Yale University Library 39002029831618 "I give thefe, J^6dks: yforfthefai^lfjagef a, CoUtge in thisX^olpjiy" 'Y^LE«¥]MH¥lEI^SIIir¥'' ° ILKIBI^^IElf " Gift of EXEGI MONUMENTOM .3ERE PERENNIUS ^tqji^ttx ^otittv ot ^ons; ot tfje Eebolution ^tate ot SotDa Edited by FRANK HAYWARD KINCAID, SECRETARY 1912 {512 DAVENPORT EDWARD BORCHERDT, PRINTER MDCCCCXII FLAG OF THE SONS OF THE REVOLUTION Adopted by the General Society, April 4th, 1891 Rep^iilation Size, 5 x 5^ Keet BRIGADUR GENERAL ROLIiRT LUCAS Brigade Commander Ohio Militia in the service of the United States, 1812-1815. Captain 19th U. S. Infantry, 1812. Lieuten ant Colonel U. S. Infantry, 1813. Governor of Ohio, 1832-1836. Governor ot Iowa, 1838-1841. Great-uncle or great-great-uncle of members of the Iowa Society. Jforetuorb It is especially apt that the Iowa Society Sons of the Revolution should have their headquarters upon the Father of Waters — the good old Mississippi — and at Davenport. Here came the first pioneers of this grand and good state, settling a narrow strip only the equivalent of what is now two counties in width, the whole length of the Mississippi Valley within the state, with Dubuque at the north and Burlington, our first capital of the state as it now stands, in the south, with Davenport one of the oldest of these cities midway between. It was a far cry from the first point of entry into Amer ica for these pioneers to come hence to this beautiful valley. The records of the various families concerned in this book tell us that among the earliest settlers in the Delaware Valley was one Robert Lucas, who landed at Burlington, N. J., on the 4th day of April, 1679. At Doylestown, Penn., near there this good old man lived to his allotted three score years and ten, and his son as well. As the Delaware Valley filled up with the many settlers from across the ocean, the Indians confining any spreading out toward the North, the east side of the Delaware being already settled, the mountains lying to the west, the younger generation, and the third generation it was then, moved on west and south and settled in the beautiful Shenandoah Valley at the mouth of the Rattlesnake Run in what is now Jefferson County, West Virginia. There two generations lived and took part in the glorious battle for American freedom from British rule. The Revolutionary War being over, Wm. Lucas, who had been captain of a company of local troops, and private in the 11th Virginia Line Regiment, great-grandson of this original Robert, with his family of grown young men and women, again turned their eyes toward the west and after careful deliberation and selection, went through the Cum berland Gap and settled near the mouth of the Sciota River in southern Ohio. 4 S>ons( of ttie Slebolutton One of the younger sons of this family was Robert Lucas, one probably not intended for the life of a farmer or an artisan of any kind, but more fitted for a life of public utility. This Robert Lucas spent the early part of his life in Sciota County, starting in public service as a surveyor, then as a lieutenant of militia, passing through the various grades of army life, until at quite an early age for so high a rank, he reached that of Brigadier General of the first Brigade of Ohio Militia. His ambition had been, since early manhood, to become an officer in the United States regular army, and at the breaking out of the war of 1812 he saw this hope gratified and received a commission as captain in the 19th infantry and a few months later, the records at Washington tell us he was given that of Lieutenant Colonel. Robert Lucas never took advantage of this regular army appointment, for his state needed him more than the well filled and well trained regular army did, so he went into that long, tedious and troublesome war as a private in one of the Ohio companies selected from his brigade and sub mitted to the general Government for use during the war. It is probable that his rank was recognized by the author ities at Washington, for history tells us that his service throughout the war was that of an advisory officer and scout and he never at any time was with the company that he had organized. The war closed and he then returned to his old rank in command of the Militia Brigade. Service therein not being consecutive and not requiring all of his time, we see that he turned his attention to politics, and it was not long until we find him a member of the Ohio Legislature and only a little later twice Governor of that state. We are now coming to a point in political history where affairs in Ohio took a great turn and the party which he had fought for so long, becoming firmly entrenched in power. Robert Lucas' efforts were rewarded by an appoint ment from President Van Buren as Governor of the new Territory of Iowa and in the summer of 1838, leaving his family on his beautiful farm near Lucasville, he passed jforetaiorl) 5 down the Ohio and up the Mississippi and took up at Burl ington the government of this grand and good old state. No words of mine can add to all that has been said of Robert Lucas, the soldier, citizen and pioneer, and who is only brought into this story to show the trend of emmigra- tion through and across America in the nearly 200 years since his family and those of his contemporaries landed in America. Governor Lucas lived alone at the capital for a short time only and then his relatives and friends began follow ing him into this garden spot called Iowa. His nephews and nieces, their cousins and friends, followed him out and settled in the vicinity of Burlington, Iowa City and Mus catine and taking these families and those collaterally allied with them, it is easy to be seen what a great connection he brought with him, and intermarried among these young people were the sons and grandsons of a large number of Revolutionary soldiers. Robert Lucas has, in the Iowa Society, eleven great- grand and great-great-grand nephews and could we have time to search out the other cousins, it is probable that the number could be increased to twenty or more. It is for this reason that these few remarks have been made about our first Governor. (general ^octetp (©rsanijeb at ^afiijinston, ©. C sapril 19, 1890) 0mctv6, 1911=1914 General President, Edmund Wetmore, LL. D., New York Society. General Vice-President, James Mortimer Montgomery, New York Society. Second General Vice-President, Hon. John Wingate Weeks, Massachusetts Society. General Secretary, William Libbey, D. Sc, New Jersey Society. Assistant General Secretary, W. Hall Harris, Jr., Maryland Society. General Treasurer, Richard McCall Cadwalader, Pennsylvania Society. Assistant General Treasurer, Henry Cadle, Missouri Society. General Chaplain, Randolph Harrison McKim, D. D., District of Columbia Society. General Registrar, Hon. George Eltweed Pomeroy, Ohio Society. General Historian, Marshall Delancey Haywood, North Carolina Society. HON. EDMUND WETMORE General President General Society JAMES MORTIMER MONTGOMERY General Vice-President General Society HON. JOSEPH WIXGATE WEEKS Second General Vice-Pre.sident General Society WILLIAM LIBBEY, D. Sc. General Secretary General Society RICHAED McCALL CADWALADER General Treasurer General Society W. HALL HARRIS, Jr. .Assistant ("rcneral Secretary General Society HENRY CADLE Assistant General Treasurer General Society RANDOLPH HARRISON McKIM, D. D. General Chaplain General Society HON. GEORGE ELTWEED POMEROY General Registrar General Society MARSHALL DeLANCY HAYWOOD General Historian General Society Bxma of tfje i^ebolution IN THE ^tate of HfoUia Snsltituttb april 19. 1890 0ttittV6 President, MOTT RANDOLPH SAWYERS, PH.D. Vice-President, Hon. ROBERT STUART McNUTT. Secretary, FRANK HAYWARD KINCAID, 4 Walling Court, Davenport. Treasurer, WILLIAM WALLACE HUMPHREY. Chaplain, JOHN TALLMADGE BERGEN, D. D. Registrar, JOHN WINTHROP BALLARD. Historian, HORACE LEE HUSTED, M. D. Board of Managers. AI.L above and JOSEPH ALEXANDER DANIEL, M. D. WILLIAM HAMILTON WILSON, WILL F. HUNT, M. D. CHARLES FRANCIS CADLE, FRANK WELCH SMITH HON. ROBERT STUART McNUTT Vice-President Iowa Society LT. COL. FRANK HAYWARD KINCAID Secretar}' Iowa Society WILLIAM WALLACE HUMPHREY Treasurer Iowa Society JOHN TALLMADGE BERGEN, D. D. Chaplain Iowa Society JOHN W. BALLARD Registrar Iowa Society HORACE LEE HUSTED, M. D. Historian Iowa Society Consititutian (general ^ocietp of tfie ^onss of ttje 3l^ebolution IT BEING evident, from a steady decline of a proper celebration of the National holidays of the United States of America, that popular concern in the events and men of the war of the Revolution is gradually declining, and that such lack of interest is attributable, not so much to the lapse of time and the rapidly increasing flood of immigration from foreign countries, as to the neglect on the part of descendants of Revolutionary heroes to perform their duty in keeping before the public mind the memory of the services of their ancestors and of the times in which they lived ; therefore, the Society of the Sons of the Revolu tion has been instituted to perpetuate the memory of the men who, in the military, naval, and civil service of the Colonies and of the Continental Congress, by their acts or counsel, achieved the independence of the country, and to further the proper celebration of the anniversaries of the birthday of Washington, and to prominent events connected with the war of the Revolution; to collect and secure for preservation the rolls, records, and other documents relat ing to that period; to inspire the members of the Society with the patriotic spirit of their forefathers; and to pro mote the feeling of friendship among them. The General Society shall be divided into State Societies, which shall meet annually on the day appointed therefor in their respective By-Laws, and oftener if found expedient; IO £>onst of tije i^ebolutton and at such annual meeting the reasons for the institution of the Society shall be considered, and the best measures for carrying them into effect adopted. The State Societies at every annual meeting shall choose a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, a Registrar, a Treasurer, a Chaplain, and such other officers as may by them respectively be deemed necessary, and a Board of Managers, to consist of such officers, and other members, as may be provided by their respective Constitutions and By- Laws, all of whom shall retain their respective positions until their successors are duly chosen. Each State Society shall cause to be transmitted annually or oftener to the other State Societies a circular letter call ing attention to whatever may be thought worthy of ob servation respecting the welfare of the Society or of the general union of the States, and giving information of the officers chosen for the year ; and copies of these letters shall also be transmitted to the General Secretary to be preserved among the records of the General Society. The State Societies shall regulate all matters respecting their own affairs, consistent with the general good of the Society; judge of the qualification of their members, of those proposed for membership, subject, however, to the provisions of this Constitution ; and expel any member who, by conduct unbecoming a gentleman or a man of honor, or by any opposition to the interests of the community in general or of the Society in particular, may render himself unworthy to continue in membership. In order to form funds that may be respectable, each member shall contribute, upon his admission to the Society and annually thereafter, such sums as the By-Laws of the respective State Societies may require ; but any of such State Societies may provide for the endowment of memberships by the payment of proper sums in capitalization, which sums shall be properly invested as a permanent fund, the income only of which shall be expended. Conaitittttton 1 1 The regular meeting of the General Society shall be held every three years, and special meetings may be held upon the order of the General President or upon the request of two of the State Societies, and such meetings shall consist of the General Officers and a representation not exceeding five deputies from each State Society, and the necessary expenses of such meeting shall be borne by the State So cieties. The following amendment to the Constitution was pro posed at the meeting of the General Society held in Denver, Colorado, April 19, 1899, to be voted on at the next regular meeting : "Strike out from the seventh paragraph of the Constitu tion of the General Society the words: 'of the General Officers, and a representation not exceeding five deputies from each State Society,' and insert the following: 'of two delegates from each State Society, and one additionl dele gate for every one hundred (100) members or major frac tion thereof, and on all questions arising at meetings of the General Society, each delegate there present shall be entitled to one vote, and no vote shall be taken by States.' " At the regular meeting a General President, General Vice-President, General Second Vice-President, General Secretary, Assistant General Secretary, General Treasurer, Assistant General Treasurer, General Chaplain, General Registrar, and General Historian shall be chosen by a major ity of the votes present, to serve until the next regular general meeting, or until their successors are duly chosen. At each general meeting the circular letters which have been transmitted by the several State Societies shall be con sidered, and all measures taken which shall conduce to the general welfare of the Society. The General Society shall have power at any meeting to admit State Societies thereto, and to entertain and deter mine all questions affecting the qualifications for member- 12 ^oni of ti)t l^bolutton ship in or the welfare of any State Society as may by proper memorial be presented by such State Society for considera tion. Any male person above the age of twenty-one years, of good character, and a descendant of one who, as a military, naval, or marine officer, soldier, sailor, or marine, in actual service under the authority of any of the thirteen Colonies or States or of the Continental Congress, and remaining always loyal to such authority; or a descendant of one who signed the Declaration of Independence, or of one who, as a member of the Continental Congress or of the Congress of any of the Colonies or States, or as an official appointed by or under the authority of any such legislative bodies, actually assisted in the establishment of American Inde pendence by services rendered during the war of the Revo lution, becoming thereby liable to conviction of treason against the government of Great Britain, but remaining always loyal to the authority of the Colonies or States, shall be eligible to membership in the Society. The Secretary of each State Society shall transmit to the General Secretary a list of the members thereof, to gether with the names and official designations of those from whom such members derive claim to membership; and thereafter, upon the admission of members in each State Society, the Secretary thereof shall transmit to the General Secretary information respecting such members similar to that herein required. The Society shall have an insignia, which shall be a badge suspended from a ribbon by a ring of gold ; the badge shall be elliptical in form, with escaloped edges, one and one-quarter inches in length and one and one-eighth inches in width ; the whole surmounted by a gold eagle with wings displayed, inverted ; on the obverse side a medallion of gold in the centre, elliptical in form, bearing on its face the figure of a soldier in Continental uniform, with musket slung; beneath, the figures 1775; the medallion surrounded Consitttutton 13 by thirteen raised gold stars of five points each upon a border of dark blue enamel. On the reverse side, in the centre, a medallion corresponding in form to that on the " OBVERSE " " REVERSE ' obverse, and also in gold, bearing on its face the Houdon portrait of Washington in bas-relief, encircled by the legend, "Sons of the Revolution;" beneath, the figures 1883; and upon the reverse of the eagle the number of the badge to be engraved; the medallion to be surrounded by a plain gold border, conforming in dimensions to the obverse ; the ribbon shall be dark blue, ribbed and watered, edged with buff, one and one-half inches wide, and one and one-half inches in displayed length. The insignia of the Society shall be worn by the members on all occasions when they assemble as such for any stated purpose or celebration, and may be worn on any occasion of ceremony; it shall be carried conspiciously on the left breast, but members who are or have been officers of the Society may wear the insignia suspended from the ribbon around the neck. H ^onS of tijt l^ebolutton The custodian of the insignia shall be the General Secre tary, who shall issue them to members of the Society under such proper rules as may be formulated by the General Society, and he shall keep a register of such issues wherein each insginia issued may be identified by the number thereof. The seal of the Society shall be one and seven-eighths inches in diameter, and shall consist of the figure of a Minute-man in Continental uniform, standing on a ladder leading to a belfry ; in his left hand he holds a musket and an olive-branch, whilst his right grasps a bell-rope; above, the cracked Liberty Bell ; issuing therefrom a ribbon bear ing the motto of the Society, Exegi monu-mentum aere peren- nius; across the top of the ladder on a ribbon, the figures 1776 ; and on the left of the Minute man, and also on a rib bon, the figures 1883, the year of the formation of the So ciety; the whole encircled by a band three-eighths of an inch wide; thereon at the top thirteen stars of five points each; at the bottom the name of the General Society, or of the State Society to which the seal belongs. On occasions other than the meetings for any stated purpose or celebration, members may wear a rosette of the prescribed ribbon and pattern in the upper button-hole of the left lapel of the coat. Consitttution 15 The Treasurer shall procure and issue the rosettes to members. The following being a fac-simile of the same, which shall not exceed fifteen millimeters in diameter: g)on2; of tfie l^ebolution Sn tfip ^tate of iottia Be It Known, That right of the services of. g < tn the cause of American Independence during the war of the Revolution, has been duly admitted to O membership in the Society of the Sons of the Revolution, in the State of Iowa, this day ^ of. , in the year of our Lord, MDCCCC § Secretary, President. Registrar. Cannon at Rock Island Arsenal Surrendered by the British at Saratoga October 17, 1777 =lab3g of tfte 3otDa ^otittv ARTICLE I. name op society. This Society shall be known by the name, style, and title of The Society of Sons op the Revolution in the State op Iowa. ARTICLE II. admission of members. Candidates shall send their written application, ap proved by two members, with documentary or other proofs of qualification for membership, to the Secretary, who shall submit the same to the Committee on Admissions. Upon a favorable report from said Committee to the Board of Managers, and the payment of the membership fee and dues for first year, said applicants shall become members of the Society. ARTICLE III. FUNDS. The membership fee shall be three (3) dollars; the an nual dues two (2) dollars. The payment at one time of twenty-five (25) dollars in addition to the membership fee shall constitute a life membership. The payment at one time of one hundred (100) dollars shall constitute a per petual or endowed membership, and upon the death of the member so paying the membership shall be held by the eldest son, or such other descendant from the ancestor from whom he claims descent as he may nominate; in failure of such nomination having been made, the Society may de cide which one of the descendants shall hold the member ship; provided always, that the Society reserves to itself the privilege of rejecting any nomination that may not be 1 8 ^on£t of t^e l^ebolutton acceptable to it. All those holding life or endowed mem berships shall be exempt from the payment of annual dues. ARTICLE IV. permanent fund. All life and endowed membership fees, as well as dona tions which shall hereafter be paid the Society, shall re main forever to the use of the Society, of which the interest only shall be used. ARTICLE V. ANNUAL meeting. The annual meeting of the Society shall be held on the nineteenth day of April, except when such date shall fall on Sunday, in which event the meeting shall be held on the fol lowing day. At this meeting a general election of officers by ballot shall take place, and a majority of the ballots given for any shall constitute a choice ; but if, on the first ballot, no person shall receive such majority, then a further ballot ing shall take place, in which a plurality of votes given for any officer shall determine the choice. Special meetings shall be held by direction of the Board of Managers, or upon the written request of three members of the Society. ARTICLE VI. officers. The officers of the Society shall be a President, Vice- President, Secretary, Treasurer, Registrar, Historian, and Chaplain, together with a Board of Managers consisting of the above named officers, ex officio, and five others elected annually. ARTICLE VII. QUORUM. At all meetings of the Society seven members shall con stitute a quorum for the transaction of business. ARTICLE VIII. president. The President, or in his absence the Vice-President, or in the absence of both a chairman pro tempore, shall preside JBP'TLaias 19 at all meetings of the Society, and shall have a casting vote. He shall preserve order, and shall decide all questions of order, subject to an appeal to the Society. The President shall be, ex officio, a member of all committees. ARTICLE IX. secretary. The Secretary shall conduct the general correspondence of the Society. He shall notify all members of their election and of such other matters as may be directed by the Society. He shall have charge of the seal, certificate of incorporation, By-Laws, and records of the Society. He, together with the presiding officer, shall certify all acts of the Society. He shall, under direction of the President or Vice-President, give due notice of the time and place of all meetings of the Society, and attend the same. He shall keep fair and ac curate records of all the proceedings and orders of the Society; and shall give notice to the several officers of all votes, orders, resolves, and proceedings of the Society affect ing them or pertaining to their respective duties. He shall have charge of all printing and publications directed by the Society or by the Board of Managers. He shall be Secretary of the Board of Managers, and shall keep the record of their meetings in the regular minute-book of the Society. ARTICLE X. treasurer. The Treasurer shall collect and keep the funds and securities of the Society; and so often as those sums shall amount to one hundred (100) dollars they shall be deposited in some bank in the City of Davenport to the credit of "The Iowa Society Sons of the Revolution," and shall be drawn thence on the check of the Treasurer for the purposes of the Society only. Out of these funds he shall pay such sums as may be ordered by the Society, or by the Board of Managers. He shall keep a true account of his receipts and payments, and at each annual meeting render the same to the Society, when a committee shall be appointed to audit his accounts. He shall give such security as shall be re- 20 S>onsi of ti)t J&ebolution quired by the Board of Managers. He shall issue certificates of membership to persons entitled thereto. He shall, upon receipt of twelve (12) dollars for the insignia, and twenty- five (25) cents for the button, procure the same for mem bers, and furnish to the Secretary a list of insignia mem bers. ARTICLE XI. chaplain. The Chaplain shall perform such duties as ordinarily appertain to such office. ARTICLE XII. registrar. The Registrar shall keep a roll of members, and in his hands shall be lodged all the proofs of membership quali fications, and reference books and documents belonging to the Society; and he, under the direction of the Board of Managers, shall make copies of such similar documents as the owners thereof may not be willing to leave permanently in the keeping of the Society. He shall furnish the Secre tary with a membership list and descent, also a list of an cestry for publication in the register of the Society. ARTICLE XIII. HISTORIAN. The Historian shall keep all historical records of the Society, and prepare for the records a brief biographical sketch of deceased members, and a historical sketch of any Society entertainment and other proceedings outside of regular business. ARTICLE XIV. BOARD OF MANAGERS. The board of Managers shall consist of twelve, namely : the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Regis trar, Historian, and Chaplain, ex-officio, and five other mem bers; at least five members of the entire Board shall be residents of the City of Davenport, Iowa, and all of whom shall be elected at the annual meeting. They shall elect their |@j>°1Lato£f 21 own Chairman. In case of a vacancy in any of these offices, the Board may fill the same until the next election. They shall judge of the qualifications of the candidates for admis sion to the Society, and, upon recommendation of the Com mittee on Admissions, shall have power to elect the same to membership. They shall, through the Secretary, call special meetings at any time, upon the written request of three members of the Society, and at such other times as they see fit. They shall recommend plans for promoting the objects of the Society, and digest and prepare business, and shall authorize the disbursement and expenditure and unappro priated money in the treasury for the payment of the cur rent expenses of the Society. They shall generally superin tend the interests of the Society, and execute all such duties as may be committed to them by the Society. At each annual meeting of the Society they shall make a general report. At all meetings of the Board of Managers four members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. ARTICLE XV. COMMITTEE ON ADMISSIONS. The Chairman of the Board of Managers shall appoint annually three members thereof as a Committee on Admis sions, whose duty it shall be to pass upon the qualifications of applicants for admission to the Society, and report to the Board of Managers. ARTICLE XVI. LOCAL ASSOCIATIONS. In any community where there are seven or more resi dent members of the Society of Sons of the Revolution in the State of Iowa, it shall be lawful to organize a local As sociation, whose membership shall be limited to persons in good standing in the Society of Sons of the Revolution. Such Association shall be subject to all the laws, rules, and regulations of the General Society and the State Society, and shall be organized for social purposes, and for the pro motion of the objects and principles of the Society, and in the interests of patriotism. 22 ^onff of tije l^ebolutton ARTICLE XVII. ORDER OF BUSINESS. 1. Meeting called to order by presiding officer. 2. Prayer by Chaplain, and reading of the preamble to the Constitution. 3. Reading minutes of previous meetings not previously acted upon. 4. Election of officers, and Managers when necessary. 5. Report of Board of Managers. 6. Report of officers. 7. Reports of committee. 8. Unfinished business. 9. New business. 10. Closing prayer by the Chaplain. ARTICLE XVIII. LETTER BALLOT. The Board of Managers may call for a letter ballot of all the members of the Society whenever they deem it ad visable to vote upon any question which may be submitted to the members other than the election of officers, and in such case the votes of members so received by letter shall have the same force and effect as if such members were personally present and voting at a meeting of the Society. ARTICLE XIX. AMENDMENTS. No alteration of the By-Laws of the Society shall be made unless such alteration shall have been proposed at a previous meeting and shall be adopted by a majority of the members present at any meeting of the Society, five days' notice thereof having been given to each member. REDUCED FAC SIMILE OP APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP ..i9.. TO THE BOARD OF MANAGERS OF (Date of application.) Cte ^ocietp of ^ons of t^e lElebolution IN THE STATE OF IOWA I, the undersigned, hereby apply for membership in this Society by right of lineal descent from* who was born in (Name of the ancestor from whom eligibility is derived.) (Town, City or County.) on 17 ; was a citizen of and died in (Town, City or County.) on I His services in assisting in the establishment of American Independence during the War of the Revolution, upon which my claim of eligibility to membership is based, were as follows: rt.a g » « C 2 S o o -< ... g i ?j = ai 9nm^ "l-:r^ &-?>!! -rr!-.1 (n.> - IS O f Sg'ciS .-t § ^ag ^5. .;*| a-S Ss ".»'3»^g ffi.„""3 s « « g g« S"S B < .£8! i S , PS » 2, im'i^-0% m ^O 3 rt 5^ p^g _ B^ O T3 tfl [fl O -qj 3 flj I declare upon honor, that if admitted to membership in this Society I will endeavoXpromote the purposes of its Institution and observe the ToLtrtution and By-Laws of this Society, and support the Constitution of the United States. (Signature of Applicant) (Address) (Occupation) "¦ We the undersigned (two) members of the Society, approve and recom mend the foregoing application for membership in this Society, and believe the said applicant to be worthy. out for mcA case, and filed with the original. APPWCATIONS MUST BE IN DUPI,ICATE. o > 3 O JS.tl 3° •SB H Application for 0itmbtx6l}ip AFFIDAVIT In support of application for membership (give full name) in The Society of "Sons of the Revolution" in the State of Iowa. being duly sworn says: — [Full name of deponent] I. That the applicant was born on i8 in — [Town, City or County.] bij and is a citizen of._ :§ g 2. That he is a son of ,g >^ [Father's name and place of residence.] '^__ and his wife. g > [Mother's maiden name and place of residence.] 3. That the said was the of [Name of parent through whom eligibility is derived.] [Son or daughter.! and [Grandfather's name and place of residence.] his wife. [Grandmother's maiden name and place of residence,] 4. That the said was the of [Name of grandparent through whom eligibility is derived.] [Son or daughter.] and [Great-grandfather's name and place of residence.] his wife. [Great-grandmother's maiden name and place of residence.] 5. That the said was the of [Name of Great-grandparent through [Son or daughter ] whom eligibility is derived.] and [Great-great-grandfather's name and place of residence.] his wife. [Great-great-grandmother's maiden name and place of residence.] 6. That the said '. was the of [Name of great-great-grandparent through [Son or daughter.] whom eligibility is derived.] and [Great-great-great-grandfather's name and place of residence.] his wife. [Great-great-great-grandmother's maiden name and place of residence.] And deponent further says that the said [Name of ancestor from whom eligibility is derived.] is the ancestor mentioned in the foregoing application, and that the facts hereinbefore set forth are true, to the best of his knowledge and belief, and hereby certifies that he has not failed of admission in any other State Society of "Sons of the Revolution." Subscribed and sworn to before me, at this day of A. D. 19 [Signature of Deponent.] iHemtiers^fjip ^oU No. of Elected. Insignia 1896. Ainsworth, Hon. Lucian Lester, (Deceased), Great-grandson of Private Nathan Ains worth, Served in Company commanded by Lieutenant Jonathan Morris, 11th Regi ment, Connecticut Militia, at New York, 1776. Died a prisoner on board a British Man-of- War in 1776 or 1777. Also, great-grandson of Private Samuel Webber; served in Captain Joshua Shaw's Company, Colonel Elisha Porter's Hamp shire County (Massachusetts) Regiment, 1779. 1894. Allen, George Washington, Ashland, Oregon, Great-grandson of Captain John Allen, Cap tain in Colonel John Waldron's Regiment, Brigadier-General Sullivan's Brigade, New Hampshire Militia, 1776. 1896. Badgbrow, Egbert Martin, Sioux City, Great-great-grandson of Private Barrick Thayer, Private Massachusetts Troops. Served under Captain Amos Ellis and Colonel Dean. 1910. Badgerov/, Harve Gordon, Chicago, Illinois, Great-great-grandson of Private Barrick Thayer. Served in Massachusetts troops for eleven months and twenty-seven days, a part of that time under Captain Amos Ellis and Colonel Dean. 26 &oni of t^e l&ebolution No. of Elected. Insignia. 1907. Badgerow, Ralph John, Tacoma, Washington, Great-great-grandson of Private Barrick Thayer. Served in Massachusetts troops for eleven months and twenty-seven days, a part of that time under Captain Amos Ellis and Colonel Dean. 1900. Baker, Colonel Charles Edward, Rostvell, New Mexico, Great-great-grandson of Daniel Hammond, private in Captain Amarial Fuller's Com pany, Lexington Alarm, April 19th, 1775, marched from Newton to Cambridge. 1911. Ballard, Harry Winthrop, Davenport, Great-great-grandson of Private Zaccheus Ballord. Served in Captain Moore's Com pany in Colonel Shepard's Regiment (4th) from March 5th, 1777, to April 20, 1781. 1907. Ballard, John Winthrop, Davenport, Great-grandson of Private Zaccheus Ballord. Served in Captain Moore's Company in Colonel Shepard's Regiment (4th) from March 5th, 1777, to April 20, 1781. 1890. Ballord, Esek Steere, Davenport, Charter member. Member, Society of the Colonial Wars, Mem ber, New England Historical and Genealog ical Society. Member, Board of Managers and an officer of this society since its inception, one on whom all may depend. Great-grandson of Private Zaccheus Ballord (1731-1800), in Captain Jeremiah Kings- ley's Company, Colonel Jonathan Holman's ESEK STEERE BALLORD An officer of this Society since its inception Mtmhttsifip 3RoIl 27 No. of Elected. Insignia. Regiment from Providence, Rhode Island; afterward thirty-seven months in Captain Moore's Company, Colonel Shepard's Regi ment, 4th Massachusetts Continental Foot. 1892. Ballord, John Gilman, Minneapolis, Minn., Great-great-grandson of Private Zaccheus Ballord (1731-1800), in Captain Jeremiah Kingsley's Company, Colonel Jonathan Hol man's Regiment from Providence, Rhode Island; afterward thirty-seven months in Captain Moore's Company, Colonel Shep ard's Regiment, 4th Massachusetts Con tinental Foot. 1892. Earhydt, Theodore Wells, Pasadena, Cal, Grandson of Private Jerome Barhydt, New York Line. 1890. Barker, Oscar Augustus, (Deceased), Son of Colonel Samuel Augustus Barker, Colonel of 1st Connecticut Regiment in Wade's Brigade, and detached as Aide-de- Camp to Major-General Marquis De La- Fayette. 1911. Bergen, Reverend John Tallmadge, D. D., Duhuque, Chaplain Iowa Society. Great-great-grandson of Private John Brow- er. Served seven years in the Schuyler Regiment, Lansing Troop, and for this serv ice received a pension in his old age. His father, Cornelius Brower, was a freeholder of Dutchess County, New York, and one of the signers of the Freemen's Pledge. 28 ^onsi of tfie ^ebolutton No. of Elected. Insignia 1895. Binder, Harry Wood, Council Bluffs, Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant Jacob Binder of Pennsylvania, Private in Captain Campbell's Company Associators, City Guard, 1776. First Lieutenant 4th Com pany, 3rd Battalion Associators, under Colonel Morgan. First Lieutenant 5th Company 2nd Battalion, Lieutenant-Colonel Benjamin G. Eyre commanding. 1896. Birchard, William James, (Deceased), Great-grandson of Private John Balch, Pri vate in Captain Benjamin Throop's Com pany, First Regiment Connecticut Line, 1777-1780. Also, great-grandson of Private Jesse Birch ard, Private in Captain Comstock's Com pany, Lieutenant-Colonel John Mead's 9th Connecticut Regiment at New York, 1776; Private in Captain Gilbert's Company, Colonel Mead's Regiment, at Fishkill, Octo ber, 1777. 1895. Blunt, Arthur Wood, M. D., Clinton, Great-grandson of Private Thomas Evans. Served in Captain Jonathan Evans' Com pany, Colonel Johnson's Regiment Massa^ chusetts Troops, 1777, and as Seaman in 1778-1779; in Captain Thomas Mighill's Company, Colonel Wade's Regiment Mas sachusetts Troops, 1780. 1898. Bowman, Edward Sinnet, M. D., Davenport, Great-great-grandson of Ensign James Bow man, Ensign in Captain Royal's Company, Allison's Battalion of Cumberland County (Pennsylvania) Militia in 1776, and was on duty in the Jerseys. Mtmhttiiiip 3S^oli. 29 No. of Elected. Insignia. 1898. Bowman, Guy, Muskogee, Okla., Great-great-grandson of Ensign James Bow man, Ensign in Captain Royal's Company, Allison's Battalion of Cumberland County (Pennsylvania) Militia in 1776, and was on duty in the Jerseys. 1896. Bowman, John Howard, (Deceased), 2247 Great-grandson of Colonel Robert Smith. In 1776 in charge of construction of a line of Cheval de frise across the Delaware River and of land fortifications ; afterward Coun cil-Lieutenant of Chester County, Pennsyl vania, in charge of raising, equipping, and provisioning the Military of that County. Also, great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas Bull of Pennsylvania ; served as an officer in Montgomery's Battalion of the "Flying Camp" in 1776 ; Lieutenant-Colonel 1st Battalion, Chester County Militia, 1779 ; 2nd Battalion, 1780-'81 — in active service. 1896. Bowman, William Robert, Clear Lake, 2248 Great-grandson of Colonel Robert Smith. In 1776 in charge of construction of a line of Cheval de frise across the Delaware River and of land fortifications ; afterward Coun cil-Lieutenant of Chester County, Pennsyl vania, in charge of raising, equipping, and provisioning the Military of that County. Also, great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas Bull of Pennsylvania ; served as an officer in Montgomery's Battalion of the "Flying Camp" in 1776 ; Lieutenant-Colonel 1st Battalion, Chester County Militia, 1779 ; 2nd Battalion, 1780-'81 — in active service. 30 ^ottS of tfje l^efaolution No of Elected. Insignia 1912. Boynton, George Warren, North Yakima, Washington, Great-great-great-grandson of Lieutenant- Colonel Robert Moore, New Hampshire Minute Men, appointed August 24th, 1775. Also, great-great-great-grandson of Ephraim Boynton, Sergeant in Captain Samuel Saw yers' Company of Minute Men, Colonel Whitcomb's Regiment, also a private in Captain Jonathan Sibley's Company, Colonel Luke Drury's Regiment, August 1st to November 21st, 1781, Massachusetts Troops. Also, great-great-grandson of David Emery Boynton, private Captain Manasseh Saw yer's Company, Colonel Dyke's Regiment, four months as a private and five months as an artificer. Massachusetts troops. Also, great-great-great-grandson of George Allen of Captain Zebedee Redding's Com pany. Colonel Gamaliel Bradford, 14th Massachusetts Line, 1777-1778, Sergeant in same 1780-1781. Also, Great-great-great-grandson of William Barker, private. Captain Isaac Heald's Company, Colonel Eleazer Brooks' Regi ment at Roxbury, March 4th, 1776, in Cap tain Simon Hunt's Company, same Regi ment at White Plains, in Ensign David Mc- Quigg's Company, Ticonderoga Alarm, June 29th, 1777. Also, great-great-great-grandson of Ebenezer Holmes, Private in Captain Edward Cumps- ton's Regiment, Colonel John Greaton's 3rd Massachusetts Line Regiment, 1780. Also, great-great-grandson of Private George Holmes, Private in Captain Nathaniel Good- Mtmbtvi^iV 3RoU 31 No. of Elected. Insignia. win's Company, Colonel Theophilus Cot ton's Regiment. Enlisted September 25th, 1777, discharged October 31st, 1777. Also appears on pay abstract of Captain Moses Adams' Company, Colonel Brooks' Regi ment of Guards at Cambridge for travel al lowance, service from November 3rd, 1777, to April 3rd, 1778. Also, great-great-great-grandson of Samuel T. Cram, Sr., Private in Long's Regiment, New Hampshire Militia. 1890. Brady, William Perry, Chicago, III, 1706 Great-grandson of Captain John Brady, 12th Pennsylvania Rifles, Continental Army, 1776, Colonel William Cook, Commanding. Also, grandson of John Brady, Jr., unenlisted, who, at the age of fifteen, fought by the side of his father in the Battle of Brandywine, at which both fell wounded. 1890. Bready, John Ely, M. D., Dubuque, Great-grandson of Private John Ely, Colonel Parson's 6th Connecticut Rifles. Also, great-grandson of Captain Ezra Lee, in action at the battles of Monmouth, Trenton, and Brandywine. 1895. Bryant, Seth Pratt, (Deceased), Grandson of Private Seth Pratt, of Colonel Bailey's 2nd Massachusetts Regiment. He enlisted at the age of seventeen and served during the war. 1892. BUFORD, Clarke Howe, (Deceased), Great-grandson of Captain Edward Howe; served in Harry Lee's Light Horse until the close of the war. 32 ^onj( of tfje l^ebolution No. of Elected. Insignia. Also, great-great-grandson of Surgeon John Julian, Continental Line from Virginia, 1776-1783. 1895. Cadle, Charles Francis, Muscatine, 3070 President, Iowa Society, 1910-1911. Great-grandson of Private John Fiske, Pri vate in Captain Simon Edgell's Company Massachusetts Militia, "Lexington Alarm." Massachusetts Militia, "Lexington Alarm," member. Society of the Colonial Wars. 1910. Cadle, Cornelius, Muscatine, Member, Society of the Colonial Wars. Great-great-grandson of Private John Fiske of Captain Simon Edgell's Company, Mas sachusetts Troops at Lexington Alarm, April 19, 1775. 1893. Cadle, Henry, Bethany, Mo., 1272 Asst. General Treasurer General Society. Secretary Missouri Society. Member, Society of the Colonial Wars. Great-grandson of Daniel Lamprey, a Private in the Company of Captain Henry Elkins, Colonel Enoch Poor, 2nd Regiment New Hampshire Foot, 1775. Also, great-grandson of Ezra Johnson, a Pri vate in the Company of Captain Philip Put nam, Colonel Nahum Baldwin's Regiment of New Hampshire Troops, raised for the reenforcement of the Army in New York, 1776 ; was in the battle of White Plains. Also, great-great-grandson of Simon Lane, a Private in the Company of Captain Henry Elkins, Colonel Enoch Poor, 2nd Regiment New Hampshire Foot, 1775. CHARLES FRANCIS CADLE President 1910-1911. During his administration there was a gain ot thirty members jWcmticrfiifjip 3RoQ 33 No. of Elected. Insignia. Also, great-great-gtandson of John Lamp rey, member of the Committee of Safety for the town of Hampton, New Hampshire, 1775. 1895. Cady, Monroe Marsh, Dubuque, Great-grandson of Corporal Noah Parsons, private in Captain John Allen's Company, in General Pomeroy's Regiment, Massachu setts Militia, "Lexington Alarm," also Pri vate in Captain Jonathan Allen's Com pany, Colonel John Fellow's Regiment in 1775, also private in Jonathan Storm's Com pany, Colonel Dickinson's Regiment, in 1777 at Ticonderoga Alarm, Corporal in Captain Oliver Lyman's Company, East Hoosac Alarm, 1777. 1897. Campbell, Le Roy Foster, Davenport, Great-great-grandson of Nicholas Weaver, Sergeant Commander Veeder's Company, 3rd New York Regiment Tryron County Militia, Colonel Fisher, called into service on "different alarms to oppose the common enemy" between October, 1780, and May, 1783 ; was in the 2nd Company, 3rd Battal ion (Mohawk) of the Tryron County Levies and Militia in April, 1782 ; had been a Pri vate in Captain Ruff's Company, Colonel Klock's 2nd Regiment Tryron County Mili tia, February 18 to August 18, 1779, and from March 10 to September 1, 1780. 1896. Clarke, Henry Kip, M. D., (Deceased), Great-grandson of Private Jerome Clark, Pri vate from Lebanon, Connecticut, "Lexing ton Alarm," April 19, 1775, and served in 6th Company, 3rd Regiment Connecticut Line. 34 ^onsi of tfje l^ebolutton No. of Elected. Insignia. 1911. Collins, Everett Ellsworth, Muscatine, Great-grandson of Sergeant Winthrop Robin son. Drummer in Captain Joseph Parson's Company, Lt.-Col. Joseph Senten's Regi ment in Rhode Island, 1777. Private in Captain Ezekiel Worthen's Company, Colo nel Stephen Peabody's Regiment raised by New Hampshire for service in Rhode Island, 1778. Sergeant in Captain Worth- en's Company, Colonel Hercules Mooney's Regiment, 1779-1790. 1898. Comegys, Joseph Parsons, M. D., Rock Island, III, Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant John Marim, Lieutenant in Captain Matthew Manlove's Company of Colonel Sam. Pat terson's Regiment of Delaware Troops, in the battles of White Plains and Long Island. 1908. CONLEE, Charles R., Birmingham, Great-great-grandson of Reuben Ross, private in Captain Alexander Smith's Company, Colonel J. C. Hall's Rifle Regiment, Fourth Maryland Line, 1776-1779, was wounded at the Brandywine and was at battle of Mon mouth. 1891. Cook, Ira, (Deceased), Grandson of Captain Ebenezer Cook, Corporal in Captain Thomas Williams' Company, Colonel Peterson's Regiment Massachusetts Minute-Men, 1775; Lieutenant in Captain Ezra Whittelsey's Company, 3rd Regiment Berkshire County Militia. iWemtiersifjip 3&oII 35 No. of Elected. Insignia. 1892. Corbyn, Reverend Joseph Ingoldsby, (De ceased), Grandson Private William Corbyn, Connecti cut Militia. 1902. Crawford, Jefferson, Hazel Green, Wisconsin, Great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel Wil liam Crawford who served as sergeant at outbreak of the War. In 1779 was commis sioned Captain by Governor Patrick Henry of Virginia. On May 1st, 1786, the Supreme Executive Council of Pennsylvania issued him commission as Lieutenant-Colonel of the Fourth Battalion of Militia. Served his country actively and faithfully for over thirty years in Indian warfare. Revolution ary War and suppressing treason. 1912. Crossett, Edward Clark, Davenport, Great-grandson of Jacob Crossett, private in Captain Thomas Willington's Company, Colonel Edward Wigglesworth's Regiment, 13th Massachusetts Line ; enlisted for three years. 1911. Curtis, Charles Aldo, Wilton Junction, Great-great-grandson of Sergeant Benjamin Chandler of General Stark's Army. Shot by a Tory neighbor just as Battle of Ben nington, Vermont, was finished, August 16, 1777. 1894. Curtis, Charles Franklin, Clinton, Great-grandson of Corporal Jabez Cheese- brough, in Captain Squire Hill's Company, Colonel Samuel McLellan's Regiment Con necticut Troops, 1778-1779. 36 ibon£( of tfje j&ebolutton No. of Elected. Insignia. 1894. Curtis, Hon. George Martin, Clinton, Great-grandson of Corporal Jabez Cheelse- brough, in Captain Squire Hill's Company, Colonel Samuel McLellan's Regiment Con necticut Troops, 1778-1779. 1896. Daniel, Joseph Alexander, M. D., Davenport, Secretary Iowa Society, 1907-1910. Great-grandson of Sergeant Daniel Higgins. Served in Virginia in Captain Hardin's Company in 1779 and later on the Western Frontier under General George Rogers Clarke. 1911. Davidson, Joseph Andrew, Muscatine, Great-great-grandson of Private John David son of Captain Whitcomb's Company, Col onel Prescott's Regiment, Massachusetts Militia, "Lexington Alarm." Enlisted in Captain Jacob Hoskin's Company, Colonel John Jacob's Regiment, for service in Rhode Island, 1778-1779. Also, great-great-great-grandson of Lieuten ant-Colonel David Mackey, Elk Battalion, Colonel Evan Evan's Regiment, 1st Class Chester County, Pennsylvania, Militia, 1777 ; Sheriff of Chester County. Also, great-great-great-grandson of Captain John Kincaid, 7th Company, 1st Class Chester County, Pennsylvania, Militia, 1777; Military store keper at the Manor Meeting House in Chester County in 1778. Also, great-great-grandson of Sergeant Thom as Kincaid of Captain William Henderson's Company in Colonel Daniel Morgan's Rifle Regiment. Served at Saratoga, Stillwater and Bemis Heights, 1777. JOSEPH ALEXANDER DANIEL, M. D. Secretary Iowa Society, 1907-1910 MtmUtsUv 3^olt 37 No. of Elected. Insignia. 1895. Davidson, Major Joseph Trimble, U. S. Army. Inspector General, Iowa National Guard, 1897. Great-grandson of Private John Davidson. Private in Captain William Whitcomb's Company, Colonel Prescott's Regiment Mas sachusetts Militia, "Lexington Alarm ;" also enlisted in Captain Jacob Hoskins' Com pany, Colonel John Jacobs' Regiment, for service in Rhode Island, 1778-1779. Also, great-great-grandson of Lieutenant- Colonel David Mackey, Elk Battalion, Colonel Evan Evans' Regiment, 1st Class Chester County, Pennsylvania, Militia, 1777; Sheriff of Chester County. Also, great-great-grandson of Captain John Kincaid, 7th Company, 1st Class Chester County, Pennsylvania, Militia, 1777; Mili tary store keeper at the Manor Meeting House in Chester County in 1778. Also, great-grandson of Sergeant Thomas Kincaid of Captain William Henderson's Company in Colonel Daniel Morgan's Rifle Regiment. Served at Saratoga, Stillwater and Bemis Heights, 1777. 1892. De Armond, James Madison, (Deceased), 1500 Grandson of Private Michael De Armond, Company B, 5th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers ; in battle of Long Island. 1893. Deming, Judson Keith, Dubuque, 1275 Great-grandson of Captain David Judson, Continental Army. Second Lieutenant, 1777; First Lieutenant, 1778; Captain, 1781. Served throughout the War of the Revolution. 38 ^oitiS Of tfje jReboItttton No. of Elected. „ . . » 1 'r'^"'^ Also, great-great-grandson of Private Asahel Jerome, in Captain Robert Durkee's Com pany, Connecticut Troops, from Wyoming Valley, Pennsylvania; served at Brandy wine and Germantown ; died in the service, 1777. Also, great-great-grandson of Private John Goodsell, in Captain Thomas Nash's Com pany, 4th Regiment Connecticut Militia, Lieutenant-Colonel Jonathan Dimon com manding; at Fishkill, 1777; killed at Fair field, July 7th, 1779. Also, great-great-grandson of Second Lieuten ant Oliver Atherton; Sergeant Lexington Alarm; Second Sergeant, May, 1775; Ser geant, October, 1775; and in 1777; Second Lieutenant 10th Company, 5th Hampshire County Regiment Massachusetts Militia, 1780. Also, great-great-grandson of Private Ebe nezer Drury, in Captain Cushing's Com pany, Colonel Artemus Ward's Regiment, "Lexington Alarm," 1775, and in Captain Nye's Company, Colonel Sparhawk's Regi ment, 1778. Also, great-great-great-grandson of Private Zerubabel Jerome, Private in Captain Hook er's Company Connecticut Troops, 1776. 1897. Dickman, Frederick Gustavus, Wiggins, Miss., Great-great-grandson of Captain Samuel Bur bank of Massachusetts. Ensign in Captain John Leland's Company, Colonel Abijah Pierce's Regiment, "Lexington Alarm," April 19, 1775. Commissioned Lieutenant June 12, 1775. Lieutenant in Colonel Eph raim Doolittle's Regiment; was at Battle of idembersifjtp iSlolf 39 No. of Elected. Insignia. Bunker Hill. "The Captain of his Com pany having left and gone home, the com mand of the Company devolved on Lieuten ant Burbank, who was with his Company during the action." Captain 8th Company, 5th Middlesex County Regiment, Colonel Samuel Bullard, 1777; Captain under Colonel Terry, Rhode Island Campaign, 1778. 1895. Doe, Alonzo Plummer, (Deceased), Grandson of Private Moses Bennett, in Cap tain Nathaniel Warner's Company, Colonel Little's Regiment Massachusetts Troops, 1775. 1897. Donaldson, Reverend John Barnett, D. D., Laporte, Indiana, Great-grandson of Private John Barnett. Enlisted February 2, 1776, in the 6th Penn sylvania Battalion, Colonel William Irvine. Served in Canada, at Crown Point and Ticonderoga. Mustered out March 20, 1777. 1894. Dougherty, Major James Gordon, Santa Bar bara, California, Great-grandson of Private Joshua Knapp, 4th Westchester County Regiment New York State Troops, 1779. 1894. Dougherty, Lieutenant-Colonel John Bell, (Deceased), Great-grandson of Private Joshua Knapp, 4th Westchester County Regiment New York State Troops, 1779. 40 ^ong of tfje j^ebolution No. of Elected. ,^ ,^ ^"^^^nia. 1896. Dungan, Hon. Warren Scott, (Deceased), Grandson of Ensign William McFarren, in Colonel George Brinning's Battalion of Northampton County, Pennsylvania, Mili tia, 1777. 1892. Dyke, Eugene Beauharnais, (Deceased), Great-grandson of Private Samuel Dyke, Jr., in Captain John Bart's Company, at Rut land, Vermont, 1779, and in Captain Ben jamin Cox's Company of Rangers, Major Eben Allen's Department; also, in Captain Peter Page's Company, Lieutenant Eben Walbridge's Regiment, 1781. Also, great-grandson of Private Stephen Lud- dington. Captain Brinckerhoff's Company, Colonel Brinckerhoff's 2nd Regiment New York Line. 1894. Eastman, Lauren Chase, Clinton, 1590 Great-grandson of Private Consider Chase, 6th Regiment Connecticut Troops, 1775. Also, great-great-grandson of Captain John Wisner, Captain in Colonel Isaac NicoU's Regiment Orange County, New York, Militia, 1776. Company from Florida and Warwick. Also, great-grandson of Captain John Wisner, Jr., Captain in Colonel Isaac NicoU's Regi ment, Orange County, New York, Militia, 1776. Company from Purling Brook. 1896. Felton, Alford Nichols, Gooding, Idaho, Gr'^at-grandson of Private George Weber Fel ton, Massachusetts Militia, private in Cap tain Woodbury's Company, July, 1777; marched to Bennington , to reenforce Gen- iHemiiersf^tp i^oQ 41 No. of Elected. Insignia. eral Stark. In Captain Oliver's Company, September, 1777 ; marched to reenforce the Northern Army at the Reduction of Bur- goyne. Private in Captain Stearns' Com pany, 1780. Also, great-great-grandson of Captain John Oliver, Massachusetts Militia, in Colonel Nathan Sparhawk's 7th Worcester Coun ty Regiment, 1776. Served in the Jerseys under Colonel Sparhawk in 1777; marched in September-October, 1777, to reenforce Northern Army at the Reduction of Bur- goyne. Served in 1778. 1898. Felton, Oliver John, Cedar Rapids, Great-grandson of Private George Weber Felton, Massachusetts Militia; Private in Captain Woodbury's Company, July 1777; marched to Bennington to reenforce Gen eral Stark; in Captain Oliver's Company, September, 1777 ; marched to reenforce the Northern Army at the reduction of Bur- goyne; Private in Captain Steam's Com pany, 1780. Also, great-great-grandson of Captain John Oliver, Massachusetts Militia, in Colonel Nathan Sparhawk's 7th Worcester County Regiment, 1776. Served in the Jerseys under Colonel Sparhawk in 1777; marched in September-October, 1777, to reenforce Northern Army at the Reduction of Bur- goyne. Served in 1778. 1897. Furbish, Frederic, Iowa City, Great-great-grandson of Sergeant Hezadiah Kimball, Massachusetts Line, 1775-1783; Private in Captain Littlefield's Company, Colonel Moulton's Regiment, "Lexington 42 Bom of tfje ISUbolutton No. of Elected. Insignia. Alarm," April 19, 1775; enlisted May 3rd, 1775 ; served as main guard under Lieuten ant-Colonel Baldwin, July, 1775, and with Northern Army as Corporal in Captain Littlefield's Company, 1777; enlisted 1779 for the war and served as Sergeant in Colo nel Tupper's 10th Regiment until 1783. 1896. Gage, Elbridge Franklin, Fulton, III, Great-grandson of Captain Ezekiel Gile, New Hampshire Militia; Lieutenant in Captain Drowne's Company, Colonel Wingate's Regiment, 1775. Ensign in Captain Quinby's Company, Colonel Wingate's Reg iment, 1776. Captain Commanding Com pany of Volunteers; marched from Plais- tow. New Hampshire, to Saratoga, October, 1777. Captain in Colonel Peabody's Reg iment for service in Rhode Island, 1778. 1895. Gardiner, George Schuyler, Laurel, Miss., Great-grandson of Private Cornelius Genung, Morris County, New Jersey, Militia, during the War of the Revolution. 1894. Gardiner, Silas Wright, (Deceased), 33°, Great-grandson of Private Cornelius Genung, Morris County, New Jersey Militia, during the War of the Revolution. 1898. Gass, Marshall Thomas, (Deceased), Great-grandson of Sergeant John Stitt; en listed as Corporal December 11, 1776; pro moted to Sergeant December 24, 1778; served in Captain Israel Smith's Company, Colonel Henry B. Livingston's Fourth New York Continental Line. Mtmbtreifip 3SioU 43 No. of Elected. Insignia. Also, served in the Ulster County (New York) Militia in 1780. 1894. Grant, Major Charles Schaeffer, M. D., Iowa City. Surgeon, Iowa National Guard. Great-great-grandson of Harmanus Schuyler, Assistant Deputy Commissary-General, Northern Department. 1890. Grant, Honorable James, (Deceased), Grandson of Private Matthew Carey Whitak er, in General Nathaniel Green's Army; wounded at the battle of Guilford Court House, North Carolina. 1911. Haddock, Frank Dickinson, Sio-ux City, Great-great-grandson of Sergeant Samuel Scarborough of Captain Joseph Abbott's Company, Eleventh Regiment, Connecticut Troops. Also, great-grandson of Sergeant Abijah Bigelow. Private of Captain Abraham Peirce's Company, Colonel Thomas Gard ner's Regiment, which marched to the Alarm of April 19, 1775. Private in Cap tain Peirce's Company, Colonel Samuel Thatcher's Regiment, marched by order of General Washington on taking possession of Dorcester Heights, 1776. Corporal of Captain Caleb Brook's Company, Regiment of Guards at Cambridge, 1777. Sergeant of Captain Brook's Company, 1778. Also, great-great-grandson of Private Con verse Spring. In Captain Samuel Barn ard's Company, Colonel Thomas Gardner's Regiment which marched to the Alarm of April 19, 1775. Private of Captain Joseph Fuller's Company, Colonel Samuel Bullard's Regiment, 1777. Private of Captain John 44 &otti of tfje i&ebotution No. of Elected. Insignia Walton's Company, Colonel Eleazar Brook's Regiment of Guards at Cambridge, 1778. Also, great-great-grandson of Private Amos Kimball. Served three months, two days, in Captain James Mallon's Company, Lieut.- Colonel Putnam's Regiment, 1781-1782. Also, great-great-grandson of Private David Sharpe. Private in 8th Company, Captain Lebadiah Ingals' 11th Regiment, Connecti cut Militia, at New York in 1776. 1908. Hagenbuch, John Daniel, Davenport, Great-great-grandson of Captain John Hies- ter. Captain of his own company in Colonel John Hannum's Regiment, 1st Class Ches ter County, Pennsylvania, Militia. Com missioned at Chester June 17, 1777, organ ized his company, June 28, 1777, mustered in July 11, 1777. 1890. Hammatt, Edward Seymour, (Deceased), 627 Great-great-great-grandson of Roger Sher man (April 19, 1721-1793), Member of Con tinental Congress from Connecticut, 1774- 1780. Member of the Committee appoint ed to prepare the Declaration of Independ ence and Signer of the same; Member of Continental Council of Safety, May, 1774, to May, 1780; delegate to the Springfield Convention, July, 1777 ; delegate to the New Haven Convention, January, 1778; delegate to the Philadelphia Convention, January, 1780. Also, great-grandson of First Lieutenant Ed ward Rumney (1745-1808), in Captain Wil liam Popkin's Company, Colonel Richard Gridley's Regiment, Massachusetts Conti nental Line, 1775; Muster Roll taken at Winter Hill, September 27, 1775. EDWARD SEYMOUR HAMMATT Mtmbttiiiip SloU 45 No. of Elected. Insignia. Also, great-great-grandson of Oliver Phelps (1750-1809), Deputy Commissary, 1776- 1777, on the Staff of General H. Champion, Commissary-General of the Continental Army. Also, great-great-grandson of William Sher man (of Connecticut), who was the second son of Roger Sherman, Signer of the Dec laration of Independence ; William Sherman appointed Paymaster of Colonel Seth War ner's Additional Continental Regiment, July 6th, 1776. Retired January 1, 1781. 1898. Hatch, George Parcher, (Deceased), Great-grandson of Corporal David Allen; served as Private in Captain Isaiah Stet son's Company, 12th Massachusetts Regi ment, commanded by Colonel Gamaliel Bradford; enlisted January 3, 1777, for three years; appointed Corporal, June, 1779 ; discharged January 3, 1780. 1894. Hayward, Major Eugene Beauharnais, Dav enport, Great-grandson of Private Ephraim Hay ward, Morris County, New Jersey, Militia and New Jersey Continental Line; served from 1777 to close of War. Was in Captain William Bond's Company, Colonel Martin's Regiment ; also served under Captain Cox in Colonel Barber's Regiment. 1900. Hayward, Elmer Leland, Davenport, Great-great-grandson of Private Ephraim Hayward, Morris County, New Jersey, Mili tia and New Jersey Continental Line; served from 1777 to close of War, Was in 46 ^ons! of tfje JRebolution No of Elected. Insignia. Captain William Bond's Company, Colonel Martin's Regiment; also served under Cap tain Cox in Colonel Barber's Regiment. 1900. Hayward, Colonel William, Nebraska City, Nebraska, Great-great-grandson of Private Ephraim Hayward, Morris County, New Jersey, Mili tia and New Jersey Continental Line; served from 1777 to close of War. Was in Captain William Bond's Company, Colonel Martin's Regiment ; also served under Cap tain Cox in Colonel Barber's Regiment. 1893. Heustis, James Walters, M. D., Dubuque, 1502 Great-grandson of Private Noah Herod, Cap tain Jonathan Sibley's Company, Colonel Luke Drury's Regiment Massachusetts Lev ies, 1781. 1893. Hills, Henry Hervey, Hartford, Conn., 1654 Member Connecticut Society, Great-grandson of Sergeant Henry Franklin, Massachusetts Militia, from Amherst, Hampshire County. In Lieutenant Noah Dickinson's Company, Lexington Alarm, April 19, 1775 ; in Lieutenant Noah Dickin son's Company, Colonel Elisha Porter's Regiment, New Providence Alarm, August 18, 1777; in Captain Reuben Dickinson's Company, Colonel Elisha Porter's Regi ment, Stillwater Alarm, September 27, 1777. 1891. Hoyt, Charles Lockwood, (Deceased), Great-grandson of John Hoyt, Jr., Prize Mas ter (under commission of Congress) of Stamford, Connecticut ; Committee of Safe- iltembersifjtp d^oU 47 No. of Elected. Insignia. ty, Stamford, Connecticut, 1775; Legisla tive Assembly, 1777; Private in Captain Lyman's Company Connecticut Militia, in command of General Wooster. Also, grandson of Private Ebenezer Lock- wood, in Captain Gregory's Company, New York Militia, 1776, and Private in Captain Isaac Lockwood's Company, Seacoast Guard stationed at Stamford, Connecticut, 1781- 1782. Also, great-great-grandson of Ebenezer Hait, 1712-1785, in Captain Sylvanus Brown's company, 8th Regiment Connecticut Line, April 7, 1777, to March 4, 1778. 1891. Hoyt, Archdeacon Samuel Roosevelt John- 1173 son, D. D., (Deceased), Great-grandson of John Hoyt, Jr., Prize Mas ter (under commission of Congress) of Stamford, Connecticut; Committee of Safe ty, Stamford, Connecticut, 1775; Legisla tive Assembly, 1777 ; Private in Captain Ly man's Company, Connecticut Militia, in command of General Wooster. Also, great-grandson of Private William Yar- rington. Captain Moulton's Company, Con necticut Line, General Waterbury's Brig ade, 1781; Coast Defense from Horseneck to New Haven, and under General Heath in Westchester Line. Also, great-great-grandson of Ebenezer Hait (1712-1785), in Captain Sylvanus Brown's Company, 8th Regiment Connecticut Line, April 7th, 1777, to March 4, 1778. Also, great-grandson of Captain Robert Carr ; Private in 4th Connecticut Line, 1781, and 48 S>on£( of tfje lElebolution No of Elected. Insignia, Captain in 24th Connecticut Militia, West moreland; also under General Heath in Westchester Line. Also, great-great-grandson of Private Wil liam Yarrington, Senior; served in Captain John Davis' Company, Colonel Henry B. Livingston's Regiment, second Company, of the Fourth Regiment, New York Line, 1779; mustered for nine months, then re- enlisted and served until January 1, 1782. 1908. Humphrey, William Wallace, Davenport, Great-great-grandson of Captain John Le land of HoUiston, Massachusetts. Captain of Company of Minute Men, Colonel Abi jah Pierce's Regiment, which marched on the Alarm of April 19, 1775, from HoUiston to Cambridge. Length of service, thirty- five days. 1907. Hunt, Will F., B. S., M. D., Davenport, Great-grandson of Private Peter Hunt. Served under Colonel Henry Livingston Lamb of New York Continental Artillery, stationed at Fort Montgomery and Fort Constitution. At burning of Esopus. 1909. HusTED, Lieut. HORACE Lee, M. D., Muscatine, Assistant Surgeon, Iowa National Guard. Historian Iowa Society. Great-great-great-grandson of Major Eben ezer Husted. Commissioned Captain in 6th Regiment, New York State Militia, Char lotte Precinct, October 17, 1775. Elected Junior Major. iflembersiljtp i&oQ 49 No. of : Elected. Insignia. 1911. Hutchinson, Zelah Whetstone, Muscatine, Great-grandson of Sergeant Samuel Hutchin son. Private in Captain Clark's Company, Colonel Stickney's Regiment, General Stark, New Hampshire Troops, 1777. Cor poral of Captain Levi Spaulding's Com pany, Colonel Reed's Regiment. Sergeant of Captain William Lee's Company, Colonel Moses Kelly's Regiment for Rhode Island service. 1911. Ingham, Edward Pentzer, Muscatine, Great-great-great-grandson of Colonel Rob ert Smith, Captain of Chester County, Pennsylvania, Militia in 1775, in charge of defenses and obstructions in Delaware River in 1776, and Colonel of Chester County Militia in 1777. 1901. Jones, Louis Edward, Pasadena, Cal, Great-great-grandson of Thomas Parker, Matross in Captain John Bigelow's Com pany of Hartford, Conn., an independent organization recruited early in 1776. Also, great-great-grandson of Heth Peck. Served in Captain Abraham Mead's Com pany in Lexington Alarm, April 1775. Also in Captain George Peck's Company of Colonel John Mead's Regiment of Militia, two months and twenty-three days. : 1908. Kincaid, Captain Charles Steenbergen, Mus catine, Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel David Mackey, Elk Battalion, Colonel Evan Evans' Regiment, 1st Class Chester Coun ty, Pennsylvania, Militia, 1777; Sheriff of Chester County. 50 S>ons; of tfje i^ebolution No. of Elected. Insignia Also, great-great-grandson of Captain John Kincaid, 7th Company, 1st Class Chester County, Pennsylvania, Militia, 1777; Mili tary store keeper at the Manor Meeting House in Chester County in 1778. Also, great-grandson of Sergeant Thomas Kincaid of Captain William Henderson's Company in Colonel Daniel Morgan's Rifle Regiment. Served at Saratoga, Stillwater and Bemis Heights, 1777. Also, great-grandson of Captain William Lucas of Border Brigade organized by Vir ginia House of Burgesses, 1781; was in 1777 Captain of Virginia Militia and in same year enlisted as a Private in 2nd Vir ginia Line, Captain Nathaniel Welch's Company. Also, great-grandson of Corporal "John Hannah of the Brandywine," in Captain Thomas Hayes' Company, Lieutenant- Colonel Josiah Harmar's Battalion, 7th Pennsylvania, Continental Line, and served six years, 1776-1781. 1907. Kincaid, Lieutenant-Colonel Frank Hayward, 1450 Davenport, Aide to Governor Carroll. Secretary, Iowa Society. Great-great-great-grandson of Lieutenant- Colonel David Mackey, Elk Battalion, Colonel Evan Evans' Regiment, 1st Class Chester County, Pennsylvania, Militia, 1777 ; Sheriff of Chester County. Also, great-great-great-grandson of Captain John Kincaid, 7th Company, 1st Class Chester County, Pennsylvania, Militia, 1777; Military Store Keeper at the Manor Meeting House in Chester County in 1778. j$lemberj(fjtp EoU 51 No. of Elected. Insignia. Also, great-great-grandson of Sergeant Thom as Kincaid of Captain William Henderson's Company in Colonel Daniel Morgan's Rifle Regiment. Served at Saratoga, Stillwater and Bemis Heights, 1777. Also, great-great-grandson of Captain Wil liam Lucas of Border Brigade organized by Virginia House of Burgesses, 1781. Was in 1777 Captain of Virginia Militia and in same year enlisted as a Private in 2nd Vir ginia Line, Captain Nathaniel Welch's Company. Also, great-great-grandson of Corporal "John Hannah of the Brandywine," in Captain Thomas Hayes' Company, Lieutenant Colonel Josiah Harmar's Battalion, 7th Pennsylvania, Continental Line, and served six years, 1776-1781. 1910. Kincaid, George Edward, M. D., Clinton, Great-great-great-grandson of Lieutenant Colonel David Mackey, Elk Battalion, Colonel Evan Evans' Regiment, 1st Class Chester County, Pennsylvania, Militia, 1777 ; Sheriff of Chester County. Also, great-great-great-grandson of Captain John Kincaid, 7th Company, 1st Class Chester County, Pennsylvania, Militia, 1777; Military store keeper at the Manor Meeting House in Chester County in 1778. Also, great-great-grandson of Sergeant Thom as Kincaid of Captain Wiliam Henderson's Company in Colonel Daniel Morgan's Rifle Regiment. Served at Saratoga, Stillwater and Bemis Heights, 1777. Also, great-great-grandson of Captain Wil liam Lucas of Border Brigade organized by 52 ^ontt of tfje iSleboIution No. of Elected. Insignia, Virginia House of Burgesses, 1781. Was in 1777 Captain of Virginia Militia and in same year enlisted as a Private in 2nd Vir ginia Line, Captain Nathaniel Welch's Company. Also, great-great-grandson of Corporal "John Hannah of the Brandywine," in Captain Thomas Hayes' Company, Lieutenant- Colonel Josiah Harmar's Battalion, 7th Pennsylvania, Continental Line, and served six years, 1776-1781. Kincaid, William Millar, Muscatine, Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel David Mackey, Elk Battalion, Colonel Evan Evans' Regiment, 1st Class Chester County, Pennsylvania, Militia, 1777; Sheriff of Chester County. Also, great-great-grandson of Captain John Kincaid, 7th Company, 1st Class Chester County, Pennsylvania, Militia, 1777; Mili- . tary store keeper at the Manor Meeting House in Chester County in 1778. Also, great-grandson of Sergeant Thomas Kincaid of Captain William Henderson's Company in Colonel Daniel Morgan's Rifle Regiment. Served at Saratoga, Stillwater and Bemis Heights, 1777. Also, great-grandson of Captain William Lucas of Border Brigade organized by Vir ginia House of Burgesses, 1781; was in 1777 Captain of Virginia Militia and in same year enlisted as a Private in 2nd Vir ginia Line, Captain Nathaniel Welch's Company. idembersiijip SloU 53 No. of Elected. Insignia. Also, great-grandson of Corporal "John Hannah of the Brandywine," in Captain "Thomas Hayes' Company, Lieutenant- Colonel Josiah Harmar's Battalion, 7th Pennsylvania, Continental Line, and served six years, 1776-1781. 1910. King, Captain Albert Ady, United States Army, Great-great-great-grandson of Sergeant Ben jamin King. Served as Private in Captain Ezra Town's Company, Colonel James Mar shall's Regiment, from May 13, 1775, to July 11, 1775. Also Sergeant in Captain James Herron's Company, Colonel Hazen's Regiment in 1778. 1910. King, Elbridge Harrison, M. D., Muscatine, Great-great-grandson of Sergeant Benjamin King. Served as Private in Captain Ezra Town's Company, Colonel James Marshall's Regiment, from May 13, 1775, to July 11, 1775. Also Sergeant in Captain James Her ron's Company, Colonel Hazen's Regiment in 1778. 1910. King, Lieutenant Joseph Choate, United States Army, Great-great-great-grandson of Sergeant Ben jamin King. Served as private in Captain Ezra Town's Company, Colonel James Mar shall's Regiment, from May 13, 1775, to July 11, 1775. Also Sergeant in Captain James Herron's Company, Colonel Hazen's Regiment in 1778. 54 ^on£t of tije 3&eboIution No. of Elected. Insignia. 1894. Lamb, Artemus, (Deceased), 1619 Grandson of Adjutant David Bevier, 3rd Ul ster County Regiment New York Militia, 1778. 1894. Lamb, La Fayette, Clinton, 1615 Grandson of Adjutant David Bevier, 3rd Ul ster County Regiment New York Militia, 1778. 1907. Letts, Hon. Fred Dickinson, Davenport, Great-great-grandson of Nehemiah Letts, who joined the Minute Men and drilled for ac tive duty in his own neighborhood, being too young to join the flying camp. 1911. Lewis, Henry Norton, Washington, D. C, Great-great-great-grandson of Nathaniel Guild who carried on an iron furnace at Stoughtonham, Massachusetts, where he manufactured gun carriage wheels, cannon, shot and other weapons of war for the American Army. He also contributed $225.00 to pay for hiring soldiers for the defense of the country. Also, great-great-great-grandson of Elijah Copeland, Sr., who served three months at Providence beginning December 30th, 1777. Member of Company which left Easton Au gust 4th, 1780, to aid the French fleet which had lately arrived at Newport. Also, great-great-grandson of Dr. Samuel Guild, an assistant surgeon in the Army, and member of Committee of Safety, Easton, Mass. In service one month and iWembergijjp aeioU 55 «., . A No. of Elected. Insignia. four days as member of Captain Abiel Clapp's Company, Colonel Carpenter's Regiment, 1777. Also, great-great-great-grandson of Ensign Elijah Howard of Captain Macey's Com pany of Easton, Mass. Member of Com mittee of Correspondence and Inspection for the year 1778. 1911. Lilly, Benjamin Gordon, Muscatine, Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant Nathan Howland, Vermont Troops, 1780. 1894. Little, Frederick Henry, M. D., Muscatine, Surgeon-General Iowa National Guard, 1897. Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant Samuel Reed, 11th Pennsylvania, 1779-1780; 3rd Pennsylvania, 1781 ; 1st Pennsylvania, 1783. Also, great-great-grandson of Lieutenant Jacob Ziegler, Ensign 1st Pennsylvania Battalion, 1775; Second Lieutenant, 1776; First Lieutenant 2nd Pennsylvania, 1776; Resigned August, 1777. 1898. Lockwood, Edmund, San Diego, Cal, Grandson of Private David Lockwood, Pri vate in Captain John Drake's Company, Colonel Morris Graham's Regiment New York Levies, 1778; served under Captain James Nicholson on board the Frigate "Trumbull" in 1780. In conflict, June 2, 1780, with the British Letter of Marque "The Watt," received a wound in the hand. Afterward served on Privateer "Morning Star." Taken prisoner and detained on a prison-ship at Charleston, S. C, for nine months. 56 ^oni of tije B^bolution No. of Elected. Insignia. 1911. Loomis, Lee Pierson, Muscatine, Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant Parker Hall Lee. Ensign Fourth Maryland Regi ment, January, 1777; Second Lieutenant November 19th, 1777 ; First Lieutenant Oc tober 16, 1778. In service to March, 1780. 1897. Mack, Walter Brewster, (Deceased), Great-grandson of Armourer Robert Mack; served in Captain George Reid's Company, Colonel John Stark's Regiment New Hamp shire Militia; entered service April 23, 1775, and was engaged at the Battle of Bunker Hill, June 17, 1775. 1900. Mac Lean, George Edwin, LL. D., Iowa City, Great-grandson of Anasa Sessions, Connecti cut Line. In battle of Long Island. 1911. Magoon, George Edward, (Decesaed), Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel David Mackey, Elk Battalion, Colonel Evan Evans' Regiment, 1st Class Chester County, Pennsylvania, Militia, 1777; Sheriff of Chester County. Also, great-great-grandson of Captain John Kincaid, 7th Company, 1st Class Chester County, Pennsylvania, Militia, 1777; Mili tary store keeper at the Manor Meeting House in Chester County in 1778. Also, great-grandson of Sergeant Thomas Kincaid of Captain William Henderson's Company in Colonel Daniel Morgan's Rifle Regiment. Served at Saratoga, Stillwater and Bemis Heights, 1777. iWembersffjtp 3RoU 57 No. of Elected. Insignia. Also, great-grandson of Captain William Lucas of Border Brigade organized by Vir ginia House of Burgesses, 1781. Was in 1777 Captain of Virginia Militia and in same year enlisted as a Private in 2nd Vir ginia Line, Captain Nathaniel Welch's com pany. Also, great-grandson of Corporal "John Han nah of the Brandywine," in Captain Thomas Hayes' Company, Lieutenant-Colonel Josiah Harmar's Battalion, 7th Pennsylvania, Con tinental Line, and served six years, 1776- 1781. 1896. Martin, Anson Vere, Chicago, Great-grandson of Corporal David Martin; Corporal in Captain Joseph Raymond's Company, 3rd Regiment Massachusetts Bay Militia, Colonel Israel Chapin, 1777. 1894. Mason, Hugh Sample, Wetaskiwin, Alta., Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel Ephraim Blaine, member of the Committee of Observation for Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, chosen July 12, 1774; Lieu tenant-Colonel 1st Battalion Cumberland County Associators, 1777; also one of the Commissioners of Purchases for Pennsyl vania, commissioned February 19, 1778. 1894. Mason, James Blaine, Des Moines, Great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel Eph raim Blaine, member of the Committee of Observation for Cumberland County, Penn sylvania, chosen July 12, 1774; Lieutenant- Colonel 1st Battalion Cumberland County Associators, 1777 ; also one of the Commis sioners of Purchases for Pennsylvania, 1778. 58 &on£! of t^e J^ebolution No. of Elected. Insignia. 1894. May, Calvin Dexter, Clinton, 1630 Great-grandson of Colonel Ezra May of Mas sachusetts ; Delegate to 2nd Provincial Con gress, 1774; Major in Colonel Seth Pom eroy's 2nd Hampshire County Regiment Massachusetts Militia, 1776; Colonel of above regiment, 1777. Served at White Plains, Stillwater and Saratoga. 1911. McColm, Charles Pollock, Flushing, New York, Great-great-great-grandson of Lieutenant- Colonel David Mackey, Elk Battalion, Colonel Evan Evans' Regiment, 1st Class Chester County, Pennsylvania, Militia, 1777 ; Sheriff of Chester County. Also, great-great-great-grandson of Captain John Kincaid, 7th Company, 1st Class Chester County, Pennsylvania, Militia, 1777; Military store keeper at the Manor Meeting House in Chester County in 1778. Also, great-great-grandson of Sergeant Thomas Kincaid of Captain William Hen derson's Company in Colonel Daniel Mor gan's Rifle Regiment. Served at Saratoga, Stillwater and Bemis Heights, 1777. Also, Great-great-grandson of Private John Davidson of Captain Whitcomb's Company, Colonel Prescott's Regiment, Massachusetts Militia, "Lexington Alarm." Enlisted in Captain Jacob Hoskin's Company, Colonel John Jacobs' Regiment, for service in Rhode Island, 1778-1779. 1911. McColm, Edwin Leroy, Muscatine, Great-great-great-grandson of Lieutenant- Colonel David Mackey, Elk Battalion, iWembersifjip 3RoU 59 No. of : Elected. Insignia. Colonel Evan Evans' Regiment, 1st Class Chester County,' Pennsylvania, Militia, 1777 ; Sheriff of Chester County. Also, Great-great-great-grandson of Captain John Kincaid, 7th Company, 1st Class Ches ter County, Pennsylvania, Militia, 1777; Military Store Keeper at the Manor Meet ing House in Chester County in 1778. Also, great-great-grandson of Sergeant Thomas Kincaid of Captain William Hend erson's Company in Colonel Daniel Mor gan's Rifle Regiment. Served at Saratoga, Stillwater and Bemis Heights, 1777. Also, great-great-grandson of Private John Davidson of Captain Whitcombs' Company, Colonel Prescott's Regiment, Massachu- sets Militia, "Lexington Alarm." Enlisted in Captain Jacob Hoskin's Company Colonel John Jacob's Regiment, for service in Rhode Island, 1778-1779. 1910. McNuTT, Hon. Robert Stuart, Muscatine, Great-grandson of Captain William Lucas of Border Brigade organized by Virginia House of Burgesses, 1781; was in 1777, Captain of Virginia Militia and in same year enlisted as a private in 2nd Virginia Line, Captain Nathaniel Welch's Company. 1911. McQuESTEN, William, Muscatine, Great-great-grandson of Timothy Hatch of Captain Hooker's Company, Boston, 1776. In 1777 enhsted in Third Troop Colonel Sheldon's Regiment of Light Dragoons. Taken prisoner at battle of White Plains and confined in New York Bridewell. 6o &om of tl^e Slebolution No. of Elected. Insignia. 1897. Mallory, Hon. Smith Henderson, (Deceased) , Great-grandson of Private Samuel Hender son. Served in the Pennsylvania Line, 1781. 1890. Mead, Enoch, (Deceased), Grandson of Private Ebenezer Mead, Con necticut Continental Line, 8th Company, 7th Regiment, Colonel Charles Webb, 1775, at siege of Boston, adopted as Continentals ; also in Captain Hobby's Company, Green wich, Connecticut, under General Wooster, 1776-1777. 1897. Merchant, Prof. Frank Ivan, Ph. D., Cedar Falls, Great-grandson of Lieutenant Jonathan Scott of Vermont, Private "with the men that went over the mountain" to assist the Sheriff, 1779; Ensign in Captain Safford's Company "Alarm to Castleton," 1781;. Lieutenant in Colonel Herrick's Regiment raised to guard public stores in Benning ton, 1778-1779. Also, great-grandson of Private Obadiah Dun ham, in Captain Thomas Sawyer's Com pany Vermont Militia, raised for defense Northern frontiers, 1779; in Captain Eli Noble's Company, 1780; in same Company in the "Alarm to Castleton," 1781. 1894. Merchant, Lorenzo Stoddard, (Deceased), 1585 Great-grandson of Private Obadiah Dunham, Captain Thomas Sawyer's Company Ver mont Militia, 1779; also in Captain Eli Noble's Company, Major Ebenezer Allen's Detachment, Vermont. MtmbttiUp 3i^Q 6i No. of Elected. Insignia. 1912. Miner, John Avery, Davenport, Great-great-grandson of Jonathan Ransford, Miner, Corporal in Captain Richards' Com pany, Connecticut Line, 1777-1780. Taken prisoner at the battle of Groton Heights, Conn., while serving at Fort Griswold re sisting Arnold's attack on New London. 1899. Monroe, William Chester, Nara Vista, N. M., Great-grandson of Private Gersham Pope; served in Captain Samuel Hall's Company, Major Backus' Regiment Light Horse, Con necticut Line, 1776. Also, great-grandson of Josiah Monroe of Captain Rainsford's Company, Colonel John Durkee's 20th Continental Line Regiment, Connecticut Troops. 1899. Morrison, Samuel Turner, Iowa City, Great-great-grandson of Colonel Charles War- field, member of the Committee of Observa tion of Frederick County, Maryland. 1911. MussER, Clifton Robert, Muscatine, Great-great-grandson of Sergeant Samuel Hutchinson. Private in Captain Clark's Company, Colonel Stickney's Regiment, General Stark, New Hampshire Troops, 1777. Corporal of Captain Levi Spauld ing's Company, Colonel Reed's Regiment. Sergeant of Captain William Lee's Com pany, Colonel Moses Kelly's Regiment for Rhode Island service. 1911. Norton, Lieutenant Colonel William Shef field, M. D., Muscatine,— Chief of Engin eers, Iowa National Guard, 1910-1911. 62 ^onsi of tfje ^^ebolutton No of Elected. Insignia. Great-great-grandson of Captain Alexander Harper. First Lieutenant in Captain John Harper's Company of Rangers, 1777. Ap pointed Captain in the 5th Tryon County Regiment, March 3, 1780. Captured by Tories and Indians and held prisoner in Canada from April 7, 1780, to November 28, 1782. 1896. Nutting, Grant Hosford, Davenport, Great-great-grandson of Private Daniel Nut ting ; served in Captain Reuben Butterfield's Company, Colonel David Green's Regiment, Massachusetts Mi"-'"ia, "Lexington Alarm," and in Captain Ebenezer Bancroft's Com pany, Colonel Bridge's Regiment, in the Battle of Bunker Hill. Also, great-great-great-grandson of Private Increase Burch, Private in Yates' Regi ment, Vanderburg Company New York Militia. Also, great-great-great-grandson of Private Henry Boshart, Private in Dubois' Regi ment, Fonda Company New York Militia. 1896. Nutting, Lieutenant-Colonel, James Ralph, Davenport, — President Iowa Society, 1907. Aide to Governor Drake, Great-grandson of Private Daniel Nutting, served in Captain Reuben Butterfield's Company, Colonel David Green's Regiment Massachusetts Militia, "Lexington Alarm," and in Captain Ebenezer Bancroft's Com pany, Colonel Bridge's Regiment, in the Battle of Bunker Hill. Also, great-great-grandson of Private In crease Burch, Private in Yates' Regiment, Vanderburg Company, New York Militia. lieutenant colonel JAMES RALPH NUTTING President, 1907-1909 iWemberjifjtp iRoU 63 No. of Elected. Insignia. 1911. Pepper, Honorable Irvin St. Clare, Muscatine, Great-grandson of Private Benjamin S. Prettyman of Captain William Perry's In dependent Company of "Foot" raised for the safeguard of the pilots and persons and goods of well affected subjects of the State near the town of Lewes and the coast of Delaware Bay, 1777. 1890. Perry, Right Reverend William Stevens, D. D., LL. D. (Oxon.), D. C. L., Bishop of Iowa, (Deceased), Grandson of Lieutenant Abel Perry, Con tinental Line, Massachusetts, 32d Regiment Continental Foot. Also, great-grandson of William Stevens, seaman on Continental Frigate "Boston." 1894. Peterson, Charles Joseph, Dubuque, Great-grandson of Private Jabez Rockwell, Connecticut Troops, 1777. Also, great-great-grandson of Robert Buch- anon who served five years in a New York Regiment. 1895. Phelps, George Benajah, Clinton, Great-great-grandson of Captain John Stark, in Colonel Ira Allen's Regiment, Vermont Militia; was wounded at the battle of Ben nington, August 16, 1777; at Skeensboro and Ticonderoga, in 1780; also Captain in Colonel Samuel Fletcher's BattaHon, 1781. Also, great-great-grandson of Private Abel Phelps, in Captain Thomas Bull's Company in Colonel Ira Allen's Regiment, Vermont Militia, 1781. 64 ^onsi of tl^e 3EleboIution No. of Elected. Insignia Also, great-great-grandson of Sergeant Eph raim Sawyer, in Colonel Ashley's Regi ment of New Hampshire Militia, Ticonder oga Alarm, in 1776; in Captain Waitstill Scott's Company, and also in Captain John Cole's Company in same regiment in 1777; in General Stark's Brigade in 1777, and took part in the battle of Bennington; in Continental Service in 1779. Also, great-great-grandson of Private Hugh Graham, in Colonel Thornton's Regiment of New Hampshire Militia in 1776 ; in Colonel Hercules Mooney's Regiment in Continental Service in Rhode Island in 1779. 1896. Phelps, Hon. Ralph Gurley, (Deceased), Grandson of Private Samuel Phelps, Private in 4th Connecticut Regiment, Colonel Hin man; served with this Regiment from its formation until September, 1775; in 18th Connecticut Regiment at the siege of New York, 1776. 1911. Porter, Arthur Lemoyne, Spokane, Wash., Great-great-grandson of Captain William Lucas of Border Brigade organized by Vir ginia House of Burgesses, 1781. Was in 1777, Captain of Virginia Militia and in same year enlisted as a private in 2nd Vir ginia Line, Captain Nathaniel Welch's Com pany. 1911. Porter, George Martin, Billings, Montana, Great-great-grandson of Captain Wiliam Lu cas of Border Brigade organized by Vir ginia House of Burgesses, 1781. Was in idembersiijtp j&oll 65 No. of Elected. Insignia. 1777 Captain of Virginia Militia and in same year enlisted as a Private in 2nd Vir ginia Line, Captain Nathaniel Welch's Company. 1911. Porter, George William, Muscatine, Great-grandson of Captain William Lucas of Border Brigade organized by Virginia House of Burgesses, 1781; was in 1777 Captain of Virginia Militia and in same year enlisted as a Private in 2nd Virginia Line, Captain Nathaniel Welch's Company. 1892. Putnam, William Clement, (Deceased), 1505 Great-great-grandson of Private Stephen Put nam, Elisha Whitcomb's Company, Colonel Timothy Bedel's Regiment New Hampshire Volunteers, 1777-1778. Also, great-great-grandson of Reverend James Caldwell, Chaplain in Colonel Dayton's New Jersey Regiment, also for a time Assistant Commissary; killed at the battle of Eliza- bethtown. New Jersey, on November 14, 1781. 1896. Reynolds, Albert, M. D., (Deceased), Grandson of Private Grindel Reynolds, Pri vate in Captain Josiah Fiske's Company, Colonel Samuel Fletcher's Battalion Ver mont Militia, 1781. 1892. Richardson, Stevens Perry, Davenport, Great-grandson of Reverend Joseph Wheeler (1735-1783), Private in Captain Samuel Stone's Company, Colonel Wiliam Pres cott's Regiment, Massachusetts Militia, Lexington Alarm, April 19, 1775; member of Massachusetts Provincial Congress. 66 ^on£ of tfje l^bolutton No of Elected. Insignia Also, great-grandson of Reverend Cotton Mather Smith, Chaplain of Connecticut Regiment at Ticonderoga. 1895. Roach, Hon. William Le Roy, Muscatine, Great-grandson of Private John Davidson; served in Captain William Whitcomb's Company, Colonel Prescott's Regiment, Massachusetts Troops, "Lexington Alarm ;" Private in Captain Jacob Hoskin's Com pany, Colonel John Jacob's Regiment for service in Rhode Island, 1778; also en listed from Middlesex County, Massachu setts, in 1779, to serve in the Continental Army. Also, great-great-grandson of Lieutenant-Col onel David Mackey, Elk Battalion, Colonel Evan Evan's Regiment, 1st Class Chester County, Pennsylvania, Militia, 1777; Sher iff of Chester County. Also, great-great-grandson of Captain John Kincaid, 7th Company, 1st Class Chester County, Pennsylvania, Militia, 1777; Mili tary store keeper at the Manor Meeting House in Chester County in 1778. Also, great-grandson of Sergeant Thomas Kincaid of Captain William Henderson's Company in Colonel Daniel Morgan's Rifle Regiment. Served at Saratoga, Stillwater and Bemis Heights, 1777. 1911. Robbins, John Alden, Muscatine, Great-great-grandson of Private Jonathan Robbins, Massachusetts troops, 1775. Pri vate in 1st Company of Militia, Captain Josiah Johnson. Marched on alarm April 19, 1775. 4Wcmbers!fjip 3Rott 67 No. of Elected. Insignia. 1895. Rogers, Wallace Brown, Laurel, Miss., Great-great-grandson of Private Matthew Brown, in Captain James McClure's Com pany, Colonel William Montgomery's Regi ment, New Jersey troops, 1776; also mem ber Northumberland County Committee of Safety, 1776 ; also member Provincial Con ference, Philadelphia, 1776. 1899. Rollins, Reverend George Sherman, D. D., Springfield, Mass., Great-grandson of Private Jotham Rollins; served in Lieutenant-Colonel Ebenezer Smith's Company New Hampshire Troops, which marched to the relief of the Garrison at Ticonderoga, July 7, 1777. Entered Service July 7, 1777. 1890. Salter, Reverend William, D. D., (Deceased), Great-grandson of Captain Mark Fernald (1725-1779), in the Privateer Service out of Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Died of wounds in Boston, May 14, 1779. 1911. Sawyer, Frank Payson, Muscatine, Great - great - great - grandson of Richard Brown , Quartermaster at White Plains, New York, under General George Washing ton. 1911. Sawyers, Mott Randolph, Ph. D., Davenport, President, Iowa Society, 1911-1912. Great-great-grandson of Captain Francis Bradley, one of the leaders of the Patriots of Mecklenburg. Served as tax collector of Mecklenburg during 1774, 1775 and 1777. 68 S^oni of tfje i&ebolutton No. of Elected. Insignia. "A daring soldier who with his small band of compatriots kept the British troops greatly annoyed." Killed by a party of Bryan's Tories November 14, 1780. Also, great-great-grandson of Major William Paxton who served below Richmond and was at the battle of Hot Water. Was raised to rank of Major by Governor's Com mission. 1898. Severance, Dr. John Jenks, D. D. S., Davenport, Great-grandson of Private John Severance, in Captain Agrippa Wells' Company, Colonel Samuel Williams' Regiment, Massachusetts Militia, Lexington Alarm, April 19, 1775. 1901. Shaw, Horace Newell, Winterset, Great-grandson of Private David Newell who served seven months in the Connecticut troops. 1911. Shorey, Albourne Oliver, Davenport, Great-grandson of Private John Shorey, Mas sachusetts troops, 1775-1776. In Battle of Bunker Hill, and also member of Washing ton's Life Guard at Valley Forge and York- town. 'Also, great-grandson of Private Ephriam Bailey of Massachusetts troops. 1895. Smith, Alfred Garret, Clinton, Great-grandson of Private Ephraim Smith, Private in Captain Noble Benedict's Com pany, Colonel David Waterbury's 5th Con necticut Regiment, 1775; also Private in Captain Nathaniel Johnson's Company, Colonel William Douglas, 5th Battalion Wadsworth's Brigade, 1776. FRANK welch SMITH Member Board of Managers. An officer of the Society since its inception inemberKfjtp BG^oQ 69 =, . A No. of Elected. Insignia. 1897. Smith, Dwight Thomas, (Deceased), Great-grandson of Ensign Jonas Walker; served in Captain Jason Duncan's Com pany, Colonel John Sargeant's Regiment, Vermont Militia. 1895. Smith, Frank Welch, Davenport, Member Board of Managers. Great-great-grandson of Colonel Isaac Smith of Ipswich, Massachusetts; Major in Lieu tenant-Colonel Michael Farley's 3rd Essex County Regiment, Lexington Alarm, April 19, 1775; Lieutenant-Colonel in Colonel Moses Little's 17th Regiment, commissioned June 27, 1775 ; chosen by the House of Rep resentatives, Colonel of Essex County Reg iment, to serve in Boston until April 1, 1776; appointment concurred in by the Council, January 23, 1776. 1890. Smith, Samuel Francis, (Deceased), Great-grandson of Reverend Hezekiah Smith, D. D. (1737-1805), Chaplain Massachusetts Line. 1896. Snyder, Clifford Francis, Pans, France, Great-great-grandson of Private Medad Munson, enlisted at Wallingford, Connecti cut ; was at Bennington, Vermont, and with Arnold's Canada Expedition; served until close of the war. 1911, Stein, Simon Gerberich, M. D., Muscatine, Great-grandson of Private Philip Stein in Lancaster County Militia, Pennsylvania, 1780, 1781, 1782. 7o ^onK of tfje 3&cbolutton No. of Elected. Insignia. 1897. Stone, Augustus Lisbon, Clinton, Great-grandson of Private David Stone, in Captain Jeremiah Wiswall's Company from Newton, Mass., Lexington Alarm, April 19, 1775. Also, great-grandson of Private Aaron Par sons ; served in Captain Joseph Hammond's Company, New Hampshire Militia, 1775; was with the Army at Ticonderoga, 1776, and at Otter Creek in 1777. 1890. Sturgis, John Hubbard, Boston, Mass., Great-grandson of Private John Codman, In dependent Company of Boston Cadets, in service in Rhode Island. 1895. Swan, Fitch Williams, Muscatine, Great-grandson of Private Perregreen Buck, Captain John Thompson's Company, Lieu tenant-Colonel Cornelius Van Veghten's 13th Albany County Regiment, New York Levies, 1778. 1898. Swisher, Arthur Raub, Iowa City, (Deceased) Great-great-grandson of Private James Rose of Rhode Island; served in Captain John Gardiner's Independent Militia Company, known as the "Kingston Reds," in action with General Sullivan at the battle of Rhode Island, August 29, 1778. 1897. Swisher, Stephen Alfred, lotva City, Great-grandson of Private James Rose of Rhode Island ; served in Captain John Gar diner's Independent Militia Company, known as the "Kingston Reds," in action with General Sullivan at the battle of Rhode Island, August 29, 1778. iWember«fjip aRoU 71 1911. Throop, Frank Dwight, Muscatine, Great-great-grandson of Captain Dan Throop, 2nd Connecticut Light Horse, 1776. 1911. Throop, George Eugene, Muscatine, Great-grandson of Captain Dan Throop, 2nd Connecticut Light Horse, 1776. 1895. Tiffany, Asa Scott, (Deceased), Grandson of Private Timothy Tiffany, Con necticut Line ; Private in Captain John Wat son's Company, 1775, and in Captain Eliph alet Holmes' Company, Colonel Seldon's Regiment, 177G. Taken prisoner Septem ber 15, 1776, at New York City, and held until the following March. 1895. Wadsworth, William Cooke, (Deceased), Great-grandson of Colonel Joseph Piatt Cooke, 16th Regiment Connecticut Militia, 1776, Brigadier-General Wolcott commanding ; also Colonel in Danbury Alarm, 1777. 1896. Walker, Alexander Campbell, West Brattle boro, Vt., Grandson of Private Marshall Miller, Private in Captain Josiah Boyden's Company, Colonel William William's Regiment Ver mont Militia; Bennington Expedition, August, 1777. 1910. Waller, John Albert Robert, Dubuque, Great-great-grandson of Private Henry Coop er. Private in Captain William Laird's Company, Ninth Battalion, Lancaster Coun ty Militia, Pennsylvania, 1781. 72 &oni of tfje l^bolution No of Elected. Insignia. 1891. Walton, Josiah Proctor, (Deceased), Great-grandson of Private Josiah Walton, in Captain Ezra Towne's Company, Colonel Reed's Regiment New Hampshire Militia; wounded at the battle of Bunker Hill; was appointed January, 1776, on the Committee of Correspondence, Inspection, and Safety. Private in Captain Stephen Parker's Com pany, in Colonel Moses Nichols' Regiment, General Stark's Brigade New Hampshire Militia, 1777. Was present at Battle of Bennington. Also, great-grandson of Private Beriah Oakes. Served at time of Lexington Alarm to April 29, 1775; also signed, at Charlestown, June 26, 1775, for further service. Also, great-grandson of Sergeant Uriah Eaton, Massachusetts Troops; was in the battles of Bunker Hill and Saratoga and served during the war. 1911. Warfield, Frank, Muscatine, Great-grandson of Captain William Lucas of border bridage organized by Virginia House of Burgesses, 1781; was in 1777 Captain of Virginia Militia and in same year enlisted as a private in 2d Virginia Line, Captain Nathaniel Welch's Company. Also, great-grandson of Colonel Charles War- field, member Committee of Observation of Frederick County, Maryland, Member of the Subscription Committee of the Burnt Wood Hundred of Frederick County, Maryland. 1895. Waters, Reverend Nacy McGee, D. D., Brook lyn, N. Y., Great-great-grandson of Private Thomas Mc Gee (1776), New Jersey Troops; engaged in battles of Monmouth and Princeton. iWemberKfjtp a^oU 73 No. of Elected. Insignia. Also, great-great-grandson of Captain Richard Waters, Second Lieutenant, 1st Maryland Line, 1777 ; First Lieutenant, 1st Maryland Line, 1779; Captain, 1st Maryland Line, 1779. Retired January 1, 1783. In battles of Camden, Cowpens, (juilford Court House, and Yorktown. 1890. Watkins, Charles S. (Deceased), Grandson of Sergeant Thomas Bellows, Cap tain P. Pages' Company, Colonel Nichols' Regiment New Hampshire State Militia; served at the defense of West Point, 1780. 1896. Webster, Frederick Huse, Meadville, Pa., Great-grandson of Private Isaac Huse; Pri vate in Captain Mallone's Company, Massa chusetts Militia, "Lexington Alarm," April 19, 1775; Private in Captain Whittier's Company, Major Benjamin Gage's Regi ment; marched to join Northern Army, September, 1777 ; enlisted from Essex Coun ty, Massachusetts, and joined Continental Army in 1778, and served under Colonel Putnam and Colonel Johnson. 1911. Weeks, Harvey Edward, Davenport, Great-great-grandson of Colonel Thomas Low- rey. Member of Provincial Congress, 1775. Lieutenant-Colonel and Colonel Third Regi ment Hunterdon County, New Jersey, Mili tia. Commissioned June 18, 1776. 1894. Whitcomb, Edgar Hiram, Davenport, (De ceased), Great-grandson of Captain Jonathan Whit comb, 3rd Regiment New Hampshire State 74 S>ons! of ti}t JEleboIution No. of Elected. Insignia. Militia; engaged in the battle of Bunker Hill with his Company, and commended for his "resolution." 1912. Whiting, Henry Charles, M. D., Chai Ryung, Korea. Presbyterian Medical Missionary. Great-great-grandson of Timothy Whiting, Jr.; Private in Captain Jona Stickney's Company from Billerica, Massachusetts, Colonel Bridge's Regiment, Lexington Alarm, April 19th, 1775; served eight months in 1775, major in Continental Army from January 1st, 1777, to June 20th, 1780. Also, great-great-great-grandson of Sergeant Major Timothy Whiting, Sr. ; in Captain Jona Stickney's Company from Billerica, Massachusetts, Lexington Alarm, April 19th, 1775 ; served eight months in 1775. Also, great-great-grandson of Reverend Amos Adams, Chaplain in Colonel David Brew er's Massachusetts Regiment, 1775. 1897. Whiting, James Timothy, Mt. Pleasant, Great-great-grandson of Major Timothy Whit ing, Jr. ; Private in Captain Jona Stickney's Company from Billerica, Massachusetts, Colonel Bridge's Regiment, Lexington Alarm, April 19, 1775 ; served eight months in 1775; Major in Continental Army from January 1, 1777, to June 20, 1780. Also, great-great-great-grandson of Sergeant- Major Timothy Whiting, Sr. ; in Captain Jona Stickney's Company from Billercia, Massachusetts, Colonel Bridge's Regiment, Lexington Alarm, April 19, 1775; served eight months in 1775. WILLIAM HAMILTON WILSON President, 1908-1910 iMemberfifjip 2R0U 75 No. of Elected. Insignia. Also, great-great-grandson of Reverend Amos Adams, Chaplain in Colonel David Bi-ewer's Massachusetts Regiment, 1775. 1894. Wilcox, Frederick Plumb, (Deceased), Grandson of Private Reuben Wilcox, Lieuten ant-Colonel Meade's 9th Regiment Connect icut Militia; also served under Captain Keeler at the battle of Morrisiana. 1907. Wilson, Charles Harold, Davenport. Great-great-grandson of Private Robert Slem- ons, Pennsylvania Troops, 1776-1777. 1907. Wilson, William Hamilton, Davenport, President Iowa Society, 1908-1910. Great-grandson of Private Robert Siemens, Pennsylvania Troops, 1776-1777. 1895. Wilson, Owen Gregg, Omaha, Nebr., Great-grandson of Captain Robert Wilson, Second Lieutenant 6th Pennsylvania Bat talion, 1776; Captain 7th Pennsylvania, 1777 ; wounded at Paoli, September 20, 1777. 1907. Woods, Oscar Cushman, Davenport, Grandson of Sergeant John Woods. Served as private and sergeant in Massachusetts troops twenty-two months, under Captain Stafford. Hilt iWemlier 1893. Cadle, Henry, 1272 Of the Missouri Society. iSecrologp lisit Date of Admission 1896. Honorable Lucian Ainsworth. 1890. Oscar Augustus Barker. 1896. William James Birchard. 1896. John Howard Bowman. 1895. Seth Pratt Bryant. 1892. Clarke Howe Buford. 1896. Henry Kip Clarke, M. D. 1891. Ira Cook. 1892. Rev. Joseph Ingoldsby Corbyn. 1892. James Madison De Armond. 1895. Alonzo Plummer Doe. 1894. Lt.-Col. John Bell Daugherty. 1896. Hon. Warren Scott Dungan. 1892. Eugene Beauharnais Dyke. 1894. Silas Wright Gardiner, 33. 1898. Marshall Thomas Gass. 1890. Hon. James Grant. 1890. Edward Seymour Hammatt. 1898. George Parcher Hatch. 1891. Charles Lockwood Hoyt. 1891. Samuel Roosevelt Johnson Hoyt, D. D. 1894. Artemus Lamb. 1897. Walter Brewster Mack. 1911. Edward George Magoon. 1898. Hon. Smith Henderson Mallory. 1890. Enoch Mead. 1894. Lorenzo Stoddard Merchant. 1890. Rt. Rev. William Stevens Perry. 1896. Hon. Ralph Gurley Phelps. 1892. William Clement Putnam. 1896. Albert Reynolds, M. D. 1890. William Salter, D. D. 1897. Dwight Thomas Smith. 1890. Samuel Francis Smith. 1898. A-RTHUR Raub Swisher. 1895. Asa Scott Tiffany. 1895. William Cooke Wadsworth. 1891. Josiah Proctor Walton. 1890. Charles S. Watkins. 1894. Edgar Hiram Whitcomb. 1894. Frederick Plumb Wilcox. 1907. Oscar Cushman Woods. BATTLE OF BUNKER HILL BATTLE OF BUNKER HILL 0ht ^on« of tfje jReboltttion Written for the Iowa Society by Rev. Samuel Francis Smith, D. D. Praise to the brave and true. Men prompt to dare, and do. To do, or die; Blazoned on history's page. Men for their stormy age. Fearless the fight to wage; Scorning to fly. They, with prophetic eye. But forward, onward still. Saw, through the lurid sky. They of the iron will The goal they sought, — Pressed, undismayed; A nation of the free, A nation's love they claim, A land of liberty, Born to immortal fame. Stretching from sea to sea. What lustre lights each name, 0 glorious thought! Never to fade. They hailed the coming state, Hail patriots! whose brave hands Patient to toil and — wait. Over these free, fair lands Suffered and bled; Their flag unfurled; Death strode o'er hill and plain, Men by all times admired, With hunger, cold, and pain. To noble deeds inspired, Hope rose, — to sink again. By whom "the shot" was "fired. Till years had fled. Heard 'round the world." O sons of noble sires. Who amid war's dread fires To triumph rode, — With countless blessings fraught. Proud of the deeds they wrought. Cherish the land they bought, — The gift of God. — Samuel Francis Smith. Newton Centre, Massachusetts. 9nces;tors; anb JBtmnhmt^ 17754783 Adams, Amos. Whiting, Henry Charles. Whiting, James Timothy. Ainsworth, Nathan. Ainsworth, Lucian Lester. Allen David. Hatch, George Parcher. Allen, John. Allen, Geo. Washington. Atherton, Oliver. Deming, Judson Keith. Bailey, Ephraim. Shorey, Albourne Oliver. Balch, John. Birchard, William James. Ballord, Zaccheus. Ballard, Harry Winthrop. Ballard, John Winthrop. Ballord, Ezek Steere. Ballord, John Gilman. Barhydt, Jerome. Barhydt, Theodore Wells. Barker, Samuel Augustus. Barker, Oscar Augustus. Barnett, John. Donaldson, John Barnett. Bennett, Moses. Doe, Alonzo Plummer. Bevier, David. Lamb, Artemus. Lamb, Chancy Robert. Lamb, La Fayette. Bigelow, Abijah. Haddock, Frank Dickinson. Binder, Jacob. Binder, Harry Wood. Birchard, Jesse. Birchard, William James. Blaine, Ephraim. Mason, Hugh Sample. Mason, James Blaine. Boshart, Henry. Nutting, Grant Hosford. Bowman, James. Bowman, Edward Sinnet. Bowman, Guy. Bradley, Francis. Sawyers, Mott Randolph. Brady, John. Brady, WilHam Perry. Brady, John, Jr. Brady, William Perry. Brown, John. Bergen, John Tallmadge. Brown, Matthew. Rogers, Wallace Brown. Brown, Richard. Sawyer, Frank Payson. Buchanon, Robert. Peterson, Charles Joseph. Buck, Perregreen. Swan, Fitch William. Bull, Thomas. Bowman, John Howard. Bowman, William Robert. 8o ^onsi of tfje 3i^ebotution Burbank, Samuel. De Armond, Michael. Dickman, Frederick Gustavus DeArmond, James Madison Burch, Increase. Nutting, Grant Hosford. Nutting, James Ralph. Caldwell, James. Putnam, William Clement. Carr, Robert. Hoyt, Saml. Roosevelt J. Chandler, Benjamin. Curtis, Charles Aldo. Chase, Consider. Eastman, Lauren Chase. Cheesebrough, Jabez. Curtis, Charles Franklin. Curtis, George Martin. Clark, Jerome. Clarke, Henry Kip. Codman, John. Sturgis, John Hubbard. Cook, Ebenezer. Cook, Ira. Cooke, Joseph Platt. Wadsworth, William Cooke. Cooper, Henry. Waller, John Robert Albert. Copeland, Elijah. Henry, Norton Lewis. Crawford, William. Crawford, Jefferson. Corbyn, William. Corbyn, Joseph Ingoldsby. Crossett, Jacob. Crossett, Edward Clark. Davidson, John. Davidson, Joseph Andrew. Davidson, Joseph Trimble. McColm, Charles Pollock. McColm, Edwin Leroy. Roach, William Leroy. Drury, Ebenezer. Deming, Judson Keith. Dunham, Obadiah. Merchant, Frank Ivan. Merchant, Lorenzo Stoddard. Dyke, Samuel, Jr. Dyke, Eugene Beauharnais. Eaton, Uriah. Walton, Josiah Proctor. Ely, John. Bready, John Ely. Evans, Thomas. Blunt, Arthur Wood. Felton, George Weber. Felton, Alford Nichols. Felton, Oliver John. Fernald, Mark. Salter, Wiliam. Fiske, John. Cadle, Charles Francis. Cadle, Cornelius. Franklin, Henry. Hills, Henry Hervey. Genung, Cornelius. Gardner, George Schuyler. Gardner, Philip Stimson. Gardner, Silas Wright. Gile, Ezekiel. Gage, Elbridge Franklin. Goodsell, John. Deming, Judson Keith. Graham, Hugh. Phelps, George Benajah. Guild, Nathaniel. Lewis, Henry Norton. ^ntt&tovs antr ISedcenbantai 8i Guild, Samuel. Lewis, Henry Norton. Hait, Ebenezer. Hoyt, Charles Lockwood. Hoyt, Saml. Roosevelt J. Baker, Charles Edward. Hoyt, John, Jr. Hoyt, Charles Lockwood. Hoyt, Saml. Roosevelt J. Hunt, Peter. Hunt, Will F. Huse, Isaac. Webster, Frederick Huse. Hammond, Daniel. Walker, Alexander Campbell Hannah, John. Husted, Ebenezer Kincaid, Charles Steenbergen. -Ousted, Horace Lee, Kincaid, Frank Hayward. Kincaid, George Edward. Kincaid, William Millar. Magoon, Edward George. Hutchinson, Samuel. Hutchinson, Zelah Whetstone. Musser, Clifton Robert. Harper, Alexander. Norton, William Sheffield. Hatch, Timothy. McQuesten, William. Hayward, Ephraim. Hayward, Eugene B. Hayward, Elmer Leland. Hayward, William. Henderson, Samuel. Mallory, Smith Henderson. Herod, Noah. Heustis, James Walter. Hiester, John. Hagenbuch, John Daniel. Higgins, Daniel. Daniel, Joseph Alexander. Holmes, George. Boynton, George Warren. Howard, Elijah. Lewis, Henry Norton. Howe, Edward. Buford, Clarke Howe. Howland, Nathan. Lilly, Benjamin Gordon. Jerome, Asahel. Deming, Judson Keith. Jerome Zerubabel. Deming, Judson Keith. Johnson, Ezra. Cadle, Henry. Judson, David. Deming, Judson Keith. Julian, John. Buford, Clarke Howe. Kimball, Amos. Haddock, Frank Dickinson. Kimball, Hezadiah. Furbish, Frederic. Kincaid, John. Davidson, Joseph Andrew. Davidson, Joseph Trimble. Kincaid, Charles Steenbergen. Kincaid, Frank Hayward. Kincaid, George Edward. Kincaid, William Millar. McColm, Charles Pollock. McColm, Edwin Leroy. Magoon, Edward George. Roach, William Leroy. 82 ^ottfii of tfje 3Clebolutton Kincaid, Thomas. Davidson, Joseph Andrew. Davidson, Joseph Trimble. Kincaid, Charles Steenbergen Kincaid, Frank Hayward. Kincaid, George Edward. Kincaid, William Millar. McColm, Charles Pollock. McColm, Edwin Leroy. Magoon, Edward George. Roach, William Leroy. King, Benjamin. King, Albert Ady. King, Elbridge Harrison. King, Joseph Choate. Knapp, Joshua. Dougherty, James Gordon. Dougherty, John Bell. Lamprey, Daniel. Cadle, Henry. Lamprey, John. Cadle, Henry. Lane, Simon. Cadle, Henry. Lee, Ezra. Bready, John Ely. Lee, Parker Hall. Loomis, Lee Pierson. Leland, John. Humphrey, William Wallace Letts, Nehemiah. Letts, Fred Dickinson. Lockwood, Ebenezer. Hoyt, Charles Lockwood. Lockwood, David. Lockwood, Edmund. Lowrey, Thomas. Harvey, Edward Weeks. Lucas, William. Kincaid, Charles Steenbergen. Kincaid, Frank Hayward. Kincaid, George Edward. Kincaid, William Millar. Magoon, Edward George. McNutt, Robert Stuart. Porter, Arthur Lemoyne. Porter, George Martin. Porter, George William. Warfield, Frank. Luddington, Stephen. Dyke, Eugene Beauharnais. McGee, Thomas Waters, Nacy McGee. Mack, Robert. Mack, Walter Brewster. Mackey, David. Davidson, Joseph Andrew. Davidson, Joseph Trimble. Kincaid, Charles Steenbergen. Kincaid, Frank Hayward. Kincaid, George Edward. Kincaid, William Millar. McColm, Charles Pollock. McColm, Edwin Leroy. Magoon, Edward George. Roach, William Leroy. Marim, John. Comegys, Joseph Parsons. Marshall, John. Robison, Charles Seymour. Martin, Adam. Torbert, Horace Gates. Martin, David. Martin, Anson Vere. May, Ezra. May, Calvin Dexter. McFarren, William. Dungan, Warren Scott. ^nttitovi anb Jiegcenbantft 83 Mead, Ebenezer. Mead, Enoch. Miller, Marshall. Walker, Alexander Campbell. Josiah Monroe, William Chester Monroe. Munson, Medad. Snyder, Clifford Francis. Newell, Daniel. Shaw, Horace Newell. Nutting, Daniel. Nutting, Grant Hosford. Nutting, James Ralph. Oakes, Beriah. Walton, Josiah Proctor. Oliver, John. Felton, Alford Nichols. Felton, Oliver John. Parker, Thomas. Jones, Louis Edward. Parsons, Aaron. Stone, Augustus Lisbon. Paxton, William. Sawyers, Mott Randolph. Perry, Abel. Perry, William Stevens. Phelps, Abel, Phelps, George Benajah. Phelps, Oliver. Hammatt, Edward Seymour. Phelps, Samuel. Phelps, Ralph Gurley. Phillips, Ichabod. Staples, George Allen. Pope, Gersham. Monroe, William Chester. Pratt, Seth. Bryant, Seth Pratt. Prettyman, Benjamin S. Pepper, Irwin St. Clare. Putnam, Stephen. Putnam, William Clement. Ransom, Joshua. Torbert, Willard Horatio. Reid, Samuel. Little, Frederick Henry. Reynolds, Grindel. Reynolds, Albert. Robbins, Jonathan. Robbins, John Alden. Robinson, Winthrop. Collins, Everett Ellsworth. Rockwell, Jabez. Peterson, Charles Joseph. Rollins, Jotham. Rollins, George Sherman. Rose, James. Swisher, Arthur Raub. Swisher, Stephen Alfred. Rumney, Edward. Hammatt, Edward Seymour. Ross, Reuben. Cerilee, Charles R. Sawyer, Ephraim. Phelps, George Benajah. Scarborough, Samuel. Haddock, Frank Dickinson. Schuyler, Harmanus. Grant, Charles Schaeffer. Scott, Jonathan. Merchant, Frank Ivan. Sessions, Anasa. Mac Lean, George Edwin. Severance, John. Severance, John Jenks. 84 S>onsi of ti^e l^ebolutton Sharpe, David. Haddock, Frank Dickinson. Sherman, Roger. Hammatt, Edward Seymour. Sherman, William. Hammatt, Edward Seymour. Shorey, John. Shorey, Albourne Oliver. Slemons, Robert. Wilson, Charles Harold. Wilson, William Hamilton. Smith, Rev. Cotton Mather. Richardson, Stevens Perry. Smith, Ephraim. Smith, Alfred Garrett. Smith, Hezekiah. Smith, Samuel Francis. Smith, Isaac. Smith, Frank Welch. Smith, Robert. Bowman, John Howard. Bowman, William Robert. Ingham, Edward Pentzer. Spring, Converse. Haddock, Frank Dickinson. Stark, John. Phelps, George Benajah. Stein, Philip. Stein, Simon Gerberich. Stevens, William. Perry, William Stevens. Stitt, John. Gass, Marshall Thomas. Stone, David. Stone, Augustus Lisbon. Thayer, Barrick. Badgerow, Egbert Martin, Badgerow, Harve Gordon. Badgerow, Ralph John. Throop, Dan. Throop, Frank Dwight. Throop, George Eugene. Tiffany, Timothy. Tiffany, Asa Scott. Walker, Jonas. Smith, Dwight Thomas. Wall, Francis. Weaver, Clinton Hosmer. Walton, Josiah. Walton, Josiah Proctor. Warfield, Charles. Warfield, Frank. Waters, Richard. Waters, Nacy McGee. Weaver, Nicholas. Campbell, Le Roy Foster. Webber, Samuel. Ainsworth, Lucian Lester. Wheeler, Joseph. Richardson, Stevens Perry. Whitaker, Matthew Carey. Grant, James. Whitaker, Charles. Whitcomb, Jonathan. Whitcomb, Edgar Hiram. Whiting, Timothy, Jr. Whiting, Henry Charles. Whiting, James Timothy. Whiting, Timothy, Sr. Whiting, Henry Charles. Whiting, James Timothy, Wilson, Robert. Wilson, Owen Gregg. Wisner, John. Eastman, Lauren Chase. Wisner, John, Jr. Eastman, Lauren Chase. ^nttitoti anb BesicenbantiS 85 Woods, John. Yarrington, William, Sr. Woods, Oscar Cushman. Hoyt, Saml. Roosevelt J. Worthington, Elijah. Ziegler, Jacob. Tredway, Alfred Worthington Little, Frederick Henry. Yarrington, William. Hoyt, Saml. Roosevelt J. 3 9002 iSl />