^,4\^^'t! 6vyn.?0 E" "I give eifft jffw-fcf " ]L]lIBI^.^JElf » BOUGHT WITH THE INCOME OF THE Alfred E. Perkins Fund -•"1 — — —I .11. .III. 1.11,11111.111— » A CALENDAR TO THE FEET OF FINES FOR LONDON & MIDDLESEX. VOL. II. 1 Henry "VII. to Michaelmas, 11 and 12 Elizabeth. — BY — W. J. HARDY, F.S.A., and W. PAGE, F.S.A. LONDON: HAKDT & PAGE, 21, OLD BUILDINGS, LINCOLN'S INN. Axl Bights Besebted. 1893. PREFATORY NOTE. In the present volume, the Calendar to the London and Middlesex Fines is continued to the close of Michaelmas term, 11 and 12 Eliz., A.D. 1569. Many interesting features present themselves in the docu ments calendared, and it is hoped that the vast number of names of persons and places will render this work of, at least, as great importance to the genealogist and the topo grapher as the last volume. The numerous dealings with ecclesiastical property immediately after the dissolution of the Monasteries is a noteworthy feature. The number of foreign names which appear in the index illustrates the extent of immigration from abroad — either for commerce or as an escape from religious persecution — ^whioh took place after the middle of the 16th century. As before, it is the agreeable duty of the compilers to return their warmest thanks to the different officials of the Eecord Office, who have lent them every possible assistance in their work. TO THE FEET OF FINES FOR HENRY YII. [In making application, at the Public Record Office, for the documents mentioned in this Calendar, the reference, " Feet of Fines, Middlesex," and the date, are required, except where the letters " D.C." or " L." stand before the date, when the application should be made for " Feet of Fines, Double Counties," or " Feet of Fines, London," as the case may be. J John Tresawell, of London, " gentilman," and Mark Regarde. Premises in Fyncheley. Hil. Anno 1. Sir Reginald Bray, knight, William Hody, Richard Emson, Thomas Roggers, and William Coope, and Robert Shordych, esquire, Margaret, his wife, and George Shordych, their son and heir. The manor of Chelohith and premises in Westburn. Trin. Anno 1. William Marowe and Thomas Marowe and Richard Broke and Joan, his wife. Premises in Poplar and Stebenhith. Mich. Anno 2. Sir John Manyngham, knight, John Neweboud, the elder, John Neweboud, the younger, Thomas Austyn, Edward Austyn, Edward Wareyn, the elder, John Wareyn, Edward Wareyn, the younger, John Caunn, the elder, John Oaunn, the younger, John Mundewe, the younger, Thomas Sexten, William Poteros, and Edward Poteros, and Nicholas Erynley and Margaret, his wife. Premises in Stepenhithe. Mich. Anno 2. A 3 FEET OF FINES. Edward Cheseman, " gentliman," and William Lorymer and Reginald Mauser and Cristina, his wife. Mich. Anno 2. Thomas Pyerson, William Bartram, and Thomas Plotte, and Florence Bartram and Constance, his wife. Premises in Kentisshtown. Mich. Anno 3. William Horn, citizen and alderman of London, Robert Horewode, " gentilman," Henry Wodecok, John Bradman, and William Bradman, the younger, and Thomas Walker, and Cecilia, his wife. Premises in Haryngey. Mich. Anno 3. Henry Frowyk, esquire, and John Chauncy, and John Doinys, and Joan, his wife, widow of Richard Barnet, esquire. The manor of Brakenborough (except land called Wodecocks) and premises called Staumfordes in Herfeld. Warranty against the abbot of Westminster. B.C. Hil. Anno ^. Walter Martyn, and Richard Pewesey, and Katharine, his wife. Premises in the parish of St. Mary Matefelon. Hil. Anno 3. The King and Anne, countess of Warwick. Castle and manor of Warwick, with other lands in the county of Warwick ; the manor of Hemslip, Olney, and other places in the county of Bucks. ; the manors of Walshale, &c., in the county of Stafford ; the manor of Kirtelyng, Waltham- stowe, &c., in the county of Essex ; the manor of Flamsted, in the county of Herts. ; the advowson of the chantry called Beauchamp's chantry, in the church of St.' Paul, London ; the islands of Jersey and Guernesy ; and various other places in the counties of Hereford, Wilts, Hants, Rutland, Devon, Cornwall, Dorset, Northampton, Gloucester, Oxford, Berks, Norfolk, and Worcester. Full description of premises, D.C. Hil. Anno 3. Sir William Home, knight, citizen, and alderman of London, Thomas Salle, " gentilman," Richard Cornishe, John Horwode, Henry Wodecok, John Bradman, and William Bradman, the younger, and Thomas Mershall, and Margery, his wife. Premises in Harnyngey. Hil. Anno 3. HENRY VII. 6 Humphry Adam and Richard Wodehouse, clerk, and William Spycer and Cecilia, his wife. Premises in Stanes. faster Anno 3. John Warner, the elder, and Thomas Martyn, and Agnes, his wife. Premises in Harnyssay. Warranty against the abbot of Westminster. Trin. Anno 3. Peter Toppesfeld and Richard Hert and William Hayne, and Margaret, his wife, and John Somerton, and Agnes, his wife. Premises in Totenham. Trin. Anno 3. John Esyngwold, " gentilman," and William Bradley, and Isabella, his wife. Premises in Edelmeton. Trin. Anno 3. William Elyot, Henry Edyall, and Walter Hodgis, clerks, and Richard Elyot and John Elyot, gentlemen, and Thomas Russell, and Agnes, his wife. Premises in Stanes, Lalham Stanwell, and Assheford. Trin. Anno 3. Richard Amondesham, Plenry Frowyk, Thomas Frowyk, Thomas Essex, Henry Bernys, and Reginald Asshe, and Sir Thomas Bourgcher, the elder, knight, and Isabella, his wife. Premises in Heston, Istilworth, Craneford, Houndeslowe, and Northwod. Mich. Anno 4. John Elryngton, of Hakeney, gentleman, and Robert Shordyohe, esquire, and Margaret, his wife. Premises in Hakeney. Mich. Anno 4. John Gastner, and Margaret, his wife, and William Hyll, the elder, and Alice, his wife. Premises in Orainford and Heston. Warranty against the abbot of Westminster. Hil. Anno 4. Thomas Whaplod, citizen and " stockfyshmonger," of London, and John Mersh, and Joan, his wife. Premises in Monken Hadley. Trin. Anno 4. John Berell, and Eliza, his wife, and Richard Okyngton and Ralph Cutfen, and Matilda, his wife, daughter and heir of Matilda Greteclyf. Premises in Chelchehith. Warranty against the abbot of Westminster. Mich. Anno 5. Edward Willoughby and John Skylle atid William, marquis Berkele. A fourth of the moiety of the manor of 4 FEET OF FINES. Tyborne, otherwise called Maryborne. Remainder to the King. Mich. Anno 5. Thomas Wyndout, John Wynger, Richard Markes, and Thomas Deland, and Thomas Thwaytes, and Alice, his ^vife. Premises in Fulham and Hamersmj^th. Hil. Anno 5. Joan Luyt, widow, and Thomas Grafton, and Agnes, his wife. The manor of Osterley and premises in Istelworth, West Braynford, Chesewyk, Heston, and Norwode. Trin. Anno 5. William Clavell, John Clavell, .lohn Netersale, and John Algore, and Sir John Charleton, knight, and Agnes, his wife. Premises in West Brayneford. Trin. Anno 5. Sir Reginald Bray, knight, Sir William Hody, knight, Sir Henry Colet, knight, William Smyth, clerk, Richard Emson, Bartholomew Rede, Thomas Riche, John Shaa, and William Coope, a]>d Sir Edward Dudley, knight, Lord Dudley, and Cecilia, his wife. The manor of Sheperton, with appurtenances, Ujiper Sheperton, Nether SheiDcrton, Nether Halford, and Litlyngton, in the county of Middlesex ; and Nether Sheperton, in the county of Surrey. B.C. Trin. Anno 5. John Page and Richard Page and William Page, and Margaret, his wife. Premises in Willesdon. Warranty against the abbot of Westminster. Easter Anno 6. Thomas Wylkyson, clerk, and Thomas Roberdys, and Robert Payte, and Joan, his wife. Premises in Harleston. Easter Anno 6. Thomas Randyll, citizen and tailor, of London, Sir Richard Gylford, knight, John More, gentleman, Stephen Jenyns, " tayllerer," Henry Cnstell, dyer, and Simon Lynche, of Carnbroke {sic), Kent, yeoman, and William Averey, gentleman, and Joan, his wife. A messuage called " le Antelope," in Westminster. Easter Anno 6. John Child and Robert Lvtton and Sir John Charlton, knight, and Agnes, his wife. Premises in Hardyngton. Michi Anno 7. HENRY Vll. 5 Sir Reginald Bray, knight, Sir William Hody, knight, Sir Henry Colet, knight, William Smyth, clerk, Richard Emson, and William Cope, and Thomas Styllyngton. The manor of Marybourne, and premises in Tyburn, Lylleston, Westburn, Charrying, and Eye. Mich. Anno 7. John Leeke, Richard Astell, and William Underwode, and Thomas Fulnetby, and Katherine, his wife. Premises in Edmondton. Mich. Anno 7. Richard Skypton, clerk, and John Hert, gentleman, and William Pusey, and Katherine, his wife. Premises in the parish of St. Mary Matfellon. Hil. Anno 7. John Mathewe, alderman of London, Robert Mathewe, Henry Wodecok, and George Kyrkham, and Richard Blak- wall, and Joan, his wife. Premises in Heston. Easter Anno 7. Sir Henry Colet, knight. Sir William Knyvet, knight, Robert Brudgnell, John Colet, clerk, and John Colet, citizen and mercer, of London, and Sir John Bourghchier de Earners, knight, and Katherine, his wife. The manor of Barnersbury. Easter Anno 7. Richard Brysley, of London, " poulter," and Joan, his wife, and Thomas Wellys, citizen and tailor, of London, and Margaret, his wife, daughter and heir of Thomas Northey, son of John Northey, late of London, "polter." Shops, &c., in " Goldynglane," without the bar of St. Giles's, without Cripplegate. Trin. Anno 7. Humphrey Pykmer and Ralph Orton and John Cotman, and Humphrey Parys, and Isabella, his wife. Premises iu Westmitister. Warranty against the abbot of Westminster. Mich. Anno 8. Edward Cheseman, Thomas Frowyk, Richard Stone, and William Hungate, and Thomas Hoo, and Anne, his wife. Premises in Kentysshtoun. Mich. Anno 8. Peter Curteys, esquire, William Colet, gentleman, Richard GeHot, and WiUiam Benet, and Peter Quusouot (s«c), and Margaret, his wife, and Richard Stevynson, her brother. Premises in Sonbury and Feltham. Hil. Anno 8. b FEET or FINES. Roger Forster, Thomas Harowe, and John Marsh, the younger, and Peter Wether, and Alice, his wife. A cottage in Hendon. Warranty against the abbot of Westminster. Hil. Anno 8. Thomas Randall, citizen and tailor, of London, Sir Richard Gildeford, knight, Stephen Jenyns, tailor, Henry Castell, dyer, and Simon Lynch, of Carnbrook {sic), Kent. Premises in Westminster. Hil. Anno 8. William, bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, Sir Reginald Bray, knight, and Sir William Hody, knight, Richard Empson, and William Coope, and Sir Roger Coton, knight, and Margaret, his wife. Premises in Westbourn and Paddington. Trin. Anno 8. Robert NieoUes, and John Wyston and John Pepyr, and Agnes, his wife. Premises in Fyncheley, in the county of Middlesex ; and Tatregge, in county of Herts. B. C. Trin. Anno 8. William, bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, Sir Reginald Bray, knight, Sir William Hody, knight, Richard Emson, John Shaa, Humphrey Conyngesby, and William Hooper, and Sir John Mannyngham, knight, and Isabella, his wife. The manor of Oldford, with premises in Oldford, Steben- hithe, Hakeney, and Stratford at the Bowe. Warranty against the abbot of Westminster. Mich. Anno 9. William, bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, Sir Reginald Bray, knight. Sir William Hody, knight, Hugh Oldom, clerk, Richard Emson, Humphrey Conyngesby, and William Coope, and Ralph Boteler, and Margaret, his wife. The manor of Drayton, and premises in West Drayton, Hillyngdon, Colham, and Woxbridge. Trin. Anno 9. William, bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, Sir Reginald Bray, knight. Sir William Hody, knight, Hugh Oldom, clerk, Richard Emson, John Shaa, Humphrey Conyngesby, and William Coope, and William Manyngham. The manor of Oldford, with premises in Oldford, Stebenhithe, Hakney, and Stratford atte Bowe. Trin. Anno 9. HENRY VII. 7 William, bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, Sir Reginald Bray, knight. Sir William Hody, knight, Hugh Oldom, clerk, Richard Emson, Humph. Conyngesby, William Coope, William Hungate, and John Basket, and Joan, his wife. Premises in Chelchith. Mi^ih. Anno 10. Alexander Thomson and John Thomson and William Strode, and Margarey, his wife. Premises in Enfeld. Hil. Anno 10. Thomas Randell, citizen and tailor, of London, Sir Richard Gildeford, knight, Stephen Jenyns, of London, tailor, and Henry Castell, of London, dyer, and Sir Roger Cotton, knight, and Margaret, his wife. Premises in West minster. Easter Anno 10. Henry Wyot, esquire, John Shaa, Bartholomew Reede, Edward Warren, and John Canon, and Thomas Daweson, and Agnes, his wife. Premises in Stratford at Bow, in the parish of Stebeunhith. Easter Anno 10. Richard Higham, gentleman, and John Hewys and Thomas Waryer, and Juliana, his wife, and John Harryson, and Olive, his wife. Premises in Fincheley, in the county of Middlesex ; and Taterygge, in the county of Herts. B.C. Easter Anno 10. William, bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, Sir Reginald Bray, knight, Sir William Hody, knight, Sir Henry Colet, knight, Richard Emson, Bartholomew Rede, Thomas Riche, John Shaa, and William Coope, and Sir Edward Dudley, knight, Lord Dudley and John Dudley, esquire. The manor of Sheperton, with appurtenances, in Upper and Nether Sheperton, Nether Halford, and Lytlyngton, and the advowson of Sheperton, in the county of Middlesex ; and Upper Sheperton, in the county of Surrey. B.C. Easter Anno 10. Richard Higham and Thomas Marowe and John Corn- wales. Premises in Oldford, in the county of Middlesex ; and Oldford, in the county of Essex. B.C. Mich. Anno 11. Richard Blount and Richard Whitton and Robert Shor- dyche; and Margaret, his wife, and Thomas Shordiche. The O FEET OP FINES. manor of Okenham ; and the advowson of the church of, and premises in, Wynham. Warranty against the abbot of Westminster. Hil. Anno 11. Robert Broket, gentleman, and John Nicols, and Elizabeth, his wife. Premises in Hendon. Hil. Anno 11. Stephen Fryssheney, clerk, William Mordaunt, Thomas Scott, and Thomas Robardes, and Robert Shordyche, and Margaret, his wife. The manor and mill of Southall, with appurtenances in Southall, Northoote, Hese, and Harowe. Easter Anno 11. William, bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, Sir Reginald Bray, knight. Sir William Hody, knight, Humphrey Conyngesby, sergeant-at-law, Richard Emson, Hugh Oldham, clerk, and William Coope, and John Tychebourne, and Margaret, his wife, and Thomas Lowthe, and Anne, his wife. The manor of Drayton, with appurtenances. West Drayton, Hillyngdon, Colham, and Woxbrigge. Warranty against the abbot of Westminster. Easter Anno 11. Thomas Kebeel, sergeant-at-law, Thomas Oxenbrigge, sergeant-at-law, John Kyngesmyll, sergeant-at-law, and Richard Netylton, and Thomas Frowyk, sergeant-at-law, Thomas Appulby, clerk, and Thomas Hoo, citi2;en and grocer, of London. Premises, including marsh, in Steben hithe, Popeler, and Lymost. Trin. Anno 11. John Fitzherbert, John Porte, and John Chauntrell, clerk, and William Botte, and Elizabeth, his wife, daughter and heir of Thomas Hill, mason. Land in Hakeney, Mich. Anno 12. Nicholas Pakenham, Thomas Yyncent, Thomas Ingram, and Thomas Wyndocote, and Katherine, his wife, and William Hyll, and Letitia, his wife. Premises in the parish of St. Clement Danes. Mich. Anno 12. Richard Amondesham, Thomas Frowyk, sergeant-at-law, Robert Sheffeld, William Broun, the younger, Reginald Asshe, and Thomas Amondesham, and Henry Berners, and Anne, his wife. The manor of West Yellyng, with appur tenances in Yellyng and West Tellyng. Mich. Anno 12. HENRY Vll. y Thomas Bough, William Tebbe, and Robert Raby, wardens, and the brothers and sisters of the gild of St. Mary, Westminster, and Sir Roger Cotton, knight, and Margaret, his wife. A messuage and rent in Westminster. Warranty against the abbot of Westminster. Hil. Anno 12. Thomas Frowj^k, sergeant-at-law, and Henry Pole, esquire, and Margaret, his wife. Rent in Harowe. Easter Anno 12. Humphrey Conyngesby, sergeant-at-law, and Ralph Bukberd, Philip Wyngbourn, and Simon Staunton, and Katherine, his wife. Premises in Aldenham, in the county of Herts., and Great and Little Stanmer, in the county of Middlesex. B. C. Easter Anno 12. Richard Stone, gentleman, and Emma, his wife, and Thomas Broun, and Cristina, his wife, daughter and heir of WiUiam Porkeley, late of Laleham. Premises in Lale- ham. Hil. Anno 13. Richard Littelton, Nicholas Nynes, Richard Ruggeley, esquire, and Humphrey Ruggeley, and Philip Preston, esquire, and John Swynneston, esquire, and Frances, his wife. Four messuages and one garden in London. Hil. Anno 13. William Denton, esquire, Clement Carsey, and WiUiam Embroke, and WilHam Craythom, and Cecilia, his wife. The manor of Colley Peche, with appurtenances in CoUey Peche, Heys, Colam, Southall, North Halle, Stebenhithe, Norwood, and the parish of St. Mary Matefelon, in the county of Middlesex, and Thebauds and other places in the county of Herts. D.C. Easter Anna 13. William, bishop of Lincoln, Sir Reginald Bray, knight, Sir William Hody, knight. Sir John Shaa, knight, Hugh Oldam, clerk, Humphrey Conyngesby, sergeant-at-law, Richard Emson, William Coope, and Nicholas Compton, and John Basket, esquire, and Joan, his wife. Premises in Ohelchithe. Mich. Anno 14. Henry Myllet, and Joan, his wife, and James Aynes- worth, clerk, John Myllet, Robert Smyth, and Nicholas 10 FEET OF FINES. Wolmere, and Henry Deyntye, and Elizabeth, his vnfe. Premises in Northall and Sutliall. Hil Anno 14. Roger Howet, citizen and tailor, of London, Richard Feltwell, citizen and scrivener, of London, and John Hert, of Chelsehithe, and Elizabeth, his wife, daughter of Andrew Staunton. Premises in Chelsehithe. Hil. Anno 14. Walter Reyner, George Burn, and Thomas Laweden, and Robert Graunte, and Matilda, his wife. Premises in Steppeneygh. Hil. Anno 14. Henry Savage, gentleman, and Reginald Pegge, gentle man, and Anne, his wife. Premises in the parish of St. Giles, without Cupplegate, London. Warranty against the abbot of Westminster. Easter Anno 14. Christopher Pereson, Richard Aunsham, citizen and mercer, of London, Thomas Frowyk, sergeant-at-law, William Broun, citizen and mercer, of London, son of Sir John Broun, knight, late mayor of the city, John Hosyer, citizen and mercer, of London; and Thomas Bartelot, of Heston, husbondman, and John Wodall, and Elizabeth, his wife. Premises in Houndeslowe and Heston. Trin. Anno 14. Cristopher Litton, clerk, and John Middilton, and Alice, his wife. Premises in Woxbrygge. Trin. Anno 14. William Draycote, clerk, William Hyde, and John Morton, esquire, and Joan, his wife. The manor of Pynnore and Brakenburgh, and land in Pynore, Herefeld, Colham, Woxebrigge, Couele, Hillyngdon, and Barnet, in the county of Middlesex ; and land in Maldon and Chessynden, in the county of Surrey. B.C Hil. Anno 15. Sir Henry Heydon, knight, Hugh Oldom, clerk, Thomas Waren, clerk, John Wrothe, esquire, Richard Aubrey, Robert Harryson, and William Heydon, and Richard Bradyng, son and heir of John Bradyng. Premises in Westmiaster. Hil. Anno 15. William Draycote, clerk, and William Hyde and John Morton, esquire, and Joan, his wife. Premises in Hadle. Easter Anno 15. HENRY VII. 11 Sir Henry Heydon, knight, Hugh Oldom, clerk, Thomas Waren, clerk, John Wrothe, esquire, Richard Aubury, Robert Harryson, and William Heyden, and Richard Bradyng, son and heir of John Bradyng, and Margaret, his wife. Premises in Westminster. Easter Anno 15. William Barde, John Vavasour, one of the justices of the King's Bench, John Breteyn, clerk, and William Copynger, esquire, and William Gybson, and Margaret, his wife. Land in Haryngey. Trin. Anno 15. John West, John Hosyer, and William Broun, the younger, and John BoUys, and Margaret, his wife. Premises in Hakeney. Mich. Anno 16. Ralph Wodward and Walter Martyn, and Joan, his wife. Premises in the parish of St. Mary Matefelon. Hil. Anno 16. John West, John Hosyer, and William Broun, the younger, and Richard North, and Margaret, his wife. Land in Hakney. Mich. Anno 17. Edward Halys, Sir Thomas Lovell, knight, Humphrey Conyngesby, the King's sergeant-at-law, James Hobart, the King's Attorney, Roger Ormeston, William Atclyff, Henry Wyot, John Heron, John Scott, Thomas Halys, Thomas Hobson, Thomas Frowick, the younger, Robert Noreys, and Robert Boteler, and Simon Wynwode, and Joan, his wife. Land in Shordyche. Easter Anno 17. Thomas Couper, chaplain, and Robert Yonge, of Chelchithe. Premises in Chelchithe. Mich. Anno 17. Richard Ameryke and John Brooke and John Sperman, and Joan, his wife. A third part of premises in Stanwell. Mich. Anno 17. John Williams, mercer, of London, and Edmund Warfeld, and Joan, his wife. Premises in Edelmeton. Hil. Anno 17. John Myles and William Alford and Richard Fox, and Joan, his wife, and Robert Ederyche. Premises in Edel meton. Trin. Anno 17. Sir Thomas Lovell, knight, and John Neudegate, and Thomas Bradesey, and Margery, his wife. Premises in Herfeld. Trin. Anno 17. 12 FEET OF FINES. Richard Wodland and Thomas Newsdyk, and Joan, his wife. Premises in Langdyche, in Westminster. Warranty against John, abbot of Westminster. Trin. Anno 17. Thomas Bynkys, carpenter, Thomas Doune, and John Davy, and John Prowede, and Alice, his wife. Premises in Westminster. Trin. Anno 17. Humphrey Turner and Frideswith, his wife, John Boteler, and Thomas Stonham, and Nicholas Heyward, and Alice, his wife. Two messuages in the parish of St. Margaret, Westminster. Mich. Anno 18. WilHam, bishop of Lincoln, Sir WiUiam Hody, knight, Sir John Shaa, knight, Hugh Oldom, clerk, Humphrey Conyngesby, WilHam Cope, John Cutte, and Nicholas Compton, and Sir John Bourghchier, of Berners, knight. The manor of Bernersbury, with appurtenances, in Islyngton. Mich. Anno 18. Thomas Hogan and John Fawene, and Katherine, his wife. A messuage in Westminster. Easter Anno 18. WUHam Berell, and Joan, his wife, WUHam Campion and WilHam Babeham, citizens and grocers, of London, and Thomas Whytehede, and Emmota, his wife. Premises in Chelchehithe. Easter Anno 18. Richard Aubrey, Eustace KnyU, Hugh Lechard, and James Meryk, and WilHam Bond, and Joan, his wife. Premises iu Litlyngton, Laleham, and Upper Sheperton. Warranty against WUHam, abbot of St. Albans. Easter Anno 18. WilHam Mersshe and Richard NichoU, and Agnes, his wife. Premises in Hendon. Easter Anno 18. John Pakyngton, John Payntour, grocer, Reginald Gas- coyne, of Stratford Langthorn, Henry Carowe, of Romford, and Thomas Austen, of Stratford at Bowe, and John Broun, and Beatrice, his wife. Premises, with miU, in Brambele. Warranty against John, abbot of Westminster. Trin. Anno 18. Elizabeth Langton, widow, Robert Shirbourn, clerk, and William Porter, clerk, and Raphael Cornysshe, and Emma, HENRY VII. 13 his wife, and Thomas Mounteford. Premises in Harrow on the HiU and Great Stanmer juxta Eggesware. Mich. Anno 19. Alexander Thomson and John Turnour and John Sharpe, and Margaret, his wife, and WiUiam Edviche, and AHce, his wife. Premises in Enfeld. Hil. Anno 19. Sir Robert Lytton, knight, Bartholomew Westby, second baron of the exchequer, John Botiller, sergeant-at-law, and Andrew Wyndsore, esquire, and WilHam Bottesford, and EUen, his wife. Premises in Hease. Hil. Anno 19. William Heron, of Alford, esquire, John Heron, the elder, John Heron, the younger, and .Tohn Wylkynson. Premises in Hyllyngdon, Colham, and Wynesley, which Joan, mother of John Wylkynson, had for term of life. Hil. Anno 19. Sir Edward Ponyngys, knight, Sir Thomas Fenys, knight, Thomas Marrowe, sergeant-at-law, Edward Ferrers, esquire, and William Rote, clerk, and Maurice Berkeley, brother and heir of WiUiam, marquis of Berkeley, and Isabella, his wife. A fourth part of the manor of Tyborne, otherwise called Maryborne, and manors and lands in the counties of Sussex and Surrey. B.C. Trin. Anno 19. Thomas Jakes and William Elyott, and Joan, his wife. Premises in Fyncheley, and land m the county of Hertford. B.C. Mich. Anno 20. WiUiam Darby, clerk, and Sir John Rysley, knight, and Thomasia, his wife. Premises in the parish of St. Clement Danes, London. Mich. Anno 20. [21 ?] Richard Elyot, serjeant-at-law, and Richard Cressell, and William Draper, and Isabella, his wife. Premises in Herfeld. Mich. Anno 20. Richard Elyot, serjeant-at-law, and Richard Cressell, and William Draper, and Isabella, his wife. Premises in Here feld. Mich. Anno 20. William Saunderson and John Warde, and Margaret, his wife, widow of Nicholas Hastynges. Premises in Edel meton. Easter Anno 20. 14 FEET OF FINES. Thomas Cornysh, bishop of Tyne d), Hugh Oldam, bishop of Exeter, John Rowe, gentleman, and John Parla- bene, and Robert Shordyche, and Margaret, his wife, and Reginald Jakes, and Matilda, his wife. Rent in Southall. Trin. Anno 20. John Pereson, clerk, and Thomas Goodyere and Sir Thomas Frowyk, knight, chief justice of the common bench, and Thomas Erlyche, and Joan, his wife. Premises in Harleston, Wyllesden, and Fulham. Remainders to Sir John Fynnes, knight. Sir Robert Rede, knight, Andrew Wyndsore, esquire, Thomas Jakes, Thomas Robertis, William Englond, Richard Belamy, and others. Hil. Anno 21. William Bellamy and Oliver Clybum, and IsabeUa, his wife. Premises in Monken Hadley. Easter Anno 21. John Foxley, gentleman, and Thomas Crosse, citizen and grocer, of London, and Elizabeth, his wife. Premises in East Acton, in the parish of Chirch Acton. Easter Anno 21. John Norres, and Cristina, his wife, John Gyrnell, WilHam Payn, John Marsshe, Thomas NycoU, and Thomas Yakson, and John Meryden, and Anne, his wife. Premises in West minster, and in the parish of St. Martin in the Fields. Trin. Anno 21. William Lowyn, John Lowyn, and WiUiam White, and John Whyte, the elder, and Joan, his wife. Premises in Enfeld. Mich. Anno 22. Hugh Denys, esquire, Edmund Dudley, esquire, Roger Lupton, clerk, Godfrey Toppes, Edward Chaumburleyn, esquire, WiUiam Stafford, esquire, John Emeley, Thomas Pygot, Richard Brooke, William Tey, and Michael Fysshe, and Edmimd Grey, Lord de Wilton, and Florence, his wife. The manor of Portpole, with appurtenances, in the parish of St. Andrew, Holborn, and the advowson of the chantry of the said manor. Mich. Anno 22. Ralph Symondys, WilHam Copynger, and Roger Hun gate, and Humphrey Savage, and Margaret, his wife. (1) See Sir T. D. Hardy's edition of Le Neve's Fa»U. Vol. III., p. 549. HENRY VII. IT) Premises in the parish of St. GUes, Crepulgate. Trin. Anno 22. Margaret Rolfe, widow, and WUHam Skerne and Robert Wolmer, and Alice, his wife. Premises in WiUesden. Mich. Anno 23. Philip Conour and Alexander Walsshe, and Cecily, his wife. Premises in the parish of St. Giles, Crepulgate. Easter Anno 23. John More, serjeant-at-law, John Yonge, clerk, John Foule, and Richard Belamy, and Lewis Pollard, sergeant-atr law, William Fairfax, serjeant-at-law, Ralph Lathom, John Robynson, clerk, Thomas Jakes, and Elizabeth, his wife. The manor of Tokyngton, and premises in Tokyngton, Alperton, Fyncheley, Kyngesburj^, Wyllesdon, Harleston, Fulham, Wemley, Great Greneford, Little Greneford, Roxe- hay, Pyryvale, and Harow, within the parish of Harrowe, and advowson of the chantry and free chapel of Tokyngton, and premises in the county of Warwick. B.C. Trin. Anno 23. John Pette, of London, gentleman, and Richard Downe, of London, brewer, and John Pynnore, of London, tallow chandler, kinsman and heir of Henry Pynnore, late of London, tallow chandler, and Perma, his wife. Premises in Fyncheley, and in the county of Hertford. B.C. Hil. Anno 24. Sir Hugh Yaughan, knight. Sir Charles Somerset de Herbert, knight, John Boteler, gentleman, William Yowell, gentleman, Hilary Seuton (?), gentleman, Thomas Roo, gentleman, and John Laurens, and Sir Robert Dymmok, knight, and Anne, his wife, and Alice Staunford, widow. Premises in Westminster. Hil. Anno 24. 16 FEET OF FINES. HENRY YIII. WiUiam Lowthe, James Spencer, and Robert Sayles, and Edmund Wotton, and Matilda, his wife, one of the daughters and heirs of WiUiam Palmer. Premises in Harowe and Pynnore. Mich. Anno 1. Edward Atkynson, clerk, and Ralph Milby and Thomas Jakes, and Elizabeth, his wife. The manor of Fyncheley, and land iu Fyncheley, Hendon, Harleston, Willesdon, and Fulham. Mention of Joan, widow of Thomas Erlyche, Remainder. Hil. Anno 1. WiUliam Lowthe, James Spencer, and Robert Sayles, and Richard Massam, and Margaret, his wife, one of the daughters and heirs of William Palmer. Premises in Harowe and Pynnore. Easter Anno 2. John Strete and Richard Rowlowe, and Elizabeth, his wife. Premises in Iseldon. Trin. Anno 2. Richard Elderton and Elizabeth, his wife, and Thomas Robertz, and Humphrey Turner, and Frediswide, his wife, and John Boteler. Messuages in the parish of St. Margaret, Westminster. Trin. Anno 2. Richard, bishop of Norwich, Richard Broke, serjeant-at- law, John Leche, clerk, and James Bodeley, and John Fortescu, esquire. Land in the parish of the Blessed Mary of Marybourne. Mich Anno 2. Richard Sandys, esquire, and Richard Rawlyns and Sir William Sandys, knight, and Margery, his wife, and Edmund (?) Bray, esquire. The manors of Chechithe and Islyngton, in Middlesex ; and manors, lands, &o., in Berkshire, including the advowson of the church and hermitage of Cleware, and a fishery in Stanlake ; and premises in the coimties of Gloucester, Sussex, Hertford, Wilts, and Hants. B.C. Mich. Anno 2. Richard, bishop of Norwich, Richard Broke, serjeant-at- law, Robert Blagge, Thomas Assheby and Andrew Edmond, HENRY Vlll. 17 and John Fortescu, esquire, and Philippa, his -wife. Land in Westminster. Hil. Anno 2. Richard, bishop of Norwich, Richard Broke, serjeant-at- law, John Leche, clerk, and James Bodeley, and John Fortescu, esquire, and Philippa, his wife. Land in the parish of the Blessed Mary of Marybourne. Hil. Anno 2. John Rede, clerk, John Webbe, clerk, and Nicholas Tyche bourne, gentleman, and Robert Froston, son and heir of Robert Froston, late citizen of London, and Joan, his wife. Premises with a several fishery in Ilermondesworth, Lang- ford and Stanwell. Trin. Anno 3. John Ilunesdon and Agnes, his wife, and Thomas Unstede, and Elizabeth, his wife, and Thomas Catcher, and Matilda, his wife. Premises in Enfeld. Trin. Anno 3. Sir Charles Somerset de Herbert, knight. Sir Thomas Lovell, knight, Sir Richard Fotder, knight, Sir George Putenham, knight, Guy Palmes, serjeant-at-law, John Eriiley, the King's attorney, Peter Yavasour, esquire, and William Duffeld, and Thomas Durdaunt, esquire, and Margery, his wife. The manor of Denham Durdauntys, with appurtenances, in the county of Bucks. ; and land in Herefeld ; and a several fishery in the water of Colony, in the county of Middlesex. B.C. Alich. Anno 3. Richard, bishop of Winchester, Charles Somerset, Lord de Ilarbard, George Novell, Lord de Burgavenne, Sir Edward Pongngys, knight, Sir Henry Merney, knight, Sir Thomas Ingelfeld, knight, and Sir Andrew Wyndsore, knight, and Sir William Sandys, knight, and Margery, his wife. The manors of Chelchyche and Barnardbury, with appurtenances in Chelchyche, Barnardbury, and Iselyngton, in the county of Middlesex ; and j)remises in -Cokliam and Benfeld, in the county of Berks. Warranty against John, abbot of West minster. B.C. Mich. Anno 3. John Borde and John Walker, of Stanes, yeoman, and Florence, his wife. Premises in Stanes. Hil. Anno 3. Thomas Goldsmyth, Hugh Stephinson, and John Josson, 18 FEET OF FINES. and Agnes HaU. Premises, with two miUs, in Stanes, Laleham, and Stanwell. Easter Anno 4. John Byrchelay and Agnes, his wife, and Robert Dycon- son, and Anne, his wife. Premises in the parish of the Blessed Mary of Matfelon, without Algate, London. Trin. Anno 4. Sir John Cutte, knight, Bryan Palmes, serjeant-at-law, John Benson, chaplain, MUes Gerard, gentleman, John Pateshale, gentleman, John Goldyng, gentleman, and WiUiam Asteley, gentleman, and EHzabeth Scrop, widow. Rent in Westminster. Trin. Anno 4. Richard Sutton, esquire, John Sutton, the younger, George Sutton, Roger Legh, and John Cressewall, and William Bettys, and Anne, his wife. Premises in Istelworth and Braynford. Mich. Anno 4. Richard Morton aiid Philip Barnaby, and Joan, his wife. Premises in Southmymes. Easter Anno 5. William Fraunesys and John Seton, and Margaret, his wife. Premises iu Padyngton. Easter Anno 5. WiUiam Wutton, John Sturges, Robert Southwell, the younger, and Richard Sampson, clerk, and Edward Bray, esquire, and Joan, his wife. Premises in Hakeney and Totenham. Easter Anno 5. Thomas Robertz and John Chauncy and Robert Edmonds, and MatUda, his wife. Premises in Pynnore. Easter Anno 5. John Meyny and Robert Sondes, esquire, and Alice, his wife. Premises in Hampstede. Trin. Anno 5. Edward Atclyff, gentleman, William Burwell, John Aleyn, John Kerne, and Thomas Comberford, and WiUiam Dawtry, and Elizabeth, his \AiQ. Premises, with shops, in Westminster. Anno 5. Richard, bishop of Winchester, Richard, bishop of London, Thomas, bishop of Durham, John, bishop of Rochester, Thomas, earl of Surrey, Sir Charles Somerset, knight, Lord Herbert, Sir John Fyneux, knight, Sir Thomas HENRY VlII. 19 Lovell, knight, John Yong, clerk, and Sir John Cutte, knight, and William Teye. Premises and rent in Hakney and Totenham. 3Iii-h. Anno 5. Thomas Bedell, of Denham, in Buckinghamshire, husband man, Edmund Eyre, of Burneham, in Buckinghamshire, husbandman, Richard Noke, of Bray, in Berkshire, husband man, and John Warde, of Woxbrige, " botcher," and Robert Ehyngton and Catherine, his wife. Premises in Woxbrige, Hyllyngdon and Coueley. Hil. Anno 5. Richard TwjdvC and Robert Maryner. Premises in Stanes. Easter Anno 6. John Rede, grocer, Matthew Lupton, haberdasher, and John Hert, and Thomas Catcher, and Joan, his wife. Premises in Chelchehyth. Warranty against John, abbot of Westminster. Easter Anno 6. Christopher, cardinal, and archbishop of York, George, earl of Shrewsbury, Thomas, earl of Derby, Sir WilHam Gascoigne, knight. Sir John Norton, knight, Sir Thomas Curwen, knight, Sir William Fairfax, knight, one of the justices of the King's Bench, Brian Palmes, serjeant-at-law, Thomas Pj^got, serjeant-at-law, Richard (?) Broke, serjeant-at-law, CliristoiJier Ursmck, clerk, Cuthbert Tunstall, clerk, Nicholas West, clerk, John Erneley, the King's attorney, Geoffrey Proctom-, Richard Grene, clerk, and WilHam Stable, clerk, and Henry, earl of Northumberland, and Katherine, his wife. 60 messuages and 30 gardens in London ; and premises in the counties of Lincoln, Leicester, Gloucester, Somerset, Suffolk, Dorset, Cambridge, Devon, Sussex, and Hereford. B.C. Easter Anno 6. Thomas Reymond, citizen and grocer, of London, Nicholas Bone, gentleman, Morgan WilHams, Thomas Otley, John Billesdon, WilHam Jenkys, John Gerard, and JohnWenden, and Robert Garrard, citizen and saddler, of London, and Catherine, his wife, daughter and heir of Thomas WilHams. Premises in Edelmeton. Mich. Anno 6. John Fabean and John Crosier, and Amy, his wife. Premises in Uxbrigge. Mich. Anno 6. 20 FEET OE I'INES. Richard, bishop of Winchester, Richard, bishop of London, Thomas, bishop of Durham, John, bishop of Rochester, Thomas, duke of Norfolk, Charles, earl of Worcester, Sir John Fyneux, knight. Sir Thomas LoveU, knight, John Yong, clerk, Sir Robert Rede, knight, and Sir John Cutte, knight, and Roger Bendbowe, and EUen, his wife. The manor of Goldbeters, and land in Enfeld. Alich. Anno 6. Robert Cheseman and John Danaster, and Joan, his wife. Premises in the parishes of St. Pancras in Kentysshtowne, and St. Martin in the Fields. J\Iich. Anno 6. Nicholas Mynne and John Webber and WiUiam Felse, otherwise called Hartiswell, and Joan, his wife. Land in Fyncheley. Mich. Anno 6. George Dalyson, esquire, and Guthlac Overton, and Thomas Bradshaa, and Emmota, his wife. One messuage caUed " le Sliippe over the Hope," and one garden, -nith appurtenances, in the parish of St. Clement Danes, London. Mich. Anno 6. Thomas Burgoyn and Thomas Wygard, and Emma, his wife. Premises in Hoxton, in the parish of St. Leonard in Shordyche. Alich. Anno 6. Henry Frowyk, esquire, John Wroth, esquire, Nicholas Bone, gentleman, Thomas Asku, gentleman, and John Crowe, yeoman, and Edward Jones, and Agnes, his wife. Premises in Monkenhadley. Warranty against John, abbot of Westminster. Hil. Anno 6. Hugh Redyng, Henry Wodcok, WiUiam Brothers, and John Hall, and Richard Smyth, and Elizabeth, his vnie. One messuage caUed " le Cok uppon the Hope," and land in Shordych and Stepneyhyth. Easter Anno 7. Nicholas Newton, Thomas Askewe, and Richard Harryong, and Thomas Unsted, and Isabella, his -wife. Wood iu Edelmeton. Easter Anno 7. William Game, citizen and draper of London, Thomas Carter, and WilHam Dolfyn, and Roger Basterd, and Margaret, his wife, late wife of Sir WilHam Stokkar, knight. Premises in Chelohehythe. Easter Anno 7. HENRY VIII. 21 John Atwell, Henry Saunder, Richard Haukes, and Robert Isham, and Robert Forster, and Margaret, his ^vife. Premises iu Westminster. Trin. Anno 7. Robert Blfikwall, George Blakwall, son and heir apparent of the aforesaid Robert, John Castell, and George RoUe, and John Cole, and Margaret, his wife. Premises in Hoxton. Trin. Anno 7. John Wytther and Richard Awode, and Catherine, his wife. Premises and rent in Todyngton. Trin. Anno 7. Thomas Cacher and Matilda, his wife, and John Ederiche, and Thomas Unsted and Elizabeth, his wife. Land in Shordyche. Alich. Anno 7. John Page and John Mycliell, and Alice, his wife. Premises in Harowe and Twyford. Alich. Anno 7. Sir Hugh Yaughan, knight, David Yaughan, Lionel Centon, Thomas Ro^v^e, and Walter Yaughan, son and heir of Walter Yaughan, gentleman, deceased, and John BeUe, and IsabeUa, his wife. Premises in Knyghtbrigge, Pad yngton and Westminster. Alich. Anno 7. John Heron, the elder, and John Heron, the younger, and John Glyn, and Joan, his wife. Manor of Rabbes, and land in HUlyngdon, Colham, and Wynesley. Mich. Anno 7. William Barkeby, gentleman, and John Legh, gentleman, and John Palmer, and Alice, his wife. Premises in Harrowe at HiU, Sudbmy, Northall, and Greneford. Mich. Anno 7. Catherine Toppesfeld, widow, Thomas Catcher, and John Ederiche, of Hakney, and Thomas Unsted and Elizabeth, his wife, William Stondon, and John Stondon. A messuage in Edelmeton. Alich. Anno 7. Hugh Redyng, gentleman, Thomas Inglefeld, esquire, Roger ChoHneley, gentleman, John Halle, and George Wodecok, and Thomas Skethe, citizen and girdler, of London, and EHzabeth, his wife, daughter and heir of Simon Prat, deceased. One messuage in the parish of St. Leonard de Shordiche. Hil. Anno 7. WUHam Fox and Thomas Unsted, and Isabella, his wife. Land in Fyncheley. Hil. Anno 7. 22 FEET OF FINES. WilHam Fox and Alan NichoUe, and Joan, his wife. Premises in Whetstone, in the county of Middlesex ; and m Tateregge, in the county of Hertford. B.C. Hil. Anno 7. James Tanesdale and Barnard Ryche, and Margery, his wife. Premises in Uxbridge. Easter Anno 8. Richard, bishop of Winchester, Charles, earl of Worcester, Sir Thomas LoveU, knight. Sir Robert Lovell, knight. Sir John Cutt, knight. Sir Henry Wiatt, knight, and Richard Lyster, and John Savage, and Mabel, his \\ife. Premises in the parish of St. Giles, without Crepylgate, London. Trin. Anno 8. Thomas Wylkynson and William Wygbourne, and Joan, his wife, daughter and heir of Thomas Johnson. One messuage and garden in the parish of St. Giles in the Fields. Trin. Anno 8. William May and Thomas Meryweter, and John Preston, and Alice, his wife. One messuage and garden in Enfeld. Warranty against John, abbot of Westminster. Trin. Anno 8. John Awode, John Thrymley, WiUiam Man, and Henry Mathewe, and John Loye, and Joan, his wife. Premises in Laleham. Trin. Anno 8. Sir William Butler, knight, John More, serjeant-at-law, Richard Broke, serjeant-at-law, John Rest, Thomas Myrfyn, citizen and alderman, of London, Thomas More, George Treheyron, Edward Hawte, gentleman, and John Cleyton, clerk, and Philip de Caruge, citizen and draper, of London, and Elizabeth, his wife, one of the daughters and heirs of James Fynche, and Nicholas Waryng, citizen and Salter, of London, and Joan, his wife, another daughter and heir of the said James. Two parts of the manor of Astelam, premises in Astelam, Laleham, Uppersheperton, Nether- sheperton, Netherhalford, Upperhalford, Chardyngton, Sonbury, and Assheford. Warranty against John, abbot of and monastery of St. Saviour of Barmesey. Mich. Anno 8. Henry Redmayn, Robert Tailler, and Robert Algore, and HENRY YIII. 23 Edward Coke, and Joan, his wife. Premises in Westbrayn- ford. Warranty against John, abbot of Westminster. Mich. Anno 8. John Swetyng, Henry Ilounesdon, and William Whyte, and Thomas Gylbert, and Isabella, his wife, Lawrence Thomson, and Catherine, his wife, and John Smythson, and Joan, his wife. Premises in Enfeld. Hil. Anno 8. Edward Mountagu, George Lane, John Lane, and Thomas Arthure, and William Chaundeler, and Agnes, his wife. Premises in Istelworth. Easter Anno 9. John Swetyng, Henry Hounesdon and WilHam Whyte and Thomas Lowen, and Alice, his wife. Premises in Enfeld. Easter Anno 9. Richard Sutton, the elder, esquire, Roger Legh, gentle man, and John Sutton, the younger, gentleman, and Richard Sutton, the younger, gentleman, and Alice, his wife, daughter and heir of WiUiam Hubbert. Premises in Iler mondesworth and Hardyngton. Easter Anno 9. Thomas Padgyt, William Rote, gentleman, Richard Stodard, and Robert Thorp, and Giles Claybroke, and Margery, his wife. Premises in the parish of St. Giles, without Crepulgate, London. Warranty against John, abbot of Westminster. Trin. Anno 9. Thomas Roberts and William Wasse and Richard Copcot, of the viU of St. Albans, gentleman, and Grace, his wife. Premises in Willesdon, Harleston, and Acton. Trin. Anno 9. John Chauncy, Robert Wroth, Gregory LoveU, Richard Sutton, Richard Haryyong, John Ryche, and James Chauncy, and John Harrys, and Beatrice, his wife. Premises in Uxbrygge and Hyllyndon. Hil. Anno 9. Thomas Ayleward, Thomas Foster, Thomas Honnesdon, and Robert Semar, and Henry Burnet, and Matilda, his wife. Premises in Enfeld. Hil. Anno 9. John Newdegate, serjeant-at-law, Thomas Weden, and Robert Anthony, and John Coke, and Agnes, his wife. Premises in Woxbrige and Coueley. Hil. Anno 9. 24 FEET OF FINES. Richard Belamy, John Page, the elder, Richard Page, and John Agrenehill, the younger, and John Webbe, and Elizabeth, his wife, and John Hacche, and Agnes, his wife. Premises in Great Greneford. Hil. Anno 9. John Goldyngton and John Wyncote, and Margaret, his wife. Premises in Westminster. Easter Anno 10. Thomas Lovell, clerk, Richard Rokeby, esquire, William Elys, and Thomas Hennage, and WiUiam ChessuU, esquire, and Alice, his wife. Premises in the parish of St. Clement Danes, and a third part of the moiety of the manor of Andrewys, in the county of Herts. B.C. Trin. Anno 10. Owen Holand, gentleman, and Nicholas Robertys, and Ellen, his wife. Premises in Houndeslowe, within the parish of Heston. Mich. Anno 10. John Ederich, and Elizabeth, his wife, Simon Goodyer, Richard Blakwell and Peter Frankelyn, and Robert Foster, son and heir of Robert Foster, gentleman. Land in Hendon. Mich. Anno 10. John Note, John Couper, Richard Hach, and John Byrde, and Thomas Couper, and Joan, his wife. Premises in Pynnore, in the parish of Harowe, and in Harrowe. Mich. Anno 10. John Milboum, citizen and alderman, of London, Miles Gerrard, Nicholas Lambard, and Robert Conyers, and Sir Edmund Bray, knight. The manor of Notingbarns, other wise called Kensyngton ; and lands in Kensyngton, Pad yngton, and Chelceheyth. Hil. Anno 10. Thomas, cardinal, and archbishop of' York, WilHam, arch bishop of Canterbury, Charles, duke of Suffolk, Henry, earl of Wilts., Sir Walter Devoraux de Ferrers, knight. Sir John Bourghchyer de Berners, knight. Sir William Blount de Mountjoy, knight, Sir Robert Poyntz, knight, Sir John Pecche, knight, Sir Henry Guildeford, knight. Sir WilHam Compton, knight. Sir Anthony Poyntz, knight, Sir Robert Dymmok, knight. Sir John Heyden, knight, Sir Leo Dym- mock, knight. Sir Nicholas Carewe, knight, Robert Bekynsale, clerk, Richard Dycons, esquire, WiUiam Rudhale, esquire. HENRY VIII. 25 John Sutt, esquire, John Henenyngham, esquire, Thomas WUlughby, esquire, Christopher Jennye, esquire, Francis Broune, esquire, and Thomas Russhe, gentleman, and Sir WiUiam Willughby, knight. Lord Willughby and (sic) Erysby. A messuage called " Barrecan," otherwise called " Barbycane," otherwise called " Bascourt," with appm-ten- ances, without Crepylgate, in the parish of St. Giles, London, and premises in the county of Lincoln. D.C. Hil. Anno 10. Brian Palmez, the younger, gentleman, John Beverer, otherwise Garrard, of London, draper, Walter Champyon, of London, draper, and Thomas Davy and Gregory William son, of London, skinners, and Henry Holgyll, and Alice, his wife. Premises in Woxebrigge and Hillyngdon, in the county of Middlesex, and in various places in the county of Bucks. B.C. Easter Anno 11. William Dauntesey, Robert Scracs, and William Goldyng, and Thomas Kempe, son and heir of Thomas Kempe, late of London, mercer, John Ederiche, William Ederiche, John Brent and John NicoUis. Premises in Hakeney, Shordiche, Norton Folyott, and in the parish of St. Botolph, without Bishoppesgate, London. Easter Anno 11. William Ouarneby and Robert Newdyk and Agnes, his wife. Premises in Kynggestrete, in Westminster. Easter Anno 11. William Lawton and John Crosiar, and Anne, his wife. Premises in Woxbrige. Easter Anno 11. Thomas Robertys, Robert Swillyngton, Nicholas Newton, and WUHam Frauncies, and Francis Wodmanse, and Joan, his wife. Land in Willesdon. Easter Anno 11. William Sheperd and John Sheperd and Robert Rolf, and Agnes, his wife. Land in Hendon. Trin. Anno 11. Joan Fitzherbert, widow, and Anthony Fitzherbert, serjeant-at-law, anil Robert Blagge, one of the barons of the exchequer, and John Porte, esquire. Premises in Hakkeney. Remainders to the Fitzherbert family, &c. Mich. Anno 11. Thomas, cardinal, and archbishop of York, Sir William 26 FEET OF FINES. FitzwiUiam, knight. Sir Richard Rokeby, knight, Hugh Assheton, clerk. Master Robert Tovys, Thomas Henege, WilHam Elys, Richard Page, and WUHam Shelley, and Michael Novell, and Joan, his wife, John Rufford, and William Chesill, and Alice, his wife. Premises in St. Clement Danes, and the Blessed Mary de Strond. Hil. Anno 11. John Roose, Richard Austen, and Thomas Waren, and Cuthbert Webster, and Ellen, his wife. Premises in Stratford at Bowe. Easter Anno 12. William Knyght and Lancelot Lyle, and Alice, his wife. Premises, including mills in Stebonhithe, in the county of Middlesex, and Stebonhithe, in the county of Essex. Easter Anno 12. John Wylford, Roger Chomeley, Oliver Southworth, and Richard Lynde, and Richard Sudeby, and Cecilia, his wife, daughter and heir of Edmund Norrys, gentleman. The manor of Norrys, and premises in Enfeld. Easter Anno 12. Richard Aubrey, gentleman, William Aubrey, Edward Aubrey, and James Beke, and Richard Salman, and Agnes, his wife. Premises in Harlynton, called Kevers, and Hales. Warranty against John, abbot of Westminster. Trin. Anno 12. John Newdegate, serjeant-at-law, Robert Dormer, and Thomas Wedon, and John Colyns, and Emma, his wife. Premises in Uxbrigge. Midi. Anno 12. Thomas Brightman and Robert Newdyke, and Anne, his Avife. Premises (described) on the way of Langdyche in Westminster. Mich. Anno 12. Richard Parker, Richard Sutton, John Burton, Robeit Colley, George Subworth, and Ralph Cotton, and John Patteshale, and Alice, his wife. I'romises in Elyng and Newe Braynford. Warranty against Edmund, abbot of St. Mary's, York. ////. Anno 12. John Spencer, and John Bukmaster and John Mathewe, and Lucy, his wife. Premises in Yelyng. Trin. Anno 13. HENRY A'lII. 27 John Hardy, and Joan, his Avife, and Henry Polsted, and Matilda, his Avife. Premises in Stretford at BoAve. Warranty against John, abbot of Westminster. Trin. Anno 13. Richard Stanerton and William Hale and Sir Thomas Cheyny, knight, and Frideswide, his Avife. The manor of Tokyngton, and premises in HarroAve on the Hill and WiUesdon. Hil. Anno 13. Thomas Keyle, William Dauntesey, John Daunester, Robert Pakyngton, and Humphrey Pakyngton, and John Kynton, and Joan, his Avife. Premises in Chelchehyth. Hil. Anno 13. WiUiam Godyere, Thomas Turpyn, EdAvard Norreis, John Pounfreit, WilHam Millis, Thomas Brickman, Richard TailloAV, and WilHam Quernby, and EdAvard StokAvood, and Agnes, his Avife, kinsAvoman and heir of Thomas Stokes, deceased. Premises in St. Clement Danes, Avithout the bar of the New Temple, and St. AndrcAv without the bar of the Old Temple, St. Giles in the Fields, and St. Mary of Stronde. Hil. Anno 13. Robert Bourchier and John Aleyn, and Katherine, his Avife. Premises in Westminster. Warranty against John, abbot of Westminster. Easter Anno 14. Roland Shakelady, John Trevethen, Nicholas Banaster, Thomas Shakelady, and WiUiam Morecroft, clerk, and John Colyns and Emma, his wife. Premises in CoUom and Cowley Hall. Easter Anno 14. Michael Dormer, Robert Dormer, WiUiam Dauntesy, Robert Smyth, and Robert Pakyngton, and WiUiam Hawkyns, and Mary, his Avife. Premises in Fulham. Easter Anno 14. Charles, earl of Worcester, Sir Henry Owen, knight. Sir Andrew Wyndesore, knight, Peter Sfconer, Robert Fenrother, citizen and alderman of London, Christopher Wescote, John Laurence, and John NcAvdegate, serjeant-at-law, and Mar garet Dawes, widow. Sir Robert Brudenill, knight, chief justice of the Common Bench, Sir John Daunce, knight, Sir William Butler, knight, John Rest, citizen and alderman of 28 FEET OF FINES. London, Anthony Fitzherbert, serjeant-at-law, George Treheyi'on, gentleman, WiUiam Botry, citizen and mercer, of London, Roland Philip, clerk, and Richard Broke, citizen and Salter, of London. The manor of Astelam, and premises in Astelam, Lalyngton, Laleam, Uppersheperton, Nether- sheperton, Upperhalford, Netherhalford, Cherdyngton, and Sondebury. Warranty against William, abbot of St. Peter's, Gloucester. Easter Anno 14. Walter Wheler and John Hounesdon, and Margaret, his wife, and John Cordell, and Joan, his wife. Land caUed Arsraertis, in Enfeld. Trin. Anno 14. WilHam Heton, citizen and merchant tailor, of London, John Penne, Thomas Robertys, John Nichellis, and Roger Heton, and George Cely, and Isabella, his wife. Premises in Stebenhith, Stratford at Bowe, and Bramley. Trin. Anno 14. William Heydon, and Alice, his wife, and John Heydon, and Alice, his wife, and Stephen Millys. Premises in Iknam. Mention of Margaret, Avife of the said Stephen. Mich. Anno 14. William Wutton, one of the barons of the Exchequer, and William Botry, and John Stangman, and Mary, his AA'ife. Premises m Chelseye. Mich. Anno 14. William Rede and John Leyceister, and Elizabeth, his wife. Premises in Sheperton. Mich. Anno 14. William Heton, citizen, and merchant tailor, of London, John Penne, Thomas Robertys, John Nichellys, and Roger Heton, and George Celey, esquire, and IsabeUa, his AAife. Premises, Avith mill, in Stratford at BoAve and Bramley. Mich. Anno 14. Edward Smyth and WiUiam Dylock, and Agnes, his Avife. Premises in Norwoode and Hayes. Easter Anno 15. Nicholas Love and William Marshe, and Robert DoAvnes, and the Lady Margaret, his wife, lately called Lady Margaret Mortymer. Rent in Westminster. Trin. Anno 15. Robert Cutberd, Everard Effamat,. Thomas Grene, EHas Johnson, and Thomas Pegott, and Francis Woodmansey, HENRY VIII. 29 gentleman, and Joan, his wife, and Thomas Woodmansy, clerk. Five messuages in Westminster. Mich. Anno 15. William Holgyll, clerk, John Pakyngton, John Remys. and William Smyth, and John Nauseglos, and Anne, his Avife. Premises in the parish of St. AndreAV, Holborn. Mich. Anno 15. John Hurlock, the elder, and John Bevyngton, and Mar garet, his wife. Premises in Roxsey, in the parish of HarroAV on the HiU. Hil. Anno 15. John Grover, of Kyngeston on Thames, draper, and William Wodye, of Stanys, and Agnes, his Avife. Land in Sonbury and Feltham. Easter Anno 16. John Cole and John EAver, otherwise TheAvar, and Alice, his Avife. Premises in Fynchesley. Trin. Anno 16, Su- Thomas More, knight, Richard Staverton, Walter Merssh, John Melsham, and Stephen Punchon, and AndrcAV Plikkes, and Joan, his Avife, and John Fletcher, and Margaret, his Avife. Premises in Chelchehith and Ken syngton. Trin. Anno 16. Thomas Bartlett and William Wyndesore and Thomas Hygdon and Elizabeth Hygdon, AvidoAv. Premises in Heston. Trin. Anno 16. Sir Thomas More, knight, Richard Staverton, gentleman, and WilHam Rooper, gentleman, and John Grenefeld, gentle man, and Letitia, his wife. Land in Chelcehith. Trin. Anno 16. Richard NicoU, of Hale, and John Kyng, and Alice, his Avife. Land in Hendon. Mich. Anno 16. Robert Cheseman, and John Newdegate, the younger, and John Biggis, and Joan, his wife. Land in Southall. Hil. Anno 16. William Stodeley, otherwise MUes, and IsabeUa, his Avife, and Thomas Pry or, and Beatrice, his wife, kinswoman and heir of John Bradfeld. Premises in Uxbrigge. Hil. Anno 16. Nicholas Jenyns, Henry Wliite, gentleman, Barnard Jenyns, John Pyke, John Robyns, and WiUiam Denham, and 30 FEET OF FINES. Francis Wodmansey, gentleman, and Joan, his wife. Premises in Willesdon, Kylbourne, and Hanipsted. Easter Anno 17. Richard Edlyn, the elder, William Dodde, Richard Redyng, and John Clerke, and Thomas Dawes, and Isabella, his wife. Land in the parish of Harrow on the Hill. Easter Anno 17. Sir Thomas Feymom-, knight, Robert Dormer, esquire, and WiUiam Walsyngham, gentleman, and Sir John Raynesford, knight, Henry Terell, esquire, John Williams, and Elizabeth, his Avife, and John Goodwyn, and Katherine, his wife. Premises in Shordyche, Hoxton, and Fynnesbury. Trin. Anno 17. John Conyngesby and John Turnour, and Joan, his Avife. Premises -and rent in South Mymmes and Monken Hadley. Hil. Anno 17. John Fox and Richard Hawkys and John Grympston. Premises in Edelmeton. Hil. Anno 17. John Danaster, Thomas Keyll, WiUiam Dauntesey, and William Lambert, and John Graynfield, and Letitia, his Avife. Manor of Brampton Hall, and premises in Kensyngton, Chelchehith, and Fulham. Hil. Anno 17. William Hunnyngis, John Stone, William Bayly, and Thomas Barnewell, and John Southe. Premises in YeUyng. Easter Anno 18. John Clyfford, Richard Clyfford, Roger Wryght, Henry Darby, and WilHam Salfford and Robert Blaknall, and Alice, his wife. Premises in Totenham and Edelmeton. Easter Anno 18. John Hewys, gentleman, and WiUiam MUes, otherwise Studley, and Elizabeth, his Avife. Premises in Uxbrigo'e. Easter Anno 18. Richard Tailour and John Maibm-n and John Forde. Fourteen messuages and. one garden in Westminster. Easier Anno 18. EdAvard MureU, the elder, WUHam Campyon, John Hall WUHam MureU, and Edward MureU, the younger, and HENRY VIII. 31 George Cely and Isabella. Two messuages in the parish of St. Andrew in Holbourne. Midi. Anno 18. William Newman and WilHam Cocke and Margery, his Avife. Premises in Wyllesdon and Est Acton. Hil. Anno 18. Richard Hawkys, gentleman, Richard Barley, and John Evans and Alexander Bell, and EHzabeth, his Avife. Premises in Uxbridge and Hillingdon. Hil. Anno 11. Robert NorAvyche, sergeant-at-laA*-, Thomas AAvdeley, Michael Dormer, and Edward ThAvaytes, and William Johns, and Angela, his wife. Premises in Shordyche and Hogesdon. Easter Anno 19. Walter Mersshe, Sir Thomas More, knight, Sir Anthony Fitzherbert, knight. Sir John Porte, knight, George Colt, esquire, William Walsyngham, Thomas Knyghton, Nicholas Mynne, Richard Jervys, Richard Belamy, James Bolney, John Kytchyn, and William Preston, and Thomas Grene, and Joan, his Avife. The manor of Bonhunt, and premises in Bonhunt, &c., in the county of Essex, and premises in Halby, Enfeld, and Upholburne, in the county of Middlesex. B.C. Easter Anno 19. James Barnarde and John Barnarde, and Alice, his wife. Premises in Chelseghe, in the county of Middlesex ; and premises in Dartford and Wylmyngton, in the county of Kent. B.C. Easter Anno Id . Nicholas Borough and Henry Boune, the younger, and Joan, his wife. Premises in Stanwell and Westbed- founte. Remainders. Easter Anno 19. Roger Chomley, esquire, and Robert Halle and WilHam Johns, and Angela, his wife. Premises in Shordiche and Hakenay. Easter Anno 19. Thomas Gybson, John Clerke, and John Yonge, and Robert Byngeley, and Ellen, his wife. Premises in Totenham. Easter Anno 19. David Marten and John Banyard, and Joan, his Avife. Premises in Edelmeton. Trin. Anno 19. 32 FEET OF FINES. Thomas Spencer, John Godderd, and Richard Cordell, and Thomas CordeU, the elder, and Agnes, his wife. Premises in Enfeld. Trin. Anno 19. Thomas Bonham and John Baldewyn, WilHam Con yngesby, esquires, Humphrey Pakyngton, Augustine Pakyngton, Thomas Robyns, and Robert Gravenour, and John Grove, of Kyngesbmy, son and heir of John Grove, and Alice, his Avife. One messuage called " the Grovehous," and land in Fulham and Chelsey. Warranty against John, abbot of Westminster. Trin. Anno 19. Thomas Erley and John Lyneard and EHzabeth, his wife. Premises in Heston. Mich. Anno 19. Simon Rice, Rowland Hill, citizen and mercer, of London, and Richard Austen, citizen and mercer, of London, and John WilHams, and Elizabeth, his wife, and John Goodwyn, and Catherine, his wife. Premises in Shordiche. Mich. Anno 19. Richaid MathoAve, Batholomew Hussey, WilHam Grene, and Thomas Thorp, and WilHam Partryche, and AHce, his Avife. Premises in FuUiam. Mich. Anno 19. Richard Austen, Rowland Hill, and Simon Rice, and John Goodwyn, and Catherine, his Avife. Premises, with brew- house, in Shordyche and Hoxton. Warranty against John, abbot of Westminster. Mich. Anno 19. William Marlat, John Edwardys, Matthew Dale, and John Chapman, and William Johns, and Angela, his wife. Premises in Hoxton. Alich. Anno 19. John Danaster, and Thomas Warde, esquire, and Anthony Carleton, and Elizabeth, his Avife. Premises in Stanes and and Stanwell, in the county of Middlesex, and premises in the county of Bucks. B.C. Hil. Anno 19. John Grove and Cecilia, his wife, one of the daughters and heirs of Henry Payne, and WiUiam Cokke, and Margery, his Avife, another daughter and heir of the said Henry. Land and rent in HaroAve on the Hill. Warranty against John, abbot of Westminster. Hil. Anno 19. Laurence Unthank, and Agnes, his wife, John Ranewyke, Christopher RancAvyke, and John HodsaU, and George HENRY A'lII. 33 Bulstod, esquire, and Joan, his wife. Premises in West minster. Easter Anno 20. Peter Thorp, Robert Codnam, Richard Lynde, and John Florence, and OHver SouthAvorth, and Agnes, his Avife. Land in Haryngey and Highgate. Easter Anno 20. John Jenour and John Hilman and Richard Noke, Orwell Lee, and IsabeUa, his wife, John Peter, and Margaret, his Avife. Premises in Fyncheley. Easter Anno 20. Sir Thomas More, knight, WiUiam Rooper, Richard Stafferton, the elder, and Stephen Poncheon, and Laurence Ledam, and Alice, his wife. Premises and rent in Great Greneford. Easter Anno 20. Roger Belamy and Robert Blakborne, clerk, and James ap Jeynkyns, and Alice, his wife. Premises in Hadley and Fyncheley. Easter Anno 20. Sir William Hawte, knight, Edward Lewkenor, esquire, EdAvard Chysall, Francis Godyere, and John Bramfeld and Thomas Honesdon. Land in Enfeld. Easter Anno 20. Richard Brynkehurst, Thomas Pykemer, John Brynke- hurst, the elder, John Brj'ukehurst, the younger, John Armatridyng, John Hunt, and William Bowrer, and Emma Colyns, widow. Premises in Uxbrige. Mention of John Harrys. Mich. Anno 20. Thomas Forster and John LoAA^der, and Joan, his Avife. Premises in Enfeld. Mich. Anno 20. Sir WilHam Kyngeston, knight. Sir Henry Guldeford, knight, Sir John Gage, knight, and Lucy Browne, widoAv, one of the daughters and heirs of John, marquis Mountagewe. Rent in Westminster. Mich. Anno 20. Sir George Puttenham, knight. Sir Peter Yavasor, knight, Richard Lyster, esquire, attorney of the lord the King, Andrew Sulyard, esquire, andAnthonyWindesore, esquire, awf/ Robert Markham, gentleman, and Ellen, his wife, daughter and heir of John Saperton. The manor or lordship of Lytylton, otherwise Lyttellynton, with appurtenances. Warranty against John, abbot of Westminster. Mich. Anno 20. c 34 FEET OF FINES. Thomas Bartlot and Simon Webbe and Edward Trace, and Dorothy, his Avife. Premises in Westminster. Hil. Anno 20. Robert Rowe and Thomas Jakman and George Pakyngton, and Dorothy, his Avife. Premises, with Avater mill, in Bramley. Hil. Anno 20. Sir Thomas More, knight, Richard Staverton, the elder, and Stephen Ponchon, and John Arnolde. Premises in Hoxton. Hil. Anno 20. The Dean or Master of the cardinal's coUege of the Blessed Mary in Ipswich, and Thomas Wolsey, cardinal and arch bishop of York, Manors and premises in the counties of Suffolk and Norfolk ; the manor of Sayes Court, in the countj' of Kent ; and the manor of Chesthunte, and premises in Chesthunt, in the county of Middlesex. B.C. Easter Anno 21. Felicia Wryght, widow, and Thomas Greyn, and Agnes, his Avife, daughter and one of the heirs of William Rogers, and Joan Wryght, AvidoAv, daughter and another of the heirs of the aforesaid William Rogers. Premises in Harowe and Great Greneford. Easter Anno 21. Sir Andrew Wyndesore, knight. Sir Thomas NcA-ylo, knight, and John. OtweU, and Thomas Stydolff and Agnes, his wife. Third part of a water mUl in Stanes. Trin. Anno 21. Thomas Barnewell, John Onley, and Richard Gybbon, and John Hacche, and Agnes, his wife. Premises in Great Greneford. Trin. Anno 21. Edmund Pekham, esquire, Paul Darrell, John WiUiams, and John Babbham, and John Clement, and IsabeUa, his Avife, and Richard Nelham. Premises in Ryselypp. Trin. Anno 21. Sir Richard Sachevevell, knight, John Alger, clerk, and Thomas Byllott, and John Danaster and Henry Wykys. Premises in Stanes, Stanwell, Assheford, and Laleham. Trin. Anno 21, HENRY VIII. 35 Richard CoUyer, John Gowge, Richard Jervis. and John Appleyerd, and Thomas Cacher, and Matilda, his wife, one of the daughters and heirs of William Toppisfeld, and Thomas Unsted, and Isabella, his wife, another daughter of the aforesaid William. Premises in Hoxton, in the parish of St. Leonard in Shordyche. Trin. Anno 21. Edward Murgell, the elder, WiUiam Murgell, and EdAvard Murgell, the younger, and Blasius Lotton, and EHzabeth, his wife, and William Pate, and Margery, his Avife. Premises in Hakeney. Trin. Anno 21. Thomas Robertz, John Sadler, John Stokker Jekell, and Nicholas Goodeyer, and William Frende, and Dionisia, his wife. Premises in Willesdon and Harleston. Remainders to the Robertz family. Trin. Anno 21. John Gerrard, John Denham, Michael Asshefeld, and Agnes Tykyll, and Nicholas Spencer. Manor of Toppefeld, and land in Haryngay. Mich. Anno 21. Harry, marquis of Exeter, .... Sir William Sandes, knight. Lord Sandes, Sir Thomas Cheyne, knight. Sir Richard Sandes, knight, Henry White, and Richard Andrewes, and Walter Hungerford, esquire of the body of the lord the King. A messuage caUed Hungerfordes Inne, and a garden next Charynge Crosse, in the county of Middlesex ; and A'arious manors and lands in the counties of Berks, and Wilts. B.C. Mich. Anno 21. William Nicholson, and Joan, his Avife, John Chaunce, Thomas Castill, Henry Goodere, and John Clampard, and WilHam Bitter. Land in Southmymmys. Hil. Anno 21. John Rede, John Hurlok, John Page, the younger, John Hegger, and George Yyncent, and Laurence Canon, and Matilda, his wife. Premises in the hamlet of Wembeley and Harrowe on the HiU. Easter Anno 22. The lord the King and Thomas, cardinal, archbishop of York. One messuage, tAvo gardens, and three acres of land, Avith appurtenances, in Westminster. Easter Anno 22. Hugh EUys, Henry Norres, esquire, Robert NorAvyche, serjeant-at-law, John Holden, clerk, Richard Heryng, clerk. 36 FEET OF FINES. and John Morres, and John Kempe, and Margaret, his wife. Premises in Bedfount. Easter Anno 22. William Marten, esquire, and Thomas Fitzhugh, esquire, and Sir Michael Fyssher, knight, and Margaret, his wife, and John Spelman, sergeant-at-law, and Elizabeth, his Avife. Manors and lands in the county of Suffolk, and the manor of Gonelbury, otherwise Goneldisbury, and Flamberdys, and premises in Yelyng, Oldbraynford, Harowe upon the Hill, NorthaU, Grenford, and in the parish of St. Giles without Crepulgate, London, in the county of Middlesex. Remainders to the Frowyk and Spelman famiHes. B. C. Mich. Anno 22. Sir Edward Nevyle, knight. Sir William Sturton, knight, William Wyndesore, esquire, Roger Corbett, esquire, EHas Potter, and Nicholas Shrympton, and Henry Draper. The manor of Southmymmes, and premises in Southmymmes, in the county of Middlesex, and manors and lands in the counties of Huntingdon and Northampton. B.C. Mich. Anno 22. Sir Edward Wotton, knight, Sir WUHam Fynche, knight. Sir John Danet, knight, William Shelley, justice of the Bench, and Anthony Cooke, esquire, (Itnd John Kempe, and Margaret, his wife. The manor of Fawnys, and land in Bedfounte. Easter Anno 22. Robert Hayn and Robert Holmes, and Alice, liis wife. Premises in Fyncheley. Trin. Anno 22. Humphrey Yincent and Thomas Stevyns, and Agnes, his wife. Premises in Est Acton and Braynford. Mich. Anno 22. Sir Thomas More, knight, John Pakyngton, and Richard Staverton, gentlemen, and Stephen Ponchyon, and John More, otherAvise called John Parke, son and heir of WUHam More, and Agnes, his wife, daughter and heir of Peter Longe. Land in Wodehende, in the parish of Heyes. Remainders. Mich. Anno 22. WiUiam Nicholson and Ralph Kempe, clerk, John Kempe, gentleman, and Giles Kempe, gentleman. Tavo mcssuao-es called Richemonds and Hedgelands, and land in Twyken- ham. Mich. Anno 22. HENRY VIII. 37 Thomas Kytson, Richard Austen, Robert Barfote, and WilHam Farley, and Robert Bourghchier, and Elizabeth, his wife. A messuage in Westminster, and premises in Charsey, &c., in the county of Surrey. B.C. Easter Anno 23. William Wyndsour, esquire, Robert Cheseman, esquire, Nicholas Whelok, clerk, and WiUiam Snell, and WilHam Moreton, of Moreton, gentleman. Premises in Pynner, in this parish of Harrow. Easter Anno 23. William Butte, John Danaster, Cuthbert Blakedon, WiUiam Johnson, and William Hardewyke, and Joan ap Ryce, daughter and heir of Mary Arundell, late of West minster, widow. Premises in Stanes. Trin. Anno 23. Sir WiUiam FitzwiUiam, knight, treasurer to the King's household. Sir WiUiam Pawlett, knight, John Pawlett, esquire, son and heir apparent of the said William, Ralph Pexsall, esquire, Christopher Moore, Alan Horde, and Thomas Stoughton, gentlemen, and Henry, marquis of Exeter, and Gertrude, his wife. The manor of SAvalecliff, and twelve messuages and two mills, &c., in Swalecliff, Ickenham, Hellyngdon, Woxbridgge, Hersies, Coppydhall, and Pynchestres Ferme. Warranty against John, abbot of Westminster. Trin. Anno 23. George Aleyn, citizen and skinner, of London, Nicholas Spakman, and George Conyers, and Arthur Wrightyngton^ gentleman, and Elizabeth, his wife, daughter and heir of Robert Gayton. Premises in Stratford att Bowe and Bromeley St. Mary. Mich. Anno 23. William Chalfounte and John Harrys and Robert Baxster, and Emma, his Avife. Premises in Uxbrigge. Re mainders to Henry Barnes, and Joan, his wife. Mich. Anno 23. William Roo, and Margaret, his wife, and William Bell, and Anne, his wife. Premises in the parish of St. Giles without Crepulgate, London. Mich. Anno 23. William HoUys, citizen and alderman, of London, John Hardy, citizen and alderman, of London, John Whyddon, 38 FEET OF FINES. Robert Dene, and John Hutton, and Sir WiUiam Hawte, knight, and Margaret, his wife. Capital messuage called Clements Inne, and premises in the parishes of St. Clements without the Bar of the New Temple, and St. Pancras. Hil. Anno 23. Sir Humphrey Conyngesby, knight, and Sir John Porte, knight, and Thomas Billyngton, esquire, and Margaret, his wife, and John Palmer. Premises in Tottenham, Edel- mylton, Bradfordbrige, in the parish of St. Pancras in the Fields, Draytun, Woxbrige, and in the parish of St. AndreAV in Holbornne, next Lyverlane. Remainders to Jeremy and EHzabeth Tate. Hil. Anno 23. Sir John Daunce, knight. Sir Edward Doune, knight, Robert Dormer, esquire, John Hughes, gentleman, and Anthony Hussey, gentleman, and Henry, marquis of Exeter, and the lady Gertrude, his wife. Premises, and one " passage," in Woxbridge. Warranty against John, abbot of Westminster. Easter Anno 24. John Parnell, citizen and draper, of London, and Catherine, his Avife, and Thomas Botterell, of Edelmeton, gentleman, and Margaret, his wife, Ellen Stodarde, widow, and George Falley. Premises in Edelmeton. Easter Anno 24. Nicholas Gravenoure and Henry, earl of Worcester, and the lady Elizabeth, his wife. Premises in the parishes of St. Clement Danes and of St. Mary le Strond. Easter Anno 24. Robert Wroth, esquire, Richard Clerk, gentleman, Thomas Ogeborure, clerk, Richard Bacun, and John Stabrank, and Henry, marquis of Exeter, and the lady Gertrude, his Avife. Premises in Edelmeton. Warranty against John [abbot] of Westminster. Easter Anno 23. Roger Chomeley, serjeant-at-law, Robert Wroth, esquire, John Densell, serjeant-at-law, Richard Belamy, John Fox, and George Oglander, and Henry, marquis of Exeter, and the lady Gertrude, his wife. The manor of Dyphams, and premises in Edelmeton. Warranty against John, abbot of Westminster. Easter Anno 24. HENRY VIII. 39 GUes Brigges, citizen and draper, of London, Anthony Brigges, gentleman, and Thomas Monoux, gentleman, and Margaret Fox. Premises in Edelmeton Trin. Anno 24. Henry Home, citizen and grocer, of London, John Smyth, and Thomas Pryme, and Edmund Home, and Anne, his Avife. Premises in Padyngton. Trin. Anno 24. Sir Thomas Audeley, knight, keeper of the Great Seal, Thomas Barnardiston, esquire, and John Crystmas, esquire, and Edward Elryngton, esquire. Premises in Shordyche, Islyngton, and Hoggeston, and the advoAvson of the chantry in the parish church of Shordyche. Trin. Anno 24. Nicholas Leveson, Robert Wroth, esquire, James Leveson, and Guy Trafford, and Alexander Meryng, and Juliana, his Avife. Land in Iselton. Trin. Anno 24. Roger Barker, and Joan, his Avife, and Edward Elryngton, gentleman. Ten acres of pasture in Shordiche. Mich. Anno 24. Nicholas Serle, Thomas Armerer, Laurence Serle, and Thomas Austen, and John WiUiams, and Elizabeth, his wife. Land in Hoxton and Fynnesbury, in the parish of St. Giles Avithout Crepulgate, London. Ad'ich. Anno 24. Sir Richard Sacheverell, knight, John Algar, clerk, and Thomas Byllott, and Thomas Stydolffe, esquire, and Agnes, his Avife. Land in Stanes, Stanwell, Assheford, Laleham> and Egham. Warranty against Robert, abbot of St. Albans. Mich. Anno 24. John Hynde, serjeant-at-law, George Hynde, and Ralph Foxley, and EdAvard Elryngton, gentleman. Premises in Shordiche. Mich. Anno 24. EdAvard Stokewodde, Thomas Turpyn, Yincent Cokston, and Roger Cooke, and John Goodegrome, and Matilda, his wife. Premises in Laleham. Warranty against Robert, abbot of St. Albans. Mich. Anno 24. Robert Oved, William Slope, and John Popson, and John Fynche, and Margaret, his wife. A messuage in Uxbrigge. Mich. Anno 24. Ralph Waren, citizen and alderman, of London, and John 40 FEET OP FINES. Lyte, son and heir of Thomas Lyte, late of Lytescary, in the county of Somerset, esquire, deceased, and Edith, his wife. Premises in Fulham. Mich. Anno 24. WilHam Sulyard, esqiure, Ralph Waren, citizen and alderman, of London, Robert Wrothe, esquire, Robert Chidley, gentleman, John Judde, gentleman, and William Wilkenson, and Henry, marquis of Exeter, and the lady Gertrude, his Avife. The manors of Edelmeton, Saysbur, and Canstons, and land in Edelmeton. Warranty against Robert, abbot of St. Albans. Mich. Anno 24. John Bishopp, clerk, John Chauncy, John Stokker Jekell, and William Wasse, and Roger Peryman, and Agnes, his wife. Premises in Hendon. Hil. Anno 24. Thomas Todyngton, and Margaret, his wife, and John Goodyng, and Alice, his wife. Premises in Hokkeston. Hil. Anno 24. James Leveson and John Offeley and Thomas Offeley, and Joan, his wife. Land in Hackeney. Hil. Anno 24. Robert Downes, citizen and grocer, of London, and Thomas Evans, and Isabella, his Avife, John Lawrence, and Joan, his Avife. Premises in Mounken Hadley and Edle- meton, in the county of Middelsex, and premises in the county of Herts. Wan-anty against Robert, abbot of the monastery of St. Albans. B.C. Easter Anno 25. John Densell, serjeant-at-law, John Skewys, Thomas Daniell (?) [Darnell,] and EdAvard Handebery, and Roger Foster, and Elizabeth, his wife. Premises in Hendon. Easter Anno 25. WiUiam Butte, John Danaster, Cuthbert Blakeden, WilHam Johnson, and WilHam Hardewyke, and WUHam Colyns. Premises in Stanes. Warranty against Robert, abbot of St. Albans. Easter Anno 25. Thomas Turpyn, gentleman, Edward StokAvood, gentleman, Richard Cassenet, Nicholas Nyghtyngale, and Thomas Duffeld, and WilHam Shelton, gentleman, and Jeremy Shelton, gentleman. Six messuages in Westminster. Warranty against Robert, abbot of St. Albans. Easter Anno 25. HENRY VIII. 41 John Clyfford and Thomas Brocas. Premises in Totenham and Edelmeton. Easter Anno 25. Thomas Warner, of London, draper, and Agnes, his wife, Thomas Darnewell, gentleman, Thomas Mayhew, Thomas Raynold, ' clotliAverker,' Hugh Cherche, ' wodmonger,' Adam Owtlawe, ' maryner,' and Robert Hookynngs, ' taloAv- chaundeler,' ctnd William Goddard, merchant of the staple of Calais, and Elizabeth, his wife. Premises in the parish of St. Mary Matfelon. Easter Anno 25. John Wysse, John Sympson, John Oirrteys, Adam Pylk- yngton, gentleman, and Thomas Greyne, and Christopher Grantham, and Margaret, his wife. Premises in Fynnys- bury, in the parish of St. Giles, without Creplegate, London. Trin. Anno 25. John Wilford, Roger Chomeley, scrjeant-at-laAv, Edward Mountague, serjeant-at-laAv, John Clough, John Reve, and William Blakwall, and Robert Doavucs, citizen and grocer, of London, and Margaret, his wife. Premises in Mounken Hadley and Edlemeton, in the county of Middelsex, and premises in the county of Herts. B.C. Trin. Anno 25. Sir Arthur Darcy, knight, and John Dunce, and Elizabeth, his wife, and Roger Dunce. Premises in Est GrencAvych in the county of Kent, and in Whytechapell. B.C. Mich. Anno 25. William Portman, esquire, Richard Pollard, gentleman, George Hadley (?), gentleman, Thomas Robertys, gentleman, Henry Dygby, gentleman, and Robert Lylly, and William Chalkhyll, the elder, WiUiam Chalkhyll, the younger, and Thomas Warnar,and Joan, his wife. Premises in Kyngesbury and Harrowe on the Hill. Warranty against the abbot of the monastery of the Blessed Mary of ToAvrehyll. Mich. Anno 25. John Randj'son, William Was, aud Thomas Hardy, and John Trulove, of the parish of Dagnam, in the county of Essex, yeoman, and Isabella, his wife. Premises in Wyllesdon and Harleston. Mich. Anno 25. John Cottes and Thomas Awbre, otherAvise Legh, and 42 FEET OF FINES. Anne, his wife, daughter and heir of Sir William Tyler, knight. Premises in Bedfount, Twykenhame, and Istel worth. Mich. Anno 25. Henry Jamys and Robert Gode, and Joan, his wife. Premises in Hownslo. Hil. Anno 25. John Danaster, WiUiam Goodyere, Nicholas Goodyere, Yincent Cokston, Nicholas Durdaunt, Roger Coke, John Burnoppe, and William Newton, and John Rawlyns, other wise called John Yong. Premises in Westminster and St. Martin in the Fields, next Charyng Crosse. Hil. Anno 25. John Danaster, esquire, Robert Hamond, and Gregory Lovell, and Anthony Birkkys, gentleman. Premises in Drayton and Harlyngton, in the county of Middelsex, and premises in the county of Surrey. B.C. Hil. Anno 25. John Alen and William Blytheman, ' clotheworke,' and Alice, his wife. Premises in the parish of St. Giles, in Goldyng Lane. Easter Anno 26. Edward Stokwood, Yincent Boxton, William Hale, and Richard Hale, and John Goodgrome, and Matilda, his wife. Land In Pentyhoke, Longdeane, and Shortedeane, in Stanes and Laleham. Easter Anno 26. William Claybrok, Nicholas Cleybrok, and Stephen Cleybrok, and Henry West, and Joan, his Avife. Premises in Hamyrsmyth, in the parish of Fulham. Easter Anno 26. Robert Deane and John Hutton and Nicholas Grene, and Margaret, his wife. Premises at Eton, in the county of Bucks., and a messuage in the parish of St. Martin le graunde, London. B.C. Trin. Anno 2Q. John Reynold, John Gressam, William Locke, Philip Meredyth, and Hugh MathcAvold, and Roderick Johans, and Catherine, his Avife. Premises in Westminster. Trin. Anno 26. Robert Dacres and Thomas Polsted and Richard Gress- ham, citizen and mercer, of London, and Isabella, his Avife. Premises in Stevenhyth. Warranty against William, abbot of Westminster. Trin. Anno 26. John Wykham and Cliristopher Dogeson and William HENRY VIII. 43 Cawell, and Margaret, his wife, a kinswoman and heir of Margaret Aylward. Premises in Enfeld. Trin. Anno 26. William Wasse, Humphrey Yyncent, and John PoUet, the younger, and John Trulove, and Isabella, his wife. Premises in Willesdon and Harleston. Warranty against the abbot of the monastery of Ramsey. Trin. Anno 26. John Wareoop and William BaAvdewyn, and Catherine, his Avife. Land in the parish of St. Catherine, near the Tower of London. Mich. Anno 26. Thomas Carter, esquire, Franc:s Pygott, esquire, Robert Cheyney, esquire, William Barker, esquire, Thomas Woode- ford, and John Barker, and George Bulstrode, and Joan, his Avife. The manor of Cleremont, and premises In Cleremont, Stanwell, and Stanys, in the county of Middelsex ; also the manors of Chalvey, &c., in the county of Bucks. B.C. Mich. Anno 26. John Densell, serjeant-at-laAv, and Thomas Forde. Premises in Hendon. Mich. Anno 26. John Densell, serjeant-at-laAv, Robert Drury, William Heydon, John Danester, Clement Heigham, esquires, and Jeremy Heydon, gentleman, and Robert Shordyche, gentle man, and Dorothy, his wife. Premises In Ickenham and Hillyngdon. Mich. Anno 26. Oliver Richardson, Roger Pynchester, WiUiam Rest, and Robert Austyn, and Thomas Brewnyng, and Joan, his wife. Premises in Goldynglane, in the parish of St. Giles, Avithout Crepulgate. Mich. Anno 26. Laurence Foster, and WilHam Peterson, and Richard Cotton, esquire, and Alice, his wife. Premises In the parish of St. Mary Matfelon. Alich. Anno 26. Richard Busby, Thomas Hukkell, WUHam Taylour, and Richard Belcher, and Henry Barnes, and Joan, his Avife. Premises in Uxbrigge. Warranty against the abbot of Westminster. Hil. Anno 26. John Charley, Robert Lynk, and Henry Bright, and John Combe, and EUen, his Avife. Land in Sunbery. Hil. Anno 26. 44 FEET OF FINES. John Wilford, John Clough, John Reve, and WilHam Blakwell, and WiUiam Rydlyngton, and Margery, his Avife. Land in Enfeld. Hil. Anno 26. WilHam Roode and Albany Goodere. Premises in Westone and Frerenbarnet, in the county of Middelsex, and St. Albans, in the county of Herts. B.C. Hil. Anno 26. WiUiam Betelcom, WiUiam Mcssurrer, and William Haveland, and Thomas AAvbrey, otherwise Ley, and Anne, his wife. Premises in Bedfount, Tewkenam, and Istyl- worth. Easter Anno 27. Robert Hamond, Robert Curson, and Gregory Lovell, and Richard Grenewode, and Joan, his wife. Premises in Hampton on Thames. Easter Anno 27. John Sadler, John Askewe, Thomas Lyncoln, and Richard Poynter, and John Raymond, gentleman, and Bridget, his Avife. Premises in Edelmeton. N. Trin. Anno 27. Thomas Norwood, John Clerk, Richard Rodyng, and John Strudder, son and heir of John Strudder, late of Thetford. Premises in Harrow. N. Trin. Anno 27. Michael Dormer, Ambrose Dauntesey, WiUiam Wyllyng- ton, William Lambart, and James Bolney, and Arthur Wrightyngton, and Elizabeth, his Avife, daughter and heir of Thomas Gayton. Premises in Stratford att Bowe and Brambelegh. N. Trin. Anno 27. Thomas Cutbert and Simon Cornysshe, and Elizabeth, his wife. A messuage and tAvo curtilages caUed " le Maydys Hedde," in the parish of St. Sepulchre, without Newgate. L. N. Trin. Anno 27. John Balle and WUHam Farnysyde, and Joan, his Avife. Premises In Uxbrige. Mich. Anno 27. William Peglian and Sir Roger Cholraeloy, of Rokj'sby, knight, and William Cholmeloy, esquire. Premises in the parish of St. Mary Matfelon. Hit. Anno 27. The King and Henry, earl of Northumberland. The honour of PetAvorth, and various manors and premises in the counties of Sussex, Somerset, Lincoln, and Dorset ; also HENRY VIII. 45 premises in Haknay, Totenham, and Stebynhith, in the county of Middelsex. D.C. Hil. Anno 27. The King and Sir Reginald Carnaby, knight. Premises in Hakney, Totenham, and StcA^enhythe. Hil. Anno 27. WiUiam Barker, Ambrose Barker, and John Barker, and Edward Fox. Premises and free fishery in the Thames at Chiswyk. Easter Anno 28. WiUiam Kyrton, Robert Bradbury, Richard Bally, John Stanborowe, and Roger Edlyn, and John Wylde. Premises in Harfeld and Ryselypp. Easter Anno 28. Edward StokAvoode, John Danastere, esquire, Nicholas Goodere, gentleman, and William Hale, gentleman, Yincent Cokston, and Nicholas Durdaunt, and WiUiam Puson, and Margaret, his wife. Premises in Westminster. Easter Anno 28. William Berde, ' fysshemonger,' of London, and Robert Sharpe, and Elizabeth, his wife. Land in the parish of Totenham. Trin. Anno 28. WiUiam Burnynghyll and Francis Cokyn, esquire, and Dorothy, his Avife, daughter and heir of Thomas MarOAve. Messuages in " Pety Wales," in the parish of All Saints, Berkyng, London. Mich. Anno 28. John Millet and Edmund Murse, and Joan, his wife, and George Millet, and Emma, his wife. Premises in Great Greneford. Mich. Anno 28. Sir Richard Lyster, knight, chief baron of the Exchequer, and Sir John Spelman, knight, one of the justices of the Common Pleas, and Sir Antony Fitzherbert, knight, one of the justices of the King's Bench, and Matilda, his wife. Premises in Hakeney. Warranty against WilHam, abbot of Westminster. Mich. Anno 28. John Danaster, esquire, and Christiana Norres, AvidoAV. Premises in EgeAvar. Remainders. Hil. Anno 28. John Charley and John Combe, and Ellen, his wife. Premises in Sunbery. Hil. Anno 28. John Danaster, esquire, and EdAvard Stokwood, the elder. Premises in the parishes of St. Mary in Stronde, St. Clement 46 FEET OF FINES. Danes, St. Giles, and St. AndrcAV in Holborne. Remainders. Hil. Anno 28. John Robynson and WiUiam Myller, and Joan, his wife. Premises in Enfeld. N. Easter Anno 29. Ha:mo Amcottes, citizen and stockfishmonger, of. London, and Robert Smyth, citizen and fishmonger, of London, and Lucy, his Avife. Premises in Stebenhyth. N. Easter Anno 29. William Wliyte, clerk, and Francis Goodeyere, esquire, and Ursula, his wife. Premises in Southmymmes. N. Easter Anno 29. Henry Myllet and John Myllet, son and heir of Richard Mylett. Premises in Sudbury, In the parish of Harrowe. N. Easter Anno 29. Richard Redyng and Thomas NorAvood and John Worssop, and Letitia, his AvIfe. Premises in HarroAv on the Hill. N. Easter Anno 29. The King and John, abbot of St. Peter of Chertesey. Land In Stanwell, the rectory and advoAvson of StanAvell, and messuages In London ; and various manors and lands in the counties of Surrey and Berks. B.C. Trin. Anno 29. John Gerrard and George Bene and Edward Elrjoigton, esquire, and Grace, his wife. Premises in Hoggesdon and Shordyche, in the county of Middlesex ; and various manors and lands in the counties of Essex and Gloucester. B.C. Trin. Anno 29. John Jenour and Randolph Hall and John Hall, and Catherine, his wife. The manor of Pitteshanger, and premises in Pitteshanger, Sudbuiy, Gelyng, Hendon, Harrowe, Grenefeld Grene, and Acton. Remainders to Thomas Webbe, son of the aforesaid Catherine, &c. Trin. Anno 29. John Sadeler, William Bodley, and Eliseus Bodley, clerk, and John Trulove, and Elizabeth, his wiin, Thomas Whit- berd, and Cecilia, his Avife, Margery Cocke, widoAV, and Henry Grove. Premises in Willesdon, Harleston, and Kylborn. Warranty against William, abbot of West minster. Trin Anno 29. HENRY VIII. 47 Edmund Adam and William Hancok, and Joan, his wife. Premises in Enfeld. Trin. Anno 29. WiUiam Staunford and John James, son and heir of Robert James. Two messuages in the parish of St. Clement Danes, London. Mention of Christopher Wotton, and Juliana, his wife. Trin. Anno 29. John Dorset and John Danester, esquire. Land in Colbroke and Stanwell. Warranty against William Trubody, Thomas Trubody, and WiUiam Squyrry. Trin. Anno 29. The King and Robert, prior of St. Pancras, of Lewes, in the county of Sussex. Premises In London and West minster, and various manors and lands in the counties of Sussex, Surrey, Cambridge, Norfolk, Essex, Leicester, Hert ford, Devon, Kent, Wilts, Lincoln, SuffoUt, and York. B.C. Mich. Anno 29. The King and Thomas, prior of the Blessed Mary of Castelacre. A rent in Westminster, and various manors and lands in the counties of Norfolk, Suffolk, Lincoln, Essex, and Cambridge. B.C. Mich. Anno 29. John Freest and Robert Grubbe, yeoman, and Mary, his wife. Land in Suthmymmj^s. Mich. Anno 29. WUHam Rolffe and John Haniand, and Agnes, his Avife. Land in Enveld (sic). Mich. Anno 29. James Nedeham, esquire, and Francis Gooddere, esquire, and Ursula, his Avife. Land in Southmymys. Hil. Anno 29. The King and Thomas, abbot of the monastery of the Blessed Mary of Abendon. The manor, Avitli rectory and advowson, of Kensyngton, and premises in Kensyngton, the Strand, and Westminster ; and various manors and lands In the counties of Berks, Oxford, and Gloucester. B.C. Hil. Anno 29. The King and the abbot of the monastery of the Blessed Mary of Coggeshall, otherwise Coxhall. Premises in the parish of All Saints "ad Fenam," in the ward of DoAvgate and the parish of Botolph, without Algate, London ; and 48 FEET OF FINES. various manors and lands in the counties of Essex and Suffolk. D.C. Hil. Anno 29. The King and John Dobbys, abbot of the monastery of the Blessed Mary of Boxley. Premises in the parishes of St. Mary Axe and St. Michaels, in CornehUl, London ; und various manors and lands In the counties of Kent and Surrey. B.C. Hil. Anno 29. Walter Marshe and Simon Whyte, and Joan, his Avife. Premises in Tottenham. Hil. Anno 29. James Nedam, esquire, and Walter Marsshe, and Elinor, his wife. Premises in Southmymys. Hil. Anno 29. The King and Thomas, bishop of IpsAvich, commander and prior of the monastery (sic) of the Blessed Mary of Butteley. Premises in the parish of St. Stephen, Old JoAvry, and the rectory and advowson of St. Stephen, Old JcAvry ; and various manors and lands in the counties of Suffolk, Norfolk, Lincoln, and Essex. B.C. Easter Anno 30. The King and William More, clerk, commander of the monastery of St. James de Walden. The manor of Hadlej^, and premises in Hadley, Edelmeton, Enfeld, and South Mymmes, and the rectories and advowsons of the vicarages of Edelmeton, Enfeld, and South Mymmes. Premises in London, and various manors and lands in the counties of Essex, Cambridge, Northampton, Warwick, Suffolk, Hert ford, and Oxford. Warranty against WUHam, abbot of Westminster. B.C. Eader Anno 30. William Fox and Yvilliam Harryson, and Isabella, his Avife, and Nicholas Lowen, and Thomasina, his wife. Premises in Edelmeton. Easter Anno 30. John Stephyns and Robert Beachamp, and Anne, his Avife, daughter and heir of William Pytter. Premises in Hatton, in the parish of Estbedfounte. Easter Anno 30. Thomas Wylkynson and Geoffrey Chamber, and Alice, his wife. The manor of Great Stanmer, and premises in Great Stanmer, and also advowson of the parish church of Great Stanmer. Easter Anno 30. HENRY A'lII. 49. William Bowyer, alderman of the city of London, and Margaret, countess of SaHsbury, and Sir Henry Poole, knight, Lord Mountague, otherwise called Henry Poole, Lord de Monte Acuto- The manor of Wike, and premises in Hakeney and Stebenheth. Trin. Anno 30. WiUliam Blakwell, and Margaret, his wife, and William Mayo, and Catherine, his wife. Premises in Enfeld. Trin. Anno 30. : Thomas Asseby and Nicholas Bollard. Premises In Here-, feld. Mention of Margaret Bray, Avidow. Trin. Anno 30. , Edward Elryngton, esquire, and Grace, his AvIfe, and Thomas Seymer. Premises In Hogesdon, in the county of Middlesex, and various manors and lands in the counties of Essex and Gloucester. B.C. Trin. Anno 30. The King and WiUiam, abbot of the monastery of the Blessed Mary of Stratford. Premises in the parishes of St. Clement Danes, St. Andrew Undershaft, and the Blessed Mary Wolmer, in London, and various manors and lands in the counties of Essex and Kent. B.C. Alich. Anno 30. Sir Thomas Audley, knight, lord chancellor, Sir Thomas Crumwell, K.G., Lord Crumwell, Sir William Poulett, and Sir John Russell, the elder, knight, and Sir Edmund Bray,- knight, Lord Bray, and Joan, his Avife. Premises in, the parish of Stronde, in the county of Middlesex, and various manors and lands in the counties of Surrey, Worcester, Warwick, Oxford, Devon, and Cornwall. Remainders. B.C. Alich. Anno 30. Humphrey Dymmoke, the younger, and Humphrey Dymmoke, the elder, esquire, and Christina, his wife. The manors of Rosamondys Lanes and Coffers, aHas Cofferers, and premises in Rosamondys Lanes and Coffers, alias Cofferers, in the county of Middlesex, and manors and lands in the county of Warwick. B.C. Alich. Anno 30. John Dyxis and John Selby, and Isabella, his Avife. Premises in Han worth. Mich. Anno 30. Richard Haddon and Thomas Godyngton, and Margaret, his wife. Premises in Hoxston. Mich. Anno ZO. D 69 FEET OF FINES. John Charley and John Combe, and Eleanor,' his Avife. Premises in Charlyngton. Mich. Anno 30. Sir Roger Cholmeley, knight, serjeant-at-law, and Thomas Wyndam, gentleman, and EHzabeth, his wife. Land in Shordyche. Warranty against WUHam, abbot of West minster. Mich. Anno 30. Richard HaiTcyong, gentleman, and John Chaunterell, and Aveline, his wife, and George Kelefott, of London, mercer. Premises in Hoxton. Warranty against WiUiam, abbot of Westminster. Afich. Anno 30. Rowland Shakelady and George Stokes, gentleman, and dementia, liis Avife. Land in CowlyhaU and Hyllyngdon, caUed Oldfelde and Fyrsen Close. Warranty against William, abbot of Westminster. Mich. Anno 30. WilHam Staunford, of London, gentleman, and Robert Hawkes. The manor of Dyphams, and premises in Edel meton, Fyncheley, and Uxbrigge. Hil. Anno 30. Thomas Typlady, and Elizabeth, his wife, and LaAvrence Foxley, and Alice, his wife. Premises in TowerhiU, in the parish of St. Botulph, without Algate, London. EasterAnnoSl. Robert Dacres and Henry, earl of Worcester, and EHza beth, his wife. Manors and land in the county of Herts. ; also premises in the parishes of St. Clement Danes, London, and of the Blessed Mary of Stronde, in the county of Middelsex. B.C. Easter Anno 31. Nicholas Goodere, gentleman, and Edward Stokwood, gentleman, and Avice, his wife. Land in Hendon and Egewar. Easter Anno 31. John Gyrnyll, the elder, and Thomas Maughwen, and Alice, his Avife. Premises in Little Stanmer. Warranty against WiUiam, abbot of Westminster. Easter Anno 31. John Dyxson and Edward Stokwood, and Avice (?), his Avifo. Premises in the parish of St. Clement Danes, London. East.r Anno 31. Thomas Assheby and William Culpeper, and Mary, his wife. Premises in Herefyld, and free fishery in the water of Colney. Easter Anno 31. HENRY VIII. 51 Sir Antony Wyngfeld, knight, and WilHam Grene, gentle man, and Joan, his wife. Premises in Stebenhith. . Trin. Anno 31. John Lymsey, esquire, and Margaret, his wife, and John Heron, gentleman, and EHzabeth, liis Avife. The moiety of the moiety of the manor of Cotes, and premises in the county of Essex ; and the moiety of a messuage and land in Hakney, ia the county of Middelsex. B.C. Trin. Anno 31. John Wilford and Peter Fyge, and Joan, his wife. Premises in Enveld and Edmunton. Mich. Anno 31. John Themylby and Andrew Fraunces, and Margaret, his Avife. Premises in " Barbycane," in the parish of St. Giles, Avithout Crepulgate, in the suburbs of London. Afich. Anno 31. William Blakwell and John Hunnesdon, of Bellyscrosse, and Joan, his wife. Premises in Enfeld. Mich. Anno 31. Humphrey Dymmoke, the younger, and Humphrey Dymmoke, the elder, and Christina, his wife. The manors of Rosamondes Lanes, and Coffers, otherwise Cofferers, and premises in FuUam, Rosamondes Lanes, and Coffers, other wise Cofferers. Mich. Anno 31. WilHam Lovell, and Agnes, his Avife, and Joan West, widow, John Hart, and Thomas Dalton, and Elizabeth, his Avife. Premises in Hendon. Mich. Anno 31. Adam Boston and Henry Unthanke. Two messuages in Westminster. Mich. Anno 31. John Grymston and William Staunford, of London, gentleman, and Alice, his wife. The manor of Dyphams, and premises in Edelmeton. Warranty against William, abbot of Westminster. Mich. Anno 31. Thomas Armerer and Thomas Wyndham, esquire, and EHzabeth, his wife. Land in Stebenhyth. Mich. Anno 31. William Staunford, of London, gentleman, and Robert HaAvkes, and Anne, his wife. The manor of Dyphams, and premises in Edelmeton and Fyncheley. Warranty against WUHam, abbot of Westminster. Mich. Anno 31. 52 FEET OF FINES. Robert Astry, otherwise Lorkyn, and Margaret, his wife, and Robert Hawkys, and Anne, his wife. Premises in Edelmeton. Mich. Anno 31. Thomas Swalowe and Edward Trac3, and Dorothy, his Avife. Premises in the parish of St. Margaret, Westminster. Mich. Anno 31. John Freeman and Thomas Maynwaryng and WiUiam Culpeper, and Mary, his wife. Premises in the parishes of St. Andrew and St. Giles, and in the Avards of Aldegate and Crepulgate, London. L. Mich. Anno 31. John MacheU and Richard Browne, and IsabeUa, his Avife, Thomas Lappam, and Margaret, his Avife, and WilHam Cook, and Agnes, his Asdfe. Premises in Enfeld. Hil. Anno 31. Henry Gaffeney and WiUiam Staunford, gentleman, and Christopher Wotton, and Juliana, his wife. A messuage in the parish of St. Clement [Danes,] London. WaiTanty against William, abbot of Westminster. Hil. Anno 31. \_There are no London or Middlesex Fines for Easter 32, Henri/ VIII.] Robert Good and William Danaster, and Matilda, his A^dfe, daughter and heir of Roger North. Premises in StauAvell. Trin. Anno 32. James Stansdale, otherwise Pees, and Hemy Hausley, gentleman, and Joan, his wife. Premises in HyUyngdon, Uxbrigge, and CoUam. Trin. Anno 32. WiUiam Awnsham and Thomas Dewell. Premises in Heston. Mention of Alice Danby, wIdoAv. Trin. Anno 32. John Mersshe, gentleman, and John Robynson, and Agnes, his wife, and Nicholas HcAvett, and Alice, liis Avife. Premises in Tottenham. Trin. Anno 32. Robert Fowler, esquire, and Sir William Sandes, knight, Lord Sandes, and Thomas Sandes, esquire, son and heir apparent of the aforesaid William. The manor of Berners bury, otherwise Iseldon Berners, otherwise Barnardesbury ; and premises in Iseldon, otherwise Islynton Holwey, and Hyghgate. Tiin. Anno 32. HENRY A'lll. 53 John Hughes, esquu-e, and Richard Bullock, and Alice, his Avife, Thomas Bullock, and John Roys. The manor of Geddyng, otherwise called Yeddyngesmaner, and premises in Yeddyng and Heese. Trin. Anno 32. WiUiam Amery and George Stokes, gentleman, and dementia, his Avife. Land in HyUyngdon. Trin. Anno 32. Edmund SoAvthend, and Richard Antony and William Amerey, and Agatha, his wife. Land in Hyllyngdon. Trin. Anno 32. Richard Byrtte, John HaU, and John Mosse, and Francis Goodere, esquire, and Ursula, his Avife. Land in South mymmys. Trin. Anno 32. Thomas Brampston and Thomas Hardres, esquire, and Mary, his wife, late the wife of John Brampston, deceased. Premises in the county of Kent, also in Stebynhith, alias Steppenhith, in the county of Middelsex. B.C. Mich. Anno 32. WilHam Blakwall and Edward NycoU, and Thomasina, his wife. Land in the county of Herts., and premises in Hendon, in the county of Middelsex. B. C. Hil. Anno 32. Richard Dodde and Edward Stockwood, and Avice, his wife. Premises in Westminster. Hil. Anno 32. John Huchyn, and John Wyse, and Edward Stokwood, and Avice, his Avife. Premises in the parish of St. Martin in the Fields, next Charyng Crosse. Hil. Anno 32. Robert Bowyer and Thomas Wyndam, and Elizabeth, his Avife. Premises called Haresmershe, and land In the parish of St. Mary of Matfelon, otherwise WhitchapeU, without Algate, London, Stebynhyth, otherwise Stepney, and Hackeney. Hil. Anno 32. Thomas Lofte (Loste ?), Thomas Kyng, and EHzabeth, his Avife. Premises in Enfeld. Hil. Anno 32. John Rede and EdAvard Stokwood, and Avice, his Avife. Premises in EdgcAvare, in the parish of Little Stanmore. Mention of Christiana Norres, widoAV. Hil. Anno 32. Humphrey Eynes and Joyce Eynes, widow. Land in 64 FEET OE FINES. the county of Worcester, and a messuage in London. B.C. Easter Anno 33. Richard Byrtt, and Thomas Sharpe and John Anseley, and Mary, his Avife. Land in Southmymmys. Easter Anno 33. Thomas Blande, gentleman, and Thomas Saunders, and Margery, his wife. Premises in Uxbrige. Easter Anno 33. Robert Lord, otherwise Laward, and George Massy, and Mary, his wife. Premises in Enfeld. Easter Anno 33. Guy Trafford, esquire, and WilHam BoUes, esquire, and Lucy, his Avife. Premises in the parish of St. Leonard, in Shoredyche. Easter Anno 33. Lewis Lawrens and Wolfram Kingston, and dementia, his Avife. Land in Aysshefordfyld, in the parish of Stanes. Easter Anno 33. John Chamber, clerk, and Robert DykevaU. Premises in the counties of Norfolk, Surrey, and Kent ; and the manor of Growebarnes, and premises in Stanes, StanweU, and Lalum, in the county of Middelsex. Warranty against the dean and chapter of the cathedral church of St. Paul, London. D.C. Easter Anno 33. Clement Smyth and Thomas FrogenhaU, son and heir apparent of Alexander FrogenhaU, esquire, and Elizabeth, his wife. Eight messuages and eight cottages in London. L. Easter Anno 33. Thomas Shaa, esquire, and John Bowes, gentleman, and Dorothy, his wife. Land in Stebinhithe, Hackeney, and Stratford at Bowe. Trin. Anno 33. Nicholas Askewe and Thomas Unsted, and EHzabeth, his wife. Land in Enveld. Trin. Anno 33. Richard Courtes, son of Richard Courtes, and Thomas Courtes, citizen and " pewterer," of London. Premises in Edmonton. Trin. Anno 33. John Dorsett and John Thomson, and Joan, his wife. Land in StanweU. Trin. Anno 33. Richard BydweU and John Charlys and Guy Wade. HENRY VIII. 55 Premises and fishery in Stratford at Bowe. Remainders to the wife of said Guy. Trin. Anno 33. Edward Saunders, esquire, serjeant-at-laAv, and John Conyngesby, esquire, and Humphrey Conyngesby, esquire. Four messuages and a garden in the parish of St. Dunstan in le West, London. L. Alich. Anno 33. Edward Saunders, esquire, serjeant-at-laAv, and John Conyngesby, esquire, and Humphrey Conyngesby, esquire, and Anne, his Avife. Premises in Aldnam and Tybberdj^s, in the county of Herts., and land in Stanmer, in the county of Middelsex. D.C. Mich. Anno 33. Robert Ederiche and Edward Ederiche. Premises in Edelmeton. Mich. Anno 33. Francis Goodere, esquire, and John Ansley, and Mary, his Avife. Land in Southmjonms. Mich. Anno 33. Robert Fletewood, and Joan, his Avife, and Roland Skake- lady (sic), and Catherine, his Avife. Premises in CoUom, Cowley Hall, and HylHngton. Mich. Anno 33. WiUiam Churcheman, and Elizabeth, his Avife, and Robert Grene, gentleman. Land in Popley and Stebnheth, other wise Stepney. Alich. Anno 33. WiUiam Walker and John Ansley, and Mary, his wife. Premises in Southmymys. Alich. Anno 33. Ralph, earl of Westmoreland, and the lady Katherine, his Avife, and WiUiam Bowles, gentleman, and Letitia, his wife. A messuage and garden in the parish of St. Olave, next the Tower of London. L. Hil. Anno 33. William Daunsey, citizen and alderman, of London, and Sir Robert Kyrkeam, knight. A messuage in the parish of St. Clement Danes, London. Hil. Anno 33. Thomas Myddelton, citizen and skinner, of London, and Margaret, his wife, and Edmund Adam. Premises in Enfeld. Hil. Anno 33. John Mosse, Richard Brytt, and Simon Flexmer, and Francis Goodere, esquire, and Ursula, his Avife. Premises in Southmymes. Hil. Anno 33. 66 FEET OF FINES. John Chaunterell, gentleman, and Alice, his Avife, and Edmund Pekham, esquire, and Anne, his wife, and Robert Pekham, son and heir apparent of the said Edmund. Premises in the parishes of St. Andrew and St. Giles of the Lepers, in Holbourn. Hil. Anno 33. Henry Hubberthorne, and EHzabeth, his wife, and Sir Ralph Sadlyer, knight. Premises and mill and free fishery in Bromley. Mention of Ellen, Avife of the said Sir Ralph. Hil. Anno 33. John Brent, brother of Richard Brent, deceased, and Alan Brent, Richard NichoUe, and Elizabeth, his wife, and John Nuttyng, and Ellen, his wife. Premises in Hendon. Remainders to the Brent family. Hil. Anno 33. George Medley and Thomas Wyndham, esquire, and Elizabeth, his Avife. Premises in Norton-Folgate, otherwise Norton-FoUyott. Hil. Anno 33. ¦ Robert Laward, otherwise Loorde, and Henry Maye, and Agnes, his Avife. Premises In Enfeld. Easter Anno 34. WiUiam Mounselowe, and Agnes, his wife, and Thomas .Adynggrove, and Anne, his Avife. Premises in White Crosse Streate, in the parish of St. Giles, without Crepulgate, London. Mention of Thomas Harieys, and Cecilia, his wife. Easter Anno 34. John Cordell and WUUam Garaid, and Joan, his wife. Land in Enfeld. Easter Anno 34. John Chauncy, gentleman, and John Manfeld, gentleman. "Premises in Ikenham, Uxebredge, Colbroke, and Harfeld. Remainder to Mary, wife of the said John Manfeld. Easter Anno 34. Henry Grenewood and John HaU, and Agnes, his wife. Premises in Wynsmore HiU, in the parish of Edmunton. Easter Anno 34. Thomas Fouler and WiUiam Fouler, and Margaret, his wife. The manor of Barnesbery, and premises in Barnes- bery, Islyngton, and Hyegat. Easter Anno 34. John HaU, citizen and goldsmith, of London, and OHver Richardsbn, citizen and grocer, of London, and Catherine, HENRY VIII. 57 his wife. Premises In the parish of St. Giles, without Orepelgate, London. Easter Anno 34. Richard NichoUe and Nicholas Askew, gentleman, and Alice, his wife. Land caUed Mayes Mede, otherwise Bownes Mede, in Edelmeton. Trin. Anno 34. William RasteU and John Hey wood, and Joan, his Avife, and Christopher Stubbe, and Joan, his Avife. Premises in Totneham, otherAvIse Totenliam. Trin. Anno 34. John Barker and Hugh Lewys, and Joan, his wife. Premises in Hendon. Trin. Anno 3i> John Bysshop, clerk, and Thomas Robertz. Premises in Kyngesbury. Mich. Anno 34. Sir Arthur Darcy, knight, and John Dounce. Premises in the parish of St. Mary MatfeUon, caUed " Whyte ChapeU parysshe." Mich. Anno 34. Henry Clerke and John Prest, and Alice, his wife. Land in Southmymmys. Mich. Anno 34. William Etys and Anthony Cole, and EHzabeth, his wife. ¦Premises in Stebenheth, otherwise Stepney. Mich. Anno 34. The King and Thomas Kynge, and Elizabeth, his AvIfe, and WilHam Felde, and AHce, his wife, and Joan Godarde, Avidow. Land in Endefeld. Mich. Anno 34. William Walker and John Annesley, and Mary, his Avife. Land in Southmymmes. Mich. Anno 34. Christopher Thomson, gentleman, ccnd William NeAvyng- ton, and Elizabeth, his wife. Premises In the parishes of Laleham, Lyttylton, and Stanes. Mich. Anno 34. The King and John Smytheson, and Joan, his wife, William Hundesden, and Joan, his Avife, Richard Sharpe, and Alice, his Avif e, Richard Browne, and EHzabeth, his wife, and John Gerarde, and Joan, his wife. Land In Endefeld. Mich. Anno 34. Nicholas Goodyere, gentleman, and Edward Stokwod, and Avice, his wife. Premises In the parish of St. Martin in the Fields, and In Knyghtisbridge, Monken Hadley, Harnesey, Northall, and Greneford. Mich. Anno 34. 58 FEET OF FINES. John Bysshop, clerk, and Thomas Robertz. Premises caUed Erleches, In Harleston, Willesdon, and FuUham. Mich. Anno 34. Richard Dove, gentleman, and Walter Broune, and Alice, his wife. Premises In Braynford. Mention of Roger Horn. Mich. Anno 34. Richard Calard and Robert Foster, esquire, and George Foster, gentleman. Premises In Holowey, and Tolyngton, in the parish of Iseldon. Mich. Anno 34. The King and Geoffrey Chamber, esquire, and Alice, his Avife. The manor of Great Stanmer, and premises Avith Avindmill, in Great Stanmer, Little Stanmer, and Harrowe ; also the advowson of the paiish church of Great Statmer, in the county of Middelsex ; premises in Essex, and premises in the parish of St. Sepulchre, in the ward of Faryngton without, London. D.C. Mich. Anno 34. Leonard Yeo, and ArmonlUa, his wife, and John Broke, and Richard Day, and EHzabeth, his wife, and Fulk Apowell, and Joan, his wife. Land in the counties of Essex and Herts. ; and premises in Enfeld, in the county of Middelsex. D.C. Mich. Anno 34. Sir Thomas Audeley, knight, Lord Audley de Walden, lord chancellor, and Thomas Shawe, esquire, and Mary, his wife. Premises In Stepneth, and Oldford, in the counties of Middelsex and Essex. D.C. Mich. Anno 34:. Henry Goodere and James Nedeham, and Alice, his wife. Premises in Southmymys. Hil. Anno 34. Roger Holte and Matthew Wydmerpole. Premises in Goldynglane, in the parish of St. Giles, without Crepulgate, London. Hil. Anno 34. John Marshe and Henry Jeimyn, and Mary, his wife. Land in Tottenham. Easter Anno 35. Ralph Bartelet and Thomas Pytney, and Joan, his wife. Premises in Heston. Trin. Anno 35. WiUiam Greyne and Walter Asshebyn, and Margaret, his wife, and Laurence Asshebyn. A messuage and garden in London. L. Trin. Anno 35. HENRY VIII. 59 Robert Ederyche and Edward Ederiche. Premises in Edelmeton. Hil. Anno 35. The King and Robert Whyte, esquire. The manor of Nuttyngbars, and premises in Kensyngton, Paddyugton, and Chelsey. Hil. Anno 35. Richard Westbury, and Margaret, his wife, and William Gate, and Alice, his Avife. Premises In Enfeld. Hil. Anno 35. Thomas Sclater, clerk, and Henry Lee, and Thomas Bradley, and Thomasina, his wife. Premises in the parish of St. Dunstan, " in West Fletstrete," (sic), London. Hil. Anno 35. John Franke and Sir Arthur Darcy, knight, and Mary, his wife. Premises in Est Smythfeld and " Seynt Botolphe." Hil. Anno 35. Richard Ferror, citizen and grocer, of London, and Lionel Bygons, and Juliana, his Avifo. Premises In Totenham. Hil. Anno 35. WilHam CoAvpor, and Cecilia, his wife, and WiUiam Burnell, and Constance, his Avife. A capital messuage called MusweU Farme, and land in the parish of Clerkenwell and Harnesey, and the site of a certain chapel, in the said parish, now dissolved, lately called " MusAvell ChapeU." Hil. Anno 35. WiUiam Hobson and Richard Markham, esquire, and Anne, his Avife. Premises in Totnam, and Edelmeton, otherwise Edmondton. Hil. Anno 35. The King and Sir William Wyndesore, knight. Lord Wyndesore. The manor of StauAvell, and premises in Stan well, Westbedfounte, Hamondes otherAvise Tycheborn, Cleremondes, Poyle Parke, Fawnes, Heeston, Istelworth, HyUyngdon, Stanes, Laleham, and Cowley, and the rectory and advowson of the vicarage of StauAvell, and premises in the counties of Buckingham, Berks., Southampton, and Surrey. D.C. Hil. Anno 35. Roger Paddy, and Margery, his Avife, and Katherine Tattershall, widow. Four messuages in London, in the 60 FEET or FINES. parish of St. Margaret in " Newe Fysshestrete "; two messuages in " Seynt Bennettysfyncke," and " Seynt Martynes Owtwyche," in the county of the city of London ; tliree messuages and one garden in the parish of St. dement Danes, in the county of Middelsex ; and premises in the counties of Surrey, Dorset, and Warwick. D.C. Easter Anno 36. John Mersshe, gentleman, and Alice, his wife, and WilHam Woode, and Bridget, his wife. Premises in Tottenham. Easter Anno 36. Stephen Waldyng, and Alice, his wife, and WiUiam Sewster, gentleman, and Joan, his wife. Premises in Hoxton, Totenh&m, and Schcidiche. Eater Anno S6. John Myllet ccnd Richard Rowse, and EHzabeth, his Avife. Premises in Norwode. Easter Anno 36. Richard Byrt and Francis Goodyer, esquire, and Ursula, his wife. Land in South Mymmes. Easter Anno 36. John Aleyn, and Elizabeth, his wife, and William Sewster, gentleman, and Joan, his Avife. Premises in Hoxton, Totenham, and Shordiche. Easter Anno 36. Ralph Flaxmore, and Joan, his wife, and John Annesley, and Mary, his wife. Land In South Mymmes. Easter Anno 36. Thomas Shurley and William HiU and Robert Akygh, the elder. Premises In Harrowe and Pynnor. Easter Anno 36. John Long and Thomas Dignaine and William Oxston, otherAvise Fox, and Joan, his A\dfe, and John Forster, and Agnes, his Avife. Premises in Edgware. Trin. Anno 36. Thomas Archer, gentleman, and Robert Hawkes, and Anne, his wife. A messuage caUed " le Cok," and a garden in Turmelstrete, in the parish of ClerkynweU. Trin. Anno 36. John Bell, clerk, and John TregouAvell, esquire, and Sir Arthur Darcy, knight, and Mary, his wife. A messuage, garden, orchard, stable, and A\atercomse flowing from the aqueduct, caUed " le grete Condyle," to the Charterhouse, HENRY VIII. 61 and thence to the aforesaid messuage, in the parish of St. Botolph, without Algate, London. Trin. Anno 36. Robert Astrye, otherAvise Lorkyn, and Thomas Unsted, " letherseller," and EUzabeth, his wife, WilHam Bone, "brasell grynder," and Mary, his wife. Land In Edel meton. Trin. Anno 36. John Kyddermyster, citizen and draper, of London, and Sir Arthur Darcy, knight, and Mary, his wife. Premises and wharf in the parish of St. Botolph, without Algate, London, and Est Smythfeld. Trin. Anno 36. Fabian Whether and Henry James, and Margery, his Avife. Premises in Edelmeton. Trin. Anno 36. Sir Michael Lyster, William Thorpe, and Thomas Dawtrey, esquire, and George Bulstrode, esquire, and Juliana, his wife, and Thomas Bulstrode, son and heir apparent of the said George. Premises in Stanwell, in the county of Middlesex, and in divers places in the county of Buckingham. D.C. Trin. Anno 36. Nicholas Fortescue, esquire, and Catherine, his wife, and William Forthe, and Elizabeth, his Avife. Premises In the parishes of St. Martin in the Fields, and St. Margaret the Ylrgin, Westminster, in the city of Westminster. Mich. Anno 36. William Garrard and Robert Byrde, and Alice, his wife. Premises in Westbraynford, In the parish of Hanwell. Mich. Anno 36. Thomas Kyng, citizen and merchant taylor, of London, and Margaret Lofte, [Loste ?] widow, late the wife of John Lofte, [Loste ?] the elder, deceased, and Nicholas Narbon, and Joan, his wife, daughter of the aforesaid John. Premises in Enfeyld. Mich. Anno 36. WiUiam HoUys, esquire, and Anne, his Avife, and John Payne, gentleman, and Bridget, his wife. A messuage called "the Lamme," and premises in the parish of St. Clement Danes, London. Mich. Anno 36. John Wayvant, and Isabella, his ANdfe, and Edward Stok- 62 FEET OF FINES. wood, and Avice, his wife. Premises in the parish of St. Clement Danes, London. Mich. Anno 36. Edmund BedyU and John MarshaU, and AHce, his Avife. Premises in Hyllyngdon. Mich. Anno 36. Francis Cowper and Henry Gery, and Ellen, his wife. Premises in the parish of St. Clement Danes, London. Mich. Anno 36. John Lambe and Charles Whytte, of London, " Barbour Surgeaunt," and Elizabeth, his wife, and John Smyth, son and heir of WilHam Smyth, and Margaret, his wife. Land in Old Braynford and lUyng. Mich. Anno 36. John Cordell, the elder, and William Felde, the elder, and Alice, his Avife. Land In Enfeld. Hil. Anno 36. Richard Castell, otherAvise called Richard Cassater, and WilHam Middelton, esquire, and Elizabeth, his A\'ife. The manor of Wolstable, and promises in " le Rouiide Wolstable," in the city of Westminster. Hil. Anno 36. John Studeley and Richard Blounte, esquire, and Eliza beth, his AvIfe. Premises Avitli a several fishery in Hyllyng don, and advowson of a chantry in the church of Plyllyngdon ; also premises In Colham, Woxbrige, Ikenham, Tykenham, Drayton, HarmondesAvorth, and Cowley. Hil. Anno 36. William Roolfe and Thomas SkypAsyth, and Joan, his wife. Premises In Hadley, otherwise Monken Hadley. Hil. Anno 36. Henry Bemes, and Joan, his wife, and John Studeley, otherwise Miles, and Dorothy, his Avife. Premises in Wox bridge and HyUyngdon. Hil. Anno 36. Robert Lorkyn and Nicholas Askew, gentleman, and Alice, his wife. Land in Edmonton. Hil. Anno 36. John Dyxson and Edward Stokewood, gentleman, and Avice, his Avife, Premises in the parish of the Blessed Ylrgin at Stronde. Hil. Anno 36. Edmund Smyth, and Joan, his wife, and Richard Provest, and Juliana, his wife. Premises In the parish of the Blessed Mary Matfelon, otherwise Whytechappell. Hil. Anno 36. HENRY VIII. 63 William Staunford and Francis Goodere, and Ursula, his Avife, John Cocke, and Anne, his wife, Henry Goodere, the elder, and Nicholas Goodere. The manor of Monken Hadleigh, and premises in Southmyramys, Monken Hadleigh and Kyckes ende ; also the free chapel of Hadleigh, and the rectory and advoAvson of the vicarage of Southmymmys. Hil. Anno 36. John Adam and Richard Oldham, and Alice, his wife. Premises in Enfeld. Easter Anno 37. Thomas Hemmyng and Simon Flexmere, and Francis Goodyere, esquire. Premises in Hendon and Southmymmys. Mention of Joan Wrothe, widoAv. Easter Anno 37. John Bowyer, gentleman, and William WyUyns, and Alice, his Avife. Premises in Chelchehyth and Fulham. Easter Anno 37. Leonard Holmes and Sir Francis Lovell, knight, and Thomas Fowle, esquire. Premises in Bamardys Bury, and Iseldon. Easter Anno 37. Roger Starkey, citizen and mercer, of London, and James Audeley, esquire. Premises in Stebenhithe. Easter Anno 37. WiUiam Locke and Roger Tusser, and Anne, his Avife. Land In Tottenham. Easter Anno 37. Robert Good and John Chamber, clerk. The manor of Growbarnes, otherAvise called Halbarnes, in Stanes, Stane- well, Laleham, and Echelford. Easter Anno 37. WilHam Nelson, clerk, and WiUiam Sanderson, and AHce, his Avife. Premises in Edelmeton. Easter Anno 37. Emmanuel Luker and John Cordall, and Isabella, his wife. Premises in " Seynt Jonys Strete," without the Bars of Smythfyld, In the parish of St. Sepulchre, without Noav- gate, London. Easter Anno 37. Thomas Austen, and Anne, his wife, and Thomas Martyn, and Awclrey, his Avife. Premises in Hockeston. Mich. Anno 37. James Apott and John Thornton, and Joan, his wife. Premises in Tremelstrete, without the Bars of West Smyth feld, in the parish of St. Sepulchre, London. Mich. Anno 37. 64 FEET OF FINES. Thomas Goldyng, son and heir of John Goldyng, esquire, and WilHam Cowper, and Cecilia, his Avife. A capital messuage caUed MusweU Ferme, and land in the parish of ClerkynweU in Harnesey, and the site of a certain chapel in the aforesaid parish. Mich. Anno 37. Sir Martin Bowes, knight, and Sir Edmund Bedyngfeld, knight, and Grace, his wife, and Henry Bedyngfeld and Eustace Sulyard, esquires. Premises in Stebunhithe and Hakney. Warranty against the dean and chapter of St. Peter, Westminster. Mich. Anno 37. James Apott and Edward Rest, and AHce, his Avife. Premises in the parish of St. Andrew in Holborn. Mtch Anno 37. William Longe, and Petronilla, his wife, and Christopher Wotton, and Juliana, his Avife. A messuage in the parish of St. Clement Danes, London. Mich. Anno 37. WiUiam Blakwell, gentleman, and Margaret, his wife, and Richard Welby, esquire, and Dorothy, his Avife, Thomas Welby, gentleman, and Catherine Hall, Avidow. Premises in Hendon. Mich. Anno 37. Thomas Kyng, and Elizabeth, his wife, and Thomas Hamond, and Joan, his wife. Premises in Enfeld. Afich. Anno 37. Benjamin Gonson and ChristopL r Gonson, and Dorothy, his wife. A messuage, or brew house, called " le Rede Lyon " in Est Smythefelde, near London. Mich. Anno 37. Sir Ralph Warren, knight, citizen and alderman of London, and Sir Arthur Darcy, knight, and Mary, his wife. Premises in the parish of the Blessed Mary of Matfellon, called in English Whytchapell parysshe. Mich. Anno 37. Thomas Dyxson and Edward Stockwod, and Amicia, his wife. Premises in the parishes of St. Andrew in Holborne, and St. Giles In the Fields. Mich. Anno 37. John Alexander and Thomas Unsted, and EHzabeth, his wife, WilHam Boone, and Mary, his wife. Premises in Edelmeton. Mich. Anno 37. HENRY VIII. 65 Richard Dod and John Delwode, and Catherine, his wife. A messuage in Fullam and Wanam Grene. Mich. Anno 37. Thomas ColshiU and Thomas Smythe, gentleman, and Elizabeth, his Avife. Premises in Hackeney. Mich. Anno 37. William NcAvman and Giles Madewe, and Margaret, his wife. Land in Pynnour In the parish of HarroAve on the PliU. Hil. Anno 37. Sir Richard Lee, knight, and Sir Arthur Darcy, knight, and Mary, his AvIfe. A messuage, with appurtenances, and Avatercourse floAvIng from the aqueduct, called " le great Condyte," to the Charterhouse and thence to the aforesaid messuage. In the parish of St. Botolph, Avithout Aldergate. Easter Anno 38. Edmund Grey, esquire, and John Colbek, gentleman, and Sir Michael Fissher, knight, and Margaret, his Avife, and Elizabeth Spelman, widoAv, late the wife of Sir John Spelman, knight. The manor of Palenswyke, otherwise Padenswyke, and premises in Fulham, Hamersmyth, Acton, and Braynford otherwise NeAve Braynfoi'd. Easter Anno 38. John Horsley, and Joan, his wife, and Richard Abrey, otherAvise Awbrey. Premises in Northwode. Easter Anno 38. Edmund Gregory and Philippa, his wife, and Richard Waltham, and Alice, his wife. Premises In Wooxbryge. Easter Anno 38. Richard Mares, gentleman, Henry Cholmeley, and Hugh Haffyngton, and George Cokett, gentleman, and Bridget, his wife, and John Pyccher, gentleman, and Alice, his Avife, John Cheyney, gentleman, and Margaret, his wife, Humphrey Cholmeley, gentleman, and EHzabeth, his wife, and John Basset. The manor of Hallewyk, with appurtenances, in Friern Barnett, in the county of Middlesex ; and premises in the counties of Warwick, Cambridge, and Suffolk. D.C. Easter Anno 38. Richard Bartlatt, gentleman, and Richard Modye, gentle man, and Katherine, his AvIfe. Premises in the parish of St. Bartholomew the Great, London. L. Easter Anno 38. E 66 FEET OF FINES. The King and Sir GUes CapeU, knight, Sir Henry CapeU, knight, and Edward CapeU, esquire. The manor of Hony- lane and Pentryches In Enfelde, in the counties Middlesex and Hertford ; and other premises in the counties of Hert ford, Essex and Cambridge. D.C. Trin. Anno 38. William Walter and John Annesley, and Mary, his wife. Land In Southmymmes. Trin. Anno 38. William Locke, citizen and alderman, of London, and John Mershe, and Alice, his wife. Premises in Tottenham. Trin. Anno 38. Edward Gilbert, citizen and goldsmith, of London, and Thomas Elryngton, esquire, and Beatrice, his A\dfe. A messuage or tenement called " le Sterr," Avith appurtenances, in Totenham. Trin. Anno 38. Henry Reynolds dnd Geoffrey Blechemore, and Agnes, his Avife. A messuage and garden in West Bedfount and Stanewell. Trin. Anno 38. John White and Thomas Clayton, and Catherine, his wife. Premises in Stratforde at BoAve. Trin. Anno 38. Humphrey Molsley and Edward Warton, gentleman, and Marcia, his Avife, daughter and heir of Nicholas Snell. Premises in Wyllesdon, and in the parish of St. Clement Danes. Remainders to George Warton, son of Edward Warton, of Kyngeston on Hull. Trin. Anno 38. John Raynold and Henry Webbe, esquire, and Barbara, his wife. Premises in Halywell and Shordyche. Trin. Anno 38. Stephen Cleybroke and John Smyth. A messuage and garden in Westminster. Mention of EHzabeth White, widoAV. Trin. Anno 38. John Payne, gentleman, and Roger Paddy, gentleman, and Margery, his Avife. Premises in the parish of St. Clement Danes. Trin. Anno 38. Edward Warde, and Joan, his AvIfe, and John StucUey, otherAvise Myles, and Dorothy, his Avife. Premises in Woxbryge and Hyllyngdon. Trin. Anno 38. HENRY VIII. 67 Sir Arthur Darcy, knight, and Thomas Stepkyn, and Michaela, his wife. Land in the parish of Whytechappell. Trin. Anno 38. Edmund AskcAvo and John Ecelyston and Jasper Fesaunt, and Margaret, his Avifo. Premises in Tottenham. Alich. Anno 38. Robert Good and Sir WiUiam Wyndesore, knight, lord Wyndesore, Edmund Wyndesore, esquire, and Thomas Wyndesore, esquire, and Mary, his Avife. The manor of Knollers, and land in Stanwell and Stanes. Mich. Anno 38. Dionisia Leveson, avIcIoav, and Jasper Fesaunt, and Margaret, his Avife. Premises in Tottenham. Mich. Anno 38. William Chm-chman and Robert Grene, gentleman. Land In Populer and Stebunhyth, called Leymoth, in Estmershe. Afich. Anno 38. Thomas Hamond and Laurence Grey, and Joan, his wife. Premises in Enfeld. Mich. Anno 38. WiUiam Sewster, gentleman, and John Core, citizen and grocer, of London, and Anne, his wife. Premises in the parish of St. Giles, without Ciyplegate. Mich. Anno 38. Richard Parson and Richard Frenche, and Elizabeth, his wife. Premises in Woxbrege, Hyllyngdon, Cowley, and Colham. Mich. Anno 38. John Broun, esquire, and George Norton, esquire, and Elizabeth, his wife, lady Audeley. Premises in Oldeforde. Mich. Anno 38. WiUiam Hobson ccnd John Bevercottes [Benercottes ?] and Agnes, his Avife, late the wife of Henry Courtman. Premises in Totnam and Edmelton. Mich. Anno 38. Henry Parman and John Smyth and John Bokenell. The moiety of the manor of Wyntersman, and other premises in the county of Northampton ; and the moiety of premises in Stanwell, Bedfount, and Hermondysworthe, In the county of Middlesex. Remainders. D.C. Mich. Anno 38. Richard Pexsall, esquire, and Thomas Ledgerd. Premises in Woxbrydge, Hyllyngton, and Cowley. ////. Anno 38. 68 FEET OF FINES. Edward Pate and Henry Jemyngham, esquire, and Frances, his wife. One hundred and forty acres of pasture called " le greate Haunger," in Tottenham. Hil. Anno 38. EDWARD YI. William Feme and Richard Feme. Premises in Pynnour. Easter Anno 1. Nicholas Russell and WilHam Smyth, and Blitha, his wife. Premises in Church Acton and East Acton. Easter Anno 1. Humphrey Mosley, gentleman, and Richard Pake, and Alice, his wife. Premises in Totenham. Easter Anno 1. Henry Godyer and William Copwod, and Joan, his wife. Premises in Fyncheley, and in the county of Hertford. D. C. Easter Anno 1. Robert Rolffe and John Mersshe, the elder. Land in Fyncheley alias Frynohesley. Trin. Anno 1. William Gyes, gentleman, and Cristina, his wife, and John Skutt, esquire, and Bridgit, his wife. An inn called le Gott with a garden in the parish of the Blessed Mary de Strond. Trin. Anno 1. Thomas Hamond and William Howe, and Agnes, his wife. Premises in Enfeld. Trin. Anno 1. Sir Edward North, knight, chancellor of the Court of Augmentations, and Alice, his wife, and Sir Maurice Denys, and Elizabeth, his wife. Premises and a chapel called Pardon Chapel, in the parish of ClerkeuAvell. Trin. Anno 1. Thomas Hardres, esquire, and Aluered Newman, and Margaret, his Avife. Premises in Furbelane, Lymost, aad Stebunheth. Trin. Anno I. Thomas Beane and Katherine, his Avife, and Robert Kynge, and Letitia, his Avife. Premises in Chelcliythe. Trin. Anno 1. WilHam Gyles and Richard DenboU, and AHce, his Avife. Premises in Stanes and Stannewell. Mich. Anno 1. EDWARD A'l. 69 Roger Rogerson, and AHce, his wife, and John Syms, and JoabeUa, his wife, and Henry Myller, and Alice, his wife. Premises in Netherhawford. Mich. Anno 1. John Whyte and Thomas Cleyton, and Katherine, his wife. Premises in Stratford at Bowe. Mich. Anno 1. Edward Thomas and Thomas Mayow otherwise Mahewe, brother and heir of William Mayow otherAvise Mahewe, and Dorothy, his wife. A messuage called le Whytehorse, in the parish of St. Leonard Shordyche. Afich. Anno 1. John Tayler, gentleman, and John Bourn, and Dorothy, his Avife. Premises In the parish of St. Clement Danes. Afich. Anno 1. Richard Clyff, and Anne, his Avife, and Thomas Dyxson, and EUzabeth, his wife. Premises in the parish of St. AndreAV in Holborne and St. Giles in the Fields. Mich. Anno 1. Richard LaAvrens and Nicholas LaAvrens, and Phlliji Martyr, and Joan, his wife. Premises in Feltham and Laleton. Mich. Anno 1. James Audley and Ralph, earl of Westmoreland, and the lady Katherine, his wife. Premises In Stebenheth. Mich. Anno 1. John Barons and Robert Downes, gentleman, and Dorothy, his wife, Margaret West, and EUzabeth West. Premises in the parish of St. Giles of the Lepers, without the Bar of the Old Temple, London. Mich. Anno 1. William Harryson and Isabella, his Avife, one of the daughters and heirs of Christopher Foxe, and Joan, his AAdfe, daughter and heir of Hany Foster, deceased, and Nicholas Lowen and Thomasina, his Avife, another daughter of the said Christopher and Joan. Premises in Enfeld. Mich. Anno 1. John Pratt and William Harryson, and Isabella, his wife. Pasture called Woodesendfeld, in Fyncheley. Afich. Anno 1. Robert Pratt and William Harryson, and Isabella, his wife. Meadow in Taterudge, in the coimty of Hertford, and 70 FEET OF FINES. meadow called Lytlebrantfeld in Fyncheley. D.C. Mich. Anno 1. Margaret Wylkox, widoAv, and Richard Wylkox, and Joan, his wife. Premises in LymehoAvse and Stebenheth. ffil. Anno 1. WiUiam Lawe and WilHam Garrard, and Joan, his wife. Premises in Enfeld. Hil. Anno 1. Edward Gryffyn, esquire, solicitor-general of the lord the King, William Roper, esquire, and Richard Heydon, esquire, and Francis, earl of ShrcAvsbury. Premises in the parish of St. Andrew, Holborne. ffil. Anno 1. Edward Smyth, gentleman, and Alice, his Avife, and William Fyneux, esquire. Premises in the parish of St. dement Danes. Hil. Anno 1. John Crompton and EUzabeth Typlady, widow, and Francis Typlady. A messuage called le Swanne, and premises in Est Smythfeld, in the parish of St. Botolph, without Aldgate. ffil. Anno 1. Elizabeth Conyngesby, widow, and John Palmer, esquire, and Mary, his Avife, late the Avife of Thomas Frowyk, deceased. The manors of Oldfeld and Gloucesters, and premises in Hadley, Southmymmes, and St. Gyles, without Crepulgate, London, ffil. Anno 1. Stephen Cobbe and John Moune, and Katherine, his Avife. Premises in Hackney. Easter Anno 2. John AppoAvell and Elizabeth, his Avife, and James Williamson, and Elizabeth, his wife. Premises In the city of Westminster, Knyghtysbrydgo, Kensyngton, and Chelsej', and certain corrodies (particularly described). Remainders to Cotton and Williamson. Easter Anno 2. Lucy Harper and Sir Walter Hendley, knight, and Margery, his Avife, and Thomas Culpeper, esqiure, and EUen, his AvIfe. Premises Avithin the precincts of le Blak Fryers, London. L. Easter Anno 2. Richard Pelter, citizen and brewer, of London, and John Clerk, and Margaret, his w'lio, and Katherine Cooke, wldoAv. Messuage, land and pasture in Highe Holborne In the parish EDWARD VI. 71 of St. Andrew, Holborne, in the suburbs of London, and St. Pancras in KentysshtoAvne. Trin. Anno 2. ^ John Brydges and Robert Whyte, esquire, and Katherine, his Avife. Premises in Fulhaiu. Trin. Anno 2. Christopher Smyth and Anthony Smyth and Sir Nicholas le Strange, knight, and Katherine, his wife. Premises In the parish of St. Giles, Avithout Newgate, and St. Botolph, without Aldergate. Trin. Anno 2. John Smyth and Elizabeth, his Avife, and Thomas ColshyU, gentleman, and Mary, his wife. Premises in Hakeney- Trin. Anno 2. Dionislus Wilson and EHzabeth, his wife, and James Standesdale aHas Pease, and Lucy, his wife. Premises in Woxbridge. Mich. Anno 2. Henry Malory and WilHam Myles, and Agnes, his wife, John Flemyng, and EUzabeth, his Avife. Premises in Turmylstrete, In the parish of Clerkenwell. Mich Anno 2. Nicholas Alcocke and John Brystowe, and Joan, his wife. Premises in Enfeld. Hil. Anno 2. EdAvard Pate, gentleman, and John Elryngton, gentleman. Land in Hakeney and NcAvIngton. Hil. Anno 2. John Ryther, esquire, and Mary, his wife, and John Ehyngton. Premises In Hackeney. ffil. Anno 2. Thomas Persse, of Islington, and Humphrey Cholmeley, gentleman, and EHzabeth, his Avife. Moiety of the manor of Halywycke, and moiety of land in Freren Barnett. ffil. Anno 2. WilHam Ferrys and William Armested, and EUzabeth, his wife. One messuage in Kensyngton. Hil. Anno 2. John Foxton and WiUiam Cowper, gentleman, and Cecilia, his wife. Manor of Hyckman, and premises In Argarston and Shordyche. Remainders to Maulte and Hylton. Hil. Anno 2. WiUiam Blakwell, gentleman, and William Sybrande, and Agnes, his AvIfe. Premises in Hendon. Hil. Anno 2. Stephen Cleybroke and Thomas HoUowaye, and Elizabeth, his wife. Premises in Westmiaster. Hil. Anno 2. 72 FEET OF FINES. Gilbert Hylle and George Frevell, gentleman, and Dorothy, his wife. A messuage in the parish of St. Benedict, next Poules Wharfe, Avithin the city of London. L. ffil. Anno 2 and 3. Edward Stewarde and William Baynbrygge, and Anne, his wife. Premises in the parish of St. Botolph, without Aldrlche gate, London. L. Hil. Anno 2 and 3. Sir Clement Smyth, knight, and Thomas Cuitels and Henry Serle, and Alice, his Avife. The manor of Wyke, and premises In Wyke, Hackeney, Stebenheth, Hoxton alias Hoggeston, Islyngton, and Shordyche, and the advowson of the chantry in the parish church of Shordyche, in the county of Middlesex ; and premises in the counties of Cambridge and Essex. D.C. ffil. Anno 2 and 3. William Clarke and AHce Bagott, widow, Francis Coke, son and heir of Pallus (sic) Coke, deceased, and Joan Coke, sister of the same Francis. Premises in Hanworth. Easter Anno 3. Ralph Davenaunt, of London, merchant taUor, and Sir Francis Lovell, knight, and Thomas LoveU, his son and heir apparent. Premises in Edelmeton, Elmuton, and Edmuton. E'ister Anno 3. Edmund Pygeon and Thomas EUys, and Joan, his vrde. Premises in Hampton upon Thames. Easter Anno 3. Thomas MathcAV and John SaAvnderson, j'eoman, and Margaret, his wife. Premises in Enfeld. Easter Anno 3. John Foxton and Hugh Robertson, and Anne, his Avife. Premises in Hoxton. Remainder to WUHam Austen. Easter Anno 3. Roland Page and John Bokenham, and EUzabeth, his A\ife, and Margaret West, daughters and co-heirs of EdAvard West, deceased. The manor of Vaiys, and premises in Est Bed founte otherA\iso Churche Bedfounte, Feltham, Asshlord, Echelford, Stanes, and Stanwell. Easter Anno 3. James Downes, gentleman, and Stephen Muiyell and John Bokenham, gentleman, and EHzabeth, his AvIfe, and Margaret Westend. Premises in the parishes of St. dement EDWARD VI. 73 Danes, without the Bar of the Ncav Temple, London, and St. Giles in the Fields. Easter Anno 3. Thomas Armerar, gentleman, and Thomas MarroAvc, esquire, and Alice, his Avife. Premises In Shoredyche Strete, IlunteshlU, NichoUfeld, and Hoxton. Easter Anno 3. George Pole, gentleman, and Thomas Langley, smith. Premises In Sheperton, Halford, Netherhalforde and Sun- berye. Easter Anno 3. John Baron and Elizabeth, his wife, and Jolm Wj'sse, and Elizabeth, his Avife. Premises In Fynnybery, in the parish of St. Giles, Avithout Crepulgate, London. Easter Anno 3. Simon Goldsmyth and Edith, his AvIfe, and William Myles, and Agnes, his Avife. Premises in Turmelstrete, in the parish of Clerkenwell. Easier Anno 3. James Brende and Agnes, his wife, and Emma Ogle, AvidoAv. Premises in Edelmeton. Remainders to Lehe family. Trin. Anno 3. Thomas Page and "^VlUiam Pyerson, and Thomas MarroAve, esqmre, and Alice, his wife. Premises In Shordiche and Islyngton. Trin. Anno 3. Robert Yonge and EUzabeth, his AvIfe, and Richard Cassener alias Castell, and Katherine, his wife. Premises In Westminster. Trin. Anno 3. Sir William Locke, knight, and Sir WImond CareAve, knight, and Martha, his wife. Premises in Tottenham. Trin. Anno 3. WilHam Fitzherbert and Margaret BiUIngton, widow. Premises in Tottenham and Edelmeton aHas Edmunton. Afich. Anno 3. Sir Roger Cholmeley, knight, chief baron of the Exchequer, and Alice Cholmeley, Avidow. Premises in the parish of St. Botolph, Avithout Bysshoppes Gate, London. L. Trin. Anno 3. George PaAvlet and John Pawlet, esquire, and Thomas Burbage, esquire, and Eleanora, his wife. Premises in the parish of St. Thomas the Apostle, London, in the occupation 74 FEET OF FINES. of Richard Holt ; and in the county of Hertford. D.C. Trin. Anno 3. Edward Pye, esquire, and Agnes, his wife, and John Cheyne, esquire, and Margaret, his Avife. Premisesin Fryern- barnet, and in the counties of WarAvick, SuffoUi, and Cambridge. D.C. Mich. Anno 3. John MysharAye and Margaret, his wife, and Thomas MathcAve, and Joan, his Avife. Premises in Enfeilde. ffil. Anno 3. Richard LaAvi-ens and Nicholas LaAvrens, and Dorothy, his Avife. Premises in Feltham and Lyttelton. ffil. Anno 3. William SeAvster, gentleman, and Charles Brj'an, and Margaret, his Avife, daughter of Margaret Waplyngton, formerly the AvIfe of Thomas Waplyngton. Premises in Whitecrosse Strete, in the parish of St. Giles, Avithout Crepul gate, without the liberties of London. Hil. Anno 3. Thomas Wardall and Sir Thomas Cornewallys, knight, and Anne, his AvIfe. Premises in Whyte ChapeU parish, flil. Anno 3. John MyllenfHirf Thomas Pyme, gentleman, and Elizabeth, his wife. Premises in the parish of St. Giles, Avithout Crepulgate, London. Hil. Anno 3. Hugh Losse, esquire, and Sir EdAvard North, knight, and Alice, his AvIfe. Premises in Welde and Harrow upon the HiU. ffil. Anno 3. Thomas Hayward and John Wryght, and Agnes, his Avife. Premises in Sheperton. Easter Anno 4. Robert Mellysshe and Edmund Ivors, and Margaret, his wife. Premises In Goldynglane, In the parish of St. Giles, without Creplegate, London. Easter Anno 4. Francis Spilman and Thomas Robertz and Humphrey Brougliton,and Dorothy, his Avife. Premises in ClarkyuAvell. Easter Anno 4. Thomas Pykeiyng, gentleman, and John Yaughan, esquire, and Anne, his wife. Land in Steppenheyth. Easter Anno 4. EDWARD VI. 75 William Burde and EdAvard Henshatt, and Joan, his wife. A messuage called Sareseyneshe, in Churche Acton. Easter Anno 4. John Phyllyp and Adam Gardener, and Joan, his wife. Premises in Stebynhyth. Easter Anno 4. John Butt, William Blakwell, John Goddard, and Thomas Ace, and Thomas Kynge, and Elizabeth, his AvIfe. Premises in Enfeld (?), and Edelmeton. Easter Anno 4. Richard Taverner and Sir EdAvard Nortlie, and Alice, his Avife. Land in Pynner and Harrowe upon the Hill. Easter Anno 4. Erasmus Skydmore and William Sheperd, and Joan, his wife. Premises in Kyugesbury. Easter Anno 4. William Stoke and Joan, his Avife, and Hugh Losse, esquire, and Anne, his Avife. Messuages, gardens, and shops in Grey's Inn Lane, otherAvise Portpole Lane, In Plolborne. Easter Anno 4. Henry Manfeld and Anthony Barley, gentleman, and Anne, his wife. Premises In Uxbrygge, Colebroke, Stan weU, Hyllyngdon, Coveley, Iknam, and Harfeld. Easter Anno 4. Henry Saxe and John Campynett and Robert Trappes, the elder, esquire, and Joan, his wife. Premises in the parishes of St. Leonard, St. Zachary, and St. Michael in CoruAvall, [Cornhill ?] and rent from a tenement in Bredstrete called le Wolsacke, London. Long Remainders. Easter Anno 4. Henry Saxe and John Campynett and Robert Trappes, the elder, esquire, and Joan, his wife. Premises in the parish of St. Augustine, near the church of St. Paul's, London. Long Remainders. L. Easter Anno 4. Richard Duke, esquire, and John Foxton, ccnd John Howe, and Alice, his Avife, and Mary Blayne. Premises In the parish of St. Stephen, In Walbroke, in the Avard of Chepe, and in the parish of St. Martin in le Yyntre In the ward of le Yyntre. Remainders. L. Easter Anno 4. Evan Luce, gentleman, and Henry Gray, esquire, and Anne, his Avife. Third part of the manor of Bromley HaU, 76 FEET OF FINES. in the county of Middlesex ; and premises In the counties of Suffolk, Bedford, and Hereford. Easter Anno 4. Sir Roger Cholmeley, chief baron of the Exchequer, and Thomas Nutthall, and John Etherydge aHas Nuthall. Premises in Hendon. Mich. Anno 4. LaAvrence Tyman alias Tylman, and Alice, his wife, and John Franke, and Agnes, his wife. Premises In the parish of St. Botolph, Avithout Algate. Mich. Anno 4. Thomas RoAve and Edward Pate, gentleman, and Katherine, his wife. Premises in Hackney. Aftch. Anno 4. Robert DeycroAve and Stephen Tygo, and AHce, his wife. Premises in Enfeld. Mich. Anno 4. Richard Clyff, gentleman, and Anne, his Avife, and William Harper, and Alice, his AvIfe. Premises in the parish of St. AndreAV in High Holborne. Mich. Anno 4. Hugh Robertson and Anne, his wife, and Edmund Smyth and Alice, his Avife. Premises in Hoxton. Afich. Anno 4. William Fitzherbert, gentleman, ff«rf Margaret Byllyngton, Avidow. Land in KentysshetoAvne, Holborne, the parish of St. Pancras in the Fields, and the parish of St. Andrew in Holbourne. Mich. Anno 4. Margery Hendle, AvIdoAv, and Thomas Colepeper, esquire, and Ellen, his Avife, George Fane, esquire, and EHzabeth, his wife, and Richard Covert, esquire, and Anne, his Avifo. The manor of Klerkenwell, and premises in ClerkenAvell. Mich. Anno 4. Richard Puttenham, esquire, and Humfrey Broughton, gentleman, and Dorothy, his AvIfe. Premises in the parish of Clerkenwell. Afich. Anno 4. John Holt and Robert Holt, gentlemen, and William Wylkyns, gentleman, and Alice, his Avife. An acre of land and a passage over the Avater of Thames, In Chelcheh;}'th. Mich. Anno 4. Thomas Burdock and Agnes, his Avife, and William Wynde and John Ilopkyns. Premises in Hoxton, in the parish of St. Leonard. Mich. Anno 4. EDWARD VI. 77 John Myllett and James Holland, and Isabella, his wife. Premises in Hillingdon, Heth, and BatAvelhethe in Hayse. Mich. Anno 4. Thomas Taylour and Anthony GaAvthroppe, and Agnes, his wife. Premises in Westcote. Mich. Anno 4. John Thomson and Ellen, his Avife, and Richard Day alias Byrt, and Agnes, his AvIfe. Premises In Hadley. Mich. Anno 4. Gregory NycoUas, citizen and mercer, of London, and John Moore, gentleman, and Elizabeth, his AvIfe. Premises In Goldynglane, in the parish of St. Giles, Avithout Crepulgate, in the subm-bs of London. Afich. Anno 4. William Clarke, gentleman, and Augustine Sprake, and Joan, his wife. Premises in Enfeld. Mich. Anno 4. Thomas Boraston and Humphrey Conyngesby, esquire, and Anne, his Avife. Premises in the county of Herts., and land in Great Stanmer, in the county of Middelsex. Mich. Anno 4. Edward Gylbard and Thomas Elryngton, esquire, and Beatrice, his wife. Premises in Totenham Hyghcrosse. ffil. Anno 4. Thomas Farneham, gentleman, and Sir Richard Lee, knight, and Margaret, his AvIfe, and Thomas Chaloner, and Joan, his Avife. Two messuages and gardens in the parish of St. Botolph, without Aldergate, London ; and a canal or aquaduct and leaden pipe from the great aquaduct called le Gret Conduct of the late Charter House, near London, to the same Charter House, to the said messuage (sic) running. ffil. Anno 4. WiUiam Moryce and Thomas Elryngton, esquire, and Beatrice, his wife. Premises in Tottenham and Edelmeton. Hil. Anno 4. John Wylkynson and Richard Sandys alias Sandes, and Joan, his Avife. Premises in Stratford at BoAve. Hil. Anno 4. EdAvard, duke of Somerset, and WUHam Gyes, and Cris tina, his Avife. An Inn called le Goto, and a garden. In the parish of the Blessed Mary de Stronde. Hil. Anno 4. 78 FEET or FINES. John Kej^sar and Thomas Elryngton, esquire, and Beatrice, his wife. The manor of Twyford alias Morteyns and premises In Tottenham and Edelmeton. Hil. Anno 4. Edward Gylbard and Jasper Fesaunt, esquire, and Mar garet, his Avifo. Land In Totenham and Edelmeton. ffil. Anno 4. Thomas Rowe and Mary, his wife, and Thomas Cohhill, gentleman, and Mary, his wife. Land in Hakney. ffil. Anno 4. John Mathell and Jasper Fesaut, esquire, and Margaret, his Avife. The manor of Wyllougbyes and premises in Edelmeton and Totenham. Hil. Anno 4. Thomas Saunders and Henry Chrozier, and Ellen, his Avife. Land in Hillyngdon. ffil. Anno 4. Henry Barnes, citizen and grocer, of London, and Barnard Hogborne, and Cecilia, his Avife. Land. In Woxbridge and Hjdlyngdon. Hil. Anno 4. Giles Harryson and Benjamin Gonson, esquire, and Ursula, his wife. A brew-house called le Redlyon, and two gardens in the parish of St. Botolph, in Est Smythfeld, next London. Hil. Anno 4. Christopher Baven and Humphrey Conyngesby, esquire, and Anne, his wife. Premises in the county of Herts., and land in Little Stanmer and Wliytchurche in the county of Middelsex. D.C. ffil. Anno 4. Edmund Windesore esquire, and Richard Jakson and Joan, his Avife, and Elizabeth Tyllj^er, widoAv. Premises in HarmesAvorth and Harlyngton. Remainder to George Tyllyer, son of Elizabeth. Easter Anno 5. Joan Garney, Avidow of Sir Clrristopher Garney, knight, and John Hardyng, and Cristina, his AvIfe. The moiety of the manor and advoAvson of Hardyngton otherAvise Harlyng ton. Easter Anno 5. Sir EdAvard Northe, knight, and AHce, his Avife, and Sir Thomas Chaloner, and Joan, his wife. Two messuages and gardens in the parish of St. Botolph, without Aldergate, London, and a canal or aquaduct and leaden pipe from the EDWARD A'l. 79 great aquaduct called le Gret Conduct of the late Charter House, near London, to the same Charter House, to the said messuage (sic) running. Easter Anno 5. Richard Browne and Beatrice, his wife, and Salomon Prowte, and John Butt, and Rose, his AvIfe, and Thomas Wylkynson, and Margaret, his Avife. Premises In Enfeld. Easter Anno 5. William Robyns and John Philips, and Agnes, his AvIfe. Premises in Stebenheth. Easter Anno 5. William Tooker, citizen and grocer, of London, and Thomas Elryngton, esquire, and Beatrice, his wife. Land in a close called Hattersfeld in Isselyngton. Easter Anno 5. Robert CroAvle, of Fyncheley, and Robert Shepard, of Runford, in the parish of Hornechurche. Premises in Fyncheley. Easter Anno 5. William Merett and Alice, his Avife, and Thomas EUryng- ton, esquire, and Beatrice, his wife. Premises in Hoxton. Easter Anno 5. William Lorchyn and Henry Rogers, and Elizabeth, his Avife. Premises in Stanes. Easter Anno 5. William Maynard, citizen and mercer, of London, and Sir John Pakyngton, and Humphrey Pakyngton, esquire. Premises in Fulham. Easter Anno 5. John Lambe and Richard Lambe and Richard Lee, and Joan, his Avife. Premises in Kylborne and Wyllesdon. Easter Anno 5. Thomas Metcalffe and Alice, his Avife, and John Mysharvye and Margaret, his wife. Premises in Enfeld. Easter Anno 5. WiUiam Cecill, esquire, one on the principal secretaries of the King, and Evan Luce, and Joan, his Avife. The manor of Bromley Hall, and premises in Bromley, Bromley Hall, Stratford at Bowe and Stepneth. Easter Anno 5. Robert Petytt and John Fylde, and Katherine, his wife, and Richard Manne, and Elizabeth, his Avife. Land in Southmymes. Easter Anno 5. Richard Malore and Ralph Barton, and Agnes, his wife. Premises in Tottenham. Easter Anno 5. 80 FEET OF FINES. John Ecelyston, citizen and grocer, of London, and Nicholas Askewe, and Alice, his Avife. Land in Tottenham. Easter Anno 5. John BroAvne, William Folde, Eustace Rypley, Robert Wrestlyng, Thomas Chesshyre, Cornelius Symonson, Richard BroAvne, WilHam Letson, Christopher Roper, John Hardyng, John DIxson, and Thomas Alforde, and William Breton, gentleman, and Elizabeth, his Avife. Premises in the parish of St. Andrew, Holborn. Easter Anno 5. John Stodderd and John Gordon. Premises in the parish of St. Michael, in Cornhill, London. L. Easter Anno 5. WilHam Warner, gentleman, and Beatrice, his wife, and Robert Wyse, gentleman, and Joan, his Avife. Premises in Enfeld. Mich. Anno 5. Henry Page and Henry Spelman, and Anne, his wife. Premises in Harrow on the HiU. Warranty against the lady Elizabeth Spelman. Muh. Anno 5. Ralph Davenant and John Grymston, gentleman, son and heir of John Grymston, deceased. Land called Colwell Longa, in Edelmeton, Avhich Agnes Grymston holds for life. Afich. Anno 5. Ralph Worthy otherwise Wynken and John Whytpayn, and EHzabeth, his wife, Nicholas Bradbelt, and Margaret, his wife. Premises in HoAvnslowe. Mich. Anno 5. Thomas Colepepyr, esquire, and Richard Marden, esquire, and lady Margery, his A\'ife. The site of the monastery of Clerkenwell and land in Clerkenwell. Mich. Anno 5. Ralph Davenaunt and Joan, his wife, and Edmund AskcAve, and Katherine, his Avife. Premises in Edelmeton. Midi. Anno 5. Ralph Davenaunt and John Grymston, gentleman, son and heir of John Grymston, deceased, and Bridget, his wife. Premises called Bakers Caneffeld, Shermans Croft, Ham- ynges, Patiykes, WeUffeld, Ratheffeld, Pyamoiirs magna and Pyamours parva, in Edelmeton. Afieh. Anno 5. John AyloAvorth and Thoracis Colepeper, esquire. The EDWARD VI. 81 site of the monastery of Clerkenwell, and land in Clerkenwell. Mich. Anno 5. Henry Clerke and Henry Fortescue, esquire, and Eliza beth, his wife. Premises called Gefferons, Pounceris, and Powys, otherwise Pouncys in South Mymmys. Mich. Anno 5. Thomas Whyte and William Doddys, esquire, and Eliza beth, his wife. The manor of Oldefford, and a messuage called Glossyters, and premises in Southmymmes, Hadley Monachorum, Goldynglane, and in the parish of St. Giles, Avithout Crepulgate, London. Mich. Anno 5. William Hodye, esquire, and Robert Morton, esquire, and Dorothy, his Avife. Messuage and garden in " Hyghhol- burne," in the parish of St. Andrew. Mich. Anno 5. John Wryght and John Dyghton, and Joan, his Avife. Premises in Enfeld. Hil. Anno 5. John Askewe and Emma Askewe, and John Browne and Cristina, his Avife. Premises in Tottenham and Edelmeton. Hil. Anno 5. WiUiam Malory, citizen and mercer, of London, and Charles Wryothesley alias Wyndesor, gentleman. A mes suage called Garterplace, In Barbycan, in the parish of St. Giles, without Crepulgate, London. Hit. Anno 5. Nicholas Bacon, esquire, and RIchardT Gooderyck, esquire, and Mary, his wife. Premises Avithin the site of the late House of Carmilite Frears, called " lez Whyte Frers, near Fletestrete," in the suburbs of the city of London. Hil. Anno 5. The King and Henry Polstede, esquire, and Alice, his Avife, daughter and heir of Robert Lorde alias Lawarde. Premises, &c., in the county of Surrey, and premises in the parish of St. Martin in the Fields, near Charyng-crosse, in the county of Middelsex. D.C. Hil. Anno 5. Thomas Starky, citizen and mercer, of London, and Thomas SkypAvyth, esquire, and Catherine, his wife. The third part of a messuage, &c., In the county of Kent, and the third part of a messuage, a garden, and orchard in Stepney alias Stepneheth, in the county of Middelsex. D.C. Hil. Anno 5. 62 FEET OE FINES. John Joye and John Sherewood, and Joan, his wife. Premises in Shordyche and Stepenhethe. Easter Anno 6. Francis Chamberlayne, gentleman, and Anne, his wife, and Walter Besowth, son and heij- of Johr Besowth. Premises in Hayes, Norwoode, and Southall. Easter Anno 6. Thomas Rowe, citizen and tailor, of London, and Maiy, his wife, and Sir Thomas Wentworth, knight. Lord Went- worth, and Mary, his wife. Premises in ShackeAveU and Hackeney. Easter Anno 6. Robert Ruddye and John Wylkynson, and Alice, his Avife. Premises in Stratford at Bowe. Easter Anno 6. WilHam Staunford, esquire, and Thomas Staunford, son of the aforesaid William, and Thomas Fowler, esquire, Joan Edwards, widow, and John Harry, yeoman. Three closes caUed Crabtree Fylde, Redmare, and Stretes Close, in Islyng ton and Mede Lane. Ea.ster Anno 6. John Thrusshe, citizen and " wolman," of London, and Richard Palady, gentleman, and Anne, his Avife. Premises iu the parish of St. Stephen, in Colman Strete, London. L. Easter Anno 6. Richard Poynter, citizen and draper, of London, and Richard Palady, gentleman, and Anne, his Avife. Premises in the parish of St. Stephen, in Colman Strete, London. L. Easter Anno 6. WilHam Smyth, citizen and fletcher, of London, and Richard Palady, gentleman, and Anne, his Avife. Premises in the parish of St. Stephen, in Colman Strete, London. L. Easter Anno 6. Richard Mershe and Richard Snowe, and AHce, his wife. The third part of a messuage, &c., in the county of Herts., and the third part of certain lands In Hendon, in the county of Middelsex. D.C. Easter Anno 6. Roger Woode and John Stamford, and Elizabeth, his wife. Premises in St. John's Strete. Trin. Anno 6. WiUiam Parker and WiUiam Hamerton, and Benedicta, his wife. Premises in Tottenham. Trin. Anno 6. Richard Redyng and Nicholas Segnour. Premises in Harrow Weelde. Trin. Anno 6. EDWARD VI. 83 Gilbert Rolfe and Henry Nele and WilHam Rolfe, and Joan, his wife. Land in Islyngton. Trin. Anno 6. Robert Good and Lewis Lawrence, and others. Premises in Stanes, Stanwell, and elsewhere (in calendar onlj'^). Trin. Anno 6. Stephen Cleybroke and Henry Hamonde, and Katherine, his wife. Premises in Fullam. Trin. Anno 6. Thomas Waylond and Richard Shaftesbmy, and Joan, his Avife. Premises In Heston. Trin. Anno 6. John Snellyng and William Hannell, and Isabella, his wife. Premises in Munkyn Hadley. Trin. Anno 6. Richard Lacy and Peter Wentworth and WiUiam Holland Premises in the city of London, and in the counties of Oxford, Essex, and Buckingham. D.C. Trin. Anno 6. Francis Morgan, Thomas PhiUippes, and WiUiam Faldo, and Richard Tate, and Anthony Woode. Premises, Avith a wharf, in the- parishes of the Blessed Mary, Wallechurche, St. Ellen, St. Mary Magdalene, St. Olave, St. Pancras, St. Peter in le West Chepe, St. Michael de Quenehithe, and le Blake Fryers, in the city of London ; and in St. Botolph, Avithout Aldgate, London. D. C. Trin. Anno 6. Henry Barnes and Mathew Fox, and Elizabeth, his wife. A garden in the parish of St. Giles, Avithout Crepulgate, London. Mich. Anno 6. Thomas Dobbys and Isabella Harryett, widow, and George Kemp, and Joan, his Avife. Premises in Fyncheley. Mich. Anno 6. William Roper, esquire, and John Hardyng, and Cristiana, his wife. The manor and advowson of Hardyngton alia Harlyngton. Mich. Anno 6. John MacheU and William Walshe, and Joan, his wife. William Browne, and Marion, his Avife, and William Hennys. Premises in Coworosse strete and Tourmelstrete, in the parish of St. Sepulchre, London. Afich. Anno 6. Richard Buckland, esquire, and John Edlyn, and Mar garet, his Avife. Premises in Clerkenwell. Mich. Anno 6. 84 FEET OF FINES. Barnard Ogbome and John Garrett, and Joan, his Avife. Premises in Woxbridge. Mich. Anno 6. Christopher Yavasour, the younger, gentleman, and Thomas Helme, clerk, and Ralph Wryne, esquire, and Ellen, his Avife. A messuage and garden in Phylpott Lane, London. Remainder to Sir WilHam Yavasom-, knight, and Lady EHzabeth, his wife. L. Afich. Anno 6. Richard Byrt alias Dey, and John Symondes, and Agnes, his wife. Premises in Southmymmes, and in the coimty of Hertford. D.C. Mich. Anno 6. Sir Edward North, knight, Edward Myrfyn, and WiUiam Gerrard, gentleman, and Sir Anthony Anchor, knight. Premises Avithin the precint of lez Blake Fryers, in the city of London, and premises in the county of Kent. D.C. Mich. Anno 6. WiUiam Harper, and Alice, his Avife, and John Docton. Premises in the parishes of St. Clement Danes and St. Andrew, In Holborne. Hil. Anno 6. William Maynard and Richard Walleston, and Joan, his wife. Premises in Fulham. Hil. Anno 6. Roger Weld and William Robyns alias Robynson and Joan, his AvIfe. Premises in Uxbridge. Hil. Anno 6. Henry Clerke and Thomas Doraston and others. Premises in Great Stanmer. Hil. Anno 6. Thomas EUott and Richard Seyntpere, and Avice, his Avif e. Two messuages in Tower strete, in the parish of St. Dunstan in the East, London. L. Hil. Anno 6. Richard Clyff and Juliana, his wife, and William Harper, and Alice, his wife. Premises in the parish of St. Andi-eAV, in Holborne. Easter Anno 7. Richard Edlyn and Hugh Wryght, and Mary, his wife. Premises In Pynnor and HarroAve. Easter Anno 7. WiUiam Jennyns, gentleman, and Francis Yaughan, esquire, and Anthony Yaughan, gentleman. Premises in Totehyll Strete, in Westminster. Easter Anno 7. William Yeo, gentleman, and Christopher Barnaby. Premises in Fulham. Easter Anno 7. Edward vi. 85 Margaret Hughes, Avidow, Justinian Hughes, gentleman, and Nicholas Hengscott, gentleman, and Thomas Saunders, and Elizabeth, his wife. Premises in Woxbryge. Easter Anno 7. Sir Roger Cholmeley, knight, and Thomas Hilton, gentle man, and Elizabeth, his wife. A close In Shortdyohe. Easter Anno 7. John MacheU and Jasper Fesant, esquire, and Margaret, his AvIfe. Premises In Totenham. Easter Anno 7. Thomas Burton and William Chamberlayn, and Joan, his wife. Premises in Chelchehith. Easter Anno 7. Walter, viscount Hereford and Sir Richard Southwell, knight, Richard Southwell alias Darssye, and Mary Leche alias Darssye. Premises, with orchards, In Aldersgate Strete, and Long Lane, in the parishes of Botolph, without Aiders- gate, and St. Sepulchre, without Newgate, in the suburbs of London. L. Easter Anno 7. Thomas Metcalf and Alice, his wife, and Guy Wade, gentleman, and Katherine, his wife. Premises In Stratford at Bowe and Stebenhethe, in the county of Middlesex, and premises, with a free fishery, in Stratford at Bowe, Steben hethe, and Westham, in the county of Essex. D. C. Easter Anno 7. William Alaughton and Bernard Ogbourn, and Cecilia, his Avife. Premises In Woxbridge. Trin. Anno 7. Thomas Whyttyngham, citizen and barber-surgeon of London, and Letitia, his wife, and Jasper Fesaunt, gentle man, and Margaret, his wife. Premises in Totenham. Trin. Anno 7. Hanse Hunter, of the city of Westminster, armourer, and John Grene, gentleman, and Joan, his wife. A messuage in Westminster. Trin. Anno 7. Ambrose Nicholas, citizen and Salter, of London, and Henry Hammond, gentleman, and Katherine, his wife, daughter and heir of Bartholomew Wyndeowt, gentleman, deceased. Premises in Bearestrete alias Fulhamstrete, in the parish of Fulham. Trin. Anno 7. FEET OF FINES. Henry Smythe, citizen and mercer, of London, and Sir Thomas Holcrofte, knight, and Juliana, his wife. A capital messuages and premises in the parish of Saynt MaryhyU, in the city of London. L. Trin. Anno 7. William Armer, gentleman, and Sir Thomas Holcroft, knight, and Juliana, his Avife. Premises in the parish of All Saints, Barkyng, in the city of London. L. Trin. Anno 7. Gilbert Gerrard, gentleman, and Richard Chysnall, and Sir Thomas Holcroft, knight, and Juliana, his Avife. Premises in the parishes of St. Clement Danes, St. Michael, Croked Lane ; St. Botolph, Avithout Aldersgate ; St. Dunstan in the East ; and All Saints, Barkyng, in the city of London ; and premises in Wylsden, Kylborne, Hampstede, and Popler ; and premises in divers places in the counties of Essex and Bedford. D.C. Trin. Anno 7. MARY. Thomas Amery and Clement Robertys, esquire, and Mary, his Avife. Premises in Idelstre, in the county of Hertford, and land in Edgeware, in the county of Middlesex. D.C. Mich. Anno 1. WiUiam Staunford, serjeant-at-law, and Henry Fortescue, esquire. Premises in Southmymmes, in the county of Middlesex, and land in Northmymmes, in the county of Hertford. D.C. Mich. Anno I. Margaret Luttrell, widow, late the Avife of Sir Andrew Luttrell, knight, deceased, and Thomas Luttrell, esquire, and George Speke, esquire. Two parts of premises and lands in the county of Somerset, and tAvo parts of premises in Chauncery Lane, in the county of Middlesex. D. C. Afich. Anno 1. George NiooUs, gentleman, and John Corbett, gentleman. Premises in the parishes of St. Peter, in Westcheape, and St. Mary Magdalene, in Mylkestreate, in the ward of Crepyl- MARY. 87 gate, London. Remainder to Agnes, wife of the said John. L. Afich. Anno 1. Ralph YeweU and John Cooke otherAvise Arthure, and AHce, his wife. Premises in Harmanesworth. Afich. Anno 1. William Page and John Warner, and Elizabeth, his wife. Premises in Harowe on the. Hill. Mich. Anno 1. WiUiam Staunford and Alice, his wife, and Thomas Fowler, and Alice, his wife. Premises in Iseldon otherwise Islington, Iseldon Barners, Holowaye, otherwise Nether- holowaye, and Barnersbery. Afich. Anno 1. Nicholas Holmes and Thomas Thometon and Humphrey Dymmocke, esquire, and IfHaxj, his wife. Premises in Fulham and Elyng. Mich. Anno 1. Robert Aldryche, gentleman, and Thomas Saunders, and Elizabeth, his wife. Premises in Hillyngdon, Uxbryge, and Colham. Mich. Anno 1. John Mosse and Henry Fortescue, esquire. Premises in Southmymes and Endfyld. Afich. Anno 1. Henry Myles and AHce, his Avife, and Michael Myles, and Elizabeth, his wife. Premises in the parish of St. Giles in the Fields. Mich. Anno 1. John Newdegate, the elder, esquire, John Newdegate, the younger, gentleman, and Mary, his wife, and Robert Tyrwhitt, esquire, and Elizabeth, his wife. The manor of Morehall, and premises, including the church, in Herefelde. Mich. Anno 1. Robert Wolman and Thomas Saunders, and Elizabeth, his wife. Premises in Hyllyngdon. Mich. Anno 1. WiUiam Yernon and EHzabeth Kyng, widow, and WiUiam Rede, gentleman. Premises in Enfeld. Afich. Anno 1. Thomas Smythson and Robert Pounte, and Margaret, his wife, and Alexander Crosyer, son and heir of John Crosyer. Premises in Wyllesdon. Mich. Anno 1. William Churchman and Roger Grene, gentleman. Land in Popler and Stepney. Mich. Anno 1. Laurence Tylman otherwise Tyman, and Alice, his Avife, and John Franke, and Agnes, his wife. Premises in Est 00 FEET OF FINES. Smythfeld, in the parish of St. Botolph, Avithout Algate, London. Hit. Anno 1. Sir John Gresham, alderman, of London, and John South- cote, gentleman, and Thomas Leveson, citizen and mercer, of London, and Ursula, his wife. Premises In Iseldon alias Islyngdon, Holwaye, and Edmunton. Hil. Anno 1. John Warley and Thomas Marowe, and Alice, his AvIfe. Premises in Stebunheth, and Popler. Hil. Anno 1. Robert Ostre and John Keyser, and Barbara, his wife, and WilHam Milton, and Katherine, his wife. Premises in Edmonton. Hil. Anno 1. James Richardson and John Roberies, and Thomas Robertes, esquire, and Margery, his wife. Premises in Clerkenwell. Easter Anno 1. The mayor, commonalty, and citizens, of London, and Robert Melysshe, and Elizabeth, his wife. Nine messuages and gardens in Goldynglane, in the parish of St. Giles, without Crepulgate. Easter Anno 1. Robert Hartop, gentleman, and WilHam Fowler, gentle man, and Margaret, his wife. Premises in " Seynt Johns Strete." Easter Anno 1. Anthony Antonye, of London, gentleman, and Humphrey Smyth otherwise Newaye, of the parish of St. Botolph, without Algate, London, smith, and Hugh Losse, esquire, and Agnes, his wife. Messuages, wharfes, and premises in Est Smythfelde. Easter Anno 1. Thomas Cams and George Frevile, esquires, and Sir William Paget, K.G., lord Paget of Beawdesert, and Anne, his wife. The manors of Drayton otherwise called West Drayton, Harmondesworth, Puryplace, Padbury otherAvise called Padbers, Luddjmgton, and Barnards, and premises including four mills, In Drayton, West Drayton, Hai'inondes- worth, Sibbeston, Hitherowe, Longforde, Pmyplace, Padbury otherwise Padbers, Malynghawe, Luddyngton, Barnards, and Rieslyppe, and view of frankpledge in Drayton, and the advowson of the churches of Drayton and Harmondesworth, in the county of Middlesex ; and manor of Beaudesert and PHILIP AND MARY. 89 lands, including iron and coal mines, in the county of Stafford ; and various manors and lands in the counties of Derby and .Buckingham. Mention of Sir Cliristopher Aleyn, knight, and Sir Henry Lee, knight. Remainders. D.C. Trin. Anno 1. Edmund Smyth, and Alice, his wife, and John Fitz, gentle man, and Anne, his wife, and John Gardyner. Premises in the parish of St. Clement Danes. Trin. Anno 1. Thomas Leigh, citizen and alderman, of London, and Edward Elrington, esquire. Premises in Shordyche and Hoggeston otherwise Hoggesdon. Trin. Anno 1. Sir Roger Cholmeley, knight, and Thomas Leyton, and Elizabeth, his wife. Premises in Shortedyche. Trin. Anno 1. PHILIP AND MARY. Anne Twolarge, widow, and Owen Cliine, and Richard Semper otherwise Sentpyer, citizen and draper, of London, and Avice, his wife. Two messuages in the parish of St. Andrew Hubbert, London. L. Mich Anno 1 and 2. John Adyngton and Christopher Adyngton and Agnes Syke, Avidow, Ellen Adyngton, and Margery Adyngton, daughters of WiUiam Adyngton, late of Banbury, in the county of Oxford. The moiety of three messuages in the parish of St. Antony, in London. L. Mich. Anno 1 and 2. Thomas Dale and John Whytehorne, and Agnes, his wife. Premises in Westminster. Mich. Anno 1 and 2. Sir Roger Cholmeley, knight, and Christiana, his wife, and Sir Thomas LoveU, knight,' and Elizabeth, his AvIfe, and George Lovell, gentleman. Premises In IIoUoAvaye and Isseldon. Mich Anno 1 and 2. John Sympson and Thomas Warde, and Margaret, his wife, and Ralph Baxter, and Joan, his Avife. Premises in Estbed- fount and Hatton. Mich. Anno 1 and 2. 90 FEET OP FINES. William Budder and Constance, his Avife, and John Keyser. and Barbara, his wife, one of the daughters and heirs of Martin Daggworth. Premises in Edmonton. Mich. Anno 1 and 2. Roger Trygge, gentleman, and Thomas Devyne otherwise Deane, and Elizabeth, his wife, late the wife of Giles Harry son, deceased. A messuage anc orewhouse -jailed '¦ le Reed Lyon," and two gardens in the parlsii of .3t. Botolph in Est Smythefeld, near London, and other premises. In the parish of St. Botolph. Mich. Anno 1 anc 2. John Drauer, citizen and draper, of London, and Eliza beth, his wife, and Edward Saunders, one of the Justicef of the Commor .Bench, and Margaret, hif ¦"vife, ond Thomas Carewe, gentleman The moiety of the manor 'f Rombelles otherAA'ise RumboUes, and of premises in otebunheth. Mich. Anne J and 2. John Whytehorne and WilHam AUexander, gentleman, and Anne nis wife. A messuage in Westminster. Mich. Anno 1 and 2. Stephen Cleybroke and WilHam Tracy, ano EHzabeth, his Avife. Premises in Westminster. Mich. Anno 1 and 2. WilHair- Parker, citizen and draper, oi London, ind Sir Edward North, knight. Lord North of Byrtlyng, and Alice, his wife rhe manor of Duckettes. anc' premises in Totten ham, Harnesey, .and Duckettes Mich. Anno 1 and 2. Gilbert Gerrard. esquire, and Hugh Wryght, of Earrow upon the Hill, esquire. Premises in Harrow apon the Hill. Hil. Anno I and 2. Robert .Euncke, gentleman, and Mathev Norton, and dementia, his Avife Premises, called Whytewelles, in Enfeld. ffil. Anno 1 and 2. John .rermyn^ o'tizen and innholder, of London, and Christopher Campyon, citizen and mercer, of London, and Agnes, his wife. Land in BysshoppeshaU, in the parish of the Blessed Mary Matfelon, without Algate, London. //('/. Anno 1 and 2. PHILIP AND MARY. 91 Laurence Elyott and Richard Bydon, esquire. Premises in Godalyng and MUford, in the parish of Witley. Hil. Anno 1 and 2. Benedict Spynola, merchant of Genoa, and Thomas Col shiU, and Mary, his wife. Premises in Hakeney. Hil. Anno 1 and 2. Stephen Coldewell and Gerald Legh and John Gylmen, gentleman, and Ellen, his wife. A messuage caUed '' le Whyte Swanne," in the parish of St. Botolph, near Byllyngesgate. L. Easter Anno \ and 2. Thomas Awtye and Edmund Tyllyarde, and Agnes, his wife. Premises m Harrow. Easta Anno .1 and 2. Peter Baseley and John Barnes, and SlblUa, his wife. Premises in the parish of St. Giles in the Fields. Easter Anno 1 and 2. Thomas Spence, citizen and mercer, of London, and Robert Clerke, citizen and haberdasher, of London. Premises in the parish of St. Sepulchre, in West Smythfeld, in the suburbs of London. Easter Anno \. and 2. William BeUamy, gentleman, and Roger Bellamy. A brewhouse and premises in Hadley and Edmonton. Easter Anno 1 and 2. Sir Roger Cholmeley and lady Christiana, his wife, and Thomas Fowler, esquire, and Alice, his wife. Premises, with three acres of land covered with water, in Isseldon. Easter Anno 1 and 2. Alan Harrowe and Ralph Whasshe, and Margaret, his wife, and Thomas Whasshe. Premises in Fulham. Easter Anno 1 and 2. Robert Theccher and John Horion, and Blanche, his wife. Premises in Stanes. Easter Anno I and 2. Edmund Hampden, gentleman, and William Greynder, and Felicia, his Avife. .Premises in Lyttelton, Sunberye, and Sheperton. Easter Anno 1 and 2. William Pyckley and William Bourne, and Joan, his Avife. A messuage called Dynes, and premises in Feltham. Easter Anno 1 and 2. 92 FEET OE EINES. Thomas Gardner and Robert Hayes, gentleman, and Alice, his Avife. Premises in Enfeld. Easter Anno 1 and 2. WUHam BlakwaU, gentleman, cnid Margaret, his Avife, and George HaU, gentleman, son and heir of John Hall, gentle man. Premises in Hendon. Easter Anno 1 and 2. Richard Edlen and Richard Snowe, and Alice, his wife. The third part premises in Tatrldge, in the county of Hert ford ; and Hendon, in the county of Middlesex. D. C. Trin. Anno 1 and 2. Thomas Ferneham, gentleman, and Thomas Wright, and Thomas Leigh, esquire. Premises In Hallywell, Shordisshe, Hargolston, and Stebenneth, in the county of Middlesex ; and premises in the county and city of York. D.C. Trin. Anno 1 and 2. Richard Lee and Oliver Armestronge. Premises in Wyllesdon. Trin. Anno 1 and 2. John Keble, gentleman, and Michael Archer, gentleman. Premises in London. Remainders to Roger MauAvood. L. Trin. Anno 2 and 3. Richard Weston and Gilbert Gerard, esquires, and John Dormer, citizen and merchant, of London, son of Sir Michael Dormer, knight, deceased. Premises in the parish of St. Lam-ence, Old Jewry, London, in the ward of Creplegate. L. Midi. Anno 2 and 3. John Aysshe and John Gylmen, gentleman, and EUen, his wife. Five messuages in the parishes of St. Margaret, in Bridgestrete, next Roderlane, of S. Leonard in Estchepe, and of St. Andrew Hubberd in Estchepe. Mention of Richard Adam. Remainders to Nicholas Chatfeld. L. Mich. Anno 2 and 3. Chrlstoper Bumsted and George Pekham, gentleman, and John Reynolds, and Christiana, his Avife. Premises In Holy well. Mich. Anno 2 and 3. Philip Stone and Anne, his wife, and William Ferrys, and Cecilia, his wife. Premises in Kensyngton. Afich. Anno 2 and 3. PHILIP AND MARY. 93 Thomas Warner, otherwise Butler, and Beatrice, his wife, and Thomas Kynwelmershe, gentleman, and Mary, his wife. Premises in Westminster. Mich. Anno 2 and 3. John Mascall and Dorothy, his wife, and Sir Thomas Chaloner, knight, and Joan, his wife. Land in Shordyche, Halywell, Hoggeston, and Hackney. Afich. Anno 2 and 3. John Snowe, the younger, and Catherine, his wife, and William Harryson, and Isabella, his AvIfe, and Thomas Harryson, son and heir of the same William. Land in Fyncheley. Afich. Anno 2 and 3. Eliseus Hartoppe, gentleman, and Robert Andrewe, gentle man, and Elizabeth, his wife. Premises in the parish of St. Botolph. Hil. Anno 2 and 3. Robert Good and Antony Maxey, gentleman. Premises in Stanes, Estbedfount, and Laleham. Hil. Anno 2 and 3. Edward Gryffyn, esquire, attorney-general, and William Hiiddy othei'AvIse Hoody, esquire. Premises in the parish of St. Andrew, in High Holborne without the Bars. Hil. Anno 2 and 3. Robert Bedell and Ambrose Nicolas, citizen and Salter, of London, and Jane, his wife. Premises in Fulham. ffil. Anno 2 and 3. John Wetherhyll and Thomas Dovyn, and Elizabeth, his Avife. Premises in the parish of St. dare, within the precincts of the late house or priory of the Minories, without Algate. Hil. Anno 2 and 3. Sir William Paget, K.G., lord Paget of Beawdesert, and Thomas Cams, esquire, and Walter Tupper, gentleman. Premises in St. dement Danes. Hil. Anno 2 and 3. John Oraythorne and Margaret, his Avife, and Thomas Punchyn, gentleman, and Catherine, his Avife. A messuage called " le Bell Savage," otherwise " le BeU Savoy," and premises in Flete Street, in the parish of St. Bride, and In the parish of St. Martin in " Bowyerrowe," London. L. ffil. Anno 2 and 3. Richard TotthiU and Robert Holbeck, and Jartruda (sic) 94 FEET OF FINES. his wife. Premises in the parish of St. Dunstan, in the West, London. L. Easter Anno 2 and 3. John Colte, gentleman, and John Gryggys, and Henry Colte, gentleman, son and heir apparent of George Colte, esquire, and EHzabeth, his wife. The manor of Suffokes, and premises in Enfeld, in the county of Middlesex, and land in the county of Essex. D.C. Easter Anno 2 and 3. WilHam NiohoUs and Thomas NichoUs, his son, and Sir Charles Stourton, knight, lord Stourton, and lady Anne, his wife. Premises in the parish of St. Margaret, Avithin the city of Westminster. Easter Anno 2 and 3. WiUiam ColshyU, gentleman, and John Cotton, gentleman, and Elizabeth, his wife. Premises in Westminster. Easter Anno 2 and 3. Giles Isham, esquire, Gregory Isham, and John Isham, and Henry Belamy, citizen and mercer, of London, and Ella, his wife. Premises in Hadley and Southmymes. Easter Anno 2 and 3. John Whitpayne and Thomas Hilton, and EHzabeth, his Avife. Premises in the parish of St. Leonard, in Sordyche. Easter Anno 2 and 3. Thomas Leigh, citizen and alderman, of London, and Sir Roland Hyll, knight, and Sir Thomas Holcrofte, knight, and Juliana, his wife. Premises in Willesdon, Kylborne, and Hamsted. Easter Anno 2 and 3. William Rous and Richard Welby, esquire, and Dorothy, his wife. Land in Greneford. Easter Anno 2 and 3. The master, fellows, and scholars of Balliol College, Oxford, and Thomas Roberth otherwise Robards, esquire, and Margery, his wife, late the Avife of Sir Walter Hendley, knight. Premises within the precincts of the late monastery of ClerkeuAveU, in Clerkenwell. Easter Anno 2 and 3. Sir Thomas Pope, knight, and EHzabeth, his wife, and Thomas Roberth otherwise Robards, esquire, and Margery, his wife, late the Avife of Sir Walter Hendlej^, knight. The site and messuage of the late house or monastery of Clerkyn weU, &c., in ClerkynweU. Easter Anno 2 and 3. PHILIP AND MARY. 95 John stone and Henry Campyon, gentleman. Premises in Totenham. Easter Anno 2 and 3. John Merye and Thomas Marrowe, esquire, and Alice, his wife. Land in the parish of St. Leonard in Shordiche. Eastei Anno 2 and 3. William Mounsaugh and William Byrde, and Agnes, his wife. Land in Hyllyngdon and Cowley. Trin. Anno 2 and 3. Richard BroAvne and Roger Smyth, and Margaret, his wife. Land in Est Bedfount. Trin. Anno 2 and 3. Thomaj OfHey, citizen and alderman, of London, and Robert Hennage, and Margaret, his wife. Land in Hackeney Trin. Anno 2 and 3. John Harryson, citizen and goldsmith, of London, and William Hobson, and Anne, his wife. Premises in Totnam and Edmondton. Trin. Anno 2 and 3. Thomas Leigh, citizen and alderman, of London, and James Brande, gentleman, and Agnes, his wife. Land in Islyngton. Trin. Anno 2 and 3. Sir WilHam Paget, K.G., lord Paget of Beawdesert, and John Taylor, gentleman, and Alice, his wife. Premises in the parish of St. Clement Danes, and Stronde. Trin. Anno 2 and 3. John Stretes, citizen and in holder, of London, and Thomas Broke, esquire, and Anne, his wife, and Henry BroAvn, merchant of the staple of Calais, and Catherine, his wife. Premises in the parish of St. AndrcAV, Holborn. Notes of Fines. Trin. Anno 2 and 3. EHzabeth Parr, widow, and William Rawlynsons, and Agnes, his wife. A messuage in the parish of St. Sepulchre, in the ward of Fanyngdon Without. L. Mich. Anno 3 and 4. Oavcu Clune and John Yillers, gentleman, and Thomasina, his wife, Richard Semper and Avice, his wife, Nicholas Mowyer, and Joan, his AvIfe. Premises in the parishes of St. Andrew Hubbert and St. Margaret Patens, and in Smyth 96 FEET OF FINES. Lane otherAvise Smythes Lane, and Philpot Lane otherwise Phylpote Lane, in the city of London. L. Afich. Anno 3 and 4. Edward Broke and Richard Broke ami Thomas Carewe, esquire. The moiety of premises in London. L. Mich. Anno 3 and 4. Andrew Tusser and Thomas Tusser, gentleman, and Margery his wife, and Humphrey Chesshier. Premises in the parish of St. Clement Danes. Mich. Anno 3 and 4. Thomas Doughtye and Derick Lyghtesfoot, and Agnes, his wife. Premises in the parish of St. Clement Danes. Midi. Anno 3 and 4. Richard Garthe, gentleman, and Henry Michell, and Elizabeth, his wife, and Samson Michell. Premises in Chauncery Lane, within the parish of St. Dunstan in the West, London. Mich. Anno 3 and 4. John PuUiver and Robert Wood, and Joan, his Avife. Premises in Norton Folgate. Afich. Anno 3 and 4. William Yeysey and Richard Mansf eld, and Jane, his AA-ife, daughter and coheir of Robert Asteley. The moiety of premises in " Sent John's Strete," St. Sepulchre, and St. Martin in the Fields. Mich. Anno 3 and 4. George Clopton, gentleman, and Thomas Rydley, and Margaret, his wife. The moiety of land In the parish of St. Giles, without Crepulgate. Mich. Anno 3 and 4. Sir Gilbert Detliyke, knight, and Sir Thomas Holcroste, knight, and Juliana, his wife. Land in Stebunhuthe. Mich. Anno 3 and 4. Henry Campyon and Clement Pope, and Margaret, his wife, daughter and heir of Alice Cooke, late the Avife of Richard Cooke, deceased, sister and heir of Henry Courtman, deceased. Premises in Tottenham. Mich. Anno 3 and 4. Edmund Wyndsore and George Hadley, esquires, and Miles Goodwyn, and Anne, his Avife. Premises in Laleham. Remainders to Thomas Goodwyn, son of the aforesaid Miles, and Anne. Mich. Anno 3 and 4. PHILIP AND MARY. 97 Henry Page and WilHam Page and WiUiam Whyte, the elder, gentleman, and John Whyte, son of the aforesaid William. The manor of Cofers otherwise Coferers, otherwise Kyngsbery, and premises, Avith site of a water miU, and free fishery in the water of Braynt otherAvise Brayntbrydge,and In Kyngesbery, Wyllesdon and Hendon. Mich. Anno 3 and 4. William Bromley, gentleman, and Robert Fletewoode, gentleman, and Agnes, his wife. Premises in Perecrofte felde, and Cowley Peche, otherwise Coveley, Mich. Anno 3 and 4. Richard Haddon and Thomas Bradforih and Hugh Fyssher, and Joan, his wife. Premises in Shordyche. Mich. Anno 3 and 4. Richard Shorwood and John Welbeck, gentleman, and Alice, his wife. Premises in Istelworth, Twyckenham, Worton and Whitton. Remainders to the Agmondesham family. Mich. Anno 3 and 4. Thomas Curtys, citizen and alderman, of London, and Thomas Hilton, and EHzabeth, his wife. Premises in Hoggerston, in the parish of St. Leonard in Shordyche. Mich. Anno 3 and 4. Geoffrey Walkeden, citizen and skinner, of London, and Margaret, his wife, and Edward Gylbert, citizen and gold smith, of London, and Alice, his wife. Premises in Toten ham. Mich. Anno 3 and 4. Geoffrey Walkeden, citizen and skinner, of London, and Margaret, his wife, and Henry Campyon, citizen and mercer, of London, and Margaret, his wife. Premises in Totenham. Mich. Anno 3 and 4. Geoffrey Walkeden, citizen and skinner, of London, and Margaret, his wife, and Clement Pope, and Margaret, his wife. Premises in Tottenham otherwise Totnam. Mich. Anno 3 and 4. Edward Broke and Richard Broke and Thomas Carewe, esquire. Land in Stepenhyth and Hakney. Mich. Anno 3 and 4. G 98 FEET OF FINES. Stephen Claybroke and Henry Parker, gentleman. Two messuages in London. L. flil. Anno 3 and 4. William Austen and Hugh Robertson and Anne, his Avife. Premises in Hoxton, in the parish of Shordyche. Hil. Anno 3 and 4. Ranulf Cholmeley, esquire, recorder of the city of London, and William Parker, citizen and clothier, of London, and Margery, his wife. Land in Haryngey. Hil. Anno 3 and 4. The king and queen and Adrian Stokes, esquire, and lady Frances, duchess of Suffolk, his wife, daughter and coheir of Charles, late duke of Suffolk, deceased, Sir Henry Stanley, knight, lord Straunge, and Margaret, his Avife, daughter and heir of Eleanor, late countess of Cumberland, deceased, another daughter and coheir of the aforesaid duke, and Sir WiUiam Stanley, knight, son and heir of Mary, late lady Mountegle, deceased, another daughter and coheir of the aforesaid duke, and Anne, his wife. The capital messuage or mansion, commonly called Suffolke Place, otherAvise called Norwyche Place, and premises in the parish of St. Martin- in-the-Fields. ffil. Anno 3 and 4. John Barker and John Warner. Premises in Hendon. Hil. Anno 3 and 4. Richard Bull and Stephen Bull and George Barley, and Eleanor, his wife. Land in Stebenheth. Hil. Anno 3 and 4. Anne Fyssher, Avidow, and WilHam Whyte, citizen and merchant taillor, of London, and Elizabeth, his Avife. Premises in Chelsyth, otherAvise Chelsej^ Hil. Anno 3 and 4. John Goddard, the elder, and Robert Preston, and IsabeUa, his Avife. Premises in Endfeld. Hil. Anno 3 and 4. WilHam Franklyne and Margaret, his wife, and Richard Franklyne, and Goditha, his Avife. Premises in Hendon. Hil. Anno 3 and 4. John Semer, otherwise Holden, and John Lofte, and Agnes, his Avife, Oswald Davy, and Emeria, his Avife, and IsabeUa Budder, widoAv, daughters of Robert Semer, other wise Holden. A messuage called " Stacy," and half an acre of land in Enfelde. Hil. Anno 3 and 4. PHILIP AND MARY. 99 Henry Broun, merchant of the staple of Calais, and Thomas Broke, esquire, and Anne, his wife. The moiety of three messuages and land in the parishes of St. Andrew, in Holborne, St. Pancras, and St. Sepulchre. Hil. Anno 3 and 4. Thomas Blake and Roland Browne and Elizabeth Gryffyn, widow. Premises in Est Bedfount and West Bedfount. Remainders to Henry Blake and Joan, his Avife. Hil. Anno 3 and 4. Hugh Griffith, gentleman, and Richard Gwyn, gentleman, and Henry Fortescew, esquire. Manors and lands in the counties of Essex and Hertford, and the manor of Browke- mans otherwise Brokemanns, and premises in Northmyms and Southmyms, in the county of Middlesex. D.C. Easter Anno 3 and 4. William Nicholson and Geoffrey LcAves, and Ellen, his wife. Fourteen messuages in the parish of St. Giles, with out Crepulgate, London. L. Easter Anno 3 and 4. William Foorth, esqmre, and Joan Knyght, widow, Richard Knyght, the younger, son of Humphrey Knyght, and William Knyght, son and heir of the same Humphrey. Premises in the parish of St. Andrew, next Christchurche. L. Easter Anno 3 and 4. Alvered Mychell, gentleman, and Richard Hylton, and Elizabeth, his Avife. Premises and a wharf in the parish of St. Michael, next Quenehith, London. L. Easter Anno 3 and 4. Richard Tebold, gentleman, and John Dodyngton, and William Dodyngton, gentlemen. Premises in the parish of St. Bartholomew the Great, Avithin a close there called Great Saynte BartholomeAves Close, in Westsmythfylde, London. L. Easter Anno 3 and 4. Richard Patchett and William Honysdon, and Margery, his wife. Premises in Enfeld. Easter Anno 3 and 4. George Basford, citizen and " lether-seller," of London, and Francis Bertye, gentleman, and Catherine, his Avife. Premises in Hakeney. Easter Anno 3 and 4. 100 FEET OF FINES. WUHam BlackweU, gentleman, and John Spycer, and John Forster, and Agnes, his Avife. Premises in Edgeware. Easter Anno 3 and 4. Sir Arthur Darcy, knight, and Antony Browne, viscount Mountague, and Magdalen, his wife. A capital messuage called " Le Neate," and premises in the parish of St. Martin in the Fields. Easter Anno 3 and 4. Henry Nedeler and William Dene, gentleman, and Mar garet, his wife. Premises in Istylworthe, Twyckenham, and Brayntforth. Easter Anno 3 and 4. Roger Harreyonge, and Anne Armorer, widow, and Thomas Marrowe, esquire, and Alice, his wife. Land in Hoxton, in the parish of St. Leonard, in Shordyche. Mention of Margaret Hareyonge, Avidow. Easter Anno 3 and 4. Thomas Haddon and Alice, his wife, and Thomas Marrow, esquire, and AHce, his wife. Premises in Hoxton, in the parish of St. Leonard, in Shordyche. Mention of Margaret Hareyonge, widow. Easter Anno 3 and 4. William Drowte, citizen and baker, of London, and Sir Francis Jobson, of Colchester, in the county of Essex, knight, and Elizabeth, his wife. Land in Stebunheth and Popler. Easter Anno 3 and 4. John Duck apd Cecilia, his Avife, and Thomas Marrowe, esquire, and Alice, his Avife. Premises in Hoxton, in the parish of St. Leonard, in Shordyche. Mention of Margaret Hareyonge, widow. Easter Anno 3 and 4. John Day, otherwise Byxte, and Humphrey Raynoldes, and Mary, his wife. Land in Southmj'mes. Easter Anno 3 and 4. Thomas Motte and Emeria, his Avife, and Thomas Hounes don, and Alice, his wife. Premises in Enfelde. Easter Anno 3 and 4. Richard Buckland and Oliver Seynt John, esquire, and Agnes, his Avife. Premises in the parish of St. Giles, Avithout Crepulgate, London ; and premises in the parishes of St. Giles, without Crepulgate, and St. Botolph, without Alders- PHILIP AND MARY. 101 gate, London, in the county of Middlesex. D.C. Trin. Anno 3 and 4. John Tamworthe, esquire, and Sir William Cavindyshe, knight, and Elizabeth, his Avife. Premises and two " passages, called alleys " in the parish of St. Botolph, with out Aldrychgate, London. Warranty against Nicholas Bacon and Thomas Smyth. L. Trin. Anno 3 and 4. Robert Huycke, esquire, and Augustine Sprake, and Joan, his wife. Premises in Enfeld. Trin. Anno 3 and 4. George Harryson and John Barnes. Premises in the parish of St. Giles in the Fields. Trin. Anno 3 and 4. John Longe and William Dodds, esqmre, and Elizabeth, his wife, daughter and heir of Henry Frowyke, esquire, deceased, and Henry Conysby, otherwise Conyngsby, son and heir apparent of the said Elizabeth. The manor of Gloucetors, and premises in the parish of St. Giles, Avithout Creplegate. Trin. Anno 3 and 4. John Rydgeley, citizen and scrivener, of London, and George Sympcott, gentliman. A messuage and garden in the parish of St. Dunstan, in the West in Fletestrete, in the suburbs of London. Mention of Margaret Garrarde, widow. Warranty against the heirs of WiUiam Garrarde, citizen and scrivener, of London, deceased. L. Mich. Anno 4 and 5. Francis Morgan, serjeant-at-law, and Sir WiUiam Butt, knight, and Jane, his wife. Premises in " le Whyte Freers," London. L. Mich. Anno 4 and 5. Robert Cm-son and William Doddes, and EHzabeth, his wife, and Henry Conyngesby. Premises in Wenlockes Barne. Mich. Anno 4 and 5. Robert Petyt and Nicholas Haliwell, and Mary, his wife. Land in Southmymes. Afich. Anno 4 and 5. John Ridgeley, gentleman, and Margaret, his Avife, and WiUiam Rolfe, and Joan, his wife. Land in Islyngton. Mich. Anno 4 and 5. Richard Bacon and Joan, his wife, and Richard Bentley, and Alice, his Avife. Premises in the parish of St. Andrew, in Holburne. Mich. Anno 4 and 5. 102 FEET OF FINES. •John Peso and Thomas Wysse, gentleman, and Anne, his wife. Premises in the parish of the Blessed Mary Matfelon. Mich. Anno 4 and 5. Rose Trott, widoAV, and WiUiam Heybome, citizen and clothworker, of London, and Catherine, his Avife. Land in Fyncheley. Afich. Anno 4 and 5. Thomas Davie, citizen and clothworker, of London, and Robert Bales, citizen and skinner, of London, and Anne, his wife. Premises in Shordiche, and in the parish of St. Leonard, in Shordiche, Avithout Bissippegate. Mich. Anno 4 and 5. John Wase, citizen and brewer, of London, and Robert Ipgrave, citizen and " brotherer," [embroiderer] of London, and Richard Broke, and Cliristiana, his wife. Premises iu "Seynt Johns Streate," in the parish of St. Sepulchre, without Newgate, and Clerkenwell. Mich. Anno 4 and 5. John Gratton and William Amondesham, esquire, and AHce, his wife. Premises in Hounslowe. Afich. Anno 4 and 5. John Thomas, Lancelot Blomevyle, and John Rivett, and Francis Chaloner, gentleman, and Agnes, his Avife, and John Turner, otherwise Bowyer. Premises in Hogston, otherwise Hoxston. Afich. Anno 4 and 5. Thomas Roo, citizen and merchant taUor, of London, and Thomas Elryngton, esquire. Thirty acres of pasture caUed " Mayfeld and Brodelease," in Hackney. Mich. Anno 4 and 5. Edward BlackweU, gentleman, and Alice, his wife, and William Blakwell, gentleman, and Margaret, his Avife. Premises in the county of Essex, and premises in Edgeware, Ilestre, and Enfeld otherAvise Endefeld, in the county of Middlesex. D.C. ffil. Anno 4 and 5. John Wysse and George Yeo and John Broke, son and heir of John Broke. Premises in " Seynt MycheU," in Bassyeshall, in the county of the city of London ; premises in Enveld, the county of Middlesex ; and land and premises in the counties of Essex and Hertford. D.C. Hil. Anno 4 and 5. PHILIP AND MARY. 103 Assheton Aylworth, gentleman, and Alexander Wrlght- ington, gentleman, and Juliana, his wife. Premises in the parish of St. Bartholomew the Great, next Westsmythfeld, London. L. Hil. Anno 4 and 5. Assheton Aylworth, gentleman, and George Maxey, and Jane, his Avife. A messuage in the close of St. Bartholomew the Great, in Westsmythfeld, London. L. Hil. Anno 4 and 5. John Hewes and William Blakwell, gentleman, and Mar garet, his wife, and Edward Blakwell, gentleman, and Alice, his wife. Land in Edgeware. Remainders to Thomas BlakweU, son of the said William. Hil. Anno 4 and 5. William Bellamye, esquire, and Roger Bellamye. Premises, a " bruehouse," and 16 acres of meadow called " Chympens," in Hadleyghe, otherwise Hadley. Hil. Anno 4 and 5. William Robertes and Hugh Bachelor, and Margaret, his wife. Premises in Hees. Mention of George, Charles, WiUiam, John, and Joan Spencer, Alice Robson, and Bridget Sadler. Hil. Anno 4 and 5. William More and Elizabeth, his wife, and John Cotton, gentleman, and Elizabeth, his Avife. Premises in West minster. Hil. Anno 4 and 5. John Garrard and William Garrard and Roger Andrewe, and Emeria, his wife. Premises in Enfeld. Hit. Anno 4 and 5. Robert Hutton and DreAV Saunders. The manor of Cowley Hall, and land in Hyllyngdon. Hit. Anno 4 and 5. William Deynes and Henry CoUen and WilHam Holt, gentleman. Premises in the parish of St. Mary atte Ax. Easter Anno 4 and 5. Thomas Martyn and Margaret, his Avife, and Sir WiUiam Staunford, knight, and AHce, Ins wife. Premises in Nether- holoAvay. Easter Anno 4 and 5. Sir Francis Jobson, knight, and Bridget Cardyn, Avidow. The site of the manor of Popler, and premises in Popler, Stratford atte Bowe", and Stepneth. Easter Anno 4 and 5. 104 FEET OF FINES. Reginald Wyberd, yeoman, and Edward Blakwell, gentle man, and AHce, his Avife. Premises in Enfeld. Easter Anno 4 and 5. Gilbert Gerrarde, esquire, and Hugh Wright, esquire, and Mary, his Avife. Premises in Harrowe and Grrenford. Easter Anno 4 and 5. Thomas Grevell and Joan, his wife, and John Longe, and Isabella, his Avife. The manor of Glouceters, and premises in the parish of St. Giles, Avithout Creplegate. Easter Anno 4 and 5. Thomas Marrowe, esquire, and Arthur Redfeme, and Sir Thomas Essex, knight, and Margaret, his Avife, and Thomas Essex, esquire, son of the aforesaid Sir Thomas Essex, knight, and Margaret, and Jane, wife of the aforesaid Thomas, the son. The manor of Kensyngton, and premises in Kensyngton and WestoAvne ; also premises in Fulham. Remaiaders. Easter Anno 4 and 5. Sir Arthur Darcy, knight, and Dennis Toppes, esquire, and Dorothy, his wife. Premises in " Sermon Lane," in the parish of St. Mary Magdalene. L. Trin. Anno 4 and 5. Francis Gille, gentleman, and Henry Garnett, gentleman, and Henry Walter, gentleman, and Anne, his wife, daughter and heir of Hugh Fenne, late of Stebunhithe, gentleman. Premises in Stebunhithe. Trin. Anno 4 and 5. Roger Wylde and John Studley, and Dorothy, his wife. Premises in Hillyngdon and Cowley. Trin. Anno 4 and 5. Robert Good, gentleman, and Leonard Rutter, and EHzabeth, his wife. Premises in Stanes, Stanwell, Laleham, and Echelford. Trin. Anno 4 and 5. Edmund Buttes, gentleman, and Edward HenshaAve, and Joan, his wife. Land in Fulham. Trin. Anno 4 and 5. John Heathe and Thomas Babyngton, esquire, and WiUiam Babyngton, son and heir apparent of the aforesaid Thomas. The office of keeper of the prison of the Flete, London, and premises, with a watercourse, in the parish of St. Bridget, in the ward of Farryngdon Without, London. L. Mich. Anno 5 and 6. ELIZABETH. 105 EdAvard HaU and Thomas Stroughton and others. Premises in the parish of St. Nicholas Coldabby. L. Mich. Anno 5 and 6 (in calendar only) . Robert Huyck and John Butt, the elder, and Rose, his wife. Land in Enfeld. Afich. Anno 5 and 6. John MyUy^n' and Thomas Marrowe, esquire, and AHce, his wife. Land in the parish of St. Giles, without Creplegate. Mention of Margaret Harreyonge. Mich. Anno 5 and 6. Robert Chydley, Alexander Barlowe, and Richard Blacke- Avall and WilHam Jenyns, and George Kendalle. Premises in Westminster, Totehyll, and in the parish of St. Martin In the Fields. Mich. Anno 5 and 6. Charles Goddard, gentleman, and Erasmus Hennyngham, gentleman, and EUzabeth, his AvIfe, late the wife of William Goddard, esquire, deceased, and George Goddard, son and heir df the aforesaid William and Elizabeth. Premises in Shordiche. Afich. Anno 5 and 6. Roger Holte and George Aleson, and Margery, his wife; and Thomas Gwynne, and Elizabeth, his Avife. Premises in Enfeld. Mich. Anno 5 and 6. ELIZABETH. John Fytz, esquire, and Anthony Uvedale, and Elizabeth, his wife. Premises in the parish of St. Clement Danes. Hit. Anno 1. Thomas Gresham, esquire, and Anthony Strynger, gentle man, and John Elyotte, and Eleanor, his wife. Premises and mill in Heston. Warranty against Augustine Theyre and Alexander Chesenall. Hit. Anno 1. William Roberttes, and Agnes, his wife, and Charles Spencer, William Spencer, Alan Robson, and Alice, his Avife, Thomas Lyon, otherAvise Sadeler, and Bridget, his wife, Joan Spencer, and George Spencer. Premises in Yelling. Hil. Anno 1. 106 FEET OF FINES. John Brydges and Richard Come, otherwise Dane, and Emma, his wife. Premises In Shordiche. Hil. Anno 1. Richard Dui-ant, gentleman, and Catherine, his wife, and Richard Tirrell, esquire, and Grace, his wife. A messuage in the parish of St. Bartholomew the Great, near Westsmyth feld, London. L. Hil. Anno 1. WUHam, earl of Worcester, and WiUiam Hawtry, esquire, and Agnes, his wife. Premises in the parish of Christ Church, London. L. Hil. Anno 1. Hugh HoUynshed, gentleman, and Henry Hampden, gentleman, and Mary, his Avife. Premises in the counties of Buckingham and Hertford ; and in Stanwell, in the county of Middlesex. D.C. Hil. Anno 1. Mary Judde, widow, and William Fleetwood, and John Judde. Premises in the county of Kent ; and in " Booyer- owe," within the city of London. D.C. ffil. Anno 1. Robert AskoAve and Benjamin Bowne, and Agnes, his wife. Premises in Edelmeton. Easter Anno 1. Robert Cripps and Edward Bacon, and Margaret, his Avife. Premises in Kylborne. Easter Anno 1. Robert Breynte and George Tye, and Maiy, his Avif e. The moiety of premises in Hendon. Easter Anno 1. George Evelyn and Nicholas Brodbelt, and Margaret, his wife. Premises in Heston and HoAvnslowe. Easter Anno 1. Richard Tyrrell, esquire, and William Babyngton, esquire, John Heathe, and Margaret, his wife. The office of keeper of the old palace of the queen, at Westminster, and four messuages in Westminster. Easter Anno 1. EdAvard Beasshe, esquire, and Thomasina, his wife, and John Pryce, esquire, and Rose, his Avife. Premises in the parish of St. Martin Pomery, in Irommonger lane, in the ward of Cheape. L. Easter Anno 1. John Husse aud Robert Clough and John Apsley. A messuage in London. L. Easter Anno 1. WilHam Appes, son of Richard Appes, and the same Richard Appes, and Margaret, his Avife. Premises in Estend and Fyncheley. Trin. Anno 1. ELIZABETH. 107 Thomas OunesloAve, citizen and grocer, of London, and Thomas Ouneslowe, baker, and Joan, his wife. Premises in the parish of St. Leonard, in Shordiche. Trin. Anno 1. Michael Pen and AndrcAV Blechemer, and Joan, his wife. Premises in Stanwell. Mich. Anno 1 and 2. Richard Hasplyn and Benjamin Bowne, and Agnes, his wife. Premises in Edelmeton. Mich. Anno 1 and 2. Nicholas Foljambe and William Grynder, Edmund Hampden, and Isabella, his wife. Premises in Litleton, Shepperton, and Sonbery. Mich. Anno 1 and 2. John Andrewe, citizen and inholder, of London, and Robert Wyllamson, otherwise Kendall, gentleman, and Ellen, his Avife. Premises in Tottenham. Mich. Anno 1 and 2. John Starkye and Thomas Astrye, gentleman, and Dorothy, his wife. Premises in the parish of St. Mary Matfelon, otherwise Whitchappell. Mich. Anno 1 and 2. Robert Bassett and Thomas Fyssher, and Leonarda, his wife. Premises in Shordiche and Stepneth. Mich. Anno 1 and 2. Richard DoAvffelde and Sir Arthur Darcye, knight, and Mary, his Avife, and Henry Darcye, son and heir apparent of the said Arthur. A messuage and Avliarf in Est Smythfeld. Mich. Anno 1 and 2. Robert Knowlinge and John Knowling, and Joan, his wife. Premises in Edelmeton. Mich Anno 1 and 2. John Dalderne, the elder, and Robert Fytz. Premises in the parish of St. Andrew, in Holbourne. Mich. Anno 1 and 2. Edward Blakwell, and John Halse, gentleman, and Robert NicoU, and Elizabeth, his wife, and Richard Snowe, and Catherine, his Avife. Land in Hendon. Remainders to Daniel NicoU, son of the said Robert and Elizabeth. Hil. Anno 2. Richard Hatchman and Anne Jones, widow. Premises in Stanes, Lalham, Stanwell, and Sonbury. Warranty against the heirs of Nicholas Leke, formerly husband of the said Anne, and against the heirs of Geoffrey Johns, late the husband of the said Anne. Hil. Anno 2. 108 FEET OF FINES. Thomas Kympton and WilHam Beter, Richard Daye, and Joan, his wife. Premises in Southmymmes. Hil. Anno 2. Laurence Sheryffe, citizen and grocer, of London, and Elizabeth, his wife, and John Stretis, citizen and vintner, of London, and Catherine, his wife. Land in the parish of St. AndreAV, in Holborne. Hil. Anno 2. Richard Blunt and WiUiam Wylcockes and John Mellysshe, and Bridget, his wife, and Edward Walshe, and AHce, his Avife. Premises in Westminster, in the county of Middlesex ; and in the county of Kent. D.C. Hil. Anno 2. Richard Hunesdon and Humphrey Kybbett and William Wylson, and Robert Foster. Premises in Enfeld. Easter Anno 2. Thomas Fytzherbert, gentleman, and Robert Croke, gentle man. Premises in Tottenham, Edelmeton, otherwise Edmun ton, KentysshetoAvne, Holborne, in the parish of St. Pancras in the Fields, and in the parish of St. Andrew, Holburne. Easter Anno 2. William Apps and Margaret, his Avife, and John Mogen, and Agnes, his wife. A third part of premises in Fyncheley. Easter Anno 2. Richard Tatursall, gentleman, and Laurence Mauley, gentleman, and Anne, his wife. A third part of premises in Thistelworthe, Twyckname, Heston, and Norwoode. Mention of Elizabeth Hamond. Easter Anno 2. George Francklyn and Geoffrey Woodward, and Agnes, his AvIfe. Premises in Greneford and Northall. Easter Anno 2. William Fuller, gentleman, and Elizabeth BroAvne, other wise Hobthorne, widow, and John Fuller, esquire. Premises within the cemetry of the Charterhouse, near London, in the parish of St. Botolph, next Aldichgate. Easter Anno 2. Gilbert Sheryngton and John SnoAve and Robert CroAvle, gentleman, and Anne, his wife. Premises in P3-nnore, in the parish of HarroAve, and in Harrowe. Easter Anno 2. Thomas Mathewe and Edmund Mathewe, merchant, and Rose, his wife. Premises in Stratford at Bowe, in the parish of Bramlegh, Easter Anno 2. ELIZABETH. 109 James Cayne and John Horsley, and Joan, his wife. Premises in Northwood. Easter Anno 2. Simon Burton and John Mery, and Agnes, his wife. Premises in Shordiche, and in the parish of St. Leonard, in Shordiche. Easter Anno 2. Thomas HasilAvood and John Bull, and Margaret, his wife. Premises in Enfeld. Easter Anno 2. John Eustace and Thomas Eastfield, otherAvise Lucas. Premises in Lymehouse. Easter Anno 2. Richard Tyrrell, esquire, and John Cotton, gentleman, and Elizabeth, his Avife. Premises in Knyghtbrydge, in the parish of St. Margaret, Westminster. Easter Anno 2. William Benbrigg and Nicholas Ynglysche, and Mary, his wife. Two messuages in Bucklersburye, in the parish of St. Benedict Sherog. L. Easter Anno 2. Edward Holte and Henry Fane, esquire, and Elizabeth, his wife. Premises in the parish of the Blessed Magdalene, next " Oldefysshestrete," London. L. Easter Anno 2. Christopher Yavasour and Martin Grene and EUen Waryn, Avidow. Premises In Philpot lane, in the city of London. Remainders to Sir WUHam Yavasom*, knight, and dame Elizabeth, his wife. L. Easter Anno 2. Gilbert Garrard, esquire, and William Tooke, gentleman, and Alice, his Avife. Lands called Bolton and Denham, in the county of Middlesex, and land in the county of Hertford. D.C. Easter Anno 2. Roger Gysse and William Goodyere, and Anne, his Avife, and John Marwood. Premises in Hadley, in the county of Middlesex ; and Chepyngebarnet, in the county of Hertford. D. C. Easter Anno 2. John Bowman and John Burte, and Joan, his wife. Premises in Southmynes. Mich. Anno 2 and 3. James Cayne and Anthony Walker, gentleman, and Eliza beth, his wife, John Keyme, and Agnes, his wife. Land in Whiton Southfelde. Mich. Anno 2 and 3. Hugh Partredge, esquire, William Slywryght, gentleman, and Robert Burtage, esquire, and Mary, his wife. The 110 FEET OF FINES. manors of Cowleypechey, Hayes, and Parkhall, and premises in Cowleypechey, Northall, Hayes, Helyngdon, and North- Avood ; also the advoAVSon of the church of Cowleypeche. Mich. Anno 2 and 3. Humphrey Kybbett and Richard Hunnesdon and Hugh Smyth, and Agnes, his wife. Premises in Enfield. Mich. Anno 2 and 3. Alexander Slayne and Stephen Colt, and Margery, his wife, and Thomas Bygg. Premises in Istylworth. Mich. Anno 2 and 3. John Garrett and Robert Radstone, and Anne, his Avife. Premises in Uxbridge and Hillingdon. Afich. Anno 2 and 3. Robert Breynt and George Tye, and Mary, his wife. The moiety of premises in Hendon. Mich. Anno 2 and 3. Thomas Kyghtley and William Hylton, and AHce, his Avife. Premises in Edmonton. Mich. Anno 2 and 3. William Bromefeld, esquire, and Sir Thomas Cornewaleys, knight, and Anne, his wife. Manor of Barnes, and premises in the parishes of St. Botolph, Avithout Algate, White- chappell, and St. Catherine, near London, and Stepnethe, otherAvise Stebenhethe. Mich. Anno 2 and 3. Jerome Halley, esquire, and Oliver Seynt John, lord Seynt John of Bletsoo, and Agnes, his Avife. Premises in West Brayneford, otherAvise New Brayneford. Mich. Anno 2 and 3. John Broxolme, esquire, and Etheldreda Hubbert, Avidow. Premises In the parish of St. Margaret Patens, in the Tower ward of London. L. Mich. Anno 2 and 3. John Beverley and Christopher Twyselton, esquires, and Brian Stapelton, esquire, son and heir apparent of Sir Richard Stapilton, knight, and EHzabeth, wife of the said Brian. Premises in Barkyng and Dagnam, in the county of Essex, and in the city of London. B. C. Mich. Anno 2 and 3. Thomas Maddockes and Thomas Smytheson, and EHzabeth, his Avife. Premises in Enfeild. ffil. Anno 3. Robert Savage and John WardaU, and Joan, his wife. Premises in the parish of the Blessed Mary Matfelon, other wise White ChapeU. Hil. Anno 3. ELIZABETH. Ill Agnes Hutton, widow, and John Aron, and Juliana, his Avife. Premises in Endefeyld. Hil. Anno 3. Ralph Cholmeley, serjeant-at-law, Walter Rooper, esquire, and Richard Payne, esquire, and Henry Parker, and EHza beth, his Avife. Premises in Fulham. Hil. Anno 3. Robert Curson and Richard Wooton, and Mary, his Avife. Premises in the parish of St. Giles, without Crepulgate. Warranty against Michael, WilHam, and John Brylley. [Brysley ?] Hil. Anno 3. Andrew Smythe and John Dixson, and John Smarte. Premises in the Stronde, without the Bars of the Ncav Temple. Hil. Anno 3. John Parker, citizen and grocer, of London, and John Tresure, and Margaret, his wife. A windmill and an acre of land in the parish of Stebunhuthe. Hil. Anno 3. John TamAvorthe, esquire, and John Dodyngton, gentleman, and John Jackeson. Land in Lylleston. Hil. Anno 3. Francis Newdegate, esquire, and Nicholas Foljambe, and Agnes, his wife, and William Grynder. Premises in Lytleton, Sheperton, and Sonbery. Hil. Anno 3. EHzabeth Gylbarn, widow, and Francis Askew, citizen and draper, of London, son and heir of Edmund Askew. Premises in Edelmeton. Hil. Anno 3. John Tamworth, esquire, and WilHam Dodyngton, gentle man. Premises in the parish of St. Martin, next to Charyng- crosse. ffil. Anno 3. Richard Onslowe, esquire, and Catherine, his Avife, and William Patrickson, gentleman, and Frances, his wife. Premises in London. L. Hil. Anno 3. Rowland Heyward, citizen and clothworker, of London, and Robert Blackhouse, yeoman. A messuage in the parish of St. dement, in a lane called " Seynt Clements lane," within the city of London. L. Hil. Anno 3. Richard Onslowe, esquire, and Catherine, his AvIfe, and Bartholomew Hales, gentleman, and Mary, his Avife. Premises in London. L. Hil. Anno 3. 112 FEET OF FINES. Henry Norreis, esquire, and Margery, his wife, and Richard Wenman, esquire, and Isabella, his Avife. Premises In the counties of Berks, and Oxford ; and in Kentishtown, in the county of Middlesex. B.C. Easter Anno 3. Walter Roberts, esquire, and Frances, his Avife, and John Sparrey, gentleman, and Elizabeth, his wife. A ninth part of premises in Stepney. Easter Anno 3. Robert Goddard and John Owen, and AHce, his wife, and Alice Chapman, widow. The moiety of premises in Enfeld. Easter Anno 3. Robert Estriche, otherwise Lorkyn, and Benjamin Boone, and Agnes, his wife. Land in Edelmeton, otherAvise Edmonton. Easter Anno 3. Ralph Leche and Walter Partryge, and Dionisia, his Avife. Premises in Great Greneford and Northall. Easter Anno 3. Jerome Halley, esquire, and Henry Parker, gentleman. Premises in Oldbrayneford. Easter Anno 3. Sir Thomas Wrothe, knight, and Henry Cocke, gentleman. Land in Enfeld. Easter Anno 3. Henry Bennett and Richard Ferrer and John Bennett, gentleman, and Mary, his Avife. Premises in le Charter house Lane, in the parish of St. Sepulchre. Easter Anno 3. Richard Ropar, and Ellen, his wife, and Richard Wotton, and Mary, his wife. Premises in Goldyng Lane, in the parish of St. Giles, without Crepulgate. Warranty against Michael, WiUiam, John, and Botolph Brisley, [Brilley ?] sons and heirs of Edward Brisley [Brilley ?] Easter Anno 3. Thomas Rayner and Thomas Saunders, and Elizabeth, his wife, and John Myles, otherAvise Studley, and Dorothy, his wife. Premises, including a free fishery, in Colney, Hill ingdon, Colham, and Cowley. Easter Anno 3. John Norffolke, and Isabella, his Avife, and Peter Francklyn, and John Rolff , and Agnes, his Avife. Premises In Fyncheley. Easter Anno 3. Thomas Fox and Sir WilHam Pagett, knight, lord Pagett de Bewdesert, and Anne, his wife. Premises iu the parish of St. Clement Danes. Easter Anno 3. ELIZABETH, 113 Richard Pettye, gentleman, and John Harryson, and Ursula, his wife. Premises in the parish of St. Botolph, without Algate. Easter Anno 3. WiUiam Barnad and William Maryner, and Catherine, his Avife, and Richard Warde, and Alice, his wife. Premises in Harrowe. Easter Anno 3. Edward Blakwell, and John Newdygate, the younger, and WilHam Hyll, and Joan, his wife. Premises in Heese and Norwood. Easter Anno 3. Robert Fox, WiUiam Fox, Richard Apps, WilHam Apps, Robert Heyne, the younger, George Shepard, Henry Rolff, Robert Rolff, the younger, William Osborne, Robert Osborne, John Somerton, and John Pratt, and Robert Heyne, the elder, and John Sheparde. Premises in Fyncheley. Easter Anno 3. Sir Thomas Wrothe, knight, and Henry Cock. Premises in Enfeld. Easter Anno 3. Robert Astry, otherwise Lorkyn, and Robert Askewe, and Elizabeth, his wife. Premises in Edelmeton. Trm. Anno 3. Henry Rockaden and Thomas Kedde, and Dorothy, his wife. Premises in Enfyld. Trin. Anno 3. John Swyfte, esquire, and Richard Tyrrell, esquire, and Grace, his wife. Premises in Knyghtsbridge. Trin. Anno 3. Sir WilHam Hewet, knight, and Edward Osborne, and Anne, his wife, and Sir Thomas Smyth, knight, and Philippa, his Avife, Sir WilHam Yavasoure, knight, and Elizabeth, his wife, Henry Austen, and Letitia, his wife, Ellen Wryne, widow, and Anthony Cavalarie, gentleman. Premises in Philpot lane, in the parish of St. Denys Backchurche, in London. L. Mich. Anno 3 and 4. Richard Goodrych, esquire, and Sir WiUiam Buttes, knight. Three messuages AvithIn the precincts of the late house of the Carmelite friars, in the suburbs of the city of London. L. Mich. Anno 3 and 4. John Olyff and Joan, his wife, and Richard Calton, gentle man, and Elizabeth, his wife, and WUliam Clarkson, and G 114 FEET OF FINES. AHce, his wife. Premises in the parish of St. Sepulchre, Avithout Newgate. Mich. Anno 3 and 4. Edward Welche, esquire, and Walter Robertes, and Frances, his wife, daughter and heir of John Maynard, deceased. Premises in Popler. Mich. Anno 3 and 4. Sebastian Carter and Robert KnoUyng, and EHzabeth, his wife. Premises in Edelmeton, otherwise Edmonton. Afich. Anno 3 and 4. Christopher Barnard and Richard Whyte, gentleman, and Margaret WhytCj his daughter. Premises in High Hol borne. Mich. Anno 3 and 4. Richard Spycer, and Agnes, his wife, and George Ludlowe, esquire. The manor of Lyttelton, and premises in Lyttelton, Shepton, Laleham, and Assheford. Mich. Anno 3 and 4. Richard Yale and Robert Cooke, gentleman, and Dorothy, his wife. Premises in the parish of St. Clement Danes. Mich. Anno 3 and 4. William Merett and Paul Poope, and Catherine, his wife. Premises in Hoxton. Mich. Anno 3 and 4. Thomas Hogeson and WilHam Wakefield. Premises In Goldinglane {Hil. Anno 3) ; and afterAvards William Hoge son, son and heir of the aforesaid Thomas Hogeson, and the same WiUiam Wakefield, concerning the same premises. Mention of John Hillyard, and Joan, his AA'Ife. Afich. Anno 3 and 4. Richard Ferys and Robert Westfeild, and William Goodyer, and Anne, his wife. Premises in Paddyugton. Mich. Anno 3 and 4. " Mathelma " Stepkyn, widow, and John Stepkyn, gentle man, and Jasper Hill. Premises in White Chappell, Stebuneth, and Wappinge. Mich. Anno 3 and 4. Robert Hobbye and Giles Jacob and John Borchett, and Dorothy, his wife. The moiety of premises in Hackney. Mich. Anno 3 and 4. Thomas Brend and Roland Page. The manor of Patys and premises in Est Bedfount, otherwise Churche Bedfount, ELIZABETH. 115 Feltham, Assheford, otherwise Echelford, Stanes, and Stan weU. Mich. Anno 3 and 4. Walter Cole and John Cole and Alexander Hewes, esquire, and Anne, his Avife. Land in Hownslow and Heston. Mich. Anno 3 and 4. LoAvis Stucley, esquire, and Thomas Stucley, esquire, and Anne, his Avife. Premises in " Saynt Dennys Backe Churche, Saynt Edmundes, Saynt GabrieU Fanchurche, and Saynt Olyffes," in the county of the city of London, and in the county of Essex, and in Agerston and St. Leonards, in Shor dyche, in the county of Middlesex. B.C. Mich. Anno 3 and 4. Bartholomew Brokesby and Oliver Dawbney, and Eliza beth, his Avife. Premises in Edelmeton. Hil. Anno 4. Roger Smyth, and Geoffrey Clyff, gentleman, and Richard Clyff, gentleman, and Juliana, his wife. Premises in Highe Holborne. Hil. Anno 4. Thomas Doughtie and Henry Heron and Sir James Blunt, knight, lord Mountjoye, and Catherine, his Avife. Premises in the parish of St. Giles in the Fields. Hil. Anno 4. Matthew Feild and Robert Holbye, and Grace, his wife, and Giles Jacob. Premises in Hakney. Hil. Anno 4. Thomas Wotton, gentleman, and Humphry Kybbet, and Richard Hunesdon. Land in Enfeld. Hil. Anno 4. John Chamley and Thomas Saunders, gentleman, and Elizabeth, his wife. A messuage in Woxbridge. Hil. Anno 4. Thomas Blakwell, gentleman, and Thomas Abbercromer, otherwise Cromer, gentleman, and Stephen HadnoU, other Avise Hadnall, gentleman, and Margaret, his Avife. Premises in Southe Mymmes. Hil. Anno 4. Christopher Wynkfelde, and Isabella, his Avife, and Richard Wynkefelde, and Joan, his wife. Fourth part of premises in Harrow on the Hill, Whemley Grene, and TAvyver. Hil. Anno 4. William Rudstone and Ralph Hamonde and Anthony Uvydall, gentleman, and Elizabeth, his Avife, and John 116 FEET OF FINES. Flurry, A messuage in the parish of St. Clement Danes. Hil. Anno 4. George Haryson and Sir James Blunt, knight, lord Mountjoye, and Catherine, his wife. Premises In the parish of St. GUes in the Fields. Hil. Anno 4. William Walter and John Harryngton, gentleman, and Roger Alford, esquire. Premises in le Whitefryers, near Fletestreate, in the suburbs of London. L. Hil. Anno 4.. Thomas Standley and Sir James Blunt, knight, lord Mountjoye, and Catherine, his wife. Premises in the parish of St. Peter le Poore, in the ward of Bredstrete. L. Hil. Anno 4. John Gardener and Sir John Yorke, knight, and Anne, his wife. Premises in Ratclyffe. Easter Anno 4. William Parker and Edward Pate, gentleman, and Catherine, his wife. Premises In Tottenham. Easter Anno 4. Nicholas Carew and Richard Cove, and Margery, his AvIfe. Premises in Goldyng Lane and Whytcross Strete. Easter Anno 4. Edmund Stephenson, gentleman, and Michael Wendover, and Agnes, his wife.- The moiety of premises in Uxbridge, Hyllyngdon, and Cowley. Remainders. Easter Anno 4. Philip Broun, and John Eveleigh, gentleman, and John Broun, esquire, and Elizabeth, his wife. Premises in the parish of St. Clement Danes. Easter Anno 4. Arnold Lowerby [or Lowbery] and Henry Darcy, esquire. Premises in the parish of St. Botolph, without Algate. Easter Anno 4. Geoffrey Walkeden, citizen and skinner, of London, and Anne, his wife, and Henry Cock and Ursula, his wife. Premises in Edmonton, otherwise Edelmeton, and Totten ham. Easter Anno 4. WUliam Long and Magdalene, his wife, and Sir Edmund Brydges, knight, lord Chandos, and Dorothy, his wife. Premises in Strande. Easter Anno 4. Nicholas Burlaey and Stephen MoraU and Sir Richard ELIZABETH. 117 Pexsall, knight, and Richard Nicholas. Premises in Icken ham and Hyllyngdon. Easter Anno 4. Robert Cooke, gentleman, and WiUiam Freman, and Joan, his wife, and Robert Rudd, and Alice, his Avife. Premises in Laleham. Easter Anno 4. The master, wardens, and community of the mystery of the Skinners of London, the governor of the possessions, revenues and goods of the Free Grammar School of Sir Andrew Jiidd, knight, In the vill of Tunbridge, In the county of Kent, and Henry Fyssher, and Elizabeth, his Avife. Thirty acres of land in the parish of St. Pancras. Easter Anno 4. Thomas Fyld and Nicholas Burlaey and Sir Richard Pexsall, knight, and John Rej'ner, of Uxbryge. Premises in HyUyngdon and Uxbryge. Easter Anno 4. Thomas More and WilHam Parker, and Margery, his wife. Land in Tottenham. Easter Anno 4. Richard Flyer and Henry Crymes, gentleman. Premises in London. L. Easter Anno 4. Roger Manwood and Thomas Bromley, gentlemen, and James Marshe, gentleman, and Alice, his wife. Premises in the county of Kent, In Westminster in the county of Middle sex, and in the county of the city of Canterbury. B.C. Easter Anno 4. Thomas Bellamye, gentleman, and William Bellamye, esquire, and Catherine, his Avife. Premises in Mencken Hadley, Edmonton, and Southmymes, in the county of Middlesex ; and land in the county of Hertford. B.C. Easter Anno 4. John Wyngfeld and John Audley and Sir Robert Wyng feld, knight. The moiety of manors and lands In the counties of Suffolk, Norfolk, Canterbury, Leicester, Bucking ham, and Cornwall ; and the moiety of the manor of Kensyngton, and of premises in Kensyngton, in the county of Middlesex. B.C. Easter Anno 4. WilHam Lee and Joan, his wife, and Simon Potter, and AHce, his Avife. Premises in Enfeld. Trin. Anno 4, Il8 PEET of FINES. Robert LedeU and John Fyste, and AHce, his wife, and WiUiam Fyste, and Joan, his wife. Premises in Hampton on Thames. Trin. Anno 4. Thomas Smythe, esquire, and John Stepkyne, otherAvise Typkyne, and AHce, his Avife. Premises in Wappynge, Stepenhethe, and St. Mary MatfeUon. Warranty against Machelina Stepkyne, otherwise Typkyne, widow, Edward Duggens, gentleman, Basil Johnson, gentleman, and Jasper Hill, gentleman. Trin. Anno 4. Richard Bellyngeham and Walter Partrydge, and Dionisia, his Avife. Premises in Heston and HoAvnslowe. Trin. Anno 4. Francis Fitz, gentleman, and Antony Uvedale, gentleman, and Elizabeth, his wife, and John Fitz, esquire. A messuage in the parish of St. Clement Danes. Trin. Anno 4. Nicholas Burlaey and John Hyll and Sir Richard PexsaU, knight, and Richard Stamborough. Premises in Hyllyng don and Ickenham. Trin. Anno 4. William, marquis of Winchester, great treasurer of Eng land, and Sir John Grey, knight, lord Grey, and Mary, his wife. A capital messuage of the " Minoresse " and three gardens, without and near Algate. Trin. Anno 4. Thomas Wylson and John Taillor, and Barbara, his Avife. Land in Edelmeton. Trin. Anno 4. WilHam Curtis and Thomas Stucley, esquire, and Anne, his wife, kinswoman, and heir of Sir Thomas Curtys, knight, deceased. Premises in Endfeld and Edelmeton, otherAvise Edmonton. Trin. Anno 4. Walter Cowdrey and Robert Cooke, gentleman, and Dorothy, his wife. Premises in the parish of St. Clement Danes. Trin. Anno 4. Thomas Heydon, and Margery, his Avife, and John Bennett, gentleman, and Mary, his wife. Premises In Holborn "le Barbycon strete, and Townesend lane, near Quene Hyve," in the city and suburbs of London. L. Trin. Anno 4. ELIZABETH. 119 Henry Sympson and WiUiam Ridgeley and Matthew Pery, gentleman, and Anne, his Avife. Premises in Charter house lane, in the parish of St. Sepulchre, London, in the county of Middlesex, and in the county of Hertford. B.C. Trin. Anno 4. John Bodyham and Roger Smyth, gentlemen, and Matilda Norris, otherAvise Jacson, Avidow. Premises in St. Clement Danes. Mich. Anno 4 and 5. Geoffrey Walkeden, and Anne, his wife, and John Grym- stone, gentleman, and Margaret, his wife. Land in Edel meton. Mich. Anno 4 and 5. Roger Mascall and Richard Bentley, and Alice, his Avife. Premises in High Holborne. Afich. Anno 4 and 5. Thomas NycoUes and John Grymstone, gentleman, and Margaret, his wife. Premises in Edelmeton. Mich. Anno 4 and 5. Simon Skydmer, and Jane, his Avife, and Robert Mathewe. Premises in Fyncheley. Mich. Anno 4 and 5. John Castell and Francis Yaughan, esquire. Premises in the city of Westminster. Afich. Anno 4 and 5. Thomas Ryveley and John Grymston, gentleman, and Margaret, his Avife. Premises in Edelmeton. Afich. Anno 4 and 5. William Sanny and Robert Sanny, and Joan, his Avife. Premises in Fyncheley. Mich. Anno 4 and 5. John Melton and Roger [Robert ?] Smyth, gentleman. Premises in High Holborne, also the moiety of a garden in High Holborne. Afich. Anno 4 and 5. Geoffrey Walkeden, and Anne, his wife, and Robert Mathewe, and Joan, his Avife. Premises in Edelmeton. Alich. Anno 4 and 5. John Tamworth, esquire, and Thomas Essex, esquire, and Jane, his wife. Premises in FuUiam. Mich. Anno 4 and 5. Armigill Wade, esquire, and Anne, his wife, and Jerome Palmer, esquire, and Eleanor, his wife. Land In Kentysh- toAvne, St. Pancras, and Hampstede. Mich. Anno 4 and 5. 120 FEET OF FINES. WiUiam Burton and John Arlon, and AHce, his Avife. Land in Harrow upon the HUl and Pynnor. Mich. Anno 4 and 5. WilHam Rutter, gentleman, and Thomas Gent, gentleman, and Elizabeth, his wife, daughter and heir of John Swallowe, esquire, deceased. Premises in Stepney. Mich. Anno 5. Robert Gower and Edmund Gower and John Folyott, esquire, and Barbara, his Avife, and WUliam Gower, esquire. Premises in the parish of St. Peter in Westchepe. L. Mich. Anno 4 and 5. Leonard Sandell, Richard Heywood, gentleman, and John Mannyng, and John Gessham, gentleman, and Isabella, his Avife, and Richard Cooke, gentleman, and Elizabeth, his wife. Premises in the county of Essex, and twenty messuages in the parish of St. Michael, in Bassyngshawe, London, in the county of London. B. C. Afich. Anno 4 and .5. WiUiam Bromefeld, esquire, and Henry Beclier, and James Beard. Premises In Haryngey, otherAvise Hamessey, Hyghegate, otherwise Hygate, Totenham, Totenham Hyghe- crosse, Strodegrene, Pensnothyll, and Iselyngton, in the county of Middlesex, and in the parish of St. Nicholas, Colde Abbey, in London, in the county of London. B.C. Mich. Anno 4 and 5. John Kay, gentleman, and John Ryther, esquire. Premises in Hakeney. Hil. Anno 5. Robert Goddard and Robert Pratt, and Agnes, his Avife, Thomas Lepar, and AHce, his wife. The moiety of premises in Enfeld. Hil. Anno 5. William, Crompton and John Daldern, otherwise Dalton, the elder, and Joan, his wife. Premises in the parish of St. Andrew in Holborne. Hil. Anno 5. William NcAvell and John Warren, and Dorothy, his Avife. Premises In the parish of St. Botolph, without Algate. Hil. Anno 5. Gilbert Gerrard, esquire, and John Hurst, and Joan, his wife. Premises in Harrowe, Sudbery, and Grenford. Hil. Anno 5. ELIZABETH. 121 Thomas Repyngton, esquire, and Edward Colbarne, gentleman, and George Wylloughbye, esquire, and Matilda, his wife. Premises in Holburne. Hil. Anno 5. Thomas Chalfount, gentleman, and John Dymbylby. Premises in Monken Hadley. ffil. Anno 5. John Page, gentleman, and Thomas Page, and Joan, his Avife. The manor of Wymeley, otherwise Wemley, and premises In Harrowe on the Hill. Hil. Anno 5. EdA\'ard Sutton and William Loker, and Elizabeth, his wife. Premises in HanAvorthe. Hil. Anno 5. Simon Skydmer and Jane, his wife, and John Cleynge. Premises in Fyncheley. ffil. Anno 5. Thomas Hemmy^ngwey, gentleman, and Jerome Hallej^, esquire, and " Kynborowa " (sic) his wife. Premises in Old Braynforde and Noav Braynforde. ffil. Anno 5. William Dodington and John Dodlngton and William Maynerd, and Henry Parker. Premises in FuUham. Hil. Anno 5. Thomas Walker, and George Walker, and Roger Harre- younge, and Ellen, his wife. Premises In the county of Kent, and in Shordyche, In the county of Middlesex. B. C. Hil. Anno 5. Sir WilHam Cecill, knight, chief secretary of the queen, and Armigill Wade, and Aime, his wife. Premises in Kentishtowne, Padington, Hampstede, and In the parish of St. Pancras. Warranty against Jerome Palmer and John Palmer. Easter Anno 5. John Barnes and Roger Mascall and Robert Wyse, and Joan, his wife, and Thomas Ball. Premises in the parish of St. Margaret, in the city of Westminster. Easter Anno 5. Thomas Smythe, esquire, and Rowland Broune, and Joan, his wife. Premises In the parish of St. dement Danes. Easter Anno 5. WUliam NichoU and Robert Freman, and Joan, his Avife. Premises in Muncken Hadley. Easter Anno 5. Thomas Yale, doctor of civil law, and Thomas Tusser, 122 FEET OF FINES. gentleman. Premises In the parish of St. Clement Danes. Easter Anno 5. WiUiam Doddes, esquire, and Catherine, his wife, and Thomas LcAvkenor, and Bridget, his wife. The manor of Wyllyottes, and premises In Southmymes and Monken Hadley. Easter Anno 5. George Harryson and Walter Derbye, and Henry Miles, and Alice, his wife. Premises in St. Giles in the Fields. Remainders to James Powell and Anne, his wife. Easter Anno 5. WiUiam Clerkson and Thomas Knyghtley, and Margaret, his wife. Two parts of three messuages, in the parish of St. Clement Danes. Easter Anno 5. Thomas Wylson and John Tamworthe, esquire,, and Christiana, his wife. Premises in the parish of St. Martin in the Fields, next Charynge Crosse. Easter Anno 5. Henry Myles and Alice, his Avife, and Roberi Button, Richard Powell, Thomas Hemmyngway, Henry Amptell, William Baldewyn and Richael BaldcAAyn. Premises In the parish of St. Giles in the Fields. Easter Anno 5. Henry Peryent and Thomas Morrj^s. Land in Tottenham. Easter Anno 5. Joan Robyent, widow, and Edmund Smyth, gentleman, and Agnes, his wife. Three messuages in the parish of St. Clement Danes. Easter Anno 5. Ralph Faulkener and James Powell and Sir James Blunt, knight, lord Mountjoye, and Catherine, his A\ife. Premises in the parish of St. Giles In the Fields. Eastir Anno 5. Thomas Doughtie and WilHam Symons and Ambrose Crolyer, and Margaret, his Avife. Premises In the parish of St. Clement Danes. Easter Anno 5. John Hany son, citizen and goldsmith, of London, and John Baseley, and Isabella, his wife. Premises in Yellng, otherwise Illyng. Easter Anno 5. Joan Trappes, widow, and Jocyce . . exey, Avidow, and Antony Moresse, and Juliana, his wife. Easter Anno 5. ELIZABETH. 123 William Byrde and Christopher Byrde, and Thomas Burgeaunte, gentleman, and Agnes, his wife. Premises in the parishes of St. Peter, in " Weastcheape," and St. Mary Magdalen in " Mylkestrete," within the ward of Creplegate, London. L. Faster Anno 5. George Filbie, gentleman, and Oliver Tatham. Premises in the parish of St. Andrew, in Holborne. L. Easter Anno 5. Henry Campion, citizen and mercer, of London, and Henry, earl of Rutland, and the lady Bridget, his Avife. Premises in the parish of Christchurch, within Newgate. L. Easter Anno 5. Richard Spiyngham and John Coswarth, and Michael Locke, and Jane, his wife. Premises in the counties of Gloucester and York, and land in Tottenham, in the county of Middlesex. B.C. Easter Anno 5. Thomas Knyghtley and William Hylton, and Alice, his wife. Two parts of premises diAaded into three parts. In the county of Kent, and in Braynford, and in the parish of St. Clement Danes, London, in the county of Middlesex. B.C. Faster Anno 5. John Cholmeley, gentleman, and Richard FotherglU, and Alice, his wife. Premises in the counties of Surrey and Buckingham, and in the parish of St. Botolph, without Bysshoppesgate, London, in the county of Middlesex. B. C. Easter Anno 5. Richard Hopkins, gentleman, and Thomas Watkys, and Thomas Trussell, gentleman, and Alice, his wife. Land in Edelmeton. Trin. Anno 5. Charles Husey, esquire, Henry Gyle, gentleman, and Thomas Butler, gentleman, and Thomas Stockwood, gentle man. Premises in the parish of St. Martin in the Fields, next Charyng Crosse, and Northall. Trin. Anno 5. Edmund Robertes and Richard Barlye, esquire, and Anne, his wife. Premises in Wylsdon and Hendon. Trin. Anno 5. Thomas Russell and George Goddard, gentleman, and EHzabeth Hevenyngham, otherAvise Hennyngham, widow. 124 FEET OF FINES. Premises in the parish of St. Leonard, in Shordyche. Trin. Anno 5. Robert Ferrers, gentleman, and George Goddard, and Charles Goddard, gentlemen, and Elizabeth Heveningham, otherwise Hennyngham, widow. Premises in Shordyche and Stebbenheth. Trin. Anno 3. Francis Downes, esquire, and Thomas Carewe, esquire, and Elizabeth, his wife. Premises in ' Marebone,' in the parish of St. Giles in the Fields. Trin. Anno 5. , Nicholas Holmes and Roger Wylde and Thomas Wylde, Thirty acres in Hyllyngdon. Trin. Anno 5. Gilbert Gerrard, esquire, attorney-general, and Gilbert Sheryngton, gentleman, and Edward Baysshe, esquire, and Thomasina, his wife. The manor of Pytteshanger and premises in Pytteshanger and Yelyng. Trin. Anno 5. Oliver Rycardes and Joan, his wife, and Robert Howton, and Matilda, his wife. Land in Sordyche and Stepney. Trin. Anno 5. \_There are no Fines for Mich. 5 and 6, Elizabeth.] Robert Deycrowe and WiUiam Lee, and Joan, his Avife. Land in Enfeld. Hit. Anno 6. Henry Byllyngsby and Christopher Holt, gentlemen, and William Wylkyns, gentleman, and Alice, his wife. An acre of land and a passage over the water of the Thames called " Chelohehythe Ferye," in Chelchehyth. Hil. Anno 6. John Kay and Dunstan Felton, esquire, and Mary, his Avife. Premises in Hackeney. ffil. Anno 6. George Harryson, gentleman, and Elizabeth, his Avife, and Francis Downes, esquire. Land in the parish of St. Giles in the Fields, ffil. Anno 6. Gilbert Wray, yeoman, and Robert Askewe, and Elizabeth, his Avife. Premises In Edelmeton. ffil. Anno 6. Henry Belamy and Thomas Belamy. Piemises in Monk- ton Hadleigh. Hil. Anno 6. Henry Laurence, gentleman, and Anthony Uvedale, gentleman, and Elizabeth, his wife. Premises in the parish of St. Clement Danes. Hil. Anno 6. ELIZABETH. 125 Thomas Duke, WilHam ColshiU, and Wyatt Wylde, gentlemen, and Matthew Poyntz, gentleaian, and Winifred, his Avife. The third part of premis:s in the county of Smrey, and in Westminster, in the county of Middlesex. Mention of Winifred Raynesforde. B.C. Hil. Anno 6. Sir Richard Sakevjde, knight, Thomas Sakevyle, John Sakevyle, esquires, Anthony Bridges, and Edward Barnard, gentlemen, and Philip Fynes, gentleman. Manors and lands in the counties of Sussex, Kent, Essex, Suffolk, Norfolk, Lincoln, Southampton, Northampton, Berks, Wilts, Dorset, Nottingham, Derby, York, Northumberland ; and premises in London. B. C. ffil. Anno 6. Thomas Wilson and John Wardalle, and Joan, his AvIfe. Premises is the parish of St. Mary Matfelon, otherwise Whytechappell. Easter Anno 6. WiUiam Gerrade, gentleman, and Thomas Partriche, and IsabeUa, his wife. Premises in Norlhad ', Harowe on the Hill, and Greyneforde. Faster Anno 6. William Aubrey and WiUiam Rooper, esquire. AdvoA\'Son of the church of Herlyngton, otherwise Herdyngton. Faster Anno 6. John Hulse, gentleman, and Philip Hulse, esquire. A messuage, two shops, and a wharf. In the parish of St. Dunstan In the East, In the Avard of Billlnsgate. L. Easter Anno 6. James Mascall and Anthony Maxey, gentleman. Premises In the county of Buckingham, and land In StanweU, in the county of Middlesex. B.C. Easter Anno 6. Richard Roper, John Bankes, Reginald Dent, Thomas Robynson, WiUiam Mascall, and John Egles, and John Hiller, and Joan, his wife. Eighty gardens in the parish of St. Giles, without Crepilgate. Trin. Anno 6. Sir Thomas Gresham, knight, and Anne, his wife, and Edmund Awger, gentleman, and Margaret, his AvIfe. Land in Heston. Warranty against Edward Mason. Trin. Anno 6. Thomas Felde and John Newdygate, esquire, Thomas 126 FEET OF FINES. Breame, and " Amphelicia," his wife. Premises in Wox brydge. Trin. Anno 6. WilHam Yyncent and WiUiam Robertes, otherAvise Anthony, and Anne, his wife, and Robert Nasshe, and Margaret, his wife. Premises in Wyllesden, and Harlesdon. Trin. Anno 6. John Parker and Edmund Mathewe, and Rose, his wife, and Alice Lever, widow. Premises in Stratford at Bowe and Bromley. Trin. Anno 6. Stephen Clabroke and William Claybroke, gentlemen, and Thomas Edderydge, and Agnes, his Avife. Premises, Avith - water-mill, in St. Clement Danes. Trin. Anno 6. Richard Cryer and Edward Warde, otherAvise Pylton, and Joan, his wife. Premises in Uxbridge. Trin. Anno 6. MatheAv Feylde and John Sammes, gentleman, and Mary, his wife. The moiety of land in Hackney. Trin. Anno 6. Thomas Busbye and John Nicolas, gentleman. Premises in Goldyng-lane, in the suburbs of London. Trin. Anno 6. EdAvard Peeke and Richard Forthe and Peter Good, and Margaret, his Avife. The manor of Grovebarnes, and premises In Stanes, Asheforde, Lalam, and StauAA-ell. Trin. Anno 6. John Nuttynge and Eleanor, his Avife, and Edmund Robertz, esquire. Premises in Hendon. Trin. Anno 6. Robert Woodlef [Woodles ?] gentleman, and Robert Adence, and Joan, his wife. Premises in Uxbridge. Trin. Anno 6. William Rooper, esquire, and William Aubrey, and Jane, his wife. The manor of Dalley, and premises in Harlington, otheiAvise Hardlngton, Iknam, Sj-bston, and Harniesworth. Trin. Anno 6. WilHam Taj-lor and Thomas Sherley, esquire, and Anne, his Avife. Premises In South Mymmes, Fyncheley, Hendon, Hornsey, Willesdon, and Acton ; and also the sixth part of the manor of Oxgate ; and of premises in Wyllesdon, Hendon, HarroAve, otherAvise Harrowe on the Hyll, Grene- ELIZABETH. 127 ford, Peryvale, Yelyng, otherwise Ealyng, Ikename, Hygate, and Kyngesbury. Remainders. Trin. Anno 6. Richard Duffeld, John Hogettes, Roger Taylor, Thomas Cordye, and Thomas Shepard, and William Frenche, and Thomas Frenche. Premises in the parish of St. Botolph, without Algate, London. L. Trin. Anno 6. Sir Walter Myldmay, knight. Sir Anthony Cooke, knight, Robert Wyngfeld, esquire, Anthony Broun, esquire . . . John Harringey, esquire, WiUiam Cooke, esquire, Roger Alford, esquire, John Conyers, gentleman, John Mont- stephan, gentleman, and Peter Kempe, gentleman, cmd Sir William Cecyll, knight, chief secretary of the queen. Manors, lands, &c., in the counties of Lincoln, North ampton, Rutland, and Hertford ; and a capital messuage called " Circittes Howse," and premises in the city of Westminster, and in the parishes of St. Clement Danes, St. Martin, St. Pancras, St. Margaret in Westminster, Kentish towne, and Enfeld, in the county of Middlesex ; and in the parish of St. Gregory, In the ward of ' Baynerd's Castell,' in the county of the city of London. B.C. Trin. Anno 6. John Rawlyns and Henry Myles, and Alice, his wife, and James Apowell, and Anne, his wife. Piemises in the parish of St. Giles in the Fields. Mich. Anno 6 and 7. Simon Skydmor and Thomas Somerton, and Anne, his Avife. Premises in Fynchly. Mich. Anno 6 and 7. Rose Trott, Avidow, and Robert BIgmore, and Isabella, his wife, and Robert Smyth, and Agues, his wife. Premises In Fyncheley. Mich. Anno 6 and 7. Henry Isham, and Thomas Merycke, and Margaret, his wife, and Christopher Troughton, and EUzabeth, his Avife. Premises In Southmymes. Afiih. Anno 6 and 7. Thomas Garton and John Porter ani Robert Morcok, and Catherine, his wife. Premises in Westminster. Mich. Anno 6 and 7. Joan Roblaunt, Avidow, and John Foxe, and Anne, his wife. Premises in the parish of St. Sepulchre, In the subm-bs of London. Mich. Anno 6 and 7. 128 FEET OF FINES. Christopher Gybson and WilHam Stokes, and Joan, his wife. Premises in " Grayse Inne lane," in the parish of St. AndreAV, in Holborne. Mich. Anno 6 and 7. Roger att Lee and John Newdegate, esquire, and Thomas Breame, and " Amphelicia," his wife. Premises In Wox bryge and Cowley. Mich. Anno 6 and 7. WilHam Lychelade, otherAvise Clerke, and Francis Yaughan, esquire. Premises in Knyghtbrydge, Kensinton, Eye and le Breche. Mich. Anno 6 and 7. John Kechyn, gentleman, and Thomas Staunford, gentle man. Ten acres of pasture in IloUowey and Islyngton. Mich. Anno 6 and 7. Edmund Turner and William Honynge, and Frances, his wife. Premises In New Braynforde and Elinge. Mich. Anno 6 and 7. William Harward, clerk, rector of the parish church of St. Clement Danes, and Margery Chesshire, Avidow. Premises in the parish of St. Clement Danes. Mich. Anno 6 and 7. John Bromfelde and John Grymston, the younger, and Margaret, his wife. The moiety of 60 acres of wood, in the parish of Edelmeton. Mich. Anno 6 and 7. Roger Parker and Thomas Henneage, esquire, and Anne, his Avife. Sixty-six acres of pasture in ClerkenweU. Mich. Anno 6 and 7. Hugh Councell, gentleman, and Henry Bell, and EHzabeth, his Avife. TAventy acres of land and twenty acres of pasture in Istelworth Syon. Afich. Anno 6 and 7. Thomasina Best, widow, and Everard Dygby, gentleman. Premises in the parish of St. Martin in the Fields. Afich. Anno 6 and 7. John TamAvorth, esquire, and Henry Parker, gentleman, and EHzabeth, his wife. Premises in Fulham. Mich. Anno 6 and 7. Thomas Clerke and Robert NicoU and John Lambe, and Alice, his wife, and Robert Clerke, and Alice, his Avife. Premises in Hendon. Afich. Anno 6 and 7. ELIZABETH. 129 Robert Taylor and Bartholomew Jennens, citizen and fishmonger, of London. Premises in the parish of St. Leonard in Estcheap, London. Mention of Elizabeth Rayston, widow. L. Mich. Anno 6 and 7. Thomas Penington and WilHam Shypton, and Thomas Shypton. Premises in the parish of St. Stephen, in " CoHnanstrete," in the city of London. L. Mich. Anno 6 and 7. John Howlte and WiUiam Leonardo, and Thomas Strete, gentleman. Premises in the parish of St. Nicholas Olave in " Bredstrete." Mention of AHce Leonard, Avidow. L. Mich. Anno 6 and 7. James Crewse, esquire, and Anthony Pase, merchant, and John Aldrydge, gentleman, and Elizabeth, his wife. Premises in the counties of Buckiagham and Berks. ; and in Uxbrydge, in the county of Middlesex. B.C. Mich. Anno 6 and 7. George Yeo, gentleman, and John Broke, gentleman, and Catherine, his wife. Premises in Enveld, in the county of Middlesex ; and in the county of Essex. B. C. Mich. Anno 6 and 7. Thomas Forster and Anthony Tate, gentleman, and Eliza beth, his Avife. Premises in the parish of St. Botolph, near ByUingsgate. L (in calendar only). Hil. Anno 7. John Herdson and John Heath, esquire. Premises in the St. Dunstan in le Est. L. (in calendar only). Hil. Anno 7. Sir Richard Cholmeley, knight, and Sir John Mordaunt, knight, lord Mordaunt, and others. Premises in le Whyte Fryers. L. (in calendar only). Hil. Anno 7. Edmund Pygyon, gentleman, and Joan, his Avife, and Hemy Baker, and Joan, his Avife. Premises in Est Bed- fount and West Bedfount. Hil. Anno 7. Thomas Pate [Pace ?] and Richard Brant. Premises in Hendon. Hil. Anno 7. Thomas Doughtie and Henry Laurence, gentleman, and EverUda, his Avife, and Anthony Uvedale, and Elizabeth, H 130 FEET OF FINES. his wife. Two messuages in the parish of St. dement Danes. Hil. Anno 7. Thomas Raye and Richard Clarke, and Agnes, his wife. Premises in Wynsmorehyll, in the parish of Edelmeton ; also the third part of j)remises in " Norton Folly," in the parish of St. Botolph, Avithout Byssheppegate, London. ffil. Anno 7. Thomas Thm-sbye, gentleman, and Thomas Stockwood, gentleman, and Elizabeth, his Avife. Premises in the parish of St. Martin in the Fields. Mention of Avice Thursbye. Hil. Anno 7. Sir William Harper, knight, and the lady Alice, his wife, and Coesar Adelmare, and Margery, his wife. Land in High Holborne, within the parish of St. Andrew. Hil. Anno 7. William DoAvnes, citizen and merchant-tailor of London, and Elizabeth, his wife, and Thomas Stockwood, gentleman, and Elizabeth, his wife. Premises in the parish of St. Martin in the Fields. Mention of Thomas Thursbye, and Avice, his Avife. Hil. Anno 7. Thomas Hasylwood and Edmund CordeU, and Agnes, his wife. Premises in Enfeld. Easter Anno 7. Thomasina Best, AvidoAV, and Everard Dygbye, and AHce, his Avife. Premises in the parish of St. Martin in the Fields. Faster Anno 7. Thomas Harbert, gentleman, and Geoffrey Rudd, and Elizabeth, hisAvife, and WiUiam Walett, and Joan, his wife. Premises in Endfeld. Faster Anno 7. Nicholas Brelman and Edward Norres, esquire, and Margaret, his wife. The moiety of a messuage in the parish of St. Martin, next Charynge Crosse. Faster Anno 7. William Kynge and Edward Norres, esquire, and Margaret, his wife. The moiety of two messuages in the parish of St. Martin, next Charynge Crosse. Easter Anno 7. John Forrest and Edward Norres, esquire, and Margaret, his wife. The moiety of two messuages in the parish of St. Martin, next Charynge Crosse, Fader Anno 7, ELIZABETH. 131 Thomas Russell and Thomas Noell, otherwise Nowell. and Agnes, his wife. Premises in Southmymmes. Faster Anno 7. Geoffrey Walkeden and Anne, his Avife, and James Tusser, and Simon Andrewes, and Barbara, his Avife. Land in Edelmeton. Faster Anno 7. John [Thomas ?] Godd, and Sir WiUiam Broke, knight, lord Cobham, lord warden of the Cinque Ports, and Frances, his Avife, and Benedict Spinola, gentleman. Premises in Hackney. Faster Anno 7. Thomas Russell and John Shadde, and Margaret, his wife. Premises in Southmymmes. Easter Anno 7. John Wight, gentleman, and Edward James, and Joan, his Avife. Land in Istelworth. Faster Anno 7. John Ettonfyld and Richard Grafton, citizen and grocer, of London, and AHce, his Avife. Premises in the parish of Christ Church, Avithin Newgate, London. Remainders. L. Faster Anno 7. John BiUl and John Stocker Jekyll, and Mary, his wife. Premises in More Lane, in the parish of St. Giles, without Crepelgate. L (in calendar only). Trin. Anno 7. John Slighe and Sir James Blount, knight, lord Mount joye, and others. Premises in the parish of St. GUes in the Fields (in calendar only). Trin. Anno 7. GUbert Oliver, and others, and Henry Lysley, and others. Premises in the parish of St. Clement Danes (in calendar only). Trin. Anno 7. John Hodge and WUliam Lee, and Joan, his Avife. Premises in Enfeld (in calendar only). Trin. Anno 7. Thomas Butler, gentleman, and others, and James Colette, and others. Premises in Stanes (in calendar only). Trin. Anno 7. Richard Frankland, and others, and Sir James Blount, knight, lord Mountjoye, and others. Premises in High Holborn (in calendar only). Trin. Anno 7. John Baker and Edward Warde, otherwise Pylton, and others. Premises in Uxbridge (in calendar only). Trin. Anno 7. 132 FEET OF FINES. WUHam Walshe and WilHam Bromefyld, gentleman, and others. Premises in Poplar, in the parish of Stepney (in calendar only) . Trin. Anno 7. WilHam Court and John Baker, and Anne, his wife. Premises in Uxbridge (in calendar only) . Trin. Anno 7. Richard Cryer (?) and Bernard Ogbourne, and Cecily, his wife. Premises in Uxbridge (in calendar only). Trin. Anno 7. Ralph Bacstar and Bernard Ogbourne, and CecUy, his wife. Premises in Uxbridge (in calendar only). Trin. Anno 7. WiUiam Whyte and John Rose, and , his Avife. Premises in Enfelde (in calendar only). Trin. Anno 7. Elizabeth Budder, and others, and Simon Budder. Premises in Endefelde (in calender only). Trin. Anno 7. Robert Marten and Thomas Persse, esquire. Premises in Isleden, otherwise Islyngton (in calendar only). Trin. Anno 7. Robert Broune, and others, and Sir James Blount, lord Mourltjoye, and Katherine, his Avife. The manor of St. Giles in the Fields, in the county of Middlesex and in the city of London. B.C (in calendar only). Mich. Anno 7 and 8. Augustine Fowys and Richard FoAvys. Premises in the parishes of St. Peter, in Westcheap, and elsewhere. L (In calendar only). Mich. Anno 7 and 8. Cuthbert TunstaU, esquire, and others, and Joan Sheaf, Avidow. A tenement in Fynk's Lane, in the parish of St. Benet Fynke. i (in calendar only). Mich. Anno 7 wndi S. Ralph Smart, and others, and George Cunnygreve. Premises in the parish of St. Dunstan in the West. L (in calendar only). Mich. Anno 7 and 8. WUHam Maynarde and Richard Fothergyll, and others. Premises in the parish of St. Martin in le Yintrey. L (in calendar only). Mich. Anno 7 and 8. John Braunche and Elizabeth PaUadj^, and others. Premises in the parish of St. Mary Abchurch. L (in calen dar only). Mich. Anno 7. ELIZABETH. 133 Thomas Stanley, esquire, and Sir James Blount, knight, lord Mountjoye, and others. Premises in the parish of St. Leonard, Shordyche (in calendar only). Mich. Anno 7 and 8. Thomas Fowler, gentleman, and others, and (sic) Thursby, and others. Premises in the parish of St. Martin in the Fields (in calendar only). Mich. Anno 7 and 8. Margaret HoUygrave, widow, and Christopher Hubberd, and others. Premises in the parish of St. Botolph, Avithout Aldgate (in calendar only). Mich. Anno 7 and 8. John Hudson and WiUiam Harryson, and others. Premises in Enfeld (in calendar only). Mich. Anno 7 and 8. Richard Mason, and others, and Ambrose Crolyer, and others. Premises in the parish of St. Clement Danes, and elsewhere (in calendar only). Mich. Anno 7 and 8. Christopher Shelfilde and Richard GonsseU (?). Premises in Hardyngton (in calendar only). Mich. Anno 7 and 8. Jane Kyrrye, daughter and heir of WilHam Kyrrye, deceased, and Thomas Freman, gentleman, and others. Premises in Hampsted (in calendar only). Mich. Anno 7 and 8. Margaret Kyrry, Avidow, and Thomas Freman, gentleman, and others. Premises in Hampsted (in calendar only). Mich. Anno 7 and 8. John Braytoft and Charles Goddard, gentleman, and others. Premises in Shordyche and elsewhere (in calendar only). Mich. Anno 7 and 8. George Carewe, clerk, and Sir WUHam Chester, knight, and others. Premises in Poplar and elsewhere (in calendar only). Mich. Anno 7 and 8. George Campyon and Robert Oldam, and others. A tenement in "Seynt John's Streat " (in calendar only). Mich. Anno 7 and 8. John Bynkes and Edward Welshe, gentleman, and others. Premises in the city of Westminster (in calendar only), Mich. Anno 7 and 8. l34 FEET OF FINES. Thomas NicoUs and Thomas Hewes, and others. The third part of a tenement in Edmonton (in calendar only). Mich. Anno 7 and 8. John Hudson and William Whyte, and others. Premises ill Enfield (in calendar only). Mich. Anno 7 and 8. Richard Tattersall, gentleman, and others, and Nicholas Wylliams, esquire, and others. The third part of premises in Thistleworth and elsewhere (in calendar only). Afich. Anno 7 and 8. Robert Wolman and Thomas Hughes, esquire, and others. "A tenement in the water of Cowley" (in calendar only). Mich. Anno 7 and 8. Roger Gysse (?), and others, and Thomas Hughes, esquire. Premises in Uxbridge and elsewhere (in calendar only). Mich. Anno 7 and 8. John Watson, gentleman, and Caesar Adehnare, esquire, and others. Premises in the parish of St. Pancras, near London (in calendar only). Mich. Anno 7 and 8. Nicholas Fyppes, and others, and Robert Oldham, other wise Odam, and others. Premises in St. John Street (in calendar only). Afich. Anno 7 and 8. WiUiam Poole, gentleman, and Thomas Dayly. Premises in Sunberye (in calendar only). Mich. Anno 7 and 8. Alan Horde, gentleman, and Edmund' Robertes, esquire, and Faith, his Avife. Premises in Northall, Harrowe on the Hill, Pynner, Roxsey, and Marybon. Hil. Anno 8. Robert Hytchecocke, and WUHam Weston, gentlemen, and John Smyth, gentleman. The manor of Greneford, and premises in Great Greneford and Heston. Hil. Anno 8. William Townesend and Alice, his Avife, and John BurniU, gentleman, and Richard Urlyne. Premises in West Drayton and Colham. Hil. Anno 8. John Whitfyld and John Grymnston, and Margai-et, his wife. The moiety of six acres of wood in Edelmunton. Hil. Anno 8. WiUiam Dummer and Thomas Wheler and John Fyrmyger, otherwise Fremynger, and Emma, his wife. ELIZABETH. 135 Premises in Edekneton, Norton Folgate, and Shordich. Hil. Anno 8. Richard Bacon and Henry Heritage, and Elizabeth, his wife. Premises in Highe Holborne, within the parish of St. Andrew. Hil. Anno 8. Thomas Walton, esquire, and Robert Sheparde, and CeciUy, his Avife, John Nycholas, John Tull, Richard Lorymer, and John ToAvns. Premises in the parish of St. Giles, without Cryppulgate, in the suburbs of London. Hil. Anno 8. Richard Andrewe, the younger, and Thomas Aldersey, and AHce, his wife. Premises in " Whyte Crosse Strete," with out Cryppulgate, in the suburbs of London. L. Hil. Anno 8. WilHam BuckneU, gentleman, and Thomas Chapman, and Joan, his Avife. The fourth part of the moiety of the manor of Creeke, and premises in the county of Norihampton, and the fourth part of the moiety of premises in Staynes, Stane well, Hermoursworthe, and Bedfonte, in the county of Middlesex. B.C. Hil. Anno 8. John Eden, gentleman, and Elizabeth, his wife, and Michael Gybbyns, and Ellen, his Avife, William Robynson, and Alice, his wife. Premises in Stepney. Easter Anno 8. WiUiam NycoUs and Thomas Somerton, and Anne, his Avife. Premises in Fyncheley. Faster Anno 8. Robert Mann (?) and Stephen Pope, and Agnes, his wife. The moiety of premises in Shorediche. Easter Anno 8. Thomas Stanley, esquire, and John BuU, and Joan, his Avife, Nicholas Awgar, and Agnes, his Avife. Land in Stebinheth. Easter Anno 8. John Bynkes and Edward Welshe, gentleman, and Alice, his Avife. A messuage in Westminster. Easter Anno 8. Henry CoUyns, and Agnes, his Avife, and Thomas Read, gentleman, and Anne, his Avife. Premises in Sheperton. Faster Anno 8. Dionisius BeUard and WiUiam Graves. Premises in Hamersmythe and Cheswyke. Easter Anno 8. 136 FEET OF FINES. Robert Huyck, esquire, and John Bankes, and Joyce, his Avife. Land in Enfeld. Easter Anno 8. John Kempe and Andrew Yonge, gentleman, and Margery, his wife. The moiety of premises in Strattford att Bowe. Faster Anno 8. WUliam Dane, and Margery, his wife, and James Kempe, gentleman, and Anne, his wife. Premises in Acton, East- acton, and Church Acton. Easter Anno 8. Richard Platte and John Rawlyns, and Joan, his wife. Premises in the parish of St. Giles in the Fields. Faster Anno 8. Thomas Somerton and Edward Ley, and Ellen, his wife. Premises in Fyncheley. Easter Anno 8. Gavin Udall and Godfrey Harryson, and Joan, his Avife. Premises in the parish of St. Margaret, in Westminster. Faster Anno 8. John Trote and John Currey, and Dorothy, his Avife. Premises in Westminster. Faster Anno 8. The mayor, bailiffs, burgesses, and commonalty of the toAvn of Bedford, and Sir William Harper, knight, and AHce, his wife. Land in High Holburne, within the parish of St. Andrew. Easter Anno 8. Thomas Bromley and John Grey, gentlemen, and Sir Thomas Wentworth, knight, lord Wentworth, and Anne, his Avife. Premises ia Popler in the parish of Stepney. Remainders. Easter Anno 8. Thomas Boswell and George Smythe, gentlemen, and Sir John Zouche, knight. Manors and lands In the counties of Derby, Leicester, and Northampton ; and premises in the parish of St. Clement Danes, London, in the county of Middlesex. B.C. Easter Anno 8. Sir Ralph Chamberleyn, knight. Sir John Tirrell, knight, Sir Edward Dymock, knight, and Andrew Gedney, esquire, and Sir William Skipwith, knight, and Elizabeth, his Avife. Manors and lands in the counties of Lincoln, York, Hertford, Northampton and Bedford ; and premises in " St. Marye ELIZABETH. 137 Hilles," in the city of London, in the county of London. D.C. Easter Anno 8. John Arundell, Thomas Stoughton, and WiUiam Barker, esquires, and Henry, earl of Arundel, and Sir John Lumley, knight, lord Lumley, and Jane, his wife, daughter of the said earl. Manor and lands in the counties of Sussex, Surrey, Salop, and Southampton ; and a capital messuage called Arundel Place, and land in the parish of St. Clement Danes, in the county of Middlesex. D. C. Easter Anno 8. John Cawood and George Smythe, gentleman, and Joan Petitt, Avidow, and Anthony Kytson, and Margaret, his wife. Two messuages in the parish of St. Bridget, in " Fletestrete." Remainders to the Kytson family. L. Faster Anno 8. Thomas Rowe, citizen and alderman, of London, and Thomas Heron, gentleman, and Cecily, his wife, Edmund Heron, gentleman, Christopher Heron, gentleman, Henry Heron, gentleman, and John Heron, gentleman. Premises in Essex, and land in Hackney and Tottenham, in the county of Middlesex. D.C. Trin. Anno 8. Sir Robert Tyrwhitt, knight, and Henry Darcye, esquire, and Thomas Darcye, esquire, and Elizabeth, his Avife The third part of manors and lands in the counties of York, Nottingham, Northumberland, and the third part of 20li rent in the city of Westminster. D.C. Trin. Anno %. John Hales, esquire, and William Fletewode, esquire, and Edmund Harrys. A messuage in " Brodestreate," in the parish of " St. Peter le Poore." L. Trin. Anno 8. John Tamworth, esquire, and Nicholas Holmes, and Bridget, his wife. Land in Fulham. Trin. Anno 8. Thomas Hewes, esquire, and Roger Atlee, and John Newdegate, esquire. Premises in Herfeld. Trin. Anno 8. Thomas Post and Henry Belle, gentleman, and EHzabeth, his Avife. Premises in Istillworth, and Heston. Trin. Anno 8. Edmund Hale and Richard Cryer, and Isabella, his Avife. Premises in Woxbridge. Trin. Anno 8. 138 FEET OF FINES. Ellis Crymes and Joan Sheffe, Avidow. Premises in St. Clement Danes. Trin. Anno 8. Ralph Robynson and Richard Cryer, end Isabella, his Avife. Premises in Woxbridge. Trin. Anno 8. Richard Candler and Nicholas Soiithcote, gentleman, and Ellen, his Avife. A messuage in the parish of St. Giles, Avithout Creplegate. Trin. Anno 8. Barnard Fabyan, and Agnes, his Avife, and Robert Oldam, and Frances, his wife. Two messuages in the St. Johns street, in the parish of St. Sepulche, Avithout Newgate. Trin. Anno 8. Edmund Smyth, gentleman, and Agnes WestAvyck, Avidow, and WilHam Hackman, and Anne, his wife. Land in Ryslypp. Trin. Anno 8. William Harryson and John Garrett, and Edward Black weU, gentleman, and Alice, his Avife. Premises in Enfeld. Trin. Anno 8. John Wood and Margaret, his Avife, and Hugh Smyth, and Agnes, his Avife. Premises in Enfeld. Trin. Anno 8. John Graunge and Robert DoAvnes, esquire, and Edward Downes. Premises in the parish of St. Giles in the Fields. Trin. Anno 8. Richard Daper, gentleman, and WiUiam Smythe. Premises in the parish of St. Leonard, in Shordyche. Mention of William Lyttelcote, and Agnes, his Avife. Trin. Anno 8. WiUiam Sheryngton and WiUiam GoHghtley, esquire, and EUen, his wife. Land in Marybourne. Trin. Anno 8. Christopher Barnard, gentleman, and Alice, his Avife, and Csesar Adelmare, esquire, and Margery, his wife. Land in Higheholborne, within the parish of St. Andrew ; and in Kentysshetowne, within the parish of St. Pancras in the Fields. Trin. Anno 8. John Lawton, gentleman, and Robert Cooke, and Dorothy, his Avife. Premises in the parish of St. Clement Danes. Trin. Anno 8. ELIZABETH. 139 John Gray and William Walshe, gentlemen, and Sir Thomas Wentworth, knight, lord Wentworth, and Anne, his Avife. Premises in Stepney. Remainders. Trin. Anno 8. WilHam Alleyn and John AUyn, and Agnes, his AvIfe, and John Preston. Premises in the street of St. John, in the parish of St. Sepulchre. Remainders. Trin. Anno 8. Elizabeth Saunders, Avidow, and John Aldrige, and EHza beth, his Avife. Premises in Uxbridg, in the county of Middlesex ; and premises in the county of Buckingham. D.C. Mich. Anno 8 and 9. Henry WaUys and Richard Core. Premises in the parish of St. Margaret, in the ward of London Bridge. Warranty against WiUiam Babbham, gentleman. L. Afich. Anno 8 and 9. Thomas Huyck, doctor of law, and Benedict Guereye (?) , and Jane, his Avife. Premises in the city of London. L. Mich. Anno 8 and 9. Christopher Whychecott, citizen and merchant-tailor, of London, and Henry Lysley, gentleman, and Frances, his wife. Premises in the parish of St. Bridget, in the city of London. L. Mich. Anno 8 and 9. John Yyncent and Henry Myllett, and Elizabeth, his Avif e. Premises in Northall. Mich. Anno 8 and 9. Robert Braynte and John Braynte, and Agnes, his wife. Premises in Hendon. Mich. Anno 8 and 9. Henry MUlett and Roger ToAvnnesende, esquire. The manor of Pyryvale, otherwise Lytle Greneford, and land in Pyryvale, Little Greneford, Elyng otherwise Yelyng, and Harroughe, also the advowson of the Church of Pyryvale. Mich. Anno 8 and 9. Thomas Dove and Richard Kempe, and John Kempe, gentlemen. Premises in Stanes. Mich. Anno 8 and 9. John Mercer and Ambrose Sare, and Gertmde, his wife. Premises in the parish of White ChapeU. Mich. Anno 8 and 9. 140 FEET OF FINES. Philip Scudamore and Sir James Blunt, knight, lord Mountjoye, and Catherine, his Avife. Land in Shortdiot. Mich. Anno 8 and 9. Henry Belamy and Thomas Belamy, and Catherine, his wife. Premises in Monkton Hadleigh. Mich. Anno 8 and 9. Robert Hayne, otherAvise Heyne, and John Stephen, and IsabeUa, his Avife, Edmund Gryffyn, and Alice, his Avife, and Christopher Wylford, and Margaret, his wife. Premises in Fyncheley. Mich. Anno 8 and 9. John Tamworth, esquire, and Thomas Essex, esquire, and Jane, his wife. The manor of WestoAvne, and premises, including mill, in WestoAvne, and Kensington. Mich. Anno 8 and 9. William Larke, esquire, and John Clarke, and Joan, his wife. Premises in Southmymmes, and common pasture in Enfeld. Mich. Anno 8 and 9. Richard Hewson, and Catherine, his Avife, and Laurence Bradshawe. Premises in the parish of White Chappell, without Algate. Mich. Anno 8 and 9. Thomas Allen and Sir James Blountte, knight, lord Mountjoye, and Catherine, his Avife. Premises in the parish of St. Giles In the Fields. Hil. Anno 9. John Bankes, son and heir apparent of Edward Bankes, citizen and alderman, of London, and Edward Gilbert, and Alice, his wife. Premises in Tottenham High Crosse and Edelmeton. Hil. Anno 9. Percival Rowlands and Sir James Blounte, knight, lord Mountjoye, and Catherine, his wife. Premises in the parish of St. Giles in the Fields. Hil. Anno 9. Edward Kingeston and Sir James Blounte, knight, lord Mountjoye, and Catherine, his wife. Premises in the parish of St. Giles In the Fields. Hil. Anno 9. George Harryson, gentleman, and Sir James Blounte, knight, lord Mountjoye, and Catherine, his wife. Premises in the parish of St. Giles in the Fields. Hil. Anno 9. ELIZABETH. 141 William Bemishe and Sir James Blount, knight, lord Mountjoye, and Catherine, his Avife. Premises in the parish of St. Giles in the Fields. Hil. Anno 9. Richard Holford, gentleman, and Su' James Blounte, knight, lord Mountjoye, and Catherine, his Avife. Land in the parish of St. Giles in the Fields. Hil. Anno 9. Henry Amptyll and Sir James Blountt, knight, lord Mountjoye, and Catherine, his wife. Premises in St. GUes in the Fields. Hil. Anno 9. John Hayward and AHce, his wife, and Margery Cor- nisshe, a sister and coheir of WiUiam Cornisshe. The moiety of five messuages in Westminster. Hil. Anno 9. John Parker and William Partriche, gentleman, and Alice, his Avife. Premises in the parish of St. Botolph, without Algate. Hil. Anno 9. Henry Elsynge, citizen and baker, of London, and Alice, his wife, and Csesar Adelmare, esquire, and Margery, his wife. Land in the parishes of St. Andrew, in Houlbourne and of St. Pancras and Kentyshtowne. Hil. Anno 9. John Palmer, esquire, and Nicholas Seintlyger, esquire, and Catherine, his Avife. The moiety of premises in Clerk enwell, next London. Warranty against Sir Thomas Moyle, knight, and WiUiam Goodwyn, gentleman. Hil. Anno 9. Thomas Bennett and Oswald Davye and John Doo, and Agnes, his wife. Premises in Endfelde. Hil. Anno 9. Michael Henneage, Miles Graye, and Simon Egerton, and Andrew ByUesbye, esquire. The office of usher of the exchequer of the queen, and the offices of marshaU, usher, and proclaimer, in the Common Bench, and of marshaU, &c., in every eyre, and session of itinerant justices, in every county within the kingdom of England, pertaining from old time to the same office. The aforesaid Andrew acknow ledged the aforesaid offices, together with the fee of 5d. per diem, to be received at the receipts of the exchequer, so long as the exchequer was open, and aU fees, wages, profits, &c., to be the right of the said Michael, and granted for himself and his heirs that the aforesaid offices, &c., which 142 FEET OF FINES. WUHam ByUesby holds for the term of sixty years, by lease of the aforesaid Andrew, should, at the close of the said term, revert to the said Michael, Miles and Simon. Hil. Anno 9. William HoUstock and Humphrey Walles and Sir WilHam Harper, knight, and Alice, his wife. Premises in the parishes of St. Clement Danes, and of St. Andwew, in Holborne. Hil. Anno 9. Robert Amerye and Richard Cryer, and IsabeUa, his Avife. Premises in Woxbridge. Hil. Anno 9. Sir Nicholas Bacon, knight, lord keeper of the great seal, and Sir James Blunt, knight, lord Mountjoye, and Catherine, his wife. Land in the parish of St. Giles in the Fields, and all manner of tithes coming, groAving, or rencAving, in two closes called the " le greate Close of Blomesburye, and Wylkinsons," in the said parish of St. Giles in the Fields, and in the parish of St. Pancras. Hil. Anno 9. Richard Buckland and Henry Gyle, and Mary, his wife. Land in the county of Surrey ; and premises in Stanes, Laleham, otherwise Lalam, Echelford, otherwise Assheford, and Stanwell, In the county of Middlesex. D.C. Hil. Anno 9. Sir Nicholas Bacon, knight, lord keeper of the great seal of England, and Sir James Blount, knight, lord Mount joye, and Catherine, his wife. Fifty acres of wood in Edelmeton. Faster Anno 9. John Barne and Thomas Bowes and Benedict Barfoote, gentleman, and Elizabeth, his wife. Premises in Est Smithfelde. Easter Anno 9. Sir Walter Myldmay, knight, and Clement Chycheley, esquire, and Mary, his wife. Premises in the parish of Clerkenwell. Easter Anno 9. Maurice Longe and William Longe and Sir James Blounte, knight, lord Mountjoye, and Catherine, his Avife. Premises in the parish of St. Leonard, in Shorteditche. Easter Anno 9. Humfrey Lovell, and Elizabeth, his wife, and Edward Kyngeston, and Elizabeth, his vsdfe. Premises in the parish of St. Giles in the Fields. Easter Anno 9. ELIZABETH. 143 WiUiam Harward, clerk, rector of the parish church of St. Clement Danes, and William Pedley, and Agnes, his wife. Premises in the parish of St. Clement Danes. Easter Anno 9. George Pynote, otherAvise Angell, and Alice, his wife, and John Woodlyff, and Annabella, his wife. Premises in Edelmeton. Faster Anno 9. Geoffrey Walkeden, and Robert Walkeden, and Richard Fox, and Isabella, his Avife. Premises in Edelmeton. Faster Anno 9. Henry GarHcke and John Hodge, the elder, and Margaret, his Avife. Premises in Enfeld. Easter Anno 9. Christopher Bussher and John Garrard, and Margaret, his Avife. The moiety of a meadow in South Marshe, in the parish of Enfeilde. Easter Anno 9. WiUiam Say, gentleman, and Robert Say, and Edmund Smyth, gentleman. Land in Ickenham. Easter Anno 9. Andrew Holborne and Thomas PhlUypson, and Bridget, his Avife. The moiety of five messuages in the parish of St. Margaret, in the city of Westminster. Easter Anno 9. Thomas Ramsey, citizen and alderman of the city of London, and Thomas Bowes, esqidre, son and heir of Sir Martin Bowes, knight, late citizen and alderman of the city of London, Martin Bowes, esquire, and Martin Bowes, gentleman, son and heir apparent of the aforesaid Martin Bowes, esquire. Premises in the parishes of St. Mary Wolnothe, St. Edmund, in " Lumberdstrete," and St. Michael's, in CornehUl. L. Faster Anno 9. Thomas Ramsey, citizen and alderman of the city of London, and Thomas Bowes, esquire, son and heir of Sir Martin Bowes, knight, late citizen and alderman of the city of London. Six messuages in the parish of St. Michael, in CornehUl. L. Easter Anno 9. Sir Walter Myldmaye, knight, and Hemy Coddenham, esquire, and Elizabeth, his Avife. Premises in the parishes of St. Bartholomew the Great, next West Smythefeld, London, and of St. Botolph, next the gate caUed Aldersgate, London. L. Easter Anno 9. 144 FEET OF FINES. Edmund Moyses and Sir James Blountte, knight, lord Mountjoye, and Catherine, his Avife. Premises in the parish of St. Olave. L. Easter Anno 9. Edward Southworth and Margaret North, widow. Premises in the parish of St. Dunstan in the East, within the city of London. L. Easter Anno 9. John Slighe and Richard Flyer, and Margaret, his wife. Two messuages in St. Lawrence Lane, Avithin the parish of St. LaAvrence. L. Faster Anno 9. Thomas Bacon, esquire, and Levinus Bovekyn, otherwise Bufkyn, and John Roper, esquire, and EHzabeth, his wife. The manor of Maylemanes, otherAvise Stoke, and lands in the county of Kent ; and premises in Shordyche, Popler, Stepney, and in the parish of St. Botolph, Avithout Bishops- gate, London. D.C. Easter Anno 9. Ralph Godfrey, and Richard Hatton, gentleman, and Robert Hamond, gentleman, and Anne, his Avife. Premises in Hermondesworth, Sybbeston, and Harlyngton, in the county of Middlesex ; and premises in the county of Bucks. D.C. Faster Anno 9. Sir Edward Wyndsore, knight, lord Wyndsore, and John Yaughan, esquire, and others. The manor of South Mymmes, and premises in the counties of Northampton and Huntingdon (in calendar only). D.C. Faster Anno 9. Robert Huyck, esquire, and John More, and Joan, his Avife. The fourth part of premises in Enfyld. Trin. Anno 9. Henry Clerke and John Fuller, and Dorothy, his Avife. Premises in " Seynt John's strete." Trin. Anno 9. Robert Huyck, esquire, and John More, and Joan, his wife. Premises in Enfyld. Trin. Anno 9. John Taylour and Roland Wright and Thomas Worley, gentleman. Premises in Stubbenhath, Popler, and Ehnes. Trin. Anno 9. Robert Wolman and Edward Nalson and John Marshall, and Joan, his wife. Premises in Woxbridge. Remainder to Thomas Staunesdale, otherwise Pease. Trin. Anno 9. ELIZABETH. 145 WiUiam Harryson and Oliver Chester and Richard Gierke, gentleman, and Agnes, his wife, and John Baxter, gentle man, and Anne, his Avife. Premises in Edelmeton. Re mainders. Trin. Anno 9. Joyce Barlee, vridow, and Richard Barlee, esquire, and WiUiam Goldwell, and Alice, his Avife. A messuage in " Whitecrosse Streate," in the parish of St. Giles, vrithout Creplegate. L. Trin. Anno 9, Peter Osborne, esquire, and Anne, his wife, and John Yaughan, esquire, Dominic Yaughan, gentleman, and Richard Putto, gentleman. A messuage in the parish of St. Mary, Colchurche. L. Trin. Anno 9. John Fyssher and William Whashe, and Margery, his wife. Premises in the parish of St. dement Danes. Mich. Anno 9 and 10. William Petersonne and John Forcett. A barn in Maribone, and the rectory and tithes of the church of Maribone. Mich. Anno 9 and 10. Nicholas Osborne and WiUiam TaUor. Land in Harling ton. Mich. Anno 9 and 10. Sir Robert Tyrwhyt, knight, the elder, and Elizabeth, his Avife, and Sir Henry Darcye, knight, and Anne Rigges, widow, and Edmund Rigges, gentleman. Premises in " Saynt John's lane," in the parish of ClerkenweU, near London. Mich. Anno 9 and 10. Roger Grave and Thomas Moore, gentleman. Premises in Enfyeld. Mich. Anno 9 and 10. WUHam Megges and Thomas Duke, gentleman, and Elizabeth, his wife. Premises in the parish of St. Mary Matfelon, without Algate. Mich. Anno 9 and 10. MUes Exilby and WilHam Massy, gentleman, and CecIHa, his wife. Premises in Westminster. Mich. Anno 9 and 10. WUHam Blyghton and WiUiam Pala, and Elizabeth, his Avife. Premises in Turnmelstret, in the parish of St. Sepulchre, Avithout Newgate. Mich. Anno 9 and 10. 146 FEET OF FINES. Richard Lyster and Adam Hutchenson. Premises in the parish of St. Giles, Avithout Creplegate. Mich. Anno 9 and 10. Robert Huyck, esquire, and Thomas Newalde, and Alice, his Avife. Premises in Enfeld. Mich. Anno 9 and 10. John Androwes and Simon Wilson, gentleman, and Joan, his wife. Premises in the parish of St. dement Danes. Mich. Anno 9 and 10. Richard Olkyn [Elkyn ?] and John Englishe, and Hugh Starkey, and Jane, his Avife. Premises in the parish of St. Mary Matfellon, otherAvise WhitchappeU. Mich. Anno 9 and 10. John Henry and Margaret Henry, Avidow, and WUHam Yernon, and Alice, his wife. Premises in Poppler, in the parish of Stevenheth. Mich. Anno 9 and 10. William BuckneU and WilHam Kympton, gentleman, and Jane, his Avife. The fourth part of the moiety of manors and lands in the county of Northampton, and the fourth part of the moiety of premises in Stanwell and Bedfount, in the county of Middlesex. D.C. Afich. Anno 9 and 10. Nicholas Wychehalfe, gentleman, and William Leonardo. Premises in the parish of St. Nicholas Olave, otherAvise Olyffe, in Bredstrete. L. Mich. Anno 9 and 10. William Petersonne and John Forcett. Premises in the parish of St. Andrew, in Holborn. L. Mich. Anno 9 and 10. Henry BoAvne and James Stock, citizen and goldsmith, of London, and Elizabeth, his Avife. Premises in Fletestrete and " Fletealle," in the parish of St. Bridget, in the suburbs in London. L. Afich. Anno 9 and 10. Robert Mounson, esquire, and Nicholas Buck, and Nicholas Chowne, citizen and haberdasher, of London. Premises in London. Mention of William Frankeland, otherAvise Franke, citizen and clothworker, of London, and Joyce, his wife. Remainders to Robert and Nicholas Buck. L. Afich. Anno 9 and 10. ELIZABETH. 147 Henry ByUyngsley and John Penradock and WilHam Gravener, and Margaret, his wife. Premises in Grace Churche street. Mention of WilHam Armer. Remainders to WiUiani Goodwyn. L. Mich. Anno 9 and 10. Richard Yonge, gentleman, and John Brokett, esquirc) and Ellen, his wife. Premises in " Charterhowse churche yarde." and " Charterhowse lane," in the parish of St. Sepulchre. Hil. Anno 10. Richard MUlett and Henry MiUet. Premises in Greate Greniford. Hil. Anno 10. Edward Baber, gentleman, and Catherine, his wife, and John Swyfte, esquire, and Margaret, his wife. Premises in Clerkenwell, and " Seynt Jones lane." Hil. Anno 10. Richard Phillipps and. Robert Weston, esquire, and AHce, his Avife. Land in Heston. Remainders to Guy Aunsham, son of the said Alice. Hil. Anno 10. Simon Wrenche and John Webster and William Ridgele, and Alice, his wife. Premises in Islington. Hil. Anno 10. Robert RIchers, esquire, and Robert Medley, and Eliza beth, his Avife. Premises in Norton Folgate. otherAvise Norton FoUyott. Hil. Anno 10. Thomas Russell and Thomas Merryck, and Margaret, his wife. Premises in Southmymes. Hil. Anno 10. Thomas Worley' and John Taylor, and Rowland Wryghte. Premises in Stubbenhuth, Popler, and Elmes. Hil. Anno 10. WilHam Taylor and Thomas Sherley, and Anne, his Avife. The sixth part of manors and lands in the counties of Kent and Leicester ; and the sixth part of premises in Perevell, Harrowe, Tottenham, and TottenhiU Marshe, in the county of Middlesex. D.C. Hil. Anno 10. William Avery and Anthony Silver. Premises in the parish of St. Sepulchre, Avithout Newgate. L. Hil. Anno 10. John Bodyham and Simon Egerton, gentlemen, and John Peers, and Alice, his wife. Premises in the parish of St. Mildred, in Bredstrete, London. L. Hil. Anno 10. Christopher Rythe, gentleman, and Thomas Sherley, esquire, and Anne, his wife. The third part of premises in 148 FEET OF FINES. Acton, WUsden, Chesweke, and Elinge. Warranty against the heirs of Sir Thomas Frowicke, knight, deceased. Easter Anno 10. WilHam Fuller and John Edlyn, and Agnes, his Avife. Premises in Stanwell. Easter Anno 10. Robert Kynge and WiUiam Randyson, and Margaret, his wife. Premises in WiUesdon. Easter Anno 10. Thomas Hasylwood and Ralph Crowder, and Elizabeth, his wife. The third part of premises in Knyghtbridge, " Eyele Breche," and Kensington. Faster Anno 10. Sir Thomas Gresham, knight, and Anthony Stringer, gentleman, and John Elyott, and Eleanor, his Avife. Premises in Heston, Istylworthe, Syon, Norwood, Osterley, and Wyke. Warranty against Alexander Chesenall and Augustine Theyre. Easter Anno 10. WiUiam Yincent and Thomas Sherley, esquire, and Anne, his wife. The third part of premises in WUsden and Acton. Warranty against the heirs of Sir Thomas FroAvyke, knight, deceased. Easter Anno 10. Walter Cole and John Cole and Sir Thomas Gressham, knight, and Anne, his wife, Alfred Brayton, and Eleanor, his wife. Land called " Sowmersfyld," in Heston. Faster Anno 10. Henry Whyttell and Peter Rosewell and Richard Hartil- pole, and Margaret, his wife. The moiety of premises in ClerkenweU. Faster Anno 10. Simon Scudamor and Richard Burton, and Elizabeth, his wife. Premises in Fyncheley. Faster Anno 10. Sir Thomas Gressham, knight, and Anne, his wife, and Alfred Brayton, and Eleanor, his Avife. Land in Heston. Warranty against Sir Edward Wyndesore, knight, lord Wyndesore. Easter Anno 10. Thomas Harte and John Turner, and Constance, his wife. Premises in Feltham. Faster Anno 10. John Derrick, otherAvise Gilberdson, and Henry Lisle, gentleman, and Frances, his wife. Premises in the parish of St. dement Danes. Easter Anno 10. ELIZABETH. 149 Robert Fayrebarne and John Grymston, and Margaret, his wife. The moiety of premises in Edelmeton. Faster Anno 10. WiUiam NycoU, otherwise NycoUes, of Hyewoodhill, and Thomas Sherley, esquire, and Anne, his Avife. The third part of premises in Fyncheley. Warranty against the heirs of Sir Thomas Frowyke, knight, late chief justice of the Bench. Easter Anno 10. WilHam Tarry and George Etheridge, and AHce, his wife. Land in Fyncheley. Easter Anno 10. Thomas Andrewes, Edmund Wyseman, and Bartholomew Kempe, and Richard NichoUes. Land in Henden. Faster Anno 10. John Naylor and John Tottenham, gentlemen, and Anthony Uvedall, gentleman, and EHzabeth, his wife. Premises in the parish of St. Clement Danes. Easter Anno 10. Richard LaAvrence and John Tumor, and Constance, his wife. Premises in Feltham. Easter Anno 10. John Slighe and Edmund Armestronge and Sir Richard Pexall, knight, and Owen Dodde. Premises in Woxbridge. Easter Anno 10. Roger James and Arnold Lowbery, and CecUia, his Avife. Premises in the parish of St. Botolph, without Algate, London. Faster Anno 10. Thomas Hawkyns and John Walter, and Winifred, his Avife. Land in Enfelde. Faster Anno 10. James Stacy and Frances, his Avife, and Benedict Barfote, gentleman, and EHzabeth, his wife, daughter and heir of John Frank, deceased, and Agnes Frank, Avidow. Premises in the parish of St. Botolph in East Smythfeld. Easter Anno 10. William Cooke, esquire, and Thomas Wyndebank, esquire, and Francis, earl of Bedford, Sir WiUiam CecIU, knight, and Mildred, his Avife. Premises in the parishes of St. Martin in Fields, next Charing Crosse, and of St. Margaret, in Westminster. Remainders. Easter Anno 10. 150 FEET OF FINES. Thomas Hasylwood and John Grene, and Margaret, his wife. Premises in the parish of Christ Church, next New gate, London, in the ward of Faringdon Within. L. Easter Anno 10. John Manbye and Hugh Eton, and Dorothy, his Avife, daughter and heir of Robert Dynne, gentleman. A messuage in the parish of St. Catherine, " Cristes Church," London. Easter Anno 10. Robert Mounson, esquire, and Anthony Robertes, Henry Robertes, and Ellen Robertes. Premises In Knight Ryder Strete, in the parish of St. Trinity, Avithin the city of London, and in the parish of St. Sepulchre, Avithout Newgate, London. L. Easter Anno 10. Thomas Grauntham and Thomas Doughtie, gentlemen, and Anthony Robertson, esquire, and AHce, his Avife, and Augustine Yandemotte, gentleman. Premises in the parish of Christ Church, in the city of London. L. Easter Anno 10. Charles Hope and Richard Tylsley and Sir Thomas Gerrerd, knight, and Elizabeth, his wife. A messuage in Old Bailey, in the parish of St. Sepulchre, in the suburbs of London. L. Easter Anno 10. Edward Osbmme and Robert Cowper and Francis Denyson. Premises in the parish of St. Michael Cornehyll. L. Easter Anno 10. William Loveday and John Swayne, gentleman, and Mary, his Avife, and Henry Smythe, gentleman, and Faith, his wife. Premises in le Whyte Fryers, Blacke Fryers, St. Dunstans in the West, St. Brydes, St. Martyns, and St. Annes. Remainders. L. Faster Anno 10. Henry Smythe, and Margery, his wife, and Laurence Bradshaw, and Grace, his wife. Premises in the parish of the Blessed Mary Matfelon, otherAvise "Whltechappell. Trin. Anno 10. Edward Kyngeston and Humphrey Lovell, and EHzabeth, his Avife. Premises in the parish of St. Giles in the Fields. Trin. Anno 10. ELIZABETH. 151 Robert Farrers, gentleman, and Thomas Manners, esquire. Premises in Hallywell, near London. Trin. Anno 10. Edward Kyngeston and Thomas Wylson. Land in the parish of St. Martin In the Fields. Trin. Anno 10. Richard Boys and Margaret, his Avife, and Thomas Sherley, esquire, and Anne, his Avife. The third part of premises in Harnesey, Fyncheley, and Hendon, Warranty against the heirs of Sir Thomas Frowick, knight. Trin. Anno 10. John Basebrowne and Everard Dygby, gentleman, and AHce, his wife. Premises in the parish of St. Martin in the Fields. Trin. Anno 10. John TaiUor, gentleman, and Thomas Hamond, and Jane, his Avife. Premises in the Endfeld. Trin. Anno 10. Robert Hallywell, gentleman, and Thomas Sherley, esquire, and Anne, his Avife. The third part of premises in South mymmes. Warranty against the heirs of Sir Thomas Frowick, knight. Trin. Anno 10. George Kevall and Oliver Knyght, gentleman. Premises in Westminster. Mention of James Marshe, and Alice, his wife. Trin. Anno 10. Geoffrey Clyff and WilHam Clyff, and Ellen, his wife. Premises in the parishes of St. Andrew, in Holborn, and of St. Giles in the Fields. Trin. Anno 10. John Brocke, esquire, and Anne, his Avife, and Henry Walter, and Anne, his wife. Premises in Stebenhithe, otherAvise Stebunhuth. Trin. Anno 10. Simon Skidmore and Jane, his wife, and John Smythe, othei-Avise Spycer, and Margaret, his wife, and WUHam NycoU, and Joan, his wife. Premises in Fynchley. Trin. Anno 10. WilHam Saye, gentleman, and Edmund Shordyche, gentleman, and Edmund Smythe, gentleman. Premises in Ryslypp and Ickenham. Trin. Anno 10. Thomas Estfelde and John Kaye, gentleman, and Leonard Searle, and Joan, his Avife. Premises in Hoxston and Hamesay. Remainders. Trin. Anno 10. 152 FEET OF FINES. Thomas Tyrrell and Thomas Sheparde. Premises in the parish of St. Botolph, Avithout Aldgate. L. Trin. Anno 10. Patrick Carmyche and Edward Colwell. The third part of eight messuages in the parish of Christ Church, within •Newgate. L. Trin. Anno 10. Thomas Alaworthe and Nicholas Aldaye, and CecUia, his wife. A messuage in the parish of St. Anthony, in the ward of " Cordewaynerstrete." L. Trin. Anno 10. Reginald Barker and John Mellyshe, and Bridget, his wife. Seven messuages in the parish of the Blessed Mary Abchurch, London. L. Trin. Anno 10. John Atkynson and John Inman. Premises in London. L. Trin. Anno 10. Thomas Wattes, clerk, and John MuUyns, clerk, and John Mery, and Agnes, his wife, and Robert Wylson, and Anne, his Avife. Premises, with wharf, in the parish of St. Benedict, at " Panics Wharffe," London. L. Trin. Anno 10. Richard Sleforde and John Nelthorpe, and Elizabeth, hifi Avife. Land in Wapping Marshe, in the parish of Steven/ heth. Mich. Anno 10 and 11. Thomas Russell and Thomas Bellamie, and Catherine, his wife. Premises in Southmlms. Mich. Anno 10 and 11. Richard EdUng, the elder, and Richard Edling, the younger, and Robert Clerke, and AHce, his Avife. Premises in Harrowe on the HiU, and Pynner. Mich. Anno 10 anc/ 11. Thomas Hiegate, esquire, and Thomas Bellamie,,' and Catherine, his wife. Premises in Monken Hadley and Edmonton. Mich. Anno 10 and 11. Richard MiUett and Joan, his Avife, and Robert Fitche. Land in Heston. Afieh. Anno 10 and 11. WilHam Gill and Thomas Langham, and Elizabeth, his Avife. Premises in the parish of St. GUes, without Creple gate, in the suburbs of London. Afich. Anno 10 and 11. Simon de Stercke and Gavin UdaU, and Margaret, his wife. Premises in " Bednalgrene." Mich. Anno 10 and 11. ELIZABETH. 153 Edward Taylor and Edward Norres, esquire, and Margaret, his wife, daughter and heir of Robert Smalwood, deceased. The moiety of premises in Westminster. Afich. Anno 10 and 11. John Middleton and Anthony Middleton and WaUer Westmorland, and Joan, his wife. Premises in TurneU- strete, otherwise TurmyUstrete, in the parish of Clarkenwell. Mich. Anno 10 and 11. Henry AmptUl and Peter Basely. Premises in the parish of St Giles in the Fields. Mich. Anno 10 and 11. Humfrey Lovell and Elizabeth, his wife, and Walter Hungerforde, esquire, and Frances, his wife. Premises in the parish of St. Margart, within the city of Westminster. Mich. Anno 10 and 11. William Pynshebecke and Thomas Baynard, and Eliza beth, his wife, and Michael Wyndover, and Agnes, his wife. Premises in Coveley, otherwise Cowley, Uxbridge, HiUing- don, and Stebunheth. Mich. Anno 10 and 11. John Beryman and William Goodgrove, and Agnes, his Avife, and Thomas Holte. Premises in Laleham, Lyttleton, and Stanes. Mich. Anno 10 and 11. Thomas PulHson and John Addyngton, and Philippa, his Avife. The moiety of premises in the parish of St. Anthony within the Avard of Cord way nerstrete. L. Mich. Anno 10 and 11. John Baker and Stephen Baker and John Greye. Two messuages in the parish of St. Laurence in " Le Jurye," London. L. Mich. Anno 10 and 11. John Ingram and Elizabeth, his wife, and William Beckwyth, and Margaret, his Avife. Premises in the parish of St. Catherine Cry Churche. Mention of James Fuller, and Joan, his wife. L. Mich. Anno 10 and 11. Thomas Jenenges, and others, and Robert Yonge. Premises in the parishes of St. Peter in CornehUl, of the Blessed Mary at HyU, and of St. Michael in Crooked Lane. L (in calendar only). Mich. Anno 10 and 11. 154 FEET OF FINES. Thomas Walton, esquire, and William Symner, and Joan, his wife, and George Symner. Premises in the parish of St. Giles, without Crepulgate, in the county of the city of London, and in the parish of St. GUes, Avithout Crepulgate, London, in the county of Middlesex. D.C. Afich. Anno 10 and 11. Yalentine Dale, doctor of laws, and John Forth, gentle man. Premises in the counties of Hertford and Oxford, and in Hogston, in the county of Middlesex. D.C. Mich. Anno 10 and 11. Thomas Estfelde, otherwise Lucas, and John Stepkyn, and Alice, his wife. Land in Stebunhethe. Hil. Anno 11. Robert Wolman and Margery, his Avife, and John Mar shall, and Joan, his Avife. Premises in Uxbridge. Hil. Anno 11. John Kempe and John Barmby, gentleman. The moiety of premises in Bromley and Strattford at Bowe. Hil. Anno 11. Francis Pecher and Barbara, his wife, and John Swayne, gentleman, and Mary, his Avife. Premises in Blackefryers, within the parish of St. Anne. L. Hil. Anno 11. Robert Hylson and William Claybroke, and Anne, his wife. A messuage in the parish of St. Michael, near Croked Lane, London. L. Hil. Anno 11. George Lye and Rowland Turner, son and heir of Richard Turner, deceased. A messuage in the parish of St. Stephen, in the ward of Walbroke, London. L. Hit. Anno 11. Thomas Wattes, clerk, and John Baker, and EUzabeth, his wife. Premises, Avith wharf, in the parish of St. Benedict at " Paules Wharfe," London. L. Hil. Anno 11. John Courthopp, gentleman, and Thomas Trappam, and EHzabeth, his Avife, John Dodde, and SibUla, his wife, and Thomas Alsopp, and Isabella, his Avife. Two parts of premises (divided into nine parts) in the parishes of St. Stephen in Walbroke, St. John the EvangeHst, in WatHng ELIZABETH. 155 Street, St. Mary Wolchurche, and St. Bridget, in Fleete Street, in the county of the city of London ; and In the county of Kent. D.C. Hil. Anno 11. Robert Damport, gentleman, and John Wulfe, gentleman, and Ralph Boorne, gentleman, and Christiana, his AvIfe. Laud in Heston and Hownslo we. Faster Anno 11. Robert Huyck, esquire, and Thomas Aylewarde, and Elizabeth, his wife. Land in Enfeld. Easter Anno 10. John Grene and George Edridge, and Alice, his Avife. Premises in Fyncheley. Easter Anno 11. Richard Sleford and John Nelthorpe, gentleman, and Elizabeth, his Avife. Premises in Stebunhith. Easter Anno 11. Richard Harrowe, otherAvise Warren, and John Nasshe, and George Asheble, esquire, and Anne, his wife. Premises in Herefeld and Endfeild. Easter Anno 11. John Kytchyn and Roger Carewe, esquire, and Alice, his wife, and Robert Staunford, esquire. Premises In Iseldon, otherAvise IseUngton, NIther HoUowaye, and Bernersbery. Easter Anno 11. William Pery and Richard Bastarde, gentleman, and Elizabeth, his wife, and William Pala. Premises in High Holborne. Faster Anno 11. EdAvard Stannopp, esquire, and Roger NcAvboroAve, esquire, and Magdalene, his wife. Premises in the city of Westminster, within the parish of St. Clement Danes. Easter Anno 11. Thomas Boldnest and John Hodge, and Barbara, his wife. Premises in Enfeild. Easter Anno 11. Henry Buckfould and John Pierson, and Jane, his wife. Premises in Westbranford. Faster Anno 11. Richard Chandelor and Thomas Nicholas, and Anne, his Avife. Premises in Edelmeton. Easter Anno 11. Robert Huyck, esquire, and John Garrett, and Agnes, his wife, and WUHam Garret, and Alice, his wife. Premises in Enfeld. Faster Anno 11. 156 FEET OF FINES. John Garraware, gentleman, and Christopher Rithe, gentleman, and Catherine, his wife. The third part of premises in Acton. Faster Anno 11. Roger James and Thomas Estfelde, otherwise Lucas, and Alice, his wife. Land in Stebunhethe. Easter Anno 11. George Horde and Richard Mason, gentlemen, and Thomas Forster, gentleman, and Margaret, his wife. Premises in the parish of St. Giles, without Creplegate, and Edelmeton. Remainders. Faster Anno 11. Ralph Bossevyle, esquire, Richard Love, gentleman, John Pitt, gentleman, and John Pocockes, and Anthony Pope, gentleman. Two messuages in the parish of All Saints, Barkyng, London. L. Faster Anno 11. Robert Wyngfelde, gentleman, and EHzabeth, his wife, and Agnes Crykener, widow, late the Avife of Erasmus Crykener, deceased, Henry Mannyng, and Catherine, his Avife, daughter and heir of the aforesaid Erasmus, WiUiam Myhyll, and Anne, his wife, another daughter and heir of the same Erasmus, and William Mannyng, gentleman, and Susanna, his wife, another daughter and heir of the said Erasmus. Premises in " White Friers, near Fletestrete," in the suburbs of the city of London. L. Faster Anno 11. William Sebright and Edward Pakington, and Richard HoUyman, citizen and mercer, of London. Premises in the parish of St. Michael, in Bassingshawe, London. Mention of Martha, wife of the aforesaid Richard, and WiUiam Pakington, brother of the said Edward. Remainders. L. Easter Anno 11. Edward Nalson and WiUiam Anslowe and Robert Wolman, and Margery, his wife, and Richard Blount, gentleman. Eight messuages in the parishes of St. Stephen, in Colman's Strete, in London, and of St. Botolph, without Algate, in the subui'bs of the city of London. Remainders. L. Faster Anno 11. Hugh Hare, gentleman, and Innocent Reade, esquire, and Elizabeth, his wife. Manors and lands in the counties of Berkshire and Dorset ; premises in Holborne, next London, ELIZABETH. 157 Kylborne and Paddyugton, in the county of Middlesex ; and the rectory of Sulbury, in the county of Bucks. D.C. Faster Anno 11. Martin Nowell and WilHam Fynney and William Cradocke, and Timothea, his Avife. Manors and lands in the county of Lincoln, and premises in London, in the county of the city of London. Remainders to Matthew Cradocke, merchant of the Staple. D.C. Easter Anno 11. Thomas Smallwood and Robert Stamford, esquire, and Roger Carewe, esquire, and Alice, his wife. The manor of Monken Hadleigh, and premises in Southmymys, Monken Hadleigh and Kyckes ende, also the free chapel of Hadleigh, and the advowson of the vicarage of Southmymmys, in the county of Middlesex ; land in the county of Herts ; and premises in the parish of St. Giles, without Creplegate, London, in the county of the city of London. D. C. Easter Anno 11. Francis Sturges, esquire, and Edmund Stephenson, gentle man, and Thomas Darcye, otherwise Southwell, esquire. The manor of HeLmyngham and lands in the county of Norfolk ; and premises in Hoxston, otherwise Hoggesdon, Newyngton, and Shordyche, in the county of Middlesex. D.C. Faster Anno 11. Anthony Mason, otherAvise Wykes, esquire, and John Russell, gentleman, and Joan, his wife. Premises in Ackton and Elyng. Trin. Anno 11. WilHam Burde and John FytzwiUiam and WilHam Mere dyth, citizen and mercer, of London, and Martha, his wife. Premises in the parish of the Blessed Margaret, in the city of Westminster. Trin. Anno 11. John Parke, gentleman, and George Pynott, otherwise Angell, and Alice, his Avife. Premises in Edelmeton. Trin. Anno 11. Richard Dodd and Andrew Holborne and^ WilHam Evans, and Elizabeth, his wife. Premises in the parish of St. Clement Danes. Trin. Anno 11. 158 FEET OF FINES. Harman Warner, Richard Bowcer, and Thomas Foxe, and Ambrose Crolyar, and Margaret, his wife. Premises in St. Clement Danes. Trin. Anno 11. Richard Clarke, gentleman, and Lancelot Bromefeld, and John Bromefeld, gentleman, and Joan, his Avife. Premises in the parish of St. Martin in the Fields, next Charyng Crosse. Trin. Anno 11, John Jackson and Sir Henry Compton, knight, and Frances, his wife. Premises In Tottenham, otherwise Totten ham Highecrosse. Trin. Anno 11. Richard Buckfolde and Thomasina, his wife, and Thomas Bowes, esquire, Edward Pertridge, gentleman, and " Kathaela," his Avife. Land in Hackney. Trin. Anno 11. John Derrick, otherwise Gilberdson, and Mary, his wife, and Thomas Hemyngway, and Joan, his wife. Premises in the parish of St. Giles in the Fields. Trin. Anno 11. Thomas Hungerforde, esquire, and Adam PoAveU, and Alice, his A^afe, WUliam Dabourne, and Anne, his Avife, and William Beane. Premises In Chelsey. Trin. Anno 11. John Cade, gentleman, and George Leye, and Timothea, his wife. A messuage in the parish of St. Stephen, in the ward of Walbroke, London. L. Trin. Anno 11. Robert Stokes and WiUiam Morgan. Sixteen messuages in the parishes of St. Martin le Orgar, St. Bartholomew the Less, St. Martin Outwiche, St. Leonard in Estcheape, St. George and St. Andrew Hobert, next Estcheape. L. Trin. Anno 11. Richard Thornehill and John Dobson, the younger, and Roland Dobson. Premises In the parish of St. George, in London. L. Trin. Anno 11. George Stonehous, and Elizabeth, his Avife, and John CosoAvarthe, esquire, and Dorothy, his Avife, and Thomas Cosowarthe, gentleman. Premises in London. L. Trin. Anno 11. Richard Rogers and John Robynson, gentleman, and Martha, his Avife, John Inman, and Catherine, his Avife, and Richard Sharpe, and EHzabeth, his Avife. Premises in the ELIZABETH. 159 parishes of St. Dunstan in the East, and of St. Botolph, without Bishopsgate, London. L. Trin. Anno 11. William Webb and Thomas Hulse, gentleman, and Margaret, his wife, John Hulse, son and heir apparent of the same Thomas, and Alice, his wife. Premises in the parish of St. Dunstan in the East. L. Trin. Anno 11. Thomas Rigges and Robert Baker. Premises in the county of Kent ; and two messuages in the parish of St. Ethelburga in " Bisshoppesgate Streate," London, in the county of the city of London. Mention of Margery, wife of the said Thomas. D.C. Trin. Anno 11. John Beryman and William Goodgrome, and Agnes, his wife, and Thomas Holte. Premises in Laleham, Lyttleton, and Stanes. Afich. Anno 11 and 12. Thomas Jenenges, John Peers, Thomas Barber, Robert Bassacke, George Lordynge, and Henry Bockston, and Robert Yonge. Premises in the parishes of St. Peter, in CornehUl, of the Blessed Mary "at HyU," and of St. Michael, in Croked Lane. L. Mich. Anno 11 and 12. Yalentine Dale, doctor of laws, and John Forth, gentleman. Premises in the counties of Herts, and Oxford, and in Hogston, in the county of Middlesex. D.C. Mich. Anno 11 and 12. INDEX OF PERSONS AND PLACES, Abbercromer, Thos., 115. Abingdon (Abendon), Thos., Abbot of, 47. Ace, Thos., 75. Acton, 23, 46, 65, 126, 148 (2), 156, 157. . Church, 14, 68, 75, 136. East, 14, 31, 36, 68, 136. Adam, Edm., 55 ; Hranph., 3 ; John, 63 ; Rich., 92. Addingrove, Anne, 56 ; Thos., 66. Addingfcon (Adyngton), Chris., 89 ; EUen, 89 ; John, 89, 153 ; Marjory, 89 ; Philippa, 153 ; Will., 89. Adelmare, Ceesar, 130, 134, 136, 141 : Marjory, 130, 136, 141. Adence, Joan, 126 ; Eob., 126. Agrenehill, John, 24. Akygh, Rob. , 60. Alaughton, WiU., 85. Alaworthe, Thoa., 152. Alcock, Nioh., 71. Aldaye, CecUia, 152 ; Nich., 152. Aldenham (Herts), 9, 55. Aldgate, 52, 118. Aldersey, AUce, 135 ; Thos., 135. Aldersgate Street, 85. Aldrydge (Aldryche), EUz., 129, 139; John, 129, 139 ; Rob., 87. Aleson, Geo., 105 ; Margery, 105. Alexander, Anne, 90 ; John, 64 WiU, 90. Alford, Roger, 116, 127 ; Thos, 80 wai., 11. Algore (Alger), John, 4, 34, 39 Rob., 22. Allen (Alen, Aleyn), Agnes, 139 Sir Chris., 89 ; EUz., 60 ; Geo. 37 ; John, 18, 27, 42, 60, 139 . Kath, 27 ; Thos., 140 ; WUI., 139 All Saints, Barking, 45, 86, 156. Ad Fetiam, 47. Alperton, 15. Alsopp, Isabella, 154; Thos., 154. Ambrose, Nioh., 85. Amcottes, Hamo, 46. Amery, Agatha, 53 ; Rob., 142 ; Thos., 86; WiU., 63 (2). Ameryke, Rich., ll. AmpthiU (AmpteU), Hen., 122, 141, 153. Amondesham (Agmondesham) , Alice, 102; Rich,, 3; Thom., 8 ; Will., ,102 ; family, 97. Andrew, EUz , 93 ; Emeria, 103 ; John, 107 ; Rich., 135 ; Roger, 93, 103. Andrews, manor of, Herts, 24. Rich., 35 ; Barbara, 131 ; John, 146 ; Sim., 131 ; Thos., 149. AngeU, Alice, 157 ; Geo., 167. Annesley (Ansley), John, 64, 55 (2), 67, 60, 66 ; Mary, 54, 55 (2), 57, 60, 66. Anslowe, WiU , 166. Anthony, Anth., 88 ; Anne, 126 ; Rich., 63 ; Rob., 23 ; WiU., 126. Apott, Jas., 63, 61. ApoweU, Anne, 127 ; EUz., 70 ; Eulk, 58 ; James, 127 ; Joan, 58 ; John, 70. Appleyard, John, 35. Apps, Margt., 106, 108 ; Rich., 106, 113; WiU., 106, 108, 113. Appulby, Thos., 8. Apsley, John, 106. Archer, Mich , 92 ; Thos., 60. Arlon, AUce, 120; John, 120. Armatridyng, John, 33. Armer, WiU , 86, 147. Armsted, Eliz., 71 ; WUI., 71. Armstrong, Edm., 149; Oliver, 92. 11. INDEY. Arnold, John, 34. Aron, John, 111 ; Juliana, 111. Arsmertis, land called, in Enfield, 28 . Armourer (Armerer, &o.), Anne, 100 ; Thos., 39, 51, 73. Arthur (Arthure), AUce, 87; John, 87 ; Thos., 23. Arundel Place, 137 Arundel, Joan, 37; John, 137; Mary, 37 ; Hen., earl of, 137. Ashby (Assheby, &c ), Anne, 155 ; Geo., 155 ; Thos., 16, 49, 50. Ashfield (Asshefeld), Mich., 35. Ashford (Echelford), 3, 22, 34, 39, 63, 72 (2), 104, 114, 115, 126, 142(2). Ashfordfield, 64. Askew (Asku, &o.), Alice, 6, 57, 62, 80; Edm., 07, 80, 111; EUz., 113, 124; Emma, 81; Francis, 111; John, 44, 81; Kath., 80; Nich., 64, 57, 62, 80 ; Rob., 106, 113, 124; Thos., 20 (2). Asshe (Aysshe), John, 92 ; Reginald, 38. Asshebyn, Laur., 68; Marg., 58; Walt., 68. Assheton, Hugh, 26. Astelam, 22, 28. . manor of, 22, 28. Astell, Rich., 5. Asjiley (A.steley, Astlee), Rob., 96; Roger, 137; WiU., 18. Astrye, Dorothy, 107; Margt., 62; Rob., 52, 61, 113; Thos., 107. Atclyff, Edw., 18 ; Wm., 11. Atkinson, Edw., 16 ; John, 162. AtweU, John, 21. Aucher, Sir Anth., 84; Edw., 26; Jane, 126, Aubery (Awbre), Anne, 42, 44; Rich., 10, 11, 12, 26, 65; Thos., otherwise Legh, or Ley, 41, 44; WiU., 26, 125, 126. Audley (Audeley, &c.), James, 63, 69; John, 117; Thos., 31; Sir Thos., 39, 49; Lord Audley de Walden, 58 ; Lady, 67. Aunsham, Guy, 147; Rich., 10; WiU., 62. Austen (Austyn), Anne, 63; Edw., 1 ; Hen., 113 ; Letitia, 113 ; Rich., 26, 32 (2), 37 ; Rob., 43; Thos., 1, 12, 39, 63; WiU., 72, 98. Averey, Joan, 4 ; Will., 4, 147. Awger (Awgar), Agnes, 135 ; Edm., 125 ; Marg., 125 ; Nich,, 135. Awode, Oath., 21 ; John, 22; Rich., 21. Awtye, Thos., 91. Ayleward (Aylewade), EUz., 155; Marg., 43; Thos., 23, 155. Ayleworth, 80. Assheton, 103. Aynesworth, James, 9. B Babeham (Babbham), John, 34; WilL, 12, 139. Bacon (Bacun), Edw., 106; Joan, 101 ; Marg., 106 ; Nich., 81, 101 ; Sir Nich., 142 (2) ; Rich., 38, 101, 135; Thos., 144. Baber, Cath., 147 ; Edw., 147. Babington (Babyngton), Thos., 104 ; WiU., 104, 106. Bachelor, Hugh, 103 ; Margt., 103. Bagott, Alice, 72. Baily, Old, 150. Rich , 45. Baker, Alice, 132 ; EUz , 164 ; Hen., 129; Joan, 129; John, 131, 132, 153, 164; Rob., 159; Steph., 163. Baldwin (Baldewyn, Bawdewyn) , Cath., 43; John, 32; Rich., 122; WiU., 43, 122. Bales, Anne, 102 ; Rob., 102. Ball (BaUe), John, 44 ; Thos., 121. BalUol CoUege, 94. Banaster, Nich., 27. Banbury, 89. Banks, Edw., 140; John, 125, 136, 140; Joyce, 130. Banyard, Joan, 31 (2) ; John, 31 (3). Barber, Thos., 159. Barbican, otherwise Barrecan, or Bascom't, 25, 61, 81, 118. Barde, Wm., 11. Barioot, Benedict, 142, 149 ; EUz., 142, 149; Rob., 37. Barkeby, WiU., 21. Barker, Ambrose, 46 ; Joan, 39, 43 ; John, 45, 57, 98 ; Reginald, 162 ; Koger, 39 ; WiU., 43, 45, 137. Barking, 110. Barley (Barlee), Anne, 75, 123 ; Anth., 75 ; EUenor, 98 ; Geo., 98 ; Joyce, 145; Rich., 31, 123, 145. Barlow, Alex., 105. Bai-mby, John, 154. Barnaby, Chris., 84 ; Joan, 18 ; PhU., 18. Barnard, Alice, 31, 138 ; Chris., 114, 138; Edw., 125; James, 31; John, 31 ; WiU., 113. Barnardiston, Thos., 39. Barnard's Castle, 127. INDEX. 111. manor of, 88 (2). Barnes, manor of, 110. Hen., 37, 43, 62, 78, 83 ; Joan, 37, 43, 62; John, 91, 101, 121, 142; SibUla, 91. Barnet, 10. Chipping, 109. Eriem, 44, 66, 71, 74. Rich , 2. Barnewell, Thos., 30, 34. Bamsbury (Barnardbury, Berners bury, &c.), 5, 17, 63, 87, 155. manor of, 12, 17, 52, 56. Baron, EUz., 73 ; John, 73. Barons, John, 69. Barrecan, see Barbican. Bartlett (Bartlatt), Ralph, 68 ; Rich., 66; Thos., 29. Bartelot (Bartlot), Thos., 10, 34. Barton, Agnes, 79 ; Ralph, 79. Bartram, Wm., 2 ; Florence, 2 ; Constance, 2. Bascourt, see Barbican. Baseley, Peter, 91, 153 ; John, 122 ; IsabeUa, 122. Basford, Geo., 99. Basket, John, 7, 9 ; Joan, 7, 9. Bassacke, Rob , 159. Bassett, John, 65; Rob., 107. Bastard, EUz , 165 ; Marg. (widow of Sir Wm. Stokkar), 20 ; Roger, 30 ; Rich., 165. BatweUheath, in Hayes, 77. Baven, Chris., 78. Baxter (Bacstar), Anne, 145 ; Emma, 37 ; Joan, 89 ; John, 145 ; Ralph, 89, 132 : Rob., 37. Bayly, WUL, 30. Baynard, EUz , 153 ; Thos., 153. Baynbrigge (Benbrygg), Anne, 72 ; WiU., 72, 109. Beauchamp, Anne, 48 ; Rob., 48. Beauchamp, Chantry in St. Pauls, Cath., 2. Beane, Kath., 68 ; Thos., 68 ; WiU., 168. Beard, Jas , 120. Beasshe, Edw., 106, 124; Thomasina, 106, 124. Beaudesert, manor of, 88. Becher, Hen., 120. Beckwith. Margt., 163; WiU., 153. BedeU (BedyU), Edm., 62 ; Rob., 93 ; Tho., 19. Bedingfield, Hen., 64. . Church, 72, 1 14. Bedfont, 36 (2), 42, 44, 67, 93, 114, 135, 146. East, 48, 72, 89, 95 (2), 99, 129. West, 31, 69, 66, 99, 129. Bedford, mayor, &o. of, 2, 136 ; Francis, earl of, 149. Beke, James, 26. Bekynsale, Rob., 24. l-'elcher. Rich., 43. BeU, Alex., 31 ; Anne, 37 ; EUz., 31, 128, 137 ; Isabella, 21 ; Hen., 128, 137 ; John, 21. 60 ; Will., 37. Bellamy (Belamie), Ella, 94 ; Hen , 94, 124, 140; Cath,, 117, 140, 162 (2) ; Rich., 14, 16, 24, 31, 38 ; Roger, 33, 91, 103 ; Thos., 117, 124, 140, 152 (2) ; Wm., 14, 91, 103, 117. Bellard, Dion., 135.- Bellingham, Rich., 118. Bemish, WiU., 141. Benbow (Bendbowe), EUen, 20 ; Roger, 20. Bene, Geo., 45. Benet, Wm., 5. Benfield (Berks), 17. Bennet, John, 112, 118 , Hen., 112 ; Mary, 112, 118 ; Thos., 141. Bentley, AUce, 101, 119 ; Rich., 101, 119. Benson, John, IS. BereU, John, 3 ; EUz., 3 ; Joan, 12 ; WiU., 12. Bergavenny, Geo. NeviU, lord de, 17. Berkeley, IsabeUa, marchioness of, 13; Maurice, 13; WUI., marquis of, 3, 13. Bermondsey (Barmesey), John, abbot of, 22. Berners, Anne, 8 ; Hy., 8. See Bourchier. Bernys, Hy., 3. Bertye, Cath., 99 ; Francis, 99. Beryman, John, 153, 159. Besowth, John, 82 ; WiU., 82. Best, Thomasina, 128, 130. Boston, Adam, 61. Betelcom, WUL, 44. Beter, WiU., 108. Bethnal Green, 162. Bettys, Anne, 18 ; WUL, 18. Bevercottes, Agnes, 67 ; John, 67. Beverer, John, 25. Beverley, John, 110. Bevington, John, 29 ; Margt., 29. Bigmore, IsabeUa, 127 ; Rob., 127. Biggis, Joan, 29 ; John, 29. Billesdon, John, 191. BUhngsby (ByUyugsby), And., 141 ; Hen., 124, 147. BiUingsgate, 129. BUlington (Byllyngton), Marg., 38, IV. INDEX. 73, 76 ; Thos., 38. Bingley (Byngeley), EUen, 31 ; Rob., 31. Bird (Byrd, Berde), AUce, 61; Agnes, 95; Chris., 123; John, 24; Rob., 61; WilL, 45, 75, 95, 123, 167. Birkkys, Anth., 42. Birt (Burt, Byrtte), Agnes, 77; Joan, 109 ; John, 100, 109 ; Rich., 53, 60, 77, 84. Bishop (Byshop, &c.), John, 40, 67, 68. Bishopsgate Street, 159. Bishopshall, Whitechapel, 90. Bitter, Will., 36. Blackburn (Blackborne), Rob., 33. Blackfriars, 70, 83, 84, 150, 154. Blackhouse, Rob., 111. BlacknaU, Alice, 30 ; Rob., 30. Blackwall (BlakweU), Alice, 102, 103, 104, 138 ; Edw., 102, 103, 104, 107, 113, 138; Geo., 21; Joan, 5; Marg , 49, 64, 92, 102, 103 ; Rich., 6, 24, 106; Rob., 21 (2); Thos., 103, 116 ; WiU., 41, 44, 49, 61, 53, 64, 71, 76, 92, 100, 102, 103. Blagg, Rob., 16, 26. Blake, Hen., 99; Joan, 99; Thos., 99. Blakedon (Blakeden), Cuth., 37, 40. Blande, Thos., 64. Blayne, Mary, 75. Blechemer (Blechemore), And., 107; Agnes, 66 ; Geoff., 66 ; Joan, 107. Blomevyle, Lancelot, 102. Bloomsbury, 142. Blount (Blunt), Cath., lady Mount- joy, 115, 116, 122, 132, 140 (2), 141, 142 (3), 144, 146 (3) ; Eliz., 62 ; Sir James, lord Mountjoy, 116, 116, 121, 122, 131, 132, 133, 140 (2), 141, 142 (3), 144, 146 (3) ; Rich., 7, 62, 108, 156; Sir WUL, de Mountjoy, 24. Blyghton, WiU., 145. Blytheman, AUce, 42 ; WiU., 42. Bodley, EUseus, 46; James, 16, 17; WiU., 46. Bodyham, John, 119, 147. BokeneU, John, 67. Bokenham. Eliz., 72 ; Jas , 72. Boldnest, Thos., 156. BoUard, Nich., 49. BoUes, Lucy, 54 ; WUL, 64. BoUys, John, 11 ; Marg., 11. Bolney, James, 31, 44. Bolton, land called, 109. Bond, Joan, 12; WiU., 12. Bone (Boone, Bowne), Agnes, 106, 107, 112; Benj., 106, 107, 112; Hen., 31, 146; Joan, 31; Mary, 61, 64 ; Nich., 19, 20 ; WiU., 61, 64. Bonham, Thos., 32. Bonhunt (Essex), manor of, 31 (2)._ Booi-ne, Christiana, 155 ; Ralph, 165. "Booyerowe" within the city of London, 106. Boraston, Thos., 77. Borde, John, 17. Boroughe, Nich., 31. Bossevyle, Ralph, 156. BosweU, Thos., 136. Boteler, John, 12, 13, 16 ; Margt., 6 ; Ralph, 6; Rob., 11. Botey, WUL, 28 (2). Botte, EUz., 8; WiU., 8. BottereU, Marg., 38 ; Thos., 38. Bottesford, EUen, 13 ; WiU., 13. Bourchier, Eliz., 37 ; Isabella, 3 ; Rob., 27, 37; Sir Thos., 3 (2). de Berners, Sir John, 5, 12, 24; Kath., 5. Bourne, Joan, 91 ; WUL, 91. Bough, Thos., 9. Bovekyn (Bofkyn), Levinus, 144. Bowcer, Rich., 168. Bowes, Dorothy, 54 ; John, 54 ; Martin, 143 (2) ; Sir Martin, 64, 143 (2) ; Thos., 142, 143 (2), 168. Bowles, Letitia, 65 ; WUI., 55. Bowman, .Tohn, 109. Bownes Mede, in Edmonton, 57. Bowrer, WiU, 33. Bowyer, ,Tohn, 63, 102 (2) ; Rob., 63 ; WUI., 49. Boxley, John Dobbys, abbot of, 48. Boxton (Bockston), Hen., 159 ; Vincent, 42. Bradbury, Rob., 46. Bradesey, Thos., 11 ; Margery, 11. Bradfield, Beatrice, kinswoman of John, 29. Bradford, Thos., 97. "Bradfordbridge," in the par. of St. Pancras, 38. Bradley, Wm., 3 ; IsabeUa, 3 ; Thomas, 59 ; Thomasina, 59. Bradman, John, 2 (2) ; Wm., the younger, 2 (2). Bradshaw (Bradshaa. &o.), Emmotta, 20; Grace, 160; Lau., 140, 150; Thos., 20. Bradyng, John, 10, 11 ; Rio., 10, 11, Margt., 11. Brakenburgh, 10 ; manor of, 2. Bramfield, John, 33. Brampton (Brampston), John, 53 ; Thos., 53. Brampton HaU, manor of, 30. INDEX. Brand (Brend), Agnes, 73, 95 ; James, 73, 95 ; Thos., 114. Braunche, John, 132. Bray, Edmund, 16 ; Sir Edmund, 24 ; Lord Bray, 49 ; Edward, 18 ; Joan, 18 ; Lady Bray, 49 ; Margt., 49 ; Sir Reg., 4, 5, 6 (4), 7 (2), 8, 9. Braytoft, John, 133. Brayton, Alf., 148 (2) ; Eleanor, 148 ^ ('¦^)- Bread Street, 76, 129, 146, 147. Breame, Amphelicia, 126, 128 ; Thos., 126, 128. Breche le, 128. Brelman, Nich., 130. Brent (Braynt), fishery and mUl in the, 97. (Braynt), Agnes, 139 ; Alan, 56 ; John, 25, 56, 139 ; Rich., 56, 129 ; Rob., 106, 110, 139. Brent Bridge (Brayntbridge), fishery and miU in, 97. Brentford (Braynford), 18, 36, 58, 65, 100, 123. New, 26, 110, 121, 128. Old, 36, 62, lul, 112. West, 4 (2), 23, 61, 110, 156. Breteyn, John, II. Breton, Eliz., 8il ; WiU., 80. Bridges (Brydges), Anth., 125 ; Dorothy, lady Chandos, 110; Edm., lord Chandos, 116 ; John, 71, 106. Brickman, Thos , 27. Brigges, Anth., 39 ; GUes, 39. Bright, Hen., 43 Brightman, Thos.. 26. Broadbelt( Bradbelt), Jlarg., 80, 106 ; Nich., 80, 106. Broad Street, 137. Brocas, Thos., 41 Brocke, Aime, 161 ; John, 151. Brokesby, Barth., 115. Broket (Brocket), Robt., 8 ; John, 147 ; EUen, 147. Bromley (Brambele), 12, 28 (2), 34, 44, 108, 126, 154. St. Mary, 37. Hall, manor of, 75, 79. mill and free fishery in, 66. Thomas, 117, 136 ; WiU., 97. Brooke (Broke, &c.), Anne, 95, 99 ; Cath., 129 ; Christina, 102 ; Edw., 96 97 ; Frances, lady Cobham, 131 ; Joan, 1 ; John, 11, 102 (2), 129; Rich., 1, 14, 16 (2), 17, 19, 22, 28, 96, 97, 102 ; Thos., 95, 99 ; Sir Wm., lord Cobham, 131. Brookmans (Browkemans) , manor of, in Mimms, 99. Broomfield (Bromfelde, cScc), Joan, 158 ; John, 128, 158 ; Lancelot, 168 ; WilL, 110, 120, 132. Brothers, WiU., 20. Broughton, Dorothy, 74, 76 ; Humph., 74, 76. Brown (Broun, &c.), Alice, 58 ; Anth., 127; Anth., visct. Montagu, 130 ; Beatrice, 12, 79 ; Cath., 95 ; Cristina, 9, 81 ; Dorothy, 69 ; EUz., 57, 108, 116; Francis, 25; Hen., 95, 99 ; Isabella, 52 ; Joan, 121 ; John, 12, 67, 69, 80, 81, 116 ; Sir John, 10; Lucy, 33 ; Magdalen, viscountess Montagu. 100; Marion, 83; Philip, 116; Rich., 52, 57, 79, 80, 95 ; Eob , 132 ; Rowland, 99. 121 ; Thom , 9 ; Walt., 58 ; WilL, 8, 10, 11 (2), 83. Browning (Breunyng), Joan, 43 ; Thos., 43. Broxholm (Broxolme), John, 110. Brudenell (Brudenill, Brudgnell), Robt., 5 ; Sir Rob , 27. Bryan. Chas., 74 ; Marg., 74. Brynkhurst, John, 33(2), 111; Rich., 33. Brysley (BryUey), Botolph, 112: Edw., 112; Mich., Ill, 112; Joan, 5; John, 112; Ric, 6; WiU., Ill, 112. Brystowe, Joan, 71 ; John, 71. Brytt, Rich., 54, 55. Buck., Nioh., 146 (2) ; Rob. 146. Buckfould, Hen., 165; Rich., 158; Thomasina, 158. Buckland, Rich., 83, 100, 142. Bucklersburv, 109. BuckneU, WiU., 135, 140. Budder, Constance, 90 ; EUz., 132 ; IsabeUa, 98 ; Simon, 132 ; WUL, 90. Bukberd, Ralph, 9. Bukmaster, John, 26. Bull, Joan, 135; John, 109, 131, 135; Marg., 109; Rich., 98; Steph , 98. BuUock, AUce, 53 ; Rich., 53 ; Thos., 53. Bulstrode, Geo , 33, 43, 61 ; Joan, 33, 43 ; Juliana, 61 ; Thos., 61. Bumstead, Chris., 92. Burbage, Eleanor, 73 ; Thom., 73. Burchett, Dorothy, 114; John, 114. Burdock, Agnes, 76 ; Thos., 76. Burgeaunte, Agnes, 123 ; Thos., 123. Burgoyn, Thos , 20. Burlaey, Nich., 110, 117, 118. Bum, Geo , 10. VI. INDEX. Burnell, Constance, 59 ; WUL, 59. Burnet, Hen , 23 ; MatU., 23. BurniU, John, 134. Burnoppe, John, 42. Burnynghyll, WiU., 45. Burtage, Mary, 109 ; Rob., 109. Burton, Eliz., 148 ; John, 26 ; Rich., 148 ; Simon, 109 ; Thos., 85 ; WiU., 12J. BurweU, WiU., 18. Busby (Busbye), Rich., 43; Thos., 120. Bussher, Chris., 143. Butler, Thos., 93, 123, 131 ; Sir WiU , 22, 27. Butt (Butte, Buttes), Edm., 109; Jane, 101; John, 75, 105; Rose, 105; WiU., 37, 40; Sir WUL, 101, 113. Butteley. Thomas, prior {sic) of the monastery of St. Mary of, 48. Button, Rob., 122. Bydon, Rich., 91. BydweU, Rich., 54. Bygous. Juliana, 59 ; Lionel, 59. Bygg, Thos ,110. Bylott, Thos., 34, 39. Bynky (Bynkes), John, 133, 135; Thos., 12. Byrchelay, Agnes, 18 ; John, 18. C Cacher, see Catcher. Cade, John, 168. Calard, Rich., 68. Campion (Campyon), Agues, 90; Cliris., 90; Geo., 133; Hen., 95, 96, 97, 123 ; Marg., 07 ; WUI , 12, 30. Campynett, John, 97. Candler, Rich., 138. Canon, John, 7 ; Lancelot, 35 ; MatU., 35. Canstons, manor of, 40. Canterbury, 117. WiU., archbp. of, 24. CapeU, Edw , 66 ; Sir GUes, 66 ; Sir Hen., 66. Cardyn, Bridget, 103. Carew (Carewe), Alice, 165, 157; EUz., 124 ; Geo., 133 ; Martha, 73 ; Nich., 116; Sir Nich., 24; Roger, 155, 157; Thos., 90, 96, 97, 124; Sir Winwood, 73. Carlton (Carleton), Anth., 32 ; Eliz., 32. Carmych, Patrick, 152. CarmeUtes' House, London, 113. Carnaby, Sir Keg , 46. Carowe, Hen., 12. Carsey, Clem., 9. Carter, Sebastian, 114; Thos., 20, 43. Caruge, de, Eliz., 22 ; PhU., 22. Carus, Thos., 88, 93. Cassater, Rich., 62 Cassener, Kath., 73 ; Rich., 73. Cassenet, Rich., 40. CasteU (Castill), Hen , 4, 6, 7 ; John, 20, 119 ; Kath., 73 ; Rich., 62, 73 ; Thos., 36. Castelacre, Thos., prior of, 47- Catcher (Cacher), Joan, 19; MatiL, 17, 21, 35 ; Thos., 17, 19, 21 (2), 35. Caun, John, 1 (2). Cavalarie, Anth., 113. Cavendish (Cavindyvshe) , Eliz., 101 ; Sir WiU., 101. CaweU, Marg., 43; WUI., 43. Cawood, John, 137. Cayne, James, 109 (2). CecU (Cecyll). Mildred. 149; WiU., 79; Sir WilL, 121, 127, 149. Celey, Geo., 28 (2), 31 ; IsabeUa, 28 (2), 31. Centon, Lionel, 21. Chalfount, Thos., 121; WUI., 37. ChalkhUl, WiU.. 41 (2). Challoner (Chaloner), Agnes, 102 ; Francis, 102; Joan, 77, 78, 93; Thos., 77, 78; Sir Thos., 93. Chalvey (Bucks), manor of, 43. Chamber, Alice, 48, 53 ; Geoff., 48, 58 ; John, 54, 63. Chamberlain (Chamberayne, &0.), Anne, 82 ; Edw., 14 ; Francis. 82 ; Joan, 86; Sir Ralph, 136; WiU., 86. Chamley, John, 115. Champion, Walter, 25. Chancery Lane, 86, 96. Chandos, Sir Edmund Brydges, lord, and Dorothy, lady, 116. Chapman, Alice, 112; Joan, 135; John, 32; Thos., 136. Chardington (Cherdington, etc.), 22, 28. Charing (Charynge, &c.), 5, 35. Cross, 42, 53, 81, 149, 168. Charles (Charlys), John, 64. Charley, John, 43, 45, 50. Charlton, Agnes, 4 (2); John, 4 (2). Charlyngton, 60. Charterhouse, 60, 77, 79. Cemetery, 108. Lane, 112, 119, 147. Churchyard, 147. INDEX. Vll. Chauncy (Chaunce), John, 2, 18, 23, 35, 40, 56 ; James, 23. Chatfield, Nich., 92. Chaundler, Agnes, 23 ; Rich , 155 ; WUI., 23. Chauntrell, Alice, 56 ; Aveline, 50 ; John, 8, 50, 56. Chelsea (Chelchithe, Chelchyche, Chelsegh, &c.), 3, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 17, 19, 20, 24, 27, 28, 29 (2), 30, 31, 32, 69, 63, 68, 70, 76, 85, 98, 124, 158. manor of , 1, 16, 17. Chertsey (Surrey), 37. John, abbot of, 46. ChesenaU, Alex., 105, 148 ; Rob., 20, 29, 37. Cheshire (Chesshyre, &c.), Humph., 96 ; Margery, 128 ; Thos., 80. Cheshunt (Essex), manor, &c., 34. ChessuU (Chessill), Alice, 24, 26; WiU., 24, 26. Chessyndon (Surrey), 10 Chester, Oliver, 145; Sir WiU., 133. Cheyney, Fridiswide, 27 ; John, 65, 74 ; Marg , 65, 74 ; Rob., 42 ; Sir Thos., 27, 35. Chicheley (Chycheley), Clem., 142 ; Mary, 142. Chidley (Chydley), Rob., 40, 106. Child. John, 4. Chis-Hdok (Chesewyk, &c.), 4, 45, 136, 148. . free fishery in the Thames at, 45. Chomondeley (Chomley, &c ), Alice, 73; Christiana, 89, 91 ; Eliz., 65, 71 ; Hen , 66 ; Humph., 65, 71 ; John, 123; Ralph, 111 ; Sir Rich., 129; Roger, 21, 26, 31, 38, 41 ; Sir Roger, 43, 50, 73, 76, 85, 89 (2), 91 ; WiU., 43. Choune. Nich., 146. Christchurch (Newgate), 106, 123, 131, 150 (2), 152 Chrozier, Ellen, 78 ; Hen , 78. Church (Cherche), Hugh. 41. Churchman, EUz., 66 ; WiU , 65, 67, 87. ChysaU, Edw., 33. Chysnall, Rich ,86. Clampard, John, 34. ClaveU, John, 4; WUL, 4. Claybrook (Cleybroke), Anne, 154; Giles, 23 ; Margery, 23 ; Nich., 42 ; Steph., 42, 66, 71, 83, 90, 98, 126 ; WiU., 42, 126, 164. Clayton (Cleyton), Cath., 66, 69; John, 22 ; Thos , 66, 69. Clement, IsabeUa, 34 ; John, 34. Clement's Inn, 38. Cleremondes, 59. Cleremont, in Stanes, manor of, 43 (2)- Clerk (Clarke, &o ), Agnes, 130, 145 ; Alice, 128, 152 ; Hen , 57, 81, 84, 144 ; Joan, 140 ; John, 30, 31, 44, 70, 140; Marg., 70; Rich., 38, 130, 146, 158 ; Rob , 91, 128, 152 ; Thos., 128 ; WiU., 72, 77, 128. ClerkenweU, 69, 60, 61, 68, 71, 73, 74, 83, 88, 102, 128, 141, 142, 145, 147, 148, 153. manor of, 76. monastery of, 80, 81, 94. Clerkson, Alice, 114 ; WiU., 113, 122. Clewer (Berks), hermitage & church of, 16. Cleynge, John, 121. Clilf (Clyff), Anne, 69, 76 ; Geoff., 115 ; Juliana, 84, 115 ; Rich., 69, 76, 84, 115. Clifford (Clyfford), John, 30, 41 ; Rich., 30. Clopton, Geo., 96. Clough, John, 41, 43 ; Rob., 108. Clune, Owen, 89, 95. Clyburn, Isabella, 14 ; Oliver, 14. Cobbe, Steph., 70. Cobham, Wm., lord, 131 ; Frances, lady, 131. Cock, le, " uppon the Hope," 20. Cook (Cocke), Anne, 63 ; Hen., 112, 113, 116 ; John, 63 ; Margery, 31, 46 ; Ursula, 116 ; WiU., 31. Coddenham (Codnam), EUz., 143 ; Hen., 143; Rob., 33. Cofferers, otherwise Coffers, manor of, &c., 49, 51 (2), 97. Coggeshall, abbot of, 47. Coke (Cokke), Agnes, 23 ; Edw., 23 ; Joan, 23 ; John, 23 ; Margery, 32; Roger, 42 ; WiU., 32. Coket, Bridget, 65; Geo., 65. Cokston, Vincent, 39, 42, 45. Cokyn, Dorothy, 45 ; Francis, 45. Colbek, John, 65. Colborne, Edw., 121. Colchester, 100. ColdweU, Steph., 91. Cole, Anth , 67; EUz , 57; John, 21, 29, 115, 148 ; Marg , 21 ; Walter, 115, 148. Coleman Street, 82, 129. Colet (Colette), Sir Hen , 4, 5 (2), 7; Jas., 131; John, 5 (2); WiU., 6. CoUiam (CoUom), 6, 8, 9, 10, 13, 21, 27, 52, 65, 62, 67, 87, 112, 134. CoUen, Hen., 103. Till. INDEX. CoUey, Rob., 26. CoUins (Colyns), Agnes, 135 ; Emma, 26, 27, 33; Hen., 135; John, 26, 27; WiU., 40. Collier (CoUyer), Rich., 36. Coin (Colney), 112. water of, fishery in, 17, 50. Colnbrook (Colbroke), 47, 56, 75. ColshiU, Mary, 78, 91; Thos., 66, 78, 91; WilL, 94, 125. Colt (Colte), Eliz., 94; Geo., 31, 94; Hen., 94; John, 94; Margery, 110; Steph.. 110. ColweU, Edw., 152. Come, Emma, 106; Rich.,. 106. Common Bench, officers of, 141. Compton, Frances, 158; Sir Hen., 168; Nich., 9, 12; Sir WiU., 24. Conour, Phil., 15. Conyers, Geo., 37; John, 127; Rob., 24. Conyngsby (Conysby, &c.), Anne, 77, 78; EUz., 70; Hen., 101; Humph., 6 (3), 7, 8, 9 (2), 11, 12, 55 (3), 77, 78; Sir Humph.. 38; Joan, 65 ; John, 30, 55 (2); WiU., 32. Cooke, AUce, 87, 96; Agnes, 52; Anth., 36; Sir Anth., 127; Doro., 114,118,138; EUz., 120; Eras., 72 ; Joan, 72 ; John, 87; Kath., 70; PaUus, 72 ; Rich., 96, 120 ; Rob., 114, 117, 118, 138; Roger, 39; WilL, 62, 127, 149. Cookham (Berks), 17. Coombe (Combe, &o.), EUen, 43, 46, 50 ; John, 43, 45. 60. Coope (Cope, &c.), WiU., 1, 4, 6, 6 (3), 7 (2), 8, 9, 12 Cooper (Couper, &c.), Joan, 24; John, 24; Thos., 11, 24. Copcot, Grace, 23 ; Rich., 23. Coppydhall, 37. Copwood, Joan, 68 ; WUI , 68 Copynger, Will., 11, 14. Corbett, Agnes, 87; John, 86; Roger, 36 CordeU, Agnes, 32, 130 ; Edm., 130 ; IsabeUa, 63 ; Joan, 28 ; John. 28, 56, 62, 63; Rich., 32; Thos., 32. Cordwainer Street, 152, 163. Cordye, Thos., 127. Core, Anne, 67; John, 67; Rich., 139. CornhiU, 76, 143 (2). Cornish (Cornysshe), Emma, 13; EUz., 44 ; Margery, 141; Raphael, 12 ; Rich., 2 ; Simon. 44 ; Thomas, bishop of Tyne, 14 ; WiU., 141. OomwalUs (Cornwales, &o.), Anne, 74, 110; John, 7; Sir Thos., 74, 110. Cosworth (Cosowarth, &o.), Doro., 168 ; John, 123, 168 ; Thos., 168. Cotes, manor of, 61. Cotman, John, 5. Cottes, John, 41. Cotton, Alice, 43; Eliz., 94, 109; John, 94, 109; Marg.. 6, 7, 9 ; Ralph, 26; Rich., 43; Sir Roger, 6, 7, 9 ; family of, 70. CounceU, Hugh, 128. Court, WiU., 132. Courtes, Rich., 64 (2); Thos., 54. Courthope (Coxu:thopp), John, 164. Courtman, Eliz., 67; Hen., 67, 96. Cove, Rich., 116 ; Marg., 116. Coventry and Lichfield, Will, , bishop of, 6 (4), 7 (2), 8. Covert, Anne, 76 ; Rich., 76. Cowcross Street, S3. Cowdrey, Walter 118. Cowley (Couley, Colley, &c.), 10, 19, 23, 69, 62, 67 (2), 76, 95, 104, 112, 116, 128, 153. HaU, 27, 50, 55. manor of, 103. water of, 134. Peach, manor of, 9, 97, 110. Cowper, CecUia, 69, 64, 71; Francis, 62 ; Rob., 150 ; WiU., 59, 64, 71. Craddock (Cradock), Matt., 157; Timothea, 157; WiU., 157. Cranford, 3 (2). Craythome, Cecilia, 9 ; John, 93 ; Marg., 93 ; WiU., 9. Creek, manor of, 135. Cre.sseU. Rich., 13. Cresswell (CresswaU), John, 18. Crewse, Jas., 129. Crimes (Crymes), EUis, 136 ; Hen., 117. Cripplegate, vi'ard of, 52, 86. Cripps, Rob., 106. Cristmas (Crystmas), John, 39 Croke, Rob., 108 Cromer, Thos., 115. Crompton, John. 70 ; Will., 120. Cromwell, Sir Thos., lord, 49. Crooked Lane, 86, 159. Crosier (Crosiar, Crossyer), Alex., 87; Amy, 19 ; Anne, 25 ; John, 19, 26, 87. Cross (Crosse), Eliz., 14; Thos., 14. Crow (Crowe), John, 20. Crowder, EKz., 148 ; Ralph, 148. Crowle, Anne, 106; Rob., 79, 106. Croylar (Croyler, Crolyer), Ambrose, 122, 136, 158 ; Marg , 122, 158. INDEX. IX. Cryer, IsabeUa, 137, 138, 142; Rich., 126, 133, 137, 138, 142. Crykener, Agnes, 156 ; Erasmus, 156. Culpepper (Colepeper, &c.), EUen, 70, 76 ; Mary, 51, 52 ; Thos., 70, 76, 80 (2) ; WiU., 51, 62. Cumberland, Eleanor, countess of, 98. Cumberford (Comberf erd) , Thos., 18. Cunnygreve, Geo., 132. Currey, Dorothy, 136 ; John, 136. Curteys, John, 41 ; Peter, 6 ; Thos., 72, 77 ; SirThos., 118 ; WiU., 118. Curwen, Sir Thos., 19. Curzon, Rob., 44, 101, 111. Cutberd (Cutbert), Rob., 28 ; Thos., 43. Cutfen, MatU. (d. and h. of MatU. Gretclyf), 3 ; Ralph, 3. Cutte, Sir John, 12, 18, 19, 20, 22. D Dabourne, Anne, 158 ; WUL, 158. Dacres, Rob., 42, 60. Dagenham (Dagnam), Essex, 110. Daggworth, Martin, 90. Dale, Matt,, 32 ; Thos., 89 ; Valen tine, 154, 159. DalUson (Dalyson), Geo., 20. Dally, manor of, 126. Dalton (Daldern), Eliz., 61 ; Joan, 100, 120; John, 100, 107, 120; Thos., 51. Damport, Rob., 155. Danaster, Joan, 20 ; John, 20, 27, 30, 32, 34, 37, 40, 42 (2), 43, 45 (3), 47; MatiL, 52; WUL, 52. Danby, Alice, 52. Dane, Emma, 106 ; Sir John, 36 ; Margery, 136 ; Rich., 106 ; WUL, 136. Danet, Sir John, 36. DanieU, Thos., 40. Daper, Rich., 138. Darby, Hen., 30. Darcy, Sir Arth., 41, 57, 59, 60, 61, 64, 66, 67, 100, 104, 107; EUz., 137; Hen., 107, 116, 137; Sir Hen., 146 ; Mary, 69, 60, 61, 64, 65, 85, 107; Rich., 85; Thos., 137, 157. Darnewell, Thos., 41. DareU, Paul, 34. Dartford (Kent), 31. Daunce, Sir John, 27, 38. Dauntesey (Daunsey), Amb., 44 ; wm., 26, 27 (2), 30, 55. Davenant, Joan, 80 ; Ralph, 72, 80 (3). Davy (Davye, Davie), Emeria, 98 John, 12 ; Oswald, 98, 141 ; Thos. 26, 102. Dawbeney, Eliz., 115; OUver, 115 Dawes, IsabeU, 30 ; Marg., 27 Thos., 30. Dawson (Daweson, &c.), Agnes, 7 Thos., 7. Dawtrey, EUz , 18 ; Thos , 61 wm , 18. Day (Daye, Dey), Agnes, 77 ; Joan, 108 ; John, 100 : Rich., 77, 84, 108. Dayly, Thos., 134. Dean (Dene,,&o.), EUz., 90 ; Marg., 100 ; Rob., 38, 42 ; Thos , 90 ; wm., 100. Deland, Thos., 4. DenboU, AUce, 68 ; Rich., 68. Denham, 109. John, 35 ; WUL, 29. Denham Durdauntys, manor of (Bucks), 17. DenseU, John, 38, 40, 43 (2). Dent, Reg., 125. Denys, EUz., 68; Hugh, 14; Sir Maurice, 68. Denyson, Fras., 150. Derby, Thom., earl of, 19 ; Walt., 122; wm., 13. Den-iok, John, 148, 158 ; Mary, 158. Dethyke, Sir GUb , 96. Devereux (Devoraux) de Ferrars, Sir Walter, 24. Devyn, Eliz., 90, 93 ; Thos., 90, 93. DeweU, Thos , 52 Deyerow, Rob., 76, 124. Deynes, WiU., 103. Deyntye, EUz., 10 ; Hen., 10. Dickenson (Dyoanson, &o.), Anne, 18 ; Rob., 18. Dickson (Dixon), EUz., 69 ; John, 50, 62, 80, 111 ; Thos., 64, 69. Digby (Dygby), Alice, 130 ; Everard, 128, 130; Hen., 41. Dighton (Dyghton), Joan, 81 ; John, 81. Dignaine, Thos., 60. Dobbys, John, abbot of Boxley, 48 ; Thos., 83. Dobson, John, 158 ; Roland, 168. Docton, John, 84. Dodde (Dod), Cath., 65 ; John, 164 : Owen, 149; Rich., 63, 65, 157; SibUla, 164 ; Wm., 30. Dodds (Doddys), Cath., 122; EUz,, 81, 101; wm., 81, 101, 122. INDEX. Doddington, John, 99, 111, 121 ; WiU, 99, 121. Dogeson, Chris., 42. Doinys, Joan, 2 ; John, 2. Dolfyn, WUL, 20. Donne, Rich., 16. Doo, Agnes, 141 : John, 141. Doraston, Thos., 84. Dormer, John, 92; Mich., 27, 31, 44 ; Sir Mich., 92 ; Rob , 26, 27, 30, 37. Dorset, John, 47, 54. Doughty (Doughtie), Thos., 96, 115, 122, 129, 150 Dounce, John, 57. Doune, Sir Edw., 38 ; Thos., 12. Dove, Rich., 58 ; Thos., 139. Dowffelde, Rich , 107. Dowgate, 47. Downes, Dorothy, 69 ; Edw., 138 ; EUz., 72, 130; Fras,, 124 (2); James, 72 ; Margt., 41 ; Lady Margt (formerly Mortimer), 28 ; Rob., 28, 40, 41, 69, 138; Wm., 130. Draper, Hen., 36; IsabeUa, 13; wm., 13. Draver, EUz., 90; John, 90. Draycote, WiU., 10 (2). Drayton, 8, 37, 42, 62. West, 134 (2) manor of, 6, 8, 88. Drowte, Wm., 100. Drury, Rob., 43. Duck, CeciUa, 100 ; John, 100. Duoketts, manor of, 90. Dudley, Cecilia, 4 ; Edmund, 14 ; Edw., lord, 4, 7 ; John, 7. Duffeld, wm., 17; Rich., 127; Thos., 40. Duggins, Edw., 118. Duke, EUz., 145 ; Rich., 75 ; Thos., 125, 145. Dummer, WUL, 134. Dunce, EUz., 4i ; John, 41 ; Roger, 41. Durant, Cath., 106; Rich., 106. Durdaunt, Margery, 17 ; Nich., 42, 45 ; Thos , 17. Durham, Thos., bp. of, 18, 20. Dycons, Rich., 24. DykevaU, Rob., 54. Dylock, Agnes, 28 ; WiU., 28. Dymbylby, John, 101. Dymmok, Anne, 15 ; Christina, 49, 61 ; Sir Edw., 136 ; Humph., 49 (2), 61 (3), 87 ; Sir Leo., 24 ; Mary, 87; Sir Rob., 16, 24. Dynes, 91. Dynne, Rob., 150. , , , Dyphams, manor of, 38, 50, Ul ^^;. Dyxis, John, 49. E Ealing (Temng, Gelyng, lUyng, &c.), 8, 26(2), 30. 36, 48,62, 87, l65, 122,124,127,128,139,148,157(2). manor of, 8. Rich., 152 (2). Eastcheap, 168. Eastend, 106. Eastfield (Estfelde), Agnes, 156; Thos., 109, 151, 154, 166. Eastmersh, 67. Eccleston (Ecelyston), John, 67, 80. Eden, EUz., 135; John, 135. Ederych (Edryche), Agnes, 126; AUce, 155; Edw., 65, 69; EUz., 24 ; Geo., 155 ; John, 21 (2), 24, 25 ; Rob., 11, 53, 69 ; Thos., 126 ; WUL, 25. EdgaU, Hen., 3. Edgware, 45, 50, 53, 60, 86, 100, 102, 103. Edlin (Edlyn), Agnes, 148 ; John, 83, 148 ; Marg., 83 ; Rich., 30, 84, 92 ; Roger, 46. Edmond, Andrew, 16. Edmonds, MatiL, 18; Eob., 18. Edmonton (Edelmeton, &o.), 3, 6, 11 (2), 13, 19, 20, 21, 30 (2), 31, 38 (4', 39, 40 (2), 41 (2), 44, 48 (2), 60, 61 (3), 62, 54, 55, 66, 57, 59 (2), 61 (2), 62, 63, 64, 67, 72 (2), 73, 77, 78, 80 (2), 81, 88 (2), 90, 91 (2), 95, 106, 107 (2), 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118 (2), 119, 123, 124, 128, 130, 131, 134 (2), 135, 140, 142, 143, 146, 149, 152, 155, 166. manor of, 40. . advowson of, 48. Edmuton, 72. Edvich, Alice, 13 ; WUL, 13. Edward VI., 81. Edwards, Joan, 82 ; John, 32. Effamet, Everard, 28. Egerton, Simon, 141, 147. Egham, 39. Egles, John, 125. Elderton, EUz., 16; Rich., 16. EUott (Elyott, &c.), Eleanor, 105, 148 ; Joan, 13 ; John, 3, 106, 148 ; Law., 91; Rich., 3, 13 ; Thos., 84 ; WiU., 3, 13. ' ' . Ems (EUys), Hugh, 35 ; Joan, 72 ; INDEX. XI, Thos., 72 ; wm., 24, 26. Elmes, 144, 147. Elmuton, 72. Elryngton, Beatrice, 66, 77 (2), 78, 79 (2); Cath., 19 ; Edw., 39 (2), 46, 49, 89 ; Grace, 46, 49 ; John, 3, 71; Rob., 19; Thos., 66, 77 (2), 78, 79 (2), 102. Elstree (Idelstre), 86, 102. Elsynge. Alice, 141; Hen., 141. Embroke, WiU., 9. Emson, Rich., 1, 4. 5, 6 (4), 7 (2), 8, 9. Enfield (Enfeld, Enveld), 7, 13, 14, 17, 20, 22, 23 (3), 26, 28, 31, 32, 33 (2), 43, 44, 46, 47 (2), 48, 49, 61 (2), 52, 63, 54(2), 55, 56 (2), 67 (2), 58, 59, 61, 62, 63, 64, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 74, 75, 76, 77, 79, 81, 87 (2), 90, 92, 94, 98 (2), 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 106 (2l, 108 (2), 109, 110 (2), 111, 112 (2), 113, 116, 117, lis, 120, 121, 124, 127, 129, ISO (2), 131, 132, 133, 134, 136, 138 (2), 140, 141, 143 (2), 144 (2), 145, 146, 149, 155 (4). advowson of, 48. South Marsh in, 143. EngUshe (Ynglysche), John, 146; Mary, 109; Nich., 109. Englond, WiU., 14. Erleches, 68. Erley, Thos., 32. Erlyche, Joan, 14, 16; Thom., 14, 16. Emeley, John, 14, 17, 19. Essex, Jane, 119, 140; Marg., 104; Thos., 3, 104, 119, 140; SirThos., 104 Etheridge, AUce, 149 ; Geo , 149 ; John, 76. Eton (Bucks), 42. Dorothy, 150; Hugh, 150. Elys, WiU , 57. Estonfyld, John, 131. Estricke, Rob., 112. Esyngwold, John, 3. Eustace, John, 109. Evans, EUz, 157; IsabeUa, 40; Thos., 40; WiU., 157. Evelyn, Geo., 106. Everleigh, John, 106. Ewer (The war, Eure), Alice, 29 ; John, 29. Exeter, Gertrude, marchioness of, 37, 38 (3), 40 ; Henry, marquis of, 35, 37, 38 (3), 40 ; Hugh, bishop of, 14, Exilby, Miles, 145. Eye, 6, 128. " Eyele Breche," 148. Eynes, Humph., 63 ; John, 53. Eyre, Edm., 19. F Fabian (Fabean, Fabyan), Agnes, 138 ; Barnard, 138 ; John, 19. Fairfax, Wm., 15 ; Sir WUL, 19. Faldo, WiU., 83. Falley, Geo,, 38. Fane, EUz., 69, 76 ; Geo., 76 ; Hen. 69. Faringdon, Within, 160. Without, 104. Farley, WUL, 37. Farneham (Ferneham), Thos., 77, 92. Pai-nside, Joan, 44 ; Will., 44. Faulkener, Rob., 122. Fawene, John, 12; Kath., 12. Fawnys (Faimes), 69, manor of, 36. Fayrebarne, Rob., 149. Felde (Fylde), Alice, 57, 62 ; John, 79 ; Kath., 79 ; Matt., 115, 126 ; Thos., 117, 125; WiU., 57, 62. Felse, Joan, 20 ; WiU., 20. Feltham, 6, 29, 69, 72, 74, 91, 115, 148. 149. Felton, Dunstan, 124 ; Mary, 124. FeltweU, Ric, 10. Fenne, Hugh, 104. Fenrother, Rob., 27. Feme, Rich , 68 ; Wm , 68. Fesaunt, Jasper, 67, 78 (2), 85; Marg., 67, 78 (2), 86. Ferrers (Farrers), Edw., 13 ; Rob., 151, 124 Ferror (Ferrar), Rich., 69, 112 ; see Devereaux. Ferrys, CecUia, 92; Rich., 114; WUL, 71, 92. Filbie,~Geo., 123. Finch (Fynch, &c.), Eliz., 22 ; Jas., 22 (2) ; Joan, 22 ; John, 39 ; Marg., 39; Sir Wm , 36. Finchley (Fyncheley), 1, 6, 7, 13, 15, 16, 20, 21, 29, 33 (2). 36, 50, 61, 68, 69, 70, 79, 83, 93, 102, 106, 108, 112, 119, 121, 126, 127, 135, 136, 140, 148, 149 (2), 151, 156. manor of, 16. Finsbury (Fynnybery), 30, 39, 41, 73. Fish (Fysshe), Mich., 14. Fisher (Fyssher), Anne, 98 ; EUz., 117: Hen., 117; Hugh, 97; Joan, 97 ; John, 145 ; Leonarda, 107; Margt., 36, 65; Sir Mich., 36, 65 ; Thom., 107. xn. INDEX. Fitche, Rob., 152. Fitz (Fytz, &o.), Anne, 89 ; John, 89, 105, 118 ; Rob., 107 ; Francis, 118. Fitzherbert, Anth., 25, 28 ; Sir Anth., 31, 45; John, 8, 25; MatU , 45 ; Thos , 108 ; Wm., 73, 76 ; family of, 26. Fitzhugh, Thos., 36. FitzwiUiam, John, 157 ; Sir Wm., 26, 37. Flambards (Flamberdis), manor of, 36. Flamsted, manor of (Herts), 2. Flaxmore (Flexmere), Joan, 60 ; Ralph, 60 ; Simon, 56, 63. Fleet Prison, 104. Fleet Street, 93, 101, 116, 137, 146, 155. Fleming, EUz., 71 ; John, 71. Fleetwood, Agnes, 97 ; Joan, 65 ; Rob., 55, 97 ; WiU., 106, 137. Fletcher, Marg., 29 ; John, 29. Florence, John, 33. Flurry, John, 116. Flyer, Rich., 117, 144; Marg., 144. Folde, WiU., 80. FoUot (FoUyot, &c.), Barbara, 4, 120; John, 120. Foljambe, Agnes, 111 ; Nich., 107, 111. Forcett. John, 145, 146. Ford (Forde), John, 30 ; Thos., 43. Forrest, John, 130. Forster, Agnes, 60, 100 ; John, 60, 100 ; Marg., 21, 156 ; Rob., 21 ; Roger, 6; Thos., 33, 129, 156. Fortescu, Cath, 61; EUz,, 81; Hen., 81, 86, 87, 99 ; John, 16, 17 (2) ; Nioh., 61 ; Phmppa, 17 (2) Forthe (Foorth), John, 154, 169; EUz., 61 ; Rich , 126 ; Wm., 61, 99. Foster, Eliz., 40 ; Geo., 68 ; Harry, 69; Lau., 43; Rob., 24 (2), 68, 108 ; Roger, 40 ; Thos., 23. Fothergm, Alice, 123 ; Rich., 123, 132. Fowle (Foule), John, 16; Thos., 63. Fowler (Fouler), AUce, 87, 91 ; Marg., 66, 88; Sir Ric, 17; Eob., 62 ; Thos., 66, 82, 87, 91, 133 ; WiU., 56, 88. Fowys. Augustine, 132; Rich., 132. Pox, Anne, 127 ; Chris., 69 ; EUz , 83; Edw., 46; IsabeUa, 143; Joan, 11, 60, 69; John, 30, 38, 127; Margt., 39; Matt., 83; Rich., 11, 143 ; Eob, 113; Thos., 112, 158 ; WiU., 21, 22, 48, 60, 113 Foxley, Alice, 60 ; John, 14 ; Law rence, 60 ; Ealph, 39. Foxton, John, 71, 72, 76. Francis (Frauncis, &c.), Andrew, 51 ; Marg , 61 ; WiU., 18, 25. Franke, Agnes, 76, 87, 149 ; John, 69, 76, 87, 149 ; Wm. (otherwise Frankland), 146. Franklin (Frankelyne, &c.), Marg., 98 ; Peter, 24, 112 ; Wm., 98. Frankland, Geo , 108 ; Goditha, 98 ; Joyce, 146 ; Eich., 98, 131 ; Will. (otherwise Frank), 146. Freeman, Joan, 117, 121 ; John, 54 ; Eob , 121 ; Thos., 133 ; Wm., 117. French, EUz., 67 ; Rich., 67 ; Thos., 127 ; wm., 127. Frend, Dionisia, 35; Wm., 35. Frevm (FreveU), Doro., 72 ; Geo., 72, 88. FrogenhaU, Alex., 64; EUz., 54; Thos., 64. Froston, Joan, 17 ; Rob., 17 (2). Frowyk (Frourcke), Hen., 2, 3, 20, 101 ; Mary, 70 ; Thos., 70 ; Sir Thos., 3, 5, 8 (2), 9, 10, 11, 14, 148, 149 ; family of, 36. Frynley, Marg., 1 ; Nioh., 1. Fryssheney, Steph., 8. Fumam. 4, 14, 15, 16, 27, 30, 32, 40, 42, 51, 68, 63, 66 (2), 71, 79, 83, 84 (2), 85, 87, 91, 93, 104 (2), 111, 119, 121, 128, 157. FuUer, Dorothy, 144 ; James, 163 ; Joan, 153 ; John, 108, 144 ; WiU., 108, 148. Fulnetby, Kath , 6 ; Thos., 5. Furbe Lane, 68 . Fyge, Joan, 51; Peter, 51. Fyneux, Sir John, 18, 20 ; Wm , 70. Fyppes, Jane, 132; Nich., 134. Fynnes (Fynes), Sir John, 14 ; PhU., 126. Fynney, WiU., 167. Fyrmyger (Fremynger), Emma, 134; John, 134; SirThos., 13. Fyste, AUce, 118 ; Joan, 118 ; John, 118; wm., 118. G Gaffeney, Hen., 62. Gage, Sir John, 33. Game, WiU., 20. Gardener, Adam, 76 ; Joan, 75 ; John, 89, 116 ; Thos., 92. INDEX. Garlicke, Hen., 143. Garrard, Cath., 19; GUb., 109; Joan, 56, 70; John, 103, 143; Marg., 101, 143 ; Rob., 19 ; WiU,, 56, 61, 70, 101, 103. See Gerrard. Garrett, AUce, 155 ; Joan, 84 ; John, 84, 110, 138, 155. Garton, Thos., 127. Garnett, Hen., 104. Garney, Sir Chris., 78 ; Joan, 78. Garraware, John, 156, Garthe, Rich., 96. Gascoign (Gsiscoyne), Reg., 12 ; Sir WiU., 19. Gastner, John, 3 ; Marg., 3. Gate, Alice, 59 ; WiU., 59. Gawthorppe, Agnes, 77 ; Anth., 77. Gayton, Eliz., 37, 44; Eob., 37; Thos., 44. Geddyng, manor of, 63. Gedney, And., 136. GeUot, Rich., 6. Gent, EUz., 120 ; Thos., 120. , Gerrard, EUz, 150; GUb., 86, 90, 92, 104, 120, 124; Joan, 57; John, 19, 25, 35, 46, 67 ; MUes, 18, 24 ; Sir Thos., 160; WiU., 84, 125. See Garrard. Gery, EUen, 62; Hen., 62. Gessham, IsabeUa, 120 ; John, 120. Gibbon, Eich,, 34. Gibbons (Gibbyns), EUen, 135 ; Mich., 135. Gibson (Gybson) , Chris. ,128; Margt. , 11 ; Thos., 31; Wm., 11. Gilbert (Gylbert, Gylbard), AUce, 97, 140 ; Edw., 66, 77, 78, 97, 140 ; IsabeUa, 23 ; Thos., 23. Gilbertson, John, 148, 158 ; Mary, 158. GUI (GyUe), Francis, 104; Hen., 123, 142 ; Mary, 142 ; Wm., 162 Gloucester, WUliam, abbot of St Peter's, at, 28. Gloucesters, manor of, 70, 101, 104. Glynn, Joan, 21 ; John, 21. Godalming (Godalyng), 91. Godd, John [Thos. ?], 131. Goddard (Godderd), Chas., 105, 129, 133; EUz., 41; Geo., 105, 123, 124 ; Joan, 57 ; John, 32, 75, 78 ; Eob., 112, 120; wm., 41, 105. Gooding, Alice, 40 ; John, 40. Godfrey, Ralph, 144. Godyngton, Marg., 49 ; Thos., 49. Goldbeaters, manor of, 20. Golding (Goldyng. &c.), John, 18, 64 ; Thos., 64 ; Wm., 25. (Golden) Lane, 18, 42, 43, 68, 77, 81, 88, 112, 114, 116, 126. Goldington, John, 24. GoldweU, Alice, 145 ; Wm., 146. Goldsmith (Goldsmyth), Edith, 73; Simon, 73; Thos., 17. GoUghtley, Ellen, 138 ; WiU., 138. Gonsell (GonsseU), Rich., 133 Gonson, Benj., 64, 78; Chris., 64; Dorothy, 04; Ursula, 78, Good, Joan, 42 ; Marg., 126 ; Peter, 126; Eob., 42, 62, 63, 67, 83, 93, 104, Goodgroom (Goodegrome), Agnes, 169 ; John, 39, 42; MatU., 39, 42 ; WiU., 169. Goodgrove, Agnes, 153; WilL, 163. Goodryche (Goodryck), Mary, 81 ; Eich., 81, 113. Goodwin (Godwyn) , Anne, 96; John, 30, 32 (2); Kath., 30, 32 (2); Miles, 96; Thos., 96; WiU, 141, 147. Goodyere (Godyere, Goodere) , Albany 44; Anne, 109, 114; Francis, 33, 46, 47, 63, 55 (2), 60, 63 (2) ; Hen., 36, 68, 63, 68; Nich., 36, 42, 45, 60, 67, 63 ; Simon, 24 ; Thos., 14 ; Ursula, 46, 47,53, 55, 56, 63; WiU., 27, 42, 109, 114. Gower, Edm., 120 ; Rob., 120; Wm., 120. Gowge, John, 36. Gracecliureh Street, 147. Grafton, Agnes, 4; Alice, 131; Rich., 131; Thos., 4. Grant (Graunt), Mat., 10 ; Rob., 10. Grantham, Chris , 41 ; Marg., 41 ; Thos., 150. Gratton, John, 102. Graunge, John, 138. Graves, WiU., 135. Gray (Graye), Anne, 76 ; Hen., 75 ; John, 139; MUes, 141. See Grey. Grays Inn Lane, 75, 128. Green (Grene, Greyn, &c.), Agnes, 34; Joan, 31, 51, 85; John, 86, 160, 166 ; Marg., 42, 150 ; Martin, 109; Nich., 42; Rich., 19; Rob., 55, 67 ; Roger, 87 ; Thos., 28, 31, 34, 41; wm., 32, 51, 58. Greenfield (Greynefield) , John, 29, 30 ; Letitia, 29, 30. . ¦ Green, 46. Greenford, 21, 36, 67, 94, 104, 108, 112, 120, 125, 126. manor of, 134. Great, 15, 24, 33, 34 (2), 45, 139, 147. Little, 16, 139. Greenwich, East, 41. XIV. INDEX, Greenwood, Hen., 66 ; Joan, 44 ; Rich., 44. Gregory, Edm., 65 ; Nich , 77 ; PhiUppa, 65. Gresham (Gressam), Anne, 125, 148 (2) ; Isabella, 42 ; John, 42 ; Sir John, 88; Rich., 42; Thos., 105; Sir Thos., 125, 148 (3). Greteclyf, MatiL, 3. GreveU, Joan, 104; Thos., 104 Grey (Gray, &c ), Edm , 65 ; Joan, 67, 118 ; John, 136, 163 ; Sir John, 118 ; Laurence, 67. ^ee Gray. de Wilton, Edm., lord, 14; Florence, lady, 14. Greynder, Felicia, 91 ; WiU., 91. Griffin (Gryffin), AUce, 140 ; Edm., 140; Edw., 70, 93; EUz., 99. Griffith, Hugh, 99. Griggs (Gryggys), John, 94. Grimston (Grympston, &c ), Agnes, 80 : Bridget, 80 ; John, 30, 61, 80 (4), 119 (3), 128, 134, 149; Marg., 119, 128, 134, 149. Grosvenor (Gravenour, &c.), Marg., 147 ; Nich , 38 ; Rob., 32 ; WiU., 147. Grove, Alice, 32 ; CeciUa, 32 ; Hen., 46; John, 32 (3). " Grovehouse, the," 32. Grovebarnes (Growbarnes), manor of, in Staines, 64, 63, 126. Grover, John, 29. Grubbe, Mary, 47; Rob., 47. Grynder, WiU., 107, 111. GrynyU, John, 50. Guereye, Benedict, 139 ; Jane, 139. Guernsey, island of, 2. Gunnersbury (Gonelbury, Goneldis bury), 36. GuUdford (Gilford, &c.). Sir Hen., 24, 33; Sir Rich., 4, 6, 7. Gurdon, John, 80. Gwynn (Gwyne), EUz., 105 ; Rich , 99; Thos., 106. Gyes, Cristina, 08, 77; WiU., 68, 77. Gylbarn, EUz., 111. Gyles, WiU., 68. Gyknan (Gybnen), EUen, 91, 92; John, 91, 92. Gyrnell, John, 14. Gysse, Roger, 109, 134. H Hache (Hacche), Agnes, 24, 34 ; John, 24, 34 ; Rich., 24. Hackman, Anne, 138 ; WUL, 138. Hackney, 3, 6(2), 8, 11 (2), 18, 19, 26 (2), 31 35, 40, 46 (3), 49 51, 54, 64, 65, 70 (2), 71, T^. 76. 78, 81 82, 91, 93, 95, 97,99,102,114, 115, 120, 122, 125, 126, 131, 137, 1 58 Haddon, Alice, 100 ; Rich.", 49, 97; Thos., 100. Hadley (Hadle, &c.), 10, 33, 48, 62, 70, 77, 91, 94, 103, 109, 117. manor of, 48, 63. free chapel of, 63, 157. Monken, 3, 14, 20, 30, 40, 41, 57, 62, 81, 83, 117, 121 (2), 122, 124, 140, 162, 157. manor of, 63. Geo., 41, 96. HadnoU, Marg., 115; Steph., 115. Haffyngton, Hugh, 65. Haggerston (Hargolston, Argarston) , 71, 92, 97, 115. Halbarnes, manor of, 63. See Grove barnes. Halby, 31. Hale, Rich., 42 ; Wm., 27, 42, 45. Hales, 26 Barth., Ill; John, 137; Mary, 111. Haliford (Halford), 73. Lower (Nether), 4 (2), 7, 22, 28, 73. Upper, 22, 28. HaU (HaUe), Asnes, 18, 56; Cath., 46, 64; EdmT, 137; Edw., 105; John, 20, 21, 30, 46, 63, 56 (2); Randolph. 46. Hallewyk (Halwick), manor of, 65, 71. Halley, Jerome. 110, 112, 121 ; "Kynborowa," 121. Halse, John, 107. Halys, Edw., 11; Thos., II. Halywell (HaUweU), 66, 92. Mary, 101 ; Nich., 101 ; Eob., 101. Hamerton, Benedicta, 82 ; WiU., 82. Hammersmith, 4, 42, 65, 135. Hammond (Hamond). Agnes, 47 ; Anne, 144; Eliz., 108; Hen., 83, 85; Joan, 64; John, 47; Kath., 85; Ralph, 116; Rob., 42, 44, 144; Thos., 64, 67, 68. Hamondes, 59. Hampden, Edm., 91, 107; Hen., 106; IsabeUa, 107; Mary, 106. Hampstead, 18, 30, 86, 94. 119, 121, 133. Hampton-on-Thames, 44, 72, 118. Hancock, Joan, 47; Wm., 47. INDEX. XV. Handbury (Handebery), Edw.. 40. HanneU, Isabella, 83; WiU., 83. HanweU, 61. Hanworth, 49, 72, 121. Harde, Alan, 134. Harding, Cristina, 78, 83 ; John, 78, 80, 83. . Hardington (Herdington), 4, 23, 126, manor of, 78. Hardres, Mary, 53; Thos., 53, 68. Hardwick (Hardwyke), Will., 37, 40. Hardy, Joan, 27 ; John, 27, 37 ; Thos., 41. Hare, Hugh, 156. Harefield (Herefeld, &c.), 2, 10, 11, 13, 17, 46, 49, 66, 76, 87, 137, 155. Haremershe, 53. Harlesdon (Harleston, &c.), 4, 14, 15, 16, 23, 36, 41, 43, 46, 68, 126. Harlington, 26, 42, 83, 144, 145. advowson of, 125. manor of, 78. Harmondesworth (Hermondsworth , Harmsworth), 17, 23, 62. 67, 78, 87, 126, 136, 144. manor of, 88. fishery in, 17. church of, 88. Harper, AUce, 76, 84 (2), 130, 13% 142 ; Lucy, 70 ; WiU., 76, 84 (2) ; Sir WiU., 130, 136, 142. Harringay, 2 (2), 11, 33, 35, 98, 120. John, 127. Harrington, John, 116. Harris (Hareys, &c,). Beat., 23; CeciUa, 66; Edm., 137; John, 23, 33, 37; Thos., 66. Harrison (Haryson, &c.), Eliz., 124; Geo., 101, 116, 122, 124, 140; GUes, 78, 90; Godfrey, 136; Isabella, 48, 69 (2), 93; Joan, 136; John, 95, 113, 122; OUve, 7; Rob., 10, 11; Thos., 93; Ursula, 113 ; WiU., 48, 69 (2), 93, 133, 138, 145. Harrow-on-the-HiU (Harrow, Har- rough, &c.), 8, 9, 13, 15, 16 (2), 21 (2), 24 (2), 27, 29, 30, 32, 34, 36, 36, 37, 41, 44, 46 (3), 68, 60, 65, 74, 75, 80, 84, 87, 90, 91, 104, 108, 113, 115, 120, 121, 126, 134, 139, 147. 162. Weald, 74, 82. Alan, 91; Rich., 155 ; Thos., 6. Harry, John, 82. Harryett, IsabeUa, 83. Harryong (Hareyonge), Ellen, 121; Marg., 100, luo; Rich., 20, 23, 50; Eoger, 100, 121. Hart, John, 61; Thos., 148. HartisweU, Joan, 20 ; WUL. 20. Hartlepool, Marg., 148; Eich., 148. Hartop, Eliseus, 93 ; Eob., 88. Harward, WiU., 128, 143. Haslewood (Hasylwode), Thos., 109, 130, 148, 150. Hasplyn, Rich., 107. Hastings (Hastynges), Marg., 13; Nich., 13. Hatchman, Eich., 107. Hatton, in East Bedfont, 48, 89. Eich., 144. Hausley, Hen., 62; Joan, 52. HavUand, WiU., 44. Hawkes (Hawkys), Anne, 61, 52, 60; Rich., 21, 30, 31; Rob., 50, 51, 52, 60. Hawkins (Hawkyns), Mary, 27; Thos., 149; WiU., 27. Hawte, Edw., 22; Marg,, 38; Sir WUL, 33, 38. Hawtrey, Agnes, 106 ; WiU., 106. Hayne (Hayn), Marg., 3; Rob., 36, 140; WUL, 3. Hays (Hese, Heese, &e), 8, 9, 13, 28, 36, 53. 77, 84, 103, 113. manor of, 110. AUce, 92; Rob., 92. Hayward, AUce, 141 ; John, 141 ; Thos., 74. Heath (Hethe, &o.), John, 104, 106, 129; Marg., 106. "Hedgelands," 36. Hegger, John, 34. Heigham, Clem., 43. HeUer, Joan, 125; John, 125. Hekne, Thos., 84. Helmyng-ham, manor of, 167. Hemmyng. Thos., 63, Hemmyngway, Joan, 168 ; Thos., 121, 122, 168. Hemslip, manor of (Bucks), 2. Hendley (Hendle), Margery, 70, 76 ; Sir Walter, 70, 94. Hendon, 6, 8, 12, 16, 24, 25, 29, 40 (2), 43, 46, 60, 51, 56, 66, 67, 63, 64, 71, 76, 82, 92, 97, 98 (2), 106, 107, 110, 123, 126 (3), 128, 129, 139, 149. Hengscott, Nich., 85. Henneage, Anne, 128 ; Marg., 96 ; Mich., 141; Rob., 96; Thos., 24, ¦ 26 128. Henningham (Heneyngham) , EUz., 105 ; Erasmus, 105 ; John, 25. Hennys, WUL, 83. Henry VII., 2. .; VIII., 35, 44, 45, 46, 47 (4), 48 XVI. INDEX. (3). 49, 67 (2), 68, 59 (2), 66. John, 146; Marg., 146. Henshatt {sic), Edw., 75; Joan, 75. Henshaw, Edw., 104; Joan, 104. Herbert (Harbert), Sir Chas. Somer set, lordde, 15, 17 (2), 18; Thos., 130. Herdson, John, 129. Hereford, Walter, viscount, 85. Heritage, Eliz., 136 ; Hen., 136. Heron, Cecily, 137; Chris., 137; Edm., 137; EUz., 51; Hen., 115, 137; John, 11, 13 (2), 21 (2), 61, 137; Thos , 137; WiU., 13. Hersies, 37. Hert, EUz., 10 ; John, 10, 19 ; Rich., 3. Heryng, Rich., 36. Heston, 3 (2), 4, 6, 10, 24, 29, 32, 52, 68, 69, 83, 105, 106, 108, 116, 118, 125, 134, 137, 147, 148 (3), 162, 165. Heth, 77. Heton, Eoger, 28 (2); WUL, 28 (2). Hevenyngham, Eliz., 123, 124. Hewes (Hewys), Alex., 115; Anne, 116; John, 7, 30, 103; Thos., 134, 137. Hewett, Alice, 52; Nich., 62; Sir WiU., 113. Hewson, Cath., 140; Eich., 140. Heybome, Cath., 102; WiU., 102. Heydon, Alice, 28 (2); Sir Hen., 10, 1 1 ; Jeremy, 43 ; John, 28 ; Sir John, 24; Margery, 118; Eich., 70; Thos., 118; WiU., 10, 11, 28, 43. Heyne, Eob., 113 (2). Heyward, Alice, 12 ; Joan, 67; John, 57; Nich., 12 ; Eich., 120 ; Row land, 111. Hicks (Hikkes), And., 29 ; Joan, 29. Higdon (Hygdon), EUz., 29; Thos., 29. Higham, Rich., 7 (2). Highgate (Hyegat, Hiegate) , 33, 62. 66, 120, 127. Thos., 162. HiU (Hylle, &c.), Alice, 3 ; Eliz., 8 ; Geo., 92; GUb., 72; Jasper, 114, 118; Joan, 113; John, 92, 118; Letitia, 8 ; Rowland, 32 (2) ; Sir Rowland, 94; Thos., 8; WiH., 3, 8, 60, 113. HilUngdon (HeUyngdon, &c.), 6, 8, 10, 13, 19. 21, 23, 25, 31, 37, 43, 60, 62, 63 (2), 65, 69, 62 (2), 60, 67 (2), 76, 77, 78, 87 (2), 95, 103, 104, 110, 112, 116, 117 (2), 118. 124. 163. advowson of, 62. "Oldfield" in, 50. fishery in, 62. "Fyrsen" in, 50. Hillman, John, 33. HiUyard, Joan, 114; John. 114. Hilton (Hylton), AUce, 110, 123; Eliz., 85, 94, 97, 99; Rich., 99; Thos., 86, 94, 97 ; Wm., 110, 123. Hitherowe, 88. Hobart, Jas., 11. Hobbye, Rob., 114. Hobson, Thos., 11; Wm., 59, 6.7. Hobthorne, EUz., 108. Hodges, Walter, 3. HodsaU, John, 32. Hody (Hodye), Barbara, 155 ; John, 131, 143, 158; Marg., 143; Wm., 81 ; Sir Wm.. 1, 4, 5, 6 (4), 7 (2), 8, 9, 12. Hogan, Thos., 12. Hogborne, see Ogbome. Hogeson, Thos., 114. Hoggettes, John, 127. Holbeck, "Jartruda," 93 ; Rob., 93. Holborn, 66, 64, 69, 70 (2), 76, 81. 84, 99, 101, 108, 114, 115, 118, 119, 120; 121, 128, 130, 141, 142, 146, 166. High, 131, 135, 136, 138, 156. Andrew, 143, 167. Holbye, Grace, 116; Rob., 115. Holcrofte, JuUana, 86, 94; SirThos., 86, 94. Holden, John, 35, 98 ; Rob., 98. Holford, Rich., 141. HolgyU, AUce, 25 ; Hen., 25 ; Wm., 29. Holland (Holand, &c.), Isabella, 77; Jas., 77; Owen, 24; WiU., 83. HolUs (HoUys), Anne, 61; WiU., 37, 61. HoUoway, 62, 58, 87, 88, 89, 128. Nether, 87, 103, 156. Eliz., 171; Thos.. 171. HoUstock, WiU., 142. HoUygrave, Marg., 133. HoUyman, Martha, 166; Rich., 166. HoUynshed, Hugh, 106. Holmes, Alice, 36; Bridget, 137; Leonard, 63 ; Nich., 87, 124. 137 ; Rob., 36. Holte (Howlte), Chris., 124; Edw., 109; John, 76, 129; Rich., 76; Rob., 76; Roger, 58, 105; Thos., 153, 169; WilL, 103. Holy Trinity, par. of, 150. HolyweU, 92, 93. INDEX. XVU. Honylane, in Enfield, manor of, 66. Honynge, Frances, 128 ; WiU., 128. Hoo, Anne, 6 ; Thos., 6, 8. Hookynngs, Rob., 41. Hooper, WiU., 6. Hope, Chas., 150. Hopkins (Hopkyns), John, 76; Eich , 123. Horde, Alan, 37 ; Geo., 156. Horewode (Horwood), John, 2 ; Eob , 2. HomohuTch, 79. Home, Anne, 39 ; Edm., 39 ; Hen., 39; Sir WiU., 2(2). Hornsey (Harnsay, Harnyssay, &c.), 3, 67, 69, 64, 90, 126, 151. Horsley, Joan, 65, 109 ; John, 65, 109. Horton, Blanche, 91 ; John, 91. Hosyer, John, 10, 11 (2). Hounslow (Hownslo, &o.), 3, 10, 24, 42, 80, 102, 106, 115, 118, 155 Howe, Agnes, 68 ; Alice, 75 ; John, 76; wm., 68. Howet, Eog ,10. Howton, MatU., 124; Eob , 124. Hoxton (Hogesdon, Hokkeston), 20, 21, 30, 31, 32 (2), 34, 36, 39 (2), 40, 46, 49 (2), 50, 60 (2), 63, 72 (2), 73, 76 (2), 79, 89, 93, 98, 100, 102, 114, 151, 164, 167, 169. Hubbard (Hubberd, Hubbert), Alice, 23 ; Chris., 133 ; Etheldreda, 110 ; WiU., 23. Hubberthorne, Eliz., 56 ; Hen., 56. Huckyn, John, 53. Huddy, WiU., 93. Hudson, John, 133, 134. Hughes, John, 38, 63 ; Justinian, 86 ; Marg , 86 ; Thos., 134 (2). HukkeU, Thos.. 43. Hulse, AUce, 159; John, 125, 159; Marg., 159; Phil., 126; Thos., 169. Hungate, Eoger, 14 ; Wm., 5, 7. Hunoke, Rob., 90. Hungerford, Frances, 153 ; Thos., 158; Walt., 36, 153. "Hungerfords Inn," 35. Huniungs (Hunnyngis), Wm., 30. Himt, John, 33. Hunter, Hans, 85. HuntshiU, 73. Hunsdon (Houndesdon, &c.), Agnes, 17 ; AUce, 100 ; Hen., 23 (2) ; Joan, 51, 57 ; John, 17, 28, 51 ; Marg., 28, 99 ; Rich., 108, 110, 115; Thos., 23, 33, 100; Wm., 57, 99. Hurlock, John, 29, 36. Hurst, Joan, 120 ; John, 120. Husse, John, 106. Hussey, Anth., 38; Barth., 32; Chas., 123. Hutchinson, Adam, 146. Hutton, Agnes, 111; John, 38, 42; Rob., 103. Huycke, Rob., 101, 105, 136, 139, 144 (2), 146, 155 (2). Hyckmans, manor of, 71. Hyde, WiU , 10 (2). Hylson, Rob., 154. Hynde, Geo., 39 ; John, 39. Hytchcocke, Rob., 134, Ikenham (Iknam, &c.), 28, 37, 43. 66, 62, 76, 117, 118, 126, 127, 143, 161. Ingelfield, Sir Thos., 17; Thos., 21. Ingram, Eliz., 163; John, 163; Thos., 8, Inman, Cath., 168 ; John, 162, 168. Ipgrave, Rob., 102. Ipswich, dean of St. Mary's college in, 34 ; Thomas, bishop of, 48. Ironmonger Lane, 106. Isham, GUes, 94; Geo., 94; Hen., 127; John, 94; Rob., 21. Isleworth (Thistleworth), 3, 4, 18, 23, 42, 44, 69, 97, 100, 108 (2), 110, 131, 134, 137, 148. Syon, 128 Islington (Iseldon, Isleton, Isledon- Bemers), 12, 16, 17, 39 (2), 52 (2), 66, 58 (2), 63 (2), 72, 73, 79, 82, 83, 87 (3), 88 (2), 89, 91, 95, 101, 120, 128, 132 (2), 147, 165 (2). manor of, 16. Ivers, Edm . 74 ; Marg., 74. Jackson (Yakson, Jacson, &c.), Joan, 78 ; John, 111, 158 ; MatUda, 119; Rich., 78; Thos,, 14. Jacob, Giles, 114, 116. Jakes, Eliz., 15, 16; MatUda, 14; Reg., 14; Thos., 13, 14, 15, 16. Jakman, Thos., 34. James (Jamys), Edw., 131 ; Hen , 42, 61; Joan, 131; John, 47; Margery, 61; Rob., 47; Roger, 149, 156, JekeU (JekyU), John Stokker, 35, 40, 131 ; Mary, 131. XVIU. INDEX. Jenkins (Jenkyns, &c.), Alice ap, 33; James ap, 33; WUL, 19. Jenner (Jenour, &c.), John, 33, 46. Jennings (Jenenges, Jennens, &c.), Bamard, 29; Barth., 129; Nich., 29; Steph., 4. 6, 7 ; Thos, 153, 159; wm., 84, 105. Jennye, Chris., 25. Jermyn, Hen., 58 ; John, 90 ; Mary, 68. Jemyngham, Frances, 68 ; Hen., 68. Jersey, island of, 2. Jervys (Jervis), 35; Rich., 31. Jobson, EUz., 100 ; Sir Francis, 100, 103, Johans, Cath., 42; Roderick, 42. Johns, Angela, 31 (2), 32; Geoff., 107; wm., 31 (2), 32. Johnson, Basil, 118; Ellas, 28; Joan, 22; Thos., 22; WiU., 40. Johnston, Wm., 37. Jones, Agnes, 20 ; Anne, 107 ; Edw., 20. Josson, John, 17. Joye, John, 82. Judde, Sir Andrew, 117; John, 40, 106 ; Mary, 106. K Kaye, John, 120, 124, 151. Keble (Kebeel), John, 92 ; Thos., 8. Kedde, Dorothy, 113 ; Thos ,113. Kelefett, Geo , 60. Kerne, John, 18 Kemp (Kempe), Barth ,149; Geo., 83 ; GUes, 36 ; Joan, 83 ; John, 36 (3), 136, 139, 154; Marg., 36 (2); Peter, 127; Ralph, 36 ; Rich., 139; Thos., 26 (2), Kendal (Kendall, &c.), EUen, 107; Geo., 106; Rob., 107. Kensington, 24 (2), 29, 30, 47, 69, 70, 71, 92, 128, 140, 148. manor, 47, 104, 117. rectory, 47. Kentish Town, 2, 6, 20, 76, 108, 112, 119, 121, 127, 138, 141. Kevers, in Harlington, 26. Keyle (KeyU), Thos., 27, 30. Keyme, Agnes, 109; John, 109. Keyser (Keysar), Barbara, 88, 90; John, 78, 88, 90. Kidderminster, 61. Kilbum, 30, 46, 79, 86, 94, 106, 167. King (Kyng), AUce, 29; EUz., 63, 67, 64, 76, 87 ; John. 29 ; Letitia, 68; Rob., 68, 148; Thos., 53, 67, 61, 75, 84; WiU., 130. King's Street, Westminster, 26. Kingsbury, 15, 41, 57, 75. 127. manor of, 97. Kingsmill, John, 8. Kingstou-on-HuU, 66. (Kyngeston), Clementia, 64; Edw., 140, 142, 150; EUz., 142; Thos., 108; Sir WUL, 33; Wolfram, 54. Kirkham (Kyrkham), Geo., 5 ; Sir Rob , 55. Kirkelyng (Essex), 2. Kirton (Kyrton), WiU , 45. Kitchen (Kychen, Kechyn), John, 31, 128, 155. Kitson (Kytson), Anth., 137; Marg., 137 ; Thos., 37. Knight (Knyght), Humph, 99; Joan, 99 ; Rich , 99 (2); Wm., 26, 99. Knightley, Marg., 122; Thos., 110, 122, 123 Knightrider Street, 150. Knighton, Thos., 31. Knightsbridge, 21, 51, 70, 109, 113, 128, 148. KuoUers, manor of, 67. Knowling (KnoUyng), Eliz., 114; Joan, 107 ; John, 107 ; Rob , 114, 117. KnyU, Eust., 12. Knyvett, Sir Wm., 5. Kybbett, Humph., 108, 110, 116. Kyckes End, 63, 157. Kympton, Jane, 146 ; WUI , 146. Kynton, Joan, 27 ; John, 27. Kynwellmershe, Mary, 93 ; Thos., 93. Kyrrye, Jane, 133; WUL, 133. Lacy, Eich., 83. Laleham, 3, 9, 12, 18, 22 (2), 28, 34, 39 (2), 42, 54, 57, 69, 63, 93, 96, 104, 107, 114, 117, 126, 142, 153, 169. Laleton, 69. LaUngton, 28. Lambard, Nich , 24 Lambe, AUce, 128 ; John, 62, 79, 128; Rich,, 79 Lambert (Lambart), WiU., 30, 44. Lane, Geo,, 23; John, 23. Lanes, manor of, 49, 51. Langdyche, iu Westminster, 12. Langford, fishery in, 17., Langley, Thos., 73. Langham, Eliz., 152; Thos., 152. INDEX. XIX. Langton, EUz., 12. Lappam, Marg., 62; Thos., 52. Larke, WiU., 140. Lathom, Ealph, 15. Laurens (Laurence), Dorothy, 74 ; EverUda, 129 ; Hen , 124, 129 ; John, 15, 27; Lewis, 54, 83; Nich., 69, 74 ; Eich , 69, 74, 149. Laward (Loorde), Eob., 54, 56, 81. Lawe, wm., 70. Laweden, Thos., 10. Lawrence, Joan, 40 ; John, 40. Lawton, John, 138 ; Wm., 25. Le Breche, 128. Lechard, Hugh, 12. Leche, John, 16, 17 ; Mary, 85 ; Ealph, 112. Ledam, AUce, 33 ; Lau., 33. LedeU, Rob., 118. Lee, Edw., 136; Ellen, 136; Hen. 69 ; Sir Hen., 89 ; IsabeUa, 33 Joan, 79, 117, 124, 131; Marg., 77 OrweU (OtweU P), 33; Rich., 92 Sir Rich., 66, 77, 79 ; Roger att, 128; wm., 117, 124, 131. See Leigh. Leeke, John, 6. Legard, Thos , 87. Leicester (Leyoestre), EUz., 28; John, 28. Leigh (Legh, Lege), Anne, otherwise Awbre, 41, 44 ; Geard, 91 ; Geo , 168 ; John, 21 ; Roger, 18, 23 ; Thos , 89, 92, 94, 95; Thos., other wise Awbre, 41, 44; Timothea, 168. See Lee. Leke, Nich., 107. Leonard, AUce, 129 : Wm., 129. 146. Lepar, Alice, 120 ; Thos., 120. Le Strange, Kath., 71; Sir Nich., 71. Letson, wm., 80. Lever, AUce, 126. Leveson, Dionisia, 67 (2) ; Jas., 39, 40 ; Nich., 39 ; Thos., 88 ; Ursula, 88. Lewes, Eob.. prior of St. Pancras. at 47. EUen. 99; G«off.. 99. Lewkener (Leukener), Bridget, 122 ; Edw., 33; Thos., 122. Lewys, Hugh, 67; Joan, 67. ' 'Leymoth, ' ' land so called, in Poplar, Stepney, 67. Leyton, EUz., 89 ; Thos., 89. Lichfield, see Coventry and Lichfield. Lightfoot (Lyghtesfoot), Agnes, 96 ; Derick, 96. LUleston (LyUeston), 5, 111. Lmy (Lyliey), Eob., 41. Limehouse (Lymost), 8, 68, 70, 109. Lincoln, Wm., bishop of, 9, 12. Thos., 44. Lisle (Lylle, Lysley), AUce, 26 ; Frances, 139, 148 ; Hen., 131, 139, 148 ; Lancelot, 26. Lisson Grove, see LUleston. Littlecote (Lyttlecote), Agnes, 138 ; wm., 138. Littleton (Litlington, Lytylton), 4, 7, 12, 57, 74, 97, 107, 111, 163, 169. manor of, 33, 114. Eich, 9. Lock (Locke, Lokke), Jane, 123 ; Mich., 123 ; Wm., 42, 63, 66 ; Sir WiU., 73. Looker, Eliz., 121 ; WiU., 121. Lofte (Loste ?), Agues, 98 ; John, 61, 98; Marg , 61; Thos., 63. London, 9, 19, 46, 47, 48, 54, 58, 69, 83, 92, 96, 98 (2), 106, 111 (2), 117, 125, 139, 146, 157. Bridge, 139, ¦ Mayor, &c. of, 88. Tower of, 65. Eich., bishop of, 18, 20. Long (Longe), Agnes, 36 ; IsabeUa, 104; John, 60, 101, 104; Mag dalene, 166 ; Maurice, 142 ; Peter, 36 ; PetroniUa, 64 ; WiU., 64, 116, 142 (2). Longdean, in Staines, 42. Longford, 88. Lord, Eob., 54, 81. Lordynge, Geo., 169. Lorkyn, Marg., 62 ; Eob., 52, 61, 62, 112, 113; wm., 79. Lorymer, Eich., 135 ; WUL, 2. Lease (Lorse), Agnes, 88 ; Anne, 75 ; Hugh, 74, 75, 88. Lotton, Blasius, 36; Eliz., 35. Love, Nich., 28; Eich., 156. Loveday, Wm., 150. LoveU, Agnes, 61; EUz., 89, 142, 150, 153 ; Sir Francis, 63, 72 ; Greog, 23, 42, 44, 89 ; Humph., 142, 160, 163 ; Sir Eob., 22 ; Thos., 24, 72 ; Sir Thos., 11 (2), 17, 19, 20, 22, 89 ; wm., 61. Lowbery, Arnold, 149 ; Cecma, 149. Lowder, Joan, 33 ; John, 33. Lowthe, Anne, 8 ; Thos., 8 ; Wm., 16 (2). Lowyn (Lowen), AUce, 23 ; John, 14; Nich., 48, 69 ; Thos., 23 ; Thoma sina, 48, 69 ; wm., 14. Loye, Joan, 22 ; John, 22. Lucas, Agnes, 154; Thos., 109, 164, 156. XX. INDEX. Luce, Evan, 75, 79 ; Joan, 79. Ludlowe, Geo., 114. Luddington, manor of, 88. Luker, Emanuel, 63. Lumley, Jane, 137 ; Sir John, lord, 137. Lupton, Mat., 19 ; Eog., 14. LuttreU, Sir Andrew, 86 ; Marg., 86 ; Thos., 86. Luyt, Joan, widow, 4. Lychelade, Wm., 128. Lye, Geo , 154. Lymsey, John, 51 ; Marg ,51. Lynch, Simon, 4,' 6. Lynde, Eich., 26, 33. Lyneard, EUz., 32; John, 32. Lynk, Rob., 43. Lyon, Bridget, 105; Thos., 105. Lyster, Sir Mich., 61 ; Rich., 22, 33, 146; Sir Eich., 46. Lyte, Edith, 40; John, 40; Thos., 40. Litton (Lytton), Sir Eob., 4, 13; Chris., 10. "Lyverlane," Holbom, 38. M Machel (Mathel), John, 62, 78, 83. Maddocks, Thos., 110. Madewe, GUes, 66 ; Marg., 65. Mailbum, John 30. Maldon (Surrey), 10. Malony, Wm., 81. Malory (Malore), Hen., 71 ; Eich., 79. Malynghawe, 88. Manbye, John, 150. Manfeld, Hen., 76. Mauley, Anne, 108 ; Laurence, 108. Mann (Man), EUz., 79; Eich., 79; Eob., 136 ; WiU., 22. Manning (Manyng), Oath., 156 ; Hen., 156 ; John, 120 ; Susanna, 156 ; Win, 156. Mannyngham, Isabella, 6 ; Sir John, 1, 6 ; Wm., 6. Mansfield, Jane, 96 ; John, 56 ; Mary, 66 ; Eich., 96. Manwood, Eoger, 92, 117. Marden, Lady Margery, 80 ; Eich., 80. Mares, Eich., 65. Marlat, WiU, 32. Marney (Merney), Sir Hen., 17. Markes, Rich., 4. Markham, Rob., 33. Marrowe (Marowe), AUce, 73 (3), 88, 96, 100, 106 ; Dorothy, 45 ; Thos., 1, 7, 13, 45, 73 (2), 88, 95, 100, 104, 106. Marsh (Mersshe), Alice, 60, 66, 11/ ; Eleanor, 48 ; James, 117 ; Joan, 3 ; John, 3, 6, 14, 62, 66, 60, 66, 68; Rich., 82: Walt., 29, 31, 48 (2) ; wm., 12, 28. Mary, Queen, 98. Marylebon (Maribone), 4, 13, 16, 17, 124, 134, 138. manor of, 6. . rectory of, 146. Mason, Anth., 157; Edw., 125; Rich., 133, 156. Maye, Agnes, 56 ; Hen., 56, Maynard, Frances, 114; John, 114 (2). Maryner, Cath., 113; Rob., 19: wm., 113. Marshall (MershaU), Alice, 62; Joan, 144. 154 ; John, 62, 86, 144, 154 ; Margery, 2 ; Thos., 2. Martin (Martyn, Marten, &o.), Awdrey, 63 ; Agnes, 3 ; David, 31: Marg., 103; Rob., 132; Thos., 3, 63 (2), 103 ; Walter, 2, 11 ; WUL, 36. Martyr, Joan, 67; Phil., 67. Marwood, John, 109. MascaU, Dorothy, 93 ; Jas., 125 ; Joan, 121; John, 93; Roger, 119, 121; wm., 126. Massam, Rich., 16. Massy, Cecma, 146; Geo., 54; Mary, 54; wm., 146. Mathewe, Edm., 106, 108 : Hen.. 22; Joan, 74, 119 (2); John, 5, 26; Lucy, 26 ; Eich., 32 ; Eob., 5, 119 (2); Rose, 106, 108 ; Thos., 72, 74, 108. Maughwen, AUce, 50 ; Thos., 60. Mauser, Christina, 2 ; Reg., 2. Maxey, Anth., 93, 125; Geo., 103; Jane, 103. Mayes Meade, in Edmonton, 57. WiU., 22. Mayhew, Dorothy, 69; Thos., 41, 69; WiU., 69. Maylemanes, manor of (Kent), 144. Maynard, Wm., 79, 84. 121, 132. Maynwaring, Thos., 52. Mayou (Mayo), Oath., 49 ; Wm., 49. Mede Lane, 82. Medley, EUz., 147 ; Geo., 66 ; Eob., 147. Megges, WiU., 145. Mellysshe, Bridget, 108; EUz., 88-; John, 108, 152 ; Eob , 74, 88. INDEX. XXI. Melsham, John, 29. Melton, John, 119. Mercer, John, 139. Meredith (Meredyth), Martha, 157 ; Phil., 42; WiU., 157. Merett, Alice, 79 ; WiU., 79, 114. Merry (Merye), Agnes, 109, 152; John, 95, 109, 152. Merryweather (Meryweter), Thos., 22. Metcalf (Metcalffe), AUce, 79, 85; Thos., 79, 85. Meryden, Anne, 14 ; John, 14. Meryk (Merycke), Jas., 12; Marg., 127, 147; Thos., 127, 147. Meryng, Alex , 39 ; JuUana, 39. Messurrer, Will., 44. Methwold (Mathworld), Hugh, 42. Meyney, John, 18. MicheU (Mychel, &c ), Alice, 21 ; Aimed, 99 ; EUz., 96 ; Hen., 96 ; John, 21; Sampson, .86. Middleton (Myddleton), Alice, 10 ; Anth, 153; Eliz., 62; John, 10, 153 ; Marg., 65 ; Thos., 65 ; WiU., 62. MUboume, John, 24. MUby, Ealph, 16. Mildmay, Sir Walt., 127, 142, 143. MUford, 91. Milk Street, 86. MiUer (Myller), Alice, 69 ; Hen., 69 ; Joan, 46; WUL, 46. Millet (Mylett), EUz., 139; Emma, 45 ; Geo., 46 ; Hen., 9, 46, 139 (2), 147; Joan, 9, 162 ; John, 9, 45. 46, 60, 77; Eich., 46, 147, 152. MiUs (MyUs, MUlis, MiUys, &c.), Agnes, 71, 73; AUce, 87, 122 (2), 127; Dorothy, 62, 112, otherwise Studley, 66; EUz., 87; Hen., 87, 122 (2), 127; John, 11, 62, 112, otherwise Studley, 66 ; Margt., 28; Mich., 87; Steph, 28; WilL, 27, 71, 73, otherwise Studley, 30. MUton, Kath., 88 ; WiU., 88. Mimms, South, 18, 30, 35, 36, 46, 47 (2), 48 (2), 53, 54, 56 (3), 67 (2), 58 2 , 60 (2), 63, 66, 70, 79, 81 (2), 84, 86 (2), 87, 94, 99 (2), 100, 101, 108, 109, 116, 117, 122, 126, 127, 131 (2), 140. 144, 147, 148, 162, 157. manor of, 36. advowson of, 48, 63, 167. Minories, 118. priory of, 93. Modye, Kath., 65; Eich., 65. Mogen, Agnes, 108 ; John. 108. Molsley, Humph., 66. Monken Hadley, see Hadley. Monoux, Thos , 39. Montagu (Montague, &c.), Anth. Brown, viscount, 100, 127 ; EJw , 23, 41 ; Henry, lord, 49 ; John, marquis, 32 ; Lucy, dau. and heir of John, marquis, 32 ; Magdalen, viscountess, 100. Moore, Chris., 37. Moorehall, manor and church of, in Harefield, 87. MoraU, Step., 116. Morcock, Cath., 127 ; Eob , 127. Mordaunt, Sir John, lord, 129 ; WUL, 8. More, Agnes, 36; EUz., 77, 103; Joan, 144 ; John, 4, 15, 22, 77, 144, otherwise "Parke," 36 ; Thos , 22; Sir Thos., 29 (2), 31, 33, 34, 36, 117; WiU., 36, 48, 103. Lane, St. Giles's, 131. Morecroft, WiU., 27. Moreton, WiU., 37. Morgan, Fras , 83, 101; Wm., 158. Morris (Morys, Morrice, Moresse, &c), Anth., 122; John, 36; JuUana, 122; Thos., 122; WiU., 77. Morteyns, aUas Twyford, manor of,' 78. Mortimer (Mortymer, &c.), Lady Margt., the wife of Eob. Downes, 28. Morton, Dorothy, 81 ; Joan, 10 (2) ; John, 10 (2); Eich., 18; Eob., 81. Mosley, Humph., 68. Mosse, John, 63, 56, 87. Motte, Emeria, 100 ; Thos., 100. Moune, John, 70 ; Kath., 70. Mounsaugh, Wm., 96. Mounslowe, Agnes, 56 ; WiU., 66. Mounson, Eob., 146, 160. Mounteagle, Mary, lady, 98. Mounteforde, Thos., 13. Mountjoy {see also Blotmt), Sir James Blount, lord, 115, 116, 122; lady Cath., 115, 116, 122. Mountstephen, Joan, 127 Mowyer, Alice, 95 ; Nioh., 95. Moyle, SirThos,, 141. Moyses, Edm , 144. MuUyns, John, 152. Mundewe, John, younger, 1. MureU, Edw., 30 (2) ; WiU., 30. MurgeU, Edw., 35 (2) ; Wm., 36. Murse, Edm. , 45 ; Joan, 45. MusweU chapel, 69. farm, 59, 64. MyhyU, Anne, 166 ; Wm., 166. XXll. INDEX. MyUyn, John, 74, 105. Mynne, Nich., 20, 31 Myrfyn, Edw., 84; Thos., 22. Mysharvye, John, 74, 79; Marg., 74, 79, N Nauseglos, Anne, 29 ; John, 29. Nalson, Edw., 144, 156. Narbon, Joan, 61; Nich., 61. Nasshe, John, 155 ; Marg, , 126 ; Rob., 126. Naylor, John, 149, Neale, Hen , 83. Nedeham (Needham, Nedam), Alice, 58 ; John, 58 ; Jas., 47, 48 ; Eich., 34. Nedeler, Hen., 100. Nelson, WUL, 63. Nelthorpe, Eliz., 152, 155 ; John, 162, 165. Netersale, John, 4. Netherhawford, 69. Netylton, Eich., 8 NevUl (Novel), Sir Edw., 36; Geo., lord de Bergavenny, 17; Joan, 26 ; Mich., 26 ; Sir Thos., 34. Newalde, Alice, 146; Thos. 146. Newaye, aUas ^piyth. Humph., 88. Newborowe, Magdalen, 165 ; Eoger, 155 Newdigate (Neudegate, &o ), Fras., Ill; John, 11, 23, 26, 27, 29, 87 (2), 113, 125, 128, 137; Mary, 87. Newdyk, Agnes. 26, 26; Eob., 26, 26. Newebond (Newbold p), John, elder. 1, younger, 1. NeweU, Wm., 120, Newgate, 102, 123. Newington, 71, 167. Eliz., 57; wm., 57. Newman, Alured, 68 ; Marg., 68 ; wm., 31, 45. Newsdyk, Joan, 12; Thos., 12 Newton, Nich., 20 ; WUL, 42. Nicholas (Nicolas), Ambrose, 93 ; Anne, 155 ; Jane, 93 ; John, 126, 136; Eich., 117; Thos., 166. Nioholfield, 73. NichoU (NycoU), Agnes, 12; Alan, 22; Daniel, 107; Edw., 63; EUz., 56, 107; Joan, 22, 151; Eich., 12, 56, 57; Eob., 107, 128; Thomasina, 53; WiU , 121, 149, 161. NichoUs (NicoUs), Geo., 86; Rich., 149 ; Thos., 94, 119, 134; WiU., 94. Nicholson, Joan, 36 ; Will., 36, 36, 99. NicoU, Eich., 29. Nicols, EUz., 8 ; John, 8 ; Will., 138. NicoUes, John, 25, 28 (2) ; Eob., 6. Nightingale (Nyghtingale) , Nich., 40. Noke, Eich., 19, 33. Norfolk, Thos., duke of, 20. Isabella, 112; John, 112. Norreis, Edw., 27, 130 (2), 163. Norres, Cristina, 14, 45, 63 ; Hen., 35, 112 ; John, 14; Margt., 130 (2). 153; Margery. 112; Matilda, 119. Norreys, Eob., 11. Norrys, manor of, 26. Cecma, 26 ; Edmund, 26. North, Alice, 68, 74, 75, 78, 90 ; Sir Edw., 68, 74, 76, 78, 84; lord North, 90 ; Margt , 11, 144; Eich., 11. Northad', 125. NorthaU, 9, 10, 21, 36, 67, 108, 110, 112, 134, 139. Northoote, 8. Northey, John, 5 ; Thos., 5. Northumberland, Cath. , countess of, 19; Hen., earl of , 19, 44. Northwood (Norwode), 3, 4, 9, 28, 60, 65, 82, 108, 109, 110, 113, 148. Norton, Clementia, 90 ; EUz , lady Audeley, 67 ; Geo., 67 ; Sir John, 19 ; Matthew, 90. Folgate (Folyot, Folly), 25, 66, 96, 130, 135, 147. Norwich, Eich., bishop of, 16 (2), 17. Rob., 31, 35. Place, 98. Norwood, Thos., 44, 46. Note, John, 24. Netting (Nutting), Ellen, 66, 126; John, 66, 126. Nottingbames (Nuttingbares) , other wise Kensington, 24. manor of, 5, 59. Nowell (NoeU), Agnes, 131; Martin, 167; Thos., 131. Nutthall, ThoB., 76. NycoU, Thos., 14. Nynes, Nich., 9. O Offeley, Joan, 40 ; John, 40 ; Thos., 40, 95. Ogeboume (Hogborne), Bamard, 78, 84, 86, 132 (2); Ceoma, 78, 85, 132 (2); Thos , 38. Oglander, Geo., 38. Ogle, Emma, 73. Okenham, manor of, 8. INDEX. XXlll '-^-'— advowson of, 8. Okyngton, Rich., 3. Oldfield, manor of, 70. Old Fish Street, 109. Oldford, 6 (2), 7, 58, 67. manor, 6 (2), 81. Oldham (Oldom, Odham), Alice, 63 ; Frances, 138 ; Hugh, 6 (2), 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14; Rich., 63; Rob., 133, 134, 138. Oliver, AUce, 112; GUb., 131; John, Olkyn, Rich., 146. Olney (Bucks), 2. Olyff, Joan, 113; John, 113. Onley, John, 34. Onslow (Ouneslowe, &c.), Cath., Ill (2); Joan, 107; Rich., Ill (2); Rob., 107. Ormeston, Roger, 11. Orton, Ralph, 5. Osborne, Anne, 113 ; Edw., 113, 150; Nich., 145 ; Peter, 146 ; Eob., 113; wm., 113. Osterley, 148. manor of, 4. Ostre, Eob., 88. Otley, Thos., 19. OtweU, John, 34. Outlaw, Adam, 41. Oved, Eob., 39. Overton, Guthlac, 20. Owen, Sir Hen., 27. Oxenbridge, Thos., 8. Oxgate, manor of, 126. Oxston, Joan, 60 ; Wm., 60. Padbury (Padbers), manor of, 88. Paddington, 6, 18, 21, 24, 39, 69, 114, 121, 157. Paddy, Marg., 69, 66 ; Eoger, 69, 66. Page, Hen., 80, 97; Joan, 121; John, 4, 21, 24, 35, 121; Margt., 4; Rich., 4, 24, 26 ; Roland, 72, 114; Thos., 73, 121; WiU., 4, 87, 97. Paget (Padget, Pachett, &c.), Anne, lad,y, 88, 112; Rich., 99; Thos., 23; Sir WiU., lord Paget, 88, 93, 95, 112. Pake, Ann, 68 ; Rich., 68 Pakenham, Nich., 8. Pakyngton, Augustine, 32 ; Dorothy, 34; Edw., 166 ; Geo., 34; Humph., 27, 34, 79 ; John, 12, 29, 36 ; Sir John, 79; Rob., 27 (2); Wm., 166. Pala, Eliz., 146; WUL, 145, 155. Palady, Anne, 82; Eliz., 132; Rich., 82. Palenswyke, manor of, 65. Palmer, Alice, 21; Cath., 38; Eleanor, 119; Jerome, 119, 121 ; John, 21, 38, 70, 121, 141 ; MatiL, 16 ; Margt., 16; Mary, 70; Rich., 67; WiU., 16 (2). Palmes, Brian, IS, 19, 25; Guy, 17. Parys, Humph., 5 ; IsabeUa, b. Partridge (Partryche, Partrygg, &c.), AUce, 32, 141 ; Dionisia, 112, 118 ; Edw., 158 ; Hugh, 109 ; Isabella, 125; Kath., 168; Thos., 125; Walt., 112, 118; WilL, 32, 141. Park, John, 157 Parker, EUz., HI, 128; Hen., 98, 111, 112, 121, 128 ; John, 111, 126, 141; Margery, 98,117; Rich., 26; Roger, 124; WiU., 82, 90, 98, 116, 117. ParkhaU, manor of, 110. Parlabene, John. 14. Parman, Hen., 97. Parr, EUz., 96. Pase, Anth., 129. Pate, Edw., 68, 71, 76, 116; Kath., 76, 116; Marg., 36; Thos., 129; WiU., 36. Pates (Patys), manor of, 72, 114. Pateshale, Alice, 26 ; John, 8, 26. Patrickson, Frances, 111; WiU., 111. Paul's Wharf, 72. Pawlett, Geo , 73 ; John, 73. Payne (Payn), Bridget, 61; CecUia, 32; Hen., 32; John, 61, 66; Margery, 32; Rich., Ill; WiU., 14. Payntour, John, 12. Payte, Joan, 4 ; Rob., 4. Pease (Peese, &c.), James, 62, 71 ; John, 102; Lucy, 71; Thos., 144. Pecche, Sir John, 24. Pecher, Francis, 154; Mary, 154. Peckham (Pekham) , Anne, 56; Edm., 34, 56; Geo., 92; Rob., 66. Pedley, Agnes, 143; WiU., 143. Peeke, Edw., 126. Peers, Alice, 147; John, 147. 169. Pegge. Anne, 10; Reg., 10. Pegham, Wm., 44. Pelter, Rich., 70. Penne (Pen), John, 28 (2) ; Mich., 107. Pennington, Thos., 129. Penruddock, John, 147. Pensnothyll, manor of, 120. Pentryche, manor of, in Enfield, 66. Pentyhoke, in Staines, 42. Pepyr, Agnes, 6 ; John. 6. XXIV. INDEX. Perivale (Pyryvale, Peryvale, Pere vell), 16, 127, 147. manor and advowson of, 139. Perecroft, 97. Pereson, Chris., 10; John, 14. Perry(Peryj, Anne, 119; Matt, 119; WUL, 155. Ferryman, Agnes, 40 ; Eoger, 40. Persse, Thos., 71, 132. Peryent, Hen., 122. Peter, John, 33; Margt., 33. Peterson, WiU., 13, 145, 146. Petty (Pette), John, 16; Rich., 113. Petworth, honour of (Sussex), 44. Petytt (Petitt), J«an, 137; Rob., 79, 101. "Petty Wales," 45. Pewesey, Kath., 2; Rich., 2. PexsaU, Ralph, 37; Rich., 67; Sir Rich , 117(2), 118, 149. PhUlip, the King, 98. John, 75 ; Roland, 28. PhUUps, Agnes, 97; John, 97; Rich., 147; Thos., 83. Lane, 84. Phiffipson, Bridget, 143; Thos., 143. Philpot Lane, 96, 109, 113. Pierson (Pyerson), Jane, 155 ; John, 165; Thos., 2; WilL, 73. Pigott (Pegott, Pygot, &c.), Francis, 43; Thos., 14, 19, 28. Pike (Pyke), John, 29. Pilkington (PyUrington, &c.), Adam, 41 Pinchbeck (Pynshebecke), Wm., 163. Pinohester, Roger, 43. Pinner (Pynore, &c.), 16 (2), 18, 24, 37, 60, 65, 68, 75, 84, 108, 120, 134, 162. manor of, 10. Hen., 15; John, 15; Perma {sic), 15. Pitt, John, 166. Pitteshanger, 46. manor of, 46. Platte, Rich., 136. Plotte, Thos., 2. Pocockes, John, 156. Pole, Geo., 73 ; Hen., 9 ; Margt., 9. Pollard, Lewis, 16 ; Rich., 41. PoUett, John, 43. Polsted, AUce, 81 ; Hen., 27, 81 ; MatU., 27; Thos., 42. Pomfret (Pounfriet), John, 27. Pons, WUL, 94. Ponyngys, Sir Edw., 13, 17. Poope, Cath., 114; Paul, 114. Pope, Anne, 136 ; Anth., 166 ; Clem., 96.97; EUz.. 94; Marg., 96,97; Steph., 136; Sir Thos., 94. Pounte, Marg., 87; Rob., 87. Poole, Sir Hen , lord Montagu, 49 ; wm., 134. Poplar (Popler), 8, 65, 67, 86, 87, 88, 100, 114, 132, 133, 136, 144 (2), 146, 147. manor of, 103. Popson, John, 39. Porkeleley, Cristina, 9 ; Wm., 9. Porte, John, 8, 25 ; Sir John, 31, 38. Porter, John, 127; WUL, 12. Poteros, Edw., 1; WiU., 1. Potter, AUce, 117; EUas, 36 ; Simon, 117. Portman, WUL, 41. Portpole, manor of, 14. chantry of,- 14. Post, Thos,, 137. Poulet (Pawlett, &o.), John, 37; Sir wm,, 37, 49. Poyle Park, 59. Poynter, Rich., 44, 82. Poyntz, Sir Anth., 24; Matt., 126; Sir Rob., 24 ; Winifred, 125. PoweU, Adam, 158; Alice, 168; Anne, 122; John, 122 (2); Rich., 122. Pratt, Agnes, 120 ; Eliz., 21 ; John, 69, 113 ; Eob., 69, 120 ; Simon, 21. Freest, John, 47 Prest, AUce, 57; John, 57. Preston, Alice, 22 ; IsabeUa, 78 ; John, 22, 139 ; Phil., 9 ; Eob., 78 ; wm., 31. Prime (Pryme), Thos., 39. Prior (Pryor), Beat., 29 ; Thos.. 29. Prootour, Geoff., 19 Provest, JuUana, 62 ; Rich., 62. Prowede, Alice, 12 ; John, 12. Pry 06, John, 106 ; Rose, 106. PuUison, Thos., 153. Pumver, John, 96. Punchon (Pooncheon, Pixnchyn), Cath., 93 ; Step., 29, 33, 34, 36 ; Thos., 93. Puryplace, manor, &o. of, 88. Pusey, Kath., 5 ; WiU., 6. Puson, Marg., 46; WUL, 46. Puttenham, Sir Geo., 17, 33; Rich., 76. Putto, Rich., 146. Pyccher, AUce, 65 ; John, 65. Pychley (Pyckley), WUL, 91. Pye, Agnes, 74; WiU., 74. Pygeon, Edm , 72, 129 ; Joan, 129. Pykeryng, Thos., 74. Pykmer, Humph., 6; Thos., 33. Pylton, Edw., 126, 131; Joan, 126. INDEX. XXV. Pyme, Eliz., 74 ; Thos., 74. Pynchestre's farm, 37. Pyunot, AUce, 157; Geo., 157. Pyteny, Joan, 68; Thos., 68. Pytter, Anne, 48 ; WiU., 48. Pytteshanger, manor of, 124. Q Quaraeby (Quemby), Wm., 26, 27. Queenhithe, 118. Queen's Usher, the, 141. Quusouot, Margt., 5 ; Peter, 5. R Rabbes, manor of, 21. Raby, Rob., 9. Radstone, Anne, 110; Rob., 110. Ramsey, abbot of, 43; Thos., 143 (2). Randall (Eandyll), Thos., 4, 6, 7. Eandyson. John, 41 ; Mary, 148 ; WiU., 148. Eanewyke, Chris., 32; John, 32. EasteU, Will., 67. Ratcliff, 116. Rawlyns. Joan, 136; John, 127, 136 ; otherwise Young, 42 ; Rich., 16. Eawlynson, Agnes, 95 ; WiU., 96. Eaye, Thos., 130. Eaymond Bridget, 44 ; John, 44. Rayner, Thos., 112. Raynesford, Sir John, 30 ; Winifred, 125. Raynold, John, 66 ; Thos., 41. Raynoldes, Humph., 100 ; Mary, 100. See Reynolds. Rede (Read, &c.), Anne, 136; Barth., 4, 7 (2); Eliz., 166 ; Innocent, 156 ; John, 17, 19, 36, 53 ; Su- Rob., 14, 20; Thos., 136; WiU., 28, 87. Redfern, Arthur-, 104. Redmayn, Hen., 22. Redyng, Hugh, 20, 21 ; Eich., 30, 46, 82 Reeve (Reve), John, 41, 44. Regarde, Mark, 1. Eemys, John, 29. Repyngton, Thos., 121. Rest, Alice, 64 ; Edw , 64 ; John, 22, 27; WiU.. 43. Eeymond, Thos., 19. Reyner. John, 117; Walt., 10. Reynolds (Eaynold, &c.), Christiana, 92; Hen., 66; John, 42, 92. Rice (Ryse), Joan ap, 37; Simon, 32 (2), Richardson, Cath., 66; James, 88; Oliver, 43, 56. Eiche (Eyche), Barnard, 22; John, 23; Margt., 22; Thos., 4, 7. Richers, Rob., 147. " Richmonds," in Twickenham, 36. Ridgeley (Ridgele), Alice, 147; John, 101 (-2); Marg., 101; WilL, 119, 147. Ridley, Marg., 96 ; Thos , 96. Ridlington (Rydlyngton), Marg., 44; WiH., 44. Rigger, Anne, 145; Edm., 145; Margery, 169; Thos., 149, Rithe (Rythe), Cath., 166; Chris., 147, 166 Rivett, John, 102. Roberts (Robartis, Robertys, &c.), Agnes, 106; Anne, 126; Anth., 150 ; Clem., 86 ; Edm., 123, 126, 134; Ellen, 24, 150; Faith, 131; Frances, 112 (2); Hen., 150 ; John, 88; Margery, 88, 94; Mary, 86; Nich., 24 ; Thos., 4, 8, 14, 16, 18, 23, 25, 28 (2), 35, 41, 67, 68, 74, 88, 94; Walter, 112 (2); WiU., 103, 105, 126 ; family of, 36. Robertson, AUce, 150 ; Anne, 72, 76. 98 ; Anth., 160 ; Hugh, 72, 76, 98. Eobins (Eobyns), John, 29; Thos., 32; WilL, 79, 84. Eobinson, Agnes, 52 ; Alice, 135 ; Joan, 84 ; John, 15, 46, 62, 168 : Martha, 158 ; Ealph, 138 ; Thos , 125 ; WUL, 84, 136. Eobson, Alan, 106 ; Alice, 103, 106. 'Robyent (Robiaunt), Joan, 122, 127. Rochester, John, bishop of, 18, 20. Eockaden, Hen,, 113. Rodyng, Rich., 44. Rogers (Roggers), Agnes, 1 ; Eliz., 79; Hen., 79; Joan, 34; Rich., 158; Thos., 1; WUL, 34(2). Rogerson, Alice, 69 ; Roger, 69. Rokeby, Rich., 24; Sir Rich., 26. RoU (Roolf, Rolfe), Agnes, 25, 112; GUb., 83; Hen., 113; Joan, 83, 101; John, 112 ; Margt., 16 ; Rob , 25, 68, 113 ; WiU., 47, 62, 83, 101. JloUe, Geo., 21. Rombelles, manor of, 90. Roo, Margt., 37; Thos., 15, 102; WiU., 37. Roode, WiU., 44. Roose, .Tohn, 26. Roper (Rooper, &o.), Chris , 80 ; Eliz., 144 ; EUen, 112 ; John, 144 ; Eich., 112, 126 ; Walt., Ill; WiU., 29, 33, 70, 83, 125, 126, X-XVl. INDEX. Rosamonds, manor of, 49, 51. Rose, John, 132 Eosewell, Peter, 148. Eote, WiU., 13, 23. Eother Lane (Roderlane), 92. Rowe, John, 14; Mary, 78, 82; Rob., 34; Thos., 21, 76, 78, 82, 137. Rowlands, Percival, 140. Rowlowe, Eliz., 16; Rich., 16. Rowse, Eliz., 60 ; Rich., 60. Eoxehay (Eox.sey), 15, 29, 134. Roys, John 63. Royston, Eliz., 129. Eudd, Alice, 117; EUz., 130 ; Geoff., 130; Eob., 117. Euddye, Eob., 82. Eudhale, WiU., 24. Eudstone, WiU., 116. Eufford, John, 26. Euggeley, Humph., 9 ; Rich., 9. Euislep (Eiselype, Eyalep, &c.), 34, 45, 88, 138, 151. Eush (Ensshe, &c.), Thos., 26. Eussell, Agnes, 3 ; Joan, 167; John, 157; Sir John, 49; Nich., 66; Thos., 3, 123, 131 (2), 147, 152. Rutland, Bridget, countess of, 123; Hen., earl of, 123. Rutter, Eliz, 104; Leonard, 104; WiU., 120. Rycardes, Joan, 124; Oliver, 12 1. Rypley, Eustace, 80. Rysley, Sir John, 13; Thomasia, 13. Ryther, John, 71, 120; Mary, 71. Ryveley, Thos., 119. SaohevereU, Sir Rich., 34, 39. SackviUe (Sakevyle), John, 126 ; Sir Rich., 125; Thos., 125. Sadler (Sadlyer, &c ), Bridget, 103, 105 ; Ellen, 66 ; John, 35, 44, 146 ; Sir Ralph, 56; Thos., 105. St. Albans, 44. Rob., abbot of, 39 (2), 40 (4) ; WiU., abbot of, 12. St. Andrew, Holbom, 14, 27, 29, 31, 38, 46, 52, 66, 64 (2), 76, 80, 84, 89, 92, 93, 96 {2), 99 ('2), 101, 107, 108 (-2), 123, 130, 136, 136, 138, 141, 142, 146, 168. Under Shaft, 49. St. Anne, 160, 164. St. Anthony, 162, 153. St. Augustine, 76. St. Bartholomew the Great, 66, 99, 103, 106, 143. the Less, 168. St Benetfink (St. Benedict), 60, 72, 132, 162. 164. St. Benet Sherog, 109. St. Botolph, 69, 71, 73, 93, 129. without Aldgate, 47, 50, 61 (2), 65, 76, 77, 78, 83., 85, 86, 88 (2), 110, 113, 116, 120, 127, 133, 141, 149, 152, 166. next Aldersgate, 100, 143. next Aldichgate, 108. without Aldrychgate, 101. near Billingsgate, 91. without Bishopsgate, 25, 123, 130, 144, 159. East Smithfield, 90, 149. St. Bride, 93, 104, 137, 139, 146, 150, 155. St. Catherine, 110, 160. Christchurch, 153. near the Tower, 43. St. Clare, 73. St. Clement Danes, 8, 13, 20, 24, 26, 27, 38 (2), 46, 47, 49, 50 (2), 52, 55, 60, 61, 62 (2), 64, 66, 69, 70, 72, 84, 86, 89, 93, 95, 96 (2), 105, 112, 114, 116 (2), 118 (2). 119, 121, 122 (3), 123 (2), 124, 126, 127, 128, 130, 131, 133, 136, 137, 138 (2), 142, 143 (2), 145, 146, 148, 149. 155. 167, 1.58. Will. Harward, rector of, 128, 143. St. Clement, in St. Clement's Lane, City, 111 St. Dennis, Backohurch, 113, 115. St. Dunstan, 59. in the East, 84, 86, 125, 129, 144, 159 (2). in the West, 55, 94, 96, 101, 132. 150. St. Edmund, Lombard Street, 116, 143. St. EUen, 83. St. Ethelburga, 159. St. Gabriel, Fenchurch, 116. St. George, 158 (2). St. Giles, 52. without the Barbican, 51. Cripplegate, 5, 10, 15 (2), 22, 23, 25, 36, 37, 39, 41, 43, 56, 67, 58, 67, 70, 73, 74 (2), 81 (2), 83, 88, 96, 99, 100, 101, 104, 106, HI, 112, 126, 131, 135, 138, 145, 146, 152, 154, 166, 167. Golding Lane, 42. in the Fields (of the Lepers, &o.), 22, 27, 66, 64, 69 (2), 73, 87. 91, 101,115, 116, 122(2), 124, 127, INDEX. XXVU. 131, 136, 138, 140 (4), 141 (3), 142 (2), 150, 151, 153, 158. manor of, 132. without Newgate, 71. St. Gregory, 127. St John the Evangelist, 154. Agnes. 100, 110; Oliver, 100; Oliver, lord St. John of Bletsoe, 110. St. John's Lane, 147. Street, 63, 82,' 88, 96, 102, 133, 134, 138. 139, 144. St. Laurence, Old Jewry, 92, 163. Lane, 144. St. Leonard, 75, 94, 95, 97, 100. Eastcheap, 92. 129, 168. Shoreditch, 20, 21, 35, 54, 102, 107, 11/9, 133, 138, 142. St. Margaret, Bridge.street, next Eoderlane, 92. New Fish Street, 60. Patens, 96, 100. Westminster, 12, 16, 52. 61, 94, 109, 121, 136, 139, 143, 149, 153, 157. St. Martin, "in Bowyerrowe," 93. in the Fields (St. Martin's, next Charing -Cross), 14, 20, 42 53, 67 61, 81, 96, 98, 100, 105, 111, 122, 123, 127, 128, 130 (6), 133, 149, 160, 158. in the Vintry, 76, 132, 133. le Grand, 42. Orgar (St. Martin le Orgar), 158. Outwioh, 60, 168. Pomeroy, 106. St. Mary, Abchurch, 132, 162. at HiU, 86, 137, 153,^159. Axe, 48 103. Colchuroh, 145. le Strand, 26, 27, 38, 46, 50, 62. MatfeUon, 2, 5, 9, 11, 18, 41, 43, 44, 53, 67, 62, 64, 90, 101, 102, 110, 118, 125. 146, 146, 150. {Sec Whitechapel.) Magdalene, 83, 86, 104, 109, 123 Tower Hill, abbot of, 41. Wolmer, 49 Wolnoth, 143. Woolchiirch, 83, 155. St. Mary's, Westminster, guild of, 9. St. Michael, Bassithaw (Bassyeshall), 102, 1-20, 156. . CornhiU, 48, 80, 143 (2), 150. Crooked Lane, 86, 163, 154, 169. Queenhithe, 83, 99. St. MUdred, Bread Street, 147. St. Nicholas, Cole Abbey, 105, 120. Olave, Bread Street, 129, 146. St. Olave, 65, 83, 115, 144. St. Pancras, 20, 38, 71, 76, 83, 99, 108, 117, 119, 121, 127, 134, 138, 141, 142. " in the Fields," 38. St. Pauls, church of, 2. dean of, 54. St. Peter, CornhiU, 153, 159. lePoor, 116, 137. Westcheap, 83, 86, 120, 123, 132. Westminster, 64. St. Saviour's, Bermondsey, John, abbot of, 22. St. Sepulchre, 63, 83, 86, 91, 95, 96, 99, 112, 119, 127, 147, 150. without Newgate, 44, 58, 63, 102, 114, 146, 147, 150. "le Maddys Hedde," in, 44. St. Stephen, 82, 129. Colman Street, 156. Old Jewry, 48 ; rectory of, 48. Walbrook, 75. 154 (2), 168. St. Thomas the Apostle. 73. St. Zachary, 75. Salford, Will , 30. Salisbury, Marg., countess of, 49. Salle. Thos , 2. SaUman, Agnes, 26 ; Eich., 26. Sammes, John, 126 ; Mary, 126. Sampson, Eich., 18. Sandys (Sandes), Joan, 77; Margaret, 16, 17; Eich., 16, 77; Sir Eich., 35; Thos., 62; Sir Wm., 16, 17, lord Sandes, 35, 52. Sanny, Joan, 119; Rob, 119; WiU, 119. Saperton, EUen, 33 ; John, 33. Sai-deU, Leonard, 100. Sare, Ambrose, 139; Gertrude, 139. Saunders, AUce, 63; Drew, 103; Edw., 55, 90; Eliz., 85. 87, 112, 115, 139; Hen.. 21; Marg., 90; Margery, 54 ; Thos , 64, 78, 86, 87, 112, 116; WiU., 63. Saunderson, John, 72 ; Marg., 72 ; Wm., 13. Savage, Hen., 10 ; Humph.. 14 ; John. 22 ; Mabel, 22 ; Marg., 14 ; Eob., 110. Saxe, Hen., 75. Saye, Eob, 143 ; WiU., 143, 151. iSayes Court (Kent), manor of, 34. Sayles, Rob., 16 (-2). Saysbur' (Salisbury's?), manor of, 40. Sclater. Thos., 69. Scott, John, 11 ; Thos., 8. XXVIU. INbEX. Scudamore, Phil., 140 ; Simon, 148. Scrace, Rob , 25. Scrope, Eliz., 18. Sebright, WUL,. 166 Searle (Serle), AUce, 72; Hen., 72; Joan, 151 ; Laur., 39 ; Leon., 151 ; Nich., 39. Seintlyger, Catt-, 141; Nich,, 141. Selby, I.-aheU, 49 ; John, 49. Sermon Lane, 104. Seton, John, 18 ; Margt., 18. Seuton (?), Hilary, 15. Sewster, Joan, 60 (2) ; Wi!l., 60 (2), 67, 74. Sexton, Thos., 1. Seymour (Semer, Semar), Edw., 49 ; John, 98; Nich., 82; Eob.. 23, 89; SirThos., 30. Seyntpierre (Semper), Avice, 84, 89, 95; Eich., 84, 89, 96. Shaa, Sir John, 4, 6 (2), 7 (2), 9, 12 ; Thos., 54. Shadde, John, 31 ; Marg., 131. ShadweU (Shackwell), 82. Shaftesbury, Joan, 83 ; Eich., 83. Shakelady (Shaklady), Cath., 55 ; Eoland, 27, 50, 66 ; Thos., 27. Sharpe (Sharp), AUce, 57 ; EUz , 45, 168 ; John, 13 ; Margt., 13; Rich., 67, 158; Rob., 46; Thos,, 54. Shawe, Mary, 68 ;, Thos , 68. Sheaf (Sheffe) Joan, 132, 138. Sheffield, Chris., 133; Rob., 8. SheUy, WiU.. 26, 36. Shelton, Jeremy, 40 ; WiU., 40. Shepherd (Sheppard, &o.), Cecily, 135; Geo., 113; Joan, 75; John, 25, 113; Rob., 79, 135; Thos., 127, 152; WUL, 25, 75. Shepton, 114. Shepperton, 28, 73, 74, 91, 107, 111, 135. manor of, 4, 7. advowson. 7. Lower (Nether), 47, 22, 28. Upper, 4, 7, 12, 22, 28. Sherrington, Gilb., 108, 124; WiU, 138 Sherwood, Joan, 82 ; John, 82. Sheryffe, EUz , 108 ; Laur., 108. " Ship over the Hope, le,'' 20. Shipton (Shypton), Thos , 129 ; WiU., 129. Shipwright, WiU., 107. Shirbourn, Rob., 12. Shirley (Sherley, Shurley), Anne, 126, 147 (2), 148, 149; Thos., 60, 126, 147 (2), 148, 149. Shorditch, 11, 20 (-2), 21 (-2), 25, 30, 31 (2), 32 (-2), 39 3), 45, oO, o4, 60 (2), 66, 69, 71, 72, 73 ('2), 82, 86, 89, 92, 93, 94, 96, 97 (2), 98, 100, 102, 105, 106, 107 (2), 109, 115, 121 (2), 124, 133 (2), 135 (2), 138, 140, 142, 144, 151, 167. chantry in parish church of, 39. Dorothy. 43; George, 1 ; Marg., 1, 3, 7, 8, 14; Rob., 1, 3, 7,8, 14, 43 ; Thos , 7. Shortdean, in Stanes, 42. Shorwood, Rich., 97. Shrewsbury, Francis, earl of, 70 ; Geo., earl of, 19 Shrimpton (Shrymton), Nich., 36. Sibbeston, 86, 126, 144. Silver, Anth., 147. Simons, WiU., 122. Simpson (Sympson), John, 41, 89; Hen., 119 Sims, IsabeUa, 69 ; John, 69. Sipson, see Sibbeston. Skeme, WUL, 15. Skidmore (Skydmer), Erasmus, 75; Jane, 119, 127, 151 ; Simon, 119, 127 (2), 151. Skinners' Company, 117. Skipwith, Cath., 81; Eliz, 136; Joan, 62; Thos., 62, 81; Sir WiU , 136. Skethe, Eliz., 21 ; Thos , 21. Skewys, John, 40. Skutt, Bridget, 68 ; John, 68. Skylle, John. 3. Skypton, Rich., 5. Slayne, Alex., 110. Sleford, Rich., 152, 155. Slepe, WiU., 39. Slighe, John, 131, 144, 149. Smallwood, Rob., 153; Thos., 167. Smart, Ralph, 132. Smith (Smythe), Agnes, 89, 110, 122 127, 138 ; Alice, 70, 76 ; Andrew, 111; Anth., 71; Blitha, 68 ; Chris. 71; Clem., 64; Sir Clement, 72 Edm., 62, 76, 89, 12'2, 138, 143 151 ; Edw., 28, 70; Eliz., 20, 66 71; Faith, 160; Geo., 136, 137 Henry. 86, 150 (2); Hugh, 110 138 ; Humph., 88; Joan, 62; John, 39, 62, 66, 67, 71, 111, 134, 151 Lucy, 45 ; Marg , 62, 95, 161 Margery, 150 ; Philippa, 113 Rich., 20; Rob., 9, 27, 46, 127 Roger, 95, 115, 119 (2); Thos., 65 101, 118, 121; Sir Thos.,, 113 wm., 4, 5, 29, 6'2, 68, 82, 138. Smithe's Lane, 96. Smithfield, 63. INDEX. XXIX. East, 59, 61, 64, 70, 78, 88 ('2), 117, 142, 149. West, 63, 103, 100, 143. Smithson. EUz., HO ; Joan, 23, 57 ; John, 23, 57; Thos., 87, 110. Snell. Nich , 66; WiU., 37. SneUing. John, 83. Snow (Snowe), AUce, 82. 92 ; Cath,, 93, 107; John, 93, 108 ; Rich., 82, 92, 107. Somerset, Sir Chas., lord de Herbert, 15, 18 ; Edw., duke of, 77. Somerton, Agnes, 3 ; Anne, 127, 135; John, 3, 113 ; Thos , 127, 135, 136. Sondes, Alice, 18; Rob,, 18. SouthaU, 8, 9, 10, 14, 29, 82. manor, 8. WiU., 8. Southcote, EUen, 138 ; John, 88 ; Nich., 138. Southe, John, 30. Southend, Edm., 53. South Marsh, in Enfield, 143. SouthweU, Sir Rich., 86; Rob., 18; Thos., 157. Southworth, Agnes, 33 ; Edw., 144 ; Oliver. 26, 33 Sowerby (or Sowbery), Arnold, 116. Spakman, !Nich , 37. Sparry, EUz., 112; John, 112. Speke. Geo , 86. Spelman, Aime, 80 ; EUz., 36 ; Eliz., lady, 65, 80 ; Francis, 74 ; Hen., 80 ; John, 36 ; Sir John, 45, 66. family, 36. Spence, Thos , 91. Spencer (Spenser), Chas., 103, 106; Geo., 103, 106 ; James, 16 (2) ; Joan, 103, 105; John, 26, 103; Nich., 35 ; Thos , 32 ; WiU , 103, 105. Sperman, Joan, 11 ; John, 11. Spicer (Spycer), Agnes, 114; Cecilia, 3; John, 100, 151; Marg., 161; Rich., 114; WiU., 3. Spinola, Benedict, 91, 131. Sprake, Augustine, 77, 101 ; Joan, 77, 101. Spryngham, Rich., 123. Squyrry. WiU., 47. Stable, WiU., 19. Stacey, Frances, 149 ; Jas., 149. Stafford, WUL, 14. Stafferton (Staverton), Eich., 27, 29 (-2), 33, 34, 36. Stamborough. Rich , 118. Stanborowe, John, 45. Stanes (Stanys), 3 (2), 17, 18, 19, 32, 34 (2), 37, 39, 40, 42, 43, 64 (2), 57, 59, 63, 67, 68, 72, 79, 83, 91, 93, 104, 107, 115, 126, 131, 136, 139, 152, 153, 169. Stangman, John, 28 ; Mary, 28. Stanford (Staunford), Alice. 47, 61, 87, 103 ; Eliz , 82 ; John, 82 ; Rob., 155, 167; Thos., 82, 128; wm . 47, 60, 51 (2), 62, 63, 82, 86, 87; SirWilL, 103. Stamfords, in Herefield, 2. Stanlake, fishery in, 16. Stanmore (Stanmere),'55. Great, 9, 13, 48, 77, 84. manor of, 48, 68. advowson of, 48, 58. Little, 9, 60, 63, 58, 78. Stanhope (Stanopp), Edw,, 155. Stanley (Standley), Anne, 98 ; Sir Hen., lord Strange, 98 ; Marg., 98; Thos., 116, 133,135; SirWilL, 98. Stansdale (Standesdale), Jas., 52, 71; Lucy, 71; Thos., 144. Stanwell, 3, 11, 18, 31, 32, 34, 39, 43, 45, 47, 62, 54 (2), 61, 63, 67 ('2), 68, 72, 75. 83, 104, 106, 107 (2), 115, 125, 126, 135, 14'2, 146, 148. fishery, 17. manor, 59. rectory, 45, 59. Stapleton (Stapilton), Brian, 110; Eliz., 110; Sir Rich., 110 Starkey, Hugh, 146 ; Jane, 146 ; John, 107; Roger, 63; Thos., 81. Staunton, Andrew, 10 ; Eliz., 10 ; Kath., 9 ; Simon, 9 Stephen, IsabeUa, 140 ; John, 140. Stephens, John, 48. Stephenson, Hugh, 17; Edm. 116, 167. Stepkyne, alias Typkyne, Alicf, 118, 154; John, 114, 118, 154; Mathelma, 114 ; Michaela, 67, 118 ; Thos., 67. Stepney (Stepenhithe, &c.), 1 (2), 6 (2), 7, 8, 9, 10, 20, 26 (2), 28, 42, 46 (2), 49, 61 (2), 53 (2), 54, 65, 57, 58, 63. 64, 67. 68, 69, 70, 72, 74, 75, 79, 81, 82, 87, 88, 90, y 92, 96, 97, 98, 100, 103, 104, 107, ^ 110, HI, 112, 114, 118, 120, 124, 132, 135 (2), 136, 139, 144 (-2), 146, 147, 161, 152, 163, 154, 155, 166 free fishery in, 85. Stercke, Simon de, 152. Stevens (Stevenys), Agnes, 36 ; Thos., 36. Stevynson, Ric, 5 ; Margaret, 5. SxX. INDEX. Stewarde, Edw., 72. Stoddard, Ellen, 38 ; John, 80 ; Rich , 23, Stodeley, Isabella, 29; Will., other wise MUes, 29. Stoke, manor of, 144. Joan, 75 ; Will., 76. Stokes, Adrian, 98 ; Agnes, 27 ; Clementia, 50, 53 ; Geo., 50, 53 ; Joan, 128 ; Rob., 158 ; Thom., 27; WilL, 128. Stokkar, Eliz , widow of Sir Wm., 20. Stokwood, Agnes, 27 ; Avice, 60 (2), 63 (3), 67, 62 (-2), 64; Edw., 27, 39, 40, 42, 45 (2). 60 (2), 63 (2), 67, 61, 62 (2 , 64; Eliz., 130 (2) ; Thos., 123, 130 (2). Stonden, John, 21 ; WiU., 21. Stone, Anne, 92 ; Emma, 9 ; John, 30, 95; PhiL, 92; Ric, 6, 9. Stonehouse, EUz., 16S ; Geo., 158. Stoner, Peter, 27. Stonhum Thos , 12. Stoughton (Stroughton), Thos., 37, 105, 137. Stourton (Sturton), Anne, lady, 94 ; Sir Chas., lord Stourton, 94; Sir WiU., 36. Strabank, John, 38. Strand, the, 47, 49, 68, 77, 96, 111, 116 Stratford at Bow, 6 (2), 7, 26, 27, 28 (2), 37, 44, 54, 66, 69, 77, 79, 82, 85, 103, 108, 126, 133, 136, 154. free fishei-y in, 55, 86. Wm., abbot of, 49. Sirete, John, 16; Th>s., 129. Stretis (Stretes), Cath, 108; John, 96, 108. Stringer (Strynger), Anth,, 105, 148. Strode, Margery, 7 ; WUI , 7. Stronde Green, 120. Strudder, John, 44(2). Stubbo, Chris., 57; Joan, 57. Stucley, Anne, 115, 118 ; Lewis, 115; Thos, 115, 118. Studley, Dorothy, 62, 104, 112, otherwise MUls, 66 ; EUz , 30 ; John, 62 (2), 104, 112, otherwise Mills, 66 ; Will., otherwise Mdls, 30 Sturges, Francis, 157 ; John, 18. Stydolf, Agnes, 34, 39 ; Thos., 34, 39. Styllyngton, Thos,,, 5. Subworth, Geo., 26. Sudbury, 21^ 45 (2), 120. Sudeby, CeciUa, 26 ; Rich , 26. Suffolk, Chas., duke of, 24, 98; Frances, duchess of, 98. Place, 98. Suffolkes, manor of, 94. Sulbury (Bucks), rectory of, 157. Sulyard, Andrew, 33 ; Eustace, 64 ; WiU., 40. Sunbury (Sonbury, Sondebury), 6, 28, 29, 43, 46, 73, 91, 107(2;, 111, 134. Sui-rey. Thos., earl of, 18. Sutt, John, 26. Sutton, AUce, 23; Edw., 121; Geo., 18 ; John, 18, 23 ; Rich., 18, 23 (3), 20. Sweeting (Swyetyng, &c.), John, 23 (2). Symondys. Ralph, 14. SwalecUfl, 37. manor of, 37. SwaUow, John, 120 ; Thos.. 52. Swayne, John, 150, 154; Mary, 150, 154. Swillyngton, Rob., 25. Swyft, John, 113, 147; Marg., 147. Swynneston, Frances, .9 ; John. 9. Sybrande. Agnes, 71 ; Wm., 71. Syke. Ag-nes, 89. Symner, Geo., 154; Joan, 154: WiU., 154. Symondes, Agnes, 84 ; John, 84. Symonson, Cornelius, 80. Sympcott, Geo , 101. Taillow, Rich., 27. Tamworth, Cristina, 122 ; John, 101, HI, 119, 122, 128, 137, 140. Tan-y, Will., 169. Tate, Anth., 129; Eliz, 38, 129; Jeremy, 38 ; Rich., 83. Tatham, OUver, 123. TattersaU, Kath., 69; Rich., 108, 134. Taverner, Rich., 75. Taylor (Taylour, Tailler, &c ), Alice, 95; Barbara, 118; Edw, 153; John, 69, 95, 118. 144, 147; Rich., 30; Eob., 22, 129; Eoger, 127; Thos , 77: wm., 43, 120, 145, 147. Tanesdale. Jas., 22. Tebbe. WiU., 9. Tebold, Rich., 99. TereU, Hen., 30. Tey (Teye), WiU., 14, 19, Theccher, Rob., 91. INDEX. Themylby, John, 51. Theobalds (Herts), 9. Thewar, see JSwei\ Theyre, Augustine, 105, 148. Thomas, Edw., 69; John, 102. Thompson (Thomson, &c.), Alex., 7, 13 ; Cath., 23 ; Chris., 57 ; Ellen, 77 ; Joan, 64 ; John, 7, 64, 77 ; Lawranoe, 23. Thorpe. Peter, 33 ; Rob., 23 ; Thos., 32; WiU., 61. ThomhiU, Rich., 158. Thornton, Joan, 63 ; John, 63 ; Thos., 87. Thrusshe. John, 82. Thrymley, John, 22. Thyrsbye, Avice, 130 ('2); Thos., 130 (2). 133. Thwaytes, AUce, 4 ; Edw., 31 ; Thos., 4. Tichhoi-ne (Tychebourne), 59. John, 8 ; Margt., 8 ; Nich , 17. Toddington (Todyngton), 21. Marg , 40 ; Thos , 40. Tokenham, 3, 18, 19. Tokyngton, manor of, 15, 27. chantry of, 15, 27- free chapel of, 15, 27. ToUington, 58. TooUe, AUce, 109 ; WiU., 109. Tooker. WUL, 79. Toppefield, manor of, 35. Toppes, Dennis, 104 ; Dorothy, 104 ; (Jodfrey, 14. Toppesfeld, Cath., 21 ; IsabeUa, 35 ; MatUd, 35 ; Peter, 3 ; WiU., 35. Totehyll, 105. Street, 84. Rich., 93. Tottenham, 30, 31, 38, 41, 45 (2), 48, 52, 57, 58, 69 (2), 60 (3), 63, 66, 67, 68, 73, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 85 (2), 90, 95 (2), 96, 97, 107, 108, 116, 117, 120, 122, 123, 137, 147, 149, 158. High Cross, 140. TottenhiU Marsh, 147. Totteridge (Tatregge), 6, 7, 22, 69, 92. Tovys, Rob., 26. Townes. John, 135. Tower HiU, 41, .50. Townshend(Tounessende, &c.), Alice, 1 4 ; Roger, 139 ; WUL, 134. Lane, 118. Trace, Dorothy, 34, 52; Edw., 34, 52. Tracy, EUz., 90; Wm.,90. Trafford, Guy, 39, 54. Ti-appam, Eliz., 154 ; Thos., 154. Trappes, Joan, 75, 122; Rob., 75. Tregonwell, .John, 60. Treheyron, Geo., 22, 28. Tresawell, John, 1. Tresure, John, 111 ; Marg., 111. Trevethen, John, 27. Trott (Trote), John, 136; Rose, 102, 127. Troughton, Chris., 127; Eliz., 127. Truebody, Thos., 47; WiU., 47. Truelove, Eliz., 46 ; IsabeUa, 41, 43; John, 41, 43, 46 Trussell, Alice, 123; Thos., 123. Tiygge Roger, 90. Tull, John, 150. Tunbridge, 117. TunstaU, Cuth , 19, 132. Tupper, Walt., 93. Turner (Tumour), Constance, 148, 149; Edm., 128; Frideswide, 12, 16; Humph., 12, 16; Joan, 30; John, 13, 30, 102, 118, 149 ; Rich., 154: Roland, 154. TurnmiU (Tremell, TurneU) Street, 60, 63, 83, 145, 153 (2). Turpin (Turpyn), Thos., 27, 39, 40. Tusser, Andrew, 96 ; Anne, 63 ; Jas., l-il ; Margery, 96; Roger, 63 ; Thos., 96, 121. Twickenham, i6, 42, 44, 97, 100, 108. Twolarge, Anne, 89. Twyford (Twyver), 21, 115. manor of, 78. Twyke, Rich , 19. Twysleton, Chris., 110. Tybberdys (Herts), 55. Tyborne, otherwise Maryborne, 4,5. manor of , 13. Tye, Geo , 106, 110 ; Mary, 106, 110. Tygo, AUce, 76 ; Steph., 76. Tykenham, 62. Tykyll, Agnes, 35. Tyler, Anne, 42 ; Sir WUL, 42. Tyllyer, Eliz., 78. Tylman (Tyman), Alice, 76, 87 ; Laurence, 76, 87. Tyllyarde, Agnes, 91 ; Edm., 91. Tylsley. Rich., 150. Tyne, Thomas Cornysh, bishop of, 14. Typlady, Eliz., 50, 70 ; Francis, 70 : Thos., 50. Tyrrel (Tii-reU), Grace, 106, 113; Sir John, 130 ; Rich., 106 (2), 109, 113; Thos., 152. Tyrwhitt, Eliz., 87, 145 ; Rob., 87 ; Sir Rob., 137, 145. xxxu. INDEX. UdaU, Gavin, 136, 152 ; Marg., 152. Underwode, Will., 5. Unsted, Eliz., 17, 21 (2), 54, 61, 64; Isabella, 2u, 21, 35 ; Thos., 17, 20, 21 (3), 35, 64, 61, 64. Unthank, Agnes, 32 ; Hen., 51 ; Laur , 32. Uj)holburne, 31. Urlyne, Eich , IU. Urswick, Chris., 19. Uvedale, Anth., 105, 115, 118, 124, 149; Eliz, 105, 115, 118, 124,149. Uxbridge, (Woxbrig, Oxbrige, &c.), 6, 8, 10 (2), 19, 22, 23-(2), 25 (2), 26, 29, 30, 31, 33, 37 {'2), 38 (2), 39, 43, 44, 50. 62, 64, 50, 62 (2), 66, 66, 67 (-2), 71, 76, 78, 84 {2), 85 (2), 87, 110, 115, 116, 117, 126, 128, 129, 131, 132 (3), 134, 137, 138, 139, 144, 119, 163, 154. "passage," or ferry, in, 3S. Vale. Eich., 114. Vandermotte, Augustine, 150. Vaughan, Anne, 74 ; Anth., 84 David, 21; Dominic, 145 ; Francis 8K 119, 128; Sir Hugh, 15, 21 John, 74, 144, 145; Walter, 2l (2) Vavasour Chris , 84, 109 ; EUz., 84 109, il3; John. 11; Peter, i7; Su- Peter, 33; Sir WiU , 84, 109, 113. Vernon, Alice, 146; WiU., 87, 146. Veysey, Will , 96. Vdlers. John, 95 ; Thomasina, 95. Vincent (Vyncent), Geo., 35 ; Humph. 36, 43; John, 139; Thos., 8; WiU, 126, 148. Vowell, WiU., 15. W Wade, Anne, 119, 121; Armigill, 119. 121 ; Guy, 54. Wakefield, WiU., 114. Walden, commander of the monastery of St Jami s of. 48. Waldyng, AUce, 60 ; Steph., 60. Wal.tt, Joan, 1 30 ; WiU. , 1 30. Walham (Wanham) Green, 65. Walkeden, Anne, 116, 119, 131; Geoff., 97, 116, Ii9, 131. 143; Marg.. 97; Rob., 143. Walker. Anth., 109; Cecilia, 2; Eliz., 109; Florence, 17; Geo, 121 ; John, 17; Thos., 2, 121; wm., 55. 57. WaUes (WaUys), Henry, 139; Humph., 142. Walleston, Joan, 84 ; Eich., 84. Walsall (Walshall), manor of, 2. Walshe (Walsshe), Alex., 15 ; AUce, 108 ; CecUy, 15 ; Edw., 108 ; Joan, 83; wm., 83, 132, 139. Walsiugham CWalsyngham) , Will., 30. 31. Walter, Anne, 104, 151 ; Hen., 104, 151; John. 149; Thos ,135; WiU., 66, 116; Winifred, 149 Waltham, Alice, 65 ; Rich., 65. Walthamstowe (Essex), 2. Walton. Thos., 154. Waplyngton, Marg., 74 ; Thos., 74. Wapping, 114, 118. marsh, 152. WardaU, Alice, 113; Edw., 66; Joan, 66, 110, 125; John, 110, 125; Marg., 89 ; Rich., 113; Thos., 74, 89 Warde, Edw., 126, 131 ; Joan, 126; John, 13, 19; Margt., 13; Thos., 32. Warecop, John, 43. Warewyn, Edw., 1 (2); John, 1. Warfeld, Edmund, 11 ; Joan, 11. Warley, John. 88. Warner (Wamar), Agnes, 41; Beat., 80, 93; EUz., 87; Harman, 158; Joan, 41 ; John, 3. 87, 98 ; Thos., 41 (2), 9<; WiU., 80. Warren (Waren, 'Waryn), Dorothy, 120; Edw., 7; Ellen, 109; John, 120; Ralph, 39, 40; Sir Ealph, 64; Rich , 155; Thos., 10, 11, 26. Warton, Edw., 66 (-2); Marcia, 66. Warwick, Anne, countess of, 2. manor and castle of, 2. Waryer, Edw., 7 ; Juliana, 7. Waryng. Joan, 22 ; Nich., 22. Wasse (Was), John, 102 ; WUL, 23, 40, 41, 43. Watkys, Thos,, 123. Watling Street, 164. Wattes, Thos., 152, 154. Watson, John, 1 34 . Waylond, Thos.. 83. Wayrant, IsabeUa, 61 ; John, 61. Webbe, Barbara, 63; Cath., 46; Eliz., 24; Hen., 63; John. 17, 24 ; Simon, 34 ; Thos., 46 ; Wm., 159 Webber, John, 20. Webster, Cuth., 26: Ellen, 26; John, 147, INDEX. XXXIU. Weden, Thos., 23, 26. Welche, Edw., 114. Welby, Dorothy, 64, 94; Rich., 64, 94; Thos., 64. Weld, Roger, 84. Wellys, Margt., dau. and heir of Thos. Northey, 6 ; Thos., 5. Welshe, AUce, 135 ; Edw., 133, 135. Wembley, 15, 35. (Whemley) Green, 115. manor of, 121. Wendon, John, 19. Wendover, Agnes, 116; Mich., 116. Wenlockes Barne, 101. Wenman, Isabella, 112; Rich., 112. Wentworth, Anne, lady, 136, 139; Mary, lady, 82; Peter, 83; Sir Thomas, lord Wentworth, 82, 136. 139. Wescote. Chris., 27. West, Edw., 72; EUz.. 69; Hen., 42; Joan, 42, 61; John, 11 (2); Marg., 69, 72; Nich., 19. Westbourn, 1, 5, 6. Westbury, Marg., 59 ; Rich., 69. Westby, Barth., 13. Westcote, 77. Westend, Marg., 72. Westfield, Rob., 114. West Ham, free fishery in, 85. Westminster, 6, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12 (4), 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21 (2), 24, 27, 28, 29, 30, 34, 35, 37, 40, 42 (2), 45, 47 (3), 51, 53, 60, 61, 62, 70, 71, 73, 84, 85, 89, 90, 93, 94, 103, 105, 106 (2), 108, 109, 119, 121, 1-26, 127, 133, 136, 136 (2), 137, 141, 143, 146, 149, 153, 165, 167. le Antelope in, 4. King Street in, 26. Langditch in, 26. Palace, Old, of the Queen there, 106. John, abbot of, 2, 3 (3), 4, 5, 6 (2), 8 (2), 9, 10, 12 (2), 17, 19, 22, 23 (2), 26, 27 (2), 32 (3), 33, 37, 38 (3) ; wm., abbot of, 42, 43, 45, 46, 48, 60 (4), 51(2), 62. Westmorland, Joan, 153 ; Kath , countess of, 66, 69 ; Ralph, earl of, 56, 69 ; Walter, 153. Weston, Alice, 147; Rich., 92 ; Rob., 147; wm., 134. Westovrae, 104, 140. manor of, 140. Westwyck, Agnes, 138. Wether (Whether), AUce, 6 ; Fabian, 61; Peter, 6. WetherhyU, John, 93. ¦Whaplod, Thos., 3. Whasshe, Marg., 91; Margery, 145 ; Ralph, 91; Thos., 91; WUL, 146. Wheler, Thos., 134; Walt., 28. Whelok, Nich., 37. Whetstone (Weston), 22, 44. "Whicheoott, Chris., 139. Whiddon (Whyddon), John, 37. Whitberd, CecUia, 46 ; Thos., 46. White (Whyte), Chris., 62; EUz., 62, 66, 98; Hen., 29; Joan, 14, 48 ; John, 14, 66, 69, 97, 131 ; Kath., 71; Marg., 114; Rich., 114; Rob., 59, 71; Simon, 48; Thos., 81 ; wm., 14, 23 (2), 46, 97, 98, 132, 134. -¦ Whitechapel, 41, 63, 67, 62, 64, 67, 74, 78, 107, 110, 114, 126, 139, 140, 146, 150. See St. Mary Matfellon. Whitecross Street, 66, 116, 136, 145. White Friars, 107, 116, 129, 150, 166. House of, 81. Whitfield (Why tf eld), John, 134. Whyohalfe, Nich., 146. Whytehede, Emmota, 12; Thos., 12. Whytehorne, Agnes, 89; John, 89, 90. WhyteweUs, in Enfield, 90. Whytpayn, EUz., 80; John, 80, 94. Whyttell, Hen., 148. Whyttyngham, Letitia, 85 ; Thos., 85. Whitton, 97. Southfield, 109. Rich., 7. Wiokham (Wykham), John, 42. Wilbeck, Alice, 97; John, 97. WUcokes, Joan, 70 ; Marg., 70 ; Rich., 70; WiU., 108. WUde (Wyld, &c.), John, 45 ; Roger, 104, 124 ; Thos., 124 ; Wyatt. 126. Wilford (Wylford), Chris., 140; John, 26, 41, 44, 51; Marg., 140. Wilkinson (Wylkynson) , Alice, 82 ; Joan, 13 ; John, 13, 77, 82 ; Thos., 4, 22, 48; Wm., 40. WUkins (Wylkyns), Alice, 63, 76, 124; WUL, 63, 76, 124. Wmesden, 4, 14, 15 (2), 16, 23, 25, 27, 30, 31, 35, 41, 43, 46, 58, 66, 79, 86, 87, 92, 94, 97, 123, 126 (2), 148 (3). WiUiams (Wyllyams), Cath., 19; Eliz., 30, 32, 39 ; John, 11, 30, 32, 34, 39; Morgan, 19; Nich., 134; Thos., 19. WilUamson, Eliz., 70; Ellen, 107. XXXIV. INDEX. G-regory, 26; James, 70; Rob., 107. WUlington, wm., 44. WUloughby, Edw., 3 ; Geo., 121 ; Matitd, 121; Thos, 25; Sir WiU., lord WiUoughby d'ErSby, 25. Willoughbyes, manor of, 78. WUmington (Kent), 31. Wilson <(-Wylson) . Annfe, 152; Dion., 71; Eliz., 71; Joan, 146; Rob, 152 ; Simon, 146 ; Thos., 118, 122, 125; WilL, 108. Wilton, Edmund Grey, lord de, 14 ; Flbrence, lady, 14. Wilts, He»l., eari of, 24. ¦VViilchester, Rich., bishop of, 17, 18, 20, 22 ; WiU , marquis of, 118 Winohmore CWynemore) Hill, 56, 130. Windsor (Wyndsore), Sir Andfiew, 13, 14, 17, 27, 34; Atlth,, 33; Chris., 81 ; Edm., 67, 78, 96; Sir Edw., lord, 144, 148 ; Mary, 67 ; Thos., 67 ; WiU,, 29, 36, 37 ; lord WiAdsor, 59, 67. Wingfield (Wyngf-ld), Sir Anth.. 61; Eliz,, 156; John, 117; Rob, 166; SirRobi, 117; Roger, 127. Wise (Wy^se), Anne, 102 ; EUz., 73 ; Joan, 80, 121 ; John, 41, 63, 73, 102; Rob., 80, 121; Thos , 102. Wiseman, Edm , 149. Wither (Wytherj, John, 21. Witley (Surrey), 91. WodaU, Eliz,, 10; John, 10. Wodeoock (Wodcok), Geo., 21; Hen., 2 (2), 5, 20. Wodecocks, in BrakenboroUgh, 2. Wodehouse, Richi, 3. Wodland, Rich., 12, Wodmanse (Woodmansy)., Francis, 26, 28, 30; Joan, 25, 29, 30; Thos., 29. Wodye, Agnes, 29 ; Wm., 29. Wohnan, Margery, 154, 156; Rob., 87, 134, 144, 164, 156. Wolmere, AUce, 16; Nich., 10; Rob., 15. Wolsey, Thos., see York, archbp. of. Wolstable, manor of, 62. Wood (Woode), Anth., 83 ; Bridget, 60; Geoff., 108; Joan, 96; John, 138; Marg., 138; Rob., 96; Roger, 82 ; WiU., 60. Woodend (Woodhende), 36. Woodford, Thos., 43. Woodley, Rob., 126 Woodward, Agnes, 108 ; Geoff., 108; Ealph, 11. Worcester, Chas., eari of, 20, 2% 27; EUz , countess of. 38, 50 ; Hen.. earl of, 38, 50 ; Will , earl of, 106. Worley, Thos , 144, 147. Worssop, John, 46 ; Letitia, 46-. Worthy, Ealph, 80. Worton, 97 Wotton (Wutton, Wooton), Chris., 47, 52, 64; Edmund, 16 ; Sir Edw.,. 36; Juliana, 47, 52, 64; katiid, 16; Mary, 111, 112; Rieh., HI. 112; Thos., 115; WUL, 18, 2*. Wray, Gilb., 124 Wrench, Simon, 147. Wrestlyng, Eob., 80. Wright tWrygit),Agiles, 74; Felicia, 34 ; Hugh, 84, 90j 1U4 ; Joan, 34 ; John, 74, 81; Ifaty, 84, 104; Rowland, 144, 147; Thos., 92. Wrightington, Alex., 103; Arthui-, 37, 43; EUz., 37, 44; Juliana, 103. Wrothe, Jo^n, 63 ; John, 10, \\, 20 ; Rob., 23, 38 (2), 39, 40 ; Sir Th'og., 112, 113. Wroythesi'ey-, Chas., 81 Wryne, EUen, 84, 113 ; Ralph, 84. Wulfe, John, 165. Wyatt (Wiatt, Wyot, &o ), Hen., 7, 11; Sir Hen., 22. Wybird, Eeg., 104. Wydmerpole, Matt., 68. Wygatd, Emma, 20; Thos., 20 Wygbovmie, Wm., 22. Wyke (Wike), 1-48. manor of, 49, 72. Wykys, Anth., 167; Hen., 34. Wyllyottes, manor of, 122. WyBGote, John, 24; Margt., 24. Wynde, WiU., 76 Wyndebanke, Thos., 149. Wyndham, EUz., 60, 61, 63, 66; Thos., 50, 51, 63, 66. Wyndocote, Kath , 8 ; l^ios., 8. Wyndover, Agnes, 153; Mich., 153, Wyndout (Wyndeowt), Barth., 85 ; Thos., 4. Wyngbourn, Phil., 9. Wynger, John, 4. Wynham, 8. Wynken, Ealph, 80. Wynkfelde, Chris., 115; Isab^a. 115; Joan, 115; Eich., 115. Wynsley, 13, 21. Wynwode, Joan, 11 ; Simon, 11. Wyston, 6. INDEX. XXXV. Tale, Thos., 121. Tedding, 53. " Teddingesmaner, " 53. Too, Armouilla, 58 ; Geo., 102, 129 ; Leonard, 58 ; WUL, 84. TeweU, Ealph, 87. Tork, 92. Chris., Card. Archbp. of, 19; Thos. Wolsey, Card. Archbp. of, 24, 25, 34, 36. Edmund, abbot of St. Mary's, at, 26. Anne, 116; Sir John, 116 Eich., 147, 153, 159. Toung, Andrew, 136; Eliz, 73, John, 15, 19, 20, 31, otherwise Eawlyns, 42 ; Margery, 136 Rob., 11, 73, Zouche, Sir John, 136. Gihbs & Bamforth, Printers, St. Albans. YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 3 9002 02951 7753 :i