i, 670. Trevon of Trevalyn, house of, v, 307. Trevor, John (Capt.), ii, 333. Robert (Capt.), ii, 332. Thomas, ii, 332. Trial for treason, early American, ii, 465, 466. Tribune, remarks of Horace Greeley appear ing in the, iv, 201. Trichelle Family, i, 49. Trimble, Alice M., ii, 691; iii, 603. C. A. (Capt.), iii, 614. Colonel, report on favorable conditions in Texas for annexation by, iii, 617, 618. General, ii, 691. Governor, ii, 694; iii, 618. John Allen, recollections of early Amer ican political life transcribed from manuscript of, iii, 613-619; transcript from the journal describing early American political campaigns of, ii, 691-694. Trinidad, West Indies, island of, iii, 72; iv, 199. Trinity Church, Boston, Mass., i, 511; iii, 100. Trinity Church, Newport, R. I., old, ii, 509. Trinity Church, New York City, i, 395, 694; iii, 266; iv, 30, 41, 44; burial of Alex ander Hamilton in the graveyard of, ii, 56; Livingston family vault at, ii, [252] INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES (Trinity Church) 62; old engraving of, i, 430; reproduc tion of old print of, iii, 580. Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, i, 241; iii, 266; iv, 513; Hartford, Conn., i, 516. Trinity River, Texas, i, 435. Tripoli, war with, i, 673. Trist, , ii, 472. Trois Rivieres, Revolutionary engagement of, v, 85. TroUope, Mrs., i, 667. Troops Act, the, iv, 40. Tropics, early American trade with the, i, 745. Trostle's House, reproduction of photograph taken on Gettysburg battlefield near, iii, 371. Trotter, Capt., iii, 114. Troup, Col., i, 758. Trout Run, Pa., iv, 114. Trowbridge, (Rev.), iii, 120, 122, 124, 125, 126, 127. Captain, ii, 351. Lieutenant, iii, 381. Sarah, iv, 567. Troy, ancient, iv, 426; v, 137; Bradford Co., Pa., iv, 116; N. Y., iii, 215; Ohio, ii, 37. Truax, Charles (Judge), v, 633. Family, v, 633. Truckee Indians, i, 628. Trueblood, Benjamin F., i, 151. Trujillo, , ii, 436, 437. Truman, Thomas (Maj.), iii, 415. Trumbull, , i, 11, 181. An tip v 461. Colonel,' i, 339, 340; ii, 52; v, 144. Family, iii, 385. John, painting of the surrender of Corn wallis by, iii, 197; service in the Revo lution of, iii, 197; education of, iii, 197; study of art by, iii, 197; paintings illustrating the Revolutionary War by, iii, 197; collection of the paintings of, iii, 197; birth and death of, iii, 197; paintings by, iii, 198, 199; iv, 49, 52; portrait by, iv, 26; painting of .the Signing of the Declaration of Inde pendence by, iii, 48; iv, 64; two por traits of Indian chiefs by, ii, 400. Jonathan (Gov.), i, 121, 176-182, 385; iv, 45, 46, 439; v, 549, 551; birth and edu cation of, ii, 85; services to America of, ii, 85; reproductions of autograph and portrait of, ii, 85. Lyman, ii, 215. Mary, i, 182. Trumbull County, Ohio, iii, 387, 388; Or- viatt family of, iv, 599. Trumbull's History of Northampton, Mass., iv, 409, 410; painting of battle of Bun ker Hill, v, 144. [253] Trusts, laws passed to control, ii, 19, 20. Tryon, Gen., i, 324, 505. Governor, i, 72, 499, 506; ii, 364; iv, 44, 585. Tryon County, N. C, v, 100; N. Y., iii, 378, 382; 5th Militia Regiment and Rangers of, iv, 556. Tubac, Ariz., ii, 697, 698; early Spanish pres idio of, ii, 39; Presidio of, iii, 173, 397. Tucker, , iii, 284; v, 108, 109, 110. Andrew, iii, 436. Daniel, v, 469. Elizabeth (Allen), v, 469. Elizabeth (Gill), v, 469. Elizabeth (Stevens), v, 469. Family, arms of the, v, 468; lineage of the, v, 469. Frances (Bland), v, 469. H. St. George (Hon.), i, 209. Joanna (Dow), v, 469. Joseph (Lieut.), Revolutionary record of, iii, 381. Josiah, iii, 120. Lelia (Skipwith), v, 469. Manasseh, v, 469. Mary (Gatchell), iii, 436. Morris, v, 469. Moses (Capt.), v, 469. Prof., ii, 472. St. George, v, 469. Samuel (Commodore), services in the American Navy in the Revolutionary War of, iii, 435-440. Waitstill (Sumner), v, 469. William, iii, 559. Tuckerman, , iv, 209, 210; "Life of Philip Schuyler" by, iii, 205. Tucson, Ariz., ii, 698, 699; pueblo of, ii, 526. Tuder, , transcripts from writings on pre-Revolutionary times in Massachu setts by, iv, 267, 270. Tudor, Trevor, v, 299. Tule desert, ii, 40, 41. Tumwater, Wash., i, 227. Tunadilla, now Unadilla, N. Y., iii, 380, 381. Tunaeliffe, John, iii, 379. Tunbridge Wells, England, ii, 63. Tungan, iii, 334. Tunguses, the, v, 80. Tunkhannock, Pa., iv, 116. Tupper, , i, 656. Aurelius, ii, 301. Turk, Rudolph Samuel (Mrs.), announcement of publication of genealogy by, v, 320. Turkey, ii, 544; iv, 489; early journey to, ii, 585; representation at meeting of In terparliamentary Union of first parlia ment of, iii, 487. Turks, iv, 189. Turnbull, George (Capt.), i, 361. Turner, , ii, 135, 137, 142. Bishop, iv, 213. THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY Turner, Captain, iv, 239. Charles Y., v, 175. George (Hon.), iv, 576. K. M., iv, 617. Kerenhappuch (Mrs.), photograph of mon ument erected to, ii, 702; heroism in the Revolution of, ii, 704, 706. Sharon, iii, 187. \ Turnham family, iv, 517. Thomas, iv, 517. Joel (Major), iv, 517. Turtle, Joel, ii, 342, 346. Major, iii, 279, 583. M. C, portrait of Lincoln by, v, 204. Rebecca, v, 463. Sarah, iii, 100. Simeon, ii, 342. Twain, Mark, i, 439; honorary degree con ferred on, ii, 26. Twickenham, England, iii, 427. Twineham, England, Christ Church Parish in, v, 240. Twining, S., ii, 224. Twitty, Mr., i, 54. William, i, 53; iv, 549. Two Harbors, Minn., iii, 42. Tyadaghton Creek, iv, 110. Tybe Light House, i, 263. Tyburn, England, iv, 369. Tyler, , iv, 254. Abraham, i, 285. Andrew, iv, 251. Colonel, ii, 520; iii, 54, 55, 56. Ezera, i, 286. Family, v, 141. Hannah, ii, 298. Hannah (Messenger), v, 141. Hepsibah, v, 142. Hopestill, v, 141. James (Capt.), ii, 298. Jane Pepperrell, iv, 251. Job, v, 141. John, i, 368. John (Captain), v, 141. John (President), i, 210; v, 229; adminis tration of, ii, 667; reproduction of sU- houette of, ii, 657; education of, ii, 657; service in Congress of, ii, 657; governorship of Virginia of, ii, 657; description of, ii, 657; eulogy on the death of Thomas Jefferson of, ii, 657; birth and death of, ii, 657; transcript of private correspondence just before the Civil War of, v, 611-632. Lieutenant-Colonel, ii, 350, 353. Lyon G. (Dr.), iii, 287, 290. Miriam (Bailey), v, 141. Miriam (Pepperrell), iv, 251. Moses (Jr.), v, 141, 142. Mrs., v, 614. Prudence (Blake), v, 141. S. F., iii, 448. Samuel, v, 141. William, iv, 251. Tyler County, W. Va., iii, 456. Tyndal, John (Sir), ii, 127. Tyner, Delilah, iv, 600. Eliza, iv, 600. Jackson, iv, 600. Jane (Carter), iv, 600. Lee, iv, 600. Nathaniel, iv, 600. Reuben, iv, 600. Ruth, iv, 600. Tyng, Edward (Capt.), v, 24. Typhoons, ii, 35. Tyrone, Abbey of, v, 311. Tyrone County, Ireland, ii, 667; iii, 454; t, 141. I 254 u Ulman, G., engravings of Arctic scenes by, iii, 321, 322. Ulward, iv, 358; v, 299. Underhill family, v, 363. John (Capt.), i, 246; v, 366. United States, i, 583, 727; iv, 487; accumu lation of wealth by, iii, 41; acquisition of territory by the, ii, 543-559; ad dress of an officer of the Cabinet of the, iv, 5-9; adoption of international code for navigators in the, iv, 6; agri cultural, industrial, and commercial periods in the, iii, 44; aid for depor tation of freed negroes given by gov ernment of the, iv, 203-213; annexation of Cuba to the, ii, 407, 409, 414, 424, 426-440; annexation of Hawaii to, ii, 428; annexation of Porto Rico to the, H, 424, 425, 433; annexation of the PhUippine Islands to, ii, 424; appeal for the annexation of Cuba to the, ii, 543; army, iii, 381, 382; arsenal at St. Louis, Mo., ii, 132; article by Pres ident of the, iv, 3, 4; article by Sec. of State of the, iv, 5-9; Article of Confederation of the, iii, 46; bank, ii, 87; barracks, Carlisle, Pa., v, 87; bat tleships, authorization in 1907 of two new, ii, 23; botany at the Revolution ary period of the, iv, 571-580; bound aries between Mexico and the, ii, 619; bringing of first negroes to the, ii, 596; Brussels Conference caUed by, iv, 326; ceding by Connecticut of western lands to the, iii, 386; celebration of 100 years of peace between England, France, and, v, 171, 173; census, v, 14; Chinese and Japanese immigration to, ii, 553; commission for survey of old Santa Fe Trail, iii, 468; commission of Fish and Fisheries, i, 260; commission to settle state accounts after the Rev olution with the, ii, 664; congratula tions from King Edward VII to the, i, 579; Congress, first chaplain of, iv, 525; Constitution, New Jersey Plan for the, iii, 569, 570, 571, 572; consti tution of, i, 188, 189; ii, 366, 430, 431, 542; iii, 46; iv, 404; v, 184, 305; Court at Philadelphia, suit to dissolve rail road combination commenced in the, ii, 19, 20; Court of Appeals of, ii, 210; crime census in the, iv, 189; Cubans naturalized as citizens of the, ii, 436; death of former comptroller of the [255] currency of the, ii, 36; delegation at meeting of Interparliamentary Union from Congress of the, iii, 487; de velopment of credit and investment system in, i, 687; diplomatic relations in 1907 of the, ii, 25; discontinuance of direct mail service between South America and the, ii, 33; discussion in Vermont of the Constitution of the, iii, 603; dispute between Mexico and the, v, 281; District Court at Chicago, decision against Standard Oil Com pany by, ii, 16; Dr. Avery's History of the, iv, 107, 257, 259; early banker in England for the, iii, 540; early boundary between Mexico and the, iii, 465; early currency of the, iii, 466; early exploration on the boundary line between Mexico and the, ii, 40; early financiering of the government of the, ii, 48; early State boundary disputes in the, v, 275-292; early trade be tween Santa Fe and the, iii, 465-470; early western boundary of the, ii, 135; editor's note on article on future of the, iv, 185; Future of the, iv, 186-190; education in early times in the, i, 717- 726; education in the, iv, 14; efforts to maintain international peace at the Peace Congress at The Hague made by, ii, 6; emigration to the, i, 584; ii, 265, 438; encircling of the globe by the fleet of the, iii, 39; establishment of boundary between Canada and the, iv, 467; first appeal for universal peace made in the, iii, 39; first canal in the, iv, 408-411; first census of the, ii, 596; first commerce of the, iv, 273-280; first Maj.-Gen. of the, iv, 561; first Minister to England from the, iv, 554; first Navy of the, ii, 101-112; first Postmaster General of the, v, 305; first Secretary of the Treasury of the, ii, 55; first Vice-President of the, ii, 55; Flag, act of Congress regarding adop tion of, i, 12; French spoiliation claims before court of the, iv, 277; genealog ical researches in the, iv, 151, 152; Geodetic and Coast Survey, iii, 568; Geographer-General of, i, 352; gift to the Dey of Algiers from the, ii, 108; Government, loan to, i, 745; govern ment of the Territories of the, ii, 430, 431; growth of the, i, 575; Harper's Encyclopedia of the, v, 83; histories of THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY (United States) the, ii, 619; History, Harpers' Cyclo pedia of, iv, 382; holding up in early 19th century by British men of war of ships of the, i, 748; immigration to the, ii, 554, 558, 594; intervention in behalf of Cuba of the, ii, 432; in tervention in Cuba's struggle for inde pendence of, ii, 403; iron and steel in dustry in, iii, 42, 43; labor troubles in 1907 in the, ii, 33; Legation in Eng land in 1784, v, 476; legislation in the, iv, 18; lottery authorized by Congress in the Revolution which gave prizes of bonds of the, ii, 627; manufacturing of, ii, 544; merchant marine, i, 673; mining in, ii, 544; minister to England, v, 607; mint, establishment of, i, 693; movement to secure world's peace in, iii, 39-44; National Library of the, iv, 334; nationalism of the Constitution of the, ii, 193-197; organization of the banking system of the, ii, 629; organ ization of the first bank of the, ii, 628, 629; origin of great wealth and development of natural resources in the, iv, 109-122; participation in Peace Conference of the, iv, 8; peace be tween England and the, i, 672; pioneer life in the, i, 61; possession of New Mexico taken by, ii, 206; possibility of war in 1807 between England and, i, 739; possibility of Cuba's annexation to the, ii, 406, 407; presentation of statue of Rollo of Normandy to, v, 177 ; privateering in early days of the, v, 251, 252; production of gold in, ii, 129; production of tobacco by, ii, 544; production of wheat by, ii, 544; pur chase of Louisana by the, iv, 609-616; ratification in 1907 of the treaty be tween San Domingo and the, ii, 23; ratification of the Constitution of the, iii, 572; reference and distance map of the, iv, 408; religious freedom in, i, 190; representation at first Pan- American Congress refused by, i, 634; representation of Texas in the, ii, 623; representatives at the 300th anniver sary of the city of Quebec from the, ii, 359; reproduction of engraving of first naval victory of the, iv, 222; re production of photograph of memorial of the first representative assembly held in the, ii, 710; reproduction of portrait of first Secretary of the Treasury of the, iv, 57; reproduction of portrait of first Spanish minister to the, iv, 27; reproductions of paintings of early Presidents and officials of the, iv, 85, 86, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92; repro ductions of silhouettes of Presidents [256] of the, ii, 653-658; residence of Joseph Bonaparte in, iii, 540; restoration to England of Arctic ship by the, v, 603- 610; Savings Banks in, i, 685, 686; stock speculation in the, i, 695; tariff peace between Germany and the, ii, 5, 6; temperance movement in, ii, 12; tenth census of the, ii, 499; transcript of address by President of the, iv, 3, 4; Treasury, bringing of specie after the Revolution for the, i, 672; treaty be tween England, Germany and, ii, 425; treaty between Great Britain and the, v, 287; treaties regarding western set tlement between England and the, v, 505; union with other nations to set tle questions in China by, ii, 536; Vir- giania Plan for the, iii, 569, 571; voy age from England in 1794 to the, v, 247-269; Western Boundary Question of 1783 of the, ii, 547; work on canals and railroads of the, iv, 408; work on commerce of the, iv, 413. United States Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md., photographs taken at, iii, 182, 183, 184. United States Navy, ii, 36; iii, 345, 485; iv, 296; aid proffered to Kingston, Ja maica, at time of earthquake by, ii, 2; early text book in the, iv, 322; first commander-in-chief of, ii, 110; first commission issued in, i, 669; first ves sel of the present, i, 673.; Revolution ary patriot of, iii, 435-440; secretary of, iv, 298. United States Northwest, investigation of administration of government in the old, Hi, 217-225. United States of America, adoption of name of, i, 12. United States Sanitary Fair, iv, 428. United States Senate, account of life of one of first members from Tennessee of the, v, 99-104. United States Senators, election in 1907 of, ii, 23, 24. United States Signal Corps, flight of balloon of the, ii, 12. United States Supreme Court, i, 27; ii, 191. United States War Department, iii, 537; first commission issued by, i, 673. United States warships, visit to Pacific Wa ters of, ii, 2, 15. United Trans -Atlantic Society, iv, 213. Universal Brotherhood of Mankind, 100th an niversary of pioneer of, iv, 153. University of Edinburgh, Scotland, ii, 667. University of Kansas, iii, 627. University of Michigan, iii, 627. University of Pennsylvania, iv, 573. University of the Pacific, Cal., i, 632. INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES University of Virginia, iv, 214, 220; historic prints of, iv, 417-420. Updyke, Daniel; (Attorney-General), ii, 510. Mary (Godfrey), ii, 509. Upham, , iii, 120, 121. Warren tDr.), iv, 166, 179, 180. Uplowman, Tiverton, England, iv, 359. Upottery, Axminster, Haytor, England, iv, 359. Upper Creedy, West Budleigh, England, iv, 358. Upper Marlboro, Md., iii, 165. Upper Ojia, Cal., v, 372. Upse, Erik (Bishop), v, 177, 179. Upson, Major, i, 104. Urbana, O., ii, 152; v, 136. Usher, , i, 253. J. P., iv, 209, 210, 211; v, 211. Utah, i, 14, 24, 25; iv, 479; v, 291; accepta tion by the United States Senate of the election of Senator from, ii, 23; ad mission into the Union of, i, 14; agri culture in, i, 26; beet sugar industry in, i, 26; European immigration to, i, 26; mining in, i, 26; Mormon church in, i, 25; population of, i, 25; stock- raising in, i, 26. Utica, N. Y., i, 617, 618, 749, 751; ii, 613; v, 227; Bagg's Hotel in, iv, 122; early days of, i, 745; early stage route from Albany to, i, 751; early trade of, i, 749; estate of Baron Steuben, the Rev olutionary general at, ii, 290; Indian reservation near, iv, 121, 122. Utie, Nathaniel (Col.), mission to Dutch from Lord Baltimore of, iii, 560, 561. Utrecht, Holland, iv, 451; treaty of, ii, 316. Utter, Sophia Livingston (Mrs.), ii, 183, 349, 515. Utterby Manor, Lincolnshire, England, ii, 95. Uxbridge, Mass., iii, 186; v, 415, 416, 420. Uyterweer, Cornelis, historic study and re production of ancient watch made by, iv, 425-430. [ 257 ] V Vaccination, early use of, ii, 276; in America, early, ii, 267, 464, 468. Vacher, , portrait of, iv, 386; aid given in building church by, iv, 393. John Francis (Dr.), portrait of daughter of, iv, 386; brief biography of, iv, 394; portrait of, iv, 395. Vail, , i, 396. Captain, i, 491. Minister, i, 396. Valencia, Dolores, iii, 106. Juan Ignacio, ii, 259. Valenciennes, France, v, 395, 399. Valentine, , iv, 80, 81, 82. D. M. (Mrs.), pioneer life in Kansas of, iv, 77-84. Elizabeth (Gooch), iii, 100. Edward V., photograph of sculpture by, iv, 333 ; photograph of statue by, ii, 247. John, iii, 100. Judge, iv, 82, 84. Mary (Lynde), iii, 100. Thomas, iii, 100. Valentinois Hotel, ii, 598, 600. Valois, Philip of, v, 392. Valparaiso, Chili, appropriation for the re building of, ii, 33. Valle Ameno de San Jose, iii, 108. VaUey Forge, Pa., i, 13; iv, 297; battle field of, ii, 703; encampment of Continental Army at, iv, 620; Gen. Washington at, i, 671, 701; reproduction of engraving of American patriots encamped at, iv, 229; reproduction of photograph of Washington's camp bed at, iv, 105; re production of photograph of proclama tion issued by Washington at, iv, 107; Washington's campaign at, iii, 226. Van Artevelde, v, 390. Jacob, v, 394, 395, 396, 398; Philip, v, 398, 400; Van Campen, John, ii, 387. Moses (Maj.), exploration of large tract of land in New York S\ate by, ii, 55, 56; grave of, ii, 62; John Stearns Minard's Life and Adventures of, ii, 48. Van Boerum family, iv, 385, 393; arms of the, iv, 394. Simon, iv, 394. William Jacobse, iv, 394. Van Booraem, Hannah Radley (Morrell) , por trait of, iv, 385. Van Buren, Martin (President), ii, 622, 630, 693, 694; iii, 613. Van Buren County, Mo., ii, 146. Van Bus Kirk house, Hackensack, N. J., pho tograph of old, iii, 610. Van Cortlandt family, v, 638; announcement of publication containing chapter on the, v, 316. Van Courtland, Col., iii, 280. Van Dam, Rip, v, 442; assumption of duties of Acting Governor of New York by, ii, 362; quarrel between the colonial government and, ii, 362, 363. Van Daur, Isaac, iii, 96. Van de Bogaerdet, Hermani Mynderts (Dr.), i, 241. Bogart, Phebe (Cornell), iv, 557. Van de Voorde family, v, 407. Jeanne, v, 407. Pierre v 407. Van den Bossche family, v, 390, 397. Peter, v, 397, 398. Van der Beke family, v, 404. Gerard, v, 404. Philippe (Rev.), v, 404. Philippine (De Peyster), v, 404. Rogier, v, 404. Van der Donck, , early map of, iv, 433. Van der Donck, map of New Netherlands, fac-simile of, iv, 591. Van der Haghen, Christophe, v, 403. Marie (De Peyster), v, 403. Van Deursen, Abraham Pieterson, announce ment of publication of genealogy of de scendants of, v, 322. Van Dieman's Land, v, 225, 228, 229. Van Dresven, James, v, 106. Van Dyke, Capt., ii, 516. Colonel, iii, 205. Henry, lines by, iii, 384. Van Egmond, Col., v, 217, 221. Van Eps, Jean Baptist, ii, 391. Van Eura, , ii, 394. Van Haestrecht family, v, 463. Jacob, v, 463. Roger, v, 463. Van Hoebosch, Jan, v, 394. Van Horn, Annetje, iv, 392. Van Home, John, iii, 96. Van Meter, Isaac, ii, 209. Jacob, ii, 209. Van Ness family, v, 633. John P. (Gen.), iii, 618, 619. Van Norden, Warner, iii, 148. Van Norman, Louis, ii, 368. Van Olinda, Hilletje, ii, 391. Van Opdam, , iii, 561. [258 ] INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES Van Pottelsberghe, Josse, v, 406. Van Rensselaer family, ii, 48; announce ment of publication containing chap ter on the, v, 316; coat-of-arms of the, ii, 535. Kiliaen, ii, 535; colonizing in New York by, iv, 388. Rensselaer, v, 224, 225, 229. Solomon, v, 229. Stephen (Gen.), i, 745; ii, 50. Van Rosenveldt Claes Martenszens, portrait of daughter of, iv, 389. Van Rosenvelt family, ii, 226. Claes Martenszen, ii, 226. Jonnetje S. (Thomas), ii, 226; v, 638. Klaes Martenszen, v, 638. Van Sanvoord, Commodore, i, 414, 420. Van Shaack, Mary Helen, ii, 226. Colonel, iii, 209. Goose (Brevet Brig.-Gen.), Revolutionary service of, iii, 381. Van Slichtenhorst family, announcement of publication containing chapter on the, v, 316. Van Swearingen, , ii, 209. Van Sweringer, Thomas, ii, 662. Van Tilburgh tavern, Kingston, N. J., draw ing of, v, 446. Van Twiller, Wouter, iv, 390. Van Vechten family, v, 633. Van Vegthen, Tobias (Lieut.), Revolutionary record of, iii, 205. Van Vorst, (Vacher), iv, 393, 394; por trait of, iv, 386. Annetje (Van Horn), iv, 392. Antoinette (Roosevelt), portrait of, iv, 389 Claesje (De Mott), iv, 392. Cornelis (3d), iv, 392, 395. Cornelius, portrait of wife of, iv, 389; im migration to America of, iv, 390; death of, iv, 391. "Faddy," iv, 392, 393, 394. Garret, iv, 391. Ide, iv, 391. John, portrait of, iv, 396. John (Mrs.), portrait of, iv, 386; aid in building a church given by, iv, 393. Van Vorst Park, Jersey City, N. J., iv, 394. Van Wickle family, ii, 59. Evart, ii, 56. Van Wyck, Mrs., i, 78. Van Zandt, Charles Collins (Gov.), n, 511, 512, 513. Vanbiber family, iii, 286. Vance family, iv, 149. Dr., i, 60. Nannie M., ii, 226. Vancouver, British Columbia, arrival of Cal ifornia gold seekers at, ii, 635; jour ney to the valley of the Fraser from, ii, 636. [259] Vanderbilt, Commodore, 268, 282, 427; first steamboat line of, i, 428; organiza tion of transit route across Nicaragua by, i, 636. Gladys, ii, 25. Vanderbilt University, ii, 211. Vanderlyn, , old engraving from paint ing by, v, 33. Vandyke, Col., ii, 527. Vandervoort, William, i, 417. Vane, Henry (Gov.), v, 353, 354, 359, 360, 361, 368. Henry (Sir), iv, 427; autograph in Provi dence, R. I., town records of, iii, 187; defeat in election in Massachusetts Colony for governor of, iii, 192; re turn to England of, iii, 192. Vanegas, , ancient map of, ii, 40. Vann, Joseph, iv, 302. Vansan, , ii, 310. Vanscout, Maj., murder by Indians in the Revolution of, iii, 207. Vanvater, Capt., i, 92. Varick family, v, 638. Varina, Va., iv, 575. Varney, John (Capt.), i, 644. Varnum, Col., ii, 520. Vasa, Gastavus, i, 702. Vattel, v, 288. Vauban, , iv, 570; v, 19. Vaughan, Chief Justice, iv, 450. Frances (Clarke), reproductions of grave stone of, ii, 503, 504. John (Capt.), i, 644. William (Rev.), ii, 506, 507, 513. William (Lieut.-Col.), command at siege of Louisburg under, v, 21, 22, 25, 26, 28. Vedel, ancient work by, iv, 176. Veintimilla, Gen., ii, 419. Veltstraet, Ghent, Belgium, the, v, 407. Venable, William Henry, poem to America by, iv, 150. Venables, Col., iv, 450. Venango County, Pa., iv, 113, 115, 119. Vendome, Duke of, ii, 167; Lord of, v, 404. Venezuela, iv, 204; article by a United States minister to, iv, 10; immigration to gold fields of northwestern Amer ica from, ii, 635; fining of the New York and Bermudez Asphalt Company by a court of, ii, 33; Indians found by early explorers in, iii, 71; Matos revo lution in, ii, 33; revolution in, ii, 419; checking of English agression in, ii, 426. Venice, Italy, v, 392; ancient documents re garding discovery of America in, iv, 167; international tribune at, i, 577. Vennard, John, iv, 254. Vennor, Thomas (Capt.), i, 644. Ventross, Daniel, i, 286. Ventura, Cal., iii, 111; v, 384, 385; photo- THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY (Ventura, Cal.) graphs of buildings and churches of, v, 376, 377, 379. Ventura County, Cal., photographs of land marks and scenery of, v, 375-379, 381, 382. Venus, first American astronomer to ob serve transit of, ii, 531. Vera Cruz, Mexico, early journey to, ii, 586. Verbena, medicinal use in fevers of the, iv, 577. Verder, Daniel Hugh (M. A.), sonnet by, ii, 347. Vere, Horatio (Sir), i, 522, 520. Thomas, iv, 450. Verendrye, , early exploration in North America by, iv, 166, 171, 180, 181, 184. Verendrye Stone, the, iv, 166, 180, 181, 184. Vermillion Range, Mich., iii, 42. Vermont, i, 13, 319, 352, 549, 748; ii, 66, 71; iii, 514, 516; v, 137, 141, 142, 144, 224, 225; admission into the Union of, i, 13; an early revivalist in, ii, 67; Allen family of, iii, 298; Ashley family of, iii, 603; Bell family of, v, 141; Ben nington Battle Monument in, iv, 588; biography of a founder of, iii, 603; canals in, iv, 411; Central Railroad, indictment of the, ii, 16; colonial houses in, ii, 289; colonial mail ser vice in, v, 449, 450; commencement of the Revolutionary War in, iv, 586, 587; Constitution of, iv, 588; Dewey fam ily of, iii, 603; early militia of, ii, 67; expedition against Ft. Ticonderoga from, v, 159, 161; expedition to defend, iv, 381; first Governor of, iv, 588; first letter written from the territory now known as, ii, 43-47; first settlement in, ii, 43; frontier life during the Revo lution in, ii, 67; Hemenway's Gazet teer of, v, 477; Historical Society, iv, 587; Howard family of, v, 420; land dispute between New York and, iv, 581-594; Loomis family of, iv, 297; Manning family of, v, 295; petition to Congress for recognition as a State by, iv, 588, 589, Sgff; Phelps family of, v, 423; reproduction of print of flag captured in Revolution from soldiers of, iv, 161; Revolutionary fort at Mt. Independence in, iii, 213 ; Revolutionary regiment of 15th militia of, iii, 603; settlers in Penn. from, iv, 114, 116; Society of the Sons of the American Revolution, ii, 43; special number of the Journal of American History de voted to State of, v, 482; Taft fam ily of, v, 416, 418, 420, 423. Vernon, — , iv, 415; v, 451. Edward (Capt.), ii, 316. [260] Edward (Admiral), ii, 315; birth of, ii, 316; portrait from an old engraving of, ii, 317; expedition against Cartagena, South America, of, ii, 317, 318; Wash ington's estate of Mount Vernon named for, ii, 319; transcript of orig inal instructions issued to the English fleet by, ii, 332-338. James, ii, 316. Verona, Oneida Co., N. Y., iv, 131. Verplank House, founding of the Society of the Cincinnati at the, ii, 366. Verplank's Point, Hudson River, iv, 45, 491. Verrazzano, i, 633. Versailles, France, iv, 59; v, 595; French States General assembled at, ii, 592; Treaty of, v, 215, 222. Vespucci, Americus, discovery of America by, i, 202; America named in honor of, ii, 118, 119; map made by, ii, 118. Amerigo, iii, 60, 536; account of map on which the New World was first named for, v, 335-337; fac-simile of page of Cosmographiae Introductio which con tained suggestion that New World be named for, v, 338; reproduction of map of the world showing portrait of, v, 342, 343; reproduction of family tree of, v, 346. Anastasio, v, 337. Elizabeth (Mini), v, 337. Juliano, v, 337. Simone Petro di, v, 337. Vest House, Williamsburg, Va., photograph of old, iv, 505. Vestry, election in Colonial Virginia of the, iii, 413. Vesuvius, i, 292. Veteran Reserve Corps, iv, 631. Veterans, measure to pension Civil War, ii, 23. Viall, Nathaniel, fac-simile of autograph of, ii, 446. Vicksburg, Miss., iii, 235, 239, 245; photo graphs of the Civil War at, iii, 361, 369; Volunteer Southerners, iv, 558. Victor's "Early Indian Wars of Oregon," v, 521. Victoria, Queen, v, 218, 230; Jubilee of, ii, 423; presentation by the U. S. of ship "Resolute" to, v, 603-610; reign of, iv, 17. Victoria and Albert Museum, London, ii, 90, 92, 94, 96. Victoria Head, iii, 346. Victoria, Vancouver Island, arrival of gold seekers at, ii, 635; lack of supplies at, ii, 636. Vignaud, Henry, ii, 128. Vigo, i, 643. Vigue, Pedro, i, 646. Vikings, iii, 313; American foundations INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES (Vikings) traced to the, v, 177-184; photograph of Saga manuscript describing the American explorations of the, ii, 114; voyage to the New World of the, iv, 487. Vilas, William F., i, 28. Villa Belvidere, home of John Church, the, ii, 49, 59, 60; reproduction of photo graph of, ii, 63; description of, ii, 63. Villacorta, , iii, 60. Villiers, George (Duke of Buckingham), i, 241. Vincennes, Ind., iU, 227; University, iii, 227. Vincent, , i, 453. Vineyard Sound, Norse explorers in, iv, 352. Vinland, i, 202;; iv, 182, 184; Norse expedi tions to, iv, 170; Sagas regarding, iv, 172; Norse expeditions to, iy, 179. Violet Bank, Gloucester Co., Va., old manor house of, iii, 285. Virgil, i, 153; iv, 521. Virgin Islands, West Indies, iii, 71. Virginia, i, 10, 12, 49, 59, 76, 120, 122, 125, 164, 213, 438, 585, 661, 665, 668, 670, 700, 726, 758; ii, 54, 111, 392, 693; iii, 92, 200, 500, 502, 560, 614, 618, 619, 627; iv, 46, 114, 115, 142,-212, 216, 217, 218, 249, 250, 301, 332, 335, 403, 417-420, 442, 515, 516, 539, 543, 544, 545, 546, 576, 577, 580, 621; v, 4, 101, 104, 155, 265, 284, 285, 286, 348, 521, 525, 570, 611, 613, 626, 632; account of Bacon's Rebellion in, iii, 409-428; Allen family of, iii, 298; announcement of publication of genealogies of families of, v, 321; an nulment of Charters of first Colony in, Hi, 558; annulment of the purchase of Kentucky from the Cherokee Indians by the legislature of, ii, 282; appoint ment of Revolutionary officer from, iv, 382; Bacon family of, iii, 410; "Bacon's Assembly" in, iv, 98; Bell famUy of, v, 141, 297; Berkeley Hun dred Plantation in, i, 527; Beverley's History of, iii, 428; Bishop Meade's Old Churches and Families of, iii, 286, 290; Botanic Gardens at the Revolu tionary period in, iv, 575; boundary of, iii, 560; brief biography of Hon. R. M. T. Hunter of, v, 223; Caldwell family of, iii, 453, 454; Caldwell Settlement in, iii, 454; Campbell's History of, iii, 428; Capt. John Smith's history of, i, 544; map of, iii, 557, 561, 562; Cary family of, v, 309; Cavaliers of, i, 163; ii, 219, 675; Church of England in, iii, 185; claim to Northwest Territory of, iv, 445; Colonial governors of, v, 436, 438, 439; Colonial mail service in, v, 433-439, 443, 453, 454; Colonial Militia of, i, 122, 123; ii, 278; colonial trade [261] colonization by the Ohio Company of western, iv, 99; colonization of, i, 526, 527, 528; coming of Lord Delaware to, ii, 112; completion of Mason-Dixon Line by Commission from, ii, 565; con- tempory thought in, i, 380 ; Continental soldiers from Gloucester county in, iii, in, iii, 411; Colonial wars of, v, 461; 286; County Records of, iii, 99; dan gers from Indians on the American frontier in, ii, 98; delegates to the National Convention of 1787 from, ii, 472; description of a journey in 1805 from New York to, iii, 447-452; de velopment of, ii, 529; dispute between House of Burgesses and governor con cerning levy for defense of, iii, 84; dis pute of tobacco planters of, iii, 84, 85; dissolving by Colonial governor of the legislature of, ii, 278; driving back to Cornwallis into, ii, 277, 280; early Bishop in, v, 636; early counsel lors of, i, 526; early division of terri tory of, ii, 675; early emigrants to, i, 517, 520, 522; early emigration to the West from, ii, 468; early English dramas on, i, 219; early English ex- pediton against Cartagena joined by troops from, ii, 319; early expedition against Quakers in, iv, 304-308; early families of, v, 463; early Indian trade in, iii, 558; early journey through, i, 653, 658; early jurisdiction over Ken tucky of the legislature of, i, 668; early land patents of, v, 98; early rec ords of, i, 526, 527; early report of an expedition into Maryland from, iv, 303-308; early settlers of, v, 98, 99; editor's note on transcript of diary of an early emigrant to, iii, 81; tran script of the diary of an early emi grant to, iii, 82-89; Edwards family of, v, 299; election of vestries in Co lonial, iii, 413; emigrants to the gold fields of California from, ii, 132; Eng lish origin of prominent families of, iv, 449; estate of Gen. Daniel Morgan in, iii, 212; exploration of water ways in, iii, 558, 559; expositon in, i, 654; extent of first Colony in, iii, 557; ex tent of New Netherlands from New England to, iii, 154; families of Glou cester county in, iii, 286-295; first American agriculture in, v, 169; first Charter of first Colony in, iii, 556; first emigrants to, iv, 73-76; first Eng lish colony in, i, 206-218, 527; iv, 74, 75; first governor of, iv, 137, 142; pho tograph of English home of first gov ernor of, iv, 138; first naval battle of the Revolution off the capes of, i, 670; first opposition to the Stamp Act by, THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY (Virginia) ii, 363, 364; first ship built on western continent, the, i, 395; Fitzhugh fam ily of, iv, 98; founders and history of Gunston Hall in, iv, 93-100; founding of, iv, 388; Gen. Gates' residence in, iii, 208; Gould family in, ii, 75; gov ernment of James I in colony of, iii, 558, 559; governors of, ii, 210; grant of land from George II to planters of, ii, 297; granting of the second char ter of, ii, 123; grants of Charles II in, iii, 413, 414; Griffith family in, v, 307; Hanks family of, v, 194, 195; Herring family of, v, 195; historic homes of Gloucester county, ii, 675-677; Hodges family of, v, 461; House of Burgesses of, i, 124; iii, 284; Indian Massacre in, iii, 558; Indians in, ii, 676; intention of Pilgrims to settle in, iv, 470, 473; James family of, v, 463, 471; King and Queen Co. in, iii, 288; lack of pub lic schools in early, iv, 299; Lake Drummond in, iii, 418; land dispute be tween Transylvania Colony and, iv, 650; Legislature of, iii, 459; Lewis family of, v, 471; Lincoln family of, v, 192, 193; "Long Parliament" in, iii, 416; Lord Fairfax's estate in, ii, 209; Madison family of, v, 471; making a Royal Province of first colony of, iii, 558; Manning family in, v, 295; March of Revolutionary Army to, i, 723; Ma son family of, iv, 93-100; Maury fam ily of, iv, 320, 322; photographs of historic heirlooms of Maury family of, iv, 328, 329, 331, 333; photograph of homestead of Maury family of, 335; members of Colonial Council of, iii, 417; mention by an early French mis sionary of, ii, 47; Middlesex County in, iii, 294; Minor family of, iv, 320; Montgomery family of, v, 473; Moore family of, iv, 29; naming of, i, 214; Nansemond County in, iii, 291; Nat ural Bridge in, iii, 449; Northern Mili tary District of, i, 122; Ohio County in, iii, 459; old families of, ii, 675-677; old manor house of, iii, 282-296; Old Petsworth Church in, iii, 286; original grants of land in, i, 526; Page family of, ii, 675-677; Parker family of, ii, 646, 647; physicians in early, i, 241; pioneer settlers of, i, 584; planters, i, 759; possession of old French dominion of Louisiana by, ii, 213; preliminary struggle for American independence at Point Pleasant in, ii, 277, 278, 279; President of, iii, 289, 290, 294; prom inent families of, iv, 100; proprietary grant of, iii, 413, 414; Provisional Army of, ii, 282; publication by Thom- [262 as Jefferson of a geography of, iv, 215, 216; ratification of Federal Constitu tion by, iii, 572; religious dissent in, iii, 82, 85, 86; the English Act of a Religious Toleration in, iii, 82, 83, 85; reproduction of coat-of-arms of Cooke and Lawson families of, v, 386; repro duction of drawing of old post road inn, of, v, 438; reproductions of pho tographs of historic buildings in, iv, 495, 496, 498-510; reproductions of photograph of historic Speaker's Chair used by House of Burgesses of, v, 14; of old Warming Machine used by House of Burgesses of, v, 15; repro ductions of photographs of Masonic buildings in, iv, 621, 622; reproduc tions of photographs of old Abingdon Church and old Ware Church in, iii, 282; accounts of Abingdon and Ware church es, in, iii, 286; inscriptions on tombs at Ware church in, iii, 291, 292; reproduc tions of photographs of old landmarks, v, 12, 13, 16; Revolutionary State Line of, iii, 288; 11th Revolutionary Regi ment of, iii, 212; Rockbridge County in, ii, 37; Russell County in, iii, 447; Scotch-Irish families in, ii, 665; iii, 81; second Charter of first colony in, iii, 557; Secretary of, Hi, 294; settlement of, i, 526, 527; Sewell family of, v, 465; Shipley family of, v, 195; slavery in, iii, 89; Smith family of, v, 476; Society for Preservation of Antiqui ties of, i, 210, 218, 224, 225; Southern, i, 10; Spilman or Spelman family in, v, 232, 234, 240, 242; speech of Patrick Henry before Assembly of, iv, 266; State Library of, iii, 411, 425; repro ductions of portraits in the, iv, 57, 58; statute for religious freedom in, i, 663; Strother family of, v, 471; Taylor family of, v, 471; tercentenary cele bration of settlement at Jamestown, i, 581-588; third charter of first colony in, iii, 557; tobacco trade in, i, 663; ii, 113; transcript of lines by a Revo lutionary patriot of, iv, 384; Tucker family of, v, 469; two early families of, iv, 512; "Two-Penny Act" in, iii, 85; two Presidents of the United States from, ii, 656, 657; uniform of Revolutionary soldiers in, i, 127; Uni versity of, i, 663; iv, 214, 220; Wash ington family of, v, 297; William and Mary College in, iii, 83. Virginia and Her Neighbors, Fiske's Old, iv, 142. Virginia Antiquities, Association for Preser vation of, iv, 535. Virginia Assembly, engraving of Patrick Henry addressing the, iv, 224. ] INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES Virginia Bill of Rights, v, 4. Virginia Company, iv, 431; v, 98, 461; fac simile of page of record of, i, 531 ; first plan for a university in America made by the, iv, 417; records of, i, 523, 526, 531, 534. Virginia Continental Regiment in the Revolu tion, v, 65. Virginia "Gazette," iii, 428. Virginia Historical Register, iii, 428. Virginia Historical Socety, iv, 73 ; photograph of original Tobacco Proclamation of King Charles I in collection of, ii, 113. Virginia in the Revolution, ii, 675, 677. Virginia Magazine, iii, 410. Virginia MUitary Institute, iv, 327, 330, 332, 336. Virginia troops in Revolution, iv, 343. Virginians, memorials erected to, ii, 704. Viscaino, i, 22. Vizcaino, discovery of the port of Monterey, Cal., by, ii, 39. Vladivostock, Siberia, ii, 25. Voce, Thomas, i, 230. Vogelbach, Bavaria, ii, 269. Voight, Harry, i, 39. Volcanic formation of land in western America, ii, 40, 41. Volcano Lake, ii, 258. Volda, Henry (Hon.), i, 205. Volga River, ii, 559. Volkarna, Dalarm, Sweden, i, 169. Voluntown, Conn., iv, 143. Von Bieberstein, Baron Marschall, ii, 6. Von Bulow, Prince, iii, 486. Von der Leyen, Duchess, ii, 458. Von Grunbach, Duke, ii, 458. Von Humboldt, Alexander, ii, 120; iv, 326, 334; oldest known map of the world discovered by, ii, 116; transcript from work on American Indians by, iii, 68, 71. Von Moltke, Kuno (Count), i, 655; ii, 30. Von Parmelee, Belgian Baronial House of, ii, 17C. Von Schoultz, Nils (Col.), v, 225, 226, 227, 228. Von Senftenberg, Baron, i, 754. Von Steuben, Friedrich (Gen.), photograph of monument to, iv, 456. Von Taaffe, Eduard (Count), v, 414. Vosburg, Abraham Pieter, v, 633. Maritje Abrahamse, v, 633. Vosges, France, celebration of naming of America held in department of the, v, 335. Vowell, Agnes (Drewell), v, 426. Agnes (Cole), v, 426. Agnes (Pomeroy), iv, 371. Alice (Hooker), v, 426. Jago, v, 426. Jenaph, v, 426. John, v, 426. Margaret (Duke), v, 426. Margery (Bolter), v, 426. Robert, v, 426. Thomas, iv, 371. Voyage across the Atlantic in early days of the Republic, v, 247-269. Voyage to England in 1784, transcript of letters written on a, iii, 441-446. [263] w Wabash River, Ui, 390, 515; battle of Tippe canoe on the, ii, 282; French settle ment on the, iii, 221; wanderings of the Creek Indians from Mexico to the, ii, 162. Wabbequasset Country of New England Col onies, iv, 424. Waddell, , iii, 87. James (Rev.), iii, 87, 88. Mollie (Gordon), iii, 88. Wadham, John, announcement of publication of genealogy of descendants of, v, 322. Wadhams Genealogy, announcement of pub lication of, v, 322. Wadsworth, — ¦ , v, 88. Brigade Major, Hi, 280. Captain, ii, 355. Colonel, ii, 52. Family, ii, 56. Fenn (Brigade Maj.), iii, 583. General, ii, 185, 189, 350, 352, 518, 519, 520, 648; iii, 275, 276, 277, 280, 582, 583. E., i, 478. John, v, 469. Mrs., ii, 682, 685. W. W., ii, 680, 681, 682. Wafer, Lionel, i, 634. Wager-Smith, Elizabeth, v, 215, 230. Waiilaptu, Wash., Indian massacre at, i, 227. Wainwright, , murder by Tories of, iii, 308. Mrs., iii, 140, 142. Wait, Jonathan, iii, 126. Waite, Morrison R., i, 27. Waitsfield, Vt., i, 366. Wakarusa War in Kansas, iii, 629. Wake, Anne, v, 596. Wake County, N. C, v, 465. Wakefield, Mass., ii, 123. Wakeman, Samuel, ii, 480. Walckenaer, Baron, oldest known map of the world discovered in the library of, ii, 116. Walcot, (Secretary of the Treasury), ii, 104, 111. Walcott, Henry, ii, 480. Waldburg, Prince, account of discovery of historic map in library of, v, 336; re production of map found in library of, v, 342, 343. Waldburg-Wolfegg, Prince, ancient maps in the library of, ii, 118. Waldemar, King, runes of, iv, 174. Walden, Vt., v, 141. Waldo, Col., v, 23. Family, v, 303. Waldo, Fla., capture of Jefferson Davis at, v, 599. Waldoboro, Me., Hi, 439. Waldseemueller, Martin, ancient maps of, ii, 118; painting of, v, 333; account of historic map made by, v, 335, 337; map of the world made in 1507 by, v, 342, 343; building where map of the world was made by, v, 344; name America first suggested by, ii, 118, 119. Waldy, Henry, v, 431. Wales, ii, 109, 278, 643; iv, 284, 362, 364, 426; v, 307, 583; Arnold family of, iii, 190; coal mines of, iii, 43; Edwards fam ily of, v, 299; Griffith family of, v, 306, 307; James family of, v, 463; Jones family of, v, 471; Prince of, i, 499; iv, 369, 623; address on the cele bration of 300th anniversary of found ing of Quebec by, ii, 382; congratula tions of King Edward VII to the city of Quebec extended by the, ii, 359; ex pressions of good will at the 300th anniversary of the city of Quebec ex tended by Vice President Fairbanks of the United States to, ii, 360; Rhys, Prince of, v, 311; royal tribe eft, i, 335; Smith family of, v, 476; Soave- rigg, Parish Llombrissonet, Glamor ganshire, in, 11, 109; Taaffe family of, v, 413; arms of Taaffe family of, v, 417; Tucker family of, v, 469. Walker, , i, 636, 730; iii, 630. Betsy, i, 58, 59. Captain, ii, 316. Elvira, i, 51. Family, ii, 209; iii, 286. Felix, iv, 548. George, i, 50. Jacob, i, 51. Robert, painting of Gov. Edward Winslow, of Plymouth Colony by, ii, 127. Samuel, iv, 254. Thomas, i, 50, 51 ; iii, 286. Timothy (Judge), ii, 226. William Isaac, i, 51; iii, 148. Wall paper, photograph of ancient, ii, 678. Wall Street, N. Y. City, i, 689, 690, 694; iv, 126; v, 638; bronze tablet in com memoration of founding of, iv, 102; old print of, iii, 580; old print of first City Hall near, iii, 576; Panic, ii, 16. [264] INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES Wallabout, erection of a sepulchre for re mains of American prisoners of the Revolution on the, v, 124, 125. Wallabout Bay, British prison ships of the Revolution in, iii, 309; v, 121-128. Wallace, , ii, 472. Benjamin, ii, 355. Dr., i, 576. Family, iv, 149. Lew, ii, 684. William Henry, ii, 579. Wallamet, Ore., v, 533. Wallenpaupac River, iv, 596, 600. Waller, Ben, iH, 85. Walleran, Earl of, iv, 363. Wallingford, Conn., i, 549; iv, 376. Walnut Creek, Cal., iii, 179, 544. Walpole, Robert (Sir), European peace ac complished by, ii, 316. Walruff, John, iv, 83. (Mrs.), iv, 83. Walsh, , i, 709; iii, 630. Walshe family, arms of the, v, 595. John, v, 595. Mary, v, 595. Waltemeyer, John, attempt to capture Gen. Schuyler by, ii, 50. Walter, Dr., i, 345. Howard Arnold, i, 128, 508. Walters, , i, 271. Robert, v, 388. Walworth, Chancellor, i, 542. Sylvester, v, 548. Wampage, v, 367. Wampanoag, treaty of Edward Winslow with the Indian tribe of, ii, 441. Wampanoag Indians, iv, 426. Wankowicz, Ladislas, ii, 367. Vladislaus, ii, 367. Wansuc, Tom, v, 548. Wanton family, ii, 509. Hannah (Rodman), ii, 509. Joseph (Gov.), ii, 509. Mary (Godfrey), ii, 509. Philip, ii, 509. William (Gov.), ii, 509, 511, 512, 513. Wapato Island, Ore., v, 515. Wappin, Duck Creek, Pa., land called, in, 99. War balloon, French dHigible, ii, 12. War Department of the United States, m, 537 War of 1812, i, 15, 147, 151, 226, 318, 378, 653, 654, 655, 657, 660, 673, 709; ii, 112, 267, 510, 511, 598, 604; iii, 390, 391, 400. 454, 458, 627; iv, 86, 116, 244, 279, 280, 290, 297, 413, 416, 558, 568, 630; v, 104, 217, 221, 301, 505, 559, 628, 634; at tempt to obtain possession of Canada by, v, 222; bombardment of Ft. Mc Henry, Md., in the, iii, 165; writing of the national anthem, "The Star-Span gled Banner," during the bombardment [265 of Ft. McHenry in the, iii, 165, 166; declaration of the, ii, 282; battle of Tippecanoe in the, ii, 282; battle of the Thames, near Detroit, Mich., in the, 283; first combat of the, ii, 109; heroine of the, v, 559; old engraving of the, v, 42; pensions after the, iii, 614; photograph of memorial to Amer ican prisoners of the, iv, 532; photo graph of memorial to Americans in the, iii, 527; photograph of memorial to soldiers of the, iv, 534; photographs of church built by prisoners of the, iv, 468; service of Pomeroy family in, iv, 375, 376; Society of the, iv, 132; v, 97. War of 1859 between France and Austria, iv, 7. War photographers, world's first, iii, 251; pictures taken by world's first, iii, 250, 252-264. War ships, authorization in 1907 of two new, ii, 23; first United States, ii, 101-112. Ward, , iii, 125, 126, 127; iv, 382. Artemas (Gen.), v, 143, 148, 150, 154, 155, 156; photograph of birthplace of, iv, 559; engraving of, iv, 560; ancestry of, iv, 562; service in French and Indian War of, iv, 562; service in the Revolu tion of, iv, 562, 563, 565-567. Colonel, ii, 350, 353, 520; iii, 56, 57, 275. Elizabeth Stuart Phelps (Mrs.), i, 558. Family, ii, 510; iv, 562; coat-of-arms of the, iv, 564. J. G. (Sir), ii, 26. Marcus L. (Gov.), photograph of Abraham Lincoln presented to, v, 203. Nahum (Col.), iv, 562. Sarah (Trowbridge), iv, 567. William, iv, 562, 564. William Greene (Gen.), ii, 510. Warde, , ii, 479. Bridget, v, 418. Wardwell, , iii, 186, 357. Ware, Va., iii, 291, 292. Ware Church, Va., photograph of, iii, 282; account of, iii, 286; inscriptions on tombs at, iii, 291, 292. Ware River, Va., ii, 675. Wareham, John (Rev.), iv, 374, 375. Wareham, Gloucester Co., Va., old manor house of, iii, 285. Warehouse Point, Conn., i, 511. Warfield, Gov., iv, 310. Warin, Lord of, v, 404. Warm Springs, of the French Broad River valley, ii, 130. Warne family, announcement of publication of genealogy of the, v, 322. Warner, , iii, 116. Anna, v, 559. Augustine, iii, 284, 286, 416; inscription on tomb of, iii, 287. ] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY (Warner) Capt., i, 489, 490, 491. Colonel, iii, 425. Elizabeth, inscription on tomb of, iii, 287. Family, photograph of interior of home of the, ii, 590; inscriptions on tombs of the, iii, 287, 288. Fred. M. (Hon.), i, 23. Governor, ii, 19. John, iii, 117; signing of the Providence Compact by, iii, 189; Providence "Com bination" drawn up by, iii, 193. Major, iv, 128. Mildred ( ), iii, 287. Olin Levi, ii, 27, 31; bronze medallions of Indian Chiefs by, ii, 243. Seth, iv, 584, 585, 586. Thomas, iv, 349; announcement of publica tion of genealogy of descendants of, v, 322. William, iii, 120. Warner Hall, Va., iiL. 284, 285 ; tombs at, iii, 287 288 Warre, John (Sir), iv, 140, 141, 142. Warren, , iii, 214; iv, 380. Benjamin (Capt.), diary written in the Revolutionary War by, iii, 377-384; editor's note on transcript from diary of, iii, 201; introduction by author to transcript from diary of, iii, 202, 203; transcript from diary on the battle field of Saratoga of, iii, 203-216; birth, ancestry, service in the Revolution, and death of, iii, 202, 203. C. M. (Prof.), v, 369, 373. Commodore, v, 152; expedition against Louisburg, Canada, under command of, v, 24, 28, 29, 30, 31. Family, iii, 202, 203. Gen., i, 73; iv, 382, 565; diary of, iv, 341. Gideon (Col.), iii, 603. H. F., photograph of Lincoln from nega tive by, v, 209. J., v, 156. Joseph (Gen.), iv, 563; portrait of, iv, 56, 57. Maj.-Gen., v, 155. Mrs., iii, 203. . Peter (Sir), iv, 34. Richard, iii, 202. Warren, O., iv, 596, 599; Pa., iv, 116. Warren Street, New York City, iv, 392. Warrington-on-Otter, Hemy, England, iv, 358. Warsaw, 111., ii, 680; Poland, grave of Kos ciuszko at, ii, 368; military school at, ii, 369. Warwich, Earl of, iv, 427. Warwich, R. I., ii, 510; compact of American settlers signed at, ii, 508; royal char ter granted to citizens of, iii, 194, 195; Co., Va., iii, 427; v, 309. [266] Warwickshire, England, i, 521, 524; iv, 97, 362; Clarke family of, ii, 506; Sewall family of, v, 465. Washburn, , i, 31. Mabel Thacher Rosemary, v, 187, 413, 583; announcement of publication of gen ealogies of two American Presidents by, v, 320, 321. Washbume, Eleazer, iii, 117. Elihu B., ii, 215. Washington, Augustine, i, 614; v, 297. Betty, portrait of, iv, 89. Booker T., i, 20; iii, 244; v, 144. Catherine (Whiting), inscription on tomb of, iii, 288. Charles, i, 372. Corbin, i, 372. Elizabeth, inscription on tomb of, iii, 288. Family, iii, 284; iv, 100; v, 297; old home stead of, iii, 286, 288; coat-of-arms of the, i, 12; iii, 288. George, i, 11, 12, 13, 14, 24, 51, 63, 77, 78, 122, 123, 125, 126, 135, 136, 164, 182, 321, 350, 372, 400, 401, 451, 456, 504, 505, 506, 563, 567, 586, 614, 659, 673, 674, 677, 678, 699, 701, 712; ii, 102, 194, 342, 400, 422, 534, 557, 626, 646, 647, 677; iii, 186, 214, 219, 225, 284, 307, 379, 437, 440; iv, 66, 93, 94, 96, 99, 219, 220, 249, 383, 502, 503, 512, 513, 560, 604, 606, 622, 627; v, 6, 83, 85, 87, 101, 107, 147, 163, 173, 291, 299, 305, 309, 475, 476, 478, 500, 516, 549, 550, 565, 634; a British adherent's interview with, i, 735, 736; a noted portrait of, iii, 48; address made at the time of the Whis key Insurrection by, iv, 603; adminis tration of, ii, 110; administrator of Presidential oath to office to, iv, 609; aid given by an American merchant at the commencement of the Revolu tion to, iii, 133; ancestral families of, v, 297; anecdotes of, i, 701; v, 92; appointment as Commander-in-Chief of Continental Army of, ii, 54; iv, 561, 563, 565, 566; v, 155; appointment of John Quincy Adams as Minister Pleni potentiary to Portugal by, ii, 655; as an exponent of American nationalism, ii, 191; assumption of command of Continental Army by, i, 669; auto graph letter of, i, 385; birthplace and early home of, i, 661, 662; campaign at Morristown, N. J., of, iii, 209; com mand of the Continental Army at Brandywine by, iii, 214; conference with Alexander McGillivray regarding the Creek Indians of, ii, 156, 163; con quest of Ft. Duquesne by, iii, 82 ; death of, ii, 54; description of voyage from England to America in administration of, v, 247-269; discovery of original INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES (Washington, George) order book in the Revolution of, ii, 183; Divine service after surrender of Yorktown ordered by, i, 724; early steamboat tested in the presence of, ii, 211; editor's note on transcript of Revolutionary Order Book of, iii, 581; transcript of Revolutionary Order Book of, iii, 582, 583; election as president- general of the Society of the Cincin nati of, ii, 366; election as President of the United States of, iii, 539; en campment at Williamsburg, Va., of, i, 723; eulogy by a Revolutionary officer of, i, 702; expedition to avenge the massacre of Cherry Valley and Wyom ing sent by, iii, 433, 434; extract from a letter of James Wilson to, ii, 193; fac-simile of invitation to ball in honor of birthday of, iv, 245; fac-simile of in vitation in hand writing of, iv, 245; farewell message of, iv, 3; first ad ministration of, ii, 87; first aids and private secretaries to, ii, 85; first in stance of naming any political division after, iv, 545; first monument erected to the memory of, ii, 708; first public recognition of, i, 614; funeral of, ii, 53, 54; grave of the mother of, i, 662; home and tomb of, i, 661 ; inauguration of, ii, 265; inscription on the back of a miniature of himself of, ii, 51; laying of memorial stone to mark the birth place and early home of, i, 661, 662; letters preserved in the Church family from, ii, 63; making of the American Flag by Betsy Ross by order of, iii, 51 ; anecdote of, iii, 52; mention in poem by a Revolutionary soldier of, iv, 594; mUitary training on the frontier of, H, 297; mother of, i, 372; naming of Mount Vernon, the estate of, ii, 315, 319; naval inquiry during adminis tration of, ii, 101; order books of, iv, 341; order respecting treatment of the sick in the Continental Army by, ii, 184; original draft of the farewell address of, ii, 55; Peale's portrait of, v, 71; plan to erect at the National Capital a memorial building to, iii, 652; presentation to Congress after the battle of Yorktown of, iii, 10; prophetic words spoken of, iii, 85; re ception of Kosciuszko by, ii, 369; re- enforcement at Cambridge, Mass., of, iii, 212; reproduction of a rare en graving of, iv, 527; reproduction of an ancient miniature of, ii, 49; reproduc tion of engraving of encampment at Valley Forge of, iv, 229; reproduction of old engraving of the marriage of, ii, 190; reproduction of old print of [267] house in New York originally built for, iii, 574; reproduction of photograph of Colonial tea-pot bearing design of tomb of, iv, 608; reproduction of pho tograph of early home of, iv, 504; re production of photograph of eques trian statue of, iii, 8; reproduction of sketch of Ft. Cumberland made by, ii, 402; reproduction of statue of, i, 165; ii, 244; reproduction of the writing of, ii, 51; reproduction of Trumbull's painting of resignation of his commis sion by, iv, 49; retreat across New Jersey of, i, 670; ii, 290; iv, 441; re treat from Fort Lee of, ii, 292; Revo lutionary campaign in New Jersey of, v, 49-75; rules regarding card playing and sanitation in the Revolutionary Army made by, ii, 353; Secretary of War in cabinet of, iii, 209; sending of the key of the Bastille by Gen. Lafay ette to, ii, 592; silhouette of, i, 367; strategy in the Revolution of, iv, 625; surrender of Lord Cornwallis to, ii, 704; transcript of correspondence be tween Rev. Jacob Duche and, iv, 525- 531; transcript from letter of Ben jamin Franklin to, ii, 602; transcript of letter from, ii, 54; transcript of letter to Samuel Taft from, v, 416, 418; transcript of lines by a Revolu tionary soldier written after battle of Trenton in honor of, iv, 632; transcript of words regarding use of heraldry of, v, 459; transcripts from Revolution ary order book of, ii, 184-190, 350-356, 514, 516-520, 648, 649, 650-652; iii, 54-58, 275, 280; transportation in ad ministration of, iv, 407, 409; venera tion of American patriots for, i, 727. Hannah, i, 372. John, iii, 288; v, 297. John Augustine, iv, 100. John (Col.), iii, 286; immigration to Amer ica of, iii, 415; expediton against the Indians led by, iii, 415; membership in Virginia Assembly of, iii, 416. John (Lieut.-Col.), iv, 98. John (Maj.), iii, 288. Lawrence (Col.), iii, 458; iv, 99; expedition against Cartagena, joined by, ii, 315, 319; organization of a Virginia com pany which acquired land in the Mid dle West by, ii, 297. Martha (Dandridge), i, 63, 343; ii, 51; Hi, 539; iv, 507; v, 416, 418; reproduction of portrait of, ii, 181; iv, 50; repro duction of portrait of granddaughter of, ii, 178; reproduction of silhouette of, v, 186. Mary (Ball), iii, 84; v, 297; reproduction of photograph of home of, iv, 504; re- THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY (Washington, Mary Ball) production of photograph of memorial to, iv, 536; will of, i, 372. William (Col.), engraving of duel between a British officer and, iv, 230. Washington, D. C.; i, 65, 120, 137, 156, 369, 403, 406, 427, 494, 656, 661; ii, 74, 105; ii, 2, 5, 233, 406, 430, 491, 692; iii, 90, 390, 415, 462, 469, 475, 552; iv, 37, 93, 94, 166, 218, 297, 298, 326, 330, 523, 601; v, 5, 124, 148, 171, 614, 616, 622; Andrew Carnegie's additional endow ment of the Carnegie Institution at, ii, 25; arbitration between Central American Republics at, ii, 5; assassina tion of Abraham Lincoln at, ii, 245; Bureau of Pensions at, v, 88; burn ing of, ii, 267; capture in 1814 by the British of, iii, 165; Civil War Collec tion at, v, 201; Congressional Library at, i, 649; Department of Education at, i, 151 ; description in early 19th cen tury of, i, 749; draft of ordinance of Thomas Jefferson preserved in the State Department at, ii, 531, 532; early diplomatic society in, i, 758; early journey from Kentucky to, iii, 615; early peace conference held at, iv, 521; establishment of Navy De partment at, ii, 101; Handy and Rice Collection at, v, 201; photographs of Lincoln from Handy and Rice Collec tion at, v, 209, 212; historic relic pre served at, v, 609, 610; house where Abraham Lincoln died at, v, 201; Lib rary of Congress at, ii, 367; memoirs of an early politician at, iii, 613-619; monument in memory of Gen. McClel lan at, i, 606; National Museum at, i, 407, 410; Navy Yard at, ii, 107, 111; painting of marriage of Pocahontas at, v, 242; painting of Revolutionary bat tle in rotunda of capitol at, v, 144; Pennsylvania Ave. in, iii, 234; photo graphs of memorials erected at, iv, 454, 456; reproductions of Civil War photograph of defenses of, iii, 252; reproductions of engravings of bronze doors of the Congressional Library at, ii, 22, 27, 28, 31, 32; reproductions of photographs of Abraham Lincoln from Oldroyd Collection at, v, 205, 209, 213; reproductions of photographs of his toric treasure preserved in the Lib rary of Congress at, iv, 107; reproduc tions of portraits from Lincoln Mu seum at, v, 209, 213; reproduction of print of historic American Flag pre served in National Museum at, iv, 157; reproduction of sculpture on bronze doors of National Capitol at, ii, 545; revision of international signal code [268 for navigators revised at, iv, 6; con ference on navigation routes at, iv, 6; Smithsonian Institution at, iii, 59; iv, 166; statue of Count Rochambeau at, ii, 612; strike of the building trade workers in, ii, 34; transcript of records in the Navy Department at, ii, 106, 107; Trumbull's paintings at the Capitol at, iii, 197; United States' Census published at, ii, 499; War De partment at, iv, 297. Washington Co., Me., iii, 537, 538; Md., tran script of an early will made in, ii, 661, 662; N. C, i, 54; iv, 545, 548; v, 100, 101; N. Y., Stone's History of, iii, 210. Washington, State of, i, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230; admission into the Union of, i, 14, 227; Agricultural College of, i, 230; agriculture in, i, 228, 229; Army Posts in, i, 228; creation of Territory of, i, 227; dispute with Great Britain re garding boundary of, i, 228; early ex plorations on coast of, i, 226; first American expedition to, i, 226; fHst missionaries in, i, 227; fisheries of, i, 228; Governor of, ii, 508; mining in, i, 228; population of, i, 228, 229; rail roads in, i, 228, 229; School of Science of, i, 230; schools in, i, 229, 230; seal of, i, 226; University of, i, 230. Watauga, Tenn., i, 58. Watauga Association, iv, 545. Watauga Old Fields, Tenn., iv, 544. Watauga River, ii, 279; iv, 543, 544, 546, 548, 551, 576; v, 99. Watauga Settlement, N. C, ii, 279; iv, 543- 546, 550, 551. Watauga Valley, Tenn., iv, 542. Watch of Roger Williams, historic study and reproductions of the, iv, 425-430. Watches, early inventions of mechanism for iv, 428. Water House, England, photograph of. v 237, 240. Water Shed, great North American, iv, 118. Water Street, New York City, iv, 30, 33; v, 457. Waterbury, Conn., i, 286; iv, 237, 240, 242, Waterford, N. Y., iii, 214; site and early name of, iii, 215; Ohio, ii, 308. Waterloo, Battle of, i, 654; ii, 605, 616; iv, 14, 489. Waterman, , iii, 214. Bethia, ii, 508. Josiah, iii, 209. Miriam (Tracy), i, 541. Richard, iii, 190. Thomas (Ensign), i, 541. Waterqueechy Canal, iv, 411. Waters, Abraham, ii, 342. Asa, v, 427. ] INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES (Waters) Susan Holman, v, 427. Watertown, Conn., iv, 237, 240, 241, 242; Taft School in, v, 423; Mass., i, 80, 233, 251, 537, 538, 539, 540; ii, 308; iii, 123; iv, 69; v, 157, 454, 634; arms ascribed to Ephraim Child of, v, 386; photograph of Revere house at, v, 8; sessions of Provincial Congress held at, iv, 383; N. Y., ii, 597, 599, 607, 610, 613; iv, 553; v, 225. Waterville, Me., ii, 200. Watkins, , iv, 255. Dorothy (Pepperrell), iv, 251. John, iv, 251. Watkins Point, Va., iv, 304. Watling Island, Bahamas, landing of Colum bus at, ii, 120, 122. Watson, , iv, 575. Captain, ii, 332. Elizabeth, i, 51. Family, i, 51. Jacob, iv, 44. James (Capt.), ii, 527. James Tompkins (Col.), i, 617; iv, 123. John, i, 169. John (Dr., "Ian Maclaren"), death of, ii, 36. Matthew, photograph of colonial home of, ii, 448. Samuel, autograph of, ii, 447. Titus, i, 324. William, poem to America by, iii, 226. Watson's Annals of Philadelphia, iii, 540. Watt, James, i, 399, 400. Wattles Ferry, iii, 452. Watts, Dr., i, 95; iii, 124, 125, 127, 550. Family, iv, 149. John (Hon.), iv, 36. Margaret, v, 471. Waugh, Elizabeth, iv, 98. John (Rev.), iv, 98. Family, iv, 100. Lorenza, ii, 211. Waverly, Gloucester Co., Va., old manor house of, iii, 285. Wayne, Anthony (Gen.), ii, 616; iv, 31, 105, 221, 224, 311, 513, 695. Wayside Inn, Sudbury, Mass., iv, 68; draw ings of the, v, 429, 433; tap room of, i, 330. Weardale, Lord, iii, 486. Wearthley, Col., ii, 695. Weather Bureau, U. S., iv, 326. Wethersfield, Conn., iii, 121; England, re production of photograph of road to, iv, 281. Weaver, Clement, ii, 508. Elizabeth, ii, 508. Family, iv, 149. Thomas, v, 388. Webb, , i, 531; v, 162. [269 Colonel, ii, 184, 186, 350, 352, 520; iii, 278. Elizabeth, iv, 379. Joseph (Rev.), i, 65; ii, 74; iv, 379; tran script of sermon by, i, 66-72. Mary L., iv, 602. Nathaniel, iii, 54. Samuel B. (Col.), ii, 527. Sidney, iv, 18. William H, i, 281. Weber, Charles (Capt.), i, 631. Webster, , ii, 691, 693; iv, 522, 523; v, 6, 314. Daniel, i, 135, 138, 330, 656; ii, 532; iii, 16, 235, 613; iv, 470, 490; v, 163, 523; ap pointment as Secretary of State of, i, 368; description of, i, 368; excerpt from speech before Congress regarding acquisition of western territory made by, v, 522; journey on the first rail road train to pass through the State of New York of, ii, 62; silhouette of, i, 368; ii, 653. Family, v, 303. General, ii, 706. H. Daniel, photograph of sculpture by, v, 11. John R., reproduction of drawing of map by, v, 277, 281. J. W., fac-simile of a letter written by Noah Webster to his nephew, iii, 132. Levi, iii, 54. Lieutenant, i, 757. Noah, ii, 74; fac-simile of a letter written by, iii, 132; birth of, iii, 132; education of, iii, 132; first American spelling book written by, iii, 132; first Ameri can dictionary written by, iii, 132; photographs of spelling book and dic tionary of, iii, 134; photograph of bust of, iii, 134; reproduction of portrait of, iv, 588. Webster's spelling books, i, 725. Wedderburn, , iv, 438. Weden, Col., iii, 58. Wedger, Joseph, v, 548. Weeden, Col., iii, 582. Weedon, Sarah, ii, 513. General, iii, 285.. Weehawken, N. J., settlements near, iv, 390, 392. Weehawken Ferry, Hudson River, iv, 43. Week, Mrs., i, 251. Weekes, Anna, iii, 604. John, iii, 604. Weeks, Francis, signing of the Providence Compact by, iii, 189. Lyman Horace, ii, 490, 491, 530. Repent, iv, 377. Weeting, Norfolk Co., England, v, 189. Weightman, Maj., iii, 552. Weights and Measures, unification of stand ards of, iv, 7. ] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY Weinman, Adolph A., photograph of sculp ture by, iii, 521, 524, 525, 527. Adolph, sculpture by, iv, 101, 102. Weisce, Arthur James, "Swartwout Chron icles" by, ii, 124. Weisenfels, Lieut-Col., iv, 345; v, 106, 107. Weiser, Conrad, ii, 391. Weister, George M., v, 495. Weld, J. Edward, v, 347. Joseph, v, 347, 362. Welde, , v, 364. Family, v, 360. Thomas (Rev.), v, 360, 361, 368. Welding, Hannah, v, 117. Welles, Gideon (Hon.), iv, 298; photograph of, v, 211. Thomas, v, 548. Wellesley College, iv, 311. Wellesley Island, St. Lawrence River, v, 225. Welley, Thomas, iii, 117. Wellington, Duke of, i, 271, 283, 685; ii, 427; v, 218. Wellman, Walter, plan to reach, the North Pole by airship of, ii, 12. Wells, Ann, iv, 379. Clark H, v, 607. Horace, i, 675, 684; sculpture commemorat ing discovery of anaesthesia by, iv, 103. Hugh, iv, 624. John, i, 165. Lieut.-Col., ii, 185. Major, ii, 189; iii, 56. Rebecca, iv, 624. Robert W., iv, 515. Thomas (Gov.), iv, 379. Wellsboro, Tioga Co., Pa., iv, 116, 118. Welsh, burning of Hereford, England, by the, i, 521; English wars with the, iv, 364; Fusileers, i, 74. Welton, Bela A., ii, 340. John J., ii, 344. Nancy Graves, ii, 344. Noah, ii, 347. Alanson (Rev.), ii, 339. Wendell, Abraham, v, 633. Ariaantje ( ), v, 633. Catharine, v, 633. Evart, Jansen, v, 633. Family, lineage and blazon* of arms of the, v, 633. Jan, v, 633. Maria, v, 633. Maritje Abrahamse (Vosburg), v, 633. Susanna (Du Trieux), v, 633. Wendell street, Albany, N. Y., v, 633. Wendon Lofts, English estate of, iv, 448. Wendover, England, ii, 52; Mass., i, 685. Wenham, English estate of, iv, 448. Wentham, Mass., iii, 49, 50. Wentworth (Anne Saye), v, 585. Benning (Gov.), iv, 582, 583, 588. [270 Daniel F., i, 129, 130, 133. Family, royal descent of, v, 584, 585. General, ii, 315. Governor, v, 22. Henry (Sir), v, 584, 585. John, v, 585. John (Jr.), v, 584. John (Sir), v, 217. Margaret (Le Despencer), v, 584, 585. Mary (Clifford), v, 585. Philip (Sir), v, 585. Roger, v, 584, 585. Thomas, iv, 373. Thomas (Brig.-Gen.), ii, 319, 322, 323, 326, 327, 329, 334, 338. William, v, 585. Werden, John (Sir), v, 432. Were, England, iv, 369. Werowocomico, Gloucester County, Va., iii, 293; camp of the Indian chief, Pow hatan, at, ii, 676, 677; Indian village of, iii, 284. Wertmuller, , i, 169. Wesley, John, i, 30; iii, 83; v, 297, 348. Wesleyan Female College, Ga., i, 30. Wesson, Lieut.-Col., ii, 352; v, 105. West, Benjamin, i, 392, 399, 401, 405; ii, 53, 381, 382; iii, 197; iv, 54. Charles E. (LL. D.), v, 121. Eben, i, 182. Francis (Gov.), Hi, 559. Mary, ii, 226. Robert, iii, 195. Thomas (Lord Delaware, Gov.), iv, 137, 138, 142. West Barrington, Mass., ii, 449. West Boxford, Mass., v, 141. West Brookfield, Mass., v, 441. West Cornwall, Conn., iv, 299. West India Company, iv, 388, 390, 391, 431, 487; an organizer of the, ii, 535. West Indies, i, 170, 215, 269, 305, 309, 358, 493, 678; ii, 306, 617, 643; iii, 539, 540; iv, 252; v, 20, 73, 74, 250, 252, 260; American fleet in the, i, 673; animals of the, iii, 73; bringing of first ship load of slaves to the, ii, 596; dangers from negroes in the, ii, 68-70; Danish possessions in the, iii, 70; discovery of gold in, iv, 449; Dutch possession in the, iii, 70; early American trade with the, i, 745, 758; early importation of materials for building from the, ii, 287, 289; early trade with New England of, iii, 92; early trade with the, ii, 70, 71, 72, 165; early voyages to the, ii, 65, 67-73; English expedition against Spanish in, iv, 450; English expedi tion against the, ii, 317, 318; English in, iv, 450; English trading expeditions in the sixteenth century to the, i, 642; expedition against Canada from, iv, ] INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES (West Indies) 380; expedition against Louisburg, Canada, from, v, 24; expedition sent by Oliver Cromwell against the Span ish in the, ii, 441; extract from pub lished account of Sir Francis Drake's voyage to the, i, 644; first English mail service in the, v, 436; first Eu ropean settlements in, iv, 449; French expedition to, ii, 170; French posses sions in the, Hi, 63, 70; gold found by the Spanish in the, iii, 70, 75-77, 79, 80; hopes of American colonists of adding to the British domain in Amer ica the, ii, 99; Mead family in the, iv, 450; phosphate mines in the, iii, 69; products of the, iii, 76, 78-80; repro duction of old engraving of ship of Co lumbus in the, v, 34; sixteenth cen tury English trading expeditions to, i, 642, 643; Spanish colony left by Co lumbus in the, iii, 64, 70, 74, 75, 76; supervision of the United States inev itable in the, ii, 407; trader with the, i, 705; transcript of letter written by the physician of Columbus' ship from the, iii, 60-80; Tucker family of, v, 469; villages, idols and customs of the early Indians in the, iii, 66-71, 76-80; voyage of Drake and Hawkins to the, i, 650. West Jersey, v, 435; affairs in the Colony of, ii, 92, 98, 99, 100; old letter describ ing political situation in Colony of, ii, 95, 98, 99, 100. West Liberty, Va., iii, 456, 458. West New Jersey, v, 73. West Point, i, 431, 704, 711; ii, 102, 368; iii, 22, 24, 382; iv, 32, 33, 36, 37, 38, 43, 320, 348, 492, 493, 494; Board of Vis itors to, i, 655; in Revolution, i, 500; U. S. Military Academy at, ii, 115, 212, 245; iii, 251, 359; iv, 259; photo graph of memorial at, iv, 367; account of memorial at, iv, 383; print of his toric flag preserved at U. S. Military Academy at, iv, 158; Revolutionary fort at, i, 458; ii, 369, 370; iv, 627; Revolutionary headquarters at, v, 105; tablet erected to Revolutionary officer at, v, 148; photograph of tablet to Revolutionary officer at, v, 149; tran script from order book of the Revolu tion of announcement of Benedict Ar nold's attempt to deliver to the British fort at, iv, 350; window (memorial), in chapel at Academy, iv, 466. West Virginia, i, 14, 573; ii, 314; iii, 232, 455; iv, 204, 519; v, 99; admission to the Union of, i, 14; ii, 210; annals of, ii, 205-212; appointment by President Lin coln of United States Judge for the dis- [271 trict of, ii, 211; bill regulating railroad fare in, ii, 19; boundary of, iii, 560; de velopment of, ii, 209-212; early settle ments of, ii, 209, 210; early settlers of, ii, 209; early statistics of, ii, 210; ex pedition against the Indians of the Northwest from, ii, 278; fac-simile of autograph of governor of, ii, 209; Ger man settlement in, ii, 209; immigra tion to, ii, 210; Indian troubles in, iii, 456; 458, 459; industries of, ii, 210; Lord Fairfax's estate in what is now, ii, 209; Mill Creek Magisterial District in, ii, 209; mine explosion at Fairmont in, ii, 35; petroleum in, iv, 120; repro duction of State seal of, ii, 209; settle ment of Eastern Panhandle in, ii, 209, 210; Shawnee Indians in, ii, 209. Western, John, i, 264. Western Continent, acquisition of territory by the United States on the, ii, 543. Westervelt, F. A. (Mrs.), engravings from collection of, iv, 85, 86, 90, 91, 92; house, Bergenfield, N. J., photograph of old, iii, 609. Westfield, Mass., i, 376; iv, 376, 377, 415; v, 131, 132, 133, 135, 303. Westfield River, i, 511; iv, 415. Westford, Mass., iii, 122. Westminster Abbey, England, i, 135; iv, 451; v, 232, 242, 309; photograph of corona tion chair in, v, 170. Westminster School, England, iv, 32. Westminster, Vt., opening of the Revolution ary War at, iv, 586, 587; declaration of independence at, iv, 588. Westmoreland, N. Y., i, 618. Westmoreland County, Pa., i, 338; iv, 146. 148, 440, 604, 605; early settlement from Conn., iv, 439, 440; in the Revo lution, iv, 441-443, 445; County, Va., i, 661, 662; v, 309; early families of. v, 242, 463. Weston, Baron, ii, 506. Edward P., walking tour, ii, 15. Eunice (Mrs.), i, 75. Joseph, i, 75. Lord, ii, 506. Manor of, ii, 507. Westover, Va., churchyard, v, 98. Westport, Conn., photograph of statue to memory of Revolutionary soldiers at, v, 11. Westward, , ii, 479. Wethersfield, Conn., i, 46, 540, 541; ii, 480; iii, 141; iv, 273, 277, 447, 624; v, 321, 322, 475; first government of, iv, 286. Wetmore homestead, Middletown, Conn., pic ture of, i, 700. Wetumpka, Indian village of, ii, 156, 157, 160, 161, 163, 164. Wexford Co., Ireland, i, 669, 674. ] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY Weyanoke, Va., v, 98. Weyburn, Samuel, announcement of publica tion of genealogy of ancestors and de scendants of, v, 322. S. Fletcher, announcement of publication of genealogy by, v, 322. -Wyborn Genealogy, announcement of pub lication of, v, 322. Weycroft, in Axminster, in Haytor, England, iv, 359. Weymouth, Mass., i, 559; ii, 181; v, 198, 311, 427. Whale Sound, iii, 327. Whaley, , iv, 204. Whaley, Abbot, i, 525. WhaUey, Judge, v, 467. Wharton, Richard, i, 251. Wheaton, Mary (Roekwood), v, 420. Wheeler, John H., i, 407. D. D., i, 479, 481. Shubial, poem to American Liberty writ ten at the Revolutionary period by, iv, 406. Wheeling, Va. (now W. Va.), ii, 110, 212, 265, 693; iii, 456, 458, 459, 615; Caldwell family of, iii, 455, 456; Prof. Harding's Academy at, iii, 459. Wheeling Creek, W. Va., iii, 455. Wheelock, Eleazur, i, 179, 180, 183. Ralph, i, 180. Wheelwright, , iii, 192. John (Rev.), v, 350, 354, 360. Mary (Hutchinson), v, 350, 354. Wheelwright party in Salem, Mass., iii, 191, 192. Wherwell, England, v, 305. Whig National Convention, last American, iv, 288. Whig, origin of the name, ii, 341. Whig Party, ii, 615; iii, 459; iv, 128. Whig Party in America, ii, 366. Whig Party in President Van Buren's ad ministration, v, 223. Whillock, Capt., i, 737. Whimple, East Budleigh, England, iv, 358. Whipple, Abraham (Commodore), ii, 307. John (Jr.), iii, 196. William, iv, 442. Whiskey Insurrection, iv, 244, 603, 605 ; v, 85, 92. "Whitby," British prison ship in the Revolu tion, the, v, 122. Whitchurch, Hampshire, England, v, 634. Whitcomb, J. L., v, 522. John (Maj.-Gen.), v, 154, 155, 156. Mary, v, 140. Nathaniel, v, 140. White, , ii, 225, 229, 234; iii, 127; iv, 45, 202, 204; v, 103. A. H, ii, 224. Aaron, v, 144. Andrew D., iv, 10. Anthony W., v, 72. B., v, 156. Benjamin, v, 139. Bridget (Allgar), iv, 286. Eliza M. Chandler (Mrs.), v, 121. Family, ii, 146. G., engravings of Arctic scenes by, iii, 330, 331. Henry (Capt.), i, 644. Henry (Hon.), iv, 44. Israel Losey, ii, 367. James, v, 103. James (Hon., M. D.), iv, 576. James T., transcript of poem by, iii, 358. John, ii, 308. John (Rev.), iv, 374. Julian Le Roy, v, 171, 175. Lieut., iii, 381. Mary, iii, 146; iv, 282, 283, 286, 290; v, 139, 140. Matilda (Leonis), ii, 308. Norman (Hon.), i, 685. Peregrine, fac-simile of Plymouth Colony record showing name of, ii, 445. Peter, iii, 42. Resolved, ii, 445. Robert, iv, 286. Samuel S., i, 683. Stephen (Rev.), i, 182. Susanna (Mrs.), ii, 441. William C, ii, 224. William J. (Dr.), ii, 96. William (Rt. Rev., D. D.), i, 371; ii, 653. White Chapel Church, Va., iii, 86. White Hall, Va., old manor house of, iii, 285. House, N. Y., meeting between Indians and white men at, ii, 56, 57. White House, photograph of army stationed near Lee estate in Virginia called, iii, 18. White Plains, N. Y., i, 445, 453, 505, 720, 722; ii, 529. White Sulphur Springs, Va., v, 620. Whitefield, George, iii, 83, 87. Whitfield, George, v, 23. Henry (Rev.), i, 245; ii, 176. Whiting, Catherine, inscription on tomb of, iii, 288. Charles, ii, 352. Daniel (Lieut.-Col.), Revolutionary service of, iii, 204, 214. Family, photograph of home of the, iii, 287; transcripts of inscriptions on tombs at the home of the, Hi, 288; coat-of-arms of the, iii, 288. Henry (Col.), iii, 286, 288; v, 152. James, iii, 286. John (Capt.), iii, 286. Major, iii, 380, 383. Mary, ii, 473. Nathan (Col.), i, 90. Samuel, iv, 46. [272] INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES Whiting, Thomas (Lieut-Col.), Hi, 286. Thomas (Lieut.-Col.), iii, 286. William (Col.), Hi, 93. Whitley, Lieut.-Col., iii, 582. Whitlock, Brand (Mayor), ii, 20. William H., i, 45. Whitman, John (Ensign), v, 198. Marcus, i, 227; v, 506, 516. Narcissa (Prentiss), v, 516. Sarah, v, 192, 198. Walt, iv, 20. Whitney, , Hi, 357. Eli, i, 30, 427. Josiah, iii, 386. Marion P. (Miss), iii, 139. Whitston, Devonshire, Church of, iv, 366. Whittaker, (Rev.), iii, 85. John (Gov.), reproduction of photograph of, v, 539. Whittelsey, H., i, 711. John, v, 548. Stephen, v, 548. Whittemore, Margery (Pepperrell), iv, 251. Peletiah, iv, 251, 254. Whittier, John G., iii, 584; fac-simile of manuscript of poem by, iii, 590-592. Whittier, John Greenleaf, first edition of poems of, i, 613. Wiccocomaco River, v, 437. Wichin (Wichim), iv, 358, 359. Wichita, Kan., ii, 205; v, 290; College; ii, 251. Wick, fac-simile of page of Doomsday Book relating to Manor of, iv, 140; historic account of Manor of, iv, 141, 142. Wickam, Stephen, v, 109. Wickenden, William, signing of the Provi dence Compact by, iii, 189. Wiekford, Mass., Colony, iv, 423, 424. Wickham, , iv, 129. Barbara, U, 508. Benjamin (Col.), ii, 510. Captain, i, 451, 452, 453, 455, 456, 457. Samuel, ii, 508, 510. Wickwar, Gloucestershire, England, photo graphs taken at, iv, 138, 139; historic account of, iv, 141, 142. Wickware family, iv, 152. John (Jr.), iv, 143. Mary ( ), iv, 143. Mary (Tonge), iv, 143. Wick-Warre, fac-simile of page of Doomsday Book relating to Manor of, iv, 140; his toric account of Manor of, iv, 141, 142. Family, investigations into history of, iv, 137-143; reproduction of arms of the, iv, 144. Jane, iv, 143. John, iv, 142. Thomas (Jr.), iv, 142. Wickwire, Arthur Manley (A. B., LL. B.), iv, 137, 141. [273 Family, iv, 137-143; arms of the, iv, 144. Widdescombe-in-the-Moor, Haytor, England, iv, 359. Widener, P. A. B., investigation of methods employed in railway finance in New York City by, ii, 19. Widford, Chelmesford, England, v, 243. Wigacrosta (Weycroft), in Axminster, in Haytor), England, iv, 359. Wigendon, William, iii, 195. Wigglesworth, Edward (Rev.), i, 246. Wilberforce, iii, 481. Wilbour family, v, 363. Wilbraham, Mass., v, 321. Wilbur, Hannah, ii, 509. Wilcocks, Hannah, ii, 513. Wilcox, Cadmus M. (Gen.), i, 657. Clotilda, i, 81; ii, 64, 65. Ella Wheeler, poem by, ii, 578. Wilderness, photograph of artillery of the Civil War battle of the, iii, 33. Wilderness Road to Kentucky, iv, 548. Wiles, Daniel, iii, 96. Daniel (Mrs.), iii, 96. Wilford, , iii, 427. Wilkes, John (Sir), iv, 430. Wilkes Barre Mountain, v, 116. Wilkes Barre, Pa., iii, 448; iv, 443; v, 120; early citizen of, v, 119, 120; first utili zation of anthracite coal in, v, 115, 116, 118; origin of name of, iv, 436; set tlement of, v, 118. Wilkie, David (Sir), iv, 29. Wilkins, , "Principles of Natural Re ligion" by, i, 184. (Secretary of War), i, 437. Isaac (Rev.), ii, 343. Richard, v, 430. Wilkinson, Gen., i, 343. James (Gen.), iv, 616. Major-General, v, 567, 568. WiU of an American citizen in 1790, ii, 37. Willamette River, v, 515, 521, 527. Willard, , ii, 495. Captain, iii, 120. Colonel, iii, 121. Dorcas ( ), iii, 405. Frances E., ii, 215. Henry, photograph of old house of, iii, 404; transcript from deed of house of, iii, 405. Joseph, description of entertainment of guests at first ordination at Harvard at the house of, iii, 406, 407; photo graph of old house of, iii, 408. Luther, photograph of old house of, iii, 408. Samuel, iii, 405. Simon (Maj.), Still River farm of, iii, 405} estate of a son of, iii, 407. Willecrosta (probably Pinney Wood, Ax minster), England, iv, 359. ] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY Willet, Annie Lee, memorial window de signed by, iv, 466. Willett, Marinus (Lieut.-Col.), reinforcement of Fort Stanwix in the Revolution by, ii, 124. Lieutenant-Colonel, iv, 345. Mary, H, 509. Thomas (Col.), ii, 509. William and Mary College, Va., i, 210; ii, 657; iii, 83, 85; iv, 501; V, 469. William and Mary College Quarterly, iii, 287, 288, 290, 428. William Longsword (Duke of Normandy), iv, 354; v, 184. William the Conqueror, i, 519, 520, 521, 523; iv, 141, 351, 352, 353, 365, 370, 553, 554; v, 134, 139, 177, 181, 184, 189, 236, 299, 305, 311, 348, 467, 473, 583; Doomsday Book of, iv, 137; fac-simile of page of Doomsday Book of, iv, 140; English manors of companions in arms of, iv, 357; Queen of, iv, 141, 142; tablet in Church of Dives inscribed with names of companions in arms of, iv, 354, 356. Williams, , i, 183, 374. Betsy, old house of, iv, 135, 136. Captain, i, 449, 451. Charles, iv, 42. Colonel, i, 58; ii, 279; iv, 381. Daniel, v, 548, 554. Dr., i, 170. E., iii, 386. Eleazur, i, 179, 180, 183. Elisha, i, 178. Ephraim (Col.), i, 182; v, 152, 153. Eunice, i, 317. Family, v, 301. Frederick H. (Dr.), i, 568. Henry, ii, 353. Henry (Lieut.), v, 548. Isaac, iii, 120. Israel (Col.), v, 152. John, i, 179, 180, 181, 183, 711; iv, 547; v, 548, 552. John (Rev.), iv, 377, 379. John Sharp (Senator), ii, 23. Major, iii, 279. Mary ( ), iv, 426. Mercy, iii, 123. Nathan, iii, 386. Oliver Cromwell, iv, 427. Parson, i, 180. Rebecca, iv, 427. Richard, v, 307. Robert (Gov.), transcript of proclamation for apprehension of Aaron "Burr issued by, v, 576, 577. Roger, i, 246, 251; iii, 189, 502; iv, 135, 401, 474, 499; v, 353, 363, 364, 366, 367, 368; banishment from Massachusetts of, ii, 215; brief biography of, iv, 426; com passes used by, iv, 428 ; editor's note on [274 article by Prof. Peckham regarding, iii, 185; first settlement of Rhode Island made by, ii, 215; founding of Provi dence, R. I., by, ii, 215; historic sketch and reproductions of relics of, iv, 425- 430; Indian deed for land in Rhode Is land obtained by, iii, 193; deed to pro prietors of Providence, R. I., from, iii, 193; journey from Massachusetts to Rhode Island of, ii, 119; letter to Gov. Winthrop of, iii, 189; marriage of the daughter of, ii, 508, 512, 513; obtain ing a royal charter for Rhode Island by, iii, 194; purchase of land in Rhode Island from the Indians by, ii, 215; re production of decoration of founding of Rhode Island by, iii, 497; repro duction of photograph of compass and sundial used by, ii, 119; reproductions of historic timepiece of, iv, 429, 430; signing of the Providence, R. I., "Com bination" by, iii, 189, 194; study of the law under Coke by, ii, 479; transcript of poem by, iv, 428. Rufus, v, 473. Sanford, v, 548. S. C, iv, 541, 544. Seth, i, 656. Solomon (Rev.), i, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184. Thomas, ii, 184; iii, 120; v, 548. Thomas (Dr.), i, 182. William, i, 182, 183. William (Rev.), i, 178, iv, 379. Williamsburg, Va., i, 218, 723; ii, 282; iii, 83, 88, 288, 292, 419; iv, 217; v, 99, 100, 439, 454, 469; announcement of publication descriptive of old Post Road to Georgia via, v, 314; photograph of ancient powder house at, iv, 475; photograph of building of first Masonic Temple in America at, iv, 621; photograph of Gen. Washington's headquarters at, iv, 510; photograph of headquarters of Gen. Lafayette at, iv, 509; photograph of old Blair homestead at, v, 13; pho tograph of old Cooz House at, iv, 507; photograph of old court house at, v, 12; photograph of old Vest House at, iv, 505; photograph of original monu ment government building at, iv, 506; photograph of patriotic memorial erect ed at, iv, 538, 539; photograph of Wil liam and Mary College at, iv, 501. Williamsburg Bridge, New York City, i, 695 Williamsburg, Ky., i, 665, 666, 667. Williamsburg, Washington Co., Md., iii, 449. Williamson, , iii, 458. Ann, iii, 604. Charles (Gen.), iv, 114, 115, 118. Elizabeth (Caldwell), iii, 458. ] INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES Williamsport, Md., iii, 619; Pa., ii, 145; iii, 449, 451; iv, 114. Williamstown, Mass., i, 542; ii, 67. Willing, , miniature of Washington painted by, ii, 49, 51. Ann, iii, 540. Family, i, 669; ii, 49. Willis, Ann ( ), inscription on tomb of, iii, 291. Colonel, ii, 189. Family, arms of, iii, 291. Francis, iii, 284, 286, 291. John (Capt.), Hi, 286. WiUiston, Ralph (Rev.), v, 126. WiUott, Thomas, Plymouth Colony record showing name of, ii, 445. Willoughby, family, i, 204. Willoughby, England, v, 348. Willoughby, Warwickshire, England, Clarke family of, ii, 506. Willow Pass., Cal., iii, 179. WUlow Springs, ii, 142. WiUs, study of early Maryland, iv, 617-620. Willson, Augustus E. (Gov.), ii, 20. Willtown, S. C, ii, 225. Wilmington, Del., ii, 154; iii, 384, 560, 615; v, 452; Mass., iv, 412; N. C, ii, 225, 364; Ohio, ii, 691, 692, 694. Wilmot, , ii, 190. Edward (Sir), iv, 451. Wilmot Proviso, incorporation in the act ad mitting Oregon as a State of the, ii, 211. Wilna, Jefferson Co., N. Y., ii, 605. Wilson, , i, 674, 733; ii, 134, 139, 429. (Dunwiddie), v, 301. (Rev.), v, 353, 354, 359. Captain, ii, 344, 345, Chief Justice, ii, 194. Colonel, ii, 135, 137. Edward (Rev.), iv, 448. Elizabeth, iv, 448. Elizabeth (Mansfield), v, 301. Family, v, 424, 425, 426, 427; coat-of-arms of the, v, 300; historical sketch of the, v, 301. Gertrude, iv, 602. Ganon, v, 301. Go wen, v, 301. James, ii, 193; iv, 442; v, 301; signing of the Declaration of Independence by, ii, 629. James Grant (Gen.), iii, 148. John (Jr.), v, 301. John (Rev.), iii, 192; v, 301, 420, 424, 426. Lieutenant-Colonel, ii, 516. Margaret, v, 418, 424. Mary E. (McCleaster), v, 94, 95. Robert (Dr.), v, 301. Roger, v, 301. Samuel, v, 301. [275 Sarah (Hooker), v, 420, 424, 426. Thomas, v, 301. William, v, 119. William L. (Hon.), ii, 210. William (Rev.), v, 301, 424. Woodrow, ii, 126. Wilson's Creek, Gloucester Co., Va., old manor house of, iii, 285. Wilson's Creek, Mo., engraving of Civil War battle at, v, 45. Wilton, Conn., i, 443, 545, 547; old academy at, i, 547. Wiltshire, England, iv, 142, 367, 371; v, 139, 194, 234, 297, 305, 584; engraving of early manor house in, v, 239. Winchell, Benjamin F., i, 440. Laura, v, 135. N. H. (Prof.), archaeological investigations in Minnesota by, iv, 166, 179, 180, 182. Winchester, Hope Gordon, ii, 512. James (S. S.), v, 103. Katherine Griswold (Pratt), ii, 512. Winchester, Va., i, 40; ii, 468; iii, 212, 449, 451, 459. Winder papers, iii, 411, 425, 428. Windham, Conn., i, 179, 288, 541; ii, 474. Windmill, battle of the, v, 216, 226-230; re production of photograph of site of bat tle of the, v, 231. Windsor, Conn., i, 45, 47, 48, 81, 678, 684; ii, 480; iii, 121; iv, 238, 286, 293, 294, 295, 298, 375, 376, 377, 378, 624; v, 321, 461. Windsor Castle, England, ii, 52; iii, 91, 92; iv, 452; v, 301. Windward Islands, West Indies, iv, 450; dis covery of the, iii, 72. Windy Hill Manor, Natchez, Miss., ii, 101, 643; photographs of, v, 564, 571; de tention of Aaron Burr at, v, 570, 575- 577; Osmun family of, v, 570; Stanton family of, v, 574, 576; Brandon family of, v, 576. Wine, French measure to suppress adulter ation of, ii, 29; growers, uprising of French, ii, 29. Wineland, v, 80. Winfield's "History of Hudson County," iv, 388. Wing, Experience, v, 137. Mary (Oliver), ii, 309. Oliver, ii, 309. Wingfield, Edward M., i, 206, 214. Winkle, Jacob, i, 422. Wimmer, , work on Runes by, iv, 174. Winslow, Edward (Gov.), i, 328; ii, 126, 127, 445; iii, 96, 500; iv, 471, 481, 624; v, 634; portrait of, ii, 441; treaty with the Indian chief, Massassoit, of, ii, 441; marriage of, ii, 441; first explora tion into the interior made by the Pil grims under, ii, 441; sending by Crom well as head commissioner to the West ] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY (Winslow, Edward) Indies of, ii, 441; death of, ii, 441; statement regarding purchase of land from the Indians made by, ii, 444. Elizabeth, v, 634. John, iv, 624; fac-simile of Plymouth Col ony record showing name of, ii, 445. Josiah (Gov.), portrait of, ii, 452; soldiers in King Philip's War under command of, iv, 422, 424. Kenelm, fac-simile of Plymouth Colony showing name of, ii, 445. Mary, i, 541; iv, 402. Mary (Chilton), iv, 624. Susanna, iv, 624. Susanna (White), ii, 441. Winsor, , i, 674. Joshua, signing of the Providence Com pact by, iii, 189. Justin (Prof.), work on Christopher Co lumbus by, iii, 67. Winsor's Memorial History of Boston, iv, 412, 413. Winston, Joseph (Col.), photograph of mon ument erected to, ii, 709. Winter, Edward (Capt.), i, 644. Family, iv, 149. John, i, 169. William -E., photograph of old house of, iii, 608. Winters, , i, 352. Captain, i, 346. Winthrop, , i, 328; ii, 381. Beekman (Gov.), i, 232. Elizabeth (Tonge), iv, 143. Family, i, 242, 243. Fitz John (Gov.), i, 250, 251; ii, 81, 492 iii, 195, 502; iv, 143; v, 301, 430, 431 letter of Roger Williams to, iii, 189 Massachusetts colony of, iii, 192. Henry, i, 243. John, ii, 127, 298, 492; iv, 433, 624; v, 156. John (Dr.), i, 241, 242, 245, 257. John (Gov.), v, 348, 350, 351, 353, 354; re production of portrait of, v, 358, 359, 360, 361, 362, 364, 365, 367, 368. Mary, iv, 143. Mme., i, 250; account of Judge Samuel Sew all's courting of, ii, 485, 486, 487. Robert C, transcript and ¦fac-simile of let ter to ex-President Tyler from, v, 614, 616, 617. Samuel, i, 244. Stephen, i, 244, 258. Thomas, i, 252. Wait, i, 243, 244, 250-253-256. Wirt, , i, 662, 663; v, 314. William, ii, 372, 373; iii, 87. Wiscasset, Me., iii, 439, 440. Wise, Henry A. (Gov.), i, 209. John, iv, 307. Wiseman, , iii, 358. Wister, Francis (Capt.), ii, 510. Sarah Logan, ii, 510. Wiswall, Capt., i, 421, 431. Witchcraft, belief of early German immi grants to America in, ii, 467, 468; ex posure by an early German physician of Maryland of the falsity of early be lief in, ii, 468; photograph of old land mark of, iv, 133; trials in Mass., v, 465. Witch house, Salem, Mass., reproduction of photograph of, iv, 133. With, Joannes, i, 169. Mary, iii, 604. Witheridge, England, iv, 358. Witherspoon, John (Dr.), v, 51, 57, 60, 75; photograph of statue of, iii, 11. Mrs., v, 51. Withie, Robert, iii, 604. Susan, iii, 604. Withrow, , v, 229. Wittman, , ii, 464. Wittogan, i, 477. Woburn, Mass., ii, 647; iii, 51, 124; iv, 413; v, 634; Sewell's History of, iv, 413. Wolcott, Abigail (Cornell), iv, 557. General, v, 23. John D. (Capt.), iv, 558. Oliver, iv, 630; birth of, ii, 83; services to America of, ii, 83; signing of Declara tion of Independence by, ii, 83; repro ductions of autograph and portrait of, ii, 83; Oliver (Jr.), birth of, ii, 87; services to America of, ii, 87; political difficulties of, ii, 87; reproductions of autograph and portrait of, ii, 87. Walter (Dr.), iv, 557. Walter (Jr.), iv, 558. Wolf Creek, ii, 681. Wolf Creek Mills, O., ii, 302. Wolf Hall, Wiltshire, England, v, 584. Wolf Island, Mississippi River, v, 283, 284, 285. "Wolf Meetings" in Oregon, v, 528. Wolfe, E., ii, 334, 338. Frederick Henry, iii, 426. General, ii, 379, 400; iii, 86, 215, 505, 519; iv, 58, 231. Wolfegg, Castle of, Wurtemburg, Germany, ii, 118; account of discovery of his toric map at, v, 336; reproduction of historic map found at, v, 342, 343. Wolstenholme Sound, iii, 316, 325, 326. Woman Suffrage, granting in Finland of, ii, 11; granting in Norway of, ii, 11; in New Zealand, ii, 11. Womanhood, photograph of sculpture sym bolic of American, iv, 153. Woman's College of Baltimore, Md., iv, 525. Women's Christian Temperance Union, death of first president of the, ii, 36. Woman's Magazine, first woman editor in the United States of a, ii, 37. [276] INDEX TO FIRST FIVE VOLUMES Wonford, England, iv, 358. Wood, C. E. S., assistance in obtaining bronze medallions of prominent Indian Chiefs given by, ii, 243. Charles (Rt. Hon.), v, 606. Elizabeth, iii, 604. General, transmission by President McKin- ley of appeal for aid to Cuba to, ii, 406. Henry A., ii, 130, 135. Jeremiah, fac-simile of marriage certificate of, ii, 348. John, iii, 604. Moses, iii, 124. William, ii, 67. Wilton, iii, 604. Woodbridge, Benjamin (Rev.), v, 138. Christopher, v, 548. Colonel, iii, 216. Family, v, 138, 139. Henry, v, 548. John (Rev.), v, 138, 139. Martha, v, 138. Mercy (Dudley), v, 138, 139. William C, ii, 200. Wood-cut, earliest known, i, 304. Woodfield, County Mayo, Ireland, v, 414. Woodford, Brig-Gen., iv, 349. Vice-General, iv, 344. Woodford, Witheridge, England, iv, 358. Woodhal, Elizabeth (Grindall), v, 424, 427. Isabel, v, 424. John, v, 424. Woodhouse, Grace, ii, 226. "Woodlands," British prison ship in the Rev olution, the, v, 122. Woodleefe, Capt., i, 535. Woodman, Sarah, v, 420. Woodmansee, Joseph (Ensign), v, 548. Woodruff, (Dr.), iii, 279. Ensign, iv, 349. Jonah, v, 227, 228. Joseph, i, 440. Martin (Col.), v, 225, 226, 228. Mary A., i, 440. Mary R., i, 320. Woods, Jonathan, Ui, 126. Leonard (Dr.), i, 558. Lovely (Caldwell), iii, 458. Robert (Col.), iii, 458. Woodson, , iii, 629, 630; Governor, m, 632. , „ Woodstock, Conn., v, 456; Shenandoah Co., Va., iii, 449, 451. Woodward, Bezeleel, iv, 592. Charles Guilford, iii, 133. Dr., iv, 451. Experience, iv, 376. Family, ii, 264. Henry, iv, 376. John, iv, 451. Mary R. (Mrs.), ii, 262. [277 Woodworth, Asel, v, 548. Thomas, v, 548. Zibe, v, 548. Wool, Gen., iv, 520. Woolaston, . reproduction of portrait by, iv, 88. Woolcott, Gen., ii, 356, 518, 520, 650, 651; iii, 280. Woolsey, President, v, 135. Prof., ii, 621. Wooster, David (Brig.-Gen.), ii, 66; iv, 382; v, 155. Jesse, i, 230. Mrs., making of first American flag in Connecticut by, iii, 52. Worcester, Henry, first Marquis of, iv, 448. Sarah Alice, v, 136. William, iii, 99. Worcester, England, battle of, iv, 97, 98. Worcester, Mass., ii, 498, 499; iii, 120, 121, 123; iv, 68, 264, 414, 566, 567; v, 146, 158, 441; American Antiquarian Soci ety at, ii, 491, 499; Lincoln's History of, iv, 68; Historical Society at, ii, 176; original copy of the first newspa per established in North America in American Antiquarian Society at, ii, 128. Worcestershire, England, blazon of arms of Pomeroy family of, iv, 372; Taaffe family of, v, 413; reproduction of arms of Taaffe family of, v, 417. Word, John, iii, 122, 123. World, journey in 1697 around the, ii, 580- 586; progress in 1907 of the, ii, 1-37. World's Columbian Exposition, iv, 335. World's Good Templars, death of the chief of the, ii, 36. Worley, John, i, 525. Worm, Ole, iv, 172, 173. Wormeley, Judith, inscription on tomb of, iii, 294, 295. Mrs., iii, 83. Ralph (Sec), iii, 294, 295. Wortendyke house, Hillsdale, N. J., photo graph of old, iii, 611. Worth, Maj., iv, 492. Worthies of Droon, v, 297. Worthington, Thomas (Gov.), ii, 210. Wotton, Thomas, i, 208, 241. Wotten-under-Edge, England, iv, 143. Wright, , iii, 87, 123. Amos, i, 288. Captain, i, 705. Charles, i, 285. Isaac, i, 308. James (Sir), i, 728; ii, 231. John, ii, 209. Joseph, i, 163. Joshua, ii, 97. Josiah, v, 135; Mary, portrait of, i, 705. Mary (Taylor), v, 135. ] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY (Wright) Mrs., i, 164; old portrait of, i, 705. Orville, photograph of medal awarded to, iv, 458. Persis, ii, 308. Philo, v, 228. Rebecca (Stacy), ii, 97. Robert, iv, 98. S., i, 95. Silas (Gov.), iv, 122. Simeon, ii, 308. Stephen, v, 229. Steven A. (Lieut.), i, 630. Tobias Alexander, iii, 148. Wilbur, photograph of medal awarded to, iv, 458. Wurtemburg, Germany, ii, 118; v, 336, 342, 343. Wyatt family, iii, 286. Mayor, iii, 388. Wyborn, Thomas, announcement of publica tion of genealogy of ancestors and de scendants of, v, 322. Wyca or Wiche (South Week in Lefton), England, iv, 358. Wyekliffe, , iii, 187. Wyckliffites in England, iii, 186; in New England, iii, 192, 196. Wyckoff, N. J., photographs of old houses at, iii, 606, 608, 610. Wyeth, , i, 437, 479, 483. Wykeham, Burgess Hill, Sussex, England, prints of only American flags captured in Revolution now at, iv, 160, 161. Wylie, , v, 569. Wyllis, Brigade-Maj., ii, 353. Colonel, ii, 350, 351, 353, 354, 355, 514, 516, 518, 650; iii, 54. John Polgraves (Brigade-Maj.), ii, 184, 185, 189. Wyllys, Gov., v, 134. Ruth, v, 133, 134. Wyman, -, ii, 363. Wymes, Maj., i, 449, 450. Wynd, Col., ii, 514. Wynne, Robert (Speaker), iii, 416. Wynton, England, Court Wood Gate, in par ish of, ii, 507. Wyoming, Pa., ii, 308, 309, 557; iv, 116, 616; v, 291; Historical and Geological So ciety, medal in honor of 100th anni versary of discovery of anthracite coal in Penn. issued by, v, 120; tran script of original letter and extracts from records describing discovery of utilization of anthracite coal from archives of the, v, 115, 116, 118. Wyoming Valley, claim of Connecticut to, iv, 111, 112, 113; early disputes re garding land in, iv, 431-445; Indian Massacre in, iii, 377, 431, 432; iv, 114; New England settlers in the, iii, 431, 432; Pennamite War in, v, 118; pur chase of lands in, iv, 116; reproduc tion of old engraving of the, iv, 432; reproduction of old print of Massacre of, iv, 432; account of the massacre of, iv, 441; settlement from Conn, in the, iv, 436, 438-445; v, 117, 118, 119; transcripts of original documents re garding first utilization of. anthracite coal in the, v, 115, 116, 118; treaty with Six Nations made by Commis sion from Pennsylvania for the pur pose of settling the, iv, 111, 112, 113, 115. Wyselnfelse, Lieut.-Col., ii, 353, 354; iii, 279, 583. Wysenfelt, Lieut.-Col., iii, 279, 583. Wythe, Chancellor, photograph of home of, iv, 510. Wythe County, Va., iii, 450. Wythe Court House, Va., iii, 450. I 278] Yadkin River, i, 58 Yakima, Wash., i, 228; v, 516, 521. Yale, Elihu, painting of, iii, 144. Yale College, i, 159, 165, 168, 178, 182, 183, 510, 515, 547, 548, 552, 558; early Com mencement at, ii, 263; University, i, 140, 271, 401, 675, 676, 690, 706, 719; ii, 622, 658, 667; iii, 132, 213, 349, 386, 459, 627; iv, 185, 214, 284, 297, 379, 417, 501; v, 134, 135, 423, 424; bequest to, ii, 15; collection of paintings by John Trumbull in the art galleries of, iii, 197; early expenses of a student at, ii, 224; early graduates of, ii, 83, 86, 87, 88; editor's note on and manu script written by the fifth president of, ii, 473-478; founder of, iii, 144; painting of Elihu Yale in possession of, iii, 144; Library of, ii, 473, 479; iv, 100; portrait of Gurdon Saltonstall at, ii, 82; reproductions of paintings in Trumbull Gallery at, iv, 49, 52; tran script from diary of an early minister describing journey from Massachusetts to attend the Commencement at, iii, 120, 121; transcript of a student's bill of indebtedness to, ii, 224. Yalu River, Cal., i, 617. Yamamato, Admiral, ii, 2. Yamatos people, i, 576. Yancey County, N. C, ii, 150. Yangtse Kiang, burning of Japanese steam er "Tafu" on the, ii, 35. Yankton, S. Dak., i, 100; iii, 227. Yantic, Conn., iv, 402. Yara, Cuba, uprising at, ii, 427. Yarborough, Lord, v, 277. Yardley, George (Sir), i, 526, 527. Yarnall, Mary, iii, 459. Yates, , ii, 472. Lieutenant, v, 72. Richard, ii, 215; iv, 45. Yates County, N. Y., iv, 556, 557. Yeadbury, West Budleigh, England, iv, 358. Yeardley, Temperance ( ), iv, 75. Family, iv, 73, 76. Argall, iv, 75. Elizabeth, iv, 75. Francis, iv, 75. George (Sir), iv, 75. Lady, iv, 75. Yeates, Bartholomew (Lieut), v, 71. Yeaton, , iv, 412. Yellow fever, ii, 70, 71; at Philadelphia, Pa., ii, 111; works on, ii, 211. Yellowstone Expedition, iii, 227, 228. Yellowstone River, i, 234; v, 516; Indian fight on the, iii, 227. Yeo, Hugh, iv, 307. Yerba Buena, Cal., founding of San Francisco at, iii, 176. Yoakum, H., "History of Texas" by, ii, 620. Yoho Valley, i, 292. Yokohama, Japan, iv, 297. Yorba, Antonio, iii, 106. Bernado, iii, 106. Yorba, Maria Josefa (Grijalva), Hi, 106. York, Duke of, ii, 341; iv, 433, 582; v, 295, 432; charter of lands in America grant ed to, v, 73; conquest of New Nether lands by, iii, 561; patent granted for Colony of New York to, iii, 162. York County (now Toronto), Canada, v, 219, 220. York District, S. C, i, 58, 59. York Island, iv, 43; Revolutionary battle of, i, 706, 707, 720. York peninsula, Va., uprising in Bacon's Re bellion of, iii, 416. York River, Va., ii, 675, 676; iii, 292, 425, 426; iv, 575; old manor nouses on the, iii, 282-296; Revolutionary fort on, i, 723; headquarters on, iii, 285. York Road, Gloucester Co., Va., iii, 284. Yorkshire, England, i, 170; v, 196, 295, 305, 584, 585; families and estates of, ii, 89-96; letters sent from early settlers in New Jersey to, ii, 97-100; Prescott family of, iii, 47. Yorkshire Spit Light, Va., ii, 675. Yorktown, Va., i, 58, 672, 723; iii, 292; v, 99 battle of, ii, 278, 280, 606; iii, 10, 226 iv, 56, 57, 512; battlefield of, ii, 703 Civil War photograph showing breast works before, iii, 254; Nelson House at, ii, 677; parole signed by Cornwallis at, v, 4; photograph of epaulets worn by Washington at battle of, iv, 105; photograph of mural painting of sur render at, v, 171, 173, 174, 175; photo graph of old tavern at, v, 12; photo graphs of monuments in commemora tion of surrender of Cornwallis at, iv, 537, 540; siege of, iv, 297; surrender of Cornwallis at, i, 723, 724; ii, 277, 280, 628, 675; iv, 196, 510; Trumbull's paint ing of the surrender of Lord Cornwal lis at, iii, 197. Yosemite Valley, i, 292, 294. Young, — — , i, 506, 737; iii, 427. [279] THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY (Young) Ewing, v, 527. John P., i, 379. Richard, iii, 286. Young Sachem, Chief of the Six Nations, re production of portrait of, ii, 400. Younger, W. J. (Dr.), i, 676. Younglove, Margaret, iii, 604. Samuel, iii, 604. Young's House, iii, 381. Young's Lake, N. Y., Hi, 380. Youngstown, Ohio, ii, 625; iii, 387. Yport, France, v, 174. Ypres, Flanders, v, 397, 400. Ypsilanti, Mich., iv, 297. Yuba River, i, 628; ii, 634. Yuba Springs, Cal., ii, 261. Yucatan, iv, 204. Yucca or Spanish Bayonet plant, v, 383, 384. Yukon, beginning of the tide of travel to the gold fields of the, ii, 633-642; pho tograph of Fraser Pass on the journey to the, ii, 631. Yuma Indians, H, 41, 42, 256, 257, 258, 260, 522, 525, 526, 699, 700, 701; iii, 398, 400, 401. Yuma River, ii, 40. Yverdon, , ii, 395. 280 I Zabriskie, Abram, description of colonial Bruno Louis, i, 465, 472. house built by, ii, 290; photograph of Zinger, John Peter, opposition to colonial gov- colonial house built by, ii, 292. ernment in New York by, ii, 362, 363. Zane family, iii, 455. Zoeltner, , ii, 374. Ebenezer (Col.), iii, 458. Zola, iv, 20. Zanesville, Ohio, ii, 693; iii, 542, 615. Zolkowski, Charles, ii, 370. Zannekin, Nicholas, v, 393. Zoroaster, ii, 534. Zedo, Fermin, iii, 60. Zuchwil, Switzerland, monument in memory Zeeland, Holland, Van Rosenvelt family of, of Kosciuszko at, ii, 368, 369. H, 226. Zulu War, i, 151. Zeger, v, 395. Zurich, Switzerland, Congress to repress Zelaya, President, attempt to form confed- wMte slave trade at iv 7 nation of Central American Republics Zwartguster straat> Ghent) ManderS) V) 40L Zcltncr "' ' ii 373 Zweibruecken, Bavaria, ii, 266, 268, 270, 271, Zeppelin, Count, iv, 407. 2?3. Zimm, , i, 481, 482. Zweibruecken, Duke of, ii, 275. [281]