ILniBI^^I^Y' 1933 MRS. GEORGE LANGSTON, Cisco, Tbxa^ HISTORY Eastland County TEXAS MRS. GEORGE LANGSTON «« DALLAS, TEXAS A. D. Aldridge & Co., Stationers, Printers and Book Binderi 1904 Copyright, 190'1, BT Mrs. George Dangston. Cm^fTi oe. TO MY MOTHER AMANDA REAGAN SMITH A DAUGHTEB OF THE BEPUBLIC OP TEXAS, -WHOSE FATHER LOCATED IN BUSK COUNTY -WHEN IT -WAS THE INDIANS' HUNTING GBOUND THIS HISTORY IS REVERENTLY DEDICATED BT HER DAUGHTER TABLE OF CONTENTS PERIOD 1—1858-1873. Chapter I. Chapter II. Chapter III. Chapter IV. Chapter V. Chapter VI. Chapter VII. Chapter VIII. Chapter IX. settlement. The New County. The First Settlers. Indian Tribes. "Charge, Boys, Charge!" 1. Forted Ranches and Incidents of the Times. 2. The First Wedding. 1. An Indian Race. 2. A Turkey Hunt. 3. The Lost Arrow Head. In War Times. Some Indian Fights. 1. Ellison's Spring. 2. Cisco Running Fight. 3. The Cottonwood Fight. 4. Finley, the Little Dog Scout. 5. The Stolen Boy. 6. The Battle Creek Fight. 1. In the Midst of Life. 2. In Search of a Wife. Chapter X. The Texas Rangers. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PERIOD 11—1873-1881. ORGANIZATION. Chapter I. The Moving Frontier Line. Chapter II. Organization of the County. Chapter III. Some of the First Voters. Chapter IV. The County Town, Eastland City. Chapter V. The Advent of the Railroad. 1. The Texas and Pacific. 2- The Texas Central. PERIOD III— 1881-1904. growth and progress. Chapter I. Cisco. Chapter II. Rising Star. Chapter IIL Gorman. Chapter IV. Carbon. Chapter V. Ranger. Chapter VI. Scranton — Romney . Chapter VII. Desdemona. Chapter VIII, , The Methodist Church Chapter IX. The Baptist Church. Chapter X. Other Churches. Chapter XI. School Directory. Chapter XII. Left Over. PREFACE In compiling this History of Eastland County the author has spared no pains in gathering the necessary material, and has striven to give realistic pictures in ac cordance with the facts. In som« instances the data are so scant that it has been necessary to supply the missing material as to environment by conjecture. This liberty, when taken, has always been indicated in the text. Thanks are due the following original settlers, who have contributed much valuable and interesting infor mation: Judge J. H. Calhoun, W. C. McGough, T. E. Keith, Joe B. Smith, William Allen, Silas C. Buck; and also to Rev. Wm. Monk, of Iredell, and Bethel Strawn, of Stra-wn. For statistics and other help, the author is in debted to J. M. Williamlson, County Clerk Ed Cox, County Tax Collector D. E. Jones, and Rev. S. J. Vaughan; to five newspapers in the county: The Rising Star X-Ray, Albert Tyson, editor; The Cisco Apert, W. L. (Wilson; The Rising Star Record, Smith & Barnes; The Carbon Herald, W. T. Curtis, and to the Eastland Chronicle, Frost & Chas- tain. For material used in local sketches, names, etc., has been furnished by the following : Eastland City — Mayor Ed Hill, C. IT. Connell ee, J. B. Ammerman, Capt. Kimble and Judge Haminons, X PREFACE. Cisco — Dr. Vance, Rev. I. Lamb, R. G. Luse and Rev. R. B. Vaughan, W. D. Chandler and to J. J. Butts for loan of valuable books. Rising Star — Prof. Geo. C. Barnes, James Irby, Neal Tur ner and Rev. J. H. Chambliss. Ranger — Dr. C. E. Frost. Scranton — Rev. Geo. W. Parks. Gorman — T. L. Gates. Carbon— J. H. Cox. To Mr. L. S. Thorne, of the Texas and Pacific, and Mr. W. F. McMil lan, of the Texas Central Railways, tlianks are due for courtesies. For hospitality extended, kind and encouraging words, the author extends her sincerest gratitude. If there be any names, communities or organizations left out that should have been in this history, it is be cause the personal, written and newspaper requests for information failed to elicit the material needed. If this little volume affords as much pleasure in the reading as it did in the preparation it will have served a double purpose. MRS- GEORGE LANGSTON- Cisco, Texas, Feb. 39, 1904. HISTORY OF Eastland County, Texas PERIOD 1-18^8-1873 CHAPTER. I. The Ne-w County. In 1858, before a white man had ventured to ex pose himself and family to the dangers of what was then an Indian infested frontier, Eastland County was created by an act of the Seventh Legislature of Texas. By the same act Callahan, Stephens, Concho, Wichita, Coleman, Dawson, Shackelford, MbMullin, Frio, Za- valla, Edwards, Haskell, Knox, Hardeman, Dimmit, Baylor, Runnels, Jones, Wilbarger, La Salle, Duval, Taylor, and Encinal Counties came into existence. The bill was approved Feb. 1, 1858. * Eastland County is ideally located, containing with in its limits the divide between the Leon River and Palo Pinto Creek, and the eastern extremity of the backbone of the Colorado and Brazos Rivers. The depression be tween these two divides is cut into by Colony Creek, a tributary of the Leon River. *The County was named for Captain "William Eastland, who died a prisoner in Mexico. He is thought to have been one of the Muir prisoners, though Bean, in his memoirs in Yoakum's History of Texas, does not give his name. 13 HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. The northern slope of the eastern divide is drained by the two forks of Palo Pinto Creek, while the rest of the County is watered by the Leon, which rises just be yond the County's western limit, and makes its exit about three miles southwest of Desdemona. The eastern divide is characterized by high hills of numerous shapes, which lie, in the main, east and west. It is gashed with ragged ravines, and abounds in deep canyons, in confused and tilted rocks, producing a varied and picturesque scenery. This broken ridge of high land bends northward above the first impressions of Colony Creek, and dips again southward around Cisco, the tongues of the Brazos licking into the northern slope of the backbone, playing hide and seek with the foragers of the Leon and Colo rado on the south. As the great skeleton begins to spread itself westward, it leaves large canyons and gulches. Trees of many kinds grow in great profusion — cedar and liveoak on the hills; postoak and blackjack on the sandy uplands; pecan and walnut, elm and hackberry, Cottonwood and willow, along the streams, and in the glades mesquite abounds, and in many sandy loca tions the shinery.* When the County was created its soil lay bare, void of fence or shack in its rugged nakedness. Under its huge boulders the wild cat found a safe home; its nu merous caves afforded the wolves a hiding place; the *Some call a. thick young growth of oak, shinery; others affirm it is a peculiar, stunted growth of oak. The latter opinion is, perhaps, correct. HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. 13 bear, the panther, and the cougar roamed wild and free over its mountains, while the Indian, in his savage wild ness, did not need to seek e-ven the protection of a friend ly canyon, so free was Eastland County from the tread of the white man. CHAPTER II. The First Settlers. The creation of these new Counties caused a stir throughout the contiguous frontier, and several settle ments were made even in the first year. The first man who camo to the County was a Mexican, Frank Sanches. He had worked for Thomas Donahoo, of Parker County, but came here with his o-wn stock and located between the Jim Neal Creek and its junc tion with the Leon. In 1855 or '56 John Flannagan emigrated from Ken tucky to Texas, and settled on Kickapoo Creek, in Par ker County. When the new counties were laid off, the imtpulse to "grow up with the country" again possessed him, and, moving over into Eastland with his family, he built a home on Colony Creek, about eleven miles from' the center of the County. He was the first white man who moved into the County. One can but wonder if he looked down the years, and, passing by the choice loca tions of the Palo Pinto Creek section, sought the cen ter of the County for financial reasons. Mr. Flanna gan had a wife and four children, Golston, Wegley, Julia Ann and "Bud." 14 HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. It is curious that a man, forgetting things he once loved, and moved by the spirit of unrest, will sever ties of long standing and expose himself and his family to untried dangers This strange influence burned in thc heart of W. H. Mansker as he sowed and reaped on his farm in Arkansas, and was fanned to flames by news of the Texas lands. With his family he pushed across the unsettled wastes of Eastern and Middle Texas, and stopped awhile in Parker County, but hearing of the Leon country he moved on and camped on a lake in tbe southern part of Eastland County. Later he built a home there, and the lake still bears his name. The next to cross the boundary line were James El lison from Georgia; J. M. Ellison from somewhere in Texas; Dr. Richardson from Arkansas, with their fam ilies, and the Gilberts, four or five young men from Alabama. All these took up or bought surveys around M'ansker Lake; Ellison to the south, at Ellison's Springs, where he still lives ; the Gilberts, Jim, Jasper and Tom, at Jewell, and Sing and Sam, brothers and cousins to tbe other Gilberts, three and one-half miles below Jew ell, on Sabano Creek. This ranch is now kno-wn as the Morgan place. FoUo-wing these was C. C. Blair, who came from Georgia to Alabama, stopped awhile in Collin and Parker Counties, and finally settled six or seven miles northeast of Mansker Lake. A little later this settle ment became known as Blair's Fort. ;W. C. McGouffh came from Georgia and camped at Blair's Fort. His first son, born at the Fort An?. 17, 1 861, was the first white child born in the County. HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. 15 In the northeastern part of the County like settle ments were being made. Wm. Allen came from Palo Pinto County in 1858 and located a ranch on Rush C'leek (which he still owns), some twelve or fifteen miles east of the Flannagan Ranch. J. M. Stewart was his nearest neighbor, one-half mile away. Two or three other families settled in the same neighborhood. In the same part of the County was the Edwards Ranch, and just across the line, from three to six miles was the Clayton Ranch, on Bear Creek. Bethel Strawn settled where the town which now bears his name is lo cated three miles out of Eastland County. In Palo Pinto County, at the foot of the hills, about five miles east of Strawn, Peter Davidson lived. Ht moved into Eastland in 1865, and made his home five miles south of Allen's Ranch. All old settlers know the location of these two ranches. On Xorth Palo Pinto Creek, in Stephens County, thirteen miles northwest of Flannagan'.?, Bruce Mc- Kean lived. The frontier line in Eastland County at this time, (I860), formed an obtuse angle, Flannagan's Ranch being the apex. CHAPTER III. Indian Tribes. In 1858 the Counties cf Denton, Parker, Palo Pinto, Eastland, Brown, Lampasas, Burnet, Gillespie, Kendall, Bexar and San Patricio marked tbe frontier line in 16 HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. Texas which, for twenty years, made little advance. The Comianche Indians and their allies, the Kiowas, held undisputed sway over the remaining two-thirds of the State, with here and there a lone settlement of some venturesome pioneer. Between this frontier line and the Indians rode the dauntless and intrepid Texas Ranger, laboring day and night for the defense of the white cit izens. In 1865 the United States Government, ha-ving de cided to pursue the policy of placing the Indians on res ervations, established the Comanches — "the Arabs of the New World, whose hand was against every man, and every man's hand against them" — on a reservation on tbe Clear Fork of the Brazos River, about five miles from where Fort Griffin was located later. Forty miles below this reservation, and ten miles southeast of where Graham City now stands, and about the same distance below the junction of' the Clear Fork with the parent stream, was a second reservation, called the "Tonk Res ervation," containing, besides the Tonkaways, rem nants of the Caddo and other tribes. The two reser vations were connected, the former with Cam.p Cooper, and the la|i;er with Fort Belknap. The Comanches and Kiowas were always political allies and hated enemies of the "Tonks" and Caddos. When this is remembered, together with the fact that the Tonkaways were mild, and in the main, friendly, it is not surprising that reinforcemients were frequent ly drawn from this reservation for raids against the treacherous, thieving, murderous Com'anches, HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. 17 Five hundred of the latter were fed at tbe upper reservation by the Government, and given horses and cattle, but it is estimated that two thousand were roaming the Western prairies as wild and untamed as the eagle in the clef ted rock of the highest peak. The Comanches chafed under restraint and longed for the freedom of the plains — perhaps for the freedom of the scalping knife. In 1856 a few daring ones stole slyly out and made raids on the white settlements. In the early spring of 1857 the raids were renewed with sud den vigor, and were continued throughout the year. An expedition, commanded by Colonel Rip Ford, was apnt out by the State in April, 1858, against a band of hostile Indians located on the Canadian River. One hundred friendly Indians from the lower reservation, under the Tonkaway chief, Placido, joined the expedition, which was under the command of Captain L. S. Ross. The Indian scouts having located the enemy, the Comanches were attacked at daybreak May 12, 1858, the allies leading in the charge. The Comanche chief, Prohebits Quasho, called "Iron Jacket," from the scaled coat of mail he wore, believing, it is said, that his arm'or bore a charm> rode in front, inciting his followers to deeds of bravery by his own cool daring. The bullets fell around him; i still he rode unhurt. At last an Anadarko chieftain among the allies, sent a well-directed rifle bullet which pierced the charmed armor, and Iron Jacket fell to rise no more. The Comanches fled in wild confusion, and several pris oners were captured, among them, No-po, the small son 18 HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. of Prohebits Quasho. This was known as the battle of Antelope Hills. Some months later, October 1, 1858, the same force again surprised the Comanches at their homes just at sunrise. Lieutenant Van Camp and several soldiers -were killed. The loss of the Indians was heavy. In this battle a Caddo ally recaptured s little white girl whose identity has not been determined. Not-withstanding the fact that the Indians had agreed that anyone found off the reservations would be shot, the year 1858 had barely ended when they were in Erath County stealing horses. From the years 1855- 1859 — the time when the government was attempting to herd the Indians, feed them, and keep peace -wath them — there was continued and serious trouble between them and the white citizens, for the former would steal horses and scalp the whites nearly every light of the moon, and the latter would seek to repel and punich the invasions. At last, however, matters reached a climax, and the Indians were remloved by the Federal Government across the Red River into the Territory, where they have since remained. The Comanches were not slow to see and act upon the existing fact that they had greater freedom, and depredations continued, becoming more .frequent. Tt was the custom in these turbulent times for neigh bors to work together in clearing land, plowing and planting, the women and children being placed in the pearest house, HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. 19 CHAPTER IV. "Charge, Boys, Charge." Early in the year of 1860, (February 7th), close to tlie eastern boundary line of the County, Jim Stewart, with Mack Allen and Bethel Strawn, was clearing off underbrush about a quarter of a mile from his home. Near Ijy were Sam and William Allen and William Lew der. In Mr. Stewart's little one-room, cabin, with its lean-to, were his wife and Masses Emmaline and Mar tha Allen, the latter being a sister of William^ Allen. While the two girls carded, Mrs. Stewart presided at the spinning wheel, all discussing, the meanwhile, the colors they would use in their new dresses. "Mine is to be solid red." said Martha. "I'm going to make mine red and green," announced Miss Emmaline. "Mine'll be the prettiest of all, then," followed Mrs. Stewart, "for Jim wants me to make it red and green and blue." "Listen!" suddenly cried Miss Martha Allen, who sat near the door. The wheel stopped instantly, for the girl's face was blanched with fear. "Indians !" gasped Mrs. Stewart. "Ye Gods ! Such a lot of 'eni !" added Martha, as twenty Indians swung around the bend of the road out 30 HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. of the dense undergrowth bordering the Palo Pinto Creek, and bore down upon the little cabin. Quickly shutting to and barring the door, Mrs. Stew art caught up her gun, and, placing the muzzle against a crack in the door jamb, said : "Now, girls, let's keep cool." "Yes, and our scalps, too," * grimly added Miss Em maline. The Indians began plundering tbe place of harness, saddles, pans, buckets — anything. Now they were on the gallery ! "Girls, I'm going to shoot," whispered Mrs. Stew art, with her finger on the trigger. "I'll kill that big fellow right now." "Don't," cautioned Miss Emmaline, afterwards Mrs. Bethel Strawn, who is still li-ving. "Don't ! Wait until they try to get in !" This wise counsel prevailed. The Indians kept up a hideous yelling all the while, presumably to frighten the inmates of the cabin, but, iastead, it proved their salvation, for the men over across the ravine, heard the terrible noise and, reco.g- nizing it at once, feared the worst, and rushed with breathless speed to the rescue. As the men came shouting together, and rushed wild ly down the bank of the deep ravine back of the cabin, Mack Allen called in -wildest frenzy : "Charge, boys ! Charge !" The Indians, cowards in the face of danger, and thinking, doubtless, from the noise the six men made, *Her exact words, HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. 21 that a whole com'pany of Rangers was rushing upon them from out of the wood, mounted their ponies, and were gone as suddenly as they came. The men hurriedly followed. Upon arriving at the house of Mr. Woods, seven miles below, they found it deserted, and spurred their horses onward. Two miles further they came upon the dead bodies of Mrs. Wood and Mrs. LemJey. Gently lifting and placing them in the limbs of the trees, far from the reach of the prowl ing wolves, they again pressed on for fear a worse fate awaited the Misses Lemley, who, at the time, were at Mrs. Wood's home. Although the white men were re inforced as they pushed on, and made frantic efforts to overtake them, the Indians successfully eluded them and .escaped. The two girls were kept over night, robbed of their clothing, and turned loose -with only one garment each to protect them from the night's chilling frost or the norther's keen blast. Think of it ! Before the hills and valleys and up lands of this beautiful country had ever been trod by the white man's feet; when the hungry coyote howled his mournful lamentation through the dreary night; when the panther and the catamount lay perched upon the limbs of the forest waiting for prey; alone, despair ingly, shuddering over their awful fate, shivering with cold, not knowing which way to turn, possessed with a horrible sickening fear that the Indians would return — the two girls hiding among the rocks, running from one covering to another, finally made their way back to the 33 HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. settlement and found themselves at the home of Tur key Roberts, five miles north of Stephenville. One of the girls has since died. The other married. and lives in Palo Pinto County. * CHAPTER V. Ported Ranches and Incidents op the Times. During the years 1857-1862 the Indians were un usually active along the frontier. When one remem bers the topography of the counties forming the bound ary line of civilization, the numerous streams which cut their way through mountains, leap into canyons, and tumble out pell mell into the valleys, where they wind in sinuous, undulating way, is it to be wondered at that the red man of the forest yielded to the temptation of his environments and sought revenge for the appro priation of his domain to the uses of the white man? Although the primal object of the Indians in mak ing raids into the white settlements was to steal horses: yet, if there were the slightest pretext, they nmrdered with all the zest of their ancestral inheritance. During these perilous years the pioneer settlers were forced to come together for mutual protection. In the southeastern part of Eastland County eight ?Messrs. -William and Sam Allen and Bethel Strawn, who were in the chase after the Indians, are the authority for the above incident. Mr. Sam Allen lives at Van Horn, the other two gentlemen at Strawn. HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. 33 families were forted at C. C. Blair's Ranch. The houses were built and the tents stretched around an open square, and these were enclosed by a close picket fence eight or ten feet high. The families living at Blair's Fort were those of Ellison, Kuykendall, the Gilberts, Mknsker, C. C. Blair, W. C. McGough, and a little later, William Arthur. There were others who found refuge in the Fort from time to time. As the largest number of families were gathered here. and it was also a frequent stopping place for the Ran gers on their journeys hither and thither, large supplies of bread-stuff and ammunition were kept on hand. * As ihe traveler went northward, however, he found Flan nagan's Ranch practically unprotected, guarded only by an elderly man, "Bad Rec-ce," who was kept about the house. In the Allen neighborhood were three forted ranches — Allen's, Clayton's and Edwards'. Smaller i-auchmen built their houses in groups of two, three or four. McCain in the edge of Stephens County, and Uncle Peter Davidson at the foot of the mountains in Palo Pinto County, both had their ranches well forted. On Gonzales Creek, a little further up the country... in Stephens County, lived the pioneer settler, Mr. John Reynolds, whose sons, George, William' D. and P. W., have large interests in Cisco. It was in 1860, shortly before Blair's Ranch was forted, that the Indians stole all the horses belonging to the Ranch. The men followed hard after them, and the *There was later a road openei between Stephenville and Fort Griffin, which passed through Blair's Fort. 34 HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. women were left to guard camps. A daughter of the Port writes: "We children were kept in a little two by four house, and the women sat under the wagons, expect ing every minute to see the Indians come. "By and by tbe Indians got so bad we all went to Stephenville and stayed six weeks. At that time there was one store, one drug store and a blacksmith shop in that town. "On our way back to the old Fort we had a narrow escape from the Indians. We had just passed, Mr. Elli son's, the only house between the two places, when his dog began to bark, and, as he stepped to the door, the Indians shot, one arrow striking in the ground at his feet. He had only to shut his door and get his gun. They left him, but, providentially, did not overtake us. "When we reached home we found three or four hogs killed and laid in a heap, and one old sow walking around with an arrow sticking in her back. Presently a cow came running home with seven arrows in her. Poor thing ! We had to pen her before we could pull them out. That is one time we expected every minute to be attacked." Billy Cross and family, a wife and five children, lived ,at Mansker's Lake. It is presumed that it was these same Indians, above referred to, who stole sixty of Mr. Mansker's horses, and were pursued by Mr. Mansker, bis son, Tom and Billy Cross. They overtook them on Flat Creek and had a furious fight. Cross being killed, and Mt. Mansker's and Tom's mounts shot from under them. The Indians escaped with the horses, not one of them ever being recovered. Mr. Mansker and Tom made their way home separated and afoot. HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. 35 Shortly after this fight, Mr. Cross's family and a Mr. Dalton's at Blair's Ranch, moved back East. It was just about this time that the fort was built. One night Mr. and Mrs. Blair sat around their own hearthstone alone with their children. This was before the ranch was forted. A large and ferocious cougar, emboldened by hunger, came up to the yard fence and, catching a pig, rnade off with it. Both Mr. Blair and his wife ran impetuously after it, •'sicking" the eager dogs on in their violent efforts tc regain tbe shoat. The dogs outran them, but by the excited barking they knew the cougar was "treed," and followed on to the creek. Not until the "nasty var mint" * fell, -with a bullet through him, do-wn among the tingling, quivering dogs, did this father and mother think of aught else. "Lord a' mercy. Pap ; the Indians !" screamed Mrs. Blair, and they ran, leaped and tore through the brush in their frantic efforts to reach their unprotected children. Mrs. Blair has always affirmed that the agonizing fright of those few minutes frosted *Next morning the cougar was skinned, his fat rendered to grease hides and his carcass given to the chickens, as such meat and clabber were all they had to live on. The cougar's hide was stretched to the martin-box pole, and the skillet of rendered fat set outside the door. Not a hog was to be seen all day, an attack like the one the night before always frightening them into the woods. But towards sun set they came home. Mrs. Blair was alarmed at the vicious, ¦ugly sounds she heard, and going to the door she found the hogs were acting like wild, tossing the skillet in their fury, rearing up to get to the cougar's hide, and "ughing" and "booing" in the most ferocious way. The children were brought in. The hide was taken to the field. 36 HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. her hair. "To think a pig could make me forget my children was what hurt," she said. Daily contact inures one to dangers, yet quickens one's instinct to watchfulness. This is strikingly true of the frontiersman. At this Blair's Fort a man would pick up his gun and go out hunting alone, when it was well understood that when the light of the mioon should corme the Indians would be raiding the white settle ments. On a hazy October afternoon, when one of the men had just come in with a deer on his shoulder, Jim Mc Gough went to the spring, three hundred yards away, to water his horse. AATiile there he was attacked by the Indians, and attempted to outrun them to the gates of tbe Fort. In this short, but impetuous race, the fright ened animal pitched him into the brush. The Indians, endeavoring to head him off, chased up the other side of the dense thicket, but seeing the gates closed, they disappeared, when Mr. McGough came running up to the Fort with his face covered with blood. Cattle and hogs were the conHmercial possibilities of the County, on which the settlers relied for sustenance and for money. Blair-'s Fort stood five ^^ears, 1860-1865. The First Wedding. "Ma, guess what I found." Mr. Blair stood in the doorway. "Found?" echoed Mrs. Blair, rising up from the hearth, where she was putting coals on the lid of the HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. 27 skillet into which she had just put the "com dodgers" to bake. "Found? A cougar or panther, like as not." Then noting the look of satisfaction on his face, she cried out, "Not a bee tree. Pa ?" "Yes, a bee tree, and chuck full of honey, too. Where's a tub ?" Mrs. Blair smiled and looked at Sarah Jane, who clapped her hands, while all the little Blairs jumped up and down in glee. When one remJembers that on this far Western fron tier, one hundred miles from the nearest mill, only ne cessities were provided — bread, coffee, beans, etc.; no sugar, no fruit — one can readily comprehend the glee of the small children at thought of a "tubful of honev," but may wonder at Sarah Jane crying, "Hbney cakes, Ma! Honey cakes! Oh, think of it!" A bee tree wasn't found every day, and they had no cakes any other time. But a more subtle reason, still, existed and caused Sarah Jane's delight. Only the night before the daughter had said, "But think. Ma, a wedding without cakes! And everybody'll be here." "But, honey, you have a pretty white * nainsook dress trimmied up in embroidery, and mlade low neck and short sleeves. And another thing you have — I wasn't goin' to tell you 'til he was through -with 'em — is such a pretty pair of shoes as Bill McGough is makin' you, the vamp all notched; and he's goin' to shine 'em up, and they'll look like real store-bought shoes." Now, that *Mr. Blair paid fifteen bushels of wheat, at 75 cents a bushel for the wedding dress. 38 HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. the cakes were assured, Sarah Jane's cup of happiness was running over. Preparations for the great event to take place next Thursday assumed a new dignity which was personified in beautiful Sarah Jane, for there was not a boy on the Sabanno, or in the Fort, but envied handsome Coon Keith. All the petty jealousies within those picket walls were for the time forgotten and everybody lent a band in the preparations. Venison and turkey were brought in in the greatest plenty, and the men barbecued the fat mavericks. Coon Keith and Jim McGough, on good mounts, went to Comanche town for the license, and on the day of the wedding Joe Smith was delegated to go for the preacher. Reverend Coker, who came alone from Co manche to Albert Sowles' on the Sabanno, where he was met by Mr. Smith. After a ride of a couijle of miles the two men camie upon a fresh Indian trail, and they wondered if there would be any interference in the wed ding arrangements. They halted presently where the Indians had had breakfast. There was the cow freshly slaughtered, part of her meat lying still in the skin, and the fire warm and glowing. The men rode cautiously and slowly on. It was past the noon hour, and they had ten rhiles yet to go. The -wedding was to take place at four o'clock, and Smith was "best man." At last the trail made a sharp turn to the west, and the men rightly surmised that the Indians were going home on the Western route, and again spurred their horses onward, and were soon at the Fort. HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. 39 At last the hour arrived. The long tables glistened when the sun fell on them through the thick-leaved branches of the sturdy oaks. The minister took his stand, and the couple to be married walked out into the yard. Coon Keith, the man, was eighteen years old. He had black hair and eyes, cheeks like June apples, carried himself like the young Apollo he was, and was dressed in blue pants and black sack coat, with two big * six- shooters buckled around him. The girl holding to his arm so timidly, half frightened by the impetuosity of the man's eager love, looked like a unique lily. A faultless skin, -without a shade of color, large, deep blue eyes, her throat and shoulders and arms rivaling her embroidered nainsook dress in whiteness, and crown ing this, her blood-tinged, yellow-brown hair combed loosely back and tied with white ribbon, made a picture that still lives vividly in the minds of those who saw her. The menu of this first wedding was : Beef, a la barbecue. Turkey, with dressing and sliced eggs. Venison, bread, butter, coffee, milk. Honey cakes. After the wedding, Reverend Coker wanted to preach. This, they would not allow on such a festive occasion, but gave themselves up to the pleasures of "Weavely Wheat" and kiadred games until tbe yard was beaten into powder, and the cock was crowing for day. *Tom Keith, a cousin, had Intimated that h« meant to enter objections when the time eaine. 30 HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. Miss Lizzie Keith, now Mrs. Presley of Curtis, maid of honor, and Joe Smith, best man, both wore white. Mr. Keith has accum'ulated much wealth, and lives Mdth his still beautiful wife in Erath County, not many miles from Desdemona. CHAPTER VI. An Indian Race. In Steve Brandon's home everything was going wrong. His wife had been ill for two days. The four or five grown boys could turn "flapjacks" and make "corn dodgers," but their big hands were clumsy when they tried to "pat up" Ma's pillow, or give her a dose of medicine. "I'm goin' for Mrs. Kohen," Mr. Brandon announced after dinner. "She's over at Clayton's. Keep a sharp lookout for the red skins, boys." "You do the same, Steve," feebly called out his wife, as he buckled on his six-shooter and left the house. The sun shone from: a clear sky on that memorable afternoon, December 15, 1860. Brandon was a brave man, but his heart was heavy with forebodings as he started on that fateful journey of five or six miles. As he went deeper into the wood, however, thinking of his sick wife and his own imminent danger (as it was the light of the moon) he realized, perhaps unconsciously, that nature is capable of restoring one's peace of mind and calming one's fears. Mrs. Kohen readily consented to go, and for lack HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. 31 of any better way, Mr. Brandon took her up behind him on his trusty * black steed and started off in a smart pace for home. When they had covered but half the distance they were most abruptly apprised of immediate danger. The air was cut by the whizz of an arrow, which lodged in a tree directly in front of them. The noble animal knew as well as the riders that an Indian was behind them, and plunged wildly down the homeward path in a race for life. Tbe hiss and sight of the arrow lodged in tbe tree instantly restored to Brandon's mind the gloom that had rested upon his soul as be entered tbe woods from home. Glancing backward, he was filled with unfeigned horror, for not one Indian, but twenty, swung into view, and came after them yelling like demons, the ar rows playing about them thick and fast. Brandon, leaning forward, loosened the rein and urged the horse onward. The woman's grip about him tightened. "My God !" he thought, "she is shieldins: me !" And as his gloom had been lifted by the sweet breath of na ture in these woods a couple of hours before, so now, the responsibility for the life of this woman, on her errand of miercy for one he loved, thrilled him, angered him, lifted the burden from his soul, and in his restored man hood he thundered : "Halt ! wheel !" Thc horse obeyed his master. The ?Color of horse not known, 33 IltSTOR T OF EASTLAND CO TJNTY. man * fired thrice in quick succession at the bewildered Indians as they tumbled off their ponies into the grass. "Go, * General, go !" shouted Brandon, and again the mad dash forward for life ! The Indians instantly recovered their ponies. On they came; on, on, like a horde of devils, while their in fernal yells and hissing arrows environed their victims as with a funereal pall. The white man urged his horse forward. The air was thick with hideous sounds. He gasped for a good breath of God's air. Tbe Indians gained on him ! The gloom was again settling upon liii mini, whoa Mrs. Kohen cried out: "T am shot, Steve !" Again was he angered, angered at the fiends seeking life. "Hold fast !" he cried, as he wheeled and fired. The Indians repeated their former movement with greater agility, and the race was on again. Not a moan escaped the lips of the woman as she pleaded : "Steve, my back is full of arrows; I am killed already. Think of your sick wife, and drop me and save your self." This appeal cleared the atmosphere for once and for all. How good was sweet nature's breath ! With every barrel loaded, Brandon wheeled, and with a shout of *There is a difference of opinion about the kind of gun used. Messrs. McGough, Snm and -W-illiam Allen. Smith and Strawn and Mrs- Farm of Cisco, a sister-in-law of Mrs. Ko hen, are authority for ttte incident, t'Presumed name, HI8T0R r OF EASTLAND CO UNTT. 33 defiance that startled tbe woman into tightening her hold, he sent six bullets on errands of fate. Hope surged mightily in his bosom, as he shouted : "Forward, General!" The gallant steed seemed to have caught bis master's spirit, as, unfalteringly, he once more threw himself into the race with death. Brandon's cries now came as shouts of victory. Ht gained on the Indians, and, coming in hearing of his home, he raised his voice and called loudly. One of the big boys, out at the barn feeding tl-iC stock, for it must be done before night, heard the clat tering of hoofs, listened, heard the yelling Indians, then his father's call. He rushed into the house. "Jim, you stay with Ma. Come Steve, you and Tom. The Indians are after Pa." They ran out with their guns, making a great hullabaloo, whereupon the Indians fled, and the race was won! Mr. Brandon was bit six times, and they pulled seven arrows from poor Mrs. Kohen's back. Strange as it may seem, she recovered rapidly. Some time after this she became the wife of Mr. Clayton, * and now lives in El Paso, Texas. A Turkey Hunt. That same night two men, Joe Smith and "Bad Reese," working on the Flannagan Ranch, about twelve miles southwest of the Brandon Ranch, went out to hunt wild turkeys, thinking there was little danger, as no Indians had been seen for some time. ?Mrs. Clayton died Feb. 24, 1904, at Toyah. 34 HISTORY UF EASTLAND COUNTY. Suddenly, when they were down near the edge of the bank of Colony Creek, they heard a stealthy tramp on the dead leaves. "What's that ?" whispered Reese. "Sh'. It's Indians, sure's you're born," said Smith, and, catching the other man's hand, that they might stay together, they took tv/o steps out from off the dead leaves on to the soft grass bordering the stream, and cunningly striding on up the creek, artfully dodged tbe red skins. When they reached the ranch, and next morning told the other men there, John Flannagan, bis son, Golston, (Gols), and Ral Smith, they were laughed at for their scare. "It was Indians, I tell you, sure's you live," affirmed Smith. "I heard their steps. They were all about us. I believe they were in six feet of us. They'd 'skyed' us, you know, before we got too low down, and couldn't see us anymore. Oh, you can laugh, but it was Indians." If the warning had only been heeded the two young men — Joe Smith and Gols Flannagan — would not have been started out alone that morning to Blair's Fort, and the lone grave under the tree still bears testimony to the grim truth that "it was sure Indians." The following account of the attack of these same twenty Indians who had chased the self-reliant Brandon, who had all but captured Smith and Reese the same night, and now finish up their gruesome work, is told by Joe Smith, who lives at Victor, Erath County, seven piiles froni Desdem'ona, HISTOR Y OF EA8TLA ND CO TJNTY. 35 The Lost Arrow Head. "On the 16th day of December, 1860, Gols Flan nagan and myself started in an ox wagon to Blair's Fort, fifteen miles away, for some bread stuff. [We had JOE SMITH, VlCTOK, TEXAS, only gone a mile when we were waylaid by Indians, who opened fire on us at close range from a little ravine by the side of the road, which we were about to cross. "Fifteen or twenty red skins facing a fellow on a turn in the road is enough to make the cold chills run down any man's back — Gols was only nineteen and I was twenty — ^but we didn't have time for more than 36 HISTOR Y OF EA STL AND CO UNTY. that, for the bullets and arrows sung a funeral dirge about us. " 'I'm shot !' I exclaimed, falling backward in the covered wagon, and pulling a stinging arrov/ out of my knee. Gols turned and looked at me in a dazed manner, not seeming to understand. There was a red spot on his shirt front, and I knev,' be was bit, too. "The young oxen, at sight of the Indians, wheeled around and ran as if wild, followed by the howling fiends. Presently the animals left the road and took the LOST ARROW HEAD, to the open, making for a timbered spot. They ran some two hundred yards, when the wheels hit a tree, and they broke loose from the wagon. "I was nimble as a cat in those days, and the Indians having fallen sonie little distance behind, I leaped from the wagon and ran off in the timber. There I looked and waited for Gols, thinking perhaps he was hiding in a little hollow below me. My knee got to hurting me so bad I decided to make my way to the ranch. Gols had not come in, 'Bad' Reese went at once to look for HISTOR r OF EASTLAND GO UNTY. 37 him, and found him dead and scalped. Reese and Ral Smith went out and brought him in on a horse. Early the next morning the men went to McCain's Ranch for help, and Mr. Highsaw and Lyman McCain came back with them and buried Gols, and we all moved up to their forted ranch the next day. By April I was able to get around on crutches- From about the middle of January I was at my father's house in Parker County, and was disabled for six months. "One day in 1886 something pricked me on the under side of my knee. On examination, I found a sharp black point sticking through the skin, and knew at once that twenty-five years ago I had been shot with a double-headed arrow, and had only pulled one head out. Three weeks later, on February 21, 1886, after having carried it in my knee for twenty-five years, two months and five days, the arrow head came out." CHAPTER VII. In War Times. In 1861 news did not travel fast in Eastland County, for it lay on the very border land of civilization, witii its three or four scattered settlements. Recruiting agents went where some degree of suc?ess mig-bt attend their patriotic efforts, and it was not iinitl 1864 that men in this section were called upon to Lear arms. It was not from a desire on the part of tho Gov- 38 HISTOR Y OF EASTLAND CO UNTY. ernment to make every man feel the burden of war that the frontiersman was impressed, or even that he might take part in the civil strife caused by the black man, but he was called upon to repel systematically the inva sions of the red man. Prior to 1868, Eastland, Shackelford and Calla han Counties were under the jurisdiction of Comanche County. After this date Eastland was attached to Palo Pinto. At every meeting of the Legislature laws were passed for the prucection of the frontier. They were adhered to as closfeiy as the conditions and times would permit, and that was all tbe law required. About the 1st of February, 1864, Eastland was organized under the Conscript uaw for military purposes. * Forty men were required to form a company, and at that time it took every man between the ages of eighteen and forty-five in the Counties of Eastland, Shackelfoid and Callahan to muster the required num ber. Think of the rich fields of corn and cotton and grain that thrive in our County to-day; of the handsome and substantial houses that dot its surface; of the many beautiful churches, school houses, public buildings, and of the whirring machinery; of the eighteen to twenty towns with their three hundred to three thousand in- *Chapter 36, Section 3, General laws of the T(mth Legis lature reads: "That the commissioned officers of each com pany of fifty men or more shall consist of a Captain and two Lieutenants; if less than fifty men, two Lieutenants," etc. However, the spirit of the law was met in these fron tier counties. HISTOR Y OF EA STL AND CO UNTY. 39 habitants; then, in imagination, wipe' out all these farms and houses and towns; fill the primeval forests and prairies, without a vestige of a shack of any kind, with the snarling, hungry animals, and the fiendish, treacher ous Indians, and you have a picture of the territory traversed by those early guardians of our country. Flan nagan's Ranch, McGough Springs and Jewell marked the western limit of the white man's tread in Eastland in 1864. Tbe following roster was furnished by T. E. Keith, who joined the Company as soon as be was eighteen years old: Sing Gilbert, First Lieutenant;. J. B. McGough, Second Lieutenant. J. L. Head, Sergeant. H. York, Corporal. Privates: W. N. Arthur, Thomas Mansker, James Stubblefield, J. B. Smith, John Temples, James Tem ples, John Ward, Frank Caddenhead, Tom Caddenhead, *Ike Ward, C. C. Blair, J. M. Ellison, S. C. Shirley, W. C. McGough, Joe Henshaw, Gabriel Keith, B. M. Keith, G. B. Ely, Sam Gilbert, Tom Gilbert, James Gilbert, Jasper Gilbert, Taylor Gilbert, Joseph Dudley, William Fisher, J. J. Keith, J. M. York. As three of these men lived in Comanche County — Joseph Dudley, William Fisher and S. C. Shirley — there were, really, only twenty-eight men in Eastland. A *It was not known until after the war closed that four or five of these men were deserters from the army. Ike -Ward was arrested during the war, taken to Arkansas, court- martialed and shot as a deserter. 40 HISTOR Y OF EASTLAND CO UNTY. few months after the organization of this company, how ever, all the available citizens of Callahan and Shack elford Counties were added to it, making the required forty, and First Lieutenant Gilbert was made Captain, J. B. McGough, First Lieutenant, and N. H. Kuyken dall, Second Lieutenant. The Oomipany was divided into three squads, and each man was required to serve ten days out of thirty. The starting place was Nash's Spring, half way between McGough Springs and Jewell, and the incoming scout was always met by the outgoing squad, thus keeping a lookout committee continuously on duty. Several days after Le.e's surrender a detachment of Gilbert's^ Comipany arrived at Blair's Fort. There they received the sad news from Lewis Keith, who bad just returned from Louisiana, and the Company dis banded. When the danger of being "pressed" into the Con federate Army had passed, it is said that at least one- third of the men in Eastland County moved back across the Brazos River. That this was a fact, the census of 1870 proves, as the entire population numbered only eighty-eight. Tbe only wonder is that any remained, as there was no Government protection at all until the next Legislature met. All honor to the brave men and women who still possessed their homes and held the line of civilization in Eastland ! All honor to the gray hairs of those who fought for her in those perilous times, and who still live among us ! Eternal honors be to the glorious manhood and womanhood that creates pioneers ! MISTOR Y OF EASTLAND CO UNTY. 41 CHAPTER VIII. I — Ellison's Spring Fiaht. On the 8th of August, 1864, J. L. Head, Corporal, led out eight men for a ten days' scout, camping the first night at McGough Springs. On the morning of the 9th the men went west till they struck the Leon, near where the Texas Central Railway now crosses it. There they discovered a large Indian trail leading southeast, the signs indicating there were were at least thirty-five or forty Indians, some riding, some walking. The men, kno-wing they were down to steal horses, pushed hard on after them. The trail crossed Nash's Creek about three miles east of Carbon, where the In dians killed a beef for breakfast, then continued south until they reached the present location of the W. W. Boone place, one and one-half miles north of Jewell. It was then the Gilbert ranch. Captain T. E. Keith, of Curtis, furnished tbe fol lowing description of the battle : "There we overhauled them, seven of us — Harris York's horse having given out, he had pulled for tbe ranch. We fought them at long range for awhile, un til we saw we had no sort of showing, when our Com mander ordered a retreat to the Gilbert Ranch for reinforcements. At the two ranches we got five more men, making our number twelve, with Sing Gilbert, our Captain, in command. "We returned to where we left the Indians, took up tbe trail, followed it east about twelve miles, where, 43 HISTOR Y OF EASTLAND CO UNTY. three hundred yards sot»th of Ellison's Spring, in Un cle Billy Jones' field, we discovered them. Our Cap tain ordered a charge and led it up to within thirty or forty feet of their line. "Think of it ! Twelve men, armed with muzzle-load ing rifles and shotguns and pistols, charging right up to a line of forty Indians, and most of them on foot and coming to meet us ! "Captain Gilbert ordered a halt. We fired on them, but they kept coming. Our Captain ordered us to fall back. We turned right in their faces, and on that turn is where they got in their deadly work. "The Indians wore shields that would turn our bul lets, and were armed with bows and arrows, which, at short range, were more accurate and deadly than rifles and six-shooters. "On that turn * our Captain was shot in the neck with an arrow, and died in less than two hours. Button Keith's horse fell, and they killed him right there. Jim Ellison received a deep arrow wound in the hip, which disabled him for life. Tom Caddenhead was shot through tbe thigh just below the hip joint and pinned to the saddle, and Tom Gilbert was shot twice through the arras. Two men killed and three disabled in less time than it takes to make the statement. Five out of twelve knocked out and not a load left in a gun or pistol ! "Well, there was nothing left for us to do except to outrun them to Ellison's house, which we did in grand *Mr. Keith was unmounted in this direful retreat and separated from his party a few awful minutes, but recov ered his horse and escaped unhurt. HISTOR Y OF EASTLAND CO UNTY. 43 shape, the Indians following us to within eighty yards of the house. "Runners were then sent to the Gabe Keith Ranch, fifteen miles away, to tbe Gilbert Ranch, twelve miles, and to j\lansker's, eight miles, to let them know of the trouble. About nine o'clock that night my father, J. J. Keith, started to Stephenville to have graves pre pared for the two dead men — that being the nearest graveyard. The distance was thirty-five miles, and not a settler at that time between the two places. "He arrived at Stephenville at daybreak, and heard bells, and horses running on the bill east of town. Be lieving that Indians were stealing the horses, he alarmed the town. Joel Dodson and another man, however, had heard the bells and running horses, and, taking their guns, had gone to investigate. While crossing the Bosque they heard a noise in the bed of the creek above them. Listening and sky-lighting they decided there were Indians near and fired, whereupon the savages ran off, leaving five bloody pallets and two * guns they had picked up on the battle ground the day before at Ellison's Spring, proving that they were the same Indians and at least five of them were wounded. "On the eleventh of August, Captain Gilbert and But ton Keith were consigned to their last resting places at Stephenville, and the curtain was dropped on the blood iest battle with Indians ever fought in Eastland." *One of the guns recovered belonged to Mr. Keith, who dropped it when he was unmounted. 44 HISTOR Y OF EASTLAND 00 UNTY. ' List of scouts in Ellison Springs fight : Gilbert, Captain, killed. J. L. Head, corporal. T. E. Keith, Curtis, substitute for J. J. Keith. Harris York, Alamogordo. Ijeroy Keith, killed. J. M. Ellison, Gorman. W. C. McGough, Eastland. Jim Gilbert, Millsap. Tom Gilbert, dead. Sam Gilbert, dead. Jasper Gilbert, dead. Jim Temples, Menardville. Tom Caddenhead. II — Cisco Running Fight. The date of this very interesting event could not be learned, but Mr . McGough writes : "I led the Scout and trailed the Indians with two dogs, named Colonel and Hats. * The fight began on the hill west of the Mjetbodist church and was intensely exciting as the little band, chasing the Indians northwest, fired as they ran, the In dians as vigorously returning tbe attack. Mr. McGough says: "There were many shots fired — the Indians having guns. Albert Henning was wounded, and I was for tunate enough to hit the Indian who shot him." It was believed at the timte that Mr. McGough *Colonel was a dog with a pedigree. Hats was a mon grel. HISTOR Y OF EASTLAND CO UNTY. 45 killed this Indian, but the timber growth being dense, tbe Scout deemed it best not to follow farther, especially ns the Indians had fled, leaving the large bunch of horses they had stolen and were driving to the reser vation. A few years later, a Mr. Sublett, formerly of Coman- , Che, discovered the grave * of an Indian near Cisco, and from the headdress he was supposed to have been a chief. As McGough fired six shots at the chief who had wounded Henning, the discover)? gave weight to his opinion that he had wounded the Indian unto death. There were thirteen men who took part in this memorable fight — three of whom Mr. McGough ca.nnot recall : sW. C. McGough, C. Brashears, L. B. Brittain, T. A. Bearden, H. Edwards, John Hill, A.lbert Henning, John Beall, George Keith, Jerome MJcAllister. Ill — The Cottonwood Fight. In the month of November, 1868, another Scout, composed of Messrs. Baker Ballew, Andrew Tarter, George Bugby, J. Peter Davidson and the. Allen broth ers, Sam, William, Joe and Luther, discovered Indian signs at Mansker Lake. The trail which led East was hard to follow. E-ridently the Indians were few in number and had purposely traveled apart. The men *Near Cisco is an Indian grave, where even yet parties frequently find trinkets. -Whether or not this is the grave above referred to is not known, but the prevailing opinion is that it is the same. 46 HISTOliYOF EASTLAND COUNTY. had frequently to dismount and look closely for the trail. When they had gone thus tediously a mile or two, however, a black hound pup, belonging to Mansker which had attached itself to the scout, suddenly scented the trail and was off on a long run, never looking to the right or left, as .the men loped hard after him all the day long. It is said that a dog seldom took up a trail in this way, but when one did it was safe to follow the lead. It proved so in this in stance. Late in the evening, when two of the men had fallen a mile or two behind, their horses having failed, the Scout came upon the Indians, eight in number, at the head of Highsaw Cove, a branch of Barton's Creek. As soon as they saw the * hound, they recognized it as their Nemesis, and each Indian greeted him with two rounds of ammiunition. The leader of the scout, Mir. Ballew, ordered a charge. Then followed a fast and furious fight. The Indians who had dismounted were at a great disadvantage. To escape they had to climb up over rocks and knoll right in the face of the Scout, but succeeded in escaping in the gloom of the deepen ing night, leaving only one man on the field, together with their horses and blankets, eight in number. As the sagacious dog was dead, and, in the light of the m.oon coining over the horizon, each man would stand out as a target for the Indians hiding amiong the rocks, the Scout wisely decided to be satisfied with the result, *If the fine animal had not been killed the men think they would have tracked the last Indian to his death. HISTOR Y OF EASTLAND CO UNTY. 47 especially as two of their number, Ballew and Joe Allen, were severely wounded and needed attention. Prom the dead Indian's attire, he was recognized as tbe leader of the band. His handsome, fringed buck skin suit, his quiver full of arrows and large, strong bow made of mulberry and his shield * were part of the trophy the men carried off. Not without regret it must be recorded that they also carried his scalp. "Look here, boys !" one of the men called out after tbe Indians had escaped, "Look here ! Some Indian has a badly wounded foot," and he held up a shattered stirrup lying near. That bis conjecture was correct was proved by the persistence of Finley, the little dog scout. IV — The Little Dog Scout. Lige Littlefield, J. W. Brashears and Lewis Ellison were moving in two wagons, from Parker County to Eastland in the winter of 1868. On the bank of Palo Pinto Creek in the northeast of the county, one of tbe men discovered a moccasin irack. Like true frontiersmen, they followed the trail on the road for several miles with the keenest anticipa tion without a thought of danger. •Mr. -William Allen still has in his possession the bow and the shield. The latter was made from the hide of a buf falo's head, cut round, and is about one-half inch thick. A strap of leather on the under side, which was worn over the thumb, protected the body, and not being held firmly, a bul let, when it struck the shiel"', would glance off instead^ of passing through. The Shield measureg twenty-two inches in diameter. 48 HISTOR Y OF EASTLAND GO UNTY. "Finley," alert and on the true scent as became a frontier dog, dashed ahead of the wagons. The owner of the m'occasin, discovering the wagons, turned out of the road and hid under the brush and grass. "Finley" was not to be outwitted by a "redskin," so he followed and began barking loudly. On the Indian's rising up to ask for protection, Lige Littlefield opened fire and did not know, until the bul let had done its deadly work, that he had instantly killed a lone and deserted squaw. "Finley" did not know tbe difference and barked a chorus over the re mains of the vanquished. Tbe Indian fell on William. Allen's Ranch, one-half mile from his house, and from one foot being badly mutilated, it was supposed she was the one wounded in the skirmish on Highsaw Cove. At the head of this creek where tbe fight occurred stood a solitary tree. As the Scout turned, leaving the dead Indian there, one of the men said, "God has pre pared a sentinel to watch over your miouldering dust." V — The Stolen Boy and Frane. Sanches. Frank Sanches was out hunting stock, and stood !ind watched a numerous drove passing on down to the Leon for water, hoping to find some of his strayed two- year olds. Imagine his surprise, as the last yearling was nearing him and he was about to turn and retrace his steps homeward, to see a small boy's head bobbing up just behind the calf. On the child's approach he found it was a white boy who had been captured by the Indians. He had escaped and was following the stock, HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. 49 hojping to reach the settlements. Mr. Sanches cared for the little boy and returned bim. to his people. It was about this time and in the same locality that Henry Martin, a son-in-law of Mr. Mansker, was killed. He was separated from other members of a party who were attacked by Indians while rounding up cattle, and lest his life. VI — Battle Creek Fight. * A great fight with Indians took place on this creek m the northwestern part of the County. Three In dians and one white man, Mr. Lathan, were killed. Mr. Rufe Atwood has a skull supposed (from trinkets found near)- to be that of tbe chief of the party. Mr. J . B. Loyd, who has a son and daughter living in Cisco, was one of the scouts. CHAPTER IX. I — In the Midst of Ljee. Mr. Coffer was sick with fever and his family was in danger of starving. Four weeks bad he lain prone upon his bed and the fever was still high, but his wife was full of cheer and strong in hope. *Futile efforts were made to secure a description of this fight, which gave a name to the creek. It cannot be stated definitely whether the attacking party were Rang ers, soldiers, or a scout. 50 HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. "Why, husband, think what goodly company we'll have if we starve ! Bnt we have beans yet — a bucket full, and whoever comes to stay with us through the night brings something for you. Your fever did not run so high to-day, either. There now," she added, patting up his pillow, "isn't that better ?" "You always look on the sunny side, Martha. I'm glad you do." "I must go bring up the filly before it gets any later, 'cause I put her a little farther down toward the creek." "Martha ! How dangerous !" interposed her hus band. "The grass is so much better there. Besides, don't you see I am buckling on your six shooter, and here's 'old trusty,' " taking up a gun. "Why, husband, I could fight a dozen Indians !" But the woman could not deceive her husband. He well knew she did not possess the courage she feigned. Tt frightened her even to handle a gun. How could she defend herself if attacked ! "Dear Lord !" he moaned in an agony of appre hension, "make me well for her sake !" "Just the sight of that wood terrifies mie," she whis pered to herself, pausing half way between the house and the gate. "I've a good notion not to go after all — but — oh, I guess there's no Indian hiding," and nerv ing herself for the dreaded ordeal, she ran quickly down to where the young mare was "lariated out," and war jstooping to untie her when two Indians arose from the HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. 51 nearest clump of bushes and -with a frightful yell let fly two arrows. The hissing arrows, the sight of the "red demons," their ownward rush so paralyzed her that she dropped her gun, and a mtoment later fell dead with an arrow in her heart. Hastily scalping the woman, the Indians mounted the fine young mare and were gone. The man on the bed with tbe baby playing by hia side, listened with bated breath for the first sound of his wife's voice. He heard the sharp, quick yell of the Indians, then caught the sound of her cry. With one effort, he leaped from the bed — and fell. He forgot that he was sick, forgot that he had not stood on his feet for weeks. He raised himself on his elbow, but could see noth ing. He listened for the sound of his wife's running feet, but all was still. Again he listened. He heard the gallop of the mare he had raised from a colt, and he knew the Indians had scalped and probably killed the mother of his baby. He raised his voice and called — "Martha !" Oh, Marth-e-e !" In his horror his voice sounded shrill and clear. "She's dead ! Dear Lord, she's dead ! But the dead could have heard that call. Where's the baby?" — feel ing around him. "Is she dead, too? I'll call her. Su — No! No! I'm afraid. Why, how warm it is! T was cold a moment ago. How strong I feel! Martha, the fire's made. I'll go feed the filly, I hear her nicker ing. The dawn is breaking." One hour later, the neighbor who came to stay 53 HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. through the night, found the mian lying on the floor, burning with fever and talking incoherently, and the baby asleep on the bed. "Why, Martha, are you still asleep?" the sick man said, as his neighbor lifted bim upon the bed. "The filly is gone,' he rambled on, "the Indians must have stolen her. Thank God, it was not my wife or baby they got." The neighbor gave him a drink of water and put a wet cloth on his head ; then finding the woman lying dead, mounted his horse and rode rapidly to the nearest house to give the alarm. For many days the sick man's life hung in the balance, and it was not until the green grass covered her grave that he ventured to ask where his wife lay. Whether Coffer or the baby are still living could not be learned. Mr. Keith and Mr. McGough are the authority for the above incident. Their recollection of details differed slightly, but the result was the same. II — In Search of a Wife. One day, early in 1869, Mrs. Blair took her small children, leaving Delphia and Charlsie at home to do the family wash, and went to see a sick married daugh ter living near. She left a pot of peas and bacon on the hearth, with some fried eggs and bread in a skillet all ready for the girls' dinner. There was small danger of Indians at that, time, yet the instinct to watchfulness had been well trained, and the frontiersman was ever on the alert. HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. 53 When the noon hour arrived the girls came in to eat their dinner. "I'm going to eat my peas first and save the best for the last," Delphia remarked. '^Well, I'm going to eat the best first," laughed Charlsie, "and then I'll know that I have it." A noise at the gate aroused the girls and Charlsie, aged thir teen, went to the door. Mercy, me! Delphia, it's a big negro man." Her sister came to look and cried out, "Charlsie! It's an Indian !'" The younger girl darted under the foot cur tain of her mother's bedstead, while Delphia hurriedly hid herself between the two feather beds. The Indian came on, opened the door, looked around, (Charlsie watching him through tbe curtains), went to the glass, combed his hair, turned to the fire-place and discovered Delphia's eggs as well as Charlsie's peas. These he quickly dispatched, scooping up the peas witli his hand. Mrs. Blair had sent her little boy, Dave, and a small er girl, Adeline, across the field to her home for some medicine. When the boy stepped in at the door, the Indian looked up and said, "Come in," but the little ten year old lad turned, and catching his sister by the hand, made his way back to his mother as fast as hit, legs could carry him, coaxing his sister, when she stumbled or fell behind, "Run, Sissie, run, or the Indian will catch you." As the children did not see the girls, the mother n:)turaliy supposed they had been murdered, and she started home, screaming. She was cautioned to go by 54 HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. a neighbor's, and not expose herself to a like fate. This she did, and she and Mr. Bell cautiously appr ;ached the house, the mother not being able to restrain hei grief, as no sign of life appeared about the place. When they entered, the Indian lose, held out his hand and said, "Howdy." ("bobsheely.") Mr. Bell shook hands with him. "I don't want to shake hands -with yu," said Mrs. Blair. "Tell me what you have done with my children." "Why, Ma, here we are !" cried out Charlsie, coming mit from under the bed, while Delphia at the same ti ne tumbled out from her snug hiding place. The mother, clasping her children to her breast, began shout ing. When her joy had somewhat subsided, she went up rn the Indian and said, "Now, I'll shake band^ with y."-u, I've found my children." In the mieantime Mr. Blair and Mr. Wbatley, who had been out after board timber, came in. The Indian m..-de them to understand that believing the white; jiian «ould not kill the red man if he gave himself vp, be had waited several days for an opportune time. He wa,^ guarded clcsely over night and sent to Dublin ne.xt morning, from which place the soldiers carried hiin brick to ihe * Coiu.qncbep. On their arrival in Dublin an interpreter was found *Mr. Keith and Mr. Smith say he was sent to the Co manches. Mr. Keith says the Tonkaways wanted him, but the soldiers would not give him up. Mr. Sam Allen has always understood he was given to the "Tonks," who mad« him "run the gauntlet" — covering a given space and not being hit by the squaws and children lined up. As he was hit, they killed and scalped him. HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. 55 in Mr. Bob Barton. The Indian told him his squaw had been in a raid some weeks before and as she had never re turned, he had come to hunt for her. Mr. Barton told him of tbe accidental killing of the wounded squaw and as the times agreed he decided it was his wife. CHAPTER X. The Texas Rangers. It is not definitely known when the Texas Ranger service was instituted, but as early as the colonization of Texas under Austin, com,panies of volunteers were formed to repel Indian invasions. The Congress of the Republic, after Texas had gain ed her independence, made provision for a mounted force to guard the frontier which, in 1836, was Nacog doches, Houston and San Antonio; but "it was in the Mexican War of 1846-1848 that the Texas Mounted Vol unteers in the service of the United States, under such noted leaders as Walker, Hays and Gillespie, achieved world-renowned famie and clothed the name of Texas Ranger with its traditional glory." The "State Police" of the reconstruction period which became so odious to the citizens of the State was, in no sense, a part of the Ranger service. The former was characterized by outrage and lawlessness; the latter by intrepid acts of bravery, self-sacrificing courage, calm ness in danger, and a recklessness of self-preservation that will be the admiration of ages. It was at first 56 HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. semd-military, neither officers nor men wore uniforms, there was no strict discipline, no music — only mid night rides in tracking a foe, only cool daring in en counters. The Ranger service was an outgrowth of the times. No military in the world ever excelled the early Ranger in devotion to duty or obedience to orders. When it is remembered that all over the broad ex panse of Texas there was a moving frontier line made by the hardy Anglo-Saxon pioneer, and many hundreds of roving, hostile Indians composed of numerous tribes, each with a stronghold in the fastnesses of the moun tains of the unsettled West, it will readily be under stood that a mounted service for frontier protection must from necessity be maintained. Again, when the vastness of the unsettled country is taken into consid eration, it is not to be wondered at that the Indian was not the only menace of the frontier, nor yet, his oft- time ally, the secretive Mexican, but that bands of des peradoes infested the country. In all times of frontier settlement there has always been a border warfare born of necessity — so it was in Texas. When the Ranger service was organized, Texas had no money; thetimesandconditionsdidnotwarrant an ef fort toward a strictly disciplined military body; but an armed force, both for internal and border protection, was demanded. This was not alone because of the foes men tioned that threatened her welfare, but the demand was accentuated by the loose characters that drifted hither and thither, ofttimes renegades from justice, caring little if they did murder, or were themselves dispatched. HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTV. 57 "Out of this combination of circumstances and the necessities arising therefrom, was the Ranger service evolved, and so efficient and valuable did it prove that, as soon as practicable the organization was given offi cial recognition and a legal status and title." ;When Texas was a part of Mexico she needed the Rangers; when Independence perched aloft her banner, the frontier Battalion sustained her; when she entered the galaxy of Stars as the one of greatest possible magnitude, the Volunteer Companies protected her frontier; when she came out of the Union, standing with the glorious, honorable minority, she needed more than ever before the loyalty of her brave sons; and, then, when again she re-entered a united government, her Southern flag furled, her individual rights assailed and Imposed upon, governed by aliens, and looked upon as a reprobate, did she need the fearless strength of tbe Texas *Ranger. In the year 18 — Captain Whiteside, who formerly lived in Cisco, but now deceased, commanded a body of Rangers and was located at Ranger Camp. This was near the site of the town of Ranger and gave tbe village its name. *A detachment of Rangers, mounted, ready to start, was sketched at Blair's Fort in 1863 by a Mr. Stuart. Mr. Jim Mat Stephens of Dublin, Tex., owns the picture and is having it painted by an artist in St. Louis. For further information of thle Ranger service, see Scarff's Comprehensive History of Texas. A GROUP OF OLD SETTLERS Photo by Watkins, Rising Star, Tex. PERIOD II-1873-1881 CHAPTER I. organization. The Moving Frontier Line. The line of settlements in the County did not change frjr several years, but the force and power of the con stantly increasing flow of human beings from the other States, which was stopped temporarily in the populated tenters by the civil strife and the fear of the Indian in the West — could no longer be checked. The Rev. C. Brashears, who came to the county in ' the autumn of 1872, writes of the conditions existing at that time: "Six families at or near McGough Springs, three families at Mansker Lake, one settlement at Flanna gan's, consisting of a cow-ranch and one family ; another on South Palo Pinto Creek of two or more families: these, with two families on the Sabanno, three at P^Ui- son's Spring, and three or four at Desdemona, made up the entire population of Eastland County when I came here. "This was a fine stock country. Game was plentiful — such as bear, wolf, deer, turkey, buffalo, a few pan ther, wild cat, catamount, fox, opossum, skunk, and Indian. There were wild horses here at that time and any number of cattle. This was then a fine hog coun try, as there was always a hea-vy mast. Hogs were plen tiful." 60 HISTOR V OF EASTLAND COUNTY. When it is remembered that in 1860 there were ninety-nine inhabitants in Eastland County, and in 1870 only eighty-eight (including women and children), the conditions prevailing at that time in this section will more readily be appreciated. From Mr. Brashear's letter it will be seen that the frontier line of 1863 still existed in 1872, one year be fore the County was organized, and was marked by Flannagan's Ranch, MteCJough Springs, and .Tewell. Although the increase in population in one year was sufficient to organize the County as recorded in the foi- iowing chapter, yet the name of no man has been dis covered who located west of the line above referred to prior to 1872. It is pleasant to note, however, that once the County was organized and its possibilities known, a steady in flux of people began. In 1873 scarcely the seventy-five required number of voters could be found; in 1875, when the County Town was permlanently located at Eastland City, there were one hundred and twenty- three voters, and in 1880 the census gave four thousand eight hundred and fifty-five as the population of the County. On November 25, 1874, tbe last raid of Indian? through this County occurred.* They cam.e down by "Messrs. Sam Allen, of Van Horn, and K. Pemberton, ol Stephenville, are the authority for this statement. Judge Calhoun thinks a raid into Comanche County, passing through the western part of Eastland, occurred at a later date, and a little incident related by Mr. Pemberton might seem to substantiate this opinion. One day Mr. Frank Roach, who resided in the south ern part of Eastland, had gone alone to mill in Comanche HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. 61 the eastern route, and on Barton's Creek Mr. Ellison was shot off his horse, and Mr. Leslie killed on Indian Creek. Jlessrs. Sam Allen, Silas C. Buck, Tom Gibson and Mack Singleton were four of eighteen men who chased the Indians one hundred and fifty miles. During this period, 1873-1881, the old line of set tlements was wiped out. Six families (names given elsewhere), stopped in the Rising Star Country; Major Munn, who had to go eighteen miles to McGough Springs for his mail (which Postmaster Father Mc Gough kept in a shoe-box under his bed), settled at Nimrod, and lives on the land he first purchased; R. F, County. On- his return he met an acquaintance, who reined up his horse by Mr. Roach's wagon. "How is it you are out alone? Aren't you afraid of the Indians?" Mr. Roach replied: "No. Me and the Indians like each other; we get along along all right." Hardly had these words passed when a squad of In dians were seen coming :i round a thicket straight toward them. The man put spurs to his horse and was gone. Mr. ¦Roach leaped from his seat, cut one of his fine young mules from the harness and sprung upon his back. No sooner was this feat accomplished than the mule, on whose back man had never sat, began to pitch and to plunge, while the Indians bore down upon the defenseless man who found him- ."self in such a, close place. The mule, instead of going ("own the road as Mr. Roach urged him to do, rushed into a, thicket, which the Indians at once surrounded, laughing up- roarously at the antics of the mule, and helped to keep things interesting to the man by plying him with arrows. Suddenly, however, the mule made a dash for the road and damaged his reputation by ''oing exactly as he was desired to do — made tracks so fast that the Indians were outdis tanced. They took revenge by burning the wagon and its contents and carriei off the other animal. Mr. Roach lost an eye in the encounter, but was always able to appreciate the good race that he made. 63 HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. Weddington grazed his catle in tbe northwestern part of the County, as also did his neighbors, Cbarnel High- tower, Billy Stevens, John, Crowd, Bill, Hilly and Joe Dennis and Joe Funk. Mr. Drake and sons settled lower down on the Leon. In the Cisco Country were Messrs. N. Danvers, W. B. Cobb, Albert Stephens, Robert and Stuart Cone, N. Turknette, John Davis. Josh and John Morris, Lacy, Rhoads, Bunson, Townsend, T. E. Johnson, J. J. Wal lace, J. P. Montgomery, John Lane, 0. H. Lovelady, Frank Young, B. L. Pate, J. F. Loony, M. V. Palmer, Jim Caradine and M. B. Owens. * Thus was the frontier line pushed farther and farther west, and the civilization of the Virginias, Car- olinas, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Alabama aud Mississippi found amiong this moving throng, tip-toeing to see across and venture on and on as the line strode westward. CHAPTER II. Organization of the County. The Thirteenth Representative District in 1870 comprised Johnson, Hood, Parker, Palo Pinto and Jack Counties with the unorganized Counlies of Stephens, Eastland, Throckmorton, Shackelford. Callahan. Tay lor, Jones, Young and Haskell attached. "Tliese names have been supplied by R. P. -Weddington. R. G. Luse and I, Lamb. Doubtless there are many other names these gentlemen failed to remember. HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. 63 There came a time, however, when the citizens of Eastland began to want to do business at home. The odious State Police bad been disbanded, and regularly appointed Rangers now guarded the rapidly moving frontier line. Hardy pioneers pushed westward and Eastland was no longer a frontier country. 'Many new settlers were coming into the County, land was being put into farms, substantial houses were going up, but for a time no man came forward to take the lead in the movement for organization. The 12th Legislature, which met in 1872, had passed into history, but the prominent citizens of Eastland, all of whom devoutly wished for organization, had done nothing toward its accomplishment. This inactivity on the part of the older men nerved to action Silas C. Buck, a young lawyer living on the Davidson Ranch. He made his o-wn plans, had himself appointed Deputy District Clerk of Palo Pinto County and went to work. In Section 36 of Chapter 75 of the General Laws of the 7th Legislature, which met in 1858, an act creating Eastland and other counties, reads: "The County may be organized as follows : Whenever the bona fide, free, white male inhabitants thereof (including all such recognized as citizens by the Constitution of this State) over twenty-one years of age, to the number of at least seventy-five, may petition the Presiding Jufs- tice * of an adjoining county, or the nearest organized county, asking such organization, and the person pre senting the petition (being a creditable citizen of the ''From 1869 to 1876 there were no County Judges in Texas. 64 HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. county from which the petition emanates) shall testify upon oath and in writing before such Presiding .lustice that the names subscribed to the petition are those of bona fide inhabitants of such county, possessing the qualifications aforesaid, and were affixed to said petition by each of said persons himself; then it shall be the duty of such Presiding .Justice forthwith to order an election in said county for county officers, observing the provisions, as far as applicable, of the general election laws," etc., etc. The first thing to do, according to the foregoing law, was to secure the signatures of seventy-five "bona fide, free, white, male citizens" to a petition addressed to Presiding Justice J. H. Baker of Palo Pinto, asking for an election to be ordered. Armed with a six- shooter and bowie knife — for in 1873 there was still danger from Indians — Mr. Buck rode over the County, hunting all the bona fide citizens. One afternoon he stopped at a little doggery a couple of miles from W. H. Mansker's, where he found several free, white, male citizens exercising their liberties. The boisterous sounds within the ten by twelve log room in dicated an excessive nearness to shoals which warned the young lawyer to linger on the outside of the open door. Two of the men (called Tom and Mike because their names could not be learned), became involved in an altercation, and presently Mike got the drop on Tom md covered him with a pistol. No sooner did he ac complish this feat, however, than he. in turn, was cov ered by another man, named Stewart. At this moment. Buck became interested, and fingered his guns and felt HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. 65 of his knife, as he watched and waited for a chance to help the "under-dog." Fortunately for all concerned, some adjustment of the difficulty was effected. The so liciting petitioner went in and secured the signatures of the free, white males, and then turned in at Mr. Mansker's for the night. When about sixty-five naiaes had been secured. Buck, who did not know how tbe law read, exactly, car ried the petition to Presiding Justice Baker, who or dered an election to be held on December 2, 1873, with the following result : 1st. McGough Spring,s — J. B. McGough, Justice of the Peace. 2nd. Flannagan's Ranch — W. F. Hale, Justice of the Peace. 3rd. Allen's Mill — John W. Gibson, Justice of the Peace. 4th. Hogto-wn Watson, Justice of the Peace. 5th. Jewell — E. E. Head, Justice of the Peace. H. Schmick, Sheriff; Clerk District Court, A. J. Stuart. On February following, an election, which was held to locate the County Town resulted in Flannagan's Ranch being chosen and the name of Merriman was given to it. By some move, kno-wn, perhaps, only to as tute politicians, although McGough Springs was des ignated as the First Precinct, and J. B. McGough elected from that locality, yet, W. P. Hale, of Flanna gan's Kanch was made Presiding Justice, and Merri man became the First Precinct. The citizens now felt secure in their organization 66 HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. and were ready for work. Mart Owens and Miss Town- send went to Justice Gibson to get married. The .lus tice refused to marry the couple, and said that he would resign his offioe before he would attempt such a thing. Mtr. Owens, insisting, secured a form of ceremony from a friend, and after studying this all night, Mr. Gibson consented and married the couple. Now came the startling news that that oracle of the law, Captain W. C. Veale, of Palo Pinto, had said that "the organization of Eastland wouldn't hold water." This statement sent young Buck to Austin. He inter- A'iewed Governor Coke, a personal friend, who sent him to his Secretary of State. Colonel DeBerry. "Now, Colonel DeBerry," said Buck, "if you can't issue commissions to these officers who have been elected, I want this Legislature to pass laws that will legalize the organization so you can." "Here, give me their names, I'll fix them alright," answered Colonel DeBerry", filling out the commissions and affixing his signature." To mlake the organization doubly strong, Mr. Buck remained two or three weeks, and through Senator.^ Jack Ball of Weatherford and Major Erath of Waco. succeeded in having all the necessary laws passed. With copies of these bills properly signed, in his pocket, to gether with the officers' commissions, the young lawyer made his way back to Eastland. When it is remembered that there were few news papers, and that the railroad still lingered among the protecting pines of Marshall, Texas, this lack of knowl edge of procedure in such an undertaking as tbe or- HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. 67 ganization of a county is not surprising and one is able to more thoroughly appreciate young Buck's grit and nerve. * CHAPTER III. some of the first voters. James Henry Calhoun. Aside from the inherent manhood that came to him from a noble and godly ancestry, our present District Judge lies close to the hearts of the inhabitants of Eastland County from two primary causes. He is one of the first voters and has served the County and Dis trict in an official capacity several times. Then, during the protracted drouth of 1886 and 1887, Judge Cal houn, who was serving as State Senator from this, the 29th District, accomplished the creation of a special committee for the relief of the drouth sufferers, was made its chairman, and did more than anyone else in securing the $100,000.00 appropriated by the 20th Leg islature for that purpose. Judge Calhoun, who is a native of Georgia and graduated from Homer College in Louisiana in 1870, came to Texas in 1871 and located at Waco, where he read law under General Tom Harrison, and was licensed to practice August 8, 1873. He came at once to this County and was here when it was organized. Tn the ¦"Mr. Buck gave the above information in a personal In terview, and it was corroborated by Judge Cajhonn and others. 68 HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. election for officers in 1876, he was made County Judge — the first to hold that office in Eastland. He has served two terms as District Attorney and has had an J. H. CALHOUN, DiSTKiCT Judge, Cisco extensive land practice, but has never confined himself to any particular branch of the profession. He is rec ognized as a lawyer of eminent ability. In his oratory he is eloquent and impassioned, and merits all the hon ors that have come to him. HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. 69 Judge Calhoun is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, So- ith, of the Masonic Fraternity, and the Independent Or-der of Odd Fellows. He was married tc Miss Jennie Conner in Eastland uity on January 1, 1882, and has three children. His home is in Cisco. "He is a true friend." a generous foe, and a lover of the pure and good.'' -WILLIAM ALLEN, StbAWN In the Fall of 1858, Mr. Allen came from and stopped for a short while in the southern part of Palo Pinto County. He found the people to be brave and generous. The country, then, be writes. "Was thickly settled by bands of friendly Indians, who lived 70 HISTOR Y OE EASTLAND CO UNTT. by hunting wild game, all kinds of which were plentiful. During the year 1859 — I had moved to Eastland County then — the Indians became very hostile and re- nained so for fifteen years. The settlers had to be con tinually on their guard." In 1865 Mtr. Allen settled on a ranch on South Palo Pinto Creek (this County), which he still owns. Tt now aggregates nine thousand acres. He lives in Strawn, and has a wife and five children. J. M. Ellison. At the time of the Indians' first raid through this County in December, 1859, they stole Dr. Richardson's horses. Mr. Ellison, with six others, followed them three days through a fearful snowstorm without any success. "From that time on I was either on a cow hunt or an Indian trail. Two weeks was tbe longest 1 ever did without bread." Clothing was hard to get. Calico cost fifty cents a yard. Mr. Ellison was sadly in neic? of a suit of clothes. He writes : "I went out one day and killed two bucks, dressed their hides and made me a pair of pants. Then I killed some doe, dressed their hides and made me a shirt — then I was all right for the brush, only I had no shoes. I dug a trough out of a cotton wood log, tanned the leather and made me some." Mr. Ellison lives near Gorman, where he first set tled in October, 1858. HISTOR T Of Eastland go unty. n W. C. McGough. In T-wigg County, Georgia, December 11, 1836, Mr. McGough was born, and moved to Parker County, Texas, when twenty years old. On January 18, 1858, be was married to Miss Paulina Birch of Bosque County, and m.oved to Eastland November 1, 1860. He has lived here continuously — at McGough Springs, near Eastland City, since 1863. He is a member of the Baptist Church. W-. 0. McGOUGH'S residence CHAPTEE V. Fi-yE Generations. The accompanying illustration represents five gen erations. Captain J. J. Keith, born in Alabama in 1822, and Miss Isabel Ely, born in Virginia in 1823, were married in Arkansas March 8, 1839, and emi- FIVE GENERATIONS 1. J, J. Keith, 82. Isabel Keith, 81. 3. T. E. Keith, 57. Caroline J. Keith, 52. 3. Easter Grantham Keith, 26. 4. Crissie Richardson, 18. 5. Natha Richardson, 10 months. HISTOR Y OF EASTLAND GO UNTY. 73 grated to Titus County, Texas, in 1844, thus becoming i?itizens of the Republic of Texas- While here, on De cember 10, 1846, their oldest son, T. E., was born. In i860, while living in Erath County, this family with the O'Neals and others, foriified themselves at Dublin (thus founding that prosperous town) and remained there until April, 1863. Th^y finally located at Mansker Lake, where Mr. Keith engaged in stockraising. Here their daughter Ellen, Mrs. Derrington of Sabanno, was bom, who was the first girl baby born m the coun ty. While residing in Erath Yit. Keith raised a com pany of Rangers and was made their Capt.iin. This venerable couple have lived for the last twelve years at Curtis with their daughter, ilrs. Ehzibeth Pressley, and have more than one hundred descend ants. On the 8th of March, 1904, they will have been married sixty-five years. Out of their thirteen children eight are still living. Their oldest son, T. E. Keith, has been prominently connected with the history of Eastland since 1863, when he "scouted for Indians." On July 4, 1864, he was mar ried at ilansker Lake to Miss Caroline ,T. Arthur, daughter of William. J. Arthur, and now lives near Curtis. "Uncle Tom," as he is familiarly called, has served Ihe county as Commissioner and .Justice of the Peace many times. When he realized that he needed the edu cation that he had been deprived of by having been born and reared on the frontier, he set to work with rare en ergy and tenacity of purpose to remedy the defect, and at the age of fifty-four was admitted to the bar after 74 HISTOR 7 OF EASTLAND CO UNTT. satisfactory examination. Honor to such persistent ef fort! H. S. Schmick. The first Sheriff cf Eastland was born in Ar kansas, December 28, 1842. He enlisted in the Con- H. S. schmick federate Army (1861) as First Lieutenant in the 7th Arkansas Regiment, and served until the surrender in 1865. In 1868 he came to Eastland and engaged in the cattle business. When the County was organized in 1873, HISTOR T OF EASTLAND CO UNTY. 73 he held the office of Sheriff for eight consecutive years. He has been merchandizing since his term of office ex pired. He is a member of the Christian Church. The Stockton Family. In 1868, Ike and Sam Stockton, accompanied by their two sisters, Amanda and Sallie Ivie, emigrated to Eastland and finding a desirable place near Desde mona, put up a log cabin, and rested at ease. The game in the woods around them supplied the table, and the meal barrel and flour bin were full. Their ease was not at all disturbed when Sallie told the boys the salt was low. "Why, we can do without salt for two months," Ike insisted. At last came a day when dinner was prepared with out any salt. "My, what in the world is the matter with this venison?" Ike asked, when he began to eat. "There's no salt iu it," replied Sallie. "Well, my gracious, make some mush." She did so. Tt was still worse. "Red man, or no red man," the boy exdaimed, as he hurriedly saddled his horse, "this boy has got to be salted," and he rode to Stephenville after salt. The family spent eight years in this lonely log cabin, with the shade of the green mantle of the oaks and elms as their summer rendezvous, and the babbling spring, one hundred yards away, as their watering place. They now live in New Mexico. 76 HISTORY OF EASTLAND GO UNTY. C. C. High. Mr. High was born in Georgia, March 7, 1851, and came to Texas with bis father when only five years old. A-t the age of fourteen he served an apprenticeship in C, C. HIGH, Eastlan-d a blacksmith shop in Crockett, where he was married at the age of twenty to Miss Elizabeth Howell. He emigrated to Eastland in 1873 and stopped at McGough Springs. He served two years in the Texas Ranger Company "A" under Captain Walder. On the HiSTOH Y OF EA STL AND GO UNTY. 77 lot he still occupies, Mr. High put up the first black smith shop established in the county. Mr. High is a pioneer Odd Fellow, and assisted in the organization of the first lodge in Eastland. He is a Past Grand and Past Chief Patriarch, and held the office of Treasurer in the Eastland City Lodge for sixteen years. Mr. High is an open-hearted and typical frontiers man, true as the steel which he hammers. Oscar Cook Came to the county in 1872, and in the organization tie held the election at Jewell. He writes: "I had to cake the ballot to Bill McGough's (twelve miles) and then Bill carried it to Palo Pinto to be counted. I was on the first Grand Jury of the first Court — which was held at Schmick School House. Then we held Tiourt on the Colony Fork at Barny Bartholomew's and next at Eastland. It took nearly all of us boys to hold Court. "I had to go to Comanche (thirty miles) for black- smithing and for bread. Thomas Mansker, Mr. .Tustis, Simp Evans, Will Thanish, Thomas Marsh, Calvin Wadkins, and myself were all who lived on the Sabanno then. Our nearest neighbors were six and twelve miles. The Indians took our horses from us twice before we had neighbors enough to keep them away A fellow felt skittish when out cutting poles to fence with, plow ing, or going to mill. But after the county was organ ized it settled up rapidly," 78 HISTOR Y OF EASTLAND GO UNTT. John Thomas Townsend, Who was born in May. 1830, was married to Miss Mary Josephine Jenkins in li^entucky, in 1854. M'rs. Townsend's father, Charles Jenkins, who was a delegate to the National Convention that nominated James K. Polk for President of the United States, died in East land four years ago at the age of ninety-seven. Mr. To-wnsend, with his brother, Ira Townsend, and others, located five miles west of Eastland City in 1872. The nearest neighbor (W. C. McGough) was ten miles away; supplies were hauled from Dallas, one hundred and fifty miles; and the buffalo and antelope were still roaming the prairie lands, which have since been cov ered with timber. Fifty wolves in one bunch, turkeys so thick on the trees the limb would break, and encounters with the Mexican lion are some of the experiences of this pioneer. The unbounded hospitality of the Townsend Ranch was typical of the frontiersmen, and was the chief means for the dissemination of local news and from the world "back East." No fences disturbed the freedom of the cattle in these iajs. "Grass and water were plentiful, land and cattle were cheap. Lands which are now worth from twenty-five to thirty dollars an acre could have been pur chased then, at most, for from fifty to seventy-five cent,? an acre." Dr. E. D. Townsend, a prominent phvsician of T.ilano, Texas, and Mrs. B. F. Kelly of Eastland, are Mr. To-wnsend's livinsr children. One son, Rr, W, F, Townsend, died in Llano, August, 1908. HISTOR Y OF EASTLA ND GO UNTT. 7'J j\Ir. To-wnsend, who lives with his wife at home in Eastland City, says: "If I could find another East land County as it was thirty years ago, I would emi grate to the hunter's paradise at once." Mr. j. L. Dufeer. Mr. J. L. Duffer, who served on tbe first jury in Eastland, was the first man to be married in the County after it was organized, as the records in County Clerk Cox's office will show. Squire Watson of the Alameda Precinct, (Hogtown, the voting place), performed the ceremony, and Miss ilary BoUng was the lady he married. Reveeexd C. Brasheaes Was born in Kentucky July 8, 1846. He came to Texas with his father, who located in Parker County in 1851, where he remained until 1872, when be settled in Eastland. Mr. Brashears was married December 22, 1863, and has six children, all reared in this county. He is pastor of a Baptist Church at Ellison's Spring, where he lives . Dr. Jackson Evans. There was no physician nearer than Stephenville,. Erath County, when Dr. Evans arrived in Eastland, March 10, 1872. He was called at once to see a very sick woman who, although she had been stricken -with fever three weeks previous, had not been visited by a 80 HISTOR T OF EASTLAND CO UNTT. physician. It is to Dr. Evans' credit that she was soon convalescent. The territory coverd by this first doctor reminds one of the extent of the pioneer "circuit rider." From the North Fork of Palo Pinto Creek to Desdemona, dr, JACKSON EVANS and from Barton's Creek in Erath County to the limits of civilization in Eastland were the bounds of his calls. "My three children were then very small, but I had often to leave them and their mother alone when there was danger of Indians. We stopped near a cow-ranch for protection — as there was no town in the county — HISTOR YOFEA STL AND GO UNTY. 81 and we are still at our old stand with all the practice I can do. "Eastland was a paradise for hunters, when I came here — cougar, bear, deer and turkey in abundance. I killed all I needed for family use, while out visiting the sick. One day, just one mile from where I now live, a party of men (of which T was a member) killed four bear, while another party in hearing of us killed two more. "Many jokes were perpetrated on Eastland County in those days," continues Dr. Evans. "I heard a trav eler, who was passing along the road near my house, say, 'I would not have this County and one dollar.' We little thought then how valuable this shinery was."* Dr. Evans and wife have five children. Joseph Peter Davidson Was born November 5, 1828, and was reared in Giles County, Tennessee. He moved to Texas in 1853 and stopped two years in Bosque County. In 1865 he settled permanently in Eastland — "Davidson's Ranch" is one of the old landmarks of the county. Until the year 1870 he engaged in the cattle busi ness and farming, when he was appointed District Sur veyor of the Palo Pinto Land District, which included ¦•It is interesting to note the ignorance of the early set tlers regarding the productiveness of the soil. Then it was a cattle country and a "hunter's paradise," but it was also an unknown and undeveloped agricultural land, with the rich chocolate loams of the eastern part of the County, the sandy loams of the middle, and the light, enduring sand, with its clay subsoil, of the south and west, as the products raised in great abundance to-day verify. 83 HISTOR 7 OF EASTLAND GO UNTT. Eastland. In 1873, when Eastland was organized, he was elected County Surveyor and held the office until 1878, when he declined to serve longer. Many old set tlers testify that he helped them in locating good sur veys without a thought of remuneration. Mr. Davidson was a member of the Methodist Church, South, and a Royal Arch Mfe.son. His chief characteristics were his patience, integrity, purity of life and boundless hospitality. Hospitality on the fron- iier has always cast a sheen and glanmur of dignified nobility, but few carried that virtue so far as "Uncle Peter." For nearly twenty years on his ranch he kept "open house" for all who came or went — traveler, pros pector, homeseeker, stranger, all were royally enter tained. He died at Strawn, 1897, and was buried by the Eastland Masonic Lodge, of which he was a charter member. J. R. Higgins. In the fall of 1872 Mr. Higgins settled on the farm where he now lives, six miles southeast of Eastland City on the Leon River. One year later he married. "In those days we lived in log cabins, usually with one door, no window, roof weighted on, and puncheon floor. We went in ox wagons to Stephenville or Co manche to mill. Stephenville was my postoffire," Mr. Higgins owns a fine farm with a good home and plenty of stock. His wife is a daughter of W. C. JtflcGpugh. HISTOR Y OF EASTLAND GO UNTY. 83 CHAPTER IV. Eastland City. "There is a tide in the affairs of man, ^ Which, taken at the fiood, leads on to fortune; We must take the current when it serves. Or lose our venture." — Shakespeare. Two young men in a land office in Dallas pondered over the truth contained in the quotation above as they again went over the map before them. "We must take the current when it serves, Or lose the venture." " 'The current serves' now, for they won't put up buildings at Merriman, I am told," said one. "We must take it, then, or else lose our venture." These young men, late of the University of Ken tucky, had just bought from J. A. Speers the C. S. Betts survey, three hundred and twenty acres, centrally located, and had conceived the idea of moving the County Town from Merriman, and locating it on their own land. On their way to Mansker Lake to have District Clerk A. J. Stuart, who resided there, to record their deed, the young men met J. H. Ellison, to whom they disclosed their purpose. "It can never he done," he said. The adverse opinion of the old frontiersma,!] did not daunt them. They located tbe southwest comer of the C. S. Betts survey, selected a slightly elevated spot of ground between the North and South forks of the Leon Eiver, made a rough sketch, and staked out lev TT HISTOR T OF EASTLAND GO UNTT. 85 the pubhc square of Eastland, (the name the Legisla ture had provided for the county town), January 15, 1875. After having emtployed a Mr. Allen to cut logs for the cabin to be raised in May, the young men, Jacl< Daugherty and C. U. Connellee, returned to Dallas. In May Mr. Connellee, accompanied by J. B. Am.- merman, who had become a member of the firm, re turned. The survey of the town was completed, the log house put up where the La Roe Hotel (Mr. Greenfield proprietor) now stands, and a frame store-house built on the lot now occuped by the Eastland County Bank, in which was put a stock of general merchandise. The goods and the lumber for the store were hauled in wag ons from Dallas, the nearest railroad point, by way of Granbury and Stephenville, thence on the Fort Griffin military road by way of Desdemona and Merriman. From a point near where Uncle George Moss now lives, and where the Texas and Pacific railroad crosses Colony Creek, a road was blazed to the new town, and the wagons proceeded. The drivers were Heath Hale and George Martin. The founders encouraged settlement by offering a deed fee simple of any lot to any person who would put up either a residence or a business house. Six miles west of Eastland lived John T. Townsend, R. S. Drake, Ira Townsend, Tip Saunders, William .MJunn, and a few others lived on the South Fork of the Leon; lower down the stream; nearer Eastland, were Uncle Sandy Miartin. .Jack Drake, and others, and about two miles northeast of the town C. R. Johnson lived. He is the father of Dr. J. L. Johnson. With Mr. 86 HISTOR T OF EASTLAND GO UNTT. Johnson boarded Mr. Connellee and his bride, and three bachelors, — J. E. Gold, John S. Bedford, and William Gwaltney, who were surveyors and interested with Mr. Johnson in farming .ind cattle raising. Down at Mansker Lake, at A. J. Stewart's, there boarded a young lawyer, who spent his spare time dreaming of a practice that would some day be his. His dreams came true and he presides over the District Court to-day. A number of people availed themselves of the op portunity to get a lot in town. J . F. Davenport, now of Cisco, built a house on the northeast corner of the square, where Downtain's brick building stands, and merchandised. Isham Finch built a hotel on the southeast corner of the square. "It was beyond question the best public place of entertainment in the county at that time — there being no others." Major J. H. Davenport, for merly State Senator from Bell County, established a law office on the south side of the square and published the first newspaper in the county, "The Review." J. H. Calhoun, present District Judge, built a law office on the north side of the square in 1876, which is now tbe oldest house standing. Other lawyers who established themselves in the town at an early date were Frank Stanley, now a dis tinguished lawyer of Fort Worth, and D. B. Corley, the I'.rst lawyer who came to Eastland City. The latter was made Postmaster and established his office in Daugherty, Connellee & Ammerman's store. Mir. Corley exhibited the orginal "Uncle Tom's Cabin" at the Chicago HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. 87 World's Fair, and is author of a book entitled "The Lives of the Apostles." J. H. and J. C. Cox merchandized under the firm name of Cox Brothers. J. H. Eversdale put up a saw mill and manufactured what was known as "rawhide lumber" out of the oaks that covered the hills. This enterprise greatly facilitated the building of smiall bouses. Later, Mr. Eversdale engaged in the mercantile busi ness and had the misfortune to lose his stock of goods by fire in 1885. Rev. J. C. Weaver, a Methodist minister, held the first divine service in the town in the unfinished log hotel being put up by Isham Finch. Rev. .7. M. Lingo organized the first Baptist Church. Tn the summer of 1875, Daugherty, Connellee and Ammerman made a proposition to the citizens to move the County Town from Merriman to Eastland. Tbe elec tion, held August 2, 1875, resulted as follows: East land, sixty-seven; Merriman, nine; McGough Springs, forty-four; Center of the County, five, and scattering, two. The gentlemen making the proposition had agreed to erect a two-story stone building and donate the sec ond floor to the County for a court room as long as de sired, and entered into a bond of $5000.00 for its faith ful performance. This building is still standing on the northwest corner of the square. The county assumed a new dignity. The court had a home and offices, and a number of lawyers located in the town: J. R. Flemming, later Judge of the Dis trict; J. Ml. Moore, son of Chief Justice Mbore of the Supreme Court of Texas, and who was appointed Sec- 88 HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. retary of State under Governor Ross ; Judge E. T. Hil- Uard; J. E. Thomas of Dallas, who served as County At torney; T. H. Conner, now Chief Justice of the Court of Appeals of Fort Worth, Texas; G. W. Perryman; A. Lawrence, who held the office of County Attorney and Judge; R. B. Truly, at one time District Clerk; and B. F. Collins. Daugherty, Connellee and Ammerman offered the Texas and Pacific Railway Company one-fourth of the lots in the town if the road were built through East land. In October, 1880, the first engine rolled into the county town, which remained the terminus for several months. J. B. Ammerman was made station agent. Eastland was now the distributing point for all towns North, South and West; and also the starting place for numerous stage and United States mail lines, during which time it was a flourishing Western town. Mr. Berry of Stephenville did a banking business in .Take Alexander's store. Keenly alive to the interests of the town, a commit tee of citizens went to Waco and offered to the company projecting the Texas Central Railway line through the County the sum of $25,000.00 to build through East land. This offer was not accepted and the junction with the Texas and Pacific was made at Cisco, ten miles west of Eastland. Cisco was a precocious youngster, and wanted to be the County Town. An election was held August 2, 1881, which resulted as follows: Eastland, three hundred and fifty-four; Cisco, three hundred and twenty-four. The question settled, the Commissioners' Court let a HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. 89 contract for the building of a court house at a cost of $57,000,000. This three-story building of native stone was put up in 1883-84. The original contract price made with Lance and McEashen, contractors, was $34,998.00, but tbe Commissioners' Court had to take charge of it when half completed. The County, aided materially by citizens of the town, erected prior to this a stone jail on the public square at a cost of $5,500.00. The jail was built by Messrs. Mar tin, Byrne and Johnson. On Sunday morning at three-thirty o'clock, November 26, 1896, the court house was discovered to be on fire, and was burned to the ground. Hill and Schmick and Judge J. T. Hammons lost their libraries and office fur niture. Judge Calhoun, who officed in the building, saved his library. The County's loss was $50,000.00, with $30,000.00 insurance. Two months later, on January 26, the question of moving tbe County Town to Cisco was again voted upon. Although Cisco offered to donate the land and erect the building free of cost to the County, she failed to secure the necessary two-thirds vote to remove the town to a point outside of a five-mile radius from the center of the County. The vote stood: Cisco, nine hundred and forty; Eastland, five hundred and fifty-three; Carbon, three hundred and fifty-five; Center of the County, six teen; Curtis, one, and Dustic one. The contracts for a new court house and jail were let at once. John White of Vernon, Texas, agreed to put up a three-story fire proof building for $49,000.00. The extras, including fence, furniture, etc., made the 90 HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. house cost, when completed, $58,000.00. The fire proof jail was built by J. A. White of Houston, for $10,000.00, and furnished at a cost of $2,000.00. Eastland has thus grown from a one-roomed cabin in the woods to a substantial town — the capital of one of tbe best counties in the State. Tt has an excellent graded public school system, -with an enrollment of three A basket of ARKANSAS BLACK APPLES FROM GUS HAKBINS ORCHARD hundred pupils, a commodious two-story building and employs a Superintendent and four assistants. Three churches — ^the Baptist, Miethodist and Christian — ^have organizations and buildings. In this town are several organized bodies: A pro gressive Business Mjen's Association: a Woman's Lit erary Club — ^the Hawthorne — which founded and has charge of the Public Library; and Masonic, Odd Fellow, and Woodmen's Lodges. There are to be found here HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. 91 three resident ministers, eleven lawyers, three doctors, three dry goods establishments, four groceries, three drug stores, two hardware and implement houses, one bank, two livery stables, one wagon yard, three hotels, two restaurants, two boarding bouses, two barber shops, two meat markets, one furniture store, two gins, a tele phone exchange with long distance connections, two blacksmith shops, and two lumber yards. The town is incorporated for municipal purposes, tbe tax being only one-fourth of one per cent, and contains one thou sand inhabitants. Tbe second National Bmk established in tbe county opened its doors for business in the Autumn of 1890 with Major W. H. Parvin, now deceased. President, and .John T. Yeargin, Cashier. Eastland County Confederate Association. — One of the leading features of the historical, social and benevo lent interests of Eastland County is the organization of this unchartered body. Its purposes have been so thoroughly and uniformly adhered to, and so pleasant and com,mendable that interest in its annual reunions increases. At the suggestion of our well beloved comrade. Dr. S. H. Stout, who new sleeps in an honored soldier's grave, a preliminary meeting was held in County Clerk John T. Yeargin's office, February 8, 1886. The Con federates present were Dr. S. H. Stout, Colonel George W. Shannon, John T. Yeargin, W. H. Day, Henry Hal- lum, J. T. Hammonds, C. R. Johnson, Captain J. L. Steele, and June Kimble. A committee consisting of Messrs, Hardeman, Yeargin and Kimble was appointed 93 HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. to draft a constitution and by-laws, and a call made for a meeting, April 8, 1886. Tbe call was responded to by more than one hundred gallant old Confederates who braved a storm for the privilege of placing their names upon this roll of honor, which yet remains intact. The following officers were elected: Dr. S. H. Stout, President; Colonel George Shannon, Vice President; June Kimble, Secretary: John T. Yeargin, Treasurer, and the Rev. Jack Mc- Clure, Chaplain. There are four hundred and ninety-three names on the roll. Those who have passed over the river, and those who have moved to other localities are so en tered, making it a true record. The annual reunions of this organization, which long since became an institution of the County^ have brought our people together for seventeen years, the delightful gatherings numbering from three to five thousand veterans, wives. Sons and Daughters, and friends. The constitution declares the object of this Asso ciation to be "historical, social, and benevolent." The organization owns in fee simple a beautiful and con venient plot of ground, located one-half mile north of the court house, consisting of five and one-half acres, upon which it purposes to build a capacious tabernacle. When the building is completed it will pass into the hands of the Sons and Daughters, who will doubtless receive it as a sacred trust committed to them by their fathers. HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. 93 J. S. DAUGHERTY Houston Mr. Daugherty, the father of Eastland City, was born in Missouri, August 25, 1849. and educated at Lexington University, Kentucky. He came to Dallas in 1873, and soon became in- 94 HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. terested in a real estate business, and in the founding of Eastland City. He was the author of the Business League in the United States. On his motion, the Dallas Board of Trade created a committee on Public Interests in 1882. Under this committee, of which he was Chairman, three railroads, the Galveston News as Morning News, and the head quarters of the T. & P. and M. K. & T. Ry.. Companies were brought into Dallas; the Fair was organized and the Opera House and Merchants' Exchange Buildings were built. Other prominent cities, Denver, Kansas City, etc., organized Business Leagues. Tn 1882 Mr. Daugherty was elected President of the Real Estate Men's Association of Texas; in 1889 be was elected Chairman of the State Immigration x4s- sociation, in 1892 he was appointed to represent Texas in the "Good Roads" Committee of the United States. and many of its policies and principles were formed by him. He was unanimously chosen by the Trans-Mississippi Commercial Congress at Denver to prepare an address to the people of the United States on the silver ques tion. Richard P. Bland, then in Congress, adopted this address as part of his argument on this question, and it was printed in the Congressional Record. Mr. Daugherty, who now resides in Houston, is still a successful dealer in real estate. HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. 95 HON. C- U. CONNELLEE, EASTLAND C. U. Connellee was born and reared among the pic turesque hills of Eagle Creek in Scott County, Ken tucky, and was educated in the A. & M. Department of the University at Lexington. He came to Texa^ in 1874, located in Dallas, and engaged in the real estate business and in tbe location of land certificates. 96 HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. In March, 1875, he married Miss M^ttie Payne, of Champaign County, Illinois, and came with her direct to Eastland City, where he has ever since made his home. In these &a,Aj days be was Chief Mlarshal of all the forces -ivorking for Eastland City and County, the general source of information for all prospectors and proposing immigrants. Others came and left, C. U. Connellee stayed on; when the settler came in wanting a quarter section of school land, C. U. Connellee knew of one to point out to him. In these days of railroads, telegraph wires and tele phone lines, one can scarcely appreciate the difficulty of forwarding settlement in a heavily timbered county with no means of direct comtaiunication, only wagon roads over which to travel, and the nearest railroad one htmdred and fifty miles away. But under all dif ficulties Mr. Connellee held firm his faith in Eastland County. As frontier agent for Daugherty, Connellee and Ammerman he located lands, making frequent trips west — even penetrating the Staked Plains for this pur pose, where he encountered Indians a number of times. In 1887 he was elected to the State Legislature from the District comprising the counties of Eastland, Stephens and Palo Pinto. As Representative he served one term, and was connected with the enactment of several very important laws . His present wife was Miss TuUie Folts Hardeman, with whom he became acquainted while serving as Rep resentative, and shortly afterwards married. HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. 97 J, B, AMMERMAN, CISCO J. B. Ammerman was born January 5, 1855, on a farm in Harrison County, Kentucky, and educated in the public schools, and in the State University at Lexing ton, where he was a room-mate of J. S. Daugherty. After leaving school he came to Texas and in tho Spring of 1875 became associated with Mr. Daugherty in the land business at Dallas, Texas. In this position 98 HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. he became connected with the early settlement of East land County, and in the founding and development of Eastland City as the County Town. He conducted land-locating parties when it was nec essary for every member to be heavily armed, penetrat ing the then trackless plains almost to the New Mexico line. In December, 1880, he was married to Miss Lelia Barlow of Bourbon County, Kentucky, and moved from Dallas to Eastland City, where he served as the first station agent of the Texas and Pacific Railway. After leaving the employ of the railroad eompan]^, he bought William Cameron & Company's lumber business at Eastland, and also established the first lumber vard at Cisco. Later he engaged in the stock business and bought a ranch s^x miles north of Cisco, which he still owns. In 1887 R. M. Hall, State Land Commissioner, ap pointed Mr A.mmerman State Surveyor and Classifier, and in this capacity he worked for the General- Land Office of the State of Texas and the Southern Pacific Railroad Company for two years, surveying and classi fying some thousands of sections of land. Finishing this work in the Spring of 1890, he has since made his home in Cisco, where he has engaged in various business enterprises. At the present time he superintends one of the large ginneries in Cisco, in which, in addition to his square bale press, he operates the pioneer .round bale press of the county. HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. 99 ScOTT & Brblsford., Associated Law Offices, Cisco and Eastland. This firm is composed of Judge Dl K. Scott, of Cisco, and H. P. Brelsford, of Eastland. The firm, as at present constituted, was formed in 1892 and has been in existence without change since that date. They do a general State and Federal Court practice and main tain offices at Eastland and Cisco. Mr. Scott has been several times County Special District Judge. Mr. Brelsford is the present Repre sentative from the 85th District. He served as Special Justice of the Court of Civil Appeals at Fort Worth by appointment of Governor Culberson. L. A. Hightower. Mir. Hightower established himself in his present real estate and abstract business, which is confined en tirely to this county, in 1895. He now has an abstract of every title in the county, which are in twenty-four bound volumes of abstract books and indexes. Mr. Hightower, who came to Texas from Arkansas in 1864, located in Stephens County in 1876, where he was engaged in the stock business and remained there until he came to Cisco in 1883. He was married to Miss Callie Alford in the city of Fort Worth, April 24, 1881. They have seven children and have lived in Eastland City since 1895. In the early history of Cisco, Mr. Hightower kept books for Park & Paterson and for Blake & Son. 100 HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. The CoNNEiis of Eastland County. S,amuel S. Conner, born June 10, 1821, and bis wife, Margaretta L. Conner, born November 19, 1830, HSttlcd in Eastland in 1876. They were from Virginia and Kentucky families, and immigrated to Texas from MR. CONNOR their native State, Indiana, in the early fifties, and spent the greater part of their subsequent lives in Cald well, Ellis, and Eastland Counties. They moved from Ellis to Eastland County in the Fall of 1876, and arc now lying peacefully side by side in the graveyard in the city of Eastland — S. S. Conner having died on the HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. 101 11th day of February, 1899, and M. Tj. Conner Novem ber 20, 1901. They were both strong characters and through the many years' residence in this county be came widely knovvfu and universally esteemed, — conspic uous types of that sturdy Christian manhood and womanhood that lutve made our nation great. MRS. CONNOR As a result of their union, they reared the following children, most of whom are now well known : Truman H., Maud, Ella, Jennie, Claude L., and Earl. The most distinguished member of this noble family •is the oldest son, Truman H. Conner. He graduated 103 HISTOR Y OF EASTLAND GO UNTY. in the Law Department of Trinity University, Texas, in 1876, and was in the active practice of his profession from the spring of 1877 until July, 1887, when he was appointed Judge of the 42nd Judicial District, com posed of Eastland and other counties, by Gov. L. S. Ross, and was thrice re-elected to the office. In 1898 Judge Conner was elected Chief Justice of the 2nd Su preme Judicial District of Texas, composed of ninety- five counties, including Eastland. Since the date of his present incumbency, he has lived in Fort Worth. Maud, whose home was never in Eastland, was married to Col. John W. Coleman of Ellis County in 1871, and they now live in Coke County, Texas. Ella was married to Wm. S. Parson, of Ellis County, in 1873, and they lived in Eastland a number of years as many old settlers will recall. They have one daughter li-ving in the county- -Mrs. Grace Dreinhofer of Ranger. Earl Conner is practicing law in Eastland and is well known. Claude L. Conner is well and favorably known, and makes his home at Cisco with his sister Jennie, the wife of the present District Judge, J. H. Calhoun. All the Conner s are and have always been, loyal ir their devotion to the best interests of the county and her people. HISTOR T OF EASTLAND GO UNTT. 103 JUDGE T. H. CONNOR 104 HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. E. A. HILL, Mayor oit Eastland City In Tennessee, oh July 16, 1865, the subject of this sketch was born. Seven years later his father died. Having been reared on a farm his education was lim ited to that afforded by the common schools and the Dresden High School. At the age of eighteen he entered the office of the Dresden Enterprise and there served an apprenticeship. In 1864 he came to Texas and entered the law office of Davenport and Conner as a student, and was ad mitted to the bar June 11, 1885, at the age of twenty- one. Mr. HMl was elected County Attorney in November, HISTOR Y OF EASTLAND GO UNTY. 105 1888, and re-elected in 1890. He is a good lawyer, has a well equipped library and office on the north side of the Square, is a ready speaker, a good story-teller, and an excellent entertainer. He is serving his fourth term as Mayor of Eastland. On December 14, 1892, Mr. Hill was married to Miss Bessie, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Evans. Mrs. Hill died in 1894. He was again married on December 25, 1892, to the eldest dr.ughter of ilr. and Mrs. W. H.' Parvin. Mr. Hill enjoys in a marked degree the confidence of his fellow townsmen. The Eastland Chronicle. This creditable weekly Democratic paper is owned, edited and published by Frost and Chastain, lawyers, and is devoted to "Science, Literature, Religion, Poli tics, and the Upbuilding of Eastland County." Judge Frost, son of B. Frost, a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, was born in Chat tanooga, Tennessee, in 1849. When only eighteen years old he engaged in teaching "with little education, but by hard study" he familiarized himself -with Natural Sciences, and with the English, Latin, French and Spanish languages. He came to Texas from Illinois in 1872, and was admitted to tbe bar to practice law in 1883. Judge Frost was a member of the 26th Legislature. Claude P. Chastain, the junior member of the firm, is a native Texan and was educated at Weatherford Col- 106 HISTOR T OF EASTLAND GO UNTT. lege (under David W. Switzer), and Baylor University. He was admitted to the bar to practice law in 1897, after having taught school for five years. Mr. Chastain served as a Lieutenant in the Fourth Texas Infantry during the Spanish-American war. Hp was married to Miss Maude Harrison on September 25, 190a. CHAPTER V. the advent of the railroad. The Texas and Pacific Railvtay Compan-x. When it became known in Eastland that this great East and West line had reached Fort Worth and would be built on to El Paso there was great rejoicing in this section of the country because of the development and conveniences that would result. The settlements that followed, the building and maintenance of schools and churches, the cheapness of the lands (at that time from fifty cents to one dollar an acre), all combined to in crease the population and develop the resources of the country. The Texas and Pacific Railway Company was or ganized under an act of Congress, March 3, 1871, and the general Railroad laws of the State of Texas. It acquired the properties of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company of Texas in 1872, which Company, at that date, o-wned and operated the sixty odd miles of railway between Shreveport, Louisiana, and Longview, Texas. HISTOR T OF EASTLAND CO UNTT. 107 The Southern Pacific Railroad Company was a consoli dation of the Vicksburg, Shreveport and Texas Rail road, (chartered in Louisiana), and the Southern Pa cific Railroad, organized under the laws of Texas. the beazos river bridge The Ntew Orleans Pacific Railroad Company, (or ganized also under the laws of Louisiana), was consoli dated with the Texas and Pacific Railway Company in June, 1881. Early in the seventies the Texas and Pa cific also acquired the properties of the Southern Trans continental and The Memphis, El Paso and Pacific Railroads, both incorporated under the laws of Texas. In those early days, the population of the State was. of course, insignificant in numbers as compared with the A PILE OF GEORGIA SWEETS -EASTLAND PRODTTOES CARLpAIl LOTS OW JSSES^iiMS^Ups^ HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. 109 present time, and was confined mainly to the eastern and coast counties. West of a line drawn through say, Gainesville, Fort Worth, Austin, San Antonio and Cor pus Christi, there was, then, scarcely any white popula tion. The charters granted by the State to the Memphis, El Paso and Pacific Railroad, and to the Southern Trans-continental Railroad, were the results of efforts made by the people of the counties of Bowie, Red River, Tjamar, Fannin, Grayson, Cocke and Denton, to secure this great East and West Railroad. The construction of railroads was in its infancy in the early fifties, not alone in Texas, but in all other sections. The numerous laws passed by the early Legislatures nf, Texas, offering subsidies to induce capital to come here and construct railroads, etc.. clearly evidence that the early pioneers and settlers of this goodly country duly recognized and appreciated the necessity for artifi cial means of communication and transportation facili ties. This was practically true of Northern and Middle Texas bn account of the absence of rivers and other waterways. The building of the great East and West Railroad across the State seemed then of early consummation and efforts to secure it created considerable rivalry in the counties in the Northern half of Texas. These people were particularly strenuous in their ef forts to gain an advantage over the people living on the line surveyed to Dallas aud Fort Worth, now the main line of the Texas and Pacific. As early as 1852, this 110 HISTOR Y OF EASTLAND GO UNTT. line, known as the Texas Western Railroad bad obtained a charter, which later became known as the Southern Pacific, then the Texas and Pacific. Little, however, was accomplished in the way of extensive construction of any of these lines until that master spirit. Colonel Thomas A. Scott, became identi- THE STEAM SHOVEL AT WORK fied with the Texas and Pacific enterprise, which was in the year of 1871 — ^his connection continuing until 1881, or nearly up to the time of his death. During the Scott regime that portion of the road between Tex- arkana and Fort Worth, via Sherman, was constructed, and from Texarkana to Abilene, via Marshall and Shreveport. Mr. Jay Gould acquired control of the properties HISTOR T OF EASTLAND GO UNTT. ill early in 1881, and to him is greatly due the credit for the large extensions which were made to Texas and Pa cific properties about that time, to-wit: The extension of the line to El Paso, and from Shreveport to New Or leans. More than half of all the mileage of the Texas and Pacific was added during the incumbency of Presi dent Jay Gould, and was added (contrary to the idea of the general public) without any aid or subsidy, landed or otherwise, national or state. This railway line extends entirely across Eastland County, and has contributed largely to its agricultural and commercial development. With a diversity of soil — from sand to rich choco late loam; with an average rainfall ; high hills and their rich store of minerals, and the uplands and valleys that produce anything agricultural, lands in Eastland have increased in value and now sell from $5.00 to $40.00 an acre. While the road winds its way along the leading of the Palo Pinto Creek and bridges the deep gullies that feed it, and crawls around the cliffs and hills that abound, the traveler, sitting in his comfortable sleeper as it glides over the steel rails, looks out and admires the rugged scenery with the little patches of valley that make tbe picture more beautiful, but does not know over what historic lands and scenes of romantic adven ture he is passing. Eastland is rich in possibilities and offers the man seeking a home many advantages. Under the present management of Mr. L. S. Thome, Vice President and General Manager; Mr. John W, o about its depots all along the line. The Company knows the inveslnicnt is a good one, and keeps up the improve ments, although it is repeatedly rumored that different roads want the property and would secure it if they could. In the early days a joint ticket agent served the two roads at Cisco. Mr. George Langston, present station agent of the Texas and Pacific, and who filled the same position at that time, served as first, and only, joint agent. The present agent is Mr. Bulbrook, Sam Green- bill, cashier, and Mr. Brown, operator. Superintendent Ramsey Cox maintains headquarters at Waco. The passenger conductors are "Messrs Holt, Hawkins, Hooper and Webster; Engineers, Bcttis. Wig gins, Uloth, Myers and Cottrell. JOYCE LANGSTON— " GOOD MORNING' PERIOD III — 1881-1904 CHAPTER I. growth and progress. Cisco. In 1S79 ( ?), when there were not more than half a dozen families in this locality. Reverend C. G. Stevens established a postoffice at a passway in the hills, one mile west of town, and called it Red Gap. A floorless log school house, with one small window was built, and Mrs. Colistie Green taught school. One half mile west of Red Gap Postoffice, W. T. Caldwell had a store in which he keiDt dry goods and groceries. In 1880 the Texas and Pacific Railway pushed its Una on westward through Eastland County, but Red Gap continued its existence, the railroad locating its depot at Delmar. It was expected, however, that when the Texas Central reached the Texas and Pacific a town would be located at the crossing of the roads. Each day, as the iron rails led nearer and nearer to this point of crossing, saw new tents stretched, new covered wagons taking their stand, and new faces in the rapidly growing town which was called Red Gap. With the Texas Cen tral within one mile of the junction, and the Texas and Pacific only a short distance west, many laborers and their families helped to swell the number of inhabitants, which now reached six hundred. Accommodating them selves to the only expression where it was supposed the new town would be located, which was a wagon road HISTOR Y OF EASTLAND GO UNTY. 133 running east and west, the people had "squatted" on either side of this thoroughfare. In this white town v.-ere two or more stores of general merchandise, two or three grocery stores, a number of restsurants, doctors' (,.'f;ces, and Mrs. Haws' hotel, which stood about the mid dle of Broadway, between the Daniels and Broadwcli homes. Dr. Vance, who arrived in Cisco April 1, 188], officed in the hotel group of tents. Major Bob Elgin of Houston, who had charge of the L.and Department of the Houston and Texas Central Railway, assisted by Mr. Metzo, an engineer, with T. E. Johnson as chain bearer, laid off the town. A platform was put up where Mayhew & Company's feed store no^' stands, and Major Elgin (who is a brother-in-law ol N. R. Wilson and lives in Houston), stood there for two days and cried the lots. Mr. White secured the *firsL lot, paying $175.00 for it, and selected from the hugn map of the town Major Elgin had at hand, the one now occupied by Cooper's livery stable. As soon as the town was located and laid off, the inhabitants accommiodated themselves to the permanent arrangement and shifted to the most desirable positions attainable and profitable to their business. Among the business firms in the town at that time were W. A. Stevens, general merchandise, who put up the first store building); James Caldwell, Campbell Bros,, Adams & Sons, Miller & Wike, Porter (Will) & Park, (who bought out Amtaerman's yard) and Camer- ¦?Mr. R. G. L/Use is the authority for the above statement. I. Lamb thinks the first lot fell to Adams & Son, and was the one now occupied by Mayhew &. Co.'s warehouse, the town being flrst built facing the Texas Central railroad. 'Aao nIz;PoM HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. 135 on & Company, lumber, Taylor & Bedford (for whom V/iUiam Gaultney, now banker, clerked), John Bice and Yarbrough & Martin, druggists.* The front of a lit tle ten by twelve box store was given a coat of red paint, pud the always and still popular "Red Front Drug Store" came into existence. Mrs. Haws began the building of her hotel, which was blo-wn down in a furious gale but im,mediately re placed before the sale of lots, and managed the same until her death in 1890. The ilajen+a, standing near where Hall's wagon yard is, was kept by Mr. Hoddinger. Mr. W. D. Chandler had a boarding house where tbe Broadway now stands, and Mrs. Parker kept private boarders. Shortly before tbe sale of lots took place a large number of Millet's cowboys came into town and created great consternation among the tent dwellers, as they exercised great freedom in the use of their pistols, so much so, in fact, that the constables of both Cisco and Eastland City, together with the men summoned to as sist, were all night long (in somef safe place) devising means for their capture. They made two arrests next day, and this is no reflection on the courage of Constable .41e,x Simerl, either. The first bill of lumber sold in Cisco was to Hor ace Donaldson, who built the first residence on tbe lot now occupied by Moody's blacksmith shop. About the *Dr. -Vance and Dr. McNeil witnessed the contract be tween the members of this last firm, Tarbrough furnishing the means, and Martin the brains and time. tAuthority, I. Lamb. 136 HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. same time W. D. Chandler, T. M. Taylor, W. A. Stevens and others were building homes, and J. K. Miller, Ed Eppler, I. Lamb, B. F. James & Son, and Mr. McCor- mick were the carpenters. Some of the names of those who were here in 1881, uot mentioned above, follow : John F. Patterson, R. G. Luse, Charley Parks, Seth Ramsey (now of Cottonwood), David Redfield of Ard- more. Judge Flemming ot Seattle, Henry Hilliard of St. Louis, J. E. Luse and wife. Major Preveaux and wife and sister (Mrs. R. G. Luse), J. Alexander and wife, Mr. Turknette, W. A. Rhoads, Captain Whiteside, R. B. Vaughn, T. J. Worthington, W. J. Walker, Hugh Corri- gan. Prank and Lee Jordan, Dr. M'ancill, J. T. Yeargin, J. R. P. Chapman (who built the old Bunnell resi dence), J. W. Smith and wife, Nat Noel, Ed Morehead, Traveling Auditor Perry of the Texas Central, John Collins, G. W. Graves, T. E. Larimer, W. M. Freeman of Dallas, J. R. and K. S. Fisher, John Gude, M. B. Owen, who lost his life in the cyclone of 1893, J. J. Wallace, B. L Pate, Mr. Bunnell and family. Gomer Williams, and Miles and Quitman Eppler, George Daniels and W. A. Gude.* A sixteen by twenty school house was put up free of charge by B. F. James and Sons and J. K. Mil ler. In this building a Baptist minister, J. C. Finnell, taught a day school. Here, also, a union Sunday school was conducted. Mr. Chaffin, a contractor on the Texas Central Railroad, was the Superintendent. At the *These names were furnished by Dr. -Vanoe, W. D. Chan dler, I. Lamb and R. G. Luse. HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. 137 weekly prayer meeting every Wednesday night, which was attended by all denominations, there was frequently not standing room, "many being turned away." This school house was used for church purposes until the different denominations erected their own buildings. From time to time additions were made to the 16x20 school building, until it grew to be about sixteen by one hundred and was known as the "long school house." Mr. Frank Kynette, assisted by Miss Sallie Greer, now Mrs. Reed, were succeeded by Dr. Stout, who did so much for the school and town. Dr. Stout might prop erly be called the introducer and founder of the Public Schools of Cisco. He came here when educational in terest was chaotic in condition, and being a of deep learning he proved himself a Joshua, leading his people into a promised land that has since blossomed and fruited many times. Judge Flemnadng, aided and encouraged by Dr. Stout, worked for a special tax for the enlarging of the school house and the incorporation of the school dis trict, which at that time included four sections of land ! He lived in the town long enough to see his desire ac complished. Hugh Corrigan was a warm supporter of this measure. G. W. Graves was first Mayor of the town and Ed Campbell, Constable. The first graduating class was Burette Patterson. Mamie Blake, Eva Winston and Laura Richardson. This was in 1888 while Charles T. Alexander was Su perintendent. As the Texas and Pacific pushed farther westward 138 HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. inland mail routes were changed. Tt is interesting to note the difference in conditions and times twenty years ago and now. The Government now pays from' $600 to $700 for the mails to be carried from Cisco to Rising Star. Tn 1882 it paid W. R. Chandler $2400.00 an nually for carrying the mail from Cisco to Brown- •ood. There was no road. W. W. Smith and Jim Tyson cut one through and the stage, which held from six to eight passengers, began its daily run each way (except Sundays). The first stand was at H. Mer rill's, tbe second at Uncle Tommy Anderson's, where tbe richly promising town of Rising Star is now lo cated, and the third at Clio, thirteen and one-half miles north of Brownwood. The horses were changed at each stand. Travel and express being heavy, the coaches would freouently be over full, and extra hacks would be pm on, the lines sometimes clearing $100.00 per day. Drivers were paid $30.00 per month and board. Mr. Chandler kept two stables, one at DteLeon and one at Cisco. Fifty-five horses were used, twenty on the "Rrownwood line. During the four years Mr. Chandler held the con tract the stage was robbed several times. At last, people demanded that an officer go along. A Deputy Sbcrii* at Brownwood accordingly climbed up on the seat Dy t]-ie driver. -4.fter having left Mr. Merrill's a couple of miles behind, he saw a man coming toward them. The Sheriff held his pistol cocked under the laprobe, but coming nearer and seeinig^that the man was a mere slip of a boy, he let the hammer down. When the care- HISTOR T OF EASTLAND CO UNTT. 139 less, kind-looking boy, was even with the driver, he cov ered the men with his pistol and ordered "hands up." The bewUdered Sheriff, however, presented his gun in .stead, and several shots were exchanged, as the frightened horses broke into a wild run. Mrs. Bryan's trunk on the back of the stage had four bullet holes in it, and probably saved the lives of the passengers. Dave Hick man was the driver on that trip. Life in the new town was gay from sunrise to sun rise, but gradually the fever heat passed away and the • people began to grow accustomed to each other and to the conditions and assumed a more substantial attitude. Cisco has never been a dead town, but has had sea sons of "excitement." Twice has a *coal mine been -^'¦'orked rather extensively within three miles of D Ave nue. Property- has always been held at good figures. Its two railroads and eight daily trains easily give it a commercial standing superior to any other in the county. The first National Bank organized in the County was located at Cisco. J. H. Halcomb, President; F. C. LeVeaux, Cashier. Directors: J. J. Winston, C. H. Fee, J. F. Patterson, A. B. Smith. On April 28, 1893, Cisco was swept by a cyclone that left but few houses wholly intact. At the time there were only three storm houses in the town, and the people were unprepared and unwatehful. The awful "¦As an evidence that coal does actually exist in paying quantities in this locality, the fact is cited that these mines have been extensively worked. Twice have two or three hundred miners been employed. The mines have never been abandoned because the supply ot coal was exhausted, but for lack of funds. 130 HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. storm came down upon them in all its resistless fury- tearing, ripping and making havoc of homes. It dashed and hurled man and beast, houses and trees and fences in its mad rage, as it tore its way through the heart of the town, leaving in its terrbile wreckage twenty-eight dead and dying bodies for the glorious moon, which came out immediately, to cast its pure light upon and dispel the darkness. For months the debris lay in the streets and on the corners, so entirely was the town wrecked. To-day, however, there is no sign of the tor nado except the stunted tops of the hardy oaks which still mark its path, while the residences are mtore mod ern and the business houses are of brick or stone. There are five churches — Baptist, Presbyterian, Christian, and Northern and Southern Methodist; the Masonic Lodge, the chapter of Royal Arch Masons, and the Masonic Lodge of the Right of Adoption, who own a large corner building; the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and Rebekah Lodge, who are arranging to put up a building ; the Knights of Pythias, the Woodmen of the World, the Civic Improvement League, the XX Cen tury and the Young Ladies' Departmental Clubs (both literary), the J. U. G. (young ladies' social club), ind the W. C. T. U.; the active Ladies' Societies, Sun day Schools, Senior and Junior Epworth Leagues and Endeavor Societies in all the churches; and the Country Club, Park, and Cemetery Associations make an aggre gate of concentrated energy along all lines of physical, mental and moral development. Perhaps the one thing in which Cisco, as a, town, .ig most interested is The Public Library, founded by HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. 131 Mr. Frank Vernon, in 1894, with one volume, Ben Hur, v/hich he purchased. Tbe town responded then to the call, many books being sent in at once. Shortly after this Mir. Vernon wrote Mr. Carnegie for a contribution and secured $250.00. When it contained four hundred volumes, the founder, whose health had failed, turned tbe Library over to tbe XX Century Club as a precious legacv, be queathing with the books oil his love and energy for the enterprise. Right well have the ladies kept the trust, for it now contains one thousand volumes, has a furnished room, and a paid librarian. The one thing lying closest to the hearts of the mem- V^ers of the XX Century Club is a Public Library Build ing, for which they have a gradually growing fund. The Young Ladies' Departmental Club, also working for the building, has a bank account for the same purpose. Tt is hoped that the town and the railway companies will join in the near future in the City Park and erect a handsome structure that shall be known as the Cisco Union Depot and Public Library Building. The Cisco Cemetery Association was organized March 15, 1899, with ten active and a number of asso ciate members. Mrs. J. D. Alexander was elected Presi dent; Mrs. C. S. Vance, Vice President; Mrs. M. T. Whiteside, Secretary; L. E. Brannin, Treasurer. A charter was applied for and granted, and the mem bers went to work at once to raise funds to enclose the grounds. This and much more has been accomplished. Not only has a substantial fence been placed around the grounds, but a handsome iron gate swings on huge 133 HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. stone posts that were contributed by the o-wners of the Ijeuders Quarry, and their transportation given by the aeconnnodating officials of the Texas Central Railway Company. The caps were contributed by Messrs. Ay- cock & Allen, of Cisco. All unknown graves have been marked with head and foot boards. Two hundred and fifty shade trees have been planted, and last year twenty- seven hundred and fifty feet of pipe were laid for water service. Through the efforts of Mrs. Alexander a tract of land contiguous to the Cemetery grounds was deeded by the Texas Central Railway Company to the Associa tion for a park, and many trees, evergreens and flow ers have been planted under the supervision of the Tree Committee. The finances are reimbursed, when neces sary, by a most efficient Soliciting Committee. In fact the work accomplished in the short length of time is unparalleled. The present officers are Mrs. J. D. Alex ander, President; Mrs. C. S. Vance, Vice President ; Mrs, J. H. Holcomb, Second Vice President; Mrs. Augusta Mason, Secretary; L. E. Brannin, Treasurer. Trustees: L. E. Brannin, C. S. Williams, J. J. Winston. J. Alex ander, Mrs. M. T. Whiteside. Under the efficient management of these excellent officers the work will progress until the Cisco Cemetery will stand abreast of any. Rebekah Odd Fello-wship is to-day a great order: symbolizing in itself strength, unity and sympathy, and the desire to help that has made woman such a factor in the organization. And this spirit, which gives force to the principles of Friendship, Love and Truth, bind HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. 133 together more than two hundred lives in Eastland Coun ty for the purpose of correcting the besetting sin of self ishness and for moral betterment of mankiad. The Good Will Rebekah Lodge, No. 102, of Cisco, was instituted by Mrs. Cynthia A. Brown, February 37, 1892, with ten charter members. To-day there are four Rebekah Lodges in the county — Cisco, Rising Star, Gor man and Ranger — with a membership of over two hun dred members. Rebekah Odd Fellowship simply means making the very best of life "I count this thing to be grandly ';rue. That a noble deed is a step toward God." The material for the above was furnished by Miss ilice Eddleman, Past Noble Grand of the Good Will Rebekah Lodge, No. 102, Cisco, Texas. Odd Fellowship, as a fraternity, stands -without a peer in number of miembers, wealth and activities for good. Its Grand Jurisdictions, Subordinate Lodges, Grand Encampments and Rebekah Lodges girdle the whole earth. Eastland County is blessed with six Subordinate Lodges with a membership of over three hundred in line, located at Cisco, Eastland, Ranger, Carbon, Gor man and Rising Star, which are working gloriously for Friendship, Love and Truth, the grand pillars on which our order stands for the uplifting of hunraanity. * Cisco is a progressive and up-to-date to-wn, with a population of three thousand people. It has an altitude *These paragraphs on Odd Fellowship were furnished by Rev. W. A. Mason, a pioneer Texan, and Past Grand Chaplain, now residing in Cisco. 134 HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. of nearly seventeen hundred feet. Tt is lighted with electricity, has a good system of waterworks, a local and long distance telephone system, two newspapers, two wholesale grocery houses, two railroads, an oil mill, a compress, three drug stores, two gins, two mills, an ice plant, bottling works, steam laundry, a fire department, silver cornet band, one tailoring establishment, two banks, one exclusive shoe store, one jewelry store, three hotels, seven dry goods houses, two exclusive millinery establishments, ten groceries, four hardware, three res taurants, three blacksmith shops, three wagon yards, two meat markets, a second-hand store, confectionery and chili shops. The history of the business interests that follow, to gether with the accompanying illustrations, fairly rep resent the town as it is to-day, although one or two large concerns are not included. The following is al most a complete list of the business firms : The Cisco Oil Mill. Burton-Lingo Lumber Company. Aycock & Shipman, Marble Works. -Hotel Hartman, N. R. Wilson, Proprietor. J. W. Hartman & Son, Grocers. Merchants' and Farmers' Bank, W. C. Bedford, Cashier. Seldomridge Bros., Tailors. St. John & Moore, Drugs. C. H. Fee & Company, Hardware and Imjplements. Davis-Garner Company, Dry Goods. Garner-Switzer, Groceries. Mrs. J. D. Alexander, Millinery. HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. 135 Citizens' National Bank, A. H. Johnson, Cashier. Hall & Taylor, General Merchandise. G. B. Kelley & Co., Dry Goods. J. J. Martin & Co., Drugs. E; M. Brown, Exclusive Shoe Dealer. George D. Fee & Company, Dry Goods and Gro ceries. Lizenbee & Littlepage, New and Second-Hand Goods. S. 0. Love, Blacksmith and General Repair Work. T. J. Clark, Chili Stand. C. H. Kinsey, Staple and Fancy Groceries. J. H. Erwin, Hardware, Implements and Machinery. W. L. Williams, Confectioner. T. J. Worthington, Furniture. Ammerman & Harris, Meat Market. Willie Walker's Barber Shop. Slater's Chop House and Bakery. J. W. Smith, Hardware. J. J. Winston, Groceries. Webster, Hill & Baker, Wholesale .Grocers. M. T. Jones' Lumber Company. Cooper's Livery Stable. J. M. Radford, Wholesale Grocer. Arlington Heights Hotel, C. M. Pitcher, Proprietor. Eppler & Russell, Blacksmiths. Mayhew & Company, Hardware, Implement and Grain. Ward & Company, General Merchandise. E. E. Kean, Dry Goods. Dingle & DeSpain, Druggists. MR. AND MRS. FRANK VERNON HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. 137 The Texas Immigration Land Company. Mancill Brothers Hardware Company. A. Owen, Dentist. Mrs. F. Vernon, Insurance. Collie Brothers, Printers. Mr. Frank Vernon. The subject of this sketch, now deceased, was a most prominent factor in the development of the town from the time he came in 1891, as editor of the Round-Up, until his departure for a climate that would help him to hold the life fast ebbing away. Having made a life study, he published a crisp, newsy Democratic weekly paper, and became fa vorably known throughout the State in editorial circles. He was a prominent member of the Texas Press As sociation, serving twice as its Secretary, and he was also affiliated with the National Editorial Association. There are several enterprises in Cisco as evidences of his energy and capabilities, the most distinguished of which is the Public Library, the most practical the telephone exchange and first long distance system in the County. Since he went to his reward, Ms wife, who has lived here -with their three children, and his mother, has done an insurance business, which is steadily growing. Mrs. Vernon is one of four women in the State who handles insurance. burton-lingo lumber yard history of eastland county. 139 The Burton-Lingo Company, Being a branch yard of the well-known Burton- Lingo Lumber Company cf Fort Worth, has been located in Cisco for the past five years. They carry a large supply of everything in the build ing line, and having their own mills are enabled to meet all competition. This company also carries the most complete and best grade of lumber in West Texas. Mr. J. T. Berry is local manager. .1. W. Hartman & Son. Wholesale and retail grocers. Established 1883. T\Tien Cisco was a very new town Mr. Hartman first became a citizen and has always identified himself with every forward move. During the twenty years he has resided in tbe town, he has been engaged in tbe grocer] business. In the handsomje Hartman-Owen block is situated the Hotel Hartman, and the building where the abovs firm retails groceries. Mr. Hartman's home life is complete with a wife and three children— two daughters, and a son who is in terested in the business with his father. One daughter is married and lives in Cisco. The other, the pet of the household, is still in school. C- H. FEE'S RESIDENCE HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. 141 C. H. Fee & Co. The hardware, furniture and implement house of C. H. Fee & Co. stands without a peer in the County. Tn August, 1883, Mr. Fee located in Cisco and es tablished the business which has grown to such magni tude as to require the use of three large buildings. Mr. Fee was born in Oxford, Mississippi, and edu cated at the State University located there. He is of Scotch-Irish descent and comes of a high-toned and godly ancestry. He has been an important factor in the development of Cisco, and has been identified with every enterprise for the advancement of its interests. Mr. H. C. Rominger, who has been a resident of the town for many years, is a member of this popular fin \. The Texas Immigration Bureau Has been organized to help build up Texas, and espe cially the counties of Eastland, Shackelford, Stephens aud Young. The object of the Bureau is to induce peo ple living in the Northern States to move to Texas — an empire within itself. A man is kept continually on the road looking up people who wish to locate in this great State. The fol lowing agents represent the company: H. B. Paris, Breckenridge, Stephens County. Webb & Hlill and Matthews & Blanton, Albany, Shackelford County. Judge R. F. Arnold, Graham, Young County. H. L. Winchell, who is Vice President and General Manager of tbe organization, maintains headquarters at I— I ij MO oo CO HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. 143 Cisco, and is agent for this County. Hte also makes loans and writes insurance. The officers of tbe Bureau are : H. F. Paris, Clinton, Mo., President. H. L. Winchell, Cisco, Vice President and General Manager. F. J. Paris, Cisco, Secretary and Treasurer. W. M. Godwin, Clinton, M'O., Traveling Commis sioner. This organization will not only help build up East land and these other counties, but the town of Cisco, being headquarters, will be greatly benefitted. Cotton Seed Oil Mill. This plant was established in 1896 by Reynolds Brothers with a capital stock of $100,000.00. William D. Reynolds, President; George T. Reynolds, Vice President; D. C. Campbell, Secretary and Treasurer ; P. W. Reynolds, Resident Manager. All the produqt of the mill, except the oil, is utilized in the feeding of three to five thousand cattle each sea son. The men representing this business were pioneer settlers of Stephens County and have had hair-breadth escapes in many an Indian raid. Mr. George Reynolds, who noAV lives in Fort Woith, has a silver bridle that once belonged to an Indian Chief whom he killed in battle, and who gave him an arrow-head in memory of the occasion, which he wore embedded in the m'uscles of his back for more than seventeen years. ARLINGTON HEIGHTS HOTEL HISTOR Y OF EASTLAND GO UNTY 145 The Arlington Heights Hotei^ This hotel is situated on the hill, and hence justifies Mr. Pilcher's claim that it is "Sixty feet nearer heaven than any other in the city." From the accompanying cut one observes that there is a home-like look about the place. Some of the prerogatives of this hotel are the "family style of serving meals, the -bome-madf butter and milk, the biscuits like mother used to make, and the large, shady yard." Mr. Pitcher is a member of the Sovereign W. 0. W. Cisco Camp, No. 500, and has served the town several times as Marshal. CiTi;iENs' National Bank. President, Dr. J. P. Webster; Vice President, J. J. Butts; Cashier, A. H. Johnson ; Assistant Cashier, M. S. Stamps. Directors: J. P. Webster, J. J. Butts, J. J. Winston, A. L. Mayhew, A. H. Johnson and W. D. Da-pis. This institution, organized in February, 1902, the only National bank in the county, is strictly a home en terprise, those who are interested being identified with Cisco and Eastland County. The business, which is constantly growing, has been from the first both satisfactory and profitable to 'the shareholders. The management of the Citizens' National Bank is always conservative. THE MERCHANTS' AND FARMERS' BANK history of eastland county. 147 The Merchants' and Farmers' Bank Was established in 1898 by iW. H. Eddleman and opened ready for business on March 16th, with |W. C. Bedford as Cashier, and W. J. Eddleman as Assistant Cashier. Through the careful management of Mr. Bedford and his able assistant the bank has been a paying insti tution from the beginning, growing steadily from year to year, and is to-day the largest banking interest in the County. Mr. W. C. Bedford, who was bom in Georgia, and reared in Alabama, came to Texas in 1876. With the exception of five years spent in successful mining opera tions in Arizona, he has been continuously in Eastland County, having twice served the County as Clerk, 1890- 1894. W. J. Eddleman was born, reared and educated in Weatherford, Texas, and has had exceptional advantages in learning the banking business. He is the only son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Eddleman. IVDr. Wesley Tebbs is the efficient Collector of this bank. President, W. H. Eddleman; Vice President, George P. Levy; Cashier, W. C. Bedford; Assistant Cashier, W. J. Eddleman. Davis-Garner Compant. Nineteen years ago the senior partner of the above firm came to Cisco. An indomitable energy and a de termination to succeed were his only capital. He em barked in the dry goods business with Col, J, H. Hoi- 148 HISTOR Y OF EASTLAND GO UNTT. comb, buying an entire half interest on a credit. In 1893 he bought out his partner and was sole owner of the business until March, 1903, when he sold a half in terest to J. H. Garner. Mr. Davis is "All the way from Pike," (having been bom in Pike County, Missouri, 48 years ago) . He was reared on a farm and received his education in subscrip tion schools and in William Jewell College. In 1875 he came to Texas, crossing Red River the day he was twenty-one. Mr. Davis is a Missionary Baptist, believes in and supports church work and charitable institutions. His family consists of one good wife and four children. Mr. Garner, the junior partner, is a young man and has been remarkably successful in business. He was just out of Howard College, Tennessee, when he came to Texas eight years ago. It is no less his own personality than his push and energy that has greatly increased tbe business of the firm since he became a member. He is a working member of the Metbodiat church. His wife is a daughter of Rev. S. W. Tumct. This firm is a success in every sense of the word, due largely to the fact that it pays cash fcv every bill of goods received. Hotel Hartman. This first-class hostelrv is kept by Mr. N. R. Wilson and his estimable wife, and is the only "$3.00-a-day" hotel in the to-wn. Being experienced in the hotel busi ness they are able to cater successfully to the public. Mr, N. E. Wilson, "Uncle Nat," as he is familiarly Vnowa., was born in Baltimore, M'aryland, in 1834. HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. 149 Having emigrated to Houston, Texas, when only fifteen years old, be was a citizen of the Republic of Texas, an honor not to be lightly esteemed. In 185S, while merchandising in Weatherford, N. R. WILSON Parker County, Texas, he married Miss Katherine Smith, daughter and twelfth child of Saul Smith, who was one of the early Commissioners of that county. Having returned to Houston, he lost his wife there of yellow fever. She left thiee children, Warner, Charles and Helen. Mr. Wilson is an Episcopalian. His present wife a Virginian by birth, is a member of the Presbyterian church. 150 HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. Webster, Hill & Baker. This wholesale house was established by Cameron, Hill & Baker in 1897, and was successfully run under that management until January 1, 1902, when Cameron and others were succeeded by Dr. J. P. Webster. This house carries a complete, up-to-date wholesale stock of groceries, and no firm is more favorably known in this section of the country. The President, Dr. Webster, lives in Weatherford, bat superintends the business in person. In his ab sence his place is filled by his son, J. G. Webster, a resi dent of Cisco. Eppler & Russell. Nineteen years ago, when there were only two farms between Cisco and Rising Star, and all the cow-boys for twenty to thirty miles around came here to get their horses shod, Mr. Sol Eppler came to Cisco, bought an interest in the blacksmith shop owhed by Mr. T. W. Plummer, and has since been working at the same stand and at the same prices. Business has rarely been so dull that he did not have a partner — usuallv enough to give both more than they could do. The firm has three forges well equipped, owns a 60x24-foot building, and is capable of meeting all calls. Mr. Eppler, who has been in Texas fifty years, has a wife and three children. Mr. M. B. Russell was born in Georgia, and came to Texas in 1894, locating here two years ago. He is an HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. 151 energetic young man, a member of the Presbyterian church and has a wife and two children, and possesses a pleanantly situated home. Mayhew & Co.-\ipany, Hahdwahe This rapidly growing business was established in 1900, and carries a full line of implements and grain, both for the retail and wholesale trade. They handle the famous Blue Ribbon line of bug gies, the old reliable Fish Bros, and Peter Schuttler wagons, and the Moline and Bradley lines of imple ments. Having their own corn mill, they are enabled to offei for sale only the very best grain products the market affords. They carry a full stock of all kinds of field seeds, and are extensive pecan dealers, having shipped eleven carloads from Cisco the fall of 1902. In addition to their grain and implement business, rhey deal extensively in live stock, and always have mules and horses to sell, either for cash, trade or on time. The senior member of the firm, Aaron L. Mayhew, has charge of the implement and livestock department, Avner L. Mayhew of the grain department. Both are Mississippians, the junior member unmarried. These gentlemen are courteous and willing to extend any favors in keeping with conservative business. The firm enjoys the patronage of Eastland and ad joining Counties. 153 HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. lrl.>$#.'fete-.„. interior view of George George D. Fee & Company. This firm was established in 1898 in its own new double-brick building, and carries dry goods and gro ceries. Be it said to the credit of this firm that the old stock is disposed of at the end of the season at an enor mous discount and new and up-to-date goods are always on the counters. The clerks are experiencel and cour teous. Mr. George Dawson Fee, the head of the firm, though quite a young man, is thoroughly conversant with his business in all departments. He was educated at Ox- HISTOR Y OF EASTLA ND GO UNTY l,-,3 D. FEE & CO.'S STORE ford University, Mississippi, and later took r. business course at Atlanta, Georgin, coming to Cisco in 1889. Mr. Fee is a member of the Methodist cbiireh and has a wife and three children. Mrs. j. D. Alexander. Mrs. Julia D. T-Znowlton-Alexander, born in Farm- mgton, Maine, June 21, 1858, came from the original family of Knowltons, whose ancestry can be traced back to those of Cheswick, Kent County, England. She is a lineal descendant of Col. Thomas Knowlton, a hero of the Revolutionary War, whose bronze statue was erected on the grounds of the Sfete Capitol, Hartford, Conn., HISTOR Y OF EASTLAND GO UNTY. 155 on the 15th day of November, 1895, at which time the Knowlton Association of -America, of which Mrs. Alex ander is a memiber, was formed. It holds its annual meetings in connection with the Bunker Hill Associa- ion. The family is a distinguished one, and has held prominent positions for many years. Mrs. Alexander, who came to the South twenty-five years ago, has been an active business woman in Cisco for twenty-three years, and brought the first stock of millinery and fancy goods to the town. She is ever ready to extend a helping hand to the needy, and no v.'oman in the county holds so many prominent positions in fraternal and other organizations. She is serving her seventh year as Secretary of the State Rebekah As sembly, I. 0. 0. F. She was the first lady ia tbe State to receive the Decoration of Chivalry, the highest com pliment that can be paid to woman by the Patriarch Mili tant of the State, for meritorious work done in promot ing the interests of the order. She was the first woman ever appointed State Organizer of the Lodge of Adop tion of the Scottish Rite Masons of the thirty-second degree. She is State Treasurer of the Texas Woman's Press Association, although a member of only three years' standing, and a member of the League of Ameri can Pen Women of Washington, D. C. In 1893 Mrs. Alexander was appointed a Commis sioner from this County to tbe'.World's Fair held in Chi cago, and is Lady Chairman of Eastland to the St. Louis Exposition. She organized the first Civic Improvement League in Cisco and devised the plan of work. In the home Lodges Mrs. Alexander is Admirable .1. IF iUJ»l MR. J. ALEXANDER'S RESIDENCE HISTOR Y OF EASTLAND GO UNTY. ' 157 Mistress of the Lodge of Adoption, Past Matron of the Eastern Star Chapter, A. F. & A. M., and Past Pro tector of the Knights and Ladies of Honor. She served two years as Noble Grand in the Rebekah Lodge and "I'our as Chaplain. She has recently been oppointed by the National Society of the Daughters of the Revolution, Regent for Cisco. Mr. Alexander, who came to this county m 1881. was for a long while in the dry goods business. He is now an extensive cotton buyer and insurance agent. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander are earnest supporters of any move that will advance the interests of the town. Mrs. Will Kleiner Has 240 acres of land under fence one mile north of (visco. Twenty-five acres of this plot has been put in an orchard and vineyard. There are 1200 trees — ^apple pear, peach, plum and apricot, all of which grow and bear well. Seven thousand blackberry and dewberry vines fur nish Mrs. TCleiner with more berries than the town of Cisco can consume, and the surplus is put into jam and cordial, which she dispenses to those who want it. In this vineyard three thousand grape -vines thrive and yield enormous quantities. Tbe owner expects to put up 100 gallons of grape juice next season for sacra mental purposes. This property ig valued at TOPre than $6000-00, 158 ^ HISTOR T OF EASTLAND CO UNTT. TiiE Red Front Drug Store. This popular drug store was established by Mr. Yar brough soon after the sale of lots in 1881, and has only changed hands twice, Mr. St. John having bought it from the Hon. 0. T. Maxwell. The present proprietor came to Texas in 1877 and MAYOR R. A. ST- JOHN followed the profession of teaching until fourteen years ago, since which time he has been in the drug business. In 1902 he was elected Mayor of Cisco and has proven himself a most efficient officer. To his inde fatigable efforts is due the formation of the Country Club and other important measures. At present his HISTOR Y OF EASTLAND CO UNTY. 159 energies are directed towards securing from the railway companies a more commodious Union Depot, -with flat tering prospects of ultimate success. Mr. St. John is a prominent member of the Baptist Church, has a most excellent wife and seven children. Dr. a. Owen. Born in Tennessee, Dr. Ovren received his literary ed- ducation at Athens College in that State. He came to Eastland County', Texas, twenty years ago, and engaged in teaching. The next year he went back to his native State for an helpm'ate, and together they began to lay by the large property they enjoy to-day. The plan pur sued was to put the salary received for teaching into land and cattle, and at that time the price of both were low as compared to the present. Dr. Owen has diplomas from the Dental Department of the State University of Iowa, and from the celebrated Baltimore College of Dental Surgery, Baltimore, Md., and enjoys a large practice. His conversion fifteen years ago at Bedford Chapel, he considers the most important event of his life. His religion is his business — he lives it. iWhile engaged in tlie drug business in the town of Eastland he was re ceived into the Methodist Church and baptized by the Rev. Jno. Lane. Thirteen years ago he moved to Cisco and has since been prominently identified with the forward move of the town. 160 HISTOR YOF EASTLAND GO UNTY. M. T. Jones Lumber Co. This Company, which does a wholesale business ex tending over many States and Territories, m,aintains headquarters at I-liouston, Texas. Its large malls are located at Orange, Texas, from- which place an exten sive trade has been carried on with Europe and Mexico. The M. T. Jones Lumber Co. is one of the large concerns that has kept pace with the moving frontier line of Texas, having always had in operation a num ber of retail yards in the State. The Cisco yard, which has done a continuous bus iness since its establishment in 1881, carries a large stock of all material usually found in a lumber yard. A number of men have had charge at different times. but -the present manager, H. L. Broadwell, has been stationed here for nearly thirteen years. All those who have business with this firm will be welcome call ers at the Cisco office. Since tbe above was written this yard has been bought by Rockwell Bros, & Co., and is now The Cisco I>umber Company, with Mr. Broadwell as local man ager, J. M. Eadfoed Groceey Company. Wholesale grocers. Established 1883. Capital stock. $200:000.00. Surplus, $300,000.00. The Radford Grocery Company is one of the largest distributors of staple and fancy groceries in Texas and has houses at Cisco, Abilene, Stamford and Sweetwater. The house began business in a very modest way in Abi- HISTOR T OF EASTLAND GO UNTT. 161 lene in 1883, and has grov/n until it is one of the largest jobbing houses in the State. The members of this firm know personally all their customers and the majority of people living in their trade territory. They are broad in ther views, are hus tlers for business and stand ready to give good service and extend all favors that are in line with conservative demands and good judgment. If you desire to start in business, consult them. Tbe officers of this company are J. M. Radford, President; J. F. Handy, Treasurer; E. A. Batjer, Secre tary. John .J. Winston. Mr. Winston, son of Col. Samuel and Isabella Win ston, was born in Rutherford County, Tennessee. Com- iog to Cisco in 1883, he has greatly aided in the devel opment of the town and County. He was for several years a direcetor of the First National Bank of Cisco, and was one of the organizers of the water company. He is a large owner of bank stock, farm lands, busi ness and residence property, and by his fair and cour teous treatment and close attention, he has built up an extensive mercantile business. He is a director in the Citizens' National Bank, has much faith in Eastland, and all of his investments are here. Mir. Winston, who married Mss Ella Barlow, of Bourbon County, Kentucky, has one child. Barlow, a boy of eight simimers. Mr. and Mrs. Winston give many elegant receptions in their spacious home, which is al ways open to their friends. Tbe Christian Church, in which Mr, Winston has 163 HISTOR T OF EA STLaND GO UNTT. served as Elder for seventeen years, finds in him a lib eral supporter, a zealous worker and a true friend to the needy. Mr. Winston's successful business career has been founded on a true Christian character. W. L. WILSON The Cisco Apebt, In 1892 Mr. Warner L. Wilson established a new paper in the town of Cisco and gave it the unique name above. The Apert, which has always been Democratic, is HISTOR T OF EASTLAND CO UNTY. 163 the oldest printing establishment in the County under one management. The editor, Mr. Wilson, is a native Texan and Houston is his birthplace. AA^hile he is a staunch Demo crat, he entertains liberal views and is generous toward those who differ with him. -WOOD MCSPADDEN TuTi) Cisco Electric Light Company. Cisco was born in darkness and remained so until Wood McSpadden and Mayhew & Company decreed there was to be light. The mandate went forth in the Summer time of 1903 164 HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. and down at the power house of the Cisco Electric Light Company is generated the spark that glows over pulpit and office desk ; that fiashes across and gleams afar down the dark streets; that makes the beautiful homes more beautiful and . accentuates the spoken word in church and hall. The promoters of this enterprise are men who are ready to further large undertakings. Mr. McSpadden, who at one time was owner of the telephone exchange and materially enlarged and strengthened that service, set up the light plant, wired the buildings, and, pressing the button, turned on the light. Wood McSpadden is a very young man, was born in Tyler, Texas, and displays much energy and business acumen. He was married in 1899 to Miss Hines Mitchell and has one child. Mayhew & Company are thoroughly abreast of the advance interests of the town, and prominently identi fied with several enterprises. J. L. G. Adams — Eye Specialist. "Seeing ¦ is believing," and from the truth of this proverb many testify to the ability of Dr. Adam.s, who was partly raised in this County. After having grad uated from the Chicago College of Medicine and . Sur gery in 1895 he located in Cisco. He usually maintains four or five different offices in as many different places, associating himself with a leading physician. Since 1895 he has taken Post Graduate courses in the following institutions: Illinois College of Medi- INTERIOR VIEW OF MARTIN & CO,'S DRUG STORE HISTOR T OF EASTLAND GO UNTT. 167 cine and Surgery and the College of Ophthalmology and Otology, St. Louis. Some of the cures Dr. Adams has effected are little short of the miraculous — reading vision after twenty years darkness, because of scarred eyes, after continued terms in the Blind Asylum, or after treatment at va rious, well known hospitals. Pr. -Adams is a skilled surgeon, and has straight ened many hundreds of eyes. Leaduig physicians everywhei^e testify gladly to his ability as an oculist. His practice is limited to diseases and deformities of the eye that ^r^ curable, which are about ninety-iive per cent. He has references from many who have been pro nounced hopelessly blind and were led to his ojffice, but W^o received sight after having received his treatinent. Dr. Adams is associated with Dr. B. F. Jones and ofifipes, over the Merchants' apd Farmers' Bank^ CHAPTER IL Rising Star. The year 1875 had passed into history, yet no hupter nor early settler, with his ax, his gun and Hs dog, disturbed the pud^er of the. -v^ild tur key mothering her young, the feeding of the prairie cliipl^.en in the high sage grass thaj; abpunded, nor the gambols of the deer that sported on the banks of the , streams. But in the dawn o^ 1876 a star of promise began to shed its radiance, and in the light of its dawning six families from Gregg County wended 168 HISTOR T OF EASTLAND 00 UNTT. their way to the valley, over which it settled and made their homes there. These fortunate pioneers were W. W. Smith, Dave McIQnley, Isaac Agnew, Fletcher Fields, AUie Smith and Andy Agnew. Finding good .'•oil, abundance of wild game, and water, they decided to remain pennanently, and began the improvement of ¦ heir claims. Fort Worth was the nearest railroad sta tion, and from this town and Waco the people bought their supplies and marketed their products. In these early days, 1876-1879, the mail was brought once a week from Sipe Springs on horse back. Mr. Os borne, who lived two miles east of where Rising Star is now located, was the postmaster. It may or may not have been this postmaster who could not read and whose wife carried the mail in her pocket. iWhen a call was made she handed the letters to the party and he, taking out his own, returned the rest. She carried one for the postmaster a week. When application was made for a postoffice, Osborne was suggested as a name, but the authorties sent *Rising Star instead. In the Fall of 1879 Uncle Tommy Anderson bought i'lom Dave McKinley the tract of land on which tlie town has been built. In the Spring of 1880 he m.oved the postoffice to his home and put up a small storehouse. Here he kept the postoffice, groceries and farm supplies. Jn 1883 a larger store was built near by. since which time the town has grown steadily, and now numbers e-'bout seven hundred souls. ¦•It is sail that Mr. Anderson, a son-in-law of Mr. Ag new, suggested the name of Rising Star. SISTOR T of EASTLAND go tJNTT. 166 The people early evinced a strong desiie for enlight- Cj-tment by raising a 10x12 log school house and electing a Mr. Bill Welch as teacher. Mr. Welch was thor oughly in harmony with his environments, often teach ing under the branches of the trees, and not infrequently going to school barefooted. This small, fioorless, log school house stood one and one-half miles east of the present town. A few years later a better and a larger log house was built near the cemetery, and here many of the substantial citizens of this County were educated. Mr. James Irby, who came here in 1877, was one of the pioneer teachers. The business interests of the town are represented by loyal citiziens. There are several large dry goods and grocery firms, drug stores, hardware, a bank, hotel, and the usual number of smaller shops and eating houses. There are two newspapers, five church buildings with as many organizations, and a handsome school building with seven teachers and three hundred and fifty pupils. The town is supported by a very rich farming and truck growing district of fifteen miles radius. The soil is a light sand with a red clay subsoil and is especiallv adapted to the drouthy climate. Corn, cotton,maize, cane and oat^growluxuriantly; berries, apples, peaches, plums, apricots, grapes and all kinds of fruits are easy and proli fic producers. As a. truck growing section it baS'-no su perior. Cabbages, without irrigation, have produced heads weighing thirteen and a half pounds, beets have weighed twenty-five pounds, onions two; tomatoes,.^, and potatoes of both varieties, grow easily and are heavy bearers. UNCLE JIM TYSON GATHERING APPLES HISTORY OF EASTLAND COCnTY. m The nearest railroad point is about twenty miles. Carloads of fruit and vegetables rot on the ground for lack of convenient shipping points. In 1903 forty-five hundred bales of cotton were marketed and forty-two hundred were ginned by the two plants here. This same year eighteen thousand bales were ginned at the ten plants within the neighborhood of the Star country. This section of the county is especially free from grasshoppers, boll weevil and all crop and garden pests- The X-Rat. Albert Tyson is the founder and proprietor of this original paper. If one wants truths frankly told; if when one is bit, one prefers the blow to come straight from the shoulders, one would do well to read Mr. Tyson's paper. ,Tbe illustration on the opposite page represents Mr, J. M. Tyson — the editor's father — gathering apples from a six year old Early Harvest apple tree. He moved to Eastland in 1878, and has a thirty-acre apple orchard two miles north of Rising Star. At the Farmer's Insti tute held in Eastland City November, , 1903, he was awarded a prize on the apples he exhibited. The Rising Star Record. The Rising Star Record came into existence April 4, 1903. George T. Barnes, with T. B. Staton, under took the establishment of the paper. Without a single subscriber the first issue was brought out, but the third 173 HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. issue was distributed to three hundred regular subscrib ers. January 1. 1904, thc subscription list was five hun dred. January 1, 1904, the Record Company began the pub lication of the May Enterprise. Both papers have a cir culation of over nine hundred. The Record, while not given strictly to politics, stands for Democratic princi ples, for tbe upbuilding of the Sandy Belt — the garden .'ijsot of Texas — and for the dissemination of local and general news among the people. George T. Barnes and C. A. and Sidney W. Smith are the proprietors of tbe Record Printing Company. W. A. Bucy and Brother. Fifteen years ago W. P. Bucy opened a stock of fur niture and did well, but soon discovered that to be able to accommodate the patronage he had he must keep farihing implements. The business proved so success ful that Mr. Bucy's oldest son, AVilliam A., became a partner in 1895, and the supply was increased. Seven years later, January 1, 1902, this son bought the entire stock, and three months later sold it to H. E. Anderson. That Mir. Bucy is never so happy as when trading is evidenced by the following figures; On September 23, 1902, he bought out the J. H. Montgomery drug business and sold it January 1, 1903, to Levi McCollum and-Minnix, and took in exchange their stock of general merchandise, which he increased. On January 1, 1904, Ed Bucy bought an interest, and the store is now the second largest in tovm. The W- P- BUCY 174 HISTOR T OF EASTLAND GO UNTT. fioor space is being enlarged and will cover, when com pleted, 5,610 square feet. Bucy Brothers expect to do a $50,000 business the year of 1904. Rising Star is fortunate to have such energetic men as citizens. H. E. Anderson Has the largest store in Texas in an inland town, and it contains everything except drugs. Long years ago Uncle Tommy Anderson sold one acre of ground to J. V. Hulse, and stiprlated that if in toxicants were ever sold on the land it would revert to the original owners. In 1883, H. E. Anderson, son of Uncle Tommy, bought out Mr. Hulse's stock of general merchandise^ but soon sold out to Rev. J. K. Miller and Mr. Sayles. Then he built a new and larger store, and has since car ried a stock of general merchandise, employing from eight to fifteen clerks. There are few men who have the courage of their convictions in a more marked degree than Mr. Ander son. In 1885 and 1886, when conditions were vastly dif ferent from the present time, a big barbecue and dance was twice given by the Rising Star community to influ ence people to become citizens. Twice did Mir. Anderson refuse to contribute to this entertainment because of the last fejature of it — ^the dance. He was converted at sixteen years of age, made steward in the Methodist church at eighteen, was the first Sunday School Superintendent in the town, and HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. 175 had lived what he professed. The stand he took on this occasion had great effect. Mr. Anderson is the present Sunday School Superin tendent in tbe Methodist Church, and his wife is a daughter of Major Munn of Nimrod. CHAPTER III. Gorman, A thriving little city of twelve hundred population, is situated on the Texas Central Railroad, twenty-five jniles southeast of Cisco. The town was surveyed in 1891 by the railroad people and began its existence in the virgin forest — ^the Oliver Chill Plow having forced the stockmen westward. The era, thus inaugurated by the arrival of the railroad, made of this section a very attractive portion of the State by the development of the superior advantages of this immediate locality. Fruits and vegetables, together with a thoroughly di versified agricultural product, offered strong induce ments to the emigrant from the East, and year by year the to-wn has grown, developing rare commercial possi- bihties, and has attained a prosperous and established position. It is the proud boast of this people that they are surrounded by the mlost productive soil that can be found west of the Brazos river, and with a thoroughly up to date lot of business men the little city is gradually but surely forging its way to the front. HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. 177 All lines of business are well represented — from the bank and the big department stores down to the chili joint, and employ a capital of $500,000. Kimble & Crume, druggists; J. R. Huckabee, general merchandise ; Low & Troxell, general merchandise; Mr. Winters' gin, the largest and best in West Texas; Mrs. Yates' hotel. The May Drug Company, T. L. Gates Lumber Yard, fhe weekly newspaper, a canning factory in active and successful operation, are some of the stores and shops and business interests of the town. These numerous interests enable Gorman to handle her own immense ag ricultural products to the very best advantage. The town is incorporated for municipal and school purposes. The splendid churches, together with organ ized lodges, chartered clubs and business men's organi zations, foster and keep in close touch the religious and .-ocial life with the conumercial advancements. Everything considered, the town stands without a ri val in many respects in this section of the State, and of fers special inducements to the home seeker. F. B. Winters. The accom.panying illustration represents the gin plant built by Mr. Winters in 1899. From the stand point of modern machinery and up-to-date equipment it has no superior in the State. One hundred and fifty horse power boiler and en gines are used, and it has o. capacity of one hundred and twenty bales daily. Mr. Winters uses the Munger sys tem. The gin is ligted by electricity and runs day and night. history of eastland county. 179 The Bank oe Gorman. This bank was established in 1900, with W. H. Ed dleman, president; W. A. Waldrop, cashier; R. R. Wal- drop, assistant cashier. The responsibility is $500,000.00 Large and small accounts are desired, and Mr. Wal drop and his assistant will make it both pleasant and profitable to all those who do business with them. T. L. Gates, Lumber. This lumber yard was established in Gorman in the summer of 1899 and has steadily grown in popularity, both from the completeness and grade of stock carried and from the courteous treatment accorded to all custom,- ¦ers. Tt is now one of the strong financial interests of the promising town. The founder and sole owner of this business, T. ]j. Gates, is a significant factor in the community. He came to Texas from Mississippi in 1893, and was for five ;rears Superintendent of the De Leon Schools, and then served as cashier of the bank at that place for two years. He is at present chairman of the County Democratic Committee. Mr. Gates is a member of the Methodist church and superintendent of the Sunday School. He is known in church circles as an enthusiastic Sunday School worker and a most efficient layman, BtSTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. 181 CHAPTER IV. Cabbon. Tn 1881 the first lot in Carbon, a town on the Texas Central Railway, between Gorman and Cisco, was sold to X. S. Haynes, who put up a small business house. An attempt to move the town three miles east having failed, J. F. White established a lumber yard, Mr. Fowler and son put up a cotton gin, and Mr. Train taught school. From tbe number of business bouses in this little town, shops, hotels and gins, a good weekly newspaper, with a hustling editor; its bank soon to open in its own brick building; its Baptist and Methodist churches. Ma sonic hall and neat two-story school building. Carbon bids fair to rival some of her more pretentious sister towns. When to this iS added the fertile soil (a sandy loaml), which produces corn, cotton and a very great va riety of vegetables of enormous sizes; also fruit, as ap ples, peaches, pears, apricots and plums, as well as the grape and berries of all kinds, one is not surprised that the country round about Carbon is being cultivated by thrifty farmers in rapidly increasing numbers. Among the enterprising business people of Carbon are Finley Bros., dry goods; T. J. Morris, general mer chandise ; Puett & Son, dry goods ; W. A. Seastrunk, ho tel, and many others. There are about six hundred inhabitants. Near this place Mr. J. H. Bransf ord, who has been in the county many years, successfully irrigates a truck patch. * ALINE CAMPBELL Eastland Coustt's Prize Baby HISTORY OF EASTLAAD COUJS TT. 183 The Herald. Published Friday, W. T. Curtis, editor and proprie tor. The Herald; the local paper for Eastland County, pleases its readers and pays its advertisers, and is strict ly a local and county newspaper. Although not published at the County Town, it brings all court news of importance to the general public. It lias a good circulation and is increasing rapidly. Only clean advertising from clean people is in serted. The Bank of Carbon. Responsibility, $500,000.00. W. H. Eddleman, president; W. A. Waldrop, vice president; J. E. Spencer, cashier. That so able a financier as W. H. Eddleman. is con nected with this bank insures its solidarity. That J. E. Spencer, who has been in the banking business for sev eral years, is its cashier, speaks for its popularity, while Mr. Waldrop, the efficient cashier of the Bank of Gor man, only emphasizes the strength of the organization. The Carbon Bank occupies its own two-story brick building Finley Bros. W. P. Finley. S. P. Finley. The members of this firm were born in Tennessee and emigrated to Texas with their parents and the other brothers in 1867. They located in Eastland in the mem orable year of 1876, and engaged in farming. Later some of the family lived at Jewell, and in the early '80's 184 Urn f OR T oF EASTLAND CO UNTT. W. P. Finley and Mr. Duke (now of Dallas) merchan dised at Cisco. This firm established itself here in a general mer chandise business in 1895 and enjoys a long and grow ing trade. The Finleys are substantial and progressive citizens and foster every interest of the promising town. Mr. S. P. Finley is the able President of the Board of Trustees. A. C. POE, M. D. Dr. Poe was born in Magnolia, Arkansas, and came to Carbon, Texas, in 1896. He received his education in the public schools of his native State, and took his degree from the M'emphis Hospital Medical College. Dr. Poe is the senior member of the firm of Poe & Moore, Druggists. This firm is one of the three State agents in this county for the supply of school books adopted by the Board of Examiners. It is such men as Dr. Poe that make a town grow. He believes in the future prosperity of the town, backed by its richly promising agricultural possibilities, and upon this belief he makes his investments. With C. B. Poe as a partner, the Doctor is interested in a lumber yard, which does a large business and carries a complete and up-to-date stock. Besides his various business interests this enterpris ing citizen does an extensive practice. As an evidence of the prosperity of the people of this section, and of their integrity as well, they pay on an average 95 per cent of their physician's accoimts. HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. 185 T. J. Morris, Merchant. On January 14, 1893, with a small stock of "Racket goods," Mr. Morris began business in Carbon. Two years later he erected and m'o-ved into a building in the center of the town, where he is still located. Few men have had more marked success than Mr. Morris. From the small beginning, made a little more than one decade ago, his business has grown until now he handles everything in a general merchandise line. Besides dry goods and groceries, hardware and every ccmceivable kind of farming implement, he handles furniture and undertaker's goods. Mr. Morris' energy and ingenuity does not stop here. He is interested in the two gins of Morris Bros, and Fowler at Carbon and Hooker's Spur. His latest ven ture is stockng his fine ranch near town with goats, some of which are thoroughbreds. Tt is plainly evident that Mr. Morris invests strictly in Carbon "futures." CHAPTER V. Ranger. Ninety-five miles west of Fort Worth the historic little town of .Ranger stands. Many, many years ago, be fore the valleys of E'astland bad ever -^elt the thrill and jar of rumbling cars, or her hills had echoed the shrill cry of an engine, the Indians found and utilized a mag nificent rendezvous a few miles east of Ranger, where isti History of easi^land cotInty. now the Texas and Pacific Railway bridges the deepest canon in Texas. After one of their usual raids the In dians fled to this, canon, now so famous for its rugged beauty, and were followed by the Texas Rangers, than whom no class of men have done more for Texas. These poorly fed and poorly paid guardians of life and property on the frontier drove the Indians on this occa- THE high BRIDGE sion from their lair. On emerging from the deep and ragged gorge the Rangers found themselves in a beauti ful, level * valley of richest soil and luxuriant grasses, but did not loiter, as they pushed hard on after the In dians, overtaking them at what is known as "One Hun- *It is said that the valley was known among the In dians as the Caddo Indian Ball Ground. SiStory of Ma^TlanD coVnTT. ist dred * Mile Mountain." Here a battle was fought and the victorious Rangers struck tent in the luxurious val ley, where the Watson Ranch is now situated. The ex act date of this battle could not be learned, but it is thought Captain Whiteside, who lost his life in the cy clone at Cisco, was in command of the Rangers. Twenty-five years ago the valley was dotted with tents. One year later A. J. Sims and a Mr. Griffin formed a partnership and carried a stock of general merchandise in a tent store. Mr. Griffin did a thriving hotel busi ness, also in a tent, prior to forming this partnership. There were tent schools and tent churches. Tom Coop er, brother of one of Rangers' most popular teachers, was the first boy born in the town. A little girl made her advent one day before Tom's arrival. Tn tbe Ran ger valley some two hundred or three hundred people lived in tents until the railroad came, when houses w^nt up as if by magic. Ranger was built a couple of miles west of where the tent town had had its existence. The oldest settler living in Ranger today is John Bryant, who came in 1881. Ranger has three good church buildings, Methodist, Baptist and Cumberland Presbyterian, with leagues and young people's societies; a High School, which is corre lated with the State University, a phone system and water works, bank, five doctors and the usual number of stores, eating houses, etc. In the tent to-wn there were saloons, and gambling *"One hundred miles" from where could not be learned, but the mountain stands out clear-cut and runs down into the valley near the railroad. 188 HISTORY OF EASTLAND COttNTT. dens, in the Ranger of today there are no houses of vice of any kind. Ranger has a population of about seven hundred and fifty. The Ranger '03 Club — a woman's literary club — has founded a public library and is gradually increasing the number of volumes. C. B. Frost, M. D.; A. B.; A. M. Dr. C. B. Frost, the oldest resident physician of Ranger, was born in Tennessee. His father, J. B. Frost, fell heir to sixty-two negroes in 1859 and 1860, but set them free at once. As a result of this philanthropy the boy Cyrus had to work out his own destiny. Be cut wood for two fireplaces and a stove, fed t'-n horses, twenty cows, a drove of hogs and a flock of sheep for his board, and worked Saturdays for his clothes. Hfe took his lit erary degree at the Northern Illinois Normal Univer sity. He attended the Nashville Medical College, where later at the Missouri Medical College, he gratuated in 1878 with first honors. Mrs. Frost is a daughter of Dr. 0. D. Tankersly of Arkansas. Dr. Frost located at Ranger in 1892 and has prac ticed his profession night and day continuously since that time with the most mlarked success, never having suffered from an accident of any kind, nor had a diag nosis changed. He is a scholarly, scientific, up-to-date physician and' surgeon, a consistent, Christian Methodist citizen, and is held in high esteem by the profession and his patrons. HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. 189 CHAPTER VI. Scranton. Scranton, a town of about one hundred and fifty in habitants, is situated in a thickly settled, agricultural comm'unity, which lies twelve miles southwest of Cisco, near the line of Callahan County. The first man who setlted in this locality was D. C. Lane, who came iu 1875, and was followed by H. B. Lane, Mr. Huff, Aaron Brown, Uncle Joe Brown and Mat Hendrickson. These, together with Messrs. Sprawls, Ray, Gattis, Clement, Rutherford and many others, have made a progressive and substantial com munity. Tn 188 — Mr. Snoddy taught a school here. The in terest in education has gradually increased until Scran ton now boasts of an incorporated school district, and one of the best schools in the county. There is a commodi ous, two-story building, with a separate music room on the campus. The Miethodist and Baptist churches were organized here in 1893, the former by Rev. M. Mi'. Smith, the lat ter by Rev. J. R. Kelly. Both churches have good build ings and are served at present by Rev. J. L. Mills, Meth odist, and Rev. G. W. Parks, Baptist. The Post Office was esablished in 1892, with Mr. I 4- oo aoV) in o ¦ fH ¦ ^ : Ol M ' . M! h:Si HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. 193 Reydon as Postmlaster. Mr. Reydon also put up the first gin in 188 — . The present fine gin is owned by a stock company of farmers. J. M. Williamson of Cis co was the pioneer merchant. Among the present pro gressive business firms are E. .E. Chunn, dry goods, groceries and hardware; I. E. Cook & Bro., dry goods, and W. L. Gattis & Son, druggists. Romney. This prosperous and enterprising community was first settled by A. J. FembUng and Mt. Ballard. These were soon followed by E. J. Arnold, Dr. J. N. White and Mr, Green, all from West Virginia. During the disastrous drouth of 1886-1887 emigra tion stopped, but the natural advantages of the locality held the first settlers, and even in the most trying period brought Mr. P. N. B. Ghormerly. The Freeman and Bashan brothers, J. C. McCoy, T. D. Freeman, E. J. Arnold, T. J. Finn, W. R. and C. C. Bashan and Dr. J. W. White organized the school community and a school house was put up at once. T. D Freeman was the first teacher, and A. J. Tyson, editor of the X-Eay, published at Rising Star, followed him. The Romney Postoffice was established August 15, 1890, T. D. Freemian, Postmaster. The- country has developed rapidly. All agricultural products, fruits and vegetables grow well, making this one of the m©st pro- gijessive communities in the County. Mr. W. P. Grubbs of Arkansas established the first store, then sold to H. D. Holbrook. At present T. D. 194 HISTOR T OF EA STLAND CO UNTT. Freeman, who has charge of the long-distance telephone and is Postmaster, has tbe only store in the village, wbich also contains a blacksmith shop, a gin and a good school. The Baptist, Disciples of Christ and Methodists have organizations and worship at the school house. The citizenship of this locality represents a moral and progressive people, who welcome all who come them. CHAPTER VII. *Desdemona. William and Ben Funderburg pre-empted the land on which Desdemona is built. Tbe Funderburgs (who later sold their pre-emption to Bill Brown), Lewis Elli son and Uncle Johnny Caruth were the first settlers of Hogtown. Mr. Frank Roach, the first merchant of Desdemona, put up a 12x16 store building, the boys lending a hand, which was dedicated with a dance the night of the fir'^t wedding in the new, old town. Mr. Willie Matthews and Miss Ella Parm, who were the contracting parties, \^ • re married at Tom Prather's home, Mary Caruth and Mr. ¦ "standing up" with them. After the cerumonv the crowd, chaperoned by Lewis Ellison and wife, re paired to Mr. Roach's new store and danced all night. The first school house, eighteen by twenty feet, was •Desdemona was named In honor of the daughter of Squire Wynn. HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. 195 built of hewed logs, with a log cut out at one end for a window. The benches were made by splitting trees in two — one of these with longer legs in front was put up by tbe window for a writing desk. Mr. Johnny Caruth and Charlie Mitchell were paid $80.00 to put up the house. On the second Sunday in June, 1872, the Rev. John nie R. Northcutt, a Baptist minister, preached under the large Spanish oaks shading the picturesque bridge which now spans the historic Hog Creek, at Desdemona, and kept up the. appointments until September. He was then allowed the privilege of the log school house and or ganized Rockdale Church, with nine members, John Caruth, -wife and daughter — Mrs. Mary N. Jasper, Aunt Sallie Robinson, Nancy Ellison, Jim Ellison and wife, John Cowen and Mrs. Sallie Ivy. Pleas Jones lived in the Hogtown community in a single log cabin, 10x12. For some unknown reason the floor of the cabin was the naked bosom of mother earth. A wagon board lay from the door to the hearthstone. One night a young man hunting a locality where he might secure a school, stopped, as night had overtaken him, and asked for lodging. "All right, pard," assented Jones. "Git down and come in. You'll have ter laret out yer nag, 'cause T hain't got no feed fer her." The fare given to the man was in keeping with the rest of the surroundings, and his mind was relieved of won^ dering who would sit up when a buffalo hide was thrown down on the wagon board, with a pillow, and he was told his bed was ready! Imagine his surprise when he 196 HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. asked next morning, how much he was indebted for his and his mare's lodging and was told, "Well, seein' its you, I'll only charge yer a dollar !" The young man, who was none other than -ludge Hammons of Eastland City, rode on and secured and taught the school. The town is beautifully located on rising ground, sloping east from Hog Creek. The community is in corporated for school purposes, and expects to erect a large, handsome building. There are five dry goods and grocery establishments, the most prominent among them are Captain A. J. O'Eear, staple and fancy groceries, and Dr. Snodgrass, drugs and general merchandise, who is also a stockholder in the fine gin stand and a successful practicing physi cian. Dr. Copeland, who has studied in Missouri Medical College, in St. Louis, and graduated from Fort Worth Medical College, is a physician of growing popu larity and prominence. That the doctors collect 95 per cent of their bills speaks well for the community, as it does for the soil which makes it possible. A good school is maintained at Desdemona. The Baptist and Methodist churches have buildings and good organizations. The Christian Church building is in want of repairs. HISTOR Y OP EASTLAND GO UNTY. 197 CHAPTER VIII. The Methodist Church. The first church organized in the county, of which there is anything known, was in the Allen neighborhood and was effected by Rev. William Mlonk, a pioneer preacher, who attended his first Texas Annual Confer ence at Tyler, in 1854. In 1865 Mr. Monk was on the Palo Pinto Misison, which included Eastland County. With a few members he organized a Methodist church on the Allen and Davidson ranch. The members were Peter Davidson, wife and four children, Robert Newberry and Uncle Bobbie Martin, with their fami lies. Mr. Monk writes: "Tn 1872 I was Presiding Elder on the Stephenville District. In 1873 I attended . a Quarterly Conference at McGough's Springs. Rev. Levi F. Collins was the missionary and had organized a little church there, ^hich I suppose was the second or ganization in the county. The county was infested by Indians. ]We all went to church with our guns, not knowing what moment we would be attacked. Two nights before I went to McGough Springs the Indians stole my horse at Picketville in Stephens County. T made my way down there on borrowed horses, and from there to Comanche I went on a wagon, where I secured another horse." The following letter is self-explanatory and will be interesting to many old settlers : 198 DISTORT OF EASTLAND GOUNTT. "Iredell, Texas, October 13, 1903.— Dear Sister Langston: You want to know what territory was in- REV. WILLIAM monk, Ibhujsll, TiiXAS eluded in the Palo Pinto Misison when I was pastor in 1865 and 1866. Tt included all of Palo Pinto County, HtSTOR T OF EASTLA ND GOVNTT. 199 all of Erath east of Stephenville and all of Johnson west of the Brazos River. Hood County was not organ ized then. I also had two appointments in Parker County, Big Vlalley, where your father then lived, and Kickapoo. I made the round on my work every four weeks, preaching under trees, in private houses, under brush arbors and in little school houses. Our congre gations would be from twenty to one hundred people. We had some great revivals. I organized the first church at Big Valley and held a great meeting. When I traveled the Stephenville District in 1872, '73 and '74, it included all the territory west of the Brazos River from Waco to Fort Belknap, Fort Griffin, San Angelo, Camp Colorado and Fort Mason. These Were the out side settlements, but all the territory to New Mexico be longed to the district. ' I made the round every three months on horseback, with my Winchester rifle hang ing to the horn of my saddle, and my wardrobe in a pair of saddle bags. These were the happiest years of my life. .1 believe all the preachers that were associ-, ated with me then have passed away, ^except Levi Coll ins and Brother Smith of Stephenville. If I could see you I could tell you many things of interest, but can write but little now. Wishing you success -with your book,., I am yours, ., W. MONK." Today there are about 2,000' Methodists in this Coun ty. Histories of a few of the individual churches fol low: Rising Star Church. — This charge first belonged to the Pecan Circuit and was served by L. S. Chamber lain in 1877. Tn 1879 this same preacher was returned 200 HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. to the work and then organized the class at Rising Star with eight members, James Irby, Sallie J. Irby, An drew Agnew, N. S. Agnevv', I. P. Agnew, Sarah Agnew, THE METHODIST CHURCH, Rising &tar.— Photo by Watkins, Rising Star Dennis Bond and Sarah Tannerhill. Out of the eight members only James Irby and wife remain with tho church today. Tt was at a night appointment this or ganization was made in a little 10x12 log school house HISTOR T OF EASTLAND GO UNTT. 201 with a dirt fioor, and was the first church organized in this part of the County. The Rising Star Misison was created some time later with two appointments (Jewell being the other), and had an appropriation of one hundred dollars from the missionary board. Tt was included in the Breckin ridge District, with A. K. Miller as Presiding Elder f.ud G. F. Fair pastor, 1883-1885. By and by a new school house was built near where Ihe cemetery now lies, and served for church purposes. The class continued to gather strength; to its member ship were added those of Uncle Tommie Anderson and his family. Mrs. L. S. Anderson still retains her mem bership. She is the aged mother of H. E. Anderson. In 1881 the first Sunday school was organized in the school house. A Methodist Sunday School in a school house did not prosper, so under the leader ship of the indefatigable R. R. Raymiond a church was built and later a parsonage. They are valued at $2,000. On a beautiful, grass-covered lawn this church has put up a tabernacle at a cost of $300.00. In 1902, under the pastorate of J. H. Chambliss, as sisted by J. C. Watkins, a most wonderful revival took place, resulting in such an increased membership thit the church had to be enlarged. This was done at a cost of $500, making a total of $2,800 of church property, • With a membership of nearly three hundred, a fine Sun day school, both Senior and Junior Epworth Leagues and an active Woman's Foreign Missionary Society, tbe church is doing well. Rev. D. A. McGuire is the present pastor. 202 HISTORY OF EASTLAND COtfNTY. The Church at Ranger was organized by Rev. Hightower in a tent in 1881. The membership has grown to ninety-two with church property valued at -fj 500.00, which includes a house of worship and par- p.inge. Tbe present pastor is Rev. B. R. Wagner. M, V._ MITCHELL The Cisco Methodist Church had its beginning in the fertile brain of a .pioneer "circuit rider," Rev.. Lamb Trimble. On the quiet hunt for any one who wore the name' of Methodist, where he might find a kin dred spirit, shelter and something to eat,, he discovered M. V. Mitchell and - wife (in a log hut 10x12 feet) running a sheep ranch. The tired preacher was not long HISTOR T OF EASTLAND GO UNTT. 203 in accepting a large hospitality in small quarters. The dirt floor to the little room had been overlaid with grass and on this was spread a carpet. The cubby-hole, (or shed room) and a bed of skins was the only place for the preacher, while plenty of blankets for cover and a good case of- religion made him happy. Tn 1880 this preacher organized the flrst church, and when that roll was called the only names were M. V. Mitchell and wife,, Mr. arid Mrs. Walton. Mr. Mitchell was elected steward. This church was begun in a little log school house, located where now lies the beautiful cemetery. Rev. Andrews was the next circuit rider, and .lohn Lane steward. In 1881 Cisco was founded at the junction of the railroads, and everybody moved to town, the school, post office and church foUo-wing the people. Rev. Mills was the next pastor. Tib and Rev. R. B. Vaughan canvassed the new to-wn for Methodists and fcmnd about twenty. Thc people were all living in tents A school house was soon built by popular contributions, and this sufficed as a place for the monthly preaching. Two or three years later, during the pastorate of Rev. John A. Wallace, a small churchy costing six or seven Inindred dollars, was erected on the lot where the present building now stands. During the pastorate of Rev. T. C. Ragsdale the house was enlarged to meet the growing demands of the congregation. This was swept away by the cyclone in 1893, and a beautiful and commodious house was erected at a cost of about $6,000. The church has a parsonage valued at $1,200, and a membership of three hundred and thirty members. During the past year under the pastorate of S. J. Vaughn there was a net gain in mem- HISTOR T OF EASTLAND GO UNTT. 205 bership of eighty, and about $800 were expended in im provements on the church and parsonage. The church is doing fine work in all departments. The building is lighted by electricity. The Carbon Church was first organized in 1890 by I. N. Reeves, with about twenty members. There was no building other than Thurman's store, which was utilized, the counters serving, in part, for pews. As the preacher stood with his back to the door he could not understand, during this first sermon at 11 o'clock Sun day morning, why a row of girls directly in front of him were so intensely amused. They caused so much confu sion that he stopped shortly after he began and dismissed the audience. Afterwards he learned that a man out on the street in front of the door, with a woman's sun- bonnet on his head, was "making a monkey of himself." At night the audience gathered early. The counters were filled with boys, who wore clanking spurs. The preacher had barely reached his "secondly" when one of the boys on the counter noisily left the room, brushing right by the minister, who stood near the entrance. In a very few minutes another boy was rattling his spurs in his rush to get outside with the one who started what was evidently meant to include all who sat with them. At this, juncture Dr. Jules Trader rose to his feet and with an impetuous oath exclaimed, "Parson, I don't want to interfere, but if you'll knock the next boy down who tries to pass you, I'll stand by you." The sermon continued without further interruption. I, N. Neel, agent of the railroad, organized and taught a Sunday School in the station house, where he lived. Later, the railroad gave the town an acre of 206 HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. ground on which to build a school house. When this was completed the Sunday School went there, and at the end of Mr. Reeves' second year there were eighty-seven members. The church building was erected during the pastorate of Rev. Maxwell. The present pastor is Rev. J. H. Walker. CPIAPTER IX. TriE B.vPTi&T Church. — This church crganization might be truthfully compared to a mighty oak, whose roots dig down deep through the soil, drink in and trans mit the food to the trunk, limbs, branches and leaves, and forage for the minerals that help color the foliage and make it a thing of joy and beauty, as well as a protection from the sun's fierce rays and the storm's beating rain. Nor is this all, it affords the song sters of the forest a sheltering place for their young. As this mighty oak has grown from a tiny acorn and is now able to withstand the terrible wrenchings of storm and tornado, so the Baptist Churches have grown in Eastland County. Away back many years ago-— Mr. McGough does not remember the date— under a brush arbor, tlie Rev. '\V. H. Brashears organized the first Baptist Church in East land with seven members, C. Brashears, J. E. Higgins, Enoch Dawson. Amanda Dawson, W. C. McGough and wife and the preacher. This was known as Providence Baptist Church, and was one of four in the county when the Eev. C. G. Stevens of sainted memory projected and accomplished the organization of that wonderful body known as the Red Gap Baptist Association, which not HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. 207 only included the churches in this County, but finally embraced all the territory to El Paso and New Mexico. There now exists a Cisco Baptist Association which includes all the organizations in the County with two or three exception^. The locations, names of pastor and present membership follow : Carbon— W. B. Cobb, 83. Cisco— G. W. Sherman. 239. Corinth— E. M. Hunt, 67. Curtis— G. P. May, 46 Eastland— J. L. Mayes, 115. Elm Creek— J. H. Vinson. 78. Gorman — J. H. Vinson, 182. Harmony — J. L. Mayes. 48. Jewell — W. L. Ayers, 59. Liberty Hill— S. C. Steel, 34. Long Branch — E. M. Hunt. 114. Meriman — J. L. Mayes. 59. Midway— J. J. McCord, 91. Monroe— D. G. Wells, 113. Mount Olive— J. J. McCord, 49. New Hope— E. M. Hunt, 35. Pleasant Hill, No. 1— George W.. Parks, 56. Pleasant Valley— E. M, Hunt, 68. Ranger — Z. H., 41. Rich— I. Lamb, 10. Rising Star— D. G. Wells, 29. Round Mountain — G. W. Parks, 61. Union— G. P. May, 41. Union Grove— D. G. Wells, 29. There, is an organization at Desdemona, one near 208 HISTOR T OF EASTLAND GO UNTT. Pioneer and one at Ellison's Springs. Rev. C. Brash ears is pastor of the last named. One interesting feature of the work of this associa tion is that it keeps a missionary continually in the field. Rev. I. D. Hull, the present Associational Missionary, has served several years. Last year the amount reported paid to missions — ^home and foreign — was $875.31. This did not include the $295.18 paid to the Buckner Orphans' Home, $52 foi ministerial education, nor $29.30 for the poor. Rev. J. M. Reynolds, one of the Missionary Evangel ists appointed by the State Board of the Baptist Conven tion, lives in Cisco. CHAPTER X. Other Churches.* The Rising Star Cumberland Presbyterian Church was organized by Rev. D. A. Knox In July, 1885, with fourteen members. Conspicuous in the early history of the church ap pear the names of L. M. Marshall, J. T. Winfield, H. W. Joyce, Maxwell brothers and Uncle George and Mila^ Wood. Services were held in the public school building and in the Methodist Church until 1893, when a house which is well situated in the northern part of town, was built. A comfortable manse is situated on the ad joining lots. The church is well officered by a board of six elders and one deacon, and has a Sabbath school under the ef- *'See Preface. HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. 309 fieient management of Prof. G. C. Barnes. The contri butions for the different enterprises for the year 1903 exceeded all amounts for previous years together. No public collections are taken. The present pastor is Rev. Z. T. Blanton. Perfect harmony prevails and it is hoped that this body may occupy its place as a persistent factor in the spiritual aplifiting of Rising Star and the surrounding country. Sabanno Cumberland Presbyterian Church. — This church was organized about 1886 by the Rev. D. A Knox. For several years the congregation worshipped in the school house, holding its revival meetings under a brush arbor. In the summer of 1896 a house was built, and since then a tent has been provided for revivals, which are held annually. C. C. Bullock is the present pastor, with Messrs. V^ . A. Erwin, B. F. Shell and J. S. Erwin elders and W. P. Porter and J. Robert Kincaid deacons. Liberty Cumberland Presbyterian Church. — This congregation was organized in 1898 with ten meror hers as the result of a revival meeting conducted by the Eev. W. E. Green. As a church organization would not be allowed to oc cupy the school house, Messrs. S. A. Fleming ( Cumber land), Sam Webb (Baptist) and :W. T. Boyd (Metho dist) met and decided to build a union house for these denominations. This was done. Several revivals have been held, these denominations always co-operating. The Cumberland Presbyterian Church now has about forty members. Messrs. B. L. Marshall, Louis Mar shall, G. B. Kelley, S. A. Flemings and John D. Walker are the present elders, with Eev. C. C. .BuUock-fls pastor... tilSTORY OF* easTlaND COUNTY. 311 The Ranger Cumberland Presbyterian Church Rev. J. A. Williams, pastor, is in a thriving condi tion, with a fine Sunday School and an active Woman's Foreign Missionary Society. The organization has its own church building. In Cisco the Presbyterians have an excellent church building, well furnished. The Disciples of Christ have several organiza tions and church buildings in the County. Rev. Mc- T'vnight is the pastor of the Cisco congregation. R. C. Maddox is pastor of the congregation at Rising Star. Mrs, Mc. D. Hunter is pastor of the Holiness Church at Rising Star. SCHOOL DIRECTORY OF THE COUNTY. School District No. 1. — Yellow Mound, J. H. Jace; Bedford, F. M. Anthony; Dark Hollow, R. B. Evans; Pleasant Valley, D. H. Stoddard. Trustees: R. T. White, J. B. Harbin, J. H. Robbins. School District No. 1 A. — Central, J. F. Dean, teacher. Trustees: J. B, Short, ,W. M. Eppler, W. C. Hazel. School District No. 2. — Freedom, T. E. Payne; L'nion, Lillian "Hatten; Lone Cedar, Sam Poe. Trus tees: L. J. Spann, J. R. Higgins, H. Brashears. School District No. 3. — Pleasant Valley, Maude Mur phy; High Point, E. Lafoon; Grapevine, E. C. Mur phy; Flat Woods, L. D. Harlin. Trustees: D. H- Col lins, J. H. Bransford, J. W. Robinson. School District No. 4. — Conner, Myrtle Medearis; Owen, J. A. Brashears; Cross Roads, C. P. Webb; Mer- 312 HISTOR T OF EASTLAND CO UNTT. riman, W. C. Higgins; Colony, H. C. Pelphrey. Trus tees: W. A. Hise, Floyd Brewer, Charles Barker. School District No. 5. — Triumph, Mattie Gatewood. Trustees : S. D. Shugart, Z. Z. Butler, W. A. Davis. School District No. 6.— Rush Creek, J. R. Ervin. Trustees: W. D. Messimer, A. P. Barton, J. F. Myers. School District No. 7. — Tuder, J. W. Harmon. Trustees: 0. W. Pollard, D. A. Harris, S. H. Boggus. School District No. 8. — Lone Star, Emma Mahan. Trustees : Ed Parker, J. T. Jobe, H. F. Thomas. School District No. 9. — Nash Creek, J. B. Jordan; Nash Creek, Mrs. Jessie Sawell. T'rustees: R. N. Echols, J. T. Earnest, E. A. McDonald. School District No. 10. — Alemeda, R. E, Boucher; Young Springs, Fannie Koonce. Trustees A. J. Will iams; A. S. Chauncey, Joe Jones. School District No. 11. — Rogers, F. R. King, Pearl Brabbin. Trustees : E. P. Nix, A. T. Lowe, Hue Guy. School District No. 12. — Jewell, H. M. Hayes, Pearl Mayes. Trustees: R. F. Simms, W. M. Mane, W. J. Newell. School District No. 13.— High Knot, Pearl Chas tain, Hall Mark, J. R. T.anier; Center Point, Mamie Lovett. Trustees: T. J. Hilton, J. T. Brown, Will Greer. School District No. 14. — Rockwell, W. J. Justice; Bluff- Branch, W. P. Caldwell; Sandy, Bessie Gray; Liberty Hill, H. W. Gotcher. Trustees, J. W. Stamps, James Caradine, Robert Cove. School District No. 15.— Wood, H. C. Overby; Reich, Miss Ulala Howard; Cozart, W. D. Hazel. Trustees: J. P. Montgomlery, J. P. Leverage, J. H. Ward. HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. 213 School District No. 15 A. — Nimrod, Adelle Keith; Mitchell, Dora Stewart; Hobart, Alice Davidson. Trus tees: B. B. Hogan, R. C. Pass, S. L. Yeage. School District No. 16. — Cook, W. Bashabranner; Curtis, Will Allen; Ballard, P. P. Holbrook. Trustees: A. J. Woodyke, E. H. Pearce, J. F. Nichols. School District No. 17.— Long Branch, N. F. Brit ton; Romney, W. J. Moreland; Pleasant Hill, R. P. Moreland; Griggs, Charles Parker. Trustees: Henry Milligan, W. L. Brayden, W. L. Barnett. School District No. 18. — Hickman, Eva Crume Trustees: G. B. Mullings, W. H. Hughs, S. W. H. Bushee. School District 18 A. — Macedonia, Ola Little. Trus tees : E. C. Lane, H. B. Anderson, J. A. Haynes. School District No. 19. — Pioneer, F. W. MuUins,, Julia MuUins. Trustees: S. P. Stovall, F. C. M'c^ Bride, W. R. W. Smith. School District No. 20. — Wheat, Mts. May Harri son. Trustees, J. W. Adams, J. A. Porterfield, F. M. Button. School District No. 21.— Burnley, M. D. Mullings; Sabano, W. F. Walker. Trustees: W. T. Boyd, J. T. Blackwell, J. S. Erwin. School District No. 22. — Mbuntain, Ollin Kinnison. Trustees: C. H. Gunoway, R. S. Hoon, J. L. Fonville. School District No. 23. — Howard, Bascomb Mor ton. Trustees, W. S. Prater, J. B. Kizer, J. B. Little. School District No. 24. — Leon, J. T. Singleton. Trustees: W. E. Vaughi. J. W. Blair, J. W. Watson, J. AV. Pitman. School District No. 25.— Bhn, J. S. Purdy. Trus- 314 HISTOR T OF. EASTLAND GO UNTT. tees: W. P. Orr, R. M. Gaun, J. H. Prichard, W. B. Mancill. School District No. 26. — Grigsby, Jamep B. Bat man; Jett, 0. A. Fleming. Trustees: J. G. Burgess, D. P. Taylor, Gus Payne School District No; 27, — Grand View, C. P. Jones, Mrs. Lassie Jones. Trustees: W. B. Westmoreland, J. D. Barton, J. W. Carter. School District No. 28. — Peak, J. B. McEntire. Trustees : Bill Dill, J. 0. Barris, J. R. Tune. School District No. 29. — Desdemona. J. H. Hankins, Mrs. J. B. B'ankins. Trustees: J. R. Brown, J. A. Cope- land, F. E. Terry. School District No. 30. — Okra, J. 0. Bashaw. Trustees : D. M. Jacobs, B. E. Shiley, W. B. Mimms. School District No. 31. — Union, Gypson Crcssland, Miss Lillian Eatton. Trustees: S. B. Code. J. L. Brown, H. D. Marshall. School District No 32. — Salem, W. T. Skinner. Trustees : W. N. Hickey, G. R. Hamilton, J. M. Moore. School District No. 33.— New Hope, M. H. Per kins. Trustees: J. L. Brown, W. S. Martin. W. D. Kinnison. School District No. 34.— Delmer. J. S. Bond. Trus tees : Will Conn, J. E. Duneway, J. B. Kyle. School District No. 35. — Bullock, J. A. Sander- ford. Trustees : J. S. Williams, L. M. Cook, A. J. Al lison, C. L. Bodges. School District No. 36.— Oak Grove, H. C. Poe. Trustees : J. R. Lanier, I . N. Poe. School District No. 37.— Yellow Branch, R. E. HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. 315 Sprawls. Trustees: A. G. Vaunoy, M. M. Doyle, Eli Gentry, M,. G. Robertson. School District No. 38. — Britton, .Annie Brooks, Mamie Brooks. Trustees: A. C. Brown, B. B. Bue, R. L. Rowe, F. M. Stone. INDEPENDENT SCBOOL DISTRICTS Cisco. — Superintendent, E. L. Abbott; A. V Britton, W.T. Bachelor, R. Jung, Miss Bettie Earbison, Miss An na Lee Fisher, Miss Annie Laurie Brown, Miss Frederic Mosley, Miss Sadie Yarnell — Miss Martha Conner Green, Primary. Trustees. L. E. Brannin, President; W. L. Armstrong, Vice President; Dr. W. P. Lee, Secre tary Arthur Grist, Treasurer; J. M. Williamson, Judge D. K. Scott, T. J. Worthington. Gorman — Superintendent. A. C. Ferguson; A. B. King, Alex Allen, Mrs. Tranquil McDaniel, Miss Claire Rush; Art, Miss Bailey. Trustees : J. Q. Eppler, Pres ident; T. L. Gates, Secretary and Treasurer; W. S. Wood, J. A. Jones, W. L. Terry. W. F. Burieson, R. F. Nelson. Carbon. — J. Speed Carroll, Superintendent; W. J. Allison, Binkley Drake, Miss Rebecca White. Miss John nie Reed. Trustees: S. P. Finley, President; E. H. Boyett, Secretary; J. F. Edmondson, Treasurer; R. L. Littleton, T. L. Tucker, J. R. Foster, A. B..?ton. Scranton. — 0. C. Britton, Superintendent; C. C. Bullock, M'rs. J. S. Bond; Miss Lillian Bell, Music. Trustees: A. M. Sprawls, President; F. G. Boyd, Sec retary; W. T. Rutherford, Treasurer; W. T. Gattis, As- 216 HISTOR T OF EASTLAND CO UNTT. sessor and Collector; W. D. Clinton, J. J. Ray, J. E. Sprawls. Ranger. — C. D. Judd, J. E. Peters, Co-Principals; Miss Ira Maxwell, Miss Jessie Cooper. Trustees : F. W. Melvin, President; B. P. Davenport, Secretary; W. R. Hodges, Treasurer; R. L. Page, J. B. Barrison, B. W. Hilliard, J. M. Rice. Rising Star. — E. B. Jones, Geo. F. Barnes, Prin cipals; Mss Osie Hickman, Miss Minnie Brewer, Miss Erie Rich; J. E. Wells, Music; Miss Harmon Barber, Elocution. Trustees: H. E. Anderson, President; A. ,r. Rhone, Secretary; W. S. Michael, Treasurer; F. B. Weaver, Collector; W. C. White, J. A. Terrel, R. Garner. Eastland. — W. A. Bynum, Superintendent; Miss J osie Garner, Mrs. Julia Mayes, Miss Minnie Mbod. Trustees: C. U. Connellee, President; E. Roper, Sec retary; M. Hill, Treasurer; J. R. Frost, J. J. Morgan, S. J. Day, J. T. Morton. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. County Judges. J. H. Calhoun, April, 1876; resigned October, 1877. A. Lawrence, 1877-78. J. T. Bammons, 1878-1882, R. M. Black, 1882-86. J. T. Hammions,' 1886-88, D. K. Scott, 1888-1893. W. G. Davenport, 1893-94.' G. W. Dakan, 1894-96. B. F. Chastain, 1896-98. G. W. Dakan, 1898-1900. J. R. Stubblefield, 1900-1903. HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. ill Present County Officers. S. A. Bryant, Judge. Ed T. Cox, Clerk. G. W. Redford, Sheriff. George Davenport, County Attorney. D. E, Jones, Tax Collector. W. C. Moore, Tax Assessor. .Walter Clegg, Treasurer. J. B. Calhoun, District Judge. Mr. Cunningham, District Attorney. R. L. Davenport, District Clerk. Bomer P. Brelsford, Representative. Mr. Sebastian, Breckenridge, Senator. Judge W. R. Smith, Colorado, Congressional Repre sentative. GEOLOGY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. By prof. W. F. Cummins The geology of Eastland County is very simple, as the strata belong to only two of the great geological series, the carboniferous and cretaceous. The cretaceous is found only along tbe southern border of the County. This formation forms no very great nor conspicuous area in the County, and consists principally of "sand roughs." The areas were once covered by beds of lime stone, which has long since been eroded and the sands are the remnants of a once continuous bed that covered the whole country to the foot of the mountains west of the Pecos Eiver. The beds belong to tbe Trinity sand formation, and forms a part of the eatchment area that 218 HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. supplies with water the great artesian water belt lying to the southeastward. This area was originally cov ered with a dense growth of dwarf oaks. The surface is generally level, very few of the hills being promi nent. The term rolling is very applicable to this phase of topography. A friable sand of variable thickness deposited upon a hard floor of Paleozoic rocks, and subjected to the action of the prevailing atmospheric agencies, has given this character of topography. The remainder of the County belongs to the carbon iferous period. In describing the carboniferous in Texas I divided the strata into these divisions : 5. Cisco. 4. Canyon. 3. Strawn. 2. Millsap. 1. Bend. The Cisco division is the highest and most recent of the divisions. One traveling westward along the Texas and Pacific Eailroad goes off the cretaceous on to the Millsap division of tbe carboniferous about two miles east of Millsap. Be would go off to the carbon iferous about half way between Baird and Putnam. The Bend Division does not occur at the surface anvwhere in this part of the State, but has been found in deep wells at Thurber and Fort Worth. . The f oUo-wing sketch will show the relative posi tion of the divisions as they occur in this part of the State: It is unnecessary to give a description of any of the divisions except that of the CanyOn and Cisco. The Canyon division occurs in the eastren part of the Coun- ty> and was so named from the prdiriinence with which some of the strata are seen at Canyon, in the western HISTORY OF EASTLAND COUNTY. 3I9 part of Palo Pinto County, along the line of the Texas and Pacific Railway. This division is composed very largely of massive limestone, and may be easily recog nized by this fact, the limestone in the other divisions being much thinner bedded. The beds of the Cisco division are well exposed in the vicinity of Cisco, and the division was so named for this reason. The strata are mostly composed of con glomerates, sandstones, clays and shales. This division extends from northeast to southwest through the en tire county. Tt is distinguished by its stratigraphic position below, it being found always in the heavv beds pf the Canyon division. The strata of the cretaceous dip to the .southeast, while the strata of the carboniferous dip to the north west, in an exactly opposite direction. Tbe dip of the carboniferous is at the rate of about sixty feet to the mile. This fact will preclude the notion that flowing artesian water can be found at Cisco or vicinity, the recurving area being lower than any point to the west ward, and water will not rise higher than its source. There are nine coal seams in the carboniferous formation in Texas. Wlien I made ray report on the coal fields of Texas, the first section of the coal measures ever published in Texas, I numbered these beds from one to nine inclusive. Only two of these seams are thick enough to be of any commercial value. These are numbers two and seven. Number two is found at Thurber, Rock Creek and Bridgeport. Number seven is found in Eastland, Young, Jack and Montague Coun ties. Some attempts have been made to develop the coal in the vicinity of Cisco, in Eastland County, but 220 HISTOR T OF EASTLAND CO UNTT. avithout any very great success. The outcrops of this seam in the northern portion of this County are nu merous. The seam is twenty inches thick, with a band of slate above it, followed by a seam of coal four inches thick. The band of slate is from four to ten inches thick between the coal seams. At another place where I examined this seam are nine inches of coal and twenty inches of bituminous shale. This shale will burn when put on the fire, but loses none qf its bulk in burning, and is absolutely worthless as a fuel. The difficulty in working this seam of coal in this vicinity is the fact of the thinness of the seam, and the further fact that if both seams are mined the stratum of bituminous shale will have to be taken out of the mine, for it is so highly impregnated with sulphuret of iron that when the material is exposed to the atmosphere and it slacks, the sulphuric acid escaping -will set the whole mass on fire. There are no other minerals in this County of any economical value. Gold and silver have been reported at several places, but the amount has always been so small that it would not pay to develop. Iron occui's at many places in several formfe, but it is always of too small a percentage of metallic iron to be of any commercial value. jiiin »i™ iin.-.'j.TS.MweHsiTv L 7876